The Evening Record, May 12, 1906

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The Evening Record, May 12, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


6 O*CIj0CK


HIS GnaiiP||j|TniON


wAA otrmoTCo.


mo^mr AMO CMOS damaocd
AM* CmmMI rnml
n m mm4 CHy WM
OnriMA VmirMr

aideli atracA the tdaplMMa ofdca bare
ibta wafatud atartad a ftra vbkb rrar.
ttealO wipad aai^lbe eaat aide of the
buMaaaa atraac : Tba water anpply
cava oat at 10 o*dcrk and tbe tirr ara«
atm banUM at aOoa
Oamaft at ChaHatu.
Cbartotia, May lt.—TbU city wa«
atrack by a arrera etectrte alorm ibU
MoraJaa accompaakd by a heavy wind
dolnc Croat damafe lo eropa mad prop^
arty. Several bara» were burned and
aMMA live atock killed.
Sara Siiftiad.

Read Cli). May 12.~A Aerce alaeirlc
iMorai here thU mbmlnc bomod th*
Kn* hK» uf Job« lSillmerti*u«-t..
■Four «ow» and much ftm machlopry




By Wire to the Kvenln* Record.. X
New York. May 12 --The North Oer
man Uoyd line Kblor. wUb 23m> <*nil
araata on btaird, cuUlded niib the
BiitUh aleamer Kvelinr at lioliiba rtH-f
Udbt today. The coUiiiVin occurred In
a daaae foe. /
Both akipa were badlv atme and it
waa wllh dlfSmltr thai the Rhine
Snally reached her d.a-k Tbe 23o*i
emteranta were .trloken »lih a
panic and It waa only a Ith tlu* i;rteitr»t
trouble that they were c«uiirt»Mei
number of minor laiuiiea eiiNued fnini
trampllna but no Urea were loat.

Ptole Vault—WT»H lug and Slater,
both of Tniveme CUy. 4i«Hl for Aral
wUb nine feet; Blodgett (Manlatee).
Half Mile Run-AIway (ManUtee).
Anil; McOarry (Traverne City), second; SoviHr (Manistee), third; time
withheld. (Utchell of Traverae MIL
in ten .v,enla ahead Uni
cached In and therefore ruled out
;?o Yard Imah -Miller (Traverae
rityl. fifKi; ^•.•l.•rv,.|i (Manlat.*,.).
ond; King (Mmila'.^*i. third;
iihheld n Miller aon ottl !•> *
Hurdlea-novlge (Traverae
V High Hurdles
CltyXlrat; King iManiateei.jii-cond
Titus (Traverae (CUy). third.
The crowd mas poor and the IUkIi
Ind lnterfer«*d with the evenia very
However, they were tl
well given and th«»ae In attendanc
very, much pleaM d with th*
FleUam r was ruleil out as h<
wa» Ineligible hut c»mt»elea anywav
bis points not c.untiug for ManUt.-e
The following were the ev. uU up

until 3:sa p. m.:

lOOYarf Hash—Miller (Traver^*
City). IVlenu-n (Manlstc-i. King
t Manistee): time withheld. Miller
thia event by about Ave yacls.
' Throw — Aintshuelcber
M r Man Who Wont to Aaalat Burglar Who tTmven.4- Cltyl. Flelssner (Manlate*
(Traverve City); dUtance. ns
*'; / Had Seen Shot While drying
f.ei r. Inches
Flelaan«*r only beat
to Enter Houoe.
eli« >N h> altoul six Inrhi a


JVY’x ^WIro 10 (he Eventas Record.


fe: . ' * ■

York, May 12.-Two men arere
.ijlk^d'1*eee''^ay In an pal tempt
J. W. Millikee
bouM* burglary. Bjir-Mcflolre saw
C»v c Cl;d> Last Evening.
baralar at work and shot him dea4l
J. W. MllHken
Traverse City
whlb- another man who kaaleoed to
the guest of honor and the s|Hakcr of
bU aanliitanc' alao received a bul
the e\enlng at tbe ui'tHlng
Civic club at Cadillac last evening
Mr Mmiken had no set spcH*ch but de
Ihered'a short address on civic Im
pruvem. nts which was very mel
celved. Mr MlMlken has devoted
sIdermM, riud> to this
and hts
remarks an always timely and Int. r.•stlng.

i;. -;:P; ;



Tramp Cigar Maker Headsd AfUr Ht
Had Saan Shown th* Taw Path.
Chief of Pullee Ashton plrk»M up anolbar tramp yesterday afternoon on
.SUta atraat. where he had been beg
proved to lye a
gramp dSkrmaker. He waa ahown the
•^ow path- Ha the IVre MarauHle
which laada to Patoakey and be chose
ft aa the aaoat Ukely not to tangle
Sim pp further la the meshe, of the

Nela Bya,ls Chs-oed With
ating Timber.
Justice George W. v urtl* Is Amsy
afternoon with a IHK) damage
tbe oulcume of a timber deal
Edwin PrmlL administrator of the es­
tate of A. Kent, appearing as the com­
plainant va. Nels Bye. who was defended by M. Q l‘arl of Ik-ndon. Mr
Piwtt roodocted the case for his client
and the opening of the case was foil
of ginger on both sides. NeU Bye Is
rharifd with pppropriaUng Umber to
the amount nutad. the «tme allege,!
to have bM cut from Ignds belongInc to tbe Kent •-stale.

CLARK A HANKINS hava fast la^
aafrad iso pairs af aaw ataal akatas
•ad tha akBtPft Pf rha city are In
wRad to cwM laaliht «ad try tham.




■ /
Bring or Mod it with FIVE cents and
V . : get any of the papv covered books.' k..
displayed in our wiildow.
They are
• V
sold the worid
at Ten Cents.

All this week at



Hour From
Woman Died Within
- ^thW-^-lnJurlrs aed
h SlatUrly Arrested
on Suspicion. _

By Wire lo the Evening Record.
New York. Ma> 12.-Mrs. L* na Hup
fer, ngvd 47. w sK at lark,-,1 and t,-rrlMy
maltreat,-.1 In h, r Ixiiii.- on Sev, nl>
Afth sirev; I his morning In tl,.* pn *
ence of h, I aped aiol h. IpU-ss huKbaiid
whose cri,*?, w»-t,- uiih, <-de,I by pa? s* rM
hy. Mrs. Hupfer died wllhin an hour
from her lnJurl,M* and the shock. Ja.*,
Blatterly lias lieen idenUAed a« th,*

Acme Egg Throwing Case Waa All in
at 3:10

The Acme-•-ggliiK case which has
licen occupying the sttenflnn of Jus
tire Anill F. Nerlingcr for two days
was taken to the jury at 3:10 this
aftenu.,.n During Die two ,lavs. the
lcsDinon\ has not <li(r, r,-U mau-rfslly
from the form,;r r-a,*,* thouKh M-v, ral
new wltnesi.,**' w,*r,* placisl on the
stand, among them i»oIng Mr. Tlhldts.
father of Allie Tlhhlts. one *d the
young lads who appiwml on 7hr wit­
ness stand at the former case John
Pulclpher also was callcl and Nvth
wltnessr^s swore of "^h,- unjiopularlty
of Ihi* school insinictor. Maurlc,- Uyon,
who receive,! the egging R J Si lies
kraa among the nam,-s tnenih.ned hy
Mr. TlbWli as making derogative
wiatements about the IriKtrucior. two
other memlHTs of Die BD:es family
also bring roentloiMul though the wUnews did not particularly r«-llsh being
ri»mpene,l hy the prosecutor to men­
tion nam»*s afu-r brddly saving tint
Ihe pe«>p]e at Acme all felt as he did
about the Js-arher.
TLie whole township population was
In attendance today and no one wil!
rout until the verdict is announced.
Taken t® Bsy City.
Tbe remalna of J«w?ph Fertaw. \hn
mao who was klH<sl at loterlachen
Bight before Uat. were shipped to (be
home at W’e*t Bay City this rooralng
by Undertaker Anderw*. who propared the body for shlpmeBi.
Eegle tfwic*. FofWter, hall. May IS.

atm., Oiicsco.






latoar. RaatIvtd Minor Injurtaa
^lam •amt Tramplad on-^h
•oats SaSly Stovad'Sut Manapad to Rrach Docks.

Cut This Out



mmm .



Pruphoih End u Not a Qwaatiai
Wooka M of Oaya^

By Wire to the Evonliw BmsopK
Chkmco, May
fCMIVKS AND RMTOLVCRS WERE Ring CapgM on a Stiver and FMMi
WNI WftHAr»« Troo^ From Ttfk,
Dowle waa twported to be dylag Ihl^
AtriK mnuirn AhM war wmM
mornlBg. Him domlae la not a gpeo►
oafin >t MMaifM ToaifM.
Leng^ of the Finger.
tkm €f wooka but days or boors aa hla
aystem baa entiroly coUapoed. '
By Wirt, to iIm. Orooloic Record.
Ultle three^yewrold Mary Penninr
OMMaotlooiar. May ir--Tko deurn daughter of J. A. Pmmhigtop of
Condition Critical.
■MMU of IW BrilUli soremaeat for YWILE MANY OTHERS WEUE Cedar had a peculiar neddent iaal
New York, May IL—Andrew Carn^
iBio oraMatkMi W Tahali. Bgrpiv bf
evening. She waa on a low abed r
sadly injured.
gie called at the home of Oari Schlnlx
lAa Tarldah tn»B«
today arco|dwhen she became frighteaed at a <
thU momlag and waa informed that
ad WMoadltteMaiy: BHtala bad drand Jumped, her ring catching oa a there wwa no change la Mr. Schintx f
Ule:; «ro«M bofla at Trwwkle Aroaa When Sallara af Oilftt- surer of Milagle. She omtld not
darad Umu
cuadliloa. which is critical.
boM, berweU and her whole weight
•nt NatlanalKiea Started a Qparrwl and Their Cauntrymeo
hung by her Anger until her mother
came and lifted her down. Fortunate­
Took the Fight Up.
ly the Angt'r was not broken or dlsk>rated, but It waa cut lo tbe bone and
and Saturday evt-nlnga. SptMHal aUen
By Wire to the Evening Record.
the flesh loosetH«d almoat the length of
Uon to ladles and chlldrm every aBerUiver. Eng. May 12.-^ne hundred the Anger. The broad gold rtng had
noon. Good muaic and courteous atillora enimg^'d tb a battle on board Co be filed off before the floger could
Hark A Hankins, third
le sieamahip Augusta Victoria at be given prx^wT medical care. Tbe
Campbell block.
Idnlght last night. On, mas plucky mile girl hardly whimpered
may S4f
killed and many wt re ladly woundcl during the laiuful prucca*.
The Sght was roporled when Dm
Augusta Vlcforia reached Hamburg
Ihirtng the night a quarnl ams<
none eeverhl aailtira of dlffenmt na Myera Semis, a Wealthy Young
tlonalltles and others of the same
Widow. Hold on a Sorioua Chargetook
up the matter until the tmuble
Will In Mar Favor.
had h«*cauie g»neral. llef»M^e the of
Aen rs could prAenl It the quarrel bad By Wire to the Ktening Re
■ached a sia^e where knlv*^. r,*vol
Worreafer. Maas.. May 12.—Myera
imd V/m 8-..II a-d th. High WlhJ [*ra and othqr weniams weri* drawn n«*ntls. a w«-.n1thy joiing widow, was
and the llghl"l,<*came ileadly.
InUrfored With the Events,
:irr,‘at«-*l Im k* tiMlay for the murder of
le Augusta VlcloDa U the hlggoat John Ifatniuoiid. her farm hand, by
Raceptloh and Dance
ns^hlp In the world.

Up umll 3:30 thU aftemona Traverao City waa twelve point a ahead in
with rcjilalec. (he
-Sail City boys having mnde twenty
polnia and Traverae City Ihlrlyff>ur.^4-'lye^ouT~oniie six events that
bad come off by that lime went lo
Travfnme City, the onlv one lielng lo»t
GERMAN LINER RHINE AND BRIT­ iMdng the half mile run. this
ManlKt(>e iMxatiKc Cetrhel waa coached



'rtHTH YIUUI-*7»_


/ in neckmar, shirti. andanrear an^
everythiDK in fnmiahinga tha Utd
particular, refined and taatofnl
diaaaer tequirea. Our gooda ww
I know have been eminenUy eatialao;
I toryinqna&ty and pricebatetol<»^
' and we propoee and ehaU naa evaiy
endeavor poatiUe not only to keep
them ao. but to make improveawnta
when) HU in our power to do it. .



I have math* i^^neroui »olectiong of •tn^le patWm noveltio* for sprint' aixl summer
wtuir, ninl shall esteem it a
favor to hai’e the public call
ami cuenmino the new elTocU
in Woolens.

. Union St. Clothlnra.

Order for


Eagle dance. Foresters hall, May IS.



Tor VOu


with tho liaTKains we
Imy nml the ocldn and ends
that we put in the liargaiu
loU one can most always find
A Itarguiu in just the shoe
tliey want at our store.

Stock doors delivered same day as ordered. Odd
doors and window screens in three da>Ti.
We*ll send a man to take the measurements

sup in some time
and 100k oner the
Olomen’s Shots we
arc selling at

Traverse City

th*? tPfH surprise feu


AbstroctQ of Title

With Us.

Vn wro

If you value your health wear
TroaJeasy Shoes. Th(*y are ihe best
intiiranct^ you can got against colds,
grip ami pneumonia Cork cuihion
inbulep niid an additional layer of
cork and rubber between ihe iusole
and outaole makea ihoui damp proof.
$;L50. Foraale
All stylet for


Dn. inrjMT S

Catabllahad l»SS
koom 2t0 Plato Book Building


Bachant &. Roscoe.

It’s Worth Reading About

Ladies appreciate the value of a llour
that will not increase thdr worries,
but which will be of j,'real help in rubbin^f off the rough edges of household
duties. Hannah vK: Lay Co.’s “BEST”
flour will give you entire satisfaction.

Hal and Shirt
This Evening

Hannah & Lay Co.



Hamilton Clothing Ci).

Our Fine Suits
$15. $18, $20. $22

• - '-

• -

Are hand tailored -have the best
of trimmings and tbe fit and
style is perfect—See them.

No better lines in the city.

Chiegfo, Mat 12-Wbssrt-Mgy. tSc: Next week all Suite andCoata
In sample room »t Coat.
cor«. 4l%c; ouU, tt^c.
DHfiHLMg3rlA-Wb«M~Ho.lf.d. ggg^.
gpg. Tl
mmf IMt S3c; €0€K
Ms. UWc.


■ -r-4'V.';vv;:v' .C

. -.«■ -

, TuvaaM cRv.


ilSmd, ... liM

The Savings Bank Law
MC !■ ISomM M IM Am M
ML tW t«f7 apM
cte iiM ia
M telo «t. M Ml «f MH



a ooM to cteM cMt sM

JOB «• the

M Stole.

KXCBtSBIVK 1/MKS. the two ipmt rocka «f bank
whipwfwk. are ABSObUT«LY PJtOHIBITED.
Ttmanooatwhiah My i«lMiHnr to aiiroiNi
pagMafimoroorpuraiiuo ia by Uw made ao amall
OmloMeifUier^Uniiiiii HmtwotiU not impfril the
lmak*a aolnmrj.

They do the wofk quick­
ly and ccooomically aqd
y^T kitchen is always
cool. They are cheaper
to operate than a wrood,
gat or gasoline store, and
ii Y*ou knew how cheaply
you could b'jy one you
dsould not be without it.

Eac^ Um^sn Sawing- Aw*k to It^w^bly cuminad by a
. Am prevvomdy kn.
: tW lM»k mml . liOl
b* iWa Stale haaktor impart.
m many
tbr »owado«»a ami mlaty of M
tW bank



•Am tMy ptoMl fW air aai ^



Come in and look them
over and get our prices.



We^luve a First-class

------------------ -.

Tin Shop.

M^oitoialy •MtoM Hr#n
iM .1-

M»Mi4 !• tlOii Hiy

tl» CMlIMJir
IMH h*tr liM or
aM tiM* »ro|»oMsl t«|.#f IBIII
VMM hm hmm ImUt In Umiwt**
U fBmt.tkm wnmmAor, V. K.\ Kobwi.
M mM* all arraagiMCffira tn glrr nr
Wklat liorr sod «TM m»M^« nr
flMMill to M i« lUoMiair. tUl

anercvoe to
SMala. aa4 U »a4c ao dlA<
thm ootcMe ms abo >f*re
a« to U« oBifTfirtoo aliatlirr H wm
latatotf baroor aoi. Mr. Itoriai bow
am« r«faM4 to il%r «n ftiiil
vofiL to *«njri» If. Thnwirb bU •*!
ftolfl, WllUaiii W. TbIrtbj and W. If.
VaUor arrr totmalrd and iIk- iKi»«T
»rfnnlo i A» Uu- |.ri
Wmn objacf of ib«» r<»yi|ian> to n> fur
alab powrr fur ibe prtnio*rd l»a|»**r
Mi. It kioka aa tbonab tbal Indusiry
Itoa J. Airit^aon. imaJitont bf li.o
pomor company, to a wi ll bnoan Kal*
amaioo amn. H#» baa l»r«m Inotfaii^jl
Sa tito l*in»r Bflli todnr'O
H came til Kalamajtiai and oann m.k-K
la aeir#?Tml V<iiiii»anlfi' liuHo. Hr lia«
faMb to the^ and
vauM ho an c»Cfll. iH Uilng f..r Tiav
Man aiy.
r. K. Itoto-ni. Ib4> lauaiutcr. cxjm nd
#4 a large amount *»f cprrgy to brine
toi about tbe organtoailoa of Hie com
pmf. He naa clHurrolncd I bat Iba
Wtli abould tic torated bcfc and to or
dar to HHng Ibaf about did a nomt
4aal (Of hard worb and kipi on when
' maair aiMHb«<r laao uiaild baie ttlvm
t%a power company to not tcady at
tallad aurvuy nlll be at one*’ mad(<
<if turn opIlutiH tb**y arc bolding and
urban Ihca4> opt Iona ai o cluaM. an
pouacomfmtH atti tic made.
ft to «xp4>iUd that atoiut 12.000
liofMpoarcr will tie drtalu|HMl and atih
IbO Itnpiwcd lil.•1bo*l^. of tmnainlttliig
•toctrirli). ft to not a dlffltiill itmt
ter to Itnoamli H tn.m ir.u lo too
gMtoiw Tbla would i-tid to bring In
dualiiea Into ibto MKriioti which iiuU
AliwHIy beoHH Traver-J^ C'itv
Tba a«wr power cumiauiv will tie aa
Important factor to the Imlnatilai dr
vwlopmcnt of Traverse rity aa aiifnotaat and^low orlr«Hl iiown u a great
todaccment with whtrti lowtiract man*
Pfaemring InMUinIniii.
The Ani»*flran flaK to Hie moM l.eau
tltol bit uf hunting ta ibc wtiHd Thm

nlfbt of It aruiTiisft^>ajHotj»jdrtrto
nil inm Amei icana no niaaor
they acc It
nuatliig nrmhUy on tin*
l|K ft la an eiubU ni of ftt^um of
hope «d ambit Um oi arblrvemem atid
of adranrrmeni. Men lia»e fought
for It and (HMmtrd it an bonor to hatr
II for Hieli almmd. It to known and rv
apcctcl all mer the nurld The mab
wbaae bean d*M*. net awHI Hb. n b-


JsstesMiBsid pick
«t me pstteni yw
want, nuke i snuu
aspBcst dows. We
make, lay sad line
TOW carpet.

Pay for It
as Yon Can.

