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The Evening Record, July 28, 1904
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Mam BTHtwi tut wm MMartWM
At C«»« *M»ctl», TM« Mcrnina.
Special to tbe BYcalac Raeord.
Riaesley. MIclu July
OMO by Ue aaas of Kye. wblte swltoblag near Oobba Juactlon lbls*teamiac.
fa some masiaer fell beooatb tbe oars
4KWS HATED MINItTER, EAVINC aad bad his rtitot leg cmalMNL He was
Ok«a to Cadillac. The young man
bad only beca In the employ of the G.
K. A I. a few days.
fUEsr imsi FiHus
WoimM In tHn tnosMtrA
Anothw OmrnI KlllnJ In
MU# of Tsiehi Kloo.
Fraaident and Family Have Left Oya*
ter Bay.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Oyster Bay. N. Y.. July 2«.—Prssl
deat a^ Mrs. Roosevelt. Tbeodort
and Kermlt left Oyster Bay this morn
ing for Washington. They will remain
at tbe capltol unUI tbe middle of
August and then return to Oyster Bay.
Bjr Wire to Uio Breaiiic Roeord.
l^Sx. PotowbariL Jolr ig.-M. Plebve.
BdnUUer of Uio latfrior. wai msnwln, ‘ -fttod lioro Uito monUBS while rldln* In
bio coJTlASC. He woo pooclos In frunt
of Hotel DeYoiooYic, oeor the termlmu
of ibe Wonsw rsUwoy ouUon. when
o ana oaddealr roobed out of the restITAIN FULL SATISFACTION.
Uarool oltocbed to the hotel end
bttrlod m bomb oi the Yeblclc. Plebre
ood bU coorbaum were InsUnUy
killed, tbelr bodies belOR terribly ma
Jews Hated Him.
The ososseto was captured soon
• after the traced/. He Is believed to
be a Jew but refiues to talk and will
not clve bis n^e. Several penums
Foreign Minister Lanedowne Has Rswere injured as a result of the explo
red Satisfactory Aaauranose
sion and the wildest disorder prevails. |
From Rumis In Rtgerd to ths
riehve was on bis way to Peterhoff |
to roport to the esar. When the em
Knight CommafMier.
poror learned of tbe assasslnatiao be
trembled and soak back Into bis cbalr. By Wire to the Evening Record.
M. riebYO* was baled by the Jems in
l^doo, July 28.~Your com-spond
Ruasla. They accused blm of belna ent U officially Informed that Fbrcign
a despot and of persecutlni; them Minister U-rd lAndo^no has received
whenever possible. The Finns as well assurances from Russia that full satis
abhomHl tbs dead sutesman. He was faction was given Great Britain In the
cm« n>or of Finland once and i
matter of tbe steam<n- Knight Com
with an Iron band.
mander whl-h wa* sunk by the \Hadl
vosioK rnilsers on Sunday*. Premier
Baifour announc»Hl in the house of
lioodon.'July 2L—The Japanese ein eommuns today uiat the acute stage of
bassy has w dispatch from Tokln mn the RtsJ wa Incidents had imssed and
taJnlng a repoH from General Oku In that the Russian volunteer vt*svels
whlrb he sUtes that the Jspan<w4 would lie withdrawn.
army pursuing the enemU^s advancwl
on July 21i to tbe aortb of Tascb
Kiao. The Russians retreated to the
northward. lie adds that Tascbl Kaiu
and New KUtua are ablaxt*.
The Tien Tsin correspondent of the ARE SAID TO BE EMPLOYED ON
Rvonlag Star reporU that General Ku
ropatkln waa wounded fn the shouldn
during the battle at Tasrhl KIso or
July 24. Another general w».m killed. Mass Meeting Called for Last Evening
T*be Russians, according to the corre
But Nothing Accomplished—Will
siKinUcnt, lost jfl.oou killed.
Come Befortt Trades Council. ’
p It
OrHn UK>fs Homs Burned to the
OftHind-TWo Houses, s Bam and
Telephone Poles Struck.
A meeting tjf the masons. carp<;nter*, plumbers and Uwrasters wa*
caiUsl last night in Montague hall to
appoint a c^mimlitee to wait on the
contractor who Is building the gtnern
raent building to ask him to employ
inlon men. The t«wmsters and a few
of the masoDs w.-re pr«‘sent but not
enough So that any actlun was taken.
The union claim* that non-union
teamster*, have been doing the work
«o far and they are trying to have the
re*t of ihe work done by union men.
The matter will pn>bably come up at
the reguUr trade* council meeting to-
Bpeclsl to the Rvenlng Record.
Kingsley, Mich., July 2L—Orrin
iMce'n farm bouse. thn'C miles cast
and three miles south of here
/■ . timed to (h. ground thU momlng
Part of tbe paatents were saved. The
L^Hlre was paueed by a defective flue
about I6S0.
Dr. H. J. Ge tmsn Stopped n Runaway
Damaged by Lightning.
Team That Th
George C. Sparling’s new bare, two
and one-half mllea east of here, waA
atruck by Ugbtnlag yesterday and
badly abattered. Luckily It did not
A runaway started near tbe Enler. ,
lake Are, Tbe bare U just being buUt. prUe grocery this morning and made
mad dasb doom Bute streetAnd was
iff _ LoroltM.
i : ■ The telephooe Um three >ad on. on tbe hlgb road to do considerable
image when Dr. H. J. Getman made
hair mllM «tt wu dsBuged ooiuU
great stop by grabldng one of tbe
t • mbir li»'IlghtnlDg atrlUng the polro.
borsos by tbe blu.
When'stopped the frightened team
! Wat struck aad damaged about
was about ready to create havoc with
^ buggies standing out in frtmt of
B. J. Morgan s livery bare. Tbe owner
atruck. tbe daasage being ia tbe i
of the team, who Is a farmer living
bbrtiood uf ISO.
near Hannah, appreciated the work of
A meeting of tbe board of directors Dr. eOiman who fortunatetj saved a
of tbe We-quo4oac club will be held
this erniag at I o’clock al tbe club
bouse. A stockholders' meeting will
Mr*. E J. Lavcmier aad non and
be held August 3 to consider applleaisu Hannah ICnutb went to Heed Otj
lions for jaembertblp and other mat tbia morning for a rlsU with Mrs. Lavters.
endeFk parenU after a visit in tbe city
Tbe regular weekly nhoot of tbe with relaUvea. Bbe will reture to her
Traverse CKy Rod and Oaa dub will' betne in Grand Marina, upper penin*
bp bcM tomorvww aftoraooa.
from Reed Cigr.
OeMraBy flair tonight and FHdv
Light northertywtoda.
Colkma. OolotBdo, aad Mrs. Mary E.
Lonka of this city. There wfll be a
short runeraJ eerrlee at the grave in
•AY VIEW ASSEMGLY SO REGARD* Unwood cemetery Friday morning at
11 o’cioek. The pah bea^ra wOl be
four grandsons and two* graadaons-ta:.
law. Undertaker Anderson has the
fomely sold at $1.26 and $1.50. Oar tpecial price
Claas Kahn of Provemont died >esGOLF LINKS AND TENNIS CQ^RT lerday of old age al the age of 7k
1. He U survived by bU wife and
tugbter. Mrs. Charles Krepp of
GlenArhor. Deceased waa one of the
pathstic In Regard to the
rt aettiera in that regloo. having
lived there about forty years.
Only $60 of Neeaaaary
The funeral service will be held toBeing Raised-Meeting
orrow afternoon at 2 o’clock from
tbe school bouse at East Leland under
tbe direction of H. L. Carter.
Special to tbe Evening Record.
Mrs. Rodgera* PmieraL
Bay View. MIcK. July
Tbe an
Tbe funeral aenrioe of Mrs. Rubelna
ml meeUng^of tbe Bay View Camp
Ddgvrs of Fairwell was held this
ufonad assoclalioo yesterday after
afternoon al 1 o’clock from the Disci
noon was the hottest ever held. Tbe
ple church. Rev. T. J. UUom officiat
contest was between tbe old jmd new
ing. The floral offerings were very
blood In the nasocUtion and the new
pretty. Tbe body was laid to rt'st in
blood won. Three new trustees were
Oakwood cemetery under the direction
elected. W. M. Ward of Detroit, Georg of Ralph Anderson.
Gundrem of lonU and W. M. Fnilass of
Petoakey. Ward and Gundrum suc
ceed themselves.
milas, who is tbe new memte
Bsy View Aeeembly OfTers Rare At
promptly electrifled the meeting by
trsctlons srvd Excellent Features
proposition to establish bowling alleys,
This Ye/r.
golf links. tennl8"^urt and a swim
ming pool on the Association grounds
Rev. Morton D. Carrel returned last
and a Mtter fight suned. The older
night from the Bay View camp meet
members characterized the Innova
Ing and Rev. and Mrs. Hugh. Kennedy
tions as iDstremenu of the devil but
the younger element won. Golf links arrived home today. The camp meet
and a tennis court will be estsbilshed ing Ihl* year was the best ever held at
this year and other plans will follow Bay' View and the Traverse City peo
ple who attended art* enthusiastic over
next season.
s sucre**.
The desire for younger blood In the
The talent represented by leading
adminlstreUve offices was also shown
en was excepUoimlly good this year
by a plan to appoint a resident cart^^
Uker through the entire year, the In- and the whole assembly is favored
tiop being to give thU now office with the flne*l features In the history
of Bay View.
to Dr. William H. Shier of Detroit, for
many years president of the aasocla
tioo, and place a younger man in
Shler’s present position.
As win be rememhored the Petosk* y
l»oard of trade voted the assembly
11.600 last week A thorough canvas
of the town was mgde and Just about
S50 cf the lUOO secured- Tbe canvas
showed tA almost absolute lack of In
terest the first reason Udng that the
assembly tickets were made nontransferable this year and that W4'ane<l
away many friends. Tills anion wai^
later rescinded but the opiK»si!hin had
been arouwMl. The Hec<.nd leju^on wa?
that the Petoakey iwH.ple art ju*t a
trifle tired of tbe Kiral*;hl laced prinriples oo which the muM rably ha* been
conducted in the years |iasl. They be^ |
lleved that the Infusion of new blood
and more liberal Ideas would be the
only thing that would save the i
By voting the changes ynuorday.
the association changi-d nik^s that
have been In force for thirty years.
Are recognized to be the best
on the market. Leading mu•ician*
the*e splendid Instrument* and
ars loud In praise of their sweet
tones, artistic design* and high
quality. When you think of good
p>anos think of the KIMBALL.
Call and see the late styles.
Factory prices and easy term*.
i29FroatSt H.E.Strrar,Srr-
Call early and get the book you want
fsVumf/ht and WiflSy.1
Eugene V. Dsvi« of Long Lake
passed away at his daughter’s real
dence. €33 West Tc*nth street, yester
day afternoon at 4 o’clock after an ill
ness of two weeks.
Mr. Davis was born in Truxton.
Cortland county. New York. Nov. 15.
182C. and was married In Baltimore.
MaryUnd. in 1851 to Mi*s Eibellnda
Price, a native of Maryland. He
moved to Ohio w Ith hU parent* in his
infancy, thence moved
county. MldUgan. at the age of 18
years, lear^^ iba-trade of Iron molder
In Ann Arbor, worked al that business
about two years then went as a sailor
to Rio Janlero, South American, and
on hit return settled In Baltimore.
Maiylaad. where he worked at his
trade for twelve years.
With his family be mov^ to a farm
In Long Lake township .in 1862. Fhere
he resided unUl the last alxtecn years.
He has kept a store at tbe bead of
Loag lake, where be waa well known
and blgbly respected by all who knew
blm. He loonted a homestead on sec
tion 11 at Long Lnke and most of the
time slnee the organizaUon of the
ownMilp has been township treasurer.
He was deeply Interested In nil tem
perance work aad a hearty worker In
pange where be was a highly csteemed member aad whore he wlU be
sadly miseed. He and bis wife, have
tree pareau to the orphan cblidrea of bis late dau^tor, Mrs. Bmlly
A. QUcbel, for twelve years bis home
kss been thdr borne.
Hto wife ned two ebUdrea aurvire
blm. A non, Cbnries Davis of Von
WE WILL PAY $10,000
Tbe warm weather the paM
few days made aodi a call for
Oalbrds that we ordered and
to any one proving thtt we do not core bd -6W in giait orders
JKtRieilnnRif SbiiiiBt
ol all the leading styles in
women’s oafordi:
So if yun hare been unable
lo find just what you wanted
you can now find them at oar
cauSthouudt of dtiien. in Trovene City^hoTwH?Wfa«l te
jrean, on aocoont of being nnnble to buy > periM fittuy.
SUIT—Trousers—Overcoat or Hat
We can cure you, if you give us a duince.
P^>«‘wouW.B^^ Competitom:^^
.. 6c
.e Sc
.. Sc
Union Made Ove^*.
•. BKNDA a
The Old Rdi5Je*aoe Hoose
New Stand 242 Front Street
Cor.Lnk,Av«.and lOtK
Abstracts of TIUs
SHIP’S pioVeers.
Claus Kahrt of Prevemont. Another
Pioneer, Passed Away—Mrs. Rubeins Rodgers' Funeral.
The last call on all our Striped
and figured Lawns and Dimi
ties that have sold at 15,20and
; 26c per yard. We finish Inven
tory this week and are deter
mined to clean up the entire lot
’ . of summer wash goodssoconne
early and get your choice while
they last at only
lOc Yard
Ctmtr *Fr0Ht
Another quick turn in
MENS SUITS, for cash. '
Our best Hart Schaffner Marx and Stein
' Bloch Suits first floor
front table $22.00 to '
$25.00 Suits.
NOW $17^00
now $12 unparelled
bargains, come while
the assortment is good
mwiTOM cmnwis ca
Use Record Want All
: ctTv. atcHiaAN. -muMCkAv.
anpi tha New Toth Pma thasa waaa
Btole to haad, Jstoad to tl
Ptonds told down thare j
cf the Uatted Stotea are aahed
hr the Seasocratie partr to Tote tor a
awa. 4ad» Parker. whS to ItK aiM
IPOO Mtoeiptelr gare hto ballot, and
aars ap. to the fenaal propoaUloa of
WUZIaai J. Blrfoa u> cal the Talae of
r aarlaps haahs depeaiu to half,
phoar arwr 4oUar earned, aceaasalala aad pat awar at totersat oaljr
•rtr fwpu «r pnod moaer: to amkn
erery dollar of Interest paid oair
Pfir mmXM of good amaer!
It is tone ikwt Jadge Parker has said
la a tolagmB
alagm^ Pastgaad to aave his
r to ooatroi of the United Stoles
the gold stnndnrd as
i «r «Mll to potai of
I AMTtftoc to tlM polKks or
MTHtao. Ito Mao to of OMlI
■rL Tkm muUmm at B&enlmrr
r mm MW
floaatnr. ter hl»
A wm ama tonicaH^ aad noc a
toe «M ovwtooM It. to tba
tote powar, tevto toa toaaawjr 4aplat-
Mtedaad pa4 atabto enrroocr. aa dU
TtotoPNOad teiMB eo4a. la ilia ha&ds or
Sdia paoplt.**
. Ifito had aaM ao »ora than that be
aroiddihaaa told to It the whole foan
Mta a the flaaMlal poller of the
partr. Thai poller la writtea la the atobliltr oT valae oT ovarr
ooto aalated and oT ererr prumiae to
par laaaad br the Ualted Btalea sovaraaMMU hacawae of the ooaaenratlre,
<ha wholaaaaiaaadthe hiflexlble eharaeter oT tafldlatkio enacted br the reI partr Vrhera the flaaBeea of
, therefore, all aubdred.ereii
•thare tow aot hM the alirbtest derta«|QB oa the pari of the tepahlleaa
partr tromthm Mfe and aoUd laaada
tlOB oC a said ataadard aad a carraacr
redeeaiable In pt>ld and worth lia face
ralue to aar coontrr In Uc world. For
aoaUDuatlaB of that ananclal policy
Uw ChleasD eentreotloa. the republican
partr and Theodore RouaevoU ataad
pleds«d-hBl what or Parker and the
partr down whoac throat Darld Ben-
while he twice ected to make a fifgr*
ceat ptooe of ererr hollar to the sst
togs haaks. he now “regards- that the
aad the rest of
the natioo. as a majarity. wUl n«
ill their dollaia to he coararted
fiflr«eat pleoas. He has not said
bo wns wrong to IkM nnd IPPO. He
bns not said that he now beUeres a
ir ahonld remain a dollar: He has
the full IPPceat dollar Is “eriahMahad.- whaterer he hMleTee. whpl*
eeer he would do had he hto own wpy
now. as be tried to do to lt»6 aiM
deipd the place but rarused. Leading
-foriom bopd- ton't exacUy to Oor.
Somehow the Parker hraad of sane
aad eafe deoiocracr does not appear to
be aa genetnUr soceptohle an was e»
Id. A great many democtato are
as over It as U the label were
riegrnm whooping It up for sUvor^
wouldn't that be still bravw. because
atUl later, than tbe judge's heroic ef
Oaafiisas Cannet Pe Cured
Br local appUcationa. as they esanm
reach the dtoeaaed portion of the ear.
Thare to only one way to care deaf, and that Is by constltniionsl
•diet. Dastoare Is oansed by an toflamed oondlUon of the mucous lining
»e EusUchisn Tube. When this
tube to Inflamed you hare a rumbling
and or imperfect bearing, and when
to entirely closed. Deafness to tbe
lult, and unless tbe toflsmmatioa
can be token out nnd Uto tube re
stored to lu normal ooodUlon, hearing
etoU mu ofmauDed him?
I k
Aa the' CommercUl Tribune baa which to nothing hut an toflamed coopointed out, Judee Parker, etolmlna ditlon of the mucous surfaces.
We win give One Hundred Dollsrs
to he “a aound nxiney man.” Toted
any case of Deafness
(canted by
ss (esnsed
ter Brran to ItM and to laoo on a for
catarrh) that
ha cured .by
free aad nallmtud eolnase of allver
•s Cat
ptottena. aad hla partAaaa loyally
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O.
would hare Indimeil him to repeat tbSold by druggUU. 76c.
eoU oa a atoatlr pUtiorm had fate
Take Hall's FsBlIy PilU for consOaad XiaTid Benarll JIUI aUowad the
aoBUnaltoa of »Ar. Bryan to 1M4.
Not all the U4esram> Judge Parker
Bight hare wired to Si. Ixmla could
There are no Ifs and ands about U
write aoond money In the democratic when you bring your physician s pre
partr. Neither caa indge Parker, scriptions here to be fliled—they are
MaadUig on a platform afflrmlng frtT- filled sccortUng to bto directions, ab
aUrer and lU unlimited coinage
solutely. Wo have been to the busi
UM aad to IfOO. and on another In ness for years, and our guarantee to
Whirb to silent nith the allenct* stomped on evtwy bottle of medicine
or cowardice oa the questian.
we corapound. A word to the wise to
aiandi but to marked ountraat loTheo^ always sufflclenl. The Johnson I>rug
Sore RoosetwlU as hto party stands
wut to marked oontraal to the repubBean partr. Br the two men the
Rubber Heels. Alfred V. FYledrich.
flea will be judged, equally with the
afllrmatlfe poettkm of the republican
partr on the finances and the »kulklng
oraaloB of the Bt. towto coovenUon
pad lU foUowtog.
LOT. Change ef Program.
Trayerse aty's New Shoe Store
I aC hlch«rade footwear boU dreesy and t
t calf, riel kid nnd aaatoal tore ahoas and reWpiltirt
hhoM and aiterds to pataat aad fine Tfd kid toathar.
RIRtr AND ROVr ^hoas. anlee lot of good ahoaa. the aU aoUd ktoA
to hlndt nnd aaportid oolorar
rniest tha towssL Qaidlty tha hari. (ton aad bt aeartnead.
p. G. LEWIS “sT
toted V
la His
rest he Judged aot by tao^
hut tor IB geueral trend.
Naw rmmaaM
■atol otoPt to xm TjMS^ toP'
Mm. Pounds spiAe oa the aabject <
hCnre.- AtorgsBOBherorpe
Borrow flM aad pay as hsck
IS4 to rencel your mortgage of
lire. Too do this In arey
oMBthly paymreto.
No tax
SbM Wiist Suits
€14 per pret lutereaL We
haTe the heat ptupoaltina ever
uRared to the paaple of this city.
Before you borrow any money
Pourilv niohsimhi Blaclu tone.
Brown. Bray. Cbaiasaoiic^....
------ ---- - .
Blue aud Black gbtek. to riaru ^
Black, Blur. Brown, Bray.
PWU and SUd. at SOc yard,
A. F. Nerilnger. C. W. Aahton.
of Hto olatB. hat He guarded wUh the
theeeldsh use cf
H the btoreliigB of
physical healing aad physical pftwper.
Ity had had tha praBlBeace to the
teachtog of Christ that they have to
^ trechlag. ChrisUaaUy woald hare been alBost if not
guite aa aelf-centered as Judatoa.
Such leachtng ftoes the mind on the
adrsntage and Ig-,
aored the higher things of the king
to glren to this learh
Jesus nerer promtoed Immunity
Ctob phjrtScal suEertng as the reward
He distinctly tauglrt
that splritnal resulU being of supreme
physical afflictions were
to be endured rheerfslly for the sake
of the higk uod to Tiew. In this worid
Hto followers hsd tribulation. Paul
had hto thorn In lh« flesh and repeal
ed prayer did not remove It; but It
did glre him grace to endure.
ifsus nowhere rewignlred the
of dleutloo as the Toice of
faith. Many “prayers- are not prayers
at all. but dictation. -Jtolth cure' to
Wher^ the very elemeet of faith
Ihtiktog. To say “I
r It to best that I Hhould be
healed- to to claim omniscience He
who prays in faith does not demand,
hut leavre resulU with Ood.
There to s real “faith cure”
caught In the New Testament about
which too Uttle to heard today. To
live by faith to to live without worry.
This country needs this lesson. Nen
ous praetrntkm has been renamed
urtoaaitto.” Bat does God never
answer the humble submissive prayer
of those already ill through broken
physical laws? llDdoubtc<lly. Indetsl.
He always answers. If He (Iik*# mu
send hoallng He sends the grace whicb
her away bitterness and oomplalnts
Rev. Pounds will speak tonight on
le “Umltatkms of Proyer." Bible
adlngs tomorrow^ at 2:20, subj<*ct.
“New Toetampnl Splrttualtom.'' Sstupdsy sflernoon there will Ira a union
log of iiarrmts and children. AdI by Mr. and Mrs. Pounds. Topic.
“The Oilld In Ihe Midst.'*
The qu»*slb»u liox has Imhd introic(*d as a new foslure of the meet-
Elibu Root, who has rriormd to the
pmetke of luur in New York city, tons
new offlre l«iy. Sakl Mr.
to. carrlwl off luy iwper
-It Wtts Mr. Itrilly.” said
__________________________ , ,-Wto. to Mr. Reillyr asked
sweet giri or a lirarc boy face beside her j Mr. R.»t. “Tto» jsuitor. sir ' Au hour
Root aKk.«d: “Jimmie. wi.o
window r “Mr
“And wUoUMr.Janur “The
rirener. slr“
Mr. Hoot
ekre <nwapI«iooe.l.
blocked Jd I wbeel.sl stomt ami 1ook.nl «i the U.y. j
cheerful in disposiUon. who are mutually : “iJetr tore. James.” be said, “we .-«|| I
influenced by the continued use of Ihu ! meu by tl»eir Und nsmes here. We
grret linu^t, MOTlIFJfS I-RIHND. don’t 'lubter' them In this otb.n., 1m>
In the library «f tto- folb-ge of llraj
City of N.-W York K'tal.- Suis riiibm
The ver>* newesl novelty 4n phorng
dciU Skliim r was .ouT.Tsh.j{ w ill, l*m | raphy to Ihe richly flntohed platinum
vals. mounted- in handsomo foldeiw.
fcaaor Mr.Nully, w lio
tin- < b,i
Wc have sold thousands of them and
have found It almost !mpi»sslble to
Uiiiiug that eveduratiuii was suo
supply the demand, lb-sides, the arful 111 i.ra. tlre, qw,Utog a luawi of
ttollcs to prove 1,1s is.lnt Wto^n'uiM.ti I Usllc finish, pose and lone of our work
Jl) ku
and nppreMr. iSklniM-r res|H.i,tletV with---------.....
of Ills bami: “Ab. slallstb-s are like claleil
“Mlatlstir-s like snusax-es!** exclaimed |
>r. ilcNulty. sua*riscd at the quit-r j
liauded in many EViK*h boUHH-bulds.
world are the 'nillratunK. They buy
It to “brieU*' and drink it In pint?. It
all eoipHU from oiit?lde. <-arried o.er
tbe mountain parawti on ynkbaek from
Chinn or India In bandy. Uglitly ,vm
pn-«M-d brIekM w-wn op nine together
in thuira rawhide “yam?** that bang
wrapping tto-n.M-lv.-« in warm cloth- over the yak's Iwek li luilm like |uiu
nb-ni. Wbert- rein to Kcarre. and tUal
lug and using footwarmers.
to prartb-ully ever>w|n«n* in *nitiral Ibera* briek? are usril as nM.„e> l.» buy
To using our let* cream; It's the flne«t all tbe d.-siralde tbingn ol life, from
you ev'er (a«ted. We have all the a sword to a plow?liure
popular flavor? and many new ooen.
Glare in lemon. strasrWTrymint and
That Grtonell Bros are the large.-d
ice cream soda that will delight you. retail dealers In the world, and to^*orange. Maidc Marsey. caramel, and slduw are the exclusive agents fur Ilf
Como in and try It. then tell your U^ n of Ihe largE-st inMnufacturers of
GrettI Candy Co., 221 plunoM in Ihe world. Thto bi Imixiriant
Freni stiy
to Ihoughlful buyet>—It means nioi,e>
saved, and it's always W4*il to »iM-nd
George U. Cortelyou. after com your money with home in-ople.
pleting a law course to Columbia uniTerslty, Uugbt aehool to ,\«w York,
Manuel ttorela, the fimnm? tenehchiefly to college preparptovy lusUtu- er of aiuglug and Inventor of the tordona. He then U-anied shoriliaod aud yngtmx»pe. was Ipom on Mimh 17.
became Inatnictor to a a&criluiod col- IhOr,. so that be has rempleti-d hto
1^, Hto first post was prlrstc oecre- QiiH-ty-iiliilh year. He Is still to (mwtery to appraiser of iwtt of New York. •esaioti of hto faculUes and lakes an
tnten-st to the alTairs of the world,
as well as In the art of singing. .
Bveiytoylaw ,cities It wonid tax
your patience to ^ a greater aasortBRUSH UP.
ment of toggage than we have. You
Wc have brushes for every purpose
will find dreaa anil eaaes. traTeliag and tbe largest masortment In the city.
hags and tnoka. ia all altaa. atylaa BnishM for tbe hair, tooth, handa.
and wl the moat agreeable prteas here, complexion, nails, cloths and bath;
and tt It a plaaaare to show them. P. h^ea ter the baby. Military brushes
for Ben, Jknd ao reasonable to price
Ibat poa can afford to have them alL
Biiglwe's City Drag Store. SS2 Front
HoldiniT l^irec Diplomas, also Graduate of
Dr.Caissarato.Sarah Bernhardt’s Beauty Doctor.
All lAtcsl AIcchaniral an.l Klcctrical Mclhcxto
usb.l to Remove Su|.ciflous Hair, Moles, lltock
Hca.to an,l all imperfections of the Skin or SoJp,
Facial Masaaf;c, Rust I levelopinci.t and Hair
Culture a S|>ecialty. ONF TRKAT^KNT and
Will Be Here One Week lonfer.Endinr July 30
Office: Room 31.
Boors. 2 to 4 p. m.
For sensible tuen. TJie Toney fooifonn shm- i.n tto- uwe.! comfortable.
fOiNl wide to4-. slightly extendinl role
vebmr calf, lace, kbi
^ Mail.- In flexll.le
On y4it,r vaeatbrn tUls KumnterT
• p.’rf^*cl fitter. We abso liadn’t iM-tier take a ebanee ibat you
We have them -galore—liaby clr-j'"'”*
of comfortable fmilwear
riages, folding and n*cllnlng gu-rart
eaii K* t your lli-bliig taekb- and giin
Roaland IkniglasK. 161
Rmiutuiillon and k-|M«rtlng pmmIs ib« r«>.
that will go where yon go,
Eafl Front St.
