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The Evening Record, July 16, 1904
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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■mAvcRsc cmr.
•aturoav. July
I la $SO.MO and Hr. llaaaah will
make the paymonu to the oonln
artflHmL It it
•man Ar Urflss P*sm snS Nsvc not ataled when the erection of the
tmlldlng will begin. Imt It win i
>iSM pQsiOi Wsmiat Mwt
ably be soon, ns the entire stmetare
A«^ sn VMnnn Psirfy
U to be oompIcLcd. nader the contmel.
by the lirst of June l>05. In order to
inlsh the boikllng within the time
i Kt Whs to Ik*
limit It will be aocewaary to hare the
- ChlCBCD. isly ».-Pr«*M«Bt Dossel- ouUkle mo9k done this fnIL
tf mMIM • replr to U; packlas
bMiM cnmeni Uis nfteiiKWo «id the
- l»urf
upon the
tcnsB tiibmtitAd by the unkw lead"K
H *• bellerei Ih? reply was a
oaoemalory tmc. Thm aD»« t r has not
V .
rH be« :md« pablic.
Anaow « Oo. Mttrvd 300 nrKn»i»s
darlac Uw lOsht to work la Ihelr
* .
pUata. IkU baliif tho largest Impor1*^ - uyonw^far.
No nolMMw oemrrwd darloK the
• Bight. As « iireeaatkio against dis
order. ib^ VBioo offleuts hare had pla
cards oC faralag printed asklcs Iht
shIkerB to remain iMaocfal. At a apeHEIGHTS ^EAR RAILWAY.
rial mectlnK tonight It will be dc'Ccrr
mined whether the 11.000 men cm
ploired la rarfcwa trades in the stock
Occupied the Positions Thurwday and
yards will go oat on a sympathetic
Fridsy—Report From General
Sagharoff Says There Have
Been Few Skirmished
MtHtvad TImt He AccklefiUlly
By Wire to the Kvening n.^ronl.
nymanth. Bng.. 4nl> lo —The Ihk1.v
of r. Kant L^ls. bnrthcr of the
Amerlean assistant socreury of stale,
who disappeared rrnm the Kaiser Wil
helm II., has been washed ashore at
Ktngshrldgc three miles from h<^The body was l.lectlflt^l an that of
U»mls by Taltiahles and papi'rK fouml
in hla clothes. lie nlao bad a qoantlty
of money on hU person. Tho Jiody
was found at ThurisUme near Kings
bridge. It Is bcllrTt>d that btsimls ac
cldcntally fell ovcrlnuinl from the
v - iNorth^ Hlchlpsn Were Presert.
IdagiiHiMnt Floral Offerings.
Special to the Krctilng Uc<V>rd.
Klk Rapids, Mieh. July lC.~Oat of
if ,
respect to the laic Fitrh Jl. Wllllam«?.
| ! " ' whoae funersl was hoM here at 3
o'clock yesterday aft«-riHH»n. evi-r> busf- *>: InPss houBc In the city >vithout « xrep
lion, was closed. The hott i UkeUea
was also draped In mourning.
The llorml tributes were the mwt
magniflecnt ever sfon here, lairge
and iMWUtIful art pb*ces were srnt by
thr Antrim county and Cliaile\oi:k
Bar a»i;«Mdatlon. ihv I'oanl «d suimtvI
curs and Hu* county ofHclsls
huudrtuls 6f amaller pli'ccH. sprays an.l
flowrere from his many friends.
men present frtmi CharlexoU. I*eto.
key. CadllUc. TrarcrM' City. Mantrm
WaucHona, Bellalrr and In fart fri»m
almost an over Northern Michigan
Grand Master Terrel of the Ma-.mh
lodge n-ms In the city and ih:' MafoUs
nttonded the fuueral In a body. The
funeral, however, was m»t under AlaBonIc auspices. The w'rvlee eras eon
Suctwd by the Rer. William Vluccm
Dawson of St. raiU^ churr.h. Tho
cortege was the Jargv.st ever
hero. He was laid to
in the local
D. E. Wynkoep Will Plant About Half
an Acre.
D.'K. Wynkoop. who aome time ago
purdmsod the hotel at FOuch, Is mak
lag arrangemonts to plant an estenalro crop of ginseng- According lo hU
plans ho wUl plant about half an acre.
Ginseng grows readily In this climate:
'Michigan being one of the few states
tn which U U toond wlW. smd If crery^Ihlng goNi wnll Me. Wynkoop will
> of the groat Chl-
tly Wire to the Rroning Record.
T.iklo, July 16,—The war offlee de
oh* tho rers>rt current for hyveral
days iMiri that So.fNM) Japanese wert
killed or wounded In an. unsuccessful
attack on Port Arthur.
tk portta: (kawen ud
' '■*
. '
♦ ♦ .
a irs
telotUtai 40c ID $0c aiT-tee. btt
tlaieq«»>it7a»d«iil aeO th« at tlM cirtiMtdiMrr
You will walk a great deal
caaicr and without that jar tha
coma (rom bard lecher beda
WiU Cure
that ALL GONE feeling and.
fur tired feet and anklet you
wiU find no belter remedy.
You WIU Be Surprised
To find to many advantages oi
the Rubber HccU and they
wear belter than the leather
ones toa
Belter Try Them
Qtp Book Store
WKATHBR—Fair aouth portion: ohon
tcmlghi; Sunday thunder ahowers and i
But It's the hartteft thing to change whea yo« onee hmre mmia np
your mind to buy your clothing, bate and furnlakiagt os Doodad Wte
solution Sole.
Man's Sulte-Wc still have n few of those prwtty ^ at $UB
$4 JE 9EM. 9M0. $7.44. $tJt and ft.M. Bear la mhid thOt oMu oiw
all of newest rut and patterns and con poelUvely not be dnpBaatod
elsewhere for most doable.
Knee Fante-Mnde of heavy duek. tea. sUte or white, tla.
Msn;s Sex-3tc Etc. lie, 17c. Ifc, 11c. 7c. »c. la.
Men's Ponte—FYom the cheapest to the hoot; tvoiloii for ilm
price of one.
Unen Collars-11c; ruffs. 10c; colored caffs. 10c Buspeodsro—47c. 43c. Stc. 19c, 6c. Brwees. the booL B9c
Between tho boars of T and 10 we ahnil plaes no ante <99 woahaMe. fast otdcir. newest pa|teroa, percale string ties, fegtilar 19e <$■}•
Ity, yoote at the boors mentloDed. cm*h. only <c
m. BKNDA at oo^
Ths Msn Who Always LMd ths Laadaw.
OIDsn it comes to sbew'
ing our Cadies' $2.00
rSboes. tUe have oner
20 styles; we can give
I you plenty of style and
,/: I lots of Wear at $2.00.
Ole have no fake sales;
one price to all it;
The Old Reliable Shoe House
U.it never yet failed to p’ea.c
St fastidious. When :t
comcc to honest oervicc there
splendid inurument-. hav- no
equal. Factory prices and easy
^FroiilSL N.E. Strong, Mgr.
New Stand
242 Front Street
Cor.LakaAva.aiul lOth
Abstracts of Title
Delegation of E!Kc Will Leave frr An
nuat Convention Tomorrow
A considerable «b !i-natlon of Kiks
will atti'iid the annual aaiinual cor
vrr.tnoii of l!i.- B. IV O K tn finrln
na»i. whtrh will b**gln Moml«y. Tllicy
Spivrh. the uGiriil
will rrp
rt-:rcnl Trav^V>c i’iiy b»iSg«‘, No.
emong others who win ali-nd art
A. I., Joyo- and wib*. J K Mahan. G
IV Srlilapiras>.e ahd p.rj.ildy K. C
RllMrgs. Arthur tltfillrk n!ul 6th**re
Th»-y w|fTK;avo ihk rlty at 6 tn a m
IrmornW amT^i by v.av i»f .SafUnav
A great time k c\ixtIo«1.
20lh at the aty Opera House. He
win he oaslsted by Min MUler. Mia.
Rowloy and Bteache Bornam. with
Misf Rober'^a os accoapanteu
Rapid rlmr nn n ^shlng trip.
Make Walkiof Easier
Program That Will Be Rendered To BOUGHT NATIONAL DENTAL COmorrow Afternoon at 2:30—New
Dr. C. D. Miller Is Now the Owner
Third Ward Band SUnd.
in This CUy.
The fidkiwing will be the program
Dr. C. I>. Mill. r h«oi ptifrhaM d I>r
fiir the band concert tomtirrow aficT Haynes* intend In the Nathmal dim
noon at 2:30 oo the lawn of the Cen lal parlors in this city and Is now |h<
Iral achfxd.
sole owner. Dr.- Miller came hepMarch. •‘On Duty**—George Rtisey.
from Tobxki. 0„ and fur lb.- iwx-» .-w-vWaltx. “Impaexioned I>ream'-J. <*ral months has
in the < mtdoy (d
the company. He Ls a pleasant gmSerenade. -Sweet Thought-—W. S tleman and during hU stay in ih- riiy
haji made many friends. He and his
Two-i^tep. -Hiawatha-—Neil Motet. wife hav'e now moved here and will
Medley overture. **Tbe Voiee of the make their home In this city. He has
H„d«M,--i*aul Drrswer.
had large experience In dental work
th»* and has always born suece.«fful.
Frowfy Ib'ada-—Pauline V. Story.
Wallr. -Marmuring Waterw--John
New Bank Hears.
T. Hall,
Bcginiang Monday. July IK. the
Twx'-alep -Polly Prlm--S. R, Henry. hanktag hours of the First Katkmal
Medley overture, -MlIU Merry Med- bank and tke rtv>p?c V Savings bank
loies No S '-EvoroU J. Rvona.
win bo from 8 a. m. unUI 4 p. m. JOn
March, from the opera comlqtic. Saiarday afumoon*. these two ba^
-Red Fhathcr-—Reginald Dekoven.
win remain open until 4:30 p.m. i *
The dtlRma of the Third ward have
got together and ore hollf^ n bond
Tboae who beard Harold JArvls dag
•Und for the concerts In that word. test sommer win be delighted at the
Jacob Isgreg fa at the head of the opportunity of hearing him again July
FYank U. Smith and wife and J. Mniakfiilee and wife left today for
Ad<r Grace and Poise
Ht U Wanted for Oiapoaing of a Horae
on Which There Was a Chattel
3ust 29 Cents.
Hugh II. Woody was brought to tkl?
Ahmit Sixty TanU nnd Hives Already
rtly thU afternoon by CouMable Will
Mionnce ISiat They Will Be Here.
Ashtua, Woody Is wanttxl fur dis
Many Others Making Active
poring of mortgaged property. Con
stable Ashton bad a merry chase tefore he landt^.hl* man but Anally se
CNB prmnt todleations the gatb cured him at t'.len Pl«*r. near South
erlngof the Northern Michigan Maeca Haven. FYii
uiiderto.jV to warn
bM assodlatioB to be held here on Woody of the ofllrer-' prexeno- but It
Aug. 12 will lx* a stuiK-ndou,-* affair. was a cas*' of whm- horse flesh won
Bocretary Bhenrood has already re out over the teUq>hoDe, the line being
ceived assuraneca from about elst) a little tor» 5te»rt.^
team and hlvT^ that they will he presIt Is alI**geJ that rome time ago
ent In force ahd with the cmthuslasm Wo Mly
a h«>rsc lo R J Morgan
cdiaracteHiitIc of Maccalxxx.. Presl of this city which the forim-r war
dont modrlrh. too. Is hnstling lo get
ed to te* * »ear. An ePurt war
the ncocsoary nrranrem. nis In line made to FiJTure \Vot«iy over k y.-ar
and ycaterdar■afternoon the rxt'cuilvi
uiam another warrant but b.*
commltte© held ‘a mmlgg and rum
xl the officers with the aid of
pleted many details for the W‘lebra friends and rY laihy's dnd a hanl efftirt
tloo. among other things the fielecilon
ns made this time io gc him aVay
of tho rommlltec*. Bvcrythlag I-*
itlioiit MirY-ixF. The el».-ittel mortprugnuutlng finely and a grest timing
in the mm /»f $1"*',
The chase lllclutl.il Kenvillo. .<;<mth
The three day rare mert whirl; Haven. Gk‘n Pier are! a numb, r of
eJoses on the llMh will lend an addi other .Soutluum Mirhigan cliira. At
tlonal attrmrtino. It Is dei>ign:M| te torney l>ateliin has te*en ;erur.il by . ^
hare somi^hlng good for thn'c wholr WcKKly and Pros.'cutor Gnu's will ban- ‘
days Including two liall games be die of the Jilde of tl*e case.
tWixm fast teams of well known play
The case will 1h- h'ard In Jiistice
Verley V cimrt at l» oVl..ek 'Thursday
On the nth the aflermHin will Ik morulits.
given up to tho rL-ception pf the gr»*ai
Tl.o m lb. -k at K.*r.iR Muk.->a and
camp and greak hive oinccrs. while on
the 12th ji splendid pnigram will be Ah;;o-a i
given, which will Include a grand
(Continued on Second Page.)
Japs Placed Cannon.
By W’irc to the ercnlng Rccord.
81. Pctcrshiirg. July 16.- l.lententnt
Orneral Bakharotr, who Is wUh denE'ral Kuropstkln’K force, reports ‘ that
the Japaneft' during Thursday and Former SecroUry of War Sailed for
Friday occupU'd many |K>sUhms and
Europe Today After Returning
placiHl canni^n on the hcIgLla near the
From the Wcit.
railway north of Kalping. Thero bavi
iH-im hut fLW skirmishes thus far.
By Wire lo the Kveuing U*H*nrd.
New York. July IC.-^Jem ral Hus e!
Alger t»f MlrhlgMii. foriiit r te<*r»*lar;.
nr iieder Pn si.b iit MrKitil.y.
?alhd wUh hi’ wifi' ftir KumiM' t«» lay
BECAUSE HARTS INJURIES WERE on the Atlantic trans|Hnt Hiht M^nmaiHillK.
tkn:?ral Alger, w.ho arrhO.1
yi-eterday from lh«- We^l. Kuifl ilial Ids
knowietlgt* of piditiral eoDili>t«ins opt
Examination Thia Morning Showed there led him
l*ellev«- Hunt .nil th*
That He Had a Broken Collar
m 11:
Bone and Bad Broiaes.
Henry Hart, a quite aged man. fell
out of IlH' hay loft at Henry Ilniad
hagen's barn Thursday night and wa*
luidly Injuntl. At Hr.I It w.v^ sun
p<».-ed he only rei>i*;\« d KllghI lujuri«*>
nnd n physh ian wa.s ih>i summou.d
until this morning. I>r. Saauton
mllfnl and attended the Injurctl man
and an examlnatkm revealed'that hi.*;
ei^llar !»one was bn.km. his shoulder
badly Injunxl and his side hurt quitliadly. The man Is now .re«qlug qult»
easy at the lA*« lauaii b<*tel.
Tlie InjuriMl mau ha.' nlaiiv,vs In
Lake Ann and also a brotlu-r lu ManU
tee and it Is eipecu-d lo take him tc
Lake Ann.
PreTiwentory Sale
We inventory slock twice a year. February 1st and
Aujrust 1st.
The fact that wc have too much stock on hand
now stares us in the f^cc. but we are determined to get
it down before Augest 1st in shape to invoice, if prices
will do it. Watch out for our daily bulletins; they will
interest you if you are economically inclined.
Wash Fabrics at just half price.
Wool Dress Goods Remnants at less than
Silk Remnants, from 1 lo 5 yards, at half
. and some less.
Summer Underwear prices cut right in two.*
Ladies’ Tailored Suits at just half price.
Mens* and Boys Straw Hats almost given
Men’s, Youths and Boy’s Clothing at great
er reductions than ever before.
Ladies’ White Waists at half prio
slightly mussed, for less than h
€* Ulilhelm,
Boys' 2 and 3 piece Suits, hand
some goods, will close out. Prices
will move them.
~ '- v
Every suit a bargain. Mothers vrill ••
find this department of our store .
the most interesting.
' j
mEK’ wusTs-H can ,w .
$aiEarday and Monday Only!
i> «ANK
borters on the streeU
>bert Walter. Dr.
Arthur HoUlday. Dr. K. B. Mloor. R.
W. Rasun. C. A. Bttgbee, Nrs. John
Barry. lUry Hibbard. J. A. Montague.
May Somers. A
McMlchael. Prances Hormuth. Mrs. C
r. Ashton.
Ptnance~A. V. Piicdrtch. M. E. Has
kell. O. C. Moffatt. W. W. Smith. Mrs
J. W. Water. R A. Evana. Dr. W. K
Moon. Oeo. W. Steward. Mrs. J. N
Tito totetrtal orgtoUiaUoito d\
Marttoek. Mrs. C. A. Greasy. George
•toi I1S4AM.000 to dlTtoesOa to New Hoyt. A. R Cook, a R. McCoy.
York M J«tjr 1. Not aocli eaeoi
Deooratlon-a D. CurlJs. Charles
t to ttet tor oatomtty mbooton.
Vader. Prank Trade.
B. Holley. Ralph Ander
Of toitotoal”^ mo DtonocraUc ptol.
Chaa. R Hale.
JfoTto rwto -Wo know that we
Hire Ritual—Mra. Marion White
^ wrong iMforw and are not oockiure
Mrs. A. Langworthy. Alice Armstrong
• tkat wo are right thto time
Myrtle Hodge.
Transportatlon-J. W. Hannen. R
Z Brjraa kaa ckoeea Pi^. Dot will
H. Pope. C. U Oonsor. P. Hamilton.
tke ototooaa) help Parker any?
Cbas. H. f*erry. Prof. M. O. Graves.
Tk» nwt erf th« sreat Iom <rf tJi«
OB ^nlr 10 iB tta« BtUBpl tO
»lalBB Port Arttar to coomlir roiw^{•dmi MlVlelOtol ItoOMM tt
tinm Bi. i4to«i«rr Lioi
l«tolo tkat tbe ^ wM Ujm laMoad
M. Ik-ers.
J. M. Blakoaloe. S. Bcnda^R E. White.
jWeaWrHgtk to Praeltowt ef the CenJena Petersen. Earl Henry.
tral Laker Unlea-Cemmlttee on
Laker Day Cetokration.
Kncedand. Ed. Walt. PrUz Carter. Clar
ence Martin.
i At a meettog of the Oenlrml Labor
Tent Degree Team Contest—Geo.
kwtooa held toat ntoht the following ofEdgar, Ed. Peas. Alex Robertson. O.
Hoara were cdected :
R Helgos. J. B. King.
^reeldent. Jamea OrilBth.
Hive Drill Contest—Mm. Frank
. W Vloe prealdeiit. Henry Pilch.
Gardnt^r. Mrs. Dennis Tompkins.
flaanelal secretary. Prank Dolph.
Y -------------secretary.
Prank Josephine Monroe. Amelia Chehoc.
Open the door, let to the air.
The winds are awoct. the flowers are
Joy is abroad In the world for me. “
Since taking Rocky MonntaJn Tea.
Johnson Drug Co.
Trenaaiwr. B. U Thacker.
S A eoonWtoe on oetokrmtkm for
btokorDay was chosen a. follows: R.
Tkaoker. P. A, Brdadhagen. Prank
Ttoadall mnd Prank LuUw.
• s ti haa not hewn dellnUeiy decided
; fWkeiker a cwlobratlan will be held but
A good, well made Hammock Chair,
: ^to eoMUttee win Inveatlgate the worth tho coot for owe day's uao, will
tost for yoara. for only $1.
tr ,
------------------J. W. glaUr.
Your Rcitobis Homo Fumlahor.
n »f«nr frwlt flavor at out founuin U
hnm real, flne fruit; that's why they're
Ladtoa, “you «bh Jump on H. tram*
^Mlelooa. Johaaon Drug Oo.. W. T.
pto on It. but It will ooma up amllliie
eMalmrgli. Manager.
•wory time.** Caiman's Klaatto Floor
OB HBThOf thBt BB ordOT kBB flUBlIy
iasoed by dhe city authorities
Jiat all such i
wrocu. Bt least, on pcoalty of arrest.
Addittona wtU be Btode to the Mlchi;aa Asylum for the J
oo this summer at a cost of $300,000.
three new bulldtogs are to coBtempiakm. and when they are t
nstitullon will be one of the largest
nsanc asylums in the world.
Holly U to be th^ scene of great
oings on August 18. A district meeH:
ng and picnic of the M*Kleni Wood
nen will be held there on that day.
ind thousands of vUitom are expeeteJ j
«ir the occasion. The main stre<
he village will U> n>ped off atwl u.-^ed
or sports during the aflemt»on.
A suit la In progress in the rlmiH j
Total ............................................... ;
•oort at CoKJwstcr to straighten oui
he title to a piece of property In Al
;ansee township ifhlrh Is all mlxc*d up
tflcr .oariM In the mornlnK. Dr. W1 IS the rr-flull of a mistake raadi' in
Irawlng a deed many yearn ago Tl>»rop.-rly has Imm h sold flvo tlmos Fine he original wrung iranHortlun.
The remains of Wehh Currie, w h »|
! vas killed in a railroad wrtwk at Ash- |
und. WlP.. were brtwjghl to his fat her1 n law's housi’ In the township of Kt^strings are vcr> Interesting. The
loskt'e. wh.Tt hi*^ wife and thri • rhil
Iren has Ikm-h staying for .Kome time
Dr. Wilhelm
.IS 1G 13
le was about 3o years «»f age and
Chsrhii Tonneller ..... 9
Aell resiHVted by all who knew him
Henry Tonmilcr........ 3
No regular services bav«- In-en h» Id
n Gract' Episcopal church. I'nion Ciiy.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
or several >‘cam. and whenji nelghBy local appUcatlona. as they caano'
roach the diseased portion of the car Hvrlng rector went there recently t »
There to only one way to cure deaf x>uduct terviceH for the coninmnineet. and that is by coniUtutlonal •anis ho found the building in such n
remedies. Deafness Is caused by an In .Ute of dilapidation that he iinaginol
flamed condition of the mucous Unlng
of the Eustachian Tube. l^Ticn this limself In a bcatbcc country. He an
thep ubllc press Ihsl t
tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling
I or imperfect hearing, and when
will never And fa«'or
it is entirely closed. Deatbess U the :he sight of the Almighty until they
result, and unless the inflammation
least replace the windows which
be taken out and this tube reihryH-have alluweJ vandals to sma-*«h to
An InterL'sling civil suit has Ikh-d
nothing but an Inflamed con ended U4ore Justice Batdorfg. of Itotdltlon of the mucous surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars ile Creek. In which !>r. Guhblns of
for any case of Deafness (caused by CtVesco sued Henry' Coulter of Itottk*
> that cannot be cured by Creek ft>r s $52 doctor tdll, incurriHl
Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send for circu while Coulter, s Simnlsh-American war
lars. free.
P. J. CHB.SEY ft CO.. Toledo. O. -soldier, was home on a furlough. CV>ulter claimed that the government shotild
Sold by drugglsU. 7Sc.
Take ilaU's Family PUls for consU- pay ait the physicians- biMs incurretl
while he was In the army. Including
while he sra.s home on furlough. There
Card of Thanks.
was recently a law to this effect, hut
We wUh to cxirnd our hcarUelt this has now be^ n changinl so that the
thsnks to the friends and neigh bom bills of soldlem home on lurlough w 111
who .were so kind to us during the HI only be paid by the government afler
and death of husband and father a siK-cial bill has been passed by cvm
To those who sent the beautiful flow gresa for the allowance of the account
to those wbosd' kind words light- A Judgment was therefore given to Dr.
entxl our sorrow. In fart to all who Gubblns for the amount, C4»ult<*r also
remembered us' In our afflicilon. wc had to pay his way liark from Rattle
truly grateful.
Cre« K to ca
Mrs. N. Z. Speoeer and Family.
imp*»ssllde t
lough limit.
alsu. were $2.50. tonight for 11.39
John C. Snow. Iverton-Wife was
k. wiihcim.
sick for live years; nothing did he.-
Choice Moats and Pooltry
Home Made Lard and Sausai^cs. Frcjih Lake Trofui
and White Fish twice a week, Tuesday and Friday
auy good until I found HolURter's
Rocky Mountain Tea.
Now she's
strong and healthy, so Is baby. 3J
cento. Tea of Tablet?. Johnson Pru?
CO. goon T»P RATES
TravBCM City to Bt. Louto
InvestTOeol .if IIW
you can make $121 In one year
and that It »h ab'«olute|y safe
v.Hi may think It is a fake. Will
yiHi give UH two minutes
ytiur time? if it L a fake we
will |iay yoVi $25 fur your time
Call Ibis evening.
lAjiei- ttflor hMi going «U. 10c
Sec us for Laaics- WaisW
r r zr™“«r”r
$18.50, 15 toyimat
$19.00, 60 toy Umlt
$2i.oa tor the UtSQB
This win wdode meals mod
berth between Traverse City am!
Tickets wm be on sale comtnendng Thnrs.Uy. June 9.
Steamers leave Traverse City
every Sunday, 10 p. m., and
Thurs<U)s. 6 am.
E. R. P0PE.AP.
R.F.CN0RCR, 6. P.A.
Fancy Mull Collars
Something new and very da nty. There are many styles cf borders. All sell fer 50c each.
A very fine line.
The darnttcvl of patterns, sell at 10c, 15c, 20c. 25c, 35c. 40c and 50c.
Ladies’ Linen Collars
The Corliss ft Coon brand.
All the latest styles, and sizes CTo 14. In the very low collar wc carry the 15 ,
size; 15c or 2 for 2Sc.
Win Ties
e'plain colors; sell for 25c.
For children. AH the
Neck Ribbons
Just what you want. All the nr west combinations cf datnty colors fo> 25c to 75c the yard.
Waist Sets
Never had such beautiful buttons. All the newest shapes. Pearl, gilt, Imdescenl, 15c to 50c the set.
Kimono Pins
Just the dainty pin you want. 5c, 10c, 15c 20c,
Bordered Handkerchiefs
For all manner of fancy work, for kimonos. p»llow tops, shirt waists. 10c, 3 for 25c.
Crushed Leather Belts
Tmerse at/s New Shoe Stwc
A to*
tootw^i tott drt«7
««. b<K clt VW kM
dMMl taM ihM ui( «.
In grays, tans, reds, blacks and
Holding three Diplomas, also Graduate of
Dr.Caissarato,Sarah Bernhardt's Beauty Doctor.
and Electricsl HeOods
Hair, Moles, Bade
WOttim IM ikMi «a« dBkr* tm p.U>t u»«m tM kU l«tkw.
•IRLT ANDMWihkM.»alMletrt|eedlkew.
wm Be Here Ose Weekloscer.EiidlB( Jab 23
X5; LEWIS “asr
The most stylish belt that is worn. Belts from 25c t® 75c.
Silk Belts
Som«lhins my nobby. •!« dointy eolorfc price $1.25.
Sash Ribbons
S'/, Ineh*. wide TafToU Ribbon in pink, light blue. biKk. lavender and white, 40c the yard.
Corset Cover Embroidery
Borne of the dalnUest patterns, sell from 25c to $1.25 the yard.
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organs
ttfithrs mmd rMponaive.
moQcbt by the
bis incremae of amlary he
ismmtioo to Morton, who IndiSBrnatly
rejected tu Lme reaisDed three ttmem
ItertMi mt ImM nderatood thmt he
haUr »Mt It., nmltes thmt be »ok
ea miter hU msamUnCa ^etemlamdon
A»«rto, mad Uv parity mad ciemraesm aC tome I i*smrd.
<ltVTWmo«racd PImaa* maid rarlnslrely liy nt mr«: flraNWAV;
rimi^ m»iM O0 «m^i fwyionRm: old tamimimcau Ukr^i la cncrfamase
for arw pmam. PUmos to raal: aiM- y«mr*m rrat rrtdllad oa parchmae.
, llfM
mad n-amjrmd ^ our fmetory mmpwta.
Grinnell Bros.’ Music House
»9 1. Ftmt Stnot
TWo ynuaceX mfvibrr of (lie- iIcBio-
tc«UeaMl0BaieMualiico )• a A. Kill
; apm of OkUbuaim. He U only 21 yemr»
b ' A new IbeoiT of Uie MmrUlo “Cm
I amlc“ lx thmt Maro ham a roUd eruct
i mad mm elmsilc aurli'im of a hlclu'r lem*
permtum. The era*! fa eoolInK new
'. uirilrVMNraeird. mad ibe pro^titirr opi on Iho um**i wiflUn c-auMd fl«Kure*
lie fiinaod In Mir Hiirfmrt*.
Am rfort 1* l>olna made In Mreai
lUrrinalon. Maa«.. to ebanae the naiUr
of KmM m^upimln and Kami rock lo
llrrant moartaln and llr/ant rock in
^ mrmnry of Ibr
who wa* for wome
lime m eliltm and an omrial of the
Janie* r>»aijcny. the cnmpu.i poUw man tit Vale collete. who I* very pop
ular with the mliKlentm. will make o
Hip to tim 8t. Lotfim evpomltlon. all the
exp?amam of whirb will Im» iiald by the
junior elamm. IJ/i.hne hi ld the poultlon
of Yale officer fur i\*«-lve
II l« beditved that r.tvirKe (JcmiM
lias atKrat dotihliH] the valne of the
ismpeny left by W« father. The Inttor'* dyltJK Injnnethin warn. *"t;e<jr»;i-.
' look all(T yui’i l.rutber* and
and Vbe dulifii! run has faithfully rm rolH-n-U hh father-* word*
IJnuM coni mb nUnit ir...uu) nilL'» of
raUmod. ruuutliij: Ihe Wemti ru Parlfle.
wbtrli unv ut hla New York dlr(*ctum
nwcoily mdnimed ronktlttuos the wemi-
i-m link of the traaaoonUneoU] aym
Probably the llrit child in the coair
try to h? named after the pTr-mldenUal
mominiH* at Si. Uiulm eame Into IIm
world In Indtatiat>o!l* Saturday morninn at about the name hour that the
Domination wt.j' made. The lilrth orrum‘d at thv rUy hioidial. The t
er IV Mr.'. Kfla nrlnnin and Ihe aitendInK phyrdeian KititKiMtirvl to Mrn. Drln
nit] lluyl the eh lid )»e naiu d uficr the
H:. l>nilK nominee. She readily eoamcmtetl and the yuunssteT 1* to la*
calk-d Parker Drlnulu.
Tamo YnehamilKU. n youthful Japanrw qlul»r-iroller, nl pre»ent c-nip%»j.'d ax rhef on on«* of Pnrle SnmV
halfle rhliH. U
at JokJo.
wh»‘rt; he ha:i fallen heir to a forlune
left by hU father, an officer
In the Japamxe array, who warn kllk^
in UiilMe ‘with the Rummlans at Miu
Yalti river. Tamo ran away from
homo nrv yr-arii ago. Hr wa* then i:.
years of age. HU koU* ptiriHJse in de-'
parting »urr ptlonily wa* to gratify
hU tleidre In r«*«* the world. eriK>rIa1ly
America. Th«* laft ndatlvn heanl of
him wna I ha I he wun engagifi nx ehef*
on Insani an Amiriean war \ef?.*<tl.
Lmv.y.T5 are now Jiuniing Xi»r him.
Itlrhard 8. ('ruUer. am of the forraer
T*mniany Imus. ha.^ heeftme a mem
Iht «»f the Wall rlreei flriu of Cam
niann A (%»., his father h.nslrg glv. n
with wlihh to ji;irelia>>»* a
parint rf hip. Tl!<* firm of raruru.nnn ^
Co. ha* long Invn eunmTU*tl s^iih the
Cmker liiUTota. It alua.v* wa* a well
known fact that tYukcT. the* leader of
Tamniaqy. wa* a *tieci**^ful Wall
iu two hoora* wortc wUh m metm tm»t
if phyaksal ptmera whsn It triet to
Kcokipmny the hlppodriNM r
rhich arc repobtd to be thm Bomt fori-
mmkm m t«*t of la «ammi«a aor rotuni
it to thm mem, but brou^t it mabore
Ukd callmd It mo the rnttewtloii of kicml
acleatlott. It waa them diacoverod
that the Sah taken from the wmtem of
the Paclie wma the “Uie 8*h.“ kqilk^
Ucepm, m 8*h »uppoMd to be extinct mad having beretofore beta* meen only in the Atlmnilc.
The irat time there is may record of
this «*h hartog been ai‘en warn In litTD.
of Nantucket mnd about S.fiOO pounds
of the tab were ukea. then, of m aud
den. the mem for many miles aomh of
Nmmuckec Long Uland mad New Jercovered writh flomtlnc
die Sa^ alain by *nme mysterious
; or malady. An area of G.ooit i,r
r.OfHt square mlU** was thickly Im.prinkled with Ibe dead aud djing fish,
and it was ostlmaU'd that no le*s than
blliioD were incluaed in the numU'r.
Since then not m live ftsh hm* U'en
sevn till thmt taken by Hamil.
1^ wrote me followa: “If yon'vw sot U
CD I^re got lo Jet roe go. hut 1 thial
In additka to the qaallly of the
are anktac m dmaaed fool ef yottr music furnUhed. the work of Prof.
* Lee la sdll € feet 4 Ipehern mad Bronaon-a band la remarkable ma a
hm* mot lc»t fieah. Ke regirda Morton phyricml lest, lu memberi upend mlma m big mmn.
mout eight honra out of tweBty-fonr
Waker Comby of Lorn Angeloa. Cm!. making mhmle that Is mtuic. It M of
Uie aort that thrill* and quicken* mil
who hear it. It I* truly
on him mApmoblte mad namde m ihreo ibe soul mud I* indescHlnftlo. Iu ef
mile ht» with It. Comby atmrted with fect* are wholemdcne. ms It me
nmebin** (pr Loa Angelea from R« Utter nature of man and doe* its foil
kcrafleld. When aUsui one-thlrU ol share to make a risU to the great Wal
tbe way home, while in the Teharhapi lace show tme not moon to be forgot
muuDUin*. he. k»t cooirul of bla ma
When It U remembered that conChino ami ran laco m oliimp of thorny
bands as a ruK* nevc^r play tc» ex
oacluf. pnnrtaring one of hU tire*
ceed three hour* a day. it may be real
yond rotmir. He tied <»n grm**. and l*ed what an effun I* ncecRsary a*
ANYIIODY what give “Ymle“ coffee*
kpm ami got along for a dUtancc. «rll n* skill and talent, to enable a trial knows that nobody ever had a
hut hU clumally eunfUruned raak<^ IVuf. nrons<m‘s o>ncert hand to play
Ip of gtsjd coff«v hof»*ro. |( ha* such
fine taste and
no mon* than
rbm began to play out. Then It wa^
nnjrh as Is requinil of th.*m.
thmt he mmw mn etiornioua gotdur
Fi*r fi»nv five iiUnute.< pn-eeJIng |M*>r enffe.'^ do. IMt up in iK»und mir
Miake by the way and he got out. each p<*rformaucc. llnin*i*n s concert ilghi packages from 2<V to 4<k- iwr
killed It and U»und the reptile <*n P. baud occupies the c»*nirr siage. where
ll. K. i\ l>>wls exclusive agent.
hi* whe<*L The *nake laxnnl thr*x* it play* a varteJ mnd ploaslng prev
mih**. and did excellent acrvlcc while gram while the iH*ople are assimbUng.
