The Evening Record, April 28, 1906

Dublin Core


The Evening Record, April 28, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text









H. rntmtcrr amd l c
pccm TO DO »a



FroBMOtlwf Atlofwoy So«d Tbot Mo
COwW Fifid No Eufcdoboo Afoloot
tboiTsso Uvm.


Mr« E A Kooorto* ood Mn. W. J.
SdHUU ood Mttlo doogblor. wttb ibotr
oNorooy. Fred PrmU, wowt to Ifcrmey
■obolitoodLoloceoMu TboMowiw
ENoitMd lo o rery low miooie* o*
Praomtlog AUorwey Saroso oold tbai
bo bod ftrro tbe r*M*- onusool and
tborouab atuwtloo aad lo»»tl«aikiii
ood could Aad no evldraor aoalast
tbeoi or rroMW fur Ibetn UJag ar
reoted or bold, aeltber cuuM be dig up
anythlag acaluat tbclr character.
Tbo tool* which were fouad to Mr.
BcbulU* grip wore proreo to the
coon in a clear aad •atUfaciory maa^
aor whicb left ao room for douU tha:
tboy were need for mechaalcal pur
pooos onir aad the piece <d coin
wbtch wa* thought at find to W coun
toffrti waa went to the district attorBoy at Oraad Raplda and wa» exam
loed abd^Dl back at U'lng a genuine
■Uror cotoT y
The followl^
Mouriat and Mr
the court from

A. II. BmmU,
Vi ihv boBnl
vt pAiic wortiA
.I» «
Wtmiwev vlfk ilM Ws« of Um» i
»ey sMrml •( LamIAS. r«lAt|r« to Um
prorMm of tbe UMOod ciMrtor
prorMtac for o aMmbervhlp of Ure«
M tSo Inord of public work* lo*t«o4
vt tfe, vkidi lUM borutoforc boot
Hw of tbo boord It oppoor* froo
opIolBO glroo by Dopoty Ailorm?y Oroonl H0AT7 B. CbMo. tbot Dm i
boro of tbo boord of pobllc works, wbo
«mM boro bokLoror. My not be dl*pbMd by tbo roeool oloeiloo
tbi* Oflolao If oooUloed. would
llkwwloi opply to tiMM wwober. of
To the Sheriff Id llcrtcy: We have
tbo boofd of odoeotloo wboue trrou do known Mr. SchiilU nlmut fewr >«-am
OOt OBpIro tbb OPHOC. Mr. Bewett
le has worked for us alioul one
and a ball year* and fouml him lo be
tbo board of pobllc worka wboM toms booeat and a good worker.
boro OOt oaplrod. boaloc tboir claim*
Tour, truly.
opao tbo oplaloB of tbe deputy '
soy suoorml. bavo deCormlood to re
Harry Monroe.
Ulo tboir aaal* oa tbo board ontll ih«
(Oootlooad oo fboru Paso.)


Asad Lady Waa Wall KiMwi In Trav
ofwt CHy Oowi «a fd»oH»ftn.
Tmrtrolfbt YiOro Afa.

Mr* MaiSAfoi fUrrM. at«^ 77. died
at bar boma At MaMa. oaar tbo Board
Ma lUvwr notiric Ughi aad tower
noobiay dom. ot 4:aii yr*terda> alter
aooa. bor death belog due to paralyei.
A wwok ago tbla Mralng abe wa. dU
cooorwd uacMUMdoiM la her UhI. Sh*
bad iwUfwd in her u.ual bealih Iml
uome Ume duiiag tbe algUt Um* atrukc




Picture Frame Hcifance

rratom Ftimg Thalr Blocks Over
and Thar* Waa Bcarcaly Any

HELD AEUNIOM WITH TEACHEft B*d» AMo Raoatved an BHab aM City By Wliw to tbe Kvewlag RceorE.
New York. AprU 2t —Tbe biwak
last EVENINa
EagUmar Hat Prwpaiwd Cant If
wblcb atarted la tbe stock amrket
City WauM Dc WaHu
yewterday coattaaed to the done af
tbe amkm today. Tberr wa* no paalr
Three bid* were receUed by the but tbe frtgbieaed operators Eaag
board of public worka last evanlag for tbelr atoeks over and tbe day endad
the paving *.f Union street from the with scarcely any reactloo from tbe
BARE. BHEMMAN. TAUGHT THIRD bridge to tbe south line of TWrtemlh
bottom. Tbe meekly bank statemea:
Mreel aad m** street from BUte was a pusxle and there was no pUuai
street to tbe bridge. The biddem were ble expla^Uoo offered for the *Uua
John Scanlon of Saginaw. B. W. Sea
msn of Grand Rapids and A.W Green
^igue Raunlc*^ Was HMd at l
Grand Rapid*, tbe Utter Md
Hwim «f Mrs. A. C. Oanpnea mm
ding simply oa tbe work John Scan
Eight >r the Bcholar* Were
.VU blot her Elk* are requested to
Inn s bid wa* alsMii fl.SOO the lowest
1 It the board ad>.um«sl until 4 meet at thdr ball Sunday* at 1:20
f. chirk Monday afiemooa without abarp* to attend tbe funeral of laic
Brother lUchard W, Round.
nnlqur reunion wa* held at
apr 21-11
of Mr*. Arthur I)e*pre» on lowing w«-re the bid*:
John Scaulon. Si^inaw—
We*4 Blghtb atreci liUt evening. A
Nelsunville block, ll.7r* *quar«* yard.
third of a century agc( Mm. I^nle
l^an block. I! 70 Mjuan- yard.
Metropolitan block, 11.7.7 square
1. Long Lake, i
last evening wnfe her <»hl yard
WestiKirt .c urb. f.H cc-ut* and |l. foc»l.
scholam and those wbo bad married
Combined curb and gutter 4S cenlv
them, twenty |n all being there, eight
Nt-lMinvUle block, complete, |3«.v
being nch<dar* and two mothers of the
hlldren.Uigan block.
During the eu nlng an old fnahlomd
H W. Sc-amaii. Grand lUpids—
ippR*r was kcrvcKl coiiHlFtlng of ssl*
Metropolitan block. IlhU square
l»rk and civwm grs% y. initstoe*. I»akc d
hsm. earrswsy cc»okb**. *tlrrc-d yard.
Wcaljsift curti. 70 cciil* mud $1.40
cake, *wwt bun*, .alt rUlng and >ca*t
bread, plrklc. KWbbage *sla.l, an
A. L Grec-n. Grand lUpIds—
1 1
DavU pyramid cake. lea. ct»r
e.reen bid It a square- yard for Extra larxs EycIctA.
tvr and water.
The sctHiUm who wen- prenehl
eie: Jtweph Sherman. Mr* T D
McManu*. Ml** Clara Slieimnn. Mr*
MIvMwbL coam and BM tbiB Biws
Arthur Despnw. Mr* Wllllsni Clisnip
ney. Mrs. para Thsyer. Mrs Rffle
Mr*. Frank
Mr* M. K
Liucks and Frank Ik-iineti.
The mothers who, over thirty year*
:n. got the rhlldn^n rtwdy and non
them «m their way to the nehpol horn,*
Id the wocKl* were Mi*. B. A*. Davh
and Mm. Nelson Sherman.
After tbe supper was oVer. Mrs.
lerrnan. the teachyr of loug ago. rr*il
A nhoe neeO not lie o^:ly on
an original iioem picturing the M-hool.
the ouUide to lie comforUbit* oil tbe itntitlr.
teUlng how ahr had UianbHl around,
how water was rarrlerl a half mile and
Our maniifaetorerV B^-Btein
d. of the games at th<oflsBl tnodolini: allowB full,
ihe morning and after
naturnl looin b»r Ihd fooT
r drive* through the
even on narmw trXHl BtyleB,
1 hHNo iDJule y:t'm*roiii nehole being a tort of n
while the ey i'^ fh a^nl with
Ipclionn of ninizle patloni novroll call of the old wbonl
their U-auty.
T. D. McManus dcKcillH-d thPliies for iprini; an<l Bummer



Beside* her hualwnd. Mr*. llarrU
leave* one •««. Jatne* J Hunlcn of
thl* city. She wn tjoni In ihhiu*)
Cavin. IreUnd. and came to Michigan
tblrty^lght year* ago. coming here
from Chicagti Mm. Hand* wa* well
known here a* abe aold bor*«'rar
and oegelablc* on the «twl* for m
Tbe fiioeral aonrlce wlli>be *T
o'clock totaormw from the hnuw'. the
Rrv. J W. Miller officiating llurl.l
At Ckakwood.


Dwellinoe Wnr* Flooded—Govemment Relief for the


0I81H sun
ni III St'S


GOVERNMENT It PREPARED FOR Little Damage Waa Ocna—Salln
River Sank Ten or Twelve Feet
Along lU Course.
4 ;


Ui* Augelt**. April SA —A loug d
tauce telepbtme me*aagv In tbi* city
from Salinas. 120 miliw mouth of San
dlAlOA MADE ON ENEMIES OF THE PranclsTRi. at lt» Su >c*uid*y staler
that thnw very heavy shock* were fell
there ThunMlay night-one
oVIock. anidher at
and the la*t
2 t**cloek yesterday morning The
kWiaWwar Happen*. (
Khocks lasteil almiit four M<cond» each,
AM* to Cape With the SUuaUen
but so far a* known did no lUmage
‘ * ClaahM Between the Tmepa
The Satinas river I* re|K»rtf«d to have
Iwen sunk ten or tweUe fe. i along It*
rowrwe for mlk»
Nenrly all the
bridge, nerves the river have been
By Wire tc Ua Bvmimf Record.
coademard aad will have to he rebuilt.
Pari*. April ff—Martial law prevail^
today la PaH* aad will be uat
danger from Mbor day demao.tration*
have pasaed Domlalclalary vlalt
Lata Harry E. Miller Wil ta Burtad at
tbe bouari. of tbe royalist*, bonapan
4 a'Clsck.
The remains of the late Harry K
1*1*. wudallaU aad cUbrr. wbo an. pkd
.Uag tbe downfall of the goverameot Miller, who died from aa attack of
have been noamroua Whatever bap apinal moBiagltU while la the Unlt.wt
pena tbe gomramcm la coaAdeat of Its autes aervlee at Portamouth. Va.. ar­
ability to handle the »ltuatloo. Some rived in the city this aftomoon and
edaabee between tbe Iruop* aad tbe the funeral will ukc place frtwn the
SaBae have ocurred, but nothing aert- realdrace. *15 Wadsworth ■troet. 4
odock tonsorrow aftemaun. the Man
Tk# R. N A. Aogrwe. team wtU gtv# a
pwbite daace at tha Woodman hall tat
itrday araatas. Afrtl It. U c*au a
mpla: alagla kiy II caata.
April V tU

H-hool and surrounding* and recited
I Buekmans poem, •rmintrl
Mr*. Thayer gave a tribute
emory of K V. Uavl*. wbo
he voung iH-KKpir and one
tJieeUng* were read fKrni Charles F
Davis of n. CoUIiu and Mr* Anna H
of Umnd Rapid*. The happy

lly Wire lo the B%»»nlng ncrord.
Nsplc*. ApHI rK -AtiolluM dl
mirurie.1 in the Vc*uvlu» nglou
thlh time a bitid avalsnrbc. Torirnt*
of rain fell UmI iiIkIiI. caiiMng mud
> of I he cinder*, aand and lava
VI r H«*iuma and Santa AuuUll*
de*lm)lng brIdgRii. ubirking ruad* aii.l
flooding dwR lIlng*. Tn*ip* of nillll*r>
were buMliHriy dlxiialchei] to
«*»|h| the Miffeieih. The hloini U Mltl




jnetenitjoM pirtofe


ni B*mn ca. raop.






ordw to tut the


wt^Minil thftll iRtoom it a
favor to have the jpuV»lic call
awl pxamiRo the new efftxsU
in Woolens.

Our price* will
please you. too.

In the
Tw*lve Susldiary
and the Bucteye Pip#
By Wtr# to'^the Mvealng KnoortL
O. April 2K-Following Ih.example of Kansas. *«H wai filed here
today by the county prosecutor to ou»t
oil csimpaalc# frtim' the state of Ohio
The proceeding* Include the Standard
n»mpany and twelve snhshUary com
J*. the iluckeye pipe line, the Lake
Shore imilroad. the Ubiu Centiml and
th# Hocking Valley lUUway com
3*. The court waa asked to dis­
solve the charter* of all the*s com
panie* and appoint cecelvers.

business principle that if you “buy
rijtht" ^-ou can “sell riKhl," *nd
this applies Ito the QUALITY
of t;oo<ls as well as to the
PRICKS. Buy H. & L.
Co.’s “BEST" Feed. Bran, :
Middlings. Corn and Oats. Qual­
ity and prices are always right.

FirBl--Tiie Uauty «f lino awl proporlion, wldcli
c muvB through the hanti uf a masUM tWitfiier.
Scoond-Cork cushion iniolce and fall rubbor
Ihm‘1b. the two BiKxrial fiuitun-a that have* made
thorn famous. ^
Thinl-The c haracter oflalwr aia^nt upon them.
Triuidoasy ahotw aro is-rfecl shoot.
For Bale only by




is cm with a rush—and again
wo call your sitoDiion to
our gyeai line of

Take a look
: J1
at ourshlrt window



Hannah & Lay Co.

Fine Selections.

EhsrMan CapNirad the Weight Putting
Centam at Athana.
By Wlr* to tbe Bvealng Record.
Mms. April tt.-8b«rtdan added
her victory to the ABWrtcan list
today by wlanlag the weight patting
ml He made 43 feet four inches
STJ was second and Swwdan third.


TRKADEASWSluxw have thriHv
diBtinct BLUrtx* of Bupi'rioiity.

Traverse City Mfg. Co.



■ • -


union street clothiers

Dn* Kiwyof &




FloorinK, Siding. CcilinK. Suir Work, Mouldings,
etc., made from selected woods,
pur Prices will save money for you. Our prompt
deliveries will save time.
Let us have your business.

o. c. worrATT
CataMlabwd lae*
Bonm aiB SUiia Bank Building

what we aim to furnish to every customer.
Wc are sole ^enls for L. Adler, Bros. & Co.'s
choice conceptions in spring attire.



AbBtrdctB of Title

It is a Great Thing,
after you have bought your spring suit 'or overcoat, to
feel that you have got your money's worth;
To fed that you arc really well dressed;
To feel that you have been treated well and al-

hava h*d to rena
r fot )U*t ir, byjvxp
u-*iz«6V to
7t,_Hne aw-wjriment ‘Ruw.
•wir *<4l b*t»->i -rs
S3cvery hst gusrstitecd.


when the lines
are Complete. -

50c to $150? Shits 50c tr$2?

Kid i;iuve» $1 to $s? Fii.o-41*li Hu*c Soc lo 50c? No larger and
Itortter asBortwieiit geouior value* elerwhare. ’
8utts-Top COAtS-$Io to %Z2
soi'vf:nik nx) everyone ti^ntght


' ** : - •

Hamilton Clothing Co.

Ckk«»>. AprU
commaalcaliBa of Traverse May. n%t; cora. W«e: aaU. MSt
OKrall. AprU tL-wnml-X*., Na m. r. aad A M-. Moa
nt. Me; aora. (>e: oata. n%e.





r"‘‘aK”‘“fl¥|.“llron Bads.



soon be here end yoowfll
want to sort up yoor oW
outfit or pordtase a new
one. In either case are
can fix you up right and
save you tome monty.
Our stock .is new and we
have everything you will
need in the ^ng tackle


V ^ANk

I ■ .^


xifNMif MM

beiwlts medvei
Lous Made
Safety bmuit fe«m to kmt

mm mstnrr even nuiveo



ever shown in ihc city b now on exhibi­
tion on 6ur sales floors. Ail the latest
stylts and colors in aM Abrades brass,
bronze, dead black and evecyihiinf in tintin

irr r:uss S

|ki0» Mi PUtM IkPl CM t«MO m
Militoi tMt tM rJ%tmr^e (?lly i«Pi
t|no MMMi or iromg to<llr« Ko
%wwt «o«M tevo Mm m<i« m
^ lai M( M» fr«Mi or ibo Mool»^
1m toMB tMt UM Morahall loom CM
CiBOiUlM. OMOOflOPM Md u.tro«

imdo MQMUf MMIAed IB tte UMto
IM ItOM OMT MOMbody > hlIttoU.
TIm Ctew or rmn^ looUai
MMlif rraol tlM niiMd city oT Ban
tfcmiMnli Mi Um art peopte tAae
Mi IM Moock to try ood atMl «lwt
BUIo fonilii of IM ounrlMra. M
Vttk mwn mmi MiMaiy. iMrr ore
•iMfro gtovb oad TiiHiirM ready to
iW oo tho iood Md ielM Mi^ the
MIM iM vhol thoy might sieol. Vn1
tVM ahooM hardly hare been uMd In
Ula oaMwrUM Mcaiuo thaae klad of
llMto Carlo baa had auch a proa
poiow aaaaoa that a now Oaatao la to
ho hottl. Tha gamblhlg fMor baa
agfMi groally amoog tha AmortoaM
aai Oormaaa and Ihetr patronage
makM Iha old balhUag vharaln the
amaU. Thoaa oho ameo Mao patirooa

mma rVv glrU
wirtm laat
mm eeeaeven>
oem the Trarorwedly
lag by a aeort of tf to 14.
At Moh prrnOM gama tl
the fMeml deeMoa was that oach
waa hatter aad fhater than I
lag one but taal mremlag
threw all of the othere away ap la the
-clear." The vtettore ptoyvd with
apeed and proeiakm the like of which
haa oeMT been aeea In thU cHy aai
ft la therefare anfe to «ay In aoribcra
It would |be Ic
pick a eUr player from
MarahaTaU for the work
lomatic that the laaiykToala were loat
lo alghi OMopt on a try for banket
QiaAald. aUhoiigh well guarded by tb«*
Ulaapa Davla aad eiraagwaya. tbiwu



aloa and they again eoarad. The g
riMed wMb no further scoring.
Bleated Over TcMiroenL
Mist Mary Morclaod Mutt Return to
meeme had abown Marshall
CcUNmiter Ueteaa Some Family
e«s!log klndncw^ by sending them
Will Taka Mar.
e masterpl^- of but air whlcb
apiMwrwl In tbij ManUtee Hally News’
dUs .Marr Mou laiul. agvil II ,>»krs.
»bni^ time ggo over aumc AciUieusj
and a bright and attractive ytmiig girl
Inltlaliv and warned them that ibiT
ifomurly lrv»m the Coldwater school.
treated In an almost orutd
I Is again an nt ed of a kind home. At
maniur when they plaved In that




who are pa»t maaterm at

Tti. u


hotodreda of panma wrtttea

The fliRt High Hchcrol bane Isall game
a.IN pullfil utr .vfMordav afternoon Utwfcn Uio Mi]>homor<t; and m*i(hmen.
the latter alunlug out by a ACt»re of
Jl !»• 4
II wtK all coming the RophomotTn’
wav during tbc nr»i {sart <»f tbc gam*?
and the tcorc ai the cud of the fourth
Inning was n to 0 wllh ihc fn-.hnun
at the Atnall cml Burkhcad had U*«u
pitching a strong game lor the aopha
but wan forced fo leave the game on
accimnt of a aevem uose bleed and
RtacUMk look hU platx'. Ritoebrook