What tsa See Whei

Tlw bigint, kf%ktastsrtsUsioaod best teartsMst «(Ompetoia theuljr. W«obbs«]>SyyoB«iUis>i}tliingifo«
dMApestUeuip to tbsbwiAsmiDsU>r.aixlAi»tsoiisl tsspecUon viU oooviiloe JOB thst our
prion BIOS littlefewwtksBtbs
SHiAllor deslei*. We not ostj
•AVe JOB monej on jobt carpet
poeoUw. but in'sddtOdB as.
tond the noet liiMml tatow,
tbo>r.«Umx JOB to Bet a osrpot SB 1 pej for it in tnoh a waj,
ihst yoq Jill M»r miss the

J- w. •s.A*racM ,



to atomr tmpmti to ib» nntkmaJ
U m air. a vary caayatog.aMl it la bard to WOMAN'S CLUB WILL ro AFTER I AOONCSSEO MT. BLEA8ANT NOR
mm* caplaM vby a brnmn hiB of paamto

for liKi rtfr M CIM.
pmm um i« AvalinW^ ib» wm u
UmmtmM ttef» sre for}iato«fiM w
toMU IM. ts tfcb opii^tkai fi u


to #I7bto'o7to Ilf. for ibalUnHU




____ .


. R. Futltr^
Fiilltr and JAaid That AcHoefv Neetfad Teachcra
Mrv. M A. Afllm.
alt aiiU wblto tb. "llia^ Apnagtod Ma
Nmd EKcal' ) Who U-tfe^oed the Art of ManMra. A W. P*ck Rr- to torlag plarMi or amig.
aping ChildRgn.
Mfit Ptp*r9^VmUnlMy.
Wh*m tb. air la agato idayaC no
matter wbm It to to b. alnccndr
TIm* tjaic bcraid irf ♦*dm*at|on has
bopad tbnl vttb tba opMlng etralna
Invlu.! a nunitor of aii|M*rlnicmb*nls
cveryooc*^«Ubto bcartag dtocanrr* will
aflcrauMBa. three mM*»*4|cnl nap«*r*d«*al- a ;lu Mate to addreyv the Mt. lira,
a r toe and remnln atanding uuin It to
tog with odacation anf cdmalKmal in rnt Ni»rroab and ycali rdoy Frof I. II
aHtuiloaa bti^ng dclUgrud.
c;HU*rt 4Tf thto /itv talked to the k!u
M A.^llea* |n^r wav “Bilnca uentH af the wiiMd at the Invllaflon
Tb. Woman’a club to ^deiermlaod Hon In Hm* ITnli. d Rtalca- and tmicbe.1 of I»rof. ninwn, foiincrly of thto city.
fbnl tba **anibaplttlng’* ordlaaace aball fHi lilt* Kcbbob^ Irachcra and Hm Mr Hilbert l«»ok ok hto :u,l,Jrr|. -Thf*
not rainala to Ita pra>aclit aUte of l|i pupllh Ilf yckicr^y and today. The NN.Ml'i |.f Hm* ScliM to" and MaUM that
nonimia daaoatiida. 'flavlag toarm J cilMinKbiu «if cotiriMts and fhe Im ri a^c i*t» gnat need of the H<**i,MdK loiay
that It waa haorwmrv to ord^r to ai in the uurato r of vrtu«»l« was hlutiau wa 4 u arhers a ho wen* Iti vytiipalhr
mat the aAcndmw to have a couiplaJoi ami Hic dunjiaHroii Uiaw*n' bi iw< *'ii alth child life and who un^*r»dood
*icbolarx cd today and of Afiy yi^am Um* ail of corrcrily maiiaglng children.
made, tbay bare dccKtod to aoc that
romptotoU are made and anvata fob
Tlilf. wav M ineihiug that they do not
if. n Fuller di llvcn*d a paiwr ou gvi in a Normal sch.Md and to Home .
Tlia aintdvbonrdxiUipgUb
univ.i;lil.*v. Mrf;Fu!«i‘r filing that can only to* acquired hy ac*
tbla matter u^-n{w and girl
the aiUatilafcM «iff< red by ibi * ml cv^iciienco aflor ihe teaehet hiM
aUfiOtlon. *'p4»bJlc HtuHlb.** dIfTi ri nl vchuoU and da« li f in.ngl> «n h r* the* noiiuol.
luUtontion of the aUte liuard
TIm n ai«- a large iiuinlier of Tra>
advautagc/oCrorcd I : Hu* uiitoci
loalnc lo HU) coil ally fklcnvUiu coimu‘V.
otMMfiiy yttid.nlH at Ml. FJea>mn».
hna tba folio
coming tMa maiiar:
Mrv, A. W. Forni d(*ali u!lh Ito'.rm among thorn heing: Mlr.ica linoponi*'Tbc Amerimu iMMiple an* a natlim
apondsnci* ifchcmto tracing Hu*ir and Mnrgar.l rauM-ron. luiuni Van
of aiiUtera. We are eapw loraltog oar rniwili and d. vi lopmcni fi.mi 1K7 ! VaiM iiliMia. II* at rice (’lev* land. MlnUvea away. It la one W Hie inoat bane
b. n Itu* flFAl
• Ktbl.1i^lM‘d. Mck n’«* llaltoy. Craie Th***diald. Ib iilm
iwl agent a to the apread of dto|»aa«‘. aa PtVK gave Kotni* \«‘i> itilt-rf.siitig hta rimpVUI. Marmi**l Tillie. Add!** John
the lialilt to Indulged to to a gn?at e» Ib.llcK hi 'rcgnnl i.i llu* p.vli uui*rr of v,ui and E*Jlth S^imerx and Krnlt to*d
teni In all public p!ar<*a. We deidre tu M*Kl* WClUMdf
erlr**, Mb;«t Van Von-» nbnrr" and Mi.
Inaugurate a rriiiiade a^alHhi thto apltAt Hh* n*qtu*»t of Hu* cily «*ru;lu'*«*i I.*d*jli*- will luKo iHi>iii.»n.** Tn HutliiK uulaanrc. in the Inien wi i f d.*
i<* club gave Ihrij fHiiiibiii a^ i<> -N o to It Sioux SI.* Marh
et ney and good liettlih * Will you Jinn
here the canv for the ivrsUlng <rt
ua In tbla work?"
warlo papor. .if., ahuiild bv placiib
The bunid abould by all mcanu be
a III to* placHil n( «4t h of .to* fol
«.*ncouraged and aided aa inur:i aa poa* lowing places: fVinicr of Front anil
R.'.ilroad Man’s Motorcycle Cocked
V^tbl. and lb. Woman a c4ob In ihto I’lilun, Front and rm.v. Front and
a»vd They Couldn’t Get the Engine
Falk, at ibi- tauitornec. (Vnital ischiMi!
To Oo thi* Work.
btilldiiig. f'oiiiri of riiiiiii and Si-\cMtti
The anil hplitlug onUan* *> was dis
Sa|H£lnieud.*m oi \Vay« and Meant
cu Md and II was ioniid iliai n.. ai
H >| fill I hi* vluUlbm t.f tlvh oidinaiicr l-Sed .Simp*;on, and Kuailma d**r lUo^. ii
id Ho* H. K. A 1 ariix.Hl in i|o* Hiv
Cheuit Court Will Opan lllhrr Late uotdd be made* until »o>an* u^miptoiul lu-( * veidiiK i'ui a ra'^oliio* inoimi >i ;>
hud town onti it^il and Jn vb w of tlito
Monday Afttmoon or Toaaday
l:»fl the Hub will try and nr* ihal coi^^ via the iwilniad and l.di w» an .ailv
ptoiiti:; arc made against Hm* ofT<*ndi*rv h.Kii foi S4.bin. (In their rinin iTo ir
Mitui Alici* Tinner tnxun d Hu i lull iiibtorcvt-]<‘ had It bristl «1o\vn -at llo*
f*1rcult court for tbe c«iufity of with ^ jdnno Mdo and Mr>. Ibdlbtoy jiinetlon of Ho* M E N V. and T (’*
CJratid TravecM* will roiiv«?n«* protuibl) uiiii a V4M4I stdii.
L A M swifrh near (iit-iltil.K un*t
laie Monday afteriMioii t»r Tiit-Hay
li.o) a. !*• oldiged lt» haul Ho- Hai l,
njoiitlng. Ibe opening «rf the nuiijui.i
TIIK FAMor.H MT. rUOMKNS niiifiirey* !*• lo' hami bm k to ilo* *b i>.i».
i. ini deiunding upon the abiiily if MINMKA4. SAI;T8 c<im|HUind nmk.*f liny ttulved at the d.qiol piM ahead
Judge Fn*derlck W. Mayiie of iHiarb a* call *if uric acid mhlrb *lnvo- of Ibe nMirning Haiti from NorihiH.tto
%oto lo ariU. in Hm* city fn»oi Hie all rheumatic palnx fn^ni the body. If
for Hie
north. Judge Maviic baa tot*ti buay changoH tiM* f.ruM ni: of ito- *lic*Httoe
tb. paal weak bolding comi at Tadll oigana. making ilu* hiomach Ktmng. f.vlr K|M-e*l. *.r about 12 t.i I& mih
lac for Jedge ('hltu iidcn. whrt 4k ab Ml.
has in.
a4*nt In tiu* wiKt^ I'be court will be equal fur ila c«tnlndlnc lutlueine of
bllef and to merel) for ll.e IMIIIKTHH of the liver, glvtog a perfi*i:l ivgularli>
lM*ariitg varkxih niotiutih up<»ii caaeK of Ihe Ikiw. Is wht. h cmindv liir
rtl Ihe health and happlm*
whU h require rajUJ t deci&iuUiman. Mi. ri*fn.*nM kuUr to gnauin i
i***n1 direet fiom Ml 't'lem**ns.
S**e | Strong Divisions, 5 and 10c
noli’l be fiaded and made lo believe • hat the w.icto t'AULSlUHHF AMKll J
that rbeumalUm can to* cured with
, Good assortment
to tiiMin lilt* todlb*. For Male b> j
local apiUicaibm.K. llidllt<ier*a Uucky Am« rlean *lmf ^t*l^e. Uauiiah A l-a>to.-i
of colors.
Muiinlaiu Tea Is the only pualHve cure
H4.U R. Waifs and llu|;to'e*R drug I
for rheumatism Si cenla. Tea or TahmayllHii,
l>rug tkL
ACmRlMON 1M.F.ATINH made lo
FOR OirrsiDC doom
order at t’.uS Wert S**v« Mtli stre*d. CII.
Alaatm Spar Vamlth. A. E. Walt A pboae TiH.
may !Mmo
/may 10*m


A m*w “Mark Twain ” aioiy to gidng
ihf louiida. Th** humortoi tak«*M king
rhitw to (he muntry In his auiti and
«me day Hm* mud was
*Ucp that the
marhlno mi in k in It. On b rallniad
m*ai hy an litollman wav ju^. n ImmkIng a g.iiiu id liultonx. “t <*a]t«-«l to
Mark, ’am! In- l.miigbt thi*
whid*. bunch
! tu 1 11 the machine
W** <li»HjM*«l li hi auay. Th**
Irtohman liiKtoU-d on toisalng the J.ib
and 1 wouhln't stand fur il. All right.'
«Ud tbe Inshiusn. and he look bir.
men back (o lh«* railroad. Tm*ri* waa
nothing for m** to do but'give In I
aat in th.* car for about an hour nml
then calliMl for the IrlKhiuan Ui conn*
l.bck. -Am 1 to be * he xisk. l.
‘You at**.’ 1 said. And lu uaK.”

RheomatUm c*n be cored. Cbim*
bcrlslfs Palo Ealm comes out
victorious evco' time io a bmic
with this disfase
For sale by
American Druf Co.

Linoleums. Ruqs. the best
assortment at !J“»cea that arc
right—lei u*: -show you."'
may 11-2t
J. W. Milliken.

Special Sale Covert Jackets


S5«J0 and $5.50 jacketf.



All up to $1000.

$10and$ll lackcts.

^ $7.50
All ihc rest at $8.50.
li will pay y/ou to see
ih(! Jackets and

One lolaHa f price




Try Record WantAds






A Bank
in Yoor Pocket
We havcihelatcbi thing
in banks—ihe ccw pocket
nicklid. ho\d% several
dollars tn coin* just riuht
for \*csi or hip pocket or
A hand bag.
We kmu IbMo free lo anyope opeiiiug a Mvings ac*
oonnt Gel ooe ami drop io
your nick lea am! oop|iera for
a few weeks; the reault will

National Buk
Am*U ov*r


Electric Irons For Comfort


You may u$e one of
these irons for


weeks, if not satisfac­
tory in every respect


we will gladly take it
out, at no expense to

Here’S Another Chaoee

■' Xi

To buy more carpets. You couldn’t get down on
our other "Speciar’ Carpet Day, so we are
going to give you a not her opportunity, so

Monday Only
You can buy a genuine All-Wool Ingrain Carpet for
F'I'fty Oon-ts the yard, regular 70c grade.
You can also buy at “Monday Special” Prices any­
thing in our enormoq,s stock of

' Wilton Velvets
• \
Tapestry Brussels
All Wool Ingrains

Cotton Chains
; ' v
. ; - ; ■ •. ’
Rag Carpet
First com(‘, first served, is the only way we can promise. There SLte^ '
many paiierns will be. snapi>cd up aX once, and it may
be just the one you want. To insure absolute
- - ^

certainty of getting your choice,
? .
■ ^

’ Every Carpet Want Met Here.

Call us up Iby phone

J. B.PalS[c Electric Co,


Hannah & lay Mercantile Co.






:eopuswi.Tr -

TH« Wfumm mwm 'VMAvuat.aix MOHIMK
r% mM m raviMr Mad
<IoH:J^ «mt«7 tan 1^ 1
iHal M M 19 r

«—• tnm'
iAmi mtm fw« am. -Ham
matt tt» ntan at
tk» PmW*. AOMtte'aMk at Vam




dm aimrn by kiomelL He woa the


cam aiw tmi apMaMST.

w.r.xv>ii^ Br.xLros-

Biooktfae at a moim koU aador tke
Mpices oftkeaA.A.aadtkcM.



w of at
;a ♦-year-*

ford. larafH wma fourth and Soim
BM. Ibe faroclUk ftMiod alztb. The
wiaaer rwoelvwa tl4AMk

Oppon unity.

Wc can now fiivc! you
an opportunity to se­
cure OTc vf our N E W
Savint'4 Hanks (just
in). $1.00 or mun! will
open :in account in a
Blue Savings Hook and
wc will loan you ibc
V.% « ry ctultar yiiu
liiaw IliK-c |" r t»i»l iiihr
1 nik|i>uii(l4 il l»> V a )c«t.

Tiaverse City
State Bank

The abovtag made bj Jay Gould. 17year-oM aoa of George J. OouKL in
bUb the AMricaa and Britiab tennis
touraamenu, U conceded to bare been
simply marvelous for one of hli age
pitted as be was against trained atb
Irtcf of mature yarara, Young Ooull
championrecently wop the Amei
ship aad made a gallant bgbt In the
final atmggie to wrest the ImenuiUun
r| ebarngtonahtp from Bustice HUia
at tbc oourt tennis tournameui In Lon­
don. He won . the Aral
MUU C 4. but loci ibc neat two 1-C and
4-6. He ctartod the fourth act strong
but Mills won it CZ. The youthful
•bJ*' < vt-nt. mad declmrcd m limir boll* Gould Is a roodeti chap, with a strong
dmy for vomterdmr aftentoom »o tbmt love for atbk ti? cpcrL
a. womaa and child ia tbv
tova cooM atuad (be opeotas sane,
New York, May 12.—Uta.ib Dumell.
l^ajror Robb, who la oae of (hr looai
ho (a persona mm g;ata on Jockey
cmbuaUutic fmoa In the city. followcU
now , vuiertalncd womv
C4>uacira action by.ofScUlly la*
Which he deaulag m proclmmmlkm diMrlmrlng It a
hiiUday. gtorca. olOcca and aJI dly
Gati i. and John A.
offices ariT® ckwed by the order.
dm ting tbclr turf
The Mitnolc icav dp^od a four camiia>g»^lu Knr.lpud. put ihrungb om?
game ntrlea theni^ Mayor Robb thn w uf Lbvlr faroouh coups. whLh neiied
the ftr^l ball.
♦ They mi arranged It/’ says lAirncil.
IJoslon. Hay 12.—*lf IhcK* U tout ‘ tbai they covi n-U ••very cummlHsloa
play b> any of our foo«>all p’ayxr* olflre and hrmlbook maker In the
bcrtolcer. whicb thu^bcialB do not I MlttMl Kliigdora. They went to a well
Captain Koater or I will uke
Known . banking bouM' in London,
offeiHtera ^ut.4iucaclyes.” aald Coach hiretl a:l Ibe clerk:. L r a certain afterWin. trUvid ct the Harvard ftKUbaJi utHin, fixed ih*’ time lor ba ting on
loam. In ootltnlaa ntins for spring ibvir hoi>e i » a mui.iit and then
praci k!o.
handed^ etit the i\ady cash. Tlie
“Tbt* riil«*>4 hav€‘ btxm thooiagbty r«*. Clerks hired nlher clerks, liutU there
vlaod.’* be aald, “aad will totally were lou belling agent*., who were
change ibe ganfo. we hope. We do not harried ovui to I>uldln anU Glasgow to
know bow the forward paaa wilt affect gel the coin down *nie horse won
the play, and this we must find out by and Ihf ring rt ihcs track, where Gsu-h
actual srrimmages. Wc niuat deter­ and Drake loaded the money on In
mine how tnucb the not:tral aone be- thbaaaudR wras bn ned i:p. So were
twe^ the teams wUl keep the men tho commission offlri r« and the hand­
apart, and wfcother the Hue men ran book men and the killing netted
play higher o, not. The oa side play, >»(ki.OOO all told. Mueh of thl.-i was colalui the kicked hall tourbch th'* U-cted, but there 1- silll an outsUiudKumud. will make imter kicking iu*<- log amuuui, whirb Gates and Drake
iWiy. Bln4> iHtui catoiilng uf the wUl probably never get. ”
lal!. This we inu>t Mot- with a loam
at woik.
•Jii.t at the time when f(oll>a]!
• Uul tht-rv U to be uu more Illegal thouM Ik- an dead an a diK:rnalI. ihiplaying. The rules ate plain, and liildliun pot is iKilllng merrily. Oil
arc fully HiusUaied. If the offlclala cago eaucel* a game with MIcblKsn
"Jm,jt^aee any foul playing which Cap and refuses to play Minmuiola. Wl.s
llnln>^»’r neeK. ho will take the man cousin askr to get out ol the MlnmI out. a*, i w in. That dcH-s not mean seta Rsiim on account of its being a
tbai w(- will n«it play hard to win. but “hlg 'Contest” and then goes ahead
il inuNi lx? fair. We will not tok-ruie and trk s to gc; as Mg a Rami' with an
anything outside of the rules.’*
laMein or we.^^c'm nchool. Michigan
eoncuiii In the conference Imbocillly.
^ Martin J. Sheridan of New York and rlad of an eXeu^t—a real one at
who created a sensaUun among th^ last, lor 1th ew ward ice ih not playluR
Oiceks In Athens by bis wooderf.i MlnneaoU. taken on Fcunsylvanla.
p«Mlormanres in the Olympian game< Mluneiarta la sawliiB wotni and work
wui. IP St know n In thU enmutry at • Jng on a RiHal schedule. The lualltu
lions which yelled lomlcvi over loolbatl reform -arc showing up their
hy]MicrlR> In grest :ha|»e. ”—Mluneap
t»ur rurri-ges. surreys, stanboprs, run
hIh.uIs w ill
to evrrj' hoiMr ownei
.uul d^ivir. There** style, strength,
The will of, the widow of David
.iural.ility aud .ill the
mrsit* a gUAKl
%-iluclu sli^M |os*c-> in airtU* sttK-l Wanl «»f I'unllac names Frr«dcrlck
untler our rool. Cun.c in ami s|*i'ly the Stockwell of ix-iroii. son of l»n»l>alc
Btockwcll, as executor of bci
bright bght ol your kuciw ledge and ei
$2,000,000 estate. Charles W. Ward, a
aon. la cut off.

Queen City Implement Co.
Cit iihono 7-M.

12S E. Front

Reduce the 1.400 hour* you spend each year in the'
kitchen to 1,000 and enjoy yourself while there.

cook With Gas


Build your lire with a match and keep your good dress
on. No din. No ashes.


We Connect Stoves Free.
"Trmvrnrw* OiWy Oms


wbhthe public for a qMrIcr o< a ccalurjr.


and with oar ataoBor ol catting them
up for yoor table. Beef, mntlaa.
lemb, bam. pork, ml and pooltry.all
aUected with an Qre to tendemew
and jaioineM. frealuMMj and wbola.
Mens fit to eat army
ilay.eerred with ooarteey at Uvlng
prieea at thS maat market Withw
noMderUtooamelltoheaamieted or tooVge lor oar oeimel^

nanm eae rranaim •«(.








»k*3» ■«■»«»»<




ORCA*^ FUNp.iwto UlB Altldt M to

MM Oid Enjqr« ItUM.



utf MM aC Ik* »M«nm «>iM «t
BMIM M we «ffl Mj MMt aMK’
Ol* M an Mttke mttatmm mli
(MMefloM WM <u> Mke 7* aMt

VTM GutSe. Oam
tbcaa o. mo-whtther •;

bay or do not bay.

Examination Free.