It la*UMl. Then Cmby had to nrori or are InsiHviing the extenxite .meto hay oitd burlap* again. He made oagsTle and r.iNilogiral rolli*cti<m. lYtrf
pon Is a comi<JwT of cmlnimre a*
well ax a !»and dln-eior and wUn the
ri hour* Ix'hiad lime.
great Wal!.vre show exhllilt.^ In Trav
City on MoimUiv. July lK,-the juib
Working Night and Day.
Hr will agn*e thru the nuisirnl d«*|iariThe husl.-si and inightlesi llttlr nw-nt U one of the many high eiass aithing that ever wxs hia.le U Ur. KlngV trattlfijs with lliih l^g thoii.
New l.ife PI!N. Thesi* pdl* change
wi-akne* to strength. U>:ilex«4u*!W Into
C’nergy. brain-fag into mental |M»wer.
The pr.Mueilon of the -nohetulnn
They’re wonderful in bitihling up thtluaJlh. Only
ixr Uix. S<dd hv r.irl- hy the .Mt.Mri*i»olHun Opera eomIftKt • Veiling i-llritisl murh fat’s drug More and P. H. Memi
lorahle rernnien*. The “Ihihenilau
was th * iM-ii ihat lia* I eeii pre
IF YOr WANT a colTw •that* all
tl l;.Te hy thl.-« ctiinpauv and was
ciiffoe’* pure. wboleD<»ine and fine fla
»>red. try •’Yale” coffech^. These cuf pleasing to all. The parts were all In
lie hand* and the gypsy songs
fee* are blend* id the choicest selectCanning Time la Here.
,sl stock and roa£te<l by the be«t ex- and churuiu** were especially well re
Prepare Yourmelf For It.
iH»rU. TIh'j arc put up in pound, alr reived. OKcar GrunuL-th ns the count
ight package*, thus oxclnding all for-For m thoH time, or until furmgn matter, dead file*, etc., and are In the la*t act waa praised v«'ry high
ther notice. I will sell ymi !U-sl
Ibir.lWte ^ fo 4tk* isTr Ih. K C. ly. MIks Marguerite Sihley In the part
Mason’* Can* mnd Covers for:
of Arline was encnnvl for h« r song In
U wis exclusive agent.
Pint Cans............................ 40c dor
the si*ctind net. it was U-atitlf.i’ly ren
()m* Quart Cans................50c dez
A big line of Refrigerators t bottom der itl.
Two Quart Cans............... 60c dor
TenlghtV play Is the -MasriU,’ one
price* and easy payment*.
Can Covers- and RuhlMT-^
J. W. Slater,
of the fminle.^r ct.mie op ra.*^ t-ver
nl ....................................20c dor
Your Reliable Home Furnisher.
Jill Glasses. 1-3 pint....20c dor
L. D. HaUtead. Coldwmter'm
hi* birthday anatvefemry by larttlnstb •
hi* houae all the m« mad V
living then* who ww ItrlBjt tWe
n?S,. Mh' year be In
Coldwator. Nine old ]
ej to his invltmtloaa. NoMthalapd*;!
ig hi.s gn*ai age. Mr. 1
ally attend* to the m>»ira mad im*
l»rovemenl* of the
Tk« NatrspsliU*'
mlheaU camcopm
These handy Camp Stools only 18c
ind 25c.
J. W. Slater,
Your Reliable Home Fum^cher.
226 East Front Streit
Star Laundry MASCOT
The Wrieht Imirf
Watch thl* nd. one week from
today a* It will tell who onr two
^u^lom<•^s were for 11 years. If
you have giiesseil the right one
you can g. t y.mr nn.ney by call
ing at the
Wright Laundry
Two Phone* 125.
224 Park
We do family wasliing
25c. SSs. fOc.
Tonight is )-our Ust chance to
see n higheUss operatic or.
, gsniralion nt pope.
nUr prices.
Offices and Halis Crowded With Suffering Humanity
Cripples Walk, the deef Hesr
Huntin ds of pdopk in Traverse City who have suffered all their lives wilh Chronic Diseases, we arc CURING T1|^UM 10 STAY CURED.
$1,000 WIL.L. BE RAID
To Anyone Proving to the Editor of
Paper that We Do Not Refund Money if we Fail to Cure. Money at State Bank
Here Agaiin,
Master Specialists.
This will be the last
Sidneys, blood and nerves only.
you nothing. AB onUt
ittng, no iKcorics, no (ailares, no detention from work, busin
No misukes, no c
pleasure. We do mil we mgree, or it
We Cure Quickly, Permanently anti Safely, ^ascs given . wnuen punmei. W. h.vx tfesteo «.<! coiea hun-Ucls Traverse Citr. Hnmlreds of onr oW patienU a^ sesMSag thm
tir frwiKli.
friendi. WhM
Whmt fcn
you srut
ts mn honett tremtment from un e*|icncnce<l spccialisl. our pnndiul reasons Ibr our extraordinary *ucc«s are that we treat five hundred coses to the family doctor’s one, that we are tquilly reliable and cooscientions, in our eflbrts lo cure. If you are afflicted wilk
any chronic dtsease ol the Moraach, liver, kidneys, blood or nerves, we can care you, as we have cared hundreds for the last eight year* in Traverse City. Positively oar last week on this trip. Better call today.
CoDsultition and Examination Fna
mm ttmool nt Ike
to, and toey wffl not only gfre
ttfttag power «C LM M n Binsto. bet n fiorwnrd epood of fifty bDos
kB^ MM ppmtogM tto Ww
r MMb Mt PM BMT oM’
•L Loom M tko wtogo M tkr wild!
og oot
M to
kg tko
I o nkp er oot or tko <
wko BW goM or tko 4
n.iOMdod tko doom.
y 1^00 tko!
HaothB eC Bj whowky an M engtoee wonM ke pot
^ T^Th/Bmt quitar of iU width mtef bustooss Btm tbm Td kern e
to tedteed Mr dagmoa froB tka kori^ Auoe for By Bfe. tor though tbo ear
te «mmi>
A drooB Borko; tod jwi o drooB
wkich to tko Blod or o flhrowd. ktoiU
tootol. the aoeond Bm degrma. the
third aeron degreoa ud ibe tori Mr
dogreoa. My blodo to Its
IT W. C..
I bf tbbe
iwword or fIMjNO for tko mmi
It sinhlp to bo
JtoPT. Mr. B«p
MM Ik* M TMT* W taft M
MMMMMflrvvTMi MM M»r.
Hk Mk Mi Mft iftil—■ MM I
<k» MMmw iUiniM k» Wk>MM
BNoIobmoo Moy
Mm of MMrko
KBlee downwM and tu full
cettod et emry potot Hence tbom
be BO meeuB 4B the nndor
M tkli piM. kM opoM hlo UBO to o of too bledo nnd tbo enUre pow.
llttlo rod ohor«* tko Mloklfto or tko
icuuB nboTc win be utUtoed to
wkUo ko ood o eorpe of koir dot
Itotooto bore woMod owoy m
ebow yon tbo power I cu got:
icktoo wkSeh Mr. FMobu
Lari year 1 bnm n Bodol oBooeren
«t oSort or MUM to fko MM.
tko okoriTO forot M tko ei
JoO BoCtooi wkot ko oi M «mM
BO H Bolabed ud ready Ibr irtol uJ
to bo o gnwp or Ifetto ooodo Ijrtas oo Aon: Ho. for BL Loato ud tbo eoptul
. M MMMm ToMfM. tM Mf
tko eoMU oiMoIk to traoC oT Um
Mr. PreBnu'a loTontkm to u olr
rur or Um Loko trUl kt M
fblp pore ud abBple. driren by wlag<
Eov. Mr. Bopragte wW oMo
to M
otoo to Bowen
3f toac Ton take n ptoco of a
tor tostanco. fold It acrom In too midlie, let ^ sidoa spring apn
mgto. nnd toon drop tt from nholgbt.
potnt downward. Boo bow g
right sldonp It atoks? SaxM prtnciplt
in tola airsblp."
ttan was a Bucb%e tor cutting pototo
MS nd woodM spoens nnd to bto
fiMlary todiiy ti Boos to tM hours tko
Naturally, too teveator to wolModa
rro put about 94.090 Into By airship
thus far." be says, "and I*b Just well
Ho BMBS to^kuOd It. and If. mfior
that be rMCbos tbo coveted goal, bis
name wm go Into bbtory. If be falls,
bo wfU at least have ^ saUsfact
of proTtog bto tbcorio^undloss.
TlB onglnot. wbteb Mr.
has blmsrif bum. are Bnnrotous JltUe
-soBpound nlbirs of bmaa nnd stooL
smaU tori you could mlmoM alip
teouUi too rise of tbo preeut
Atoo. That Bodol I bolted to n pair 3BO of toem lu n side pocket
jf aeatoa ud I foond tont it bad a Ufi Is capable of devotoptog five ktw
lug power of 13* pounds. In other power, ud with three cyll*
words, wkon toe model wu ruulng. It tbo corners mt u cquUa
toe weight on too scales wu Jut IW sngio tbero Is no dead center posalblv.
The boilers, of wblcb there ars two,
pounds loss thu when toe ma
stood silent. Figuring from thU 1 ho^ slao hum of Crescent steel by Mr.
ileve that my airship, when oompletod Proemu himself, are of six borse^wwwill bare n lifting power of nearly er capacity each, bot the wonderfiU j
efflcli^ncy of the little engines to ex2,000 pouada. including Its own w(
But I win not Ux ii heavily. The pected to develop more thu that. The
rules of the BC Louis competlUon airship when completi-d will be fortyspecify meroly that ib^*. machine shall eight feet over all. the end wings ten
he dirigible ud ht able lo carry om- feet In diameter and toe others twelve,
mu. It's own weight will In- U-ss and the cigar shaptMl ear nearly alxfeel long, three feet In dlameCer
Ihu 900 pounds when everything is
dones ud even with myself and a slock and four feel high. All of the frame
ork Is of soason<xl white baswuod.
of suppUes on board the weight wUI
Whether the InvenU.r s Ihet^ries will
not be more than 1.200 *
• But supposing your marhine will stud the test of trial remains to be
raise itmlf and you. how about Its seen. hU parposc being, as soon u tbo
hlne is fiolsbiHl to give it prlralc
equilibrium? And bow will you pro
and public trials hero ud then. If It
duce a forward moUon u well? *
satUfaclorily. to attempt th-Equilibrium will be automatic." uaerlal
Journey to St. Ixiuls. Certain
nrered the Inventor, with entouslutic
oertalnty. "Each of those four wing* I*, that mithlng in the world Is mo
than Mr. Freemu s confidence In
will be driven by u Independon
Ktne geared to the wing shaft. Power bis own success.
• Why. I ve had this Idea In my head
win be produced by steam, and an
years." be miUL "Of c<iur»e
sulomatlc arrugemenl wRl cut
power from any one of those wings my machine will fly."
To study for forty years on one pn»J
the moment one side <if tlw* mi
drops lower toan the other. F«jr In- est Implies that the mu who do.*s It
■unco. If the right hud arm for some roust l*e g'Htlng along In yt*ani. Mr.
reason falls lower than the left, power Freeman Is nearly 74. lie hxiks CO.
In toe left wings will be automatIcslly but he Is today caimble of doing as
ru'duced and more power lurne<l Into much In a day as toe majority of his
rtje right hand engines, thus lowering empu»es of 20 or 20. He has been a
the left and raising the right until the patron of the patent office all bis life. ^
An the head of the Freeman Manufac-}
machine In again on nn even 1
ndpal Indus-i
-A prop<-Ilor Isn t needed for *pe-d turlng company
village, he employs 300
jn this machlno. «dlher. Bee iho in
of woodenclination of those vertical ahafis for- men In thr
lod propeUed by ateoB. CutOog on
or tko Uttlo fOftSeioo t
oway fioB Lugley ud bit toBod olBoot u taeb talo tbi
planoa. froB
lod bit tmlloona. froo
Sor. Mpk O. MM oT KMgktf oir or oloog tbo groood.
tboorioa btro tolled when pot
Hoeo tbo dm Ubm tbooo gooer III
, lai. to tko foooteg Lon T. Poo
Uo thM wro ooUMd. tbo oeeu
or tboooort hoote ood Jolt boro toket nu boa bit upon what bo bclloTea to
iw principle, ud to confident to be
Moo noooot fM oot or tko cUt tko tfooblo to lorontgoto tbo Bottoi
uocom tbot bo la willing to
e Mod tbot tbo mtU
to fltlM tko oonrtooi oro Joo.
00 tboy oro now uppoood to bo not ooly bit whole largo fortune but
M or KaiMMk. lai.; J
Wkitoorjfoptol^; M. Conor oor gro loM oo tbo loorot oT tbo loO oo) SlB life itaolf oo the roault.
trfCi^ Utof Loko; M. TkltUpo ooi tmo. ud ofior o tjortoto ,loogth ot A Tlaltor to tbo Proemu shop to
ipi to tko Brat ptoco to be tomewbai
ortfo. Ifapto Oto: Mloo Booeo KSdd tlBO. drop off CO to tbo ground.
secrecy wblcli
of tbo noturoUfU of tbo clt}
Oum: Mm. ■tootofr ood Mtoo Oorfc
Owm; M. Ooroto Oor«p. Mooloo: wbo boro boon obto to naroTol on> ihrouda erery moroment of the Inmyotory of tbo ton which hot tbowr /ontor ud bis oaalatuU In toe abof)
work is done. AU door/
op to tbo nty to foTBor yoorm, woi
Ud too windows fitted wUb
eoaplototy oooptamod by tbooo tin
ind though occoalonally a
portkdoo or onlBOl life ood oaofMw!
Lotrolt. Mkfc.. iolj 1C.-WI
nu golna ontrueo wbo boa no plana
tbot n wot OOBtoblOg oow to tbOB.
Joly. Il: No. 1 rod. I1A7; No. S oon
bto butljiom tbero. bo nauolly aUyfi
Dr. Morrto Glbbt hot o«t o flOBpl
lie; NO. f wblio oou. UVte.
or tbo oggt to tbo deporlBOBt oT ogrl lily kmg enongb to got oot
TOodo. O.^ Joly ld.-Wkoot-Coni
Tbo Ttollor finds bUnaelf to o long.
flMc;4to|Mbor. dlHc: wbot tboy ore ood onothor w
Igb room, crowded at one end wltb
Mmbor. flMc.
rblrrlng steel drilla ud ruplng mwa
miod with tbo muo joBporf WOI
^OitooiD. Jolx ld.-Wboot-Old Joly to tbo Agiicollorol ooUogo ot Lonttog ind filled wito toe «^or of stale InbriU%e; BOW Jaly. MHc; oow Soptom Bktog for iDforBotkB on tbo tubjoct mtlng oU ud sawdust, while at Ibc
W. fTMcu Oo^^. Otoe; M Tbo oggt on tbo loof. Tlewod imdot Abor end. rafted on blocks ud suiv
tombor. Otoe. Ooto-^oly. »%e: 8op
lotted by frames, rests a Uttlo squat
tombor, tStoe; koptombor
atructure with two long
km of oetnol ulmol llfo tbor
HIM; lord. fdJO; Hbo. |7J0.
irma rmeklng out from lu body on
tboy do ofior tolling to tbo g
On tbo loof tboy toom to bo to differ dthor side u If In readiness to graap
ho first thing tonriiod.
mt etogoo of dorotopment. to
Each pair of tbeao irat Is joln^sl
iboB botog on tbo point of bartUng
It Us cxtremlUes. Rising from Ihv
hoft bom Ttalltoc bor doogktor. Mri showing o red under loyer of
height of six feet are verMl Plooo. rMnmd komo this
tog. Hor.grmodoofhtor. CocU PloDo
Under the inlcroiAnpo. the doUchet* Ical steel tbafls. ud other verUcal
;hafu ar« sot midway beiwen the
wko oomo wUb bor. will romoln foi 9ggt oro enrioot to oppooruco.
mds of the arms ud toe squat body,
eaUy bortog no wot tbtpo. 8c
rhoao four shafts, when too machine
Mill Loio Wygoot wko boo boon tbOB boor ttroog retoabtooee U
completed, are to carry the hori
wtotttog Mi^ Jobo Mboro oT lOif tobloi or different oorlt. one oT Ibeo
•onUl wings, ud each shaft dill be
0Uto otroot ood oCkor Moodo
In porUenlor looktag enctly like
:rlTenJ>y u engine built into the arm
m which It rosU.
J. J. OoiM wool to Hoototoo or
The wings themselves at first sikht
muDCSt hot been oroaoM by ooo po
•emlnd one of nothing so much as
Mr. ood Mm. A. P. Hu«. Mtoo Had mlltr feotureof their
rtodmlll blades, set borUontally in
ood MIoi Aloto Hot ood him LocroUt While gtxtog at ooo of tbo any
of TcrUcally ud divided into
Ooowtock or Jocki
fecit through t powerful glttt. c
jorios on© above toe other on the vc^
will tuddonly project lUolf
todoy ofior opoodtog ihrm
tkoir lodgo oo wool boy oboro ood rU UtUo dtotonoo Ibnmgh tbo olr witbou! ioal shaft, six blades In a scries a»
tour series on the shaft, each blade In
Ittog Relpb HooSott.
uy opporont mutculor or orgulc
soriot being parallel with the oth
Prod Boxtoo ood Noblo Johoioe fort- Tbero will bo oo opporOnt t
two bordworo bod. wool to Corp like
km or oxputkm or uy rlilbl.
boon tried
-Bui th»t Mhwne
Ikli Borotog oo o ftobtog oxpodldoo.
m to tbo thing lUolf. but It wll
proven worthA. r Stroob ood toally wool i aoTo from one ptoco to uotbor Un efore and bu been-pro
ess!" says toe Incredulous corre
Oorp loko tkit omratog to opood Ok
A grool deol of Interest bos beei
"Yea," says the Inventor, “but Fve
H. L. Nooooo ODd brotbor oC Oleo irootod In tbo city over the phonom
Arbor woro to Iho cUy oo buotoom yet moo. ud Informstloo from Wothtog M}lvod toe problem where the other
allows dldnt.
ud Looting it owoUod with con
tordoy ood ottoodod Uio W<
-You notice those blades. Six feet
ong and a foot wide sTtbe end. made
»r white basswood ud shcatbod lu
Qtobo itoro. boo rocitrood from
Free loBonado wu pmrldrd for tbo ?roiic©nt steel. Yob see that the sides
; tamo trip to Cbleogo.
Mro Jobo Bon7 will tooro tonight wocmhlprri wbo attended tbo piwy »r those blades are Inclined upward,
no PM MoTMtto for 81. Put to ot tr Boettog to tbo Hudm City Y. .M. lut if yon*ll look closer you will also
leod tko Cotkollc Booo&t oowMdoUoD C. A. looni oo Centnl OTenoc. JoTeoy ♦00 that tbo Inclination Is not the
maw along the enUre width of the
»lado. Right there lies the dlfferenw
Ikcie wtt t big piteber foU of
Mitt Anu StruB will toore UiU
niidtog on t toblo nmr the front jolween toe wings of my naachlno an 1
orontog for BotUlo. Wotb.
Mm. U. B. OttoogB^ of Monroe Oon door, bot nobody got tblrtty uoUl th«> At wings of those built by the other
tost kymn bad been enng. On tbclr nvcnlora wtoi^ failed.
tor orrlred to tbo eliy tbit oft
way oot a ocote of yonng men
-ni tell ^ou Wbyv, You know how a
for o Ttolt with h«r brother. >3. M- plod 0»e drink and pronounced
fflliard ball rebounds from toe cushBiowb. Mr. Brown hot boon U1 for bo Tory doliriooa.
bn? On too exact angle at which it
BBM tiBO Ud bin oooMUoo dOM not
mid that on
ftnick. of course. And given an ab
Snndayt In tbo fi
♦ence of friction, every other sub
rmnk Weitim. forBorlj with the bare boys imla
♦tance will act on the same ugle
Fim Nntloool buk to this city. BOW fottoo with trmya durini: oorrleo
Then it strikes a second anbsUnce
with tko City NoUoMP to Omni RopUo baa alto porrbaM o lot of palm ahich rostoU It Now we iriake a bor
Ids. It ntIUiig to too city.
leaf fans wblcb wlU be diatrlbotcd
Izonlal blade, for example. Inclined at
•t Bootlngt wboo the wratber U aul
ugle of 10 degrees, ud divide to^
try. Tbo tona bare not yet been put
width of that blade Into, say. four s
Tko Hot BpHogt doctors oro tUtI otioBS. As that blade Is whirled sw
Uoettag torgo MMt nightly, to od
y through the air on toe vertical
dltkm to tbo lorg* Tudonilo obow
ibaftlng the inclination of the blade
tkoro win bo o todies* wood towtog
iriTos the air under It But the cur
emtott umlgbL Fbur lodlot wlU saw
of air, aclentiflcany speaking. ;%
wood for o solid gold ring. Ooo now
horinonUl. nnd when the air moieportoTBor bot bun oddod to the wmctttoo strike the upper quarter socUoa
puy ood K to getting to bo quite o fod
y M btode Owy ue deflected down
to ouend tbo tkowt oIgbUy.
take tbea down.
anrd and nvny from tbo remainder of
The ftmt eorlood of wotenoeloot
ibn AtoJo to exact propurUon to toe
WM bcooffbt to the nty yesterdoy by
before Prolenof
ingle at wblcb they strike.
B. R. MeOoy. They ore Boo Qoorgto Ja
-Ten.** tko totter mid. **are a free "Lower air Bolecnlcs. coming to
!ino to strike tbo second section of too
Tbo atooBor OolaBblo wHl run two tktiikcr. I pofcetre. You britore
BMt too deflected partlcloe
Iff km doUgbaul Bundoy oxcurBoot
froB UwnBporc
tOMRWW. Tbs trip wilt bo to Bowen
whrM doBoetnd. hardly striktog the
Borber oU tbo Bm wttl Iooto tbo
decnlos cm a lino
dock ot S:dd. Tbo meond wtU bo ot
that Made are tnrand far from
Tbo toueet nllrood to tbia <
oonrno by oppostog Bolocnios nn
I Of the la tbo CbicagtK Bnritogtao and Qntocy, tboir power It lost The result is that
which owns T.7M Bitot and e
wbUo a vnennm U created on tbo np^
■iigiur moote wni be m to Petow 7jm Bltoo.
per nido of toe blade wblcb tooda ti
Otoftotelx ood Horbor Bprtoga
tft tbo Utter, m aoeond * Tnemu
ibA o ooBber toteod to
foTBod on tbo Mdar Mde ns veil,
ler tko trip.
by too tonnM took fright on Mtonofi
no ud ru sotual bloeko.^ tlep
"Aocidento? Well. MMkt knit
yen. qf 4B>ret. toff ntomt tie iBly oke
silos oast of Traverse aty. Mrs. J
. Land,
fwa toey struck u Iron fooM which
kept OU nantag. bownrtr. until tblp
yard of Tbomas Olast; on Lnlib bto^
rushed to atop tbcB tony 2Bmd that
w of toe aatonals wu alOBO Bond.
TbirloM loads of HBkerger chouM
were hauled down at one time at Ma
rino aty to tbo riavo compuy*a dock
ready for sblpmont to DciroU on too
Star line boat. Marino aty to one of
prodoct In toe state. The roaaon tor
Marine aty betog a llmbcrger choose
center to that Boat of the faraers to
toe ccuntn buck of there are Gcrmsiis.
I Startling Prices On
,,, UceH«»e
■lues at
'ou’ve never before
hail the opportunity
to buy such fine
stockings at such a
smaU price. Black
ud colored Ucchosc
—fine bUck hose
with split Maco feet
-and choice misses*
stockings worth 25c
ud 35c, at.............
Evcr>’ department in the house is left With a
lot of short lengths, odd lots and broken sizes.
On all of them we have placed prices that will
make them
Go Quick
3cc big hand bills, or better slill, come and
see the goods themselves. There arc such a good
many things you want, llic prices arc money
savers—every one of them. ,
Cbe Boston Store.
I F EVERY ADVERTISER IN TRAVERSE CIJV was comI pcllcd to place the goods advertised, beside the •talcmcnls
^ made about them, there wouldn’t be so many BIG BARGAIN
promises made in the ncwspapcrs-gullible buyers would get bet
ter values lor their money. In other words, what one sees m the
papers is only half the advertising—thc other half is to back up
the statements with the goods, Steinberg Bros, is the one store
that doesn’t stop hall way. Wc have the goods wc advertise, snd
all of them are the extet quxlity and value advertised. We
licvc in the goods wc sell, or wc couldn’t afford to stud b^ of
them with our broad guarulcc-uything wrong, bri^ it back ud
get ) our money. -
We Are Selling Out
Umbrella Union
Suit Sale
Women’s white larc
inmmeil umbrella
style union suits, fall
iiy, same garment
These lines are to be dosed out at once. We muu have more room for our CLOAK and SUIT
PARTMENT, and so have cut the prices to close up the sho<- department as soon as possible. W c do not oiler
you fictitious, half-price values, but are giving positive reductions in desirable, up-to-date footwear, making our
prices way below any ever before offered the people of Northern Michigan. To those who want to save money
wc say. “HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNI TY,” as this is a genuine bargain sale. Our entire shoe stock
must be sold, none reserved.
Ml B B 's
on A for Misses’ Sandals.
Worth $1.&0.
Man’s and Women’s Shoos and Oxfords
To clocc out wlttPi left—about 7C painof M«i«' Sandab, all tbU Kaion'i purchaie,
WC plxce oo ftxle one, two ud four strap sudxls, in Pxlcnt Lcxlher ud Kid. iH sixes up
to 2, worth $1.26 ud $1.60, at 82c.
Infants' Shoes
closing out pnee on com-
In tl»«-
0 0a tor Boys’ Shoes.
Worth S1.5U.
and low cut
shtK-. and oVf.trd*. n.adc of thr brat Totmt leatl.ct
and kid. in all the diflrrt-i.t Mylrw «>f l-N-n and lirrU.
in all new*-*! Lms. all lhi«» arason*-* malt.-, in light
and hc-avv
and wi.lthw. lo make- a
. Iran *w.Vp and lo cnviiM^ yun right d-^mn lo
vour l.-rt that wc give int.rr t^mfort. morr go.Kl
theprK-rfi.oSiwr the san.r an.l brtl.-r foMwrar
ih.at you have lo pay
*3 5'*
This is the dosing out price oo fifty pairs of
boys’ lace shoes, not oUl styles, but iH new,
desirable goods, thc;;samc ns you wouUl have
to pay at lent $1.26 ud $1.50 for ebewlicrf,
we arc oflcring now in all sixes up to ^ at 80c
Children’s Shoes59c
: Made of fine Vid Kid and Goaf. Ladin’, Hitm' ad
: Misses' Shoes. 98c
D of the bea grade* of $1.60
ChUdrii's lihns it OoG !aMimes’
Shoe, in itt the firwst
Skin, with good medium weight
In turn lolct, toft udo. hard; fiexible K>le. and two _
A tew pain of odds and eodi,
aolet, nm 6 to 8, worth CQ A snail tizea, narrow width.. Uyoa
76c and $1.U0, at............Jub CU be fitted, here is nn atikiil
Chlldr*n's Nobby Sllppara living. Worth $1, $2
udtSapair.todoKOBt JOq
Men’s Shoes worth $ i .eo at 3B6o
Men’s Shoes worth $2.6oat $1.6S
leathen and newest lasts,
allBxesapto S,w>U befiOA
closed o<U at. per pair... soil
Misms’ Shoes, wottb
_ _
Ladies^Shoes Worth $2 at ^I.IO
Ladies’ Shoes
or Men or Women, worth
$3.50,4JOO and $5.00.
uniiff fU cMfus
Exfiird^tidn of Prohibition Against Aerial Expl^ives
A at
MtocahmlaMedamavacoaldWIa. '
,aiid atctoOyaacha—rtitoacathaoh
m or bwtalh It would wot by innitour
tooe any time to a oaarch for a ranfa | ttoa of tto
for tta prulactllao. Atl that would be re- are fully
Uirfrod would be Id caScuiato with raa; j uuatided t
Ik. «Kk «»r^ Mr •»
er of Ita ktod at aa auual <
tbua tar tba auly ptoa w
tat All OVtmM thAt
-My*A^lp,- ftilISato!r
tJM nmt^iram •ghUam
Om ■tmdc Usm u> Um
ft km« tUM !•
r of Uilft fiow 6m KthN*
.. VM4«rtOff tlio_
r otorm. And fMoeoful <
century aimhip muat become from thw
berlmdnr the rm«t enemy of that oth
er twentieth oemury iparvel. the aubinaHne boat, and m^'aaly it* rneaiy.
but lu maaier. for. widle the ouhmarine
boat can do no Injury to the alrahlp.
the latter, havinr twice Ita apM^. cwn
«rort Aot dlroctljr IntorMtod to mtUI
wamhIjM aralnat which It to moviny.
"Indeed. It may be able to deetroy the
aubmartne boat |»y aeadtor dow^* to It
lour arrow* filled with dirumlte and
caiwble of pwielrallnr t« drptha under-.
m<th the wave* Iniiioaaible t8 runnery
from Ito deck* of a warahlp."
In it* recent report to the war deiv.itmenl of the le*t of aubmartoea th*
board aald cf the KuUun:
"The toiat abowa rreat auperChrlly^
flvvr .nny extotlnr nwwn. td atiackinr
mine field*. It can run by any field aor
toklalled at prem-nt with but little dan-'
g*T from the explualon of any |•ank■ular mine or from the run fire durinri
the few minute* It to expoMd and can
attui k at It* Idcaauri’ any ve**«-l in the
Now. It to aruln^t Jurl *uch oj-ra-’
tlcn* n* the*e that the airship could toJ
ui*«d to ndvantarc. It to e%ld«-nt that
the aerial wamhlp will t>e able to tuni-^
trwllae the damare whV h the aubm*Hne of the piAwcnt day to ctrtoluly
UUalllUd to Inflict.
Tho problMtlon. tommr. did not 4to^
oimriMito ospertoMnutton. Tho trMion.
6mm otrfdM motto to tb« <tor«lopioent
dMtof Ih* Aort prrJud
Maitom ntf»
oentriboi*d vn«Ur
td,l>0|i»lor IntrrMt to thr rabjrc-t. At
tito IvooMit tlm» thrto t« no tnottrr of
inoro momoot to the miliury and im*
tmi •cporto of all aaUono than the de«
of Iho aortal man-of-aar.
They tool thatI the emiiloymrnt of of• would rwiU to
the apoody dlaartaament of the
Tbma to little doubt that the Innovu
lion when it oomee will neceoeiute
rer of oieel
Thto to
too which muet be
awoarered to orderr to cope with the
•whtox alrahitt. \ hen the altuntlon
hnivee It will he without leuallel In the
hletory of mankind,
r Now that the reoirU lion to removed.
toow that
r that BaiiU^-Uumnnu Spencer.. L^,
t aJmhlpe may be cotttrollej and eelirctolly now that the necwniaiy eX|do.
alvre are available. It to evident that
the daye of war aa our fathom knew it
. and aa the natlona have been Uucht to
toward it are numbered. It to almtdy
aanouncod that Japan !• ready to make
a trial of the now method and la,provhtod with a aupidy of the moat approeod aartol menMif-war. Ituaalan
ahenu. atoo. have been porrhoaloff aa
I aa they could
at of thcoe bal- I
loona ^re marveto of
Umcad of the old futhlnawl tiye artr
flier wUl furatoh aa eOacUve clefmae
Luxmta umSy aiu MlDoMSorlR
th* tout af tb* catofMc. but dtof am to
l» had. aajra tw C*hhU«o IWL T«k If
you Imv* the otoh aad thr cMcnr M
caa Dve Uhc a kl^ mu la the rm
patch tbair alrablpa to combat their wilAmcua. the dm Buor haa ftodh
enecalea to the open aktoa. It to not at ««j to the urhllu caimuk MaOii
ah unlikely that the apectacle of a trl- doura urUh rtef
Pto enffareuMUl <m Jawd. at aaa and to
midair may by wtuwaued durtor the
f mmm «T Um
9mn te <
CoQl^rts 10 Bs
aallcl dlrt-olly over the
|»o!nt of Btt.vrk. They will be ke|d at
a helxht that will put them beyond the
of ordnance. Ae at iinnenl conrd. then- to no cun that could be
ed at each an anyle aa to rive Ita
ptoiectilea n mnre aumrdent to reach
one of theae baUoona Conaequently a
minury airahip aieered to a i*olni
above an enemy w<mld have mnhtor to
fear from anyohlnr proiected from be-
dencctlon to the <fbovnward ni:;hi
the earth nml then oiwn fire. An
lielow would be entirely at the i
of auch u mach
Holt Arthur, with no power either
or I*arai>e. ij^uld lie reduced
abject worthh-Maneaa.
