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The Evening Record, May 23, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
rmmttoATU iwus
smtmdeiis that mioht havi
fOAMTS ••COIMWdOATIO** AT WAA AA Way ta Aaytam Wbaa Ha Cal
movu vf «ovtiiwoii.
wilt A ICIWiOllll KISS
ANARCMtrra aalutko
F«N Wtwm itocfc.
fraU WWW in
fragraaoe ENad Ue nir
iBpoaad for pUtorUg fn
Hover or dlsturhlag
THE WV. T. P. ULLOM FAVORB priae oo tbe part of Umwk, dtiCLEANING UP THE CITY.
SCO. bmoskt about .
a uaay trays
Oarwntural adranUB
are Braaiar Uaa tbeira All «e ae^
Talia of Twio Calltomta CHioa Wbtoh is to Bhe baad to UU cUrton emU to
Hava Accomplishad Much by
doty and vary aooo our UiUe cUy. too.
United EltorL
vlll CMS to U« froot la ciaaiilUaaa.
The thirteen townships oulhbb, ol
BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS WAS Tri»»i rs<* nty are 4*stlmaied at |r,.777.
•m. and Uie ciiy-i,f Trav.TM- |:..7’t.u
tlAlfDH. llAjr ».-«■!
ush. The estluiaie of the state tax
am AtoiAAder B«iriBAii li««ld ao aa
ctminiHJtbjn. however, U eoosldcrablv
ArdilAt »<MlA« At Arblu>r» hAll lAJ>t
Chreka Were Returned to Cantractore In excess of the assessi'd valuations
Alflll Wh«A KomiA lAUuducnd
Bxt^d hy the lHuii.1 if su,Kr%Isois. the
BAA am CAV« hlAI A roui.111* ..mATk
and Minority Report of Board of
(Continued on.»^‘r<md Fage.l
OA Ur ARBlh. IkHli fiM-A. ttmxU'i
Public Worka Favoring City
•VAfTlIilng AAd SAkt €*»vrrlhlng
Doing Work AdopleA
VATA nArttod by four puhe^mrn aiuI
FooliAT, VAy
a BlrdAlry,
Mcr to WlAd BlJlA AOd CAA^tlOr ID
glAAA, OOBAimOd AUlrldo lA»t OlAbl
wllb OATboIU: mtid AOd by AbBAloi;
blABAlf to ihm brod wlU a rt
Ha was dlAcourog^d or
At Ue rol ling of tbc/rlly rvmnrjl
St evening, a eoninu i a lib the M, i
n»|,(,111411 Bflrk euiuiiaio aa» authei
Irid for the brick n.*,ci-ai> to do ih*
log on Soniti I nU,n and ('mm,
Ur^. The |.rl,e was 1,4 cenu a SECOND WARD THE BEST AND
WiOAU^atH ThU l« practle^ly Ut‘
KABO AS Ue klAoUteo pHro Aa there la
1 dtErmocr otJdfOuTTuur eenta lo thr
frtdghl rAU*A. The board of puhlu
eorka was AuUorUrd to BAke con MUCH RUBBISH DISCOVERED
meU for the irtber oiveaaAry BAterUl
ADd Iu procet^d with the work of |uiv
OrtAl Mill I
Allro. Moy M.-Tfcr grUl mill bt*ri'
VAA Alruck by IlfbUloc ood bomf«d
Aorly. UU Bomloji with oil tU ron
teotA No lAsarmorr.
lAbAlAd OAAa
8au1I Sir. MAflr. Moy 2a.-jAtm>»
•oninirtom. In addition to this
MrSurocy. bolaiiOAU fi»r Uo furuAii* the mlnoiiiy r«,M,it of the Unud of
(d tbo AI^iBa HU<I riiintMiuy. ft-ll liuldir works. niad«* May 7. favoring OfScars a»d Esnculive Commiule of
froB ue lQt> of tb.‘ (uroA.'i* lU- iu
doing of the woik \») da> lalHU' In
Woman's Civ*c Improvement AaiBlod baa btovo to him t.y ibi win.l ».l<-ad of, by I'oniiarf, was adopii-d
soclslion and Newspaper Men
AAd dl«d Ibougb dortor> ourked uvir
(Coullnucd on Third rage.)
Viewed City's Back Yards.
ArrrrAl iMiurm
Told Him Ha Would Find a Dead Man
Whan Ha CAma SacA Sot Nona
WAA Dtacovarod.
IMiro J A Brlua. a IVrr Marqu. io
brokoBAO. »a» rn'iMiDK the fr«-ktw>
UoAdoy nlghi on bli aa> to the it»uud
baAac, be aaa «bal bet buusbt wa« «
brokebrAiD l>lno
Jibe trAck. Wbi n
be BOl op rlouer. be dluctivered tbot
l«u^ ob>ert AAA A icaii obu bod iiu
brad oo «u»e mil aod'hka fwl oo
other A» Mr llrlgKis A)ipruAcbed. the
BAU mn doAu the toink rouml
aomeihlnr ahuoi “Ahm you come ba< k
youll And a diAd man beixv” The
braVemAn aimed a klok at the htraoxer
Vben> It auutd do tin- nuiet kimmI
lb# »ouldl»e MiirldK dlaAPpeatod lb
tbe darktiea* ajid a>. ti<i body baa aioce
baoo fin.ud It U thought UAt br loat
bt» aer^e Wj^u^hrtivored, It rrah
obli a aboitflmtonhiM a^utaar
traiA Aaa due. Th«> ma^^aa'oot far
AAcHiBb mi the in-»iw u.
AAlar but waa oa Ib4- a rat rad.
MtoAlonary Dcdarra, That It C>
Only lA Imasmation And Thar
ta Raally None. *
y.t •;
I am iwoat baortily lo tovoraf immAp.
Bli^t aad day. Sunday and bidldays
ipal claaolog tUya.
That U ibe Ureicaa. caaseUas way
that money deposited wiU us at tatercat will work for you. and ft will
iIh); apart Frida, and Salardax «>,
*« “> “rtk.akwrtd you
-«* a. • munlripal rKanh^j day." to!«® »"
^ «rt.? 8ft yoar bokv
a M.V la tb« risbt Ulrwilon. a -■oak|‘“ »orili,* ,or you. Interest Is Its
rake speech * of the right sort. 1 moH wages and lu pay U sure. INwpIc s
heartily second Ihla forward move- Savings hank.
imiil. Every cUiz<n in ureal ed In Ue
welfsiv of our city estheti^lly aod a Ao R. flowers AND COFFEE.
Flowers will be received by the sol
lO lrienicaJly should otuu rv e tbesv* day*
iu ymrt at least as reguesti<d. Let us diers' committoe aU day on the 39U
of May at ib« Grange ball oo Cass
purify and Uauilfy oar city.
ttoiue inonlks ago I was privileged slrcel.
(\ilfee will be served for those who
to visit Redlands and Riverside. Cal.
two of U« most Uautlful of our small bring their Inncb at noon on Memorial
may 23 U
cities. The streets v
Bupertiaor W. W Dvpa has been
making aonn- cpmi^iisona reUtlve to
Ibc aasoju^l AalualWiUs of uutl eiUte
In eack aasewalug dlstr»cl In Uranu
Travcrs<‘ rutmiy. Including the Bve
wards of the city He has taken the
flruns esilman-d by
of Ue l.*oard of slate tax ro
board of assessor* for the
Tills estimate give,^ he
luul v.dualioii In the rountiy of 111.
