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The Evening Record, October 14, 1901
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
To ftUlnttfn th« Efftcleftcy, of
His Root *
Bosan at Arrival of tho Amort*
can Squadron
to tto BHUto.
"itmAon. Oet li-PolUltoi ■
I hoata deprtra tto reported
toll OB tto aab>ect of tto Hie• M«al o<
Tto foUowlae amr.
Tto oBMl wlU be I
Of the
8to latalBi tor dl^Hr. aad tto Amarieaai eat tto canal
( xteeake edpes—oar price
laylap of maiai. bat wbre that to eet-
WaahlaatoB, OeL 14-Captata Oaok,
Oftta* SRMklTn. Ml tb« ant
■eUoaot^im B
a is that Brafol
bone of eoetea
aaform-n noeideat eccarrad to |nv-|l
with heavy aotea — srw
paid BrafoS wtU mlnipe bis opera
tioei aad abdaeUaai will beeome
more treqeiaL
Smelter Works Destroyed and
Two Men Killed
laarea, atoarai of eiais and other
of tto barreal time
Mn ovtoTtobue is rridmeo.
BOtiitol new.
Oopt. Ooek eoBtintod lili to
Sak of Simple nicUstosIies
all this week—a lovely chance to
purchase a first class Nlackiotmh at
about 50c on the dollar.
CbUdieo'a 8boea-«ll aol.
id IcatLer, ikeai abapeo—
. anTlS-
tto BonitoB or Mar'n.--
Here'Vou Dad the “sweilest of the swdl”
«n all the newest stuffs. $ia $15. $16.50
Womea'a Bex Calf Sboss
ahaped tors-$im
Rito amiited ta tto wraapal
to feared
ttaboBldtto I
to isMwpt tto SfMlib a]aadraa bs<
iWnlood to to iton. It wai n<partod
Waablaptce. Oct. It-ll is
Itot tto OlaeluuU. tto Msrblebtod HarvMt Featival of the First
appanat llial tto peveniBieal to petaad tto MBtotw wvn omr ttot port.
M. E. Church Yesterday
tiap tlnd of tbe attildde af Taric;;, in
Ttoae wm upoetad to tocmeat (In
ia Soilsrm. The* TBraal ia a
tto matter of Ito abdaeti(» of Mtm
Byiat iqaardratL W« mot tto OlaeioBloec. Therein-ramon amoap tbom
aall ud Karbbhmdaq oor m; waUi. aptolal <lto.lcei Mmlw aad Km
wbo are Informed as ib
Tto Otoelaitotl mi to McidotnBt T>4rarsm >u tbr tbeura
b Aaaral •raadar Hebaol
tto state dqartmeat ttot a Mvml
Pboenii. Uet 14-A terrific imeller
Kallr at Naoa.
t Tarkey is ^ot
"I as Bol ran otottor I
exploaioain theptontoftto Detroit
naaioa aad *barTwt fastiral
Ptotoat dwtaa tto c
CooperCo., al i'llftoa. Arit,o(eorafUie KiratM. E ctaoroliyaiI eaptoto of tto Oto
red STonday afternoon. Fireman Moraad (toUej or vtottor 1 mi lafoTMd tarday mi an oocaaion of annraal
and AdamKs were killed: Enpi•ftonnrdv tot I baow (hot Setairr pleaiora and iwoflt to tbe larr'nodi noth lop short of force will compel
r Davidson and toli>er Antivens
that filled tto edinreb both al tto laltoa to act io any
qMidsato blB rorj oloralr iboot the
and several other wvre fripfatfally
toelUUM for •oollaa oh tto Knth of the mornlne e-rrioa, tbe Soadey
eealded with asolteo melaL
Tne firetbe Bpwortb iMirae tatinp that it to ballerad ttoy hive al
<Mto. 1 ouBot tvaeoibor wtoUisr or Sebool rally,
_ petmitledtbe Mter.to ran too
mwtlneand tto aremae laiTioe Tbe ton rtactod their limit io tbU iaBot 1 bMrd arise to Oic
lew: iIh-b fed Ito boiler/ with cold
very irelUly deecretad for stanre.
tbeoeeaiioB by R W. ftaitall'i cIoh
hnsday aebool. and aatama
I. Siid Turadej Witt prUitly stowsre U
Mea'a ISatio Colt ^bora,
rxteeaion aokw, rope atitdi
this meraiap tbat tto <
aad ofiloe ia Ito Oalman block won
be Upbied Ibis eveadnp. (wevided . no j J
•erted that the Bnipiriaa coaTMt al
tied than wiU prabably ne Uttle de-;
lay la omapleliap tto wok.
Mr. Qallapher. wto> to fame lookinp '
after tto went of oaaMraotloe, itamd i
load by throat arpiwnntMtitoa of
wbat hai been dlpleoatleally
Bof ibeoMl itUwa
oitoMitodir lattofiahbr oowtof
that it U BO BMnr to
iattalrr. B« mid: -IU7 l> »• tod
■tradtioa thaa wfaae tto OlayteB-BalI ttol Oentom-i Btottod
Mea'a geoaise Box Calf
Sboes. aiira b(iat7 oolee,
eoald bara eet eat of tee*
W kMk IIM Not a
fytrt art
laid to Ito iMeta of tto etty tto total
will to fiM.OOO.
ttot peadiap be-
Ok etsMst Mus anS most bseSIcWaa tanUcs el medspi artists in Olsttr Celersaad
PUflnes and all IlM n«e Iblnas in Qtdsnl
frames ter Am same.
lag oar graet iboe aale.
ay daaaads it Tto presaal oapaetty to «.000 eabie fast of pas ^ly.
Wtoe tto fwatoelad malae tors baea
Dilatory Tactics of
€ity Book Store
Bargaiet at oar sbxs dar*
toaoarraiped that tto eapaeity can
doabtod U tto basiaase-of tto oem-
Picture D«
Tto Trarmee City Oai Oo. has-------- .
platad its plBM mad tto mafctap af pas 11
complete ta araty detail ssd aqaipped
with Ito
MkiBf pa<lipb( aad foeL Tto pleat
Oreal Brittoa
riebta to thU naUi-r. Imt Me bai raaervad tor lompar and eood maBsara
Kto toi aakad for bo onmptoimtlon
OCTOBEB 14. 1901.
was bapn^ this afimeoee. Tto plant to
i-*d to the KidneplnB o* **<»•
Wcvlar mu MmIbk >U«aa This ARsr-
half tto liM of tto
ttfona. wai in (root, tritli pomplina, eoTB and otbei fraiu of tto tall
“Tto Brine iqBadiN left CirnfopeBi
At Ult tbe Oak Parkecbool hoaee is
tor tooUaeo B« louB ai it wot loviiprovided With iroper draiBapa and
ed deaattrtr that tto 8|«iiU)i Bert pearine from IL*
The moRtoe eerriee wai eopeeialiy tto fneaacr lo toallb and tbe worry
WM net Bt tto (onnor pliee.
Tto »•
toOftedr ntonniOBl mi befrun bMooie for tto aead membere and tto abet- of Alderman Roand and olb>-n to
array with.
Tiie Rose strael
SBUer fcarto Ui tqoBiKiD vonld tel toa. Aad they ware all than, cr at
r. pat in for tto expreoi porpoBs
OBBeld with B itort eoBl iSpptr. laaat Marly all of ttom. ecaveyaai
•erinp tbe Oak Part bnildipp «•
Bekbr toRlM book to doBtiaeo u aooo for tboaa wbo wonid otberwia- tore
vras dismisrad
II tto tontlH-r Diodmuol in<l li trii been aaable to eoma betoe prorided
Tto connty board of so
tbis afternoon ia ibeir rvpalar fall
sassloe. with all the members jweopnt
except BapervirarJobaQiliUdf tto
first ward of
rity. wbo is oat of
Little could be doce this afteraooa
ontlt some prcliDiaary eommiltec
tor them by tto E>iwertli Deaeae. today while ibe onanection is beiap work is aceomplit'
Upon tto platform ml two of tbe made.
of lb<- hoard viritod
tto tower clock,
aeed naniaton of tto
mw the aetlon of the clock ia the
SbbiiMb'i. bBoaoii to Bnuitod to bat.- obarob.
rand all serme.1 farorably
bii ihipi Bwtor M7 and-jjadr at ■ tba miaiitry li over 100 yean. Rer.
Tto principal basioess of the board
aBMBt'i aotioe to (Oeaen In battk-. O. D. WatUas oSeretl a ferreat pray
er, and MB* fol(pwed'by Rev. A. J.
;at this seasiiui will be Iheaction npoo
wxtra irood wearers.
5 to
Ike msbts Are Gettinc Cod
S.00e;blto 11,75c; JSto
2, $100.
BBBdreds of Stmple Shees be- j
low wholesale prices.
Itbe towiv clock, the apporiioniaanl of
Itbe taxes aiuonp tbe different town-
M danew of oomiioo. 1 did not toar ta vbleb tto ipeakur toaobed nptm T.A1.1.
HedeMB aad tiohirr'i ooltosor in Cbeae tbinei ^batoaefat to to tto frail
whiob tto Utlorli aUieed to han of eraty Obriitiao Ufa, especial
Macedonia, Oot U-Thel*’**'*
..cntl, .u»U
. (wdabr WiFilii.HliO
r (to UdBapen
of hli MB. to moon a rolubUT avrnmdtr of Pat Orowe.
OMha. UoL l4-Ohl«f of l*olier
Dapiw rmterdap nci-iTod a lattor
tiM Pat Orowo aa to tto Urmi 00
wtdeh bi will lumiulrr.
1b tto letior Grew offrn to el»r
htmmif ap sad itaad trial for the kid
BBldae «f Kddli CBdahr providrd to
U Bot looked np oatil a Iniy itoll ad-
Tbe atta«A will iwobably be taken
Tto Saaday aebool rally aadbaaBal
mrinasly by the Francb
raU eaU broaebi eat almoat oeaiy paand compllearioes between
Manila. Oct. 4-Tto mUilary aaUipi 1 of the Saaday Bebool datinc tto
and tto porte are not improbable.
critiee have received word that Genpaat year.
Tory faw wara abmal
oral Mtpnel Malvar. Ito insarpeBt
wbaa tto reU wai oallad. Tto priaVVOT ■ALI. WPIlNKallAV
leader, is believed to have left Ibe
oipa! teatnrra of tbe moeram were a
prorinoe of Batsapas. Loxon, and to
Tocal aolo by Mim Hone, wUb piano
aeaM llUk achools .111 H
. be planning an operation in tto prov
and violin aoeompanlmenl by Mimes
lace of Balaeban, where Inrarpent iuTieslflh atreH Gfoaods.
Olive aad Beavie Faleham. teamtcripUctohas
Tto game of footbaU that t
tioea by Ohariei Riokard and QUdyi
Tbe coontry there is moaataia.
iMfmaaaad addresM by U Roarce bare beoa played B
OBt and well adapted to paerilla war
R*t. W. U
.voldably poetpoaod. will
oeear Vedwsday atteraooa at (to
was foaad that mily (me of
Ckpiaia Pitcher has
TMlfth street proanda
Both teams,
papill of tbe Bandar sehool wai
‘""veetlon la tto
Utled to be pU(«d apee tto roU of wlUbeintto best of OMdltion and a
, is^d pt Mindora
bOBor as taTlBe beee peesent every ftaeooatMtUasrarvd.
The peliee fores al Banana, fwovTto Blpfa Schools will meet tto
Baaday dariae tto eetire yrar. Thil
inn- of Bataaeaa. has beoa disarwied.
Rstkwas Htffh aebool team Friday of
M^ule HeleB
and tbe'cbiefof police and rereral
____________ '
A very Uto*al offariae waa takiB tbts week.
otbers have been placed under arrest
for tto
MetbodUt Benday wAool PATUPK AM> I N Asl-nYMATED
tbe ebarpe of bFloapinp to aa >nUaloB, or tto aid Bf noady Boatoy
sarpent eocieiy and asinp ttoir oSece
afkrd bli
of tto lolW totU.
It (t eaaw from
hai hai knoM Oowe for aOToral
7«n. U aeqaaiated with his maBan.
toe and itrle of ipeMb.
Tanerter Obief Dotohae teeairrd
lattor from an aaele of Orowe, WbonMBto to rafasM to latoal aad wbo
llTM to HaaetoiWV. Iowa.
tar offwa tenai forOroao'a
Tto In-
fer tbe iasnr-
Major Brapanm, tto insaiyeai ofB■r wbo ordered the rxecatiaa of cm
Cbirapo. Oct. 14~Mattbtas Thorattomeetine
of tto Deaeoaesees. Io wbiiA
Mn aapbyziated al tbeia- borne early
Mciety ito toloeea
merninp- The father tamed ea ryiap oat of the order, fans beea a
Oat- of Ito most pliaalae fratarei of
pas ia tto kitebea raape, bat be- taneed to be haaped.
tba day wai tto ipecial
There is enntidenble crili
to eotod apply a lipbt to bad an
alahed Bndm tto diieetloo of Mim
k of apopleXT
When Mia. Tbcr of tbe reocnl statemrata of OoepiessRebaru. Eipeelaliy plearine
aimvs betb basbaad and soe maoB Edgar Weeks of Miefaigan reMle by Mim Robsrts at ito mcniae
garding Filipino character and iwssivresv dead.
___________ ^
ee and a daet la tto eveBlae by
biUtlea. Members of tto oomraissioa
Him Oardaar and Hr. pooetaa
refer to tus retaarks as “toovweeplag’' and as "bared aposi toc short an 1
w t> a Male aaS Mrasd a StA.i
and to ai folloM
Orowe myi to faai beea ia Boath
MiH aec.ttecMM ne Meaer.
AfriM. flebtlae «tob tto Boars, aad
liiwwin bis diqml with Onat Brittaa. and bto lymnatby with tto Roan
Ha aknm tto amla pan of hli letter
Blaftlon. Ohio. Oct. I4-Barty
u of Mr. Weeks
this as "anjast and vieioasly tolse. “
acnlng barglois blew ap tto tafo of
tto Blafftoa milling company.
t. OcL U-Bx-Ooreracw
by Bsylae to reereto ttol Mr. Oadatav
aboald eavect him of UadaapplDe FlUsbozy several woeki ape wai tofctto boy. aad boptac aoew to raoeira a sa with wboopiac oeopb. Be mimed
Vtoa la a pamraply from Ito ihtof wbiefa to dlreeii
Moald to made tbraoe^ • locsl paper. jM of eoapbinp to rapnrad a bleed
,i In tto twain. Biaee that time
MBd dotton hanelmt over tto hmd of to bai pcadnally prawa waakar, aad
Pat Orowa, be wtotoi to slate to yea
and «to polios of Omaha that If tto ap all hope of hto n
“Al tbara to araward of fifty tboa-
rawHd to wUhdraM to will aarreadar himself aad Maad a fair trial la
to obtain iutormatioo
A>Am.-BUT asraxcKD
Ito aoaita of Omaha, atato of Nahnaka. Reward to be wiidraM caorbe-
mUl was set on fin in diffcRst Rr IMscrasb •« tks Bmrt.
plaees. and beraod to tto graaml.
Fort Wonh. Oct. lA-Aa
The 1(M is •»,(«>.
cared no maaey.
Tto baiglan se- tralghi train oo tto Mlamari, Kansas
xas wasdikdied at Fisher Blatioa
daring tto night. It is reported that
two' traintaoa were kUlcd.
St Uaia OoL 14-Ab ebetric ear
omstod Into a coal Min this mmaing
r„,iageri wma mwecrlam
PROP. J. p. trraeiro.
ChiotB Hfiigiits Baatnipt Sail.
A M TbiM. TIm CWeafo
HtifkU BMirept SbIb.
ta tto dW prleea.
Btsf. It'tl Mke a to MiM.
The Old Stand, j
Bandsome Styles in
new French Flanellettes
Beautiful effeccs-7-eIcgant colorings—panicubriy
adapted for waists. 3b in. wide—iSc quality—
Special at 12ic per yard.
WaMand Ctbel
See a few of the styles in our east window.,
Ht Che Racket
By H. Grattan Oonnolly.
k heart story llphuneo wlthdohclous com«K)y. Elaborate and
Special Scenery, Superb Coe-
Ladles’ black fleece lined hose, per pair...... Tc
Men’s Fleece Lined Underwear...................29c
ExtraJIeavy Wool Fleeced........................ 42c
Good Aachlne Thread, two spools for.......... Sc
Udies’AU Wool Hose.............................. 2lc
Bay al tto Sew Sl.irv aa<l rave mum y.
»Cbe Racket
IKplii Plica: fS, 3S,S0,7Sc
Jade* Itlm enilirHetopi to U anTbe Bpwortb Imcob (aratHie
abfe to fanul. Umdi io oiomi of »S»>
BBd tomaadi that ball br BsmI in lliat oae of ipaelal iLlereav beia^ also a
raoBioB aerrtee. Him Batsa of Onad
th. —I
tbOH who bara bean loae in tto a
Tiea of tto Uird.
told “Damn ito T(«ai.''
Ohiif DonatatHs
optalbn of the
““‘-V kbd the nwatot
You want a night robe that’s long
enough tt^wrap your feet up—that’s the
kind we sell at ;sc, $i4». $1.35—Pa
is. $1
$1.50 up.
Popular Shoe House.
> Sehlir. Tbi Eldredi wbo pnached a aermoo ob
Brooklj* poMd within MO rardi of tto aafa}eot of “Tto Borrea Fie
tto letai, and than' wai abaolntelT Tree. •' It war a iiowerfol dii
the evening record
$ Organs
Ton take no risk ia boyinp
larpest manafactarers of tto
kind ia the world, aU goods
direct from faotbry to porebaser at factory priese. All \
goods are as biph grade as ;
nwoey and akill can make
them. We paatutoe satisfaction.
W-- are always
pleased to sboa; oor poOiH
Kverytlilnp in mnsical mer- |
chaadisa. Talking Maehicei I
and records
jm Popular Stnet
musk Outn^alf op.
01. OI.Kimbaneo.
f Gorgeous
I millinery
A visit to our Millinery Department will
reveal to y^u the finest dispby of dioice
chic hats of the very latest and most sty
lish designs we’ve ever shown. We want
you to see them.
, Crimnud Hals Irom $l.$0 to $2$.
' Street Hats. 7SC to $4.00.
just received another lot 'new style hats
for street wear.
iCbe Boston
Tor Bofs and Birls.
Made by Mayer for
school wear—will oot
rip and inquire no
rubbers—In several
Wet feel—*col^ —doctor's bill. That’s just
tbe way it goes. \ ou can avoid this by get
ting tbe boy a pair of
Olaterproof Sole Shoes
wide easy lasts, exteorion waterproof sole. There are none better
because they can't be made better. 9 to
13X $1-40. See our window.
Parker Bros.
fltt STnmro mddbp,
B ea*T, Mua« mokoat. octobiw 14.1901.
'■Tea bpeak In riddlea'
am oend m.«wty.“ abe m
meettog hla gam Car the flea time m
wlibotM Ototbing.
Be bam tato a tongb of genii
A1 Behaani oM E T. FMa ob•Bltoctu A Boatwood wired to mo
-Dn-t make it harder for aw than
awwed o 4Mk oblaM In Ae aolf oaor
oa aen aa the dent* nW wna made It la already.- ah.- oahL ber Hp qolrtr'
the BIf mepbaot at Booth Atlootte
obaetote, 1 teft b/ tbe flroi ateomer, tag Irrefireiiaibly. "i am to eanaid
OI^.H. J. TSarfondUtob M- iBBdrd at Plrmootb rwlMdar. and Indeed. Kor bow can 1 oDow myaetf
to marry yon—1. a creature of .im aebwolamr
it fORolrod o bM emd loeAlo le
coant now. wbowe lume Ixj. Iweu l«ndkd Bbont aa a tomisoa tl.lug. and
UMban. ThaiRitaafaatta kaith.
than tbe aald aefllr:
deaerredlyT Ob. one can't preteod
foot to eiroamftoooeo. and ila ■
-AMi! 1 bare bt«a bera aB the the ceoUBry.’’
it It toebat oonMO It boa throe tuwo tlme.-Whata an thbT' be aaked. tala
of aow tooth, aocoe of them on
“What da roo av to a era nra«ot
•oath iwiatrd into Ibe amUlat
laoR, dM Bke o wotroa, and oooa of
Woobtot It bring bock
A ainile under Uo abort dark
the old adiirmiia wtm onmlm'
deobtoqiiick timer
'Yon mum admtt tbai aU
“A ma Tracer abe eolmed ragoe^
TM board of Waaottoa to Ki
me. 1 am oot a flt wqbbb I
tr- ”1 doet tbtok 1 qblte’-a wife agolD.Oitr. Kao. .daeltoad to gran t a ImU bol
Took borer he aald awkwardly, bat
"Ton mean.” W nid. -tbat yun
r»«tertar for the oehaol ehlldr^
itBBaalTdT. TTe aettM It an. nab- don’t enre for me any lonser."
• ttewniTol panda. Aaa to>ect to roor approraL Bltee we’re
In tbenlgbt which had at Uattantat
ealt there were leao (Mn Mf <4 tbo
narTted-ebt Now 1 want rn to tell the outline of bla Caro looked alcUy;
M when we can etart."
bta wire shook.
“When wc can-"Ot>." she aahl. -you know that In l
bori and glrU opeolr doeUrod to too
•: Itol I fi-H4 can t I mne(u-| mar”8iarl Tob unde
mlt Doww
tOMsbore and prtoetpol toot Itofr woald
p you.
1 bare fallen low enuugh.
will JOB Join me In' town aad-and go
lIU I hare only Injarcd mymlf. for
to chutcb wltb mer
be U weU rU of me. I nn-da'l Injare
«.U» of tbom bolted lo too MlaTber halted to their walk, and be
eoorl tide to 000 tbo parade. A i
took pomeaaira of ber haoda.
weoM rery much Ilk.- lu kuuw.too of tbo board of odnaotltm baa bocw
■Ootne.” belaid. Therc-a no poaal- be aald grimly. "If y»u crer ratvd f.>r
Mladteoantdar ditei|>ltoary mca
ble reaaon for d'elarhare waited mry
tong. Let n lane no mote Umr."
“It waatuy cimtr. waan'l MT
An olorotor to a drr cooda tten
her hand* geotlr. but
”.Vud yoo wlih UK- to leare*;'
BL Usta. foil IUtr-a*e foot thU after8br pnl DP hiT banOgto twr fa<T.
"Have you iboucbt It .on-rult^
leatlr wonwa iboppara
Bore than
orerr he wvut on lu a steady, niatli-r
ii-t volw. "You itak.-d ami l.-r!
doeen iwraoae were tojnrod. i
ert-ryihiue for my sak.-. r,.u «id. ami
Mionetr. Tbe aeoideot woi ea
"All Ibli time, and liidn-d It bai It li:i> .wt uw wimelLlug tx-. N.il Ibal
br tbe brtaktoR of a eahia rope.
ee«wn-d tmT- ''rrr !on|!. 1 Imve had I r<|>rua.-Ji ypc..ror. by Iieen-ii. i do
Whan eaogreaa eeavonea to Decem nothlug to do bnt think. The drat
lov.- you:"
ber the •to.OOD.OOO rieata and harbore thing I nwUn-d wai tliat I wa> frer“Y.rtl Will suou get over that, aluemt
bllU killed to tbe olotliic dar* of tbe
tu love rou aa niorli a> I rouM aa so.ni M If I marriid yon. and tti.-o
latt aeoaloo. br Beeator OOrter'a fo- 1‘erhapa a nau ranocit i|ulli> abder- you will s.v that i »u< right ami perepeeeh agnlaat time, will be atand what tliat ntraDt f<.r a noman. ha|» lx- grat. rul to lue.^ nut to think of bi>- |«at Ilfeteanneeb-d and rointnxtoaed. Hiahi"U l!u.t ain....................
“V.-*.'■ Intereat lo the bill it orer p8.- my Ufr with him. Vou know the blot,
the tiD upon l|. I fell abort In my dnly
“V«u ate qnlle diwldedr
and my fallb. aad I deeplec myaeir.
Kenaior Voorlet of Wiaeoatto. mjt
-I ha.l Ix-ii.T say cmdl.y at once.*’
able-bodied todlaai will teoo be roI -Cwnlby.*qniied br the tterornmaet to work f«a babll. and reiy low. with her baoda
IV.- aiv n
not hkdy to tu.x-1 again to
llrioc aad oolr acod nod todrai will tlgblly riaaped.
utry-. are
Deerral." he saaured ber. “you angot totiona.
." udmllted tbo wuioan.
W. II. Oibaoa. it jmn eU. mid to like all wumru~blK- iH-W out Lor Itnmh as tf l.y a
"Ob. iw; Pome of them are good, t' iBU-ulsv, au.t hi- Imue-dUl.-Iy (..uk i.v
bo tlie heir npon too dnth of bU
haw la-ea w<-nk and wicked. Pieliapa aos.ii.li of ih.’Ui.
mother to aoTetol tboulmd dollaia. U
waa Irlfd tuo far. I unvl to nay m>
"V.iur. i-li.-.ks ore w.-t.“ h.- Mill.
Baadned ton Otaloaco poUee atatom
fbe daya when I made ■•xegHoN for
-.lr.- tli.-y r
oo a Bharge ot berglair. Oibaon ad-r...r inti- llttlo fare; p-jur lonci
mlU hli gBilt. and aa a reenlt of hU
■ioa mBoh of the jowolry ftolen
IS sUL ImmUnna. r
■on reeorated at a pawn tfaop.
-Yes. II fell tiM- Ds.-i.-smess «f ilulnj
1I-- .Ir.-w iK-r ls«d .hiwii ui.ui Lit
sluul.h-r and .-lasiss] h.-r In hliu at
blr contod br volmmie oetlritr in
li the no. aud I tsmed my IlKiugbla' lu il.
p-ntly a- If kIk- l.ad Ihs'Ii n < hlM.
Ifle. raising
inialng tbe level
lerel of too
"iVlifll jnWmf a I.U.-kcuanl illd youbare ooenrrod ae the wool oeoat of
“Thm- 1 saw my aaliaUun."'
faiu-j I w:..’ IK. y..u think 1 alll. vor
Nlflorogna. Tho oMat waa flooded
“Of i-oorse."
lot j-u g-r
a depth of eight foot and ooaaidcnd
*'BDt not In Ibe way you ip-an.“
Til.:" sh.- Im-nlTi.'.l Ju.t J-r..r.- li.e
Til what way>"
At Bk licraU Bdward BmtUi of Boa“I abuulJ U..I liBTo allun-od you I
fcur.ii you wvn- guiug lu laki- iih- at
ton, a lien tamer, came near loatog jorne ha.-k." .Is- s*hl wistfully. “TVl
hit life dnrtog a porformaneo of toe .you forgive m.-V“
• «TAtig A30> PbATfOBH.
TM Otood Boplto Beeatd
7th hat toe fMowtag TWroet i
■ s.T=fwsr.
Hm third •Uempl of Ofud Bcptdi
MftnA tell (wtiTml bu pror
ttiteV. Bbd the RlBMrtd
bMB i«t>■o—8ii • nrW of fkfc* ifaevi. with
OBir M oow€lori»l wwtbr teMra ot
the wvpUaa of Mt. VanetBL
omsIcm U chan* of the «hov
fu thu lut row.’
botbw hlloritr ood M obl««tloiabl<
Then were erowda from
oat of tho eitr. bat iber wrat o«v
Two eoratroU
bon tftod la Oiud BoplAi, and Ibo
mwU hoe bwB foHim- ia both loI—8IA Thie Une o hUtorieol <!>••
. pter vlth ioolilotttol ooBeemoDl obMeprlaM woe proateod. bat the bliWrleol fMan woe of little totoMot
owd ibooBtartBioaaatoimotef e
tospt erill fwobablr ehovlaoe UteVollor extr tbM to nok«.a ouoM of o
All feoUrol oone o(bw ploo mut bo
It U to be lociotiud tbol
tho BlaeeU wm o foiluro. boeonee ii
boo MtboMO Rood thiogte Qimtid
Tbot cKr ooaollr nokeo >
■ oooeeoi of wboc U otteoipce, bat it
MOt bo ooofonad thM the OBd oooirht
mad (Woollead hoe net bM otloliiod
thle tiaa._______________
Otmml Alr-r'e book eoetaloe oou<took rolotlra to the ooadoct of the
Ute wot. and AdBlTBl fleaipooa U oot
o|ato4 br the ei-eoarotoiT of war.
Moodeof tlie admiral ante that
laqalrr be bold rolatlTc to Oeonol
Al^'a ehaiRoa. In oedor to viodlcat*
the admiral.
Whotorsr ralcht bo tbo
aortli of enob on loqBliT. It U oorMb tbot br the time the BeliloT
Ur It dlepoaod of tbe pnblio will hate Kalool animal show. Smith waj
hod mioBRfa of noTol oeondal and wiU Iton-s nago oxbiblltog the animal.
howUUnc'tbKlTeSoiuiooo the bono- When be atoned to leave be turnod
i; won oaatamed and welt i _
aged, wluh- tbe aeswy U for and
above anything toot has Um shown
iMoe toU
to Porter J.-White’s-patriocUoa of
fnnat at Stotoben'a Orond noxt Priday. Oot. IS.) there are nine apeeUl
electric eSeeu to ad.lltica lo hU own
veraloe ot tbe famous "Brocken'
aeede: "The tUto of Fite.’’ ‘-Biee
trial SwocdDael;" "PlrePliet^'
nowerBeda;" "Btora;" "Homing
Glories;" "KoekUee:" "Bkall;" end
'Oircle of Plre;" not to mniilon
eloctrie owUmakee, beta, limrda and
olbrr wlerd, noeanny and bloodcordlutg cteaures, all ap{BronUy ebeerfnl inbebilanta of Ihu
stage Uodee.
f *
U Either in solid mahogany or fine quarn ter sawed oak? \Ve have.six tiiflerV* ent and verj’ pretty patterns in 'stock
ai^ will put a price on them' hfonday morning that
will surely move them to your homes at once. Only an
owner of a ladies' dressing table can appreciate their
value. 1‘lease call and get oiir prices.
Oreal tonic braeoa body and mind,
drives sway imparities from yonr avs-
Jas. U. Jcdinaon.
W. L. Douglas
$Q Shoe.
FeiDAY, OCT. 18
U-. L DOOOLASSiJS. S2.S0. tASt. $4M. mattSM
5ben are ftaily «s good Of offtcr aakM
mr. Porter J. Wbiie
Wc .ire L.xclusivt; Agei.ts for this City
•II- VI.-. . ..«oUSs
HepilarPricK! 25,35. SO, 75c
at of OBJ doBbte that Aere mar be im bla hoek oo tbe bean for a
Wallace, toe big Hon. leaped a
roRord to Alcor'e inbileatioiia
tbe cage, ooagbt amllh try tbe
aor oTCBt. fram proaaiil IndlmUt .
U clear that Inoidoau oaoBoctod with on.l threw blm down, tearing bit
end badly laoorttog fait bock
Bampoao'i oooroe wiU tiare Iobr bo«o
familiu br the ttmo tbe Behler in- end aide. Two oaototonta dron
«Blrr U elaaed. And It will be joet lion bock and aared Smith from death.
M well. Tbo bettor war wonld be for Bandemaainm ralgned atoond too oege
the goBorol and oamltn) to got toRoth- for BOTcaal mtontoa and many w
or bobind otoaed and iwddnd- doort falBted;er oorram-d wUb fright.
■iCbl boot ntt tholr fouorter and Hlea AtberttBn.toloiat. poaaed
tbrongh Wtodaor rrlday to tbelr Star
of Hope roaetie wagon.
They droro
Into In the aprtog tbey drove from
TBo Oofc IM aeboet
to tbe erpogition eily..
day today, whUa tbo toonootton waa Hookey mya toot bs totoki hit
being mode to the
■t tbe Pon-Amertcen hod a good
It woe romocad toat laeorln forer elfoot.
Bonaod the clootog. bat tberr to no
Yolo onlrerelty Im* awarded to a
tratb to toe toporl
Boatoe flra the ooBtfoet for a Urge
moeUngt dnrtog toe
oodatfoo UOBt in tbo manner whleh
J7rr Yoa lafertsM im a BesmtIM
oad^bodra lanambwMd
. ItisweUaoa1 fay teltoed oeoora ood
organ lo be pUc«d to the new endl
ttouawr. .
torlam br ftmda fnrolibed by tfat
qeliDlB la at lead liimaUng. .......
oven amnwng B.ire Ifain ihiN bo ia td
practical ■•mee. Hit danng onieamBhieiiaBi otin np atagnaliiig wolem and Senford end Jepeon after a riait
lalicrea tbe gray ajutuauliy of oanm.n Bnrope. dnrtog which many of the
acBor. l^-rba)w we regard him with the large Enro|ieaB organa were ••xomin«d. - The DOW organ. wbieli.~il ia ho
too. hkedai'l* and hard drinking; and
Inrall a man .tithnsiaalie i> almiwt oa
gieal an iiiaull aa to .all him geut.oL
Aad wi wc l.iA aakaiwo at QuiatWry.
Imeaua- »t lama llw ••rofl.." Bat |.tkopa We ratlwr might t..|w.xi> that it ia
mmnrb a. thing of ih.- |iaat andrb.wiah
tboor few inatann-a id 4 that ntnaln;
oot inly Uv-auw .if iulanimlc value,
hot tavanai-w biri't Ik-ovin dtar Uiinktw
toUa. tbo (dumom » .dt.n .d wrvk>-.
Uko aa t>if.-r>.e —proUv ho will bo
hMtd by bu m»-h arrrw^ing. and nolbtog la ever dtoe witlswii; a i>-r..anL
Ve haro Hr. Bumbh-'aMal.-tin-utlhat
tbe peblio la “a hsw."[aml >1 ia mly
MO opt to ataad l>-lw.vij iia |■tw.■Tbia]
two bandies of hay anil taal<- nmtlwr.
Btakea agad d.wih<WBleit Inenthot
dMp, aweel olnmlar in wim-li it hahitnoUylMo. dnwBJiiigibatltudr-ingtumo.
thing. aghflngoU unties over again,
totoewd (d bestirring iio if nbnal m-w
mwa. Moel pngtesa and repreially poliUool prognwv IS a wn.-s of nunptutoima Ki. jtny git. as morh s> it
- good atory oo Seoator Berarldge
la broogfat from HonlU by Rev. W.
H. UnmU ot Hawaii
The leoator
was oddreoalng 700 aohool teonhera
who bod Joat reoebed HonlU on Ibe
tzouport Thomoa HU tbemo waa toe
dBly of tewebera to inatrael tbe notlrea In ntatnaaa and anltoble
He dwell os the importoitee ot man
sharing every day and of woseo dotng-ap their hair and ot neatneet of
aptmreL Tbe aenator bimaelf looked
very natty to a white dncA anlt of
miUtory CBt. battoned np to the chin.
Bwt oa he todnlged to vigewoos
geetorea a batMm of hU
>t Sew elf and
oiff f<-ll among tJ
reeling Che fact toat he wore only e
thin nadereblrt and no ooIUr.
KiDdleaanewtbefliMof yoeth. It's
toe beodof toe wnrka.
T^ mom
' life. Rooky Heonlato Tm.
Eeep yap to tbe n-mr cd your affeogmortcf ifeobto and danger (dda-
Wbltnlaw Koid taw iHier h
PoUtBM it a kind cd a
Which oarolcpB tbe aipunii.w ^ m
•bmnrr, m that otluT lavqds be not
WsaoMbytoem. Wo obcaihl m-ver ho
aritbowt it, era wfaen we ocmteBd witb
llered. will be to.- tlneat to Amerlee,
will hare between 4.&00 and S.OOO
eniwliid waa
ingt natog S«^ HoonM
enmlea na tor oor efferta it
■Only natil Ootobw I6ib will parhoeen of Tlw-Katleml Voperlaer reoeire wlthoat eboega, one mento’e
aapfdy of awdUtoe to nae to It. Tbe
proTiena necloa aboold have hod a
1 limit batby mUlake of tot
it waa o
tor it
Sold at ang auveo a
«B and Wait A Serna.
hm't raik. wait for me. The I’m It. Tbe Chicle HeifbU
; Cfckage lieiehU Beeknipt Sale | Benknipt Sale.
make j-our dress skirt hang right you must
W have an underskin that is made to eorrespond
witb the style of the dress. Vou will find just
the right cut and dare ib the Elite Skirt-made
of only the best materials—cut by skilled workers—
and sold at the lowest price possible to produce a
worthy garment.
Prict*. $1.00 up t» $7.50.
1% Uio IDillikCfio
It is not orily the best heater for getting all i
^ the heat out of the fuej and reducing fuel i
w bills^ut it can be used for any fuel that is'
X the fnost convenient or the least expensive'
^ to you. It will bujrn hard coal, soft coal or ‘
X wood. It burns them equally well and is one ^
X of the cleanest stoves made. THIS GREAT ^
STOVE EXHIBIT is open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. i
^ m. six days in the week and it is well worth i
your time to thoroughly examine all the t
many stoves we Show. IHE flHlT ROUHII 0«, THE COAL <
. MtaXDAr. OCTTOBXB lit 1*01
mmm Only Oalf
T0NI9HTSa?^ eiotbeiL
4H •wuZTcMMIr criMi< *• dp..
r'*' J
■lyiMtf —!■—
Gannents far WooMD
TW hmt wm^ te *t M« •«U - *»
W«dH« ««h-i - «-Mr
Mm« h
far *• MM efAMrto.
Tlwf* wai a pteoy jeiiog gM aamed
Madrlenr, aad ai tt vaa rcfr w
Bbe thought abe woaM go aad hatbe la
arar the watertaO. Aa
^pnmrbed the baak abr kwfced i
■ rly a knr time at the watcr-d
ar. tomalttwaa-for Madeiettr
■ daagMer •■f a water elf. aad the
fory of tbe rptarart warn t» ber cwcet
BJDelr. (the diimla-d. Idared hrrdalDty
rlottea auder a willow ttee, aad ndaabA>g nyly leto the lake awbai from end
to rtid aa entlly. aad gratwfoUy a a'
•waa. for a whole boor cbe played
Id the raaaltig water, oorwaarloe
KM the two mdm ef (tab ttory aad '
ererytblag mre that abr waa very
beo fire a eadkk mi tb* reidace as
e Ibe oiaiU of Dr. Fioce'a Coldes
After abe bad eoioytd hrtMlr
BWbUe abe rHsreed todbr liaak. f<r H
■a auw late aad that ereelag abr waa
folag iDllie tmll of TIUDka. BaL alaa.
Ibv •Tarty wind, like a tblrf. bad
rted tbr flotlire away oo bit winy, aad
Wadi-letle M-arvlied for then la vala.
It angry wbeo the beard tliel
rrlirnl lireeu- ruatltag tbr l•raarllea
ererbnd. Im|>py to ate Lrr ao l•rauUfnl and white and Uughtug morfclugly
•wak >•* licUr hom I wraw 10 IH. nrttr.
at ir to aiM'laoil the cormai of Itt trlrk. tadbtMid-fcxmklmreW Ibtgulettke
tier anger did But lirlug lark tbr aa -OeUra tAMmllMcrmr.-nO okkian I
cbaliea. and li wat miel f.r tbr geotle
le^JWJit I wtt enOfclr
1 •ttigk mote
latber to hau- to pi tliruagb the flridt M
ner Mn la l*y hfc aaC tm coOralr
lUtle dn-MMl at a Illy. Tnily. abe
IB very niiirlj atbaiiMtl. amt abe frit
Dr. Flmr-t Golden Medical DiacoTjn«l rhagrlD alto a« tlni Ibougbt oT cry caret ditntrt of the moauA aad
the danrr. fiw If (■ Dot (nitlooiBry for c*bar ocnot of digeatiaa aad antittioo.
iig girl* i» p> In a «laiire wltboot ncnreitbraagb tbo Meetarii diwaaet of
any robe. Hut bapiilly akmg the' path heart. Itver. luogt, ktdaayo, rte., wbirb
have Ibrir origin in Aiwaw of the oumi.
tie- raior to an •4d tn« with large
aeb aad ilt aiaociate argaat.
Aiuivth k-ari-t ijp It.
Sick peraoet are l8Tited.lo eosmh Dr.
“Take one «.f luy liram-lieii. poor little Pirrer. bv letter, free. All carretnead.
girt.*' Mid tiH- Im-. -aiMl make yeunrir
Addnm Dr. B. V. Ksco.
tlreoa of ii!y foHagi-."
kleOeli-ltP rliuM- tlie lirnlK-ti tlilrkfwt
witli b-nvm. but lr> *t abe would »be
Dot make tla-tn Ray •m biT akin.
