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The Morning Record, October 17, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Tbiid T*»r-*No 166.
to aoeUw tko m«dMM erf tbo bool.
Bom Hot* BfBMtaoUr Bo•locod Kiaborio^.
a»M *»i
bMcrfttoMoek Md wool euhMC*.
« ud wtth ofiMt* ia
ftnt mm«M vMt th* Ootid
of roenllt at
■nkMl Mattca-
lav rolaw An Oat Off
Bicaod la tho Btalh artiUorv, aver a
7oaravo.todr>>V Ifthoeoaatrp waa
paaea. aad bad bo troahio oa Ito
Oop Sofendar^ Ma^nlile^t at
haada, wo woald bo ooatoat to do farr iot da^ ia Hoeolala. bat
kaowa thora to foUw aa ta tU FhiUpBhamroA X.oat Toatordar'a Bad# to ptaoajoat what wo oofafod ovar a
poor afpto taekla- If tharo to aap
Aaaofioaa Taaht tSi 10 MiaaloB, 14 IfItrfar wo waat to. ho aa tho IrUf
Banaada daurtraa Boa OutaaUod Uao.
atbolaf todoBrtttohorVtow tho Btart, Althoafh
tiaekodhora, withoat aap ehaaeo of
tOioltaorWaaBoaaUfatlT Baadlod dolaf map food, to talUaf oo tho mm>.
—Baoalt Barprlaad Kaaj.
hoM aro doaporato. aad 1 doaH UaM
Now Torlr Oak le -Tho ABOrtoaa thaw for alowiaf oo
ipwt to aoarcb
aap defoader
tho Skatoroak thto afioraooa i.’tii ..*«» •^d‘o» trylaf to fat awap to HrI for the OOP. I
aevor too oao. anleaa ho talU
tfnt of tho aari<
Tho raaalt of tho drat flatok to a, ever bo while tho
, tolooUaf.'’
vietorp fa
We Have Already
boimhlTOrtwicM rnitoh Bidid., Good,
u toM pm uhI Uie nuo. to ponig yrt.
Some of theee pnrchaaee ate rvwwlwg fa
•and will gradually brighten np our store
the eeeeoQ approeches.
Drop in and look oa over oace s wash
The Shrewd Buyer
k«.p.CD th, to.rk.l to. uto blow .lut ud .hm to
Bmt Atm aj'oaaipMy ffartbor DUOMOM tho SaTT’o Part la Oarroa'
^Ow <rf laatUco.
tta atiylibarbood at OtMMoo. too aad
a kalt allM wMi o( Doadoo, wbwo a
BMtoa.'"lIaoa.. Oet. l«—Boar hd■Iral
SaBpooa. who ia aow UMtaUod
altbor old* no hart. Tho Rom with- ao oaaaaaadoat at the Bootoo aa*j
defeadar aad tba «
Tard. talkad froolr thlo attoraaoB
oaaboat «
VtaBoanhavo aaSa>d Mvoa hor— | of ah apooob at M
V^n^af to tho polioo patrol aoar:ahoat Oaatals Ch^wlok'a oharo la
Avataaldob Broiher B'eato BBO.OOO
The ColBBbla oroeecd the Uee et
iavWt drift. OB tho Baffalo ri*«r. Wlavlac ahoat tho oarraador of daatland Kap he Bhot.
S:M. Jut ID mleetee and 14 aaooadv.
ahoot taa mUoa aortbMOt at boro. It «vo- Boaaldi
oficlal tlBe. ahead of the ehalleafer. ~ Tboobo. Weeh.. Oct. 1« —Me‘l ad
to aot kaowa what aaa boeoM of the
>-I Bade theae roatarke baeaaee 1
epoctaele for thou vleu up that BaldoBero Avalaaldo.
vidoia. hot it ia oapRoaod that thoy baltorad 0%adwlek aboald kaoo the
who were our eaoufb to dtoUavutoh hiothor of the PUtplM leader. raeeaUp
wwwoaptoradaradit for what he did. Be acted with
the coatoet tbraorb a huvp Btot. The elole SOO.OOO from the laeaivut treaeIt to roportod that tho B
freat wtodon aad dtooraOoa. aad, atiadwullchtVfetarUav.oalp about arp. aad with Ive earraate eoaf ht to
la paaaoMtoa of Brakwa) ttatloa. at Iboafh it caep appear to Uko awap
arvoa kaota. but the bruxe frubened erapeto the Amerlua llnu While
tta foot of Vaa Boaaan'o paao.
froB Oeaaral Shefia^ aoB« eradit for
aolup the errreau
to aboat fourlMD aod both buu did.
A Boar foraa haa baaa aaaa at Beat- tba takiaf of Sultovo. U le marelp
ramarkablp floe worl^ It wu a cleen t *«»>« the monep from under hie pillow.
•rhaUlloB. aaar LadpoBlth, bat thep ■tatlaf thtnfe ee thep are aad ae thep
euped. Feerlnv to V®
fi|Bt betwun the fTMl pachu ahd it
retraated laiar toward Brakwal.
appear ia the oA ilal raporto.
eaaaot be eeld that there
Tba BoareoDder OoBBaadaoi Vil"Oaaaral Shefior for ease tlBe bad
turned to tbe FUiplao capital and wu
npled NeweaeUa datordap baea arfiaf that I aboald take tba haadUev oa board the SbOBio ik. Ber iBpriviaad hpordere of hto brother,
i>eaid that Uie Boer ahipa taio the harbor. Thto wae afaiaat oraw did aplendld work aad tne Ear who deeleru that be wUl not alter the
». U to>
Itoh eraft made a brave atrairvle f<r
Bptadfaeat. i eh^Cbadwiok to Qeathe tropbp. but the Uolumbie oat- death eeateeoe whea Buldontero to
the lababipaete that be wae eomlnf erel dhefter'c beadoearteraat the troat
fonad Vi^lltp of treaeon
etripped her froB the etarl.
^ avare thew that ao oae woeld be aad tbep Ulked the matter over.
At BO time attar the Oolumhia hrpaa
'-Sheftar b«dappar«Dtlp aodervelaad
barsad. Be added that he oalp weetBiaal.
to pull awap to windward, too esiDUlu
ad toiaca aad food tor which ho vroald the fact, whkh wa« to our Blade the
still ulUav at I aeaie aionfatFrank
after the eUrtlav rua wu ^ei^. au
Bller'e. .
pap- If aapthiBf wae takea troae eloathe rau in doahk The defeader round
•d abopa the owaere thareot eboald
ed throoter zaark aiae mtautu and
kaap a earafal aooonat of tho tblnfe altharhilledoruptaradibutChadwIek.
b.o.ib.MU' I U,.«.l lto.1
.1. cb.l.
OBlfbOt.b.. ..... I. w„ . «..l .Z ■•«“■ b-'“b
It to raportod that the Itfof the
aad valaad oa evejp
1 the Shi
TPaaevaal to Oplaf fraa the NowoaoUo arb Uttar, not that of aa arsp
LoadoB. Oct. 1« -The daUp Mail'e
Cape Towa cwroapoadeoi, tolefraph. Ilf Baadap avoala*. aape:
-glBbarlp to bealafad aad tba Boere
fo (0^' ^0
. aw. are obulnabla.
••Tba Boara have eat Ibo rallwap at
BalBoeU have aalead the BpptofoaUiB
rallwap atatloa aad ooaetroctod foril•ad aartbworka. Theta ara etroof dt- faBdlBf toroB at Moddar brtdfo aad
the Orean Blvar bridfa.
The object of tbeao
to baltovad to te the oaptare of
••KlBbarlp' to bow tooUtad. both
nOi^ aod
Hob balBf eat."
Tbara to aa i
CtopaTawa that tha iBpartal foreaa latMptad a bodp of Tiaaevaal Boere
f to Join tha
foraa at Moddar river awl theta haavp
■totooa. aoath of KlBberlap.
Thto raBor top
datiow Tha rallwap i
Cbpo Tewe have roooivod a dtopatcb
*-f that the rallwap lino waa
lera ap far tero ^Uee hopond the ModdB river, bat no Baatfoa
B^tiar bavlBf ocearrad.
Tbo Moddor BlvoroiaUoa aaator roVOTto to Capo Towa that Irinf haa boeo
board la ibo^dtrocUoa of KlBberlap,
Hd tho ouUoa BMtar at bolBont tel«rapho that e foroo of Boaia to ad
The eattlDf off of adjaaaat poiato
the eoaao of hoatUIUea la loath Africa
radaoed the
- ------ ----------ratoriallp. Thai far ao reliable latvBatloa haa baoo raeolvod of aoj
aaiaal l/htlof oaleldo of tho affair at
Kiaatpaa and oecaaloaal exchaaf eo of
ahotaatvarioae onioo*U. Siortoo refordlaf IfhUnfat varioae polau an
aaaroelp publtohodWore belav dealrd
The OBlp eaheet facto la thto worm
tolecra«a are that the Boar* have
Aap oae can ra that. U ivvuled to
Tbaatart wu mkda with a aavea to
the Bpaatoh veaeral the hopelauBBt alpht kajt btv.x) blowlnp. eomewi'at
of hto poaitloa."
ith to out. A damp mtot prrrailrd.
wentluv obaervutioB for more than
twomllra. TbecomBittac decided to trp
It. bowever. and elvaelled that tbv
iru would be ebout eul. Ifirea
Haportad Bolltioal Ab
iM to wla v'erd end return Ube
Ouaial Aroute tha I
fired at 10:4S.
The etartinv
ran wei fired at 11
lav van
Topaha. K«a., Oet. is -The pubUu- o'rioekc. Followlav ii tba oS^Ulttire
tioD le a local paper of aa lotorvtow of ordeeinv the line; dhamrovb.
with Ooloue] Wilder Metulf of the II :01 ;0e
The Ooluatble bad tbc
Ta p ietta Kaaeu Rarlmeat. In which Columbia bad the wlaward poaitloo.
ha atatad that U hto opinion Oaaaul
At 1I:1S tha buta pulled oni of
ffradarick Pauton would prefer the ■fVbt without either bevinv aap ap
United SutueanaU if be duidu to parent advantave, except that the
eaUr the poUUeal arue. to refardad wUaard poaiUon.
OBOBV Kanue poittielau u praeOulWhen about tour bIIm ont the
Ip aa announUBant of Ueaaral Fune- Columbia wav a lenvlb ahead. Both
ton'e uadldup lor that offiu. Alreadp were on the evarboard tack.
At lt:l& W wu reported that tbc
Senator Btkar'i friends and thefriende
of J. Bolpb Barton, the other leadlaf Ootomhla wu -^rar a mUe ahead of the
uadidate. are dlieuMlnr the but wap Shamrock.
At fut the wlud had aUftod to the
V«t Ue daehiav v«neml
uet-northeut aad had Ueraaeed to
Some Ume e«o u boom wu etartod fourteen mi>e«.
At»:U, In v' -lac to the mark the
forUeaerel Fuutou for
larva, bat this dou uot plean Cpru Coiabiu urtl.' : all ber lower ulU. hrr
No. t clnb top'bll and babp Jib topull.
Lelaad. RFpoblloan aational ooi
tumaa, who bu a uadidau tor that Barr did bis - urn o< the etake in a
plau and who to at praunt atoo revurd trioe, aad u vhr etart^ to go aronod
Ker aplnnaker boom want down la ac
ed uooaof
1 a ant.
tor ra-eluUon. Mr. Burton's sopporUre
rne Coinmbla turned the windward
would be v>hd to hnvr Grnerul Fuuton mark oB Short Buck at 1:48:30. T: a
noBlnatad for eonvreuman at Urfe, Shamrock turned at 1;5»:3S The C
U tbep all belonv to the antl-Leland nmbia’e lead over the ehallenver
faction. Colonel Meteaire Intarview. about 1S miiea. The mark to is mll< e
thcovb. bu overtnraed their pUae. from tbe.etartlav line The two paebta
Sobs cf th * Barton man are not friend- then etoried the rua home before lie
Iptc the
A number of boata started utter tie
StanUp. and thep wonld like to have
about the
Fuuton he a undiute for I Columbia, but enouvb
the ehallenver. After
that place.
As a voluiion of the p^hlem friande fche roandad the cater murk the Sbtmof Senator Baker are euw«aUuv that rock'e Ufbtar cvnvM wu broken tat
the veaeral be flven a forelvd appolnt- in vood. etalpabape fubioB, aad ab< at
one and a balf 'Bllee to tbe
■■ Altovether Oenerul Fneiou'e home- sped after the Colombia, homeweid
eomlnv seeae deeUoed to make u bennd.
Tbe Oolumble eped over the line with
mash of a stir la political clrriee u did
a buBtifu! flntob. aad la a litUe over
ifovemor Rraevelt'e in New York, u
10 Blnuiea ehe wu followed bp tbe
he to popular with the people and It
ShaBraok. elearlp buten.
will be bat« for aapoae to heap hia'
Crom fetUnc what be wan)
■ a laorer near Dm
rath of Oaadoe. and that Kimberuv
to toolated aad probahip laratod.
Aa there ara I.OOO tro^ la KlBbarFTiSMDBVT IM IOWA.
Ip, tbara U little aaOetp lor the aafetp
a the towa. eepaclallp ae the Baw Bptondid WalaoBe bat 1
fora to Mid to ba oalp ahoat tha aaB«
•toaavU- It to probable both HafeOadar Falto. la.. Oat. 1« —The ^eah
fclBC aad KlMbarlp will have to ander- deat aroM abortip attar dawa thto
..................................lota tha Brittoh
Bominv aad at 8:80 dallvatad hto fiial
«. to. p»Uto. »«.! r.ll-1.
Boon are eloalnf aroaad the BrtUeh
oatp«to.aad have alraadp enohaav*d
■koto with tbam. Tharafcwa men
>* aapMtad la oOdal cir•foo, wbua tha oplaloa pravaUe that
ai^fcAriew a»d Kuaharip ara ufa
The war oSm toeaad 'tba toUowlBV
toOlatta tbto ati
ytT***^ fo temtA Atii/m. “Tba dieutnkT- reealvad 4o not pofat to anp
ratwtal abanca la tha BiUtaip Mtna^ taaU bodtoa el Been ara itpo^tobavaaiewedtba Natal fraatiH a rafoaa polali and antranabrabto are anld te have bean tbrewn ap
tba «w<0W 4ttp ^ “‘tba Safld haU aad afoak awbaafat
vnrIoM etop^nf pleeu in Iowa.
At Dabuqae the prerideaUnl partp
eplta tha eold. dtoacraeeble wtatber
andeteadp rain. The praeidcat aad
ihareoftkaeaWnatwaia aenvepad
foapavUioBlatba banrtof tha citp.
.................................tba vwaal. w-v .aa___
I with
MoDday We Offer
A S^ing Eiwby Foot BJl. luw toother aue .od robA tot o( loot B-xioc Glopeto totoot p.ttem,' li,u'.toik'
A C^f^^^tS4v.otbr.v.;.iUo.:;:::;:::;; »VR
Bolpb Oonnobl. Jr.. Mtotoc.
Hard To Find
■ or peaav man whn doe*ti't like ihe hind of
Benda ulla. Oer evdeh le ao d ff reni mm ibe 10 to 13 pear old eteff eo
manv elothlete an loaded with-When pon hup of Benia pou an sun of
New Goods All The Time.
Just BOW we offer u line of snito at M 00 i
mtoa.AIso rood nice evervdip aolw at S3 30, fiS o
is.oo SIS.OO. SIS.OO. su.ooI Brerpthluv tu hop'! clohlav at 'prices ao
low.,-—’--------- '-•—-■
pen an bonod to uve moup bp tndlnc
xiM WrazAU •tx-wev
o$t>iw ou.ucm«z«
-■BOYOvercoat Values..
to atariuutiuto the world and
Ifet a
To f^o BO he oreds to supply
him with a pair of
FairPlay Shoes,
made ovar laata true to Biture'e shape.
If you wADt I l ick from one of the largeat orercobt stocka io
* thu*part of tbe rUte—gooda that are new and atyliah—all
7 Vmdea, from the obeapeet to tbe Gneat—at pricea fhat at
* Once stamp them tbe beet valo^ ever offered in good orercuata.
Come to this store..
"'e invite yout careful exaniinatioo of
our superb atock. .
aierllvelKrrtor f* ikl*
Don't atiutvze, cripple and
ifrriste the ion and feet of
your boy. Fit hia feet riuht
with aboee ami hia bead will
lak»> care of itaclf.
These aboee are made for
$1.00. $126. $150 «p.Or.
a at BoaelaU fitaw Awar
an Trauporte for Itaalln.'
■onelnln. Oct. 7. vie Ban Fraaotoeo.
CbL, Oet. 1« —Tha Sixth artiUerp baV
terUa. etatimod hen, have lut hetween tweatp aad thlrtp mn durinv
tbe lut few dope bp deeertkw. The
an very rMUva.u a portioa of
the ravlmaat to la tbe PbUlppinw. end
thou left ban an aafev to fat to tba
trait. Thou who haTo deaartad bteoBa atowawape oa .tnuporto, and
The man who] makes a bit in
doubtlau oouBt on not man than basiaesa ia the man wbo[ia thor
thlrtp dape In tba vaard boou at Man oughly up-to-date.
If you don't hava a telephone
Ua ter tbalr duartfcB.
Five BM deaartad Tbaradnp. bat people are liable^to think that yon
thne wan raeovarad from tba bold irf
beta tbara to a pnat
vat over to Manlln, whan than to a
fiVhtlnv The foalinv to
vrowlnvaoeMavtbntU bu Intaetad
Do aot focfat that tba vn»r Fitehnlfaf tha fora. Om
ofthaBUuefoad tba atOlMmt of tba
nlvkt bp the HtdtonwbuhaanU!
>Wa anltotad te fifbk ear aoatiyto
th« oth^.t<JuKS Sy «d thra™'JuVltotS .bt, to
They wUI probably
think that yon
even elower than yon
Ho body wanta to
deal withpeoplewho
aicHiGU nuraoiE co.
During this wet weather you should have A
pair of our Waterproof Shoes.
Ladies............ ........................ 12.50
Misses....................................... 1.75
Men’s......................................... 2.50
For damp, rainy weather they ^ the proper
thing We have eFcrything in rubber footwear, from
a baby’s rubber to a mbber boot
McNamara Block.
iwunako sBooBP.xoscoav. oo«naB it, uw
Moumro jcaoosp.
VSATXBMC catti • ■ adosiOA:
flfen. t. Basm a>9 J.
To TUI VuoBfly oa Board of
laiu MoveaMst Towmi*
1. W. BAam. Mier Md IUmcw.
t ed laspeeier ead
palm bp Beard ed VebUe Werha.
at teet week'! Beettec «t (be eitp had lewd suep violailoee of tbe ord- j “FOBTHtB UOSC* OOCXBrT.
eeaaeU it wee deterslaed bj ofieiel ieaeoe. batece*«ral daelreto otaecrve'
-------------(hat ibereeOer tbe law. Be auted that after a^UeOds
■I«i<>«ui7 fixtetp rortaed at
the eooseU eboeU eoaveae at 7, laeteed belsp eeUed to tbe prorleinae -of the
BoBe of Bie. Otllie Lett B.rht.
of ■ o'eiees.
qrdiaesov. metdeatesed eospited with
Lesteveelsc Bra LpdU B CaupbeU.
The Bret Beettap sadar the aew plea h>* inapeetloasend resedtad csleUar auu eaereiary of tbe Woaus*a Fo^e
wae aot e heppp aaesBe ao tor ae defeeu. with e vwp f<« exeeeUone. Mlaeioaerp boefetp of tbe Baetiet
retUar down to boelaaes aartp woe Be reported that dtrvet Coe
ebBrcb;orraelt«d a “Farther L<gbi"
Clerk Eickerd and tbe rw EeUep wea tbe oelp oae who refued aocietv at tbe borne of Mra. Jobe Olll a
in any room aod you cao afford one in
raoe head it five Blaetoe | u have bU prsBiaea rntBioed Tbe '
gtau atrwt The sew orgastutloe
«B. asd at asacUp aevea report waa reoeived asd filed.
aUrU o« with bright pro-peeta for
every room if yon buy from us. We have
MaeUgne appeared. Tbaj Oa mouoa of Alderman Baatlsfa oeargeUe work asoog tbe aea
▼•rr BMOBn«i«r OnUMk.
them in all atyles aod prices from a' full
Bspor aad Aldertaea Urdu. Parker aew erom walka were ordered oe nftb with tbe eOBaeqneet beofleial reaulu
TW vMklj E«Tt»« maed by R. U. aad BmUb(s oeBa la a short tlBe
at Maple atreei; Secoi^ at Maple end OfSeera we eboeee aa followa:
spiiog. sprine edge couch at H 75 to a
Bu * C». (vstebM A rellAbto iBdcs to later, bet it iraa aome tlae before
Hlitb at Cedar atreet. -)
PreaideaW^MrA Graoe M Bradlej.
iBdwtrtal WBdl(lcM» and tk« r«vt«<» «f asoarb for a qaersB appeared. Aldernice $40 00 Davenport sofa.
Tbe walk at tbe Saoap Back hotel
VieePrealdeel- Bie«at.TietB tnldin
Um wmk k Aoeli m u> luplr* vf«
C>ob eese aloaff aboet 740 asd
gMHMw is feaerU bulaMt.-(or
Alderatae Wriebt arrtirad at 7:41
JMT Uae to eoBv
Tsere wae aeongh for a qnorsB and
Trsaaarer-MiB Bdaa Holdtworlb.
Tb« npon of bilnrM \>y brAoebM of that was all for tbe erestac.' It waa
Alderotan Batting* brongfatap ^a
180 Front 8t
House Furuisbing ffitors.
BmIiwi is Dm (bird qosrUr Is ItW u
d that tbe boar be fined at « toaner of tbe vaeencp on the baaed of
Ohrieuen Mtaaioaerp Aoelotp.
klfklp Meoaroalsr.
Tbooffb eloscr
B eo ee to aaeare e qaoraiB at
edneation eaaeed bp tbe death of C.
mooty sftw loM oooUanod ssm wosl
ft waa oet a verp beep elgbtaspwap.
Ip Man bwp isrrrr IslIsrM.so wmk
home Of
ao that it made litUe differeseoa. The oaperc nad elticeaa In tbe eaeond ward Mra. J! B Strong, tbia afUrenoe at
favored the eppolntiaeat of W. O.
3:M o'clock, for the pnrpeae of organicCr ssobsofc of prodMU, with sot/no first Better tstrodoeed waa a oobbsb
Poou end tbe epp.ictBCDt' wea
lag n CfarbUen Wcmiu's Board of
9am» of Hi lonsM ssUw is aoipc wmv
p aiada bp^a mapor end con*.
teatet, snouted, proapUp
MbelMi* ecxllbrp. All ieuresud
Its rosl «UU opersttoB*. Tbe Urf*
fi B d.
wbleb dtp Attorpep Oo<
tbb work are icviled lo bv preteet.
Clerk Rlekerd sotifled tke eeoneU
woald be e
tblsf for the eltp. It
I lass
that tbe atreei food waa exheoaied.
A TbouMDd Tong
•sdlM bcsBoh. s tset of Mpaelsl Im
eoconat of tbe extra expenie of tbe
asd veani.
Id not exprsM tbe rapture of AnPHtSBM OS SOOOSSt of rOCMt MMSSlvO
Springer, nf Pblladeipbta. when
A petition for SB are light betweae pew bridge, end tbe aatter waa re
^wbiooUiiui TbooiBSllfslIoroi ««r*
New Due /verp rurefl her o<
the warehooee of M. W. Keepep A 8oa ferred to the O/BBluee oa wepa aod a backing cough
tbat for mat p vran
ketk fowor ssd is ovorsf• of tUbiUtlM
bad made life a berden. She >ar; "AfP—llor UxsB Is sop other poor OuTored and the wafoboeie of B. U Baoeo». “**“*•
Uaton atreet bridge would
remedies aod di
kp (bo record. The qosner's rotsrw
. pa:n in mv .
per* wnsiler tbss Is ssp other qusrter eb lighting.
cheat and 1 can
ean sow
now sleep
sleep-------soondip. ^ *”
the amount of the original Mtlmatad. Adclap asked for a perait to
- «« olrbtees peon eseepUsr the eeeood
ig I------------cao acareelp
celp rcmemF
remrmlwr doAlderman Montegue ief.-rred u tbe ing before 1 feel like aounci
adwtflingon Blevanlb street and J.
•( this peer sod one of im. sod Is
B. Berdan nudes eimllar reqaeat for eundlUon of the etreeu In maqp placu praise* throughout tbe L'oi'
atereeter cepeeisllp eseosreaior
parubabn to build a realdenea on la the flr*t ward, mentioning narUco- Klng'aNe- “
Udsetrisl eosditloM oonld herd'p be
11 trt
larlp Hark street at tbe properip of O.
PrievMic aod »i. Trial bottle I i
BoMer. hfter neap aosthe of each Bast Tantb etreci. Tbe
granted, tbs bnOdlng* tc be areeted a M' ffett. wbere tbe euep slope made lOcia at Ja* O
_ J.
Jobaaoe'* and 8. B.; •
laifMrAiasrj bspl^ that ito eontlaoii deurerou lor carriage* drawn no *t Wait's drug atorca.
Base oeestod tapooelbie, even lerfcr
warden of the ward where the beUd* tbe curb. Tbe matter waa referred tohaptar elUl erowde prpdselar work*
tbe oommltua on atreeu end walk*.
lag* die to be loeaud.
la Boot UaM bopead their espeeltp.
Tbb brengbt oa the dbenuioB re Defeeu in verit ne walk* where tbep
fhe iron fsraeeaeere prodselsp ll.ooo
garding tbe PBceetltp for tneb re- are out of Irwl and not according
IMC weeklp more then ever beforv,
the eaUblbb^.grade, were also
qneeU. aerk Rlekerd did aot
in.dU looe October Ut, end pet tbe
aider it waa aaoeasarT. ae if the fire ferred to tbat committee.
onlp e litUe afur nine when
were to look after new bend
Baaed aaaold eloeks la SepUBbai
ing* It woald save a lot of elarioal tbe eoandl adj umed.
fT.IM tOBb wkUe the deaaaad ntse fv
work U tbap aimplp iaapeeUd eaeb new
•haadlhlOMM pear tar maap proOommilteea
at Work.
etraotare aad reported u Ue clerk.
JmttTbe board of *i
After a debau OB tbe uerlu of the
Theralaaalaerenei la the prleeot
at two o'clock pevurdsp aflernooa and
pif troaasd alee ae advance lo fiakhed
aeltiafortbe pi^at and leave tbe afUr a little routine work ar j .araed
for eommitiee work. Tbe matter uf
The eottoa aueafactere meeU ao preaent ordloaaec-U be observed.
. eoBBoaieatioa relative to tbe con pladug the inauraeoeon tbe new
ipeata demaad that prleea advance
itlon of the 8UU Beeltb >Officef« to bouse wa* d- ferred until todap.
j^weekud aeppllB for carlp debe held in Uraad Rapid* OcL^tU end ST,
llvprp are la naap line* restricted. In
was reed eadjoo moiiaa B> altb Offi.-cr
hrewB tbectlaga and driUa nore bnalAahion wa* appolaUd a* a deiurate
•••• la tnraad down than I* done.
from tbb dtp, tab enpeatee to be paid
bp tbe dtp. A* matter* of imporunee
Til first of tbe aeries of paebt oon- are to be dluuaeed. rebUve to eaniulaeu tor tbe Ainerlca'a enp baa be«n tloa of waiter scpplp it was oontidcred
iaaUp polled off cnooeacfullp. npon tbe Importaai that tbb dtp eboeld eead a
A soft side in some mattresses. But they’re
iifbih Mai. And front the official
not our hair mattresses. They're soft top Bread for healtii—not the unwholesome,
Mbs It will be aaen that Aueiieao! Hre oomniitieeon atreets and wallet
piehtbatlder* have lost aoae of tbeir reported upon the petition for grav. lside -- bottom side -• inside — outside — alum loaded, sour bread some make—but
gRill and aeieBoe la eompetltloa with Ing Slxteeuib atrvev Tbe oommitue
everything that’s in them is easy to lieon> the kintl that make you smack your lips
•roatBriUan. Tbe ColaBW. which deemed that there waa not mneb faeavp
hM raeeatip come in for the bo
travel Ob tbet road at present, and aa
They’re dean and healthful and Oh!, so
grltlekB. with gravelp expreaaed tbe street funds ere low. tbep recom
and ask for .the second and third slice.
restful. These sell for SI6.R« We’ve
' fioabti about bar Millng qnellUea. bea mended that tbe Improvement be deaome off ea eaap wlnacr. aad npder ferTed-untll next spring, llie reoomgot some “easy resters” for $5.2R. $4 2R. That’s the kind madeTrom H. & L. Co’s
Ipvorabu rondltioaa, abared bp both mendatlon wm adopted.
Hfifidaohe for Forty Yohrs.
$2 7R. S2.3R.
•mtu. The eep.detcader was beenti
BEST flour. A sack only costs fifty cents.
Tbe oominlttee on eewen reported
(Slip handled end tbe ebeUenger tbat tbep bad amnted with tbe board
pppraelp leas ar-: bet tbe ten-nlnuu lee- ofaupervbor* to defrap half tbe c:«»p gained bp tbe Auerlcea boat panu of the aateneionof tbe Boardm: a
when ebecroeard the lioe, prwea her'
ewer from the ellep between
Iturt MluiteunM ii.ewill hrli,c
■tUlng qaelltlee end the eklll of her Sutennd Waublngton aiTMU to the John
1>. Van Kriin n,e«tiiren>c
paater aad bla crew.' Tbe OMteet for court hones. The report wea aocepted
WMMoFUirNer^ i-*.stniiSa<'ii, I.'
