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The Evening Record, September 02, 1904
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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beUmgi^ to m\nllrooA and cipw»
«onpaiir Md ioHM b^longad to A. E
Mam while J. D. Harbert la a loser ai
well aa the Hab|iel«r oonpany.
Mrs. GHaaell. daughter of W. J
Reyaolda of TiWvcrae CI17. b»d Jual
Bored to Lake Aon. her houaeholi
cood beinc to a car In the M. A N. B
jrardk. Thia waa also entered Aod lh(
^UU ali1p|M»d fitwi the ontan. A
amall light aiael brldgi^r waa ata(
taken flroai the cir.-thb" robbera pro!
Abtjr thinking they could uae It li
their bontonea hot diwpiitog it aftoi
carrying . It a abort dltUncc. Th«
gang eridenUy reated to the band cai
house to the jmrda beeauac iho alolet
gullU were Itonad there.
8. 8. Bnmett aared the poalofBc<
building and other atorea from belor
rotoM. He drore Into town about
fei. and notlaed aevoval aua
plc^ charactera, nadonbtedly th«
robbera. crooalog the railroad tract
> to the poatoOlee building. See
ing the light, the^ dropped acme toob
and ran. dUappeartog Into the dark
gntorad Men Station.
Bolon. Mlcb.. Bept. 2,—The M. fk N
broken Into here last
Bight md 17 token bealdca a ault ol
clolbod belonging to Alvin Smith, th.
^agfnt. Other amall artlclea were als
VIeltad Cedar, v
. Cedar. Mlcb.. Si-pf^
blew Jerry Solllvw. safe
night nnd atole nboui It:.. ,
They unlockad the door loading Inu
Mr. 8ulllran‘a«®cc and oHhor worker
i OB the outer dtw o'
the aafe or eiae It hgd bevn loft un
kicked. The two toner dcHira. wen
cblael. the aerew driver and chtno
by them betog found Inter^ Th.
glaaa loading into J. A. Pennington*
oIBct' was broken but they were evl
dcnily frightened away from there, i
clue la being diligently worked but ju
yet no reanlto >ave I
A. V. Frtodrich a Store entered.
A. V. kViodrlch’a ahoo atore waa en
terra last evening by a rolibcr wbi
aecurrd W.«0 from tho rash roglater
Evidently he waa In a groat hurry foj
ho loft 7S rents. 2.7 ot nts In th«
drawer ,M» cents on top of iho reglatf
Is on tho a<x>r.
Entrance wraa galn.M to tho store b>
ply ing out' a amall wind.iw I2alf
Inches In a door In tho rear of
atore. To pry out tho window tb«
putty was looaoned around It and then
a **iiidm> * or aomethit^g of that kind
was Used toiiry Iho window out.
woodwork was cm wbort' the In'Mru
meet was toterlod under the edge ol
the pane of fchma.
Indlcatlont tmld point to the fact
that more than one committed tht
Tobbery aa the wladow was ov«»r thn
feet from the gnmnd and few a man
gel through a amall opealng of that
kted would rmialre asalatoace.
ty Wire to the Evening Record.
Chicago. Aug. 2.~The Block yards
itHke leaders have appealed to the
.ubllc to aid thclf cause by refraining
rom eating moat until the strike
I. Bncourngement to take ihii
tep waa given by the announcoi
hat I&« JewUh retail meat dealer*
lad agreed to ckike their «bo|ia and
bat no.iKKl orthodox Jews would eliro
nate meat from their diet until the In
lust rial atnigglc la over*—
With the Salvatloe
Army When the Machine Ceroe
Around the Corner.
Wish Men Abbott waa run down by
W. lln>sch in hla automobile laat even
ng on tho eornor of Ertmt and Casa
rtreets about S oclock. Mias Abbott
vaa marching with the itolvatloci
Vrmy. they having Just conrludctl
heir rorvting on the corner and were
Tossing the r.»ad in line to proetHMl tc
he hall wh.n the automobile^,
iround the ct.rner. The born
ooted and there was a acailerlng but
\|laa Abbott did not succeed in getting
mt of the way.
Fortnnaiely she was not struck by
he wheels and lay in the middle of
hem when the onto was brought to
Ktond and she was picked up. II
ihouldcra and hips were badly brulaed
lesMca the severe shock she anstalnbJ
>ut it la not Ilkelf that the nct^deni
am prove aarioua.
The Traverse City Driving Park nsvoclatlon will hold matln«v races
In this city. Quito a numicr of people arc going to Manistee
tod Charlevoix but in<»re will remain
>n the city and for this reason tho di
*ectors of the avoctoUon and the
nembers to please these arranged for
le matinee Mondav.
There will be three events on the
wrd and all of them will Is- for IdtKxl.
rhcrc to a lot of g«x>d nalure<rrlvalfy
UDong the local hoi>e owners and the
Monday will give a fair idea of
*hc Tclallvc merit of the sletMls.
hey are all local men there will be no
ufi every
'venl wlU be a horse race.
But one admission will be charg.d
K the grounds, 25 cents being the
nrice mod grnnd stand and bleachers
free. The events of the day will be dldded Into three classes, and the sec*
>ad will undoubtedly be the big even*
If the day. The purses, judges,
will be determined at a meeting of tbe
issoclaUoo this evening The program
Class A.^
Goshen Boy. s. g.. Jack
Lady Cycott, b. g.. 1
Noble OITL ch. g-. Richarf Reynolds.
Headlight, b.
H. O. Joynt
Red Phil, b, g.. Germaine Bra
caM Jardan Foat Ball Team la to the
Game Karfy.
Diimi Ctoad.
The East Jordan foot ball team has
Itrmn IXtan. a well known Traverac Issued n challenge to the local High
dtlaaa. find at S:4& this after mhool team to play at Bast Jordan on
topt 27. doling the fhtr. BaM Jordan
tos no dty team but hna a atricLy
High aehool team with a strong
Kate M.. a. m.. Dr. Geimaa owner.
Dogwood, b. g, William, Rennie?
BBis. b. g.. Bdward Lout-
fall eiotbcs
goinjj: to
where arc you ^oin^ to pet them,
and wb'at are they going to cost
you? '
If you want the very latest ap
proved styles, the Widest latitude
in choice, the best fif possible and
a w'caring quality that you will
rCTnembcr with pleasure, all
within the reasonable price
range of
415 to $25
Come to our store land ask us to
show you our new models in L. Adler Bros. & Cos
Rochester made suits and overcoats. W^t we know
about these garments makes us confident ihht they w^U
please you.
Prevailing Styics for Fall
goods: OH
. .
■ .
Thu fall we show an exceptional •trongr line of
pUin and Fancy Mohair, and heavy suitings. Let
show you? Biiy.
See our new line of fall Shirt Waists.
I".7b"A. J. WILHELMSil^"
!■ MM
to tte miMM:
**Wlilt IIMI for AmM » dWM
1 M MMM «M tnmrnU. wkkk wiJl
MMlMr M thfwMM m Uf*. 1
liM M tM Mu^ Um UmtM SUUt
IM A 4MSMI* Md gr»T« Mk to p«r
ita Mm Ite dTillNd mrM. bmm-
ilf. to
FMIplim to » BOW or froat BotwlthatBadlag. Um, wheat
Mkd m4 poltekBl life. rMoftaf cfwp of the CBBBdlaa weat win yield
tbe fanaetB upwards of IM.OMjMO
fMOr. vMeli Bfer «»tm t«i7 fM cn»- omretM they realised last year. Thto
MlHt tlM
wfety Md Is due ^ the fed that the crop will be
tfetaM Af tAelr prodoete. whilf much larier. while the price of wheal
mtMlg AM tlMlr dTillntloii M win aveiBie dhaMderahly hlM- Last
year the average price per boriiel was
n» tkli W IB B few reeni the «8 ceata. The wheat area l
PhUMlMe aiBT fonB a etiOBC Bad toba BBd the territories Is
pfWBPittMe BBlIoB. iMpIred by Joatlce. thU seaeoa than last year by about
Ilhifty BBd BMrBllty. BBd bM»»e a 10 per ciat. |n all Bsarly 4.OMA00
voHlV Mvhter of the grM Aner acres. Last ttmr'u crop In
k« MBNBWBBlth. Whkdl Will aim* WBB 40.Ufi.000 bushels, and the InPMB tM IB BetUBf W to the PWl craaaed acreage, should
' Mm It did M iBUmd ooBqaeat. hat crop of more thaa 00.000.000 bushels of
to BBdMtBhe B Alch. cldllalBB duty/ wheat. But the Manitoba average last
The Phnippliie qucwtkw la Bot bb year was loss than twenty bushels per
iMie IB Ula cBBiiiBlgii aa aone of the acre, while In 1002 It was iwentywlx
daaoefBUc leBdera declare. On the bushels. Those who are in a position
BMMranr. the dewa eipreaaed by the to estimate this year's crop say the
abarwd by the average yield will be much
> leDerally.
this year. Rodionln* this year's yield
at twenty-five bushels per acre, the
We are aBDoally Importlof $60dMr crop In Manitoba and the Northwest
AM worth df material which oould be
BMde iB thla^mntry with a corre
apoBdlBB baBeft to American labor
BBd AmerMriBoomea. Our free trade
frieBda. If tbejr had their way. would
make thla lire hundred mttllon Bre
blUkMfe. BBd laatead of our own manu
Rod and Oun Club.
feetBriBff outpui amountlDB to about
flflami bllHooa aiiBOBlly. aa It bow
The following Is the oIBclal standing
doaa. It would be reduced oue-half oi
of the three leading amateurs In the
twtXhlrda. with a ooaaequent roeull
touniameot of the Rod and Oun clnb
to watea aad iBoome.
which closed Wednesday:
Tuesday, Aua 30ThepoatBl reoelpta which hare In
O. N. Pbrd. shot at 105. broke 14L
L. B, Moyer, shot at 166. broke 140.
the paat Mren years ahow no dlmlnu
A. JL Henslcr. shot at 166. broke 133.
tkm whatever. Brea duriaa July. In
Wedneuday. Aug. 31Watklns. shot at 180. broke 160.
Ford, shot at 180. broke 167.
the ere of a prmddenttal campalan,
Taylor, shot at ISO. broke 167.
aBd with all the dlaadrantages which
Dupont powder seemed to be the
Mid poaalbly oome to aoch hualBeaa.
favorite at the ahooi. more being used
It ahowa that aome salea that hare
thaa any other.
phet Hleka Saye The
Win M a Let Mere Anew Neat
Winter, However.
BemembertBf the aftemoon and the
*»-BM^morBlB*. with their chinins air. and
the irlsht with Its toudi of frost.
-PreecherProphet indca*
auggeatloii ooneerBlna the <
ter la bkwt or leas Intereai
In hla
yearly almanac, laaued la January, the
Su liOttU aeer told of a winter that
would he a raeord-bceaker. colder and
kmier. ertB. with more anow than the
which this section
I In IMI1M4. and a season, too,
ph^l dlacomfbrta than any winter
In reoeat years la this country. Hicks
has now qualified this announcemeBt
by auAteatiBB that the comlof wtater.
while Ito eootHbutkm of anow will be
more roluBdaoua. perhaps, than last
winter s contrlbuUoo. will not include
ao many wboUy unnecessary desoeats
below sero of the mercury la the ther
mometers. But. ilald Hleka, “there
will be marh more andw next winter
than there has been la any recent
ymr in this country.** Boow Is all
theamelves to raise the mortgage
uaUI SapL 1. 1804 la which to raise
the amouai they pledged. . YetU
was pay day and all ia now collected
and the mortgage of $1,400 Is paid.
Preaideni Samuel Dickie, LL. D.. of
AlMoa collage wil speak both after
noon and evening- In the evening he
will apeak of work of the Chrlstlaas in
college. Touag people are espei
lavited to thU senrice as weli as the
paroaU as both will be Interested in
the topic which will be discussed.
Dickie is a ver> enUinsiaatIc speaker
I of national i
Card of THanka.
We wUb to explain heartfelt thanks
to the many friends and nelghbori
who ao kindly plated us In our
heraavement and loea of our Utile one.
Mr. and Mra. Win. Loveland.
What is Lifer
regular living menus
derangement of the organs, resulting
In constlpaUon. headache or liver
tronble. Dr. King's New Ufe Pills
quickly readjusts this. It's gentle, yei
thorough. Only 35c. At Johnson's
Drug Store. 8. B. Walt ft Sons and
The number of Auslrisns In
United Statfw is 1.o2U.tKU.
General Kfiropstkiii. the Russian
commander, is a devout mcmlier of the
Greek rhurrb.
Mtw. Rtuyvewint Fish's luek
a amsll gold locket with her Initials
In monogram.
Mrs. Reginald Vanderbilt Is never
without a certain bracelet of Turkish
The duchess of Msrllroro hns the
fepuUtlon or being one of the mozl
reckleas of nutomoblle 0rivers.
riumbera are perimps the best paid
of any roerbnnlcs iu the City of Mexi
co. Ttiey get from $2 to $1 a dny.
Has LeR'Hamtlten*! to Returo to the
A new .departure is to l>e nuide at
U.of M.
fee Pembroke (Knglatid) dt»okyanl by
Ixwtcr D. Welch has resigned hts
pcsiUon at the Hamilton Clothing
company and wUI leave tomorrow
morning on the O. R. ft 1. for various ant stone known to the Ispldary's art
at Ann Arbor In time to re^mter the
The wondrttul Instinct snd li
genre oP dogs was lllustrntcd a
U. of M.. which opens Sept. 3firi*turns to complete his law course days since w here one rccognlrei
and will finish In two years. He has •owner's rolce over the tclrplmno st
a distance of some fourteen miles. The
been closely connected with the First dog's msster. wlio wss going o
Methodist church here, being a
the rtate. sent fee anlmsl to a s
her of the choir. presMent of the Kp- ban city, where he was to lie cared for.
wonh League, secretary of the Sunday A few days after the keeper n
animal was rolled up and the dog
school and lastramental In maint
placed on a chair and the telephone
tag a male quartet for the church.
ricelrer placed at his ear. His
During hts stay at the university ter spoke to the dog. who ns«og
Mr. Welch will correspond with the hhi role# and demonstrated It b
Record, sending regular weekly
clferously barking. It was with mnch
difficulty that the animal could 1
term on notes of Interest.
dated to go away from the telcpbone
long after his master had rung off.fibs
proprietor m' keqaela nald.
Mr. and Mra W. B. Mlllm- Will CalabfWte Ocl.4.
Oel. 3 Mr. and Mrs. W. & Miller of
aoutb of the city will have been
ried fifty years. On OcL 4 they wUI
cetahrale their golden wedding with a
family reuakm
figure, and that so far aa he know<.
neither baa a bulletin been issued by
Presldenl Harding, nor Is an> Imme•lliely forthcoming. It would be un
likely. in his esUmatloQ. that Mr.j
Harding would Issue any bulIeUn until
he bad formallj taken his new office.
As to when that would he. Mr. Place
had no Information. Regarding the
rumors concerning Hr.tlallsghcr. they
were absolutely without foundation
tnd a wrong to a coosclentlouK official,
in the opinion of Mr. Place.
Relsaasd for Cause.
TTie next day the Press puMUhed
he following article which more ifaur
mghly explains the situation:
In regard to the report ctmeerning
the discharge and relnrtatement of
engineers on the Pen* Marquette sys
tem. B. W. lUchpiond. ebaiman of the
committee of englnecni which met
with the general sup<*rlntendent on
this matter, says that all of the men
who were discharged w.*re release,|
for cauw*. and that In reinstating
them, as has lMi‘n dtme. lM>lh Gen.-ral
Manager ('ar|K‘ntor and general Su |
perintend<*nt .*^n)itli mad,- a si<1e de-j*
parture from the proc,-dure v^liieh
common In siicti cases on mo.si <if i
ftOO Raarord. $100.
The iwadera of feU paper will bo
said Mr. Richmond "In all ca.seH fee
dlKChargc has btH*n for cause, either
because of some infraction «>r rule
on artmnt of iFielr ctmneclion with
wrecks. Many of these men w, re <dd
and trie! employes and the t'umpajiy
was prut,ably very loth to diMniss
them, but In^thc Interests of discipline
this was made n<H*es.Hnry. Other en
glneors believed that with the ex|K*rl
enco these men had they would prove
younger men, and an effiirt was inau
giirated for Jhe reconsideration of
their cases. Mr Broith accetleil lo the
request* and he and Mr. t'arpenti r
promptly lex>k the matter un«ler ad
District SuiH‘rinten<leni i
Place and other officials willlnKly
their Influence to the movementj
fercnce, and we have held tmi* nu*vt
Inga, the last of which was on !
In Mr. Smith's office In Dctn.lt
"The result has l»een that Hevento< n |
of the discharged men have Intm n*- \
InsUted. The older men have
placed In ihelr old pt.sUlons. while
some of the younger men will he
foree<l lo fire Xor six months, afor
which they will Ik* given their
"In this whole matter the general
officers have dealtb very kindly with
endly f;a*llng
the men. and the most friendly
prevails betwei*n the officials ahd fee
cmployea. Mr. Gallagher ha<l nothing
to do with the discharge *>f the men
"iive as he was Instrumental In lasitlag orders which came lo him from
"I do not like to appear In print, but
in all Justice I deem It a duly to cor
one dreaded dlseaae that acJeoco has rect the mlaundersUndlng which may
been able to cure In all its stages, and hare arisen regarding this matter."
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive cure now known to
the mcdica] frateralty. Catarrh being
Tbs most Slid bust hsr«slna
Special to the Bvealng RmocH.
svse sfisretf ht beys' end child's
itkmal tMtmeot. Hall's
Cedar. Mich. flepL E-The ahlagla
suits snd shoes st the Globe.
ure Is tak« Intereally. art
min Aalahed fee aeaaoa's cot yeater
upon the^ blood and mac
day and ckmed down. The mill ran anrtecea of fee ayataia. therehy defive months this year.
atrarfag the
TravwrM City to St. Loula
$is.50, IS fisyitiM
$19.00, AO Aaf tifett
$21.00, far fee $ctt$M
Thiiwfll iadiide mcali isd
berth between Travene City sad
Stewnen bwre Tnircnc City
^jy Snnlqr. 10 p. m.. aa4
Thundayit 6 >. m.
Remember that If you buy but
10c worth I (candy exceptc*d) you
can K«'t ajtlrket on the pictures
and when jyou have lrad<*d 12.00
you ran then gi*t any pUlure In
this famuU collection for only
89c additimal.
We now l.avL*
IB tlrkcU fur all.
plenty of
226 EbI Fmt Stmt
ght along, first nmic.
first hcrvtsl.
LADIKS! Hample aboea that save
you from 60c to |1.60 per pair at A.
V. kVlodricirs.
All pupils entering the illgh^lHKd
and gradt*ti for the first time are r«v
1 tpu^teti lo call at the superinteadcat's
or prlncliial s offltv at fee 4^niral
building and enroll this week.
1. 11. UIUH*rt. SuinVlBlendent.
sale by all first class drugalala.
TrV A llECORp WANT ad;
Good Things To Eat
From the Department that always:
has the best of
This is the food that is so good
■ j
Ready co4ked for serv.nQ. Potted Veal. Hashed Chicken. Pressed Pig's Feet, Vienna BauSaqs, Corned Beef.
Lunch Toinguc. Potted Ham, Veal Loaf. Corned Ham. Hamburger Steak. Frankfurter. ChMksiLLoaf.
Want a Coffe Treat?
Have you ever tried our breakfast coffee*’-'Mocha and Java—you don't know what good coffee is until you ‘
do. Then we have the Fcrndell brand—three grades—each one a dandy. The Park Place Special has made
us many good steady customers. We really are the coffee headquarters of this region.
Cook was happy
bght—the pies done
Because the bread was light—the
to a turn. The flour was i:‘flhL the lard was right, the yeast
was right; the baking powder was right—that's
right—all came from grocery department.
We’re a bit particular
Want some good Cheese
louth water just to look atf That is our famous creamery cheese. Wc vouch for the
I of It- Then we have the famous Roquefort Cheese, the Imperial Cheese, the Bow
And listen to these
AM kinds of olives, Snider's Salad Dressing. Deviled Olives. Oyster CockUU Sauce, Snider's Catsup. Mixed
Pickles. Canned Salmon. Pure Horseradish. Mint Sauce. King Oscar Sartlincs. Clam Chowder. Pork and
Beans, ... k.nds of Soaps (only takes five minutes to s^r;e,. Whole Wheat Bread. Rye Bread. Graham Bread,
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Fah-and Organs
IDE Rmwl & Uf
Mai an the Stok
qC ApM te
Ttott caaaatsnslMF
So aaM that toiy aaa la aqanl to tite
nctoB fto
tatoaCtiachMit toltearhfla. Botoo
aatlqaarlnaa fBaftoa to hMkeet ft a Itoto af PMtonhy. Bam toiUtalfa wpfl
narrlrnl oi the txavaaty^M atofltegthe fito Mdewalt toMa|y, Atoa M whig v
IwtoafotoaSltir ■itoto Agt to
to ia w
la al M.MBiiaBS Saactos vater ar
di awsfo* fo tba Fma
I talk fba tvacb at tba
Is ail^t anwMdar- towawgri^ltoettoto.
abla labor waa axpaadad la gatllag ft
^ « ssala. Tba aagiaa waa
a mIM I* artOT kr tfe* •orllir
tnmat. JtoM
MM ar IM Low Uke «Au«>. The
fM«MM «tM Um ^rw to Ik* Mfcnr-
toc otolto:'
-Mto to MMtoi.* X W. Dlcfcor-
Mm: klMooiX kr Omtm IbAcitaaa.
AnrUto Oortaw.
Bos Rimker aa4 wife of DaHaB art
la tba cliy for a doll with his pamtsp
Mr.aadMra. J. W. Hllilker.
B. H. Aliya went to teUad thU
mormiBS whem^wtll do aoam aar.
seyias for Prof. C. T. Grawa.
Mr. aad Mrs. J. A. Peaae of Chb
dts, AlfrmI Bloaai. wife aad npa Joe
nr Bwaafoa. Ohio, aad Mr. aad MrsBns INwae of Utoad ar« i^ag
Albert Olobeaaity.Ather. motbar
aaat weal to Ifoaoh Cbl. moi
oa a ishtag trtp.
Rev. Deama OodillB aad family weal
to Mimnkea's camp at Pboeh this
guest of her sister. Mrs. V. E. Moatogue.
Mrs. W. D. Davis of 81. Ixmls. Mich..
Is vlsltiag her son, J. M. Ulakeslea of
Blxth street
Mrs. A. I-. Howard, formerly
Bhn»herd. fa vlsltiag at the home of
Dr. Martin.
D H. Baadolph. humaae agent et
Oraad Rapidi, fa vlsltiag the family
jf hts cofoln. Ixirla Puller.
Mr. and ^rs. A. T. Cole of Buddle4d.
Maine, are vUlllng Mr. aad Mrs. C. KBuck
•:Sd la Iba 1. 0. 0. F. ban. waa a
daligbifta avaat to aU pmpanL aa bath
tba srtollaat. Mrs. W. IX Taraar.
fba laadar. Mrs. Mraai bad Mt ao
thaagbt bablad whiab mlgbc la aar
way toad fSo atreagtbaa tba maatal
caUbar of totoraatsM membom.
Aflar a abort hualaeas aoasloa the
praaMaat aroae aad tea bright flow of
of lha Ugh
Idaal haM by thp club liaoR la which
a iolaod hands with both Uo school
and hoam to iGrGmr the
(ha hamaa^tly. la apaaklng of Ufa
ItmU aha 'mdd no thoagfatfal pemoa
without mauW his or her ability to
beaait hy their having lived.
ally to tahe hold'*of the work
tempt at leant once a year to appear
upon the peogram already laid out.
la clablag. the president spoke of
the thombtful stiggesUon of the past
pmnideai In reference to n social dlvlaioB and conllnued the thought hy a
; _
RwluUaa. Otodini Itller.
ttodUltoa. tolMna Pepper.