They fell l» tlx- earlli. ollliougli they
would gladly bti<- rviiiaiiiitl allsHittl
at^ to CHKtif, pkm
muT mm. mtmor mum.
gnafar dacrw- of polrtmfaai Id
teg ■Mmtloe. DDd (b napooM
raqoMt from tb* Wom'p
Oo^ the Port Hanst heard of edocMlM iiH ordered that all mboUn
man mloie the Man aad HlripM at
faan osoaa daf la (heir aeboel fooma
Tim Bagf fer tbit paryoW: roe la oaob
room, hare been provided by the O.
A. & DDd WoamB-t Belief Oorpa
A elab of well koowa <>>ldwaier
Tbe faaentl of Obarlea Kroapa oroatred from bU late tendaoee at Bow
en Harbor ymtarday morBlDg.oad wai
attea<MllB oddiUea to o Urge Bambea
of hU former oel^bon <w the pbalaeala.by o giaat>aay friaada from thli
elty. who waot eat ob the Oolamfala
whieta h-fl ttaa dock bare a1 » o’clook.
The faaeial wrlee* at tlte Mdeoee
were ooodaeied by Ber. Ure«t> of Old
The maale wm fanktabad
l^let Imre br«u the verb of iceBTbyamaleqaarteteoneUtiogof Bemr.
tag a boapIlaJ for Ooldwaler.
Bkelebv. While aod Ruitet aad Dr.
taliara to aMare moaejr lo balld.a fotSuyder.
MoPheraOD Poet O. A. R.
dien’ BweaBient it dae to the alaoet
U decIre Uiat a memorial hoi- attaeded la a body.
After the fanral
pffal ba boilt Inllmd.
roaldmMM. tha ramolaa, with the fanAt Mk CletneuU la aoltlng
ml |)arty. monad on tbe Colombia.
Mme old paper* la the ooart booae.
’ ODd war<' met at Ibe dock by MePlwrBegtator of D<«dt Switaar opet
too Oorpk, who aooompaaied tbe n-
later Of Deads' oAoe.
Tha boi waa
ISS4 at the age of n yma
After a ibort time speat laOlevelaadl
Iba aatale of tbe Ua- James lUUiaDetroit aad Ohioago.be eame to Travway. of Kaw Baltimore.
They wire
•rae City aod ealeted tl>e am|4oy of
eompoaed of deedt. mortgoget, bank
Hmry Uaanali. In tfOd be aelUed oo
reeatiAt aad iirtrato yaiwra. moat of
the farm at Bowen Harbor, wluire be
whieta ware uiade
jaior lo IbU.
Iwa erur siaoe recided.
The ladiaaa tireet railway, whteh
iu IMU. Mr. Kroom married Mloe
oriuopeme b.-lweaa SU Joceph and
Mary Repeo. Tea ohildten were-bora
Hootb Bend, baa
Ibe Wallace eetnle of ino aerat.oo tbe to cla-iB. of whom iiiae sarvlTe. They
wen all tmeat at the faneral of
8k Jotepta river. It wilt boild
their failier.
They are Mre. Mary
•Bcr foaort aad have oae of tbe Oaett
Harlow of Tower. Minn., Miae NelUe
patkt la tb* state. Oae boodred aud
Kroopa. Jatla. bow Mn. W. K. RearSfly ibotiaaDd dollat* yrUI be expeodoey of Uile city. Mr*. Jotle Borowlta
of Wanana. Wit.. Dr. M. A Kroota
of ibli olty. Rose, tbe wife of Wil
iato a abopaad aoki<d fora pair of
liam Dotam of Bower* Harbor, and
"paaperriiee otringi." wbro be wantad porpotsr hide atrlng*. eoofecaed to Ubariea, Bert aad Uaaelo.all of whom
Mtde at tbe old Ironie. Une daqghler,
at tbe beooh that he m-vet
Mn. Anna Heabrook. di.,-d
took n newspaper ta bit life aad
■Itda't oato mn^ nboai rvadin*. any
Mayor Mnnn-'a •Av in the DUtrict
aallding la a run.wiiy rixip. -He baa
Ibrvv a collcrtnai <f artirha nord by tin'
iiuala wbu have IxxW ran down by
tbe nn-tropolilan polvv: but tln-n' la
sue pariirnlar aiSieli'anxoig them that
lapnihabty Un- •vuUT U iubivxt
■PH'snuKv it ixwviibliw an ouibtvlla
-that ha> aeu nim-h •awn'i'. ir tl niig
be lBk.n for a aiiqp' omhiella, nirti
1. mad l.y Hark, in 'Tw-le Teau'a
Tkix iinitBlbia aBibn-llawaabnaeriy
I nqaTtv <3 a Imrglar. and il waa by
ita linxuia that be waa able lo •■kUT lla'
Bwad stray
a baihliug. Katuoriiig
tbi'(xiviT.'a alirk wonud with pq*-la
iTi'ali'd. Thi- at>ni •■(a-lni liki'> b-b'araqic or a >>iut<xl Aoh |»le.
arouitd il » a pqw laitikT,
g mabvial and abai IS fix-i ia
length. Tlie laddiT !• tiuly w hb' euuogb
' r mic fcol to bi' |danxl I.I the nmuda
Tin- exteudiug oliek waa ued lo ruine
a-einl .f itaBjailder w. lln- wimV
tbP*^ which the •qn-rnl.v wixh.'d
enu-r, aud ou un.' end, .d th.- lad.l.T an
twoiiixAalnla faxi.-n.dtotIn-Bill Tho
ivawv wax liik.-u fpvn a p.lnn-d:
bargUr namrxl Jaiae* Huac.
DOW <k-niiig «rii a 2i) sri-an' wntc-orv in
lbeAllwnyp>iitt<-utiaryf>w Inriw-bP-ok-
«rc wax &nt arpai.d al.a! ten
“F'lr. 0e.“ hlaw-il a elikn' voire wblrk
-aiue from down there uiakT a wiki yean agiv It wax th.-n that hi- niaile
■ hhimh-n-r wku •/1b>-Ia>ld-T to gain ailiiiilluiKX' !■<
m tlial t.vi.pl.d him. He wiu
_ .
e hall
•daaail.T. ami whib'.«i 1««pI ahip
ul II AiiB'kIaivr
-ItBity oeriiput <.f gre.-o and gold." iearu.d the art .if uiaking ami xiihei
aaM >t*detpue. “w ill jmi I.- my uw-k. m»'.- Kuter.nc li«- |l.-ld •rf .Time.
rumvir.xlllK-id.-anf the Pip.- Imbb-n.
Tbe village Of Oopemitb oao boat!
■ Vi-r>- willingly," repIlAl Ibe aenieut. It IX rcgardixl aa (an- >d Ihe
gi-uiiMs Btrairx eviT made nia* .'f by
Of one thing that ao other Hieblgoe
baa been dead aeiue year*.
Ihh-f. Il-carri.xl nnotlH-r bxlx. ax
vllfage <mn. aod that i* that pr«eny
Charles Kroopa entered the Cniled alenilder. and tin'll tl
wa< what ia known is poli.v ein-l.-a aa
owaan pay no tat<w there. The vila "onmniiT llit.f,'' one win. workx
Btatee aray In I8FU aad aerred till thing wrapiari lia-tf gently arv
lig* U Ineorpmled Wader tbe atatotea
wln-n windowa an- left c]>-tv M-av.the elon of tbe war. He wac a i
m n-x-fc .If the
of Mlehlgaa. baa a popoiatlon bf too
aiinie. nx h.- waa afraid lo Iraxt
“Olu kladririter vri
paople aad ba* good aebooU.ofaarohet. bet of McPIiefooB Pook O...A. B.. Ba
a "IbI.
Waaliingb*! Port.
glon Molina,
“knu wxnihl go to
der wl>ve onepiem tbe foWetal
aad b hi all a model little vilUgedai.iv Willi uujeui'la Iu .voUT^Jra.'
Tbe lioeaaea from tbeir mlooet and
\iun- here, Jln-n." (Tl<glenadHette.
nadry other smail lioraaet i> adeafie hung friini •-eeb of Iht <wn
qaate to pay all eypeaiee of tbe vil
lieautirul lltiiu: ruhy.
'fhua gnyly oltln-d Madelette w«it
“I lost that Ihnnib by knowing
I* difflmH
liall of Tltuulo. Tke little falrba moefa,''said Cbe old rtnt%maii. in
At Dearborn Fri-Uy Mra Rachel
• Iniaglia-. Although, a* a rale. It dona
dannxl uudtT tbr ahiide of tke gn-at ■WIT to a qm-ry. ''I was ixabing boi a
rated her lOilth birthday
fmw. ami Uadek-tlr wax *u prefjjyin IrtKkTfovd. boi I ih.mglil la-uauxe 1 mold
at tbe borne
A of iw daughter. Miv.
ber •plrndid •xatume that Ibr king
rapeacalfinaixvral th^ I nm
Abtow Upbam. asclcted by
luvited to oiling any orn- clap could.
I cut of iBitiM- drnd Wiaal, and
friea<U from the
•Tbcend day that I wcat uut with
Ing opthi-ir fnnitnu <u a cxaivivdent tbe file. Ml In b.ie «llh biT..
Un. Smith ia enjoylag tbe beat of
lie liiilbxl kiT to dance.
my rawhidi' riata m mr oad.lle *•
lurk IS riom, baikiiig. aa Ib-y hold
bealtb. riie doelaao*. and ekpecU to
tU-ir gn-at ><inb<d riing eom-d
Uva for at lea*t another decmle.
Hbr I
,bei, claw. h.-ld al.rfk It'olouxy and puttlug Itx bead of green bow to nqv a owxT and
ami c.d.1 rtnoe li. tke •■nr of tke ikUd. ran arutuid tlie hm uf tb.-saddle with
«l in her habit», Uie \i-ry pirtun-.if a«r<M»<'w arfarv.
Iiluxkhig yoiiug glli lab] DO. the riata wIk-o I wauUxl i.> bold him.
retiring every night at h o'clock
bat I told
arising at b In tbe moratng. Her beat latliJuig ran ami await tbeir levy. b.xxl lo till* H-uiark.
"Swixv •»tB'." alglMx] tke king during to do it. a
trtcBd U brg old fitpe. wblrii she eii- Tbiai- on- Um- auall. U-aatifnl butn-ybird* that dart from fliooiT (o flowrv Ibe walla. "It ia late, aod If yew only qaeoee.
will gu and await you down
auil takelbi- platwtif ita-hamming bird*
••I ebucked tlie pipe
Uo-rr. and we aball ta- marrleal.'
vra* rannnig and qntckly wiamd tlio
large mouthed black j f
tbe avapWo
akeuld like It well, uiy h>rd." aald riata annnd the b.ira uf Ihu aaddlrv
laaaagbt oy
by Bdward‘^
lawm wmon waaoaagni
,to idiriuk lUUiOie riiSK-niiUl H baxaure UiidelHIe
There Wax a > tb. (be riixT wivil down,
• iKi nut go." entue tbe plerrlbg wkl»- oml toy thnuib waa rraabed to a pn]|v
Sisoo. andUoappotedtobe tbeUrg-l^„M impm>'plibh'.
ifadd-uly ihr
osl ef Ita kind ever eaaghk Ita m^- 'gtvat inax-t will raion lla rUw> end per «ir lie' *i-rjieut wlitw llie walU w am 1 bad. iu taking a tnni w ith the riata
erammii ere :
(lirta.'lk'^^inolMai ;dut at it* -Uwoliful vlrtun. which ina Hlilalicd. Hat Madi-b-lle prrU-uded not ■ruau.1 ()k' bu^ nowiitiugly got 'tny
■ derinyoA—btxond Magw to hMe beard, and Mwliig that tke king Uiuiab b'lwtxvi tbe pipe and tbr p<anow xtariixl out abe ,w«-nt la-lu
mil. Wbin II ligbttaad I het my thunb
It waa caught la Pine l*laad
found him awaiting biT.
‘-IVlvn anralxiy bold* a haipiobia
lake. Kent oownty, »epk IP. with a
" iMa t m
“Take euru." crle^t Hie acn*-i
.right band. P-aJy to thp)w. hia (bumb
teo-foel pole, asri a nnall lilk line, ,
-Tbe tvearbi'l' made a gtvet mtriaka
peutngbla i:iUeim>alL-lila fane
is poinimg fnau him. After llw tbniw
abont tbe Width of a needle. Mr. M.-jfaSmidaj.oiidluriaguodeollectkm.”
d thnaletilngly in ll>e air.
itWDsttiral f.g him lo let the riaCa
ooa*y. hewaanotHahlag ftw<ariiai
Mn>h-h'llr Ml In-r living eullsr llgbt- ' slide IhpMgb hia buid fnou bis link'
u. but *o Jciyou* Ba> aleOngiT towanl bis thnn.b, bnt if h.> atSab. bat tnddeoly he felt a *titmg tog ;
SB bU Hue. and he managed to iMd
rCTigicgalioo tboughl of Iwlng niarrb-d lo the king of tcuipn 1.1 wind it aMum) the aaiklk'
abr dbl uot trailte born in that way it i* kO to 1 that be
tbe mcmalet wiUioat a net Th.' ftsli.
him to call again lu tb.
wUI gH bw lhamb tanghri op a> I did.
I »6(b
bmeha Ann
•il, lord," . hi abe to Ibe king. Aftdr the thprw b.- has tu let go of the
1 fai pBl in a glaaa '(
■wimak lo
Iu nw
me »
of b»<-. and I win gli'e riata entiMy. o-iar it agmiu, and aa be
Amil Nerltnger of BU Raptfa, wlio you mj lltUi- fli.grr to klaa."
Winds it around lb.- mddle famn k-t it
qieot Sanday lo the eity, retoned
At that Inataiil tlb-y In-ard a kt-en Blip tbruogh hia band from hia thnmb
bias. Madi-liVIe turm-d |ale. and atnl- toward hi* little fingiT. Joat ncwtbxT
V d.-idy with n unan dull amt brief »be that and it may save yuo a ibnmb''
fell down lb.-re at Ho- feet «if tin- Ling, Bon ynneiapi Piwt.
•trangled d.-mj
Tlie MTia-ul Mule
tray Jamm W»t$war. Baawv.
■way llirougb Ab>' graox and Ibe king
Divxi wax always andkr thq imprv*•- guome* retuniixl to Ibe l«11 to
aean-k f.ir anulber lalde.- Kruiu tha ■loa that be wa> a bom buni.Tlxt. and
fala frtendx uct eo.Tvrded to coorlarbig blui is tbe cuBtrary. But
aay* bl> tiuim.r waa tb.- mean*
A bwflext tPT aixn.lx liiilx ebaoce of losing a girl wKh a lot «>f mon.-.v, 1..
livliie Trrv* drnu.l.'d of tbeir l.rivr* optatna It In tbi* way; He w a* court■(•Tplllar* aud utUr uibR-kk-vuu* lug a brukrfe .Uagfattr. tine day be
called upon her. and *be hat.peiipl to
Iw at home; be caoridrred blmiHf
fmtnoate. as abe had bfra out every
time be bad colled for a w eck. and be
e rallpiad. mao . tow Iq bmfctng drivnnlDrxJ to make tbe best of faU oppucluUtty and pop tbe qtHxukm. He
mari dr>«v.'<1.
-I'U nevi-r acala a*vc op my poor fotmd ber Iu a ruom boally engaged
wHfa ainaU busdtea.of dried giaaata
rlgar* to gtrv awayr br *aid.
“Why ocK?- aakvd a rrtcnrt.
•rhk h abe had eoUeried. “tVlrit a
“WriL“ mid he. -yuo know rvo qnauHty of dried graia yoa hare colbeen graftlug <hj ibe Z. V. aod X. fur iK'led. Ml«x Ritchie." be xaiiL Tbea
twroiy yeaiw. and yerirvday I beard il* bODMc bunt f.Tlh
' XhT room
Ibai I was Sbaot m be prDiMtvd. That for a d.Hikey to gel Into." “Make
Uckivd me. and I bcvngbt utst my box yoorarif at home Mr. James.•' iheaald
of give-away rigor*.
■weedy. Irif.ire b.- rould flalxb tbe
Vluag■ U
lo r
D a Btrangm }(*e. He west home aod aH tbe bo__T In am
an to talk, t drew tbe mor waa evnahed cot of him fcrcTCT.
look a rigar and left."
xtiooblo. I
That is such a dis
tinctive feature of
our ^uits and Over
coats. is much in
evidence in every
pair l>f Trousers we
sell. ; We have just
put ton sale about
|j four |mndred pairs of
Troilsers in line Worsteds. I^ught a little under i^rice
and pITered tu you at
$2aS0 and $3,00a
Some extra fine gratles. new patterns, all wo'ol worsteds.;al $4.00 to $6.50.
tt natb*
Pfia KAIA la all
IxiAV IsBBxerMu «*ua*
lOxamml. Ruo* A
Ucwv tai Ixw* 1
. Tomvw.ori A I
Y Tl) UHK oe
LonU oiri Laws IVx
tor n^ or •mkoa'UBv aaid •■« urma Voaou
■Mirrlixaiv. <n-?U ml with Mvlbwig ^
. timwpt-l hsTericaid hur-av.o’U-xi Bay
n fxrm.xlbor pn.xx lioigjre nf hamay
QROrntFAKIIIO ¥1- Uy*-r
wlnUTfr-m Rm) Hay Mom b). r^B Oori
! Special Openina
Sale on Fur$..
In addition to our own stock, one of
the best as well as largest Fur Manu
facturers in the East will display their
lirie in our store
Hot Rolls,
hot muffins, hot cakes,
made with Royal Baking
Powder may be freely
eaten without fear of
ij digh'Class
s;k-.3S s iPrii-sisSs
Inn of Ike lane abe us- a llxmibuidi.
whhb Mv-liH-I In o-al.re
truulde alH- uanjn.
“Uy airier." anid IIh- kind ahruh.
“lake oeiiir of my tliuna. and tlu-y w1U
-i-r\r you aa plna tu fnri>-)i your gowu.'^
I'lie (liigera of kladelHle Bi-iaiHl U|n>n
k(i aliarji pidni* and Hied in foree one
of IIm-iii In lier oiifl akin »» ax In bold
Ibi- nekle Irex-H. Hut a( lb.- Unit trial
drop nf MubI r»Be un the tlHiru. sod
tie gave a cr> of lain.
And tJa-n Ike Virgin Mary, not w'
Ing tkal tbr jvMiue girl abould go alvut
lei fall from In-r velerilul
ad> of roH.m r
dl«ttvHM-<l imi
Madebile pli-kixl tkeiu Up eagi-rty. •rat
ed le-m-lf <Mi Ike lank of a rireaiii aud
IliBU It wtHikl take Ike
lie leaviT off a tmuldlllg
unde lierw-lf a robe luiltke eina-lel of a laailc. Tke
IlHitiiB wi-n- good ihxbIIi-*. Um- thread
Hie Virgin U-ld deUgblfqlly tbe
n-B IngiilMT. and nlut la-tliT tkliiihlr ciold «ioJ wl*k Ikan tb.- egg
llUle bird? >laih-k-iie now avii
e«tln-ly b.-«|ii>y and vify iiroud of ber
i No matter how well your c<at aod vest fit.
! you are not more than half clothed if you have
I an ill fittins pair of trousers.
tifisda^ and Wednesday,
October istb and im, im
Be sure to see this line of most.relible Furs, at : : :
»TUflbe|m Brotbers.
i sBOMnwaBATnsB ctrt, IUrMl, k(MkAT« dor. 14. uoi.
m m*MW Mt*.
•*« MWwi(h
«iri nrMt tf r«a M( M bM b* •»
<ae }«( ilk^ rovRL B«o« eld*
•r* B> BMfl •boot (bIL rn bMtm*
|k«Bin)<i(>ebnF.iriUBr.~ Sbr pick-
•« BP tiB BtTtocrapb ttot «u trMC <«
-Dctft’t take UbL' bbM tUnev«Ctht
.BVBcr bT Ub BO-toetk**.
pmutdlBk.*‘Wbst'a tbc matter vUb the atrlBf
' la tfaer* DO ink la iir
“T«: iranottlBL-Oaa It «oo* wroDft
Wotrt It
It wTttBB bU nfbt. tar- “Terr wea- aakl UlraDda; “Itaa tt
WtUdo/ormeBb pIrknJ BP tbr atrk«r«t>t> aod
WBB Bboot to *lre it ttic preUmtaarr
Hrt wWrb er»T7 BtplofTatili ezpeCU
Wam It win wart work. Uaixatrt
tkBCbt tar lBt>4.
-iMe-t <Jo that!
Jm daeaa-t like U. »ta aurta at once
A Wflniejit Alarm.
•1 taBB kmanite a
lfcawBrtdlfll.**Bgi^----------w laeaiM/. "bwl I «d wm/rtm —a
BsaldBBfcaa NiiiBinlla Emupatbaa
would am eebo la ABBtea. Qa tba
pi.— eg a tittla laa ta tta Bwta
^o^alaa laM aBBDMr 1 ebattadwMi
sd at twoortbinapldaM m
WB Ml aa tf w« had a UtUa . .
BDoapoUk Ota eg tbraa
aMod if wa knew Hr. a
Aa te ia
ecrylatimata triced og
dialtr taeatrd aad faU
hia family. laeideatally I apokoog bk
flm wife sad eoDmenlod <m tbaf
e lawraTaad wremd Hrw a
0 alt-jw Ita pietare of tar |r«de:o band in tta boaae. -WeaevB
be «m Hra. a." 1 aaid. ‘bat wa
o katpallia
tlon and otaDoiyuf taroolcg tta w«y.
■■Hy new foaad friBtd amitod a little
-Wliat> i'em caU year stylacik^ oddly bedoR abe aaid: •Ttatewaaoaoa
thing peeollar aboal tta flnf Hra B..
-All BtykifraplB ha*e a inranniHty." Whkh. 1 beliera. cmM be attrilaMd to
-I're rot a at^ocrapb loo. 1 thtak
a ninly bwaUfal
ra ran dIm x«ddr. or aoiDC otber
feaya aaiDr. breaBoe be woo'l go.
Berrr baa goao. I'rr- im-vct ben able married Bfaln after awbib-—ta waa to
to WTlw oM word <riu> falm. Bst tbea
be waa rbeap.”
Rbc Iwsaa to write.
IlaU way teedrr mnnrry tp bim. and tar pintan
tbroDCb the talDlBer'a addma abe atop- painled bya tamoBi artUl. aud wtBda
pad to giro a gaap of pare Joy. “I fnl^ lifelike. BadnoUirtly attnwted loo
aerer korw aaytblag like tbla la lay mnrb atteatlaa from evnyciaewbo aiw
lUe beforer ata eiclalmed wtth en- ttlopltOM tbr leiwnitwifr. vbuniiat
tboataam. -Tbe lak a ateady, erea bo a Jcwluoi wianuL I koucT, ‘ ata da
bUrk: oerer tuo-uorta Ink aad Utarr iatad anavely. ‘f>w tta pletore bangi to
too linir; bu dlMilag. ao amtrblag. no day ia my enm parlor.
Tbe origltul
Wtoppiag. Tbla cnarma wrltlDg Into
myalMer.' Aftw awiW atimpc t
a paradlae.- She flbiabrd tbe adclreaa.
II Jut what I liad aaid ahoBltb
-Qah*.Biy OBf! Clre lae a abeet of lint wife. 1 legiainvd a vow that hw*
after wltb otraagm, ibungh 1 eacuu
Uaryaret gave ber tbe note paper terod them lu boaih Africa, I w.ald
without ODtbaalaam. erra witb aotuermeDlioa a aaiae aga».''-Mew
tUog very Ilke-aa air of itdorlaDce. YeokTimea
Tet tbo atalkr
an ondeeUrtl prtde
waa la ber eyta; abe waa dlrliM be •UFFOCATfO BY THk.SNAKE'S DOOR.
tween a legitimate Mllsfartluo wltb
tbr eatogta tbat Jane bad m-eJred «Dd
-a fear tbat ata ailgbl auff.T lu aSea
••When 1
too bant” ata
a BOW aged Haiae min, "1 west into
asid wamliigly. I had
”l>mtr cried ttlrawla. rapidly aa- anlbmi Vinriniafor a lime.
•wering a purely bugtnary dlaaer Ibvltalluci OD tb«i abivt of Botc paper. ninwqonitly bad
bad funned a babll of pirkuig up by tta
”lt doraat waut pnaalog. It doean't
. path
waul aaytblag. YM Juai put It In your tail oKfa anakec a rame acrew
and id _
_ Ibmu a qulc^anap
>anap to
band and Ita atyldptaph doi-i tbe rv«t.
break tbrlj nn-ka Snna after 1 went lo
tr 1 only bad tbla atylugrapb I abouhl
tta R-iotb. in tta r<md <«e day
yl aaw.
be writing all day. It euetly ralta my
small Riake. a cuu|>le uf fwt liaig, perPlyle of writJiw U». I dcui t think 1
bapa. and <rf a yeUuwiidi eoliv, wrig
aball ever ta aUe to uav au ordliury
gling wvuw tta path. ' Wllbont tbiokpen agaliL ran tbla la- rarried aaft-ly
lag uf barm. I jumped f'» him. pot my
fu>d <« hk ixvk. and. fatrbiag him by
‘tjulle." Uhl UlniiKU. ‘Itut don't
tta tail, swung him to give blm a aiMt.
Bake tue brag alioot Jane. I bate
Home pcuplr wer« acar by. and they
fcaowa ao many prd|ile who bad atyloa
y<-ll.d lo ma like wild men to drup tbat
tbal aiu-oMKl lo-l.e all right uatU they
began to lauial ala.ul tbroi. Nu alylo' '1 stopped a momcait. while tta aitalra
^pb rea aland tbal.”
wrlggbiA and itaB I snapped him in
-Mta’a a <lB<-fc and a darting, bat I
doe and ataieot f.*m. Hark Ibe mult.
W^ld aerer pruna- ber If I united ber.
In U-* than t.-u miaoea I btvame dvrwIt amua ralber bard, ibiron'i lit My
»y and inaeuiible and tv-malmd ou lor
Neddy U tbe very linage of Jane to
arveval boon la spile cf the rfferta ot
tank at and coat Jdbi ibe aauir
Utua- W'hu bad warned me to nmar my
And yet Ned.ly-abn uae at all. ttobifdmmani aenara 1 did not know that
tlBM% a Btyb) will writi- fur <Hie |wi
Uk- aoakc bit me iu any way and do
aad BOt fur anutbi-r. I anpiaae
o..tt>uwbelMvetadld Tbe air bad a
Bnuim-siuiK, aivaiviuui vowu luu wix
rbangr fur Jane Bml w-<- If-yuo ecaiM
Ihnnm off by Ita aaakr. I tbiak, and
do anything wltb him. iif ruBiw I
brrathlag that puiauued me.
sboBld git e yoa eauMblag <4ae aa 'well,
-Tta aaake. 1 waa Udd.
tomake liJair”
eaala. taw of tbe moR vcncminu erf tta
”.Vu. ! do uui tbiak I aball ever part
whole tribe trf.cn
WIUi Jane.”
Btaiqring snakes
”1 Bboaldn't laind bitHag ber. Juat fan.''—Lewkloo Jua
tfU lue bow mKlIi. aad If I van
”Nut for workb.”
One <if the iihM -pui^oas anal
-Marnm. I dou'i iblak I ever aafcrd
tlje IsaidiB amv a Wag rubra, rerrtilly
you for anydilng lirfurt-. I kno«- bow
bivuHc m-arly bUad. When it abed Us
geaeroua you are, and I bate lu lake
akiu. It threw off every part except tta
adtantage of It Hut If you were
tnuisjMueot plate whidi cuven tbr eye.
fire we Jane there la nothing
Afbv twli ebauge of akin this plate r«woMdat do t,<r j-ou. After writing
malii.d uucast. and tbr aaceranvi- laywith ber oue reel! that one .-aoMI lire
m hwoiuv .ipuqae and psvijieted ovct
without ber.”
tbe lye in a tamy buaa
The keeper
”Vea.” ukl klatgam. ”tbat'i what 1
iu.d ilH'snakr habit <rf envping tbroogh
feel myaeir. I'd give you kluuwt anyany Miertnn- whk-b it can .fluil iu tta
tUag 1 taave. but .uul Jane. Yuo cant
wall uf its cag.-ta rid itwlf .rf tta
think what a dlSen-tiix- eln- La* made
growth iner tbr eye. Hr dn-w back tta
ta my Ufr. At ooe time 1 waa alwaya ituu idiallar wbirb wparatrs oar eemto trooUe aboBt letter wrilUtg. Now pattm.iit tmm the iKbrr, Inav-uig a amrIt'a a puslllre Joy to write lellen. No: ruw f|iaee upeiL Tbrculn Boon diacuv1 lure you dearly', bul 1 eau'i give you end this, and poabed ija oa*'into tta
eoedt. Tbla waa aUgtatly wtd>'D<d,
Miranda alglied and ebaDged tbe tlia miakr aqaemed Itaniogh. mbbiog off
aubjert. H'l.ll.- they ebaCted biv band me of Ita acaleeaail didav
Blob- tu IMU^ luakel.
Yea. ata bad Him iadared to gn hack by Ita v
brcpuglit Neddy ultb her. 8be alwaya bad rdmtt and after ibk bad ta
carrhd fain, try lug btin at li.tervala
p.'atud <iiav or twica it rlcaivd tta- acale
fnnn Ita <Ch.v ry.-- Tiinre then it
raollu skill e.pmpleteiy aad iugyes are
Jane If uoly Uaimrei w.-rr
tug- 1‘rewntly tin- ebaiuv <
BKdtir of vurluui .-unainulUm iwiwed
tbe window, and iManraret bukid
al II for a lulnulr. When die looked cliugsio ifarm.—Umdon FtOdk- Upiu-
aad Nrdity wna oa tbe table.
liuosniuu. I nruetubsr.
Ettnrt from a aulweviorat iettrr
froB Margaret to an luttmair frieod.
”1 have aeeii very tlule of Mlraiu
'lately, and 1 miwt own tbal I am
. good deal dlu).|>olulnl In ber. Pbe
bae copied a dreia
ibe waa ete.er eaongh to aak toe i«erBlaakm. Itut that I eunld liave for
given. I eauuui forgive Iter fur bat ing
Mateo Jane and tat ber v« u wortbleaa
Btylegnpb In ber pla.v.
wllbool any princl|il.-a >
h9ior.”-BUck aud White.
Bev. I. Twm
Bair Kiatt at Good HtrbBiBd
XiB A«ia MaU«r*r b( ttia ally
> wM at» o'doek tbla •
lag by Bov. Fr. Bawa at tba
bowa ia Good Harte.
Tta Bert Band wiU give a daae
tta Ottr Opan Baaaa Ttaraday r
es« for tto itmad trtp,tioka6i'good
b m
Dalon strearf h.______ ___ __
“' • •
St aideef Mroet.
H fm vaeaat. as ten
StoToMkr^ '*«>• tow I*toa
Price roB.
for tta aafety of ttair peta Tta Jtidge^
aoo uwtu a aettrr and three putntrr
I'p to tea daya agu be kept them
dlaary open kraiieb. Then, witb
Ita pulaod and tbe ateaUng arare
abroad, tbr boy pot bk |>ei« Inalde a
dkoard beaboacr. Tta bouK wa* a
tlgbt boarded aSatr with a latge door
opening outward from tbr aide, Even
ifter bla dotra werv bouaed Uiu* tta
lodge's boy feared for IbeirWfety. He
resolved to arraagr a burglar aBrm
that would rouae tbe boueebolj lu cbmody attnnpted »o mebl bU pup
■mlona. Tbe bc.v rigged up
alarm tbal war an alarm. Tbe dour of
tta keoneL as ba* been mid. optoed
outward. To a ouplr driven iato Ita
Iodide enrfare erf Ibe dour a Root but
tbio wire war altsrbe-l. Tbk r«b
ibrougb an ausiv boh-, ll«-u ]«R Ibe
woodrbnl and tbe aldeuf ih<- tvaldriiee
aad round ao end la tbr tx-y'e Unlruum.
There It u a> faReoed to lb. tack of a
.rtalr wbirb «'a« uta-ly tabuH-ed wltb
very sligbl aupjiuft uiuii Its hind leg*.
An nnxlllaiy' win- rail to a gn-ul eUa-k
aprlDg. wbkh wna wouml up an
had bceu atuvbed lu a beU Ital
bad a toor about M-veofuld that of Ibe
•ry Are gong. Tbv . eaen-lse uf
furlber boyUb lugeoully bad oo Used
It tbat tiino Ita apringlug of tb.- alarm
etghl Luge out of dajr vulumaa uf tbe
EdlOborgh Kocy eltdiedla would go
CTBBtalag from the io|i of a d.wk to tta
door. Tbr wurklus uf Ita akinu was
tbr almtdrM thing la>Bgtnal>le.' fur
Titalbad boa Chicago Batardsy ao- BBoem|«aie4 Oeerge Kewbeny M
by bU oon Boa. Kra. Hab OfBBd Baplda, beMlaad tta Paa-
baae oiled ban to aarve aa rabbi for
Ita Babrow tyaagogaa Ba eoadoetad tta aerviaat yaatatday aad tbe ooegrtgatiee baa iovited him to remale.
Bop. A. T. Friadriob. wfao has bean
vary 111 aboal six waeka la now tmirovlagla
Fnak RIlay baa been an>otBie4 aa
eagiaaer at tta Traverse Gas Go's
Bora, to
Vlaefc. asoD.
R. E. Samis Arill leave tbb «i#
Himday for P.-rola. 111., where ta
will be ageot for half that Mata for a
maehioary eoapaay. Hra Saak will
foUew blm aboot tta middle of No
vember. Hr. Sarnia baa sold hia tvaidea» 'oa Bast Ninth street to B.
tbe price of potatoea oo tta
larfcM today waa from
to 47 eeau.
Tta abaeooe of the dott neiianoe k
Abcat SO look advaaioge yeatesday
ottta ezouraloB te HanlMee oa the
1. & K.'E. rcstft
Barry 8berwood.Uw little bob ef C.
G. Starwood of tbe Travers.- City
4mte bank, who bac been ao :
Chicego Heights Binkrupt Sale.
flag. They passed Ita dtiilng n««a and
kltvtao aud
tbe vegetable ganleo. JuR l•■fuT■■
ruunding tta- ttiriu r uf tb.- k. nnel '
furmatl.in <-bang--d from vtduuin Into
liar, and Ibe Judge and bis s.m advaoced to Ibe atUrk sboubb-r lo sbuulder. A bowl of weieume from tta
thraets of ilirrv i«>laiars and a setter
imc from wlibln the kenuel si Ita
lint Bokr of Ibe apperarlilng fuoisleps. Tbr last stroke of the alarm
talk wbirb tad beat Hun- tu tta- luajvb
about tbeabuBSr. dkal away
night air. Tbe dour of tta- keaael was
i-d. tbe padta-k and elm In
rerv In pUev. and Ua- pu|M wlibln
rei* Joyfol lo tbeir onbnAeo a-rurtty.
Tbe Jadge looked at bk aou lo 41sgOR. '-Some <-m-my luUbd.UM-tbls.” ta
said, “to makr a foul uf tbe old uiao."
There was a rank- sn.l a .-kit.* on
tbe atrrel. Tbe alarm tall bad •l.-m- lia
“ work end tad brought tin- jialrxd wag‘ oo aod a few arighboiv Tb.- Judge
and « -•
I Wise mau sbuu iik «ycu wb.
u at a wooian’a (aolu
1m- pirttleR thing U frmlnlna brad,
r k a guod.bBBwr*d face.
ult thing for
You can't rtason a iban not at ally.
ling be toau'i btafi rr-asoaed Into.
Mya tkei* la
: am oooc* erf wiodcm
taury gray batr.
It k tar more bctulc ia auter great
rnkfurruae* U aUeor* than It ts to
I acnimpRab great Ibi^ lo a tanae drum
I few daya longer and it Lay re a eopply for tbe. winter.,
.willbe ready far you. Tbe ' The Cblcace HeighU Baekrept '
Fresh Oyators-Uttle Tevert
eUo^ HtigMe BMkrapt Safe
Mtt ea very easy termn
Wia. to AasMicaa aad rwtazataviUi talmas
far as Okaad Bapida, wbero ta baa FOB SALS, i S-marnea
doiiag tta past week. Both beys
r GtawB.71
tnoB ta qalM la mcago.
.good time.
Bev. H H. Dabov of ai«velaBd.has
it to Vairrtowo,
vt^ fMoadh- Hr. Mon tag
simple o|ieolng of Ibi- k.-no.-l d.sir
would Stan 8 riotUke «|>ruiir.
macb improved.
Ail tbe memliers of tta Judge's fami
Tta view presented by tbe hilU
ly sen- tbe Jodge and bk e.in were lo west of tbe ally la Ibeir aotwma foli
Wlaruuvln. Tta Judge liked lU-dugs as
age, la'oae tbat one ooold tnvel
well as dh) bis son. lb- exanilii.xl tbe
loag way and not se.- snr]aaaed for
alarm and prunounixxl It guud. Tbe Isiy
IUe<-hiiiil>ni uf Ihi- affair Ibeaoty.
There will ta a theetiag ot tbe Ke
UB aud B.lvlH.-d IbuM- of
them «li» bad dog. to go and ibi llke- tall Clerk^- tmicm at Hontagae tall
wko. The Judge likes a light oovvl. this eveaing.
Every evening ta- puts on a tixl dress
The advance mle of saau for Porter
ing gown and lies <l»wn mi n luungr lo J, While's Faust will open al tlie box
hk tiu.v's ■■xlnsiui ami
LA>t Stelaberg's Grand tom.
there reeds unlit efli-r miiliilghl. That
bonr liad alrack frviu Hu- rl.wk mi the
jDdgo's abiif on III.- night uf July 31.
readbig wliiS- the lioy slept
Bonndty la bis lud in tbe na.ni bey.nidSoildenly Ib.-n- was a vi-nplag ncis,.
eiTWIU l-n |»-r.|..n ..f ile-ro<moff
sod Iben a enmU tliat sbmA tta.- ''
lUs clie-u-'V li.-.'hth.-l.h.'si.-i.ui stm
frame maBalou like an ezplovion.*
rrediag tben- raak- Hie sbarii alarm a» due I ■ I-l.ysH--l njury. Ifam-U. ta
bit oa tie- It. .Ill vii't a rloK Ibe tuevi- ef a tall, wltb Ibe goug stroke
r.>ull. If Oa- U--w lyl.srd i iusigh,
breling a liraxi-n lailmi loudiT niid
will U almwk .rf tV skull, l.l-d.ng
faMcv iLan that ever |siuiidixl uul
Wuni tbe I im vi-*-.-,l» k-n. jibitndtroididmmbead. Atavr It all ruse a
ing.rf H•.'Keta>8»> ..fth- hfmuHmlt
truni Ibe next ruum.
U tb. bi.ta !>■ ligl'-r. III.' bnib laay
“Dad. they alt- st.-allng my dogs!
Rill be injured, bu*. tb>.-iigury will be
Into III.- room iKiuneevI itaTwy. with
enough wblti- fluw'liig fnuu alwre bis |.-« aev'Tiv. A l.l.iw' nj»m Tlie li» k muy
br> nk tla- spiiM- and Cxvi-usly iiijuiv tb.tastily iUilIrd on tMUsers In luak
spinal o-r.l 1'h>- in; iry tiiar l>- sliglit.
goodly slaed sail. Tb.- bell kepi
Bi.-Tv ly n ptvwviih' Lf.ua sii.g!.' in n.rlaglne.
Nmf.-wb.wrs. v.1 tl nt tuuv.wu-u. inn“Cume. Oeorgv." aaM Ibe fallMT as
bl. f.u^ wiMts. U.1WMI III.-- iw-exbe gTsats-d a bt-aiy i-sue. Tta- boy (ulttvin.-x lb<- n.TT.ms svvuuruaysulT.T to
lowed bk falber dnw-n Ibe front aialrs.
alni.sn auydi-grr-.- frost injury'- In «i.>iia
out tbe from dour and ruund,tbe
uf Ibiwcaisa tn-edtb-rq ta uuy ptt \f-iu
of tta‘ bouse toward tta keuuel. Ou hk
niTv.i|i*w'inku.-M.r.vfTv<r:uiL Tb.-.rfway tbrougb tta- yyi tbe youngrier
f.vt k j-un-ly iiliyxn-al If. tle-rvfi^, w.pieked up a brtSfcr -\U elctrle light
,iu Uieni'igbU.rb ssi.rf U.niiiylir->Ji
_ ■ ' , ■
slia.l.- invs
fair n grrol iiK-r.-a— tn iiiTviias.ii>--4—s,
abuwed Ita- prugrt-ss uf ita- mareh. Tbe
Judge wtrod.- R.-ruIy aliend. griiqilug
bk Rick, his red divaslug gown flap
tn.riemhf.-makeajsmth.'liuinun l-raia.
ping about wildly 10 tta. night wlnA
bol lu Ibe Sbillnlitb.—Ur. Fbilip C
Tbr buy folluw.-d bravoir'tbougli all
flying a whit.- Baapp in Cri»my.___________
Cbie^ HeighU BeekmiA Sale. '
Dottolt-Whmk. T8 to nS: M
OH EACH Tuaatoy. Thursday and
flakarday.darlag tie moath of Octo S7S;atoa.ae.
ber, the O. K. * L vrlU sell exourToludo-Whuat.78t. ta?4>4.
akm tiokau ta BuOnlo at mar of
OhIUBge Wtoat. Wt*: UMU. M
oxlu. S4: pab. eiSSO; Imd. eBIS.