loBte 1* f«Mind here i\nmty AgeiH ih iiu»iv than anviouh that
Mar> l>e jilan-d In a lorn! fiunily
.vihe r than auiuI her bat k to tbc


she. Is iiMetldlllg

•ht^oi an.I h Ulihful and alirat iite as
}o ing child

Omne Treatment la To Bo Used at
Home Without Publicity, or Loss
of From Suainoas,
Thouaaudj. of
who ica!l>
naut Ui quii the u^c of whisky or
Ucr, roalHc ibai they cannot do a<»
wnhmu mt*dlcal help, vet they laii not
nfTord the lime or |M rhai>fi the nmne.v
’u gu u» a aanlUrium. ilapplly a new
cure fur druitkemiiwii ha* U*cn diMMO
eird which ik to \»e Ukt ii at horn- and
cohts bwM than Ihc average drinker
will spend In a day.
-In ualBg Orrinr tberr U abauluUlv
puUlciU. aa the rv^medy U sold by
‘ leading druggist in nearly ever)
city and town, or -it can be aent b>
mail. Sure reiinf la p^aiilve when Or
line U uaod. So uniformly aucresaful
is this treatment that In every U»x lb
registered guarantee which entitles
)Ou lo a refund of your money If Or
line falls to effe< i a cure.
) forms. No I. a w
Cl cl remedy. abMd Dlely Uatelesh and
(vhtrleas w hich can be given in IckmI tu
drink without the pattern s knowlc
No. 2 lu pUl form for those w|io
tc> be curiHl. The price either form Is
II a box. Bend to the Oriine Co., 1
nrieenth sirtet. WashlugU.n. I)
for free booklet and conaultatiun



jibe inch. MarsAall loaaml the leather
jinlo the net tw ice U’fon* Travcix* City
•aatn and the half ended with
a Rcvirc uf in to K
•aearm Half.
The Mcrond half oihiumI wlili two
la ao wofM ihaa Iha lanihla oaM of
pllaa thal aHlIrtad me tan yearn. Thea mt>ri‘ ItaRkcip fttr the vUU«it> ImTore
BIx InnIugR only were plavod.
I waa advlaad Ia apidy Bochlaat Ar- Traverse City claimed tme Tltc btcalj*
■lea Balve. and leu than a box p«rma•rally cured me. wrliea
8. Napier, fouled and Marwhall a.blfNl aiioihcr to
•r Riiflaa. Ky. Heals all woaada, bums the laplUly Inrremdng firing qulrkl)
•M aoraa like magic. 2ic at Johaaoe following it up wllh a ftcUI banket.'
By excellent pa**log the liall mas
srurkad Julo the poaaeaalon of the local
forwards who made several drwprralc
attempts for the met but each fallevl
♦ All biulbcr ink.
Rks are
arc requ
requested to j aad MarahaU negotiated two i
both were cured.
at thedr bail Baaday at i Sa polata Tmvriwe City followed I
Mrs. BarWt. CumberUnO. Wyo..
Uarp to all end ihe fnarral of Ute-up
aaya: My ^deat daughter suffered
Ihoihcr Richard W. Round
jfore aooChat strong hit of playing got meathi with a severe cough. My
apr za It J the ball Into Travarwc City ’s posaoa baby had the croup. After trying
many remedies, we oscmI Warwer s
WMie Wlae of Tar. Both are cured,
mraale by all drugglata.



The tilubc dc|iartmcui tiforc of 1'nivcr^c niy chiMMi n deal ycMcrday with
Karlson and IMatt of tbl. rltv. purchas jj
ing their vntliv block at A'J ceiHs ou
Ihc dollar.
KarlMui A l*latV>v Kh«H- sbK'k <<>
prised many wHI known qiake** Mu h
John StriHiiman. Wolf Hrtiihers,
A K «l.oe comimny. nn.wn BIm.-!
nimny. Hat Inc Shtn- ManuraHuilng
Co., Rindgt. Kalmbach A f^.n
There was nt>l a shtMidy pair in the
entile Mock.^whi.-h chaiigt«! baiHin.
and Ihc firm is wtllkuowu ft>r
g.RHl qualities of sh.K-s carried.^
A Kosouthal, pmprlcior t»f
<;ioU' de]«artmftil attire. In biivfy in
tor>lng the stock and getting it ready
for ahlpmeot Ui hU headquarters at
Traverat* City where the entire stork |
will be placed tm sale.—Man
All brother KUs arc requested
Bsel at tbclr hall Sunday at Ir.lO News.
sharp to attend the fnaeral of Uu>
') utu,
Brother Richard W Ruimd.
the proverb runs.
apr Zg-lt


Growtk li


April 1, *05.
lamwry 1,*06,


Johnson Drug Co.

April 6.’06.

April 27. '06,

i $522,820.50 ;

Special Sale of


\Vc carricti o\ er a fi*w tinely tailored SuitH
in Tllack ami Novelty Mixtures, ranjjin^;
in price from $12 00 to $18.00. We aie
v;oin)i' to close thein out at

SitiiPy Niilt.

IVlay 5

$3.89 each

rht Cr^at


l-ivc Suits uonh S27..W to $:v, cath. for



Tlu se .m- Mk Karjjaiiis. so dou't
tail to Kci ono.

. Smencat Cr^^teii
«‘iitour wiUi liis
Comrany ofTaIcnted As^^laBls

May Designer now here.

111. ni«H|
tt.Mi.lI IMu^i.On ..1

over Ge* ii in America, vlia
p! lyin;-. liin own

Origioal Creations
lnta«1>AlM«<thf MArvtk uB. irrlitd

Prieis: 15c. 25c, 35c, 50c

Tif Record WitAl

A n o -t hi

Monday Special!
This Time Lacc Curtains

the drink will not
^ Orrlne U for sale hy

I beautiful a« the 1

: i


8LB nsiBmE RNimn



.U„u. <h, vUlt..r, .1... .b.mod Uom
bring furUi selves lu U> .voung UdWa In every
seme and It Ih rtulaln that tu» Utter
(erlliig FxIhiK beiwetti any High
nraleed by Marahall Coach
• hi «.!h than there .UK's utwei-n Trav.
The local glria playtHl ihNr
er^e ntv and Marshall.
attoag game poaalbly a llille iM tter at
tlmea than erer boTore. -Yoitm lit th<
faaieat team we have idaycd.’
Coach Runyan thla morning, -yooi
eoarhea aeem to think that ibe tt
lacat team work but they play no
eerdlngly fa»t that the team work can
not be followed - Ui%» Vera Wyn
koup played a beautiful game ou ittk
hot. throwing the fteld goala wUh
ne of Them Ncpol'*Ud Iba
rontneea which waa wonderful In the
Whth* Only Four of tha gf
face of the fact that abe waa guanicd
Reached Home Plate.

vUl prvhahty he glad to NM that
Joaephlae Darla and Madge Atraag
Umre. vm maro dtpaa fa the r^eld vayjjgorM hard on guanl and itaved
many eeprwa agataat Trav. iwe by l«as
throws into the .center or even banke*
couru. The local centers alao pla>e
TM way or tba grafter to food 1« an eacellent game and la fact thi
tradaally boooml^ harder aad harder. whole Traverse City team playetl at
■UU Fbod CoMUalaoer Abkeney uf they never have plavt.d before and
Ohio baa decided that the law recentlr were benriily aupitorted by the t
pa—od axteeda to *Tntlt flavora" aa who cheered them on when li waa ap
vail M other articlao Heretofore, parent that there waa not a r
maaafhotorora hare been labeling hope for victory.
pooda not up to the aUddanl aa **rrul’
Firet Basket by MareheJI.
larora** aad tba new lav will pet a
Tbc ball wa« io»»ed for the opeuing
•lop to thla.
of the game and in teiia than a ml
Mlaa Dlckeaeoa landed It In the
Chtaa la at laat taking a determlaed ket. eeartng two lor Marshall Trav
ataad agalnat the Mrivroua practice ciwe aty fouled twice. Marnball mUaed
or bladlag the f«H t of women. The the flmr throw l.ut blvctl another
Chlaeee board of education baa taken point on the Bectuid. MU« Wynknop
the matter In hand by iirohlblttag the threw a basket and Marshall followe*!
aale of amaJl ahoea and It U hoped la •nit.
that meaner that It will be aiupped. land I

p Ju*i.eaM of the t;. H
KaM Wghih Afreet, but

Marshall leami''aero loud 10^

a. W. M&.Jk-rKBB

C the OampheU boUdiiig ^

mm CHt if^riAaei i-uHiNimii
iM4 uu «M BMktt «C the vonU «T
llif«liall op^ Ui rptirtf to in#
pmtB umimmi
«iM ymnanr mt cm Hrpo/d

- ^

The BIGGEST Assortment

Come in and see the
profession^ casting line
and the famous Peonell.
They, will look good to
We have a steel cast­
ing pole, agate tip. large
guides, for only

wiUi toaiMUiMiUDg


ThedKapest, cleanest, most conveaiejpt
and durable bed sold today is the iron bed.

At’Just the Time You Want Them Most


Ruffled Muslin Curtain for 39c a pair
A Fine Brussels Net Curtain for 85c a pair
A Beautiful Arabian Curtain for 85c a pair
A Dainty Cottage Curtain for $1.25 a pair
I’copk- arc apprcciaiinjj ihcs<; "Monday Specials" and are caKcrly waiting for
them, for they are the most seasonable K'oods at just the time when you rtaliy want

Remember, that for

Monday Only
We not only offer you^thc i^e splendid bargains, but there will be a .si>ccial dis-.
count on every pair of our mammoth stock of Lace Cur. tins, covcrioi; n^rly every

BMifeil UhltiBces

Every tort yoaVe apt to
wut. wiMtow IW bebelk

kind of Lacc Curtain that is made.


“Every Curtain Want Met Hcfc;”


J.B. PalteEkctrtcO.

Hannali & Lay Mereantile Gfiffl^Bay;-


’*V' * ^


. :/


exmimnm ^iii MlEUlidlliA

haww^taUn plaee at the Twzedo A.
al . BHiMM, Fm numaMnoaa a
OMn had a cnnNMe. altar Mnc

I and c»r^ bjr tlM gmteM or an. m4 Ptri




Music Talks ta
and Mathars
O90d H<^lUjyr^m#nU

rijiln»>|iher« liave nlirmr*
\uieti ftl la loM U> expUin tins
mHxrvi c»f ilia |itrtier which
|»trkrUc iumw haw ow
Un. ii«o,ilc.. _and «pocially
on*r the arnitw «im1 iu
Hiatoruina have l««n
licani ocm
teil loaimply
f •rwonl lha
lint. iraviog' the inyaUiry
naore or inaa tmaalvfd.
Itnt Uie oyatary la nl an
f«xl when wre atifibuti*
oiuau iu rightful
rf ' * ' ijover, that
ol ps^Jiifjg
hing high the
aurfarw the very lieat there ia
in man or woman, making ita
more fMtrioliQ, aooro lovnUn
na a beU
lar oittaain » Ulksr wm or
hiughUsr. Tlieru emn U)
rpuwtion about the tnilhfol
niwa of thif aUUnuoit.


Absolute Safety
NDepuait your
money with the

inverse City
Stale Bank

atMl tu Uriug
BKd lui|>.
t»ia««B Iu ftfinilieo IU Kri,rt*I.
in lUmcttUr. th«n

r».lr«KO ..........

Chlmno-Clnrlnnatl Kami* 12

Gr.uU lUpIi


WTivM-JIa* .

i\.inuu ...4


;a:AmTK standings
Wou. Lukl.
iai»ili‘Jj.Uit _______ 7




»uul uf
.Uii.Miul «i.U
qudliiy ol IIk
lIumgUiM lull I..-5 4.I E hurulMim'* toilci
lnBqtti»ii«« an i can •.ir|4y fun.iac ui Tr«v.
(t'rM <4tv «Mib aitMUii.); tUy

naac Baflic Midi fitf
whul )-«tu arr ulirrr,!
%»« use )iT€iMr« >1 lo «lu
I-II. I l.y y.m II. t^atyuayliuM.
jr«.u ..*1. .lorlatrul.. la Mui

Ht. UniU .
Now Yoik


WalkfriM yorlor. »l 70Tl HtoW Wt.

Now York ..
1*1111.14111* ...
Ht l.oulh ...
riii MK“

I ualr.

r «ooi^ iMOOMMollr

Ik. mmIm

k»llu n; lri Jinn;

Ta.mou ......

n>lr*KU ....
r.MHAklyu ...

Sii Ui Atfifs lifNi

M. B. HAKNER. Pnor.

wIk. iuis
mrr niMj^krr
Ur Hj.imalhlil .
1 UI. awl MM
»>., MMI.I.W of K Burttkam • 4<u4 a^lo i:vMBt>%llle .
Took , .u Or.y Hair BawkiTM- «<• i u 'OMtwr lUiyiun .....

K Iti aNHAH.


Ladtes’Fast Buck Hose, - \k
Children’s Fast Black Hose. lOc
Horr ar«2 Excrptlonally Good Things
a k-ood fiae
•ifid an of au UDUMidl; guoi) quality.
The children's are the best we ever offered—
lute ribbed, all sizes and oi good quality.


Sm new Two NMwWrs.

varedtTtoedwhamhr Flu waa in M
For his deiaat ho waa lo rwrwAva a
Inrsar sham of the pwraa thaa OBtIml
He agreed lo “lay dowa" hatwcoa the
tawih and Mteanth raaada
FlU. halBc aaawad af imm of the
MMT. oamo to the oonciaatoa Ua?
he ama eaUtled lo a tittle of the gkwy
wienWIng Iroai the beat. He ihercfoit;
■npped owt a sitcnaosM uwialag campalga. beihff ooaideat that If he wa^
la #rat elaaa coadition he eanld fWhUy
tftapoee of 0*Briea. He laftnaed Jdaa
ager OMoarVe of the Taxedo A. C. of
hie plaaa. O-Bonrhe did aot object
hoeanae he jmeferred to ace the victor
^ the hoot wia oa hU mcriU.
few days later. Flta'a **dout>ii
f* scheme enme to the kaowledge
of O’Bnea who. greatiy eaciied. rushed
to O Rourke a
money than he hnd agreed lo Igkt for
OHoorke called hU atteoiloa to the
fari that he had signed articles of
asrweOM^nt which aU«ed clearly the
amouai of moaer Ue wtnaer sad loser
to receive. O Brlea's astoal»hinK
rejoinder was Ahat unlesa O Rourke
rd a Urge sum of mcmey. which
to be forfeited lo him If the
Je-cross deal was to be p«I
igb. and unteiv. yut signed an
rmcni forfeiting Ms share of the
purse If be look advantage of may
opcvnln* and knocked out O'RHoa. be
f O’Brien I would call off the match.
C4mes»*. ntR and O'Rourke rofuaed
imunt. rxiu tried to ftHTt* O Bi Uu*
lo abide by ihelr original agreement.
CTBrl.n would not <oa«lder li
lit- askid KlU and O’Rmirkc if they
il ac<iulu«oe to hi« newly formulaitxl terms, and. opon (belt refusal to
•ur. he snnouu I that the proposed
fight was off
■tbquake In C'allfovBt lU Hermaa ffght. scheduksl
to take place In l^s AngeU-x.bas been
Infinitely |MMip4)ni'«l. The Aiiell Ne.l
bout WMM |M)stpooed iiuui May 4 sn I
.NeUiia Herretw IkmjI until Mav 2:.
■nan will return tu fhleagu and
will challenge the winner of the Yaiger Uiv'Udt rgmst bout, which U expect­
ed to uke place here on May Id.
April 2k.—Mayor
elect Thumpaun says that Sunday basliaU iu Kalamazoo will not be die
turbedbelu ve in Sunday liall.*’ be saiJ
I am going lo gel alle*
cctui* sabMiUh and drug stores
:h. 1 have evidcnt'e i^al the aa
ate aeillng lUiuor SttmUys and
vlulatluff the cloving hour ordlnancv.
also that four or five drug stores are
selllug alo<»h*il lu boys. They will
have to quit it.’


Jki.-oll ...

lull. luuinJ mm4 )
•uu« h*vr brrn
llwn hny ulkri—i

j- i

nruoklya .................. .1
raubuni ...................
«f iwouu ..... ....:..-s,...:

Throe per cent intercut
Time Certif­
icates and Savings Ac-


»*U uttB o«y iImI tlMi nH>ui)
«.f II.U.K ||> tUt iKMt.e atr
mm*i\ «ir ll•*icltl>»r«nt. Ti*«
tiM! KmiiImU
«M<tr Iu swMlrit |h« rtio

n. H 1
rkilladelphka ............................. S U»
u ::
( lu
WMbiaatuu ..
Nuw Yuik i..<
4 10
7 |3
IRC l^ul. .....
national league.

RcsolirtcN over





If Yw Arc SiflMK Willi

to taka their rr-

Uautun .....
TVriv lUule

Uv world M cliMttipluu
•Blti Bt wUhlBeB^h liAlk liu.* two
•Butt IB. In Uo rewot lournniuviil bi
MbiIImni lUuan* Gardoo. BBBOuttreo
liuil hf will BCC1*H B cIuIK'IIAC iHsuctl
by Gtuig^ B. Sutton, who anl.hA*d ki«c
The luatUi will Isv |>lB3od in Uu- iMt
wcM k in Octubi'T. It will be wiM> iMduU
Bp. for liu cAuunikkmiaaii. b t»Utkc vl
$:.»U BBd B Mido and the net rix^ipi*.
TB<> art recrliiln of tne rtxYBt toui^
lumcot wrrw
which with a
punw uf la.tHW offered t*y iht promot
Biw BJul IL7^ ontrann; loeM. yielded
SJ.khb to SloMOB. the wloBor; UMl
to HotiMi: Ii;:43 to SchaHer: 11.071
to ttoppe. and $7U to Curl. Cure
BJMl Sution also received boau»e
coming to America.

ing Which Will Be <

Monday for the

We bRve publtabcd tettiinonials from many who have been
cured by wearing our special
A*-' ground lenses.
W OUtn. wty Mt y«i»
Examination Free.