\\*‘ have the variety, mivihing >oii
sure that It l.s the largw-t and mr
attractive and reasonatoe price.1 lot |
can |M»Hslbly ne<-d, ami our pi o’^*.** are
reasonable. |b.,*,de»i. s|h ml all
you can find In Northern Michigan. ,
will come up filing
Prices from $2.26 to twenty-five dob | every time.” Caiman’s Elastic Floor the money-you can at borne. H. F.
lars. J. W. Slater. Your Reliable Horae Vamlah. 8. E. Wait A Sons, Traverse Saxton Hardware
2l»« l-Yonl St.
Punilsto'r, 12(» Front SI.
airam Uusimr < .rTfar*^
llu- India ufliiv to intlliiu;
for a »*leuiii motor entriage
l.-e on an Imlini, ntlhv
Indbtii r.iigliM-H-ring. 'Jbe gauL-e
to* tlve feel alx
frame aulti-d for a earriage iNMiy. In
cluding engine
tlfly^ ven U>ii
long and nine fi-et vvid.-. iim.b- of Meel.
carrbHl on two four wb.-eb-<l b,*giCK. !
uml eaiwble of earrv lng. Ih-hU\,^ ;be j
engine, todbr. fuel and water. lb:.iWlgDOM AND FORETHOUGHT.
llrat. llinn- Hct-oml imd m-vi-nty two
Thrift to a qusliflration that has Iblrtlehuo, iM„-ioi,gt*i>. VKltb luggage,
wisdom and forethought, and Ifs a at tto-rate of thirty ioib-». im b.mr oil'
protection agalniu waul in the years Uic level for a thirtymile Journey. ^
to come. And who of us know toda>
what the morrow will bring. Even \_^Waat you ladUu* to kn«,w U»at
dollar you deiKwlt with us to a s<h*<1 of we arc specially pn*pariHl to give you
Independenct;. Open an acctmnt sn-1
the most ph-SMlng rcKullii la shirt
save each w»*««k some prop<jrtloh <4
waist work. We wash and Iron then;
your eaniings. W’e ps> ^ l»»*r <^*tu carefully by hand, which give.-, that
annually Safely dei»osll Isixes |2.(M) a
much d*-Klred new aitpearance. aud
yiMir. Tbi> l\KipU V Savingx Bank.
f»,r wbiih we make no additional
charge. The wagon will call. Either
phone. Star Stisam loiuudry. Wright
A notable luataiHf of 1 n-neh eeononiy to Mraii lu the way fuel to hua- Bros. 2Wi Park St.
gsnee. 'lira Freneb lire would Ira ki-pl
burning only while It wa^ aeiunllj
ueetb-d If the r>H,n, wa». uihmy upb-d
lor an hour or two. the fire would Ira
U i go out to save fuel. Many lionn-s.
iriiL J. wilhelmItVbI;
Has just opcnexl to the pub^
li-and a brand new meal mar
ket where .juilily and priccf
arc right. Give ns a call , .
o. TT. COX
255 E From St.
Cilz. Pbonc
Bring your doctor’s prescription right to us and you can depend on obUining the best medicine that can be •
procured from pure, fresh, first quality drugs. We give prescriptions our most careful attention and ace
that every phase of the work is done with the utmost accuracy and thoroughness.
Needs attenticn just at this time, so th.it it don't hang on for all the coming months. Nothing so’ disagreeI Spruce, put up
■ invested In Syrup of White Pine and Balsam. Fir
I cold in summer. A 'qu
, good sired doctor's bJII later on.
Even in summer. Wc havp the Antiseptic Toilet Cream, one of the best
chapped hands. Be sure and ask for IL
Without end. The finest odors that are made^ You can buy them by the ounce or by the bottle. Hava some
of the handsomest cut glass bottles, with any perfume you wish. All kinds of toilet water for the- summer
Are a woman's beauty. Wc assist you in kcepmg them co.
tooth brushea.
Rub’»foam. Sorodont, Dentifrice and all kinds of
Twenty five different kinds to select from. These are some of the popular ones: Cashmere Bouquet. Col
gate’s Castile. Monad VioIeL Rosodora. Cuticura, Bay Rom. Recmol, Palm Olive. Some are perfumed, Aome
are noL
Saves many a garmenL By having some of our many kinds of plasters in the house would save that “stitch”
In your side and a doctor’s bill.
for the both, sood big oofl one^ epongee to cle»n your clothing. ««»hing the windowt, any pwpoM.
have the little end big. flne and coerM. Coet your from Sc up.
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organs
Ue ofwing of auu'a
Be aMo aaM Uat la Ue aigb «
at one dam Uera w«n Ulny mot»
pupOi than aaata aad Uoai^ Ua
board ought to look fkwwaid to aocur•1M* A
tag aaoUw room ta Ue ocatral boUA
fag for tbe High aUooL Last
Uo Ubrary bad to be need for m
pupUa. He aMo apokeoCUe fact that
Uare wart from 4M to ttd puplto la
it a
tbout forty to forty-two
icber. Tbe work of Ue
iAItmCMmI WUI St 1
Ue work taken up by
Ctnfoi They Art Run
»• eAcleiit la Ibeir
VMlMi«0 ta WM •# OHvm
Their Pfoirtn With a Qeotf Foi
The report waa
Mttr AtifS f EAii—>
of Mew-Freight Hwidien
ruoMv^ and Sled by tbe
W0ttldn*t Handle Pradwets.
tiuViMc dm «eHoot> corr
Tbe ways aad moans
At tlM rtsultr mMtliut of Uie bo«rd
ported bins which were orde
ipC «dM»Uo« M Blgkt It WM reported
Tbe repairs aaade to the
i that tJw fteat dnva l»r IftlocMBMp A
: UiSitebotAui of Detroit for poUlns achool aad Etawood avenue aebool
llaga were reported and the reIB tkt tea aratea of TwUlaUas for Ur
accepted aad Sled.
AMT VtofU vard tebooi balMiac t»<l
The Traverae aiy Band assocUtlon.
: Am rtetirad aad U^ Ue pUai were
through E E. Bartak. aaked pennlai ««!•#. Mr. TUHbr tboHslit U best sloe to use tbe Central and Doardmaa
avoDDe school grounds Sondsys for
to tert tbt pMu dupsod ao at to me
mcerta. PermUaloe was granted.
Ua taa by aotor at aow a rate of
0«>n?e Lackey aaked for tbe jaallorUrae oeau per kliowatt bad beea raoairod froa the B. R. B. L. and P. Oa tbip of tbe new Fourth ward scbool
Tbe commoalcatloe was
taataad of a dreocat rate.
A food dial of tint waa takee to
A communlcaUon from Mrs. F. E
I iad oat bow tbe plaaa could be
ahaagad aad wkat aetSoa would tore OriSn In regard to selling a piano to
the school f*ir ISO was flied.
to bo raadadod to bare Ue chaance
W. M. Smith aaked to take tbe
■ade. Flaally U« proper aioiioo waa
bool census for 1904 and upon mo^
raacladed aad>.i^ aew motloa made to
baro tbo^^ aeot back to Ue De tkm be eras hired at a lalayy of $60
trolt flna to asake tbe ebaafe from an for Ue work.
A communication from A. V. Fried
oaHao to a motor aad tbea bMa wert
aatboHaod to be aecorod by Ue build rich asking permission to use tbe Cen
las committee aad a apodal moetlus tral school grounds for tbe erection of
nd for speaking during tbe Macca
of tbo board to be called aa aooo as
celehratton was granted. The
grounds to be put in the same condlThe adrmotaiea aad dlaadraatagci:
tlon as found.
of tbo two ayatema waa dlacosaed pro
motion waa made to tbe effect
aad ooa. The coat for .laatalllna ih«
motor ayatem will be a little more but that tbe building committee confer
tbo aetaal coat beiweee the motor It wlU tbe arcbUect In regard to the
blng of Ue new Fourth ward
adt and aa aaflae laatallcd will be
la faror of Ua motor aad Uo convo scbool and have tbe necessary change,
aleaea la opermtlai; will more tban
Mr. Meads waa reimbursed $7.40 on
make op wbat la saved In using an eo
flaell la Uought The motor la iwl account of bis trip to Boyne City for
>0 board.
reraally used In moat all acbools. It
wiring contracts for the new
waa tboufbt H would coat about |40
moro par year to run tbe motor thar. Fburth ward school buUdlng have not
Uo ongiae. It waa eatlmatad Uat li been cared for and tbe bids were re
would owt 1141 cenu per hour to run ferred to the buli(ilng committees the
; Uo o»o«or which would bare to be run architect and Ue superintendent to
dfbt boon a day for about sever dedde who shall receive Ue job.
Superintendent Horslleld of Ue new
moetba and about live bounrper day
fnr two moatba. Tbe coat of installing Fourth ward school building made a
Ue two ayatema. roughly oattmatlng. verbal report of the progress and said
would require about two days to
WUI be 13,000 for tbe engine aad |500
amre for the motor. It will rtKjuln gel the brick work up to Ue floor
aboat a IM borpr l>ower ^otor to run iolslH and then a dc Uy was likely to
be occasioned as the extra length
Ue TMacb fan.
Mr. Meada. who m^o a trip ti joists had not been n»oe!ved. However,
Boyae City to see tbo ayatem In th< the contractor was Instructed to get
■cbool Ucn*. made a vertwl njH>ri plenty of brick on the ground so as to
-which threw conalderablc light on tbe bi' ready to push the wtirk when they
mot Ion was made to the efmatter. Bnpi. I. B 011t>crt told of ihi came.
use of Ue fan ayatem with motor Ir fm that If doeme*! advlijable and the
achool bulldlnga In YpallMtl and Ann contract ctnild l»c canceled in lime the
Arbor. J. n. Paige waaVrevem an.i -I" JoUlH be u»4ed Instead of wailing
gave ggnmi on the cf»t of Installing for the longer ones aa Umc could be
and prtce of motors, iranaformera. etc.
Will Opan gtata Street School.
Built. L H. flllaert reported to thi
board Uat tbe Oak Park building li.
Haa Been Released From MiliUry Cus
tbo kindergarten department would b»
tody at Sauite 8te. Marie,
badly crowded this year and reeom
f^ed Avery, who was arrested
mended that the State atriH-t building
be <Hwaed. Last year tht rv wi re some time ago for deserting the regu
elgbly pupils in tbia dejuirtmeni and lar army and has since l>cen In mili
. Ue ladicatloDs art' Ual there wHl Im tary prison at Saul«> Ste. Marie, has
given hU dlschs.gv' from th<
more ibis yewr. The new building will
army. IK- will return to bU home In
relieve all but the Oak Park achtwl.
Later In the evening, upon motion ol thls’cUy.
Mr. raircblld. It wka decided to open
the State atreet achool and the build
Ing committee waa authorb-'-t'd to get
The meratiers oT Traverse City hive.
tbe building In ahai>e.
No. M2, are InvIUnl to In' present to
SupoHfitondonPa Report.
morrow aflern«n»n.
sh«>rt sc^slou
Tbo auperintendrnt'a repuri.^la*t will take place and the remainder of
alipht was very Intercatlng. The aum
Ihe afierniMin will be devoted to a so
her of leacbcra for the coming year cial rime.
will tie ten for the High school, forty
Tbe new prosiH>ctus of the proper
three for Ue grade and two special
tics €>f Ue Grand Traverse ami Ariro
teacbera. making a total of fifty live.
na Mining company Is In proccK.s of
Tbe attendanet' during the year sa.v
publ leal Ion by the Herald and Ueroid
S.4T7, those tr
tranaft rrtsl
and ih»
ciMnpany and will be Issutnl shorily.
total beloaging during the year 2.24f>
There was to have iK'en a meeting
Tbt aciugl
actual am
number bebrnging at the
of the Ihivlng I*ark asaoclatlon last
wad of tbe
the ye^
year waa 1.791. The aver
evening but a quorum falling to show
age number belouglng at the end of
up the met'ling has been postponed
tbe year waa 1.S&5. Tbe average num until tonight.
ber belonging l4l year waa 1.79X.
Herman Weigmn paid a fine of $2
UBaktag an average dally Increase of
yi'stenla.v In Judge RolM-rts' court for
algbtyaeven. Tbe per cent of attend
keeping an unlicenstMl female dog. He
mace of the entire achool waa »l plus alro paid the license.
per emit
W, D. C. Germain will return from
Tbe Hlgl^ school attendance
Milan tonight with a fine team of driv
Jr 27U. The ing horses lor J. T. Hannah. Mr. Han
S3&. Ue atcrage
aumber in tbe grades rat
and nah looked at a team in Chicago but
Ibe average waa 1.€15. The' expense rocclvfjd Information of a belter one
of ranatag the High school waa 16.100. at Milan through A. B. Cook.
Tbe per capNa of the average belong
George Lardie caught thirty
lag waa fStSf. Tbla is leu than in fish in East bay. near Kexl. Mokrals
other pMeus for the Htgb school.
roeort yesterday.
The evpfis of niaalag tbe grades
waa lU.MT.tO. Tbe per caplui of tbe
average betoagiag la Ue grades waa
$$M The total egpenae of running
Detroit. Mich.. July
Ue ecbool was fM.OPMO. tbe taci- July. 99c: No. 2 ted, 99c: .No. 3 oora.
deatal expense of Uls amoeat befog W%c: Na 5 whIteoaU. 4t%c.
eeiUnatsd at 14.900. Tbe cost of run:
Tciledo. O. July rs.-Wheat-Caah.
Afog tbe entire school per capita waa 9tHc; July. 94Hc; September. 9l%c:
IUS9 IboU grades and High aebooU December. 9i%c,
Mr. OUbert apoke very highly of Ue
Chicago. July n.—Wheat-Old July.
efleleeDey of Truant Ofllcer F. D. Mai- •344c; new July. 9^\c: new Septemvia aad his work of keeping right 1 her. 9$%c. Corn-Julj. 49%c: Sepafler all truants. ^«e aaM that iheUember. 4$4*e, Oau-July. Z9%c;
good attend^ waa lariMydae to his fB^iCember. 33^. September pork.
•Maat work. He also spoke highly i $1247^: lard. |$45; riba. $7.7$.
mm M
By Wire to Ue Evening Record.
Chicago. July 2t.-An -unknown Pole
attempted to aaanssfoatc George P.
ward, a live stock dealer. In tbe lat
ter's oSoc at the stxick yards today.
The woBld-be aasaasfo entered the of
See wlU a knife but Ward, seeing Ue
danger. Sed and Uc Pole was arrested.
Seen hundred live stock handlers
went back to work today. This is con
sldcred a nerlocs blow to the unions.
The packers claim Uey are oper
ating the plantr. with a good force of
men and Uat the strikers are coming
back In twos and threes. Some of Ue
freight handlers slrnck Uls morning
when orde red to unload iiacklng house
A party of twelve went‘to Omona
Is morning on the Columbia to spend
the day picnicking.
Mr. aad Mrs. M. Scofield, son of O.
E Srofleld. left ibis marnlng for Beat
rice. Neb., where Uey will moke their
future home.
Miss Pearl Wilhelm went to SmurU
wanes summer cottage this morning
near Manistee for a rlslu
Milton Sraurt^walle went to Mllwsu
kee this morning on an extended busi
ness trip.
s. Sam Garland and party of six
teen went to Leland this morning to
spend the day.'
Mrs. George Ijuimer of Ce<lar Rap^
Ids. Iowa, is the gucil of Miss Lewis
at her Edgewrood cottage. She will re
main a number of wt^eks. Mr. ami
Mrs. Walker Hill of St. Ixnils, Mo..
ilso visiting Mlwa Lewis. They
will remain some time. Mr. Hill Is
president of the American Exchange
bank of St. I»nis and is also a world'h
fair director.
Miss Blanche Girard leaves this
afternofin for Green Baj. Wih.. wlu re
she will vb lt her bnuher.n f(»r a few
days. From there she will
to Pi-vr
River. .Miun., whore she has acct'pted
aiKifiiiion as stvnographer.
Mrs. Gqprge Dockeray and her son
Robert t»r Rockfonl. Mich., are vblling
the home of her brother. Frank M.
A party conslsing of Mrs. El. Walt
Mr*. C. Tl. Walt, .Ml.ss Minnie Walt
^ml Mrs.
enjoying ;he da>
at .N'e-ah-ta wanta.
.Mrs. Mary M. Sluyier of Traverse
City U spending a few days In the city
as the guest of .Mr. and Mrs, O. E
Clark.—IVloskey Uesorier.
Mrs. H. J. Thies went to Michigan
City. Ind.. lislay for a month's \ii«li
1th her sister In law, Mni- Roge/s.
Ml.-s Lillian Thi.-s. who will also vl^
in Chicago, aertimpanied her.
M. J. TruebkK>d went to Elk
Rapids today, called there on profe.siunal business.
Mrs. John A. Wilson and children of
IVlr»'lt a.ro the guest* of her i*are-nt.s.
Mr. anJ Mr*. I. G. Winnie.
Miw. W. A. Bate of Mllwauktx- arriveH in the rliv ihiis afternoon for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. C Despres
and Mrs. and Mtssyiray.
Mrs. J. C. Wright' retirrned to Green
ville thl* morning after a visit In the
city with her parent*.
Robert Prjre wint to Sault Sle.
Marie this morning where he- will join
J. A. Montague and party In their
cruiser- back to this city. They exiK*«
to reach here In about two week* ami
will visit many places en route.
Mrs. Bert Wilhelm went to Manton
this morning f^ a vUlt.
Saa vasBIt aaiaa. agd ao OM at tbi
fHt bad arcr bmrS of Ua havlag aaaCbar. Ha vat a hatt teced. vbo bad
eoraa to tbt poat vlth lafontatlta $kat
tbt iBdIaBt vaca prapaifog la Nta.
aad tlaot hit lafonaatloa had pnvtd
canaethavaaMttdliiipIkltly. Tha
Harald hnmda.
They arc Bttdc to vaar aai look rigto.
We Ifovc ikem la a large variety of
paUccaa. Cat aegUgca. Ftfiy emita
aadaSoUar. Jap andenrear la a good
thteg. Kubcck A Hoyt. 131 Valoa St.
**“*“«^‘*W- TodDtkto
the taxary of a modem bath
aot nearly an expeaalTo an yc
the red
the cnaffort aptU yoa have ooe.
A Cole.
==:« I •SSSSSS8
CITY teat. No. SI
rat at review
XM for Maocalwc day.
asake arraomecu
Depaiy Great OoOBMtader OXXiaoor
will be prcMt aad Ice amm will bo
vorved. AB Sir Kalghu fovhod.
tha foct. It vat Imt a two oonpuay
post focapabfo eC a kM« defeuaa
asafott tha thooaaad ledlaaa who «ocaiapail atoomi tt. aad anltas auctor
arrived in time It wouid be taken nod
CONCERT by Traverve City band HAVE YOU
tbe SBrtlaoo masaacred.
and free vandcvme show tualicht on TRIED THEM YETf
Tbtra vas one person In the fort
city market lot. Coocert at 7:30. PerRaeoni Waal 4
vho mlstraated Joe. and that waa Lu
formana beSfoi at 8.
cia. daughter of the commandauL
Major McGregor. She often caught
Joe canting kingfog eyes upon her. and
aomehow she did not quite like their
She wnmd her father to
look out for tbe half breed, but at she
ikve BO ressoD and Joe bad given In
formation of the rising the major de
clined to be Infloroced.
One evening Joe appeared hurriedly
before I.oda and tokl lier that her fa
ther had sent him for lier. She follow
The city theater at Wurrbnn: te
ed trim, and he ted her to an angle of
the fort, where be rolled away a barrel, considered! stb h a fin-trap that the Itedisclosing a smaU aperture. Itefore varlaa governnjent hs* t.nlered nltetwtbe girl could gather his Intent he had tious w hich will i-ost 5U.0bu marks. ‘
seised her and forced her Into a nort
of casemate Uat opened Into tbe pow
der magazine. This done be pulled Ue
barr..| back wliere be bad found It
LoHa wonM not have known she was |
In tbe msgaxlDC had not a lighted lan
tern been left there on a shelf some I
distance from the powder to enable |
tlioiic coming for nuimunltim to see.
But Joe left her no tiim- to conakter.
Wc just received our first shipment of new Dreat
Removing a barrel of |H»wder. be exGoods; among.Hhem are CoverU, Broaddoiha. Veaetiani and
IKMied a second ar*erlure. Then after
Novelties. At usual wc arc the first to show the ncr thingi,
binding a handkerchief which lie had
brongtit for Uh? purpose over her
Tlic Real .\rtidc.
mouth ho pulled her through, and they
were outside the.fort.
Hnd I.nrl.i not been horror stricken
Wc have juit received a nice
Some very hamlsome effects in this popular style of
at her situation site would have now
a«wtment in all colon. Our
renlltu'd Joe's real Intentioti Itt going
silk; these arc a perfect imitation of the Scotch effects in
to the fc»rt with the infunnatlon tbnt ;
suitings with the added beauty of the changeable effect.
price ii
tbe Imllana were about to ,:tt;iok ll. |
While It would warn the g::rri.son. It j
would enable hliA to win the white
men's CHinfidemv. look nUwt him and
possibly find n weak sp*»t through !
which he might Introduce the savages. '
Joe h.nd during dark nicM* dug a hole
Wc want to remind you of the skirt sale; many make
In the e.nrlh Into tlie easi iunte ouunvt- j
the .mistake of thinking these arc walking skirts, and are disIng Willi the powder niau-axiue and an- i
ai»poinlc<l; this is strictly a sale of dress skirti.
other hole outside. He could hwd nn !
attarklng force at iijght. a part of
whom i-culd engage the garrison, while
I.adics-^if you have been
anotluT part might M**al Into the pi»w- '
wanting any special colors }*ou
der mag.nzlne. In tnith, one man en
terlng there would hoM the garrison
should call at or.ee. before the
at his metvy. 'The wonder was that
assortment is broken.
Covert farkcls at Half Price is a pretty good way to save
Joe hod not put a time fuse there and
blown the fort to atoms. He Iwd been
a<>Iwsl with a din-lre to po«M**s tie* mu
jor's daughter, and this leil to Ids ultl
mate plan.
Jtx- hurried bla victim along, abc
mestiwhib*. If not r*s*ovi*i ing fn>m he.- i
fright, at least ri*allziuc th.*u slie nm«t ’
moke some move. Invent some strata J
gem, Irt'fore It was too late or she was
lost. The only thing'that <Kv;jrred b>
her was to pretend to faint, .'^lie sank
down with n groan. Joe iinnudialely
pieketl hiT up and carritsl her on. But
the iiluht was dark, and Jts* was in
vcTv much of n htirry. Tlie «x»u>c
qui nce was that, stetqdng Into a hole
he did not see. he fell with his bunlen.
Lucia bHik iidvaninge of the nis-ldent
to get ui» and run like a d«s r tow ard
the fort. Jo<* I'oiild have easily euuglit
her hut for two reasons- iir>l, he hnd
hurt a leg; se<H»!ul. Lucia rim more
tvvkless^* than he dansl run. risking s
full at every mep. She longed ta^ery
out. hut dan*d pot lose a tjeeimd in ro
moving the hcmlkerohicf that gnggel
new Dress Goods
Sdvaace Sbavlag Tor Tall
San Silk
n<w Silks for Shirt Waist Suits
Prietd JU
$1.00 yard
Per Spool
$5.00 $wrfs $3.25 6.00 Skirts $4.00
$10 Skirts $6.00 $12 Skirts $0.00
.....Ole Close at noon Comorrow.....
punhM bU Irnvcr l»ody moro slowly
through 11. When he got ln*U!e he
saw Lucia wtamling lM**iae one of tbe
b.«im'l* of iH>w .lor. the h. ij.l of
hail been rvmuv.Nl, holtllng tii
of tlie lantern over the injw.ler.
-.‘Jlop or I drop tbe light I"
Hie man wiw desperailon In lier eyes
and hiilted.
•rome away." he said. “You will
kill yourw-lf n* well n* mo.I!er only r**ply wa* to move the
light, holdim: It within a few Inche* of
the powder, nnd give a piercing «hri<*k.
A iH*nlry walking past lu front of the
magazine door board tbe cry. At an
cthor time he would have .-ailed the
ron*«ral of the gt:ard. w ho wotiM have
r<TK)rte.l the matter, ami the author
lz«l perron would have come with the
key and opemil the door. l*iit for ik*veral day* co«*tant accejv.s to tbt' am
munition bad l»cen mvcsar.ry and the
d'lor leii ualorkt-l Th.- S4*ntry brouuhl
a let el 5
ter. white as a gbost. holding a 1 *.mp
over a powder barreh Joe was glaucher. trembling from head to
Madame Cheiro, scientific palmbt.
The sentry brongbt hi* piece to bis
has arrived and will remain but a I ahoulder and. looking along It* mnzrle.
short lime. The madame Is a sister of j S-ve tbe order -Hands upP Then Joe
book on palmlsirv* is a recognized
thority all over the world.
Cheiro comes highly endorsed and Is '
a lad>- of ahliliy. Her readings arc
upon merit only. Those wlahfog a |
compleie life reading o
and future should caff
madame la located at the Whiting;
Prices: Character
reading. Me: full descrlpUve palm |
reading. $1.
Thv^i te BO «ae la tafoiag. yoa eaa't
tod buOtr SttfocaklftaforUv
attiM tUHt, far t>« mama
relief wrhen It was known that Joe had
no nearly snceeeded In not only getting
away with tbe cotonel'* dan
had very nearly ted the Indians into
the magazine, la the moniing the la-j
diana raw Joe's bo»ly hanging to
0 tbe llagBtaff. Since they
1 him to lead them into tbe
^hat be had failed and
knowfog that succor waa
Lada McGregor is ooe of tbe few
Queen Oty eamp. No. 573. Royal; iramen wbo bare been OMBtioiied In
Nelghbora of 'America, w ill hold their ! Kdcn for -tiallant and meritoriow
regular Bwettag Friday evening.
SteH I* fdowly but surely dlspUdng
hemp a* the material of which oil
Alonzo J. Albright of Fife Lake and !
hawTser* ami rapes aro made In tbe Myra A. Stalker of Summit Cltv wm L
ship* of tbe nrtll*k fteet.
I married tkls aftccaooa by Her. Imif.
Choose quickly. You cannot buy one minute before the lime set—nor one
minute afterwards at the 1 loiirly Sale Price.
Between 7 and 8 O’clock
should be on hand. For this hour wc will sell
>•00 choice of our best Men’s Suits, including
Kuppenheimo’s guaranteed suits, worth 20.00
and 22.00,
Between 1 and 2 O’clock
For one hour we will sell the choree of any of
our pretty wash suili, very stylish and just
what yom boy should have right now. Regular prices langc up to 2 08,
FOR $12.00
FOR 98c
JietwccB 8 and 9 O’clook
Choice^, of our b«« Hals for men, including the
3.00 Koseacll
^ FOR $1.98
The verr Utest thingi-everj- one strictly styl
ish. -
....... Vd
^iweca 9 and lO O’clock
I'ancy dress Vests, made of fine Mercerized
materials, choice patterns, very latest styles,
principally 3.00 and 3.50 values, .
FOR $1.98
Between 10 and 11 O’clock
F« this boor we sriOseU choice ofuyofom
OiMrens* fine worsted and pure wool suits, in
Sailor. Bkwic, Noriolki and Buster Browns
styles, regular prices 8.00 to 6.0U
FOR $1.98
Between 3 and 4 O’clock
Choice of «ny soit. shirt or cost is our CkMl
Erer Hor ol Ihe Uke Belare?