Ihe enp b not pet flnlibed. but puter^ and adopted.
Iie)-a buld \jj druf KlHia
4apk vleiorp will Inspire tbe Americana
Alderman Montague u obairman of
with renewed oonfidenee in onr paebt
le oommlttee on ordinaneea introhalldaitaDdour sailor*. And In tbb
diMsdadraftof an ordlnanee provid
pdBltUng ifaat tbe bbamroek U n aplre
ing for the emplopment of a sidewalk
d(d craft and tbe fiocet of tbe kind ever
inapeetor aad repairer, ap tbe board of
•eat afur the enp.
public work*, end deilDlug the dullea
of aneb aa oUcb). Tbe ordinance pro
StMIHLBfi or CBBlsr.
vides tbat the inspector aball ctoeelp
9var 100,000 Oooearu be Far tbe inspect the walk* of tbe dtp and notltp owner* when new walk* are needed
Praaeat Tear.
and see tbat tbep are bniit, the
n» Dbeipleeof Cbrbt began a few
fsUing to build, the work to be
Uy* ago tbe JubUee of tbatr orgas' done bp tbe eitp aad charged against
bad mbeloiM. 'Tbli tbe propertp oa tbe tax roll. It pro«rhUh began 7» pears ago nnder (be vidM also that the repairer ^I make
UhAwabtp of Alexaadu Cbmpbell, aad ■ leiBirp repair* wbar* ownara fall to
^Mhadaoeb dUUagabbed mlberaau doao, aad that tbe propertp owaeie [
to select from. The fall colorings are
ae Jamee A- Garfield aad Bon Jeraatlab eball be charged ti oenu per hour for
R. Rlaek, 14aow more tbaa e mlllloci (be time coneumed in aneb work, bebeautiful. We re selling carpets constant it's a fact our Grey Bros’ ladies shoes are
e(nv- Three-fbnrtbeareleObio. la- ■Ub tbe east of tbe BsUrlal. The
ilMU. TbaaeaMS aad Kanaat. Tbep price per boor oceuloned eouaMarable
ly, bebause price, quality and goods to “the shoe. ” They fit perfectly.—wearing
fiM aeUblp an aeUve deaomlnaUoa in
select from can't be beaten. 25c, 30c. 40c,
gvaagsUatIc work. Over lOO.OM conqualit)’ the best—and the easiest shoe you
firto were added tke preaent pear.
Alderman MosUgne moved Uut the
50c. 65c buys our Ingrains. $1.00 and *1.25
A local obnaeb baa Jut been organ- ordinnnoe be Uld over for n waeh. nnd
ever had—They't;e like the measels—one
lead la Traveiae CUp, and will meet at is this oonnaeUon aivucd that terw'
our Brussels, Moquettes. Velvets. Want
Reug* ball everp Suadap at id:M afur aU ordlnaaoM tboold have a aeemember of the family gets them—the rest
an Art Square? *6.50 -boys a beauty.
gblook. Snadap aeheol will be kelc at ond raadlag before being acted upon.
frift. A ruideat pastor will be engaged Be referred i
We’re selling lots of Brussels and Moquet- soon follow—They sell for $3.0U, 2^!ro
• Uttlc laur. All Chrbtbu who have have been made bp too haelp aetlos i
iw ngnlar ebnrcn borne are eordtallp and bcUevad that it would be to tbe'
and $4.00.
te rugs. Make them to fit your rooms.
ihvltad U vemblpwltb them.
Interest of tbe eitp to give more time
to oontlderation 6f the lew* peued bp
Ton (;nt tbem of
theoonucil. Bit idea svas favored and
Ko remed V equali Wahker's WiiiTf
Wont OF -f AS SYBI-P for Ihii tcrrlThe report of dtp Treaeuror Warsfatobsd faul diiieam. If taken tboriboroughlrand In lime, it will cure
burg ubowad n balnnee of tU.fWT.n on
la M bottra, and foe tbe ouugb that
tol. (haftrutof OcUber.
The eUUment of tbe board of pub
lie work* eaUed for U99.:i, which traa
are *acd and eodoued bp {he leading QSoI KraaUer. fire wardM (or tbe
aaaalebM everrwharo. No. Itfi Front third ward, reported that he had ingffinM. ». B. Strong, msaagw. 7U ft apaeud tha bniUliig* is that srarfi and
Is a good thing to have
These Smooth October Days
should make you think of tue days to foUpw and prepare for
them. How about the underwesrP This applies to all alike—
Ladies Gents—Young People and Children. We supply all your
needs. Start at 26c the garment Look at your “pile” and we
have garments that will takejust that amount Quality and fit
sell our goods.
Hard.to find
Good Bread
Our Cloak Department
When you wear the
Viscolized Caif
Hand Sewed
Calf Lined
Made Shoe.
la the center of attraction thesedays. It's a pleasant place any
way. Now, more than ever, with it's new carpets, best of light
and great elegant mirrors. Our goods are sellers. Golf Capes—
Collarettes—Greatest stock of Furs in the city. $2.60 buys a nice
Collarette. $6.00 a Golf Cape that can't be beaten and Jackets!
, -racks full of them.
68 patterns
in carpets
It’s no
T> Can U lrU«Ui44 Km.
Klaball PiiRfls aad Organs
Frank Friedrich
Tie Hannal & Lay Mercantile Co.
tam itQjumfQ hik:o«d. Ttr»ii>A». ootOBas it. law.
iI SU«uWM«r«*k«fa«
SfAmA tl
Vj VIVWT^»%.
- -
Hr WPi
b«. OTtend
tM firau Mtan bf Otefte t.
tea ' Btataaat that tba ontltok for tbt
dieotifa raBway
Waabtaytoa. Oat.
^Itary and aaial foroka of the Uah d j „ Tbe ruatreed teat plat te tba
f»denm' Ucuira and Mnak Oouraa
dLtaa U tbt PblliopiatB, wh-b aU^bt LS’f
trooM and tblm now anotr
aMtr order ipacb^r^
maeb i .
tbalr detUakUw. wlO ayyr<«a(t mM ' ****" ^Mwday moraiay.
than 70 000 met and (oriT lee «%'rev
Oo aad ate Mroadtriaad aad help
aeU. rhtlkatottbeeefo'*<H m l %r. | tb. Ptari Oatbarara eat tarlr okrtbday
rire <0 Manila tariy la 0.-oamb«. Pbia .
8at0«t' enureh tbh oetatbtktraaytH l« H« a -•••r. Admltelon free.
ofUamimary and aaeal 1-^ m-| JanaUdwiyaod Jkaatc Junta, boU
|oi latarloabaa. were married by JnaIt (br Army.
j uoe Brown ytkiarday.
Mw e. Bntabm •! Aom. it nlac BrMh of tbit «)tf. Ut tarwur •( tbt
Mi wifft te«l)7 for |M.Mi «Wrlaf ^
tifM, ud tMr mtIvH h
ttMvlU»U*M'JMUB«8•««»«•• «r 'b*lac
<riU intntt hf tbt
Mi tAOMi, who It ni|,f
•dtraret. jMWit.: m-m «f Cl««H»ad. Om of
<tnlp(r ii tbi m»i tm tbi Ibi MykiMt wlU bt ri*M %»tbi OHBbbMef* Ukt. iMt •iiAij, IltUi Tcnity of lliebi«M Md Ui oU«r M
U\m Mtnm «f OaU»*Mr. fM«i» Brwb wm^Mi U hit UbomM(7 U
Sbi wok ttirm bom*. Ub oUy
TwoortbMidiyiUwibilUUr c*rt
<M*Bb«iCCitetablir Mdibi K>« I ‘liiBit era hat hath tthklar tad
a<iU:n^ I 9aM Hr iMoblaM for ortr
^bfi,*tr»m*g tMiM.
t MbMb. foor fthra. Hr Brath «rtU tort fe
Oombataata.e} t7i: 3f meombf.kota. i *dwaro T. Price aad MU Orate B.
I soo
N-' yrort were married Friday eeta*
<^ltorOwo«o. haw bthrt tr«a aUlitt tht Hr tas
ktr bttbh»4 ofur bt wtot Ml wtti.
iuiy ..y B.-» Batelny Joara.
WlU.oiWd.7k. wVr-UbW W
Bine JtAet*. 4 077: darlaee. t.iat
I Btf Barclay
I tbt
•Iw* bt «M aoBltC'boM.
Miy Saturday that made Glen A.'
■WTIM toidOijr ItTMt rbiviy
aocatitr aad Minnie A. Bcwald baa*
Kr. cod Kft 8mm1 Wottot CMe.
Ulafmbr feHTta.
Mtr c*I|m.
kcd and wilt. Bitb are well known
bftU TwttUtb AaoirarMfp
Bataataia'ac Proyraa Prepared for 1 thteeKrMvttdMIteHtprtafftortltt ooloM,
of Tbtir Mwrtatt.
Md froa (bt forty Uwb Mnw bt plMtWedn tdiy Mlyht.
^ *i There will be a yood enppar and
TwMitp yrart a«o pttttrdtjr,
•■bhtd iMrtBBiiDt ».W0
Some time aro lb- u'dU of tbe Oon^
» MonttytM
ittd Mn-8*a»») Wt'ioB vtrt married. yr-yalional ehnreb and eceieiy
‘“U Wwoeeday from 8 GU a. yiwin by
At 8L <aHr. MIeb.. oti bte laty to-t<**t ottalop tbr^tit forty bt tbeir dlrlded laioeirht dlrialo-* to work for
Neiybboru af Ameriea^ M.B.
M. ■. ehtrob
ebwob 8..dtT
HaodtT mortUr.
nirrHir. Ii Wtodt
^rttoda rtibar
rtibtrtd ti tbalr boat
ibe pipe cevaa fuad. Tbe tadU of;
^ * meetlay of the
^ottpb LltHy. hftd
tgod 71
U ymt*.
ymn. dropptd ji North dprtoe
dprtee atirtei. It howir of tba dWleion 8 bare planned for aa Iniariet-Knlybu of PyihUi
dMdMtbt tllMk Tbt MtM Of
moeieal and llteAry proyram. ,o j
««ainy at 8 o'eloek for tbe pnr
dtMb WM bMTt ftUtrt
A rriy plrtattt rrtoltr wm aptm be neee Wadaeoday ereulny In Udloa* Ipbo^olc, l.any.
Id-OttSBld, t wHI-:o^ ftra«r of ■>7
*bo vtrr pratatt, ttd atnp Llhrary hall. Tlickeu art ts ceota. i **
Btftr. pkked $mi dtllattpd to pirtioa I
8«>d »>»b' a •ert r«rtt to the and an InelttUon U extradeo to tbe la lonia. the prc* d>dy elder of tbe
•t 81. Jottph. h box or aartrltod^eotple. •bobtrr Jaaldobbod t aoere public In cunerul to atlead. Tbt pro- Kalamaaoo diairiet took oocaalon to
«»r»»bttTiafc dtUmUp Bad tbt frt t* «»•
apeak in the b<ybeet tt*a^ of tba ex
yraui la a* fni|r>wB;
^ IM pty. be d 08 bt trotld btrt pt|
etUent work of Ber W A, Prye. ptator
■■Humic va—k elrrMl waMk.
Baebakirwmet (kemeulmef weetkK___________________ _
Mtbomarhat t bl«ablpmatl of u;t dorlnrtbtrraainr. and many ralna*
bit and bmn^fn.l pewdnta wart In talf^oeod
...................... T«»o Mr. Frye, who waa formmly ptator of
At Jtekaot, Mlat Uart Dfalolrht aa tobana of «b» tawm of tbt r«aM
Pu.eao.o^-A“S:a.i!::^i.o u eniu
“• ^
•M foatd la her roo« at the rtaldtaot
c CkaoiBBt* done yood work la Kalamaaoo. and hla
Of Brt. A. W.
- vadrr.
| ir.euOa hern will be pleaaed to be^
. t«lKta4
•tpbyxlttloa 8bt baa ool ytt rtc r- Sevtrbl Vrartrat Oity Attoraryt
be baa ao well filled bM new field
of labor.
•rod oeoadotatata tod U aery loo. A
Ueorye Winnie would like very much
fM }at «M foaad ttrotd part arty on
•reepala ................................Hem. r. A.
n* aetilcm A tbt elronlt eo«rt for '■wao (htakm a riklUcm |>lce« u> m.
loaeetbeaparkle of u dlamoad atud
«d it b (botebt tbt rHrt .at ttratd
'mrlaata eotnty opaotd TMltrday
maksahataOmaB.aer la. aor e'er
whleb be loat from hto arrktle n few
daya.yo._______ ________
Oterrtrox. arbUt ftadlor * om Ltlaad. with Jodyt Prrd W. Dfayat
Place, bat D
baabar and abrtddtr oa tba farm of
Laly lb
Mrm. D«a U
Will »atn rWill W.A
OUrar Part® Jott north ol Elk SaHda.
Licenee bat b««n yranted for Ur
rridty afttrnooa. had tbo mlaroftaaa of wbkb arrcrlmiaal. Tbt followlnf
marriaye of William B. Darrow of Uu
lo 8ot hla lift band drawn Uto tba oc^ attoraryt art prtatnl from Trarorta
city aad MU HatUe A. Dame of NorU.
bad btfora the maobina oonld be aMm- Cliy: B 8. Piatt. Boa. O O. Oo?«U. J.
port. Tba weddlny will oeeor at NorU
rtd bit arbolt band bad btan plehad It- A. L>raa8rr. M. C. Dadyt. Boa.
WllUtai H.'Fcaierand J W. Patebla.
port tomorrow evenlay at 7:10 o'cloU
OrrOIt Ooaltor of OaatfH Ukt It Hao
They will rcHde In thto city.
Arm Perry M.Boldm><
Cbarlaa Oltan of OadUlao. ndrmlatd InaUtadaast.
Job 1)00 00*1 Have Stood It.
tornwUt. Ltttlt8ammort of Boynt
ir b-'d bad ItUlay Pllea. Tbey*iv
terribly aaoeyiny: but Bucklenb Araty. naawtrtd tat td and Uo rttnlt
J. W. CllSewUI Itara for 1
mat that tbt tfrttd to marry OltaM
Por Beatflt of Seaibr oiau Annual ■liea Salve will cure Ue worut ea*e of
Pllro on cartb. It bai eer-d thoueaada.
UbtwMld 8<*o btrAUW toatart a tbla mornlnt on bnalntm.
Sainrday Miybt.
*«r Irjuriee, Faina or Bodily Bruptioor
C. H. Bora want toQH
aUUatryblort. Bt dU aertt and ibty
Tbe Senior clam will yiee tbeir 0rtt lt'4 the beat aalve in tbr world. Frier
wtni to Cbhmto. awpplar at dtSerant to la^tet tbt aeboola of that city with •aHal Saturday nlyht. October 21, m ^Se a box. Cure ynaraoteed. Sold bv
fcotala. Olaaoe aaya bt tavt htr tbt tbaporpotaofTalalay the ataadard of Fortetera'bail. The proweda of Ula l.ae. G Jobnaon aad 8. E Wait, drnxfitatt.
_____________ _
Slelaaey la the aeboola here If powiBoaty and that abt then
aocial. wblU to a pumekln p‘e ai d
Tbe biy fiybt
•tad lUneaa baaortnak. bit.
e aocial. will he lor Ue hePfifit k>l
J & BodfM of Fife Ukt. U la tbe
onMin. lolaPaobof Uptar. 8bt baa
taeAanuH wb'eh tbe .clam lotend*
almmoLi-J 8 ice battle in the rlof
ialn In a tranee for thrat daya, from elly.
Willttm Babbeler of Ukt And. ii In Uulay next aprlDy. Everybody to in
to to be reprodneed ayala la tbe Ci’y
whiob iba rtUraad to oonaelonaama
vited to attend and eat pie and have a
Opera Boeae Fridapanlyht by Ur
the oity on baalnttB.
only at InterraU, at tba roanlt of tbt
Bdtoon Ameriran Vitaaoope Co
Mr. and Mra. C. 8 Jobneon left yet-: cop of ot-8ee for ten eeote. Tbeee will
CTtataat r8ort M tbt part other at^
ttrdayfor 8bephtfd and Al|ta.
M-. i oe aerved from 8:10 until ulooy In Ue
Wrfwu. tu...p..l« lu. .ordliW
JoboBU U a dtleyatt from tbe local evenlDy.
Ml-eonteiona mernenu. aod tbt pby
borne entertainmeDl will be furntobL O. O *F. lodye to tbe Grand Lodye
bfb ertaUy liiitrMted in the
rnttUay at Bay aty.aad bt will ettend ed dariny Ue rveniny. Altbooyb a
eaat. Btoorery U donbifn).'
pumekin pic aocial. a »mall amouat of
the oonrentloa before bte return.
J. A. MDor. proprietor of tbt laryett
BeT.Jotiab Pennlnytoo la la Uke other kinds • f pie will be furnlBbed to
<nrnlurt bontt in Petotkey. died Sontboee who do out care for tbe putnpkiD
8ay la Ohldayo. wbtrt bt with bla ton
William R Jobaaoa of Mabel left pla. Tbaclaa* deeirea a larye atten
tM anrebaalay bU fall eioek. Tbt
danee from Urir frlenda and otnera
r fur Spokaoe, Weeh.
dtOMtod wat a wealthy and blybly rtwbo wtob u> make the Aonual a toe
VmpeooUlD Menton o
•pMpdeltlBen of . Petotkey. AbMt u
/taratyo, he tame to Ptioak«y from
Bobert Otldwrll returned t7 CbarleHe Tel. yrvpbrd Hto Baby,
Ototnrilla. Be Itarta a widow, ton and
roU Itet ni«bl after apeadlay Sunday
a danfbier. Be waa an yaan of
ho Tooley. who did tbe j b of
la tba city
bbd wae a ReyH Arch maaoa.
alatiny the roof of the coart bouae be*
A Fowltrrina. ibaa dropped __
r Kaame City, whart the will Vlii) eame a very baopy father before hto
dlamoad riac opon tbt doox of hU ttort
work here waa done and Saturday be
«bt other traalnr. without nottelay the rtUllrei.
Mrt. B Ffr fler of OtarltroU. la ria- telvyraphed bit wife and baby at Lnlata at tbt time.- The next moraiay it
ya&aport Uai be would be borne today.
meat into the drt with the rabblab Itlny friande intbeelty.
Be left yretorday and before yoiny eel
PMtmaater and Mru.-Georye R*8 . p tbe dyare for bli friendt in Trav
in a repsrtoire of
^•n the alore wae awept obi, and
Ibtar on wbeo tbe man eaaat la look bate yone to Toledo, where they wi:l
for it he foand it in tbe OBbe*. U bad tIHi tor eome time. Mr. BaS i
B b&« (he Grave.
kw..o Wdl; d..u.d b, Ik. bw. attend tbe PokUnaaterk' ooareatloa
A atartllny incident to e Taied bv
barter, aa to m practically worth* Detroit before hU relnrp.
O'iver of Pbiladrlpbia k follow*:
Mru. Tyler, who baa been elaltinc John«k
in an awful conditio
Etr. Joaepfa Terwlltlyer, for many BiiUlny her dauybter. Mra. A
yaara naetor of tbr Mrtbodlet KpUoopai Peck, reiurord lo Manton yetterday eoaiod. pain sootiauaily i
tidea. DO
d by Mn. Peck, who will tidea.
obnreb of Ne* BuBela and one of tbe
Tj,p voodcrfol child Betrras.
by day.
ploater eleryymei) and elrcali ridere of
Then 1 waa -advibcd
— — — eilil'iDC and dancint; bare captiv-'
Ada L. Watera wlU leaee Wedneeday Blectrlr .Hiucra: to —
aratbern Miebicao. died Satnrday
my yreat jcy,. Uei
moraltw of old.^aft.
He rteratiy for Aon Arbor where abe will take a firai boiiie made a decided improve-, Bt*-d the audieoccii evcrj'Wbcro.
It. I eontioned tbeir uee for three i
. .
^altbrated bla eifbUatb birthday. Hm. eonrae in nurelny at Ue UalreiHty
IWwimytr la ropohtd erlUcally Hi. boepital.
with linte hope of recorery. The dead' Barlan B Illdayo! Mayfield waa lo
Pri^ .( »i«i»io»-16c, S»0
patter wae one of the oldtat mtmbeit Ue city yetteTfiay.
' '
E Waittodruy ttoria ‘ and S6o.
of tbt toutbtra Mlcblcaa eoaltioaw.
MU Tomo Inonye, Ua yonny
^ lok cf Ihnci, it B me. bot
The Boston Store
Dress Goods Specials
The recent unprecedented growth of onr drenm
City Opera House
Monday, Oct. 23
The Celebrated
Frisbee Stock
Standard Plays.
La Belle Ethel
Specialties bi Entire Company.
bad durlny bU mlalattrlH oartor lUtd
fapaaota lady who baa antered Ue
medical depariaeat of Ue ualTetal^.
The tittmar W H. Eetcbam ran down
belay moeb touyht after aa an
tU little tobo B T Typo la Uke
ittrtalner and Itetnrer opon tbe anb*
Buptrior Saturday slyh*. Tbt lypo ject of htr own eonatry. Saturday
waa iattaatly aaak and four of bar ortw attmoea In Ue Y W. C. A. roomt Ue
wtra drowned. Tbe captain of Uo yaet a talk on Ue life of ylrla la her
pwatl aad two toamta maa^od to owneountry. Sbewaeyowatd In her:
aaeapt from Ue wrack and wtra pitked naUre eottume. Snnd yeruliy abe
ap by tbe Ettobam.
epoke at UeCbnrU of Chrtot, upon bv
ApeealtaranaUatory. Ue trnU of aaUve land.
MU Inonye,
wbltb b PMobed ter by baU a dot^n dauyhitrof a JapantM nobleman, to
pwpU. to roported. Mra Alfred Ftobl•lpaUlnr bereclfUronyb Ue univeralty
ayed relaUve in
ar. of Ralamaaoo. baa aa8erod torrlaidalMaupportlnyan
- -yaara aad abraak from a ttroay. robuat ■
r own country aa a medici
women to a Uelaton on Ua eeryt cl
taaal^. 8U waa treated by dlBi
Bet at Ue Oaaaaa.
RUally Dr. M. W. Stan
I treatiny bar for
... wbat
____ _____
Dr. A. W CbUeb Nerve and 1
' ilievcd lobe a anake In bar i
*^ ^*^**** ^^^**^ ^
la nleoboL Tba woman tainted bom Blood, earrylny with it a aupply of Ue
oxbanattom after Ua aaaka aaarly....................................................
obekad bar. 8U la bauar today. Bbe
d Ua aaaka alybtaaa moatba
T* Obfw ■ 0«M In
lnOMO•^ i:aat«U»A*S*U
Tbkc Wotwrto White Wiiwe oE Tar Syrup, j atOoIambiaBaU. Taaaday avaalay,
Ue bam eoo^ fcarndy DOoearU.
earth. Send! October 14 Jobnaon A Poota crehm
BroiJbody lavtud. I>w 8
to the richest—Our prices are lower than Hke qiaU*
ties MD be bought elsewhere.
We particularly call ypur attention to the finedisplay of elegant-up to-date single pattern?, inliolh
black and colors
Imported Oomel’a Hair Cheviota..................... #1S5- np
Bom»pan.,twoton«l ....................................»1 48
V.n«l.n Cloth................................................81.00 up
Bl.ck811k0r.pon.............................. ..$«00i.p
Wool .nd Mohnlr Cr.pon.............................. $1.38 up
I-r*, ZihoUn. Fluid................... ....................$1 E5 up
Oolf Sultinga, plain on on« aide and plRldod on tbe
............................................................. $176 yd
Black-ranite Clo.h..........................................$l lOnp
BlackOamerfiHalr Cheviots. .,4..................... $110 np
Black Bengalinea............................................... $j.oo
io this connection we again mention our dress*
tnakiog parlors, recentlr opened, under the capable
supervision of Mrs L. Pfauueoschmidt of Detroit.
A trial order is solicited. Satisfaction guaran
teed in this as in every department df
See ilis{ila|i ie vest wimlow
Gia.s Block
Closing Out
I Have Decided To Quit The
Shoe Business.
The entire stock of shoes and
of Mr. E. McNamara at 50c on the
with all the new goods bought for
be dosed out by J..n, 1st, as I will
business at that time.
rubbers bought
dollar, together
fall trade must
po.^itively close
Only Very Low Prices Will Do It
Less Profits
And everything will be cut to ridiculously low prices
regardless of cost or values. Come quick before the
sizes are broken, and see what' we will do for you.
SiDca tbe advAsc^e of
bot'joat the tame
prioee—no advance
oo oor line of
Men'aES.OO, i2.l5
167 Front Btroot
and »2 as fine
Goodyear "Vlts.
We are atill eelling
nothing but etandard
braoda of ehoea.
making it impoaaible
for tbe bnyera to be
mialed or niiauken.
Costs Little. Pays Big.
There you have it
WF Semple Shoes at Half talee.
135 Front Street
Practical Shoe Man |j
In a nut ahell.
mOWMaO VBOO^al. TniWOA’»» wrffOB»» 17.
OUMfD li «Mr
•» Ad
flBlnl D*Mf» riiH. wU* «HI
VteM MSI BMtk.
Ss-HMSlor Jok« J. Ucsllt to mU V
kM« MM« o( U« ikroM IB fstel torm.
»Bd bM COM to iUstoo to kopool otoMtotoCOMMOOUol.
4t HMtoov Otartotio, ototor «it
■atorfek BolM. tot ostotootod Ootbm
JRto UwiM€. too fiMtOM, kM «C*
Mod k« rrtdiOM Mor Oorto. Mo.
VkokoMWMkoUiOBOOMlo frapor• MOUBttoMtotfeotoCtoMOdO. rko
4omwototoMUckMd too oolltoco
Md wtodooB look Uko tooM e< tobtod
tflMtt* omUm Cho to otm cn>*toc
Md to M« ■ toot Md 4 taekoo toU.
Tkno Mkoo aoorlp op»tUrd of-too
BottoB «rof> of too Uoltod SIMM. Md
toot otou to olMt dooUUto of eotloo
Milto: oto ArkoMM. oaotoor fiMl
BOUOO ototo, kM mo mU\ »t olL
Protodcot Kr«CM aotototoo kto do-
mool Loool P Jocktoo Atkiad 10
•; r OoMOMtoo otBov «v.
Tbodfitoto kOMto BoaktaC et too
MtoicM OtMd Lode*. I O O. r. wUl
todop toBaj C.t7
Arbuckles’ Coffee k
ta the Standard ef Coffee Sxoenenoe by which all Coffee Quality la Compared^ ^
book Bodo for '
i.of t,tw dotocktok.^
▼koBOtofvo uMbor oro olroodp
9%yatj HooripoMonod Odd M-i
»M toft toto otto
too Boottoc yco«dop.
Tbo Kobohto aoooBbly «U1 kofto lu
OBokB lodop stoo. ood o' tofffo ropfo*
to osMOtod ot lu fotoortocs-
AfTud boU te too boaedi of too
OddfoltoorsOrtookoCktotebo cm of
too footoros ef too oJobrottoo.
■vodto Ktootoo Moottog.
TboN «tn bo o.dtotrtot
leottoc to too Swodtoh'
tokreb M
t c ot f P- •• toAkP
otMtoc Wod>
•oodop kifht wlto too dodloottoe cf
tkr ebsrab. Aboo* tboso wbe will
tobk port to too pfOcroB oro Eee V
Visoll. Twtls: Bo*. J. Forsborc, Mmtotor: Bo*. C. T. VooUlsc. LBdlBftok
ood Be*. C A Ttolto. OodtlUe.
Tbw em<-* poU In a kii of time dodf
«f Sl,000 of wkot to eoUod
lac the Ban.
Mooop." oat ot wktob bo ktoo ro«i<>tr«*
A loan’e h>rr I* a|H
■dn. Sracor to
bp bie dlrnitioli.
• OBOMf.
A farmer naps tl com acatoid toa
Aopootol froB B«toarokt 0070 toot Craiu to rut (crti.
Abo saliM kM drowMd to tot Bop
^boraokSMtkl woboo Of kto horoB
«apoeudofooBplldt7«lto tof bobman wbo
toots of tot 7«kM Tarktok porty.
Tbt- tnan wbo moirtra for noaap ia
Mstkik stad7 kt too sooloclckl gkra fool—tiBlMn be peia tl In sdraiK'e.
JtoMtotobospartoftooeoarooof toPciUf (lunw a wall ban to pap dearip
BtraeUok to
paoUe for noi-cpoa afuw fatrlp earnlns It. .
ftomoiiow ibe fatUi-r-lu-Uw owr
lio iMot oarloao papor w^bt to too geia iDiH-b of a eotuli- luipi-r ni>uiatioa.
Mas In a |M<rniUar autiual. M'bi-o be
arorld ;■ Mid to botooc to too prince of
iceta whai be waniu lu- dn-nn't waot IL
•PalM. It to too BOBBiod baad of
Tlie niil.v wap poll ran beat aootbor
w of too dsarkiors of Pkoikok.
inaD'n nun- i» to k«-<T
k«-< pour nioupp to
A easo toot kM boon pondtog to Bo- pour luM-kei.
worlo for UO poato hoo j o«t boon do :ldA tmly rood klfe la one wbo k>**0
• I to too Blrbeoi ooart at Maatob. Tko ber bnaU-ind and lu-f routrp. but don't
4 lootluQ Bodor llttcsUoB WM too UUo want lu run rltbrr.