««artookiagCa»lakeat LeUanl. The
heaaa will be bulU of boaUler •
ia part of the trsi story and chimneys
413-414 VUSUbBIS
U will he baUt on an acute angle.
Biaety aevm feet acrows Ue front aa J
Ue apex uf the angle will point south­
east actosa Ue lake.
The rooms on Ue Aral Boor are Very
targe, the llvlag room being thirty-four
feet long by cighleua feel wide, la the
You will come to us
of »blch adll be a *boti
when in need of any­
suwe Are pUc^ nine Icet wide Thu
thing in anyway con­
room wtU extend two stvtiwa high
nected with the eyes.
throogh a icmUcry or music moa
the socond Aour. 1'te stairway from
the Aral Aour to the se^coad will coeir
cic the stone A.'^e place chimney. ThiradJctal ikparlurc from Uc coaven
We guarantee to meet
’tonal way of planning homes wUl bevery eye need, save giv­
tery unique and Uwiv.
The dcii at the west of the living
ing sight to the totally
iwBoms will be 17x18 fixt square atU
will have a brick fire place, TIm- wia
d4>ws in the sidew of this i^uam will be
near Ue celling tu give tbv roc
somber eff.'ct Aiottnd the walls ami
Opp. Steinberg’s Opera House.
undcT IbeM- windows will be pauela on
whkh Mn .Marv will display his collec­
tion of tutetgu daggers, swords auJ
SHADK TRBK8 sold. . ffard^'ni
oTher implementa ol warlarc that be
cleaned uiid ploughed. H. J. "Boy d,
has culkx-tt d In hU extensive Uaveis
drayman, ofllrc Saxton's hardware.'
through the coumry. and uf which be
idione :.n2.
apr iNtf
has about one thousand of all designs
and shapes
Off.this room will U- two nooks ex
lemUng further west ou a |HJtch. ThI- |
pureh will l>e I5x2ii lix-l and be bull:
V. Oema» Ccchlln. Fcr Many Veari
up w 1th Uiuldcr Slone and large wiH>d
Paator ot the Deceased. Ocliv
cal’iimPf. To tM* ea^t and off the Ilv
lug TOimi wHl be n dinUig rui»m 14x18
• red the Sermon.
fix-t This dining room will have a
ba>’ ou the south overlooking the lake
Surne.indi J -by an abumUm*e ^»f
and an cxjmisuu to the uuith on to a
ftcrtH'iHHl dining i»urcb 20x11 ftei. On spring bbvssutux. svmUulUwt of the
Ibis pon-b many ut the luui hwmk will awativiilng lo a m-w liu.. and lloial of |
te KtjrviMj during the waim Miinim*r b rlng.H (tom loving fi-h nd.-. lb*-casl.ii j] giadimlr piiplla.
months. ThU cod ol the building altui'
best in* the mortal of
Mrs. Alii • i
ccmslu;* the iiamry. kUeben. rofrlge.--: .Milb r Bracken. ^.l.H3d in the c trUk.-u.
afor nwm. Isvatory. cit. 'I’hcre w|nj hoW4* tliU morning at ♦> oVlock uhtk-^ Thcic will In* thivc
Ic a bror.d M-rctned mirth off Iht*.Ilv- th'* h»H bo.?r M-rtlcx- wgK <onduc:cl Pivparalury.
in* room overlooking Hu- lake bluff. 1 by *ho Rev Ih-mai, Uot hliii. who «»h-ii. Diploma.
On the lecond ..lory, off lhi‘ living |
»lniplf home -ervice with ju^av.j Two yexi-' Mudy of theory and
room. whlrH t xunuw two stories ani ; er. Miss Kiin l llalb y rendering
ill Ik* r<‘«|uiicd lu cumpJido th#
r-4uh«*d by wav of tlie galbrv. will U* | swoe* vtilce ’Aslfep In Jesus,'
Mr j.iroeiur*' ctalficaie couriX' ami tbrcq
a l»al<*oiit i.\ei;.M»kiug t|,t Uke The j r«K hi Ui. who a^^psslor of Iho dctH*
>e?rs to .s.mpbte the cilplotua couiao.
^.fon.l ilooi lins liM b. .1 lo .ins an.:; b»i mam todidui year<. v|*,.ke of
n«4se who are qualified may Inr etione sewing lutini, logo htT wiib a;|; Rpihering ilieie i l m* many frUi
j lon.-l lu the teacheiV tx rtlficati}
Hosei eoin«-nienf «-. an.l l-ath itsMiis
| nho Ino,' t timUig togviher
j.^.ii.e MfF. smith dm-.s not cimflmi
The h.. i e will IH .u.Klern in i vc-ry | strTn.w wer»-Iheie In greai fen,
jluusilf to one iiarticniar method. b^T
panlculur. iM-Ing lieate.l by hut water n**ss tba*
fufltH of the 4«nii|t w
uses the niefliods that ale
and all pluuibiug t f n\eiikiun> ilmi ' now
l»ei lin*. Her !<.ve of «he Sa'
adianiar-rctMih to the different
oighly ep to but.- Tin- exlenoi will and her b ve for irvr fronds was
he diuie 111 brown stain on the siding ways maiiife.sted. » ten in h« r hotir-<#r| K»*«ei.<b.n .laye, Tu«-siJay
and its.r .Ml of the .leiuil ou tin- In-^ huffc: iik. be . r.aid • ' "He* gteac na ! T
ljuisday r iM'wei-u 1 and J p. ntexierioi will U- sevarely [ Ibnice, and kindii***cs mol svmpafh
ReslJtncx-. ju| h!avt FYoal streci.
rlmpli. being tiom* in the MisMOui wav imih« i n anif.-u d by ajov with

Dr. B. L. PaitisM. Ass’t
at Pkue 354.

Dr. P. A. Wolfe, Prq).









Traverse City
jNorinal Music Setoof
nrs. Frances S. Snllb

Crlumet. .Mich.. Apnl 2S.-As a n/v
uli of the great Interest maullesied In style. Ther. will/U- no moulding of In ‘
Mr ('..M^hliii . iml e ,/thv nbircamby
he lortbcumiug meet and because d cny kUid. evei vihlng biung lu plain
the sacredness of Memunal day. Uk panel and * i*ani wu:k Beamed reUiug c 1 c 'jataH* r of the who was
itivr commiuce of the Upper will becanietl Into efftxn »n the den. always Jtie >amc. always patieJit. al
: ways I ind and aiwavs gutib t.i tbo; .IVnlnsula luterscboli^stic AlhleUc a*- hvir* room and dining niMn.
’. a5;i.»;ais4i ('ollegi-. Nov 1, litU2.
Tlie exterior of the house will run around her. Tliese qualities, he said.
KOtiallon has postpomVI the anmial
"V. Whom It .May roaern;
v .
rixjju May ::i 40 June 2. It will very much to rtiof. The proJtH-iion of 4 ndean d her to il.t -e sh«* hoed. H. r
This ft-rtlfley that Mis. Kranees St.
lie held at Union park. Ishfremlng. and the cave, over the outside walls being
Hmlib has be«-u n ifoaubcr 4>f tlii«
mwrly all the larger high schools lu revtn f»x4t. Tht raflers under the was paiHriilaiiy h« ipl»:l i\ thus,. M hool ihT4,* >4«ai s. She lias eompIeUxl
eavts w 111 Ik: exiM»t*ed to give a half- ariMiud her. pa-thli’HrK her gMWii
iho iBcoiusula will enter teaniH
the diploma course In piano music and
Imsincbs !niori‘ st in her hu-haud s
Many of the high schools will placr.- tlmlcr effec*.
has also liad one lesson |mt wt-ek for
I lier aUier. and her -sister’s
A grtwii deal of care and Tiudy has
baselwll learn lu the field this yW.
a year in voice
Mr* Smhh has dine*
1‘rlmlpal K J. Hall of the I'aliiimi 1hx*u made in tills dc-idgn bv Mr. 1 family .
or* r4:i» W4 i. r i'h e.r. She has lieea
the liifoi, ,
Mr Ct»Hiliti sfs.k*
m'bisJl has opened negcitlations for Maro’s nit liliect. Jen I’, IVierHeti. and |
t« t; , I SI a ! :liuer..
She has made
dates wOb tiulHlflo schools. The SOu il is IniendiHl to have the house ct»m- ;cr4s; of the d.ceasod lit the n-w
very rapid ptogtvss a^d l.s now well
has ariaiigfNl (or Hcvrii ganus w|t*i pleti,! 1m fine Mr. .Maro leaves on hi.-* church and t»s mui»lr. The m
prtqiaHsl to give exix lleut lUHlrm tb»it
Both Mr. and of de«firatb>n w;»s n titm- of great «-r
various teams. Marquette is aUki loui In SeidemlH-r
; In music. She iw ibomugldy rellaide
ug date^ and Escanalut and l«h .Mrs .Maro, with Ihelr servanih. are at fun for her. and U prt#v.M to be »n ,
v\vrs wa.v, is a lady In the fnlUat
IH Uilug sIsAi will hi' lu the Held. Nc- Mniomnk now. where they have a effort tollowisl r.y great sutt .laetbiii j
the titni and wlll^be valuable
MiiHlI ei.Uttge, as Mr. Marti saya ho ‘ as she w'as able lu atend riie s- vie -.
gtturuM will aisp have a leant.
i.inmittilly. wbere'ln r riervlc-ji
luktr a paiUcular Inirrest In Ihii ’ In t h*stue the .s.'m a! er said; ’ Hen Ila the Moon innahitod.
-4-cir. d
I tak«‘ great pb-SsScience haa proven that the moon hiiuse and wishes lo be where he can ‘ the Tiuth 4»l I>sler Illustrated. Tie.ittMM iid.ln;; her lo public ism*.
aa an atmtuipheiT*. which makca llfr wati h It gn»w.
j hotly iH rl-hes but ih- r**ul
I some form posalhlo on that aatel

kkIv f.-itls day by d.».
llte: but wot for haman belaga, who
have a hard enough time on this earth uf H veil teen acre*, and an ideal sixil ! but the sou! grow. In greub ;
H B Brown. 1
Istrengtli ’’
of oura; eapecUlly thtise who don’t lor a suuinier home.
know that EleclHc Bitters enre Head
I The cke^lng hymn * Some*line Wt ’1
ache. Billoasneaa. Malaria. Chills and
I’nUerslaiiU.” wu, n nUi-n.) l.y M;--s
Fever. Jaundice. Dyapopala. Wssioeas, pla oit IL btft It will
Bailey, the r. inaiiiH then la in.- ink..
Torpid Liver. Kidney oomplalnu. Gen­
south by the husband ami -ku i
eral DeBlUiy and Fhmale weakneaam. •voir tima.'
Uaeqoalled aa a general Tonic mad Vamiah. E. E. Walt A Boat, Tratmrat j where lutejmeni will take plarxr at
Appetiser for weak persona and ee City.
!o’clock thif* aficmoon In Giemwooij
pecially for (be aged. It Induoea aenatT
. f^rltvA Buttw traniiport, cemetery. Grand Kaidds. Und'ertake:
•leap. Fully giiarameced by Johnean
Drug Oo.. r. H. Meade and Bugbee
crntly. one of the flrvt to iKuird her ' me
was Major General SlwfltT. He went »
---out to m»H‘t hjs Jnp.nnme htMsrkeepcr.
-^ybBe Busboy, S4xivtai7 to
One oMtu' attraction* tif merit that Mis*
wik, b., niW the S’ :tf..f
wrill^vIxlUihU flty this »«aiioci la the ter hou«* for twenty vinirs. Sne had
th4* DM lb
lH«st Ilresstxl
vle'.tiiic her houie tu
NlcJll oocuiiany wlio are billed at ibe
opera bourne next Saturday night.
Thoae who are famUlar Ibruagb
booko. psperw^ and macazlaet with
thing* tbeaUlml, have aftea read uf
Base Ball
the *eni^ it3o ibU company baa creat­
ed ta differeax imn* of tbla coaatry by
pertprmlng myidcrlaa that are al^t

with braatbPhaleriun, arowe. A|u11 3A—In the laaa iataeeat each new and atartUag Ik
4W0 meiam •wimmiiic race here ye«er lualaa aad baiAlj haa the ap^uaa
day «che*. AuMtrta. waa trwl:. H. Taj from oaa trick ceaaed whea k». a aaw
lor. Englaad, waa aeoand. and J. A.
Jarvis. Bwgiawd. vaa third.
The vkHoo of the young AuMiaa, atari to Anlab. tlw aMaager real
who la only
>««ra old. waa moat ca the lacreaalag demand of tbej[beater
IhuaUstically received Uy the auecU- going publle lor. same*blag cnM «( the
tora Ha awwm ia ftaa atjk: and ordinary tioca ata bealiato ia aaylag
naarndJIMa vlamli« poai ahead of Ta.v- that UU attracUoa U ooe that
plcane the moat severe ortUc aad the
kir. nW. C:t3 4^
romiag meaiu
Italkaa crews won ho«h the l.doo
the ticket of
ters and the l.W^O metf*rs pair oar gig

New Stock

Fishiiig Tackle
Enougti Said .


Chocolate Bon^y
ol My te


Central Leagues.


\ Mocaa vaAvuM mr.

aoi MI ■tn MIS
Tm Umf ffr

iBakin^ Powder

TNK O. M. C.


• Pare


‘ f..
Itdoet not contain '&n atona of phos.
I i ,
phatic acid (which U the product of bonct
:[ ;
•' d^cstcd in sulphuric acid) or of alum
(which is one-third sulphuric acid) subf ' . stances adopted for other baking powders
because of their cheapness.

Mm. Wllaon cWd bjir ebowin* bow
avIC IMPROVEMENTi WERE FUR Waablnctuii wan nlaaderod by tbc
t>lc and preen bat bow. oa bln reUrcTMER OIECUMEO.
^cat. wen able to look over tbc coun
try^ad feel that it wan In a eoodUioo
PM*« Were Read by Mre. J. C. Mor- to tak^ carp^ofOiJsHf and pro*rei
fM and Mre. D. F. Witeoi>^yer>

An aatauilUr
waelwM br ibe WomanT clu^ycnti i. rt nolutlon* of nympatby on tbc death
of Mm n H Urackan.
Tbelopk brought up at tbc
tac. ofylc iBpruvcaientn. '

RBST mimi
Trnvcrae Ctty Muaiclana Oettmo 1
•an for the Benefit Concert
Wedneeday evening.

The iret paper dcllviusl wan by
The fimt
Mm. J. C. Morgan on ibe -Kuundaiiim
or 0«r aoranwienl.- Mm. Morimi preparatlisn
wart A Stef
tret dolaMl a drinocrbcy an a ruk* ul concert was bebl In
fens* araderay last evening The orchildra will coiutlnl of over twenty
from the bi*nt taleut
to dlab. triND the coal pit to thcAIgh plecen
eat poaiUoB for whlob be U flttinl. be Tm^-rtTy^nd the music rendered will
can «M1 atord to be IndlEetvnt to tbc be the iMwt that ban lieen beard In
kmK time. The band
MBM given to tbc governnent iwdci
wbKA bo Uvea/' Ebc iheo apoke ot win be comitotoKMl of nboul twenty flv
tbe government of the Hlgrimn, how pieces. Tiaicmi- City has always had
blit for next WiMlui
they bad no charter but formed ihtir
government on liberal prluciplen, Ibii (be muMiclans wUl put tH ttue the
their guveidur wan cUvIim! from Uu* Uc Iwtt. r nnisk- ibau ban ever
them belore.
people by the people and how for
A combluivl luutd and orcbestra ci»n
eighteen yearn tbc whale male impuU
wrt is a thing that the p«»pk* In
lion were leglnlalom.
Min. Morgan then tcmK up the topic town of Traverse C'ltys size neldoi
of entgraUon and Kbowt-d bow the ha Vi* the pleasun* of alUudlug an
Valtml SUloa auWtn forelgu iH.»ph.. \Vi*iliic»Ua> nlgbt'n attraction In Ue
Bbf toMied upon tbe liven of the •K-rv lng of a iiacVcHl bouse. Tb
great gn?n. epeaklng of Unroin aud mUnlon U tmly IS cent*.
BmtVMMi. and concluded .with ib<
gnary. *‘U it ponnlblc for nuch cai^ aay other thau a dcmurrailc evuu
Mm. .\rvlUa Gardner ban r.Tclve.l
try/* ,
woid that t'laad Baker Is s«*rvlug an
spiv'lal pol^-mau in San f'mncIscQ.
Tbe aecood pai»cr. ‘•PttSderas id
The 1adii*s of Tiaveme Bay blvc
Peace.** was ably handled by Mm l». Korpi1»*ed Mm. Clapper last evening
r WllMm^bt» wvere.1 live ik rksl In honor of her Wrihday. lUfreahfrom the close of He ryvol^Mfiu iti ih« mt'nts consisting of let* cr«*am and
end of Wasblngum s s«-e.Hid admlni-. wafers wx*re servt-d and U*fore the
(ration. 8b« spoke of the fact tlmt cuestK d«*|»srled they prest»nied Mrs.
when Independencv fmm KiigUnd ws. Clapper with a china saUd dish.
acknowledge by the wnrld that a large
Special cammuukatlon t»f Trt
pari of tbe people thought that tbe CHy lodge. No. 222. V. and .
work of becoming a nation was al
lay at 1 :r.u to attend the funeral
ready aocumplisbcil when. In ivalUy. of Brother Richard W. Round. Al
,tbn birdott part was yet lu come. In Masons are requested to attend, .
‘the fnrmatioa of the Northwest Terri­
tory. Mrs. Wilson said Uial H probSCANIAN'S BID LOWEST
abl> was the only thing which held tbc
Slaton together. ^ that while other
things were tending to tear It aiMirt
(Continued From First Page.)
all felt a common interest In the large
delivered on th«
lerrllury which served to abate ,hel-*«^«’^
ded. His hid
oonsuaily arising trtHibkw. The com.|
70 and >0 cents
BM'teial trouble were then touched
wpoti and tbe constitutional conventUm • fool and on combined curb and guland bow tbe Utter anuised tndigna ler. 45 cents a foot.
Briak BkM.
lion In^thc (our months that It acUxI
*rhe following bids on brick wen
behind ckMcd doom and Ibe feeliim
that nrow against tbe men who. after I
helplaa .flame the artlclea, turned! Nol»H»nvlIle. 52 n'ots square yard;
amufid and tried to alsdlsb them In | Loi»n. M cenU sqtmrc yard: Metroottler to lonn ■ w. too.tHotloo. Thl, |
»« “■■‘i*
)«rd. oil t. o
i h. Trove™* Clt>.
was necessary but the common people. j®
City Engineer Caldwell baa flgur<*s
* I prepared showing ohe
the city
I would do the work Itself but is not
{ roady to give them oat.
Ornval BiBa.
11 At tbc meeting last evening, the fol' k»w Ing bids were opened for
j WlUard C. flannett. 75 can
WUliam ingetwoll. 85 ceoU
Ifo WbbXimr how ti«ht >fmr
A. 1). Miller. 90 ceota a Km
IHUik or olMBt moUia wiU
Columbia Transfer comj
ind their wij io'
I cents.
I The Colambta Tramffer company bid
WiU Ibbp thcMi oQi Tlipljcat j II a load (or sand and Mr. Gaaaett
to cmU a kmd. The bid of Mr. Oaa
nett for grwrel was


Ked Cedtr FUkes
lO oBBn^s

- WSMt DROG a.

tl« Lamr UfM Hi*

a Mn. e«!eher: T. Brief. pUchcr; U
Ira. L. BtUlwelL
a DeMra. a & Ackar^ma fotonmd to bm
. ri*hs oito tm MiMto today.
MlMie ■MMioe, tW iwo rictlaa
Moler. tWrd
iheU awn crtMlraJ acu brios Fremk Mi; F. Vl»»aw. cateber; A KMfmaa.
Mra. A a Mohoom wcmi to MaUatot
left Md Tb« alari were Aatbcny tbIa amrntog. whein abe iRR aBoM a
BrtafMi Bert Bokoa.
few df^
Mra. H. Browa w«at/to T
t wlU vlait


ilM indgaU^tgpMipfgag.
tCMwpon the rwgoMdawi. atatod ttet
It was tbe parpoaa of tbe comt to preveat a re|wUtkm of aneb acU wberetn
be eUled Umt .tbe ooaaaMUneat
due to aa iaibalcatod coadittoa. Far­
ther. tbe eoart aaid It was wlae
tb mgwetsoes as it woald prove
il to b^ tbe prtooaer later
tbe eou^ at tbM potet by aayU wogk awrer bappea agala.
tbe l^aacf f^me of ataplclareei
tnm i1te,^perBon instead of from
bnUding uader the ladlclmeat of which
the prisoner stood guilty, Tbe prison
er. no tbe court slated, having been
la tbe city some time here be assisted
tbc victim. Fred Rufll. in spending bis
moucy. later taking what be had left.
Tbc sentence of the court being that
tbc rvsjKmdent be committed to tbc
Iictroli House of Oorrecllon for
period of ninety days from and In
lading fijis day.
Howard Hollis, who was placf
the county |all ychtenlay af|emoon by
“Babe * Winnie, after he bad obtained
mslon of a watch which the for
bad stolen from a “uair In the
home of his wife, and later sold for
ll.btiiod before thi* ctnirt with a pica
of guilty annexed in his name. The
court informed him (hat he bad been
«»f considerable tiouble for a year
M was tbe purpose of the court to pn*veul any further repetition for some
time at least, the sentence, being that
the prisoner be conflnc'd In the fk-lrol;
House of Correcikm for a period ul
ninety davs Including this day. Sberlll
Charles Johnson and Chief of Pollei
Ashkm. who had the two prisuiHTs In
charge. accooi|iankHl lioth liack to the
Jail, where they will U* taken Mondai
raoinlUE by Sheriff Johnson to ivctroll