A Otolociie. lUueb IVpper and Kd
* ‘ '
Boac by Gladys Riley and Ppra Car-
RMiUlkMi. Mrm. GardAer.
RaHUUoii. Mra. Rdc(M^>mo
for the n«>d ot the order
l»f Bobert BAfver. Mr Hoiira. Mr. Rob^
«rtm, Mrs Gray mud Mrs. MclUy.
The aiAeUns closed with the crmnic
rhorsday. 8ep(.* J. the mceUea
opcaed lathe
After tiM iBlUatloB the pro,
BedUU^. Mrs Doras,
flelectina, Mrs. Dirkermaa
telectloB. Charles Irish,
lladtatloa. Mrs Gardner.
. . DMA It pay to raise house pUaUT
Mrs. MrlUy was andeclded after forty
; {.
day »to MM. Mprnr.
O. I.. I.arklns of K20 WeUter street
was the victim of a pleasant surprise
Isst evening, alwut twenty of hU
friends and neIghl»oni quietly dropping
in oa him. the occasion being hfa
wenty.flrih Mrihilsy, Music wni
nlvlu'd by I->e<l Covey's plumol
sfter which flinch was indulged In.
Mr. evney aad Mrs. «. J. Can^ban
winning the flrst prise'and Herbert
Korthrap and MUs Celln Boulasoa the
oonsolatitin prUea.
ot Ice
cake were served and It was a fate
hour when the guests left. They were
unsnlmoua to the opinion that
evening was very plenssnt and
many tokens ns expression of their
O. U Urklas Entsrtalnad I
4r7j^- esperteaee after «aay up. sad
Mrs. O. I.. Larkins of K2« Webster
Hireel. entertained twelve little l»oys
sod girls this nfiemoon from 2 to
i»Vlock in honor of her nephew, Idowell
How to kftoip hoys And girls on the Akins U-fon* he returns |o his honu* In
1‘onllmr. 111.
Befrtwhroents of Ice
tArm hy R«d. namoy.
How to kill quack grmMB bmusni out cream, cake and bun bona wore served
a llvHy dlscussloa. The question was
opened by l>»wH Bours.
Is halvAHl. If her household fa c^
Mrs. Gardner was called on for a
raeltaUon shlfb she gave with her pleUNl hy n bath room. wUh nil tliu
usual kindness and was n-called. ThI. modern appliances that go with II
dosed the
The next will be Arms and Cole, the plumbers, hnv
held ia Oraiiae halt at Travt»rse City the reguUr 5 fool and 6V4-foot bath
mbs. poirelaincd llnod, that should be
a part of every household. InsUllcd
Banris County Candidates.
Special to the K%«'i>luic Hectird
rraahfort. Mlcb.. 8e|»t. 2.-The fob
lowing are the nomination, mtde at
At this a<wscm of the year arc ccothe rapobileaa county cfin vent Ion of
niimlcal as well as palatable. Gas U
Benale eoaaty ycierday:
the summer fuel and a tender broiler,
Judge of probate. B. D. B|«ifr..rd.
lamb stew or roast, either In leg or
Sheris. James Crawford
Pnisertitlng Attorney. I>. C, P. War !oln. can be rooked In half the lime It
iaUes for nearly any other kind of
meal. Brosch Bros.
County clerk, O. L. Waterbury.
Begister of deeds. W. A. Joy.
OrcttH court commissioner, T. J.
Bsar In mind that we art
having a apadal school Mit
salt this wook. It moans quits
s saying If taken ndvantago of.
It won't coat you a cent to let
us show you how we can save
I corn.
No 3 white oats. 3&Hc.
you s dollar or two.
Toledo. O. B*tI r-Wheat-Caah
> 1
^ I
with tbeai sad many disappoint
meath. She stUl HIak. In them throuah
lose for them. Her esperlenc, was
aad BeptemlMf. fl 12^
II 13%: Ma>. II HV,
Chicago, fbpt 2—Whesi—Old Boptember. 11.07%
mw B«‘plember.
•1«%: May. |l
c«m-8cptembrr. a%e; May. 4l%c. OatsSeptember. 51 Vic; May. 5ri%c. ITuvIpork. 111.20; lard.
•7.10; ribs. |7.40.
4 -
m Flwikard and hi. c
give a maHnoe at the City
foaiofraw afi<v
in addUion to the
poffonaaaoe at alghL Admiaaloa
qaaia ap aUirs and Iwtmty-flvo c
to aar part of the house down atalra.
Doal arisa the big froe street parado
at aooa. g( aad hU reube hand will
giva a aoacm.
Mrs. W. O. Tomer.
President of the Wumnn’s Club.
oerso.*ial suggestion to ladUw .who
heretofore hsd n«>ver refuscHl to fur
nish refreshmenU to enibraee the op
;»or(unlty now. thus relieving the club
•»f sny extra ssHesament on refn'sh
*neni days as thlk was.
Mrs. Evans' Address.
The science an.d educalion division
In charge of Mrs. Z. H. Exans being
disappointed In their miwical num
bers. Mrs.-iSv’ans procc<Hled In an
xble manner to discuss the Important
events of the summer, mentioning as
nrst and foremost the cruel and relenl-
.lesth ••se»ires <»f thoiiHands” and which
>yeD now continues with unabated
Of the most apoalllng disaster she
vnumerated first th«^ burning of the
General Slocum wlib l.ltKi happy
hearted children on faiard and spoke
•oromendably ot the Invesilgatlfm that
he president had ordered through the
t)ureau of c(»mroercc and lalmr.
The Chicago dtrlke now on Mrs.
Evans r**vlewed thoroughly and charicterlsed it as **tcKi many men and not
mough work."
In her talk on the Panama canal she
herslded Jno. F. Wgllsce as the man
who would hereafter be knos-n as di
rectly connecting the Atlantic and Pa
She touched the birth of the new
heir to the throne of Russia, the pres
idential nominations, the women*s
'Hjngress in Berlin, the world's fair at
81. I-ouls and closed with that beaut I
ful thought fmm 'The Messiah." "He.
who Is watching over l.-srarl. slumbers
aol nor sleeps"—mi all must be well.
A short informal socUl hour fol
All pupils t^merlng the High school
and grades for the flrst time sre re
During the afternoon. Miss Daisy
quested to esU St the superintendence
or princlpsls oBca. at the central Bhndek. who fa studying music at Do
troll and returned from there last
building and ebodl this week.
.•venlng. sang two v%p pleasing num
I. B. GilU*rt. Btiperiniendenl
UtoUitfa am taklas •dvaa‘ tape af aar apoeial aehoM milt
aalo thia amah. Wa am tailing
aahool aalia at pHim that am
Tha Baalaa Stem.
city wem; Mrs. T. J.
Grmad Rapids; Mrs. H. 6. Noble, Chi
cago; Mrs. Charles Morton Davis,
Providence. R. I.; Mrs. J. G. U>rtov.
Pamoas. Kan.; Mrs. James Kelly.
Wexford: Mrs. A. T. Cole, BuckfleW.
■maabafl ap la tba aoUlaioa
bafom teat aa4 waa baiag tytafl befom
halag plarod la aarvlea. Tba emw of
the new ei&taa was givaa* an awfol
ttoy reach, any. tovaaty-flhT^!aafls la «e asM that rogj aeeae ta CM
vatofo. It ti nalA that tlM» yaaas are
flMndaa)ytathe;Modlt«RaatoA I
totod of hitog tonrittteB. ItewtoftA ft ^
««a waB If thii law ahoaM to poaliiB
toWAiiBItoarwktoltoatifcqjycafore. ^
adhytew. ThatotofoctejitotoWtoikF
Ush cltlm qt tbe
Sah Sad tbMr wnl ^ hcce year after
qdiiloa has im
Mamie. Moore and
unllkcl: that It
none. It fa not at nU .unlikely
of acme old
•och na tbe Hull fertlval of
ftoUvaL •od
tbe Hindoos
tbe Roman Teaat of
foola." Tbe
Sta. of pUyiog tricks and pranks of nU
kinds on tbe first day of April fa
unlvenal throughout Europe and fa
afao pracGceil In many otlwr countries
aad umler various names. It la a curl
oos fact that tbe Hindoo Hull feaUvaU
wlMW Ai»rll fool tricks of aU •orts are
played, fa held on tbe night of the Slat aoiar ayatem>wblch fa i
of March, and the orgies are not dto- ■tefle train of ptaueta aimnff buadtoto
to ronUy an irrilc
jaong mackeiei gad other objects of
lateroatthnttlMByteeoiuiter. Thfa fob
teafng dtet marep them nloiig to n
valglit or nometii^ ns much as 500
pouoda. With th^r awards and tbelr
Oihbt va. Jaywl and Omllick Liaa nmnxlng powero jof tecomoGon they
Canto Warn Takaa UaSar Adviaahave ao fear of anything, and they Be
oa the top of tbe oronn ns aerene na tf
maat by tba Caart.
there was nothing k«fae in creation. The
A nsotloB was made for a new trial
to and fro In the; air ns the flnh Ilea
la CIrcolt eourt today ia the gase of there, nod often the tnU atiaca out nlL. K. Gibbs aad son va F. B. Lnhym most as cooaplcnoosly. That fa what
and H. O. JoyaL J. W. Patchla and flrcn them away, j It aerms almoat In
Thomna Smurthwalle argued the ease, credible that on tbe gnat topanae of
which was opposed by Prstt And the ocean ao aUght an object Wukl be
Dnvla The cxwrt took the case under aoGceable. but It fa by dtocorcring tbe
waving Ann that itbe flah are found.
Tbe boat aearchl^ for them baa a
In the divofte case of Mattie Lamp lookout wbo acans the aorfnee-of the
kin vs. William Lampkln an order aea and finds what be fa looking for
was made that |2S be paid ns suit too. It Indicates 6uit there must be a
money and ft per week ns temporaiy fat of tbe ffah about
After a awordflsh fa algbted the next
alimony, beginning Sept. 6. untn fur
thing to do fa to kK^ him In eight un
iher notice by the court.
In the divorce case of Ralph B til the veeael can be brought around
behind him. Usually abe fa moving ao
Hines vs. Rose Hines, the plslnllff Is fast as to ruu pastwt first, Hometlmea
to pay $26 ns nolleltor’s fee.
the fish sees her »r^ quietly sinks blmLast night the J. E. Grelick Hen aelt om of sight, biit usually he stands
case vs. Maude Taylor and David
Bmlth was taken under advisement by eyoon 1
hind tot
the bow fa dlrt^tly over bis bile and
laipttssive maj«-sty k skilled hand takes
up a lam^e and drives It down into hfa
Uck. The arrow Mta|»ed dart at the
A number of mnirled poi>ple enjoyed end dlsbKlges ItHcif from the shaft,
whk^i ewimw back to the vessel, and off
lunch and card party at the We-que^ goes the swordflsh With the dart stick
tong dub house yesierdgy afternoon. ing to him like a pbor relation. He Is
II had a pleasant time.
no longi‘r a slwp;^ and losflng Idler,
O. I^. Carver and brother have pur but a laugniflt'ciit ^sh exerting all hfa
chased the Insurance business of 8. M enormous iK)\vcrs to esca|H*.
A cask fa llcil to the ro|»e wlilch has
m which now makes a total of
the dart at Its other eud, and wb<*n the
twenty-two companies carried by thi> fish fa struck the cask fa throwm over
popular firm.
board. Then away’ It sails, soiuetUues
/Martin Winnie's birthday came yes out of sight and a< other tlim-s sklmlertlsy sml In honor of the event a uilng the water and making tbe foam
Jolly party sssembloil at. the home of fly ns It ifa'sh*w along. In the c-oursc
his father. I. G. Winnie, last evening of lime the fish tlnp himself ao that a
tollor puls out in n dory andTb ks up
ind had a very enjoyable lime.
the eaak. Then lie hauls slowly on
Today is the last Friday ui»on which the rope and gently brings bis catch
J. W. Miillkcn’s store closes In the to tbe top. If the fish Is ugly tb«>re fa
xfternoon; All the clerks have gone opportunity for n lot of trouble but
to Ne-nh ta wanta to spend the after if he <H>mcs in penry abjy he soon
a cut in the throat from g shnri) knife
and go4*s out of busliuws summarily.
There was a meeting of s<une of tin
Thim the weighty' faidy 1a hoisted
memlKT.s of the Odd Fellows las* aboard and the prise fa sivurtHl. .\ew
night for the purp<»8e of talking ovei York has no fam y.for swordfish steak,
idans for forming amdher branch ol which fa mighty go6d eating. t>ut BosIon 1s a n ady buyer, and the wholesale
the order here.
Regular <-onvi>cailon Traverse Clt\ price roivgi-s from fl or 8 tb 1.1 or
'hapler. No. 102. R. A. M., u.night. cents a ikiuimJ. m-cortling to the sui»ply.-llurtfurd ruiirant.
WtJrk in (he M. M. degrt^-.
An exenn-ion covering the territory
Well Lesraed
tround Battle Cnwk. Jackson ant‘
nher places will arrive in the city
Which Is
this evening about C:25.
indix-d. thot the children are in the
habit of addressing the must.T us
As long ago as the sIxttHuitb eentur} "thou" lUHicad of with the more ntirorts wore made In war to sink tb« ■jK'ctfuI "you."
Once the bishop annoumvsl hfa inten
trtvnnt-es that carried explosives. At tion of InsiHfilug the m-hool. The
least one attempt was made on British master thcn-uiKin called the ehlhlrcn
oliliis In tlic .Vmerican Revolution, and togi*(!icr and told them that they must
In l«t>4 tlH? British trltnl a simcIcs ol on no ac\-uunt say ‘Ulu" to llie liisfa»p.
toHH^o on the Boulogne flotilla, then but must Instead always address him
b'Ing In harbor. The device adopted as "Euiv blslHifllche Gnadeu" (your
was calUsl a ratamnran and "was com eplM-upuI lonlshlp. ^
A little later the bishop arrived and
posed of n lead lined chest ineasurluy
twenty-one feet long by Ibm* f«H-i tlmi was rcce-Ivcd with bfa'omliig rvverence.
Inebes broad and haring flat top ami In order to test the knowledge of the
bottom and wetlge sbafied ends. With
In were about forty liarrels of |»owdrt
ond various Inflammables, some clcx-k- the eighth comuiandun iit."
Whoreuimu up ros«! n Khrill chorus:
w«.rk macblnery ond enougb ballast tc
"Your epfacoiml lordship shall not
bring the deck of the t-ontrii^uce to i.
level with the surfecc of the water. •teal."
The outside of the whole was calked,
covered with canvas nud well tnrresl
fid Hosted.
The complete nuu-libic wclgbotl nlnmi
As might be crpccU-d. the Junk plnip ,
two tons. I’poii the withdrawal of a guest chaml»or Is surd to prove a pitfall ^
peg the <jlockwork, after running for to the unwary. Having not long ago to
a given time, which might be from six put tbe flnfahlng touches to a portrait.
to Ua minutes, w ould Are a pistol and I went into the countiy to pass a couple
egplode the clmrge." No valuable rt- of days with uty sitter, a mere ocaultx were obtained from IL
qualntamc. .Vt dinner the first evening.
wUhing to start the conversation pleasontly. I asked:
"WlKwe iwrtralt fa that in my room?
A southern writer tells this storj
’ n negro preacher's .version of tbi Such a charming face!"
After a chilly sUence my hostess anof the Good Bamaritaii: Tluw
a traveler on n lonely road, said
"That fa my basbaud’s flrst wife."
the preacher, who was set upon by
The conreraatloD rother languished
thl^t-s, robbed, and left woundetl and
belplesa by the wnysklc. As he lay daring tbe n«t of our meal, but I made
there various persons passed him. bol
none offered to assist him. PfeiM*nlly
however, a poor Sjimarltnn came by
nod taking pity on the woumled man s
plight. heliHHl him on bis mule aiul
took him to an Inn. where be ordenNl
food niHl drink and rnhm nt fur lb« from the little house Iwerv truly heart
man. dlrwting the InnkecisT to send rending. It seemed that n terrible
tragedy must be In progress, and an
the Mil to him.
am stendte: <farr Jct. ami
why the others had not sufBcioqt couf.
am stamlln’ de akel tou oh de lmikee|» age to enter and rescue the victim.
er. wnitln* fer de flood B.nmarftan to
At last gn nnroncenied youth catee
come Imck an* pay de bUl."^lIari^s
oCAi.rJI ________________
cuplfd by one aliigle gloto R.Wa»a«l^
miles in diameter It would be bbk at 4
Sswh Bernhardt si>endf the majo. feather In the manclous s|Utod of •^ra^
part of her vacation takliig long caoey" aumntndlng It. In fort. It baa
tramiM. and shooting, fishing, and diiv- been calculated llut In tbe apaeo oocu«
pled by our solar system 2.70UJUOO
OuO.OOO globe* of tiM' sfac of our t
could ro'volvc, each at a dfafom
AecortUng to I.loy,r, Register there WW.OOO miles from tbe other, and tbe
•re at pn*scut in existence ‘.SOM3 wlwla bmdnoss would be iKitbteg. for
steamships .nml s;,Uing v«-Ksefa: 11.131 tlM»re fa no wall jo tbe i
of them ls>1ong to
of bcovcu.-£)(clia«e.
MISS CQULTER **f Detroit will
have at Bugbees City drng stun^
Wednetoay ami Thursday. 8«*pt. 7 and pUlWWIlRD-Jtotoaio roto m
8. a dfaplap' of hand dccorntod china
which she will 1h» phwsod to have you
call and examine.
Eitlier a \^ut or Smli Wonnn Can San oi 11^
I'or most of iluiin arc either one or the other' .
don’t stay away if you wear a medium size for .
there are some of them.
Thcs,e are the,
balance of the spring selling, and arc of Skin
ners Satin. Peau de Sole, and Taffeta Silk,
most of them in black. These WaJsts sold all
the season for five dollars, now you caij buy
one for
There are stUl a few of those Jap Silk Waists that
sold for $3.50 to $4.50 for $2.25 aad $2.f5.
■ 4
SMtotoMEMl WSMkMB^WRr to
StoM. SM tto
Itoh to'is
iML . tot W9to Brwa sR tkli. It la
I toii tosi wato el daw Ito
tto Mtoa BMIlBg Me etfsIRM
toemMtonto tosetalea both
; St to«t to a saarter. Ttort
» u f»rr |W|>|MI ftt ^
•fMM bgr ItoriJtoi tbtotofpmn vim
ptoM Ito Mtovatm Mi vww autoof IhM itoro la ao totoi aa to tto
THS M. A N. B. will gtaean
give an egmn^
oa toMaalatee Lato•day. Bpdclal
tra!a wfll leare Trarierue aty at 5:45
a. BL, retnnilog. leava Maaistte at 10
Bros, forepot cash, nratcarload p-m. Special rowadblp rate of $1.25
reeeieed ts4ay at tbeir branch store urlU be made, good g<^ on 5.45 trala
ap: ragular prieea SIM and op; $15
to $20 down aad $$ to $1$ per month
leee updoAate. No. 1 teetrumenu.
AH puplla eetertag the High eehool
first oosMti flrit eerred. Corner Front
Id grades tOr the llrat time are reaad Casa streets.
lested to call at the snperiateiHlenfs
art c« dam Tbfopp>Jt la a Aiitoall
wmrn0f wmmtm for «illtei ike
Mtaa Tbropp !■ ao atraagm to
h lmm-9^ wof« morf—f. U to Haaaa.'
Pvrtlaad aad ao vaa.glvea.a varPi
tton^fkit titom to
ftoto iJtotf to vlUt ttoc and covered
arldi a tap null oa vb|^ a lava viu
to frtaated. mto will add much to tto
attfaeilviMi at tto grounto. It Is
atap aftoMblc ttol more trees will to
amet at tortaio vaa mmi to patvaat
vwM Iram mvMlag aad aafM. II
•oaMatad af aa koa fraomvortu oallad
to a oaM vbkk vaa aappai aaar tto
bMd of tto potooa vlMB It vaa to
or prtnelpaTi oBce at tto central
Largest plgao-factory In tbe world
weed to false ready money, hence
they sold to Qrlnnell Bros, fer spot
cash an wren toiidrod planea, 25 per
cent below factory cost. The first ear
now in the store, corner Front
That the Hot S^iifn medlclMa
and Cass streeta. No bargains ever
rod THOUSANDS IN TRAYshown nnywhere equal to these: $15
ITV. They eiim euro yen. For
$20 down and $€ to $10 per month.
sale by all
linijartfoii la froot for tbe tongue at
fto netlm. Tbe latorlor of tto pro*
on vaa Uaad vltb apikea, ao that
If tlie veorer ottomptod to apeak .tor
tongue vaa liable to geC hadly laomatad.
It did not often reqalrt more than one
appUeatlon of tbta tortare to liraak tto
iljr to earer tto a
Tie rtodcwiUoa of C- P Iliinior as a
BieAtor dl Ito lioard of direrturs was
atoptod and P C. nesmimd was el. ri.
ad to ill Ms idar.-. Tto jaaJior s re
fetobiag atylea.
po^ alwved tbal the club was In «
pfOtoMtols eoadlLkiD and that the at A cordial Invlatlon la egtaaded to aU
toadaaee and iucamv was full* equal ft. visit hw rnimnery parlora pad look
it not superlur to that of last year.
To lovers id r*nu»ll<*nal drama “Her
Oi^ Bla* was a inat^t fiHutorg's
Onibd fast evening. MUA Julia Oray ts
admirably adapted to ibe part. Miss
Oi«y*s dopiciatiun of the whole gamut
can^ fret* laughter. fn»ro
r airong grb f to the ahaiuhinrotmt of
^" Joy waa Inteosi^ «»f light as the orcaslow demands. * Her Only 8ln“ Is n
thrilling story veil and simply told
with no mnvdiln aentlmivt wasted
aym n aromnn gone wr*mg and s.iff«v.
^ lag from lb« eooseqiien«»s. hut, on the
^ other hand, v healthy longing that she
would triumph OV0I-, the dimruliles
that the 4«»ve
he^^KQ had
into. The
haadM h>
Edvln flrown.
'' j j
3. r. l.ewU anThls talented eompanr itf nimwllans. In ih«‘ rural com*
ady, “PI Plunkard “ will In* at the rity
opera bouse ftoturday.
X Bi and
bU Yankee fanner torn! will announce
the day uf exhililiion
t parade. It *s funnier
a Hreus. Ia> not eonfuund this at
traeilon with others IniKaitng the
roiintr) toiid psrade.
st'nied hr artists who have a reputaHon. and Interspersed with spe<«ialtles
sufh as one seen In the lK*st ineln»|Ki1ltan vaudeville limises. and more. Is
linmitsed at the'iHTfurmanre of ‘The
'ilo.i.sUr Hlrl" at BtelnU-rg’s Grand
0|Hta house ueKt Moiuls) aftenuKin
and evening lAlMir day. The long 1U1
of artists Is very familiar In the realm
of c«im<*dy. Ntj play of its elass has
ever aehlev.Ml the suecess attained hy
“The ltoisl4T Htrl.“ It Is hrlghl, n|Ui<‘d end right up to thi‘ notch In
ev<»n esaentlat Miss Kate WaUon
and Uua Chilian, the stars, are sui»-
pstful and quieting la tbe afterb. reaultlng frvim one of those cabUtbs. follovtMl hy an alcohol rub.
that Mra. K. I.. Bonner Is favoring her
patrons with. Rapeclally Sne. too. for
matir |>eraons. vre the electric
baths given In her parlors.
To every woman Is a hand ahopplng
Women are not apt to be pro
vided with pocketa, himco the neoeaslty of a sliopping lutg for ihe pucket^look. handkerchief and small tolongInga of the fair sex. Bastall. the Jew
eler. will close out hU entire stock of
some ones this week at cost
^ Moved lo 111 CiiKs street, down*
stairs, oho dour south of Milllkeu's
store. Dr, J. M. Wilhelm and K. U
Ashton, dentist.