Betweei 4 u« 5 O’clock
H«n’s Shoe Sole
For this hour we wiUsdlehoiceot uy o(o
8.00 ud 8.S0 shoes
FOR $2.25
There is Kothlic like Oar Sties. Watch for A4s Erery Htj.
va te
vator.aod ttfht
ifoa. f Aanaaioaadaachdi^aiv
r M«di oC A MrftiM to
A lor*# otuM WM ot
f. r%9 if»t puMWOiVMiqrtiM
I aad tJM M€i»A 1
M m
ToUl ....
ot lUm^
mjm Mtfteir bigk te
imcd ter to A>Air of ojcfarto,
botef tte »d» i««te by fte Bote
to «*pArtooo oritb tte OOOfOO BOI
by tte ten' t— Mo-dte -Ute tJ
flili did wy woU. Tte •ooroo Mo
day blgiii vote: 2SS. 901. 211. St7.
m M
I fool HU! aU ted frM oe^
H to • M (< IMMM ...tfOT lo I
I te viMfeW tk. Mfl.. Tk. turn ■ TONiaHT. Cl
li IMhM« w *
tk. I M»T. CfeMf..
Hcrt’s the Way Wc
Arc Selling Things
Cloak Department
do yoo?
BMk (
M $«.«0 ud 81100 SolU. all g^0J
CkU^.^’Mttaa >Bd
Co«U. wortL ^0g
type of AaMrtcaB ■
t MM va t» M tr M abr^to too KOfteh
•. Ttamn ti Mr*
■ oonlJapBMra OBxotr la tteteifiiiy ■aar
oattof. Ho li too aao of a proaparooa
tanaar. who Btaa ata *1100 fi«a ltoa>
cm. Tooaf Bteattpathliprtaaaiyo^
B.. E S
^roporty dotoed. Wear tiflit
alchtVMto. A groat daafcr tea
4 for cooler weather.
I tte year round.
aKiTiiif teto Ithaca to Bro, or eron This Is gawetally true of teamsters
drtrtiv to aad fteo octeol with oae of wbo fan from ibeir wagons like file*
hia fatoer^a toanv. aa te aulfiit oaalty
boTo done. Bctett waited lo and eran **^Ste^aIr«^or*yoor bead. The beat
Atof to wear U a light straw bat wUli
. In tola way te prepa*^ fo« i wide rim. la real bot wcaUmr use a
kR univarsity. Bla Bnrt year to ret bandkepcbief oo top of tte bead.
{C te eontiaard to wato to and
Rost as moeb as you caa. la south
Mot that Mia. Trarwa lotrvda to watt
bis borne. Hla aebolarsblp con irn rides where It Is always hot, lb«
or drira aloof BHIaroe arniac, play tiaofd to te of tte mme bigb ataad nbaWtaata are only able to stand
boonnse they rest n few hours to
taote at tte Caatao or prottenada tte niri aa te high acbool. aad ba took af
hot aaada of Bpoottof Bock Beote to
rlaMaadaebolafabtpato wbick te te middle of the day.
aa ynocb as you can. Batting
salvation of the south sea
cool sponge bath to betthan nothing. The evening to a
w^llk tk. wrreond- Tn-kl.
pood time to take It. So Is the morn
time Sekatt entered college atbletka. ing. If you do not phinge right Intt)
iUtkooeb Mliitalnlnc • »od«t ert- Tbaie tte tratoer took him under bla aeavy Inbor.-Or. W. Van Hook, to
tMge oo BwkrtfX .Mile koawa M Ik. cam and dereiopml him Into tte great Jhlcago Inter Ocean.
Wcaro’ cotuse. Mu. Twrw. wm
mocr to tte eooatry
tftai « xmt d«l of IMT tkw datac It sras here bla twetre mUca of dally
the cootof anaoa at
walking to and from bla borne eoi
Mrs. K. L. Bonner wtobea to nnwtto maay a midday It
to Bcbiitt'a fiTor la tte phyakal c
Hince to the ladles of Traverse City
aad. atll! later, orenlug onppera tor tkrnof tteatolece. He ran to Coraein
Id vicinity that she to specially preleotant dlTerakma
country teona against
Reel Japoneae wlU te 1a atteadaoeo Harvard. Yale. PrtorHoa and Pennayl »ared to give them plain electric and
dortag the amnmer. mad dainty little
On tte track team te captared apor baths, dress and shampoo tbclr
Japa wni cook and aerre Itelr dainty tte two mile tnterooOeglate run and \alr and do manSenrtog for them at
leato. who on many
time, teal May te dupU wnaonable chargee. A choice Une of
Iked to appear lo cated tte feat and was ralMwqocntly lair goods and the Franoo-Amcwlcaa
Chop aney and lea elected captain of Coraeirs 1905 track
lyglcnlc toilet requisites. 220 Front St,
are to te
This poaltlon te will, of cc
Tbia unique lltUe place U atent 200
upon bis going to England. He
!■ %amnj Ftmurm,
toet aooth of tte landing place of tte
twenty yearn dd. stands
At first sparkling wines were cmly
Oooofterry laland Flabltig club. It la than six feet to height aod, weighs 1®
imile In the Frcm-h province
00 by 40 feet, la one Story high, and
aiampngne. In the cnriy part of the
with Ita alantlng, thatched roof looka
im‘iccnth cent my the first cxperlto te a very doarablc iq^ot for
icntP to nuintifo«tnre sparkling wloc*
mcr retreat. The large room where the
We make a strong specialty to aat
CTV made In Germany. The wines,
Inncbeona and dtoncra will be aerred
isfying the Inner man. Our Iw
grown In Chani|Mignc are
will aroominodatc twenty-flve gnoata,
aulted for this piiqiosc, hcnco
and the delightful little ante rtxuna will
vf the r.erman firms manufact
te found very attracUve. A veranda,
ton feet wide, atretebca the entire keep our reputalloo. Short orders a« uring champagnes obtain their wlnca
length , of the front of the building. all boors and anything you wish to from Ch.nuipngTi4- and mix them with
The iilacc la fomlahcd throughout to season. Sunday dinners a ipcclalty German wines.
Fight hundred tons of solpbur were
The Ulilc Tavern, the popular restau
In lYanc** Inst y.mr In making
rant. New managemedt. Bloodgood
fctehes. Tlie daUy consunipUon was
Farron A Davidson. 209 Front St,
three per head of the population.
Wc have the moat excloalvc atylet
Match m.'iklug U n monopoly of the
E'rem h government. t.» whleh It yields
In richly trllnmcd dreaa millinery for
tn annual revenue of f.VSX).000.
summer wear In the city, also even
Imaginary creation to atrcct and out ptoying the rnccf; for wi'ck^
ing hata and we are constantly recclv
he imd tniste<l to the twits and the
If you traveled the whole northern
Ing new goods from the fashion mar siK.rtlng i-olmnns, with the rcKult that
lart of Michigan you could not find a
kcU and lake great pleasure to ahow he had lof*t the mo«^t of hW wad.
nore complete stock of carriages, lop
Ing you the pretty things. Miss Heck,
While lirtiklns over the printed list
ind open buggies. runabouU and sur
of hor«es cnti-nnl for n eertnln
141 FTont St.
reys than we can show you. Besides
one dny an Idea occurml to him.
He <ut the list out of ite paper, mr prices are much cheaper than that
folded ll 9M*versl tlme<. and iit lie k a rf the average dealer to any part of
the country for the same quality.
That happy, satirical farce comcMly, pin through It,
Then he Pinfolded It and obsened Come and see. Barney Anderson.
Hoyt's “A Texas Steer." will be given
as the opening attraction of the sea- that the pin lund gotie throngh
naineii of several of !he horses.
non at Steinberg's Grand oiK-ra house
••Tho^e arc the on«»* I'll l>ot on." b»
Wc supply hundreds of them with
next Wednesday evening. Aug. 3. by said.
prmcUcally the original company that
F.very one of thoie horses losL— meats, and we seldom lose a patron
because they all know that we take
.made the piece one of the greatest Chicago Tribune.
the greatest possible care to furnish
jthealrleal successes of the past d^
them with the flne^t in the land, and
cade. In **A Texas Steer" the mlser>The Wood Slelers have leased 135 at^asonablc prices. Our market Is
oir the life of offlee seekers as told by
a ‘oolort'd applicant from the newly Front street and arc thoroughly ren cleanliness personified, and we have
ovating and refurnishing and when every article In the meat line that th.*.
[•lected congrt‘esman a district ii
sldered one of the elewwesl hits that completed will be one af the finest mil season will allow. Broech Bros., 244
has graced the stage In many years. linery ^ops to Michigan. T^e trim Front St. Either phone.
Hoyt'a faculty of going from the sub ming department will be In charge of
lime lo the ridiculous In dialogue and Miss Helen Pray of Chicago, who I*
The Northern Queen cigar Is a sat
situations. Is as amazing aa It Is amus quite well known to Traverse. The
ing and entertaining, and
more opening will be announced to these isfled chap, liecause he knows by prac
tical experience that he Is smoking the
truisms are brought out In his produc columns later.
best cigar that he ever bought for a
tions than to the works of any other
nlcklc. If you haven't smokt-d
Piano Toning.
American playwright. *‘A Texas Btoer"
you have missed something.
will d«*servcdly prove an Imrotuse atcity the next two or three home made, union made and honestly
trad ion here.
weeks. Orders can be left at Hannah made, and sold by all dealers. R. E.
Weaver, manufacturer.
A tey Co.'s store.
toe aaaaHi nm ate« iapoMoa Boat.
Vte OTorpopiUar kUmma, ao ml.ate
dtetetfol for temnar. vfOi aUppacm.
faoa aad a paraool to termy vttb
tte ktoooo. wa te a daelM cteasa
^ The n«r Ubl* deliocy thtf ^
^a cou« a ncTt .ppetitc
Texas Steer
A play to be proud of—with a
^GreatCait. «dodii»g
•Tb* Orlictosl Mbdstar io Osbonej"
May S«eelc«en
Ben Hur Flour?
.John l_ W»b»rA>-M.YW)Ykllraaaw-
it is an all Spring WheaL
Every Sack Guarantcctl.
Texas Steer Qiartette
25c, BOc, 75c, SI.00
Beth pknis. All eNAsdirnerti
try. Hard and Soft Wood. South SMo
Lumber Co^_____________ 2242-tf
226 dst Fnal Stmt
4,400 Traverse City Citizens Ptireiiaseti the Hot Springs Medieines
into every'organ, makes the head happy and your (cct smile. Spend a dollar and be kind to nature.
To Anyone Proving to the Editor of this Paper that We Do Not Refund Money if we Fail to Cure. Mpney at State Bank
dutMitc diaeiKS of the stomadi, liver, kidneys, blood and ner\-es only,
iioexp«riMntinfciiotlmori«.iiotulare».t»detemioofiMwurLbuw«orplMii^ We do all »e agree, or «
yM todmjL AB cnrahle
.vrittennan^ We hare treated and aired hondred. in Tisretie City. Hundredt or oor old patieata are MdMj then faendt. Whatjfoa
«treat fire handredeaie* to the tua^doctor-* one. thai we are cqoaUy ndubte
cooseientioni. in o« rforti to care. Myoa are afflicted with
it aa lioMt treatment from an expcncaoed kpecUliM, cor pnaapal teaaotti fat aat egttaordiairy tocac^pre that w
the last dglit
in Tiavene City. PoaitiT^ oar latt week on this
Better csH todsy.
^ yean
We Cure Quickly, Permanently and Safely.
4iaMltiliM ami pmihImhm Frau
EnteiliiaiieBt OTto eVot
Pmi’miM Ffee LeeHraia.^
J U 8 T- R E C EIV E ly- A' L O T O F
toatrfc—t»BoltoCliifi#n IteteMltl
PIMI 4or
WMM* OC Irfs fMMJ.
mr. i«M Atvood, ou^ ta»
WdKHMI lO «H tlM TaiM«r «M»«
fcf eke teiIgMfIne «f Praf. C. Q. Wed*
M ffteeliAl ef Ike Hon kigk eekoql.
Se«iMw. ftl e MivT of
e jmr.
A^tU> Cwk ueaeur, who ier
TM M ken kta moMry ie a eefe o*
er hlckt and plaaed It eader bU jdl*
wkaa ha ame tkf
Am Hbetale bapar adiiMe tenaers
to alear* pki« deeplr. tor fMatl/ a
naa la Lake eooatK p|rfrtBa deeper
tbaa aaaal ia oae of ble flelda. aa*
<wrtke4 a ebeat ouaialnlac a amalJ
fonaae la fold.
The OatkoUca of TprtlaBU aad alda
Ity are imaaefar fliir a MmaxiCh |He
air artebraUoa to he held at the nove
of Ike AfhoRer VeHa bo Tharaday.
Aohhat ». The llat of aiMaken win
fadodr taoei of the areH-kaaera
of Che diurrh la the exMaty.
8. II Kllahel.. pahlUher of the ColT
r. li a wooder umtmm
aar la tkp jrachl raeea at I!!at4a Day
last wMh; ke wwaa aad drlvca two
hit aulomohlk*. aad U the proud poiH
aeMor of aevoral of the hesi horoes la
Broach county.
Oa exhIbfUoB la the chow window
of A Poo ctore U a hedetead of on
timm. Ue property of M. J. Mapee of
the koo. which Ic cald to be Itt year*
cOd. The poet*, aUadinp abMt live
"leH lahaiphLMtaaafaadhiyhaad.aad
rope* take the place of aprtntc. The
aadent piece of funUturc hi attract
tat much al^tifia.
Ledwit Warner, whoalalmed to repreaapt a plarni hoaae. paacad aa al
Wed forpad chock upon the Clllcenc'
honk of Bell^ue the other day aad
dicappoarad. The aaiolmt of the check
waa $»5. aad wto^hPbireed with the
aama of A. II. Olmctoad. of AacyrU.
nfiy dollar# reward ic offered for the
arrect and conviction of Warner.
The local wicktlfw for the pre
tjoa of cruelty to cnlnalc In 8t. Jo«flph and Cathban ooontle* have
turned their all^aUon to the tlk«al
dodUpf of the tallc of horcec, a
Bumher of arpwtc have hoca amde.
ThQ culprlu one and all alBnn that
they cut I'belr bon«»** tall# to correct
laulU III the cqulnec which are known
-’ilattle t?reeV pcoph* have often de
clared tliat Marchall I* the clecpleM
town In »oinh» rn Mlehl»nui. nnd lh» )
now ca> that thU wminoU-ucc* U
alffHltoK the animal klnydom. A hor#e
ctuod hUebed upon the principal bu*l
nccc *lrot?l of Calhoun c county Mat
fur a couple of hour# the other da>-,
and whWi hi* owner iinhlicluMl him
and lonrbiMl him with the whip he
awoke »o cuildenly a* to fall to the
pcvemcat aad amach the thill, and
The rural mall dellv.wy be#
cloned 1^0 taklna up of num<
Btape and mall nuite* all over the
ctate. hut the liu.lnecii men of Cold
water and Unkm City arc puUlnj; up
a vlitonmc protiat for the n-fenihm
of the route which hoc b<N>n main
tained f.*r cUty y«am W-twiM-n the
two town*. The dl*lance i» only Ihlr
twn mlUa by dope, but marly omhundred mile* by rail, and It Is
rlclmod that doily arnll m^vIcc U a
Mr*. John a Mcnicr wm* plcklny
hiinklebcrrle* In ctuniany with her two
little children on the tank# of the Ulfln
river wlu-n a mou*ler wild rat ap
peared In her pnth. The woman relalned her preceoce *d mind, and »eUIns a dub dealt the aaimal a *han>
the hood, which .tunned It.
Pho followed np her advautoae with a
eerie* of blow* which put the cal out
of buslnecc. and. then went on plcklnj;
iHTiiec ac thoujch muhlnc out of the
ordinary Itad happened.
K . Or. 8. A. (Ulhraiih** friend# an* tell
Ina a potid tUorT on hU new autoroobiband fhe lunch lackcic attached In jarllcnlmr. A few deye aao Mr. and Mm.
Waller-Hycft. with their 4 year<»M
son. wcr»' walUna down the #tre»t
when the doctor whicc««d by in his ma
chine. The little hoy cmfchlnj; slyhl
of the lonch tackeU and oaJllna hU
larenu* aluatkm to th«ua with ouiatretehed haad. acid: “See. mamma
and paiM. the hahy Uacketa/*—Pontiac
Omw and he 41dB*t
pm la paeraokay- What waa the acattale ye* ao hau tearaia* latar
hlai far be wealda-l tSA ft m athar
aray. Nest yore pleaa^ hla pla*
ran of pietephay ao he vm ae wkert
he U llina- at, Toert. Mem. Or*«.-—
DcFwanae Jlally Kewa.
FM N. Berhaaa waa tnUag. the
other dayrc^ a atraafe alght he reeeot.
ly witaeaeed cm hla fano. A floek of
crow* were aeeo flytac ea both aldea
Bf a rail feae*. aad aMkl^ lieqoeal
dfrea toaraad the pieaad. larcodfa'
Hon showed that they had a fen aquir
ral eoraered la the fhaoe aad rrery
line he made a jemp part of the erowa
were there to bead hlai on. Mr. Boi^
haaa aided fa wUh the aqalrrel aad
drove the crew* away. whUe the exateful mile aaimal raa oot lato the
One of those stranjce colncldeoccw
M stand oot boldly In i
preiumt In the drowning of Mias Oeotv
vleve Kelley,
to be married to Brneat Klmmarcchled.
a atodent from Kanca* City. Mo.
year ago March 14 laat.Tlmmeraehied
went ap the Hanai
lad bla
river la a canoe. The frail hark overUrned aad Ernest waa drowsed. The
other Blaht Miss Keley met bi-r deaUi
from being overturned by a canoe In
the came waters. It is thought by
some that the .tiddaa recollection of
the drowsing of her IxUrothed caused
her to give up and rclca»e.hcr lioUI
oa the boa
Wm. Phillip*. 8ft year* ago In the
newspaper hu*lnes* at Kokomo, ha*
Just returned to hi* homc‘town after
of 18 year*, to visit his
own grave. Five or six yearn after he
left Ills relative-* heard from him
more. In 1W7 a ickiCTam emno an
nounchig hh death In rictrolU The
liody waa ordered forwarded to thy
Indiana town and a grave waa dug in
Crown Point ceroiHery. Relatives hod
OMmhled from different sectloo# of
Indiana and Michigan in attend the
funeral, hut when the funeral car w*sm
walling at the railway station for.-rtie
body a dUpatrh came from Ik-troli
saylfg It wa* not the Kakomo Phlllpa
who died therj. Yesterday Phllllpa
visited the grave which had been dug
for him.
A war against Sunday newapapem
ha* begun In Zeeland, a few cltlsen#
who want to make Keeland the modern
Garden of ffidim objecting to having
the bulky |iap<-m with thair hlKhl
tHilor.Ml c«imlc »upnlement# and sjKiri
Ing pag(^ delivered at the home ci
ChrUlian pt-ttple. John lYU. who re
i-enily «ii*m*Hl a new# dejKit In the
prim lliLb- village, ha# made a hurl
nes* of delivering Ikinday papem early
In the morning. He ha* never be«*n
guilty of keeping hi# .tore o|h*
Bunday. but the Kit-rn n b»rnu m do
Clare that it I# equally wU-kwl t
liver pajHr# on the 8abl*ath. and It
look# a# if somebody wa* afu-r hi#
•calp. It U alU-ged Utal a promiiu
cltljum and a memln^ «if the village
board wa* so Inrenaed recently when
he flaw the carrier delivering Sunday
luiper# that he pitsh^sl the tioy fi
hU Wbeti and forUde him to cairy
luiper# on Sunday. Itui It Is whiapered
that a few Sunday school worker* and
t>lhcra who lend thejr lofigencc to
thing ao Justly rondenm«Ml by the re
farmerf. have ihv-lr iwpi'rs' delivered
at tb.' l*ck dcKif.
Hyomal. tKa i
I Catarrh Cure.
Pmacribed by Physician*.
IWK ni meillrln^w that are mlver
Oaoil to cure catarrh, it is as far
pertpr to them all, as the diamond
more valiiahle than cheap gla*#. Their
coroixisltlon is secret, hut Hyunn^l
give# it# formula to all reputable phvslrlan#.
liHh t4» try and cure caiw'Ing tablet# or llqubls?
The only i
ral way to cure this dl#and all other dlscaocw of the nspiraiory organ# U to bnathe Hyo"'tIiU lr.-atmn>t luii. U«i m .at___
fol. curlnK tn prr com
all who luvf
ummI It. that Hyomet Is now sold by
8. E- Wall ft Sons under an alirolute
guarantee to refund the mouy If p
does not cure. You run iw risk what
ever In buying Hywel. . If It did not
{smeTK to cure.
could not be wdd uiKNi this plan.
July 88 aug 4 11
For people to keep papers aad other
article* of value wbkdi arv not In
stant use. about the bc^. when for
the small charge of one aad a half ikd
lara a year they nuor have a drawer In
the sate deposit vaults of this bask,
where absolute safety Is assured
to which ao one has aexseas bat them
selves. The First NaUoaal Dank.
The IS.OOO apptoprlatlom for the
mmipIctkM <d the baa* poodc at th**
United 8tatec P.hcrlec oUtkio at
Nonhvllle. I* now available, aad fdc
poadc arc helai; built and equlmied for.
the prupocatioa of haca. Bach poed
oovera from a half to t wtKhlrdc of an
acre, aki ic cuppUcd with frooh water
are cooataaUy offorlag
fromadeepartaolaB welL The haioh*
las of haac mact he done accordtns to things aa iraaAuma with oaeli |
aatare’e own way. wUhoot artificial of fifty ccMt tea. This wmA H wUl be
aid. aad ao the poadc have to he a two quart white lined enameled pad
plaimad with thU Waa fa miod. ^
Oaa of Oaca eotmty*a cooatry aohool
oum. who h^ takiat a summer
rmaraa ai TpcUaaU. asbiblu the fol
lowtag wHUea by a CkhrlB modiar as
dlBSpaa. Aad mla<r yon. Uc iaa that
goes with the pan to as good a qi
aa yoa bare paid sixty ceats Cor lota of
iimm. The Kew York Tea Oo, m
la the Au
taw’s. Haary Wallacw Phllllpa la
the Magyapber of -Foxey Bill." the
ae hero of -Big Bead.** How
-roxey BUT eame to bla own. aad
haw he foaght to matatafa It. ia a yara
mighty weU worth the teUla& aad Mr.
Mailer of Foelififla Not of
Etc. direct from the hands of her
ersator. moat hare beea beantifid aad
her daugHluni MmaM ctoirn their herit
age. Tberc are throe reqalremeata of
facial beauty, roaaded featuroa, ato
of wriaklea gad
ffrpFt 8JLI.K OR'lRBC|N-r
i at tha Maflaaal Mleetofcal Ooatraelan ArooMartaa oT the
light, diet aad exercise aqd the tree
to aa appropriate name glvea to one
oa of a reliable flesh food to repair the
waste with proper massage wlU at of the bast aevtor machtoro made.
tain the deatowd reaatt.
Have all the latest Improv eaeata.
Nature has prepared a system of with a drop head, nicely finished. For
Ftjxey Blll a right to rule, and for a
ig within the akta
this week oaly we arc seniag them for
Ime prevails, but the day of reckoning
fifteen doUarw The greatest bargain
MBseo. There ia a battle royal. *’ia
wa. Best lawn base to the state
the Abaeaoe of Ralo*.” and the pigs the skin to most apectony and locally
aourtahed with best recolUi. The for the price. Millar ft Morse. 330
retreage la Call aad sweet A. B. snakaa shadows of the cheek,, chin,
rraat’a pictures refieet the humor of neck and arms will vanish If the ahto Froat St.. East.
the story perfectly. They are aft fonay that clothe* them to oot starred. PWd
these fcatnro. with some good fl«h
No Pity Shown.
as the text aad that ia onoogb said.
food gradually nri
"For years fate waa after me eonThe expendlinre . of the United
ulelr'hartlmiooaly“ orrHe* F. A. Gulk'dge. Ver
late* government U less to propor
bena. Ala. ‘i had a u-rriblc case of
tkm to the popntoUoo than that of
Piles causing 34 tumor*. When all
other countries. Seven dollar*
Wrinkles are ui nlstakable cridenn- failed Bucklcus Arnica Salve cured
ahd ninetyeeveo oi-uU a bead; ihaf#
me. Equally good for Burn# and all
the flgnre. For Ck-naaoy If# $8.4&;
and pain*. Only 33c al Johnfor France. 117.84; for Great Britaii:.
comparatively free as theoe part# sans and F. II. Mrod's drug store.
UJ.25; for Am*da.m«; fur New Zoap not protected and kept active by
toad. $38.88. Except to political cam
ithlng and the oonsequtmt friction.
* and nu
paigns It U unnen-fcsary to view witb
Tfic balsnre whe«'l of a watch vi
Ion* fnlD the reckless and pndllgatf- ex filb-d there I# no. r
why the skin brate* eighteen lhou#and tim*'# each
travagance cif the ftHleral govcrnrocn. of th^face and hai
Mibl n«il lie a* hour Take >i.ur |»enrll and figure how
texture as that which the cloth
iravagaurc uf the federal guvrrnroenl.
ing conceal#. The scowling and frown many xlbrailuh?; ki a year, and then
Magarine fur August
ing wrinkle*
may reaii«* the ner. ##Uy of ktHp
‘a feel behind the eye* j
ing your watch clean. Then >i»iir next
An engineer who atari* to build a equally easily removed with
Ihunghi Khuulcl be Barnum ft Earr*.
bridge and then kei»p« finding better massage.
Madam Rita Kraus la a graduate They an^ oxihhI jeweler*.
|dar^ to put hi# pier#, and wondering
Dr. Caliwarsto. the eelebniiLHl #ptwheffW he ha* lielecf.M the Im-m loca of
rlallKt of Pari#. Hetwa* Borah Ih>rntion or nut. will Sever get tin- b.ridge ) uardr* doctor,
lie. ihi-n year# of ager ami
ar livA# 30. Lillian I
arruBs the river. He r
go alouul and buUd the bridge, .aw .«•. . j.,
I half that. Ma
ter wiiat ohstacU* he may strike. .Sti , Krati# wi
IJIllan Hu.<iseir# ma#!
It I* with the builder of character, he | for nome
d her in
Traverwa City to 9t. Louis
rhat he will ilo Uenrlng her wonderful complexk
finally what
$18.50. 15 dty limit
and then make for hi* p»,.
practical #tH*clallst
$19.00. 60 4fiJ UmU
look back or he moved fnmi hi# I ^ the
on and skin are too
$21.00. far the fiCfisoi
Cinirse. Ten# of thousands of young delicate matter* to trifle with Madam
KrauN has all the latest appllances for
pet.ple with gu(Kl lualth. g.MHl eduea-*
This wm indode meals and
between Traverse Cily and
tien. and good ahllity. are Kiondlni; on
the end of a brldjp-. at life # crushing. worric-s ivf the feminine
It I# not
xSrt. *ifl be on «de com
They hop«- they are on the right way. only embarrassing to a
man a# well. Madi
mencing ThurKlay, June 9.
they think they are doing the right abeen
very RUctx-sKfuI Ip i\-movlng su1904.
thing, and yet they do niH dare to tHTflijou# hair, causing it to UI#apiM*ar
Steamers leave Travcroc City
burn the bridge they have just eroK-ed.
every Sunday, 10 p. m., and
They want a chanr<* for ndrent In case
Thurxdajx, Cam.
they have made a mistake. They can
not to ar the thought of rutting off all
Night Was Her Terror.
posKlbinty of turning Hark. They lark
*I would cough nearly all night
the lK»wer t.» d.vide .coiirlu#ivt ly what ItHig," write* Mr#. Chas.. AppU gaie, «if
course they will mke.-O. S. Marden. Alexandria. Ind.. "and ould liardly get
In the August 8UCCV-##.
any sk-ep. I bad consumption #o bad
that If I walked a hU»ck I w<mld wnigh
The August
iilM-r of 10 .mor> frightfully and spit bl.#>d. hut. when
Book. *dum# I
‘w feat lire w hich all other mtHlklue# failed. Ihr.s- $1.00
ought to be poj
r with the .reading toillk-^ id Dr. King'.# New l)i#c«.very
public. It U a I
; reviewing de|iart- wholly cure.l roc and 1 galne«l ts
ment under the direction tif John Su iwunds." It's absolutely guaranl<H-d
pleton Cowley-Brown, whom- work to cure Coughs. C^ild*. La Grippe,
Bkmg these line# In the «o<um* Quill nronchlll# and all Throat and Lung
and other luildlratlon# ha# nllrarted Trouble*. Price &0c and 11.00. Trial
much attention. The o|H>nIug n-\lew bottk-s 10c at Johnson # drug store and
In the August nuuilK-r is ample evi F. IP Mead # drug store.
dern-e that Mr. t'owle> Brown has
iu*nt‘ of hi.s virility or lndep:-ndence.