Remaina of Hobart Dauater. Bunei
Thraa Yeara Ago at Suttor^a Bay.
Exhumed and Taken Thera,
.Mm. C. IK-usler and daughter
nude of Milwaukee pasM‘d thr»»ugh
the city today while on their return
from But tons Bay. where they attend
<sl tbe funeral services of a brother
In law. Nicholas Steimwl. which look
plact? there last wwk. Mrs. IX'URter.
while there, had the remains of her
husband, the late Hobart Deustcr. ei
burned and placed In a hermeticall
sealed cask**t rt*ady fur shipment I
Milwaukee tuda>r Mr. Deustei die
in Suttons Bay thr.'C yearn ago while
the family were tomiKtrarily residing
then* and owing to her resldco<
Milwnuki*e d(wln.Hl them to l>e placed
in a local cemeterv near the family
who have made their Tmme there for
the paat fifteen years.
Laid Away to Raat
TMa Af
Si*eclal to the Evening Record.
Suttons Bay. Mich.. April 2k—The
tXmgrcgational church was filled with
a large audlenct* this afternoon, the
occasion being the funeral of Antoine
Manseau of Jdanseaus. whose death
occurred at the Northern Michigan
asylum Thumilay moralng. where he
Hxd been for mat ment since last fall.
Th^arrvlce was In charge of the Rev.
Uennatt and a large number of rcla
tlvea were In attendance from I
mont. ocnena and other points. 1
took pUee In the local cemetery.
Mrs. Bert Plant, accompanied by ber
two childrt*n. Gladys and Albertus. left
for Tiutln this morning where they
will attend the funeral service of Mrs.
Plant*, grandfather. 8. J Hill, aged 85
years, who died Tbunutoy night, fol
lowing a stroke of paralyMa Tbe ser­
vices win occur tomorrow after
at 2 o'clock from tbc family borne
not hava them ruined by burning oat.
Have them well cleaned by Oamea 8.
Nye, geoeral delivery, city.
apr 28-lt*

To Eiaw UM Bra oiM of 1
a eat wttboot Maftog a aear. or tOv.^
A YEAR OF INTENBS BUFFERINO. boda. ooreak totter, eeaema and aa aklb
Mra Carrie Adkey. Cambei

I '
WYtoKtoufk. Bp.
I h?1«ht «ftof Blt>L ^ MkiwSI Wltot«ntoBL.«nvmOto. IB*. ■ MT-k Vklu WUm to Tu- u4 ku aoi -W* tmmim.

Mrw. Charles BalUoa returned to ber
mm at Croftoa ibis mortoag. after
Mmding two weeks at Bast Bay as
m gneet of Mm. Matiba Rkb.
Mra. Flora Abl Ml tor Bommtt CItj
mw hr the CHMtc
da morotag to vWt friiiii
bil^ S lo A The
Mra. WUber Hotasee Ml ter KeyHutton atarad the i
Ms tbia mormiag. whmn abe w«
Jala ber bnebaad far tbe oommer.
I OBM THA* mrn^

try *15

[Coatinned Ftt* Tint Page.)
ngpUatlon <rf.lbelr lerma of nflke. nn
lam they abaU be legally vemovnd.
The foUbvtag la the letter from
Depnty Attorney Oeaaral Chanr. nrbicb
Mr. Alexaadrr H. Bennett.
Traverae City. Miehlgaa:
Pear Blr—your of tbe 3rd Inal
Yon Eeahe to kaow whether your of
•c* cf member of the board of public
works of .traveme City. Micblgaa. aur
rhres tbe amendment of the city char
er eaacled by tbe legislature of IMC
la secUon I ot title 4 of tbe ameaA
nnat of 1905. it is provided that at the
electloa of AprU tod. If0«. -three
bem of tbc board of public works
one for one year, oae for two yean
and one for three yearn** shall be
elected, together with other ofEccm
1 find upon cxamlnatioo of sccUon 2

Inal charier where Uc term of office
yours, Aould not expire this
TIlU* 4. section 2. of the
rt. after enumerating tbc offler'm
r chosen at the election of April 2nd.
HM»a. nays.
And provided furUer,
That (bis soelion shall not be
stru^ to requitv (he eU'cilon of
officer In the year 11Mm;7 whose prewni
I of office does not expire during
the >«*ar l!kX;.** This proviso, by Its
terms, saves tbe tenure of all offlrt-m
le terms would not expire In
from the »i*uerml pnivlslon
of Jltle 4, section 2, as to officers to
bosen at the eU'cilon of AprU 2nd
view of (he provisions of jieetion
lie 4. of (he local acts of
general iirlnrlples governing the
truction of sirch acts. 1 am in
dined to Ibe view that you are enll
(led to hold your office till the time of
Ita expiration. However, this can only
leiermlni'd In a proper
fore a proiH-r court and this tUipart
ment prr*fers m»t to passs dcfiultely
iipou the qui-sllon until there has lR*cn

Heun E. Chase.
IVputy Attorney (Icneral.
City Attorfiay*a Opinion.
City attorney navis was Interviewed
by the Record Ibis morning relative
oplnoln which ho rendered preih to the ekv-tlon, which constnitMl
the charter to provide tor an <
board, and staled that he U-l
opinion** mas correct. His d«*cls.
km la thU ivganl is based ujk»d seeI of title \ of the amendeil charwhlch Is not qiioli-d In the letter
IVpuly Attorney Genelal Chase
The portion of this scetjou which af­
fects the matter lu * quest ion Is aa fol
Title “X. wecllon 1—-There shall be
created and cuasxiltuteU a board
ic works. In and for the city of
Traverse City, coroiiobod of the mayor
and three membem who aball be real
« and fiwholders of said city. Th«
memUrs fimt composing tuch board
shall be elected on the city ticket on
tbe first Monday ^ April in tbe year
im. and shall bold their office,
for tbe termn of one year, one fo
for the term of one year, one for tbe
of three years, and annually thereaf­
ter. one member of such board shall
be elected forlhe term of three yearn,
Mr. Davis sUtes that this section of
the charter Is specific and mfinda
lory, and while title IV. aectloo 21
fllcU with It. be U of the opinion that
this specific and mandatory section
shall govern under the circumstj
Before rendering bis decision. City At­
torney Davis bad consulted with at
loroeya P. C Gilbert and J. W. PatchIn. both of whom carefully studied the
charter and construed lu provisloiis
In accon^nce with the opinion of City
Attorney Davis.
Tbe opinion of Deputy Attorney
General Chase as given above, is not
definite and his suggesUon that tbc
axatter abould be settled befc
proper court leavea It aa open
Hoo. At tbe same time, tbe conil
sectioos are coafnsliig. Tbe oplai
Deputy Attorney GoMnl Cbato. tf U
sboQld be oostalned. woald aEoel
tbe membwa of tbe board of odoettkm
who woaU boM over ondor tbe orlglnal ebarter. *rbeoe mambero wbo
not reeleetod are Geo. W; McWeUj.
C. K. Bock and 4 A Montagne.
ssmoeb as Mr. Bmmett and Mr
la have deddod to contest tbe
matter tbe ootoome wffl be wattM

It to Acme

to to—IHto Em ^tolis of —to MBar m*
*• am «•
a c— to ttotoE Stock fantor Mb •« * CM* l» cmM f* th*


and MM la tham Haqa-Uy fiha—
thapre^sfta af the —BMfg—HP
a—In If It anH^had th— Bn
seemed te have w— —t wh— a WOaf
Md m—M the hack or Em I—m —


impact to tto—rto. WMIt tto
t caoMof lan tod atatt wMto net want tn wnR Ibr It -D—1 y—
think R k rather eelfiah of y—In tekrfbre with thk pkn. In which nU efthn

tottaskmtutoatoflttLwaar-)tj BMOaoOff mDsa to 1-bEl Tto
—mK of IBU wto ooty aboot lAOOA- that thk first —iM hart pi—ly of
€B0 mltos from —. vtoUa D-att*s waa itee. How mnch k year cinhn. as^
Poutoes are back to M ceau bat
wayr U Em easm piping voko thn
are movlag slowly . Corn Is cooslag In
Bttk oM man anewmsd: Thay owoj—
rather rapidb
tlfiAQOfi. How moch ta year dahar
Mra. ft Evans wiabea to meet all
tba todies of Dlvtokm No. 2. Coogrtaal AH. at ber boom, SU Booth
r la Rapid City tola fimewiag.

Tbe Otsego club met with Mr.
Mrw. Al Smith tost eveolag. A very
enjoyable evening was spent First
prizes were won by Mra. Dr. 1
and 3. M, Uiakeslee and coast
were awsided to Mrs- J. M. Bl
and Ed Barisk.
Tbe grand master
tary of tbe grand lodge of Masons wUI
eri* tomorrow and offlcUlc at tbe
fuurral of Brother Richard Round.
The Rev Hugh Kennedy of (he As
bury MethodlM church will officiate at
Jibe funeral service of the late CharK>h
Schmidt tomorrow Instead of the Rev
Demas Cochlln as announced.
-^e Young Ladles society of the
I*ri-sbvterUn church will
day eveulug at Mr.-<. Dr HolIldayV 554
Prof. R. L. Nye exieiuk'il cotir
this morning to (he basket ball
of Marshall aud the local basket ball
team, the twt» teams enjoying a do
llghlful morning drive to East Bay
returning Just In time to catch the
train south. They u
with fragraul bunches of arbutus and
the trip will lung Unger as a pleasant
memory Imlh to Traverse City
The. last earload of logs from U*e
lanan I'triiiity arrivi-d €>ver tbe T. C.. 14 M road this mtMUlug. ihtee cars
bc'lng hauk-d to the city with the
freight load from tbe car ferry ebl|r
rocnl at North|x»rt.
Th.' bitmitblc engine and hop|*er ou
the c-orapiany d‘'vk. usi-d last summer
foi I hi grinding of the sUiue ft»r SUte
htrei'i paveroedt. Is iK'lng torn down
today and plared In readiness for re­
moval from the city.
The Rev. Tbomaa Cox of the First
.MelhisliM church -wUl priwcb for the
Rev. Htigh Kennc-dy al the Asburv
M. E. churoh toraotrow tvenliig at the
regular Hcrvlre.
While working In Ik Uuer s mill Ibis
morning. Carl Sk'bt-r was struck by
a board thrown from g saw and a gash
wlch required several slllclu'S to close
cut in the right side of his face.
Clayton Gray, a 7 year-old Blngbaiw
boy. tell down the cellar sUlrs of his
home Thursday evening and fractured
both bunes^in his left fore arm.
The Anderson iindertsklng calabllsh^
ment on Cnlou street baa received on
improvement which waa completed
yesterday. Ibe large main office now
being parUtioned off into an office,
floral departmeut and main floor dis­
play. Tbe offlcc occupk's the front
portion and Is handsomely paperod and
fltled up for a reception room.

4or them to explore old rncaltod. la tto gigantic pataca of (to
BmortaL which stands in tto anctaot
kingdom of Totedo. Spain. It ta c—
fvpasdly tto moot woodcrful odlfico to
tbe world, wbedmr In dlmcoakma or
rktoa. It has LMO* rooms. «J0t> win­
dows and doors. 80 atalrcaaes. 73 foon^
tains. 48 wine collars. 8 organa and 51
tolta. Iti drcamfvrcoco 1a 2,800
or almost exactly a half mile. It
dmSicated to 8L Lowwo. tto aalnt wbo
la said to have been broiled on a grid
iron, and on that account Ita founda
tiona were laid off In Imitatloo of tto
shape of that kind of a piece of kltcb-

Bllbooctto waa The name of a Ftweb
minister who endeavored to ratae tto
revcnticB by taxing tto nobility
cooacqoMice to became ve^ unpepu
tor. and. tto fashion of profll
black coming In about tto same
they were called In dertahm i
•ttea. tto nobility claiming that they
bad their portraits dooe In black becattro they were too poor to have a fuU
picture Uken.

to the popular accoont. Urn tomb spi­
der to of a pore white color, has wfaga
Oke those of a bet e desea horrid
Led legs aod a body three or four
^ I tto atae of that of the targrot
tropical Anmrlcaa tarantala. The ac
e-ats of thta qaeer hmect mad hta oat
of the way placea of abode are by —
m—na comrooa. aod — that acrooat
the InformatloB coocermlng him which
are wUl be able to give ta very awager.
Any Italian will tell y— that each a
creature extata. however, and that to ta
occaaloosliy met with in old mines and
caverna aa weB aa la tombs and -to
terranean ruins.
ta Mrs. Alexander, of Carey, Me., who
baa found Dr. King's New Ule Pilta U>
be the best remedy she wrer^trlml lor
keeping (he Stomach. Uver and'.Bowi^
eta In perfect order.
YouTl agree
with her If yoo try these palniesa
Meads and C A Bngh- Drug Co.,
droggtata. PrlcelSc.

take ordara in Ireland
ale hlB btahop by a pair of acartet
breectow. While atudjing medicine la
to wore Ylcb sky
aadn.** **flne sky blue Phallo—**
MOUfiE FDR RENT—21K K Eighth
silver hat lace. Before Jobmioo. Bey
St. Inqulrv al 230 E. Tenth Mrcet
Dolda and Garrick to strutted aboot
E A Siymour. Phone 9Z€.
bragging of bis bloom colored coat,
apr 21 If
and ..when bla reputaUon bad ‘
made by bis two principal poei
FOR »ALE^*b.*bv- lot* cm Sixth HI.
biased forth In purple silk small cl
Juquire H Meads.
ai*r 2X«*
a ararlet grealcoif aod a phyalcian t
wig. He carridO a gold
and a sword bang by bta aide, a wesp WANTEQ^-2 t»r 3 nnfuratahed room
f«.r light hou«-ke. plflg hr two youm
- ao dlsproportloned to bta diminutive
stature that a coxcomb who passed
la.ltas. I*booe addre«. to Rcrord «il
him in tto etrmnd called out to bta
companloo to **look at that fly
long pin stock Ibroagb lt.**-8
Art Journal.

2«t acres.
Ail tto life of a woman In Morocco ta
ceelly paarod behind tto walls of lU
1 (0 acm» all clear of stumps.
pfftoo-llke hooaes. 8to sees notblnc
knows nothing, ta wholly sunk in
|«» acres good hardwood timber. ‘
ranee. 8to baa no social life, no after
noon *tat borne.** A writer aaya: “M
;•«» acres wo»id timlicr. .
* /
of tto ladisa* calls are roof to roof i
Itmtiona. and very nimbte they are
lAige farm bouse, good repair.
getting over tto low partition wa
Baro. Itaixl65.
even dragging a Udder up and do
wflb them If there are high ones to
Granary, corn crib and carriage
croeaed. Tto reason ta that tto roofs,
or. rather, terraces, are eaperially re­ hbed.
served for women folk, aod roe
Small orchard.
.not even allowed to go up excp|.t to do
repairs, when tto palghboriag to—es
ThU ta coiislderct! ibe^beM I— In
Tto subject in which the grammar arodnly warned.**
GramJ Traverse county.
, _
ocfaool tao calledi contravonoo moat
aharply the taw of tto order of loaraIng U i»crbaro grammar, for grammar,
bolog tto analytic aod theoretical study npon conduct. Too have btord of
of language, mseo not belong in the lonely man In tto AnstrsUan boata wbo
For t-irtlcalars inquire of D Kgrammar achoot at alL- Tto adentlflc always pat — evening dress for din Glbbx, Traverse Oly. Mich., or of
Frank Hamlin. — premlees.
ner so that to might remember h
a gentleman. Addison could not
bta beat onieea to waa well dre—ed.
this taw of learning language ta no ex­ Pirt a —ogbty girl Into tor best
AOEWTfi—Official lllaiory San Fran
ception. The tangooge atody proper day cMbea. and Mie will behave
to tto grammar school it obeervad— nkwly; pot a btackgnard Into I
large colored picture: now r—dy:
and acqnalnUDce-tbat ta. more partlcotarly. practice In reading, speaking
and compoalng. Nor for this ta the live up to bta dottos. ]
outfits free. Address NatlonaJ Puta
mar neconaacy. What to mm—nhun of free Ootbes of tto tatesC
Ushers. (eoUbltabed 1867) LakesWu
i very torgo amo—t of ftohhm sro aball all to <
Bldg™ Chicago.
) apr 28^1f
practice, much reading, sioch speaking,
moch compoalng. Tto only om of
grammar tore to a nagadre —a name /"Geberal Moaby. tto famoo. «
Earthquake Dlsaater; ttommfidl
ty. to correct ■totston and fOr this pimu raider, baa In band and — will
kUkd sad injarod: |80h.-dJfi»
neitotlveparpoae tto onto l—mlh tto
worth of properly destroyed; tnU
grammar school who aaad know gram­ tto taat few year, be ha. bMd a rw
mar ta the teacher. Tto poMdva. sd^ gpoMlble poaltlon in the
and autheatie story told by aanrl—dfle atndy of ginm—tr mnto to ro- joMIce in WaabtngtoD. from U
vors and eye witnestes; lar— nnd
aerved fhr tto high achoaL-W. O. Fhr 1885 be was United BUtes am
best book, h-t mosuated; •• per
cent profit - —U; froighi paid:
credit given; —tfiU free. Bond 4
to he calk
two—nt ak— flpr petigs
I bo— created bf
Tto Lamba-thoae that year In and the peps, to be
drees Onop-A Go™ 134 Lake street.
year oat joorner to Wall atreet to «e!
obern—ought ta gather a Ttor ueefo) U—aMtofl Ih k
hlata from Mr. Laweaa*a narradve la hkworlB. TImco wa be «My lot— wMrrcD=AmmmoadiaHBM?
-freaaied finance.** They ooght to lake cM-tA and they wa M- On EBi
* am rtaadm> Dmmr:
tto hint that tombs ere toot off wbthey stay where tto groae grows gre—
and tto wntcr tobbtoa In tto brookleL
MRBilaii dm
bto. pcftope. after aH tomto were born
la to ntoefi. or. worse adlL to to
HM; lor o*Bt: aht «B|m am. ,*miamend op with tto




lcmHomBfHyOo.mFI|*mia .