Ila carrli
mlrht aeek refur«* In nirht. but th.- c
*h|j\ l!l;e Home devourlnc tnorittcr
Maiitn beran tbe couetrut lUm of a war
n-r.M.lMu- hli. brother Hu.le,.n nt on.-e
rofiimi-nced to e»ii. i lm«-iil on a run tu
ihnuilUh lh.it tlylur fonn.-m. Neither
filer nor run wmh ii
but It In
dicate* lb«t the aerhd a'amhip when
It cornea w ill to- Mllowal by tta appro|.rlale demniyer. When It to made »ert.iln lhat re-.! d..i!*e 1.. Ih.- nlri»hlp K
Nearly alwnye the very Jnfurmafh
> I* that which to kept 1110.1 aculou.ly frbni him. Ocnem'lly Im to a*H“ob>c!-t
of nualdt-lon. n* aifici-r* of i
• to whit h he to altachfsl object to what they
ctowvortor to »»lu th* drainxl iwrmita
. of the Itoiik of nuwla at .Ki. |vur*burr contain gold In
The *tr«»ar
[* amnum of t:,m>.(MH..ooo. The lii;?otR nn raiired on shrive*
Incoi* nnd coin
In cabinet* wUI
ch from ikK.r t« feim.K. t
Ikikm. I. piled table hlrh around the #ld.-a of the room. Tlik
*|HTle I* the reecrve fund which to Inu nded to ke. p the empire’
palrc d. «»nly a anuill part of It cwn to- diverted i*. war puriK>eei
not the ewee It would not be lonj l-efore the Ru^ston trr.iKurv
alTwln, for the *xi*eniie of condudinr a war In ito-ec d..ja to a
on Ihc.n-Mource* of any tiail.m, RusMto** iluam.-»t<. even with i»i
erve. arc not In a aati.facinry cobdUion.
to okkrl aad chlaa. ttottur Jar. amn
tor mad- dtobea. cupa with hli«ld
haadku and acvcral ataea oC lakkaL
The laat. wHli the tiotter tar. atv cwv>
ered with wicker. The cupa with ftddtoe handlcB are of mHal. but ctabo-
plied w 1th a faoceC
A smaller Icc box, idtaped Mt uutfhu
a torse ateto. to useful lor ou* ttar
trtito. It to a boUow cyUndcr of hoaYjr
tinware, boldtor a stoss Jsr two tochoi
smaller In dtomcCer than tbc tta cuaa
If tlie lipoid to be chilled la rairtod lx
the Jar the a|UK-c bctwxuu Jar axd tlx
case to packed wlOi ku. If leo for
drtuklns wator to to be curried lx tho
itiMjKR r. iiAn.vrM, • Jar tbeo noChtoj; U pocked betwoex
Siam and tin cylinder, and tbc current
of t-old nlr Uiua formed prersnto tho
Wrirht toirllner. whoee pm-luctlon of k-e naitlns In tb* Jar.
"The Hhbpherd Klnr" wu* one of the
The Ideal cka-k for a campci^a loddX
Iratun-* td the aouauli In NeW York, to one that swlnr* from tbc wall, but
lellii hn iiniu»lnr •‘t‘»ry of a vldt to a •ci-tiple* not luarv than U by 4 Incbco of
friend * hoU*e In KnsUnd.
"I WR* tuaklnr an unexpected cail on wall aria.v. Tbc fatv of tb* dock la
a friend of mine whom I luid m.i *e,^.n mtto more than two Incbca to dhUMtar,
In year*." oald Mr. tonlmer. "When but to covcnxl by a com vx stoat Xrhkh
the inWuul came to the door I naked uuicnlfltw the flrurtu oU the dial uxlll
If Mr. Arbutnmrt wa* In."
they can be aect
" -Al.ieter Imr rone out,- war the reply. I Tbewe cioeka come to Wutti
"•1m Mm. Artiuiinart InT
. " 'Mtoau* ha* rone out too.*
" *\Vc II. I \hlnk ni come In and warm
by the fire beb re I atari back to tom-
the ouriMT of the camfi-aDtr Mads tip a
camptoc ta-iilcnlc oaao uf tfttde ttUasa,
cumiwcUy atoaad la a ukhur oaaa.
Tbeue art* fitted out to aerv* fpouft
to twenty four peruoau aad eoatala'
platea. kulvtu and fotta. two alam «f
The pU turo I* from a ncvi.t photoirraph of a German tod known a* "Ixmr
” who ha. »-on on public cxbihHh
S. fitj-iK-r.. Mi.l he IM ilu- »u.i; of a l.uK lu r
UX« -d twrlxe the U>y wu. ohlic.il t.j leav*- mi-Ium.] o:i .icount of hi. uru.aai
stature. He 1. iiou .Hlxt.M-n «nd I. .-v.-n f.i-t two Inrhe. in hrirhi. HI. father,
mother am! nine bn»ther. nml *l.ler* nrr of th.* r.-milation bHcht. Joneplt 1* a
trichl and rhcxrful >uuth and ixid-v.*.*. the ho|i- tliat hv Im* tail yd r.-ached
looks squarely nt tlie cha-k face. Meurcd from ibc side they become Jnrtolbto.
AHieii tlM .*x« rre woiiicu to tl»e party
an nfU-rinxm ten «s]uiiMr.rut to almoot
«*jM-nt{al. Tbl. U a llifle li*mi>*r. tap*
pUtHi Willi a wkker dl.b. for ivsckers;
a teapot, keltic and ahxdiul stand and
j burner 4-iimb4iaxl; a butter Jar. kalrca
I spocm* and rriucixl napkins, cups and
a susar Um l. atoo wk-kcr coversd.
{ 1IM. m west tbUis to rooktos opporatu. to a winbluatkm alove that would
make the buuicuuiker tu a liaricm flat
sit up and take DutUr. On one amaU
can la* to.lhd at oikv ecs* nml
colfcN-. while
a lower tk*r bacon or
cbofis can be broiled. And tb* wboto
tkius to not luort* than a foot bisb.
Ihe fmme 1. of ukkri or bmaa. axd
at the liaM-.to an «l.-obol laiu|i with a
flame Murfa.v of two nud one-lialf tnebe*. Altfve thU to Ihe perforated broil
er. ami on tbe next tier Is a deep keftto
or «tK*kcr. Fitted Into tbto U a foklioc
tray witb three bohw fur fcjm to be
S4*t in eiKlwlM-. Tills rompartmoxt to
flIlcHl with w aier. and dlpplns
It I. n eyllndiT with a Cnc wire net
builum like Ito- Inside of a l-'pcocb dr|p
cuff«ii»ot. ThU U icuaiwndcd from tbo
>v.-r r.ml h.>M« lUi- ixiffce.
The tnru* are !If»-rally botkd la tb#
coffi'e. and th* two cook to about th*
oaiue iitiH*.
Aruu-bslni are no tonycr luxortos to
a camp, hlit <-ommofi artick-a. Them
follow the yem-ral linc-s of a campmoU. ‘
and Ihe bark and arm* and lees fold
up Into a snuj:. «vmpoct stiosr* box.
murh to sny of Kluc lIJw ajd-* now
fr»M-k COM lx. *o»y. Ihe New York Prsos.
Tb.*-- be wore at tbe A«c.d iue*C wofU
of dark blue broaddolh. Refore that
only hlaek, inwy and "oxfonto" had
to-cfi mad. Iml two days after tbc roy-i
si leader of fi. hi m wore tb* Moecort ij
tw.iity iM-er. were sarbod ohnilarty.
It will lie luttvi-Mtlnff to sec wtist New :
Yorker 1* first to obey ib* ktofTs de
cree. On several ocxraslons recently
Edward wore birendcr ostia tto^
Mar and KeUJk out
of tbe favorttra of tbe coart. ai»urud
Ccorsc Keppei a Hoae race for tb* rilff• lUca. She to many y««ra you^
fban Mrs. KeQp<-l. and tbr qxeao tU*
crire* her with far better sraor.
Tb* ■■Class mssusaw >
A peculiar "stoas dteesae^ ttafihcukflx
out amoos tbe windows of Tot% exthadrak 8om* of tbe thtrtrooth and foortsestb century xtoas to th* cdlSca haa
bon removed Is ofdcr io xmta tha
•aae.** The ombrmk ta xaetM
Th* lataat axd XMat faactaBtti« malB-
• moat Inhuman treatment and were rive
Ll alanratton. flhalr parenU wore unable------------ t%e torture and died niter
ew moutha- a^utfle. Tht chlldmi ftoally eocaped by felrulnr death. They
aed ihom^Vfa^^ a aumber of daad bodtoa an
od the beach oU^de the prtooo Inclooure. After awhU
tha attomlon of a United State* dtopalch boat, the Hcrcxi
1 to thoir native place. Tampa. J
The plctur* to a rraphlc lUuetratlon of th* Icadlnr of a blr yun. Th* par
ticular toatanc* to ih* armtoc of ihe Ruxdan battle*hlp Kntox Souvaxofl. The
twelve*liuh run* are iiut In pUr^ l.y inlrbty derrick*. *nie ahip* now beinr
completed at th* j'anto lately extCfni-orlsed by ih* Roaston admiralty at the
mouth of th* Kevxi river will form a part of th* Itoltlc aquadnm. AM the ahlpbuUdlnr yarda In Rursia arc In w state of sreat acUrity. Work to solnr on day
nnd nirht, and workmc-n are l*elnr aourW to all the ahlpbulldinr center* of
|u of the K
Tbc picture rapr«a*nU a ncoonl achlmmmt of tb* crown prtae* oflOermany. In a competition.at Potadam Prlnoa Frederick flntohod to n daad boat.
Now in hto tweniy-thlrd year, this youns man to on* of tb* moot darlnr and
DCcorapUabed borsemeo In tbe erapira. Aa a rcault of tb* atrttl restroen Amposed upon hto oona by tb* kiMoer. tta* crown prtoc* to devoted to herolo *xof all kinds. H* to not at all Incltoed to uk« advantas* of tbo tmmXnIty
from barttobip whicb hto pooltloa offers, but to dtoposed to deal wtlb blmasit aa
od of taachtoff childiux td raad la hi
them at wofk on a typruntefk
spend tbe nummer.
Frat A. i. Lftdd. wife aad two chBdiraa to Ana Arbor are apeadtog tbe
ser at tbe torm home to Mr. end
Mrs. & O. Ladd.
B. r. WratoftM. C- a Bench, a C
A iHigiilwi or tiM Wsteli BMrrsT'
f»ir Mil«fr«lrT y/fSUnT loumikm
tot to pfty for orerttoftft,
id IMm. df ttiM
to U>
Ortftfttood tobor to to. toaepli. Mo.
u ftto ftbftftdoftftd tbft project to baudtot ft labor teoiple ftJoftt llft« >Mod
M41«# aetSM cT Ite t#o cvmfU r«iM
to tft# atotolto to ft talMl to bt «to
yliirto «■ llM vof% to tlio toOMbm to
Aft toiMftto to belBi mftto 1ft VkAftft.
Atotrto. to pwMMuto oonrMiu to pay
^ ftiftto ft MU tovftrd ftft tod ftffft 1ft> liMii. bto totor ttoto yw to wort
Itoi fttoi Mdfti to fttort tbft •fttorprtae
tbat aaMctoit feada for nacb a par
toitft will be aoeured wUbto a abort
Tbft 'Moftto to Tiftde to BmU 8to.
Mtoto Wl^dontod by rMototloft a pe
Oltoft wbtak tbft worldfttM toft prft^
- pvtoi to ftftito to tbft totalfttor to tabor
to Ottavft. Ctaft. ftftklftf tbft pDrim
Ml Jo ftftMftd tbft ftUftft tobor taw.
tad Ufti proridft Mfti to rfttftitotioe
Tbft ftftfttftUrft board to tbo Btarator
dWiwtoftri* IfttMlfcitol Uftloft at a
Cbarlea P Weldiftn. former pr^
dml to Ue United Ctorment Workftrs.
wbo coadocted tbe blp cloUtng atrike
to UM la behalf to Ue callers has
amde leader la tbe prMnt
Tlas tbft peat Uree montba six
atw local naloBs bare bcea catabItobftd by Ue Uftltod Brotberbood to
(torpetoftra and Jotoftrs.
As tbft reanit to Afleea par cent, redneUcMi to Uftlr waget Ue wearer^
dmployed at the mtlto to the Hogg
Carpet A Maaafaaorlas compaay la
tooevllta, Maaa.. bare atmek aad will
imala out uatll the matter to aeUlod.
The Soathem Pacific baa atartod to
Tbft flHko will to
toot ftboot TjtoO m. It ta 1ft ftttpport
to tbft lOftftl Ml ■ 1ft Bottoft. MftM.. One tbouaaad employes In Its shops
ftftd PMtodftlpblft. wblU bftTft dftmmad were dtoebarged. It to nnders
that a slmOar policy, will be carri.*d
Tbft Iroft ailfiftft to Mlebltaa ffroi oat on all the Hairtmaa Haas.
Tbe aggregate wealU to Ue United
fttotooftoftftC to 1MK pcrMftft. ftftd
toft Workers Is not publicly known,
tbfttr pfodftcto ftaoum to fK.tffiAM
Altefty. M. Y. oBloft prlftUiit prott bat It to tbe wealthiest as well as the
tobor union In the world.
■Mi 'ftow recwlve • tololmuai wepkly
Tbe coal mines of West Virginia
wait to in.
Ttftw York city waUreftoet arc about glret employment to «) per rent
the wgge enraera. and their producU
At Cbk«go. til. Railway Bxproas from SO per cent, of the total valne of
I mineral products.
Drirora aad OoBdoctorf Union will
Labor leaders claim tbe last census
tabft dtotalftft ftctloo ijagardlnt ft new
ipws 17.000.000 wbo support Uam
watt aofttax Tbft new oMctoli faror
aelres by labor, to which 3.000.000 arc
union men. ^
I jnm Ooauaftn^^ftlftfrftpbftra- on
The United States employed 10.5S6
men In distributing mall last year. The
coat was IC3JP4.000. In 373 accidents
bobftftfft barft forawd ft uBloa.
la ft acrmfta fftctory. wblcb fttoploya to mall cars 18 clerks were killed and
tun WM. mabtof ftsrleoltural Implft- 78 aerleualy Injured.
SIftoe the IncepUon to Ue Sutc Fe
wwftta ftftd traction eatlaftft. U pcr
fttot ftt ftboftft flAl. Tbla doaa not In male Regtoiry office to New SouU
ML tto n oftftta to II Jl. and 1C per Wales 3.081 hare obtained employ
out of S.!i81i persoiis regtotered:
Mt fftt ftbotft Ml. .Tbla dors not In
The total amount of benefits paid by
toadft boya or apprenlkwa. and U for a
the CIgannakers* International i
A OftU baft been Itaued for tbc an In 1002 sras |37tJK;8. while the Income
mftftl oonrealtoo to tbe Ilrttlab Trade from all sources was |75I>«.
OrganUed labor to Canada Is
Union Cuoareaa. wblcb will be bold In
* Lftftda this yonr. nectlna tberv on plaining bitterly against the Immigra
Monday. *Sftptftnibcr S. The laat time tion department that to flooding Kngtbft coagreaa mto In that city was In land with glowing dcscrlpiiuns of Can
ada aa the wage earners* paradise.
At Sydaty. N. 8. W. the demand up
NIpht Was Mftf Terfwr.
on Ua dtocM fond to the ProTlnclal
•I would cough nearly all night
WftrbaMNib aaaociatloD In ^bnaetm
lockout at tbe steel works U be* Kmc.’* writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of
tomlftc rary bcary. iho number to ap AlexandHa, Ind.. “and ould hardly get
pltoftUona for relief Increaslag dally. any sleep. I had consumption so Ud
that If I walked a block I would cough
A IS per eeot. increase In wagei
frightfully aad apit blood, but. when
been coneadnd by the employer
tbftMftborn.to tbe IJtbocraphlc Ap all other medicines failed. Uree 81-00
bottles c4 Dr. Kings New Uiscorery
MUM ftftd
fti Sftft TUncIsco. Cal., lo become to- wholly cured me and I gained S8
pounds.- Ifs absolutely guanuiteed
fftCtlTft inly 1.
tRoriu county. Pn. shows n torse to cure Coughs. Col«kt. La Grippe.
ftiMbtr to women employed In mills, Bronchitis aad all Throat imd l^ng
taotorten mad other IndustHea. There Troubli^s ivice Me and 81 00. Trial
itlos lOe at Ji>hnaon*s drug store and
are I44T fentales. worklnc In crery
II. Moa.1*. drug sto.^.
ctoaa to industry In the county, of
Wblek anaibor orer C.OOO are employed
to tbfttoty toWtiag.
Tbara arc nbont 4S.OOO mensbera In
dto CliftfMVftto* nnloa, tftl they pay
Mwaato a w«ek to keep b cotop. In
tbft Iftto iwbbtyTftars It baa paid out
ow is.000.0t0 la btotolu to members.
At BoSftlo. N. T. tbft National Aaftotifttloft to Marblft Dftalera baa been
toterpormtod. This orsaalsatloa. It to
•ftU. ta ftft
formed parUr for tbt
lion toUers hare
ist tbe open shop,
.toon BMMftrsnnd
Tbe tooabto ta nmsM by a prnpoaed
rafiaetJoa to twtntyAre ccata fiaUy.
Tbe ntrike to ctoioa opermUres at
tartatto. Bag. baa eaM br ft
pramtaft. tbe rednettan to fire per cent
. bftint ftgreed to tor the pcenenL
Ultotos holta nananfi ptoce ta tbe
M>t UAA II hoU.
meb ftftd CX W. Ptambftrerocwmcd
am tbclr Asblftg trip «P to Ue tnUnd
ken. They report n good Ume «ad
d now planning n trip to Carp take
to iah. toll find the fiabiag for perch
rom the Old Mlaalon dock far from
The perfect rest and ftulet of Old
ftoaloo. tbe almost total abaenoe to
lopotor amnsement aa well aa tbe ab
sence to young men to dtocnaaed with
<cr lees blttemftsa amemg the
young ladles to Ue nWL The pence
bad gniet mad monotony Ue young
people are ao aaxlooa to hare broken
perfect happlaeea to Ue ma
jority to the coltag^
Mr. aad Mrs. il. L. Prank to Chi
igo arrired at Wateraedge and will
atay nntll 8epL 1st.
Mr. aad Mrs. A. H. Zacharans of
Detroit are making n tour to Ue norUem retorts before returning to their
ome In Detroll. Mtcta. They spent a
leaaant month at Wateraedge.
Mrs. John CniU to Trarecac City has
yetoraed home. She was entertained
for two w;^ka by Mra. 8. 8. Walker.
Mrs. W. H. Kress of Blk Rapids to
a guest at Ue home of Mrs. Rose Lardle: also MUs Rice, a nurse from
Mercy hospital. Big Raplda.
Rer. W. K. Wright filled the pulpit
of Ue CongrogaUonal church at this
place on Sunday last Rev. Wright to
expecting R.v. J. N. Mills. D. D. and
wife of »%anaton. Tl! for a two wc^eks*
atay at Bateman cottpg ^ Mr. WrlgM
and Mr. Mills were old classmait j at
Union Thwluglcal seminary at
New York City.
Newton Wright, a little non of Mr.
and Mra. W. K. Wright, has been quits
111 fer a few days, but Is convaU‘fcent
Most to Ue ooltacea have been con
nected with the outside world by a
:elephone and It to an ev.^ry day oc
currence for aomcone i« talk
heir cottage to distant homes In the
Special to the Evening Record.
Ne4U-ta-wanta. Mich.. July ie.~
Thme who are taking advantage of
healthful br.*exes and beautiful
Ks In and around Ne-ah-ia-wanta
fde: W. H. Davis and family. Cm
stl. O.; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Cobb
and Mrs. D. E. Cobb. Fort Worth. Texlo. Ky.: Mrs. Man G. Baskins
and daughter. Springfltdd. O.; .Mrs.
Thomas G. Price and piother. Mrs.
Poxton. Cincinnati. O.; Mrs. Ernest
and fftmny and Mrs. Craighead. I>ayton. 0 : Mrs. Uncoln and family. Clorlnnall. O
J. H- Hunt and A. E. Treadway of
Grand Rapids s|K-nl Sunday her?.
Mra. Roberta. Mrs. John Gales and
family. Mrs. John Bailey. Mr. and Mra.
Archibald of Covington. Ky.. arrived
July 8.
J. II. Allen joined his family here
r. C. DQMnond has parchaaed a
TIicMost Original, Modem’
World’s Best Circus Talent
Lofty in Conception. ReRal In Equipment. Honor
ably Conducted, Truthfully Advertised^ The
rr i
,p< >K BEXT H. w H, W~» TWilk ^ ^
|_|OUSIt MAU bIWT y. U.
I ~
A Continuous Display of Marvelous Preformances
by a MiRhty Conclave of Original Notables
ffimm OF TITLE
Over First National Bank
The Immensity, Originality. Uniqueness and Novel
ty of the Great Wallace Show
Not only In Its Exclusive Circus Features, Zoologi
cal Exhibitions and Horse Fair Displays,
but in its great
Showing REMARKABLE FEATS, demonstrating!
the Surprising Intelligence of Trained Elephants,
Baboons, Bulls, Horses, Ponies, Monkeys,
Coats, Pigs and Donkeys.
W'irkN wijtle t<.u wall'Y-a want to Imr
m-H a farm.
land nr ril.x |.r<.|irTlj( h*-r.-in Graixl TraveVao.
SB/ |M,rt of ih. worklP Tb«-n a.v.
Claus Warner. Proprleior
l,o(»twi eJoaa io bMetlfol Ormad Trarmw* <
Special to the Rventne Record.
The Bachelor Girls swooped down
on Mtoa KeUto I^rdlo at Mudway-
remind her to her birthday
fr^hmenU were served.
i visitor
T. J. Elion of Manistee w
at Ooay Nook this week.
Mra. Andrew Blue to Chicago -and
Mrs. Elmdorf were the guesto of Mrar
B. J. Fulghnm.
The new dock to Mmpleted and It to
1 honor to the resort.
Mr. Franklin and family were callera at Mudway-Auahkay Lodge.
8p**clal to the Evening Record,
John Tatmac to moving Into hlf
Old Mission. Mich. Jul> 16.-C. W.
Ltoftngwell. Jr., to ^’hltllcf. Cal„ ar uidaome cottage today.
Atoerman Lardle and wife gave a
rived on Monday last and will epc»d
the summer at Bagtacrtot. the home
to bit parents. Dr. Leaftgwetl to the
owner to a large rmach to 100 acrea %t was deUghtfUIly xpest In gamea and
Whittier. Ql, One hnadred and tea
itog eoftteata, after which dell
acres are la lemofta, florty aeraa to orftftgea ftftd 850 aeraa to grata. C W.
One to the fineto electrlcftl dtoptoya
LeOagwell. Jr^ to the nMumgar to the
rmach and CMplojra fifty m doriag the hay doriag the atom,
PhltHp Benutelpe and vlfe to Wm..
W. WdU. IM H. 16.1C aad 17, Uock
canrlM r. Calhooe to J. S. Calhoon,
lot 4. block S. PuadUc: flM.
FM A. Knectofid and wife to Chat.
M. Parker. pftrc?iril.UK).
loah A Lay Co. to E. Emma
leM. loU 3. 4. & and C. block fi.
H..U AOmafilh add; 81.400.
A. W. Rickard to Edwin L SAtt,
lot 34. Oak Ilelgbls; 1^0.
nmoft Krataer to John W. Slater.
loU 31 ftftd 32, block C. 11., L. A Co.’s
CU ftdd: $!,«».
Bltoe J. Hodges to Mary D. TiUotNi. several loU In Summit City . |!M)0.
Calvin V. Wright and wife to Wm.
M. Wright, undivided H Int. o-*« feet
to w-48 fejt to lot 11. block 7. cuigl^
plat. TraveracuClty; |1.
Anna C. Weunore to yv'm. U Rrtiwn.
BWto of seVi, »e<*- 20. town iC. range
12: 84M.
Perry HftBSfth to Frank O, Pratt,
kiu 1 and 2. block 1. Perry Hannah s
4th add- 8300.
Richard Hurlberi ami wife to Pat
rick Darden, lot 22. Osk Heights; tZM.
Francis Campbell and wife to Wm.
F. Campbell, n H of sw H.
acr.n lu sw corner, see. 22. town 27.
range 11: t2 000. ^
Howard WhhUie, and wffe to C. C.
Alward. lot n. blcwk 7^ H.. L. A Co.*s
»th: I3M).
Perry Hannah to Benjamin Bisel.
w 25 feet, lot 1. all lot 2, block 4. V. H.
4U: 1300.
L K. Gibbs and wife to Erneat H.
Parish and wife, n H se^. sec. 17.
town ta. range lO; |4M».
n. R. Pratt and wife to Nellie Copnick. parcel In Travorne Clry;
Ilftimah A I.ay Co. to NVllb- Fn'Cman. lot 24, blork
H. L A Co.’s
Hth: list'.
Herman W. Smith and wife to Alveso L. l^nd. w H U*t 12. block F.. H.
L. A Co. s 7th; ll.ioo.
H. B. Garner and wife to Alvrao L.
Land, parcels: 8800.
Michigan Trust Co, to Josef Hanslovsky. ne *4 of so *.*. sec. 8, town 25.
range 12; l2(Hi.
JameiT B. Martin to RoUti Schumberger. lot 32. block E . H.. L. A Co.’s
7tl>: 8700.
^\’llliam H. Stiles and wife to James
D. ^iddb icn. pat eel, block 13. H.. U
A CO.-S imh: 1250.
Hiram R. Thayer and wife to Court1 land Brownell, parcel, st'c. 14, town 27.
range 11; Jnoo.
Chari. s Wilhelm to Mercy E. MonrxH.. lot 4. block .S H.. L & Co-’s
third: |8.'.o.
Homer H. Old# to Charles T. Allen,
parcels: |80u.
Howard B. Gamer to Floyd L
SmIU. lot 14. block U. Traxerso Ciiyr
William J Saunders to Ijiura A
Tregea, parcel, sec 2»». town 27. range
11: 1300.
iftdsoftMP li^ch which be experts td
p« on the bay to a few daya.
Mtoa Beotoe Fftighnm a»d Mra. H.
Ida Lfttittoa. Heme
osm, will nestle In her bosom, fully
MtUfylnf the yearnlnr which lies ta
the heart of every good woman. Bu^
yet Ihers is a black cloud bovertor
about the pretty picture In her mind
which filUbtf with terror. Tbe
dread of childbirth takes away much
ol t:-M joy of motherhood. And yet It
need not be ao. for sometime there
has been upon the market. welMowwn
and recommended by physicians, a
Stocks, Bonds, Draio, Prorisions,
SulU 308>New State Bank
building. Correspondent Oeo E,
Ellis. Grand Rapids.
ND^S mcM
Omcial Market QooUtions by i»ri.
vote wire, direct froiu New
York and Chicago.
Abaolutc acctirily.
Which makes Childbirth asabnole and
easy as nature tateodod It It Is a
nea axkd the loss of the girlish figure.
Wallace Circus Day Prograniine
DispUy, Horse Fair and Glittering Pageants.
I & 7 p. m.— Doors Opened to llic Immense ^YatcTproof Tenia.
HF.IiililRiS.I>nip. !
Upbobteriog ol U1 KisaiL Fur.
I: i 6 & 7:15 p. m —Prof. Bronson’s Concert Band
of Renowned Soloist musicians
the center Mage.
a 4r,.minutc Grand Concert on
• Qtty.
•VPK. ai« » «lw W
IM «
'' " i
^ nB tte cw M>. tkM
CM * Italp* Sr. iKtai tac M *M
MTMiSac. M ikM M tiM
MW «■
I WL Nd IMIMkcaSMtcrcotav.
late bates or s mtete<
•Omm isip te bnmi
te Ml qaAo ao warm bats, awl WkBa
w« srw tate&ap iaas «0l maka « sate
ate arltb ptaacir a< otemA te
la a ahsma. Asslle. to earns te
boter Tsa SB Ute te Aar.- te
• kw tv itwlf «Mh
book la a lane ate
saar bW te’k foek
Aar. npte mt^ammap
- or temoa. -Wtete bear: at------ -- --------Baka. tea tea^
te^ aaA
eoalranr. rea tete ma. It Aoaa ma
aaaea. bavtap tnOt ea good to aoa r»o la roar mate tteka.
TUc «M» warn
far TOO icok cool, eva
Tbca. taralap to BaauSa. wbo Jam
walked la. hvtaplap wlih bar
Tat bow te
tebahls R oetaio. Tbs rtamte of
aataiu aa* at war. ta tbe boait te
■to of tbe saaar petioa tbrna lx caw
otaat cdaAiet; aawap tbe aatloaa te
nm of fba ted
tlea are avar pttote. -Warn te iw
mocu of wai^* aiu orar wbb aa; Cbt
the uoldlar te little ate tbaa drvama
uirruL 2Cor aamap tbe people of Oad.
over whom tbe Priaae of Pcaca rate
b tbm* aalty of toltb and love, laof betep oae la caitxt.
Cbitst. laty
they are World WKhoat tbe BHte" Uiaavate ^..
A aad telTldcA time aad time
Bat let aa ate maMUDber tte
war box aot aiwaya
7^*?***!: mt^ tram Oxk»ao OoHm M
fated evil aor box peace aiwaya
rily a preat hkaolap. Tbe law wUl xlnp -Lead Kindly UpbL'
la oar anlvctae at teal, lx du- trmted.
The topic U tbe eooaed la tbe aerte
I duracter, and often lx i
oa -The Ofuatext Book
tbe World.
Other topics ax fdlowx:
aatteor in
July Ti. -Bible Ideals of Ood te ^
b peace and not
BoO iteUr aatll ctaar.
I which she laid oa bar aaat*a lap ax
Pickled Cbarrlaa BoO tqpatbcr oae ahe taaaad over to ktea bcr. ^
-Tbaak roa. Beanie, dear, bow aareei
they are. 1 wax last waadertap R A
r fosM teMj
e of doves aad oacteU ounce of wax too warm for yoa.girl hsa Ma to taara aad triaa mr pa
AftijMi Is erniMi irtmBuhm-'
-No. Aoatie. I wax deUined au
t-'Uo xploet lied In a thia mosUesee. bat the la to wUUap aad ab
ds8 test MdOM. If y«i wni.
la tub ham^. I ad. their Ant poipoae Ha hap. Poor this whUe hot over flvu a giaxx of carraatade for waumma
As4 mas tea To«r twetC kejrt ware looka Haaaaat, aad I doat feci served, twsaln BO fatter can.- mada
-Oh. I am deilghiod you turned yoar
cberries. leartap the
I ten SM Bliad. Tmu Sttjr OS' that te waau to aaap opr baad oP Ladled’World.
emtet JHly to xoch a apeedy
ama oa If soadte
erarr alaate.* He a»a sol. br aar
Cherriea aa Naiafa] for Breakfast- aad deltphL Will yoa teU ax boa
At stgir losgisf kf tsd 1^;
rraape a layur of fresh cherry leareo
Bst vkfls ter sirteS;lB Jsse'c raft teaslr praetieat. bat baste.
1 masdar If you ever have tried around the edpe of a ill/cr cake baa-I took a icarpoonful of Jelly aad
Tbsra to apt to some a aualaa^ as- aaltlsp jrsar trunk on
Jirst. 'BlWeMcturMofOodW*
praaaloa lato te fact la te raah aad pack It. laaCMd of oa te floor. The
OIrt sw «r terte la t pis.
baring reached a point of anperlor ex- i Man.” Uluslrated.
crowd of bnalaaaa lift, but If oac plan waa aegputed to me aa belap a
cellmce. the parxnUx of proce ahall I Aug. 7. -The Bible and lbs Bebolwoold make a rala lo atop at iatanrali mseh easier way. but I couluaa to a
aad cooadoBalr rslas te aiiiadea faellap of lacredeUty natll my irat exAre teas strosc WBtsn Umt dMUl
« i Here.” Ulustrmlcd.
mts terriM far swsi «*er ttst. leaat thlak of aotaethlap pleasaat. li aa betap a llUto more laacceaaibte
and Its Issiiex are ia tbe I
teWto ;;S7irwte
; Aup.
-The Bible awl the ProbQte marttete to te lets.
woald po a leap war toward amooUi- tbaa ia Aa sormal poalikm.
wais to cease onto the eada of thejicmx of Today.As« tip roor klrte witk tplHts lOsb. lac oat te -eiaaf wHaklc. BeowU -Another fad." I assured myself.
earth; He hieakftb tbe bow and nittHh
Aup. SS. -What the Bible Is Dolac
To sstseli roor Ulrot Td have ftm
But osa July day as 1 stooped over
the ifMar la Moder. He bornHb te | for the Worid.ptaSM
rooraeir. like te oW
my tnmk aad cast a deapalrtap pUnce
Give ow m terrltt la a pit.
late tu yawa'lnp depth, with te ihcr
-la chooalap our photopraph from mooter la the alnettea. 1 said to my
tcveral proofs, we alwara aalect te self. -Fads aomrtlmea prove bleaalnps
•Ths trap to pit tteerfol la to • aepmUre that plvoa ua the pleaaanteat
He win bring It to pass ta Hb owa i lag services wOl be made attrsctlvo by
tome Wte roo feel bad. to tbiak • expresakm. Lei os remember that our to te imlBitiated. Wby not try ll?”
On te chain 1 fonad my tmak ia a
time, and la HI* own way. and when j song services, aoloa and QuafteUna.
aboot aesMrbodr te’. headaobe • frtooda see oar acti|al face much more
tt coroe* It will redound to Hb honor ! you arc conllally lavltud by te paxalMS rsr owa It ‘moat boatta*. to • oTien than the picture of It. and care poalUoa wharo I could wade into lu
and glory. -Re xtUl and know that I j tor and member* of tbe charek to
kaop oa bcUsrla* te aoa U aabta- • much more for Ka cverr-dar exprea depths without atooplnp. could stand
am Uod. 1 wfll lie exalted among the |
. ^
theoa xervlcus wUh
and place aty clothes in It aa comfortIf vbae te
la thick • skm than for the cArdboard ooe.
bMtben.Ivrillbeexsltfdlnteearth ’teem^wua
ably aa If it were my bureau drawer.
saoagk to coC-^“Mra. Wljtpa." •
In hb propbecy of notversal pe«ww. i
-•Look pleasant, please.*Wborras. oa the floor, my back and
laxbb coraprebeiwdvely sets forth te i
my kaeff paid tribute to my aching repain to tbe worW tbroogb xocb peace. |
Cannlnp Tltbo.
mlnden durtap the dlsapnnwblc prf>^
-He (Oodi aball Judge among te na i tex- W. T. Woottaowe. paxxor.
Moratag aanrlcc. 10:J0. Bahjact.