An-n ap) miwlc was conaldrred tbo
m> a foroot elalBod bp Baroa
food «>f l<ii-e. but now ilip BiMiu con1 too *ma«
eUlac* of Bare* alain uuMiip tif l>ou Uiux and li-e cn-am.
Inn. The rUIaro woo. and too baroa.
Thun- an* beilur fl«h lu ibr aua than
fa addition to lostof too lorMk mast bavf uter Im-*d iwurbi. Rowobow tb«
m WHuap- lo get swap,
pot omormomo emu.
said I lie Kwalleut bair tbrowa
a nbndow. Ync of <-Mnrur, li doee; It
Roar’s datek of opaim to Okeoapoeko tbniwe a nUadn^^oi-nMu pQnr a|i|M-tlte
bop «m be too OBollsot to toe hlsiorp If ,1-nu dlm-uvi-r li lu Ibe botler.-CblBf toe todaotrp. Wboro a pear ago cagu Uailp Ni-wn.
At0(K.000caUoH WM Mlp Movorafo
Atop, ti lo ootiBotod taat tola paar
Aboplaid wUJ be .lMS than 1,000,000
Uir falh-n. or Iruublr to m-lotcn
Hlotorle Taritepfoot rook, bmt To
urrluk -nlni|ilp |«ip >-.mr deliU
ledo. wbtok was aaid to aark toe ptooo cbi-*-rfullp and imiuitulp.aapn Ui<> Phlloraaro too ceskl ladlan eblot, Tarkep- UtlDu. Il lubiitalm lU«- a-hm>b> of
doo^ Boi kU doato orer a oeatarp «ck> iradu, bn-ake np lartp leu. glree lone
Abb boaa ototoa. It walfkod aoran lo tbe social apati-m awl llU-ratcacuodAoaa. WM ooforad Blto ladtoa tooerlp- Vl*ay as pou so.
kiOMsad WM to koto bden roBorod to 'BsprclaUp |up Ibe people wbo work
Totodo tor oSbiblUon at toe Ohio eoa- bp ibe dap aud t»M wliii tbelr band*.
dollar mi*au> uiuob to (be man wbo
Aaulal ashiWttoa.
SIBdea pour fardeo—nrrer bunilllalo
Pralite Aroo baro aoropt oror tba (be man bp making him ask for bl*
- DaBpbUdlatriottoaortowMioraMM- dollar, tilve It (o him Immeillatelp
trk to tbiw*. and if be did well,
lloba. Haadroda of aotUara wars aar>Qi SO. When Ibe woman wbo
tttaadad bp flaoua bttora topp bad rrourbeu
over a wwIdk machine for
AfBO to raoUso toa daackr. aad booMS. pou all dap loiiii brtue* llie innuent
frato. bapaiaoko aad tonesa. ealaad at borne, pap ber ail you o» e. and ilo not
lo ber imullle* kp ezorrlslng tbe
■*P to
prerogatlr* of tbe one wbo la pkPl&C
■ nBOko Taodrseawapto*
eree uionep In daunt out either luanlt•Monp bUs* to astMt.
Init n-uiarks
luault^njc nianners.
The kemlemau sbowa his tmenliluns
Buffalo Bars wiu wMt show cleocd
Aba Wkion at Urboaa. Ohio. Aatardap. In bis treatment of social Inferinrs;
and of all the ibiinnliiK
. mliiK all
alus tbe-withAtoataraoitha abow Is H Baclloh holilliik of uiiniep due a <worklDgtuati
BO'dlera. laaoora 1a too qaooa'o arap. U tbe worst.
Atiar tbo partoTBaaeo Uiep toft bp And the e}ie,-rfi
Apeelat train lor Now York, tooneo glre out with c
LUMlwpIr.cmDMaltwrteoculur 1*1
Or*la IwUwf, Uu «ol*r. ale««l S»Mo
kuwiCu.AxieUMUbuckW. tk'Uaaiu Curkl* SCO ilass. WMa wOertaa Ciw
lonoslof •mmly.CTvt
lo tiH'Sw oasd wsM lo tochw. MW run(rb M
nt'w'A.r.'iir .v.s:i.rsr' ~
wrocpwoo. Aro-esi-
Me. 67. Plettirk Franwa.
BssOk bMUhinr Tortwsisd
lo IBIisUoe of ooyi. Wat
fWM.OaMM reeriH sT ht
------4 hr hlB.---------hlBW^
otitbs paetao.M
Bitbop Aebtor Hod Cborga ef Aer
Ttceoa^tkodo Oharcb SuBd.p.
Tbe iuuroal of the Itopnl .\Rn<-iil--j
A larre c aao was oonfirmad
iurai rMH~iny
Koi-letp iwie
luis au
au aiMi'i-artlrle ,-u RlllloU
Cbeeoc. lu wl.1.1. tlH- .-on.lualon la »»■
® ’
reached tbat tW- excellence or the Biohtor.ot Urand Bap.dA had ebaifcbarai«lerl.il.w of this or anp other' the cepoBonp.
Bi*h bs>o •
cbeeae are nut due 111 euvirvonieiit. and oolobrated at 10 o'cloes. Md tba e<
Ibat ibiof aii<>.,wi. Ill lutriicti-. B^maiicQ aarrloe followed ismediaii \
lar <-oh-» Il
aiini • • • mt.ierr, xbe conBrinaiiop
eeptlonallp flae.
MunpttoA Ourw - WaraAT'a Tbe claaa oonoiotod prineipallT u<
WhMA WiBO 6f Tar tpra^ tbe ponniT people. Tbe aasie waa a very
cough TOU.-!y o
Kinff Md otoar rleb Btoea. Mr. Bolaea
floe feature.
Bloouaaid to
tatarwu. Tbop wlU mldo to Wm&,.
BMtern Aior MecUng.
To Aa..,. Fries u Milk.
InfftokThere will boa rogalv mertlag if
Wo. tbe ni
«tObloac«. a ooBBlttM wm ap- Travorae
raise ,! TraTeroe <h(p Chapter No it? of to.
CI't. do herebp agree to rwi»u
pototod bp too National BdaoaUoaal tboprioe of nilk, ooo eont POfc.Q‘ort
*ort! Order of tbe Bssiera Star WBomw
Bwodatloa to ooaaidor
A taU I
d wlto too foaadiac of a aatloa- aid bp as apoe or after that date. aa«lB«oalrM.
Bl ablraroltp to WaobtoctOB. The shall not be lass than Are eenta per
Bhalrtaan of tkU ooBalttoo. Wa. B. [sart wholesale, Md alz OMts per
Itching PUea.
aerpar. prondoatof too Ualrartltp of laartrataU.
FalMBodeatp eanaea aanp pcop'a to
OOBLE Baos..
sdara to alieoM tna greatet miaarp
Ohl<Mo, bM jooi iBBod a eaU tor a
E tr. Raksobe.
naglnable tioa Itobing pilro. On*
------..-g. of toe ooBBitloa to bo bold at
A J. BAMka,
nplleatloa ot Dr. A. W. Obaso’s Oi 6. 8«CUTLEaKM.
leot will aooibe and esM the iieb g,
A. Wupotrr.
OM bos box will ooBplateip cure tG. iCujiaa.
lot blind, iteblng, blaediag
H Bams.
___ ^Ing pllM. Yob bare ao rAk
torran, te &. A. W ChM> O ni
• toa raoali ef kla oplandklbaalto.
1 to cure pUoa. Oalp M
nIUblo will Md IroaMBdow m
oMti a box. aiIt all oeah
net toaad wbora SioBack.
raprodaettoa of toe . ..
r. KtdMpa, Md Bowals are om o(
f. U poa WMt toMB Qaaifta
laal WaAaaadip sight, toat ft wga
Tka "Frlaboe Stoek" are billad to ap
pear at toe Clip Opera BoaM te om
^JaM«.iohMM'BiBd B.B.W
weak, opaatog on Moadap OTMlag* Oek
tatoad BBApof U
tIA. Thep wUl prodaoa a aaBkar af
of toa dtp w
Moot too OI
ard plapa, tba rapMlolrdof wklto
I tour to tokM solTboeoBpaap, tooaffk mw to
•ar paopto. la a watp attoog orgaalMAkWtlcM.
MoeedtooortgtoalAgkteM also ba tinw, toa ,MBB of a aaBkw- balag
a^ Bp gMl^reqaaat tte b‘- wkU-kaowa .to toMtra goati m
atp 0pm Boom Frldap eraelag. klffklp spokM of kp toa pckM wb
Tta Dawkp pariAa wklah wBl ba toaphatkkppawkd. TkaMUted
ffiesa te toa tiat tlSM akowa too kM too loUewtog to Mp e< tooB:
-rrlobaok Btook OoBpMp. wktok apSfAnwa bp toar kwa Dka’k MHodat toaopara kesM fear alffhta
Abrp go to U.era.tar, wboro toop board
«a Boc>«b traMport aioMaar lor
dtonta Afriaa to lota tbo qaoon'o amp
in too rraaoraal war.
iBdwto F. UolBoa. a Cbleafo attorwap. torBorlp of Oeooda, kliek.. oaa
Marriod In New York Tbaiadap to
llfa.dBeMi 8. Baerp. of .Halt Lake
Cltp. Mrs. B>
orortb ebont I
A OnxWBM. woosuO
Bl vtsBiwco Anw-kWo' fMawuO Coaos WM «<
'Tne eospany bM mueh more than tbe
ncaal amonst of talent, and wsay featarea of tooperf *r*t)ooeo werePxerlleni.
AtleMttwnor three of the compont
bare been here before—Mr. B ffman *
pMr ogo, Md Mr. Jack, with the Var
Ambargi laal winlar. Oi Thnradap
night the bona* wma nack-Kl and Friday
nlgl t gore th«s another big reception."
Between the acts of i*** »'** eaeV
ibtle sniiaated aocBes. la tbo totoot in
reetlon of tbe fsBona elretricisn. r OOT-DlswooS ■UbO. s ksrsi olw WoOf
L« -lU be r«wsrd«l h}
RflaoB. and laa tHamph orer all prr* wiacla
_______________ TP «»
ions lD*eBllooA Brerp scene ia glrei
eboeolsir dippet*
with lifelike realism and e»e-y »o..•> sod rr-»..i«i».
It la perf--c>. It la tbe brat thing o'
JuiK aAl.X-Lavb:
tbo kind tbat hM orer boon gitei
U X Oibb., city
•esiiA catilr hUraffwlng to a cbMge ia tbe r«nie ofih^ O Oeddlug^
eompany billed tor Steicberp'o U-and Tni‘terieCtyri!liy^ B"i
Nor 1. It is DOW Impossible to s-cure
attraction- In Greater Now Y.*rk" ruidrr plrsM <•«»* s> Ht.oaDC.mfe
until next teaaon. TkU has girrn
* *Sf.v-<»hy Bte M4 "lie. Ad
Manager Steinberg an
der.. 0*0 B Pecker, csrr Kelley «blL*»e^.
ae -nre tbe blr hit of tbe of the aeasoa
Will F Phi’llpa' enmplleated comedy. 'frrAirTED-oo.M wii
iilchcow. Apply «'
Bell B-.*." for to* eame date. W, Burden. »ttll-.ui
Wednesday erenlng. N w. 1. This
nlay earriea a large q lantlty of spee al i tbi.and’ow i.rS.u.
eoenery. fine moehanlesl and electrical »ud e.n-».e*.
effects, sod it produced by a eompany
numbering SS ariitlo second to none in
toe eonnup. Tbta attraction la one of
unnsnal IntereeV and Trareiae Cltp
o.o»wUI*tckaa«* lo
tneane goera win be glad that It la to
be seen bare. Tba oomnanp la now
ptoylag to toe larger eltlaa.
la Baurtototog Orowdo of Oar Boat
At *13 Front atraet. the rub gad^aa
rbo CDBoal*ed toe Idea Md worked
oat toe aatoBatoi marrato kM Mt
•reatog a wwBbw ef Ugb-ktoM apa
tlM rBlto jptrodaoM.laputolBiAtIna
imagBadeei La 8oU# Btbal tka olo«kr
Mild aetfaaa.wkoMMagtoff aad dMOtoa kMTt (ff o*arpcM who
1 all atuapta
to lBprc*a upon bu wooderfal prtdnetloM to aetontlAc anloMtle Beeh“it^bapoad tka oomprate
ordtoaip totoUaet. B*ca toa
toie of toM ________prohlsB
art howlMaea aft who eeotoBplato Its Boat weadarfel aad apt
deaaf toa giaat Flua ^ea Affht whIM w
gd*M ky toa BdMoa ABorioM Vito- too pdi
aeopaOo. to toa atp Opera Boom toat
weak, wOl ka t^Mtad Vrtdap Right
apoareqaMtof a torge aaBkar who
aaw aad MjepoA toa satortolaB
Tka.MWBaMlMkp wkM tUa pradkctloalkgl*ka.kkowtog tka Boat raal-
___ ...
““sr'A SKoTi!!
rOB adtX-OwDl Br.i«lM* Caatly hero
. sii.Tssr.i's/sr'
rXD 0«*d rtrl lor ecaaral b<
»in»mt« iidbM^jtnttiilLT, owoMa tMiil.
rimsui wmuL
Gas Lamp"
tmi. TU» latiaK, toe. wm ■dirtmia I*
*Bt lew place. Mar'a Oeait. TcBpWi
go, (p lha tiflM Oiok bad bwo lowed
View aaaea daya be
••♦«r tttiwltaMTr' wmd aibd.
*1 MW kwd «r n* • ikiM ta w
kept Mtr' MtUMd
fWttap. “WhMwoBldyaDriMr.
CHkw kMt atM it darli« Ut lUetiae,
fow hMd. MXL CB b*dac nCMtd by
ft*, had iipriMidkiitaWikturftty%« (a Ikt beaM util yoa aeDf^tad
hdaf r?t Bol arw laad ia aorda"
(vtth a Cat toaeh <d am) -‘oC aoeh a
anpaama aorlea. Did ba-^Maaw*nahaatit, aiy daarT’
"frifktfuUy." £that awiad h..
**M«btfallyaiBi.aad7aa abcnld |a*t
aa «hat a ehia ba haa U waald aaka
i^tdvtaa.'* '
"IQmI eoald 1 aayf I'aaalnadyaald
&M**a7to*Manl^M^ “
akd after ear ftm i
kta alwat my day dariac the fuiInrtBfatMth. ThanldhCWanleaDM
hOM ba prupoaed to nte. and I-~well,
rakaoBwhatlaaldL Hatlmdaclainl
MeiMaaMnef Mdlot naacaiemy
Mt ■Mtlia and didn't Mem to tan ia
«ka lea« when 1 aaannd him that my
■Mwer weald ba Jaat tiwaama. hoarm
■way tlmM he aifeed me. Well, it iM
axaetly aU BMmtha today -<ww» the—(be
M Ow 1 taU him that t eoaldn't
" pat ta Mta neldl^ _
"Thaa," WM Mn. Fleldiiw’a deel“wa MW tMd for tbe pelloa "
*'Ob. BO—BO...PO aer ejaeaUtol
Btbal apriaciai ap. "Plaam dcm't do
Aat He'aaue to pa He—be't aery
MBthManly. motber. and I’m tmn be'U
VfcaaaUaMlfif badoMato^ BeeidM
tf ha fciBcfat tbe polioemen—and I’m
Wa ba woald fi^t—tbaa'd ba .-neb a
y*. Mn. FMdlM Wfd tby gw
aNr weald cira Karkot N'lWtmiy a
BMotb'a food (w tittle tattle if the
________ _ of the tow were to
"twill am tiw youngpetaimmyMlfI"
wgiiMid tba ^deriady majcmicnlly.
- "tkxt't ba banh. motber.'^aaid Etb
btoablng a UtUa "heoaoM. after aL
ywB know be’e"—
"Bead oror beeli la
Of OOWM.” r«>ained
"Of ooarae be la
*o«ld ,aaipwt him of
j^W theptaw
lore with yooT
Mra Funding.
be wertm’t. 1
barii« eril d»-
Wa him to me.
8o Myiag, Mm PietJIng ewept mag>
atflowdy into tbe drawing mom.
Bat Mtigo M WM ber lone and Kcra
aaK <ff bla deeltion. bat nevertbeleae r»
fnaedtoaplkebitganaandrettra Dnrtog tba aitaraatioo Mm Fielding dla•orered that be wai a yonng gimtieman
of as. with an ample luouue. and a
awaU ooontry mat that ahul eadly in
Mad «r aone otw to look afhr iL
Twaaty miantH lator Mm Fieldii«
Manad to bar danghler;
wbaWTM, I aappoan be mtut nsnain.
Be may be la a more Mirndble frame of
' Mind to tkn amming.. Uoe’t let tbe
Mrrants know aaytbing aboat tbe real
•tata of tblnga bat ptvusnd that wn
ham terited him to Kay here and wy
bln lo0Ma will arrive in doe ooaiaa "
Tbenanlt ww: (I) That Mr.'Kicbopd Wntarbory gained hi# putat and
alaid at Flmoant View. (2) That only
I lo win Etbel
BWdiag weald bare led him to Cake
MckadeqieMteBtep. (B) ThatEthel by
M Meant dedeired tba Maternal jodgMwi when tbe enaiwul bermlf i^.
aanlly aboat Dick and hie Molntiou.
(■» lot aUp fail
idt fait ant Ml and berdaa^aw.
9nry aoetiitv whim he mat tbe lattw
BMB wbo haa stniek bto grit and oeitied down after a few year* of con
8i te firegtfati taUe. Miitat aa opporMwlW of oaan* when Mn. Fteidinc
WM BOt prMMit. be bad atitad. "Welir'
tinent-wide tumnltnooliy. wbea they
Were all teUlng hard-luck srortes tto
other right, "but be was addicted oe.
eaokMMUy to a saeage sort of bnmor.
'Member that time I got the western
ferer. about 10 yean sgul Well 1
There la a good mtory of tbeWidaad Bdwl had abaken bv bMd Twyda' an to tbe eaxern
tmiaedlyaMl made tbe amatof tbe
eseaedtaply dimpled eUa. which oaly aburv of Maryland, aaya tbe rblUdrl
pbla Inqnlrer. Tbe petty embraeed
1 of Mr. Wat
»wtvuriee Blaine and Wtndob and
bi^'a Daring tbe whole of that
Dick bad nertr ooee been oaa Tbe oifaen. They werv fortunate enough
lu bear an etn^lem mtwob from
poinb It MTwcd more td the "man In oeoerable prolmtant eplecopal bUhop
'poaiMai<m»' tbaa anythiiM elae be bad of Uatyland. wbo wae tbere to admin,
leter Ibe rtU of conttrmatiun.
"He'a been aeai. and be<e got to dent Artfaur and tbe two aetrelaiiea
Mi la 40tH satiaXartlou. But tbelr
•op." waa oook'e mdiPt. "And
peace of mind vae eudden
Tbe offertory waa eOBg. At tbe faarwayi ondmtuod that tbe poor maater mUlar words: "Lstl your light eo abloe
left her oanfable off, and 1 raa't nn- befuM men. etc.." tbe prealdeot and
demand fauw abb'e fawt ber money. I tbe aec-rrtariea rack qotoUy dropped a
MppoM ife a mine <u eometbiait. baud into a pockeL
"iKy not np for yoonelvea treai
Tbank goodofMt r*i< «<» all my Uttik
on earth."
mringi wrmiiped
Wioduw dt«w forUi a criip ffl iou
larked In my boal
Seren day* bad gone—the atwenth and held It between bis thumb and
algbt bad Oman, and Kill Ethel reauuned futvOnger. ready for tbe apprueoblng
obdnraie. Bol ehe paid, ber mother' plate. Tbe president and Mr. Blaine
wrui a Ulllr deeper Into tbelr potketa.
noticed, emwlderable atteatfaai to b
One brought up a nickel and the other
toilet and wtae ber preuiett drawn.
a dime. Tbeirfnctwflnabed. It would
never do lo make such a cuntrlliatiutt.
Wbat waa that?
"He tnat nowrtb little abaU n ip UlMm. FuOdinc mt t^t bntbed in oold
tie and be that sowetb pienutmaly
sbal rea)i plenteously. • • • Uod
Wbat wae—tbeee it ww again—
luvelb a chre^ul givo."
Kratobing on Ibe window! 8bc liKonod'
Tbe pn-ehleui went lo his pocket-^er heart beating a wild tattoo
book and ibr secretary of aiale ex
againat ber riba.
plored bb Vest pocket with net
acnebody ww t^ng td break ini
Only a oliding door arp
"TaccBeua stood forth and uld ante
Pioldipg'a tmm from ber daagliter’a
thr Ixird: 'Behold. Ixird. the half of
Her teeth ebattrriog in time with the
my goods I give to tbe poor, and >'f I
wild throbbing of bar polew. Mm
bsvp done wrong to any wan I reK-iie
Finlding crept out of bed and. tba elid
ing dour bi log partly open, into ber
Tbe plate wsir only four pews away.
daagfaler’a room. Etbel wuelntub
Wbat tbe president found to hi"
pearafally. bat a hinnb awoke» her.
l>ockr|.book wn» one Dfly-dullar uoir
Tbere wae a fanrriM expla
and a len-dollar greeulwiek-tiolblng
wbiapen Dorn Mn. Fielding, and tbeo
Her. To put IB a niekel or a dlim
tbe two Woden. clatcUtig each other
was not lo be IboughI of. To give tlU
for comfort, etole inh> Uie ouI.t Udwas more than either eared to do. Each
room and. «tce more liKened.
looked at Wlluloui slltine there calmly
arraicfaing bad nnuaxl. and ««ly a ehnfwith bis dollar uoiF la hit btoil He
fling aoQud ooold be hrnrd. Then ihure
shook bis bes^.
ww fcxiurtep. on tb<- grarel walk, and
"Charge ilteui Hist are rlcb In
then the aoalleiy window (whirb was
world tiuit they he ready lo give and
immediaU-ly beitealb) aas nbot op i
ghid lo .tlsirtlmle."
a fume that deuou-d a careltw liaK<
Iliere was ou time for further pock
the part of the midnight inmMb-r.
et exiilomiluu or ctinslderaiinu. With
"A bnrglar!" escluinicd Ethel, pale
a aiulleof euuiralseraikm at eaeh other.
to tbe lipa for the was only IH and
somellillig like gh-e Id Wluduw's
ordinary girl with ordinary nervaa.
plaHd couuteuame. the president and
UnconKionaly. bar Upe formed tbe
Ibe stH-reiary pf state eni'li planked
word "Oiuk!"
tliiwu bis ieo-d<dlar note for "llie |Hwr
"I’ll w'aka MK-Waterbary," aaid
i>r this eongregailon." .kml the wurK
Mm Fieldiiig. 8ho trin><d raiftly
nf II Is. Mild one of Ibe {lany after,
of the rouu. down the pomagu, and
ward, that tbe l»rd would prubablyrq^id at ber goeM’a doer.
whleh they Intended lu give,
■ In almcnt Inai time tban it takes to
give them i nslH only fur the dollar or
^lotc it liiekTonud hima lf standiug at
bis door, in dnwniig gown and trunaeM
trytug to iiwUll aunie ealima.* into tbe
truobled bnasts <tf Hm Fielding. Ii<r were talking of deiilUts Hie dtlier dny
daughter, lb.' <ii>k and the fauawmaid
wUeu Hie stout iiinu of the |«ariy r.—fur Mm Fi<-ldiug bad amoatd tbe laled a
humorous loeUleuI thill ■><airvaiita. tb<Te being comfort in niua- euried Mime lime ago. It hapiiened In
t emi aartd oiwu.
a dentist's ofllix- lu Kau<ui> City, and
fiuv Iwrv, " eaid Dick. "ni go Uie stout mnu waa then- at the time.
down. If be du’su't oae amu '
typical lowtmiii'her i-iime in ami
manage bim!"
wanted It iisjih tnuteil. II.' was a hk
So MTiug. ba moved qnietly down
•tain, and tbe wumeu. afraid to be left
by tbeuiaelv.x follovi.d him at a laapeciful dutauoiv A few luomoms and
Uie (tarkneM had rwallowtd up Dick'e
An ausions inu-rval followed,
during which nothing cunid be beard.
Soddenly then‘wetv a rratili of rroi'keryaiida MvugeexelaniaticrD; then an
other enwdi; llM-iiawbulewnranfcTaabea Tbe eook .and boow^maid abnektd
with fright Mm Fielding grmqsd the
andu>-mbled. Etbel
........................ l.hd.
too. for Dick—yea. f<r Dick. Sb<- loved
him; obe knew it now. His bfe « as in
Tbe boom was lllled with aounda d
tbe alruggl.v A despeiale fight was gte
ing on in the pamagi' hwdiug to tbe
kitchen. Tbe women could tUuiIy dieoiTfi tbe formi of Ibe two man whtt
abort, qaick gaaps.
.. > (4| That it
WM tbe ■eneral oplaioai in tbe kitoben
that the gentleman wbo had oome no
oaddeaty—wltboot any loggage—wm a '
nontly fur tbe ma
"Man la pUMMOlun. " <B) That baaaem- Backward and forward tb<‘y awaye^
a very well dremrd with rhncbist loeth and straining_____
u (B) That tbe gauUu- clew thill the women dared not move.
lety aat down and wrote a
_ , The couple bod fought their way down
Inag tottar. which wM given to the { lo Uw extreme eud of tbe pamage and
Moosemaid to poM (7) That be wired to ' were cltaai to tbi'iwollery d.a«r. SuddenMribMnddMM for tome oloChM (6), ly a pistol abotnuig out. th.-ie w gs n
nmi tbs tottw wm addtwMed -*o Mr. cry. a splint
John Blunt, Ftinr'a Court, TeMpl*. of glam, ami
IkbMm. (9) That, in tbeopiaion-af dw
I, "Friar's
soonded lille a-------------------ing gown balf-tom off bis back.
-----------------------------------tow plasn te any gaMiMsan’s frtends
"Be got away." be etrUimi'd.
be didn't take auytbiug. I'll Mi
things on and be off to the piSce
Dti* WMwbmy bad bawi with Che tion."
Ftoldtofs n wadi and still abowsd no
Tbe wamen gaerd at tbeir beiro with
tigas of
from his lasdaUon. fund, admiring eyes Once again they
Ba had soon made himself at bone; be bnialbed fiwely. Slowly they morad up
badhrobMlbeioeoTCrtbadiiuwrtable.MairarHtUbai Etbel
fellow with an Imiiieii*' soft lial. ami
win-n he de|K>slt<sl hlmmdr In the »ie
d. par to..
neodotM and news of the
dnywWeh bad
1 faUed to praalrnta to
•ba Ummm ot Maifcat tiorboxy-
- K«.,. Hrt,
•7 «tiM to tor Mother nil tbs
^ tosBAtoed. and would nelltor
ritoSr SUM.
dag, attaougb
aUboagb Mw
m oould
ooold do
bttb ^ rindff. On tto fnltowlng dqy
bin el^ srtved.nad cm tto third
•Tbat waa all-ou man. no nothing —------ ——--------------------------------------Traualaied. ibe memage Jito Invited
walk IBIO tbe aeetblug waters ' oab •vUatilr alark CM
of the uitanaiBed Pnclflc and submerge
niyimlf. Weil. It waa a good thing, tlutt
dry lueauge. I hoofed It lo Pan Franeiwv). got a J<»^ and went ta work, and
1 twk a tumble lo myself from ihat
time on."^V’a»hlqgion PosL
----------------------» Kaaaiste.
. .
JSt'tSntiSr Sw
■ kimok ounu-ia. ,
Mkj or Blast eaUs
.. toll to; North*"^1
—.------------ --'
I OtoM MV ‘reaoeUrr lilceS. tl« rrvet »lt«K
‘ TStoytove Wa Ml._____
________ '
York will) whoDi the power Of
dully pnvu. la such a bobby that he
mlMNl 1|U- aaUrt of a aub-eilltor Who S'.
a "Sunday
apPeUI" on lerftoi™ Hmw rivys^' '
’’Kuiiioua Or.-iiluatea of the Re|M>rlcrs' /^ao
.ao. H.cnni
Room.' and at onee aHlgneil bla l>e>t- Gr n
diVMu^ reporter lo Interview lending
BOLLIOSY, gvtossw Toroole
itithora along ibis tine,
ly. (raerlDVvMMWda ’mea.
that Mart Itoain waa in New
the tdlior counted on blni aa a n'i;. uiLBgn.aucrwr- SyMiaiaitBiiiioe
atrikiDK example of Ibe literary value
M^,rrotoW j^aea. Beew> S o.-v M
aiwiwr training.
Tbe reporter , ^___ordered to spare ajMee for tbe In- ,
ten-lew. Yet wlwn tlw article
peared Mr. rietneba' name
■ hBii parlor rsr u Oi
liraodBapWr w <!t
Tbrrjopw iraiBBasparlorrar lo Umad
tUpMs. BBil slreptog .-ar aod roarb WraaS
BapWr lot’sirsso
TralB amtiBgal Ita’p. ■ hsoaiooperClBrlBuail ■.••iraod KapId-aBd roars and aitvpl^r^t ^*004 0 lot amtMl napIdoaM chair tar
Chicago —
West Michigan.
e rejwr- c
queatlou whlcU be
bis article
.. ..ka.1
“Mr. Twain." he
asked, “lo _h..
wbat ......
tKlimi WHTH.