OovAtAor WArtM-r AM>ft>v»d llw bciArd »
two dAlAciim.
By Wfra lo ibr BraolAB Baoord.
HttotlMian. iad^ May 23 --Oparalu]
kach BrarrU KHkaa at Aadrewa^ latAAr HERETOFORE CITY HAS PAID
btm A aaaairokc, lAMBd iralA order*
today UAt s^wm dUUeb AgSBU Ibt
bottaat tlaa of Uair Itvaa lo prvrcal
Ha waa oa Ur aay BtHwryieor Dean Wm Mak^ Elton to
to Ue aayluB bat got prMaeaabra ^
Have EQuaHaation FPkM an Baala
tba lrt4-arapb ofAce la Ue abaeoce
pf tha But? Tg* Commla'
Id U« operator.
aloo’a EstimaU.
9f wtf U» iW •vMlas IU«H
OM Sprite.
g>NH# ^o*rd At UiAftlAA hAJi rmtti
MOiid • |»r4« for Ttioauu K. Me
ClArrr llrOArry
ta CH« arm»4 Rapklt WAler
4m1 •caa4Al »n4 i
loak lor four ycort The
A srfAt tei or AtUntloA All
C|«tr Ua AUtc AOd AMAjr «forU werf>
■a# to AAtian. A
tor UtO^nr
RepOftedVGb^yrs Would CoM 15 and
20 Cents and Hair MowirVi 75
1 hat some of the alleys in Travels,City are in a de,»huaTneNw4idlib,n was
d.moiiMral.sl iliU mornlnK when Mr,=
J. W l•stcbln. preMdenI of the
Woman's Clvir lm|in,\eraenl as.siK’la
li.m. .Mrs. W H VmbM. hecielary aiel
treasurer, and Mi> A. V. Frledrleh
and Mrs
»i S4,uie ofr the e>
extH UlUe
d by tW
(tS{W’r men (liovi- ever. ih(‘ greater ,iart
of Traveih, tliy and made a can Ini
invfsilgallon to lind oid "how the
(lUer half looks ‘ It wax th<* omcenHUSof.n,,lntoii thsi the Hu.k of getting
the city spick stid hi*an wa,^ a higge.“
t,DP than had bei ji thought.
The trip alM,ut the city disrlus*Ml the
fart that the Semnd ward was th‘
banner ohr of the five and that the al
(Continued on l*agt .'• )
WAS M ,Mut»*d Around the <ll> to
day IhAl the Ik^lM i's pulou was oo the
iMiiut of Adiam ing the price of shaves
1 M» and 15 CN-ms to i:. aod 2o <vnt»
lach. the extra nlekle In laah
caiMH iiaylng for a msk shave. Not
was thiN the worst the news mittaUud
alb gallon also that the prln- for
KmooihiiiR lip I he thstrb oo top of the
think hho|, was to U- 7.', i ent «, btx bits
lghl,s II Im-<u> Nor was llil.s the
I Tlu man who had a safety raxor
anil xhaviNl hiin« If was to in* luinisl
fumi havini; his hair (tti al any union
shop at au.v pnci; ,The Injuminui w.i. LIVED IN THIS REGION
to be tM'rruanout and the tuan wb*.
Mumped bis own mug would have to
gel bis wife to rut bis hair or do H
Wm a Believer tor Many Years In the
The union bad a linlr smoker Mon
day night ami the'priee mising minors Bwedenborgian Feith or the Church*
ef the New Jerusalem.
simply jd,H dreams. A Rem. 1
repoMM-nlatlve InU-nrlewed. William
Inlow. lireiUh-al of th» union. t«alay
TVvIh relieved Uie sulIeringH of M
be dc iH, d tl*e whole story.
KyeriA «d Kmplrr yesterday altem«in
at l;30 after a yesri. Illness fn>m dla
Ths NewMt Copyright Book
The t(ai7 foUowa the ceieer of • pow wtiet'of briOieiit WImW
end Pfomiae vho cooMe to Loodoa. FWiwioh oosoedee the twt
thUheie elraad^aaiTiedtoeecNiBtfy giri i^eW MoiUeDd
^endtroBthiederive UtealioS ieteuelydimuudio i> which
FhnvkhV wife and & heeoUtol deoghter of FeawiokX noh
Lotodos cstlon phx teadiog parte.
is always to Ite had at our store.
That iH Iwiauae our stylee ai« the
loadinK t>oes. Now that the merry
summer has MriN*ed yon nee<l a hat
nbt only the standard of
i and style, the iierfeotion of
that is ijrawful in shape and
beautiful in form, but also one that
in durable ami wcvarahh‘. Neither
do you want to pay too much or too
little, either is false economy. Our
hats will exactly meeb your desire
at all pointo.
icumKOK a.
Colgatc^s Cashmere
Our outing shoes are at*
iraciing a good deal of at
tention at this writinjj. Wc
have all the good styles in
hijjh or low cut. Yachts. - men, tennis players and all
men or women who enjoy
summer sports will find we
have just the shoes to
Bouquet Soup
Kucbi room size, with each
purchase of ihcir
Men's and Women’s Outing Shoes
on this occ;ision should hav«
tbo best appi ariinoo pt^sihle.
The RonU will want Paicuit
Leather and of the newest
aisles. Funhious are do'
signed in the faetoritv where
we huy our sliiven.
The ladies will wear white.
We have
Order lor
-While Footwear
of all descripliuns.
Olblts Canvas
Ours $1.25
Tn*es, shruhL
IQis$ and ntr.
Tkar«^; d^Hr «Mtr taMM:
iiwbat most of them
will wear.
$1,25, 1.55 tc 1.75
With Usr
Stock doors delivercti same day as ordered. Odd
doors and window screens in three days.
Drag Store
\Vc*ll send a man to take the measurements
abstract* of TItl*
Traverse City Mfg. Co^
In the Pantries
of the most critical families,
club houses, hotels and
restaurants *
“Best” Flour
ho'lds first place. Will
you not give it anrial f
Ask your grocer fora
A Splendid Offer
Two special offerings in‘Hosiery in both ladies and
children's. One is a special hose in a ladies’ fast black,
excellent quality, put up three pairs in a box. price per
Lay Co.
Ifijpiwd in a Train Wmek GetTmn
Lafayette a^d the StXdiera'
Travef-Y' region In is*.4. where a Ibu
Hpmt Today.
By Wire to U« Btreniog Rerord.
acre home»iead'wM taken uji and a
IBAtrar. May
- Bubo,, oldhaio of
raotinuous rc^dcare maiutalmHl ev< r
By Wire to the Bvenlng Rnwd
tW dtacaae of Acmtbem Arnta. at Uv
llanapolie. May » - a dispatch wnw. The wife died aeven year* ago
(UAirralkB of Ur »ork) Mountain IIu
from Battle Ot^nd- says that thirty and two rhiWt*ii are left. Adellwrt
•toAary aoctoty H*day dwUrtd that
oHJ aoldlers were Inyun^ In a raUroad hTvertH of Kranktori-: a s«,n by a first
bail^Sra aa i»reAebcd Irom Ur ptilpU
k bHawn LAfa>ei(«.
Ue aul wife, and Mr*. Marx K. Wilson, cmly
child of thv* aerond wife. Ft>ur grand
dlm«* borne.
rhlldrrui and one great grandrhikl are
Mrs, A I. Tldball fftumed lo be; also lefb while a brother. H. C. Kverls
home yxsierday after a vUlt In the of Grand Rapldr. survive*.
