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The Evening Record, July 26, 1904
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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«I«HTN VtAft-M
$204100 HK
•iftbwm MAvi
, W««*«>a Piw-
fapOrrt Vfy luckOtnly.
Spsiein] to Ike Brcaias Reooed.
lillae. Mkk.. Julr
tow fATW AMD APCaAL TNAINt Osorse Dorraaee. ased 31. wtfe eff
prosperous termer iwsMIag mlisr this
Flf« to CIM Breams BeeocC
city, was fonad dead m her bed thto
JaUr M.-n« at 7
morning by her tether. JacoB 8i
o*cM tAI* Borsmi
Mrs. Dorrance retired last evroing te
her usual good heaUb and it to thought
by the exammmg physician that 1
falinre was the canne of death,
tlieliianeVKItYtOO^V 4
leares a ImabaBd and tether to n
k«er VM the Am oC Laomrd A Orajr.
her loss. Mr. Donraaee was away on
•e lomber pUat w «BtMy deare now beins rapMly
esa at the Ume of her death.
•trored. me lott It •«.•••; latarwl Bade for the btggmt day m the htotory
for 14.000.
of Traretae City. Maocabee day. The
eoauBlttea has been recelrTNAIIi tOAM OF MBOilOM FIIOII
WONT iwtmiY.
ms aaormncaa aad mquhrlea dally uaUl Arthur Gould Paid Valus of Timbsr
and Court Costs.
BOW the crowd that will be enterulued
F^ealdtatial NenUaeo Oarit Ser« m the city to eatlmated as at least
me case of the Oval W ood Dtoh
RMMr to U»tnto.
company vs. Arthur Gould was sclUed
Bt Wirt to lfc«
The prosraB lacludes not only fra m Justice Verly s court thto after
by the defendant paying the plamtlfl
-fiifion] Bpriasi. PA, J«lT **- temal work, but ball same
Hour a. Itorto, dewKrtite cmiid
certs and other amuaemeuta. All of the value of the timber and also set
for Tim prmilmt. dmto* tk« i
of the fraternal part of tling the coHTt cost*. Gould
tk«t In wcmM ■bortir ««d Hr*. N«- the prosram wlU be met by tbe hires charged with cutting Umber belong
Uutotol B«rKM cf tbcperdlovB. W. aad tenu comprislns the aaaodalloc ing to the Oval Wood Dish company
but there wiU be about $800 other ex- and selling It to the company.
Br mf to lAo Breams Boeord.
that Bust be met for the hall
ckkmm itOf lf.-Wbaa tke packMsnseau of Buttons Bay to In
and baud cooceru and other
fas haom rmiaUet blev tlNi wm
meats. For this purpose, the
tlMjr caamd mat Uma MOO to r
eateutlre oommlttee will circulate n
There are aoe oa atrtko 27.fl0 atea.
wHil buy
subscription paper among
ahoat S0.000 of erhon are botchert
ladies' up-to-daU. i»eckwear;
chkhts of the cHy.
aad Ue balaace tyaipaUUxms ttn
$t.M will buy ladies' brilliaiv
me crowd* will come from a* far
potltioa of the trada OaU
at the grett Lucky
north a. PMo.kr>. froto Mnniiitm nnd
renalB at erork aad
Strike Sale which beglna to
tl of their local, wired nFTY JAPANCtE COME INTO NorUwort on the Wnnd VI.
morrow morning. July.J
ut on tbr M«th. Man) »|K>cl.Ur»to.
«. 1180 Front
The Globe.
will be ran by the variuo. rtllwsy.
I todajr. They will so i
and Terjr lo* rates will be made. The
business men leel that a eelebrailon
Strike h^ete are bAas takea mto
Black, brown, blue striped cverslls
ot thU kind will be of moj
the /ardt erery fhh hoart. train
t Bendi’a
them than a Fburth of July eelebtailon
made ot aasroet from the
the stores will aU be open and
-Union made- o^lls 49c. Benda.
aisbt Theresalar
poMd of boyin* people, n Is eslll^ted that about one-half of those
of BMat wat aaapoii^ today
Japaneee Advai^ that win come to the Hly on Uat day
ranted from one to two eeam Accord- Them la Qvtet
win be composed of people who will
-las to the iwckera tbU BonUas
be Maeesbeca but who will Uke
caiUe aad 1.000 hoiB were klUed
Two RvaamnOMiarala and S60
adrantace of the low ntea lo order
Of^re and Man Klllad.
sne lo Ibe dly lo make their putlasea. Many of tbe towns from
Maaiia War.
By«Wlre to the Brenlni? Record.
hleh eicurtlons will be r
Chlernao. Jaty S€.--Tlic iBckcrt at
London. Jaly SG-Thc Nt>w Chwang dom had week-day esr.irslons to this
ll:M thto taoralas totued a tuiemcnt
nnd many i><s<plo »in nlve this
to the effeet that aU aesoUatloat with
y. Fact
a trial. U they are^nble to do bet
the atHklac batebera are eloMd and dispatch rla Tien Tam thto Bomlnn
wUI not bo reopeoed. Fbltowms the aopounems that Jlfly Oapaneae have ter here than in tbeir usual traillni;
entered the town which wma yealenlay placet they.wlll return npiln nud the
uated by the Ruaaiana.
Thi celebtadon^wlll uudoubt.-dl> widely
dONod tbetr peacefal Bodea and bare
French flat to flylnt from all Ruaalan advertise the town.
Bands will be hiTc from Mt. I’lrssbulldlnta in New Chwant. The JaiP
ancae adranee snard to expected to snu over one hundred mile* away. Pcreach town thto momlng. The town temkey. Kalkaska. Manion. Kingsley
and you get the best the market
and other places. With tbe l.anU* will
la qnlct.
affords, with a guarantee of sat
»c crowd*. The rxec
isfaction or your mooey back.
will ask the city ebun
Two Ruaalan Oanerala Killed.
Call and see the late styles at
London. July 2€.-mc Mukden cor
the factory branch store.
respondent of the Central Newa wire*
that It to rumored there two Ilaaalan come” to stretch across the streets.
scucrato and 350 offleora and men Thepe banners will be
wore killed In the Ruaston revcrac at that they can be ustvl In events of slm
Attsaol Belmont Will Be Traaaurar.
iWFmtSt H.E.Strw«.Ktr.
liar nature which will occur in the
Tatcheklao July S4.
Blfte mr Oftanlxatlon of the
It will be rememliered that Marca: Dem. National OBnmItme.
bee day live years ago Is still n-ferred
to the 'Traverse City s big day.**
By Wire to the Brenlns Record
There hasn't been a larger crowd here
New York. July 2t,-Tho democratic
national ooBBlttee Bet at the Hoff AFTER BOARDS MAO BEEN TORN since but It Is thought that the cekw
bratlon thto year will attract a crowd
man bonne la tbto dty today for the
much greater. The Maccabee lodge
porpoM of nelectlits a' chairman and
grown wonderfully since then
perfoctlns lU ompanlaatlon for the
ooBias caBpalsa. me beat oplakm EaH Reed's Heme In Beuth Grant Oe^ there being about irS.OQO member* in
aloue having
the slstr. Traversee City
thto Bomlns waa that TboBaa Tas
atroyed by Lightning—Mrs. Hi
1.500 members.
sart of Indiana would be Bade chair
vey Also Badly Shocked.
Ban with W. B. Sheehan as chairman
of the exectttire roBBltteo. It wm
peclal to the Bvrnlng Record.
atoo aald that Ansuat Belmont would
South Grant. iMlrh.. July
be Bade treaaurer and Urey Wodaon ouse of Bari Reed wa* struck b>
of Kentucky aecretary.
Ilghtnmg Friday afternoon and burned KURD* ATTACKED AND BURNED
M smH
Saw the MiildlB
Man’s Profit
Indian Baskets
to a. hilt hii^w. 0« vodtefihMfDodihWMils
BewMdMritedkt jAm thtt w. wiriBiiVlwrtt te v
■taajroteaeMhccBnMrttawa. &II aadtookevarWo
and Sexte that haa evtr becB HiflkftA fa Ttewe. 1;!
Gfy Book Store
and strictly
HAND - MADE, » are
just as soft and pliable
WMATHER-Partly dowdy tonight and
as is possible to l(^e a
They are just as easy
as no shoe at all.
They come in
lace and con^
strap Slippers
No we do not charge 76c-B».U-i price ia A»o-(Naee wM
to Dealers)
The kind we toU «re guinnto
$3.50 and $4.oe|
! give roa the best Aoe awiicjr
mmm. FrankFriedricli&Go
The Old ReltkUe Shoe Hooe
New Stud 242 Front Street
Cor. Lako Avo. aiM tOth
Abetracts of Titl.
eatobllUMlIn IBOS
Room aiO Btato Bank BMC.
to the ground. Mr. and Mr*. Reed had
gooe after berries and did not know
of ihelr loas onUl their return mie in
the evening.
Mrs. Reed * nncle was in the bouse
te BeHla .aa Ancount of Acute
St the time. He was sitting In the
kitchen when he felt tbe boards torn
up beneath his feet. Although very
Wire lo the Bvenlng Record.
BmUa. July 31-Counl Von Buelow badly bhocked. ihe did not lose
Oermaa iBPtrt* chancellor, ha. scionsness but crawled from the burn
ing bouse oo'hto bands and ku«
broken off kto yaoaUoa aad rett
Lightamg also struck a torge
to Berim on account of Ike acute m
near the Harrey home, shocking Mr*
ternatlocial nltuatkm.
Harvey very badly. ‘She is belter at
by baU and kir. Kldder s com was fair
ly rWdled. Mrs- Harcn picked up al
I a quart of hailstones in ber yard.
Miek., July 38.-K.
Towaseod. a term kaad aBployct
M. D. Ooroy. thro* bUm aortkwunt of
tkto dty, was badly injured by a bull
last erealar
While Towawad was BllUng la the
pamaro loi the bull chan«! upon
Ttob behlad aad fur sereral bIu
Ul«mnr imad Wm as a toot balk mwn
•end's aptee wte badly tejurad aad be
was more f»r laaa bralNM abom the
body. AaoUier ters kaad beard bis
ertea aad aaae to bis attiaUace witb
a plUbfortu Tba ban
abort tlBO AM> aad tbto probaMy
aared tba M*i UM.
ermi and the Town Plundsn
District Almost All Armenian
By .Wire to the Evening Record,
July 36—me newspaper
Tageblalt reports that the town of
to ...
In f
asmii In
IB TnrkUh Armenia ..
me Kurds attacked the town and
the ArBamcred laf^r^hcr. of th
osealM lahabltauu. piuudered Ihelr
aad then set them on Are. me
cuitt u»i ».000 of the s«.og*
•ItaaU of the dliulct are Armeiil-
Th. Baaday tchool aad l«d»«- Aid
McMtr of the nr»t iMhodtU ehareh
Raaoftera al Kexto Mekcaa and Ahge- win boU their aaaaal piealc at the
hew dock, foot ot EUhth rtreet.
Kexto Mokcoa aad Ab hay. tooKwrow. ooleaa tt ralaa.
eatertalaed wftb a hara aad Meada are cordlalljr ImileJ
ntarsbBallosr roast by Mr. aad Mrs. BoMta Irtrt the chareh aad ooraer^
math aad Uata auaeu at > a- ol at>d
Thomas Pearm and temily
aad Mrs- AbU Ncrllnger. Tbare were fraa the charcb oBly at !• a. n. Pare
aboot flfty present aad a large boa M ceau roaad tri,. Bvtvyhody hriat
•re waa buUt upon tbe shores of tbe luneb aad be prepared for a good
Oraoe chorda guUd wfll Beet with
bay where tbe
r^aastod. AU who attended bad a fine Mm. P. U Whltaey Wedaeoday
UBk aad the large trff map tbe turw aooa at 1:10. A bus will can for the
ladlw at tbe borne of Mm. StouL
raaadUw tertwiT vbit frtttllr.
is a money saving event that many thrifty men ^
have profited by. to provide themselves with
stylish, summer clothing for their vacation trip
and business wear. You can do the same if
you come here before the e.xtraordinary
values are all gone.
NETS moo SUITS THIS Mniu . . . S6.90
HEPS SI2.S0 aO SIS sum THIS MOkTH . . S9.S0
Bgys* Suits- -Odd Pants, Shirts, etc, at Special Priced
Negligee Shirts
^^Kee* mxwimiTmo
and fancy underwear.
e.WiibiimT.r iiisg Keceni want
f - *TrOTA«EllfVIlH>TOBB.
toOowad oat toa tlaa tonaad a paar
BCD to aaacaatrate bte attestloa wboOp
I toa Steadard OU and to kwwe
him traa to raCIra witola a abort tteaa
to toa aajoyateot of toe laiiatlinMl
Mial eaiata ba has acfaUad at a
t er teOte to« ttowa innoa dollara
tm la MU*. '• f««M>S «t «*PIM
■ UuMik Um «oM aad Uw Java.
awloatauvIHrada Jam h*r«b«
^ ; jtwM tk* taU** OB tk* Eaaslaiu hr
^ n to tfcTpt^ wwch WM »rMiti>d
the Uttitad 8UIM. tote eoratjy.
•toovarar* ankteg te etear toto it dow
: :iK.t toara to toa protaal bal ala^dj
; - Wa di a laadlmD tor tu traMOilialoa
agraaa to forward aajr raifty toat
telligt toat Bwiatoa iWatf tor ar
i ttetea of war oa aieraa diff<
4MU. laaHidtiig aarani Rantea bat
Ulloat hetedac toa White tag at Vaatawow aad aaaateg toa JapanaM to
eaaae ftrlog. aboae of toa Rad drou
ias. ilabMas. abooiteg aad natltellog
toa woaadbd as embodied la Oeoeral
If Baaria Is laany guilty of any of
toaao cbviua or of all of toam. each
. ampUhtic poDteat abould ba made by
^ toa aatloaa of toa wortd toat would
i cause toair ending at oaea. Mutttet
tag toa daa Is barbarous, abuslug toe
Bad Crate flag te a riotatkm of one of
toa teoat aacrad of prafoasloan-aoc.
coring toe woaaded aad earing for the
to bat
s tin. Astoroauslngacessatkiaorilr.
teg by botetlag a white flag, that
aetloo speaks for itself.
Maocabee day wiU bring a crowd of
i; about 1B.M0 people to toe city at
t teaat toat te wbal toe execuUre oom
Is flgartag on. Tbe betels and
ana that can possibly do so. sbonid
prepare to eatertata as many of toe
▼teltora as poaslblo. Tbe dsy will be
a big eraal la toe history of the city
aad many of toe delegations In writing
; to toe oBoers of toe assoclstlon. ask
tbal arrangements bo made so that
they ean be fed as Are yean ago. some
bad to go hungry.
Tbe toim game
matto belag glren to toe Arst itiiard
team oa tbe arerage of toe two games.
Wedneoday erenlag a rery Inteieating eoatest wttl take place. ThU
rill be between two teaau of young
araaotofaaoittowerrrbia. AH toe tedtaa.. Tbe teams are Misses Baitow
i ha owes la cr the aorl that cm Keller. BateUe J^braus. Daigy Palmer
rested to brteg to tU yearlp dteV BTsas Mtesea Btoel Bailey. Helen
4aad|Htooaiaatewnioehtepan. Hte teat, Stelte Palmer.
•Btitra ooanectloe with toe eoaspaotea Anotoer b^ wlU be girea Friday
la which ha baa Urested would aot be mrealag. Tbb last one was so sooceasrequired la order to assure toe safety fnl toat a was decided to giro anotoer
aC bis larestBMaU. for la eato ofibaa toteweek.
will be found a majority of stockboid'
era toat ba coUacte each quarter, aad
Is not naeaaaary for blm to co Into And It’s worth your mlmt after. A
tba directory room to see toat they
rstx.quart white porccliae lined,
soatlnua to work.
lel stewing kettle wltb one pound
Meaawhtia Mr. Rockefeller Is cow of too New York Tea Oo. s baking
Jaalag to add to toe M.000 am powder, and a beUer powder you aerer
nrnad by btea arouad rocaaUco HUH
M cenu with our perMwal guar,
a Waatebaater couaty.
autoe, Tbe beat teas and eoCees on
Oa toe site of Boxwood, the borne
i are found here. New York Tea
whito was destroyed by Arc two years Co.. 235 rrontSt. R. G. Paulin.
ago. Mr. Rockefeller iateuds shortly
rect a maaskm. which will on.
CXPCMBE8 f8.151A».
doubtedly cost a million before It Is
•t State Has s SurpiM af tZeWI
Mr. Rockefeller now owns more
for the Year.
than B.WO acres of toe best aad mqst
I.an«lng. MIcb.. Jnly 2€ —Tbe state
historic land In Sleepy Hollow. His treasurer's report for the fiscal year
property takes in many scenes laid in
ig June 30. shows lota! rori I|>th of
blagton Inrlng*. tales of Sleepy |«.417.6WJ«. aad the dteburKATnent*.
Hollow and the Headless Horseman. IS.151.639.10. giving a surplus of |2€€.and te worth more than 13.000.000.
Only recently toe mulUmllllo^
The receipCs from tbe land offlee
purchased throe farms at Pocantko
mounting to $312,561. form one of the
inlng hte osUte. comprising 60
cousplcuous Items. The auditor gen
I. and It has been reported fiteral has made a good showing In tho
Quently tost be Is endeavoring to purcollection of Inberltaneo taxes umlcr
toase all of toe village of Pocantico
a law that at first jwas thought to Im*
Hills so that he can transform the
Inoperative, tho sum turned in In lng
whole place Into a magnlflcent private
1181.769. Under the new taxation luu
. At toe present time he has laid
for railroads, express componh's. etc..
out about twcntydlve miles of ma
11.875,612 was rerx ived. and other s|*ete drives which are tbe finest In
clflc taxes amo«ntc<1 to $677.^43. Tl.e
country aad transformed ponds
receipts from county treasurers for
into a chain of lakes by miniature
taxes were $6,166,272.
Dong the large Items of disburse
ment te that of b-gislatlve approprls
HablU learned in youth, as a rule lions, amounting to $3,261,578. For
$453,695. and I2«9.828 appears
follow us throngb life.- To be thrifty
litobevrtee. We can help you teach opposite the Item of expenses. The
Ifbur children this most Important hal>. advertisement of sak>s of land f«>r
ft A dollar will sUrt them on toe taxes cost $33,454.
The primary school Interest fund
road to Independence. Well give them
ose mue banks to take home paid to school districts aroounted to
as a constant reminder of a debt they $2,289,042. the Agrinillural college Inowe ihemselveu. The Savings Dept of lerrst fund. $65,131.87. and the Unlvcratly of Michigan interest fund. $47
toe First Natlooal Bank.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the disoased portion of the ear.
Dm Man May Lesa BI9M; Joker Ar There Is only one way to cure deafrested.
and that it by coastltutlonsl
Ann Arbor. Mich... July .26.-Justlcc
to>ty has Issued a wwrrmnt in an un of the
usual case, alibough.it Is strange that tube te
there arc not more legal preceden
sound or Imperfect hearing.
Wiliam Pleske and Burt Bailey arc 11 te entirely closed. Deafness te the
masons working on the same Job. result, and unless the Inflammation
can l>e taken o^ and this tube re
Pleske complains that Bailey mixed stored to Its normal condition, hearing
gunpowder wltb hte tobacco and when will be destroyed fdrever; nine cases
he lit hte pipe there was a loud
ploalon and that hte right eye 1s so which It nothing but
diUon of the mucous
affected that he te liable to lose the
We will give One
Tto fleteocratlc platform demands sight. Tbe warrant reads for assanll for any opse of Deafness (caused by
Intent to do great liodlly harm.
catarrh) that
that tbe army be reduced to “a point
bo cured by
Hairs Catarrh Cure, Bond for circu
btetertaalty demoostrated to be safe
term, free.
aad aaBcteaL* Tbe army has already
Dr. C. D. MiUcr has recently pur
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O.
boea reduced from 166.W0 to 40.000 chased toe loteresU of toe National
Sold by drngglsta. 75c.
Wo flo aol need a large army but we Deutlsta. located In the State 1
Take Hall's Family PUte for constlmood a flood oac. We have a flood one bunding, suite 207. There ytra will
•Bfl H te Boae loo large.
find one of the neatest and most thor
Black* brown, blue atHpsfl overalls oughly equipped modern dental oflkes
In toe state, where nothing but toe OMsal Conductor on Grand Trunk Is
name Creek. Mlcb. July 26.-FW
thirty-four yeors Henry Muir, who re
cently died In this dly. has been In the
rrvice yTthf Grand Trunk railroad as
condt^or andrii has been estimated
that in that time he traveled almost
2.000.000 miles. Muir was the oldest
coodnetor on tbe road. For years he
has had the limited run between this
city and Chicago aad hte acquaintance
among the trarellag pablic was amol
lonsive. He bad met many famous
people. Mnir was an boaest, faithful
man and It was hte boast that never In
an toe long years of hte service with
A Baa aarartMi of bigb-flraflt footwaar boto flraaiy aafl ooataDriaUa.
toe road wao be responsible for a
mWK% jpateflt eolL box calf. ^ kid aafl aaamM Ibm abMs aad oawrack or for losing toe company a
cent of money. Ho leaves two chil
WOMCfTB Bat abaas aafl aslorfls la pataat aad Bat ufol kM taatoor.
dren. Tbe funeral was held Sundsy
I deck band
OB board toe Slocum was responsible
for tbe terrible lost of life. Not the
captain who was supremo in comBBaad. nor any of too officers with
' tbitr rospoBSibimite but a com
flock baafl. a man wboao position te
lowest on a ship. It seems like a par’ wdox. yet tho testimony goes to show
toat If a deck hand had not lost hte
baud and tefl a door open creating a
Atari but bad promptly thrown a burnlag barrel overboard, over nine bunflrad psopit would aot have perished.
thiTcrsc aty’s New Shoe Store
' Bmtr ANDBOYrahoqB,aaietlotof floofliBoaa.tktaBaolliktafl.
tHILOREfTB AND INFANTV aboas aafl mwwmtaa ta btaok aafl am
Qaalita fka bast OaUaadbai
We bare toe most exclusive styles
ta richly trimmed dress millinery tor
war ta toe dly. ateo every
creation ta atraet and outtag hnu and we nra eoaatanUy raeetv.
I frarn toe tasblon mam
keta and take flrant ptoasore ta show,
tafl yoa toa ptatty totasa. Miss Heat*
141 Front 8l
Wepwtoaraktotemonynf H pieces a U aafl B6 inch
SoiUagi warranted afl wool aad worth Bom $1.00 to $L60
A. J. WMELMgj!^
Pitiful Fate Of OW Man in New Rocberis. K. Y.
New Rochelle. N. T. July r6.-Tbe
death of Julius Sulwln, 60 years old.
promlnml resident of New Rocbtlle,
U ascrflK-J by his wife and relatives
to ronstaut worry over noises at a
park and picnic grounds opposite hi.
Bttlwin. who was a retired mannfaclurer. lived on the Boston post road,
between New RocheUe and Larclc
moot, and Just acrous the street from
DUlou park. He appealed to the autboriticfi of both towns to stop the
base ball games and pimlrs at the
park, saying that fhe dsnres made so
much noise that he coiikl not sleep.
The local autlioritit-M divided that they |
had no right to lul»-rfere.
Ijii»t night when th«-n' was a cak*v
walk run hy .Vh» of the colonel iw>ople of Weslcberter c«»unt>. Siilwin
siiiwin was
irritated that he si
all night. !
and this momiug at € oVlm-k he
dropped diwd. The dorlors dt^rhli**!
that he died of a n>rehral hemorrhage
l.rotighl on by \jnvxua excitt ment.
If you traveled the whole northern
part of Miehigan you could not find a
more complete stork of carriag.’s. lop
and op<*n huggi«'s, runalKMits and sur
reys than we can sti*»w yon. ^e^ideJ<
our prices are tmirh rlieaper Ilian that
of the averagi- J.-aler in any p.iyf of
the wuijtry far ih«i same quality.
r4*me and sec. Barney Anderson.
Outag to the fact that some
parties have an option on shore
lots at East bay. which doe> dot
expire for ten days, we have de
cided not to advance the prh e
umn that time. If vou want to
make from $25.CNt to $5'Mh. buy
Wednesday ^
The TriamphanUr Suetaafiil
Travorno City
2lly to 8U
8t Louts
, $lfl.50. 15 flty limit
fliy UmU
$21.00. far IBe scbsmi
This wm inclttde mmdi and
berth between Traverse City and
^T^^ win be on ale capmciicin( Thuiwlajr, Jime 9,
SteaiDcn leave Traverse City
every SumUy, lO yi. m,, amt
Thunda)-*, Caro.
E. H. POPE, Aft.
B. F. CHDRCH, 6. P. A
A. F. Neriinger. C. W. Ashton,
Leo Hornsby.
Texas Steer
A play to be proud of—with a
Great Cast, including WUl H.
Briy. -The Original Minister
Has a nieaning. To all those
who are looking for a rclulilc
chemist to get that which Ihcir
doctor has prcscribctl
===s I msz. :
to Dahomey,*’ Miy Stockton as
-IhRsay”, John L. Weber as
••Maverick Brandcr.”
-AND 20 OTHERS WITHfTflirvnoasm '
Texas Steer Quartette
Record Want Afla. bring Big
Has just opened to Ibc pub!i:, and M^bnnd new meat mar
ket where «]uality and prices
an. right. Give us a call . .
255 E. Front SL
Qtz* PBobc
25c, 50c; 75c, $1.00
Record Want Ads. bring Big
ftetums for tho menoy InvwtoA
Benton Harbor Lad Paid Forfeit With
His Life.
Ih nton Hsrtew. Mich.. July 26.-l-tet
ing two large wat*'rme|imh wiibin five
hotir.s is the feat that ivisi iIh> lih- of
Will Kellsr. a 7y4ar-<dd Ih»>. in ihit*
city. The lad dicnl in great agi»ny.
Furniture News
Nothinq 1% M Interrwtlnq to the man or the lady of tbe house as bits of information mneemina furniture.
We arr thr largrst furniture dealers in this part of the state. Wr therefore are showing the largest assort
ment in every line.
Bed Room Suites '
Our buyer. Mr. Blur, has fust returned from the great furniture espos.T.ons and purr.haswf the largest
Stock in our history. Some goods are to be shipped at once and to make room we want to close out some
lines of bed room suites and odd drrA^r*. Wr «rr making some remarkable prices on them to do so.
These may hr just what you have long wanted.
After a hard day's work there la nnthinq «« enmfortahir tn
yourself nn as a Qond couch. Every couc.h
we sell we can guarantee. That's the way with all our furniture and people are depending on us more and
more. We are buyiifg cauches at all times. The demands are so great We have couches In velour, tapes
try, car plush, silk velour and genuine leather and the prices arc as attractive as the goods themselves. Wg
want to tell you our prices. Tomorrow would be a good time.
A Turkish Rocker
San Silk
■ The Real Article.
We have joit received a nice
j^troallcoba. Oro
1s Just solid comfort. Tit true they cost more than ordinary rockers, but—what's the use of being comfortable unless you are Just as comfortable at possible. These that w e have are the finest we have ever
carried. Warranted In every respect and made In the highest style'of upholsterer’s art.
Odd Furniture
A piece here, a piece thsro floss afld so much to the sppeanmes of a ix
We have such an ^
of odd shap^ chairs, rockers, Roman chairs, hall chairs, parlor pieces,
Ing chairs, made in golden oak
finish, mahogany, blrd’e eye maple, flemteh «
for a wedding present or an anniversary
gift The prices are Just m dhrersifisd as tbe styles.
g pteaqes everybody and tbte te •cverybod|y*a
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Plano, and the Famous Farrand Organs
Ladies-if yim have been
^ TO HANIliyi fc UY i ,
I"'/- :
Chicago. July 2C..^e.phaae of the
packerB-^gtoat awmopoly that to of pb• toierost is the «mtfoI of the
raiffa. Thu ff»t tonne which was
I hKwwn the pMlnra and the
He oomtootloo for goreroor. ood 1
«ea wtMa thw trust was ffrst
feel ireiy: gnteCol to tbe repsbjMor MlcMgao Coe tbeerSdmoeor
tern or pobik lotoroot to tbk <
ot Ikinilt 4oao 30. sod
lha only oar vidob baa rtoOr wag to
tha Aght afcalggt the'imekan. They
avs prcserwcA their todepegdmna
ThiBJm^aun rsaUy do Mi cm ao
mch aboot the pitMto aT the atoMtyards as they do abaat the mmtial aC
the aapply af live stock,
tnd to easeatUl to their
The imekers waat to make of the
the same agaaaiea that
they have to the refrigerator oar
la all the aew eeaters of the pack
ing Indastry the packers see to it that
they control the stockyanto. When
there is some doubt they lacat
ftockyanto at a distance /rom
packing Industries and refuse to let
oompeUtors have any opportunity to
bid. If the seller at the stockyard
ehips his cattle to another he
that his anlmaU have been blackl
and he is given no price worthy of hU
The importanee' of controlling these
stockyards Is llloslratod by the work
of Lea nt, the high salaried buyxr for
Swift A Co. He semes to work for all
the other Mock Imyers as an
of prices. He travels from flockyards
kyards and hi*
known by a roadjuii
Hr arbiirarily declares that
certain stock will not -gratlc,"
that the price ‘should be lowered. He
can give fair reason tor liis decisions
and the slock raiser, arc compellod
brick waBs foar stories high aad only
a UtUe BOto thaa thre indtos apart, a
cat has ben resened hy means of a
lartoL The frilne dropped into the
cresSos when tt was only a few weeks
old and has been there cveralace-fed
aad carsd tor hy famUles naidi^ to
Tbe prison which it o^cople^ long
tbe eoflwoBweoMb If the choice to
. Tbe packen anw the importrmtiled at the poOa. Seek cooeenraof ooatrolltog theee grmU cteartire, ptocdedi and eCeeUre Segtotoiton tag bouses of the live atock trade The
aa Bwr be fteeeaaarr to Mcore the Ob catUemea did not apprecUte U no
odoto pofitr or the bollot oBd malartckly.
tato the htobed hoaor to public affair,
Ptoirlh street,
la the earty days of the live stock
front and hack, and even etoosd part
•hall he my constaal aim. With great
bttstoess the catUemen looked upoa
eci, I am. youra eery truly.
ly on the top hy Un rooflag. Wforts
atockyards as neutral ffghting
rredM. Warner.
which the kitten made again and again
ad. Many of them Intrustod their
during the early days of Us Imprtsooleas to eonunlssion men. but they
meat to climb those eHppery walls,
knew that whea their cattle went Into
only lo fall bacck. were watched with
. TIM Bute Ixocoe oT ^LpoUicoa We make a «tnmg .peclalty In aat- the pens there would be spirited Wdsympathy by the neighbors and they
Chitw. orpaalsed prinuuilr for tbe por- leryttig the tooer maa. Our twenty, dtog for their product, and that they
became divided Into faclions-lhose
pooe or lolerooUoc the rotort of twr dre cent dtonere are noted for mile« wottW receive XuU value for ihelr ank
who thought that the kitten ought to
atoie to polUkol offolri. hm man hem arouad and we eurely are going to
In those days they were on
be killed and reUevv-d of lu SBlaery,
iceep our reputation. Short orders at good terms with the packers, and wrert
and those who held that while there
aH or our party tlekei ae the priacf- all houni and anything you wUb In known as Bill. Jim, ioc and Jcir>.
was life there was hope.
plee for which It standa. and belketeg Moeon. 'Sanday dlnncru a epectoJty. They toasted with the packers and
Tlie latter fed the cat and gave It
that apoa <bto ptotfona mad whb •flic Ultle Tavern. Ibo popular rnrtan their ageoU. It was a **hlib, wide aad
water,by means of a long string. IHsufibod efforu the gnwteet aucoeaa wUJ yaaL Nc«w manajpunc
handsome** burlnt-ss. Fair prices were
conlenlod ntighto»rs many tlim-s lhn*w
be adilcired. I write to aeeunj you.'of Fkmw A Davldeon. ZW FYoirt Si.
freely given and money freely sp<mt.
chunks of polsont-d liver, but the ani
our actire sapfioit. With great rc- V
The packers first saw that iheir in
mal never loochctl them. Meanwhile
apert. I am. your* eery truly.
terest was In oootmlling the stock
the cal grew and every effort was
8. Il.rob.rt.
yards and the commission men who
made to release It. but without sue
Omeral McOurrio and SUIT to SUrt
Mr. Waraar^ Reply.
acted for the cattlemen. The cattleon Atlg. 1.
July 1«. 1P04.
A few dsyv ago the slaiT became
Grand Rapids. Mlrh-. July 2C.—Gen- few weeks In tbe year, and no one wa?
Mr. Soy 8. Darahart. lixaidmt
gen,-rally know n and exme tew the wx
tTal Mcflurrln. commander of the In the markets to look after their In
State Uague of Sepobllcaa Club*,
tiee ol an ex<'owto>y wi,„. wKli an old
Michigan brigade of slate lrtio|»s. has lercxts,' The packers took the long
tiraad SapMu. Mlch.-My iKar 8lr;
tosued an order for the memliers of dry season to perfect their plans. Inch Front sirci-t and are ttoiroughly ren- Uriat. Koon Uragg.-d Ihe cat from Its
Yoar htod toiler of July 15 hast Jtait
jvaling and refuniishlng and when prison, thus removlug a rourec of
bis staff to go to camp at Ludio
by Inch they moved against the slock
beoa rm4rtd aod read with mneb to
on Mimday. Aug. 1. In order to assist yards and the cattlemen. They plartMi completed will Ik? one of the finest roll- much worry to the SoeU-ly for Frctoftat. l^-bUc thm hae beea eumc
:inery shops In Michigan. The trim- vcntlon of Cruelty to Animals.
lo the oslabTlnhmrnt of Ibc camp. Tbe
nls-lon man under subJ,*ctlon
dlffermoe of opiekm oflomg my
triKips will move frtwn ih. Ir home sU and by this lime hla thralldom If « nilng dcimrtrnenl will Ik- In charge of
MmiM opoa the oucaOmi of th.
Uuns cm \Vednc-«Jay aficnuKU, an compu te ihBl he ca^iot buy a drink .Mi?s Hi-Irn Tray of ClArago. who to
ah«iuld !»:.* cum*
ibpt^ which our party
lullc well know n in Traverse. The | We have a small lot of Cove rt Cl,»lh
Thursday morning, ami all will arrive
In any way enlerinln the wenlerr.
mlued apoa the aabject of prtouur re
in camp by Thursday night. The gov* rattle raisers. He must treat ih.ir ,pelting will be ajiuounced In lliere r,»atrt whirh we are chtoing <»ut this
forai. lb«wr ha* -never beea any que»'
wc(-k at an actual dlsnuint of fifty ikt
rmors* review will be held on Thun with cold austerity except at cxTlali. -olumns later.
tine as to the adrisablllty of raaritog
cent. Some tighl-fitllug. other half
day. Aug. 11. and will be the big day
tit the year, wrht-u be may
I such kstatotlon as will prrreot fraud
tight and Norftdk slyh-s. all to-amlfiilATTENTIVE AUDIENCE.
of the entire imramproent.
. aad bofairaeas to the prellmlaary ram
ly lailui\-d and nn,sl with gunrantcMHl
Ii is eiitc-rtcMl that many polltlelani
I palga for the ectocikia by party'fjrgaaOne Yojng Lady Baptised at Church satin. They arc o Mrmn and useful
and slate olTiclals will be there for
\ isatloti of fwadidates for public idSce,
D U up. the packers have al
Utile piece ef Ittggvry. J. W. MUllK,
of ChrlsL
thlH day. In the evenli^; there will
1 am to perfect symiiatby and acs
meeting of the 8«»clet> of Foreign
There was an attentive audlenrc at
i cunl wUh the dosUe to give the peev
stockyards of tbe west, excepting that
I. Including the Spanish war
‘ pie the largest measure of respoosJersns. This will be foUowcHl hy a ban of Kansas City, and It Is doubtful il one young lady prci,f-nl,-<l herself for And First Price Only at tbe
t bllity la puliUc affairs. 1 have uaquet at which General Fred Grant wUl that has more than a nillo of Inde loiptton,.
Celebration In Traverse City.
J>hib<M faith in tbe loyalty aod palrl|M-nd«nre lefL The flock In the Kan
Ih* the* guest c»f hontm.
Mrs. IHejuds siH.ke eonrernlng l-Ysn
Manton Las always been unpreten
of ism of Iho peopto
<»r atate aad
MM Cily slorkyardK to largely hold It.
ration Hymn.** .Mr. Pounds siH»ke on
sbon always stand ready, rlihrr in
tious ato.ul her hand. allh,>ogli there
aud vUinIty. The pn-«lden:
s|h,K,- on
public or private life, lo aid In «-vrry
ha.- h<-, n liim-s wl:t n liter, wa- a fair
Ih,' largc.M nniMcal dealer.. In Ihe of the iKianl to Cluirh-s Fram-to Ad
The Gen,-sis of Faith." fnmi th, ly g.KsI hand in tin Mllag,* lh>! m.w,
• p«eM*lblc way In giving MTe<-! lu tin*
> has made a valiant fight fo,
L' of Mlehlgan. oiwratlng lw,lve
words, ••‘nuof the Kingdom is while the hand nn-mlM-rship is still unpublto d«*rlrc l.ir- iurh ebanr.-. In «nr
his friends.
m In as many rlik‘s and c-njo>
l„- Wonl of G<m1 *•
caucus laws a» may toon tlic
twith a |K,.-,slh!e ,-xeepii,in)
Many y«nrs ngo Ihe paek,‘rs heg;ii
•piitalion for courtoous and h,in
Tonu»rrow at 2:.10 Mrs. Pomnto will
|ort of the « l*«cli*rs. HhouW I Iht I k’Ct
their fights agaluM the si.H-Kyard-, have f,>r her bubject. "New Tv^siamenl it ha gra,lnally ,lawnefl uih,u the p;-o
orable dealings. They are agent
ed govermw vif Mlrhlaan. I shall go
The rallroaxl.%. whUh really sho„l,l Faith (*ure. • The sermon Tonight will pie lo re that they have a l»and that is
rarnons Ktelnway pianos and
Into that ofllre abM»Iul<dy untraoir,-ady to demonstrate th,-ir musical
ufaclure thdr ,»wn Instruments which havi- McHid by tbe sUKrkyanto. on no tie on • nepriUntic,-."