A deliciouii doaaert or a cup of hot
amher ci.ffoe. and one..or all at these
bo had hy stepping Into the Lit
tle Tavern and ordering at the lunch
ter. Our Sunday dinner will he
worth your imironage. aa we are mak
ing a special effort lo give a full menu
next Sunday. The Little Tavern, FYont
Ilarnuni and Bari are the oElclah
spectors for the Pero Marquette and
G. R. d I. railway service, ao they
keep a lino line of railroad watches, aa
well as ladles* and gents. ExqnisUe
In design, made In all metals, also
plain nickel, at prices to suit any pu^
clothing, hell alwa>*s
be a gooil judge of
clothing values. It
pa>*s to buy the best,
especially in clothing.
VVe realize this, and
handle a complete
line, which we guar
antee to give satis-
Kulwclt 4^ fiM
Ob bla last vlatt to Amertca Padermaki, fto emlneot filanlst and coropow
V, vaa latruduccd aomewliat against
In music and much Intimacy In Its
flner pbraaea.
-We artlsta you krow. Mr. Paderevakl.“ to remarked, “have our moods
and tastes In common, vhh h the or
dinary man Is Ineaiwhle of understand,
tag or sympathising vlth. You. Mr
i»adrrevakl. have your Instrument t«which your life la a devotion, and I
have mine. 1 rejoice In you aa a
iMuther artiat-And wtoL- Inqolred the great vlr
tnoao, wdtb dciq>erate tmllteuem^ “is
your liistmiumL Mr.------r
-Tbe mandolin. alr.“ was the proud
A toy's Wild Rids For Lift.
With family around expecting him
> die. and a son riding for life. 18
dies, lo gel Dr. Kings New Dlscovry fur Consumption. Coughs and
Mds. W. H. Brown, of Loesvllle. Ind..
ftant roltaf end
“1 now sleep soundly every
night." Uke marvelous cares of con
n>ughs. colds and grip prove iu match
less merit for sM thrust and lung
iroubUw. Guaranteed U>itles 50c and
11.00. Trial bottles 10c. at Johnson*s
l>rug 8tc»re. S. E. Walt A Buns and F.
fl. Meads.
No more home than a rabbit, live In
i trunk. ThaCs what rosorters do all
iummer. Votruba. the hara(*ss maker.
M making a 10 per cent, discount on
ill trunks and suit cases until Sept.
15th. Prices in trunks from 95c to
125.00. and In snit castw $1.75 lo $35.00.
All pupils oolerlng the High srUoo;
inti grades for the firni time are rw
luroted lo call at the KiiperlntenUeni*^
»r principal's office at the central
nillding and enroll this wet»k.
I. U. Gilbert. Suporlniendont.
clost d all
lay Monday (tolM.r day) I will exe
•ute iienslon vouchers on Tuesday.
Fearful Odda Aqslnst Him.
Bedridden, alone and destitute.
Such, in brief was the t-onilUion of an
yld soldier by name of J. J. Havens.
Versailles, p. For years he was
Ktver waa there worse eonfualon
ded with kidney disease and
mtHhclnes gave
caused by almllartty of names than jelther doctors
between Strauss, the tone poet, and
Rtrnuaa, the composer of the celebrnt
ihort order
ed “Blue Danabe- atul many other in the road to complete recoven."
valtxea. What makes the muddle
moro arousing Is tbe fact that the two
. Only 50c. GuaranBtransaes arc quite Intlmnle wm. one
Johnson's Drug Store. S. E.
another, and when tbe tone poet It Walt hy
A Sons and F. H. Meads. Drug
rongratulated-na be often Is^n tbe
autHVss of the waltxos he did not
write, be at once sits down and hu
morously relates hU exjiorlenee In ■
letter lo his friend. Illolnird Struust
U a tall. thin, quiet man. hot pt>sM s^et
a Iheller sense of fun than the aver
age person would fredit him wltli.Chieago Jouriml.
Round trip tickets at low rates. On
sale at all Ucket ataUons. Ask agents
Bucklen*a Arnica Salve.
for rates, limit of UckeU
Hat world wide fame for marvclout
cures, li surpasses any other salve
Fares to the South and
lotion, ointment or halm for cuts
(^orn8. burns, bolls, sores, felons, ul
One way .secondKilasa Ucketa on
cers. tetter, salt rheum, fever soret
Chapped hands, skin eruptions; Infalll sale at all ataUons on first and third
blc for pllw. Cure guaranteed. Onl>
25c. at Johnson's Drug Store. S. E
Walt A Sons and F. H. Meads. Drug
Is a quick and certain relief for the
acute pains and cramps of colic and
summer complaint, aa the reault of
stomach and bowel dlaordcrs, no prev
alent at this time of the year. No dan
ger win rosuU. however, from partak
tag of i dish of our delicious ice
cream, as II is noHdng hut pure a
and the flavors are pure fruit aad fruU
inlet's. Pineapple Is ospeclally flue,
also orange ayrup. Johnson Drug Co
In crayonn. water c^or or aepla. in
abape. Thi^-a what we do.
any alae or ahape
People have
e an Idea that In order to
have auch work doae It la neceaaary to
acad work away, hut no Arm in the
•tate la bettor equipped to handle this
work than Smith S Price. Citisens
photos. 3S5Ualou 8L
On. of Hit bMt mWMcM on Fifth
Street, nine-room house, stone base
ment, all modern Improvements, fur
nace. bath, sower. ek«ctrlc lights, lot
50xlC5. with fruit, shade and ornameii
tal tre<ir. will make a flm* home and
if bought soon price will hv
cepiloually low considoring location
and improvements.
U4 acresuon Wayne street overlook
Ing city and bay. no fl
the city for a rcaWence. do you
something really desirable?
. One of the finest farms In this
ty. abottt 2% mllro from the city. 12C
acres under culUvaUon. vHh plenty of
goml wood timber, large orchard. 11
room house with basement, two gooci
barns with other outhundinga. all In
tto very best ogadlUon. 15C acres all
Priee aad terma of sale on any el
Of tto fail atock of any harda
store la the large stock of guns
ways on hand for aportamea. ThU
year ve have aa t
^ boy'h rlllea. n <»Hbre. Is addlUoa
theee ghmii to amimiltoB im. Many
The mas
ssMBsuttlos. We have It S. r, Sax- Hber very dmlwMa roaidcimaa and
UmHaidvare Co.
* "'U'EST'"
BMBt tmrttm vuiM i
^ mM vMttor •• ftot tto 1
W» aiMilM tkto
Mt itoir, MMr«r, Hdt «ill sloo to
toftoi sM to wotf ali viator.
Tto tooltor of Mtoadlac ito tfoek
»to aaai Ito etob tooM «M alio
toUM «Pt ^ torlc tlMi vfU to ear
ftoi -m farttor o«. tto totorrMUBf
If ym tore aever^M ear laaadiy
ly pleaMyea. W# vUkf topoaad
aad bea Sat vofk. Bov mhoet thoee
dusty laee certalas ttuag aU summer?
Bead thfm ta and Ihey win to iv
tnraed tosh and de^ Wright Bros.
W- MPi ^ tflWM li-l
"'•-I- ■
Cure all chronic <
for aalo hy all II
Prlcea, Hot Bpringa tablots.
Hot Bpringa Quick Itatief (liniment)
HM SpH.,. hMll»a Mh.. » mm..
lean Drug Cempany.
Distributing Aganta.
AFTKRNOOh *t 2:30
Saturday 1
an.l C.US cinEN as
September, vj
The Yobk Cbartc'.er
Some thine
MATINEE 10c and 20c
EVENING 2Si, 35c. 50c.
Big comedy ComptDy
SccDic Rural Comedy
Telephooe IRforieiu.
I Plunkard
Has juit opened lo the publi:, and a brand pew meat mar
ket where quality and prices
are right Give ps a call . .
c. T. OOX
25S E Front SL
Qtz. Ftone
Bvarythlns n«w but thbTItla!
AO Up-i^-Dote Rurol Comedr
A «na>. ud incmtCasaljOu.
Maklor the Funoiest Street
Pirade ^rer see^
Crrrio. lb.
Mm IMP lie, 501,7Sc
M 2:00 p. a.
OrcbesU-a on tbe Road
The stock of goods formerly owned by W. C. and
B. A. Gannett will be offered to the high^t bidder,
commencing Wednesday afternoon. August 31st,
al 2 p. m., and will continue every
Afternoon and Evening
until the entire stock is sold. This stock consists
Watches. Clocks. Jewelry. Silverware, Opera
A chance of a lifetime to
buy bargains. Samuel S- Levy, Americas best
knowrC auctioneer will conduct the sale. Every
lady attending the sale Wednesday afternoon will
receive a handsome souvenir spoon free.
% d Field Glasses, etc.
.'I S:
• ''r;
r bam U bclag ceshlnglcd jStoTrtJf”
saeoad bottle. toarm.Adaffsetaaby pat a slap
»Ut Jo«ni9)>4» ••ui.
Abo«t «• fw^ Milk Ukte frMB Bftt
lie CiMk Store la daytUac.
0«w K. KaallBli lioogbl IHmtUc
Oaictta. uldcftt paper \u atatr.
^ raaay Wltaoa. mUwd plckpockirt a(
Ufoaror. rrlraaod «m $M0 liaU.
BlsiMt traa antebod honm In the
world will be cablbltrd al Ifuron ooun
|V; .
tf; - •
Ctoapaar Oraad l^adge cttlama forin
«0M|iw; 16 imlM! aqitthi for mrk
Krw Ydrtc haa its ^ttbYsy Tavern
4e4Mrd by a blsbop. bat fllat is go
lag to have a lair groaada
Uistod |»y lbs city coanciU mwaldcd
over by a prublbitloa mayor. Tb© al
dartooB Moaday algbt voted to Wmaid
Van Blaneoai tbe |»rivik*gv to move
bis aakua and llreeaa card from blti
duwB Unm toaort to ibc grandaumd
oa ibe fair gn>ihi<U during tbc fair
In ta© francbla© of tbe Michigan
wbicb runs tbc stmt
Tract too
ear iOmw 4n JlalUO^rc*^ and Kalama*
wo. tberr la a^pruvlslon aUilng that
tb© road forft^ta Ha franchise on err
ordered by lb
II. The
road bar a<k bompHed
vhtb last ytwr>
order, and A(iarman Wakidiatn wantK
tbe diy atloraay to throw them out of
t|ie at rr«*ta lavedved.
liceman who was lak
bappoalng Into a rea
tauraW and obaervlng two young men
forrlng thHr SlIefilkMi* u|ion some
to avoid thfou Inlerftml and waa
lirtunpOy wbacluvt la the eye. Ah Ihc
onu tT was in the midst of IiIh lelsuro
luioain he walled till on duly again
wie-u Iw aworo ou| n wnimnt and an
am-,.t folhia. d An Indlnn unro rofnMHi to i.his>t a diHT that sto.»d withI em> txa» h. ou tb«* ground that he
liiiK .THUi and not dwr. “When
« me hum
in« hum roon.-^ said Lo.
' Balil.' t’l.-.k iMichelarH wlU smile
cbBtiWl<'dl> HI thM ataieim^nt that out
of thirty lilrio dUisve sulta oa the C^l
boUB docket, lainiy l ight wi-re start
«d by women.
Albloa Btllkiiu'iV ul»o havf to pay
boltlo llconses an «fu r llu- sealiui of
tbe vaadero wbo -ihmMIo iiu ir b
concocUon about Itie m lKhliorbuod in
a iiaU and pnv no llcenMv
A call bns been Uamni for a
rtmvemion of ‘nil thoee who favor the
|M>piiltst nailonni ticket and ltid«-iM-nd
wf action In slate aJ!blra/‘ i». Ik h.-U
at IjimtioK S«*ptembcr IS.
rallitiK ti) gain any aatlafactlon
thi‘ dUputo^reganllng the iKipula«»»uiH
of their n'Hpc'eUvt* toans. the c«»n
ciWiucn. of Alidon and Marshall l.av>'
d»M'hU^ to Hoitle the qmwUoo tvf su
prvnuM*y oh the baMball diamond.
The paloottki^>tMTs of Itallle Crwk
of ih<Ma. have nought to aroU
the law which savs that the view Inir
tbe Kahion from the outside* must not
lie obscured by acrvvns. by imlnllng
the windows with large letters tbat
Juki as egeciually obscuK* the inside
as would acret'us. The chief id police
has heen tnirtructed to see that the let
Ing frt.m the Spring lak«-a lo the Kal
amasoo iMrer. c-roaaing Champion and
Van bunw siroou, at Battle Crook,
and fluwlag, through a thickly aettlcl
^ afction of the city, has b.wn a n«l
aaaci*. causing much damage by ovm^
Buwiag ©very aprlag. The dty baa
just completed a new culvert on Van
Hitren atrlw-t. nod will build one on
Champion atroei, making them iv©
feet lower wnd mtudi larger tbaa the
prraeat obox. Tba brook will also be
la to have a new dally
paper, to be called tbe DaUy News.
Tbe new abcH mm appear today.
I la In darfcaeea
acgotlaUoM with tbe
Blecirtc Go.
bakers have tbclr
aad tbe probable veault
will be a raise la tbe pHoe of tbe aUff
of life.
Albion cltlzena are ooavinced tbat
taM%f1liiKlteti.00e.Mdfl. OitOMk loikMd tmte M
Ytmitr. M. X>.. IMoBiA. V. T.
Mnr yewra Jiin has been lo the
ttgblng at p<-oiHc who were **Mm‘. E. n. Fairbanks of Traverse
City Is vlsmng oW friends and reln9 oaough to tmvc their iHxrk- ilv^
and boasUuR that no man
oa earth could “touch" I
her relatlv.^ of Ihlawlareporch plllowa aa^ other totflea bavo loded Jim! llu went to the supervis
Gilbert Prav and wife are camping
ora* picnic aad was taking up a <^»llec- out near Uoardman river for a few
begun to dlttpptor.
'Tarmefa la tbo Vktolty oC Union tlon for Chartle «sh. the blind fld.ller days.
Seeley has
- gone lo
City have otganlwd tre brlg^ea. Iho of Pontiac. wlH'n hi- was Jostled by a , ________________
viaU rolatlves,
members of which aro anmmoaod by atnuiger who p..meiy IkwmI hiH par
aad Oitippod a half in the hai
telephone in case of emcagency*.
Jim. "therc a
Tbe Nllca city band will give an ex "Bun t mention, It."
n had a slight stroke of
day last we^-k.
ettraion lo a nearby 'anmmer reaurt. plenty room." And su there was -rwm luiralvKlK
I»yal Rkutt of Travt cse City l« vb
in Jim s left baud |hk kei.
Tbo eacuraluolsta are hatching a plot for
iting his falher-ln-law.
J. E. Hugelaud.
to lose the band somewhere on Ihc wbero hla roll rested iusl helure
generous stranger bumped aga
There Is gtvlng to be
Mrs. I*ackan1 of Ib-nronia is vIsItluK
An amateur luiblicaticm just starttsi her daughttT. Mrs. Ora Carpenlvr.
blowout In iN>rt Huron, when the <x>rMr. and Mrs. Hugh Bnyd of Sh«K*rs
at Battle Creek gives the following as
nucstono of the iH*w tei
camp. vlKlted her mother, Mrs. Coopc-r.
die proceedings of the cannmon over Sunday.
to be peraument headquarters of the
1 of that city; “PiximpUy at the
Mr. and Mrs. Will Sumnt-r of Ib-tn.ii
great carop. .U laW. that will exceed
hour last evculnp. his honor. are visiting her aunt. Mrs. Hoxsie. and
even the big gatberi^ of a ymur ago.
Mayor Clapp, called all the aldermeu other relatives.
when there; was an lmmwiac(
The following truKtts-K were eb*rUsi
and a day Of JoHIty that wiu]
by the memlM-rs of the M. E. church:
htMl been run wide opm afli-r W. M. Baird. Wm. Crisp. Filmore
membered through life by those who
nd Sundays. He also «utlm-d Buck. It 1>. White and A. H. Crl.sp.
took part la II. Tbc ceiebratioa will
Mrs. Jas. Enm-st went to Traverse
w checker iMionIs and am»tber
be unique. It la believed nothing like
l*ity last Tuesday,
It has ever Wn devised In this coun twsy chair lor |M»lits- hcadipiariers. We
Ja.vper Evdeil «»f Crand llapids is
try. The city will be turned over to would 8uggi*si that hLs honor have vbltliiu his parents this week.
will Ik* a scK-lal at the t«»wn
Ihc visitors. The mnyor will deliver cots put on the comer by the banks
ball a wM-«-k fnuii Friday evening for
Ihe keys of the city bail to the mayor fw the use- of the jwUci- when on duty
«»f our pastor Siipiht will
save Utem siauding up so
of Di'iroU. or some other ^ty. as may
and there <s lit Ik* a abort
All nn* ronllally lnvlt»«!.
Ik^ determined Uier; the firemen will
White was four years
Khisl their uniforms, giving plsci* to
idd last WiKliii s.iay
ihe voiunti'Cr dre brigades of townH^|
In htuu.r of tin* •v.-hi. Sup.'K-r wa*t
and villages ..aending it*i*rescntaUvi's
to the CHdehratlon. Even the |s»Hcemen
era! nki- pn-si-iits.
will turn over the unlfroms to sekvUxl
Mrs. TV»m Huller of Traverse <*H>
men In the viMitIng crowd. Tbc cere
is visit lue;"her
mother. Mrs. KndJy
monies of laying the corner-stone will Youngs, ^
Tlie tlin-ati-ulng rloinls ve terda\
lift us with uo rain.
be In dmrge of the grand offle^ra of
M. r. t'etc calliHl on V. W. Williani>
Itaplds visltetl
iho grand lodge. F. A A M.
over 8un«lay.
Almost evwy kind of
Mrs. Agnes Cooil. wife Of Wm. <;.K»d
Maud Rroomht-ad <
I'd her sister. Eva llroomhead, last die<! yestenlay inoroing about l;jn
Mr. and Mrs. (LkmI were Isirn in
>ut Ibe country, but Alderman Bert week.
Aaron llroomhead wont to Travr-rse land and eame to Ohio in tbe slvtii*s
Roberts of Uaftlc CriH*k' hax a now
I then- th«*y came to Michigan,
me. Me wanU ihe city to own the City laat week ^ vlsU friends; and n-I
[lome wlun- they liave IIv.hI f»i
jlllbtuirds and file the proeevda t.->
thirty-six years. Mrs. ChwhI leavi*s a
husband, tbret.- stms aud twi» daugh
Nichols Mciaorial hospital.
A liig enm of atrawImnioH for a
small plot of ground was rabu^ thU
Htwson by ttoalel Becker, a MunUIng
man. Ik^ckor has a imtch
by 100
f.H-t in slae. and from thU he w-curod
&‘»4 quarts, jor at the rate of more
than 5.000 quarts per acre.
Kroployes of Ihe jliltle Creek street
deivartiuont unt-artlMsI a atupip on
Msryhall street Tiu-sday that welghwl
nearly four Ions. This Is one of tbe
principal local thoroughfores. nowbav-j
Ing Its brick pavciacnt extended, Thv»
«(ump was hauled through the atreet
Uy iHifHua and dumped la a marsh.
If the plana of certain upper claaa
men at the V. ot M. reach fulflllment.
the coming collt?ge yvmr will Im
markfd by the universal adoption of
the littu- grny cap. worn by many
freHhm«*n last year, as the recognised
fashion in frtshmen beadgvar. The
first Saturday evening of the semt sttT
is drolgnitt-tj as the occasion ftw the
fitrroal assumption of this crown of
verdancy aiui tbo seniors art* <-xj>ecltKl
to participate with appropriate cere
mony at the big Umflre cm fbe camput.
which will he built in cefcbratloo of
the event. The fn*sbineii of the anvbe dUtinguisbed
by the color of the button on their
caps, that of tb© BU being black, the
laws purple, modica green and engtncera ynltow. On the last Saturday of
tbe year there will tm n grand Jnhllna.
at wbicb tlato the ropa will he boned
la toknn of ithe hagtontog of nopboof
to cooperated heartlly In tbc Adoption qf tbta custom.
«|Mk. Mrs. Beyer Mm
tMM to «N Ly«a E Ftak<
Ihur. who have been vlsltlag friends |
xa4 Prtatives here, leave for ihelr]
home la Delaware, O.. Tuesday morn
city are vUItinc thdr dangbicr. Mrs.
*”mIss Bertha Steward vUIted her
iuaL Mr*. C. D. Hanks, over Sunday.
Mrs J. M. Crandall aad children of
vlalttng relative^ and frtenda at this Keystone
bare bees speadlag a few
lays with Mrs. CraBdall’a moUnr. Mrs.
report In' last weeb>i HcraW Wolf,
and sister. Mrs. McKcsgc.
[us Nortia and wife bad left
Sayers and Mrs. Burr
blagton last week waa a mis
they do hot iatend to go anti lames mad children spent Thursday
vith their niece. Mrs.. Irwin Kawlins,
lIoHls Tahben*riS!SBK wSff
nrley Keonistdr and wife are speed
ind Walter Cunningham.
ing a few days at SUvplBg Bear.
Rosa V. Willed* has returned ftoir crested in horsi* training
-ach purphast*d a wild
bU visit.
Itev. E. J. r.j
from Ohio where he attended the year
be Christian NatkM
Mrs. Albert Skeels of Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Skiver spent
h^lr sain Omer Skive
<H* Center visit(*d at the home of Mr.
nd Mrs. A. S. Barnum Suaday.
M-earhetl at the chap
Mrs. IMatl Barnum was tbc guest of
iig and evening.
; party from East Paradise whiefa
vent -up. the riviT to VandervorCs
•\ml last Friday and floated .down loj
I Jly . Hi-rfiert. I Mary lUgley an.
n«ws Chering were chivsen as deli
i. fgthw
Fcnvllkv MIrh, «b<> »r '
■ - ------ ----------------------- —
gates from the ti K.'s of this place f
ivcU jS»tunlw.
/ '
attend the distrlei cou\<titiuu lo lx
held at Kalkaska this wi-t-k.
Jidm I>rew. who has N-en siM-ndln^
with friends in ibl
his ditties O'
ar ferry No. iTjat l^udllngliui..
The railroad iqen
men hav
have U-<-a in ou
Notic© to Taapayttfm.
. otyourt^ How-, ctts-ab—Bm igrtf
lt>aH got ti> Ik* ail <d
Tbc tax n»lls for Ihc collection of
111 bi*llevo it when w.
.lor.v. We
riu'.’- •’
^Mr. lVatt is luoving in his nev
lome. whfeh not j cmly is, flue kx»kln;
uit also very ronvenient.
Walter Truiiibull of Chicago I
pi-nding a short tiihc with his gran.f
►an-iits. Mr. atui .Mr.;. James UolHn^
•f this plan.-.
.Mrs. Wm. l.<*ikblou reluniK to he
tome in JoM. t. fill., this week, wfomaking a sh<ut v di with frl. ipN hen
The Silver Hn^.* show was wHh u ‘
k. Imviim
ast wvek.
liavii^ a very g«H»d amU
twoI evetiiuuH.
Elk llapids
e. Theyj w-4-re obligiHl to slitj
.vll night a,s the find blew s«» the Isia
it lug St the home
-nll-n aiui Mrs.
KT tew to
cements for the five wanls of
I., ^ T..._
|nmd Mnn • iintu^ n
.laced In my hands for collection.
I will IK* in my office for the par.j
______ ^ /
_____ - ’
Ki.se <»f 1-ulkvting said taxes every
vcok daytroni now until Nov. 1, 19«L |
rom 8 o*cbKk untiMl:30 o’clock In j’
he forenoon, and from 1 o’clock un»i‘ ’
o’ckKdi in Ihc afternoon «if jach day. TvmUwih
All taxes i«ild lK*fore S<-pL Ui will j
Ttom© CHq
vpi. l.-t and until Ort. Isl.Ti penalty ‘
f oil© iK-r cent for collection will be ‘
barged. On art taxes remaining
Oct 1st and until ^Noy. 1st a |
K-nalty of two j>er cent for cullec-Uon \ rhruM cxwdnSu
<» trMa wiNag
%Ul iH-chargisi.