R.W. RASTALL,, - Optician

bav* bM left off at laiportaat plaoas
but ym oMe tjmaa got lau> va mualck
crtUaUeri bead M.blgbi aw4 are not
y«c forsmtaa ,tbaa ewaates tbe ctuMu-

Travoraa City,


Opp. iStalnberg'a Opw« Houa*.

practicml desiroctioa of tbe youag
. ’f
The tadlaa of Oivtakm Ka 1 who ■laa wbo falU Into tbe Insidwoo*
^Comamet of the long ago. songs bad ebarca of tba eoacert wirii to babU.
A tree offeriag for mtsslonanr worictbai were aun^ by oar gtagdfatbcrs. tbaab tba parfboaacw for tbair moric
a mHodeon in place of a giwnd ptanu and Ibe geaeral public for tbelr liberal en waa takes, tbU to »a to Mr. aad
Mrs. pjrr. wbo are at pnweat lahortag
aU combing to bring back the spirit
Monday. May flat. IfiOL-Nrw CEtof ibe elgbtemuh century, at **Ve OH
boygaa boieU Cheboygaa. Micb^ *tlie last Oioslnted aohg
Concert e * given at the" Grand
TuetMlay. May 22*L IMM, CaabMUt
Tie That Binds- by Mias Olive
rrenlng b.^ a large nnmber of
house. Peioskey. Mleb.
nenne and womenne ayngers of tho
and this was both weU
WfNlDeivday. May SJrd. ISM. Pwik
['ongtegaUonsI church, the entemalntnitcd.
Place hotel. Traverse Oiy. MIcb.
li of the
Licnt Uing for the tcacfil
Thursday. May 24th, IHM. Dunham
A YEAR OF INTENEE EUFFlRINa houaa. Maalstec. Mich.
Mra. Carrie Aakcy. CMabarlaad.
TImse meetings will be held for
When tbe performers asaemUlctl ou
Wyomiag, bad.a obre throat aad lick- purpose of exsmlnlag all appUcaatt
he stage last ovealng It was iu "Also Gava Views
CigarttU Smok
for harbar certlficaUa. who may pre^
hough a page from“a cokmlal novel
ing WhHa StarsopUcoo Elides
ner’s White Wine <d Tar aad baa aol seat themselves for examlnaikm Es
sad suddenly taken to Itself Ufc anl
l»ra€licaliy IHuatratad Evils.
lost a alsbt’a sleep alacw Wrtle her. required by law. and all barber work
uilmallcm and had aicpi>ed into the
by iMkUoanu wUl be free and the
wentieth c<‘ntur>. AH the numbers
A large gathering met at the Church
sere excel lout l> given and cveryooe
^latbaiiiaat public la invited.
>n the long uicgram was Ibteuod to of Christ last evening to enjoy a lecE. E. Wait A
tmv Illustrated by stereoptlcofn views
*ith close arcotlom
may lD12t R. M. Fillmore. Pres.. Lansing.
Harry C, Wheeler. Treas.. Saginaw.
The program opened with the sing of the mlsHlonxry fields of India an!
Eagle dance. Foreatera hall. May IS.
nis of -Auld Lang Syne * by the asaem
may 1ML21
jly and tbik was tollowed tiy a *olu by gave the lecture while the imereslins
His.'* Grace Harner, who appeared on Illustrations were presented b/ Frank
Your lloofn—juat two thinga
he tirogram as Mlss Keturah PiUklns P. Wright whose wwk in this line U
to msntioh today. Llnolsuma,
ind sang ’ My Grandma s Advici*. ’ The
To the Tax I*aylng Electors of tba
Rugs. There’s o-ly cr^e kind
bird uumlfor was a TocluUun by Will- motit Interesting workers.
aty bf Traverse City. Michigan:
in opening the Kyrture Mr. Ulloia
here, the beet at right pHcM.
nm Mulheralll. the speaker singing ^
Notice U hereby given ihnt a apnrUt
may 11-2t
J. W. Milllkaa.
atimber td lb<* old time church tunes. staled the loctuiv was for the purtKM*:
election‘wrin be held in the cuundt
New Durham • by all ”ye mcniie and
rooms in said City on the 2lst day of
wumrnn- hyuff rx’* came ncx'. Col­ a mUslouai) conscience among the
May. A. D. IMG. and dhat the poUs of
ic a ed liy II ;.uDR ’'HcvolutUmary Tea*’ many young people who had taken tbe
■aid ejection wilt b«^ open from t
by one Sir David VauTwiiyN-, km»wn opiKirtunlly to l>e preM^nt.
o’clock in the afternoon until 7 o’cloek
gTATl or MlcaiaAE-OofiUrty
iiewaday*. btraevei. as Kalph Hasleii
The opA‘Uiug of the evening’s |mv
U the afternoon on said day. and that
There Is a Sireami-' sang the so giam began with the audience singing
pranc uf the quinieL ’There U a with sjmU'lhv beautiful hvmn. Webb.
•.trearoe ’ sang the bass and then all. b.v iLumiel Smith, author of the na­
ps«i xwalk.c Jade.ef PftAeW- 'credit of the city and td Imwc bonda
Bve Joined in and rendered the old tional hymn, and this was followed by iTKin the sum of la bo
meliHly. The quintet wga compose*! the reading
ing Hi unlkon of seleclloBB
la -aid city for the purpuae
[>f Lucrella Bn;cke. Widow JeruBha
twenly.^-iond and forty-sixth ja-d^ .;u^ L^Qr^^
inicrlor hquan ,, or s)Aora
Towl. l^me Peggy W’igglna. Cotton
A second
followed and
w ”u si Vvm.
by the mtersccUon of streets^
Si.roul and Soc.-att-* Sackelt. But now the first number ou. the program, a
alleys oa Caas aln.H t-from Ike
ac call them the Missc-s Lvereil and nclWUcn by Ml.s Edn. Winion, -1.11 ■
ms i
SUie street souUaJo the
firuy. Mrii. .V. K. JJegan. Charles lit, Thom*, and Hi. Coo^endon.- me.
Lauua.* b. a0^rut6 for th. \ brldee on Casa slrseL and on Cnkm
Skelchcr and I’red HuiU^r
given when a view of the ascension of
street south from the i itb end of the
At this noini a -'love piece" war- Christ oiMJuod the lecture
r ing l.y FlaxlnU Farley (Mrc. A H, folic wed b.v the last
Holllduyi and >he wa> foHowetl by lo his disciples, taken
ftmr hlngers who gave ’’David s La- xxvHl:lG-20. •All jKJWcr
rd.rMd. tbai «ld
paouc uuiiuioga or |
nuni.” Th*-se ft»ur were EndorU me tn heaven and in earth. Go ye.’.-rsiv«n«ttc
upon the Improvc5. p...d.!TT,SdTmK2.?d
Wlllnur. Patience. Reachslone, Abno- iherefcre. and teach all nations, bap ’S?h«iHn?th
of said iJortloD ^if
lum Slileker and David YanTwiiit r. tinlng then; iu tbe name of Gtt'T'ather j
The audktice. however, soon recogand benefit of ihp inhabllanis thereoL
nixed MIsa Iaiu McManus. Mis. A. L.
Printed ballots will be provided and
Uachant. lial.Mb Hasleit and L L
all votera against aald loan shall use a
Glen Holme.s sang with lllirslratlous
ballot containing the words *’Against
King. Byron L jnghandlc Holliday j - Throw Oct the Life Line" and latt r i
then prc.*?entcd Cousin Jcdedlah." a*» quarui oonsLtlng of m
the I>oan.** and all voters for said loan
slBtod'bv a'l VC quire and he was fol | D»*bMm. Ilia Brown and ViC.-srs. 1. B
-----------I Khali use a ballot conUlnlng' the
lowi-d by Pbluea* Be.-kshlre ShlloM Jcfli iMJU ami K*.'uncih Holmes sang This report It mada up dally. The Re j ^^^ds -For the l^.Sn;llh. wl»o sang ‘^leorge the *niird.’’
Tbis election will be Leld-Ifi pnrRood old faUiloned nibslonary
Kusned of a resolution of
‘ Yc soasc of la rioiifcm." the “Star
cooncU duly passed at It* rotYilng bfdd
Spangled Bauuur.’’ wj* given by all
ye monpc and womenne ayngcra but
fJJSd** **:......•*•:•••
on Uie 7lh dsy of May. A. D. 1»06.
The Icctsrc which followed dealt ;
>-e congregation did not acquit them­ with the work of many of the Disrlplc j
............. -...... . 'Jil****^** resolution Is as follows:
ir. d. iJ^CVi’*
-4 at Whereas, the city of Traverse City
selves In a aecmly or pi-oper manner mlsjloaarles. among them being Alex-i
Bis they all slayetl tightly In ye scatk ander Campbell. Alexander Mcl^’n.j
aoS'lSS.::::.::::::l?i»» aotb<»nred and emp<»werqd to borand fallcN] lo atnnde on their feet as William Carey. Andrew Murray, wb . i StC'
......... *.....................
»on«?y on Its faith and credit, aod
« through ita authorised agents and orw«>ulU have been meet.
»yo faUhlull:* laboied In tbe Congo;
“ flnrs to issue bonds therefor, to be
Inuring the lu'ermlshion .\sa Hale Free Stale. Ur. Drummt.nd. \V W. |
Jf UxiH-nded in making public Improve.
and bis old violin were Introduced ami Whartufi Mr. and Mia. E. M. Gordon,
menu for the use and benefit of the
tho veucialdc fiddler was greeted and many others. During the lecture W^bosh^::::^^
■ inbablianu ihercoL
with long apulaase When he stepped of ihcHi' faltfaful disciples of Christ, j
...................... ............... • {i I Now. therefore. It U hereby resolved
on the sage and made to come back views of them ani their work added!
su | that u u expedient a^d desukbie to
again when he would have left after IntoreM to the locftirc.
borrow 6o tbe faith and credit of tke
his firs! selection. The feet of the
Idols Worshiped.
......f t city ai^ to issue bonds Iherelofe. the
audUnre couitjn'i lx* ketd rtlll and all
Loral vav»h of gra^« vllla^rt. a bun-!
!»cai time with the old mciodics:
galow of two groups of sta. ving Ea>*l |
----- -------- ........ u.5;l
‘o •>«
U ^ ( », for the pun><><« of p«»lng lnl«rt»r
Following Mr. Hale’s nsrober a
»•! Indians. In contrast with view^ of
.‘i::::::::::::::*.;’.*.*. S' *qnare« or spaces formed by the interlenux. "Twenty Years Ago." was given j
gf chruuianlr.cU
—......—........—• J Section of street* and alley* on Casa ^
by J, A. Monugue and Dr. A. H. Hoill- era were coDstanlly thown ou slide
from the. south ime or state
day. thoxloclor doing the singing. The
y Mr Wright. While Mr
ti street south to tb« bridge on cgaa
Hist number of the second paft waBjUlloln
,s discussing India, many
•••• ••-V *.........
street, and on Cnlon street from tke
"Jerutaiem. My Oloriovts Home." 4iy j views
the Idols which are wor
south end of th© somb bridge ^
the whole company, ff Howed by shljH‘d there were thrown upon the
e^i union street m the south une of
"Walrhln’ the Sparkln." by HodIJah *rr<H n. "With 2S7.tnsi.boO people" Mr
".Twelfth street, a^ on frontage beOlKHllah
S oller Holley.
"Silver ‘ I’llom said, "iheiv go 330.tnw Idols."
g; longing to the city or other powte
Threads Among the Gold," the selec-jan almosvt Incomprehcnslve condition
uC‘buildings or pubUc grtmnda not lax
lion that has moved bundreda to toars | for a christianized uailun like Ainur-




. aK.-W;



and strikes a i^ponsivc chord every-; irm to grasp.

wlKTt*. was sung by Mhl N. E. Degsnj Cradle weddings were ^ also disand as waa roost fitting, the sweet old cussed, the s>»oaker atatlnip that there
by levity, ’ Yankee are 175.0W widows now ia India who
Doodle” sting and "rendered’* by all yc are children.
syngers severally. The volume was
The great explorer. Uvlngaton. waa
excellent. "Ruisla.” a solemn song. paid eulogies hr Mr. I’llom. while dis­
In fact Flth seniimcDi positively cussing the missionary need in Africa.
gloomy, was sung by the choir after whUc the lectnre waa cioaed by atari- ’
which, the lymlst. Falhirr Kepvp. com- Ung views of the fieadUh inroads of
Mooly known as IDr. J. A. Snyder, sang | cigarette smoking apoo Ue young Men
“Otd Folks at He
assisted by the of today..
choir. "Sound the Loud Ttobrsl * was
Mr. Cllwn. wbo Wtteriy oppoMs
then given by Flaxlnla Fkrley. Blossom dgamte tmoklng, gave his views of
Yifrkerman. Byron Longhandle. Solo^ the hkbll la lerae lawage wWla the
Walkatrait Anns and all the aiftg- aieroopcfcon alldee deElt with the
m^ Walkau
tn, (Dr. aad Mrs. A. H. HoUMay. Miss
Louie Harilaad aad wmiarn Motkm
sill.) "Old Black Joe" by Waaklngte
JuhllM Jackson (Herbert Moktagu«)
preceded "Sound the Lopd Tlmbrol"
and a "Very Wordlie Song for cW
Voice- by CotUm Epmt followed aad
was the h}g ladlvldiial kit of the even
tag. Ckarlea Sketekar btlag Urtr aW
said Cotton SpRnil.^
"Boae 8rat Home** waa tke oopclodteg Euaber o^ tke fmdlekce dU-

•••‘*r *****: v.*.v

frontinf upon tbe Improvep» ..Id portloB of .
,:::'.‘.ius«t * Ca*s and Unipn streets^'
*••” •*
And be It furtk^ reaolvod. That tka
goesdon of makikg said Man aad ik
lvtg|||i j suing said koads for the mtm of llfi^
** aabarittad to Ike tag paytef

Totals, rss'cs'xrs's,
corfcli, to ba held lo the couneff roQMs
la-this cBy.oa tko srat MtroC May.
ifiM, from «*€ o'clock p. ». to tma
o'clock p. BL on aaM day. and that tka

cam aocloe to be itvea tkttMf by
portiag at Meat ten days befoia tka
Ume fixed tor nld otociioa la lU of
more pakUc places ia aald dty. writ*
ten or printed hand bills suUng tke .
Ume aad place of boidlag said etoe*
lion, ike aamaat of maaey to be eaMed

Mmtm MUd samlplc be expended, aad aloe
At mj farm ona tnik aouih of to cam mUd aotlee to be pubMakiM
UmwiiRPcxi. aolid, 10 bar. 4 fo6t to oae or ONire of tkd Bewmms »abwife fencing at aOo par rod I alao limd la md akg. and Ike aodee df
tiag at the Wwcat prioea. Alao
barbwire fence. J. W. Slater.

haU ooatala a copy of this r«o
Detod May $. A. a WOE.

r -^.




y Till WamaR Who Trias (a ^epinize
688dS ^
yii TO ui| wuuo
CiB al«»l«nveS(P«rccm: of« *»
^"orda. «w«i^i »
K :'Gtaial«a
»nd A««r*o«lv*

;.,v N«»w



mrnM sad half

Oii«tas. W«li FM-:

P-ri......... I*JC

price............. XSC

faksebad tsbU
daMk « is.wida.

Draaa Oiaghame
good as ibowB

Brows SbeeliBR,

tiooata. with ^

^tOOO yda of fiaa Badmideir,
leodd^sp to 10 in. wide,

pwyd....... ..Scsailtc

..................... 7*
18 Isdi Uses TW•Hm. per jraid.,

Bh% BtstM StMTt OM stand

lira Wlaalo MaM of »oMU cHr.
who attoaM tko f^aeral of Mri.
Clara fMa^MacaO oT Otaad Sapida.
a torpor frload. roUroff fcoM toot


lira Howa M Mlao taa» Mia
of Ormad lUjdda fotoratid to her boau»
tan ooealac aftor opoadlof tbe Uol
Hum dayt tb Ibo olty. wlioro abt eaM
to atuod tbo foDcral of Mia. Fiod

Ooono W. Palpef of MaaMo. lad.
' vbo IMU roconUy puerbawd fannlof
piaporty. lao arrived and taken op b1i
reoldoaoo at lood Baal WaMitoiton
•treet. Mr. Palmer will not roMdo oo
a farm but provide lenaau and per•oaalir euperiniend the work.
Mrm. T. J, Drtmsal! and daoRhier.
Miss Leoale Drlscalt who arrived b
the cUy Tharadty with the foncrml
party areompaaylnc the remains of
Mra. Yred Priacall, returned to tbdlr
Grand Bapl^, boom 4hls moraine.
Mrs. UriMall and danfhlor wiU toalde
la the borne lately bereft of a me
and rare for tbe two Uitle cblldiwn
who are left, tbe aoa Harold not quite
Ova yeara old and the little two-w<
old dauebter. Mr. I>rtscall will not re­
turn antll nest we<‘l^ and Is the gueat
of Mra. WlUct Coddlngton and W. O.
Fbote and otber rrlattvcs.
Mri. Ralph Ryan *rf Pomona, who
baa bron the gneat of her non. 8aae
Ryan, far a few days, relumed to her
home again this morning.
Mra. Ina Duffy returned to
tbU morning after spending a short
Ume ta the elty with friends.
Mias Anna Cadham IcH this mom.
lag for a week’s visit at Solon with
Mrs. Rlla Good.
Mra. Thomas Young aororoiianled by
her SDolher Mrs J. Cummlng* left tbU
morning Ibr a abort vrsit at Rrnplre.
Frank H. Smith left this morning oo
^a week's buslneas trip to New York
Miss Mamie Clark, who has been
ta the rlty visiting w short
fnmed thte morning to Kingsley, her
Mlaa Rboda lUttiMiburr left this
morning for Mancehma. Vbero she
will make arranpeiBonts to cater at a
wedding nnnounctNd for neat week.
Mr. and MriTly. H. Ctaydln, wbe
have apent the winter ^hlH^r par
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Rich
Brnt Bay, k-fi this morning for Hasilags and other polaU. Mr. and Mrs.
Ghapim will apead tbe summer In
maattfacturlnji the ruitlc fumllupc ao
popular In all nwort homes.
Mrs. Owge Ounderson of Butt
Bay'eame to the city tkU morning for
a abort trip and loft Uter In the day
for Oeatml Lake, where abc will visit
for a abort Ume.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ryan of Ovlatt
paanad tAfoogh the city this morning
on tbair rrtnm from a visit at Battoaa

Your Teeth
An » Importwrt
jonr dageatin
W«w<) at ^tMthmad
jov wOi Un ktager and do
2^ Wo ban tiw fiiicat

Mias Mtaale Helmtorth and Mra. & will be beld and ai^cments made
J. Wlegaad of Blngbam arrived In the for an oatlng and I picnic dinner ai
city tbia imlng ta apead the day Mias ABd^sona plottage next Satur
day. All «he m^bera are nrgctk Ui
tenday from Chicago after a tch days*
visit with her eon Bert.
Mrs. Theresa Briahman. who spent
Che past week at Old MIsatoa with her
faUier. who has been HI. returned
borne yesterday.
Mr. aa^ Mrs. R. U Crampton. who
have been at Wimamaburg the past
ullahing-mtumed to tbelr Old
ion home last evening.
Dfeaaor Maro of Leland spent yes*
terday In tbe city ma the guest of Jens
rsen. tbe trip here being for de­
tails and material for the beautiful
ner ’'Maronook ' which has just
been begun.
Harry Franklin, wbo has been tn
the city for some time working with
his brother. Ed Franklin, relumed yes­
terday afternoon to Old Mission again.
T. Reeee of Old Mission was a
visitor yesterday where he purchased
aty-flve oreb
turned with them late In the afterCaptaln *. «. Chase has
om a visit with a eonsln. Horace
of Beaver Dam. Wis.. whom he
has'ai^ seen In fffiy y»*ars. They are
|joth.ofrtg.^ns of bmthers. Captain
Chase s father U-lng
and his cousin s Joe4-ph Chase.
Mrs. C. Sickle of Boyne City
through the city thU sflernoon on her
WB) to Interlochen. where she
railed oo account of the Illness of her
mother. Mrs. Block
Mrs H. R. Whalley. who has M*» ut
lo days in the city, reiurmnl Ibis
Bfiermion to her home at Kalkaska
-s, Thomas Sharp, proprietor of
C<*utral house. Elk
lianUHl by Miss Clara Tyrer and Mrs.
Anderson of the same place are visit
om tn the city t«»day while attending
buslmws matters.
Depirty FibkI Commissioner Dar
Northiiort arrived In the dly
n<sm fnmi a vUIt at the
Riod show at Grand Rapid. He left
at 3:30 fur his home.
George King, wife and aon. who
have recently acquired the property
at 8k<f«mong Point, left this after
for there after a brief stay ai
the Park Plamf.
Olaf Noi^mm. prominent in ForesT circles Is a Traverse City visitor
tcMlay while abaent for a brief
frtim his Petoakey home
K Q. Haumann will have
omlng for Bagtnaw to atuod the
grand council of Royal and So loci
aster Mason of Michigan.
The morning M A N R train had
at a passeager Mra. C. D. Miller to Tev
ledo. where ahe will anend a abort
Mrs. Rryoolds. mother of Mr. W. W
Smith, returned this morning from a
short visit at Blngbam with her daugb
tor. Mra B. U Pan
Mra. Parry Core of Bingham Is one
of the city guests today, where she
rtve^thb morning
^rs Bert Lewis of Blagham arri'
M the city this momlag to spend
day sbopplag.
Judge F. W. Mayae wrlH deliver a
lectare oa *^e Bay.- la the Hnit
Bagliat cburch Monday erealn*. May
14. nadsr tbe aniptees of tbe ioim
OHUa Brotherbood MnaAc ta cpa

tloa. Adarimioa free. All lavttk.