< S' -


TiuyuM emr. MKHioMi MTunMv.AMK ak<




fariM ttet mr^ cmuima to
af« prvfMkmal lattar WTU.

fRMi ttOO
mat nnM

dlir a tor* tattM- or a dua. atrm robblrra who aid mrad roar itK>aa «Wto

tttj (*■» a ■tWra Kftt
do tl» twwdcaa mbrta af

tidli If taUBigntkin lua •/..
IM 19^

Pinmi-r immiaraumi

plardna M>
i.M-P cloae loaeTher. bealnx hl»
one mreuptomad to the work
t down the mountalna with tha
rpp of the wlnd-ev niUe a min-

f q?-

tif a”

W !• tH« avftft airatr of A. D 7». Vai
It kaa
•iifttWlr rwiUmlc t«
Umam much ligtit «• Pllny i* ««x«0uni of
tlM «lrorul ModlcAmofit whirh ov^rriook
tbo titiM that ml ol ibo onyry moui\*
•I conturyr of thtt
ta tbat

Kobo4y b*ilovod
liMocurr. and the fiery InundaUon came
vlthout a aamlny.
Not iM> the erui.Uon of m«
No nat­
ural ui-»ieaval Ima ever In-rn »m»rr
lattauld. more i*n.nflr of throala'and
anulual^ wjui It^drvHcriy na; been out of all pn>p<iriton m
the trnnienaity •^t the otmvulKlon. Mt>at
of the poaaant* a hoar humble x .iUajrea
made iitctui^Miue color a|H.ia on the

U T> .

hoacver.. Ip not a
umoia of Veauviua
He ha» known a«> much of the erratic
that ho bar
mountain tha
t of It. The whole
hap l*e*m Pklrted from
al alth a aertep of i
k In which more i
» live like birrtp that 1
twenty mllwi.ln lenyth.
Naplcp. extenda a^nithardly alop* the ahAre »»f the bay
J. completely
mountain, Thlp hiahway
dotted thick
Ickly with dwelUnyp. nil

i»f VenuvlUP. T.^nv del tlreco. had
) burled Plxit>cn tlmcn l>efure the
.lion of 11MK. After It wan overahclmed In l«l an earthquake lefi a
Kiunt flppure In the principal Ptrcci,
Xhime who deetwnded to the Wlfound themeelvee In u vhurxh
ahk'h had been burled by a prrvloup
rupilon. »11U. the Neaiedltana mainaln Ktuuily that the realun la not eaentlally volcanic.
Thla abPurd inalntence eeenui to Ik*
1>. C3 the <;rcek.-» and Rumana
not r«M*oanlae Veeuvlua an a mounUin
of volcanic ctuuacter. At that
rap a ver>' lanre i later, for
mraPdiHl an totally ext
earthquake «»f A. 1> « dem­
onstrated that VcpuvluP had i*<.me l«
The auful eruption of A l>.

•Nowhere else may be f.njnd auch
I harartcriPtlc * Ity life aa in Naplee
The man h of . tvilixatlon, the ppread
of induMiial ami l ommen lal acttvlttea
rt'Anlnic touch of proP|e-rlty
ami the r»'
tiave'done (
em tline^. but the siaiuou
tan PtCM i life hHP not be
The er«»ad of Nea York
m and Inielllylble; It kn cleatly a
iwd Intent on buPln«er. The « niwd
ireneral tide ndlliy up
in the middle of it are
a hundred «ldlcp of men
are paepl on by the »*urtenl; there you
• ire V hilled by Ih.' x.otir.
A dUenu’y of it.ob-^ .llsputep your
t u»Hai;r
You me brouaht l.i a PtandPtlll by a «ari>enier‘p In nch. you are
kitchen utensiK ym dash behind the
|MitP of a macanml piaH and you are
coijfmnteil by u.Kurlic eoiler jcarlanded
ra of hi- frajrranl edible. It

But It le hot po a llh the one «ho |a
!nex|M*rlen.-ed, f..r mil Pltt« the «uldInjc iHjle. up come the aimwphoea and
( rollinc down the m<>

N.»t the leapt Interrpttni: lhtn« te
the rei-eni l->ench pre*identlal e»e<*
nap the areat peal of the repuWlc-a
peal PO ar«*t that Up pruarepa to and
rmalllea entallp Pomethli« Ilka

on a whael and require# three
maneuver it. On the day of
the eleclion
affixed 10 the tl
reauUtkin c
prweident and one for each of
archive# of the m nate and of the chi
ber. after ahUh ft w#p p..lemnl>
carted bark to Up damldle In Parip

kCIla da Oueneo. here# llh reproduced
from a recent lOmiograrh. Ip a ymna
mrerichwoman #h« has been painted
by many gesat wHIsts
Bl*e Is the
daughter af ooe of the rlcheet peanant
farmara la Brittany. At her wwdding.

mt as guepu, and the number of
i reaulrpd for thalr accommodation
W the thrvM.-days necmalUted the
eaitlng down of 1


The teeeer.icrmph. an automatic contrivance which prlnia ipsues and ref
ra rail# ay ilckeia wUh a apeed that meets the approval of even the moat I
traveler, le the Invention of an Italian. Count T^pricella.
It Ip
any from dlahoocety as #rell as to save tl
I!^*Ub!or.‘'^hc vaitt™ uumbor aSd*^
n of each Uc'ket



wwe urea ae<iwB navw

T«a cut siMa n ratlMr nangnal conlagt kafa ian twa daganmi goHeemon.
one la armui wMb a awagft and tbo


ehows tbe preaent condition of the work on tbe tower of Ft. Mark,
•us campanile which collapaed suddenly over three years ago.
have been laid and tbe work of laying the paiK*r^trurtore has
recently begun
Ample means hare boen secure to complete the rebuilding,
and the work will be pushed as rapidly as poaslble. ResioraUoo of soine portlc« of the great baslUca U going on constantly. .


CTilnatovm of any of our
la a peat bole of dirt and
filth and nauaUy of rloe ao<L^ aln.
But If Cblneae can lie'cxrltKfc^lSoiit;^our abocea. why not tbe ondealrabl^-"horde# of IhP Eornpenn natlonp? Tba
nation Aoold at leapt bare a brralbliis
apeU. wbkh ran be occuided tn miaalooary warh among tboae wbo are berr.
Tbe go\*enuM«t la awakening to Ita
reaponsibtlUlea and vlg\>mus)r ettforc.
Ing inch lawa aa we have and adding
atrtetep on« to the atatata booka. Th#
chnrpb la alao getting wide awake, and
rnkmUtnarr wock atboD^ fbe^ foreign '
population af our country la inoat ac­
tive and aggnwalre. In Xew York^

tabnnr •nd Cldcagn
regated In large nnmlverp. and <;od
lableeaing tbewor^ In Pblladelr
great work le bHnt dime by tbe ITeabytertan erangeUalir commnu^ a
tbe Italians. A coimnodlons I
ed for tbeir
Tba cidldfen are dally UngbL 1
A ebureb baa beeo organlaed wblrti I

eilow Kndeavorers-Twenty-fh^
^ror 1^
of Go4

II^irr“snly by gre
rested sRsrt fa the

•«i roSsr.r


injuiy nr# employed. Both.slnglMtlcka
and swords ere usod as well aa doable

strsas I
Hew t


It doss oot b.
sons, to asy

it ^

» fmicU« ta the left hand thmet.
[ by tbe Tokyo police this


story of wblrh manr
God can save any bu
make lu owner no longer “an 1
stranger.’* but bellow Htlxrit with tbo
saints and of tbe boosibold of God.But tbe work In Amertca is a great
one and oiwds tbe baartleat aympatby.
prayers and ctMipergdon of all Cbrt*tUna. If you want to ptmcraa tbo
charsrter of tbe AmarlcaQ nadoo and
of Its Invtltutkms. If you want to keep
tbe American borne wbat it baa been.
If you want to safeguard tbe Amertcan
Rahbatb and^ above all. save ImmorUl
sonls. put yonr Ufe^ as far as you bare
opportunity. Into borne missionary work
among tbe forelgnera In America.





The curious »»bjrct herewith plctuTvsl K the atone battleax onoe artelded by that renowned Indian warrior.
Kins Philip, chief of the Wampanoags
or Pokam»keta, This formidable weap-

width and about two and a quarter in
thickneas at the mhWIc
It ts now Ui
the prwaeeslon of Miss Betty Tde <«oki.
Ihwall. a deecendant of Daniel Ide of
Rehoboth. Maas., one of th-me who In
chieftain to hU death.


anacted and •trteUy rafortml. The CWmeae ran ba kapl out of onr Mod and
ousbt to be. Any ooe arbo bap bad tba
least offporttiolty to study tbe life of
tbe aunaukCD already tn nor country
cannot doubt tbe wladom of excmdln*

tbe picture., nas oeen reuse so sns
I beatry blow from hta spground

A. His oaty avellabta re*
make a ibrest at the lowsr
rs body, aad it ta
doubtful tf be baa tbo atre^Bb.

seiwns 10 xoagnt. xao enon weapon

nia w^riiai

w »m~

la aaod for doCbnos
aad tbeloager oas flkna creoblag blow. M before boIng
canfar IlMtt. It
for tbs attack. Tlds kind of fencing launch It hta wUy and agile oppoaaat
ly to ptarcoto
xagntiea tbe moot
akllltaland alert wlUaalae tbs oppoctabity
mo Is 000 of tba

. 'X

bmof wontn’s wont moOoaa: It ihnqrs 1mv«
ywwaicer.aiidis siMto stwtnyMrBfenfflMke
yoortemayiade. To stop pito like Wine of Cndui and
it wm )idp to leiieve year otefy. fCfliMe
tbM, inike youwea.twiuttfuI«ndstrenf.}ltisafeBabte remedy for dnwint <to«n» prins, k«ae^
•Che, nenwitfnes. IrritaMlity. deepteeness, dininess.
tolntif« spdle. and stadtetroubte.) Asde endefficieid
medidne for as women’s painsand ddcnesa
Mrs. J. L Broadhead of Catnton, ^ writes;‘T have
used Cardui for my disease, which ate one peculiar to
women, and It has completely cured me.”

TRAVCHtt CfTY iXOtON H<L Utedag cd each amaU at f :W
Oshla 8. Vader. prteMeDt; ^
CrlswoW, Aerteiary; Nettle C. i
H« tea c(M>pcT«u4 wlik ttete
«r AS CA ssAStfts tte teubm of tte
te SA tnoorcABt Mat­
ter to tte rffite. arte doulrr to tear people here who bad AO Idea that tte
Me was as weaKhj a«
Hted ap ererr dsr.
drat, tte rtAlwmit rr- she reidlT is.
PtertA. bloAMnAte oat A teter lA this dty eoBSM<
tbe ether term lA A sort grAT tew Oa« her gtfu says ihAt the eMpreas can
te. teUCACAAA. AteOdAg teAl. well Afford to give vhai ahe hAs glT«A
looked AskAOW At ft Ate


"Wtet as

•HATe to. *

AT AU »roO STOOS, Of fld» MTfUi




fortuAe AMtes


kowlcdge oa the foBonrUig fteU:


-DIetrtet a doubtful.”

her prlrmte

a krftt. though not srholly wiar farm­
er. In tte atatrowAt that ‘^Armin'
ain't aU hrnuB* books, hy a long shotdoA Globe.

lout U5.tee.eOO fTAACS Ate hASOa Its

you weArtAg ttet deMOOmdc bAt
for? I ttenght yoa mtrt s retebltotA.*^

peAnUess but soon made her

MU& AS Lord Grey tee glrem teek to

as her beauty sttrmeted tte

thU AOABtry tte pictere of FtAAkllA






le her hU wife,

Bnngsrr 1* 4<konao(Xi.

;• lA rerolalloAsry

iperor. Nhpoloou rccwltrod 25.

in lOtM there were TiW.Ono
rsllwsy In the world.

day*. BHtala

— —--——

abowlAg'hloi sAcr the mlIIlar>V"^d

etm.ono.wn to Its emperor.

cror tATltuUy rinuArked that the color

When NapoU'«»n dlcd*he left behind

h»l cMUnr into the pomteaslon of Amer francK In real esialr. 9.000.000
In bonds and rtMMiO.OOO in vdher sreurItle*.

Wc would esteem it a


of a Joke.

Come and See US = ‘ ■

and a1wa>n

A law hss tra enacted forbidding
te Initertsilnn of uplutn ss a nsnvtir
Into Ansiralts. •
wrriked ahme ll»e Gerumn
year, autl
wrtv damng4>l.
Rat* ran-l.v


rp-i t

his mother


eve.ryihlBg and a* she has lived

On one occasion hr Unnight

t^ouomlcAHy Klnre she left this city

home a rblnrrr Kcnanl named Tom
Kaf. who

tier fortune al this time must amouii
the ad- lo between 150.0Oti.o00 and 2oiMHKi.tsH»

i-ndetl hv forging

mlrar* name lo a number cd checks,

J. E. Greilick Co.


which hr

wa* duly

freight, parrwls and trunte. Ofite
At City :_________________
I MRS. E. L. BONNER’S hair 4re
parlora. over CUy Book Bloro. 1




Dceldes he had several mUllons

South Africa

out of a n»h« placn* h> ro


TIk* cu*l<m of Isklng tf« wllh whis­
ky I. ,omlng m.»re sudi
in Kngisnd.

1 w.iUarry .MViMpU-i, Inn •»!

un deposit srIUi Baring Bros, lu U»n
“*A dm Ira I 1.0^1”
m'm.ri»rd doa and the sale of thr Imperial croau
ai.f» la cx|»er(rd In ac<*k ro-cUvtlon In Jeaxls added iwmsm more.
parliament at the Hral upp»rtunll
When the prlnre Imperial fell

Cits, phoae 14A

Many arc siitfirised at
the values we arc ofTcring in these goods.

led trass tte teuee of ttet great

clrvtr at


8T»t* Gouatesa. MooUio came to this

Addai that Aomc ycira ago whea te wua battle of Sedan examined the paper
[lug Weat
he new a rOAAd .d fomid In thCfTulllertes. found that be^
rmtuarrd color*. /The ofdocr who arm' tween 1S53 and 1K70 the country paid


AAl LaxaHve Coudh Syrup
dy*a Laxatlvs Hoaey sad Tar.
I all COM from tte syvtem by
OP the bo'

oily In 1151 wHh ter mother she was

A Umdon writer eAggfwU IteL Iaa*.

would te grateful If
ouo.oeo fraacs a year In cash beside*
ellk” espturod by AaicrlcAA about thsi
. other source),
Abould be rt?lunMd.
rtdurped. The writer
Umer ebould
hlch. after the

If you want Low Priom

\Vc ha\t: just H o ivi d
assoriineiu of lhc*c
Ifooiis dirrci from the
manufacutrt'r. Pr i c e s
75c. 9Sc. SI. $125. $129
and $1X» each. 1 hey are
extra full width and well
made with filled ?,eams,
deep flounces on bottom,
extra dust ruflles, etc.

more twofltahlr vriil te fonnd that occuiMtion which oner was dcwrtbrd Ity

Launch and Gasoline En­

London nliv.idy
bite nnin]bii«t-H pMng In the
and llist rmnlK-r will mv.u U- <ionbbi!



are w lllinc |.,
,all,d nl n:ght. I:uw
red lantem* aHarlutl to tbnr Itonsr*

Shortly anrrward Bcrcaford wan ai^'

F. HOLOSWORTM—SpteUl Alitinn to diseasea of tha eye. anr.
se and throaL
Glaaam flitad
oui* 7 and t. II A U MAraantllt
Both phnnre.

('ah ill in Fat hide

Wood In bnibbuK
M‘-<'<| nm. h irnir Spark C,»Ua
•parinpfv in I rHiHr tlisii in An;i*r-r«. 8|«rk nags
hwi-e •l.incc'* fonu lire K b-*.
win Timers


Traverse l.aBd and Ixvan Co., F
Thnrtrll. Manager.
Offlea. room 1
lUmlltoB A limiken block.

(;a.soIiU« Cauge*

IUU«47 CiaiB

Olind. r Oil ,
Clip Gu*m*H)

Ainpt'ro Meters



l.uhi haters

E. B. Ml
lean Drug
to eye. ear. no*a and throat QIamm
fUiiHl. Both phone*. RaMdaiioA Sit

A iH-aultful Roman tomb ha* Im*’U as De Will’s LItt
Ins ivllgiun with a friend and ho a*>- nnrarthrd n<wr Nlmt»K. close lo thr* old t'amons Little 1
Mt*ial I’oibb
OR. W. €, MOON-FteAte AfStA,
effective that ehlldnn. doUi-ate ladles rarhnretori
»Aiird that be thought a BuddhUt ha* Uoman road it Is In a K-rfrcl Mat
c!Jtx.. 107; BclU 99. R**I4aoca. 711
IVi k riales
and weak |»eop1c enloy t
at. good a rhanw aa a ITotcsianl of of pn>eivalJoti and U thr arpulchr
Wafhirgton slrtmL CtU. pkOAt til;
effect, while strong |)c<
I Spccilonjclcrs
getting Into heaven. “Bui what about
Bell. 99 _________ _______________________
young girl.
The aahe* of Ihr are the best liver pills
Tom l^i then? aakrd the friend. ’Oh. doceasetl have been dlscoveritl In a
-Pt*. I ring Wh,*,*ts
ihr fat will certainly bi* on the Arc.*’ nIabaMrr vaac of rxqulslto workroar
t*.r;iss Triinnilnjt*
wa» hU lordablp'a anawer.
in the tomb wrre also a cask,
ria.'rt . ‘ .
Tire Pump*
Shan) WlllUma, Ihr dnwv rnU of prcxlout, Monrs. a ipdd nccl
roldlie,: Anchors
Notlif Ui the banking ln^tilullon^ Horn*
era Or leader of the houKr. Is atlll con lace and a cameo ring with the flguM
etc. T. w. THIRLSY, Dentist Ovar Barducting hU lonely fllfbuHer. Hr an of the god of lo%e ui*ou 11. An Ivory of (lu* city of Traverse CUy, Mich.:
num A Rarl’s Jewelry etOfA" BotS ;
Agent for the Smalley Marino Ga*
.DounriHl *ome daya ago that th<*re rinbrolUery frame and several hrumr.
phone* 109.
_____ _
city council of the city of Tra\*ers»' EUiglncji.
woald iH- no more paaaagr of bill* by iBKlrumeuts. ao H'ory comb, and am
iiK conami until the conferrra 1HT mirror and uumcrous loih-t artl rJly, .Michigan, fur the highest rale ol [
rUn and smgeon. Removed to ofInteixM on daily halRncs of m»n**y
on the tutrhoml bill had made a rr
Ich wero UkewUu discovered. Kvrry
fltes in Munson block over Barnum
telonglng to the city or In lu cuMotly.
port. Hr Kit In thr houar all day and
hlog baa been placed In the muscuc
A Bari’s. Clllsen* phone 2«.
and the lowest rate of InUrest tp !k*
objt'cla every time anjlK*dy want« lo at Nimcx.
paid by tbe city for such temporary
LAWTON-^PhyslcUn aad enr^
get aomethltig through by unanlmotM
loans as the city shall have ixiwer to
on; office* In Wilhelm block, tklrd
conaenl. Thia for«*a the houac to go
A terrible sight wa» to be seen m
or wllh Drs. tewyer and PAAbah
Into committee of the whole. If thr the Jardln de l*Aris enIcw days ago. make, the word temporary* to mean
within the term of the contract, or one
hill la of any Importance, and paa« Walter XUnan* and Commandant Frryear from .May 1. 19(»6.
the blit by volca. It la a grim and de geus. In frock coals and baUess wt ro
Bald itcaJed pro|s»salH to be deposit­
trrmlnrd flllbuatrr. hut H doea not get
ged In dueling with a number of
ed wllh the city clerk on or l»efore .*<
any where.
‘’Reminds me.” aald Grn other gentlemen, while a ixrson dedu*lc House. Cits- phone 1
o’clock p. m.. April .“.o. 190C.
oral Groavunor, ‘’of a blue bottle fly
mated to keep the score marked on
PIANO TUNING-Satisfaction guarThe council reserves the right lo re­
butting agalnat a window glaaa.
blackboard the number of “kllU*
r. D .Nichols. 329 8«U»h
ject any or all Idds.
makra aomr nolac and appears lo be
idc by the American and hls French
Vnlon. (‘iu jrtumc ipK.
apr 13-if
btuy. but hla prugreas la not notice friends.
niy nerk.
Thr weapons uhc-d were pUtoU, and
l^aled tills 2lth day of April. ISoG.
The retjulrrmcnts of bright at Wr"t Mr Wlnans bad
ver. Frlre* reasonable. Offloe srfth
uo |e<.s than
O P Carver A Bro
Ihilnt for new cadets will be changed dixlhh on hls scon* when the meeting
Ko as to keep out of the military
brought to a close fur lack of vie

Sealed Bids




Walter M. Paige

wta5B''”Sprrnir arrivos, ami in antlei.
pTtion o# your rK]fiirefm*nts wo hiv
the lute AiM>rtiii«it of KAtiltn tools to
Iw had aaywhm. Mmlo for work,
they are the most tlnrablc ;iml tervioeahlo kind. Uae our untU and
you will have a nuiet suocoesfttl

S. F. Saxton Hardware Co.
210 From St.
is when the pootls Rol
Hprinff ooiDincnoOA in rarnost. It
•honW remind you that at our wan?
rooms you cannot imly iwomra any
kind of idaasun^ oarriaite you mtjuirr, btit they an» the licAt in noinl
of style, ffrmw and beauty, ami are
untnrimAAetl in perfeolion of finish,
stroniflh awl ease of running and

Quees aty Implemest Co.
Cit. irfiono 751.

