The Evening Record, August 28, 1904

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The Evening Record, August 28, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Bjr Wli» to di« Bv€c1«c ftoeonl.
Um6em, Ang, SI.^TIi* OtitnU New*
tee • raport frooi Ttaklo Uuit tbo imp.
•MM IMM OMitwed An
tWfliM MUM MCttbMBt OT UM Yuift
The JapMMe atoo captured Tant
Uao Taag. The Baasli
SnaM appeared. The RM«laas \cU


epiM the diapateb add*. It to oo»
pitted that thlrteea Ratslaa divliloot
are la the Naea about Liao Yaac. Thto
woBld plaoe the lUaelan foroo* at
mea. The Japaaeae bare
pompled Ana Chan Sebaa which wai
Tfaeuated br RoMtaaa oa Saturday.
The cerreepoedeat of the RtuIm
ahpirt liao Taag Aug. S6
aaM a Ruielaa rogimMit with a bat
tely toned the iapaaeM right flank
and attached then from the rear.
Whole iapaneee eolunna were nowe^
down by the terrlflc Are which fol

day yeater^ the Riiaalad loaiKw wen
eery great, Qeaeral Routtoffaky and
Voa ReabM being among the
The Japaaeee artillery (Ire wa.
reaumed at « o'clock thia morning Tht
point of preaaure to again In the Ru»
alaa froat. eootb of Uao Vang. Theli
adranoe eouth baa.ration bark. Tbi
Rrtag did hot open with the aamc

St. Peteraburg. Aug. ».~Genera'
Koropatl In reporta that the whole ot
Hie Ruaalan foroea are now coocen
trated about Uao Yang. Jnpaneae
oader Generali Keroki and Nodiu.
are united agnlaat the Ruaalan left.
wMle Oeaeral Oku to advancing or
the Raaalao cepier and right wing.



Fmtnoa and Other CountHea.


j .

Mr. and, Mrs. John T. Ocadle re
turned Baturday night from New York
after npcndlng three months In Ku
rofm. While away they visited ttng
land. Ireland. Bootland. Wale, France
nnd other ooontrtea.
They left here May 21 and fn.m New
York look one of the Amertean line
flf ateauiers. tbc St. Uiuto Returning
tbey Umk tbe aane line of atoammi.
But the Now York. They had a aplondid voyage both ways, although moat
of tbe paaaeagert were sea sick How.
•nr. Mr. Beadle was one of ten
•bout Are bimdrad cabin pasaengera
wbo waa able to take bla meala regu
larty. but Mr*. Beadle waa not quite
so fortunate.
They npeat aost of tbi Ir Ume In
London TtolUaf eonalna nnd other rel
aUves. tbM ■eplng London aa
ntangera ooiHd mOL They also hnd
tb» ptoaaufe Of eMlng the king nnd
BOMB. Mr. BMdIe deMdbee Rnglnad
•a being n “big tittle enaitiT.- H Is a
aamt. be aajn. bo# tbey nve U ao
eaaU a country aad no aaay people.
tbere> being nearly aerea aUHeas la
LesMna. He aaM.tbey really eajoy
I as aacb as tbe AaMTlMne M aplte
idltkat. aad la ibet May be
tbe rsemm that tbey tabs

Camping Party.
Harvey Ranaom took a IlllJe outing
with bla mother and her brother. H. C.
Wheelock, on the bank of Rennie lake
:aat week. They apent one night there
very pleasantly and after breakfast
aet out to And fome blue berriea.
Wlyaa a ahort aray from tbo tent
‘Auy aaur a load of Indiana who would
tent Not liking the look»
3f the orowd Hanrey was sent back to
«hui« the teat aad horaea were left
to look after thlnga. Aa he drew neai
•o the camp ho aaw the load of In
liana hurrIfMlIy moving on. with some
>f the party atlll climbing on the rig.
To Harvey'a surprise he saw no tent
and found only a heap of ashes where
the bed and camping outflu had been.
Harvey saved the hamoaa which waa
burning and trted to aave the pillows
but the blaze drove him back. He
acreamed. ' Mamma, come Quick.** but
by the time abe got there there war
nothing to do but keep the Are fropv
the horaea. It required conaldcrabU
bard work by beating out the blase In
the dry grans with green bushes and
the use of sand on the logs and brush
Baps to put It out and aave the
EMwea. which was Anally aeoom
Mr, WheeUach. Harvey a uncle, bad
walked farter than the reat of the
l>ariy and wan entirely out of hearing
and did not return until after the flght
all over. U|>on bin arrival hi
found two excited people with blla
tered hands and feet and clothing

New York Building Trades War BlUi
on and the Men Have Lost
S2.000.000 in Wsgos.


•hartfr Failed to Return the Summona
and Caaa Wat Dropped Bjt New
Warrant Was laaued.
A caae of unaual Intereat wa* In
Judge Roberta’ court today at 2 p. m.,
the pure food department of the atate
va. the Muaselman Grocer Co. of
Grand Rapida. Food' CommlKsionor G.
tme l>elng the real complainant
and Charles Rrxioka of this city the

ly for the case to go to trial,
but the summons which HherlA Chand­
ler served In person on Amos Musselman at Grand Rapids last Monday, not
returned J. W.
Patchen. who representeil the defendallow the case to be
Ukea up. and It was therefore
r warrant was Immediately
► by Oilman M. Dame and the
B made returnable Sept. t» ai
9 a. m. at wh
rhtch time the case will go
to tHal. *
Tbe case has grown out of the sale
r a two ounce glass of jelly lalieled
•*Currant jelly, guaranteed to contain
but puce fruit juices and
»ut waa found by chemical
to contain chca|»er sub*
atancM. beacc the aulL

Chicago. Aug. 2fi.—Two hundred can
workers eraployod at the Deiscl plant
of the Amertcah Can company were
called out this morning on account of
the alleged discovery by union men
that iwo carloads of cans had been doHvered to the packers In violation of
an agrement with the union. The
packers claim there were many deser
Uons from the strikers’ ranks thto
morning but union leaders dray this
Lest S2W000 In Wagas.
Barney Oldfield Was Not Badly In­
New York. Aug.
The war of the
in Auts Accident Yesterday
building trades still oonUaucs nnd
Which Killed Two.
000 skUled and nnskUled mea nm Idle.
The Aght haa IMM on for four weeks By Wire Ip tbe B^ing Record.
and It to esUmnted that the men have
8L Louto. Aug. 2A—Barney Oldlost I2.SOO.000 in wages.
eld. wbo was injured In aa auto acdIn which two
Mr. aad Urs. William JaAkaoa and
» kitled, to resting en^ today,
Miss nortmce JaelwMi. Mrs. Waltoee.
risa. while
** paInfuL not being
belag ddaaMr. aad Mra. MkMleUm. Mlass Alice
I injuries oMStot of a spUt
false acroes tbe cbelt and
MS of Ovapd BapMs wset to Oarp
ankle. There to now no
lake ibis Moraing to opMd tbe day.
GBmiAm Heek retnned tbbi aft«^
ooB from TteRiag la Cbkajeo several




Tall eiotbb
What are they
to be.
where are you going to get them,
and what arc they goihg to cost
you >
If you want the very latest ap­
proved styles, the widest latitude
in clioice, the best lit possible and
a wearing quality that you will
remember with pleasure, all
within the reasonable price
range of

$is to $25
Come to our store aod ask us to
show you our. new models in L. Adler Broi. & "Co’s,
Rochester made suits and overcoats. What^jwe know
about these euments makes us confident th^t they will
please you,


Cbursday, Septemher l$t

Opening Day
Every Agency in the United Sutes show Dunlap Hats
on the above date. We have been named as the ‘ex*f
elusive agents in this city for this popular Hat* All
the other makes of Hats now in. Sole Agents for the

Harves $3.00 Hats
Advertised in all the leadinR







Mbv M this cMy tta
Iiipms I .wmwB,IP


PWS Mena iplSiiii i

M is a too

la tte MM« ^ arii
Iw M
taa • #fwtaf4 M M taM comrt-

M OP mode that
are sen
Ms. ThehmchMsdklsanlMsothst
Is Mso M •sddmR the chorea mimt so
ai. Sa Mat Iwva dla*aatlra Je» »» lorvwi ssd MPt hs^ iBlo
fheau Tht seom —^
Ba M took ap Tone

pas sa whmu hut Is tho Baulk and has
drawn ItfaJlka pkxuraa of Buulberw
sadal ttte imd hoapHaltty. Tha play
M a dMlghtfui air «f youthful ro■msaa and gayely that la Mb atrougaat
faaduatlon. A Hallowu*« party is latfoduead which lapulUAIBu^fi—

. ntai tha atat aoU la thaaa
loa atataa aai tovaa la alapty

NHiBHi aai proiaaHtr aC tba coaatf7.
la all tlM Mtaatkw of Um harract
Mia. a appMia IM IlM hasr etop M
A kMi af

; tlM aora ctap
----------------------------- I tor^taa koM.
am af rallipad au>eka. and i
paaldi aa tte aarimagaa af tka Hoba.
Trik ar tiM aotlaa bott waai
aoM« la amr kmr&ot Um
aC tiM tejr crop.
Maat to tha cam crop, iba crop of
kaf taiaai la tka Ualtad Btataa It tba
maat aataaMa atagla crop raitad lu
tMaaaaatm. Laat yaar tba hay raitad
la thit eoaatry vat valaad at tha
moat aaa of |SWA0i.M0. fully
mm af an fha aarlealtiiral vaalth
ffaiaaidariagthayaar. Wa



hat la tha teat throe yaart the wheat
«op haa aTaragad' ia valaa oely $444.dddAdi. white aie hay crop haa averaged fitf4M0.000. Ootu» te called the
-klag- la the South, but lU greataat
ealae of crop la aay oae year wae
|4f».000.000. The comblaad valuao of
iha oat, barley, rye aad buckwheat
afopa of the oooatry are $100,000,000 a
year teaa thaa the value of the hay
crop. Tha fanaer. of the land oouM
hitlar aatar a total loaa of the wheat
or tha cottoa or tea email grain crop
thaa tha teat of tee hay crop.
Thaa why la It that we hear ao lltUe
of tha prbgreaa of tee hay crop? The
aaawar aaama to He In tee fact that
hay la leaa auhiect to laiory than any
of tha other cropa. Weather aad
make little dlteroace to it. If
aaaaoa la too wet, tee hay growa oa
the nplaada In abundance. If It U too
dry. tee fannara oot hay In the alougha
aadmarabea. If tee aeaaon
hay growk everywhere. In
Uoaa of the country two
gathered. Even in Alaaka
crop grown. When an elae falU. the
tarmar aaaally haa hla hay.
Thao let ua not forget tee hay crop,
From the rocky hllla of Maine to tee
fartUa Saida of Southern CalUomla.
aad from tee glacial valleya of Alaaka
to tropkml Florida. It growa for all
alike. Second la value only to King
Oora. and fnmlahlng one-Afte of the
agricultural wealth of tee country,
with never a failure, and seldom
aarioua diminution In tee yield, tee
hay crop, Uken all In all, la wli
doubt tee beat friend of the American