A L. Joyee Isti totay fsr CtavwI unnras,
ktadtoataMd tan N H I
A good aaeiainiaa ia a«Bio
wcdl worth AKO dellaia, bat ewmm
Ita BathbOta Siatata wUl i
Mf ovaelagat tta aaBul boor la Ktold. OaeotCbirwB'aJadgrollTea
ta Lake View. Me baa a !t-y«ar^ atP. haU.
Bey Gibbs latoiMd te 8amm
.................... -St. Mam la.
Ward Barta. foraariy of tbia city.
wa Who fcwpa doga. Fdr tbeMat two
wtrfca aocae tmkaowa Blarr^t baa MW travoltag mlBirar for & A. today after vratdlag Saaday
^ W SALK. 7W-Latiro bsaaa, aiae 1
been geiag aboot Labe Mew atrvela MagwolUftOa.. waUpHta Imbm ia el*y.
loaoL. XI root lot. Owe booss. five
A. Olbbe ef Mayleld wee ia tta
ta^la town vtaltlBg old
rooms, mme Ita Both beascs will
rilT lotay.
Uataw ■
Albert Novetay letniwed Batarday
alU^ a
: FOB BAI.E. 960-SU
& iMj Hncaatlle Oa'
ly and wi-Il nigh weeping over bk big
mar and what she ratfarr uacbaritably
"My Imy.” onld tbr Jadsi' io his non.
called tb.' ''gnnnl cuanerwas" •J bk
“wbum hate you loM abuot Ibk barappraraon-.
Bar ab<> was marl
gtaraUrmr' .
ed and umchKl w-bea Wordsworth Ini Tbe tay 1000110000 tta oames of
aktnl Hull lar little fatbsTkas baby
few nclgbbora.
sb.rald bi- bMU|d>t tu him. oltboagh,
"The wire U vrltbln easy rracb cf tbe
lite pot
grouad. la It not r*
dim will, tbr txjct ■
-Yes. puim.''
“Did you tell tbe yoaoL
> Mdanuaod •
door wbo alls out late evvry night la
tbe tanuDCKt with tbr yoong taanr
r gtasa will kxuu-n the pottjr,
"Yea. papa. " ,
vrbsw It may U- easily e.-rapi'd and tta
-WMl. tbal's wber* yoo made a m
r 1 ahall
tarokeo pace tvmornl Tb.- new pane
take.''-Cbkugo Reroni-llcrald.
may ta Inserted, potty newtly and rure- ta unable lu go to ifac a
Will you aot gc
fally laid on. nod tbe work » doae. with you Mmorrmr.
Ervp out of trouble If poaal
alone and luuk at Ita tauakeya;
Tbk may be courvuleat tu know wbra
Bride < tenderly I—Doer Atolpb, vrbm Abow all ye^r frisada c^n do for jwa
•DC tacomes tbe family “bandy i
when yoo gpt la wU be U any, *Tm
ar ooe's own. as k aoiuHInaestbe rgar. yuo arc niA with me. I have nu tale
ia BHmke7a.-.H4acadc«f's BlaUsr.
aB,^rke at Ma^Olty mte
D. B.L OaaipbaU at Omw* it la Ita
«r lowAitD a cajukK.
Raw aa* AXkeS Itasa. •
The piri WunlswuRh's grave la
qoaint ul.l (inMastv eburrhywnl was
lit.-nilly abla're w ith qmiq; tl.nviTs In
naiin.i ni rati m - f bis (um- l.uu.lnd and
Iw'entT-sixih bitilulay. Tl-’r>- an- atiU
several -Id mlubiliuik w )h> rt-nn-inlsr
himaii'lbkdevutrdsir.vlAiTxaliy. tine
cf tb'iu t-l.l m.- ah awttsuig n~ar <rf
Hie l.,tirrwh.n ih.y llvi-d at Hy.tai
Wut.'huigaflgbl .rf W‘«sl pigiviiis .HM
day. rli-' l.ulf oia-.ai-«-i..nslT .-xrbilined
oat sl.-u.l. ''iluw' Isuuriful!'’ Au oM
Wulniiii l.tden with fsg-il> Imsril Ih«.
‘Ay..tat i like'em tall, r iiiapi^~
she i.-tuork.J as she iLi-us-d. —LsulyW
J.dui Wr ghi. a l.w'iiig planter at
Cryl'in. ]n'.i..is his .mi.l-y-'s frvM
sa-len by g.t :ng < aefa a t.'..x{.uuafBl cB
abafWAl er.-ry lu.inuiw.
Ton will hMr from it MSiR. Tlie
Chicteo HeighUBnikrept Sale
• .4ul> rMuv
gate a
vord the u
taau“Wrtl, J.ihn, yoa appear to 1«- doiug
well. Tber*. quite a l«g aair. C eqe ”
-WrJl.” riplled John. Srillwratrly.
nt alD'i a tad un. I mon uy. viwaume.i-y. I tuauased tu sup i.lrlnki Ita
gate ui.mry so fsr. an' I cvuld du a-r
tVs Ctasefal aivae.
Good loeatlnn
for tlirM BMWv boema. Low
... .lea. assy taraa. PrleeSlKn.
FORXALS. „,-Lou7„. M-O 7. '
SWtrMStr -e CWaaW
A esnal-MU! offers a very alow It
alesdy U'.sli- <-f conveying gmvk from
. _____
_____ tof Ft _________
-------------- . faroaov. e‘ty water, good
p'a.w to i.la.x-. but riretrl.-lly
lap feet. Law pries fer both loU;
welL new tam, room for alx bur sag
in feet fnmt oa Elmwood aveeae.
Ibe sleepy .-ansi and the
WiU lake cue thoumad .lollara off
Inc up ev
of iwtetaBM prlc In tmtuMag elty
in used ^.•a'h.l^se may s
pcopaety at its cash valau. halaaaa
splwr.- »ii.-re l.!s www will I
WT—Large, modem
In Kran.-e a sjst.-m «
. femaoe, sewer cobtr.'sl Imulag.- has lieen' sun-t
te-ms. Price ffUOO.
.......... —. _____
waUe. flalabed la
s.I.ipi'xl fur .'iiiuils. TTi.- .-urreut
oak. ffae hwn, city water and good r, U BALE.OOO W aerro timber lead H,
l.v w ir<-> lo a trolley whirli
woll. laside aad ealaide stairway
l-Sc' 8. W. >4 8*c. W-gaiO: will
mils -II rails al-ug the tanks. Ou an
cal -,UI.OOD bemlock. XW.ttiO. maple
Lnxikh stnwni, rk' IH'.v U-a. w ber*
p^r year or will aeil on otsy lerma
TO.on) elm aad teuwend. level read
laasL M'altim u»-d tu lish. tbk sirrwm
all tbe way to U, K. A L.l 1-9 mile
Is to Is- trieil exlwrlnientally aud It
8. W. HaydelA
Look Ibk over:
k sal.l tbal a sisvsl uf f.Hir miles an FOR KALE. m-Oood Ita 50zlB0.
aee yoer eyro. talirw wbat ttoy
bum k .aisidr ..f hrlUC oirfsined.
Cedar airvel. berweea Front aad
H-u: don't Uk.-the word of local
while Hie - xle-tis.' Is umler tbat uf
BUtb. Good icrmllcs^ all good gariwritrs that an. lalrmtrd in bvyh. ns-trn-ii.in. .IsjsH
den groBOd: get eflar this qalafc if
you all kinds of
f.T Isrge i-irgr* h»»
yoa wuat It: it wtmt stay long with
fairy Ulea. Prl» ll&UO.
aa atirloeofrsred. Pries eBO.
Besnro of tbe a<-w beme, easy jaty*
FOB SALE. 961—40 actwe alx miles Mats down. mocGlv paymebt eoaaoeth of eity. Jnst aortii o' Wetta; '
iract, fleoA He nsoelly buys a cheap
Osaer: good frame beam:
_____ Madal*
lot la a cheap locarioa. vpilte It up In
lerel and all ii
' ~
amall picoea, batlds a taase oammb
POB 8At£. iU8-llt>, aerro cm half plecr. mortgag.-s it for a llllle mtau ge,
HbU.I ^Um- bowse.
* mils Boyth ot Bataa; fair bolldtaga.
TOacaro Imjwovad, 40 aenw timber.
Uaervs black soil, ewaoot to boati
- for elution of the valor of tbe {voptaty,
all feocaA
Will sell oaa 40
9IM0. Will H-U th« TS'^aonafor illiey oBly loan os one half the vale*
of the iToperty yon knowi. sell It to
'•atOO. lathe last
aomr one that roll |ay twenty Use or
fifty itollara .lown, K.mriimee leas
that) that, gels H- ron tract Rgned.
ta oow”wiU ukfgotaclV;
tbea gw on a Mill bant for aoue '
ly for part ia exchange.
moaeycd ’ssckrr''looking (oraa iaveatmenl: ahavr itaeoctrart from oaa
FOR BALK. 706—80 acre farmfer.. to Ibrre hnndn-d .Inih.rs. ibm have
teea miles eonib of city, ftne lot.- tbr nerve lo (-onietark with th>- |eoplioe. 60 aores lmprDV<<90 artvs aot- oailioo that tiny r
' Id'limber: fine borne: COM cl
Yuc .lou t iBj-wny oumhundred doIUra.
Imrge tam ooei mtmton when yoa dual with them fel
ooe thoumad dollan: wind mill lows: Ob. no! I woi.d.-r if yoa dnu't:
witfa tank at boase aad bant, aboot Ulk ataal nerve, n.-ighbora. If that
kta bearing aradei: aoboot boaae Im'l a bold up gam.- Wr erver atrack
Tbk farm is la lb.aciom roail.*
Yes, g.-nllrnM-n. we Imadle all
midst of
of tbe beat farmiog
r iroi-rty
eountrlea In ibeeuie and la very
a't give a couliaental wbtcb ple«e
low at price offered. Prion inoo.
n bay. Wc
We linvr no lAterrol la tta
FOR SALE. «A6-Troom htnee.eea. property rxerpi
all flgurv to
Urge lot. slooe walks. Kighih as it cots bat a very
s all to ourstreet. Small payyaenl down. Bal- tta bnyrr or -rll. r. I.
nnj»^ ooDtbly. Low jirioe. Price oelvps. and aswrai.' eniioue to get
thr comniiasioii a. .oiai BB possible,
wc. knowing wr have all kinds of
FOR SALE.WH-Uood eix room ho
cutn|s'lit|ou to me.
eororr let. aarlh Sprue.- Rreek I
price; easy terok. Price •66U.
da Wrwill und.'-rs.dl any dealer
FOB HALE. 961-80 acre farm nbont 6 the oily oo any kind of city
miles sqath ef olty la Reoaie ueipfiicoved
berbood. ^argr
with Ita jrupnsinou that ttav ha
DfU. uak tn bouaa. large frame gatafnsR.I that ha. j
tarn, 7S aerea Improved, Urge apple they want to |.ut yoo uuto; It b
orchard. All geta.veil. moMlyuv- nny d.ulen luuds. Jasl o> the quirt,
von know lie's got lo sell, be, the fel
vL This Is Ibe oaly HO lot lo
A enursc. <if atody with aa will
low' Ital ts I. lliDg yuo
vicinity tbnt can ta boaj
not gol a lartirie ..f intm-et in II. ta
apre yio a gt-od poeilioa.
Jnsl vrniils tu |«i you no in a frleadFOR HALE,.968—targe flat.;fi*e aaiiea |y wav ataul bow lo RUB his frteed.
of root
nil good TwnterK. all rent- N'lta tblug: it Iso'l a sucker ganw.
a*eelle vacant Good lora- oh. on. Just ooe friend, picking upn
etiuDgrr and irlhog blm all about
buw lu rob Ills friend, jusi brunnse be
Is In n plorb. yua know ; wouldn't go
of iW fellows tailing oa
oommk.ien: they will skin yoa alive.
AfUrUx- |«or dcitl has bocghl.be
omo Ol. K<A Hl.-r* Rkv-k. R-'SB. I
begins to discor.'X tliHt lh--t.-is oumatipMiafi.rti- a.
thlng rotten In Ib-nmark. begins to
low price: l^f ensb." mee ff760.
wonder abont wtather he can gel b'
i^R RALE. BOt-Oood 6 room boew Dwaey out again. (Joes to the man he
00 foot lot North 8pruoe stzvet ;geod get the-'bnrgalD "..f: b.- doesn’t vrant
Incatlou :largw lot. low {riee. Prik- It; goes 10 the fellow that |«l him on
annp: ta don't know him;
FOR SALE. 906-81 nere farm I mllro
look at him more than ic ad
postefllae. eounty line, 9.K) vise blm to see some ef the <
b.-ariag fruit: nil good Mil: moRly sloB meo.
There ta Hods
level: fine view of city aad taj'. aboot ii;nad he osanily fin ■ tlui
Price •3000.
there la where be oagbt to w.'at
I«t la
FOR BALE. 911-87 nerea mic-talf tto firet plnce.
Bat there is'Vrry little in wriliag
mile HnpletcB. Penlasuln, 400 bearVA' AXT IrfJtw 976 fl'.
tbeae ihlogs u|>. There is n eaebar
log fruit: go^ tram.- boaee aad
bom every minute nod tto "Gold
frame ban. 10 aerwa a.x-d>vl: good
Brick Sebemt " Is w.irted ia a tbouasoil: good location. Price •1600.
my .are pruiMty.
FOB SALE. 926-160 acre farm aim- - . - _ ______ - __________rgniD or buy
mllsa waR of eilv; 70 oorea ondor nay tfaing cheap, you will find n
cultlvalico: madam bouse, fnrunoe.
-loag Ita eoramissloo man qaiefccr
good frnm.- bum: ctoee fooaiUti jo :
so any other pla.v on rarlb.
Urge orchard, 40 acres a^a^ Welt
vralerad ta umall lake; TOaerro llmWilf take bonne and lot it
T. U. A. TVwta. <-.*w*r ttt Utr—s aad R
wyi Ava ^ p-r asUUw «ariac «ta mi
S2,js..rtSi. 21:
A'Sivings Bank-bit. divideiM's.
Tbe Chicago HeighU Bankrupt
L Price taOOO.
CMS IRontb
Ladies' Gold
Filled Watches
| Q.OO
j 5.Q0
Now don't say you can't
afford it.WeVe made
prices wnich ynu can eas
ily yo—come ami see them
GcBl’s Gold Filled Watches,
Good noTCfflcois. Same Prices
Wc are determined to sell
a lot of,watches this monh—
yot the yoods and prices to do
it -Yours for baryains,
Are You Satisfied?
from farm.
Always on tbe hustle, always
|lad to see you. Main mort
sales, have larger listi than wll
the rest put together.
211 Front Street.
Prtoa •8600.
ec'. a .-.nsJa v'llnge dnh
amncxl "s ersud .i-lcket luairb. admlesl.ui I )a-iir.T.” f-.r the l>-.i.-llt uf
J.rhn. The old nisti wlu. baArd after
tbe gixismil. Tb.ve u.ve u» tl.-kets
printed. Btal J.'!i-> .tiod SI tta gbie uf
tT»ek*'t ec-;,i ao-l .--.Itr.-T.v1 ibi- |wn. bliiis.-lr
It w-ss u ten tat lUy.
tbere s was l-tdill- le-u>e Just
tta r.«id. au l J. l.«t«as tblr-ty.
' FOB SALE, ns-Slx i
fo.-r lota. West Sixn
TueA.'X^-*. Via. Oaruuku-
frame boaae and bam. creak 1
Irrifarm, aatuial drainage. <
' whole farm. ”
» SSi
aeree oen. 6 acres ryo.
ImplemenU Ml oom|doM at very
lew price, easy urma
Crops Mesa
will •almoot pay for farm. Prtoa
kstsctlkia.m. not.
_____ go^ torn. Spruce stmoll
_____ for 6 hcroee. Tfate froporty k
vrell worth •!«». but U evraed by
CMtlks............................:i|H awiwm
was s very fi.'b mao
vreol slmit enjoying blmsrlf. Ho p.ssaeoaed iuacViael.wt palaiys. and hU
ctiid rust blm liandru.la or UmusaiMU
of dollara a yenr. ijue clay. After his
bones bad made a jianiroljri}- flne|
abowlng 00 the track, this mao tbivw
SJu to pcufdr Id tbe rtrert wbo were
ueildllng for charily. Then iliere was
S furore.
!x>ac reports uf tta art
ukalmm Wimsm Oky asMkwe:
were iricgnpbud to all porta of the VerOraod Baseoa Dswe«s TeWs. Ok^a
raoDtry. Ttu- man's portrait was
bunted op for poblicutloo In a bundrvd
mrnasrro. any CSk. Pert Bmea. tsieds!
pspetv. Editorials were written U bk
Meks aad mat. e m a mui« a. m.
prako. and to waa referred to .as ~oo«
filial ass taataflM s^WBiiMia
Ot nature's uoMemea.” Meanwhile,
a A.. limaB.Mdf«». B.
after glvUg to efaarlty. be eeitrrUtieKlI
a few frien.ls at a imk dlaaer. vmkb
(Ml bits SSSft. It kat (belke>a akao
wbo kvcu ■ cheerful giver.
H. w. cmimiosAiL Aot.
PERE Marquette
awn k«6u. Ksikimo. ctekima
'sambay. I * p. as-e 49 w m.
FOB SALE. 866-88 ■'foei Frool ea
Front ettwt.Just east erf Park ctroeL
Botldlags real te 60 doilare par
Bumlb-Fnaugo aoxt to this told M
8186 per toot. vrUI lot this go al
about if vrbat It ts vrortb.
f76 pur foot Fiuai
w it..,..
Price R
FOB RAT.g, 9U. ttaioe story. doubU
froat, etooe tommaat. Maom tout.
^ aw. (MBBlly toou^
____________ at Trararmuiral s tSa-as..
tauga .Borafpl tkftlat t
matter vrbol..........
»to*..irto*ErSt .0,
teat vrMt and figura Urn
fitUo. No---------•------------ ■- *
El ©1“
littin. No oao Mao tnak It but au.
I'vogM Ml tto moruy. XTl wait
tlU“Wnda” geutoroagb with it.'
ttoal'UroMhlaa. Tbat guaUsmoa:
UMSotbarMB WUI ovro Ik HwiU,
CkketoHsliMt BnbiinStb.
LrveUag 19 hy e
4 the bids o( IbB
tnre u b
poap. the hlda srem aa n m
dred coUai uad a aoc theua
:-We btraby apply
make rapalrs to the
baUdlar No. 20S and- 207 E. FWBt
W f VAuw oC IMI n««ter
tkd aM Mprmd.
'jMt tfeU U» Aid. OlliMt
-~’4Kwcutions and ^OMBKWCATION*.
2« Ike UamaraHe i/afor «sd CUf
raaaril a/ Tramtr i Uf. Iff '
m. OumiHk»:-W» tfc* «»d*i----
ri b»fv*llb nintt for roar awrovml
..T pUi «r the Ab«»« RMon > pan
o? abkb u
tb« UBlu of (te
of tbo Lkdlea- Ubrary ABociatlOB of:
Tmeerae Oly do hereby peUUoB yoar
boBorable body for pemlaolon to pnt
a new abtasied reof on our bulMiaf
on 30B and 307 Proat atreei. Work
r eaUmaUd coot U aboat 3120.
Ono. R .
aty AOofwey.
Moved by Aid Bou^Uy that tbe leoMcnUou and eouaalUag (he Chief
prat be accepted and adopted.
fire flapartmeat oad aumeraw cltiap
bate daeldad that aa we alnodp hope CorrM.
BB ca«lne of (he Aaertcua moke oad To Ike Vaaorakle Vapor, rad Clfp
VtmoeU of rrwrcrsr Clip. Mu*.
It has always gleta tr«t Hass i
fartioB, aader the above Hrraaoaa
peUtlra of Burette J
iTchaac a Metr^mUlaa aaaaed
aim eegUte of a sere* hoadrad pdMn of five hundred dolla:
cupoclty per Blante bnlh by the Amer ■ rasd to her. which was referred to
ican Fire
OompoBy of ancla- me tor lavoatigaliOB. I wonid nopect
Bsltl. Ohio, for the nun of fonr thouMBd aevra baadred fifty drilara <31.npon the amonat of two mori7M.00).
gagea origlBally h«M by Mrs. Parmelee. bat which hod been aontgaed by
Fixing betra wbqre poles tvoea
mored by B. H. Power Oo,
(joying gntur—H. D. Camp
bell A Son, ...........................
Drawing oteae.........................
BaildlH oMewolk. Itro^a. •
aUttaa oa fire iM vatar.
i. that tha Pm . Mar- Curried.
AM Oarrflsec werad that ra te «ba
e Ballruad
md <campuay he aad a*e
y Biderad to make the Crnaawalk aaad of a ermm-walh oeroag Vaahl«M thHr worehoaie on Chaa Kiwk toa Krrst an the wcK oMa a( BaGroud
olx te^
aa per Ihe avohae. the matter he lutamd to c«mattee au otraaU aad woOba t* tosort.
Moved by AM Oarriaou that tha
'V .....................................................
bra. tor Jra. KsHor.
jent. ....................................... M5 27
Ta^i^ Hoo^t^ a^. onChmed.
Labor cu walks. .................... St 23
Moved by Aid. BcughcT dkat tha
Drajrlag.............. .......................
2M Qari
eouaeli odjoon.
CemeoL ...........
2« iS
i koda gravel. 3l.l2-«5d.62:
228‘*’rcS?Si, that tha chief of ^Ma
<7W mads ■
• “
sea that bU oar ordlnaacra eemlag nadra his jurladlcUoB bs mero rigldlT
eaferrad oad that laMructloB Vt glvoa
Total rameol walks. .... ..3 2U n
Water malas la cemetery. .. 737 U
13 S
Lauor at cemetery..............
“AiA'kiughw^'Sbe rra-
tpc TMr UtiaiteK CneWi,
B(Um].I. had it mdbeaifarUaeg^ '
-Aids. HamUtoa. Stoder. Ollleu. Boo^. Caaalaghnm. Rraad oad iri.a BBit bU oprratie apeealatiaaA
Total cemetery.
-.3 756 22 Oarrlacm.
«bllc» i» u II «»■ eoaMe no lo rle«
would bsve lived and died as poor tO
Uorad by Aid Ollletl that the peUinaofera no* pracikC1 woi prraeal at the meeUng of the WrUington street
Naya, aoue.
.rnvcrtdalobnreh mouau
■M Bmr LaBber Co. br.
mfd of Review at the time' Mra.
S2. Heaolvcd. that (be Board of Pub his rj'HaluT, paid him pitlfal fHooi
T MaU4X. Pital.
Ouso RArins. Kick..
irmelre preeented thie matter to Roar aural sewer 1222 bricks. 2 20 lic Works antborlaa tbe city clerk
0 Hrrt Koi. Hot. nod
I tt adrrrtise for sinuc to be dellrered
Oct. 1. IMl.
em. and 1 explained lo theta that Rose atreet aewrr. rameat. ...
To fbr Vooornkir Vapor. Bsd Clip
5 10
r* cooM not legally sseesa to bet Ubor OB Ram Bay Park........
raa eath, ami tbe largest ana be wao
pMlIloa t» r»f*ri*d
(WnaefI of Trorrrse Clfp. VM-•
, she hod assigned. Tr^ng rary t Lake arraue
m r paid woe <nly £103. which he got
MreMs kBd Vkikt
200. OcTtinxpn;—By as aaaalBO
Bhboiigb Ibe aai
ice ••Al.-xamler’e PeaaL ” It nitiK ao2
TOte of the rOBBOn cooacll of t
Sldewaiki.*2 kegs aalin
pot on record.
Uored by AM. HomlUeo that tbe betb-mctufmai these small prMei tho3
rliy of Ormad Rapids, you are laHUd
nodmoe's services, :...............
w 22 roralutlon be adopted.
Aa 11
tbe cumiKSWT's weeks did not mU. Ou
aad urped lo tIbIi tbli rlty aomatl
Ibohsed I wonl4 recomiaend Ukat th
as the KlBOld PMIral. week
ToUl mlarel..
..3 flS
Yrao-Alda. Hamuum. SMder. GIL tbe niulraiT. they always found a lOa^
r potmon tbBi I
leu, Bongbey, Cunningham, Bosad bad market and tmwvd a givul oomotM
n«nae Infem ns at yoor carliMt
roial....................................... 31772 27 GairtaoB.
peiMt to (he pnblisber. Fnm tha pew
Ofu. H. Cbw.
ordlnno'o forrrnlnc tb« ronArvcIloa roorrnlrnce. of tbr llBS when you will
oeeda of his fim oprao. ••BtaaMo.”
<a wiMtau j booM on lou st. zi. arrive, so tbe proper arranpMncata
By O. r. CkBCEB. Cholrmoa.
Be U Ofdaiacd ky-lkc ('oaacil of Trac- Walsh Driicd a prafit if ovfrCl.hOCk
M. Morb &. P. HkbBSb’a IM AdA. (o may be auidr for your aOrlal recepCntn M. Bams.
I. Clerk
• • JocLlarly Rmia.-ked
e t'iltf.
COB alMt Mou.M oKb.
M0T(4 by Aid. Hamlllon tbal the
Chrrt, -.
Ihe Diusir seller. • Well, you
ectloD I.
Hopinc for a proapt and faroa^
atement be adopted and bill paid.
Y'ras. Alda Hamilton. SMer, OUIett. statement
Ifsiae (he next <>pin. sod I will pehaply.
Bougbry. Cunningham. Ronnd
Grand Kaplda A Indiana Railroad com
aa (werybody kaoww
pany to construct,- operate and main lost afonaur mttylng tueaubitab Ital*
prUtloo be snat'4lays—None.
Uln a single train or iransH railway tan «tsra in Isodon. and. allbout^ ha
Mayor aad Cbalraaa of OOrtal ^
tbr llooorobtf Vapor, aad Clip
■ the line of Railroad avenue from anluivio'iitly nom- than recoaiird hlm<
To Ike ffonoroklf Uor->r nd fiiji
•i.aKcll of Tnarrrir Olp. Vtck.
laaac P. I^Hnasiii
Vumoeii of Tnttioe Clip. JflcA.
'' b« >aabiri<e. il uoa not the pub•huVEBM: Citt Mich.,
—la rrferroce- to tbe
Yeoa. AMa. HamlltoD. Sledit. Glllelt.
Eighth street to the alley nianlcg par
W. Oc.nxin:.
Gel. 7. mi,
boi lly |■ob]y. who pot i( ta tala
rltoD. caahler. ,
Boughey.'CuDOiDghaB. Robnd aad petition of Pmnk n'eltoa.
allel with and about one hundred and
Ibe fiMSurahle Vapor, aad CUy seventy-nve
l»-bair of I>. C. LUBcb, for tbe remitting
fret south of Boat Kigbtb powvr t- du (hia
roaw.il of Trarrrsr ril*. Vick.
3S0.M laves nold by l». C. l.oacb for
liveu w hen u e come down to the time
.••s assessed against him on shsres 233. GrNTicurx:—Piraar pay the fol- 10 counect with Ibe prwmlaes occupied of M'uari. we <b>iH4 nod chat Ihe elaim
TaAiuisa CiTT. Hieh..
bsnk stock lu the nrst NstlODal Mwlng PilU and ebarw to City Water by the Urlls-lligmsu A t'-o.'s wnre^ <f the hraiu wewker loa fairw^had
Ofl. 7. I> .
KTanlMl (o conforB to the ordlkkoc*
To the Hooorablr Vapor, and Clip Hank of Traverse City owned fay him.
Il alDoKal
oo faulldlDn I klao desire to build
led to me for Inveall- 3. Grifiin. 18 da 9 1200.........3 36 02
’onnrti of Trorrrsr Ctfp. Mu*
Section 2 Said track shall be laid to pcall dll' fKt (hat "Uuu Uiovaaal”
a bam on tbe same lots all to Ur aliuII rook. 17 da fi 11.75............ 29 75
Qextiwme.s:—Wr. your commll
oprrty owarra on tbe south Bide
tmughi to Its nanissBT no moe than
alrd oo IBP « and 7. block B. H. A U
Nair Vatiaw. 16>. da. tr 31 6U. 26 42
« rialma and arcounU. reapert
Ihth street del
Co 's f>r« salcdlttrien.
C3U. Fiw "Tbe Magic hTate" he was
amlnsl tbr rlxbl of way of thr Omsd
lUsprrlfBlIr aubnlttrd.
paid Jdst lou dbcuis. and yet tha taaaIllUilirack, I6>, As fr 31 6u, 26 tO
shall be assraord lo ihe owner In tbe
Rapids A Indiana R. Rfaloos thr alley __.ollowlng rlslms and have found
3. It HswixT.
resides, if be re- L. N. (lover. 15>u da R 31 6d, 24 32 with the orillnary travel on aald atreet oger.if ilu) UiesiCT at which Ibe opmn
Herrd by Aid. Round that the prti south of KipbEh streK aa a aide tnrk aamr corre»-l and would rrcoinmrnd
flnl iirudiavri made a (lalUDO out
In which tbr hank Jobodirivee. I61, da. 6 31.62. 26 40 and alley, and mid grantees shall fit
rlr payment fron Ibr various funds
lo tbe WelU HlpBan Co. plant: and
U Panek 16 da b 31.60.
. No wvatdcr Uiiaan bad to be laU
rrspnlfully petition lhal nid rUM of
■log located In ibis county, and Mr. Bert PBden. 15>.-da e 31.60.
planks, the tops of which aball be al — 4 panprv'a grave, ihe very Mta of
To .fkr ffoaorobtr «fopor and Cirp way be not pranted.
each Iwlng a rrsidml of the towasbip Wm. Mri’ool. I6>- da. « 31.60. 26 40 least ooe-bair an Inch higher than the which IS ouknowo lo (hia daf. &(£••The Hananb A loty Mrrr. Co.
Vouuril of Tram’se CUr. Ml '
’ Fife 1-akr In this concity. tbr Block
Buppllrs for oners...............3 &
tops of aald rmIU. and aboil provl^ bmfstvdcvuwciiM. ^eifhMoaia- "
IH. nssny:iii:s :~l. ibr Ubdei. _
Tom Krnupa. IC<- da. (f 31-60. 26 40 and
Omnd Traverse Heraldkeep In rrimlr such aultahle oAd aiflevnto<!>.•• sulci (or lira ttmnaahil•^reaprctfully
tolly prinioo
prlUlao your^uf bbonor
MeCune. I6>, da. 6 31.60. .. 26 40
r body lo alio* me to build a abed
nenl appraarbea to aald track Hng. and at hia derraae llwaadJfficoH
im Futley .I6U, da. O 31-60, 26 40
Omnd TniTMne HemU. Job
points scroae ami along aald to raise <-n<«igb inoucy to buy him.
ahme side of my Hyary tiani oe fhate
and alley that tcuou. vehicles Bsydu-s income woald today be denad
«!»»<. Bald abed lo.be » ft loop IS
Tboa. T. Hbtra. rent of cOcra. 28 OO
>s. B. Racleton.
shall be enabled to crota small bye I'layir to tbe ibeulCT <*•
ft wide aad » ft bltb.
M Johaaonl V da. © ii-M.'-.'.’ 11
HeoprrtfuUy aubmitled.
Moved b> AM. (lorrlann that tbe Tbr Mlrble Ch., Oorpomllon
K'-ori-rtfuliy robmlited.
and travel along the same ehviro. ami bis ■ ratale " was almoK a
lohn Green, U da. C 31-60. .. 20
Bmunlcnllon le reielTrd an^ placed
II. UausbiisoEN.
at all limra, Ibr manner miuosqeuitiiy. Wfl>-r. who died Miout
Ike Uolew, rda., R 31.62, ..
City Atiomry
thrap” li ’ iiVii.' iunpi;I So
Herrd ny Aid. Uouabry that th«
the' same to be subject 70 yean agu. nreivni less than £800 la
Selsen. Ileum I. 4 5 da, O
noiibinday Rroa. A Co., Tirasur
rd by Aid Rlrdrr that the repot
prtlliMI hr rrfrrrrd to mnolUrr on
the approval of the couDclI.
fur blw-">Yv'Whnts." «ioe uf tha
er-a fund book...................... 15 75
To Ikr Himorohir Vopor. and Clip
tire aad arater.
Section 3. 1*be grantee Shall keep all
KoBBd. K. H. fan- and bold
Connell of Tmcrrir Clip. VicA.
the surface of the street and alley, must i>p|mlar operas ever wrllKn, wbUs
To fkr f/naura&lr Vapor and Clip
aa occupied by aald railway or track. fnau )ii> ti>c olbcv ujaTas lie aisdo cmly
aluv-lliev. By •TheBobmalaB
ttnaghey, Cntinlngham. Round and Tim Pled*. II daysal 31A3-- 17
F. Calkins. K K. far* and
neetlna of tbe Board of Bdoration
Conm-ll of T>arr>rr f«lp, Uiik.
pair, and shall
|j>u Crane, team. I day
hotel rspeoars to Lodlngton, tJ 00
too. (Ir.siiJ u>A—Wr, Ibr uodcralpo bald Rept. 2S. IkOI. the following artioo
ve bormleaa tbe Girl" Itslfe ir.umd Inst Ihoi £1.500,
H O Joynl..................
. 100 00
ed. most rrapiv'duHy petition your wai uken. vis: "Thst Ibe Board of Ihn Renoir, rspense of Che- from any and oltbungh the ■ Marble Halk" ballad (a
SO 00
int.rablc Vapor, and ( tip ivm S WIlUams. ...
boygao trip.............................. SI 31
boBorablr liody lo mubllnb thr wldlb Education ssk the rily roonell to re.
pul BCBM> £3,020 >
Cbas. l*arkB..................
|Eie« Ibe IVre Uarqueite R. R. Co. 3. W Palchln, gas espert......... SO 00
.. .
r become liable iaui tie- |>s-kKs <d ibu puUastMgn.—
Tom Daily...................
:o pure a watchman at thr nil road i- P. Crolsrr. trip to Oraud
luy by reason of the cooatrurtioi
- • ]• JouniaL
-rossing at Blpbib i
irraniy deeds rsrruted by l.lnua O. Allowed for vacation,
apirts and E-ipcnsi- for city... SI W
J. W, MiuJsrs.
akiog or operating of ■
lo ihc
• city
- of Tta<
adirs' l.lhmry Aasn., rent of
Hnnlllob that Ui
Ihe'givini and allowaid by .>rder on City Clerk,
croaelnp and aa Ihrrr are naey amill
>e Cily tl
hall. ......................................,-2S«
OB br rrfrrsrd
■aae. rlxhl
priiHegea hereby
It was hlni« in ibv srvea'tia that 1
...........3I.<» from
N, Yatiaw.
rblidrrn In Ibr fourth vard that at- l.uclilr Ihtsenbery,- city llbmla and oalka
him for park purposes,
the eonalileragranted.
Deduct 32.MI from I.. CSover.
as living in a Urge wratm* town and
Han....................X................. SO 00 tion therefor baring been paid him
Section 4. Said granteee are BUlborDedncl 35 00 from B. Hmden,
indBctiiiK a san-nufol bostncaa I aa*
d a aural]
Thos. ^nrbai k. Janitor lor II- ^ ^ per your Inslnirtions
To fkr Momoroblr Vapor oad Cirf
to use said callwsy or (rack only
3Ui.no |>ay to Ii. O. Joynl.
Ilmea racb day. '
Ink it qui
Rqspeclfally sulimllled^
Coonril of Trarfitf Clip. Bfbk. ’
the purpose of aurb lawful hual a luver (it a gisid luasA andownadat
Dcresoarg. that a flagman br alatlou
II. J. Morgan.............................. 3 8 (
TaAtumu Itirr. Uleb ,
. M. BerMl paid for IndMing
I as may be carried oo npon tbe the (line a One PudsKT. and had fall«
N Mich Transpoitatloo Co, ..
G i premises
rroaln* Allof which Is
. ,
CHy Attorney.
adjacent lo said track by the into tbe foilish lialiit of sprcding mj
ReBpert,’( lly subBliIrd.
Seymore.............................. Ill occupants
2SI. OcNn.cui s: —I rrapnrt^ljy rrMoved by Aid. Sleder tbal tbe rrpor
C, U. Reera, MrKInley a
(Ui every (u-asjuti n-gardlem of
thereof, the entire design
^<•wltl, .'........................ .
100 C of this grant
J. W. PsTrEiix. I*rrsMrnt.
Qurol prrmll to build a two story
be adopu4.
fniDKbeing to |yrmlt trans- Hue nr jilsee.
bouB- on Ibr soulbmat
Itrr of BlsCti
poruiioo to and from said premises.
,luj 1 had waited <m ll>e edge of
Section 5. Tbe privileges hereby abridp-ftwibcdrawlocl-ur., Aasuna
Moved by AM HaBlIton that tbr II. R. K t- 4 1*. Co.. Ilgbl for
itt to
as il did wi 1 hurried my hirae ovor
•ynt............. .
•BBuntallon br adoptod. peadlog
llltmry.............. .....................
striel Ibe rights of Ihe cKy of Trav abend of ilm reitular’iramc. almuatraaGnv H Came. Dr.
Slan<lard OH Co.............
Hovrd by Abl Ha
' (5
himdietbno-qaarii-raofamlledi*Round A Son....................
prtltlon Ur prtnlrd ■
mllted........................................ Jl TC
municipal boards or ofiScers. lo enter niiig
Paid Jvhn llellcB mileage feM
Tastiaar Cmr. Uli-h.,
ins,ms Telephone Co.,
3 OO uptm
tartce. Tie re was a divliviiy on tlm
anre pordrelnp tbr ii
. R.
I. A P. (h. light fnr>
wiinew. ;....................315 g E.M
Oct. 7. ISH
I 35 the s asid street and - alley and On-upy fariber side, and as we sped dcraca a
lid Sbefiir Kent Co . serving
o Ikr HonerwUr'Vopor. and .„
I 52 Of SL. .
Tasn-aoK CliT. Uleb .
,^?Siiorgan, llrery...................
3 50
------------------------------ small ten-(UriMl ai-nais Hie stnvd, oad
•oaniti of trorrrsr Clip. Virk.
Oct. 7. ISOI.
I had ran over him. 1
prlve th> owners of the adjoining
I wo teletrrams..................
nrfmi:u»N;-Wr hrrrwiih aul
To fir M»soml./r Vapor, and CUv
. R. K I.. A P. Ih.. streets for
premises or the publle of Ibe right lo rnuld nut Mop my bone <w turn him
3199 66 make any lawtul use of aald street and f,« a U.c-k fariber. and when t did X
Vo,mr,l of Trormr fHty. VIcb.
September. ............................ SIO 30
Toial. ................................... 318 20
302. <>i:sTM'ur'iI r«lq>e>-ttully rr
Board of Water C
alleyOb. H. Ctrass.
hal aimie workmen had picked tha
qurst you lo hare jibe l^ter Bala on
J. W. MiLUKC-v. PrealdenL
Fire deparfUent pay roll for
Seetlon 6. No car or engine thereto child op and wim taking bin to tha
City Attorney.
Rlnb ntreet mended
mW to^
to Orr corner of
attached shall be allowed to remalo or ald.-waik. lauiipuedhewaikUM.and
Moved by AM. Bougbry that tbe bill E J. Frioiii M. Secrcttry.
tWnrh'thJ B,September.................................32*«
Maple street.
Moviel by Aid. Bougbry that the bllli slop on aald aU-^-i s<. as |o ohstruct ly heart alnMwl atoppd bcuiing. Then
H «. I.. A P. Co. lights
e allowed
Idlnp a house on
- department.«. -,f..........
> allnw-ed and orders drawn oo the tbe free and ordinary use thereof, nor
1 that Ihia be refrried
heard bim cry. Oh, tbe niuaie <d lhal
cr or Uaidr and (
Hannah A lay Merc, Cd.. snp
•main *r sian.l In said alley longer
Yese. Aids Hamlllon. Sleder. Gillell. ater.fiind for Ihe several amoonta.
SBlilep lo iDvmtlgatr.
and mil city - CarrleO.
than I absolutely lieceasary lo load mod! He woa not hurt al all, bat
. piles......................... ...........................
nougliey, Cu
Ronnd and
Respertfii'ly submitted.
merely siuuned. I P«k him In ay anna
Y>aa. Aids Hamilton. Sleder. OUIett.
Wstrr Works, water rental,..