VDcled, with no promises to rede<*in ex.nhillty aud prove all the stat,-meats
or,' mimlKiaHl am<mg the h<t;t in the «»nnt of their Interest In them as tor
rept such as have been ma«to by m>
that may he mud.* in th,-lr behalf. I'nmini, weri- In many Instances with ih,
Tniver?,* City hranch
party' In Male r«mvciitl<ifi. and eon
der the ,lir,-<iion of Arritur !*L krt>
p.ac-kers. This to acciMintcHl for by the
There are no Ks and nnds nho,
Jatot'cl In the platform upon whirl, 1 Front SU J. W. tMiffc. manager.
uier and th, I, ader-hip of G,-,>. H
fact that many of Ihe railway ofllrtok when you bring y,mr physirian’s
llayc-.,f. Uie baud has driile,! in music
had sp(-r-lHl Inl, reft:i In Ih,- parking .sertpthms here lo Is- tilh-d- they
II win be a pleasure for me lo umliU!-lll,‘ss. The gn-at,-**! t»f ^h,•^<‘ fight filled according to his dln-rtlons. ato|*° • long lime, and Imlay 1... jH-rhaps
my best efforts to the e nd ihat legls
of the host murieal organizations
•*A Texas Sleef ” which U rtmsld- was that again i ih,^ rnlou M,K-kyar,to Mdiilrlv. We have to-en in the husllallon may be cnariwl oilculau*d In eriMl H,») l*s IMUU romiHly. will c«ime
northern Michigan.
of riiJragr>. It now has Us own Indr n,'s.s for years, and our guarantee to
every way
safeguard the putdh- In SI, InlH rg*« Grand t»|Mm Mouse „horf |H-ndent corporation, hut to entirely
F,-,iing confHlent ,d winning, the
.viamp,-,! on every to»tlh- s^f itudlrine
Ic^reid and Insure to the voter the cm ly. |i h the m,»^l lnler,*rtiug laiig'i within the contnd of the packers. Tliif
liard will enter the contest for the
Joyment of'all the rights of cllUen prcnliicer In the enllre caU-gon ‘d to so g.-nerally n<ogntxi-d that the cat w,' romiHum,!. A word to the wise Is prize Mac riilKH- day at Trav, rsc-tity.
aJway.s b,iniri,'m. The Johnson Drug
ship; anti I should also consider It a funny plays and has achlevcsl a vygm* t|,-m,-n are pt It a.s an agent of ih,
August to’, and they have promlJwd
privilege to approve any leglsUthu, that is not cni,»)ed by any oilier ana
that If they r.-nirm-d homo from th^
parking iruM.
ksikhig toward the fuimisn. ut t,f jiari> edy In cviiit y c*ars. Tbert* Is a reason
coutcHl they w,»iiM bring lirsl prize.
Tbe assault ngaln-i the Kaimas City
IHtMulses along the line of primary re for this: It Is alK>al Ihe only play of Its
n,T win ^
WaeratoH* piniple may as well
st,irkyanto has K-rn strong and
fiuto. A. Wagner.
r thr-f
Manton on the prize and hang it
elash that Is exclusively original Iwith AlKuit two years ago It devehijw-d that
he in the city tlie i
• touring the discussion hy the com
regarxl to lis eharaci.-r and In ihe M-vi ral hundred acres of land ha,l w,-eks. tirders can he left at ”Hannah up for us.—.Manton Trihune.
mmre. the |wo|sirillon was made to
inner of Ii', roust ruction.
iKvn purrhaM-d hy the agents of Iht S, tony C4,. s store.
CU.NrEKT hv Travers,- City hami
emlsHly In the resulmhms ludt»i>ing
HHrk,-rs in Ihe virlnlty of th,- Kansar
and fp’e vau,I,-ville s*f„»w toiilhht on
primary reform llii* following proviBlack, brown, blue striped overalls city i^iarket l,>i. r,m,n*ri at 7:::o.
City sUKkyarils. It was not only
formol'ii begins j
**\Vc further iM-Ucve It who and de
way lerminl. but II was a known fact
LOT. Change of Program.
sirable that all caucuses and primaries
“Union made" overalli 48c, Benda.
that the railways were ci»nsiderlng
relating to Ihe sqkH-tloo of delegaterf
wfU lofolfo oU poUtlMl pvtko to
5 Md iMr eoocoM
tbe Muor
dor. to be flked bjr U«. vbtah Is oir
; Ofdoloo b dcekkdlr to Oie dtrecHoo
Umord wkUk we hare btwa tobor1o«.
I dodro to oiirai to roo <mt utncm
oporwdotloo of rotir Htorto to itot
ponkotor and tli««t eorto
««ljr Ufoawrt
Ufoawre roo
1falfWol perofoort
ROUND TRIR *»o, BOe,- W»o
Mrs. E. Hartwell Was In An Unpleas
ant Plight All Last Week Through
Very Painful Illness.
Mrs. E. Hartwell* of Dl» Oak slrocL
was in an unpleasant plight all last
wt-ek thnmgh lUncxs. she being con
flne«l to the upper part of her home.
She bad Ikhmi troubled wUh sharp,
sh,Kiting p*to« *uid this made walking
s«i dlffieull that she was unable to
eaic her riKjm. However. Salunlay.
d,e eanu- into the R,x-ord ofTlec lo tell
if a wonderful ndi,'f that bail to-en af
forded her through Hot Springs Oil. It
,nly i,K>k one application to n-nmve
Ihe pain and make l,er not only ahle
lo go ilown th,- ^1a^rs but up and down
my others with t-a-M*. Mrs. Hartwell
,.,-TTH-<l much picasc-d to a,Ul Iht lertl
monlal t,» many others reganllng tbe
tm-rlt.< of the womltTful oil.
Antrim County Attorneys Hwtor ilninory of Fitch R. Willlama.
It only required one day to huidto
iho court procoodlngs at Bellalce this
week, but It was a busy day town
morning until nlghL The Moalof toe
cases disposed of wore dlvorot oaoM.
otherwise the county was vary law
abiding and peaceful.
After court was adjourned memorial
serv lrea were hold In honor of Che late
Fitch K. Williams In which Jndgn F.
W. Mayne and all allorw prtmmi
took part in speaking nnd hoMtog
other .appropriate exorctoea.
For sensible men. The Toney foolform shoe U the most comforUOito,
well ma,le shoo for Iho money. W.
Good wide toe. slightly extended sole.
Made In flexible voloor calf. lace, kid
lops and a iM-rfecl Utter. We also ■
liave a line of comfortable footwear
for women. Rowland Douglass, IW
To buy n gtxwl refrigerator. Il will
East Front St.
save lots of money during these hot
summer days, and they make quite ft
If the cellar or closet where piV
handy piece of kitchen funilture al all serves and canned fruit are stored Is
Wo have the celebrated light, shade the shelves with curtains
Alaska Refrigerators In several slr.es of black cotton stuff, or slip the jars
and they arc the to-.n money can buy. Into paper bags.
for many rca-sons. Price |C.r.O up.
hVank Trude, 14C Front St.
The rarest
Owing to the many patients who things ever put together is Holltater*s
wish to consult Dr. McDonald, he will Rocky Mountain Tea. It cures pim
be in Travers4-- City at l»ark Place ho ples. indigestion. eonsU^tSoa. rheu
tel on Sat,ir,lay and Sunday. July ;J0tb matism. Kick headache. 85 cento. Tea
nnd .*11 St. Two day.s only. The sick or Tablets. .
and alfii, led should lake advantage of
this opp,r’unity and t-onsull thks ,-mlmnt peci.alist h. fiife he returns to
hto home in Graiu! Raplfto. (\msultation. examination and advice free.
8HAVlNGS--8otith Bide Ltfffihar Co«
in,c have
n^vc the
xnz names and addresses on our books
treated Eight Years ago. Do youu believe
believe this
this tlalcmcnt?
tlalcmcnt? * if
if you
you wish
with to be convincc-l. come to our oiiiccs. We
WE toivc a list of 820 names of Traverse Chy cUirens who have Wen rured to rtay curcvl Some we ire
Cily i>coplc purchased our remedies with the guarantee that wc would cure from the first dose or money refunded, and but ooc
an,I will show them lo >*ou. If you arc skeptical because )*uu tricvl cvcrjlhing, how <lo you like our rqiulation; 4,3G2 Tra
person returnctl the medicine.
Cripplo3 NA/silk, th© d©sf H<ear
Hundr«l» 0( peopk in Tr.vi:™.CUy .ho h»v-c nullcrcd all their livci with Chronic
_______ V3L.V TMK
To Anyone Proving to the Editor of this Paper that We Dp Not Refund Money if we Fail to Cure. Money at State ^nk
- - — ——^ ^
A—to—^ Here Again,
■ Master SpeciaUsts.
Tbtswaibe the law
It, who holds diplomas from
qaestions. We treat
day. Their offices arc crowdec
the best medical spools in the ..............................^^--------------chronic diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, blood and nerves only.
Ai ctnUe
lai]iircs,no(lclentioafnimwotV, bntinetsotplesssre- We do all ore agree, or it Mala yos
We Cure Quickly, Permanently andourSafely.
tedaiHlcarerthnndrerUinTraveracaty. Hmdreda of ow ol
doctor’s one, that we are eqoaQy
in oar efrorta to core. Ifyoo are aflhcled «illi
eittaorojoaryaoceaw are mat we treat nee nnnoreo caaei to
lo the
me faunily
tq^Ia^Jr reUabU
rrSiable aod
and ooDidentiooi.
..fc U.M.U MM ..MIC,
i. U> ___ _ tmtment fawn «n onerimcnd (peciiliK, P™Kapi] reaaoM for our eitturdinaiy noenw are diat «e treat fare hnndrcd caaei lo the
we haw
for theUst
e^t feanm
yean, mTramse
ol the aiomar^Urre^totoeyi, Mood or nerves we |ca» cjie
>-oa, aa »e
Ml EMDiioafioD Fin
H. ........ M«n*.
PoaitivdyoorUat week on this trip.
Better caU to^.
080*1 Miss Free Uetire
SfC yOdtOg thOF friMdS
come OJDSE im t
scr mm
I AT cue UtKC
Tto met. L K. #toka «to M wrtP
tan a took npon tto tatrpS^ls asa^
tHb of clairvapaocn. mda tom ta
Ohtap ta tar town of CBften. aad o
^s^a Ml
la. wttt e( V. «.
that ootai MT v«B to ootamrad «p ta
Settoa, thotoh to <mo to tto aamo
as all dagpmallnto Loss after
^tad OM triitag ta Ben Skka.
who vat a mA toal of a pcncoenl
taker, to play tto part of tto Camone
toaAtt Beogotanomtorof hange
ta tto tosni wrhera to lired. tto i
of oemo of tto Siffa looat famona <
attoBB.m8BvtovoolddoalaMataayIhtag tar tto drtakA to play tto oobor.
Z^eharacteto to hla «taadliig maa.Tto OBOch tod Joat coma ta: a gentta
man flrem tto eaat aUghtad and after
sapper lit a cigar aod atrolled s
tto town. Ooe of tto cootaderate
prooctod him and ootcred Into eo
Ota dtad 'tbla OMta
tftaaek at tha taw of her pawaaa.
Mr. aad Mio. laMnl Bryaa. dta mm
A auwt at tbe a«e ta at yaara of
MtaotattodrysiMoa R« tarrtoUa May I fer • eta* Witt bar taea oo A tato M taa or Ittota
Tba taMral wnaagaMU
wfU aot be atoe aaill tta arrlral ad
bar baabaad bta tbe ttaaral w« prebhoMOO cor of toddatorrtaa Is
ably ba Tboraday Irota tba Wartplta
imd oecry day tar oapnaa fcom
Batadea tta lattar aad aMdbor tte
leaeea ttrta atataea aad Uree taott- Two of tto membars of the 8L liOBla
ore. They ora Mra. J. C MeLeod of Hoop it Bura Co. wlU laoTe oooa to
to Hr. Koomelfl taM
.Mra-T-aBmaMorOadillae. took wp « mew loeaftioii. Ttoy wUI
Bryaa et O
0» MOM a tto ImMkm of PmI
Mis. Uadeil
-Uke tto conntry. atraagerr
4M WrwiTrtri IMM. oiUr otoot Itf Bryaa all of ttM eliy.
•Xlko M Oh, yea. oo tar aa I toro
pmrn»wm im fa tto mU, todod^
goon X toTCB*t aeea mneh of It aa
tat mo M»tofO of tto Mlftei
«» of Ira Btood ed OarMd Pratty Woddlng Sotataalaod at tto J»t. died lata alfht od
-Tlno coonliy. hmt aooe of tbe
Homs of Setae’s Pannta.
Uoa: , The fMotal aenrlce win be toplo am anldity hmgiL See that fetter
A rery pretty wedding was aol
aMtrU eftataooa at J o'tSoeh fro«
. AMV ttoM IMM wtn to Ctotr tta Dtadftaa Cbirek. Uadertaker Aa
MoCto^lM. OororoorCMMl
doraoa will be U ebarse.
toMor riou of )tav Torli. Md Cone
‘ Mrt. datai MeOeeaML
Itoi K. aim, tfOMonr of tto mrab
Mre. Jobe MeDooald od CaaadA
■ced U yean, died laet alfbt at tbe
Hotel OolonUa. Ur. aad Mis. MeOoBOld oniTcd in Uie dtjr Iwt rrUUy
•All. IftkawMikOTketUr.tIweMB- froB CaaM oad ato gan tor Ufa for
iriM«* w< M to b*
a chlW whldi aanriraa lu awttor.
oa tb«
aoftbMM of tbc Tto fuDwal airaoioMU will not to
fccM. •pmku CMao.. wbowii! made aaUl after tto arrlral of the
gurm fatber aad BotbM' from (
tb* oowBltUe. ud Pra«M«
who arw oapoetod tlili eroalag.
mM to .pMk fro- lb«
CliaHaa Umlor.
SIMU tbt vMtbcr be ladraMot. the The bodr of the talc Charici
•WUIM «t tbe Tcnada wni be low who died aoddenlr la Grand Rapldi
and m4 tbe eeremear «U1 uke ptoe< of heart disease, was brought lo thU
aadar com.
dtr OB the 1 o cloek Pen Man
Altar tae addrtatM a »Baebe«»^i iralB today hy the wife aad two
be atrwad lo Um aomriuee and goaeu
Fraah aad Pn>d Umlor. The
Tbli will ba fbttowad br aa Inlonu! body was takea to the home of tbe
nevdom. jO_________
paroBtSe T. J. Umlor, MO South Ualoa
Tto train was met by
tires of the Porcsters lodge, of which
Aaaaal Planie Will •# HtU at Bui^ the deceased was a aBomber. aad con
to the tiarents^ home. The
dtakvllla, Laalanaa Cootay. Au*.
funeral serrlc© will be held lotnorroa
morning at 9 o’clock from 81. Francis
-IW»araU0B« are beloc eomplctod church. Rer. Fr. Bauer offlclatlng. H
wbleb will Biake tbe aaaaal plcale ul L. Carter has charge of the funeral.
tba Old Settlera AeaodaUoa of L«cla A largo doral piece of an anchor on s
aaa ooaagr at BurdlekTlUc Aua- 3 oei pedestal accompanied the body lo Ihli
of tbe beet la tbe butory o( tbe onmal city, a tesUmony from the street rail
road employes.
aotlaa. There will be
of Ite-
Bst soMphadsa la tto wofta. A
OMB tooaM ctooM tor Msaage
to facial cfOBM wttb as Boto aare
as sto wooM bar life partoor. -A
acema ikoC
woama*s MBptodoa ta tor CM ctorm.
If It Is ralato her happlofiss Is vtftadervM pnt to him one day ally killto alsa Ttors are over 4.M
la for tto taco €o Ito market at
preseat ato to choose fooss this
ettutres a vast kaowtoige of tto
(tarn hrmk wheo to ate tto apptaT fUBCttoes of the skin,
-If yon plesae. air.* was tto reply,
cate votes of tto face. To be able to
Imrs weren't any commsndsseo
tell Just wtet cream
wooma's oomplexloo. to kaow tbe
r aoKmnt of massage to
WTtakles aad bleoiUtoa Is as muai aa
art as a physician’s skUL
Nature never made two faces alike,
beru are chemical changes taking
-Ttofs all rigbt- ivptod tto
plaee every second. If the blood te out
dpal speaker oC tto occastoa.
of order and a woman usca the wrong
title ftte me better ttoa taoetoF di
profosste be adecter. bat I get origbtj prcparatloo*. It will ruin the floe net
attlepfacttcaof blood vessels which Ilo u
false skin. It will pay any v
wf It.
lit with a gradi
Mrs. raappy (after tbe qasrrel)Wbea we were married yau said you'd who has had practical experience and
to witting to fottow me to tbe (
tto world, aod now— Mr. Uui
1 teach the art of massar^ lo
Now I desire to esU year attentloo te caller. Bscb skin needs Its own Indltbe fact that the world bas oo ends. Idaal food. Dry skin, oily skin and
It Is rouoA_______________
Ircd skin all require different treat
When ooe meets tbe tlppliig problem ments. I carry the latest French
fsce to fsee be ooderstsods whst Is cream, balm, oil and lotkms for each
complexion. Ladles call today,
meaot by tbe oa»^AU things «
him who walta.--New Orteaos t
tlvcly last week. Madam Reto Kraus,
graduate dermatologist.
Room 31
Hotel Whiling.
Uto at tto home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. m bte
aad hla I
HIgtoe Boaday when their daagbter
Mbit wa. uaited ta marrtagi
Ttomaa E. .Church, the Rer. Wood ofgctatlng. Tto bride was gowned In
nary bine and while auU and carrh
-Itent yon tollere If rsplled tto In
sweet peas and the bridesmaid wo
formant They reported him shot to
white mull aad also carried swe
kewp strangers from stayin’ away from
here, but Bllly a too quick sad too dan
***The bridal party stood beneath an gerous to be cambf
arch beautlfany decorated with eve
-Good ^rioasr said tbe atnogtr.
greens, fprni, sweet peas and pel
-I tell you what you do.- said the Inalaa.
to be sure of
The bride was atteaded by her sis formant.' -If you want
I away i
MUs Efflc HIgboe. and the groom bein’ let alone. Just treat blm. tbst's aod hU metapbors. as. for
>ns and J^suphters
Etilly Is a man of honor In some
by his brother. Benjamin Church. ways and baa never been known to
Townlt^ Held Reur
After the ceremony Ice cream, cake meddle with o man be bas drank wlth.- organlralion rcceoUy lUuodcred forlb.
Parma, Mich.. July 2G.-^For the
aad fruit was senred. The bride reTbe result of this adrice was that the -He Is s person, my friends-I know first time la their lives, all the chUcelred many beauUful and useful stranger Inrlted Billy to drink, who wbat I am saying, for I bare bad
dren of Rlehanl Townicy. tho oldest
be never drank except In a crowd, oonal experience-to Is a . person
settler In Tompkins township, i
The very best wishes go with'the and tbe gang was included In the tnrl
a family reunion here yesterday. Mr
happy couple. Friends present from UtiOD.
Townley Ik S3 j. ars eld and has been
The ruse worked ao well thnt It was
abfokd were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ltnglc kept up occasionally for montlis with
a resident of this seotten for fcovenlyand son B^crt of Wanscon. Ohio, and other arrivals, and In some eases tbe
A lady who h«d been traveUng one years. A family dinner on the
Mrs. Charles A. Wood of Chicago.
stranger wot Induced by various deold homcslcail was the feature of the
abroad was describing an Irish
rirrs to keep tbe crowd supi>lled with
day. The following arc the children:
whom she mcL
liquor for a whole evening. One day
-.She was ao refined, no well <
Victor, who came Irom Bay. Ark., to
a young tenderfoot arrived and was
present on this occasion; Inrln?
Cox has moved his meat market -coached” about Billy, as usual. lie fol in avoiding all Icmptatluus to
from 414 South Union street to C5& looked at tbe sulky desperado with s brogue that she Invariably called tbs
Ark.: Mrs. Jeanette Strai
good deni of curiosity.
crater of Mount Vesuvius *tbe creaFront street.
-Would he light fair, do you thinkr
Unlgc. MIeh.: Mrs. Ih rtha Pollard of
The Misses Anderson have Inrlted asked tbe tenderfoot
KIcry. Wls.; Miss Grace Ttjwnley of
the ladles ome Presbyterian church
-Fair? Ub. j’es: be would with a
Ann Arbor. Mick.
and congregation to spend Wednesday gentleman like you. but ordinary peo
Dr. Clinton Cuslilng. once Mrs. M<v
St their cottage at Blrehwood. Each ple be d shoot In the luirU.”
Klnley’s pbysiclan, U dead at Wash
-Well.” snid the tetulerf*>*t. -I think
will Ukc a lunch basket, a cup,
.eoaoMlacor noele.
Bring tto toiole family to the
knife, fork and spoon. Busses will be I’ll go In and get Houiethlng to eat.”
Dr. Uebeeca I.e Porsey. who rtelros
The steer»*r w« nt to Billy and tbe
reellaUaaa. followed by boat ridee oi
gigantic Lucky Strike Sale of
In wslUng at Mrs. J. M. Isgrlg’s.
gang nod rei>orted llwt the stranger lineal di**Tiit from llolH-rt Pru.v. te
bcauUfal Olea lake, and the cue
the Marvin Smith Co.'s stock
Wcil Eight Btrect, and Mrs. Crotser’s^ needed prodding. So when bo came praetiring utodleipe at Tx>s Angeles.
Mrs. M. E. Doan of Hartford U
gaataa aad aport. TbU aaoual catber
will be in full blast to
t02 State street, and will leave at 9:30.
Frank L3My. first native torn conBilly w cut up 1
lafc 'af tbe old atttlefw of tbe reclot spending the week with her sister. All Grange members are requested out
morrow morning. July 27, at
gn-f«mnn from .Mlimeeoln. would like
ger uud asked If b
baa eoM to be oae of Uo noit eo Mrs. F. G. Howard. t03 West Eleventh to be present at the mei‘llag Saturday. bad said that be
the Globe Store. One dollar
I’l fight fair. to to the first native governor of that
tayaMe aodal feeturoe of tbe year Ic strecu .
apont during this sale posltlveJuly 30. at the ball. Besides the ngu- The tenderfoot stated the matter stale.
Mrs. Charles Skelcbcr and cjdldrer
Laelaaaa eooaty. aad U tbe weather b
(Nmnul r. Stollmrver. wealthiest
Isr program arrangements will l>e aright, bet his statement was not acprapMloaa tbe atteadanee tbl> yea> have returned from a vUit in Grand made lo serve meaU at tbe ball Mscca co|»t«l. whereupon the stranger told man In the r.arllil«ns and known ss
$S4X) spent
of from S34»
-the pJt.-h lake king.” is dead at Port
wfll be a rtaord breaker.
elsewhere. We offered spot
bee day. Aug. 12.
of Siuiln. ag«l 01.
Miss A. H. Verly of Joliet. 111., Is vli
cash and walked off with the
M. Rice, business manager for fight^fair. -Tm not much of a shot.”
Major Fred Wheeler. U. S. A., re
Itlng her brother. Justlee John Verly.
cleanest and brightest assort
Hoyfe ”A Texas Steer.” the opening be adde<l. -but I wouldn’t mind a trial tired. Is m»w probwsor of mUltary sclThe friends of Mrs. Isaac Winnie
ment of merchandise on the
attraction at 8telnl>org’s Grand opera of skin with long knives. Tbe bowls ence nnd tactics at th^ MasaaehusetU
iKv pleased U> kuim that she is Im
oulU suit me. though It’s rather a Institote of Ttvhnology.
market today. Come in before
bouse this season, arrived In the city
S«»H Slaftad te Step Sate of Boitas for »ill
proved today. She has every symp
jort wcaiKin.the lines become broken and
tto Antrim County Court House
last night.
By this Umc tbewwd had gathered
tom of typhoid fever.
get just what you want for just
The todies’ Aid society of the Rap
Hat Seen Dlamlaaod.
date for governor of Imllana. begnn
B, N. rJcketl of lx*land was in the
what you want to pay.
list church will meet with Mrs. E. L.
•TAK>k at hts nose.” said ooe. refer life as n ditch digger. Aftemards be
elty today on business.
The Globe. 118 Front SL
Bellalre. Mich.. July 2(L—The suit
Ashton at East bay Wednesday after ring to a sear on the stranger’s right btcauic a lawyer.
Fred Hunter 1s busy forgrtling hb
noon. Bussed will leave at 1 o’clock
ostril. -Reckon he's bad a fight with
atarted by Central Lake parties to sloi
duties at Hamilton’s clothing store. He
Tlie presence of molstors In (obneeo
from Mrs. Nelson’s. Mrs.* Straub’s.
tho aale of the Antrim cotinly court
Is UKIng his vacation.
Notice to Contractors.
-He’s tod erysipelas,- said another, te of some ImiH.rtnnce tn public lieollb.
Mrs. ‘Thtrlby’s and Mrs. Jahraus’,
tooao boadfwas yesterday dlMnlssoC
Mathew Harrington of Solon was In
notlelug that the stranger’s fnt*e was since the eom’.mslon of tolwceo conStewart Gslnos has opened up s
pa motlOB of the complainants' sollc
quite ct^rereil with fonnll marks.
the city today In the interests of the
store St the south liend of the Cass
flora. Tto hoods were Isstied In ac
It was plain that the tenderfoot was ‘ Is liniK^led. while as tlie generation of
Maple City fair.
street bridge. He sells confc*ctlonery
oordaaco with a vote of the eloclort
Jllly concluded to meet bluff i vais.r is liicreastd. so are the chancea
lUIph Hastings Is having a very
teal aprlag. The ohjoet of the suit war
and cigars.
w 1th bluff nnd agreed to flgtit him then of tlic {K.»,tonous principle bring carried
joy able time camping ai
There will be no Initiation at tho and there with towle knives. A ring | Into the mouth.____________
to atop the building of the court bouse
INilnt. Carp lake.
regular meeting of tbe Eastern Sur
St Bellalre with hopes that the county
Mr. and Mrs. B- M. Weaver of Poca
saat might be removed to Centra'
rnlea. 111., are visiting 8. E. Wall and
The Traverse City band has bot'n
engaged to furnish coneerls every
J. J. Twiddle of Empire returaed
evening for the balance of the week
>rae this morning after being In the
by the Hot Springs doctors.
It oquj
city on huslm*ss.
liMi hours n% .tverc paid when
quick i mill
* _
Consldormble excitement was causi'd
Tbe stranger replied h.v
Circuit C\iurl 8tenngrai»her J. K
last evening by a Mrs. Vrvr, suddenly^ Wvement. His knife glittered
Henderson passed through the city
air. and Blllya left ear lost
JodfO lioraager of TraTcrse City this mosalng from attending court at
was defeated for a renomlnatlon for Bellalre and will spend some Umc at The Hot Springs doctor brought hl»
-Whew: You air quick, ain’t your
probate Judge at the Grand 'Haversc Long Ukc with hU family who are lecture to a sudden close and jumped said Billy, stupefied. Before be could
ODUnty republican convention last staying with P. C. Gilbert and family. to the ground with a bottle of his oil. put blroself in jKwtllon the tenderfoot’s
She soon recovered.
made n silt In his rigid nostril.
week, kls ssocessful opponent l>clng
Harry Parker and Harold Kneeland
By this time Billy was frightened.
ftod R. Walker, -ahosc farm hc»mc Is
ml to the Platte river this morning
\tmm ito* OttC
”Hokl on. strsnger.” he ssM. ”I fight
near Weaford Comers, Judge l^n
siKMul a short time Ashing.
fair, anil I expect you to fight fair. I
Ilerlierl Speneer omv won a «ni
gtr's aorVfcos as a probate Judge have
Chrlas Rosa went to SllghU Siding wajwr. He was staying for a lb
t time to keep t > blood from get
been raloablc to his eounly and to hb this morning after trout.
holiday in tbe bouse of Sir Fraueis tin’ Into my eyew”
eossUtueets and hU frlnids In Cadil
Tto tenderfoot waited while BHly
W. D. C. Germaine went lo Chltmgo Powett. the rraldeut of tbe Svttisb
lae regret the combination of circum last night to buy horses.
academy, and. while angling for tn.ul wiped tbe blood from his nose nnd ear.
ataaeea which caused his defeat, Mr.
J. T. Hannah went to Chicago last be toppeued to drop liH eyegUssss Into By this time tto KM bid become rery
angry. Boddenly lunging, be made
a deep pool of the river.
Stalhar Is said to he a competent man. evening on btislnoas.
In tbe evening be related bis ml«d stratabt with bU knife for tto stran
towvTsr, Md will probably be a
I\>stmaster George W. Raff and a
umrthy auceeaeor of Judge U>raagcr.- party of friends from his old home. venture to his host aod tbe guests, and ger’s tbrost. HU adversary drew away
i preiwred lo bet that on bis left foot and gave a quick turn
aaid that be
Cadinac News,
Canton, Ohio, went lo Carp lake today to would recover the pi
with his wrist. BUly’s knife went up
lo pick out a summer home. They tto bottom of the fKu^l His friends In tto air. toserlbed a rircle and. comMUTTON TOOK A DROP.
have been spending their summers at Aeetered that this was an Impossible Ing down, atuck In tto groand thirty
feet away.
Frankfort hut prefer the fishing at
to make tbe twt. HU challenge aas ac-Stranger.” oaM Bttly. -gimme your
Stotp Eaeaped But Fell In River and Carp lake.
eeptfd by one of tbe vtellora.
band. You beat anything wlUi tbe
Wae Captured.
Mrs, James Manrln. daughter Wlnnlbowte that’a ^er been seen te these
Bingham Bros, had some sheep in fred and Master Jamew Gocble have
parts. Cooie and bare a drlnk.”
the rear of.lheir shop this morning returned from a aereral weeks’ visit In
Tto crowd broke into a guffaw, and
sad the boy who was standing In the the vklnlt}' cf Hillsdale.
*tb end of hlB Osb- tto tenderfoot replied:
■ tbe glasses on-Too drink with me and tto crowd
door let one Jump over him. The
Agnes Mann. Mary B. Shook and
n into cootact'Wltb Ibelr atecl too. I've been more frightened than
atoep meandered up on Ftont street Jennie Shook left this morning for a
Pro ever been ta my Ufa Nothing
aad fnMB there was chased through vUtt at the world’s tair at St. boula.
Wc have a limited qnafitity of fine 35c and iOc plam and
ecarea me ao mnch as to fight a green: }
Moatagus*s hardware atore aad
BIsTsUttf W««^
bom. A skittad man bas all to can do |
figured mefceriad goodf that are’very bandaome, hot lines
'late Ito aHey. It was getUng rather
Twenty.four men dlnod Inside of a
-Madam, can you offer a Ifttle food to keep frooi kimng a maa who cant
are broken and we are aaiiotHto Jckne them ouL Intbc
eloaetor the aheep ao It atarted m
bnge ton recently made for a wine te a Whm wayTsivrr
fmiea. m pay tto drinks aad gted te |
tto river on soara logs but not being droler In 8ttmssbuig. It bolds LflOO
-Ated wbr>pr yon a wayfsrerr ^ get off aa easy.plaun colon there if a Uvender. thr^ blaa, rc^ green
-1 don't mind telling you. ma’am.
a very good riverman It feU In aad lmctomipa_____________
and cream color, priced now at
Too have a kind face. I loot half a_____
ataed tto tenderfoot where to had
I market msa had to pull
CONCERT by TraTetae City band odlUon te one of New York’s gilded 1 i^rned to handle tto
aad froe vandevllle show Umlgl(t oa ganhUng dans, and If I go back they j
Ironed te handle the aarott award
city amrket lot. Ooacert at 7:k0. Pur* wIB not me for a wltnero against tto ^ HeUeitorg. I was chaoteioa there
gambler and dtegraee me trnsted tarn* j te my tteia. Vm Dodtey Aimahy of
(oraxaas bigias at S.
iMaeky. C
----------BAUH 8IAKT0K
-WTiat a aad atory.**
Bteeka brsum. blot stripto wvmalls
-Isn't itr
Soppoae yoa tjy It oa tto
jdag. Here. RarerT-Clevetead note
roatalaa koBafcm ta
■„ s sz s i... L „u I—r;
Mercerized Novelties
A Sharp Reduction
'mmtisdto Btftaa.
itbdr ail talk.
Tinr A fttOOHB MTAflT AOa ^ /
M W to tatefMtita to tto tedy
adsn to kaow that tto
25c Yard..
Our Factory
- Sale Begun
aod the usual interest
that alw^ ^npeterize our big
by the hundreds every
where. every' depart
No Goods Sold
at Rcgolar Prices
If you do not find what
you want in the sale
Roods—RCt it from our
regular stock. Special
prices on cvcr>'thinR.
The Largest Stock
of Clothing...
in the city is included
in this sale.
3.50, 5.00 T.50
For Suits worlli twice
as much.
Such, values caqnot be
found an>’whcrc else.
Just TUnk
Our best KttpIHinhcimcr clothinR, regular S20
and $22 suits RO durinR
this sale at
SUIT. Better do
quihk. Every hour less
ens your opportunity.
Honrly Sales
Those ladies' hats went
a flying. Choice of our
l>est hats were sold at
$U>8. No wonder they
Anflthe 10
Minute Sale
of Flnamcl ware— .*15c
values for 10c- went
as fast as wc could hand
them out.
Hourly and 5 and
10 Minute Sales
Will be held everj- day
Here They are
For Tomorrow
At 0 o’clock for JO min
utes wc will sell ladicsi*
fast black seamless rib
bed top hose, worth
15c, for 5c. limit 2 pairs
to a customer.
From 2 to 3
we will sell ladles' fine
irted handkerimported
chiefs, fine
elaborately embroid
ered, every one worth
35c ;to 50c, choice '
one hour
We arc going to have
surprises for you every
The Boston Store
«tik mm.
«m pictan* «aa w
^ ttM with Mm «r an ln«U«. W»
w«tM hMd «M thqr XM. bM the
«M «r haw WM hMied that te a
Mr-MM la «a M the Ihlac WM
which thar ha4 aotad. ^ ^
-Urt boeo the way he Is
ftnea l>o known him.- said kUc Iw
gennoaaU. -Bat hold on. Belle m
git Wiy coat on. nnd we^tt go for
walk. It-lfa ao atuny In hare,kllHira la tbo conor. and tbot Mr Ai^
-Of an the Inboapttable creatar
tkmt. coatloai aad r»d alT faaa. was ICsr: rro coma to take luncheon with
alaadlaf arar tbs gas atara.
nto aad bacaa. bacoo aad ccga.*
\ aowplatatdMasashsbacMtrrsfalar calmly proceeded to puU off her glorea.
cbeaks froco aa algbt crot loaf. -Art,
-Bat BeDe-- begnn Mar, with a slg
wby hi thaadtr doon yoa lean to
alficant gtaaco at Mr Arthar,
aggsaoms other wayr
-Oh. I ahaU not mind Mr Dummy tn atnrof thei
this la the
•*WsDt another gfumlsh caaeletr
the least You caa wrtte ns an h
ductloii. or do you talk to him on your graph Is tacked op over your cot
lore to See rou do It. hope you are both aadslled. Come on.
Art-yoor turo.-1 think MIsa Belle and 1 hare met
ahaa*t hare to aay things I don't
before,- said be. looking calmly down
*1 aaed to think bh was aa aU mean, and if he cant Ulk
Into Belle'a gray eye*. -We sat out
ly be la. 1
jwa^- wM the ^ -bat 1 kaow
do It up on kids ot^ three dances, didn't we? But of <
n me.Aad. Indeed, froai the rlewpotot of nlgbtr
hare.- faltered Belle
Mr Arthur might hare
the Rawhite Uermlta. It wae a aobk
and then stopped sbruptly. Vnder Sir
thlas which the KM'a uncle had done. aqulrm.
her eyelids droop
-Belle. BeUe! I aay. now, you
herself looking very
their retreat, how for a year and a day masta*r—
hsepMOr at the Ooor. But she recorrrwJ
-But where's the harm. Mac? Too » aa teauat -No. 1 haet
they had agreed to fo««o all frldadsay he's deaf aad dumb.ahlp aad Idle speech a
low ooaki I when you a
-Ye-eea. but I don't know Joat boa
Dohah Chlagsr*
deaf be really la. and If be should hear,
-Old IT Posslblr 1 did X
ay ao then. You dida’t n
you know---He would only hear the truth,
-VfsT didn't act tho part t
might do him good. I'm sure he's eon
LothW month HI gircyou a .
celted, eren If be Is a dummy. Why.
an. ni write H now and dal
If yon baren^ apoken to a fool girt or whaterer are you doiagT*
t been.- growled Mac
Joat what Mae waa doing waa this. -BeUe, do you know what
fooler woman wheo that becomeo pay*
ahk yoa may caah It But If one of
•\>h. oersr mind that- aald Mr Arthur
tholaamtioasKkt who laths
you breaka faith tear It ap.Ahd t^ ptafied to the wall as an of his Joy aad prosspted by sn ahfeelkstsd. He
1 Its full si
tnopiratloii. Was theehaek-^ check for Ing desire to catch a gUmpse of Sir
oo the lo It dinners, the
Arthur's face bad parted the wardr
exceeding «xfoodl Twenty-lire curtalna.
•Tm not a
dinners le csbarK! The Beeolute ller-N n nothlng-nothlng at all,"
-It was a stupid
when hs had 1
mlU had figured It all out Tberr
Ilelle eyed him shrewdly for an u> agreement
of you men!
would be twentt-dre daya o hen they comfortable mom«it Then, after re Why. you wouldn't b*
art] If you hk)
would eat at Imt one imsil that dW fkvtlon, she aaked: -And wberv’a your away for two yearsmonths.
-But It has
^-^aol depend upon the cbaiuv fate of other chum, the one yon call the Kid*
Mac. -and
Belle.Mr Arthur‘a sklU tn rooklnc tUlnga.
U be deaf and. dumb or bllndr
tiring on your egira- aald Mac.