M» 1» Ui» tp«m ttdcte


». am Uni TteMs iMMr ar tie
iMHk CalM sbAA srt.rtJoieiBf Ult


f • lAe Alffei m4 a ImU pMAi M
rWMe TiMasr. Mra Farivr «m

OK FM son MS

fito STym?
^rtoteu*!rtas^eoiJ!?^sTtob tews ui!
Jtoamn toy Oi^jstote a ram

He WW Spend a Ctototo M
stlie el the DckM Mento ef

nwrly XliB Blateth Mtel of tkd

The ladles of the Presbyterian
church are planning for a musical en
tcrtalnmcnt with readings lo be hold
at Mrs. H. G. Gamer's Tuesday even
ing. May 22. Mra. tagrtg and Mrs.
Dr. HoUlday are the committee lo
charge and a good program Is assured
The sire of the mammoth IS-months
old calf which U now at the Turnbull
stables awaiting marketing for Hkgood of Travriwe City housewives, was
brought fr<»m Ohio by l^Tillam Trout
wine and Is a Ihoroughbivd Hm^furd
now owned by Charles Braman A Sou
of Nortbport.
Two tons of fish from the cool !.akc
Mlchlimn waters passed through the
city yesferday from Lclaiid iioints, lh<«
consignment being to Chicago. Lak
whltoflsb and trout arc bc>lug ahlppt^
In plenty at present, the ffshing UMng
largely from the lake iBstvad of bay
O. W. Elliot, reiirescntlug the Insor
anev department of the G. R. A 1.
paased through the city this morntus
from Norlhport;when* he went ytwler
day to ln»iicct the car feriy which ar
rived 111 iwrt at 1 a. m. E\er>thlng
about the large ferry wa.s found tu
flue condition:
The new sliU- track at tht
A Ijdy wart'housi^ hi*ar the water
works. Is being filled in Ualay by
carload of cinders which
here Just for such pu»|H»i
Misses Elisabeth gpil Mar) Johnwin
of Ikwver Islands, who are working In
I ho citv. received a dispatch this
morning stating that their sister
critically ill and they w<n> al>oi
start home by train a hen their brother
iVier and another sister Nellie arrivisl on their slooi». not Knowing shelt
sister was sick, having treen away
frt.m htune lor-somi' days. The party
will rtdurn to Beaver island this after­
noon and with the prevailing wind
peel to make U In four hours.
The det.ris which was left on the
Hannah A I.ay MerrHiiiile d«K-k by
the BIlUlMhlc I*a\lng ct.miMiny. Is rap
idly Mng eUwred away by workmen
In the employ qf the local
the ali«V which all winter held the englno, and mcvbanlcal works of the
paving ctmipany will agalnwesumo Its
normal condition
But little Is left
to show that the pacing materials
w«>re marie oa the dock, a small pile of
brok<*n stone and a barrel or tyro
tar remaining from Uh> c«tntrartt^ ma
lerlsl mack* at that |Kdnl.
The acbooner Nellie Johnston, hall
lag from St. James of -the Bcaveiw.arrived at th« Hannah A Lay dock
this moraing where the rrew remained
all day atu^lng lo
To one wbo b^ot acquainted with
the largo accommodating Anow pump
at the water works a study of Its
adapUbUity to eoadlUons U of Inteleat. LN|rtng the cold weather and
early moraing boura when but Uttie
water U conaumad In the city, the
pump revolves juat aa Itiile as its moHon will allow and not atop altogether.
This morning before « a. m. but 1.4(H)
revotntSoas ware autfe In tbe threa
boors, while daring tbe aommer whea
tbe lawn anpply U coatIniiallT being
need, tbe revoliitloaa mn as blgh af
C.Oto dartiic tbe name time.
MbaOaneu Gmbb of Archie has aocepted a posltloo with the M|ssea Fcrrb of the New York RackeU otoreu
Bast Fmni gtreac.
Mra. Geonebtte Yendw’. formeriy a
city but dl late a

C3tty Mit. No. m. r. * ^ H* aejrt
for «mlL
At tiM ■Mli« of tiM lM«rd of pobUc
iMt onsalAc H «w 4ecMed
to cot Uic cc«»eal walk oatAt re«U
ooce. Tbeta vu r«rr Uttlc bosi
More tbe boonl toot eooalac.
The boaiA of oA«»Uoa Ml
matac aaA ooaoMoTBd tbo Mtti
bocdac arraacomeats for tb« Oak
Park acbobl addttlon. The board has
not yet dceMcd wbetber to make addUiona to the old sjraleai or rei
It and IniUlI an entirely new system.
Tbe hoard adjonmedtantll May 2S.
Tbe saloon which will be opened by
the Traverse Otv BrHBng company
In tbo placw formerly occtqded
Daley A BUckea. will be In charge of
Ctaire Bttckncr. U will be cnUrcly rcfurotahed and refltted and the fresco
w^l^will be lo charge of Ufer and
' R- B. Davis, prt'sident of the Mlchl
imn Starch company, and bis father
in taw. J. M Weed of New York
rived In tbe city yesterday and will t\'malii bare a abort time while looking
pvcf the business conditions of thi
Ipeni Ueiery.
C. K. Murray U ffulng out Ibe Irv Ing
for the season todayWork on tbe boat house at the WcQue-toog club I’ Is progressing very
nicely and It will soon be read:
Mr and Mrs. fTe^l IX>hlke of Wel»ster are happy today over the arrival
of a new daughter who arrived ihU
Ml. and Mra. Cornelius Worm ol
Elmwood are the parents of a daugh
ter who enme this morning.
Miss May Oalleck. who b at Mercy
liospital. Big Rapids. U very ill anU
may not live through tbe day.
Mtah l.otUe Havlbnd's Sunday
icbool class of the Congregational
church Mve her a very pleasant sur
prise at the home, of Mm. J. W. Mllli
ken yesterday afternoon. 8be was
presented with a hatpin and a Ik»x of
camailonat Mrs. Milliken aer>ci
cream and rake and the evening was
p\ssed very pleasantly.
The Home Guards of th«-Melhodlst
church gave a twehe nunilH-r l>rn«iam
at the Hrft Methcxlisi church
e vening. The decorations sen* In red
and white a fish pond was held and let
cream and cake were served.
Tbelr Absewee KswlsIneA.
During an acrimonious deltate iu the
bouse sbi>rtly before the civil war Mr.
I'otlcr of WlIMX>n^lu made some very
ahan> strictures on Mr. ITyor of Vi>
glnla. Tbe result was-a challenge from
l*v:or to flghl a duel, which rotter
jirompUy acceptcHl. naming aj
Itowie kuiv^ at five, paces,
which he well knew Ptyor would not
dare to accept, as ho w as a smait man,
while I*oltcr was a large. i»owerful
man and familiar with tb«> usevof iba
bowle knife. Pryor decilued on Ih*
ground that tbe i«x>|iosca tenns
beiuath the dignity of a giMitlemuii
accept, and ao
on tbe day following the challenge,
while the result was still unknown.
Imlh l*olter and ITyor
during roll call, and when Potter's
name w*aa culled a guaker memlter
rose and In mild voice said, “.Mr,
8|waker. 1 am Informed that tbe genti<rmtn from Wisconsin had a Prior en­
gagement.” And when Pryor'a name
vvaa called a moment later be rose
again, saying. “Mr. Si^^ker.
that tbe genUeman from Virginia has
gone to be as cby in tbe hands of tbe
Professor Jastrow. writing in the
Populsr Science Monthly of tbe ea
of certain lapsos of speech, recalls the
singular i»wer that Kir Walter Scott
among others, insMu-ssed of conducting
two trains of tlHMigtil at tbe i
time. Wl>eo highly develoiied this ihiwly to find, wonls expressing a Uioughl
already formed while at tbe aame time
abaping the next thought iw-riod iu
cooacloos preparation. An Insun

book. Badiog and reading
sad tbua keeping two trains
tbonghu going slmnltoneooaly; Tbe
amanoensb diacoverod ti» fact that
fkwtt was doing double work In bb
brain tbrongb the occasional occurrence
tn the dlcUtloo of a word which dhl
not St la tbe sentence, but four or five
Unas fartbar oa the place wbeet the

werdhelengnd wo
frf tbe Hok
went to the
kctalatiire and tried to pot down frve
Inneb In tbe aaleoas?. Xrid he amceed?
Giii.nef--What do yon
Gnyer-B hy. be lost hta bold to poUta, went oa the turf and now be u
uy ins lo put down all tbe free bmeh
^ t.'wn.-ndcagb Daily News-

R aspala all eeld frtNB the aystaa by
or Miariaalppl. baa
joat porebaaed a reaM«m» on BaUtvU aveaM froai & McNamara and colda. eroep and whoo»la»; coaito.


tom oEranlig a eactabx ctwiv IT he
r to a heM» at fhe toec er toe
tog totoetly to toe cmne'oC toe


tosta to ewi tanas: BwtteboMssn

MmDtwOb t. MB

Ar* OfffS»r»«l Di


m t^ ^hrn n^u Upri. H«r
Mtttr «l» li


to Itoe wlto toe chaitoel. aad batohd

bleloodeet Tbo pllet laa towmid too
r hla laal appsamnee today
of too baibiwtto toe atSMot
Tmv«e City tor ai Mant eUty di
iwee. rahapfrily toe deg ewe
that being the doee h^ded eto to him
look a aockm to cbeage hie etaad
this afternoon by Jndge Dmlorln tos aad harked a IttGo blgbor npi The
corder’s court, the charge belni
boxt meralag too boat was a hoptleai
groncy. Ua win spend hit vanatioa wreck, ea a aaod bar. tote wbkb tbe
at the Detroll UoneenC Oncreettoa.
Yesterday Bradley wee daly and
formally fired out of town hccanae be
Maay a^y*T*i^Sr^iipy tbrae
had aroeaed the Ire of Eleveath atrocl Jaye by a pceeeat of half a deara pcaraeldeau by becoeslag aboatve )
dla with hta name priated ^beroon to
be was refua^ mnney which he said goU lettcra. rerimpa tbe n^ -toad
be needed, trader Chief Ashton s or poacir will mat toroQib aU ttaw sad
dcra. Officer Jennings took the yonn eternity. Tbe original pencil was raaUy
ef lead, and en tbo roogb paper
oMui out to the P«re Mamaetie and
. time made a clenrty
told him that U was S3 for him la
Germany tod in tU
Traverse City but be tailed to akWdoo. tupo. Our
hence the trouble.
much sought after, and none could bo
S<Km after the officer leR him word bought with other money than gold
was phoned Into headquarters tha,| the cMn. A common “toad” pencil was al­
most worth lu wrigbt In gokl. and a
man was begging on* the city st
Ifut a supply bad to bo weU
again, this time tor food. He
d«d. When a N\w York mer*
pinched and JrJlcd and this aficmooo
ebaut adverttaod tbo arrival of a cooat 2.30 he appeared before Judge Pm- olCBOMOt Of “l«d prootb- tbe ntota to
lor who. In a flvemlnutc talk, found buy wo* peMmelL Thi.
ample cans** to rid the city of so offou
to us youirt roooten. «bo can buy
Men pcncUa
iK'oclU today tar iO coUa.alvc an uffeodor. The man who look a doaeo
young, strong and able to do liu>or of New York I'rcaa,
any kind kUIih! when the charge of
vagrancy was read that he was
Of all creatures ibc angler la tbo
gry and walk*^ seventeen miles tbo least offeudiT lu tbe crime of klUlng.
day ta foro and was only asking, for nbe very game ho seeks, though beau­
something to cat. He denlotl that he tiful and gentle tu the eye and at
had his hand twisted In an unbeeom liim-s noble In deed and pnrpoee. ta tbo
Ing crippled manner to excite sympa mo,t brutal ki
thy. though Chief Ashton bad 1
him In that condition and made him
vourlag their smaller brethren and tbo
bjosen up his clenChotl fingers and do mulUtudlaouA sea fishes not nUme lu
away with the farce. Bradley said h* tbelr feeding upon one another, hot to
hail a mother In Cleveland, but n their wanton murder of tbe milllona
fimd to divulge her name. He said It
was pretty hard lines lo have lo tak
BO stiff a sentence.
Died F»W Bufos.
By Wire to the I-Noflng Rivcord.
Adrian. Mich . May 12-Mrs Klien
dll'll today from burns received ye^teniay while engagetl In burning old
paiK'rs. Her clothing was al) burned

•atb «b* ports o« *• pNM
or iBSCIaatlTt or coartrtpIpMro ton;
or talBd boTo odoB oDoiflS^ Smis
put It In tola way in daperfbtoff toe to-

tnitb in toeee
ebeddtog of teaia by memtaemoftoe
doer famUy, yet It to e tecC toot uucb
aalmale are prorided with a rarloM
aei of organg. tbe eettoo of wbkb but
g^ rtoe to tbe tear abeddlng belief.
Tbo ergau lu queetieu to too lacbrymal
Blnaa, or -tear pit,” lAdcb ta eitoataA
just below eucb eye. It ta a kind effl
cloeed cnvlty. cupnble of bring opened
at tot ptoaeure of Itn owner, and wbkto

■ ■■


prorldod with thio cartogo orpM irt
bort cr bocomo CDtsfod R Boo no rtaofteulng ton waxy aubatmuea
“ “* -trarplt” Whaasoaoftriisdlt
aa tears would and flows down,
over tbe Dfite and face,
Tbe uaea of this turn set of ao called ^
i Is aot ctoarlj undaev'’

Old Oenttomau (poUitIng to Unky/
youth at bla skle In the tram ear»—llow
mtM'h for this boy-half tore. 1 anppoae? t^oduotoiwwell, no. Be looks
as If be were kept on half faro at
home, and needs a t'hangc. Full fart,.
ploasc.-Lundon Answers,
Rtipert-Why did you ask ber to mar-ry you? Harold^Well. 1 thought toe
was sensible, but banged if she dldn’l
accept me!

of a judicial Inquiry Into tbe cause of
death la EnglabU occtirred an long ago
aa the year im when, according lo
uid writer on the aobjccl. V*»ix and
twenty \ciicrabto persons were i
momni togt'thcr to and eonsider
the testlHHUiy of any who could speak
with aulhority ri'gnrding the death of
a digger in the fields named Martin
The waters of tbe gulf of California Bolsiner”
WANT%0—Boy to learn ji'welry
teem with Ollier wealth than jienrls
inule. Inquire L. M. Bennett. 137 E.
Here ar** HkIj ef every description. Tbe
Tbe house had qulet^'d after the wed
may 12 U
tuna Is nhnnd.-jxt, and the gamy Span- ding. Mother and Auxit Mary were in
lull mnekerel ta ewr> wiierc. Die dol the iiarlor talking ft over.
phin M*rms mounreb of all the gulf.
“Ko It's over.” said Auut Mary, sinll- FOR SALE OR EXCHANOC^rto
In the vicinity of Ihi' great taland of Ing Into mother’s eyes.
pro|H*riy. meal market busincM.-dta^,^ *-' ■
Caraien they arc enoountetrd l»y the
-Ye»r.- said mother bravely, although
rltilling fixtures. ttKils. i
Oue tu*luK>l. I'otnprislug a little tearfully. “U'a over-end be­
quire 23a E. Front.
many hundreds, were eiicouuterod by gun.”
tbe steamer ou whUii the writer was a
“Thi-yil bo haiipy. I’m sure.”
pnsianiger a sliorl dlstaiu'e from the
“Ves- They are very well suited to HOUSE FOR RENT—218 E. B(gh>h
benuliful l«y of Escondido. D)cy were each other.”
St. luqtdrc at 230 K. Tenth. Cll.
a t:air mile distant when they olmerved
phi m l»3G. E. A 8< vmour.
-Ver). I could sec that They both
us going Ifi the Oi>iH>sile dltvi liou. 8ud have studious habits.”
may 12 U*
deuly tbe Icaderv. In a clearly eviu<t\l
“Vi»s. But. Maty”-mother iiansed.
spirit of rolUeking tu'a dog fuu. turned and llie gleahi of mischief evok-d by
every one of (hem and gave chase to Aum M iry*r than iinyta^Jy else
the stcaoKT. It w*as pi*rfectly evident darted Into her eyen—“Mary, they can’t
they enjoyed the iierforroauo** as much have much
of humor. Though It’s
as the spectators. For a litllo while my own girl. 1 say It.”
Uie noise WBs deafening, as if a lliou
“Why iiot’r”
sand gamins of the stn*ets had N'eu
“D*i you know w bat sl>c took lo -read
turned loos.* In .n gu ns you-please hath on their Wi'dillng jouniey’/ Stevenson’s
in your family you of euu^
TravcKs With a Donkey.’”-Tll Bits,


When There •
Is Illness j ^

Cir*. losr Hor^ »«r«* Water.

In a case In tbe orpiiaus' o*»urt of no
eastern city one of the principal wit
nesses was asktd If he had any broth
era or aisters.
•T had a brother.” he repHi-d, ”but he

Water bhould l.c'ta*foPc horses at aU
times wlieu iTfTl.Mirs. jgid at least no
mod should ev. r
offere*! and no
night IlghtM «*v»*r turn«*«l out until eveiy
animal hns had bis rhiineo at as many
brimming buckets as be will take, says
tlM* Outing .Magaxiue. Tbe toy drinker
may Ik? temptiHl by many arllflei«s, like
mixing n litt;** tnolaH>M*s. or suit, or oatnunl. or (laxseol jelly, or bran, etc..
with tlM» water, mid eonstanijy varying
the finvor. IIop**h may even havq all
they want right after f<‘edlxig. provided
they have nut
dei»rived of water
for aomc lint** pn-vloua. Many ahy
drittkerH. Ilk.* toy feedera, who are gen-

•*1Miat?* A hundred an.l fifty yean
agor echoed the JUilge. with an Im
pill'd robuke for a iwM*sible J«*st
“Yin. I am l.-Illug you the truth. My
falhi'T was marricil jit uim*tis ti yesn.
of age. Wiililiy the year
born to lilLi. who shortly afterward
died. Ib-coiiilng a widower ta fore he
was thirty, my father married again at Ust at nlgiit. wijen It la dark and
tbe age of seventy five. 1 was born quiet, and morning finds tbe empty
next year. I am at proscul ulueiy four maugcr and bucket whk
whkb it bad
yiwrs old- If you will make the utees- 4u*emt\L by day. almost
aary caleOlatioD
nluety-four. to the namta*r ttfiy-slx.
which Is the difference lietween screnty-flve and nineteen, the ages of my
father at the time of his respective
marriages, tbe result will bi* exactly
130. Ko It Is just n century and a half
since my brother
Some years ago an Englishman wrat
coming down the river Nile. In Egypt,
on a large boat loaded with grain, and
the birds came off from every village
and ate tbo grain pUed on tbe dock.
The EngUahman aritod tbo Egyptian
captain of the boat, -Who owns thU
grain?” Tbe Egyptian captain aaMU
-1 own It.” Tbea tbe Engitabman aakod why be lot the blida eat op the
grain. Tbo EgypOan aakod tbe EagItahman. ”Wbo made tbo bWsr Tbe
Engttahman answered, -God.”
EgyptUn asked wbotbor grain w
tood which God Intended Urda to oat.
The Engtiobmaa aald It was.
Egypdan said.
tbo birda sow and
ratao tbo grabi for tbomaetvoar Tbo
WagtlabHiaB aald. -They camot” Tbea
aoM tbo Bgypdaii; ”Let them oat. Got
baa prtnddto omgb for both tbem sBl
Asy good tblAgayoa may SM,
That wUl lift bin load (d labor
Like Rocky Mooatala Tea,
Johnaon Drag Cou


call a rcliaMe pliyBician.
Don't atop at that; Iiavo hii

E"SXS'.' “'’“T

TfB Call find no more rcUtMe stnre than qutl It would

be imposaiblc: for nioro care
to be taken in tbeaelcction
of drui:*. ete., or in Uie oonip o II n d i n
broujkdit itoiTN either niprbtdr
day, will lie prorapUy andacMinitcIv oompontxlM

competeni reeteterc* ftirmacist *»< ue prices will be
most retsoMWe.


City Drug Store.

Aetna Insurance Co.

$ 4.000.0(»
Cash Capital.......
. ............ . 17,000.000
Cash Assets, over
. 6,800.000
Total Liabilities-........... ..........
. 7.000.000
Net Surplus, over.....................
Surplus to Policy Holders, over
Amount at risk in entire city of San
Francisco........................................ 4.000.000
Losses will be promptly adjusted and paid.
Losses paid by Aetna in 87 years, over-$103,000,000.^


Aetni is CMmatrxttott Proof

NSeeler 4c tJaUaghor, General Ageasta.

E. W.,

' .



1 -

i SOD, AtCDtScJ^^TK.:

MndliMLY. tiAV

Ox Coetiiiifl Records Up-to>Date IHosIrated' Feature
itecte4 4MaBr

val. It
l there ware aowcaI of IMS

and woods*.** Bot lha almetao Itad
ncroMtaiy |ionid^ They worr per^
fonoed Ut eTory caae except oao--llic
eonri^ of the barrrn fmlt trea for the
Wnefit or nffertng mamand.
were gaonUx mlrtctao of bedUOf.
-Jiwoa went aboot aU the etttaa and
rniagc. taochlng to thHr oruraoM
and prcachtnif the goapH oT the ktofdom and boallns rrery alckiwaa and
evTty dlaeaae anooi; the people.** Bdt
In addltioii to this the mlraclog oT
(Tirtat had a dlduftlc ctairmeter. Ihey
taught leoaoiia. They were tn a tenae
parahkra In action.
He apoke many
parahloB to the |Ms>p»c. and In Hta mtraiica lie worked many luirahleo befort
thorn. Tbe former were word plctuta*
of tbe klnirdom and the lifter wtw dblewKMia of tbe kingdom, and aonieflmea tbe teachlnini of the rolnu ] 'll are

nif be ten to falure ceaeratl««na
Hut the external Chinatown Chat ha.
e.f the idacrw which
l-'rwnci.*<^. .
traveltna Artiorfcan majet aee wUI not br
forK.dirn ro,m. It wa. one Pf the inoet
unf..r*ctiable mpoiM under the aun. II
wa» the very traaaure bouae of e lor.
The tiny ahopm b.»ih laakln and oot.
Were (airly abla.r.
The dec.*«ttttl»>iu
wrrr lavi>h aiH wholly cwtental. and
the w.'ue* In them were evet
ajcyrecation—va.411 Inwnmyht w ith fan
c Iful Tdciurr- in sold andI .liver, lanrInr. 1of ivory
the* tuitleni llIndiKc (roteiaaur


cK thr yrUow ru.^r-no n. w .om t, and
chlldn-n in ImJt rt iil»aldf ptumlr. ulty.
Hmhllrd fn moupa about anmll flrr.
nmdi- of the* I teal balh w hich thr Chlnoc I fviiarr f*.r fu# i urn- imux liant.
who had d. JKftid.d lison thrir hliops In

VM %B0 m*M¥^ f ar tmniAli a^iluliott.
hmt tlw >«/1l»^uakr ha4 thm flrr teve
•emtftUiiwl II
U»..f.Mi»lil|r ttmt jkt
4miIN rmif»«.
tn»r nrver hm
MotW IteB.
c*hlii»(M»n on
t Ujr riMM
mp9m U>« Bid M ilMrra %rfn br llitl*
to rmu <IM
ofWII ollurlns.