C. Denuoxn.
lincve with bim lu bii motlicr„wbo
B. J. Morgan, team.....................
I to
By O.
r that
rlty and coumoo council of tbe lived ucor.
TasvRasg Cirv Mlcb .
:.iv,"Iaaid.tiol,iuB bim Into bK
city of Tra«*rae City the right to make
Telephone Oo.. rent ji( tflaOrl. 4. 1801.
----- “(hank lieaveiTw uh me ibatyaur
C 00 «T»T»M»;\T
. jtmea. •....... ............................
ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. latire and such further rulesi. orders
Oarrled <
child 11V.W, AiMl 1 told my story.
Sol Kmtaer. oerrices
233. We do hereby certify K
To fkr ■HonnroNf Vapor. Bad Clip
Veaa-Alda. llamUtoo.
■N'.nv, Billy." aald hU mother, wip
ell of said city that the fo
Counrll of Trarrrar Clip. Vic*.
I errurate account of tbr cost
ing Hie duK from bis (an-wlHi her
224 Uliereas. the following railroad
Al^ Hralltoa. Mrdef. OlllHI John Rennie, bay. straw, etc... f» 80
aitSTiAun:—I. Ibe onderslpn
5 OO lire on slre«
ilreeU and tbe ronsirurUbn crosiangs in Trav'rse vllty. to-wit the
apniii. "Whaldidltcllye? Ifaswimder
. Round, aarrl- Hoar Co. No 1..........................
d requeal you to allow me lo pul on win and^iv
. . protect the yeaiu’l Lilbd a duseu lim,* every day
Hose Co No 2...........................
3 OO icreof, the a
of materUl used Grand Rapids 3 'ndlanu railroad rrosad l^arblln.
a addUion sStlO i>n ibe rear of n»
Interest, aalety, welfare oi accommo of y<T life! TTiank tbr nice genlleaiaa
•eof. ni
mady aund.
or place where rucb maler
bringing ye hone lu hia carrlMU.
on to aald railway
■.oytellr. dmy...................
cr lalwr iwrforraed;
Sections. This urdloanre shall lake Bill.v, and k<cp off tha streK, ye*
Heyaolda. dmy.................
KTserre iTiv>Tarf-m> ua a
lopor. aad I
effect Immediately upon the filing of
pirtc rorkwrasblnp outfit and It will Monitor Oil Co., oil...............
MsnaisL i sni,
Coani il of Trarerse
rsc nip. VIH
<« rau iiuagine tbe revnlalim ot
Ihe wriltri. ar.xpiance of Ibe lertns
K. R. 1.. A P. Co....................
301. ncrTisMVN' —I. Ibr unarrsicn soon lie here, we dreiu It advisable that B
hereof. In tbe oOce of Ihe city clerk fn-ling that liM k ydaoe in rau—Detrcdt
'« sboveTi..............................
■B from your bonorablr we siN-ure a location so that tbla plant J. U. M.-Oough, bay. straw and
of Traverse City, by the aald Grand fWl-rpu
1 grir.datone and ax b'die.
lo iDorr tayr aralra
aralra from Ibeir
Rapids A Indiana Railway company,
weii ' Firw ' Atarm ' Tel't^
PDd^ purrhaw
Reaolved. that Ihe c
I pvdlw-k for tool home...
prtwral Wnllon al the smuib aide of
• lOOItowwd.filOO.
nvided such acccpiance must be fl|,ed
graph Co„ one register.........
( the loal bouK
I lanterns..........................
ny waiwfaousr in the srFaV.aldr
■t.aldr of Casr
thin thirty days after the adoption
The reudera of this paper will ba
I rake............................
airerl Bhoni half way brtwer
at UaM
mils for new walks.........
onstruct and maintain
aroBiie abd Ibr l‘. M R. R. tn
rlchl to rcpqal this one drraded dIaiMe that acdem fa*a
chased' for about 33».M. giving us Police pay roll for ^leaiber.. .3»: 4! ..epairs for aprlnklersi . gates I
al-l croscing
Kraprrtfuny rnhmlUrd.
ordieanee at any lime Is rXpreaaly
able to core in alt IU rtagoa. and
dliert rOBBunlcBtien by mil or water, Harry Powers, burytag doo...
50 Posts...................................
(in> W. l.iBBii;
served, dnd. upon the repeal of the that It catarrh. Hall's Oatonta OoTu
sIm bandy for tenma and geta our
Uored by Aid Round that Ibr prtI loola and iqarhiBrrr all togrther. This
all Ibe rights and privtiegra tl Hie only poaUtre eare known to tbo
allrosd company
iJjmb.'r for sldrwnlws oo Kliathw hr pranted.
hereby granted shall cease and be al medieal fraternity. (Mlarrh halag »
seems to ns a mosi dMtrable lomtlen
a gates al
13 33
F II. Marvin. |
I'nIoD street. Casa an end. and aald grantee ahall, al Its
Ijjmhkr for sldewalka on Ronloin on So
30B. OcxTIXHiix;—Vr Ibr ondrraisn
rr expense, remove all tbi atltsllonsl ireutment. Baira OaUrrh
..I » 73 dalph street. ........................
: and East Eighth etreet.
33 91
ed reaidrnte of bst Bl(btb street.
. under the autborlty of tbli Onra Is takan internally.oettag direct
iwivTiKu rv-fin.
l.timber for replanklng west
Aid Boughey that i
hOTwby reapertrully pelilloti your bon
ordinance from the mid streK and al ly npoo tbe blood and mneoua oarEvening Record, coancll pror adopted.
orable body in order Ibe roaatrurlion
Ihe roadbed of aald faces of Hie aysUm, thereby deotoylBg
of a remeni aldrsaU on thr north aide
fbgte Pieoa eonnrll proceedY’eae. Aids, lismlltun. Sleder, OUIett. .......and alley -c a rondtUon equal to tbe foondatlon of tbe dlseaae. ooA
of Baal Rlabth otrret froB OraBl
UolloB nol supported.
lags....................................32 35
Boughey. t'uonlngham. Round and ;lu present condition.
.tige. -----street to Hour slim
Moved by Aid. Hound, that the ordi
Moved by Aid. Cotblln that
Filling for walks. ..
oatare in doing tu work. The pronance be adopted.
■rtitioo be referred to rommlttee oo Hugh ProBty. aexltra for Sept.3 45 00 Sprinkling, ...............
Najs. none.
.. ...........
fklatort hare ao mach Ultta (a lU
treeu and walks
225. Resolerd. that the property owl
Cleanlog up from
Plrttr. CusE Knaidrom. Prank
earative powen. that they offer One
era he and are hei+by ordefM to bnlld. lett. Doughey. Cunningham and Round. Handred DoUara for any osse timt U
Bd. Handy. A J. Srolu. Praah
Aid. Garrison excused from voting.
within tbr next thirty days, a plank
Wade Charlra C HrdtboB.
fallt to earn. Seud for Hm of toatiNays—None.
(he oorihi
Uored by AM lllllelt that the prti :m. Yoor conraliiee, to whom
Ueuiala Addrwa. ff. J- (3baMy A
eoticrrte walks. .
tion br rrfrrmd lo roBBlttee on eferred tbe petltloo of Scplembei
Oo . Toledo. O.
ITBl relallTe lo rbaagtag loratloo of
ose street sewer—tabor, 31-32.
The mayor appointed James Avery
simna and walks
Beid by Drngg^ 73.
ddewalk on East »oal street aa
17: drawing pipe. 31.24:
SI city acaveager. *
Ball-a UmllTnUa are tbe boat.
To Ibr HoooroOlt Vapor, and CMp ordered bull! August 12th tlH) beg
Moved by AM. Carrioon that the
cement. 33.40; pipe, 378A73
On motion duty carried tbe appolntd further to plank
Coasrll of Trarrrsr Clip. Vick*
oiboubU be allowed and orders d
man bole. 33.13................... 423 31 company \>eo
ow l.smas* la Travsess ettr.
entire-iCilroi?acpaalBg within the 'yvo^aX ^sifiiltan. Sleder. OilSOC. GCXTLXUCX:—I. tbr uodrrsli
Grading oo Oak Park arhoel
OB the several toada for tbd amo
sick raeelriag medieal aarrleaa
sidewalk lines, the lopnf which shall leu. Bonghey, Cunningham aad OarCarried,
Tba BeaMm apeeiaUaU huva lo
-oraUr body to allow Be to I
be at (east one Jwlt oh Inch higher riron.—<Cl.
Yeas Aids llaralittra. Sleder. RlIlHt.
ReeMJd, That a walk U built on the
their otfioes at fil2 Uaioa straat.
south aide of PToal areet. from Rose Boughey. Cuanlngbam. Round and
rotlacr oB Bone fouadatlna
than (be tnp of aald raiU.
Nay*—Aid. Round.—<11.
Tbaoe (
kbont oar Ibouaaad dollan bi
Moved by AM. Sleder IMl the reMln.Oorrlaon.
leptlrlng wolkt-lohor. 313.48:
ohranie dlaeama of men. wemou and
bo lorn ed
l on cotaot of Waal
Third, That a walk be built cm the
Moved by Aid. Hamlltoa that the ebUdrau. Th* tioh and poet aUka
and Bartaw atreeta.
orth aide of Front street froa OHCarried.
uk Park acfaool aearer-4aan treated.
Y'oa need not Mag
rrt to Oarfleld avenue, aad that 0 fke Hoooroble Vapor, aad Clip tor. 32.76: cement. 4»e; pipe.
Yeas. AMs. HamUtoa, SMer. GIIML
meoey aa eouauitatloB and advioa -are
otic* be clren to property boMera
Boughey. Cnanlngbam. Ronnd
('osaril of Trarerse Ctip. V«cb.
to Grand Traverte bay, for the city.
tea. AU tet U asked in ratan for
Repairing rraao^ka.............
CarriedUored by AM. Oarriaoa that (be pnl- 1 thia eSerL
Najv Done.
FhA»i HsKiLton.
Moved by Aid. Hamilton lhaC (he
tloB be sTBBted.
s for remli- Drawing gravel to Do............
union of T
Jrauraa Suasa.
». Revived, that the owaei
rily clerk advertise la the daily pdpera raaalt obtaiaed bj their new lyitim.
property on tbo north aide of Luke Dotirylag property owner* In dlUrtA AU who rail apea tha doKan faMma
P. P. Bm-UHKT..
Donh side of Fronl alreet,
nth.: Fronton Coaa: Front
TbsTaaaa Cnr. Uleb.
Coto. oo Streets aad Walka
rentfe west of Casa streK (Tnverae covered by newer ordinance lo co
atreet by Johasoo'a; ptoakNot. 1. t»01. .
was referred to me for Investigation.
Ootobw 20th will raeelraliba biM«t
Moved by AM. Sleder that Ibe r
Ity Iron Oo.l. be aouflod to raaoee 1th tbe sewera
Bs follows;
ing Wett Fnmt otnet
To fkr Monorwklr Vapor, and (*lf|^
of their servleea antU oorad tea of
ott be accepted and adopted.
all matenal (except oaa bolKI from
bridge: 3tb. oa Bmwoed:
tVanrll of Trvtwmr Ctfp, Vick,
the aontb aide of their lot liaa. wttbli
337. aunaMcx —Tear ordinance r
Sod. op Odxr. 35.42: saDo.
Moved fay AM. Hamilton Uiat
mas or wnama ^oald MU
Y-CBB. Alda Hamilton. SMer. OUIett. bnlMlag occupied by the petitioner
33.00: Inmber. 331.12.........
42 52 the next thirty days, and that H I mant oldewalk be built on Uta aeuthqntre aa launedlmte coooeetloa wli
hereby lh« order of the eommoe cminthe cKr newer ayates: (or the praaai Bongbey. CaabiagboB. Round. Oairlit naad by him as a pumge way loviu lombrr for 'eohcrate
cerner of Ftasklta aad Bast
etl (hat no part or porting of the Eighth atraeta, abutting ee loU 12.
botb aewrr and waur mains of Park SOB and CoefallB.
Teaching tbe rear of bit bnlMlng:
auwot citend aonth only to Wallas
105 » ftrcK or aidewalk la freut of their
olBo that with bis coaaent It la used General rviinlr.
ud 21. block 2. Haanah. Lay A
Tbavim Cirr. HIcb.
be hereafter ohttnMtad and Co-'s fifth sddlUo a .
toB BtroeL ! aa orer one hundred
by other people wltblog to track the Gniliblng on Sute otraet tar
Oew 7. 1»1
26 that the chief of pMku M baraby la<3antod.
d nlxty tom aontb (rooi aald malas
rear of premMea altaoted oo the north
_ baaeoh U|ht t« tho Mek fiM
' ' lo romphr with
*'b tbr oaal
otniilad to enforce thU nwlatku.
Taaa—AMa HamUtau. SUAv.
i( rsqulrad
oaaltary o fkr Vonoroklr Vapor, Bad C«p side of Front otroK: bat that tbe psb- Drawing bniab State Miort
oaiotaA. A lift wBiaat^m. Taka
Coanru of Trasevac ctfp. VIA.
Movod by AM. Beeghey thU th*
tncnlatioa It will be aaMaarr to «llc claims DO right of pamoge over the
from kidewolk......................
1 M
lett. Boughey. CannlhckaM. Sona:
otatlnu he adopted,
trad aontb on Park otreoC boU Bales It Ocrnxugg:—We. your tomalt' bava net la any way aought Ubor on Bryut Pork...........
to ay M
tee <B fire BSd water, beg taBVw tt make I deprive
rive] the^p^tlow
tbe pedtiram- of bU ewa- nuiBg wosbotn at tth. ottoot
tbe foUovrlag ivart.
WIU you azewoa ■# la tbo
Tibb. AMa. HtmllWm. BMar, OIBMl. MfifuA Iff AM. Mm M tti a
teMco. ..................................
a that the
report l>e acrepted aad adopted.
Aid. HaalltoD aored ad aaeodimt that action br pootpoaed lor two
Aaendamt not supportrd.
Tbr cirtploal tnoUoa.Bs Bade, was
Yeaa. Aids. Slrdrr Ollletl. Boutbey.
CuBBlngbaa. Round, aantaon and
Corblln. (7|.
Nays. AM Itaatllon. Ol.
At this Uma AM. rorblln was eirnaed from the aretlns
Uored by AM. Rleder that tbr mayor
and Clerk be authorised to
lb* itatnu-l with tbe Aaerb
Fire Rnplne company, and .
and anwptance of machine. If
>w n.OOo. as first
cblne. and to auibe
. lynrot on aaM mocblne.
three p
■«r .»
■ srxNnro
. fWtftaO
ttecwteOMd<tf Itefa
-Look bera aacte. DAaaB70Mdhd
fan th» err* at Um Pwry t* tMt ww
0rt frMiA: -If rMrrwDedovB
BaOwWOd. P.
OV. VMr 7MT CMd rluUiM f«
tbc BHW* OaUknh«Mi'
«hu^ Wr M folac tQ Ixirc
•vrii anr giiU am beaiAT
i aay cthwm eaeto agi ai
TbM aonrmd the dclA with waeb
-Arp 7o« tolai ts U7 aaUa
roar «M nrp«tcn aad dart troaaiii
•Mi Atm V fat ll>«p UP* ftrUr
rXrrrrT tvwawl tbp «vp« a* «
sItb a 4wnuo« aad latmaisc in
Mo tk> vari at a lanl. tte lifeo cd
vkidi. imaodisBtto habita aro
p raat ro« to ■
0. n><M4otba
«f M BoofMawtoe
«• tboarU.” rrplM Um rtrla.
■ormartrahh ta tbpirtona. thcwal^l
-Wall, if 700 caaoot dM Bfi. I
Iff tba UMlla and Um Uiiekma aad
xfftbPUMUa Tfarasplaidia
“Wp w«t- iba t
>(ff two Unteeff UiriatBaUI aad PiiagUla booU->
flaCsTdar Dlcbl
80 did Um
trigiUa) an aearij ahraji like tba
■•tH BPVKlrla.
-tkla u tbp pppw at tbP PpHT." aaid agatff iVfuatwpanata Paitbcnoak
Ut. Pbprtrooil aa tbp firla atcpvad iaUtaUcawan alao cacawca taaeatacr
fow cabw raclMlM. bat an aaowfcaad
aboard tbPrapbL
ta wMtoal apaiM. It aecwM tnm tbia
-Glad to nppt TOO.*' aaSd tbp
Bat tW awpll opv firta paid Dothlof that tbp rockno baa tbe power <ff lajiac
Thpr odij noddad niolnalr and «fet agt iff a eenahi oohw at aim iWemto tba bow. koplat Ckp <tpw ta Uw bbsi Ua»p eff tba dapMl foaler parata,
-TbPr don't aram ao draadtallj
plMOPd to loppt aa.- po(Dibpti(«d 1
BUppPt. aaltlOf off «B tbp pan tack.
“It U nir tun. to talk to Um opw
firia.- oatd Bddip. -Yoo bad roar toalBii with thp Isat aopa.■o Bddip ndipri up.tbp alPPTpo of bla
atnpPd ahin. whlrb waa ppMphUx
tpUc of fonnor imadrar. aod alartc
la to faarliMtp Um imw alHa. dark follearpd. Tim Um npo In Um cockpit
wtobrd for Um vuia wbo «i
la a fpw nlBOtPt Jark
Ifa ym turn, l^pt" bt aald. -I bare
Npw fftri Ka 1 waa talktas ponwatir
wMb Mra. Bbprwood.
Npw Ctrl No. : a-aa talklBC at Bddip.
New lUrt Na 3 dU not look TPty approaptanUp. but rbpt wont forwanL dp-larwiliMd tu potpnala bpp. for abo appparod lomoonM,
-Uu 700 llkp Mlllarr bp aakPd. wlab«Wnk oPiroaL
bkooed, tut
ned warbler, for itMtaDOv OBekoei
obaofp.io oebs raricUM <ff
■ caUj
wbea tlwrciaoBul find Um .
ODia, apd tlw7 oowa to com diatria foar
Tbo fcnalo bird lart abcBtM
aTMT, wbkb ia OMto thaa tbe MpaetablP fMoale birda eff vditMtr aperata.
ThliUfaMsaaeof Um tamanoM oiat.
(ff Um rga. which an llabk to be
thton to tbe rn>Ai>d by tbe hlida ia
wboae Mt CbcT «n ptanod. Ooe ng
onij it plaoDd.in <aw oaat tr Um BOtbw
bird. wHieb oaoaU.r. Uwach ou alwa^
tbrenra oat 00c <ff Um brisinal «ga
One baodtod aod nlBi-tna raitattaa
<ff birda barp bne iapoaod apea by tbe
oaefeou. and wfaUa BMal ut (bcoa bMa
wtn waalj amm. warblwa. UToateban
aad tbp like. tartK ctoek aad rin«dena little r<*>ea, m^«iaa. Jackdorea
aad arm Um- ibrikaa (four kitalai. ban
girm npport to thla
bpp giaaapa aud atariiv at
tfuuoiia wblpfa bad sppd wbitpr daTa.
•TYp barp bad lorpl7 aalllac wpaU^
er.- msarfcpd t'brt.
No saawpr.
.ntaat 70Q think wp ttkrpr' ppesMed
“I don't kaew, 1 ao aore.-. Aad tbe
CbPt omniiun-d aoniHblog about tak
ing rare of tiM Jili idippt and aneakad
bark to aak Un- Iv7> fur an overcoat.
lo the nicanlhup B.IJI4- waa pn}o7lng
blaiaeir Ia.niruarl7. N--n c>H
3 bad
B OITr, mx, VOKSAT. OOTOBn 14. IMl
A REFORMATION How Bismarcli Brown
Uncovered a Tfiief
roeaU7 lo Ibaoa partaT-Na Uara BumBp.- aaU ioha naot^.
Ur. tyoa looked tnoUed. a lltUa nd
wttb a atari. -Noop bat olt Bpbaw. aad rery Ubek prrptPXed at be aat
■hTTooaly taping bla paneU un Ua desk
S TO ffUt/T IM
la tbe oSrc af tbe target busioraa
I tnaa 70a with a aooM. Joba UeatT r banae cf IU kind la Chieagw. Reforp
bln. Mood a 7«<i>X
-Dndao'To'kte. wb.-TTra It laet kaown bera brt Ta a Calabfd making
M m Ur. Lyoo'a
aadical atodpet la Baliinuuk. XTbat I
caoM ^«a taopp for is a eadarw. Too
You are aoC tbe drat one wbn baa
kaow wtaat that la doD't 700?opuk.-n to me of tbK JohnaoB.-Ita a Utd. ain't It?- aaid Joha
Ur. Itou sfbT a momeal'a pauae.
r tbeagbtfalij. “'Tala'tabw
dacm olbera Lave reported the kra of
wkoa.BMUM7 from the ebange pockets of
llMlr cuati in that rbwrt.-Na aa** mM Cadla atakaj
-!>• you osapect any otw?Tokr almeot to a wblsper. -It's a
-Ko. i bare no auapMuni and bot
Uid/. Wbat I want la eU Bpbtaba
tbe alktbtPM prideocp.- replied Ur.
I'll flip 70Q 830 ll joall hdp BM
f« bim."
I don't tike t<
-Aa- If wo ^ aoftatr aUd Joha
Drarr doblcraalx.
auggeuted A-Oh. well bp banged, at pome.*
iBialtp cbppffoUx. -Are 70a wUlUi/u
take the phanpca for 33l>r.'
Jobo Iimr7 oatd be Iboocbt be <
-I bare uo fear of-n'llllaB.- tepikd
••Y4Tr upll. thpo.” oald EbuIIp. “Meet the employer atuuUy. ~1 don't kdlero
OP at 13 loalsht at the polored grare- be la a tbipf. aad I won't tUI It baa
rard atM] luing a aiiadp with 700.a bm proved agaiaat him. Ilowrrrr. 1
Juhu IIcor> lUTHuliipd to <bi aa and am determined to Bnd out wbo baa
i:toallp rHoninl to Btoodgoad aiMl tbe
lUdwv brr ■dlnwwl wuowxa imlMd
rout to niMTl.’
body else la tbIa offbv. aud 1 aball pzloiiole
-The Mark raarair aah) Moodgood amine William along u1ib Um rcst.Bwontal CatakMwwtrw-.
s dbMTu: t. -DUd'C I tell 70a bP'd rob
wmiam waa tbe iHirtcr. He bad bn-n
D. Ma^moHlAn «
tM<h«drI Um rui|iloy of Ibr lirui for years and
Tbr nishi waa wttboot a takoa. and
a<l tlip abaulute ronOiliSH-e of most of IWdtS a. IMrtsloa at. «rm^ RapM
the iMoiiie alMUt tbe plaee. Aa aoue aa
Joliiiiuu bail mode bU aeruaatlvn and
u as7 tbe Icaac for a
from the nwlninm aJ
jou-ro iM-rr. I arc,- be aaid.
■MTcral days Ur. I.Id-oo dlllgpotly
Harp )TiU l.ruugbt a e[uidp with 701
patch foe tbe tbM wbo
Now abow cue oU Epbralni amn-.r. but all wltb- trV-l wum-er. ahall eMiwa-s -wtd jirwaWa
rr-Mdi. He ward maiked eolna and
tOrtoe iMHlury b
lout ibciu. aod watebed everybody from
0«iaifT-<-:nir at ibr boerMrU.
atrauge biding plncra all alioul tbe of- •Ow4
ami I ana. mtnrtlATTarMa
Bee. llewaabtCiBBlngloapBlialrortlM •uslbioil nnn otnoa u- iminM
Emollp wbeti tbe other panaed Ixforp 1 su-ci-wa of bU detcpllve elforta till oup woiih .41 •nOMma-trawlUn-aswa
n- Tnaih ■
frcably made mound.
-Let'a ga day be waa m-I on a new track through
through with tbU Uuaiupoa aa oooa a a very ordluary elivuioataiipp. Aa be oiuaa aavi sin > n, Ho«.«tb ■inn
walknl from Ida offli-e out into tbp me •Koih 1-.
nnr. the
i..hti Iloory took off bU coat prepara- sIm>i- Intlw rear of tbe hullding be nowmiaui apTulddiig eec-ely at bla
lory to begtonlm; bla gbaoUy weak. Befan- Im put lil> apade into tbe gAtiod banda n lib ounp and Imiab. Ur. Id-»m
,ed Bi
an-oud for anolbcr r
piuiUuui-d bU trip through ibe ahoji.
lag glauer at bla i-ouipauloo. I
but aa be was aleuil t<> iuk-s Ixek Into
bla ortlic five or alz lulanti-a later be
■Ip bad myolpiioualy dlaanwai
Ainioet at the oanw llnw e numbp^of
lal wimani waastUI Imay ncrobdark forma row up aa ayatertoualy on Mug hl« hatHU.
•T'l.nt'a ratlier mid.- Ibeugiit Ur.
all eldea around bim. John lUiuy was
00 frlgblcm-d Uwt Im feU down
Lyoii. -WlMU did Wmiaiu Imc-um ao
Up thought they wei
an nil ibal'/" And theo be
dculapUH of Um place aueklng reaigp- aoke-l ab>wl: -Wlial'e the autiu-r with
-•harsnuar'inb- HouilBaa n
ancM until be beard a alem rolee.
wblrb Im tcrognlapd on Coloiwl Wgablogtoo's. any:
dwork." tv-plU-U Wllllan-. "Ha IIk
-No we re raagbl you red banded,
you KVDiMlrci; Ugbt a laulrni. aome
M ntuir to MiBlli }i«i M-er OHM.
of you. aiMl wc'll ace wbo It le."
Afi.-r .vou think yon Ii.iv.- waobml n all
In Um glare of Um malrb John Hraty off
3imr bauds li>gt<lH-r iitnl
ooll.T-d that every one wore a -black tlMiv It «leiw« again."
. will U- b-'U oI lb. I1-srt r
"Muat ia- bant otuff t- gi-t •>(!.- muobalf mask aiul <-arrie<l a abetgno. He
' }. .oanieionaa as »
rbliPct b& frlghlptMd pd Mr. 1.1011.-and thru a <|Urvr amllc
l-y 17 aud M. iwl.
og-n-ad ..v.-r hl« fa.i- and a Sherl<a-k
skirt crude rmimiito USBOS
rj -vaumMluin l>. acwraiAy.
liduH-a hh-n paoMsI Ibnnigh lib-tulnd.
•Heed I ain't did nuBn wrung- be
I66 S3ft!iS!53.".3:5?$103,000.00
I'sider tide amuigenn-iil Mr, l.yon
lit B lid of amall ei.lu* In tbe aiimll
pta-ka-l Ilf the laaikkmlay'x eiwil jiiid,
omean-d pocket an-1 iinai^y with
maivk liniwii. .\fii-r iIm' otln-ra
goni- for llie night In- and the I
kiv|a-r rUiliil 11m- iioitriaiiii logi
and dlMinrtm) tliBl Ibi- ui»ui-y
.\elt mi.nilng Wr, I.t.hi
donn early, and lie'iiiBhuciil in :
iHU-lin-aa with evi-rv our aloiiit Un
Ubi»liuieui. He 1 iall.1l one <b-ak afler
and aa he, lalki-d waleluil
every nioueiiH-iil of Un- bamla of tbe
man wlih wbian be'wna <-nuvi-ntug.
For half an hour be aim iinUdtig tnit
of tbi- uaiial hlll-aa be aiquioi-bcd onr
deak III- iiotiii-d Ihnt Itic vnuiig man
altUng tln-n- uaaAHihllng Ida |a|a-.ullarfaibhiu,aud Isad atalns
niigcra. .
Mr. loon liaAiil ••arafully to
ann-, and then liiirrUil Into bla privnte
elti.i- and Vi nt ti-rtlii- fellow mho luid
sltriiitnl h:> aiti-iitic-n. TTie 4lu»r oia-iinl a moim-nl later and In walked j nung
J-liii...,n. «Ui a fi-«v ilaia ewrlUy bud
a.i-tlMal WUII.18I. the i-in.-r. ut la-liig
tb»- Iha-f. Ill- lual a iimfUM-d ami guJiy
-eiue.1 on
oo Ul
Ul'ai pma-Mr. I.jiiii'e in.ph'hink «
Urmiil at noi-r.
"ICil 1 uolii-elbal yon wife bolding
iiiir la-ii III a i»i iiliar way. Mr. Johu
uuy aWi.-d.|lM-eiu|i|oyer.
"Vco. air." .tainitMTc] ibi- young f.-t•H . grow lug terj mt; -I .iit ui> band
irifli-Ui«l nlgtat- lliai la"
•miat t». >iiu kiHie why
-John Henry. If tbe law took its
p»|Mr eonrae. yon would l» plunged you lo eotne 1a lay*-, lan'i that what
like a buBun dooghiint Iu a rat of ladl you iiicaii. airV lnli-mi|-lTilI Ur. I.yoi
"I'm oorry to eouf.
ing oil. Rut we Laven'l
:l 1 do. al
Ul 1'boiling oU.
rbauer. Get
Vr. l.yon. ‘i-ni
your guns ready. Aa Ibe prlaoerr rt
blue away at bias aa many limea . mt- the .ouer oiaiv.M young limn did a> be waa 140.
you like, aod If be gets off with bla life
when Im bad remb.d Ida desk Ur.
writ aud good.
Idun dittertiil lU- alli-utkui c< IIm
wU-Ie o«S(v foree to him by wunuunc-
nean-al 11.0?"
"«i.. b:
aal<l anotlHM, -|mI « 4-uI Uiu to pleere.
mile bit at a tin..-."
Konliraot tbeta
-No.” liit.TiaiM-d dTMrd: "be ought
I have a fair trial. U-fn lake liiui to
Joalb-v- Talnlur'a aud give blui a fair
' lal,"
-TiMfa an.- rame Um gruff pboraa
-lie ought to bare a fair titaL We'll
aU-iamAtuw. aod lUe baoonnrfal- lake Mm lo JnetbeTaiiilor'A^
moat tragic for Uuan by emew of work.
Ji»tl-c Tululor waa alnady prepared
—WntmliMtrr Reriew.
f.M lln-ir ev.-uliig. N.-Tcnln-hwa he |iittci>-b-<l to la- auakim-d from a >a>und
alM'i-. and after au hlle • aim-down aud
lit the lamp In the lltUc iMn ruuiu in
Whieb be beW court.
dPiaturua of Hadiaa, Plufcwv SmiUi
tVlirii the facta were made known
u tbe iiootllah
blni. be eonaented lo au Imnmlu
eii-ly that iIm ftial
trial, ubkb pr»v>al
II e».v|d the pHsuiicr.
t'-diUMi Waahliigtou made out a
appeared almcat erery night, alwaya ia
a wc«t or auntbwcaterly dltrctkai and Hlaekimm.
bad U-eu a
a*: it may be.
at Johu Henry'a IntereoU. aroar.
tbncfoiw he nmarka «bat ti
admit pipiytblng t'obuHd M'anbebargea ocpur ia tbe rtgicB where the Ington baa aaid. and ukmp." lie la-gan.
moiot and dnaUeoa era wind meeta the "Uiulr* la too good for J.diu Henry,
dry aad dnaty land wind, one being, rtie devil couMn'l kei-j. a ehirken If be
pnfaapa. pcmUnly plcptnBed aad Uw waa around. 1 hope yon wou't acud
oUmt mgatirely. In Ummp lqcfataii« dia- biiu then. jDdge. -fur by ao doing you’ll
pla.ea ne mBO.r na 800 Amboa per minnle
luerraae the immatblliy «f tbe
bare bn-o uaBaicd. tbia nlp being fcap<
up for on boor m on boor end a baU.
. tMlBoorr
AntMlnr natablo pecultanty remarked
Ibout leaving tiwlr aeala. and
of Uiw r««ica> la that Uw beorint iuIm
JuatiPpTaiuur tamed to bim and
' by Ibaadn, while
alao enyeya _______________
<ff Um Btoe Hen tMate. Utia haring
p they
tntoard on oeroont <ff a geoliewook^t lodge men li r tfarir <4ol
lot bra.
nam^ Caldwell, wbo aaife Uw
0 atipk to tbPlt
famuoa in aporting aamala by tbe
aaIlorgtrlB.~BaBa]o Newa
qnality <ff hia gammxK^ wbicb bo alla (dared very door
way* laad frwa Um egg*
a bine haw.
belwriog Utal UUawaa the bcaluohn
ruougb. be waa upon hU feet again
tor Uw Botber of a gBBWKMk.
after the dlapbarge. He n^er ksMW
that Ibe gnna were all luaskol wlib
-Tbafa right.- aatwered Seratci
Uank v-artriiUpa. aad aa br got uot of
Sorghum. -The limp la patt li
gunsbol It WMnMd 10 him that be waa
gun Iff the country when a mai
bnndrad (daepa.
W.«». MOI
-- ----------------ELECT CAL ENGINEERS*
O" «itnm.BplU and
Portable Rioroa. Hoatiag Pada. Taa Pota.
FUt Irau. Oarilag Ircoo. Incoadeaoaai loam. >. msdla Mwm
to 300 eaadte inwsr-oll aha|M and oolora. lei^or leb-pbonro fm
__________________________________________________________14« FRONT ffTRSeT.
Mr. Shane has Just arrived from Ohio with a
car load of as fine horses as ever appeared m
this city. Among them are several excellent'
drivers.'farm and draft horses. These should
be seen before looking elsewhere.
Whiting & Shane.
state Street Sales Barns.
eAsv *TKmMS
0 •« the •ddmonal
caabbi-d taatunw, wirelwnd by a
gnilal amilr. ter of aarh 1
the world'i tvfceaM-pa.
■a wo B«DAt.
Tsls»bMt Ro. KL
Tfappbief otnpl.ff CtoiaUonia la Um
bnad Karl Jubaaa Uadn. wUah neadt
apfnau tbeeaawn. ataUaa to Uw pal
ace. Um 00 onwailP aidca an two
baUdiaga <ff importaDoe. when ytnag
men 8a k to atndy and «U men
lagialatn. Tba proaimity <ff polii
loarnlw traUla Um nuMxpUmia
wbo hoped that tbe praonom cf a great
nniTfasily in Berlin artnld bare a good
effect ca tbe goemuBaak ~
Pmaaian and Norwegian ten
tbonghTfnl guddnw were fnaa
a few yuan of each oUier.
diapUypd a loadiiMn to welcmiip
ideal and fnrttMnd Uw oaoae ut bae-G<t tm- M>UM ..r that hUmai
px|»^ulatpd. -Fo'Gawd I ain't, gwudon iu ooaaUeoa Acldt <ff UwG^k
brow n,- Im onb-nil. and w lc-u it •
Tbe life and Bomneot of UMcity
“ItuB l youII grt dreadfallf Ural «
bla •Ifflrv with
-Tben Wbat arc yoo doing here at l-n-iiglil In- hurrlnl
n ptucUoally ooafliwd t
tin-air of a mail who had ooIkiI a d<a-|<
liii b.«irr
-No. Wb7r* E.ldk aiKAc In a sur-'
-1 jna' come In b-r weed orab ole oi.i-->t.T)'. The Urol thing In- did wai
am ia in the habit <ff walking emyday,
libum's gtwver’
tbe U-ad l<iaikk>ila-r. wbo
-Uh. K moat Im au ful lu go out In all
"V.-e. aiul br,nigbl a epade with yon.- auered tb-- Miunm-na ut «*n*a-.
glada eff wi-albrr and rlak yunr life. tbelr watcfaiw by fair
"If yoa'll let ...... K|>o>l the rha{ige
aahl <'nl.nMl Wo.bingt.m. "Why. aa i
my fortnne to Inaeh
Bnt Umh.’ Um added, nitli an pogag7 m-nle yon h
lag amUc.'-a aalior liaa to Im vcit taldu not tar from wbttr be eat. bat hia
mouth ag.c“
trarp or bp wouldn't cbouae that PtOl- fan-diduot aptciallyatlnr-t m«. Tbew
wbo fed men oympatby with hUworka
lag.Bddip. bplDg a laarypr. was about to
ranark that lx- knew of tbtoga wblcb
toak more coontgr Uian aMlng. hot be
dU out bare tliup. fur tbe girt ankrd:
-Air 7WI wpU paid fur rbonlog tba
aaivprrd Bddip aadlf
tboogbt of Ibp BK>DP7 iM waa tM7lng
fur Ibp prtniPgP of aalllOR.
Tbpn abr adrian] bin. to Join tbp
Dowatrodden Eini-luiX'a' aaaorlaUou
aod aaid aprioual7. -|K> 70a drlnkT'
EddiP'a firet tmpalaP waa to aar: “No.
Do 7our BppIok. bouprrr. that
waa aoaloea to do aumr rpTonulug
aaawpppd. -Yp*.. Bhp tbea talked to himaf the prll pffPrta of liquor aod the dangen of a
Wlkr'a life and Iwgged blin to ptumlae
not to drink aii7 nion. TtMO aa tbp
beat lt>Klp<l bo looked Into brr pfre and .
Mid eanieail7. "i'll tMomlnp 7P. niloa,
and I want t.. teU yr I'll not forgrt tp."
Tbe new girla l.-fl tbe gapbt w.-ll eatlaflrd wttb IlH-tr cvndnci.
Aa Ibpf
CTuaM-l the rladnil iirw girl No. S aaid.
Tu o of that i-n-w wi-r.- ver? ptr«uui|v
tbooa. iKit 1 a.|BclrlM.I iliem.Mr. lUMTWood looked amaai-d. -tVhg.
I nr.rrktMWUHOpl-oya tu Im aOTtlilng.
batgpntjpinpu." brnliL
"Tbp oup wUli wbotu i waa Ulktug,'
iMpmpted girl No. 3. -knew bla
(warpniy, and br uppuird quite lulUliguL“Uulle inlrtllgpotr aboated Br. Rberwuod -Uew^bllolM. llelaa grudOale of a unlvciully, an pi-nM-nilirr of
the leglalatuft- and may Im |•c*1lldpnt of
tbp Coiled Slatca aoine dg) ."
-Why." aakl new girl N.v 2. '1
tbacigbl be waa a aaUur and tried ..
Mkp bIm inmlM- to go to the mlsahni
aad loU bim bla riolbpa wouhla'i make
W7 dlffpreorr. 1 gut him td gtrp np
dllaking lun.•TlMt U rich. Up U one of the moat
•kfuplary young omb lo aophty aod a
X3» WTiWTE »T.
.1l> .
- wad (-7
Burtati fhnr Bictric
Nrmgr «rav.
• 'ooDtr oowaMuiaT v(Hoh<ad>
r ua
Tm-cr-niy, Mirb
KNorua.M II.
Z U.kauclk^I
Wartitt S Evans
TnsuK JIgainst Loss
of Empfofmtnt
scum. OF SO^, Pi.
•a ns> tho-b tu.ov »<N-b. B-m* ■ and t
riBaa Boun.T p. ui. me |>. oi.
Uie thief kbe iiaa iMen'ndd.
-Iion-l for Um |i.iiI two
moutha. Hr waa In my olBrv to s-i-ina- rmat oOM. rianru Ctiy. Kim.
aaolber uu6' a •xiopte of we<-ka ago. I
dlM'lMrre him now la-torc you alL
lobnaou. gH out aud never let ua op*
a H I<i -HArtU.THg
na> dill I.F>| tJ>r.Mrr>n. .rMlr>aw. uala.ro>
The Northeni Michigan
Asylum oflers a reward of $5d
for tbe detection and convic
tion of the person or persons,
who. on or about the 3rd of
Oct.. 1901, Kirdlcd trees <«
Divisibn street, adjoining the
asylum property..
By onder of tbe Board pf
m.'. sfw.
B.- ai
c^£_'j^i?:r’.sirsrsks C.A.MAMMOND
In Um city.
wli«-o In Braid of a
hirago Bepord-UpnOd.
a Balte. at atmawlbu. Ky.. “it,
Mlik t^Uff aad paraBMatty «urod
Wo alwkji kaop it ia tbe boow
7«a bare a wsUow eam^aUcB. a jaandinad look, math (Mebos aad bkNdioa
*ib-all algne of Llror
Txaahla Bat Dr. Eiag a New Ufa
fhUa giro Otaor Skin. Unay rhaika.
he oould net aloopwlSeatgnMt pain, fUab OcaaplegiOB. Only tt mta at &
B. Wait * Boas aad Joa O. JotiaMn'a drag atoraa.
tube Mod
rSaeled naob a wwdeefnl ttenaa that:
bewrltaa bateato like a
ThiamKTPlbw midldbi t___________
Oolllerr of________________
LadlM. **>001 can jump on It.
* Bm- and Jaa O. dt
l-UBB sadMa I
Vhw a ebUd I boned my foot
frigbtfallr.’- Writes W. H. Eada. of
JoMiTlHe. Ta. "whidi cmaaad borriblo hti aotea (or 30 raara. bat Snek-
ble for Bbtoa Sealda. Oats. SoM.
Bniopa aad PUm.
Sold br & E.