■'■ftiyicijr.;''' 'Fs'sk
r .rainThe fanioii. Uuniurlai hsif^hut hi.
oaieutH In kI•e», thought a few moaieuti
leiiis-. and
"To the fuel I bat when I.was
l. was .voting
and very aiiililiiouit I liwt wy jidi “
your Job. Ur.
■ (.Herald BulldlBg.
hUMlKiud’u favor, under a lawyer’s ete.
Hie prtka-nv goes lo ber ebUdren aud
bl.Ksl reUtiona. but Dune Co her liuibaaa
enre." roared
the cowpiincber; “n^
man kin him me like ibH an’ lire!" 1
‘ - (Hnw.roKti—'-------
Norriuler Ut. I’M. fnMBS»'>-ln-S u> II oVhkT
a m aod froiB I o'rlocS to 4 ovlork
BVlork p a,
ai Ou
ah lalr«oaia n.fwiv »rplrwt,rr
_ jrr I.I
UI I’M. th.rr
tr. re
.Ulerlloo. t.ui o.
viH te
t- no Ireo rbarrrd furr rUlrell
lOMlsI Noptea^lM l»l
.1 aad
■ srprS a leBalt) Ar •./.! KapU.
kr tirAl KspMe
of i
UDW04lVlober ’OI SUO polO SoHog
Ibrrr Bill br rSararS a praslijt ot X per eei
for ruUeetloa.
.PstSB Wi ubcb,..
floor on-the iqipaaile aide of the room. ^
"Yon bUmed Idiot." be mumbled,
Le mt Itaphl.
ar TTarer«vC} .i
. g«»i dni ot .imton o. . ^
A ro.« Mlow
b fm
Adolphe d’Ennery. ibe~ French dramallsl. who died reccoily. bTd a rvadv
fhaaglas tto Itos of
a. A smavT. h. u.. l-ropY A w S
Jllag pfe*
rials 7s tCTiroto;
s ptoer to
ObM, Htolb tovry
. ,
----------------------------------------------Wagonfl for Sale
.crept naaday.
SEKSJtti.,,...::;::: !5f:
At Fioaner Livtoy Stnbln, B. J. Hor- Leare CtorkervU
. wouldn’t want any boy of mine to to
tVarerve OIU
> don't apeak to
I nny more.”
“What’s the troubler
-w-tt w. >.<-,..1 W M
- and left ttoir BnoMM dls pencMuyT
Tto WnpUatyMldbyChliisM writ- Itbe conntry BatuTdi^
nMAlktoiM AM—l«p«—- MBtobaMbMoulUvaMd to that own ' •winy dialer to w
"Nor quwled the nppnmttod, symbe gave me th’ black cyg.-’nt-BlU.
. pnibetIrnUy.
“.So. sir: «i
4 M
■insnrug mimisnu LL
A Bharp Itelori.
■" “•
New designs and fanej
f woods with new decorations iSj !S*'
Keep these in mind when
•• ; Ktkf
■ H
down town and call in our •10lu <»
Oi' S S,
thsmM'. HU)
Lake *CB
Jewelerjr store to look them Its t£l
Cvdmr H
orcr. We have many new
Io4t! 4 a; latch's
•ID M •• m
II flOi s a!
Teararv* Ottf
things in jewtlry also.
positive that our George U tbiaklBg
serionaly of matrimany."
’’Well 1 only hope so." returned
HenpeA. with unusual aplrlL
11 a
. Ml
;:s :s
Even a married woman sometimes
1 4up.«|
Tvelo MU’* Idoa.
1 - * i Ttt
• rrrlghl
Aud. M-lxlug bla bat. lie plunged!
heavily down the sialra. anailn-matlt-1
•as toWNto to ssftoestoUvssto (o IrMblmarit
^ teMMrid witb ^assinl iuMnotitos ,
"It wm agDOdldntff Dick’sr'wM
tori ft WM to to poMril bMtM 4 p. M.. I all to
jfclpAni laiMMMMibvityil^Mti HytoMtoisMtMMA C.
,rU.Ua.w I
lhl>. aad sleep
In an Interview, bui
gtther,.il his
with hie hkm on bla law. "I told yop
not to mover
"Tbet dont make a mite o’ difrer-
I Train arrlrlBs at SSUp w. Sm rSair rat gi.
r Ar oar uraM
aplcimudy absent. It ass this way:
,• Morpa-iT
riemens received the re|»rter O.
with hla cuatomary urbanity, tboiigi.
I unfenunaie as tn regard It aa n
tnao a toadtide statiou six mUm fren
Market Kcsimiy.
Etbel quite meant ber "Tm.”
a Bign nyev.
"Tm.” and in “w® • l*“y'**«ti wreck a> be Is gave
dae time wm Marrto) to tto "maa in l F®** 'b«« bbok eye!
-i haveBt always been down In (to
poMosaion." mneb to tto oocA apdl
OompUinlng Wlfe-Bhure. yerfwor. world.- mm ibe mendkut.
na a
husbnad. hot dont iet’a be Hasty ia
Judging bim. 1 mast say" be Uiked
right np Uke a btohxM man when It
came to fixing a dowry."-Washlngtoa
Si. ttat to b
arsiNK.'vi cAjtns.
coairie of boom I got tbe old •________
-------gentleman’s tvriy. It read:
| » w-snown. auan»« qe- o«
"Sow." he aaid. "don't stir.
If you
do Ibis tiMil may slip aud yuor uerv«
• | g.-l a na«y Jar.'
Then she bent forward, quickly bnalbed
"Tm" in bis ear and flad lo ber room.
la did be make himself, is- \
Tbe poBoe never ea«to tto burglar.
. bsdttma hebad qaito won wbo got back to Friar's Ounn quite
Fialdtoff orv to Us aida Ethel Mfuly, after oatebing tbe earboK train
■ It
- Broke on tbe brink of tbc Pari- i _
•’■rble d’F.nuery la a true Jew-that
i Is why be never produces a play witb•nt Iniereat.’’
"I am afraid that our new soo-in«.»,
■^•’Ab:’’ replied o
-rtrhat a
Uw's arlMocrailc tradlllous will make ^ rurtatlan ron are’
-The Rival
K dtflicalt for bim to bold bis own In
financial affalM"
and tbair Mlf invited gnest.
Etbel looked swiftly np tbe stairs to
Afwr dinner to regaled timn with Make sme they two were unotomred.
Is. la. A. BuUdinc. ..
6rud iMUta t tidiiu I. N
After lairing Into the tooth a ffiOiput hi- |>a»M-0.
money before be dies has a good op.
Fire Insiirantii.
. ■
••Certainly, air. eertaluly," rfaiaimi
Ir. CleUH-Ds. with great auavlly. “1
- A ™,o
.,d ool
wbat lie Is until be discovers he’d like
C« bet
Tbe niau wIk> give* away all bU
Quick work.
Crtoh Whvrv tl 1. Daa.
nold'baaMryrbioh tbe ladica bad at-’
”1 aaid 1 worid not leavetbe boom,"
lagtil to place bstww tbwitMivM ba began.
Beat vorkmAonhip
"Only a bruise or twa."be nplied.
UMmm; botOiokbadpretmidednotW 'TU amm act tbe puUoe oB hit giwok.
noUoe tbair manner, and mtilad on ao Bat fizK"—
fftolr that be effsotaally dlapmaed tbe J
He took ber hand ia hia
daring tba Ant right of bU stay. Mm I
"Are yoa burtr'ahe aakrd him. with
Flaldlng and tor dao^tm bad opened infinite (imdeniiwB in hex vuira.
toabaU to fctnduffbim with frigid po-I
^ Muploj
lenscipg tone, and
at got to work.
.11 went well for n few moments
I tbe big fellow threw hU bead
Ttiere was a yell a acramlile. and a
falling chair, and (hen n brawny UK
flew out. and a daaed aud bleeding
dentUi picked hlmM-lf up frum tbe;
John R. Santo,
Gtiwil lisiruca
Iisave Tiuvrae atT/...
«B Mmmta aaoeap. wam*. ooioaia », im.
wi im witrrai aoti. iwopu tbiqw m wm w.’
fl Wm OtawMt' WbM wilt Wa. m
laA^ii — tafI«a ia» Waio — taow '■•flMiraM Amm
tady Wuklg—a«fc
•TTc^ got oo^ af the otapUtad
tanraau joa ercf laid e/*a oa." tcM
oo the tark plat
atfona. aa he
puUod tat the rad* of teta Sowing wek
ralaloa the CWrtaad Plain
Dealer. -She l«n‘t to bedniaied wlih
an/iblncabeoM do mIorliW with.
She’a joM like an lafani la lhl» reapert. Good girt. too. Abtat a wwk
ago 1 w«B aprtofcling the Uwa eariy la
the erealag when -Vura came out.
■■ -hlhler Jlaiaon.’ nhe aald. •! laJt to
do dof
*«u. In a tetaponry St of laaaalty I
yielded the booe to her and went op m
•UA atoriM m alS v^y v»n ta
jtbrir vay. tat «bn It eonw** la an ovi
'tad on
Ita nan «r tbr wotatu
CM octdo cBj flataracD vbo ctm
talM a M MiTMat cbocnl whtkt
Kckiac for btocfc buc. mj* titc s^w
Torti OoaisierrUl AdTcrttar. Beer.
A»«r Md wUdret rant* ndim ibr
cool erntocs la tta AdlrimtUiA* i«ai I ~Iaelde of Ove mlonieo that girl bad
ta*> but Ibr othrr da/ an
pnaalng pupeora c-arfB
,I aoaked a ....
Who baa a pawataa for Hltablng added , ooi the popper-a Uuip. had abowered a
hla mhe to the fnad ert romanee. He } aligbtly Intoalrated aiao who awure
to eUmbtagall the
fa»«« of Ainer • hlue aengcaace. bad douaed a amall
lea ayatemalleaily PIkKa Peak. SdAni ! >»y la a trig raffled collar, wbo ran
WatblamoB^d wVu^fac^e comiX I
ajirayed a yonag
waattiagloa and » bUefaee be eonaifl
a pink. ahlrt walat Md
Rnl Blue piac-ed at leaat two galloaa of waior
• Momuin la aff ant-blll. He went up uniler her own chin. .
to lia ertwi one njnroing to mw tbr «oo
••When I yelled to her to drta « "he
rtae and after trotting home 10 hrank- tamed tbe bonale aquarely on ■ (be
teat and apendlng tbe day IIflidilug weal percb and we bad to ran for oar Ur««.
bp again lu the aftertmun
Bat we gut »oe good thing out of tbe
MB aet tmoat pe^le start at H In the affair. Hbe bad an Idiotic beau who
moralng and ronie borne ai 7 In tl»- twed to come to Bee her every night
crealug when fbey elliub Bine nioim-' and «Uy ttU neatly morning. When
alM- aaw him raming that particular
*«f ronrae. Ta a hatdened climber.*' evening abe waa m fluatraied tbat abe
•aid Ibia energetic BrtioB aa be atfireil at ouce pot tbe booe on him and
the are of idne Iwngha. "And Pee had acMked hla nice pink negligee ahlrt and
•omo rnnay expertencra. rilniblng bla baby blue Deck scarf and.knocked
taut dMgerooa out here, thafa why
bla dainty red-rtbboned atraw tut Into
gel about It oo quickly. I iwmemlter
>wliuiulug gutter. And tey, by
were clambering alaont on the Corner
glacier with aa elderly nnrte .rf oiim.
He waa a rollyrtmly oUl chap and he
■lipped and got wedged np to hla
walat In a crark In tbe lee. au Sniily
. that we almoai rteapalred of ever grtBag him out again. We pulled and
tugged and nearly dragged alt hla
glulhes off: fbidl we gaee him tar
.Saaka to drain. He aald he didnt know
Wbal waa the nee of writing aud talk,
teg ao much about the 8t. Bc-nurd'a
when a fellow ruuld get In aui-b a
pUgbt aa bla and not be aide to get
any amlatanca. Then he called the
rat bocrtl'l ttlVAMi
ftangM Bseisrs
atory artilcli moalratca wy alcNy
qm^ pni np<m ih»*lf
. U
__ by Ja(
u MO
oae laid
AUoniey WDIlam L. Mairy. who
adrlaer of the Brie Rail
twd |q ihia elty.
micl.ne.aged farmer ^ O^rtnaa
iu„,g, anffered the worai
a rals-up
,hiU an Brie imla oa ooe of the Ea«
Buffalo . rowdaga. and ta It bl« wife
.ad horae had heea killed, bln wagta
demcai.hed. and hr hlbteelf bad r^
eeUed a few hnilita. For tbeae Injur.ad Imew* he bad brongbt a eoil
for aiMui
but aa It waa
up ai
n,, |
, waa perfecUy wiltlag
.0 aettle. Ibatead of Bgbtliig for
*afl.000 lb the roina.
Ur appeared at the offlre of Nr. Marry and after ctaklderable bargataiag
mM be weald accept *300 for hla horae.
To tbe a.iorney thlVaeemed a rather
|«»g price, ao he aaked Itie man what
be wanted for hU wagon. Tbe Dntcbnun «ald be would lake 1106.
e\o. that
ur. jiarey. "Why It wonld
tunc to pay for your wtfe*a death If
yua value your borae and wagoo wi
bicbty. I guraa yc>D wUI have to coo.
unoe tbe auli.”
••a.-u, wrin." began the- German.
-Rchuai llaten 40 me once. See bier.
You gif me awel bnndred for mhin
hone and a hnnderr und Qfty for der
wagon ond ef-er-iweiiiy-Bve for der
barneaa und 1 rill call It aquare about
die wife, 1 can get another wife, but
ibr borae liml wagon, acb. dry would
mueb mon.-y.”
a<-it1ement waa
aiMiu reaebed wbicb
able, to Ixiib part lea.—Buffal
A Vara temrarUM*
e Jitoao •*
Oblino, the French “Mrs. Partingtea." does not amMe ao mneh by t
cunfBBloa of hla woirta aa hy t
qualatnesa and nnlntended ptolnneoa
of b|s remarks. He entered tbe service
of n well-known doctor, who. after
falluo bad been bnytnr bay for bla
bones for awhile, made Bp bto mind
that the bay was wonbleao.
-That la. very poor hay that yon're
been buying,” tbe doctor complained.
-But the' bonea cal It. sir." said
-No matter: tfa bad hay.”
‘ -Yea. air.” aald CaUuo. respeetfnOy.
-ril (diMge it. I know yen are a
mueb better Judge of hay tbM the
hones arvr
One day tbe bdl rang and CallBO
came In.
-A patleat baa urtvad. Nr," be nported.
-Ad old patient or a new aaer
aaked tbe doctor.
-3Cew one. of cottrae, Nr" said CallBO. ‘'The old ones sever come baekr
Callno admired very mnrti tbe bran,
tlful teeth of a lady among bla maater'a paiienta
-Ab!" be exclaimed. -Her teeth are
•A miBlIy <dd termer rame amind
to tbe bouse tbe other day and ooM my
wife three dosen alleged fresb eggs."
- ”1 anppoae yon had the tough on her
InI grant shape.”
Tonnellar Block
doltais fer It A^etaar loaa of
f«,ar dolUis at* wan clnl
Tbe pD|>ull«-I are you mortgi
’rtTou'rr a silver man. of rourse?” your farm Iasi week.
•aid oue of the delegates at tbe l>emo- < The Lnceilaln QnMtliy—Thafa
what I did.
-betv be bad area blut before.
I “Well, when yon goto’ lo jlne nar
vfAM tbe policeman In HH.' “.Not now. anyhow. 1 alnY'apvat tbe
aen'a rlotbra. yawning drearll.v. “I'm •oney yli."-lodlanapolla Jonnial.
-1 bale to are a man make a fooTof
iinliy tbe invei-ulor made auotber
trial ofr Ilia
bis airabip.'
V.lu were bla efforts It wtaM not
"Vm._ Whom have y« In mind
^go, ,rttal bolds H dffwnr be
-»,ned. ”lt bna arveoty-flve pateaia
Nra. Holies tpraudlyt-Tbe tondlord
•It Jwt anlled me to hold onr Dem___ __________ __ tew drtaka
oerulc conference la 8L Louis at thu -gf
ling, bn none during tbe day.
»to>wed bim the baby,
time we did. It to my seareal .big , gg, gg daylight
avhebt drinker.
Hones (wbo waa kept awake toA
lovn. and I neadad to have my teath
v.boleT-No one eeer arcanrJ nm M algb(i-lt wonld have heea bettor, my
------- --
Wbeiv ft cigar ia made in
matter of couaiiJerable weight to
particnlar amoken, and it ia Uthem we apeak.
Our work. rooms are ejean
li^t and pleasant
Our stock is clean, ftnel; cur
ed and fragrant.
Onr workman are neat akillful and efficient, using the beat of
Thene thinga make onr ctgare
the favorite brands with eo many
Sold by all dealeia.
Where It’s Made
Gift Post, straight i0«
Oiamoail J, i for—2Sc
Trararse Belle—05c
Quite r»-A-utly two youug Indies
balb-d an oninlbna lu ■ larg<- city, eulen-d lu and found ' outy Mandlug
One of them whlatwred to her com
pBoluu; "I am going lu get a neat
from one of time men. Just yon Uka
She looked down tbe
and u-lei-ied for her victim a Mtlatekxiklug genlleiuao. She willed up
biuj and l|ul.Uy opened Ore.
-Mr deaT-klr. Rrowu. bow delighted
I.. ehilbea uiakea a bi<ap o' differ
I aw to meet you: Vou are alwuat a
" don't Ibey>-New York Journal.
preaetii on the oceaalon of any seelatntnger? Will 1 accept your seat?
dent reaulltng In tala demlae.' I reWell. I do feel tired. I wuat admit!
Tre«M» la the HMh Oba|
member the wording of It to tbia day
••If you aay 1 ran'i gel tbIa liook 'Jlutuk you. very miu-hr
TTiat'a Mrs. Flii^onea. Ton never
- -II ilade a icb an Unpreaalon ta me at cbeaiier at buy aecoDd baud aiore."
. a perfect art biT witbuui ber buxUand suU leer
Tbe sedate
the. timer
.binned out the ah8ldilly.<ltw»e«l luau atrauger. of «v
-How terrible; And then I aoppoae *i,u j„j
i^ggllng over Uie iwl.w, then qul.-tly r
"MVII. they make a very good pair."
i -if /on ddu'i
I'l take that bartt.'
“Oh. dear. BO.” Mid the bold Brttna claimed llx-Pardon me.” aald tbe lonrttt aa be
ebeertly. "My braihera.and I made a piMlliwktiig around for*n weaiwii, -Til niwd fwt tired! How's your tulagaacd at tbe couniy's tlrat locomotive,
anperCuDWB effort and hauled him to
yog dg^-g tgith-wlib Hcoifa Ueaay
the surface again. Juai In timer
, r^mwentary ou the Sacr«l O-rlplTlx- girl got her seat hut loat her "but why la tbat lasso banging uuder
the xmukesUekr
, vivacity.-Tid-Klu.
'•Tliai." nwixiudcd Amber IVt'e. actIng euirii
«Tou didn't1 prii
prlifl what I aald to y
Net *a TMr
»:<iaallv ttrvak
aboBI the Pbllipptliea.- aald tbe 1
Mrw. I'e«-k -1 recHv«l a letter from
Two chanee a.quiiliitancea on a railan old acbwlmaie of uilue llila mom- way train tll«.^>vere.l ibai they liml
moiia man.
“.No." replied ibe reporter. “I did lug In wbb-h Mile leltM uie that Mhe bad iv'llie orlglnall.v rnmi the KSme Oelgli
tbat to aave you. Yon wonld bare 1only been warHiHl two dayx when b.T horliond. and fell 10 <i.u»"<T*iug ationt
changed yonr mind and denied It i< hiulwud was arivMted for rulibery and old tluicM.
aeni to prtMoii for ten jeani. Wasn't
"By tbe way." «Md lb.- paaaenger
tbat awful?
In tlx- Kkull-ca|>. ••wbat ever Ixx-ame
-Bnt I haven’t changed my mind.*'
“I know. Tbdt'a becanar your viewsI ' lleury I'e.-k-Oh. 1 don’t know! of Harrl»oii Mcl'clir’
.■weren't prtntrd."—Pblladeipbbi North Home men i-ertaluly do have wore luck
"lleV a «|xx-lal writer for one of the
-What's Ibe rraaon we nerar take
, than arDxe.-Aiixw-erw.
New York |w|xt»." rv]>ll>-d the paxany prlsoUetvY' «aked the Klli|>iDO
------------------------- I aenger In the long Uneu Uuxicr. -ni *10
A raMaw PMlIag.
A ■ca.ner'. frt.lla«a.
' a w.luiUU llax a g.x>d thing Of lU"
"Well,- Mswared Ibe other, "we
■lAateii to this.- exclaimed the oltl- ' “N'o. Mr. Knl.-kcr." Mid the sweet
-And lil» Mviber. Alfn-d?"
ear wbo waa reading n newHiMiH-r; girl; "I can only lx- a slater to you." | -Alfivd w'a fat mau In a dime mn- haven't soy loo much wealth in the
uarunii cundltiun of ibluga. We bud
"Tbe queen of Hpal’n baa be*-n obliged
"Wril. then." In- xavagely replied.
seum. tVelgbx SH7 puuudM. tiels
uue .Vmericau iirisoDcr tu camp. au,l
. tog
(be nrsl Iblug wo knew be was teacb.
lug us to play tbe groal AiuirrliM
tbe Samoan kinga wen- betting toliae. lying under itu- sofa while you uiako gf tlo m. Iben. have acbic\<d at
game. To tell tbe tnitb. 1 don't feel
ra tags on a quiet game came the ez-. foola of tbe oUmt fellowa"—Brooklyn jg pf,. ^ B|iaeellllera.--Yuutb'H
aa If we could afford any moiv prison
rtomatlon In a rlrh baas vubv:
ers if we could grt 'em."—Wnshlngioa
"Ain’t na monarch havlnff hard
larkT'—Washington Star.
laSeraMtlea m Tae.
km a* foMUat.
I -Wbal I* the dertvailon of italM'word
••Hbe baa a complexion like a timed
rrrTiirrrh OaoMtaoHIm.
I *roor-l>aefc.' to dewrtlx- a ly'i>U( *>at<<- c),{u, cup.’
Tbe other morning a yomig man
"She told Marne Simpson that the nn-ui lx«ued Juat befoie an etection?-yea. It's a beautiful mugr-Clevewas sumplug about the altUng ruuin.
fgufesaur Mid abe looked Uke a
Uu>d Main Dealer.
when the "aUvey- appeared with Ua
-I Ibink M la -ao called.” replied
Greek goddeas."
TMU* Make.
"lerrlblr cold," be remarked, ssr*
Greek goddess?"
caaileaily : "1 oee the gliM has faUea
-Oh. be knows lota o’ forelgnera BevT'
He's teaching a Sunday arbuol elaaa
"Tbe wbat. NrT' asked the slavey.
»o tynaliaruies.
down to tbe Dago tulaalon.”—Ch-ve-Tbe barometer baa fallen again."
-Ho yon warn to marry my daugb. toad Main Dealer
-Weel. air. If It baa.' replied the girt
'*R must have been tbe cat fur 1 dldua
-Yes. air: 1. hpre a cotloge edacatloa.
As OpeslBB
wl lI' -Tld Blia.
"George proiulard me he would latk
so you on tbe evil effn-ta of wine. Yuu
oTcriuok It If yon pninilac tu rvfunn'
srere there last night. I believer'
tbe war vetana wbo faU
and live n good life from nuw tm.”—
-I was there."
Tbr KIval.
-Did be opra tbe Mbjectr
. -Yea.-Wbeti tbey reached him they found
To what *ayr
tbat bis arm bad been ru( off.“Did you bcah that Cbawllc Dunoo
a corka<rew.--CltWeland
bad lx<ao dwtgqx-d'fruni uur act?"
Ptola Dealer.
-Yes. It waa cut off thirty years
-No: why
Cborua--Wbere'd'Jer gll that ’sir ago liultae civil war.”—I’blUdvIpbla
North Ameiieua.
■It Mgbl to Interem yon.” Mid Ibe bouae at htgh-mmfc don’r yob"kuoi.
jprofaaaor.'‘'Yo learn that the KngllMb and Cbawllc ran out la (be slweei In
Wltk n.avr.
teiit—eniailvea at tbe t'aar'a pea.v hla.dwcaaH.-oat. dou'i yon knowr-The
laibinalliy la agin
“Wbat la ibelr position la aocletyT"
CMterence brought a lot of quinine HIva i
Ix-gau the janitor |iblluM>- aaked tbe Ingulsltlve girl.
srltb tbaaupber."~au' It wus agiu
"tVeU." answered Mtaa Gayenne. -I
-Whal forr aaked the doctor.
-Tbey were afraid iltey nilgfat dr.^
tee H from Hague aud get-bad na auolher. Wife-Bnt they’d be a great deal
fibe-li breaks in.v bean to see yoa
worse If we dldti't change ttaem.Mine uOl of (be tavemi
■ llv- A man can't tell wbal to do any Puck.
more! Tble moralag the minlaicr
made a kM of talk because be
Actor-Wben I stand on |tw> stage 1
go tllto the tavern, and now you are
gutbUlg and am t-oiuclolla of noib.................... .............'‘M
ing except the role 1 am playing. Tbe
1 Prk-ud-WeU; I can't hlume the audl.
-fteuae me. air. bn. aren't you Mermneb fur thatl-The BIvN..
lymaa. the goU pUyerr
dm tw os* Kxrsy?
-.So. I'm ticbmldi der mumgeHe-In fact. I have conacleoHona
acruplea about klaalng.
"Thank yon, air. I felt aniv there
auggeatloo of the links nbout
He-Tes: I fert Ihat I should never
m.--«eveln»d I’Uln Ivator.
allow an opportunity .to c*.«pe.-Tbe
NawOfina. Markham Block
peewpUy aueaded
Morse Bros., Boise Paiiters
Give them a call.
488 H £lmwood Awe.
. Wanted
Tilanmrs uiPutan StlBirt
OeioK lo tl»! nnmnl u.g, p„.
oeotoge of culla aitd UDmerebant.
able pototoea tliia aeaaaD. wn bav*
decided io order to make a ynkritat
for Mm^ to ran oar factory on m
manjf of this gfmle of pototoea aa
we can obtoim
Onr factory, wbicb baa a •stpAdty of 10,000 boaheia of pototoea
I»r<Uj., i. no., oomptot, i«d —
•re rredy to t«ke
the coll i—
tatoe. th.t ere offered no lor
which >e will poy their fol ehloo.
Save all yoar onaierchaBtobla^
pototoea ead write on for qnoto*
The HicMpi Stweb Ci..
___________ gratae City. Ificb.
I have two good yoke of oiett for ^e, weight 3900 end aW.
__________ B. J. MOHOAM
WobDiEBs. IGciIozu.
Goof Diiq titter, 1718c.
We sell
Hiram Cook,
New 8tor«. New Mtiuon Blk.
Horses for Sale
at Pioneer Livery Stable
B. J. MORGAN, Prop.
Now is Your Timg to Get Bargains.
Oee re.e oI mwd Wrek korere. ell —el. rrel workerw we«k< 0.0.
One good, blocky bnlH. brawn mare, S ysera old. wol^t loao.
>t to kick. Pri«.a7S.
One pair gray ffeidiags. weight 3400; one baa a opavin and tha other om
aUff In froot feat, they ara a good term team,« Md 7 yeera old. PrieawUhant
of barneaa. tl3S.
One good brown mare. wNght 1100. Mind In on* eya. good drirm eta good
to work. Brtoe.»M.
Onb pair bay geldings, i yean old. ranffy ballt. gnod. Mad wmtats Bad
good drivers. Briee. *KS.
One pair of extra good black galdiaga,« years old. wel^t STOe. I have
worked these bonea all anmoier: tecyaremeof the boat aU-aronud laema I
ever owned. Price, »3uo.
utragood draft bane..
One dapple gray borae. 7 yean old. wei^t isfw. baa a emaU blamtoh ee ew
bind leg. good worker. Price, r».
One pair brown geldings. Moeky bniU, heavy bone, weight Moo. 6 ydbn aid.
a No. 1 draft learn, worked on my farm aU summer. Priee. «3M.
One dee gray mare. 7 yean old. weight liso. good for aU work, daeMa.
Price, dias.
One extra good black borae. five yean old. Mocky bnUb waight IMO. Prim
One pair brown mares. S years old. weight 3800. good worimn and good
roadsters, a No 1 pair. ,Price. dJU.
One neat pair of bay drivera. ^ yean Md. weight ooeo, eM etep None tad
mlnotea, very slyliah Md prompL I’nm. 13*0.
One extra good bay mare. Moeky built, five yepra old. weight 1400.
One Moeky bnUt brawn mare, s yearaold; wel^t 1100. ffood term aura.
Priee. fluo.
One ntoa roead bnllt. dapple gray mare, 7 years old. waight 1800. taa •
boDcb on bind leg but not tome, m extra good alagto worker. Priee. MOO.
A pair of pony raarsa, weight 1700. extra good driven. « yean ^ Priaa.
•Klndlygivetneamll: All kind*of xtoek taken inexehaage torhoraam ,
Tour winter’s wood
at onoe to Insure de
livery. WE HAVE
Hnuci EOGn&s
Tbiid T*»r-*No 166.
to aoeUw tko m«dMM erf tbo bool.