Of the ten Klorii-# In thi# Issue "The,
Wi' have a «»mpk-te and well conWise Widow." by Helena Smith; ii jUicti-d ilray line and are to fhe market
given the place c»f honor. Among the to do all kind# <d dray work at reason
cuotrlbotiws are Martha McCulloch aldf ehargi-. Also move furniture and
WYIIlam#. Kennett Harris. J. C. Plum pianos with care and dispatch. Buy
mer and AValter ProwTje. the latter and sell st'comi hand good# of every
contributing a very rl. ver liille #k»i of dt-scription. We ore here to #enc you
smart life. «mlltled "The Tlon Charley in the bo^t possible manner. Citizens
Prompt Delivery.
1‘ay* HI# Tailor,'* Xli.c fchon nory phone. Frank lUiib, 40.S East Front
masterpiect- In this Issue I# iK-rimp.# 81.
the U**l of the long serle# whieh ha#
bqen rnuning in iXSlory Book. It Is
Brutally Tocturod.
by Moritz Jokai and 1# entitled "The
A case came to light that for persl#
Bundle of U-tlrrs,"
tent and unmerciful tortur* has per Tr*ln* Usre Tr*Ttin»atT ronB««tliif *t W*1
haps never been equak*d. Joe Golo- tact with north Md ■Mih #.ei*.m.
The August Red lUiuk |# enticing In blck of Colusa. Calif., writes: ‘Tor 13
Trslna U*rr Tr»r*-iw
Us apfwarance and partlcnlariy at year# I endured insufferable pain
tractive In Us Itide of content.#. A Rheumatism and nothing relieved roc TJiSLr!i^T?'Trt?s2ru5i/'f^^ ko
d('7en (»r more stories by |H>pular though I tried everything known. 1 TrmtnfiMrv Tr*T«rw atj for Nt«tli|sjrt si
authors, all above the average to came across Electric Bitter* and If#
TrmiiJ mrrin fn. Northr»orl *t tbdP a m.
cleverness, arc Included in the num- the greatest medicine on earth for TriURB mrrirr from Nurthptwt *>*4 W) *. m.
tor. which has more than lu usual that trouble. A few iKjtlles of it com TnUii*^iTv from ouoiwcU*c m*ui Un« Usia*
from ronMCtinc ***1* ho* irwUui
IHirilun of high class Ulusiration# and piclely relieved and cure<l me." Just
Tr*b» srrlro'freni eoMMcUac main Una traina
artistic art portrait studle*. The
as good for Uverlnd Kidney troubk'*
cover to a gay one and doc* not belie and general deWilty. Only 30c. Sat
-a ol WslW*
llM- cheerful content# of the magarlnc
isfaction guaranteed by Johnson
The authors represented an* Stewart drug store and F. H. Mead, druggist
T^H^Ttertaasn rn'^mfpnr oe trsln lesrins *t
Edward White. Maarten Maarten#. W.
T. A^
A. FraM-r. Cllnttm Ikingerfleld. Anne
Warner. Carndl Watson Rankin, Anna
We ha,vr leather good# galore
MathewMin. Naomi Harrouu.
at price* thgi will surely he
agreeable. The very iKipular Peggy
Dunlap Dexter.
bag#, many styles of leather, shop
ping luigK. parses, pocket to*ok#. coin
bags and novellkw !n leather goo<!
A larg»^‘ and gnrgtsju# dUplay of hand
deci>ra:ed china. Rastall. the Jeweler.
884 Froet 8t.
Phinipa to the afmn to tell It It to a
NOW is'
to pot in yoor coal far next
winter and
br let&« o ddiva direct
■Nmnn WCIH6AN thaiis. CHEAPEST
E.H.P0PE, Afi.
R. T. CHURCH, 6. P. A.
Boon, and you’ve been In
vited. Select yoor
Jackson has a wagon whose hnsi
ne«s It' U to make dafiy routes abont
town aad from which you may tony
yoor Ice cream to any quantity you deshw Five to six popular flavors and
oi such a quality that is sure to please
you. Phone ns. we are here to serve
yoa. J. W. Jackson. IOC Proat St
It add spice to dreary life, encour
ages the human b^. lifta one oot of
despair, breathes new life mod confl
dence. Thafs what llolUsfers* Rocky
Monatala Tea will ^ 8S eeaU. Tea
or Thblcts. Johnson Drag COb..
Floe Gold
*^from our handsome assort-
We can astonish you at the
handsome gifts we are sell. Ing for $1.00.
RASI^LL, the Jeweler.
P. S.—We furnish handsome card
wrth every gift.
awaytu be made iato rogA fat me
Seven Sixes, 14 to 20 H. P.
Claus Warner. Proprietor
Try Haeofd Warn Ado. taaB
mmL Big Money MricariL
Choice Groceries
Butter and Eggs
utlowm price. W« .d HoCooTi
Qte.30c; Cal. $1.00.
Cd newt mPiiM Hah
Umt*. Ccmeteiy Vm*» Jmi
. JULY n. 1
Or. M» J. KrwmMm TmvM (
C«Mt to CMK Md »«t Mm:
mm WBIMa S. Brtek, «f HUdwi>
iiMlYir M eMcHt « chiftoi kowUYW
liad a sood IkM oQ tlM
MK.VMI wm« flopfrtma tu wlait »d
r-prnTro-------------- - Mr. Brk±
tD CM Umt bM fhn tbo nuppM.
M aw ft «M badly htm be kilM IC
Tha mmptr «m «ila»Ml to Hre vllb
dM bopt that U Mur oMeh mm nore
or tbo pesky obleksa bawks. It is
teoibt tbax the bird was wasklac t>
the ahaUow water wbM the tartis
mm aC tb* aoUklcrs* borne at Roaebars. OaU M appaariag beaeatb the
gfcfa or bis Baftlas. By Aagost be win
a raUTesaake. Kiag was Mttea by
rmUJeeaake Aag. 7. im. Sack year
aface the form oi a aaake has appear^ aader the ikla of his W. begiaatag at the foot aad worktog to the
kaee. wbare be was UUea. Tbeo It
dhappsara. BpoU like that of a ratHmt stow each Aagost upon hla skia.
MU log to aamb aad helploes. From
Aug. 1 to 10 be to bllad. as are rat
tlers. aad eau aothlag. He to naable
to'ramalB la the eoldlers' bocae dorlag
those periods. A ooasla will thU year
aare for him aatil he kmes his saaktoh
. Prim to Uie «««?y ctortrt ofltoe
to '(toklu4. dkl;-1ihortt]r attor 10
o etoOk the other algkt la a Moeed carriaga. Jas. FrodeHck Bnrslem. a milJtoaalre mlalag king of South Africa.
I marry Mrs. Aniu
K. GlamelU divorced wife of Hugh
Gtoisael. a director of tbe rmen A
ICerehaats bank of Lot AngMee. With
in tbe next half boor the couple were
-i^ded by Rev. John Rich, of tbe First
*Mabyterlaa church, the emmaay be
ing performed la the parlors of a prom
inent hotel. Thus was culminated a
romaaee that began whoa the couple
were ehUdren. The marriage was soddea--very sudden. Tbe groom bad no!
seen the prospective bride for a year
there was a happy meeting In Sac
Ftmnctoco. a propuuU of marriage and
ma Imodtoie acceptance-all occurring
on the sands by the Cliff bouse. Be
. aides being a millionaire mine owner,
groom la the confidential adviser
of ex-8Mator John P. Jones, of Ke
vada, and to well known throughout
JU« Angeles, while hto bride, the
f ^daughter of Mra.;Mallory. of Loa An
gMea. If aald to be wealthy In her own
right through her former husband's
connection with financial enterprises.
Though the pair were aweetbearu
when they were children, fate ^usec
Anita Mallory to tnarry Hugh Glas
sell, while Jim Ilurslem marric*d a wo
man from whom ho was later aepe
rated. Acconllng to the aUtemenls
of Bnrslem be and Mrs. Glassoll al
wa)w rtmemlK»red their lover days of
chlldhwul. l*\>ur years ago Mrs. Olas
sell was aeparated from her husband
In Los Angeles. Meantime Hurslem
had lost hto wife. Neither had seen
the other for a year. They met for the
* first time after a year on the Clin
house beach. Id ten minutes, so Burs
; lem aays. he proposed marriage, wa*
aoeepicd and plans were made to wih.
in Oakland.
A barefcmled. dirty youngster, who
earns a good living as a sand artist'
mruck a bonanaa the other morning
when society folk were out on tht
prtimenade at Atlantia City. Tht
urchin read In a newspainr that MtoCynlhla Roche, daughter of Mrs
Burke Roche, of Newport, had won a
blue ribbon at the horse show at Inlet
Park. Glancing at the board walk
^ where people atood to view hto designt
In the sand, he spied a young woman
aad put her dowa ai Mta Roche. Grab
btakg a rude slick, he di^ the picture
of a horMwomaa true to life aad to
beled It -MU Slatbl Ro^h.** Nickels
dimes and some quarters began tr
drop around him eo fast that he called
upon several boys to help him -pick
np de mun.-—New York Sun.
Tbe m wsboya of Japan have beer,
reaping a harrost during the past six
monthiu The people of Japan are great
readers, and besides they are exceed
log patriotic and intensely interested
la the war with Russia. You can see
Uen. how anxious they mast be to get
the Uteat news of the war. A Japa
neee aewsp^ generally has one big
laaue la tbe morning conulnlng news,
cartoons, and adverttoemcnls about
like our papers. Then after that ex*
Uas aif prinied all" day long, aad
eooeilBSfx ti|^ midnight. The ex
iras ai^ prlntM oa little altpa of pa
per Just largeVouMt to contain the
Rem wmch to the cause of the exum.
Tbfae Bale ^^lUs are only prtatM
fm mm side of tke paper, aad sometlmea^ MRra cmisteu M no
Una »
words. Then next day
eto -papgffiBts la iu regular editton
airamAfipatehea printed in the UtUc
ffhy before, wlih the hour
anff*Wnnte of pubUcatkm. and thus
AH day
MMbpaebMf MbeW
ao tbfa,Is kaotted three, foor aad aoaiebella. tT-bensbaagcatbewaarw^
blp aad as aooo as hr gets a baack of
extras be etarU off oo a dead rwa
dowa the middle of Ibe street. The
bells make a terrible Matter aad the
people^rash oM to Iwy the war aewa,
for Uw kaow tkat the beUa meaa a
freek war extra. Tbe extras po like
bot cakes and the boys get an tbe wa>
Cram tre rte( whiekls abovt a gaarter
or a eeat la oor atmaey) to Cro aaa ior
two coau aad a batfi Itor them. Tbe
bells aare tbe boys tbe trooble of crytag their papers, aad besides aotlfy
ererybody at oaoe that there Is eoem
big war aewe cm aale.
There Is eUl! oae form of recreatSoa opea to Emperor Wnilam of Oer^
Ho has never tsdcea op golf.
He ofum tadalges prirately la the laauctioM aad exbllaratlag plng-poag
but has sever attempted the recklees
aad eacltlng chase after tails over e
golf AeUl.
The wife of the Briltoh ambassador
to Washlagtoa. Lady Duraad. has set
her face agalast the rapid ecKlal life
of maay of tbe womea of the aatkmat
capital. Of champagncHlriBklag ahe
has a epecial abborreaeo. Lady Dur
aad does not profess primness, bot
abeohlake a little more dignity should
Rev. E. H. Eckel. f««or of an Bpto
eopal church la Mniliaiasport, Pa., and
who to likely to beoome the bishop of
that dloeeee. will not tolerate women
who attend eenrices clad In low cut
gowns, abort sleeves and wearing no
hats. He says they are not conform
ing to the teachings of 8t Pan! and
that he win not have the practice cooUnued in bU church, which la one of
the moat faahlonablc In Wllllamaport.
John a Rockefeller to a director In
but one oorporaticm—Standard OU.
During the past six years be has been
gradually withdrawing from the many
boards of which he was a member. In
1898 he was a director In four corpora
tions. The next year hto son began
aklng hto place. unUl now he repre^
lenu bU father In all the companies
•xcept the one above named. WUiam a Rockefeller has Increased hU
membership In directories from four^
een In 1898 to thirty-one In llo4.
Eastern society leaders have their
'ads and superstitions. Mrs. George
IwiH defies the old saying that pearls
)*ptry tears and wears a collection
!hat outdoes royalty. Mrs. Siuyves
snt Fish's luck omen to a small gold
oci.et with her iuklato In monogram
Mrs. Reggie Vanderbilt to never with
mi a ceruin bracelel of Turkish man
■tfacture. Mrs. Tommy Hitchcock
sears horseshoe dlamoml bniochcs.
Urtr. I*ayne Whitney's wmulel to a
necklaci* c»mpos<Ml of every translii
rent precious stone known to lapidary
Rev. Peter Howe is the £piacoi»al
bishop of Alaska. Hto visits to hb
llocese arc by no means pleasure out
ings. During hto last trip In March he
hto two companions wandered
from the trail and were without foou
practically for three days. The route
if the bishop’s visitation covered
jtotance of 5(H) miles through an un
peopUKfreillin. The bishop’s face
bad’/ fraxen and it
bcfeA* naching a settlement
to kll!
lome of the sledge dogs so as to con
u'rve the lood supply. The Eptoct>pal
jev. lepmeni «»f Alaska, like Dial of
the other denominations, to not ver>
Trading at Stickney’s new grocery—
It to iHi absulute!y clean, and every
tide In the store has the mark
freshness upcm It—and besides your
xroccry bill for the month will be
UtUc smaller than uauaL Just try It
and l*e convinced Both phones,
Union 8L
Doctor of Boawty.
Mme. RIU Kraus, beauty specialist.
U compelled to remain over anotl
week, ending July 30. on account of
many callers she to unable to consult
with. This Is poslUvely the last week
Mme. RIU Kraus hold three dlpk
Graduate and associate of Dr. Cato
sarmto. Sarah Bernhardt’s beauty doc
tor. AU latest mechanical and
trteal methods used to remove anper
auDui hair, moles, black heads aad al
ImperfecUons of the akla and scaR)
facial massage, bust deTriopmeBi
hair culture m apeclalty. Keep y
WIU be bera until Saturday. July 30
OoBsnlUtioB aad one treatment free
Ofltoe Hotel Whlilag. Ofllce houra, i
to 4 p, m.
Bemovea l^heada aad ^ea ai
oae sHUag. Wby aoc asatot aai
and keep bdantlfuL
Ooaault wkh tbe mkdam aad M
the an cf massage free of charge.
This wUl poslUvely be the last week
John H. Davlln. Houstoa-Waa aU
run dowa; aothiag did ase any goof
aatfl I got hold of HbUtoter's HoMq
Mountain Tea. Now 1 am atroog aaf
well; gained forty pounds. » (
ahaoMapoffeettaMgenf jam.doctor ta a grant adiMrar «f Bryaa
aad it is assdisaa to add that Mace
I ha has had to bv1
Is a
To sway a o^«owd.tohMd.
air with Urn
It wfll reaMi
of this crowd. Is not so sUaple as woald appear cm tbe face of K.
after algkt la the
powers and a
vast kaowlsdga of
tet a torra of tadlridaality aad penoaal magaetlam as weO.
Tb the ocdlaaiT observer who stands
on a airM ooraar aad Uatena to a
holding forth on the
menu of bU remedy, U>e whole thing
easy. "All tt requires to
he says but stands there aad
He U very skeptkal of the
vinoes of the medicine but by aad by
tbe orator loucbea oa some pM ail
ment of bis very own and then be fol
lows tbe crowd aad purchases the
Why does he do it? He
doesn't kaow bat he certaloly had no
lateation of so doing when he came
there bet the secret Ues in that aasae
BMgnotlsm. that power of aagieMlati
ihaVBuMe bim atop aad listen. Aaotbar thing, night after nIghL he hears
some friend or some fellow warkmaa
give his testimonial, telling how they
were cured. T
remains so long
but twelve towns a year and returnlag every year.
A “modlclne maa" Is bora, not made.
Many a socalled doctor stkads on a
platform aad inhales gasoline smoke
that is not a "medcine maa." he to
•Imply a "street fakir." a petty
,"grafter" out after stray dimes and
Hto appearance to generally
limited to one night only. Frequent
ly It would not be exactly coadnclve
to hto happiness or peace of mind to
stay longer. Since Uie Hot Springs
doctors have been -l^re. there hare
been three others In
city, each re
day and then seek
ing paauirea anew.
or tbe many that come and go there
are aome that stand out very prom
inently. men that come into a town
and stay week after week. Among the
of these to Dr. Max
J. kraua who has been In the city for
tbe past four weeks.
Dr. Kraus desenes the title of
r-Klng of the Medldne Men." a Utle
xarnod thrc iRh irsveTlng from coast
ct^asl. from Mlrhlgan’s northern
line down to when* the sun shines or
the blue waters of the Gulf of Mexko.
Hto to not tbe store box and smoky
gasoline torch, but the modern siag»
with electric lights and all comfortable
fllUrgs. Night after night he bring*
hundreds of the same people back to
hto crowds. To roe life show? Partly
the main hUerest to the rather
Hhort man with the wavy brown hair
good natured face and the Princt
Albert coaL He has a waj of talking
to each one In the crowd and touch
ing things of vital Inten-st to them
They hear what to causing the my*
terious pains that have been Itothcr
Ing thorn, buy the imHlIcIne and In s
few days add their testimony to the
ihbusands of others
I>r. Kraus has l»oen in the buslnesr
for years. Hto father and brother are
both physlcUns. Becoming 11mbued
with the virtues of the remedies he
4cU«. he started on the road and since
lhat lime has sold so many thousandf
'rent, be to cured also if it to possible
that he has loxt track of tht
aumber. However, books and files art
kept showing the names and address
of ever?- person cured In e^ery
town visited. He visits tbe same towuf
vear after year and is welcomed by
evoryone from the cUy fathers to the
newsboys and always ^Is more
Dr. Kraua has a ptoaatog pen
ty and this added to a nhlural gentkness with those In pain to the secret of
hto success. If a person to rich, he to
If he to poor and has not a
cent, he I cured also If It to possible
The millionaire must take hto turn
with the poorest of the patienU to
Une al the ofllce. If It bad not been
for bis readiness to cure any and all.
the dorter's private fortune would be
far greater.
All the year around, be travels. In
Jic aummer he to In the northern
states but In the winter h
Ae aonlhland. capccially
ahere be has a magnificent orange
'arm In the vicinity of
There be aiK^x his winter vacation
T he bappearf7^\^e^ the other aide
if tbe oootlneni o^oo tbe west side,
t U Imaaterial because be b
irange-ranch In California, alz
Yom Los Aagc’ea where tbe son
ibtoes. tbe flowers bloom az
llrds sing all tbe year around.
In traveling around the com
nan eomea lato contact with
Ainous people. Among the doctor's
toqualataacra Is Governor Hcgg of
rexaa. that sturdy perxoaaUty who
;cx>rns a dress suit and believes that
\ man's a man despite hto etotbes.
rbe doctor was lecturing in tbe opera
loaae In Baa Antonio when tbe govmor came
on tbe stage to com-
$m. It is of aoad gold, tbway
MndiMI with periert one carat diaMds aad Mgalflna that be bMonga
to No. 1 lodge or ebb New York Mty.
The badge was presented to blm by
Mayor MeOellaBd of New York Mtj
wbom tbe doctor draely predicu wiB
become a national figure In 19M
tbiougb being nominated for the pres
idency. He baa also met many other
teBons Bran nnd tnlki Interestingly
of bit nequnlnunee witb tbemil
Before Tnxna beenme renowaod
through tbe striking of ML be wna In
that stale. When tbe great gusher
was struck on Bpladle Kop bill be
beard tbe now famons expreaalon.
-Tbete she comes, boys." imdI saw tbe
oil airtirt upward from the'narrow
openlnc running deep Into tbe bowels
enttb. He at present owns
In tbe Beaumont field which
jMda btm a bandaooe Income.
Tbe doctor baa but one partner, bis
Ife. 8be travels with blm nnd la bU
companion al alL times. Mra Kraua
possesses conalderable renown.
*matolagtot and
very snccMtful In treating the com
plexions of women. She was UIHan
Russell's beanty doctor for some time.
Tbe firm contains two other membera,
ror. as two Intcresdng children,
ow In college and it to for their
future that tbe doctor and hto wife
•e now laboring.
The doctor to a great believer in
printer's Ink and advertising but by
him. borne testimonials are prlted
* all elce. "I might spend a mill
ion in advertising." he aald. "But
would you people here In Trarerse
City believe that I could cure the dis
eases that I claim to nnless you saw
the cure effected or knew personally
people that were cured. One le*timoniai from a Traverse City roan or
in will do more gSod than any
advenlslng that I could buy. I know
that 1 have a good thing. It can’t fall.
does the money to refunded with
out question. If 1 had to make mv
living by robbing people I would to
out and gel a job digging or anything
•toe rather than to have that on my
•lence. During all (be years that
I have b<H*n traveling there to not a
or city that 1 have vtolu'd but
lhat I can go back And Ik? well r*celved. Then*’* not a |K*r*on that lias
bought my medirine that I cannot b»ok
In the fare and l»e afraid to listen to
what they have to *ay. Call m** what
>u xvlll bet I know that I am more of
phllanthroiil*t than some men uhosr
rtues arc so well advertised.
“You have a beautiful little city
here and I am well pU-aMnl with my
•toy. I am pleased In morc*w'ay* than
I’d rather hear the 'God hie**
rou, doctor.’ of one grateful patient
(ban own your magnificent State bank
liulldlr.p. lU-cause a man get* c»ut Inio
the slrtHM and lectures lt‘r> no sign that
he li not honest and has bonwi raoives."
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and migbUest little
thing that ever was made to Dr. King’*
New Life Pills. These pills change
,knes to atrength. listlessness Into
?ncrgy. brain-fag Into mental power.
Tkp.v’ry-.yonderful in btilMIng up the
heallh. Only 23c per box. Sold by
lolmmjn’s drug store and F. II. Mead.
It would be* hartli^ to find a larger
XKHorlmriu of stove.' In Traverse City
than we carry. We have range.’i. gas.,
gasoline and oil stove* In all *lze«.
prices ranging from |3 np. Jewel
gas stoves are ln*lalk*d with connoctlons free of charge. Buy your stove
here and save money. Frank Trude.
14C Front St.
The Item knier of old m*. Whyecauae pus and germ become oxi
dised when broaghi in contact with
of the body. San Jak
to the old age killer by dissolving the
earth salts from the blood. Prevents
osslflcalioa or a Um^-llkc hardening
)f the arteries. San Jak cores yonr
heart ache, back ache, leg ache, your
kidney trouble disappears, your liver
is aoon nourished so you need no
pUia. Stomach aad bowel tronble you
soon have noae and yon are again
strong and wclL Dr. Burnham has
Bpeat a life time analysing to find elw
menu to ncutraltoe poison in the
human body. He has found It and
gives it tke name of San Jak. You
caa not forgeL He Is H wonder and
kto remedy to a marvel to knmantty.
Sold and guaranteed by Johnson Drug
Oo. who are sufllcienUy reUable to
hand you back yonr money if afl to not
334 Uf
If you are looking for somelhlhg
smart aad exclustve in the buggy line,
it will b« worth your time to riait oor
warehonae. We are showiag boom
haadsome jobs, aad at prices that wRI
latereat roa. and It'a Just the eeasoe
W. J. Bryaa was In Nebraska. I would to get hargaha la carriaget. Auuy
rare twora that be was oa tbe
mohDo headquarter*. Prod P. Boughey.
‘jjBlghL-exM the fOTcrnor. "Too are Can aad Elate 8U. Either phone.
: il.
,lf taken before August 1st. 1904. , I
will sell the lot on the South side of State
Street adjoining new Post Off ice Building,
one of the best locations in the city.
w. l: brown.
Drake’s Palmetto Wine
Tie M WoRderifll Medieiiie fai He Worid
Yn Cm fist • TttI BdfaFrss to SaHtfy YmntH
Drake's Palmetto Wine is pleasant and cooveoieot to take ami wifi rma
quickly and permaoemly c\-ery form ol stomach tronble. It is a cure let the
whole world of stntnach weakness and constipoikm. as well a« a relator M
tbs kidasy-a aad liver. Only one <kwe a day and tho cure begins with tbe text
jOUdg roB BBKT- r O. I
Try Record Want Ada. Small
COWL Rig Monoy Makara.
d»e. oo matter bow much or bow long you h,ivo suffered ynt *re CT-:.->.n da j
cure with one dose a day of Drake’s Palmetto Wine, and to convimr \oa of
this fact we ha\-o placed trial bottles at yt.*or di-pusal without cost to yon All
voa hai-e to do is ask for them, they are FREfe.
Hop ant Tkink, Snffnren!
Ovor^lrwt National Bank
Jy relieve and permaucntly cute ytni of
perfectly rrKulatc ibe
distr««nx stomach trouble and j^erfoctly
the con*,-eMrd tx nduicn of
your kidneys and lixx;r or remove the raia.rhal coodition oi the meem lining
of 1-oor bead, throat, stomach and intes tines, wxmld wc at an cnoroous ex’peuze
to oorsd%« place at your disposal these free bottles ?
The first dose yeo take will esavlBCO yen of fhe
Bisferly power of this wonderful Palnette fledlciBe
rit toycmlamito
in^^dicol to (
er oomUoatioD of
lor tbe cure of tbe disc*
that each and all ingredients are >*egrtable. and cannovjxwMbly barm you. Ca
only benefit you. The be>t physicians in the United Sutes yacacriU
We tcll^ou
more U> i:u into bo*In«i«. or build
Willi »t » rrn«it«*bU tww of toUT*y,i aiMl ImiK lUm T
L 6. BRYANT, BIlM.’RJ.Urv: •
and r<wd moucy
Ideal Reserve Association
fact in
that I make
it a business of loaning money in iarge
or small amounia on city oryx:uuLlry
Notice to Taxpayers.
real estate aud charge you but a rea
The tax roUs for the oolloctlon U
sonable rate of InieresL Pay it back
in arooanfs to suit yourself. A few tchcol and city taxes and special aschoice olfiees to rent. *togle or iu *efsm«-nls for the five wards of the
suite. E. McNamara. McNamara Block. cltrof Traverse City, Mich., have to
placed in my hands for coUecUun,
1 will be In my office for the pur
The rarest combination of good
pose of collecting laid taxes every
things ever put together to Hollister's
week day from now nnlll Nov. 1, 1994,
Rocky Mountain Tea. It cures plmfrom 8 o’clock until 11:30 o'clock la
1 o'clock nnUl
mallsm. sick headache. 23 ct-nto. Tea
4 o'clock la the afternoon of each day.
or Tabicta.
All taxes
before Sept. 1st win
be received withont collection fees,
and on all taxes remaining unpaid oa
Sept 1st and until Oct. 1st. a penalty
of one per cent for collection wUl be
charged. On all taxes rematelag un
The assenmeat roU for the paring paid on Oct. 1st aad until Nov. Ut a
of Cass atreet from Front street to penalty of two per cent for ooilertion
State itreeL and State street from win be charged.
Union street to Casa street to now ia
Office. Room 303 State bank bldg.
my hands for the conertlon of the sseM. E. Haskell, aiy Treasurer.
oad axseasmeaL togrther with the ac
Dated July 35, 1904.
crued Interest oa all unpaid tnsUllmeaU. the same to be paid before the
first day of Augwu W4.
Notice to Contractors.
M. K. Hmxkea
City Treaxurer.
Office, room 393. State bank buUdlng
Stocks, BM(li,6ralB, PnvUliis,
Official Market <
vote wire,
York and OhkaRa
Gypsum Wall
Plaster Gemls
kind^ .JJ prepmd mi
«ilh ;fri0M
Mam BTHtwi tut wm MMartWM
At C«»« *M»ctl», TM« Mcrnina.