Thr •onlMttuik*^
I ItM. nrr
to tba- Ml«4d^1lic W»rr>1 1|m> 4e |4h\Ar
ilMT lnr*n»r Ib«» t»«rl f «n-l l<Mlgrw««it
tbairr. Thirty tlirtuMti't C
U0««v«0|r «|u«rt«r, trn cliy
bbMiui. «ol|r Alt ••quorr*
lUKMrii mm
« ..rne^ Thry ti«d
oaoymMl li» fmmr Ifuihlinyu Mhlth
rervBtrd tl*r eltutrtci Into l^UirOr AiMdA.
In ohhti H»u*y IK>^ ttu Mtraruc* <tla*

j.hriT* ua.t .•ciiuiai. d with the- fum. it of

F*#r yrurm Uit-y hav* be-en m my*tery •vfn to th«lM« ubr>*«- bu*(n<riM«. li
wjui to ‘know ihrm intlmairly.
bavr doOnel lueewfulJy oil th*. uj|r.»r1.
of Han rrvmlArei's |»ollrr forre to find

Whrn th- hlyh windu which
•rtn thr *f)rt rcatie^ed thr |•Uc• of
mMhPm that «otrrrrd tlir mjrfac^r of rhlnatown the itoMithn of iiuni«>nHi» fawnInc tuimeU' w»ir du. loaa-1
Thr rn-j
Ihe rr ruUi.'iraitrah t«»eMiK«-»
had bncB* ioncx^kd ro rarrfully that
Ihe- e aiKV »»‘*- of n t'hmaloan undrr-|
wo,Id wa« not known to many K«n j
It t« errtain that very 1
/••w while nie-ii ha«‘c* ( ve'T < xjdimxl tha-M |
kndeYKnmnd hutra. Me-rrml y**ar» aK« i
a'Vhinnw official of hl«h tank aUa*^Mj i
In fK<t*aaM.»n of hh toiinii) at Idnu*. 1

bcHctmc rlavr. ..f thr draradlnu drui;
Wrrv c *rr> whrrv, and ih«*tf w.-iv many
whJtt^rbU Irtn In flu* vile cataiomba.
Ttir Awilran. I rAird uiM»n three fc-arful rlKhia with a rrruUlon of fccUnc
tlcAt^iiiort proccUat»*d them. Whnn an
h.Hir Ulcr ih.y ' rotuimrd to earth
In thr kitchen of a
Aimnca that fe w ul yuur laic liavc (hrauiih a
chop aury ir.ort ihetr f^lt c^ wtow draw n
rt rn' Ftdkm' mr.**
fto Aaylnc. hr conducUd
(fucUd thr
thr*’imem to and trhlle ned and ihrir kn»H
In tl.iii uiidcixn.uni Chin
I^r .rf the t
diYtle of Hc?n nnd wom.-n w
I ... o|„ n.d a
UcBthi. ytvaily without an In
tnann. I d their laMmr off h
. .Sonic of the tunnil
..a llm rUtfacc. uml I
wcii k of tuuhti'i ca<
lClVv.w;f^ whh l! J»«tint-e| lo rn-e upy «*d;y io ccm t'al u« rvid. n.-cii ..f . liim

•.en ill* 11 ted III l!*cht
yte,uhil>i td the
at* thr ore'ihcad HUhut* mui h^ap.
•vtTrtl tli-it cvifh nirT**w ct»nHt;inlly warrinit lon.^r. ..j mh tad worn.lliutf l.UH- w;tA l.HdiiCMt
llkr clwe-lhaK* In whl. h wc-rr
It- mo-1 wre t« h<il epin iinvn.H

IVru. vlailMl 8an KYwai lai ,* In thn comIN*ny ot two white fricmla wti .,11 hi
undrrtuok to tnlUatr Into the my*trrttw
ot Chinatown.
Aflir they liad c uph.iiHl chc .irdlimry
Ihratrw, i^oui
J «« hc*uaca, ojtluin
—thci the^atrra,
am.ikliic eSmt. ood chop
•Inl.^ thr dijdonuti uaked hl«It Clie-nda I w they
Ukrd Chinatown,
-H'a «lr„pl>
lhr> d.^ lutv.i , nthuifUaiUally.
*'|lul you have n't aex-n the* it .il thlnj;.
All ihU-ia tnoi. ly Chln^iiown on ilic>.a
|«aradr." aaid th#*lr »uldf
-| am K-.ini:
to ^how >vnj ;% phut- .»f c'hliM ao hi. lu

.*I^y 10 Thr^lylntoneae.

There '

wcir and lace that wa» nt to ffurnUh lU
And thoM- 01 her ahopa tn which cumr^llblcMi wer s add —who .hall daware.*
thoAe kton^ullan ImMlutiifr. wrre. thluK»
that the Caucasian coul.1 wan-ely exaihcMd

lu ladc-drtiHl fowl.

Miix'oiduikus d an Kaypllaii. e«r*
ancirnl that they mtxht tiavr been
cm fn.m thr in'.! .»T aomr extinct
di.nk draks. w.^dim dl.shra ofr a|
id iwulcy and piles .J liulf
ctabir cniwth. that aro unknown
W.-Strin iMilales. In llmr* of feud
tween the lonya It wn. thr rnenhant'a
duty to keep on aale c italn apei laUlr.
ttPiroprtatf to ihr situation
i-yen possible f»r the infamuu. -hatchet
man,” who had »lKn.-d u cntrucl lo
commit murder, to .ditam a choice cut
of w ildcat to aukmeni hU courage.
This Vum h'raucliM o ClUnat.>wn waa a
CNunpictr city wUhln Itself
Ita Inhab*
linms ncknuw Itdtrrd no atk-cikbi^e
any ..thrr munlrlpallty and had no
lercsl In the -foiviun devU.'* outside
thill \.as not drtcily commercial. They
fx.uc'«i from their hurrowa in the early
inoitilna and went aoiicrly In pumult
of tlu lr vaiioua calUi
anu. Uundrymrn. vccctable and fruy
peddler, and all the other thinff. that
thry 4lo .0 well, relumli
it.tmiH-d and dii infeded
nirhifall. There the real li
Chlnutown woa jud dawning, and the
anurln»4ly iM-m^th ili«
orcHj lanterns, and the .hops, thcateia.
Juki. hoUM*. and n-.-t uranis we
ln« ready for the dally harv.-*t,
TIm- ..Id c'hinatown v ill nev.
Kt.uvil. ‘1 Ur tlHl ha. already lurllu
aii.l hcro.ift.1 all «*c
cinliy of ih. ihud.m c.ut. will Ik- uigc'l
to sottir ..nly at the .ouihcni exirvmlty
..f tin- . ouuly. .01 the bay
Fori MH.on.




TI..-IC arc in . xl.Verce ..hly eighty
^iKCiiionii c»f tha c-gg ..f ttiat extinct


^Thr .a, her
hrr.‘Wltli |*n-|K*nl«d in Ihr nioi.t ie. cjil
IS to b. an lmprovem. nl .1
1. design. <t fur . ItmbtnK gra Jew iind has aeveml
i-w feu Hirer. One n •v.-lly l.-c
f..r vrniiUiiun. th. vUndov.. Ulng round, sinill ir x>. pooh de..pruor
Thr car atn.e has xi ode rniwnee In
t.n v.fwel-4, and are vvalei
the middle ItiMrud ..‘r III
en.L 'liie vihtai: .n und iioisr of ihe^enclne are
LarK*Jy ellnuital.d by this piun.

l-i rerc'itly In
great .gg.
l^ndon fu,
whTrh Is th.
r.i-onl prler. F»»r thr pur|K»r uf cl»mimrlson this egg is ehow ii h- i. w lth by
III. side of an oi.itnary hen's egg


iMflu l)t> rail


GodTg gtanp of opfoona

saidnc UKmiha «f the tunnel. w U
htlea with earth, a


inl gTtlky m.

mlmelea wcfo iMflHWd

«alk tbalowdr
U. mgirt da.

I thk ahork which
• ovVrhaad laio a
Ko aitfenpl will


IB tta
JF«MS or Hli poUte arihtatty oor Uvd aa« Sgrtaor Jtaittt

In anil, if-all..It .>f an >t her groat coal eirlkr.the operator, have Ik-x^I i
latlnr a vart .ps k --f the pr.sloc i for the |«st tw., year.
A» thrr. t« nut *n
ciMil dotage f.u su.h an ra.,rmuu* quantlly c»f coni It ha. he. n dejKaat.Hl
gloat hrapr tn i.llway >ards and vacant .nilsldr thr iaigv clUea. Th
arttfl.bil mountatn. are fe.! by railway apura. the ,^ml In-lng taken from
cat. by 1 Hig dlMame elevator cam. fa and iwloader. to thr aimi dextred.. r
acene hetYwUh gU.n U In the rw-lgli&pirtuKs] of New T«.rk city.

rtiriat'a mlraolew from Ibo oUodi^t
of the leaaona they teach.
1. The mlmrl^ of t'lirtat tea^h iib'
a leaaoo on ('hrial'a divinity, laoodip
qaartera today tbe dcK trine of itniat^
wrionaty c]
bokUy denied, but t
Ood, and by the excmclse of |>oweri
that belong to Hod He aulwtantlated
that claim. To «he up Ibe deity oC .
lariat U 10 give up belief lu lUs mintcUo; to give up N llcf Jn His lulraclea^
la to give up the g.iiq>cU that m'ord
them, and to give up the gospels la
pracUt’all.v to give up the Blhlc, to giro
uj. God and to bo
Itboul Iiu|h» In the ^
l«und together.
nnrl tbe ^
aaiiH' chain.
Brook one ll!
chain Is broken, and this Is true regimllews of the link that U hrokco. Our
faith must embrace all or it dwindles
into nothing; Iwnt'e the nwd of bold­
ing fast the ihViriue of mlmcUe aa au
att.'statlon to ttie fad that t*brl*t while
human waa also more than human,
that He uaa G.vd.
The mimeica of Christ teai'h m
a leamm on Christ’s attitude toward
humanity. He did not come lo «*arfb
to l>ctM»kl the mlseriea nnd alUldlons of
mcm and to hoW Himself ahof from
them, but to a.vmi»athlxe with suffer­
ing humanliy mul to liring divine rel|of
to their surriTinga.
In every lolriiclo
that He lurforiued we sck- a nmnlfcwtn
tlon of His s.vmiviahy. 111a love and
and sinful

Ills iulr.icl<*H were symiKvlical of Hta attinide tewanl man*a.
•Iiirirual c-oiidUlon. The lioalJng of tV
l.llnd was m.U-al of His wllMtiffuesa
to.hc«al liie i piritually hiluOr ULhen 1I;»^
made the I.nim-1 > walk He deniOwiiC^'
ed nia d.Klre and nMlIl.v lo mnke tlmaS*
to -wjilk ill the spinr who had !»een
crippled by walking In afn. and In ncbiing the deitd lie si,owed tiuit He could
and was willing to mNe ihusc who
were "dewd lu trvspmuu'S un i In sins.**
His uttltude Is the same towsn1 us today.
He lores us and syinpatlilRea
with us In our physical mid ^
la able end wllllog to give iM *Tcat for
our souls.**
3. Tlie mlrncles of t*hrlst teach tia
wUiit we aa Ills disciples are lo be.
WlUle we caanot mlmctiiously cure «b«
slcie or feed the hungry, we can rted
give drink to the llilnrty.
the stranger and
tlie aick. tbe uiifcununate and Im­
prisoned. and If we will do so In Hla name He lUmaelf will accei’ljt u

done unto Him and will accwdlnglj
ward US.
■IBI.X MEAPraoa.
Luke lU 4fW0; John ll. Ml; rl. Ut;

tlie nsKiit stirring pcxlltu
Ihul cx>unlTy. “As soon as the strike
Ucjiu.*’ says a letter, “eveiy ptiMIc
«•. hotel and nrdnuram closed and
r. iMaiii.d closed nut 11 the crar'a ansacame.
Otb.Mvvise blcKd would
have l^ni spill. Tbe only news we rerHved was from 8t. rcteraburg. the
si message. wbUli the uatiOOSl
guard iseited up on the lamp |K»ahi. At
,is tlH-y laid gniic, up cameaknuad
of rhrl>.tlari Endearon»rs and posted
up a text undemcaith to eocimrag© the
iwopie to be patlcHit and peacefni.**

Endearorara to “im" those whom they
touch daj' l»y day. bot this .can only be
done as there Is power flow log. Into tM
from God Himself. Unless we are In
Hose touch with the Maater and hare
His grace and divine influence flowIng In ua and through ua we ahall oot
succeed In railing either oor .ehnrrh,
our aocletlea or our companlona.-itor.
F. J. Horacfleld, r>. U.

Into the puldlc Hnspiial ry..tem .d X>mdon,
It Is provided with
aU of the

Cbeerfml 1
A British Endearorer recently gare
In a conrcntlon addnns a new inters
pteUUon for “C. E.**-Clieerful findcaror.

Thm deep etarnal meantag of tbs dream



M pggm* Cgib. A »lraK car drauh hy a alhglr horar mgko> reguU( trti* to i
Ug> of • tOgh ItfU Itt Ukr vteMUty of the city fron, which a flor view uf the au


Owing to,thc»
dun .iraaCa fhie
raiddly without
and thr alMcw
horses- h.K.f. U

»|a.ctou. than
thoeaa nf iho l^attbuUnce ,iar
any perrrpllble lar,
cd (he cUttet c.r the
I great rrllrf 19 aome

The ir.u-n-rtliig
or herewith illcMrated tk now .if fixHiurnl iKr. urrem-e In the publK- s<booU. uf the grrat
Fii>4 wid t. Ww injurecl 4s now taught bjr pn>fesaif.nxl tcwchrrr. most cvf whom ure rvculsr graduates from
e huspltsl KhuUs fur trained mtbKaa. In thr cut n etas I «r bright UUk girts is being Initiated Into the mysteries





, :?








Wife (wegrUyl-WooBABta work ta

i nfBDH tiuvrac tar, ■wwpii.




- .. -




IW* W TKVMM< ‘Mf Pt U r%twr

ormuiia. w iui>
wfU li»f»rf« I9 tMMCosktJif
IW. ^
HiHoi %*• M t««Ml« to Bwiwf
iTMiiSlflli'i wto^ •« Tv^itfwe.

A4^»s A. WotoBMS to iW wtoapr to
tor fMMtoltUpa
s fto^ MMtototo to «iMto » kmw >toto« «f Ifi^
>» 0»M^ Atrufttor IlMPtol* to U
mmM Iqr IlHi ItoniUtol imrtoif u
MM •Mptoitoii|prt«^#f mt*toto
m tb« WaUiittcitoi to»uto-



tog tour WM ntoK»l auloldAl Rvtn ai

tkM oaofwd n bovtk In tke Tnrktok
nary, wkich kc nccepind. He bo^
natal advlrrr in tke aultan and Is li
kigk (av<;r with Ike ruler to the Oito
man ©mplre. wko at once took n great
fanry lo the Yankee eaptnin , Twe
ycerw^ago c«ptRto UecktonB. lU he
was tkee. nade tke Tnrktoh Act
weigh nnctow for the iwi lime U
iweivs' yratj and fall for Mkylenc. ||o
nmvtM there oh July fourth and nadf
Iko oatln fleet etoohrale the Anerb
can natloual hoUtto7, For this prau
which maay prodlet^ would cost hinj
hto coramtoskui. he was not repumand
iM but was even cmupllmcntcd hy the
sultan, who was delighted to And hs
num w h') acted as he nnlty leH. which
to a rare happening at the TurVtoh
The ndmlml has
twenty five flue ahlns and
since I t was made commandto^
rhk't (hey haijk been kr*it In flrsi
class r«mapbui.j They are nil cruisers,
but would lie ^ble to give n Rtrul nc
cottuwto (homseiven Admtial Buck
man. who has been on a visif (q ihto
city. bPs^eturwed to roaelanttnopk
having (mm u hastily rDcahed by the se^
oUKiKss of-the situation.
The military scale that spread ovn
Kraace during the AUt««’ltea coafei
were clrculaltHl
sparing to attack
France. ha< not been losi ujujn the
war office. France has m»« stn^agthrntxl all her dt'f(»ncea along the frou
llw. new^ guns have iavn Installed
gf^risons reinforced every wht're.
oh! fonlflcatlous aio l^ag re
nu ted and brought up to dale. The
ar de;iartmcn; has worked s<‘crvtT>
•HI far as the (Yeaok P’thlle U eon
cirni*d. but German »?ilos have kep
their Koveinmeni itosuM on every* cw
tail of the work of let'iuuing siij ihi
that nit Frenchmen t>elk*ve to
Itable. The French gencrarstall
luen strengthened very much^r.fag the last fl\.- yeaiN and U now
elaU»rs»e as <he German Germ:
can newr again surprise V'rance
she did In 1S70.




But ocdliuiy soda crackers absorb moist,
sro, C(dloct dust and becomo stale and
soggy long before they reach your table.
Then is however, one


ioda cracker-at once so pure, oo dean, so
^-dlip sad aooria^ that it ahmda alona
in its

UiiMda Bfscuit
IBp AiadwrivAr,


1. 8, 3, 6 «.a
-'7 Howe IWr

ifKl'CkAOE levntia
Pomtoked oompMe. wiUi nbnh aiid
iftfocsllde pfi*ix*lkjif
Al»Sa.4 0yKDJerMo»<H«

Gis'EaftBe Repairs a Specialty

TKAvmtaB cm. HKHKaii j

The ClIbiiiHl girl is the rage in Pari
In the er ming revue nt the Follea MvIgny a doxon Rnallsh Gibson girls
ippoarlng and they arc rheervd b»ih
»n Ihe stage and a« they dri>«
rom the thonlt*r. The crowds ihrcug
About them 80 thickly tliAt they nre
In danger to being mbbl^id. The girls
pre charmctUriGi Paris, whtoh mcMt of
them are vtoUIng for the flrst time.
They have aM been offered contrarK
for a lo;ir In Sonin and Portugal aPe
tbrnmu cT the Revuf
The latest fa^blonf^ for dogs arc nk
ways n IVaturv to the Pa rig Bench
^bop. nnd (his yc^ ike ttov^Ufls In
ennine mi*^ nre pnrticuinri.v IntercUng In'ndnttlon to ike dlaolny of
dog Cloibinf. there arc model flog hair
dresalni entabltokmcnta, model dog
bnlha. etc. The apring styles include
natty tailor made coats which
double breanted nnd fnatened wirh
large smokod pearl but 00a. For lap
dogs the wtnua are .aismliat more
elaherate. aa^ the hanflkefehler Uh
aUad to hotag vora ia tho kiuaat poekeU to osrrlod In a ckala pnrac attached
to Ike collar. Bows are vefy torge
Md worn beklad tho car InsWMf on
the top to tke koid to lharkalred peU.
The rtbto n amst match the trimming
the kat worn kj tke doff*! mUtrwa.

lire. NUlkwIa Akeis..
AIcne.. nC
V. writes:
of IW<h»m

“I had udiat doctors call • prolanse,’ uid couldn’t
stand stiai^ 1 had pun in . my back and
as very i
shoukkrSs and was
Doctore said an operation
couldn’t bear the thought of the knife.
ntfe. After lakii« three bottles of
of Cardui. I could walk
around. Can now do my housework and am in
splenthd health.”
Cardui Is a pure, vegetable, medicinal essence,
especially adapted to cure women’s diseases, it
relieves ,, excessive poiodical pains, regulates
irregularities, and is a
safe, pleasant and re­
liable reisedy for all
ack woiyn. In suc­
cessful u» fw over 70
years. Try it.
At IvetyPrstf Storo ta $1.00 Bottles.

r er tke «toptoe oner tkr

ton'nkci^^puuum-wtartleil hto imcre
Ur> Iriitr^iiiday woiuUik by aajin*
• Bur.l'cy, let’s ro tc» eburrh * Of
fviurae Nr, llusto v agrin d. and a^ Nr.
Cannon aild he wanted to bear some
PMMl rix-Kbyteiian pu^achlng they joo
eiwdid to a clnitYh of that denonanii>
tbm. *nie regular minister was ah
t^iit. hto plao- Ulus occuid^ by a
elertyman who preached au IronUmud uihuJoa m'nuun that rather
Uiii d a n«'d many of his hearetw. lorliuliiiK Cuede Joe.” Aa the latter
waa kuvlng the church he waa acwMit
i\i by the paalora wife who aald.
Nr (^unoii. I am very slad you came
here tm!«\, Vi'ii muse come again and
hear my liuabaud pivach.” ‘•.Madam.'
lej.lbd the Hiuaker. -| shall. I haw
lui he>*nalloii ill saying that your bus
Imu.l c.*n e|H- that fellow t•aId^.
nat> di vceni on the
>auades aiul big caaluo and towt him nertal cable which eonncels the vil
of Crvgllo C'asielroiti near Wa
an I the \lu Montlinl. 3CW fee»
high, was made the other day by »
young Ualian workman Glo\amiI Cas
sail The e.vl'lc which unsses over
predplre ISOO feet deep is ove l. tv
tianatHirt wi*od and log^ fnuii ilu
niaic. CasnaU no
Iking, tbal Iho cabU* had U-conu
slack wsn eugage<i In tinbteulug ft
when to his boir<»r be oercelvivl that
t^e men todow had set it in mot Urn
and that n largo olio of wtwd wnr*
ushiiu down upon 'him from above
He had uo time to climb the few.yardr
b(4wten him nnd safely and he knew
that If he r«mialned seausi
iMbU‘ be Wiruld to* flung down into the
prveipU-e to iow him * ' Balam iug him
Nclf on hto hhands and Icel on the eabl*
he inado n wUd jump for Ibe oilc of
line tow aids blm and man
Bgisl to Rivo^p n l4*g with one hand
Hanging e\cr the preeinlee he wawhiiKd d*«wn lo the vlttage Ueh w. a
dtotanev of 3«no f,H*t W-hiu lit;- togs
staudsUU Osaati drupjKs}
off and faintt'd. He lerxoerod laui
aud was none Ike wurSV lot his adftoi
tuie. but was so unnerved that be re
rlgmvd bfs Ji»b

A soda crsclrar should bo the mon nutrt.
tious and wbdoaomo of all foods
from wbeat-



UBS M >his

cr Itetf r«l^ «» r«Mw
hnk unNorv tke TnrhM mry
Wka Paiiu toaMrr
kreantod and prevIM with
rUftaa to TtoitottaV rkptrliMto ca>t rV preknktlky tw enamanded ky nt drawn over the ears to prevnot the
Atoertonn. Admiral lUnuford Backkla ttotoMtoto toutoior kU Hie
mnm. Tkto oNtorr to n nnitre to dog^from ctochtog enM or getting
tkdea to atooc In kto earn. Oogglea to
tocaaior fltoilrsr to team |>rtot» kUa
eoortc go wtik tke ntoi.
•tof (I* koratog to rktop toark ffkk
totontor oatakto to kto azAto. kto
OriBUaiyM. ISt«r SB fcauu* (M ,
tfku Ckpuin for watoHipn bnlll by tkt
r*<»wiiiri fnm tocre katog m
timudjr torga. A gantoatorto cki
enmpm. He eoumsM Ike
lerWIe Itoirr ke reatorai a fro 4a) t ntoP by Cimape to Turkear «u su t