Mt & SoBi aad Jaa O. Jobaomi
Fmt Orsun-uttb Tmn
To ftUlnttfn th« Efftcleftcy, of
His Root *
Bosan at Arrival of tho Amort*
can Squadron
to tto BHUto.
"itmAon. Oet li-PolUltoi ■
I hoata deprtra tto reported
toll OB tto aab>ect of tto Hie• M«al o<
Tto foUowlae amr.
Tto oBMl wlU be I
Of the
8to latalBi tor dl^Hr. aad tto Amarieaai eat tto canal
( xteeake edpes—oar price
laylap of maiai. bat wbre that to eet-
WaahlaatoB, OeL 14-Captata Oaok,
Oftta* SRMklTn. Ml tb« ant
■eUoaot^im B
a is that Brafol
bone of eoetea
aaform-n noeideat eccarrad to |nv-|l
with heavy aotea — srw
paid BrafoS wtU mlnipe bis opera
tioei aad abdaeUaai will beeome
more treqeiaL
Smelter Works Destroyed and
Two Men Killed
laarea, atoarai of eiais and other
of tto barreal time
Mn ovtoTtobue is rridmeo.
BOtiitol new.
Oopt. Ooek eoBtintod lili to
Sak of Simple nicUstosIies
all this week—a lovely chance to
purchase a first class Nlackiotmh at
about 50c on the dollar.
CbUdieo'a 8boea-«ll aol.
id IcatLer, ikeai abapeo—
. anTlS-
tto BonitoB or Mar'n.--
Here'Vou Dad the “sweilest of the swdl”
«n all the newest stuffs. $ia $15. $16.50
Womea'a Bex Calf Sboss
ahaped tors-$im
Rito amiited ta tto wraapal
to feared
ttaboBldtto I
to isMwpt tto SfMlib a]aadraa bs<
iWnlood to to iton. It wai n<partod
Waablaptce. Oct. It-ll is
Itot tto OlaeluuU. tto Msrblebtod HarvMt Featival of the First
appanat llial tto peveniBieal to petaad tto MBtotw wvn omr ttot port.
M. E. Church Yesterday
tiap tlnd of tbe attildde af Taric;;, in
Ttoae wm upoetad to tocmeat (In
ia Soilsrm. The* TBraal ia a
tto matter of Ito abdaeti(» of Mtm
Byiat iqaardratL W« mot tto OlaeioBloec. Therein-ramon amoap tbom
aall ud Karbbhmdaq oor m; waUi. aptolal <lto.lcei Mmlw aad Km
wbo are Informed as ib
Tto Otoelaitotl mi to McidotnBt T>4rarsm >u tbr tbeura
b Aaaral •raadar Hebaol
tto state dqartmeat ttot a Mvml
Pboenii. Uet 14-A terrific imeller
Kallr at Naoa.
t Tarkey is ^ot
"I as Bol ran otottor I
exploaioain theptontoftto Detroit
naaioa aad *barTwt fastiral
Ptotoat dwtaa tto c
CooperCo., al i'llftoa. Arit,o(eorafUie KiratM. E ctaoroliyaiI eaptoto of tto Oto
red STonday afternoon. Fireman Moraad (toUej or vtottor 1 mi lafoTMd tarday mi an oocaaion of annraal
and AdamKs were killed: Enpi•ftonnrdv tot I baow (hot Setairr pleaiora and iwoflt to tbe larr'nodi noth lop short of force will compel
r Davidson and toli>er Antivens
that filled tto edinreb both al tto laltoa to act io any
qMidsato blB rorj oloralr iboot the
and several other wvre fripfatfally
toelUUM for •oollaa oh tto Knth of the mornlne e-rrioa, tbe Soadey
eealded with asolteo melaL
Tne firetbe Bpwortb iMirae tatinp that it to ballerad ttoy hive al
<Mto. 1 ouBot tvaeoibor wtoUisr or Sebool rally,
_ petmitledtbe Mter.to ran too
mwtlneand tto aremae laiTioe Tbe ton rtactod their limit io tbU iaBot 1 bMrd arise to Oic
lew: iIh-b fed Ito boiler/ with cold
very irelUly deecretad for stanre.
tbeoeeaiioB by R W. ftaitall'i cIoh
hnsday aebool. and aatama
I. Siid Turadej Witt prUitly stowsre U
Mea'a ISatio Colt ^bora,
rxteeaion aokw, rope atitdi
this meraiap tbat tto <
aad ofiloe ia Ito Oalman block won
be Upbied Ibis eveadnp. (wevided . no j J
•erted that the Bnipiriaa coaTMt al
tied than wiU prabably ne Uttle de-;
lay la omapleliap tto wok.
Mr. Qallapher. wto> to fame lookinp '
after tto went of oaaMraotloe, itamd i
load by throat arpiwnntMtitoa of
wbat hai been dlpleoatleally
Bof ibeoMl itUwa
oitoMitodir lattofiahbr oowtof
that it U BO BMnr to
iattalrr. B« mid: -IU7 l> »• tod
■tradtioa thaa wfaae tto OlayteB-BalI ttol Oentom-i Btottod
Mea'a geoaise Box Calf
Sboes. aiira b(iat7 oolee,
eoald bara eet eat of tee*
W kMk IIM Not a
fytrt art
laid to Ito iMeta of tto etty tto total
will to fiM.OOO.
ttot peadiap be-
Ok etsMst Mus anS most bseSIcWaa tanUcs el medspi artists in Olsttr Celersaad
PUflnes and all IlM n«e Iblnas in Qtdsnl
frames ter Am same.
lag oar graet iboe aale.
ay daaaads it Tto presaal oapaetty to «.000 eabie fast of pas ^ly.
Wtoe tto fwatoelad malae tors baea
Dilatory Tactics of
€ity Book Store
Bargaiet at oar sbxs dar*
toaoarraiped that tto eapaeity can
doabtod U tto basiaase-of tto oem-
Picture D«
Tto Trarmee City Oai Oo. has-------- .
platad its plBM mad tto mafctap af pas 11
complete ta araty detail ssd aqaipped
with Ito
MkiBf pa<lipb( aad foeL Tto pleat
Oreal Brittoa
riebta to thU naUi-r. Imt Me bai raaervad tor lompar and eood maBsara
Kto toi aakad for bo onmptoimtlon
OCTOBEB 14. 1901.
was bapn^ this afimeoee. Tto plant to
i-*d to the KidneplnB o* **<»•
Wcvlar mu MmIbk >U«aa This ARsr-
half tto liM of tto
ttfona. wai in (root, tritli pomplina, eoTB and otbei fraiu of tto tall
“Tto Brine iqBadiN left CirnfopeBi
At Ult tbe Oak Parkecbool hoaee is
tor tooUaeo B« louB ai it wot loviiprovided With iroper draiBapa and
ed deaattrtr that tto 8|«iiU)i Bert pearine from IL*
The moRtoe eerriee wai eopeeialiy tto fneaacr lo toallb and tbe worry
WM net Bt tto (onnor pliee.
Tto »•
toOftedr ntonniOBl mi befrun bMooie for tto aead membere and tto abet- of Alderman Roand and olb>-n to
array with.
Tiie Rose strael
SBUer fcarto Ui tqoBiKiD vonld tel toa. Aad they ware all than, cr at
r. pat in for tto expreoi porpoBs
OBBeld with B itort eoBl iSpptr. laaat Marly all of ttom. ecaveyaai
•erinp tbe Oak Part bnildipp «•
Bekbr toRlM book to doBtiaeo u aooo for tboaa wbo wonid otberwia- tore
vras dismisrad
II tto tontlH-r Diodmuol in<l li trii been aaable to eoma betoe prorided
Tto connty board of so
tbis afternoon ia ibeir rvpalar fall
sassloe. with all the members jweopnt
except BapervirarJobaQiliUdf tto
first ward of
rity. wbo is oat of
Little could be doce this afteraooa
ontlt some prcliDiaary eommiltec
tor them by tto E>iwertli Deaeae. today while ibe onanection is beiap work is aceomplit'
Upon tto platform ml two of tbe made.
of lb<- hoard viritod
tto tower clock,
aeed naniaton of tto
mw the aetlon of the clock ia the
SbbiiMb'i. bBoaoii to Bnuitod to bat.- obarob.
rand all serme.1 farorably
bii ihipi Bwtor M7 and-jjadr at ■ tba miaiitry li over 100 yean. Rer.
Tto principal basioess of the board
aBMBt'i aotioe to (Oeaen In battk-. O. D. WatUas oSeretl a ferreat pray
er, and MB* fol(pwed'by Rev. A. J.
;at this seasiiui will be Iheaction npoo
wxtra irood wearers.
5 to
Ike msbts Are Gettinc Cod
S.00e;blto 11,75c; JSto
2, $100.
BBBdreds of Stmple Shees be- j
low wholesale prices.
Itbe towiv clock, the apporiioniaanl of
Itbe taxes aiuonp tbe different town-
M danew of oomiioo. 1 did not toar ta vbleb tto ipeakur toaobed nptm T.A1.1.
HedeMB aad tiohirr'i ooltosor in Cbeae tbinei ^batoaefat to to tto frail
whiob tto Utlorli aUieed to han of eraty Obriitiao Ufa, especial
Macedonia, Oot U-Thel*’**'*
..cntl, .u»U
. (wdabr WiFilii.HliO
r (to UdBapen
of hli MB. to moon a rolubUT avrnmdtr of Pat Orowe.
OMha. UoL l4-Ohl«f of l*olier
Dapiw rmterdap nci-iTod a lattor
tiM Pat Orowo aa to tto Urmi 00
wtdeh bi will lumiulrr.
1b tto letior Grew offrn to el»r
htmmif ap sad itaad trial for the kid
BBldae «f Kddli CBdahr providrd to
U Bot looked np oatil a Iniy itoll ad-
Tbe atta«A will iwobably be taken
Tto Saaday aebool rally aadbaaBal
mrinasly by the Francb
raU eaU broaebi eat almoat oeaiy paand compllearioes between
Manila. Oct. 4-Tto mUilary aaUipi 1 of the Saaday Bebool datinc tto
and tto porte are not improbable.
critiee have received word that Genpaat year.
Tory faw wara abmal
oral Mtpnel Malvar. Ito insarpeBt
wbaa tto reU wai oallad. Tto priaVVOT ■ALI. WPIlNKallAV
leader, is believed to have left Ibe
oipa! teatnrra of tbe moeram were a
prorinoe of Batsapas. Loxon, and to
Tocal aolo by Mim Hone, wUb piano
aeaM llUk achools .111 H
. be planning an operation in tto prov
and violin aoeompanlmenl by Mimes
lace of Balaeban, where Inrarpent iuTieslflh atreH Gfoaods.
Olive aad Beavie Faleham. teamtcripUctohas
Tto game of footbaU that t
tioea by Ohariei Riokard and QUdyi
Tbe coontry there is moaataia.
iMfmaaaad addresM by U Roarce bare beoa played B
OBt and well adapted to paerilla war
R*t. W. U
.voldably poetpoaod. will
oeear Vedwsday atteraooa at (to
was foaad that mily (me of
Ckpiaia Pitcher has
TMlfth street proanda
Both teams,
papill of tbe Bandar sehool wai
‘""veetlon la tto
Utled to be pU(«d apee tto roU of wlUbeintto best of OMdltion and a
, is^d pt Mindora
bOBor as taTlBe beee peesent every ftaeooatMtUasrarvd.
The peliee fores al Banana, fwovTto Blpfa Schools will meet tto
Baaday dariae tto eetire yrar. Thil
inn- of Bataaeaa. has beoa disarwied.
Rstkwas Htffh aebool team Friday of
M^ule HeleB
and tbe'cbiefof police and rereral
____________ '
A very Uto*al offariae waa takiB tbts week.
otbers have been placed under arrest
for tto
MetbodUt Benday wAool PATUPK AM> I N Asl-nYMATED
tbe ebarpe of bFloapinp to aa >nUaloB, or tto aid Bf noady Boatoy
sarpent eocieiy and asinp ttoir oSece
afkrd bli
of tto lolW totU.
It (t eaaw from
hai hai knoM Oowe for aOToral
7«n. U aeqaaiated with his maBan.
toe and itrle of ipeMb.
Tanerter Obief Dotohae teeairrd
lattor from an aaele of Orowe, WbonMBto to rafasM to latoal aad wbo
llTM to HaaetoiWV. Iowa.
tar offwa tenai forOroao'a
Tto In-
fer tbe iasnr-
Major Brapanm, tto insaiyeai ofB■r wbo ordered the rxecatiaa of cm
Cbirapo. Oct. 14~Mattbtas Thorattomeetine
of tto Deaeoaesees. Io wbiiA
Mn aapbyziated al tbeia- borne early
Mciety ito toloeea
merninp- The father tamed ea ryiap oat of the order, fans beea a
Oat- of Ito most pliaalae fratarei of
pas ia tto kitebea raape, bat be- taneed to be haaped.
tba day wai tto ipecial
There is enntidenble crili
to eotod apply a lipbt to bad an
alahed Bndm tto diieetloo of Mim
k of apopleXT
When Mia. Tbcr of tbe reocnl statemrata of OoepiessRebaru. Eipeelaliy plearine
aimvs betb basbaad and soe maoB Edgar Weeks of Miefaigan reMle by Mim Robsrts at ito mcniae
garding Filipino character and iwssivresv dead.
___________ ^
ee and a daet la tto eveBlae by
biUtlea. Members of tto oomraissioa
Him Oardaar and Hr. pooetaa
refer to tus retaarks as “toovweeplag’' and as "bared aposi toc short an 1
w t> a Male aaS Mrasd a StA.i
and to ai folloM
Orowe myi to faai beea ia Boath
MiH aec.ttecMM ne Meaer.
AfriM. flebtlae «tob tto Boars, aad
liiwwin bis diqml with Onat Brittaa. and bto lymnatby with tto Roan
Ha aknm tto amla pan of hli letter
Blaftlon. Ohio. Oct. I4-Barty
u of Mr. Weeks
this as "anjast and vieioasly tolse. “
acnlng barglois blew ap tto tafo of
tto Blafftoa milling company.
t. OcL U-Bx-Ooreracw
by Bsylae to reereto ttol Mr. Oadatav
aboald eavect him of UadaapplDe FlUsbozy several woeki ape wai tofctto boy. aad boptac aoew to raoeira a sa with wboopiac oeopb. Be mimed
Vtoa la a pamraply from Ito ihtof wbiefa to dlreeii
Moald to made tbraoe^ • locsl paper. jM of eoapbinp to rapnrad a bleed
,i In tto twain. Biaee that time
MBd dotton hanelmt over tto hmd of to bai pcadnally prawa waakar, aad
Pat Orowa, be wtotoi to slate to yea
and «to polios of Omaha that If tto ap all hope of hto n
“Al tbara to araward of fifty tboa-
rawHd to wUhdraM to will aarreadar himself aad Maad a fair trial la
to obtain iutormatioo
A>Am.-BUT asraxcKD
Ito aoaita of Omaha, atato of Nahnaka. Reward to be wiidraM caorbe-
mUl was set on fin in diffcRst Rr IMscrasb •« tks Bmrt.
plaees. and beraod to tto graaml.
Fort Wonh. Oct. lA-Aa
The 1(M is •»,(«>.
cared no maaey.
Tto baiglan se- tralghi train oo tto Mlamari, Kansas
xas wasdikdied at Fisher Blatioa
daring tto night. It is reported that
two' traintaoa were kUlcd.
St Uaia OoL 14-Ab ebetric ear
omstod Into a coal Min this mmaing
r„,iageri wma mwecrlam
PROP. J. p. trraeiro.
ChiotB Hfiigiits Baatnipt Sail.
A M TbiM. TIm CWeafo
HtifkU BMirept SbIb.
ta tto dW prleea.
Btsf. It'tl Mke a to MiM.
The Old Stand, j
Bandsome Styles in
new French Flanellettes
Beautiful effeccs-7-eIcgant colorings—panicubriy
adapted for waists. 3b in. wide—iSc quality—
Special at 12ic per yard.
WaMand Ctbel
See a few of the styles in our east window.,
Ht Che Racket
By H. Grattan Oonnolly.
k heart story llphuneo wlthdohclous com«K)y. Elaborate and
Special Scenery, Superb Coe-
Ladles’ black fleece lined hose, per pair...... Tc
Men’s Fleece Lined Underwear...................29c
ExtraJIeavy Wool Fleeced........................ 42c
Good Aachlne Thread, two spools for.......... Sc
Udies’AU Wool Hose.............................. 2lc
Bay al tto Sew Sl.irv aa<l rave mum y.
»Cbe Racket
IKplii Plica: fS, 3S,S0,7Sc
Jade* Itlm enilirHetopi to U anTbe Bpwortb Imcob (aratHie
abfe to fanul. Umdi io oiomi of »S»>
BBd tomaadi that ball br BsmI in lliat oae of ipaelal iLlereav beia^ also a
raoBioB aerrtee. Him Batsa of Onad
th. —I
tbOH who bara bean loae in tto a
Tiea of tto Uird.
told “Damn ito T(«ai.''
Ohiif DonatatHs
optalbn of the
““‘-V kbd the nwatot
You want a night robe that’s long
enough tt^wrap your feet up—that’s the
kind we sell at ;sc, $i4». $1.35—Pa
is. $1
$1.50 up.
Popular Shoe House.
> Sehlir. Tbi Eldredi wbo pnached a aermoo ob
Brooklj* poMd within MO rardi of tto aafa}eot of “Tto Borrea Fie
tto letai, and than' wai abaolntelT Tree. •' It war a iiowerfol dii
the evening record
$ Organs
Ton take no risk ia boyinp
larpest manafactarers of tto
kind ia the world, aU goods
direct from faotbry to porebaser at factory priese. All \
goods are as biph grade as ;
nwoey and akill can make
them. We paatutoe satisfaction.
W-- are always
pleased to sboa; oor poOiH
Kverytlilnp in mnsical mer- |
chaadisa. Talking Maehicei I
and records
jm Popular Stnet
musk Outn^alf op.
01. OI.Kimbaneo.
f Gorgeous
I millinery
A visit to our Millinery Department will
reveal to y^u the finest dispby of dioice
chic hats of the very latest and most sty
lish designs we’ve ever shown. We want
you to see them.
, Crimnud Hals Irom $l.$0 to $2$.
' Street Hats. 7SC to $4.00.
just received another lot 'new style hats
for street wear.
iCbe Boston
Tor Bofs and Birls.
Made by Mayer for
school wear—will oot
rip and inquire no
rubbers—In several
Wet feel—*col^ —doctor's bill. That’s just
tbe way it goes. \ ou can avoid this by get
ting tbe boy a pair of
Olaterproof Sole Shoes
wide easy lasts, exteorion waterproof sole. There are none better
because they can't be made better. 9 to
13X $1-40. See our window.
Parker Bros.
fltt STnmro mddbp,
B ea*T, Mua« mokoat. octobiw 14.1901.
'■Tea bpeak In riddlea'
am oend m.«wty.“ abe m
meettog hla gam Car the flea time m
wlibotM Ototbing.
Be bam tato a tongb of genii
A1 Behaani oM E T. FMa ob•Bltoctu A Boatwood wired to mo
-Dn-t make it harder for aw than
awwed o 4Mk oblaM In Ae aolf oaor
oa aen aa the dent* nW wna made It la already.- ah.- oahL ber Hp qolrtr'
the BIf mepbaot at Booth Atlootte
obaetote, 1 teft b/ tbe flroi ateomer, tag Irrefireiiaibly. "i am to eanaid
OI^.H. J. TSarfondUtob M- iBBdrd at Plrmootb rwlMdar. and Indeed. Kor bow can 1 oDow myaetf
to marry yon—1. a creature of .im aebwolamr
it fORolrod o bM emd loeAlo le
coant now. wbowe lume Ixj. Iweu l«ndkd Bbont aa a tomisoa tl.lug. and
UMban. ThaiRitaafaatta kaith.
than tbe aald aefllr:
deaerredlyT Ob. one can't preteod
foot to eiroamftoooeo. and ila ■
-AMi! 1 bare bt«a bera aB the the ceoUBry.’’
it It toebat oonMO It boa throe tuwo tlme.-Whata an thbT' be aaked. tala
of aow tooth, aocoe of them on
“What da roo av to a era nra«ot
•oath iwiatrd into Ibe amUlat
laoR, dM Bke o wotroa, and oooa of
Woobtot It bring bock
A ainile under Uo abort dark
the old adiirmiia wtm onmlm'
deobtoqiiick timer
'Yon mum admtt tbai aU
“A ma Tracer abe eolmed ragoe^
TM board of Waaottoa to Ki
me. 1 am oot a flt wqbbb I
tr- ”1 doet tbtok 1 qblte’-a wife agolD.Oitr. Kao. .daeltoad to gran t a ImU bol
Took borer he aald awkwardly, bat
"Ton mean.” W nid. -tbat yun
r»«tertar for the oehaol ehlldr^
itBBaalTdT. TTe aettM It an. nab- don’t enre for me any lonser."
• ttewniTol panda. Aaa to>ect to roor approraL Bltee we’re
In tbenlgbt which had at Uattantat
ealt there were leao (Mn Mf <4 tbo
narTted-ebt Now 1 want rn to tell the outline of bla Caro looked alcUy;
M when we can etart."
bta wire shook.
“When wc can-"Ot>." she aahl. -you know that In l
bori and glrU opeolr doeUrod to too
•: Itol I fi-H4 can t I mne(u-| mar”8iarl Tob unde
mlt Doww
tOMsbore and prtoetpol toot Itofr woald
p you.
1 bare fallen low enuugh.
will JOB Join me In' town aad-and go
lIU I hare only Injarcd mymlf. for
to chutcb wltb mer
be U weU rU of me. I nn-da'l Injare
«.U» of tbom bolted lo too MlaTber halted to their walk, and be
eoorl tide to 000 tbo parade. A i
took pomeaaira of ber haoda.
weoM rery much Ilk.- lu kuuw.too of tbo board of odnaotltm baa bocw
■Ootne.” belaid. Therc-a no poaal- be aald grimly. "If y»u crer ratvd f.>r
Mladteoantdar ditei|>ltoary mca
ble reaaon for d'elarhare waited mry
tong. Let n lane no mote Umr."
“It waatuy cimtr. waan'l MT
An olorotor to a drr cooda tten
her hand* geotlr. but
”.Vud yoo wlih UK- to leare*;'
BL Usta. foil IUtr-a*e foot thU after8br pnl DP hiT banOgto twr fa<T.
"Have you iboucbt It .on-rult^
leatlr wonwa iboppara
Bore than
orerr he wvut on lu a steady, niatli-r
ii-t volw. "You itak.-d ami l.-r!
doeen iwraoae were tojnrod. i
ert-ryihiue for my sak.-. r,.u «id. ami
Mionetr. Tbe aeoideot woi ea
"All Ibli time, and liidn-d It bai It li:i> .wt uw wimelLlug tx-. N.il Ibal
br tbe brtaktoR of a eahia rope.
ee«wn-d tmT- ''rrr !on|!. 1 Imve had I r<|>rua.-Ji ypc..ror. by Iieen-ii. i do
Whan eaogreaa eeavonea to Decem nothlug to do bnt think. The drat
lov.- you:"
ber the •to.OOD.OOO rieata and harbore thing I nwUn-d wai tliat I wa> frer“Y.rtl Will suou get over that, aluemt
bllU killed to tbe olotliic dar* of tbe
tu love rou aa niorli a> I rouM aa so.ni M If I marriid yon. and tti.-o
latt aeoaloo. br Beeator OOrter'a fo- 1‘erhapa a nau ranocit i|ulli> abder- you will s.v that i »u< right ami perepeeeh agnlaat time, will be atand what tliat ntraDt f<.r a noman. ha|» lx- grat. rul to lue.^ nut to think of bi>- |«at Ilfeteanneeb-d and rointnxtoaed. Hiahi"U l!u.t ain....................
“V.-*.'■ Intereat lo the bill it orer p8.- my Ufr with him. Vou know the blot,
the tiD upon l|. I fell abort In my dnly
“V«u ate qnlle diwldedr
and my fallb. aad I deeplec myaeir.
Kenaior Voorlet of Wiaeoatto. mjt
-I ha.l Ix-ii.T say cmdl.y at once.*’
able-bodied todlaai will teoo be roI -Cwnlby.*qniied br the tterornmaet to work f«a babll. and reiy low. with her baoda
IV.- aiv n
not hkdy to tu.x-1 again to
llrioc aad oolr acod nod todrai will tlgblly riaaped.
utry-. are
Deerral." he saaured ber. “you angot totiona.
." udmllted tbo wuioan.
W. II. Oibaoa. it jmn eU. mid to like all wumru~blK- iH-W out Lor Itnmh as tf l.y a
"Ob. iw; Pome of them are good, t' iBU-ulsv, au.t hi- Imue-dUl.-Iy (..uk i.v
bo tlie heir npon too dnth of bU
haw la-ea w<-nk and wicked. Pieliapa aos.ii.li of ih.’Ui.
mother to aoTetol tboulmd dollaia. U
waa Irlfd tuo far. I unvl to nay m>
"V.iur. i-li.-.ks ore w.-t.“ h.- Mill.
Baadned ton Otaloaco poUee atatom
fbe daya when I made ■•xegHoN for
-.lr.- tli.-y r
oo a Bharge ot berglair. Oibaon ad-r...r inti- llttlo fare; p-jur lonci
mlU hli gBilt. and aa a reenlt of hU
■ioa mBoh of the jowolry ftolen
IS sUL ImmUnna. r
■on reeorated at a pawn tfaop.
-Yes. II fell tiM- Ds.-i.-smess «f ilulnj
1I-- .Ir.-w iK-r ls«d .hiwii ui.ui Lit
sluul.h-r and .-lasiss] h.-r In hliu at
blr contod br volmmie oetlritr in
li the no. aud I tsmed my IlKiugbla' lu il.
p-ntly a- If kIk- l.ad Ihs'Ii n < hlM.
Ifle. raising
inialng tbe level
lerel of too
"iVlifll jnWmf a I.U.-kcuanl illd youbare ooenrrod ae the wool oeoat of
“Thm- 1 saw my aaliaUun."'
faiu-j I w:..’ IK. y..u think 1 alll. vor
Nlflorogna. Tho oMat waa flooded
“Of i-oorse."
lot j-u g-r
a depth of eight foot and ooaaidcnd
*'BDt not In Ibe way you ip-an.“
Til.:" sh.- Im-nlTi.'.l Ju.t J-r..r.- li.e
Til what way>"
At Bk licraU Bdward BmtUi of Boa“I abuulJ U..I liBTo allun-od you I
fcur.ii you wvn- guiug lu laki- iih- at
ton, a lien tamer, came near loatog jorne ha.-k." .Is- s*hl wistfully. “TVl
hit life dnrtog a porformaneo of toe .you forgive m.-V“
• «TAtig A30> PbATfOBH.
TM Otood Boplto Beeatd
7th hat toe fMowtag TWroet i
■ s.T=fwsr.
Hm third •Uempl of Ofud Bcptdi
MftnA tell (wtiTml bu pror
ttiteV. Bbd the RlBMrtd
bMB i«t>■o—8ii • nrW of fkfc* ifaevi. with
OBir M oow€lori»l wwtbr teMra ot
the wvpUaa of Mt. VanetBL
omsIcm U chan* of the «hov
fu thu lut row.’
botbw hlloritr ood M obl««tloiabl<
Then were erowda from
oat of tho eitr. bat iber wrat o«v
Two eoratroU
bon tftod la Oiud BoplAi, and Ibo
mwU hoe bwB foHim- ia both loI—8IA Thie Une o hUtorieol <!>••
. pter vlth ioolilotttol ooBeemoDl obMeprlaM woe proateod. bat the bliWrleol fMan woe of little totoMot
owd ibooBtartBioaaatoimotef e
tospt erill fwobablr ehovlaoe UteVollor extr tbM to nok«.a ouoM of o
All feoUrol oone o(bw ploo mut bo
It U to be lociotiud tbol
tho BlaeeU wm o foiluro. boeonee ii
boo MtboMO Rood thiogte Qimtid
Tbot cKr ooaollr nokeo >
■ oooeeoi of wboc U otteoipce, bat it
MOt bo ooofonad thM the OBd oooirht
mad (Woollead hoe net bM otloliiod
thle tiaa._______________
Otmml Alr-r'e book eoetaloe oou<took rolotlra to the ooadoct of the
Ute wot. and AdBlTBl fleaipooa U oot
o|ato4 br the ei-eoarotoiT of war.
Moodeof tlie admiral ante that
laqalrr be bold rolatlTc to Oeonol
Al^'a ehaiRoa. In oedor to viodlcat*
the admiral.
Whotorsr ralcht bo tbo
aortli of enob on loqBliT. It U oorMb tbot br the time the BeliloT
Ur It dlepoaod of tbe pnblio will hate Kalool animal show. Smith waj
hod mioBRfa of noTol oeondal and wiU Iton-s nago oxbiblltog the animal.
howUUnc'tbKlTeSoiuiooo the bono- When be atoned to leave be turnod
i; won oaatamed and welt i _
aged, wluh- tbe aeswy U for and
above anything toot has Um shown
iMoe toU
to Porter J.-White’s-patriocUoa of
fnnat at Stotoben'a Orond noxt Priday. Oot. IS.) there are nine apeeUl
electric eSeeu to ad.lltica lo hU own
veraloe ot tbe famous "Brocken'
aeede: "The tUto of Fite.’’ ‘-Biee
trial SwocdDael;" "PlrePliet^'
nowerBeda;" "Btora;" "Homing
Glories;" "KoekUee:" "Bkall;" end
'Oircle of Plre;" not to mniilon
eloctrie owUmakee, beta, limrda and
olbrr wlerd, noeanny and bloodcordlutg cteaures, all ap{BronUy ebeerfnl inbebilanta of Ihu
stage Uodee.
f *
U Either in solid mahogany or fine quarn ter sawed oak? \Ve have.six tiiflerV* ent and verj’ pretty patterns in 'stock
ai^ will put a price on them' hfonday morning that
will surely move them to your homes at once. Only an
owner of a ladies' dressing table can appreciate their
value. 1‘lease call and get oiir prices.
Oreal tonic braeoa body and mind,
drives sway imparities from yonr avs-
Jas. U. Jcdinaon.
W. L. Douglas
$Q Shoe.
FeiDAY, OCT. 18
U-. L DOOOLASSiJS. S2.S0. tASt. $4M. mattSM
5ben are ftaily «s good Of offtcr aakM
mr. Porter J. Wbiie
Wc .ire L.xclusivt; Agei.ts for this City
•II- VI.-. . ..«oUSs
HepilarPricK! 25,35. SO, 75c
at of OBJ doBbte that Aere mar be im bla hoek oo tbe bean for a
Wallace, toe big Hon. leaped a
roRord to Alcor'e inbileatioiia
tbe cage, ooagbt amllh try tbe
aor oTCBt. fram proaaiil IndlmUt .
U clear that Inoidoau oaoBoctod with on.l threw blm down, tearing bit
end badly laoorttog fait bock
Bampoao'i oooroe wiU tiare Iobr bo«o
familiu br the ttmo tbe Behler in- end aide. Two oaototonta dron
«Blrr U elaaed. And It will be joet lion bock and aared Smith from death.
M well. Tbo bettor war wonld be for Bandemaainm ralgned atoond too oege
the goBorol and oamltn) to got toRoth- for BOTcaal mtontoa and many w
or bobind otoaed and iwddnd- doort falBted;er oorram-d wUb fright.
■iCbl boot ntt tholr fouorter and Hlea AtberttBn.toloiat. poaaed
tbrongh Wtodaor rrlday to tbelr Star
of Hope roaetie wagon.
They droro
Into In the aprtog tbey drove from
TBo Oofc IM aeboet
to tbe erpogition eily..
day today, whUa tbo toonootton waa Hookey mya toot bs totoki hit
being mode to the
■t tbe Pon-Amertcen hod a good
It woe romocad toat laeorln forer elfoot.
Bonaod the clootog. bat tberr to no
Yolo onlrerelty Im* awarded to a
tratb to toe toporl
Boatoe flra the ooBtfoet for a Urge
moeUngt dnrtog toe
oodatfoo UOBt in tbo manner whleh
J7rr Yoa lafertsM im a BesmtIM
oad^bodra lanambwMd
. ItisweUaoa1 fay teltoed oeoora ood
organ lo be pUc«d to the new endl
ttouawr. .
torlam br ftmda fnrolibed by tfat
qeliDlB la at lead liimaUng. .......
oven amnwng B.ire Ifain ihiN bo ia td
practical ■•mee. Hit danng onieamBhieiiaBi otin np atagnaliiig wolem and Senford end Jepeon after a riait
lalicrea tbe gray ajutuauliy of oanm.n Bnrope. dnrtog which many of the
acBor. l^-rba)w we regard him with the large Enro|ieaB organa were ••xomin«d. - The DOW organ. wbieli.~il ia ho
too. hkedai'l* and hard drinking; and
Inrall a man .tithnsiaalie i> almiwt oa
gieal an iiiaull aa to .all him geut.oL
Aad wi wc l.iA aakaiwo at QuiatWry.
Imeaua- »t lama llw ••rofl.." Bat |.tkopa We ratlwr might t..|w.xi> that it ia
mmnrb a. thing of ih.- |iaat andrb.wiah
tboor few inatann-a id 4 that ntnaln;
oot inly Uv-auw .if iulanimlc value,
hot tavanai-w biri't Ik-ovin dtar Uiinktw
toUa. tbo (dumom » .dt.n .d wrvk>-.
Uko aa t>if.-r>.e —proUv ho will bo
hMtd by bu m»-h arrrw^ing. and nolbtog la ever dtoe witlswii; a i>-r..anL
Ve haro Hr. Bumbh-'aMal.-tin-utlhat
tbe peblio la “a hsw."[aml >1 ia mly
MO opt to ataad l>-lw.vij iia |■tw.■Tbia]
two bandies of hay anil taal<- nmtlwr.
Btakea agad d.wih<WBleit Inenthot
dMp, aweel olnmlar in wim-li it hahitnoUylMo. dnwBJiiigibatltudr-ingtumo.
thing. aghflngoU unties over again,
totoewd (d bestirring iio if nbnal m-w
mwa. Moel pngtesa and repreially poliUool prognwv IS a wn.-s of nunptutoima Ki. jtny git. as morh s> it
- good atory oo Seoator Berarldge
la broogfat from HonlU by Rev. W.
H. UnmU ot Hawaii
The leoator
was oddreoalng 700 aohool teonhera
who bod Joat reoebed HonlU on Ibe
tzouport Thomoa HU tbemo waa toe
dBly of tewebera to inatrael tbe notlrea In ntatnaaa and anltoble
He dwell os the importoitee ot man
sharing every day and of woseo dotng-ap their hair and ot neatneet of
aptmreL Tbe aenator bimaelf looked
very natty to a white dncA anlt of
miUtory CBt. battoned np to the chin.
Bwt oa he todnlged to vigewoos
geetorea a batMm of hU
>t Sew elf and
oiff f<-ll among tJ
reeling Che fact toat he wore only e
thin nadereblrt and no ooIUr.
KiDdleaanewtbefliMof yoeth. It's
toe beodof toe wnrka.
T^ mom
' life. Rooky Heonlato Tm.
Eeep yap to tbe n-mr cd your affeogmortcf ifeobto and danger (dda-
Wbltnlaw Koid taw iHier h
PoUtBM it a kind cd a
Which oarolcpB tbe aipunii.w ^ m
•bmnrr, m that otluT lavqds be not
WsaoMbytoem. Wo obcaihl m-ver ho
aritbowt it, era wfaen we ocmteBd witb
llered. will be to.- tlneat to Amerlee,
will hare between 4.&00 and S.OOO
eniwliid waa
ingt natog S«^ HoonM
enmlea na tor oor efferta it
■Only natil Ootobw I6ib will parhoeen of Tlw-Katleml Voperlaer reoeire wlthoat eboega, one mento’e
aapfdy of awdUtoe to nae to It. Tbe
proTiena necloa aboold have hod a
1 limit batby mUlake of tot
it waa o
tor it
Sold at ang auveo a
«B and Wait A Serna.
hm't raik. wait for me. The I’m It. Tbe Chicle HeifbU
; Cfckage lieiehU Beeknipt Sale | Benknipt Sale.
make j-our dress skirt hang right you must
W have an underskin that is made to eorrespond
witb the style of the dress. Vou will find just
the right cut and dare ib the Elite Skirt-made
of only the best materials—cut by skilled workers—
and sold at the lowest price possible to produce a
worthy garment.
Prict*. $1.00 up t» $7.50.
1% Uio IDillikCfio
It is not orily the best heater for getting all i
^ the heat out of the fuej and reducing fuel i
w bills^ut it can be used for any fuel that is'
X the fnost convenient or the least expensive'
^ to you. It will bujrn hard coal, soft coal or ‘
X wood. It burns them equally well and is one ^
X of the cleanest stoves made. THIS GREAT ^
STOVE EXHIBIT is open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. i
^ m. six days in the week and it is well worth i
your time to thoroughly examine all the t
many stoves we Show. IHE flHlT ROUHII 0«, THE COAL <
. MtaXDAr. OCTTOBXB lit 1*01
mmm Only Oalf
T0NI9HTSa?^ eiotbeiL
4H •wuZTcMMIr criMi< *• dp..
r'*' J
■lyiMtf —!■—
Gannents far WooMD
TW hmt wm^ te *t M« •«U - *»
W«dH« ««h-i - «-Mr
Mm« h
far *• MM efAMrto.
Tlwf* wai a pteoy jeiiog gM aamed
Madrlenr, aad ai tt vaa rcfr w
Bbe thought abe woaM go aad hatbe la
arar the watertaO. Aa
^pnmrbed the baak abr kwfced i
■ rly a knr time at the watcr-d
ar. tomalttwaa-for Madeiettr
■ daagMer •■f a water elf. aad the
fory of tbe rptarart warn t» ber cwcet
BJDelr. (the diimla-d. Idared hrrdalDty
rlottea auder a willow ttee, aad ndaabA>g nyly leto the lake awbai from end
to rtid aa entlly. aad gratwfoUy a a'
•waa. for a whole boor cbe played
Id the raaaltig water, oorwaarloe
KM the two mdm ef (tab ttory aad '
ererytblag mre that abr waa very
beo fire a eadkk mi tb* reidace as
e Ibe oiaiU of Dr. Fioce'a Coldes
After abe bad eoioytd hrtMlr
BWbUe abe rHsreed todbr liaak. f<r H
■a auw late aad that ereelag abr waa
folag iDllie tmll of TIUDka. BaL alaa.
Ibv •Tarty wind, like a tblrf. bad
rted tbr flotlire away oo bit winy, aad
Wadi-letle M-arvlied for then la vala.
It angry wbeo the beard tliel
rrlirnl lireeu- ruatltag tbr l•raarllea
ererbnd. Im|>py to ate Lrr ao l•rauUfnl and white and Uughtug morfclugly
•wak >•* licUr hom I wraw 10 IH. nrttr.
at ir to aiM'laoil the cormai of Itt trlrk. tadbtMid-fcxmklmreW Ibtgulettke
tier anger did But lirlug lark tbr aa -OeUra tAMmllMcrmr.-nO okkian I
cbaliea. and li wat miel f.r tbr geotle
le^JWJit I wtt enOfclr
1 •ttigk mote
latber to hau- to pi tliruagb the flridt M
ner Mn la l*y hfc aaC tm coOralr
lUtle dn-MMl at a Illy. Tnily. abe
IB very niiirlj atbaiiMtl. amt abe frit
Dr. Flmr-t Golden Medical DiacoTjn«l rhagrlD alto a« tlni Ibougbt oT cry caret ditntrt of the moauA aad
the danrr. fiw If (■ Dot (nitlooiBry for c*bar ocnot of digeatiaa aad antittioo.
iig girl* i» p> In a «laiire wltboot ncnreitbraagb tbo Meetarii diwaaet of
any robe. Hut bapiilly akmg the' path heart. Itver. luogt, ktdaayo, rte., wbirb
have Ibrir origin in Aiwaw of the oumi.
tie- raior to an •4d tn« with large
aeb aad ilt aiaociate argaat.
Aiuivth k-ari-t ijp It.
Sick peraoet are l8Tited.lo eosmh Dr.
“Take one «.f luy liram-lieii. poor little Pirrer. bv letter, free. All carretnead.
girt.*' Mid tiH- Im-. -aiMl make yeunrir
Addnm Dr. B. V. Ksco.
tlreoa of ii!y foHagi-."
kleOeli-ltP rliuM- tlie lirnlK-ti tlilrkfwt
witli b-nvm. but lr> *t abe would »be
Dot make tla-tn Ray •m biT akin.