The local market la surfeited with
early apples and farmers bringing Into
town the beat quality of Durheaa are
aaable to sell them. The buyers are
taklBg vm7 few apples aad have not
bean oa tba dty market stace yeater-.
day aooa. *Tbe farmers, being prohibitad by ordlaance from
fiwH tn» house to h
pallad to throw tee apples away or
to feed teem to tee hogs,—Eagle. Aug.
The Basle la mlatahaa la tela mattar. Thara la no dty ordinance whmwear prohibiting tha termera from selllag lhairpiwdace from hoaa
Th^ araat parfact liberty to do ao. aa
are confhr aa tha dty o


ili aot pakoaiaa tha tvaaty odd aa- they put as ood to It on. They sio
looat hara.** ha aoatlaaad.-thay 1
•D oot af haalBaat la a day. A a
■lora aad r. H. Maadt. draoNts.
ama la W tha baalaaot to aaka m
tha aalaaa aUota baeaaoa thara la a

the uoud




Sherman Lodpa Oolnp.
General Miles atUl cUoga to hia plan
lealee to In receipt of
letter from Meatck stating that Bher- for employing Catted States soldiers
U roadmaklnc during peace time.
an ladge tit la going to Petoakay to
Uka part In tee big D. O. K. K. bk>woot Sepc E A very aocoeaaful ravma beU In tee dty last night
and a full dress rehearaal will be held
eaday evening. It to desired teat
wldde’and aometelng baa
all be present.
tmen found teat wlU prevent teat oou
ditkm which makea aolclde llkaly. At
I good time to look up your hasting
the irst thought of aair destruction
take Etoctrle Blitera.- U being a great
va. We sail tha old rallabla
tonic and nervUa win streagthan tee
nm^ea and
up the system. Ifa
Tndl la
coapalltlee. Uadi alao a great Sipmaeh. Uvur and Kidvaa, avary ana guarantaad to give
tta OM at tba Emrii RlMai L nay regulator. QstyiOe. Batlutectkm
tkt Ca«lkk -Oad SaT. the KlaT ha«
sattofaction. Wa have them In hard
rnmt Baada. M Klekolaa datanalaodal. aafl coal, wood, combination


In an Anatrullan society tee mem- wood and cast and airtighto with or
Nit ash pans and tha pHcaa art
her ten ky ohUluisg new membera
4he uuinber la gained a new

J. WILHELM’”'*''


Our BUw necktM at 10c each or

g for 25c are prM winners. lt*a
to why she ehoee dramatic charadcru
Economy to get; your year s sup^
3f such dnbious morality U which to
Hthibh her power, la quoted as having
ply now. We bqve colors to suit
•aid. that they were the oaly roles
every taste.
which gave her the scope for action of
the amotlnaal order for which she la
temoua and that aha would bq glad to
portray purer aad mors exalted char^
secured aome ixtra large alzet
ictars. If aay dramatist could provide
for Biout people. We now have
them for her aad atUI give her oppofw
them in silk, leather, etc., for
lunitiaa for emottonal acUng of a hiph
Ltecoln J. Carter, in hto last
everybody. We also have the
play. -Her Only Bln.** In which he to
best thing out i|i white washable
•tarring Mias Jolla Gray haa appreciat­
ed aad annnoanted^the very dlfflculty
goods at 10c ca^h.
of which Mias Neteeraole speaks. He
Our ladles* Underskirt sale to
knows teat there to a wide deld for
tee explolUtlon of the purely emonow on. We a|o selling them In
tloual drama, and yet that the better
mercerised good from 55c
elUM of attendants of tee theater arc
fordeted with the long Hat of demtmoodalne.tShancters let loose on the
stage by Btoco. Bardou. Pinero and
Fitch and their ImlUlors. In -Her
Only Bln" he has created a personage
hat of the aelf-aacrinclng mother teat
Ulalna Juat as thllling moimni* and
Iramatic climaxes as alMhe Sapph*»s.
LADIKS! Sample shoes that save
tezas and Du Barrys. and still n>mains
lure and undeEled. It to Indeed a no- you from 5Ac to $1.50 per pair at A.
‘able lasaon to those who Imagine that V. Fried rich 's.
•c attain financial success one mus»
truckle to the baser and more deiraved instlncls of humanity. Mr
.farter will pn'seni Miss Gray, supi>ort
-d by his own Criterion Opt ra com
Apply Traverse ^Uy Cannii

dtra aad div« atora that aoM Uaadtv
dadaHdp that tha latter vaa -voraa
thaa aay afhxNL
•tnirtetiaa ataa M vomaa of TraTaraa aty. what hare yoa doaa to Uka
tha plaee of the aahxm? Too hara ao
I made the
r. M. C. A. here or at laaat I hare aot
taaa lu alya. you hare ao raadai
for tha yooap paopla. Do yoa ai
nra stood la the eyas of the
to hare than walk ap aad dowa the
jmmu, and evas the judge cuogbed
ttraau aad tack thalr thuaht?
mvipstbettcally and bid hla head bo
they bold aodal lataroourta oa
hind tee trial dodiet Hla opponent
whose name 1 have sow |oc|Otten. saw
-If you want to aae prohibitloa a toe- that the span had to be ftOkeo In some
prtachia* agaiatt tha aa- way or hla case was
loon aad go aad raise the dma
from tee gutter.**
He advanced aa a reaaoa for tba
failure of many temperance movemanta la that men aet op two standarda of morala. oae for woman aad aa lowed from the aodiencu and Judge
saying teat God haa but
one which does duty for bote. ‘ No aln
teat woman does U anj greater than
wuut.i j aaamu
that done hy man. If you want true vawaa va
put together, nnd unUl the Uat
moral reform, give tee helping hand aaaaa
few years was anpposed to be Incur
aa freely to the falling womnn na to
J. V. Lesls. the Yankee character
. grant many yoars doctors
Oo to tee poor dnmkUa Meal diaaaao and pre^ ^median, and hto ct>mpanv of twenty
mrd with tee gospel of Christ, go to the scribed local rumadlaa aad by con artists win play one nlshi only
atnnUy fnlUng to enra with local treat
^nted with t
at the City opera house Saturday,
nnd they wUl help yon.**
Sept. 3. An exahanice says: "When
Mr. Dotttney closed with a personal
ever tee name SI Plunkard is men­
oonatitntkmal treatment Hairs Ca tioned where he has been before, ihe
Va.. after
Caieney A Oo.. Toledo. Ohio’ la tee dullert face btH»roes brlghi with the
which be locited a poem of hU life,
thought of tho good natured Yankee
written just before be intended to com­
It to Uken UUmally
farmer, who has caused so many U.
mit suicide, and ended hla meeUng by from 10 drops to a UaspoonfoL It hold their sides In laughter at his peecu
singing “O ^*here la My Wandering
of tee aystem. They offer cullaritles. He is not aa Imaginary
Boy Tonight.**
one hu Ired dollnra for nny cmae it character, but one which you can meet
win probably give a meeting tells to lure. Bend for cireolnra nnd every day by visiting small enuniry
reek day evening soon.
towns. He to not a man of education,
Address: F. J. CHENEY A CO . To- but simply a "Slmonpure Yanktn* farm­
er, whoee home i» always open for the
PUla for oonatl weary traveler. 81 Plunkard to not a
jumble, but a well devised and cxceptianally strong and Inlerostlng comedy
The concert given by the Traverse
with a plot taken from every day life,
City band yaalerday aftamoon oo the
now Uvea In comploli* a shows the traps and snarw set for
Central school lawn was very pleasing. retlremcDt
ibc innocent and unsopbistlcaied pub
The concert drew a large number of
tic. “It is a play that anyone ran take
■eomed to enjoy It very China to cetimated at over 7.«4<».000.
i^uralgla to aaid to tie succewfulty a leaaon from." The company carries
treated In luly by tee nae of blue an orchestra and band and will give
their famous country hand itaradc. an­
light .
One of the new atreeto In Berlin haa nouncing their arrival.
ravaraa C»ty Peat Sail Taam Will been named for raateur. the noted
Sixty Went North.
Oat Tepathar TonlgbL
blued Bteam trolley and coble
The Illinois took atomt sixty i»eoplo
The Traverse aty foot ball team railway has recenUy been built In
out on the excursion to Charlevoix.
will pracUce lonlgbl. on the comer of aonthem Tyrol. Auatrto.
Peoskey and Harbor Springs yester­
Washington and Boardman avenue.
The cigarette tnwt wants to collect
day. The day was pleasantly spc*ni.
Tbta la the first practice of tee team $7,500,000 froth Meglco for the uae of
The Columbia took about fifty out to
' Its orgnntaatlon for the year and
Ne-ah-ta-wants last evening.
all memberi ahonld be present.


We are showing some new neat checks and novel­
ties in James’ turn dress goods they are the greatest
wearing goods you can buy. at 40c and 60c per yard.
Also a better line of suitings nt 76c and $1.00 Let us
show them to you whether you buy or not




Travaraa City te St. Loula

121.00. tor the semB


Thn will ndoderMpEh and
berth between TravetWCI^^


TwEcit wm be oo nle exunmendng ThurwUy, June 9,


ROOn TRIP 25e, 50c. 7Se
All 2:00 p. a.

Steanen leave Travene aty
Thnradaya, 6 a. m.





Mat just opened to tbepobU;.aDdabniid new meat mar.
ket where quality and prices
arcrigl^t Give ns a call . .






Raoord Want Ada. brHif Big

ft Cnidt





They can cure you.

sale by all first class druggists.

School Shoes
for School Boys
I for School Days
strong, durable leather.

The kind of shoe that is needed for school is the shoe that is well ma
will be boya and they want a good wearable shoe.
as good a shoe.


s true, and they want an aquatfy

G»rls will be girls,

We have the best of shoes for all.

We have a Boys’ Shoe
A genuine calf skm with an oak

sole-writ stand as much wcathCr as the oak tree itself—going to school la

hard on shoes we know, for after the study comes the play that plays havoc with the best of leather. These
shoes sell for $2. $2.25 and $2.50 and are worth every cent of it.

Got another Boys’ Shoe
That IS a good shoe.

r not so good. The price is good, too

Good boys

Ask for the Boys’ “Cruiser” Shoe
These are guaranteed to be as good a shoe as wea'cver made for the money.

It is a dandy school shoe.

Girls* and Misses’ Shoes
More giHsgo to school than boys, then more giHa* shoes are sold.
School will soon begin and you should be prepared.

Have you bought your girl’s shoes yatl

These shoes we are selling will save you n>onty.