12" K. Kronl .St,

8iu*;li> CyliiMler., 1.2. :t. 5 ami


Tin Insuranct

vice iHivs mho are undcrslsod.


minimum height I* stlghtly Inci
KO that a candidate for a cadetahip
miirt no! be Irs* than flvr fext four
Inches at IG years of age
than flve fixi flvr inrhrs at the age of
19 years and upward.
u%ttal rcstrirthma agnl
and InflrmIUrs continue





military arailrmy.



of the lAcomlng class
Judge AlexsAder l>egree of Texas
has been la Washington for severs 1
ds)s sludytAg thr government
before leaving for home be said:


have biog hHd that Ihr pructlcr of
prasldenllsl candidal rs going out and
l»-Nte people

during the

cAmpalgns I* undlgulfled and not In ac


cordAiire with American InsUluUtms.

Furniabal compirtc. vHli ahaft awl
w««ibte pfopoUar
Alao 2,».4Cri>>xlerMotora

ever, as this practlcr ae«AS to be an

I do not think they should addrrsK
ihemPHvrs to the people at all.

Gas Enctse Repairs a Specialty

tho republicans nomlMtlng Vice PrefJ
ident ^rbaiiks





taking up wnk Senator Augustus OcUvlus

Bacon of



“Bocausc “ said J

Legree. “If the AmertcAB people
beAtd cdlSer FalrbAAks or Bneoh i
a urlff speech they would quit forever
asking ihdr







of Dr. Drrtlleni.




:¥.>7 " ^ -^

flee over Bugbef* drug •tOPA. CUk
tens phone-RealdencA,'^f; oftoe

______________ tl-tmo

JR. E. L. THIRLBY-SpociAl attAAtlon to dlMume* of cbtidrea. Boom
409 Htate Bank bldg. Both pbone*.

j^riNSURANCE-On what dalA


The bnllrt* sn* of


rapids' A

d.K-K your Fire Insurance Policy «x*
I want your business. Call
and get rales before reIDlyr



A. » CnrlU




Iwdics and solid face mssks hut thetr
ms and legs are not protected.

____ i!

.. »
............. .................

The prince of Monse,) bSH left Mont''
Carlo on Iniard bU yacht lo make at
moYidicrlc cxjK'rlments near Corsica.

l.¥. Tri»¥* r-H* < ‘111- :■ 'Ji a »n 10 4‘- a mi 4 i- j. w
Ar. WmK...
. ..
T« i
h. ;
Ar I*.!.. I.'t
n;3S|. If. I

omorn ms T-s wtiteii ^

- «ts=||| J

f» IM. ,

s. «w m^tt


I 99 Ar r..ri WaiiM-. .
II C|>m.............I Wynksop AsA.U Ar 4'li.Hm.all
..... n4i|<i,i

*TnUII g-ar,« Tni,--rw <*|ly

i:iia »« Inuii •. . ).( o. liraiJ
u,r..ujrb «

Tl)c pilmc Intends in send Koimdlng
lialloous lit) to the altitude of 45.«M>n
feel, at which height he exin'cU the

---------------------------------— jritiwm*’ pboDO IkW.

hailooos to buret and permit him
imll down iiara^ules charged with air
from the higher n*glon*.



We imiiil or |viiK*r Orcr can- ts
ami umininUM? lb« ir u^foly from


Uog fanciers over the




tor bull dog for

Mr. Belmont, the New York banker,

Dental Work

baa bought a young dog only alxteon
montlia old for 10,000 franca, or $2,000.
Tte creature which U a while French
boll dog is the amallest of lia bnmd in
tte world and

wqlghs only


be taking back to America two magnlBoent prlxc St. Bernards.

lottery of




been Authorised by the French govern

I In Um pro^a. Ate frili

Dr.W. J. Higgins

7JMK) frmnek or 11,200.

At my bnn one mile eoaOi ol


Karn.. n.' Mutual j


fr^nolns ter 4AmI*
Ate is tbs mdy
teowa cure tor Wsak Lhags. teery


They men once a week

ment for the parpone of raising funds

We wm te tot OMiwe M a TM Orta-MV '



Becktun Wallace of llaftimore will

A (aM of horrar was told by mailtf
or humAA blood In tbe boma of J.
wnitete d
known merehsat «t
tec. Kf. Hs wHtas: -Tweaty yAAfs
AAo 1 bad severe temoritegte at the

Try Gas Coke Row, Tlico You Win Imw
.Vnd ii«t awwar jwn oanlwyter
rntam «Wi»«y at SO «BU
• Km.


l rompnt«*





end prartlce on human targets, with a

rsubllahed one 1 mm. now In favor of

asked a friend.




oord la net respenalbU for ohMifea

rew hall Invented for this kind of sport

dtielUirts wear thick |»ad.* over their


o into effect until after tin


It was only a-mnetlng of

The Rs

the FHtol club of I*aiis, which num-

nnprotceted portion of tin* liody.

The n<

minimum standard of height for «

)k>ody one.

Thie report Is «Ad* up dally.

they bnilsc If they happen lo hit some

hr the senior medical offlerr on dc

Incident, however, was not a

U-tK among Us very rcstrlctel menr


thire array surgeons, on^of whom w


crack shots.

The mrdlrsl lioanl for thr examination



Tohn R Santo
General InsiifAiicd

New WUkda Sit.

TWrene CNy

An Every Day
J. X (HffitiM ea
TUTkm cm, kk^

ftraagTi. workbiffmaa aaA to poot.;*

alak in tbe ocater. they may be amAe
aa gsod aa new tf nooe of tbe attips
or eawe are beabco ^ wAabtag I
well la bot water to tbeo pb
Ummlaacqrreatoralrtoflry. This
oaqaea tbe eawe to tigbtem up. and
wbeq dry tbe Mt will be qtiHe Aai as
wbea Arat woven.
to streagib with anndpnper lo re^
imnre old paint or vqralsb whew It can
bo washed off so mneb nader. Um one*
bait a eup of waabtag soda, wet the
artidn to be revarwtsbed. or painte«U
tbottmgbly with this aolatkm. iben^go
over it wrltb a stiff scrubbing brush.
Rinse tbc article with clear water an.l
let It get thoroughly dry before put
Ung onxhe palat

I cial tba oobareba tbat yoor i
o. kt M* tut to Ik*
Or rlj» tome at lb* vocMit •tar*,
Aad avagp aaray tba grudga* that
fa amtfUf mpavm to waader frot
Wllk aatfetav to wany ahomt tmt »e! Baplaca each pally aad aagracloua
Kada or too «f tbU
With oaa that la forglrlak. lHi«i aad
aanraa aM a taatad \
Comm back to Tkta|fe. aatf I
AM wbaa tbc U»h la Aotabed. yoq
-Mau B. Allbvifki la CkHMIaa Ba
Wltto tba aWlUt room of boart aad

WHk arrabbtai braahaa. daapi
AM aurk tklkJM la kcr biMi.
AM la a raaaiaff toaa aba firaa
Tba MrM girt aommomdu.

Aad bSir your work to apt beaa
-Rayaalo Binltb WckcrluK

Claaolng Made toy.
A writer In Tabic Talk bat atilvcd Ib*^
■&lag quewtiov of boimr rtcaalng In
manner She lr1l»
A nm If «a
le aiory aa foUowa:
To beap bar hair la plaea:
Ska baa tba bad cMbaa wMlj piled
*‘l bate winter, yet I dread the
IJpoa tba draaalag eaao—
iriag.** Tbc apcakcr'a fare wore a
. Her aoaa la aklaaoi aad tbara an* dlaooateatod look altogetbcr out of
kceplag with her pretty home. It
«mcd rather IncongrtiouB. teo. for a
NwoB to dread the eery thing which
aa golag to liberate her from thi
rmIdooB of aialwr.
•Why do yoo dread the ^prtngr I
.^1 tba
To ma Iba arorM'a atoUm. \
AM aadtg waadara biMaa at algbi
To alaap miob tb« aUlni.

> Tba prnml amaiaoi U dhinrijr
• aeat;
' Tba proaaal doty la thy Maaicr a
- Ok, tbou who loogaat fur .on*
aoblc arorb.
Do ikoa tbU hour Iby girca U«k
Aad Iboo abalt da#, tboagb aBull
at Ant It aocniod..
It la tba work of ablrb tbou oft
beat draaneU.
-Anaa Tcaipla

-Ob. becaarc of bouae cleaning,
la alvaya the gboat at my fcaat.
rough mjr grimy w
me wllb every whirl
of dust the broom rmla« on tweeplng
day. Tba gboat of aprlng cKwnlni u
or preacm with me *
The wall wan tragic In lu intcnalty.
Id 1 could not help woculerlng what
life could hold for mich a woman aaide
from the dally routine of hotuehold

-I think my |
er> way wa*
very good one.*’ I ventured, hoping
> make a rtft ihrougb which a little
light might oome.
vnmx waa Itr** abe aakid eagerly:
j ‘if there U an ea»y way to ckwn houac
! t ahould like to know It.”
-Well, my grandmother uaed to pay
that them would be no need of that
annual trmir. apHng cleaning. If nil
women woald do aa ahe did.*’ 1 replied
’Whenever a room waa what ahe
calied dirty, ahe cleaned U.*’
•Dui akr took her oarpeta up every
A ktor) ba» been
the round uitiiug, Utda't aheT” Interrupted my Itiif the prew at»'u'l a girl who wafejterrsti
grtwtly dUtreftMHl U'caure the door of I
I have
her room bad becu left open, abowlag of mv
*• twrpeta awrlnglng
a wail •tate of dUorder lu the early
clear, froaty day la
mornlug IttKt aa a gueat of the family
pawned through thi hall
Her aunt taking a aun bath In the middle of
dlaeov(*red the weeping girl In the Attguat. When thing* were dirty mv
mldvt of the ruufualau and gave her grandmother atway* eleanc'd them, rts
a piartieal leaeoa. «be had her atwiid gardleas (If cold or heal, lly thua
•t lKcM.»ur aad give a awi'cptng glaace rlranliig one thing at a time, the ana•t the niotu to ace whal thlnga looked ;oua worry of a yearly i
I aasi a^ old
the w..i»l
Then with a lew quick
luucbr'a tlir bod waa lbrP»u ujica. Ibc
-If Uc .window* In a certain ix*o»
Window uiwand. burean drawer* cAoeed were blurted and unsightly they were
UBtll a rdnveplent time for ariwbglag lapnedUtely pul into a roapectable
them, dreawa werp picked from the condltiuB. If a rloaet waa all **helter
Aoor. and in juat «m minute by Ibr •keltcr.* a* abe called It. It waa fonhwatch the loom waa at leaat prraenl* wltb. atralibtenad out. No dirt waa
ever allowed to accumulate, and yet
my grandaiotbcr never aermed In a
maiHilaic ord«r. The backward glaaec burry or wvNrrr. Her arork did not
ami the aeelai eye are a* ntx-e»*ai> la drive her aa 11 doea the more meibod
all parta of the bonackceplng and to woman who makes a practice of
home making aa they were la thia im cleaning her whole houm» in a week,
ai|mr<\ and If the habit la ooea ic- M|l then often to a At of alekweaa
qdlred. it wlU make all tbf dlflerwma and a doctor's bUI aa a neult. I have
hdlweMi a alatlrraly aad nm Am
Wpm aad tke qae whlck aaema alwaya
VCM.V Ibr uaekpeetail compaay. Try mwdi eaator It It to clean tWaga aa
you go along than It U to allow aueb
aa amount of dirt to aocumuUla tbat
gar aad tee baw the algbt will afact It la beat to M ImtolbUlUr to wade
yoa. Yoq will bt Mirpriaed |o aot Im through It wttbout a broakdowm.-Bot It acoma to am that ooe'a work
aamermbla IBUp |Milm YMob Jar nj^
im you. bat wbicb yoq bate baoome neror would be dope by tbU method.
ao kecamaamd to hr dto bN Mlba
of famtUarlty that yoq bavo toor lag. bM tke rouUiMi oC drodgery never
would be at aa eqd." objeeied my etlll
. of them ran ba adjaalad wbb oaly a
tooeh. Otbera ba*a aarrod tbair Uam
-1 tblak you wUl Aad It to be juat
aad may be removed aaUraly. 8UD the opposite.- I replied. -It la mneh
otbera aeM aaora time, but evea ao easier to attsltbteq owl a toet every
oaa be imprwvad agoa tcmpararlly. few weeks Ibaa It la lo wade Ibroogk
gad made to wall a more eoaraalaat a labyvtatb eC dust to eluttw that
diwouragea you from the aUrt
dowa that mra wtpod w|U a
cMli to brtoeaaA wBk % drr om
tveir time yoe owe# q im eilAom
to ganifm tkla aprlag,wtth tba cHi- reqqtro qqy other anaqtkm. la ibU