This with a
-Il'a l.K> bad.- aald Mar. with an ef
-Kid, put down that aketcb ‘
fort at sincerity, -bnt you'll
draw aomo aratcr.**
the Kid this time, lle-be goes about
seeing the art ©dltora a good deal, you
get and^nd rn
which amaslng statement
-Does he? Well. I did hope to wh- for the door. Blr Arthur. IM^er.
him. He la the ooe. yon wrote, who Ihert befors she coukl reochT^ l>lr
or BO dinners, beta were gray e> cs
raved over my picture. Isn't that
photograph of him stuck up there on
nd^ ss Mac sod the
we. boyar* be ^
I ^rrtng her flighL
There wma no denying this, for It hnd KM Jolnsd him la
been plainly Ubded -The Kld.io.*' admittrd Mae.
-He'a a little fellow with brown eyes.
-And w* moi rcspecrful!) urge you to
Isn't be? And didn't you aay he waa auy and have
bo>wr* aald «r Arthur.
baahfuir aaked B<fle. stddylag the we.
-%V* do.- cams the t«sihi
picture. -I>kl be draw aU iBese sketch In chorus.
At this demrmstmtlno BHIe s Ilr» s*«eni.
«a? How clerwl Especially that ooe
of a row of
packing U»!iea.-I*aeklng boxes. Belle! That Is an
she. -this looks like true
tmpreesloulatlc study of lower Broad1 If It tan t. I m swfuny
«r the
tlie meO
bscon. tfTtng w sad bolltarn €o»w wm. oomlad fn|. tbo
rr i
""^R^b^rwea. I never should hare
They srerc
making a most Jolly lunch.
con of n
There was the Kkl. who swalout tn the
losrcd some very hot «
tng on a blue Uble cover la effectlx^.-Smoklng fiddlesticks: Belle, you iSta^sl “
know nothing at aU about art Any
oar can see that's
that's a
a night
night scene
scene In
In the
the sma devel ^
I'U not bare yon ixAIng fun
bMwts behind thole
at my friends
their h-ok.
hacks, *•
-Why, kUc, 1 wouldn't do that for
the world! But look! What la the mat
ter with Mr tHimmy? He's shaking aU
over. Perluipa he's haring a chUl or a
fltTbe heaving abonldfra of 81r Arthur
were suddenly stlDcd. -There! He's
lA -liow curlorrr It.oua: Why doeant he turn hU head? I
should like to are what he looks like.
I'm going to peek./
-I aay. BelK behave, cant xour
«v. girl.
ma the labh
of Inst din
Into an unusually attrscen If she was his youngesi
was Sir Arthur, who fully
Mar: atao there waa Belle
wtlng bacoo and nrea and UlkII three of her bosu at oocedoor opmed and in walked the
iking cocoarmger of the Resoluta
-Ah. 1 aeer aald he grimly, after one
------ ---- --------- ..
before any
tad atalked
find voice
o of them
I of Janitor P. Brady announced
her own ide.'about | ^7ter. *1Mie*s Xu a hurry to see you. behavior, and. aa usual, she followed a marvel
I be to Mac in apologetic tone.; them. Thcas ideas kd her to Uptoe ; take you an
becatsa# Belle was conat the thought of the
must pay for her visitunder the magic irf her pout-
be around at C o'<
out to dinner.- whlspe
unda. with a bat
TlMB la txplatntloB:
Then Mr Arthur lebelled.
Bed, PixTldng
tM OM lb«t Um la BuBOo. Boya
rlndow sUl *» {
I'm afimM yoo'U Imta to ct«r o« ua
to alw-. (oaa Of ooteae aisten doot i totiMd qXckly alwot and faced hla ^
A pretty porrii table can .be made
naant for maw hot 1 sappose-**-*
•OKofeoutaer bwkeUiMrAPthiir.l -Oh. oh! Tour Ii
and cheaply as follow*: Taka
letnrulng the putter of bacon and w!wtmtoBelkma^ to put much asto
to the top of the gna store.
! tonlahmeot. -rbeo came an Impulse to f
^ eroas them aud se^
-White did yo« Mare her. Brtdyr
-Sura. air. abet Jnst outside at tha
tapar theatolTw-Oh, the dencer groaned Mac.
^ *TrouTl bars to hide, tben.Tbe Kid promptly made a dhne
thnmgb tha bint denim enrtalna of an
WtwM wardrobe In the comer. It
oral the only place of
■ -ITI M yeu,** aaggewed Mr Alt
*»(.. lAJssU*- nipwtxx.Bo*t»
Francisco Examiner.
Und agent took him«around. and he
finally found what he wanted and said.
-Ay tak daa one.- Then he went bock
to town, ami the agent waa making out
the papers.
-How do you want to poy tor Itr he
-Ay pay all. Ay bar da money.-AU right- I'U make out the doed,said the agent
-No.- said Ole Olsen. -Ay no want
deed.-Ye*. you do.- argued the agent
-.\y DO want deed. Ay had deed
Oakoly. Ay pay man de money,
gif ma deed. Ay gif I
Aj tak land. By en by he get land, be
get deed, he haf da money. Dees time
Ay no want dt*ed. .\y want mortgage.
Ay pay da money. You gif ma mortgap‘.--Loui>viIle Herald.
No Pity Shown.
-Fbr years fate was after me con
tlnuously" write* F. A. GuIIedge, Ver
bena. Ala. -I had a terrible case of
Piles causing 24 tumors. When all
failed pucklen’s Arnica Salve cured
me. Equally good for Burns and all
aches and pains. Only 25c at John
sons and F. H. Mead's drug store.
Thv Prwphetto Whele.
-I'm afraid Ml disagree with yon.remarked Jonah as the whale swallowovl him.
-Perhaps,- replied the sagacious
whale, -but It won't be a circumstance
to the way the theologians will dls
agree when they come to discoaa this
lucklcnt.--l'hlladilphla Prem.
Tb* Ca«s« mt tbr T»w«bls.
Barclay—I don’t s<h* why’you abouM
be cynical on the subject of marriage.
Your wife is of such a happy dispo.lv
tkm. always tinging aa she goes sbo^t
DilxUn—Yes. that’s where the trouble
^cw,Jo-thnt singing of bers.-Bos-
-You hare been fighting agaio. Tom*
my.-I couldn't help It. mamma. That
Stapleford hby tamed mc.-Ton aboukl have remembered that *a
soft soawer turneih away wrath* and
given him a soft answer.-I did. I hit him with a chunk of
a new waits of my own composition.
-•Well, sir.' 1 said, when I bed flntobed. ‘what do you think of thatr
-‘It carries me bark to the home
land. lad(]i«>.' said the old man. Tt
carries me bark b. a day when I
played at
entertainment In a Scotttoh lunatic
asylum. My instrument
the fiddle, and after I bad ended
my fiddle »oio the head of the Insbtntion ssid to ao aged lonabc on the
front row:
- nvell. Saunders, how did yon like
that, manr
-Saunders answered, frowning at
It add spice to dreary life, encour
ages the human heart, lifu one out of
despair, breathes new life and oonft
dence. That's what Holltotera’ Rocky
Mooatain Tea will do. 35 cento. Tea
or Tablet*. Johnson Drug Co.
Ta* Mack CiskM.
WhUe Secretary Hay was In the
country last summer, an Importaat
-George didn't keep^ engagei
with me last nigbu- sahX the girl who plfM.-!- of cISciai lHi»itie*8 was pending,
and be arranged with Washington that
was betrolhJ^ to him.
-Pd give lilm a piece of my mind," any nes* that might arrive about the
matter should be telegraiihed to him In
mid her mother.
-Just a little sample of married life." ripher.
Day after day he waited, but no tele
suggested the father.—Cleveland Lead
gram came. One morning, happening
to go te the lom ly Utbe tek^raph office. he said to the ope
-r supi*o*e you have
patch for mer
-MTiy. yes. slr." the operator replied,
Ithont a chaperon -there was a dispatch for you the other
are almost adra to forget themeelvee day. but it was aU twisted and enofused. I eoqklD*t make bead or taU
and buy thlnga.-Xbw York Weekly.
to tt, ao 1 didn't think It was aay
to send it up to yoo.» (as the crowd anigee aronnd I
. deer. Pm really afraid to get I
□I Jam!
ell, Joat abek dose to me,^
may poaalbly be
1 before her and
Into the re«7 arms of the nnanapectCover the top with
tng KkL Than she aald -Ohr again
and eqnealad byatectoaUy. Next she matting: mmmon fioor matting, tack
robed tor her breiher and got behU Ing eeeutely to the edge*, aad cerer
-Bhe doesn't go In for sthleticK
edge with a tough brakl of raMa. ■ber
orbkh In IN turn I* Ueked aronnd
-No. Mie says she looks ao mneb
Maer ahe panted.
the edge of the UUIe top.
the bettar In cUnglng gowns and French
Tbeee.- aald Mac with a mmpfo- legs Into heavy wooden balls or Iron, affect8.**-Dettott Free Press.
bmaire ware of Wa hand, -oanatitnle to keep the Uble from blowing orar
Mr entile aoilactieii. TW Cict U naily. Paint Ihe whole white, mattlag
BInck, bream, blue, stripped avemile
•ad tegs and bans. The effect Is that
-Delighted to know you, Mr. Smith.he said, -r suppose you i»eople are go
Ing to nominate a president before yon
go home. Tbte to a caae. though, where
the nomination Is already made. All
you delegates win hare tojfio will be
te ratify It .iny set of yabeea, you
know could meet and do that Just as
well aa—Dot that exactly, either, hecause they might take a notloo to be
Independent eitoogh to—er—wbat I’m
driving at. of course, to the idea that
and dried affair-which U
cert Inly Isn’t, unlees—because there
must naturally be some men of eeuac
In a convention like that or dae Utey
wouldn’t—I dou't mean anything per*
aonal. yon know—and yet. If I were a
ume I'd be as big a fool
Jnst before the .
bomaa Biggs, detective,, whose etatelent (queettoua eC the attorney omll-d) was aa followa:
-Ob Dec. 15 1 was called to Investigale the foUowlng case: Mr. Autbony
Beymoor had the evening before dined
at the Excelsior Chop and Oyster
Heuee. He had hung up hla overceet
with fSOO In ooe of ItB pecketa. and 00
reaching home found the money gonn
I was given an Incomplete list of those
who dined at the same time and pro
ceeded to get a dew. On examining
Seymoor’a overcoat I found to a
comer of one of the pockets a ttoy
package done np to a leaf erldentiy
tom from a memorandsm book.- Mr.
Beymoor declared that no such packaga waa In bis pocket at the time of
the robbery, and I at once coodmled
that there had been an exchange of
coata. The coat was a ready made ooe
of Famum 4 Emke'a, who bad sold a
great number of the same pattern dar
ing the prerkws autumn. There dined
at the aame restaurant on the eame
evening, each weertog ooe of those
coats. Anthony Beymoor. Joeepb MIt
lev and the prtooncr. Beymour's sent
was stolen and has not been recovered.
Seymour pot 00 the prteooer's coat,
which the thief doubtless removad to
Seymour's peg. and the prtooner put
oo Miller'a-coat by mistake. Miller
of arsenic to kill a cat The
label -poteon* bad not been weU pasted
00 the arsenic, and Miller, bavtog
opened the package on bis way to the
resuurant to see that tt was all right
dropped the Ubel wltboot oottetog the
-The prisoner left with Mflier’s powders and happened to give
eey the arsenic powder, Here te
leaf from the prisoner's memorandum
Miss Qoemeey'a nan»e. to which thrae
I ^ee ^ ordinary phper
be used,
be only
Of coorae Bam was nequRtod. and
ha married Mtee Gnemoey. The moot
mplosaant lasting feature to the ^
was that many people would not be
lieve to oneh a atiifular cotncldeoce as
that leading to the nearly total blun
der. Among them wma Mra. Guemaey.
who broke with her danghtor oa the
day Bbe waa marrtod.
Tha aeddeot that nearly coat Anna
Guemaey bor Bfe aad nearly sent
Water Engineer AlfMt M. Qnlck ef
aldmore eetimatee IhM MUnojOOB
thM cliy.
The original atock aC the R/m taiiieer now to. Alaeka Mt tha geiatnment $IZM each to flbeila. coM 9B a
hesd to date, and art worth to oeU
la the last eentatl^ the' fetes oC
helebooe boo ftoen fMl RUB to $2K-
ik Bo rare to ohrttoeas. ncto men of the ttoffa, that at
eemce wui uave a meyi^n
dren and on deck athom lihe thoae r
need to Gennen gettonk whteh tt to 4!
expected wOl be partteuteity apfcod. f
laadore Bush la edS theMyfonag
widow. Lady HotyreoC to •ftooMem.H. Beerro ltoUth. who hw hoto apeartag with Robert BSBait to *Tlwt
Man and 1,** to aooo to hfighi a Btantog
WUliam Fkmum. who was eeen to
the title rote of -BtohBak** h- boon'
Otto Harian, the oomedian who won
a wide pofmlartty to -A
other Hoyt ptoja. hto aammd /I;
I IdeTe Eye’* and'’The Amaer/*
ee. Rdane. It to ffatoitoly aecttod
vember to New Toik. Tba Ftonto
actiomwIUbeaetBtohiraaitroiofirBanym^ to to fitoke her bem
don eppearance naxl Vigr to Htohcrt
Henry DavW pla/. **Cmhla.** Blsln
De Wolfe tried the play toKowTock.
flows youE
It token before August 1st. 1904. I
will sell the lot on the South side of State
Street adjoining new Post Office Building,
one of the best locations in the city.
balutatiDn’b origin.
Altar hanaa beM Ml lor ««a* Hme
with aa aHletka that poMlad the pbrdetoM. a Portlaad bor coapkad ap
It par* a. better to ^Itatr th.
QMlotaare of roey-todo people. ■ 1
aoloe to Meat* lo WaU etrecC"
da Mack wor. fro. hU laaa* aad lah
uvrnvmtntmrn. la«MlsM0> wored rapMlr thereafter. It wa* I
We waol jroo ladle* to koow that
«WM^ WWWBT. tkPt tk* |pk«Ml»W bat atoaUar worm Head la tk* weU wc are apecUUr prepared to ptre too
Iraa which the taollr oMalaad lu
the Boat Piesainc reaolu to akin«r k«^ 4kpMl «•< PM« tk* am IrtaklBf walar.
watot work. We walk aad Iroo tbem
ah. M MMhr. tka poblte.
carefollr hr baod. which deco that
»o« h> pmt Ikat ha 4oaa1 M M Mlllaa fro. North M
noch deolred new appcaraacc. aad
oU aa «ba (>.8|r Blbla Mr* ka la. O. l.|------ - with the poaalbimiM of a
for which we aiake no addlUonal {
O. WWIar, *( aaban. aa*i *1 ymtn. hone whieh be mw raaalop awar at
MitftaM a fooram kaU «r aora tka noMaa the other dor that he followed charge- The wagon will call. 1
phone. Star Steam Laundry. Wright!
be aataoM -eonl -I**. P-'W «
.Ikar 4ar. ■*<« «*«r It
tMM tk* wfMkade of ha>MM aad Broa. tS8 Park 8C
MMi IB tk* NUm p
tfeit IM*-M* «M lh« bWlBBt P«M
mM *v. •»* ^Ttas Ik to*, otlar
Tka loiaaat rafl a( piM t^ jgnr
tova« I. Laka •ap*rtor anhrod at
aval* k *•« <V* an ><l«'k K>M
aarH* tia^tha haaa o< tk* lake. Tkp
tiadi** «aa eat kariag iaat artatar la
tk* Oooaabarrr H**r dlitrtet aad oc
b r rM*l«». or Oraad Haaea. ha*
milMl hla 0*
neaaoasul e( awi
TT—*r- HI* <Mb«r b«M the eSe*
oadlkl* death aea. moth* kgo. Oa
•aMaat«( tk* laf«* aa.b*r oC Be*a
SaarlkB* la Mkhis** the oOce U
a*»* aa taporual oa*. batoc a# It to
the aolr oa* o( the klad ia the *Utc.
Ileaaae elllaaa* baT* talrae ap tbr
•Vaa* eiNBlaa tootdt" Mm aad a datr
la a*pla.ber bmt k* aamd lor the
hanr aad pordia«M It for the
At Ike TaoderUle theater at lake
iriew park, near Katoinaaon, a
pTtkoa created eooeteraatloo the
alcht. The aaake U oae of Ue laraert
a.dciaB. the aaake eaeaped aad
A cwriotMi caKtom i»revall» In Bul
garia which moat be a liard i»«iaUy
for the woman who love* to bear the
•oond of her on»n rolcc. All newly
married women are oMUred to rrroaln
dumb for a month after nuirriage. ex-
The eaae of the two Jacluoa phy.1
etaaa who »MJ*ct to make report to
tka board at haoMh of birth, to th.
enr. abmiM *e brooitot to the atteo. tlea orTreaMeat BoomoreK'. race aoltdda Mmmtoalaa.
The tweatr-thlrd aBaaal reoaloo of
th* mMlem aad aallon-aaaociatloo of
AltoMUl ooaaty arUI be held at Sanca
taek Jalr *«. K aad «. aad maar of
MlehlfM’* bam oralora hare been
plaeMI oa the peoRram.
f*..*Hnm.re Ima aa aetha.la.tlc
haaaball 'tM Ih the pemoa a( aa old
ladr aamad HooMhaa. who wa. mnmk
tatbaarahratouHmnata rtemn
gam*, hot la tpU* at the taloir *be
witatmd tte aa»* oat wUh th. other
this Common and Dfoofrsobk DioOM.
Hyomcl cures coUrrh by the simple
method of lirratblng It Into the air
paaoagm and lungs. It kills thoge™
oC catarrhal poison* heoU and oooChos
the Irritstod mucous membrane and t4
lectnolly drives IKU disease from the
of the
you have
The very newoM novelty In photog
rophy is the richly llnUbcd platinum
orals, mounted In hondsomo folders.
Wc hare sold thousands of thorn and
have founA It almost Impossible lo
supply the demand. Besides, tho srllolle finish,
and tone of our work
Is quite gcncfaUy known and appre
ciated. Smith A ITicc. artists, ZZo
So. Union SL
While on a rislt here the other day
ek-8costor HavW H. HllHmet an old
acquaintance and asked him how be
arms ’’isKUng akmg.” The gentleman
compfaHned that be was lo **hard
lock.- and ssld:
•Tilings hare been going hsdiy with
me lately. The fart Is. if I were I*sxand the
said X’oine forth/
Ifth.**—Near York
I would
Oartboo tolaad. th* moat
aad la the areal lakaa. attaatad Ibrtraeo mUm fram the aearaat •bar. of
tafe. flaparlar. hM hmm pwohaaad hr
ether dar ka a laatloa at th* poa«
•ad tkweWlM •**>*«<»<
ao thaa altkt ha martlad hr h priaat
n* lawrara aa* toaothar. aad
•ympolhy oC oU pror
Of men. boys and children to fit our
la attmw hats. Wo baeo alt
thTndpalv ohopos for summer wear
aad arc tdoolag thorn out recardloos of
the oosL Our vtadow U ftlled with the
Uyomca wiU doolroy aoUvIly of oU
eotarrhal csfmsim th« rosplrmlonr oi^ best ooca at SOc. Other t^eaper ones
■oat and ta a fotp wouks the ova wlU If you wish. The Jack aad Jill ootnMMtkm salU for boys aad glrU. with
Cho wblatlo. Me. ^Kuback A Hoyt, 111
■; Printing
' V'"'
Should be the aim of every business man.
ITiat's where we can help vou out.
BMde tor the lake aad the Jm> bad
debt with It bKore It wa. reeaplar*
chatter freely.
then sbe _______________
SberlC i. rtaak BdMtt of Oeoeol*
eoaatr. who wa* a eaadidato for the
It Unt often you can get yoor foot
Ure IB the aute legirtatnre
Into such^ looking, well made Ox
nonneed through the TuaUn Tlinoa bit fords as w^ are selling. They are the
withdrawal. Bheri* Bdgett . flrat and exclusive styles of the season. In
met conrlnclng raaaon for withdraw- black and tan. and the most comfor!lag la that ha oaanot afford to tmre ahle abocs you can Imagine tor hot
hit dlttrtcl In Lantlng tor three dol- weather. We Uke special care In the
lart a day. Lack of reaaonable com fitting of shoes, whlrh Is most Import
tt *rin Bol b* Mas before the U*t pentatkin haBein afkcr yeaw. prcrenl- ant to the wearer. WalkOvers for
plaak «klh la Marrllle vlll bae* dto- ed competent men for accepting leglo- men. Alfred V. rricHlrich.
latlre nomlnatlont In Ihlt tUte. *
A. D. Rogert. who cUlmt to be a
Ceogmsi. roTTring d.lM pages of
nttm hi* poUtleal *ek«am harr lineal deacendam of John Rpgrra. U
mm* tk aaaiht, the frload* of aa op wanted at Alpena on the charge of The Ref'ord with Its detmtes during riie
atat* ma aaawd Oearpa hoop are ol Jumillng a board bill. He regltlered last session, n matter of 2.UW pages
fewer than the average former stwunder the name of Nimrod Hunter at Bkina gives the soliermlnded pause.
tbaoplalaa that be to la It
CartoaA aad apptwpriate. a* It oaw the Alpena bouae. ttayed two weokt.
Is not the negl«*el of fr»*e S|*e«>«b
a**., aa *»tM.l»* *tHp of a**.! and then dltappeared Rogers cUlmt fraught with eveu greater danger tlian
laad la. tk* eootral part of the .tato to be Inspired and nays he Is going to the denial tbcrtNifY
t'ertalc It Is that where leglslnturea
laaanad braamaaoied Bo«a.
write m new and Improved Bible. He
not talking they arv* pretty Ukely
arrested at An Sable a month ago
Tk* Battle Creek Balratloa Armj
l«Wl»l«tlDa.-Ufc.----Maa who boart* that eeTcoteea of hit oo the chM«e of obt.lnlo* moor) b> j “
la»adtote aaeratoo pere oaOTlclod froml. He wm relc«*l. after
ortgdaato. erldeatlr ha. a rather b>( the moorjr, on promliwr to lea*
To know-tbal your valuable, are in
s place of absolute seruriiy. Within
akadr fUaUr tree.
allaaed craft at Alpraa. Roaer. I. a our steel llntMl vaults are safe deposit
th talker, very rellalou.. but fre- boxes lo rent to those who re<juln‘ s
Mat wook In aa eolira aaw droM of
U MlooB. iBocb of the time.
tTpa. whiek •Eeeted a »Mikad la.place for ihe keeping of such ariicU s.
laleteetlBK yacht rare will ht- and to which no one bos access oxproroBMnt upoo thto. one of Com coonBtrea oa Lake Mlchljmn In the near ccpi the renter who carries the key.
tr'* laadlna weakltaa.
WIlUaB Banker, who recaoUr ma^
11.50 per yewr. Pt‘oplc‘8 Savings Honk.
riad a Orand Rapid, mldeo aaaird Mart will be made on the aflcmoou of
Mhh r.rowlmt la V.
PViMOM Hill. ha. applied for a dl- Auaunt 3 and the coniwe will be from
enm. It aaaaia that the Bunker-Hill Cbicaao to Macklaac. 301 mile*. A*
hoeta will BO douM pa*. IbU tide slsiiN will n«»w flow from lbMa|t»u on ncw
«Sht becaaw too warm tor WllUam.
r«»unt of tologniphlf advliv^ fn»ni
<d the Marlloo.. we will be only a few Fb.m-Kn1Kwjin to tho efTort that ;
A Oraad Rapid. oHalrter bellB
miles from the racina vcuel. a. they •*fo«l is firfirt>* In Mukilon «imI tin- moIthe danrias atwdle to be mtllhtler tl
th* dIeoiM decrae. for he eosaeata th* PSH here. Ca.h prize, of II .000 for dlors are rating luikM lieau
the winner la each of three riaaaea. the liusoians Imvo «tl«lm«<l to
arcaolaatloo of a “home
high sUiulnrtl of clvlliw.tlon ntul^V
*imr“ M a remedr lor the diroree
fcrcd.-EmpIrc Journal.
psthlos of eullghtciMHl luitlousy-BarOaawar kaalBaM ibm Are wreaHIn*
liiigton Ilswkryc.
wRh the oartr cloalaa horn probleo.
aad with the aMtoUaee of the derk.*
aianrlaHmi ther bare asiwd npoa t
odoek aa Iho lUalt for the «imaier
-Unloa madt*’mrorolfo Ma DooM.
ABOUT YOUR Ol'FICK: perhaps you will
discover that you need some
Letter Heads
. Envelopes
Bill Heads
,! The germ kiUm of old ago. WhyT
, hu'cause pus aad germ become ovf
Idlred when brought la ooatoct with
Tho origin of "Hello. BUI."
' muctnis tissue of the body. Baa Jak
“With Ctoclnnatl Elks. Uke slm««t ,,
by dissolving the
everj- expression that liecomes (amous. earth salts from the blood. Prwrms
its birth iH due lo accident
ossification or a boncy-Oke hardening
Uiir came Into use by the Elks In of the arteries. San Jak cores y^tir
at the auniisl reunion of the or- heart orhe. bock ochc. leg ocbe.o uur
Mlnncapolls. Among those kidney trouble dtsoppoaia, yoor Uver
who attended fri>m Cincinnati liMlge
were Wm. C. Ziegler, past exsUH pills. Slomoch and bowel trouble you
ruler of Cinclimatl lo.lge. and Wm F.
have Booo and you ore again
Grautnxan. for several years siwtary strong ohd well. Dr. Bumliam hms
of Cincinnstl bvdge. Both were then, Sla nt a life time onalyring lo tod elc
and still arv.^^Oiemlirrs of Ihe grand
nculrixlUc polM» In Hh?
lodge. On da^ during the Mlnnoa|sdb human body. He has found It and
reunion Ziegler rsu Into Grant man ot giviw 11 the name of Bon Jak. Ytsi
a pmminent corner, and yelled to him con not forget. He la a wonder and
-Hello. Bill! hU remtHly is a marvel lo humanity.
Giautman yelksl back:
8<dd and guaranteed by Johnson Hrug
who are sumclenlly rellalde to
-Hello. Bill! *
Btuh an- naim-d "BUL" The Inei- hand you back your money if all is luA
deni in
lu nothin;;
nu»re than a men- grei ling. But. as
it hap|K'ne«l. x\u n' were several other
Doctor of acauty.
-Bills-passing by
and every
lime. Rita Kraus, beauty sish-UIIsJ.
tunivM Seven or eight of them found U compt'lled to remain over anotln'r
Il.vmst^-lve-i veiling to t«e another:
wwk. ending July 23. on wceount of so
-lli llo. Blll!”
many callers she is unable lo cimsull
A Mlnmaisvlls newspaper man no with. This is posUlvely the last wev'k.
lici^ the incident, ^d exclaimed
Mme. Rita Kraus bold thns' dlpUunas.
"By Gum! My names Bill, tis,.
Graduate and a.M^Klate of l>r. rabthought ail those Wks were sptaking sarato. Sarah lU fnhanlf.s U aiity dm'itor. All lab*si nuthaniral and eUs'-Hello Bill- thus iHxaror a byaonl. Irieal melbiHlh umM to n m.oe mi|htTb«- iJ. s. ikaiH-r man n fernsl to wrote
ti hair, moles, hlm k heads and air
.~ii»ry alMiiit the oeenr
imperfivliotiB of the skin and s«alp.
rvni'v, ami il sas i.iekid up b> all the racial massage, bust UevrU»pment and
viHlIiiic Wks. who iK'gsn m gr.-* t om hair culture a sis'clalty. Kexp young.
another with “Hello. Biil.* regard
Will Im' here until Satnnlny. July 23.
of their names. Now. when one Elk
ultation and <me treatmeut free.
meets another, no mailer where, ami Office Hotel WhlUng. Office hours. 2
strangers though they are. they grvxM to 4 p. m.
each other with “Hello. BIM!Removes blackheads ami oudes at
Il lias iHstvme the word of gre* line
le silting. Wliy not assist nature
all over the I'niusl States, An Wk and ki'i'P iMatillfuI.
d.H-s mH like to U' gns iitl with
('••iiMiU with tlie madam and learn
-Hello. Blir by a man not an Elk. Hut the art of luHsNiig.- fn e of charge.
when om;^slrange Elk greets amitber
This will iHe,lttvcly be the la^i w.-ek
with Hello. Bill- a gond of friendship
in insf.vnil> foitneil and never liroken.
as.lt is ismeiite.!. without iblay. b>
giving .ach other the grip and ex
4'luinging eards.
S«-v*TaI different storicsi have Ik-,*!!
eireulatevl rt^ganlitig the . origin of
Worid*8 Fair, ®L Louis.
j-Hello. Bill. ’ One is that In an Elks
Round trip tlcXiots at low rates. On
j parade a big Billy gr*i w‘ith one of the sale
at all ticket sUtions. Ask agents
I lodges was gnndiHl on all rides pith for rates. llmU of tickets and full pir* *11*110. Bill!” and that this started Uculor*.
frl A »ucs
I the now farnou . expression. While
! t »e goal incld* nt transplrisl. it aas
j no! until a ytar or two after the Mmneapolls iurnh nl fvt the several Wil
I liant Wks running Into *mio another.
Notice to T
There arA* 177.150 Elks In giasl
The Ux mils for Hie collect|.3w of
standing In the .l’nlti*d State*.
scbfs»l ami city taxes and s|»ec»al as
Tiie gmwlh of the Elks the past sessments for 4be five words of the
yi-ar was 23.1 tI2 meml»ers
city of Traverse City, Mich., have U*en
The six largi-st ItKlgcs art': Brook placei! in my bands for mllectloo.
lyn. 1.743 members: New Y<vrk. 1."-17
I will be In ray officx' fur the purDrxrtill, 1.2(i3; Philadelphia. l.oKJ pose <«f collecting oald taxes every
Ixttilsvllle. l.ouK: Chicago, l.tsio.
week day from now until Nov. 1. 1!>0|,
The Elks* grand lodge
Its mot
cy largely for charitable purposes. I
all. I1K.O0O was donaieil by the Elks
4 o clock In the afternoon of each day.
for the Baltimore fire sufferers, but
All taxes paid before Sept. 1st will
eniirt amount was reiurmd by
nH-tlved wrilboul colh'ction fees,
Baltimore lodge lo the grand balge.
and oo all taxes remaining nnpald on
For the Buthr (1*0.1 typhoid fever Sept. 1st and Until Oct. 1st. a penalty
•sufferers the Elks’ grand todge do of one i»er cent tor collection will be
nated I2.00U. Other charitable contri
charged. On all taxes remaining un
btitlnns are being mode the whole year paid on Oct. 1st and ffntll Nov.
penalty of two per cent tor colleelkm
or you may be short on some Spetial Blank
Find out what you
Herald and
Record Co.
front STREET
will bi- charged.
Office. Kis.m 202 Slate bonk bldg
There is mvlhlng quite
M. K. Haskell. City Treasurvi
ate lo give'your visitors or I
Dated Jui> 25. mi.
224! t£
awwy to friends oa a souvenir
We have the Urgesl IIiml In the city,
hundreds of them, spoons of the bay .
WvMiuedimg club and others
vco* heavy sleriing silver. $1.25 lo
NoUca to All Pmsons Interested.
|2-5«.* A beautiful display of hand
The ooscssmeat roll tor the paving
decorated china. Bamum A Earl. 15« of Cass street from Fnmt olnxi. lo
Front 8t
State slrt'cl. aad State aliwl fr
Union street to Cass ilrccl is now
Worklnfl Nlqht and Day.
The bueimt and mlgbtlosl little
thing that ever was mode Is Dr. King’s
New Ufc Pills. Them; plUs change
weaknes to otrength. IlsUessncos Into
energy, brain-fag into mental power.
They’re wonderful In building up the
booUh. Only tSc per box. Sold by
ioluuon’t drug aibrc and F. R Mead.
nan lamp aa H, 1
Dladc. brown, bhm* strifpM mmratta
at Dm^*o.
VanMb ft. I. Walt« Rwm Trtoran*
c—M pwm. * IQm
^9—M set owe of tim-tMnga
erb—ma-dm kwffteg — or Hamtot Ti. Tbe naff or D—marfc.
Urn. O—rffa fftaan of derela^
Teaa.. — iba Mar caai a( tba p—
tew «Htea n voMd tax
Ut mrnmr tmm (be WaU etmi pit m at tbe MaCbodSM ammeatSoa at Ortim.
pate^ —bBmrt— aad gto- pffftetito
Ibe poMlblr M. He iMkm man after a-4e mm Bbarp Jitoa bt (be pcaacb- me— flC la—ge tbaa we have. Ton to daMfwctliwmaa. to mder ea—trae
tbe VaaiertiOu to bto barter- cbai^ eta. HeaaM: Tbe pow^af Umaa- wtQ Sad 4— Mdt caa-. UaveUag H— la mlntatara (a New Turk city.
baga aad tnmlm. la all Ma-. rtyksa Tbto aew—t coatrtvaacc to ncsblng
In tbto coaatry. aad jma praaebara are aad at^ moMAS—eabto prto— here, BBora ork—tbaa a blgb aprad torpedo
aly to blame for tbe rwln of tbe aad It to a ptoaaare toAbow tboa. F. b—t wbirb to ttortf a torpedo, tbe bow
IM ptaBfM tor pbcao—al aad
betaff AIM wito blgb —ptoalr- ia
«. Preaeb probibttkm ao Cbat
-deb proiU.
aba^Haiw— On.
people win erne for H aad tbe
Tbi a-a wbp er- toiteljr reepoaalUto tor Ibe totntoaetkai e( self to erlJ to ellmlaatod.-. Mr. fftoart aamed
—ya tbe New Turk Evefxing Jo—aaL
td ad*
Ibto CD«aU7. ftob«r( Uxbbart 4tod a In ibeir oed— (be grmt
It to planned tbat the torpudo braL In
fev dare a«D to Bdlaberc. SeoUaai. rerrtu that are fmagtng over Aa-rtea
tbe dertroctioo of tbe boetUe craft
town cf Agen. in Frame, rpcmlly. A agalaac which It* deadly prow to dlHe «— for yea— a ttoea tapnfter to
rrelcd. atoo Miall tmmotote Itoelf. At
Hair Yorfc« aad orgaaUed tbe ftret «nlf
(emperature waa lu degrero belcw ao time, however. —n the lu*a to tbe
deb to the IJalurt Statee to Yoakeri,
bL The water Ibrown attacking'force be greater tban two
N. n to list. It vae kaova — the all tbe oCbcfi. -Anarchy.- -Id Mr.
men. and ttiooe two trill have o flgbtfApple Tree Oaa*.'’ BabeeqiMwtto be Stuart, -la iiorn in tbe aalooa aad uppu tiHi 0re t
lag cluince to mpe.
fomtoad tbe m. Andrew e (Mf ctob. ^ itoea a mcib becoir— aacootrollablc and rtolng tnSbe cold, dry air. waa tin
When tbe taring bodt. which I* a
^Tberc-eecfMtobaTrboeaawtbodto v/ltb toe apirit of anarchy the Arut ronllatcly condcnoid and fell aa anow. totpedo. baa daMied to a point arai
r j.'* ibe tovUh boapfulliy of Tbo-ab r. tolag the mayor do— to to doae toe What wltb Isigbt Marilgbt aad a tnongb to lu rteel clad prej to give
aad the danger to part. Every atnmg northw—t wind blowlag. the aoRunince it cafuiot iKwdbly uito* tbe
WalUi. tbe Colorado BilUoaalre mtowblrllttg aiMiw almrc and (he raging mark tlw crew of two brave mra wfll
rr. to tbiT toadies potiOctoae of tbe body knowa that the Infcmal- lUioar Are
bHow. a brilliant i«Nt-taile waa
funda Ixdore It will entertain the provleiim of a alte. Meantime the city
which Shakcapare no highly htmon^
will Ignore the wlahe* arni gen«To^Hy
i»f thorn} who would reapert hh mem
ory. ^and confine Ha one puhllc lealimonlal to the poet to the lUilc buat In
Wceunlnmer nbbey.
Illchard Seddon. premier of New
S^Aland. hav recently
n called niioti
to aolvc one of the Knmtiect pnddema
of hto eomcwhal wv'nirlc career. Thto
. I time the women got afUT him on the
cornet qucatlon. The agltalora. oppooed to wearing three ahapo-moldlng
CfHJtrivaneea. who wert' repremmatlvcg of the New 7x>alaiid Natlvi'a* a«aoclatkm. apponlad to the premier to
MW that a prtibiMtlTc tartfl be Impoaod
upon curacta, Mr. Seddon did not at
tempt to deny the ^Injury cauaed to
brwith by the garment, but auggtwtod
that the remedy lay with the wc
themaeUe*. --To ralar the duty.- aald
he. «*would md bring atKMit the dtouac
er—ac the coat to the wearer.of too article, bnt would almply InThe rcloaae from prlaon ctf Mr*.
Maybfick recall* a aiory told on the
authority of E. 8. Willard, the Eoi
acdor. According to too rlory toerc
waa a aenaallonal pUy In rehcaraal at
one of too London to—tera early U
tb« *BO'a. Tbo plot of toe play waa In
an ctacntlala the plot of the Maybfick
tiagedy. Before putting It In the bUl
bualne— la back of all pollt
rupllon. Tbe algnlflcant fact
log tbe aaloonB on election day abowa
bow dangero— they are. It to folly to
talk of free balks and a fair count
when the brewrra and dtoUllerm of the
oonniry have toroUled toe nation aad
mcrally bought our pollUcal Icmdcra.
Ninety per cenL of the dlvorc— arc
'trmc-blc to tbe aaloon. I aak Ool
roHtIca. who— blaunt voice la beard
ihrougbottt toe land, what U the mat
icr with our country, and be aaya: Tl
to .toe agltBtloo of the aUv— qu—tion.
UrUf qucatkiB. or tbe national
bank.* It to none of tbcac! It la liquor.