Have you seen the Vici Kid

We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and H.enning
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Orgems

M farmed, atffl mmprtSas

all m down; could wfA mt, alaap. or
wn^ Ht^natar^h Boeky Mmmtais
TMUaMma atfung M nibsiR^


have cured THOUSANDS ;N TRAV­

o on. The plan baa been lacttofia and wu will aava team for

a«aratar cnaa tar lANr Aaf Itf aifM
ao fata N It tkat
.» It'MiM it «aa ba aaaa la





Obrto TMiala Nia bailp

MMt Tlaiale wat fattiac tba ttonitag Mai fMy aad wat boldiw a cap
of bomag MOT la bar haad. SaddaaAM BACANCP WITH ONLY fSW ly. aoM giaata la a tUttet pappad «p
aad attweb bar la bar IMba. Tba paia
eaaaad bar to (orpat tba cap aba waa
boldlag aaid aba tbiww bar band op to
L Tba boitlag watOT
srber taoa aad ebaat.

tap TliMiM HMWMfi by Tbrmmkm Hl« ^fbm • Dfby,

I ’
OP ¥Ymt
about il
I orptoek ibN iwniSac beM tlH4r breotlu
it;bi P raoMrof tM Mbo<
rMM wHk a raiaB bo? dtagioc Ucbt> If to tb« IlM. WboB oiMt in froot
« <ttbo WbHM bo« bo ~ Umma
tbo rtf oM o»iV tboogbl that h«
^ tbo toaai aad baoor vara ibe prof^
f artjr of Siapbao Laataar ao4 tba dritar
r vaa bit it-jmu-oia tpa. Robart Tht
t bop vat tfiiviag catt ^oo Fmat ttrvat
aad aaar B. Wllbelint tuire tba wbU
I Ba traa bacaaia Ioom and awaaf ba^
, [ tvaaa tba bortat. frlflitaalac them to
‘ badlx that tbry broba Into a rtm. The
' box bald onto tba Unas and andaav^ orad to atop iba bortoa but va* unable

a promptly applied b«
today bar ifaoa lt ao twollaa that bar
eyat ara ckwad. AMboogb tba biraa
that tba irtU aot ba I


About one hundred mrmbira and
frtendf of tbe Modem Woodmen anJoyed m picnic nt Bmtont Bay yester­
day which was giren by tbe lodge of
that pure which had Intrlted the loenl
lodge; A trery fine time wat enjoyad.
The BeuUh lodge of Modem Wood
men htve Invited the local lodge to
BeuUh tomorrow where a picnic will
be enjoyed. Tbe local team and offleers will go acd as many members
as can iHuuilbly go sre requcsiwl to go
and help Inrreane the sii
crowd. The party will leave
morning cm the C o*c|uck Fere Mar­
quette train.

naallf tba loft pulled loota and the
. j plaakr llttlo fellov vat drawn o\cer
tba datb board and^ thrown on thr
pavoaent vbi^ broke hit brdd <m (he
tlBOt and aUowad the tiwm to pn»ree,l.
Aa tba boy fall oou the team twerred
aad atrnck a aUutla buwy belonclny to
Mn. Oaorse Laihrop of Edifeirooil.
which wat hitched in from of Frank
Troda t hardware ■tore. The two fnmt
wboela warw brokaa and the thUI»
The Sidney O. Neff U at the d.R^kn
alto. Gbctlnuing. It ttrock Loren Fiillar’t bufcy hitched In front of the today loading lumber from tbe Kelley
Wbltlaf and broke the (blllt. Tb" Shingle company for McCormick of
laat rig atrock wai RaubV dray. Chicago.
The ladles of Traverse City hive
TboMat Hani^oo and P. W. Rndlnge.wtt« oa tbte and loth were thrown. wm picnic at hUst Bay. Wednesday.
Mr. Btodiafar wat pracUcally unhurt Ail ladles who can an* urgi«d to attend.
bat Mr: Hannen-t rlyht fcboulder war Busses will be at L\irester s hall at S»
pafafully Injured. The dray team wa*
The parlKli anil Sunday school of
atmek and the horis«‘ f»rJbe»t away
Grace church will have a basket pic­
i wat thrown and cut •exctely.
At quickly at pottlble the Injured nic on the bay shore near Major Newboy waa aaslsu*d to hl» f*H t and taken j conibe*s farm on W«Mlnesday. Busses*
j.lnto Urn H-hlling. He bad struck will leave A. J. Wilhelm's stoi*e
nqnamly on hU stomach and face and Rev. Sluurs residence at 9 o'clock.
bit noM waa badly imiUed. He was Adults will be charged 25 contB. Chil­
alto braiaed about the chest and left dren free. All nieniberK of ibe jiarUV
Sunday sc1mm)1 arc Inv5t(*d.
arm but no bones were broken.
The regular mii-tlng of the White
Many people who saw the frightiiicd
; team dash Into the rigs and buggies ; Shrine of Jerusalem wiil he held ,|uafter the Imy was thrown out thuugbl j morrow evening at ti o clock. A ;«ll
that there would be more than one attendanett is desired. Arrangements
tragedy but fortunately ‘ there* were will be made for the Inaiallatlou of ofBone.
I fleera on Jhur»day evening. Se^ir. 1.
The horses were HocurcMl by I>r. The supreme worthy hlgh^prleKiesti.
Oottman and Charles Easterday. They i Mrs. Marlon Hein of lUy City, will Ik*
had been caught and iak« n Into a ban:: here to Ituttall the officers and Instnict
by asyluifl employes. The animals in the work.
were badly cut up.
I Mrs. J. N, Martlnek entertained Mr.
*-------- -------------jand Mrs. r. Smolar. Mrs. BItsky and
1 Miss Mary Shruta of Chicago last
j w»M k and MIhb Ueriha Petertyl of this
i Mm. Apnas Good of Solon and Mrs. ri.y st Wr home on Slate Btreet.
Irwta Larr of SlighU Siding Were
Thursday evening a large crowd arCalled Home.
‘ serahled at the hou>.e and a very en-----ijoyahle time was 8iH*nt. Tbe comiwny
Mrs. Agnes GimhI. ng.*d
years. | presented Mr*. SmoUr with a handdied yosterdaj* morning at 1 o'clock * «jme rllver berry spoon,
of paralysis at her home at Solon. l>e- j a numlicr of tbe friends and m igb. ouaaad was an old BeiUcr of thntjjK,r,« met at the home of Melvin
region, having llvtnl there for tbe |uut j gmllh. 122 KaBt Fifleenlh alrei't. LYl
thirty-five ymra, IU**ideii her ^ bus , dty evening and surprlst*d him. the orliand. William GotMl. slie Itavo* live ’ cashm being hl» brlibdny. Light re
children to mourn a mother'* lo**.
* froshment* w.-rc served and all had a
The funeral service will be held to- ph a^ani time,
sorrow aftemiMm from the home at | Hou. A. K. Palmer of Kalkaska, who
" Solon under the dlr»*ctlon of H. L. ; j,, superintendent of cattle at the Weat
‘ CartOT.
I Michigan fair at Grand Rapids this
-----------1 fall. ha.s appointed John Mllb r <.f this

f‘.• f


ml-underThere M-em* to
Jo^n 8hsw. St Slights Siding, : --------- ^ ____ -g parents ns lo the
yesterday afternoon at the age of 25
whenschcxil will bcgin. Thc
oC chmnlr bmochtti. .It«- • '
be Tue^las. Sept. fi.
■ lUtpTllUC Hint-...
Hv.k1 In ,
, ,hl.cH> un.n.boUt .hre.......k.
Steinbers-. Cr.»«
wh« .he w». Ulx n I.I .he home of ;
Thursday will open tomorrow
• her parent., Ile.I.U-. her hu.lmn.l atul
pareau. .he I. .orvlv.M b.v thr.,. ,>.•. ^
^ lers aad one brother
Cnirdon and daughter
Tbs funeral Srrvlcc will u* held ;‘ Margie. Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Hitch. Mr.
from the home of the parents at Slight* snd rMs. 'l- Wright, Mr. and Mrs, C.
Siding Wednesday momlug
G Strong. Mr. and Mrs. WUI Oldman.
o'ciock. Rev. Demas Cbthlin will of Ed Pease. Mrs. Minnie IMwson. MlsR
fleiate and Undcruker And
jNelHe Lytle ahd Miss Ulllan Finn
haVs charge of the funeral.
;went out to Hast baj’ Saturday afteri for a Jolly time. The ladles went
lag at the age of Cl years at the
of her daughter. Mrs. LaiU* E Bailey,
225 Water afreet The remains wiU be
sent to Tmveme City tor burial.-Sainrday's Petoskay Resorter.


frtaHi. tbay aatayad a bar rMa aad
picale aa tba waat bay abora.
Hr. €M of Gbdnae aad Dr.'Joba
UMOsamwMIm O. TmrbicAd apcat yeataiday at Carp
bOT biwlbd^ bM SSdg SSAf Irtdwia lake.
Mag IM abort «cv ibTmrtrm Patar Pray returned to his biaaa at
Mm lake UM aflOTnooa after vlaU2s rSar«idA*tf amat aad aafo gMandatetbaelty.
Mrs. JoMflkh Wyckofl want to Chartavolz this aflOTBooB tor a rUH with
of the oU
ss Minnie Hnb^ ratnmad last
11 from the
arcttlag from a month's rlsH at Saalt wagon. IwlUaot
baoB Tflsltiag Mr. and Mrs. C. 8.
flrat to tbe fifth o
Ste. Marie.
AraoML rploniad to bto hose today.
Merrit a Holley is Uking a vacaProf. 1^ U Nye. priadipal of tba
aigb aelsql. rataraad to tba city thU tkm from the Hannah A Lay Meican•oralag afW apaadlag tha aasaMtr at Ule company and will go to Kalkaska
tor the ChristMn Eadaawor
k Ctfibk aad olbar aoifUiera Michentkm there Toewlay and We^eaHe wUI spend the rest of .the
week In Petoskey.
at* Osau aad Noithporc
Mtes Siegfried Lagergren of Chicago
aavaral wwaks. are gaarts today at the returned home this morning after ris­
That tbs Hot Spring* snsdidfiOT
Park Placa ea route for Patorttey.
king friends in the city.
Suta Gbaslft DooUUla aad Fbod
J. J. Wallaea. brothar-in-law of C. 8. have ewrsd THOUSANDS IN TRAVr Dose arrivad in town Vader. sr.. returned to bU home in XRSECmr. Tbsy can curs you. For
with a caddy of flue Chicago this morning after a risk in sals by sll first jciass dniofllsta.
the city with C. 8. Vader and family
take hack to Lansing with him.
for several days.
SJmeoB Redbird. hr^ of tbe carpenFrank Steams and family. Mrs. Fred .
try department at Haskell Institute, Steams. Zada and Orlln 8teamB. Mr. ^
passed through town this morning en and Mrs. thinning and Miss Bristol 1
route for Lake Ann. where he will get went to Omens this morning to spend >
ral Indian children aad enroll the day and tmjoy a picnic dinner.
them to begin at tbe opening, tc-rm
Henry Itrodhagen: Jr., has returned I
fivim Msnlstec. whero he has IxM-n lak- j
Ing the salt bath ireaimenl for Inflam-1
msiury rh**umatUm. He i* Improving j

Cornish Grays ttki CantJiuis to Wbi
Abraham Robinson and
Against all Cowera fleers Was
Harlctim were natted In msrrisge yes­
terday by Rabbi Zinman at the borne
€i the brides' pamatn oa WashMgton
Special to the Evening Record.
afredL The weddlag was a T«y qnlat
CopemUh. Attg. 2A-Tbe O. W. D. InmDy altolr.
. base hall team was defeated liOTe yasThe ae# asbestos fire curtain for
i urday by a moot «f 7 to S. it waa a
; ’ wnU played game with few errors, Tbe
Orgy* play al Crystal Lake tomorrow.
BallOTtos—TravOTse City, Pergtmoii
aad Kovak: Oopewflsk,'Wedter mN
tML Daudre^Settlagbottse.

500 Boys to
.bgulmr IlMof Boj. Wur Praof Ctothb..

swnfHW wiiisiiB ■



to boys who visit onr store from 7K» to lOKIO a.«. f;

Monday, AugBst 2m S;
Tte nisi 50c-fic-«l.00 DEE PAIITS SSBWI



nm nummcs


Do you realize what that means? Right
at the beginning of the fall season when
you need them most comes this offer of
rich, handsome Trimmings, not old stock,
odds and ends, but nice freshr goods that
include everything in our Trimming
stock in the way of appliques.

The stock of goods formerly owned by W. C. and
B. A. Gannett will be offered to the highest bidder,
conrimencing Wednesdky afternoon. August 31st.
at 2 p. m.. and will continue every


Afternoon and Evening
until the entire stock is sold. This stock consists'
of Watches. Clocks,, Jewelry. Silverware, Opera
and Field Glasses, etc. A chance of a lifetime to
buy bargains. Samuel S. Levy, Americas best
known auctioneer will conduct the sale. Every
lady attending the sale Wednesday afternoon will
receive a handsome souvenir spoon free.



Extraordinary Specials
Cy CHOOI. begins next week and there are the Boys* and
Girls-to dress up. To make this store the center of ;]
school shopping wc offer extraordinary specials in
everything needed to make up a school outfit.