Special to tbe BYcalac Raeord.
Riaesley. MIclu July
OMO by Ue aaas of Kye. wblte swltoblag near Oobba Juactlon lbls*teamiac.
fa some masiaer fell beooatb tbe oars
4KWS HATED MINItTER, EAVINC aad bad his rtitot leg cmalMNL He was
Ok«a to Cadillac. The young man
bad only beca In the employ of the G.
K. A I. a few days.
fUEsr imsi FiHus
WoimM In tHn tnosMtrA
Anothw OmrnI KlllnJ In
MU# of Tsiehi Kloo.
Fraaident and Family Have Left Oya*
ter Bay.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Oyster Bay. N. Y.. July 2«.—Prssl
deat a^ Mrs. Roosevelt. Tbeodort
and Kermlt left Oyster Bay this morn
ing for Washington. They will remain
at tbe capltol unUI tbe middle of
August and then return to Oyster Bay.
Bjr Wire to Uio Breaiiic Roeord.
l^Sx. PotowbariL Jolr ig.-M. Plebve.
BdnUUer of Uio latfrior. wai msnwln, ‘ -fttod lioro Uito monUBS while rldln* In
bio coJTlASC. He woo pooclos In frunt
of Hotel DeYoiooYic, oeor the termlmu
of ibe Wonsw rsUwoy ouUon. when
o ana oaddealr roobed out of the restITAIN FULL SATISFACTION.
Uarool oltocbed to the hotel end
bttrlod m bomb oi the Yeblclc. Plebre
ood bU coorbaum were InsUnUy
killed, tbelr bodies belOR terribly ma
Jews Hated Him.
The ososseto was captured soon
• after the traced/. He Is believed to
be a Jew but refiues to talk and will
not clve bis n^e. Several penums
Foreign Minister Lanedowne Has Rswere injured as a result of the explo
red Satisfactory Aaauranose
sion and the wildest disorder prevails. |
From Rumis In Rtgerd to ths
riehve was on bis way to Peterhoff |
to roport to the esar. When the em
Knight CommafMier.
poror learned of tbe assasslnatiao be
trembled and soak back Into bis cbalr. By Wire to the Evening Record.
M. riebYO* was baled by the Jems in
l^doo, July 28.~Your com-spond
Ruasla. They accused blm of belna ent U officially Informed that Fbrcign
a despot and of persecutlni; them Minister U-rd lAndo^no has received
whenever possible. The Finns as well assurances from Russia that full satis
abhomHl tbs dead sutesman. He was faction was given Great Britain In the
cm« n>or of Finland once and i
matter of tbe steam<n- Knight Com
with an Iron band.
mander whl-h wa* sunk by the \Hadl
vosioK rnilsers on Sunday*. Premier
Baifour announc»Hl in the house of
lioodon.'July 2L—The Japanese ein eommuns today uiat the acute stage of
bassy has w dispatch from Tokln mn the RtsJ wa Incidents had imssed and
taJnlng a repoH from General Oku In that the Russian volunteer vt*svels
whlrb he sUtes that the Jspan<w4 would lie withdrawn.
army pursuing the enemU^s advancwl
on July 21i to tbe aortb of Tascb
Kiao. The Russians retreated to the
northward. lie adds that Tascbl Kaiu
and New KUtua are ablaxt*.
The Tien Tsin correspondent of the ARE SAID TO BE EMPLOYED ON
Rvonlag Star reporU that General Ku
ropatkln waa wounded fn the shouldn
during the battle at Tasrhl KIso or
July 24. Another general w».m killed. Mass Meeting Called for Last Evening
T*be Russians, according to the corre
But Nothing Accomplished—Will
siKinUcnt, lost jfl.oou killed.
Come Befortt Trades Council. ’
p It
OrHn UK>fs Homs Burned to the
OftHind-TWo Houses, s Bam and
Telephone Poles Struck.
A meeting tjf the masons. carp<;nter*, plumbers and Uwrasters wa*
caiUsl last night in Montague hall to
appoint a c^mimlitee to wait on the
contractor who Is building the gtnern
raent building to ask him to employ
inlon men. The t«wmsters and a few
of the masoDs w.-re pr«‘sent but not
enough So that any actlun was taken.
The union claim* that non-union
teamster*, have been doing the work
«o far and they are trying to have the
re*t of ihe work done by union men.
The matter will pn>bably come up at
the reguUr trade* council meeting to-
Bpeclsl to the Rvenlng Record.
Kingsley, Mich., July 2L—Orrin
iMce'n farm bouse. thn'C miles cast
and three miles south of here
/■ . timed to (h. ground thU momlng
Part of tbe paatents were saved. The
L^Hlre was paueed by a defective flue
about I6S0.
Dr. H. J. Ge tmsn Stopped n Runaway
Damaged by Lightning.
Team That Th
George C. Sparling’s new bare, two
and one-half mllea east of here, waA
atruck by Ugbtnlag yesterday and
badly abattered. Luckily It did not
A runaway started near tbe Enler. ,
lake Are, Tbe bare U just being buUt. prUe grocery this morning and made
mad dasb doom Bute streetAnd was
iff _ LoroltM.
i : ■ The telephooe Um three >ad on. on tbe hlgb road to do considerable
image when Dr. H. J. Getman made
hair mllM «tt wu dsBuged ooiuU
great stop by grabldng one of tbe
t • mbir li»'IlghtnlDg atrlUng the polro.
borsos by tbe blu.
When'stopped the frightened team
! Wat struck aad damaged about
was about ready to create havoc with
^ buggies standing out in frtmt of
B. J. Morgan s livery bare. Tbe owner
atruck. tbe daasage being ia tbe i
of the team, who Is a farmer living
bbrtiood uf ISO.
near Hannah, appreciated the work of
A meeting of tbe board of directors Dr. eOiman who fortunatetj saved a
of tbe We-quo4oac club will be held
this erniag at I o’clock al tbe club
bouse. A stockholders' meeting will
Mr*. E J. Lavcmier aad non and
be held August 3 to consider applleaisu Hannah ICnutb went to Heed Otj
lions for jaembertblp and other mat tbia morning for a rlsU with Mrs. Lavters.
endeFk parenU after a visit in tbe city
Tbe regular weekly nhoot of tbe with relaUvea. Bbe will reture to her
Traverse CKy Rod and Oaa dub will' betne in Grand Marina, upper penin*
bp bcM tomorvww aftoraooa.
from Reed Cigr.
OeMraBy flair tonight and FHdv
Light northertywtoda.
Colkma. OolotBdo, aad Mrs. Mary E.
Lonka of this city. There wfll be a
short runeraJ eerrlee at the grave in
•AY VIEW ASSEMGLY SO REGARD* Unwood cemetery Friday morning at
11 o’cioek. The pah bea^ra wOl be
four grandsons and two* graadaons-ta:.
law. Undertaker Anderson has the
fomely sold at $1.26 and $1.50. Oar tpecial price
Claas Kahn of Provemont died >esGOLF LINKS AND TENNIS CQ^RT lerday of old age al the age of 7k
1. He U survived by bU wife and
tugbter. Mrs. Charles Krepp of
GlenArhor. Deceased waa one of the
pathstic In Regard to the
rt aettiera in that regloo. having
lived there about forty years.
Only $60 of Neeaaaary
The funeral service will be held toBeing Raised-Meeting
orrow afternoon at 2 o’clock from
tbe school bouse at East Leland under
tbe direction of H. L. Carter.
Special to tbe Evening Record.
Mrs. Rodgera* PmieraL
Bay View. MIcK. July
Tbe an
Tbe funeral aenrioe of Mrs. Rubelna
ml meeUng^of tbe Bay View Camp
Ddgvrs of Fairwell was held this
ufonad assoclalioo yesterday after
afternoon al 1 o’clock from the Disci
noon was the hottest ever held. Tbe
ple church. Rev. T. J. UUom officiat
contest was between tbe old jmd new
ing. The floral offerings were very
blood In the nasocUtion and the new
pretty. Tbe body was laid to rt'st in
blood won. Three new trustees were
Oakwood cemetery under the direction
elected. W. M. Ward of Detroit, Georg of Ralph Anderson.
Gundrem of lonU and W. M. Fnilass of
Petoakey. Ward and Gundrum suc
ceed themselves.
milas, who is tbe new memte
Bsy View Aeeembly OfTers Rare At
promptly electrifled the meeting by
trsctlons srvd Excellent Features
proposition to establish bowling alleys,
This Ye/r.
golf links. tennl8"^urt and a swim
ming pool on the Association grounds
Rev. Morton D. Carrel returned last
and a Mtter fight suned. The older
night from the Bay View camp meet
members characterized the Innova
Ing and Rev. and Mrs. Hugh. Kennedy
tions as iDstremenu of the devil but
the younger element won. Golf links arrived home today. The camp meet
and a tennis court will be estsbilshed ing Ihl* year was the best ever held at
this year and other plans will follow Bay' View and the Traverse City peo
ple who attended art* enthusiastic over
next season.
s sucre**.
The desire for younger blood In the
The talent represented by leading
adminlstreUve offices was also shown
en was excepUoimlly good this year
by a plan to appoint a resident cart^^
Uker through the entire year, the In- and the whole assembly is favored
tiop being to give thU now office with the flne*l features In the history
of Bay View.
to Dr. William H. Shier of Detroit, for
many years president of the aasocla
tioo, and place a younger man in
Shler’s present position.
As win be rememhored the Petosk* y
l»oard of trade voted the assembly
11.600 last week A thorough canvas
of the town was mgde and Just about
S50 cf the lUOO secured- Tbe canvas
showed tA almost absolute lack of In
terest the first reason Udng that the
assembly tickets were made nontransferable this year and that W4'ane<l
away many friends. Tills anion wai^
later rescinded but the opiK»si!hin had
been arouwMl. The Hec<.nd leju^on wa?
that the Petoakey iwH.ple art ju*t a
trifle tired of tbe Kiral*;hl laced prinriples oo which the muM rably ha* been
conducted in the years |iasl. They be^ |
lleved that the Infusion of new blood
and more liberal Ideas would be the
only thing that would save the i
By voting the changes ynuorday.
the association changi-d nik^s that
have been In force for thirty years.
Are recognized to be the best
on the market. Leading mu•ician*
the*e splendid Instrument* and
ars loud In praise of their sweet
tones, artistic design* and high
quality. When you think of good
p>anos think of the KIMBALL.
Call and see the late styles.
Factory prices and easy term*.
i29FroatSt H.E.Strrar,Srr-
Call early and get the book you want
fsVumf/ht and WiflSy.1
Eugene V. Dsvi« of Long Lake
passed away at his daughter’s real
dence. €33 West Tc*nth street, yester
day afternoon at 4 o’clock after an ill
ness of two weeks.
Mr. Davis was born in Truxton.
Cortland county. New York. Nov. 15.
182C. and was married In Baltimore.
MaryUnd. in 1851 to Mi*s Eibellnda
Price, a native of Maryland. He
moved to Ohio w Ith hU parent* in his
infancy, thence moved
county. MldUgan. at the age of 18
years, lear^^ iba-trade of Iron molder
In Ann Arbor, worked al that business
about two years then went as a sailor
to Rio Janlero, South American, and
on hit return settled In Baltimore.
Maiylaad. where he worked at his
trade for twelve years.
With his family be mov^ to a farm
In Long Lake township .in 1862. Fhere
he resided unUl the last alxtecn years.
He has kept a store at tbe bead of
Loag lake, where be waa well known
and blgbly respected by all who knew
blm. He loonted a homestead on sec
tion 11 at Long Lnke and most of the
time slnee the organizaUon of the
ownMilp has been township treasurer.
He was deeply Interested In nil tem
perance work aad a hearty worker In
pange where be was a highly csteemed member aad whore he wlU be
sadly miseed. He and bis wife, have
tree pareau to the orphan cblidrea of bis late dau^tor, Mrs. Bmlly
A. QUcbel, for twelve years bis home
kss been thdr borne.
Hto wife ned two ebUdrea aurvire
blm. A non, Cbnries Davis of Von
WE WILL PAY $10,000
Tbe warm weather the paM
few days made aodi a call for
Oalbrds that we ordered and
to any one proving thtt we do not core bd -6W in giait orders
JKtRieilnnRif SbiiiiBt
ol all the leading styles in
women’s oafordi:
So if yun hare been unable
lo find just what you wanted
you can now find them at oar
cauSthouudt of dtiien. in Trovene City^hoTwH?Wfa«l te
jrean, on aocoont of being nnnble to buy > periM fittuy.
SUIT—Trousers—Overcoat or Hat
We can cure you, if you give us a duince.
P^>«‘wouW.B^^ Competitom:^^
.. 6c
.e Sc
.. Sc
Union Made Ove^*.
•. BKNDA a
The Old Rdi5Je*aoe Hoose
New Stand 242 Front Street
Cor.Lnk,Av«.and lOtK
Abstracts of TIUs
SHIP’S pioVeers.
Claus Kahrt of Prevemont. Another
Pioneer, Passed Away—Mrs. Rubeins Rodgers' Funeral.
The last call on all our Striped
and figured Lawns and Dimi
ties that have sold at 15,20and
; 26c per yard. We finish Inven
tory this week and are deter
mined to clean up the entire lot
’ . of summer wash goodssoconne
early and get your choice while
they last at only
lOc Yard
Ctmtr *Fr0Ht
Another quick turn in
MENS SUITS, for cash. '
Our best Hart Schaffner Marx and Stein
' Bloch Suits first floor
front table $22.00 to '
$25.00 Suits.
NOW $17^00
now $12 unparelled
bargains, come while
the assortment is good
mwiTOM cmnwis ca
Use Record Want All
: ctTv. atcHiaAN. -muMCkAv.
anpi tha New Toth Pma thasa waaa
Btole to haad, Jstoad to tl
Ptonds told down thare j
cf the Uatted Stotea are aahed
hr the Seasocratie partr to Tote tor a
awa. 4ad» Parker. whS to ItK aiM
IPOO Mtoeiptelr gare hto ballot, and
aars ap. to the fenaal propoaUloa of
WUZIaai J. Blrfoa u> cal the Talae of
r aarlaps haahs depeaiu to half,
phoar arwr 4oUar earned, aceaasalala aad pat awar at totersat oaljr
•rtr fwpu «r pnod moaer: to amkn
erery dollar of Interest paid oair
Pfir mmXM of good amaer!
It is tone ikwt Jadge Parker has said
la a tolagmB
alagm^ Pastgaad to aave his
r to ooatroi of the United Stoles
the gold stnndnrd as
i «r «Mll to potai of
I AMTtftoc to tlM polKks or
MTHtao. Ito Mao to of OMlI
■rL Tkm muUmm at B&enlmrr
r mm MW
floaatnr. ter hl»
A wm ama tonicaH^ aad noc a
toe «M ovwtooM It. to tba
tote powar, tevto toa toaaawjr 4aplat-
Mtedaad pa4 atabto enrroocr. aa dU
TtotoPNOad teiMB eo4a. la ilia ha&ds or
Sdia paoplt.**
. Ifito had aaM ao »ora than that be
aroiddihaaa told to It the whole foan
Mta a the flaaMlal poller of the
partr. Thai poller la writtea la the atobliltr oT valae oT ovarr
ooto aalated and oT ererr prumiae to
par laaaad br the Ualted Btalea sovaraaMMU hacawae of the ooaaenratlre,
<ha wholaaaaiaaadthe hiflexlble eharaeter oT tafldlatkio enacted br the reI partr Vrhera the flaaBeea of
, therefore, all aubdred.ereii
•thare tow aot hM the alirbtest derta«|QB oa the pari of the tepahlleaa
partr tromthm Mfe and aoUd laaada
tlOB oC a said ataadard aad a carraacr
redeeaiable In pt>ld and worth lia face
ralue to aar coontrr In Uc world. For
aoaUDuatlaB of that ananclal policy
Uw ChleasD eentreotloa. the republican
partr and Theodore RouaevoU ataad
pleds«d-hBl what or Parker and the
partr down whoac throat Darld Ben-
while he twice ected to make a fifgr*
ceat ptooe of ererr hollar to the sst
togs haaks. he now “regards- that the
aad the rest of
the natioo. as a majarity. wUl n«
ill their dollaia to he coararted
fiflr«eat pleoas. He has not said
bo wns wrong to IkM nnd IPPO. He
bns not said that he now beUeres a
ir ahonld remain a dollar: He has
the full IPPceat dollar Is “eriahMahad.- whaterer he hMleTee. whpl*
eeer he would do had he hto own wpy
now. as be tried to do to lt»6 aiM
deipd the place but rarused. Leading
-foriom bopd- ton't exacUy to Oor.
Somehow the Parker hraad of sane
aad eafe deoiocracr does not appear to
be aa genetnUr soceptohle an was e»
Id. A great many democtato are
as over It as U the label were
riegrnm whooping It up for sUvor^
wouldn't that be still bravw. because
atUl later, than tbe judge's heroic ef
Oaafiisas Cannet Pe Cured
Br local appUcationa. as they esanm
reach the dtoeaaed portion of the ear.
Thare to only one way to care deaf, and that Is by constltniionsl
•diet. Dastoare Is oansed by an toflamed oondlUon of the mucous lining
»e EusUchisn Tube. When this
tube to Inflamed you hare a rumbling
and or imperfect bearing, and when
to entirely closed. Deafness to tbe
lult, and unless tbe toflsmmatioa
can be token out nnd Uto tube re
stored to lu normal ooodUlon, hearing
etoU mu ofmauDed him?
I k
Aa the' CommercUl Tribune baa which to nothing hut an toflamed coopointed out, Judee Parker, etolmlna ditlon of the mucous surfaces.
We win give One Hundred Dollsrs
to he “a aound nxiney man.” Toted
any case of Deafness
(canted by
ss (esnsed
ter Brran to ItM and to laoo on a for
catarrh) that
ha cured .by
free aad nallmtud eolnase of allver
•s Cat
ptottena. aad hla partAaaa loyally
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O.
would hare Indimeil him to repeat tbSold by druggUU. 76c.
eoU oa a atoatlr pUtiorm had fate
Take Hall's FsBlIy PilU for consOaad XiaTid Benarll JIUI aUowad the
aoBUnaltoa of »Ar. Bryan to 1M4.
Not all the U4esram> Judge Parker
Bight hare wired to Si. Ixmla could
There are no Ifs and ands about U
write aoond money In the democratic when you bring your physician s pre
partr. Neither caa indge Parker, scriptions here to be fliled—they are
MaadUig on a platform afflrmlng frtT- filled sccortUng to bto directions, ab
aUrer and lU unlimited coinage
solutely. Wo have been to the busi
UM aad to IfOO. and on another In ness for years, and our guarantee to
Whirb to silent nith the allenct* stomped on evtwy bottle of medicine
or cowardice oa the questian.
we corapound. A word to the wise to
aiandi but to marked ountraat loTheo^ always sufflclenl. The Johnson I>rug
Sore RoosetwlU as hto party stands
wut to marked oontraal to the repubBean partr. Br the two men the
Rubber Heels. Alfred V. FYledrich.
flea will be judged, equally with the
afllrmatlfe poettkm of the republican
partr on the finances and the »kulklng
oraaloB of the Bt. towto coovenUon
pad lU foUowtog.
LOT. Change ef Program.
Trayerse aty's New Shoe Store
I aC hlch«rade footwear boU dreesy and t
t calf, riel kid nnd aaatoal tore ahoas and reWpiltirt
hhoM and aiterds to pataat aad fine Tfd kid toathar.
RIRtr AND ROVr ^hoas. anlee lot of good ahoaa. the aU aoUd ktoA
to hlndt nnd aaportid oolorar
rniest tha towssL Qaidlty tha hari. (ton aad bt aeartnead.
p. G. LEWIS “sT
toted V
la His
rest he Judged aot by tao^
hut tor IB geueral trend.
Naw rmmaaM
■atol otoPt to xm TjMS^ toP'
Mm. Pounds spiAe oa the aabject <
hCnre.- AtorgsBOBherorpe
Borrow flM aad pay as hsck
IS4 to rencel your mortgage of
lire. Too do this In arey
oMBthly paymreto.
No tax
SbM Wiist Suits
€14 per pret lutereaL We
haTe the heat ptupoaltina ever
uRared to the paaple of this city.
Before you borrow any money
Pourilv niohsimhi Blaclu tone.
Brown. Bray. Cbaiasaoiic^....
------ ---- - .
Blue aud Black gbtek. to riaru ^
Black, Blur. Brown, Bray.
PWU and SUd. at SOc yard,
A. F. Nerilnger. C. W. Aahton.
of Hto olatB. hat He guarded wUh the
theeeldsh use cf
H the btoreliigB of
physical healing aad physical pftwper.
Ity had had tha praBlBeace to the
teachtog of Christ that they have to
^ trechlag. ChrisUaaUy woald hare been alBost if not
guite aa aelf-centered as Judatoa.
Such leachtng ftoes the mind on the
adrsntage and Ig-,
aored the higher things of the king
to glren to this learh
Jesus nerer promtoed Immunity
Ctob phjrtScal suEertng as the reward
He distinctly tauglrt
that splritnal resulU being of supreme
physical afflictions were
to be endured rheerfslly for the sake
of the higk uod to Tiew. In this worid
Hto followers hsd tribulation. Paul
had hto thorn In lh« flesh and repeal
ed prayer did not remove It; but It
did glre him grace to endure.
ifsus nowhere rewignlred the
of dleutloo as the Toice of
faith. Many “prayers- are not prayers
at all. but dictation. -Jtolth cure' to
Wher^ the very elemeet of faith
Ihtiktog. To say “I
r It to best that I Hhould be
healed- to to claim omniscience He
who prays in faith does not demand,
hut leavre resulU with Ood.
There to s real “faith cure”
caught In the New Testament about
which too Uttle to heard today. To
live by faith to to live without worry.
This country needs this lesson. Nen
ous praetrntkm has been renamed
urtoaaitto.” Bat does God never
answer the humble submissive prayer
of those already ill through broken
physical laws? llDdoubtc<lly. Indetsl.
He always answers. If He (Iik*# mu
send hoallng He sends the grace whicb
her away bitterness and oomplalnts
Rev. Pounds will speak tonight on
le “Umltatkms of Proyer." Bible
adlngs tomorrow^ at 2:20, subj<*ct.
“New Toetampnl Splrttualtom.'' Sstupdsy sflernoon there will Ira a union
log of iiarrmts and children. AdI by Mr. and Mrs. Pounds. Topic.
“The Oilld In Ihe Midst.'*
The qu»*slb»u liox has Imhd introic(*d as a new foslure of the meet-
Elibu Root, who has rriormd to the
pmetke of luur in New York city, tons
new offlre l«iy. Sakl Mr.
to. carrlwl off luy iwper
-It Wtts Mr. Itrilly.” said
__________________________ , ,-Wto. to Mr. Reillyr asked
sweet giri or a lirarc boy face beside her j Mr. R.»t. “Tto» jsuitor. sir ' Au hour
Root aKk.«d: “Jimmie. wi.o
window r “Mr
“And wUoUMr.Janur “The
rirener. slr“
Mr. Hoot
ekre <nwapI«iooe.l.
blocked Jd I wbeel.sl stomt ami 1ook.nl «i the U.y. j
cheerful in disposiUon. who are mutually : “iJetr tore. James.” be said, “we .-«|| I
influenced by the continued use of Ihu ! meu by tl»eir Und nsmes here. We
grret linu^t, MOTlIFJfS I-RIHND. don’t 'lubter' them In this otb.n., 1m>
In the library «f tto- folb-ge of llraj
City of N.-W York K'tal.- Suis riiibm
The ver>* newesl novelty 4n phorng
dciU Skliim r was .ouT.Tsh.j{ w ill, l*m | raphy to Ihe richly flntohed platinum
vals. mounted- in handsomo foldeiw.
fcaaor Mr.Nully, w lio
tin- < b,i
Wc have sold thousands of them and
have found It almost !mpi»sslble to
Uiiiiug that eveduratiuii was suo
supply the demand, lb-sides, the arful 111 i.ra. tlre, qw,Utog a luawi of
ttollcs to prove 1,1s is.lnt Wto^n'uiM.ti I Usllc finish, pose and lone of our work
Jl) ku
and nppreMr. iSklniM-r res|H.i,tletV with---------.....
of Ills bami: “Ab. slallstb-s are like claleil
“Mlatlstir-s like snusax-es!** exclaimed |
>r. ilcNulty. sua*riscd at the quit-r j
liauded in many EViK*h boUHH-bulds.
world are the 'nillratunK. They buy
It to “brieU*' and drink it In pint?. It
all eoipHU from oiit?lde. <-arried o.er
tbe mountain parawti on ynkbaek from
Chinn or India In bandy. Uglitly ,vm
pn-«M-d brIekM w-wn op nine together
in thuira rawhide “yam?** that bang
wrapping tto-n.M-lv.-« in warm cloth- over the yak's Iwek li luilm like |uiu
nb-ni. Wbert- rein to Kcarre. and tUal
lug and using footwarmers.
to prartb-ully ever>w|n«n* in *nitiral Ibera* briek? are usril as nM.„e> l.» buy
To using our let* cream; It's the flne«t all tbe d.-siralde tbingn ol life, from
you ev'er (a«ted. We have all the a sword to a plow?liure
popular flavor? and many new ooen.
Glare in lemon. strasrWTrymint and
That Grtonell Bros are the large.-d
ice cream soda that will delight you. retail dealers In the world, and to^*orange. Maidc Marsey. caramel, and slduw are the exclusive agents fur Ilf
Como in and try It. then tell your U^ n of Ihe largE-st inMnufacturers of
GrettI Candy Co., 221 plunoM in Ihe world. Thto bi Imixiriant
Freni stiy
to Ihoughlful buyet>—It means nioi,e>
saved, and it's always W4*il to »iM-nd
George U. Cortelyou. after com your money with home in-ople.
pleting a law course to Columbia uniTerslty, Uugbt aehool to ,\«w York,
Manuel ttorela, the fimnm? tenehchiefly to college preparptovy lusUtu- er of aiuglug and Inventor of the tordona. He then U-anied shoriliaod aud yngtmx»pe. was Ipom on Mimh 17.
became Inatnictor to a a&criluiod col- IhOr,. so that be has rempleti-d hto
1^, Hto first post was prlrstc oecre- QiiH-ty-iiliilh year. He Is still to (mwtery to appraiser of iwtt of New York. •esaioti of hto faculUes and lakes an
tnten-st to the alTairs of the world,
as well as In the art of singing. .
Bveiytoylaw ,cities It wonid tax
your patience to ^ a greater aasortBRUSH UP.
ment of toggage than we have. You
Wc have brushes for every purpose
will find dreaa anil eaaes. traTeliag and tbe largest masortment In the city.
hags and tnoka. ia all altaa. atylaa BnishM for tbe hair, tooth, handa.
and wl the moat agreeable prteas here, complexion, nails, cloths and bath;
and tt It a plaaaare to show them. P. h^ea ter the baby. Military brushes
for Ben, Jknd ao reasonable to price
Ibat poa can afford to have them alL
Biiglwe's City Drag Store. SS2 Front
HoldiniT l^irec Diplomas, also Graduate of
Dr.Caissarato.Sarah Bernhardt’s Beauty Doctor.
All lAtcsl AIcchaniral an.l Klcctrical Mclhcxto
usb.l to Remove Su|.ciflous Hair, Moles, lltock
Hca.to an,l all imperfections of the Skin or SoJp,
Facial Masaaf;c, Rust I levelopinci.t and Hair
Culture a S|>ecialty. ONF TRKAT^KNT and
Will Be Here One Week lonfer.Endinr July 30
Office: Room 31.
Boors. 2 to 4 p. m.
For sensible tuen. TJie Toney fooifonn shm- i.n tto- uwe.! comfortable.
fOiNl wide to4-. slightly extendinl role
vebmr calf, lace, kbi
^ Mail.- In flexll.le
On y4it,r vaeatbrn tUls KumnterT
• p.’rf^*cl fitter. We abso liadn’t iM-tier take a ebanee ibat you
We have them -galore—liaby clr-j'"'”*
of comfortable fmilwear
riages, folding and n*cllnlng gu-rart
eaii K* t your lli-bliig taekb- and giin
Roaland IkniglasK. 161
Rmiutuiillon and k-|M«rtlng pmmIs ib« r«>.
that will go where yon go,
Eafl Front St.