pabiteA Aalab. Turn a rnttoAoroamm
la q bowt maUto to
wHb It amfl Twb tbe Atob tol. ebaggleg both cloth aad kerosene, for cleqa.
asItbooomeaiUacolorM; wipe off wlU
tbo whole bouse, aol even caempllng a clean, dry cloth.
• room for the comfort of the tarn
.care sbouM be cicrdaed to clean
lAe dost and dirt tborouf^ly from oai
Ylo Aral thlfg to oomaldrr
co^ldrr la
orery ciWCk,
«a«c. crevice
sM corner, aot
beqltb of the
and that of the omitting to K>pen
«pea .the doors and doan
Qukkiy Praparwd Dishes.
tbe to to oAiMa of iPeue. pad lb*
Rlcc and Sau*ages—Slightly brown
’Tba wise bousekfeMr will aot at part of tbe oaalnga aroifnd tbe doors three scant ublcspoonmU of *au*age
tempt boom Heaatag uaUI tbe weather not capoacd to view when the doom fat from a pervious cooking or uw
im* waim eaougb-to be petaiib
lard or butter. Add eight well pricked
mbit to aU Jn ruoma wltboui artlAdal
link sauKagra, eo\cr and cook slowly
-^bat |a. IB hoiM ararmed by
for ten minutes. In the meanll^
tlovcw-c»en If she bt obllgcil to en.
wash tboruaghly half a pound of rice
dure tbe harAtblp of being tbe last rt
Rooms finish^
with hardwood and parboil It in slightly salted water
her aelghbop to b^o spring cto- abould be gone over, after cleaning, for ten minute* Add thia lo the san
with an oiled cloth, as It will restore- sage* with one pint of strained can
Tbe roomaJb im rloaned Aral are Its yonlh and freahnesa.
Btd lumato. rovt r and dtaw to one
tboa# at tbe mo^ dlaUnt part of the
After the flnlah ha* Ux-n cleaned Klde wbeic It will c^k slowly. StS:
r; fur If they be left unlU the and all unter washayc |K»rtUin» of the .mce or twice slih a f»»rk and in Uf
s around them have been cleane«l. loom, scrub the dour; and whHe thi* l«*n mimiles add sail and pt-|i|Kr to
when cleaning tbote. dust and din la drMi.g *ponge the n.Ih*l idaci'* of taste. Keep at • slow simmer until
will get Iniu tbe clean room*, particu­ Ibe eariKl with amUM.uU. After th»*
all liquid U ab^orlH'tl and the rlcc la
larly tbost through which the furnl rsriH't hs* in-i ii n- laid, the tH>lor* caa lender.
lure la carried out.
greatly reUved by wiping with a
Moat Cake-Mlm v nuy etdd biH-f or
One room only should be under the cloth wi^ng out of ws.w water to
eJeanIng proeesa at the same time, which a small quantity of, ox-gall ha* lHK-.r*tc>ak, sn«I mix U with «u equal
and thIa abould be flntahed and every- U>cn added. The windows of the weight of l.fead .nimb*; add a Hub'
flhrl) chopped onion and parsley,
thing put tiackrtn order Ik fore iK-glo room should l»c oiH-n during Ihl* proa litth' Kti/t-k, *ea*oniUK. and a well
nlng to clcaa another.
ct'sa. and until all tiaee of scinl I* Inaten egg Foivn into a cake, an<t
The Aral thing to do when cltsaulii-, ^, moved.
fiT in dripping ialH»ul qn ounce will
room la to rid everything from du*!.
The ouUldc of the windows of the
le fui-ultiiro. pictures, ornament*, w hole house should bt> flui*hed at one be sulllctenti. This may be senc-I
etc,, aa well aa tbc room, bi'fore ch au- cleaning after all the room* have beet, w iih or without brown sauce.
A dish which may be made eliher
ing aaythlng.
cleaned. A long handled window brush Hllshabte tw wholly unfit lo offer la
The furwhurs abould be lariied o it. will he required. lK*ef hash, t’se equal quauti
ofAoori and thoroughb dusted. Incliul
Ijire curtain*. dra|»cri. *. etc.. In all ties of Ibc cold talked i»r boiled |io
log tbe bed if the room cooUlns one. the rooma of fhe hcm*e. should Ik'
and the mautess and all bcdaiug cleaned together at one time, nisei laio and chopped b<K-r. remo\log ail
griatle: over th!* grate half of a mod
should be thoroughly aired
eraie sited onion aud season with pep
Mtcrod furniture should be bniahed
per and wait. Put In the flying pan s
with a whisk broom: this Includes the
lablcspoonful of butter, and when It
commeni'e* to bubble add tbe hash.
I contains our.
In Cleaning Time.
The colora In the can»ct can be rc MoiMen with iKnf Hock and let almfor safe keeping If stored at home.
vived by a weak dilution of alum or mer for from ten to flft.'cn minute*.
Fold In omelette *haiK-. place iKiacheJ
Weturea. mlrrora. draperies, curtain- soda
mAea. wladowwbades and ornaments
Nall* Arst driven Into a bar of soap r;;gs over the mound of hash and gar­
owld be carried out and thoroughly will not split delicate wtK>dwork or nish with*Uy.
Lett-over baked iKitaun** may U*
ped from dual. .
A soft briikb will be required for
Plauo keys ran Iw) im vcnted fron» mashed while varm, siai^omd. a MiiHtlng some ornament* and fiamw turning yellow hy leaving the Instru­ lle hot milk aud butUT added, tnau-n
or plctuies.
ment opin on clear day* and i«rmll 111! light, pul back to thejr >^kln*. laid
aside and reheat, d for another n»c*al
The Urk* of picture* and mlrrora ting the *un to *hlne on them.
Scalloped Tomatm-* - Put in a bak­
aluKild be duktiHl with a brush.
Vinegar water clean* and hjlghteu>
The carpet should bq.Uken up. and. gUt frames. Use ont*-fourtb vlue.gar to ing dbh a thin lavvr of bread crumb*.
If cleaned at ‘home, thoroughly iMwton thrt'e-rourtha water, and apply with a Drain tbe juice irom a quart of cannel
tomatiH*. season with wait and pcppiT
Now. all articU** of furnliuiv shoul i bniah.
be cleaned, ready to be ^rrled back
Two |>art* of crude cll anil one par: and put on top *-f the crtimbM. Sprlnkl.after the room has been cleaned.
of turi>entlne ivmoves white s|R«tr ihe tama'oe.'^ with a few' diop* of on
A good furnliuiv puliab can be made from furniture and make* as good a Uo jul<K‘ and a *|KKmful of sugar.
Cover closely uit‘i a la>er of biea.l
one patl lurtH'nltne and two luiit* pollmh a* one can desire to have.
llnst'cd oil; a|»ply with a Aannel. and
When a lock work* allffly. oil tie eruml»«i inoisteniil in a lablesptKmful
lb dry with a rb an one until a iiobsh turn cl of the key w ith oil and put U of melted butter. Bake in a hot oven
or fifteen minutes and serve hot lu the
Into the lock.
Kbr article* Kri'iJeh pt»llshcd. the bd
Tlic most dellrstebuei! iKKik bind­ baking dish.
Baked Kgg* -Put geni iou* pieees of
lowing la a good i>ollsh: Three ounces ing*—<‘vcn white and i»ale shade*—
eswrax. one onnee white wag. one can be thoroughly eleaurtl mlth cha butler Into ludUidual pally |»an*:
nee cmA soap, one pint tunKuUne. raola skin dipped lu iHiWilertHl pumiee when the butler U browiuNl. drop eaeh
Into an t*gK Sprinkle w llh pepper and
e pint bolhHk suft wirer; mU. add­ atone.
ing the water when cohl. shako well
When cleaning wall paper, use n salt. Put into a hot oven and bake
and do not use until fortv-clghl hours dough made of JIuur mixed with water until the white* iftv well set. Serve
In the same dishes, with
Before applylug wash the article., 'eontaluing a little washing soda. The
with weak vinegar and water.
MMla will not injure the paixu and the !»nttend t»»a»t or wandwleheH,
l^g;; Stew—Three or Unn go«jd wirtsl
ritwn the irtasa of mim>rs as dlrm work will U* done more quickly.
ed Udow lor window glass. >•
After the juice ha* l»een aquevxe 1 t*»tatm-* aul two onions are blieed.
t;m frames may be cleaned with liom lemon* do nut throw' away 'diu* aud enough water is added lo iik.K
>ld waUT and Aalf its quauUiy lu %lu peel. Thi* 1* excellent for cleaning them. Pom ill one iiuart of milk, let
sar," Apply with a soft bru>h.
hrasH articles of all kind*. Wp the it emne »o a iK.ii. uning ImMei as for
Warm water In which an ouluu ba peel In salt and line liath brick and an o>Mer stew. Break fiuit eggs, ii.u
iM-ai them, and |hiui into the slew
boeo boiled will restore tbe gilding to rub briskly over the nrtlrlf
ramqa: dry quickly with a clean cloth.
Hug*, mats or eariietK can l»c thur Seastin lo la*te
Marble ornaments may be cleaned oughly cleaned by generoutiy *jiriiik
Helpful Ideas tor Cleaning Time.
f only soiled from dual by washing Hug Ukiu with yellow rornmeal that
To clean a ei>mforter that la nut
with a strong soap-snda: rinse In ha* I>eeu well dampened In clean soap
arm water and dry with a soft cloth hUilf or weak ammonia water. Sweep badly uolled. nays a ctirrt^riKNident jf
Ibe Chicago News. sr-Iect a hot. windy
Brass can bo cleannd and given a off in a few mlnntem.
put up a atrang rlutbca line and
Woodwork that to become yellow
boiled In strong
or Is badly sialncU may he cleaned pin comforter on single with clothes
no ounce alum to one plat lyc
with a mixture of a pall of but wain pina about five imhcH apart. Prop It
Oaa Axturea may be rehitmied by and two tablespoonfuU of pulverise] iTp well and then, writ hum further cere­
miming biyive powder with any trana borax. Vse a coarss cloth and soap it mony. turn the huM- on l». Tl»e water,
parent varnlsb anJ applying with a oecaslunally, and sprinkle a Uttle pow forcing through the «tjltou. *ki:i esrry
dered borax on It for the worst spoU with It evety hit of dti*t and dir*.
The pullabcd portbiiu of stovrs mav Rub ibc woodwork well and use plenty When the eomfwer 1* dry It will hr
aa Aaffj aud clean aa when Aral made.
* proinctnd from nmt by matog i of froab. clean water lo rinae.
paaie of fr«ab lime and water and a^
Dingy oilcloth,may be brightened by Do not wring or aqueer.c. It U the
plylag a thick coating, with a brnah belag wraahetl with clean water with a wringing that mats the cotton ami
ovwr the aurface requiring preverva little borax dissolved In It; wipe it makes it hard. When they are soiled
tioo. Grates and Are-lrona can be with a Aannrl cloth that you have around to edges Uke a soft brush,
warm water and soap, and acrub the
kept la aa empty house, free fixwi j dipped Into ml
edges before giving the shower bath
rust, for moQtka. by this method.
j dry as poaalMe.
Wash wUlow furnlturo with warm
pouto prater Is excellent for bright- Down puffs aad pllhiws may he
water aM eaatile aoap; wipe vtry dry eamg tobby ciirpeu. The carpets cleaned In to same way.
with a Boft cloth, then dry tn the i
To sweep a dusty carpet without
L Arwt be wM baotaa aad abakea .
aaar a Are.
tbeo taka half a dcnceo gqod sisad po- raising dust over walla and oclHng
lisatber which is Anil aad stained utcicB and sexapa tom aa AAely aa clear aad dart down the rooir. and go
oaa oHoa be restored by applying oil possible lato a bucket baU full of over oae-balf of tbc carpet whh a
qad rlBOffar wen mUod.
warm water, ecrmiq. wrlpg a cloth good carpet sweeper. Wkew all to
Wbaa ovary tklag to baca daato.; out of to potato orator. oM with It dtri to beea takaa up that can be ro^
oaHHag. of ocniraf. laoe curtalaa aad; giro to eorpai a pood rob qU over, moved, sweep wltb a bfoom towaxA
arias, bmak Mwa to eolllag of riaaiag frotoaoily,
to Qwsaropt half. ’lien treat to
to fwom^to then awaap tba floor
o^ baU la tbc same manner. Arat
dustlag funriturr. a faraHiire ^poUab it^ to sweeper, and then the
lar to dnat to aektlad. to walla will aot be Aecdod. Take a aofi eba- hroom, U thU way mcwi of tbe dirt
itold be wtpad dowa wHk a claaa. moil skia from twelve to cUbtaca to been uken up la tbe sweeper, and
dry ctoik;aaA wbqo B baoom aoMod laches sqaare. wot It In armrm water yet to room to had a tonmgh
ttoga It for a ckaa ooe; rob Aowb —oevor boi<^oM wring it out aa dry sweeplag. I do wot rsoowMaend tea
avanr tneb af apaea. lactadlas tba aa poasibU, Dae this os you would a leaves or aaytblwq wsd. They may
I aad aU wood Aalab : to tops of dwot doth, U wot only rmwovM all be all right hi rxperirored baads. bn*
Mora aad caatnga abould also be dust­
tbe werice caa do a great deal of dam­
ed off.
age wMb tom.
wo IIPU TMa.I 1

crally be pomeA oo to be at an cAMckjva tttbecbalroraelaioboclaato
U fflacM ti^ to breeim-cHii <ff Aooca
or by aa opts vteAow—tke aaptlm
will evapotmte ran toAly to man
veotlpa of aioOu wBl be AcstroyM- If
tbe articles are to be left In tbe bouse,
ibey ma* be wrapped ta abceu tlgbUr
ptaacA around them. Thia keeps a

alroagty empba
wised that no light of any kind must
U' taken Bito the rooms .while the
articicw. nwnily An
ished. are there. The infiammable na
lure of naptha xmtm make It exet^d
tngly daagerous wto brought near a

tol M. B. Otoik

Jnalor laagnwTbarwAay at 4;AA |x i

a;v. P. u. «:N.
ffatarto at t:AA.
Prayer meeting oi nureday ava»

Cor. Ninth and Wadtworib atflflA
Rev, R. K. Holaaple. Pastor.
and wool draper10:00 a.
moralag claaa anfUaff
lew. may safely be cleaned in thU way.
10:30 A m.. Btoralag woraUi, aatv
and all that Is necessary U
all drapt rica over a line In the yank
open the windows, remove the wni|>C:S0 p. m. Senior T. P. A.
ping from the furnltuie. aud let the
7:3d. evt nlng gospel werv k'e.
Chorus cboir meeu for n
breexe have a full sweep through the
a for a day or two. Then their' Thursday at 4:00 p. m. la to
Midweek prayer mot
be no oirenwivv smell, and the
furniture may l,e u*ed with jwrfe<i
*o Ur a.** danger from flic Is
Washing Windows
Window* bhould U- wwhhcd «>u s
cUwr day. the oiu»* fartlic*! fiom the
Klin washed flr»t and gradually work­
ing around until all can In? .ws*hc‘
ml the aun airlklng them during
the procpKa. cl*c streaky windows arc
ra to rrsull and the work will all
VC to Ik* done o\cr. The best wav
i**ii*h Kla^K after 11 I* cleaned and
drlid K to rprluKlc whiling thickly
a I.I41X- of damp chanuil* *kiu and
n:h It well tivcr all i»art* of the win
dow glas*. then |K,Hsh Kith a chan
dry chamois *k>n. A* the inside ol
the windrw.s atv apt to Ik dirtier than
the ouuidc. it b a good plan to fiv
quonlly dual and rub off the inside

FMgar U Requa. pastor.
Meeting for worship. 10:30 a. aa
Sunday school. 11:43 A m.; a J. *
Helm. SupL
Gospel meeting. T:30 p. m.
Teachers- meeting. 7 p. ai. aaeb
I’raycr meelloA 7:50 p.
ThnraA special Invltatloa to traveling maa
and those who have never attended a
Quaker church.

Rev I>rmaa Cochlln. pastor.
Church phone No. 1180.'
Our church la a borne for vorsbla
td service. If yon have ao ebareb
home in Traverse City, you are earnlied to come, get acquainted,
k and worship with ua. A
to all. IntrodaeeyourCrieMa
Urv41 the strangers. If a auaager. wait
the pastor
Special service* i
church brevities.
Regular services as follows:
10:30 a m.. morning worship aad
rmon. Choir under dlrecUon of Mra

To ffrighten Matting.
i1M*iietic«M houKcwlvcK *ay tha’
and water am the lK-*t and Kafr*i
agnnla for elcanlng aud hrightenliig
up rcattlnp. The matting should fli '-:
lK‘ thormigMy swept, then gone over
a woolen cloth and a sululiun of
alKnit a lahh->i»oonfAil to a ijua.If rbrlsllsn Endeavor In the parlors.
of water. Wring the cloth almost di.
P nr. evening vrtirwhip. Gospel
d rub the matting htirkly. then ru *
ig and . evangelistic senricA
limit r direction of Dr. Smltb.
th a dry ch»lh. It 1* not a c<k*I Idta
r*day. 7:30 p m , prayer aad
ain ail old
Itiiig Th
t-unftrence meeting.
or stain will sink Into the meri,
f>lday. 7:00 p. m.. Mayflower club. /
vh. m•<«•*^lla^^ng the use of a gnat
deal of maiertal. which wi.uld remain
First Praabyterian Cbarch.
roolat for .some lime MuitIugK artCor: Washington and Park alreelA
loo cheap-to make U . worth while tu
Rev. U B. Blaaell. Pastor.
Mlirnlng service. 10:80 A XB.
i*tiort to such metbiHl*.
Bible I
Here 1* a recipe for fuinkuie |Kdl>-h
Ex enlng service.
W M. 8.. first Wedneeday la to
hlch i* fine and will ^ Injure the
flni**t w«K*l To fmiretal»l<-*fHKinfuI* month.
w«K t 4.11 add four of turpentine, a
piK.iiful «»f lemon julc<* and ten
Prayer ^meBlIng Thursday evealaff
ilMMis of houM-hoId ttinmonia. Shak •
All are welcome to aU the aartofl
•II and It rt rea»lv Care must I..tali. n als4. !o .haki .aih time iH'fot.: Th«‘ proiH i Hpplicarioij 4.f ihcis Important to in*tm* magical
Milts. Tso ..r Ihnn- < Jeth*.are-al*
lul. ly inn-4 hSKty - rhivs.vl.rth is ex
ecllcnt. Apply Ullh No. 1 until th<*
wood Kccma to have ahrorbed soim*
i«f the mixture; then mb briskly with
and finish with No. 3. Keep
Ing the |Kill*h while uaing.

\L'o.-nvr Itoardroan at. nnc ami Wash
iugt,n, *tit*ct. R.'v C. T. St
He^idenee. ::|R State *tt<
Holy Htiumunlon.> a. in. Kxcupi
on the flfsl Sunday in the month, then

Fourteenth Street M. ff. Ctoolb
R. V L H 1 arpr uter. paaK
('lass n



’i*ue («i « t»# p. i
Epworih leofue
euiUK M'lmtin. 7;3U p. m
meeUng. Tburaday fvaqSBi

MM-ci. le ar t'aas street. Captain mad
Mr*. Bonier* In charge. Public atot*
IngK every night except Monday. Bunday. n a. nr. hulinca* mocUng.
r P nr. Junior meeting.
3.30 p. m., chrlriian s praise mea|p
K p m , red hot aalvailon noetlag.
Our standard: lloUaeas unto tbA


Morning service and sermon. 10:30
Sunday school and Bihlc claka at
Sunday rooming ^
Evening acrvltn? aud surmcm. 7:30 p Woodman
bail over postoAicA
evening. IMllmony
Week days and boJy days a* aje
eeiing at 7:30.
Reading room.,
A ctirdUl InvIUtlon lo all these «H.*r block,
afumoaq (ttaapl
ock. open cvmt
Sunday) from
A cordial I®' ItLto to atuM ill
services aad to Tondlaff rooOL

Tenth atreel.
Low maan. <

Church BrevltieA
At tki Flm Mc4bodist church ant
B inday at the ^ o'clock eervlca tba
Lento Aavotiona. Wednesday
R ». Tbbma* Cox wiu preach oa -Tbe
Friday.Artoiffn. T:S0.
iDtermeillaie Siate.'^ This la tbc*
ond M-tnH>B bn to laimortaUty of to
Mory AlT Choeali.
Soul. •
Bar. um Kennady Pastor.
Church of Cbto. SfcIcBtlst-Subject,
Class meeUag. A:4S p. aa
-Adam aM Fhllen Baa-* Text. “FW
Moraing strrlca. If .10 a. SL
Sunday acbool at If m.
aa by one maph^djatodience maay
Epwortb league. 4:90 p. m.
were made aiaacra ea by the ofaedlEvening aervioe at 7:30 p. m.
Pr^ar meeUag Tburoday aveatag eaoe of one ahatl maay be amtfe
ligbtcoqA- RoataasVlf. AOarewelA cordial woleoma to toaa sarrioaq

Tbe Bov. J. w. liinkr «m pteto at.
to Fourteenth . W reel M. BL rinadi
Sunday momlag aad to Rer.’WIllard
Heath la to erealag
The Caster mwskal pragram will hi
repeated at to Preakytoriaa cbutth
at the Sunday aKualag aerrlee.
Benlog erangelleUc atatioa. 7130.
Tbe aermoa at to Cbareb cf Chris:
Paateooeul prayer sMatlag Tbora
tomorrow night wiU be; Bln aad Os*,
nater. or Is torv* a warning to |1u*.
American people In the San Fraaelsrtf
■ootb at l:9A.


fa the Name of Sense,
tiut flood common aenae
tL^iUA a<i w h«t «
■ Aa^liowem TOtt oomtoue
to buy ocdfaMiy aoda cracker^
stale and dusty as deey must

di. If jroor bomli
need hdp, let tb.
rig^ mt once inth
IraoOx Tablets.

IS, r

poaliry bouar aa4 loaded U aaH
I and aUrtwl borne, flooa a
aiib ibe
-nicbei afcar m
tht feoat of bis cap cangbt up will
fanner “Wbat the blanke^y 1
are you doing with Ibat balUUngr be
“Tbafa my near cbicbea
I." tbc* farmer replied. **WeH.
It >o*t alair pufftd the agent, -that
hapficBa to be our depot.'—Lsjelanau
WbiU uHlling a well on bU farW la
llenum lowusblp. CbeUiygan oounly
Itnillam rriK-tor dlacovered a largt
quantity uf bnmsUme broogbi up by
ibe drill, which would tndk»l* I
sldernble deposit. He aaya that out­
side parties Ibla summer wlU HivuAias tbc raw piateiial la worth
1 prlmw to socmv a Bne coOmrrtou of
per ton. Coal wgs also brought up by
animals and ibeir arrival la betag
the drllk
' j
Abner, lUmi^d
bis wife, aged
Tti and 7u re^-ctlvely. have rr
of ilH* royal
ilamasoo gb tlu Ir may to 8t. Louis.
Tbelr houM and lU cuntenU at Big Bpaclal Cable l« tbc Evening lUronL of Europe and. parileularly
da weie destroyed by Bn*, and
‘•^ge bolder* of Russian
they starttd tg maik to the Mltmmrl (t'oi^yrtght. !Xn:. bv the Hc-arsi News! »««»rlTlea.
city, wbffc they ha\e a son. They
Hi rvlec I
Owmaught. who Is of a
walked as far a^i Kalamaxtsi. a «!Ik• of m» miles, but the iskm suiH-ridem will pay ihelr fare to Fort

Unaeda Biscuit

%■ %. BMasb viU k*To Ctileigo

Umi C A. Voimii, IT. 8. A.. Hi
• of ihc
I l4j In
on w-couiit <»r iU
h, Ur il. H. P»l»irhx. of U
»|U bt cottmJ^toird AS suruom.
of Use ATtillory. rtvmiry a»4 bifiun
cotfM. «iUi lb* msk of tni ilewtriimJil.
Ur. erm si C.
of Unroll has
ttxm U tb€ |*lrsl lu
The Iruomood ouApaDr wUI



Orlalal Nppics

ncMGAi REffs conaso



lOc each

Wm. Champion
PslBter. Ptper Ha«r»
and Decorator.