Bom Hot* BfBMtaoUr Bo•locod Kiaborio^.
a»M *»i
bMcrfttoMoek Md wool euhMC*.
« ud wtth ofiMt* ia
ftnt mm«M vMt th* Ootid
of roenllt at
■nkMl Mattca-
lav rolaw An Oat Off
Bicaod la tho Btalh artiUorv, aver a
7oaravo.todr>>V Ifthoeoaatrp waa
paaea. aad bad bo troahio oa Ito
Oop Sofendar^ Ma^nlile^t at
haada, wo woald bo ooatoat to do farr iot da^ ia Hoeolala. bat
kaowa thora to foUw aa ta tU FhiUpBhamroA X.oat Toatordar'a Bad# to ptaoajoat what wo oofafod ovar a
poor afpto taekla- If tharo to aap
Aaaofioaa Taaht tSi 10 MiaaloB, 14 IfItrfar wo waat to. ho aa tho IrUf
Banaada daurtraa Boa OutaaUod Uao.
atbolaf todoBrtttohorVtow tho Btart, Althoafh
tiaekodhora, withoat aap ehaaeo of
tOioltaorWaaBoaaUfatlT Baadlod dolaf map food, to talUaf oo tho mm>.
—Baoalt Barprlaad Kaaj.
hoM aro doaporato. aad 1 doaH UaM
Now Torlr Oak le -Tho ABOrtoaa thaw for alowiaf oo
ipwt to aoarcb
aap defoader
tho Skatoroak thto afioraooa i.’tii ..*«» •^d‘o» trylaf to fat awap to HrI for the OOP. I
aevor too oao. anleaa ho talU
tfnt of tho aari<
Tho raaalt of tho drat flatok to a, ever bo while tho
, tolooUaf.'’
vietorp fa
We Have Already
boimhlTOrtwicM rnitoh Bidid., Good,
u toM pm uhI Uie nuo. to ponig yrt.
Some of theee pnrchaaee ate rvwwlwg fa
•and will gradually brighten np our store
the eeeeoQ approeches.
Drop in and look oa over oace s wash
The Shrewd Buyer
k«.p.CD th, to.rk.l to. uto blow .lut ud .hm to
Bmt Atm aj'oaaipMy ffartbor DUOMOM tho SaTT’o Part la Oarroa'
^Ow <rf laatUco.
tta atiylibarbood at OtMMoo. too aad
a kalt allM wMi o( Doadoo, wbwo a
BMtoa.'"lIaoa.. Oet. l«—Boar hd■Iral
SaBpooa. who ia aow UMtaUod
altbor old* no hart. Tho Rom with- ao oaaaaaadoat at the Bootoo aa*j
defeadar aad tba «
Tard. talkad froolr thlo attoraaoB
oaaboat «
VtaBoanhavo aaSa>d Mvoa hor— | of ah apooob at M
V^n^af to tho polioo patrol aoar:ahoat Oaatals Ch^wlok'a oharo la
Avataaldob Broiher B'eato BBO.OOO
The ColBBbla oroeecd the Uee et
iavWt drift. OB tho Baffalo ri*«r. Wlavlac ahoat tho oarraador of daatland Kap he Bhot.
S:M. Jut ID mleetee and 14 aaooadv.
ahoot taa mUoa aortbMOt at boro. It «vo- Boaaldi
oficlal tlBe. ahead of the ehalleafer. ~ Tboobo. Weeh.. Oct. 1« —Me‘l ad
to aot kaowa what aaa boeoM of the
>-I Bade theae roatarke baeaaee 1
epoctaele for thou vleu up that BaldoBero Avalaaldo.
vidoia. hot it ia oapRoaod that thoy baltorad 0%adwlek aboald kaoo the
who were our eaoufb to dtoUavutoh hiothor of the PUtplM leader. raeeaUp
wwwoaptoradaradit for what he did. Be acted with
the coatoet tbraorb a huvp Btot. The elole SOO.OOO from the laeaivut treaeIt to roportod that tho B
freat wtodon aad dtooraOoa. aad, atiadwullchtVfetarUav.oalp about arp. aad with Ive earraate eoaf ht to
la paaaoMtoa of Brakwa) ttatloa. at Iboafh it caep appear to Uko awap
arvoa kaota. but the bruxe frubened erapeto the Amerlua llnu While
tta foot of Vaa Boaaan'o paao.
froB Oeaaral Shefia^ aoB« eradit for
aolup the errreau
to aboat fourlMD aod both buu did.
A Boar foraa haa baaa aaaa at Beat- tba takiaf of Sultovo. U le marelp
ramarkablp floe worl^ It wu a cleen t *«»>« the monep from under hie pillow.
•rhaUlloB. aaar LadpoBlth, bat thep ■tatlaf thtnfe ee thep are aad ae thep
euped. Feerlnv to V®
fi|Bt betwun the fTMl pachu ahd it
retraated laiar toward Brakwal.
appear ia the oA ilal raporto.
eaaaot be eeld that there
Tba BoareoDder OoBBaadaoi Vil"Oaaaral Shefior for ease tlBe bad
turned to tbe FUiplao capital and wu
npled NeweaeUa datordap baea arfiaf that I aboald take tba haadUev oa board the SbOBio ik. Ber iBpriviaad hpordere of hto brother,
i>eaid that Uie Boer ahipa taio the harbor. Thto wae afaiaat oraw did aplendld work aad tne Ear who deeleru that be wUl not alter the
». U to>
Itoh eraft made a brave atrairvle f<r
Bptadfaeat. i eh^Cbadwiok to Qeathe tropbp. but the Uolumbie oat- death eeateeoe whea Buldontero to
the lababipaete that be wae eomlnf erel dhefter'c beadoearteraat the troat
fonad Vi^lltp of treaeon
etripped her froB the etarl.
^ avare thew that ao oae woeld be aad tbep Ulked the matter over.
At BO time attar the Oolumhia hrpaa
'-Sheftar b«dappar«Dtlp aodervelaad
barsad. Be added that he oalp weetBiaal.
to pull awap to windward, too esiDUlu
ad toiaca aad food tor which ho vroald the fact, whkh wa« to our Blade the
still ulUav at I aeaie aionfatFrank
after the eUrtlav rua wu ^ei^. au
Bller'e. .
pap- If aapthiBf wae takea troae eloathe rau in doahk The defeader round
•d abopa the owaere thareot eboald
ed throoter zaark aiae mtautu and
kaap a earafal aooonat of tho tblnfe altharhilledoruptaradibutChadwIek.
b.o.ib.MU' I U,.«.l lto.1
.1. cb.l.
OBlfbOt.b.. ..... I. w„ . «..l .Z ■•«“■ b-'“b
It to raportod that the Itfof the
aad valaad oa evejp
1 the Shi
TPaaevaal to Oplaf fraa the NowoaoUo arb Uttar, not that of aa arsp
LoadoB. Oct. 1« -The daUp Mail'e
Cape Towa cwroapoadeoi, tolefraph. Ilf Baadap avoala*. aape:
-glBbarlp to bealafad aad tba Boere
fo (0^' ^0
. aw. are obulnabla.
••Tba Boara have eat Ibo rallwap at
BalBoeU have aalead the BpptofoaUiB
rallwap atatloa aad ooaetroctod foril•ad aartbworka. Theta ara etroof dt- faBdlBf toroB at Moddar brtdfo aad
the Orean Blvar bridfa.
The object of tbeao
to baltovad to te the oaptare of
••KlBbarlp' to bow tooUtad. both
nOi^ aod
Hob balBf eat."
Tbara to aa i
CtopaTawa that tha iBpartal foreaa latMptad a bodp of Tiaaevaal Boere
f to Join tha
foraa at Moddar river awl theta haavp
■totooa. aoath of KlBberlap.
Thto raBor top
datiow Tha rallwap i
Cbpo Tewe have roooivod a dtopatcb
*-f that the rallwap lino waa
lera ap far tero ^Uee hopond the ModdB river, bat no Baatfoa
B^tiar bavlBf ocearrad.
Tbo Moddor BlvoroiaUoa aaator roVOTto to Capo Towa that Irinf haa boeo
board la ibo^dtrocUoa of KlBberlap,
Hd tho ouUoa BMtar at bolBont tel«rapho that e foroo of Boaia to ad
The eattlDf off of adjaaaat poiato
the eoaao of hoatUIUea la loath Africa
radaoed the
- ------ ----------ratoriallp. Thai far ao reliable latvBatloa haa baoo raeolvod of aoj
aaiaal l/htlof oaleldo of tho affair at
Kiaatpaa and oecaaloaal exchaaf eo of
ahotaatvarioae onioo*U. Siortoo refordlaf IfhUnfat varioae polau an
aaaroelp publtohodWore belav dealrd
The OBlp eaheet facto la thto worm
tolecra«a are that the Boar* have
Aap oae can ra that. U ivvuled to
Tbaatart wu mkda with a aavea to
the Bpaatoh veaeral the hopelauBBt alpht kajt btv.x) blowlnp. eomewi'at
of hto poaitloa."
ith to out. A damp mtot prrrailrd.
wentluv obaervutioB for more than
twomllra. TbecomBittac decided to trp
It. bowever. and elvaelled that tbv
iru would be ebout eul. Ifirea
Haportad Bolltioal Ab
iM to wla v'erd end return Ube
Ouaial Aroute tha I
fired at 10:4S.
The etartinv
ran wei fired at 11
lav van
Topaha. K«a., Oet. is -The pubUu- o'rioekc. Followlav ii tba oS^Ulttire
tioD le a local paper of aa lotorvtow of ordeeinv the line; dhamrovb.
with Ooloue] Wilder Metulf of the II :01 ;0e
The Ooluatble bad tbc
Ta p ietta Kaaeu Rarlmeat. In which Columbia bad the wlaward poaitloo.
ha atatad that U hto opinion Oaaaul
At 1I:1S tha buta pulled oni of
ffradarick Pauton would prefer the ■fVbt without either bevinv aap ap
United SutueanaU if be duidu to parent advantave, except that the
eaUr the poUUeal arue. to refardad wUaard poaiUon.
OBOBV Kanue poittielau u praeOulWhen about tour bIIm ont the
Ip aa announUBant of Ueaaral Fune- Columbia wav a lenvlb ahead. Both
ton'e uadldup lor that offiu. Alreadp were on the evarboard tack.
At lt:l& W wu reported that tbc
Senator Btkar'i friends and thefriende
of J. Bolpb Barton, the other leadlaf Ootomhla wu -^rar a mUe ahead of the
uadidate. are dlieuMlnr the but wap Shamrock.
At fut the wlud had aUftod to the
V«t Ue daehiav v«neml
uet-northeut aad had Ueraaeed to
Some Ume e«o u boom wu etartod fourteen mi>e«.
At»:U, In v' -lac to the mark the
forUeaerel Fuutou for
larva, bat this dou uot plean Cpru Coiabiu urtl.' : all ber lower ulU. hrr
No. t clnb top'bll and babp Jib topull.
Lelaad. RFpoblloan aational ooi
tumaa, who bu a uadidau tor that Barr did bis - urn o< the etake in a
plau and who to at praunt atoo revurd trioe, aad u vhr etart^ to go aronod
Ker aplnnaker boom want down la ac
ed uooaof
1 a ant.
tor ra-eluUon. Mr. Burton's sopporUre
rne Coinmbla turned the windward
would be v>hd to hnvr Grnerul Fuuton mark oB Short Buck at 1:48:30. T: a
noBlnatad for eonvreuman at Urfe, Shamrock turned at 1;5»:3S The C
U tbep all belonv to the antl-Leland nmbia’e lead over the ehallenver
faction. Colonel Meteaire Intarview. about 1S miiea. The mark to is mll< e
thcovb. bu overtnraed their pUae. from tbe.etartlav line The two paebta
Sobs cf th * Barton man are not friend- then etoried the rua home before lie
Iptc the
A number of boata started utter tie
StanUp. and thep wonld like to have
about the
Fuuton he a undiute for I Columbia, but enouvb
the ehallenver. After
that place.
As a voluiion of the p^hlem friande fche roandad the cater murk the Sbtmof Senator Baker are euw«aUuv that rock'e Ufbtar cvnvM wu broken tat
the veaeral be flven a forelvd appolnt- in vood. etalpabape fubioB, aad ab< at
one and a balf 'Bllee to tbe
■■ Altovether Oenerul Fneiou'e home- sped after the Colombia, homeweid
eomlnv seeae deeUoed to make u bennd.
Tbe Oolumble eped over the line with
mash of a stir la political clrriee u did
a buBtifu! flntob. aad la a litUe over
ifovemor Rraevelt'e in New York, u
10 Blnuiea ehe wu followed bp tbe
he to popular with the people and It
ShaBraok. elearlp buten.
will be bat« for aapoae to heap hia'
Crom fetUnc what be wan)
■ a laorer near Dm
rath of Oaadoe. and that Kimberuv
to toolated aad probahip laratod.
Aa there ara I.OOO tro^ la KlBbarFTiSMDBVT IM IOWA.
Ip, tbara U little aaOetp lor the aafetp
a the towa. eepaclallp ae the Baw Bptondid WalaoBe bat 1
fora to Mid to ba oalp ahoat tha aaB«
•toaavU- It to probable both HafeOadar Falto. la.. Oat. 1« —The ^eah
fclBC aad KlMbarlp will have to ander- deat aroM abortip attar dawa thto
..................................lota tha Brittoh
Bominv aad at 8:80 dallvatad hto fiial
«. to. p»Uto. »«.! r.ll-1.
Boon are eloalnf aroaad the BrtUeh
oatp«to.aad have alraadp enohaav*d
■koto with tbam. Tharafcwa men
>* aapMtad la oOdal cir•foo, wbua tha oplaloa pravaUe that
ai^fcAriew a»d Kuaharip ara ufa
The war oSm toeaad 'tba toUowlBV
toOlatta tbto ati
ytT***^ fo temtA Atii/m. “Tba dieutnkT- reealvad 4o not pofat to anp
ratwtal abanca la tha BiUtaip Mtna^ taaU bodtoa el Been ara itpo^tobavaaiewedtba Natal fraatiH a rafoaa polali and antranabrabto are anld te have bean tbrewn ap
tba «w<0W 4ttp ^ “‘tba Safld haU aad afoak awbaafat
vnrIoM etop^nf pleeu in Iowa.
At Dabuqae the prerideaUnl partp
eplta tha eold. dtoacraeeble wtatber
andeteadp rain. The praeidcat aad
ihareoftkaeaWnatwaia aenvepad
foapavUioBlatba banrtof tha citp.
.................................tba vwaal. w-v .aa___
I with
MoDday We Offer
A S^ing Eiwby Foot BJl. luw toother aue .od robA tot o( loot B-xioc Glopeto totoot p.ttem,' li,u'.toik'
A C^f^^^tS4v.otbr.v.;.iUo.:;:::;:::;; »VR
Bolpb Oonnobl. Jr.. Mtotoc.
Hard To Find
■ or peaav man whn doe*ti't like ihe hind of
Benda ulla. Oer evdeh le ao d ff reni mm ibe 10 to 13 pear old eteff eo
manv elothlete an loaded with-When pon hup of Benia pou an sun of
New Goods All The Time.
Just BOW we offer u line of snito at M 00 i
mtoa.AIso rood nice evervdip aolw at S3 30, fiS o
is.oo SIS.OO. SIS.OO. su.ooI Brerpthluv tu hop'! clohlav at 'prices ao
low.,-—’--------- '-•—-■
pen an bonod to uve moup bp tndlnc
xiM WrazAU •tx-wev
o$t>iw ou.ucm«z«
-■BOYOvercoat Values..
to atariuutiuto the world and
Ifet a
To f^o BO he oreds to supply
him with a pair of
FairPlay Shoes,
made ovar laata true to Biture'e shape.
If you wADt I l ick from one of the largeat orercobt stocka io
* thu*part of tbe rUte—gooda that are new and atyliah—all
7 Vmdea, from the obeapeet to tbe Gneat—at pricea fhat at
* Once stamp them tbe beet valo^ ever offered in good orercuata.
Come to this store..
"'e invite yout careful exaniinatioo of
our superb atock. .
aierllvelKrrtor f* ikl*
Don't atiutvze, cripple and
ifrriste the ion and feet of
your boy. Fit hia feet riuht
with aboee ami hia bead will
lak»> care of itaclf.
These aboee are made for
$1.00. $126. $150 «p.Or.
a at BoaelaU fitaw Awar
an Trauporte for Itaalln.'
■onelnln. Oct. 7. vie Ban Fraaotoeo.
CbL, Oet. 1« —Tha Sixth artiUerp baV
terUa. etatimod hen, have lut hetween tweatp aad thlrtp mn durinv
tbe lut few dope bp deeertkw. The
an very rMUva.u a portioa of
the ravlmaat to la tbe PbUlppinw. end
thou left ban an aafev to fat to tba
trait. Thou who haTo deaartad bteoBa atowawape oa .tnuporto, and
The man who] makes a bit in
doubtlau oouBt on not man than basiaesa ia the man wbo[ia thor
thlrtp dape In tba vaard boou at Man oughly up-to-date.
If you don't hava a telephone
Ua ter tbalr duartfcB.
Five BM deaartad Tbaradnp. bat people are liable^to think that yon
thne wan raeovarad from tba bold irf
beta tbara to a pnat
vat over to Manlln, whan than to a
fiVhtlnv The foalinv to
vrowlnvaoeMavtbntU bu Intaetad
Do aot focfat that tba vn»r Fitehnlfaf tha fora. Om
ofthaBUuefoad tba atOlMmt of tba
nlvkt bp the HtdtonwbuhaanU!
>Wa anltotad te fifbk ear aoatiyto
th« oth^.t<JuKS Sy «d thra™'JuVltotS .bt, to
They wUI probably
think that yon
even elower than yon
Ho body wanta to
deal withpeoplewho
aicHiGU nuraoiE co.
During this wet weather you should have A
pair of our Waterproof Shoes.
Ladies............ ........................ 12.50
Misses....................................... 1.75
Men’s......................................... 2.50
For damp, rainy weather they ^ the proper
thing We have eFcrything in rubber footwear, from
a baby’s rubber to a mbber boot
McNamara Block.
iwunako sBooBP.xoscoav. oo«naB it, uw
Moumro jcaoosp.
VSATXBMC catti • ■ adosiOA:
flfen. t. Basm a>9 J.
To TUI VuoBfly oa Board of
laiu MoveaMst Towmi*
1. W. BAam. Mier Md IUmcw.
t ed laspeeier ead
palm bp Beard ed VebUe Werha.
at teet week'! Beettec «t (be eitp had lewd suep violailoee of tbe ord- j “FOBTHtB UOSC* OOCXBrT.
eeaaeU it wee deterslaed bj ofieiel ieaeoe. batece*«ral daelreto otaecrve'
-------------(hat ibereeOer tbe law. Be auted that after a^UeOds
■I«i<>«ui7 fixtetp rortaed at
the eooseU eboeU eoaveae at 7, laeteed belsp eeUed to tbe prorleinae -of the
BoBe of Bie. Otllie Lett B.rht.
of ■ o'eiees.
qrdiaesov. metdeatesed eospited with
Lesteveelsc Bra LpdU B CaupbeU.
The Bret Beettap sadar the aew plea h>* inapeetloasend resedtad csleUar auu eaereiary of tbe Woaus*a Fo^e
wae aot e heppp aaesBe ao tor ae defeeu. with e vwp f<« exeeeUone. Mlaeioaerp boefetp of tbe Baetiet
retUar down to boelaaes aartp woe Be reported that dtrvet Coe
ebBrcb;orraelt«d a “Farther L<gbi"
Clerk Eickerd and tbe rw EeUep wea tbe oelp oae who refued aocietv at tbe borne of Mra. Jobe Olll a
in any room aod you cao afford one in
raoe head it five Blaetoe | u have bU prsBiaea rntBioed Tbe '
gtau atrwt The sew orgastutloe
«B. asd at asacUp aevea report waa reoeived asd filed.
aUrU o« with bright pro-peeta for
every room if yon buy from us. We have
MaeUgne appeared. Tbaj Oa mouoa of Alderman Baatlsfa oeargeUe work asoog tbe aea
▼•rr BMOBn«i«r OnUMk.
them in all atyles aod prices from a' full
Bspor aad Aldertaea Urdu. Parker aew erom walka were ordered oe nftb with tbe eOBaeqneet beofleial reaulu
TW vMklj E«Tt»« maed by R. U. aad BmUb(s oeBa la a short tlBe
at Maple atreei; Secoi^ at Maple end OfSeera we eboeee aa followa:
spiiog. sprine edge couch at H 75 to a
Bu * C». (vstebM A rellAbto iBdcs to later, bet it iraa aome tlae before
Hlitb at Cedar atreet. -)
PreaideaW^MrA Graoe M Bradlej.
iBdwtrtal WBdl(lcM» and tk« r«vt«<» «f asoarb for a qaersB appeared. Aldernice $40 00 Davenport sofa.
Tbe walk at tbe Saoap Back hotel
VieePrealdeel- Bie«at.TietB tnldin
Um wmk k Aoeli m u> luplr* vf«
C>ob eese aloaff aboet 740 asd
gMHMw is feaerU bulaMt.-(or
Alderatae Wriebt arrtirad at 7:41
JMT Uae to eoBv
Tsere wae aeongh for a qnorsB and
Trsaaarer-MiB Bdaa Holdtworlb.
Tb« npon of bilnrM \>y brAoebM of that was all for tbe erestac.' It waa
Alderotan Batting* brongfatap ^a
180 Front 8t
House Furuisbing ffitors.
BmIiwi is Dm (bird qosrUr Is ItW u
d that tbe boar be fined at « toaner of tbe vaeencp on the baaed of
Ohrieuen Mtaaioaerp Aoelotp.
klfklp Meoaroalsr.
Tbooffb eloscr
B eo ee to aaeare e qaoraiB at
edneation eaaeed bp tbe death of C.
mooty sftw loM oooUanod ssm wosl
ft waa oet a verp beep elgbtaspwap.
Ip Man bwp isrrrr IslIsrM.so wmk
home Of
ao that it made litUe differeseoa. The oaperc nad elticeaa In tbe eaeond ward Mra. J! B Strong, tbia afUrenoe at
favored the eppolntiaeat of W. O.
3:M o'clock, for the pnrpeae of organicCr ssobsofc of prodMU, with sot/no first Better tstrodoeed waa a oobbsb
Poou end tbe epp.ictBCDt' wea
lag n CfarbUen Wcmiu's Board of
9am» of Hi lonsM ssUw is aoipc wmv
p aiada bp^a mapor end con*.
teatet, snouted, proapUp
MbelMi* ecxllbrp. All ieuresud
Its rosl «UU opersttoB*. Tbe Urf*
fi B d.
wbleb dtp Attorpep Oo<
tbb work are icviled lo bv preteet.
Clerk Rlekerd sotifled tke eeoneU
woald be e
tblsf for the eltp. It
I lass
that tbe atreei food waa exheoaied.
A TbouMDd Tong
•sdlM bcsBoh. s tset of Mpaelsl Im
eoconat of tbe extra expenie of tbe
asd veani.
Id not exprsM tbe rapture of AnPHtSBM OS SOOOSSt of rOCMt MMSSlvO
Springer, nf Pblladeipbta. when
A petition for SB are light betweae pew bridge, end tbe aatter waa re
^wbiooUiiui TbooiBSllfslIoroi ««r*
New Due /verp rurefl her o<
the warehooee of M. W. Keepep A 8oa ferred to the O/BBluee oa wepa aod a backing cough
tbat for mat p vran
ketk fowor ssd is ovorsf• of tUbiUtlM
bad made life a berden. She >ar; "AfP—llor UxsB Is sop other poor OuTored and the wafoboeie of B. U Baoeo». “**“*•
Uaton atreet bridge would
remedies aod di
kp (bo record. The qosner's rotsrw
. pa:n in mv .
per* wnsiler tbss Is ssp other qusrter eb lighting.
cheat and 1 can
ean sow
now sleep
sleep-------soondip. ^ *”
the amount of the original Mtlmatad. Adclap asked for a perait to
- «« olrbtees peon eseepUsr the eeeood
ig I------------cao acareelp
celp rcmemF
remrmlwr doAlderman Montegue ief.-rred u tbe ing before 1 feel like aounci
adwtflingon Blevanlb street and J.
•( this peer sod one of im. sod Is
B. Berdan nudes eimllar reqaeat for eundlUon of the etreeu In maqp placu praise* throughout tbe L'oi'
atereeter cepeeisllp eseosreaior
parubabn to build a realdenea on la the flr*t ward, mentioning narUco- Klng'aNe- “
Udsetrisl eosditloM oonld herd'p be
11 trt
larlp Hark street at tbe properip of O.
PrievMic aod »i. Trial bottle I i
BoMer. hfter neap aosthe of each Bast Tantb etreci. Tbe
granted, tbs bnOdlng* tc be areeted a M' ffett. wbere tbe euep slope made lOcia at Ja* O
_ J.
Jobaaoe'* and 8. B.; •
laifMrAiasrj bspl^ that ito eontlaoii deurerou lor carriage* drawn no *t Wait's drug atorca.
Base oeestod tapooelbie, even lerfcr
warden of the ward where the beUd* tbe curb. Tbe matter waa referred tohaptar elUl erowde prpdselar work*
tbe oommltua on atreeu end walk*.
lag* die to be loeaud.
la Boot UaM bopead their espeeltp.
Tbb brengbt oa the dbenuioB re Defeeu in verit ne walk* where tbep
fhe iron fsraeeaeere prodselsp ll.ooo
garding tbe PBceetltp for tneb re- are out of Irwl and not according
IMC weeklp more then ever beforv,
the eaUblbb^.grade, were also
qneeU. aerk Rlekerd did aot
in.dU looe October Ut, end pet tbe
aider it waa aaoeasarT. ae if the fire ferred to tbat committee.
onlp e litUe afur nine when
were to look after new bend
Baaed aaaold eloeks la SepUBbai
ing* It woald save a lot of elarioal tbe eoandl adj umed.
fT.IM tOBb wkUe the deaaaad ntse fv
work U tbap aimplp iaapeeUd eaeb new
•haadlhlOMM pear tar maap proOommilteea
at Work.
etraotare aad reported u Ue clerk.
JmttTbe board of *i
After a debau OB tbe uerlu of the
Theralaaalaerenei la the prleeot
at two o'clock pevurdsp aflernooa and
pif troaasd alee ae advance lo fiakhed
aeltiafortbe pi^at and leave tbe afUr a little routine work ar j .araed
for eommitiee work. Tbe matter uf
The eottoa aueafactere meeU ao preaent ordloaaec-U be observed.
. eoBBoaieatioa relative to tbe con pladug the inauraeoeon tbe new
ipeata demaad that prleea advance
itlon of the 8UU Beeltb >Officef« to bouse wa* d- ferred until todap.
j^weekud aeppllB for carlp debe held in Uraad Rapid* OcL^tU end ST,
llvprp are la naap line* restricted. In
was reed eadjoo moiiaa B> altb Offi.-cr
hrewB tbectlaga and driUa nore bnalAahion wa* appolaUd a* a deiurate
•••• la tnraad down than I* done.
from tbb dtp, tab enpeatee to be paid
bp tbe dtp. A* matter* of imporunee
Til first of tbe aeries of paebt oon- are to be dluuaeed. rebUve to eaniulaeu tor tbe Ainerlca'a enp baa be«n tloa of waiter scpplp it was oontidcred
iaaUp polled off cnooeacfullp. npon tbe Importaai that tbb dtp eboeld eead a
A soft side in some mattresses. But they’re
iifbih Mai. And front the official
not our hair mattresses. They're soft top Bread for healtii—not the unwholesome,
Mbs It will be aaen that Aueiieao! Hre oomniitieeon atreets and wallet
piehtbatlder* have lost aoae of tbeir reported upon the petition for grav. lside -- bottom side -• inside — outside — alum loaded, sour bread some make—but
gRill and aeieBoe la eompetltloa with Ing Slxteeuib atrvev Tbe oommitue
everything that’s in them is easy to lieon> the kintl that make you smack your lips
•roatBriUan. Tbe ColaBW. which deemed that there waa not mneb faeavp
hM raeeatip come in for the bo
travel Ob tbet road at present, and aa
They’re dean and healthful and Oh!, so
grltlekB. with gravelp expreaaed tbe street funds ere low. tbep recom
and ask for .the second and third slice.
restful. These sell for SI6.R« We’ve
' fioabti about bar Millng qnellUea. bea mended that tbe Improvement be deaome off ea eaap wlnacr. aad npder ferTed-untll next spring, llie reoomgot some “easy resters” for $5.2R. $4 2R. That’s the kind madeTrom H. & L. Co’s
Ipvorabu rondltioaa, abared bp both mendatlon wm adopted.
Hfifidaohe for Forty Yohrs.
$2 7R. S2.3R.
•mtu. The eep.detcader was beenti
BEST flour. A sack only costs fifty cents.
Tbe oominlttee on eewen reported
(Slip handled end tbe ebeUenger tbat tbep bad amnted with tbe board
pppraelp leas ar-: bet tbe ten-nlnuu lee- ofaupervbor* to defrap half tbe c:«»p gained bp tbe Auerlcea boat panu of the aateneionof tbe Boardm: a
when ebecroeard the lioe, prwea her'
ewer from the ellep between
Iturt MluiteunM ii.ewill hrli,c
■tUlng qaelltlee end the eklll of her Sutennd Waublngton aiTMU to the John
1>. Van Kriin n,e«tiiren>c
paater aad bla crew.' Tbe OMteet for court hones. The report wea aocepted
WMMoFUirNer^ i-*.stniiSa<'ii, I.'