» rtocfvM to I
Ucto ntneUna ikn •^aodnto OU
liony. Thn wviter to aa old tonner th
Onindy eonaty and ikla to pan to kto
to lliift#. • toikaaihk. ttoo kitior:
iJon'l orror l*>rg«. m g*>l
to ftonrtoi kto Itomk 1^ M etoytir ol Mnafor. that wr. the ptmtOe. ora
flNirfliiftoB. vllt pfoimMf toB lh« fSitoo^ tog onr eye on fhia ibfni down thorn,
rmlk MMStoe# lor fsimiMir of V«-r •i-ilto if If ffm raa. ton for Ooj a faki.
mmi tlU« ymr uut it to ri^ocl^ iki»i aenrhib^tettk- It rtnbt IVwit |U k ao
%9 vtu Itov* too votM Of • biriv •ost.< when It U all over we.lbo pw plf. wtti
lirr to tooM* to iko tobi>r ran^s vh i have to bH under whiek aketl we ahnl!
IM«iail|r MIHport ike rrpwUltrtMi iu.ii|. kavo to took for tke gooda.**
tori. Iktoon Ckmkt Iuhocom'I/ Hrli Tlie Mtontoblnc faei knn Jaat comi
M a MOor to NA« Tor^ ooc ltoy. Imii lu light ikat l^ftoranor tllekard Oar
a poKiUto aMilur. ft>t m»ynf k«roto» nett, litrariaa of the fthttoh AUMuain
Or4lMrflx one Ukr« »Hk a gnito of who died r€»oeutl>. for yiw knd dcmH a aUtoinaar ikai ti«tk a dtoito votijd mueh lliiu! to |be ’•htoik'* art
to aKlft»logy Kum more extiwordinanr
mi^toid pmonajcc Iuk
tlito fianiruUr f< W of rnduafor. but to toe ctfpnvatanee that toiiUieaa
to to Cbleago.and Now Yorh regularly
Itotoa wbt» lia^r l«<*n
i^»nnnUed blm ri'cardfuf. couioinp
vi^lutva. nrttlib and o^her atatey.
OtoM and aiadimf datoik-s of ker own OH*ti al«M» aiuawtod to kim on
tovaaikia at t«.
^ aion Wall rtMad hhii wn.!.- to him
adviM In n gard to the future dt il-touao to ilM-M- awooUiufaiU Mrem
to oir to ke von n^-lih-M/' Mtd 8ou inra and avi.vd f^r ttodi ‘*l'urky UayM
■tor lirto tn Hi«wr whra and month.- and from Chlcaiso ramc
k lifts from imn in thr wheat market
ika lflVta«-('to|i|< ancadi
and faUa. The
tfeo totirctatt' ftaQic of th« rtmt anad^ M'< kliig (UK » bir
iiro4«*ioMtr keid Iheac a<jcrrta alrlcUy
aai5 U>tog Htol. '‘tl tb.*) keep lui;
iu hl» bouto aud tt waa onto
plkvl PliiCiirr. n Kkatl rt-Hlgli |w» Iko
alter his death that he wan km>wu io
aeaiite mid ro t.i Kadinug taw
At Ikbi rale torn- w. u t bi» lawyerr havi^ Uh'U a csmamuxl brlk ver in m
oaoagk to (be ouiiuir> 10 k<Mi> U|i witb fruity.
tka btuUM to tfcai to kotos saado kt-re.
Tkoodwo U Htnnto, i.ioprioior of j
avell kairopiu in Wai^blnittoo. to ao
ucaiiv au rtaet rtopiicato of the pri«llii'to to Pkjratral aiqiraranoa that near
rriillvoa kave
wlMtok* w. On on.ocHAidoii hr I n<nxbt botm* %^'photfv
frapb of Mr. RtrOrvcH mud bto nUtor
uronuuacod ll a K»*o<1 Itoriw*;* of
liu’ibrr; while aUtormng that thmwaa
dUfkwaeo.** hhiviouiU not
loll toat wkat. Aa a iomiU of uutui*r
ua» I mbarra^iliis o*]a fU acea borauio*
to the rt »emblitic4- kicmi-r baa liegwu
ilo cultivate a futi lieard
Ckonmenitog on Iknjanitn Frank
flak kite •xporlim«t w hich ;j»rove<l
that liKhttong and olocirirtU ar< Uh
■anil a aeUiiiUt aa)*: •»fl. wai^, one
of tbv moat brimaui evatiMdi-a i.f
To aUt iii|>t the
tton of Itoktnlng flaabea (rom a lowe


^ “• ««»««■
t. .-.ia..

0:ivH. Mtofa.. Mst lS.~Last Satut j
day Hillsdale and Oitwt played ten
Inalnito to kascball the sort that kept
cveryhody gmoatag until tke
ncore was over tke rubber. The 1
was rkAraru rlMN] by aom«
the most
laexeuaahle errors as well as tke 1
brauaat kaaeUH sten here la many

' OF

lladaU* led by erne aoom uutU Uc
ninth, when a amt alagle, folUiwed hy
a triple Uod. aud the crowd went wlW.
In Ike tenth llUlsdale was nnabl
add to her string and it looked aa if
OUvet would do the same, for ibe flrst
two men fanned; Cheesman. the third
mail np this Inning. slughHl sad H ir:
hut. who followi'«t hit to eeii-rifleld
and tn some clever bn»e lunniiig 1
the kill lo ♦v'cond hare auj allowiM
beesman ui score.
Thv greau-M carlieimn! pre vailed
lar a tlu.e ns HlU-sdalo nlwavs hns u
strong lean and ihto to the lirst time
they have toxn irimmt'U^by UU>ei to;
rvi rat year<.
Chrenman fannod fonrte.u and al
lowed fl\c scatt^sl htti. while Oliver
mc.iHJ lblTl«t'u hlt^ off Uie Hlll^nlv
Tho team plays Alma next fUturdaj
St Alma aad Monday at Kalainaatxi.
A wei'k from Saturday a “trlAugulB!
Held” totwvHm Albion. KaUma
> and Ollvv^t ctdlegca will be hold
Olivet. Olivi t has trimmed both of
ihese for the last two or three year^.
track, prospects are somewhat
dctildful here at i*rt>scnt.
The sopl^toore girto defeated* the
fn^Mhman girto* U*^keMuill termi M(*n
day morning lu a lively rontsst i*.\ Mi
score to S-«. The glHti take a gnv
deal of Inte^ixl In the game hcie and
a floe out* of door crvmrt.
Mx n as tin.* mercery will iie.-vult
then* proml.^ee to bc- tMugs lio'iig** a
Fine lake, a iiltle ptoct* to water atovut
mile fnmi the schi*ol a water to
tioggan has Ufn^boljl om there on a
hill and standK f.Py or hln> fee alxMe
he l?ke. The owner claiiuM that H
ikf.l of forty inlleK an horn wiU b •
lieveloiK-d iH-fore striking the water
This will add a neither b^uat to th «
many thingb that ktfp a Htuden« H
suidlim IiT»m annoying him.

Tbc Perfection


OIL a t. CHAB1« rmaoaafl tram fllA.
tOfl Wilkelm kkiek to 4«1 m ^
anw BUto Baak biildlaff.

B. MABTIN--Pkgtoeiaa aad Bwi^
Mairocto A gwon.
Offlew Iflfl Bagt rrtrnt strwut

Hr Gu aa« GuoUae Enelic ledUu

la neat., comtvict. reliaiJo anti MARK CRAW-B OCUVKRY-4Jg|t
tolioient 11 weiKha leaa. ocenpitw )e$M
ajiaoo ami Ima a Afrtwler c ffieicnrjr than
any other i*miter made. It in mat and
r aty Book Stora. 1
wator proof AH
cuiaily aeoettilile. Kwry jwr
Call for Booklet and Pricee.


W. M. PAlGf,




Campinv: ouifiis and ouiinn<»ik. BoUi BfcwiBB.
supplies of
kinds, the best bit C.'b. MINOH-OMob <n«r ABM.V
leu line StoTB. 8i>BcU) MlaMloa
and lowest priced place to buy ts
Wvth wtrwto.

S. F. Saxton Hardware Co’s
Thoroiij'hbrcd sp ri<men know
how esM ntial it is to |K»ssesa ar­
ticles of jjehuinc durability, as
it is so easy to ntar a day’s sf>on
by pc or tackb’ or inferior jioods
that caTinot be depended u(H>n.

If you want Low Prices


If Quality is to be Considered
with the Price
We Can Get Your Business.

Come and See US


J. E. Greilick Co.
Fine Interior Finish
Sash, Doors and Mill Work

Lumber, Lath and Shingles
Plate and Window Class


Pere Marquette

Bhrl's Jowtorj gtora Both

gooa; toflewa In ^
floor wlU Drm. I


If You Want Good Quality


ailADE TREKS aold. gardens
cleaned and ploughed. H. J. Boyd,
drayman; offlee Saxtona hardware.
CU. pbooo MS.
a^r Ig if
Cagle dance. Forcaters hall. May 15.


eJaa and aurgoon. Removed to to*
•ewa In Munaop Week over Barmnm
A Earl


When the baby Ulks. It to lime 10
ve noIli.xK r's Rocky Muuniaiu Tea
I s the greau*«!t baby nie,l|'*ln.\, kti.»wu
u kKitig mothers. Jl make llicm cat.
!(‘op and grow. 30 cvuIh. Tea or Tab­
ula. Johnson i>ri»g Co.

lunar and action ragnlator.
faction guaranteed. WUk Kl
MoelcHoene. CIU. pkone K4.
PIANO TUNINC-Satliitoctton guar*
aniccd. F. I) Nichole
Utoon. Clti phone im.
apr IJ^f
ear. Pricea renaonabto. Offlee wtt
O. P. Carver A Bro. Both phoaea
SktLP, CHASE—IIomiwpathlaL Of­
flee over Bugb«*«4'M drug ftora. D(h
aana pkoae-fieMldenca. MS; offlee
_____________aai tlflma
OR. t L. THIRLBV-Bpeclal attem
tkm to dto4’ajM*s of childraa. Boom
d«x s v''Jr Fire Inauranec Pulley ex*
pin.? i want your buMincaa. Call
«r m.v ton* 4* and g«H natmi htoor® m*
iK wuig. A. B. Cnrtia. . mnr 16-Iyr



Dr. W. J. Higgins

Screens Fine Dental Work.


Eagle dance. Foreotera halt. May IS.

o. p. CARVER a BRO.

Tirt JnsHTHKt

New Stock




Fishing Tackle

Offlco S06 Now Wiliicliu Block,
CntiaMS-idtoM 639.

Tnougti Said
Tne South Side Lumber Co.
515 lake he.
Trmisa Cny.



/ . American
‘Central Uagiie*.

.; s i.

WtttWSM fl iieSSE^
23S rifl Fast SMM


tcfitloB to fltooaaai to tta gyw. w.

C09I# dance. Foreiler* halb May 15.

Sunday. May 1
Train will Uav*- Trav m. III. tbv ptN,U;rs (
H F. M.M llcr. G.


the kind that .
fit yoor doors abd windows
• at best prices. Dealers in al! kinds
o! building material. Getjiur prices and consider

f ‘ .

oprsUxi beforebayii]|k: Kftim»U»fami»hwL
Diy SUx*.

t. a. NitUR

mfi darcy:

RHue CItizns 308

Tryflecord Went Allsll





tATvwAv. «av « «»


■/'W :


Sd MMag or MMm. M MtklM w
weardi fir hmro; aad tlm peca ar paM
aid iMfiB IMeknH Mr no Mm «
pM la tkt Bit. rogaMlaro tbaa M
a^ Mt aa M aAM iijr.
4o&i tfii Mh wBMl Mlia hM M
laa. Ml aiiii
IM tha Vallay ad
Ihik tMT >««« i"to^M4 tof.

iaaa. aad Uto Itoaatalaa of Uopa waaa
‘ atai aad alMt M la tiM tUata.

««•!• |M rntmUk U| t i«nM »MI

ieMription to tt a abort UM ago. to
la iho laarM iii aha loaf ihr haaaa Ihle mmneedpa H M worth noitog that
tha mahsw la htoag token ap hy (he
4W^»h^h>a M arMuhr. vn
tonitog toMtoM^ magaatoe. of he


Mtof,. Th. totoimtoi Mmei.

la MM MMUr %cwr ^
JM a
at lUateM 4M
ciMr* tiM aain Mai* m.
A»a tiM HIM* <1# OodVi
WuM M Wmom a‘«r M.
jMi a lUlla iKira cT akM
UmiM atarf Mr;
iiit a nalM vtli olua
FMa arraatM ka'teaagr

from a leagthy arttela la the Aprd
Lailee’ Worid.
U a heaeSoent fairy godmoUier

M M waar wfU hM hM af aad a
oMila «a hot
hauauM Oaoiar*
aad Frida Ma har holfatoUo |M
Oaa 4fy mkmm ateaai'lao Urad to
Hiali Mralfl^.Viha M a fahaw
WmM with Mah 0#
wartda food, aad whO|Oftoa aaai
W (ha UlJlai^oMa fa V aopael
ahUtlaaa to tl^ carao aad haiMu
Tha Utiia WoMaa II

fornhat wao a laaooa aha had Mraod
wan la Ula*. Bchciol. to Mia to tha
jMMMftei ua tM hilt 4il Ufa;
faoa of aafartof.
M Ikar awka tba »«ak aa4 araarr
**Baddaaly tha Olhar
aituafM. Wavar for ika alrlfa.
'Mr.. B-. I Ihlak yoa ara tha hrataat
M mat tbaai oalr trta«a?
woaM ! ataf haaw.* aid waal har
waai to aartli sra m aa4 rate?
Thai wa. all. hut doap iowa la
Na?ar waa a hlai Mi vaMai,
thf Utila Wocaan*. hoart that day
NatM oaa «aa tali la tala.
waai a bird.
Waaa cha aaaaa oMUa ara maar.
Ajii Na batdrai haai^r ftow.
nuait fll vaak aaat cloaa Mia roa a hlii of hop# aad lay aad atraagth.
If foa im IM toll tM ao.
whoaa aaaM waa ayaipaihr. Aad tha
Util# Wcaaaa r feat wart wlagad ai
aha waal oa to »aat tha triala await
Aad baaaaU IMr chaarlag aaaaMaa lag har. which taalahad , uadar lha
HaarU will btotaoja Hka a fcwai
ohoat tha brought with har-wad all haa of a word, aad tha Olbar WoSo. a« ii|» llfa't hill ara joarnar.
, LK tt« acattar all (ha ara^
alw want bar way woadaHag why
aha had baaa lad to axpraaa haiaalf
Klailr Mia. for tkar ara aaMa
hut tha batiar for tha aa|»artaaea. And
la Ilia iart aai eloadr dar.
that >waa hut a amall tta« to tha Ut
Qraflga ao kfrli^ vori or aolioa
(la Woiton'. Ufa. for latar thara eaaia
Aa aloa* Uroaili tifa you fo.
to bar oaixd (ha aMjHwatlftil gift,
TiMra ara atar/ oaaa arouai roawhich Qod glrinrio Hti chlldran, th
If rua Iota tkaip, (alt ihaii ao.
gift iof aaothor aoaiaa’a kira. and ah^
->lloiaa t. Clariaa. la Oaltaa
tha auaiatatog powar of the
^ **lf all tba pity aai lotf aatold
OouW Mltar akruai (hair colaa of
> TMa aooM aol ba oa tjia whola
- 090 kiAirr heart or oa# aratohai
• -Bat, «h? tf tha klai worda aarar
• Coald hUio» ljUo flowera and

• Thalr iwtHlaaM but oa tha eon


lauo air.

-#'Tha kraath of Wavea Would hr


wrtttoa wori-of how a ahola day. a
waak. a wohlh. might ha chaarad and
brlghtanod by a maaaaga from lh<hfwrt of ana who lorad bar.
‘•What that amimor'. wrraapond.
loa maaat to tha UtUa Woman, far
om hotoa and friaaia. dolhg a maa .
work tor tha laka of thoaa who hoedeJ
bar aid. no uo« hut Uod could avar
It wn. all In tha magic power
of tha wrltlen word.
-Oh! lha power of worda. If I (XMild
MMik to the woman of tha land. In
city and country, who ara hrarely
• jhaaring thair ah.ra qf the burUena of
life, and .omeitme. wondering If any
bmirore., I would like to say to them.
DearMcMr. 1. not the only load that

1. batoiNocrlml up the hill of life.

finals linhlMI ♦


f ,
\i ‘.

v!; ‘


Hm CTmi adltoflal ihU aa<»k U
from tha pan of Mr*. Margaret H AI
dan. formerly ireaaurei of the MIrhl
gan Woman'. Praaa naaoelatUm. and a
well known wrltor on (ha dnglnaw pa
pars. Her worda will tod a uuirk ra
spo|ui« In tha haarts c€ mil Hume
Cheer rvadara. 8ha My.:
-So much la anid nnd wrliiea and
lilFrhad ghout (ha 'hanu^ of rilanca
that I would Ilka to npMk for n iHUt
Wfme of the beauty of word.—tha iral
u«* and the power, and tha danger of
the .pvdien and tha wrltlen word.
‘‘IHir own Michigan poet. Will Cnrto
t<m. (alia na that
- Boys tying kUe.. haul In their whltewinged birds.
But >.Hj ran I do that with your tying
—------ V
Thoughts. uhesmaMNiniv^-niMto
itoMMi fall hack dead.
B«t Qod IllmaeU cant kill them when
tkey r„ said!'
-And we all know how traa thni la
—how mech harm caw he done by the
Nrmd. the unkind. e%en the tbOUghl
M word
**80 wa ha«e ctiWM- to dwall toora
M more on Ilur iMUiuty of allaoca. ttnUUIM we .ometimeaovrriiatImnlV
the power of alienee and under-eatlMta the i^wer of the word apokaa
In imnaoA* which iha Book of Booka
teU. u*‘la -Uka apple, of gold In plcs
ttirwa .af Mirer.'

Your .Isler. tbt One next door, and tho
ona n mile awaV. and the one acroan
the cootloent. are all hewrUig their
owa burd^. Spank to, them. TeU
them you are a fellow trarcler. an!
that the hloam>ms of lore are tower­
ing just around the turn of tha road.
Oh. do not he afraW to .peak out '
• *We make or mar our lire, hy what
If II he giK»d and kind to hunr
Speak out today.’
-Many a heart l« nchliig. perhapn
the htsart very near to bomn. tor jii»t
the word of aympathy and nnoournge
ment which you can gira. Perhap.
fiome frteod who U sepainttd from you
hy many mile, of land or water !.
longing for th# mmagr which may
cooM* ju.t la time to fiav# the .Inking
.pim from shIpwr.H'k. Speak out to­
-ThU I. what Adelaide Proctor. th'»
of women poets, mo. of
***Word. are lighter than th# cloul
or (be reailewi ocean sprar.
Vainer than the trembling shadow
That the next hour Sants away,
By the fall cof aummnr raindrop
deeply stirred.
I. the air
And the iM-leaf (hat we trend on
tJ^ll oiMlIre a word.
- ‘Yet on the dull silence brroklng
WUh n lightning Sash, a Word.
Bearing endless deeolatian
On Its hllgkttog wing*. I heard: ,
Earth can forge ao keener wespoa;^

our (rnmllia. to glire egpnMon to our And the cruel echo nnnwered.
kiire in worig: wa Uke It for grnnlH
Thro- long y«M|r. again.
thnt Bh nU Idea amA other." and hare
faUen but c^tha habit of saying ro. - •! hare known one word hang i
iMt It would ttormtoa u. If wa triad
O'er a dreamy waste of years.
«ha axpewtoM of teUIng the dear
homa toHm (hit we toeed them, to wee And It only shone the brighter
’ Umked at Uro* a mtot of tears;
Ifhe reMt,
'^BiMtimM wo tort^ that our While a weanr waaderer gathered
Mrhhor (not only the one arnis. iha
way or next door, hut tha one whom
we maui on M MM or ml the cluh.
, we to huilnat. or to church) may ha


tosaqr «M mank Bpa fenva wtoM

Itope aad heart oa Uto'a dark
By iu tolihfu! promise, sktatog
Cloarer diy hy day

-1 tonro kwowa a woii more geati
loAgtog tor
^ Thaw the hreath of adasmer air;
la a lUtentog heart B Mitod
to 9909k. Such n word may ha to that And It If red torerer there.
humnn aoul Uke Mar In a iaoert hM Not the heating Ito prison
—mar apM •• •• fwnawai aiari or
r*te frt*m htork iOMlr.
Only wUh the henrtk last throbbing
' f knew a littia woman ooca who CkNtId to fade away.
waa itniggltof agalnM nitaroa Hrmmrntkim which it um v^tosh rofii arc ihtog, wgrig jm# aitohto

might, » yoa ^toM saye fourSItha
of four run, hare hetlercooked
more autrttloaa tood with hdlf the
uaual labor and masaiag: serre x
mania to to# htoatod onaa aa Uaal
to the prompter momhetu of the
By. and kebp (he bahy'a food wan
the aolieoi alght, right U> the aur
all hy a tow simple wavee of the bm^c
wand of ladustry. would you accept
heeoBor. do you thtok? ^
You hare H la your owa power to

which you win diuourer for your
welvoa. by adding to rour kitchen fur
oltnre the very etouple aad laexpeasl\«
IretoM store, or ha> box.
The Idea of the Sretoes aiove oom**m
to us from eOrmaay. where the house^
wives, we know, are famous for their
domestic virtues aad
the eckuiomy
of their cooking arroa^rements. It ha.
been r»sed (here so dhcccasfully ihsf
In .eome cltlds the authmitles sre In
tereeUng tlH;mM>lVes by eadearoring
to sprepd the'knowiedge of IU cheap
less and efficiency through public lec^
ures and demonstration, to the work
tog people.
Mr. Oeo. H. Murphy. United State,
consular clerk st Prsnkfort, Germany,
attended one of these lectures, given
St the IndUiUrtal scboi>l there, and wmt
so struck with the Kimpllclty of the
fliAless Stove and lu many poeelblti
lies, that he Is^anxloas to eec It used
■ ‘
lling the atieniton
of the Amertcaa housewlveeto lu mer
Its.In one of bU dally reports.
ihe lecturer misled that she herseif
had used (he ffreless stove for thlr
teen years, ami that It had greatly re­
duced for her the cares and expenses
of IwHisekhepInf. She had found that
bealdek keeping food wartn therein,
she could inlak cooklag 1a the box all
bbtoed: stei^ and roasted meals,
soup. gah. vegetables, sauces, fruits.
or course (he box can
nut be used for brolUng stoak or fry
tog chops, nor anything that requires
crispness, but the lesl of the m**al may
U made ready to It or kept warm
while the steak, e'c.. are In-lng cot»ktnl
In general. It will l>e found that
um three* to live minutes’ actual boil­
ing on the file Is sufriolent tor most
the covered vessel cunuliitog them being then r4>muv(H! to the
atove, where the process of
cooking continues in the Ihjx through
the perfect retention of the beat. Must
art Idea-ahould remain UghUy close t
to the box _ for two or three hours,
bough the) can (>e kept hot tor too
or twelve hours If necessary.
Roasted or Udied nu-ats or meat
*ups require from ten to fifteen minutea’ actual cooking on a fire, alwajs
to tightly-covered vessels from which
the covers are not to he reaK>ved un­
til they are to be served. The amount
of water to be used to the first pUce
Is Important, and must to each case
H- learned hy actual experlen^.
hough as a rule a littto mure than Wi
he usual method of c^^iklug Is about
right. Too much Is toHler than too
lUUe. but U U mveh belter to have
Jusi enough so that the fr»od may ah
sorb It thoroughly. It being then much
antrillous than when some of the
water remains to be poured
Lentils, rice, cracked oats or wheat*,
dried beans, humlny or dried frolU
must first he well soaked to coUl wa
then allowed to lioil five minuter
to plenty of water after which they
placed to the fireless stove for
I one to two honrs. \Vh»*n one r«*fleets how much fire Is required to
cook beans or hominy In the old way.
some Idea ef the saving of fuel may be
Indeed, for dwellers to fiats or
oms where gas sx^vdpor xtorea must
be oM. tke hay box mill soon prove
and usefulness. A
meal^n hbe started and placed to the
cook, while the