SomethiBg New





► iScjjL

is what we offer on all of our high-grade Suits
ages 5 to ‘20 years. They arc strictly new,
stylish, neat pat ter ns—suits that you will be
proud to have your boys wear, -and they are durable. .See the
fine display we are showing in the window.


We have a lot of odd Suits left from
summer’s selling—just one or two of a
___________________ kind—and a few that wc have carried
over from last year. During this week we offer them at


One Half Price to close quickly

It makes available a clean, low priced fabic which is
free from all insect life.

I lime in various ways. The gentk-mer.
came in time to partake of the splen­
did luncheon the ladies had provided
and all did ample Justice lo the good
things. Those who were there wUI not
soon forget the event.


It has no nap to catch lint

and dust, and will not sweep up.

It is composed of

hard, double-twisted cotton thread in fast colors, which
is combined with double-twisted thread of fiber, very

We now have one of the best lines
of School Shoes for boys' oy gW»*
we ever had. The best lookeri-^ M
most style—and still they will stand hard service. We offer
straight 10 per cent, discount during this week.
- v- :/>s

durable and made in a variety of different colors and
de^Urns. low in price but not cheap in effect, can be
.sewed same as inn^rain corpet. and will not break if
edges are turned under.

Ask to sec this as it is differ­

ent from anything you have ever seen.

ife 50c and 60c a yard

I Bliys’ Waists I Off


j Dirts*
OoffittcrcK ^


f:-^ •
ifi:|i<iMiikm.xMM»Hi li intM H

Hto toto IB fto toait to Urnam toW


MioBto towtoy to Ito WBrtdto-

H wtm tot akJ ta Braeanc with
pnw- mr* wtoB ttoyilrthak rmto BQoadn B MATSBIAL AND iNMATCfllAL.
tto BBC BBd tto taBd- U to tounatartal wheile you purehnae
mrnm Ml ai« idl dtoto
Ita hOBtotaB BfO tod hf the WtoplH a ctav. hut It to knte^ what brand
yon get Try oar It k W^’a, b pure
toMTto taOdltoi M Itod wMh fg>
Mbbbbb Jtomiter. ban|d Bsnde. home
ttodto BBttB llto to daptetod hy bb
col Ml
BBde. BBloB made by tJ^e heal meehna
BMP dMtofwto rfSagB na tlM to*
lea. B. W. WoBTer.
PBtoBhto to|« to <boto wimbhib
wmat is babicii
Than a saaall paymeui down and there­
laM^ vMIt

I V» MM Mi flUllW M
Mir tlMgb flifli w<
ilii9to«»Mii. r
_ jiHU VM.M «t MPlc
iM iHfM Mti M a mkSi«^

M to
tto a,Hl4 ttoi fliii MsaMkM


|iMi «a4 tfMMrw /row mil e«ui



•9MM; to toinr OM 4om. ato I to*'

Hr. ttoi M M Ui tto Uto. Uu
totot tottoto toM. mittnUy «ite/
toto. It to tomr or Are mlim out tborr
•to to.Mw tto pmplo bothlM Ui th«
iUIrtotto. Wo tod iulie OB mltenieot
i toelL A ronr ouddoB wlad
--------or which BMdo thot OPOB opocf
•f Htor protty roi«h tor goiidoto<


BaektaB«a AmtaB BbIyb over hBBdy.
Iff tto hBto BBhrB ea. earth aad will
provoBt totality whea huraa. eorea. al-

trlhwtod Bt too WortoO Fair.
Xovor wetw bbMcbI ovOBta In Amorlea pteBDed BpOB ouch an olaboruto scale
BSthooeof tbe World s Fair. A oeriea
to ooBoarta wUl be glroo hy oooipetlBf
toDds In (OBteto for prtaoB offered by
tto World’s Pair. Tboso cooteets will
taho place to Pootlral Ball 8ept U

tbe oocoBd
given to tbo band
tto third hlfbaot buid
C oor potocoil)) BBC
ttofBd to the woBderlBg muolcloBt
Tto above dlrtaloo U Bade for baodo
IB ttoir foodolBe. One boot kMul
to Ctaoe A. which eoutat of twenty
itojrod oot to froot oome time ood iht
In tbo B ctaoa fiaOOO will
proi Boi had 01 oil. II roloer'
•■Ote olljthtly but we did not Bind. oi
t« tovtBg o true cllBpoo id W
will ooioy tbe dlvlatoo
ty-flyt mem
tlto. Later oo the loen In oui
tofI2.m Fortthe orgBBlaadoo eoor
look ooBie of n» orer to the rota, who dines on dog msat.
I or BL Mark s to bear a largf
We oat ai a little table, hoc
to ItotoBod to the Butld unW
tola. We thoB walked by thi OCB of tbf govommoot odb
implorod by the Bxpooltlon
Blla. while tbe Art and
rtnltted to coeteet All play
be bona fide membetu. apd
B Itttte brldfo to iee the Bridge of building reproduces In mlnUture the
at Bl«ht~a pretty sight. Yot cathedral within the walled city, even OBch muakian must have been enrolled
tbe mellowed tlnu of age being faltlh
•OB tore DO Idea of the fasetnatiuo of fully rendered. A section of the an­ at least three moothe prior to the date
of tbe coDtest Each band must aood
thto rioeo. Klfht is the tlBe to set cient but still aerrlcrable town wall to the bureau tbe name of iu membors
ItoBO LbUb towBS. The people seen
re the doiP
nd a Bomlnal ectraoce fee.
dor Uases and live at night ble purpose of a gateway to the show
Festival Hall concerts by roaaaed
Vto-srOBdeat sight of all was Iasi and a museum of arms and war rellca baoda wm be given at 7.30 each day
Bight to the Qraad canal They took Tbe other main edifices are types of during the contest. In which all conteetbum of undress- Ing bands will take part under the dl
B goBdola and. we drifted for severs
nd ratUn. with ractton of
i boat load of must thatched roofs sod broad verandaa
All bands cotorlng must agree to play
» thirty or fuity goo
Then there are tbe trtbok vUlagw
looomt to Bddltloo to toe compet­
^ dolaa all near together, gathertK
eetllng under tbe treea aome of tbe ing coDcert nod manaed coocerts.
perebtd high up among the
A aepar^ programme has beco pre
' BfDBBd the music. The lights an<*
ea above tbe wa pared by tbe Bureau of Music for each
toBle Bade an impression never ti
I lake, all of them class, and each baud will play through
to torpHten.
Inga fashioned of naUve tbe toll programme of Its class. Tbe
' We have visited the lace makers materials by naUve wrorkmanabip and
jera to all three programmes are
tto giaas faru>r> and many Intere4.tln»
ling the msonciw. customs and by emtoeut compoaeru aud are cboaen
: things here I don't want to Irave l>
•M Of tbeir occupaota. Here are wrltb toe view of bringing out tbe qunlweaving a coarse cloth on a- Itlea of toe bands performing them. The
bU. There are Mime Turk, and Eg>p
tfBBa Btayiag^ere |mstdes many othei rude band loom, others making ban Uat of compowm includea Htoft>er. Qou
Dthera tending Irrigated fields of
L Offenbach, Verdi, SaiuMBaeDs. B1
foreigBers. They
queer In their
One group of men are in village
. Btraoas and Leoocavallo.
4W*mil nrt*
council, trying so offender according
■__^-4Ye teave thto aftentoon fur MUsn. < to tbeir tribal laws; others are stowly
Ohoft auy there, then **d to Switzer
ring In a circular dance to the thump WEATHER AT WORLD’S FAIR.
tomtoms and tbe cUng of braes
igs; others, sgslu. ore smeltliiff Iron M Nights and Delightful Indian
, l-Vlda>. Aug 12.
the ok] of a prlroltlve but most In•ummar to Bs Expactnd at St. Louis.
during the
gralouB bHlows. U»e constituent paits
Uaually tbe warmcBt moolh of tbe
of w Uleb sre 0 bamboo tube and an air year, July proved to be ooe of the moat
was ve#rl|^k3^tor os. The
Ugbt mop of feathers working therein pleasant of the Wortd's Pair seoson.
crogrged. tot an interestingt <crowd Wc like tbe piston of a syringe. And these tbe average temperature being 07 deIt
may the oaati; ill
greco. a record lower than tbnt made
BrewiWks on the river NWksr riety of life pictures.
by either Boston. New York. I'blladel
phia. ClnclnuaU or Chicaga The
rriw|^or rather d..wn. the Uhin*
vl»l rampllcuxl o
weather bureau recorda show that toe
r Kr^fTllhtfut We have bail there
are oo fewer i
all teen races
wonderful lurk Iti weather all repreaeoted among the village dwellera. temperatures in 8L Louia daring July
Igh our trip We rame from tbe acoota and tbe coostabuUry. each
me .paikluie IU QWI. .lUlert .nd fol- 1
tocnlM nt Er«it r.rt.nce,
In a hotel right In the same -quare luvins II. OHU cuatonu. .11 vn; b. | Ansiwt In 8L LouU I. . wontli of
fslth^the calbodral It was a plrture fousUIr cUMiaed Ipio foor eronp.- : .„ol nlsbu. .nd arplembcr .nd OctolOBlghl as we arrived at sunset Wi Ib, tru, nborlKln.U or Don M.Uy. Itar ! b« nr, Ib, 100.1 dellcblful month, of
It U tb.t i*r1od known n>
Mt out in a beautiful gmve up near P.S.O U.Uf. tb. Cbrl.lton U.I.X* I tb.
.^tb.<4.o M.laj^
| ,oaun •omm«^. when tb. fnlUc .nd
tto tostle yesU-rday and llatened to a
Tb,Bl«.r.tU.d«.rf N.«rlto,w1th , wrt,
cb.ll«s, tb. lomlnc
plav s program of d.rk Itln. .nd woollr b«d.. w«r«.
.Nowh«. on tb. Anuricn conThe German women of Mtntjr rnloiouL proActeot la tb, on, tlooit li tbm
*Wgrs knitting and sewing, and all the of tb. boor nod poUoopl «rmr
of nomada and forvto dwellera. pagans |
bloomtog Bowers aod apniytog toonlistened attentively—very dl
pure aod almple. They live to Ibelr ' txina.
Thrent frt»m an American < n»wd
I am going into Holland for two days
belt to tb«n .re tb, Icnrmtn. .„r«.l bot tUy, dnilnc July, bnt bw
With a amali party as I have plenty of wboM orlsln u traced to tb, drat . hl,t«t tmpmtnra ra»td«l »u M
W.V, of U.biy loTclon. Urn, ns*ln. ; ovnm .(.Inn M d,<r», r,sl.t,rad
w, b.c, K.nty clotbinc. .nKmoOn* : uj tto ttoribooMcr nt Cblcfo. On
via BsMwtty .r Beal
•Itnto to oodlly. bnt capp« colorto !
mid, dtp tto mwcory ran, to #8
Ib addnaaliig the rlaas of radeti
phyaigcca, evmi
Which m-ontly waa gmdualetl from
toougb tbe stafur. be amalL Amowg j Jtow Turk and Boaion,
tto aUUUvy a.wdetny at West
. OtoMBl Jamea U famnlisn of Itull tbase pagan Malays anr tbe bead hunt- | The rtoadve humidity
be about Dormal
BBBPtolt.« mrmhrr of the board of vl.^ tn aod toe dog eatrra. They are aavItotW tftod to Impreaa upon the gnulu ages, yet have tbeir code of laws and a • .haolutely no motatum to tbe
kDOwladgt of aereral prlmlUvc toduw phare to beanw and almolute we
gtoB that they wen- oot heroes
I be lOQ, tbe reUtlre bumidlttes
dlttes for July,
no aUlbe worUls history, * be aald.
Tbe CbrIatlaB MaUya. prodocto by
tbe lecorda of more tban
*ttor« tovB been ooly two or three
twenty ysBra, Boston abowt 706. New
htoooa. Imt there have been a great
Tork T2.2. PblladelphU 68.0 Oocto■may good aoWlera. Now that you are
Ban Blfl, Chicago 66B and St Louta
of beat to two
BBiBrtiig the army, you cwn take to
haart the afHrlt of this little im klent of
tto taattago campaign, w hen war cor- earring nod otimr bandicrafta. mosltoaos to 00 mean merlL tbe ooe group ^'.tttopK.t.t.n.t,r««Kt7.
Itopindiiitt were making hsiDoa as
of BatiTaa wlw eBae.early and tbor>
tost aa they could wrrtie.