They fell l» tlx- earlli. ollliougli they
would gladly bti<- rviiiaiiiitl allsHittl
at^ to CHKtif, pkm
muT mm. mtmor mum.
gnafar dacrw- of polrtmfaai Id
teg ■Mmtloe. DDd (b napooM
raqoMt from tb* Wom'p
Oo^ the Port Hanst heard of edocMlM iiH ordered that all mboUn
man mloie the Man aad HlripM at
faan osoaa daf la (heir aeboel fooma
Tim Bagf fer tbit paryoW: roe la oaob
room, hare been provided by the O.
A. & DDd WoamB-t Belief Oorpa
A elab of well koowa <>>ldwaier
Tbe faaentl of Obarlea Kroapa oroatred from bU late tendaoee at Bow
en Harbor ymtarday morBlDg.oad wai
attea<MllB oddiUea to o Urge Bambea
of hU former oel^bon <w the pbalaeala.by o giaat>aay friaada from thli
elty. who waot eat ob the Oolamfala
whieta h-fl ttaa dock bare a1 » o’clook.
The faaeial wrlee* at tlte Mdeoee
were ooodaeied by Ber. Ure«t> of Old
The maale wm fanktabad
l^let Imre br«u the verb of iceBTbyamaleqaarteteoneUtiogof Bemr.
tag a boapIlaJ for Ooldwaler.
Bkelebv. While aod Ruitet aad Dr.
taliara to aMare moaejr lo balld.a fotSuyder.
MoPheraOD Poet O. A. R.
dien’ BweaBient it dae to the alaoet
U decIre Uiat a memorial hoi- attaeded la a body.
After the fanral
pffal ba boilt Inllmd.
roaldmMM. tha ramolaa, with the fanAt Mk CletneuU la aoltlng
ml |)arty. monad on tbe Colombia.
Mme old paper* la the ooart booae.
’ ODd war<' met at Ibe dock by MePlwrBegtator of D<«dt Switaar opet
too Oorpk, who aooompaaied tbe n-
later Of Deads' oAoe.
Tha boi waa
ISS4 at the age of n yma
After a ibort time speat laOlevelaadl
Iba aatale of tbe Ua- James lUUiaDetroit aad Ohioago.be eame to Travway. of Kaw Baltimore.
They wire
•rae City aod ealeted tl>e am|4oy of
eompoaed of deedt. mortgoget, bank
Hmry Uaanali. In tfOd be aelUed oo
reeatiAt aad iirtrato yaiwra. moat of
the farm at Bowen Harbor, wluire be
whieta ware uiade
jaior lo IbU.
Iwa erur siaoe recided.
The ladiaaa tireet railway, whteh
iu IMU. Mr. Kroom married Mloe
oriuopeme b.-lweaa SU Joceph and
Mary Repeo. Tea ohildten were-bora
Hootb Bend, baa
Ibe Wallace eetnle of ino aerat.oo tbe to cla-iB. of whom iiiae sarvlTe. They
wen all tmeat at the faneral of
8k Jotepta river. It wilt boild
their failier.
They are Mre. Mary
•Bcr foaort aad have oae of tbe Oaett
Harlow of Tower. Minn., Miae NelUe
patkt la tb* state. Oae boodred aud
Kroopa. Jatla. bow Mn. W. K. RearSfly ibotiaaDd dollat* yrUI be expeodoey of Uile city. Mr*. Jotle Borowlta
of Wanana. Wit.. Dr. M. A Kroota
of ibli olty. Rose, tbe wife of Wil
iato a abopaad aoki<d fora pair of
liam Dotam of Bower* Harbor, and
"paaperriiee otringi." wbro be wantad porpotsr hide atrlng*. eoofecaed to Ubariea, Bert aad Uaaelo.all of whom
Mtde at tbe old Ironie. Une daqghler,
at tbe beooh that he m-vet
Mn. Anna Heabrook. di.,-d
took n newspaper ta bit life aad
■Itda't oato mn^ nboai rvadin*. any
Mayor Mnnn-'a •Av in the DUtrict
aallding la a run.wiiy rixip. -He baa
Ibrvv a collcrtnai <f artirha nord by tin'
iiuala wbu have IxxW ran down by
tbe nn-tropolilan polvv: but tln-n' la
sue pariirnlar aiSieli'anxoig them that
lapnihabty Un- •vuUT U iubivxt
■PH'snuKv it ixwviibliw an ouibtvlla
-that ha> aeu nim-h •awn'i'. ir tl niig
be lBk.n for a aiiqp' omhiella, nirti
1. mad l.y Hark, in 'Tw-le Teau'a
Tkix iinitBlbia aBibn-llawaabnaeriy
I nqaTtv <3 a Imrglar. and il waa by
ita linxuia that be waa able lo •■kUT lla'
Bwad stray
a baihliug. Katuoriiig
tbi'(xiviT.'a alirk wonud with pq*-la
iTi'ali'd. Thi- at>ni •■(a-lni liki'> b-b'araqic or a >>iut<xl Aoh |»le.
arouitd il » a pqw laitikT,
g mabvial and abai IS fix-i ia
length. Tlie laddiT !• tiuly w hb' euuogb
' r mic fcol to bi' |danxl I.I the nmuda
Tin- exteudiug oliek waa ued lo ruine
a-einl .f itaBjailder w. lln- wimV
tbP*^ which the •qn-rnl.v wixh.'d
enu-r, aud ou un.' end, .d th.- lad.l.T an
twoiiixAalnla faxi.-n.dtotIn-Bill Tho
ivawv wax liik.-u fpvn a p.lnn-d:
bargUr namrxl Jaiae* Huac.
DOW <k-niiig «rii a 2i) sri-an' wntc-orv in
lbeAllwnyp>iitt<-utiaryf>w Inriw-bP-ok-
«rc wax &nt arpai.d al.a! ten
“F'lr. 0e.“ hlaw-il a elikn' voire wblrk
-aiue from down there uiakT a wiki yean agiv It wax th.-n that hi- niaile
■ hhimh-n-r wku •/1b>-Ia>ld-T to gain ailiiiilluiKX' !■<
m tlial t.vi.pl.d him. He wiu
_ .
e hall
•daaail.T. ami whib'.«i 1««pI ahip
ul II AiiB'kIaivr
-ItBity oeriiput <.f gre.-o and gold." iearu.d the art .if uiaking ami xiihei
aaM >t*detpue. “w ill jmi I.- my uw-k. m»'.- Kuter.nc li«- |l.-ld •rf .Time.
rumvir.xlllK-id.-anf the Pip.- Imbb-n.
Tbe village Of Oopemitb oao boat!
■ Vi-r>- willingly," repIlAl Ibe aenieut. It IX rcgardixl aa (an- >d Ihe
gi-uiiMs Btrairx eviT made nia* .'f by
Of one thing that ao other Hieblgoe
baa been dead aeiue year*.
Ihh-f. Il-carri.xl nnotlH-r bxlx. ax
vllfage <mn. aod that i* that pr«eny
Charles Kroopa entered the Cniled alenilder. and tin'll tl
wa< what ia known is poli.v ein-l.-a aa
owaan pay no tat<w there. The vila "onmniiT llit.f,'' one win. workx
Btatee aray In I8FU aad aerred till thing wrapiari lia-tf gently arv
lig* U Ineorpmled Wader tbe atatotea
wln-n windowa an- left c]>-tv M-av.the elon of tbe war. He wac a i
m n-x-fc .If the
of Mlehlgaa. baa a popoiatlon bf too
aiinie. nx h.- waa afraid lo Iraxt
“Olu kladririter vri
paople aad ba* good aebooU.ofaarohet. bet of McPIiefooB Pook O...A. B.. Ba
a "IbI.
Waaliingb*! Port.
glon Molina,
“knu wxnihl go to
der wl>ve onepiem tbe foWetal
aad b hi all a model little vilUgedai.iv Willi uujeui'la Iu .voUT^Jra.'
Tbe lioeaaea from tbeir mlooet and
\iun- here, Jln-n." (Tl<glenadHette.
nadry other smail lioraaet i> adeafie hung friini •-eeb of Iht <wn
qaate to pay all eypeaiee of tbe vil
lieautirul lltiiu: ruhy.
'fhua gnyly oltln-d Madelette w«it
“I lost that Ihnnib by knowing
I* difflmH
liall of Tltuulo. Tke little falrba moefa,''said Cbe old rtnt%maii. in
At Dearborn Fri-Uy Mra Rachel
• Iniaglia-. Although, a* a rale. It dona
dannxl uudtT tbr ahiide of tke gn-at ■WIT to a qm-ry. ''I was ixabing boi a
rated her lOilth birthday
fmw. ami Uadek-tlr wax *u prefjjyin IrtKkTfovd. boi I ih.mglil la-uauxe 1 mold
at tbe borne
A of iw daughter. Miv.
ber •plrndid •xatume that Ibr king
rapeacalfinaixvral th^ I nm
Abtow Upbam. asclcted by
luvited to oiling any orn- clap could.
I cut of iBitiM- drnd Wiaal, and
friea<U from the
•Tbcend day that I wcat uut with
Ing opthi-ir fnnitnu <u a cxaivivdent tbe file. Ml In b.ie «llh biT..
Un. Smith ia enjoylag tbe beat of
lie liiilbxl kiT to dance.
my rawhidi' riata m mr oad.lle *•
lurk IS riom, baikiiig. aa Ib-y hold
bealtb. riie doelaao*. and ekpecU to
tU-ir gn-at ><inb<d riing eom-d
Uva for at lea*t another decmle.
Hbr I
,bei, claw. h.-ld al.rfk It'olouxy and puttlug Itx bead of green bow to nqv a owxT and
ami c.d.1 rtnoe li. tke •■nr of tke ikUd. ran arutuid tlie hm uf tb.-saddle with
«l in her habit», Uie \i-ry pirtun-.if a«r<M»<'w arfarv.
Iiluxkhig yoiiug glli lab] DO. the riata wIk-o I wauUxl i.> bold him.
retiring every night at h o'clock
bat I told
arising at b In tbe moratng. Her beat latliJuig ran ami await tbeir levy. b.xxl lo till* H-uiark.
"Swixv •»tB'." alglMx] tke king during to do it. a
trtcBd U brg old fitpe. wblrii she eii- Tbiai- on- Um- auall. U-aatifnl butn-ybird* that dart from fliooiT (o flowrv Ibe walla. "It ia late, aod If yew only qaeoee.
will gu and await you down
auil takelbi- platwtif ita-hamming bird*
••I ebucked tlie pipe
Uo-rr. and we aball ta- marrleal.'
vra* rannnig and qntckly wiamd tlio
large mouthed black j f
tbe avapWo
akeuld like It well, uiy h>rd." aald riata annnd the b.ira uf Ihu aaddlrv
laaaagbt oy
by Bdward‘^
lawm wmon waaoaagni
,to idiriuk lUUiOie riiSK-niiUl H baxaure UiidelHIe
There Wax a > tb. (be riixT wivil down,
• iKi nut go." entue tbe plerrlbg wkl»- oml toy thnuib waa rraabed to a pn]|v
Sisoo. andUoappotedtobe tbeUrg-l^„M impm>'plibh'.
ifadd-uly ihr
osl ef Ita kind ever eaaghk Ita m^- 'gtvat inax-t will raion lla rUw> end per «ir lie' *i-rjieut wlitw llie walU w am 1 bad. iu taking a tnni w ith the riata
erammii ere :
(lirta.'lk'^^inolMai ;dut at it* -Uwoliful vlrtun. which ina Hlilalicd. Hat Madi-b-lle prrU-uded not ■ruau.1 ()k' bu^ nowiitiugly got 'tny
■ derinyoA—btxond Magw to hMe beard, and Mwliig that tke king Uiuiab b'lwtxvi tbe pipe and tbr p<anow xtariixl out abe ,w«-nt la-lu
mil. Wbin II ligbttaad I het my thunb
It waa caught la Pine l*laad
found him awaiting biT.
‘-IVlvn anralxiy bold* a haipiobia
lake. Kent oownty, »epk IP. with a
" iMa t m
“Take euru." crle^t Hie acn*-i
.right band. P-aJy to thp)w. hia (bumb
teo-foel pole, asri a nnall lilk line, ,
-Tbe tvearbi'l' made a gtvet mtriaka
peutngbla i:iUeim>alL-lila fane
is poinimg fnau him. After llw tbniw
abont tbe Width of a needle. Mr. M.-jfaSmidaj.oiidluriaguodeollectkm.”
d thnaletilngly in ll>e air.
itWDsttiral f.g him lo let the riaCa
ooa*y. hewaanotHahlag ftw<ariiai
Mn>h-h'llr Ml In-r living eullsr llgbt- ' slide IhpMgb hia buid fnou bis link'
u. but *o Jciyou* Ba> aleOngiT towanl bis thnn.b, bnt if h.> atSab. bat tnddeoly he felt a *titmg tog ;
SB bU Hue. and he managed to iMd
rCTigicgalioo tboughl of Iwlng niarrb-d lo the king of tcuipn 1.1 wind it aMum) the aaiklk'
abr dbl uot trailte born in that way it i* kO to 1 that be
tbe mcmalet wiUioat a net Th.' ftsli.
him to call again lu tb.
wUI gH bw lhamb tanghri op a> I did.
I »6(b
bmeha Ann
•il, lord," . hi abe to Ibe king. Aftdr the thprw b.- has tu let go of the
1 fai pBl in a glaaa '(
■wimak lo
Iu nw
me »
of b»<-. and I win gli'e riata entiMy. o-iar it agmiu, and aa be
Amil Nerltnger of BU Raptfa, wlio you mj lltUi- fli.grr to klaa."
Winds it around lb.- mddle famn k-t it
qieot Sanday lo the eity, retoned
At that Inataiil tlb-y In-ard a kt-en Blip tbruogh hia band from hia thnmb
bias. Madi-liVIe turm-d |ale. and atnl- toward hi* little fingiT. Joat ncwtbxT
V d.-idy with n unan dull amt brief »be that and it may save yuo a ibnmb''
fell down lb.-re at Ho- feet «if tin- Ling, Bon ynneiapi Piwt.
•trangled d.-mj
Tlie MTia-ul Mule
tray Jamm W»t$war. Baawv.
■way llirougb Ab>' graox and Ibe king
Divxi wax always andkr thq imprv*•- guome* retuniixl to Ibe l«11 to
aean-k f.ir anulber lalde.- Kruiu tha ■loa that be wa> a bom buni.Tlxt. and
fala frtendx uct eo.Tvrded to coorlarbig blui is tbe cuBtrary. But
aay* bl> tiuim.r waa tb.- mean*
A bwflext tPT aixn.lx liiilx ebaoce of losing a girl wKh a lot «>f mon.-.v, 1..
livliie Trrv* drnu.l.'d of tbeir l.rivr* optatna It In tbi* way; He w a* court■(•Tplllar* aud utUr uibR-kk-vuu* lug a brukrfe .Uagfattr. tine day be
called upon her. and *be hat.peiipl to
Iw at home; be caoridrred blmiHf
fmtnoate. as abe had bfra out every
time be bad colled for a w eck. and be
e rallpiad. mao . tow Iq bmfctng drivnnlDrxJ to make tbe best of faU oppucluUtty and pop tbe qtHxukm. He
mari dr>«v.'<1.
-I'U nevi-r acala a*vc op my poor fotmd ber Iu a ruom boally engaged
wHfa ainaU busdtea.of dried giaaata
rlgar* to gtrv awayr br *aid.
“Why ocK?- aakvd a rrtcnrt.
•rhk h abe had eoUeried. “tVlrit a
“WriL“ mid he. -yuo know rvo qnauHty of dried graia yoa hare colbeen graftlug <hj ibe Z. V. aod X. fur iK'led. Ml«x Ritchie." be xaiiL Tbea
twroiy yeaiw. and yerirvday I beard il* bODMc bunt f.Tlh
' XhT room
Ibai I was Sbaot m be prDiMtvd. That for a d.Hikey to gel Into." “Make
Uckivd me. and I bcvngbt utst my box yoorarif at home Mr. James.•' iheaald
of give-away rigor*.
■weedy. Irif.ire b.- rould flalxb tbe
Vluag■ U
lo r
D a Btrangm }(*e. He west home aod aH tbe bo__T In am
an to talk, t drew tbe mor waa evnahed cot of him fcrcTCT.
look a rigar and left."
xtiooblo. I
That is such a dis
tinctive feature of
our ^uits and Over
coats. is much in
evidence in every
pair l>f Trousers we
sell. ; We have just
put ton sale about
|j four |mndred pairs of
Troilsers in line Worsteds. I^ught a little under i^rice
and pITered tu you at
$2aS0 and $3,00a
Some extra fine gratles. new patterns, all wo'ol worsteds.;al $4.00 to $6.50.
tt natb*
Pfia KAIA la all
IxiAV IsBBxerMu «*ua*
lOxamml. Ruo* A
Ucwv tai Ixw* 1
. Tomvw.ori A I
Y Tl) UHK oe
LonU oiri Laws IVx
tor n^ or •mkoa'UBv aaid •■« urma Voaou
■Mirrlixaiv. <n-?U ml with Mvlbwig ^
. timwpt-l hsTericaid hur-av.o’U-xi Bay
n fxrm.xlbor pn.xx lioigjre nf hamay
QROrntFAKIIIO ¥1- Uy*-r
wlnUTfr-m Rm) Hay Mom b). r^B Oori
! Special Openina
Sale on Fur$..
In addition to our own stock, one of
the best as well as largest Fur Manu
facturers in the East will display their
lirie in our store
Hot Rolls,
hot muffins, hot cakes,
made with Royal Baking
Powder may be freely
eaten without fear of
ij digh'Class
s;k-.3S s iPrii-sisSs
Inn of Ike lane abe us- a llxmibuidi.
whhb Mv-liH-I In o-al.re
truulde alH- uanjn.
“Uy airier." anid IIh- kind ahruh.
“lake oeiiir of my tliuna. and tlu-y w1U
-i-r\r you aa plna tu fnri>-)i your gowu.'^
I'lie (liigera of kladelHle Bi-iaiHl U|n>n
k(i aliarji pidni* and Hied in foree one
of IIm-iii In lier oiifl akin »» ax In bold
Ibi- nekle Irex-H. Hut a( lb.- Unit trial
drop nf MubI r»Be un the tlHiru. sod
tie gave a cr> of lain.
And tJa-n Ike Virgin Mary, not w'
Ing tkal tbr jvMiue girl abould go alvut
lei fall from In-r velerilul
ad> of roH.m r
dl«ttvHM-<l imi
Madebile pli-kixl tkeiu Up eagi-rty. •rat
ed le-m-lf <Mi Ike lank of a rireaiii aud
IliBU It wtHikl take Ike
lie leaviT off a tmuldlllg
unde lierw-lf a robe luiltke eina-lel of a laailc. Tke
IlHitiiB wi-n- good ihxbIIi-*. Um- thread
Hie Virgin U-ld deUgblfqlly tbe
n-B IngiilMT. and nlut la-tliT tkliiihlr ciold «ioJ wl*k Ikan tb.- egg
llUle bird? >laih-k-iie now avii
e«tln-ly b.-«|ii>y and vify iiroud of ber
i No matter how well your c<at aod vest fit.
! you are not more than half clothed if you have
I an ill fittins pair of trousers.
tifisda^ and Wednesday,
October istb and im, im
Be sure to see this line of most.relible Furs, at : : :
»TUflbe|m Brotbers.
i sBOMnwaBATnsB ctrt, IUrMl, k(MkAT« dor. 14. uoi.
m m*MW Mt*.
•*« MWwi(h
«iri nrMt tf r«a M( M bM b* •»
<ae }«( ilk^ rovRL B«o« eld*
•r* B> BMfl •boot (bIL rn bMtm*
|k«Bin)<i(>ebnF.iriUBr.~ Sbr pick-
•« BP tiB BtTtocrapb ttot «u trMC <«
-Dctft’t take UbL' bbM tUnev«Ctht
.BVBcr bT Ub BO-toetk**.
pmutdlBk.*‘Wbst'a tbc matter vUb the atrlBf
' la tfaer* DO ink la iir
“T«: iranottlBL-Oaa It «oo* wroDft
Wotrt It
It wTttBB bU nfbt. tar- “Terr wea- aakl UlraDda; “Itaa tt
WtUdo/ormeBb pIrknJ BP tbr atrk«r«t>t> aod
WBB Bboot to *lre it ttic preUmtaarr
Hrt wWrb er»T7 BtplofTatili ezpeCU
Wam It win wart work. Uaixatrt
tkBCbt tar lBt>4.
-iMe-t <Jo that!
Jm daeaa-t like U. »ta aurta at once
A Wflniejit Alarm.
•1 taBB kmanite a
lfcawBrtdlfll.**Bgi^----------w laeaiM/. "bwl I «d wm/rtm —a
BsaldBBfcaa NiiiBinlla Emupatbaa
would am eebo la ABBtea. Qa tba
pi.— eg a tittla laa ta tta Bwta
^o^alaa laM aBBDMr 1 ebattadwMi
sd at twoortbinapldaM m
WB Ml aa tf w« had a UtUa . .
BDoapoUk Ota eg tbraa
aMod if wa knew Hr. a
Aa te ia
ecrylatimata triced og
dialtr taeatrd aad faU
hia family. laeideatally I apokoog bk
flm wife sad eoDmenlod <m tbaf
e lawraTaad wremd Hrw a
0 alt-jw Ita pietare of tar |r«de:o band in tta boaae. -WeaevB
be «m Hra. a." 1 aaid. ‘bat wa
o katpallia
tlon and otaDoiyuf taroolcg tta w«y.
■■Hy new foaad friBtd amitod a little
-Wliat> i'em caU year stylacik^ oddly bedoR abe aaid: •Ttatewaaoaoa
thing peeollar aboal tta flnf Hra B..
-All BtykifraplB ha*e a inranniHty." Whkh. 1 beliera. cmM be attrilaMd to
-I're rot a at^ocrapb loo. 1 thtak
a ninly bwaUfal
ra ran dIm x«ddr. or aoiDC otber
feaya aaiDr. breaBoe be woo'l go.
Berrr baa goao. I'rr- im-vct ben able married Bfaln after awbib-—ta waa to
to WTlw oM word <riu> falm. Bst tbea
be waa rbeap.”
Rbc Iwsaa to write.
IlaU way teedrr mnnrry tp bim. and tar pintan
tbroDCb the talDlBer'a addma abe atop- painled bya tamoBi artUl. aud wtBda
pad to giro a gaap of pare Joy. “I fnl^ lifelike. BadnoUirtly attnwted loo
aerer korw aaytblag like tbla la lay mnrb atteatlaa from evnyciaewbo aiw
lUe beforer ata eiclalmed wtth en- ttlopltOM tbr leiwnitwifr. vbuniiat
tboataam. -Tbe lak a ateady, erea bo a Jcwluoi wianuL I koucT, ‘ ata da
bUrk: oerer tuo-uorta Ink aad Utarr iatad anavely. ‘f>w tta pletore bangi to
too linir; bu dlMilag. ao amtrblag. no day ia my enm parlor.
Tbe origltul
Wtoppiag. Tbla cnarma wrltlDg Into
myalMer.' Aftw awiW atimpc t
a paradlae.- She flbiabrd tbe adclreaa.
II Jut what I liad aaid ahoBltb
-Qah*.Biy OBf! Clre lae a abeet of lint wife. 1 legiainvd a vow that hw*
after wltb otraagm, ibungh 1 eacuu
Uaryaret gave ber tbe note paper terod them lu boaih Africa, I w.ald
without ODtbaalaam. erra witb aotuermeDlioa a aaiae aga».''-Mew
tUog very Ilke-aa air of itdorlaDce. YeokTimea
Tet tbo atalkr
an ondeeUrtl prtde
waa la ber eyta; abe waa dlrliM be •UFFOCATfO BY THk.SNAKE'S DOOR.
tween a legitimate Mllsfartluo wltb
tbr eatogta tbat Jane bad m-eJred «Dd
-a fear tbat ata ailgbl auff.T lu aSea
••When 1
too bant” ata
a BOW aged Haiae min, "1 west into
asid wamliigly. I had
”l>mtr cried ttlrawla. rapidly aa- anlbmi Vinriniafor a lime.
•wering a purely bugtnary dlaaer Ibvltalluci OD tb«i abivt of Botc paper. ninwqonitly bad
bad funned a babll of pirkuig up by tta
”lt doraat waut pnaalog. It doean't
. path
waul aaytblag. YM Juai put It In your tail oKfa anakec a rame acrew
and id _
_ Ibmu a qulc^anap
>anap to
band and Ita atyldptaph doi-i tbe rv«t.
break tbrlj nn-ka Snna after 1 went lo
tr 1 only bad tbla atylugrapb I abouhl
tta R-iotb. in tta r<md <«e day
yl aaw.
be writing all day. It euetly ralta my
small Riake. a cuu|>le uf fwt liaig, perPlyle of writJiw U». I dcui t think 1
bapa. and <rf a yeUuwiidi eoliv, wrig
aball ever ta aUe to uav au ordliury
gling wvuw tta path. ' Wllbont tbiokpen agaliL ran tbla la- rarried aaft-ly
lag uf barm. I jumped f'» him. pot my
fu>d <« hk ixvk. and. fatrbiag him by
‘tjulle." Uhl UlniiKU. ‘Itut don't
tta tail, swung him to give blm a aiMt.
Bake tue brag alioot Jane. I bate
Home pcuplr wer« acar by. and they
fcaowa ao many prd|ile who bad atyloa
y<-ll.d lo ma like wild men to drup tbat
tbal aiu-oMKl lo-l.e all right uatU they
began to lauial ala.ul tbroi. Nu alylo' '1 stopped a momcait. while tta aitalra
^pb rea aland tbal.”
wrlggbiA and itaB I snapped him in
-Mta’a a <lB<-fc and a darting, bat I
doe and ataieot f.*m. Hark Ibe mult.
W^ld aerer pruna- ber If I united ber.
In U-* than t.-u miaoea I btvame dvrwIt amua ralber bard, ibiron'i lit My
»y and inaeuiible and tv-malmd ou lor
Neddy U tbe very linage of Jane to
arveval boon la spile cf the rfferta ot
tank at and coat Jdbi ibe aauir
Utua- W'hu bad warned me to nmar my
And yet Ned.ly-abn uae at all. ttobifdmmani aenara 1 did not know that
tlBM% a Btyb) will writi- fur <Hie |wi
Uk- aoakc bit me iu any way and do
aad BOt fur anutbi-r. I anpiaae
o..tt>uwbelMvetadld Tbe air bad a
Bnuim-siuiK, aivaiviuui vowu luu wix
rbangr fur Jane Bml w-<- If-yuo ecaiM
Ihnnm off by Ita aaakr. I tbiak, and
do anything wltb him. iif ruBiw I
brrathlag that puiauued me.
sboBld git e yoa eauMblag <4ae aa 'well,
-Tta aaake. 1 waa Udd.
tomake liJair”
eaala. taw of tbe moR vcncminu erf tta
”.Vu. ! do uui tbiak I aball ever part
whole tribe trf.cn
WIUi Jane.”
Btaiqring snakes
”1 Bboaldn't laind bitHag ber. Juat fan.''—Lewkloo Jua
tfU lue bow mKlIi. aad If I van
”Nut for workb.”
One <if the iihM -pui^oas anal
-Marnm. I dou'i iblak I ever aafcrd
tlje IsaidiB amv a Wag rubra, rerrtilly
you for anydilng lirfurt-. I kno«- bow
bivuHc m-arly bUad. When it abed Us
geaeroua you are, and I bate lu lake
akiu. It threw off every part except tta
adtantage of It Hut If you were
tnuisjMueot plate whidi cuven tbr eye.
fire we Jane there la nothing
Afbv twli ebauge of akin this plate r«woMdat do t,<r j-ou. After writing
malii.d uucast. and tbr aaceranvi- laywith ber oue reel! that one .-aoMI lire
m hwoiuv .ipuqae and psvijieted ovct
without ber.”
tbe lye in a tamy buaa
The keeper
”Vea.” ukl klatgam. ”tbat'i what 1
iu.d ilH'snakr habit <rf envping tbroogh
feel myaeir. I'd give you kluuwt anyany Miertnn- whk-b it can .fluil iu tta
tUag 1 taave. but .uul Jane. Yuo cant
wall uf its cag.-ta rid itwlf .rf tta
think what a dlSen-tiix- eln- La* made
growth iner tbr eye. Hr dn-w back tta
ta my Ufr. At ooe time 1 waa alwaya ituu idiallar wbirb wparatrs oar eemto trooUe aboBt letter wrilUtg. Now pattm.iit tmm the iKbrr, Inav-uig a amrIt'a a puslllre Joy to write lellen. No: ruw f|iaee upeiL Tbrculn Boon diacuv1 lure you dearly', bul 1 eau'i give you end this, and poabed ija oa*'into tta
eoedt. Tbla waa aUgtatly wtd>'D<d,
Miranda alglied and ebaDged tbe tlia miakr aqaemed Itaniogh. mbbiog off
aubjert. H'l.ll.- they ebaCted biv band me of Ita acaleeaail didav
Blob- tu IMU^ luakel.
Yea. ata bad Him iadared to gn hack by Ita v
brcpuglit Neddy ultb her. 8be alwaya bad rdmtt and after ibk bad ta
carrhd fain, try lug btin at li.tervala
p.'atud <iiav or twica it rlcaivd tta- acale
fnnn Ita <Ch.v ry.-- Tiinre then it
raollu skill e.pmpleteiy aad iugyes are
Jane If uoly Uaimrei w.-rr
tug- 1‘rewntly tin- ebaiuv <
BKdtir of vurluui .-unainulUm iwiwed
tbe window, and iManraret bukid
al II for a lulnulr. When die looked cliugsio ifarm.—Umdon FtOdk- Upiu-
aad Nrdity wna oa tbe table.
liuosniuu. I nruetubsr.
Ettnrt from a aulweviorat iettrr
froB Margaret to an luttmair frieod.
”1 have aeeii very tlule of Mlraiu
'lately, and 1 miwt own tbal I am
. good deal dlu).|>olulnl In ber. Pbe
bae copied a dreia
ibe waa ete.er eaongh to aak toe i«erBlaakm. Itut that I eunld liave for
given. I eauuui forgive Iter fur bat ing
Mateo Jane and tat ber v« u wortbleaa
Btylegnpb In ber pla.v.
wllbool any princl|il.-a >
h9ior.”-BUck aud White.
Bev. I. Twm
Bair Kiatt at Good HtrbBiBd
XiB A«ia MaU«r*r b( ttia ally
> wM at» o'doek tbla •
lag by Bov. Fr. Bawa at tba
bowa ia Good Harte.
Tta Bert Band wiU give a daae
tta Ottr Opan Baaaa Ttaraday r
es« for tto itmad trtp,tioka6i'good
b m
Dalon strearf h.______ ___ __
“' • •
St aideef Mroet.
H fm vaeaat. as ten
StoToMkr^ '*«>• tow I*toa
Price roB.
for tta aafety of ttair peta Tta Jtidge^
aoo uwtu a aettrr and three putntrr
I'p to tea daya agu be kept them
dlaary open kraiieb. Then, witb
Ita pulaod and tbe ateaUng arare
abroad, tbr boy pot bk |>ei« Inalde a
dkoard beaboacr. Tta bouK wa* a
tlgbt boarded aSatr with a latge door
opening outward from tbr aide, Even
ifter bla dotra werv bouaed Uiu* tta
lodge's boy feared for IbeirWfety. He
resolved to arraagr a burglar aBrm
that would rouae tbe boueebolj lu cbmody attnnpted »o mebl bU pup
■mlona. Tbe bc.v rigged up
alarm tbal war an alarm. Tbe dour of
tta keoneL as ba* been mid. optoed
outward. To a ouplr driven iato Ita
Iodide enrfare erf Ibe dour a Root but
tbio wire war altsrbe-l. Tbk r«b
ibrougb an ausiv boh-, ll«-u ]«R Ibe
woodrbnl and tbe aldeuf ih<- tvaldriiee
aad round ao end la tbr tx-y'e Unlruum.
There It u a> faReoed to lb. tack of a
.rtalr wbirb «'a« uta-ly tabuH-ed wltb
very sligbl aupjiuft uiuii Its hind leg*.
An nnxlllaiy' win- rail to a gn-ul eUa-k
aprlDg. wbkh wna wouml up an
had bceu atuvbed lu a beU Ital
bad a toor about M-veofuld that of Ibe
•ry Are gong. Tbv . eaen-lse uf
furlber boyUb lugeoully bad oo Used
It tbat tiino Ita apringlug of tb.- alarm
etghl Luge out of dajr vulumaa uf tbe
EdlOborgh Kocy eltdiedla would go
CTBBtalag from the io|i of a d.wk to tta
door. Tbr wurklus uf Ita akinu was
tbr almtdrM thing la>Bgtnal>le.' fur
Titalbad boa Chicago Batardsy ao- BBoem|«aie4 Oeerge Kewbeny M
by bU oon Boa. Kra. Hab OfBBd Baplda, beMlaad tta Paa-
baae oiled ban to aarve aa rabbi for
Ita Babrow tyaagogaa Ba eoadoetad tta aerviaat yaatatday aad tbe ooegrtgatiee baa iovited him to remale.
Bop. A. T. Friadriob. wfao has bean
vary 111 aboal six waeka la now tmirovlagla
Fnak RIlay baa been an>otBie4 aa
eagiaaer at tta Traverse Gas Go's
Bora, to
Vlaefc. asoD.
R. E. Samis Arill leave tbb «i#
Himday for P.-rola. 111., where ta
will be ageot for half that Mata for a
maehioary eoapaay. Hra Saak will
foUew blm aboot tta middle of No
vember. Hr. Sarnia baa sold hia tvaidea» 'oa Bast Ninth street to B.
tbe price of potatoea oo tta
larfcM today waa from
to 47 eeau.
Tta abaeooe of the dott neiianoe k
Abcat SO look advaaioge yeatesday
ottta ezouraloB te HanlMee oa the
1. & K.'E. rcstft
Barry 8berwood.Uw little bob ef C.
G. Starwood of tbe Travers.- City
4mte bank, who bac been ao :
Chicego Heights Binkrupt Sale.
flag. They passed Ita dtiilng n««a and
kltvtao aud
tbe vegetable ganleo. JuR l•■fuT■■
ruunding tta- ttiriu r uf tb.- k. nnel '
furmatl.in <-bang--d from vtduuin Into
liar, and Ibe Judge and bis s.m advaoced to Ibe atUrk sboubb-r lo sbuulder. A bowl of weieume from tta
thraets of ilirrv i«>laiars and a setter
imc from wlibln the kenuel si Ita
lint Bokr of Ibe apperarlilng fuoisleps. Tbr last stroke of the alarm
talk wbirb tad beat Hun- tu tta- luajvb
about tbeabuBSr. dkal away
night air. Tbe dour of tta- keaael was
i-d. tbe padta-k and elm In
rerv In pUev. and Ua- pu|M wlibln
rei* Joyfol lo tbeir onbnAeo a-rurtty.
Tbe Jadge looked at bk aou lo 41sgOR. '-Some <-m-my luUbd.UM-tbls.” ta
said, “to makr a foul uf tbe old uiao."
There was a rank- sn.l a .-kit.* on
tbe atrrel. Tbe alarm tall bad •l.-m- lia
“ work end tad brought tin- jialrxd wag‘ oo aod a few arighboiv Tb.- Judge
and « -•
I Wise mau sbuu iik «ycu wb.
u at a wooian’a (aolu
1m- pirttleR thing U frmlnlna brad,
r k a guod.bBBwr*d face.
ult thing for
You can't rtason a iban not at ally.
ling be toau'i btafi rr-asoaed Into.
Mya tkei* la
: am oooc* erf wiodcm
taury gray batr.
It k tar more bctulc ia auter great
rnkfurruae* U aUeor* than It ts to
I acnimpRab great Ibi^ lo a tanae drum
I few daya longer and it Lay re a eopply for tbe. winter.,
.willbe ready far you. Tbe ' The Cblcace HeighU Baekrept '
Fresh Oyators-Uttle Tevert
eUo^ HtigMe BMkrapt Safe
Mtt ea very easy termn
Wia. to AasMicaa aad rwtazataviUi talmas
far as Okaad Bapida, wbero ta baa FOB SALS, i S-marnea
doiiag tta past week. Both beys
r GtawB.71
tnoB ta qalM la mcago.
.good time.
Bev. H H. Dabov of ai«velaBd.has
it to Vairrtowo,
vt^ fMoadh- Hr. Mon tag
simple o|ieolng of Ibi- k.-no.-l d.sir
would Stan 8 riotUke «|>ruiir.
macb improved.
Ail tbe memliers of tta Judge's fami
Tta view presented by tbe hilU
ly sen- tbe Jodge and bk e.in were lo west of tbe ally la Ibeir aotwma foli
Wlaruuvln. Tta Judge liked lU-dugs as
age, la'oae tbat one ooold tnvel
well as dh) bis son. lb- exanilii.xl tbe
loag way and not se.- snr]aaaed for
alarm and prunounixxl It guud. Tbe Isiy
IUe<-hiiiil>ni uf Ihi- affair Ibeaoty.
There will ta a theetiag ot tbe Ke
UB aud B.lvlH.-d IbuM- of
them «li» bad dog. to go and ibi llke- tall Clerk^- tmicm at Hontagae tall
wko. The Judge likes a light oovvl. this eveaing.
Every evening ta- puts on a tixl dress
The advance mle of saau for Porter
ing gown and lies <l»wn mi n luungr lo J, While's Faust will open al tlie box
hk tiu.v's ■■xlnsiui ami
LA>t Stelaberg's Grand tom.
there reeds unlit efli-r miiliilghl. That
bonr liad alrack frviu Hu- rl.wk mi the
jDdgo's abiif on III.- night uf July 31.
readbig wliiS- the lioy slept
Bonndty la bis lud in tbe na.ni bey.nidSoildenly Ib.-n- was a vi-nplag ncis,.
eiTWIU l-n |»-r.|..n ..f ile-ro<moff
sod Iben a enmU tliat sbmA tta.- ''
lUs clie-u-'V li.-.'hth.-l.h.'si.-i.ui stm
frame maBalou like an ezplovion.*
rrediag tben- raak- Hie sbarii alarm a» due I ■ I-l.ysH--l njury. Ifam-U. ta
bit oa tie- It. .Ill vii't a rloK Ibe tuevi- ef a tall, wltb Ibe goug stroke
r.>ull. If Oa- U--w lyl.srd i iusigh,
breling a liraxi-n lailmi loudiT niid
will U almwk .rf tV skull, l.l-d.ng
faMcv iLan that ever |siuiidixl uul
Wuni tbe I im vi-*-.-,l» k-n. jibitndtroididmmbead. Atavr It all ruse a
ing.rf H•.'Keta>8»> ..fth- hfmuHmlt
truni Ibe next ruum.
U tb. bi.ta !>■ ligl'-r. III.' bnib laay
“Dad. they alt- st.-allng my dogs!
Rill be injured, bu*. tb>.-iigury will be
Into III.- room iKiuneevI itaTwy. with
enough wblti- fluw'liig fnuu alwre bis |.-« aev'Tiv. A l.l.iw' nj»m Tlie li» k muy
br> nk tla- spiiM- and Cxvi-usly iiijuiv tb.tastily iUilIrd on tMUsers In luak
spinal o-r.l 1'h>- in; iry tiiar l>- sliglit.
goodly slaed sail. Tb.- bell kepi
Bi.-Tv ly n ptvwviih' Lf.ua sii.g!.' in n.rlaglne.
Nmf.-wb.wrs. v.1 tl nt tuuv.wu-u. inn“Cume. Oeorgv." aaM Ibe fallMT as
bl. f.u^ wiMts. U.1WMI III.-- iw-exbe gTsats-d a bt-aiy i-sue. Tta- boy (ulttvin.-x lb<- n.TT.ms svvuuruaysulT.T to
lowed bk falber dnw-n Ibe front aialrs.
alni.sn auydi-grr-.- frost injury'- In «i.>iia
out tbe from dour and ruund,tbe
uf Ibiwcaisa tn-edtb-rq ta uuy ptt \f-iu
of tta‘ bouse toward tta keuuel. Ou hk
niTv.i|i*w'inku.-M.r.vfTv<r:uiL Tb.-.rfway tbrougb tta- yyi tbe youngrier
f.vt k j-un-ly iiliyxn-al If. tle-rvfi^, w.pieked up a brtSfcr -\U elctrle light
,iu Uieni'igbU.rb ssi.rf U.niiiylir->Ji
_ ■ ' , ■
slia.l.- invs
fair n grrol iiK-r.-a— tn iiiTviias.ii>--4—s,
abuwed Ita- prugrt-ss uf ita- mareh. Tbe
Judge wtrod.- R.-ruIy aliend. griiqilug
bk Rick, his red divaslug gown flap
tn.riemhf.-makeajsmth.'liuinun l-raia.
ping about wildly 10 tta. night wlnA
bol lu Ibe Sbillnlitb.—Ur. Fbilip C
Tbr buy folluw.-d bravoir'tbougli all
flying a whit.- Baapp in Cri»my.___________
Cbie^ HeighU BeekmiA Sale. '
Dottolt-Whmk. T8 to nS: M
OH EACH Tuaatoy. Thursday and
flakarday.darlag tie moath of Octo S7S;atoa.ae.
ber, the O. K. * L vrlU sell exourToludo-Whuat.78t. ta?4>4.
akm tiokau ta BuOnlo at mar of
OhIUBge Wtoat. Wt*: UMU. M
oxlu. S4: pab. eiSSO; Imd. eBIS.
