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The Evening Record, October 22, 1904
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
lirr THB VII.LAM or BHAnc*
' -VBIIV pmtammt.y.
m mvammimL
ourMcmta or
2S0 in Numbor,
By Wire to tbe BveaOag Raeonl.
Hudson. Mich.. Oct. 22--^Mra. O
R. Picree. one of Hudsnn'g most p<
Ur women, died thU morning,
was tho wife- ef ex Mayor Pierce.
tUhy Ref
Buy a good rouataia Pen ^en gcUlag one? We aell nnd aiiietly.guarantee tbe WATERMAN IDEAL ns the hlghcot type of pea.
Every pen U right nnd wears for years.
By Wire to tbe Evening Bmeotd.
Special to tbe Srealas Raeord.
London, Oct. 22.-Tbe oRcc^
C^. MIcb, Oct. n.—WbUe
crew of tbe United BUtea crala
Una losa for tbe Pewmy Stare
Olympia. 220 la namber, were tl
paay *yeatarday Bert Basel sot bla
afternoon gotetawf Sir Thomas Upt.
right arm brokea botvoea tbe a^
kt taacbeoo given in their honor
•advriat Dr. mile net tbe arm.* ,
Mra. H. J. NeorMed loat bar baM
eov yosterday erealas. Tbe boys more
NEW Warehouse.
W> know of many waterman’s In use coostantly for over ten
years and sUU doing excelleai sen ice. Prices, start from $2.50 op.
according to style and alxe.
mom tbmo witb bm yrbmi abe dropped
Collin B Fry will Build Big Ona at
daad. It to a Imary bma to Mra. Near.
•tad as abe ia a vidoar wUh four chnGround waa broken Tuewlay for a
drmi ami dmpinded oa bar eoars for BImuMtiiol
large grata and potato warehouse ta
aapport of family.
be ham by Otdlln A Pry a few rods
Tbe yooas mea of Cedar bare
southeast of the E. A 8. E. depot, says
nmtrm tm Mmfarmed the Cedar AtbMUc dab with
the Bmpire Joqrnal. A aide track will
also be built for the aocommodaiiQn of
the warehouse. The building will be
By Wire to tbe Breniag Record.
B/ Win lo tke >rMla« RMOcd.
Panama, Oct. 22.-Tbe report of S€x«0 feet, two stories. The first con
Oe«. tl-Tb. Jmumm
Bgkaag mmt of tbe oaaal «me yester strucled of cement stone with a double
4m pMdpIlMMy MMMtad lb« nl
day proves to lia»i been a small lava- wall Btae feet high. This part will
Mm M
MW ItaUM. Ml Od.
or Colombiaat apd no clash Ixv have a capmdty of be tween lo.opo and
n tbe Panama and United States 12.000 bushels of potatoes and will Ik*
marines aa reporia bad It. ‘The object absolutely frost proof an.l as It will
DBATM FOLLOWED ACCIDENT ON raa to throw a damper on the en- be lAartly underground it will also
btttiaam' laoAdent to the Independence serve the puijpose of cold storage ia
featirni Nor. 3. The canal aone police the summer lime. The second story
Til* oviskiru or tlie srest •rales
re-enforce the marinds and should of Oic same dlmensbms Vl|l Ik* u*anI
mn la eqprtJMl siu!*a rMunpUan 4d
devetopmenu prove nerious the Pan- for grain. The work will Ik* pu.la‘d
IlM iMUto to sxpeetPd w muon a» thi«
are,ready to
Mther iBisfom
a'ln reslorwith tbe Amerk4n
SUT SHOCK CAUSeO ^NO AfttS tag order.
nret la tlM dUtrlcU of
w, KlHI and^VlIaa.
Right Leg Seveiwd at Ankle and Left
of nndber An.lrew II. IVnnly. MA*et
of the worl.l-.s %L-r, lH-,1 brsiid*^
Bonrie County Patriot Denies the St 3 oVbK-k P. M.
Above Ankle ^by Grinding Wheela
Charge of Vacillation Made by the
W. L Uiranger. W. P.
of Hit Own Tralnl-Sroken
Grand RapMe Preee. ^
Sena Tore Artery.
fr<»m the Uuiesl liaby's finH to
Andrew Dcnnla, the young Pere
The Benzie County Pat^ot In
larquritc brak.
•wering anartlcle in ibe
Ibe dln>as
dln'ts stmt
Yo 1 ian-«I rul*lHT.< Ilu-H- dsvK
lega -cmabi-t! off
iwcring an article In-the l\e*« “tatif you wivh to k«vp well
Hspt Thmlr ramllMt WUh Thra and own train at^Bellalre yeaterday noon, ta regard to i^reacntative for the
died aa a reauU of tho shock at )1 Ledanao-Benaie dtalrict. says: We
Will Vlail iFrlafiSa and PalativM
o'clock laat night. An ampoU|Llon Invite n revtow'of our columns, edi
aims tha Way.
waa performed but the man waa In torial and otherwlne and take a par
atirk a weak aute fniin lom of blood donable degree of pride not only In
that It waa Imimaetble to have hla life. being called a "lemllng republican
«UlaA vsra la tha dty today <en
On eiamlaatlon It waa found that paper of the county- but in being re
fMta oyartMul to MoMle, Alabama. tbe right log had been cruahed and publican through and through—ihorTkm fudliaa are traTella* la prairie aerered above the ankle. The left lac
About the KIMBALL PUno.
iy, without hetIUllon or resorvaadKiQaera. tbara betas eltbi membera waa aerered ml the ankle, tbe knee lion of any kind whatever True, it la
Come in and let us show you i^
of ibe two famIHM ia the parly. .
joint.ammahed and the Imne abore the
»ur Intent to take up the endgH
the kmg iaual arlll be taken in a knee Injured. The left leg wa^ re- of active opposition against our fellow
many strong points, and giv*
Maarely maaaer. freqaent atopa belni; mored above the knee on account of
Most woaacn
sman who Is running against A.
made to vlaM f^?«a SlpSBlbe route. the aroaahed j«dnt and the Injur> to F. nunltag^f Bmplrt* for the legisla
you the prices and terms. We
It la ibe lataatMrW m Uarty to do tbe upper bone, and the right waa ture. but. forc«l to ally ouraolvos on
know these motrjmenls w::i
•o burrjrla* aad to take their time and taken off below the knee.
one aldcNor the other, we must nay
I «b|dy the aoaswf M route.
The broken bone of hla left leg had
please you.
They bare dbme frienda in Mobile been forced against the large arten'
but j// want
and after a tiatt tbw vlti locate In In the leg and this was turn across, nominee.an^never bad. Mr. Uuniing
tbe fttlfcliy. Tbeir former home era* allowing hU life blood to apurt forth Is a clean cut, honest, welMufurmed
ia Alden aad Ibty aUriod from there in a aiream. This Induced the shock gentleman of culture and pollflcal
yemerday. Taro wagoot carry the which terminated In death.
prestige and Instead ot there being
Aa soon aa possible after the acce any possibility of his being d«-feaied.
l29FroElSL R.RStroBi:.llEr.
dent the roan was brought to this city he will roll up a majority that his op
and p1ao<Hl under akllirm roedical at- ponent's "ttronc canvass" will effect
(enUon. There was a delay of several as much U the mosquitoes do the
hours, the train not arriving until 3:30, mules injtauih Carolina.
I OIMOCPATi CLAIM STATC OF and ft was not until 4 oclock that tho
oporation necessary to save his life
was begun. The delay. Ibe great loss
of blood and the shock to the man's
Will Give Out NS FlgufSa. Heeravar. on Bjeiero wen* all against the phyalctaiis
and they were powerless to avert what WILLIAM FIKE WAS ON A 8CAFthe Ottior OmiHfiit Statea
TIkf. NVw Stand. t42 Froat 8tr«,t
Which Msturm WSro Made.
waa Engfpad to Sa Ma^riad.
. Wire to tbe Mtrsolaf Record.
Near York. Oct ft.—A eanr^ of was l»om In Custer, Missaukee .county.
I tbe doabtfal aulaa made by^i^^mcv Seven years ago he came to this city
and made his home with Mrs. Oeorgle
Ford, where he has lived continuously
For three years he haa been connected
WlUlam Flke. while at work on
with the Pere Marquette road, the scaffold oa n building about one and
•o iBilBMiloa ot Ihk Bfurm ud <»» flrat year being spent at tbe
a half miict from Grawn. was sudden
house, and the last two years betng on ly atrickeo with heart failure yester
the road, a portion of the time as w day afternoon about 5 o'clock and died
freight conductor. Yesterday was his Inslanlly. He wks diaervered and a
wwiN iiiwai aril ■ itbmwMWfcw
last run on the Tocar’ as he eapecled
rlan auramoned but
to go on the Grand Rapids run today
iembera mLAbt Church ef Chriat
lie waa a young man of exempUn
Planned 0<IS M thplr Saatar Sut
Christian character and and removed the body to the home of
He raIMM IS Arrive Hmna.
was engaged to Miss Lilias Ford.
his conaln. William Banders. The
Is almost prostrated over the shock of funeral will lake place' Sunday at 1
The membafa of the Church of hla aodden desih. His father. J. H.
o’clock from the erawn church. MMost MtisfactOTj- pure wool
[ Chrtrt lent eraalag prepared a ‘aur. DennU. arrivt'd early last evening
Flke was 50 years old. unmarried anl
priae" for their retumiag paetor, Rcr. from Dublin, and the mother Is on the
rndcrwcar made
leaves three brothers and one sister,
I Thoman P. \tiiom. Who haa been tm a way from MilwaukiH- today. If she
but their whereabouts are unknown.
aaonth a racatloB. Brerythini came arrive* In time the fnnorml will Iw- held
I off aa planned exrept the paator him- from the
"’. st 8<venth
I aeir. who telled to arrive and hoocr street. Monday at 2 |». m.. Rev. Hugh
tbe aurprlM' derdred upon ibe mem Kennedy offletatlng. and the U»dy wri.l
bera fhemaohva. A pleaaant evening lie In stgte Mondoy morning from k
Last Bad Rlt^ Were Performed Over
waSapent, boa ever, at the church and to 11 a. m.
the Late John A. ^ripture and
Mr. Ullom will enjoy a full account of
Mr. Dennis carried a number of |»ollMlae ttella Cordes.
I Ibe eurprtae when be doea reiuni.
cle.s. An accident i»ollry «,f 12.000 and
also IU50.176 and 1100. being a mem
The funeral of John Scrlplurc. who
ber of the O. R. T. and the Eagles..
No other makeaio warm
The funeral arrangements are |»* died at his homo in Acme on Wednes
GaMlOfa* Patkafm Can Be Bent to
or durahh
charge of his friend. Ralph Anderson, day. waa hem from the Acme ebureh
Manila Without Charge.
by hU own reqoesL and the burial yczierday at i o'clock. Elder Heath of
I Mr Wire to tko Brmlag Record.
estehn oe
will be at Oakarood.
ily. naalattag Rev. Carpemer in Use
Washington. Oct. tS.-The war de
eenrtcce. The church waa filled. i
I partment wtO ship free of charge from
net being able to gain ndmlttani
Baa Fraaciaco to Manila such Christhe prat a realdent of Acme for twenty
] mas paekagm at reach the auperin
laud tho army tranaport service Popular Captain of PMIos Was A«k yenra and prominent eocially.
leavea friends throughout the county.
dentally Killed toy Hla Friend
aa FraaWlBO by Dee. 1.
The burial was at the Acme ceme
While Falntlfis a TarpeL
See these lines that arc becoming so pofmlar
tery. Undertaker Anderson being In
rii^ It BURhiNa
Py Wire to tbc'E^entag Record.
Pliuburg. Oct. 22.-CapL Albert M.
The funeral of Mias Stella Cordea.
Tertcrs. Uc heel known pMeer of the
Plllsburg police, was nccldontally skot who died of scarlet fever yeaterday
through the liing and killed by Uen morning at her borne la Leland. was
at the Catholic cemetery. Provw
teaaat Welsh, hU bert friend, this
morning The men were at a target to monL la the afierooon. the I
OorijPTron^ «r%d -Iteirklon
being In charge of H. a Carter.
paint It when Welsh fired.
eily Book Store
We =s
Suits and
Nm T.n by Eiprets, SOc today.
Umbrellu 50c t« «t2M.
R.io CoaU. »1.00 to $«5J0.
for allkinai Of
Store Fronls-Fixturcs, Sash, Doors, and Rcsidcnce lolcrior Work.
All Kinds Of Building Materials
TraverseXity Mfg'. Co.
Coroer Like ave. and 10th •».
W. L. BBOWN. H<r.
Cite. PImm SB.
Staleys Dnderweat
*"1 .
-a..- can
----- S
TS -----
im 1.25, 1.50,
l.rsand $2.00.
1.00, 1.50, 2.00,
2.25 and $2.50.
Munsing and Staley Union Suits
$1.50. $2.50. $3.00 and $3.50.
Our Ten Dollar Suits |
Don't judge these -Suits bv the price. See the Suits.
Ten dollars is a small price to pay for our kind of Ten Dollar
If you want to Invest just Ten Dollars In a Bull-
We'll do
drier you have seen oar line at this, price.
All new and made up for tbla scaaon'a trade.
Wel^But In every way. Just the*same col and stylo as pulla
•old for twice Ten Dollars.
Hamilton Clothing Co. |«
Arc Ton Paying or Receiving
U Ik* initfbw ar tk» VWito <
r«Tta kM H«u* u. b. pro.4 of. Tmr•TMiOkir «• •■ B»«irt*!»ta* «P
■a MWk. kn vkn Jfr. r«rrt« c
WA Mp «*ok l»- WIU be r«H»e«
with tke
oDrtlWiiy, ere. by
tkuM- »ort proBoniie.4 la rtow». bat
WiU be eit«4«l thei boe^UItti
~ AT^Sgsr.Sg~
Tbe |,rlmMy reform l«» le forre is
Pwrott b*» lie OefocU lo epHe of «b<
etrmimm. er*«m«u of the DmroU
Triboor.Jfemi^end Free Pre« ‘bet
m»b . le« eb» t. Pf «> et bn«
.UU- Tb-^ prf
M«y « u-irf PWi»«
„ tbw U«-I-^
lortMd tb« babH of ooTtas Iheir'w , CTOS tb« little*. BSd depotttUis to > («•« •oTtat. t»k wbor*
I oms luerestoVBlns bsteocm for tbeir
Iuum : m 9^
f«ti of
Thm are two
»b-«odd.«^ m
•Uh ipporten
one eery pioelr ''
trimmed wHh
Uce. •
lug—a home for youra^df aaA
Ut» bolp yoo pwrlde for foture yoor^
liulnf u>' overy |
The Peoples Savings Bank I
A. F. n;i11...9«.
C. W. AMO*.
211 Boot Front St.
If the condition of the Tcaacl U
found to be anch Uiai it can be patebd a-.d floated on Us own bottom, this
win be done. If the hull and frame, FOUR MEN ENTEBEO HIS DRUO;
which in a ship correspond to the
merr ekSpoilfe tbU w.^,k f -mlek
backbone and ribs in a human being,
ooDebulrepniorUiM Hie ne’e Tbo iH
are so broken and damaged as lo be
so »Jow before pr^pluur^i! • s«iw*l
la* to I«ae«y lb. ert:. of tbe et«« THE PRELIMINARY WORK TO BE beyond temporary' repair, a false hu»l Lt»4 Him to a Veiy Happy Sur
I. not compete wlihout • .UeboMJ: It xld. «.* much to the appou• m ho built about the damsgtjd par .
10 Detroit thaw
Party in Honcr eW Tteenty-Wth
luce of... A.th.pri<«*c..r- muting <m our Urge. b««.»lin.n
which will permit the resaol being
Anniversary of HtaiWedding.
and bu«^ every one enn nffort to h»ve one. eipecUL
fl(«tc-d to a dry dock for permanent
^lirtmary Deketr. Bo
ly when >4m can j^el U with 1 .mnll pnymeni dourn and the hnUneo
! Kew* »*>»:
Contraetorw Eapaet to Attract Touriita
After the hull has been repaired wa
Hmall paymenta. \
evd«ii from mara*
C. A. Ilutl-H- «•« jkiiMlo'J 'to® I
ter will be.let into the endosure and hii ^H»g Btt.Veriasi nigh: and Mrs. Bat- >
liCTOocratSr ' and Oarive Largo limomf From
Wc have 23 dlfferimt priced aldeboard. and buffeU. comtwnclnf
t»cautiful Fra roc d
Uie Maine will once mort- be alloaL
tht Eahlblt—Alao From Sale
prtu cs %.*u ran now
with a nice, large aldeboard. two swell top drawers, one llimd. one
MSifited tnnicrUtl) \o
bee was suddenly smnmoned tome as i
Tb? weight will then be removed Che result of *omi- uaiui planning on •
pci (or
large drawer, two door*, large, bevel pUte mirror, nil nicely carved,
» Cod<t th** WjputUMM
of Momontooa.
from the dam nnd the sacks of ma
. for tb^ xn»ror»lU. lt» acllviiy
well flnlsh.-d. for only iTd-TS.
jH <of ikt-lr friends. Juw a quar-!
the part
terlaffrom about the outer wall, when
br no mi«n« »cromitt for the whole of
had clmised yesterday.
our n4 Xt i* a large, oak Mdeboard. large bevel plate mirror, three
Havana. Oct. 22>3o.epb dc Wyck
by Us own buoyancy the dam will floai slnP4. Mr. and Mrs. Bugbee were
rmtrlctble rhowin* «»f ilrenUh. off. who on June S. 1904. signed a c
drawers. 4.no door, solid oak. well finished, for only flLTB.
and be rempved piece b> ,.lee.. M »
ta.»-l. br»a..u
'HoQbUe** ihi^ democrrnlU* manasen* tract with the rejiubllc qf Cuba
Next 1-* a largR*. h.ovy. solid osk sideboard, large, oval shape,
j happy event aboat fifty menr.OMutder It a/mrf‘ je»i. bat -hr lauRhi. raise the wreck of the liattleah p was built.
bevid plate mirror, only |19.W.
To Attract Toiirista.
"“‘‘y ev u*
wbo uurb. iMt.- and there U Maine and remove It from Havana
The prices range along up fiom that to n beantlfni. gentrin**
flgurs d that U will take fn
E? ti
than a prolmhlllty. that the repub harbor, arrjv<^d In thl* city ;re»torda>.
-F... .
shb lKiard. two swell top drawers, cross band veiieer. for
complete the cofferifam*. aniidlnr Ibe result. In koo.I
In an Interview Mr. do Wyckoff gave
4iniv |2r,.r.o
ami pump 41 out. It will then be leg. Mr. Uugbee told his clerks thni
tolfb. may turn In and manluplalc th( much Intervwtlng Information regard
Next l29Jlfl. $3f .b0. I36.&0. |47. 148 and up to |M. '
____ ^
admit visitors day and they needn’t return to fhe store afb'r
.• 2jfhke to their own advanihae by put ing the Intention* c*f the comi»anv powlblee to ymlt
A lM*mutlful quarter-sawed buffi?t. all genuine qoartar«ntPML
The ^mate of Havana la that suppur. He was burily at work on a
line up the kind of rampalun that will which he reprtwenta. Associated with
|i:;.75. 118. 122.
144 and $60.
land tbe young alderman fn>m tb. the eomimny as consulting engineer* of perpetual yummer, and the tourist pr*?scrlptton that had to be dellvt nd
Ci»me in ana look Tnem over and you will see that they n^ at
rirat ward In the mayor u rhalr."
and wan wondering liuw he could d..
anv Mr. Elmer K. Corihell. who aw
least 25 |.er rent l»eiu r than you can gel elsewhere for tbe money.
Mr. de WyciMff statetl that he would
211 Front St.’
The Detroit Journal aay»:
slkied Capl. Eads In bis great engt Immediately advertise for bids lo sup It when lu walked Rev. W. T. W.k>1. I . “Tbe reaull of UiU we«‘V'* primary neering feats upon the Mlsnisslppl
house. Mr. Bugbee was abo.ii to a;**
. t
la not to weaken our coulich nee In the river, notably the K^lAh bridge at 8t ply tke lumlKT nt?eded for the ctw- him to leave the prescriplUuT cu hi*
nrurtlon of the cofferdam. He added way home, when the two clerks came
•1^,. principle govemlng dlrtTi
U.ul: and the Jetties alwve New Or*.a Hoar, but to »ho. b..« .l.dHlt. aad leans; Mr. Edward A. Bond (Mr. Bond that work would begin before IX*. 8 back. He was at a loss to are .un: f >r
<¥ roetboda abonld be rbaiiKed to bring Ik chairman of the advisory board of as nyiulrcd by the terms of the con- this but. thinking that thev hsd forTou- KeUtble Bimie PBrabXer
Wbolcsfilcind RcUil.
g them more In accord with that prln- engineers of th^-stalo of New Yorkl.
^gotten his Insirutiious alniut nut e»mT- ____
The wf rk Is only Inctunpleltiy sule ,
Jf clple. how. tn^ exlHtlnK law may In- and Mr. W. R. navU. all of
lack, told them again but a
^ since they wi*re ih»-r»- th.-v riui'd
4k improved , to cnnimeiid U im«r«* ihor- wllb records of distinguished achlevt»- merged. It lies In So-feet of
and protruding as It tim-s several te i deliver^ llM* inniblesonn pr*M iiptbei ,^,-, ,1
V«al‘b *«
Judgnif ut «.f the iK^ple.
and C'apl. WeUr of H
above the water, is an object of t^n This CJiusAHl a shout and ludon- hr i„ K :d.
... *
-Inalead of blanket ballota for nil Together they have elalmraled
parllc« at the priraariek. we believe Ulled plan which, stripiKii of its tcch stani imcresl lo the islanders n* well realised what bad luip!»ent-l the min
Ibcre ahouUl be a blanket ballot for nical terirt* and spetdllcatlons. U ns as to the lourtsls. who come here in Ister. arslsted by Mr. Hurb-R-. Mr.
gtt?at numbers as aoon a* the cold Mater ami Mr. WrigW-y riiMheil hint .
^ fmeh party. Thin wtml.l not reault In
weather seu in in the northern aiil into bis hat and c«>ui and before lu'
greater romplicallon. n> rcK»i«railon
To Build a Cofferdam.
eastern statea.
■ £
between the city and cE.untv election
cotild lair!} gid bis br.*ath had the now .
The vessed vfill he surrounded with
•‘WTmre is the Mainer the tourist thoroughly asumishetl druuci.si «»ui ’
• m ^comrolai*lotK. republican can«lldateB a water tight cofferdam, or curb, cir
anxiously Inquires a* sckui as his Uitovh** strei-t and »»n jiis.wa> home. •
cular In form, comIK»^ed of double
steamer enters Havana harbor.
in tlie noantime the c»m«.plrator'
W prlut**d on 4.ne
wall* of timber (plank laid flat), *e
Steamship ci»mpanb*s running to Cu- had found the Bticbee home all in '
eratlc candldaten on another. A amall curvly trujwed together, the wb.ole ry
arrap «u |«tper w.iuld Htifflce for thi semhUng a buUomlcji.s tub or barrel. ba are already planning excurvlons
darkn^^^s. Ml*s Itiigluv being visit in-.:
few candidate* of »oclalUI and othc.
In ChelRoygan and Mr<. Bugbee bavint
This structure will Ut imiU In place
gone Aitn for a r.elpbborhi*»d rxti. Mrs
minor partUw IntuntU of devoting Ions and then sunk through the soft ma as aUc Is ready for lnsp‘iilon.‘
blank cidumna to them, aa wa* dom lerial until an impervious stratum I
Broadfooi went out to llud her and
on the ballot* of ihU week.
flna’ly loeattd the wnetmscious hostess
■ -To prftvlde a ballot fur each j»art
AuslUi’s. She was ukon huuu
ThlK win he aetHiiupli*hed by height
Inalcact of a blanket ballot for all will .ng the dam on ti>p with about 2.9^
cxcu.'c and then the cn»wd
B*l<er'. Oo«n Aix Solving the flue*
not w h<*n.v prevent democrat a fron t.m* ut halla*t. the sinking pro
came, bringing with them i-uuugh re
tiont Propounded by County
voting for n publican candidate* a*- being assisted by siu-klng the stofl
fn aments to furnish a regiment. Mr.
School Comleoloner Crlop.
vlec veraa. but U will greatly dimlnlo terlnl fn.m under the edge* of the dam
IlugbiH- went up .stairs to iuakA*':4
the pmdtlei. KArXi witer will be com Kv the pre.-*ure of the water durl
change in hl^ apparvl and wa- lock- 1
The regttlar -siKs-lal" examination
I«-IUk1 to Indicate to the ei.etbe {.e pnK-e** of jiumplng »mt the curb
Mrs. Bngl>4*e was J‘>cked In he.of teachers of Grand Traverse count}
i and when they were ^e’.e.H^e •
iKtard the balh.t be. do*ln-n and w.i
To gtmr.l against pwslble IcakaV wa* heW Thursday and Friday In ih
thna anl»j«Krt hlineelf to challenge.
they found a handsome goJtliu oal
itidtr ih«' dnm. the area a»K»at tb'
■ “Anoiber amendiuent to the ealMUtr- • %*e of the outer wall will' bo fllk* court rxxvm with a baker's dtwen lak
inlcg room Uble in place 4d the onmg the work, only two. Alger William hat was wont to do duty iu tin- dining
local Uw which »e Ik ll» ve will bi vl'h cUv and sand en^aswl In sacks.
al just the time when >ou want them most.
. on and Beatrice Cleveland, of the cH
ahuwn to be
d« nimble bff<*»
Arier the dam has been complete taking third grade work, the other
>Iov. S 1* one pliSng the primaries i.
This was quickly Hjiread uith thtnd sunk, the wat»*r within will U working for sect»nd grade. This nan earlier'JlftT7‘rthuk givliiK u bmp
1 imped out with large' centrlfuga quire* two addcKl studies to the iwelv ‘bundauce of gin>d ihiag# su<l a-.at-.
period bctwdxn tb«' tlim of nomlnario. . imps, which win h<* caimble of no
I king wa* moving olong • snu*'ihl:.
regular, of third grade work, but at '
.\nd what b»’y
want a pAih These have the Kuarantced
and the lime oi the rog ibvr el-rilon
n’jr. unwatering the dam but of suck avc a choUe between botany, algebr. tvhen Rev. Mr. Woodhouse anvse and
A few nn»re prlintrledt Imfore ele^ ^'g out the soft mud from within aa
•amled Mr, Bugt.T-e n pxekog.- wh.rb
clt*at> and these.wt**U sell for Twtj.fifty the pair.
•.erxl histon and physic*.
lion would leave the art: im
ef i ., *ro'md the vessel, thus exposing th
miained a go *l and m1v4t rr.-vt fo: .v
repdVIcanH for rt.nservii l n, ir a
iih a card betriug the cen)i.’:r.;e:ii
•Wire hull to view.
I .a1 will know next Saturday who h-.
In 4hU direction pracllcniu e li. f -Ihc boy<." they leh’^ Jame* H.
Take Out Bodies FlrmL
boy win become petlPgngue* or no
. opj^altlbn practical demon
dcAlllstcr uml Allen C:e.rufa.t. clerks
The next step will U- to remove
'No one shows a better line. These are the famous Elk Skin,
WUqh Johnson. Acme, second.
have Khown.thUH far thi* fall that i
- Mr. UugbL-e's diug kli.n;.
> ch human remain* and personal ef
_Wm..C.uru^:Monroe Center, se
lliintinu Boot. 1 he hunting season is on and you'll need these.
repuMicsn plntforui I* right on
The evening was*sb' ni invorial dl4
.-.s as may be found, after which a!'
ourM- and a vry hapP>’‘tltn*** wa% eaThe'ie are the water proof style and we have three grades, Poureighty and valuable articles, such »'■
Mary E. Knight. Kiugricy. second.
lumunlUun. arms, cannon. cr»al. dc
Six dollars and Eight dollars.
M^kel Creeno. Traverse City, st
Mr, Forrtt. in his Grand Raph
inaninurjs In wbhini; thefr iii4»sl and
vckablc machinery, tic., will be cart
speech, deplonyl the poosni.r.Iiy oT
io5tess .many more hsjJl>y aanlvcri llv taken out. The
will iht^
Mabel 0. Fowler. Traverse City, so
visit t«» Big Raidds h.' Mr. Warm-r. \h
ready for i» pair.
di-claresl that be ct»ald not. tar wh
As K'.Hm a* the cofferdam is dr>. vl'
Kightcen inch pure gum Leather Top Rubbers. One of the bm
Elias B. Joaea. Traverse City. so.
hi* 6IH1 lH»v-s might do If Mr. Warm;or.- will U* admUied Into it for a fev.
hunting and wet weather rubber that is made and they sell for
entered the town, thereby inferriv
Alger WUllamsoa. Traverse CUj
We offer one hundred dollar* rewara
four dollars the pair.
for any ca»e of patartb that Cannot be
Beatrice Clyevcland. Traverse City rured by Hall’s Catarrh Cnrc. F. J.
CHENEV A CO„ Toledo. <X
We. the' nnd«w*lgned.-haw known F.
Ida.M. Barber. Traverse City, see
J. Cheney for the lart U year*, and
These are jhe best “gjm" shoe ever pu. on the market for •
believe him perfecUy honorable in all
Ethel.F. WlUiams. Keystone, scconti business transactions and flcanciaily
able to carry out any obligations made ,
Mytel Dexter. Bendon. second,
p Grace Fulcipher. Elk Rapid*. svKxmfl
**\^ild?n^*Klnnan 4 Marvin. Whole]
Ethan A. Bryant. Traverse City, sec sale Druggists. Toledo. O.
Just opened our new fall line of rubber boots for men, bdyi women,
Your Dining Room
65c to $1,011
$2.00 In Trade
3. 01. Slater
W^b?T AP-
Of New Shoes and Rubbers
Fool Ball Shoes
Hunting Boots
Gum Leather Top Rubbers
Ladies Gymnasium Shoes
Did you ever think what mifht happen to yon or
your fiuniiy if any of the above shoold find jon with
no flour in the bln, and no money In the purse?
Wouldn't It be wise to provide aralnst that day, and
to berin doinc it at once?
In our savlncs department we receive deposits
any amount, subject to withdrawal without notice.
New Rubber Boots
and mucous surfaces of iho s}-slem.*
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per;
bottle. Sold by al! druggists.
Mias Otrtreds S«4»w of Copamiah Will
Take Hall’s Family Pills tor cSonsU- {
Have Full Charga.
Itlaa Gertrude Snovr, who has been
in otarge of the resuurani fit
Itching. Blind. Bleeding or ProtniOpot during KsJllo Pfiyne’s fibsmice.
Icg Piles. Your dmgglfd will refund
★ill leave in a few days for C
ley If PA*0 OINTMENT Tails to
where she will reside fbr tbe n
you la € to 14 days. 50c.
and make preparations to
restaurant at Traverse City
.\*ov. U Cor Payne, taya tbe Oopemlsl;
Progress. She has been a t
althfnl girl and hfis been an employe
ter Mr, Payne Wfirty two yearn
will have rail obfiige of the restauram
at TYaeaxae Oty.
. '
girls and children. We carry just what you want, in the sires you
want, at the prices you want.
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Hennftig
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organs
2,rB. MUMn w
jlWkUn f(«u. TO I
Mr. Bto Mra. A. A VhRe wmi m
JiBiB to SslBu whsr Ml tor Omgm
f to the cWlBra. pHtfagWtof-
i» to
6 Aaaa Otoham to Btotoas Bay
(tm, —aWlat ►
*br. With a t-haractcri^lk^lly ;
naive outfaird. **l *l aU morvy yen.- *
...New Vork Tlmrs.
Bev. T. P. Ullom ha. returned from
Antioch. Ohio, where he has been far
Tews to Load UasA
• rar a Trio>
IM IM. H. W. a«df«a «( UC
deraoa. r. e.; Bohsitson, q. h.: O
eeaka. r. h.; BItake. 1. h-; Oarti
eaptoto aad t h.: iBlta aad Aekera
Prof. L a Ollhert, referee.
llr: S«idrM Is A rtoM grc
UMtof his
to th«
WH^ his hmh« Bight w«ll he
PiFlhtiriB. Ihhjr drew toto Dsweer
ifto htuu> Bill fbr cnBh-
ritof.g thoMhhd BOee sAto throwgh
#iWhiib OBatnr by twebtjr-hee yoke
On Ang. to w^Ttovaa la thU city
McMaaaa rsuurnsd today from laat the king dumaaded that f
aad cloaed QcL 11 on the eaBasIcm to
Northport. where he went to look ovst Wtr produce the aoSfOOJODO ducat
rater BtonayateB that has r
guU which be had promised or
ed la nearly 2ijM0 toto to pips hstag
I*atrirk Colvin of New Ortesa« has
U%n appolutrd assistant rtfafarer to
tbe Ifanaam canaL
Owe charatierialc to the Vaudn^
Mils Is thst they never give fusses
•vvT tbe raUroods wader tbrir c^icol.
Patolliig of Cells to lall Neoeau
brotbdr catered It. be
klad. tberc was owe
Mt It woald he obUged to jaae tbe
huckto brigade to beautify thtor lawus.
Froat torato haa proAtod hy a
line on the east sad to lAOO feet 4
Inch pipe, roplaoiac the old aa
one. aad Sjm feet to exteaaioa to sixlachplpsSooth Ualoa street haa a line to 800
Beveoth. 2A00 feet and Bast Tenth
street 1.800 test, representing an out
m h saBbUhf bdl. aatooo aad
lay that wlU nm between 116.000 and
118.000 and took about sU weeks to
peraou are too poor to pay eald bills
had are properly coonty chaiBss
The middle name of ex-8ctialor Hen-
that pula Oraad Tvavefae bay water
on tap la huadrada to maideaees
tleiwiefit and Other Susinea
fsto to rsplaesd twelveiach pipe
thky rsoeiTtoi the Batoleeet
1.000 feet to aew teninch pipe,
kHAOO for the hwtol inn.
At the momtBg sesskm of be board eighth street has 2.400 feet to new
to thte kge had day Deoyer Is
of superrlsors H. K. Beecham presoatthat does aoi trace back
ed a coauDUBlcatloa that prorlded that
days. Mr. Squires fiays
Ntoi the tvtohaloa of the Phrgo
^ahkttoood aalll ItoT whca
aoM Mta belag fortaaate.
hftcr he toft the ladlaas dc-
•everal weeks, and will coaduct boch
He had todaoBd tbe kbto to uuwd
moraing aad eveaiag senrices at the him gfuat awaa to gu^ until tbs BOWpies charefa loBsrrow.
addsd to the akondy tetrkate aystem
htoto^. WtUhtohtoChB.
labor at a cost to iwenlj-four cenu
per foot for slxtoen4noh mains,
Mias Li^ls (faok has accepted a po- klag bad grown weary of uraltfag and
lUon la the dry goods departBcat to Informed him that be must make gold
he Jiaam A Lay Col
at the rate of fiAOOO dursta a mouth
m^the eotire. 0D.00U.0W were proBoettger tried
Rev. Wm. Bchweppe Ml this after,
mo for Wllsoa towaahip. Charlevto
waly. whore he will hold Bvangellcal
LatlwraB church se.nrlces tomorrow
to eeca|>e.
Boettger had many friebds wbo
knew bis sttsinments in ebefniatry.
aad one of Ibesr bad lieeo begging
him for a long wblU* to cease his pre
tensions as a gold maker and devote
Ida time to making porcelain. And in
a few aerious attempta Horttger had
fag at Honor and Empire returned
day at their bon>e at Elk Rapids.
Mrs. F. O. Pratt will spend Sunday
her sister.
Carpenter at
I as the or- i
If fashlomir.lr charitji Iwiaars.
acd bis services are 4n coa<taut deBand.
Confusion ts caused Invlhe similar
ity of tbe names of Stmnss. the tlrt|K»et.
atMl Strauss,
lUs writer. Vci tbe two
are grev friends.
produced some tbat rivaled tbe<?ft>^»
porcelain of chm.-t. ..f whuu gi^t
quantities were l--lng sent to Europe
Boklt. tbe New Yi>rk hotel man. be
gan life very liumldy .n sa w.nlu*r. Mr.
fan life very liujuU.v as a waitch Mr.
exi»rricu»n- nl wnitlnp.
“An old man .ame Into the res*
Uursnl.** he sold. -‘sihI as It w..s evi*
dem be was a .x^uuiryniau. Hit- iiro-
Mias Bertha Tenny to Williamsburg
The report of the jail laspeetors of ty-two cents per foot for ten and twelve
bnad TrmTersc county was rocolrod Inch mains aad seven cents lor th« Is in town todS}'.
Mrs. Roy Lovell and two children
aBd accepted. They recompadnder
Six-Inch mains.
of Williamsburg were visitors today
of the cells
the hoor o(
They all stand a test to 180 p
J. W. Van Austin of BurdlckvlHe
Uer of cells
prosure and ^ed six feet '‘under
through town on hU way
hlaakeu be purchased.
tbe sod** whdm trosu can not reach
Mr. Btacher alto pieeeated the Bat- nor much cof^|odlag take place. Thirty Grand Rapids for an extended visit.
aot paly has aa InterestMrs. B. K. W*anless and daughter
ler of lacreaeed coiapeatotloa to
hHimaU ptacM their ostouliiess In
history bat rMalls that
Jennie of Hillsdale, who have been
liagBit eapeoaes of the coBBta
Am emurgeocles and
below, but
to Parry Haaaah the tret bill
gucoU of Mr^ t B. Pies, left for Mannevertheless. wKh a true mechanisn.,
aad p^laloas tor the
oekma toda>' on their return bom
twuatytoght new water gates oi
at Traeerae aty. Mr.
Jack Sheriff of Empire made a busi*
off valves ard ready for all shut downs
Jtotog a
grocer or Laaaeas trip here ycuterday.
needed. While the pipes arc iron It
Mrs. a C. McCowan to Grand Raiv
took tsB tnas to lead (a plumher*. long
t^ IMlBC of llfc yto holdtos
Ids. who has made Mrs. F. Hamlin
ault) to Joint them aad this has a cost
hNtlh iU iTB grasp he. with his esUweek s visit, left for Maalsiee for
price of I4.es per cwL. making qnit
Bl^ hMa hare taken forty-Uree
short vUlt before retumlag home.
■p Item \n Itself.
NBe blocks to
M a rtoh lead la the quiet of the
John Shaager to Olea Arbor made
too per year was allowed by the
ffrokt toreet and eight bloeka to Bast
|p«i^ Northtoad Beach and with a
ttlttae on finance, ways and moans fUgbth street ia the aprbig. aside a abort boafaess trip here yesterday,
retondng today.
for M»c commlsslooer of echooJ
from all the numerous streeU al
Mr. and Mrs. John Voglc. accom
BMtiooed. will bkisaom fwriy with
The msller of hiring a county physi- lawn hydimnu and a new occupation panied by Miss Abblc Colman. arspending Sunday In Lake Ann.
tlaa was put orer until the next
toven to tbe houseuives. that of tenJ*
gMN^l la the delight ot running a litlog. Jtn. 3» IMJL
lag the Uwn hose, ns the business
a4*H^ and he tonghlagly remarked
. The payroll tor twelve days at to branch of family trees generally find^
pi .tltor spoke or their late slay aorth
per day ami mileage was present
chough to do to keep the gra«
will Ue rrcwlrr Pa*tl|He «f lUr FW*
tM H was all due to thdr efforu t«
Ihc committee on finaace. ways anJ
Bars rreneli Aemawt.
top to.aU the fresh garden amt they
toeaas apd the clerk was atithorlxod
Count Henri de Is Vanlx of Psrtm
;f- ssrr-'
to draw orders oo the county
ENTERTAINED. who hokU tbe worlds record tw the
iongeat dlsunee traveled fa balloons
Mr. and Mrs. C. J- Oamett Ware Host •2nd who strived fa New York s few
fog two aad oni-Ulf h<.urs and the dU
days ago. is t»osltlvc tbat aerial travel
Mr. and
C.^Toamelt enter, IS sure to be the premier sport of the
cussloo for hiring a «mnly physlelait
Was taken up at length. Pmsccuting talned the members of the Mystic Clr- future. He haa traveled UkOOO luHes
in all by ballcoii aad has j
httomry was before the board giving rie very delightfully last evening
Asked b.v the New York
his opiplon. The mailer was put over their home. 222 ^^sshlngton strec*
until the Januarj* meeting, which win Various games were played and dev World for his opinion of ballooning, be
Uiwr for the same.
A soaston was held last night last
be called to approve the bonds of the ttelotts Ice cream and assorted cakes
oM hU a free kindergarten under tlu>
tenrod daring the evening.
atoliia'W the Coal and Fuel company
of Tripidad. Colo.
ThU company
bh^i|.|g the mltalrg of the suto. In
Peace Treaty Signed.
By Vnrv to the Burning Record.
ortor to handle the Kmmlng demands
Santiago. Chile. Oct. 22.—A trtwt>
of iK'ace lK«twwn Chile and Bolivia bat
of ihhir Blatag families have already
opqM t«»^ree kindergartens for Ihmtto tots of the Isolated dlstrtcts. dem-
iH^n slgm^.
UTS Itt their employ.
A Tyn>le*e . l« kmakrr iv^'ently In
veutwl .tiHl ivitrutrd a unique alarm
rlork. It is simply a new aud original
applhwilon of Ihe slanu to Uie elw-k
made in the Black Forest. iHs.sesRlng
Tbe young ladles trf Miss Itsrtou
Sunday echtml class gave a trade s«
ototl^tlhg that Jboagh they work In
elal last evtming In the amgregalloni
the 4#pths of llutber Barth for their
ddUM wealth they do not
at neglect the{'
BsatAl training of the families they! ’
Piwflakaa Atoe Pell in Traverse City
That Grand Traverse county Is fm
wred beyond other parts of the sute
in its varieties of climate Is show
the choice sweet com sill I being ralseJ
omlng Into tke city from by F. A.*French of the penlnanla.
today report a aoowstorm? weeks after the frosU have killed all
ally. For awhile this m
summer vegeutlon In other parts of
fiakee fell with great
the county.
Four barrels and four half barrel'
now fell in the cl^r thU of whisky will be taken to 1
not enough to caue • Broan Haul! Bie. Marie, by the Mis*
to a aldgbride among Tra»- aoorl tomorrow, consigned by ]
A Boblnson. wholesale liquor driers
of ihU clur.
Card cf Thanka.
^ To tbe friends and neighbors wbo
kindly ministered to os In so many
Tbe OolumbU has U-en Uklng i
load of toth at Bast Jordan for
past two days for the Hannah 4 Lay
ways during tbe lllnees of and after MertmnUle company.
The IlIliHiU*will take a full cariosd
the death of our beloved mother aad
of bushel baskets tonight to Chicago
a relish
■tes the
t\*benever In tb«v soimHles
high pastures the^eowherds of tbe
Tyrol and «w
mnnUwte with one another over dis
taiHvs too far for tbe voice to
they make use of a sort of wooden
drum, upon which they strike with
wooden hammer, thus pnahhdng
aswnd which is distinctly aodlble orei
a long distance. This
father of tbe idea.
Just alwve tbe dial on tbe clock will
be found a wooden hammer, whkh
actuated t*y the alarm mov
beuU upon a thin boaitl. raised an inct:
from the fatw of the clock, as
drum prodwing a oound of remarkabh
Intensity, more thrilling Indeed that
that of tbe ordinary meUl belL
billed tfom the Well* Hlgman A Co
henrtftit thanks;
Mr. and Mrs. August 8UI,
throngh their agent, B. J. Morgni
be token tonight by the lUta
Old Neighbors say
Seoator P*bbanks wanted to la^ a itodler In his
yooth and has always had a pen
for the stimmoos ilfev
At any rate,
he never ho the hiort to scold Juve^
Bile friendo itho prmebee the manly
Glen Arbor mad Glen Haven.
Tbe first one of the series of dancing art of self-defense.
UeirolL Mich.. bcT tX.—Wheat—DeWhile visiting tbe home of a Ro
No. 2 red. %IM: No. 3 parties given by tbe Uniform Rank.
pnbUemn Icoder the aoo of tbe bon
Knights of Pythias, will occur Ts
eoHl. toe; No. S white oats. 22c.
bxuko Into the room and displayed a
IVtodo. Oh Oct. 2L—Wimnt—Cash, day evening. Oct. to.' Refreshme
pair to Uick eyes and ooase artlatlc
will alro be served.
aad May. fUfto.
smicbew The aaxlows father called
Cfctoago^ Ooi. 22.—Wheat—DecemUn.M Soule Ml thto morning
the boy to hba. and, after letrod
Bensonin. where she wlU to- the seaator. laqnlred the roooon for thr
htoill.Uto; May. to.lSto. Cora—De- € a
•tolbar. Iftoc; May. Utoc.
Oata— apect the booU aad work of the facial deeormtioo.
-Ifa this way, pop.- oald the lod
Mtoc; May. JPtoc. January
Oavl‘ to the liar. -there are ooly Parker aad
; lard. I7M1: riba. |C.t2to
boyo la this hlork. a^ 1 expert noth
lag bat trouble tWa folk You get re
^uhs with groeolmcka. hot I hsvu tf
eiTtllar the Hemoctmtie party la
dMrief with Mark eyto.-
t WBS of I
......................... ......
Immediately lie arose, earriod a quanIlly of It to a crucible, and. lo. lie pro
dneed kaolin, the soft. M aullful while
clay that Is tlie chief component part
to fine Cblnem- porcelain.
loveatlgatlmm showed that tbe powder wTl^ng put on tbe market Vy a
counlrv miuire who bad fouml white
earth on bla land one day ami bad l-eeu
aendiug it out ever siiu-e to I c us«l for
heir powder.
A great factory wa. built by the king
as soon as Boettger toM him w list he
bad found and sboweil bliu llie first
sample of porcelain.
He also forgave Boettger for swin
dling him with lies alH.ut making gold,
but Boettger was kept s prisoner stllL
altbougli lie w ns in .n gohJen cage.
It would bafe been iM-tter for him If
be had lHH>n kept in .n .-ommon Jail.
hlui. -So. fur the Itrst time in uiv life.
I pnwetiled a iiicnu ami tuck an «»nl»*r.
Tbe old man s ord*-r. 1 rviucinU-i wHL
WHS barn and eggs snd imekwbiwt
“After I b.nd duly bn.nght tl«>e
vlamis. I took luy sIhUcu iMblnl tin«dy to
old man s chair. s«j as to l*e rend;
ic. and
mi I"«“
so forth.