Office. Boom 205 State bank bldg.
M. E. Haskell. City Treasurer. |
C> U>UKWGOO. O. ^A ^
Dated July 25. 1^4.
2244.tf l C.W. MUBEA^AawirJ^
if last week
nd a gold w
•ijnsey of Wexford vis
Mls.s Ella '
U'il her sister Imre last week.
Jn... Byers of Traverse City
hero last win-k Visit ing hU gran
M. E.. and gredt grandson. Whitm-.^
. Cate went to Maple C'lty today Baird.
rgaiH't MrKollar gave a Ice
scb.Kil insiK-rlors of Kassiin and
in I ml I:
held a joint m<s-iiug at the rest
"1 want 2 cheap airlii
of C. lk*velhymer *n Sat unlay Tue-iday cv. uin; '.’r*asl' wtH k. also
to detach rvrtain lands of Kas«»n and magic lantern sh W of St*4 •nor>- In India
We start th. m i
last Saturday ev Ding. D »th were well
put In the Cedar sch<Kd district.
Rant a g«xni airtight wc have th.- .
............ "*1*1
Noah Ednie called at J. W. Dicker attende<!.
Born, to Jno bonders and wife.
man’s on Sunday.*
om- made for tbe niom-y. U has _
Kacbael Herrington
commenn-d iKjy.
ving iom«* fttmi Inblira heavy hUh-I Uxly. hc-avy
en last
urdat; Dr. Boylan's horsr
rt-. h.*h\y ru<\ top. iH.fo.m
hlem-d at
train in fron»
tM»on engaged to teach the CJenrbnsiU ’
of Pit Gtddcn.
and starter fnmt. nick.! pJat.d ^wlng i4.p. sid.. n
d for the third term.
s. James White and son Jimmie to run. The aiiirdal was stinost undo?
win Ic-ave Traverse City f«>r On-gon control when onp side of the thllb rails, screw draft and l.s k N-v^-r latch. ; t^EKlS A^ARQItel JlS
Wednesday morning. They will call came h»nHCs and . started the horsr
has a handsome urn. extra largagain
at St. liouls on their way out
crswllug out -of |bc sand from undoi rtsd d.K»r. This U the U-.vt
ippic packers are cxiK*cted
what w-SH bft of; his buggy, with iwr Im- money made. Let us thow
r ur-W’cdncHday.
rlliH limlly bent spd one hand and am
Udiy bruised Ibst It was necessary
for him to rail io Dr. Margaret Me
/Mrs. R. H. Curry ami sfm. of Nassau. Keller to dress the wounds, while the
Itohai^ Ulands. are visiting the for horse was caught down town, unhurt
uW^rother. C. J. Barkman.
but badly frightched.
Mrs. Ralph Case left last WiHln<-s 1 Mrs C A, Brigham enterUln«M
day for Aan Arbor, whore she will re- '■ alsuit twenty of hw lady friends last
ccive modirol trywtment.
l-'riday afternoon l>r. McKcller waMrs. Noah McDowell is sulfcriiig the guest of honok- and gave the ladles
Frank Crude
The camping
from here. In
eluding Miss Unlii Rabbi
bitt of WlllUms
burg, who went! to l.»>iig Lake lari
week, returned this morotns after a
very phwsaat oaling.
Mrs. Wm. Daridfion returned from
Boro. Thursday. Augi^t 25., to Mr. Manistee where ^he has l>een taklag
baths and medKad treatment fur rheu
malism. Her rMmatlam U ranch bet
Hn. Wm. Nortog. • «lrL
ter. hut the 5« Uths that sbn took
Miss Lena MUler retnroed from her
vtsli with tHends at Yuma.
A party ooaslstiag of H. C Tripp. into r. VanHo;^
Isabel Hopklas. Adah Thayer. Howard doing tbe wori . IS Mr. Van Horn <
Dnaa aad Me. aad Mrs, U E. Tripp working In D.
A reward baa beea offered for informatloB leadlar to tbe arroat of tbe bought over'
Robert Wood baa aropled a posltioa with the Haanab A Lay Marcaa-
two jear loads.
lor Barr JntoM bat
twd by a eeamat e«l^ wall, a Btor porch
over her bead, bunriag it scrlouab.
Mrs. Jamc-s Putnam was callnl to
Fife Lake Saturday evening by tbe IIIu«-Hs of her daughter. Mrs. Williaimt
Ira ^uric:win. Jr., has the typhoid
Col^te’s is what we posh.
As there is no better
toilet soab made, tbe rea
son wc recommend them.
219 Arnsrican OragCo.
Thai Ml©
Itotoceri StM*
)i»iriil mfiliMI II «M iMr 9fl
«n|. » MMMi i«ii *v« M u
rjwiiiPt tip to tip, toi4 M io<*»
Mto tor ilMHr gpi tbe lady of
tba IMNO toi^lngtoii tor tba
r. Howard. Pwnr Nor
g J. Haywood. Martoo DIaeh. J. Rat-
r httotr w
«M. m
M*toton«« .caM.M>cth.
r—i|ilir «( hi* t«* «wh>* itop.
SmTh. SSSTr. w?*RmsiI""*g
, bMto* Bmt «r»—tti a( flJM.-
StoSi. J. W. OlRa.' BUS. Bvaas. An
thony Send. August SUL g C. MoRntt.
•>.bMi4i«*|»bP Mr.
Oc* tCMto. to th* MftlMfB
aa^Mfof tba iM
Before be dtod, I
hof. g A. Maoou. Furry Hannah esu
abot, by ive aiqa Msr Btataaboro. Oa..
of tbe awm wbo. be aald.
k ^ Tbay ara Perry aad
Haary Baraaa aad WaoUey Waiere
Tba eoroaar’a Jury reoommeadad aa
1. aka in* Um^ ap ®»or
aad tbe arrest of tbe
tbe Amsoll. luly pbo.
p^eas oopevfrom tbe patbadfal.
wblcb was afttowards aoM to J. Pierpost Morgaa^icjQmmltted aateide by
banging himself to a bar In bis oelL
As the ttarestrioted rec
ognition of Amerlcaa passports to Jew
ish dtlseas as lavolvtag a questkia of
her lateraal p|olley. aad will only al
low U^e AmerleaB reqnost la case the
esar docidea to chaage the laws of tbe
•atlag to Jews,
of ibugs beat aad stabbed
rolloeman Jobn P. Shea of New York
la Washlngtoa Square and be may die
of bis wounds. Rhea bad seen a mem
ber of tbe gang robbing n mnn and
him to where he met tbe
Great escllement prevailed on the
Ini.. Chautauqua grounds
the other day: when swarms of bees
swept down I on tbe pavilion from
neighboring farms. Tbe pavilion wns
joSJStffisartsa.- ^
g HeoaeL F. H.
MA !«■•*•« too* Pratortabttora th*
*Wi Ha kaad aa4 baak.
UM aa< wiata. *«t oa It.' crM
Mia. tbMr.aad Mn. Paanpa droppad
M lha Mdlf ar paitkaat that held
th* ABMrtaaa aagle. IV two woMa
hMd aa tor dear Ufa aaUl awa arHaad
MChatpad tbeai o4c( their predleaatoal, Tba hlrdla «la«i *ere bouad
«fth lapn aad the feat tM. aad the
fan inaaaa. aneb dalicbtad. pare the
bird *r iraedoai to tba hiepar of the
parh, to ba capad aad'paaad oa bp tbe
w Sttii*
I- Thoama. N. % Hanla. C.
jaaoa. Fired Dea% O. L.. OoaltoL
Mary R Slyter. mT?. Miner. Harvay
or evea partially deaf eo that
have dlflculty la following tbo
In tbe public schools, kindly send
address to Rev. C. T. Stout 348
OMmd Mtolltr • eifmr %afi totaoeo
4Mlto €f N«v Yorlu ha. the more or
That tsb could sing? They've nil
Itoft mivtohle 4hrtlwiloii of tolac prm^
liad* their scales since they've been
Itatfly M mumi tovMe oT Judge Alum
-In the swim." I'm In tbe swim. too.
m. IMmr. Mr. Moaner aar* be luui
with n scale, but It’s a scale of prices
. M More roe cmt ot tbla rm^mblaoce
oa real estate, loans, mortgages. Also
thAii Im hM erer bid out oT aonblng
lioose on B. Tenth street, in iloe
etoe. Os ose ooessfos be wm Isier
condition, freehly PPpered. for rent al
eteered by s New Yorb reporter, ssd
roiMmable price. B. McNaamrm.
sgpreeeed eosm atsrtUbg viewa on
pseelloss of public Intereet. When the
lepmiCer bsrrtod swsy Ibe joker osllod
People don’t choke with the smell cl
pp ibe sewHdtpar oBde by telepbooe
balls and camphor during tbe
ser montba Instead of having
asd osplaliiid tblsgio
• Hfetosg lepubUess;
all that worry over wool WpeU. try
new -flberette." made of hard,
Or. It Ooeser g^vet an Interoallng
Attrncied by the odor of the
MMsst la Kuaat for Alle of the
double twisted cotton thread, la fast
MOppe art apboot emablUbiNf at Worth
colors sad many beautiful designs.
there the beai|
The effect would plesse the most fasby HalaHeh Sogol. tbe moat fSiaou. of
tain, while tbo dHnkere and
dtous. J. W. Mllliken.
jarty abeep. rear moolb. ereiy year
suspended wiflo tbe bees drnnk their
be iMtoblaa Wltb bla peptla la the place
Is here. With weeks of potsto haul
.plii^llib aambMidlaga of which of.
Rqv. John |lcNcUI was conducting Ing from groat distances, over rough
I. why not save
ssvq trouble and use
service wbep a man was seen strug
agon/you have so long
gling to get a Ml In the already over tbe new road wagon
thought of buying?
ng? We keep the standaba# aa jaJtole. tablag care to breed crowded hall, j A Christian worker di
Barney Andemoo.
tbe blade particularly admired by rected him td nn adjoining room,
here an ove^ow meeting was to be
their eleltora. There U a regular price
IIM tor tbe aae of thiwe animal., wblcb eW. -If you; will go there.- be sstd To Uko chances regarding the safety
M sailed oa the walla of a local tar- kindly. -I fedi sure you will get
of your valuables? Your home, your
ara. Here Zagel llkea to moot bla pu- blemilag.- -I
) or your safe msy be robbed—
<11111 la the erralag and ovor a glaaa of was tbe testy
you can't tell. Better forestall the loss
preach!”—Scot I
beer ttil of tbe time wbea he. like
of the most valuable things by keep
Oloito aad Begmntinl. teeded hia fa American.
ing them In the safe deposit vaulU of
Tremont Whiebler. an 001*1 Ilondr
tbe First Nstlonsl Rank, where aafety
It baa juat developed that the Ru<»^ Me., ttahermas. has recovered ISO.OOO and convenience are
alas poet, who baa boon widely n*ad worth of lares, owned by Mme. Mock per year renta a box.
uader the nltlala »K. R..- U none oiber arsel. of New York, which were lost
than Grand Duke Conatantlnei eon of when the CUy of Rocklaad struck
J. W. Jackson, the confectioner,
Oonatantlne. the' exar'a granduncle. Gangway Led^e a month ago. Search
aside from having n complete line of
The grand duke waa a eoldler before
era enter«l Whitcher’s cabin and were
and pure fruit
betoorae a dtatlngulabed poet.
;ed at the place. On the rough
lino of Indian
In Mmmemomiloo
J the Indian
pine table waa a lace table cover, bnskeU. and aoveltlca In birch bsrk
worth fully IfWHt. On It were spread and black ash splints, fragrantly dec
orated with sstoel grass.
mUI home to Virginia with her hu.^
baaA In 1«16. Bt. Oeorge'a churrh. iu other articles of tableware. On the’
were rugs, some of them worth
Wapplag. la to have a pulpU made
from wood brought from Virginia. Po- many hundreds of dollars. The walls By not looking over our large stock of
cabontaa la burled In the chancel of had Iteen draiMMl with beautiful hang chlldron's slippers and oxfords before
ings and several rare and^esi^slvo
Have a full aaaortment of
Bt. Ooorge'e rhurcb.
Tbe death of Don Marroa Antonio •Ilk kimonos Ihsd been utilised ns por- vld bid oxford, patent tip; patent colt
i. A trunk caught on one of Bhicber
Fbrater at Ijo« Angclea a few works
iped sandals. In two or I
ago removea one of the laat and bcft Whltcher s lilies at.a depth of SO fsthand he idodares It was the hardIS, also many other pretty styles.
baowa of mtbem ralifomla hidalgoa
fork he ever did to haul It up and
who bad been fortunate enough during
tboae daya of Aaierlean prtigreaa to get It Into his boat.
have proeenrod Intact bla tbouaand
Qfstoves. that's wbst we sell. They
bUU and aome very ncleci cattle and
We are posotlvcly the only retailers are clean. Inviting looking, with ear
abeep tbeeron.
la the city Iwbo mnnofacturo choco marks of prosperity and nine out of
Many men charge high to be inlet
lates and fruit bon bons. Our milk tea bear this mark. -Brand's 81
viewed. 'VIr Cbarlea Vllllera Bunford.
cboooUtes are especially delldous. 8o 4nd Ranges," We also have the toll
profeeeor of mualc at Cambridge uni
arc all the trull Bstotb. "juices aad variety Reatera. ranges mad hot blasta.
vrratty. bald It required a fee of ll.ooo
crushed fruit used at our aoda foun Miller A Morse. Ban Froat streeL
to get him to -opea up.-. W O. Grace, tain. Bverythlng bome-auide. Bren
the cricketer, demanda |500 for an In* the melted lee cream-lert over can be
tenrlew. aad the ratea act by W. 8. used for ooRee. LaOrottl Candy Co,
Thut ia what the Flebrich. Fox. HU
Gilbert mod 81r Robert Rail, the aa »1 Front Bti Both phones, at 8S5. kur ahoeaure. Manufacturml only for
mmomer. are nearly aa high.
meu. but while the
la limited, the
Dell 2U.
Vh9 duba of^Plfe la one of tbe few
etjrle U not We b^ ell styles end
laad owaera la Great Brttalo who do
grudee. Call end inaW our atock
sot believe In tbe accumulatlooa of
be suited to
Are you bsjppy? if so go to Baraum
A Bari'S and >(* ov^ their lam cod- fit uad style. Ed Leutuer. Ualoa St
ateadlly pdrtod with bla land aa opportaalty aRorded. bolding tbnt one mnn vest In one for yonr wife and bn
eaaaof ooatrol large traeU of terri set to please her taste, whieb Is
tory to tbe boat advantage of tbe com' to be right
tosalty. He U probably tbe only total
amoag the dpbca la the
You caat expect to do away with
Lord Haltbarlop. who recently
sbees at Tbe BInbe ttoes. We
lima hlmalihea la a week's time. Keep
Mr. Araj^M^Ptoatora «
nan aavu pan to per eent an
oa Uktag BbUlsterY Rocky MouaUla
atoomophia noa
the tomooa J
nunry toHar* Orsp la and pHse
Tea. YtoTI Rave a lovely oomplexioa.
Si coato. Tea or Tabteta. Johaaoa
Drug OA
ween Nlaih and T«th stieeto from
Radiworth to Bohemia street, la the
alley between
streeU from Wadsworth to Bdhemim
street. In the alley between Eleventh
nnd Twelfth streeU
to Bohemto street ss hcrctotote adopt
ed by tbe Connell of Trnversd aty.
Mich., take noUoe
?7v8.qJC F. O.
That the roll for the special asscasment for the laying of a sewer In the
alley between Ninth and Tenth streeU
from Wadsworth to 1
U Ue niey bdwOM^T^th and ElevWadswofth'to
_____________between KJeventh
Twelfth StreeU. from Wadsworth
ohemla street. U now In my office
for public Inspection.
NbUoe It also hereby given thst the
mncll and board of assessors of the
city of Traverse City will meet at the
said city at 8 o’clock p.
ISih. 1804. to review
t roils, at which time
tonlty will be given all
persons Interested to be heard.
Dsted this S8th dsy of August. 1904
City Clerk
M nu. d;
W. Vtmtone. Fred L. Stod^ag. Calvla U Qlb-
from Wmlmort
DlvUlon: In the
alley between Tenjh and
StreeU from Wadsworth ts Divlakm;
la the aHey betwfen Eleventh aad
Twelfth streets, from tVadswdrlh to
as heretofore i
by the council ofrTiiaverse
Tiiaverse CUy
CUy. Mlchl-
hat the roll for|the
forithe «pecla1
Bpeclal aaseoment heretofore made by tho boaid of
aaseasora for the phrpoae of defraying
that pan of tho oobl which the coun
cil decided should pc borne by special
assessment for the, laying of a newer
In the alley between Ninth and Tenth
strocts from Wadsjw.orlh to Divisiaa;
in the alley betwe<tn Tenth and Elev
raft 1000 WAITS
enth streets from Wadsworth to Divi
sion: In the alley i between Eleventh
and Twelfth street* from Wadsworth
to Division streetsl U now on file at
my offlee for publli Inspection.
ollce Is also hereby given that the
Dcil and
Hiy of Traverse
City will meet Sep
Notice Of Sowor Asoosrnntnt-Thlrd tember 12th.
1904.jln aald city at the
cll rooms
at 8 o’clock p. m. to review aald
Finn. John Bartx. time and
Chas. Howard. John Lswrence. Wm.
AdsIt. H. O. Joynt. E O. Ellli. J. J.
Dated tbl
Duan. C. W. DeZoete. Henon Squire*.
W. O. Dunham, Adventist Church.
Stoib and pidVq btoii liiWm. Ingersol. Bobt. Hewett. Fred
vltod. Sqlqqtywirw
Colby. . G. Copps. J. W. Morse. P. O
Miller. J. B. Hswley. Thos. Bomlrow.
W. L. Brown. R. A. Ixiwrle. A II Al the sMes. Tha’s what a^good
_______ i^fcAbtoWiftWig
Dunn. Wmsrd Car>. O. R. Newman. fict will never do. break down at tbe
Henry C. Gore, Thus. Holm.' Luna sides. Just
w th a good pocketMi. BAWVM to F8NNALLM0N
Paris. Geo. Scott. Goo. Newberry
ck. Nell
SSrah J. Calkths. J
os Hill, class goods a special price Is put on
Livingston. Fred Smith. Milo
t. Frac
Clyde W. Finn. Lucinda Fox.
Frank them, to make
for holiday goods.
Waldls. A. C. Eller. Cha*. Kasterda
In stock, coin Npurse*.
Nelson Gore. V. A Patrick. Wr
gents’ and ladles’
dies’ bocketbooks In walBlackman. John l.atharus. A. B. Cu
tic. Clifford Clyne. Morris Decker rus, alligator and heal. Bugbee. CUy SILVERWARR
Louisa Ayers. H. D. Poayner. R. Wleil Drug Store.
Wo coil ostofilah you at the
oeft. Samuel SUiver. Chas. Moulton. C
E. Kent. J. M. Haggard. Mrs. Mary
haudoomo glfta wo oro oollIJtDIES! Betlet look those sample
Dlsler. Ely Clyde. C. P. Taylor. Palmci
IH9 for SI JR
shoes over while ihcre is a good ar.B.. G. F. Rowt
Craw A Hardy,
L. Da sonment. They’ll jsave' you from 50c
vis. F. J. SutlhcrUnd. M. L. Lyon
to 11.50 per pair. JL V. Friedrich.
Mrs. Rose Wi-ebb. A. C. Rowley. P.
Parii D. E. Carter. Rohl. Walter. F. L
Lydia Jameson. Josephine
The New York ijea Co. Is this week
tea. F. E. Saxton. Geo. E. Jewett
R. Burns. W. K. Moon. Nellie John
son. D. I.- Thomas. N. W. Harrie. C H balls, and holding 16 and 4 quarts
Johnson. Fred Dean. O. L. Coulter Hpectlvely. worth j?5 cents In actual
Mary E. Slyter. Geo. Helm. M. C.
ler, Harvey Chlnworth. John Danford. value, but l>elng given with a So^cent
A. C. rader. J. W. Miller, G. P Gar- can of l»aklng i»osfder. Call and you
will surely Invest.
"w&'aa.'safA. D. TYLER
adley. E.
Pike.'wm. Raine. Arthur Had
Uuuiyv It Is econolny. for a good malW. Butler. W. B. Bennett
Bennett. A. H
trosK win outlas ^x cheap ones and
^ntel. John Gallagher.
B. Kna
gl»e you rest and' comfon. The PalM. E.
metio Is tho liest. ; Made of two layers
ard, Ray Monroe. Perry Hannah
Mrs. Libby Kelly, 8. B. Colo. Andrew of palm fibre and Aroe layers of felled
Pitch. D. Routaong.
Wm. VanStee. A cotton. The fiber] gives the elasticity
B. Curtis. FVed Storking. Calvin Olh and the coilon^ ^Ives the softness.
son. Wm. Hondrirks, W. J. Noble. Cal Only 18.50.
’ i J- W. Slater,
vin Gibson. A. Hannaford. Z. T. Swan.
Y«uuj Home yMrolsher.
Henry Carfleld. Warren
Bert Mullen. Jane A Harr>*
F.Ncaaon.F.F.O Ncll. R. G
Than a small wment down and there
Prompt Delivery.
after a small w^kly payment? In
Interested In laying of
this way you will [never feel the drain
away to be made into ni^Oet me
on Division street
t a point
at the alley bet
h and 9th
ntreetrand running tmilh to tho alle/ the same lime yoii can enjoy the use
"TT CHAPW, Pr.|.rteito.'
between 12th and 13th atreets. a* heri^ of one of those ijandy kitchen tables
tofore adopted by the council of Trav- now in stock at' l->ank Raub’s. who
fVse^lty.^ Michigan, tal^ notice that
also docs repairing and revarnishing
OTfetofore made hy *t^e board of apo at his store. East Front street.
dal assessors for the purpose of de
fraying that part of the coat which
the council decided should bo bo
Are aiways certain to come to all—
and paid by special assessment for
laying of a trunk aewer on Division sickness, accident] loss of employment
street beginning at a point at the alley or other misfortune. But If one has a
between Eighth and Ninth
reserve In bank the proverbial “rainy
day” Is robbed ofcmuch of Us dread.
18th Btreets,
The People’s SaiRigs bank offers an
olllce for public tnspcction.
Notice is also hereby give
gW n thd the absolutely safe place In which to ac
oouncU aad board of
cumulate Buch a ^enre which can be
city of Traverse aty will meet at the drawn whenever teeded.
council rooms in said city oa SepU
A little saved ^h week or month
her 12th. 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m.. to resoon grows to a peat sum.
•Munlgntoi JLnnUnrmwtn
opportualty* win be
Datod tbU 85th day of August. 1904
Fortunato is the grocery ■loro that
aty Clerk. has the reputatipn for dependability.
Fortunate la the*pubUc thdt bti auch
a store in lu ml<M. Mutual confidence
between a store
lu buying public
moans growth. This store hna grown
Howard. ^Joha Lasrreaoe, Wm.
THE VIOUN, ha* *r,anM a DANCE
AdalL H. O. JoyaL R O. Bllla. J. J. nmhltlon highejflm. poaseetlng your
ORCHEETRA aito la roitoy tor daiw*
Dnaa. g W. Oailta. C W. E
an, ala* tor a tow pa,Us
Hoaoa Sqalroa. W. R Doahi
»■•. W*wuilj*T*r7tia«*tnMw.
DK NT 18-1
Tboa. Boadrow. W. U Browa. R A.