Come, elf aad tar. and anmmer aprlto. cesa. that caused me to always rrpard
tiooB and shall rebuke many people."
Ood xball - iiaaxtag la Bacrtltae.With nectar that te aammer brtnpa. tniak ppcklnp aa one of the accessary
Thta b the iwrtlmlnxry step. Clod
take charge of tbe natloiia. Tbe purBoaday acdiool. Xt:OA.
Prom fairest frulu aad bcrrloa rtpo
evils from which pood is aupposed to
poaea of war having ceaacd He .hall j Daraca. Bible class. IttSd. Towg
A writer la the coTrent aoaitwr oT
And Juices of a tbouaaiid Ihlapa!
wHU ;
.ncclally InvUad.
Table Talk baa te followtBp to aar lirlap prapea that basked In noonday
Ever since te‘ oventful day the
oader te head of -look neaaaat**
packlap of my trunk has ceased to bo
awonl. into plow sluimi and their
i.,. BuhtacL
While kla reasarln art* la a war cape
And peaches from a aoulhern wall. a burden, in fart 4,’dread It no more
P|>mni Into pruning books (srytbrar.nn t bveaing
ttsrvlce. 7. JO. Bahjaei,
’n clallr for wooKfi who arc in prtrfca- Or pears, that drop Into your band.
tion ahall not lift up awonl agnlnid ua -God a Ulghloou.aoaa,”
than I do the Jou^cy which It pre
'^oaa or piaoca whore ibcr arc liable
tlon, aeliber ahall they tern war aa} j Prmycr mccUng on Th.uraday ovoaAs thouph they e'en did long to fall. cedes.
roora.- What a teeroemloas gain to bn- |
to OMet laaar peopi<^> Yet tber are oi Oo find the redcaps, fit for elves to
I also have found that many dresses,
attcb aa aammer silks, mohair, pique
atweU. To "kMk pleat
The raitpborrr hanpa from her vine. and muslin. In fact ni*arly all dressn
proper pla^v* amoW all men and wa
-----And search where lovely ahadowk lie. bf llpbt wclpht show the effect of irav
tlona. War aboota give ptatw lb iba
ffvansalteal Oteali.
at well aa la the taakjpiof fricndi.
And perns upon dewl»erry shine.
cl less If lhe>’. are rolled into a amooth.
wbleh la wbea roa atop to thlak of it Out ptther all atlll wet wUh dew.
compact bundte, than when folded lu
HOC of te Boat ImporUat ihlnpa te
armte ami nartan In pence and lu war!
Bwedlah Lifthcfaii.
Whoa morn Is fraprant with new the usual manner, and a trunk will acsmall
could IR luvesliKl In the ptirsulls of i
n^mmodata many more poods when
raid she liked it. and pcci-r nml In tin' iK'llenncnt aod uplift- j
Oar writer aara:
Let me their maple awdness hive ^ thus parked.
41 such a pr.tly color—n queer tag of humaulty. Why. even the lu | »
-II rou arc a prtift'«iional wuouni.
For barren and snow^uufllcU hours.
After you arc |»orxnaded that every
-tniim-nts «.f war could 1*e ttinnsl Into day.
■■ tc that jo’ir rtpresjiloii Ko. warm south wind, and sunshine thing has Imh-d crowded In that ran
Preaching *crvkc* at 10;JO a. m.
“Thai makes a very g»xKl drink. And iw.lsof uK4'fulnefui Tli.* sxvorJs that de
At this M aHiiij i.f ih<* vrar uian> anU UDo of rour moat valuable po:i»i*ii
possibly he gt>l In. add sonxthlnj:
iw. gel oji ytnr notebooks, girla. ,troy.sl human life !nwarrouldlM.|«Jt „d 7:30 evening the flr«l aad third
ramiilng or living in ^utiiimT c^»UaK«•^
aloo»? l.«ok at youraclf to the alara
ril catch thee now to store aw*ay.
« In... |.lo«ri.«r... t.. rui ..|. (U. earth soBday. In U» IBOBlli.
mure, even if you have to kU on Ih
wlio ran and I x.I .I I ell yoa of other* which wt*
when roar face la la rcpoac. and act- And summer and sweet breath of flow- lid. and you will find far lc*« conft by take or oc-au. Tn
take wllh Ihom a ctiniiH-ittii c«K>k iht- maj lr> during !h se hot days."
Fourteenth Atraet M. ff. CtateR.
If rou think te cxprvwUm Indkatea
wion at your iourniy’s end. than If no
Straw lerry Sherbets-The day* for
ytliea that lliey
knowb*«ige i*I a quick mc-ihtKl of cU-anRov. J. W. Millar, paaiar.
mat rou are a «ood«atunid. plcaaant
attention had bei*n given to fllllng
for roan’s preaertag Ash may not be of any practira! MrawlKrrir5 are alnu«*t over, but
Ctaxe mactiag. f:4k.
klad of a pemon to have around, or If
every crack and crevice .so that things
usr; bm the r»*al campt«rv an- thuhc
Morning eenrioe. lOiJd.
thoae uptr. *‘rrtMa- wrinkle* are not
will not have a chance to ratUo around j
nastening of the time whou llic*w
who catch Iht-lr flsb. ami cl-nn and delirious. Cru.'h one quart ef lierrleh.
The Picnic Menu.
op like danper aipaaU between v.>.ir
and get acquainted with each other i
quar;* of cold water, add
Epworth Laagoa. S:lh.
r<K)k. as well as cat ihi*m.' To ihi-sr*.
erH>row». Have your lip* an attractThe sandwich holds a prominent before you are ready to have them.
Bveaing eorvtaaa 7:30.
Ire canre. or are they drawn Into aet, place in the picnic luncheon, and.
If you wish' to put tn Iwxes. or a
atiBiphU hard Itaca. with a downward while tt should alwara bt* auractlvc hand mirror, or pictures, put l>»cro In may Ik- must cnjoyniilr. Ihc ckanlng for thn-e hour*. Then add a acant the angers *ong at Ills hlrT.*. -Glory I Prayar maetlhg Thnraday
p<iiind of Kugar. strain and put on let*, to God ta tlH* hlglMWt aod oo earth
droop at the eada?
tooklng, tt la well to remember that the middle of the trunk Indwien the b alsavB .a bngbi-ar.
peace, good will toward uhto."
----- avlng U ever night tK*forv using ItThe quickest and Ix-M ro^-thud for
-In our town the pniprletor of one for such occasions the fllllng should skirts of Worden dresses. R«K>ks can
aiau: axAWMis.
Orange Sherbet—For three pints
of the atoroa. where ladlea’ fancy he more substantial than for an ixt be tuckerl Into chinks and corners, but dressing all spiall fish llko iK*rch. bass
Kom. vl. 22 20: laa. ta. 0. 7; Jrr. xxxU i RcV. I). Cochlla. paator.
iiu need thriH* g(H»d sIzx*d oranges.
work. etc., waa aold. waa a man hlphly d(Mir spread. A sandwich that Is liked boxes and things breakable rt*qulrc a and croppies, b as follows: l»ui the
T-0: Isa. xxvk 1-3; !•*. xxlx, MI; Xah. , Morning' service, mnalc aad
cateeBMd by hl« matomera, but after li) moat men la made thus: To one place where there will be the least flsh In a large pan and pour over them
I, 13; Luke U. 14; John alv. 'JT.
aevraral yeart of aarci*a»rul bnatneaa cuiiful <d flnelr chopped rare cold friction, and this is always In the mid scalding hot water. Shake Acm about cup of granulated sugar. Add the wa
be aoticed a droppinp off In bU trade, roast beef, add a teaspooaful of ro dle. provided that the trunk is closely ta this for a moment, then pour ll off ter and fxi on Ice.
service and Yotag
na<*on—Have )ou any rrlgth
iin z her bet Is made ta the same
natll be became ai*rloua1y alarmed.
cauup. ooe of Worcestershire packed.
Pnoph- s Society of Chrlxtlaa^Bndaav.
BL I .mils?
with an old fwlr of scUt-nrs cut off way. Both may l>c used a few moOse day. Vben be ctmiplalned of thl« sauce, aait to taalc. aad a teaspooaful i
an umlc out or at 7:30. Topic. "The World s Oata
It la a mistake to think that ariicirs
coadUlon to a randW frlebd, he re
melted •butter, laiy the slices i.f put in the top of a tnmk will l>c less the flnaand tails. Wllh a sharp knlf.there.
I by Universal Poace."
‘ Ah. here comes our lemonade, or
"iiulng to stop with him during the | ^
celTcd Ihto reply; ‘If you want to bread to be spread ou a flat surface. liable to gel mussed up than those at cm off the bi-adh and cut through the
! M.X* r club picnic Wedaaiday.
know why your cuatomera fail to vUlL t\)ver with the well-blended mixture. the bottom. Men who tiandlc trunks skin of each flsh in a straight 11m* sherlH t. and I gm*s» for a warm morn «P<«ltl..n. I ..M.|«»r
rour atore I ema tell you that, at leaat. Over this place another sllee of bread, an* no respectors of position, and are tk'wn^.'Chc back. Beginning on each ing wc-have hnd enough w.»rk. While
Kw'.r'l’ ’tUoa^ you
•oliU '
UKK^lns Tl.ur.d.y M 7:» p.
why I don’t, li’a bccaime of that aalp^ and prcaa topetber with a broad bladed Jual as lUble to land one on the top or sklmof tea Incision, easily and quick we rip our rherbet we can compare eat to the fnlrr
j m.
ly pull off the skins. Some epicure* note* un uur Jelly."—Silver Cros*.
py. aupeiior youap woman who atanda knife.
-1 am: but I rsn t slop with uncle. I Bring your vlsllora to church aad
end. as on the bottom. Long experi
at the drat counter near the door. IX)
sandwich that Is excellent with ence. therefore, has uiight that the prefer tbe skins left on. but If they
Ue s Id JallF—Yonkers Statesman.
introduce them.'
you reallte how dlaaprveablc abe U7 I iced tea or lemonade Is roach* with a only safe and reliable way. is to pack bad the scale* to scrape off. they
Black Raapberry Sherbet.
vowed the laet time t went In that I raUln fllllnp.^ WUh a sharp pair of slowly, to crowd. In fact; and If this w’ould perhaps change that opinion. It
The old-farhioned drinks, the for
Rev I>H>Dard B. Btsw^. paxUir.
woaM never darken j^mr dt»or apain
oiw cut large raisins in two.
be done In no other way. to finish really makes very little. If any. dlffer- mula for which hs* been handed down SEinCES IN THE CRVICH
0)rncr Waxhlagtoo
while ahe waa there, aa'd 1 have beard lengthwise. Remove the seeds and lay by fllllng every possible s|tace corner euct* In the flavor.
from un<* generation t«> another, hav*Grace Eplecopxl Church.
other people aa) the aame tbinp. She citisely together uptm very thin slices with crumpled newspaper, to keep
a charm of their own. Among these
Morning service. 10:30.
Ucv C. T. Stout, rector.
looka aour and uply enough to turn
buttered bread. Sandwicbes of things (rum shaking about—Table
are the vnrioTi* “shrubs" or •vine
brown bread with a fllllnp of finely Talk.
gam." which cannot be bought at the
Morning service and sermon. 10:30. ‘ C K. meeting. «:80.
o*.:i, ta cold water; wiped dry. rolled
-A mouth or ao later, having occalured cheese, to which baa been
grocers, hut must l»c made at home.
Song and preaching service. 7:10.
Sunday school at 12.
meal or flour; *easoned well
aloa'to enter the atore. every other added a little made mustard, are deIn Cherry Time,
One of the chief of these Is raspberry
No evening service.
Scau free.
abop la town falllnp to yield the aril tightful The different kinds of sandChorrj Pk*—Line* a/piste with a with aalt and pepper, and laid on
shrub. Take Iwch'c quarts of black
All are cordially Invited to these ser
All are welcome to aU te arnTtooi
cle I wanted. I waa aatonlahed to l»e wlchea should be wrapped In waxed good crust, pm in a layer of cherries lean platter. They may be set aside cap raspberries Uht* red ones will not
met by this aamo yuutip woman: but paper, which fill keep them molac (the tart ones prckTredl. sprinkle n a cool place or fried at oner. When answer I. and pour over them a gallon vices.
a Army Bm*
bar face wore a amlle-a rather foretd and piTvcnt their abaorblnp the odor with sugar, dust with Just a trifle of fried brown and ntit too fast In hm of go<Ml rider vinegar. Let them Stand
Asbury •|«thodlat
ose. to ^be aure, but atlll a amllt— of other foods.
rtarch; cover and bake in a mod butter and lard, one part of each, the In a ror»l place* for twenty-four hours,
Rev Hugh Kennedy, pastor.
aad I noticed, aa Umc went on. her
ITcaaed chicken ia nloe for picnic
* oven. Bat cold, with sugar sift flesh'is Arm. crisp and delicious.
then mjish nnd strain through a coarse
whole manner chanped, and ahe be
ncheonm. Cook the chicken In a small ed over the top.
cheeseehHh bag Measure the Juice,
Meetings every night oxeapt Mato
came one of the moat popular clerks quanUly of water with a little salt unAny Juicy fruit pic nhould have a been used with plenty of hot waic und all«'w a pound of sugar to each -Elijah and hU Message."
soap. After the bauds have had
Bvenlng acnrlcc.
7:S«. Thama. day.
ta town. Her employer. Instead of dlahorouphly done. Take the meat ■trip of dean cloih-*wet ta cold water
pint of Juice. Let the sugar melt In
‘Buadaj. 11 to m.; boltaaaa meoitaff*
ad sort
“Harden not your hearts."
cltarplnp her. told her frankly her from the bones, removlnp the akin aad
teed down around the edge. Just
the liquid, then boll for Iweaty min
2 p. m.: juBlor maattag, l:Jd p. m.;
Class meeting. (:4( a. m.
fault, and we can only Imapiac her keepinp the Upht meat separate from before patting in te oven, to prevent llahy odor, as they
utes, Bottle and keep ta dark, cool
Chrtxtlaai’praiaa moattas. I p A. A
them ta a little cold water, ta which
. nm.
ebaprift aad her atrapgle to pain the the dark. Chop fine. Place la a mold the Jute from running over.
place. To prepare ft as a beverage,
Epwortb laague, €:J0 p. m Leader. real battla tor ooolto
virtorr. Iml It waa worth the whUc.
a layer of dark moat and a layer of
Cber^ Roly Pdy-.-Make a light has teen put a half tcaspoonful of II* fill a glass a quarter full of finely
AU art
“A frlebd of mlae had a waiireaa white, until all ia used. Add one tea- paste ax tor apple dumpllaga; roll ta icrinc, which will entirely remove the chipped ice. put in two ublespoonfula John Bailey ; topic. -The World x Oaia
Through Universal Paace."
whom aho ooaaidsrad a Bianral of neat cupful of the Uquor la which it was aa obloog sheet and fill with cherries,
Chriatian Sdanato
A cordial wefcome at these aarvlcaa.
A very alee thing for the woman
aemt and ability, but ahe met one at bolted. Put on a heavy welphl. aad -ooar if poaxlble. Sprinkle with white
-Trath." July 17.
the door with a frown which had bo- when cold cut la slices.
sugar, roll cloaely. foldlag the end who fishes and Is the po«.sc«sor of a
-Love.-. Jaly 14.
Church of
exuae bahltual. 1 aaid once tel 1
Itevited eppa are far anperlor to the oresr carefully to preuerve the syrup. delicate ckln. Is a flshlqg collar. Sht;
Tbomax P. UUom. pastor.
-Spirit,- inly JL
To Clexp Silver.
could never live la the bouse wUh plain. hMTi boited oaes oaa^ty aenrod. Boll te a paj^ghep one and oaeteif may wxar a big veil, tig hat and old
Monitag xabject. Na IL. *Tha
that. pin. aa ahe mpat be ejctromely Boil eppa twaitty mlaulaa. Remove boars, aad acwve S^th a hot sweet gloTwa. but the hot aim and the reflect ' Many good housewives have given Church at Work.”
Free Matediil.
x4 giarx from the water, will got at up scoorlng their silver wllh powder*
dlnprwoablc. Iter, wbea my frtesd te ahelU. halve te eppa. take out
Evealng. 7:30; aubjact, -Quit Yon
SM^ awarj |he maid applied Tor a te yotka aad mask flae. Add eaooph
Cabetry Cbaifotte—Take fresh chei^ bar neck, do te best she can. And a and patent praparatkms and have Uka Maa.” with practical tan
vscaat poattlpa In my borne; aad. be^
rte IT ta aeaaoa; If aot. oae quart of rad Back U dataatable above all things. taken to boiling it ta a aolatloB of com from our praaMoatlal aoaBtea«.
Rav.C MIttat..
Inp U dire attmiu. 1 telded to try ber- xmooUi paata. Fill te uatpty ^rax caaned. sad maklap veiy rtab aad Taka any Ugbt waah good*. ItaaB. cal- mon washing aoda. A ptaca of aoda
Junior BadMfor every Batiirday at
What waa aar >>r to Aad that te
sweet, pot in e heala oa the beak of lea. or gtagbam. aad cat from it a liar the xlxe of aa qgg U thrown tatoagal- 3 o’clock.
tan of water. The anictas to be daaattowB was oalr facial, and that she with wooden tooUpIcka Wrap te the range to beat. Batter iome altaex
IstmedUtd. 4:JS.
one separately la waxed paper.
bad a iweet:aad obilplap dbpoi
of light, stale bread, flrst trimmlag oA Starch RJ vwr stiff. Fbatea ribboax ed are thrown ta When te watar is at
Baatar. S:30.
Cheooe otrawi, to be eaten
the eraxt. Thea pat a layer of battered to te sdd/sBd take It akmg te i
Mf HUk aoa. with te bniialltr of te
te boiUBg potat. aad kape ta te war
hogr aalmal. AaM bne dar. 'Nellr. «hal plckte or ollvea. are repardod with ex- bread la te bottom of a paddlag diah.
tar for foor or dva miawtoa. tea
pedal IbTor by maay people: They aad poor over It the hot fraK: repeat
rlBxad off ta ctaar. hoc waiar aad poli•
wad horrted. bat waa rclterrd are easily made aad aiwaya aae
Try baking aoda tor rmanriiig Uhe^ with a chamoix or aoTi doth.
aatll disk U fan. Let It ntaad antll
l\ wbtb ahe replied; 1 wlah roe mid fttl. Mix oae captol of prated cheese ihoroapkly oold.-oTSr nlgkt If po«i- graasa epoU from te Utebea floor. Barely mme axed use tanilxhad aUror
UU me wbmi t loA iikt that. BerUe. with oae capfal of floor, half a tea ble. Berve wttk eraam.
lloUtas the aoda aad rub It so te When ao dmpta a method of ctaanalag
Jipepk any t^ are hfrmM of me be^ xpooBfol of aalt.; a ptadi of cmyeniif
pitted aad graaae apoU with a cloth.
lx wUhia reach. •
*«• •'»*
The Record's Gallery
of Bright Cluldreii
I miMrs tm laun
zZi .“boir tirrsi ™ HR!
rr.’TT.sr.'Tns ^
> fV
Real Estate.
J A.^a5gg*v°issr raft
ta M Eta
m far m ^ ctak «r tot arteaiacoa Bragg.*
Htoh E. Kcoagb. galrol totoa at tto
Tteinm tet«»fv tM
%|gM7 irtWacUirr. but H i. tallaaai Itortoai raat tecb aa4 cae of ito tor:
iaoaa ■petilag wrltora la tto coaagy.
aaaftf kmto to aa accMcat at Ito
west aSto eoorae. Darfag tto maatog
of Ito oMStod raor Kaoagb waa tb
wtoer tto todfa of tto torae arWeb
OMb lote W. Homaur has aa- ptdla Ida cart to aad froBi tto toad of
aaaaM M> tataaOaa of amrlaf fete tto atfotch aad waa ao badly kletod Ilf
rf > Awaaaiioii arttt Paioii acttege. MUa ito frtgbtoaad aataaal tbot for a
bit coaditioa toobai desModly oarl^ tor. wbQ M aa CM a af M. aw
aac €f <1» Boal MaaailM coi
HigblnA Cto AaieHcaa Darby wtatoa wart lu» prctfacod.
L: : Jatoca Hopper, qaarterbaek ca tbc acr. aad oaa of tto beat of tto tbn*^
iuaaaa to to a rtrrea of
Uairrr yt*.-oiaa. broke Ida log at tbe aakto
«t«at toodldae aa oartb
wbto. A tow bottlaa of It eoBh
ratierod apd ebrod ato.- Jaat
„ good far Urar aad KMaay tiaablea
ddeblUty. Oalrtoc. Batgaaraatcad by Joba
{ Oae of tto toiegatet wbo aal
booi beat at tto 81. Loala
o waaJaitoaC.TlauBlaa.a
to la Yaoia. ArL, aaldto be tto
d town In tto cooBtry. They tdU
of a dtaaolato aad wicked aoMter at
the any poet there wbo after dytog
wu reported to bare aeot back to hto
g. hMst Withaamnbam.Mftol
tot, WM of the fliisM plaeaa oa Stain
aad to eertoinly oBtfod vary
Traverse City
Park PlaceHotel
Tintoq MondR. Jol| 21s
Hndq {mini, Jily 26tii,
Fin Difs (Mr-
[ S^rt,rH^o1lE7'Tk“et’ J’-Ji
American League.
i; ^
:3i =
;::i: S
Mayor Harrison of Chicago has dc
dared that prize flghu of every aort.
Including oontreU under the gutoe ol
“glove contesu.- must cease. He
^ Chief of Police Q-NeUl and
gave abort order* t
rmit arrwigod h»»e;bren called off.
to aome t*lk of matchli
Tooa* CoritcU with Dave Holly. Iht
Philadelphia negro who rerenUy
toncht Joe Dana. Harris baa dedM thU UcOom
will do DO ll*litlii* natU after he hai
met Mdlc HasloD.
Ketl to wanted In Sndtond to flchi
Jea Bowknr nnd mcreoa to eo for 8S0C
gpwnm. n port, et tMM aad n hnt
tic at 11. potada.
Oaaa. dialtoacod Tooas Oorhati
uid that Vernon repUed flmt b« dk
not thlak a whole M et Dnane ant
wooM hnek WHU. FItt«et»Jd aintat
hUa tar ISjaa.
arose maa to dolac to Sooth Af
rtaa where he It to incalre *W00 fot
iT&rs;; ^2:r£sSi:s^~’~~
Mcmbrei of th* Nallocal Eloclrlcal CooUactor, AaaocUllon of tli.
Coiled Stattea.
to pul in yoor coal for next
winter anil
V Rf
liy Idling us deliver direct
from car to )-our bins.
Prompt Dellvary.
IDE c. inKioii;
|Oaet-*« Nta WUtalm Btah. «tt
MU' PkOB. nx.
Bee. R. HcWitly
W iTh E L M
Choice Groceries
Butter and Eggs
at lowest prices.
Wc sell Mc-
Ots. 30c: GaLSI.OO.
Soon, and you’ve been
viled. Select yoor
We can axloidsh^ou at Ihs
handsome gifts are are sell
ing for 51.00.
RASTALU ths Jeweler.
Sunder. July 17.
Timta wni tav^ Trareine aty at i call for bids for jmlntliis for ex^
Portw* or tok agenu
^ Cenirai school
Moeller. G.P. A. 1 building. All bid. are to be to by the
3uljl4U16 iStli- Thd btiUdlag committee re—ZZmL ■
< »enrea tto right to reject aay and all
SHAVINQB. Boatii BUe Um^ ^ gpecUkatlcas caa be rerm at
- - - J__________
i2c East Frofit atrreL
J 2234^t
T. a
from our handsome att
Sunday, July 17.
Trala^n leave Traverre
Cat Flewen Ml Petted Plaits
Quai cm aoML no.
among the pugilists.
------- -
Office Suite 301 New State Bank Bld’g
Dr. McDonald
in fine I
No. 5*1 Webstar streot. 04 foot lot. good timber. One mile from oehool.
ThU to a fine farm.
90 acres near Suttoas Bay. en bay
shore, fine second growth, two good
rtreams of water. Would make a fine
scTt property.
A targe house and 14 lots. wHh
No. 110 Webstor streot. small house stream cf water, trout pend, all In
splendid condition, at Buttons Bay.
cheap. 5700.
« foot lot. pood
bam, oe will be oeld righL
160 acres of as fine timber land as
Washington street, f1.200.
Large nine room houM and base- there is In the state tocated In EmmsnL^iUrer and bath, wator In h
large bam. Let 60*175 feet a
property, lot worth 540 per fooL li
location. Can be bought righL
1350 Ukes » acres of good land on buying any real i
itatoa at Brighton Beach Taoaday. mad meaurblaabetaubad to be killed. He
No Pity Shewn.^
aaaaoa at Bar^
ooacb lor Ito <
^For years fate was after me conThe Baoone (Iflch.l Drtring ctoh
aMwIy" writes F. A. Gnlledge. Verto plaBBtbk a fine progrma of meea
BaOi AIa
had s terrible case of
for today. Oood caab prtoea are of
Mtobigaa aat la Oto
Air ^
Wbeo .11
fered agd H to capected that aboot 90
Hogaaaoa. tto Us
** *
I Bwkta'. Arale. 8.1<rc cared
•r. aad VaraelU of tto-aane taas. Tto tut boraaa will be pr
me. Equally r»d for Born, and nil
two bara rogtatcred at Chicago aallebe* nnd pain,. Only tie at iaiinrtable of horses la tralalag at pohllr
rea. and F. H. Mead'. dra« elora.
anctloa to the Harlem paddock. Big
Boa brooghi tto highest prtce of the WtPUBUCAN WAIW
agorta witb OafoiMaaibrMge to Loo- twolre sold. C E. Burnell bidding him
RepabUean w«d caocore. arUI be
dOB. daly tt, arrtrod at Qaaaatunra la for S4J00. Port Royal brought $4.
held la tbe Vreral war*, of Trar^
ODD and was parebaaed i»y J. A.
City. Mlcb.. oo Wodaeaday erenla*.
years made a study of
aaugh. Others broaght the foUawlag Inly to. 1»M. a. followa:
-ring diseases. HU ext»-n5lro
prices: Mad Mallah. W.I0D. J- A
and superior knowledge en
Ward No. 1.
Werabarg; Birch Broom, tt.000. Chas
A rembllcan ward eaacw will be' able, him to cure every curable <ll»Bowmaa; Leila. |1,3SD. D. Clark: Ko- b,M la Ward No. 1. on Wedoreday, j eare. All chronic dlMsii»e. of the brain
mombo. 11.000. T. J. Parker; Cardinal Jnly ». IWM nt 8 p. m. In Ornn«» | .pine. nervM. blood, .kin, h:-art. lunR.
Wolscy. 11.000, J.H. Young. The otb bnll. Cnn« atrcel. for the purpou of liver, .tomaeb. kldoeym. bladler. ami
etaUa* l« deleoitc. to the county bo.eU nclenlUcnlly and turee^fully
atnng atand for cr horses disposed of brought IMO or mnvcoUoo to ho beM la Slrtnbers'. i
annd Opera Honne. Friday afternoon, i pR. iicDONAU) pny. .pcri.l alien
,Uin to Cnlnrrh. CnUrflinl IVnfof...
LoTcrs of the harness sport wli: JnlySSnd.
that Tale ahoatd to aaked to return to
Dated July K. 19M.
Throat and iMnt Dlrenow. Chronic
aatotaar ooaeblag In the Hnnrnrd- turn their attention to Windsor neat
John A. Lornnser,
iM,cn»» peeullnr to women. Nervoo.
Tblt fwwtag rnoen. fnUlng to do which Monday, where the regular tratUng
Debility. RheumalUm.
ilgia. Dyspepsia, and
Banraid aboold dtoeootlnoe tto anaml meeUng will open, starting the Michi
nenous diseases of
IWtIa. Thto atauaaont to In the Har- gan circuit as It does. Coming a week
Children. No matter
Tifd Bolletla. the organ of the Hnr- befere the .Grand circuit meet, the Im
eare may be. TIIKHK IS
portance of the Canadian meet
apparent. Horses that will be cam July *0, 19<M. at 8 p. m.,
. McDunab! i
for the purg correct diagnosis of your
palgncd down the line this season are Building on Spruce street,
the U»rlor
Tto ooo
Bop nnu
aad rwu
Portage Lake teams noirbered with the probable aurlcra.
Ion to be held in Sleln- koows eorrcetly what nlU yon. na*l If
I : played
playod a tto baacball!
baacball game Tuesday ai
with the best of the Cai
Friday aft- [ y^u are cund.le
berg*s Grand Oj»cra Hoiu
tto Boo. The aeore iwas 4 to 4.
ccntlngenl on band, racing should be
•Those unable to rail, v.rlte for symp
tom blank. Correspomknee Mriclly
CbeUca 4. TueMay.
high class. Alrtjady stables are sbel
Marahall 9,». CbeUca
Alhloa 9,9,Chetaea
Chetaea 77. Wednesday.
terrJ at the plant and 8orretar>' Han
; Specialist
Owoaao IS.
1*. Duraad
Durand 7. Wwlneaday.
rahan has enough appHratlons on hand
m'- Phw Paw and Bloc
scare a successful meciBig at Dc
A IS iaalag
game Tucaday at Paw Paw irol*.
P ^A
A repuOIKTHJ w«rw
the Paw
to ttbloh
Paw Paw
Pw team were vIC
bold to W'ard No. 8. on Wo
IfM Wv aa^oraoTltoO.
A MM or 1 K
July 30. 1904. at 8 p. m. In Central
At Oalnmet-Lake Unden 6. CaluThe yacht rartss for the Scawanhato School Building, for the pui
fc- 4 »ei l,Tneaday.
cup win be held ig Bay St. IaouU. Mon
RmiRH Ars<Jmr»ori
Im; held In 8telnb<*rg*
Potoakey won from Kalkaska Tuet- t-cnl. beginning Aug. 4. The eup to _____ ___
Grnad Opera l^ousc. Friday afternoon.
held, and has been held for over a de
The Oraad Rapids aldcrmcd hare cade, by the Royal 8t Lawrence Yacht
dadded ag^ Sunday baseball .and club, and the challenging club thto
If ID property owners object to Sun year to the White Bear club of St
Hunt’s Cemetev)- Vases Just
day playlBg aad lire wlibln 300 feet Paul. Minn.
of the gnmads. tbe ganir must not be
The tennis championships of th<
Ward No. 4.
played. This action is caitslng man west will be held on the Kentwood
Phone 4:t.
310 Union.
’ ward cauruK will be
agora of Grand Rapids teams oonald touru. Chlcagi*. for one week, begin heW to*’Wartl So. 4. on Wednesday,
m. to Engine
Inly 20. 19^4.
erabto trouble. This action was the ntog July 23.
et. fi
result of a petltltm from 3.3:c cllUens
Charlini Jeffrie*, left fielder of the
remonstrating against all Sunday bMl Johnstown baseball team, was stnick
I be held In Sleli
within the city limits.
by lightning at McKeesisirt Monda> berg’s Grand pera House. Friday af
Cadillac, July 16.—The Burke base- afterncHjn and dle-J almost Instantly. ernoon. July
Dated July 12. 1904
,ball team of Cadillac plays at Sutions The team had Just finished practice
irianal tiimBay Sunday. July 17.
»nd Jeffries was tn the act cf throw
ing the ball to Bcctmd Baseman Sapp
when there was a flash *^01 llghtnlnp
Ward No. 5.
Tbtoa promises to be a great shako
and he fell on the field.
A republb-an wan! raurus will
wp In ttoDrmnd Rapids Central league
Wmie Anderson, the profesrional ot held In Wanl No. r.. on
totm. Tto Itsam’s poor showing to
k p. m.. In Slate SI
tbe Apawamto Golf club of Uye. N. Y.
for the puriKoi
|tb« reason.
won hl5 thlnl geld mesial on the llnki School Building,
de1egal-s to the eounfy
dedlng 11 dele
: Datoire W. U Bmlth of Grand Rap
or the Glenview club, dl.-^tanelng ab convention to lie hold
Ml continues to have aircnuous ex
compeUlcrs with a sn»re of 303 for the Grand^Operaa Houte.
psriencoi to the Central league cir
72 holes of the two days play. Ander
culL He was assaulted after the game
”l>ated July 12. 1904.
Hon retains the UUc of open golf cham
K. Cleveland.
nt Terre TanU oa Baturd^.
plon of the United Slates Golf aasocto
K. A. Evans,
ntUburg Is after * tofty^* McIUeen
K. J, llans,
tlon. which be won last year at Baltus
praT'^r of tko inHiUutMr
tm t Upitcher of the PcnnsyUanla state col
rot. N. J. and bad prev loasly Ul.cn It
lege, nnd to using dhlnlng Inducement*
1901 at Myopia. Mass.
to pemtndc him to become a profes
Towns, of AustrgUa. will row Tres
sider, of England, on the rarramalU
Natisfwl League.
river course on July 30. The raalcb
W. U
Netiea to All Peraona Interested.
is for 12.600 a side and the world t
New York ............ -...........53 19 .736
Chicago ..............................44 26 .621 "^^HUr'^^mblng automobile reco^d^ of Cass street
Sute street, and State street from
were smashed nearly oven day at the
Union street to Cast atrcel to now In qtats <>r MI BlUaN. O*aoty
meet held this week at Mount Waah*
bands for
Ir.gton. N. H.
He will be in
^ to O^orala. ttei
tor want MIMag oa
J AamiiBga.-
14 and 15, bisck It. HnaaOK, towg. abnwt 40 acm cisnrad. two t
natod aa oratord. wall walnrtd. saiatl balk
L^^A Co.'
West 7tt»
55A00 takes 140 acres thred
from Northport. Urge fresss
P. a—We furnish handsome cards
with every gift._______________ .
Carpet Oeantoc and Feattortoo.
ownyta bo m^ tailo rap, tot me
AT lOo
IwteiB RlTifBicUc
Lancli and
CasollDS Eogioe Supplies.
tat W.l-
•drtkprirt tat
Trtarm* Oty for'
IB—a Ito. tvntoa
Tnin< arrt*'fromrootw-kne SBtaiB Uim- uMas
»rj dining ctaf. ml WtaHou
ThS^o^?»^U Jip-iwr on tmfa tamraic
tret, totarins tat
4Jup. ri.
“Iff it's manufactured 1
can supply it."