Ordar of ESilam SUf Catabratad Faa^
The funeral will Uke plact tomor
elty with Mrs 8 Bdgerly. 2J7
tarday Aftamooii and Evening.
row afiemo*»n at 2 o'clock from the
W’tat ttUteenU Mn-it
Thr XJfder of Ue Baatem Hlar orte
home, seven and a kalf miles soulb of
brated Uair ^moib aoolviaiBry U
CAMPUF-IX A IIAKKLNB It,vile Bmpite. tbe He'v. Willi
A very fdaAAABt ■Boaer y
jfour patruaage al the roller hkatiag Burial arUl be In Ifcc WaBner cemoAfiamooo mod etabU^ lo tba afur aodltoriuB. third Boor new Campbell tcT}'. Mr. ISTetta was for may yeara
ABB tba lAdiea eoAfiABAlad ml tbr block
Opea Taesdaj
a belimt of tbc*SvedeaborBlaB faitk.
Mb# nioBu «M apao^ tba Mma to
or Ue Cbufcb of Ue New Jeraaalem.
vartosa idantl waya aod to the etro
W. B. Anderson of this city will bavc
lU • »0U1|* mirp>*. U. w^kk (b*,am
charge of tbe funeral arrangemeau.
»1I»W VM» toUM*. «W MTTtd. itiM.
Another is ladies'and children’s Hose, fast black, and
an unusually good quality at a low price. Your choke
of cither 3 for 25c. Per pair,
; .
Two-piece Suits
$7,50,. 10.00, 12.00
Latest out—fjood fitters—blue serges and
fancy light pkids.
Fine Summer Suits
. NoihJilftSi at lew than'
three to five dollars more money.
■ -
I Watch this space tomorrow.]
• Store closed all day Decoration Day.
They «re IKK a luxury.
The hot summer days
makes them w posduve ^
U vrftlaa la i|a Bvaalag «a€aH
Tke aaearaxloa tor the new addliioi
Is what usost people axe Intorfro«| BaraAa Safteia. AiH, Ffaak W io tke Iforgaa A Sea elder mill on
eslod in iast now aad we would
Ulml a tniall ium in comWUaa^ eaa^jr
af 4«a^. wa< Bgy aineet la aearlag compirttoa. tke
Bke to Inters^ you la our doers
Tha Army cl tha I
iwrtson wiib aavic43 ot a
exearatioa belag la placra mock beloa They Rye marebtog to tke drum. 1 can
and windows. We have tbpeoml^xxl
rgtor in a acaaon
'aaM vrfi# aad M roi tkehaylerei. The ea« Ire earth tmai J
or two.
Ike nullum aJtd the good
r« Mfaljr aa4 U of ibU loeatloa to made earth from ; ^*bea the Sreleroas of 'k’ickshurg
scr^tm doors, adju. la »,K* window
Wi* have just what you
aboat a»“ ^ood cMiditioa aa caaki la eawdaet aad edgMsa froai tke oU
^e«eas. ipriag blugrs. door
•aiiialer out upon parade;
'' ant at kaa than yi>u ex|Kvt
I Mffarad a srcai mUMag operatloae of yeam igo. Tb« ror the old famlUar roll sumimuis
to pay.
sprtnga. polls, buitcms, wr‘.e
d«aJ aa Ua trip.
edftafa aa they lay la the eacavatloo
cloth, in tact everythloa yxm
^ every soldIer*s soul
-I %m lApronaf a sraai 4aal aaH aad were espoaed to air became aoA t rrpm the eimotless graves of gtory
noed to ket p otK the flU'#
dak iMa li a giaat pte for aae i sad pare ao trouble to remove by
wttvre their- Allowed dust is
lalta. It U rtfia up la tW aMoaUlB, Mmetlac while If they bad bm mater 1
Before buying conn In an 4
aad tkroa|b IM dartka t^pmtnn eoaked they woald have baea preWith hU hullet riddled flags and hla
J. w. Vk-jx-rKf*
ha« boaa fa dacfoaa. tlM Mibaat Mca •ervad kal all vltk tke exeeptloa cf
a-et lu hUs»dy rags,
I kart kata iMca, kat vanr aoM algku. Ikm dlre^y todag the water froat
* Walks the pale young rontlucmal
f tfpm tkraa u> mere dry.
la aiiocli»r roilUB ot
R«eor4 tty
with his mi’fckrt at his hack;
w raproAiiM Uh tnrM fiT Um •ra caatc par papit aa4 iae oa«». too. V The baaemeal fooodatloa will be T1>erc are Pcrrv’a batu-red tars, with
. BgftmiBrt ralaatkiM of tlM» ftUAiMn Fmekm ara lanpar tkaa kickonr aau lour feet betow the water level aad
their cut lasicw and scars.
f«r tka aUta hoari « aaaaMora iM
in ascavaiioa of a four foot depth to
And RnnbomiBe Uirhard’s sallorv
UK w^laaliMi. far IW eoaai/ af laiiu aia |a»t oorarad wKli i
the bard pan wOI be neoeaaary In
wit\i the smoke of hattle hla* K
koaci^rucklM aad are tke
frdw to Sad a aubati^tial baae for
kara rrar eaea.
They aie marchiug to the drum,
Ottjr. Tkaaa iiana ladlaau tkai Ika
ibe waUa.
though wUh lost fuivver duuil.
While tbo edgings furtneriv wert
«Md/oatakla of tka aiir ikoaM ka*
my bip ao||w aad tkU mnralng I soo aalable and were pUed wlib reXuae
Arc the bugh^ that f.v Gram and
a mile bul IO make laad along ibo water fioni.
tmre pla.vtvl a flerev iv
I dottara la eseaae of aralked akoit^a quarter
Ibelr value lodsy l. rf‘c*>gul*od b»*lh
' Trart-ma City
■kaalifnti tke diy haa paid about •oam but tklak I will he able to rome u a fuel and as klDdllng wcmmI. and in 6ut the ranks uf him- and gray have
arben. and iu,Uy
« par amt af tke total atata aad ouoa borne tm three or four werke aad run Ibis way Is shippe-d to the uttUide
Ride by side keep step together to
IT U*. Vadar tka atlaiale of Ue aaotber tool race,**
uarket to And a good prtoe.
kMPf af aaaailaare tka eooaly akould
New week the Iral stone founda'tton ‘
the welt iememtH*n-d strain.
rMOdlurs and marines from the
pay Mora tkaa half of tkeaa laaaa. W
far off I'hlllpplneK.
KlbTO feet In dimenaloas and be util
W. Om, chalrvaa of fhe board «|
Mp««iMMa kaa te^,tke Miter up
juMi esrliulvely for the elder aHlt . ('lad In tatiert'd khsU i»|r»uM s am!
(Coallnued from First IHtgc.l
•ad vtti mt^kt ao aPort vltk ika coia total la Urn oouaty being about Ik.too. rbile the mill .lie m*w will bv uei^ for
with fares lean ami lanii*^!;
Eveiy eye b
,in tht
■illaa •• Pdoallaatloa at Ika •agt PM. of vkicb the oily U given about he storage building.
flag for whuij they dit-»I,
•Ma# of Ike koard of aaprrrlaon to l4.40g.W0. The city to ipof paid
kara tka lam equpliaed upoa Uie about W per cent of the state and
There’s a wound in every boMHii.
kdiia af Ike aatiiaata af the tai oooh county tai. whereas under the esib
bul a sword In every hsnd.