Uoa to b* ntlalyW u« tt h It aot «*
wafet TO* to Uli «t aboat It U S
TliSl the Hto
KRSBCITY. ThqyuMusroyqg ffto
«onpaiir Md ioHM b^longad to A. E
Mam while J. D. Harbert la a loser ai
well aa the Hab|iel«r oonpany.
Mrs. GHaaell. daughter of W. J
Reyaolda of TiWvcrae CI17. b»d Jual
Bored to Lake Aon. her houaeholi
cood beinc to a car In the M. A N. B
jrardk. Thia waa also entered Aod lh(
^UU ali1p|M»d fitwi the ontan. A
amall light aiael brldgi^r waa ata(
taken flroai the cir.-thb" robbera pro!
Abtjr thinking they could uae It li
their bontonea hot diwpiitog it aftoi
carrying . It a abort dltUncc. Th«
gang eridenUy reated to the band cai
house to the jmrda beeauac iho alolet
gullU were Itonad there.
8. 8. Bnmett aared the poalofBc<
building and other atorea from belor
rotoM. He drore Into town about
fei. and notlaed aevoval aua
plc^ charactera, nadonbtedly th«
robbera. crooalog the railroad tract
> to the poatoOlee building. See
ing the light, the^ dropped acme toob
and ran. dUappeartog Into the dark
gntorad Men Station.
Bolon. Mlcb.. Bept. 2,—The M. fk N
broken Into here last
Bight md 17 token bealdca a ault ol
clolbod belonging to Alvin Smith, th.
^agfnt. Other amall artlclea were als
VIeltad Cedar, v
. Cedar. Mlcb.. Si-pf^
blew Jerry Solllvw. safe
night nnd atole nboui It:.. ,
They unlockad the door loading Inu
Mr. 8ulllran‘a«®cc and oHhor worker
i OB the outer dtw o'
the aafe or eiae It hgd bevn loft un
kicked. The two toner dcHira. wen
cblael. the aerew driver and chtno
by them betog found Inter^ Th.
glaaa loading into J. A. Pennington*
oIBct' was broken but they were evl
dcnily frightened away from there, i
clue la being diligently worked but ju
yet no reanlto >ave I
A. V. Frtodrich a Store entered.
A. V. kViodrlch’a ahoo atore waa en
terra last evening by a rolibcr wbi
aecurrd W.«0 from tho rash roglater
Evidently he waa In a groat hurry foj
ho loft 7S rents. 2.7 ot nts In th«
drawer ,M» cents on top of iho reglatf
Is on tho a<x>r.
Entrance wraa galn.M to tho store b>
ply ing out' a amall wind.iw I2alf
Inches In a door In tho rear of
atore. To pry out tho window tb«
putty was looaoned around It and then
a **iiidm> * or aomethit^g of that kind
was Used toiiry Iho window out.
woodwork was cm wbort' the In'Mru
meet was toterlod under the edge ol
the pane of fchma.
Indlcatlont tmld point to the fact
that more than one committed tht
Tobbery aa the wladow was ov«»r thn
feet from the gnmnd and few a man
gel through a amall opealng of that
kted would rmialre asalatoace.
ty Wire to the Evening Record.
Chicago. Aug. 2.~The Block yards
itHke leaders have appealed to the
.ubllc to aid thclf cause by refraining
rom eating moat until the strike
I. Bncourngement to take ihii
tep waa given by the announcoi
hat I&« JewUh retail meat dealer*
lad agreed to ckike their «bo|ia and
bat no.iKKl orthodox Jews would eliro
nate meat from their diet until the In
lust rial atnigglc la over*—
With the Salvatloe
Army When the Machine Ceroe
Around the Corner.
Wish Men Abbott waa run down by
W. lln>sch in hla automobile laat even
ng on tho eornor of Ertmt and Casa
rtreets about S oclock. Mias Abbott
vaa marching with the itolvatloci
Vrmy. they having Just conrludctl
heir rorvting on the corner and were
Tossing the r.»ad in line to proetHMl tc
he hall wh.n the automobile^,
iround the ct.rner. The born
ooted and there was a acailerlng but
\|laa Abbott did not succeed in getting
mt of the way.
Fortnnaiely she was not struck by
he wheels and lay in the middle of
hem when the onto was brought to
Ktond and she was picked up. II
ihouldcra and hips were badly brulaed
lesMca the severe shock she anstalnbJ
>ut it la not Ilkelf that the nct^deni
am prove aarioua.
The Traverse City Driving Park nsvoclatlon will hold matln«v races
In this city. Quito a numicr of people arc going to Manistee
tod Charlevoix but in<»re will remain
>n the city and for this reason tho di
*ectors of the avoctoUon and the
nembers to please these arranged for
le matinee Mondav.
There will be three events on the
wrd and all of them will Is- for IdtKxl.
rhcrc to a lot of g«x>d nalure<rrlvalfy
UDong the local hoi>e owners and the
Monday will give a fair idea of
*hc Tclallvc merit of the sletMls.
hey are all local men there will be no
ufi every
'venl wlU be a horse race.
But one admission will be charg.d
K the grounds, 25 cents being the
nrice mod grnnd stand and bleachers
free. The events of the day will be dldded Into three classes, and the sec*
>ad will undoubtedly be the big even*
If the day. The purses, judges,
will be determined at a meeting of tbe
issoclaUoo this evening The program
Class A.^
Goshen Boy. s. g.. Jack
Lady Cycott, b. g.. 1
Noble OITL ch. g-. Richarf Reynolds.
Headlight, b.
H. O. Joynt
Red Phil, b, g.. Germaine Bra
caM Jardan Foat Ball Team la to the
Game Karfy.
Diimi Ctoad.
The East Jordan foot ball team has
Itrmn IXtan. a well known Traverac Issued n challenge to the local High
dtlaaa. find at S:4& this after mhool team to play at Bast Jordan on
topt 27. doling the fhtr. BaM Jordan
tos no dty team but hna a atricLy
High aehool team with a strong
Kate M.. a. m.. Dr. Geimaa owner.
Dogwood, b. g, William, Rennie?
BBis. b. g.. Bdward Lout-
fall eiotbcs
goinjj: to
where arc you ^oin^ to pet them,
and wb'at are they going to cost
you? '
If you want the very latest ap
proved styles, the Widest latitude
in choice, the best fif possible and
a w'caring quality that you will
rCTnembcr with pleasure, all
within the reasonable price
range of
415 to $25
Come to our store land ask us to
show you our new models in L. Adler Bros. & Cos
Rochester made suits and overcoats. W^t we know
about these garments makes us confident ihht they w^U
please you.
Prevailing Styics for Fall
goods: OH
. .
■ .
Thu fall we show an exceptional •trongr line of
pUin and Fancy Mohair, and heavy suitings. Let
show you? Biiy.
See our new line of fall Shirt Waists.
I".7b"A. J. WILHELMSil^"
!■ MM
to tte miMM:
**Wlilt IIMI for AmM » dWM
1 M MMM «M tnmrnU. wkkk wiJl
MMlMr M thfwMM m Uf*. 1
liM M tM Mu^ Um UmtM SUUt
IM A 4MSMI* Md gr»T« Mk to p«r
ita Mm Ite dTillNd mrM. bmm-
ilf. to
FMIplim to » BOW or froat BotwlthatBadlag. Um, wheat
Mkd m4 poltekBl life. rMoftaf cfwp of the CBBBdlaa weat win yield
tbe fanaetB upwards of IM.OMjMO
fMOr. vMeli Bfer «»tm t«i7 fM cn»- omretM they realised last year. Thto
MlHt tlM
wfety Md Is due ^ the fed that the crop will be
tfetaM Af tAelr prodoete. whilf much larier. while the price of wheal
mtMlg AM tlMlr dTillntloii M win aveiBie dhaMderahly hlM- Last
year the average price per boriiel was
n» tkli W IB B few reeni the «8 ceata. The wheat area l
PhUMlMe aiBT fonB a etiOBC Bad toba BBd the territories Is
pfWBPittMe BBlIoB. iMpIred by Joatlce. thU seaeoa than last year by about
Ilhifty BBd BMrBllty. BBd bM»»e a 10 per ciat. |n all Bsarly 4.OMA00
voHlV Mvhter of the grM Aner acres. Last ttmr'u crop In
k« MBNBWBBlth. Whkdl Will aim* WBB 40.Ufi.000 bushels, and the InPMB tM IB BetUBf W to the PWl craaaed acreage, should
' Mm It did M iBUmd ooBqaeat. hat crop of more thaa 00.000.000 bushels of
to BBdMtBhe B Alch. cldllalBB duty/ wheat. But the Manitoba average last
The Phnippliie qucwtkw la Bot bb year was loss than twenty bushels per
iMie IB Ula cBBiiiBlgii aa aone of the acre, while In 1002 It was iwentywlx
daaoefBUc leBdera declare. On the bushels. Those who are in a position
BMMranr. the dewa eipreaaed by the to estimate this year's crop say the
abarwd by the average yield will be much
> leDerally.
this year. Rodionln* this year's yield
at twenty-five bushels per acre, the
We are aBDoally Importlof $60dMr crop In Manitoba and the Northwest
AM worth df material which oould be
BMde iB thla^mntry with a corre
apoBdlBB baBeft to American labor
BBd AmerMriBoomea. Our free trade
frieBda. If tbejr had their way. would
make thla lire hundred mttllon Bre
blUkMfe. BBd laatead of our own manu
Rod and Oun Club.
feetBriBff outpui amountlDB to about
flflami bllHooa aiiBOBlly. aa It bow
The following Is the oIBclal standing
doaa. It would be reduced oue-half oi
of the three leading amateurs In the
twtXhlrda. with a ooaaequent roeull
touniameot of the Rod and Oun clnb
to watea aad iBoome.
which closed Wednesday:
Tuesday, Aua 30ThepoatBl reoelpta which hare In
O. N. Pbrd. shot at 105. broke 14L
L. B, Moyer, shot at 166. broke 140.
the paat Mren years ahow no dlmlnu
A. JL Henslcr. shot at 166. broke 133.
tkm whatever. Brea duriaa July. In
Wedneuday. Aug. 31Watklns. shot at 180. broke 160.
Ford, shot at 180. broke 167.
the ere of a prmddenttal campalan,
Taylor, shot at ISO. broke 167.
aBd with all the dlaadrantages which
Dupont powder seemed to be the
Mid poaalbly oome to aoch hualBeaa.
favorite at the ahooi. more being used
It ahowa that aome salea that hare
thaa any other.
phet Hleka Saye The
Win M a Let Mere Anew Neat
Winter, However.
BemembertBf the aftemoon and the
*»-BM^morBlB*. with their chinins air. and
the irlsht with Its toudi of frost.
-PreecherProphet indca*
auggeatloii ooneerBlna the <
ter la bkwt or leas Intereai
In hla
yearly almanac, laaued la January, the
Su liOttU aeer told of a winter that
would he a raeord-bceaker. colder and
kmier. ertB. with more anow than the
which this section
I In IMI1M4. and a season, too,
ph^l dlacomfbrta than any winter
In reoeat years la this country. Hicks
has now qualified this announcemeBt
by auAteatiBB that the comlof wtater.
while Ito eootHbutkm of anow will be
more roluBdaoua. perhaps, than last
winter s contrlbuUoo. will not include
ao many wboUy unnecessary desoeats
below sero of the mercury la the ther
mometers. But. ilald Hleka, “there
will be marh more andw next winter
than there has been la any recent
ymr in this country.** Boow Is all
theamelves to raise the mortgage
uaUI SapL 1. 1804 la which to raise
the amouai they pledged. . YetU
was pay day and all ia now collected
and the mortgage of $1,400 Is paid.
Preaideni Samuel Dickie, LL. D.. of
AlMoa collage wil speak both after
noon and evening- In the evening he
will apeak of work of the Chrlstlaas in
college. Touag people are espei
lavited to thU senrice as weli as the
paroaU as both will be Interested in
the topic which will be discussed.
Dickie is a ver> enUinsiaatIc speaker
I of national i
Card of THanka.
We wUb to explain heartfelt thanks
to the many friends and nelghbori
who ao kindly plated us In our
heraavement and loea of our Utile one.
Mr. and Mra. Win. Loveland.
What is Lifer
regular living menus
derangement of the organs, resulting
In constlpaUon. headache or liver
tronble. Dr. King's New Ufe Pills
quickly readjusts this. It's gentle, yei
thorough. Only 35c. At Johnson's
Drug Store. 8. B. Walt ft Sons and
The number of Auslrisns In
United Statfw is 1.o2U.tKU.
General Kfiropstkiii. the Russian
commander, is a devout mcmlier of the
Greek rhurrb.
Mtw. Rtuyvewint Fish's luek
a amsll gold locket with her Initials
In monogram.
Mrs. Reginald Vanderbilt Is never
without a certain bracelet of Turkish
The duchess of Msrllroro hns the
fepuUtlon or being one of the mozl
reckleas of nutomoblle 0rivers.
riumbera are perimps the best paid
of any roerbnnlcs iu the City of Mexi
co. Ttiey get from $2 to $1 a dny.
Has LeR'Hamtlten*! to Returo to the
A new .departure is to l>e nuide at
U.of M.
fee Pembroke (Knglatid) dt»okyanl by
Ixwtcr D. Welch has resigned hts
pcsiUon at the Hamilton Clothing
company and wUI leave tomorrow
morning on the O. R. ft 1. for various ant stone known to the Ispldary's art
at Ann Arbor In time to re^mter the
The wondrttul Instinct snd li
genre oP dogs was lllustrntcd a
U. of M.. which opens Sept. 3firi*turns to complete his law course days since w here one rccognlrei
and will finish In two years. He has •owner's rolce over the tclrplmno st
a distance of some fourteen miles. The
been closely connected with the First dog's msster. wlio wss going o
Methodist church here, being a
the rtate. sent fee anlmsl to a s
her of the choir. presMent of the Kp- ban city, where he was to lie cared for.
wonh League, secretary of the Sunday A few days after the keeper n
animal was rolled up and the dog
school and lastramental In maint
placed on a chair and the telephone
tag a male quartet for the church.
ricelrer placed at his ear. His
During hts stay at the university ter spoke to the dog. who ns«og
Mr. Welch will correspond with the hhi role# and demonstrated It b
Record, sending regular weekly
clferously barking. It was with mnch
difficulty that the animal could 1
term on notes of Interest.
dated to go away from the telcpbone
long after his master had rung off.fibs
proprietor m' keqaela nald.
Mr. and Mra W. B. Mlllm- Will CalabfWte Ocl.4.
Oel. 3 Mr. and Mrs. W. & Miller of
aoutb of the city will have been
ried fifty years. On OcL 4 they wUI
cetahrale their golden wedding with a
family reuakm
figure, and that so far aa he know<.
neither baa a bulletin been issued by
Presldenl Harding, nor Is an> Imme•lliely forthcoming. It would be un
likely. in his esUmatloQ. that Mr.j
Harding would Issue any bulIeUn until
he bad formallj taken his new office.
As to when that would he. Mr. Place
had no Information. Regarding the
rumors concerning Hr.tlallsghcr. they
were absolutely without foundation
tnd a wrong to a coosclentlouK official,
in the opinion of Mr. Place.
Relsaasd for Cause.
TTie next day the Press puMUhed
he following article which more ifaur
mghly explains the situation:
In regard to the report ctmeerning
the discharge and relnrtatement of
engineers on the Pen* Marquette sys
tem. B. W. lUchpiond. ebaiman of the
committee of englnecni which met
with the general sup<*rlntendent on
this matter, says that all of the men
who were discharged w.*re release,|
for cauw*. and that In reinstating
them, as has lMi‘n dtme. lM>lh Gen.-ral
Manager ('ar|K‘ntor and general Su |
perintend<*nt .*^n)itli mad,- a si<1e de-j*
parture from the proc,-dure v^liieh
common In siicti cases on mo.si <if i
ftOO Raarord. $100.
The iwadera of feU paper will bo
said Mr. Richmond "In all ca.seH fee
dlKChargc has btH*n for cause, either
because of some infraction «>r rule
on artmnt of iFielr ctmneclion with
wrecks. Many of these men w, re <dd
and trie! employes and the t'umpajiy
was prut,ably very loth to diMniss
them, but In^thc Interests of discipline
this was made n<H*es.Hnry. Other en
glneors believed that with the ex|K*rl
enco these men had they would prove
younger men, and an effiirt was inau
giirated for Jhe reconsideration of
their cases. Mr Broith accetleil lo the
request* and he and Mr. t'arpenti r
promptly lex>k the matter un«ler ad
District SuiH‘rinten<leni i
Place and other officials willlnKly
their Influence to the movementj
fercnce, and we have held tmi* nu*vt
Inga, the last of which was on !
In Mr. Smith's office In Dctn.lt
"The result has l»een that Hevento< n |
of the discharged men have Intm n*- \
InsUted. The older men have
placed In ihelr old pt.sUlons. while
some of the younger men will he
foree<l lo fire Xor six months, afor
which they will Ik* given their
"In this whole matter the general
officers have dealtb very kindly with
endly f;a*llng
the men. and the most friendly
prevails betwei*n the officials ahd fee
cmployea. Mr. Gallagher ha<l nothing
to do with the discharge *>f the men
"iive as he was Instrumental In lasitlag orders which came lo him from
"I do not like to appear In print, but
in all Justice I deem It a duly to cor
one dreaded dlseaae that acJeoco has rect the mlaundersUndlng which may
been able to cure In all its stages, and hare arisen regarding this matter."
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive cure now known to
the mcdica] frateralty. Catarrh being
Tbs most Slid bust hsr«slna
Special to the Bvealng RmocH.
svse sfisretf ht beys' end child's
itkmal tMtmeot. Hall's
Cedar. Mich. flepL E-The ahlagla
suits snd shoes st the Globe.
ure Is tak« Intereally. art
min Aalahed fee aeaaoa's cot yeater
upon the^ blood and mac
day and ckmed down. The mill ran anrtecea of fee ayataia. therehy defive months this year.
atrarfag the
TravwrM City to St. Loula
$is.50, IS fisyitiM
$19.00, AO Aaf tifett
$21.00, far fee $ctt$M
Thiiwfll iadiide mcali isd
berth between Travene City sad
Stewnen bwre Tnircnc City
^jy Snnlqr. 10 p. m.. aa4
Thundayit 6 >. m.
Remember that If you buy but
10c worth I (candy exceptc*d) you
can K«'t ajtlrket on the pictures
and when jyou have lrad<*d 12.00
you ran then gi*t any pUlure In
this famuU collection for only
89c additimal.
We now l.avL*
IB tlrkcU fur all.
plenty of
226 EbI Fmt Stmt
ght along, first nmic.
first hcrvtsl.
LADIKS! Hample aboea that save
you from 60c to |1.60 per pair at A.
V. kVlodricirs.
All pupils entering the illgh^lHKd
and gradt*ti for the first time are r«v
1 tpu^teti lo call at the superinteadcat's
or prlncliial s offltv at fee 4^niral
building and enroll this week.
1. 11. UIUH*rt. SuinVlBlendent.
sale by all first class drugalala.
TrV A llECORp WANT ad;
Good Things To Eat
From the Department that always:
has the best of
This is the food that is so good
■ j
Ready co4ked for serv.nQ. Potted Veal. Hashed Chicken. Pressed Pig's Feet, Vienna BauSaqs, Corned Beef.
Lunch Toinguc. Potted Ham, Veal Loaf. Corned Ham. Hamburger Steak. Frankfurter. ChMksiLLoaf.
Want a Coffe Treat?
Have you ever tried our breakfast coffee*’-'Mocha and Java—you don't know what good coffee is until you ‘
do. Then we have the Fcrndell brand—three grades—each one a dandy. The Park Place Special has made
us many good steady customers. We really are the coffee headquarters of this region.
Cook was happy
bght—the pies done
Because the bread was light—the
to a turn. The flour was i:‘flhL the lard was right, the yeast
was right; the baking powder was right—that's
right—all came from grocery department.
We’re a bit particular
Want some good Cheese
louth water just to look atf That is our famous creamery cheese. Wc vouch for the
I of It- Then we have the famous Roquefort Cheese, the Imperial Cheese, the Bow
And listen to these
AM kinds of olives, Snider's Salad Dressing. Deviled Olives. Oyster CockUU Sauce, Snider's Catsup. Mixed
Pickles. Canned Salmon. Pure Horseradish. Mint Sauce. King Oscar Sartlincs. Clam Chowder. Pork and
Beans, ... k.nds of Soaps (only takes five minutes to s^r;e,. Whole Wheat Bread. Rye Bread. Graham Bread,
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Fah-and Organs
IDE Rmwl & Uf
Mai an the Stok
qC ApM te
Ttott caaaatsnslMF
So aaM that toiy aaa la aqanl to tite
nctoB fto
tatoaCtiachMit toltearhfla. Botoo
aatlqaarlnaa fBaftoa to hMkeet ft a Itoto af PMtonhy. Bam toiUtalfa wpfl
narrlrnl oi the txavaaty^M atofltegthe fito Mdewalt toMa|y, Atoa M whig v
IwtoafotoaSltir ■itoto Agt to
to ia w
la al M.MBiiaBS Saactos vater ar
di awsfo* fo tba Fma
I talk fba tvacb at tba
Is ail^t anwMdar- towawgri^ltoettoto.
abla labor waa axpaadad la gatllag ft
^ « ssala. Tba aagiaa waa
a mIM I* artOT kr tfe* •orllir
tnmat. JtoM
MM ar IM Low Uke «Au«>. The
fM«MM «tM Um ^rw to Ik* Mfcnr-
toc otolto:'
-Mto to MMtoi.* X W. Dlcfcor-
Mm: klMooiX kr Omtm IbAcitaaa.
AnrUto Oortaw.
Bos Rimker aa4 wife of DaHaB art
la tba cliy for a doll with his pamtsp
Mr.aadMra. J. W. Hllilker.
B. H. Aliya went to teUad thU
mormiBS whem^wtll do aoam aar.
seyias for Prof. C. T. Grawa.
Mr. aad Mrs. J. A. Peaae of Chb
dts, AlfrmI Bloaai. wife aad npa Joe
nr Bwaafoa. Ohio, aad Mr. aad MrsBns INwae of Utoad ar« i^ag
Albert Olobeaaity.Ather. motbar
aaat weal to Ifoaoh Cbl. moi
oa a ishtag trtp.
Rev. Deama OodillB aad family weal
to Mimnkea's camp at Pboeh this
guest of her sister. Mrs. V. E. Moatogue.
Mrs. W. D. Davis of 81. Ixmls. Mich..
Is vlsltiag her son, J. M. Ulakeslea of
Blxth street
Mrs. A. I-. Howard, formerly
Bhn»herd. fa vlsltiag at the home of
Dr. Martin.
D H. Baadolph. humaae agent et
Oraad Rapidi, fa vlsltiag the family
jf hts cofoln. Ixirla Puller.
Mr. and ^rs. A. T. Cole of Buddle4d.
Maine, are vUlllng Mr. aad Mrs. C. KBuck
•:Sd la Iba 1. 0. 0. F. ban. waa a
daligbifta avaat to aU pmpanL aa bath
tba srtollaat. Mrs. W. IX Taraar.
fba laadar. Mrs. Mraai bad Mt ao
thaagbt bablad whiab mlgbc la aar
way toad fSo atreagtbaa tba maatal
caUbar of totoraatsM membom.
Aflar a abort hualaeas aoasloa the
praaMaat aroae aad tea bright flow of
of lha Ugh
Idaal haM by thp club liaoR la which
a iolaod hands with both Uo school
and hoam to iGrGmr the
(ha hamaa^tly. la apaaklng of Ufa
ItmU aha 'mdd no thoagfatfal pemoa
without mauW his or her ability to
beaait hy their having lived.
ally to tahe hold'*of the work
tempt at leant once a year to appear
upon the peogram already laid out.
la clablag. the president spoke of
the thombtful stiggesUon of the past
pmnideai In reference to n social dlvlaioB and conllnued the thought hy a
; _
RwluUaa. Otodini Itller.
ttodUltoa. tolMna Pepper.