AM klad of I
voasela may ha aaad. hat IM aahkifi M a( M teMA tkt
uMt aro M‘ to rotate tMIr kaal
teoMM If OM haa to hay. V9m
aanr tla or gvaalte-waro haefcate Mk
ly Ipr groeral aaa.
The firoteasaMew la ant at alt
caH te aroka. and Mad cost ttttle or
aoUlae AM Ughi tmx wktek k
ttebtly-fittteg dovar win answer. An
old trunk la Just tkw^kteg if there are
ao cracks white naaaol be W m
factly tight. A Uaiag of ashewtoa pa
per la a help, hiii U aol ar«essary. A
Celt or Baaaet Malag also adds to Its
eaa he pul to so as to he reamvmhle
when It aweds to he cteaasad. R «
better be omitted. PHI the bos or
truak looeely with hay. fine mkavtegs.
waaelslor. or sumethlag similar,
lAg the right site aeeu as aeedr
lit closely arooM the eookteg vessels
us«t A pillowoM ftUed loMy
hay should he ased to cover alt chi
Ibea (he box cover Is closed and amde
fast, aad Ue cooking goes merrily oa
with no further ware. The nests
be all ready (o net the rapidly holltoi
pMs to stl at OM. aad the covt
pot oa Immedlattey. so ao beat will he
lost. The hay should be reaewtvJ
every two or three weeks, and the pil­
low-case washtMl. to prevent any sou.
or musty steeU within the box. The
box may hold several thlags at one*,
but they should aH be put to at once
to avoid opening until ready to serve
Her single ones can be made for
the nursery or slbk room.
If one cares tu go to s Uttle more
expense, n most cleanly and efficient
fireless stove may be made as follows:
ocure « Close wooden box with V
light cover, and line to the lhlckn«*4H
of one half Inch or so with asbestos or
M wtx.l Then take a tightly-cov
ered tin box (a bread b^x will an
1. and fit snugly withto the as
hestue-ltoed wooden one.
Thu ciivered cooking ui< nslls contstotog'the boiling ftKMl are placed in
the tin box, and both rovers lightly
closed, when the cooking (iroceeds an
with the hay filling, the tin box mav
kept clean with llttlu trouble, and
renewing of the lining materlsto
lecrusao. as with the hay box prop^
er. TbU style of fireless stove should
not he made too terge. as smaU om*s.
tog one or two uti-nslUjooly. te
tain the heat better, and one can have
several separate ones If neoesssi^.
writer to the Chicago Nej^s lelli*
how her husband roadt^ a Himpie Uix
which answers all requirements ani
is eskUy aired. She say s’
•He made a Iwx, a sepaiule liottom
fitting looM*ly inside ofTl, and uphol four and a half inches, with
hay ovcred with burlaps, four slded>
eight ami a half Inch.u. high. flMisl
tighily with hav. alao with burlap^:.
ling and fitting closely to rorh
other After the««- five pU-<'«-H are in
place it ituveti a hole in the center
hKiks like a square with a bole
In. the middto. The granite kelib*.
with tight-fitting coyer, fits Knitgiy In
thl| hole; a thick hay flljtnl pillow,
o burlaps. Is put over all and filts
the box entlrviy. with the lid oh top of
This arrangement enables me to
lake out all the parts and give them
an tiring ff mnn-ssary.
“Now to the results In conking,
which are nothing short of woiulerful.
■An Iriah slew after cooking a half
hour on the gas range and'put f<ir
three boura to the box ts just delicious
to ever)- respect. Hire never Is as-nlce
when cooked over the fire; prunes are
the same: pork and lH*ans cannot Inexcelled; sauerkraut can have as
as never before and no one lr\^the
Mtse will know alsnif It
But the
ost surprising to me was this:
“We had nxade. arraugemeiils with a
family of our acquaintance to live out
the old lnl6 the new year at their
*. Knowing we would come home
Ute and being tired the next day. I
started the New Year's dinner, a alee
large rabbit fhasenpfeffer’i on the
range aad put It tn the box before
leaving home. It waa still warm, and
anything, overdone, when we
reached the bout^e abour id o'clock the
next morulns •

ATal? of Rhub.vrt.
Stewed rhubarb and rhubarb pie are
the two ways of seiwing this refresh­
ing spring acid plant which the ma­
jority of moat housekeepers make ih#
frequent use of. EHher way. tf
carefully picpared. the result Ik gen­
erally very pleaalag, but the blUer pie
tog. or the bachelor glii .goes to her and thin, soar sauce ao often tasted
daUy work both finding a warm, well make quite another story. To stew
cooked mrol on their return. Its ures rhaharh property the fruit shoold be
are many, outside of the regular fane IhOTOfiffhly Washed tn clear, cold wally meals. The plgnlc party can take ter and dot Into pteeas ahoat an Inch
along tke ha.*’ box mad nerve ma appe­ kmc. Ualtaa old aad toagK It la hen
aling hot meal ipataad of tke aaual ter not to prol^H- Uxe akout one cui4
cold one. or to the coantry tke men fttl of water to t!
oaa carry with them to work the fire aad abont half aa
I angar aa rhuless stove, with Its hearty mesJ Inside,
instead of havlag to leave a^disunt
field for dinner or he Mtlaiad with a atlr or break It. Add kalf a lemoa
COM taach. By preparing tke Ihod In very thtely MlDad to the tefibarb wMba
tke warty
tke heat aad dto
cMfihrt la aavdd la auiaator. boQi the flavor la deairod. Banre tklk veiy.eold;
eook M llmVame bsMIllag tketwhy. wtte ar ^riiMt wkfppad aroam or W
tka kltrMi. log. Midk9 im
CQ& ctmteH.


wkip te ate
PP.T4..4 MVir M4 • ,Ml K «iC
ft • tomt tt
«<il S MtS., M

Man. aad aa. «IM e
mlMad otiaet. SpcMekalt aa lack
Xa pte may be baked la two eiMA
hfiUtlaaotMteaoMIMo. A ptete baka la > i
or, bat -very paktfabte pte may be
la lack
made wBk two capfala af Bariy
teoppte rbaharb. eaa eapfal af aapar- Pal thmm atriga togatliac la pairs. wUh
a imat of apricot jam.-TAhte Tate
d-beatea egg. Mix wett, and Imka te Bpoage DropsxBewt the whites of
t cnitte te % quick oven ahV< batf thro# <«s aatll aUfi aad dry,

to keep It from boralag; ltd It Mmmer
vlowly uadi tender, then preaa Urougb
a sieve; measure, and allow thnseggi to each plat of rhubarb; beat the
volka to a thick froth, aad add to the
rhubarb; mix welL then fold te ^th*^
whitaa. which have bean whipped to a
firm snow. Taro lato a well battered

A cobMer at .iBuM *., kind I. cm
erally a very favorite dlah with the
^ailne porrtua of the lioimahold
rkabarb eobbler to m etcaptloa tc
the rote. Nearly Btl a buttered <wrth
lie dlah with rhubarb cut inio
I ptowes; make a batter with thro.*
. tbiee tebteapooBfttla of flour, a
pinch of aaU mad sufficleat mite tc
make It u( the ooaalatenhy of fritter
batter; pour this over the rhubarb
and bake te a good oven until nlcel)
browned. Serve hot with i
whipped cream, plain craam. or sweet
liquid aauee'flavored with lei
Fritters, till
I prepare, ar quite aa ptlatihle as
the cobbler (bit tender atalks of rhu
barb into two inch lengths, rover with
cold water, and book to a double boiler
until tender, but not broken; drain
carefully, and spre-ad the rhubarb on
Plate; make a syrup with the'i
dralnisl off. allowing half the quantity
of sugar; Po“»*
and lot stand until perfectly cold
off the syrup, dust the pieces of
rhubarb thickly with granulated angar.
dIp'Vach to fritter-batter, and fry In
deep tot fat. Serve with syrup.
To maker hubarb charlotte, butter a
baking dish aell. and cover the bottom
with l.ii-a.I crumbs to ibi- doptli of an
then add a lajer of finely
rhulikrli; rover thickly with
uigar. add another layer of bread
TUinbR. dot with bits of butter, then
another layer of rhubarb, and com
with the sugar. cnia»l>s. butter and
hubarb tmtii the dlivh Is full, having
the top layer of crumbs covered with
bits of butter* Itoke siowl-'. covervHl
at first, for one hmir


crodaaBy one third cup powdered sag
ar. aad roaUaae bsatlar Thro add
the >otes of two s«gB beal,oa uat
AU te an fteaaa wilwO
thick aad lealoa-rolored. aad nae-qaa
ter teespoonfai oi vaallla. Cut aad
foM la aae^hitd cup Boar aOied aad
sifted with oaa^uarter mdupooBfal of
0^ Oak aad FVtk Mrooli.
salt. Drop mtetarr from tip of spoon
lar. Sprinkle wlib
xd hake eight ton
utes to a moderate oven. Remove from
the tins with a kalfe..-<hlcagb News,
isteatlaee—B«at together fif
Iiaui very light Oradually add
throe-quarters of a pound df Bae groa ^ Proywr meeuag. T-ffi p.
aad bant uadi the i
disaolved. Add the
ed riad and atraJned juice of a to
ibea work to. a spooafM at a
thrs(Hiirortrrs of a ptoad of sorted
paltry flour. Lastly, beat to oneniuar
ter of a pound of butter which has
l»«-n worked until sofi and croamy
Our churck la a bomO for worabte
UrtSp by half teaspoonfuls oa huttered aad aerv^ U you bMa ao cb^
fist pans, pterlng them fully aa Inch borne in Travatae CRy. yoa aro aarib
apart. Bake la a modetate oven, and aaUy invited te mm. get tfequatotefi.
when cold put together In pairs with aad work aad worabtp with aa. A
chocolate icing.—Table Talk.
aad meet th# pastor.
Marshmallow Drope-Dalnty t
aaoaarod la tM
for sammer eating are marshnu
drops, which are light and eatlly
RegPlar amvleoa as tetkrtri:
made. The following iwcipe la a good
10:S0 A
moratag worship aad
one: Two Ublespoonfuto of butter ■ermoa. Choir aadar dirociloa te Mte.
oae^d a hair cups sugar, three eggs,
^il\i, Baaday tebool. If protMted
une^p of lukewarm water, two and attendlBC.
jote the Ik
oae4alf cups of pastry flour,
5:4ft p. m. Young Paopte'i
rounding tablespoaafuls of haklng te Chrtsiiaa Endeavor la tbe pa
evening worship. Ooapal
powder. Bepatat# th# eggs, beat the
meeUng aad evaagellstle aMkte
butter to a cream: add the yolks, then Choir
under dlrectkiu te Dr. Btotk.
graduallj the sugar. When very light
Thursday. 7:30 p. m., prayar aad
beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff
Friday. 7:00 p. m . Mayflower claA
froth aad sill the baking powder with
the flour. Measure the water. Add to
toe mixture half the water, then half
the flour; beat vlgorouslv,. add tbe re­
maining half of th# water and
Marnlag aerrioe, 10:30 m to
flour and 'boat again. Fdld to
Bible aebool at boob.
carefully the well beaten w
(Artsitan Badaevor. 0:30 p. to
and bake to greaset Item
to a moderately qu\fk oven for
IM) minutcH. While tb4»- are bakiut:
put half a pound of mar^mallows a
I»ra.ver meetlag Thursday evoatefi
two Ublespoonfuto of water Into
■I 7:3t). SeafRfrec.
double bolter, stir until tbe marslim
All are welcome to aU Uo aorvlaoi
lows are thoroughly dlmuilvf-d. Then
add a UbTespoonfiil of gtwnulaitHl giea
Feurteenth ttroet M. E. Clterolb >
line that has to-cn mjoled to four
Rev. L. a Carpenter, pastor.
iabi(»M|MM>nfuls 4if water for half an
Class metoag. 3:4ft a. to
hour. Take from the fire and add a
Preaching service. 10:30 A to
inblespoonfiil of vanilla. When thSunday school at 12:00 to
; y
cakes are cold dip tbe rounding iwr
Epworth leaga# at 0:30 p. to
Kvenlng Heripon. 7.30 p. m
: V
tiun In the melted marHhmallows. Turn
them ItpsWe down and net th.-m away pt*?^
to cool.—iX-lruit .News.-


S ins ss

Another dish, slightly similar to the
charlotte, vmr Kngllsh cousins roil
“rhiiljarh rustsMake a plain cits
lard will, one pinS of mllk^ two egy
yolks, a pinch of salt and half a cup
(III of granulau-d sugar; Hue a det-p
but-en-d.pudding dUh with thin alleys
Grace Episcopal Church,
bu-ad or pic paste rolled very'thin
ncr boardman avenue an '
ver with a layer «if chopiu-d rhubarb
ti Hi reel. Rev. C. T. fttout
spreail thickly with sugar, and then
Residence. 34t Stmt#‘street
add the custard mixture. Bake to a
Holy communUiu. li'JU a. m. Except
muilerale oven unill lh«- custard la set on the flrHi Biinday iu the month, then
Make a meringue with the whites of at n :3« a. m
Murntog service and aermon. 10:30
the eggs and half a cupful of granu
a. itj.
lated sugar to spread ov*-r the lop. and ^Bimday school and Bible class at
brown dellcaie|> tn the oven with the
Evening servlt-e and aermon, 7:30 p.
door half op^u-



• >

Tha talvatiea Army.
TjMlIes' Library buHdlng. Flpdfi
street, near Cass street Captain gad
Mrs. Boaters to charge. Public meattogs eeery night except Moaday. Baa-


3:10 p. m,, chriatiaa'a prals# mOib

k p. m.. rod hot aalvetloa maeuai
Our aUhdard: llollaeaa uato M
OuV baiU# cry: Blaaer. thara la mO-'
ration for you.
All are welcomo.
! J

V v

Christian* fleleasA
Baaday morotog service la Mofigrfl
AmUher English faviirltc is rhubar)
Week days and holy days aa aie Woodman ball over poaioBce.
conipide. Select red rhubarb, wash iKjlnled,
A cordial invitation to all tbeaa »er
thoroughly, and cut In Three-inch
Reeding room. No. til Wftttelm
lengths; cover wAh cold water, bring
block, open every afieraooa (oMipl
; ,
slowly to a bull, and simmer very gen
Sunday) from 2 to 6.
lly until the rhubarb to tender, but
Bt Fraacla chupck, carper Caas amt
cordUl iDvltatloB to altoad a
•nth sire#L
not broken; drain the water off care
Low mas t. €:4S and S:00 o'clock
fully: mroauiy. and to each pint ai
High mam. t:00 aad 10:10.
Church BravitiM
Auf pound of granulated sugar,
Vespera, 7:30 p. OL
At the First Meihodtor church Sonand boil to a rich thick syrup. Placd
Lenten devuiiona, WadaaaOay
flay the morning subject will be, “Tha
the pb-ces of rbubaib as a border Friday mantega. 7:10.
Value of a Good
In the eirealBg
around a mound of idain liolb d rice,
o'cliK-k a platftiim meeilng wlU
and pour the syrup <.ver It.
1.4- held, which, will U- addreseefi by
Rhuliatb and Vice lu.vke a pleasing
Claaa meeUaff. 0:4b p. m.
M vrral of the yoong People of tha
•nit.iiisliun in n vaiii-ly of ddighlful
Moratog tervtea. 10:M a. m.
chujch. Tbto to ibe^analveraary te
Sunday aobool at If m.
dishes, the nuiiiU-r seeming to l;e lim­
the Kpwoifh bague and Mian Bteacb .
Spwofth league. C:S0 p. m.
ited onl.v by the cook's iiiKenuiiy. or
Evening service at 7:30 p. m.
Wright will real the Scripturu leaaPa.
frequently the. lack of time to
^yer meatteg Tbaraday evaatag
Fred Bailer will speak oa the
experiment with dJsiies which may
years of RpworUi league
A oordlal weleome to IMee aarrieas
seem ws yet unknown quantlUea.
ork. Mias Mabc-I El
Rhubarb trifle makes a very flcUrote
orib league in the
.dessert or tea dish. To prepare It. cul Thomas Pmn UHom. Minister
church, Mr. Whlttearoro on the aplrQotet hour, f :30 a. m.
tip one quart of rhubarb into inch
Ifial life te the yoaag Christian aad
Morolag worship and
lengths, anu put to a baking dish with
the Her Mr. 0;x will sneak oa
one cupful of water and three cupful?
future work te the league. There will
of augmr : add Ue juice and gratsd ye!
. RI.erlsI music by tbe choir.
low rind of a smalt lemon; bake aotll
Ashur) Methodist Uplacopal Chuneh
tender: whin done, rob through a
—Moining service Under tbe aastfiM
day evealag at 7:10.
sieve, and let It gel cold: Hue a deep
tbe Woman's Forelga Mtjatoaary
Junior Badeavor aBturdaym, frJO.
gtesn dish with small,nWn sllcaa of
Dorcas Aid society meeU every aee- soriefy. It being their annual thank
apoM« cake or plain trait cake, aad
%ad fMtk Wedaeaday of aaefi offertog." The paalDr will give ^ ad■qaMo over U the Jaloe of a torgg mooth at
“Africa." Tbe evenThe Qrm, B. M. auxilary bold tbeir
orange. Jtaal before serving allr one
be wader tbe aaspl^
iBat of thick aweet croam to the rhu
Epworth laaguA U balag Ute
barb, aad nour It over the cake, '(f
p with aa are peveatceaUi anniversary te the or;^
aad the poor.- itMUok of the Epworth
preferred, the cake and rhubarb cream
may be arranged la thetltoh te layers,
mcale. aw addrepa by PJ^. Nk# amf
having the teat layer of the cream.


oallcai trifle far ohJIdrsa or amergeacy
dlaMa.-Mary ftoter Bateor. la Ffirm
tM FlroiMte

Baaday mtomt at aooa.

•■7 who wtek ta bv. Wo«M •MS*!
K>enj «a
tor isMA. P. HtlWJJWNTa.
USB. math SU


Trmraraa dCy.
There n m SMR eOKAvf BMttu fw nun sdTov PbuM
ttmethas the West CMms. B tclscs mkk rctvm
' ' ' ■ ■ ' .------ :------.•MtaxaaaiaTAiavmisfls -

dadly be mm of the baanrtm ot
•aamm. Later oa all bar Meada.
tnelmllag Mra. Jay Phipps. wlU en
------- ----------- --------------- -----—----------------- tMllMII-SIAtoSto
Okmc. Its tot OAOwaltor. If xild
lenalB her. AUhongh a large nuabrr WANTCO-AaTMf k*TN« % ■OBd
tMMto to.*.
or Amcricaas bAve been nnabls to ert
targiaa. AM<r *> TVs. T. Bato.
KeoatS one.
maces that they wUl be preseatc l
at court tbia year, owing to the fact
AIM de RolhaebUi.
Lord Howe. Lofd WcsitMiry aad Urn
s of Westmlmaer. the Duke <d
IMS. the imcbcas of Beaufort aad all

Why you »houW


BECAUSE-Yoar Jamily want* and need*
one, h leaches the
children to know music'
played artistically and
blended correcily.
BECAUSE-li* present
value is worthy of
much self-denial if
need be to save the

Easy Payments.
One OoHar
’ Each Week


Von ooioj It while
iitr it The
Talking;<> on ««rth.
Oiu> tltmisarKl new rmtitU
to a(4ect from, (omu in auil
Iwar IW

M.E HAKIfEk,?iW.