\\*‘ have the variety, mivihing >oii
sure that It l.s the largw-t and mr
attractive and reasonatoe price.1 lot |
can |M»Hslbly ne<-d, ami our pi o’^*.** are
reasonable. |b.,*,de»i. s|h ml all
you can find In Northern Michigan. ,
will come up filing
Prices from $2.26 to twenty-five dob | every time.” Caiman’s Elastic Floor the money-you can at borne. H. F.
lars. J. W. Slater. Your Reliable Horae Vamlah. 8. E. Wait A Sons, Traverse Saxton Hardware
2l»« l-Yonl St.
Punilsto'r, 12(» Front SI.
airam Uusimr < .rTfar*^
llu- India ufliiv to intlliiu;
for a »*leuiii motor entriage
l.-e on an Imlini, ntlhv
Indbtii r.iigliM-H-ring. 'Jbe gauL-e
to* tlve feel alx
frame aulti-d for a earriage iNMiy. In
cluding engine
tlfly^ ven U>ii
long and nine fi-et vvid.-. iim.b- of Meel.
carrbHl on two four wb.-eb-<l b,*giCK. !
uml eaiwble of earrv lng. Ih-hU\,^ ;be j
engine, todbr. fuel and water. lb:.iWlgDOM AND FORETHOUGHT.
llrat. llinn- Hct-oml imd m-vi-nty two
Thrift to a qusliflration that has Iblrtlehuo, iM„-ioi,gt*i>. VKltb luggage,
wisdom and forethought, and Ifs a at tto-rate of thirty ioib-». im b.mr oil'
protection agalniu waul in the years Uic level for a thirtymile Journey. ^
to come. And who of us know toda>
what the morrow will bring. Even \_^Waat you ladUu* to kn«,w U»at
dollar you deiKwlt with us to a s<h*<1 of we arc specially pn*pariHl to give you
Independenct;. Open an acctmnt sn-1
the most ph-SMlng rcKullii la shirt
save each w»*««k some prop<jrtloh <4
waist work. We wash and Iron then;
your eaniings. W’e ps> ^ l»»*r <^*tu carefully by hand, which give.-, that
annually Safely dei»osll Isixes |2.(M) a
much d*-Klred new aitpearance. aud
yiMir. Tbi> l\KipU V Savingx Bank.
f»,r wbiih we make no additional
charge. The wagon will call. Either
phone. Star Stisam loiuudry. Wright
A notable luataiHf of 1 n-neh eeononiy to Mraii lu the way fuel to hua- Bros. 2Wi Park St.
gsnee. 'lira Freneb lire would Ira ki-pl
burning only while It wa^ aeiunllj
ueetb-d If the r>H,n, wa». uihmy upb-d
lor an hour or two. the fire would Ira
U i go out to save fuel. Many lionn-s.
iriiL J. wilhelmItVbI;
Has just opcnexl to the pub^
li-and a brand new meal mar
ket where .juilily and priccf
arc right. Give ns a call , .
o. TT. COX
255 E From St.
Cilz. Pbonc
Bring your doctor’s prescription right to us and you can depend on obUining the best medicine that can be •
procured from pure, fresh, first quality drugs. We give prescriptions our most careful attention and ace
that every phase of the work is done with the utmost accuracy and thoroughness.
Needs attenticn just at this time, so th.it it don't hang on for all the coming months. Nothing so’ disagreeI Spruce, put up
■ invested In Syrup of White Pine and Balsam. Fir
I cold in summer. A 'qu
, good sired doctor's bJII later on.
Even in summer. Wc havp the Antiseptic Toilet Cream, one of the best
chapped hands. Be sure and ask for IL
Without end. The finest odors that are made^ You can buy them by the ounce or by the bottle. Hava some
of the handsomest cut glass bottles, with any perfume you wish. All kinds of toilet water for the- summer
Are a woman's beauty. Wc assist you in kcepmg them co.
tooth brushea.
Rub’»foam. Sorodont, Dentifrice and all kinds of
Twenty five different kinds to select from. These are some of the popular ones: Cashmere Bouquet. Col
gate’s Castile. Monad VioIeL Rosodora. Cuticura, Bay Rom. Recmol, Palm Olive. Some are perfumed, Aome
are noL
Saves many a garmenL By having some of our many kinds of plasters in the house would save that “stitch”
In your side and a doctor’s bill.
for the both, sood big oofl one^ epongee to cle»n your clothing. ««»hing the windowt, any pwpoM.
have the little end big. flne and coerM. Coet your from Sc up.
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organs
Ue ofwing of auu'a
Be aMo aaM Uat la Ue aigb «
at one dam Uera w«n Ulny mot»
pupOi than aaata aad Uoai^ Ua
board ought to look fkwwaid to aocur•1M* A
tag aaoUw room ta Ue ocatral boUA
fag for tbe High aUooL Last
Uo Ubrary bad to be need for m
pupUa. He aMo apokeoCUe fact that
Uare wart from 4M to ttd puplto la
it a
tbout forty to forty-two
icber. Tbe work of Ue
iAItmCMmI WUI St 1
Ue work taken up by
Ctnfoi They Art Run
»• eAcleiit la Ibeir
VMlMi«0 ta WM •# OHvm
Their Pfoirtn With a Qeotf Foi
The report waa
Mttr AtifS f EAii—>
of Mew-Freight Hwidien
ruoMv^ and Sled by tbe
W0ttldn*t Handle Pradwets.
tiuViMc dm «eHoot> corr
Tbe ways aad moans
At tlM rtsultr mMtliut of Uie bo«rd
ported bins which were orde
ipC «dM»Uo« M Blgkt It WM reported
Tbe repairs aaade to the
i that tJw fteat dnva l»r IftlocMBMp A
: UiSitebotAui of Detroit for poUlns achool aad Etawood avenue aebool
llaga were reported and the reIB tkt tea aratea of TwUlaUas for Ur
accepted aad Sled.
AMT VtofU vard tebooi balMiac t»<l
The Traverae aiy Band assocUtlon.
: Am rtetirad aad U^ Ue pUai were
through E E. Bartak. aaked pennlai ««!•#. Mr. TUHbr tboHslit U best sloe to use tbe Central and Doardmaa
avoDDe school grounds Sondsys for
to tert tbt pMu dupsod ao at to me
mcerta. PermUaloe was granted.
Ua taa by aotor at aow a rate of
0«>n?e Lackey aaked for tbe jaallorUrae oeau per kliowatt bad beea raoairod froa the B. R. B. L. and P. Oa tbip of tbe new Fourth ward scbool
Tbe commoalcatloe was
taataad of a dreocat rate.
A food dial of tint waa takee to
A communlcaUon from Mrs. F. E
I iad oat bow tbe plaaa could be
ahaagad aad wkat aetSoa would tore OriSn In regard to selling a piano to
the school f*ir ISO was flied.
to bo raadadod to bare Ue chaance
W. M. Smith aaked to take tbe
■ade. Flaally U« proper aioiioo waa
bool census for 1904 and upon mo^
raacladed aad>.i^ aew motloa made to
baro tbo^^ aeot back to Ue De tkm be eras hired at a lalayy of $60
trolt flna to asake tbe ebaafe from an for Ue work.
A communication from A. V. Fried
oaHao to a motor aad tbea bMa wert
aatboHaod to be aecorod by Ue build rich asking permission to use tbe Cen
las committee aad a apodal moetlus tral school grounds for tbe erection of
nd for speaking during tbe Macca
of tbo board to be called aa aooo as
celehratton was granted. The
grounds to be put in the same condlThe adrmotaiea aad dlaadraatagci:
tlon as found.
of tbo two ayatema waa dlacosaed pro
motion waa made to tbe effect
aad ooa. The coat for .laatalllna ih«
motor ayatem will be a little more but that tbe building committee confer
tbo aetaal coat beiweee the motor It wlU tbe arcbUect In regard to the
blng of Ue new Fourth ward
adt and aa aaflae laatallcd will be
la faror of Ua motor aad Uo convo scbool and have tbe necessary change,
aleaea la opermtlai; will more tban
Mr. Meads waa reimbursed $7.40 on
make op wbat la saved In using an eo
flaell la Uought The motor la iwl account of bis trip to Boyne City for
>0 board.
reraally used In moat all acbools. It
wiring contracts for the new
waa tboufbt H would coat about |40
moro par year to run tbe motor thar. Fburth ward school buUdlng have not
Uo ongiae. It waa eatlmatad Uat li been cared for and tbe bids were re
would owt 1141 cenu per hour to run ferred to the buli(ilng committees the
; Uo o»o«or which would bare to be run architect and Ue superintendent to
dfbt boon a day for about sever dedde who shall receive Ue job.
Superintendent Horslleld of Ue new
moetba and about live bounrper day
fnr two moatba. Tbe coat of installing Fourth ward school building made a
Ue two ayatema. roughly oattmatlng. verbal report of the progress and said
would require about two days to
WUI be 13,000 for tbe engine aad |500
amre for the motor. It will rtKjuln gel the brick work up to Ue floor
aboat a IM borpr l>ower ^otor to run iolslH and then a dc Uy was likely to
be occasioned as the extra length
Ue TMacb fan.
Mr. Meada. who m^o a trip ti joists had not been n»oe!ved. However,
Boyae City to see tbo ayatem In th< the contractor was Instructed to get
■cbool Ucn*. made a vertwl njH>ri plenty of brick on the ground so as to
-which threw conalderablc light on tbe bi' ready to push the wtirk when they
mot Ion was made to the efmatter. Bnpi. I. B 011t>crt told of ihi came.
use of Ue fan ayatem with motor Ir fm that If doeme*! advlijable and the
achool bulldlnga In YpallMtl and Ann contract ctnild l»c canceled in lime the
Arbor. J. n. Paige waaVrevem an.i -I" JoUlH be u»4ed Instead of wailing
gave ggnmi on the cf»t of Installing for the longer ones aa Umc could be
and prtce of motors, iranaformera. etc.
Will Opan gtata Street School.
Built. L H. flllaert reported to thi
board Uat tbe Oak Park building li.
Haa Been Released From MiliUry Cus
tbo kindergarten department would b»
tody at Sauite 8te. Marie,
badly crowded this year and reeom
f^ed Avery, who was arrested
mended that the State atriH-t building
be <Hwaed. Last year tht rv wi re some time ago for deserting the regu
elgbly pupils in tbia dejuirtmeni and lar army and has since l>cen In mili
. Ue ladicatloDs art' Ual there wHl Im tary prison at Saul«> Ste. Marie, has
given hU dlschs.gv' from th<
more ibis yewr. The new building will
army. IK- will return to bU home In
relieve all but the Oak Park achtwl.
Later In the evening, upon motion ol thls’cUy.
Mr. raircblld. It wka decided to open
the State atreet achool and the build
Ing committee waa authorb-'-t'd to get
The meratiers oT Traverse City hive.
tbe building In ahai>e.
No. M2, are InvIUnl to In' present to
SupoHfitondonPa Report.
morrow aflern«n»n.
sh«>rt sc^slou
Tbo auperintendrnt'a repuri.^la*t will take place and the remainder of
alipht was very Intercatlng. The aum
Ihe afierniMin will be devoted to a so
her of leacbcra for the coming year cial rime.
will tie ten for the High school, forty
Tbe new prosiH>ctus of the proper
three for Ue grade and two special
tics €>f Ue Grand Traverse ami Ariro
teacbera. making a total of fifty live.
na Mining company Is In proccK.s of
Tbe attendanet' during the year sa.v
publ leal Ion by the Herald and Ueroid
S.4T7, those tr
tranaft rrtsl
and ih»
ciMnpany and will be Issutnl shorily.
total beloaging during the year 2.24f>
There was to have iK'en a meeting
Tbt aciugl
actual am
number bebrnging at the
of the Ihivlng I*ark asaoclatlon last
wad of tbe
the ye^
year waa 1.791. The aver
evening but a quorum falling to show
age number belouglng at the end of
up the met'ling has been postponed
tbe year waa 1.S&5. Tbe average num until tonight.
ber belonging l4l year waa 1.79X.
Herman Weigmn paid a fine of $2
UBaktag an average dally Increase of
yi'stenla.v In Judge RolM-rts' court for
algbtyaeven. Tbe per cent of attend
keeping an unlicenstMl female dog. He
mace of the entire achool waa »l plus alro paid the license.
per emit
W, D. C. Germain will return from
Tbe Hlgl^ school attendance
Milan tonight with a fine team of driv
Jr 27U. The ing horses lor J. T. Hannah. Mr. Han
S3&. Ue atcrage
aumber in tbe grades rat
and nah looked at a team in Chicago but
Ibe average waa 1.€15. The' expense rocclvfjd Information of a belter one
of ranatag the High school waa 16.100. at Milan through A. B. Cook.
Tbe per capNa of the average belong
George Lardie caught thirty
lag waa fStSf. Tbla is leu than in fish in East bay. near Kexl. Mokrals
other pMeus for the Htgb school.
roeort yesterday.
The evpfis of niaalag tbe grades
waa lU.MT.tO. Tbe per caplui of tbe
average betoagiag la Ue grades waa
$$M The total egpenae of running
Detroit. Mich.. July
Ue ecbool was fM.OPMO. tbe taci- July. 99c: No. 2 ted, 99c: .No. 3 oora.
deatal expense of Uls amoeat befog W%c: Na 5 whIteoaU. 4t%c.
eeiUnatsd at 14.900. Tbe cost of run:
Tciledo. O. July rs.-Wheat-Caah.
Afog tbe entire school per capita waa 9tHc; July. 94Hc; September. 9l%c:
IUS9 IboU grades and High aebooU December. 9i%c,
Mr. OUbert apoke very highly of Ue
Chicago. July n.—Wheat-Old July.
efleleeDey of Truant Ofllcer F. D. Mai- •344c; new July. 9^\c: new Septemvia aad his work of keeping right 1 her. 9$%c. Corn-Julj. 49%c: Sepafler all truants. ^«e aaM that iheUember. 4$4*e, Oau-July. Z9%c;
good attend^ waa lariMydae to his fB^iCember. 33^. September pork.
•Maat work. He also spoke highly i $1247^: lard. |$45; riba. $7.7$.
mm M
By Wire to Ue Evening Record.
Chicago. July 2t.-An -unknown Pole
attempted to aaanssfoatc George P.
ward, a live stock dealer. In tbe lat
ter's oSoc at the stxick yards today.
The woBld-be aasaasfo entered the of
See wlU a knife but Ward, seeing Ue
danger. Sed and Uc Pole was arrested.
Seen hundred live stock handlers
went back to work today. This is con
sldcred a nerlocs blow to the unions.
The packers claim Uey are oper
ating the plantr. with a good force of
men and Uat the strikers are coming
back In twos and threes. Some of Ue
freight handlers slrnck Uls morning
when orde red to unload iiacklng house
A party of twelve went‘to Omona
Is morning on the Columbia to spend
the day picnicking.
Mr. aad Mrs. M. Scofield, son of O.
E Srofleld. left ibis marnlng for Beat
rice. Neb., where Uey will moke their
future home.
Miss Pearl Wilhelm went to SmurU
wanes summer cottage this morning
near Manistee for a rlslu
Milton Sraurt^walle went to Mllwsu
kee this morning on an extended busi
ness trip.
s. Sam Garland and party of six
teen went to Leland this morning to
spend the day.'
Mrs. George Ijuimer of Ce<lar Rap^
Ids. Iowa, is the gucil of Miss Lewis
at her Edgewrood cottage. She will re
main a number of wt^eks. Mr. ami
Mrs. Walker Hill of St. Ixnils, Mo..
ilso visiting Mlwa Lewis. They
will remain some time. Mr. Hill Is
president of the American Exchange
bank of St. I»nis and is also a world'h
fair director.
Miss Blanche Girard leaves this
afternofin for Green Baj. Wih.. wlu re
she will vb lt her bnuher.n f(»r a few
days. From there she will
to Pi-vr
River. .Miun., whore she has acct'pted
aiKifiiiion as stvnographer.
Mrs. Gqprge Dockeray and her son
Robert t»r Rockfonl. Mich., are vblling
the home of her brother. Frank M.
A party conslsing of Mrs. El. Walt
Mr*. C. Tl. Walt, .Ml.ss Minnie Walt
^ml Mrs.
enjoying ;he da>
at .N'e-ah-ta wanta.
.Mrs. Mary M. Sluyier of Traverse
City U spending a few days In the city
as the guest of .Mr. and Mrs, O. E
Clark.—IVloskey Uesorier.
Mrs. H. J. Thies went to Michigan
City. Ind.. lislay for a month's \ii«li
1th her sister In law, Mni- Roge/s.
Ml.-s Lillian Thi.-s. who will also vl^
in Chicago, aertimpanied her.
M. J. TruebkK>d went to Elk
Rapids today, called there on profe.siunal business.
Mrs. John A. Wilson and children of
IVlr»'lt a.ro the guest* of her i*are-nt.s.
Mr. anJ Mr*. I. G. Winnie.
Miw. W. A. Bate of Mllwauktx- arriveH in the rliv ihiis afternoon for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. C Despres
and Mrs. and Mtssyiray.
Mrs. J. C. Wright' retirrned to Green
ville thl* morning after a visit In the
city with her parent*.
Robert Prjre wint to Sault Sle.
Marie this morning where he- will join
J. A. Montague and party In their
cruiser- back to this city. They exiK*«
to reach here In about two week* ami
will visit many places en route.
Mrs. Bert Wilhelm went to Manton
this morning f^ a vUlt.
Saa vasBIt aaiaa. agd ao OM at tbi
fHt bad arcr bmrS of Ua havlag aaaCbar. Ha vat a hatt teced. vbo bad
eoraa to tbt poat vlth lafontatlta $kat
tbt iBdIaBt vaca prapaifog la Nta.
aad tlaot hit lafonaatloa had pnvtd
canaethavaaMttdliiipIkltly. Tha
Harald hnmda.
They arc Bttdc to vaar aai look rigto.
We Ifovc ikem la a large variety of
paUccaa. Cat aegUgca. Ftfiy emita
aadaSoUar. Jap andenrear la a good
thteg. Kubcck A Hoyt. 131 Valoa St.
**“*“«^‘*W- TodDtkto
the taxary of a modem bath
aot nearly an expeaalTo an yc
the red
the cnaffort aptU yoa have ooe.
A Cole.
==:« I •SSSSSS8
CITY teat. No. SI
rat at review
XM for Maocalwc day.
asake arraomecu
Depaiy Great OoOBMtader OXXiaoor
will be prcMt aad Ice amm will bo
vorved. AB Sir Kalghu fovhod.
tha foct. It vat Imt a two oonpuay
post focapabfo eC a kM« defeuaa
asafott tha thooaaad ledlaaa who «ocaiapail atoomi tt. aad anltas auctor
arrived in time It wouid be taken nod
CONCERT by Traverve City band HAVE YOU
tbe SBrtlaoo masaacred.
and free vandcvme show tualicht on TRIED THEM YETf
Tbtra vas one person In the fort
city market lot. Coocert at 7:30. PerRaeoni Waal 4
vho mlstraated Joe. and that waa Lu
formana beSfoi at 8.
cia. daughter of the commandauL
Major McGregor. She often caught
Joe canting kingfog eyes upon her. and
aomehow she did not quite like their
She wnmd her father to
look out for tbe half breed, but at she
ikve BO ressoD and Joe bad given In
formation of the rising the major de
clined to be Infloroced.
One evening Joe appeared hurriedly
before I.oda and tokl lier that her fa
ther had sent him for lier. She follow
The city theater at Wurrbnn: te
ed trim, and he ted her to an angle of
the fort, where be rolled away a barrel, considered! stb h a fin-trap that the Itedisclosing a smaU aperture. Itefore varlaa governnjent hs* t.nlered nltetwtbe girl could gather his Intent he had tious w hich will i-ost 5U.0bu marks. ‘
seised her and forced her Into a nort
of casemate Uat opened Into tbe pow
der magazine. This done be pulled Ue
barr..| back wliere be bad found It
LoHa wonM not have known she was |
In tbe msgaxlDC had not a lighted lan
tern been left there on a shelf some I
distance from the powder to enable |
tlioiic coming for nuimunltim to see.
But Joe left her no tiim- to conakter.
Wc just received our first shipment of new Dreat
Removing a barrel of |H»wder. be exGoods; among.Hhem are CoverU, Broaddoiha. Veaetiani and
IKMied a second ar*erlure. Then after
Novelties. At usual wc arc the first to show the ncr thingi,
binding a handkerchief which lie had
brongtit for Uh? purpose over her
Tlic Real .\rtidc.
mouth ho pulled her through, and they
were outside the.fort.
Hnd I.nrl.i not been horror stricken
Wc have juit received a nice
Some very hamlsome effects in this popular style of
at her situation site would have now
a«wtment in all colon. Our
renlltu'd Joe's real Intentioti Itt going
silk; these arc a perfect imitation of the Scotch effects in
to the fc»rt with the infunnatlon tbnt ;
suitings with the added beauty of the changeable effect.
price ii
tbe Imllana were about to ,:tt;iok ll. |
While It would warn the g::rri.son. It j
would enable hliA to win the white
men's CHinfidemv. look nUwt him and
possibly find n weak sp*»t through !
which he might Introduce the savages. '
Joe h.nd during dark nicM* dug a hole
Wc want to remind you of the skirt sale; many make
In the e.nrlh Into tlie easi iunte ouunvt- j
the .mistake of thinking these arc walking skirts, and are disIng Willi the powder niau-axiue and an- i
ai»poinlc<l; this is strictly a sale of dress skirti.
other hole outside. He could hwd nn !
attarklng force at iijght. a part of
whom i-culd engage the garrison, while
I.adics-^if you have been
anotluT part might M**al Into the pi»w- '
wanting any special colors }*ou
der mag.nzlne. In tnith, one man en
terlng there would hoM the garrison
should call at or.ee. before the
at his metvy. 'The wonder was that
assortment is broken.
Covert farkcls at Half Price is a pretty good way to save
Joe hod not put a time fuse there and
blown the fort to atoms. He Iwd been
a<>Iwsl with a din-lre to po«M**s tie* mu
jor's daughter, and this leil to Ids ultl
mate plan.
Jtx- hurried bla victim along, abc
mestiwhib*. If not r*s*ovi*i ing fn>m he.- i
fright, at least ri*allziuc th.*u slie nm«t ’
moke some move. Invent some strata J
gem, Irt'fore It was too late or she was
lost. The only thing'that <Kv;jrred b>
her was to pretend to faint, .'^lie sank
down with n groan. Joe iinnudialely
pieketl hiT up and carritsl her on. But
the iiluht was dark, and Jts* was in
vcTv much of n htirry. Tlie «x»u>c
qui nce was that, stetqdng Into a hole
he did not see. he fell with his bunlen.
Lucia bHik iidvaninge of the nis-ldent
to get ui» and run like a d«s r tow ard
the fort. Jo<* I'oiild have easily euuglit
her hut for two reasons- iir>l, he hnd
hurt a leg; se<H»!ul. Lucia rim more
tvvkless^* than he dansl run. risking s
full at every mep. She longed ta^ery
out. hut dan*d pot lose a tjeeimd in ro
moving the hcmlkerohicf that gnggel
new Dress Goods
Sdvaace Sbavlag Tor Tall
San Silk
n<w Silks for Shirt Waist Suits
Prietd JU
$1.00 yard
Per Spool
$5.00 $wrfs $3.25 6.00 Skirts $4.00
$10 Skirts $6.00 $12 Skirts $0.00
.....Ole Close at noon Comorrow.....
punhM bU Irnvcr l»ody moro slowly
through 11. When he got ln*U!e he
saw Lucia wtamling lM**iae one of tbe
b.«im'l* of iH>w .lor. the h. ij.l of
hail been rvmuv.Nl, holtllng tii
of tlie lantern over the injw.ler.
-.‘Jlop or I drop tbe light I"
Hie man wiw desperailon In lier eyes
and hiilted.
•rome away." he said. “You will
kill yourw-lf n* well n* mo.I!er only r**ply wa* to move the
light, holdim: It within a few Inche* of
the powder, nnd give a piercing «hri<*k.
A iH*nlry walking past lu front of the
magazine door board tbe cry. At an
cthor time he would have .-ailed the
ron*«ral of the gt:ard. w ho wotiM have
r<TK)rte.l the matter, ami the author
lz«l perron would have come with the
key and opemil the door. l*iit for ik*veral day* co«*tant accejv.s to tbt' am
munition bad l»cen mvcsar.ry and the
d'lor leii ualorkt-l Th.- S4*ntry brouuhl
a let el 5
ter. white as a gbost. holding a 1 *.mp
over a powder barreh Joe was glaucher. trembling from head to
Madame Cheiro, scientific palmbt.
The sentry brongbt hi* piece to bis
has arrived and will remain but a I ahoulder and. looking along It* mnzrle.
short lime. The madame Is a sister of j S-ve tbe order -Hands upP Then Joe
book on palmlsirv* is a recognized
thority all over the world.
Cheiro comes highly endorsed and Is '
a lad>- of ahliliy. Her readings arc
upon merit only. Those wlahfog a |
compleie life reading o
and future should caff
madame la located at the Whiting;
Prices: Character
reading. Me: full descrlpUve palm |
reading. $1.
Thv^i te BO «ae la tafoiag. yoa eaa't
tod buOtr SttfocaklftaforUv
attiM tUHt, far t>« mama
relief wrhen It was known that Joe had
no nearly snceeeded In not only getting
away with tbe cotonel'* dan
had very nearly ted the Indians into
the magazine, la the moniing the la-j
diana raw Joe's bo»ly hanging to
0 tbe llagBtaff. Since they
1 him to lead them into tbe
^hat be had failed and
knowfog that succor waa
Lada McGregor is ooe of tbe few
Queen Oty eamp. No. 573. Royal; iramen wbo bare been OMBtioiied In
Nelghbora of 'America, w ill hold their ! Kdcn for -tiallant and meritoriow
regular Bwettag Friday evening.
SteH I* fdowly but surely dlspUdng
hemp a* the material of which oil
Alonzo J. Albright of Fife Lake and !
hawTser* ami rapes aro made In tbe Myra A. Stalker of Summit Cltv wm L
ship* of tbe nrtll*k fteet.
I married tkls aftccaooa by Her. Imif.
Choose quickly. You cannot buy one minute before the lime set—nor one
minute afterwards at the 1 loiirly Sale Price.
Between 7 and 8 O’clock
should be on hand. For this hour wc will sell
>•00 choice of our best Men’s Suits, including
Kuppenheimo’s guaranteed suits, worth 20.00
and 22.00,
Between 1 and 2 O’clock
For one hour we will sell the choree of any of
our pretty wash suili, very stylish and just
what yom boy should have right now. Regular prices langc up to 2 08,
FOR $12.00
FOR 98c
JietwccB 8 and 9 O’clook
Choice^, of our b«« Hals for men, including the
3.00 Koseacll
^ FOR $1.98
The verr Utest thingi-everj- one strictly styl
ish. -
....... Vd
^iweca 9 and lO O’clock
I'ancy dress Vests, made of fine Mercerized
materials, choice patterns, very latest styles,
principally 3.00 and 3.50 values, .
FOR $1.98
Between 10 and 11 O’clock
F« this boor we sriOseU choice ofuyofom
OiMrens* fine worsted and pure wool suits, in
Sailor. Bkwic, Noriolki and Buster Browns
styles, regular prices 8.00 to 6.0U
FOR $1.98
Between 3 and 4 O’clock
Choice of «ny soit. shirt or cost is our CkMl
Erer Hor ol Ihe Uke Belare?