A Otolociie. lUueb IVpper and Kd
* ‘ '
Boac by Gladys Riley and Ppra Car-
RMiUlkMi. Mrm. GardAer.
RaHUUoii. Mra. Rdc(M^>mo
for the n«>d ot the order
l»f Bobert BAfver. Mr Hoiira. Mr. Rob^
«rtm, Mrs Gray mud Mrs. MclUy.
The aiAeUns closed with the crmnic
rhorsday. 8ep(.* J. the mceUea
opcaed lathe
After tiM iBlUatloB the pro,
BedUU^. Mrs Doras,
flelectina, Mrs. Dirkermaa
telectloB. Charles Irish,
lladtatloa. Mrs Gardner.
. . DMA It pay to raise house pUaUT
Mrs. MrlUy was andeclded after forty
; {.
day »to MM. Mprnr.
O. I.. I.arklns of K20 WeUter street
was the victim of a pleasant surprise
Isst evening, alwut twenty of hU
friends and neIghl»oni quietly dropping
in oa him. the occasion being hfa
wenty.flrih Mrihilsy, Music wni
nlvlu'd by I->e<l Covey's plumol
sfter which flinch was indulged In.
Mr. evney aad Mrs. «. J. Can^ban
winning the flrst prise'and Herbert
Korthrap and MUs Celln Boulasoa the
oonsolatitin prUea.
ot Ice
cake were served and It was a fate
hour when the guests left. They were
unsnlmoua to the opinion that
evening was very plenssnt and
many tokens ns expression of their
O. U Urklas Entsrtalnad I
4r7j^- esperteaee after «aay up. sad
Mrs. O. I.. Larkins of K2« Webster
Hireel. entertained twelve little l»oys
sod girls this nfiemoon from 2 to
i»Vlock in honor of her nephew, Idowell
How to kftoip hoys And girls on the Akins U-fon* he returns |o his honu* In
1‘onllmr. 111.
Befrtwhroents of Ice
tArm hy R«d. namoy.
How to kill quack grmMB bmusni out cream, cake and bun bona wore served
a llvHy dlscussloa. The question was
opened by l>»wH Bours.
Is halvAHl. If her household fa c^
Mrs. Gardner was called on for a
raeltaUon shlfb she gave with her pleUNl hy n bath room. wUh nil tliu
usual kindness and was n-called. ThI. modern appliances that go with II
dosed the
The next will be Arms and Cole, the plumbers, hnv
held ia Oraiiae halt at Travt»rse City the reguUr 5 fool and 6V4-foot bath
mbs. poirelaincd llnod, that should be
a part of every household. InsUllcd
Banris County Candidates.
Special to the K%«'i>luic Hectird
rraahfort. Mlcb.. 8e|»t. 2.-The fob
lowing are the nomination, mtde at
At this a<wscm of the year arc ccothe rapobileaa county cfin vent Ion of
niimlcal as well as palatable. Gas U
Benale eoaaty ycierday:
the summer fuel and a tender broiler,
Judge of probate. B. D. B|«ifr..rd.
lamb stew or roast, either In leg or
Sheris. James Crawford
Pnisertitlng Attorney. I>. C, P. War !oln. can be rooked In half the lime It
iaUes for nearly any other kind of
meal. Brosch Bros.
County clerk, O. L. Waterbury.
Begister of deeds. W. A. Joy.
OrcttH court commissioner, T. J.
Bsar In mind that we art
having a apadal school Mit
salt this wook. It moans quits
s saying If taken ndvantago of.
It won't coat you a cent to let
us show you how we can save
I corn.
No 3 white oats. 3&Hc.
you s dollar or two.
Toledo. O. B*tI r-Wheat-Caah
> 1
^ I
with tbeai sad many disappoint
meath. She stUl HIak. In them throuah
lose for them. Her esperlenc, was
aad BeptemlMf. fl 12^
II 13%: Ma>. II HV,
Chicago, fbpt 2—Whesi—Old Boptember. 11.07%
mw B«‘plember.
•1«%: May. |l
c«m-8cptembrr. a%e; May. 4l%c. OatsSeptember. 51 Vic; May. 5ri%c. ITuvIpork. 111.20; lard.
•7.10; ribs. |7.40.
4 -
m Flwikard and hi. c
give a maHnoe at the City
foaiofraw afi<v
in addUion to the
poffonaaaoe at alghL Admiaaloa
qaaia ap aUirs and Iwtmty-flvo c
to aar part of the house down atalra.
Doal arisa the big froe street parado
at aooa. g( aad hU reube hand will
giva a aoacm.
Mrs. W. O. Tomer.
President of the Wumnn’s Club.
oerso.*ial suggestion to ladUw .who
heretofore hsd n«>ver refuscHl to fur
nish refreshmenU to enibraee the op
;»or(unlty now. thus relieving the club
•»f sny extra ssHesament on refn'sh
*neni days as thlk was.
Mrs. Evans' Address.
The science an.d educalion division
In charge of Mrs. Z. H. Exans being
disappointed In their miwical num
bers. Mrs.-iSv’ans procc<Hled In an
xble manner to discuss the Important
events of the summer, mentioning as
nrst and foremost the cruel and relenl-
.lesth ••se»ires <»f thoiiHands” and which
>yeD now continues with unabated
Of the most apoalllng disaster she
vnumerated first th«^ burning of the
General Slocum wlib l.ltKi happy
hearted children on faiard and spoke
•oromendably ot the Invesilgatlfm that
he president had ordered through the
t)ureau of c(»mroercc and lalmr.
The Chicago dtrlke now on Mrs.
Evans r**vlewed thoroughly and charicterlsed it as **tcKi many men and not
mough work."
In her talk on the Panama canal she
herslded Jno. F. Wgllsce as the man
who would hereafter be knos-n as di
rectly connecting the Atlantic and Pa
She touched the birth of the new
heir to the throne of Russia, the pres
idential nominations, the women*s
'Hjngress in Berlin, the world's fair at
81. I-ouls and closed with that beaut I
ful thought fmm 'The Messiah." "He.
who Is watching over l.-srarl. slumbers
aol nor sleeps"—mi all must be well.
A short informal socUl hour fol
All pupils t^merlng the High school
and grades for the flrst time sre re
During the afternoon. Miss Daisy
quested to esU St the superintendence
or princlpsls oBca. at the central Bhndek. who fa studying music at Do
troll and returned from there last
building and ebodl this week.
.•venlng. sang two v%p pleasing num
I. B. GilU*rt. Btiperiniendenl
UtoUitfa am taklas •dvaa‘ tape af aar apoeial aehoM milt
aalo thia amah. Wa am tailing
aahool aalia at pHim that am
Tha Baalaa Stem.
city wem; Mrs. T. J.
Grmad Rapids; Mrs. H. 6. Noble, Chi
cago; Mrs. Charles Morton Davis,
Providence. R. I.; Mrs. J. G. U>rtov.
Pamoas. Kan.; Mrs. James Kelly.
Wexford: Mrs. A. T. Cole, BuckfleW.
■maabafl ap la tba aoUlaioa
bafom teat aa4 waa baiag tytafl befom
halag plarod la aarvlea. Tba emw of
the new ei&taa was givaa* an awfol
ttoy reach, any. tovaaty-flhT^!aafls la «e asM that rogj aeeae ta CM
vatofo. It ti nalA that tlM» yaaas are
flMndaa)ytathe;Modlt«RaatoA I
totod of hitog tonrittteB. ItewtoftA ft ^
««a waB If thii law ahoaM to poaliiB
toWAiiBItoarwktoltoatifcqjycafore. ^
adhytew. ThatotofoctejitotoWtoikF
Ush cltlm qt tbe
Sah Sad tbMr wnl ^ hcce year after
qdiiloa has im
Mamie. Moore and
unllkcl: that It
none. It fa not at nU .unlikely
of acme old
•och na tbe Hull fertlval of
ftoUvaL •od
tbe Hindoos
tbe Roman Teaat of
foola." Tbe
Sta. of pUyiog tricks and pranks of nU
kinds on tbe first day of April fa
unlvenal throughout Europe and fa
afao pracGceil In many otlwr countries
aad umler various names. It la a curl
oos fact that tbe Hindoo Hull feaUvaU
wlMW Ai»rll fool tricks of aU •orts are
played, fa held on tbe night of the Slat aoiar ayatem>wblch fa i
of March, and the orgies are not dto- ■tefle train of ptaueta aimnff buadtoto
to ronUy an irrilc
jaong mackeiei gad other objects of
lateroatthnttlMByteeoiuiter. Thfa fob
teafng dtet marep them nloiig to n
valglit or nometii^ ns much as 500
pouoda. With th^r awards and tbelr
Oihbt va. Jaywl and Omllick Liaa nmnxlng powero jof tecomoGon they
Canto Warn Takaa UaSar Adviaahave ao fear of anything, and they Be
oa the top of tbe oronn ns aerene na tf
maat by tba Caart.
there was nothing k«fae in creation. The
A nsotloB was made for a new trial
to and fro In the; air ns the flnh Ilea
la CIrcolt eourt today ia the gase of there, nod often the tnU atiaca out nlL. K. Gibbs aad son va F. B. Lnhym most as cooaplcnoosly. That fa what
and H. O. JoyaL J. W. Patchla and flrcn them away, j It aerms almoat In
Thomna Smurthwalle argued the ease, credible that on tbe gnat topanae of
which was opposed by Prstt And the ocean ao aUght an object Wukl be
Dnvla The cxwrt took the case under aoGceable. but It fa by dtocorcring tbe
waving Ann that itbe flah are found.
Tbe boat aearchl^ for them baa a
In the divofte case of Mattie Lamp lookout wbo acans the aorfnee-of the
kin vs. William Lampkln an order aea and finds what be fa looking for
was made that |2S be paid ns suit too. It Indicates 6uit there must be a
money and ft per week ns temporaiy fat of tbe ffah about
After a awordflsh fa algbted the next
alimony, beginning Sept. 6. untn fur
thing to do fa to kK^ him In eight un
iher notice by the court.
In the divorce case of Ralph B til the veeael can be brought around
behind him. Usually abe fa moving ao
Hines vs. Rose Hines, the plslnllff Is fast as to ruu pastwt first, Hometlmea
to pay $26 ns nolleltor’s fee.
the fish sees her »r^ quietly sinks blmLast night the J. E. Grelick Hen aelt om of sight, biit usually he stands
case vs. Maude Taylor and David
Bmlth was taken under advisement by eyoon 1
hind tot
the bow fa dlrt^tly over bis bile and
laipttssive maj«-sty k skilled hand takes
up a lam^e and drives It down into hfa
Uck. The arrow Mta|»ed dart at the
A number of mnirled poi>ple enjoyed end dlsbKlges ItHcif from the shaft,
whk^i ewimw back to the vessel, and off
lunch and card party at the We-que^ goes the swordflsh With the dart stick
tong dub house yesierdgy afternoon. ing to him like a pbor relation. He Is
II had a pleasant time.
no longi‘r a slwp;^ and losflng Idler,
O. I^. Carver and brother have pur but a laugniflt'ciit ^sh exerting all hfa
chased the Insurance business of 8. M enormous iK)\vcrs to esca|H*.
A cask fa llcil to the ro|»e wlilch has
m which now makes a total of
the dart at Its other eud, and wb<*n the
twenty-two companies carried by thi> fish fa struck the cask fa throwm over
popular firm.
board. Then away’ It sails, soiuetUues
/Martin Winnie's birthday came yes out of sight and a< other tlim-s sklmlertlsy sml In honor of the event a uilng the water and making tbe foam
Jolly party sssembloil at. the home of fly ns It ifa'sh*w along. In the c-oursc
his father. I. G. Winnie, last evening of lime the fish tlnp himself ao that a
tollor puls out in n dory andTb ks up
ind had a very enjoyable lime.
the eaak. Then lie hauls slowly on
Today is the last Friday ui»on which the rope and gently brings bis catch
J. W. Miillkcn’s store closes In the to tbe top. If the fish Is ugly tb«>re fa
xfternoon; All the clerks have gone opportunity for n lot of trouble but
to Ne-nh ta wanta to spend the after if he <H>mcs in penry abjy he soon
a cut in the throat from g shnri) knife
and go4*s out of busliuws summarily.
There was a meeting of s<une of tin
Thim the weighty' faidy 1a hoisted
memlKT.s of the Odd Fellows las* aboard and the prise fa sivurtHl. .\ew
night for the purp<»8e of talking ovei York has no fam y.for swordfish steak,
idans for forming amdher branch ol which fa mighty go6d eating. t>ut BosIon 1s a n ady buyer, and the wholesale
the order here.
Regular <-onvi>cailon Traverse Clt\ price roivgi-s from fl or 8 tb 1.1 or
'hapler. No. 102. R. A. M., u.night. cents a ikiuimJ. m-cortling to the sui»ply.-llurtfurd ruiirant.
WtJrk in (he M. M. degrt^-.
An exenn-ion covering the territory
Well Lesraed
tround Battle Cnwk. Jackson ant‘
nher places will arrive in the city
Which Is
this evening about C:25.
indix-d. thot the children are in the
habit of addressing the must.T us
As long ago as the sIxttHuitb eentur} "thou" lUHicad of with the more ntirorts wore made In war to sink tb« ■jK'ctfuI "you."
Once the bishop annoumvsl hfa inten
trtvnnt-es that carried explosives. At tion of InsiHfilug the m-hool. The
least one attempt was made on British master thcn-uiKin called the ehlhlrcn
oliliis In tlic .Vmerican Revolution, and togi*(!icr and told them that they must
In l«t>4 tlH? British trltnl a simcIcs ol on no ac\-uunt say ‘Ulu" to llie liisfa»p.
toHH^o on the Boulogne flotilla, then but must Instead always address him
b'Ing In harbor. The device adopted as "Euiv blslHifllche Gnadeu" (your
was calUsl a ratamnran and "was com eplM-upuI lonlshlp. ^
A little later the bishop arrived and
posed of n lead lined chest ineasurluy
twenty-one feet long by Ibm* f«H-i tlmi was rcce-Ivcd with bfa'omliig rvverence.
Inebes broad and haring flat top ami In order to test the knowledge of the
bottom and wetlge sbafied ends. With
In were about forty liarrels of |»owdrt
ond various Inflammables, some clcx-k- the eighth comuiandun iit."
Whoreuimu up ros«! n Khrill chorus:
w«.rk macblnery ond enougb ballast tc
"Your epfacoiml lordship shall not
bring the deck of the t-ontrii^uce to i.
level with the surfecc of the water. •teal."
The outside of the whole was calked,
covered with canvas nud well tnrresl
fid Hosted.
The complete nuu-libic wclgbotl nlnmi
As might be crpccU-d. the Junk plnip ,
two tons. I’poii the withdrawal of a guest chaml»or Is surd to prove a pitfall ^
peg the <jlockwork, after running for to the unwary. Having not long ago to
a given time, which might be from six put tbe flnfahlng touches to a portrait.
to Ua minutes, w ould Are a pistol and I went into the countiy to pass a couple
egplode the clmrge." No valuable rt- of days with uty sitter, a mere ocaultx were obtained from IL
qualntamc. .Vt dinner the first evening.
wUhing to start the conversation pleasontly. I asked:
"WlKwe iwrtralt fa that in my room?
A southern writer tells this storj
’ n negro preacher's .version of tbi Such a charming face!"
After a chilly sUence my hostess anof the Good Bamaritaii: Tluw
a traveler on n lonely road, said
"That fa my basbaud’s flrst wife."
the preacher, who was set upon by
The conreraatloD rother languished
thl^t-s, robbed, and left woundetl and
belplesa by the wnysklc. As he lay daring tbe n«t of our meal, but I made
there various persons passed him. bol
none offered to assist him. PfeiM*nlly
however, a poor Sjimarltnn came by
nod taking pity on the woumled man s
plight. heliHHl him on bis mule aiul
took him to an Inn. where be ordenNl
food niHl drink and rnhm nt fur lb« from the little house Iwerv truly heart
man. dlrwting the InnkecisT to send rending. It seemed that n terrible
tragedy must be In progress, and an
the Mil to him.
am stendte: <farr Jct. ami
why the others had not sufBcioqt couf.
am stamlln’ de akel tou oh de lmikee|» age to enter and rescue the victim.
er. wnitln* fer de flood B.nmarftan to
At last gn nnroncenied youth catee
come Imck an* pay de bUl."^lIari^s
oCAi.rJI ________________
cuplfd by one aliigle gloto R.Wa»a«l^
miles in diameter It would be bbk at 4
Sswh Bernhardt si>endf the majo. feather In the manclous s|Utod of •^ra^
part of her vacation takliig long caoey" aumntndlng It. In fort. It baa
tramiM. and shooting, fishing, and diiv- been calculated llut In tbe apaeo oocu«
pled by our solar system 2.70UJUOO
OuO.OOO globe* of tiM' sfac of our t
could ro'volvc, each at a dfafom
AecortUng to I.loy,r, Register there WW.OOO miles from tbe other, and tbe
•re at pn*scut in existence ‘.SOM3 wlwla bmdnoss would be iKitbteg. for
steamships .nml s;,Uing v«-Ksefa: 11.131 tlM»re fa no wall jo tbe i
of them ls>1ong to
of bcovcu.-£)(clia«e.
MISS CQULTER **f Detroit will
have at Bugbees City drng stun^
Wednetoay ami Thursday. 8«*pt. 7 and pUlWWIlRD-Jtotoaio roto m
8. a dfaplap' of hand dccorntod china
which she will 1h» phwsod to have you
call and examine.
Eitlier a \^ut or Smli Wonnn Can San oi 11^
I'or most of iluiin arc either one or the other' .
don’t stay away if you wear a medium size for .
there are some of them.
Thcs,e are the,
balance of the spring selling, and arc of Skin
ners Satin. Peau de Sole, and Taffeta Silk,
most of them in black. These WaJsts sold all
the season for five dollars, now you caij buy
one for
There are stUl a few of those Jap Silk Waists that
sold for $3.50 to $4.50 for $2.25 aad $2.f5.
■ 4
SMtotoMEMl WSMkMB^WRr to
StoM. SM tto
Itoh to'is
iML . tot W9to Brwa sR tkli. It la
I toii tosi wato el daw Ito
tto Mtoa BMIlBg Me etfsIRM
toemMtonto tosetalea both
; St to«t to a saarter. Ttort
» u f»rr |W|>|MI ftt ^
•fMM bgr ItoriJtoi tbtotofpmn vim
ptoM Ito Mtovatm Mi vww autoof IhM itoro la ao totoi aa to tto
THS M. A N. B. will gtaean
give an egmn^
oa toMaalatee Lato•day. Bpdclal
tra!a wfll leare Trarierue aty at 5:45
a. BL, retnnilog. leava Maaistte at 10
Bros, forepot cash, nratcarload p-m. Special rowadblp rate of $1.25
reeeieed ts4ay at tbeir branch store urlU be made, good g<^ on 5.45 trala
ap: ragular prieea SIM and op; $15
to $20 down aad $$ to $1$ per month
leee updoAate. No. 1 teetrumenu.
AH puplla eetertag the High eehool
first oosMti flrit eerred. Corner Front
Id grades tOr the llrat time are reaad Casa streets.
lested to call at the snperiateiHlenfs
art c« dam Tbfopp>Jt la a Aiitoall
wmrn0f wmmtm for «illtei ike
Mtaa Tbropp !■ ao atraagm to
h lmm-9^ wof« morf—f. U to Haaaa.'
Pvrtlaad aad ao vaa.glvea.a varPi
tton^fkit titom to
ftoto iJtotf to vlUt ttoc and covered
arldi a tap null oa vb|^ a lava viu
to frtaated. mto will add much to tto
attfaeilviMi at tto grounto. It Is
atap aftoMblc ttol more trees will to
amet at tortaio vaa mmi to patvaat
vwM Iram mvMlag aad aafM. II
•oaMatad af aa koa fraomvortu oallad
to a oaM vbkk vaa aappai aaar tto
bMd of tto potooa vlMB It vaa to
or prtnelpaTi oBce at tto central
Largest plgao-factory In tbe world
weed to false ready money, hence
they sold to Qrlnnell Bros, fer spot
cash an wren toiidrod planea, 25 per
cent below factory cost. The first ear
now in the store, corner Front
That the Hot S^iifn medlclMa
and Cass streeta. No bargains ever
rod THOUSANDS IN TRAYshown nnywhere equal to these: $15
ITV. They eiim euro yen. For
$20 down and $€ to $10 per month.
sale by all
linijartfoii la froot for tbe tongue at
fto netlm. Tbe latorlor of tto pro*
on vaa Uaad vltb apikea, ao that
If tlie veorer ottomptod to apeak .tor
tongue vaa liable to geC hadly laomatad.
It did not often reqalrt more than one
appUeatlon of tbta tortare to liraak tto
iljr to earer tto a
Tie rtodcwiUoa of C- P Iliinior as a
BieAtor dl Ito lioard of direrturs was
atoptod and P C. nesmimd was el. ri.
ad to ill Ms idar.-. Tto jaaJior s re
fetobiag atylea.
po^ alwved tbal the club was In «
pfOtoMtols eoadlLkiD and that the at A cordial Invlatlon la egtaaded to aU
toadaaee and iucamv was full* equal ft. visit hw rnimnery parlora pad look
it not superlur to that of last year.
To lovers id r*nu»ll<*nal drama “Her
Oi^ Bla* was a inat^t fiHutorg's
Onibd fast evening. MUA Julia Oray ts
admirably adapted to ibe part. Miss
Oi«y*s dopiciatiun of the whole gamut
can^ fret* laughter. fn»ro
r airong grb f to the ahaiuhinrotmt of
^" Joy waa Inteosi^ «»f light as the orcaslow demands. * Her Only 8ln“ Is n
thrilling story veil and simply told
with no mnvdiln aentlmivt wasted
aym n aromnn gone wr*mg and s.iff«v.
^ lag from lb« eooseqiien«»s. hut, on the
^ other hand, v healthy longing that she
would triumph OV0I-, the dimruliles
that the 4«»ve
he^^KQ had
into. The
haadM h>
Edvln flrown.
'' j j
3. r. l.ewU anThls talented eompanr itf nimwllans. In ih«‘ rural com*
ady, “PI Plunkard “ will In* at the rity
opera bouse ftoturday.
X Bi and
bU Yankee fanner torn! will announce
the day uf exhililiion
t parade. It *s funnier
a Hreus. Ia> not eonfuund this at
traeilon with others IniKaitng the
roiintr) toiid psrade.
st'nied hr artists who have a reputaHon. and Interspersed with spe<«ialtles
sufh as one seen In the lK*st ineln»|Ki1ltan vaudeville limises. and more. Is
linmitsed at the'iHTfurmanre of ‘The
'ilo.i.sUr Hlrl" at BtelnU-rg’s Grand
0|Hta house ueKt Moiuls) aftenuKin
and evening lAlMir day. The long 1U1
of artists Is very familiar In the realm
of c«im<*dy. Ntj play of its elass has
ever aehlev.Ml the suecess attained hy
“The ltoisl4T Htrl.“ It Is hrlghl, n|Ui<‘d end right up to thi‘ notch In
ev<»n esaentlat Miss Kate WaUon
and Uua Chilian, the stars, are sui»-
pstful and quieting la tbe afterb. reaultlng frvim one of those cabUtbs. follovtMl hy an alcohol rub.
that Mra. K. I.. Bonner Is favoring her
patrons with. Rapeclally Sne. too. for
matir |>eraons. vre the electric
baths given In her parlors.
To every woman Is a hand ahopplng
Women are not apt to be pro
vided with pocketa, himco the neoeaslty of a sliopping lutg for ihe pucket^look. handkerchief and small tolongInga of the fair sex. Bastall. the Jew
eler. will close out hU entire stock of
some ones this week at cost
^ Moved lo 111 CiiKs street, down*
stairs, oho dour south of Milllkeu's
store. Dr, J. M. Wilhelm and K. U
Ashton, dentist.