A L. Joyee Isti totay fsr CtavwI unnras,
ktadtoataMd tan N H I
A good aaeiainiaa ia a«Bio
wcdl worth AKO dellaia, bat ewmm
Ita BathbOta Siatata wUl i
Mf ovaelagat tta aaBul boor la Ktold. OaeotCbirwB'aJadgrollTea
ta Lake View. Me baa a !t-y«ar^ atP. haU.
Bey Gibbs latoiMd te 8amm
.................... -St. Mam la.
Ward Barta. foraariy of tbia city.
wa Who fcwpa doga. Fdr tbeMat two
wtrfca aocae tmkaowa Blarr^t baa MW travoltag mlBirar for & A. today after vratdlag Saaday
^ W SALK. 7W-Latiro bsaaa, aiae 1
been geiag aboot Labe Mew atrvela MagwolUftOa.. waUpHta Imbm ia el*y.
loaoL. XI root lot. Owe booss. five
A. Olbbe ef Mayleld wee ia tta
ta^la town vtaltlBg old
rooms, mme Ita Both beascs will
rilT lotay.
Uataw ■
Albert Novetay letniwed Batarday
alU^ a
: FOB BAI.E. 960-SU
& iMj Hncaatlle Oa'
ly and wi-Il nigh weeping over bk big
mar and what she ratfarr uacbaritably
"My Imy.” onld tbr Jadsi' io his non.
called tb.' ''gnnnl cuanerwas" •J bk
“wbum hate you loM abuot Ibk barappraraon-.
Bar ab<> was marl
gtaraUrmr' .
ed and umchKl w-bea Wordsworth Ini Tbe tay 1000110000 tta oames of
aktnl Hull lar little fatbsTkas baby
few nclgbbora.
sb.rald bi- bMU|d>t tu him. oltboagh,
"The wire U vrltbln easy rracb cf tbe
lite pot
grouad. la It not r*
dim will, tbr txjct ■
-Yes. puim.''
“Did you tell tbe yoaoL
> Mdanuaod •
door wbo alls out late evvry night la
tbe tanuDCKt with tbr yoong taanr
r gtasa will kxuu-n the pottjr,
"Yea. papa. " ,
vrbsw It may U- easily e.-rapi'd and tta
-WMl. tbal's wber* yoo made a m
r 1 ahall
tarokeo pace tvmornl Tb.- new pane
take.''-Cbkugo Reroni-llcrald.
may ta Inserted, potty newtly and rure- ta unable lu go to ifac a
Will you aot gc
fally laid on. nod tbe work » doae. with you Mmorrmr.
Ervp out of trouble If poaal
alone and luuk at Ita tauakeya;
Tbk may be courvuleat tu know wbra
Bride < tenderly I—Doer Atolpb, vrbm Abow all ye^r frisada c^n do for jwa
•DC tacomes tbe family “bandy i
when yoo gpt la wU be U any, *Tm
ar ooe's own. as k aoiuHInaestbe rgar. yuo arc niA with me. I have nu tale
ia BHmke7a.-.H4acadc«f's BlaUsr.
aB,^rke at Ma^Olty mte
D. B.L OaaipbaU at Omw* it la Ita
«r lowAitD a cajukK.
Raw aa* AXkeS Itasa. •
The piri WunlswuRh's grave la
qoaint ul.l (inMastv eburrhywnl was
lit.-nilly abla're w ith qmiq; tl.nviTs In
naiin.i ni rati m - f bis (um- l.uu.lnd and
Iw'entT-sixih bitilulay. Tl-’r>- an- atiU
several -Id mlubiliuik w )h> rt-nn-inlsr
himaii'lbkdevutrdsir.vlAiTxaliy. tine
cf tb'iu t-l.l m.- ah awttsuig n~ar <rf
Hie l.,tirrwh.n ih.y llvi-d at Hy.tai
Wut.'huigaflgbl .rf W‘«sl pigiviiis .HM
day. rli-' l.ulf oia-.ai-«-i..nslT .-xrbilined
oat sl.-u.l. ''iluw' Isuuriful!'’ Au oM
Wulniiii l.tden with fsg-il> Imsril Ih«.
‘Ay..tat i like'em tall, r iiiapi^~
she i.-tuork.J as she iLi-us-d. —LsulyW
J.dui Wr ghi. a l.w'iiig planter at
Cryl'in. ]n'.i..is his .mi.l-y-'s frvM
sa-len by g.t :ng < aefa a t.'..x{.uuafBl cB
abafWAl er.-ry lu.inuiw.
Ton will hMr from it MSiR. Tlie
Chicteo HeighUBnikrept Sale
• .4ul> rMuv
gate a
vord the u
taau“Wrtl, J.ihn, yoa appear to 1«- doiug
well. Tber*. quite a l«g aair. C eqe ”
-WrJl.” riplled John. Srillwratrly.
nt alD'i a tad un. I mon uy. viwaume.i-y. I tuauased tu sup i.lrlnki Ita
gate ui.mry so fsr. an' I cvuld du a-r
tVs Ctasefal aivae.
Good loeatlnn
for tlirM BMWv boema. Low
... .lea. assy taraa. PrleeSlKn.
FORXALS. „,-Lou7„. M-O 7. '
SWtrMStr -e CWaaW
A esnal-MU! offers a very alow It
alesdy U'.sli- <-f conveying gmvk from
. _____
_____ tof Ft _________
-------------- . faroaov. e‘ty water, good
p'a.w to i.la.x-. but riretrl.-lly
lap feet. Law pries fer both loU;
welL new tam, room for alx bur sag
in feet fnmt oa Elmwood aveeae.
Ibe sleepy .-ansi and the
WiU lake cue thoumad .lollara off
Inc up ev
of iwtetaBM prlc In tmtuMag elty
in used ^.•a'h.l^se may s
pcopaety at its cash valau. halaaaa
splwr.- »ii.-re l.!s www will I
WT—Large, modem
In Kran.-e a sjst.-m «
. femaoe, sewer cobtr.'sl Imulag.- has lieen' sun-t
te-ms. Price ffUOO.
.......... —. _____
waUe. flalabed la
s.I.ipi'xl fur .'iiiuils. TTi.- .-urreut
oak. ffae hwn, city water and good r, U BALE.OOO W aerro timber lead H,
l.v w ir<-> lo a trolley whirli
woll. laside aad ealaide stairway
l-Sc' 8. W. >4 8*c. W-gaiO: will
mils -II rails al-ug the tanks. Ou an
cal -,UI.OOD bemlock. XW.ttiO. maple
Lnxikh stnwni, rk' IH'.v U-a. w ber*
p^r year or will aeil on otsy lerma
TO.on) elm aad teuwend. level read
laasL M'altim u»-d tu lish. tbk sirrwm
all tbe way to U, K. A L.l 1-9 mile
Is to Is- trieil exlwrlnientally aud It
8. W. HaydelA
Look Ibk over:
k sal.l tbal a sisvsl uf f.Hir miles an FOR KALE. m-Oood Ita 50zlB0.
aee yoer eyro. talirw wbat ttoy
bum k .aisidr ..f hrlUC oirfsined.
Cedar airvel. berweea Front aad
H-u: don't Uk.-the word of local
while Hie - xle-tis.' Is umler tbat uf
BUtb. Good icrmllcs^ all good gariwritrs that an. lalrmtrd in bvyh. ns-trn-ii.in. .IsjsH
den groBOd: get eflar this qalafc if
you all kinds of
f.T Isrge i-irgr* h»»
yoa wuat It: it wtmt stay long with
fairy Ulea. Prl» ll&UO.
aa atirloeofrsred. Pries eBO.
Besnro of tbe a<-w beme, easy jaty*
FOB SALE. 961—40 actwe alx miles Mats down. mocGlv paymebt eoaaoeth of eity. Jnst aortii o' Wetta; '
iract, fleoA He nsoelly buys a cheap
Osaer: good frame beam:
_____ Madal*
lot la a cheap locarioa. vpilte It up In
lerel and all ii
' ~
amall picoea, batlds a taase oammb
POB 8At£. iU8-llt>, aerro cm half plecr. mortgag.-s it for a llllle mtau ge,
HbU.I ^Um- bowse.
* mils Boyth ot Bataa; fair bolldtaga.
TOacaro Imjwovad, 40 aenw timber.
Uaervs black soil, ewaoot to boati
- for elution of the valor of tbe {voptaty,
all feocaA
Will sell oaa 40
9IM0. Will H-U th« TS'^aonafor illiey oBly loan os one half the vale*
of the iToperty yon knowi. sell It to
'•atOO. lathe last
aomr one that roll |ay twenty Use or
fifty itollara .lown, K.mriimee leas
that) that, gels H- ron tract Rgned.
ta oow”wiU ukfgotaclV;
tbea gw on a Mill bant for aoue '
ly for part ia exchange.
moaeycd ’ssckrr''looking (oraa iaveatmenl: ahavr itaeoctrart from oaa
FOR BALK. 706—80 acre farmfer.. to Ibrre hnndn-d .Inih.rs. ibm have
teea miles eonib of city, ftne lot.- tbr nerve lo (-onietark with th>- |eoplioe. 60 aores lmprDV<<90 artvs aot- oailioo that tiny r
' Id'limber: fine borne: COM cl
Yuc .lou t iBj-wny oumhundred doIUra.
Imrge tam ooei mtmton when yoa dual with them fel
ooe thoumad dollan: wind mill lows: Ob. no! I woi.d.-r if yoa dnu't:
witfa tank at boase aad bant, aboot Ulk ataal nerve, n.-ighbora. If that
kta bearing aradei: aoboot boaae Im'l a bold up gam.- Wr erver atrack
Tbk farm is la lb.aciom roail.*
Yes, g.-nllrnM-n. we Imadle all
midst of
of tbe beat farmiog
r iroi-rty
eountrlea In ibeeuie and la very
a't give a couliaental wbtcb ple«e
low at price offered. Prion inoo.
n bay. Wc
We linvr no lAterrol la tta
FOR SALE. «A6-Troom htnee.eea. property rxerpi
all flgurv to
Urge lot. slooe walks. Kighih as it cots bat a very
s all to ourstreet. Small payyaenl down. Bal- tta bnyrr or -rll. r. I.
nnj»^ ooDtbly. Low jirioe. Price oelvps. and aswrai.' eniioue to get
thr comniiasioii a. .oiai BB possible,
wc. knowing wr have all kinds of
FOR SALE.WH-Uood eix room ho
cutn|s'lit|ou to me.
eororr let. aarlh Sprue.- Rreek I
price; easy terok. Price •66U.
da Wrwill und.'-rs.dl any dealer
FOB HALE. 961-80 acre farm nbont 6 the oily oo any kind of city
miles sqath ef olty la Reoaie ueipfiicoved
berbood. ^argr
with Ita jrupnsinou that ttav ha
DfU. uak tn bouaa. large frame gatafnsR.I that ha. j
tarn, 7S aerea Improved, Urge apple they want to |.ut yoo uuto; It b
orchard. All geta.veil. moMlyuv- nny d.ulen luuds. Jasl o> the quirt,
von know lie's got lo sell, be, the fel
vL This Is Ibe oaly HO lot lo
A enursc. <if atody with aa will
low' Ital ts I. lliDg yuo
vicinity tbnt can ta boaj
not gol a lartirie ..f intm-et in II. ta
apre yio a gt-od poeilioa.
Jnsl vrniils tu |«i you no in a frleadFOR HALE,.968—targe flat.;fi*e aaiiea |y wav ataul bow lo RUB his frteed.
of root
nil good TwnterK. all rent- N'lta tblug: it Iso'l a sucker ganw.
a*eelle vacant Good lora- oh. on. Just ooe friend, picking upn
etiuDgrr and irlhog blm all about
buw lu rob Ills friend, jusi brunnse be
Is In n plorb. yua know ; wouldn't go
of iW fellows tailing oa
oommk.ien: they will skin yoa alive.
AfUrUx- |«or dcitl has bocghl.be
omo Ol. K<A Hl.-r* Rkv-k. R-'SB. I
begins to discor.'X tliHt lh--t.-is oumatipMiafi.rti- a.
thlng rotten In Ib-nmark. begins to
low price: l^f ensb." mee ff760.
wonder abont wtather he can gel b'
i^R RALE. BOt-Oood 6 room boew Dwaey out again. (Joes to the man he
00 foot lot North 8pruoe stzvet ;geod get the-'bnrgalD "..f: b.- doesn’t vrant
Incatlou :largw lot. low {riee. Prik- It; goes 10 the fellow that |«l him on
annp: ta don't know him;
FOR SALE. 906-81 nere farm I mllro
look at him more than ic ad
postefllae. eounty line, 9.K) vise blm to see some ef the <
b.-ariag fruit: nil good Mil: moRly sloB meo.
There ta Hods
level: fine view of city aad taj'. aboot ii;nad he osanily fin ■ tlui
Price •3000.
there la where be oagbt to w.'at
I«t la
FOR BALE. 911-87 nerea mic-talf tto firet plnce.
Bat there is'Vrry little in wriliag
mile HnpletcB. Penlasuln, 400 bearVA' AXT IrfJtw 976 fl'.
tbeae ihlogs u|>. There is n eaebar
log fruit: go^ tram.- boaee aad
bom every minute nod tto "Gold
frame ban. 10 aerwa a.x-d>vl: good
Brick Sebemt " Is w.irted ia a tbouasoil: good location. Price •1600.
my .are pruiMty.
FOB SALE. 926-160 acre farm aim- - . - _ ______ - __________rgniD or buy
mllsa waR of eilv; 70 oorea ondor nay tfaing cheap, you will find n
cultlvalico: madam bouse, fnrunoe.
-loag Ita eoramissloo man qaiefccr
good frnm.- bum: ctoee fooaiUti jo :
so any other pla.v on rarlb.
Urge orchard, 40 acres a^a^ Welt
vralerad ta umall lake; TOaerro llmWilf take bonne and lot it
T. U. A. TVwta. <-.*w*r ttt Utr—s aad R
wyi Ava ^ p-r asUUw «ariac «ta mi
S2,js..rtSi. 21:
A'Sivings Bank-bit. divideiM's.
Tbe Chicago HeighU Bankrupt
L Price taOOO.
CMS IRontb
Ladies' Gold
Filled Watches
| Q.OO
j 5.Q0
Now don't say you can't
afford it.WeVe made
prices wnich ynu can eas
ily yo—come ami see them
GcBl’s Gold Filled Watches,
Good noTCfflcois. Same Prices
Wc are determined to sell
a lot of,watches this monh—
yot the yoods and prices to do
it -Yours for baryains,
Are You Satisfied?
from farm.
Always on tbe hustle, always
|lad to see you. Main mort
sales, have larger listi than wll
the rest put together.
211 Front Street.
Prtoa •8600.
ec'. a .-.nsJa v'llnge dnh
amncxl "s ersud .i-lcket luairb. admlesl.ui I )a-iir.T.” f-.r the l>-.i.-llt uf
J.rhn. The old nisti wlu. baArd after
tbe gixismil. Tb.ve u.ve u» tl.-kets
printed. Btal J.'!i-> .tiod SI tta gbie uf
tT»ek*'t ec-;,i ao-l .--.Itr.-T.v1 ibi- |wn. bliiis.-lr
It w-ss u ten tat lUy.
tbere s was l-tdill- le-u>e Just
tta r.«id. au l J. l.«t«as tblr-ty.
' FOB SALE, ns-Slx i
fo.-r lota. West Sixn
TueA.'X^-*. Via. Oaruuku-
frame boaae and bam. creak 1
Irrifarm, aatuial drainage. <
' whole farm. ”
» SSi
aeree oen. 6 acres ryo.
ImplemenU Ml oom|doM at very
lew price, easy urma
Crops Mesa
will •almoot pay for farm. Prtoa
kstsctlkia.m. not.
_____ go^ torn. Spruce stmoll
_____ for 6 hcroee. Tfate froporty k
vrell worth •!«». but U evraed by
CMtlks............................:i|H awiwm
was s very fi.'b mao
vreol slmit enjoying blmsrlf. Ho p.ssaeoaed iuacViael.wt palaiys. and hU
ctiid rust blm liandru.la or UmusaiMU
of dollara a yenr. ijue clay. After his
bones bad made a jianiroljri}- flne|
abowlng 00 the track, this mao tbivw
SJu to pcufdr Id tbe rtrert wbo were
ueildllng for charily. Then iliere was
S furore.
!x>ac reports uf tta art
ukalmm Wimsm Oky asMkwe:
were iricgnpbud to all porta of the VerOraod Baseoa Dswe«s TeWs. Ok^a
raoDtry. Ttu- man's portrait was
bunted op for poblicutloo In a bundrvd
mrnasrro. any CSk. Pert Bmea. tsieds!
pspetv. Editorials were written U bk
Meks aad mat. e m a mui« a. m.
prako. and to waa referred to .as ~oo«
filial ass taataflM s^WBiiMia
Ot nature's uoMemea.” Meanwhile,
a A.. limaB.Mdf«». B.
after glvUg to efaarlty. be eeitrrUtieKlI
a few frien.ls at a imk dlaaer. vmkb
(Ml bits SSSft. It kat (belke>a akao
wbo kvcu ■ cheerful giver.
H. w. cmimiosAiL Aot.
PERE Marquette
awn k«6u. Ksikimo. ctekima
'sambay. I * p. as-e 49 w m.
FOB SALE. 866-88 ■'foei Frool ea
Front ettwt.Just east erf Park ctroeL
Botldlags real te 60 doilare par
Bumlb-Fnaugo aoxt to this told M
8186 per toot. vrUI lot this go al
about if vrbat It ts vrortb.
f76 pur foot Fiuai
w it..,..
Price R
FOB RAT.g, 9U. ttaioe story. doubU
froat, etooe tommaat. Maom tout.
^ aw. (MBBlly toou^
____________ at Trararmuiral s tSa-as..
tauga .Borafpl tkftlat t
matter vrbol..........
»to*..irto*ErSt .0,
teat vrMt and figura Urn
fitUo. No---------•------------ ■- *
El ©1“
littin. No oao Mao tnak It but au.
I'vogM Ml tto moruy. XTl wait
tlU“Wnda” geutoroagb with it.'
ttoal'UroMhlaa. Tbat guaUsmoa:
UMSotbarMB WUI ovro Ik HwiU,
CkketoHsliMt BnbiinStb.
LrveUag 19 hy e
4 the bids o( IbB
tnre u b
poap. the hlda srem aa n m
dred coUai uad a aoc theua
:-We btraby apply
make rapalrs to the
baUdlar No. 20S and- 207 E. FWBt
W f VAuw oC IMI n««ter
tkd aM Mprmd.
'jMt tfeU U» Aid. OlliMt
-~’4Kwcutions and ^OMBKWCATION*.
2« Ike UamaraHe i/afor «sd CUf
raaaril a/ Tramtr i Uf. Iff '
m. OumiHk»:-W» tfc* «»d*i----
ri b»fv*llb nintt for roar awrovml
..T pUi «r the Ab«»« RMon > pan
o? abkb u
tb« UBlu of (te
of tbo Lkdlea- Ubrary ABociatlOB of:
Tmeerae Oly do hereby peUUoB yoar
boBorable body for pemlaolon to pnt
a new abtasied reof on our bulMiaf
on 30B and 307 Proat atreei. Work
r eaUmaUd coot U aboat 3120.
Ono. R .
aty AOofwey.
Moved by Aid Bou^Uy that tbe leoMcnUou and eouaalUag (he Chief
prat be accepted and adopted.
fire flapartmeat oad aumeraw cltiap
bate daeldad that aa we alnodp hope CorrM.
BB ca«lne of (he Aaertcua moke oad To Ike Vaaorakle Vapor, rad Clfp
VtmoeU of rrwrcrsr Clip. Mu*.
It has always gleta tr«t Hass i
fartioB, aader the above Hrraaoaa
peUtlra of Burette J
iTchaac a Metr^mUlaa aaaaed
aim eegUte of a sere* hoadrad pdMn of five hundred dolla:
cupoclty per Blante bnlh by the Amer ■ rasd to her. which was referred to
ican Fire
OompoBy of ancla- me tor lavoatigaliOB. I wonid nopect
Bsltl. Ohio, for the nun of fonr thouMBd aevra baadred fifty drilara <31.npon the amonat of two mori7M.00).
gagea origlBally h«M by Mrs. Parmelee. bat which hod been aontgaed by
Fixing betra wbqre poles tvoea
mored by B. H. Power Oo,
(joying gntur—H. D. Camp
bell A Son, ...........................
Drawing oteae.........................
BaildlH oMewolk. Itro^a. •
aUttaa oa fire iM vatar.
i. that tha Pm . Mar- Curried.
AM Oarrflsec werad that ra te «ba
e Ballruad
md <campuay he aad a*e
y Biderad to make the Crnaawalk aaad of a ermm-walh oeroag Vaahl«M thHr worehoaie on Chaa Kiwk toa Krrst an the wcK oMa a( BaGroud
olx te^
aa per Ihe avohae. the matter he lutamd to c«mattee au otraaU aad woOba t* tosort.
Moved by AM Oarriaou that tha
'V .....................................................
bra. tor Jra. KsHor.
jent. ....................................... M5 27
Ta^i^ Hoo^t^ a^. onChmed.
Labor cu walks. .................... St 23
Moved by Aid. BcughcT dkat tha
Drajrlag.............. .......................
2M Qari
eouaeli odjoon.
CemeoL ...........
2« iS
i koda gravel. 3l.l2-«5d.62:
228‘*’rcS?Si, that tha chief of ^Ma
<7W mads ■
• “
sea that bU oar ordlnaacra eemlag nadra his jurladlcUoB bs mero rigldlT
eaferrad oad that laMructloB Vt glvoa
Total rameol walks. .... ..3 2U n
Water malas la cemetery. .. 737 U
13 S
Lauor at cemetery..............
“AiA'kiughw^'Sbe rra-
tpc TMr UtiaiteK CneWi,
B(Um].I. had it mdbeaifarUaeg^ '
-Aids. HamUtoa. Stoder. Ollleu. Boo^. Caaalaghnm. Rraad oad iri.a BBit bU oprratie apeealatiaaA
Total cemetery.
-.3 756 22 Oarrlacm.
«bllc» i» u II «»■ eoaMe no lo rle«
would bsve lived and died as poor tO
Uorad by Aid Ollletl that the peUinaofera no* pracikC1 woi prraeal at the meeUng of the WrUington street
Naya, aoue.
.rnvcrtdalobnreh mouau
■M Bmr LaBber Co. br.
mfd of Review at the time' Mra.
S2. Heaolvcd. that (be Board of Pub his rj'HaluT, paid him pitlfal fHooi
T MaU4X. Pital.
Ouso RArins. Kick..
irmelre preeented thie matter to Roar aural sewer 1222 bricks. 2 20 lic Works antborlaa tbe city clerk
0 Hrrt Koi. Hot. nod
I tt adrrrtise for sinuc to be dellrered
Oct. 1. IMl.
em. and 1 explained lo theta that Rose atreet aewrr. rameat. ...
To fbr Vooornkir Vapor. Bsd Clip
5 10
r* cooM not legally sseesa to bet Ubor OB Ram Bay Park........
raa eath, ami tbe largest ana be wao
pMlIloa t» r»f*ri*d
(WnaefI of Trorrrse Clfp. VM-•
, she hod assigned. Tr^ng rary t Lake arraue
m r paid woe <nly £103. which he got
MreMs kBd Vkikt
200. OcTtinxpn;—By as aaaalBO
Bhboiigb Ibe aai
ice ••Al.-xamler’e PeaaL ” It nitiK ao2
TOte of the rOBBOn cooacll of t
Sldewaiki.*2 kegs aalin
pot on record.
Uored by AM. HomlUeo that tbe betb-mctufmai these small prMei tho3
rliy of Ormad Rapids, you are laHUd
nodmoe's services, :...............
w 22 roralutlon be adopted.
Aa 11
tbe cumiKSWT's weeks did not mU. Ou
aad urped lo tIbIi tbli rlty aomatl
Ibohsed I wonl4 recomiaend Ukat th
as the KlBOld PMIral. week
ToUl mlarel..
..3 flS
Yrao-Alda. Hamuum. SMder. GIL tbe niulraiT. they always found a lOa^
r potmon tbBi I
leu, Bongbey, Cunningham, Bosad bad market and tmwvd a givul oomotM
n«nae Infem ns at yoor carliMt
roial....................................... 31772 27 GairtaoB.
peiMt to (he pnblisber. Fnm tha pew
Ofu. H. Cbw.
ordlnno'o forrrnlnc tb« ronArvcIloa roorrnlrnce. of tbr llBS when you will
oeeda of his fim oprao. ••BtaaMo.”
<a wiMtau j booM on lou st. zi. arrive, so tbe proper arranpMncata
By O. r. CkBCEB. Cholrmoa.
Be U Ofdaiacd ky-lkc ('oaacil of Trac- Walsh Driicd a prafit if ovfrCl.hOCk
M. Morb &. P. HkbBSb’a IM AdA. (o may be auidr for your aOrlal recepCntn M. Bams.
I. Clerk
• • JocLlarly Rmia.-ked
e t'iltf.
COB alMt Mou.M oKb.
M0T(4 by Aid. Hamlllon tbal the
Chrrt, -.
Ihe Diusir seller. • Well, you
ectloD I.
Hopinc for a proapt and faroa^
atement be adopted and bill paid.
Y'ras. Alda Hamilton. SMer, OUIett. statement
Ifsiae (he next <>pin. sod I will pehaply.
Bougbry. Cunningham. Ronnd
Grand Kaplda A Indiana Railroad com
aa (werybody kaoww
pany to construct,- operate and main lost afonaur mttylng tueaubitab Ital*
prUtloo be snat'4lays—None.
Uln a single train or iransH railway tan «tsra in Isodon. and. allbout^ ha
Mayor aad Cbalraaa of OOrtal ^
tbr llooorobtf Vapor, aad Clip
■ the line of Railroad avenue from anluivio'iitly nom- than recoaiird hlm<
To Ike ffonoroklf Uor->r nd fiiji
•i.aKcll of Tnarrrir Olp. Vtck.
laaac P. I^Hnasiii
Vumoeii of Tnttioe Clip. JflcA.
'' b« >aabiri<e. il uoa not the pub•huVEBM: Citt Mich.,
—la rrferroce- to tbe
Yeoa. AMa. HamlltoD. Sledit. Glllelt.
Eighth street to the alley nianlcg par
W. Oc.nxin:.
Gel. 7. mi,
boi lly |■ob]y. who pot i( ta tala
rltoD. caahler. ,
Boughey.'CuDOiDghaB. Robnd aad petition of Pmnk n'eltoa.
allel with and about one hundred and
Ibe fiMSurahle Vapor, aad CUy seventy-nve
l»-bair of I>. C. LUBcb, for tbe remitting
fret south of Boat Kigbtb powvr t- du (hia
roaw.il of Trarrrsr ril*. Vick.
3S0.M laves nold by l». C. l.oacb for
liveu w hen u e come down to the time
.••s assessed against him on shsres 233. GrNTicurx:—Piraar pay the fol- 10 counect with Ibe prwmlaes occupied of M'uari. we <b>iH4 nod chat Ihe elaim
TaAiuisa CiTT. Hieh..
bsnk stock lu the nrst NstlODal Mwlng PilU and ebarw to City Water by the Urlls-lligmsu A t'-o.'s wnre^ <f the hraiu wewker loa fairw^had
Ofl. 7. I> .
KTanlMl (o conforB to the ordlkkoc*
To the Hooorablr Vapor, and Clip Hank of Traverse City owned fay him.
Il alDoKal
oo faulldlDn I klao desire to build
led to me for Inveall- 3. Grifiin. 18 da 9 1200.........3 36 02
’onnrti of Trorrrsr Ctfp. Mu*
Section 2 Said track shall be laid to pcall dll' fKt (hat "Uuu Uiovaaal”
a bam on tbe same lots all to Ur aliuII rook. 17 da fi 11.75............ 29 75
Qextiwme.s:—Wr. your commll
oprrty owarra on tbe south Bide
tmughi to Its nanissBT no moe than
alrd oo IBP « and 7. block B. H. A U
Nair Vatiaw. 16>. da. tr 31 6U. 26 42
« rialma and arcounU. reapert
Ihth street del
Co 's f>r« salcdlttrien.
C3U. Fiw "Tbe Magic hTate" he was
amlnsl tbr rlxbl of way of thr Omsd
lUsprrlfBlIr aubnlttrd.
paid Jdst lou dbcuis. and yet tha taaaIllUilirack, I6>, As fr 31 6u, 26 tO
shall be assraord lo ihe owner In tbe
Rapids A Indiana R. Rfaloos thr alley __.ollowlng rlslms and have found
3. It HswixT.
resides, if be re- L. N. (lover. 15>u da R 31 6d, 24 32 with the orillnary travel on aald atreet oger.if ilu) UiesiCT at which Ibe opmn
Herrd by Aid. Round that the prti south of KipbEh streK aa a aide tnrk aamr corre»-l and would rrcoinmrnd
flnl iirudiavri made a (lalUDO out
In which tbr hank Jobodirivee. I61, da. 6 31.62. 26 40 and alley, and mid grantees shall fit
rlr payment fron Ibr various funds
lo tbe WelU HlpBan Co. plant: and
U Panek 16 da b 31.60.
. No wvatdcr Uiiaan bad to be laU
rrspnlfully petition lhal nid rUM of
■log located In ibis county, and Mr. Bert PBden. 15>.-da e 31.60.
planks, the tops of which aball be al — 4 panprv'a grave, ihe very Mta of
To .fkr ffoaorobtr «fopor and Cirp way be not pranted.
each Iwlng a rrsidml of the towasbip Wm. Mri’ool. I6>- da. « 31.60. 26 40 least ooe-bair an Inch higher than the which IS ouknowo lo (hia daf. &(£••The Hananb A loty Mrrr. Co.
Vouuril of Tram’se CUr. Ml '
’ Fife 1-akr In this concity. tbr Block
Buppllrs for oners...............3 &
tops of aald rmIU. and aboil provl^ bmfstvdcvuwciiM. ^eifhMoaia- "
IH. nssny:iii:s :~l. ibr Ubdei. _
Tom Krnupa. IC<- da. (f 31-60. 26 40 and
Omnd Traverse Heraldkeep In rrimlr such aultahle oAd aiflevnto<!>.•• sulci (or lira ttmnaahil•^reaprctfully
tolly prinioo
prlUlao your^uf bbonor
MeCune. I6>, da. 6 31.60. .. 26 40
r body lo alio* me to build a abed
nenl appraarbea to aald track Hng. and at hia derraae llwaadJfficoH
im Futley .I6U, da. O 31-60, 26 40
Omnd TniTMne HemU. Job
points scroae ami along aald to raise <-n<«igb inoucy to buy him.
ahme side of my Hyary tiani oe fhate
and alley that tcuou. vehicles Bsydu-s income woald today be denad
«!»»<. Bald abed lo.be » ft loop IS
Tboa. T. Hbtra. rent of cOcra. 28 OO
>s. B. Racleton.
shall be enabled to crota small bye I'layir to tbe ibeulCT <*•
ft wide aad » ft bltb.
M Johaaonl V da. © ii-M.'-.'.’ 11
HeoprrtfuUy aubmitled.
Moved b> AM. (lorrlann that tbe Tbr Mlrble Ch., Oorpomllon
K'-ori-rtfuliy robmlited.
and travel along the same ehviro. ami bis ■ ratale " was almoK a
lohn Green, U da. C 31-60. .. 20
Bmunlcnllon le reielTrd an^ placed
II. UausbiisoEN.
at all limra, Ibr manner miuosqeuitiiy. Wfl>-r. who died Miout
Ike Uolew, rda., R 31.62, ..
City Atiomry
thrap” li ’ iiVii.' iunpi;I So
Herrd ny Aid. Uouabry that th«
the' same to be subject 70 yean agu. nreivni less than £800 la
Selsen. Ileum I. 4 5 da, O
noiibinday Rroa. A Co., Tirasur
rd by Aid Rlrdrr that the repot
prtlliMI hr rrfrrrrd to mnolUrr on
the approval of the couDclI.
fur blw-">Yv'Whnts." «ioe uf tha
er-a fund book...................... 15 75
To Ikr Himorohir Vopor. and Clip
tire aad arater.
Section 3. 1*be grantee Shall keep all
KoBBd. K. H. fan- and bold
Connell of Tmcrrir Clip. VicA.
the surface of the street and alley, must i>p|mlar operas ever wrllKn, wbUs
To fkr f/naura&lr Vapor and Clip
aa occupied by aald railway or track. fnau )ii> ti>c olbcv ujaTas lie aisdo cmly
aluv-lliev. By •TheBobmalaB
ttnaghey, Cntinlngham. Round and Tim Pled*. II daysal 31A3-- 17
F. Calkins. K K. far* and
neetlna of tbe Board of Bdoration
Conm-ll of T>arr>rr f«lp, Uiik.
pair, and shall
|j>u Crane, team. I day
hotel rspeoars to Lodlngton, tJ 00
too. (Ir.siiJ u>A—Wr, Ibr uodcralpo bald Rept. 2S. IkOI. the following artioo
ve bormleaa tbe Girl" Itslfe ir.umd Inst Ihoi £1.500,
H O Joynl..................
. 100 00
ed. most rrapiv'duHy petition your wai uken. vis: "Thst Ibe Board of Ihn Renoir, rspense of Che- from any and oltbungh the ■ Marble Halk" ballad (a
SO 00
int.rablc Vapor, and ( tip ivm S WIlUams. ...
boygao trip.............................. SI 31
boBorablr liody lo mubllnb thr wldlb Education ssk the rily roonell to re.
pul BCBM> £3,020 >
Cbas. l*arkB..................
|Eie« Ibe IVre Uarqueite R. R. Co. 3. W Palchln, gas espert......... SO 00
.. .
r become liable iaui tie- |>s-kKs <d ibu puUastMgn.—
Tom Daily...................
:o pure a watchman at thr nil road i- P. Crolsrr. trip to Oraud
luy by reason of the cooatrurtioi
- • ]• JouniaL
-rossing at Blpbib i
irraniy deeds rsrruted by l.lnua O. Allowed for vacation,
apirts and E-ipcnsi- for city... SI W
J. W, MiuJsrs.
akiog or operating of ■
lo ihc
• city
- of Tta<
adirs' l.lhmry Aasn., rent of
Hnnlllob that Ui
Ihe'givini and allowaid by .>rder on City Clerk,
croaelnp and aa Ihrrr are naey amill
>e Cily tl
hall. ......................................,-2S«
OB br rrfrrsrd
■aae. rlxhl
priiHegea hereby
It was hlni« in ibv srvea'tia that 1
...........3I.<» from
N, Yatiaw.
rblidrrn In Ibr fourth vard that at- l.uclilr Ihtsenbery,- city llbmla and oalka
him for park purposes,
the eonalileragranted.
Deduct 32.MI from I.. CSover.
as living in a Urge wratm* town and
Han....................X................. SO 00 tion therefor baring been paid him
Section 4. Said granteee are BUlborDedncl 35 00 from B. Hmden,
indBctiiiK a san-nufol bostncaa I aa*
d a aural]
Thos. ^nrbai k. Janitor lor II- ^ ^ per your Inslnirtions
To fkr Momoroblr Vapor oad Cirf
to use said callwsy or (rack only
3Ui.no |>ay to Ii. O. Joynl.
Ilmea racb day. '
Ink it qui
Rqspeclfally sulimllled^
Coonril of Trarfitf Clip. Bfbk. ’
the purpose of aurb lawful hual a luver (it a gisid luasA andownadat
Dcresoarg. that a flagman br alatlou
II. J. Morgan.............................. 3 8 (
TaAtumu Itirr. Uleb ,
. M. BerMl paid for IndMing
I as may be carried oo npon tbe the (line a One PudsKT. and had fall«
N Mich Transpoitatloo Co, ..
G i premises
rroaln* Allof which Is
. ,
CHy Attorney.
adjacent lo said track by the into tbe foilish lialiit of sprcding mj
ReBpert,’( lly subBliIrd.
Seymore.............................. Ill occupants
2SI. OcNn.cui s: —I rrapnrt^ljy rrMoved by Aid. Sleder tbal tbe rrpor
C, U. Reera, MrKInley a
(Ui every (u-asjuti n-gardlem of
thereof, the entire design
^<•wltl, .'........................ .
100 C of this grant
J. W. PsTrEiix. I*rrsMrnt.
Qurol prrmll to build a two story
be adopu4.
fniDKbeing to |yrmlt trans- Hue nr jilsee.
bouB- on Ibr soulbmat
Itrr of BlsCti
poruiioo to and from said premises.
,luj 1 had waited <m ll>e edge of
Section 5. Tbe privileges hereby abridp-ftwibcdrawlocl-ur., Aasuna
Moved by AM HaBlIton that tbr II. R. K t- 4 1*. Co.. Ilgbl for
itt to
as il did wi 1 hurried my hirae ovor
•ynt............. .
•BBuntallon br adoptod. peadlog
llltmry.............. .....................
striel Ibe rights of Ihe cKy of Trav abend of ilm reitular’iramc. almuatraaGnv H Came. Dr.
Slan<lard OH Co.............
Hovrd by Abl Ha
' (5
himdietbno-qaarii-raofamlledi*Round A Son....................
prtltlon Ur prtnlrd ■
mllted........................................ Jl TC
municipal boards or ofiScers. lo enter niiig
Paid Jvhn llellcB mileage feM
Tastiaar Cmr. Uli-h.,
ins,ms Telephone Co.,
3 OO uptm
tartce. Tie re was a divliviiy on tlm
anre pordrelnp tbr ii
. R.
I. A P. (h. light fnr>
wiinew. ;....................315 g E.M
Oct. 7. ISH
I 35 the s asid street and - alley and On-upy fariber side, and as we sped dcraca a
lid Sbefiir Kent Co . serving
o Ikr HonerwUr'Vopor. and .„
I 52 Of SL. .
Tasn-aoK CliT. Uleb .
,^?Siiorgan, llrery...................
3 50
------------------------------ small ten-(UriMl ai-nais Hie stnvd, oad
•oaniti of trorrrsr Clip. Virk.
Oct. 7. ISOI.
I had ran over him. 1
prlve th> owners of the adjoining
I wo teletrrams..................
nrfmi:u»N;-Wr hrrrwiih aul
To fir M»soml./r Vapor, and CUv
. R. K I.. A P. Ih.. streets for
premises or the publle of Ibe right lo rnuld nut Mop my bone <w turn him
3199 66 make any lawtul use of aald street and f,« a U.c-k fariber. and when t did X
Vo,mr,l of Trormr fHty. VIcb.
September. ............................ SIO 30
Toial. ................................... 318 20
302. <>i:sTM'ur'iI r«lq>e>-ttully rr
Board of Water C
alleyOb. H. Ctrass.
hal aimie workmen had picked tha
qurst you lo hare jibe l^ter Bala on
J. W. MiLUKC-v. PrealdenL
Fire deparfUent pay roll for
Seetlon 6. No car or engine thereto child op and wim taking bin to tha
City Attorney.
Rlnb ntreet mended
mW to^
to Orr corner of
attached shall be allowed to remalo or ald.-waik. lauiipuedhewaikUM.and
Moved by AM. Bougbry that tbe bill E J. Frioiii M. Secrcttry.
tWnrh'thJ B,September.................................32*«
Maple street.
Moviel by Aid. Bougbry that the bllli slop on aald aU-^-i s<. as |o ohstruct ly heart alnMwl atoppd bcuiing. Then
H «. I.. A P. Co. lights
e allowed
Idlnp a house on
- department.«. -,f..........
> allnw-ed and orders drawn oo the tbe free and ordinary use thereof, nor
1 that Ihia be refrried
heard bim cry. Oh, tbe niuaie <d lhal
cr or Uaidr and (
Hannah A lay Merc, Cd.. snp
•main *r sian.l In said alley longer
Yese. Aids Hamlllon. Sleder. Gillell. ater.fiind for Ihe several amoonta.
SBlilep lo iDvmtlgatr.
and mil city - CarrleO.
than I absolutely lieceasary lo load mod! He woa not hurt al all, bat
. piles......................... ...........................
nougliey, Cu
Ronnd and
Respertfii'ly submitted.
merely siuuned. I P«k him In ay anna
Y>aa. Aids Hamilton. Sleder. OUIett.
Wstrr Works, water rental,..