“But It seems be dkln't Ike tm- to
j staml tlicnv lie Iklgct.sl nU.ul a bU
ami then be lunuHl aud aakl v ill. i
| blm k frown;
“‘Say. .vmmg felkr. wlial are yoi
I stamlln* Ihetr- In ba. k o‘ me furr Ik
| ye fink Vui g»ln‘ to steal U.c slhe, r
| -Boston
G^mmm mm sa. tm a«H>k^
lik.-s fa tel
uin i,r>i mci lli.g .w -M. rmfe-M.
Ill of Johns Ho*.
k in 1.V71.
hiiigen ijiil\cr*»lv.
t know e«« b «I her
s W.^y.
1 .hH,r in the nat
’nine. (*ouhl ^
I drink and
as twenty ;
twice aycur.
Our asseto ar?
the largest
to any
bank fa
Northcia Mlchlgaa.
There*a k
with an old and caasenraUve
Wc esteem our customers* lotc.-eto as Identical with our ow^
to guard
Trmst Gli! Stite Buk
By HieGitarAatee AidiorBraad WrinFcrs.
Vsa AMTt koaw a hsCBr
Ifw. WehatoWfacO«raaisa
AacW Draad Wriagsrs.
tUtols tfaoi facaasc w« kwsw
tfal tfay-n gl»« o«wni»tsmws
Tub wringers.
81.75 to M,75,
lU-tK b wrlng*T.s,
82.75 to 88J».
fiili liiu- o( wash.»la>
at lovM>t i»nr<.s.
lUlvani^isl tubs.
Wa>b UiihT>.
per that h, cuM lioltliw
“Every mar wha his ouee tasted the Write, and at last be was t
ecstatic delight of this iq»ort feels him. •rise from LU bed.
Tbe factors, sitbough It 1
self s miserable and Inferior l»efag
when on tbe earth.
He rcslly lives fitted with royal geoeroslty. n
only fa the depths of the atiuospberic
ocean, where vlaions of tbe Hu|ieruatu
ra! unroll tberofalve* before his eyes.
Plclurv bow exquisite tbe aensalions of
Boettger died a wreck at the
the aerial voyager in his Journey thirty five. Even in his last \u
through tbecloods without Jolts, wlthoul footol tbe king Into tietlevinc
fatigue, without dust, without Insects,
without customs offlirrs. without iH>llce on bis dealhlied nieti attempted with
nod. alvove all their terrible efab. Tbe threats of all kinds to extort from him j
aotouaul. lu sbi*rt, travels wilboui lot tbe phllosophcr*s stdne which nmny In
or hindrance, veritably defying hu- Saxony firmly lo‘lieved had been found
msnlty entire. He has no fear of over by him -New York !*ress.
stepping convent ions I lK»umls by bis
exubemu<e. snd l»efDre bis eyes are
Rerewled 1
unrolled panoramas of loroniparable
[-veaieo. a siory iohj in uie ,
**8ometiine«i almost brushing tbe
Sir Richard Burton** lllns- [
earth, he soils over towns and villages,
I whir
valleys. pUlna snd forests, peeping in
to all civUlxaUons and surprising their
A lieutenant In a British regiment
seems, their Joys and tliHr sorrows. was honest, steody. quiet and full of i
Again. Ilftei! to great height, be pierces sterling qualltleo, but he was dull, re |
Urn fogs and. completely lust to the amwed and rHigfausly Inclined.
eyoa of earth, navigates his ship brother offleem toughed at him and .ns- j
through s msiesllc sea of cloods. mon
aoctoted but Ilrtle with him. Though |
arch to sU be surreys fa a work! na* well bora, be was poor and h.vd do
known fa the dweUers below.
powerful friends.
He therefore re-)
“When tbe aeronaut comes down to malned without promotion or soriery.'
worth again ^ U always received with but be never comptolned and did hls^
open arms.
He brings something of bfat.
the uakaowD with hlni-s imie of thst
A battfry was to be taken to tbe ■
mystical heaven wWch mskes the os^ CrtoMO. and tbe Beateaam‘s regtoieot
vras eeierted as tbe storming party. It j
aaeaultcd and was driveo back. Tbe |
Ueotenant rallied bis .own v'ompany ,
and with a tough flung bU shako be^
fore him and rushed through the
The rile and Ihe prooalc to heuach into tbe battery, followed by a
of tboee wooders to the air handful to moa. They never came out ]
e the most delleste and neotb
Ito poeta.*?hat Bight at tbe regimental men
The Fuinilo
n ligb
“0.“ be vokl. motlnnlng
aen... 11... j.iru; “I *.«e
Hie n- il:ttHm
b-4 extra heavy, good
pattenu* thk IS a quaUty
that U worth $L10 a
For a
Charie. YVUlUBi Hahoey wUI be tovuned as prealdeot to the I'alvattoty
to Ctocfanati oa Nor. lA
Did >ou kntmr ihat
MiUikeo had tbe bext
equipped shade departmeat of any coDcem in
the city. Everything to
time we win sen for
U oo fool to erect
stiri. the anthar to “IMxle.**
The Boston Store
there vraa ato a maa but regrHted that
Mtlka T>ratoa. ooce a weU kaowa
opara atoger
has tori her voice
4fo^ raralyoU, but ihe physktoae
WlU recover It again.
the growth to many a umaU accouat to a cmaSOrtable Coituae
durfag this lime. 81.00 wHl open
aa accoam to oar savfags dcpsrj meat; I ntorcst ctympomid wl
Captain Wllliaiu Swift, imw of tbe
IDmeml boanl of the navy dnwrtmeni,
wUI be designed to the coUimaud to
the Ivaltlcshlp Maine in J»e«-uils r.
or fMtory at Old Mission has
iraod home.
Mrs. J. O. LiCore and children. F
rts and LoclUe. who have been vb
Agnes IL Monit of Pblladcl|diia baa
been cfasicn as secn*iary and ticsRUieri
to the Oxfonl «lnd.» «.llege for wooKii.
It has hewn our pleaaarc to note
and endaror
uoMleni that hla first attempt was his
last. 8e he jiromlscd the king to send
blB 100.000 ducats immediately.
Mtoa Maude Dulyeu to Elk Bapl
who haa been employed fa the evap
fan- Marie Mst«^
Id this Birmlng far a tow dayswith Mias isnale Bone to Orel^
r.<m. E. Perkins to Reosaaqoa.
Iowa, Is the guest to his son for a few
I* «M PMMT Ha« OM MMn. a •»
iEjjil iOUlii PIv) n« todtjr
•( AK-tf.*. «•
piwrtate ct IMrscmwa. feur jeuttg
ptemtOM who l*a 1 rtn Arinkfag
fairpsd Mo ra ImMarc whe*e four
bans were kt i=t far an Mpeadlng
Agfa. Two of thr imw aoiaagcd fa
get oot agafa: tl^ o»l:er iwc wnt
UPrd br the fafnrislrd su mals.
Id to the uaad hwassNadtag to
thato ^ Mr. WMIc paid la t2AS
■ SI* WM/(ASBS tlM
•ooo* roR MW OTom.
psraemaad ftomaeA
iMteMSo HurnMT mu, or
la AncBA to pmm BP a toalm to ito
am to thnhm hM. pasasd tomgk
tMa Bonriag wa thtor rtoara.
tk a>r (YOM
pntty ufavy M faH
Shade Cloths*
Rollers and
They make them right toa
aHMtk jWT M£
Good Heidth
te:to the Si
9M tepfAM SO tlM
<d rrrtr
trees aelcfted
rHerffd at
Tvrm eMlre ttwlai of w«g»
me tieisVd to eoavev the aeiertedi
to tbe vlmepMU. TW hoi|w of
U>.'«hlA «t» «» «W B»r«« H»*«.
toow. while tbe ruo>JSiS«irTtWrt.v-eWit f«n lilgh
iK ehiWren k
Wtmmm He»-WmiM la OavrteA B
t «E tbe tibia aad waa rmtaead
I dlBMlty by a local phymkiaa.
to di^r food*
As good cake can be made ^ ^
go^ eggs, so also a cake that isimaldife k ful as well as dainty
be raised wifli
a pure and perfect bal^ po%vder.
in the preparation of ^ hight^ q^ty
of food. It imparts that peculiar bg^lness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the
finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts,' crusts, etc.,
and what is more important, renders the
food wholesome and agreeable to young
and old.
K^for mw jmn. M
b« COM btr«« m MnvtA IM thf
----------iitesit, uC
Or. E. U Athlon Again Able to Take
Up Office Work—Story of a
tbe wortdr DOlbtef eaa enoed tbe
easy tact wUb wblcb be manabee Mm
•elf: ble wit aad mtcmi are anUflilted: the cool, beartfelt conteB^M wHb
vblch be dewieee all tblass. buBaa
aad dlvtne. aOebt iMke
ta’f a doaea :tenow»
Yet withal be 1» a devil
geBuloe aoB of Biabt.
Chicago People.
only ^mall Hhipmont*. id >taloos
leave 'thlp port * for Chicago vl* the
Illinois today. 5&o bushels ping on the
n»Rular market and the private shl|
: tJrowJns Hen.
TUr many frifnilv of Ur. K. 1- A»li
Ion will in* sH*ry moch pl«.-a*i*a to learn
at hi.,
lUs omc*^
that bcH BOW able la bo ai
officeto bis homo
after bavioi: l*«*n ct
nl i»f an un
o Labor Oay
ii;.rt.mM® nin«wa> Bcrldent
moni by the Hannah A Lay Mercai
tile rotni«ny consisvtng of foriytw
anmral event oJ
warroiR which
^miu U
in an -w......
Ibis' nmi’s reraombranco to
monilM r« anil patron**. A. T. l^y. 321
Marshal Field A Co.. Lafay-
I has opi yrt comple’oly roemon a
a sInmK desln*
to -wurk
Wiliams. Wro. Fuller. It Floyd
brought him to his ofUce.
Mr. Ashton has n i»eculiur om. n In
Clinch. H. H. Froihlngham. Richard
Hliun. Itiveralde., aarauci Baker and
coant'cUon with the accident.
C. K. !»rairoan of Marshal Hidd A Co.
A »hm:
time lH.-fnre It hnppene.l. an old hen
that had seen a doren «,r more .Hiim. Biers and at icart the-»nme numlH-r
of winters. b«*came an nrdmt devotee
4if wOman's rights and being unBl>’.e to
•liuuni a platform and uWv on equal
•Uffragv. anounr.Hl to the world her
iBdeiK-pdeDi e by crowing «s lustily as
may nKiRi. r In ih.- llm V..
- This proient was noi regardisl lu-.l-*
Iielng the recipients of either Hebron
Rural lul»er» of famous Grand Tra\
se crowth and llavor.
lews Man Haa Several Under Coneldcretion for Fi^it Raising.
Marshall of
anlM “ that bad me la lu grasp for twelve
W y«» want artUable medl-
.«a Men •nri Moked vegetablea.____________________
tbe JapaneM ;
aohUer »leepa roinfortabl.v.
. iBvItatlon to dine with a preuUm^t
la addltloB to this be baa tbe prirt • famUy.
An aw fuM.v atifT. ero^ Un.k
lege of boring► bread
at tbe
twnteeo ‘ idng waiter was In
- -------------attondamw In the
white bread, which be
be wlibdrvw
the fortune ot
aboot town."
In every deed:
Ai City opera
ouac Thutaday. Oct. *7.
Miss Marl© ----------------all the worid as oac of tbe
of Ibis city to her world-famous IbiperBOBaUoo of Viola la -Twemb
NighC’ which, as everyooe acquatated
is as much
-a comedy
corporaU sod undwofficcfa. who hare
the aame fbrr asWhe aokHers. Wee
Ine nod beer esn also be had at tbe
Vit ^
On' New YeaFs
of the fountoGon of the em- ,
the birthday of the mika- j
the troops
|M get csrefullT
csrefullv prepaml
Ddlng a iwke of soft rtce. s l1
rations. Incltidlng
white cake sod a red eske sod kata ,
In additloh, of eourwe. to tlw wu- 1
80 It appear, that Itah. meat.
tlic final dtM-lslon and move here with
errors" as the play to which the Baid
of Avon gave that name. Mtas Walnwrlghfs dole is thai-of the disguised
page who turns ihe/hcads of the titled
lover of Illyria without regard to sex.
and paves the wa^ for a very advan
tageous alliance frft; the long-mlaMng
carries Votla through the Jumble ol
combllcatlons with a delicacy of touch
that makes her performance one ol
beans., wide and clgareties The tro-*r >
has a rooking "tore, said to be madej
or pressed paper, remlemi incoiubusti ;
ble through some rbr nih-al pn*ee««, H ,
la mrrietl In tbe baversnrk. -n.ey esc .
s great deal of paiwr In the Jaiummc
army. The winter under, loibiug of Uk
troops ia made of waterproof |«»per.
On the march tbe roan mrries only
hla rifle, bla mrlridgeii, his mflie.'.
rice. The coolies. r.hlnes<* nnd Kore:»n
rsrrv ib«* rest far In the re.-ir.
are arrsnged In^n
h.the grratt;.! ]ik
.- sU.1c,
»rt. The officers and men are sup
with fnrnltnre urndc of br^ildet*:
_____ _ camp l»«Hls and mrpets. For the,
generals regular little Iiousb-s :ire sci ;
UP in short oriler. A great nmnlK.r of j
follow the aruiy. They *-ook j
ils for the soldiers ami rore f<.r .mded. Among tliem are many
The war wall, now organUed for tin
Aral time, renders excellent serri.-c.
Tb. soldier la forbidden to mention the ,
regimenf to which be belongs or the |
place from which be starts. He .an
write frmn the Add of battle, bit! without indicating the lo.-nllty or irlvlng the
date. The military adml
tends to the tranamiftlnc
Next Monday night. Oct. 2t. at Stein
berg's Grand opera house. Mack A
Armour's comedians, a popular-prlc-.
attraction of merit, will present "A
Ixijal Friend.' a comedy drama n
» this city.
The company and play arc said
be flrst-claJtt, and though playing at
popular prices, an enjoyable evenln;;
win be looked forward ta Chas. Drew
Is for
There are
Finns !n
L’uileU Sinics.
Bolivian rallrtwds are after Atnert-
Tbey-recomln- from ib- cPy to the ro.mtrr rusa< t brown.
W*Hh Uolr Tit\^ and their shotguns to
bunt the fnrmrr down.
The law Is ol
There la aabi to
a shortage In
the world's supply of wood.
,nrta b miMtlde of furnishing
than the -jiaMWt.UtO Imahels ot
wbest tvhlch BriUln has to In.i*ort
every year.
.11 •f.t-el-.
Hot Sprint. Iwaiint o*»»o, t» oppM
Hot Sprint, com eon, IP-conM
FOf UK by S. C. W.K A Swifc
. JohnMx
Omt <Mnpw>y and
• k.1. Drop ComoBny.
. 0»L-.butlnp AtMHA
r%m BHbsp OatWsbspsdL
ilnmvnwlls is to go Bishop Porter
iKlirr. It is to bare a comt>lna
tion .-liuriU. tavern and theater, all In
Ths entrances t<» all wlU
through the an me outer isirtal.
bulUllng Is I^lng em leii for Rev. Dr.
Morrill, iwstnr of the Peoplc'a v^tnrrh.
ll,e .v»t 4s iNwne 4T > «K*iikeef.er
nnnied -Toose" llogers. who believe.
In Dr. .Morrill. Tbe latter aays: "If
inojiie w 111 drink, let them drink h* ■
riglrttaMxa cause.
We vrlll gtvo the
prmroda to sothe worthy ebanty.The twine of this Uei-rture tolgbt !>•
provrtl If "TiKise" H^n. whoiiM git-e
up III- sei-ntar saloons and urge bis
pitromi to litiy fbHr drinks at the con•rt rated tnvem.-Kansdk Oty Time..
Bbvm TVro From OMih.
USE semn
We are overstock
ed with Pianos at
headquarters and
two carloads of
special bargains
are on the way to
our Traverse City
store. Then all our
pianos rented t o
summer resorters
are coming in and
we have decided to
move them quick
by making
►“body full
twlxt a
‘ni^‘le-. If It shows a
An* ISO t plainly tab«1ed. thr> 11 pomp It
luU O' lead.
An- wRen^a rlwrge o’ double B has Uken
Of y^r o*ld ^Ttleyll calml.c'ssear they
An- imeUme'wbenTo r^^^^
r Jcati".
M. an
wmit ms
An- tbei?*somrhow ^It. rerms to mTo ,Mkr.-i*^[r*dlsrn^^
l-v»rd with you.
•fore 5^u re up
An* traveled Tong In the procession with
An' now we re all a-waltln', really want
To di?s5?at«‘J*Ibr quality of etir aatJ-
.tuck of vbooptnc «>^„*»**
We'vs got on our Iron troo«ga.,an' we ss
Oor ni«^. vko M ooomunpUon In nn
J>rog Co. s. b. t. >^alt A .
C Ifa off
tm cltir hunters *|
the farmer too.
►nVbe Undscai^lll t-e punrtured with
s lot of bullet
A*' Irerybody will be ' dodgin' to
m. yxo p»n«r A
the boston store
Frame's literary onlput last yeai
was t».n74 wrorda
Tbe stinuner has l*een extronllnarily favorabl.* for the vine in Fmnee.
The worhl's fen>stry are.: is plai-ecl
at l..v«i.(«G.Otif» aenw.
Three hundred Suns .-ind Overcoats .nt this
pficc-val.ios for the money that have ^cn
hcrrtolorc unknown-styles that arc up with the
times. If ten dollars is the pnec you w.sh to
pay. tve have give you the best bargain you ever
mu riipUal.
The imm-ls post will S«H>n be «•
tende.1 to Jaiwn. .
rXit^ goudoln is dooraeui. 1*he muni
pallly of Veiii-e has resohed to pi
base elei trie mob»r lawts.
cavendish. Yl.. was
^ *“* customary h>alth by ^
jnvaslod of chronic eonstIpaUon. M hifil
^ king's New Ufc Pills broke Into!
1,1, house,
_______ his trouble
------------ was
__ arresutt
They nand now he*s entirely cured
guaranteed to cure. 2Sc at Johm
Drug Co.'s. S. E Walt A. Sons' and
H Meml.' Drug Stores.*
the most charming on the stage.
ul. ^
PHcM.*Het Sprint. tabM.. #1.
HM aprint. Q.tA MM (IMmM)
A Leva uettsr
Would not luiercst you If
looking for a maranletnl sahe for
mch has man.v little pockrta. he ear •ores, bums or pllea. OU«» Iksld. of
Ponder. Mo. writes: "IsuEcrfd wlib
m dry miahed rtce and salted pn
• baa a bamboo tube flllrd with
wagon mines. In > Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cur«*d
self laying siege to the heart of thduke she admires. Miss Wminwright
The engagement
Of. .11 cywife a..*... .
"in’ tlroe of war. on the day of mob
Blmtloiu tbe Japaneee
i.rjther who is her double, while her
24 and 25.
Brnks Into His Hous*-
rke and com form the
Duke Constantu. 1* one
tbe JapaiHwe aoWlers. a no----------------far superkir
of tbe ordinary 1| v»
©f itusRiv - ...................... .
nr to that
IB the barracks the soldier | n>'nnl as a tin.* M.I.U.*r iHlore
a wooden l*ed w ith wootaB | g:,u to w rim ^rt^^
nights, next Monday and Tuesday. Oci
the g^cirsakl to the host:
not aftaki of
of .vuiir wife. ..... .
- —er doesn't like me. ami that In* di>cj
not •l»l*r«»v*'«»f >o«r
mc.*;AU*hlH»M «;b»\tc.
Iowa, arrived .IhU morning from Siu- Mack Is the comedian, and Miss OoU*
uiiKly by Ur. Ashi.m until after the bctons Bay ou his way to Chicago via Armour the soubreile of the company,
cldenl. Ilevenge ranu. however, dur
imnolR tonight. Mr. MarshaU. and both are credited with being re
ing his cunvolescence as one da>.
f«»rnierly ilvml In Soinhem Mlchl- markably clever. They have a strong
o i«»rmt
after enjoying
a «tew. he
1. has I en at the lUy three weeks supporting company, sfhlch Includes
mUreil the crowing hen and when he
.king -.V •r trull farms with a view
od vaudeville artists,
was told that she had been the prln
there and found *«* many
ms being lntcrsp«-rsed
clpal In the dUli prevlnnsly meatloneil.
desirable ones that he has taken a with pleasing specialties
hv felt* a glow nt sallsfactlon 'b^ausi
nuiiil»er umler ctmslderatlon and ex- won their recogtxition In leading vau
he was iwen and a lUtlc ahead.
ptK-ts within a very short time to make dcvlllc houses throughout the cities
traverse CITY,
peted ia tbe eplrtt oC ibe f«e.
_____ ere of a settUaamBr **b« lum
Forty-two Barrela bant at Preaefitt t
Taaltamaay af a Mbilalar.
. Ooa.
BUM be U ihm MfiL mot oC mipeesU.
tioB. tort of taowMfP. Bert I* »o
vioveo tool er borme «»4 tmll be Mu
AmM «» tbet. tfurlBp tbe lete
or liiteUect. tbe very «er« bt^
«lina l«t (suofort.
Aifiie Qaaecte. la farmer time.!
. aatMcd vritb a imie
pieces. Is BOOB to treat the play k»ve.->
...r, b«W‘.. wl>«<- aw r«e»
mmaM'a day. aad Ma
H^t frtencc. and tar
Our Mr. lay Grinnell from headquarters is here in charffc, of the SPECIAL
SALK, andI the wholeitock
whole ttock is sure to be Ronc before the tiirie
time limit
The sale includes Su?inway. Grinnell Bros.-our own makei
ingcr. Mendelssohn. Haines and the whole line of well-known ms kes
arc State agents, as well as many others taken in exchange.
:es nc4
Our stock of Orjrans was never so lanjc as now and the prices
never so low.
Organs from $10 to $1.^, and evcr>onc warranted.
6MM jros? Mus'ie Hoiise
witk, not
_____ ___
!»• «M «Tfa«Ur tooOoti
tkt hmt
mnm ^
L Bt4alskt 1 Mft IMMM
.Mf. He kM bMh fSia-
Hic II Md had H BP
•#u rffwtac to
Uas pteBt vni W
i the ehrtj put irf D
«f«t tkli« he 4M WM to^iute 1
JMte. The
* *
the iMMh fw Arert Smapirflii. Ilea
H aM |Mt ^ fc «■ Aa. SappewToa
Owing to the reduced prices on wilt mad porodain^
we can
“WireiOBr Bwsc*’
at a very- lo* figure.
r m the dap the poant
I wssssf■ar.-.-BSiitr^-
Call and get an estimate.
dtjr taM aad vaeial as«prt««. TbeoaperThe Mper*
To hb tarpriae the oAeer foaod
fbr the tva waida «( the
rliof.I dMided
duided that
that (he
the peUtlooa
peUtlot* were
that he laat measured the irm feel aad cUj of Travane qiff. MIpiu hart 1
[ by a •aMeimi m
tlx inctaee. the beisht reqolied. Tbea placed la aqr haade far conactioa
her or people aul refeued to call
to feel or hb bead. There
I wiU be la my aSoe fcr the
aadihlHac brick* atHkteg hiu aa the
poee cC
One or the caBdldatee on a con
head aad other paru or the bodr. A
noathoeetera Mlchli
fMh oae ruL /W IlM top or hto head ticket la a
tmm t o*alook enUl U:30 o'clock
ty b
fMlJy ibi^ laah« loa«.
Dr. Flood
the toreaoaa, and from 1 o'clock eatil
wa. summoned aad dr—^ltbeooaad dde pbtiorm. He ba. thirteea td(ll4 o'clock la the afiernooe of each day.
nnC he
U rmtlap
tbb writ- drea. aad 1. wlaf that fact a. a comtMi
h* u
«.UI1« w
m»f at
«t thu
the Flana o^CbtpAll taxee paid before 8epL 1st wlU
lug. If b iboupht ao serious const
woonty are gulUy of trioiatlng the be rm^ved wUhoet coUecUoa fees,
The Oermaa-Amerlcan sugar facto.-y
naeartsi sill rafulf.—Northport I^ead
laws in a rather novel way. Deer aad oa all taxes remsiaiag unpaid oa
It Bay aiy Is certainly going aom
latiirally fond of turalps. and r Sept 1st and oaUl OcL 1st, a penalty
Kew srealber sUtlon for Alpena.
The fhctory has only been running
trick of the Finaa U to saturate a num of one per cent lor coUectloo wlU be
aad ha. tomwl out
Athletic club formed at LaasbA
ber of the vcgetahles with chlorofotv charged. On all taxes reaatalac nab of wigar. The factory b re and place them near where the deer
-BUnd pic*** doorisblnc at Ormnd
paid oa OcL 1st aad nntll Nov. 1st a
ig beets at the rate of 260 wagon
oat of the woods to feed. They penalty of two per cent lor coUectloe
Striklac coal miners at Bay City re loads per day. exclusive of those com •wallow the •urnips before they tasic
will be charged.
Ing In on cars, and b aUdag aa averturn to work.
add In a short time are
Office. Boom M2 SUU bank bldg.
Csmecle library nearly ready for age of 550 tons per day.
aleeplag peacefully oa the ground. Th^
M. E. HaakeU. City TrMsnrar.
The business men of Dowagbc are Flaas then creep up and kill them. A*,
use at Laaslac.
Dated July 2S. 1*04. *244 tf
Pest bouse BatUe Creek crowded arranging for a jubilee celebration a result of the Innovation the sale of
the eveal of Dowaglac’s llrri guns and ammunition In the neighbor-*
wiib smaupox patbntx.
L paving, which will be compleU*d boo^ has fallen off considerably. The
UUJe Boo clrl aerlously burned by
. Thafs what the New York Tea Mprc
this week, and the day for the cdebrA wxaiir is told the game warden as art
coftee pot llpptac oa her.
has of dainty little «hell-llke afurnooc
Bay City father
says IS-year-oJil Uon has-been n^e October 22 Tbit
sounds a tittle tea cups and sauct‘ra. in fancy Germas
will be a farmers* day in every par
dauiEhter elopad with miner.
china, gold decoral Ion on a foreground
81. ioaeph boy arrepted for stealing ticnlar. and prises will be awarded for
of iiaJe gre
all kinds of praduc<> from the farm.
taro boihab cranberries.
Have been sold tor ;
OwoMO ama seat op for PO days for
-c’a an example uf how some ^
the rpeclal sale of
teacblac youac son to steal.
men save money. A Gallen huuaewlf*
mahyUrlsn Young People Had Pleas these will go a^ 10 t
H«ht-yearc»ld boy, flshlnc from Sag the other day went to a nclghb
ant Time at Or. Garner's.
inaw river bouseboal. drowned.
town and bought a dollar's worth ot
The young people of the PreabyCrop of d.Odo bushels potatoes
We ship our oysters
direct from
augor. because she could get a |)
terUn church 'held an autumn social
state insane*.asylum. Newberry.
Baltimore so that they arc alriysj
for the roond^^an at the cor
at Mrs. H. B. Garner’s last evening, f«*sh, and we sell them In any quan-|^:.While drawlmt logs In woods. Bar’
-■ —
KTorery at home.
U|K»n her rc
over sixty being present. The rooms
King, of Homer, kicked In bead.
turn, as rhe alighted from her carrlagr
tlly you wish.
Served Inany style, j ard. I>nc*st Crain and all other pers«.ns
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Parr, Marshall, in front of her residence, the precious were beautifully decorated in autumr Call and let usshow >ou that they are , lnierv.^u*d in the laying ol a sewer in
celebrated ooftj weddinc anniversary. sack of sugar fell fn>m her grasi»
right. Ice cream always on hand. Jas. j the alley iH*iw«*en
tulf and buh ;-treet.«.
solo. MUs. Edith Ander,<*on a rerlta
ruck the ground and burnt open an.;
W. Jacksdn,
lOC Front St. Both | from Wadsworth to IMvi.sion t treeis; j
A Niles dispatch says Michigan TenUon and Mias Florence Thfmipson a > phones. 144.
iV sugar spilled In the roadway. Mor
.1 tral railroad detectives say they have
insirumemal. all inlng heartily ei.
Patronise home Inchistrles.
oneaKlied a conspiracy on the part of
cured. Refresbktenis of pumpkin piGREAT GUNS!
Mre**is. in the nllcv
r IS employet who were systematl
Forest and Stream, an unquesilone»l
and well
ffee yere served
Guns, great gvms. and
still more i 12lh stree!^. from Wadswi.rtb to III
4. robbing cars In the local yards of
authority in matters piscatorial, plot*I game^ were much enjtiyed.
guns, is but a mild expression, in ref- Vision streets, as h. n lufore adopfe.l
r It is charged that the coal was taken anily upholds the reputation of Crook
I orence to the hunting stcjck kept l»y
by the council of Traverse City. Mich
/ from the dumps and
rJ Lake. Mich., as a lucky resort fm
the S. F. Saxton Hardware comiuiny.
igan. take n«*tlce:
broad dayMght. Decoy cars a
Ishermen. One of the Incidents which
Not only are there guns galore. ]»ut .n
That the roll for the HiK*clal ass<*<^
placed In the yards, with it recites retatea to \bc adventure of a
complete stock of ammunition is kept menl heretofore made by the boan! ->f
Gave Her Pupils
raswli ihatAke ihleres frtl Inio Cincinnati gentleman named
4 for the purpose* of defraying
pangh. who with a companion from
: of the cost which the counMin
> laM hare. When the pTfraie detect the aame dty was trolUng fn
dc*clded should Im* borne by ap
ing of r.
jclal aasessraen
Ire of the ralMmd company left Niles yacht. It appear, that Anapaugh. be- grade of the Oak Park school, aur
the otler betwtHja Hth
he a^ he bad In hb
alng tired of holding the Hoe In hU priaod her pupUa yciterday aficrnoori
That's the way one feels after uin-i
cts. from Wadsworth to Divlin a very delightful manner. After
hand, took a balf-hlicb around hi
i the alley between Ithh I
ing at the Little Tavern, where every-* slon street:
Hie drawing leason each one wras prrtabllsh the I
wrtst. and at the aame Instant, receli
thing In the line of delectable cooking j and^lllh streets from Wadsworth
aewted with an oval dish holding a
Ing a bite from a mnskalonge. baatti
can be had on short order. You do; Uiv ision
in the alley b«-«ween
gUempted to fasten the line to a cleat, nghled candle, by means of which not have to learn a trade in order to; nth and 12 fh htre, t* fnmi Wa«l?(Mty Alfwrner O. 8. Clark of Battle but was Jerked overboard and drawi
satisfy your appetite. They’ll t. lI*yoii wonh ti» Divoion streets Im now oa
• aftenuKin.
rapidly awaj from the l>oat by th
CnM*k hSK filed hU answer with
j what to eat and you'll hbow liem how fiU- at my oflir.- tor publicinKpertion
. t.i.reme court to the lH-l<*f Hied hy the fish. His effeyts to disengage his wris
3 iht.
Notice is
hereby given that !h<
from the Une were unavailing and
council and bi»erd of a5sess<^r^ oi tb*
Ilstile Creek ssnUsriura s attorneys
A horse In a treadtulll uiid n dog
, city of TraverM- t'itv will me* t NoAnspaiigh was ycMreral times d
the case of the city sKslnsi that
turning'll spit bnv«* U*ea lu limes past
under water. The yacht crew ws
slliutlon. for the payment of tax
famlllnr objecls. but it has remained
On the ground that It Is a charllablo ally able to lower a boat, from which a for the iKN.ple of Malabar. India, lo thing in the hou*e furnishing line can view .said a.^.sc*s>meni roll! at which
Institution, the aanitarlum has pal. rope was thrown to the strangling fish put monkeys nt work.
The «Um.-ue be had at our store. East Front stre-*t. time and place opp..rtunliy
erman. who caught It. as a drow
tlH*re U torrid, nnd fans arc a netw- An espccUIly fine line of blankeU and given all i*er.on:
slty. Forim*ily it wan Hm* duty of n bedding Is in stock, to go with select
- ... .
The sani roan will anything within reach,
amounting to I24.2C0.4&.
h day ..f
by this means he was hauled In. with native sertant to keef> in motion the lines of Iron bods In all .styles. 4>rices ;
tarium seeks total exempt
great fan calletl tlic punka, but nn
i. That new home can be fit ‘ :.ii8-14l
l|ls wrist sail at one end of the line
tter has boon ordered
English ollicer who resided in Malabar
ted out complete at the least expense.;------------------------------and ' the rauskalunge at
the ot
me court by iht^clrcuU Jud
romelved the Idea of putting the
e Is only one oCMhe many that wll which, on Indng secured, was found to monkeys at the toll. This punka is
bo four IvH-i and acvea.lnches k>ug and
(uliow U
jK-nUed from the celling nud workNEW DANCING SCHOOL.
-------cord. After plnylng
1 by pulUm;
claims to make no money to weigh-C4 pounds—Ihl.olt Tribune.
Prof. W. W. Vennor of Buffalo. X.
u.onkevK for awhile
nil one «if
Third Ward.
Battle Crhi'k Is again in disgrace as
turning all im.flis hack to the saalUr
'tied tbe little feliow’a liauds Y.. will form a dancing class at tbe
ium work In foreign and native landi a result of Jie smallinix epidemic. The
. Muzzy. W. 1 Chaney. D.
To A
td the cord nnd made him lielieve that Academy of Music hall Monday even- Seer. 1
C. HitchciK-k Frank Ikiiph.
•pern house has been overcrowdiHl and
for the !ntert-*i„ of humanity.
playing a new an;rdeilKhtful
U 24th. Instruction from S Frank Lahym. Chas. Creasy.
A sleml*‘r filling rinl In the hands o patients with the loathsome disease
\ little candy helped on the ex until St p. m. Social from b ualil 12 p Jameson. Ben ThlrM.y. P. ier lbart* now placed In lenla.
This has periment. niMl soon tbe monkey was
a courag.HMii. friend, was all that save
m. Children's cla.ss Saturday. Oct. ’22 Mr.« A. K. Forest. Ida U. Balxock. K
Mrs. W. W liassett of Bay City fron stirred up the public after the agita very fond of his ucw employment, nev
H. l»e'/..H>ie. A. Champion. .Mercy Mor.
StotJp. m.
2.115 Gf roe. K. M. Daily. Geo. Pheijis. Jidui
dn.wnlDg, 8he was fishing at the Mr tion for a new pt*stbouse had about er imagining that he was doing very
Helfrich. K<1 Rons* r. M'. Whiling. Geo
Ligery. It la said tliat there
Rwsn mill d.>ck when a plank ga%» -tiled away. Smallpox Is a disease re
Campean, F.
quiring warmth, and a lent during Oc
way. tbromlng her luu> tlu- river 8h
cM. W. A. '
ikeys pulling tbe strings of
Third Ward.
went down twice, then managed U tober weather Is not warm, by any
man. E. K. Colby. R. I
To J. A. Nickerson. John Woo.l. T
shop. Srth Plough. M
grasp the tip of iW n»d held out it means. There have been «.ver 3d cases
N. Aldrich. W. 1..
her. and clanjr-ttr'lt until other hel| of the disease there within the last
Chas. Howanl. John Lawrence. Wm. i Geo. H Hill. N. W. mil. Mrv.
She waa removed to he; year, without awakening the city fully /Tradamsrka arc understood to be Adsit. H. O. Joynl, E. O Ellis. J. Dunn, i comb. Sher. H»»ward. Perry
home In a carriage, and a physlrtxi to the needs of a pesihouae. Dr. \V. H. nearly sa old aa tl»o Imlnstry of the G. W. Curtis. C. W. iVeZoete. Henon j Rav A. Dunn
Newton. Harry Burr. I
summoned, and she rallied well from
Prty symlwls. nnd the (’hineM* Church. Wm. Ingerrol. Robt
ley. H. H. Ryany otive Pierce
the fuire
of cUlxens
the shock
<’o!bv. J. G. Kopp^. J. W.
.Mcm>i .' Sroflrid. T. H: Crand;
claim to have lisd trademarks a tboa- Fred Colbv.
The life saving crew unik i->nnd changes, and be believes men immun**
HaywiAotl. MaruAn Black, j* IU‘aaud ye.nrs lH*forc riirlst. Gut»*nk.erg. F. O. Miller. J. D.
be sc-curt*d to
IngH in Holland harbor and found a lr»mi smalliKix could
»>.l Jamison.
tbe inventor of prlntlug. had a luwsait drow. W. L Brown
g»*neral depth of 1* feel In the chan
•boot a trodemark and won It.
As I>unn. Willard Carv. G. R. Newman, j Chas H. Smi’h. F W. Wilson
He looks upon any dela.vs as early aa 1300 Ibr EngllaU futrllament Hour) C. Gore. Thos. IMm. Luna strong, ciias. McMiebaeJ. Mhry llai
nel leading from Black Uke out Into
Paris. Gw.
Scon. Ch*o.
Newberr}-. vey. C. D. LaPolm. C. W DoZoi*u . C
ihorteed tradcfHi^rka. and the laws Sarah J. Calkins. Jhs. .Stack. Fred I t:, Hens. l. F. H .SchofiePl. C Va.b r.
This is the beat show- dangerous.
tbe lulled Stajies have also pro- Smith. Mile* Hill. W. Clyde Finn. I.u-| Ange h'arrant. Mary Ingersotl. Cha^.
A digger tamtne in Montcalm county
r Holland harlxir has made in yean.,
tfd them.
Extraonllnarr roenna clnda Fox. Nidi Livingstone. FrauK i Mahn. J. W. Cliff. Ell.v Evans Antony
and with a bunip«*r crop dUiurbs the
and is. due to sheet piling.
hare t«m required at all time, to Waldls. A. C. KHer, Clms Easterday.. Sens. Aug.rs» sill. o. C Moftatt. W. 1)
The apple invs near .White Pigeon farmers grcailv. There are thousands
gnard •gainst ilw ^^auduh^nt uae of Nelson Gore. A.
Wm. Tompkins. G<*«j. Burrows. Wiu-ox. t'o
are load<Ml with fruit, much of which ^ of aen s t»f iKJtalcM** that are not being
PI of mnuufartureni If there were Blackman. John laithnnis. A. R Cur- inmbla Tran- Co.. Su-au Gravel. W.
going to waste. While man^ bamds dux u-s yet and help cannot be obtained
Helm. W II. Cory. J li
leans of tdenUfying tbe trademark
r. Clynt Morris Decker. IXHilKn
P A. Geldhor.
of cider have bepn manufactured, still to get them into the cellar*. Heavy
R. U’ledtw‘fi.
wat goods at ontv lose their value. Ayers. H. D. Poayne*..
Perrv Hannal* E.-I.. aa*i!
Moult«m, E- C
the ground under the trees is covort'il rains prevemetl their digging ani This was diai-overed very early, and
KenU J. M. llagganl. Mrk. Mary Dl*- all le-rM.ns intenvi.-d in the laving
deemed probable tliat the
y IM.iaio gn>wers will In* caught
with apples which are rotting for want
Ety Clyde. V.-A. Patrick. C. P a lateral M-wer in Jhe adev between
tiT a market. The ver>* b«*st fruit can
G F.
F. Rowe.
Rowe. A i
str»H-ts. from Wad-woriiif
rh.vd Palmer. G.
uae distinctive marks on their m
U- had for 20 cents a bushel by per- put out of •lang»*r. It is estlmale<l thxi
______ A1 Na^h. Craw ik Hardy. H. W. : to Bohemia
xres. This is about aa near i
lOth and nth streets, from
Smith. C. L. Davis. F. J. Sutherland,
Mins who cart* to go to the farms and 1.0»H) men arc nor-iU-d for thn*e week*
la pooMble to arrive at data.
M. R L.von*, Mr*. Ro.-e Weld>. A. C.| Wadsworth i.,> B:»hemfa str.H ts. in the
Many of the
pick It.. In the' local market grocers in that county alone.
Rowley. P. Paris. D. K. Carter. Rob'.|^,
mb Uivet.s.
Xell uppku* at about 40 to 50 cents a farmers have this year built cement
^ "taiSl
J. B. iwwiew EI*oWrio Oo.
Sl^ 'proeeaded lo te If eai
125 CASS «T.
“Moneybak” Silk
Buying “Moneybak” ^ilk is like
depositing money in the bank. Worth
more than it costs because it wears add
satisfies, to say nothing of the pleasure
of being well dressed. At the*^silk
counter, c.
^.111 l::l
talu« St i«er. H J.
Monday, Oct. 24
a selection
of this
I itsT
« ss. Bsturn ti. 2I3H »C Froal Ht.
aiV ttZ
The laughing succc*ss uf ihc
High-class singing and
dancing rperlaUes
PRICES: lOc, 20c and 30c.
Seat sale now <yfen.
Telephone Ciiftens 112.
rm on ihelr farms for storing the’r
Prank W. Palmer, a Hood City trav- crop, as they* make mure money by •km there walked Into the offlee of
City. MIrhigon.
• ling man. must answer to a charge of holding the potatooB until spring governor of a Vresteru aUte a cUlxeo D. L. Thomas, N. W. Harrie. C.
buyers are located In every who. with auppro«ed exdtemeuL aaM: Johnson. Fred Dean. OjJ-, Coul
emlH.rrlemeni. made by his employers
uodenUDd Hull Mary E.
-Mr. Oovonior..
the gpi'cial as:
in cievelaiul. fThhi. according to a re station buying for eastern shipmect
cent supri'me court decision. Palmer and paying 26 ceau per bushel, which
Irrigation board, is dead.'
ween 9ih and imh streets,
ns 4* to 60 cents as toon as the
was arrested several months ago. but
Jay Young. Tbos. McTlusky. J.
IS tbe reply
-He Is,worth to BohemU street«i;
r cornea. One farmer near Howard
Alfred Ayers. O. P.-Hughs
lister, i
he contest Oil the requisition. Issued by
loih and nib
dled an lioor ago.ago.’
^Iln the alley
ml^ and put In bU own cellar
streets, from Wadswortth to Bohemia
-Wcll, Mr. Governor.- continued tbe Pike. Vfm Ralne. Arthur Hadle
PKiremor BMrp. thnmgh bis attorney.
fall 4.200 bushels from U acres, Htisen. -I dWUke to exblblt any un
Charles A. Wltbey. Judge Chittenden
John Gallagher,
th to B>
passed judgment on the requisition, to which brought him Il.to a buabel tblv •eeiuly barte in tbe matter, hot I very Davidson. Mary Mlckler, Frank Voge.
office for
mocb d«lre to make appileatton for
a halieas corpus proceedings, and pro^ rprlng. The average yield thU year
D. Kenney
How^rd^K*'Ii\ 'smRh."Ray''iloni^; |
nounced It good. Mr. Wthey appealed about 200 buabela per acre, and with a
Mliercupoa the goveroor courlaoaaly
that Uie
h. 1N. T. I
to the supreme court, which baa now pouto failure in the castor sUies will motkmed bis caller toward an 'ante P«ry Hannah.
Pitch. D I council and board of assessors of the
B II poialoB next ofirtag. In the room. -Pray walk Into this room, air.*afirmed the decision of Judge Chltten
Fred L,j city of Traverae City will meet a! the|
den. Palmer must, therefore, appear village of Howard City an employe ol •aid be. -and take yoor place in tbe
Huell- j counc
AI Huellcouncil rooms in said city ai 8 o'clock
the furniture factory had a garden C€ UAC.--Kaasat City
:th. 1*04. to review
in Cleveland to face his accaaera.
Already they are begiuiUng to tell feet square which yielded €0 btuhelr
•od pUc* opportBBltjr WlU b« ,lve«
Henry Canfield.
of selected potatoes.
Bert Mullen. Jane and Hatty McGln/ all perooos interested to be beard.
Boo yoMg man. who has an am
Dated this 20ib1 day of (October. 1*04.
nls. R Nearon. F. F. O’Neil. R. ^
City <
ioitertKNue. tcb£
If you want the best ^com
bination wood or coal
stove made, buy a
Pfince Oak Jewel
This stove i.s liuili for durability,
It hsf a cast Imiiy that will
n.Ri melt down, buckle or warp
otn t»f *ha|*e with tin* intense
hi at from coal, making li the
Itnnnd................ .
111 il“
Tiwini for'Oods'i O'ty auiTPrewmoot imr* at
nuj;-t durable stove in the w»r I.
The ball liUrlng duplex gra.c
and shaker ring combined w.ih
large a.sh pan makr^ it a very
easy Rdove to o|M-raie. And th-
•moke, aoot. dust and gas con
suming dev ice used in ibl* slov-»
makes it the most ectinum‘r.sl
coal and wi.oil stove made.
Cull and let Us show tb-m to
ble Kelley, a a CO.. A.
Mrs. ll^nry Good of Bmallac eoonty btUoa to get into the army, recently
hai^^ tof dlTorc». ilm-. hoabaad pasBd his twenty-nrst birthday. The
Trank Crude
C L. UiCffWOOD. O^P. tj T. A..
*®ll on Saturday next from 2 lo 8 p. m.. J
the genuine French chewing candy. I
regtiiar 2«c kind, for 10c a. !b.
The Ui Greitl Candy Cvi..
221 K. Front 8t
3 dancing r I
class every Monday night at 8 p. m.
Social at » o'plock. special music.
venile class every Saturday afternoon
at 2 in the o!d Elks ball.
: «nv.
tEWBUIL nans OfTHE WOnil
SnSi •» om*»w. I*
UM etocikm of a mod.
mft, have ttoen aoMCM
14 ynarwMkmOBtba.
, wUl be appnalnd Tbe t
liim. OraplM U« ratrarae «•• ^
IW irai tl«t i. ira *«• •• •««*•
toprai. yoraen.1 ferat
«ry. M tbe, bad
mnohamton man in luck.
!», «MMT I—»roi^ » «“ «—
M lira tfeM o»r u> Ik* oiMMr.