W. H. PA<6E,
■mAvcRsc cmr.
•aturoav. July
I la $SO.MO and Hr. llaaaah will
make the paymonu to the oonln
artflHmL It it
•man Ar Urflss P*sm snS Nsvc not ataled when the erection of the
tmlldlng will begin. Imt It win i
>iSM pQsiOi Wsmiat Mwt
ably be soon, ns the entire stmetare
A«^ sn VMnnn Psirfy
U to be oompIcLcd. nader the contmel.
by the lirst of June l>05. In order to
inlsh the boikllng within the time
i Kt Whs to Ik*
limit It will be aocewaary to hare the
- ChlCBCD. isly ».-Pr«*M«Bt Dossel- ouUkle mo9k done this fnIL
tf mMIM • replr to U; packlas
bMiM cnmeni Uis nfteiiKWo «id the
- l»urf
upon the
tcnsB tiibmtitAd by the unkw lead"K
H *• bellerei Ih? reply was a
oaoemalory tmc. Thm aD»« t r has not
V .
rH be« :md« pablic.
Anaow « Oo. Mttrvd 300 nrKn»i»s
darlac Uw lOsht to work la Ihelr
* .
pUata. IkU baliif tho largest Impor1*^ - uyonw^far.
No nolMMw oemrrwd darloK the
• Bight. As « iireeaatkio against dis
order. ib^ VBioo offleuts hare had pla
cards oC faralag printed asklcs Iht
shIkerB to remain iMaocfal. At a apeHEIGHTS ^EAR RAILWAY.
rial mectlnK tonight It will be dc'Ccrr
mined whether the 11.000 men cm
ploired la rarfcwa trades in the stock
Occupied the Positions Thurwday and
yards will go oat on a sympathetic
Fridsy—Report From General
Sagharoff Says There Have
Been Few Skirmished
MtHtvad TImt He AccklefiUlly
By Wire to the Kvening n.^ronl.
nymanth. Bng.. 4nl> lo —The Ihk1.v
of r. Kant L^ls. bnrthcr of the
Amerlean assistant socreury of stale,
who disappeared rrnm the Kaiser Wil
helm II., has been washed ashore at
Ktngshrldgc three miles from h<^The body was l.lectlflt^l an that of
U»mls by Taltiahles and papi'rK fouml
in hla clothes. lie nlao bad a qoantlty
of money on hU person. Tho Jiody
was found at ThurisUme near Kings
bridge. It Is bcllrTt>d that btsimls ac
cldcntally fell ovcrlnuinl from the
v - iNorth^ Hlchlpsn Were Presert.
IdagiiHiMnt Floral Offerings.
Special to the Krctilng Uc<V>rd.
Klk Rapids, Mieh. July lC.~Oat of
if ,
respect to the laic Fitrh Jl. Wllllam«?.
| ! " ' whoae funersl was hoM here at 3
o'clock yesterday aft«-riHH»n. evi-r> busf- *>: InPss houBc In the city >vithout « xrep
lion, was closed. The hott i UkeUea
was also draped In mourning.
The llorml tributes were the mwt
magniflecnt ever sfon here, lairge
and iMWUtIful art pb*ces were srnt by
thr Antrim county and Cliaile\oi:k
Bar a»i;«Mdatlon. ihv I'oanl «d suimtvI
curs and Hu* county ofHclsls
huudrtuls 6f amaller pli'ccH. sprays an.l
flowrere from his many friends.
men present frtmi CharlexoU. I*eto.
key. CadllUc. TrarcrM' City. Mantrm
WaucHona, Bellalrr and In fart fri»m
almost an over Northern Michigan
Grand Master Terrel of the Ma-.mh
lodge n-ms In the city and ih:' MafoUs
nttonded the fuueral In a body. The
funeral, however, was m»t under AlaBonIc auspices. The w'rvlee eras eon
Suctwd by the Rer. William Vluccm
Dawson of St. raiU^ churr.h. Tho
cortege was the Jargv.st ever
hero. He was laid to
in the local
D. E. Wynkoep Will Plant About Half
an Acre.
D.'K. Wynkoop. who aome time ago
purdmsod the hotel at FOuch, Is mak
lag arrangemonts to plant an estenalro crop of ginseng- According lo hU
plans ho wUl plant about half an acre.
Ginseng grows readily In this climate:
'Michigan being one of the few states
tn which U U toond wlW. smd If crery^Ihlng goNi wnll Me. Wynkoop will
> of the groat Chl-
tly Wire to the Rroning Record.
T.iklo, July 16,—The war offlee de
oh* tho rers>rt current for hyveral
days iMiri that So.fNM) Japanese wert
killed or wounded In an. unsuccessful
attack on Port Arthur.
tk portta: (kawen ud
' '■*
. '
♦ ♦ .
a irs
telotUtai 40c ID $0c aiT-tee. btt
tlaieq«»>it7a»d«iil aeO th« at tlM cirtiMtdiMrr
You will walk a great deal
caaicr and without that jar tha
coma (rom bard lecher beda
WiU Cure
that ALL GONE feeling and.
fur tired feet and anklet you
wiU find no belter remedy.
You WIU Be Surprised
To find to many advantages oi
the Rubber HccU and they
wear belter than the leather
ones toa
Belter Try Them
Qtp Book Store
WKATHBR—Fair aouth portion: ohon
tcmlghi; Sunday thunder ahowers and i
But It's the hartteft thing to change whea yo« onee hmre mmia np
your mind to buy your clothing, bate and furnlakiagt os Doodad Wte
solution Sole.
Man's Sulte-Wc still have n few of those prwtty ^ at $UB
$4 JE 9EM. 9M0. $7.44. $tJt and ft.M. Bear la mhid thOt oMu oiw
all of newest rut and patterns and con poelUvely not be dnpBaatod
elsewhere for most doable.
Knee Fante-Mnde of heavy duek. tea. sUte or white, tla.
Msn;s Sex-3tc Etc. lie, 17c. Ifc, 11c. 7c. »c. la.
Men's Ponte—FYom the cheapest to the hoot; tvoiloii for ilm
price of one.
Unen Collars-11c; ruffs. 10c; colored caffs. 10c Buspeodsro—47c. 43c. Stc. 19c, 6c. Brwees. the booL B9c
Between tho boars of T and 10 we ahnil plaes no ante <99 woahaMe. fast otdcir. newest pa|teroa, percale string ties, fegtilar 19e <$■}•
Ity, yoote at the boors mentloDed. cm*h. only <c
m. BKNDA at oo^
Ths Msn Who Always LMd ths Laadaw.
OIDsn it comes to sbew'
ing our Cadies' $2.00
rSboes. tUe have oner
20 styles; we can give
I you plenty of style and
,/: I lots of Wear at $2.00.
Ole have no fake sales;
one price to all it;
The Old Reliable Shoe House
U.it never yet failed to p’ea.c
St fastidious. When :t
comcc to honest oervicc there
splendid inurument-. hav- no
equal. Factory prices and easy
^FroiilSL N.E. Strong, Mgr.
New Stand
242 Front Street
Cor.LakaAva.aiul lOth
Abstracts of Title
Delegation of E!Kc Will Leave frr An
nuat Convention Tomorrow
A considerable «b !i-natlon of Kiks
will atti'iid the annual aaiinual cor
vrr.tnoii of l!i.- B. IV O K tn finrln
na»i. whtrh will b**gln Moml«y. Tllicy
Spivrh. the uGiriil
will rrp
rt-:rcnl Trav^V>c i’iiy b»iSg«‘, No.
emong others who win ali-nd art
A. I., Joyo- and wib*. J K Mahan. G
IV Srlilapiras>.e ahd p.rj.ildy K. C
RllMrgs. Arthur tltfillrk n!ul 6th**re
Th»-y w|fTK;avo ihk rlty at 6 tn a m
IrmornW amT^i by v.av i»f .SafUnav
A great time k c\ixtIo«1.
20lh at the aty Opera House. He
win he oaslsted by Min MUler. Mia.
Rowloy and Bteache Bornam. with
Misf Rober'^a os accoapanteu
Rapid rlmr nn n ^shlng trip.
Make Walkiof Easier
Program That Will Be Rendered To BOUGHT NATIONAL DENTAL COmorrow Afternoon at 2:30—New
Dr. C. D. Miller Is Now the Owner
Third Ward Band SUnd.
in This CUy.
The fidkiwing will be the program
Dr. C. I>. Mill. r h«oi ptifrhaM d I>r
fiir the band concert tomtirrow aficT Haynes* intend In the Nathmal dim
noon at 2:30 oo the lawn of the Cen lal parlors in this city and Is now |h<
Iral achfxd.
sole owner. Dr.- Miller came hepMarch. •‘On Duty**—George Rtisey.
from Tobxki. 0„ and fur lb.- iwx-» .-w-vWaltx. “Impaexioned I>ream'-J. <*ral months has
in the < mtdoy (d
the company. He Ls a pleasant gmSerenade. -Sweet Thought-—W. S tleman and during hU stay in ih- riiy
haji made many friends. He and his
Two-i^tep. -Hiawatha-—Neil Motet. wife hav'e now moved here and will
Medley overture. **Tbe Voiee of the make their home In this city. He has
H„d«M,--i*aul Drrswer.
had large experience In dental work
th»* and has always born suece.«fful.
Frowfy Ib'ada-—Pauline V. Story.
Wallr. -Marmuring Waterw--John
New Bank Hears.
T. Hall,
Bcginiang Monday. July IK. the
Twx'-alep -Polly Prlm--S. R, Henry. hanktag hours of the First Katkmal
Medley overture, -MlIU Merry Med- bank and tke rtv>p?c V Savings bank
loies No S '-EvoroU J. Rvona.
win bo from 8 a. m. unUI 4 p. m. JOn
March, from the opera comlqtic. Saiarday afumoon*. these two ba^
-Red Fhathcr-—Reginald Dekoven.
win remain open until 4:30 p.m. i *
The dtlRma of the Third ward have
got together and ore hollf^ n bond
Tboae who beard Harold JArvls dag
•Und for the concerts In that word. test sommer win be delighted at the
Jacob Isgreg fa at the head of the opportunity of hearing him again July
FYank U. Smith and wife and J. Mniakfiilee and wife left today for
Ad<r Grace and Poise
Ht U Wanted for Oiapoaing of a Horae
on Which There Was a Chattel
3ust 29 Cents.
Hugh II. Woody was brought to tkl?
Ahmit Sixty TanU nnd Hives Already
rtly thU afternoon by CouMable Will
Mionnce ISiat They Will Be Here.
Ashtua, Woody Is wanttxl fur dis
Many Others Making Active
poring of mortgaged property. Con
stable Ashton bad a merry chase tefore he landt^.hl* man but Anally se
CNB prmnt todleations the gatb cured him at t'.len Pl«*r. near South
erlngof the Northern Michigan Maeca Haven. FYii
uiiderto.jV to warn
bM assodlatioB to be held here on Woody of the ofllrer-' prexeno- but It
Aug. 12 will lx* a stuiK-ndou,-* affair. was a cas*' of whm- horse flesh won
Bocretary Bhenrood has already re out over the teUq>hoDe, the line being
ceived assuraneca from about elst) a little tor» 5te»rt.^
team and hlvT^ that they will he presIt Is alI**geJ that rome time ago
ent In force ahd with the cmthuslasm Wo Mly
a h«>rsc lo R J Morgan
cdiaracteHiitIc of Maccalxxx.. Presl of this city which the forim-r war
dont modrlrh. too. Is hnstling lo get
ed to te* * »ear. An ePurt war
the ncocsoary nrranrem. nis In line made to FiJTure \Vot«iy over k y.-ar
and ycaterdar■afternoon the rxt'cuilvi
uiam another warrant but b.*
commltte© held ‘a mmlgg and rum
xl the officers with the aid of
pleted many details for the W‘lebra friends and rY laihy's dnd a hanl efftirt
tloo. among other things the fielecilon
ns made this time io gc him aVay
of tho rommlltec*. Bvcrythlag I-*
itlioiit MirY-ixF. The el».-ittel mortprugnuutlng finely and a grest timing
in the mm /»f $1"*',
The chase lllclutl.il Kenvillo. .<;<mth
The three day rare mert whirl; Haven. Gk‘n Pier are! a numb, r of
eJoses on the llMh will lend an addi other .Soutluum Mirhigan cliira. At
tlonal attrmrtino. It Is dei>ign:M| te torney l>ateliin has te*en ;erur.il by . ^
hare somi^hlng good for thn'c wholr WcKKly and Pros.'cutor Gnu's will ban- ‘
days Including two liall games be die of the Jilde of tl*e case.
tWixm fast teams of well known play
The case will 1h- h'ard In Jiistice
Verley V cimrt at l» oVl..ek 'Thursday
On the nth the aflermHin will Ik morulits.
given up to tho rL-ception pf the gr»*ai
Tl.o m lb. -k at K.*r.iR Muk.->a and
camp and greak hive oinccrs. while on
the 12th ji splendid pnigram will be Ah;;o-a i
given, which will Include a grand
(Continued on Second Page.)
Japs Placed Cannon.
By W’irc to the ercnlng Rccord.
81. Pctcrshiirg. July 16.- l.lententnt
Orneral Bakharotr, who Is wUh denE'ral Kuropstkln’K force, reports ‘ that
the Japaneft' during Thursday and Former SecroUry of War Sailed for
Friday occupU'd many |K>sUhms and
Europe Today After Returning
placiHl canni^n on the hcIgLla near the
From the Wcit.
railway north of Kalping. Thero bavi
iH-im hut fLW skirmishes thus far.
By Wire lo the Kveuing U*H*nrd.
New York. July IC.-^Jem ral Hus e!
Alger t»f MlrhlgMii. foriiit r te<*r»*lar;.
nr iieder Pn si.b iit MrKitil.y.
?alhd wUh hi’ wifi' ftir KumiM' t«» lay
BECAUSE HARTS INJURIES WERE on the Atlantic trans|Hnt Hiht M^nmaiHillK.
tkn:?ral Alger, w.ho arrhO.1
yi-eterday from lh«- We^l. Kuifl ilial Ids
knowietlgt* of piditiral eoDili>t«ins opt
Examination Thia Morning Showed there led him
l*ellev«- Hunt .nil th*
That He Had a Broken Collar
m 11:
Bone and Bad Broiaes.
Henry Hart, a quite aged man. fell
out of IlH' hay loft at Henry Ilniad
hagen's barn Thursday night and wa*
luidly Injuntl. At Hr.I It w.v^ sun
p<».-ed he only rei>i*;\« d KllghI lujuri«*>
nnd n physh ian wa.s ih>i summou.d
until this morning. I>r. Saauton
mllfnl and attended the Injurctl man
and an examlnatkm revealed'that hi.*;
ei^llar !»one was bn.km. his shoulder
badly Injunxl and his side hurt quitliadly. The man Is now .re«qlug qult»
easy at the lA*« lauaii b<*tel.
Tlie InjuriMl mau ha.' nlaiiv,vs In
Lake Ann and also a brotlu-r lu ManU
tee and it Is eipecu-d lo take him tc
Lake Ann.
PreTiwentory Sale
We inventory slock twice a year. February 1st and
Aujrust 1st.
The fact that wc have too much stock on hand
now stares us in the f^cc. but we are determined to get
it down before Augest 1st in shape to invoice, if prices
will do it. Watch out for our daily bulletins; they will
interest you if you are economically inclined.
Wash Fabrics at just half price.
Wool Dress Goods Remnants at less than
Silk Remnants, from 1 lo 5 yards, at half
. and some less.
Summer Underwear prices cut right in two.*
Ladies’ Tailored Suits at just half price.
Mens* and Boys Straw Hats almost given
Men’s, Youths and Boy’s Clothing at great
er reductions than ever before.
Ladies’ White Waists at half prio
slightly mussed, for less than h
€* Ulilhelm,
Boys' 2 and 3 piece Suits, hand
some goods, will close out. Prices
will move them.
~ '- v
Every suit a bargain. Mothers vrill ••
find this department of our store .
the most interesting.
' j
mEK’ wusTs-H can ,w .
$aiEarday and Monday Only!
i> «ANK
borters on the streeU
>bert Walter. Dr.
Arthur HoUlday. Dr. K. B. Mloor. R.
W. Rasun. C. A. Bttgbee, Nrs. John
Barry. lUry Hibbard. J. A. Montague.
May Somers. A
McMlchael. Prances Hormuth. Mrs. C
r. Ashton.
Ptnance~A. V. Piicdrtch. M. E. Has
kell. O. C. Moffatt. W. W. Smith. Mrs
J. W. Water. R A. Evana. Dr. W. K
Moon. Oeo. W. Steward. Mrs. J. N
Tito totetrtal orgtoUiaUoito d\
Marttoek. Mrs. C. A. Greasy. George
•toi I1S4AM.000 to dlTtoesOa to New Hoyt. A. R Cook, a R. McCoy.
York M J«tjr 1. Not aocli eaeoi
Deooratlon-a D. CurlJs. Charles
t to ttet tor oatomtty mbooton.
Vader. Prank Trade.
B. Holley. Ralph Ander
Of toitotoal”^ mo DtonocraUc ptol.
Chaa. R Hale.
JfoTto rwto -Wo know that we
Hire Ritual—Mra. Marion White
^ wrong iMforw and are not oockiure
Mrs. A. Langworthy. Alice Armstrong
• tkat wo are right thto time
Myrtle Hodge.
Transportatlon-J. W. Hannen. R
Z Brjraa kaa ckoeea Pi^. Dot will
H. Pope. C. U Oonsor. P. Hamilton.
tke ototooaa) help Parker any?
Cbas. H. f*erry. Prof. M. O. Graves.
Tk» nwt erf th« sreat Iom <rf tJi«
OB ^nlr 10 iB tta« BtUBpl tO
»lalBB Port Arttar to coomlir roiw^{•dmi MlVlelOtol ItoOMM tt
tinm Bi. i4to«i«rr Lioi
l«tolo tkat tbe ^ wM Ujm laMoad
M. Ik-ers.
J. M. Blakoaloe. S. Bcnda^R E. White.
jWeaWrHgtk to Praeltowt ef the CenJena Petersen. Earl Henry.
tral Laker Unlea-Cemmlttee on
Laker Day Cetokration.
Kncedand. Ed. Walt. PrUz Carter. Clar
ence Martin.
i At a meettog of the Oenlrml Labor
Tent Degree Team Contest—Geo.
kwtooa held toat ntoht the following ofEdgar, Ed. Peas. Alex Robertson. O.
Hoara were cdected :
R Helgos. J. B. King.
^reeldent. Jamea OrilBth.
Hive Drill Contest—Mm. Frank
. W Vloe prealdeiit. Henry Pilch.
Gardnt^r. Mrs. Dennis Tompkins.
flaanelal secretary. Prank Dolph.
Y -------------secretary.
Prank Josephine Monroe. Amelia Chehoc.
Open the door, let to the air.
The winds are awoct. the flowers are
Joy is abroad In the world for me. “
Since taking Rocky MonntaJn Tea.
Johnson Drug Co.
Trenaaiwr. B. U Thacker.
S A eoonWtoe on oetokrmtkm for
btokorDay was chosen a. follows: R.
Tkaoker. P. A, Brdadhagen. Prank
Ttoadall mnd Prank LuUw.
• s ti haa not hewn dellnUeiy decided
; fWkeiker a cwlobratlan will be held but
A good, well made Hammock Chair,
: ^to eoMUttee win Inveatlgate the worth tho coot for owe day's uao, will
tost for yoara. for only $1.
tr ,
------------------J. W. glaUr.
Your Rcitobis Homo Fumlahor.
n »f«nr frwlt flavor at out founuin U
hnm real, flne fruit; that's why they're
Ladtoa, “you «bh Jump on H. tram*
^Mlelooa. Johaaon Drug Oo.. W. T.
pto on It. but It will ooma up amllliie
eMalmrgli. Manager.
•wory time.** Caiman's Klaatto Floor
OB HBThOf thBt BB ordOT kBB flUBlIy
iasoed by dhe city authorities
Jiat all such i
wrocu. Bt least, on pcoalty of arrest.
Addittona wtU be Btode to the Mlchi;aa Asylum for the J
oo this summer at a cost of $300,000.
three new bulldtogs are to coBtempiakm. and when they are t
nstitullon will be one of the largest
nsanc asylums in the world.
Holly U to be th^ scene of great
oings on August 18. A district meeH:
ng and picnic of the M*Kleni Wood
nen will be held there on that day.
ind thousands of vUitom are expeeteJ j
«ir the occasion. The main stre<
he village will U> n>ped off atwl u.-^ed
or sports during the aflemt»on.
A suit la In progress in the rlmiH j
Total ............................................... ;
•oort at CoKJwstcr to straighten oui
he title to a piece of property In Al
;ansee township ifhlrh Is all mlxc*d up
tflcr .oariM In the mornlnK. Dr. W1 IS the rr-flull of a mistake raadi' in
Irawlng a deed many yearn ago Tl>»rop.-rly has Imm h sold flvo tlmos Fine he original wrung iranHortlun.
The remains of Wehh Currie, w h »|
! vas killed in a railroad wrtwk at Ash- |
und. WlP.. were brtwjghl to his fat her1 n law's housi’ In the township of Kt^strings are vcr> Interesting. The
loskt'e. wh.Tt hi*^ wife and thri • rhil
Iren has Ikm-h staying for .Kome time
Dr. Wilhelm
.IS 1G 13
le was about 3o years «»f age and
Chsrhii Tonneller ..... 9
Aell resiHVted by all who knew him
Henry Tonmilcr........ 3
No regular services bav«- In-en h» Id
n Gract' Episcopal church. I'nion Ciiy.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
or several >‘cam. and whenji nelghBy local appUcatlona. as they caano'
roach the diseased portion of the car Hvrlng rector went there recently t »
There to only one way to cure deaf x>uduct terviceH for the coninmnineet. and that is by coniUtutlonal •anis ho found the building in such n
remedies. Deafness Is caused by an In .Ute of dilapidation that he iinaginol
flamed condition of the mucous Unlng
of the Eustachian Tube. l^Ticn this limself In a bcatbcc country. He an
thep ubllc press Ihsl t
tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling
I or imperfect hearing, and when
will never And fa«'or
it is entirely closed. Deatbess U the :he sight of the Almighty until they
result, and unless the inflammation
least replace the windows which
be taken out and this tube reihryH-have alluweJ vandals to sma-*«h to
An InterL'sling civil suit has Ikh-d
nothing but an Inflamed con ended U4ore Justice Batdorfg. of Itotdltlon of the mucous surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars ile Creek. In which !>r. Guhblns of
for any case of Deafness (caused by CtVesco sued Henry' Coulter of Itottk*
> that cannot be cured by Creek ft>r s $52 doctor tdll, incurriHl
Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send for circu while Coulter, s Simnlsh-American war
lars. free.
P. J. CHB.SEY ft CO.. Toledo. O. -soldier, was home on a furlough. CV>ulter claimed that the government shotild
Sold by drugglsU. 7Sc.
Take ilaU's Family PUls for consU- pay ait the physicians- biMs incurretl
while he was In the army. Including
while he sra.s home on furlough. There
Card of Thanks.
was recently a law to this effect, hut
We wUh to cxirnd our hcarUelt this has now be^ n changinl so that the
thsnks to the friends and neigh bom bills of soldlem home on lurlough w 111
who .were so kind to us during the HI only be paid by the government afler
and death of husband and father a siK-cial bill has been passed by cvm
To those who sent the beautiful flow gresa for the allowance of the account
to those wbosd' kind words light- A Judgment was therefore given to Dr.
entxl our sorrow. In fart to all who Gubblns for the amount, C4»ult<*r also
remembered us' In our afflicilon. wc had to pay his way liark from Rattle
truly grateful.
Cre« K to ca
Mrs. N. Z. Speoeer and Family.
imp*»ssllde t
lough limit.
alsu. were $2.50. tonight for 11.39
John C. Snow. Iverton-Wife was
k. wiihcim.
sick for live years; nothing did he.-
Choice Moats and Pooltry
Home Made Lard and Sausai^cs. Frcjih Lake Trofui
and White Fish twice a week, Tuesday and Friday
auy good until I found HolURter's
Rocky Mountain Tea.
Now she's
strong and healthy, so Is baby. 3J
cento. Tea of Tablet?. Johnson Pru?
CO. goon T»P RATES
TravBCM City to Bt. Louto
InvestTOeol .if IIW
you can make $121 In one year
and that It »h ab'«olute|y safe
v.Hi may think It is a fake. Will
yiHi give UH two minutes
ytiur time? if it L a fake we
will |iay yoVi $25 fur your time
Call Ibis evening.
lAjiei- ttflor hMi going «U. 10c
Sec us for Laaics- WaisW
r r zr™“«r”r
$18.50, 15 toyimat
$19.00, 60 toy Umlt
$2i.oa tor the UtSQB
This win wdode meals mod
berth between Traverse City am!
Tickets wm be on sale comtnendng Thnrs.Uy. June 9.
Steamers leave Traverse City
every Sunday, 10 p. m., and
Thurs<U)s. 6 am.
E. R. P0PE.AP.
R.F.CN0RCR, 6. P.A.
Fancy Mull Collars
Something new and very da nty. There are many styles cf borders. All sell fer 50c each.
A very fine line.
The darnttcvl of patterns, sell at 10c, 15c, 20c. 25c, 35c. 40c and 50c.
Ladies’ Linen Collars
The Corliss ft Coon brand.
All the latest styles, and sizes CTo 14. In the very low collar wc carry the 15 ,
size; 15c or 2 for 2Sc.
Win Ties
e'plain colors; sell for 25c.
For children. AH the
Neck Ribbons
Just what you want. All the nr west combinations cf datnty colors fo> 25c to 75c the yard.
Waist Sets
Never had such beautiful buttons. All the newest shapes. Pearl, gilt, Imdescenl, 15c to 50c the set.
Kimono Pins
Just the dainty pin you want. 5c, 10c, 15c 20c,
Bordered Handkerchiefs
For all manner of fancy work, for kimonos. p»llow tops, shirt waists. 10c, 3 for 25c.
Crushed Leather Belts
Tmerse at/s New Shoe Stwc
A to*
tootw^i tott drt«7
««. b<K clt VW kM
dMMl taM ihM ui( «.
In grays, tans, reds, blacks and
Holding three Diplomas, also Graduate of
Dr.Caissarato,Sarah Bernhardt's Beauty Doctor.
and Electricsl HeOods
Hair, Moles, Bade
WOttim IM ikMi «a« dBkr* tm p.U>t u»«m tM kU l«tkw.
•IRLT ANDMWihkM.»alMletrt|eedlkew.
wm Be Here Ose Weekloscer.EiidlB( Jab 23
X5; LEWIS “asr
The most stylish belt that is worn. Belts from 25c t® 75c.
Silk Belts
Som«lhins my nobby. •!« dointy eolorfc price $1.25.
Sash Ribbons
S'/, Ineh*. wide TafToU Ribbon in pink, light blue. biKk. lavender and white, 40c the yard.
Corset Cover Embroidery
Borne of the dalnUest patterns, sell from 25c to $1.25 the yard.
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organs
ttfithrs mmd rMponaive.
moQcbt by the
bis incremae of amlary he
ismmtioo to Morton, who IndiSBrnatly
rejected tu Lme reaisDed three ttmem
ItertMi mt ImM nderatood thmt he
haUr »Mt It., nmltes thmt be »ok
ea miter hU msamUnCa ^etemlamdon
A»«rto, mad Uv parity mad ciemraesm aC tome I i*smrd.
<ltVTWmo«racd PImaa* maid rarlnslrely liy nt mr«: flraNWAV;
rimi^ m»iM O0 «m^i fwyionRm: old tamimimcau Ukr^i la cncrfamase
for arw pmam. PUmos to raal: aiM- y«mr*m rrat rrtdllad oa parchmae.
, llfM
mad n-amjrmd ^ our fmetory mmpwta.
Grinnell Bros.’ Music House
»9 1. Ftmt Stnot
TWo ynuaceX mfvibrr of (lie- iIcBio-
tc«UeaMl0BaieMualiico )• a A. Kill
; apm of OkUbuaim. He U only 21 yemr»
b ' A new IbeoiT of Uie MmrUlo “Cm
I amlc“ lx thmt Maro ham a roUd eruct
i mad mm elmsilc aurli'im of a hlclu'r lem*
permtum. The era*! fa eoolInK new
'. uirilrVMNraeird. mad ibe pro^titirr opi on Iho um**i wiflUn c-auMd fl«Kure*
lie fiinaod In Mir Hiirfmrt*.
Am rfort 1* l>olna made In Mreai
lUrrinalon. Maa«.. to ebanae the naiUr
of KmM m^upimln and Kami rock lo
llrrant moartaln and llr/ant rock in
^ mrmnry of Ibr
who wa* for wome
lime m eliltm and an omrial of the
Janie* r>»aijcny. the cnmpu.i poUw man tit Vale collete. who I* very pop
ular with the mliKlentm. will make o
Hip to tim 8t. Lotfim evpomltlon. all the
exp?amam of whirb will Im» iiald by the
junior elamm. IJ/i.hne hi ld the poultlon
of Yale officer fur i\*«-lve
II l« beditved that r.tvirKe (JcmiM
lias atKrat dotihliH] the valne of the
ismpeny left by W« father. The Inttor'* dyltJK Injnnethin warn. *"t;e<jr»;i-.
' look all(T yui’i l.rutber* and
and Vbe dulifii! run has faithfully rm rolH-n-U hh father-* word*
IJnuM coni mb nUnit ir...uu) nilL'» of
raUmod. ruuutliij: Ihe Wemti ru Parlfle.
wbtrli unv ut hla New York dlr(*ctum
nwcoily mdnimed ronktlttuos the wemi-
i-m link of the traaaoonUneoU] aym
Probably the llrit child in the coair
try to h? named after the pTr-mldenUal
mominiH* at Si. Uiulm eame Into IIm
world In Indtatiat>o!l* Saturday morninn at about the name hour that the
Domination wt.j' made. The lilrth orrum‘d at thv rUy hioidial. The t
er IV Mr.'. Kfla nrlnnin and Ihe aitendInK phyrdeian KititKiMtirvl to Mrn. Drln
nit] lluyl the eh lid )»e naiu d uficr the
H:. l>nilK nominee. She readily eoamcmtetl and the yuunssteT 1* to la*
calk-d Parker Drlnulu.
Tamo YnehamilKU. n youthful Japanrw qlul»r-iroller, nl pre»ent c-nip%»j.'d ax rhef on on«* of Pnrle SnmV
halfle rhliH. U
at JokJo.
wh»‘rt; he ha:i fallen heir to a forlune
left by hU father, an officer
In the Japamxe array, who warn kllk^
in UiilMe ‘with the Rummlans at Miu
Yalti river. Tamo ran away from
homo nrv yr-arii ago. Hr wa* then i:.
years of age. HU koU* ptiriHJse in de-'
parting »urr ptlonily wa* to gratify
hU tleidre In r«*«* the world. eriK>rIa1ly
America. Th«* laft ndatlvn heanl of
him wna I ha I he wun engagifi nx ehef*
on Insani an Amiriean war \ef?.*<tl.
Lmv.y.T5 are now Jiuniing Xi»r him.
Itlrhard 8. ('ruUer. am of the forraer
T*mniany Imus. ha.^ heeftme a mem
Iht «»f the Wall rlreei flriu of Cam
niann A (%»., his father h.nslrg glv. n
with wlihh to ji;irelia>>»* a
parint rf hip. Tl!<* firm of raruru.nnn ^
Co. ha* long Invn eunmTU*tl s^iih the
Cmker liiUTota. It alua.v* wa* a well
known fact that tYukcT. the* leader of
Tamniaqy. wa* a *tieci**^ful Wall
iu two hoora* wortc wUh m metm tm»t
if phyaksal ptmera whsn It triet to
Kcokipmny the hlppodriNM r
rhich arc repobtd to be thm Bomt fori-
mmkm m t«*t of la «ammi«a aor rotuni
it to thm mem, but brou^t it mabore
Ukd callmd It mo the rnttewtloii of kicml
acleatlott. It waa them diacoverod
that the Sah taken from the wmtem of
the Paclie wma the “Uie 8*h.“ kqilk^
Ucepm, m 8*h »uppoMd to be extinct mad having beretofore beta* meen only in the Atlmnilc.
The irat time there is may record of
this «*h hartog been ai‘en warn In litTD.
of Nantucket mnd about S.fiOO pounds
of the tab were ukea. then, of m aud
den. the mem for many miles aomh of
Nmmuckec Long Uland mad New Jercovered writh flomtlnc
die Sa^ alain by *nme mysterious
; or malady. An area of G.ooit i,r
r.OfHt square mlU** was thickly Im.prinkled with Ibe dead aud djing fish,
and it was ostlmaU'd that no le*s than
blliioD were incluaed in the numU'r.
Since then not m live ftsh hm* U'en
sevn till thmt taken by Hamil.
1^ wrote me followa: “If yon'vw sot U
CD I^re got lo Jet roe go. hut 1 thial
In additka to the qaallly of the
are anktac m dmaaed fool ef yottr music furnUhed. the work of Prof.
* Lee la sdll € feet 4 Ipehern mad Bronaon-a band la remarkable ma a
hm* mot lc»t fieah. Ke regirda Morton phyricml lest, lu memberi upend mlma m big mmn.
mout eight honra out of tweBty-fonr
Waker Comby of Lorn Angeloa. Cm!. making mhmle that Is mtuic. It M of
Uie aort that thrill* and quicken* mil
who hear it. It I* truly
on him mApmoblte mad namde m ihreo ibe soul mud I* indescHlnftlo. Iu ef
mile ht» with It. Comby atmrted with fect* are wholemdcne. ms It me
nmebin** (pr Loa Angelea from R« Utter nature of man and doe* its foil
kcrafleld. When aUsui one-thlrU ol share to make a risU to the great Wal
tbe way home, while in the Teharhapi lace show tme not moon to be forgot
muuDUin*. he. k»t cooirul of bla ma
When It U remembered that conChino ami ran laco m oliimp of thorny
bands as a ruK* nevc^r play tc» ex
oacluf. pnnrtaring one of hU tire*
ceed three hour* a day. it may be real
yond rotmir. He tied <»n grm**. and l*ed what an effun I* ncecRsary a*
ANYIIODY what give “Ymle“ coffee*
kpm ami got along for a dUtancc. «rll n* skill and talent, to enable a trial knows that nobody ever had a
hut hU clumally eunfUruned raak<^ IVuf. nrons<m‘s o>ncert hand to play
Ip of gtsjd coff«v hof»*ro. |( ha* such
fine taste and
no mon* than
rbm began to play out. Then It wa^
nnjrh as Is requinil of th.*m.
thmt he mmw mn etiornioua gotdur
Fi*r fi»nv five iiUnute.< pn-eeJIng |M*>r enffe.'^ do. IMt up in iK»und mir
Miake by the way and he got out. each p<*rformaucc. llnin*i*n s concert ilghi packages from 2<V to 4<k- iwr
killed It and U»und the reptile <*n P. baud occupies the c»*nirr siage. where
ll. K. i\ l>>wls exclusive agent.
hi* whe<*L The *nake laxnnl thr*x* it play* a varteJ mnd ploaslng prev
mih**. and did excellent acrvlcc while gram while the iH*ople are assimbUng.