Ihe enp b not pet flnlibed. but puter^ and adopted.
Iie)-a buld \jj druf KlHia
4apk vleiorp will Inspire tbe Americana
Alderman Montague u obairman of
with renewed oonfidenee in onr paebt
le oommlttee on ordinaneea introhalldaitaDdour sailor*. And In tbb
diMsdadraftof an ordlnanee provid
pdBltUng ifaat tbe bbamroek U n aplre
ing for the emplopment of a sidewalk
d(d craft and tbe fiocet of tbe kind ever
inapeetor aad repairer, ap tbe board of
•eat afur the enp.
public work*, end deilDlug the dullea
of aneb aa oUcb). Tbe ordinance pro
StMIHLBfi or CBBlsr.
vides tbat the inspector aball ctoeelp
9var 100,000 Oooearu be Far tbe inspect the walk* of tbe dtp and notltp owner* when new walk* are needed
Praaeat Tear.
and see tbat tbep are bniit, the
n» Dbeipleeof Cbrbt began a few
fsUing to build, the work to be
Uy* ago tbe JubUee of tbatr orgas' done bp tbe eitp aad charged against
bad mbeloiM. 'Tbli tbe propertp oa tbe tax roll. It pro«rhUh began 7» pears ago nnder (be vidM also that the repairer ^I make
UhAwabtp of Alexaadu Cbmpbell, aad ■ leiBirp repair* wbar* ownara fall to
^Mhadaoeb dUUagabbed mlberaau doao, aad that tbe propertp owaeie [
to select from. The fall colorings are
ae Jamee A- Garfield aad Bon Jeraatlab eball be charged ti oenu per hour for
R. Rlaek, 14aow more tbaa e mlllloci (be time coneumed in aneb work, bebeautiful. We re selling carpets constant it's a fact our Grey Bros’ ladies shoes are
e(nv- Three-fbnrtbeareleObio. la- ■Ub tbe east of tbe BsUrlal. The
ilMU. TbaaeaMS aad Kanaat. Tbep price per boor oceuloned eouaMarable
ly, bebause price, quality and goods to “the shoe. ” They fit perfectly.—wearing
fiM aeUblp an aeUve deaomlnaUoa in
select from can't be beaten. 25c, 30c. 40c,
gvaagsUatIc work. Over lOO.OM conqualit)’ the best—and the easiest shoe you
firto were added tke preaent pear.
Alderman MosUgne moved Uut the
50c. 65c buys our Ingrains. $1.00 and *1.25
A local obnaeb baa Jut been organ- ordinnnoe be Uld over for n waeh. nnd
ever had—They't;e like the measels—one
lead la Traveiae CUp, and will meet at is this oonnaeUon aivucd that terw'
our Brussels, Moquettes. Velvets. Want
Reug* ball everp Suadap at id:M afur aU ordlnaaoM tboold have a aeemember of the family gets them—the rest
an Art Square? *6.50 -boys a beauty.
gblook. Snadap aeheol will be kelc at ond raadlag before being acted upon.
frift. A ruideat pastor will be engaged Be referred i
We’re selling lots of Brussels and Moquet- soon follow—They sell for $3.0U, 2^!ro
• Uttlc laur. All Chrbtbu who have have been made bp too haelp aetlos i
iw ngnlar ebnrcn borne are eordtallp and bcUevad that it would be to tbe'
and $4.00.
te rugs. Make them to fit your rooms.
ihvltad U vemblpwltb them.
Interest of tbe eitp to give more time
to oontlderation 6f the lew* peued bp
Ton (;nt tbem of
theoonucil. Bit idea svas favored and
Ko remed V equali Wahker's WiiiTf
Wont OF -f AS SYBI-P for Ihii tcrrlThe report of dtp Treaeuror Warsfatobsd faul diiieam. If taken tboriboroughlrand In lime, it will cure
burg ubowad n balnnee of tU.fWT.n on
la M bottra, and foe tbe ouugb that
tol. (haftrutof OcUber.
The eUUment of tbe board of pub
lie work* eaUed for U99.:i, which traa
are *acd and eodoued bp {he leading QSoI KraaUer. fire wardM (or tbe
aaaalebM everrwharo. No. Itfi Front third ward, reported that he had ingffinM. ». B. Strong, msaagw. 7U ft apaeud tha bniUliig* is that srarfi and
Is a good thing to have
These Smooth October Days
should make you think of tue days to foUpw and prepare for
them. How about the underwesrP This applies to all alike—
Ladies Gents—Young People and Children. We supply all your
needs. Start at 26c the garment Look at your “pile” and we
have garments that will takejust that amount Quality and fit
sell our goods.
Hard.to find
Good Bread
Our Cloak Department
When you wear the
Viscolized Caif
Hand Sewed
Calf Lined
Made Shoe.
la the center of attraction thesedays. It's a pleasant place any
way. Now, more than ever, with it's new carpets, best of light
and great elegant mirrors. Our goods are sellers. Golf Capes—
Collarettes—Greatest stock of Furs in the city. $2.60 buys a nice
Collarette. $6.00 a Golf Cape that can't be beaten and Jackets!
, -racks full of them.
68 patterns
in carpets
It’s no
T> Can U lrU«Ui44 Km.
Klaball PiiRfls aad Organs
Frank Friedrich
Tie Hannal & Lay Mercantile Co.
tam itQjumfQ hik:o«d. Ttr»ii>A». ootOBas it. law.
iI SU«uWM«r«*k«fa«
SfAmA tl
Vj VIVWT^»%.
- -
Hr WPi
b«. OTtend
tM firau Mtan bf Otefte t.
tea ' Btataaat that tba ontltok for tbt
dieotifa raBway
Waabtaytoa. Oat.
^Itary and aaial foroka of the Uah d j „ Tbe ruatreed teat plat te tba
f»denm' Ucuira and Mnak Oouraa
dLtaa U tbt PblliopiatB, wh-b aU^bt LS’f
trooM and tblm now anotr
aMtr order ipacb^r^
maeb i .
tbalr detUakUw. wlO ayyr<«a(t mM ' ****" ^Mwday moraiay.
than 70 000 met and (oriT lee «%'rev
Oo aad ate Mroadtriaad aad help
aeU. rhtlkatottbeeefo'*<H m l %r. | tb. Ptari Oatbarara eat tarlr okrtbday
rire <0 Manila tariy la 0.-oamb«. Pbia .
8at0«t' enureh tbh oetatbtktraaytH l« H« a -•••r. Admltelon free.
ofUamimary and aaeal 1-^ m-| JanaUdwiyaod Jkaatc Junta, boU
|oi latarloabaa. were married by JnaIt (br Army.
j uoe Brown ytkiarday.
Mw e. Bntabm •! Aom. it nlac BrMh of tbit «)tf. Ut tarwur •( tbt
Mi wifft te«l)7 for |M.Mi «Wrlaf ^
tifM, ud tMr mtIvH h
ttMvlU»U*M'JMUB«8•««»«•• «r 'b*lac
<riU intntt hf tbt
Mi tAOMi, who It ni|,f
•dtraret. jMWit.: m-m «f Cl««H»ad. Om of
<tnlp(r ii tbi m»i tm tbi Ibi MykiMt wlU bt ri*M %»tbi OHBbbMef* Ukt. iMt •iiAij, IltUi Tcnity of lliebi«M Md Ui oU«r M
U\m Mtnm «f OaU»*Mr. fM«i» Brwb wm^Mi U hit UbomM(7 U
Sbi wok ttirm bom*. Ub oUy
TwoortbMidiyiUwibilUUr c*rt
<M*Bb«iCCitetablir Mdibi K>« I ‘liiBit era hat hath tthklar tad
a<iU:n^ I 9aM Hr iMoblaM for ortr
^bfi,*tr»m*g tMiM.
t MbMb. foor fthra. Hr Brath «rtU tort fe
Oombataata.e} t7i: 3f meombf.kota. i *dwaro T. Price aad MU Orate B.
I soo
N-' yrort were married Friday eeta*
<^ltorOwo«o. haw bthrt tr«a aUlitt tht Hr tas
ktr bttbh»4 ofur bt wtot Ml wtti.
iuiy ..y B.-» Batelny Joara.
WlU.oiWd.7k. wVr-UbW W
Bine JtAet*. 4 077: darlaee. t.iat
I Btf Barclay
I tbt
•Iw* bt «M aoBltC'boM.
Miy Saturday that made Glen A.'
■WTIM toidOijr ItTMt rbiviy
aocatitr aad Minnie A. Bcwald baa*
Kr. cod Kft 8mm1 Wottot CMe.
Ulafmbr feHTta.
Mtr c*I|m.
kcd and wilt. Bitb are well known
bftU TwttUtb AaoirarMfp
Bataataia'ac Proyraa Prepared for 1 thteeKrMvttdMIteHtprtafftortltt ooloM,
of Tbtir Mwrtatt.
Md froa (bt forty Uwb Mnw bt plMtWedn tdiy Mlyht.
^ *i There will be a yood enppar and
TwMitp yrart a«o pttttrdtjr,
•■bhtd iMrtBBiiDt ».W0
Some time aro lb- u'dU of tbe Oon^
» MonttytM
ittd Mn-8*a»») Wt'ioB vtrt married. yr-yalional ehnreb and eceieiy
‘“U Wwoeeday from 8 GU a. yiwin by
At 8L <aHr. MIeb.. oti bte laty to-t<**t ottalop tbr^tit forty bt tbeir dlrlded laioeirht dlrialo-* to work for
Neiybboru af Ameriea^ M.B.
M. ■. ehtrob
ebwob 8..dtT
HaodtT mortUr.
nirrHir. Ii Wtodt
^rttoda rtibar
rtibtrtd ti tbalr boat
ibe pipe cevaa fuad. Tbe tadU of;
^ * meetlay of the
^ottpb LltHy. hftd
tgod 71
U ymt*.
ymn. dropptd ji North dprtoe
dprtee atirtei. It howir of tba dWleion 8 bare planned for aa Iniariet-Knlybu of PyihUi
dMdMtbt tllMk Tbt MtM Of
moeieal and llteAry proyram. ,o j
««ainy at 8 o'eloek for tbe pnr
dtMb WM bMTt ftUtrt
A rriy plrtattt rrtoltr wm aptm be neee Wadaeoday ereulny In Udloa* Ipbo^olc, l.any.
Id-OttSBld, t wHI-:o^ ftra«r of ■>7
*bo vtrr pratatt, ttd atnp Llhrary hall. Tlickeu art ts ceota. i **
Btftr. pkked $mi dtllattpd to pirtioa I
8«>d »>»b' a •ert r«rtt to the and an InelttUon U extradeo to tbe la lonia. the prc* d>dy elder of tbe
•t 81. Jottph. h box or aartrltod^eotple. •bobtrr Jaaldobbod t aoere public In cunerul to atlead. Tbt pro- Kalamaaoo diairiet took oocaalon to
«»r»»bttTiafc dtUmUp Bad tbt frt t* «»•
apeak in the b<ybeet tt*a^ of tba ex
yraui la a* fni|r>wB;
^ IM pty. be d 08 bt trotld btrt pt|
etUent work of Ber W A, Prye. ptator
■■Humic va—k elrrMl waMk.
Baebakirwmet (kemeulmef weetkK___________________ _
Mtbomarhat t bl«ablpmatl of u;t dorlnrtbtrraainr. and many ralna*
bit and bmn^fn.l pewdnta wart In talf^oeod
...................... T«»o Mr. Frye, who waa formmly ptator of
At Jtekaot, Mlat Uart Dfalolrht aa tobana of «b» tawm of tbt r«aM
Pu.eao.o^-A“S:a.i!::^i.o u eniu
“• ^
•M foatd la her roo« at the rtaldtaot
c CkaoiBBt* done yood work la Kalamaaoo. and hla
Of Brt. A. W.
- vadrr.
| ir.euOa hern will be pleaaed to be^
. t«lKta4
•tpbyxlttloa 8bt baa ool ytt rtc r- Sevtrbl Vrartrat Oity Attoraryt
be baa ao well filled bM new field
of labor.
•rod oeoadotatata tod U aery loo. A
Ueorye Winnie would like very much
fM }at «M foaad ttrotd part arty on
•reepala ................................Hem. r. A.
n* aetilcm A tbt elronlt eo«rt for '■wao (htakm a riklUcm |>lce« u> m.
loaeetbeaparkle of u dlamoad atud
«d it b (botebt tbt rHrt .at ttratd
'mrlaata eotnty opaotd TMltrday
maksahataOmaB.aer la. aor e'er
whleb be loat from hto arrktle n few
daya.yo._______ ________
Oterrtrox. arbUt ftadlor * om Ltlaad. with Jodyt Prrd W. Dfayat
Place, bat D
baabar and abrtddtr oa tba farm of
Laly lb
Mrm. D«a U
Will »atn rWill W.A
OUrar Part® Jott north ol Elk SaHda.
Licenee bat b««n yranted for Ur
rridty afttrnooa. had tbo mlaroftaaa of wbkb arrcrlmiaal. Tbt followlnf
marriaye of William B. Darrow of Uu
lo 8ot hla lift band drawn Uto tba oc^ attoraryt art prtatnl from Trarorta
city aad MU HatUe A. Dame of NorU.
bad btfora the maobina oonld be aMm- Cliy: B 8. Piatt. Boa. O O. Oo?«U. J.
port. Tba weddlny will oeeor at NorU
rtd bit arbolt band bad btan plehad It- A. L>raa8rr. M. C. Dadyt. Boa.
WllUtai H.'Fcaierand J W. Patebla.
port tomorrow evenlay at 7:10 o'cloU
OrrOIt Ooaltor of OaatfH Ukt It Hao
They will rcHde In thto city.
Arm Perry M.Boldm><
Cbarlaa Oltan of OadUlao. ndrmlatd InaUtadaast.
Job 1)00 00*1 Have Stood It.
tornwUt. Ltttlt8ammort of Boynt
ir b-'d bad ItUlay Pllea. Tbey*iv
terribly aaoeyiny: but Bucklenb Araty. naawtrtd tat td and Uo rttnlt
J. W. CllSewUI Itara for 1
mat that tbt tfrttd to marry OltaM
Por Beatflt of Seaibr oiau Annual ■liea Salve will cure Ue worut ea*e of
Pllro on cartb. It bai eer-d thoueaada.
UbtwMld 8<*o btrAUW toatart a tbla mornlnt on bnalntm.
Sainrday Miybt.
*«r Irjuriee, Faina or Bodily Bruptioor
C. H. Bora want toQH
aUUatryblort. Bt dU aertt and ibty
Tbe Senior clam will yiee tbeir 0rtt lt'4 the beat aalve in tbr world. Frier
wtni to Cbhmto. awpplar at dtSerant to la^tet tbt aeboola of that city with •aHal Saturday nlyht. October 21, m ^Se a box. Cure ynaraoteed. Sold bv
fcotala. Olaaoe aaya bt tavt htr tbt tbaporpotaofTalalay the ataadard of Fortetera'bail. The proweda of Ula l.ae. G Jobnaon aad 8. E Wait, drnxfitatt.
_____________ _
Slelaaey la the aeboola here If powiBoaty and that abt then
aocial. wblU to a pumekln p‘e ai d
Tbe biy fiybt
•tad lUneaa baaortnak. bit.
e aocial. will he lor Ue hePfifit k>l
J & BodfM of Fife Ukt. U la tbe
onMin. lolaPaobof Uptar. 8bt baa
taeAanuH wb'eh tbe .clam lotend*
almmoLi-J 8 ice battle in the rlof
ialn In a tranee for thrat daya, from elly.
Willttm Babbeler of Ukt And. ii In Uulay next aprlDy. Everybody to in
to to be reprodneed ayala la tbe Ci’y
whiob iba rtUraad to oonaelonaama
vited to attend and eat pie and have a
Opera Boeae Fridapanlyht by Ur
the oity on baalnttB.
only at InterraU, at tba roanlt of tbt
Bdtoon Ameriran Vitaaoope Co
Mr. and Mra. C. 8 Jobneon left yet-: cop of ot-8ee for ten eeote. Tbeee will
CTtataat r8ort M tbt part other at^
ttrdayfor 8bephtfd and Al|ta.
M-. i oe aerved from 8:10 until ulooy In Ue
Wrfwu. tu...p..l« lu. .ordliW
JoboBU U a dtleyatt from tbe local evenlDy.
Ml-eonteiona mernenu. aod tbt pby
borne entertainmeDl will be furntobL O. O *F. lodye to tbe Grand Lodye
bfb ertaUy liiitrMted in the
rnttUay at Bay aty.aad bt will ettend ed dariny Ue rveniny. Altbooyb a
eaat. Btoorery U donbifn).'
pumekin pic aocial. a »mall amouat of
the oonrentloa before bte return.
J. A. MDor. proprietor of tbt laryett
BeT.Jotiab Pennlnytoo la la Uke other kinds • f pie will be furnlBbed to
<nrnlurt bontt in Petotkey. died Sontboee who do out care for tbe putnpkiD
8ay la Ohldayo. wbtrt bt with bla ton
William R Jobaaoa of Mabel left pla. Tbaclaa* deeirea a larye atten
tM anrebaalay bU fall eioek. Tbt
danee from Urir frlenda and otnera
r fur Spokaoe, Weeh.
dtOMtod wat a wealthy and blybly rtwbo wtob u> make the Aonual a toe
VmpeooUlD Menton o
•pMpdeltlBen of . Petotkey. AbMt u
/taratyo, he tame to Ptioak«y from
Bobert Otldwrll returned t7 CbarleHe Tel. yrvpbrd Hto Baby,
Ototnrilla. Be Itarta a widow, ton and
roU Itet ni«bl after apeadlay Sunday
a danfbier. Be waa an yaan of
ho Tooley. who did tbe j b of
la tba city
bbd wae a ReyH Arch maaoa.
alatiny the roof of the coart bouae be*
A Fowltrrina. ibaa dropped __
r Kaame City, whart the will Vlii) eame a very baopy father before hto
dlamoad riac opon tbt doox of hU ttort
work here waa done and Saturday be
«bt other traalnr. without nottelay the rtUllrei.
Mrt. B Ffr fler of OtarltroU. la ria- telvyraphed bit wife and baby at Lnlata at tbt time.- The next moraiay it
ya&aport Uai be would be borne today.
meat into the drt with the rabblab Itlny friande intbeelty.
Be left yretorday and before yoiny eel
PMtmaater and Mru.-Georye R*8 . p tbe dyare for bli friendt in Trav
in a repsrtoire of
^•n the alore wae awept obi, and
Ibtar on wbeo tbe man eaaat la look bate yone to Toledo, where they wi:l
for it he foand it in tbe OBbe*. U bad tIHi tor eome time. Mr. BaS i
B b&« (he Grave.
kw..o Wdl; d..u.d b, Ik. bw. attend tbe PokUnaaterk' ooareatloa
A atartllny incident to e Taied bv
barter, aa to m practically worth* Detroit before hU relnrp.
O'iver of Pbiladrlpbia k follow*:
Mru. Tyler, who baa been elaltinc John«k
in an awful conditio
Etr. Joaepfa Terwlltlyer, for many BiiUlny her dauybter. Mra. A
yaara naetor of tbr Mrtbodlet KpUoopai Peck, reiurord lo Manton yetterday eoaiod. pain sootiauaily i
tidea. DO
d by Mn. Peck, who will tidea.
obnreb of Ne* BuBela and one of tbe
Tj,p voodcrfol child Betrras.
by day.
ploater eleryymei) and elrcali ridere of
Then 1 waa -advibcd
— — — eilil'iDC and dancint; bare captiv-'
Ada L. Watera wlU leaee Wedneeday Blectrlr .Hiucra: to —
aratbern Miebicao. died Satnrday
my yreat jcy,. Uei
moraltw of old.^aft.
He rteratiy for Aon Arbor where abe will take a firai boiiie made a decided improve-, Bt*-d the audieoccii evcrj'Wbcro.
It. I eontioned tbeir uee for three i
. .
^altbrated bla eifbUatb birthday. Hm. eonrae in nurelny at Ue UalreiHty
IWwimytr la ropohtd erlUcally Hi. boepital.
with linte hope of recorery. The dead' Barlan B Illdayo! Mayfield waa lo
Pri^ .( »i«i»io»-16c, S»0
patter wae one of the oldtat mtmbeit Ue city yetteTfiay.
' '
E Waittodruy ttoria ‘ and S6o.
of tbt toutbtra Mlcblcaa eoaltioaw.
MU Tomo Inonye, Ua yonny
^ lok cf Ihnci, it B me. bot
The Boston Store
Dress Goods Specials
The recent unprecedented growth of onr drenm
City Opera House
Monday, Oct. 23
The Celebrated
Frisbee Stock
Standard Plays.
La Belle Ethel
Specialties bi Entire Company.
bad durlny bU mlalattrlH oartor lUtd
fapaaota lady who baa antered Ue
medical depariaeat of Ue ualTetal^.
The tittmar W H. Eetcbam ran down
belay moeb touyht after aa an
tU little tobo B T Typo la Uke
ittrtalner and Itetnrer opon tbe anb*
Buptrior Saturday slyh*. Tbt lypo ject of htr own eonatry. Saturday
waa iattaatly aaak and four of bar ortw attmoea In Ue Y W. C. A. roomt Ue
wtra drowned. Tbe captain of Uo yaet a talk on Ue life of ylrla la her
pwatl aad two toamta maa^od to owneountry. Sbewaeyowatd In her:
aaeapt from Ue wrack and wtra pitked naUre eottume. Snnd yeruliy abe
ap by tbe Ettobam.
epoke at UeCbnrU of Chrtot, upon bv
ApeealtaranaUatory. Ue trnU of aaUve land.
MU Inonye,
wbltb b PMobed ter by baU a dot^n dauyhitrof a JapantM nobleman, to
pwpU. to roported. Mra Alfred Ftobl•lpaUlnr bereclfUronyb Ue univeralty
ayed relaUve in
ar. of Ralamaaoo. baa aa8erod torrlaidalMaupportlnyan
- -yaara aad abraak from a ttroay. robuat ■
r own country aa a medici
women to a Uelaton on Ua eeryt cl
taaal^. 8U waa treated by dlBi
Bet at Ue Oaaaaa.
RUally Dr. M. W. Stan
I treatiny bar for
... wbat
____ _____
Dr. A. W CbUeb Nerve and 1
' ilievcd lobe a anake In bar i
*^ ^*^**** ^^^**^ ^
la nleoboL Tba woman tainted bom Blood, earrylny with it a aupply of Ue
oxbanattom after Ua aaaka aaarly....................................................
obekad bar. 8U la bauar today. Bbe
d Ua aaaka alybtaaa moatba
T* Obfw ■ 0«M In
lnOMO•^ i:aat«U»A*S*U
Tbkc Wotwrto White Wiiwe oE Tar Syrup, j atOoIambiaBaU. Taaaday avaalay,
Ue bam eoo^ fcarndy DOoearU.
earth. Send! October 14 Jobnaon A Poota crehm
BroiJbody lavtud. I>w 8
to the richest—Our prices are lower than Hke qiaU*
ties MD be bought elsewhere.
We particularly call ypur attention to the finedisplay of elegant-up to-date single pattern?, inliolh
black and colors
Imported Oomel’a Hair Cheviota..................... #1S5- np
Bom»pan.,twoton«l ....................................»1 48
V.n«l.n Cloth................................................81.00 up
Bl.ck811k0r.pon.............................. ..$«00i.p
Wool .nd Mohnlr Cr.pon.............................. $1.38 up
I-r*, ZihoUn. Fluid................... ....................$1 E5 up
Oolf Sultinga, plain on on« aide and plRldod on tbe
............................................................. $176 yd
Black-ranite Clo.h..........................................$l lOnp
BlackOamerfiHalr Cheviots. .,4..................... $110 np
Black Bengalinea............................................... $j.oo
io this connection we again mention our dress*
tnakiog parlors, recentlr opened, under the capable
supervision of Mrs L. Pfauueoschmidt of Detroit.
A trial order is solicited. Satisfaction guaran
teed in this as in every department df
See ilis{ila|i ie vest wimlow
Gia.s Block
Closing Out
I Have Decided To Quit The
Shoe Business.
The entire stock of shoes and
of Mr. E. McNamara at 50c on the
with all the new goods bought for
be dosed out by J..n, 1st, as I will
business at that time.
rubbers bought
dollar, together
fall trade must
po.^itively close
Only Very Low Prices Will Do It
Less Profits
And everything will be cut to ridiculously low prices
regardless of cost or values. Come quick before the
sizes are broken, and see what' we will do for you.
SiDca tbe advAsc^e of
bot'joat the tame
prioee—no advance
oo oor line of
Men'aES.OO, i2.l5
167 Front Btroot
and »2 as fine
Goodyear "Vlts.
We are atill eelling
nothing but etandard
braoda of ehoea.
making it impoaaible
for tbe bnyera to be
mialed or niiauken.
Costs Little. Pays Big.
There you have it
WF Semple Shoes at Half talee.
135 Front Street
Practical Shoe Man |j
In a nut ahell.
mOWMaO VBOO^al. TniWOA’»» wrffOB»» 17.
OUMfD li «Mr
•» Ad
flBlnl D*Mf» riiH. wU* «HI
VteM MSI BMtk.
Ss-HMSlor Jok« J. Ucsllt to mU V
kM« MM« o( U« ikroM IB fstel torm.
»Bd bM COM to iUstoo to kopool otoMtotoCOMMOOUol.
4t HMtoov Otartotio, ototor «it
■atorfek BolM. tot ostotootod Ootbm
JRto UwiM€. too fiMtOM, kM «C*
Mod k« rrtdiOM Mor Oorto. Mo.
VkokoMWMkoUiOBOOMlo frapor• MOUBttoMtotfeotoCtoMOdO. rko
4omwototoMUckMd too oolltoco
Md wtodooB look Uko tooM e< tobtod
tflMtt* omUm Cho to otm cn>*toc
Md to M« ■ toot Md 4 taekoo toU.
Tkno Mkoo aoorlp op»tUrd of-too
BottoB «rof> of too Uoltod SIMM. Md
toot otou to olMt dooUUto of eotloo
Milto: oto ArkoMM. oaotoor fiMl
BOUOO ototo, kM mo mU\ »t olL
Protodcot Kr«CM aotototoo kto do-
mool Loool P Jocktoo Atkiad 10
•; r OoMOMtoo otBov «v.
Tbodfitoto kOMto BoaktaC et too
MtoicM OtMd Lode*. I O O. r. wUl
todop toBaj C.t7
Arbuckles’ Coffee k
ta the Standard ef Coffee Sxoenenoe by which all Coffee Quality la Compared^ ^
book Bodo for '
i.of t,tw dotocktok.^
▼koBOtofvo uMbor oro olroodp
9%yatj HooripoMonod Odd M-i
»M toft toto otto
too Boottoc yco«dop.
Tbo Kobohto aoooBbly «U1 kofto lu
OBokB lodop stoo. ood o' tofffo ropfo*
to osMOtod ot lu fotoortocs-
AfTud boU te too boaedi of too
OddfoltoorsOrtookoCktotebo cm of
too footoros ef too oJobrottoo.
■vodto Ktootoo Moottog.
TboN «tn bo o.dtotrtot
leottoc to too Swodtoh'
tokreb M
t c ot f P- •• toAkP
otMtoc Wod>
•oodop kifht wlto too dodloottoe cf
tkr ebsrab. Aboo* tboso wbe will
tobk port to too pfOcroB oro Eee V
Visoll. Twtls: Bo*. J. Forsborc, Mmtotor: Bo*. C. T. VooUlsc. LBdlBftok
ood Be*. C A Ttolto. OodtlUe.
Tbw em<-* poU In a kii of time dodf
«f Sl,000 of wkot to eoUod
lac the Ban.
Mooop." oat ot wktob bo ktoo ro«i<>tr«*
A loan’e h>rr I* a|H
■dn. Sracor to
bp bie dlrnitioli.
• OBOMf.
A farmer naps tl com acatoid toa
Aopootol froB B«toarokt 0070 toot Craiu to rut (crti.
Abo saliM kM drowMd to tot Bop
^boraokSMtkl woboo Of kto horoB
«apoeudofooBplldt7«lto tof bobman wbo
toots of tot 7«kM Tarktok porty.
Tbt- tnan wbo moirtra for noaap ia
Mstkik stad7 kt too sooloclckl gkra fool—tiBlMn be peia tl In sdraiK'e.
JtoMtotobospartoftooeoarooof toPciUf (lunw a wall ban to pap dearip
BtraeUok to
paoUe for noi-cpoa afuw fatrlp earnlns It. .
ftomoiiow ibe fatUi-r-lu-Uw owr
lio iMot oarloao papor w^bt to too geia iDiH-b of a eotuli- luipi-r ni>uiatioa.
Mas In a |M<rniUar autiual. M'bi-o be
arorld ;■ Mid to botooc to too prince of
iceta whai be waniu lu- dn-nn't waot IL
•PalM. It to too BOBBiod baad of
Tlie niil.v wap poll ran beat aootbor
w of too dsarkiors of Pkoikok.
inaD'n nun- i» to k«-<T
k«-< pour nioupp to
A easo toot kM boon pondtog to Bo- pour luM-kei.
worlo for UO poato hoo j o«t boon do :ldA tmly rood klfe la one wbo k>**0
• I to too Blrbeoi ooart at Maatob. Tko ber bnaU-ind and lu-f routrp. but don't
4 lootluQ Bodor llttcsUoB WM too UUo want lu run rltbrr.