-A fair average Uay*A Nmnmy wUh a
Mrtaa. Tkii le a mUar of ooaald mate of the sUto board of asre.^ors dog team in our county U twenty Ore
.\V\’ have al.oiu ::<• «l.,/eii ChnUron's Ulack 1 lose in all
awikla taiporiaaae. pad vklle tkr of the ux commission, the share of miles.** aald a realde4 of AlaakA “If Tb the arm.r *if the drum. th<»ugh Ihc
the Wsxun and the bomb
‘ ‘
aaiOdaU ta ika ladinduaj Urpayer the townships outside of the city |s
si/es Irom 5 to S'.;-----Regular lOc value....Come
thj^^ tilT lit’0^1’ST^
Wffl ka rnttac. tkr rottOl) ouleldr the IM7.406 mo,x. than .be city valua.lony.l 2;il7.Uy^Ui.U^^^
here an.l ;;et tin m at tli.- above i-riee....They are
dHy arftdaaUy ahould pa> a mile more
The following are the tgvres In lack
------fre-ii Iroin ih-; mills ....
township and each of tbo (iVc wdrds of but one mtist know how to t
Not a iiixii amonx: them all but uuul lj
the city, giving a comprcbraalve table It wrUI not do to give th«ib inoro than
rtitKise again lo fall
IB a r<*I>t*rioIrr t»f ibc
tmi women at wonk,
of the values of real estate'In oatdi
For the blight and stsrry ha urn » I a|pet
A ooaiMmae of ladle, of ibe Chic
pamalng dlatrlct as estimated by
made immortal with their tdiKMl 5-OlWI
iMpmamai aaauclatloo eurted out
The usual feed U a lot uf rkw or meal
amioera for the board of state tea
that has been well boiled, with
When tlu- spur,v and saliu-s shine and
IkM aMUPitif upoo p tour of iDvratlse
and state Uiard of asses- fat meat tbroau In for aeaaonlng. This
the columns wht*el In Hue.
Uaa aa to wbere tbetr etorti abould
t!Wf fuYHhe year 1»05
they eat with great avidity. u»r do
Oh. it thrills a Yankee’s sphll a
kt dlracied la rleaatag up Ike dty os
they expert any morv rations uulJI tlie
it Alls a Yankt-e’s eyes!
fWday aad Saturday. Tke oommlUeo
“An latprmli iit Votm •
mxt clay s eUsk*. If they were given
...... ........................ lai.wo
of Mr. J. W. ratihin. Mr. Acme
lireakfaai the next morning It wookl For h<» heart, the sternly h« at of
viewless aiiu.v> fi-<‘l ~
l0ti Eoule. Mm A. V Ffledrlrh aud
ba almost tmiawsUde to gtt ynj work
32l».6to out of them during the day. Uliese ua
The tmrapii.a oi the Uglou.^ that anUfa. W. H. ITiuloi. ai>d ibuy
2^.246 live dogs hove sa mueh of their wild
can.plUK lu I be sKu s.
by rrpiiru I . of ibe dally rife Jjtke .
OarEelU ...
745.114$ tiroiUcw. the wolf. In their mal^eup
— Minna IrvliiK, in Le«lh‘s Wtvkly
43$.55tt that they ahow but little uffeetiun to
Tke aUmnlua girea to clrlc Improve Urant ........
245.255 ward thrtr master. Thej will aerve
by Ike ladlea of Traverau City Urwen Uk«
Seal sale at Johnson Di u^;!
Bwwal t* tbr CMsrwescr.
li rary gratlfylac and alibough the
noaa basin, and they Ignore petting
^Bi'lng e»iual to an eiuergeiuy h-lf.s
6l5.i:-^ Montreal Htar.
days m for ruauratlua iur Kriddy and Mayfeld ...
one out of plights Into v^hu h iIh* Im-h*
MkUrday. already tke rualdeut. of the Paradlaa ...
Of us aometimes fall. A tvrtuiu aetor
ally kare begun to clear up their Peninsula ..
came so Isrlaled to the tlieumr
Islellert Is lev.
prmlaea. it will nut be necoaaery to Union
*lTje common Impression that the av ext-ulug when be was to play Othello
445.1210 erage man is superior to the avenige to the trag(*dy of that uutm» tluii be for
emit uatll Friday or Saturday to do Whitewater
woman lutelUvtually at h-ust In orlgl got to liluckeu his bunds un<l rusl
tklavork. It may be done Mmner. and
Cooaiy valuation
5.777.l»kl imllty, iiivcatlvc'iu-ss. n*:)Hoiiiiig power the sUge with lb«-m wbde uml hU fmv
Ike aooner the better. Tbixo- who
aooty. Of course the nudlen*x»
by Warda. nod the like is Is yoiid doubt due* to the
kare already flnUhed .cloartng their Travaraa City Vain
eommou habit of judging each sex by and poor Othello, w hen be nwlixrd tlw
praailm ran bare tt»o plea*ure of
lU must siii»erlor rcprescutulives. This causa of tba mlnb. was alun^t unable
7h4.0ti5 aaeins fair enough and would W fnlr to pnx-eed w ith bm part oud so ib-i*p!.r
araioklag other folk, do the aork. and ^t^.nd ward
morilfltxl that, w belt he matle I.I4 exit
tl^foaa aithoiil Myin| that It a 111 be I'^lid ward
FuHitb ward .......
540,745 tiHi aexes in rariabUity-tbai is. the after his first st-eue. he tK> lart>
('an Ik; owndtl by anyone who will lake care of them.
a rary interraiing eaterialnmcat.
574.$K6 ranpp of spraadlag dow u from and up ka could not flulYdi the iM-iforman* e.
- - .
Veil will neetl some help an ! we a’nl you all in our
aimva Uie average. In lnudli*rtual traUs kut a bnppy llmugbf struek him. lie
power. You want *;uod
ty \aluanoJrv.,.
;..| 5.260.5K5
khu-kaaad bis kaiKls. put the gloves on
... 5.777.VS*1 ble group. The very hlghtwt and very and walkcvl tiuirtly urt iigaUi. TX.vrc
‘ A, A. AINaflea la Saieg Prepared folowest tllarka in a mixed college class
• tke Cefigrepational Mlniatry by
will eommonty i»e given to men; the traa quite u little titlering ns the M
fily and county total........... |ll,ta$.57$ variability found among boys la the wrut OU with hla liuex but k enUrelv
Church bepreeenutlvsa.^
pulan” \ 1 inch sells for.....,.
............. i
$:knoKsciss of lownahips over
moua upmtsl bwu which have aubslded as during a H»«vh of mie ..f
'I he ‘roptilar.' b*. iiu h m*11s for------ --------------:j.oo
given by psychoiuglcal Uivestlga tha other chorac lers the duskv b.viT
•• .......... ................... .
A. A. AlUngton. wImi has hr-en 1<v
‘The “Pvipiilar." In iiuli
‘fully flrevv off bis gU.\ t>. duM io»iin;<
\V. W. Uuan. who is chairman of the tors la from 5 tu lO pwr cent grvmicr
rated at SoUm In the Congr<\{^ttnnsl
tkan that found among glrU. of the
Tlu; ‘Superior.’' b* nub. ball beariiifi .... 1 - - - ...
paatorate for some time, w a. pi tun'd iHiaid tif sniM'rvlMtrs. states that he b
rlslbkw liad been afftvie,! fell
tbouaand most eminent IntelUvts of
The “Superior.'’ Is inch, ball b»* iriiit».I 5.00
uader ordination t kamlnatl.m ihU ft'litS t«* take this matter up with ihr hUtorj P7 tmr cent ars men. the varU gnuili aud awkward.
and at thi bURy which causes the monoi»oly of
'I'hc “'•tiperior.*’ L*'» inch, ball biMtinc'-.. ... ...............
afternoon at l:fO, the ckurthes which
The .\ 1. C K. bi inch, hi^jh wheel, four kn'fe
panirlpated in the counrii of urdina
grains raualog also the existence of
an effort will lie made tc* have ih. twtoe as gmoy male ai female IdleU?*tloa being Traverse CUy. Nortbpuri.