It la*UMl. Then Cmby had to nrori or are InsiHviing the extenxite .meto hay oitd burlap* again. He made oagsTle and r.iNilogiral rolli*cti<m. lYtrf
pon Is a comi<JwT of cmlnimre a*
well ax a !»and dln-eior and wUn the
ri hour* Ix'hiad lime.
great Wal!.vre show exhllilt.^ In Trav
City on MoimUiv. July lK,-the juib
Working Night and Day.
Hr will agn*e thru the nuisirnl d«*|iariThe husl.-si and inightlesi llttlr nw-nt U one of the many high eiass aithing that ever wxs hia.le U Ur. KlngV trattlfijs with lliih l^g thoii.
New l.ife PI!N. Thesi* pdl* change
wi-akne* to strength. U>:ilex«4u*!W Into
C’nergy. brain-fag into mental |M»wer.
The pr.Mueilon of the -nohetulnn
They’re wonderful in bitihling up thtluaJlh. Only
ixr Uix. S<dd hv r.irl- hy the .Mt.Mri*i»olHun Opera eomIftKt • Veiling i-llritisl murh fat’s drug More and P. H. Memi
lorahle rernnien*. The “Ihihenilau
was th * iM-ii ihat lia* I eeii pre
IF YOr WANT a colTw •that* all
tl l;.Te hy thl.-« ctiinpauv and was
ciiffoe’* pure. wboleD<»ine and fine fla
»>red. try •’Yale” coffech^. These cuf pleasing to all. The parts were all In
lie hand* and the gypsy songs
fee* are blend* id the choicest selectCanning Time la Here.
,sl stock and roa£te<l by the be«t ex- and churuiu** were especially well re
Prepare Yourmelf For It.
iH»rU. TIh'j arc put up in pound, alr reived. OKcar GrunuL-th ns the count
ight package*, thus oxclnding all for-For m thoH time, or until furmgn matter, dead file*, etc., and are In the la*t act waa praised v«'ry high
ther notice. I will sell ymi !U-sl
Ibir.lWte ^ fo 4tk* isTr Ih. K C. ly. MIks Marguerite Sihley In the part
Mason’* Can* mnd Covers for:
of Arline was encnnvl for h« r song In
U wis exclusive agent.
Pint Cans............................ 40c dor
the si*ctind net. it was U-atitlf.i’ly ren
()m* Quart Cans................50c dez
A big line of Refrigerators t bottom der itl.
Two Quart Cans............... 60c dor
TenlghtV play Is the -MasriU,’ one
price* and easy payment*.
Can Covers- and RuhlMT-^
J. W. Slater,
of the fminle.^r ct.mie op ra.*^ t-ver
nl ....................................20c dor
Your Reliable Home Furnisher.
Jill Glasses. 1-3 pint....20c dor
L. D. HaUtead. Coldwmter'm
hi* birthday anatvefemry by larttlnstb •
hi* houae all the m« mad V
living then* who ww ItrlBjt tWe
n?S,. Mh' year be In
Coldwator. Nine old ]
ej to his invltmtloaa. NoMthalapd*;!
ig hi.s gn*ai age. Mr. 1
ally attend* to the m>»ira mad im*
l»rovemenl* of the
Tk« NatrspsliU*'
mlheaU camcopm
These handy Camp Stools only 18c
ind 25c.
J. W. Slater,
Your Reliable Home Fum^cher.
226 East Front Streit
Star Laundry MASCOT
The Wrieht Imirf
Watch thl* nd. one week from
today a* It will tell who onr two
^u^lom<•^s were for 11 years. If
you have giiesseil the right one
you can g. t y.mr nn.ney by call
ing at the
Wright Laundry
Two Phone* 125.
224 Park
We do family wasliing
25c. SSs. fOc.
Tonight is )-our Ust chance to
see n higheUss operatic or.
, gsniralion nt pope.
nUr prices.
Offices and Halis Crowded With Suffering Humanity
Cripples Walk, the deef Hesr
Huntin ds of pdopk in Traverse City who have suffered all their lives wilh Chronic Diseases, we arc CURING T1|^UM 10 STAY CURED.
$1,000 WIL.L. BE RAID
To Anyone Proving to the Editor of
Paper that We Do Not Refund Money if we Fail to Cure. Money at State Bank
Here Agaiin,
Master Specialists.
This will be the last
Sidneys, blood and nerves only.
you nothing. AB onUt
ittng, no iKcorics, no (ailares, no detention from work, busin
No misukes, no c
pleasure. We do mil we mgree, or it
We Cure Quickly, Permanently anti Safely, ^ascs given . wnuen punmei. W. h.vx tfesteo «.<! coiea hun-Ucls Traverse Citr. Hnmlreds of onr oW patienU a^ sesMSag thm
tir frwiKli.
friendi. WhM
Whmt fcn
you srut
ts mn honett tremtment from un e*|icncnce<l spccialisl. our pnndiul reasons Ibr our extraordinary *ucc«s are that we treat five hundred coses to the family doctor’s one, that we are tquilly reliable and cooscientions, in our eflbrts lo cure. If you are afflicted wilk
any chronic dtsease ol the Moraach, liver, kidneys, blood or nerves, we can care you, as we have cared hundreds for the last eight year* in Traverse City. Positively oar last week on this trip. Better call today.
CoDsultition and Examination Fna
mm ttmool nt Ike
to, and toey wffl not only gfre
ttfttag power «C LM M n Binsto. bet n fiorwnrd epood of fifty bDos
kB^ MM ppmtogM tto Ww
r MMb Mt PM BMT oM’
•L Loom M tko wtogo M tkr wild!
og oot
M to
kg tko
I o nkp er oot or tko <
wko BW goM or tko 4
n.iOMdod tko doom.
y 1^00 tko!
HaothB eC Bj whowky an M engtoee wonM ke pot
^ T^Th/Bmt quitar of iU width mtef bustooss Btm tbm Td kern e
to tedteed Mr dagmoa froB tka kori^ Auoe for By Bfe. tor though tbo ear
te «mmi>
A drooB Borko; tod jwi o drooB
wkich to tko Blod or o flhrowd. ktoiU
tootol. the aoeond Bm degrma. the
third aeron degreoa ud ibe tori Mr
dogreoa. My blodo to Its
IT W. C..
I bf tbbe
iwword or fIMjNO for tko mmi
It sinhlp to bo
JtoPT. Mr. B«p
MM Ik* M TMT* W taft M
MMMMMflrvvTMi MM M»r.
Hk Mk Mi Mft iftil—■ MM I
<k» MMmw iUiniM k» Wk>MM
BNoIobmoo Moy
Mm of MMrko
KBlee downwM and tu full
cettod et emry potot Hence tbom
be BO meeuB 4B the nndor
M tkli piM. kM opoM hlo UBO to o of too bledo nnd tbo enUre pow.
llttlo rod ohor«* tko Mloklfto or tko
icuuB nboTc win be utUtoed to
wkUo ko ood o eorpe of koir dot
Itotooto bore woMod owoy m
ebow yon tbo power I cu got:
icktoo wkSeh Mr. FMobu
Lari year 1 bnm n Bodol oBooeren
«t oSort or MUM to fko MM.
tko okoriTO forot M tko ei
JoO BoCtooi wkot ko oi M «mM
BO H Bolabed ud ready Ibr irtol uJ
to bo o gnwp or Ifetto ooodo Ijrtas oo Aon: Ho. for BL Loato ud tbo eoptul
. M MMMm ToMfM. tM Mf
tko eoMU oiMoIk to traoC oT Um
Mr. PreBnu'a loTontkm to u olr
rur or Um Loko trUl kt M
fblp pore ud abBple. driren by wlag<
Eov. Mr. Bopragte wW oMo
to M
otoo to Bowen
3f toac Ton take n ptoco of a
tor tostanco. fold It acrom In too midlie, let ^ sidoa spring apn
mgto. nnd toon drop tt from nholgbt.
potnt downward. Boo bow g
right sldonp It atoks? SaxM prtnciplt
in tola airsblp."
ttan was a Bucb%e tor cutting pototo
MS nd woodM spoens nnd to bto
fiMlary todiiy ti Boos to tM hours tko
Naturally, too teveator to wolModa
rro put about 94.090 Into By airship
thus far." be says, "and I*b Just well
Ho BMBS to^kuOd It. and If. mfior
that be rMCbos tbo coveted goal, bis
name wm go Into bbtory. If be falls,
bo wfU at least have ^ saUsfact
of proTtog bto tbcorio^undloss.
TlB onglnot. wbteb Mr.
has blmsrif bum. are Bnnrotous JltUe
-soBpound nlbirs of bmaa nnd stooL
smaU tori you could mlmoM alip
teouUi too rise of tbo preeut
Atoo. That Bodol I bolted to n pair 3BO of toem lu n side pocket
jf aeatoa ud I foond tont it bad a Ufi Is capable of devotoptog five ktw
lug power of 13* pounds. In other power, ud with three cyll*
words, wkon toe model wu ruulng. It tbo corners mt u cquUa
toe weight on too scales wu Jut IW sngio tbero Is no dead center posalblv.
The boilers, of wblcb there ars two,
pounds loss thu when toe ma
stood silent. Figuring from thU 1 ho^ slao hum of Crescent steel by Mr.
ileve that my airship, when oompletod Proemu himself, are of six borse^wwwill bare n lifting power of nearly er capacity each, bot the wonderfiU j
efflcli^ncy of the little engines to ex2,000 pouada. including Its own w(
But I win not Ux ii heavily. The pected to develop more thu that. The
rules of the BC Louis competlUon airship when completi-d will be fortyspecify meroly that ib^*. machine shall eight feet over all. the end wings ten
he dirigible ud ht able lo carry om- feet In diameter and toe others twelve,
mu. It's own weight will In- U-ss and the cigar shaptMl ear nearly alxfeel long, three feet In dlameCer
Ihu 900 pounds when everything is
dones ud even with myself and a slock and four feel high. All of the frame
ork Is of soason<xl white baswuod.
of suppUes on board the weight wUI
Whether the InvenU.r s Ihet^ries will
not be more than 1.200 *
• But supposing your marhine will stud the test of trial remains to be
raise itmlf and you. how about Its seen. hU parposc being, as soon u tbo
hlne is fiolsbiHl to give it prlralc
equilibrium? And bow will you pro
and public trials hero ud then. If It
duce a forward moUon u well? *
satUfaclorily. to attempt th-Equilibrium will be automatic." uaerlal
Journey to St. Ixiuls. Certain
nrered the Inventor, with entouslutic
oertalnty. "Each of those four wing* I*, that mithlng in the world Is mo
than Mr. Freemu s confidence In
will be driven by u Independon
Ktne geared to the wing shaft. Power bis own success.
• Why. I ve had this Idea In my head
win be produced by steam, and an
years." be miUL "Of c<iur»e
sulomatlc arrugemenl wRl cut
power from any one of those wings my machine will fly."
To study for forty years on one pn»J
the moment one side <if tlw* mi
drops lower toan the other. F«jr In- est Implies that the mu who do.*s It
■unco. If the right hud arm for some roust l*e g'Htlng along In yt*ani. Mr.
reason falls lower than the left, power Freeman Is nearly 74. lie hxiks CO.
In toe left wings will be automatIcslly but he Is today caimble of doing as
ru'duced and more power lurne<l Into much In a day as toe majority of his
rtje right hand engines, thus lowering empu»es of 20 or 20. He has been a
the left and raising the right until the patron of the patent office all bis life. ^
An the head of the Freeman Manufac-}
machine In again on nn even 1
ndpal Indus-i
-A prop<-Ilor Isn t needed for *pe-d turlng company
village, he employs 300
jn this machlno. «dlher. Bee iho in
of woodenclination of those vertical ahafis for- men In thr
lod propeUed by ateoB. CutOog on
or tko Uttlo fOftSeioo t
oway fioB Lugley ud bit toBod olBoot u taeb talo tbi
planoa. froB
lod bit tmlloona. froo
Sor. Mpk O. MM oT KMgktf oir or oloog tbo groood.
tboorioa btro tolled when pot
Hoeo tbo dm Ubm tbooo gooer III
, lai. to tko foooteg Lon T. Poo
Uo thM wro ooUMd. tbo oeeu
or tboooort hoote ood Jolt boro toket nu boa bit upon what bo bclloTea to
iw principle, ud to confident to be
Moo noooot fM oot or tko cUt tko tfooblo to lorontgoto tbo Bottoi
uocom tbot bo la willing to
e Mod tbot tbo mtU
to fltlM tko oonrtooi oro Joo.
00 tboy oro now uppoood to bo not ooly bit whole largo fortune but
M or KaiMMk. lai.; J
Wkitoorjfoptol^; M. Conor oor gro loM oo tbo loorot oT tbo loO oo) SlB life itaolf oo the roault.
trfCi^ Utof Loko; M. TkltUpo ooi tmo. ud ofior o tjortoto ,loogth ot A Tlaltor to tbo Proemu shop to
ipi to tko Brat ptoco to be tomewbai
ortfo. Ifapto Oto: Mloo Booeo KSdd tlBO. drop off CO to tbo ground.
secrecy wblcli
of tbo noturoUfU of tbo clt}
Oum: Mm. ■tootofr ood Mtoo Oorfc
Owm; M. Ooroto Oor«p. Mooloo: wbo boro boon obto to naroTol on> ihrouda erery moroment of the Inmyotory of tbo ton which hot tbowr /ontor ud bis oaalatuU In toe abof)
work is done. AU door/
op to tbo nty to foTBor yoorm, woi
Ud too windows fitted wUb
eoaplototy oooptamod by tbooo tin
ind though occoalonally a
portkdoo or onlBOl life ood oaofMw!
Lotrolt. Mkfc.. iolj 1C.-WI
nu golna ontrueo wbo boa no plana
tbot n wot OOBtoblOg oow to tbOB.
Joly. Il: No. 1 rod. I1A7; No. S oon
bto butljiom tbero. bo nauolly aUyfi
Dr. Morrto Glbbt hot o«t o flOBpl
lie; NO. f wblio oou. UVte.
or tbo oggt to tbo deporlBOBt oT ogrl lily kmg enongb to got oot
TOodo. O.^ Joly ld.-Wkoot-Coni
Tbo Ttollor finds bUnaelf to o long.
flMc;4to|Mbor. dlHc: wbot tboy ore ood onothor w
Igb room, crowded at one end wltb
Mmbor. flMc.
rblrrlng steel drilla ud ruplng mwa
miod with tbo muo joBporf WOI
^OitooiD. Jolx ld.-Wboot-Old Joly to tbo Agiicollorol ooUogo ot Lonttog ind filled wito toe «^or of stale InbriU%e; BOW Jaly. MHc; oow Soptom Bktog for iDforBotkB on tbo tubjoct mtlng oU ud sawdust, while at Ibc
W. fTMcu Oo^^. Otoe; M Tbo oggt on tbo loof. Tlewod imdot Abor end. rafted on blocks ud suiv
tombor. Otoe. Ooto-^oly. »%e: 8op
lotted by frames, rests a Uttlo squat
tombor, tStoe; koptombor
atructure with two long
km of oetnol ulmol llfo tbor
HIM; lord. fdJO; Hbo. |7J0.
irma rmeklng out from lu body on
tboy do ofior tolling to tbo g
On tbo loof tboy toom to bo to differ dthor side u If In readiness to graap
ho first thing tonriiod.
mt etogoo of dorotopment. to
Each pair of tbeao irat Is joln^sl
iboB botog on tbo point of bartUng
It Us cxtremlUes. Rising from Ihv
hoft bom Ttalltoc bor doogktor. Mri showing o red under loyer of
height of six feet are verMl Plooo. rMnmd komo this
tog. Hor.grmodoofhtor. CocU PloDo
Under the inlcroiAnpo. the doUchet* Ical steel tbafls. ud other verUcal
;hafu ar« sot midway beiwen the
wko oomo wUb bor. will romoln foi 9ggt oro enrioot to oppooruco.
mds of the arms ud toe squat body,
eaUy bortog no wot tbtpo. 8c
rhoao four shafts, when too machine
Mill Loio Wygoot wko boo boon tbOB boor ttroog retoabtooee U
completed, are to carry the hori
wtotttog Mi^ Jobo Mboro oT lOif tobloi or different oorlt. one oT Ibeo
•onUl wings, ud each shaft dill be
0Uto otroot ood oCkor Moodo
In porUenlor looktag enctly like
:rlTenJ>y u engine built into the arm
m which It rosU.
J. J. OoiM wool to Hoototoo or
The wings themselves at first sikht
muDCSt hot been oroaoM by ooo po
•emlnd one of nothing so much as
Mr. ood Mm. A. P. Hu«. Mtoo Had mlltr feotureof their
rtodmlll blades, set borUontally in
ood MIoi Aloto Hot ood him LocroUt While gtxtog at ooo of tbo any
of TcrUcally ud divided into
Ooowtock or Jocki
fecit through t powerful glttt. c
jorios on© above toe other on the vc^
will tuddonly project lUolf
todoy ofior opoodtog ihrm
tkoir lodgo oo wool boy oboro ood rU UtUo dtotonoo Ibnmgh tbo olr witbou! ioal shaft, six blades In a scries a»
tour series on the shaft, each blade In
Ittog Relpb HooSott.
uy opporont mutculor or orgulc
soriot being parallel with the oth
Prod Boxtoo ood Noblo Johoioe fort- Tbero will bo oo opporOnt t
two bordworo bod. wool to Corp like
km or oxputkm or uy rlilbl.
boon tried
-Bui th»t Mhwne
Ikli Borotog oo o ftobtog oxpodldoo.
m to tbo thing lUolf. but It wll
proven worthA. r Stroob ood toally wool i aoTo from one ptoco to uotbor Un efore and bu been-pro
ess!" says toe Incredulous corre
Oorp loko tkit omratog to opood Ok
A grool deol of Interest bos beei
"Yea," says the Inventor, “but Fve
H. L. Nooooo ODd brotbor oC Oleo irootod In tbo city over the phonom
Arbor woro to Iho cUy oo buotoom yet moo. ud Informstloo from Wothtog M}lvod toe problem where the other
allows dldnt.
ud Looting it owoUod with con
tordoy ood ottoodod Uio W<
-You notice those blades. Six feet
ong and a foot wide sTtbe end. made
»r white basswood ud shcatbod lu
Qtobo itoro. boo rocitrood from
Free loBonado wu pmrldrd for tbo ?roiic©nt steel. Yob see that the sides
; tamo trip to Cbleogo.
Mro Jobo Bon7 will tooro tonight wocmhlprri wbo attended tbo piwy »r those blades are Inclined upward,
no PM MoTMtto for 81. Put to ot tr Boettog to tbo Hudm City Y. .M. lut if yon*ll look closer you will also
leod tko Cotkollc Booo&t oowMdoUoD C. A. looni oo Centnl OTenoc. JoTeoy ♦00 that tbo Inclination Is not the
maw along the enUre width of the
»lado. Right there lies the dlfferenw
Ikcie wtt t big piteber foU of
Mitt Anu StruB will toore UiU
niidtog on t toblo nmr the front jolween toe wings of my naachlno an 1
orontog for BotUlo. Wotb.
Mm. U. B. OttoogB^ of Monroe Oon door, bot nobody got tblrtty uoUl th«> At wings of those built by the other
tost kymn bad been enng. On tbclr nvcnlora wtoi^ failed.
tor orrlred to tbo eliy tbit oft
way oot a ocote of yonng men
-ni tell ^ou Wbyv, You know how a
for o Ttolt with h«r brother. >3. M- plod 0»e drink and pronounced
fflliard ball rebounds from toe cushBiowb. Mr. Brown hot boon U1 for bo Tory doliriooa.
bn? On too exact angle at which it
BBM tiBO Ud bin oooMUoo dOM not
mid that on
ftnick. of course. And given an ab
Snndayt In tbo fi
♦ence of friction, every other sub
rmnk Weitim. forBorlj with the bare boys imla
♦tance will act on the same ugle
Fim Nntloool buk to this city. BOW fottoo with trmya durini: oorrleo
Then it strikes a second anbsUnce
with tko City NoUoMP to Omni RopUo baa alto porrbaM o lot of palm ahich rostoU It Now we iriake a bor
Ids. It ntIUiig to too city.
leaf fans wblcb wlU be diatrlbotcd
Izonlal blade, for example. Inclined at
•t Bootlngt wboo the wratber U aul
ugle of 10 degrees, ud divide to^
try. Tbo tona bare not yet been put
width of that blade Into, say. four s
Tko Hot BpHogt doctors oro tUtI otioBS. As that blade Is whirled sw
Uoettag torgo MMt nightly, to od
y through the air on toe vertical
dltkm to tbo lorg* Tudonilo obow
ibaftlng the inclination of the blade
tkoro win bo o todies* wood towtog
iriTos the air under It But the cur
emtott umlgbL Fbur lodlot wlU saw
of air, aclentiflcany speaking. ;%
wood for o solid gold ring. Ooo now
horinonUl. nnd when the air moieportoTBor bot bun oddod to the wmctttoo strike the upper quarter socUoa
puy ood K to getting to bo quite o fod
y M btode Owy ue deflected down
to ouend tbo tkowt oIgbUy.
take tbea down.
anrd and nvny from tbo remainder of
The ftmt eorlood of wotenoeloot
ibn AtoJo to exact propurUon to toe
WM bcooffbt to the nty yesterdoy by
before Prolenof
ingle at wblcb they strike.
B. R. MeOoy. They ore Boo Qoorgto Ja
-Ten.** tko totter mid. **are a free "Lower air Bolecnlcs. coming to
!ino to strike tbo second section of too
Tbo atooBor OolaBblo wHl run two tktiikcr. I pofcetre. You britore
BMt too deflected partlcloe
Iff km doUgbaul Bundoy oxcurBoot
froB UwnBporc
tOMRWW. Tbs trip wilt bo to Bowen
whrM doBoetnd. hardly striktog the
Borber oU tbo Bm wttl Iooto tbo
decnlos cm a lino
dock ot S:dd. Tbo meond wtU bo ot
that Made are tnrand far from
Tbo toueet nllrood to tbia <
oonrno by oppostog Bolocnios nn
I Of the la tbo CbicagtK Bnritogtao and Qntocy, tboir power It lost The result is that
which owns T.7M Bitot and e
wbUo a vnennm U created on tbo np^
■iigiur moote wni be m to Petow 7jm Bltoo.
per nido of toe blade wblcb tooda ti
Otoftotelx ood Horbor Bprtoga
tft tbo Utter, m aoeond * Tnemu
ibA o ooBber toteod to
foTBod on tbo Mdar Mde ns veil,
ler tko trip.
by too tonnM took fright on Mtonofi
no ud ru sotual bloeko.^ tlep
"Aocidento? Well. MMkt knit
yen. qf 4B>ret. toff ntomt tie iBly oke
silos oast of Traverse aty. Mrs. J
. Land,
fwa toey struck u Iron fooM which
kept OU nantag. bownrtr. until tblp
yard of Tbomas Olast; on Lnlib bto^
rushed to atop tbcB tony 2Bmd that
w of toe aatonals wu alOBO Bond.
TbirloM loads of HBkerger chouM
were hauled down at one time at Ma
rino aty to tbo riavo compuy*a dock
ready for sblpmont to DciroU on too
Star line boat. Marino aty to one of
prodoct In toe state. The roaaon tor
Marine aty betog a llmbcrger choose
center to that Boat of the faraers to
toe ccuntn buck of there are Gcrmsiis.
I Startling Prices On
,,, UceH«»e
■lues at
'ou’ve never before
hail the opportunity
to buy such fine
stockings at such a
smaU price. Black
ud colored Ucchosc
—fine bUck hose
with split Maco feet
-and choice misses*
stockings worth 25c
ud 35c, at.............
Evcr>’ department in the house is left With a
lot of short lengths, odd lots and broken sizes.
On all of them we have placed prices that will
make them
Go Quick
3cc big hand bills, or better slill, come and
see the goods themselves. There arc such a good
many things you want, llic prices arc money
savers—every one of them. ,
Cbe Boston Store.
I F EVERY ADVERTISER IN TRAVERSE CIJV was comI pcllcd to place the goods advertised, beside the •talcmcnls
^ made about them, there wouldn’t be so many BIG BARGAIN
promises made in the ncwspapcrs-gullible buyers would get bet
ter values lor their money. In other words, what one sees m the
papers is only half the advertising—thc other half is to back up
the statements with the goods, Steinberg Bros, is the one store
that doesn’t stop hall way. Wc have the goods wc advertise, snd
all of them are the extet quxlity and value advertised. We
licvc in the goods wc sell, or wc couldn’t afford to stud b^ of
them with our broad guarulcc-uything wrong, bri^ it back ud
get ) our money. -
We Are Selling Out
Umbrella Union
Suit Sale
Women’s white larc
inmmeil umbrella
style union suits, fall
iiy, same garment
These lines are to be dosed out at once. We muu have more room for our CLOAK and SUIT
PARTMENT, and so have cut the prices to close up the sho<- department as soon as possible. W c do not oiler
you fictitious, half-price values, but are giving positive reductions in desirable, up-to-date footwear, making our
prices way below any ever before offered the people of Northern Michigan. To those who want to save money
wc say. “HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNI TY,” as this is a genuine bargain sale. Our entire shoe stock
must be sold, none reserved.
Ml B B 's
on A for Misses’ Sandals.
Worth $1.&0.
Man’s and Women’s Shoos and Oxfords
To clocc out wlttPi left—about 7C painof M«i«' Sandab, all tbU Kaion'i purchaie,
WC plxce oo ftxle one, two ud four strap sudxls, in Pxlcnt Lcxlher ud Kid. iH sixes up
to 2, worth $1.26 ud $1.60, at 82c.
Infants' Shoes
closing out pnee on com-
In tl»«-
0 0a tor Boys’ Shoes.
Worth S1.5U.
and low cut
shtK-. and oVf.trd*. n.adc of thr brat Totmt leatl.ct
and kid. in all the diflrrt-i.t Mylrw «>f l-N-n and lirrU.
in all new*-*! Lms. all lhi«» arason*-* malt.-, in light
and hc-avv
and wi.lthw. lo make- a
. Iran *w.Vp and lo cnviiM^ yun right d-^mn lo
vour l.-rt that wc give int.rr t^mfort. morr go.Kl
theprK-rfi.oSiwr the san.r an.l brtl.-r foMwrar
ih.at you have lo pay
*3 5'*
This is the dosing out price oo fifty pairs of
boys’ lace shoes, not oUl styles, but iH new,
desirable goods, thc;;samc ns you wouUl have
to pay at lent $1.26 ud $1.50 for ebewlicrf,
we arc oflcring now in all sixes up to ^ at 80c
Children’s Shoes59c
: Made of fine Vid Kid and Goaf. Ladin’, Hitm' ad
: Misses' Shoes. 98c
D of the bea grade* of $1.60
ChUdrii's lihns it OoG !aMimes’
Shoe, in itt the firwst
Skin, with good medium weight
In turn lolct, toft udo. hard; fiexible K>le. and two _
A tew pain of odds and eodi,
aolet, nm 6 to 8, worth CQ A snail tizea, narrow width.. Uyoa
76c and $1.U0, at............Jub CU be fitted, here is nn atikiil
Chlldr*n's Nobby Sllppara living. Worth $1, $2
udtSapair.todoKOBt JOq
Men’s Shoes worth $ i .eo at 3B6o
Men’s Shoes worth $2.6oat $1.6S
leathen and newest lasts,
allBxesapto S,w>U befiOA
closed o<U at. per pair... soil
Misms’ Shoes, wottb
_ _
Ladies^Shoes Worth $2 at ^I.IO
Ladies’ Shoes
or Men or Women, worth
$3.50,4JOO and $5.00.
uniiff fU cMfus
Exfiird^tidn of Prohibition Against Aerial Expl^ives
A at
MtocahmlaMedamavacoaldWIa. '
,aiid atctoOyaacha—rtitoacathaoh
m or bwtalh It would wot by innitour
tooe any time to a oaarch for a ranfa | ttoa of tto
for tta prulactllao. Atl that would be re- are fully
Uirfrod would be Id caScuiato with raa; j uuatided t
Ik. «Kk «»r^ Mr •»
er of Ita ktod at aa auual <
tbua tar tba auly ptoa w
tat All OVtmM thAt
-My*A^lp,- ftilISato!r
tJM nmt^iram •ghUam
Om ■tmdc Usm u> Um
ft km« tUM !•
r of Uilft fiow 6m KthN*
.. VM4«rtOff tlio_
r otorm. And fMoeoful <
century aimhip muat become from thw
berlmdnr the rm«t enemy of that oth
er twentieth oemury iparvel. the aubinaHne boat, and m^'aaly it* rneaiy.
but lu maaier. for. widle the ouhmarine
boat can do no Injury to the alrahlp.
the latter, havinr twice Ita apM^. cwn
«rort Aot dlroctljr IntorMtod to mtUI
wamhIjM aralnat which It to moviny.
"Indeed. It may be able to deetroy the
aubmartne boat |»y aeadtor dow^* to It
lour arrow* filled with dirumlte and
caiwble of pwielrallnr t« drptha under-.
m<th the wave* Iniiioaaible t8 runnery
from Ito deck* of a warahlp."
In it* recent report to the war deiv.itmenl of the le*t of aubmartoea th*
board aald cf the KuUun:
"The toiat abowa rreat auperChrlly^
flvvr .nny extotlnr nwwn. td atiackinr
mine field*. It can run by any field aor
toklalled at prem-nt with but little dan-'
g*T from the explualon of any |•ank■ular mine or from the run fire durinri
the few minute* It to expoMd and can
attui k at It* Idcaauri’ any ve**«-l in the
Now. It to aruln^t Jurl *uch oj-ra-’
tlcn* n* the*e that the airship could toJ
ui*«d to ndvantarc. It to e%ld«-nt that
the aerial wamhlp will t>e able to tuni-^
trwllae the damare whV h the aubm*Hne of the piAwcnt day to ctrtoluly
UUalllUd to Inflict.
Tho problMtlon. tommr. did not 4to^
oimriMito ospertoMnutton. Tho trMion.
6mm otrfdM motto to tb« <tor«lopioent
dMtof Ih* Aort prrJud
Maitom ntf»
oentriboi*d vn«Ur
td,l>0|i»lor IntrrMt to thr rabjrc-t. At
tito IvooMit tlm» thrto t« no tnottrr of
inoro momoot to the miliury and im*
tmi •cporto of all aaUono than the de«
of Iho aortal man-of-aar.
They tool thatI the emiiloymrnt of of• would rwiU to
the apoody dlaartaament of the
Tbma to little doubt that the Innovu
lion when it oomee will neceoeiute
rer of oieel
Thto to
too which muet be
awoarered to orderr to cope with the
•whtox alrahitt. \ hen the altuntlon
hnivee It will he without leuallel In the
hletory of mankind,
r Now that the reoirU lion to removed.
toow that
r that BaiiU^-Uumnnu Spencer.. L^,
t aJmhlpe may be cotttrollej and eelirctolly now that the necwniaiy eX|do.
alvre are available. It to evident that
the daye of war aa our fathom knew it
. and aa the natlona have been Uucht to
toward it are numbered. It to almtdy
aanouncod that Japan !• ready to make
a trial of the now method and la,provhtod with a aupidy of the moat approeod aartol menMif-war. Ituaalan
ahenu. atoo. have been porrhoaloff aa
I aa they could
at of thcoe bal- I
loona ^re marveto of
Umcad of the old futhlnawl tiye artr
flier wUl furatoh aa eOacUve clefmae
Luxmta umSy aiu MlDoMSorlR
th* tout af tb* catofMc. but dtof am to
l» had. aajra tw C*hhU«o IWL T«k If
you Imv* the otoh aad thr cMcnr M
caa Dve Uhc a kl^ mu la the rm
patch tbair alrablpa to combat their wilAmcua. the dm Buor haa ftodh
enecalea to the open aktoa. It to not at ««j to the urhllu caimuk MaOii
ah unlikely that the apectacle of a trl- doura urUh rtef
Pto enffareuMUl <m Jawd. at aaa and to
midair may by wtuwaued durtor the
f mmm «T Um
9mn te <
CoQl^rts 10 Bs
aallcl dlrt-olly over the
|»o!nt of Btt.vrk. They will be ke|d at
a helxht that will put them beyond the
of ordnance. Ae at iinnenl conrd. then- to no cun that could be
ed at each an anyle aa to rive Ita
ptoiectilea n mnre aumrdent to reach
one of theae baUoona Conaequently a
minury airahip aieered to a i*olni
above an enemy w<mld have mnhtor to
fear from anyohlnr proiected from be-
dencctlon to the <fbovnward ni:;hi
the earth nml then oiwn fire. An
lielow would be entirely at the i
of auch u mach
Holt Arthur, with no power either
or I*arai>e. ij^uld lie reduced
abject worthh-Maneaa.