-tBfd.BB.mtoa rm BO bera-^juBt

M&8. J. ^ OSAUAM. ill taBklta towu. over at
to fBpfMBtBtly to tto TiSto Bad wkblbew




AU aubocribera doalrtag any chaage
or oanwedaB In tbtor dlroetory ptaaae
BoUiy tbo Bfltae to tbo CUtaeBa TolepboBB Oo. OB or baloro 8«pL 1.




Nliio CBoh prtoio. aggregattng 130000.
Sfu offofwd tor tbe aocoeoaful baoda.
Tlio prtaB Bfo divided ao as to give to

m waa the aftmoon of the mttMk
Bad g fWBBg womaa came upoo a sol- Very dlffmt are tbe Moroa. who
tosTWhawaa retaniiBg to camp todly swept toto tbe taUBda from tbe Malay
pBBlBBBla taat to atL bilngtog witb
ywB WB» to the henmar aha


after a small weekly! payment? In
tola way yon wUI never feel the drain
OB your hounebokl eeooomics and at
toe anme t^ you can enjoy toe use
of one to tteoe handy kitchen ui*les
now IB stock at Prank Raub's. who
also does repelriag ap^ revarnishing
at his atorr. East Proat street.


A GOOD ktATTREBS in not a
luxury, it Is economy. jTor a good mat
treos will out las sU ^eap ones and
give you rest and comfort. The Pal
metto la tbe best. Made of two layers
of palm fibre and three layers of felted
cotton. The fiber gives tbe elasticliy
are not brought almut by and the cotton gives the softness.
elCUng on the floor, and the Japanew Only I8.&0.
J. \V. Slater.
bum to be abort by the tuken
Your Hi
to the extraordliwry brevity of 'thelf
They are tbe arms of a peoi.le
to ronalo little, aod how they
cope with tbe Uvn, tthe furnace and the Makes brainy men and beautiful
women. To know Juki what to eat *k
one thing and to know Just where to
oat Is another. Go to the Little Tav­
end to a Bitter Fight
ern and youll always know where to
Two physicians had a long and eat and they will tell you what to eat.
Itubbom fight with an abcess on my New msnagemeni, nioodgiXKi. k'mrrow
right lung.” writes J. F. Hughes of
aad gave me up. E\en - A Davidson. Bast Front street.
my lime bad come As
I tried 1>T. King s New
Discovery for Consumption. The benking and11 was Have a complete line of meats, both
fresh and salt, and also a fine line of
r days. Now
canned mejits. both pivased and dried. I —
luers all Coughs. Colds and
When your lunch basked Is being
and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by
iohnaon’s Drug Store and P. H. Meads. filled up don' stop to coo kmeats bnt
Irugglsts. Price SOc and $1.00. Trial use our small glass canned goods Just
bolUes 10c.
for that purpose.



aeoo ahoold giro their tan

Cure all chronic dlaa
or sale by all flrst-c
Prices. Hot flprings tobleta, |1.
Hot springs Quick Relief (llnlmanl)

Hot Springs healing aatva. 25 eento.
Hot Springs corn curs. 10 cento.
For sals by S. E. Walt A Sona.
Johnson Drug Company and Amer^
Jean Drug Company.
Distributing Agents,


|BgggS|: Jltimi'Ss

When Philip Verrlll GIghelt wia
gathering iimtrrlnl f..r IiIk novel. I Reallrc that a dnig Store has k gro-Bruvver Jlm'^ Rsl»y.- he r.nn «rri>ss;oery sim-k While we an- not gn»rers
an old miner who ui.tuneciously posed we do carry a coroplrtc Klock t»f Ki»lces.
.-tiT •.* If Only Jim The|euiry pow.h-r. lumirir. flaw,ring ex
old mail sat alone h. hl„ ,«. " liej-j
the hand Of wuiuaii liatl iu-\er In-cn '
known, .n.1 dirt rflRtird inni..pb..,t
Jelly claKKes Uughee s City drug i
The coiivcrsatiou turned ,u|kmi



Th,- Pc-rt> MaruutdU- wil! m-U cxctir.......
within fifty miles <»n Mnmlay. S«-pt. f,.
roimI ui return on Tm-olay,

Ysas.’* drawled the old man. “I g«C
one o' them tlure i^m.W h<M»ks By not trxtking over our largo Ktewk of
A»k agciii» for particulars.
ast. hut I uciCM- could do uutlilD'
chlldron'H KlIpiMT* and oxfords bi-fore
purchasing. Have a full assortment of
I Oxford, patent (Ip; latent (
“Why. everx- one o' tliem »«Uin,e<l re. j Hi„rher
Mirupped soiKlnls, In two or three i
That the Hot Sprin
other prciiy
I ERSE CITY. They can .
Of.lor«. thnf. «h.t «« .ell. The)
---------------------- V,
; ..1. by .11 fir.t cl... druaplrt..
• re cle.n, Invlllns l<«.klns, with ear
■n.rk. of procperlly .nd nine out of j



That is an old saving, hut soft as
wmd is another and our baby carriage
robes art* both. Wc have a new stock
of white lamb’s wool lined either in
satin or felt al prices ranging from
12.50 to 110.00. Make the Ilule one
comfortable and warm and he will be
good. P. Votruba, Front street.

Citif Opera House
Saturday T

2 1 9 American DrugCo.

Tlie Youbc Cluracicr


in ihe powerful drama


A LincolD J. Crier prodoc.
lion kcenicaly; A Frohnun pro­
duction in AU Else.

25c, 35c, SOcand T5c


hig Comedy CompaDy

Scenic Rural Comedy




Everything new t>ut theTitlet

AB Up-^tP-Dflte Rirml Come4y
A wnmc sad B«WMt Oowsdy Co.

Jn« r> to lb.

Johnaoa Drug Co.'a store and look over
toe targe aad varied aaaortment of
soaps. True Violet. 26c per box,
scented equal to »c Ake; Howard's
hygieBle healing fleab aoap. 15c c^e
two for 2Sc. and many others. W> we
McCoers pure Ice cream for our soda
foontBln and have all flavors.




Right, is to be right In It then you are
Interesting and Interested.
what the special sale on ladles' and

I ckBBot name the rare Joy*. «be In
finite dellgbu that Intoxicate ise fttoee
taktog HoUtater'a Bocky Mouatoto
Ton. » eeBta. Tea or TableU.L JohnBOB Drug Go.


scat Sale Opens To.
morrow Aomint.


Are the latest. We hare the pure 24caret gold plate to exquisite design:;
from 2x3 Inches to diameter to 11x14
and In prices ranging from |1 to 110.
Smith A Price. South Union street

To 4.


Col^raie’s is what wc push.
As there is no better
toilet M)a(.. made, the rea­
son we recommend them.

September J

ol'od sellers.
That Is wbst the Plebrirb. Fox. Hll
ker RhocK are. Manufaciur»^ only for
men. but while the kind Ib limited, the
Kiyle Is not. Wc have all styles and
grades. Call and lns|K-ct our slock
and you will be sure to be suited in
fit and style. Ed Lautner, Itolon St

LincolD J. Canto prosciiti
America*! greatcft

Supported By The
Sterling Actor,


variety heatc-rs. ranges and iu,l blauls.
ERSE CITY. They can <
Miller & Morse. Bast FVont street
tale by all first class dru,


■aiBT ibe FBBBiest Sired
Ptrtde ever sc«l
Carrylactbs fiamt

Orclustra oa the Road

I Telephone 112 |



226 EBt FWI StnH

>epwl l.iKht: Proposl'kion F'or Auafuwk
We vmPipeFovRoomsXBdFamishHxtves.
shFiztves. Oi]y$l<M)0
OilyglikOO ^

^ II

The Ofifcr ■« be BMde befare Abgtot 8KL tbe mtA
mfc tobedotowfaee«nted..»ilbh.Md^?^
to he doM wfac* wMed. Yillih M




9tnCM «f OMkmm «


IWMI karrwiJMM.


mn a

Hoi cte otfOMO tko otter Morml
woo —rprtoog to flo4 too tow
imto. orolifctos ooc fSHteo o
ooeto CMtoto M tte toote or tte viro.

Ite *MMi Bmt. Will PMH kl»> teo rootoood W oeeoto oo 09P(

dar atiaet: i
at^; WM.

drtliw or Mir tmrm of olat to oiMo.
Lmt toUr to. Ctoir MiooBlioto
no to ooerto obetoUM to aoUlo
OM to<too*e to toMtoWtoo -ooMto


or ooMoot cooit/octloo Iteo oor otter
toora la oulo.
Mr. aad Mro. Ardeo Pottor. ated It
ted M. to Roadtas. oaletoated Mib

; to break op i
rMddeoto to tte eato oBd to Battle
Cnnkj who eUte that for amral
toaa pool they Iuito ooea amall ai
or IHtte toads MOflag fn>« the swawp
oa tte BoUle Creek and Invariably
hooded for blgher groitad. It la te
BOVOd that aome toad laaUact baa told
fteM H Is Une to seek qtiarlera
topd that wlU not be seUioo^lo rl
Mrs. B. 0. nylor. widow of tke latr
Hr. BartoaToyte. tibo was for years
the llbrartoh
latoalBeat mepiber to the W. V. M. H.
aad has oaow^io the coadoslon tbai
tolaalpaanr work oagbi to toto
htooo. Aooordtegly sbe baa set o
tdach Lae Oboaac aad Lee Ou Heof.
Albliai’s two Gblaaweo. to read Eas
Bab aad espacu to persuade them in
attead Baaday ecbool._ **CblUtlaos ao
waataw aie.** satd Lee wbea she In
bln to join tbe tundny scbool. -Yes.
they do want you," mpUto bla would
be beatoector. _prnt oagbt to cloec
ymir laundry on’ Bundny and yo to
toiurrb • *‘1 llkee to velly
-«canno do 1m—aomon coinee for
waabee." mused thr cnieallsl. Rmslna
at Mrs. Taykir wiili manifest curloalt)
•«na you readr loqnlred she.
^ Ulbee-nu rradee-Mlsaee Tsy
kJs/^repIled Lor. Uuyhlni. "WHI. I
toll leaob you and Lee lio." said Mrs,
nyler; aad abe baa Ujen as yood as
bar word aad baa been ralllny reyn
larly to alve*rr puplla lewona In Bny
Itah. She believes that a little
toll shown to these forelynera in our
midst to worth s whole lot to aympatby for the • Heathen rhlnne * In far^Charles flimmooa. a fanner living
three miles southwest to lllrtnlnyhsm,
probably the oldest mate In the
le that la still able to lie up and
dolny Rhe la
can still show her heels to many to
tte homos that travel the mads ifday
Mr. Blaunons bought the mare fmm
Daaraa Klag. s Detndt liveryman, sn
years ayo. She ralsinl one mil that
made a record to J: IK. som»Hhlny wonderful at that time. She woo every*
thing Id algbt at Pontiac. IMymoulh
aad ocher places, and was known
throagboul tbe sUie aa Belle 8 Mr.
Mmmoas sold her to C. H. Collier of
Mr. Dootsey writes s letter to the
Traverse City Record oa the aub)eoi
to hoaesty and therein says that "to
be hMMBt from poUcy only la dlahonsst
In Itself."—an awful take*down for
somebody, but who in Traverse City
toil? Mr. Doolney writes that •he U
making aome pragrcss towards the
meeilny be hopes to hold In Trav
City In the aai^ future, and has
readyy called o|tmaay saloon own«
who were picasod with his visits. He
to tod to iH lleve after an experience of
Bwrr than fo y«srs that the liquor