6CO* Hs larois
101 frsBf ftraai

V f>ERE Marquette
V ^

-UBOssi Agrti I, taa

CteriM Bates sC Gmad Maae, tUoldest maa la Qaame ooaaijr. U probabiv Ibe mtmi a^ aad Wdr of aay
•sail on0« age ia Mkrlilsaa. He I. W
9«ar« uM aad eaa. aprtag laUs the air
aad strUc bif hseU tagsCBsr twice Uf«re laa^ag. a irtds «osl m
t^carreace. With ibe eicspHoo of a
»!lgbi dranw be to la fsU pimpet^tUm
of Mi. faeultlea In a degree auUe leauriuible Mr. Halm luu lived In
Grand Biaar towasblp for fteveotjr (s *
rianAs Touag rompto ad a* foor
9<«ra* seiifrace for laroeajr at the atala
prtona inday. iito foolbar. Mr* KeJ
Mia Yoiiag. bas bist died mai lrt« i>d«
pi*wenled a paUUoa to Wariksi Am
■truax akklng tbai Yuuwf's seaience
•be eunnauird iau* day to permit, him
to aitead the fuaersL Ynuug has aut
U«o aa examplary prlsooer aad when
the case wav predated to Ooveroor
Warner. tb«- opniautatkio waa denied,
but he attaaded the fuoeral In charge
fnr a da r to fliUnh hla sentea<*e.
Cbarlaa Brabant, aged ^G, an Invent­
or. waa caught In a culling macbliM; at
the yu-tcher paper mill at Alpeaa aa l
'M|^ right arm almoat aever«‘d.
H^a. CyeargUd daughter of Mr.
aad MK Wajtot-Jluacher of Pclniac.
bit her tWgue almost In two la the
nlctdle by uaeapectedly atafiplag off of
the aldeaalk while walking backward.
amaber more of small towns
base cvintiibated geaerotuly to the
fund for Han KrancUco reHif, laclud
InK 1201 from Ka*l Jordan. |47l from
lb**.s4-m.r. 9441 fn.m Gladalone and
|li;v fioiii KIk RipUlH
Itovld Yoiurg lb a lutrniU who Mu
U'cn living aiuch^mfter the inauner ol
slid to^ia la the woods aear Hud
yard He baa la^m reduced to a men
aheleloa aad wsa trapped and taken
to the tvHiiily jail.
Mrs Harvey Knlrkerliocker of Ptlnl
{Msunsl keitiacne on a slow Are. Her
hair and rUiihtiig caught Are In the
eipbwkm. and bat for h.*r prese nce
mind In xral.I.iug a quill and wrap
W It tinmiMl her she would prole
abl>h^lie.-u faully hurm**! Hhe ih
M'sers Iy^'^Jureil and con aids* rabh-

WMP fulsilr wmmd4*tl while buulltig In
Hakttfa'. wlM*i<< be and hla mother wtmt
sin a vIkU. After an all night search
h«‘ maa VtMind In a fi-m-c ensrner. con
S4 i.Mu but
weak to walk, and with
a build wouiKl through hU brain. He
i,aid he ba.l ssii.lenMl aluMii all night
ttylng to gd hiinic *o hto iiuUhc'
dn't sorr). and. had a ternbie
m./ebb^-d. He did not r.allre thni
be had bceii shot and tlmt the bltssl
SK ftoni the buUet wound.
To give tbs Junior Ills a Utile Ustc
of newapapt*r w«*ik IWorv the cU*se «n
Die essllege >s*ar the aeiihsTii of the
Uiard ett ctmtrol *»f the MIrhigan Itolly
re^lgn.*d Managing kldltor iVw
Ilf Jackson to sur<«H*d«v! by Anhor
1‘tHiUj^ «>r Pontiac, sho has to-«m man
ar-r ..f the Mbhigan InUnder i'harU*^
I* fusblng lak«*s the latter iKvsUUm.
The rs signal Wni^ to-side that tsf Mr
ls*w are Flank J. Clark, the staff s i
aiorisi. of Itoltle Cr«vk; G»*oige A
Barnes, dilloiial writer, of Huwefl.
Mich.. A. H. Oriiuncr. musical critic;
Hugh Aiw a, editorial writer, of Stmt
He. Waab.
Mrs. \V C Join s of MWer. mother
of Mrs Blanrtie M Parker, who dh d
t>f runvuUlons In the Hhaw hmise./e
4-» h»'«| A letter from her daughter ISM
Fn.U) in which she wrote *‘l do not
|o.| very ssll. imr verv IIL but I
that I am going in die. for I have ha I
preM-nilmcals of death la ihre
di««ms Ulely • Attorney Brtioker of
C'mss City, who has charge of Mra.
f^arker-a affairs, lella of a lliile ro
mance which rtwulled la a deep dto
appointment to Mrs. Parker. She met
a certain man at the Hhsw t
aUeit a year ago and they Itocarn
gagt^ Ttm noui aald he waa Wanning
to hay the boial but tacked |SM. Mra
Parker loaned blm ibe monay and
tHea he dtoappeared. 8he traced him
t«i I'hioagD and there tewrnad that b«
waa mittod aad had a famUy. B||
t uraad damplir drapoadenl aad had had
fweuriiag aaalla of melaachcdia a
A MaanUla of Oald



did one a&e bos of Btmkl«i*a Andea
Salve, whoa It complHcly cared a rnarnwg sore on bar leg. which had tor
ured her tS loag yaata. Greatest am
tlsepiie healer of piles, wonads. and
sorca. gfte at Johanna Drug On, r. H.
MeadA C. A. Baghaa Drag Oa. drag

WWW the Dachtwa of Kostwige aad
iba Dnehsaa of Maaebeolar atw sutc
to be engaged la rivalry «nb the
daughters of tba VaaderbUia. Lord
and My Craven will, as la past sea
sons, be a««a la company with Mrs.
Bradley MarUa. while Ihs other Amer
lean* of title or otherwise are sore to
be to the fore to demoutrate that
they are rs-all.v in socUHy.
A new form of bridge, csjled ‘'upp^
It Ion bridge.'* bha bti‘s*u Introduced In
Baglaad. aad to becoming %«r> pirpu
Ur through Its livsdy aad escUlag
characteriji lea. It waa Invented abuu*
year ago la a,rveacb gaiTtooa town;
spread quickly ibroogbout th**
i>’n*orh army, and then about three
tba ago the rule* were commua!eated by a youim Krtmch offlc<T to
Mr. Oswald Cnf^ord, the Kagltob
diplomat aad ' f rtfer. a well-known
brldr* «;a»buali^. Mr. f^stcml say<s
clrc^ of bridge pU>ecs very
soon caW Jo prefer the new game to
the old kmX' It la more lively. The
apa an/ downg uf the gaaw^ are mswt,
sudden, and It to faster In play—Av.
or sU rubbers occupying no Wngei
than two or three under the old s>s
lem. The beat po4m about It. bow
, Is that almost every game h
and neck race, live actual play of the
carda to always pure bridge.
The land of Hhakespoare, C!«hgrevr.
Hht^ldan and IHneru has no reserve
of Ann rate playwrighU—writers, of
pieces acceptable to Wtfsl iihul au
H*s~among the Great Unacted.
At bast, that to the cfinclnslon arrived
b),the commlHce of the PlaygcsT**
club. wUeh invU«Hl at-idring draiuat
IstH to »-«*n.l in their iuA>lvruU^* i, mi
uuderAiaiullng that if oue was
il worthy of that htuiof. It should
U* produced by Mr. PhUip Carr at a
West Knd theatre. The plays aint In
tiered 2Ui, and were of all specie? .
est*c*pi the kind that Is once more the
IKipuJsr and Nur'cesaful mi the
Ion stage-luuKlcal After
«*llroliiatlng all ImpiisKlbU* and iiiedi
play*, the commltree nilursd the
M‘tlto:>i to two, but even (hen they
Anally divided that to.dh of ibeiii
lackixl the quail*b> that make tor kim*:
cess on the toiards. All thto k4H*ms i i
prove that while then* are plenty of
excellent writers of novels and litotlea
In jSngland. the dianulc InsfUitl in ilj.*
rentl«*ih r**ntury la rxireuiely tan*
nongT-ibigltohmen-much rarer than
was In KlisalM*than Kiigland or than
la In mcsierii f-'rance
King Alfonso. In addUton to acqwlr
g an Pngltoh wife, itsik a few le.
sons duimg bis r«tent visit here In
Kugluh hum *r. He wws an apt iHipll.
At a ChrUly inlustref eiiierulnmcm
given by the officers uf the Osliorne
tonvalescv-ni home be took his Arsi
dip into the dept ha i4 Jihigllsh jokedom. Ills b^soii was oimplete and
conipn-henalve. *Phe mlnatreia startsmI
to mke np the boon J<»»te8 of the pn*
htoiorb |M*riod. of the glacial peiiml
am! stone ages, jokea that In the-days
of William the roiiquers r were ho andent that ihdr jieris tiistot> were HaTile to be linjirisonod far h s ma^u
or cruelly to animals or wime such
charge, and the king hlmwlf snh.yed
ibeiu Just aa tboioughly as he did thi
num* modem omw of the cwriy Vic
lorton iH-rkid But the Joke of aN
hikes tbai cautM'd him (o laagh tin*
loudest waa (he mothcr-in law joke
That tlckk*d hto risible* into an explo­
sion of laughter that <*<mi1i1 l*e beanl
all over (be ball
Kve«i priecea
Hearj. the prospiKrtlve fBolb«r-lD-tow
of the king ^jS^in. waa forced by
(he politeness of conveallonaliiy lo
laugh at ihla Joke. A culroaa cotnei
denoe of the king’a vlalt waa the pres­
ence on the laland of a myata
Hpaalah noble who Imre the i
donym of 0»mte de Xcrea. He i
frequent vUlUt to the convent «
are secluded some of the no
ladles of europc. It turns out that
the mysferhnis vtoiUrr to none other
than Don Akfunsn. bruiber of Don Casloa. the leadbm CaHlst and preto
to the throne of Spain. He to vto
a retetlve la the convent, and bis
praaence la the tale of Wight at the
same time aa Uie klng^ Spain has

of Loadoa season praper Is to bs given
on the ]5ih of thto mootb. qrban Miss
Gladys Graee. Um yoingrat dangler
<ff Mr. MigbwiI r. Grace of BaUls
Abbqy. wlU Mka her dcbm gl bar lb-

aadpeto. T. A. tokla. CUT. K. r.
a No. 1.
may n-tf
a: W. Vuuta. postmnatcr at Rleeftoa.
la. nearly lost bla life and was robhei
wralern aa44le: pair draft boraaa,
of all comfort, according to hU letter,
wclgki l.bou pouada or baUer; new
which aays; •'For 2»> years I bad
chronic llrer compUInt. which led to
such a severe esse of Jaundice that
even my Anger mails turned yellow:
when my docUir prescribed Klectric WANTCG-MIddle %gwd lady, aa ex
Bitters, which cured me and have kept
me well for deren yiars." Sure cur- Varienced housekeeper, would like a
bnioiisaesB. neuralgia, weakness
Corraspondence solicited. Addrewa
k wonderful
Box 140. Holly. Mich.
may IbJl*
Johnson Drug <!o.. F. H.
Meads. C. A Uugbse Drug Co. drag WANTED - BnergtHle.
stores. S4I cenU.
mso to work in Mtcklgan. r^toresenlIking drunk on (he ati\*e(s on Sun
Ing large manuKactnrtmg €3o; aalary
day to worse than on other day s, me
t40 to ISO per month, paid wm»kly:
cording to, Justice Koe of Lansing
expenses advanced Address with
Sunday dniaks who apptwred beforv
him tn the munlrljuU court were rt>Hi to pay Aaes |2 btavler than
Ihone who celebrated on other days. WANTED—Work aa mirae. bo2 But
FYunt. CU. phone U4.
may lb-3t




rbfl «ALC-New Kimball planoNnacd
toaa than <ma year: $!». tOfi Wab^
ater atML
may lo-2t
FOR BALC^-Cbeap, refrigerator hxSxC.
Mb State atrauL
may 10 tf
tin CA»M will buy lot m. Hannah
Heights aoburb. WxlCS
feet. If aold before Jute IsL Apply
to Tboa. T. Batea.
May & tf
tits CA»M wUl bu> lot m Gram
street. Oak Heights mibuTb. bOxlte
feel. It aoM bedww Xune 1st. Apply
to Tbos. T. Mem,
may 6-tT

Frank 'fii^slcW
Shop, - \V«it tW SlMst

$2$0 CASH will buy a % acre lot tn
Blrchwood suburb. 100 feel froatlag
upon Bast bay. 812 feel on Broacsb
street. If sold by June 1st. Apply *o
Tbos. T. Bale*
may 6 tf
FOR SALE—Several bouses or will
rvnu Howard Whiling.
may btf
FOR SALE-High grade ladles' wheel.
7 Monroe street.
may t-lf

WANTED--W'swhI turner; prt-to
le ratio that the
man familiar with other qoudwork-jS250 CASH wlU buy i«ts 192, IBS and
use of Dr King's New Ufe lllto In
log machlntiy. J. E. GreUlck Co.j ui. Rost* street. Oak Heights aubcreases. They save you from dauger
and bring quick aad painh .^s n k^ase
Msy 7 If urb; 12U feet on Rose. I>5 feel oa
iMtIoo aad the Ills gntalng
itrength and vigor always GIRL WANTEO-Ftir general b
follow their use, GuaraaltHHl by Joiinwork. Mr«. W. P. Crotser.
son m
C/O.. F. 11. Meads. V. A. Bugavenue.
Co., drugglaU, 2&c. Try
hew L
TO RENT—Two UBfumlshed rooms
suitable for light housekeeping; al«o
WANTEO-Try the Parisian for cleaa
one furntohi^d room.
603 W'esl
Ing and dying. Call 849 CIL
A Urge force of im*n are ernploy»-l
Seventh at reel.
may S-lf
the site of fbr* new Wsger's iH.w. r
apr M tf
dam. atoiul feus niile.-» uouibesst jf
FOR RENT-B«»l office rooms in the
Muir on the Grsiul ri\er. il will take
city; newly flutohi-d and papered;
learn printing trade. Only one who
forty teamn and sev» nt> live men nine
heattsl: hot and cold water; be*t
will appreciate a good opportunity
Lhq to move Uu* dirt toioiv tb»* ee
daylight rooms In ylty. Over Find
need apply. Herald and Record Co.
L work <aii be started.
National tuink. Inquire at Mllllken's
apr 27-lf
office. Ueui low.
may 9-tf
FortunsU MUsowriana.
-When I war- a druggist, at Uvonla. WANTED—Four heavy teams to draw FOR RENT-Farm 8 miles north
lumlser; good wages; write or phone
Mo.." writes T. J. l>wyer. now of
Traverse City. Small bousa and
Graysvllle. Mo., "thrt*© of my custom
Carp Lake Lumber Co., Bingham.
orchard. Other couvenleoces. Cbas.
were psTmanenHy cured of conapr 28 If
[itk»n by Dr King’s New niscoV<TV. -lAlch.
Norris, Norrisv ille.
apr 9 If
and ar.» .well and Mrong today. Oac
s trvlng to Hi ll his property and
FOR RENT-Ten niom house, 120 N.
ve to Arir.ona. but after using New
Spruce St., phone CSC.
may 1-tf
Ibsrovery a short lime he bmnd It un­
necessary l«i do wo. 1- regard Dr MORSES FOR SALE-I have a few
King’s New Dtocsivery aa, Ihe roost
l*iKid diaft au I driving hurs* H,
wonderful medlcUm In rxlslencc."
wHgbt frtun I.ihni to
pair of
Hurest Cough am! Cold cure and
iroat and Lung healer. Guarantee*!
KiHjtl UrlviiiK iMiiib*.H. H. J Murgau. HAVING BOUGHT a hiavler team I
by Johnson Drug C>. K H. Meada. C
may UMf
am now ready tor the dray bUKlne.s.;
A. Ilugbes4 Drug Co. druggists. X,0c
uf my friends and at rangers, Fred
and 11. Trial bottle 10c.
FOR SALE-Small place two mile*
Saxton. tMlltens W3. Office 210
from city; good frame bttlldfng; ju*l
Kast Front St.
may S-St
the place tor a country home. H. K.
Perrin at First Nstlousl bank.
J. U. SMITH—Detective Bureau. De^
apr 27 If
tectlve work to all legillmale
branches. Suite 9 10. lYvweni Opera
of^'rrmt sln-ei frt)m iht* tasl line of FOR sXlE—Horses at the Shllson
House Bldg.. Grand Rapids. Mich.
Union Mrs-s-t lu the ea>-i line of Itork
bouse barn. Dan Crevellng. 92(
apr 19-1 mo
Ktr**et and I'nioii Kire.*l from the north
Washington. CM. 705.
spr 27 tf
of lot 1 of ld<M k*.*.. ill Hannah, lay
MONEY TO LOAN-No tax cUuss
*o s Afih HutHlIvisivn of 1rav«iwe
. t'l til* lioiib S lid of South Ciiion FOR SALE—A llpo rt'aldence on State
pul to mortgages. Houses tor sale
.-t lirlilg**. are now In my hands for
Htre4-<. on paved section; ver>-d«‘KirInquire of B. McNamara. l*ark
colleeilon of the fifth Inslulliuent.
!i»i. houHt* with airnio*!Place bo*el.
together with tbo mvriied liiler«*sl on
ern iinpnivt mentK. If you desire a
iiupsid InstallnionlK. the same to
home in thto s4-ciiun of (he city in- PALMISTRY-Consult Madame Hines
lUiid to fore the Arst day of Jime
vestlgale. See M. W. Underwisod
Remember the future Ilea In yoor
may 7 2iwk:?
band, a scleuUflc reading will reveal
(be true life's hUtory. Over ill
FOR SALE—Summer colUge aad lot
Union 8L Side Ftttrmnoe.
at Dirchwood. Inquire Angus MeColl.
apr 19 tf
FOR SALE CHEAP-Ons gasoline cn
if so. I have the following for sale,
glne, g horse power, 1 single work
bargains. « very one of them.
barnes*. 1 sail boat. A. W. RIckerd,
ONE HOrSE on West Elevenlb 8L
321 Bay streeL
Would make a nice hom|.
April 23 imo.


Every lady will be inter­
ested in these goods.
The line embraces the
White Skirls,
with deep llounces and
two to four rows of tine
• lace and insertion. Our
75c and \)oc line will
surprise you.
AuViee' Draworfi,
stylea, ‘2V
i\ upwards.
Niijht (towns, laoo and em­
broidery triumusl.
Betiuliea at only Vk. ako
plainer ami bctU>r ones.
Corset Covers, the most tervio(*iibli‘ cover on the mar-






—“ttrcsislls:,"' —“

lohn R. Santo
(^neral Insaranct

Kew WURdm Blk..

TrsTersf City

»W> ».l

Salta, Itallr


Pere Marquette
Line Steamers

$1.00 sKA $1.00
Round Trip $K50

Steamers leave JdanisttM* daily (cx
cepl Sundays) at u.iHJ p. m.and 7:00 p
m.. Sunday^ at 7;iK> p. in. for Ludlngtoo aud Milwaukee. Arrive at Mil
w-aukee at G:.*:a a. tn. Leave MUwauk«*e daily at k:00 p. m. Arriving at
Manistee at 7:A0 a. lu. and !) 30 a m.
ConnecUuns; At Mllwauk»*e with
early train* for Chicago, aftenuvui
train* from Chicago, and all points
nprth and wc.vt. At Ludingtun with
Pere Marquette railroad for all pointo
north and east. At Manistee with M
A K. B. railroad. M A G R. railroad,
aad sleantem tor Onekama and FYank
fort. Uick fool of Pint *trceL Tel«phone IS2.
E: H. FRENCH. Agent.

NCi ^OD"




thri*:e houses on Rssl Tenth 81.
FOR SALE—My home at 131 Bast
Nicely located
Eighth SL DoalrablF location; rea­
ONE HOUSE on Rose BL. near cor
sonable price. £. 11. Pope.
apr 174f' kYunt SI.

FOR SALE-FuVnlture, bar room, fix­
and Koee SU.
tures and business of Hotel Colum­
bia. A. HeberL
apr 14-lf
Und. level as
towp of 500.

HOUSE on cor. Fronl
CUT OVER hardwood
a ffoor. 2% miles from

40 ACRES cut over.
Best kind of poUto land, only (wo
Inquire 521 miles from market and perfectly level.
may 11-St

Wm. Ghampion
Painter. Paper Hanger
and Decorator.

All work done in a satisfac-’
toij’ manner.
All orders promptly attendcd to.
22lW. iOUSt OtpWieMl

FOR. SALE—Dahlia bulbs; mixed
evdor*; 25 cents }>er do^n. Phone
837 City.
May 9-6t
FOR SALE-Ladle*' Ubrsry property
on Front street; 51-foot front; terms
reasonable. Inquire of Mrs C. J.
may 9-lf
—The greatest egg machine. Eggs
for hatching 11 and 92 per thlrtacto.
I bad the highest seoriag pen of any
variety In the recent poultry show.
Special prices on lou of 50 and 100.
W. H. Umlor, 408 Fifth 8L
may 5^2 mo

FOR BALE—Whlla Wjandottat. Dnatlaa ttrala. pHsa vlanan, Iftaaa
eggs fbr IBM. K. Cr Br. Legboraq.
qgst. IftoMi fior flAi. J. W. Zlm-

179 CABM win bnjr Jot llfi. Hanaab
arawM, Oak BelFbU aaborb. Mxia
teal. Kaold Mora June IM. Apply


W. H of S W. M of Sec. 2. T. 30. N. IL 9 w!—W scre.*t.
K. H of 8. W. % of Sec. 11/T. 30. N. R. » W.-80 acres.
Ijot No. 1 nt Sac. 84. T. 28. N. R. 18 W.—38 60100 acres..
Lot No. 2 of Sec. 84. T. 88, N. R. 18 W.-57 80-100 mcresj


N. K tocUoo.1 li of see. a, T. *7. N. R. 13 W.-1«T 7MS0 ut
Come Md MO B. or writ* u toi>rtcM.

Jobn F. Ott Lumber Co,






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