Hut Col. ItoIKIca docan*! oonalder that
worth diacuaalBg. You voiera allow the
liquor iralBc to continue and what do
you do with tbe drunkard that you
make? Tl»c hanker refund to have
him. Uic mcrvhaiit tbe railroad, the
factory and every InduMlry refuaea
him. ao what do wc do with him? We
run him for oinoc.Tbomaa A. McQuakle. auperintend
ent of drtccllve* In Pitlaburg. ha*
held the Id— that dcpre—lng
w—iher lia* a dccJdtnl effect on tbe
m<iral tone cS human tK*Ing>(. Many,
he —yn. are unable to work during Uic
period* of low haromotcr and capcclally on aticky. rainy daya. On auch oc
—altma he haa remarked mt*n walking
the rtrcwta who are on (ho verge of Inaanity. Time and again he haa made
It hti< biiHln«-<h to watch iK-op1e who
on the KlnM-tn on nmh day* and
dlhcoviTi-d for till* lime to-lng they «reentln ly lm*«iMmfclble. In many p«im
pie. he aaya. the animal paaalona are
H> aneh a dr •e tliat they arv
t«» wntlnne their work. They
wander atoHii the *ln-et* In a dared
condition, often requiring cfinstant
watching. *o that they v^lll do m> harm
•H or to other*.
icwhnt akrptical ol
llio power* of eUwIrlcIty. went to work
n*c«-ntly In the yard of the nri*»klyn
lUpId Tranalt Co., at the Hn>klyn tmd
of the bridge. Iking a new man he
waa wami-d rt'iH*ati*dly to U* cari^fiil
of the thinl rail. After a wixdi be de.
ekied to teal the rail few himaelf. He
walked tip to the third rail* when no
tine wa* amund and placed the tip <S
hto Hh.M* on It. Nothing happened,
and he put hto fiHit firmly «m the rail
Then In* followtd with hto tdUer foot
and walKetl for aome UtoUnce along
the rail. Ulng careful to keep hto heela
from touching. After walking aa far
aa he wtohid. he rtc|>l*ed off with a
’•Alay aa ndling off a log,chuckled the Irlahman. -Tlie whole
triek to to ktH>p the nail* in your heela
from tomhing ’ Uieaently the other
workmen relumtd and the experiment
er prv'imred lo ahow off. "Your re
ato> . * aaya hi”ni ahow youne how to
walk the third rail.’* Before they
could atop him he waa ready to *iep
aboard. -JihH ki*t»p the nalla in yo*ur
hi-eto fnim-" He never flntohid the
M'mi nee. |n*(—d he *hot about alx
fivt 111 the air. turned aeveral aomc'raaulta and lit on hla —r loo feel away.
Unknown to him. Ibert' had lieen no
power In the rail when he llrat touehid
It and the ciiirrm wa* Juat Biarting
again when he made hto aecund experi
Wc aupply hitndrfda of them with
m—t*. and we acldom lone a patron
bo—uac they all know that we take
the gr—I—t poaalhic care to furnlah
them with the flnewl in toe land, and
at r—aooahlc price*. Our market It
cloanllne— peraoolAed. and we have
every article la tbe m—t line that the
a—aoQ will allow. Broach Br—,. 244
Pruot 8L Bitbcr phone.
Of High Life Coffee aad you will
forget tbe eSher brand*. It haa that
rich, delightful flavor that you are ao
food of. but ao rarely fled. And atlll
It to not cxpeaeive. You will And thto
grocery the neat—t and cleanest to
toe city and ev en thing In li freah. but
ibe aal-men. Both phone*. L. R
Stlckney. (11 Calon fit.
Night W— Her Terror.
T would cough nearly all night
long.** write* Mra. Uhaa. AppU^gatc. of
Alexandria, Ind.. “and ould bartlly get
any aleop. 1 had conaumpllon *u liad
that If 1 walked a block 1 would cough
frightfully and aplt blood, but. wlien
all other medicine* failed, thrw 11.00
beSH— of. Dr. King * New Di*covcry
wholly cured mo and 1 gained
dft.“ It'* absolutely guaranusd
tire Cough*, Cold*. La Grippe.
Bronchitic and all Throat and Lung
Tmuhl—. l»rico 50c and 11.00. Trial
hotlles 10c at Johnao^'K drug rtorc and
F.-IL Mead * drug aipre.
lock tbe rtcerlng gear. and. with Hto
bHU aliout tbrtn. 1—p ovrrlioard. iraetbe d*wto <1—Uiig englue of war
it tcrriflc *pcod and
blow Ifartf and the ablp of the enemy
to rraqnnrat*.
nqph«-w vt CapFrancl* Herr—boff. nqp!
tlM* cr-let>rat*<d
tain :
bulkier of the i
I of the Amerb
—'a rap. to tbe Inv.uitor of tbto new
annlUitotor. He coutrada that by tlw
nee of humnn diav-tiug ngency up to
a point within a hnmlasl r««S of an
eaemy'a warship the uncTtalnty that
boa attended the um> of the ton»ei1o
fare will have to be conducted on new
Tbe coW blooded buslncs* prlnriphInvolral In the model mm l.elf;: umde
by Mr. llerTvshoff for subuitoKion to
the oernnaty of the navy 1* that it
would pay any nation at war to destroy
a tonuHlo boat whlrii ro*t a to w thou
oand Uullor* and to risk tbe Uvea of
two men for the certainty of d.-*troying a lmtile*hlp or a « nilmT whh b cost
mnilon* and blowing out tbe lives <*f
humlort* of the enemy nt tlie aanM^
time. A minimum of human suffering
and death and finanrial las* on the
aide of the nation attnrbnl 1* the Imiud
principle uaderlying, the Ilerrv'slioff
Bm It go— much farther tban th.nt
Hitherto one of the’chief coinpbrfni*
After you have tried rubber heel* made agalnat torpedo boata ba* lieeii
on your ahoea cfoiihln'l It jar you t.i be that they practically were m«'leHs In
Hboui them? You can't imagine thi ragagomenta at *ea bci-aujM- their uu■onworthlm-s* imole It ImiHwlhle f.»r
oi>mfurt and caae they give «me. and it them to be token far frojii |M.rt on
will do away with that tired feeling to crulfM** In aeaa-li <»f tlie raeinr. ThI*
hoM» who are oonatantly on their feet feature. *o nggmvnting to udmimla,
Wc put them on while you wait. Al- Mr. Uerrvshoff als«. d«-slim* to over
fad V. Friedrich. Opiwslto Herald come. Ill* toriMHlo liont with tliede.nth
dealing Ik»w* will be mjule of nhiminUi'tnird ofllce.
lum nml built In a»*tl<ins. h t that iu*veml of them mny 14* «-nfTle<1 »»n iiny
large warship, midy f.»r use In time *.f
Flrrt p«**ei,g,u--Well. thunk good
emergemy. It will as|Uln* only u litlle
•** my children have Ibitohe*! their
while to bolt tbe wM-tlons of one of
edu—tiou, and are awdy to Mart out
i»«‘ ths-t destroy er* togrih4>r niid
In Hie world. They am awim. bike, tU***«‘ fhs't tlon It* wuy townrd tlie
golf niid pluy town tefmto: they iire \t dushlng <
well «p In liookkaidnc. nm.vrt abort”one of the moat tiiiTmrtnnt to*nture*
band writer*, ami gor^l tvpirt*: they
of thn Hemsibofr Invention.I* tlmt the
.-an play n goml Imndjit bridge, ainokc
Umt* will to* ajulpissl with «*lertrlc
mederately and drink very litlle.
S«-eond p«i«enger—Are they boy* or motor* and other ims hanlenl nppllauces
Which will give to ihem a jniixlnnmi
drla?-New Yorker.
Our ire cream parlors and sotla founUln to iHTomIng more jM»p‘dar wHh
the parilcul.vr pvHiple dally. Our
creama are rich, pure and dcllciou*
and our fountain will Kurjirtoc you
with H* gotd thing*. We deliver Tom'
of charge l<> all part* of the city. The
1^ Gratl Candy Co., 221 Front St
attention to them
The nutonmbtle
priimiple of hHsrtnotlon will to* upplied.
and It is experusl tluu whra one of
guns will lind It e^trvmi-Iy diflieull t4»
atop It with *hot or shell or for the
beUnaman on a battleship «*r eruiiMT to
save hls^shlp by Hying to run ow.ty.
The llcrresboff ton>edo ne**e*sarlly
will Is* much torg«*r llinn the Whlti*bc^d, and It will to* pveoilbh* f ir it to
Te». the big toi.va down at our d<^ efffiHfve work nt any n-nsounblc
arhciot are very Iwd."
dlManiv wMlhoni nny other mift gel
“1 auppoae Um- teaeher keep* them ling within range of the enemy's gun*.
In nfler wIkkiI u* punldnnent V
All that will l^* neeessniy will to* for
-No. die MMid* tliem home earlier the crew of two men. nn etigimra and
than the m*t of nO
-Bm 1 ttomght *he puntohed lliem."
“Tluif* pniitolinw'nt, \Vi* luive a Ing blown up themselves.
pretty tenelier ami all tin* to».v* uie In
dfST love with her.*’—Chicago Dally
OmwlToroa* Kor^-an.
TT.e Kon-iin to tunidvram*. Bird*
Few people r—llxe Kow much 111
health to eauaed by iSe Ordinary »y*lem of beating, which haJiea them one
day aad chilli them the ncxi. Chap
pell* Hoi Air Furnace eyrtem give*
an even, delightful warmth in cold or
mild w—thcr and to under perfect con
trol. Thto mean* comfort and h—1th.
Doctors know tMs—a*k youra—and
talk It over with Ar ! A Cole.
of the nlr. !K*e*t* of the llehl ami Hah
from the »—-nothing conn** ami«a to
bto palate. Dog meat I* In grv*nl rt*
qnest at certain iM*a*utia; pork an«l
beef, with the blood nndmlm*! from
the can’***; -fowl* nnd game-Mrvls
cooked with the light*, glblct.s, brad
and claw* Intact- fish, snmlriod atnl
highly malodorou«-BlI are *ci*cptablc
rawer —nM-a «i*e*,
era— stitch ha* Invaded even the
»ew bathing *bo—, nnd aome very nt
Emperar FnmH* Jonrpb mt Austria
to nine tim— king, twice a grand duke,
once a grand prlnee. and the multi
tude of tlie till— as count and —
forth to past ranroeratloii. In addi
tion. «* king of Hungary, be li—r» the
title of “moM apnatolle." which to beatowed on Idro by the poiw.
oboe to of cour- the b-t subject for
tbe work, and atltchery must to* In
fast cMora. IRTiite canvas can bare
decoratloD In black or red or Wnc; blue.
In white or red. etc.
A very attr^ab^e ditplay of 1—tber
fooda. U»o mim P—gf baga. In a va
John 11. Daviln. Ho—ton—Wai all rtoly of 1—thers. atoo purs— aad aboprun down: nothing did me any good plng baffi. wallcta, card cas— and.novantU I ffot b^d of UoUirtcr'k noMiy clU—- Traverac aty aouvealr tpooa*
Mountain Tan. Now 1 am atrong and of Ibe bay, club houae. Central school,
well; gained forty poaada » eenU. and numeraas d—Igna. which are b—nT— or Tableta.
tlfnl and Bodert in price. R: W. Raatall. tbe Jewelar, 224 Front 8t
atfmutont and he to in 8t IVtaMmcff
to offer bto aenrlc— to tbe exar.
a prl—to. a—tlnee waa giTen to which SHAVINGS-Souto Side
crUioa, iwlorf and Uleraiy folk were r:42tf.
f—i or a ooelidr Wto jof w%om U
ar— wytttom itoe bad m ^ mm mU
coaatry at tbe. lime of tbe natkma)
oonireotkm at Cbtoasa Mr. Waleb
bae eeaatorto] aoibltkMu. He to aasioM to Pit erlth that dIselM body to
Waebtiistdi Md vlll make public doctoratton of hto caadldac/ to a few
dajra. He bop- to eaecoed Senator
Tbomaa M. Itottereoe.
Waller Klttrcdse. antbor aad compoeer of tbe Camoaa wartime aims.
-Teoitos OB tbe Old Camp OrtMiadllree in Reed'e PCrry. N. II. a U v
mllee bdow ^Maacbeeled. He etill
beepe up aatuTwiiUas. Hto ruyalUee
:r from •T'enttos- atUI oomo to to bim
aad. wbUe not large, help to make ibc
old maa'e tout yeara-^omrorUhlc. lie
offered to ertl^tl^ aong at Smt to a
Boeioo publUhcr fur |1&. but U wmi
rrfueed. Afterward ihU Kamc publlab
er took U ep aad atone baa aold more
tban IPO.DOO copIce uf II
Ileiiiert fMinam. llUrarton of eon
STww. 1i a man of unUrtng'encno, of
earprUlng eyetem and a natural tal
ont for managtog aoeh an InMltutlon.
Since bit taking up of tbe work be
--ktm brought moat compleir order out
iffThe ebaoa be found prevailing, not
no miieh the reeult of bto prednooaaor’»
Itmbllltr na tbe lark of appllcailoo of
the organtxtog faculty. Mr. Pulnam
baa brought up tbe cataloguing ryatem
to a high elato of iH«rfertl.jii mn<l baa
made the cop>TlKhl department <me uf
Kreet treble. The letter branrti bad
bllherto iK-en condnet.Hl lnaileQ»iatel>
along antlqiiatod line*.
TXm' Morton bouee. In New‘ York,
wbirb a.quarter hi a cetilur) ago warn
,_>6uc uf the noted hoalelrlea In that cHy.
bae ckm«Hl lU doora for gooil. Ii» give
way to a large Imalni'tia atnirinre on
lU alto, el Itniadwa^ and Kourieenib
atrWi. In Ita prime lb< hotel waa |i«tronUed by many men «.f note, (’healer
A. Arthur waa often there The late
Jam— C Plaine could Ik* f.uiud there,
loo. when In town, beater 'Wallark
waa then In the height id hla glory and
Shed ShfMik ^d A. M. Pwliner were
enjt»>.lng tiielra at the Union Square.
Evrryliody of any conaeqiienre went to
the Morton bniiae. rolftlriana. prore^
hhmal men and rn tora ruhl>e«! ellM.wh
at the bar.
Ixindon ham never had a memorial
to Shake^iKvuv. Hi^ntly a rcaWeui
of that city i>frenHl to dimaie 9i:.5oo
toward tiH* pun*—e. ptvivlded the «iun
ty fx>unrll wt»uld eecept a financial re^
liponnihllity In the undertaking and
eocurc iHh«?r cimiribuilon*^. Thia the
council declluea to do. and. aa much aa
It appri'clalea the ftlncfia of thua hotioiing the greaUwl uf liUtglUh poeu.
Mewl tw w Twatot,
Dr. BeoaiilL a young cbe^ of Mataeftleik Fram*. haa tavraird a tablet
wblcb aot only contain* raongh nourtobment be ctelma. for a man for
twenty-fo— boura, but It acts aa a
Dry. Hard and Soft Wood. South Side
Lumbar Co.
HtMins three Oiplomss, abo Graduate of
Dr.Catssanito,Sarah Bernhardt’s Beauty Doctor.
AO ljUcA Medunkal aad Eketrieal Medio^
toed to SoBove SapetHaoi Hair. Moles,
Heads aod on loHHsIeaiou oi d» SUn or Se>J|H
Fadal Maaage, Bon Hevriopoteia aod H«ir
Qdtore o SpeeUIty. ONE TREATMENT aad
wm Be Here One Week hmser.E]idinr Job 30
Offloe: Romb 31.
Honrs, 2 to 4 p. au
Drake’s Palmeffo Wine
TkslosI Woii«M leiliems In the WsrM
TwCmartaTttl SrttI* Frm to Satisfy Y*bii»
Drake * Palmetto Wine to ptoaaant and ooovemest to take and wfll cure
qaickly and permanently evwry form of atamacb trouble. It is a cure tor tbe
whole world of alomacb woakacm and conatipatioo. as wefl a* a r—nlaior of
IhakidBsysaadltv—. Only ooo do-a day and the cure begins with iba Amt
joUtlirOB K*KT-r o.i
. no matter how much or how kmg you have suffered you are certain of a 1
Wine. .ixmI to cenvince itni cl
cure with one dmo a day of Drake's I'.’Umello
viiiMJOt ocs.t to )vm AU
this tact vro bzx'ts fflacod trial bottle* at
)*oa have lo do is aak for there, they
V perily lh,.t
ake'A IUalrooito Wrec
; .......... . tcly relieve and permanently cure you of MnbVrn cnnalipaiioa.
disn -ssing stomach trouble nnd jK-rfectly regulate the ctregested condition of
yoor kidney* and liver or ^cmo^•e tbe catarrhal condition ol the mocu* hcreg
ol vxmr bea4 throat, stomach and inle-.tincs, would v»e at an enormous expense
to onrselve* plax* at yoor dispouil these Iroc bottles ?
Stop am! Think, Sufferers! x
Thi first d*s* yt* tiks will eomrlnm yoi rt flis
■istMty poaer of this andorfol Pahoiftolodiciiie
We sell you plainly every ingredient in this remedy, show it lo yoor family
physician, be will tell you there cannot be put U-geiher a finer combinmticn of
remedies for tbe enre of tbe diaeases we have mentioned above, aod fnrtber
that each and all ingredients are vegetable, and cannot possibly harm you, can
only benefit you. Tbe best physicians in the United SUtea ptescriba
oo NOT auFm LONam,
today to
ABD orr A ran Ttrr
Over Ftrst NaUonal Bank
betrel at <
L. 6. BRYAIIT, R'Sif’
Stocks, 6M4t,6nii.P>MWttt,
Ellta. CraAdRapIda,
Official Market QnolatioDi byprirate wire, direct from New
York and Chicaffa
Gypsum Wall
Plaster Goods
I’laslcrinj; tnaterial. <'»>!>tram Wall Plaslcr uf all
kinds, all ptcp.vrc«l and
"" J. Horsflold
81K; State Bank Building.
Kx.>. pU.Ht»l.c<.i»’r*rts an*l pr-od monry
to c*j.*Ur. rwUstilr I»urr.nct o orkcr*.
Ideal Reserve Association
Irt: M* *.Kllr Buil-hnr.
iM-irUt. M‘ch
l .’iV,...! 4t
Pnpm VootmU F«r«t
irniOAN. County of Qrsnd
MUOB I Ctti aad Oorm far.
not Cun............... ,40* Wt
fmt.M tb.
.AW.% tii th.rtt.r .< Tn..
'irwirr »"«■%»« «» » « « «
;steicwaM’s;i:^l: toTii^rjKT^isrriJ:
» Boldest Coop «l'? rjr i«
Uttvttu ultnuvu a « a
aa tae protaW. Wk Ttea-
van aca.
J A.Rsssft.-ifta:-
I Hi Ms faailr.
TML Ha laMl»4 a bia«fclnailhi« canM M te
la flw>
fk0 Jam ttrtr WM «fMi t«
saX’SKSssK S
tMMtf• a^Mc* «M fapMIr 0<i^
>mm^ iwwri
Mte M Ik* Mffii «r 1
jMkM «M cata« do«B U» T«l-
cr. MnLOaoddaiaaBi
the wire.
aoa of nr. Aatotae FiaDcIa aacgrala,
to the aUeat llvtaa nallre of tke Loto
lana nareliaar terrttonr.
. Be to aaw a
w to to the Cbaaaptoat,gatt p
mrroa. Be to aa bU toaad at
aprada amat oC, to totoure
Bgaito BaroMB of Patto. Tenn, per-
wtob bOBBd logetter A. B. Attold.
ItoBtr J. Haaoa.
|»^ to
Wo baro tboa toloftobf ear- aged rigbir foor.
rta«aa. loldla* aad roeUalto docaita
tedm WOOM KWO tMk lH»
that win to wbero rta go. aad *B are
«w, Ibat tt to tbo totgoat aad aoat ataa. wIB aot to te tbe tolaads aatU
OtneUe. aad raa-aato prlcod lot Jiwe aad ta the Baraatlme wUI wind
^ »a tad la Mortbom Mtohltoa- mbtobaalatea at borne.
Prtooa from WJ5 to taroatr-tae deled anamd Banka- flaat toard at l^t lara. J. W. Blatar. Toor ReUablo Hoan
Uofti. tbe paa. of the railroad
rwalaber. Ito itoat 8C
itowof INTCncST.
SnTbo lailroada are belac
£ totato to tt. totally X M
■m. um kmt u tiw nmo
WMr.«*to«ko(to7- aiMMattb*
iSSiy Ctoto ar tb* totk Im>|n4 Ibat
MMVto «lgM bt>M t0 bto defend
K*ai»d«t^to7Wto Itwjto
to «Mt«r M leeeic Uoi ttom and at
MoBOwaira toaa of tbo tblaga be
atobt to do far to tag w«e« aot ta
toiMOBr vKb tboae of to memlea.
Nm ttaaotod awlfUr witblo tb.
atalbani amr Uaea. aad Jaefcaoo
baeir Itot oltbar tbo wbolo or part
—j MoDavaira troopa aad pMlona of
LdbawtormaoBtaadBaaka aroold be
^MTta OBOU tbo btoeglag lloeo to
. fbaat «t Bbtopood natoaa be fontobBl
• agetoawwit for tbem oo Ibe aioi>M of
Ito Biao Bitoe. lie bad alreadr prored
ada to attacblag Banka- Uao after It
told baaa aMppad of aoMlera to aeod
aaatalkid. Tba troopa opeodllr rome
toed and BMto with tbem and. In or
der la to roadr for a a«»od attrmpt
at tbo aaaa ctoror trick, aettled doara
toWad fortteatldba at ttraaborg.
aboot tba rantar. lenitbertoe. of tbe
, ttal)ir> »*«a -Btratourg a good pike
I Baminore and Ohio
r. .
i ■
air bad, BO
that tbo enea
nia idckeu
nlltod tbo itaerreaand aude a deoperBta tgtat at tbo bridge sad oloag tbe
nltorar track and wagon rood back to
ward tbe Bbenoadoob piko la tbe roar
of Baakt.
OoloDCI Aabbr bad botjfcw troepen
la to tgbtlng ranka. Boido whair
coBwaalra and largo driaebroeoU of
otter* had bora lr« to gnard therroao
raada on tba .war and to iHiBet aod
nratlfr tbe enemr- Uto laak was to
cot tbo Ulegnipb and drotror tbo
tcaeka ao that Banka could not get
word of hto plight cast of tbe Bloe
Bldge and call np help. But Kcnljr-a
B«> were good Ogbtera Tbcr turned
OTcrr bnlldtng Into a blockbonac and
mod the tallwar embankment for a
broaatwock. At Buc
gare Aibby hto little
Fblllug to dlalodge Kenir-a men from
tbrir citadel at tbe station by fclnU
farther down tbe Hue. Aabbr gathered
a handful and railed upon lhe“ »o if*'
low. Bpcedlng like hunters after game,
tber Bew over tbe lata-vrnlng fence
Kofflbih cutwi wwluss «R roRluf
to Canads.
New York Is golnff to bCglB hor |1OT.OOO/XX) cuMi In AUffUSL
Tbo fnortJilltx »tc from cnncR
troUlcd in qennnnx nlncc 1R75.
PlttsliuTg bns ftlreodx expended W.*
OOO.OUO in the okxecniper boom.
Groat Irrigation worlta nrc projected
bX the atate of Ulo Grmode do Norte,
ia liraxIL
All the wrttlng/nnd copjlng Ink*
Hard bx ttM* RoMdan gormuo^mt arc of
foreign orlglii.
A rUm receiitlx taken from Green,
wlch l*B.T. IL U weighed an ounce over
two pouinta^_______________
<t\>tonuic Hvor. and «
1 a sap lu tbe
borf wltbln a
nr lax wltbln max
V Banlrf poet, and be held
hto troops nadr to ouin>ort BanUa by
IhPtng apim Jackson obouM be march
BIrset flea BUanton to gtre flanks
tottto an to forltOrd front. Nredlra
ta any Itot crtooleoa people bellered
ttat Jaekaoa was aecnroly “bugged.”
g tgmrtta etprsaalon In eortaln eircico
to ttat Mm*. Ibe old fogy geuerato of
awoga doctored that Kapolcon vlolatod orory principle of tbe art; of war
trogy ttoao to oored an ormy.
Jacky. J
a to froot of bim. l-reatikvttb
t to tta toft of him and klrOowell
«a tba right rear of him. bad but one
MOTO left according to tbe art of war.
Bo Boat oBook away between tin- llnea
9t noooat and McDowell to tbe
wottwoot, by way of Lyoebborg. He
was looked to to do thli or to turo up
aaywhara except where be actually
landed the mondag of tbe SSd uf May.
•teaawaU was too aneb of a soldier
la am glory la the mere dodging of a
trap «ri to catch him. He piweded
to Boaab tbe tra^ After be hud tom.
ad back IVeamnl u advance from tia
aaicb opoo bis bate at Btauntoa by a
toddea ptrafca at tbe' village of Me
BmroU tte Bib of May be oent bl» few
caapaatoe of covoItt to prem bTe^
Hoafa eotpoato and also to keep up
tto oenie In tbe center of the vaHey
la treat of Banka at Btraaburg. All
bin oaomha were by tbto time deeply
oyriUod aa to Jarkaon a way of doing
tbuipL They euoldn-t falhon. bto
ptant, aad wltbont risking even a
aktratoh be kept three armie* on tbe
atott tor bto anddeu aiHiearanee. Tbe
oppoalag gcottala aaaumed that nbeee
Jaekaoo-s cOTalry wa* there JaekWa
lafbtoiy would be aooner or later: oo
they wotted in their ttaek. for tlie in
faatry. But Jockaon-a cavalry was
aMqottoot, and bla Infantry had nl
toady won tbe nickname of -Jackson r
foot ctrolry” by tbclr rapidity In «umtag op wtore the enemy kwat eMHVt.-d
ttoo. Tto ebkf of Btonewair. mount
ad oaa waa worthy of bta ma«er.
Uag belom tbo war Turner Ashby
waa la tralalng for tbe kind of ouUmat
wort Jaefcmo aorded la the valley
coopatoof IBfC. Bom tod reared on
tta riwaa of tbo Bloe nidge, be knew
tooey Mripatb aod bonter-a ti*ll betwoan tto Pottoae aod the bcodwotom of tto Bbaoaodooh. He was a aoctot betov a crack boolcr and an all
mmri taddia apartsmaa of tbe hllla.
nUf-- to had soldier blood In bta
eriaa totod to aU tbe waio back
Bnddaek-a tTeld. With hto mouatrd
■lltlla Atbby Bad patipltad tbe Potoaatedariag tta Joba Brown trouble af
•Jatoata tod baaa tbcoagb Went
Totet .aad bad atoo oeea aerrl-e In
Haklea and Aritty bad tte good aeooo
to ytold tto patta of loodemblp to him.
they bocamo frieada. and when tbe
war brake oat la UB1 Aabby followed
toekaaa totte Seld. Aa aooa 00 Btoae-
. I have three or four ren* deslrmblc
omco rooma for rent, atngle or Itf
aulle. light and well deconUed. having
gms. clociricitx and water, one flight
up^ In the McNamara block, ccntrallx
located on Front Bl.. at very reason
able terms. Also some choice Im
proved city real eaUlc and building
lota, which win be sold at bargain
prlcea. B. McNamara.
Ta* Ito/ f|^e««Uf4a
hottse of
................... ......
Jacob Raomo for thlrty-flvr jrara
Geman coorI for Ororsi**
alcneC on account of U1 braltb. ItU
abaird In 1NC8 Uj Em
peror WUllam L and countersigned by
Piealdeut Grant.
Laban W. Uaufl«hr of Bouth Charle<h
ton. Om baa rocelvwl tbe vrtcran de^
me in Odd Kellowahlp on account of
bla long membendilp in tbe order. Mr.
lUnghex waa initiated into the order
in 1852 and U now tbe oldeat living
member in Ohio.
Tbe young l>uke nnd Duchcaa of
Roxburghe will build a l.ousi- lu LooJon in rose they do ^ol take over the
reakleuce of the Duke of Ulcbmond. in
neither KreiwU nor English
models will be cbo*<'n. Evcrrlbli
will l»e aa Amcilcan nnd up to date j
h and 25th. cap
turing guii* anfl wagon trains and cut
ting off dclaihmenti of troops all tbe
way to tbe l\>tomac. The banks cod
of the trap to catch Jackaon uraa
lYr two days Washington wa* In ter
ror. It wa* not known where Jackm
would atop or whether hr would atop
at anything until be raided tbe iMMrthern capluL When Banka oem word
that hia army wa* aate on the Marylaud shore, the military cutboeWe* took
breath mud ordered tVemom to ciooe in
upon Jadmon’a pathway in the valley
and atoo that Shield*’ dlvltloo east of
tbe Blue Ridge should return to the
valley at once aad hclpyremoot Img
The Northern Queen cigar la a aal*
isflod chap, because he knows by pro©,
tleal experk'uee that he Is smoking tbe
U*si cigar that he ever bought for a
nlckle. If yt>u haven’t smoked one,
have missed something. It’s
I' made, union made and hoDcatly
made, and sold by all donlcrm. R. E.
Weaver, manufacturer.
Dr. E. R Prcrion of ttoobwlrr will
rave tbe fu»t pacer Ai.Mroul^ -J«T. tbta
It I- said that the Allerton pacer La
cnmla. 2<KVU will* be out a* a trotter
by lettiac o. ddiret direct
boa car to yo« biaa.
• CMiSirgM tlsHk.
toptob roar cod far next
Ity of
curslon atcomcr*. boat rockc
croim poIsonlOR. Ice-water fom
sunstroke and atralthy trollcj cars,
opportunities for dcotb are so-|4et-tx
aa to make the preaervatloo of one’s
life ao full of the element of anrei^
tainty and rbxuee aa to satisfy
ming iappetite that Is Inbred la all
of US.-EBsitl
China Is the great slave ixMintry of
the world, nr a popubitiuii of
Ofxi.usi there lire slnv*-- to tbe numU-r of
Every family of
nieuiiH kiM-ps Its girl slaves, and a
mniiB |H.slllon Is usually gauged by
tbe nufuNT be ke.*i%s. At any j.ge from
3 to 15 girls aiv -.Id. 7 or « U'lng the
age at whbh most « hauge liands. Tt.e
girls are pun bsMHl to do housework,
it living ebe:i»s r |o buy tlian to hire.
8biv«*s >ar> In price. Ten ilollars la
aUiut tbe nveragi*. bnl mnch depends
on the girt-s apis'arnni'e. A good lookliiir Ctrl will bring *2i> or even 510.
• Alls
OrnTBOP* A*r M Y
Ijife Shnfer Is jogging forty head of
young stock at tbe Temicv'
tusvllle. I’n.
it Is rei»ort»d that on effort will be
made to get Frank HogattU. 210^. to
Mrr io»
tbe nii-c* .ngaiu Ibis to-ahou.
The Ne%v J.-rmy trainer. TlMH»d<g^e Dry, Hard and Soft Wood. Sooth Side
MaxA^-ld. will have llu- f.n»4 pacer Ned
Lumber Co.
2242 tf
8., 2;13Vi. In hl« »tnble tbU season.
FYnnk I-. Smith. l»enver. has pur
chased the partng mare rhu-ls* Almont. 2:18U. frwm 8. 1’. Boyer. Gaideu
City. Kan.
Mart Ik'mareat is of the opinion ttmt
rlnoe AK-rt can beat two mlmilea
ilhout the aid of the w Ind sbleW. and
that tbe gHdiiig may U- pul in tbe
best t-ondllUm be will conimenoe bll»re|»an»tlon at Syracuse.
At Keadvllle. MasK., tbe character of
tbe regular brceilers* uu-etlng. which la
Soon, and yeuVe been Inheld in the fail, will Ik* inaterhilly
vlted. Seloct yoiir
champ'd thU year s*. that Ibe big st;*bles will not have to turn back afjef
having i»aKseil that plnvt- once.
Monaen. HlggUui and Crofton. the long stay, poea
The trimming on the full .klrt to
throe heroic jackiro of the battleshU^
bate Iwi rewarded with nearly always put on In running about
B Till* I- iBrtter than med | Unea.
ala. At tbe prr-etit rate with which
a new trimming la a braid which to
the brutal Ironocla-ts are deetroying nmie of punched velvet, with satin
our prc trodllWm- of herol-m ibe Mia-' ribbon nm through the opeulnga.
snMUd have their medal* | M«ny of tbe prettiest smainar m*tertato abow •tripod effect*. A aatto
tripe of tbe rome cokr rotbegroond
roik to a favorite.
A new and extremely beautiful
of pluk to rolled-urbutua,- It
or your family would ©ujoy m ham- j j, ««peclaUy beroanlug to the girl with
Bock to kNOge la throe hoi days and dark eyro and hair,
beautiful ereatng-? Just take u vote
on the aubjori. then ©oroo hud lei us
show you what wo have to the harourock Itoe, Any color yon Cuucy. uad
prices from |1J0 to $4Jfl. aad the klad
that will tost for yeuiu. a P. Bastoa
Uardware Oo.
NOW 18
* Tbe pereoo wrho has to rranrt to
ptolB. old fasbloncd aulekif. la this
m of nptomlld facIlUlcs for acrtd. nl.
Baron Mom beur. the Itclgln tfllnUter.vlsitcd BaltUnorc last month. At a
aluner In UalUmoiv be said:
Tbe aplrit of bunlnca* enterprise
and apeculatlun is what impress*'- me
most DrofouiKllr in America. For In______
stance. _ was ruling one day on tbo
ouUklrts of Washington, nnd at a cer
tain place 1 dUmouiiled and got a 111Ue buy to bold my bupMs 1 was gone
about ten mlnuu*s. nnd on my return
I found tbe fir*t boy gone. „”aJianutk.
etandlng «t Urn
borae'a bead.
- ‘How ia thlsr 1 said. ‘You are not
the boy I left my borao with.’
-•No. air.’ mild the tiny urchin, T
apeckilatitl and bought the job off the
other fellow for
tliaL** the minister
-Of eouix*. after
ended. *nt was «mi»oa*iWc for me to
G«M^nlmo*K fiflb w Ife died the other
day. Mayl.e the old clilcfs other name
•Uar* tb# market.”
I* 8mlth.- Ikmver Reimblicsn,
BruUlly Tortured,
King Christians determination to
came to light that for pcrols- maintain absofuie neniralliy make* U
tent and unmerciful torture ha* per- look as If tbe bad sihjI had Isn-n cut
out of X>enmark at last.-Ohlo Stale
hap* never been equaled. Joe Oolo^
bick of Colusa. Oallf.. write*: “For 15
1‘aUencc. pen« vera:K'e and practice
year* I endured Inauflerablc pain from will achlere wotKli-n*. lYi^bably 5 per
and htajihlng relieved
cent of our ipopulutlon < an now pro
though ! tried evonriblng known,
lioumv Vladlvo-Mok w Itbotit stuttering.
aamiTacaABog osTKkxiLiioAi? ovaud, came across Electric/ Bitter* and If* I -Iktoiton Transcript.
and ditch, up the steep bauk and with the groatesl medicine on earth for
A ^-onlemiHirnrj fears that “poetry Is
pistols and saUr* rushed -on the bay- that trouble. A few bottle* of it com on the dev-llue.“ Well, a gtxxl deal of It
ocu*U of llie Marylander*. From the pleldy relieved and cured mc.“ Ju»t U. c'Crtalnly -M^vllned will, thanks*’ In
unequal fight the lrooi»era fell imck. but
this offlee just als.ut tbitt time every
as good for Uver and Kidney trouble* year.-Rome Tribune.
A»hby rolUcd tbem a ac'cond cod
third tliiu'. Two captains were shot and general dcblllly. Only 50c. Sab
Senator Bawn has obj<vt»Hl to acdown by bl* side, and at the third fail, lafkctlon guaranteed by Johnson'S cepunce of tbe statue of Fred*T»ck Ih*
ore be rode away, leaving the road for drug atore and F. H. Mead. druggUL
Gnwt from Kaiser Wilhelm. Moyl»e
Jackson * Idfautry to dear.
Bacon would like a bust of Bhak*”
JackMMi’* Infantry bad trarelcd farIT IS OUR BUSlNEflt
•peare.-SL Louis Republic.
brr tlian Ashby* trooper* In their
Tbe Marquis of tgueensberry ha* gone
To dUpenac health-giving preacrliv
flank march against Banks, but they
the fourth
into benkrnptcy
had started carUrr. tVoamlng tbe Blue lions In the proper way. Not a bu*l- If be keep* this up the flusncUl world
RWge through aeverol |hism they BOS* we have learned In a day. but may soon begin to look upon It as a
rracbed FYoni Royal tbe afternoon of after yenra of hard work and careful Marquis of Queensberry rule.-Denver
tbe 23d and swept up all that .\ahby siutly. Wc u»c pure drugi; compound
bad left of Keuly a guard. The alarm them with acenracy and charge you I'oet.________________
of what Jackson wa* doing at* fYout an honest price for our service*. Bring
modes of the moment.
Royal apread to Bank* In lime to save
hi* army, but not to aave Strasburg. your next cme to Bughee’a City Drug
Gold and silver apfKsar In laces for
Btonewali atucked his retreating co)* more. l^Phoac-
joS.isBS'^awsu- —
Mn. & U Bouor nrtahR to
MBoe to tbe ladles of Tmrerac CHy
and Tkdaltjr that aba to
propared to sire tbea plala olactrie aad
Tapor batba. dreas aad abaaipoo tbeir
aad do amnlcnrlaiE for them at
oaable rbarsea. A cboloo Une of
balr good! aad tbe^ft^aco-Aiaericaa
bygicalc toilet roqulaltea. t» Troot 8*.
rax 1000 WAtn
Prompt Delivery.
stontoh you at the
t gifts wc are sell
ing for llJXk
RASTALL, the dqwtler.
H»m WUhria Btorit. Travana City.
P. S.->Wc furnish handsome card*
with every gift. *•
6ii. R. McWitly
T~».r- CI.I tor »«thport ,1
^ WarinelEngines
away to be i2de^ rues, kt—
R. T CHim Fni
raoro Itf
So-en Siiex, Ij to SO H. T.
saa Ww
n«r. Proprt.«or
Choice Groceries
Butter and Eggs
loBot FciM. We
Qts.30c; Cal. $1.00.
QUEER enr RjoRAL ee.