'I he \ 1. C K. IS utclr. hi;:h wheel, four.Liiife ...
SitUpas Bay. Honor. Ik-nsunU. Ukc comparative valuation!, as 1^!etwtH*n th»! Bookman.
“Our Siamlartl/ b’» iiu h. ftuir knib;. ba*1 lM arin;».
Aaa and ThompeonviAr. fmm aklch city and ciuinty Hx.-d upon the l.asb
“O.ir S’amlanl.' Is inch, f.nir kaif *. bTl b:trin.r. .... ..
A firm of nmiuuulilon d»-«lei
plam a paator and one delegmte rep of the state tax eommlsslouei s e«.tt
“Our Si I’l l tr 1 “ J L-it :h f » irk i‘f - b iM
When the late Klierniaii Hivir, a law Broadway. .New V«Kic. ivivnlly nax-lv
rgmt the church. Aside from these mate. This would u-qulte the county
Tht;>l ar ; ih“ lirp i. L iw i Mow^ri la V. xr; ?n
yer of rvci^tilzed ability, left the law ed a letter from n finii In the same
the Mar. J. V. rmue of Traver^j Oiy to pay a little more than half the stvlv
apd Ike Rev. W. A. Minty and Uu* Rev and county lax. wheraas now tbs city
his fsther. Judge Hfsir, wws st tlis
W. U. Warren. es sUte st'cretary arc pay s 53 per cast of the w hole.
,ple. who are starting business all over
helgid of hU legs! reimtstlon
la attendance. The cH».lug ceremoagalu. says the New York Trl
Shttubi Ik; own* ‘1 by everyone who lias a J mower./They
’Ibe yoting man’s first client
will take place this evening
The lom*r was an order for g khIk to
Irishmsn. ami the esMv Though only
lo any mower ami easy lo empty.
' •
be rushed to Oakland, and the engrav
John Rocksfsilsr tavs Ha Faala Ss- soiye smaU matter of a
ed beading read:
cauaa Ha la Leaing Oy^mpala.
waa out thAt required the •xamlmUion
By Wire to the Mxening Reeurd.
•f a numbar of de<d. sad mtid- Mr
i'SjH-ciar’ Collon Hose, three qutrlrr indi. lOc jijr foJ, Wolu l*hg coufi'; /
New York. May 33 -John a Rocke Hoar a«-i«n!lDg1y told his elleul to
U B. B
liiii: with every .VI fcM Ien;:th
feller says he IihIs like a rich man come iiack In two days f«»r hb «|‘»nlon.
The Irtahman left Ibe o«ee. evidentnee.” ihret* (jii.aritrr
<jii.Tri4!r im h. lOj
i)c \i
:r foot
corner Park sU."
He alludea aol to his wealth hut to
OB|toyl«Mk<rMr WC4SIC
ty verj relfirtaat si the delay. Turn(rre
laned Ct»Lloii Hose*. Lie: i»►er
jf foot.
gcHlug rid of bla dyspepaU.
tog at tha door, be asked; -Vouldn’t
clotheu—cuts the coat
ihn e-tjuar
arier inch. I’Jc per fo:>t.
re givw mt the stvsw
according to the doth.
, in< h.
United Suies. “ ihrtK • piarier
one of the___________
I5c per bxot.
MlstlHT Hoarr
TTn bo a anrooaa you also
Ocneral lileUric,
in riiher one-half or ihrcf* luancr inch',' cut
“No. uo.“ was the reply; **ct
The Hunt Block company, tdlled to Thoiwdajr.*’
moat oat your ooat aoooidlennihs to suit customei*.
be with us all next week at the (Irani
iag io your doUi-that is«
Tto* flient was aa far as the w«u»,
opera houac. is an organisation .01 Then he turned and tlptofd back to}
Toa miial aait ypar expoastMt Posiribimkw..
«; 1 Bull OothM.
merit. Mlehlgaa tKirn. and one of the the door aa.^ put his h.-ad toalde, wtxhi
diinrat to your luttvaie.
iver vc«u. 1 Plug
few repertoire ahows that has stood a finger to Ids llj^s.
OLD POSItfFiCE B!tlL0il6
3 Nights 3
Monday, May 2i
ConiiKly Successes
I -
Prices: IOc. 20c. 30c.■
Tm Record WanlAde
Be a u t i f u I Law ns
Lawn Mowers
/, ■ :
Grass Catchers
. Hos'e
illic SocccssAir Taller
—tie MC yOB would
•A* your ioooiuo grow.
3foor expt'ihlituroa iiienmao.
Often wa b«ar a mail aay,
»U I had a aalaiy like
Bmith I oewM aatro aoma.
tbiag.” At tha aame time,
yoa kmm hit aaighbog
Jemea. vbo baa ody ooahall of Hmitb'aaalary.aiid
ha maiiaRaa to aava mae.
Ihtiigarefy year.
Met. ai»d wua«rK gmv isb, not
uf •swing small sums and drpusIHag lb«m is tbg banklurasls
First NtiOMl
GM>m«rttba (Iniwiac Rank
“IVhlur* Ite whlsK-fwd. “Couldn’t
the lest of time This is the. sevenlh
aeaaoa of unqnalifled success. All th< ye get to see you fathhr tonight.
plays are new and ePber owaad by Mlsther Hoar7"-llost!« llermld.
Mr Ham or royalty hills. Tbd open
tog play. L. J. Klbbey’s grwat melo
drama, la four aeiA **Tlie Path of Ue
WlckiM.- U OM of Ike proltiest stags
atorlM ever toM. Tke comedy is of
kigk order aad tke patbos,sublime
moral lesson. tnilhXully fw
trayvd by a selected compaay of play
At (he Grand all next week
tog Muaday. May 2S. One lady
free with eaek paid SOoeat ticket on
In a dozen diffcreni sti Ks, ^clI from 25c to $1.W.
Screen Doors
Complete with hinKcs. hook and knob, for $1, $1.;:5, $1.50. $1.65 Sod $2.
A Word of WarnlDt:
Al«ul fTm Molors When you ner;d
the* you will want them right away,
and Terr likely you want to* able to
have your order filled promptly, fk tter than taking any old thing in u
hurry, let us take yx>ur order now. and
wpyly ywi with'the boat and lute»i
FrtoBU. 10. M. 20 Mta.
Itoat lato Jokaaoa Umc
k'lar bka.]raa aad tklrty-mm Brtitob
laairtpalltifa awa gaa warts, ato^y.
ilae tramwajra aaa lAi aappiy
Phuno 602 2
185 Gm» Sl
Window Screens
Patent adjustable, to lit anv window, the best made, something you must
have. • Sell for 30c. 3.'ic and iOc.
CMM lb«
Tailor Made Suit hae reached a height of popularity it has
not at^The(| for eomo time, and it’s not to be wondered-at when the
suits are taken Into consideration, for they were never
Ashandsomsas they are this^season. Each medal has some raiticuj attraction of its own: some of the most beautiful designs arc in
thel£toheffecls and these with their trimmings of laces, bands and
braids make them very charming indeed, Then there is the long
coat effects in the light mixtures that are very swell.