I! Is am cetirnilly knoan. but a fan
is«n«*rlbvk‘iui. that the lltKiriui; In Uu
puaUiTAn- tultdini In Han FnuKUco.
tb* nai of iht nwwl awful scern-m of
the di'eade in ihls nnmtry. was mad*
In INHi^Uey. brlns furnUKed by thiKunaaa ^mpany l»eforv ibelr lire
removal ITum that elfy.'
Hu rharlevola County Aarlrttlturt!
•orl«*ly aiiriiolil Ihrir Tartmly-aecoiirt
fair at East Jorclan on Tu«»
.'^vs-cm anay aim
lA-Uoi'IU.t rmsii. »tn
, f« tar).
Vamlt-rjusd. bir aev»*ial y«*atn
litst clt'ik at Hotil King at R«hh1 Cli>.
and at 11 kiussni by Uie Uatellng putu
U\ ban rv^lgned. After a r-borl vara
• low be *111 as»«H«M^ rtmtiAil of ibt
Ntuiiii ru hotel at lllg lUpUla. wlilcb
lias mvnily ebauged banOs. and a blra
*111 Ih- teaioileh'd. Harry iiogers, fur
mer nlKht eb rk. will sueived Vandw
INsiI at I be Kill*:
That I he flAh laws an- at times vli>tau-d In Let laiiAu ixsunty la not dtv
nleil. but tela iximes tbo report that
!be exu iit of Ibdalinn lb liecumlng so
.Treat lhat vlnlalors snin in hat.
Tear .of Uie rl‘»setl Heawm laws and
make no atteni|it to etiver rip tin
b iui‘ i*f tbflr nilbdenteauors. Tber*in a uiniibtM of lakes In the eounl..
ritd n iK.rih fome ftom Ibe rirlnlt.r o
^n-T*rr-4iTf^>jli» III that Imrdy a nlah
l»a^ IS iliat MH-arliig Uglilh ate uo
s4-en on the lakek. The trout Htteant^
II U snW ait also eomlny in for their
chan of e;il ol M-aMUi flbhltiK. Thlif inie. ats.l *e ArarceJv doul>t it. U a
dtp>tiat>h (tuiiliiieii t»| affalfh. Th«
rate \n lery lUnral In futalshliu?
-UK K for tlu-se lakes and t-freatUb au<!
the iMople should rerUilnly abide b\
the laws whleb tiu- stale makes fur
the proleetluD tif the fish. It is not
unlikely that a game wanltm wl

All work done in a satisfac- -YOUi- MONCY
^tory manner.
NCi i«OOD”
All orden promptly attend­
ed to.
aai w. iwksi. at.NoacMi

6eo« JR* Carols Mitt.J.Johksohs
201 froNt ilrtti


------------- ■ -jRHEUMATISM

l-ou a«a noiaatiafWd wUh rtauha.
This is our cuarantea which goaa with
s ww> bottle.
, rorMcomlOmifMMfMjhj
St a Baat Front St.
Up Staira



fresh Crom dn oven» protect
from dirt by a package the
very beauty of whfch makes
you hungry.

Coulrtbutlon to the Hsu Francisco
•lief luud in Meiu»uiinee bave
mounted'to nearly ll.2tH». and lu
MarlnetU' to over f^f.uou.
To catch the tmr ardrlt of AuatraUa
on* must pass iN-yond the ineinipomau
cities, which arr but tbc gates of tbc
continent snd where life Is not strtk*
lagly dlsslmUar tu that In many other
placea Inhahltcd by the aame race, ftg*
<ci»l lhat democracy supreme baa ren
acred It wore care fn*c. The Auatra
llau. who la a great lover of aport and
outdoor Ufe. ace* to It that overwork
does not d*t>rtve him of either. ThaL
IH-rliapa. Is the reason wh.v be Is robust
In physique and does not give one the
luprrsalon of lieing subject to nerroiu
disorder In a general wa.v It may l*e
said that the agiifultural part of tbe
country forms a belt anwnd tbe coaaL
broader by some huiMlnHla of mllea In
tbe east than tbe west. k>wiu thia re­
gion lo good yearn many million boobels of wbaat of tbs best quality are
ahlpfs'd to England. Thtw you enter
tbe domain of forest and plain whence
comes tbe wool, of wbU'b tbe clip lu a
year has reached a vslne of ILVOOO.OOO
for tbe single cokioy. of Queensland.Four Trsrk News.
•niere are some men.- said a health
offlerr. -who buy from hotels all tbelr
oaed tea leaves. Them* they dry and
put on tbe market again aa fresh tea.
At a matter of fact tbt re U attll a
a gn
They make as black and bitter a brew
at tbe grrateat tea Bend would want to
drink, but such s brew la nnwbole
some, for tbe percenuge of tannin In
It It moeb Isrger than lo an ordinary
cop of tea. Vied tea learea are euaUy
made to reaemblc-fresh ones. They
are dried on bot Iron plates, the heat
r. givl
t cup
ttaia aecond table tea refreahea yotl tre
njmdoosJr. hot afterward your moutl
It drawh up n. if you had
log alur*-- Philsdrlphlg. bulletin.
A rmrUmm DrsoHsciMi.
Tbe diary of ttw a|KH.tle to tbe In
dlanm John Kllol. ohow* tliat Uie l*urt
tan forefaibera bad the good fortune
to bave an extremely mlhl wluttH* In
IMe-«7. Tbe diary aayt: -Tbit winter
was one of the mildest tb^t we ew
bad; no anow nil winter long, nor
abarp weather, bat they bad long floods
at Connecticat wblcb was much aitoyle
to ye come In tbe meadow*. We never
bad ft bad day to goe preach to tbe In­
diana (at Xew^ton or Natick • all this
w inter, pralasd by the Lord. * During
the eeason of 1M7 tbe diary continoest
-A giwat elcfcness epidemical did tbe
Lord Uy upon ua. that tbe greateat
parta«f tbe town was sick at
Few died, bot of tbeoe were tbe choycc
est flowers and i
graclooa saints.**
During the summer of lfK2 Apostle
Cllot writes. -It plessed God this
spring to exercise tbe country with a
•erere dronth. but some were so rash
tbe alttlugr uf tbe

twal and absolate Uw to
justice which cannot be
a. bat which appeals to tba

Tne South Side Lumber Co.


SIS like In.

Tratette Cttf, iich.

the kind that •
fit your doors and window* .
at best price*. Dealers in all kinds
of building material. Get our price* and consider
onr stock Wore buying. Katimaln (uniislinL
Oarmotlp: Brel Prioofc l>iy Slock,
iVompt Delirery.




There b a* mre eflbcitn Mfln hr nmH
tUactkaatkeWiMCmma. BMwi«ricki
WANTS^-Farly wbo baa a
mitt to go la Boatb Maate
C«t oat 8J8t.tM ablAglaa.
tbepowarbeaaawM. ai.i
WANTC^Aciive maa la each caaaly to'axblblt. deatoaaUmi* aad advwntsa Uae: salary fit waakly. U
per day for aapeasea. No capital ra^

TSB Cbeataut 8t.. PI

PON NtMT-Klea targa 1
BeweaU aadOtTMuai

House TO NIHT—m Laka avcMi
weateCOua. tofulfa 1U Bl BihU
pboae SO.

call Cll.

refereacas rcqulrod; $S per
Mr*, carry Hull, cookcr Stale aad
apr S74t




BOY WANT80—To do erraads aad •OE8TRUCTION OF SAN FRANCISCO-—Best book: large proSts. act
Icaru priatlag trade. Oaly one wbo
quickly; sample free. Globe com*
will appreciate a good opport
pany. 72S Cbcaiaul 8i, Philadelphia.
Deed apply. Herald aad Baeer
apr SMtt
apr 274f
WANTCD-Pour heavy team# to drm
Me. Abyoae dealriag ibla abouM
lumber; good wagaa; write or pboae
Inquire at Record ofSce,
apr H-tf
Carp Uke Lumber Co.. Blui
apr 25-tf FOR 8AL1—WbDa Wyaudottaa. Doatton atfblu. prlaa wrluuart. Bhaau
WANTED—Lace curUlna to clean at
eggs tor 12.00. R. C. Br. Lagborua.
the Varialan. 35 to 76 cena per pair, 1 atia iftM fur 01.00. J. W. »«
Tapestry cmtalaa 75c to $1.25.
mermau A Bob. 202 South DIvUiou
Parisian Dye Work*. 512 B. Froai
apr 25-lf


apr 16-U ;
FOR BALE—House aud Efiy foot lot
at 613 W. IQIghth Ht A bargain.
WANTED AT ONCE—Two girl*, com
Inquire at 126 N. Hprucc 8t. Clt.
pelcnt c-w.k and second girl; beat of
phone 356.
apr 26-61*
wage. Mra. W. N. Kdlcy. SUtc
apr 20-tf
r «»»W^ iL over
i -Wh... v. r m., l..vo ..oor. .ho no...FOR RENT—Two small houaea. one
Llcal slitiaUou or Bnanclal straltt or
tH.c itiiirl Mill siHUd a w*iy quh-l
comer Lincoln aud Fero. other >:«i
Utxlal cha.m of Ruhsla «hc hat never WANTED—GIH for, general house­
MO»ou. No ftiiul.ou iH voiul llie »*fUncolu. Inquire E. T. Swan, Ml W,
work Dr. Lawton. 439 Webster 81.
|dcfaiilU-d |ui>iii. ul of her i.utsldc ob
Bclal a*r<‘ptlmi>« ba^ Im-cii uirange.]
llih 81. rhone 244.
apr 16 tf
he «t*iltUug t>f IMiun sk Ena U «u
apr 25-lhur*Aaat4f
The interi-st t»n Rut*l*u luauk con
take place, of course, lu Siiain.
trmry lo The general Imiiit-ssloa Is not WANTED-Two good dining room
tlott House. Urrd Howard de Wal
girls. Hotel Whiting.
apr 5-tf
iu icr**o ,'
lm|H*rlai reves. luqulmOUSt^^^
don’s beautiful mai
WANTED-Hardwood bolU. All kinds
re. has been taken for the m-s
■ * -s of the I’ral which aiv owned by
of farms for sale. Erhard Btrahm
by Ro*.s Wluani. «if UalMroore.
the stale.
place. 160 acre*. cUy loam. Timber
trcilva work In all IcgHlmate rcuiet! the lMM:-,e from U.rd Hefloil be
catiroalcr and supplier. W. Tullcr.
branebea. Snlte 9 10. Powers 0|>ofm
fore the prckeiit otxupler aequlreii It,
Iteautlful women can have the Usl
inierlochcn. Mich.
mar 21-U
llotmc Bldg. Grand Rapid*. Mich
diK-s not istH-m much Ilro^lKx•l IhlugK In Ihe world, for there Is none
apr lt-1 UH>
lhat Ihe door* of SuudiTland House, tAt Itihuiusit as lo ivduso anything Hi a
lers Rocky
thti Marlborough.*.' gnat ue* palace pretty womai
itiful women
u Tea 1
ktreel. will U* opened this j Si ct ni*
FOR SALE-8mall place two mllea j
fur any exteuHive enterUlnlng.
l»arl> having my town roller please
from city; good frame building; Just |
H*w Hr n
as a matter of fact, the place is no:
return It 11. Montague, apr l»a
the place foi a country homo, H. E. j
Whrti they m.-l on fbetnut fttpret
yet flulshed and has turued out lo bo a
IVrrlu at First National bank.
sort of while elephant on the hands of after *ome month* in widch they hadn’t
*rO LO#
seen rath other the one chap told the
the duke mud bn. American wife.
put «n morigagci
other be bad taken a little bouse In
*Two well-known hostesses—l^dy Germantown and was there with hi* FOR SALE—Gooil driving hamcos, 319! loqnlra of BL
Franklin 8t.
apr 27-if ^ . Place bo*el.
Ji iM v uiul Ijidy llchcsur—aie lu Urea. i»enat.** and coal Mil. T ome up
iruing. liMi tlckpile IheKe ahstents- and *re me some evening- any even FOR SALE—Good range, almost new i
Ing. We re ranly out. you know. and.
PALM 107
Ik ji U exiMvii*.
library table, couch, writing desk*,
future Itoa la your
average iTilllauee
set dining chair*, etc., 321 W. 7th
let ua know when you’re eomlng.**
hand, a aclentiflc readlag win rwvaal
•*1 auppoae your name U In tbe teto!Mione961.
apr 27-21*
lha trua life’s btotory. Over ilT
pbooe dlreetoryr queried the other.
Uolon 8L Side eutraaoe.
If the iKiWerful lalntr party in the
•*WeII. no. not yet. as we’ve jnat got FOR SALE—Hqpsp* at Ihe Shllsou
house barn. Dan Creveliug. 921
Australian federal |»ailiameut has It* tbe telephone, but our number la^laWashington. Clt. 7«5.
apr 27 tf
way. the vasi cnuugiowlug eslaleh. really Ifa funny, but Just thta minute
shot.p ruus and lumbert forests, now
FOR SALE—Summer cottage and lot IN THIS CITY?
held by trusts and eapllallsls. will Ik- ftU. Ifa atraniw I forget that number,
If **1. I have Ike following fur sale.
at Biirbwood. Inquire Angus Mofor jnat on purpose 1 mnUlplied It by
iwrcekd t»ut In small lots among the two abd divided the result by four, to
apr mf I»argmln«. every one of them.
aa to enable ro»» to n*member It, and I
ONE HOI SE on Wert Eleventh Bt.
The*roeaii> by which Ihe |Uiil> pn> can’t recall the flrst thing about ft.
Would make a nice home.
luciulrc 1020 E. Eighth street.*
iKiM-s to bring alKuil Iblh refurm Ih Ever know the like? I’ll write you tbe
THREE HOUSES on Baal Tenth 81.
apr 2341the inclusion iu flu-lO'rogrsnj^of a piv>- nurober.**-rhllndelphla Record.
Nicely kK-aled.
gresslve land tax
This will be dlFOR SALE CHEAP-One gasoline cn
ONE HOUSE on lice 8t. near cor.
reeii-*! against the great land.iwnet>.
glue*. X horse i»ewer, 1 slu^le work Front 81.
’ win*. If the, prtqKisal^ law.
barncMc. 1 sail boat. A. W. KIckerd.
would find thtnnsilves taxed on Hie
ken !u lime. For
another lloi-SE on .cor. Froul
321 Bay street.
Igksls td -’The more land the higher
aud Rose 8la.
April 23 imo.
W) ACRES CUT OVER hardwood
The* movemciil Is in rhaps the roost
An Irriistinc rotigb Is not atwaya due FOR SALE-My borne at 131 Ifiaat laud, level as a floor/ 2^ miles from
ini|iortant In the hisittry of Anstralia. to having a cold It is very often a
Eighth St ixairable location; roa lowu of Me.
since n alms at the iHipulatlott of the habit ae.,ulr.Nl during tbe period of
ANOTHER 40 ACRES cut over.
-hatkhhK-ks- l.y small holders and having one and afterward la more pf a
apr 17-tf
Best kind, of potato land, only two
the' extinction of the great estates uervoua, n-flex action. When you flpd
you are gettli Into tbe habit of con
tSrtwl enctmragenienl w*oul«l la- given
dr?. ihort cough- FOR SALE-Furnlture. bar room, tx mile* from market and perfectly level.
to iiiiinigniUon. and a uitich uei-ded try to chfHk the Inclination, and more
turea and buslneta of Hotel Colum
Sallafectory (eihii* wUl bh made to
ImiR-tus to the iKipvtlatjon.
often than not tbe hN-al Irritatloo In
hU. A. HcberL
apr 14-ir any wbo wish to buy. Would accept
.vour throat will dlwtppmtr mud tbe
Additional interest U altaclietl
city property In exebaage for land.
FOR SALC-No. 4 Bmlth Premier
this proiKJsal by the approaching gen­ cough with It.
typewriter, almortji^. W. B, WUh
eral election, which take* place at thc
155 E. Ninth Bt.
mar 21-tf
end Id this year It will tiodoubtcillv
cured with IH boUloa of Warner’i
Pbooe lines.
Traveiue CKy.
l>e fought on the land taxation Issue White Wine of Tar. Doctor* proapr 33-tf
FOR BALE—Grtnaell Bros, due hUl for
Tbc radical‘piv mlcr. Mr. Deaklp^ U
Minced It couaumplkm.
For sale by all druggtota.
informally committed lo Bome »
alliance with tbe IsIhw party
may In* forced lo support their chief
PoUteoeoa tn Japan to not at aU cunplank. He Is. however. protcatlonM.
which is a enrltnis cr<^ lo go hand flned to the upper clrclea. a* you tin
agtne, Herranu are Ju*t as punctOIn haud with j»rv»greMlve land taxa
lousiy polite to each other aa tbelr
maatera. Wlien they meet la tbe atreut
they will smile correctly at tbe proper
*rhe aaimals coUcctetl by tbc princt distance from esuh other. On drawing
of Wales during hU Indian tour art nearer they amile agala. according to
exiNHiid iu arrive at the aoologlcsal tbe eUqoctte preacrihed, and then after
% of 8. E. 14 of 8ec- 16. T. 27. N. R > W.—SO acres.
gardens early Jn-Junc. Accommoda bows of tbe fineat and moat minute
N. H of N. E 14 of Sec. 16. T. 27. N. R. 9 W.-W acres.
lloo.U heliMc provided for them lo Ibe atonlflcance tbe gardener of one hmme
bllbertu umnied part of Ibe gardens on will addreaa the betto (betwe pooui;
W'. H of 8. W. 14 of Sec. 2. T. 30. N. R. f W.—» acres.
of another with some sucb phrau
the north side of tbe cannL
B. H of 8. W. 14 of See. 11. T. 30. N. K f W.-«0 acroa
-It to long since I hare bung upon your
Tbe ouDcctkio wll) be known as tbe booormble eyelldar And tbe other will
-Prtnee of Walaa* Meuageric** and In
rer. **Ptoaae excuse my rudeness
Lot No. 1 of Sec. 54. T. M. N. R. 12 W.-3S 6(MOO acres.
maUug n aeparate exblbltipn of the at tbe tout time we met.** And If hgr
Ixil No. 2 of Bee. 34. T. 26. N. R. 13 W.—67 SO-lM aecaa.
N Hof a B. 14 of See. 14. T. 26. K. R. 11 W.-M a«UA
ebauce they bava occaatou to
anhuaU tbe preecdeot of thirty yenr*
N.E.14of8.W. Hof8ee.54. T. 2I,N. R.12 W.—46 ucfUA
nco Is beiug foUowud. For It was near
they bave
tbe site of tbe prenaut reptile bouse
gaicuc* or lown t>ui oj ,

Germany to take up his Ullc of tbe


ibat the tbcu pHuee of Walna*
napurte was egbibited. Of that
leetkin **8«iSa CuUt.** U tba oaly
vivor but to only wUbln the past


It baa eauaad BH>re lauglu aad dHed
lore Year*, wiped away dlaeaaee aad
rtvaa away more tears tbaa aay otbar

Jobn F. Ott Lumber (}o.

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