MalfxH An.f*raon
U«to*t CcDoieiT Vitoi Jari
«I«HTN VtAft-M
$204100 HK
•iftbwm MAvi
, W««*«>a Piw-
fapOrrt Vfy luckOtnly.
Spsiein] to Ike Brcaias Reooed.
lillae. Mkk.. Julr
tow fATW AMD APCaAL TNAINt Osorse Dorraaee. ased 31. wtfe eff
prosperous termer iwsMIag mlisr this
Flf« to CIM Breams BeeocC
city, was fonad dead m her bed thto
JaUr M.-n« at 7
morning by her tether. JacoB 8i
o*cM tAI* Borsmi
Mrs. Dorrance retired last evroing te
her usual good heaUb and it to thought
by the exammmg physician that 1
falinre was the canne of death,
tlieliianeVKItYtOO^V 4
leares a ImabaBd and tether to n
k«er VM the Am oC Laomrd A Orajr.
her loss. Mr. Donraaee was away on
•e lomber pUat w «BtMy deare now beins rapMly
esa at the Ume of her death.
•trored. me lott It •«.•••; latarwl Bade for the btggmt day m the htotory
for 14.000.
of Traretae City. Maocabee day. The
eoauBlttea has been recelrTNAIIi tOAM OF MBOilOM FIIOII
WONT iwtmiY.
ms aaormncaa aad mquhrlea dally uaUl Arthur Gould Paid Valus of Timbsr
and Court Costs.
BOW the crowd that will be enterulued
F^ealdtatial NenUaeo Oarit Ser« m the city to eatlmated as at least
me case of the Oval W ood Dtoh
RMMr to U»tnto.
company vs. Arthur Gould was sclUed
Bt Wirt to lfc«
The prosraB lacludes not only fra m Justice Verly s court thto after
by the defendant paying the plamtlfl
-fiifion] Bpriasi. PA, J«lT **- temal work, but ball same
Hour a. Itorto, dewKrtite cmiid
certs and other amuaemeuta. All of the value of the timber and also set
for Tim prmilmt. dmto* tk« i
of the fraternal part of tling the coHTt cost*. Gould
tk«t In wcmM ■bortir ««d Hr*. N«- the prosram wlU be met by tbe hires charged with cutting Umber belong
Uutotol B«rKM cf tbcperdlovB. W. aad tenu comprislns the aaaodalloc ing to the Oval Wood Dish company
but there wiU be about $800 other ex- and selling It to the company.
Br mf to lAo Breams Boeord.
that Bust be met for the hall
ckkmm itOf lf.-Wbaa tke packMsnseau of Buttons Bay to In
and baud cooceru and other
fas haom rmiaUet blev tlNi wm
meats. For this purpose, the
tlMjr caamd mat Uma MOO to r
eateutlre oommlttee will circulate n
There are aoe oa atrtko 27.fl0 atea.
wHil buy
subscription paper among
ahoat S0.000 of erhon are botchert
ladies' up-to-daU. i»eckwear;
chkhts of the cHy.
aad Ue balaace tyaipaUUxms ttn
$t.M will buy ladies' brilliaiv
me crowd* will come from a* far
potltioa of the trada OaU
at the grett Lucky
north a. PMo.kr>. froto Mnniiitm nnd
renalB at erork aad
Strike Sale which beglna to
tl of their local, wired nFTY JAPANCtE COME INTO NorUwort on the Wnnd VI.
morrow morning. July.J
ut on tbr M«th. Man) »|K>cl.Ur»to.
«. 1180 Front
The Globe.
will be ran by the variuo. rtllwsy.
I todajr. They will so i
and Terjr lo* rates will be made. The
business men leel that a eelebrailon
Strike h^ete are bAas takea mto
Black, brown, blue striped cverslls
ot thU kind will be of moj
the /ardt erery fhh hoart. train
t Bendi’a
them than a Fburth of July eelebtailon
made ot aasroet from the
the stores will aU be open and
-Union made- o^lls 49c. Benda.
aisbt Theresalar
poMd of boyin* people, n Is eslll^ted that about one-half of those
of BMat wat aaapoii^ today
Japaneee Advai^ that win come to the Hly on Uat day
ranted from one to two eeam Accord- Them la Qvtet
win be composed of people who will
-las to the iwckera tbU BonUas
be Maeesbeca but who will Uke
caiUe aad 1.000 hoiB were klUed
Two RvaamnOMiarala and S60
adrantace of the low ntea lo order
Of^re and Man Klllad.
sne lo Ibe dly lo make their putlasea. Many of tbe towns from
Maaiia War.
By«Wlre to the Brenlni? Record.
hleh eicurtlons will be r
Chlernao. Jaty S€.--Tlic iBckcrt at
London. Jaly SG-Thc Nt>w Chwang dom had week-day esr.irslons to this
ll:M thto taoralas totued a tuiemcnt
nnd many i><s<plo »in nlve this
to the effeet that aU aesoUatloat with
y. Fact
a trial. U they are^nble to do bet
the atHklac batebera are eloMd and dispatch rla Tien Tam thto Bomlnn
wUI not bo reopeoed. Fbltowms the aopounems that Jlfly Oapaneae have ter here than in tbeir usual traillni;
entered the town which wma yealenlay placet they.wlll return npiln nud the
uated by the Ruaaiana.
Thi celebtadon^wlll uudoubt.-dl> widely
dONod tbetr peacefal Bodea and bare
French flat to flylnt from all Ruaalan advertise the town.
Bands will be hiTc from Mt. I’lrssbulldlnta in New Chwant. The JaiP
ancae adranee snard to expected to snu over one hundred mile* away. Pcreach town thto momlng. The town temkey. Kalkaska. Manion. Kingsley
and you get the best the market
and other places. With tbe l.anU* will
la qnlct.
affords, with a guarantee of sat
»c crowd*. The rxec
isfaction or your mooey back.
will ask the city ebun
Two Ruaalan Oanerala Killed.
Call and see the late styles at
London. July 2€.-mc Mukden cor
the factory branch store.
respondent of the Central Newa wire*
that It to rumored there two Ilaaalan come” to stretch across the streets.
scucrato and 350 offleora and men Thepe banners will be
wore killed In the Ruaston revcrac at that they can be ustvl In events of slm
Attsaol Belmont Will Be Traaaurar.
iWFmtSt H.E.Strw«.Ktr.
liar nature which will occur in the
Tatcheklao July S4.
Blfte mr Oftanlxatlon of the
It will be rememliered that Marca: Dem. National OBnmItme.
bee day live years ago Is still n-ferred
to the 'Traverse City s big day.**
By Wire to the Brenlns Record
There hasn't been a larger crowd here
New York. July 2t,-Tho democratic
national ooBBlttee Bet at the Hoff AFTER BOARDS MAO BEEN TORN since but It Is thought that the cekw
bratlon thto year will attract a crowd
man bonne la tbto dty today for the
much greater. The Maccabee lodge
porpoM of nelectlits a' chairman and
grown wonderfully since then
perfoctlns lU ompanlaatlon for the
ooBias caBpalsa. me beat oplakm EaH Reed's Heme In Beuth Grant Oe^ there being about irS.OQO member* in
aloue having
the slstr. Traversee City
thto Bomlns waa that TboBaa Tas
atroyed by Lightning—Mrs. Hi
1.500 members.
sart of Indiana would be Bade chair
vey Also Badly Shocked.
Ban with W. B. Sheehan as chairman
of the exectttire roBBltteo. It wm
peclal to the Bvrnlng Record.
atoo aald that Ansuat Belmont would
South Grant. iMlrh.. July
be Bade treaaurer and Urey Wodaon ouse of Bari Reed wa* struck b>
of Kentucky aecretary.
Ilghtnmg Friday afternoon and burned KURD* ATTACKED AND BURNED
M smH
Saw the MiildlB
Man’s Profit
Indian Baskets
to a. hilt hii^w. 0« vodtefihMfDodihWMils
BewMdMritedkt jAm thtt w. wiriBiiVlwrtt te v
■taajroteaeMhccBnMrttawa. &II aadtookevarWo
and Sexte that haa evtr becB HiflkftA fa Ttewe. 1;!
Gfy Book Store
and strictly
HAND - MADE, » are
just as soft and pliable
WMATHER-Partly dowdy tonight and
as is possible to l(^e a
They are just as easy
as no shoe at all.
They come in
lace and con^
strap Slippers
No we do not charge 76c-B».U-i price ia A»o-(Naee wM
to Dealers)
The kind we toU «re guinnto
$3.50 and $4.oe|
! give roa the best Aoe awiicjr
mmm. FrankFriedricli&Go
The Old ReltkUe Shoe Hooe
New Stud 242 Front Street
Cor. Lako Avo. aiM tOth
Abetracts of Titl.
eatobllUMlIn IBOS
Room aiO Btato Bank BMC.
to the ground. Mr. and Mr*. Reed had
gooe after berries and did not know
of ihelr loas onUl their return mie in
the evening.
Mrs. Reed * nncle was in the bouse
te BeHla .aa Ancount of Acute
St the time. He was sitting In the
kitchen when he felt tbe boards torn
up beneath his feet. Although very
Wire lo the Bvenlng Record.
BmUa. July 31-Counl Von Buelow badly bhocked. ihe did not lose
Oermaa iBPtrt* chancellor, ha. scionsness but crawled from the burn
ing bouse oo'hto bands and ku«
broken off kto yaoaUoa aad rett
Lightamg also struck a torge
to Berim on account of Ike acute m
near the Harrey home, shocking Mr*
ternatlocial nltuatkm.
Harvey very badly. ‘She is belter at
by baU and kir. Kldder s com was fair
ly rWdled. Mrs- Harcn picked up al
I a quart of hailstones in ber yard.
Miek., July 38.-K.
Towaseod. a term kaad aBployct
M. D. Ooroy. thro* bUm aortkwunt of
tkto dty, was badly injured by a bull
last erealar
While Towawad was BllUng la the
pamaro loi the bull chan«! upon
Ttob behlad aad fur sereral bIu
Ul«mnr imad Wm as a toot balk mwn
•end's aptee wte badly tejurad aad be
was more f»r laaa bralNM abom the
body. AaoUier ters kaad beard bis
ertea aad aaae to bis attiaUace witb
a plUbfortu Tba ban
abort tlBO AM> aad tbto probaMy
aared tba M*i UM.
ermi and the Town Plundsn
District Almost All Armenian
By .Wire to the Evening Record,
July 36—me newspaper
Tageblalt reports that the town of
to ...
In f
asmii In
IB TnrkUh Armenia ..
me Kurds attacked the town and
the ArBamcred laf^r^hcr. of th
osealM lahabltauu. piuudered Ihelr
aad then set them on Are. me
cuitt u»i ».000 of the s«.og*
•ItaaU of the dliulct are Armeiil-
Th. Baaday tchool aad l«d»«- Aid
McMtr of the nr»t iMhodtU ehareh
Raaoftera al Kexto Mekcaa and Ahge- win boU their aaaaal piealc at the
hew dock, foot ot EUhth rtreet.
Kexto Mokcoa aad Ab hay. tooKwrow. ooleaa tt ralaa.
eatertalaed wftb a hara aad Meada are cordlalljr ImileJ
ntarsbBallosr roast by Mr. aad Mrs. BoMta Irtrt the chareh aad ooraer^
math aad Uata auaeu at > a- ol at>d
Thomas Pearm and temily
aad Mrs- AbU Ncrllnger. Tbare were fraa the charcb oBly at !• a. n. Pare
aboot flfty present aad a large boa M ceau roaad tri,. Bvtvyhody hriat
•re waa buUt upon tbe shores of tbe luneb aad be prepared for a good
Oraoe chorda guUd wfll Beet with
bay where tbe
r^aastod. AU who attended bad a fine Mm. P. U Whltaey Wedaeoday
UBk aad the large trff map tbe turw aooa at 1:10. A bus will can for the
ladlw at tbe borne of Mm. StouL
raaadUw tertwiT vbit frtttllr.
is a money saving event that many thrifty men ^
have profited by. to provide themselves with
stylish, summer clothing for their vacation trip
and business wear. You can do the same if
you come here before the e.xtraordinary
values are all gone.
NETS moo SUITS THIS Mniu . . . S6.90
HEPS SI2.S0 aO SIS sum THIS MOkTH . . S9.S0
Bgys* Suits- -Odd Pants, Shirts, etc, at Special Priced
Negligee Shirts
^^Kee* mxwimiTmo
and fancy underwear.
e.WiibiimT.r iiisg Keceni want
f - *TrOTA«EllfVIlH>TOBB.
toOowad oat toa tlaa tonaad a paar
BCD to aaacaatrate bte attestloa wboOp
I toa Steadard OU and to kwwe
him traa to raCIra witola a abort tteaa
to toa aajoyateot of toe laiiatlinMl
Mial eaiata ba has acfaUad at a
t er teOte to« ttowa innoa dollara
tm la MU*. '• f««M>S «t «*PIM
■ UuMik Um «oM aad Uw Java.
awloatauvIHrada Jam h*r«b«
^ ; jtwM tk* taU** OB tk* Eaaslaiu hr
^ n to tfcTpt^ wwch WM »rMiti>d
the Uttitad 8UIM. tote eoratjy.
•toovarar* ankteg te etear toto it dow
: :iK.t toara to toa protaal bal ala^dj
; - Wa di a laadlmD tor tu traMOilialoa
agraaa to forward aajr raifty toat
telligt toat Bwiatoa iWatf tor ar
i ttetea of war oa aieraa diff<
4MU. laaHidtiig aarani Rantea bat
Ulloat hetedac toa White tag at Vaatawow aad aaaateg toa JapanaM to
eaaae ftrlog. aboae of toa Rad drou
ias. ilabMas. abooiteg aad natltellog
toa woaadbd as embodied la Oeoeral
If Baaria Is laany guilty of any of
toaao cbviua or of all of toam. each
. ampUhtic poDteat abould ba made by
^ toa aatloaa of toa wortd toat would
i cause toair ending at oaea. Mutttet
tag toa daa Is barbarous, abuslug toe
Bad Crate flag te a riotatkm of one of
toa teoat aacrad of prafoasloan-aoc.
coring toe woaaded aad earing for the
to bat
s tin. Astoroauslngacessatkiaorilr.
teg by botetlag a white flag, that
aetloo speaks for itself.
Maocabee day wiU bring a crowd of
i; about 1B.M0 people to toe city at
t teaat toat te wbal toe execuUre oom
Is flgartag on. Tbe betels and
ana that can possibly do so. sbonid
prepare to eatertata as many of toe
▼teltora as poaslblo. Tbe dsy will be
a big eraal la toe history of the city
aad many of toe delegations In writing
; to toe oBoers of toe assoclstlon. ask
tbal arrangements bo made so that
they ean be fed as Are yean ago. some
bad to go hungry.
Tbe toim game
matto belag glren to toe Arst itiiard
team oa tbe arerage of toe two games.
Wedneoday erenlag a rery Inteieating eoatest wttl take place. ThU
rill be between two teaau of young
araaotofaaoittowerrrbia. AH toe tedtaa.. Tbe teams are Misses Baitow
i ha owes la cr the aorl that cm Keller. BateUe J^braus. Daigy Palmer
rested to brteg to tU yearlp dteV BTsas Mtesea Btoel Bailey. Helen
4aad|Htooaiaatewnioehtepan. Hte teat, Stelte Palmer.
•Btitra ooanectloe with toe eoaspaotea Anotoer b^ wlU be girea Friday
la which ha baa Urested would aot be mrealag. Tbb last one was so sooceasrequired la order to assure toe safety fnl toat a was decided to giro anotoer
aC bis larestBMaU. for la eato ofibaa toteweek.
will be found a majority of stockboid'
era toat ba coUacte each quarter, aad
Is not naeaaaary for blm to co Into And It’s worth your mlmt after. A
tba directory room to see toat they
rstx.quart white porccliae lined,
soatlnua to work.
lel stewing kettle wltb one pound
Meaawhtia Mr. Rockefeller Is cow of too New York Tea Oo. s baking
Jaalag to add to toe M.000 am powder, and a beUer powder you aerer
nrnad by btea arouad rocaaUco HUH
M cenu with our perMwal guar,
a Waatebaater couaty.
autoe, Tbe beat teas and eoCees on
Oa toe site of Boxwood, the borne
i are found here. New York Tea
whito was destroyed by Arc two years Co.. 235 rrontSt. R. G. Paulin.
ago. Mr. Rockefeller iateuds shortly
rect a maaskm. which will on.
CXPCMBE8 f8.151A».
doubtedly cost a million before It Is
•t State Has s SurpiM af tZeWI
Mr. Rockefeller now owns more
for the Year.
than B.WO acres of toe best aad mqst
I.an«lng. MIcb.. Jnly 2€ —Tbe state
historic land In Sleepy Hollow. His treasurer's report for the fiscal year
property takes in many scenes laid in
ig June 30. shows lota! rori I|>th of
blagton Inrlng*. tales of Sleepy |«.417.6WJ«. aad the dteburKATnent*.
Hollow and the Headless Horseman. IS.151.639.10. giving a surplus of |2€€.and te worth more than 13.000.000.
Only recently toe mulUmllllo^
The receipCs from tbe land offlee
purchased throe farms at Pocantko
mounting to $312,561. form one of the
inlng hte osUte. comprising 60
cousplcuous Items. The auditor gen
I. and It has been reported fiteral has made a good showing In tho
Quently tost be Is endeavoring to purcollection of Inberltaneo taxes umlcr
toase all of toe village of Pocantico
a law that at first jwas thought to Im*
Hills so that he can transform the
Inoperative, tho sum turned in In lng
whole place Into a magnlflcent private
1181.769. Under the new taxation luu
. At toe present time he has laid
for railroads, express componh's. etc..
out about twcntydlve miles of ma
11.875,612 was rerx ived. and other s|*ete drives which are tbe finest In
clflc taxes amo«ntc<1 to $677.^43. Tl.e
country aad transformed ponds
receipts from county treasurers for
into a chain of lakes by miniature
taxes were $6,166,272.
Dong the large Items of disburse
ment te that of b-gislatlve approprls
HablU learned in youth, as a rule lions, amounting to $3,261,578. For
$453,695. and I2«9.828 appears
follow us throngb life.- To be thrifty
litobevrtee. We can help you teach opposite the Item of expenses. The
Ifbur children this most Important hal>. advertisement of sak>s of land f«>r
ft A dollar will sUrt them on toe taxes cost $33,454.
The primary school Interest fund
road to Independence. Well give them
ose mue banks to take home paid to school districts aroounted to
as a constant reminder of a debt they $2,289,042. the Agrinillural college Inowe ihemselveu. The Savings Dept of lerrst fund. $65,131.87. and the Unlvcratly of Michigan interest fund. $47
toe First Natlooal Bank.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the disoased portion of the ear.
Dm Man May Lesa BI9M; Joker Ar There Is only one way to cure deafrested.
and that it by coastltutlonsl
Ann Arbor. Mich... July .26.-Justlcc
to>ty has Issued a wwrrmnt in an un of the
usual case, alibough.it Is strange that tube te
there arc not more legal preceden
sound or Imperfect hearing.
Wiliam Pleske and Burt Bailey arc 11 te entirely closed. Deafness te the
masons working on the same Job. result, and unless the Inflammation
can l>e taken o^ and this tube re
Pleske complains that Bailey mixed stored to Its normal condition, hearing
gunpowder wltb hte tobacco and when will be destroyed fdrever; nine cases
he lit hte pipe there was a loud
ploalon and that hte right eye 1s so which It nothing but
diUon of the mucous
affected that he te liable to lose the
We will give One
Tto fleteocratlc platform demands sight. Tbe warrant reads for assanll for any opse of Deafness (caused by
Intent to do great liodlly harm.
catarrh) that
that tbe army be reduced to “a point
bo cured by
Hairs Catarrh Cure, Bond for circu
btetertaalty demoostrated to be safe
term, free.
aad aaBcteaL* Tbe army has already
Dr. C. D. MiUcr has recently pur
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O.
boea reduced from 166.W0 to 40.000 chased toe loteresU of toe National
Sold by drngglsta. 75c.
Wo flo aol need a large army but we Deutlsta. located In the State 1
Take Hall's Family PUte for constlmood a flood oac. We have a flood one bunding, suite 207. There ytra will
•Bfl H te Boae loo large.
find one of the neatest and most thor
Black* brown, blue atHpsfl overalls oughly equipped modern dental oflkes
In toe state, where nothing but toe OMsal Conductor on Grand Trunk Is
name Creek. Mlcb. July 26.-FW
thirty-four yeors Henry Muir, who re
cently died In this dly. has been In the
rrvice yTthf Grand Trunk railroad as
condt^or andrii has been estimated
that in that time he traveled almost
2.000.000 miles. Muir was the oldest
coodnetor on tbe road. For years he
has had the limited run between this
city and Chicago aad hte acquaintance
among the trarellag pablic was amol
lonsive. He bad met many famous
people. Mnir was an boaest, faithful
man and It was hte boast that never In
an toe long years of hte service with
A Baa aarartMi of bigb-flraflt footwaar boto flraaiy aafl ooataDriaUa.
toe road wao be responsible for a
mWK% jpateflt eolL box calf. ^ kid aafl aaamM Ibm abMs aad oawrack or for losing toe company a
cent of money. Ho leaves two chil
WOMCfTB Bat abaas aafl aslorfls la pataat aad Bat ufol kM taatoor.
dren. Tbe funeral was held Sundsy
I deck band
OB board toe Slocum was responsible
for tbe terrible lost of life. Not the
captain who was supremo in comBBaad. nor any of too officers with
' tbitr rospoBSibimite but a com
flock baafl. a man wboao position te
lowest on a ship. It seems like a par’ wdox. yet tho testimony goes to show
toat If a deck hand had not lost hte
baud and tefl a door open creating a
Atari but bad promptly thrown a burnlag barrel overboard, over nine bunflrad psopit would aot have perished.
thiTcrsc aty’s New Shoe Store
' Bmtr ANDBOYrahoqB,aaietlotof floofliBoaa.tktaBaolliktafl.
tHILOREfTB AND INFANTV aboas aafl mwwmtaa ta btaok aafl am
Qaalita fka bast OaUaadbai
We bare toe most exclusive styles
ta richly trimmed dress millinery tor
war ta toe dly. ateo every
creation ta atraet and outtag hnu and we nra eoaatanUy raeetv.
I frarn toe tasblon mam
keta and take flrant ptoasore ta show,
tafl yoa toa ptatty totasa. Miss Heat*
141 Front 8l
Wepwtoaraktotemonynf H pieces a U aafl B6 inch
SoiUagi warranted afl wool aad worth Bom $1.00 to $L60
A. J. WMELMgj!^
Pitiful Fate Of OW Man in New Rocberis. K. Y.
New Rochelle. N. T. July r6.-Tbe
death of Julius Sulwln, 60 years old.
promlnml resident of New Rocbtlle,
U ascrflK-J by his wife and relatives
to ronstaut worry over noises at a
park and picnic grounds opposite hi.
Bttlwin. who was a retired mannfaclurer. lived on the Boston post road,
between New RocheUe and Larclc
moot, and Just acrous the street from
DUlou park. He appealed to the autboriticfi of both towns to stop the
base ball games and pimlrs at the
park, saying that fhe dsnres made so
much noise that he coiikl not sleep.
The local autlioritit-M divided that they |
had no right to lul»-rfere.
Ijii»t night when th«-n' was a cak*v
walk run hy .Vh» of the colonel iw>ople of Weslcberter c«»unt>. Siilwin
siiiwin was
irritated that he si
all night. !
and this momiug at € oVlm-k he
dropped diwd. The dorlors dt^rhli**!
that he died of a n>rehral hemorrhage
l.rotighl on by \jnvxua excitt ment.
If you traveled the whole northern
part of Miehigan you could not find a
more complete stork of carriag.’s. lop
and op<*n huggi«'s, runalKMits and sur
reys than we can sti*»w yon. ^e^ideJ<
our prices are tmirh rlieaper Ilian that
of the averagi- J.-aler in any p.iyf of
the wuijtry far ih«i same quality.
r4*me and sec. Barney Anderson.
Outag to the fact that some
parties have an option on shore
lots at East bay. which doe> dot
expire for ten days, we have de
cided not to advance the prh e
umn that time. If vou want to
make from $25.CNt to $5'Mh. buy
Wednesday ^
The TriamphanUr Suetaafiil
Travorno City
2lly to 8U
8t Louts
, $lfl.50. 15 flty limit
fliy UmU
$21.00. far IBe scbsmi
This wm inclttde mmdi and
berth between Traverse City and
^T^^ win be on ale capmciicin( Thuiwlajr, Jime 9,
SteaiDcn leave Traverse City
every SumUy, lO yi. m,, amt
Thunda)-*, Caro.
E. H. POPE, Aft.
B. F. CHDRCH, 6. P. A
A. F. Neriinger. C. W. Ashton,
Leo Hornsby.
Texas Steer
A play to be proud of—with a
Great Cast, including WUl H.
Briy. -The Original Minister
Has a nieaning. To all those
who are looking for a rclulilc
chemist to get that which Ihcir
doctor has prcscribctl
===s I msz. :
to Dahomey,*’ Miy Stockton as
-IhRsay”, John L. Weber as
••Maverick Brandcr.”
-AND 20 OTHERS WITHfTflirvnoasm '
Texas Steer Quartette
Record Want Afla. bring Big
Has just opened to Ibc pub!i:, and M^bnnd new meat mar
ket where «]uality and prices
an. right. Give us a call . .
255 E. Front SL
Qtz* PBobc
25c, 50c; 75c, $1.00
Record Want Ads. bring Big
ftetums for tho menoy InvwtoA
Benton Harbor Lad Paid Forfeit With
His Life.
Ih nton Hsrtew. Mich.. July 26.-l-tet
ing two large wat*'rme|imh wiibin five
hotir.s is the feat that ivisi iIh> lih- of
Will Kellsr. a 7y4ar-<dd Ih»>. in ihit*
city. The lad dicnl in great agi»ny.
Furniture News
Nothinq 1% M Interrwtlnq to the man or the lady of tbe house as bits of information mneemina furniture.
We arr thr largrst furniture dealers in this part of the state. Wr therefore are showing the largest assort
ment in every line.
Bed Room Suites '
Our buyer. Mr. Blur, has fust returned from the great furniture espos.T.ons and purr.haswf the largest
Stock in our history. Some goods are to be shipped at once and to make room we want to close out some
lines of bed room suites and odd drrA^r*. Wr «rr making some remarkable prices on them to do so.
These may hr just what you have long wanted.
After a hard day's work there la nnthinq «« enmfortahir tn
yourself nn as a Qond couch. Every couc.h
we sell we can guarantee. That's the way with all our furniture and people are depending on us more and
more. We are buyiifg cauches at all times. The demands are so great We have couches In velour, tapes
try, car plush, silk velour and genuine leather and the prices arc as attractive as the goods themselves. Wg
want to tell you our prices. Tomorrow would be a good time.
A Turkish Rocker
San Silk
■ The Real Article.
We have joit received a nice
j^troallcoba. Oro
1s Just solid comfort. Tit true they cost more than ordinary rockers, but—what's the use of being comfortable unless you are Just as comfortable at possible. These that w e have are the finest we have ever
carried. Warranted In every respect and made In the highest style'of upholsterer’s art.
Odd Furniture
A piece here, a piece thsro floss afld so much to the sppeanmes of a ix
We have such an ^
of odd shap^ chairs, rockers, Roman chairs, hall chairs, parlor pieces,
Ing chairs, made in golden oak
finish, mahogany, blrd’e eye maple, flemteh «
for a wedding present or an anniversary
gift The prices are Just m dhrersifisd as tbe styles.
g pteaqes everybody and tbte te •cverybod|y*a
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Plano, and the Famous Farrand Organs
Ladies-if yim have been
^ TO HANIliyi fc UY i ,
I"'/- :
Chicago. July 2C..^e.phaae of the
packerB-^gtoat awmopoly that to of pb• toierost is the «mtfoI of the
raiffa. Thu ff»t tonne which was
I hKwwn the pMlnra and the
He oomtootloo for goreroor. ood 1
«ea wtMa thw trust was ffrst
feel ireiy: gnteCol to tbe repsbjMor MlcMgao Coe tbeerSdmoeor
tern or pobik lotoroot to tbk <
ot Ikinilt 4oao 30. sod
lha only oar vidob baa rtoOr wag to
tha Aght afcalggt the'imekan. They
avs prcserwcA their todepegdmna
ThiBJm^aun rsaUy do Mi cm ao
mch aboot the pitMto aT the atoMtyards as they do abaat the mmtial aC
the aapply af live stock,
tnd to easeatUl to their
The imekers waat to make of the
the same agaaaiea that
they have to the refrigerator oar
la all the aew eeaters of the pack
ing Indastry the packers see to it that
they control the stockyanto. When
there is some doubt they lacat
ftockyanto at a distance /rom
packing Industries and refuse to let
oompeUtors have any opportunity to
bid. If the seller at the stockyard
ehips his cattle to another he
that his anlmaU have been blackl
and he is given no price worthy of hU
The importanee' of controlling these
stockyards Is llloslratod by the work
of Lea nt, the high salaried buyxr for
Swift A Co. He semes to work for all
the other Mock Imyers as an
of prices. He travels from flockyards
kyards and hi*
known by a roadjuii
Hr arbiirarily declares that
certain stock will not -gratlc,"
that the price ‘should be lowered. He
can give fair reason tor liis decisions
and the slock raiser, arc compellod
brick waBs foar stories high aad only
a UtUe BOto thaa thre indtos apart, a
cat has ben resened hy means of a
lartoL The frilne dropped into the
cresSos when tt was only a few weeks
old and has been there cveralace-fed
aad carsd tor hy famUles naidi^ to
Tbe prison which it o^cople^ long
tbe eoflwoBweoMb If the choice to
. Tbe packen anw the importrmtiled at the poOa. Seek cooeenraof ooatrolltog theee grmU cteartire, ptocdedi and eCeeUre Segtotoiton tag bouses of the live atock trade The
aa Bwr be fteeeaaarr to Mcore the Ob catUemea did not apprecUte U no
odoto pofitr or the bollot oBd malartckly.
tato the htobed hoaor to public affair,
Ptoirlh street,
la the earty days of the live stock
front and hack, and even etoosd part
•hall he my constaal aim. With great
bttstoess the catUemen looked upoa
eci, I am. youra eery truly.
ly on the top hy Un rooflag. Wforts
atockyards as neutral ffghting
rredM. Warner.
which the kitten made again and again
ad. Many of them Intrustod their
during the early days of Us Imprtsooleas to eonunlssion men. but they
meat to climb those eHppery walls,
knew that whea their cattle went Into
only lo fall bacck. were watched with
. TIM Bute Ixocoe oT ^LpoUicoa We make a «tnmg .peclalty In aat- the pens there would be spirited Wdsympathy by the neighbors and they
Chitw. orpaalsed prinuuilr for tbe por- leryttig the tooer maa. Our twenty, dtog for their product, and that they
became divided Into faclions-lhose
pooe or lolerooUoc the rotort of twr dre cent dtonere are noted for mile« wottW receive XuU value for ihelr ank
who thought that the kitten ought to
atoie to polUkol offolri. hm man hem arouad and we eurely are going to
In those days they were on
be killed and reUevv-d of lu SBlaery,
iceep our reputation. Short orders at good terms with the packers, and wrert
and those who held that while there
aH or our party tlekei ae the priacf- all houni and anything you wUb In known as Bill. Jim, ioc and Jcir>.
was life there was hope.
plee for which It standa. and belketeg Moeon. 'Sanday dlnncru a epectoJty. They toasted with the packers and
Tlie latter fed the cat and gave It
that apoa <bto ptotfona mad whb •flic Ultle Tavern. Ibo popular rnrtan their ageoU. It was a **hlib, wide aad
water,by means of a long string. IHsufibod efforu the gnwteet aucoeaa wUJ yaaL Nc«w manajpunc
handsome** burlnt-ss. Fair prices were
conlenlod ntighto»rs many tlim-s lhn*w
be adilcired. I write to aeeunj you.'of Fkmw A Davldeon. ZW FYoirt Si.
freely given and money freely sp<mt.
chunks of polsont-d liver, but the ani
our actire sapfioit. With great rc- V
The packers first saw that iheir in
mal never loochctl them. Meanwhile
apert. I am. your* eery truly.
terest was In oootmlling the stock
the cal grew and every effort was
8. Il.rob.rt.
yards and the commission men who
made to release It. but without sue
Omeral McOurrio and SUIT to SUrt
Mr. Waraar^ Reply.
acted for the cattlemen. The cattleon Atlg. 1.
July 1«. 1P04.
A few dsyv ago the slaiT became
Grand Rapids. Mlrh-. July 2C.—Gen- few weeks In tbe year, and no one wa?
Mr. Soy 8. Darahart. lixaidmt
gen,-rally know n and exme tew the wx
tTal Mcflurrln. commander of the In the markets to look after their In
State Uague of Sepobllcaa Club*,
tiee ol an ex<'owto>y wi,„. wKli an old
Michigan brigade of slate lrtio|»s. has lercxts,' The packers took the long
tiraad SapMu. Mlch.-My iKar 8lr;
tosued an order for the memliers of dry season to perfect their plans. Inch Front sirci-t and are ttoiroughly ren- Uriat. Koon Uragg.-d Ihe cat from Its
Yoar htod toiler of July 15 hast Jtait
jvaling and refuniishlng and when prison, thus removlug a rourec of
bis staff to go to camp at Ludio
by Inch they moved against the slock
beoa rm4rtd aod read with mneb to
on Mimday. Aug. 1. In order to assist yards and the cattlemen. They plartMi completed will Ik? one of the finest roll- much worry to the SoeU-ly for Frctoftat. l^-bUc thm hae beea eumc
:inery shops In Michigan. The trim- vcntlon of Cruelty to Animals.
lo the oslabTlnhmrnt of Ibc camp. Tbe
nls-lon man under subJ,*ctlon
dlffermoe of opiekm oflomg my
triKips will move frtwn ih. Ir home sU and by this lime hla thralldom If « nilng dcimrtrnenl will Ik- In charge of
MmiM opoa the oucaOmi of th.
Uuns cm \Vednc-«Jay aficnuKU, an compu te ihBl he ca^iot buy a drink .Mi?s Hi-Irn Tray of ClArago. who to
ah«iuld !»:.* cum*
ibpt^ which our party
lullc well know n in Traverse. The | We have a small lot of Cove rt Cl,»lh
Thursday morning, ami all will arrive
In any way enlerinln the wenlerr.
mlued apoa the aabject of prtouur re
in camp by Thursday night. The gov* rattle raisers. He must treat ih.ir ,pelting will be ajiuounced In lliere r,»atrt whirh we are chtoing <»ut this
forai. lb«wr ha* -never beea any que»'
wc(-k at an actual dlsnuint of fifty ikt
rmors* review will be held on Thun with cold austerity except at cxTlali. -olumns later.
tine as to the adrisablllty of raaritog
cent. Some tighl-fitllug. other half
day. Aug. 11. and will be the big day
tit the year, wrht-u be may
I such kstatotlon as will prrreot fraud
tight and Norftdk slyh-s. all to-amlfiilATTENTIVE AUDIENCE.
of the entire imramproent.
. aad bofairaeas to the prellmlaary ram
ly lailui\-d and nn,sl with gunrantcMHl
Ii is eiitc-rtcMl that many polltlelani
I palga for the ectocikia by party'fjrgaaOne Yojng Lady Baptised at Church satin. They arc o Mrmn and useful
and slate olTiclals will be there for
\ isatloti of fwadidates for public idSce,
D U up. the packers have al
Utile piece ef Ittggvry. J. W. MUllK,
of ChrlsL
thlH day. In the evenli^; there will
1 am to perfect symiiatby and acs
meeting of the 8«»clet> of Foreign
There was an attentive audlenrc at
i cunl wUh the dosUe to give the peev
stockyards of tbe west, excepting that
I. Including the Spanish war
‘ pie the largest measure of respoosJersns. This will be foUowcHl hy a ban of Kansas City, and It Is doubtful il one young lady prci,f-nl,-<l herself for And First Price Only at tbe
t bllity la puliUc affairs. 1 have uaquet at which General Fred Grant wUl that has more than a nillo of Inde loiptton,.
Celebration In Traverse City.
J>hib<M faith in tbe loyalty aod palrl|M-nd«nre lefL The flock In the Kan
Ih* the* guest c»f hontm.
Mrs. IHejuds siH.ke eonrernlng l-Ysn
Manton Las always been unpreten
of ism of Iho peopto
<»r atate aad
MM Cily slorkyardK to largely hold It.
ration Hymn.** .Mr. Pounds siH»ke on
sbon always stand ready, rlihrr in
tious ato.ul her hand. allh,>ogli there
aud vUinIty. The pn-«lden:
s|h,K,- on
public or private life, lo aid In «-vrry
ha.- h<-, n liim-s wl:t n liter, wa- a fair
Ih,' largc.M nniMcal dealer.. In Ihe of the iKianl to Cluirh-s Fram-to Ad
The Gen,-sis of Faith." fnmi th, ly g.KsI hand in tin Mllag,* lh>! m.w,
• p«eM*lblc way In giving MTe<-! lu tin*
> has made a valiant fight fo,
L' of Mlehlgan. oiwratlng lw,lve
words, ••‘nuof the Kingdom is while the hand nn-mlM-rship is still unpublto d«*rlrc l.ir- iurh ebanr.-. In «nr
his friends.
m In as many rlik‘s and c-njo>
l„- Wonl of G<m1 *•
caucus laws a» may toon tlic
twith a |K,.-,slh!e ,-xeepii,in)
Many y«nrs ngo Ihe paek,‘rs heg;ii
•piitalion for courtoous and h,in
Tonu»rrow at 2:.10 Mrs. Pomnto will
|ort of the « l*«cli*rs. HhouW I Iht I k’Ct
their fights agaluM the si.H-Kyard-, have f,>r her bubject. "New Tv^siamenl it ha gra,lnally ,lawnefl uih,u the p;-o
orable dealings. They are agent
ed govermw vif Mlrhlaan. I shall go
The rallroaxl.%. whUh really sho„l,l Faith (*ure. • The sermon Tonight will pie lo re that they have a l»and that is
rarnons Ktelnway pianos and
Into that ofllre abM»Iul<dy untraoir,-ady to demonstrate th,-ir musical
ufaclure thdr ,»wn Instruments which havi- McHid by tbe sUKrkyanto. on no tie on • nepriUntic,-."