«kD k M craiaa tk» fwnl of >>■
-Imies of Btagbamton.-'W in town
toat night, not be who "pay. the
IWghL-h« John C. Jc«. a. he reg
totmad at tbe Park Plaoe hoteL
ror a few bour. June. wa. Md and
deapoadeaL and wa. not aftmid to tell
b«beMtjrb«fcti*i» jomt if
^tnmblaa. Later In the day be wa.
the happioatetranger within oar
wbea be came np to tbe clerk of tbe
bjmu atewtei in n ihotoxhPark Place and
ly ,v-to.dite »ian«r. And
'em; got *em down at 8. E. Walt A
in <U tc
8oa.V Drug Store. Now
tpecli. rineranittiyphanbing
good dinnew and look forward to «nok
ntpedalty.- Onr repntntion fct
tug a Waitoworth Bron’ -Qilco" afterikai and rdubUity
wardn 8. E. Wait A Bona aa, they
is aramnee of aatblactioo.
have not bad the -01100." In .lock
And onr chargraaie riglit, too—
very long, but they are already makL lot of friends.
Lrangc how hon
to lean over a cigar case and not
•'its E. Fr»«t St
i brand that be ever beard cf bcfove. That was the way I felt all day.
but when 1 went into 8. E. Wall A
Drug, Store and aaw my obi
friend, the W^ad.worth Bros.’ ‘Chicos.*
I knew there wa. a good .moke com
ing to your, truly. It only costs S
That th. Hot Springs ma4lcin«
cents, but there Is uo 10 cent cigar
have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAVthat I. a. good, an/l have .moketlj
roost of them."
Sep R-Oci 22 ERSE CITY. Theycineurayraa
rauj tt M* irawix tMt Urorntmt.
rat a( «M «( tlw <i>r
uTMi u> rar <or IMr t>« U-ta««r
ra*4 hr Prof. GktJtm a Bl.
li DratraraUi coUts*. u b* <
b, iMilc ra ddim diract
MM-Ut* *UI ten€iW«»»>«
rarak l.
pwl tbamt
acting an toinlUoii. A few day. ago
Bogan, aon of a Wariilng
ton phyUelaa. aecured an Iniervlew
with tbe amwetary mid without tbe
.llghteil p^nmlaar, .aid: -Mr. Mo.toa. I have been trying to get in the
marine rimp. for almoal four yearn, i
cant get anybody to back me up. but
! am very much in love with the aervice and f would try mighty hard to
giMt nix H« «wlun it
raXMlrt ran ihM Iid»l>lu4 Aaralra
htton tlie arrirftl of tbe ladm.
to pcapartog to hot* U pr«err«!.U*
tiM ottto
la lit. Mer. Th^
fliiaito or tbe bead, aayt Prof. lUcharJ
aoB. U aaWke that of aar kaovn peo9to or today. The ehMfc bone. - United Slate, well." T|f secretaiT
Mch and promlacai and tbe forehead looked the young applicant over from
’aloffMback lapldlr The height of tkv head to foot-Bogan afterward aald be
a. if «>mebody bad turned an
bod, to Ilye feet tea tache. and ib?
broadth or the aho^ldere II Inchc*.
• The appearance of the arm. and leg> •Were you ever deaigaaied beforer
Mr." «dd Bogan. "Hi derignate
god aean oa tbe body indicate that
tbe^romaa wa. mnrdered and dlMnem. jxM. tomorrow." aald the aecreti^.
•TTiankyou. Good morning." .aid Bo^ when it wa. explained that a pipe bid
bored. Tbe left arm to attached
in. bowing hlm»elf out. Needle., to burnt. Eight poUeo and many firemen
Ml. by all «r»l elaaa druMlata.
the body by tbe petrifying action. The
j. Mr. Morton kept bto-^mrd.
. optic nenreahow. plainly.
were hidden alioul the call, to atop
While .moking In hi. yard at Clin any panic that might ariae. but when
There ar^ ao many cheap and worth
In Newcm«Ue. ttngland. the mayor
enjoys tbe privilege of once n year ton. la.. A. B. Angeli. aged *6. dropped the .how waa over the people filed out iem perfui^ that It to hard to de BEWERTA^
.purk from hi. pipe Into hi. bear- They they were aurpriacd to learn »cT\he a really good odor, unlem a
bring allowed to aelyct and kto. nny
Munple to before you. The Prancte -TMIRD WARO
yonng woman who take. hi. rano and wa. fatally burned.
whai had happent'd.
The Briltoh Thibeun expedition to
among tbe Coal city, inhabitant.. The
The United State, senate will ha* f American Hygenic Co.*» perfume, kept
Notice to All Person. InteraPttd.
kto. to rather co.Hy. however, for It to lowliound at Pari.' The road, are oh among its members at the next aca by Mrs. E. L. Bonner have the de ;the custom to present the young per lllerated and the force will probald> rion five former cabinet officers—Sen cate and refreshing fragrance of tho
eon kiswd with a aoverelgn (fSi. have UI remain where it 1. ^^i»l atora Knox, Toller. Alger, inoctor and natural flower. Twelve select odors
to chooTO from.
dUtrict No. 0. lieglnning on Division
while a fnrlher gift to madt- h.*r oy spring. Two
Rtreil at the alb y betwwn Eighth and
^tbe lady mayorew. no doubt to dU before it wa. found that no Hmhei
Milwaukee giri.s ghve a new
Ninth streets, and running south to the
. prove Joalouay. The .herlff. not to be progre*. could be made.
They are being pholo^phed while ro
outdone, ntao beatow. a kl.s upon a
Ju.l the thlqg for cool evening, and alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth
’losing in coffin, and repining In reprefair byainnder at the Mtme rate of ex tbe principle that no officer may .hoot rentidloo. of deathbed .cene., wltfi damp days, tbe chanictertotic of the strevt*. has Ikhu idart*<l In my hand,
pendUnre. The occaston I. known a. an escaping priwmer unless the latt' r their women friend, gathered about
lern fall. Millar A Morse have for collection the same to be paid on
anige Chy. when the mayor and cor- has been charged with a felony. Tlu them. From an arttoUc viewpoint thi them from fl.25 up and for a belter or before Oct. .'ll. 1904.
opinion wa. rendered in the case
M. E. Haskell. City Treasurer.
,kn«Uqo prnoeed in a procc.lon
the date vs. Thomas Smith, from picture, are a succew. but apt to give winter heater they al«> carry a full
tonr gaily decorated ste.mcm i
Olllee. room 2m2. State Bank build.
•nerve.” to thi»c not in the aecret. * line of hot blast and bard coal stovea.
two old sUte barge, to claim the soil Monroe county, who killed
WTien Senator and Mrs. Thoma. C alM) a good line of heating sUives.
of the River Tyne. Their Journey over.
Platt purchaswl an estate at Highland
: the mayor rtand. upon the btiundardy from the officer.
. N. Y.. and named it Tioga lodge
|*rofcMor Simeon Newcomb, the
atone, and U 1. here that the kto.Ing
us with the intent to estakltoh
I. indulged ln.-Kani«tH City Joufna notcHl’American astronomer, declare*
home then* free from ail the nish an<l every town. A store where ilo- >omiK
In a Ilf of rage following a quarrel hat the recent tjongress of at Is ai.d hORtle of the town-one for re.
hoii.HekcH'iier can fli.d the full qmita t«*
with her grandmother. Mary Scott
begin on. No running arf>.md with tonotable aaaembUge of ititellectual and plcasun*. They an* nv>w in n fai
took polwo and dieti at her home two
lisiii. but a quiet ctirner. hav cured THOUSANDS IN TRAV
learned men that
evvr ton-n gathrnlKw wiwt of l^cion. Ind. The girl,
Ptotl has alrcwdy won in the village gootl attciulance and the new c<»Tnpb‘tc ERSE CITY. They can cure you. For
[^ed in the history of t^e world.
who ♦a. only IC. had been directed to
house furnl ihlngs can go in on one orthe
Down in «»utbwe.lern Missouri Miss
, ncrub part of tin- bouse, and eefuiK-d
iler. with ncthlng lacking. J. W. Slater. cat* by all first claa. drugglaU.
LUia WcKKi is cHimhicilng an active
to do ».o In the alievcation that fol
, the Houi-e k'urntol
Mtmpalgn for the reiKibllcan tlckci. from the fact that .he docs her
lowed .he .aid that .he would kill
I Udiea, -you can jump <
Mia. Wood has a thorough compre markeUng. and doc. it in a way
heiwelf. Nothing waa thought of the
The -Ilfe-Ilac" I- nat. esten.lin!: ">■!„,““'*2 birt^twnrMm.'up”!hension of public affair*, which .he provoke* the admiration of the villa.:;-'
threat till .he became violently iU
b.na- of life, hope .n.1 »«w:H ^
XUlm.n’. ElJk FIrar
discusses,to audience, which invarl ehopkeeper*. Mrs. Platt sht.ps
when .he eonfe.«Mi that .he had uken
„e..e. Reaches sraund .he *h.he, Tla |
ably crowd the hnlU In which she a:»- u*ually «irly in tho day-ln fact, loii^
ptilnon. but was aorrj* and bogged that
before most fasiiiunable
a dociov be called, but It wa. too late. penr-.
li Is said by some persons close •»
Re.fcrd M. Kimble tried Ui lower
him that William A. Clark, Jr. young
blm.elf from a cliff at Mount Anony
est son of Senator William A. Clark mander in Port .\rthur. to of Gorman j
moua. near Scranton. l*a.. by gra.p
birth and ancestry. to»m in Saxony i
of Montana, has rompleusl nog
Ing a .tune. Hi. weight locened the
bome flfiy-four yeans ago. He .erved
Hons for the purchase of the fan
atone, which fell with him and broke
old Emperor William in the engineer
Bluer R«K>t bret'dlng farm of the
hi. tog. The eaoriion that Kimball
Marcus Daly at MlstiouU. The prl.v corps, but in the early Tn-. obtained!
HABvfRCtored from MonUla Paper
underwent while dragging hlm.elf ic
to unknown, but will range well to hi. dlw*harge and Joined the Russian
the niadwny nwet the fraclun^d limb
, rtoing rapidly to his present |
-You get aI 75c Duster for 20c.
wanl •2.*SH..OOO. An iniercsllng fart
Drjdrichnlkoff of the Paateur In.ii
Duster nude of feathers.
2nd—It wiU out wearr any
in ccnnectlon with this alleged trans rank. General SiooKsel Is a bluff. k>1% tgtM||k>mewhat pul out at Ihe pub
:ird—It will not scratch the finest
action to that Senator Clark and Mr. dlerly man. peppery and perfervid of
IlcHy given to hi. theory rcgardlm
h—The duM wfll not irthere to iL
ily for many year* were among the s|HH*ch. with a fondness fo.- oratorical
old age and It. cure-ihat old age I
h-It will do woik that a feather duster will not. as it
effect which at time, give him the ap
a.t hitter cnemlc. la the country.
be pushed into corners and places where feathers w
due in a large roeaaure ^ colonies of
rt. Hclis a i
Benjamin Levy ictifled in New pearance of being t
1 mlcrolH.-* in^thc torge intejillne
gtrici dlBclplInarlan. as was shown
For SoIo By
He poinU out. howeT^^. that bird, are York that be had been engagetl by KXin after he took command at Port
much longer lived than mammaU. U- Richard Tan Coit. aon of the postmas- Arthur. The war cknid was gathering
of New York, and Itonkwn Mring (oriunale in the lack of that ob
when he fwind a party of officers
mixiotta organ. The le.rne<l profeasur Avov. to provide BH» men to -c*olo
carousing In a cafe one evening. He
dlftrict. lie aald Van Colt and Meto of opinion Ib.t science will «>on
vov nrovided room, and board.
give man the chance of a tranquil, nor
mai old age. The longer a roan live, dollar for regi.i
the longer be de.slres to live. add.-the for the x-ole on election day.
-Bedbug. Hmll receive no consider
Hiving demonstrated her ability to ation In this court.” was the venllci .>f
comtelnd a vc*MU*l under any and all Justice Grant of Chicago. In the .
by Mr.. Eetta E. Mathew, a
comill Ion.. M to. Jane Morgan, dang
Icr of Randall Morgan, the Phlladri boarding house k«M*per. ng.lnM Mto.
Bmma Sieizler. a schtMil teacher, for
pbia ga* magnate, ha. bc*en given
master mariner*, license of the United room rent. Mtos Sieitler*. defente
State, bureau of Inspectors of .team was that the fiying squadron of beJ
bug. in tho home of Mrs. Mathew
ve.reto. Then* are tmly five other
. :
It is estimated that three pei^ons. besides the piirchascr.
it unienablo. but the JuMlce d**men In thl. connin' who can claim
reads everj- magazine and nevrspaper circulated. If this
»he %oulil have to pxy her land
airollar dl».tlncilun. qualified to ukc
123any vewel. A. a roaatei
be true,
Eleven furvlvont of the rtoamcr
mariner Ml*. Morgan i* qualified to
command of any vewel from a Viking, which wait wrecked last Auding schooner to an Atlantic liner. gusl. have bc-en rewued from rocks in
an off the bleak coast of Lab
Her certificate I. said to read "for ail
ocean*." the hlgheki mark for navi rador. Their situition was desperate,
a. their «ranty slock of provtoion. had
gating .kill.
been exhausted. The NTWag
It would appear that some of the
precinct official, in New York city went on the rock. In a rtrim and %nwere not thoroughly posted on federal jiher storm later carried the wreck to
with a circulation of 3000 copies for November, and 50(K1
tea. together wRh all the .tore., which
laws regarding the duUe. they
copies for December.'will, between now and Jan. 1st. be
called upon to perform on regtotra- were .till aboard. A rewrulng tug U*l
tlon day. Mayor McCleilaa Vra. not month wa. wrecked trying to reach
....... r^dby fully 24.000 persons. The' Liar is
an unique. ' '
recognixed whoi he . went to regl.ter theroeh. Three of them were on onventure into the Magazine field and every number of the
bo being asked bis birthplace and re
piyiqg that he was bom in Germany
Fire next door
of American parent, tompomrily
iomnilgf abroad, bla natmaltoallon pa theater in Chicago became ao dangerWednesday ulgbl that the atiel
pert were demanded. He explainer!
that be wa. a cllUen of the United 'urtain waa lowered In the middle
Smifw by right of birth notwilh.iand- .he .how and the audience dtomtos
InA but the registrar, would not ac There wa. no sign of panic. In Syra
cept him unrti they had conferred lo^ ruM*. N. Y.. an audience aat thro-agb
i aUow while firemen were IlghUng
geiher and consuliod authortiie..
C%ari«a Ha.rea Ma.well to the dean Jeroe blaae two floor, above and the
of Tnmmany lUll and a. .nch to one .ueeu ooufde were Jammed wUb
of the moat inteveting figures In th* lie. The audience knew nothing of ih.
pdHlld algebm of today . Ho w«l or Ite until water began to drop through
Nov. K have ca.t hi. eighteenth con he ralllu, rad .sb«> »«» «tuafd
AT lOra
liwtan mw ElKlric
LIfH Ml Pnif U
Fire Insurance I
Nm Wlllwla SMt.
Beat Granulateil Sujar for
a limited time.
25c 5 8 ^
E. C. Lewis Cash Bfocer
win make your $1 grf&rthest
226 East Pront Street.
Cbe Ciar magazine
Box 1*89.
R.R.RXR.R.R.RXR* «-1^";'jGE0.
24:000 Readers
Trrarara 0*r.
a p. CARVER o ma
idUl l-KUWI
JII Cbe Red Cro*.; J.H.MnrM
K Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx R
That tha Hot S|>rlnga medlcinaa
ERSE CITY. They can cure you. For
aala by all flrat elaaa drugglata.
JOS. mimdtrnr' «.
o E royiE T
CEST YOU Fonarr,
•nut tiM Hot sprliiai laXWliM
h«. curad THOUSAHOe IN TNAV.
ul« by »ll llrat clow dramlN*
i« Wa.t*iC>nB 1
FreM ua SiUt FriC. C-umed Ooodo. FM TALKING YET
Ordcra railed for mod dellrerad.
Cor. EMt »U Md rrartObi Su.
That tha Hot Gprinfi mailalnaa
hmra curad TMOUSAMOG tN TMAV-
THE ■ N eve:
cmr. mtGHmAm, SATUfioAy»ocToaefi jk,
A Republic Pcuuded by Ne^oes ^nd Governed Well
FinucUl A«cat Tells of
ample. Bewarco.
course between ihetr
United tftaiea.
IM avali«f»« frMk
toum to UM fltou f«o»d«l by Afn^
kmwnmm to tto torttto tfmrwhm of th>
to toM nrrmln'CMto** tb« Afrt«i»
toads tor into tbo t
With none to dispute the right oC
man to rule himself If thereby
rtchta of others are not Imperiled,
negro has at la« arrived at his og
tunitv. Uberta belong, to him a]
.No White rsan may become the m
of property there, and the black mi
ahsolutety monarch of the aolL
w hite man U rilgthle to any oOce. I
ewr humble, nor can he vote or have
anything t» say about the adminlatratbMi of anraJm. It ought to be the bUi k
man s |uir.idise. for It
his to do w Ith
^ wHh th»
t«rrU^ wblcb
F' ^
TtoTri»f»cb had bsto contsstito torttIsh «IaUm on tbs roost, and tbs laltar's
srttlsmsnt with tba LIbarlan oiUbort.
m*nt mads bstwsm the UbsrloM and
tbs Bnfllsh tbs Krsnch bsvs bsto hor-
as Urge ax the ihnpire Btats.
ta<ns untoi.i and b>.undlesB
It t'onnatural
alufts and drigjs abound In Us foreata
oil iwlin lx ab« mUht. cmwo and wtton
prtsim^e exi^lent crx.pw and there la
trolsrs ATS inanirsstliMr b
X to the cosarary. the <
msintsnAnos of Its ricbts. and a diract
Atosai Has bsto laato to tbs rrsneb
ftsopls for joaclos In tb» mattsr of ths
Into tbs oass acrsa that ths Amsrl«».
I4bsrlans dsssrvs ths support of lbs
irntiod toalas and Orsat Hiitaln for
thsir oCOrts to buUd up a psacsful and
ssir suimsstlng ns^ro republic and to
dsmonstrais that ibs black man la
rapdbls of self jrovsnunsnt If hs bs
r -.r.r
This Js’^bsst shown
fact that ths ssvass r
4l#l«hborliia tribes are In
vlsltln# tbs Uberlan capital. Monrovia,
to have their disputes arbitrated by
rraaidsnt Arthur lUrrlay. who la a
native of the British island of Harbadoa.
Tha farm America-IJbartan brlonys
also to lbs West Indian cillseiia of the
republic, of whom there la a rsneroua
oprinkliiig. They are ao much more InIsJilgent than their brethren from tha
rmiad Btatea that they are Justly
given ths administration of ths coltoy s sfralrs.
tinent, and it la not uncommon nowa
days for eiplorers Into ths hsart of tbs
African wlldemsoa to bs acoootsd In
Kngllah by a naked asvags who la ahaolulely devoid of e\-ery othsr evidenrs
of (Ivlllsmtlon. Thia haa besn of great
asrrtce U> travelers, who ara abla thua
to make knoan thsir wants to nlmoat
has a firm f..othnM In
Ublr to religious Innuencee. nml V
the tribesmen of the un.ivilUed ii
rior are lendy t«. act'ept civilization and
rhrlxl Unity ns have the |.e,.|*Iee
many ».tUer Unru—in <'omtwny. s. ii.^1houses are rix|«ig on the re«erx»tthns
of every trils*. and
ler inland inlHxmu
to U
le of imiKtrix and
iiiarllv to pnmuite lininigratK.ii; U
"'ll \TVi\u'th^b^luTVirTlli. United
able bUHtri.^s. llithertu
lllUial pUKln. i of
a UmileJ and utK-ertaiii market |
BUtea even of thoas who idair dsvolad
much lime and attention to the aubjacl.
that the>x|»eriment of sending the black
man bark to Africa has been a failure.
bed not so much on account of cJIIc and racial conditions as for ths
on ihj«t the nesTo haa nsver before
, able* to eatahirah hi. capacity for
government. The present aUte of
ira In Uberla would seem td Indlthat the dlaciualincatloa of Inca
st be eliminated. Them are
black men In Monrovia t
not only governing, but
well. That thej- are<for the most part I deiiie of this ability U fmalela .i by
West IndUna does nJi in
validate the urKnn^dfd. Further
1 govarc .-.g.-rty «'ont|>cteJ
:ml. Fiwn.r.
Finn. r. tWinsny
tWiiumy and IlusaU.
.Uiicaii ng.M of the enterprise ' Mom pixmiUii.g of alJ. the Uts-rlanx are
ci.rII i:..!.. It Sj urg.-...,;
lx u n-»- 1 a l-vi .'«*ful .nn.! Uw abiding
rud- dul Io visitors and iii.i.i-.M Ullng to tbs
u..Ph| from ll .nii.ton aft.-tuar l timxh-full-xt ei toM ib.- ii.1%atn .ges o
mg a courav li. ia»v r«i 11 irviinl. He ! publicuu form of govornn.-nt.
ai.|-dnt...l r.s r, t.ov of U-i .lion at
1*1IA.N.NI.N«: A. HAH*
Moi-ioxU by M., MvKinby and Ims
rv^rn-pu nr urTo’
Uwd th. tc xince them He resigned Mx 1
..mvial is.sitioii .ttH.ui n v-.«r itco Htid
F-vnadUu nutnufacturrrx . aa:
at : l.i.o e
t nit'-i ■ end t
Intere^in^ Viciures From Far and J^ear
The < artotm herew ith given la the work
»f a mar correatM)mlent who la with the
IhN. the luxlom of sh.4klnK b.>..ds. amt
fashion of kissing. In this pKturc an
American tourist lx trving to teach s
BrnKlhlsi monk h..w t0.rH-.i4.. handx.
Tin- •.rleiitsl se.'ms To W tmpie.v..-#*.! |.y
the nov.lJv of the prmvxliire. br.l the
Jafuuieae snny. while from <
to the humoi of th4- Mlu.iln.n.
AltbmiKli the film-ae iieiiloi s.lwke luinda
rlif -\v
tjS: *
con-RicHT r^y
Mim nizabelh Dusr MlUer. author of the rematkal.le K.rlptural novsl entflled -Tha Toke.** U a native of the little village of .\>n Uoaa. S
county. lAd. Although tthe firm and vUorous at\lc of tl<e xtoiy lx xt rongly augthe author
gextive of maxi'ulinltv.
deeidedly atlrar«l>e young
w ho hax re
. woman of twenty
a vlafoiual couiwe at Hutler
a. of a hirh <
tinlveraity. Indian
her eO^nl lltarary fendency. Mlipi Miller lx ao Juvenile in si.j^Ntrance and so
un..rrc. thdriti her manner that It lx dimmilt to retiwnue in her the creator of a
work which would tax the literary reaourcex of any living Fa:> ptologiat. More
Vondarful slIlL she has nuuls her story Inteicxiing despite llie myxtery of tha
snvin.nineiil. Tbe disttnguixhed author of “Hen-Hur
Mra. Amh.rny J. incxel ..f New York
an American woman whow riiannx
r iwraun and tn.»nnrr have won for her
laon'a realdenre. Thev thua beiwiiy
ghbor. uf the Hrltiah royal fkmlly
tiabt>me aitd were received avlth
rked favor.
r lU intrsnl owner. M- it
I made wasaoi retouched.
I anapahot taken when tbe auipK* at Ostend. the noted Belgian
» nmde the world*, record and U
The negative from which i!ie
A Bcbool physician at t«chonel.e
Oermuny, has an'ertslned that of 1
bey s In the publK* achoolx tC.: per ci
are rcgaUr beer drinkers and of 1
glria 4LT per cent. The folly and l
exahiple of the parenta frustrate all 1
teaching, in aehooL
*‘RecoUectlnns of Geiteral Rohert E..Lee“ I
d west us in the a*Hith. Tl»e volume Is co
embrace a period the annxl m >m«
With partlmter rsfcrtocs to tbs abmty
of the goTsrnintot to meet sponaows
war topeoaea. was dlscuassd the other
night by Gregory YUenklne. floaocial
agent of the RussIsb rinhaasy at Wgato
Ihgton. asy. thr New .Yoct Tribwns.
mwo saked rscardlag report, that
Rusalsu flnsDcm bad Iweti sorely Uswl
by the Ntrdrii of the war Mr. YlleokineasM:
**Vea. 1 have fooixl that such aa Impreaaloa haa gained gnmnd la this
country to aome extent. Home forstga
papers latriy mentioned exresalro la
ths public with
According to the imperial,
uksss of Aug. 29. 1W7. govsnuneot
bank notes are lastied by ttw state
bank In amoonta stAcily limited by the
urgent needs of money ciix^tloa un
der gold security. Tbs sum of gold se
curing the notes must not be less than
hen the Utter
“'rt exceed aOO.OidO.OUO rubles. A
rbble la
U rijual
riiusl tto 77 cents in American
money. Bank notea which are in clrrolatlon over and above auu.000.000 ru
by g dd at a rate
of at
p rulde. In IWM
there were Isaued up to August last
bank notes to tbe amount of 1.10.000.OUO rubles and the month of Augiwt of
year dtMUO.tiW
4tMk10.(HiU ralilea.
Thus tbe t al sum of bank nMea put
•TUp gold reaerre conalsted at tbe
and .If AuiKsL llFH. of mWOWW
rubles warn :y. gold in rirt'ulatloiu
125.VW.nou; gold hi bam. coin and aaL T2h
abroad, 91.nou.iOi; total.
Taking Into cornddemtlon that the gold
aecurtty for bank nocea has lieen Qyed
by tbe okaae of Aug. 29. 1HM7. at 50
per ceul for tbe first onoxwanoo rubles
laaued and at a rate of ruble for ruble
for tbe following laeuea. tbe gold re-•
eerxe sc-uring H0n.oDO.nO0 rublee in'
benk notes Issued for rirculstlon need
not ex.^tid fi00.000.0l10 rubles, while It
bgs rcecbril M4.00a000 1
there exIaU
rubh-s. not iiwlodlug tbe Urge gold 1
mtrr in the govermnent treasury,
wkirii to not entered within the halaynv. of tbe etate bsnk. These rraerrw
cviisK of gold in twrs and coin In tbe
8t. I’rtciwborg mint, and anma la Ibe
bgnde of f.»rrun c->rrespandents abnmd.
•-nm Issues of bank notxa w«e
brought alsmt tiv two c
first cause « as the deduct
rtirrenl aremmt of tl»e
treasuo for ------------the far east, where Itie
psid In liank notes, and ll»e aecoud almuIfsmH,uHy wi(
ith Ibe same, tbe beginning of iIm» r
ral of commerrial
tranaarilona which take* pUce in the
Kc.x>od half uf curb year with tbe beginning of the grain campaign. «ompi-lllor Hie Issue of Urge xumfi from
tbe state twnk.
It must be noticed
that the l«.nk .mles Uaoed on account
of tbe fall dmek^iment of comme rUl
pUring of a torVIH. ill its tub-. The tw... pern, ,|m1 forms of thta
I tl.. How HI. TIo- Wliiiehe.T'l t..rigdo
: devis*-.|. te-iTig p-sw i-ompilraTe<| and
er IS S.-4UI.-1 t.> ihe empl..slon «f x
II b»us »-xpulslve .rgenry ..f rompees.«u-l
i-rf.M i diro. tine api^rsiu^. The
fwpnily r. \o|>,..l w herL «*nl> u few
of toiiKtIo.
racritied i)v the sitlxt us ~s tnei
om Mu - tlcneral Sloes. el is rrpre-me.1 In the draw hut as saying. ‘If
dvH-Mi l vome dow n
eneral K
»ou I aha
otuble book which haa excited aa much CMunment In the north, east
H nniinlA of letters written by the famous general of the Confed. tn the hlatory of the American nation. The me
•uptain ftoluTt
during th.f
Lee. The letlerw of the general written
Tf the dlapoaltlon of a man who wax al tha tlma
the loving heart of the devoted fsiher and boad and tbe Imidlclt trurt of u devout apWt in the wisdom and Juatl ce of Providence. Tbe letters after tbe war.
a hick tSe Idol of the mnxth adviae«l h^ late followers to yield eht
to tbe consUtuted anthorl. form on4 of the moat interesUng features of thia most Interesting t
la ivrj tbe revival of .wmerrUI tranaactlous In tiH* f.nll months demsoded
an Increase of money plartM In rlrmUtlon by irskiNNMriu rubles ami In 1903
by ITT.tMM.Ni nijh-s.
“In the ciirnmt y»*ar the demknd for
hank n..i«w f«r .xjmtnerrixl Iranaaetloiis tnii^t be e.»nsklerable. as tbe .
cn»p^ in many regKm.« of tl»e empire
In some foreign cunjrtes Importing
our grain the <-roiis are unaatisfartory.
a fu«t wblrb will bring about an Incrt-SM* of exiwrix.
“At the end of half a rear from tbe
beginning of military operations tbe
compr.raiJve figures on tbe anioum of
our g»»M rewTxe in roojunriloo with
tbe bank notes UsiMd aUnd as fob
lows; On Feb. 1 of the curretit year
tbe gold res*Tve of tbe Htale bank mnslxted of •.Mr..ino.000 rubles, while there
were only 54iK*JtNU«W rubles of lisnk
notes In rirrulaUon. By Aug 1. 1U>4.
tbr gold reserve of tbe Rute bank ronsi>ted of IM’i.TVMgm rubles, while there
were only «SO;jiMi.nno rubles in bank
notes Id . ircubitlon.
“.\s a w hole, tbe war azpeoditures of
Rusau from tbe beglnnlok of tbe rsnpaign uatli fbe end of tba ysar may ba
to the means for the t
be remarked that I
ing of all OtttsUBdaoeofdlsg to tbe
amototod to UK..
realUed bjr tba
of abtody aanrtSooed <
tbe currtot year; atoa 9B1MJOOO rubtoa ratltoad from tba totoa of 5 par
east trsaatoy boada gad IKkfiOQyOOO
lubtoa from tba fi.6 pgr cairt Dtosary
bills. Tba goTcrumaut troaavr tbua
^^S°!oeu»sioit8r :V^
Ml «r tte OanM
I to. MM to rmiM a
rahihiu aifttan M loM»u I
a.4 ftaea the ta« of
«M«lo rt.eo Ai»11. wUI Mrtlj lir
Tko O»0i~l La»«r
«« PWlaMhiA P». M apMted a ooi
laa to 4esaod recocaltkia for labor
UIvtjr flro jroara of «ce
tba ace UoiU to fortjr to ptbora. Tkaaa
2^ um mtoM oaOlUoimigmmit 6 at fault,
the atofle of ohaerratkMi becomea aenalhle and the ©bjeru appear mneh
aamUrr. Thi la what o^vnira. for examide. when a rauntrjr l« examined
ted that the worktos day for mtoeia
with the bead bent to one aide or ab
omatot of aix hoora toateml of eirhi. towed to ban. between ibe Irsa. the
a. at prtwwii. The reamm aaaimed cDtora heeomtof much cWorer. but the
waa thaf there wa. a torge number of eountry appeartof dat like a picture.
We may apply thane facta to the au.
mea out of work to the dtatrlcl. aWl
that by ahorta.tor the hour, more and moDU. When we ae« tlieac*bodlea
at the horlxon we place them lnstin<‘mea would be eaM7»l
tlrely at a riven dlatance. and tre
W^rtii>ea.aad workwo«H-n In H«.*
«» tKu oiatatMe^- that la
wiul*^ tocto^ k receive from 2t» to 7«».
'oouuaday The work U «dd to be w, {HLSrerattor that aixe. When, bow■ ■
©rdr. theae bodlea are ralaed above
hard that moat of
fore they reach the hge of 40.
la. Fra^risoo butcber. will «aul»^
K>ut indUwtin*
The .trike of the miner, la the Ala
llftli cooparatire abupt
at on undehama coal mine. 1. proving a coatb | rumparalive mark*
Laat rear the veMeU eome4 In
queniT of tbla
fined dl«t«n<4*. In c*
one The men have been out for near j
and allbrdcd emptoyiDc^l «o «o»e 41.
faK the exarffrmtlc
ly Uree month'., and U ha. co.t «n an i
Mt men: their toonasv waa IfiO^
avermne of liu.ooo a monib to tbi i
too*. The fUheiiea of Ueron anti ComIt U Mild that the operator, j
TIte ancle
«aU acoouoled fur Z,o»7 %eaa«la of ZZ.
locn I
010 tuna and the employi
in the mlnoH. [ ooe-imlf of a decree. fak nUtiou nbow. .
claimed Ibcy are cetUng j that thl. 1. the ancle under w Id, a we
The nuwlior of hand, employed In
I are a tower forty-fuur meter, in Iteicbt |
at a dUinmw <ff a little over ll»m*
lldfaat and the noiib ul Ireland in «h •
Tliua. by ,H,iui»arl^on %vlili j
laoe maklD. induairy are aU.ui :5‘».»hx».
know n terreatrUI obieeia. the amr. at j
Only about 1 per cent of tiH'ae bcU»ni
the horteon aiqHwr wry large to uvij
to the male aex.
arc that tofore lung a gcm ral d“ The error deiwnd.. in part. alMi «m •
todlana United Mine W«»rki r. have
i^ilt be madi upon the «*one tlie .late of Ibe atmOKpUere. When the
UAOO BMimber. In IIZ kH-aU.
tianieH. There U aleu much dlH^aiii- atrooai^bere i. not Hear and foccy the ]
ap bafore tbe neu tV«s«:b pa.
lyottom and lca\*c tl:c rest ill-cooTccd.
rniRC divsn’t hum y.-ur nu.ct at top t
Brand’s Fani<'us Sktl R.'.ii
giveu iU> oven the most jxrrfccl flue
Tl.irtv-.sevcn years of snc,vs.sf.;i. sati.J.utory range making have
couslfucliou kuowu. • Wheu you txx.k witli a
Famous 3teel Range
1 among them over the lenctJi
tif the
Tl». «.ge .,«^r-«IU.d
.<-«le «IW for In thr ; aiffrr.
mimcu lK.|»r«. tl.r l.nko Cnrrl.«
►tcel caoiimny lunployinc I
it. plant at I*a..Uc, N. J..
tlon in ware. u» nveragt^ 1
W'btHi I bo employ <*» were It
eltxtrir emneraen. nunilier
"L or.lhu.r, oUJ«,.
.m«b from
t.. I»
LaU,r Union.
pieat to the 81. UhjI. exposition
Four hundred men
r««preMMitaion» of the mantifarturc
dredgemeu H strike at Ik»Rton.
muahal InHtrnwenlik. cotHm. ah
The troutde Ls over wages.
l:at». UkjI. and railroad auppllea. There
Uesolutlomn cxmdemulUK the
to the
to lb, ,
of Oovermvr ilato. in vetoing the lull
her orsimlxiUlona and ex|H.Tls In mail pa.HMid by the last legislature affwt
lug the einploymcBi to women ar 1
dlalrlbulkiu. Metln Albert, p
at the Krcoch adonlal and Naval Ca ni1m.r. in luanufaciuring esiahltsh
del achoolh. h«*ad« the delegation of
are al«» leiiroaenuilviw of na
approaching 4he hortxon and umi m
ten the two tower paru of tba ralulmw
aeem enlarged. In abort, we have to
do with a very crneml pbenomeaon.
applying wa well to terr.w,rb.l as t.i
celcellal objects. In every case the er-
^ FraneUoo U^l.l I*lle i>river.-,
union has tlxcl a .rale of
a day fur
f..reinen ami ft a day l,w pile drivers
l^hbr dl.putf*. at MarwelUc., tYanc
arc not wlmlly ended, but a large uuir
w hk h they
,‘n> si'ut,"—itoek
j earning a
i owner.
Urldge and fitniciural Inm Worker^
The empr.'fr, of Jnjuti
amokes. but u«.-s a silver
Imhes long.
e,^. K. McNamara eat, suppt
alM. has
Ptojivl at the v77y mills was to.wm.
Rini.uis r mucin iKMiix-imrlonmtn.il'
! line rh.H s for fall and
\yvT and rW the aystem to nU bil *. liunbla make and of tmv^t imnlern d.‘
illhout pnaliming unpleasant effi-cla. aigut^. the line gnnslstlug of i.ard «ml
They do not gripe, skkrn or wcakcu. heater. b<it bla,sl and air tight, loous
hut pleaaantly give lone and slrcngU. ) the new department ovV,.
On the Unit to last May the union
---------Ukem to Bosluu; Maas., wu-nl 'tJUt mt to the tlaauea and organ* ol the *loa. .
J. <* Hanimn RhlnidanyW—Horn*
•Irtke. The strike Is reported as strong ach. liver and bowel*, Stdd by alii
r i.rV U.K k V Mo, tain Tea is. the gr«a,
now au on the da.v whi« it bcitau.
■ i>t loule I have ever UKcd. ttolnel
Judg»* Ctoiorgt' Gray in his dcclston
You cannot g»*t rid of ytolow ».kln,
p»ni«l* to ninety day *. Tea or TaU
on tbe check-wei|:hroan quwilon ha.
pto>Pl«k ltt»lwl«u» e).*s. iMid l.rt*alh|lels. S3<xmt*.
deckled to favor to the mlnera. Thi
Hotll.ler *
emlnrat Juriat agrees with the oplnloa with Phtoi m*d Iw’Fder.
■ ‘
UNION MADE, the John Mlic^U
irf Uwplw Carroll D. Wright to the
ahoe* for men. Snappy xtyles. good
ooatroverty. It U a vlclon for ih,
wearer*, great value*. ?2.60. Alfred V
mine worker*.
Even department to the llomvwinad
IX 111
I imtm
October 2Tth,
Nol So'^i Oil
lu 11 r h
llumglii t., the stixk of an .\};ri.
. uUui.il lin]»lcincnt xtorr.bul
unity UDERSoa
Mr. I*(ii1cr J. Wliilc
has luxt mhlctl a. Urge line of
.Miss Ul^a Vcnic
m JB^EirsY
I Jo
C traordino, Lntjagcrr.cnl
Cooking and Keating
tliat will interest tlie
Hlil SK-'
Unc uf
in aadilion lo Agricultural
plcmcnls. Carriages and Waj;oc»s.
Ladies arc inviicil to call
K. -0 e* Fire.
L ritrf. Sword Dud.
rec r.c r.rc FLcv.
h'Ci'.r.t Flower Bed,
2 cctr.c Morn.mj Clorlcx.
217E. f'RONT ST. \
Elrtlnc Necktie.
F.tectr.;: Crdc cf Firc,
Electric Skull.
CItuw Warnar. Proprietor
bUTT,!.S> FAV. MK'H '
Kindling Wood
Tvlor Coal C«.
Botli Hums
Beauty Remedies
For Sale By All Oragiists
have you secuheo your
[ ah
itp alH^iJl U «u phones. IKl! 2?.
T-y Record Warn Ada.
ri,;/e»n 214.
CowmtaMm Ac.
hmrmm- •mrnmm »
ma lv. aiul il o*>l .
th,“ thing a
real ejtlai ■can't he l»eat. They «s.m
inv.'sim.'Ul. will fui ; and cxirdovdli. todh ^tan.lu^d ^•a^heI
law.k up thej-------------------------------
Iht of laborera are at work.
«ro or llm-o oWff. .1.0
y. “ • f
It tK pnrbable that 30U Uelgiau gUs.s it. Then the ashew are ktns ked out |
and the rl|s‘ is t-arefully cto«iMxl W*.j list of R.WH1 luiytog houses and y.m,
on tin- e..rtn
wtwkoni on their wav to thl. countr.x
forv It Is rehllerl-a ptis^s^-goii© : win snrpriM- yourfelf Into punhanur-,
will be aentsbai'k. aa they arv‘ allege.1
through M,«nv imtos during the tvur^ j withoul delay.
| ..^1,1,,;; a’, „nr s,o..; wlune.^ r vou
to be under contract.
of an at let noun
and iiisjMvUng Ih.- m w
In Koglaiid the tin |rtate itidtislry
A NEW departure.
At the end of August ;171*
lUrney Anderson ha-v purchuMsl
.\Ift.d V 1-Vi*slri,di
mill, wetv working, a. cirmitartHl will.
lew sUicA to hard,
b:.l at Ihc end of July, and :145 a year
Knriy lUseru for IdltousnesH ,*r rons.I j rooking titensUu whi.-h
act,. At the 76 wmk.
6S.Ua l
patlon ytHi kiM»w what pill ptoauure la • play al his tarm implement More. Ih,
all Ibeli turn, to oimrattoo. while tin
There (anmus fillto pills cleanse tln l Slate atieei. The sUnes arc the 0>
tog VHU of H l.ltal .d 1«1»
The .'nil
mated uumto-r to work |H*onle en,
lull n severe lest
of heal
K tUv sUvl
Ed l.amra r h;,s h»t r! line .*r Fiel.rleh. Fox. Ill
u^ikir sti el r.uiKf,
|s:|At Ihs OidStanfl
h^HleratUm of lailMH- in MasiMU-husett;. | **
recently. ,
.vhm;;ni lli m
r..rlo ll.^«, J .. Ari,^ola l.
^---------- ---------i.Vj 2d.*r 26c. •
U' %
Good for Children.
Afi/ola Pantella.
I*. Nems..»t Wasliingi.,n. the com.
•loc. 3 for 26c.
t vK'c.::
I.mer aiMs.lul.tl to <«ompute the One Minute C.mgU Curw gives instant K. E. W.,
Iho tmunlter. of w hkh w 111 co out to
Weaver’f Fa«-lor> Siu .k
HUthnirlir nilir rellel In all cases of Cough: Oiotip and five, 3 for 250.
do a day. mending of ehvihen. etc., oi
& ct^nts , m.i: 1.'
'teimlr artlrleh hct to them. Thla. H irs. n«,t,n.d the o|H*rat.,r8 recently Ijir.rlpiK' iMM-aiise it dvH‘s noi p.v^.-: tin
Uttle Weavers. Nortiefii 1*«i - e
]H l,op,d. will prove a lK>on to many a that. iMis. d uiMiu the average price to mcllaiely Into the stomaeJ^. hut tal.e> i 3 Rmts straight.
I'd 'J
mothei wUh a large family, and at the ctgil. tl,c rate of wages for the miners off.vt right at the seat 45f the iro d.r*' i
K0.I S. al,
K-d Scout
ul.»u. li»*ae
I>ame time b«' the mean, of earnlnj; a this month win he Inerewse.! 2 ikt
6c. ti fvir 2'.c.
Iv. t. for 26.*.
peruian.-uilv hy
IlvtlibiXHl for those not iui|iahle ol .ct over last mouth. It Is bHlcvc! i and wotht-s and
Cronin Bros.* t'hoice,
wHg.-s will be lnrrtxw»«l lo |ht cent he enahllug the lungs to i-ouinl.'u,.' pure
txuuiH-UuK for factory work.
Ufogivlng au.l lif.-sustaU.iie.: o>.>ue;.
Kemale clgarinaker. at Notllnchau,: lore Ihc winter is over.
I vui clB»r.s
t« the hhHHl and lissu.-s .s,.ld l.y .ii;
ICngland. have struck in .ympalhy
■ l,ire»l by ll. E. Weaver, Trav.t e i*i
kith the laindon cmploycw <»f the Im
IMTlal Tobacco'cxjmiutny
Tbe h.t.‘Se,u.le,
There I. a larger penxmtage of |h-<, Will of niea. .V 1
pic enipagvd in commerce and Iran- III,- niiutiiltoii of never luiviug Ish-u j
th.* WVHSI .
jitore UH»ks. just atep
porUlloii in the Neiherland. than In too tinxl iM,r l.s. III to uhe <«■ luk.-j
k.v Uurlug his l«-t illm-s- a rela j SlMei>* iiariors and sei« the new cr • :
any oiber country. The iK-rccniage Is
Uv.‘. knowing the s,-imtor's extreme( at ions in fall hats from the pla;iie:rt .
17.2. The United Slate. 1. a cIum- .»•<•
less for l.tnndhsl is-a. lics. s.-nt and s.'vetx’sl strxH’l ty‘|s* lo th»* rich.;
inse«i wlMt .uir ht*. . ho:,
und. with a iierccuiage of lt;.:J.
to his sieki^s.m a small jmc .d th.vl
r . II as the prlre-^ ih4l »:
A wrhool fur aaleamcu
ha. Ux-n lu.Hit .leilei.,Us pns
u:' .‘lir: I*" *'■'
;sff -r lolsiiu ss, Muahty
I %v«. V.l»"
rii,- l>mimla] blaft i
. opened recently In Chicago.
dtiter tie* n'dutivr eatled and
j pictunique bats are• esptvially at ,
vi.!ciiiii.»n, Un^ eu Ih"
,sl t., the sl, kr.M„... tjui. kly
Sooitood toad, the world in the pro
old. as
as well
well jas *
hN pillow. utMl without giving tractive lo young and! old.
portion of It. wurMng popul.tlou on
bis ,all.*r tune to extend Iho osuaJ; the exquisite bleude.L styles in burnt
gagiHi In minimi and nmuufueturefonnamh*s. the siek iiu.i, oxelalmcti:
tuange. l.rowu. mahogany and
blt.4 |KT cehl^UR thuh engttgtxl.
-My d.nr l.*,uiM*
ing shades.
*lUHsl u. hH>.- h as Ul- I
in Italy, agrlculiure. horticulture
|-o,,ll;j l. l> h, |.i lo fto .loh„*.,u
tliHiik y..u for rtn^se
and lorcslry claim the latgeM iMreeut IMM.-inw':**
cuaraiilo's! I.. 5u‘ ak n,, s
-1 thought y ou would apprc lalr j
age of those . inpUoed. nearly Umx‘
ion tl,.*
«.r it in gh cVe.l «i
How ofti'n we ixad to a hous
Ufth. of the working |.,pulHtlou Udiig thorn. .\fe.xa,utor. " ivlurmsl ihoctiltor.]
i use4he Ut val? .-herry tu»e tli .>«
ing and with It a sum of m.mej
engaged in lUuso Industrie..
<tH»lhc the irrhai d .'on.h'am .
• Ah. .v.*a; •h. .ves!' he asM ntcl with I
jfvadlshly kept
There U a possihilti.v that the .trike
lOk jtoroat and restore heami. To
a amllc. and. as the smile to;--«eu.>l i
Instead of .lo|Hw,itii,g in hank
the laundry work, r. at Toledo. O..
any and e\< ry <-oh! wear n ehes
and tlnally hrok.- into a . hu. kto whieh
fieposiUHl with Pit,pies- Sa
‘^ wlll asMiin,' Idg proiH.rUon.. owing U- soom.<«l alilM*st u.»lsy In tin* Itush of
lor,or and the .s.Id wmU,^ can ha
h«n\ is alws.lmely sale, *ai, I
the iuaupiratlon ol the opim shop .ys
Iho shkCH.iu. he a.ld.M
ivcnelration what.Wer.
horn uotU^’ and i
appns lat.sl tlio spirit In j drawn any day)w,ih.
tern by the empUiyeraT
The AUtdaide (firmUi Amdralla) W'o
>lnjnyai' in
tc4ay—it's FREEi-
men Worker.- Tra,U\ Union U eudeav
orlng to
a n.cndlnc burvutu.