Betweei 4 u« 5 O’clock
H«n’s Shoe Sole
For this hour we wiUsdlehoiceot uy o(o
8.00 ud 8.S0 shoes
FOR $2.25
There is Kothlic like Oar Sties. Watch for A4s Erery Htj.
va te
vator.aod ttfht
ifoa. f Aanaaioaadaachdi^aiv
r M«di oC A MrftiM to
A lor*# otuM WM ot
f. r%9 if»t puMWOiVMiqrtiM
I aad tJM M€i»A 1
M m
ToUl ....
ot lUm^
mjm Mtfteir bigk te
imcd ter to A>Air of ojcfarto,
botef tte »d» i««te by fte Bote
to «*pArtooo oritb tte OOOfOO BOI
by tte ten' t— Mo-dte -Ute tJ
flili did wy woU. Tte •ooroo Mo
day blgiii vote: 2SS. 901. 211. St7.
m M
I fool HU! aU ted frM oe^
H to • M (< IMMM ...tfOT lo I
I te viMfeW tk. Mfl.. Tk. turn ■ TONiaHT. Cl
li IMhM« w *
tk. I M»T. CfeMf..
Hcrt’s the Way Wc
Arc Selling Things
Cloak Department
do yoo?
BMk (
M $«.«0 ud 81100 SolU. all g^0J
CkU^.^’Mttaa >Bd
Co«U. wortL ^0g
type of AaMrtcaB ■
t MM va t» M tr M abr^to too KOfteh
•. Ttamn ti Mr*
■ oonlJapBMra OBxotr la tteteifiiiy ■aar
oattof. Ho li too aao of a proaparooa
tanaar. who Btaa ata *1100 fi«a ltoa>
cm. Tooaf Bteattpathliprtaaaiyo^
B.. E S
^roporty dotoed. Wear tiflit
alchtVMto. A groat daafcr tea
4 for cooler weather.
I tte year round.
aKiTiiif teto Ithaca to Bro, or eron This Is gawetally true of teamsters
drtrtiv to aad fteo octeol with oae of wbo fan from ibeir wagons like file*
hia fatoer^a toanv. aa te aulfiit oaalty
boTo done. Bctett waited lo and eran **^Ste^aIr«^or*yoor bead. The beat
Atof to wear U a light straw bat wUli
. In tola way te prepa*^ fo« i wide rim. la real bot wcaUmr use a
kR univarsity. Bla Bnrt year to ret bandkepcbief oo top of tte bead.
{C te eontiaard to wato to and
Rost as moeb as you caa. la south
Mot that Mia. Trarwa lotrvda to watt
bis borne. Hla aebolarsblp con irn rides where It Is always hot, lb«
or drira aloof BHIaroe arniac, play tiaofd to te of tte mme bigb ataad nbaWtaata are only able to stand
boonnse they rest n few hours to
taote at tte Caatao or prottenada tte niri aa te high acbool. aad ba took af
hot aaada of Bpoottof Bock Beote to
rlaMaadaebolafabtpato wbick te te middle of the day.
aa ynocb as you can. Batting
salvation of the south sea
cool sponge bath to betthan nothing. The evening to a
w^llk tk. wrreond- Tn-kl.
pood time to take It. So Is the morn
time Sekatt entered college atbletka. ing. If you do not phinge right Intt)
iUtkooeb Mliitalnlnc • »od«t ert- Tbaie tte tratoer took him under bla aeavy Inbor.-Or. W. Van Hook, to
tMge oo BwkrtfX .Mile koawa M Ik. cam and dereiopml him Into tte great Jhlcago Inter Ocean.
Wcaro’ cotuse. Mu. Twrw. wm
mocr to tte eooatry
tftai « xmt d«l of IMT tkw datac It sras here bla twetre mUca of dally
the cootof anaoa at
walking to and from bla borne eoi
Mrs. K. L. Bonner wtobea to nnwtto maay a midday It
to Bcbiitt'a fiTor la tte phyakal c
Hince to the ladles of Traverse City
aad. atll! later, orenlug onppera tor tkrnof tteatolece. He ran to Coraein
Id vicinity that she to specially preleotant dlTerakma
country teona against
Reel Japoneae wlU te 1a atteadaoeo Harvard. Yale. PrtorHoa and Pennayl »ared to give them plain electric and
dortag the amnmer. mad dainty little
On tte track team te captared apor baths, dress and shampoo tbclr
Japa wni cook and aerre Itelr dainty tte two mile tnterooOeglate run and \alr and do manSenrtog for them at
leato. who on many
time, teal May te dupU wnaonable chargee. A choice Une of
Iked to appear lo cated tte feat and was ralMwqocntly lair goods and the Franoo-Amcwlcaa
Chop aney and lea elected captain of Coraeirs 1905 track
lyglcnlc toilet requisites. 220 Front St,
are to te
This poaltlon te will, of cc
Tbia unique lltUe place U atent 200
upon bis going to England. He
!■ %amnj Ftmurm,
toet aooth of tte landing place of tte
twenty yearn dd. stands
At first sparkling wines were cmly
Oooofterry laland Flabltig club. It la than six feet to height aod, weighs 1®
imile In the Frcm-h province
00 by 40 feet, la one Story high, and
aiampngne. In the cnriy part of the
with Ita alantlng, thatched roof looka
im‘iccnth cent my the first cxperlto te a very doarablc iq^ot for
icntP to nuintifo«tnre sparkling wloc*
mcr retreat. The large room where the
We make a strong specialty to aat
CTV made In Germany. The wines,
Inncbeona and dtoncra will be aerred
isfying the Inner man. Our Iw
grown In Chani|Mignc are
will aroominodatc twenty-flve gnoata,
aulted for this piiqiosc, hcnco
and the delightful little ante rtxuna will
vf the r.erman firms manufact
te found very attracUve. A veranda,
ton feet wide, atretebca the entire keep our reputalloo. Short orders a« uring champagnes obtain their wlnca
length , of the front of the building. all boors and anything you wish to from Ch.nuipngTi4- and mix them with
The iilacc la fomlahcd throughout to season. Sunday dinners a ipcclalty German wines.
Fight hundred tons of solpbur were
The Ulilc Tavern, the popular restau
In lYanc** Inst y.mr In making
rant. New managemedt. Bloodgood
fctehes. Tlie daUy consunipUon was
Farron A Davidson. 209 Front St,
three per head of the population.
Wc have the moat excloalvc atylet
Match m.'iklug U n monopoly of the
E'rem h government. t.» whleh It yields
In richly trllnmcd dreaa millinery for
tn annual revenue of f.VSX).000.
summer wear In the city, also even
Imaginary creation to atrcct and out ptoying the rnccf; for wi'ck^
ing hata and we are constantly recclv
he imd tniste<l to the twits and the
If you traveled the whole northern
Ing new goods from the fashion mar siK.rtlng i-olmnns, with the rcKult that
lart of Michigan you could not find a
kcU and lake great pleasure to ahow he had lof*t the mo«^t of hW wad.
nore complete stock of carriages, lop
Ing you the pretty things. Miss Heck,
While lirtiklns over the printed list
ind open buggies. runabouU and sur
of hor«es cnti-nnl for n eertnln
141 FTont St.
reys than we can show you. Besides
one dny an Idea occurml to him.
He <ut the list out of ite paper, mr prices are much cheaper than that
folded ll 9M*versl tlme<. and iit lie k a rf the average dealer to any part of
the country for the same quality.
That happy, satirical farce comcMly, pin through It,
Then he Pinfolded It and obsened Come and see. Barney Anderson.
Hoyt's “A Texas Steer." will be given
as the opening attraction of the sea- that the pin lund gotie throngh
naineii of several of !he horses.
non at Steinberg's Grand oiK-ra house
••Tho^e arc the on«»* I'll l>ot on." b»
Wc supply hundreds of them with
next Wednesday evening. Aug. 3. by said.
prmcUcally the original company that
F.very one of thoie horses losL— meats, and we seldom lose a patron
because they all know that we take
.made the piece one of the greatest Chicago Tribune.
the greatest possible care to furnish
jthealrleal successes of the past d^
them with the flne^t in the land, and
cade. In **A Texas Steer" the mlser>The Wood Slelers have leased 135 at^asonablc prices. Our market Is
oir the life of offlee seekers as told by
a ‘oolort'd applicant from the newly Front street and arc thoroughly ren cleanliness personified, and we have
ovating and refurnishing and when every article In the meat line that th.*.
[•lected congrt‘esman a district ii
sldered one of the elewwesl hits that completed will be one af the finest mil season will allow. Broech Bros., 244
has graced the stage In many years. linery ^ops to Michigan. T^e trim Front St. Either phone.
Hoyt'a faculty of going from the sub ming department will be In charge of
lime lo the ridiculous In dialogue and Miss Helen Pray of Chicago, who I*
The Northern Queen cigar Is a sat
situations. Is as amazing aa It Is amus quite well known to Traverse. The
ing and entertaining, and
more opening will be announced to these isfled chap, liecause he knows by prac
tical experience that he Is smoking the
truisms are brought out In his produc columns later.
best cigar that he ever bought for a
tions than to the works of any other
nlcklc. If you haven't smokt-d
Piano Toning.
American playwright. *‘A Texas Btoer"
you have missed something.
will d«*servcdly prove an Imrotuse atcity the next two or three home made, union made and honestly
trad ion here.
weeks. Orders can be left at Hannah made, and sold by all dealers. R. E.
Weaver, manufacturer.
A tey Co.'s store.
toe aaaaHi nm ate« iapoMoa Boat.
Vte OTorpopiUar kUmma, ao ml.ate
dtetetfol for temnar. vfOi aUppacm.
faoa aad a paraool to termy vttb
tte ktoooo. wa te a daelM cteasa
^ The n«r Ubl* deliocy thtf ^
^a cou« a ncTt .ppetitc
Texas Steer
A play to be proud of—with a
^GreatCait. «dodii»g
•Tb* Orlictosl Mbdstar io Osbonej"
May S«eelc«en
Ben Hur Flour?
.John l_ W»b»rA>-M.YW)Ykllraaaw-
it is an all Spring WheaL
Every Sack Guarantcctl.
Texas Steer Qiartette
25c, BOc, 75c, SI.00
Beth pknis. All eNAsdirnerti
try. Hard and Soft Wood. South SMo
Lumber Co^_____________ 2242-tf
226 dst Fnal Stmt
4,400 Traverse City Citizens Ptireiiaseti the Hot Springs Medieines
into every'organ, makes the head happy and your (cct smile. Spend a dollar and be kind to nature.
To Anyone Proving to the Editor of this Paper that We Do Not Refund Money if we Fail to Cure. Mpney at State Bank
dutMitc diaeiKS of the stomadi, liver, kidneys, blood and ner\-es only,
iioexp«riMntinfciiotlmori«.iiotulare».t»detemioofiMwurLbuw«orplMii^ We do all »e agree, or «
yM todmjL AB cnrahle
.vrittennan^ We hare treated and aired hondred. in Tisretie City. Hundredt or oor old patieata are MdMj then faendt. Whatjfoa
«treat fire handredeaie* to the tua^doctor-* one. thai we are cqoaUy ndubte
cooseientioni. in o« rforti to care. Myoa are afflicted with
it aa lioMt treatment from an expcncaoed kpecUliM, cor pnaapal teaaotti fat aat egttaordiairy tocac^pre that w
the last dglit
in Tiavene City. PoaitiT^ oar latt week on this
Better csH todsy.
^ yean
We Cure Quickly, Permanently and Safely.
4iaMltiliM ami pmihImhm Frau
EnteiliiaiieBt OTto eVot
Pmi’miM Ffee LeeHraia.^
J U 8 T- R E C EIV E ly- A' L O T O F
toatrfc—t»BoltoCliifi#n IteteMltl
PIMI 4or
WMM* OC Irfs fMMJ.
mr. i«M Atvood, ou^ ta»
WdKHMI lO «H tlM TaiM«r «M»«
fcf eke teiIgMfIne «f Praf. C. Q. Wed*
M ffteeliAl ef Ike Hon kigk eekoql.
Se«iMw. ftl e MivT of
e jmr.
A^tU> Cwk ueaeur, who ier
TM M ken kta moMry ie a eefe o*
er hlckt and plaaed It eader bU jdl*
wkaa ha ame tkf
Am Hbetale bapar adiiMe tenaers
to alear* pki« deeplr. tor fMatl/ a
naa la Lake eooatK p|rfrtBa deeper
tbaa aaaal ia oae of ble flelda. aa*
<wrtke4 a ebeat ouaialnlac a amalJ
fonaae la fold.
The OatkoUca of TprtlaBU aad alda
Ity are imaaefar fliir a MmaxiCh |He
air artebraUoa to he held at the nove
of Ike AfhoRer VeHa bo Tharaday.
Aohhat ». The llat of aiMaken win
fadodr taoei of the areH-kaaera
of Che diurrh la the exMaty.
8. II Kllahel.. pahlUher of the ColT
r. li a wooder umtmm
aar la tkp jrachl raeea at I!!at4a Day
last wMh; ke wwaa aad drlvca two
hit aulomohlk*. aad U the proud poiH
aeMor of aevoral of the hesi horoes la
Broach county.
Oa exhIbfUoB la the chow window
of A Poo ctore U a hedetead of on
timm. Ue property of M. J. Mapee of
the koo. which Ic cald to be Itt year*
cOd. The poet*, aUadinp abMt live
"leH lahaiphLMtaaafaadhiyhaad.aad
rope* take the place of aprtntc. The
aadent piece of funUturc hi attract
tat much al^tifia.
Ledwit Warner, whoalalmed to repreaapt a plarni hoaae. paacad aa al
Wed forpad chock upon the Clllcenc'
honk of Bell^ue the other day aad
dicappoarad. The aaiolmt of the check
waa $»5. aad wto^hPbireed with the
aama of A. II. Olmctoad. of AacyrU.
nfiy dollar# reward ic offered for the
arrect and conviction of Warner.
The local wicktlfw for the pre
tjoa of cruelty to cnlnalc In 8t. Jo«flph and Cathban ooontle* have
turned their all^aUon to the tlk«al
dodUpf of the tallc of horcec, a
Bumher of arpwtc have hoca amde.
ThQ culprlu one and all alBnn that
they cut I'belr bon«»** tall# to correct
laulU III the cqulnec which are known
-’ilattle t?reeV pcoph* have often de
clared tliat Marchall I* the clecpleM
town In »oinh» rn Mlehl»nui. nnd lh» )
now ca> that thU wminoU-ucc* U
alffHltoK the animal klnydom. A hor#e
ctuod hUebed upon the principal bu*l
nccc *lrot?l of Calhoun c county Mat
fur a couple of hour# the other da>-,
and whWi hi* owner iinhlicluMl him
and lonrbiMl him with the whip he
awoke »o cuildenly a* to fall to the
pcvemcat aad amach the thill, and
The rural mall dellv.wy be#
cloned 1^0 taklna up of num<
Btape and mall nuite* all over the
ctate. hut the liu.lnecii men of Cold
water and Unkm City arc puUlnj; up
a vlitonmc protiat for the n-fenihm
of the route which hoc b<N>n main
tained f.*r cUty y«am W-twiM-n the
two town*. The dl*lance i» only Ihlr
twn mlUa by dope, but marly omhundred mile* by rail, and It Is
rlclmod that doily arnll m^vIcc U a
Mr*. John a Mcnicr wm* plcklny
hiinklebcrrle* In ctuniany with her two
little children on the tank# of the Ulfln
river wlu-n a mou*ler wild rat ap
peared In her pnth. The woman relalned her preceoce *d mind, and »eUIns a dub dealt the aaimal a *han>
the hood, which .tunned It.
Pho followed np her advautoae with a
eerie* of blow* which put the cal out
of buslnecc. and. then went on plcklnj;
iHTiiec ac thoujch muhlnc out of the
ordinary Itad happened.
K . Or. 8. A. (Ulhraiih** friend# an* tell
Ina a potid tUorT on hU new autoroobiband fhe lunch lackcic attached In jarllcnlmr. A few deye aao Mr. and Mm.
Waller-Hycft. with their 4 year<»M
son. wcr»' walUna down the #tre»t
when the doctor whicc««d by in his ma
chine. The little hoy cmfchlnj; slyhl
of the lonch tackeU and oaJllna hU
larenu* aluatkm to th«ua with ouiatretehed haad. acid: “See. mamma
and paiM. the hahy Uacketa/*—Pontiac
Omw and he 41dB*t
pm la paeraokay- What waa the acattale ye* ao hau tearaia* latar
hlai far be wealda-l tSA ft m athar
aray. Nest yore pleaa^ hla pla*
ran of pietephay ao he vm ae wkert
he U llina- at, Toert. Mem. Or*«.-—
DcFwanae Jlally Kewa.
FM N. Berhaaa waa tnUag. the
other dayrc^ a atraafe alght he reeeot.
ly witaeaeed cm hla fano. A floek of
crow* were aeeo flytac ea both aldea
Bf a rail feae*. aad aMkl^ lieqoeal
dfrea toaraad the pieaad. larcodfa'
Hon showed that they had a fen aquir
ral eoraered la the fhaoe aad rrery
line he made a jemp part of the erowa
were there to bead hlai on. Mr. Boi^
haaa aided fa wUh the aqalrrel aad
drove the crew* away. whUe the exateful mile aaimal raa oot lato the
One of those stranjce colncldeoccw
M stand oot boldly In i
preiumt In the drowning of Mias Oeotv
vleve Kelley,
to be married to Brneat Klmmarcchled.
a atodent from Kanca* City. Mo.
year ago March 14 laat.Tlmmeraehied
went ap the Hanai
lad bla
river la a canoe. The frail hark overUrned aad Ernest waa drowsed. The
other Blaht Miss Keley met bi-r deaUi
from being overturned by a canoe In
the came waters. It is thought by
some that the .tiddaa recollection of
the drowsing of her IxUrothed caused
her to give up and rclca»e.hcr lioUI
oa the boa
Wm. Phillip*. 8ft year* ago In the
newspaper hu*lnes* at Kokomo, ha*
Just returned to hi* homc‘town after
of 18 year*, to visit his
own grave. Five or six yearn after he
left Ills relative-* heard from him
more. In 1W7 a ickiCTam emno an
nounchig hh death In rictrolU The
liody waa ordered forwarded to thy
Indiana town and a grave waa dug in
Crown Point ceroiHery. Relatives hod
OMmhled from different sectloo# of
Indiana and Michigan in attend the
funeral, hut when the funeral car w*sm
walling at the railway station for.-rtie
body a dUpatrh came from Ik-troli
saylfg It wa* not the Kakomo Phlllpa
who died therj. Yesterday Phllllpa
visited the grave which had been dug
for him.
A war against Sunday newapapem
ha* begun In Zeeland, a few cltlsen#
who want to make Keeland the modern
Garden of ffidim objecting to having
the bulky |iap<-m with thair hlKhl
tHilor.Ml c«imlc »upnlement# and sjKiri
Ing pag(^ delivered at the home ci
ChrUlian pt-ttple. John lYU. who re
i-enily «ii*m*Hl a new# dejKit In the
prim lliLb- village, ha# made a hurl
nes* of delivering Ikinday papem early
In the morning. He ha* never be«*n
guilty of keeping hi# .tore o|h*
Bunday. but the Kit-rn n b»rnu m do
Clare that it I# equally wU-kwl t
liver pajHr# on the 8abl*ath. and It
look# a# if somebody wa* afu-r hi#
•calp. It U alU-ged Utal a promiiu
cltljum and a memln^ «if the village
board wa* so Inrenaed recently when
he flaw the carrier delivering Sunday
luiper# that he pitsh^sl the tioy fi
hU Wbeti and forUde him to cairy
luiper# on Sunday. Itui It Is whiapered
that a few Sunday school worker* and
t>lhcra who lend thejr lofigencc to
thing ao Justly rondenm«Ml by the re
farmerf. have ihv-lr iwpi'rs' delivered
at tb.' l*ck dcKif.
Hyomal. tKa i
I Catarrh Cure.
Pmacribed by Physician*.
IWK ni meillrln^w that are mlver
Oaoil to cure catarrh, it is as far
pertpr to them all, as the diamond
more valiiahle than cheap gla*#. Their
coroixisltlon is secret, hut Hyunn^l
give# it# formula to all reputable phvslrlan#.
liHh t4» try and cure caiw'Ing tablet# or llqubls?
The only i
ral way to cure this dl#and all other dlscaocw of the nspiraiory organ# U to bnathe Hyo"'tIiU lr.-atmn>t luii. U«i m .at___
fol. curlnK tn prr com
all who luvf
ummI It. that Hyomet Is now sold by
8. E- Wall ft Sons under an alirolute
guarantee to refund the mouy If p
does not cure. You run iw risk what
ever In buying Hywel. . If It did not
{smeTK to cure.
could not be wdd uiKNi this plan.
July 88 aug 4 11
For people to keep papers aad other
article* of value wbkdi arv not In
stant use. about the bc^. when for
the small charge of one aad a half ikd
lara a year they nuor have a drawer In
the sate deposit vaults of this bask,
where absolute safety Is assured
to which ao one has aexseas bat them
selves. The First NaUoaal Dank.
The IS.OOO apptoprlatlom for the
mmipIctkM <d the baa* poodc at th**
United 8tatec P.hcrlec oUtkio at
Nonhvllle. I* now available, aad fdc
poadc arc helai; built and equlmied for.
the prupocatioa of haca. Bach poed
oovera from a half to t wtKhlrdc of an
acre, aki ic cuppUcd with frooh water
are cooataaUy offorlag
fromadeepartaolaB welL The haioh*
las of haac mact he done accordtns to things aa iraaAuma with oaeli |
aatare’e own way. wUhoot artificial of fifty ccMt tea. This wmA H wUl be
aid. aad ao the poadc have to he a two quart white lined enameled pad
plaimad with thU Waa fa miod. ^
Oaa of Oaca eotmty*a cooatry aohool
oum. who h^ takiat a summer
rmaraa ai TpcUaaU. asbiblu the fol
lowtag wHUea by a CkhrlB modiar as
dlBSpaa. Aad mla<r yon. Uc iaa that
goes with the pan to as good a qi
aa yoa bare paid sixty ceats Cor lota of
iimm. The Kew York Tea Oo, m
la the Au
taw’s. Haary Wallacw Phllllpa la
the Magyapber of -Foxey Bill." the
ae hero of -Big Bead.** How
-roxey BUT eame to bla own. aad
haw he foaght to matatafa It. ia a yara
mighty weU worth the teUla& aad Mr.
Mailer of Foelififla Not of
Etc. direct from the hands of her
ersator. moat hare beea beantifid aad
her daugHluni MmaM ctoirn their herit
age. Tberc are throe reqalremeata of
facial beauty, roaaded featuroa, ato
of wriaklea gad
ffrpFt 8JLI.K OR'lRBC|N-r
i at tha Maflaaal Mleetofcal Ooatraelan ArooMartaa oT the
light, diet aad exercise aqd the tree
to aa appropriate name glvea to one
oa of a reliable flesh food to repair the
waste with proper massage wlU at of the bast aevtor machtoro made.
tain the deatowd reaatt.
Have all the latest Improv eaeata.
Nature has prepared a system of with a drop head, nicely finished. For
Ftjxey Blll a right to rule, and for a
ig within the akta
this week oaly we arc seniag them for
Ime prevails, but the day of reckoning
fifteen doUarw The greatest bargain
MBseo. There ia a battle royal. *’ia
wa. Best lawn base to the state
the Abaeaoe of Ralo*.” and the pigs the skin to most apectony and locally
aourtahed with best recolUi. The for the price. Millar ft Morse. 330
retreage la Call aad sweet A. B. snakaa shadows of the cheek,, chin,
rraat’a pictures refieet the humor of neck and arms will vanish If the ahto Froat St.. East.
the story perfectly. They are aft fonay that clothe* them to oot starred. PWd
these fcatnro. with some good fl«h
No Pity Shown.
as the text aad that ia onoogb said.
food gradually nri
"For years fate waa after me eonThe expendlinre . of the United
ulelr'hartlmiooaly“ orrHe* F. A. Gulk'dge. Ver
late* government U less to propor
bena. Ala. ‘i had a u-rriblc case of
tkm to the popntoUoo than that of
Piles causing 34 tumor*. When all
other countries. Seven dollar*
Wrinkles are ui nlstakable cridenn- failed Bucklcus Arnica Salve cured
ahd ninetyeeveo oi-uU a bead; ihaf#
me. Equally good for Burn# and all
the flgnre. For Ck-naaoy If# $8.4&;
and pain*. Only 33c al Johnfor France. 117.84; for Great Britaii:.
comparatively free as theoe part# sans and F. II. Mrod's drug store.
UJ.25; for Am*da.m«; fur New Zoap not protected and kept active by
toad. $38.88. Except to political cam
ithlng and the oonsequtmt friction.
* and nu
paigns It U unnen-fcsary to view witb
Tfic balsnre whe«'l of a watch vi
Ion* fnlD the reckless and pndllgatf- ex filb-d there I# no. r
why the skin brate* eighteen lhou#and tim*'# each
travagance cif the ftHleral govcrnrocn. of th^face and hai
Mibl n«il lie a* hour Take >i.ur |»enrll and figure how
texture as that which the cloth
iravagaurc uf the federal guvrrnroenl.
ing conceal#. The scowling and frown many xlbrailuh?; ki a year, and then
Magarine fur August
ing wrinkle*
may reaii«* the ner. ##Uy of ktHp
‘a feel behind the eye* j
ing your watch clean. Then >i»iir next
An engineer who atari* to build a equally easily removed with
Ihunghi Khuulcl be Barnum ft Earr*.
bridge and then kei»p« finding better massage.
Madam Rita Kraus la a graduate They an^ oxihhI jeweler*.
|dar^ to put hi# pier#, and wondering
Dr. Caliwarsto. the eelebniiLHl #ptwheffW he ha* lielecf.M the Im-m loca of
rlallKt of Pari#. Hetwa* Borah Ih>rntion or nut. will Sever get tin- b.ridge ) uardr* doctor,
lie. ihi-n year# of ager ami
ar livA# 30. Lillian I
arruBs the river. He r
go alouul and buUd the bridge, .aw .«•. . j.,
I half that. Ma
ter wiiat ohstacU* he may strike. .Sti , Krati# wi
IJIllan Hu.<iseir# ma#!
It I* with the builder of character, he | for nome
d her in
Traverwa City to 9t. Louis
rhat he will ilo Uenrlng her wonderful complexk
finally what
$18.50. 15 dty limit
and then make for hi* p»,.
practical #tH*clallst
$19.00. 60 4fiJ UmU
look back or he moved fnmi hi# I ^ the
on and skin are too
$21.00. far the fiCfisoi
Cinirse. Ten# of thousands of young delicate matter* to trifle with Madam
KrauN has all the latest appllances for
pet.ple with gu(Kl lualth. g.MHl eduea-*
This wm indode meals and
between Traverse Cily and
tien. and good ahllity. are Kiondlni; on
the end of a brldjp-. at life # crushing. worric-s ivf the feminine
It I# not
xSrt. *ifl be on «de com
They hop«- they are on the right way. only embarrassing to a
man a# well. Madi
mencing ThurKlay, June 9.
they think they are doing the right abeen
very RUctx-sKfuI Ip i\-movlng su1904.
thing, and yet they do niH dare to tHTflijou# hair, causing it to UI#apiM*ar
Steamers leave Travcroc City
burn the bridge they have just eroK-ed.
every Sunday, 10 p. m., and
They want a chanr<* for ndrent In case
Thurxdajx, Cam.
they have made a mistake. They can
not to ar the thought of rutting off all
Night Was Her Terror.
posKlbinty of turning Hark. They lark
*I would cough nearly all night
the lK»wer t.» d.vide .coiirlu#ivt ly what ItHig," write* Mr#. Chas.. AppU gaie, «if
course they will mke.-O. S. Marden. Alexandria. Ind.. "and ould liardly get
In the August 8UCCV-##.
any sk-ep. I bad consumption #o bad
that If I walked a hU»ck I w<mld wnigh
The August
iilM-r of 10 .mor> frightfully and spit bl.#>d. hut. when
Book. *dum# I
‘w feat lire w hich all other mtHlklue# failed. Ihr.s- $1.00
ought to be poj
r with the .reading toillk-^ id Dr. King'.# New l)i#c«.very
public. It U a I
; reviewing de|iart- wholly cure.l roc and 1 galne«l ts
ment under the direction tif John Su iwunds." It's absolutely guaranl<H-d
pleton Cowley-Brown, whom- work to cure Coughs. C^ild*. La Grippe,
Bkmg these line# In the «o<um* Quill nronchlll# and all Throat and Lung
and other luildlratlon# ha# nllrarted Trouble*. Price &0c and 11.00. Trial
much attention. The o|H>nIug n-\lew bottk-s 10c at Johnson # drug store and
In the August nuuilK-r is ample evi F. IP Mead # drug store.
dern-e that Mr. t'owle> Brown has
iu*nt‘ of hi.s virility or lndep:-ndence.