VDcled, with no promises to rede<*in ex.nhillty aud prove all the stat,-meats
or,' mimlKiaHl am<mg the h<t;t in the «»nnt of their Interest In them as tor
rept such as have been ma«to by m>
that may he mud.* in th,-lr behalf. I'nmini, weri- In many Instances with ih,
Tniver?,* City hranch
party' In Male r«mvciitl<ifi. and eon
der the ,lir,-<iion of Arritur !*L krt>
p.ac-kers. This to acciMintcHl for by the
There are no Ks and nnds nho,
Jatot'cl In the platform upon whirl, 1 Front SU J. W. tMiffc. manager.
uier and th, I, ader-hip of G,-,>. H
fact that many of Ihe railway ofllrtok when you bring y,mr physirian’s
llayc-.,f. Uie baud has driile,! in music
had sp(-r-lHl Inl, reft:i In Ih,- parking .sertpthms here lo Is- tilh-d- they
II win be a pleasure for me lo umliU!-lll,‘ss. The gn-at,-**! t»f ^h,•^<‘ fight filled according to his dln-rtlons. ato|*° • long lime, and Imlay 1... jH-rhaps
my best efforts to the e nd ihat legls
of the host murieal organizations
•*A Texas Sleef ” which U rtmsld- was that again i ih,^ rnlou M,K-kyar,to Mdiilrlv. We have to-en in the husllallon may be cnariwl oilculau*d In eriMl H,») l*s IMUU romiHly. will c«ime
northern Michigan.
of riiJragr>. It now has Us own Indr n,'s.s for years, and our guarantee to
every way
safeguard the putdh- In SI, InlH rg*« Grand t»|Mm Mouse „horf |H-ndent corporation, hut to entirely
F,-,iing confHlent ,d winning, the
.viamp,-,! on every to»tlh- s^f itudlrine
Ic^reid and Insure to the voter the cm ly. |i h the m,»^l lnler,*rtiug laiig'i within the contnd of the packers. Tliif
liard will enter the contest for the
Joyment of'all the rights of cllUen prcnliicer In the enllre caU-gon ‘d to so g.-nerally n<ogntxi-d that the cat w,' romiHum,!. A word to the wise Is prize Mac riilKH- day at Trav, rsc-tity.
aJway.s b,iniri,'m. The Johnson Drug
ship; anti I should also consider It a funny plays and has achlevcsl a vygm* t|,-m,-n are pt It a.s an agent of ih,
August to’, and they have promlJwd
privilege to approve any leglsUthu, that is not cni,»)ed by any oilier ana
that If they r.-nirm-d homo from th^
parking iruM.
ksikhig toward the fuimisn. ut t,f jiari> edy In cviiit y c*ars. Tbert* Is a reason
coutcHl they w,»iiM bring lirsl prize.
Tbe assault ngaln-i the Kaimas City
IHtMulses along the line of primary re for this: It Is alK>al Ihe only play of Its
n,T win ^
WaeratoH* piniple may as well
st,irkyanto has K-rn strong and
fiuto. A. Wagner.
r thr-f
Manton on the prize and hang it
elash that Is exclusively original Iwith AlKuit two years ago It devehijw-d that
he in the city tlie i
• touring the discussion hy the com
regarxl to lis eharaci.-r and In ihe M-vi ral hundred acres of land ha,l w,-eks. tirders can he left at ”Hannah up for us.—.Manton Trihune.
mmre. the |wo|sirillon was made to
inner of Ii', roust ruction.
iKvn purrhaM-d hy the agents of Iht S, tony C4,. s store.
CU.NrEKT hv Travers,- City hami
emlsHly In the resulmhms ludt»i>ing
HHrk,-rs in Ihe virlnlty of th,- Kansar
and fp’e vau,I,-ville s*f„»w toiilhht on
primary reform llii* following proviBlack, brown, blue striped overalls city i^iarket l,>i. r,m,n*ri at 7:::o.
City sUKkyarils. It was not only
formol'ii begins j
**\Vc further iM-Ucve It who and de
way lerminl. but II was a known fact
LOT. Change of Program.
sirable that all caucuses and primaries
“Union made" overalli 48c, Benda.
that the railways were ci»nsiderlng
relating to Ihe sqkH-tloo of delegaterf
wfU lofolfo oU poUtlMl pvtko to
5 Md iMr eoocoM
tbe Muor
dor. to be flked bjr U«. vbtah Is oir
; Ofdoloo b dcekkdlr to Oie dtrecHoo
Umord wkUk we hare btwa tobor1o«.
I dodro to oiirai to roo <mt utncm
oporwdotloo of rotir Htorto to itot
ponkotor and tli««t eorto
««ljr Ufoawrt
Ufoawre roo
1falfWol perofoort
ROUND TRIR *»o, BOe,- W»o
Mrs. E. Hartwell Was In An Unpleas
ant Plight All Last Week Through
Very Painful Illness.
Mrs. E. Hartwell* of Dl» Oak slrocL
was in an unpleasant plight all last
wt-ek thnmgh lUncxs. she being con
flne«l to the upper part of her home.
She bad Ikhmi troubled wUh sharp,
sh,Kiting p*to« *uid this made walking
s«i dlffieull that she was unable to
eaic her riKjm. However. Salunlay.
d,e eanu- into the R,x-ord ofTlec lo tell
if a wonderful ndi,'f that bail to-en af
forded her through Hot Springs Oil. It
,nly i,K>k one application to n-nmve
Ihe pain and make l,er not only ahle
lo go ilown th,- ^1a^rs but up and down
my others with t-a-M*. Mrs. Hartwell
,.,-TTH-<l much picasc-d to a,Ul Iht lertl
monlal t,» many others reganllng tbe
tm-rlt.< of the womltTful oil.
Antrim County Attorneys Hwtor ilninory of Fitch R. Willlama.
It only required one day to huidto
iho court procoodlngs at Bellalce this
week, but It was a busy day town
morning until nlghL The Moalof toe
cases disposed of wore dlvorot oaoM.
otherwise the county was vary law
abiding and peaceful.
After court was adjourned memorial
serv lrea were hold In honor of Che late
Fitch K. Williams In which Jndgn F.
W. Mayne and all allorw prtmmi
took part in speaking nnd hoMtog
other .appropriate exorctoea.
For sensible men. The Toney foolform shoe U the most comforUOito,
well ma,le shoo for Iho money. W.
Good wide toe. slightly extended sole.
Made In flexible voloor calf. lace, kid
lops and a iM-rfecl Utter. We also ■
liave a line of comfortable footwear
for women. Rowland Douglass, IW
To buy n gtxwl refrigerator. Il will
East Front St.
save lots of money during these hot
summer days, and they make quite ft
If the cellar or closet where piV
handy piece of kitchen funilture al all serves and canned fruit are stored Is
Wo have the celebrated light, shade the shelves with curtains
Alaska Refrigerators In several slr.es of black cotton stuff, or slip the jars
and they arc the to-.n money can buy. Into paper bags.
for many rca-sons. Price |C.r.O up.
hVank Trude, 14C Front St.
The rarest
Owing to the many patients who things ever put together is Holltater*s
wish to consult Dr. McDonald, he will Rocky Mountain Tea. It cures pim
be in Travers4-- City at l»ark Place ho ples. indigestion. eonsU^tSoa. rheu
tel on Sat,ir,lay and Sunday. July ;J0tb matism. Kick headache. 85 cento. Tea
nnd .*11 St. Two day.s only. The sick or Tablets. .
and alfii, led should lake advantage of
this opp,r’unity and t-onsull thks ,-mlmnt peci.alist h. fiife he returns to
hto home in Graiu! Raplfto. (\msultation. examination and advice free.
8HAVlNGS--8otith Bide Ltfffihar Co«
in,c have
n^vc the
xnz names and addresses on our books
treated Eight Years ago. Do youu believe
believe this
this tlalcmcnt?
tlalcmcnt? * if
if you
you wish
with to be convincc-l. come to our oiiiccs. We
WE toivc a list of 820 names of Traverse Chy cUirens who have Wen rured to rtay curcvl Some we ire
Cily i>coplc purchased our remedies with the guarantee that wc would cure from the first dose or money refunded, and but ooc
an,I will show them lo >*ou. If you arc skeptical because )*uu tricvl cvcrjlhing, how <lo you like our rqiulation; 4,3G2 Tra
person returnctl the medicine.
Cripplo3 NA/silk, th© d©sf H<ear
Hundr«l» 0( peopk in Tr.vi:™.CUy .ho h»v-c nullcrcd all their livci with Chronic
_______ V3L.V TMK
To Anyone Proving to the Editor of this Paper that We Dp Not Refund Money if we Fail to Cure. Money at State ^nk
- - — ——^ ^
A—to—^ Here Again,
■ Master SpeciaUsts.
Tbtswaibe the law
It, who holds diplomas from
qaestions. We treat
day. Their offices arc crowdec
the best medical spools in the ..............................^^--------------chronic diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, blood and nerves only.
Ai ctnUe
lai]iircs,no(lclentioafnimwotV, bntinetsotplesssre- We do all ore agree, or it Mala yos
We Cure Quickly, Permanently andourSafely.
tedaiHlcarerthnndrerUinTraveracaty. Hmdreda of ow ol
doctor’s one, that we are eqoaQy
in oar efrorta to core. Ifyoo are aflhcled «illi
eittaorojoaryaoceaw are mat we treat nee nnnoreo caaei to
lo the
me faunily
tq^Ia^Jr reUabU
rrSiable aod
and ooDidentiooi.
..fc U.M.U MM ..MIC,
i. U> ___ _ tmtment fawn «n onerimcnd (peciiliK, P™Kapi] reaaoM for our eitturdinaiy noenw are diat «e treat fare hnndrcd caaei lo the
we haw
for theUst
e^t feanm
yean, mTramse
ol the aiomar^Urre^totoeyi, Mood or nerves we |ca» cjie
>-oa, aa »e
Ml EMDiioafioD Fin
H. ........ M«n*.
PoaitivdyoorUat week on this trip.
Better caU to^.
080*1 Miss Free Uetire
SfC yOdtOg thOF friMdS
come OJDSE im t
scr mm
I AT cue UtKC
Tto met. L K. #toka «to M wrtP
tan a took npon tto tatrpS^ls asa^
tHb of clairvapaocn. mda tom ta
Ohtap ta tar town of CBften. aad o
^s^a Ml
la. wttt e( V. «.
that ootai MT v«B to ootamrad «p ta
Settoa, thotoh to <mo to tto aamo
as all dagpmallnto Loss after
^tad OM triitag ta Ben Skka.
who vat a mA toal of a pcncoenl
taker, to play tto part of tto Camone
toaAtt Beogotanomtorof hange
ta tto tosni wrhera to lired. tto i
of oemo of tto Siffa looat famona <
attoBB.m8BvtovoolddoalaMataayIhtag tar tto drtakA to play tto oobor.
Z^eharacteto to hla «taadliig maa.Tto OBOch tod Joat coma ta: a gentta
man flrem tto eaat aUghtad and after
sapper lit a cigar aod atrolled s
tto town. Ooe of tto cootaderate
prooctod him and ootcred Into eo
Ota dtad 'tbla OMta
tftaaek at tha taw of her pawaaa.
Mr. aad Mio. laMnl Bryaa. dta mm
A auwt at tbe a«e ta at yaara of
MtaotattodrysiMoa R« tarrtoUa May I fer • eta* Witt bar taea oo A tato M taa or Ittota
Tba taMral wnaagaMU
wfU aot be atoe aaill tta arrlral ad
bar baabaad bta tbe ttaaral w« prebhoMOO cor of toddatorrtaa Is
ably ba Tboraday Irota tba Wartplta
imd oecry day tar oapnaa fcom
Batadea tta lattar aad aMdbor tte
leaeea ttrta atataea aad Uree taott- Two of tto membars of the 8L liOBla
ore. They ora Mra. J. C MeLeod of Hoop it Bura Co. wlU laoTe oooa to
to Hr. Koomelfl taM
.Mra-T-aBmaMorOadillae. took wp « mew loeaftioii. Ttoy wUI
Bryaa et O
0» MOM a tto ImMkm of PmI
Mis. Uadeil
-Uke tto conntry. atraagerr
4M WrwiTrtri IMM. oiUr otoot Itf Bryaa all of ttM eliy.
•Xlko M Oh, yea. oo tar aa I toro
pmrn»wm im fa tto mU, todod^
goon X toTCB*t aeea mneh of It aa
tat mo M»tofO of tto Mlftei
«» of Ira Btood ed OarMd Pratty Woddlng Sotataalaod at tto J»t. died lata alfht od
-Tlno coonliy. hmt aooe of tbe
Homs of Setae’s Pannta.
Uoa: , The fMotal aenrlce win be toplo am anldity hmgiL See that fetter
A rery pretty wedding was aol
aMtrU eftataooa at J o'tSoeh fro«
. AMV ttoM IMM wtn to Ctotr tta Dtadftaa Cbirek. Uadertaker Aa
MoCto^lM. OororoorCMMl
doraoa will be U ebarse.
toMor riou of )tav Torli. Md Cone
‘ Mrt. datai MeOeeaML
Itoi K. aim, tfOMonr of tto mrab
Mre. Jobe MeDooald od CaaadA
■ced U yean, died laet alfbt at tbe
Hotel OolonUa. Ur. aad Mis. MeOoBOld oniTcd in Uie dtjr Iwt rrUUy
•All. IftkawMikOTketUr.tIweMB- froB CaaM oad ato gan tor Ufa for
iriM«* w< M to b*
a chlW whldi aanriraa lu awttor.
oa tb«
aoftbMM of tbc Tto fuDwal airaoioMU will not to
fccM. •pmku CMao.. wbowii! made aaUl after tto arrlral of the
gurm fatber aad BotbM' from (
tb* oowBltUe. ud Pra«M«
who arw oapoetod tlili eroalag.
mM to .pMk fro- lb«
CliaHaa Umlor.
SIMU tbt vMtbcr be ladraMot. the The bodr of the talc Charici
•WUIM «t tbe Tcnada wni be low who died aoddenlr la Grand Rapldi
and m4 tbe eeremear «U1 uke ptoe< of heart disease, was brought lo thU
aadar com.
dtr OB the 1 o cloek Pen Man
Altar tae addrtatM a »Baebe«»^i iralB today hy the wife aad two
be atrwad lo Um aomriuee and goaeu
Fraah aad Pn>d Umlor. The
Tbli will ba fbttowad br aa Inlonu! body was takea to the home of tbe
nevdom. jO_________
paroBtSe T. J. Umlor, MO South Ualoa
Tto train was met by
tires of the Porcsters lodge, of which
Aaaaal Planie Will •# HtU at Bui^ the deceased was a aBomber. aad con
to the tiarents^ home. The
dtakvllla, Laalanaa Cootay. Au*.
funeral serrlc© will be held lotnorroa
morning at 9 o’clock from 81. Francis
-IW»araU0B« are beloc eomplctod church. Rer. Fr. Bauer offlclatlng. H
wbleb will Biake tbe aaaaal plcale ul L. Carter has charge of the funeral.
tba Old Settlera AeaodaUoa of L«cla A largo doral piece of an anchor on s
aaa ooaagr at BurdlekTlUc Aua- 3 oei pedestal accompanied the body lo Ihli
of tbe beet la tbe butory o( tbe onmal city, a tesUmony from the street rail
road employes.
aotlaa. There will be
of Ite-
Bst soMphadsa la tto wofta. A
OMB tooaM ctooM tor Msaage
to facial cfOBM wttb as Boto aare
as sto wooM bar life partoor. -A
acema ikoC
woama*s MBptodoa ta tor CM ctorm.
If It Is ralato her happlofiss Is vtftadervM pnt to him one day ally killto alsa Ttors are over 4.M
la for tto taco €o Ito market at
preseat ato to choose fooss this
ettutres a vast kaowtoige of tto
(tarn hrmk wheo to ate tto apptaT fUBCttoes of the skin,
-If yon plesae. air.* was tto reply,
cate votes of tto face. To be able to
Imrs weren't any commsndsseo
tell Just wtet cream
wooma's oomplexloo. to kaow tbe
r aoKmnt of massage to
WTtakles aad bleoiUtoa Is as muai aa
art as a physician’s skUL
Nature never made two faces alike,
beru are chemical changes taking
-Ttofs all rigbt- ivptod tto
plaee every second. If the blood te out
dpal speaker oC tto occastoa.
of order and a woman usca the wrong
title ftte me better ttoa taoetoF di
profosste be adecter. bat I get origbtj prcparatloo*. It will ruin the floe net
attlepfacttcaof blood vessels which Ilo u
false skin. It will pay any v
wf It.
lit with a gradi
Mrs. raappy (after tbe qasrrel)Wbea we were married yau said you'd who has had practical experience and
to witting to fottow me to tbe (
tto world, aod now— Mr. Uui
1 teach the art of massar^ lo
Now I desire to esU year attentloo te caller. Bscb skin needs Its own Indltbe fact that the world bas oo ends. Idaal food. Dry skin, oily skin and
It Is rouoA_______________
Ircd skin all require different treat
When ooe meets tbe tlppliig problem ments. I carry the latest French
fsce to fsee be ooderstsods whst Is cream, balm, oil and lotkms for each
complexion. Ladles call today,
meaot by tbe oa»^AU things «
him who walta.--New Orteaos t
tlvcly last week. Madam Reto Kraus,
graduate dermatologist.
Room 31
Hotel Whiling.
Uto at tto home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. m bte
aad hla I
HIgtoe Boaday when their daagbter
Mbit wa. uaited ta marrtagi
Ttomaa E. .Church, the Rer. Wood ofgctatlng. Tto bride was gowned In
nary bine and while auU and carrh
-Itent yon tollere If rsplled tto In
sweet peas and the bridesmaid wo
formant They reported him shot to
white mull aad also carried swe
kewp strangers from stayin’ away from
here, but Bllly a too quick sad too dan
***The bridal party stood beneath an gerous to be cambf
arch beautlfany decorated with eve
-Good ^rioasr said tbe atnogtr.
greens, fprni, sweet peas and pel
-I tell you what you do.- said the Inalaa.
to be sure of
The bride was atteaded by her sis formant.' -If you want
I away i
MUs Efflc HIgboe. and the groom bein’ let alone. Just treat blm. tbst's aod hU metapbors. as. for
>ns and J^suphters
Etilly Is a man of honor In some
by his brother. Benjamin Church. ways and baa never been known to
Townlt^ Held Reur
After the ceremony Ice cream, cake meddle with o man be bas drank wlth.- organlralion rcceoUy lUuodcred forlb.
Parma, Mich.. July 2G.-^For the
aad fruit was senred. The bride reTbe result of this adrice was that the -He Is s person, my friends-I know first time la their lives, all the chUcelred many beauUful and useful stranger Inrlted Billy to drink, who wbat I am saying, for I bare bad
dren of Rlehanl Townicy. tho oldest
be never drank except In a crowd, oonal experience-to Is a . person
settler In Tompkins township, i
The very best wishes go with'the and tbe gang was included In the tnrl
a family reunion here yesterday. Mr
happy couple. Friends present from UtiOD.
Townley Ik S3 j. ars eld and has been
The ruse worked ao well thnt It was
abfokd were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ltnglc kept up occasionally for montlis with
a resident of this seotten for fcovenlyand son B^crt of Wanscon. Ohio, and other arrivals, and In some eases tbe
A lady who h«d been traveUng one years. A family dinner on the
Mrs. Charles A. Wood of Chicago.
stranger wot Induced by various deold homcslcail was the feature of the
abroad was describing an Irish
rirrs to keep tbe crowd supi>lled with
day. The following arc the children:
whom she mcL
liquor for a whole evening. One day
-.She was ao refined, no well <
Victor, who came Irom Bay. Ark., to
a young tenderfoot arrived and was
present on this occasion; Inrln?
Cox has moved his meat market -coached” about Billy, as usual. lie fol in avoiding all Icmptatluus to
from 414 South Union street to C5& looked at tbe sulky desperado with s brogue that she Invariably called tbs
Ark.: Mrs. Jeanette Strai
good deni of curiosity.
crater of Mount Vesuvius *tbe creaFront street.
-Would he light fair, do you thinkr
Unlgc. MIeh.: Mrs. Ih rtha Pollard of
The Misses Anderson have Inrlted asked tbe tenderfoot
KIcry. Wls.; Miss Grace Ttjwnley of
the ladles ome Presbyterian church
-Fair? Ub. j’es: be would with a
Ann Arbor. Mick.
and congregation to spend Wednesday gentleman like you. but ordinary peo
Dr. Clinton Cuslilng. once Mrs. M<v
St their cottage at Blrehwood. Each ple be d shoot In the luirU.”
Klnley’s pbysiclan, U dead at Wash
-Well.” snid the tetulerf*>*t. -I think
will Ukc a lunch basket, a cup,
.eoaoMlacor noele.
Bring tto toiole family to the
knife, fork and spoon. Busses will be I’ll go In and get Houiethlng to eat.”
Dr. Uebeeca I.e Porsey. who rtelros
The steer»*r w« nt to Billy and tbe
reellaUaaa. followed by boat ridee oi
gigantic Lucky Strike Sale of
In wslUng at Mrs. J. M. Isgrlg’s.
gang nod rei>orted llwt the stranger lineal di**Tiit from llolH-rt Pru.v. te
bcauUfal Olea lake, and the cue
the Marvin Smith Co.'s stock
Wcil Eight Btrect, and Mrs. Crotser’s^ needed prodding. So when bo came praetiring utodleipe at Tx>s Angeles.
Mrs. M. E. Doan of Hartford U
gaataa aad aport. TbU aaoual catber
will be in full blast to
t02 State street, and will leave at 9:30.
Frank L3My. first native torn conBilly w cut up 1
lafc 'af tbe old atttlefw of tbe reclot spending the week with her sister. All Grange members are requested out
morrow morning. July 27, at
gn-f«mnn from .Mlimeeoln. would like
ger uud asked If b
baa eoM to be oae of Uo noit eo Mrs. F. G. Howard. t03 West Eleventh to be present at the mei‘llag Saturday. bad said that be
the Globe Store. One dollar
I’l fight fair. to to the first native governor of that
tayaMe aodal feeturoe of tbe year Ic strecu .
apont during this sale posltlveJuly 30. at the ball. Besides the ngu- The tenderfoot stated the matter stale.
Mrs. Charles Skelcbcr and cjdldrer
Laelaaaa eooaty. aad U tbe weather b
(Nmnul r. Stollmrver. wealthiest
Isr program arrangements will l>e aright, bet his statement was not acprapMloaa tbe atteadanee tbl> yea> have returned from a vUit in Grand made lo serve meaU at tbe ball Mscca co|»t«l. whereupon the stranger told man In the r.arllil«ns and known ss
$S4X) spent
of from S34»
-the pJt.-h lake king.” is dead at Port
wfll be a rtaord breaker.
elsewhere. We offered spot
bee day. Aug. 12.
of Siuiln. ag«l 01.
Miss A. H. Verly of Joliet. 111., Is vli
cash and walked off with the
M. Rice, business manager for fight^fair. -Tm not much of a shot.”
Major Fred Wheeler. U. S. A., re
Itlng her brother. Justlee John Verly.
cleanest and brightest assort
Hoyfe ”A Texas Steer.” the opening be adde<l. -but I wouldn’t mind a trial tired. Is m»w probwsor of mUltary sclThe friends of Mrs. Isaac Winnie
ment of merchandise on the
attraction at 8telnl>org’s Grand opera of skin with long knives. Tbe bowls ence nnd tactics at th^ MasaaehusetU
iKv pleased U> kuim that she is Im
oulU suit me. though It’s rather a Institote of Ttvhnology.
market today. Come in before
bouse this season, arrived In the city
S«»H Slaftad te Step Sate of Boitas for »ill
proved today. She has every symp
jort wcaiKin.the lines become broken and
tto Antrim County Court House
last night.
By this Umc tbewwd had gathered
tom of typhoid fever.
get just what you want for just
The todies’ Aid society of the Rap
Hat Seen Dlamlaaod.
date for governor of Imllana. begnn
B, N. rJcketl of lx*land was in the
what you want to pay.
list church will meet with Mrs. E. L.
•TAK>k at hts nose.” said ooe. refer life as n ditch digger. Aftemards be
elty today on business.
The Globe. 118 Front SL
Bellalre. Mich.. July 2(L—The suit
Ashton at East bay Wednesday after ring to a sear on the stranger’s right btcauic a lawyer.
Fred Hunter 1s busy forgrtling hb
noon. Bussed will leave at 1 o’clock
ostril. -Reckon he's bad a fight with
atarted by Central Lake parties to sloi
duties at Hamilton’s clothing store. He
Tlie presence of molstors In (obneeo
from Mrs. Nelson’s. Mrs.* Straub’s.
tho aale of the Antrim cotinly court
Is UKIng his vacation.
Notice to Contractors.
-He’s tod erysipelas,- said another, te of some ImiH.rtnnce tn public lieollb.
Mrs. ‘Thtrlby’s and Mrs. Jahraus’,
tooao boadfwas yesterday dlMnlssoC
Mathew Harrington of Solon was In
notlelug that the stranger’s fnt*e was since the eom’.mslon of tolwceo conStewart Gslnos has opened up s
pa motlOB of the complainants' sollc
quite ct^rereil with fonnll marks.
the city today In the interests of the
store St the south liend of the Cass
flora. Tto hoods were Isstied In ac
It was plain that the tenderfoot was ‘ Is liniK^led. while as tlie generation of
Maple City fair.
street bridge. He sells confc*ctlonery
oordaaco with a vote of the eloclort
Jllly concluded to meet bluff i vais.r is liicreastd. so are the chancea
lUIph Hastings Is having a very
teal aprlag. The ohjoet of the suit war
and cigars.
w 1th bluff nnd agreed to flgtit him then of tlic {K.»,tonous principle bring carried
joy able time camping ai
There will be no Initiation at tho and there with towle knives. A ring | Into the mouth.____________
to atop the building of the court bouse
INilnt. Carp lake.
regular meeting of tbe Eastern Sur
St Bellalre with hopes that the county
Mr. and Mrs. B- M. Weaver of Poca
saat might be removed to Centra'
rnlea. 111., are visiting 8. E. Wall and
The Traverse City band has bot'n
engaged to furnish coneerls every
J. J. Twiddle of Empire returaed
evening for the balance of the week
>rae this morning after being In the
by the Hot Springs doctors.
It oquj
city on huslm*ss.
liMi hours n% .tverc paid when
quick i mill
* _
Consldormble excitement was causi'd
Tbe stranger replied h.v
Circuit C\iurl 8tenngrai»her J. K
last evening by a Mrs. Vrvr, suddenly^ Wvement. His knife glittered
Henderson passed through the city
air. and Blllya left ear lost
JodfO lioraager of TraTcrse City this mosalng from attending court at
was defeated for a renomlnatlon for Bellalre and will spend some Umc at The Hot Springs doctor brought hl»
-Whew: You air quick, ain’t your
probate Judge at the Grand 'Haversc Long Ukc with hU family who are lecture to a sudden close and jumped said Billy, stupefied. Before be could
ODUnty republican convention last staying with P. C. Gilbert and family. to the ground with a bottle of his oil. put blroself in jKwtllon the tenderfoot’s
She soon recovered.
made n silt In his rigid nostril.
week, kls ssocessful opponent l>clng
Harry Parker and Harold Kneeland
By this time Billy was frightened.
ftod R. Walker, -ahosc farm hc»mc Is
ml to the Platte river this morning
\tmm ito* OttC
”Hokl on. strsnger.” he ssM. ”I fight
near Weaford Comers, Judge l^n
siKMul a short time Ashing.
fair, anil I expect you to fight fair. I
Ilerlierl Speneer omv won a «ni
gtr's aorVfcos as a probate Judge have
Chrlas Rosa went to SllghU Siding wajwr. He was staying for a lb
t time to keep t > blood from get
been raloablc to his eounly and to hb this morning after trout.
holiday in tbe bouse of Sir Fraueis tin’ Into my eyew”
eossUtueets and hU frlnids In Cadil
Tto tenderfoot waited while BHly
W. D. C. Germaine went lo Chltmgo Powett. the rraldeut of tbe Svttisb
lae regret the combination of circum last night to buy horses.
academy, and. while angling for tn.ul wiped tbe blood from his nose nnd ear.
ataaeea which caused his defeat, Mr.
J. T. Hannah went to Chicago last be toppeued to drop liH eyegUssss Into By this time tto KM bid become rery
angry. Boddenly lunging, be made
a deep pool of the river.
Stalhar Is said to he a competent man. evening on btislnoas.
In tbe evening be related bis ml«d stratabt with bU knife for tto stran
towvTsr, Md will probably be a
I\>stmaster George W. Raff and a
umrthy auceeaeor of Judge U>raagcr.- party of friends from his old home. venture to his host aod tbe guests, and ger’s tbrost. HU adversary drew away
i preiwred lo bet that on bis left foot and gave a quick turn
aaid that be
Cadinac News,
Canton, Ohio, went lo Carp lake today to would recover the pi
with his wrist. BUly’s knife went up
lo pick out a summer home. They tto bottom of the fKu^l His friends In tto air. toserlbed a rircle and. comMUTTON TOOK A DROP.
have been spending their summers at Aeetered that this was an Impossible Ing down, atuck In tto groand thirty
feet away.
Frankfort hut prefer the fishing at
to make tbe twt. HU challenge aas ac-Stranger.” oaM Bttly. -gimme your
Stotp Eaeaped But Fell In River and Carp lake.
eeptfd by one of tbe vtellora.
band. You beat anything wlUi tbe
Wae Captured.
Mrs, James Manrln. daughter Wlnnlbowte that’a ^er been seen te these
Bingham Bros, had some sheep in fred and Master Jamew Gocble have
parts. Cooie and bare a drlnk.”
the rear of.lheir shop this morning returned from a aereral weeks’ visit In
Tto crowd broke into a guffaw, and
sad the boy who was standing In the the vklnlt}' cf Hillsdale.
*tb end of hlB Osb- tto tenderfoot replied:
■ tbe glasses on-Too drink with me and tto crowd
door let one Jump over him. The
Agnes Mann. Mary B. Shook and
n into cootact'Wltb Ibelr atecl too. I've been more frightened than
atoep meandered up on Ftont street Jennie Shook left this morning for a
Pro ever been ta my Ufa Nothing
aad fnMB there was chased through vUtt at the world’s tair at St. boula.
Wc have a limited qnafitity of fine 35c and iOc plam and
ecarea me ao mnch as to fight a green: }
Moatagus*s hardware atore aad
BIsTsUttf W««^
bom. A skittad man bas all to can do |
figured mefceriad goodf that are’very bandaome, hot lines
'late Ito aHey. It was getUng rather
Twenty.four men dlnod Inside of a
-Madam, can you offer a Ifttle food to keep frooi kimng a maa who cant
are broken and we are aaiiotHto Jckne them ouL Intbc
eloaetor the aheep ao It atarted m
bnge ton recently made for a wine te a Whm wayTsivrr
fmiea. m pay tto drinks aad gted te |
tto river on soara logs but not being droler In 8ttmssbuig. It bolds LflOO
-Ated wbr>pr yon a wayfsrerr ^ get off aa easy.plaun colon there if a Uvender. thr^ blaa, rc^ green
-1 don't mind telling you. ma’am.
a very good riverman It feU In aad lmctomipa_____________
and cream color, priced now at
Too have a kind face. I loot half a_____
ataed tto tenderfoot where to had
I market msa had to pull
CONCERT by TraTetae City band odlUon te one of New York’s gilded 1 i^rned to handle tto
aad froe vandevllle show Umlgl(t oa ganhUng dans, and If I go back they j
Ironed te handle the aarott award
city amrket lot. Ooacert at 7:k0. Pur* wIB not me for a wltnero against tto ^ HeUeitorg. I was chaoteioa there
gambler and dtegraee me trnsted tarn* j te my tteia. Vm Dodtey Aimahy of
(oraxaas bigias at S.
iMaeky. C
----------BAUH 8IAKT0K
-WTiat a aad atory.**
Bteeka brsum. blot stripto wvmalls
-Isn't itr
Soppoae yoa tjy It oa tto
jdag. Here. RarerT-Clevetead note
roatalaa koBafcm ta
■„ s sz s i... L „u I—r;
Mercerized Novelties
A Sharp Reduction
'mmtisdto Btftaa.
itbdr ail talk.
Tinr A fttOOHB MTAflT AOa ^ /
M W to tatefMtita to tto tedy
adsn to kaow that tto
25c Yard..
Our Factory
- Sale Begun
aod the usual interest
that alw^ ^npeterize our big
by the hundreds every
where. every' depart
No Goods Sold
at Rcgolar Prices
If you do not find what
you want in the sale
Roods—RCt it from our
regular stock. Special
prices on cvcr>'thinR.
The Largest Stock
of Clothing...
in the city is included
in this sale.
3.50, 5.00 T.50
For Suits worlli twice
as much.
Such, values caqnot be
found an>’whcrc else.
Just TUnk
Our best KttpIHinhcimcr clothinR, regular S20
and $22 suits RO durinR
this sale at
SUIT. Better do
quihk. Every hour less
ens your opportunity.
Honrly Sales
Those ladies' hats went
a flying. Choice of our
l>est hats were sold at
$U>8. No wonder they
Anflthe 10
Minute Sale
of Flnamcl ware— .*15c
values for 10c- went
as fast as wc could hand
them out.
Hourly and 5 and
10 Minute Sales
Will be held everj- day
Here They are
For Tomorrow
At 0 o’clock for JO min
utes wc will sell ladicsi*
fast black seamless rib
bed top hose, worth
15c, for 5c. limit 2 pairs
to a customer.
From 2 to 3
we will sell ladles' fine
irted handkerimported
chiefs, fine
elaborately embroid
ered, every one worth
35c ;to 50c, choice '
one hour
We arc going to have
surprises for you every
The Boston Store
«tik mm.
«m pictan* «aa w
^ ttM with Mm «r an ln«U«. W»
w«tM hMd «M thqr XM. bM the
«M «r haw WM hMied that te a
Mr-MM la «a M the Ihlac WM
which thar ha4 aotad. ^ ^
-Urt boeo the way he Is
ftnea l>o known him.- said kUc Iw
gennoaaU. -Bat hold on. Belle m
git Wiy coat on. nnd we^tt go for
walk. It-lfa ao atuny In hare,kllHira la tbo conor. and tbot Mr Ai^
-Of an the Inboapttable creatar
tkmt. coatloai aad r»d alT faaa. was ICsr: rro coma to take luncheon with
alaadlaf arar tbs gas atara.
nto aad bacaa. bacoo aad ccga.*
\ aowplatatdMasashsbacMtrrsfalar calmly proceeded to puU off her glorea.
cbeaks froco aa algbt crot loaf. -Art,
-Bat BeDe-- begnn Mar, with a slg
wby hi thaadtr doon yoa lean to
alficant gtaaco at Mr Arthar,
aggsaoms other wayr
-Oh. I ahaU not mind Mr Dummy tn atnrof thei
this la the
•*WsDt another gfumlsh caaeletr
the least You caa wrtte ns an h
ductloii. or do you talk to him on your graph Is tacked op over your cot
lore to See rou do It. hope you are both aadslled. Come on.
Art-yoor turo.-1 think MIsa Belle and 1 hare met
ahaa*t hare to aay things I don't
before,- said be. looking calmly down
*1 aaed to think bh was aa aU mean, and if he cant Ulk
Into Belle'a gray eye*. -We sat out
ly be la. 1
jwa^- wM the ^ -bat 1 kaow
do It up on kids ot^ three dances, didn't we? But of <
n me.Aad. Indeed, froai the rlewpotot of nlgbtr
hare.- faltered Belle
Mr Arthur might hare
the Rawhite Uermlta. It wae a aobk
and then stopped sbruptly. Vnder Sir
thlas which the KM'a uncle had done. aqulrm.
her eyelids droop
-Belle. BeUe! I aay. now, you
herself looking very
their retreat, how for a year and a day masta*r—
hsepMOr at the Ooor. But she recorrrwJ
-But where's the harm. Mac? Too » aa teauat -No. 1 haet
they had agreed to fo««o all frldadsay he's deaf aad dumb.ahlp aad Idle speech a
low ooaki I when you a
-Ye-eea. but I don't know Joat boa
Dohah Chlagsr*
deaf be really la. and If be should hear,
-Old IT Posslblr 1 did X
ay ao then. You dida’t n
you know---He would only hear the truth,
-VfsT didn't act tho part t
might do him good. I'm sure he's eon
LothW month HI gircyou a .
celted, eren If be Is a dummy. Why.
an. ni write H now and dal
If yon baren^ apoken to a fool girt or whaterer are you doiagT*
t been.- growled Mac
Joat what Mae waa doing waa this. -BeUe, do you know what
fooler woman wheo that becomeo pay*
ahk yoa may caah It But If one of
•\>h. oersr mind that- aald Mr Arthur
tholaamtioasKkt who laths
you breaka faith tear It ap.Ahd t^ ptafied to the wall as an of his Joy aad prosspted by sn ahfeelkstsd. He
1 Its full si
tnopiratloii. Was theehaek-^ check for Ing desire to catch a gUmpse of Sir
oo the lo It dinners, the
Arthur's face bad parted the wardr
exceeding «xfoodl Twenty-lire curtalna.
•Tm not a
dinners le csbarK! The Beeolute ller-N n nothlng-nothlng at all,"
-It was a stupid
when hs had 1
mlU had figured It all out Tberr
Ilelle eyed him shrewdly for an u> agreement
of you men!
would be twentt-dre daya o hen they comfortable mom«it Then, after re Why. you wouldn't b*
art] If you hk)
would eat at Imt one imsil that dW fkvtlon, she aaked: -And wberv’a your away for two yearsmonths.
-But It has
^-^aol depend upon the cbaiuv fate of other chum, the one yon call the Kid*
Mac. -and
Belle.Mr Arthur‘a sklU tn rooklnc tUlnga.
U be deaf and. dumb or bllndr
tiring on your egira- aald Mac.