Ila carrli
mlrht aeek refur«* In nirht. but th.- c
*h|j\ l!l;e Home devourlnc tnorittcr
Maiitn beran tbe couetrut lUm of a war
n-r.M.lMu- hli. brother Hu.le,.n nt on.-e
rofiimi-nced to e»ii. i lm«-iil on a run tu
ihnuilUh lh.it tlylur fonn.-m. Neither
filer nor run wmh ii
but It In
dicate* lb«t the aerhd a'amhip when
It cornea w ill to- Mllowal by tta appro|.rlale demniyer. When It to made »ert.iln lhat re-.! d..i!*e 1.. Ih.- nlri»hlp K
Nearly alwnye the very Jnfurmafh
> I* that which to kept 1110.1 aculou.ly frbni him. Ocnem'lly Im to a*H“ob>c!-t
of nualdt-lon. n* aifici-r* of i
• to whit h he to altachfsl object to what they
ctowvortor to »»lu th* drainxl iwrmita
. of the Itoiik of nuwla at .Ki. |vur*burr contain gold In
The *tr«»ar
[* amnum of t:,m>.(MH..ooo. The lii;?otR nn raiired on shrive*
Incoi* nnd coin
In cabinet* wUI
ch from ikK.r t« feim.K. t
Ikikm. I. piled table hlrh around the #ld.-a of the room. Tlik
*|HTle I* the reecrve fund which to Inu nded to ke. p the empire’
palrc d. «»nly a anuill part of It cwn to- diverted i*. war puriK>eei
not the ewee It would not be lonj l-efore the Ru^ston trr.iKurv
alTwln, for the *xi*eniie of condudinr a war In ito-ec d..ja to a
on Ihc.n-Mource* of any tiail.m, RusMto** iluam.-»t<. even with i»i
erve. arc not In a aati.facinry cobdUion.
to okkrl aad chlaa. ttottur Jar. amn
tor mad- dtobea. cupa with hli«ld
haadku and acvcral ataea oC lakkaL
The laat. wHli the tiotter tar. atv cwv>
ered with wicker. The cupa with ftddtoe handlcB are of mHal. but ctabo-
plied w 1th a faoceC
A smaller Icc box, idtaped Mt uutfhu
a torse ateto. to useful lor ou* ttar
trtito. It to a boUow cyUndcr of hoaYjr
tinware, boldtor a stoss Jsr two tochoi
smaller In dtomcCer than tbc tta cuaa
If tlie lipoid to be chilled la rairtod lx
the Jar the a|UK-c bctwxuu Jar axd tlx
case to packed wlOi ku. If leo for
drtuklns wator to to be curried lx tho
itiMjKR r. iiAn.vrM, • Jar tbeo noChtoj; U pocked betwoex
Siam and tin cylinder, and tbc current
of t-old nlr Uiua formed prersnto tho
Wrirht toirllner. whoee pm-luctlon of k-e naitlns In tb* Jar.
"The Hhbpherd Klnr" wu* one of the
The Ideal cka-k for a campci^a loddX
Iratun-* td the aouauli In NeW York, to one that swlnr* from tbc wall, but
lellii hn iiniu»lnr •‘t‘»ry of a vldt to a •ci-tiple* not luarv than U by 4 Incbco of
friend * hoU*e In KnsUnd.
"I WR* tuaklnr an unexpected cail on wall aria.v. Tbc fatv of tb* dock la
a friend of mine whom I luid m.i *e,^.n mtto more than two Incbca to dhUMtar,
In year*." oald Mr. tonlmer. "When but to covcnxl by a com vx stoat Xrhkh
the inWuul came to the door I naked uuicnlfltw the flrurtu oU the dial uxlll
If Mr. Arbutnmrt wa* In."
they can be aect
" -Al.ieter Imr rone out,- war the reply. I Tbewe cioeka come to Wutti
"•1m Mm. Artiuiinart InT
. " 'Mtoau* ha* rone out too.*
" *\Vc II. I \hlnk ni come In and warm
by the fire beb re I atari back to tom-
the ouriMT of the camfi-aDtr Mads tip a
camptoc ta-iilcnlc oaao uf tfttde ttUasa,
cumiwcUy atoaad la a ukhur oaaa.
Tbeue art* fitted out to aerv* fpouft
to twenty four peruoau aad eoatala'
platea. kulvtu and fotta. two alam «f
The pU turo I* from a ncvi.t photoirraph of a German tod known a* "Ixmr
” who ha. »-on on public cxbihHh
S. fitj-iK-r.. Mi.l he IM ilu- »u.i; of a l.uK lu r
UX« -d twrlxe the U>y wu. ohlic.il t.j leav*- mi-Ium.] o:i .icount of hi. uru.aai
stature. He 1. iiou .Hlxt.M-n «nd I. .-v.-n f.i-t two Inrhe. in hrirhi. HI. father,
mother am! nine bn»ther. nml *l.ler* nrr of th.* r.-milation bHcht. Joneplt 1* a
trichl and rhcxrful >uuth and ixid-v.*.*. the ho|i- tliat hv Im* tail yd r.-ached
looks squarely nt tlie cha-k face. Meurcd from ibc side they become Jnrtolbto.
AHieii tlM .*x« rre woiiicu to tl»e party
an nfU-rinxm ten «s]uiiMr.rut to almoot
«*jM-nt{al. Tbl. U a llifle li*mi>*r. tap*
pUtHi Willi a wkker dl.b. for ivsckers;
a teapot, keltic and ahxdiul stand and
j burner 4-iimb4iaxl; a butter Jar. kalrca
I spocm* and rriucixl napkins, cups and
a susar Um l. atoo wk-kcr coversd.
{ 1IM. m west tbUis to rooktos opporatu. to a winbluatkm alove that would
make the buuicuuiker tu a liaricm flat
sit up and take DutUr. On one amaU
can la* to.lhd at oikv ecs* nml
colfcN-. while
a lower tk*r bacon or
cbofis can be broiled. And tb* wboto
tkius to not luort* than a foot bisb.
Ihe fmme 1. of ukkri or bmaa. axd
at the liaM-.to an «l.-obol laiu|i with a
flame Murfa.v of two nud one-lialf tnebe*. Altfve thU to Ihe perforated broil
er. ami on tbe next tier Is a deep keftto
or «tK*kcr. Fitted Into tbto U a foklioc
tray witb three bohw fur fcjm to be
S4*t in eiKlwlM-. Tills rompartmoxt to
flIlcHl with w aier. and dlpplns
It I. n eyllndiT with a Cnc wire net
builum like Ito- Inside of a l-'pcocb dr|p
cuff«ii»ot. ThU U icuaiwndcd from tbo
>v.-r r.ml h.>M« lUi- ixiffce.
The tnru* are !If»-rally botkd la tb#
coffi'e. and th* two cook to about th*
oaiue iitiH*.
Aruu-bslni are no tonycr luxortos to
a camp, hlit <-ommofi artick-a. Them
follow the yem-ral linc-s of a campmoU. ‘
and Ihe bark and arm* and lees fold
up Into a snuj:. «vmpoct stiosr* box.
murh to sny of Kluc lIJw ajd-* now
fr»M-k COM lx. *o»y. Ihe New York Prsos.
Tb.*-- be wore at tbe A«c.d iue*C wofU
of dark blue broaddolh. Refore that
only hlaek, inwy and "oxfonto" had
to-cfi mad. Iml two days after tbc roy-i
si leader of fi. hi m wore tb* Moecort ij
tw.iity iM-er. were sarbod ohnilarty.
It will lie luttvi-Mtlnff to sec wtist New :
Yorker 1* first to obey ib* ktofTs de
cree. On several ocxraslons recently
Edward wore birendcr ostia tto^
Mar and KeUJk out
of tbe favorttra of tbe coart. ai»urud
Ccorsc Keppei a Hoae race for tb* rilff• lUca. She to many y««ra you^
fban Mrs. KeQp<-l. and tbr qxeao tU*
crire* her with far better sraor.
Tb* ■■Class mssusaw >
A peculiar "stoas dteesae^ ttafihcukflx
out amoos tbe windows of Tot% exthadrak 8om* of tbe thtrtrooth and foortsestb century xtoas to th* cdlSca haa
bon removed Is ofdcr io xmta tha
•aae.** The ombrmk ta xaetM
Th* lataat axd XMat faactaBtti« malB-
• moat Inhuman treatment and were rive
Ll alanratton. flhalr parenU wore unable------------ t%e torture and died niter
ew moutha- a^utfle. Tht chlldmi ftoally eocaped by felrulnr death. They
aed ihom^Vfa^^ a aumber of daad bodtoa an
od the beach oU^de the prtooo Inclooure. After awhU
tha attomlon of a United State* dtopalch boat, the Hcrcxi
1 to thoir native place. Tampa. J
The plctur* to a rraphlc lUuetratlon of th* Icadlnr of a blr yun. Th* par
ticular toatanc* to ih* armtoc of ihe Ruxdan battle*hlp Kntox Souvaxofl. The
twelve*liuh run* are iiut In pUr^ l.y inlrbty derrick*. *nie ahip* now beinr
completed at th* j'anto lately extCfni-orlsed by ih* Roaston admiralty at the
mouth of th* Kevxi river will form a part of th* Itoltlc aquadnm. AM the ahlpbuUdlnr yarda In Rursia arc In w state of sreat acUrity. Work to solnr on day
nnd nirht, and workmc-n are l*elnr aourW to all the ahlpbulldinr center* of
|u of the K
Tbc picture rapr«a*nU a ncoonl achlmmmt of tb* crown prtae* oflOermany. In a competition.at Potadam Prlnoa Frederick flntohod to n daad boat.
Now in hto tweniy-thlrd year, this youns man to on* of tb* moot darlnr and
DCcorapUabed borsemeo In tbe erapira. Aa a rcault of tb* atrttl restroen Amposed upon hto oona by tb* kiMoer. tta* crown prtoc* to devoted to herolo *xof all kinds. H* to not at all Incltoed to uk« advantas* of tbo tmmXnIty
from barttobip whicb hto pooltloa offers, but to dtoposed to deal wtlb blmasit aa
od of taachtoff childiux td raad la hi
them at wofk on a typruntefk
spend tbe nummer.
Frat A. i. Lftdd. wife aad two chBdiraa to Ana Arbor are apeadtog tbe
ser at tbe torm home to Mr. end
Mrs. & O. Ladd.
B. r. WratoftM. C- a Bench, a C
A iHigiilwi or tiM Wsteli BMrrsT'
f»ir Mil«fr«lrT y/fSUnT loumikm
tot to pfty for orerttoftft,
id IMm. df ttiM
to U>
Ortftfttood tobor to to. toaepli. Mo.
u ftto ftbftftdoftftd tbft project to baudtot ft labor teoiple ftJoftt llft« >Mod
M41«# aetSM cT Ite t#o cvmfU r«iM
to tft# atotolto to ft talMl to bt «to
yliirto «■ llM vof% to tlio toOMbm to
Aft toiMftto to belBi mftto 1ft VkAftft.
Atotrto. to pwMMuto oonrMiu to pay
^ ftiftto ft MU tovftrd ftft tod ftffft 1ft> liMii. bto totor ttoto yw to wort
Itoi fttoi Mdfti to fttort tbft •fttorprtae
tbat aaMctoit feada for nacb a par
toitft will be aoeured wUbto a abort
Tbft 'Moftto to Tiftde to BmU 8to.
Mtoto Wl^dontod by rMototloft a pe
Oltoft wbtak tbft worldfttM toft prft^
- pvtoi to ftftito to tbft totalfttor to tabor
to Ottavft. Ctaft. ftftklftf tbft pDrim
Ml Jo ftftMftd tbft ftUftft tobor taw.
tad Ufti proridft Mfti to rfttftitotioe
Tbft ftftfttftUrft board to tbo Btarator
dWiwtoftri* IfttMlfcitol Uftloft at a
Cbarlea P Weldiftn. former pr^
dml to Ue United Ctorment Workftrs.
wbo coadocted tbe blp cloUtng atrike
to UM la behalf to Ue callers has
amde leader la tbe prMnt
Tlas tbft peat Uree montba six
atw local naloBs bare bcea catabItobftd by Ue Uftltod Brotberbood to
(torpetoftra and Jotoftrs.
As tbft reanit to Afleea par cent, redneUcMi to Uftlr waget Ue wearer^
dmployed at the mtlto to the Hogg
Carpet A Maaafaaorlas compaay la
tooevllta, Maaa.. bare atmek aad will
imala out uatll the matter to aeUlod.
The Soathem Pacific baa atartod to
Tbft flHko will to
toot ftboot TjtoO m. It ta 1ft ftttpport
to tbft lOftftl Ml ■ 1ft Bottoft. MftM.. One tbouaaad employes In Its shops
ftftd PMtodftlpblft. wblU bftTft dftmmad were dtoebarged. It to nnders
that a slmOar policy, will be carri.*d
Tbft Iroft ailfiftft to Mlebltaa ffroi oat on all the Hairtmaa Haas.
Tbe aggregate wealU to Ue United
fttotooftoftftC to 1MK pcrMftft. ftftd
toft Workers Is not publicly known,
tbfttr pfodftcto ftaoum to fK.tffiAM
Altefty. M. Y. oBloft prlftUiit prott bat It to tbe wealthiest as well as the
tobor union In the world.
■Mi 'ftow recwlve • tololmuai wepkly
Tbe coal mines of West Virginia
wait to in.
Ttftw York city waUreftoet arc about glret employment to «) per rent
the wgge enraera. and their producU
At Cbk«go. til. Railway Bxproas from SO per cent, of the total valne of
I mineral products.
Drirora aad OoBdoctorf Union will
Labor leaders claim tbe last census
tabft dtotalftft ftctloo ijagardlnt ft new
ipws 17.000.000 wbo support Uam
watt aofttax Tbft new oMctoli faror
aelres by labor, to which 3.000.000 arc
union men. ^
I jnm Ooauaftn^^ftlftfrftpbftra- on
The United States employed 10.5S6
men In distributing mall last year. The
coat was IC3JP4.000. In 373 accidents
bobftftfft barft forawd ft uBloa.
la ft acrmfta fftctory. wblcb fttoploya to mall cars 18 clerks were killed and
tun WM. mabtof ftsrleoltural Implft- 78 aerleualy Injured.
SIftoe the IncepUon to Ue Sutc Fe
wwftta ftftd traction eatlaftft. U pcr
fttot ftt ftboftft flAl. Tbla doaa not In male Regtoiry office to New SouU
ML tto n oftftta to II Jl. and 1C per Wales 3.081 hare obtained employ
out of S.!i81i persoiis regtotered:
Mt fftt ftbotft Ml. .Tbla dors not In
The total amount of benefits paid by
toadft boya or apprenlkwa. and U for a
the CIgannakers* International i
A OftU baft been Itaued for tbc an In 1002 sras |37tJK;8. while the Income
mftftl oonrealtoo to tbe Ilrttlab Trade from all sources was |75I>«.
OrganUed labor to Canada Is
Union Cuoareaa. wblcb will be bold In
* Lftftda this yonr. nectlna tberv on plaining bitterly against the Immigra
Monday. *Sftptftnibcr S. The laat time tion department that to flooding Kngtbft coagreaa mto In that city was In land with glowing dcscrlpiiuns of Can
ada aa the wage earners* paradise.
At Sydaty. N. 8. W. the demand up
NIpht Was Mftf Terfwr.
on Ua dtocM fond to the ProTlnclal
•I would cough nearly all night
WftrbaMNib aaaociatloD In ^bnaetm
lockout at tbe steel works U be* Kmc.’* writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of
tomlftc rary bcary. iho number to ap AlexandHa, Ind.. “and ould hardly get
pltoftUona for relief Increaslag dally. any sleep. I had consumption so Ud
that If I walked a block I would cough
A IS per eeot. increase In wagei
frightfully aad apit blood, but. when
been coneadnd by the employer
tbftMftborn.to tbe IJtbocraphlc Ap all other medicines failed. Uree 81-00
bottles c4 Dr. Kings New Uiscorery
MUM ftftd
fti Sftft TUncIsco. Cal., lo become to- wholly cured me and I gained S8
pounds.- Ifs absolutely guanuiteed
fftCtlTft inly 1.
tRoriu county. Pn. shows n torse to cure Coughs. Col«kt. La Grippe.
ftiMbtr to women employed In mills, Bronchitis aad all Throat imd l^ng
taotorten mad other IndustHea. There Troubli^s ivice Me and 81 00. Trial
itlos lOe at Ji>hnaon*s drug store and
are I44T fentales. worklnc In crery
II. Moa.1*. drug sto.^.
ctoaa to industry In the county, of
Wblek anaibor orer C.OOO are employed
to tbfttoty toWtiag.
Tbara arc nbont 4S.OOO mensbera In
dto CliftfMVftto* nnloa, tftl they pay
Mwaato a w«ek to keep b cotop. In
tbft Iftto iwbbtyTftars It baa paid out
ow is.000.0t0 la btotolu to members.
At BoSftlo. N. T. tbft National Aaftotifttloft to Marblft Dftalera baa been
toterpormtod. This orsaalsatloa. It to
•ftU. ta ftft
formed parUr for tbt
lion toUers hare
ist tbe open shop,
.toon BMMftrsnnd
Tbe tooabto ta nmsM by a prnpoaed
rafiaetJoa to twtntyAre ccata fiaUy.
Tbe ntrike to ctoioa opermUres at
tartatto. Bag. baa eaM br ft
pramtaft. tbe rednettan to fire per cent
. bftint ftgreed to tor the pcenenL
Ultotos holta nananfi ptoce ta tbe
M>t UAA II hoU.
meb ftftd CX W. Ptambftrerocwmcd
am tbclr Asblftg trip «P to Ue tnUnd
ken. They report n good Ume «ad
d now planning n trip to Carp take
to iah. toll find the fiabiag for perch
rom the Old Mlaalon dock far from
The perfect rest and ftulet of Old
ftoaloo. tbe almost total abaenoe to
lopotor amnsement aa well aa tbe ab
sence to young men to dtocnaaed with
<cr lees blttemftsa amemg the
young ladles to Ue nWL The pence
bad gniet mad monotony Ue young
people are ao aaxlooa to hare broken
perfect happlaeea to Ue ma
jority to the coltag^
Mr. aad Mrs. il. L. Prank to Chi
igo arrired at Wateraedge and will
atay nntll 8epL 1st.
Mr. aad Mrs. A. H. Zacharans of
Detroit are making n tour to Ue norUem retorts before returning to their
ome In Detroll. Mtcta. They spent a
leaaant month at Wateraedge.
Mrs. John CniU to Trarecac City has
yetoraed home. She was entertained
for two w;^ka by Mra. 8. 8. Walker.
Mrs. W. H. Kress of Blk Rapids to
a guest at Ue home of Mrs. Rose Lardle: also MUs Rice, a nurse from
Mercy hospital. Big Raplda.
Rer. W. K. Wright filled the pulpit
of Ue CongrogaUonal church at this
place on Sunday last Rev. Wright to
expecting R.v. J. N. Mills. D. D. and
wife of »%anaton. Tl! for a two wc^eks*
atay at Bateman cottpg ^ Mr. WrlgM
and Mr. Mills were old classmait j at
Union Thwluglcal seminary at
New York City.
Newton Wright, a little non of Mr.
and Mra. W. K. Wright, has been quits
111 fer a few days, but Is convaU‘fcent
Most to Ue ooltacea have been con
nected with the outside world by a
:elephone and It to an ev.^ry day oc
currence for aomcone i« talk
heir cottage to distant homes In the
Special to the Evening Record.
Ne4U-ta-wanta. Mich.. July ie.~
Thme who are taking advantage of
healthful br.*exes and beautiful
Ks In and around Ne-ah-ia-wanta
fde: W. H. Davis and family. Cm
stl. O.; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Cobb
and Mrs. D. E. Cobb. Fort Worth. Texlo. Ky.: Mrs. Man G. Baskins
and daughter. Springfltdd. O.; .Mrs.
Thomas G. Price and piother. Mrs.
Poxton. Cincinnati. O.; Mrs. Ernest
and fftmny and Mrs. Craighead. I>ayton. 0 : Mrs. Uncoln and family. Clorlnnall. O
J. H- Hunt and A. E. Treadway of
Grand Rapids s|K-nl Sunday her?.
Mra. Roberta. Mrs. John Gales and
family. Mrs. John Bailey. Mr. and Mra.
Archibald of Covington. Ky.. arrived
July 8.
J. II. Allen joined his family here
r. C. DQMnond has parchaaed a
TIicMost Original, Modem’
World’s Best Circus Talent
Lofty in Conception. ReRal In Equipment. Honor
ably Conducted, Truthfully Advertised^ The
rr i
,p< >K BEXT H. w H, W~» TWilk ^ ^
|_|OUSIt MAU bIWT y. U.
I ~
A Continuous Display of Marvelous Preformances
by a MiRhty Conclave of Original Notables
ffimm OF TITLE
Over First National Bank
The Immensity, Originality. Uniqueness and Novel
ty of the Great Wallace Show
Not only In Its Exclusive Circus Features, Zoologi
cal Exhibitions and Horse Fair Displays,
but in its great
Showing REMARKABLE FEATS, demonstrating!
the Surprising Intelligence of Trained Elephants,
Baboons, Bulls, Horses, Ponies, Monkeys,
Coats, Pigs and Donkeys.
W'irkN wijtle t<.u wall'Y-a want to Imr
m-H a farm.
land nr ril.x |.r<.|irTlj( h*-r.-in Graixl TraveVao.
SB/ |M,rt of ih. worklP Tb«-n a.v.
Claus Warner. Proprleior
l,o(»twi eJoaa io bMetlfol Ormad Trarmw* <
Special to the Rventne Record.
The Bachelor Girls swooped down
on Mtoa KeUto I^rdlo at Mudway-
remind her to her birthday
fr^hmenU were served.
i visitor
T. J. Elion of Manistee w
at Ooay Nook this week.
Mra. Andrew Blue to Chicago -and
Mrs. Elmdorf were the guesto of Mrar
B. J. Fulghnm.
The new dock to Mmpleted and It to
1 honor to the resort.
Mr. Franklin and family were callera at Mudway-Auahkay Lodge.
8p**clal to the Evening Record,
John Tatmac to moving Into hlf
Old Mission. Mich. Jul> 16.-C. W.
Ltoftngwell. Jr., to ^’hltllcf. Cal„ ar uidaome cottage today.
Atoerman Lardle and wife gave a
rived on Monday last and will epc»d
the summer at Bagtacrtot. the home
to bit parents. Dr. Leaftgwetl to the
owner to a large rmach to 100 acrea %t was deUghtfUIly xpest In gamea and
Whittier. Ql, One hnadred and tea
itog eoftteata, after which dell
acres are la lemofta, florty aeraa to orftftgea ftftd 850 aeraa to grata. C W.
One to the fineto electrlcftl dtoptoya
LeOagwell. Jr^ to the nMumgar to the
rmach and CMplojra fifty m doriag the hay doriag the atom,
PhltHp Benutelpe and vlfe to Wm..
W. WdU. IM H. 16.1C aad 17, Uock
canrlM r. Calhooe to J. S. Calhoon,
lot 4. block S. PuadUc: flM.
FM A. Knectofid and wife to Chat.
M. Parker. pftrc?iril.UK).
loah A Lay Co. to E. Emma
leM. loU 3. 4. & and C. block fi.
H..U AOmafilh add; 81.400.
A. W. Rickard to Edwin L SAtt,
lot 34. Oak Ilelgbls; 1^0.
nmoft Krataer to John W. Slater.
loU 31 ftftd 32, block C. 11., L. A Co.’s
CU ftdd: $!,«».
Bltoe J. Hodges to Mary D. TiUotNi. several loU In Summit City . |!M)0.
Calvin V. Wright and wife to Wm.
M. Wright, undivided H Int. o-*« feet
to w-48 fejt to lot 11. block 7. cuigl^
plat. TraveracuClty; |1.
Anna C. Weunore to yv'm. U Rrtiwn.
BWto of seVi, »e<*- 20. town iC. range
12: 84M.
Perry HftBSfth to Frank O, Pratt,
kiu 1 and 2. block 1. Perry Hannah s
4th add- 8300.
Richard Hurlberi ami wife to Pat
rick Darden, lot 22. Osk Heights; tZM.
Francis Campbell and wife to Wm.
F. Campbell, n H of sw H.
acr.n lu sw corner, see. 22. town 27.
range 11: t2 000. ^
Howard WhhUie, and wffe to C. C.
Alward. lot n. blcwk 7^ H.. L. A Co.*s
»th: I3M).
Perry Hannah to Benjamin Bisel.
w 25 feet, lot 1. all lot 2, block 4. V. H.
4U: 1300.
L K. Gibbs and wife to Erneat H.
Parish and wife, n H se^. sec. 17.
town ta. range lO; |4M».
n. R. Pratt and wife to Nellie Copnick. parcel In Travorne Clry;
Ilftimah A I.ay Co. to NVllb- Fn'Cman. lot 24, blork
H. L A Co.’s
Hth: list'.
Herman W. Smith and wife to Alveso L. l^nd. w H U*t 12. block F.. H.
L. A Co. s 7th; ll.ioo.
H. B. Garner and wife to Alvrao L.
Land, parcels: 8800.
Michigan Trust Co, to Josef Hanslovsky. ne *4 of so *.*. sec. 8, town 25.
range 12; l2(Hi.
JameiT B. Martin to RoUti Schumberger. lot 32. block E . H.. L. A Co.’s
7tl>: 8700.
^\’llliam H. Stiles and wife to James
D. ^iddb icn. pat eel, block 13. H.. U
A CO.-S imh: 1250.
Hiram R. Thayer and wife to Court1 land Brownell, parcel, st'c. 14, town 27.
range 11; Jnoo.
Chari. s Wilhelm to Mercy E. MonrxH.. lot 4. block .S H.. L & Co-’s
third: |8.'.o.
Homer H. Old# to Charles T. Allen,
parcels: |80u.
Howard B. Gamer to Floyd L
SmIU. lot 14. block U. Traxerso Ciiyr
William J Saunders to Ijiura A
Tregea, parcel, sec 2»». town 27. range
11: 1300.
iftdsoftMP li^ch which be experts td
p« on the bay to a few daya.
Mtoa Beotoe Fftighnm a»d Mra. H.
Ida Lfttittoa. Heme
osm, will nestle In her bosom, fully
MtUfylnf the yearnlnr which lies ta
the heart of every good woman. Bu^
yet Ihers is a black cloud bovertor
about the pretty picture In her mind
which filUbtf with terror. Tbe
dread of childbirth takes away much
ol t:-M joy of motherhood. And yet It
need not be ao. for sometime there
has been upon the market. welMowwn
and recommended by physicians, a
Stocks, Bonds, Draio, Prorisions,
SulU 308>New State Bank
building. Correspondent Oeo E,
Ellis. Grand Rapids.
ND^S mcM
Omcial Market QooUtions by i»ri.
vote wire, direct froiu New
York and Chicago.
Abaolutc acctirily.
Which makes Childbirth asabnole and
easy as nature tateodod It It Is a
nea axkd the loss of the girlish figure.
Wallace Circus Day Prograniine
DispUy, Horse Fair and Glittering Pageants.
I & 7 p. m.— Doors Opened to llic Immense ^YatcTproof Tenia.
HF.IiililRiS.I>nip. !
Upbobteriog ol U1 KisaiL Fur.
I: i 6 & 7:15 p. m —Prof. Bronson’s Concert Band
of Renowned Soloist musicians
the center Mage.
a 4r,.minutc Grand Concert on
• Qtty.
•VPK. ai« » «lw W
IM «
'' " i
^ nB tte cw M>. tkM
CM * Italp* Sr. iKtai tac M *M
MTMiSac. M ikM M tiM
MW «■
I WL Nd IMIMkcaSMtcrcotav.
late bates or s mtete<
•Omm isip te bnmi
te Ml qaAo ao warm bats, awl WkBa
w« srw tate&ap iaas «0l maka « sate
ate arltb ptaacir a< otemA te
la a ahsma. Asslle. to earns te
boter Tsa SB Ute te Aar.- te
• kw tv itwlf «Mh
book la a lane ate
saar bW te’k foek
Aar. npte mt^ammap
- or temoa. -Wtete bear: at------ -- --------Baka. tea tea^
te^ aaA
eoalranr. rea tete ma. It Aoaa ma
aaaea. bavtap tnOt ea good to aoa r»o la roar mate tteka.
TUc «M» warn
far TOO icok cool, eva
Tbca. taralap to BaauSa. wbo Jam
walked la. hvtaplap wlih bar
Tat bow te
tebahls R oetaio. Tbs rtamte of
aataiu aa* at war. ta tbe boait te
■to of tbe saaar petioa tbrna lx caw
otaat cdaAiet; aawap tbe aatloaa te
nm of fba ted
tlea are avar pttote. -Warn te iw
mocu of wai^* aiu orar wbb aa; Cbt
the uoldlar te little ate tbaa drvama
uirruL 2Cor aamap tbe people of Oad.
over whom tbe Priaae of Pcaca rate
b tbm* aalty of toltb and love, laof betep oae la caitxt.
Cbitst. laty
they are World WKhoat tbe BHte" Uiaavate ^..
A aad telTldcA time aad time
Bat let aa ate maMUDber tte
war box aot aiwaya
7^*?***!: mt^ tram Oxk»ao OoHm M
fated evil aor box peace aiwaya
rily a preat hkaolap. Tbe law wUl xlnp -Lead Kindly UpbL'
la oar anlvctae at teal, lx du- trmted.
The topic U tbe eooaed la tbe aerte
I duracter, and often lx i
oa -The Ofuatext Book
tbe World.
Other topics ax fdlowx:
aatteor in
July Ti. -Bible Ideals of Ood te ^
b peace and not
BoO iteUr aatll ctaar.
I which she laid oa bar aaat*a lap ax
Pickled Cbarrlaa BoO tqpatbcr oae ahe taaaad over to ktea bcr. ^
-Tbaak roa. Beanie, dear, bow aareei
they are. 1 wax last waadertap R A
r fosM teMj
e of doves aad oacteU ounce of wax too warm for yoa.girl hsa Ma to taara aad triaa mr pa
AftijMi Is erniMi irtmBuhm-'
-No. Aoatie. I wax deUined au
t-'Uo xploet lied In a thia mosUesee. bat the la to wUUap aad ab
ds8 test MdOM. If y«i wni.
la tub ham^. I ad. their Ant poipoae Ha hap. Poor this whUe hot over flvu a giaxx of carraatade for waumma
As4 mas tea To«r twetC kejrt ware looka Haaaaat, aad I doat feci served, twsaln BO fatter can.- mada
-Oh. I am deilghiod you turned yoar
cberries. leartap the
I ten SM Bliad. Tmu Sttjr OS' that te waau to aaap opr baad oP Ladled’World.
emtet JHly to xoch a apeedy
ama oa If soadte
erarr alaate.* He a»a sol. br aar
Cherriea aa Naiafa] for Breakfast- aad deltphL Will yoa teU ax boa
At stgir losgisf kf tsd 1^;
rraape a layur of fresh cherry leareo
Bst vkfls ter sirteS;lB Jsse'c raft teaslr praetieat. bat baste.
1 masdar If you ever have tried around the edpe of a ill/cr cake baa-I took a icarpoonful of Jelly aad
Tbsra to apt to some a aualaa^ as- aaltlsp jrsar trunk on
Jirst. 'BlWeMcturMofOodW*
praaaloa lato te fact la te raah aad pack It. laaCMd of oa te floor. The
OIrt sw «r terte la t pis.
baring reached a point of anperlor ex- i Man.” Uluslrated.
crowd of bnalaaaa lift, but If oac plan waa aegputed to me aa belap a
cellmce. the parxnUx of proce ahall I Aug. 7. -The Bible and lbs Bebolwoold make a rala lo atop at iatanrali mseh easier way. but I couluaa to a
aad cooadoBalr rslas te aiiiadea faellap of lacredeUty natll my irat exAre teas strosc WBtsn Umt dMUl
« i Here.” Ulustrmlcd.
mts terriM far swsi «*er ttst. leaat thlak of aotaethlap pleasaat. li aa betap a llUto more laacceaaibte
and Its Issiiex are ia tbe I
teWto ;;S7irwte
; Aup.
-The Bible awl the ProbQte marttete to te lets.
woald po a leap war toward amooUi- tbaa ia Aa sormal poalikm.
wais to cease onto the eada of thejicmx of Today.As« tip roor klrte witk tplHts lOsb. lac oat te -eiaaf wHaklc. BeowU -Another fad." I assured myself.
earth; He hieakftb tbe bow and nittHh
Aup. SS. -What the Bible Is Dolac
To sstseli roor Ulrot Td have ftm
But osa July day as 1 stooped over
the ifMar la Moder. He bornHb te | for the Worid.ptaSM
rooraeir. like te oW
my tnmk aad cast a deapalrtap pUnce
Give ow m terrltt la a pit.
late tu yawa'lnp depth, with te ihcr
-la chooalap our photopraph from mooter la the alnettea. 1 said to my
tcveral proofs, we alwara aalect te self. -Fads aomrtlmea prove bleaalnps
•Ths trap to pit tteerfol la to • aepmUre that plvoa ua the pleaaanteat
He win bring It to pass ta Hb owa i lag services wOl be made attrsctlvo by
tome Wte roo feel bad. to tbiak • expresakm. Lei os remember that our to te imlBitiated. Wby not try ll?”
On te chain 1 fonad my tmak ia a
time, and la HI* own way. and when j song services, aoloa and QuafteUna.
aboot aesMrbodr te’. headaobe • frtooda see oar acti|al face much more
tt coroe* It will redound to Hb honor ! you arc conllally lavltud by te paxalMS rsr owa It ‘moat boatta*. to • oTien than the picture of It. and care poalUoa wharo I could wade into lu
and glory. -Re xtUl and know that I j tor and member* of tbe charek to
kaop oa bcUsrla* te aoa U aabta- • much more for Ka cverr-dar exprea depths without atooplnp. could stand
am Uod. 1 wfll lie exalted among the |
. ^
theoa xervlcus wUh
and place aty clothes in It aa comfortIf vbae te
la thick • skm than for the cArdboard ooe.
bMtben.Ivrillbeexsltfdlnteearth ’teem^wua
ably aa If it were my bureau drawer.
saoagk to coC-^“Mra. Wljtpa." •
In hb propbecy of notversal pe«ww. i
-•Look pleasant, please.*Wborras. oa the floor, my back and
laxbb coraprebeiwdvely sets forth te i
my kaeff paid tribute to my aching repain to tbe worW tbroogb xocb peace. |
Cannlnp Tltbo.
mlnden durtap the dlsapnnwblc prf>^
-He (Oodi aball Judge among te na i tex- W. T. Woottaowe. paxxor.
Moratag aanrlcc. 10:J0. Bahjact.
Come, elf aad tar. and anmmer aprlto. cesa. that caused me to always rrpard
tiooB and shall rebuke many people."