aattar be dtoarred. aatll
aetolag to tbe

rtoanad to tte c
and walka wtU
portto back to tte oouaelL

aad herewith Bles her claim against
odioa haa a atmag man la the tbe aald city for tbe nald amount
Mrs. Alma Smith. Claimant.
parsoa to David Rifeaberg. to Rato
to Michigan. County to Grand
via tewasblp. w1m> baa the ooalract foi State
onluadlBg coal at the Broaaoa oi
Oa this IStb day to Augast. A. D..
factory So fast dosa be work And sc 1984. before me. n Notary Public la
great are kls IlfUag popers that hb tad for said county, appoared the
tbove named sutwcrlber. who made
jatb that she has read the fofegolng
steam shovel." With bto crew of live 'lalm by her enbecrlbed. mod that tte
roc mme Is just and tbe facU therein set
assistants be recenUy broke tbe
ord by unloadittg three cars to clay ip are true, and further says not.
Mrs. Alma Smith.
aad sight ears of soft coal In one day
SubscHbed and sworn to before me
nercly ttond shovels and human this IStb day of August. A. D., 19U4.
Pratt. Notary Public,
n expires Sept. 18,
\ referred to tbe comroltu-e on
Of ths City Coiincll to ths City of
ns and accounts aad the city at
ey and that they reisirt lo the
Travsm City. Michigan.

r«*moval to {Mdes and
wln*s on Washington Htre«*l. U*
twfi^ R. R Ave and Franklin 8t
I«02—Oenilemen;-We. the under
slgncnl. pmperiy owners <m Washing
ton strent, liei
Railmad avenue. • petition your
honorable body to order the Bell Tele
phone Co. to nemove their wires and
poles on the north side of Washington
street, between the above
Reapi^lfully •HUhroItted.
Chas. K Halt Mary A. Kellogg. A. L.
Joyce. i-Yed T.. Osborn. Chas. L. Oon
srr. I). K. Wynkm.p. N
E. Muiray.
M€>ved by Alderman Murray that the
iwiltlon be refemnl to the commltle*'
on sireeU and walks.
Traverse City, Mich.. Aug. 8th. 1904.
To the Honorable, the Mayor and City
Council of the City to Traverse City
lfi0.1~G,*nt lemon;—We. the under­
signed tasiiayers residing on
too and W’ebsler streets respiK-tfuny
petition your honorable Unly to c
a lateral sewer to be laid In the alley
betwtym Washington and Webster
streets as follows: Commencing at
(Ssrneld avenue, thence west to Bar
street, thence north on Barlow
-t to Washington street, thence
west along Washington street to R. R
avenue, there lo connect with trunk

son. Kd Praum .
C. Wtwton. W. E.
Moon. n. W. Stephenson. J. R. Hamlin
J B, Hall. L. K, Ofncland. Wm. Aker
man. C. J. Smith. Oren Bcbooleraft.
Robert Wilson, Wm. K. Rlcbards. U
A. McCixd. M. D. Morgan. Will Mlt_
ell. Gw Cams. A. T. Peck. Oeo. Lack­
ey. D. Cochim. B. Bummen. J. O.
Paarce. J. W. Slater. A. K. Dyke.
vod by Alderman Gibbs that the
on be referred
wers. and that
l»e presented to carry forward
work, the same to be ready for

Grand Traverse

Traverse City. Mich.. Aug. 15. 1904
To I be Honorable, the Mayor and CItj
Council of the Clly of Traverse City.
make all chocks payable
Kittle Miinro<> that will be duo me
each esilmato according to con
tract for completing abutment of
bridge and dock line.
John Miinroe.
Mov(hI by Aldonnan Glllcu that the
ptMliion te reoolvc<l and placed on flic
Traverse City. Mleh.. Aug. 13. 19o4.
UMK;—Oentlenion:—If the Issue of the
0.00 Water Bonds at 4 H per
-ent. and the |9.oo<».ou Bridge B(.nds
tt 4 per remt. art' tiOlh offer«*d to the
Traverse City Bute Dank we will buy
the same at par.

Yours respecifullv.
J T. Hannah. Cashier.
Moved by Alderman Bingham that
the peUtlon be received and placed on
and that the samo-curor up for ac1 and dlnposltlon at the next meet
Ing of the council,
Traverse City. Mich.. Aug. 13. 1904.
To the Honorable, the Ma>or and CIt.v
Council of the City to Traverse City.
1«0T—Gentlemen: — Attached hereto
a list to defective walks, and we
>uld reoommend that the same te
ordefod bum to cement.
Respectfully submitted.
C. M Boers. Clerk,
gidewalka to be Built.
On East Prom strtwi. south side—
Lots 1 to 8. block 19. original plst.
On west sldeV Franklin street—
Ix>i 8. blf»ck 19. original plat.
Moved bv Alderman GllU^tt that the
be referred to the committee on
streets snd walks.
July 14. llMi4
r- CharbNi M. Beers. City C
Traverse City. Mich.
160K—Dt-ar Sir:—I hate your letter of
July 13 asking that additional prolecMoo be provided at tbe Caas street
crossing to the Pere Marquette railroad
In y.mrclty. The mailer will be taken
up in the regular course of business
and will have prompt attention. An
IntpecMon to the premises will be
made hv this department and you will
be advised of the time fixed for such
InspecHon la order that the city may

Evans. J. J. Burden. Geo. Smith. D.
W. Stephenaoc. H. B. Carr. J. W.
Goble, W. C. Devendorf. John W,
Brown. Wm. a Oooa. W. J. Hanslov.
sky. Oeo. Parrish. J. Omlor a c
nlng. L N Closer. J. M. McCorGeorge R Metcalf. R F. Barr. O. Nelson, H. Y. Miller. John

Klirhen. II. W.^^^lyd^!" Ori^ .ScS
rraft. L. O. Bryant. 8. L. klirniw. Jno.
Saullon, M. C. Oviati. JtM^eidi Bond
reau. Fteter Kilpatrick.
Moved by Alderman Winnie that fh.
petition be referred to (he r<iimiilm-f
and water.
Reports of SUndirsq Committees.
d bv
gn MIlUr that the
To the Honorable, tbe Mayor and City
report be accept4HI
>and adopted and
MlchlglnTra'*-rse Clly. the cl V clerk lie authorlxed to draw
lu favor of the several parlies
1612—GentlemenWe. your commitmmended by !the city clerk and
tee to whom was referred the matter
to peat house lc»catlon. would resiK*ct"’*>*'*'
fuliv recommend that a contract be 1
‘Iraw an order
(he elty
l^lered into with Mrs. KraUx-hvlll. j
>5.424 33. tq U* disbursed by
The city to nottstruct a three room adtr«-asun r td the several partdlllon to her house, for which »«he will !
rb-rk's repfirl as
rive the city a flve-vear leaw.
| holding orders <m jhe fiindj^ (lu-ndn
Second. That she will nurHc and
Ablermen | Bingham. IkK-k*
disesso. for one patlefit ilg.&Tr'po^!C.llleli; (Klat». Millar.
itleni |7.r»o
Winnie. wilM.n - '
week and each additional patient
Traverse City. M^rh . Aug. IfO 19<»4.
per w<H-k. iHTHtin exposed <ir suspec’ ,
ed of elp«»sure to contagious disease .To the Honorable. iHe Mayor and Clly
! C4Minrll of thi> CbV of Traverse City.
83.50 ,ht week.
Respectfully submitted.
your commit­
tee on public lighting resj>er(fully roC R IXICKERAY
|s»ri: We rernmmi^nd that the clly
riH-t light
C«>mmfttre !
» ‘^’niraqi strr
Traverse City. Mich.. Aug. 15. I9U4 ' i"* 'Htuirdirian River Eli*rirlc
Wo will
.'III build yon
»oii an
.n addition
^ l-lKh' «
r<> fbr , t^rrm of thro..
year.‘<. with privllegu of five yrors on
troposed pest house, 12x36. i
on good cedar posts and sheathed
on I same terms and rondlthms as ihe
n» not rocom
outside. papiTcd
with building pap<-r present
building of a
and covered with lap siding. 3 outride mend the purchase
htlng plant by the elty f<ir the rea
and lathed light
) that other necesaary extM*ndltures
and plasti
cased up (
‘ chim
nev and
J. H Wilson A Co
Moved by Ahlernian D.ickeray that
I the reiMin l>4- nceepItHl ami ad<.pted.
Yeas —Aldermen Bingham. n.»rk and rtintrari enn*r<'<Mnto acr
Cray, Gibbs. Glllett, Oviatt. Millar 1 Carried.
Murray. Winnie. WllHon.-(9).
t Yeas the city appropriate $275 for th
structlon of an addition lo Ihe
of Mrs. Kratochvll in order to


?*ci;- AWur»on B,n.hW'

a pest house, an
and that such
te let as soon as

Itol—eSf:—Pleaae take notice that
undersigned claimnnt oa tbe 18tb
. to July. A. D.. 1904. la tte city of
Tbe evaayellst teds
that "Baiooas ealst by the will of tbe
t. At a polat on the public aMewalk ^Jtewro OUy. Mich.. Aug. 18. 1904 84.00 for sertloro,
people atroaghr eapresoed and en* on the south aide to Weal Twelftb
— Under laatrnc
Rcepectfully mibmlued.
dursed by the patronage they receive."
to ytMT cadUiAiitov eonmlttec.
have prepared a prapoaed ordinance
—Detroit Tribaae.
ameadldK tte ordinance ion license
A new qrdlaaace runntag agalast
S. Suffered a serloas fan at said wlik reference t
traaaleat dealers baa beea drafted for
oa tbe aald aMewalk la the Itolby Aldermaa Gllletl tliai the
the ooBUBlttee be adopted.
Lansing Undor It ntrset rMtoors wUi

be rseulrcd to pay far tbs trst day
aad II for each rnrhaagaet day aad It
to provided that their eiagaaare aball
ato he aneb es to hloek tbe atraau
with gfwwds to the detHmeat to oUwr
traMc. While Utomeatam^balag


dollara, nxonpt lo lo­

ro tte ttkfbitJon U
given toy one peraon alone, aad one
parnoD only taking part la tte name,
in-wfeten caan tkran doBara per day U

Orlati. Millar,—

M•17*“^Mu‘rt•aa. the Hon. Perry Han« Pl‘»in-«-r and chief arrhUeci In
d‘*vHoproent to Northern Mlrhland founder and benefador of
city, has lately bade
nds and surroundings
always (<iok an
iH lng for
years jireslthe village, and later the firnt
mayor <if Ihe clly. and in limes |iast
his knowledge and forethought have
iHH-n woven In the surceaa of
the iM-neflt
And Whereas, as these duties of
government now devolve
pn^scnl council and clly offltHTs. there-


Tnvm enr l»





paid a llcenae fee to fifteeo
for each and every day. aad for any
hlbltlon or cniertalataent oooduci
by one person aad to which one person
only ahall Uke part In any public
street, upon any street corner, or up­
on premlaes facing otj adjacent to any
public apace or comn|oos. there ahatl
be paid a fee to three dollars for each
and ererjr day."
Sec, 2. This ordlaaiiee shall take
effect within twentyfdays after Its
MoUoa lost,





the atjr to Trarerae Cllj.

teatod. By raaaoa to whtob lajary tkto
ciataaaBt haa suffered grant tedUy
imia ^ will no natar for a MagU to la aiy

Ooa SriT* ^



Moved bv Aldorn.,n Hln«h.n, .hai
authorlxed to make a ctmiract with J
pany for the con

csgg ■svws.— “W

lo <»rder by E.
mayor, in the chair.
Priwent—Aldermen Bingham. MockTay. Glllett, Gibbs. l.ardie. Oviatt.
Hurray. Winnie. Wilson, and the rosy
Mayor Fulghum slated that the p irme to this meeting was lo take suit
able arlhiti relative to tteI! deal!
Hon. Perry Hannah, f
The ftdlowing
entiHl and read.