This with a
-Il'a l.K> bad.- aald Mar. with an ef
-Kid, put down that aketcb ‘
fort at sincerity, -bnt you'll
draw aomo aratcr.**
the Kid this time, lle-be goes about
seeing the art ©dltora a good deal, you
get and^nd rn
which amaslng statement
-Does he? Well. I did hope to wh- for the door. Blr Arthur. IM^er.
him. He la the ooe. yon wrote, who Ihert befors she coukl reochT^ l>lr
or BO dinners, beta were gray e> cs
raved over my picture. Isn't that
photograph of him stuck up there on
nd^ ss Mac sod the
we. boyar* be ^
I ^rrtng her flighL
There wma no denying this, for It hnd KM Jolnsd him la
been plainly Ubded -The Kld.io.*' admittrd Mae.
-He'a a little fellow with brown eyes.
-And w* moi rcspecrful!) urge you to
Isn't be? And didn't you aay he waa auy and have
bo>wr* aald «r Arthur.
baahfuir aaked B<fle. stddylag the we.
-%V* do.- cams the t«sihi
picture. -I>kl be draw aU iBese sketch In chorus.
At this demrmstmtlno BHIe s Ilr» s*«eni.
«a? How clerwl Especially that ooe
of a row of
packing U»!iea.-I*aeklng boxes. Belle! That Is an
she. -this looks like true
tmpreesloulatlc study of lower Broad1 If It tan t. I m swfuny
«r the
tlie meO
bscon. tfTtng w sad bolltarn €o»w wm. oomlad fn|. tbo
rr i
""^R^b^rwea. I never should hare
They srerc
making a most Jolly lunch.
con of n
There was the Kkl. who swalout tn the
losrcd some very hot «
tng on a blue Uble cover la effectlx^.-Smoklng fiddlesticks: Belle, you iSta^sl “
know nothing at aU about art Any
oar can see that's
that's a
a night
night scene
scene In
In the
the sma devel ^
I'U not bare yon ixAIng fun
bMwts behind thole
at my friends
their h-ok.
hacks, *•
-Why, kUc, 1 wouldn't do that for
the world! But look! What la the mat
ter with Mr tHimmy? He's shaking aU
over. Perluipa he's haring a chUl or a
fltTbe heaving abonldfra of 81r Arthur
were suddenly stlDcd. -There! He's
lA -liow curlorrr It.oua: Why doeant he turn hU head? I
should like to are what he looks like.
I'm going to peek./
-I aay. BelK behave, cant xour
«v. girl.
ma the labh
of Inst din
Into an unusually attrscen If she was his youngesi
was Sir Arthur, who fully
Mar: atao there waa Belle
wtlng bacoo and nrea and UlkII three of her bosu at oocedoor opmed and in walked the
iking cocoarmger of the Resoluta
-Ah. 1 aeer aald he grimly, after one
------ ---- --------- ..
before any
tad atalked
find voice
o of them
I of Janitor P. Brady announced
her own ide.'about | ^7ter. *1Mie*s Xu a hurry to see you. behavior, and. aa usual, she followed a marvel
I be to Mac in apologetic tone.; them. Thcas ideas kd her to Uptoe ; take you an
becatsa# Belle was conat the thought of the
must pay for her visitunder the magic irf her pout-
be around at C o'<
out to dinner.- whlspe
unda. with a bat
TlMB la txplatntloB:
Then Mr Arthur lebelled.
Bed, PixTldng
tM OM lb«t Um la BuBOo. Boya
rlndow sUl *» {
I'm afimM yoo'U Imta to ct«r o« ua
to alw-. (oaa Of ooteae aisten doot i totiMd qXckly alwot and faced hla ^
A pretty porrii table can .be made
naant for maw hot 1 sappose-**-*
•OKofeoutaer bwkeUiMrAPthiir.l -Oh. oh! Tour Ii
and cheaply as follow*: Taka
letnrulng the putter of bacon and w!wtmtoBelkma^ to put much asto
to the top of the gna store.
! tonlahmeot. -rbeo came an Impulse to f
^ eroas them aud se^
-White did yo« Mare her. Brtdyr
-Sura. air. abet Jnst outside at tha
tapar theatolTw-Oh, the dencer groaned Mac.
^ *TrouTl bars to hide, tben.Tbe Kid promptly made a dhne
thnmgb tha bint denim enrtalna of an
WtwM wardrobe In the comer. It
oral the only place of
■ -ITI M yeu,** aaggewed Mr Alt
*»(.. lAJssU*- nipwtxx.Bo*t»
Francisco Examiner.
Und agent took him«around. and he
finally found what he wanted and said.
-Ay tak daa one.- Then he went bock
to town, ami the agent waa making out
the papers.
-How do you want to poy tor Itr he
-Ay pay all. Ay bar da money.-AU right- I'U make out the doed,said the agent
-No.- said Ole Olsen. -Ay no want
deed.-Ye*. you do.- argued the agent
-.\y DO want deed. Ay had deed
Oakoly. Ay pay man de money,
gif ma deed. Ay gif I
Aj tak land. By en by he get land, be
get deed, he haf da money. Dees time
Ay no want dt*ed. .\y want mortgage.
Ay pay da money. You gif ma mortgap‘.--Loui>viIle Herald.
No Pity Shown.
-Fbr years fate was after me con
tlnuously" write* F. A. GuIIedge, Ver
bena. Ala. -I had a terrible case of
Piles causing 24 tumors. When all
failed pucklen’s Arnica Salve cured
me. Equally good for Burns and all
aches and pains. Only 25c at John
sons and F. H. Mead's drug store.
Thv Prwphetto Whele.
-I'm afraid Ml disagree with yon.remarked Jonah as the whale swallowovl him.
-Perhaps,- replied the sagacious
whale, -but It won't be a circumstance
to the way the theologians will dls
agree when they come to discoaa this
lucklcnt.--l'hlladilphla Prem.
Tb* Ca«s« mt tbr T»w«bls.
Barclay—I don’t s<h* why’you abouM
be cynical on the subject of marriage.
Your wife is of such a happy dispo.lv
tkm. always tinging aa she goes sbo^t
DilxUn—Yes. that’s where the trouble
^cw,Jo-thnt singing of bers.-Bos-
-You hare been fighting agaio. Tom*
my.-I couldn't help It. mamma. That
Stapleford hby tamed mc.-Ton aboukl have remembered that *a
soft soawer turneih away wrath* and
given him a soft answer.-I did. I hit him with a chunk of
a new waits of my own composition.
-•Well, sir.' 1 said, when I bed flntobed. ‘what do you think of thatr
-‘It carries me bark to the home
land. lad(]i«>.' said the old man. Tt
carries me bark b. a day when I
played at
entertainment In a Scotttoh lunatic
asylum. My instrument
the fiddle, and after I bad ended
my fiddle »oio the head of the Insbtntion ssid to ao aged lonabc on the
front row:
- nvell. Saunders, how did yon like
that, manr
-Saunders answered, frowning at
It add spice to dreary life, encour
ages the human heart, lifu one out of
despair, breathes new life and oonft
dence. That's what Holltotera’ Rocky
Mooatain Tea will do. 35 cento. Tea
or Tablet*. Johnson Drug Co.
Ta* Mack CiskM.
WhUe Secretary Hay was In the
country last summer, an Importaat
-George didn't keep^ engagei
with me last nigbu- sahX the girl who plfM.-!- of cISciai lHi»itie*8 was pending,
and be arranged with Washington that
was betrolhJ^ to him.
-Pd give lilm a piece of my mind," any nes* that might arrive about the
matter should be telegraiihed to him In
mid her mother.
-Just a little sample of married life." ripher.
Day after day he waited, but no tele
suggested the father.—Cleveland Lead
gram came. One morning, happening
to go te the lom ly Utbe tek^raph office. he said to the ope
-r supi*o*e you have
patch for mer
-MTiy. yes. slr." the operator replied,
Ithont a chaperon -there was a dispatch for you the other
are almost adra to forget themeelvee day. but it was aU twisted and enofused. I eoqklD*t make bead or taU
and buy thlnga.-Xbw York Weekly.
to tt, ao 1 didn't think It was aay
to send it up to yoo.» (as the crowd anigee aronnd I
. deer. Pm really afraid to get I
□I Jam!
ell, Joat abek dose to me,^
may poaalbly be
1 before her and
Into the re«7 arms of the nnanapectCover the top with
tng KkL Than she aald -Ohr again
and eqnealad byatectoaUy. Next she matting: mmmon fioor matting, tack
robed tor her breiher and got behU Ing eeeutely to the edge*, aad cerer
-Bhe doesn't go In for sthleticK
edge with a tough brakl of raMa. ■ber
orbkh In IN turn I* Ueked aronnd
-No. Mie says she looks ao mneb
Maer ahe panted.
the edge of the UUIe top.
the bettar In cUnglng gowns and French
Tbeee.- aald Mac with a mmpfo- legs Into heavy wooden balls or Iron, affect8.**-Dettott Free Press.
bmaire ware of Wa hand, -oanatitnle to keep the Uble from blowing orar
Mr entile aoilactieii. TW Cict U naily. Paint Ihe whole white, mattlag
BInck, bream, blue, stripped avemile
•ad tegs and bans. The effect Is that
-Delighted to know you, Mr. Smith.he said, -r suppose you i»eople are go
Ing to nominate a president before yon
go home. Tbte to a caae. though, where
the nomination Is already made. All
you delegates win hare tojfio will be
te ratify It .iny set of yabeea, you
know could meet and do that Just as
well aa—Dot that exactly, either, hecause they might take a notloo to be
Independent eitoogh to—er—wbat I’m
driving at. of course, to the idea that
and dried affair-which U
cert Inly Isn’t, unlees—because there
must naturally be some men of eeuac
In a convention like that or dae Utey
wouldn’t—I dou't mean anything per*
aonal. yon know—and yet. If I were a
ume I'd be as big a fool
Jnst before the .
bomaa Biggs, detective,, whose etatelent (queettoua eC the attorney omll-d) was aa followa:
-Ob Dec. 15 1 was called to Investigale the foUowlng case: Mr. Autbony
Beymoor had the evening before dined
at the Excelsior Chop and Oyster
Heuee. He had hung up hla overceet
with fSOO In ooe of ItB pecketa. and 00
reaching home found the money gonn
I was given an Incomplete list of those
who dined at the same time and pro
ceeded to get a dew. On examining
Seymoor’a overcoat I found to a
comer of one of the pockets a ttoy
package done np to a leaf erldentiy
tom from a memorandsm book.- Mr.
Beymoor declared that no such packaga waa In bis pocket at the time of
the robbery, and I at once coodmled
that there had been an exchange of
coata. The coat was a ready made ooe
of Famum 4 Emke'a, who bad sold a
great number of the same pattern dar
ing the prerkws autumn. There dined
at the aame restaurant on the eame
evening, each weertog ooe of those
coats. Anthony Beymoor. Joeepb MIt
lev and the prtooncr. Beymour's sent
was stolen and has not been recovered.
Seymour pot 00 the prteooer's coat,
which the thief doubtless removad to
Seymour's peg. and the prtooner put
oo Miller'a-coat by mistake. Miller
of arsenic to kill a cat The
label -poteon* bad not been weU pasted
00 the arsenic, and Miller, bavtog
opened the package on bis way to the
resuurant to see that tt was all right
dropped the Ubel wltboot oottetog the
-The prisoner left with Mflier’s powders and happened to give
eey the arsenic powder, Here te
leaf from the prisoner's memorandum
Miss Qoemeey'a nan»e. to which thrae
I ^ee ^ ordinary phper
be used,
be only
Of coorae Bam was nequRtod. and
ha married Mtee Gnemoey. The moot
mplosaant lasting feature to the ^
was that many people would not be
lieve to oneh a atiifular cotncldeoce as
that leading to the nearly total blun
der. Among them wma Mra. Guemaey.
who broke with her danghtor oa the
day Bbe waa marrtod.
Tha aeddeot that nearly coat Anna
Guemaey bor Bfe aad nearly sent
Water Engineer AlfMt M. Qnlck ef
aldmore eetimatee IhM MUnojOOB
thM cliy.
The original atock aC the R/m taiiieer now to. Alaeka Mt tha geiatnment $IZM each to flbeila. coM 9B a
hesd to date, and art worth to oeU
la the last eentatl^ the' fetes oC
helebooe boo ftoen fMl RUB to $2K-
ik Bo rare to ohrttoeas. ncto men of the ttoffa, that at
eemce wui uave a meyi^n
dren and on deck athom lihe thoae r
need to Gennen gettonk whteh tt to 4!
expected wOl be partteuteity apfcod. f
laadore Bush la edS theMyfonag
widow. Lady HotyreoC to •ftooMem.H. Beerro ltoUth. who hw hoto apeartag with Robert BSBait to *Tlwt
Man and 1,** to aooo to hfighi a Btantog
WUliam Fkmum. who was eeen to
the title rote of -BtohBak** h- boon'
Otto Harian, the oomedian who won
a wide pofmlartty to -A
other Hoyt ptoja. hto aammd /I;
I IdeTe Eye’* and'’The Amaer/*
ee. Rdane. It to ffatoitoly aecttod
vember to New Toik. Tba Ftonto
actiomwIUbeaetBtohiraaitroiofirBanym^ to to fitoke her bem
don eppearance naxl Vigr to Htohcrt
Henry DavW pla/. **Cmhla.** Blsln
De Wolfe tried the play toKowTock.
flows youE
It token before August 1st. 1904. I
will sell the lot on the South side of State
Street adjoining new Post Office Building,
one of the best locations in the city.
balutatiDn’b origin.
Altar hanaa beM Ml lor ««a* Hme
with aa aHletka that poMlad the pbrdetoM. a Portlaad bor coapkad ap
It par* a. better to ^Itatr th.
QMlotaare of roey-todo people. ■ 1
aoloe to Meat* lo WaU etrecC"
da Mack wor. fro. hU laaa* aad lah
uvrnvmtntmrn. la«MlsM0> wored rapMlr thereafter. It wa* I
We waol jroo ladle* to koow that
«WM^ WWWBT. tkPt tk* |pk«Ml»W bat atoaUar worm Head la tk* weU wc are apecUUr prepared to ptre too
Iraa which the taollr oMalaad lu
the Boat Piesainc reaolu to akin«r k«^ 4kpMl «•< PM« tk* am IrtaklBf walar.
watot work. We walk aad Iroo tbem
ah. M MMhr. tka poblte.
carefollr hr baod. which deco that
»o« h> pmt Ikat ha 4oaa1 M M Mlllaa fro. North M
noch deolred new appcaraacc. aad
oU aa «ba (>.8|r Blbla Mr* ka la. O. l.|------ - with the poaalbimiM of a
for which we aiake no addlUonal {
O. WWIar, *( aaban. aa*i *1 ymtn. hone whieh be mw raaalop awar at
MitftaM a fooram kaU «r aora tka noMaa the other dor that he followed charge- The wagon will call. 1
phone. Star Steam Laundry. Wright!
be aataoM -eonl -I**. P-'W «
.Ikar 4ar. ■*<« «*«r It
tMM tk* wfMkade of ha>MM aad Broa. tS8 Park 8C
MMi IB tk* NUm p
tfeit IM*-M* «M lh« bWlBBt P«M
mM *v. •»* ^Ttas Ik to*, otlar
Tka loiaaat rafl a( piM t^ jgnr
tova« I. Laka •ap*rtor anhrod at
aval* k *•« <V* an ><l«'k K>M
aarH* tia^tha haaa o< tk* lake. Tkp
tiadi** «aa eat kariag iaat artatar la
tk* Oooaabarrr H**r dlitrtet aad oc
b r rM*l«». or Oraad Haaea. ha*
milMl hla 0*
neaaoasul e( awi
TT—*r- HI* <Mb«r b«M the eSe*
oadlkl* death aea. moth* kgo. Oa
•aMaat«( tk* laf«* aa.b*r oC Be*a
SaarlkB* la Mkhis** the oOce U
a*»* aa taporual oa*. batoc a# It to
the aolr oa* o( the klad ia the *Utc.
Ileaaae elllaaa* baT* talrae ap tbr
•Vaa* eiNBlaa tootdt" Mm aad a datr
la a*pla.ber bmt k* aamd lor the
hanr aad pordia«M It for the
At Ike TaoderUle theater at lake
iriew park, near Katoinaaon, a
pTtkoa created eooeteraatloo the
alcht. The aaake U oae of Ue laraert
a.dciaB. the aaake eaeaped aad
A cwriotMi caKtom i»revall» In Bul
garia which moat be a liard i»«iaUy
for the woman who love* to bear the
•oond of her on»n rolcc. All newly
married women are oMUred to rrroaln
dumb for a month after nuirriage. ex-
The eaae of the two Jacluoa phy.1
etaaa who »MJ*ct to make report to
tka board at haoMh of birth, to th.
enr. abmiM *e brooitot to the atteo. tlea orTreaMeat BoomoreK'. race aoltdda Mmmtoalaa.
The tweatr-thlrd aBaaal reoaloo of
th* mMlem aad aallon-aaaociatloo of
AltoMUl ooaaty arUI be held at Sanca
taek Jalr *«. K aad «. aad maar of
MlehlfM’* bam oralora hare been
plaeMI oa the peoRram.
f*..*Hnm.re Ima aa aetha.la.tlc
haaaball 'tM Ih the pemoa a( aa old
ladr aamad HooMhaa. who wa. mnmk
tatbaarahratouHmnata rtemn
gam*, hot la tpU* at the taloir *be
witatmd tte aa»* oat wUh th. other
this Common and Dfoofrsobk DioOM.
Hyomcl cures coUrrh by the simple
method of lirratblng It Into the air
paaoagm and lungs. It kills thoge™
oC catarrhal poison* heoU and oooChos
the Irritstod mucous membrane and t4
lectnolly drives IKU disease from the
of the
you have
The very newoM novelty In photog
rophy is the richly llnUbcd platinum
orals, mounted In hondsomo folders.
Wc hare sold thousands of thorn and
have founA It almost Impossible lo
supply the demand. Besides, tho srllolle finish,
and tone of our work
Is quite gcncfaUy known and appre
ciated. Smith A ITicc. artists, ZZo
So. Union SL
While on a rislt here the other day
ek-8costor HavW H. HllHmet an old
acquaintance and asked him how be
arms ’’isKUng akmg.” The gentleman
compfaHned that be was lo **hard
lock.- and ssld:
•Tilings hare been going hsdiy with
me lately. The fart Is. if I were I*sxand the
said X’oine forth/
Ifth.**—Near York
I would
Oartboo tolaad. th* moat
aad la the areal lakaa. attaatad Ibrtraeo mUm fram the aearaat •bar. of
tafe. flaparlar. hM hmm pwohaaad hr
ether dar ka a laatloa at th* poa«
•ad tkweWlM •**>*«<»<
ao thaa altkt ha martlad hr h priaat
n* lawrara aa* toaothar. aad
•ympolhy oC oU pror
Of men. boys and children to fit our
la attmw hats. Wo baeo alt
thTndpalv ohopos for summer wear
aad arc tdoolag thorn out recardloos of
the oosL Our vtadow U ftlled with the
Uyomca wiU doolroy aoUvIly of oU
eotarrhal csfmsim th« rosplrmlonr oi^ best ooca at SOc. Other t^eaper ones
■oat and ta a fotp wouks the ova wlU If you wish. The Jack aad Jill ootnMMtkm salU for boys aad glrU. with
Cho wblatlo. Me. ^Kuback A Hoyt, 111
■; Printing
' V'"'
Should be the aim of every business man.
ITiat's where we can help vou out.
BMde tor the lake aad the Jm> bad
debt with It bKore It wa. reeaplar*
chatter freely.
then sbe _______________
SberlC i. rtaak BdMtt of Oeoeol*
eoaatr. who wa* a eaadidato for the
It Unt often you can get yoor foot
Ure IB the aute legirtatnre
Into such^ looking, well made Ox
nonneed through the TuaUn Tlinoa bit fords as w^ are selling. They are the
withdrawal. Bheri* Bdgett . flrat and exclusive styles of the season. In
met conrlnclng raaaon for withdraw- black and tan. and the most comfor!lag la that ha oaanot afford to tmre ahle abocs you can Imagine tor hot
hit dlttrtcl In Lantlng tor three dol- weather. We Uke special care In the
lart a day. Lack of reaaonable com fitting of shoes, whlrh Is most Import
tt *rin Bol b* Mas before the U*t pentatkin haBein afkcr yeaw. prcrenl- ant to the wearer. WalkOvers for
plaak «klh la Marrllle vlll bae* dto- ed competent men for accepting leglo- men. Alfred V. rricHlrich.
latlre nomlnatlont In Ihlt tUte. *
A. D. Rogert. who cUlmt to be a
Ceogmsi. roTTring d.lM pages of
nttm hi* poUtleal *ek«am harr lineal deacendam of John Rpgrra. U
mm* tk aaaiht, the frload* of aa op wanted at Alpena on the charge of The Ref'ord with Its detmtes during riie
atat* ma aaawd Oearpa hoop are ol Jumillng a board bill. He regltlered last session, n matter of 2.UW pages
fewer than the average former stwunder the name of Nimrod Hunter at Bkina gives the soliermlnded pause.
tbaoplalaa that be to la It
CartoaA aad apptwpriate. a* It oaw the Alpena bouae. ttayed two weokt.
Is not the negl«*el of fr»*e S|*e«>«b
a**., aa *»tM.l»* *tHp of a**.! and then dltappeared Rogers cUlmt fraught with eveu greater danger tlian
laad la. tk* eootral part of the .tato to be Inspired and nays he Is going to the denial tbcrtNifY
t'ertalc It Is that where leglslnturea
laaanad braamaaoied Bo«a.
write m new and Improved Bible. He
not talking they arv* pretty Ukely
arrested at An Sable a month ago
Tk* Battle Creek Balratloa Armj
l«Wl»l«tlDa.-Ufc.----Maa who boart* that eeTcoteea of hit oo the chM«e of obt.lnlo* moor) b> j “
la»adtote aaeratoo pere oaOTlclod froml. He wm relc«*l. after
ortgdaato. erldeatlr ha. a rather b>( the moorjr, on promliwr to lea*
To know-tbal your valuable, are in
s place of absolute seruriiy. Within
akadr fUaUr tree.
allaaed craft at Alpraa. Roaer. I. a our steel llntMl vaults are safe deposit
th talker, very rellalou.. but fre- boxes lo rent to those who re<juln‘ s
Mat wook In aa eolira aaw droM of
U MlooB. iBocb of the time.
tTpa. whiek •Eeeted a »Mikad la.place for ihe keeping of such ariicU s.
laleteetlBK yacht rare will ht- and to which no one bos access oxproroBMnt upoo thto. one of Com coonBtrea oa Lake Mlchljmn In the near ccpi the renter who carries the key.
tr'* laadlna weakltaa.
WIlUaB Banker, who recaoUr ma^
11.50 per yewr. Pt‘oplc‘8 Savings Honk.
riad a Orand Rapid, mldeo aaaird Mart will be made on the aflcmoou of
Mhh r.rowlmt la V.
PViMOM Hill. ha. applied for a dl- Auaunt 3 and the coniwe will be from
enm. It aaaaia that the Bunker-Hill Cbicaao to Macklaac. 301 mile*. A*
hoeta will BO douM pa*. IbU tide slsiiN will n«»w flow from lbMa|t»u on ncw
«Sht becaaw too warm tor WllUam.
r«»unt of tologniphlf advliv^ fn»ni
<d the Marlloo.. we will be only a few Fb.m-Kn1Kwjin to tho efTort that ;
A Oraad Rapid. oHalrter bellB
miles from the racina vcuel. a. they •*fo«l is firfirt>* In Mukilon «imI tin- moIthe danrias atwdle to be mtllhtler tl
th* dIeoiM decrae. for he eosaeata th* PSH here. Ca.h prize, of II .000 for dlors are rating luikM lieau
the winner la each of three riaaaea. the liusoians Imvo «tl«lm«<l to
arcaolaatloo of a “home
high sUiulnrtl of clvlliw.tlon ntul^V
*imr“ M a remedr lor the diroree
fcrcd.-EmpIrc Journal.
psthlos of eullghtciMHl luitlousy-BarOaawar kaalBaM ibm Are wreaHIn*
liiigton Ilswkryc.
wRh the oartr cloalaa horn probleo.
aad with the aMtoUaee of the derk.*
aianrlaHmi ther bare asiwd npoa t
odoek aa Iho lUalt for the «imaier
-Unloa madt*’mrorolfo Ma DooM.
ABOUT YOUR Ol'FICK: perhaps you will
discover that you need some
Letter Heads
. Envelopes
Bill Heads
,! The germ kiUm of old ago. WhyT
, hu'cause pus aad germ become ovf
Idlred when brought la ooatoct with
Tho origin of "Hello. BUI."
' muctnis tissue of the body. Baa Jak
“With Ctoclnnatl Elks. Uke slm««t ,,
by dissolving the
everj- expression that liecomes (amous. earth salts from the blood. Prwrms
its birth iH due lo accident
ossification or a boncy-Oke hardening
Uiir came Into use by the Elks In of the arteries. San Jak cores y^tir
at the auniisl reunion of the or- heart orhe. bock ochc. leg ocbe.o uur
Mlnncapolls. Among those kidney trouble dtsoppoaia, yoor Uver
who attended fri>m Cincinnati liMlge
were Wm. C. Ziegler, past exsUH pills. Slomoch and bowel trouble you
ruler of Cinclimatl lo.lge. and Wm F.
have Booo and you ore again
Grautnxan. for several years siwtary strong ohd well. Dr. Bumliam hms
of Cincinnstl bvdge. Both were then, Sla nt a life time onalyring lo tod elc
and still arv.^^Oiemlirrs of Ihe grand
nculrixlUc polM» In Hh?
lodge. On da^ during the Mlnnoa|sdb human body. He has found It and
reunion Ziegler rsu Into Grant man ot giviw 11 the name of Bon Jak. Ytsi
a pmminent corner, and yelled to him con not forget. He la a wonder and
-Hello. Bill! hU remtHly is a marvel lo humanity.
Giautman yelksl back:
8<dd and guaranteed by Johnson Hrug
who are sumclenlly rellalde to
-Hello. Bill! *
Btuh an- naim-d "BUL" The Inei- hand you back your money if all is luA
deni in
lu nothin;;
nu»re than a men- grei ling. But. as
it hap|K'ne«l. x\u n' were several other
Doctor of acauty.
-Bills-passing by
and every
lime. Rita Kraus, beauty sish-UIIsJ.
tunivM Seven or eight of them found U compt'lled to remain over anotln'r
Il.vmst^-lve-i veiling to t«e another:
wwk. ending July 23. on wceount of so
-lli llo. Blll!”
many callers she is unable lo cimsull
A Mlnmaisvlls newspaper man no with. This is posUlvely the last wev'k.
lici^ the incident, ^d exclaimed
Mme. Rita Kraus bold thns' dlpUunas.
"By Gum! My names Bill, tis,.
Graduate and a.M^Klate of l>r. rabthought ail those Wks were sptaking sarato. Sarah lU fnhanlf.s U aiity dm'itor. All lab*si nuthaniral and eUs'-Hello Bill- thus iHxaror a byaonl. Irieal melbiHlh umM to n m.oe mi|htTb«- iJ. s. ikaiH-r man n fernsl to wrote
ti hair, moles, hlm k heads and air
.~ii»ry alMiiit the oeenr
imperfivliotiB of the skin and s«alp.
rvni'v, ami il sas i.iekid up b> all the racial massage, bust UevrU»pment and
viHlIiiic Wks. who iK'gsn m gr.-* t om hair culture a sis'clalty. Kexp young.
another with “Hello. Biil.* regard
Will Im' here until Satnnlny. July 23.
of their names. Now. when one Elk
ultation and <me treatmeut free.
meets another, no mailer where, ami Office Hotel WhlUng. Office hours. 2
strangers though they are. they grvxM to 4 p. m.
each other with “Hello. BIM!Removes blackheads ami oudes at
Il lias iHstvme the word of gre* line
le silting. Wliy not assist nature
all over the I'niusl States, An Wk and ki'i'P iMatillfuI.
d.H-s mH like to U' gns iitl with
('••iiMiU with tlie madam and learn
-Hello. Blir by a man not an Elk. Hut the art of luHsNiig.- fn e of charge.
when om;^slrange Elk greets amitber
This will iHe,lttvcly be the la^i w.-ek
with Hello. Bill- a gond of friendship
in insf.vnil> foitneil and never liroken.
as.lt is ismeiite.!. without iblay. b>
giving .ach other the grip and ex
4'luinging eards.
S«-v*TaI different storicsi have Ik-,*!!
eireulatevl rt^ganlitig the . origin of
Worid*8 Fair, ®L Louis.
j-Hello. Bill. ’ One is that In an Elks
Round trip tlcXiots at low rates. On
j parade a big Billy gr*i w‘ith one of the sale
at all ticket sUtions. Ask agents
I lodges was gnndiHl on all rides pith for rates. llmU of tickets and full pir* *11*110. Bill!” and that this started Uculor*.
frl A »ucs
I the now farnou . expression. While
! t »e goal incld* nt transplrisl. it aas
j no! until a ytar or two after the Mmneapolls iurnh nl fvt the several Wil
I liant Wks running Into *mio another.
Notice to T
There arA* 177.150 Elks In giasl
The Ux mils for Hie collect|.3w of
standing In the .l’nlti*d State*.
scbfs»l ami city taxes and s|»ec»al as
Tiie gmwlh of the Elks the past sessments for 4be five words of the
yi-ar was 23.1 tI2 meml»ers
city of Traverse City, Mich., have U*en
The six largi-st ItKlgcs art': Brook placei! in my bands for mllectloo.
lyn. 1.743 members: New Y<vrk. 1."-17
I will be In ray officx' fur the purDrxrtill, 1.2(i3; Philadelphia. l.oKJ pose <«f collecting oald taxes every
Ixttilsvllle. l.ouK: Chicago, l.tsio.
week day from now until Nov. 1. 1!>0|,
The Elks* grand lodge
Its mot
cy largely for charitable purposes. I
all. I1K.O0O was donaieil by the Elks
4 o clock In the afternoon of each day.
for the Baltimore fire sufferers, but
All taxes paid before Sept. 1st will
eniirt amount was reiurmd by
nH-tlved wrilboul colh'ction fees,
Baltimore lodge lo the grand balge.
and oo all taxes remaining nnpald on
For the Buthr (1*0.1 typhoid fever Sept. 1st and Until Oct. 1st. a penalty
•sufferers the Elks’ grand todge do of one i»er cent tor collection will be
nated I2.00U. Other charitable contri
charged. On all taxes remaining un
btitlnns are being mode the whole year paid on Oct. 1st and ffntll Nov.
penalty of two per cent tor colleelkm
or you may be short on some Spetial Blank
Find out what you
Herald and
Record Co.
front STREET
will bi- charged.
Office. Kis.m 202 Slate bonk bldg
There is mvlhlng quite
M. K. Haskell. City Treasurvi
ate lo give'your visitors or I
Dated Jui> 25. mi.
224! t£
awwy to friends oa a souvenir
We have the Urgesl IIiml In the city,
hundreds of them, spoons of the bay .
WvMiuedimg club and others
vco* heavy sleriing silver. $1.25 lo
NoUca to All Pmsons Interested.
|2-5«.* A beautiful display of hand
The ooscssmeat roll tor the paving
decorated china. Bamum A Earl. 15« of Cass street from Fnmt olnxi. lo
Front 8t
State slrt'cl. aad State aliwl fr
Union street to Cass ilrccl is now
Worklnfl Nlqht and Day.
The bueimt and mlgbtlosl little
thing that ever was mode Is Dr. King’s
New Ufc Pills. Them; plUs change
weaknes to otrength. IlsUessncos Into
energy, brain-fag into mental power.
They’re wonderful In building up the
booUh. Only tSc per box. Sold by
ioluuon’t drug aibrc and F. R Mead.
nan lamp aa H, 1
Dladc. brown, bhm* strifpM mmratta
at Dm^*o.
VanMb ft. I. Walt« Rwm Trtoran*
c—M pwm. * IQm
^9—M set owe of tim-tMnga
erb—ma-dm kwffteg — or Hamtot Ti. Tbe naff or D—marfc.
Urn. O—rffa fftaan of derela^
Teaa.. — iba Mar caai a( tba p—
tew «Htea n voMd tax
Ut mrnmr tmm (be WaU etmi pit m at tbe MaCbodSM ammeatSoa at Ortim.
pate^ —bBmrt— aad gto- pffftetito
Ibe poMlblr M. He iMkm man after a-4e mm Bbarp Jitoa bt (be pcaacb- me— flC la—ge tbaa we have. Ton to daMfwctliwmaa. to mder ea—trae
tbe VaaiertiOu to bto barter- cbai^ eta. HeaaM: Tbe pow^af Umaa- wtQ Sad 4— Mdt caa-. UaveUag H— la mlntatara (a New Turk city.
baga aad tnmlm. la all Ma-. rtyksa Tbto aew—t coatrtvaacc to ncsblng
In tbto coaatry. aad jma praaebara are aad at^ moMAS—eabto prto— here, BBora ork—tbaa a blgb aprad torpedo
aly to blame for tbe rwln of tbe aad It to a ptoaaare toAbow tboa. F. b—t wbirb to ttortf a torpedo, tbe bow
IM ptaBfM tor pbcao—al aad
betaff AIM wito blgb —ptoalr- ia
«. Preaeb probibttkm ao Cbat
-deb proiU.
aba^Haiw— On.
people win erne for H aad tbe
Tbi a-a wbp er- toiteljr reepoaalUto tor Ibe totntoaetkai e( self to erlJ to ellmlaatod.-. Mr. fftoart aamed
—ya tbe New Turk Evefxing Jo—aaL
td ad*
Ibto CD«aU7. ftob«r( Uxbbart 4tod a In ibeir oed— (be grmt
It to planned tbat the torpudo braL In
fev dare a«D to Bdlaberc. SeoUaai. rerrtu that are fmagtng over Aa-rtea
tbe dertroctioo of tbe boetUe craft
town cf Agen. in Frame, rpcmlly. A agalaac which It* deadly prow to dlHe «— for yea— a ttoea tapnfter to
rrelcd. atoo Miall tmmotote Itoelf. At
Hair Yorfc« aad orgaaUed tbe ftret «nlf
(emperature waa lu degrero belcw ao time, however. —n the lu*a to tbe
deb to the IJalurt Statee to Yoakeri,
bL The water Ibrown attacking'force be greater tban two
N. n to list. It vae kaova — the all tbe oCbcfi. -Anarchy.- -Id Mr.
men. and ttiooe two trill have o flgbtfApple Tree Oaa*.'’ BabeeqiMwtto be Stuart, -la iiorn in tbe aalooa aad uppu tiHi 0re t
lag cluince to mpe.
fomtoad tbe m. Andrew e (Mf ctob. ^ itoea a mcib becoir— aacootrollablc and rtolng tnSbe cold, dry air. waa tin
When tbe taring bodt. which I* a
^Tberc-eecfMtobaTrboeaawtbodto v/ltb toe apirit of anarchy the Arut ronllatcly condcnoid and fell aa anow. totpedo. baa daMied to a point arai
r j.'* ibe tovUh boapfulliy of Tbo-ab r. tolag the mayor do— to to doae toe What wltb Isigbt Marilgbt aad a tnongb to lu rteel clad prej to give
aad the danger to part. Every atnmg northw—t wind blowlag. the aoRunince it cafuiot iKwdbly uito* tbe
WalUi. tbe Colorado BilUoaalre mtowblrllttg aiMiw almrc and (he raging mark tlw crew of two brave mra wfll
rr. to tbiT toadies potiOctoae of tbe body knowa that the Infcmal- lUioar Are
bHow. a brilliant i«Nt-taile waa
funda Ixdore It will entertain the provleiim of a alte. Meantime the city
which Shakcapare no highly htmon^
will Ignore the wlahe* arni gen«To^Hy
i»f thorn} who would reapert hh mem
ory. ^and confine Ha one puhllc lealimonlal to the poet to the lUilc buat In
Wceunlnmer nbbey.
Illchard Seddon. premier of New
S^Aland. hav recently
n called niioti
to aolvc one of the Knmtiect pnddema
of hto eomcwhal wv'nirlc career. Thto
. I time the women got afUT him on the
cornet qucatlon. The agltalora. oppooed to wearing three ahapo-moldlng
CfHJtrivaneea. who wert' repremmatlvcg of the New 7x>alaiid Natlvi'a* a«aoclatkm. apponlad to the premier to
MW that a prtibiMtlTc tartfl be Impoaod
upon curacta, Mr. Seddon did not at
tempt to deny the ^Injury cauaed to
brwith by the garment, but auggtwtod
that the remedy lay with the wc
themaeUe*. --To ralar the duty.- aald
he. «*would md bring atKMit the dtouac
er—ac the coat to the wearer.of too article, bnt would almply InThe rcloaae from prlaon ctf Mr*.
Maybfick recall* a aiory told on the
authority of E. 8. Willard, the Eoi
acdor. According to too rlory toerc
waa a aenaallonal pUy In rehcaraal at
one of too London to—tera early U
tb« *BO'a. Tbo plot of toe play waa In
an ctacntlala the plot of the Maybfick
tiagedy. Before putting It In the bUl
bualne— la back of all pollt
rupllon. Tbe algnlflcant fact
log tbe aaloonB on election day abowa
bow dangero— they are. It to folly to
talk of free balks and a fair count
when the brewrra and dtoUllerm of the
oonniry have toroUled toe nation aad
mcrally bought our pollUcal Icmdcra.
Ninety per cenL of the dlvorc— arc
'trmc-blc to tbe aaloon. I aak Ool
roHtIca. who— blaunt voice la beard
ihrougbottt toe land, what U the mat
icr with our country, and be aaya: Tl
to .toe agltBtloo of the aUv— qu—tion.
UrUf qucatkiB. or tbe national
bank.* It to none of tbcac! It la liquor.