Of the ten Klorii-# In thi# Issue "The,
Wi' have a «»mpk-te and well conWise Widow." by Helena Smith; ii jUicti-d ilray line and are to fhe market
given the place c»f honor. Among the to do all kind# <d dray work at reason
cuotrlbotiws are Martha McCulloch aldf ehargi-. Also move furniture and
WYIIlam#. Kennett Harris. J. C. Plum pianos with care and dispatch. Buy
mer and AValter ProwTje. the latter and sell st'comi hand good# of every
contributing a very rl. ver liille #k»i of dt-scription. We ore here to #enc you
smart life. «mlltled "The Tlon Charley in the bo^t possible manner. Citizens
Prompt Delivery.
1‘ay* HI# Tailor,'* Xli.c fchon nory phone. Frank lUiib, 40.S East Front
masterpiect- In this Issue I# iK-rimp.# 81.
the U**l of the long serle# whieh ha#
bqen rnuning in iXSlory Book. It Is
Brutally Tocturod.
by Moritz Jokai and 1# entitled "The
A case came to light that for persl#
Bundle of U-tlrrs,"
tent and unmerciful tortur* has per Tr*ln* Usre Tr*Ttin»atT ronB««tliif *t W*1
haps never been equak*d. Joe Golo- tact with north Md ■Mih #.ei*.m.
The August Red lUiuk |# enticing In blck of Colusa. Calif., writes: ‘Tor 13
Trslna U*rr Tr»r*-iw
Us apfwarance and partlcnlariy at year# I endured insufferable pain
tractive In Us Itide of content.#. A Rheumatism and nothing relieved roc TJiSLr!i^T?'Trt?s2ru5i/'f^^ ko
d('7en (»r more stories by |H>pular though I tried everything known. 1 TrmtnfiMrv Tr*T«rw atj for Nt«tli|sjrt si
authors, all above the average to came across Electric Bitter* and If#
TrmiiJ mrrin fn. Northr»orl *t tbdP a m.
cleverness, arc Included in the num- the greatest medicine on earth for TriURB mrrirr from Nurthptwt *>*4 W) *. m.
tor. which has more than lu usual that trouble. A few iKjtlles of it com TnUii*^iTv from ouoiwcU*c m*ui Un« Usia*
from ronMCtinc ***1* ho* irwUui
IHirilun of high class Ulusiration# and piclely relieved and cure<l me." Just
Tr*b» srrlro'freni eoMMcUac main Una traina
artistic art portrait studle*. The
as good for Uverlnd Kidney troubk'*
cover to a gay one and doc* not belie and general deWilty. Only 30c. Sat
-a ol WslW*
llM- cheerful content# of the magarlnc
isfaction guaranteed by Johnson
The authors represented an* Stewart drug store and F. H. Mead, druggist
T^H^Ttertaasn rn'^mfpnr oe trsln lesrins *t
Edward White. Maarten Maarten#. W.
T. A^
A. FraM-r. Cllnttm Ikingerfleld. Anne
Warner. Carndl Watson Rankin, Anna
We ha,vr leather good# galore
MathewMin. Naomi Harrouu.
at price* thgi will surely he
agreeable. The very iKipular Peggy
Dunlap Dexter.
bag#, many styles of leather, shop
ping luigK. parses, pocket to*ok#. coin
bags and novellkw !n leather goo<!
A larg»^‘ and gnrgtsju# dUplay of hand
deci>ra:ed china. Rastall. the Jeweler.
884 Froet 8t.
Phinipa to the afmn to tell It It to a
NOW is'
to pot in yoor coal far next
winter and
br let&« o ddiva direct
■Nmnn WCIH6AN thaiis. CHEAPEST
E.H.P0PE, Afi.
R. T. CHURCH, 6. P. A.
Boon, and you’ve been In
vited. Select yoor
Jackson has a wagon whose hnsi
ne«s It' U to make dafiy routes abont
town aad from which you may tony
yoor Ice cream to any quantity you deshw Five to six popular flavors and
oi such a quality that is sure to please
you. Phone ns. we are here to serve
yoa. J. W. Jackson. IOC Proat St
It add spice to dreary life, encour
ages the human b^. lifta one oot of
despair, breathes new life mod confl
dence. Thafs what llolUsfers* Rocky
Monatala Tea will ^ 8S eeaU. Tea
or Thblcts. Johnson Drag COb..
Floe Gold
*^from our handsome assort-
We can astonish you at the
handsome gifts we are sell. Ing for $1.00.
RASI^LL, the Jeweler.
P. S.—We furnish handsome card
wrth every gift.
awaytu be made iato rogA fat me
Seven Sixes, 14 to 20 H. P.
Claus Warner. Proprietor
Try Haeofd Warn Ado. taaB
mmL Big Money MricariL
Choice Groceries
Butter and Eggs
utlowm price. W« .d HoCooTi
Qte.30c; Cal. $1.00.
Cd newt mPiiM Hah
Umt*. Ccmeteiy Vm*» Jmi
. JULY n. 1
Or. M» J. KrwmMm TmvM (
C«Mt to CMK Md »«t Mm:
mm WBIMa S. Brtek, «f HUdwi>
iiMlYir M eMcHt « chiftoi kowUYW
liad a sood IkM oQ tlM
MK.VMI wm« flopfrtma tu wlait »d
r-prnTro-------------- - Mr. Brk±
tD CM Umt bM fhn tbo nuppM.
M aw ft «M badly htm be kilM IC
Tha mmptr «m «ila»Ml to Hre vllb
dM bopt that U Mur oMeh mm nore
or tbo pesky obleksa bawks. It is
teoibt tbax the bird was wasklac t>
the ahaUow water wbM the tartis
mm aC tb* aoUklcrs* borne at Roaebars. OaU M appaariag beaeatb the
gfcfa or bis Baftlas. By Aagost be win
a raUTesaake. Kiag was Mttea by
rmUJeeaake Aag. 7. im. Sack year
aface the form oi a aaake has appear^ aader the ikla of his W. begiaatag at the foot aad worktog to the
kaee. wbare be was UUea. Tbeo It
dhappsara. BpoU like that of a ratHmt stow each Aagost upon hla skia.
MU log to aamb aad helploes. From
Aug. 1 to 10 be to bllad. as are rat
tlers. aad eau aothlag. He to naable
to'ramalB la the eoldlers' bocae dorlag
those periods. A ooasla will thU year
aare for him aatil he kmes his saaktoh
. Prim to Uie «««?y ctortrt ofltoe
to '(toklu4. dkl;-1ihortt]r attor 10
o etoOk the other algkt la a Moeed carriaga. Jas. FrodeHck Bnrslem. a milJtoaalre mlalag king of South Africa.
I marry Mrs. Aniu
K. GlamelU divorced wife of Hugh
Gtoisael. a director of tbe rmen A
ICerehaats bank of Lot AngMee. With
in tbe next half boor the couple were
-i^ded by Rev. John Rich, of tbe First
*Mabyterlaa church, the emmaay be
ing performed la the parlors of a prom
inent hotel. Thus was culminated a
romaaee that began whoa the couple
were ehUdren. The marriage was soddea--very sudden. Tbe groom bad no!
seen the prospective bride for a year
there was a happy meeting In Sac
Ftmnctoco. a propuuU of marriage and
ma Imodtoie acceptance-all occurring
on the sands by the Cliff bouse. Be
. aides being a millionaire mine owner,
groom la the confidential adviser
of ex-8Mator John P. Jones, of Ke
vada, and to well known throughout
JU« Angeles, while hto bride, the
f ^daughter of Mra.;Mallory. of Loa An
gMea. If aald to be wealthy In her own
right through her former husband's
connection with financial enterprises.
Though the pair were aweetbearu
when they were children, fate ^usec
Anita Mallory to tnarry Hugh Glas
sell, while Jim Ilurslem marric*d a wo
man from whom ho was later aepe
rated. Acconllng to the aUtemenls
of Bnrslem be and Mrs. Glassoll al
wa)w rtmemlK»red their lover days of
chlldhwul. l*\>ur years ago Mrs. Olas
sell was aeparated from her husband
In Los Angeles. Meantime Hurslem
had lost hto wife. Neither had seen
the other for a year. They met for the
* first time after a year on the Clin
house beach. Id ten minutes, so Burs
; lem aays. he proposed marriage, wa*
aoeepicd and plans were made to wih.
in Oakland.
A barefcmled. dirty youngster, who
earns a good living as a sand artist'
mruck a bonanaa the other morning
when society folk were out on tht
prtimenade at Atlantia City. Tht
urchin read In a newspainr that MtoCynlhla Roche, daughter of Mrs
Burke Roche, of Newport, had won a
blue ribbon at the horse show at Inlet
Park. Glancing at the board walk
^ where people atood to view hto designt
In the sand, he spied a young woman
aad put her dowa ai Mta Roche. Grab
btakg a rude slick, he di^ the picture
of a horMwomaa true to life aad to
beled It -MU Slatbl Ro^h.** Nickels
dimes and some quarters began tr
drop around him eo fast that he called
upon several boys to help him -pick
np de mun.-—New York Sun.
Tbe m wsboya of Japan have beer,
reaping a harrost during the past six
monthiu The people of Japan are great
readers, and besides they are exceed
log patriotic and intensely interested
la the war with Russia. You can see
Uen. how anxious they mast be to get
the Uteat news of the war. A Japa
neee aewsp^ generally has one big
laaue la tbe morning conulnlng news,
cartoons, and adverttoemcnls about
like our papers. Then after that ex*
Uas aif prinied all" day long, aad
eooeilBSfx ti|^ midnight. The ex
iras ai^ prlntM oa little altpa of pa
per Just largeVouMt to contain the
Rem wmch to the cause of the exum.
Tbfae Bale ^^lUs are only prtatM
fm mm side of tke paper, aad sometlmea^ MRra cmisteu M no
Una »
words. Then next day
eto -papgffiBts la iu regular editton
airamAfipatehea printed in the UtUc
ffhy before, wlih the hour
anff*Wnnte of pubUcatkm. and thus
AH day
MMbpaebMf MbeW
ao tbfa,Is kaotted three, foor aad aoaiebella. tT-bensbaagcatbewaarw^
blp aad as aooo as hr gets a baack of
extras be etarU off oo a dead rwa
dowa the middle of Ibe street. The
bells make a terrible Matter aad the
people^rash oM to Iwy the war aewa,
for Uw kaow tkat the beUa meaa a
freek war extra. Tbe extras po like
bot cakes and the boys get an tbe wa>
Cram tre rte( whiekls abovt a gaarter
or a eeat la oor atmaey) to Cro aaa ior
two coau aad a batfi Itor them. Tbe
bells aare tbe boys tbe trooble of crytag their papers, aad besides aotlfy
ererybody at oaoe that there Is eoem
big war aewe cm aale.
There Is eUl! oae form of recreatSoa opea to Emperor Wnilam of Oer^
Ho has never tsdcea op golf.
He ofum tadalges prirately la the laauctioM aad exbllaratlag plng-poag
but has sever attempted the recklees
aad eacltlng chase after tails over e
golf AeUl.
The wife of the Briltoh ambassador
to Washlagtoa. Lady Duraad. has set
her face agalast the rapid ecKlal life
of maay of tbe womea of the aatkmat
capital. Of champagncHlriBklag ahe
has a epecial abborreaeo. Lady Dur
aad does not profess primness, bot
abeohlake a little more dignity should
Rev. E. H. Eckel. f««or of an Bpto
eopal church la Mniliaiasport, Pa., and
who to likely to beoome the bishop of
that dloeeee. will not tolerate women
who attend eenrices clad In low cut
gowns, abort sleeves and wearing no
hats. He says they are not conform
ing to the teachings of 8t Pan! and
that he win not have the practice cooUnued in bU church, which la one of
the moat faahlonablc In Wllllamaport.
John a Rockefeller to a director In
but one oorporaticm—Standard OU.
During the past six years be has been
gradually withdrawing from the many
boards of which he was a member. In
1898 he was a director In four corpora
tions. The next year hto son began
aklng hto place. unUl now he repre^
lenu bU father In all the companies
•xcept the one above named. WUiam a Rockefeller has Increased hU
membership In directories from four^
een In 1898 to thirty-one In llo4.
Eastern society leaders have their
'ads and superstitions. Mrs. George
IwiH defies the old saying that pearls
)*ptry tears and wears a collection
!hat outdoes royalty. Mrs. Siuyves
snt Fish's luck omen to a small gold
oci.et with her iuklato In monogram
Mrs. Reggie Vanderbilt to never with
mi a ceruin bracelel of Turkish man
■tfacture. Mrs. Tommy Hitchcock
sears horseshoe dlamoml bniochcs.
Urtr. I*ayne Whitney's wmulel to a
necklaci* c»mpos<Ml of every translii
rent precious stone known to lapidary
Rev. Peter Howe is the £piacoi»al
bishop of Alaska. Hto visits to hb
llocese arc by no means pleasure out
ings. During hto last trip In March he
hto two companions wandered
from the trail and were without foou
practically for three days. The route
if the bishop’s visitation covered
jtotance of 5(H) miles through an un
peopUKfreillin. The bishop’s face
bad’/ fraxen and it
bcfeA* naching a settlement
to kll!
lome of the sledge dogs so as to con
u'rve the lood supply. The Eptoct>pal
jev. lepmeni «»f Alaska, like Dial of
the other denominations, to not ver>
Trading at Stickney’s new grocery—
It to iHi absulute!y clean, and every
tide In the store has the mark
freshness upcm It—and besides your
xroccry bill for the month will be
UtUc smaller than uauaL Just try It
and l*e convinced Both phones,
Union 8L
Doctor of Boawty.
Mme. RIU Kraus, beauty specialist.
U compelled to remain over anotl
week, ending July 30. on account of
many callers she to unable to consult
with. This Is poslUvely the last week
Mme. RIU Kraus hold three dlpk
Graduate and associate of Dr. Cato
sarmto. Sarah Bernhardt’s beauty doc
tor. AU latest mechanical and
trteal methods used to remove anper
auDui hair, moles, black heads aad al
ImperfecUons of the akla and scaR)
facial massage, bust deTriopmeBi
hair culture m apeclalty. Keep y
WIU be bera until Saturday. July 30
OoBsnlUtioB aad one treatment free
Ofltoe Hotel Whlilag. Ofllce houra, i
to 4 p, m.
Bemovea l^heada aad ^ea ai
oae sHUag. Wby aoc asatot aai
and keep bdantlfuL
Ooaault wkh tbe mkdam aad M
the an cf massage free of charge.
This wUl poslUvely be the last week
John H. Davlln. Houstoa-Waa aU
run dowa; aothiag did ase any goof
aatfl I got hold of HbUtoter's HoMq
Mountain Tea. Now 1 am atroog aaf
well; gained forty pounds. » (
ahaoMapoffeettaMgenf jam.doctor ta a grant adiMrar «f Bryaa
aad it is assdisaa to add that Mace
I ha has had to bv1
Is a
To sway a o^«owd.tohMd.
air with Urn
It wfll reaMi
of this crowd. Is not so sUaple as woald appear cm tbe face of K.
after algkt la the
powers and a
vast kaowlsdga of
tet a torra of tadlridaality aad penoaal magaetlam as weO.
Tb the ocdlaaiT observer who stands
on a airM ooraar aad Uatena to a
holding forth on the
menu of bU remedy, U>e whole thing
easy. "All tt requires to
he says but stands there aad
He U very skeptkal of the
vinoes of the medicine but by aad by
tbe orator loucbea oa some pM ail
ment of bis very own and then be fol
lows tbe crowd aad purchases the
Why does he do it? He
doesn't kaow bat he certaloly had no
lateation of so doing when he came
there bet the secret Ues in that aasae
BMgnotlsm. that power of aagieMlati
ihaVBuMe bim atop aad listen. Aaotbar thing, night after nIghL he hears
some friend or some fellow warkmaa
give his testimonial, telling how they
were cured. T
remains so long
but twelve towns a year and returnlag every year.
A “modlclne maa" Is bora, not made.
Many a socalled doctor stkads on a
platform aad inhales gasoline smoke
that is not a "medcine maa." he to
•Imply a "street fakir." a petty
,"grafter" out after stray dimes and
Hto appearance to generally
limited to one night only. Frequent
ly It would not be exactly coadnclve
to hto happiness or peace of mind to
stay longer. Since Uie Hot Springs
doctors have been -l^re. there hare
been three others In
city, each re
day and then seek
ing paauirea anew.
or tbe many that come and go there
are aome that stand out very prom
inently. men that come into a town
and stay week after week. Among the
of these to Dr. Max
J. kraua who has been In the city for
tbe past four weeks.
Dr. Kraus desenes the title of
r-Klng of the Medldne Men." a Utle
xarnod thrc iRh irsveTlng from coast
ct^asl. from Mlrhlgan’s northern
line down to when* the sun shines or
the blue waters of the Gulf of Mexko.
Hto to not tbe store box and smoky
gasoline torch, but the modern siag»
with electric lights and all comfortable
fllUrgs. Night after night he bring*
hundreds of the same people back to
hto crowds. To roe life show? Partly
the main hUerest to the rather
Hhort man with the wavy brown hair
good natured face and the Princt
Albert coaL He has a waj of talking
to each one In the crowd and touch
ing things of vital Inten-st to them
They hear what to causing the my*
terious pains that have been Itothcr
Ing thorn, buy the imHlIcIne and In s
few days add their testimony to the
ihbusands of others
I>r. Kraus has l»oen in the buslnesr
for years. Hto father and brother are
both physlcUns. Becoming 11mbued
with the virtues of the remedies he
4cU«. he started on the road and since
lhat lime has sold so many thousandf
'rent, be to cured also if it to possible
that he has loxt track of tht
aumber. However, books and files art
kept showing the names and address
of ever?- person cured In e^ery
town visited. He visits tbe same towuf
vear after year and is welcomed by
evoryone from the cUy fathers to the
newsboys and always ^Is more
Dr. Kraua has a ptoaatog pen
ty and this added to a nhlural gentkness with those In pain to the secret of
hto success. If a person to rich, he to
If he to poor and has not a
cent, he I cured also If It to possible
The millionaire must take hto turn
with the poorest of the patienU to
Une al the ofllce. If It bad not been
for bis readiness to cure any and all.
the dorter's private fortune would be
far greater.
All the year around, be travels. In
Jic aummer he to In the northern
states but In the winter h
Ae aonlhland. capccially
ahere be has a magnificent orange
'arm In the vicinity of
There be aiK^x his winter vacation
T he bappearf7^\^e^ the other aide
if tbe oootlneni o^oo tbe west side,
t U Imaaterial because be b
irange-ranch In California, alz
Yom Los Aagc’ea where tbe son
ibtoes. tbe flowers bloom az
llrds sing all tbe year around.
In traveling around the com
nan eomea lato contact with
Ainous people. Among the doctor's
toqualataacra Is Governor Hcgg of
rexaa. that sturdy perxoaaUty who
;cx>rns a dress suit and believes that
\ man's a man despite hto etotbes.
rbe doctor was lecturing in tbe opera
loaae In Baa Antonio when tbe govmor came
on tbe stage to com-
$m. It is of aoad gold, tbway
MndiMI with periert one carat diaMds aad Mgalflna that be bMonga
to No. 1 lodge or ebb New York Mty.
The badge was presented to blm by
Mayor MeOellaBd of New York Mtj
wbom tbe doctor draely predicu wiB
become a national figure In 19M
tbiougb being nominated for the pres
idency. He baa also met many other
teBons Bran nnd tnlki Interestingly
of bit nequnlnunee witb tbemil
Before Tnxna beenme renowaod
through tbe striking of ML be wna In
that stale. When tbe great gusher
was struck on Bpladle Kop bill be
beard tbe now famons expreaalon.
-Tbete she comes, boys." imdI saw tbe
oil airtirt upward from the'narrow
openlnc running deep Into tbe bowels
enttb. He at present owns
In tbe Beaumont field which
jMda btm a bandaooe Income.
Tbe doctor baa but one partner, bis
Ife. 8be travels with blm nnd la bU
companion al alL times. Mra Kraua
possesses conalderable renown.
*matolagtot and
very snccMtful In treating the com
plexions of women. She was UIHan
Russell's beanty doctor for some time.
Tbe firm contains two other membera,
ror. as two Intcresdng children,
ow In college and it to for their
future that tbe doctor and hto wife
•e now laboring.
The doctor to a great believer in
printer's Ink and advertising but by
him. borne testimonials are prlted
* all elce. "I might spend a mill
ion in advertising." he aald. "But
would you people here In Trarerse
City believe that I could cure the dis
eases that I claim to nnless you saw
the cure effected or knew personally
people that were cured. One le*timoniai from a Traverse City roan or
in will do more gSod than any
advenlslng that I could buy. I know
that 1 have a good thing. It can’t fall.
does the money to refunded with
out question. If 1 had to make mv
living by robbing people I would to
out and gel a job digging or anything
•toe rather than to have that on my
•lence. During all (be years that
I have b<H*n traveling there to not a
or city that 1 have vtolu'd but
lhat I can go back And Ik? well r*celved. Then*’* not a |K*r*on that lias
bought my medirine that I cannot b»ok
In the fare and l»e afraid to listen to
what they have to *ay. Call m** what
>u xvlll bet I know that I am more of
phllanthroiil*t than some men uhosr
rtues arc so well advertised.
“You have a beautiful little city
here and I am well pU-aMnl with my
•toy. I am pleased In morc*w'ay* than
I’d rather hear the 'God hie**
rou, doctor.’ of one grateful patient
(ban own your magnificent State bank
liulldlr.p. lU-cause a man get* c»ut Inio
the slrtHM and lectures lt‘r> no sign that
he li not honest and has bonwi raoives."
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and migbUest little
thing that ever was made to Dr. King’*
New Life Pills. These pills change
,knes to atrength. listlessness Into
?ncrgy. brain-fag Into mental power.
Tkp.v’ry-.yonderful in btilMIng up the
heallh. Only 23c per box. Sold by
lolmmjn’s drug store and F. II. Mead.
It would be* hartli^ to find a larger
XKHorlmriu of stove.' In Traverse City
than we carry. We have range.’i. gas.,
gasoline and oil stove* In all *lze«.
prices ranging from |3 np. Jewel
gas stoves are ln*lalk*d with connoctlons free of charge. Buy your stove
here and save money. Frank Trude.
14C Front St.
The Item knier of old m*. Whyecauae pus and germ become oxi
dised when broaghi in contact with
of the body. San Jak
to the old age killer by dissolving the
earth salts from the blood. Prevents
osslflcalioa or a Um^-llkc hardening
)f the arteries. San Jak cores yonr
heart ache, back ache, leg ache, your
kidney trouble disappears, your liver
is aoon nourished so you need no
pUia. Stomach aad bowel tronble you
soon have noae and yon are again
strong and wclL Dr. Burnham has
Bpeat a life time analysing to find elw
menu to ncutraltoe poison in the
human body. He has found It and
gives it tke name of San Jak. You
caa not forgeL He Is H wonder and
kto remedy to a marvel to knmantty.
Sold and guaranteed by Johnson Drug
Oo. who are sufllcienUy reUable to
hand you back yonr money if afl to not
334 Uf
If you are looking for somelhlhg
smart aad exclustve in the buggy line,
it will b« worth your time to riait oor
warehonae. We are showiag boom
haadsome jobs, aad at prices that wRI
latereat roa. and It'a Just the eeasoe
W. J. Bryaa was In Nebraska. I would to get hargaha la carriaget. Auuy
rare twora that be was oa tbe
mohDo headquarter*. Prod P. Boughey.
‘jjBlghL-exM the fOTcrnor. "Too are Can aad Elate 8U. Either phone.
: il.
,lf taken before August 1st. 1904. , I
will sell the lot on the South side of State
Street adjoining new Post Off ice Building,
one of the best locations in the city.
w. l: brown.
Drake’s Palmetto Wine
Tie M WoRderifll Medieiiie fai He Worid
Yn Cm fist • TttI BdfaFrss to SaHtfy YmntH
Drake's Palmetto Wine is pleasant and cooveoieot to take ami wifi rma
quickly and permaoemly c\-ery form ol stomach tronble. It is a cure let the
whole world of stntnach weakness and constipoikm. as well a« a relator M
tbs kidasy-a aad liver. Only one <kwe a day and tho cure begins with tbe text
jOUdg roB BBKT- r O. I
Try Record Want Ada. Small
COWL Rig Monoy Makara.
d»e. oo matter bow much or bow long you h,ivo suffered ynt *re CT-:.->.n da j
cure with one dose a day of Drake’s Palmetto Wine, and to convimr \oa of
this fact we ha\-o placed trial bottles at yt.*or di-pusal without cost to yon All
voa hai-e to do is ask for them, they are FREfe.
Hop ant Tkink, Snffnren!
Ovor^lrwt National Bank
Jy relieve and permaucntly cute ytni of
perfectly rrKulatc ibe
distr««nx stomach trouble and j^erfoctly
the con*,-eMrd tx nduicn of
your kidneys and lixx;r or remove the raia.rhal coodition oi the meem lining
of 1-oor bead, throat, stomach and intes tines, wxmld wc at an cnoroous ex’peuze
to oorsd%« place at your disposal these free bottles ?
The first dose yeo take will esavlBCO yen of fhe
Bisferly power of this wonderful Palnette fledlciBe
rit toycmlamito
in^^dicol to (
er oomUoatioD of
lor tbe cure of tbe disc*
that each and all ingredients are >*egrtable. and cannovjxwMbly barm you. Ca
only benefit you. The be>t physicians in the United Sutes yacacriU
We tcll^ou
more U> i:u into bo*In«i«. or build
Willi »t » rrn«it«*bU tww of toUT*y,i aiMl ImiK lUm T
L 6. BRYANT, BIlM.’RJ.Urv: •
and r<wd moucy
Ideal Reserve Association
fact in
that I make
it a business of loaning money in iarge
or small amounia on city oryx:uuLlry
Notice to Taxpayers.
real estate aud charge you but a rea
The tax roUs for the oolloctlon U
sonable rate of InieresL Pay it back
in arooanfs to suit yourself. A few tchcol and city taxes and special aschoice olfiees to rent. *togle or iu *efsm«-nls for the five wards of the
suite. E. McNamara. McNamara Block. cltrof Traverse City, Mich., have to
placed in my hands for coUecUun,
1 will be In my office for the pur
The rarest combination of good
pose of collecting laid taxes every
things ever put together to Hollister's
week day from now nnlll Nov. 1, 1994,
Rocky Mountain Tea. It cures plmfrom 8 o’clock until 11:30 o'clock la
1 o'clock nnUl
mallsm. sick headache. 23 ct-nto. Tea
4 o'clock la the afternoon of each day.
or Tabicta.
All taxes
before Sept. 1st win
be received withont collection fees,
and on all taxes remaining unpaid oa
Sept 1st and until Oct. 1st. a penalty
of one per cent for collection wUl be
charged. On all taxes rematelag un
The assenmeat roU for the paring paid on Oct. 1st aad until Nov. Ut a
of Cass atreet from Front street to penalty of two per cent for ooilertion
State itreeL and State street from win be charged.
Union street to Casa street to now ia
Office. Room 303 State bank bldg.
my hands for the conertlon of the sseM. E. Haskell, aiy Treasurer.
oad axseasmeaL togrther with the ac
Dated July 35, 1904.
crued Interest oa all unpaid tnsUllmeaU. the same to be paid before the
first day of Augwu W4.
Notice to Contractors.
M. K. Hmxkea
City Treaxurer.
Office, room 393. State bank buUdlng
Stocks, BM(li,6ralB, PnvUliis,
Official Market <
vote wire,
York and OhkaRa
Gypsum Wall
Plaster Gemls
kind^ .JJ prepmd mi
«ilh ;fri0M
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.