Our Malleable
Steel Range R
von heat. Ti.i this
yon aro tvilaiu of ,ni ct^y dt ifl, a tinifonii
kijur .s,jtisfaction in
same c|ii:iliiy of tfveii heal tlial h i.s
I ]v-t'*-d.iic in
every home lhat ha.*; a lh:iita\s h tmoitc
uvhk. it is a rauK^
detail, .unde of ihe Ksl imu and sUvl ]n
isf.'Clion all the
th.it lasts a liiV*liinc iiul yives y^rl
^ time.
Our Raokki, *‘Some tiound Stove ^cnse,
R .-1.
you ju-l why brand
A money and trouble. . Write for it
U will save you 1 »l
horlxon of the sea. It ,a
cooMellatloiw hare
‘ T/:*’
KMK-t.tii.ii and the difforeni marine j
nion»i have Imh u plitt t'd In effect. The j gmaUer. Tlie wune reanonlnc nndkw
ict»ai.e In M»me InvUiires involves , m tlie ann. In foccy weather the atars
«u advance of &*» |mt c« t^t. over the; alim apf»ear nearer it fnet w bi. h 1.
, their red «^dor. the nd re,,,nrpresent Beluniuie.
greater ©ITort of n»'enuin,o,l;,ili.n
Uffortb are being irfade to .-ms.
Ite on the retina the Hlichlly re
date the two cei'lral laU.r Ikh1I.*s
; f,*nglblc radiations.
S|H,kane. Washington, tine l.s ehar | ^ y not urs-wwary flint
terlered by the Aim rleau K.-deratlou of { rewtrial ol»jb(Ut to which we can dl|jibi,r and the uili. r by the American | rectly compaV the mpi»areut digmcier
E. C. DeWITT i
Bnaitf BemndiK
iayiir;i. 11
iH^iStk W «k«M
Ip n jpiMaaa. mot n ckim—wtth the re«A that may Mho M «TM » Bpar Ba^
aC. tbiM «M.
. mtt amba aa aBrtr MiiidMa.
aaarbabaotdtPMraaa am wrt
r jaaBfk Kaadklas aam* taa br!
Mnte bda la Me.
IMT WUUtopMt MNaMa. umasb
Mt aba la tff M irttb tamM Major
•ad Iba Vaa Ma tartaOM. JC tba laaia aandally
wbM M paid: *8ba'a kmaty. iJkL't
bmt bitcb M ia imr ami UkA b« ia
LA-k make bbr aae aC m: am caa
wi4i%m« drmtMammmabi
Lm'a |dv abe ia man
af me b^ap «m VM at
MWir, Majrbt am .libaU Mt feel aa
ba4|ly; Mid
^AIl. bo» well 40 J emrmber wktm I
*^.tbefaHlatoaBMabalL Lrijm
rrarkJjDS V|Mi% a«d mlMu;
look aroaad aa la mu baay. eld.
Tbf ol<l4MblMe4 Mm racb <B«1
Jar>a bmply Uria* mMi
OMircd •rim riurthBk svm|i M
virni m# Mn an
a mila Mraar.id onr bearfa fr
^ f^’ilJi livr feet itpoo ibe fMer. !• a ahlp. Ptaai affectioa arbere lt‘
«>d. «rr bocM alQIlfi
wte If U»ta« ber foMI
M Mter.
Fk-ied funli
tirtli mat ilaaber
. of a Htiidbood lout 400.
Tbi*n« •ere coldias la the
•M tiM liair<)oaad vm •»«:
Thfpdtt me.iwumbi for m« bIkm;
Now tlM‘ aattdmui'a atrlr craepUt MJ
• tired lad liaJr alc«pl«p
>\ hca hIh; alajp. to bln mat
Bloepy UtUr. *
Crotiiy mue.
Bo J n alUlatt brrv and dreajuiag with
Oie melkiw lanpHcht atrcwalng
Thn>usb Ibc Tin* Mibuacrod aria
U»a la a yelloa lollasv;
till the fragrant air come wlaglns va
‘ granmou^. of wM»aa'f aiaglM;
TU llio •.liimbor Mjog of chllilhou.1
thiU U Mtunmirlag to me.
Amt m»mv aiibtic faae, erpii.Ii,g liitU
my aenat^ half to
A» file iMlmy Kha|H« of bugatmoa go
UriMilly akins.
All ttiy aurm* dlnajiiaairUiR. an a tin
Uul rni bearing
Oact' again m muUior a
. i
blev|.y lilUe.
‘ r - ,
Creeiiy IHtle.
. Bun
•CfmvNniall llfi* lu (UhIb g
lilanllow futile It aecau aa Ibe i
To alter the vwi^'p la tbe lunultv
A hliigl.- litiiLli In an eiidU-MH web.
A d.o|. ill tlu cKMna Uoa and
• iiallerii U rent aliere the
Mifrh |8 iobl
^ , * Or inaiTo*l whcTe l|ie tauRknl
- •
Ihrrads have cnm«^;
* And each life that falU of It« true
Man* the iM*rfi-et
that the
Busan l^iolldR'e. '
TUm' 4« a iKautlftil and uitselOfli
.thought In the lollowlnu ncaspaper
fillildni:. which will be- a bcli, and
lileaulUK to all who ir> 'to live up to
Its advlci*:
’ Not to roll the UvIur nor dt-trauii
III.- .lead, lor love never dlee and ‘lint
which Ibc fountain aeuda loith. rtlui ns again to the founlal^* Uut t»
, there a i»eHllh t»f your boart's Uivtw-ah-tl with a Ik lovt-d^inrlu mwu- l ileiH t.inib? It Is for that treasure uii
tuhl. iiniicodcHl now, that I H,K-«k
- For those who seek HU face
An- aaUaaod,
Who drink the rlvcm of HU match.
h*«» grace.
Full aanclUl.Ml.
JSnnl ttaiight of ««rthly love to fci*l
> ‘whotic huagry hi«rta wotiUI
feuM and be n-froabed by jvur knrr
Inueiemsl ^«s^ U on. O. grterlng
on.-. «ho ,ui„k y.m have losi. ThU U
Ihe e*.iu holon I ha\e come to aa a nauli <*| a Ju-an enwrieuee.
• A. shun in,u- ago. « d.-ar. uimiar.
rlrtl frhnd pasKi-d swiftly, suddenly
a«a> l«-yt*iul ihe veil. We had aUwys
Im.-il her. She vahicd twr affection-,
and i^iic-.! them fourfold, so much
w^luu when newK Vamr of the ami.
An deparlun- of our^frlend.
of the fane
Ily-'aud fh*
•rsal /ei-llng was:
•We shall II
Iml ^mother fricn I
ni... |,.-r; lu
cr take her
/ So I
V 1«n(.ii,K. yearning ho,.
* allll lucked
-One day a sw.Hn facivil ,,uk-f. Ilttkw.»man from over the s.w With dainty
ways and nulpi tread. oatt.\ialo a aor
row sirlckeu family and m her willIng haiuU and skill to htnl a grciU
norrow. ami carry a buraet, 8hc Tuh
SUi-d her duty. Ilniming Icr task. Md
-Bbe cwme agalu a* a vUiior and
iMtr gmteful Umtu retwl ad bar joyfully, aa we n'mehibewd ber former
thU lu her .
- day. and i
Let me but live my lUc from year to
■ wul.
kMUraiac U. BUT Unil«[ (nai.
r u»- •»': .........
Not wMiniliw for Uo (hilic tku db
• tb« dim vtml, am boldliyi tack ta
It blddM aamat me aeat td
a. laataad of potUac op la me,
Uffbt.aatbMaNda ‘io.. Tbme aeamt
to.be a raapMded deeehmmMt of tbe
Mcr-atalk. gad proaMt meaiarea
jpam be reaorted to is order to rfm^
apaan btfora obe boda aiv
d. Maba a cape of mtek brova pajar. aad laren it error me jdanv afler
calOaff of
lai^ ar tamytf
TbU wOI oompel tbp bada JO set tbeb
y of Usbt frpp abprik aad la
tbMr eforu to gat aaarw tbe aoorce
of oapply ibey ariu be copxod oot of
tbelr retlremeot.
Tbe flpMt pf^ bal)a for wisler
oweHos U tbe Bermuda Uly. TbU
marry at att.
Tbe boatMi may taka baM;
gnaau. iroa them out with a wans
intiMn. aknieh or paUt aome faaiasWhte womler that the faahlOMb,. ^ttn^ M ^osSlt
ahapa igpon.oach. tie them wim womna haa taken to them for all aoru
and dem^piloo. of purpoaea. Aad;
ably have Um manufmmureTs secMed
up. wmua »oi, as
1 lelly. TbU
tar. Tta aultUtae ud rwtar at dc-^>^™ raclpe makaa ahoM Awp
m-lhe nttlc. decorate wkh •«
no» **« tar tao|»eiUbH—evta tael™
laavaa. atrlags.or rod peppera. ahMVes amatt shops of the small towns have t prepared no ono nniole arUI he i
ttin. jack lanterns made from metegoodly Block Of ralnco.ia-mak*.j“»*^
hlaa. ate. Brown hrand. baked It dlMctilt to choose the right one; and
tor sneh wse. aUo.
k apple aanee. doaghnata. eoPee. the tcaMUtkm U not to have a rain ,
Apple nM Omngs JakPwUI be a flne mMu. or Joat pepeora coat, but to make due. or at me most; Use an equal nuashM of npplas n**^
and apples and awet elder.
■a. lU
j araatkt. Wwk tar wta.. rUta amt
Yoor invtuUott on brown paper mny
Tta WT ta«»i ud tart preduc-jcure taem: put Itaa our tar
road thus:
tlou. ttata itat tave ta.rn prr|»rcdiu„ pr«t.rTl« krtur «M much
Old witch, young aprile.
On Halloween night.
Will Ida in revelry:—
Mary E. H. OovlUe
That U what I call store cakea made |
rer at home. It require* ao mnehj
cooklag to keep homemade cake M \
ready for chance visitors, aad the;
!nHB tba hhaa of the bulbs, and
•tore wafers are so commoopl
ram the atalk which they send ap
makaa k necaaaary for up to put merefore 1 uaasfdrm the wafers,
ways keep some of mem in n»c n
ulbwaU dowB In tbe pot In order
to give the atalfc roou a chance to get
all may bo bought at any gro
at the noil. Put hn ghtmt thraa Inehet
When oompaay dropWin 1 make I
ppoat. using the
ndriaed for
lo spread Jolly on them, fit tw,
btilha. nad proas >oar Uiiaa Into
X aad aerre with aanee. tea.
It. but do not corcr ihcp. Put them
«K ta-j
away in cold aiorage. aOnr walcriag
Bevc how good two ordinary wafers |
well. Look thorn over from Umt- to
are with a layer of currant Jelly Ik- I
and as apoii as you nm^ndlca
lions of top-growing bring them to th'If you are expecUag a little company
light. As the stalk reaches up. flll Ik
about It with aoll. and continue to do »r the aftcrntiQp or ^fvening don't I
•ke your brains over the hot Move '
mis unUl the pot Is full. In this way
lam U cnablcl to properly A-vel- •in hot wesmer. Get some good wafer/.,
» seu of roou. 1u buying the fill betwei-n with je-lly and Ice tbe out- j
bulbs of mu Illy, for^clng purpusea, side. There are endless varieties of*
giH mv UI3CCSU heavl(Dsl ones. Thusf- thi-iu. They may be iced In »Hfferenl
#'or Inatanoe. mU hdB of your whit.Icing with chopped nui-meais. spread
a thick layer of |hls bet ween ging'-r;
wafer*. Ida me ootslA with tbe white |
Icing and ^tne^ half a nut moat on the
middle tif etch side. The brown waf<-i
and white 4clag make a very pretty cdmbinatlon, though you can aac choc-1
olate Icing ami have them all one col
or If you wish
• "
-Aged 2 i Yeara.
he dnrk ns poaalhte. Ihe puenhHalf of n cantlk-d cherry on pink or]
Sun id Win. W. tjuble
OS lighted by Jack o' laatonw made white Icing makes a pretty cake, or aj
pumpkins, hollowed chern cut line and sprinkled over the
. nose cot Into m»- Icing while It U son. Cocoanui inay^m antlrlpatlui. of the rhill da** of thi
a burning candle. It. be used in the filling rrt sprinkled over; late autumn and wiuu-r. ^:rupIy can jm. !.i until they are redure-d lo a pulp
the ball the niosU-«a should stand the top. and citron mak*-* a variety. not I v told from ^h. ulKf.-r id tbe ex j IV::r the apide pulp Into a jelly bae
draiH-d In a sheet like a ghost, the hall
that the coniblnatloo:-! iK-nsive made-lo-.«rder<jnly tailor. Tiivj to strain out the juict*. Measure ih«
being perfocUy dark, direct mo goosts are iufiolie. and 1 leave ii to your "in-j clult^^ are all the same. ih»- c-it. tli*-, Jul^e. and lu oa**h pint of apple Juic**
sllonUy to the dressing rooms andu,
gunnlly to devise
dcvls*- pi
pretty cake*. If It 1 , 111. ihe trimmH!s> are ia o,. rv way up^ a4kJ ow- ol boiled orenge Juice and a
then lo the darkened pariors. All; a girls' party they would enjoy noth j to the nu«^t . -.artinc r, ,j..:r. inr-ni • j fKJund
,H,uod of sugar, and bo
boil ibem lugem
should be dressed as fanUsth; as pos- log U‘tter than iransfonalng the jam! the fait tba* iJuv
I er. n-moving,lhe scum ithat rises, until
have arrived m* wafers the
It Is work that j way wau-rpnH.f Is an Hi
a little. ctK.led ution a saucer, forms a
games begin. The witches' cauldron 1* may Ik- done on the porch or under a j muchly to theh
tho jgh nut
J.-ily Tti.n take the kettle off the
good one. Three girls attired as tree. Don't be anxious to have the all to their
Htmv. let the jelly parUj cool ami
wlichca. with molr hair hanging down wafers crisp. They are better for this j All of the feature* of rasblun.-«. cur :h«ii it into g!a**i-s. When n,I.l seal
Ir backs, aad draped in sheets, take purpose to have aoUcoiul a bit.
j rent and to ct»me durftig the next sea I! uj) like any other preserve.
old keiUe for the -cauldron." the
Here nre my recipes for Icing: Th> son. have Ix-en cleverly incorporai-l
witches standing around tbe kettle re^
Ripe Tomato Preser
peatlng Shapespeare's verse from
Macbeth. The players should clasp olate.
Care of Invalids,
hands and go about In a ring. Every^ Keep the while and yolk separateEvery Invalid who has mh nt mm ’i an- impt»sHible to buy. and are there
time the circle Is completed Uie witch |*nd stir rech thick wlUi confectlonei s j time pn;p,K-d up in 1k-*1 in a miusir o: fore one of the few sweets that even
aa bid them *lop and select some ono, ,ogar (iwwdered will do). Divide each ri-ciining is.sItion. ami has , xperi tbe city hon*ew|fe must make at
who must come forward, reach Into In half. In one half of the white put cured tin- aucr.ivatlng U-rnlcncy I- j home. Allow inmnd for pound of sug
Ibe cauldron with the ladle and spoon, rtl or .iKlit .Irop. of v.nlta; la Ih.- .110. do.;,v.,r.! r.urt'd l.y . v.-ry
cover wlta
and lin out one of the many package* Other half ivu drop. oi Hncniiv o') mon-niem of ihv Pirty. »iili ita
j .ugar an-S Ici .lead over al»ht. In Uu
It contains. The parcel Is then oftened |
and Is regarded as emblematic of mt
the back, and the uIi-nv:urrlnR «cc<-k j ^^med a^ U.II^^lt*
future spouse of me player conccrncl.
sity of galnlnc the n^rt,l>*-nt po-tliton j ,article of loam. Put in the tomatoes
At a baxaar oao can procure me
tiinkeu; a toy soldier, aallor. pen, an
riiii «u:c b} ,,nc with a fckimmer and
engine, a box of candy pllla for a phy
?I»rca,l on a dl*h Boll the syrup until
■ who lias suf it fblckeiiK. flavor generously wltb
Slick cinnamon and green ginger root.
fan. violin.
one ublcsiBm is enough.*
a strip ol rausUn toweling or similer Put bark the tomatoes, boll for a quar
the heiress, the good cook, tbe blcycKSow you are ready to Ice me wafer*.| maicna!. two t*r three yanU U*ng and ter ef .an hour, and seal In hot Jars.
girl. m« mtMdcat maiden, etc.
This amount of Icing will fill and cov-j the width cf th.- goodh Double om
Thaae irlnkeu may be-^w out of er several dosea If some nfe filled end back upon itself, forming a loot*
Cocumbera in Oil. 1
d magaalne* or Mvortlscdteets If no with Jelly. Of cotirae you nw-d make or horn wb'c: enough to ia>lly take it
A ciiriimber pickle in oil sounds
lofw are gaar. Then
each gnost but one kind of icing If you wish; the a medilttm-*Iri-,l pillow. Stitch acros.^ very alluring. Take two doxen large
pare an apple: this muM be done all yolk of the egg will keep several day-sjlhe hem seenn-’y. it avlng the Rid* cucuiulK-rs. six large onions, pared
m one strip, thea whirl U about the in a covered dish In the r
. j open so that ihc pillow may b,- readily and .-ibvd very thin, then place IbaiD
bead three time*, and. cMi U aplk the I
in layers In a dish. s^kUng each
floor. The shape It take* Is sup^Wd i
Raiiur Day Caatnfnas.
the IxkI lmm.-*!lat, :> ainive the lowo r la>cr with salt. Aflur standing six
to be a letter whlqh I* me InltUl cl
While the pesMmlstic may bcwal!] .beet. p**^slng the fn- end under or hour> drain well and pour over mi*
your liiinre matrimonial ounsuri. It {this as aa era of cxccpUooal extrava-i through the head rail*, where It can dri>-lng: One half cupful each .of
the paring hroaks before the entire jgmice in droas—In woaiaa'* dress m be fastened with a cord or in any c-.ir olive oil, white muKtard sc^ and
— ^ venlcnl manner, m, that the position black mustard aoc-d. one tablespoonfu.'
Jot you
of me
which is U) act as a sup celery ^oed and urn- quart of vinegar.
another apple for the Inlllal. *lnls U
U merely a oh:verly nlfived I port to me hips, may U* vnrie<l to suit Afler the pickle has stood tp the dress
test oar grandmothers used.
akm. a wiU o' me wl , so ici the comfort of the Invalid. When nut ing for twenty four houra;jdd enpagb
To tell whether yon are to marry a
and that mu athcalk emrar j needed, the pillows can be removed cold vinegar to cover and«pal away In
kmd. a braaettc or red hair o.r is realty a tree «com
small wlrlt-mcwithed bottles.
»ne at all. take three liowU. fill one
kcrgniae. There j of the iKxl .
with soap aads. one with Inky water Is ahaoUimiy nothing. noioneitomln!
A Jelly Hint.
^ Pleklea.
and one wim clear water, then act a the wnrdrobc
of today _________
.that wlU offer
From jelly there is much pulp Icfr
of ODOfttUfig
thla accask j
department lia.- li-i-n asked :
Ercry peraon Is belter
that can be aacd« jnakihg np buttcra.
the wxaUod Ihlapoat.
i reprint the recipe Un
bit or her hands
marmalades, etc. Apples caa be aaed
then nib them over
Starting on lU career ma an mUanci!^ lall, and takes pleasur** wim grape-s Almood la the fiavaeJag
The rcsnll wlU &ark their j for tbe ralny-^ay toUatla aolely, It has In <IoIng so. Every one-who tried tne lor peaches, aad tor crahapplea ad-1
II photo <h
Mage with a aort of aymboUc
gradually wMeoed tk..
me bounds ^
of Urn recipe but year was pleased with IL
flavoring of lemoa. pineapple or vanhU fuiiire partner In Ufa.
These pickle* take two quart* oi ilia. A late combiaatloa is cinnamon,
To tell the aUe of the
lUteU no chink in cue
the aartortai
sartorial prtv|S
prtv j green tomatoes, one quart of red to^ and proves to be very good. A tMthat it will oot
not .fill, and that j1 *matoe*. three small bunches of celery. spoon of flavoring to two plnU of palp
sites, blindfold cMh peraon nad tdl
hint of blxarre or me on j three large onions, three red
U g.md ami mree-foorths aa mmet
hem to sit In one of the chain, which waitable eimcr.
peppers, mree green sweet peppers, aajcar as i«!p makes a rich marem
ever you hit tipoa will fit the alae of
one amali head of cahbagt-. one large lade.
T^e heat of the
fature agoaae. Thca there ia th«
ripe caenmber. oao-half coffee cup at
ig of ghaat Morlea. Another the chlffda hreaddotha. the UUorM aah.. Chop the regeubiea. cover with
Lifting OaMiaa.
Ml-three tin oopt,- Three dnpa tibei aad adrgre nnd chovkda. to nay the aah. aad let atand over night.
Aa aoua aa tha Mpa ad your dahliar
shoald be partly filled with wnler. nnd nothlag of the mohalra nnd .ihe jiM* Drain ^1 In me morning. Add throe are kninred .hy fitiai tahp ap th*oed oa the nmall ond of three
jdnUvbr vinegar, two pounds of dark
funnels, place oa the Boor, about two!
lk*rauac tbe road s last turo will bt
On IiaJlowo*on night the ghosts.
Ibe beat.
Wltchos. Wlamls. otc„ arc aup(»osi*d -c
-Henry Van Dike. In tbe
bo about practicing all manner of
tricks on me belated traveler. It is
tbe Ume when the jwung people from
1^41 Uesford. SB acksualoplgied au. timo immnmorial have gathered to
Uurity pa tdam raialag. «iv«« m« fol
same corerlag aa the tulip. I have
found it moat aaUafhclory ioVk frwa
four to ala inilha. aaoordlag to slae. la
sevM4pM pot. U mey touch aaeh
other no harm will be done. The efU ameh flnar when they are
od la this way thca where mey
are potted slngb.
The best tnllpa for forcing are the
aarty alagle IcIshU. The beat HoUand
hyadoths are me Magle oatm. though
r double ones abould be used, for
«ke of variety. Thane bloom as
and once vary MM.- BPti aniaapof
jmkinr. PakmrMMtM-.cateIm
semoas tun n pcaMrvigg kaim
Fmm wbai the futuro-vy.elU; tmt
wHb a ar^ote
Aad happy buart that fiaya lu toll
To Youth and Age. ami travels on With
o let tbe way wind up tbe bill or
Through rough or ammitb. the >mr.
bui a Jm>.
N.-w fri.u.dKbl,,. high adventure, and
havlng tuoac, flabby''^les arc gcnci
1 shall grow old. hut ne^er k»st life's
Wr winter bloomk^:
KoiiuUUior gardep U complete with
out bulb*. It U c*q't|ally true that no
winter gnrd.-u U wliat It ought lo U
without I hem. T>ey nre. In mau>
ways, more satlitfncto/y than ihv
pUota we usually grow there, as wt
can force them Into bloom with case
and ccrialnti If we give them proper
treatmejjt. This consists In Imitating,
as far as possible, me prtx-osses of nalure. If we* pot the bulbs and pul
them awny to g dark, cool place tor sU
wwks .»r two mouths they wUI form
strong r.H>ts, precisely as the bull
plant In the garden do. If we bring
them to me light aad warmth of the
living room when this root-growm ir
completed, they will make a vlgorotts
ami baalthy lop-growtb. aad produce
flowers la every way as ftae as muse
we get from the bulbs in me ganlen.
Uul If we pot them and place them liu
mediately in the window, they wUl be
have \T5f^iuch as those In the gar
den do which were pUoted so laU- In
the season that they did not have time
to complete root-growth bofoix* cold
weather came. In other words.'' they
»lll try to grow roou and tops at the
same hme. and the result wiU U- any
thing but sauslactory. Therefore. d-i
aol negkiei to put jour pottad bulbs !.♦
cold HU,rag.- for a |H*riod of se^cra!
weeks. If you want good flowers from
them It uM-il to bt- rouHldered neerssan lo put them whtire they fronkl
freeao. after iHXtlng. But we have
found this to iM- a mistaken notion.
Any cool, dark place win answer, tl
should be cool and dark U-cause these
ooodltioas are favtirable to rootKieeel
opmeut and not to lop^growlh. A ccl
lar Is an excellem place for them. So
U tbe attic, if you cover them with paIKT or old canH-tlLg-^anithlug tha.
will egclude- the light. They should
Ik.* wfierctl wHI at potUng time. It
win not be nccesaarj to water them
again for m fortnight or mort-. hm they
should never be allowed to get dr>.
Ksamlne ibutn from time to time. ...
make sure of the condOlon of the soil.
The soil for pottM bulbs ought to be
similar to (hat given ibosc In tbe garrich and mellow. Tulips in
pots nt-t-d oub lx* i
to the dep;h
of an lack. Hyac
tould simply
tar tatan ta« WtaML u< pSta %
S B Mnn *7 pitae
Kpr ma tawtaifciT *nt^
tku Mr ttata ۥ AM rta.ru SST - ' ^ 'v:i
M w s !■ AM ir.y /
Xherela aamlgaaj^
•rMaaaamm that Maftr all thaaNVh
X ■>’
Tha owaar of iha fhoa kaapa
aasbre of aowm. amd ihap an.M hg
a alectric maohlaa. which threwa tjM
an Bagilah gaacSS^The jMtgjlilyil .
can milk 4« Mws at aaoe. APd retpdfPB
oaly two.pereoas to.op^ It.
Frmdk milkmaid arifi ppw MmAo
1 other warh io do.—AMware.
Bama'afaMreatreTk^hlM. v v^iowa im jaamg girla aiM Imir
lU for thair aldma aaam to gj^
iUa. Uttle giria waar twa laair
ra. oM oa the top of the hair. w%ara
It U drawn to a pomcadbar. apd
at the aape of the Mck. Baoa^r
hows Whiah reqaire a path a< MflM .
are U high laror, aad Alaagiah a#a#a
are worm hy atom jgirt*
plenty of hair Bprayn of 1
veloped from ckiffoa mako
oknament for the rvenhig.
oughly. dredge wJU Boar^S^c on
bom aides with aak hhd j«#r. aad
fry ia a taldaapaoatol af Tgqr hat hgiicr. unUI o^ Beap hrewm, aad crUp,
Turn while fr^
CHRisrnUi* ^btAiFOW.'
By BKV. m. H. CMTldEr
The topic emphaeftas the
J? ^^^^totorian^mere
-To errey maa hbi waft-" XCm B|H
aet only the piaaaasl week of
to w ^maeace la a ar^
mach larger life aad wmh-r« BMf
Cor Uad. Car tbe clpireh ef C%rlf>t ^
t-faiidare gf inreal lle.ah^,
plsce of thy teat ead tot thma i
Cor the cortalae eC Ihtoe hdtoi
Spare not. leagthaa ihr «id4
acrengtbre thy aukia.'* ThelMi<
mond of Christ to His diMipito s
•XJo ye throaghout the
Aud. io.4 am with poa i
and Impreve onr work. It
ing of the hocy eresM
chttfrh. In tbe ftU ereiy rhairk
eoKiety alamld togln a well
pat forth.
lYhst we have ia aot to bo hgl
osireomd or cast aside. Xo atwj
for tbe tent wm to be eeie
etrregtbeaod. Oa the bapl
sre hare, if H he the true I
which is Chriet Uimeair.
■trire to ealarge aad imf
1. FaHTgwnMt. What _
daaver e*4ecy Is there ikm
aaUrgel In every plare.aC
to that alotoAr I
•BIT byhriaftag aew i
aodaty 2 In this wark every
have a part.
t la of no avdIL
hy My MlitL ealth the Jtofd.-. T
may jdaau Apol|ea argter. kgl «
only real ) the toe
daavar ici tmoXM
blew dowa The CMt wM.Ma Um
aad heavy far the paltotMMaiNi tMt
aappocted IL UfftaoCtototoodr
LKM ealafigtoiMM^
piety, to aambcra. to tohoc. Mft M id
atoo improve Ui M prtft*
fasaioMbyoorpcrfenmaoto. Tm|I
crea pata farth lla Crelt hdfiiB ft
iMvee By faim <1*1
tpd tiM
lag let aa eMarga apd M|pCM MP;
aelvaa. omr aaclety. mm ehafch kid thd
ehatch aatrenat
Mtowdeaef MaM<
.loaHbtylM- Ateaaaw
W O!COk^mlMtte»0»lac#r
I ^ tt. WM. tmlfte Trtl^ •€
M^ wmMrj sroitwl t&« m «r
jifmhm’M divtow*. Mdtec
9b$rtd9M» left tert. et Uto
ttnrnV^m^ lUey rtwrtiled fit*
Mr cvMlefe 1^ dftrtUMM aW fee t«
wia be for aaparana
Id a.
moralas i
!•:» a. m, monli
Btatca. Sag aU tha while, aariating nw-
Tbaro la oo c»roaa tor a womaa
waflirtag a teat yajw'k hat wbea sack
a aaried aaaortmaat caa be bad at
, -D IMbar Dear. JarwItowmahl^ BaapdM.
Tha aalratlo^ MkwM a arwy^j^
Iberiaea M Hit the front ftmrdiye
Mbtwtbe attack. Ha bad baca wn
4d ar trooWa. bat had l«Mr«d It ba^^
aaw ha bailairirf that Eartr was too
Car awax frtaa hto haac or^aoppUaa ta
Bafara laarlaf tha campa Sbertdao
paatad Croek^a comauiBd. tha Eighth
cerpa. todi^BC Thorbara'a divlakm.
down the rallax A coontar charge of
tha Wxtli eorpa ^ IS awcked by BariT*
General Eariy promptly rallied hla
foTw* for a aacond blow and. aroldlng
tlia direct attack on tba Sixth cotpa.
moved to the Federal
tba cavalry. Sbaridai
**** tte NtoSaJStb
ala^ tha aaat bank of the crack. wUh front at 1 o'clock and «iw tba repolaa
STSlath eorpa. andar Wrigbt aa the of Early by the Jlua of troopara. AfHght of tha NIaaCarath. The caraln firing within three miles of tha ex
horerad ae tha axtraoia haiiha. watch trema front oC tba old camp. Bbcridan
tec tha roada that cotaa In CM tm mat tba Brat organlaed body of
aaat and waat UwrlBf tha coounaiMl nicketta* and Wbaatou'a dlvlal
to Qaacral H. O. Wrlgbl. Sheridan ac^ tba Sixth corpn. Thaw troops
oat oa tha Uth to CM tha Bine Rldr Ured lew than two mikw from tbalr
old camp. Farther on ha mat Oatty'a
On tha nth Sheridan had flniahed lih dlrjaioo on a bl
rn^Um and toCimiad aa far aa Mar rtdiii„ .
ttoabnre. On tha Iftth ha atartad ii| hla hat and waa racrivad
tha oaUc) pika on horaeback and halt A imia farther on be mat General Tot^
bart. who with Wa cavalry c«n»a waa
------- , iTs.iatiux tha «m^y'a advance. Torart li-j l^rt amid, “My God. I'm glad you've
Turning to the front again Hharidan
waa gHH-tiHl with tt line of regimental
and Bbaridan Bags that nma Op out of the ground to
walc.Hno him. These w*-ro the colora
Manratj^ awaited bla braakfaat.
Maanwblla Barlj had ndranced three of t'rmik. w
enhmina ta snpf>ort Ilamacur'a attack.
Crodkh cainmand. wUhb waa laolatrd It Hie sudden atUick
The warning of an tmi»endlng atuck
and tba farthaat front. Inul liaen enreloped by tha Oanfedcrote dlvtolona of w hlch Sl»erid4in had iguoml waa to
____ _____
l»efnram and Gor- the effect that the renown
doa. At the name time Wharton s t*pn- Ix>ngsireet was on his w ay
derate dlrlalon. formerly lireekln- In to join i:arly In crushing the Fodridga'a. advaocad against Emory’s eniU The events of the morning gave
Iftnetaeoth ca|pp»- Crook's entire corps color to this rejMKi. and Klwrldan dawas orerwhalmed and hU ranks acat- terminad to art with rauliun. He act
iered. but at tlie bamp of the Muc- Kbout rrnrranglng his
liwoth ewpa the division of Grover
•toad at anna, bav^ig been ordered out
OB a reconaolaaaoca at daylight.
Ganerala Wright and Kinoty ware
Ming of Klfrsbnw. who was In
Crook’s camp poranlng the defeata.1
Boldlera. But fnrtliar aun»rlsc nwnlKsl
tba Federal tine. Gordon and Fagraiu
bad paaaed arouml Crook and. deflectlog. atruck tba Nineteenth conw In the
Sank, iwlng abehared from view by tha
heavy fog that bung over the valley.
Tba Coofedarata cannon aoon cnflladod
the wrorks of tha Nineteenth con^. and
General Wright ordare«l It tn fsU back.
A atining episode of tl»e retreat of tha
Nlnatmth eorpa Is daserllMsl liyt'oloncl
H. E. Hill of tha Eighth VcruiuuU Ba.vs
Colooal Hill: “In'the early roornlifg
fight the eolora of tha Eighth Vermont
paaaed through a terrllde €.rfleal and
received a bloody bapnsm. Snd.lenly n
maaa of aoamlaa ronfrouted the flags
atri with hoarse ahouta demomled
tbalr BurrcDdar. l»aOant shouts went
back: •Never! .Never:* And then, oinid
tramendous excitement
of the
to band conflUis
have aver beau raconlwl. Men saemM
more like ’demon* than human l^-lngs
as they struck fiercely at each utharwlth clubbed muskats and bar“iiafs.
A Confcdarala of i»owarfuI build attempted to bayonet Corporal Wonlan of
tba color 4niard. Worden, a tall, aln•wir man. who had no Iwyonat on hla
musket, parried hit anamy'a thrusts
fMarata than lavalwl Itls musket
abot t'orporal l*atrr. who bald the rolera. In tba thigh, a tarrlble wound, from
Which ha died that nlgbu Vetra held
tba ffglinanlal flag. Ha cried out:
that vor
aalvro and tha flair
' U- tax of ball man did not forget the e«»lcrawled nway to die
oca. and as Petra cr
1 and borne
aloft by Corporal IVrharo and wetc
aa Instantly demanded again by an nsoallant who attempted to grasp them.
Bargaant Bboraa of tha guard placed
hU musket at the roan's breast and
rifle Bash, and a bullet from
to tha earth- Once i
“The flfht ^r tha colora
A Confadarata dlacharge,! hla rifle
iln a foot of Corporal Bemis of the
r goaitl and wounded him. but
I dead by one
, 10 It
A little later Bargaant Bhorea
and Lamnai Bimpaon w are alpnding to^
gather by tba flaga whan three Confadarataa attacked them and onlared
‘4ham to aurroodar. Aa the
M just
r bad been Intansifled by
1 forty four dnya* heroic
R rort Hudson, marvekraa-
DobT bey new atovas when the
anma aerrice ean be bad from the
aeeomi^and prodoet with leaa then
I hr the chortta. “bet Jeaoa Lead
bnir the coat The oaly dlfferanca be
tween the old nnd the new ta in the
M to the purobaaer. Orent eoau
and furs triU keep np wmrarib wltbool
Offering and offeratory
Idoors. but for n cheery borne nnd prw
Sunday acbooL
tecUng glow, alt by a piping hot atore.
% p. m-. Y. P. A- mecUng.
air tight, hot bteat or coaL Frank
Song by the chorus. “From Oraan- lUab. 403 E. nonl atraet.
rod's Icy Monatalna.**
7. evening worship. Sermon by tha TM€Y SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
pastor and apectel muaic by the choir
That's what the hoy's shoes kept bj
W. X>ooglas
X>ooglaa always da Madt
I Rowland W’.
»«Jlum weight calf, good a
Mid-week pra>cr acnrlctJ iro Tburs- W
' soles and U good style, they aland
tey night at 7 o'clock.
; wear, no matter how hard the little
bub U on hla shoe leather, they'll hold
hlmamight The beat shoe and price
Goner Slate nnd Unkm atneta
to I1J5. Invest.
bronght^np^ brtar.
paw Iwtwaan tha broken raoka k tha
BIgbth and IMtaanth eoipa and their
atgorooa imranew. Tha lander ct tha
Sixth. Cmaral RlckaCta. waa woondad
Rev. C. T. Stout, raotor.
'Morning senrlce at 10:30.
Sunday school at 12.
No cvvulag service.
All are cordially UvJtod to ibaac i
ovum vd Mrs. Mnnaelta
Meetlngar every night nxeept
Snadny. 11 a. m.; boUnem mm
j p. m.; junior maering. t:tO p. m.;
Chrtattena'pratae ateeting. I p. m. A
wal batlte for aotda.
All are welooma
Wearing a rtag. but tt has no choice
You know what ydu like and what you
don't like. With the large a^rlment
In plain and fancy set, or bakd rings
kept by R. W. Rasiall. your taste can
bo gratlflcd both In style and price. In
solid gold rings the prices run as low
as s dollar.
llcv. Hugh Knnnedr. pastor.
Morning scr>ice. 10:U0. Themt,
The -One INmndaUcm CiK>n tVhIch u
Services In Modcra Woodman
.ver postofflee.
Evening yWvlce. 7:ts». Theme
Sunday morning. 10:30 a. m.
Men have boon arrested for working
Ufe Determined by What One Bo
Sunday but a deposit in People's Sav
Have*” \
neeting. 7:30.
ings bank works Sunday and holiday
aasami'cllng. 0:45 a. m.
Reading room, room 314 new Wil- earning Interost for lU owner.
Sunday school. 12: oo m.
lelm block, open every afternoon ex
Interest fools up as rapidly when
Epworth U-ague. «;00 p. m. Usader rep* Sunday from 2 to 5. Thursday
you are the one to receive II as
.na Kenney topic. “H»w Can We En evening from 7 to 1.
you are the one to pay.
arga and Improve Our Work?*'
A cordial IntrlUtlon Is extended to
Oi>en an account with “The Pco
A cordial w elctime at these sen Ices all to attend all services and the read
j pie's" and see U grow.
ing room.
Church of Christ (Olaclptaa.)
Thomas P. UDom. pastor.
Mirteenth »t^ M. E- Church.
! You w ill not have that dark brown |
Quid hour at
exery Sunday.
Rev. J. W. MUmr. pastor.
Saxte in the morniag. If your evening {
Morning. lU:Sn. Subject. “Dlvldliig
the W'onl."
Evening scrxiccs In charge of Prof.
Candy company puts upon the market.
Every pound Is an endorsement for
Sunday school at 12.
masting Tbarmtey avanlng j more. Just as every taste is an InduceY. P. S. C. K.. 5:45 p m.
! meut t» take annther. and so on. and
t yet.
lay evening at 7;3o.
Hrv. t:.lpar L U*‘-qua. luulur.
?: 15 a. m.. Sunday scluHtl. \
Saiurtay night unluyl pra)
Christmas Is 4he seasfin for the «
i with
II a. m.. MMTvIce.
dndy of the Sunday aebuol
3 p. m . Junior Endeavor.
: sittings now while there Is lime an
*.hc children.
Weletime to wi.r»;hip with us are the
5:45 p m.. Senior Endeavor.
leisure to allcnd to It. and it will b
I more satisfactory .to all concerned.
7 o'clock, evening senlce.
Granger, the wc»rklugman aud Ihi
Prayer mil ling Thursday.7:.7n
Then too, you will avoid the rush of
Evcrybocly InvlUMl to these service [the preceding weeks U*foro the hull
Epi^opal Church.
I days. A new slock of 24 karst gold
First Prssbytertaa
First Church.
piste photo frames. In all styles, fronr.
Cor. Wshhlngton and Park Klreets.
Ilev. TtuunsH Cox. pastor.
Rev U muel B. Blssell. i»aator. .
Sunday. (Kt. 2.1. the young iHx,pU a
S»**hion roiN-tln’g. 9:45.
ittliy da.v
I •l-'ftUh I
Morning senlce. 10:.7«.
a m.
Vletorlous Prliulple. "
Bible schm»l at mwn.
I Thirtwn years ol continuous Isun
7 p in.. ‘ The PerMUialll.v and Work
Prearblng service. 7;t»U.
I dry work ought to U* a bumdeut guar
d the Holy Spirit "
C. E. meeting at 6:30.
anlee that any arUclo of clolhlug
At n.H>n all memlH-rs of the Bible
SeulK free.
would be handled right. Iroood right
*chiK>l are asketl to tneci and take iiart
All arc welcome to all the senrlcci and returned al the right time,
;n ft program of music and si»eakrag.
given over i.i the Star Ijiundry. I>sd.
vice at 5:45.
The Epworth U*ague serx*
the samples of our flnlsboil work
Free Methodist.
Free Methodist preaching at 318
-r-nuoirnuai uattliko i II rum a rLAOH.
Cast Fourteenth street Biroday at
10:30 a. m. Rev. C. MlUur.
flalhh. Wrlght-'Bros.
teenth <*orpK, w Ith the cavalry dl
of Cunter on the right and thcdivialona
German. Exwngellcal Lutheran. St.
of Merritt and Wilson on the left,
Matthseus Congregailoii.
tween 3 and 4 o'cliK'k the i-oluran was
A decade or so ago sjeam and ho>
put in motion.- .\t tl»e flrst
Rev. A. Martin of Kingsley. |iastor. water hoaUng was considered a
Eariy'ailne gave way. the Ft'ilrrnl In
Senlce Sundan 10:30 a. mj man's luxury. Toda) these methods are
fantry snix piag over atone walls and
All Germans cordially Invited.
i being Introduced Into the more
ever) f«win of cover, and the cavalry
i esl eolUge homes, as many conclude
dashing in u|Mm tiie flanks to clean
the hurrying fugitives as prlmmers.
Ons of Many.
' that it Is a part of wisdom to put their
All are cordially invited to the torIn the exciting punroit the cavalry
H. A. Tisdale of Summ____ _____
la-lgadc of i'olonel ChnrUw
suffered for twenty years with thelrotus Arms t Cole Install every modl.oncll charged among the houaes of
plies. Bpeclallsu were employed and iern device for economical beating
the mile lunnlol of Middletown, loalng
I known to t L- plumber's art.
lia chivalrie and
Rev. D Cochlln. pastor.
of arms, .The flrwt
Morning servk-e and ac
can You EatT
itcdernte gmi captur
captured that day
of DeWitt's Witch Hatel Salve.}
l«:ie. Rev. Charles E. Perkins. Keo1 taken by the First
. H Taylor, a promlnwn
sauqua. Iowa, wllfpreach at this hour.
cures that have boin effected by this. ^ chrtesman. Tex., says:
•uster told the Vermonters that be Begin the Sabbath day with worship.
of a «cak i
would l»e satisfied If. they got a al
Strangers and new famille* In "Trav wonderihl remedy. In buying Witch |
.trength sod ran down In
gun from the enemy. Itefurr the day. eroe CUy are cordteH/ Invited to be at Haxel Salve It Is only neea*sar> to ,o*i
see that you get the genuine DcWli's weight. All that money could do was
ended there w ere My-cight guns Uk-« home with us.
made by K. C. DeWlit A Co. In Ch! done, but all hope of recovery van
rn frt>in the enemy by BUoridan'a army,
tnnflay school at noOB. The xenlor
and of that nurol»er twenty-three wers ‘
Ckgo. and a cure Is certain. Deivntt's ished. Hearing of some wonderful
cmllled as trophies to the First Ycr- departmeat. all tho elaases that met Witch Haxel Salves cures all kinds of cures effected by esc of Kodol Dyteavalry. Fighting in company In the Court house, will meet lomorrc
piles, cuts, bunia. brulsro. ecxomv popsia Cure. I concludi^ to try It. The
With the Fifth New York cavalry Of In the Grange ball. Do pot miss
tetter, ringworm, akin diseases, etc. flrst bottle benefltJd me. aud after
the same I
single sossltm of the Bunday acbooL
Sold by all druggisla.
taking four boUlea. I am fully reaton-.!
i. five I
intermediate Christian Kndeav
1,000 p
to my aaual strength, weight ani
era. The Confederates were poabota Soetaty at 4:3d p. m.
health." Kodol Djapepate Cure dl-|
Iroek beyond the camps they bad cap
what you eat sad cures. Sold
tured In the mernlng. When tba news BBdbavbr at *:45 p. m.: topla "How with American people, bat a aeoessUy. by all dniiilaia.
of tbls fresh victory raoebed tba nortli can We Enlarge, and Improve Our
and aa you do not pairbnae every
an outbnrat of enihu
Workr Mr. Hobart, leader.
day they iboold be selecled srlth caro.
evening gospel meeting
Barnum A Bart give a profeaalonal
7 p. m. A great general saved.
Prayer meeUng Thursday at 7:3« p. test and fit the area with a true leni^
wbicb may be used with or without! TH E ViOUN, has oi«antaed a DANCE
m. In the parlors.
bo«a or rime, ud la nickle, gold filled
Magdalene Circle. Friday
iS:Use Reart Want Ads
Mayflower clnb Friday at
All aervteaa la the parlors uxsapt
acbooL whici irUI meet
Dry, Hard and left 1
Bfj ■— iigd»cllawiM—
•II tba vtallfi.
Per taftna call at fioutti Siia Sbaa
--- -----
“Moneybak" Silk
Cbeaiicst ifl the Ead
Dust and damp proof, bemuse no
foreign substance is present to attract
dust and dampness. *^Moneybak ” is
nothing but silk. Enquire at the silk
T F you want your boy to look well,
^ and feel right, put him in a0^,
overcoat. The only strictly custom
tailored boys* overcoats made. Be
sure to Sec them before buying.
Wc handle a complete line, many
styles, popular prices.
DI-BECACSE II does «nt att.-ropt to teeth everything, but ooaflm-8 Its work to HCSINES8 COCIIS!-:^.
2nd-BBCAUSE it loaches the GUktKl rhrifihand. which can hp
learned In two^thlrds of the time n-qulred iof (ny other ayatcBL "
Srd-BBCAUSB U give* Instruction in 'Tyi writing instead of allow ing atndenu to work arltboat any guide.