Hut Col. ItoIKIca docan*! oonalder that
worth diacuaalBg. You voiera allow the
liquor iralBc to continue and what do
you do with tbe drunkard that you
make? Tl»c hanker refund to have
him. Uic mcrvhaiit tbe railroad, the
factory and every InduMlry refuaea
him. ao what do wc do with him? We
run him for oinoc.Tbomaa A. McQuakle. auperintend
ent of drtccllve* In Pitlaburg. ha*
held the Id— that dcpre—lng
w—iher lia* a dccJdtnl effect on tbe
m<iral tone cS human tK*Ing>(. Many,
he —yn. are unable to work during Uic
period* of low haromotcr and capcclally on aticky. rainy daya. On auch oc
—altma he haa remarked mt*n walking
the rtrcwta who are on (ho verge of Inaanity. Time and again he haa made
It hti< biiHln«-<h to watch iK-op1e who
on the KlnM-tn on nmh day* and
dlhcoviTi-d for till* lime to-lng they «reentln ly lm*«iMmfclble. In many p«im
pie. he aaya. the animal paaalona are
H> aneh a dr •e tliat they arv
t«» wntlnne their work. They
wander atoHii the *ln-et* In a dared
condition, often requiring cfinstant
watching. *o that they v^lll do m> harm
•H or to other*.
icwhnt akrptical ol
llio power* of eUwIrlcIty. went to work
n*c«-ntly In the yard of the nri*»klyn
lUpId Tranalt Co., at the Hn>klyn tmd
of the bridge. Iking a new man he
waa wami-d rt'iH*ati*dly to U* cari^fiil
of the thinl rail. After a wixdi be de.
ekied to teal the rail few himaelf. He
walked tip to the third rail* when no
tine wa* amund and placed the tip <S
hto Hh.M* on It. Nothing happened,
and he put hto fiHit firmly «m the rail
Then In* followtd with hto tdUer foot
and walKetl for aome UtoUnce along
the rail. Ulng careful to keep hto heela
from touching. After walking aa far
aa he wtohid. he rtc|>l*ed off with a
’•Alay aa ndling off a log,chuckled the Irlahman. -Tlie whole
triek to to ktH>p the nail* in your heela
from tomhing ’ Uieaently the other
workmen relumtd and the experiment
er prv'imred lo ahow off. "Your re
ato> . * aaya hi”ni ahow youne how to
walk the third rail.’* Before they
could atop him he waa ready to *iep
aboard. -JihH ki*t»p the nalla in yo*ur
hi-eto fnim-" He never flntohid the
M'mi nee. |n*(—d he *hot about alx
fivt 111 the air. turned aeveral aomc'raaulta and lit on hla —r loo feel away.
Unknown to him. Ibert' had lieen no
power In the rail when he llrat touehid
It and the ciiirrm wa* Juat Biarting
again when he made hto aecund experi
Wc aupply hitndrfda of them with
m—t*. and we acldom lone a patron
bo—uac they all know that we take
the gr—I—t poaalhic care to furnlah
them with the flnewl in toe land, and
at r—aooahlc price*. Our market It
cloanllne— peraoolAed. and we have
every article la tbe m—t line that the
a—aoQ will allow. Broach Br—,. 244
Pruot 8L Bitbcr phone.
Of High Life Coffee aad you will
forget tbe eSher brand*. It haa that
rich, delightful flavor that you are ao
food of. but ao rarely fled. And atlll
It to not cxpeaeive. You will And thto
grocery the neat—t and cleanest to
toe city and ev en thing In li freah. but
ibe aal-men. Both phone*. L. R
Stlckney. (11 Calon fit.
Night W— Her Terror.
T would cough nearly all night
long.** write* Mra. Uhaa. AppU^gatc. of
Alexandria, Ind.. “and ould bartlly get
any aleop. 1 had conaumpllon *u liad
that If 1 walked a block 1 would cough
frightfully and aplt blood, but. wlien
all other medicine* failed, thrw 11.00
beSH— of. Dr. King * New Di*covcry
wholly cured mo and 1 gained
dft.“ It'* absolutely guaranusd
tire Cough*, Cold*. La Grippe.
Bronchitic and all Throat and Lung
Tmuhl—. l»rico 50c and 11.00. Trial
hotlles 10c at Johnao^'K drug rtorc and
F.-IL Mead * drug aipre.
lock tbe rtcerlng gear. and. with Hto
bHU aliout tbrtn. 1—p ovrrlioard. iraetbe d*wto <1—Uiig englue of war
it tcrriflc *pcod and
blow Ifartf and the ablp of the enemy
to rraqnnrat*.
nqph«-w vt CapFrancl* Herr—boff. nqp!
tlM* cr-let>rat*<d
tain :
bulkier of the i
I of the Amerb
—'a rap. to tbe Inv.uitor of tbto new
annlUitotor. He coutrada that by tlw
nee of humnn diav-tiug ngency up to
a point within a hnmlasl r««S of an
eaemy'a warship the uncTtalnty that
boa attended the um> of the ton»ei1o
fare will have to be conducted on new
Tbe coW blooded buslncs* prlnriphInvolral In the model mm l.elf;: umde
by Mr. llerTvshoff for subuitoKion to
the oernnaty of the navy 1* that it
would pay any nation at war to destroy
a tonuHlo boat whlrii ro*t a to w thou
oand Uullor* and to risk tbe Uvea of
two men for the certainty of d.-*troying a lmtile*hlp or a « nilmT whh b cost
mnilon* and blowing out tbe lives <*f
humlort* of the enemy nt tlie aanM^
time. A minimum of human suffering
and death and finanrial las* on the
aide of the nation attnrbnl 1* the Imiud
principle uaderlying, the Ilerrv'slioff
Bm It go— much farther tban th.nt
Hitherto one of the’chief coinpbrfni*
After you have tried rubber heel* made agalnat torpedo boata ba* lieeii
on your ahoea cfoiihln'l It jar you t.i be that they practically were m«'leHs In
Hboui them? You can't imagine thi ragagomenta at *ea bci-aujM- their uu■onworthlm-s* imole It ImiHwlhle f.»r
oi>mfurt and caae they give «me. and it them to be token far frojii |M.rt on
will do away with that tired feeling to crulfM** In aeaa-li <»f tlie raeinr. ThI*
hoM» who are oonatantly on their feet feature. *o nggmvnting to udmimla,
Wc put them on while you wait. Al- Mr. Uerrvshoff als«. d«-slim* to over
fad V. Friedrich. Opiwslto Herald come. Ill* toriMHlo liont with tliede.nth
dealing Ik»w* will be mjule of nhiminUi'tnird ofllce.
lum nml built In a»*tl<ins. h t that iu*veml of them mny 14* «-nfTle<1 »»n iiny
large warship, midy f.»r use In time *.f
Flrrt p«**ei,g,u--Well. thunk good
emergemy. It will as|Uln* only u litlle
•** my children have Ibitohe*! their
while to bolt tbe wM-tlons of one of
edu—tiou, and are awdy to Mart out
i»«‘ ths-t destroy er* togrih4>r niid
In Hie world. They am awim. bike, tU***«‘ fhs't tlon It* wuy townrd tlie
golf niid pluy town tefmto: they iire \t dushlng <
well «p In liookkaidnc. nm.vrt abort”one of the moat tiiiTmrtnnt to*nture*
band writer*, ami gor^l tvpirt*: they
of thn Hemsibofr Invention.I* tlmt the
.-an play n goml Imndjit bridge, ainokc
Umt* will to* ajulpissl with «*lertrlc
mederately and drink very litlle.
S«-eond p«i«enger—Are they boy* or motor* and other ims hanlenl nppllauces
Which will give to ihem a jniixlnnmi
drla?-New Yorker.
Our ire cream parlors and sotla founUln to iHTomIng more jM»p‘dar wHh
the parilcul.vr pvHiple dally. Our
creama are rich, pure and dcllciou*
and our fountain will Kurjirtoc you
with H* gotd thing*. We deliver Tom'
of charge l<> all part* of the city. The
1^ Gratl Candy Co., 221 Front St
attention to them
The nutonmbtle
priimiple of hHsrtnotlon will to* upplied.
and It is experusl tluu whra one of
guns will lind It e^trvmi-Iy diflieull t4»
atop It with *hot or shell or for the
beUnaman on a battleship «*r eruiiMT to
save hls^shlp by Hying to run ow.ty.
The llcrresboff ton>edo ne**e*sarlly
will Is* much torg«*r llinn the Whlti*bc^d, and It will to* pveoilbh* f ir it to
Te». the big toi.va down at our d<^ efffiHfve work nt any n-nsounblc
arhciot are very Iwd."
dlManiv wMlhoni nny other mift gel
“1 auppoae Um- teaeher keep* them ling within range of the enemy's gun*.
In nfler wIkkiI u* punldnnent V
All that will l^* neeessniy will to* for
-No. die MMid* tliem home earlier the crew of two men. nn etigimra and
than the m*t of nO
-Bm 1 ttomght *he puntohed lliem."
“Tluif* pniitolinw'nt, \Vi* luive a Ing blown up themselves.
pretty tenelier ami all tin* to».v* uie In
dfST love with her.*’—Chicago Dally
OmwlToroa* Kor^-an.
TT.e Kon-iin to tunidvram*. Bird*
Few people r—llxe Kow much 111
health to eauaed by iSe Ordinary »y*lem of beating, which haJiea them one
day aad chilli them the ncxi. Chap
pell* Hoi Air Furnace eyrtem give*
an even, delightful warmth in cold or
mild w—thcr and to under perfect con
trol. Thto mean* comfort and h—1th.
Doctors know tMs—a*k youra—and
talk It over with Ar ! A Cole.
of the nlr. !K*e*t* of the llehl ami Hah
from the »—-nothing conn** ami«a to
bto palate. Dog meat I* In grv*nl rt*
qnest at certain iM*a*utia; pork an«l
beef, with the blood nndmlm*! from
the can’***; -fowl* nnd game-Mrvls
cooked with the light*, glblct.s, brad
and claw* Intact- fish, snmlriod atnl
highly malodorou«-BlI are *ci*cptablc
rawer —nM-a «i*e*,
era— stitch ha* Invaded even the
»ew bathing *bo—, nnd aome very nt
Emperar FnmH* Jonrpb mt Austria
to nine tim— king, twice a grand duke,
once a grand prlnee. and the multi
tude of tlie till— as count and —
forth to past ranroeratloii. In addi
tion. «* king of Hungary, be li—r» the
title of “moM apnatolle." which to beatowed on Idro by the poiw.
oboe to of cour- the b-t subject for
tbe work, and atltchery must to* In
fast cMora. IRTiite canvas can bare
decoratloD In black or red or Wnc; blue.
In white or red. etc.
A very attr^ab^e ditplay of 1—tber
fooda. U»o mim P—gf baga. In a va
John 11. Daviln. Ho—ton—Wai all rtoly of 1—thers. atoo purs— aad aboprun down: nothing did me any good plng baffi. wallcta, card cas— and.novantU I ffot b^d of UoUirtcr'k noMiy clU—- Traverac aty aouvealr tpooa*
Mountain Tan. Now 1 am atrong and of Ibe bay, club houae. Central school,
well; gained forty poaada » eenU. and numeraas d—Igna. which are b—nT— or Tableta.
tlfnl and Bodert in price. R: W. Raatall. tbe Jewelar, 224 Front 8t
atfmutont and he to in 8t IVtaMmcff
to offer bto aenrlc— to tbe exar.
a prl—to. a—tlnee waa giTen to which SHAVINGS-Souto Side
crUioa, iwlorf and Uleraiy folk were r:42tf.
f—i or a ooelidr Wto jof w%om U
ar— wytttom itoe bad m ^ mm mU
coaatry at tbe. lime of tbe natkma)
oonireotkm at Cbtoasa Mr. Waleb
bae eeaatorto] aoibltkMu. He to aasioM to Pit erlth that dIselM body to
Waebtiistdi Md vlll make public doctoratton of hto caadldac/ to a few
dajra. He bop- to eaecoed Senator
Tbomaa M. Itottereoe.
Waller Klttrcdse. antbor aad compoeer of tbe Camoaa wartime aims.
-Teoitos OB tbe Old Camp OrtMiadllree in Reed'e PCrry. N. II. a U v
mllee bdow ^Maacbeeled. He etill
beepe up aatuTwiiUas. Hto ruyalUee
:r from •T'enttos- atUI oomo to to bim
aad. wbUe not large, help to make ibc
old maa'e tout yeara-^omrorUhlc. lie
offered to ertl^tl^ aong at Smt to a
Boeioo publUhcr fur |1&. but U wmi
rrfueed. Afterward ihU Kamc publlab
er took U ep aad atone baa aold more
tban IPO.DOO copIce uf II
Ileiiiert fMinam. llUrarton of eon
STww. 1i a man of unUrtng'encno, of
earprUlng eyetem and a natural tal
ont for managtog aoeh an InMltutlon.
Since bit taking up of tbe work be
--ktm brought moat compleir order out
iffThe ebaoa be found prevailing, not
no miieh the reeult of bto prednooaaor’»
Itmbllltr na tbe lark of appllcailoo of
the organtxtog faculty. Mr. Pulnam
baa brought up tbe cataloguing ryatem
to a high elato of iH«rfertl.jii mn<l baa
made the cop>TlKhl department <me uf
Kreet treble. The letter branrti bad
bllherto iK-en condnet.Hl lnaileQ»iatel>
along antlqiiatod line*.
TXm' Morton bouee. In New‘ York,
wbirb a.quarter hi a cetilur) ago warn
,_>6uc uf the noted hoalelrlea In that cHy.
bae ckm«Hl lU doora for gooil. Ii» give
way to a large Imalni'tia atnirinre on
lU alto, el Itniadwa^ and Kourieenib
atrWi. In Ita prime lb< hotel waa |i«tronUed by many men «.f note, (’healer
A. Arthur waa often there The late
Jam— C Plaine could Ik* f.uiud there,
loo. when In town, beater 'Wallark
waa then In the height id hla glory and
Shed ShfMik ^d A. M. Pwliner were
enjt»>.lng tiielra at the Union Square.
Evrryliody of any conaeqiienre went to
the Morton bniiae. rolftlriana. prore^
hhmal men and rn tora ruhl>e«! ellM.wh
at the bar.
Ixindon ham never had a memorial
to Shake^iKvuv. Hi^ntly a rcaWeui
of that city i>frenHl to dimaie 9i:.5oo
toward tiH* pun*—e. ptvivlded the «iun
ty fx>unrll wt»uld eecept a financial re^
liponnihllity In the undertaking and
eocurc iHh«?r cimiribuilon*^. Thia the
council declluea to do. and. aa much aa
It appri'clalea the ftlncfia of thua hotioiing the greaUwl uf liUtglUh poeu.
Mewl tw w Twatot,
Dr. BeoaiilL a young cbe^ of Mataeftleik Fram*. haa tavraird a tablet
wblcb aot only contain* raongh nourtobment be ctelma. for a man for
twenty-fo— boura, but It acts aa a
Dry. Hard and Soft Wood. South Side
Lumbar Co.
HtMins three Oiplomss, abo Graduate of
Dr.Catssanito,Sarah Bernhardt’s Beauty Doctor.
AO ljUcA Medunkal aad Eketrieal Medio^
toed to SoBove SapetHaoi Hair. Moles,
Heads aod on loHHsIeaiou oi d» SUn or Se>J|H
Fadal Maaage, Bon Hevriopoteia aod H«ir
Qdtore o SpeeUIty. ONE TREATMENT aad
wm Be Here One Week hmser.E]idinr Job 30
Offloe: Romb 31.
Honrs, 2 to 4 p. au
Drake’s Palmeffo Wine
TkslosI Woii«M leiliems In the WsrM
TwCmartaTttl SrttI* Frm to Satisfy Y*bii»
Drake * Palmetto Wine to ptoaaant and ooovemest to take and wfll cure
qaickly and permanently evwry form of atamacb trouble. It is a cure tor tbe
whole world of alomacb woakacm and conatipatioo. as wefl a* a r—nlaior of
IhakidBsysaadltv—. Only ooo do-a day and the cure begins with iba Amt
joUtlirOB K*KT-r o.i
. no matter how much or how kmg you have suffered you are certain of a 1
Wine. .ixmI to cenvince itni cl
cure with one dmo a day of Drake's I'.’Umello
viiiMJOt ocs.t to )vm AU
this tact vro bzx'ts fflacod trial bottle* at
)*oa have lo do is aak for there, they
V perily lh,.t
ake'A IUalrooito Wrec
; .......... . tcly relieve and permanently cure you of MnbVrn cnnalipaiioa.
disn -ssing stomach trouble nnd jK-rfectly regulate the ctregested condition of
yoor kidney* and liver or ^cmo^•e tbe catarrhal condition ol the mocu* hcreg
ol vxmr bea4 throat, stomach and inle-.tincs, would v»e at an enormous expense
to onrselve* plax* at yoor dispouil these Iroc bottles ?
Stop am! Think, Sufferers! x
Thi first d*s* yt* tiks will eomrlnm yoi rt flis
■istMty poaer of this andorfol Pahoiftolodiciiie
We sell you plainly every ingredient in this remedy, show it lo yoor family
physician, be will tell you there cannot be put U-geiher a finer combinmticn of
remedies for tbe enre of tbe diaeases we have mentioned above, aod fnrtber
that each and all ingredients are vegetable, and cannot possibly harm you, can
only benefit you. Tbe best physicians in the United SUtea ptescriba
oo NOT auFm LONam,
today to
ABD orr A ran Ttrr
Over Ftrst NaUonal Bank
betrel at <
L. 6. BRYAIIT, R'Sif’
Stocks, 6M4t,6nii.P>MWttt,
Ellta. CraAdRapIda,
Official Market QnolatioDi byprirate wire, direct from New
York and Chicaffa
Gypsum Wall
Plaster Goods
I’laslcrinj; tnaterial. <'»>!>tram Wall Plaslcr uf all
kinds, all ptcp.vrc«l and
"" J. Horsflold
81K; State Bank Building.
Kx.>. pU.Ht»l.c<.i»’r*rts an*l pr-od monry
to c*j.*Ur. rwUstilr I»urr.nct o orkcr*.
Ideal Reserve Association
Irt: M* *.Kllr Buil-hnr.
iM-irUt. M‘ch
l .’iV,...! 4t
Pnpm VootmU F«r«t
irniOAN. County of Qrsnd
MUOB I Ctti aad Oorm far.
not Cun............... ,40* Wt
fmt.M tb.
.AW.% tii th.rtt.r .< Tn..
'irwirr »"«■%»« «» » « « «
;steicwaM’s;i:^l: toTii^rjKT^isrriJ:
» Boldest Coop «l'? rjr i«
Uttvttu ultnuvu a « a
aa tae protaW. Wk Ttea-
van aca.
J A.Rsssft.-ifta:-
I Hi Ms faailr.
TML Ha laMl»4 a bia«fclnailhi« canM M te
la flw>
fk0 Jam ttrtr WM «fMi t«
saX’SKSssK S
tMMtf• a^Mc* «M fapMIr 0<i^
>mm^ iwwri
Mte M Ik* Mffii «r 1
jMkM «M cata« do«B U» T«l-
cr. MnLOaoddaiaaBi
the wire.
aoa of nr. Aatotae FiaDcIa aacgrala,
to the aUeat llvtaa nallre of tke Loto
lana nareliaar terrttonr.
. Be to aaw a
w to to the Cbaaaptoat,gatt p
mrroa. Be to aa bU toaad at
aprada amat oC, to totoure
Bgaito BaroMB of Patto. Tenn, per-
wtob bOBBd logetter A. B. Attold.
ItoBtr J. Haaoa.
|»^ to
Wo baro tboa toloftobf ear- aged rigbir foor.
rta«aa. loldla* aad roeUalto docaita
tedm WOOM KWO tMk lH»
that win to wbero rta go. aad *B are
«w, Ibat tt to tbo totgoat aad aoat ataa. wIB aot to te tbe tolaads aatU
OtneUe. aad raa-aato prlcod lot Jiwe aad ta the Baraatlme wUI wind
^ »a tad la Mortbom Mtohltoa- mbtobaalatea at borne.
Prtooa from WJ5 to taroatr-tae deled anamd Banka- flaat toard at l^t lara. J. W. Blatar. Toor ReUablo Hoan
Uofti. tbe paa. of the railroad
rwalaber. Ito itoat 8C
itowof INTCncST.
SnTbo lailroada are belac
£ totato to tt. totally X M
■m. um kmt u tiw nmo
WMr.«*to«ko(to7- aiMMattb*
iSSiy Ctoto ar tb* totk Im>|n4 Ibat
MMVto «lgM bt>M t0 bto defend
K*ai»d«t^to7Wto Itwjto
to «Mt«r M leeeic Uoi ttom and at
MoBOwaira toaa of tbo tblaga be
atobt to do far to tag w«e« aot ta
toiMOBr vKb tboae of to memlea.
Nm ttaaotod awlfUr witblo tb.
atalbani amr Uaea. aad Jaefcaoo
baeir Itot oltbar tbo wbolo or part
—j MoDavaira troopa aad pMlona of
LdbawtormaoBtaadBaaka aroold be
^MTta OBOU tbo btoeglag lloeo to
. fbaat «t Bbtopood natoaa be fontobBl
• agetoawwit for tbem oo Ibe aioi>M of
Ito Biao Bitoe. lie bad alreadr prored
ada to attacblag Banka- Uao after It
told baaa aMppad of aoMlera to aeod
aaatalkid. Tba troopa opeodllr rome
toed and BMto with tbem and. In or
der la to roadr for a a«»od attrmpt
at tbo aaaa ctoror trick, aettled doara
toWad fortteatldba at ttraaborg.
aboot tba rantar. lenitbertoe. of tbe
, ttal)ir> »*«a -Btratourg a good pike
I Baminore and Ohio
r. .
i ■
air bad, BO
that tbo enea
nia idckeu
nlltod tbo itaerreaand aude a deoperBta tgtat at tbo bridge sad oloag tbe
nltorar track and wagon rood back to
ward tbe Bbenoadoob piko la tbe roar
of Baakt.
OoloDCI Aabbr bad botjfcw troepen
la to tgbtlng ranka. Boido whair
coBwaalra and largo driaebroeoU of
otter* had bora lr« to gnard therroao
raada on tba .war and to iHiBet aod
nratlfr tbe enemr- Uto laak was to
cot tbo Ulegnipb and drotror tbo
tcaeka ao that Banka could not get
word of hto plight cast of tbe Bloe
Bldge and call np help. But Kcnljr-a
B«> were good Ogbtera Tbcr turned
OTcrr bnlldtng Into a blockbonac and
mod the tallwar embankment for a
broaatwock. At Buc
gare Aibby hto little
Fblllug to dlalodge Kenir-a men from
tbrir citadel at tbe station by fclnU
farther down tbe Hue. Aabbr gathered
a handful and railed upon lhe“ »o if*'
low. Bpcedlng like hunters after game,
tber Bew over tbe lata-vrnlng fence
Kofflbih cutwi wwluss «R roRluf
to Canads.
New York Is golnff to bCglB hor |1OT.OOO/XX) cuMi In AUffUSL
Tbo fnortJilltx »tc from cnncR
troUlcd in qennnnx nlncc 1R75.
PlttsliuTg bns ftlreodx expended W.*
OOO.OUO in the okxecniper boom.
Groat Irrigation worlta nrc projected
bX the atate of Ulo Grmode do Norte,
ia liraxIL
All the wrttlng/nnd copjlng Ink*
Hard bx ttM* RoMdan gormuo^mt arc of
foreign orlglii.
A rUm receiitlx taken from Green,
wlch l*B.T. IL U weighed an ounce over
two pouinta^_______________
<t\>tonuic Hvor. and «
1 a sap lu tbe
borf wltbln a
nr lax wltbln max
V Banlrf poet, and be held
hto troops nadr to ouin>ort BanUa by
IhPtng apim Jackson obouM be march
BIrset flea BUanton to gtre flanks
tottto an to forltOrd front. Nredlra
ta any Itot crtooleoa people bellered
ttat Jaekaoa was aecnroly “bugged.”
g tgmrtta etprsaalon In eortaln eircico
to ttat Mm*. Ibe old fogy geuerato of
awoga doctored that Kapolcon vlolatod orory principle of tbe art; of war
trogy ttoao to oored an ormy.
Jacky. J
a to froot of bim. l-reatikvttb
t to tta toft of him and klrOowell
«a tba right rear of him. bad but one
MOTO left according to tbe art of war.
Bo Boat oBook away between tin- llnea
9t noooat and McDowell to tbe
wottwoot, by way of Lyoebborg. He
was looked to to do thli or to turo up
aaywhara except where be actually
landed the mondag of tbe SSd uf May.
•teaawaU was too aneb of a soldier
la am glory la the mere dodging of a
trap «ri to catch him. He piweded
to Boaab tbe tra^ After be hud tom.
ad back IVeamnl u advance from tia
aaicb opoo bis bate at Btauntoa by a
toddea ptrafca at tbe' village of Me
BmroU tte Bib of May be oent bl» few
caapaatoe of covoItt to prem bTe^
Hoafa eotpoato and also to keep up
tto oenie In tbe center of the vaHey
la treat of Banka at Btraaburg. All
bin oaomha were by tbto time deeply
oyriUod aa to Jarkaon a way of doing
tbuipL They euoldn-t falhon. bto
ptant, aad wltbont risking even a
aktratoh be kept three armie* on tbe
atott tor bto anddeu aiHiearanee. Tbe
oppoalag gcottala aaaumed that nbeee
Jaekaoo-s cOTalry wa* there JaekWa
lafbtoiy would be aooner or later: oo
they wotted in their ttaek. for tlie in
faatry. But Jockaon-a cavalry was
aMqottoot, and bla Infantry had nl
toady won tbe nickname of -Jackson r
foot ctrolry” by tbclr rapidity In «umtag op wtore the enemy kwat eMHVt.-d
ttoo. Tto ebkf of Btonewair. mount
ad oaa waa worthy of bta ma«er.
Uag belom tbo war Turner Ashby
waa la tralalng for tbe kind of ouUmat
wort Jaefcmo aorded la the valley
coopatoof IBfC. Bom tod reared on
tta riwaa of tbo Bloe nidge, be knew
tooey Mripatb aod bonter-a ti*ll betwoan tto Pottoae aod the bcodwotom of tto Bbaoaodooh. He was a aoctot betov a crack boolcr and an all
mmri taddia apartsmaa of tbe hllla.
nUf-- to had soldier blood In bta
eriaa totod to aU tbe waio back
Bnddaek-a tTeld. With hto mouatrd
■lltlla Atbby Bad patipltad tbe Potoaatedariag tta Joba Brown trouble af
•Jatoata tod baaa tbcoagb Went
Totet .aad bad atoo oeea aerrl-e In
Haklea and Aritty bad tte good aeooo
to ytold tto patta of loodemblp to him.
they bocamo frieada. and when tbe
war brake oat la UB1 Aabby followed
toekaaa totte Seld. Aa aooa 00 Btoae-
. I have three or four ren* deslrmblc
omco rooma for rent, atngle or Itf
aulle. light and well deconUed. having
gms. clociricitx and water, one flight
up^ In the McNamara block, ccntrallx
located on Front Bl.. at very reason
able terms. Also some choice Im
proved city real eaUlc and building
lota, which win be sold at bargain
prlcea. B. McNamara.
Ta* Ito/ f|^e««Uf4a
hottse of
................... ......
Jacob Raomo for thlrty-flvr jrara
Geman coorI for Ororsi**
alcneC on account of U1 braltb. ItU
abaird In 1NC8 Uj Em
peror WUllam L and countersigned by
Piealdeut Grant.
Laban W. Uaufl«hr of Bouth Charle<h
ton. Om baa rocelvwl tbe vrtcran de^
me in Odd Kellowahlp on account of
bla long membendilp in tbe order. Mr.
lUnghex waa initiated into the order
in 1852 and U now tbe oldeat living
member in Ohio.
Tbe young l>uke nnd Duchcaa of
Roxburghe will build a l.ousi- lu LooJon in rose they do ^ol take over the
reakleuce of the Duke of Ulcbmond. in
neither KreiwU nor English
models will be cbo*<'n. Evcrrlbli
will l»e aa Amcilcan nnd up to date j
h and 25th. cap
turing guii* anfl wagon trains and cut
ting off dclaihmenti of troops all tbe
way to tbe l\>tomac. The banks cod
of the trap to catch Jackaon uraa
lYr two days Washington wa* In ter
ror. It wa* not known where Jackm
would atop or whether hr would atop
at anything until be raided tbe iMMrthern capluL When Banka oem word
that hia army wa* aate on the Marylaud shore, the military cutboeWe* took
breath mud ordered tVemom to ciooe in
upon Jadmon’a pathway in the valley
and atoo that Shield*’ dlvltloo east of
tbe Blue Ridge should return to the
valley at once aad hclpyremoot Img
The Northern Queen cigar la a aal*
isflod chap, because he knows by pro©,
tleal experk'uee that he Is smoking tbe
U*si cigar that he ever bought for a
nlckle. If yt>u haven’t smoked one,
have missed something. It’s
I' made, union made and hoDcatly
made, and sold by all donlcrm. R. E.
Weaver, manufacturer.
Dr. E. R Prcrion of ttoobwlrr will
rave tbe fu»t pacer Ai.Mroul^ -J«T. tbta
It I- said that the Allerton pacer La
cnmla. 2<KVU will* be out a* a trotter
by lettiac o. ddiret direct
boa car to yo« biaa.
• CMiSirgM tlsHk.
toptob roar cod far next
Ity of
curslon atcomcr*. boat rockc
croim poIsonlOR. Ice-water fom
sunstroke and atralthy trollcj cars,
opportunities for dcotb are so-|4et-tx
aa to make the preaervatloo of one’s
life ao full of the element of anrei^
tainty and rbxuee aa to satisfy
ming iappetite that Is Inbred la all
of US.-EBsitl
China Is the great slave ixMintry of
the world, nr a popubitiuii of
Ofxi.usi there lire slnv*-- to tbe numU-r of
Every family of
nieuiiH kiM-ps Its girl slaves, and a
mniiB |H.slllon Is usually gauged by
tbe nufuNT be ke.*i%s. At any j.ge from
3 to 15 girls aiv -.Id. 7 or « U'lng the
age at whbh most « hauge liands. Tt.e
girls are pun bsMHl to do housework,
it living ebe:i»s r |o buy tlian to hire.
8biv«*s >ar> In price. Ten ilollars la
aUiut tbe nveragi*. bnl mnch depends
on the girt-s apis'arnni'e. A good lookliiir Ctrl will bring *2i> or even 510.
• Alls
OrnTBOP* A*r M Y
Ijife Shnfer Is jogging forty head of
young stock at tbe Temicv'
tusvllle. I’n.
it Is rei»ort»d that on effort will be
made to get Frank HogattU. 210^. to
Mrr io»
tbe nii-c* .ngaiu Ibis to-ahou.
The Ne%v J.-rmy trainer. TlMH»d<g^e Dry, Hard and Soft Wood. Sooth Side
MaxA^-ld. will have llu- f.n»4 pacer Ned
Lumber Co.
2242 tf
8., 2;13Vi. In hl« »tnble tbU season.
FYnnk I-. Smith. l»enver. has pur
chased the partng mare rhu-ls* Almont. 2:18U. frwm 8. 1’. Boyer. Gaideu
City. Kan.
Mart Ik'mareat is of the opinion ttmt
rlnoe AK-rt can beat two mlmilea
ilhout the aid of the w Ind sbleW. and
that tbe gHdiiig may U- pul in tbe
best t-ondllUm be will conimenoe bll»re|»an»tlon at Syracuse.
At Keadvllle. MasK., tbe character of
tbe regular brceilers* uu-etlng. which la
Soon, and yeuVe been Inheld in the fail, will Ik* inaterhilly
vlted. Seloct yoiir
champ'd thU year s*. that Ibe big st;*bles will not have to turn back afjef
having i»aKseil that plnvt- once.
Monaen. HlggUui and Crofton. the long stay, poea
The trimming on the full .klrt to
throe heroic jackiro of the battleshU^
bate Iwi rewarded with nearly always put on In running about
B Till* I- iBrtter than med | Unea.
ala. At tbe prr-etit rate with which
a new trimming la a braid which to
the brutal Ironocla-ts are deetroying nmie of punched velvet, with satin
our prc trodllWm- of herol-m ibe Mia-' ribbon nm through the opeulnga.
snMUd have their medal* | M«ny of tbe prettiest smainar m*tertato abow •tripod effect*. A aatto
tripe of tbe rome cokr rotbegroond
roik to a favorite.
A new and extremely beautiful
of pluk to rolled-urbutua,- It
or your family would ©ujoy m ham- j j, ««peclaUy beroanlug to the girl with
Bock to kNOge la throe hoi days and dark eyro and hair,
beautiful ereatng-? Just take u vote
on the aubjori. then ©oroo hud lei us
show you what wo have to the harourock Itoe, Any color yon Cuucy. uad
prices from |1J0 to $4Jfl. aad the klad
that will tost for yeuiu. a P. Bastoa
Uardware Oo.
NOW 18
* Tbe pereoo wrho has to rranrt to
ptolB. old fasbloncd aulekif. la this
m of nptomlld facIlUlcs for acrtd. nl.
Baron Mom beur. the Itclgln tfllnUter.vlsitcd BaltUnorc last month. At a
aluner In UalUmoiv be said:
Tbe aplrit of bunlnca* enterprise
and apeculatlun is what impress*'- me
most DrofouiKllr in America. For In______
stance. _ was ruling one day on tbo
ouUklrts of Washington, nnd at a cer
tain place 1 dUmouiiled and got a 111Ue buy to bold my bupMs 1 was gone
about ten mlnuu*s. nnd on my return
I found tbe fir*t boy gone. „”aJianutk.
etandlng «t Urn
borae'a bead.
- ‘How ia thlsr 1 said. ‘You are not
the boy I left my borao with.’
-•No. air.’ mild the tiny urchin, T
apeckilatitl and bought the job off the
other fellow for
tliaL** the minister
-Of eouix*. after
ended. *nt was «mi»oa*iWc for me to
G«M^nlmo*K fiflb w Ife died the other
day. Mayl.e the old clilcfs other name
•Uar* tb# market.”
I* 8mlth.- Ikmver Reimblicsn,
BruUlly Tortured,
King Christians determination to
came to light that for pcrols- maintain absofuie neniralliy make* U
tent and unmerciful torture ha* per- look as If tbe bad sihjI had Isn-n cut
out of X>enmark at last.-Ohlo Stale
hap* never been equaled. Joe Oolo^
bick of Colusa. Oallf.. write*: “For 15
1‘aUencc. pen« vera:K'e and practice
year* I endured Inauflerablc pain from will achlere wotKli-n*. lYi^bably 5 per
and htajihlng relieved
cent of our ipopulutlon < an now pro
though ! tried evonriblng known,
lioumv Vladlvo-Mok w Itbotit stuttering.
aamiTacaABog osTKkxiLiioAi? ovaud, came across Electric/ Bitter* and If* I -Iktoiton Transcript.
and ditch, up the steep bauk and with the groatesl medicine on earth for
A ^-onlemiHirnrj fears that “poetry Is
pistols and saUr* rushed -on the bay- that trouble. A few bottle* of it com on the dev-llue.“ Well, a gtxxl deal of It
ocu*U of llie Marylander*. From the pleldy relieved and cured mc.“ Ju»t U. c'Crtalnly -M^vllned will, thanks*’ In
unequal fight the lrooi»era fell imck. but
this offlee just als.ut tbitt time every
as good for Uver and Kidney trouble* year.-Rome Tribune.
A»hby rolUcd tbem a ac'cond cod
third tliiu'. Two captains were shot and general dcblllly. Only 50c. Sab
Senator Bawn has obj<vt»Hl to acdown by bl* side, and at the third fail, lafkctlon guaranteed by Johnson'S cepunce of tbe statue of Fred*T»ck Ih*
ore be rode away, leaving the road for drug atore and F. H. Mead. druggUL
Gnwt from Kaiser Wilhelm. Moyl»e
Jackson * Idfautry to dear.
Bacon would like a bust of Bhak*”
JackMMi’* Infantry bad trarelcd farIT IS OUR BUSlNEflt
•peare.-SL Louis Republic.
brr tlian Ashby* trooper* In their
Tbe Marquis of tgueensberry ha* gone
To dUpenac health-giving preacrliv
flank march against Banks, but they
the fourth
into benkrnptcy
had started carUrr. tVoamlng tbe Blue lions In the proper way. Not a bu*l- If be keep* this up the flusncUl world
RWge through aeverol |hism they BOS* we have learned In a day. but may soon begin to look upon It as a
rracbed FYoni Royal tbe afternoon of after yenra of hard work and careful Marquis of Queensberry rule.-Denver
tbe 23d and swept up all that .\ahby siutly. Wc u»c pure drugi; compound
bad left of Keuly a guard. The alarm them with acenracy and charge you I'oet.________________
of what Jackson wa* doing at* fYout an honest price for our service*. Bring
modes of the moment.
Royal apread to Bank* In lime to save
hi* army, but not to aave Strasburg. your next cme to Bughee’a City Drug
Gold and silver apfKsar In laces for
Btonewali atucked his retreating co)* more. l^Phoac-
joS.isBS'^awsu- —
Mn. & U Bouor nrtahR to
MBoe to tbe ladles of Tmrerac CHy
and Tkdaltjr that aba to
propared to sire tbea plala olactrie aad
Tapor batba. dreas aad abaaipoo tbeir
aad do amnlcnrlaiE for them at
oaable rbarsea. A cboloo Une of
balr good! aad tbe^ft^aco-Aiaericaa
bygicalc toilet roqulaltea. t» Troot 8*.
rax 1000 WAtn
Prompt Delivery.
stontoh you at the
t gifts wc are sell
ing for llJXk
RASTALL, the dqwtler.
H»m WUhria Btorit. Travana City.
P. S.->Wc furnish handsome card*
with every gift. *•
6ii. R. McWitly
T~».r- CI.I tor »«thport ,1
^ WarinelEngines
away to be i2de^ rues, kt—
R. T CHim Fni
raoro Itf
So-en Siiex, Ij to SO H. T.
saa Ww
n«r. Proprt.«or
Choice Groceries
Butter and Eggs
loBot FciM. We
Qts.30c; Cal. $1.00.
QUEER enr RjoRAL ee.
MalfxH An.f*raon
U«to*t CcDoieiT Vitoi Jari
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