An-n ap) miwlc was conaldrred tbo
m> a foroot elalBod bp Baroa
food «>f l<ii-e. but now ilip BiMiu con1 too *ma«
eUlac* of Bare* alain uuMiip tif l>ou Uiux and li-e cn-am.
Inn. The rUIaro woo. and too baroa.
Thun- an* beilur fl«h lu ibr aua than
fa addition to lostof too lorMk mast bavf uter Im-*d iwurbi. Rowobow tb«
m WHuap- lo get swap,
pot omormomo emu.
said I lie Kwalleut bair tbrowa
a nbndow. Ync of <-Mnrur, li doee; It
Roar’s datek of opaim to Okeoapoeko tbniwe a nUadn^^oi-nMu pQnr a|i|M-tlte
bop «m be too OBollsot to toe hlsiorp If ,1-nu dlm-uvi-r li lu Ibe botler.-CblBf toe todaotrp. Wboro a pear ago cagu Uailp Ni-wn.
At0(K.000caUoH WM Mlp Movorafo
Atop, ti lo ootiBotod taat tola paar
Aboplaid wUJ be .lMS than 1,000,000
Uir falh-n. or Iruublr to m-lotcn
Hlotorle Taritepfoot rook, bmt To
urrluk -nlni|ilp |«ip >-.mr deliU
ledo. wbtok was aaid to aark toe ptooo cbi-*-rfullp and imiuitulp.aapn Ui<> Phlloraaro too ceskl ladlan eblot, Tarkep- UtlDu. Il lubiitalm lU«- a-hm>b> of
doo^ Boi kU doato orer a oeatarp «ck> iradu, bn-ake np lartp leu. glree lone
Abb boaa ototoa. It walfkod aoran lo tbe social apati-m awl llU-ratcacuodAoaa. WM ooforad Blto ladtoa tooerlp- Vl*ay as pou so.
kiOMsad WM to koto bden roBorod to 'BsprclaUp |up Ibe people wbo work
Totodo tor oSbiblUon at toe Ohio eoa- bp ibe dap aud t»M wliii tbelr band*.
dollar mi*au> uiuob to (be man wbo
Aaulal ashiWttoa.
SIBdea pour fardeo—nrrer bunilllalo
Pralite Aroo baro aoropt oror tba (be man bp making him ask for bl*
- DaBpbUdlatriottoaortowMioraMM- dollar, tilve It (o him Immeillatelp
trk to tbiw*. and if be did well,
lloba. Haadroda of aotUara wars aar>Qi SO. When Ibe woman wbo
tttaadad bp flaoua bttora topp bad rrourbeu
over a wwIdk machine for
AfBO to raoUso toa daackr. aad booMS. pou all dap loiiii brtue* llie innuent
frato. bapaiaoko aad tonesa. ealaad at borne, pap ber ail you o» e. and ilo not
lo ber imullle* kp ezorrlslng tbe
■*P to
prerogatlr* of tbe one wbo la pkPl&C
■ nBOko Taodrseawapto*
eree uionep In daunt out either luanlt•Monp bUs* to astMt.
Init n-uiarks
luault^njc nianners.
The kemlemau sbowa his tmenliluns
Buffalo Bars wiu wMt show cleocd
Aba Wkion at Urboaa. Ohio. Aatardap. In bis treatment of social Inferinrs;
and of all the ibiinnliiK
. mliiK all
alus tbe-withAtoataraoitha abow Is H Baclloh holilliik of uiiniep due a <worklDgtuati
BO'dlera. laaoora 1a too qaooa'o arap. U tbe worst.
Atiar tbo partoTBaaeo Uiep toft bp And the e}ie,-rfi
Apeelat train lor Now York, tooneo glre out with c
LUMlwpIr.cmDMaltwrteoculur 1*1
Or*la IwUwf, Uu «ol*r. ale««l S»Mo
kuwiCu.AxieUMUbuckW. tk'Uaaiu Curkl* SCO ilass. WMa wOertaa Ciw
lonoslof •mmly.CTvt
lo tiH'Sw oasd wsM lo tochw. MW run(rb M
nt'w'A.r.'iir .v.s:i.rsr' ~
wrocpwoo. Aro-esi-
Me. 67. Plettirk Franwa.
BssOk bMUhinr Tortwsisd
lo IBIisUoe of ooyi. Wat
fWM.OaMM reeriH sT ht
------4 hr hlB.---------hlBW^
otitbs paetao.M
Bitbop Aebtor Hod Cborga ef Aer
Ttceoa^tkodo Oharcb SuBd.p.
Tbe iuuroal of the Itopnl .\Rn<-iil--j
A larre c aao was oonfirmad
iurai rMH~iny
Koi-letp iwie
luis au
au aiMi'i-artlrle ,-u RlllloU
Cbeeoc. lu wl.1.1. tlH- .-on.lualon la »»■
® ’
reached tbat tW- excellence or the Biohtor.ot Urand Bap.dA had ebaifcbarai«lerl.il.w of this or anp other' the cepoBonp.
Bi*h bs>o •
cbeeae are nut due 111 euvirvonieiit. and oolobrated at 10 o'cloes. Md tba e<
Ibat ibiof aii<>.,wi. Ill lutriicti-. B^maiicQ aarrloe followed ismediaii \
lar <-oh-» Il
aiini • • • mt.ierr, xbe conBrinaiiop
eeptlonallp flae.
MunpttoA Ourw - WaraAT'a Tbe claaa oonoiotod prineipallT u<
WhMA WiBO 6f Tar tpra^ tbe ponniT people. Tbe aasie waa a very
cough TOU.-!y o
Kinff Md otoar rleb Btoea. Mr. Bolaea
floe feature.
Bloouaaid to
tatarwu. Tbop wlU mldo to Wm&,.
BMtern Aior MecUng.
To Aa..,. Fries u Milk.
InfftokThere will boa rogalv mertlag if
Wo. tbe ni
«tObloac«. a ooBBlttM wm ap- Travorae
raise ,! TraTeroe <h(p Chapter No it? of to.
CI't. do herebp agree to rwi»u
pototod bp too National BdaoaUoaal tboprioe of nilk, ooo eont POfc.Q‘ort
*ort! Order of tbe Bssiera Star WBomw
Bwodatloa to ooaaidor
A taU I
d wlto too foaadiac of a aatloa- aid bp as apoe or after that date. aa«lB«oalrM.
Bl ablraroltp to WaobtoctOB. The shall not be lass than Are eenta per
Bhalrtaan of tkU ooBalttoo. Wa. B. [sart wholesale, Md alz OMts per
Itching PUea.
aerpar. prondoatof too Ualrartltp of laartrataU.
FalMBodeatp eanaea aanp pcop'a to
OOBLE Baos..
sdara to alieoM tna greatet miaarp
Ohl<Mo, bM jooi iBBod a eaU tor a
E tr. Raksobe.
naglnable tioa Itobing pilro. On*
------..-g. of toe ooBBitloa to bo bold at
A J. BAMka,
nplleatloa ot Dr. A. W. Obaso’s Oi 6. 8«CUTLEaKM.
leot will aooibe and esM the iieb g,
A. Wupotrr.
OM bos box will ooBplateip cure tG. iCujiaa.
lot blind, iteblng, blaediag
H Bams.
___ ^Ing pllM. Yob bare ao rAk
torran, te &. A. W ChM> O ni
• toa raoali ef kla oplandklbaalto.
1 to cure pUoa. Oalp M
nIUblo will Md IroaMBdow m
oMti a box. aiIt all oeah
net toaad wbora SioBack.
raprodaettoa of toe . ..
r. KtdMpa, Md Bowals are om o(
f. U poa WMt toMB Qaaifta
laal WaAaaadip sight, toat ft wga
Tka "Frlaboe Stoek" are billad to ap
pear at toe Clip Opera BoaM te om
^JaM«.iohMM'BiBd B.B.W
weak, opaatog on Moadap OTMlag* Oek
tatoad BBApof U
tIA. Thep wUl prodaoa a aaBkar af
of toa dtp w
Moot too OI
ard plapa, tba rapMlolrdof wklto
I tour to tokM solTboeoBpaap, tooaffk mw to
•ar paopto. la a watp attoog orgaalMAkWtlcM.
MoeedtooortgtoalAgkteM also ba tinw, toa ,MBB of a aaBkw- balag
a^ Bp gMl^reqaaat tte b‘- wkU-kaowa .to toMtra goati m
atp 0pm Boom Frldap eraelag. klffklp spokM of kp toa pckM wb
Tta Dawkp pariAa wklah wBl ba toaphatkkppawkd. TkaMUted
ffiesa te toa tiat tlSM akowa too kM too loUewtog to Mp e< tooB:
-rrlobaok Btook OoBpMp. wktok apSfAnwa bp toar kwa Dka’k MHodat toaopara kesM fear alffhta
Abrp go to U.era.tar, wboro toop board
«a Boc>«b traMport aioMaar lor
dtonta Afriaa to lota tbo qaoon'o amp
in too rraaoraal war.
iBdwto F. UolBoa. a Cbleafo attorwap. torBorlp of Oeooda, kliek.. oaa
Marriod In New York Tbaiadap to
llfa.dBeMi 8. Baerp. of .Halt Lake
Cltp. Mrs. B>
orortb ebont I
A OnxWBM. woosuO
Bl vtsBiwco Anw-kWo' fMawuO Coaos WM «<
'Tne eospany bM mueh more than tbe
ncaal amonst of talent, and wsay featarea of tooperf *r*t)ooeo werePxerlleni.
AtleMttwnor three of the compont
bare been here before—Mr. B ffman *
pMr ogo, Md Mr. Jack, with the Var
Ambargi laal winlar. Oi Thnradap
night the bona* wma nack-Kl and Friday
nlgl t gore th«s another big reception."
Between the acts of i*** »'** eaeV
ibtle sniiaated aocBes. la tbo totoot in
reetlon of tbe fsBona elretricisn. r OOT-DlswooS ■UbO. s ksrsi olw WoOf
L« -lU be r«wsrd«l h}
RflaoB. and laa tHamph orer all prr* wiacla
_______________ TP «»
ions lD*eBllooA Brerp scene ia glrei
eboeolsir dippet*
with lifelike realism and e»e-y »o..•> sod rr-»..i«i».
It la perf--c>. It la tbe brat thing o'
JuiK aAl.X-Lavb:
tbo kind tbat hM orer boon gitei
U X Oibb., city
•esiiA catilr hUraffwlng to a cbMge ia tbe r«nie ofih^ O Oeddlug^
eompany billed tor Steicberp'o U-and Tni‘terieCtyri!liy^ B"i
Nor 1. It is DOW Impossible to s-cure
attraction- In Greater Now Y.*rk" ruidrr plrsM <•«»* s> Ht.oaDC.mfe
until next teaaon. TkU has girrn
* *Sf.v-<»hy Bte M4 "lie. Ad
Manager Steinberg an
der.. 0*0 B Pecker, csrr Kelley «blL*»e^.
ae -nre tbe blr hit of tbe of the aeasoa
Will F Phi’llpa' enmplleated comedy. 'frrAirTED-oo.M wii
iilchcow. Apply «'
Bell B-.*." for to* eame date. W, Burden. »ttll-.ui
Wednesday erenlng. N w. 1. This
nlay earriea a large q lantlty of spee al i tbi.and’ow i.rS.u.
eoenery. fine moehanlesl and electrical »ud e.n-».e*.
effects, sod it produced by a eompany
numbering SS ariitlo second to none in
toe eonnup. Tbta attraction la one of
unnsnal IntereeV and Trareiae Cltp
o.o»wUI*tckaa«* lo
tneane goera win be glad that It la to
be seen bare. Tba oomnanp la now
ptoylag to toe larger eltlaa.
la Baurtototog Orowdo of Oar Boat
At *13 Front atraet. the rub gad^aa
rbo CDBoal*ed toe Idea Md worked
oat toe aatoBatoi marrato kM Mt
•reatog a wwBbw ef Ugb-ktoM apa
tlM rBlto jptrodaoM.laputolBiAtIna
imagBadeei La 8oU# Btbal tka olo«kr
Mild aetfaaa.wkoMMagtoff aad dMOtoa kMTt (ff o*arpcM who
1 all atuapta
to lBprc*a upon bu wooderfal prtdnetloM to aetontlAc anloMtle Beeh“it^bapoad tka oomprate
ordtoaip totoUaet. B*ca toa
toie of toM ________prohlsB
art howlMaea aft who eeotoBplato Its Boat weadarfel aad apt
deaaf toa giaat Flua ^ea Affht whIM w
gd*M ky toa BdMoa ABorioM Vito- too pdi
aeopaOo. to toa atp Opera Boom toat
weak, wOl ka t^Mtad Vrtdap Right
apoareqaMtof a torge aaBkar who
aaw aad MjepoA toa satortolaB
Tka.MWBaMlMkp wkM tUa pradkctloalkgl*ka.kkowtog tka Boat raal-
___ ...
““sr'A SKoTi!!
rOB adtX-OwDl Br.i«lM* Caatly hero
. sii.Tssr.i's/sr'
rXD 0«*d rtrl lor ecaaral b<
»in»mt« iidbM^jtnttiilLT, owoMa tMiil.
rimsui wmuL
Gas Lamp"
tmi. TU» latiaK, toe. wm ■dirtmia I*
*Bt lew place. Mar'a Oeait. TcBpWi
go, (p lha tiflM Oiok bad bwo lowed
View aaaea daya be
••♦«r tttiwltaMTr' wmd aibd.
*1 MW kwd «r n* • ikiM ta w
kept Mtr' MtUMd
fWttap. “WhMwoBldyaDriMr.
CHkw kMt atM it darli« Ut lUetiae,
fow hMd. MXL CB b*dac nCMtd by
ft*, had iipriMidkiitaWikturftty%« (a Ikt beaM util yoa aeDf^tad
hdaf r?t Bol arw laad ia aorda"
(vtth a Cat toaeh <d am) -‘oC aoeh a
anpaama aorlea. Did ba-^Maaw*nahaatit, aiy daarT’
"frifktfuUy." £that awiad h..
**M«btfallyaiBi.aad7aa abcnld |a*t
aa «hat a ehia ba haa U waald aaka
i^tdvtaa.'* '
"IQmI eoald 1 aayf I'aaalnadyaald
&M**a7to*Manl^M^ “
akd after ear ftm i
kta alwat my day dariac the fuiInrtBfatMth. ThanldhCWanleaDM
hOM ba prupoaed to nte. and I-~well,
rakaoBwhatlaaldL Hatlmdaclainl
MeiMaaMnef Mdlot naacaiemy
Mt ■Mtlia and didn't Mem to tan ia
«ka lea« when 1 aaannd him that my
■Mwer weald ba Jaat tiwaama. hoarm
■way tlmM he aifeed me. Well, it iM
axaetly aU BMmtha today -<ww» the—(be
M Ow 1 taU him that t eoaldn't
" pat ta Mta neldl^ _
"Thaa," WM Mn. Fleldiiw’a deel“wa MW tMd for tbe pelloa "
*'Ob. BO—BO...PO aer ejaeaUtol
Btbal apriaciai ap. "Plaam dcm't do
Aat He'aaue to pa He—be't aery
MBthManly. motber. and I’m tmn be'U
VfcaaaUaMlfif badoMato^ BeeidM
tf ha fciBcfat tbe polioemen—and I’m
Wa ba woald fi^t—tbaa'd ba .-neb a
y*. Mn. FMdlM Wfd tby gw
aNr weald cira Karkot N'lWtmiy a
BMotb'a food (w tittle tattle if the
________ _ of the tow were to
"twill am tiw youngpetaimmyMlfI"
wgiiMid tba ^deriady majcmicnlly.
- "tkxt't ba banh. motber.'^aaid Etb
btoablng a UtUa "heoaoM. after aL
ywB know be’e"—
"Bead oror beeli la
Of OOWM.” r«>ained
"Of ooarae be la
*o«ld ,aaipwt him of
j^W theptaw
lore with yooT
Mra Funding.
be wertm’t. 1
barii« eril d»-
Wa him to me.
8o Myiag, Mm PietJIng ewept mag>
atflowdy into tbe drawing mom.
Bat Mtigo M WM ber lone and Kcra
aaK <ff bla deeltion. bat nevertbeleae r»
fnaedtoaplkebitganaandrettra Dnrtog tba aitaraatioo Mm Fielding dla•orered that be wai a yonng gimtieman
of as. with an ample luouue. and a
awaU ooontry mat that ahul eadly in
Mad «r aone otw to look afhr iL
Twaaty miantH lator Mm Fieldii«
Manad to bar danghler;
wbaWTM, I aappoan be mtut nsnain.
Be may be la a more Mirndble frame of
' Mind to tkn amming.. Uoe’t let tbe
Mrrants know aaytbing aboat tbe real
•tata of tblnga bat ptvusnd that wn
ham terited him to Kay here and wy
bln lo0Ma will arrive in doe ooaiaa "
Tbenanlt ww: (I) That Mr.'Kicbopd Wntarbory gained hi# putat and
alaid at Flmoant View. (2) That only
I lo win Etbel
BWdiag weald bare led him to Cake
MckadeqieMteBtep. (B) ThatEthel by
M Meant dedeired tba Maternal jodgMwi when tbe enaiwul bermlf i^.
aanlly aboat Dick and hie Molntiou.
(■» lot aUp fail
idt fait ant Ml and berdaa^aw.
9nry aoetiitv whim he mat tbe lattw
BMB wbo haa stniek bto grit and oeitied down after a few year* of con
8i te firegtfati taUe. Miitat aa opporMwlW of oaan* when Mn. Fteidinc
WM BOt prMMit. be bad atitad. "Welir'
tinent-wide tumnltnooliy. wbea they
Were all teUlng hard-luck srortes tto
other right, "but be was addicted oe.
eaokMMUy to a saeage sort of bnmor.
'Member that time I got the western
ferer. about 10 yean sgul Well 1
There la a good mtory of tbeWidaad Bdwl had abaken bv bMd Twyda' an to tbe eaxern
tmiaedlyaMl made tbe amatof tbe
eseaedtaply dimpled eUa. which oaly aburv of Maryland, aaya tbe rblUdrl
pbla Inqnlrer. Tbe petty embraeed
1 of Mr. Wat
»wtvuriee Blaine and Wtndob and
bi^'a Daring tbe whole of that
Dick bad nertr ooee been oaa Tbe oifaen. They werv fortunate enough
lu bear an etn^lem mtwob from
poinb It MTwcd more td the "man In oeoerable prolmtant eplecopal bUhop
'poaiMai<m»' tbaa anythiiM elae be bad of Uatyland. wbo wae tbere to admin,
leter Ibe rtU of conttrmatiun.
"He'a been aeai. and be<e got to dent Artfaur and tbe two aetrelaiiea
Mi la 40tH satiaXartlou. But tbelr
•op." waa oook'e mdiPt. "And
peace of mind vae eudden
Tbe offertory waa eOBg. At tbe faarwayi ondmtuod that tbe poor maater mUlar words: "Lstl your light eo abloe
left her oanfable off, and 1 raa't nn- befuM men. etc.." tbe prealdeot and
demand fauw abb'e fawt ber money. I tbe aec-rrtariea rack qotoUy dropped a
MppoM ife a mine <u eometbiait. baud into a pockeL
"iKy not np for yoonelvea treai
Tbank goodofMt r*i< «<» all my Uttik
on earth."
mringi wrmiiped
Wioduw dt«w forUi a criip ffl iou
larked In my boal
Seren day* bad gone—the atwenth and held It between bis thumb and
algbt bad Oman, and Kill Ethel reauuned futvOnger. ready for tbe apprueoblng
obdnraie. Bol ehe paid, ber mother' plate. Tbe president and Mr. Blaine
wrui a Ulllr deeper Into tbelr potketa.
noticed, emwlderable atteatfaai to b
One brought up a nickel and the other
toilet and wtae ber preuiett drawn.
a dime. Tbeirfnctwflnabed. It would
never do lo make such a cuntrlliatiutt.
Wbat waa that?
"He tnat nowrtb little abaU n ip UlMm. FuOdinc mt t^t bntbed in oold
tie and be that sowetb pienutmaly
sbal rea)i plenteously. • • • Uod
Wbat wae—tbeee it ww again—
luvelb a chre^ul givo."
Kratobing on Ibe window! 8bc liKonod'
Tbe pn-ehleui went lo his pocket-^er heart beating a wild tattoo
book and ibr secretary of aiale ex
againat ber riba.
plored bb Vest pocket with net
acnebody ww t^ng td break ini
Only a oliding door arp
"TaccBeua stood forth and uld ante
Pioldipg'a tmm from ber daagliter’a
thr Ixird: 'Behold. Ixird. the half of
Her teeth ebattrriog in time with the
my goods I give to tbe poor, and >'f I
wild throbbing of bar polew. Mm
bsvp done wrong to any wan I reK-iie
Finlding crept out of bed and. tba elid
ing dour bi log partly open, into ber
Tbe plate wsir only four pews away.
daagfaler’a room. Etbel wuelntub
Wbat tbe president found to hi"
pearafally. bat a hinnb awoke» her.
l>ockr|.book wn» one Dfly-dullar uoir
Tbere wae a fanrriM expla
and a len-dollar greeulwiek-tiolblng
wbiapen Dorn Mn. Fielding, and tbeo
Her. To put IB a niekel or a dlim
tbe two Woden. clatcUtig each other
was not lo be IboughI of. To give tlU
for comfort, etole inh> Uie ouI.t Udwas more than either eared to do. Each
room and. «tce more liKened.
looked at Wlluloui slltine there calmly
arraicfaing bad nnuaxl. and ««ly a ehnfwith bis dollar uoiF la hit btoil He
fling aoQud ooold be hrnrd. Then ihure
shook bis bes^.
ww fcxiurtep. on tb<- grarel walk, and
"Charge ilteui Hist are rlcb In
then the aoalleiy window (whirb was
world tiuit they he ready lo give and
immediaU-ly beitealb) aas nbot op i
ghid lo .tlsirtlmle."
a fume that deuou-d a careltw liaK<
Iliere was ou time for further pock
the part of the midnight inmMb-r.
et exiilomiluu or ctinslderaiinu. With
"A bnrglar!" escluinicd Ethel, pale
a aiulleof euuiralseraikm at eaeh other.
to tbe lipa for the was only IH and
somellillig like gh-e Id Wluduw's
ordinary girl with ordinary nervaa.
plaHd couuteuame. the president and
UnconKionaly. bar Upe formed tbe
Ibe stH-reiary pf state eni'li planked
word "Oiuk!"
tliiwu bis ieo-d<dlar note for "llie |Hwr
"I’ll w'aka MK-Waterbary," aaid
i>r this eongregailon." .kml the wurK
Mm Fieldiiig. 8ho trin><d raiftly
nf II Is. Mild one of Ibe {lany after,
of the rouu. down the pomagu, and
ward, that tbe l»rd would prubablyrq^id at ber goeM’a doer.
whleh they Intended lu give,
■ In almcnt Inai time tban it takes to
give them i nslH only fur the dollar or
^lotc it liiekTonud hima lf standiug at
bis door, in dnwniig gown and trunaeM
trytug to iiwUll aunie ealima.* into tbe
truobled bnasts <tf Hm Fielding. Ii<r were talking of deiilUts Hie dtlier dny
daughter, lb.' <ii>k and the fauawmaid
wUeu Hie stout iiinu of the |«ariy r.—fur Mm Fi<-ldiug bad amoatd tbe laled a
humorous loeUleuI thill ■><airvaiita. tb<Te being comfort in niua- euried Mime lime ago. It hapiiened In
t emi aartd oiwu.
a dentist's ofllix- lu Kau<ui> City, and
fiuv Iwrv, " eaid Dick. "ni go Uie stout mnu waa then- at the time.
down. If be du’su't oae amu '
typical lowtmiii'her i-iime in ami
manage bim!"
wanted It iisjih tnuteil. II.' was a hk
So MTiug. ba moved qnietly down
•tain, and tbe wumeu. afraid to be left
by tbeuiaelv.x follovi.d him at a laapeciful dutauoiv A few luomoms and
Uie (tarkneM had rwallowtd up Dick'e
An ausions inu-rval followed,
during which nothing cunid be beard.
Soddenly then‘wetv a rratili of rroi'keryaiida MvugeexelaniaticrD; then an
other enwdi; llM-iiawbulewnranfcTaabea Tbe eook .and boow^maid abnektd
with fright Mm Fielding grmqsd the
andu>-mbled. Etbel
........................ l.hd.
too. for Dick—yea. f<r Dick. Sb<- loved
him; obe knew it now. His bfe « as in
Tbe boom was lllled with aounda d
tbe alruggl.v A despeiale fight was gte
ing on in the pamagi' hwdiug to tbe
kitchen. Tbe women could tUuiIy dieoiTfi tbe formi of Ibe two man whtt
abort, qaick gaaps.
.. > (4| That it
WM tbe ■eneral oplaioai in tbe kitoben
that the gentleman wbo had oome no
oaddeaty—wltboot any loggage—wm a '
nontly fur tbe ma
"Man la pUMMOlun. " <B) That baaaem- Backward and forward tb<‘y awaye^
a very well dremrd with rhncbist loeth and straining_____
u (B) That tbe gauUu- clew thill the women dared not move.
lety aat down and wrote a
_ , The couple bod fought their way down
Inag tottar. which wM given to the { lo Uw extreme eud of tbe pamage and
Moosemaid to poM (7) That be wired to ' were cltaai to tbi'iwollery d.a«r. SuddenMribMnddMM for tome oloChM (6), ly a pistol abotnuig out. th.-ie w gs n
nmi tbs tottw wm addtwMed -*o Mr. cry. a splint
John Blunt, Ftinr'a Court, TeMpl*. of glam, ami
IkbMm. (9) That, in tbeopiaion-af dw
I, "Friar's
soonded lille a-------------------ing gown balf-tom off bis back.
-----------------------------------tow plasn te any gaMiMsan’s frtends
"Be got away." be etrUimi'd.
be didn't take auytbiug. I'll Mi
things on and be off to the piSce
Dti* WMwbmy bad bawi with Che tion."
Ftoldtofs n wadi and still abowsd no
Tbe wamen gaerd at tbeir beiro with
tigas of
from his lasdaUon. fund, admiring eyes Once again they
Ba had soon made himself at bone; be bnialbed fiwely. Slowly they morad up
badhrobMlbeioeoTCrtbadiiuwrtable.MairarHtUbai Etbel
fellow with an Imiiieii*' soft lial. ami
win-n he de|K>slt<sl hlmmdr In the »ie
d. par to..
neodotM and news of the
dnywWeh bad
1 faUed to praalrnta to
•ba Ummm ot Maifcat tiorboxy-
- K«.,. Hrt,
•7 «tiM to tor Mother nil tbs
^ tosBAtoed. and would nelltor
ritoSr SUM.
dag, attaougb
aUboagb Mw
m oould
ooold do
bttb ^ rindff. On tto fnltowlng dqy
bin el^ srtved.nad cm tto third
•Tbat waa all-ou man. no nothing —------ ——--------------------------------------Traualaied. ibe memage Jito Invited
walk IBIO tbe aeetblug waters ' oab •vUatilr alark CM
of the uitanaiBed Pnclflc and submerge
niyimlf. Weil. It waa a good thing, tlutt
dry lueauge. I hoofed It lo Pan Franeiwv). got a J<»^ and went ta work, and
1 twk a tumble lo myself from ihat
time on."^V’a»hlqgion PosL
----------------------» Kaaaiste.
. .
JSt'tSntiSr Sw
■ kimok ounu-ia. ,
Mkj or Blast eaUs
.. toll to; North*"^1
—.------------ --'
I OtoM MV ‘reaoeUrr lilceS. tl« rrvet »lt«K
‘ TStoytove Wa Ml._____
________ '
York will) whoDi the power Of
dully pnvu. la such a bobby that he
mlMNl 1|U- aaUrt of a aub-eilltor Who S'.
a "Sunday
apPeUI" on lerftoi™ Hmw rivys^' '
’’Kuiiioua Or.-iiluatea of the Re|M>rlcrs' /^ao
.ao. H.cnni
Room.' and at onee aHlgneil bla l>e>t- Gr n
diVMu^ reporter lo Interview lending
BOLLIOSY, gvtossw Toroole
itithora along ibis tine,
ly. (raerlDVvMMWda ’mea.
that Mart Itoain waa in New
the tdlior counted on blni aa a n'i;. uiLBgn.aucrwr- SyMiaiaitBiiiioe
atrikiDK example of Ibe literary value
M^,rrotoW j^aea. Beew> S o.-v M
aiwiwr training.
Tbe reporter , ^___ordered to spare ajMee for tbe In- ,
ten-lew. Yet wlwn tlw article
peared Mr. rietneba' name
■ hBii parlor rsr u Oi
liraodBapWr w <!t
Tbrrjopw iraiBBasparlorrar lo Umad
tUpMs. BBil slreptog .-ar aod roarb WraaS
BapWr lot’sirsso
TralB amtiBgal Ita’p. ■ hsoaiooperClBrlBuail ■.••iraod KapId-aBd roars and aitvpl^r^t ^*004 0 lot amtMl napIdoaM chair tar
Chicago —
West Michigan.
e rejwr- c
queatlou whlcU be
bis article
.. ..ka.1
“Mr. Twain." he
asked, “lo _h..
wbat ......
tKlimi WHTH.