A deliciouii doaaert or a cup of hot
amher ci.ffoe. and one..or all at these
bo had hy stepping Into the Lit
tle Tavern and ordering at the lunch
ter. Our Sunday dinner will he
worth your imironage. aa we are mak
ing a special effort lo give a full menu
next Sunday. The Little Tavern, FYont
Ilarnuni and Bari are the oElclah
spectors for the Pero Marquette and
G. R. d I. railway service, ao they
keep a lino line of railroad watches, aa
well as ladles* and gents. ExqnisUe
In design, made In all metals, also
plain nickel, at prices to suit any pu^
clothing, hell alwa>*s
be a gooil judge of
clothing values. It
pa>*s to buy the best,
especially in clothing.
VVe realize this, and
handle a complete
line, which we guar
antee to give satis-
Kulwclt 4^ fiM
Ob bla last vlatt to Amertca Padermaki, fto emlneot filanlst and coropow
V, vaa latruduccd aomewliat against
In music and much Intimacy In Its
flner pbraaea.
-We artlsta you krow. Mr. Paderevakl.“ to remarked, “have our moods
and tastes In common, vhh h the or
dinary man Is Ineaiwhle of understand,
tag or sympathising vlth. You. Mr
i»adrrevakl. have your Instrument t«which your life la a devotion, and I
have mine. 1 rejoice In you aa a
iMuther artiat-And wtoL- Inqolred the great vlr
tnoao, wdtb dciq>erate tmllteuem^ “is
your liistmiumL Mr.------r
-Tbe mandolin. alr.“ was the proud
A toy's Wild Rids For Lift.
With family around expecting him
> die. and a son riding for life. 18
dies, lo gel Dr. Kings New Dlscovry fur Consumption. Coughs and
Mds. W. H. Brown, of Loesvllle. Ind..
ftant roltaf end
“1 now sleep soundly every
night." Uke marvelous cares of con
n>ughs. colds and grip prove iu match
less merit for sM thrust and lung
iroubUw. Guaranteed U>itles 50c and
11.00. Trial bottles 10c. at Johnson*s
l>rug 8tc»re. S. E. Walt A Buns and F.
fl. Meads.
No more home than a rabbit, live In
i trunk. ThaCs what rosorters do all
iummer. Votruba. the hara(*ss maker.
M making a 10 per cent, discount on
ill trunks and suit cases until Sept.
15th. Prices in trunks from 95c to
125.00. and In snit castw $1.75 lo $35.00.
All pupils oolerlng the High srUoo;
inti grades for the firni time are rw
luroted lo call at the KiiperlntenUeni*^
»r principal's office at the central
nillding and enroll this wet»k.
I. U. Gilbert. Suporlniendont.
clost d all
lay Monday (tolM.r day) I will exe
•ute iienslon vouchers on Tuesday.
Fearful Odda Aqslnst Him.
Bedridden, alone and destitute.
Such, in brief was the t-onilUion of an
yld soldier by name of J. J. Havens.
Versailles, p. For years he was
Ktver waa there worse eonfualon
ded with kidney disease and
mtHhclnes gave
caused by almllartty of names than jelther doctors
between Strauss, the tone poet, and
Rtrnuaa, the composer of the celebrnt
ihort order
ed “Blue Danabe- atul many other in the road to complete recoven."
valtxea. What makes the muddle
moro arousing Is tbe fact that the two
. Only 50c. GuaranBtransaes arc quite Intlmnle wm. one
Johnson's Drug Store. S. E.
another, and when tbe tone poet It Walt hy
A Sons and F. H. Meads. Drug
rongratulated-na be often Is^n tbe
autHVss of the waltxos he did not
write, be at once sits down and hu
morously relates hU exjiorlenee In ■
letter lo his friend. Illolnird Struust
U a tall. thin, quiet man. hot pt>sM s^et
a Iheller sense of fun than the aver
age person would fredit him wltli.Chieago Jouriml.
Round trip tickets at low rates. On
sale at all Ucket ataUons. Ask agents
Bucklen*a Arnica Salve.
for rates, limit of UckeU
Hat world wide fame for marvclout
cures, li surpasses any other salve
Fares to the South and
lotion, ointment or halm for cuts
(^orn8. burns, bolls, sores, felons, ul
One way .secondKilasa Ucketa on
cers. tetter, salt rheum, fever soret
Chapped hands, skin eruptions; Infalll sale at all ataUons on first and third
blc for pllw. Cure guaranteed. Onl>
25c. at Johnson's Drug Store. S. E
Walt A Sons and F. H. Meads. Drug
Is a quick and certain relief for the
acute pains and cramps of colic and
summer complaint, aa the reault of
stomach and bowel dlaordcrs, no prev
alent at this time of the year. No dan
ger win rosuU. however, from partak
tag of i dish of our delicious ice
cream, as II is noHdng hut pure a
and the flavors are pure fruit aad fruU
inlet's. Pineapple Is ospeclally flue,
also orange ayrup. Johnson Drug Co
In crayonn. water c^or or aepla. in
abape. Thi^-a what we do.
any alae or ahape
People have
e an Idea that In order to
have auch work doae It la neceaaary to
acad work away, hut no Arm in the
•tate la bettor equipped to handle this
work than Smith S Price. Citisens
photos. 3S5Ualou 8L
On. of Hit bMt mWMcM on Fifth
Street, nine-room house, stone base
ment, all modern Improvements, fur
nace. bath, sower. ek«ctrlc lights, lot
50xlC5. with fruit, shade and ornameii
tal tre<ir. will make a flm* home and
if bought soon price will hv
cepiloually low considoring location
and improvements.
U4 acresuon Wayne street overlook
Ing city and bay. no fl
the city for a rcaWence. do you
something really desirable?
. One of the finest farms In this
ty. abottt 2% mllro from the city. 12C
acres under culUvaUon. vHh plenty of
goml wood timber, large orchard. 11
room house with basement, two gooci
barns with other outhundinga. all In
tto very best ogadlUon. 15C acres all
Priee aad terma of sale on any el
Of tto fail atock of any harda
store la the large stock of guns
ways on hand for aportamea. ThU
year ve have aa t
^ boy'h rlllea. n <»Hbre. Is addlUoa
theee ghmii to amimiltoB im. Many
The mas
ssMBsuttlos. We have It S. r, Sax- Hber very dmlwMa roaidcimaa and
UmHaidvare Co.
* "'U'EST'"
BMBt tmrttm vuiM i
^ mM vMttor •• ftot tto 1
W» aiMilM tkto
Mt itoir, MMr«r, Hdt «ill sloo to
toftoi sM to wotf ali viator.
Tto tooltor of Mtoadlac ito tfoek
»to aaai Ito etob tooM «M alio
toUM «Pt ^ torlc tlMi vfU to ear
ftoi -m farttor o«. tto totorrMUBf
If ym tore aever^M ear laaadiy
ly pleaMyea. W# vUkf topoaad
aad bea Sat vofk. Bov mhoet thoee
dusty laee certalas ttuag aU summer?
Bead thfm ta and Ihey win to iv
tnraed tosh and de^ Wright Bros.
W- MPi ^ tflWM li-l
"'•-I- ■
Cure all chronic <
for aalo hy all II
Prlcea, Hot Bpringa tablots.
Hot Bpringa Quick Itatief (liniment)
HM SpH.,. hMll»a Mh.. » mm..
lean Drug Cempany.
Distributing Aganta.
AFTKRNOOh *t 2:30
Saturday 1
an.l C.US cinEN as
September, vj
The Yobk Cbartc'.er
Some thine
MATINEE 10c and 20c
EVENING 2Si, 35c. 50c.
Big comedy ComptDy
SccDic Rural Comedy
Telephooe IRforieiu.
I Plunkard
Has juit opened lo the publi:, and a brand pew meat mar
ket where quality and prices
are right Give ps a call . .
c. T. OOX
25S E Front SL
Qtz. Ftone
Bvarythlns n«w but thbTItla!
AO Up-i^-Dote Rurol Comedr
A «na>. ud incmtCasaljOu.
Maklor the Funoiest Street
Pirade ^rer see^
Crrrio. lb.
Mm IMP lie, 501,7Sc
M 2:00 p. a.
OrcbesU-a on tbe Road
The stock of goods formerly owned by W. C. and
B. A. Gannett will be offered to the high^t bidder,
commencing Wednesday afternoon. August 31st,
al 2 p. m., and will continue every
Afternoon and Evening
until the entire stock is sold. This stock consists
Watches. Clocks. Jewelry. Silverware, Opera
A chance of a lifetime to
buy bargains. Samuel S- Levy, Americas best
knowrC auctioneer will conduct the sale. Every
lady attending the sale Wednesday afternoon will
receive a handsome souvenir spoon free.
% d Field Glasses, etc.
.'I S:
• ''r;
r bam U bclag ceshlnglcd jStoTrtJf”
saeoad bottle. toarm.Adaffsetaaby pat a slap
»Ut Jo«ni9)>4» ••ui.
Abo«t «• fw^ Milk Ukte frMB Bftt
lie CiMk Store la daytUac.
0«w K. KaallBli lioogbl IHmtUc
Oaictta. uldcftt paper \u atatr.
^ raaay Wltaoa. mUwd plckpockirt a(
Ufoaror. rrlraaod «m $M0 liaU.
BlsiMt traa antebod honm In the
world will be cablbltrd al Ifuron ooun
|V; .
tf; - •
Ctoapaar Oraad l^adge cttlama forin
«0M|iw; 16 imlM! aqitthi for mrk
Krw Ydrtc haa its ^ttbYsy Tavern
4e4Mrd by a blsbop. bat fllat is go
lag to have a lair groaada
Uistod |»y lbs city coanciU mwaldcd
over by a prublbitloa mayor. Tb© al
dartooB Moaday algbt voted to Wmaid
Van Blaneoai tbe |»rivik*gv to move
bis aakua and llreeaa card from blti
duwB Unm toaort to ibc grandaumd
oa ibe fair gn>ihi<U during tbc fair
In ta© francbla© of tbe Michigan
wbicb runs tbc stmt
Tract too
ear iOmw 4n JlalUO^rc*^ and Kalama*
wo. tberr la a^pruvlslon aUilng that
tb© road forft^ta Ha franchise on err
ordered by lb
II. The
road bar a<k bompHed
vhtb last ytwr>
order, and A(iarman Wakidiatn wantK
tbe diy atloraay to throw them out of
t|ie at rr«*ta lavedved.
liceman who was lak
bappoalng Into a rea
tauraW and obaervlng two young men
forrlng thHr SlIefilkMi* u|ion some
to avoid thfou Inlerftml and waa
lirtunpOy wbacluvt la the eye. Ah Ihc
onu tT was in the midst of IiIh lelsuro
luioain he walled till on duly again
wie-u Iw aworo ou| n wnimnt and an
am-,.t folhia. d An Indlnn unro rofnMHi to i.his>t a diHT that sto.»d withI em> txa» h. ou tb«* ground that he
liiiK .THUi and not dwr. “When
« me hum
in« hum roon.-^ said Lo.
' Balil.' t’l.-.k iMichelarH wlU smile
cbBtiWl<'dl> HI thM ataieim^nt that out
of thirty lilrio dUisve sulta oa the C^l
boUB docket, lainiy l ight wi-re start
«d by women.
Albloa Btllkiiu'iV ul»o havf to pay
boltlo llconses an «fu r llu- sealiui of
tbe vaadero wbo -ihmMIo iiu ir b
concocUon about Itie m lKhliorbuod in
a iiaU and pnv no llcenMv
A call bns been Uamni for a
rtmvemion of ‘nil thoee who favor the
|M>piiltst nailonni ticket and ltid«-iM-nd
wf action In slate aJ!blra/‘ i». Ik h.-U
at IjimtioK S«*ptembcr IS.
rallitiK ti) gain any aatlafactlon
thi‘ dUputo^reganllng the iKipula«»»uiH
of their n'Hpc'eUvt* toans. the c«»n
ciWiucn. of Alidon and Marshall l.av>'
d»M'hU^ to Hoitle the qmwUoo tvf su
prvnuM*y oh the baMball diamond.
The paloottki^>tMTs of Itallle Crwk
of ih<Ma. have nought to aroU
the law which savs that the view Inir
tbe Kahion from the outside* must not
lie obscured by acrvvns. by imlnllng
the windows with large letters tbat
Juki as egeciually obscuK* the inside
as would acret'us. The chief id police
has heen tnirtructed to see that the let
Ing frt.m the Spring lak«-a lo the Kal
amasoo iMrer. c-roaaing Champion and
Van bunw siroou, at Battle Crook,
and fluwlag, through a thickly aettlcl
^ afction of the city, has b.wn a n«l
aaaci*. causing much damage by ovm^
Buwiag ©very aprlag. The dty baa
just completed a new culvert on Van
Hitren atrlw-t. nod will build one on
Champion atroei, making them iv©
feet lower wnd mtudi larger tbaa the
prraeat obox. Tba brook will also be
la to have a new dally
paper, to be called tbe DaUy News.
Tbe new abcH mm appear today.
I la In darfcaeea
acgotlaUoM with tbe
Blecirtc Go.
bakers have tbclr
aad tbe probable veault
will be a raise la tbe pHoe of tbe aUff
of life.
Albion cltlzena are ooavinced tbat
taM%f1liiKlteti.00e.Mdfl. OitOMk loikMd tmte M
Ytmitr. M. X>.. IMoBiA. V. T.
Mnr yewra Jiin has been lo the
ttgblng at p<-oiHc who were **Mm‘. E. n. Fairbanks of Traverse
City Is vlsmng oW friends and reln9 oaough to tmvc their iHxrk- ilv^
and boasUuR that no man
oa earth could “touch" I
her relatlv.^ of Ihlawlareporch plllowa aa^ other totflea bavo loded Jim! llu went to the supervis
Gilbert Prav and wife are camping
ora* picnic aad was taking up a <^»llec- out near Uoardman river for a few
begun to dlttpptor.
'Tarmefa la tbo Vktolty oC Union tlon for Chartle «sh. the blind fld.ller days.
Seeley has
- gone lo
City have otganlwd tre brlg^ea. Iho of Pontiac. wlH'n hi- was Jostled by a , ________________
viaU rolatlves,
members of which aro anmmoaod by atnuiger who p..meiy IkwmI hiH par
aad Oitippod a half in the hai
telephone in case of emcagency*.
Jim. "therc a
Tbe Nllca city band will give an ex "Bun t mention, It."
n had a slight stroke of
day last we^-k.
ettraion lo a nearby 'anmmer reaurt. plenty room." And su there was -rwm luiralvKlK
I»yal Rkutt of Travt cse City l« vb
in Jim s left baud |hk kei.
Tbo eacuraluolsta are hatching a plot for
iting his falher-ln-law.
J. E. Hugelaud.
to lose the band somewhere on Ihc wbero hla roll rested iusl helure
generous stranger bumped aga
There Is gtvlng to be
Mrs. I*ackan1 of Ib-nronia is vIsItluK
An amateur luiblicaticm just starttsi her daughttT. Mrs. Ora Carpenlvr.
blowout In iN>rt Huron, when the <x>rMr. and Mrs. Hugh Bnyd of Sh«K*rs
at Battle Creek gives the following as
nucstono of the iH*w tei
camp. vlKlted her mother, Mrs. Coopc-r.
die proceedings of the cannmon over Sunday.
to be peraument headquarters of the
1 of that city; “PiximpUy at the
Mr. and Mrs. Will Sumnt-r of Ib-tn.ii
great carop. .U laW. that will exceed
hour last evculnp. his honor. are visiting her aunt. Mrs. Hoxsie. and
even the big gatberi^ of a ymur ago.
Mayor Clapp, called all the aldermeu other relatives.
when there; was an lmmwiac(
The following truKtts-K were eb*rUsi
and a day Of JoHIty that wiu]
by the memlM-rs of the M. E. church:
htMl been run wide opm afli-r W. M. Baird. Wm. Crisp. Filmore
membered through life by those who
nd Sundays. He also «utlm-d Buck. It 1>. White and A. H. Crl.sp.
took part la II. Tbc ceiebratioa will
Mrs. Jas. Enm-st went to Traverse
w checker iMionIs and am»tber
be unique. It la believed nothing like
l*ity last Tuesday,
It has ever Wn devised In this coun twsy chair lor |M»lits- hcadipiariers. We
Ja.vper Evdeil «»f Crand llapids is
try. The city will be turned over to would 8uggi*si that hLs honor have vbltliiu his parents this week.
will Ik* a scK-lal at the t«»wn
Ihc visitors. The mnyor will deliver cots put on the comer by the banks
ball a wM-«-k fnuii Friday evening for
Ihe keys of the city bail to the mayor fw the use- of the jwUci- when on duty
«»f our pastor Siipiht will
save Utem siauding up so
of Di'iroU. or some other ^ty. as may
and there <s lit Ik* a abort
All nn* ronllally lnvlt»«!.
Ik^ determined Uier; the firemen will
White was four years
Khisl their uniforms, giving plsci* to
idd last WiKliii s.iay
ihe voiunti'Cr dre brigades of townH^|
In htuu.r of tin* •v.-hi. Sup.'K-r wa*t
and villages ..aending it*i*rescntaUvi's
to the CHdehratlon. Even the |s»Hcemen
era! nki- pn-si-iits.
will turn over the unlfroms to sekvUxl
Mrs. TV»m Huller of Traverse <*H>
men In the viMitIng crowd. Tbc cere
is visit lue;"her
mother. Mrs. KndJy
monies of laying the corner-stone will Youngs, ^
Tlie tlin-ati-ulng rloinls ve terda\
lift us with uo rain.
be In dmrge of the grand offle^ra of
M. r. t'etc calliHl on V. W. Williani>
Itaplds visltetl
iho grand lodge. F. A A M.
over 8un«lay.
Almost evwy kind of
Mrs. Agnes Cooil. wife Of Wm. <;.K»d
Maud Rroomht-ad <
I'd her sister. Eva llroomhead, last die<! yestenlay inoroing about l;jn
Mr. and Mrs. (LkmI were Isirn in
>ut Ibe country, but Alderman Bert week.
Aaron llroomhead wont to Travr-rse land and eame to Ohio in tbe slvtii*s
Roberts of Uaftlc CriH*k' hax a now
I then- th«*y came to Michigan,
me. Me wanU ihe city to own the City laat week ^ vlsU friends; and n-I
[lome wlun- they liave IIv.hI f»i
jlllbtuirds and file the proeevda t.->
thirty-six years. Mrs. ChwhI leavi*s a
husband, tbret.- stms aud twi» daugh
Nichols Mciaorial hospital.
A liig enm of atrawImnioH for a
small plot of ground was rabu^ thU
Htwson by ttoalel Becker, a MunUIng
man. Ik^ckor has a imtch
by 100
f.H-t in slae. and from thU he w-curod
&‘»4 quarts, jor at the rate of more
than 5.000 quarts per acre.
Kroployes of Ihe jliltle Creek street
deivartiuont unt-artlMsI a atupip on
Msryhall street Tiu-sday that welghwl
nearly four Ions. This Is one of tbe
principal local thoroughfores. nowbav-j
Ing Its brick pavciacnt extended, Thv»
«(ump was hauled through the atreet
Uy iHifHua and dumped la a marsh.
If the plana of certain upper claaa
men at the V. ot M. reach fulflllment.
the coming collt?ge yvmr will Im
markfd by the universal adoption of
the littu- grny cap. worn by many
freHhm«*n last year, as the recognised
fashion in frtshmen beadgvar. The
first Saturday evening of the semt sttT
is drolgnitt-tj as the occasion ftw the
fitrroal assumption of this crown of
verdancy aiui tbo seniors art* <-xj>ecltKl
to participate with appropriate cere
mony at the big Umflre cm fbe camput.
which will he built in cefcbratloo of
the event. The fn*sbineii of the anvbe dUtinguisbed
by the color of the button on their
caps, that of tb© BU being black, the
laws purple, modica green and engtncera ynltow. On the last Saturday of
tbe year there will tm n grand Jnhllna.
at wbicb tlato the ropa will he boned
la toknn of ithe hagtontog of nopboof
to cooperated heartlly In tbc Adoption qf tbta custom.
«|Mk. Mrs. Beyer Mm
tMM to «N Ly«a E Ftak<
Ihur. who have been vlsltlag friends |
xa4 Prtatives here, leave for ihelr]
home la Delaware, O.. Tuesday morn
city are vUItinc thdr dangbicr. Mrs.
*”mIss Bertha Steward vUIted her
iuaL Mr*. C. D. Hanks, over Sunday.
Mrs J. M. Crandall aad children of
vlalttng relative^ and frtenda at this Keystone
bare bees speadlag a few
lays with Mrs. CraBdall’a moUnr. Mrs.
report In' last weeb>i HcraW Wolf,
and sister. Mrs. McKcsgc.
[us Nortia and wife bad left
Sayers and Mrs. Burr
blagton last week waa a mis
they do hot iatend to go anti lames mad children spent Thursday
vith their niece. Mrs.. Irwin Kawlins,
lIoHls Tahben*riS!SBK wSff
nrley Keonistdr and wife are speed
ind Walter Cunningham.
ing a few days at SUvplBg Bear.
Rosa V. Willed* has returned ftoir crested in horsi* training
-ach purphast*d a wild
bU visit.
Itev. E. J. r.j
from Ohio where he attended the year
be Christian NatkM
Mrs. Albert Skeels of Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Skiver spent
h^lr sain Omer Skive
<H* Center visit(*d at the home of Mr.
nd Mrs. A. S. Barnum Suaday.
M-earhetl at the chap
Mrs. IMatl Barnum was tbc guest of
iig and evening.
; party from East Paradise whiefa
vent -up. the riviT to VandervorCs
•\ml last Friday and floated .down loj
I Jly . Hi-rfiert. I Mary lUgley an.
n«ws Chering were chivsen as deli
i. fgthw
Fcnvllkv MIrh, «b<> »r '
■ - ------ ----------------------- —
gates from the ti K.'s of this place f
ivcU jS»tunlw.
/ '
attend the distrlei cou\<titiuu lo lx
held at Kalkaska this wi-t-k.
Jidm I>rew. who has N-en siM-ndln^
with friends in ibl
his ditties O'
ar ferry No. iTjat l^udllngliui..
The railroad iqen
men hav
have U-<-a in ou
Notic© to Taapayttfm.
. otyourt^ How-, ctts-ab—Bm igrtf
lt>aH got ti> Ik* ail <d
Tbc tax n»lls for Ihc collection of
111 bi*llevo it when w.
.lor.v. We
riu'.’- •’
^Mr. lVatt is luoving in his nev
lome. whfeh not j cmly is, flue kx»kln;
uit also very ronvenient.
Walter Truiiibull of Chicago I
pi-nding a short tiihc with his gran.f
►an-iits. Mr. atui .Mr.;. James UolHn^
•f this plan.-.
.Mrs. Wm. l.<*ikblou reluniK to he
tome in JoM. t. fill., this week, wfomaking a sh<ut v di with frl. ipN hen
The Silver Hn^.* show was wHh u ‘
k. Imviim
ast wvek.
liavii^ a very g«H»d amU
twoI evetiiuuH.
Elk llapids
e. Theyj w-4-re obligiHl to slitj
.vll night a,s the find blew s«» the Isia
it lug St the home
-nll-n aiui Mrs.
KT tew to
cements for the five wanls of
I., ^ T..._
|nmd Mnn • iintu^ n
.laced In my hands for collection.
I will IK* in my office for the par.j
______ ^ /
_____ - ’
Ki.se <»f 1-ulkvting said taxes every
vcok daytroni now until Nov. 1, 19«L |
rom 8 o*cbKk untiMl:30 o’clock In j’
he forenoon, and from 1 o’clock un»i‘ ’
o’ckKdi in Ihc afternoon «if jach day. TvmUwih
All taxes i«ild lK*fore S<-pL Ui will j
Ttom© CHq
vpi. l.-t and until Ort. Isl.Ti penalty ‘
f oil© iK-r cent for collection will be ‘
barged. On art taxes remaining
Oct 1st and until ^Noy. 1st a |
K-nalty of two j>er cent for cullec-Uon \ rhruM cxwdnSu
<» trMa wiNag
%Ul iH-chargisi.