Rewdved. that In his going the naon and the slate baa lost a foremost
tlzcn. the city suffered Ihe loss of a
us advisor, and ev
has partefl with one whoso
fluonce wen- ever for lietlcr and nobler
Resolved, that we. the n-present
ative of the pe«.ple. uke pU*asur« in
making this official statement of his
high ptibllr service and fidelity, and
h.nhy commend his earnest, active
and l4*miMTaie life lo ihf* p<*ople of the
city, and «*si»ecially to the younger
members of this communliy. pledging
ourndves to strive to profit by Ills safe
husln<-«B methods and his rectitude of
Resolved, that the «lrs-|>« ht sympalby
of this iKidy. and of ih.- p<M»ple «»f ihi.-city h.‘ exiendc-tl to the l>ereavtHl fam­
ily and relatlv45s.
Rc*»olved. that these n*Kolutlons te
spread at large upon tbe city rectirds
and that suliahle engrossed <Mph-s
ihensif he prefHired and furnished lo
family of i|
M«ived by Alderman Glhhs that the
loth flsy tcsolutlons !.<• adopted.
' eouncil of the
1 by the
Movifl by Alderman Wilson that
‘ City;
Iderman Dockoray and Murray te- ap
i section 1. That sen'llIon five of
rM>lni<Ml as a committee to
] ordinance entitled. “An
suitable floral piece.
Movi-d by Alderman Glhhs (hat the
performance, passed I
ounril attend the funeral of the Hon
IVrry Hannah in a body.
Moved by Alderman Bingham (hat
Is the roqquest <»f Ihe council that i
•8«h:. 5, Fhr every out-door r«=»' piAco. of
wB Ire
bet ««-n
or lUBinimenial concert, or vori
the houra of one and four p. m.
Instrumental rf»neert Icomhlni'd.
cine ahow. advertlalnk ent
Mxatlled "free
abow.‘* in
In any public
tree anew.;
Btreei. upon any street corner or upon
premlaea facing on or adjacent to any

. p„. b^; I



Colton. Reuben Barhart.
Esims. Ralph K. Jamies<m. Frank B.
. Atman Adsley, T. O. Nlch- H. O. 3i
T. Scofield. B. C. Green. T
0n. Mr. J. Schram, Chsa. M

l«18-<3enUerocn: - Your
inis and
report that they hare inreatHm._____
o^of Darld Tabor injured oa Wea.
fVoBl rtiw sidewalk and reoommend


sUoa to the
and crossmniter to atreto cr
walks <to the Pere ____________
OB Bay street. Froat street and ot
streeu within the UmlU to tbe dty
qulring tbe Improvement to tbe i
8 49.50 walks and croaa-walkt. and that
city clerk alao Inform the clmmlssL
.83.000,00 cr to railroads of the former reqaeata
that has-e been made of the Pere Mar­
83.000.00 quette railway to attend to this mat-

I SO.OO the city
cnee leading lo the conv
conviction of
any person w bo has Umpered with the
fire alsrm system or boxes to the cliy.
Yeas—Aldermen Bingham. Dockray. Gllletl. Gibbs. Millar. Murray
Oviatt. Wilson.—191.
Movcil by Alderman GiUett that tht
• lOM. council adjourn.
wood ....................................... 119.00
City Clerk pro tom


Prom tbe Vtoerptoat to tte Pea." at
tbe tost

Called In order by B. J. Fulghum
mayor. In the chair.
Proseni-Aldermen Blnghnm. Dock
ermy. Oviatt. Millar. Murray. Wlanto
Olbbs, iOllleU. Wllsoe. and the

Cmneter Fund.

Ull-dSSuiHnaa: - We. tbe naderalgaed. raaMaaU aad taxpayers to the
Flfik ward aak your honorable body to
ecubllsh a hose company In said Flflb
ward, as vre are now nOarty equal la
popoUtkm to any other ward, and tte
now proposed extaasloii of the water K. O. T

woglBC Of war
toU at once etect a coonty orgaalta
tkw. |A
that at the iret weetlBc T. B. Roy
aoldo, a lamao. will addreas the aa

tbe next

Moved by Alderasaa GlUtoM^tte

Pay roll, W. Froat

To tte Hgoormblo. tte Mayor aad aiy
to tte CRy to Traverae City. Pay roll.

W food pradoeu toll bo tbe pHodpoI
oork to Uilo force.

not Jorioo will 044 tow moktoc oo-

Moofly all aawU boya to Ooacord

auer to eroetla atroat aigna
with the place for doing ao




Ittfi-Wa. tte aadtoalgaed. rosMeala
Mvtk to Randolpk atraat on Oadgr
atraaL 4o wink Ibr a oemeal aidawalk
aa tte aMt aide to Oadar atraat.
A. a. WanMT. late JaMup. Fbaak

cocrocL aad roonanead that the —
he allowtol oat to tte aererq] fteda aa


- 4^*


koUdar*" to onoblo thorn to
ho rodMU. On the toochor
trattef ho woM told that If be
VHd **a dmat wsrt <of fellow** be
WPMti b«lp tbt cblldren \rop mice
AfUr wmUtv wme dart be bed tbe
dbOdraa'b porouto flaed for not tend
lAf tbrai tato aebool wllb tbe leauli
«bM be wat btauelf proaptlr dU
Sir Bagtaald PalgraYe. late clerk of
tbe boMe of oommoBa. wbo bas just
died, was pateraallr of Jewish desoeat.
His father. «lr fraads Pal«rave. tbe
Matartaa. was tbe oalr soa of a Loo
doa aladi broker, called Merer Ooben.
bat was adMltted.Ms tbe CbrlstlaB
la tbe saaie rear
la 1IS3I aad
I Cbbea to Palcbaat«4 bis himo i
•rare br roral license. Sir Reglaald
was tbe brotber of Praacto Turner
Palsrare. tbe well-koowa compiler jf
tbe **Ooldea freasurr of Bones and
Lrrtca.** and of William OlSord Pal
•rare. wbo. barint been captain of the
Weetaslaater ecbool. scholar of Trln
ttr eoHese. Oaford. aad a lieutenant In
^tbe ladlaa anar. became a Roman
^titboUc. lolaed the Jesuits, worked as
a aUasloaarr In Brrla, returned to
VPfoteetaaUsm. and died BnflUb min
Isier resMeat at Urufuay.
•Pickett bas a new one. During tbe
blab Ude aeawm be has a sign read
tag **Rooms with or without” When
roe take tbe -wltbout” you get a front
room. When you take a ”wltb” you
•at a back room, tshlng rod and bait
Joba aars It beats going fishing on the
There really seems 4o be a chance
that Jerrr Simpson, formerly the sock
less statesman from Kansas, may be
aeat from New Mesloo



tbrloe slscted as a populist from the
•real sersntb dlatrlci In western Kan
laa. bat that consUiuency swung back
into tbe republican party end then
Jerry wont to New Mexico. Now be Is
seeking democratic nomination as del
egate. and should be succeed he will
be OB tbe high road to election.
fife Wldener. the 3 year-old daugb
ter of Mr. and Mr. Joseph Wldener
of Pblladelphls. celebrated her third
birthday In Newport by giving a gar­
den party and luncheon. Her grand­
father. P. A. B. Wldener. tbe million
atre tracUon magnau of Philadelphia,
presented the little child with a check
fbr IM.OOO, but she was more Inter
est^ In a big birthday cake, on which
biased three tiny candles, and glfu
tM Masters Cornelius and Alfred
Vanderbnt, Oeorge Wldener and other
WlUlam H. Lee of Shobonler. Ill. Is
tbe rHf pensioner of the Black Hswk
war. aad so Car as known the only sur
eleor of that struggle between white
settlers and the Sac and Pox Indians
He was bom elghiy-alne years ago In
Cayaga twinty. New York, but was
hranght west by his parents three
yenre Inter. He was only U when the
Black*Hawk tmnhle broke out In im.
bid be irent to tbe front aad fOosbt
wolL He went oTerlaad to CallfomU
durlag tbe gold eadtement of 19U.
Lnter be moAt two more trips to the

Otber attempt to turn
-King Lear" Into their language. This,
tbe third attempt, will be undertaken
by Pierre LoU. a w
translations of the
the days of Voltaire hare aeYer proeed
g either
I or too literal render­
ings of tbe original.
W. Lawson, the Boaton cop­
per king, to among tbe most devoted
of bnsbands. bto pet name fbr Mrs.
Lawsen being -Gypsy.** Recently be
bad a watch chain made of thirty
three gold beads, each hand carved to
gypsy girl s head. This to
attached to a watch having within
four pictures of bto erlfe. eecb
gypsy costume. The watch and ch
total expense of 140.000.
le famous by
to still alive at the age of €iShe has a regular turn In a midget
theater at Coney Island and Is driven
home each evening In the IdenUeal
coach presented to Tom Thumb In
ltS4 by King Bdward. then Prince of
She Is very
of the Actors* Church alliance
and of the Woman s Aid society
Is slso
bixty-elght Austiiaa and Hungarian
merehanU. bankers
embers of tbe Nleder
r Oerverbe Xereln
llhe Lower Austrian Industrial assom). have be eosent over by their
Qlsatlon to make a study of tbe
Industrial and mercanUle methods
this country. They will remain here
reeks, visiting every Important In­
dustrial center from New York to Ban
Pranrlsco. and they will spend about
two week, at the St. Louis fmlr.