4th-B^IJ8E It's atndents are alwaya
demand where kaoen.'
lirr THB VII.LAM or BHAnc*
' -VBIIV pmtammt.y.
m mvammimL
ourMcmta or
2S0 in Numbor,
By Wire to tbe BveaOag Raeonl.
Hudson. Mich.. Oct. 22--^Mra. O
R. Picree. one of Hudsnn'g most p<
Ur women, died thU morning,
was tho wife- ef ex Mayor Pierce.
tUhy Ref
Buy a good rouataia Pen ^en gcUlag one? We aell nnd aiiietly.guarantee tbe WATERMAN IDEAL ns the hlghcot type of pea.
Every pen U right nnd wears for years.
By Wire to tbe Evening Bmeotd.
Special to tbe Srealas Raeord.
London, Oct. 22.-Tbe oRcc^
C^. MIcb, Oct. n.—WbUe
crew of tbe United BUtea crala
Una losa for tbe Pewmy Stare
Olympia. 220 la namber, were tl
paay *yeatarday Bert Basel sot bla
afternoon gotetawf Sir Thomas Upt.
right arm brokea botvoea tbe a^
kt taacbeoo given in their honor
•advriat Dr. mile net tbe arm.* ,
Mra. H. J. NeorMed loat bar baM
eov yosterday erealas. Tbe boys more
NEW Warehouse.
W> know of many waterman’s In use coostantly for over ten
years and sUU doing excelleai sen ice. Prices, start from $2.50 op.
according to style and alxe.
mom tbmo witb bm yrbmi abe dropped
Collin B Fry will Build Big Ona at
daad. It to a Imary bma to Mra. Near.
•tad as abe ia a vidoar wUh four chnGround waa broken Tuewlay for a
drmi ami dmpinded oa bar eoars for BImuMtiiol
large grata and potato warehouse ta
aapport of family.
be ham by Otdlln A Pry a few rods
Tbe yooas mea of Cedar bare
southeast of the E. A 8. E. depot, says
nmtrm tm Mmfarmed the Cedar AtbMUc dab with
the Bmpire Joqrnal. A aide track will
also be built for the aocommodaiiQn of
the warehouse. The building will be
By Wire to tbe Breniag Record.
B/ Win lo tke >rMla« RMOcd.
Panama, Oct. 22.-Tbe report of S€x«0 feet, two stories. The first con
Oe«. tl-Tb. Jmumm
Bgkaag mmt of tbe oaaal «me yester strucled of cement stone with a double
4m pMdpIlMMy MMMtad lb« nl
day proves to lia»i been a small lava- wall Btae feet high. This part will
Mm M
MW ItaUM. Ml Od.
or Colombiaat apd no clash Ixv have a capmdty of be tween lo.opo and
n tbe Panama and United States 12.000 bushels of potatoes and will Ik*
marines aa reporia bad It. ‘The object absolutely frost proof an.l as It will
DBATM FOLLOWED ACCIDENT ON raa to throw a damper on the en- be lAartly underground it will also
btttiaam' laoAdent to the Independence serve the puijpose of cold storage ia
featirni Nor. 3. The canal aone police the summer lime. The second story
Til* oviskiru or tlie srest •rales
re-enforce the marinds and should of Oic same dlmensbms Vl|l Ik* u*anI
mn la eqprtJMl siu!*a rMunpUan 4d
devetopmenu prove nerious the Pan- for grain. The work will Ik* pu.la‘d
IlM iMUto to sxpeetPd w muon a» thi«
are,ready to
Mther iBisfom
a'ln reslorwith tbe Amerk4n
SUT SHOCK CAUSeO ^NO AfttS tag order.
nret la tlM dUtrlcU of
w, KlHI and^VlIaa.
Right Leg Seveiwd at Ankle and Left
of nndber An.lrew II. IVnnly. MA*et
of the worl.l-.s %L-r, lH-,1 brsiid*^
Bonrie County Patriot Denies the St 3 oVbK-k P. M.
Above Ankle ^by Grinding Wheela
Charge of Vacillation Made by the
W. L Uiranger. W. P.
of Hit Own Tralnl-Sroken
Grand RapMe Preee. ^
Sena Tore Artery.
fr<»m the Uuiesl liaby's finH to
Andrew Dcnnla, the young Pere
The Benzie County Pat^ot In
larquritc brak.
•wering anartlcle in ibe
Ibe dln>as
dln'ts stmt
Yo 1 ian-«I rul*lHT.< Ilu-H- dsvK
lega -cmabi-t! off
iwcring an article In-the l\e*« “tatif you wivh to k«vp well
Hspt Thmlr ramllMt WUh Thra and own train at^Bellalre yeaterday noon, ta regard to i^reacntative for the
died aa a reauU of tho shock at )1 Ledanao-Benaie dtalrict. says: We
Will Vlail iFrlafiSa and PalativM
o'clock laat night. An ampoU|Llon Invite n revtow'of our columns, edi
aims tha Way.
waa performed but the man waa In torial and otherwlne and take a par
atirk a weak aute fniin lom of blood donable degree of pride not only In
that It waa Imimaetble to have hla life. being called a "lemllng republican
«UlaA vsra la tha dty today <en
On eiamlaatlon It waa found that paper of the county- but in being re
fMta oyartMul to MoMle, Alabama. tbe right log had been cruahed and publican through and through—ihorTkm fudliaa are traTella* la prairie aerered above the ankle. The left lac
About the KIMBALL PUno.
iy, without hetIUllon or resorvaadKiQaera. tbara betas eltbi membera waa aerered ml the ankle, tbe knee lion of any kind whatever True, it la
Come in and let us show you i^
of ibe two famIHM ia the parly. .
joint.ammahed and the Imne abore the
»ur Intent to take up the endgH
the kmg iaual arlll be taken in a knee Injured. The left leg wa^ re- of active opposition against our fellow
many strong points, and giv*
Maarely maaaer. freqaent atopa belni; mored above the knee on account of
Most woaacn
sman who Is running against A.
made to vlaM f^?«a SlpSBlbe route. the aroaahed j«dnt and the Injur> to F. nunltag^f Bmplrt* for the legisla
you the prices and terms. We
It la ibe lataatMrW m Uarty to do tbe upper bone, and the right waa ture. but. forc«l to ally ouraolvos on
know these motrjmenls w::i
•o burrjrla* aad to take their time and taken off below the knee.
one aldcNor the other, we must nay
I «b|dy the aoaswf M route.
The broken bone of hla left leg had
please you.
They bare dbme frienda in Mobile been forced against the large arten'
but j// want
and after a tiatt tbw vlti locate In In the leg and this was turn across, nominee.an^never bad. Mr. Uuniing
tbe fttlfcliy. Tbeir former home era* allowing hU life blood to apurt forth Is a clean cut, honest, welMufurmed
ia Alden aad Ibty aUriod from there in a aiream. This Induced the shock gentleman of culture and pollflcal
yemerday. Taro wagoot carry the which terminated In death.
prestige and Instead ot there being
Aa soon aa possible after the acce any possibility of his being d«-feaied.
l29FroElSL R.RStroBi:.llEr.
dent the roan was brought to this city he will roll up a majority that his op
and p1ao<Hl under akllirm roedical at- ponent's "ttronc canvass" will effect
(enUon. There was a delay of several as much U the mosquitoes do the
hours, the train not arriving until 3:30, mules injtauih Carolina.
I OIMOCPATi CLAIM STATC OF and ft was not until 4 oclock that tho
oporation necessary to save his life
was begun. The delay. Ibe great loss
of blood and the shock to the man's
Will Give Out NS FlgufSa. Heeravar. on Bjeiero wen* all against the phyalctaiis
and they were powerless to avert what WILLIAM FIKE WAS ON A 8CAFthe Ottior OmiHfiit Statea
TIkf. NVw Stand. t42 Froat 8tr«,t
Which Msturm WSro Made.
waa Engfpad to Sa Ma^riad.
. Wire to tbe Mtrsolaf Record.
Near York. Oct ft.—A eanr^ of was l»om In Custer, Missaukee .county.
I tbe doabtfal aulaa made by^i^^mcv Seven years ago he came to this city
and made his home with Mrs. Oeorgle
Ford, where he has lived continuously
For three years he haa been connected
WlUlam Flke. while at work on
with the Pere Marquette road, the scaffold oa n building about one and
•o iBilBMiloa ot Ihk Bfurm ud <»» flrat year being spent at tbe
a half miict from Grawn. was sudden
house, and the last two years betng on ly atrickeo with heart failure yester
the road, a portion of the time as w day afternoon about 5 o'clock and died
freight conductor. Yesterday was his Inslanlly. He wks diaervered and a
wwiN iiiwai aril ■ itbmwMWfcw
last run on the Tocar’ as he eapecled
rlan auramoned but
to go on the Grand Rapids run today
iembera mLAbt Church ef Chriat
lie waa a young man of exempUn
Planned 0<IS M thplr Saatar Sut
Christian character and and removed the body to the home of
He raIMM IS Arrive Hmna.
was engaged to Miss Lilias Ford.
his conaln. William Banders. The
Is almost prostrated over the shock of funeral will lake place' Sunday at 1
The membafa of the Church of hla aodden desih. His father. J. H.
o’clock from the erawn church. MMost MtisfactOTj- pure wool
[ Chrtrt lent eraalag prepared a ‘aur. DennU. arrivt'd early last evening
Flke was 50 years old. unmarried anl
priae" for their retumiag paetor, Rcr. from Dublin, and the mother Is on the
rndcrwcar made
leaves three brothers and one sister,
I Thoman P. \tiiom. Who haa been tm a way from MilwaukiH- today. If she
but their whereabouts are unknown.
aaonth a racatloB. Brerythini came arrive* In time the fnnorml will Iw- held
I off aa planned exrept the paator him- from the
"’. st 8<venth
I aeir. who telled to arrive and hoocr street. Monday at 2 |». m.. Rev. Hugh
tbe aurprlM' derdred upon ibe mem Kennedy offletatlng. and the U»dy wri.l
bera fhemaohva. A pleaaant evening lie In stgte Mondoy morning from k
Last Bad Rlt^ Were Performed Over
waSapent, boa ever, at the church and to 11 a. m.
the Late John A. ^ripture and
Mr. Ullom will enjoy a full account of
Mr. Dennis carried a number of |»ollMlae ttella Cordes.
I Ibe eurprtae when be doea reiuni.
cle.s. An accident i»ollry «,f 12.000 and
also IU50.176 and 1100. being a mem
The funeral of John Scrlplurc. who
ber of the O. R. T. and the Eagles..
No other makeaio warm
The funeral arrangements are |»* died at his homo in Acme on Wednes
GaMlOfa* Patkafm Can Be Bent to
or durahh
charge of his friend. Ralph Anderson, day. waa hem from the Acme ebureh
Manila Without Charge.
by hU own reqoesL and the burial yczierday at i o'clock. Elder Heath of
I Mr Wire to tko Brmlag Record.
estehn oe
will be at Oakarood.
ily. naalattag Rev. Carpemer in Use
Washington. Oct. tS.-The war de
eenrtcce. The church waa filled. i
I partment wtO ship free of charge from
net being able to gain ndmlttani
Baa Fraaciaco to Manila such Christhe prat a realdent of Acme for twenty
] mas paekagm at reach the auperin
laud tho army tranaport service Popular Captain of PMIos Was A«k yenra and prominent eocially.
leavea friends throughout the county.
dentally Killed toy Hla Friend
aa FraaWlBO by Dee. 1.
The burial was at the Acme ceme
While Falntlfis a TarpeL
See these lines that arc becoming so pofmlar
tery. Undertaker Anderson being In
rii^ It BURhiNa
Py Wire to tbc'E^entag Record.
Pliuburg. Oct. 22.-CapL Albert M.
The funeral of Mias Stella Cordea.
Tertcrs. Uc heel known pMeer of the
Plllsburg police, was nccldontally skot who died of scarlet fever yeaterday
through the liing and killed by Uen morning at her borne la Leland. was
at the Catholic cemetery. Provw
teaaat Welsh, hU bert friend, this
morning The men were at a target to monL la the afierooon. the I
OorijPTron^ «r%d -Iteirklon
being In charge of H. a Carter.
paint It when Welsh fired.
eily Book Store
We =s
Suits and
Nm T.n by Eiprets, SOc today.
Umbrellu 50c t« «t2M.
R.io CoaU. »1.00 to $«5J0.
for allkinai Of
Store Fronls-Fixturcs, Sash, Doors, and Rcsidcnce lolcrior Work.
All Kinds Of Building Materials
TraverseXity Mfg'. Co.
Coroer Like ave. and 10th •».
W. L. BBOWN. H<r.
Cite. PImm SB.
Staleys Dnderweat
*"1 .
-a..- can
----- S
TS -----
im 1.25, 1.50,
l.rsand $2.00.
1.00, 1.50, 2.00,
2.25 and $2.50.
Munsing and Staley Union Suits
$1.50. $2.50. $3.00 and $3.50.
Our Ten Dollar Suits |
Don't judge these -Suits bv the price. See the Suits.
Ten dollars is a small price to pay for our kind of Ten Dollar
If you want to Invest just Ten Dollars In a Bull-
We'll do
drier you have seen oar line at this, price.
All new and made up for tbla scaaon'a trade.
Wel^But In every way. Just the*same col and stylo as pulla
•old for twice Ten Dollars.
Hamilton Clothing Co. |«
Arc Ton Paying or Receiving
U Ik* initfbw ar tk» VWito <
r«Tta kM H«u* u. b. pro.4 of. Tmr•TMiOkir «• •■ B»«irt*!»ta* «P
■a MWk. kn vkn Jfr. r«rrt« c
WA Mp «*ok l»- WIU be r«H»e«
with tke
oDrtlWiiy, ere. by
tkuM- »ort proBoniie.4 la rtow». bat
WiU be eit«4«l thei boe^UItti
~ AT^Sgsr.Sg~
Tbe |,rlmMy reform l«» le forre is
Pwrott b*» lie OefocU lo epHe of «b<
etrmimm. er*«m«u of the DmroU
Triboor.Jfemi^end Free Pre« ‘bet
m»b . le« eb» t. Pf «> et bn«
.UU- Tb-^ prf
M«y « u-irf PWi»«
„ tbw U«-I-^
lortMd tb« babH of ooTtas Iheir'w , CTOS tb« little*. BSd depotttUis to > («•« •oTtat. t»k wbor*
I oms luerestoVBlns bsteocm for tbeir
Iuum : m 9^
f«ti of
Thm are two
»b-«odd.«^ m
•Uh ipporten
one eery pioelr ''
trimmed wHh
Uce. •
lug—a home for youra^df aaA
Ut» bolp yoo pwrlde for foture yoor^
liulnf u>' overy |
The Peoples Savings Bank I
A. F. n;i11...9«.
C. W. AMO*.
211 Boot Front St.
If the condition of the Tcaacl U
found to be anch Uiai it can be patebd a-.d floated on Us own bottom, this
win be done. If the hull and frame, FOUR MEN ENTEBEO HIS DRUO;
which in a ship correspond to the
merr ekSpoilfe tbU w.^,k f -mlek
backbone and ribs in a human being,
ooDebulrepniorUiM Hie ne’e Tbo iH
are so broken and damaged as lo be
so »Jow before pr^pluur^i! • s«iw*l
la* to I«ae«y lb. ert:. of tbe et«« THE PRELIMINARY WORK TO BE beyond temporary' repair, a false hu»l Lt»4 Him to a Veiy Happy Sur
I. not compete wlihout • .UeboMJ: It xld. «.* much to the appou• m ho built about the damsgtjd par .
10 Detroit thaw
Party in Honcr eW Tteenty-Wth
luce of... A.th.pri<«*c..r- muting <m our Urge. b««.»lin.n
which will permit the resaol being
Anniversary of HtaiWedding.
and bu«^ every one enn nffort to h»ve one. eipecUL
fl(«tc-d to a dry dock for permanent
^lirtmary Deketr. Bo
ly when >4m can j^el U with 1 .mnll pnymeni dourn and the hnUneo
! Kew* »*>»:
Contraetorw Eapaet to Attract Touriita
After the hull has been repaired wa
Hmall paymenta. \
evd«ii from mara*
C. A. Ilutl-H- «•« jkiiMlo'J 'to® I
ter will be.let into the endosure and hii ^H»g Btt.Veriasi nigh: and Mrs. Bat- >
liCTOocratSr ' and Oarive Largo limomf From
Wc have 23 dlfferimt priced aldeboard. and buffeU. comtwnclnf
t»cautiful Fra roc d
Uie Maine will once mort- be alloaL
tht Eahlblt—Alao From Sale
prtu cs %.*u ran now
with a nice, large aldeboard. two swell top drawers, one llimd. one
MSifited tnnicrUtl) \o
bee was suddenly smnmoned tome as i
Tb? weight will then be removed Che result of *omi- uaiui planning on •
pci (or
large drawer, two door*, large, bevel pUte mirror, nil nicely carved,
» Cod<t th** WjputUMM
of Momontooa.
from the dam nnd the sacks of ma
. for tb^ xn»ror»lU. lt» acllviiy
well flnlsh.-d. for only iTd-TS.
jH <of ikt-lr friends. Juw a quar-!
the part
terlaffrom about the outer wall, when
br no mi«n« »cromitt for the whole of
had clmised yesterday.
our n4 Xt i* a large, oak Mdeboard. large bevel plate mirror, three
Havana. Oct. 22>3o.epb dc Wyck
by Us own buoyancy the dam will floai slnP4. Mr. and Mrs. Bugbee were
rmtrlctble rhowin* «»f ilrenUh. off. who on June S. 1904. signed a c
drawers. 4.no door, solid oak. well finished, for only flLTB.
and be rempved piece b> ,.lee.. M »
ta.»-l. br»a..u
'HoQbUe** ihi^ democrrnlU* manasen* tract with the rejiubllc qf Cuba
Next 1-* a largR*. h.ovy. solid osk sideboard, large, oval shape,
j happy event aboat fifty menr.OMutder It a/mrf‘ je»i. bat -hr lauRhi. raise the wreck of the liattleah p was built.
bevid plate mirror, only |19.W.
To Attract Toiirista.
"“‘‘y ev u*
wbo uurb. iMt.- and there U Maine and remove It from Havana
The prices range along up fiom that to n beantlfni. gentrin**
flgurs d that U will take fn
E? ti
than a prolmhlllty. that the repub harbor, arrjv<^d In thl* city ;re»torda>.
-F... .
shb lKiard. two swell top drawers, cross band veiieer. for
complete the cofferifam*. aniidlnr Ibe result. In koo.I
In an Interview Mr. do Wyckoff gave
4iniv |2r,.r.o
ami pump 41 out. It will then be leg. Mr. Uugbee told his clerks thni
tolfb. may turn In and manluplalc th( much Intervwtlng Information regard
Next l29Jlfl. $3f .b0. I36.&0. |47. 148 and up to |M. '
____ ^
admit visitors day and they needn’t return to fhe store afb'r
.• 2jfhke to their own advanihae by put ing the Intention* c*f the comi»anv powlblee to ymlt
A lM*mutlful quarter-sawed buffi?t. all genuine qoartar«ntPML
The ^mate of Havana la that suppur. He was burily at work on a
line up the kind of rampalun that will which he reprtwenta. Associated with
|i:;.75. 118. 122.
144 and $60.
land tbe young alderman fn>m tb. the eomimny as consulting engineer* of perpetual yummer, and the tourist pr*?scrlptton that had to be dellvt nd
Ci»me in ana look Tnem over and you will see that they n^ at
rirat ward In the mayor u rhalr."
and wan wondering liuw he could d..
anv Mr. Elmer K. Corihell. who aw
least 25 |.er rent l»eiu r than you can gel elsewhere for tbe money.
Mr. de WyciMff statetl that he would
211 Front St.’
The Detroit Journal aay»:
slkied Capl. Eads In bis great engt Immediately advertise for bids lo sup It when lu walked Rev. W. T. W.k>1. I . “Tbe reaull of UiU we«‘V'* primary neering feats upon the Mlsnisslppl
house. Mr. Bugbee was abo.ii to a;**
. t
la not to weaken our coulich nee In the river, notably the K^lAh bridge at 8t ply tke lumlKT nt?eded for the ctw- him to leave the prescriplUuT cu hi*
nrurtlon of the cofferdam. He added way home, when the two clerks came
•1^,. principle govemlng dlrtTi
U.ul: and the Jetties alwve New Or*.a Hoar, but to »ho. b..« .l.dHlt. aad leans; Mr. Edward A. Bond (Mr. Bond that work would begin before IX*. 8 back. He was at a loss to are .un: f >r
<¥ roetboda abonld be rbaiiKed to bring Ik chairman of the advisory board of as nyiulrcd by the terms of the con- this but. thinking that thev hsd forTou- KeUtble Bimie PBrabXer
Wbolcsfilcind RcUil.
g them more In accord with that prln- engineers of th^-stalo of New Yorkl.
^gotten his Insirutiious alniut nut e»mT- ____
The wf rk Is only Inctunpleltiy sule ,
Jf clple. how. tn^ exlHtlnK law may In- and Mr. W. R. navU. all of
lack, told them again but a
^ since they wi*re ih»-r»- th.-v riui'd
4k improved , to cnnimeiid U im«r«* ihor- wllb records of distinguished achlevt»- merged. It lies In So-feet of
and protruding as It tim-s several te i deliver^ llM* inniblesonn pr*M iiptbei ,^,-, ,1
V«al‘b *«
Judgnif ut «.f the iK^ple.
and C'apl. WeUr of H
above the water, is an object of t^n This CJiusAHl a shout and ludon- hr i„ K :d.
... *
-Inalead of blanket ballota for nil Together they have elalmraled
parllc« at the priraariek. we believe Ulled plan which, stripiKii of its tcch stani imcresl lo the islanders n* well realised what bad luip!»ent-l the min
Ibcre ahouUl be a blanket ballot for nical terirt* and spetdllcatlons. U ns as to the lourtsls. who come here in Ister. arslsted by Mr. Hurb-R-. Mr.
gtt?at numbers as aoon a* the cold Mater ami Mr. WrigW-y riiMheil hint .
^ fmeh party. Thin wtml.l not reault In
weather seu in in the northern aiil into bis hat and c«>ui and before lu'
greater romplicallon. n> rcK»i«railon
To Build a Cofferdam.
eastern statea.
■ £
between the city and cE.untv election
cotild lair!} gid bis br.*ath had the now .
The vessed vfill he surrounded with
•‘WTmre is the Mainer the tourist thoroughly asumishetl druuci.si «»ui ’
• m ^comrolai*lotK. republican can«lldateB a water tight cofferdam, or curb, cir
anxiously Inquires a* sckui as his Uitovh** strei-t and »»n jiis.wa> home. •
cular In form, comIK»^ed of double
steamer enters Havana harbor.
in tlie noantime the c»m«.plrator'
W prlut**d on 4.ne
wall* of timber (plank laid flat), *e
Steamship ci»mpanb*s running to Cu- had found the Bticbee home all in '
eratlc candldaten on another. A amall curvly trujwed together, the wb.ole ry
arrap «u |«tper w.iuld Htifflce for thi semhUng a buUomlcji.s tub or barrel. ba are already planning excurvlons
darkn^^^s. Ml*s Itiigluv being visit in-.:
few candidate* of »oclalUI and othc.
In ChelRoygan and Mr<. Bugbee bavint
This structure will Ut imiU In place
gone Aitn for a r.elpbborhi*»d rxti. Mrs
minor partUw IntuntU of devoting Ions and then sunk through the soft ma as aUc Is ready for lnsp‘iilon.‘
blank cidumna to them, aa wa* dom lerial until an impervious stratum I
Broadfooi went out to llud her and
on the ballot* of ihU week.
flna’ly loeattd the wnetmscious hostess
■ -To prftvlde a ballot fur each j»art
AuslUi’s. She was ukon huuu
ThlK win he aetHiiupli*hed by height
Inalcact of a blanket ballot for all will .ng the dam on ti>p with about 2.9^
cxcu.'c and then the cn»wd
B*l<er'. Oo«n Aix Solving the flue*
not w h<*n.v prevent democrat a fron t.m* ut halla*t. the sinking pro
came, bringing with them i-uuugh re
tiont Propounded by County
voting for n publican candidate* a*- being assisted by siu-klng the stofl
fn aments to furnish a regiment. Mr.
School Comleoloner Crlop.
vlec veraa. but U will greatly dimlnlo terlnl fn.m under the edge* of the dam
IlugbiH- went up .stairs to iuakA*':4
the pmdtlei. KArXi witer will be com Kv the pre.-*ure of the water durl
change in hl^ apparvl and wa- lock- 1
The regttlar -siKs-lal" examination
I«-IUk1 to Indicate to the ei.etbe {.e pnK-e** of jiumplng »mt the curb
Mrs. Bngl>4*e was J‘>cked In he.of teachers of Grand Traverse count}
i and when they were ^e’.e.H^e •
iKtard the balh.t be. do*ln-n and w.i
To gtmr.l against pwslble IcakaV wa* heW Thursday and Friday In ih
thna anl»j«Krt hlineelf to challenge.
they found a handsome goJtliu oal
itidtr ih«' dnm. the area a»K»at tb'
■ “Anoiber amendiuent to the ealMUtr- • %*e of the outer wall will' bo fllk* court rxxvm with a baker's dtwen lak
inlcg room Uble in place 4d the onmg the work, only two. Alger William hat was wont to do duty iu tin- dining
local Uw which »e Ik ll» ve will bi vl'h cUv and sand en^aswl In sacks.
al just the time when >ou want them most.
. on and Beatrice Cleveland, of the cH
ahuwn to be
d« nimble bff<*»
Arier the dam has been complete taking third grade work, the other
>Iov. S 1* one pliSng the primaries i.
This was quickly Hjiread uith thtnd sunk, the wat»*r within will U working for sect»nd grade. This nan earlier'JlftT7‘rthuk givliiK u bmp
1 imped out with large' centrlfuga quire* two addcKl studies to the iwelv ‘bundauce of gin>d ihiag# su<l a-.at-.
period bctwdxn tb«' tlim of nomlnario. . imps, which win h<* caimble of no
I king wa* moving olong • snu*'ihl:.
regular, of third grade work, but at '
.\nd what b»’y
want a pAih These have the Kuarantced
and the lime oi the rog ibvr el-rilon
n’jr. unwatering the dam but of suck avc a choUe between botany, algebr. tvhen Rev. Mr. Woodhouse anvse and
A few nn»re prlintrledt Imfore ele^ ^'g out the soft mud from within aa
•amled Mr, Bugt.T-e n pxekog.- wh.rb
clt*at> and these.wt**U sell for Twtj.fifty the pair.
•.erxl histon and physic*.
lion would leave the art: im
ef i ., *ro'md the vessel, thus exposing th
miained a go *l and m1v4t rr.-vt fo: .v
repdVIcanH for rt.nservii l n, ir a
iih a card betriug the cen)i.’:r.;e:ii
•Wire hull to view.
I .a1 will know next Saturday who h-.
In 4hU direction pracllcniu e li. f -Ihc boy<." they leh’^ Jame* H.
Take Out Bodies FlrmL
boy win become petlPgngue* or no
. opj^altlbn practical demon
dcAlllstcr uml Allen C:e.rufa.t. clerks
The next step will U- to remove
'No one shows a better line. These are the famous Elk Skin,
WUqh Johnson. Acme, second.
have Khown.thUH far thi* fall that i
- Mr. UugbL-e's diug kli.n;.
> ch human remain* and personal ef
_Wm..C.uru^:Monroe Center, se
lliintinu Boot. 1 he hunting season is on and you'll need these.
repuMicsn plntforui I* right on
The evening was*sb' ni invorial dl4
.-.s as may be found, after which a!'
ourM- and a vry hapP>’‘tltn*** wa% eaThe'ie are the water proof style and we have three grades, Poureighty and valuable articles, such »'■
Mary E. Knight. Kiugricy. second.
lumunlUun. arms, cannon. cr»al. dc
Six dollars and Eight dollars.
M^kel Creeno. Traverse City, st
Mr, Forrtt. in his Grand Raph
inaninurjs In wbhini; thefr iii4»sl and
vckablc machinery, tic., will be cart
speech, deplonyl the poosni.r.Iiy oT
io5tess .many more hsjJl>y aanlvcri llv taken out. The
will iht^
Mabel 0. Fowler. Traverse City, so
visit t«» Big Raidds h.' Mr. Warm-r. \h
ready for i» pair.
di-claresl that be ct»ald not. tar wh
As K'.Hm a* the cofferdam is dr>. vl'
Kightcen inch pure gum Leather Top Rubbers. One of the bm
Elias B. Joaea. Traverse City. so.
hi* 6IH1 lH»v-s might do If Mr. Warm;or.- will U* admUied Into it for a fev.
hunting and wet weather rubber that is made and they sell for
entered the town, thereby inferriv
Alger WUllamsoa. Traverse CUj
We offer one hundred dollar* rewara
four dollars the pair.
for any ca»e of patartb that Cannot be
Beatrice Clyevcland. Traverse City rured by Hall’s Catarrh Cnrc. F. J.
CHENEV A CO„ Toledo. <X
We. the' nnd«w*lgned.-haw known F.
Ida.M. Barber. Traverse City, see
J. Cheney for the lart U year*, and
These are jhe best “gjm" shoe ever pu. on the market for •
believe him perfecUy honorable in all
Ethel.F. WlUiams. Keystone, scconti business transactions and flcanciaily
able to carry out any obligations made ,
Mytel Dexter. Bendon. second,
p Grace Fulcipher. Elk Rapid*. svKxmfl
**\^ild?n^*Klnnan 4 Marvin. Whole]
Ethan A. Bryant. Traverse City, sec sale Druggists. Toledo. O.
Just opened our new fall line of rubber boots for men, bdyi women,
Your Dining Room
65c to $1,011
$2.00 In Trade
3. 01. Slater
W^b?T AP-
Of New Shoes and Rubbers
Fool Ball Shoes
Hunting Boots
Gum Leather Top Rubbers
Ladies Gymnasium Shoes
Did you ever think what mifht happen to yon or
your fiuniiy if any of the above shoold find jon with
no flour in the bln, and no money In the purse?
Wouldn't It be wise to provide aralnst that day, and
to berin doinc it at once?
In our savlncs department we receive deposits
any amount, subject to withdrawal without notice.
New Rubber Boots
and mucous surfaces of iho s}-slem.*
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per;
bottle. Sold by al! druggists.
Mias Otrtreds S«4»w of Copamiah Will
Take Hall’s Family Pills tor cSonsU- {
Have Full Charga.
Itlaa Gertrude Snovr, who has been
in otarge of the resuurani fit
Itching. Blind. Bleeding or ProtniOpot during KsJllo Pfiyne’s fibsmice.
Icg Piles. Your dmgglfd will refund
★ill leave in a few days for C
ley If PA*0 OINTMENT Tails to
where she will reside fbr tbe n
you la € to 14 days. 50c.
and make preparations to
restaurant at Traverse City
.\*ov. U Cor Payne, taya tbe Oopemlsl;
Progress. She has been a t
althfnl girl and hfis been an employe
ter Mr, Payne Wfirty two yearn
will have rail obfiige of the restauram
at TYaeaxae Oty.
. '
girls and children. We carry just what you want, in the sires you
want, at the prices you want.
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Hennftig
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organs
2,rB. MUMn w
jlWkUn f(«u. TO I
Mr. Bto Mra. A. A VhRe wmi m
JiBiB to SslBu whsr Ml tor Omgm
f to the cWlBra. pHtfagWtof-
i» to
6 Aaaa Otoham to Btotoas Bay
(tm, —aWlat ►
*br. With a t-haractcri^lk^lly ;
naive outfaird. **l *l aU morvy yen.- *
...New Vork Tlmrs.
Bev. T. P. Ullom ha. returned from
Antioch. Ohio, where he has been far
Tews to Load UasA
• rar a Trio>
IM IM. H. W. a«df«a «( UC
deraoa. r. e.; Bohsitson, q. h.: O
eeaka. r. h.; BItake. 1. h-; Oarti
eaptoto aad t h.: iBlta aad Aekera
Prof. L a Ollhert, referee.
llr: S«idrM Is A rtoM grc
UMtof his
to th«
WH^ his hmh« Bight w«ll he
PiFlhtiriB. Ihhjr drew toto Dsweer
ifto htuu> Bill fbr cnBh-
ritof.g thoMhhd BOee sAto throwgh
#iWhiib OBatnr by twebtjr-hee yoke
On Ang. to w^Ttovaa la thU city
McMaaaa rsuurnsd today from laat the king dumaaded that f
aad cloaed QcL 11 on the eaBasIcm to
Northport. where he went to look ovst Wtr produce the aoSfOOJODO ducat
rater BtonayateB that has r
guU which be had promised or
ed la nearly 2ijM0 toto to pips hstag
I*atrirk Colvin of New Ortesa« has
U%n appolutrd assistant rtfafarer to
tbe Ifanaam canaL
Owe charatierialc to the Vaudn^
Mils Is thst they never give fusses
•vvT tbe raUroods wader tbrir c^icol.
Patolliig of Cells to lall Neoeau
brotbdr catered It. be
klad. tberc was owe
Mt It woald he obUged to jaae tbe
huckto brigade to beautify thtor lawus.
Froat torato haa proAtod hy a
line on the east sad to lAOO feet 4
Inch pipe, roplaoiac the old aa
one. aad Sjm feet to exteaaioa to sixlachplpsSooth Ualoa street haa a line to 800
Beveoth. 2A00 feet and Bast Tenth
street 1.800 test, representing an out
m h saBbUhf bdl. aatooo aad
lay that wlU nm between 116.000 and
118.000 and took about sU weeks to
peraou are too poor to pay eald bills
had are properly coonty chaiBss
The middle name of ex-8ctialor Hen-
that pula Oraad Tvavefae bay water
on tap la huadrada to maideaees
tleiwiefit and Other Susinea
fsto to rsplaesd twelveiach pipe
thky rsoeiTtoi the Batoleeet
1.000 feet to aew teninch pipe,
kHAOO for the hwtol inn.
At the momtBg sesskm of be board eighth street has 2.400 feet to new
to thte kge had day Deoyer Is
of superrlsors H. K. Beecham presoatthat does aoi trace back
ed a coauDUBlcatloa that prorlded that
days. Mr. Squires fiays
Ntoi the tvtohaloa of the Phrgo
^ahkttoood aalll ItoT whca
aoM Mta belag fortaaate.
hftcr he toft the ladlaas dc-
•everal weeks, and will coaduct boch
He had todaoBd tbe kbto to uuwd
moraing aad eveaiag senrices at the him gfuat awaa to gu^ until tbs BOWpies charefa loBsrrow.
addsd to the akondy tetrkate aystem
htoto^. WtUhtohtoChB.
labor at a cost to iwenlj-four cenu
per foot for slxtoen4noh mains,
Mias Li^ls (faok has accepted a po- klag bad grown weary of uraltfag and
lUon la the dry goods departBcat to Informed him that be must make gold
he Jiaam A Lay Col
at the rate of fiAOOO dursta a mouth
m^the eotire. 0D.00U.0W were proBoettger tried
Rev. Wm. Bchweppe Ml this after,
mo for Wllsoa towaahip. Charlevto
waly. whore he will hold Bvangellcal
LatlwraB church se.nrlces tomorrow
to eeca|>e.
Boettger had many friebds wbo
knew bis sttsinments in ebefniatry.
aad one of Ibesr bad lieeo begging
him for a long wblU* to cease his pre
tensions as a gold maker and devote
Ida time to making porcelain. And in
a few aerious attempta Horttger had
fag at Honor and Empire returned
day at their bon>e at Elk Rapids.
Mrs. F. O. Pratt will spend Sunday
her sister.
Carpenter at
I as the or- i
If fashlomir.lr charitji Iwiaars.
acd bis services are 4n coa<taut deBand.
Confusion ts caused Invlhe similar
ity of tbe names of Stmnss. the tlrt|K»et.
atMl Strauss,
lUs writer. Vci tbe two
are grev friends.
produced some tbat rivaled tbe<?ft>^»
porcelain of chm.-t. ..f whuu gi^t
quantities were l--lng sent to Europe
Boklt. tbe New Yi>rk hotel man. be
gan life very liumldy .n sa w.nlu*r. Mr.
fan life very liujuU.v as a waitch Mr.
exi»rricu»n- nl wnitlnp.
“An old man .ame Into the res*
Uursnl.** he sold. -‘sihI as It w..s evi*
dem be was a .x^uuiryniau. Hit- iiro-
Mias Bertha Tenny to Williamsburg
The report of the jail laspeetors of ty-two cents per foot for ten and twelve
bnad TrmTersc county was rocolrod Inch mains aad seven cents lor th« Is in town todS}'.
Mrs. Roy Lovell and two children
aBd accepted. They recompadnder
Six-Inch mains.
of Williamsburg were visitors today
of the cells
the hoor o(
They all stand a test to 180 p
J. W. Van Austin of BurdlckvlHe
Uer of cells
prosure and ^ed six feet '‘under
through town on hU way
hlaakeu be purchased.
tbe sod** whdm trosu can not reach
Mr. Btacher alto pieeeated the Bat- nor much cof^|odlag take place. Thirty Grand Rapids for an extended visit.
aot paly has aa InterestMrs. B. K. W*anless and daughter
ler of lacreaeed coiapeatotloa to
hHimaU ptacM their ostouliiess In
history bat rMalls that
Jennie of Hillsdale, who have been
liagBit eapeoaes of the coBBta
Am emurgeocles and
below, but
to Parry Haaaah the tret bill
gucoU of Mr^ t B. Pies, left for Mannevertheless. wKh a true mechanisn.,
aad p^laloas tor the
oekma toda>' on their return bom
twuatytoght new water gates oi
at Traeerae aty. Mr.
Jack Sheriff of Empire made a busi*
off valves ard ready for all shut downs
Jtotog a
grocer or Laaaeas trip here ycuterday.
needed. While the pipes arc iron It
Mrs. a C. McCowan to Grand Raiv
took tsB tnas to lead (a plumher*. long
t^ IMlBC of llfc yto holdtos
Ids. who has made Mrs. F. Hamlin
ault) to Joint them aad this has a cost
hNtlh iU iTB grasp he. with his esUweek s visit, left for Maalsiee for
price of I4.es per cwL. making qnit
Bl^ hMa hare taken forty-Uree
short vUlt before retumlag home.
■p Item \n Itself.
NBe blocks to
M a rtoh lead la the quiet of the
John Shaager to Olea Arbor made
too per year was allowed by the
ffrokt toreet and eight bloeka to Bast
|p«i^ Northtoad Beach and with a
ttlttae on finance, ways and moans fUgbth street ia the aprbig. aside a abort boafaess trip here yesterday,
retondng today.
for M»c commlsslooer of echooJ
from all the numerous streeU al
Mr. and Mrs. John Voglc. accom
BMtiooed. will bkisaom fwriy with
The msller of hiring a county physi- lawn hydimnu and a new occupation panied by Miss Abblc Colman. arspending Sunday In Lake Ann.
tlaa was put orer until the next
toven to tbe houseuives. that of tenJ*
gMN^l la the delight ot running a litlog. Jtn. 3» IMJL
lag the Uwn hose, ns the business
a4*H^ and he tonghlagly remarked
. The payroll tor twelve days at to branch of family trees generally find^
pi .tltor spoke or their late slay aorth
per day ami mileage was present
chough to do to keep the gra«
will Ue rrcwlrr Pa*tl|He «f lUr FW*
tM H was all due to thdr efforu t«
Ihc committee on finaace. ways anJ
Bars rreneli Aemawt.
top to.aU the fresh garden amt they
toeaas apd the clerk was atithorlxod
Count Henri de Is Vanlx of Psrtm
;f- ssrr-'
to draw orders oo the county
ENTERTAINED. who hokU tbe worlds record tw the
iongeat dlsunee traveled fa balloons
Mr. and Mrs. C. J- Oamett Ware Host •2nd who strived fa New York s few
fog two aad oni-Ulf h<.urs and the dU
days ago. is t»osltlvc tbat aerial travel
Mr. and
C.^Toamelt enter, IS sure to be the premier sport of the
cussloo for hiring a «mnly physlelait
Was taken up at length. Pmsccuting talned the members of the Mystic Clr- future. He haa traveled UkOOO luHes
in all by ballcoii aad has j
httomry was before the board giving rie very delightfully last evening
Asked b.v the New York
his opiplon. The mailer was put over their home. 222 ^^sshlngton strec*
until the Januarj* meeting, which win Various games were played and dev World for his opinion of ballooning, be
Uiwr for the same.
A soaston was held last night last
be called to approve the bonds of the ttelotts Ice cream and assorted cakes
oM hU a free kindergarten under tlu>
tenrod daring the evening.
atoliia'W the Coal and Fuel company
of Tripidad. Colo.
ThU company
bh^i|.|g the mltalrg of the suto. In
Peace Treaty Signed.
By Vnrv to the Burning Record.
ortor to handle the Kmmlng demands
Santiago. Chile. Oct. 22.—A trtwt>
of iK'ace lK«twwn Chile and Bolivia bat
of ihhir Blatag families have already
opqM t«»^ree kindergartens for Ihmtto tots of the Isolated dlstrtcts. dem-
iH^n slgm^.
UTS Itt their employ.
A Tyn>le*e . l« kmakrr iv^'ently In
veutwl .tiHl ivitrutrd a unique alarm
rlork. It is simply a new aud original
applhwilon of Ihe slanu to Uie elw-k
made in the Black Forest. iHs.sesRlng
Tbe young ladles trf Miss Itsrtou
Sunday echtml class gave a trade s«
ototl^tlhg that Jboagh they work In
elal last evtming In the amgregalloni
the 4#pths of llutber Barth for their
ddUM wealth they do not
at neglect the{'
BsatAl training of the families they! ’
Piwflakaa Atoe Pell in Traverse City
That Grand Traverse county Is fm
wred beyond other parts of the sute
in its varieties of climate Is show
the choice sweet com sill I being ralseJ
omlng Into tke city from by F. A.*French of the penlnanla.
today report a aoowstorm? weeks after the frosU have killed all
ally. For awhile this m
summer vegeutlon In other parts of
fiakee fell with great
the county.
Four barrels and four half barrel'
now fell in the cl^r thU of whisky will be taken to 1
not enough to caue • Broan Haul! Bie. Marie, by the Mis*
to a aldgbride among Tra»- aoorl tomorrow, consigned by ]
A Boblnson. wholesale liquor driers
of ihU clur.
Card cf Thanka.
^ To tbe friends and neighbors wbo
kindly ministered to os In so many
Tbe OolumbU has U-en Uklng i
load of toth at Bast Jordan for
past two days for the Hannah 4 Lay
ways during tbe lllnees of and after MertmnUle company.
The IlIliHiU*will take a full cariosd
the death of our beloved mother aad
of bushel baskets tonight to Chicago
a relish
■tes the
t\*benever In tb«v soimHles
high pastures the^eowherds of tbe
Tyrol and «w
mnnUwte with one another over dis
taiHvs too far for tbe voice to
they make use of a sort of wooden
drum, upon which they strike with
wooden hammer, thus pnahhdng
aswnd which is distinctly aodlble orei
a long distance. This
father of tbe idea.
Just alwve tbe dial on tbe clock will
be found a wooden hammer, whkh
actuated t*y the alarm mov
beuU upon a thin boaitl. raised an inct:
from the fatw of the clock, as
drum prodwing a oound of remarkabh
Intensity, more thrilling Indeed that
that of tbe ordinary meUl belL
billed tfom the Well* Hlgman A Co
henrtftit thanks;
Mr. and Mrs. August 8UI,
throngh their agent, B. J. Morgni
be token tonight by the lUta
Old Neighbors say
Seoator P*bbanks wanted to la^ a itodler In his
yooth and has always had a pen
for the stimmoos ilfev
At any rate,
he never ho the hiort to scold Juve^
Bile friendo itho prmebee the manly
Glen Arbor mad Glen Haven.
Tbe first one of the series of dancing art of self-defense.
UeirolL Mich.. bcT tX.—Wheat—DeWhile visiting tbe home of a Ro
No. 2 red. %IM: No. 3 parties given by tbe Uniform Rank.
pnbUemn Icoder the aoo of tbe bon
Knights of Pythias, will occur Ts
eoHl. toe; No. S white oats. 22c.
bxuko Into the room and displayed a
IVtodo. Oh Oct. 2L—Wimnt—Cash, day evening. Oct. to.' Refreshme
pair to Uick eyes and ooase artlatlc
will alro be served.
aad May. fUfto.
smicbew The aaxlows father called
Cfctoago^ Ooi. 22.—Wheat—DecemUn.M Soule Ml thto morning
the boy to hba. and, after letrod
Bensonin. where she wlU to- the seaator. laqnlred the roooon for thr
htoill.Uto; May. to.lSto. Cora—De- € a
•tolbar. Iftoc; May. Utoc.
Oata— apect the booU aad work of the facial deeormtioo.
-Ifa this way, pop.- oald the lod
Mtoc; May. JPtoc. January
Oavl‘ to the liar. -there are ooly Parker aad
; lard. I7M1: riba. |C.t2to
boyo la this hlork. a^ 1 expert noth
lag bat trouble tWa folk You get re
^uhs with groeolmcka. hot I hsvu tf
eiTtllar the Hemoctmtie party la
dMrief with Mark eyto.-
t WBS of I
......................... ......
Immediately lie arose, earriod a quanIlly of It to a crucible, and. lo. lie pro
dneed kaolin, the soft. M aullful while
clay that Is tlie chief component part
to fine Cblnem- porcelain.
loveatlgatlmm showed that tbe powder wTl^ng put on tbe market Vy a
counlrv miuire who bad fouml white
earth on bla land one day ami bad l-eeu
aendiug it out ever siiu-e to I c us«l for
heir powder.
A great factory wa. built by the king
as soon as Boettger toM him w list he
bad found and sboweil bliu llie first
sample of porcelain.
He also forgave Boettger for swin
dling him with lies alH.ut making gold,
but Boettger was kept s prisoner stllL
altbougli lie w ns in .n gohJen cage.
It would bafe been iM-tter for him If
be had lHH>n kept in .n .-ommon Jail.
hlui. -So. fur the Itrst time in uiv life.
I pnwetiled a iiicnu ami tuck an «»nl»*r.
Tbe old man s ord*-r. 1 rviucinU-i wHL
WHS barn and eggs snd imekwbiwt
“After I b.nd duly bn.nght tl«>e
vlamis. I took luy sIhUcu iMblnl tin«dy to
old man s chair. s«j as to l*e rend;
ic. and
mi I"«“
so forth.