Ood xball - iiaaxtag la Bacrtltae.With nectar that te aammer brtnpa. tniak ppcklnp aa one of the accessary
Thta b the iwrtlmlnxry step. Clod
take charge of tbe natloiia. Tbe purBoaday acdiool. Xt:OA.
Prom fairest frulu aad bcrrloa rtpo
evils from which pood is aupposed to
poaea of war having ceaacd He .hall j Daraca. Bible class. IttSd. Towg
A writer la the coTrent aoaitwr oT
And Juices of a tbouaaiid Ihlapa!
wHU ;
.ncclally InvUad.
Table Talk baa te followtBp to aar lirlap prapea that basked In noonday
Ever since te‘ oventful day the
oader te head of -look neaaaat**
packlap of my trunk has ceased to bo
awonl. into plow sluimi and their
i.,. BuhtacL
While kla reasarln art* la a war cape
And peaches from a aoulhern wall. a burden, in fart 4,’dread It no more
P|>mni Into pruning books (srytbrar.nn t bveaing
ttsrvlce. 7. JO. Bahjaei,
’n clallr for wooKfi who arc in prtrfca- Or pears, that drop Into your band.
tion ahall not lift up awonl agnlnid ua -God a Ulghloou.aoaa,”
than I do the Jou^cy which It pre
'^oaa or piaoca whore ibcr arc liable
tlon, aeliber ahall they tern war aa} j Prmycr mccUng on Th.uraday ovoaAs thouph they e'en did long to fall. cedes.
roora.- What a teeroemloas gain to bn- |
to OMet laaar peopi<^> Yet tber are oi Oo find the redcaps, fit for elves to
I also have found that many dresses,
attcb aa aammer silks, mohair, pique
atweU. To "kMk pleat
The raitpborrr hanpa from her vine. and muslin. In fact ni*arly all dressn
proper pla^v* amoW all men and wa
-----And search where lovely ahadowk lie. bf llpbt wclpht show the effect of irav
tlona. War aboota give ptatw lb iba
ffvansalteal Oteali.
at well aa la the taakjpiof fricndi.
And perns upon dewl»erry shine.
cl less If lhe>’. are rolled into a amooth.
wbleh la wbea roa atop to thlak of it Out ptther all atlll wet wUh dew.
compact bundte, than when folded lu
HOC of te Boat ImporUat ihlnpa te
armte ami nartan In pence and lu war!
Bwedlah Lifthcfaii.
Whoa morn Is fraprant with new the usual manner, and a trunk will acsmall
could IR luvesliKl In the ptirsulls of i
n^mmodata many more poods when
raid she liked it. and pcci-r nml In tin' iK'llenncnt aod uplift- j
Oar writer aara:
Let me their maple awdness hive ^ thus parked.
41 such a pr.tly color—n queer tag of humaulty. Why. even the lu | »
-II rou arc a prtift'«iional wuouni.
For barren and snow^uufllcU hours.
After you arc |»orxnaded that every
-tniim-nts «.f war could 1*e ttinnsl Into day.
■■ tc that jo’ir rtpresjiloii Ko. warm south wind, and sunshine thing has Imh-d crowded In that ran
Preaching *crvkc* at 10;JO a. m.
“Thai makes a very g»xKl drink. And iw.lsof uK4'fulnefui Tli.* sxvorJs that de
At this M aHiiij i.f ih<* vrar uian> anU UDo of rour moat valuable po:i»i*ii
possibly he gt>l In. add sonxthlnj:
iw. gel oji ytnr notebooks, girla. ,troy.sl human life !nwarrouldlM.|«Jt „d 7:30 evening the flr«l aad third
ramiilng or living in ^utiiimT c^»UaK«•^
aloo»? l.«ok at youraclf to the alara
ril catch thee now to store aw*ay.
« In... |.lo«ri.«r... t.. rui ..|. (U. earth soBday. In U» IBOBlli.
mure, even if you have to kU on Ih
wlio ran and I x.I .I I ell yoa of other* which wt*
when roar face la la rcpoac. and act- And summer and sweet breath of flow- lid. and you will find far lc*« conft by take or oc-au. Tn
take wllh Ihom a ctiniiH-ittii c«K>k iht- maj lr> during !h se hot days."
Fourteenth Atraet M. ff. CtateR.
If rou think te cxprvwUm Indkatea
wion at your iourniy’s end. than If no
Straw lerry Sherbets-The day* for
ytliea that lliey
knowb*«ige i*I a quick mc-ihtKl of cU-anRov. J. W. Millar, paaiar.
mat rou are a «ood«atunid. plcaaant
attention had bei*n given to fllllng
for roan’s preaertag Ash may not be of any practira! MrawlKrrir5 are alnu«*t over, but
Ctaxe mactiag. f:4k.
klad of a pemon to have around, or If
every crack and crevice .so that things
usr; bm the r»*al campt«rv an- thuhc
Morning eenrioe. lOiJd.
thoae uptr. *‘rrtMa- wrinkle* are not
will not have a chance to ratUo around j
nastening of the time whou llic*w
who catch Iht-lr flsb. ami cl-nn and delirious. Cru.'h one quart ef lierrleh.
The Picnic Menu.
op like danper aipaaU between v.>.ir
and get acquainted with each other i
quar;* of cold water, add
Epworth Laagoa. S:lh.
r<K)k. as well as cat ihi*m.' To ihi-sr*.
erH>row». Have your lip* an attractThe sandwich holds a prominent before you are ready to have them.
Bveaing eorvtaaa 7:30.
Ire canre. or are they drawn Into aet, place in the picnic luncheon, and.
If you wish' to put tn Iwxes. or a
atiBiphU hard Itaca. with a downward while tt should alwara bt* auractlvc hand mirror, or pictures, put l>»cro In may Ik- must cnjoyniilr. Ihc ckanlng for thn-e hour*. Then add a acant the angers *ong at Ills hlrT.*. -Glory I Prayar maetlhg Thnraday
p<iiind of Kugar. strain and put on let*, to God ta tlH* hlglMWt aod oo earth
droop at the eada?
tooklng, tt la well to remember that the middle of the trunk Indwien the b alsavB .a bngbi-ar.
peace, good will toward uhto."
----- avlng U ever night tK*forv using ItThe quickest and Ix-M ro^-thud for
-In our town the pniprletor of one for such occasions the fllllng should skirts of Worden dresses. R«K>ks can
aiau: axAWMis.
Orange Sherbet—For three pints
of the atoroa. where ladlea’ fancy he more substantial than for an ixt be tuckerl Into chinks and corners, but dressing all spiall fish llko iK*rch. bass
Kom. vl. 22 20: laa. ta. 0. 7; Jrr. xxxU i RcV. I). Cochlla. paator.
iiu need thriH* g(H»d sIzx*d oranges.
work. etc., waa aold. waa a man hlphly d(Mir spread. A sandwich that Is liked boxes and things breakable rt*qulrc a and croppies, b as follows: l»ui the
T-0: Isa. xxvk 1-3; !•*. xxlx, MI; Xah. , Morning' service, mnalc aad
cateeBMd by hl« matomera, but after li) moat men la made thus: To one place where there will be the least flsh In a large pan and pour over them
I, 13; Luke U. 14; John alv. 'JT.
aevraral yeart of aarci*a»rul bnatneaa cuiiful <d flnelr chopped rare cold friction, and this is always In the mid scalding hot water. Shake Acm about cup of granulated sugar. Add the wa
be aoticed a droppinp off In bU trade, roast beef, add a teaspooaful of ro dle. provided that the trunk is closely ta this for a moment, then pour ll off ter and fxi on Ice.
service and Yotag
na<*on—Have )ou any rrlgth
iin z her bet Is made ta the same
natll be became ai*rloua1y alarmed.
cauup. ooe of Worcestershire packed.
Pnoph- s Society of Chrlxtlaa^Bndaav.
BL I .mils?
with an old fwlr of scUt-nrs cut off way. Both may l>c used a few moOse day. Vben be ctmiplalned of thl« sauce, aait to taalc. aad a teaspooaful i
an umlc out or at 7:30. Topic. "The World s Oata
It la a mistake to think that ariicirs
coadUlon to a randW frlebd, he re
melted •butter, laiy the slices i.f put in the top of a tnmk will l>c less the flnaand tails. Wllh a sharp knlf.there.
I by Universal Poace."
‘ Ah. here comes our lemonade, or
"iiulng to stop with him during the | ^
celTcd Ihto reply; ‘If you want to bread to be spread ou a flat surface. liable to gel mussed up than those at cm off the bi-adh and cut through the
! M.X* r club picnic Wedaaiday.
know why your cuatomera fail to vUlL t\)ver with the well-blended mixture. the bottom. Men who tiandlc trunks skin of each flsh in a straight 11m* sherlH t. and I gm*s» for a warm morn «P<«ltl..n. I ..M.|«»r
rour atore I ema tell you that, at leaat. Over this place another sllee of bread, an* no respectors of position, and are tk'wn^.'Chc back. Beginning on each ing wc-have hnd enough w.»rk. While
Kw'.r'l’ ’tUoa^ you
•oliU '
UKK^lns Tl.ur.d.y M 7:» p.
why I don’t, li’a bccaime of that aalp^ and prcaa topetber with a broad bladed Jual as lUble to land one on the top or sklmof tea Incision, easily and quick we rip our rherbet we can compare eat to the fnlrr
j m.
ly pull off the skins. Some epicure* note* un uur Jelly."—Silver Cros*.
py. aupeiior youap woman who atanda knife.
-1 am: but I rsn t slop with uncle. I Bring your vlsllora to church aad
end. as on the bottom. Long experi
at the drat counter near the door. IX)
sandwich that Is excellent with ence. therefore, has uiight that the prefer tbe skins left on. but If they
Ue s Id JallF—Yonkers Statesman.
introduce them.'
you reallte how dlaaprveablc abe U7 I iced tea or lemonade Is roach* with a only safe and reliable way. is to pack bad the scale* to scrape off. they
Black Raapberry Sherbet.
vowed the laet time t went In that I raUln fllllnp.^ WUh a sharp pair of slowly, to crowd. In fact; and If this w’ould perhaps change that opinion. It
The old-farhioned drinks, the for
Rev I>H>Dard B. Btsw^. paxUir.
woaM never darken j^mr dt»or apain
oiw cut large raisins in two.
be done In no other way. to finish really makes very little. If any. dlffer- mula for which hs* been handed down SEinCES IN THE CRVICH
0)rncr Waxhlagtoo
while ahe waa there, aa'd 1 have beard lengthwise. Remove the seeds and lay by fllllng every possible s|tace corner euct* In the flavor.
from un<* generation t«> another, hav*Grace Eplecopxl Church.
other people aa) the aame tbinp. She citisely together uptm very thin slices with crumpled newspaper, to keep
a charm of their own. Among these
Morning service. 10:30.
Ucv C. T. Stout, rector.
looka aour and uply enough to turn
buttered bread. Sandwicbes of things (rum shaking about—Table
are the vnrioTi* “shrubs" or •vine
brown bread with a fllllnp of finely Talk.
gam." which cannot be bought at the
Morning service and sermon. 10:30. ‘ C K. meeting. «:80.
o*.:i, ta cold water; wiped dry. rolled
-A mouth or ao later, having occalured cheese, to which baa been
grocers, hut must l»c made at home.
Song and preaching service. 7:10.
Sunday school at 12.
meal or flour; *easoned well
aloa'to enter the atore. every other added a little made mustard, are deIn Cherry Time,
One of the chief of these Is raspberry
No evening service.
Scau free.
abop la town falllnp to yield the aril tightful The different kinds of sandChorrj Pk*—Line* a/piste with a with aalt and pepper, and laid on
shrub. Take Iwch'c quarts of black
All are cordially Invited to these ser
All are welcome to aU te arnTtooi
cle I wanted. I waa aatonlahed to l»e wlchea should be wrapped In waxed good crust, pm in a layer of cherries lean platter. They may be set aside cap raspberries Uht* red ones will not
met by this aamo yuutip woman: but paper, which fill keep them molac (the tart ones prckTredl. sprinkle n a cool place or fried at oner. When answer I. and pour over them a gallon vices.
a Army Bm*
bar face wore a amlle-a rather foretd and piTvcnt their abaorblnp the odor with sugar, dust with Just a trifle of fried brown and ntit too fast In hm of go<Ml rider vinegar. Let them Stand
Asbury •|«thodlat
ose. to ^be aure, but atlll a amllt— of other foods.
rtarch; cover and bake in a mod butter and lard, one part of each, the In a ror»l place* for twenty-four hours,
Rev Hugh Kennedy, pastor.
aad I noticed, aa Umc went on. her
ITcaaed chicken ia nloe for picnic
* oven. Bat cold, with sugar sift flesh'is Arm. crisp and delicious.
then mjish nnd strain through a coarse
whole manner chanped, and ahe be
ncheonm. Cook the chicken In a small ed over the top.
cheeseehHh bag Measure the Juice,
Meetings every night oxeapt Mato
came one of the moat popular clerks quanUly of water with a little salt unAny Juicy fruit pic nhould have a been used with plenty of hot waic und all«'w a pound of sugar to each -Elijah and hU Message."
soap. After the bauds have had
Bvenlng acnrlcc.
7:S«. Thama. day.
ta town. Her employer. Instead of dlahorouphly done. Take the meat ■trip of dean cloih-*wet ta cold water
pint of Juice. Let the sugar melt In
‘Buadaj. 11 to m.; boltaaaa meoitaff*
ad sort
“Harden not your hearts."
cltarplnp her. told her frankly her from the bones, removlnp the akin aad
teed down around the edge. Just
the liquid, then boll for Iweaty min
2 p. m.: juBlor maattag, l:Jd p. m.;
Class meeting. (:4( a. m.
fault, and we can only Imapiac her keepinp the Upht meat separate from before patting in te oven, to prevent llahy odor, as they
utes, Bottle and keep ta dark, cool
Chrtxtlaai’praiaa moattas. I p A. A
them ta a little cold water, ta which
. nm.
ebaprift aad her atrapgle to pain the the dark. Chop fine. Place la a mold the Jute from running over.
place. To prepare ft as a beverage,
Epwortb laague, €:J0 p. m Leader. real battla tor ooolto
virtorr. Iml It waa worth the whUc.
a layer of dark moat and a layer of
Cber^ Roly Pdy-.-Make a light has teen put a half tcaspoonful of II* fill a glass a quarter full of finely
AU art
“A frlebd of mlae had a waiireaa white, until all ia used. Add one tea- paste ax tor apple dumpllaga; roll ta icrinc, which will entirely remove the chipped ice. put in two ublespoonfula John Bailey ; topic. -The World x Oaia
Through Universal Paace."
whom aho ooaaidsrad a Bianral of neat cupful of the Uquor la which it was aa obloog sheet and fill with cherries,
Chriatian Sdanato
A cordial wefcome at these aarvlcaa.
A very alee thing for the woman
aemt and ability, but ahe met one at bolted. Put on a heavy welphl. aad -ooar if poaxlble. Sprinkle with white
-Trath." July 17.
the door with a frown which had bo- when cold cut la slices.
sugar, roll cloaely. foldlag the end who fishes and Is the po«.sc«sor of a
-Love.-. Jaly 14.
Church of
exuae bahltual. 1 aaid once tel 1
Itevited eppa are far anperlor to the oresr carefully to preuerve the syrup. delicate ckln. Is a flshlqg collar. Sht;
Tbomax P. UUom. pastor.
-Spirit,- inly JL
To Clexp Silver.
could never live la the bouse wUh plain. hMTi boited oaes oaa^ty aenrod. Boll te a paj^ghep one and oaeteif may wxar a big veil, tig hat and old
Monitag xabject. Na IL. *Tha
that. pin. aa ahe mpat be ejctromely Boil eppa twaitty mlaulaa. Remove boars, aad acwve S^th a hot sweet gloTwa. but the hot aim and the reflect ' Many good housewives have given Church at Work.”
Free Matediil.
x4 giarx from the water, will got at up scoorlng their silver wllh powder*
dlnprwoablc. Iter, wbea my frtesd te ahelU. halve te eppa. take out
Evealng. 7:30; aubjact, -Quit Yon
SM^ awarj |he maid applied Tor a te yotka aad mask flae. Add eaooph
Cabetry Cbaifotte—Take fresh chei^ bar neck, do te best she can. And a and patent praparatkms and have Uka Maa.” with practical tan
vscaat poattlpa In my borne; aad. be^
rte IT ta aeaaoa; If aot. oae quart of rad Back U dataatable above all things. taken to boiling it ta a aolatloB of com from our praaMoatlal aoaBtea«.
Rav.C MIttat..
Inp U dire attmiu. 1 telded to try ber- xmooUi paata. Fill te uatpty ^rax caaned. sad maklap veiy rtab aad Taka any Ugbt waah good*. ItaaB. cal- mon washing aoda. A ptaca of aoda
Junior BadMfor every Batiirday at
What waa aar >>r to Aad that te
sweet, pot in e heala oa the beak of lea. or gtagbam. aad cat from it a liar the xlxe of aa qgg U thrown tatoagal- 3 o’clock.
tan of water. The anictas to be daaattowB was oalr facial, and that she with wooden tooUpIcka Wrap te the range to beat. Batter iome altaex
IstmedUtd. 4:JS.
one separately la waxed paper.
bad a iweet:aad obilplap dbpoi
of light, stale bread, flrst trimmlag oA Starch RJ vwr stiff. Fbatea ribboax ed are thrown ta When te watar is at
Baatar. S:30.
Cheooe otrawi, to be eaten
the eraxt. Thea pat a layer of battered to te sdd/sBd take It akmg te i
Mf HUk aoa. with te bniialltr of te
te boiUBg potat. aad kape ta te war
hogr aalmal. AaM bne dar. 'Nellr. «hal plckte or ollvea. are repardod with ex- bread la te bottom of a paddlag diah.
tar for foor or dva miawtoa. tea
pedal IbTor by maay people: They aad poor over It the hot fraK: repeat
rlBxad off ta ctaar. hoc waiar aad poli•
wad horrted. bat waa rclterrd are easily made aad aiwaya aae
Try baking aoda tor rmanriiig Uhe^ with a chamoix or aoTi doth.
aatll disk U fan. Let It ntaad antll
l\ wbtb ahe replied; 1 wlah roe mid fttl. Mix oae captol of prated cheese ihoroapkly oold.-oTSr nlgkt If po«i- graasa epoU from te Utebea floor. Barely mme axed use tanilxhad aUror
UU me wbmi t loA iikt that. BerUe. with oae capfal of floor, half a tea ble. Berve wttk eraam.
lloUtas the aoda aad rub It so te When ao dmpta a method of ctaanalag
Jipepk any t^ are hfrmM of me be^ xpooBfol of aalt.; a ptadi of cmyeniif
pitted aad graaae apoU with a cloth.
lx wUhia reach. •
*«• •'»*
The Record's Gallery
of Bright Cluldreii
I miMrs tm laun
zZi .“boir tirrsi ™ HR!
rr.’TT.sr.'Tns ^
> fV
Real Estate.
J A.^a5gg*v°issr raft
ta M Eta
m far m ^ ctak «r tot arteaiacoa Bragg.*
Htoh E. Kcoagb. galrol totoa at tto
Tteinm tet«»fv tM
%|gM7 irtWacUirr. but H i. tallaaai Itortoai raat tecb aa4 cae of ito tor:
iaoaa ■petilag wrltora la tto coaagy.
aaaftf kmto to aa accMcat at Ito
west aSto eoorae. Darfag tto maatog
of Ito oMStod raor Kaoagb waa tb
wtoer tto todfa of tto torae arWeb
OMb lote W. Homaur has aa- ptdla Ida cart to aad froBi tto toad of
aaaaM M> tataaOaa of amrlaf fete tto atfotch aad waa ao badly kletod Ilf
rf > Awaaaiioii arttt Paioii acttege. MUa ito frtgbtoaad aataaal tbot for a
bit coaditioa toobai desModly oarl^ tor. wbQ M aa CM a af M. aw
aac €f <1» Boal MaaailM coi
HigblnA Cto AaieHcaa Darby wtatoa wart lu» prctfacod.
L: : Jatoca Hopper, qaarterbaek ca tbc acr. aad oaa of tto beat of tto tbn*^
iuaaaa to to a rtrrea of
Uairrr yt*.-oiaa. broke Ida log at tbe aakto
«t«at toodldae aa oartb
wbto. A tow bottlaa of It eoBh
ratierod apd ebrod ato.- Jaat
„ good far Urar aad KMaay tiaablea
ddeblUty. Oalrtoc. Batgaaraatcad by Joba
{ Oae of tto toiegatet wbo aal
booi beat at tto 81. Loala
o waaJaitoaC.TlauBlaa.a
to la Yaoia. ArL, aaldto be tto
d town In tto cooBtry. They tdU
of a dtaaolato aad wicked aoMter at
the any poet there wbo after dytog
wu reported to bare aeot back to hto
g. hMst Withaamnbam.Mftol
tot, WM of the fliisM plaeaa oa Stain
aad to eertoinly oBtfod vary
Traverse City
Park PlaceHotel
Tintoq MondR. Jol| 21s
Hndq {mini, Jily 26tii,
Fin Difs (Mr-
[ S^rt,rH^o1lE7'Tk“et’ J’-Ji
American League.
i; ^
:3i =
;::i: S
Mayor Harrison of Chicago has dc
dared that prize flghu of every aort.
Including oontreU under the gutoe ol
“glove contesu.- must cease. He
^ Chief of Police Q-NeUl and
gave abort order* t
rmit arrwigod h»»e;bren called off.
to aome t*lk of matchli
Tooa* CoritcU with Dave Holly. Iht
Philadelphia negro who rerenUy
toncht Joe Dana. Harris baa dedM thU UcOom
will do DO ll*litlii* natU after he hai
met Mdlc HasloD.
Ketl to wanted In Sndtond to flchi
Jea Bowknr nnd mcreoa to eo for 8S0C
gpwnm. n port, et tMM aad n hnt
tic at 11. potada.
Oaaa. dialtoacod Tooas Oorhati
uid that Vernon repUed flmt b« dk
not thlak a whole M et Dnane ant
wooM hnek WHU. FItt«et»Jd aintat
hUa tar ISjaa.
arose maa to dolac to Sooth Af
rtaa where he It to incalre *W00 fot
iT&rs;; ^2:r£sSi:s^~’~~
Mcmbrei of th* Nallocal Eloclrlcal CooUactor, AaaocUllon of tli.
Coiled Stattea.
to pul in yoor coal for next
winter anil
V Rf
liy Idling us deliver direct
from car to )-our bins.
Prompt Dellvary.
IDE c. inKioii;
|Oaet-*« Nta WUtalm Btah. «tt
MU' PkOB. nx.
Bee. R. HcWitly
W iTh E L M
Choice Groceries
Butter and Eggs
at lowest prices.
Wc sell Mc-
Ots. 30c: GaLSI.OO.
Soon, and you’ve been
viled. Select yoor
We can axloidsh^ou at Ihs
handsome gifts are are sell
ing for 51.00.
RASTALU ths Jeweler.
Sunder. July 17.
Timta wni tav^ Trareine aty at i call for bids for jmlntliis for ex^
Portw* or tok agenu
^ Cenirai school
Moeller. G.P. A. 1 building. All bid. are to be to by the
3uljl4U16 iStli- Thd btiUdlag committee re—ZZmL ■
< »enrea tto right to reject aay and all
SHAVINQB. Boatii BUe Um^ ^ gpecUkatlcas caa be rerm at
- - - J__________
i2c East Frofit atrreL
J 2234^t
T. a
from our handsome att
Sunday, July 17.
Trala^n leave Traverre
Cat Flewen Ml Petted Plaits
Quai cm aoML no.
among the pugilists.
------- -
Office Suite 301 New State Bank Bld’g
Dr. McDonald
in fine I
No. 5*1 Webstar streot. 04 foot lot. good timber. One mile from oehool.
ThU to a fine farm.
90 acres near Suttoas Bay. en bay
shore, fine second growth, two good
rtreams of water. Would make a fine
scTt property.
A targe house and 14 lots. wHh
No. 110 Webstor streot. small house stream cf water, trout pend, all In
splendid condition, at Buttons Bay.
cheap. 5700.
« foot lot. pood
bam, oe will be oeld righL
160 acres of as fine timber land as
Washington street, f1.200.
Large nine room houM and base- there is In the state tocated In EmmsnL^iUrer and bath, wator In h
large bam. Let 60*175 feet a
property, lot worth 540 per fooL li
location. Can be bought righL
1350 Ukes » acres of good land on buying any real i
itatoa at Brighton Beach Taoaday. mad meaurblaabetaubad to be killed. He
No Pity Shewn.^
aaaaoa at Bar^
ooacb lor Ito <
^For years fate was after me conThe Baoone (Iflch.l Drtring ctoh
aMwIy" writes F. A. Gnlledge. Verto plaBBtbk a fine progrma of meea
BaOi AIa
had s terrible case of
for today. Oood caab prtoea are of
Mtobigaa aat la Oto
Air ^
Wbeo .11
fered agd H to capected that aboot 90
Hogaaaoa. tto Us
** *
I Bwkta'. Arale. 8.1<rc cared
•r. aad VaraelU of tto-aane taas. Tto tut boraaa will be pr
me. Equally r»d for Born, and nil
two bara rogtatcred at Chicago aallebe* nnd pain,. Only tie at iaiinrtable of horses la tralalag at pohllr
rea. and F. H. Mead'. dra« elora.
anctloa to the Harlem paddock. Big
Boa brooghi tto highest prtce of the WtPUBUCAN WAIW
agorta witb OafoiMaaibrMge to Loo- twolre sold. C E. Burnell bidding him
RepabUean w«d caocore. arUI be
dOB. daly tt, arrtrod at Qaaaatunra la for S4J00. Port Royal brought $4.
held la tbe Vreral war*, of Trar^
ODD and was parebaaed i»y J. A.
City. Mlcb.. oo Wodaeaday erenla*.
years made a study of
aaugh. Others broaght the foUawlag Inly to. 1»M. a. followa:
-ring diseases. HU ext»-n5lro
prices: Mad Mallah. W.I0D. J- A
and superior knowledge en
Ward No. 1.
Werabarg; Birch Broom, tt.000. Chas
A rembllcan ward eaacw will be' able, him to cure every curable <ll»Bowmaa; Leila. |1,3SD. D. Clark: Ko- b,M la Ward No. 1. on Wedoreday, j eare. All chronic dlMsii»e. of the brain
mombo. 11.000. T. J. Parker; Cardinal Jnly ». IWM nt 8 p. m. In Ornn«» | .pine. nervM. blood, .kin, h:-art. lunR.
Wolscy. 11.000, J.H. Young. The otb bnll. Cnn« atrcel. for the purpou of liver, .tomaeb. kldoeym. bladler. ami
etaUa* l« deleoitc. to the county bo.eU nclenlUcnlly and turee^fully
atnng atand for cr horses disposed of brought IMO or mnvcoUoo to ho beM la Slrtnbers'. i
annd Opera Honne. Friday afternoon, i pR. iicDONAU) pny. .pcri.l alien
,Uin to Cnlnrrh. CnUrflinl IVnfof...
LoTcrs of the harness sport wli: JnlySSnd.
that Tale ahoatd to aaked to return to
Dated July K. 19M.
Throat and iMnt Dlrenow. Chronic
aatotaar ooaeblag In the Hnnrnrd- turn their attention to Windsor neat
John A. Lornnser,
iM,cn»» peeullnr to women. Nervoo.
Tblt fwwtag rnoen. fnUlng to do which Monday, where the regular tratUng
Debility. RheumalUm.
ilgia. Dyspepsia, and
Banraid aboold dtoeootlnoe tto anaml meeUng will open, starting the Michi
nenous diseases of
IWtIa. Thto atauaaont to In the Har- gan circuit as It does. Coming a week
Children. No matter
Tifd Bolletla. the organ of the Hnr- befere the .Grand circuit meet, the Im
eare may be. TIIKHK IS
portance of the Canadian meet
apparent. Horses that will be cam July *0, 19<M. at 8 p. m.,
. McDunab! i
for the purg correct diagnosis of your
palgncd down the line this season are Building on Spruce street,
the U»rlor
Tto ooo
Bop nnu
aad rwu
Portage Lake teams noirbered with the probable aurlcra.
Ion to be held in Sleln- koows eorrcetly what nlU yon. na*l If
I : played
playod a tto baacball!
baacball game Tuesday ai
with the best of the Cai
Friday aft- [ y^u are cund.le
berg*s Grand Oj»cra Hoiu
tto Boo. The aeore iwas 4 to 4.
ccntlngenl on band, racing should be
•Those unable to rail, v.rlte for symp
tom blank. Correspomknee Mriclly
CbeUca 4. TueMay.
high class. Alrtjady stables are sbel
Marahall 9,». CbeUca
Alhloa 9,9,Chetaea
Chetaea 77. Wednesday.
terrJ at the plant and 8orretar>' Han
; Specialist
Owoaao IS.
1*. Duraad
Durand 7. Wwlneaday.
rahan has enough appHratlons on hand
m'- Phw Paw and Bloc
scare a successful meciBig at Dc
A IS iaalag
game Tucaday at Paw Paw irol*.
P ^A
A repuOIKTHJ w«rw
the Paw
to ttbloh
Paw Paw
Pw team were vIC
bold to W'ard No. 8. on Wo
IfM Wv aa^oraoTltoO.
A MM or 1 K
July 30. 1904. at 8 p. m. In Central
At Oalnmet-Lake Unden 6. CaluThe yacht rartss for the Scawanhato School Building, for the pui
fc- 4 »ei l,Tneaday.
cup win be held ig Bay St. IaouU. Mon
RmiRH Ars<Jmr»ori
Im; held In 8telnb<*rg*
Potoakey won from Kalkaska Tuet- t-cnl. beginning Aug. 4. The eup to _____ ___
Grnad Opera l^ousc. Friday afternoon.
held, and has been held for over a de
The Oraad Rapids aldcrmcd hare cade, by the Royal 8t Lawrence Yacht
dadded ag^ Sunday baseball .and club, and the challenging club thto
If ID property owners object to Sun year to the White Bear club of St
Hunt’s Cemetev)- Vases Just
day playlBg aad lire wlibln 300 feet Paul. Minn.
of the gnmads. tbe ganir must not be
The tennis championships of th<
Ward No. 4.
played. This action is caitslng man west will be held on the Kentwood
Phone 4:t.
310 Union.
’ ward cauruK will be
agora of Grand Rapids teams oonald touru. Chlcagi*. for one week, begin heW to*’Wartl So. 4. on Wednesday,
m. to Engine
Inly 20. 19^4.
erabto trouble. This action was the ntog July 23.
et. fi
result of a petltltm from 3.3:c cllUens
Charlini Jeffrie*, left fielder of the
remonstrating against all Sunday bMl Johnstown baseball team, was stnick
I be held In Sleli
within the city limits.
by lightning at McKeesisirt Monda> berg’s Grand pera House. Friday af
Cadillac, July 16.—The Burke base- afterncHjn and dle-J almost Instantly. ernoon. July
Dated July 12. 1904
,ball team of Cadillac plays at Sutions The team had Just finished practice
irianal tiimBay Sunday. July 17.
»nd Jeffries was tn the act cf throw
ing the ball to Bcctmd Baseman Sapp
when there was a flash *^01 llghtnlnp
Ward No. 5.
Tbtoa promises to be a great shako
and he fell on the field.
A republb-an wan! raurus will
wp In ttoDrmnd Rapids Central league
Wmie Anderson, the profesrional ot held In Wanl No. r.. on
totm. Tto Itsam’s poor showing to
k p. m.. In Slate SI
tbe Apawamto Golf club of Uye. N. Y.
for the puriKoi
|tb« reason.
won hl5 thlnl geld mesial on the llnki School Building,
de1egal-s to the eounfy
dedlng 11 dele
: Datoire W. U Bmlth of Grand Rap
or the Glenview club, dl.-^tanelng ab convention to lie hold
Ml continues to have aircnuous ex
compeUlcrs with a sn»re of 303 for the Grand^Operaa Houte.
psriencoi to the Central league cir
72 holes of the two days play. Ander
culL He was assaulted after the game
”l>ated July 12. 1904.
Hon retains the UUc of open golf cham
K. Cleveland.
nt Terre TanU oa Baturd^.
plon of the United Slates Golf aasocto
K. A. Evans,
ntUburg Is after * tofty^* McIUeen
K. J, llans,
tlon. which be won last year at Baltus
praT'^r of tko inHiUutMr
tm t Upitcher of the PcnnsyUanla state col
rot. N. J. and bad prev loasly Ul.cn It
lege, nnd to using dhlnlng Inducement*
1901 at Myopia. Mass.
to pemtndc him to become a profes
Towns, of AustrgUa. will row Tres
sider, of England, on the rarramalU
Natisfwl League.
river course on July 30. The raalcb
W. U
Netiea to All Peraona Interested.
is for 12.600 a side and the world t
New York ............ -...........53 19 .736
Chicago ..............................44 26 .621 "^^HUr'^^mblng automobile reco^d^ of Cass street
Sute street, and State street from
were smashed nearly oven day at the
Union street to Cast atrcel to now In qtats <>r MI BlUaN. O*aoty
meet held this week at Mount Waah*
bands for
Ir.gton. N. H.
He will be in
^ to O^orala. ttei
tor want MIMag oa
J AamiiBga.-
14 and 15, bisck It. HnaaOK, towg. abnwt 40 acm cisnrad. two t
natod aa oratord. wall walnrtd. saiatl balk
L^^A Co.'
West 7tt»
55A00 takes 140 acres thred
from Northport. Urge fresss
P. a—We furnish handsome cards
with every gift._______________ .
Carpet Oeantoc and Feattortoo.
ownyta bo m^ tailo rap, tot me
AT lOo
IwteiB RlTifBicUc
Lancli and
CasollDS Eogioe Supplies.
tat W.l-
•drtkprirt tat
Trtarm* Oty for'
IB—a Ito. tvntoa
Tnin< arrt*'fromrootw-kne SBtaiB Uim- uMas
»rj dining ctaf. ml WtaHou
ThS^o^?»^U Jip-iwr on tmfa tamraic
tret, totarins tat
4Jup. ri.
“Iff it's manufactured 1
can supply it."
W. H. PA<6E,
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