Will tbe parepU of chlldrea wbo arrf
deaf, or even partially deaf so that
they have dlMcalty la foUowing tbo
la tbe public eebooto. ktodly aeud
uddrsaa to Rev. C, T. Stoot, M

1 heed of bair aad
well kept hi
Spatulate finger
nails caa be
shape with mue care and thin balr

To A. L. Muxxy. W. D. Cbancy. D. K.
Seer. E. C Hltcbeock. Praak Dolpb.
Prank Lahym. Cbaa. Creaay. Bert
leaoa. BenL Tbirlby. Peter Hor
b. Mrs. A. E. PorresL Ida. B. BabL N. H. DeZoete, A: CbamploB.
onroe. B. M. Dally. Geo
ba HelfHch. Ed Roeser. H.
Whltiag. Gea Demllng. Alfred’ Cam
peau. P. M. Paine. Lester HobbelU W.
A. Watkins. J. Qreenmaa. E E. Colby.
R. E Colby. A. H. Bishop. Setb Plough.
Mrs. H. E Gibbs. C. N. Aldrich. W. U
Brown. Gea H. Hill. N. W. Hill. Mrs
N. Holcomb. 8h^. Howard. Perry Nor
ris. Ray A. Dunn. Geo. Clyde. D. W
Stewart. E A. Newton. Harry Barr.
Bert Kelly. R. H. Ryan. Olive Pierce.
E. Scofield. T. H. Crandall. F. O. Pratt.
G. J. Haywood. Marion Black. J. RatStrong. Chas. McMlehael. Mary Har­
vey. C. D. LaPolnte. C. W. DeZoete. C
E. Hensel. F. H. Scofield. C. Vsder

Does It seem as if yon bad a bole In
yonr pocket tbrongb which your In­
come to oonatantly leaking? Ifao, the
wise thing to do to to deposit in Peopls’s Savlags bank, where your funds
will be safe and steadily Increasing by
compound Interest and whence It can
be drawn any day you need It.
Absolutely the cheapest, safest and
ost saUsfUctory way of sending

Columbia Trans. Co.. Susan Grav­
el. W. H. Fife, W. Helm. W. H Corey.
J. H. Monroe. L. Mltcbell, P
P. A. Gold
hof. G. A. Johnson. Perry Ha
and all persons interested In
li the lay
Istera sewers In the alley be
g of lateral
rwn N^nth■ and Tenth streets from
» Bt>hemla street. In the
alley bets a Tenth and Eleventh
streets from Wadsworth to Bohemia
street. In the alley between Eleventh
and Twelfth streeu from Wadsworth
street as heretofore adopt
!?, ^
Mich., take notice
-?7v3 q.K F O.
That the roll for the special assess
ment for the laying of a sewer In the
Ninth and Tenth streete
alley bets
sworth to Bohemia streets;
from Wadsw
n Tenth and Elev­
In the alley
enth streeu. from Wadsworth to Bo
______/ads worth
to Bohemia street.'is now In my office
for public Inspection.
Notice Is also hereby given that the
council and board of assessors of the
city of Traverse City will meet at the
council room in said city at 8 o'clock p.
cr I2th. 1904.
which time
and place opportunity will be given all
be heard.
Lh day of Augu
Dated this 25th
City Clerk
| 2273 14t
j To J.
Nickerson. John W<x>d. T.
Warren Finn. John Barts.
Chss. HoUrard. John Lawrence. Wro

.... „

theT«»on for whom .her
intended, and In cAae of loss or dis­
pute the matter is adjusted without
He Upe or delay. The First National
bank sells drafts payable anywhere In
this or other countries, at lltUe more
than half the cost of express or money
That to the name of the handsome,
six-hole range on sale by the 8. F.
Saxton Hardware company. In addltlon to all other modern appliances it
Is provided with a double flue hot
blast which save one-third tbe fuel of
other ranges.

SkillcMl hand Ironcrs to bamlle ladies'
garments, ao that' they are properly
Sfsd. of our rest
shaped and 'ironed to suit all. Our
rbroulsOompM;. Dtske BoUdlnrC
Ironing department Is second to none
in the sute and satisfaction will ■urcly
(•mnlnv n*
be the outcome If
Wright Bros.’ Star laundry.•
! Dunn. C. W DeZoete. Henon S<
Adventist Chur
W O Dunha
The bugaboo of every housekeeper j
B. Hawley. Thos B<
is the dally tending of lamps. W*hy ,
rx>wn. R. A. Lowrle.
-When I first came to the Tnlted not do away with this nuisance and
, Illard Can-. G. R Newman.
States, five years ago. 1 toured your
Helm. Luna
cllles; this time 1 have been out west
Goo. Newberry.
your house
a beautiful set of ga^ ParU
explorlnf the Yellowsione iiark ami
James Slack. Nell
fixtures as
O- U.C. never I
other attraeilonii.** aald Mr. Henry
iton. f>cd Smith. Miles Hill.
Fox, Frank
Black of Engtood. *tlooio of tbU to
I. Easterday.
duplleated by our Alidne acenery. but
I Nelton G<.re.
.trick. Wm
In tbe Grand Canyon of the Colorado
Of the entire summer stock of haU, I Blackman. John Latharus. A. E Cur
you have national glories that are
both trimmed and untrimmed. ThU Jlc.^-aifioM Ciyne. M^l. D^k^without parallel In tbe wrortd. It to
room for tbe new goods In j
Samuel Stover. Chas. Moulton. C.
tbe moat unlqoe, tbe most fascinating artll
sight man has erer beheld, and I wHMild felU that will reach the shelves this j e. Kent. J. M. Hsggard. Mrs.
Uke to come ox^r every year to view It.
Miss I DItler. Ely Clyde. C. P Taylor. Palmer
-The only complaint I bax-e to the
1 B.. G F Rowe. A Secore. Al Nash.
cold weather that 1 found out there:
Craw A Hardy. H. W. Smith. C. L. Da
You can't expect to do away with ] rls.
orercoau and anowsboea were atrIcUy
Webb. A. C. Rowley. P.
In demand, and at night big fires were face blemishes In a week's time. Keep Mri.
m to keei> os from freeslng. Tbe con­ on Uking HoUtoter s Rocky Mountain Paris. D. E Carter. RobL Walter. F L.
trast between It and the rllaoate of Tea. You*ll hare a lovely complexion. Smith. Lydia Jameson. Josephine
F. E Saxton. Oco. E Jewett.
Waahington reminds me vlrldly that SS emta. Tea or Tablets,
H. E Burnt. W. E Moon. Nellie John
this to a country of magnlflceot disson. D. L. Thomas. N. W. Harrie. C. H.
Johnson. Fred Dean. O L. Coulter
Mary E Slyter. Gea Helm. M. C. Mil­
ler. Harvey Cblnwortb. John Danford.
TNto baa been tbe banner year In A. a Elder. J. W. MiDer. O. P OarShould have ono of our dainty picD. L. i
turaa. frmBMK! la a mud glided y«Tbos.
MeCtuaky. J. McAllister. E
pondofoorgflp- crabaed every awntb. Why? Becauae Cram. Al
Ayers. O. P. Hughs. A E
breblvsya have the beat goods. When
PIbe. Wm. Ralne. Arthur Hadley. E
or candy at lacb- W. Butler. W B. BenaetL A. HuelleoR^ >oa shraya koom tt Is tbe beeL
. W. B. Knagge.
. Frank Voge.
We asakt ov own loe ereau and Oavtdaon. Mary J
ey. E E HowW. Jackaoo, IOC Fltut SL M. E Looks. O. a
ooNTiso OH wowmsa
'J. w.,
E E Cole. Andrew
tX>MB JLKD.iJETEN to tbd i
i Wm. VeaStee. A.
r Umoohh lee cream psrion
E Cwtia. Pred Stocking. Calvin Glb
Hit Drsk«>

F.Heamm.r.r.074eiL EG.Fairiis.E
bert. A. F Hoerard, aad in

Newberry. Sarah J. Calkins. Jai.
Stack. Neil UvIngstoBw Pred Smith.
MUee Hill. W. Hyde rinn, Luclada
Fax. Praak Waldto. A. C. Elder. Chas.
Basterday. Nelson Gore. V. A. Patrick.
Loolaa Ayers, a D. Poaynes. R. WlodosfL Samuel Stover. Chas. Moulton.
E a KenL J. M. Haggard. Mrs. Mary
DUler. Ely Clyde. V. A. Patrick. C. P.
Taylor. Boyd Palmer. 0 F. Rowe.
A1 Nash. Craw A Hardy. H. W.
C. U Davis. F. J. Sutherland.
Lj*ons. Mrs. Rose Webb. A. C.
Rowley. P. Paris. D. B, Carter. Robl.
Walter. Ljdla Jameson. Josephine
Bates. P. E Saxton. Oed. E Jewett. II
E Burns. W. E Moon. Nellie Johnson.
D. L. Thomas. N. W. Harrie. C. H
Johnson. Fred Doan. p. L. Coulter.
Mary E Slyter. M. C. Sillier. Harvey
Chinworth. John Danford. J W. Miller.
O. P. Garrison, D. L. Nk-kersoo. Jay
Young. Thos. McCluskey, J. McAllis­
ter. Ernest Crain. Alfred Ayers. O. P.
Hughs. A R. Pike. Wm: Ralne. Arthur
Hadley. E W. Butler. W
Huellmantel. John Oaldager. W. B.
Davidson. Mary Mlckler.
Prank Voge. M. B. Locks. Q. D. Ken­
ney. 8. B. Howard, H. |W. Smith. Ray
Monroe. Perry Hannah est.. N. T. Nel­
son. Mrs. Ubble Kelley. B. 8. Cole.
And. Pitch. D. Routsong. Wm. VanStee. Fred L. Stocking. Calvin L. Gibson. Al Heullmantel. Wm. L. Hend­
ricks. J. W. Noble. A. L. Hannaford.
Z. T. Swan. Henry Canfield. Warren
Kalesburv. Bert Mullen. Jane A
Hattie McGinnis. F. Neason. F. F
il. R G. Paulin. Enoch L. J.»hn
Mar> E. KelderhW. John Probert. A. F. Howard, and all persons Inled In the laying at s sewer In the
alley between Ninth and Tenth streets
from Wadsworth to Division: In the
alley between Tenth and Eleventh
Wadsworth to Division;
In the alley between Eleventh and
Twelfth street*, from Wadsworth to
Division street, as heretofore adopted
by the council of Traverse City, Michi­
gan. Uke notice:
That the roll for the special aasess
ent heretofore made by tbe board of
tsessors for the purpose of defraying
that part of the cost which the coun­
cil decided should be borne by special
the laying of a sewer
In the alley between Ninth and Tenth
Streets from Wadsworth to Division;
alley between Tenth and Elev­
enth street* from Wadsworth to DIvl
slon; In the alley between Eleventh
and Twelfth streeu from Wadsworth
to Division streeu. Is now on file at
my office for public inspection.
Notice is also hereby given that tbe
lundl and board of aaaessors of the
city of Traverse City will meet Sep1904. In said city at the
council rooms at 8 o’clock p. m. to re­
view said assessment roll, at which
time and place opportunity will b«*
given alt persons Interested to be
Dated this 25th day of August. 1<KJ4.
2273 14t
City Clerk.

Notice to Taxpayers.
The tax rolls for the collection of
school and city uses and special assessmenu for the lire wards of the
city of Traverse City, Mich., have been
placed in my hands for collection^
I will be In my <mce for the pur­
pose of collecUng Said taxes every
week day from now until Nov. 1. 1904.
from 8 o<;jock until 11:30 o'clock In
the forenoon, and from 1 o'clock unUl
4 o'clock In the afternoon of each day.
All taxes paid befbre Sept. 1st will
be received without oollecUoo fees,
and on all Uxes remaining unpaid on
Sept 1st and unUl OcL 1st. a penalty
of one per cent for collection will be
charged. On all taxes remaining un­
paid on Oct- 1st aa^ until Nov. 1st a
penalty of two per loent for ooltoeUon
will be charged.
Office. Room 20t guta bank bidg.
M. E HaakelL City Treasurer.
Dated July ». 1944. /
Are you happy? pf so go to Barnum

Tiissssissr *>*-*
ras 1000 wins


Soon, mud
vlUd. Snlnctynur





from our hondoomo ooooH-



)«• «tth.j

srrrr" ” "■




RASTALL, tho Jowolor.
P. E~Wo fumtoh hoiMtoomo card
with ovory pm.








Prompt Delivery.








“-“■fitnir - *•*


That the Hot tgrlAga medicints
: I have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAY.
I ER8E CITY. cure yeu. Far ;
I sale hy all llrat Maaa Arunista.

A Bari's aad look ojrer tbalr larga cob
leetlon of uam^UaM diamooda. In­
vest In one for yoiA wife aad- have It THE VIOUN, has organlasd a DANCE
eet to pleaae her tfsU, vhleb to sura ORCHESTRA and la ready for danos
angatementa and alto for a few pufdto

mwo yoa tram fifie
uT. Friedrich.



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