In buying a Miit hrre the *clection is »o larnc that you can net jti«t the modi;| bevt
adapted to you and one that soiu you bc*t, not only that, but you yet »ui;« trnm. the-ht s'
nunofteturdra in tiic country. •««» that arc not only ileiiiyncd riyht, but vf! nude riyhtBrciden.
we back of every »uit we sell.which mean*, your n» Jttcy back if it i* not salfiifacioryC" Can you aiik for more i*
Priced^ From $ 10.00 to $50.00
Ladies’ Shirt Waist Suits
Did you ever mvestiyate the ready nvade Shirt
Waist quchiion ? You*ci Lc lurprinctJ to nee what pretty
thiriii;! you can
for a lillk^ioney.
at the prices at which they are sold.
IVf:Uy iTnui Tiulor; Ma.le Shin Waist
huitsai^S.bO, $.0.Waiul
White Duck. Pique and IJne.n Sepcraic Skintt. the
pieiiiesi lim; we ever had and the prices are very
rt aKoiiable—$1 Ou. vJ r>U up
Suit of Black and Whitt? Percalcvuteal^ waixt and
irt, trimmed in straps and buttons.
You'd like this one at.
Suit of Blue ami White Mixed MercerizoirSaiin linishrd Suiting, tucked waist ami skirl
>irap trimmed........................................... ViJ* f tJ
Suit of Blue and Whiu* Check Zephyr, triinmrtl in self
strappme and biiutms. Avery swell
Suit ol White and BlacO; Check Madras, box pleated
waistr nmincex! skir\l»«»\ pleated, also
strap irimminKs—price ...................
While Linen Tailor Made Suits, caton and pony styles,
very stylish and practical, prices range
fnm^qio,...4.........!•___ :.................
Silk Peticoats
We want yon to see this line. We hav<* nevttr had siich
pretty sty!
Styles or so complete a line
f leet from
the: same low prices consisiei
consistent with quality
that we always give black and color
$ 1 li) to
tea:b.? - v
Normal ww
“.t rjir"”'"-
and child are doing well.
one far»rr la lie w
cease anppiring patma wHh JnUk \
til he complied with the commlaski
inltary^ orders.
One of the most vnusoal clali
ade upon the esute of R. O. Hart
that of Benjamin Randolph of Lapem
He has presonUHl a certificate of de*
poMl U«ued by the bank of K 0 Hail
A Cw to H. Abbey. November 27. Ift72
The deposit was to bear lnten»si at 7
per cent if left fhrt'e months,
•ow M year# old, and the cUli.i
amounts lo |6o. Randc
Imoght the eertlficaie Trohj Abbey
name years ago while the latter wax
waiting for a train at Ijitieer
After three -dry ’ Sandays
Htrlw has bad an •open" Bunday
the lid was lifted and the oM onb V of
things n snmed.
lames Biwsrd McCall, the blind
cvdore«1 studeoi <4 AIblO«i college,
the fliillman tti oraicwtcal prise for
For tb«- nu\ time In years, dt is said
Umla had a ’’dry" day Bunday; every
place IciT the sale of liquor being
earned tight IV.
T!ie Duplex Pbonograph^^TT
puichas^tl ihm- acre* of land In th*'
n .rth psn of Kslamasoo and will be
gin ihr envtinn of a factory COxUO
Miss Oran Tk nub* of Charlotte Is In
n sftbin- conditicn from tieliig thr
fmm s bu>f.rv by tb». horse of Blaine
Rfitwrl^ iKu miltic frightened
K. W. Case, pinInt Iff. has made ap
pM cat Ion In ihe Oont xiM* county cir
cuit court for the appcdnlim-nt .
rerndvor and for an InjuncUon
St ruining the holder of a lien from
ludlhig the prois'iiy erf the Case Mfc
Cn , inunuXacturerK of household
Thn'atK of a sinmarh pump to se«* If
he wjiM fbe burglar who lie two bn
nanat. while raldinc Mu- home of O
K. UmketH. cttUM-d Hono r Ktv\eu'‘
arrested on suspicion at Kalamaxoo
to confexx bU guilt. Ik* also said hhad I skim |50 at the home ol ThnmaAek«‘r. He has served time In Jack
Mm. Thomp^m and daughter. Daisy
consisting <rf music. Ham
few days at Wextord
qW toldlers
and sallOTW,
natttog reUtU^ and frienda
veterans, W
all Clibens who wish to partldpate,
wlU proceed to the cemetery, where
Mrs. ('ass was In Bandoo Thursday. J appropriate exercises will be conductC.€o. Uesveldt of Grand Rapids was ^
accordance with the Q. A: R,
ritual, after which ranka wlU ho
a btrsfness caller here Thuradav.
Frank McLellan bad the miafortuat brtficen to assemble at the post room
lo got quite a l«d cut over the left at I o’clock p. m. sharp.
eye while working In the mill here
At 1 o'clock p. m the W. R. C., ac*
rcompanled by all who wUh. will pro*
Tom Cox of Tiaver«* City was in ceed from the inmi nx*m to the dook
Hendon Wednesday, railing on mends. and strew flowerw. In memory of Ibe
Mrs. Gleason and graodsaium. W dead aallors, under charge of iko
and tute Gleason, who hive hetn vis cor^ as dtrectod by their general orIt lug relstlvek here, returned home der*.
At 2 p. ro the parade will l>e forme!
The t’nlon Ladies’ AW R»ve a ten* at headquarters, headtnl hy th® marcent %uv4ter and ice cream social at rial band. Hannah Rifles, with all
Bitiwn’s hiwiw TliuiSiUy evening. Pn>* fipanlah war veterans. Rons «rf Veter
reeds were $21 25.
an, the speaker, mayor and oouacU
In canlageA. the G. A R.. W. R C.
school Cblldren and all who with lo
Join to the procession
WAS PURCHASED The line of march will be aa ftd
b>ws: Beglnulng at Uimnge haU at
K'mulnued on Third 1‘sge.)
I no sharp, the line will be fortuod on
This definitely settles the matter of
fass ttr«*<*t. right restlmc on Bute
paving and It wl|i now U* done by the
kireiU, then msrch east on Bute atre«*t
to Wivlltotfton. north fm.Weninftcm to
The canvass of the viUe on the bom!
FZast F*rout stm-t. west on Hist Krotit
tog proposition showed that I7fi voted
►tret*! to the cltv opera bouse, where
for the pr<*posit|on and nlnelisu
the foliowjng program will In* given:
against. In acctirdailrc with this \«*:e.
a reMdutlon was itas^ed authoritlir.;
luxocatloQ. the Iw^ulng of
wofih <rf bonds
Reading.trf orders by adjutonf.
for i»s%tog the meet lut, rs..v*Mons and
other non «k»Ki*sal b iw.itIons of the
Addrt'ss »rf webtmic bv
slr.H<tfc to U* paved.
MvmmUl aUdrtw. by Rev. Bb
A r4‘KvdulUm that |!5.et..1 $«. ivayable
in five equal Insiallments. be ralseil
for the pun^we of pavlug Pnlon smt t
The program will close* with ’
from the south Hue of the south bridge
Ics • AH tre Invited to join.
lo the south line of Twelfth street, the
money to be rsliM-d bv spvoAat assess
Manorial Day.
uientA ami all ihe lots fronting on the
im|uti\ emi 111 *to tie a k.H*cisl asHesk l.,et the flowers fall
meiif ill^trict waw ps**v,*,| The n*w.e Over them all!