C. Denuoxn.
lincve with bim lu bii motlicr„wbo
B. J. Morgan, team.....................
I to
By O.
r that
rlty and coumoo council of tbe lived ucor.
TasvRasg Cirv Mlcb .
:.iv,"Iaaid.tiol,iuB bim Into bK
city of Tra«*rae City the right to make
Telephone Oo.. rent ji( tflaOrl. 4. 1801.
----- “(hank lieaveiTw uh me ibatyaur
C 00 «T»T»M»;\T
. jtmea. •....... ............................
ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. latire and such further rulesi. orders
Oarrled <
child 11V.W, AiMl 1 told my story.
Sol Kmtaer. oerrices
233. We do hereby certify K
To fkr ■HonnroNf Vapor. Bad Clip
Veaa-Alda. llamUtoo.
■N'.nv, Billy." aald hU mother, wip
ell of said city that the fo
Counrll of Trarrrar Clip. Vic*.
I errurate account of tbr cost
ing Hie duK from bis (an-wlHi her
224 Uliereas. the following railroad
Al^ Hralltoa. Mrdef. OlllHI John Rennie, bay. straw, etc... f» 80
aitSTiAun:—I. Ibe onderslpn
5 OO lire on slre«
ilreeU and tbe ronsirurUbn crosiangs in Trav'rse vllty. to-wit the
apniii. "Whaldidltcllye? Ifaswimder
. Round, aarrl- Hoar Co. No 1..........................
d requeal you to allow me lo pul on win and^iv
. . protect the yeaiu’l Lilbd a duseu lim,* every day
Hose Co No 2...........................
3 OO icreof, the a
of materUl used Grand Rapids 3 'ndlanu railroad rrosad l^arblln.
a addUion sStlO i>n ibe rear of n»
Interest, aalety, welfare oi accommo of y<T life! TTiank tbr nice genlleaiaa
•eof. ni
mady aund.
or place where rucb maler
bringing ye hone lu hia carrlMU.
on to aald railway
■.oytellr. dmy...................
cr lalwr iwrforraed;
Sections. This urdloanre shall lake Bill.v, and k<cp off tha streK, ye*
Heyaolda. dmy.................
KTserre iTiv>Tarf-m> ua a
lopor. aad I
effect Immediately upon the filing of
pirtc rorkwrasblnp outfit and It will Monitor Oil Co., oil...............
MsnaisL i sni,
Coani il of Trarerse
rsc nip. VIH
<« rau iiuagine tbe revnlalim ot
Ihe wriltri. ar.xpiance of Ibe lertns
K. R. 1.. A P. Co....................
301. ncrTisMVN' —I. Ibr unarrsicn soon lie here, we dreiu It advisable that B
hereof. In tbe oOce of Ihe city clerk fn-ling that liM k ydaoe in rau—Detrcdt
'« sboveTi..............................
■B from your bonorablr we siN-ure a location so that tbla plant J. U. M.-Oough, bay. straw and
of Traverse City, by the aald Grand fWl-rpu
1 grir.datone and ax b'die.
lo iDorr tayr aralra
aralra from Ibeir
Rapids A Indiana Railway company,
weii ' Firw ' Atarm ' Tel't^
PDd^ purrhaw
Reaolved. that Ihe c
I pvdlw-k for tool home...
prtwral Wnllon al the smuib aide of
• lOOItowwd.filOO.
nvided such acccpiance must be fl|,ed
graph Co„ one register.........
( the loal bouK
I lanterns..........................
ny waiwfaousr in the srFaV.aldr
■t.aldr of Casr
thin thirty days after the adoption
The reudera of this paper will ba
I rake............................
airerl Bhoni half way brtwer
at UaM
mils for new walks.........
onstruct and maintain
aroBiie abd Ibr l‘. M R. R. tn
rlchl to rcpqal this one drraded dIaiMe that acdem fa*a
chased' for about 33».M. giving us Police pay roll for ^leaiber.. .3»: 4! ..epairs for aprlnklersi . gates I
al-l croscing
Kraprrtfuny rnhmlUrd.
ordieanee at any lime Is rXpreaaly
able to core in alt IU rtagoa. and
dliert rOBBunlcBtien by mil or water, Harry Powers, burytag doo...
50 Posts...................................
(in> W. l.iBBii;
served, dnd. upon the repeal of the that It catarrh. Hall's Oatonta OoTu
sIm bandy for tenma and geta our
Uored by Aid Round that Ibr prtI loola and iqarhiBrrr all togrther. This
all Ibe rights and privtiegra tl Hie only poaUtre eare known to tbo
allrosd company
iJjmb.'r for sldrwnlws oo Kliathw hr pranted.
hereby granted shall cease and be al medieal fraternity. (Mlarrh halag »
seems to ns a mosi dMtrable lomtlen
a gates al
13 33
F II. Marvin. |
I'nIoD street. Casa an end. and aald grantee ahall, al Its
Ijjmhkr for sldewalka on Ronloin on So
30B. OcxTIXHiix;—Vr Ibr ondrraisn
rr expense, remove all tbi atltsllonsl ireutment. Baira OaUrrh
..I » 73 dalph street. ........................
: and East Eighth etreet.
33 91
ed reaidrnte of bst Bl(btb street.
. under the autborlty of tbli Onra Is takan internally.oettag direct
iwivTiKu rv-fin.
l.timber for replanklng west
Aid Boughey that i
hOTwby reapertrully pelilloti your bon
ordinance from the mid streK and al ly npoo tbe blood and mneoua oarEvening Record, coancll pror adopted.
orable body in order Ibe roaatrurlion
Ihe roadbed of aald faces of Hie aysUm, thereby deotoylBg
of a remeni aldrsaU on thr north aide
fbgte Pieoa eonnrll proceedY’eae. Aids, lismlltun. Sleder, OUIett. .......and alley -c a rondtUon equal to tbe foondatlon of tbe dlseaae. ooA
of Baal Rlabth otrret froB OraBl
UolloB nol supported.
lags....................................32 35
Boughey. t'uonlngham. Round and ;lu present condition.
.tige. -----street to Hour slim
Moved by Aid. Hound, that the ordi
Moved by Aid. Cotblln that
Filling for walks. ..
oatare in doing tu work. The pronance be adopted.
■rtitioo be referred to rommlttee oo Hugh ProBty. aexltra for Sept.3 45 00 Sprinkling, ...............
Najs. none.
.. ...........
fklatort hare ao mach Ultta (a lU
treeu and walks
225. Resolerd. that the property owl
Cleanlog up from
Plrttr. CusE Knaidrom. Prank
earative powen. that they offer One
era he and are hei+by ordefM to bnlld. lett. Doughey. Cunningham and Round. Handred DoUara for any osse timt U
Bd. Handy. A J. Srolu. Praah
Aid. Garrison excused from voting.
within tbr next thirty days, a plank
Wade Charlra C HrdtboB.
fallt to earn. Seud for Hm of toatiNays—None.
(he oorihi
Uored by AM lllllelt that the prti :m. Yoor conraliiee, to whom
Ueuiala Addrwa. ff. J- (3baMy A
eoticrrte walks. .
tion br rrfrrmd lo roBBlttee on eferred tbe petltloo of Scplembei
Oo . Toledo. O.
ITBl relallTe lo rbaagtag loratloo of
ose street sewer—tabor, 31-32.
The mayor appointed James Avery
simna and walks
Beid by Drngg^ 73.
ddewalk on East »oal street aa
17: drawing pipe. 31.24:
SI city acaveager. *
Ball-a UmllTnUa are tbe boat.
To Ibr HoooroOlt Vapor, and CMp ordered bull! August 12th tlH) beg
Moved by AM. Carrioon that the
cement. 33.40; pipe, 378A73
On motion duty carried tbe appolntd further to plank
Coasrll of Trarrrsr Clip. Vick*
oiboubU be allowed and orders d
man bole. 33.13................... 423 31 company \>eo
ow l.smas* la Travsess ettr.
entire-iCilroi?acpaalBg within the 'yvo^aX ^sifiiltan. Sleder. OilSOC. GCXTLXUCX:—I. tbr uodrrsli
Grading oo Oak Park arhoel
OB the several toada for tbd amo
sick raeelriag medieal aarrleaa
sidewalk lines, the lopnf which shall leu. Bonghey, Cunningham aad OarCarried,
Tba BeaMm apeeiaUaU huva lo
-oraUr body to allow Be to I
be at (east one Jwlt oh Inch higher riron.—<Cl.
Yeas Aids llaralittra. Sleder. RlIlHt.
ReeMJd, That a walk U built on the
their otfioes at fil2 Uaioa straat.
south aide of PToal areet. from Rose Boughey. Cuanlngbam. Round and
rotlacr oB Bone fouadatlna
than (be tnp of aald raiU.
Nay*—Aid. Round.—<11.
Tbaoe (
kbont oar Ibouaaad dollan bi
Moved by AM. Sleder IMl the reMln.Oorrlaon.
leptlrlng wolkt-lohor. 313.48:
ohranie dlaeama of men. wemou and
bo lorn ed
l on cotaot of Waal
Third, That a walk be built cm the
Moved by Aid. Hamlltoa that the ebUdrau. Th* tioh and poet aUka
and Bartaw atreeta.
orth aide of Front street froa OHCarried.
uk Park acfaool aearer-4aan treated.
Y'oa need not Mag
rrt to Oarfleld avenue, aad that 0 fke Hoooroble Vapor, aad Clip tor. 32.76: cement. 4»e; pipe.
Yeas. AMs. HamUtoa, SMer. GIIML
meoey aa eouauitatloB and advioa -are
otic* be clren to property boMera
Boughey. Cnanlngbam. Ronnd
('osaril of Trarerse Ctip. V«cb.
to Grand Traverte bay, for the city.
tea. AU tet U asked in ratan for
Repairing rraao^ka.............
CarriedUored by AM. Oarriaoa that (be pnl- 1 thia eSerL
Najv Done.
FhA»i HsKiLton.
Moved by Aid. Hamilton lhaC (he
tloB be sTBBted.
s for remli- Drawing gravel to Do............
union of T
Jrauraa Suasa.
». Revived, that the owaei
rily clerk advertise la the daily pdpera raaalt obtaiaed bj their new lyitim.
property on tbo north aide of Luke Dotirylag property owner* In dlUrtA AU who rail apea tha doKan faMma
P. P. Bm-UHKT..
Donh side of Fronl alreet,
nth.: Fronton Coaa: Front
TbsTaaaa Cnr. Uleb.
Coto. oo Streets aad Walka
rentfe west of Casa streK (Tnverae covered by newer ordinance lo co
atreet by Johasoo'a; ptoakNot. 1. t»01. .
was referred to me for Investigation.
Ootobw 20th will raeelraliba biM«t
Moved by AM. Sleder that Ibe r
Ity Iron Oo.l. be aouflod to raaoee 1th tbe sewera
Bs follows;
ing Wett Fnmt otnet
To fkr Monorwklr Vapor, and (*lf|^
of their servleea antU oorad tea of
ott be accepted and adopted.
all matenal (except oaa bolKI from
bridge: 3tb. oa Bmwoed:
tVanrll of Trvtwmr Ctfp, Vick,
the aontb aide of their lot liaa. wttbli
337. aunaMcx —Tear ordinance r
Sod. op Odxr. 35.42: saDo.
Moved fay AM. Hamilton Uiat
mas or wnama ^oald MU
Y-CBB. Alda Hamilton. SMer. OUIett. bnlMlag occupied by the petitioner
33.00: Inmber. 331.12.........
42 52 the next thirty days, and that H I mant oldewalk be built on Uta aeuthqntre aa launedlmte coooeetloa wli
hereby lh« order of the eommoe cminthe cKr newer ayates: (or the praaai Bongbey. CaabiagboB. Round. Oairlit naad by him as a pumge way loviu lombrr for 'eohcrate
cerner of Ftasklta aad Bast
etl (hat no part or porting of the Eighth atraeta, abutting ee loU 12.
botb aewrr and waur mains of Park SOB and CoefallB.
Teaching tbe rear of bit bnlMlng:
auwot citend aonth only to Wallas
105 » ftrcK or aidewalk la freut of their
olBo that with bis coaaent It la used General rviinlr.
ud 21. block 2. Haanah. Lay A
Tbavim Cirr. HIcb.
be hereafter ohttnMtad and Co-'s fifth sddlUo a .
toB BtroeL ! aa orer one hundred
by other people wltblog to track the Gniliblng on Sute otraet tar
Oew 7. 1»1
26 that the chief of pMku M baraby la<3antod.
d nlxty tom aontb (rooi aald malas
rear of premMea altaoted oo the north
_ baaeoh U|ht t« tho Mek fiM
' ' lo romphr with
*'b tbr oaal
otniilad to enforce thU nwlatku.
Taaa—AMa HamUtau. SUAv.
i( rsqulrad
oaaltary o fkr Vonoroklr Vapor, Bad C«p side of Front otroK: bat that tbe psb- Drawing bniab State Miort
oaiotaA. A lift wBiaat^m. Taka
Coanru of Trasevac ctfp. VIA.
Movod by AM. Beeghey thU th*
tncnlatioa It will be aaMaarr to «llc claims DO right of pamoge over the
from kidewolk......................
1 M
lett. Boughey. CannlhckaM. Sona:
otatlnu he adopted,
trad aontb on Park otreoC boU Bales It Ocrnxugg:—We. your tomalt' bava net la any way aought Ubor on Bryut Pork...........
to ay M
tee <B fire BSd water, beg taBVw tt make I deprive
rive] the^p^tlow
tbe pedtiram- of bU ewa- nuiBg wosbotn at tth. ottoot
tbe foUovrlag ivart.
WIU you azewoa ■# la tbo
Tibb. AMa. HtmllWm. BMar, OIBMl. MfifuA Iff AM. Mm M tti a
teMco. ..................................
a that the
report l>e acrepted aad adopted.
Aid. HaalltoD aored ad aaeodimt that action br pootpoaed lor two
Aaendamt not supportrd.
Tbr cirtploal tnoUoa.Bs Bade, was
Yeaa. Aids. Slrdrr Ollletl. Boutbey.
CuBBlngbaa. Round, aantaon and
Corblln. (7|.
Nays. AM Itaatllon. Ol.
At this Uma AM. rorblln was eirnaed from the aretlns
Uored by AM. Rleder that tbr mayor
and Clerk be authorised to
lb* itatnu-l with tbe Aaerb
Fire Rnplne company, and .
and anwptance of machine. If
>w n.OOo. as first
cblne. and to auibe
. lynrot on aaM mocblne.
three p
■«r .»
■ srxNnro
. fWtftaO
ttecwteOMd<tf Itefa
-Look bera aacte. DAaaB70Mdhd
fan th» err* at Um Pwry t* tMt ww
0rt frMiA: -If rMrrwDedovB
BaOwWOd. P.
OV. VMr 7MT CMd rluUiM f«
tbc BHW* OaUknh«Mi'
«hu^ Wr M folac tQ Ixirc
•vrii anr giiU am beaiAT
i aay cthwm eaeto agi ai
TbM aonrmd the dclA with waeb
-Arp 7o« tolai ts U7 aaUa
roar «M nrp«tcn aad dart troaaiii
•Mi Atm V fat ll>«p UP* ftrUr
rXrrrrT tvwawl tbp «vp« a* «
sItb a 4wnuo« aad latmaisc in
Mo tk> vari at a lanl. tte lifeo cd
vkidi. imaodisBtto habita aro
p raat ro« to ■
0. n><M4otba
«f M BoofMawtoe
«• tboarU.” rrplM Um rtrla.
■ormartrahh ta tbpirtona. thcwal^l
-Wall, if 700 caaoot dM Bfi. I
Iff tba UMlla and Um Uiiekma aad
xfftbPUMUa Tfarasplaidia
“Wp w«t- iba t
>(ff two Unteeff UiriatBaUI aad PiiagUla booU->
flaCsTdar Dlcbl
80 did Um
trigiUa) an aearij ahraji like tba
■•tH BPVKlrla.
-tkla u tbp pppw at tbP PpHT." aaid agatff iVfuatwpanata Paitbcnoak
Ut. Pbprtrooil aa tbp firla atcpvad iaUtaUcawan alao cacawca taaeatacr
fow cabw raclMlM. bat an aaowfcaad
aboard tbPrapbL
ta wMtoal apaiM. It aecwM tnm tbia
-Glad to nppt TOO.*' aaSd tbp
Bat tW awpll opv firta paid Dothlof that tbp rockno baa tbe power <ff lajiac
Thpr odij noddad niolnalr and «fet agt iff a eenahi oohw at aim iWemto tba bow. koplat Ckp <tpw ta Uw bbsi Ua»p eff tba dapMl foaler parata,
-TbPr don't aram ao draadtallj
plMOPd to loppt aa.- po(Dibpti(«d 1
BUppPt. aaltlOf off «B tbp pan tack.
“It U nir tun. to talk to Um opw
firia.- oatd Bddip. -Yoo bad roar toalBii with thp Isat aopa.■o Bddip ndipri up.tbp alPPTpo of bla
atnpPd ahin. whlrb waa ppMphUx
tpUc of fonnor imadrar. aod alartc
la to faarliMtp Um imw alHa. dark follearpd. Tim Um npo In Um cockpit
wtobrd for Um vuia wbo «i
la a fpw nlBOtPt Jark
Ifa ym turn, l^pt" bt aald. -I bare
Npw fftri Ka 1 waa talktas ponwatir
wMb Mra. Bbprwood.
Npw Ctrl No. : a-aa talklBC at Bddip.
New lUrt Na 3 dU not look TPty approaptanUp. but rbpt wont forwanL dp-larwiliMd tu potpnala bpp. for abo appparod lomoonM,
-Uu 700 llkp Mlllarr bp aakPd. wlab«Wnk oPiroaL
bkooed, tut
ned warbler, for itMtaDOv OBekoei
obaofp.io oebs raricUM <ff
■ caUj
wbea tlwrciaoBul find Um .
ODia, apd tlw7 oowa to com diatria foar
Tbo fcnalo bird lart abcBtM
aTMT, wbkb ia OMto thaa tbe MpaetablP fMoale birda eff vditMtr aperata.
ThliUfaMsaaeof Um tamanoM oiat.
(ff Um rga. which an llabk to be
thton to tbe rn>Ai>d by tbe hlida ia
wboae Mt CbcT «n ptanod. Ooe ng
onij it plaoDd.in <aw oaat tr Um BOtbw
bird. wHieb oaoaU.r. Uwach ou alwa^
tbrenra oat 00c <ff Um brisinal «ga
One baodtod aod nlBi-tna raitattaa
<ff birda barp bne iapoaod apea by tbe
oaefeou. and wfaUa BMal ut (bcoa bMa
wtn waalj amm. warblwa. UToateban
aad tbp like. tartK ctoek aad rin«dena little r<*>ea, m^«iaa. Jackdorea
aad arm Um- ibrikaa (four kitalai. ban
girm npport to thla
bpp giaaapa aud atariiv at
tfuuoiia wblpfa bad sppd wbitpr daTa.
•TYp barp bad lorpl7 aalllac wpaU^
er.- msarfcpd t'brt.
No saawpr.
.ntaat 70Q think wp ttkrpr' ppesMed
“I don't kaew, 1 ao aore.-. Aad tbe
CbPt omniiun-d aoniHblog about tak
ing rare of tiM Jili idippt and aneakad
bark to aak Un- Iv7> fur an overcoat.
lo the nicanlhup B.IJI4- waa pn}o7lng
blaiaeir Ia.niruarl7. N--n c>H
3 bad
B OITr, mx, VOKSAT. OOTOBn 14. IMl
A REFORMATION How Bismarcli Brown
Uncovered a Tfiief
roeaU7 lo Ibaoa partaT-Na Uara BumBp.- aaU ioha naot^.
Ur. tyoa looked tnoUed. a lltUa nd
wttb a atari. -Noop bat olt Bpbaw. aad rery Ubek prrptPXed at be aat
■hTTooaly taping bla paneU un Ua desk
S TO ffUt/T IM
la tbe oSrc af tbe target busioraa
I tnaa 70a with a aooM. Joba UeatT r banae cf IU kind la Chieagw. Reforp
bln. Mood a 7«<i>X
-Dndao'To'kte. wb.-TTra It laet kaown bera brt Ta a Calabfd making
M m Ur. Lyoo'a
aadical atodpet la Baliinuuk. XTbat I
caoM ^«a taopp for is a eadarw. Too
You are aoC tbe drat one wbn baa
kaow wtaat that la doD't 700?opuk.-n to me of tbK JohnaoB.-Ita a Utd. ain't It?- aaid Joha
Ur. Itou sfbT a momeal'a pauae.
r tbeagbtfalij. “'Tala'tabw
dacm olbera Lave reported the kra of
wkoa.BMUM7 from the ebange pockets of
llMlr cuati in that rbwrt.-Na aa** mM Cadla atakaj
-!>• you osapect any otw?Tokr almeot to a wblsper. -It's a
-Ko. i bare no auapMuni and bot
Uid/. Wbat I want la eU Bpbtaba
tbe alktbtPM prideocp.- replied Ur.
I'll flip 70Q 830 ll joall hdp BM
f« bim."
I don't tike t<
-Aa- If wo ^ aoftatr aUd Joha
Drarr doblcraalx.
auggeuted A-Oh. well bp banged, at pome.*
iBialtp cbppffoUx. -Are 70a wUlUi/u
take the phanpca for 33l>r.'
Jobo Iimr7 oatd be Iboocbt be <
-I bare uo fear of-n'llllaB.- tepikd
••Y4Tr upll. thpo.” oald EbuIIp. “Meet the employer atuuUy. ~1 don't kdlero
OP at 13 loalsht at the polored grare- be la a tbipf. aad I won't tUI It baa
rard atM] luing a aiiadp with 700.a bm proved agaiaat him. Ilowrrrr. 1
Juhu IIcor> lUTHuliipd to <bi aa and am determined to Bnd out wbo baa
i:toallp rHoninl to Btoodgoad aiMl tbe
lUdwv brr ■dlnwwl wuowxa imlMd
rout to niMTl.’
body else la tbIa offbv. aud 1 aball pzloiiole
-The Mark raarair aah) Moodgood amine William along u1ib Um rcst.Bwontal CatakMwwtrw-.
s dbMTu: t. -DUd'C I tell 70a bP'd rob
wmiam waa tbe iHirtcr. He bad bn-n
D. Ma^moHlAn «
tM<h«drI Um rui|iloy of Ibr lirui for years and
Tbr nishi waa wttboot a takoa. and
a<l tlip abaulute ronOiliSH-e of most of IWdtS a. IMrtsloa at. «rm^ RapM
the iMoiiie alMUt tbe plaee. Aa aoue aa
Joliiiiuu bail mode bU aeruaatlvn and
u as7 tbe Icaac for a
from the nwlninm aJ
jou-ro iM-rr. I arc,- be aaid.
■MTcral days Ur. I.Id-oo dlllgpotly
Harp )TiU l.ruugbt a e[uidp with 701
patch foe tbe tbM wbo
Now abow cue oU Epbralni amn-.r. but all wltb- trV-l wum-er. ahall eMiwa-s -wtd jirwaWa
rr-Mdi. He ward maiked eolna and
tOrtoe iMHlury b
lout ibciu. aod watebed everybody from
0«iaifT-<-:nir at ibr boerMrU.
atrauge biding plncra all alioul tbe of- •Ow4
ami I ana. mtnrtlATTarMa
Bee. llewaabtCiBBlngloapBlialrortlM •uslbioil nnn otnoa u- iminM
Emollp wbeti tbe other panaed Ixforp 1 su-ci-wa of bU detcpllve elforta till oup woiih .41 •nOMma-trawlUn-aswa
n- Tnaih ■
frcably made mound.
-Let'a ga day be waa m-I on a new track through
through with tbU Uuaiupoa aa oooa a a very ordluary elivuioataiipp. Aa be oiuaa aavi sin > n, Ho«.«tb ■inn
walknl from Ida offli-e out into tbp me •Koih 1-.
nnr. the
i..hti Iloory took off bU coat prepara- sIm>i- Intlw rear of tbe hullding be nowmiaui apTulddiig eec-ely at bla
lory to begtonlm; bla gbaoUy weak. Befan- Im put lil> apade into tbe gAtiod banda n lib ounp and Imiab. Ur. Id-»m
,ed Bi
an-oud for anolbcr r
piuiUuui-d bU trip through ibe ahoji.
lag glauer at bla i-ouipauloo. I
but aa be was aleuil t<> iuk-s Ixek Into
bla ortlic five or alz lulanti-a later be
■Ip bad myolpiioualy dlaanwai
Ainioet at the oanw llnw e numbp^of
lal wimani waastUI Imay ncrobdark forma row up aa ayatertoualy on Mug hl« hatHU.
•T'l.nt'a ratlier mid.- Ibeugiit Ur.
all eldea around bim. John lUiuy was
00 frlgblcm-d Uwt Im feU down
Lyoii. -WlMU did Wmiaiu Imc-um ao
Up thought they wei
an nil ibal'/" And theo be
dculapUH of Um place aueklng reaigp- aoke-l ab>wl: -Wlial'e the autiu-r with
-•harsnuar'inb- HouilBaa n
ancM until be beard a alem rolee.
wblrb Im tcrognlapd on Coloiwl Wgablogtoo's. any:
dwork." tv-plU-U Wllllan-. "Ha IIk
-No we re raagbl you red banded,
you KVDiMlrci; Ugbt a laulrni. aome
M ntuir to MiBlli }i«i M-er OHM.
of you. aiMl wc'll ace wbo It le."
Afi.-r .vou think yon Ii.iv.- waobml n all
In Um glare of Um malrb John Hraty off
3imr bauds li>gt<lH-r iitnl
ooll.T-d that every one wore a -black tlMiv It «leiw« again."
. will U- b-'U oI lb. I1-srt r
"Muat ia- bant otuff t- gi-t •>(!.- muobalf mask aiul <-arrie<l a abetgno. He
' }. .oanieionaa as »
rbliPct b& frlghlptMd pd Mr. 1.1011.-and thru a <|Urvr amllc
l-y 17 aud M. iwl.
og-n-ad ..v.-r hl« fa.i- and a Sherl<a-k
skirt crude rmimiito USBOS
rj -vaumMluin l>. acwraiAy.
liduH-a hh-n paoMsI Ibnnigh lib-tulnd.
•Heed I ain't did nuBn wrung- be
I66 S3ft!iS!53.".3:5?$103,000.00
I'sider tide amuigenn-iil Mr, l.yon
lit B lid of amall ei.lu* In tbe aiimll
pta-ka-l Ilf the laaikkmlay'x eiwil jiiid,
omean-d pocket an-1 iinai^y with
maivk liniwii. .\fii-r iIm' otln-ra
goni- for llie night In- and the I
kiv|a-r rUiliil 11m- iioitriaiiii logi
and dlMinrtm) tliBl Ibi- ui»ui-y
.\elt mi.nilng Wr, I.t.hi
donn early, and lie'iiiBhuciil in :
iHU-lin-aa with evi-rv our aloiiit Un
Ubi»liuieui. He 1 iall.1l one <b-ak afler
and aa he, lalki-d waleluil
every nioueiiH-iil of Un- bamla of tbe
man wlih wbian be'wna <-nuvi-ntug.
For half an hour be aim iinUdtig tnit
of tbi- uaiial hlll-aa be aiquioi-bcd onr
deak III- iiotiii-d Ihnt Itic vnuiig man
altUng tln-n- uaaAHihllng Ida |a|a-.ullarfaibhiu,aud Isad atalns
niigcra. .
Mr. loon liaAiil ••arafully to
ann-, and then liiirrUil Into bla privnte
elti.i- and Vi nt ti-rtlii- fellow mho luid
sltriiitnl h:> aiti-iitic-n. TTie 4lu»r oia-iinl a moim-nl later and In walked j nung
J-liii...,n. «Ui a fi-«v ilaia ewrlUy bud
a.i-tlMal WUII.18I. the i-in.-r. ut la-liig
tb»- Iha-f. Ill- lual a iimfUM-d ami guJiy
-eiue.1 on
oo Ul
Ul'ai pma-Mr. I.jiiii'e in.ph'hink «
Urmiil at noi-r.
"ICil 1 uolii-elbal yon wife bolding
iiiir la-ii III a i»i iiliar way. Mr. Johu
uuy aWi.-d.|lM-eiu|i|oyer.
"Vco. air." .tainitMTc] ibi- young f.-t•H . grow lug terj mt; -I .iit ui> band
irifli-Ui«l nlgtat- lliai la"
•miat t». >iiu kiHie why
-John Henry. If tbe law took its
p»|Mr eonrae. yon would l» plunged you lo eotne 1a lay*-, lan'i that what
like a buBun dooghiint Iu a rat of ladl you iiicaii. airV lnli-mi|-lTilI Ur. I.yoi
"I'm oorry to eouf.
ing oil. Rut we Laven'l
:l 1 do. al
Ul 1'boiling oU.
rbauer. Get
Vr. l.yon. ‘i-ni
your guns ready. Aa Ibe prlaoerr rt
blue away at bias aa many limea . mt- the .ouer oiaiv.M young limn did a> be waa 140.
you like, aod If be gets off with bla life
when Im bad remb.d Ida desk Ur.
writ aud good.
Idun dittertiil lU- alli-utkui c< IIm
wU-Ie o«S(v foree to him by wunuunc-
nean-al 11.0?"
"«i.. b:
aal<l anotlHM, -|mI « 4-uI Uiu to pleere.
mile bit at a tin..-."
Konliraot tbeta
-No.” liit.TiaiM-d dTMrd: "be ought
I have a fair trial. U-fn lake liiui to
Joalb-v- Talnlur'a aud give blui a fair
' lal,"
-TiMfa an.- rame Um gruff pboraa
-lie ought to bare a fair titaL We'll
aU-iamAtuw. aod lUe baoonnrfal- lake Mm lo JnetbeTaiiilor'A^
moat tragic for Uuan by emew of work.
Ji»tl-c Tululor waa alnady prepared
—WntmliMtrr Reriew.
f.M lln-ir ev.-uliig. N.-Tcnln-hwa he |iittci>-b-<l to la- auakim-d from a >a>und
alM'i-. and after au hlle • aim-down aud
lit the lamp In the lltUc iMn ruuiu in
Whieb be beW court.
dPiaturua of Hadiaa, Plufcwv SmiUi
tVlirii the facta were made known
u tbe iiootllah
blni. be eonaented lo au Imnmlu
eii-ly that iIm ftial
trial, ubkb pr»v>al
II e».v|d the pHsuiicr.
t'-diUMi Waahliigtou made out a
appeared almcat erery night, alwaya ia
a wc«t or auntbwcaterly dltrctkai and Hlaekimm.
bad U-eu a
a*: it may be.
at Johu Henry'a IntereoU. aroar.
tbncfoiw he nmarka «bat ti
admit pipiytblng t'obuHd M'anbebargea ocpur ia tbe rtgicB where the Ington baa aaid. and ukmp." lie la-gan.
moiot and dnaUeoa era wind meeta the "Uiulr* la too good for J.diu Henry,
dry aad dnaty land wind, one being, rtie devil couMn'l kei-j. a ehirken If be
pnfaapa. pcmUnly plcptnBed aad Uw waa around. 1 hope yon wou't acud
oUmt mgatirely. In Ummp lqcfataii« dia- biiu then. jDdge. -fur by ao doing you’ll
pla.ea ne mBO.r na 800 Amboa per minnle
luerraae the immatblliy «f tbe
bare bn-o uaBaicd. tbia nlp being fcap<
up for on boor m on boor end a baU.
. tMlBoorr
AntMlnr natablo pecultanty remarked
Ibout leaving tiwlr aeala. and
of Uiw r««ica> la that Uw beorint iuIm
JuatiPpTaiuur tamed to bim and
' by Ibaadn, while
alao enyeya _______________
<ff Um Btoe Hen tMate. Utia haring
p they
tntoard on oeroont <ff a geoliewook^t lodge men li r tfarir <4ol
lot bra.
nam^ Caldwell, wbo aaife Uw
0 atipk to tbPlt
famuoa in aporting aamala by tbe
aaIlorgtrlB.~BaBa]o Newa
qnality <ff hia gammxK^ wbicb bo alla (dared very door
way* laad frwa Um egg*
a bine haw.
belwriog Utal UUawaa the bcaluohn
ruougb. be waa upon hU feet again
tor Uw Botber of a gBBWKMk.
after the dlapbarge. He n^er ksMW
that Ibe gnna were all luaskol wlib
-Tbafa right.- aatwered Seratci
Uank v-artriiUpa. aad aa br got uot of
Sorghum. -The limp la patt li
gunsbol It WMnMd 10 him that be waa
gun Iff the country when a mai
bnndrad (daepa.
W.«». MOI
-- ----------------ELECT CAL ENGINEERS*
O" «itnm.BplU and
Portable Rioroa. Hoatiag Pada. Taa Pota.
FUt Irau. Oarilag Ircoo. Incoadeaoaai loam. >. msdla Mwm
to 300 eaadte inwsr-oll aha|M and oolora. lei^or leb-pbonro fm
__________________________________________________________14« FRONT ffTRSeT.
Mr. Shane has Just arrived from Ohio with a
car load of as fine horses as ever appeared m
this city. Among them are several excellent'
drivers.'farm and draft horses. These should
be seen before looking elsewhere.
Whiting & Shane.
state Street Sales Barns.
eAsv *TKmMS
0 •« the •ddmonal
caabbi-d taatunw, wirelwnd by a
gnilal amilr. ter of aarh 1
the world'i tvfceaM-pa.
■a wo B«DAt.
Tsls»bMt Ro. KL
Tfappbief otnpl.ff CtoiaUonia la Um
bnad Karl Jubaaa Uadn. wUah neadt
apfnau tbeeaawn. ataUaa to Uw pal
ace. Um 00 onwailP aidca an two
baUdiaga <ff importaDoe. when ytnag
men 8a k to atndy and «U men
lagialatn. Tba proaimity <ff polii
loarnlw traUla Um nuMxpUmia
wbo hoped that tbe praonom cf a great
nniTfasily in Berlin artnld bare a good
effect ca tbe goemuBaak ~
Pmaaian and Norwegian ten
tbonghTfnl guddnw were fnaa
a few yuan of each oUier.
diapUypd a loadiiMn to welcmiip
ideal and fnrttMnd Uw oaoae ut bae-G<t tm- M>UM ..r that hUmai
px|»^ulatpd. -Fo'Gawd I ain't, gwudon iu ooaaUeoa Acldt <ff UwG^k
brow n,- Im onb-nil. and w lc-u it •
Tbe life and Bomneot of UMcity
“ItuB l youII grt dreadfallf Ural «
bla •Ifflrv with
-Tben Wbat arc yoo doing here at l-n-iiglil In- hurrlnl
n ptucUoally ooafliwd t
tin-air of a mail who had ooIkiI a d<a-|<
liii b.«irr
-No. Wb7r* E.ldk aiKAc In a sur-'
-1 jna' come In b-r weed orab ole oi.i-->t.T)'. The Urol thing In- did wai
am ia in the habit <ff walking emyday,
libum's gtwver’
tbe U-ad l<iaikk>ila-r. wbo
-Uh. K moat Im au ful lu go out In all
"V.-e. aiul br,nigbl a epade with yon.- auered tb-- Miunm-na ut «*n*a-.
glada eff wi-albrr and rlak yunr life. tbelr watcfaiw by fair
"If yoa'll let ...... K|>o>l the rha{ige
aahl <'nl.nMl Wo.bingt.m. "Why. aa i
my fortnne to Inaeh
Bnt Umh.’ Um added, nitli an pogag7 m-nle yon h
lag amUc.'-a aalior liaa to Im vcit taldu not tar from wbttr be eat. bat hia
mouth ag.c“
trarp or bp wouldn't cbouae that PtOl- fan-diduot aptciallyatlnr-t m«. Tbew
wbo fed men oympatby with hUworka
lag.Bddip. bplDg a laarypr. was about to
ranark that lx- knew of tbtoga wblcb
toak more coontgr Uian aMlng. hot be
dU out bare tliup. fur tbe girt ankrd:
-Air 7WI wpU paid fur rbonlog tba
aaivprrd Bddip aadlf
tboogbt of Ibp BK>DP7 iM waa tM7lng
fur Ibp prtniPgP of aalllOR.
Tbpn abr adrian] bin. to Join tbp
Dowatrodden Eini-luiX'a' aaaorlaUou
aod aaid aprioual7. -|K> 70a drlnkT'
EddiP'a firet tmpalaP waa to aar: “No.
Do 7our BppIok. bouprrr. that
waa aoaloea to do aumr rpTonulug
aaawpppd. -Yp*.. Bhp tbea talked to himaf the prll pffPrta of liquor aod the dangen of a
Wlkr'a life and Iwgged blin to ptumlae
not to drink aii7 nion. TtMO aa tbp
beat lt>Klp<l bo looked Into brr pfre and .
Mid eanieail7. "i'll tMomlnp 7P. niloa,
and I want t.. teU yr I'll not forgrt tp."
Tbe new girla l.-fl tbe gapbt w.-ll eatlaflrd wttb IlH-tr cvndnci.
Aa Ibpf
CTuaM-l the rladnil iirw girl No. S aaid.
Tu o of that i-n-w wi-r.- ver? ptr«uui|v
tbooa. iKit 1 a.|BclrlM.I iliem.Mr. lUMTWood looked amaai-d. -tVhg.
I nr.rrktMWUHOpl-oya tu Im aOTtlilng.
batgpntjpinpu." brnliL
"Tbp oup wUli wbotu i waa Ulktug,'
iMpmpted girl No. 3. -knew bla
(warpniy, and br uppuird quite lulUliguL“Uulle inlrtllgpotr aboated Br. Rberwuod -Uew^bllolM. llelaa grudOale of a unlvciully, an pi-nM-nilirr of
the leglalatuft- and may Im |•c*1lldpnt of
tbp Coiled Slatca aoine dg) ."
-Why." aakl new girl N.v 2. '1
tbacigbl be waa a aaUur and tried ..
Mkp bIm inmlM- to go to the mlsahni
aad loU bim bla riolbpa wouhla'i make
W7 dlffpreorr. 1 gut him td gtrp np
dllaking lun.•TlMt U rich. Up U one of the moat
•kfuplary young omb lo aophty aod a
X3» WTiWTE »T.
.1l> .
- wad (-7
Burtati fhnr Bictric
Nrmgr «rav.
• 'ooDtr oowaMuiaT v(Hoh<ad>
r ua
Tm-cr-niy, Mirb
KNorua.M II.
Z U.kauclk^I
Wartitt S Evans
TnsuK JIgainst Loss
of Empfofmtnt
scum. OF SO^, Pi.
•a ns> tho-b tu.ov »<N-b. B-m* ■ and t
riBaa Boun.T p. ui. me |>. oi.
Uie thief kbe iiaa iMen'ndd.
-Iion-l for Um |i.iiI two
moutha. Hr waa In my olBrv to s-i-ina- rmat oOM. rianru Ctiy. Kim.
aaolber uu6' a •xiopte of we<-ka ago. I
dlM'lMrre him now la-torc you alL
lobnaou. gH out aud never let ua op*
a H I<i -HArtU.THg
na> dill I.F>| tJ>r.Mrr>n. .rMlr>aw. uala.ro>
The Northeni Michigan
Asylum oflers a reward of $5d
for tbe detection and convic
tion of the person or persons,
who. on or about the 3rd of
Oct.. 1901, Kirdlcd trees <«
Divisibn street, adjoining the
asylum property..
By onder of tbe Board pf
m.'. sfw.
B.- ai
c^£_'j^i?:r’.sirsrsks C.A.MAMMOND
In Um city.
wli«-o In Braid of a
hirago Bepord-UpnOd.
a Balte. at atmawlbu. Ky.. “it,
Mlik t^Uff aad paraBMatty «urod
Wo alwkji kaop it ia tbe boow
7«a bare a wsUow eam^aUcB. a jaandinad look, math (Mebos aad bkNdioa
*ib-all algne of Llror
Txaahla Bat Dr. Eiag a New Ufa
fhUa giro Otaor Skin. Unay rhaika.
he oould net aloopwlSeatgnMt pain, fUab OcaaplegiOB. Only tt mta at &
B. Wait * Boas aad Joa O. JotiaMn'a drag atoraa.
tube Mod
rSaeled naob a wwdeefnl ttenaa that:
bewrltaa bateato like a
ThiamKTPlbw midldbi t___________
Oolllerr of________________
LadlM. **>001 can jump on It.
* Bm- and Jaa O. dt
l-UBB sadMa I
Vhw a ebUd I boned my foot
frigbtfallr.’- Writes W. H. Eada. of
JoMiTlHe. Ta. "whidi cmaaad borriblo hti aotea (or 30 raara. bat Snek-
ble for Bbtoa Sealda. Oats. SoM.
Bniopa aad PUm.
Sold br & E.
Mt & SoBi aad Jaa O. Jobaomi
Fmt Orsun-uttb Tmn
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