■'■ftiyicijr.;''' 'Fs'sk
r .rainThe fanioii. Uuniurlai hsif^hut hi.
oaieutH In kI•e», thought a few moaieuti
leiiis-. and
"To the fuel I bat when I.was
l. was .voting
and very aiiililiiouit I liwt wy jidi “
your Job. Ur.
■ (.Herald BulldlBg.
hUMlKiud’u favor, under a lawyer’s ete.
Hie prtka-nv goes lo ber ebUdren aud
bl.Ksl reUtiona. but Dune Co her liuibaaa
enre." roared
the cowpiincber; “n^
man kin him me like ibH an’ lire!" 1
‘ - (Hnw.roKti—'-------
Norriuler Ut. I’M. fnMBS»'>-ln-S u> II oVhkT
a m aod froiB I o'rlocS to 4 ovlork
BVlork p a,
ai Ou
ah lalr«oaia n.fwiv »rplrwt,rr
_ jrr I.I
UI I’M. th.rr
tr. re
.Ulerlloo. t.ui o.
viH te
t- no Ireo rbarrrd furr rUlrell
lOMlsI Noptea^lM l»l
.1 aad
■ srprS a leBalt) Ar •./.! KapU.
kr tirAl KspMe
of i
UDW04lVlober ’OI SUO polO SoHog
Ibrrr Bill br rSararS a praslijt ot X per eei
for ruUeetloa.
.PstSB Wi ubcb,..
floor on-the iqipaaile aide of the room. ^
"Yon bUmed Idiot." be mumbled,
Le mt Itaphl.
ar TTarer«vC} .i
. g«»i dni ot .imton o. . ^
A ro.« Mlow
b fm
Adolphe d’Ennery. ibe~ French dramallsl. who died reccoily. bTd a rvadv
fhaaglas tto Itos of
a. A smavT. h. u.. l-ropY A w S
Jllag pfe*
rials 7s tCTiroto;
s ptoer to
ObM, Htolb tovry
. ,
----------------------------------------------Wagonfl for Sale
.crept naaday.
SEKSJtti.,,...::;::: !5f:
At Fioaner Livtoy Stnbln, B. J. Hor- Leare CtorkervU
. wouldn’t want any boy of mine to to
tVarerve OIU
> don't apeak to
I nny more.”
“What’s the troubler
-w-tt w. >.<-,..1 W M
- and left ttoir BnoMM dls pencMuyT
Tto WnpUatyMldbyChliisM writ- Itbe conntry BatuTdi^
nMAlktoiM AM—l«p«—- MBtobaMbMoulUvaMd to that own ' •winy dialer to w
"Nor quwled the nppnmttod, symbe gave me th’ black cyg.-’nt-BlU.
. pnibetIrnUy.
“.So. sir: «i
4 M
■insnrug mimisnu LL
A Bharp Itelori.
■" “•
New designs and fanej
f woods with new decorations iSj !S*'
Keep these in mind when
•• ; Ktkf
■ H
down town and call in our •10lu <»
Oi' S S,
thsmM'. HU)
Lake *CB
Jewelerjr store to look them Its t£l
Cvdmr H
orcr. We have many new
Io4t! 4 a; latch's
•ID M •• m
II flOi s a!
Teararv* Ottf
things in jewtlry also.
positive that our George U tbiaklBg
serionaly of matrimany."
’’Well 1 only hope so." returned
HenpeA. with unusual aplrlL
11 a
. Ml
;:s :s
Even a married woman sometimes
1 4up.«|
Tvelo MU’* Idoa.
1 - * i Ttt
• rrrlghl
Aud. M-lxlug bla bat. lie plunged!
heavily down the sialra. anailn-matlt-1
•as toWNto to ssftoestoUvssto (o IrMblmarit
^ teMMrid witb ^assinl iuMnotitos ,
"It wm agDOdldntff Dick’sr'wM
tori ft WM to to poMril bMtM 4 p. M.. I all to
jfclpAni laiMMMMibvityil^Mti HytoMtoisMtMMA C.
,rU.Ua.w I
lhl>. aad sleep
In an Interview, bui
gtther,.il his
with hie hkm on bla law. "I told yop
not to mover
"Tbet dont make a mite o’ difrer-
I Train arrlrlBs at SSUp w. Sm rSair rat gi.
r Ar oar uraM
aplcimudy absent. It ass this way:
,• Morpa-iT
riemens received the re|»rter O.
with hla cuatomary urbanity, tboiigi.
I unfenunaie as tn regard It aa n
tnao a toadtide statiou six mUm fren
Market Kcsimiy.
Etbel quite meant ber "Tm.”
a Bign nyev.
"Tm.” and in “w® • l*“y'**«ti wreck a> be Is gave
dae time wm Marrto) to tto "maa in l F®** 'b«« bbok eye!
-i haveBt always been down In (to
poMosaion." mneb to tto oocA apdl
OompUinlng Wlfe-Bhure. yerfwor. world.- mm ibe mendkut.
na a
husbnad. hot dont iet’a be Hasty ia
Judging bim. 1 mast say" be Uiked
right np Uke a btohxM man when It
came to fixing a dowry."-Washlngtoa
Si. ttat to b
arsiNK.'vi cAjtns.
coairie of boom I got tbe old •________
-------gentleman’s tvriy. It read:
| » w-snown. auan»« qe- o«
"Sow." he aaid. "don't stir.
If you
do Ibis tiMil may slip aud yuor uerv«
• | g.-l a na«y Jar.'
Then she bent forward, quickly bnalbed
"Tm" in bis ear and flad lo ber room.
la did be make himself, is- \
Tbe poBoe never ea«to tto burglar.
. bsdttma hebad qaito won wbo got back to Friar's Ounn quite
Fialdtoff orv to Us aida Ethel Mfuly, after oatebing tbe earboK train
■ It
- Broke on tbe brink of tbc Pari- i _
•’■rble d’F.nuery la a true Jew-that
i Is why be never produces a play witb•nt Iniereat.’’
"I am afraid that our new soo-in«.»,
■^•’Ab:’’ replied o
-rtrhat a
Uw's arlMocrailc tradlllous will make ^ rurtatlan ron are’
-The Rival
K dtflicalt for bim to bold bis own In
financial affalM"
and tbair Mlf invited gnest.
Etbel looked swiftly np tbe stairs to
Afwr dinner to regaled timn with Make sme they two were unotomred.
Is. la. A. BuUdinc. ..
6rud iMUta t tidiiu I. N
After lairing Into the tooth a ffiOiput hi- |>a»M-0.
money before be dies has a good op.
Fire Insiirantii.
. ■
••Certainly, air. eertaluly," rfaiaimi
Ir. CleUH-Ds. with great auavlly. “1
- A ™,o
.,d ool
wbat lie Is until be discovers he’d like
C« bet
Tbe niau wIk> give* away all bU
Quick work.
Crtoh Whvrv tl 1. Daa.
nold'baaMryrbioh tbe ladica bad at-’
”1 aaid 1 worid not leavetbe boom,"
lagtil to place bstww tbwitMivM ba began.
Beat vorkmAonhip
"Only a bruise or twa."be nplied.
UMmm; botOiokbadpretmidednotW 'TU amm act tbe puUoe oB hit giwok.
noUoe tbair manner, and mtilad on ao Bat fizK"—
fftolr that be effsotaally dlapmaed tbe J
He took ber hand ia hia
daring tba Ant right of bU stay. Mm I
"Are yoa burtr'ahe aakrd him. with
Flaldlng and tor dao^tm bad opened infinite (imdeniiwB in hex vuira.
toabaU to fctnduffbim with frigid po-I
^ Muploj
lenscipg tone, and
at got to work.
.11 went well for n few moments
I tbe big fellow threw hU bead
Ttiere was a yell a acramlile. and a
falling chair, and (hen n brawny UK
flew out. and a daaed aud bleeding
dentUi picked hlmM-lf up frum tbe;
John R. Santo,
Gtiwil lisiruca
Iisave Tiuvrae atT/...
«B Mmmta aaoeap. wam*. ooioaia », im.
wi im witrrai aoti. iwopu tbiqw m wm w.’
fl Wm OtawMt' WbM wilt Wa. m
laA^ii — tafI«a ia» Waio — taow '■•flMiraM Amm
tady Wuklg—a«fc
•TTc^ got oo^ af the otapUtad
tanraau joa ercf laid e/*a oa." tcM
oo the tark plat
atfona. aa he
puUod tat the rad* of teta Sowing wek
ralaloa the CWrtaad Plain
Dealer. -She l«n‘t to bedniaied wlih
an/iblncabeoM do mIorliW with.
She’a joM like an lafani la lhl» reapert. Good girt. too. Abtat a wwk
ago 1 w«B aprtofcling the Uwa eariy la
the erealag when -Vura came out.
■■ -hlhler Jlaiaon.’ nhe aald. •! laJt to
do dof
*«u. In a tetaponry St of laaaalty I
yielded the booe to her and went op m
•UA atoriM m alS v^y v»n ta
jtbrir vay. tat «bn It eonw** la an ovi
'tad on
Ita nan «r tbr wotatu
CM octdo cBj flataracD vbo ctm
talM a M MiTMat cbocnl whtkt
Kckiac for btocfc buc. mj* titc s^w
Torti OoaisierrUl AdTcrttar. Beer.
A»«r Md wUdret rant* ndim ibr
cool erntocs la tta AdlrimtUiA* i«ai I ~Iaelde of Ove mlonieo that girl bad
ta*> but Ibr othrr da/ an
pnaalng pupeora c-arfB
,I aoaked a ....
Who baa a pawataa for Hltablng added , ooi the popper-a Uuip. had abowered a
hla mhe to the fnad ert romanee. He } aligbtly Intoalrated aiao who awure
to eUmbtagall the
fa»«« of Ainer • hlue aengcaace. bad douaed a amall
lea ayatemalleaily PIkKa Peak. SdAni ! >»y la a trig raffled collar, wbo ran
WatblamoB^d wVu^fac^e comiX I
ajirayed a yonag
waattiagloa and » bUefaee be eonaifl
a pink. ahlrt walat Md
Rnl Blue piac-ed at leaat two galloaa of waior
• Momuin la aff ant-blll. He went up uniler her own chin. .
to lia ertwi one njnroing to mw tbr «oo
••When I yelled to her to drta « "he
rtae and after trotting home 10 hrank- tamed tbe bonale aquarely on ■ (be
teat and apendlng tbe day IIflidilug weal percb and we bad to ran for oar Ur««.
bp again lu the aftertmun
Bat we gut »oe good thing out of tbe
MB aet tmoat pe^le start at H In the affair. Hbe bad an Idiotic beau who
moralng and ronie borne ai 7 In tl»- twed to come to Bee her every night
crealug when fbey elliub Bine nioim-' and «Uy ttU neatly morning. When
alM- aaw him raming that particular
*«f ronrae. Ta a hatdened climber.*' evening abe waa m fluatraied tbat abe
•aid Ibia energetic BrtioB aa be atfireil at ouce pot tbe booe on him and
the are of idne Iwngha. "And Pee had acMked hla nice pink negligee ahlrt and
•omo rnnay expertencra. rilniblng bla baby blue Deck scarf and.knocked
taut dMgerooa out here, thafa why
bla dainty red-rtbboned atraw tut Into
gel about It oo quickly. I iwmemlter
>wliuiulug gutter. And tey, by
were clambering alaont on the Corner
glacier with aa elderly nnrte .rf oiim.
He waa a rollyrtmly oUl chap and he
■lipped and got wedged np to hla
walat In a crark In tbe lee. au Sniily
. that we almoai rteapalred of ever grtBag him out again. We pulled and
tugged and nearly dragged alt hla
glulhes off: fbidl we gaee him tar
.Saaka to drain. He aald he didnt know
Wbal waa the nee of writing aud talk,
teg ao much about the 8t. Bc-nurd'a
when a fellow ruuld get In aui-b a
pUgbt aa bla and not be aide to get
any amlatanca. Then he called the
rat bocrtl'l ttlVAMi
ftangM Bseisrs
atory artilcli moalratca wy alcNy
qm^ pni np<m ih»*lf
. U
__ by Ja(
u MO
oae laid
AUoniey WDIlam L. Mairy. who
adrlaer of the Brie Rail
twd |q ihia elty.
micl.ne.aged farmer ^ O^rtnaa
iu„,g, anffered the worai
a rals-up
,hiU an Brie imla oa ooe of the Ea«
Buffalo . rowdaga. and ta It bl« wife
.ad horae had heea killed, bln wagta
demcai.hed. and hr hlbteelf bad r^
eeUed a few hnilita. For tbeae Injur.ad Imew* he bad brongbt a eoil
for aiMui
but aa It waa
up ai
n,, |
, waa perfecUy wiltlag
.0 aettle. Ibatead of Bgbtliig for
*afl.000 lb the roina.
Ur appeared at the offlre of Nr. Marry and after ctaklderable bargataiag
mM be weald accept *300 for hla horae.
To tbe a.iorney thlVaeemed a rather
|«»g price, ao he aaked Itie man what
be wanted for hU wagon. Tbe Dntcbnun «ald be would lake 1106.
e\o. that
ur. jiarey. "Why It wonld
tunc to pay for your wtfe*a death If
yua value your borae and wagoo wi
bicbty. I guraa yc>D wUI have to coo.
unoe tbe auli.”
••a.-u, wrin." began the- German.
-Rchuai llaten 40 me once. See bier.
You gif me awel bnndred for mhin
hone and a hnnderr und Qfty for der
wagon ond ef-er-iweiiiy-Bve for der
barneaa und 1 rill call It aquare about
die wife, 1 can get another wife, but
ibr borae liml wagon, acb. dry would
mueb mon.-y.”
a<-it1ement waa
aiMiu reaebed wbicb
able, to Ixiib part lea.—Buffal
A Vara temrarUM*
e Jitoao •*
Oblino, the French “Mrs. Partingtea." does not amMe ao mneh by t
cunfBBloa of hla woirta aa hy t
qualatnesa and nnlntended ptolnneoa
of b|s remarks. He entered tbe service
of n well-known doctor, who. after
falluo bad been bnytnr bay for bla
bones for awhile, made Bp bto mind
that the bay was wonbleao.
-That la. very poor hay that yon're
been buying,” tbe doctor complained.
-But the' bonea cal It. sir." said
-No matter: tfa bad hay.”
‘ -Yea. air.” aald CaUuo. respeetfnOy.
-ril (diMge it. I know yen are a
mueb better Judge of hay tbM the
hones arvr
One day tbe bdl rang and CallBO
came In.
-A patleat baa urtvad. Nr," be nported.
-Ad old patient or a new aaer
aaked tbe doctor.
-3Cew one. of cottrae, Nr" said CallBO. ‘'The old ones sever come baekr
Callno admired very mnrti tbe bran,
tlful teeth of a lady among bla maater'a paiienta
-Ab!" be exclaimed. -Her teeth are
•A miBlIy <dd termer rame amind
to tbe bouse tbe other day and ooM my
wife three dosen alleged fresb eggs."
- ”1 anppoae yon had the tough on her
InI grant shape.”
Tonnellar Block
doltais fer It A^etaar loaa of
f«,ar dolUis at* wan clnl
Tbe pD|>ull«-I are you mortgi
’rtTou'rr a silver man. of rourse?” your farm Iasi week.
•aid oue of the delegates at tbe l>emo- < The Lnceilaln QnMtliy—Thafa
what I did.
-betv be bad area blut before.
I “Well, when yon goto’ lo jlne nar
vfAM tbe policeman In HH.' “.Not now. anyhow. 1 alnY'apvat tbe
aen'a rlotbra. yawning drearll.v. “I'm •oney yli."-lodlanapolla Jonnial.
-1 bale to are a man make a fooTof
iinliy tbe invei-ulor made auotber
trial ofr Ilia
bis airabip.'
V.lu were bla efforts It wtaM not
"Vm._ Whom have y« In mind
^go, ,rttal bolds H dffwnr be
-»,ned. ”lt bna arveoty-flve pateaia
Nra. Holies tpraudlyt-Tbe tondlord
•It Jwt anlled me to hold onr Dem___ __________ __ tew drtaka
oerulc conference la 8L Louis at thu -gf
ling, bn none during tbe day.
»to>wed bim the baby,
time we did. It to my seareal .big , gg, gg daylight
avhebt drinker.
Hones (wbo waa kept awake toA
lovn. and I neadad to have my teath
v.boleT-No one eeer arcanrJ nm M algb(i-lt wonld have heea bettor, my
------- --
Wbeiv ft cigar ia made in
matter of couaiiJerable weight to
particnlar amoken, and it ia Uthem we apeak.
Our work. rooms are ejean
li^t and pleasant
Our stock is clean, ftnel; cur
ed and fragrant.
Onr workman are neat akillful and efficient, using the beat of
Thene thinga make onr ctgare
the favorite brands with eo many
Sold by all dealeia.
Where It’s Made
Gift Post, straight i0«
Oiamoail J, i for—2Sc
Trararse Belle—05c
Quite r»-A-utly two youug Indies
balb-d an oninlbna lu ■ larg<- city, eulen-d lu and found ' outy Mandlug
One of them whlatwred to her com
pBoluu; "I am going lu get a neat
from one of time men. Just yon Uka
She looked down tbe
and u-lei-ied for her victim a Mtlatekxiklug genlleiuao. She willed up
biuj and l|ul.Uy opened Ore.
-Mr deaT-klr. Rrowu. bow delighted
I.. ehilbea uiakea a bi<ap o' differ
I aw to meet you: Vou are alwuat a
" don't Ibey>-New York Journal.
preaetii on the oceaalon of any seelatntnger? Will 1 accept your seat?
dent reaulltng In tala demlae.' I reWell. I do feel tired. I wuat admit!
Tre«M» la the HMh Oba|
member the wording of It to tbia day
••If you aay 1 ran'i gel tbIa liook 'Jlutuk you. very miu-hr
TTiat'a Mrs. Flii^onea. Ton never
- -II ilade a icb an Unpreaalon ta me at cbeaiier at buy aecoDd baud aiore."
. a perfect art biT witbuui ber buxUand suU leer
Tbe sedate
the. timer
.binned out the ah8ldilly.<ltw»e«l luau atrauger. of «v
-How terrible; And then I aoppoae *i,u j„j
i^ggllng over Uie iwl.w, then qul.-tly r
"MVII. they make a very good pair."
i -if /on ddu'i
I'l take that bartt.'
“Oh. dear. BO.” Mid the bold Brttna claimed llx-Pardon me.” aald tbe lonrttt aa be
ebeertly. "My braihera.and I made a piMlliwktiig around for*n weaiwii, -Til niwd fwt tired! How's your tulagaacd at tbe couniy's tlrat locomotive,
anperCuDWB effort and hauled him to
yog dg^-g tgith-wlib Hcoifa Ueaay
the surface again. Juai In timer
, r^mwentary ou the Sacr«l O-rlplTlx- girl got her seat hut loat her "but why la tbat lasso banging uuder
the xmukesUekr
, vivacity.-Tid-Klu.
'•Tliai." nwixiudcd Amber IVt'e. actIng euirii
«Tou didn't1 prii
prlifl what I aald to y
Net *a TMr
»:<iaallv ttrvak
aboBI the Pbllipptliea.- aald tbe 1
Mrw. I'e«-k -1 recHv«l a letter from
Two chanee a.quiiliitancea on a railan old acbwlmaie of uilue llila mom- way train tll«.^>vere.l ibai they liml
moiia man.
“.No." replied ibe reporter. “I did lug In wbb-h Mile leltM uie that Mhe bad iv'llie orlglnall.v rnmi the KSme Oelgli
tbat to aave you. Yon wonld bare 1only been warHiHl two dayx when b.T horliond. and fell 10 <i.u»"<T*iug ationt
changed yonr mind and denied It i< hiulwud was arivMted for rulibery and old tluicM.
aeni to prtMoii for ten jeani. Wasn't
"By tbe way." «Md lb.- paaaenger
tbat awful?
In tlx- Kkull-ca|>. ••wbat ever Ixx-ame
-Bnt I haven’t changed my mind.*'
“I know. Tbdt'a becanar your viewsI ' lleury I'e.-k-Oh. 1 don’t know! of Harrl»oii Mcl'clir’
.■weren't prtntrd."—Pblladeipbbi North Home men i-ertaluly do have wore luck
"lleV a «|xx-lal writer for one of the
-What's Ibe rraaon we nerar take
, than arDxe.-Aiixw-erw.
New York |w|xt»." rv]>ll>-d the paxany prlsoUetvY' «aked the Klli|>iDO
------------------------- I aenger In the long Uneu Uuxicr. -ni *10
A raMaw PMlIag.
A ■ca.ner'. frt.lla«a.
' a w.luiUU llax a g.x>d thing Of lU"
"Well,- Mswared Ibe other, "we
■lAateii to this.- exclaimed the oltl- ' “N'o. Mr. Knl.-kcr." Mid the sweet
-And lil» Mviber. Alfn-d?"
ear wbo waa reading n newHiMiH-r; girl; "I can only lx- a slater to you." | -Alfivd w'a fat mau In a dime mn- haven't soy loo much wealth in the
uarunii cundltiun of ibluga. We bud
"Tbe queen of Hpal’n baa be*-n obliged
"Wril. then." In- xavagely replied.
seum. tVelgbx SH7 puuudM. tiels
uue .Vmericau iirisoDcr tu camp. au,l
. tog
(be nrsl Iblug wo knew be was teacb.
lug us to play tbe groal AiuirrliM
tbe Samoan kinga wen- betting toliae. lying under itu- sofa while you uiako gf tlo m. Iben. have acbic\<d at
game. To tell tbe tnitb. 1 don't feel
ra tags on a quiet game came the ez-. foola of tbe oUmt fellowa"—Brooklyn jg pf,. ^ B|iaeellllera.--Yuutb'H
aa If we could afford any moiv prison
rtomatlon In a rlrh baas vubv:
ers if we could grt 'em."—Wnshlngioa
"Ain’t na monarch havlnff hard
larkT'—Washington Star.
laSeraMtlea m Tae.
km a* foMUat.
I -Wbal I* the dertvailon of italM'word
••Hbe baa a complexion like a timed
rrrTiirrrh OaoMtaoHIm.
I *roor-l>aefc.' to dewrtlx- a ly'i>U( *>at<<- c),{u, cup.’
Tbe other morning a yomig man
"She told Marne Simpson that the nn-ui lx«ued Juat befoie an etection?-yea. It's a beautiful mugr-Clevewas sumplug about the altUng ruuin.
fgufesaur Mid abe looked Uke a
Uu>d Main Dealer.
when the "aUvey- appeared with Ua
-I Ibink M la -ao called.” replied
Greek goddeas."
TMU* Make.
"lerrlblr cold," be remarked, ssr*
Greek goddess?"
caaileaily : "1 oee the gliM has faUea
-Oh. be knows lota o’ forelgnera BevT'
He's teaching a Sunday arbuol elaaa
"Tbe wbat. NrT' asked the slavey.
»o tynaliaruies.
down to tbe Dago tulaalon.”—Ch-ve-Tbe barometer baa fallen again."
-Ho yon warn to marry my daugb. toad Main Dealer
-Weel. air. If It baa.' replied the girt
'*R must have been tbe cat fur 1 dldua
-Yes. air: 1. hpre a cotloge edacatloa.
As OpeslBB
wl lI' -Tld Blia.
"George proiulard me he would latk
so you on tbe evil effn-ta of wine. Yuu
oTcriuok It If yon pninilac tu rvfunn'
srere there last night. I believer'
tbe war vetana wbo faU
and live n good life from nuw tm.”—
-I was there."
Tbr KIval.
-Did be opra tbe Mbjectr
. -Yea.-Wbeti tbey reached him they found
To what *ayr
tbat bis arm bad been ru( off.“Did you bcah that Cbawllc Dunoo
a corka<rew.--CltWeland
bad lx<ao dwtgqx-d'fruni uur act?"
Ptola Dealer.
-Yes. It waa cut off thirty years
-No: why
Cborua--Wbere'd'Jer gll that ’sir ago liultae civil war.”—I’blUdvIpbla
North Ameiieua.
■It Mgbl to Interem yon.” Mid Ibe bouae at htgh-mmfc don’r yob"kuoi.
jprofaaaor.'‘'Yo learn that the KngllMb and Cbawllc ran out la (be slweei In
Wltk n.avr.
teiit—eniailvea at tbe t'aar'a pea.v hla.dwcaaH.-oat. dou'i yon knowr-The
laibinalliy la agin
“Wbat la ibelr position la aocletyT"
CMterence brought a lot of quinine HIva i
Ix-gau the janitor |iblluM>- aaked tbe Ingulsltlve girl.
srltb tbaaupber."~au' It wus agiu
"tVeU." answered Mtaa Gayenne. -I
-Whal forr aaked the doctor.
-Tbey were afraid iltey nilgfat dr.^
tee H from Hague aud get-bad na auolher. Wife-Bnt they’d be a great deal
fibe-li breaks in.v bean to see yoa
worse If we dldti't change ttaem.Mine uOl of (be tavemi
■ llv- A man can't tell wbal to do any Puck.
more! Tble moralag the minlaicr
made a kM of talk because be
Actor-Wben I stand on |tw> stage 1
go tllto the tavern, and now you are
gutbUlg and am t-oiuclolla of noib.................... .............'‘M
ing except the role 1 am playing. Tbe
1 Prk-ud-WeU; I can't hlume the audl.
-fteuae me. air. bn. aren't you Mermneb fur thatl-The BIvN..
lymaa. the goU pUyerr
dm tw os* Kxrsy?
-.So. I'm ticbmldi der mumgeHe-In fact. I have conacleoHona
acruplea about klaalng.
"Thank yon, air. I felt aniv there
auggeatloo of the links nbout
He-Tes: I fert Ihat I should never
m.--«eveln»d I’Uln Ivator.
allow an opportunity .to c*.«pe.-Tbe
NawOfina. Markham Block
peewpUy aueaded
Morse Bros., Boise Paiiters
Give them a call.
488 H £lmwood Awe.
. Wanted
Tilanmrs uiPutan StlBirt
OeioK lo tl»! nnmnl u.g, p„.
oeotoge of culla aitd UDmerebant.
able pototoea tliia aeaaaD. wn bav*
decided io order to make a ynkritat
for Mm^ to ran oar factory on m
manjf of this gfmle of pototoea aa
we can obtoim
Onr factory, wbicb baa a •stpAdty of 10,000 boaheia of pototoea
I»r<Uj., i. no., oomptot, i«d —
•re rredy to t«ke
the coll i—
tatoe. th.t ere offered no lor
which >e will poy their fol ehloo.
Save all yoar onaierchaBtobla^
pototoea ead write on for qnoto*
The HicMpi Stweb Ci..
___________ gratae City. Ificb.
I have two good yoke of oiett for ^e, weight 3900 end aW.
__________ B. J. MOHOAM
WobDiEBs. IGciIozu.
Goof Diiq titter, 1718c.
We sell
Hiram Cook,
New 8tor«. New Mtiuon Blk.
Horses for Sale
at Pioneer Livery Stable
B. J. MORGAN, Prop.
Now is Your Timg to Get Bargains.
Oee re.e oI mwd Wrek korere. ell —el. rrel workerw we«k< 0.0.
One good, blocky bnlH. brawn mare, S ysera old. wol^t loao.
>t to kick. Pri«.a7S.
One pair gray ffeidiags. weight 3400; one baa a opavin and tha other om
aUff In froot feat, they ara a good term team,« Md 7 yeera old. PrieawUhant
of barneaa. tl3S.
One good brown mare. wNght 1100. Mind In on* eya. good drirm eta good
to work. Brtoe.»M.
Onb pair bay geldings, i yean old. ranffy ballt. gnod. Mad wmtats Bad
good drivers. Briee. *KS.
One pair of extra good black galdiaga,« years old. wel^t STOe. I have
worked these bonea all anmoier: tecyaremeof the boat aU-aronud laema I
ever owned. Price, »3uo.
utragood draft bane..
One dapple gray borae. 7 yean old. wei^t isfw. baa a emaU blamtoh ee ew
bind leg. good worker. Price, r».
One pair brown geldings. Moeky bniU, heavy bone, weight Moo. 6 ydbn aid.
a No. 1 draft learn, worked on my farm aU summer. Priee. «3M.
One dee gray mare. 7 yean old. weight liso. good for aU work, daeMa.
Price, dias.
One extra good black borae. five yean old. Mocky bnUb waight IMO. Prim
One pair brown mares. S years old. weight 3800. good worimn and good
roadsters, a No 1 pair. ,Price. dJU.
One neat pair of bay drivera. ^ yean Md. weight ooeo, eM etep None tad
mlnotea, very slyliah Md prompL I’nm. 13*0.
One extra good bay mare. Moeky built, five yepra old. weight 1400.
One Moeky bnUt brawn mare, s yearaold; wel^t 1100. ffood term aura.
Priee. fluo.
One ntoa roead bnllt. dapple gray mare, 7 years old. waight 1800. taa •
boDcb on bind leg but not tome, m extra good alagto worker. Priee. MOO.
A pair of pony raarsa, weight 1700. extra good driven. « yean ^ Priaa.
•Klndlygivetneamll: All kind*of xtoek taken inexehaage torhoraam ,
Tour winter’s wood
at onoe to Insure de
livery. WE HAVE
Hnuci EOGn&s
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