“But It seems be dkln't Ike tm- to
j staml tlicnv lie Iklgct.sl nU.ul a bU
ami then be lunuHl aud aakl v ill. i
| blm k frown;
“‘Say. .vmmg felkr. wlial are yoi
I stamlln* Ihetr- In ba. k o‘ me furr Ik
| ye fink Vui g»ln‘ to steal U.c slhe, r
| -Boston
G^mmm mm sa. tm a«H>k^
lik.-s fa tel
uin i,r>i mci lli.g .w -M. rmfe-M.
Ill of Johns Ho*.
k in 1.V71.
hiiigen ijiil\cr*»lv.
t know e«« b «I her
s W.^y.
1 .hH,r in the nat
’nine. (*ouhl ^
I drink and
as twenty ;
twice aycur.
Our asseto ar?
the largest
to any
bank fa
Northcia Mlchlgaa.
There*a k
with an old and caasenraUve
Wc esteem our customers* lotc.-eto as Identical with our ow^
to guard
Trmst Gli! Stite Buk
By HieGitarAatee AidiorBraad WrinFcrs.
Vsa AMTt koaw a hsCBr
Ifw. WehatoWfacO«raaisa
AacW Draad Wriagsrs.
tUtols tfaoi facaasc w« kwsw
tfal tfay-n gl»« o«wni»tsmws
Tub wringers.
81.75 to M,75,
lU-tK b wrlng*T.s,
82.75 to 88J».
fiili liiu- o( wash.»la>
at lovM>t i»nr<.s.
lUlvani^isl tubs.
Wa>b UiihT>.
per that h, cuM lioltliw
“Every mar wha his ouee tasted the Write, and at last be was t
ecstatic delight of this iq»ort feels him. •rise from LU bed.
Tbe factors, sitbough It 1
self s miserable and Inferior l»efag
when on tbe earth.
He rcslly lives fitted with royal geoeroslty. n
only fa the depths of the atiuospberic
ocean, where vlaions of tbe Hu|ieruatu
ra! unroll tberofalve* before his eyes.
Plclurv bow exquisite tbe aensalions of
Boettger died a wreck at the
the aerial voyager in his Journey thirty five. Even in his last \u
through tbecloods without Jolts, wlthoul footol tbe king Into tietlevinc
fatigue, without dust, without Insects,
without customs offlirrs. without iH>llce on bis dealhlied nieti attempted with
nod. alvove all their terrible efab. Tbe threats of all kinds to extort from him j
aotouaul. lu sbi*rt, travels wilboui lot tbe phllosophcr*s stdne which nmny In
or hindrance, veritably defying hu- Saxony firmly lo‘lieved had been found
msnlty entire. He has no fear of over by him -New York !*ress.
stepping convent ions I lK»umls by bis
exubemu<e. snd l»efDre bis eyes are
Rerewled 1
unrolled panoramas of loroniparable
[-veaieo. a siory iohj in uie ,
**8ometiine«i almost brushing tbe
Sir Richard Burton** lllns- [
earth, he soils over towns and villages,
I whir
valleys. pUlna snd forests, peeping in
to all civUlxaUons and surprising their
A lieutenant In a British regiment
seems, their Joys and tliHr sorrows. was honest, steody. quiet and full of i
Again. Ilftei! to great height, be pierces sterling qualltleo, but he was dull, re |
Urn fogs and. completely lust to the amwed and rHigfausly Inclined.
eyoa of earth, navigates his ship brother offleem toughed at him and .ns- j
through s msiesllc sea of cloods. mon
aoctoted but Ilrtle with him. Though |
arch to sU be surreys fa a work! na* well bora, be was poor and h.vd do
known fa the dweUers below.
powerful friends.
He therefore re-)
“When tbe aeronaut comes down to malned without promotion or soriery.'
worth again ^ U always received with but be never comptolned and did hls^
open arms.
He brings something of bfat.
the uakaowD with hlni-s imie of thst
A battfry was to be taken to tbe ■
mystical heaven wWch mskes the os^ CrtoMO. and tbe Beateaam‘s regtoieot
vras eeierted as tbe storming party. It j
aaeaultcd and was driveo back. Tbe |
Ueotenant rallied bis .own v'ompany ,
and with a tough flung bU shako be^
fore him and rushed through the
The rile and Ihe prooalc to heuach into tbe battery, followed by a
of tboee wooders to the air handful to moa. They never came out ]
e the most delleste and neotb
Ito poeta.*?hat Bight at tbe regimental men
The Fuinilo
n ligb
“0.“ be vokl. motlnnlng
aen... 11... j.iru; “I *.«e
Hie n- il:ttHm
b-4 extra heavy, good
pattenu* thk IS a quaUty
that U worth $L10 a
For a
Charie. YVUlUBi Hahoey wUI be tovuned as prealdeot to the I'alvattoty
to Ctocfanati oa Nor. lA
Did >ou kntmr ihat
MiUikeo had tbe bext
equipped shade departmeat of any coDcem in
the city. Everything to
time we win sen for
U oo fool to erect
stiri. the anthar to “IMxle.**
The Boston Store
there vraa ato a maa but regrHted that
Mtlka T>ratoa. ooce a weU kaowa
opara atoger
has tori her voice
4fo^ raralyoU, but ihe physktoae
WlU recover It again.
the growth to many a umaU accouat to a cmaSOrtable Coituae
durfag this lime. 81.00 wHl open
aa accoam to oar savfags dcpsrj meat; I ntorcst ctympomid wl
Captain Wllliaiu Swift, imw of tbe
IDmeml boanl of the navy dnwrtmeni,
wUI be designed to the coUimaud to
the Ivaltlcshlp Maine in J»e«-uils r.
or fMtory at Old Mission has
iraod home.
Mrs. J. O. LiCore and children. F
rts and LoclUe. who have been vb
Agnes IL Monit of Pblladcl|diia baa
been cfasicn as secn*iary and ticsRUieri
to the Oxfonl «lnd.» «.llege for wooKii.
It has hewn our pleaaarc to note
and endaror
uoMleni that hla first attempt was his
last. 8e he jiromlscd the king to send
blB 100.000 ducats immediately.
Mtoa Maude Dulyeu to Elk Bapl
who haa been employed fa the evap
fan- Marie Mst«^
Id this Birmlng far a tow dayswith Mias isnale Bone to Orel^
r.<m. E. Perkins to Reosaaqoa.
Iowa, Is the guest to his son for a few
I* «M PMMT Ha« OM MMn. a •»
iEjjil iOUlii PIv) n« todtjr
•( AK-tf.*. «•
piwrtate ct IMrscmwa. feur jeuttg
ptemtOM who l*a 1 rtn Arinkfag
fairpsd Mo ra ImMarc whe*e four
bans were kt i=t far an Mpeadlng
Agfa. Two of thr imw aoiaagcd fa
get oot agafa: tl^ o»l:er iwc wnt
UPrd br the fafnrislrd su mals.
Id to the uaad hwassNadtag to
thato ^ Mr. WMIc paid la t2AS
■ SI* WM/(ASBS tlM
•ooo* roR MW OTom.
psraemaad ftomaeA
iMteMSo HurnMT mu, or
la AncBA to pmm BP a toalm to ito
am to thnhm hM. pasasd tomgk
tMa Bonriag wa thtor rtoara.
tk a>r (YOM
pntty ufavy M faH
Shade Cloths*
Rollers and
They make them right toa
aHMtk jWT M£
Good Heidth
te:to the Si
9M tepfAM SO tlM
<d rrrtr
trees aelcfted
rHerffd at
Tvrm eMlre ttwlai of w«g»
me tieisVd to eoavev the aeiertedi
to tbe vlmepMU. TW hoi|w of
U>.'«hlA «t» «» «W B»r«« H»*«.
toow. while tbe ruo>JSiS«irTtWrt.v-eWit f«n lilgh
iK ehiWren k
Wtmmm He»-WmiM la OavrteA B
t «E tbe tibia aad waa rmtaead
I dlBMlty by a local phymkiaa.
to di^r food*
As good cake can be made ^ ^
go^ eggs, so also a cake that isimaldife k ful as well as dainty
be raised wifli
a pure and perfect bal^ po%vder.
in the preparation of ^ hight^ q^ty
of food. It imparts that peculiar bg^lness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the
finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts,' crusts, etc.,
and what is more important, renders the
food wholesome and agreeable to young
and old.
K^for mw jmn. M
b« COM btr«« m MnvtA IM thf
----------iitesit, uC
Or. E. U Athlon Again Able to Take
Up Office Work—Story of a
tbe wortdr DOlbtef eaa enoed tbe
easy tact wUb wblcb be manabee Mm
•elf: ble wit aad mtcmi are anUflilted: the cool, beartfelt conteB^M wHb
vblch be dewieee all tblass. buBaa
aad dlvtne. aOebt iMke
ta’f a doaea :tenow»
Yet withal be 1» a devil
geBuloe aoB of Biabt.
Chicago People.
only ^mall Hhipmont*. id >taloos
leave 'thlp port * for Chicago vl* the
Illinois today. 5&o bushels ping on the
n»Rular market and the private shl|
: tJrowJns Hen.
TUr many frifnilv of Ur. K. 1- A»li
Ion will in* sH*ry moch pl«.-a*i*a to learn
at hi.,
lUs omc*^
that bcH BOW able la bo ai
officeto bis homo
after bavioi: l*«*n ct
nl i»f an un
o Labor Oay
ii;.rt.mM® nin«wa> Bcrldent
moni by the Hannah A Lay Mercai
tile rotni«ny consisvtng of foriytw
anmral event oJ
warroiR which
^miu U
in an -w......
Ibis' nmi’s reraombranco to
monilM r« anil patron**. A. T. l^y. 321
Marshal Field A Co.. Lafay-
I has opi yrt comple’oly roemon a
a sInmK desln*
to -wurk
Wiliams. Wro. Fuller. It Floyd
brought him to his ofUce.
Mr. Ashton has n i»eculiur om. n In
Clinch. H. H. Froihlngham. Richard
Hliun. Itiveralde., aarauci Baker and
coant'cUon with the accident.
C. K. !»rairoan of Marshal Hidd A Co.
A »hm:
time lH.-fnre It hnppene.l. an old hen
that had seen a doren «,r more .Hiim. Biers and at icart the-»nme numlH-r
of winters. b«*came an nrdmt devotee
4if wOman's rights and being unBl>’.e to
•liuuni a platform and uWv on equal
•Uffragv. anounr.Hl to the world her
iBdeiK-pdeDi e by crowing «s lustily as
may nKiRi. r In ih.- llm V..
- This proient was noi regardisl lu-.l-*
Iielng the recipients of either Hebron
Rural lul»er» of famous Grand Tra\
se crowth and llavor.
lews Man Haa Several Under Coneldcretion for Fi^it Raising.
Marshall of
anlM “ that bad me la lu grasp for twelve
W y«» want artUable medl-
.«a Men •nri Moked vegetablea.____________________
tbe JapaneM ;
aohUer »leepa roinfortabl.v.
. iBvItatlon to dine with a preuUm^t
la addltloB to this be baa tbe prirt • famUy.
An aw fuM.v atifT. ero^ Un.k
lege of boring► bread
at tbe
twnteeo ‘ idng waiter was In
- -------------attondamw In the
white bread, which be
be wlibdrvw
the fortune ot
aboot town."
In every deed:
Ai City opera
ouac Thutaday. Oct. *7.
Miss Marl© ----------------all the worid as oac of tbe
of Ibis city to her world-famous IbiperBOBaUoo of Viola la -Twemb
NighC’ which, as everyooe acquatated
is as much
-a comedy
corporaU sod undwofficcfa. who hare
the aame fbrr asWhe aokHers. Wee
Ine nod beer esn also be had at tbe
Vit ^
On' New YeaFs
of the fountoGon of the em- ,
the birthday of the mika- j
the troops
|M get csrefullT
csrefullv prepaml
Ddlng a iwke of soft rtce. s l1
rations. Incltidlng
white cake sod a red eske sod kata ,
In additloh, of eourwe. to tlw wu- 1
80 It appear, that Itah. meat.
tlic final dtM-lslon and move here with
errors" as the play to which the Baid
of Avon gave that name. Mtas Walnwrlghfs dole is thai-of the disguised
page who turns ihe/hcads of the titled
lover of Illyria without regard to sex.
and paves the wa^ for a very advan
tageous alliance frft; the long-mlaMng
carries Votla through the Jumble ol
combllcatlons with a delicacy of touch
that makes her performance one ol
beans., wide and clgareties The tro-*r >
has a rooking "tore, said to be madej
or pressed paper, remlemi incoiubusti ;
ble through some rbr nih-al pn*ee««, H ,
la mrrietl In tbe baversnrk. -n.ey esc .
s great deal of paiwr In the Jaiummc
army. The winter under, loibiug of Uk
troops ia made of waterproof |«»per.
On the march tbe roan mrries only
hla rifle, bla mrlridgeii, his mflie.'.
rice. The coolies. r.hlnes<* nnd Kore:»n
rsrrv ib«* rest far In the re.-ir.
are arrsnged In^n
h.the grratt;.! ]ik
.- sU.1c,
»rt. The officers and men are sup
with fnrnltnre urndc of br^ildet*:
_____ _ camp l»«Hls and mrpets. For the,
generals regular little Iiousb-s :ire sci ;
UP in short oriler. A great nmnlK.r of j
follow the aruiy. They *-ook j
ils for the soldiers ami rore f<.r .mded. Among tliem are many
The war wall, now organUed for tin
Aral time, renders excellent serri.-c.
Tb. soldier la forbidden to mention the ,
regimenf to which be belongs or the |
place from which be starts. He .an
write frmn the Add of battle, bit! without indicating the lo.-nllty or irlvlng the
date. The military adml
tends to the tranamiftlnc
Next Monday night. Oct. 2t. at Stein
berg's Grand opera house. Mack A
Armour's comedians, a popular-prlc-.
attraction of merit, will present "A
Ixijal Friend.' a comedy drama n
» this city.
The company and play arc said
be flrst-claJtt, and though playing at
popular prices, an enjoyable evenln;;
win be looked forward ta Chas. Drew
Is for
There are
Finns !n
L’uileU Sinics.
Bolivian rallrtwds are after Atnert-
Tbey-recomln- from ib- cPy to the ro.mtrr rusa< t brown.
W*Hh Uolr Tit\^ and their shotguns to
bunt the fnrmrr down.
The law Is ol
There la aabi to
a shortage In
the world's supply of wood.
,nrta b miMtlde of furnishing
than the -jiaMWt.UtO Imahels ot
wbest tvhlch BriUln has to In.i*ort
every year.
.11 •f.t-el-.
Hot Sprint. Iwaiint o*»»o, t» oppM
Hot Sprint, com eon, IP-conM
FOf UK by S. C. W.K A Swifc
. JohnMx
Omt <Mnpw>y and
• k.1. Drop ComoBny.
. 0»L-.butlnp AtMHA
r%m BHbsp OatWsbspsdL
ilnmvnwlls is to go Bishop Porter
iKlirr. It is to bare a comt>lna
tion .-liuriU. tavern and theater, all In
Ths entrances t<» all wlU
through the an me outer isirtal.
bulUllng Is I^lng em leii for Rev. Dr.
Morrill, iwstnr of the Peoplc'a v^tnrrh.
ll,e .v»t 4s iNwne 4T > «K*iikeef.er
nnnied -Toose" llogers. who believe.
In Dr. .Morrill. Tbe latter aays: "If
inojiie w 111 drink, let them drink h* ■
riglrttaMxa cause.
We vrlll gtvo the
prmroda to sothe worthy ebanty.The twine of this Uei-rture tolgbt !>•
provrtl If "TiKise" H^n. whoiiM git-e
up III- sei-ntar saloons and urge bis
pitromi to litiy fbHr drinks at the con•rt rated tnvem.-Kansdk Oty Time..
Bbvm TVro From OMih.
USE semn
We are overstock
ed with Pianos at
headquarters and
two carloads of
special bargains
are on the way to
our Traverse City
store. Then all our
pianos rented t o
summer resorters
are coming in and
we have decided to
move them quick
by making
►“body full
twlxt a
‘ni^‘le-. If It shows a
An* ISO t plainly tab«1ed. thr> 11 pomp It
luU O' lead.
An- wRen^a rlwrge o’ double B has Uken
Of y^r o*ld ^Ttleyll calml.c'ssear they
An- imeUme'wbenTo r^^^^
r Jcati".
M. an
wmit ms
An- tbei?*somrhow ^It. rerms to mTo ,Mkr.-i*^[r*dlsrn^^
l-v»rd with you.
•fore 5^u re up
An* traveled Tong In the procession with
An' now we re all a-waltln', really want
To di?s5?at«‘J*Ibr quality of etir aatJ-
.tuck of vbooptnc «>^„*»**
We'vs got on our Iron troo«ga.,an' we ss
Oor ni«^. vko M ooomunpUon In nn
J>rog Co. s. b. t. >^alt A .
C Ifa off
tm cltir hunters *|
the farmer too.
►nVbe Undscai^lll t-e punrtured with
s lot of bullet
A*' Irerybody will be ' dodgin' to
m. yxo p»n«r A
the boston store
Frame's literary onlput last yeai
was t».n74 wrorda
Tbe stinuner has l*een extronllnarily favorabl.* for the vine in Fmnee.
The worhl's fen>stry are.: is plai-ecl
at l..v«i.(«G.Otif» aenw.
Three hundred Suns .-ind Overcoats .nt this
pficc-val.ios for the money that have ^cn
hcrrtolorc unknown-styles that arc up with the
times. If ten dollars is the pnec you w.sh to
pay. tve have give you the best bargain you ever
mu riipUal.
The imm-ls post will S«H>n be «•
tende.1 to Jaiwn. .
rXit^ goudoln is dooraeui. 1*he muni
pallly of Veiii-e has resohed to pi
base elei trie mob»r lawts.
cavendish. Yl.. was
^ *“* customary h>alth by ^
jnvaslod of chronic eonstIpaUon. M hifil
^ king's New Ufc Pills broke Into!
1,1, house,
_______ his trouble
------------ was
__ arresutt
They nand now he*s entirely cured
guaranteed to cure. 2Sc at Johm
Drug Co.'s. S. E Walt A. Sons' and
H Meml.' Drug Stores.*
the most charming on the stage.
ul. ^
PHcM.*Het Sprint. tabM.. #1.
HM aprint. Q.tA MM (IMmM)
A Leva uettsr
Would not luiercst you If
looking for a maranletnl sahe for
mch has man.v little pockrta. he ear •ores, bums or pllea. OU«» Iksld. of
Ponder. Mo. writes: "IsuEcrfd wlib
m dry miahed rtce and salted pn
• baa a bamboo tube flllrd with
wagon mines. In > Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cur«*d
self laying siege to the heart of thduke she admires. Miss Wminwright
The engagement
Of. .11 cywife a..*... .
"in’ tlroe of war. on the day of mob
Blmtloiu tbe Japaneee
i.rjther who is her double, while her
24 and 25.
Brnks Into His Hous*-
rke and com form the
Duke Constantu. 1* one
tbe JapaiHwe aoWlers. a no----------------far superkir
of tbe ordinary 1| v»
©f itusRiv - ...................... .
nr to that
IB the barracks the soldier | n>'nnl as a tin.* M.I.U.*r iHlore
a wooden l*ed w ith wootaB | g:,u to w rim ^rt^^
nights, next Monday and Tuesday. Oci
the g^cirsakl to the host:
not aftaki of
of .vuiir wife. ..... .
- —er doesn't like me. ami that In* di>cj
not •l»l*r«»v*'«»f >o«r
mc.*;AU*hlH»M «;b»\tc.
Iowa, arrived .IhU morning from Siu- Mack Is the comedian, and Miss OoU*
uiiKly by Ur. Ashi.m until after the bctons Bay ou his way to Chicago via Armour the soubreile of the company,
cldenl. Ilevenge ranu. however, dur
imnolR tonight. Mr. MarshaU. and both are credited with being re
ing his cunvolescence as one da>.
f«»rnierly ilvml In Soinhem Mlchl- markably clever. They have a strong
o i«»rmt
after enjoying
a «tew. he
1. has I en at the lUy three weeks supporting company, sfhlch Includes
mUreil the crowing hen and when he
.king -.V •r trull farms with a view
od vaudeville artists,
was told that she had been the prln
there and found *«* many
ms being lntcrsp«-rsed
clpal In the dUli prevlnnsly meatloneil.
desirable ones that he has taken a with pleasing specialties
hv felt* a glow nt sallsfactlon 'b^ausi
nuiiil»er umler ctmslderatlon and ex- won their recogtxition In leading vau
he was iwen and a lUtlc ahead.
ptK-ts within a very short time to make dcvlllc houses throughout the cities
traverse CITY,
peted ia tbe eplrtt oC ibe f«e.
_____ ere of a settUaamBr **b« lum
Forty-two Barrela bant at Preaefitt t
Taaltamaay af a Mbilalar.
. Ooa.
BUM be U ihm MfiL mot oC mipeesU.
tioB. tort of taowMfP. Bert I* »o
vioveo tool er borme «»4 tmll be Mu
AmM «» tbet. tfurlBp tbe lete
or liiteUect. tbe very «er« bt^
«lina l«t (suofort.
Aifiie Qaaecte. la farmer time.!
. aatMcd vritb a imie
pieces. Is BOOB to treat the play k»ve.->
...r, b«W‘.. wl>«<- aw r«e»
mmaM'a day. aad Ma
H^t frtencc. and tar
Our Mr. lay Grinnell from headquarters is here in charffc, of the SPECIAL
SALK, andI the wholeitock
whole ttock is sure to be Ronc before the tiirie
time limit
The sale includes Su?inway. Grinnell Bros.-our own makei
ingcr. Mendelssohn. Haines and the whole line of well-known ms kes
arc State agents, as well as many others taken in exchange.
:es nc4
Our stock of Orjrans was never so lanjc as now and the prices
never so low.
Organs from $10 to $1.^, and evcr>onc warranted.
6MM jros? Mus'ie Hoiise
witk, not
_____ ___
!»• «M «Tfa«Ur tooOoti
tkt hmt
mnm ^
L Bt4alskt 1 Mft IMMM
.Mf. He kM bMh fSia-
Hic II Md had H BP
•#u rffwtac to
Uas pteBt vni W
i the ehrtj put irf D
«f«t tkli« he 4M WM to^iute 1
JMte. The
* *
the iMMh fw Arert Smapirflii. Ilea
H aM |Mt ^ fc «■ Aa. SappewToa
Owing to the reduced prices on wilt mad porodain^
we can
“WireiOBr Bwsc*’
at a very- lo* figure.
r m the dap the poant
I wssssf■ar.-.-BSiitr^-
Call and get an estimate.
dtjr taM aad vaeial as«prt««. TbeoaperThe Mper*
To hb tarpriae the oAeer foaod
fbr the tva waida «( the
rliof.I dMided
duided that
that (he
the peUtlooa
peUtlot* were
that he laat measured the irm feel aad cUj of Travane qiff. MIpiu hart 1
[ by a •aMeimi m
tlx inctaee. the beisht reqolied. Tbea placed la aqr haade far conactioa
her or people aul refeued to call
to feel or hb bead. There
I wiU be la my aSoe fcr the
aadihlHac brick* atHkteg hiu aa the
poee cC
One or the caBdldatee on a con
head aad other paru or the bodr. A
noathoeetera Mlchli
fMh oae ruL /W IlM top or hto head ticket la a
tmm t o*alook enUl U:30 o'clock
ty b
fMlJy ibi^ laah« loa«.
Dr. Flood
the toreaoaa, and from 1 o'clock eatil
wa. summoned aad dr—^ltbeooaad dde pbtiorm. He ba. thirteea td(ll4 o'clock la the afiernooe of each day.
nnC he
U rmtlap
tbb writ- drea. aad 1. wlaf that fact a. a comtMi
h* u
«.UI1« w
m»f at
«t thu
the Flana o^CbtpAll taxee paid before 8epL 1st wlU
lug. If b iboupht ao serious const
woonty are gulUy of trioiatlng the be rm^ved wUhoet coUecUoa fees,
The Oermaa-Amerlcan sugar facto.-y
naeartsi sill rafulf.—Northport I^ead
laws in a rather novel way. Deer aad oa all taxes remsiaiag unpaid oa
It Bay aiy Is certainly going aom
latiirally fond of turalps. and r Sept 1st and oaUl OcL 1st, a penalty
Kew srealber sUtlon for Alpena.
The fhctory has only been running
trick of the Finaa U to saturate a num of one per cent lor coUectloo wlU be
aad ha. tomwl out
Athletic club formed at LaasbA
ber of the vcgetahles with chlorofotv charged. On all taxes reaatalac nab of wigar. The factory b re and place them near where the deer
-BUnd pic*** doorisblnc at Ormnd
paid oa OcL 1st aad nntll Nov. 1st a
ig beets at the rate of 260 wagon
oat of the woods to feed. They penalty of two per cent lor coUectloe
Striklac coal miners at Bay City re loads per day. exclusive of those com •wallow the •urnips before they tasic
will be charged.
Ing In on cars, and b aUdag aa averturn to work.
add In a short time are
Office. Boom M2 SUU bank bldg.
Csmecle library nearly ready for age of 550 tons per day.
aleeplag peacefully oa the ground. Th^
M. E. HaakeU. City TrMsnrar.
The business men of Dowagbc are Flaas then creep up and kill them. A*,
use at Laaslac.
Dated July 2S. 1*04. *244 tf
Pest bouse BatUe Creek crowded arranging for a jubilee celebration a result of the Innovation the sale of
the eveal of Dowaglac’s llrri guns and ammunition In the neighbor-*
wiib smaupox patbntx.
L paving, which will be compleU*d boo^ has fallen off considerably. The
UUJe Boo clrl aerlously burned by
. Thafs what the New York Tea Mprc
this week, and the day for the cdebrA wxaiir is told the game warden as art
coftee pot llpptac oa her.
has of dainty little «hell-llke afurnooc
Bay City father
says IS-year-oJil Uon has-been n^e October 22 Tbit
sounds a tittle tea cups and sauct‘ra. in fancy Germas
will be a farmers* day in every par
dauiEhter elopad with miner.
china, gold decoral Ion on a foreground
81. ioaeph boy arrepted for stealing ticnlar. and prises will be awarded for
of iiaJe gre
all kinds of praduc<> from the farm.
taro boihab cranberries.
Have been sold tor ;
OwoMO ama seat op for PO days for
-c’a an example uf how some ^
the rpeclal sale of
teacblac youac son to steal.
men save money. A Gallen huuaewlf*
mahyUrlsn Young People Had Pleas these will go a^ 10 t
H«ht-yearc»ld boy, flshlnc from Sag the other day went to a nclghb
ant Time at Or. Garner's.
inaw river bouseboal. drowned.
town and bought a dollar's worth ot
The young people of the PreabyCrop of d.Odo bushels potatoes
We ship our oysters
direct from
augor. because she could get a |)
terUn church 'held an autumn social
state insane*.asylum. Newberry.
Baltimore so that they arc alriysj
for the roond^^an at the cor
at Mrs. H. B. Garner’s last evening, f«*sh, and we sell them In any quan-|^:.While drawlmt logs In woods. Bar’
-■ —
KTorery at home.
U|K»n her rc
over sixty being present. The rooms
King, of Homer, kicked In bead.
turn, as rhe alighted from her carrlagr
tlly you wish.
Served Inany style, j ard. I>nc*st Crain and all other pers«.ns
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Parr, Marshall, in front of her residence, the precious were beautifully decorated in autumr Call and let usshow >ou that they are , lnierv.^u*d in the laying ol a sewer in
celebrated ooftj weddinc anniversary. sack of sugar fell fn>m her grasi»
right. Ice cream always on hand. Jas. j the alley iH*iw«*en
tulf and buh ;-treet.«.
solo. MUs. Edith Ander,<*on a rerlta
ruck the ground and burnt open an.;
W. Jacksdn,
lOC Front St. Both | from Wadsworth to IMvi.sion t treeis; j
A Niles dispatch says Michigan TenUon and Mias Florence Thfmipson a > phones. 144.
iV sugar spilled In the roadway. Mor
.1 tral railroad detectives say they have
insirumemal. all inlng heartily ei.
Patronise home Inchistrles.
oneaKlied a conspiracy on the part of
cured. Refresbktenis of pumpkin piGREAT GUNS!
Mre**is. in the nllcv
r IS employet who were systematl
Forest and Stream, an unquesilone»l
and well
ffee yere served
Guns, great gvms. and
still more i 12lh stree!^. from Wadswi.rtb to III
4. robbing cars In the local yards of
authority in matters piscatorial, plot*I game^ were much enjtiyed.
guns, is but a mild expression, in ref- Vision streets, as h. n lufore adopfe.l
r It is charged that the coal was taken anily upholds the reputation of Crook
I orence to the hunting stcjck kept l»y
by the council of Traverse City. Mich
/ from the dumps and
rJ Lake. Mich., as a lucky resort fm
the S. F. Saxton Hardware comiuiny.
igan. take n«*tlce:
broad dayMght. Decoy cars a
Ishermen. One of the Incidents which
Not only are there guns galore. ]»ut .n
That the roll for the HiK*clal ass<*<^
placed In the yards, with it recites retatea to \bc adventure of a
complete stock of ammunition is kept menl heretofore made by the boan! ->f
Gave Her Pupils
raswli ihatAke ihleres frtl Inio Cincinnati gentleman named
4 for the purpose* of defraying
pangh. who with a companion from
: of the cost which the counMin
> laM hare. When the pTfraie detect the aame dty was trolUng fn
dc*clded should Im* borne by ap
ing of r.
jclal aasessraen
Ire of the ralMmd company left Niles yacht. It appear, that Anapaugh. be- grade of the Oak Park school, aur
the otler betwtHja Hth
he a^ he bad In hb
alng tired of holding the Hoe In hU priaod her pupUa yciterday aficrnoori
That's the way one feels after uin-i
cts. from Wadsworth to Divlin a very delightful manner. After
hand, took a balf-hlicb around hi
i the alley between Ithh I
ing at the Little Tavern, where every-* slon street:
Hie drawing leason each one wras prrtabllsh the I
wrtst. and at the aame Instant, receli
thing In the line of delectable cooking j and^lllh streets from Wadsworth
aewted with an oval dish holding a
Ing a bite from a mnskalonge. baatti
can be had on short order. You do; Uiv ision
in the alley b«-«ween
gUempted to fasten the line to a cleat, nghled candle, by means of which not have to learn a trade in order to; nth and 12 fh htre, t* fnmi Wa«l?(Mty Alfwrner O. 8. Clark of Battle but was Jerked overboard and drawi
satisfy your appetite. They’ll t. lI*yoii wonh ti» Divoion streets Im now oa
• aftenuKin.
rapidly awaj from the l>oat by th
CnM*k hSK filed hU answer with
j what to eat and you'll hbow liem how fiU- at my oflir.- tor publicinKpertion
. t.i.reme court to the lH-l<*f Hied hy the fish. His effeyts to disengage his wris
3 iht.
Notice is
hereby given that !h<
from the Une were unavailing and
council and bi»erd of a5sess<^r^ oi tb*
Ilstile Creek ssnUsriura s attorneys
A horse In a treadtulll uiid n dog
, city of TraverM- t'itv will me* t NoAnspaiigh was ycMreral times d
the case of the city sKslnsi that
turning'll spit bnv«* U*ea lu limes past
under water. The yacht crew ws
slliutlon. for the payment of tax
famlllnr objecls. but it has remained
On the ground that It Is a charllablo ally able to lower a boat, from which a for the iKN.ple of Malabar. India, lo thing in the hou*e furnishing line can view .said a.^.sc*s>meni roll! at which
Institution, the aanitarlum has pal. rope was thrown to the strangling fish put monkeys nt work.
The «Um.-ue be had at our store. East Front stre-*t. time and place opp..rtunliy
erman. who caught It. as a drow
tlH*re U torrid, nnd fans arc a netw- An espccUIly fine line of blankeU and given all i*er.on:
slty. Forim*ily it wan Hm* duty of n bedding Is in stock, to go with select
- ... .
The sani roan will anything within reach,
amounting to I24.2C0.4&.
h day ..f
by this means he was hauled In. with native sertant to keef> in motion the lines of Iron bods In all .styles. 4>rices ;
tarium seeks total exempt
great fan calletl tlic punka, but nn
i. That new home can be fit ‘ :.ii8-14l
l|ls wrist sail at one end of the line
tter has boon ordered
English ollicer who resided in Malabar
ted out complete at the least expense.;------------------------------and ' the rauskalunge at
the ot
me court by iht^clrcuU Jud
romelved the Idea of putting the
e Is only one oCMhe many that wll which, on Indng secured, was found to monkeys at the toll. This punka is
bo four IvH-i and acvea.lnches k>ug and
(uliow U
jK-nUed from the celling nud workNEW DANCING SCHOOL.
-------cord. After plnylng
1 by pulUm;
claims to make no money to weigh-C4 pounds—Ihl.olt Tribune.
Prof. W. W. Vennor of Buffalo. X.
u.onkevK for awhile
nil one «if
Third Ward.
Battle Crhi'k Is again in disgrace as
turning all im.flis hack to the saalUr
'tied tbe little feliow’a liauds Y.. will form a dancing class at tbe
ium work In foreign and native landi a result of Jie smallinix epidemic. The
. Muzzy. W. 1 Chaney. D.
To A
td the cord nnd made him lielieve that Academy of Music hall Monday even- Seer. 1
C. HitchciK-k Frank Ikiiph.
•pern house has been overcrowdiHl and
for the !ntert-*i„ of humanity.
playing a new an;rdeilKhtful
U 24th. Instruction from S Frank Lahym. Chas. Creasy.
A sleml*‘r filling rinl In the hands o patients with the loathsome disease
\ little candy helped on the ex until St p. m. Social from b ualil 12 p Jameson. Ben ThlrM.y. P. ier lbart* now placed In lenla.
This has periment. niMl soon tbe monkey was
a courag.HMii. friend, was all that save
m. Children's cla.ss Saturday. Oct. ’22 Mr.« A. K. Forest. Ida U. Balxock. K
Mrs. W. W liassett of Bay City fron stirred up the public after the agita very fond of his ucw employment, nev
H. l»e'/..H>ie. A. Champion. .Mercy Mor.
StotJp. m.
2.115 Gf roe. K. M. Daily. Geo. Pheijis. Jidui
dn.wnlDg, 8he was fishing at the Mr tion for a new pt*stbouse had about er imagining that he was doing very
Helfrich. K<1 Rons* r. M'. Whiling. Geo
Ligery. It la said tliat there
Rwsn mill d.>ck when a plank ga%» -tiled away. Smallpox Is a disease re
Campean, F.
quiring warmth, and a lent during Oc
way. tbromlng her luu> tlu- river 8h
cM. W. A. '
ikeys pulling tbe strings of
Third Ward.
went down twice, then managed U tober weather Is not warm, by any
man. E. K. Colby. R. I
To J. A. Nickerson. John Woo.l. T
shop. Srth Plough. M
grasp the tip of iW n»d held out it means. There have been «.ver 3d cases
N. Aldrich. W. 1..
her. and clanjr-ttr'lt until other hel| of the disease there within the last
Chas. Howanl. John Lawrence. Wm. i Geo. H Hill. N. W. mil. Mrv.
She waa removed to he; year, without awakening the city fully /Tradamsrka arc understood to be Adsit. H. O. Joynl, E. O Ellis. J. Dunn, i comb. Sher. H»»ward. Perry
home In a carriage, and a physlrtxi to the needs of a pesihouae. Dr. \V. H. nearly sa old aa tl»o Imlnstry of the G. W. Curtis. C. W. iVeZoete. Henon j Rav A. Dunn
Newton. Harry Burr. I
summoned, and she rallied well from
Prty symlwls. nnd the (’hineM* Church. Wm. Ingerrol. Robt
ley. H. H. Ryany otive Pierce
the fuire
of cUlxens
the shock
<’o!bv. J. G. Kopp^. J. W.
.Mcm>i .' Sroflrid. T. H: Crand;
claim to have lisd trademarks a tboa- Fred Colbv.
The life saving crew unik i->nnd changes, and be believes men immun**
HaywiAotl. MaruAn Black, j* IU‘aaud ye.nrs lH*forc riirlst. Gut»*nk.erg. F. O. Miller. J. D.
be sc-curt*d to
IngH in Holland harbor and found a lr»mi smalliKix could
»>.l Jamison.
tbe inventor of prlntlug. had a luwsait drow. W. L Brown
g»*neral depth of 1* feel In the chan
•boot a trodemark and won It.
As I>unn. Willard Carv. G. R. Newman, j Chas H. Smi’h. F W. Wilson
He looks upon any dela.vs as early aa 1300 Ibr EngllaU futrllament Hour) C. Gore. Thos. IMm. Luna strong, ciias. McMiebaeJ. Mhry llai
nel leading from Black Uke out Into
Paris. Gw.
Scon. Ch*o.
Newberr}-. vey. C. D. LaPolm. C. W DoZoi*u . C
ihorteed tradcfHi^rka. and the laws Sarah J. Calkins. Jhs. .Stack. Fred I t:, Hens. l. F. H .SchofiePl. C Va.b r.
This is the beat show- dangerous.
tbe lulled Stajies have also pro- Smith. Mile* Hill. W. Clyde Finn. I.u-| Ange h'arrant. Mary Ingersotl. Cha^.
A digger tamtne in Montcalm county
r Holland harlxir has made in yean.,
tfd them.
Extraonllnarr roenna clnda Fox. Nidi Livingstone. FrauK i Mahn. J. W. Cliff. Ell.v Evans Antony
and with a bunip«*r crop dUiurbs the
and is. due to sheet piling.
hare t«m required at all time, to Waldls. A. C. KHer, Clms Easterday.. Sens. Aug.rs» sill. o. C Moftatt. W. 1)
The apple invs near .White Pigeon farmers grcailv. There are thousands
gnard •gainst ilw ^^auduh^nt uae of Nelson Gore. A.
Wm. Tompkins. G<*«j. Burrows. Wiu-ox. t'o
are load<Ml with fruit, much of which ^ of aen s t»f iKJtalcM** that are not being
PI of mnuufartureni If there were Blackman. John laithnnis. A. R Cur- inmbla Tran- Co.. Su-au Gravel. W.
going to waste. While man^ bamds dux u-s yet and help cannot be obtained
Helm. W II. Cory. J li
leans of tdenUfying tbe trademark
r. Clynt Morris Decker. IXHilKn
P A. Geldhor.
of cider have bepn manufactured, still to get them into the cellar*. Heavy
R. U’ledtw‘fi.
wat goods at ontv lose their value. Ayers. H. D. Poayne*..
Perrv Hannal* E.-I.. aa*i!
Moult«m, E- C
the ground under the trees is covort'il rains prevemetl their digging ani This was diai-overed very early, and
KenU J. M. llagganl. Mrk. Mary Dl*- all le-rM.ns intenvi.-d in the laving
deemed probable tliat the
y IM.iaio gn>wers will In* caught
with apples which are rotting for want
Ety Clyde. V.-A. Patrick. C. P a lateral M-wer in Jhe adev between
tiT a market. The ver>* b«*st fruit can
G F.
F. Rowe.
Rowe. A i
str»H-ts. from Wad-woriiif
rh.vd Palmer. G.
uae distinctive marks on their m
U- had for 20 cents a bushel by per- put out of •lang»*r. It is estlmale<l thxi
______ A1 Na^h. Craw ik Hardy. H. W. : to Bohemia
xres. This is about aa near i
lOth and nth streets, from
Smith. C. L. Davis. F. J. Sutherland,
Mins who cart* to go to the farms and 1.0»H) men arc nor-iU-d for thn*e week*
la pooMble to arrive at data.
M. R L.von*, Mr*. Ro.-e Weld>. A. C.| Wadsworth i.,> B:»hemfa str.H ts. in the
Many of the
pick It.. In the' local market grocers in that county alone.
Rowley. P. Paris. D. K. Carter. Rob'.|^,
mb Uivet.s.
Xell uppku* at about 40 to 50 cents a farmers have this year built cement
^ "taiSl
J. B. iwwiew EI*oWrio Oo.
Sl^ 'proeeaded lo te If eai
125 CASS «T.
“Moneybak” Silk
Buying “Moneybak” ^ilk is like
depositing money in the bank. Worth
more than it costs because it wears add
satisfies, to say nothing of the pleasure
of being well dressed. At the*^silk
counter, c.
^.111 l::l
talu« St i«er. H J.
Monday, Oct. 24
a selection
of this
I itsT
« ss. Bsturn ti. 2I3H »C Froal Ht.
aiV ttZ
The laughing succc*ss uf ihc
High-class singing and
dancing rperlaUes
PRICES: lOc, 20c and 30c.
Seat sale now <yfen.
Telephone Ciiftens 112.
rm on ihelr farms for storing the’r
Prank W. Palmer, a Hood City trav- crop, as they* make mure money by •km there walked Into the offlee of
City. MIrhigon.
• ling man. must answer to a charge of holding the potatooB until spring governor of a Vresteru aUte a cUlxeo D. L. Thomas, N. W. Harrie. C.
buyers are located In every who. with auppro«ed exdtemeuL aaM: Johnson. Fred Dean. OjJ-, Coul
emlH.rrlemeni. made by his employers
uodenUDd Hull Mary E.
-Mr. Oovonior..
the gpi'cial as:
in cievelaiul. fThhi. according to a re station buying for eastern shipmect
cent supri'me court decision. Palmer and paying 26 ceau per bushel, which
Irrigation board, is dead.'
ween 9ih and imh streets,
ns 4* to 60 cents as toon as the
was arrested several months ago. but
Jay Young. Tbos. McTlusky. J.
IS tbe reply
-He Is,worth to BohemU street«i;
r cornea. One farmer near Howard
Alfred Ayers. O. P.-Hughs
lister, i
he contest Oil the requisition. Issued by
loih and nib
dled an lioor ago.ago.’
^Iln the alley
ml^ and put In bU own cellar
streets, from Wadswortth to Bohemia
-Wcll, Mr. Governor.- continued tbe Pike. Vfm Ralne. Arthur Hadle
PKiremor BMrp. thnmgh bis attorney.
fall 4.200 bushels from U acres, Htisen. -I dWUke to exblblt any un
Charles A. Wltbey. Judge Chittenden
John Gallagher,
th to B>
passed judgment on the requisition, to which brought him Il.to a buabel tblv •eeiuly barte in tbe matter, hot I very Davidson. Mary Mlckler, Frank Voge.
office for
mocb d«lre to make appileatton for
a halieas corpus proceedings, and pro^ rprlng. The average yield thU year
D. Kenney
How^rd^K*'Ii\ 'smRh."Ray''iloni^; |
nounced It good. Mr. Wthey appealed about 200 buabela per acre, and with a
Mliercupoa the goveroor courlaoaaly
that Uie
h. 1N. T. I
to the supreme court, which baa now pouto failure in the castor sUies will motkmed bis caller toward an 'ante P«ry Hannah.
Pitch. D I council and board of assessors of the
B II poialoB next ofirtag. In the room. -Pray walk Into this room, air.*afirmed the decision of Judge Chltten
Fred L,j city of Traverae City will meet a! the|
den. Palmer must, therefore, appear village of Howard City an employe ol •aid be. -and take yoor place in tbe
Huell- j counc
AI Huellcouncil rooms in said city ai 8 o'clock
the furniture factory had a garden C€ UAC.--Kaasat City
:th. 1*04. to review
in Cleveland to face his accaaera.
Already they are begiuiUng to tell feet square which yielded €0 btuhelr
•od pUc* opportBBltjr WlU b« ,lve«
Henry Canfield.
of selected potatoes.
Bert Mullen. Jane and Hatty McGln/ all perooos interested to be beard.
Boo yoMg man. who has an am
Dated this 20ib1 day of (October. 1*04.
nls. R Nearon. F. F. O’Neil. R. ^
City <
ioitertKNue. tcb£
If you want the best ^com
bination wood or coal
stove made, buy a
Pfince Oak Jewel
This stove i.s liuili for durability,
It hsf a cast Imiiy that will
n.Ri melt down, buckle or warp
otn t»f *ha|*e with tin* intense
hi at from coal, making li the
Itnnnd................ .
111 il“
Tiwini for'Oods'i O'ty auiTPrewmoot imr* at
nuj;-t durable stove in the w»r I.
The ball liUrlng duplex gra.c
and shaker ring combined w.ih
large a.sh pan makr^ it a very
easy Rdove to o|M-raie. And th-
•moke, aoot. dust and gas con
suming dev ice used in ibl* slov-»
makes it the most ectinum‘r.sl
coal and wi.oil stove made.
Cull and let Us show tb-m to
ble Kelley, a a CO.. A.
Mrs. ll^nry Good of Bmallac eoonty btUoa to get into the army, recently
hai^^ tof dlTorc». ilm-. hoabaad pasBd his twenty-nrst birthday. The
Trank Crude
C L. UiCffWOOD. O^P. tj T. A..
*®ll on Saturday next from 2 lo 8 p. m.. J
the genuine French chewing candy. I
regtiiar 2«c kind, for 10c a. !b.
The Ui Greitl Candy Cvi..
221 K. Front 8t
3 dancing r I
class every Monday night at 8 p. m.
Social at » o'plock. special music.
venile class every Saturday afternoon
at 2 in the o!d Elks ball.
: «nv.
tEWBUIL nans OfTHE WOnil
SnSi •» om*»w. I*
UM etocikm of a mod.
mft, have ttoen aoMCM
14 ynarwMkmOBtba.
, wUl be appnalnd Tbe t
liim. OraplM U« ratrarae «•• ^
IW irai tl«t i. ira *«• •• •««*•
toprai. yoraen.1 ferat
«ry. M tbe, bad
mnohamton man in luck.
!», «MMT I—»roi^ » «“ «—
M lira tfeM o»r u> Ik* oiMMr.