Office. Boom 205 State bank bldg.
M. E. Haskell. City Treasurer. |
C> U>UKWGOO. O. ^A ^
Dated July 25. 1^4.
2244.tf l C.W. MUBEA^AawirJ^
if last week
nd a gold w
•ijnsey of Wexford vis
Mls.s Ella '
U'il her sister Imre last week.
Jn... Byers of Traverse City
hero last win-k Visit ing hU gran
M. E.. and gredt grandson. Whitm-.^
. Cate went to Maple C'lty today Baird.
rgaiH't MrKollar gave a Ice
scb.Kil insiK-rlors of Kassiin and
in I ml I:
held a joint m<s-iiug at the rest
"1 want 2 cheap airlii
of C. lk*velhymer *n Sat unlay Tue-iday cv. uin; '.’r*asl' wtH k. also
to detach rvrtain lands of Kas«»n and magic lantern sh W of St*4 •nor>- In India
We start th. m i
last Saturday ev Ding. D »th were well
put In the Cedar sch<Kd district.
Rant a g«xni airtight wc have th.- .
............ "*1*1
Noah Ednie called at J. W. Dicker attende<!.
Born, to Jno bonders and wife.
man’s on Sunday.*
om- made for tbe niom-y. U has _
Kacbael Herrington
commenn-d iKjy.
ving iom«* fttmi Inblira heavy hUh-I Uxly. hc-avy
en last
urdat; Dr. Boylan's horsr
rt-. h.*h\y ru<\ top. iH.fo.m
hlem-d at
train in fron»
tM»on engaged to teach the CJenrbnsiU ’
of Pit Gtddcn.
and starter fnmt. nick.! pJat.d ^wlng i4.p. sid.. n
d for the third term.
s. James White and son Jimmie to run. The aiiirdal was stinost undo?
win Ic-ave Traverse City f«>r On-gon control when onp side of the thllb rails, screw draft and l.s k N-v^-r latch. ; t^EKlS A^ARQItel JlS
Wednesday morning. They will call came h»nHCs and . started the horsr
has a handsome urn. extra largagain
at St. liouls on their way out
crswllug out -of |bc sand from undoi rtsd d.K»r. This U the U-.vt
ippic packers are cxiK*cted
what w-SH bft of; his buggy, with iwr Im- money made. Let us thow
r ur-W’cdncHday.
rlliH limlly bent spd one hand and am
Udiy bruised Ibst It was necessary
for him to rail io Dr. Margaret Me
/Mrs. R. H. Curry ami sfm. of Nassau. Keller to dress the wounds, while the
Itohai^ Ulands. are visiting the for horse was caught down town, unhurt
uW^rother. C. J. Barkman.
but badly frightched.
Mrs. Ralph Case left last WiHln<-s 1 Mrs C A, Brigham enterUln«M
day for Aan Arbor, whore she will re- '■ alsuit twenty of hw lady friends last
ccive modirol trywtment.
l-'riday afternoon l>r. McKcller waMrs. Noah McDowell is sulfcriiig the guest of honok- and gave the ladles
Frank Crude
The camping
from here. In
eluding Miss Unlii Rabbi
bitt of WlllUms
burg, who went! to l.»>iig Lake lari
week, returned this morotns after a
very phwsaat oaling.
Mrs. Wm. Daridfion returned from
Boro. Thursday. Augi^t 25., to Mr. Manistee where ^he has l>een taklag
baths and medKad treatment fur rheu
malism. Her rMmatlam U ranch bet
Hn. Wm. Nortog. • «lrL
ter. hut the 5« Uths that sbn took
Miss Lena MUler retnroed from her
vtsli with tHends at Yuma.
A party ooaslstiag of H. C Tripp. into r. VanHo;^
Isabel Hopklas. Adah Thayer. Howard doing tbe wori . IS Mr. Van Horn <
Dnaa aad Me. aad Mrs, U E. Tripp working In D.
A reward baa beea offered for informatloB leadlar to tbe arroat of tbe bought over'
Robert Wood baa aropled a posltioa with the Haanab A Lay Marcaa-
two jear loads.
lor Barr JntoM bat
twd by a eeamat e«l^ wall, a Btor porch
over her bead, bunriag it scrlouab.
Mrs. Jamc-s Putnam was callnl to
Fife Lake Saturday evening by tbe IIIu«-Hs of her daughter. Mrs. Williaimt
Ira ^uric:win. Jr., has the typhoid
Col^te’s is what we posh.
As there is no better
toilet soab made, tbe rea
son wc recommend them.
219 Arnsrican OragCo.
Thai Ml©
Itotoceri StM*
)i»iriil mfiliMI II «M iMr 9fl
«n|. » MMMi i«ii *v« M u
rjwiiiPt tip to tip, toi4 M io<*»
Mto tor ilMHr gpi tbe lady of
tba IMNO toi^lngtoii tor tba
r. Howard. Pwnr Nor
g J. Haywood. Martoo DIaeh. J. Rat-
r httotr w
«M. m
M*toton«« .caM.M>cth.
r—i|ilir «( hi* t«* «wh>* itop.
SmTh. SSSTr. w?*RmsiI""*g
, bMto* Bmt «r»—tti a( flJM.-
StoSi. J. W. OlRa.' BUS. Bvaas. An
thony Send. August SUL g C. MoRntt.
•>.bMi4i«*|»bP Mr.
Oc* tCMto. to th* MftlMfB
aa^Mfof tba iM
Before be dtod, I
hof. g A. Maoou. Furry Hannah esu
abot, by ive aiqa Msr Btataaboro. Oa..
of tbe awm wbo. be aald.
k ^ Tbay ara Perry aad
Haary Baraaa aad WaoUey Waiere
Tba eoroaar’a Jury reoommeadad aa
1. aka in* Um^ ap ®»or
aad tbe arrest of tbe
tbe Amsoll. luly pbo.
p^eas oopevfrom tbe patbadfal.
wblcb was afttowards aoM to J. Pierpost Morgaa^icjQmmltted aateide by
banging himself to a bar In bis oelL
As the ttarestrioted rec
ognition of Amerlcaa passports to Jew
ish dtlseas as lavolvtag a questkia of
her lateraal p|olley. aad will only al
low U^e AmerleaB reqnost la case the
esar docidea to chaage the laws of tbe
•atlag to Jews,
of ibugs beat aad stabbed
rolloeman Jobn P. Shea of New York
la Washlngtoa Square and be may die
of bis wounds. Rhea bad seen a mem
ber of tbe gang robbing n mnn and
him to where he met tbe
Great escllement prevailed on the
Ini.. Chautauqua grounds
the other day: when swarms of bees
swept down I on tbe pavilion from
neighboring farms. Tbe pavilion wns
joSJStffisartsa.- ^
g HeoaeL F. H.
MA !«■•*•« too* Pratortabttora th*
*Wi Ha kaad aa4 baak.
UM aa< wiata. *«t oa It.' crM
Mia. tbMr.aad Mn. Paanpa droppad
M lha Mdlf ar paitkaat that held
th* ABMrtaaa aagle. IV two woMa
hMd aa tor dear Ufa aaUl awa arHaad
MChatpad tbeai o4c( their predleaatoal, Tba hlrdla «la«i *ere bouad
«fth lapn aad the feat tM. aad the
fan inaaaa. aneb dalicbtad. pare the
bird *r iraedoai to tba hiepar of the
parh, to ba capad aad'paaad oa bp tbe
w Sttii*
I- Thoama. N. % Hanla. C.
jaaoa. Fired Dea% O. L.. OoaltoL
Mary R Slyter. mT?. Miner. Harvay
or evea partially deaf eo that
have dlflculty la following tbo
In tbe public schools, kindly send
address to Rev. C. T. Stout 348
OMmd Mtolltr • eifmr %afi totaoeo
4Mlto €f N«v Yorlu ha. the more or
That tsb could sing? They've nil
Itoft mivtohle 4hrtlwiloii of tolac prm^
liad* their scales since they've been
Itatfly M mumi tovMe oT Judge Alum
-In the swim." I'm In tbe swim. too.
m. IMmr. Mr. Moaner aar* be luui
with n scale, but It’s a scale of prices
. M More roe cmt ot tbla rm^mblaoce
oa real estate, loans, mortgages. Also
thAii Im hM erer bid out oT aonblng
lioose on B. Tenth street, in iloe
etoe. Os ose ooessfos be wm Isier
condition, freehly PPpered. for rent al
eteered by s New Yorb reporter, ssd
roiMmable price. B. McNaamrm.
sgpreeeed eosm atsrtUbg viewa on
pseelloss of public Intereet. When the
lepmiCer bsrrtod swsy Ibe joker osllod
People don’t choke with the smell cl
pp ibe sewHdtpar oBde by telepbooe
balls and camphor during tbe
ser montba Instead of having
asd osplaliiid tblsgio
• Hfetosg lepubUess;
all that worry over wool WpeU. try
new -flberette." made of hard,
Or. It Ooeser g^vet an Interoallng
Attrncied by the odor of the
MMsst la Kuaat for Alle of the
double twisted cotton thread, la fast
MOppe art apboot emablUbiNf at Worth
colors sad many beautiful designs.
there the beai|
The effect would plesse the most fasby HalaHeh Sogol. tbe moat fSiaou. of
tain, while tbo dHnkere and
dtous. J. W. Mllliken.
jarty abeep. rear moolb. ereiy year
suspended wiflo tbe bees drnnk their
be iMtoblaa Wltb bla peptla la the place
Is here. With weeks of potsto haul
.plii^llib aambMidlaga of which of.
Rqv. John |lcNcUI was conducting Ing from groat distances, over rough
I. why not save
ssvq trouble and use
service wbep a man was seen strug
agon/you have so long
gling to get a Ml In the already over tbe new road wagon
thought of buying?
ng? We keep the standaba# aa jaJtole. tablag care to breed crowded hall, j A Christian worker di
Barney Andemoo.
tbe blade particularly admired by rected him td nn adjoining room,
here an ove^ow meeting was to be
their eleltora. There U a regular price
IIM tor tbe aae of thiwe animal., wblcb eW. -If you; will go there.- be sstd To Uko chances regarding the safety
M sailed oa the walla of a local tar- kindly. -I fedi sure you will get
of your valuables? Your home, your
ara. Here Zagel llkea to moot bla pu- blemilag.- -I
) or your safe msy be robbed—
<11111 la the erralag and ovor a glaaa of was tbe testy
you can't tell. Better forestall the loss
preach!”—Scot I
beer ttil of tbe time wbea he. like
of the most valuable things by keep
Oloito aad Begmntinl. teeded hia fa American.
ing them In the safe deposit vaulU of
Tremont Whiebler. an 001*1 Ilondr
tbe First Nstlonsl Rank, where aafety
It baa juat developed that the Ru<»^ Me., ttahermas. has recovered ISO.OOO and convenience are
alas poet, who baa boon widely n*ad worth of lares, owned by Mme. Mock per year renta a box.
uader the nltlala »K. R..- U none oiber arsel. of New York, which were lost
than Grand Duke Conatantlnei eon of when the CUy of Rocklaad struck
J. W. Jackson, the confectioner,
Oonatantlne. the' exar'a granduncle. Gangway Led^e a month ago. Search
aside from having n complete line of
The grand duke waa a eoldler before
era enter«l Whitcher’s cabin and were
and pure fruit
betoorae a dtatlngulabed poet.
;ed at the place. On the rough
lino of Indian
In Mmmemomiloo
J the Indian
pine table waa a lace table cover, bnskeU. and aoveltlca In birch bsrk
worth fully IfWHt. On It were spread and black ash splints, fragrantly dec
orated with sstoel grass.
mUI home to Virginia with her hu.^
baaA In 1«16. Bt. Oeorge'a churrh. iu other articles of tableware. On the’
were rugs, some of them worth
Wapplag. la to have a pulpU made
from wood brought from Virginia. Po- many hundreds of dollars. The walls By not looking over our large stock of
cabontaa la burled In the chancel of had Iteen draiMMl with beautiful hang chlldron's slippers and oxfords before
ings and several rare and^esi^slvo
Have a full aaaortment of
Bt. Ooorge'e rhurcb.
Tbe death of Don Marroa Antonio •Ilk kimonos Ihsd been utilised ns por- vld bid oxford, patent tip; patent colt
i. A trunk caught on one of Bhicber
Fbrater at Ijo« Angclea a few works
iped sandals. In two or I
ago removea one of the laat and bcft Whltcher s lilies at.a depth of SO fsthand he idodares It was the hardIS, also many other pretty styles.
baowa of mtbem ralifomla hidalgoa
fork he ever did to haul It up and
who bad been fortunate enough during
tboae daya of Aaierlean prtigreaa to get It Into his boat.
have proeenrod Intact bla tbouaand
Qfstoves. that's wbst we sell. They
bUU and aome very ncleci cattle and
We are posotlvcly the only retailers are clean. Inviting looking, with ear
abeep tbeeron.
la the city Iwbo mnnofacturo choco marks of prosperity and nine out of
Many men charge high to be inlet
lates and fruit bon bons. Our milk tea bear this mark. -Brand's 81
viewed. 'VIr Cbarlea Vllllera Bunford.
cboooUtes are especially delldous. 8o 4nd Ranges," We also have the toll
profeeeor of mualc at Cambridge uni
arc all the trull Bstotb. "juices aad variety Reatera. ranges mad hot blasta.
vrratty. bald It required a fee of ll.ooo
crushed fruit used at our aoda foun Miller A Morse. Ban Froat streeL
to get him to -opea up.-. W O. Grace, tain. Bverythlng bome-auide. Bren
the cricketer, demanda |500 for an In* the melted lee cream-lert over can be
tenrlew. aad the ratea act by W. 8. used for ooRee. LaOrottl Candy Co,
Thut ia what the Flebrich. Fox. HU
Gilbert mod 81r Robert Rail, the aa »1 Front Bti Both phones, at 8S5. kur ahoeaure. Manufacturml only for
mmomer. are nearly aa high.
meu. but while the
la limited, the
Dell 2U.
Vh9 duba of^Plfe la one of tbe few
etjrle U not We b^ ell styles end
laad owaera la Great Brttalo who do
grudee. Call end inaW our atock
sot believe In tbe accumulatlooa of
be suited to
Are you bsjppy? if so go to Baraum
A Bari'S and >(* ov^ their lam cod- fit uad style. Ed Leutuer. Ualoa St
ateadlly pdrtod with bla land aa opportaalty aRorded. bolding tbnt one mnn vest In one for yonr wife and bn
eaaaof ooatrol large traeU of terri set to please her taste, whieb Is
tory to tbe boat advantage of tbe com' to be right
tosalty. He U probably tbe only total
amoag the dpbca la the
You caat expect to do away with
Lord Haltbarlop. who recently
sbees at Tbe BInbe ttoes. We
lima hlmalihea la a week's time. Keep
Mr. Araj^M^Ptoatora «
nan aavu pan to per eent an
oa Uktag BbUlsterY Rocky MouaUla
atoomophia noa
the tomooa J
nunry toHar* Orsp la and pHse
Tea. YtoTI Rave a lovely oomplexioa.
Si coato. Tea or Tabteta. Johaaoa
Drug OA
ween Nlaih and T«th stieeto from
Radiworth to Bohemia street, la the
alley between
streeU from Wadsworth to Bdhemim
street. In the alley between Eleventh
nnd Twelfth streeU
to Bohemto street ss hcrctotote adopt
ed by tbe Connell of Trnversd aty.
Mich., take noUoe
?7v8.qJC F. O.
That the roll for the special asscasment for the laying of a sewer In the
alley between Ninth and Tenth streeU
from Wadsworth to 1
U Ue niey bdwOM^T^th and ElevWadswofth'to
_____________between KJeventh
Twelfth StreeU. from Wadsworth
ohemla street. U now In my office
for public Inspection.
NbUoe It also hereby given thst the
mncll and board of assessors of the
city of Traverse City will meet at the
said city at 8 o’clock p.
ISih. 1804. to review
t roils, at which time
tonlty will be given all
persons Interested to be heard.
Dsted this S8th dsy of August. 1904
City Clerk
M nu. d;
W. Vtmtone. Fred L. Stod^ag. Calvla U Qlb-
from Wmlmort
DlvUlon: In the
alley between Tenjh and
StreeU from Wadsworth ts Divlakm;
la the aHey betwfen Eleventh aad
Twelfth streets, from tVadswdrlh to
as heretofore i
by the council ofrTiiaverse
Tiiaverse CUy
CUy. Mlchl-
hat the roll for|the
forithe «pecla1
Bpeclal aaseoment heretofore made by tho boaid of
aaseasora for the phrpoae of defraying
that pan of tho oobl which the coun
cil decided should pc borne by special
assessment for the, laying of a newer
In the alley between Ninth and Tenth
strocts from Wadsjw.orlh to Divisiaa;
in the alley betwe<tn Tenth and Elev
raft 1000 WAITS
enth streets from Wadsworth to Divi
sion: In the alley i between Eleventh
and Twelfth street* from Wadsworth
to Division streetsl U now on file at
my offlee for publli Inspection.
ollce Is also hereby given that the
Dcil and
Hiy of Traverse
City will meet Sep
Notice Of Sowor Asoosrnntnt-Thlrd tember 12th.
1904.jln aald city at the
cll rooms
at 8 o’clock p. m. to review aald
Finn. John Bartx. time and
Chas. Howard. John Lswrence. Wm.
AdsIt. H. O. Joynt. E O. Ellli. J. J.
Dated tbl
Duan. C. W. DeZoete. Henon Squire*.
W. O. Dunham, Adventist Church.
Stoib and pidVq btoii liiWm. Ingersol. Bobt. Hewett. Fred
vltod. Sqlqqtywirw
Colby. . G. Copps. J. W. Morse. P. O
Miller. J. B. Hswley. Thos. Bomlrow.
W. L. Brown. R. A. Ixiwrle. A II Al the sMes. Tha’s what a^good
_______ i^fcAbtoWiftWig
Dunn. Wmsrd Car>. O. R. Newman. fict will never do. break down at tbe
Henry C. Gore, Thus. Holm.' Luna sides. Just
w th a good pocketMi. BAWVM to F8NNALLM0N
Paris. Geo. Scott. Goo. Newberry
ck. Nell
SSrah J. Calkths. J
os Hill, class goods a special price Is put on
Livingston. Fred Smith. Milo
t. Frac
Clyde W. Finn. Lucinda Fox.
Frank them, to make
for holiday goods.
Waldls. A. C. Eller. Cha*. Kasterda
In stock, coin Npurse*.
Nelson Gore. V. A Patrick. Wr
gents’ and ladles’
dies’ bocketbooks In walBlackman. John l.atharus. A. B. Cu
tic. Clifford Clyne. Morris Decker rus, alligator and heal. Bugbee. CUy SILVERWARR
Louisa Ayers. H. D. Poayner. R. Wleil Drug Store.
Wo coil ostofilah you at the
oeft. Samuel SUiver. Chas. Moulton. C
E. Kent. J. M. Haggard. Mrs. Mary
haudoomo glfta wo oro oollIJtDIES! Betlet look those sample
Dlsler. Ely Clyde. C. P. Taylor. Palmci
IH9 for SI JR
shoes over while ihcre is a good ar.B.. G. F. Rowt
Craw A Hardy,
L. Da sonment. They’ll jsave' you from 50c
vis. F. J. SutlhcrUnd. M. L. Lyon
to 11.50 per pair. JL V. Friedrich.
Mrs. Rose Wi-ebb. A. C. Rowley. P.
Parii D. E. Carter. Rohl. Walter. F. L
Lydia Jameson. Josephine
The New York ijea Co. Is this week
tea. F. E. Saxton. Geo. E. Jewett
R. Burns. W. K. Moon. Nellie John
son. D. I.- Thomas. N. W. Harrie. C H balls, and holding 16 and 4 quarts
Johnson. Fred Dean. O. L. Coulter Hpectlvely. worth j?5 cents In actual
Mary E. Slyter. Geo. Helm. M. C.
ler, Harvey Chlnworth. John Danford. value, but l>elng given with a So^cent
A. C. rader. J. W. Miller, G. P Gar- can of l»aklng i»osfder. Call and you
will surely Invest.
"w&'aa.'safA. D. TYLER
adley. E.
Pike.'wm. Raine. Arthur Had
Uuuiyv It Is econolny. for a good malW. Butler. W. B. Bennett
Bennett. A. H
trosK win outlas ^x cheap ones and
^ntel. John Gallagher.
B. Kna
gl»e you rest and' comfon. The PalM. E.
metio Is tho liest. ; Made of two layers
ard, Ray Monroe. Perry Hannah
Mrs. Libby Kelly, 8. B. Colo. Andrew of palm fibre and Aroe layers of felled
Pitch. D. Routaong.
Wm. VanStee. A cotton. The fiber] gives the elasticity
B. Curtis. FVed Storking. Calvin Olh and the coilon^ ^Ives the softness.
son. Wm. Hondrirks, W. J. Noble. Cal Only 18.50.
’ i J- W. Slater,
vin Gibson. A. Hannaford. Z. T. Swan.
Y«uuj Home yMrolsher.
Henry Carfleld. Warren
Bert Mullen. Jane A Harr>*
F.Ncaaon.F.F.O Ncll. R. G
Than a small wment down and there
Prompt Delivery.
after a small w^kly payment? In
Interested In laying of
this way you will [never feel the drain
away to be made into ni^Oet me
on Division street
t a point
at the alley bet
h and 9th
ntreetrand running tmilh to tho alle/ the same lime yoii can enjoy the use
"TT CHAPW, Pr.|.rteito.'
between 12th and 13th atreets. a* heri^ of one of those ijandy kitchen tables
tofore adopted by the council of Trav- now in stock at' l->ank Raub’s. who
fVse^lty.^ Michigan, tal^ notice that
also docs repairing and revarnishing
OTfetofore made hy *t^e board of apo at his store. East Front street.
dal assessors for the purpose of de
fraying that part of the coat which
the council decided should bo bo
Are aiways certain to come to all—
and paid by special assessment for
laying of a trunk aewer on Division sickness, accident] loss of employment
street beginning at a point at the alley or other misfortune. But If one has a
between Eighth and Ninth
reserve In bank the proverbial “rainy
day” Is robbed ofcmuch of Us dread.
18th Btreets,
The People’s SaiRigs bank offers an
olllce for public tnspcction.
Notice is also hereby give
gW n thd the absolutely safe place In which to ac
oouncU aad board of
cumulate Buch a ^enre which can be
city of Traverse aty will meet at the drawn whenever teeded.
council rooms in said city oa SepU
A little saved ^h week or month
her 12th. 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m.. to resoon grows to a peat sum.
•Munlgntoi JLnnUnrmwtn
opportualty* win be
Datod tbU 85th day of August. 1904
Fortunato is the grocery ■loro that
aty Clerk. has the reputatipn for dependability.
Fortunate la the*pubUc thdt bti auch
a store in lu ml<M. Mutual confidence
between a store
lu buying public
moans growth. This store hna grown
Howard. ^Joha Lasrreaoe, Wm.
THE VIOUN, ha* *r,anM a DANCE
AdalL H. O. JoyaL R O. Bllla. J. J. nmhltlon highejflm. poaseetlng your
ORCHEETRA aito la roitoy tor daiw*
Dnaa. g W. Oailta. C W. E
an, ala* tor a tow pa,Us
Hoaoa Sqalroa. W. R Doahi
»■•. W*wuilj*T*r7tia«*tnMw.
DK NT 18-1
Tboa. Boadrow. W. U Browa. R A.
Uoa to b* ntlalyW u« tt h It aot «*
wafet TO* to Uli «t aboat It U S
TliSl the Hto
KRSBCITY. ThqyuMusroyqg ffto
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