- luiic.n al^» reH< isde l a Iniua i r. noln- No more tbHr trampling ftwd
tion of the council. maktiiK the dlwtilri Keep lime with the quick driii|^ lieat:
exieml to the H.iuih HiK* of TbirieentJ.
-tre^.i and the om-^fixlng the width of To the blotvly bat tic’s din;
' .
Cnlfui kiix*<*l betw*e<u Siveuih and They sbM.p tcMisy.
Elghtb ktiMi-ts at ibfiiyeigbt feet The blue and gray.
*rhls block was made forty feet wide Beaeath Mk*
A rusuimion wa^ iIhii imwmm] hking
the assessment dlvlrlci ami makliig That nourish.Hl them ms boyi and >
fbe siiiH-rvlsors of the city s si-cial
And when
swM HsIng iKiard
A resohiHon that ll.JMCff* In* ralw-d There came
bit the purpoNe uf iiavliig Cahs klic«M The dreadful game *
fif.ui th»* notib lint of .State *tr.-<-t to or war. they played It as each one
the north line of the Kotnb l.ridge. t.y
K[w*cl.*il ak-eHAtueni and defining the Of the saro»* motherhood:
* •
■t wa> i»asHt‘d and also one for And dying In It. hopes and feara
today iba! mofher*s team.
iipervisom to make the assesHThe past Is past, a newer life
In the abKr*Dce of the mayor. G«>cirge Has risen*from that awful ntrlfei
l.a»dle was el«cled cbalrmair of j A»d these, to w b<.m we-cannol JcU
meeting The only other busIneiw What union gn w because they leU,
tbeadoptkmMif a rt‘commendsilon I Shall ever be the tie that Idnds
that the sidewalk grade on the ta-t*iThe fellowsblii of mrtder minds.
'-Ide «*f KimWiWHl avenue iK tween Ran j The nation, and the whole worl
i«dpb and Wayiie str**«.*t be flxt*d Ini
iccordance with IhV n-rrmimendatlon
'he flowers fall
If Me* ronimirt.-.-tfn kitveis and walk*
. '
- f
Makes a Most
wav m mn.
Aka Vox. a tiuveiing man for a Cin
(^nnstl lb,u«.r houM- b*rt bk grip In
the P<re Marquette de|s»t at Saginaw
and whet, be rcnitised it was g<»ne. bu
Suit of Blue Chimbray^ b^>^^^leat^d and strapped
\V«‘ n.-ivi;
h.nvi; oil silo
sain a very com|.l,;tx; tiii(> of these nooda
OIK* nlni(»>t. exactly alike wax then
Kt: skirt has tucked pamd^ffcci.
The ’ wrong*’ case contained artlrhand would be pleasiHl to show them to yon. There
\% an extra gouil
uooil suit at
ThisH is
whteb leads Mr. FVx to conclude that
has never b<‘en a goo<l lint* of children dresses in
i: is the pru|)crty of Rev. D. J Blair ol
atui you t(»iiUI not buy ilie
Suit r.f Bine and While Checke I Z<‘phyr. waist
nig Kspidx
self strap*
irimmeil in while mull and val lacc'‘ and self
No criminal action
w a^k.
ping-, tuck and *^ll siraj^Miigs on
taken arsinst Wm. Andre, the C.rand
to ;7.so
skifi—pricc >
l.edce dealer in butter and eggs who
ik missing. All of An.ln’x prop*rtv
has i*e«*n seized f«)i the tu turflt of cre V
dor-. It hsh lM*en Kiige».ted'lbat per
n.np Ik* in In the east e«»llecilng mon
iiil.l.* Urarl. UuK.y>n. N. Y.. ha* j l.o U vau D. rry HU tionor. Ii aiUisiif in his own caro Hi- had dt»rliu<*'1 '•V for hlk sbiniueius and that be will
M'iiM-tinl lh«- s u
«•! HjI.Iii j :i;al
tji ui.ty .<r i|i...iluu luluhtj- ra w mlt' 1lJ^viIicn^»n In-Imh- decllulnj; ^robaldi re: urn to Grand l.cdge.
r. r. i;o-enbt:ry of Bay City
OsittlH ii «»r
li e |in*j uiitv •oJiu* of fh” Jui-ti- in i.lali; j «ht- i;ioa of Honor.
Fred «;iindwU‘k. an eleven jesr ^M j YIeniU rs .rf the new b.^tise of ctme/
*werxed his aulosnobile lo avoid strik
jlargfhi Njuogt'guf ol ll.i- ittuiimHl
Ma«m and Dixon’s llnv tho tin.- i.f Inr a l lr clixi and bnisbi*d so clo;4ely iK>y of North Wbitfli'ld. M"»-*
] ,«.ns h«>e stni1e«l s pr.iv»T itiaeitoj^
l.a iSllt* Oforo. ihf famous tMUitln
Xrw York rliy. KaMd .Majjl•ma^catllUl |.x fwt‘i fi h(*t Id^uli and
qu1r‘egm>nie reputation as a pulpll t is bebl mi Tuemlay aftenuibow la
tal dttiu> i. iak**-i u«i rhancofr of lo***In luu ><»i .no yrars
* wilt aaain.
ne of the v*..fi.mlitee nxiiui.
j-old hi fail, w a^ a «haram-t
thu'iltrh tlu’ fwUllug. of an ttukh . a«* j ^
iiab ii.a !»• a |*ro i 8rt«n a of a.*!! S.n .wTi Pin
rh j mail; onct; .Iroiip.»d hy '-ULd,- Taylor. *as drAgio*d ne.itiy a blt>ck. H. *
ua,-h of h. r lis-i U insured for
,uu,n:iut tn uuo ..f tltf iu.m.*,
aix> In *1«H, loar tl at
-*1r- tlio D mu >KM*sn who flddifd his way •ioiblng was loin fiom her IkmIv an*t
K.n Jid.n J flstkln».,a ivwion i
* I wu.'^ aluh lui\<* >oi romi e | ir vr«vn- low iiM4i>«*i iiuiy puldish tholr j int.« thv gt>v«nioi’« chair twlot*. Tbl.e rie-h Ws.*. Hciatved fr»*ra her arms
lui. St. |.;v ^ liiton an o*HTa • ntUUsl ': u«hi. Ho l. d in lou* wliu .cii vidoiiy j namo> iu-coniirciioTi anh a ra her o?n ' rornin govcmt>r ha;. Ju*.’ ieay**^l the
lim : to »b« l*cne. lH*r injuries un
v hL h w ill ho l»r«-I imiti'ic wlu. oi.Krod a vet of
|jair&;.dug affair. The
in a
j .uubiilun of hU life in wurlna the
; Tb^as aUo^r^rlttt n ^foeih fn»ut him. wiua rhe i»*» th wi'r.*; loushle saleirstan fnnilly wan!i<d soim rnoniiunlUm throuch dliWi popular
Ti.e question ol a Miccessor fo the
oaux tfon.'ti.. ^
jdeli'veiiHl ih\ n.unuti louail a m s. Ut jfnn and d,.
loi a nusiupd j vote of the ijemocracy of hU stan* for
ate James A. Coye as surveyor of cus
•Blr Thants:. l.h»'« a h.u had iw nhtD ' Me ..ropo^al 4 ug.;u,vl on ihr pisie i Uexrrihlni: hy.>e!f as* » • lenexoai. : I'nited Suies s«.nator, to suoco<*d Mr.