«kD k M craiaa tk» fwnl of >>■
-Imies of Btagbamton.-'W in town
toat night, not be who "pay. the
IWghL-h« John C. Jc«. a. he reg
totmad at tbe Park Plaoe hoteL
ror a few bour. June. wa. Md and
deapoadeaL and wa. not aftmid to tell
b«beMtjrb«fcti*i» jomt if
^tnmblaa. Later In the day be wa.
the happioatetranger within oar
wbea be came np to tbe clerk of tbe
bjmu atewtei in n ihotoxhPark Place and
ly ,v-to.dite »ian«r. And
'em; got *em down at 8. E. Walt A
in <U tc
8oa.V Drug Store. Now
tpecli. rineranittiyphanbing
good dinnew and look forward to «nok
ntpedalty.- Onr repntntion fct
tug a Waitoworth Bron’ -Qilco" afterikai and rdubUity
wardn 8. E. Wait A Bona aa, they
is aramnee of aatblactioo.
have not bad the -01100." In .lock
And onr chargraaie riglit, too—
very long, but they are already makL lot of friends.
Lrangc how hon
to lean over a cigar case and not
•'its E. Fr»«t St
i brand that be ever beard cf bcfove. That was the way I felt all day.
but when 1 went into 8. E. Wall A
Drug, Store and aaw my obi
friend, the W^ad.worth Bros.’ ‘Chicos.*
I knew there wa. a good .moke com
ing to your, truly. It only costs S
That th. Hot Springs ma4lcin«
cents, but there Is uo 10 cent cigar
have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAVthat I. a. good, an/l have .moketlj
roost of them."
Sep R-Oci 22 ERSE CITY. Theycineurayraa
rauj tt M* irawix tMt Urorntmt.
rat a( «M «( tlw <i>r
uTMi u> rar <or IMr t>« U-ta««r
ra*4 hr Prof. GktJtm a Bl.
li DratraraUi coUts*. u b* <
b, iMilc ra ddim diract
MM-Ut* *UI ten€iW«»»>«
rarak l.
pwl tbamt
acting an toinlUoii. A few day. ago
Bogan, aon of a Wariilng
ton phyUelaa. aecured an Iniervlew
with tbe amwetary mid without tbe
.llghteil p^nmlaar, .aid: -Mr. Mo.toa. I have been trying to get in the
marine rimp. for almoal four yearn, i
cant get anybody to back me up. but
! am very much in love with the aervice and f would try mighty hard to
giMt nix H« «wlun it
raXMlrt ran ihM Iid»l>lu4 Aaralra
htton tlie arrirftl of tbe ladm.
to pcapartog to hot* U pr«err«!.U*
tiM ottto
la lit. Mer. Th^
fliiaito or tbe bead, aayt Prof. lUcharJ
aoB. U aaWke that of aar kaovn peo9to or today. The ehMfc bone. - United Slate, well." T|f secretaiT
Mch and promlacai and tbe forehead looked the young applicant over from
’aloffMback lapldlr The height of tkv head to foot-Bogan afterward aald be
a. if «>mebody bad turned an
bod, to Ilye feet tea tache. and ib?
broadth or the aho^ldere II Inchc*.
• The appearance of the arm. and leg> •Were you ever deaigaaied beforer
Mr." «dd Bogan. "Hi derignate
god aean oa tbe body indicate that
tbe^romaa wa. mnrdered and dlMnem. jxM. tomorrow." aald the aecreti^.
•TTiankyou. Good morning." .aid Bo^ when it wa. explained that a pipe bid
bored. Tbe left arm to attached
in. bowing hlm»elf out. Needle., to burnt. Eight poUeo and many firemen
Ml. by all «r»l elaaa druMlata.
the body by tbe petrifying action. The
j. Mr. Morton kept bto-^mrd.
. optic nenreahow. plainly.
were hidden alioul the call, to atop
While .moking In hi. yard at Clin any panic that might ariae. but when
There ar^ ao many cheap and worth
In Newcm«Ue. ttngland. the mayor
enjoys tbe privilege of once n year ton. la.. A. B. Angeli. aged *6. dropped the .how waa over the people filed out iem perfui^ that It to hard to de BEWERTA^
.purk from hi. pipe Into hi. bear- They they were aurpriacd to learn »cT\he a really good odor, unlem a
bring allowed to aelyct and kto. nny
Munple to before you. The Prancte -TMIRD WARO
yonng woman who take. hi. rano and wa. fatally burned.
whai had happent'd.
The Briltoh Thibeun expedition to
among tbe Coal city, inhabitant.. The
The United State, senate will ha* f American Hygenic Co.*» perfume, kept
Notice to All Person. InteraPttd.
kto. to rather co.Hy. however, for It to lowliound at Pari.' The road, are oh among its members at the next aca by Mrs. E. L. Bonner have the de ;the custom to present the young per lllerated and the force will probald> rion five former cabinet officers—Sen cate and refreshing fragrance of tho
eon kiswd with a aoverelgn (fSi. have UI remain where it 1. ^^i»l atora Knox, Toller. Alger, inoctor and natural flower. Twelve select odors
to chooTO from.
dUtrict No. 0. lieglnning on Division
while a fnrlher gift to madt- h.*r oy spring. Two
Rtreil at the alb y betwwn Eighth and
^tbe lady mayorew. no doubt to dU before it wa. found that no Hmhei
Milwaukee giri.s ghve a new
Ninth streets, and running south to the
. prove Joalouay. The .herlff. not to be progre*. could be made.
They are being pholo^phed while ro
outdone, ntao beatow. a kl.s upon a
Ju.l the thlqg for cool evening, and alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth
’losing in coffin, and repining In reprefair byainnder at the Mtme rate of ex tbe principle that no officer may .hoot rentidloo. of deathbed .cene., wltfi damp days, tbe chanictertotic of the strevt*. has Ikhu idart*<l In my hand,
pendUnre. The occaston I. known a. an escaping priwmer unless the latt' r their women friend, gathered about
lern fall. Millar A Morse have for collection the same to be paid on
anige Chy. when the mayor and cor- has been charged with a felony. Tlu them. From an arttoUc viewpoint thi them from fl.25 up and for a belter or before Oct. .'ll. 1904.
opinion wa. rendered in the case
M. E. Haskell. City Treasurer.
,kn«Uqo prnoeed in a procc.lon
the date vs. Thomas Smith, from picture, are a succew. but apt to give winter heater they al«> carry a full
tonr gaily decorated ste.mcm i
Olllee. room 2m2. State Bank build.
•nerve.” to thi»c not in the aecret. * line of hot blast and bard coal stovea.
two old sUte barge, to claim the soil Monroe county, who killed
WTien Senator and Mrs. Thoma. C alM) a good line of heating sUives.
of the River Tyne. Their Journey over.
Platt purchaswl an estate at Highland
: the mayor rtand. upon the btiundardy from the officer.
. N. Y.. and named it Tioga lodge
|*rofcMor Simeon Newcomb, the
atone, and U 1. here that the kto.Ing
us with the intent to estakltoh
I. indulged ln.-Kani«tH City Joufna notcHl’American astronomer, declare*
home then* free from ail the nish an<l every town. A store where ilo- >omiK
In a Ilf of rage following a quarrel hat the recent tjongress of at Is ai.d hORtle of the town-one for re.
hoii.HekcH'iier can fli.d the full qmita t«*
with her grandmother. Mary Scott
begin on. No running arf>.md with tonotable aaaembUge of ititellectual and plcasun*. They an* nv>w in n fai
took polwo and dieti at her home two
lisiii. but a quiet ctirner. hav cured THOUSANDS IN TRAV
learned men that
evvr ton-n gathrnlKw wiwt of l^cion. Ind. The girl,
Ptotl has alrcwdy won in the village gootl attciulance and the new c<»Tnpb‘tc ERSE CITY. They can cure you. For
[^ed in the history of t^e world.
who ♦a. only IC. had been directed to
house furnl ihlngs can go in on one orthe
Down in «»utbwe.lern Missouri Miss
, ncrub part of tin- bouse, and eefuiK-d
iler. with ncthlng lacking. J. W. Slater. cat* by all first claa. drugglaU.
LUia WcKKi is cHimhicilng an active
to do ».o In the alievcation that fol
, the Houi-e k'urntol
Mtmpalgn for the reiKibllcan tlckci. from the fact that .he docs her
lowed .he .aid that .he would kill
I Udiea, -you can jump <
Mia. Wood has a thorough compre markeUng. and doc. it in a way
heiwelf. Nothing waa thought of the
The -Ilfe-Ilac" I- nat. esten.lin!: ">■!„,““'*2 birt^twnrMm.'up”!hension of public affair*, which .he provoke* the admiration of the villa.:;-'
threat till .he became violently iU
b.na- of life, hope .n.1 »«w:H ^
XUlm.n’. ElJk FIrar
discusses,to audience, which invarl ehopkeeper*. Mrs. Platt sht.ps
when .he eonfe.«Mi that .he had uken
„e..e. Reaches sraund .he *h.he, Tla |
ably crowd the hnlU In which she a:»- u*ually «irly in tho day-ln fact, loii^
ptilnon. but was aorrj* and bogged that
before most fasiiiunable
a dociov be called, but It wa. too late. penr-.
li Is said by some persons close •»
Re.fcrd M. Kimble tried Ui lower
him that William A. Clark, Jr. young
blm.elf from a cliff at Mount Anony
est son of Senator William A. Clark mander in Port .\rthur. to of Gorman j
moua. near Scranton. l*a.. by gra.p
birth and ancestry. to»m in Saxony i
of Montana, has rompleusl nog
Ing a .tune. Hi. weight locened the
bome flfiy-four yeans ago. He .erved
Hons for the purchase of the fan
atone, which fell with him and broke
old Emperor William in the engineer
Bluer R«K>t bret'dlng farm of the
hi. tog. The eaoriion that Kimball
Marcus Daly at MlstiouU. The prl.v corps, but in the early Tn-. obtained!
HABvfRCtored from MonUla Paper
underwent while dragging hlm.elf ic
to unknown, but will range well to hi. dlw*harge and Joined the Russian
the niadwny nwet the fraclun^d limb
, rtoing rapidly to his present |
-You get aI 75c Duster for 20c.
wanl •2.*SH..OOO. An iniercsllng fart
Drjdrichnlkoff of the Paateur In.ii
Duster nude of feathers.
2nd—It wiU out wearr any
in ccnnectlon with this alleged trans rank. General SiooKsel Is a bluff. k>1% tgtM||k>mewhat pul out at Ihe pub
:ird—It will not scratch the finest
action to that Senator Clark and Mr. dlerly man. peppery and perfervid of
IlcHy given to hi. theory rcgardlm
h—The duM wfll not irthere to iL
ily for many year* were among the s|HH*ch. with a fondness fo.- oratorical
old age and It. cure-ihat old age I
h-It will do woik that a feather duster will not. as it
effect which at time, give him the ap
a.t hitter cnemlc. la the country.
be pushed into corners and places where feathers w
due in a large roeaaure ^ colonies of
rt. Hclis a i
Benjamin Levy ictifled in New pearance of being t
1 mlcrolH.-* in^thc torge intejillne
gtrici dlBclplInarlan. as was shown
For SoIo By
He poinU out. howeT^^. that bird, are York that be had been engagetl by KXin after he took command at Port
much longer lived than mammaU. U- Richard Tan Coit. aon of the postmas- Arthur. The war cknid was gathering
of New York, and Itonkwn Mring (oriunale in the lack of that ob
when he fwind a party of officers
mixiotta organ. The le.rne<l profeasur Avov. to provide BH» men to -c*olo
carousing In a cafe one evening. He
dlftrict. lie aald Van Colt and Meto of opinion Ib.t science will «>on
vov nrovided room, and board.
give man the chance of a tranquil, nor
mai old age. The longer a roan live, dollar for regi.i
the longer be de.slres to live. add.-the for the x-ole on election day.
-Bedbug. Hmll receive no consider
Hiving demonstrated her ability to ation In this court.” was the venllci .>f
comtelnd a vc*MU*l under any and all Justice Grant of Chicago. In the .
by Mr.. Eetta E. Mathew, a
comill Ion.. M to. Jane Morgan, dang
Icr of Randall Morgan, the Phlladri boarding house k«M*per. ng.lnM Mto.
Bmma Sieizler. a schtMil teacher, for
pbia ga* magnate, ha. bc*en given
master mariner*, license of the United room rent. Mtos Sieitler*. defente
State, bureau of Inspectors of .team was that the fiying squadron of beJ
bug. in tho home of Mrs. Mathew
ve.reto. Then* are tmly five other
. :
It is estimated that three pei^ons. besides the piirchascr.
it unienablo. but the JuMlce d**men In thl. connin' who can claim
reads everj- magazine and nevrspaper circulated. If this
»he %oulil have to pxy her land
airollar dl».tlncilun. qualified to ukc
123any vewel. A. a roaatei
be true,
Eleven furvlvont of the rtoamcr
mariner Ml*. Morgan i* qualified to
command of any vewel from a Viking, which wait wrecked last Auding schooner to an Atlantic liner. gusl. have bc-en rewued from rocks in
an off the bleak coast of Lab
Her certificate I. said to read "for ail
ocean*." the hlgheki mark for navi rador. Their situition was desperate,
a. their «ranty slock of provtoion. had
gating .kill.
been exhausted. The NTWag
It would appear that some of the
precinct official, in New York city went on the rock. In a rtrim and %nwere not thoroughly posted on federal jiher storm later carried the wreck to
with a circulation of 3000 copies for November, and 50(K1
tea. together wRh all the .tore., which
laws regarding the duUe. they
copies for December.'will, between now and Jan. 1st. be
called upon to perform on regtotra- were .till aboard. A rewrulng tug U*l
tlon day. Mayor McCleilaa Vra. not month wa. wrecked trying to reach
....... r^dby fully 24.000 persons. The' Liar is
an unique. ' '
recognixed whoi he . went to regl.ter theroeh. Three of them were on onventure into the Magazine field and every number of the
bo being asked bis birthplace and re
piyiqg that he was bom in Germany
Fire next door
of American parent, tompomrily
iomnilgf abroad, bla natmaltoallon pa theater in Chicago became ao dangerWednesday ulgbl that the atiel
pert were demanded. He explainer!
that be wa. a cllUen of the United 'urtain waa lowered In the middle
Smifw by right of birth notwilh.iand- .he .how and the audience dtomtos
InA but the registrar, would not ac There wa. no sign of panic. In Syra
cept him unrti they had conferred lo^ ruM*. N. Y.. an audience aat thro-agb
i aUow while firemen were IlghUng
geiher and consuliod authortiie..
C%ari«a Ha.rea Ma.well to the dean Jeroe blaae two floor, above and the
of Tnmmany lUll and a. .nch to one .ueeu ooufde were Jammed wUb
of the moat inteveting figures In th* lie. The audience knew nothing of ih.
pdHlld algebm of today . Ho w«l or Ite until water began to drop through
Nov. K have ca.t hi. eighteenth con he ralllu, rad .sb«> »«» «tuafd
AT lOra
liwtan mw ElKlric
LIfH Ml Pnif U
Fire Insurance I
Nm Wlllwla SMt.
Beat Granulateil Sujar for
a limited time.
25c 5 8 ^
E. C. Lewis Cash Bfocer
win make your $1 grf&rthest
226 East Pront Street.
Cbe Ciar magazine
Box 1*89.
R.R.RXR.R.R.RXR* «-1^";'jGE0.
24:000 Readers
Trrarara 0*r.
a p. CARVER o ma
idUl l-KUWI
JII Cbe Red Cro*.; J.H.MnrM
K Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx R
That tha Hot S|>rlnga medlcinaa
ERSE CITY. They can cure you. For
aala by all flrat elaaa drugglata.
JOS. mimdtrnr' «.
o E royiE T
CEST YOU Fonarr,
•nut tiM Hot sprliiai laXWliM
h«. curad THOUSAHOe IN TNAV.
ul« by »ll llrat clow dramlN*
i« Wa.t*iC>nB 1
FreM ua SiUt FriC. C-umed Ooodo. FM TALKING YET
Ordcra railed for mod dellrerad.
Cor. EMt »U Md rrartObi Su.
That tha Hot Gprinfi mailalnaa
hmra curad TMOUSAMOG tN TMAV-
THE ■ N eve:
cmr. mtGHmAm, SATUfioAy»ocToaefi jk,
A Republic Pcuuded by Ne^oes ^nd Governed Well
FinucUl A«cat Tells of
ample. Bewarco.
course between ihetr
United tftaiea.
IM avali«f»« frMk
toum to UM fltou f«o»d«l by Afn^
kmwnmm to tto torttto tfmrwhm of th>
to toM nrrmln'CMto** tb« Afrt«i»
toads tor into tbo t
With none to dispute the right oC
man to rule himself If thereby
rtchta of others are not Imperiled,
negro has at la« arrived at his og
tunitv. Uberta belong, to him a]
.No White rsan may become the m
of property there, and the black mi
ahsolutety monarch of the aolL
w hite man U rilgthle to any oOce. I
ewr humble, nor can he vote or have
anything t» say about the adminlatratbMi of anraJm. It ought to be the bUi k
man s |uir.idise. for It
his to do w Ith
^ wHh th»
t«rrU^ wblcb
F' ^
TtoTri»f»cb had bsto contsstito torttIsh «IaUm on tbs roost, and tbs laltar's
srttlsmsnt with tba LIbarlan oiUbort.
m*nt mads bstwsm the UbsrloM and
tbs Bnfllsh tbs Krsnch bsvs bsto hor-
as Urge ax the ihnpire Btats.
ta<ns untoi.i and b>.undlesB
It t'onnatural
alufts and drigjs abound In Us foreata
oil iwlin lx ab« mUht. cmwo and wtton
prtsim^e exi^lent crx.pw and there la
trolsrs ATS inanirsstliMr b
X to the cosarary. the <
msintsnAnos of Its ricbts. and a diract
Atosai Has bsto laato to tbs rrsneb
ftsopls for joaclos In tb» mattsr of ths
Into tbs oass acrsa that ths Amsrl«».
I4bsrlans dsssrvs ths support of lbs
irntiod toalas and Orsat Hiitaln for
thsir oCOrts to buUd up a psacsful and
ssir suimsstlng ns^ro republic and to
dsmonstrais that ibs black man la
rapdbls of self jrovsnunsnt If hs bs
r -.r.r
This Js’^bsst shown
fact that ths ssvass r
4l#l«hborliia tribes are In
vlsltln# tbs Uberlan capital. Monrovia,
to have their disputes arbitrated by
rraaidsnt Arthur lUrrlay. who la a
native of the British island of Harbadoa.
Tha farm America-IJbartan brlonys
also to lbs West Indian cillseiia of the
republic, of whom there la a rsneroua
oprinkliiig. They are ao much more InIsJilgent than their brethren from tha
rmiad Btatea that they are Justly
given ths administration of ths coltoy s sfralrs.
tinent, and it la not uncommon nowa
days for eiplorers Into ths hsart of tbs
African wlldemsoa to bs acoootsd In
Kngllah by a naked asvags who la ahaolulely devoid of e\-ery othsr evidenrs
of (Ivlllsmtlon. Thia haa besn of great
asrrtce U> travelers, who ara abla thua
to make knoan thsir wants to nlmoat
has a firm f..othnM In
Ublr to religious Innuencee. nml V
the tribesmen of the un.ivilUed ii
rior are lendy t«. act'ept civilization and
rhrlxl Unity ns have the |.e,.|*Iee
many ».tUer Unru—in <'omtwny. s. ii.^1houses are rix|«ig on the re«erx»tthns
of every trils*. and
ler inland inlHxmu
to U
le of imiKtrix and
iiiarllv to pnmuite lininigratK.ii; U
"'ll \TVi\u'th^b^luTVirTlli. United
able bUHtri.^s. llithertu
lllUial pUKln. i of
a UmileJ and utK-ertaiii market |
BUtea even of thoas who idair dsvolad
much lime and attention to the aubjacl.
that the>x|»eriment of sending the black
man bark to Africa has been a failure.
bed not so much on account of cJIIc and racial conditions as for ths
on ihj«t the nesTo haa nsver before
, able* to eatahirah hi. capacity for
government. The present aUte of
ira In Uberla would seem td Indlthat the dlaciualincatloa of Inca
st be eliminated. Them are
black men In Monrovia t
not only governing, but
well. That thej- are<for the most part I deiiie of this ability U fmalela .i by
West IndUna does nJi in
validate the urKnn^dfd. Further
1 govarc .-.g.-rty «'ont|>cteJ
:ml. Fiwn.r.
Finn. r. tWinsny
tWiiumy and IlusaU.
.Uiicaii ng.M of the enterprise ' Mom pixmiUii.g of alJ. the Uts-rlanx are
ci.rII i:..!.. It Sj urg.-...,;
lx u n-»- 1 a l-vi .'«*ful .nn.! Uw abiding
rud- dul Io visitors and iii.i.i-.M Ullng to tbs
u..Ph| from ll .nii.ton aft.-tuar l timxh-full-xt ei toM ib.- ii.1%atn .ges o
mg a courav li. ia»v r«i 11 irviinl. He ! publicuu form of govornn.-nt.
ai.|-dnt...l r.s r, t.ov of U-i .lion at
1*1IA.N.NI.N«: A. HAH*
Moi-ioxU by M., MvKinby and Ims
rv^rn-pu nr urTo’
Uwd th. tc xince them He resigned Mx 1
..mvial is.sitioii .ttH.ui n v-.«r itco Htid
F-vnadUu nutnufacturrrx . aa:
at : l.i.o e
t nit'-i ■ end t
Intere^in^ Viciures From Far and J^ear
The < artotm herew ith given la the work
»f a mar correatM)mlent who la with the
IhN. the luxlom of sh.4klnK b.>..ds. amt
fashion of kissing. In this pKturc an
American tourist lx trving to teach s
BrnKlhlsi monk h..w t0.rH-.i4.. handx.
Tin- •.rleiitsl se.'ms To W tmpie.v..-#*.! |.y
the nov.lJv of the prmvxliire. br.l the
Jafuuieae snny. while from <
to the humoi of th4- Mlu.iln.n.
AltbmiKli the film-ae iieiiloi s.lwke luinda
rlif -\v
tjS: *
con-RicHT r^y
Mim nizabelh Dusr MlUer. author of the rematkal.le K.rlptural novsl entflled -Tha Toke.** U a native of the little village of .\>n Uoaa. S
county. lAd. Although tthe firm and vUorous at\lc of tl<e xtoiy lx xt rongly augthe author
gextive of maxi'ulinltv.
deeidedly atlrar«l>e young
w ho hax re
. woman of twenty
a vlafoiual couiwe at Hutler
a. of a hirh <
tinlveraity. Indian
her eO^nl lltarary fendency. Mlipi Miller lx ao Juvenile in si.j^Ntrance and so
un..rrc. thdriti her manner that It lx dimmilt to retiwnue in her the creator of a
work which would tax the literary reaourcex of any living Fa:> ptologiat. More
Vondarful slIlL she has nuuls her story Inteicxiing despite llie myxtery of tha
snvin.nineiil. Tbe disttnguixhed author of “Hen-Hur
Mra. Amh.rny J. incxel ..f New York
an American woman whow riiannx
r iwraun and tn.»nnrr have won for her
laon'a realdenre. Thev thua beiwiiy
ghbor. uf the Hrltiah royal fkmlly
tiabt>me aitd were received avlth
rked favor.
r lU intrsnl owner. M- it
I made wasaoi retouched.
I anapahot taken when tbe auipK* at Ostend. the noted Belgian
» nmde the world*, record and U
The negative from which i!ie
A Bcbool physician at t«chonel.e
Oermuny, has an'ertslned that of 1
bey s In the publK* achoolx tC.: per ci
are rcgaUr beer drinkers and of 1
glria 4LT per cent. The folly and l
exahiple of the parenta frustrate all 1
teaching, in aehooL
*‘RecoUectlnns of Geiteral Rohert E..Lee“ I
d west us in the a*Hith. Tl»e volume Is co
embrace a period the annxl m >m«
With partlmter rsfcrtocs to tbs abmty
of the goTsrnintot to meet sponaows
war topeoaea. was dlscuassd the other
night by Gregory YUenklne. floaocial
agent of the RussIsb rinhaasy at Wgato
Ihgton. asy. thr New .Yoct Tribwns.
mwo saked rscardlag report, that
Rusalsu flnsDcm bad Iweti sorely Uswl
by the Ntrdrii of the war Mr. YlleokineasM:
**Vea. 1 have fooixl that such aa Impreaaloa haa gained gnmnd la this
country to aome extent. Home forstga
papers latriy mentioned exresalro la
ths public with
According to the imperial,
uksss of Aug. 29. 1W7. govsnuneot
bank notes are lastied by ttw state
bank In amoonta stAcily limited by the
urgent needs of money ciix^tloa un
der gold security. Tbs sum of gold se
curing the notes must not be less than
hen the Utter
“'rt exceed aOO.OidO.OUO rubles. A
rbble la
U rijual
riiusl tto 77 cents in American
money. Bank notea which are in clrrolatlon over and above auu.000.000 ru
by g dd at a rate
of at
p rulde. In IWM
there were Isaued up to August last
bank notes to tbe amount of 1.10.000.OUO rubles and the month of Augiwt of
year dtMUO.tiW
4tMk10.(HiU ralilea.
Thus tbe t al sum of bank nMea put
•TUp gold reaerre conalsted at tbe
and .If AuiKsL llFH. of mWOWW
rubles warn :y. gold in rirt'ulatloiu
125.VW.nou; gold hi bam. coin and aaL T2h
abroad, 91.nou.iOi; total.
Taking Into cornddemtlon that the gold
aecurtty for bank nocea has lieen Qyed
by tbe okaae of Aug. 29. 1HM7. at 50
per ceul for tbe first onoxwanoo rubles
laaued and at a rate of ruble for ruble
for tbe following laeuea. tbe gold re-•
eerxe sc-uring H0n.oDO.nO0 rublee in'
benk notes Issued for rirculstlon need
not ex.^tid fi00.000.0l10 rubles, while It
bgs rcecbril M4.00a000 1
there exIaU
rubh-s. not iiwlodlug tbe Urge gold 1
mtrr in the govermnent treasury,
wkirii to not entered within the halaynv. of tbe etate bsnk. These rraerrw
cviisK of gold in twrs and coin In tbe
8t. I’rtciwborg mint, and anma la Ibe
bgnde of f.»rrun c->rrespandents abnmd.
•-nm Issues of bank notxa w«e
brought alsmt tiv two c
first cause « as the deduct
rtirrenl aremmt of tl»e
treasuo for ------------the far east, where Itie
psid In liank notes, and ll»e aecoud almuIfsmH,uHy wi(
ith Ibe same, tbe beginning of iIm» r
ral of commerrial
tranaarilona which take* pUce in the
Kc.x>od half uf curb year with tbe beginning of the grain campaign. «ompi-lllor Hie Issue of Urge xumfi from
tbe state twnk.
It must be noticed
that the l«.nk .mles Uaoed on account
of tbe fall dmek^iment of comme rUl
pUring of a torVIH. ill its tub-. The tw... pern, ,|m1 forms of thta
I tl.. How HI. TIo- Wliiiehe.T'l t..rigdo
: devis*-.|. te-iTig p-sw i-ompilraTe<| and
er IS S.-4UI.-1 t.> ihe empl..slon «f x
II b»us »-xpulslve .rgenry ..f rompees.«u-l
i-rf.M i diro. tine api^rsiu^. The
fwpnily r. \o|>,..l w herL «*nl> u few
of toiiKtIo.
racritied i)v the sitlxt us ~s tnei
om Mu - tlcneral Sloes. el is rrpre-me.1 In the draw hut as saying. ‘If
dvH-Mi l vome dow n
eneral K
»ou I aha
otuble book which haa excited aa much CMunment In the north, east
H nniinlA of letters written by the famous general of the Confed. tn the hlatory of the American nation. The me
•uptain ftoluTt
during th.f
Lee. The letlerw of the general written
Tf the dlapoaltlon of a man who wax al tha tlma
the loving heart of the devoted fsiher and boad and tbe Imidlclt trurt of u devout apWt in the wisdom and Juatl ce of Providence. Tbe letters after tbe war.
a hick tSe Idol of the mnxth adviae«l h^ late followers to yield eht
to tbe consUtuted anthorl. form on4 of the moat interesUng features of thia most Interesting t
la ivrj tbe revival of .wmerrUI tranaactlous In tiH* f.nll months demsoded
an Increase of money plartM In rlrmUtlon by irskiNNMriu rubles ami In 1903
by ITT.tMM.Ni nijh-s.
“In the ciirnmt y»*ar the demknd for
hank n..i«w f«r .xjmtnerrixl Iranaaetloiis tnii^t be e.»nsklerable. as tbe .
cn»p^ in many regKm.« of tl»e empire
In some foreign cunjrtes Importing
our grain the <-roiis are unaatisfartory.
a fu«t wblrb will bring about an Incrt-SM* of exiwrix.
“At the end of half a rear from tbe
beginning of military operations tbe
compr.raiJve figures on tbe anioum of
our g»»M rewTxe in roojunriloo with
tbe bank notes UsiMd aUnd as fob
lows; On Feb. 1 of the curretit year
tbe gold res*Tve of tbe Htale bank mnslxted of •.Mr..ino.000 rubles, while there
were only 54iK*JtNU«W rubles of lisnk
notes In rirrulaUon. By Aug 1. 1U>4.
tbr gold reserve of tbe Rute bank ronsi>ted of IM’i.TVMgm rubles, while there
were only «SO;jiMi.nno rubles in bank
notes Id . ircubitlon.
“.\s a w hole, tbe war azpeoditures of
Rusau from tbe beglnnlok of tbe rsnpaign uatli fbe end of tba ysar may ba
to the means for the t
be remarked that I
ing of all OtttsUBdaoeofdlsg to tbe
amototod to UK..
realUed bjr tba
of abtody aanrtSooed <
tbe currtot year; atoa 9B1MJOOO rubtoa ratltoad from tba totoa of 5 par
east trsaatoy boada gad IKkfiOQyOOO
lubtoa from tba fi.6 pgr cairt Dtosary
bills. Tba goTcrumaut troaavr tbua
^^S°!oeu»sioit8r :V^
Ml «r tte OanM
I to. MM to rmiM a
rahihiu aifttan M loM»u I
a.4 ftaea the ta« of
«M«lo rt.eo Ai»11. wUI Mrtlj lir
Tko O»0i~l La»«r
«« PWlaMhiA P». M apMted a ooi
laa to 4esaod recocaltkia for labor
UIvtjr flro jroara of «ce
tba ace UoiU to fortjr to ptbora. Tkaaa
2^ um mtoM oaOlUoimigmmit 6 at fault,
the atofle of ohaerratkMi becomea aenalhle and the ©bjeru appear mneh
aamUrr. Thi la what o^vnira. for examide. when a rauntrjr l« examined
ted that the worktos day for mtoeia
with the bead bent to one aide or ab
omatot of aix hoora toateml of eirhi. towed to ban. between ibe Irsa. the
a. at prtwwii. The reamm aaaimed cDtora heeomtof much cWorer. but the
waa thaf there wa. a torge number of eountry appeartof dat like a picture.
We may apply thane facta to the au.
mea out of work to the dtatrlcl. aWl
that by ahorta.tor the hour, more and moDU. When we ae« tlieac*bodlea
at the horlxon we place them lnstin<‘mea would be eaM7»l
tlrely at a riven dlatance. and tre
W^rtii>ea.aad workwo«H-n In H«.*
«» tKu oiatatMe^- that la
wiul*^ tocto^ k receive from 2t» to 7«».
'oouuaday The work U «dd to be w, {HLSrerattor that aixe. When, bow■ ■
©rdr. theae bodlea are ralaed above
hard that moat of
fore they reach the hge of 40.
la. Fra^risoo butcber. will «aul»^
K>ut indUwtin*
The .trike of the miner, la the Ala
llftli cooparatire abupt
at on undehama coal mine. 1. proving a coatb | rumparalive mark*
Laat rear the veMeU eome4 In
queniT of tbla
fined dl«t«n<4*. In c*
one The men have been out for near j
and allbrdcd emptoyiDc^l «o «o»e 41.
faK the exarffrmtlc
ly Uree month'., and U ha. co.t «n an i
Mt men: their toonasv waa IfiO^
avermne of liu.ooo a monib to tbi i
too*. The fUheiiea of Ueron anti ComIt U Mild that the operator, j
TIte ancle
«aU acoouoled fur Z,o»7 %eaa«la of ZZ.
locn I
010 tuna and the employi
in the mlnoH. [ ooe-imlf of a decree. fak nUtiou nbow. .
claimed Ibcy are cetUng j that thl. 1. the ancle under w Id, a we
The nuwlior of hand, employed In
I are a tower forty-fuur meter, in Iteicbt |
at a dUinmw <ff a little over ll»m*
lldfaat and the noiib ul Ireland in «h •
Tliua. by ,H,iui»arl^on %vlili j
laoe maklD. induairy are aU.ui :5‘».»hx».
know n terreatrUI obieeia. the amr. at j
Only about 1 per cent of tiH'ae bcU»ni
the horteon aiqHwr wry large to uvij
to the male aex.
arc that tofore lung a gcm ral d“ The error deiwnd.. in part. alMi «m •
todlana United Mine W«»rki r. have
i^ilt be madi upon the «*one tlie .late of Ibe atmOKpUere. When the
UAOO BMimber. In IIZ kH-aU.
tianieH. There U aleu much dlH^aiii- atrooai^bere i. not Hear and foccy the ]
ap bafore tbe neu tV«s«:b pa.
lyottom and lca\*c tl:c rest ill-cooTccd.
rniRC divsn’t hum y.-ur nu.ct at top t
Brand’s Fani<'us Sktl R.'.ii
giveu iU> oven the most jxrrfccl flue
Tl.irtv-.sevcn years of snc,vs.sf.;i. sati.J.utory range making have
couslfucliou kuowu. • Wheu you txx.k witli a
Famous 3teel Range
1 among them over the lenctJi
tif the
Tl». «.ge .,«^r-«IU.d
.<-«le «IW for In thr ; aiffrr.
mimcu lK.|»r«. tl.r l.nko Cnrrl.«
►tcel caoiimny lunployinc I
it. plant at I*a..Uc, N. J..
tlon in ware. u» nveragt^ 1
W'btHi I bo employ <*» were It
eltxtrir emneraen. nunilier
"L or.lhu.r, oUJ«,.
.m«b from
t.. I»
LaU,r Union.
pieat to the 81. UhjI. exposition
Four hundred men
r««preMMitaion» of the mantifarturc
dredgemeu H strike at Ik»Rton.
muahal InHtrnwenlik. cotHm. ah
The troutde Ls over wages.
l:at». UkjI. and railroad auppllea. There
Uesolutlomn cxmdemulUK the
to the
to lb, ,
of Oovermvr ilato. in vetoing the lull
her orsimlxiUlona and ex|H.Tls In mail pa.HMid by the last legislature affwt
lug the einploymcBi to women ar 1
dlalrlbulkiu. Metln Albert, p
at the Krcoch adonlal and Naval Ca ni1m.r. in luanufaciuring esiahltsh
del achoolh. h«*ad« the delegation of
are al«» leiiroaenuilviw of na
approaching 4he hortxon and umi m
ten the two tower paru of tba ralulmw
aeem enlarged. In abort, we have to
do with a very crneml pbenomeaon.
applying wa well to terr.w,rb.l as t.i
celcellal objects. In every case the er-
^ FraneUoo U^l.l I*lle i>river.-,
union has tlxcl a .rale of
a day fur
f..reinen ami ft a day l,w pile drivers
l^hbr dl.putf*. at MarwelUc., tYanc
arc not wlmlly ended, but a large uuir
w hk h they
,‘n> si'ut,"—itoek
j earning a
i owner.
Urldge and fitniciural Inm Worker^
The empr.'fr, of Jnjuti
amokes. but u«.-s a silver
Imhes long.
e,^. K. McNamara eat, suppt
alM. has
Ptojivl at the v77y mills was to.wm.
Rini.uis r mucin iKMiix-imrlonmtn.il'
! line rh.H s for fall and
\yvT and rW the aystem to nU bil *. liunbla make and of tmv^t imnlern d.‘
illhout pnaliming unpleasant effi-cla. aigut^. the line gnnslstlug of i.ard «ml
They do not gripe, skkrn or wcakcu. heater. b<it bla,sl and air tight, loous
hut pleaaantly give lone and slrcngU. ) the new department ovV,.
On the Unit to last May the union
---------Ukem to Bosluu; Maas., wu-nl 'tJUt mt to the tlaauea and organ* ol the *loa. .
J. <* Hanimn RhlnidanyW—Horn*
•Irtke. The strike Is reported as strong ach. liver and bowel*, Stdd by alii
r i.rV U.K k V Mo, tain Tea is. the gr«a,
now au on the da.v whi« it bcitau.
■ i>t loule I have ever UKcd. ttolnel
Judg»* Ctoiorgt' Gray in his dcclston
You cannot g»*t rid of ytolow ».kln,
p»ni«l* to ninety day *. Tea or TaU
on tbe check-wei|:hroan quwilon ha.
pto>Pl«k ltt»lwl«u» e).*s. iMid l.rt*alh|lels. S3<xmt*.
deckled to favor to the mlnera. Thi
Hotll.ler *
emlnrat Juriat agrees with the oplnloa with Phtoi m*d Iw’Fder.
■ ‘
UNION MADE, the John Mlic^U
irf Uwplw Carroll D. Wright to the
ahoe* for men. Snappy xtyles. good
ooatroverty. It U a vlclon for ih,
wearer*, great value*. ?2.60. Alfred V
mine worker*.
Even department to the llomvwinad
IX 111
I imtm
October 2Tth,
Nol So'^i Oil
lu 11 r h
llumglii t., the stixk of an .\};ri.
. uUui.il lin]»lcincnt xtorr.bul
unity UDERSoa
Mr. I*(ii1cr J. Wliilc
has luxt mhlctl a. Urge line of
.Miss Ul^a Vcnic
m JB^EirsY
I Jo
C traordino, Lntjagcrr.cnl
Cooking and Keating
tliat will interest tlie
Hlil SK-'
Unc uf
in aadilion lo Agricultural
plcmcnls. Carriages and Waj;oc»s.
Ladies arc inviicil to call
K. -0 e* Fire.
L ritrf. Sword Dud.
rec r.c r.rc FLcv.
h'Ci'.r.t Flower Bed,
2 cctr.c Morn.mj Clorlcx.
217E. f'RONT ST. \
Elrtlnc Necktie.
F.tectr.;: Crdc cf Firc,
Electric Skull.
CItuw Warnar. Proprietor
bUTT,!.S> FAV. MK'H '
Kindling Wood
Tvlor Coal C«.
Botli Hums
Beauty Remedies
For Sale By All Oragiists
have you secuheo your
[ ah
itp alH^iJl U «u phones. IKl! 2?.
T-y Record Warn Ada.
ri,;/e»n 214.
CowmtaMm Ac.
hmrmm- •mrnmm »
ma lv. aiul il o*>l .
th,“ thing a
real ejtlai ■can't he l»eat. They «s.m
inv.'sim.'Ul. will fui ; and cxirdovdli. todh ^tan.lu^d ^•a^heI
law.k up thej-------------------------------
Iht of laborera are at work.
«ro or llm-o oWff. .1.0
y. “ • f
It tK pnrbable that 30U Uelgiau gUs.s it. Then the ashew are ktns ked out |
and the rl|s‘ is t-arefully cto«iMxl W*.j list of R.WH1 luiytog houses and y.m,
on tin- e..rtn
wtwkoni on their wav to thl. countr.x
forv It Is rehllerl-a ptis^s^-goii© : win snrpriM- yourfelf Into punhanur-,
will be aentsbai'k. aa they arv‘ allege.1
through M,«nv imtos during the tvur^ j withoul delay.
| ..^1,1,,;; a’, „nr s,o..; wlune.^ r vou
to be under contract.
of an at let noun
and iiisjMvUng Ih.- m w
In Koglaiid the tin |rtate itidtislry
A NEW departure.
At the end of August ;171*
lUrney Anderson ha-v purchuMsl
.\Ift.d V 1-Vi*slri,di
mill, wetv working, a. cirmitartHl will.
lew sUicA to hard,
b:.l at Ihc end of July, and :145 a year
Knriy lUseru for IdltousnesH ,*r rons.I j rooking titensUu whi.-h
act,. At the 76 wmk.
6S.Ua l
patlon ytHi kiM»w what pill ptoauure la • play al his tarm implement More. Ih,
all Ibeli turn, to oimrattoo. while tin
There (anmus fillto pills cleanse tln l Slate atieei. The sUnes arc the 0>
tog VHU of H l.ltal .d 1«1»
The .'nil
mated uumto-r to work |H*onle en,
lull n severe lest
of heal
K tUv sUvl
Ed l.amra r h;,s h»t r! line .*r Fiel.rleh. Fox. Ill
u^ikir sti el r.uiKf,
|s:|At Ihs OidStanfl
h^HleratUm of lailMH- in MasiMU-husett;. | **
recently. ,
.vhm;;ni lli m
r..rlo ll.^«, J .. Ari,^ola l.
^---------- ---------i.Vj 2d.*r 26c. •
U' %
Good for Children.
Afi/ola Pantella.
I*. Nems..»t Wasliingi.,n. the com.
•loc. 3 for 26c.
t vK'c.::
I.mer aiMs.lul.tl to <«ompute the One Minute C.mgU Curw gives instant K. E. W.,
Iho tmunlter. of w hkh w 111 co out to
Weaver’f Fa«-lor> Siu .k
HUthnirlir nilir rellel In all cases of Cough: Oiotip and five, 3 for 250.
do a day. mending of ehvihen. etc., oi
& ct^nts , m.i: 1.'
'teimlr artlrleh hct to them. Thla. H irs. n«,t,n.d the o|H*rat.,r8 recently Ijir.rlpiK' iMM-aiise it dvH‘s noi p.v^.-: tin
Uttle Weavers. Nortiefii 1*«i - e
]H l,op,d. will prove a lK>on to many a that. iMis. d uiMiu the average price to mcllaiely Into the stomaeJ^. hut tal.e> i 3 Rmts straight.
I'd 'J
mothei wUh a large family, and at the ctgil. tl,c rate of wages for the miners off.vt right at the seat 45f the iro d.r*' i
K0.I S. al,
K-d Scout
ul.»u. li»*ae
I>ame time b«' the mean, of earnlnj; a this month win he Inerewse.! 2 ikt
6c. ti fvir 2'.c.
Iv. t. for 26.*.
peruian.-uilv hy
IlvtlibiXHl for those not iui|iahle ol .ct over last mouth. It Is bHlcvc! i and wotht-s and
Cronin Bros.* t'hoice,
wHg.-s will be lnrrtxw»«l lo |ht cent he enahllug the lungs to i-ouinl.'u,.' pure
txuuiH-UuK for factory work.
Ufogivlng au.l lif.-sustaU.iie.: o>.>ue;.
Kemale clgarinaker. at Notllnchau,: lore Ihc winter is over.
I vui clB»r.s
t« the hhHHl and lissu.-s .s,.ld l.y .ii;
ICngland. have struck in .ympalhy
■ l,ire»l by ll. E. Weaver, Trav.t e i*i
kith the laindon cmploycw <»f the Im
IMTlal Tobacco'cxjmiutny
Tbe h.t.‘Se,u.le,
There I. a larger penxmtage of |h-<, Will of niea. .V 1
pic enipagvd in commerce and Iran- III,- niiutiiltoii of never luiviug Ish-u j
th.* WVHSI .
jitore UH»ks. just atep
porUlloii in the Neiherland. than In too tinxl iM,r l.s. III to uhe <«■ luk.-j
k.v Uurlug his l«-t illm-s- a rela j SlMei>* iiariors and sei« the new cr • :
any oiber country. The iK-rccniage Is
Uv.‘. knowing the s,-imtor's extreme( at ions in fall hats from the pla;iie:rt .
17.2. The United Slate. 1. a cIum- .»•<•
less for l.tnndhsl is-a. lics. s.-nt and s.'vetx’sl strxH’l ty‘|s* lo th»* rich.;
inse«i wlMt .uir ht*. . ho:,
und. with a iierccuiage of lt;.:J.
to his sieki^s.m a small jmc .d th.vl
r . II as the prlre-^ ih4l »:
A wrhool fur aaleamcu
ha. Ux-n lu.Hit .leilei.,Us pns
u:' .‘lir: I*" *'■'
;sff -r lolsiiu ss, Muahty
I %v«. V.l»"
rii,- l>mimla] blaft i
. opened recently In Chicago.
dtiter tie* n'dutivr eatled and
j pictunique bats are• esptvially at ,
vi.!ciiiii.»n, Un^ eu Ih"
,sl t., the sl, kr.M„... tjui. kly
Sooitood toad, the world in the pro
old. as
as well
well jas *
hN pillow. utMl without giving tractive lo young and! old.
portion of It. wurMng popul.tlou on
bis ,all.*r tune to extend Iho osuaJ; the exquisite bleude.L styles in burnt
gagiHi In minimi and nmuufueturefonnamh*s. the siek iiu.i, oxelalmcti:
tuange. l.rowu. mahogany and
blt.4 |KT cehl^UR thuh engttgtxl.
-My d.nr l.*,uiM*
ing shades.
*lUHsl u. hH>.- h as Ul- I
in Italy, agrlculiure. horticulture
|-o,,ll;j l. l> h, |.i lo fto .loh„*.,u
tliHiik y..u for rtn^se
and lorcslry claim the latgeM iMreeut IMM.-inw':**
cuaraiilo's! I.. 5u‘ ak n,, s
-1 thought y ou would apprc lalr j
age of those . inpUoed. nearly Umx‘
ion tl,.*
«.r it in gh cVe.l «i
How ofti'n we ixad to a hous
Ufth. of the working |.,pulHtlou Udiig thorn. .\fe.xa,utor. " ivlurmsl ihoctiltor.]
i use4he Ut val? .-herry tu»e tli .>«
ing and with It a sum of m.mej
engaged in lUuso Industrie..
<tH»lhc the irrhai d .'on.h'am .
• Ah. .v.*a; •h. .ves!' he asM ntcl with I
jfvadlshly kept
There U a possihilti.v that the .trike
lOk jtoroat and restore heami. To
a amllc. and. as the smile to;--«eu.>l i
Instead of .lo|Hw,itii,g in hank
the laundry work, r. at Toledo. O..
any and e\< ry <-oh! wear n ehes
and tlnally hrok.- into a . hu. kto whieh
fieposiUHl with Pit,pies- Sa
‘^ wlll asMiin,' Idg proiH.rUon.. owing U- soom.<«l alilM*st u.»lsy In tin* Itush of
lor,or and the .s.Id wmU,^ can ha
h«n\ is alws.lmely sale, *ai, I
the iuaupiratlon ol the opim shop .ys
Iho shkCH.iu. he a.ld.M
ivcnelration what.Wer.
horn uotU^’ and i
appns lat.sl tlio spirit In j drawn any day)w,ih.
tern by the empUiyeraT
The AUtdaide (firmUi Amdralla) W'o
>lnjnyai' in
tc4ay—it's FREEi-
men Worker.- Tra,U\ Union U eudeav
orlng to
a n.cndlnc burvutu.
Our Malleable
Steel Range R
von heat. Ti.i this
yon aro tvilaiu of ,ni ct^y dt ifl, a tinifonii
kijur .s,jtisfaction in
same c|ii:iliiy of tfveii heal tlial h i.s
I ]v-t'*-d.iic in
every home lhat ha.*; a lh:iita\s h tmoitc
uvhk. it is a rauK^
detail, .unde of ihe Ksl imu and sUvl ]n
isf.'Clion all the
th.it lasts a liiV*liinc iiul yives y^rl
^ time.
Our Raokki, *‘Some tiound Stove ^cnse,
R .-1.
you ju-l why brand
A money and trouble. . Write for it
U will save you 1 »l
horlxon of the sea. It ,a
cooMellatloiw hare
‘ T/:*’
KMK-t.tii.ii and the difforeni marine j
nion»i have Imh u plitt t'd In effect. The j gmaUer. Tlie wune reanonlnc nndkw
ict»ai.e In M»me InvUiires involves , m tlie ann. In foccy weather the atars
«u advance of &*» |mt c« t^t. over the; alim apf»ear nearer it fnet w bi. h 1.
, their red «^dor. the nd re,,,nrpresent Beluniuie.
greater ©ITort of n»'enuin,o,l;,ili.n
Uffortb are being irfade to .-ms.
Ite on the retina the Hlichlly re
date the two cei'lral laU.r Ikh1I.*s
; f,*nglblc radiations.
S|H,kane. Washington, tine l.s ehar | ^ y not urs-wwary flint
terlered by the Aim rleau K.-deratlou of { rewtrial ol»jb(Ut to which we can dl|jibi,r and the uili. r by the American | rectly compaV the mpi»areut digmcier
E. C. DeWITT i
Bnaitf BemndiK
iayiir;i. 11
iH^iStk W «k«M
Ip n jpiMaaa. mot n ckim—wtth the re«A that may Mho M «TM » Bpar Ba^
aC. tbiM «M.
. mtt amba aa aBrtr MiiidMa.
aaarbabaotdtPMraaa am wrt
r jaaBfk Kaadklas aam* taa br!
Mnte bda la Me.
IMT WUUtopMt MNaMa. umasb
Mt aba la tff M irttb tamM Major
•ad Iba Vaa Ma tartaOM. JC tba laaia aandally
wbM M paid: *8ba'a kmaty. iJkL't
bmt bitcb M ia imr ami UkA b« ia
LA-k make bbr aae aC m: am caa
wi4i%m« drmtMammmabi
Lm'a |dv abe ia man
af me b^ap «m VM at
MWir, Majrbt am .libaU Mt feel aa
ba4|ly; Mid
^AIl. bo» well 40 J emrmber wktm I
*^.tbefaHlatoaBMabalL Lrijm
rrarkJjDS V|Mi% a«d mlMu;
look aroaad aa la mu baay. eld.
Tbf ol<l4MblMe4 Mm racb <B«1
Jar>a bmply Uria* mMi
OMircd •rim riurthBk svm|i M
virni m# Mn an
a mila Mraar.id onr bearfa fr
^ f^’ilJi livr feet itpoo ibe fMer. !• a ahlp. Ptaai affectioa arbere lt‘
«>d. «rr bocM alQIlfi
wte If U»ta« ber foMI
M Mter.
Fk-ied funli
tirtli mat ilaaber
. of a Htiidbood lout 400.
Tbi*n« •ere coldias la the
•M tiM liair<)oaad vm •»«:
Thfpdtt me.iwumbi for m« bIkm;
Now tlM‘ aattdmui'a atrlr craepUt MJ
• tired lad liaJr alc«pl«p
>\ hca hIh; alajp. to bln mat
Bloepy UtUr. *
Crotiiy mue.
Bo J n alUlatt brrv and dreajuiag with
Oie melkiw lanpHcht atrcwalng
Thn>usb Ibc Tin* Mibuacrod aria
U»a la a yelloa lollasv;
till the fragrant air come wlaglns va
‘ granmou^. of wM»aa'f aiaglM;
TU llio •.liimbor Mjog of chllilhou.1
thiU U Mtunmirlag to me.
Amt m»mv aiibtic faae, erpii.Ii,g liitU
my aenat^ half to
A» file iMlmy Kha|H« of bugatmoa go
UriMilly akins.
All ttiy aurm* dlnajiiaairUiR. an a tin
Uul rni bearing
Oact' again m muUior a
. i
blev|.y lilUe.
‘ r - ,
Creeiiy IHtle.
. Bun
•CfmvNniall llfi* lu (UhIb g
lilanllow futile It aecau aa Ibe i
To alter the vwi^'p la tbe lunultv
A hliigl.- litiiLli In an eiidU-MH web.
A d.o|. ill tlu cKMna Uoa and
• iiallerii U rent aliere the
Mifrh |8 iobl
^ , * Or inaiTo*l whcTe l|ie tauRknl
- •
Ihrrads have cnm«^;
* And each life that falU of It« true
Man* the iM*rfi-et
that the
Busan l^iolldR'e. '
TUm' 4« a iKautlftil and uitselOfli
.thought In the lollowlnu ncaspaper
fillildni:. which will be- a bcli, and
lileaulUK to all who ir> 'to live up to
Its advlci*:
’ Not to roll the UvIur nor dt-trauii
III.- .lead, lor love never dlee and ‘lint
which Ibc fountain aeuda loith. rtlui ns again to the founlal^* Uut t»
, there a i»eHllh t»f your boart's Uivtw-ah-tl with a Ik lovt-d^inrlu mwu- l ileiH t.inib? It Is for that treasure uii
tuhl. iiniicodcHl now, that I H,K-«k
- For those who seek HU face
An- aaUaaod,
Who drink the rlvcm of HU match.
h*«» grace.
Full aanclUl.Ml.
JSnnl ttaiight of ««rthly love to fci*l
> ‘whotic huagry hi«rta wotiUI
feuM and be n-froabed by jvur knrr
Inueiemsl ^«s^ U on. O. grterlng
on.-. «ho ,ui„k y.m have losi. ThU U
Ihe e*.iu holon I ha\e come to aa a nauli <*| a Ju-an enwrieuee.
• A. shun in,u- ago. « d.-ar. uimiar.
rlrtl frhnd pasKi-d swiftly, suddenly
a«a> l«-yt*iul ihe veil. We had aUwys
Im.-il her. She vahicd twr affection-,
and i^iic-.! them fourfold, so much
w^luu when newK Vamr of the ami.
An deparlun- of our^frlend.
of the fane
Ily-'aud fh*
•rsal /ei-llng was:
•We shall II
Iml ^mother fricn I
ni... |,.-r; lu
cr take her
/ So I
V 1«n(.ii,K. yearning ho,.
* allll lucked
-One day a sw.Hn facivil ,,uk-f. Ilttkw.»man from over the s.w With dainty
ways and nulpi tread. oatt.\ialo a aor
row sirlckeu family and m her willIng haiuU and skill to htnl a grciU
norrow. ami carry a buraet, 8hc Tuh
SUi-d her duty. Ilniming Icr task. Md
-Bbe cwme agalu a* a vUiior and
iMtr gmteful Umtu retwl ad bar joyfully, aa we n'mehibewd ber former
thU lu her .
- day. and i
Let me but live my lUc from year to
■ wul.
kMUraiac U. BUT Unil«[ (nai.
r u»- •»': .........
Not wMiniliw for Uo (hilic tku db
• tb« dim vtml, am boldliyi tack ta
It blddM aamat me aeat td
a. laataad of potUac op la me,
Uffbt.aatbMaNda ‘io.. Tbme aeamt
to.be a raapMded deeehmmMt of tbe
Mcr-atalk. gad proaMt meaiarea
jpam be reaorted to is order to rfm^
apaan btfora obe boda aiv
d. Maba a cape of mtek brova pajar. aad laren it error me jdanv afler
calOaff of
lai^ ar tamytf
TbU wOI oompel tbp bada JO set tbeb
y of Usbt frpp abprik aad la
tbMr eforu to gat aaarw tbe aoorce
of oapply ibey ariu be copxod oot of
tbelr retlremeot.
Tbe flpMt pf^ bal)a for wisler
oweHos U tbe Bermuda Uly. TbU
marry at att.
Tbe boatMi may taka baM;
gnaau. iroa them out with a wans
intiMn. aknieh or paUt aome faaiasWhte womler that the faahlOMb,. ^ttn^ M ^osSlt
ahapa igpon.oach. tie them wim womna haa taken to them for all aoru
and dem^piloo. of purpoaea. Aad;
ably have Um manufmmureTs secMed
up. wmua »oi, as
1 lelly. TbU
tar. Tta aultUtae ud rwtar at dc-^>^™ raclpe makaa ahoM Awp
m-lhe nttlc. decorate wkh •«
no» **« tar tao|»eiUbH—evta tael™
laavaa. atrlags.or rod peppera. ahMVes amatt shops of the small towns have t prepared no ono nniole arUI he i
ttin. jack lanterns made from metegoodly Block Of ralnco.ia-mak*.j“»*^
hlaa. ate. Brown hrand. baked It dlMctilt to choose the right one; and
tor sneh wse. aUo.
k apple aanee. doaghnata. eoPee. the tcaMUtkm U not to have a rain ,
Apple nM Omngs JakPwUI be a flne mMu. or Joat pepeora coat, but to make due. or at me most; Use an equal nuashM of npplas n**^
and apples and awet elder.
■a. lU
j araatkt. Wwk tar wta.. rUta amt
Yoor invtuUott on brown paper mny
Tta WT ta«»i ud tart preduc-jcure taem: put Itaa our tar
road thus:
tlou. ttata itat tave ta.rn prr|»rcdiu„ pr«t.rTl« krtur «M much
Old witch, young aprile.
On Halloween night.
Will Ida in revelry:—
Mary E. H. OovlUe
That U what I call store cakea made |
rer at home. It require* ao mnehj
cooklag to keep homemade cake M \
ready for chance visitors, aad the;
!nHB tba hhaa of the bulbs, and
•tore wafers are so commoopl
ram the atalk which they send ap
makaa k necaaaary for up to put merefore 1 uaasfdrm the wafers,
ways keep some of mem in n»c n
ulbwaU dowB In tbe pot In order
to give the atalfc roou a chance to get
all may bo bought at any gro
at the noil. Put hn ghtmt thraa Inehet
When oompaay dropWin 1 make I
ppoat. using the
ndriaed for
lo spread Jolly on them, fit tw,
btilha. nad proas >oar Uiiaa Into
X aad aerre with aanee. tea.
It. but do not corcr ihcp. Put them
«K ta-j
away in cold aiorage. aOnr walcriag
Bevc how good two ordinary wafers |
well. Look thorn over from Umt- to
are with a layer of currant Jelly Ik- I
and as apoii as you nm^ndlca
lions of top-growing bring them to th'If you are expecUag a little company
light. As the stalk reaches up. flll Ik
about It with aoll. and continue to do »r the aftcrntiQp or ^fvening don't I
•ke your brains over the hot Move '
mis unUl the pot Is full. In this way
lam U cnablcl to properly A-vel- •in hot wesmer. Get some good wafer/.,
» seu of roou. 1u buying the fill betwei-n with je-lly and Ice tbe out- j
bulbs of mu Illy, for^clng purpusea, side. There are endless varieties of*
giH mv UI3CCSU heavl(Dsl ones. Thusf- thi-iu. They may be iced In »Hfferenl
#'or Inatanoe. mU hdB of your whit.Icing with chopped nui-meais. spread
a thick layer of |hls bet ween ging'-r;
wafer*. Ida me ootslA with tbe white |
Icing and ^tne^ half a nut moat on the
middle tif etch side. The brown waf<-i
and white 4clag make a very pretty cdmbinatlon, though you can aac choc-1
olate Icing ami have them all one col
or If you wish
• "
-Aged 2 i Yeara.
he dnrk ns poaalhte. Ihe puenhHalf of n cantlk-d cherry on pink or]
Sun id Win. W. tjuble
OS lighted by Jack o' laatonw made white Icing makes a pretty cake, or aj
pumpkins, hollowed chern cut line and sprinkled over the
. nose cot Into m»- Icing while It U son. Cocoanui inay^m antlrlpatlui. of the rhill da** of thi
a burning candle. It. be used in the filling rrt sprinkled over; late autumn and wiuu-r. ^:rupIy can jm. !.i until they are redure-d lo a pulp
the ball the niosU-«a should stand the top. and citron mak*-* a variety. not I v told from ^h. ulKf.-r id tbe ex j IV::r the apide pulp Into a jelly bae
draiH-d In a sheet like a ghost, the hall
that the coniblnatloo:-! iK-nsive made-lo-.«rder<jnly tailor. Tiivj to strain out the juict*. Measure ih«
being perfocUy dark, direct mo goosts are iufiolie. and 1 leave ii to your "in-j clult^^ are all the same. ih»- c-it. tli*-, Jul^e. and lu oa**h pint of apple Juic**
sllonUy to the dressing rooms andu,
gunnlly to devise
dcvls*- pi
pretty cake*. If It 1 , 111. ihe trimmH!s> are ia o,. rv way up^ a4kJ ow- ol boiled orenge Juice and a
then lo the darkened pariors. All; a girls' party they would enjoy noth j to the nu«^t . -.artinc r, ,j..:r. inr-ni • j fKJund
,H,uod of sugar, and bo
boil ibem lugem
should be dressed as fanUsth; as pos- log U‘tter than iransfonalng the jam! the fait tba* iJuv
I er. n-moving,lhe scum ithat rises, until
have arrived m* wafers the
It Is work that j way wau-rpnH.f Is an Hi
a little. ctK.led ution a saucer, forms a
games begin. The witches' cauldron 1* may Ik- done on the porch or under a j muchly to theh
tho jgh nut
J.-ily Tti.n take the kettle off the
good one. Three girls attired as tree. Don't be anxious to have the all to their
Htmv. let the jelly parUj cool ami
wlichca. with molr hair hanging down wafers crisp. They are better for this j All of the feature* of rasblun.-«. cur :h«ii it into g!a**i-s. When n,I.l seal
Ir backs, aad draped in sheets, take purpose to have aoUcoiul a bit.
j rent and to ct»me durftig the next sea I! uj) like any other preserve.
old keiUe for the -cauldron." the
Here nre my recipes for Icing: Th> son. have Ix-en cleverly incorporai-l
witches standing around tbe kettle re^
Ripe Tomato Preser
peatlng Shapespeare's verse from
Macbeth. The players should clasp olate.
Care of Invalids,
hands and go about In a ring. Every^ Keep the while and yolk separateEvery Invalid who has mh nt mm ’i an- impt»sHible to buy. and are there
time the circle Is completed Uie witch |*nd stir rech thick wlUi confectlonei s j time pn;p,K-d up in 1k-*1 in a miusir o: fore one of the few sweets that even
aa bid them *lop and select some ono, ,ogar (iwwdered will do). Divide each ri-ciining is.sItion. ami has , xperi tbe city hon*ew|fe must make at
who must come forward, reach Into In half. In one half of the white put cured tin- aucr.ivatlng U-rnlcncy I- j home. Allow inmnd for pound of sug
Ibe cauldron with the ladle and spoon, rtl or .iKlit .Irop. of v.nlta; la Ih.- .110. do.;,v.,r.! r.urt'd l.y . v.-ry
cover wlta
and lin out one of the many package* Other half ivu drop. oi Hncniiv o') mon-niem of ihv Pirty. »iili ita
j .ugar an-S Ici .lead over al»ht. In Uu
It contains. The parcel Is then oftened |
and Is regarded as emblematic of mt
the back, and the uIi-nv:urrlnR «cc<-k j ^^med a^ U.II^^lt*
future spouse of me player conccrncl.
sity of galnlnc the n^rt,l>*-nt po-tliton j ,article of loam. Put in the tomatoes
At a baxaar oao can procure me
tiinkeu; a toy soldier, aallor. pen, an
riiii «u:c b} ,,nc with a fckimmer and
engine, a box of candy pllla for a phy
?I»rca,l on a dl*h Boll the syrup until
■ who lias suf it fblckeiiK. flavor generously wltb
Slick cinnamon and green ginger root.
fan. violin.
one ublcsiBm is enough.*
a strip ol rausUn toweling or similer Put bark the tomatoes, boll for a quar
the heiress, the good cook, tbe blcycKSow you are ready to Ice me wafer*.| maicna!. two t*r three yanU U*ng and ter ef .an hour, and seal In hot Jars.
girl. m« mtMdcat maiden, etc.
This amount of Icing will fill and cov-j the width cf th.- goodh Double om
Thaae irlnkeu may be-^w out of er several dosea If some nfe filled end back upon itself, forming a loot*
Cocumbera in Oil. 1
d magaalne* or Mvortlscdteets If no with Jelly. Of cotirae you nw-d make or horn wb'c: enough to ia>lly take it
A ciiriimber pickle in oil sounds
lofw are gaar. Then
each gnost but one kind of icing If you wish; the a medilttm-*Iri-,l pillow. Stitch acros.^ very alluring. Take two doxen large
pare an apple: this muM be done all yolk of the egg will keep several day-sjlhe hem seenn-’y. it avlng the Rid* cucuiulK-rs. six large onions, pared
m one strip, thea whirl U about the in a covered dish In the r
. j open so that ihc pillow may b,- readily and .-ibvd very thin, then place IbaiD
bead three time*, and. cMi U aplk the I
in layers In a dish. s^kUng each
floor. The shape It take* Is sup^Wd i
Raiiur Day Caatnfnas.
the IxkI lmm.-*!lat, :> ainive the lowo r la>cr with salt. Aflur standing six
to be a letter whlqh I* me InltUl cl
While the pesMmlstic may bcwal!] .beet. p**^slng the fn- end under or hour> drain well and pour over mi*
your liiinre matrimonial ounsuri. It {this as aa era of cxccpUooal extrava-i through the head rail*, where It can dri>-lng: One half cupful each .of
the paring hroaks before the entire jgmice in droas—In woaiaa'* dress m be fastened with a cord or in any c-.ir olive oil, white muKtard sc^ and
— ^ venlcnl manner, m, that the position black mustard aoc-d. one tablespoonfu.'
Jot you
of me
which is U) act as a sup celery ^oed and urn- quart of vinegar.
another apple for the Inlllal. *lnls U
U merely a oh:verly nlfived I port to me hips, may U* vnrie<l to suit Afler the pickle has stood tp the dress
test oar grandmothers used.
akm. a wiU o' me wl , so ici the comfort of the Invalid. When nut ing for twenty four houra;jdd enpagb
To tell whether yon are to marry a
and that mu athcalk emrar j needed, the pillows can be removed cold vinegar to cover and«pal away In
kmd. a braaettc or red hair o.r is realty a tree «com
small wlrlt-mcwithed bottles.
»ne at all. take three liowU. fill one
kcrgniae. There j of the iKxl .
with soap aads. one with Inky water Is ahaoUimiy nothing. noioneitomln!
A Jelly Hint.
^ Pleklea.
and one wim clear water, then act a the wnrdrobc
of today _________
.that wlU offer
From jelly there is much pulp Icfr
of ODOfttUfig
thla accask j
department lia.- li-i-n asked :
Ercry peraon Is belter
that can be aacd« jnakihg np buttcra.
the wxaUod Ihlapoat.
i reprint the recipe Un
bit or her hands
marmalades, etc. Apples caa be aaed
then nib them over
Starting on lU career ma an mUanci!^ lall, and takes pleasur** wim grape-s Almood la the fiavaeJag
The rcsnll wlU &ark their j for tbe ralny-^ay toUatla aolely, It has In <IoIng so. Every one-who tried tne lor peaches, aad tor crahapplea ad-1
II photo <h
Mage with a aort of aymboUc
gradually wMeoed tk..
me bounds ^
of Urn recipe but year was pleased with IL
flavoring of lemoa. pineapple or vanhU fuiiire partner In Ufa.
These pickle* take two quart* oi ilia. A late combiaatloa is cinnamon,
To tell the aUe of the
lUteU no chink in cue
the aartortai
sartorial prtv|S
prtv j green tomatoes, one quart of red to^ and proves to be very good. A tMthat it will oot
not .fill, and that j1 *matoe*. three small bunches of celery. spoon of flavoring to two plnU of palp
sites, blindfold cMh peraon nad tdl
hint of blxarre or me on j three large onions, three red
U g.md ami mree-foorths aa mmet
hem to sit In one of the chain, which waitable eimcr.
peppers, mree green sweet peppers, aajcar as i«!p makes a rich marem
ever you hit tipoa will fit the alae of
one amali head of cahbagt-. one large lade.
T^e heat of the
fature agoaae. Thca there ia th«
ripe caenmber. oao-half coffee cup at
ig of ghaat Morlea. Another the chlffda hreaddotha. the UUorM aah.. Chop the regeubiea. cover with
Lifting OaMiaa.
Ml-three tin oopt,- Three dnpa tibei aad adrgre nnd chovkda. to nay the aah. aad let atand over night.
Aa aoua aa tha Mpa ad your dahliar
shoald be partly filled with wnler. nnd nothlag of the mohalra nnd .ihe jiM* Drain ^1 In me morning. Add throe are kninred .hy fitiai tahp ap th*oed oa the nmall ond of three
jdnUvbr vinegar, two pounds of dark
funnels, place oa the Boor, about two!
lk*rauac tbe road s last turo will bt
On IiaJlowo*on night the ghosts.
Ibe beat.
Wltchos. Wlamls. otc„ arc aup(»osi*d -c
-Henry Van Dike. In tbe
bo about practicing all manner of
tricks on me belated traveler. It is
tbe Ume when the jwung people from
1^41 Uesford. SB acksualoplgied au. timo immnmorial have gathered to
Uurity pa tdam raialag. «iv«« m« fol
same corerlag aa the tulip. I have
found it moat aaUafhclory ioVk frwa
four to ala inilha. aaoordlag to slae. la
sevM4pM pot. U mey touch aaeh
other no harm will be done. The efU ameh flnar when they are
od la this way thca where mey
are potted slngb.
The best tnllpa for forcing are the
aarty alagle IcIshU. The beat HoUand
hyadoths are me Magle oatm. though
r double ones abould be used, for
«ke of variety. Thane bloom as
and once vary MM.- BPti aniaapof
jmkinr. PakmrMMtM-.cateIm
semoas tun n pcaMrvigg kaim
Fmm wbai the futuro-vy.elU; tmt
wHb a ar^ote
Aad happy buart that fiaya lu toll
To Youth and Age. ami travels on With
o let tbe way wind up tbe bill or
Through rough or ammitb. the >mr.
bui a Jm>.
N.-w fri.u.dKbl,,. high adventure, and
havlng tuoac, flabby''^les arc gcnci
1 shall grow old. hut ne^er k»st life's
Wr winter bloomk^:
KoiiuUUior gardep U complete with
out bulb*. It U c*q't|ally true that no
winter gnrd.-u U wliat It ought lo U
without I hem. T>ey nre. In mau>
ways, more satlitfncto/y than ihv
pUota we usually grow there, as wt
can force them Into bloom with case
and ccrialnti If we give them proper
treatmejjt. This consists In Imitating,
as far as possible, me prtx-osses of nalure. If we* pot the bulbs and pul
them awny to g dark, cool place tor sU
wwks .»r two mouths they wUI form
strong r.H>ts, precisely as the bull
plant In the garden do. If we bring
them to me light aad warmth of the
living room when this root-growm ir
completed, they will make a vlgorotts
ami baalthy lop-growtb. aad produce
flowers la every way as ftae as muse
we get from the bulbs in me ganlen.
Uul If we pot them and place them liu
mediately in the window, they wUl be
have \T5f^iuch as those In the gar
den do which were pUoted so laU- In
the season that they did not have time
to complete root-growth bofoix* cold
weather came. In other words.'' they
»lll try to grow roou and tops at the
same hme. and the result wiU U- any
thing but sauslactory. Therefore. d-i
aol negkiei to put jour pottad bulbs !.♦
cold HU,rag.- for a |H*riod of se^cra!
weeks. If you want good flowers from
them It uM-il to bt- rouHldered neerssan lo put them whtire they fronkl
freeao. after iHXtlng. But we have
found this to iM- a mistaken notion.
Any cool, dark place win answer, tl
should be cool and dark U-cause these
ooodltioas are favtirable to rootKieeel
opmeut and not to lop^growlh. A ccl
lar Is an excellem place for them. So
U tbe attic, if you cover them with paIKT or old canH-tlLg-^anithlug tha.
will egclude- the light. They should
Ik.* wfierctl wHI at potUng time. It
win not be nccesaarj to water them
again for m fortnight or mort-. hm they
should never be allowed to get dr>.
Ksamlne ibutn from time to time. ...
make sure of the condOlon of the soil.
The soil for pottM bulbs ought to be
similar to (hat given ibosc In tbe garrich and mellow. Tulips in
pots nt-t-d oub lx* i
to the dep;h
of an lack. Hyac
tould simply
tar tatan ta« WtaML u< pSta %
S B Mnn *7 pitae
Kpr ma tawtaifciT *nt^
tku Mr ttata ۥ AM rta.ru SST - ' ^ 'v:i
M w s !■ AM ir.y /
Xherela aamlgaaj^
•rMaaaamm that Maftr all thaaNVh
X ■>’
Tha owaar of iha fhoa kaapa
aasbre of aowm. amd ihap an.M hg
a alectric maohlaa. which threwa tjM
an Bagilah gaacSS^The jMtgjlilyil .
can milk 4« Mws at aaoe. APd retpdfPB
oaly two.pereoas to.op^ It.
Frmdk milkmaid arifi ppw MmAo
1 other warh io do.—AMware.
Bama'afaMreatreTk^hlM. v v^iowa im jaamg girla aiM Imir
lU for thair aldma aaam to gj^
iUa. Uttle giria waar twa laair
ra. oM oa the top of the hair. w%ara
It U drawn to a pomcadbar. apd
at the aape of the Mck. Baoa^r
hows Whiah reqaire a path a< MflM .
are U high laror, aad Alaagiah a#a#a
are worm hy atom jgirt*
plenty of hair Bprayn of 1
veloped from ckiffoa mako
oknament for the rvenhig.
oughly. dredge wJU Boar^S^c on
bom aides with aak hhd j«#r. aad
fry ia a taldaapaoatol af Tgqr hat hgiicr. unUI o^ Beap hrewm, aad crUp,
Turn while fr^
CHRisrnUi* ^btAiFOW.'
By BKV. m. H. CMTldEr
The topic emphaeftas the
J? ^^^^totorian^mere
-To errey maa hbi waft-" XCm B|H
aet only the piaaaasl week of
to w ^maeace la a ar^
mach larger life aad wmh-r« BMf
Cor Uad. Car tbe clpireh ef C%rlf>t ^
t-faiidare gf inreal lle.ah^,
plsce of thy teat ead tot thma i
Cor the cortalae eC Ihtoe hdtoi
Spare not. leagthaa ihr «id4
acrengtbre thy aukia.'* ThelMi<
mond of Christ to His diMipito s
•XJo ye throaghout the
Aud. io.4 am with poa i
and Impreve onr work. It
ing of the hocy eresM
chttfrh. In tbe ftU ereiy rhairk
eoKiety alamld togln a well
pat forth.
lYhst we have ia aot to bo hgl
osireomd or cast aside. Xo atwj
for tbe tent wm to be eeie
etrregtbeaod. Oa the bapl
sre hare, if H he the true I
which is Chriet Uimeair.
■trire to ealarge aad imf
1. FaHTgwnMt. What _
daaver e*4ecy Is there ikm
aaUrgel In every plare.aC
to that alotoAr I
•BIT byhriaftag aew i
aodaty 2 In this wark every
have a part.
t la of no avdIL
hy My MlitL ealth the Jtofd.-. T
may jdaau Apol|ea argter. kgl «
only real ) the toe
daavar ici tmoXM
blew dowa The CMt wM.Ma Um
aad heavy far the paltotMMaiNi tMt
aappocted IL UfftaoCtototoodr
LKM ealafigtoiMM^
piety, to aambcra. to tohoc. Mft M id
atoo improve Ui M prtft*
fasaioMbyoorpcrfenmaoto. Tm|I
crea pata farth lla Crelt hdfiiB ft
iMvee By faim <1*1
tpd tiM
lag let aa eMarga apd M|pCM MP;
aelvaa. omr aaclety. mm ehafch kid thd
ehatch aatrenat
Mtowdeaef MaM<
.loaHbtylM- Ateaaaw
W O!COk^mlMtte»0»lac#r
I ^ tt. WM. tmlfte Trtl^ •€
M^ wmMrj sroitwl t&« m «r
jifmhm’M divtow*. Mdtec
9b$rtd9M» left tert. et Uto
ttnrnV^m^ lUey rtwrtiled fit*
Mr cvMlefe 1^ dftrtUMM aW fee t«
wia be for aaparana
Id a.
moralas i
!•:» a. m, monli
Btatca. Sag aU tha while, aariating nw-
Tbaro la oo c»roaa tor a womaa
waflirtag a teat yajw'k hat wbea sack
a aaried aaaortmaat caa be bad at
, -D IMbar Dear. JarwItowmahl^ BaapdM.
Tha aalratlo^ MkwM a arwy^j^
Iberiaea M Hit the front ftmrdiye
Mbtwtbe attack. Ha bad baca wn
4d ar trooWa. bat had l«Mr«d It ba^^
aaw ha bailairirf that Eartr was too
Car awax frtaa hto haac or^aoppUaa ta
Bafara laarlaf tha campa Sbertdao
paatad Croek^a comauiBd. tha Eighth
cerpa. todi^BC Thorbara'a divlakm.
down the rallax A coontar charge of
tha Wxtli eorpa ^ IS awcked by BariT*
General Eariy promptly rallied hla
foTw* for a aacond blow and. aroldlng
tlia direct attack on tba Sixth cotpa.
moved to the Federal
tba cavalry. Sbaridai
**** tte NtoSaJStb
ala^ tha aaat bank of the crack. wUh front at 1 o'clock and «iw tba repolaa
STSlath eorpa. andar Wrigbt aa the of Early by the Jlua of troopara. AfHght of tha NIaaCarath. The caraln firing within three miles of tha ex
horerad ae tha axtraoia haiiha. watch trema front oC tba old camp. Bbcridan
tec tha roada that cotaa In CM tm mat tba Brat organlaed body of
aaat and waat UwrlBf tha coounaiMl nicketta* and Wbaatou'a dlvlal
to Qaacral H. O. Wrlgbl. Sheridan ac^ tba Sixth corpn. Thaw troops
oat oa tha Uth to CM tha Bine Rldr Ured lew than two mikw from tbalr
old camp. Farther on ha mat Oatty'a
On tha nth Sheridan had flniahed lih dlrjaioo on a bl
rn^Um and toCimiad aa far aa Mar rtdiii„ .
ttoabnre. On tha Iftth ha atartad ii| hla hat and waa racrivad
tha oaUc) pika on horaeback and halt A imia farther on be mat General Tot^
bart. who with Wa cavalry c«n»a waa
------- , iTs.iatiux tha «m^y'a advance. Torart li-j l^rt amid, “My God. I'm glad you've
Turning to the front again Hharidan
waa gHH-tiHl with tt line of regimental
and Bbaridan Bags that nma Op out of the ground to
walc.Hno him. These w*-ro the colora
Manratj^ awaited bla braakfaat.
Maanwblla Barlj had ndranced three of t'rmik. w
enhmina ta snpf>ort Ilamacur'a attack.
Crodkh cainmand. wUhb waa laolatrd It Hie sudden atUick
The warning of an tmi»endlng atuck
and tba farthaat front. Inul liaen enreloped by tha Oanfedcrote dlvtolona of w hlch Sl»erid4in had iguoml waa to
____ _____
l»efnram and Gor- the effect that the renown
doa. At the name time Wharton s t*pn- Ix>ngsireet was on his w ay
derate dlrlalon. formerly lireekln- In to join i:arly In crushing the Fodridga'a. advaocad against Emory’s eniU The events of the morning gave
Iftnetaeoth ca|pp»- Crook's entire corps color to this rejMKi. and Klwrldan dawas orerwhalmed and hU ranks acat- terminad to art with rauliun. He act
iered. but at tlie bamp of the Muc- Kbout rrnrranglng his
liwoth ewpa the division of Grover
•toad at anna, bav^ig been ordered out
OB a reconaolaaaoca at daylight.
Ganerala Wright and Kinoty ware
Ming of Klfrsbnw. who was In
Crook’s camp poranlng the defeata.1
Boldlera. But fnrtliar aun»rlsc nwnlKsl
tba Federal tine. Gordon and Fagraiu
bad paaaed arouml Crook and. deflectlog. atruck tba Nineteenth conw In the
Sank, iwlng abehared from view by tha
heavy fog that bung over the valley.
Tba Coofedarata cannon aoon cnflladod
the wrorks of tha Nineteenth con^. and
General Wright ordare«l It tn fsU back.
A atining episode of tl»e retreat of tha
Nlnatmth eorpa Is daserllMsl liyt'oloncl
H. E. Hill of tha Eighth VcruiuuU Ba.vs
Colooal Hill: “In'the early roornlifg
fight the eolora of tha Eighth Vermont
paaaed through a terrllde €.rfleal and
received a bloody bapnsm. Snd.lenly n
maaa of aoamlaa ronfrouted the flags
atri with hoarse ahouta demomled
tbalr BurrcDdar. l»aOant shouts went
back: •Never! .Never:* And then, oinid
tramendous excitement
of the
to band conflUis
have aver beau raconlwl. Men saemM
more like ’demon* than human l^-lngs
as they struck fiercely at each utharwlth clubbed muskats and bar“iiafs.
A Confcdarala of i»owarfuI build attempted to bayonet Corporal Wonlan of
tba color 4niard. Worden, a tall, aln•wir man. who had no Iwyonat on hla
musket, parried hit anamy'a thrusts
fMarata than lavalwl Itls musket
abot t'orporal l*atrr. who bald the rolera. In tba thigh, a tarrlble wound, from
Which ha died that nlgbu Vetra held
tba ffglinanlal flag. Ha cried out:
that vor
aalvro and tha flair
' U- tax of ball man did not forget the e«»lcrawled nway to die
oca. and as Petra cr
1 and borne
aloft by Corporal IVrharo and wetc
aa Instantly demanded again by an nsoallant who attempted to grasp them.
Bargaant Bboraa of tha guard placed
hU musket at the roan's breast and
rifle Bash, and a bullet from
to tha earth- Once i
“The flfht ^r tha colora
A Confadarata dlacharge,! hla rifle
iln a foot of Corporal Bemis of the
r goaitl and wounded him. but
I dead by one
, 10 It
A little later Bargaant Bhorea
and Lamnai Bimpaon w are alpnding to^
gather by tba flaga whan three Confadarataa attacked them and onlared
‘4ham to aurroodar. Aa the
M just
r bad been Intansifled by
1 forty four dnya* heroic
R rort Hudson, marvekraa-
DobT bey new atovas when the
anma aerrice ean be bad from the
aeeomi^and prodoet with leaa then
I hr the chortta. “bet Jeaoa Lead
bnir the coat The oaly dlfferanca be
tween the old nnd the new ta in the
M to the purobaaer. Orent eoau
and furs triU keep np wmrarib wltbool
Offering and offeratory
Idoors. but for n cheery borne nnd prw
Sunday acbooL
tecUng glow, alt by a piping hot atore.
% p. m-. Y. P. A- mecUng.
air tight, hot bteat or coaL Frank
Song by the chorus. “From Oraan- lUab. 403 E. nonl atraet.
rod's Icy Monatalna.**
7. evening worship. Sermon by tha TM€Y SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
pastor and apectel muaic by the choir
That's what the hoy's shoes kept bj
W. X>ooglas
X>ooglaa always da Madt
I Rowland W’.
»«Jlum weight calf, good a
Mid-week pra>cr acnrlctJ iro Tburs- W
' soles and U good style, they aland
tey night at 7 o'clock.
; wear, no matter how hard the little
bub U on hla shoe leather, they'll hold
hlmamight The beat shoe and price
Goner Slate nnd Unkm atneta
to I1J5. Invest.
bronght^np^ brtar.
paw Iwtwaan tha broken raoka k tha
BIgbth and IMtaanth eoipa and their
atgorooa imranew. Tha lander ct tha
Sixth. Cmaral RlckaCta. waa woondad
Rev. C. T. Stout, raotor.
'Morning senrlce at 10:30.
Sunday school at 12.
No cvvulag service.
All are cordially UvJtod to ibaac i
ovum vd Mrs. Mnnaelta
Meetlngar every night nxeept
Snadny. 11 a. m.; boUnem mm
j p. m.; junior maering. t:tO p. m.;
Chrtattena'pratae ateeting. I p. m. A
wal batlte for aotda.
All are welooma
Wearing a rtag. but tt has no choice
You know what ydu like and what you
don't like. With the large a^rlment
In plain and fancy set, or bakd rings
kept by R. W. Rasiall. your taste can
bo gratlflcd both In style and price. In
solid gold rings the prices run as low
as s dollar.
llcv. Hugh Knnnedr. pastor.
Morning scr>ice. 10:U0. Themt,
The -One INmndaUcm CiK>n tVhIch u
Services In Modcra Woodman
.ver postofflee.
Evening yWvlce. 7:ts». Theme
Sunday morning. 10:30 a. m.
Men have boon arrested for working
Ufe Determined by What One Bo
Sunday but a deposit in People's Sav
Have*” \
neeting. 7:30.
ings bank works Sunday and holiday
aasami'cllng. 0:45 a. m.
Reading room, room 314 new Wil- earning Interost for lU owner.
Sunday school. 12: oo m.
lelm block, open every afternoon ex
Interest fools up as rapidly when
Epworth U-ague. «;00 p. m. Usader rep* Sunday from 2 to 5. Thursday
you are the one to receive II as
.na Kenney topic. “H»w Can We En evening from 7 to 1.
you are the one to pay.
arga and Improve Our Work?*'
A cordial IntrlUtlon Is extended to
Oi>en an account with “The Pco
A cordial w elctime at these sen Ices all to attend all services and the read
j pie's" and see U grow.
ing room.
Church of Christ (Olaclptaa.)
Thomas P. UDom. pastor.
Mirteenth »t^ M. E- Church.
! You w ill not have that dark brown |
Quid hour at
exery Sunday.
Rev. J. W. MUmr. pastor.
Saxte in the morniag. If your evening {
Morning. lU:Sn. Subject. “Dlvldliig
the W'onl."
Evening scrxiccs In charge of Prof.
Candy company puts upon the market.
Every pound Is an endorsement for
Sunday school at 12.
masting Tbarmtey avanlng j more. Just as every taste is an InduceY. P. S. C. K.. 5:45 p m.
! meut t» take annther. and so on. and
t yet.
lay evening at 7;3o.
Hrv. t:.lpar L U*‘-qua. luulur.
?: 15 a. m.. Sunday scluHtl. \
Saiurtay night unluyl pra)
Christmas Is 4he seasfin for the «
i with
II a. m.. MMTvIce.
dndy of the Sunday aebuol
3 p. m . Junior Endeavor.
: sittings now while there Is lime an
*.hc children.
Weletime to wi.r»;hip with us are the
5:45 p m.. Senior Endeavor.
leisure to allcnd to It. and it will b
I more satisfactory .to all concerned.
7 o'clock, evening senlce.
Granger, the wc»rklugman aud Ihi
Prayer mil ling Thursday.7:.7n
Then too, you will avoid the rush of
Evcrybocly InvlUMl to these service [the preceding weeks U*foro the hull
Epi^opal Church.
I days. A new slock of 24 karst gold
First Prssbytertaa
First Church.
piste photo frames. In all styles, fronr.
Cor. Wshhlngton and Park Klreets.
Ilev. TtuunsH Cox. pastor.
Rev U muel B. Blssell. i»aator. .
Sunday. (Kt. 2.1. the young iHx,pU a
S»**hion roiN-tln’g. 9:45.
ittliy da.v
I •l-'ftUh I
Morning senlce. 10:.7«.
a m.
Vletorlous Prliulple. "
Bible schm»l at mwn.
I Thirtwn years ol continuous Isun
7 p in.. ‘ The PerMUialll.v and Work
Prearblng service. 7;t»U.
I dry work ought to U* a bumdeut guar
d the Holy Spirit "
C. E. meeting at 6:30.
anlee that any arUclo of clolhlug
At n.H>n all memlH-rs of the Bible
SeulK free.
would be handled right. Iroood right
*chiK>l are asketl to tneci and take iiart
All arc welcome to all the senrlcci and returned al the right time,
;n ft program of music and si»eakrag.
given over i.i the Star Ijiundry. I>sd.
vice at 5:45.
The Epworth U*ague serx*
the samples of our flnlsboil work
Free Methodist.
Free Methodist preaching at 318
-r-nuoirnuai uattliko i II rum a rLAOH.
Cast Fourteenth street Biroday at
10:30 a. m. Rev. C. MlUur.
flalhh. Wrlght-'Bros.
teenth <*orpK, w Ith the cavalry dl
of Cunter on the right and thcdivialona
German. Exwngellcal Lutheran. St.
of Merritt and Wilson on the left,
Matthseus Congregailoii.
tween 3 and 4 o'cliK'k the i-oluran was
A decade or so ago sjeam and ho>
put in motion.- .\t tl»e flrst
Rev. A. Martin of Kingsley. |iastor. water hoaUng was considered a
Eariy'ailne gave way. the Ft'ilrrnl In
Senlce Sundan 10:30 a. mj man's luxury. Toda) these methods are
fantry snix piag over atone walls and
All Germans cordially Invited.
i being Introduced Into the more
ever) f«win of cover, and the cavalry
i esl eolUge homes, as many conclude
dashing in u|Mm tiie flanks to clean
the hurrying fugitives as prlmmers.
Ons of Many.
' that it Is a part of wisdom to put their
All are cordially invited to the torIn the exciting punroit the cavalry
H. A. Tisdale of Summ____ _____
la-lgadc of i'olonel ChnrUw
suffered for twenty years with thelrotus Arms t Cole Install every modl.oncll charged among the houaes of
plies. Bpeclallsu were employed and iern device for economical beating
the mile lunnlol of Middletown, loalng
I known to t L- plumber's art.
lia chivalrie and
Rev. D Cochlln. pastor.
of arms, .The flrwt
Morning servk-e and ac
can You EatT
itcdernte gmi captur
captured that day
of DeWitt's Witch Hatel Salve.}
l«:ie. Rev. Charles E. Perkins. Keo1 taken by the First
. H Taylor, a promlnwn
sauqua. Iowa, wllfpreach at this hour.
cures that have boin effected by this. ^ chrtesman. Tex., says:
•uster told the Vermonters that be Begin the Sabbath day with worship.
of a «cak i
would l»e satisfied If. they got a al
Strangers and new famille* In "Trav wonderihl remedy. In buying Witch |
.trength sod ran down In
gun from the enemy. Itefurr the day. eroe CUy are cordteH/ Invited to be at Haxel Salve It Is only neea*sar> to ,o*i
see that you get the genuine DcWli's weight. All that money could do was
ended there w ere My-cight guns Uk-« home with us.
made by K. C. DeWlit A Co. In Ch! done, but all hope of recovery van
rn frt>in the enemy by BUoridan'a army,
tnnflay school at noOB. The xenlor
and of that nurol»er twenty-three wers ‘
Ckgo. and a cure Is certain. Deivntt's ished. Hearing of some wonderful
cmllled as trophies to the First Ycr- departmeat. all tho elaases that met Witch Haxel Salves cures all kinds of cures effected by esc of Kodol Dyteavalry. Fighting in company In the Court house, will meet lomorrc
piles, cuts, bunia. brulsro. ecxomv popsia Cure. I concludi^ to try It. The
With the Fifth New York cavalry Of In the Grange ball. Do pot miss
tetter, ringworm, akin diseases, etc. flrst bottle benefltJd me. aud after
the same I
single sossltm of the Bunday acbooL
Sold by all druggisla.
taking four boUlea. I am fully reaton-.!
i. five I
intermediate Christian Kndeav
1,000 p
to my aaual strength, weight ani
era. The Confederates were poabota Soetaty at 4:3d p. m.
health." Kodol Djapepate Cure dl-|
Iroek beyond the camps they bad cap
what you eat sad cures. Sold
tured In the mernlng. When tba news BBdbavbr at *:45 p. m.: topla "How with American people, bat a aeoessUy. by all dniiilaia.
of tbls fresh victory raoebed tba nortli can We Enlarge, and Improve Our
and aa you do not pairbnae every
an outbnrat of enihu
Workr Mr. Hobart, leader.
day they iboold be selecled srlth caro.
evening gospel meeting
Barnum A Bart give a profeaalonal
7 p. m. A great general saved.
Prayer meeUng Thursday at 7:3« p. test and fit the area with a true leni^
wbicb may be used with or without! TH E ViOUN, has oi«antaed a DANCE
m. In the parlors.
bo«a or rime, ud la nickle, gold filled
Magdalene Circle. Friday
iS:Use Reart Want Ads
Mayflower clnb Friday at
All aervteaa la the parlors uxsapt
acbooL whici irUI meet
Dry, Hard and left 1
Bfj ■— iigd»cllawiM—
•II tba vtallfi.
Per taftna call at fioutti Siia Sbaa
--- -----
“Moneybak" Silk
Cbeaiicst ifl the Ead
Dust and damp proof, bemuse no
foreign substance is present to attract
dust and dampness. *^Moneybak ” is
nothing but silk. Enquire at the silk
T F you want your boy to look well,
^ and feel right, put him in a0^,
overcoat. The only strictly custom
tailored boys* overcoats made. Be
sure to Sec them before buying.
Wc handle a complete line, many
styles, popular prices.
DI-BECACSE II does «nt att.-ropt to teeth everything, but ooaflm-8 Its work to HCSINES8 COCIIS!-:^.
2nd-BBCAUSE it loaches the GUktKl rhrifihand. which can hp
learned In two^thlrds of the time n-qulred iof (ny other ayatcBL "
Srd-BBCAUSB U give* Instruction in 'Tyi writing instead of allow ing atndenu to work arltboat any guide.
4th-B^IJ8E It's atndents are alwaya
demand where kaoen.'
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