oms at Grand Rapids Is now of Inierdadr C.I ilHvilei^-bharnnv k*. which wUri, held I’n iw th
: widow ’ Over !*«> n'plh s w,-re rv-learmark, the Incumbent. Kver
st. ITuA.* monikmed arc;
t:f them ft^m Pltiahmg j’rayh*r i^Mred from the governor’s of- Rose, prerent depute* collector ofdiv
tin will pre>«iit It* Ihe Ni w York Yach i ‘ pi,
li o
CO N inirsor-; <^\lviHl.
elob «1 an eail> sUUr J>.ev nr» tt *w
itn.'vif trct*'i i I’iol* v-vional uen wimnn to Chetr her; fire In ISSl he has bei^n cou^ldensi a Rcr4’. T,:c*ent deputy surveyor of rus
l^nit e$hlhli. .l in reV.hm
ihtouch the [up a lit Me. Yni’ widower wriU-K that! randbUt*’ f-M the venste. The
oms and brother of Henry M. Rose,
Dr. Judah I^Ho, Ms«u.> raSd.1 ol jt-rmion t-b n m.mumen, ,*n the exacttlhl
j hi •- happIn*
happlm**H p»« v^: sway wlih theliime h.* ran lor governor the republic* hief clerk In the rnlicd Wiau-s wen
I spot who;.* M:e,;i.v.jdeto!’>.tv:d wa«*<’e^tih of hi^ (Irat wife, but th.‘ ihinkf 5 ..n rand.date was hU bn.ther, Alfred jte; J B Ware rf the Chlrens* Tele
phclMst dviiiiic Ihe few ^uva of h'l* an alliance with thii* • I meson.e wbl-’
Tavior. The **War of.the Rinses’’ nhone ( e.; Caariu; Holden and Tout
Cured After Nine Year*' Sutfcrlnr CouU Only W’elk
QTATt or MU IlIU AX -tNvwmy uf flraul hunt* in w*.uihweit Oklihuma I# :]< * ' troi ’.d Ai> mu^!i to 4*h.‘er tlm in»!wa> the name given popularly to ihr
W'itta Hand* M KMe*.
*) Cl. rk Connor Smith.
spring. The mon iim id i> i,, iic in ih.> i wsaln. l^lien; have l*ei n r* ceiied campaign of DK6. In which ho was sucRev.
\V. Geistou. iiAktor of the
contrr tif a lew ivWn eaJb .i Tht\> j frv ny ihisH» miniv ers, eight lawtccs
It was among the most pie- Firti Pic Kl yUTlan church at Kalama
’Aitd twelve doctorr
j rurraque fioUUral cuotesU In the hl»*
has Ufpjn sull
the FWel
j :or>* of the conntrj\
t\ ramlKt-loiu I Shar. ; Cbl
Mine. Curie hss explained
A i'asualty Co. of New York for
^ tHeng lH f.ire .U-avlng naslatid lorjdem in she i;te rf her late h:s
lin.ouu damages. Lonis M. Gelston.
finds tt
pilfe: He
son of the pastor, died of scarlet feto piwialm bis elumirtrr Yn the asaerrvmnd aud
1m m-II at |.rl ;a
U^.\rvA rihwm of the beglon of Hon w
while sUff phyaldan of the Cala
KldiKjr OUeaMa Are More Danferoue than thoe
Iciakl: ••What h»» ebieSy Iniprev^ed :I HU
hu u\i$on was a matter *of specula-'
mi A Hcela mine at Calumet. Hw
tiM tonga, ar ai«y Other Orgsa. aMI Comt
he dignity and snlWliy of yoai jtlon. Ow Insln.nation Was that the'
carried a $5,000 poUcy to this com
With Much Leas Warulog.
There U n c< mpacine»s of grea^hemUt bad a grievance ibst hP
\oaf Kidoey. arc ofica t»«». •cak.ct owes, aad if nur
pany. but as the father ndled to give
Any good things you any aat.
back ianeak.................................. red. blobd-Bkc. arluu. oiSr,
hich la spite jxvlfe wa% net decorated with him: an
prooT of domh within two moatha the
UBca. the BOA Tiul ck«cet
wUl life hit land of tabor
!.*• on IIm «.ihe;. ».tii! leas plaiisjl‘1 . was that fc*
Any. It Is alMRed. hM rcfiiaed
mltui me o;..dtd not eaT>f to ancep- a de-ora-ionS Uke Rocky Mountain Teai.
JohMoo Drug Oa
hcaatba eric acU. daaaB* ttw Ueod of aU Mhona and cena
—tch had iwver hren.coiifernxl upoaj
Children’s Colored Dresses
K- :•'
1o M MOdt Aaeord.
Bmid^ Max It.-Omie U
OwmtiM «r 0ra«w M • •Xtmik,
Fr«ewtk« xi» rmm% wm ••
Traxme CHy.
•!•««« fnm «• Owk.
m™. 8Unp« Ute rMklDtvwklNl
cu* (K kcr 4a<whf*r. Mn. UuMmk.
for the t
Loto Bd««T4. I. uttallac Mn. 8.
J. Qreiory.
lof Memovinl day are all compleie4«
of the day,
M. Dfwke b 111 with plemfinr.
aa fdUowat
H. C. Ocre Is
At $ o'clock a. m. the oommlttcw on
lair BatUo OMk slMv «Aat o« ltd again.
ROheit MeOomiok and famllv and
ma air> malata
arMcb BMiaas that llattW Ct«rli
Hooker, w 111 lanre the poet room
a morr milk thaa the avnage BnnAay In ftmdon
^0«kwoaa caneteiT for tfco pB*oa*
rlix of 4U.WH) people. The taapretora Ban to & J Oo«or.
found that.faimea had rmi
Mcftt JoM of
Popular Than Ever
Your money can not buy better Suits than we
Of 41m a A
R. mt Tpalteftd M tte tkrr at»
ttec M OM for Ue McwMfy wortL
th9 oouoril teft docMed to ttkt otarge
of tao Mmaorm daj cmclM.
Remarkable Cure
’ hU father. Mme. Curie writes quleil)
u> cliscrve that ntl thte is pnrcl.- fau-j THE COMPANIONS of
asilc. M. Cnr.e had a se iloJ eanvte. will give
_________ _____ _
that perAJoal doeoniUons werwlof May 2.*!^ Foresters n»d their frienda
to ohJt»ctb>as flfet oalw.'lgheJiare luvIleU.
any ISA»
ihetr advantages and to her greit joy j
by the Jpry when aa ahartnk hla tofilnk* tq nctod mp to .
»t. HAY a. MM.
SkI Sim Biriaiu «Bn ti Bi FmS n Oir
» .
BifiiiiSIm Tabhs
Worn foaod. and; the beauty of it » h*a AOt acaie of cheap thoeE.
Manistee Sh<^ Sttck does not contain a POOR PAIR bP SHOES.
1 1 n for men'* and
IflSl boyi* e^rvday
dreMfboet. worth from ..
$1.75 to $t
fi.f £7 for ladies* fine
gitDl shoes with '
light and heavy soles. .
worth $2i>0 to gi.
1 01A for infant).' fan1
pattern shoes
Forswn’sMUn «slf dnss
shoes with extoasioB solo.
white ceaTAfi oxfoidg. (.iheon
Atyk. Uucher cat, worth $1.
J QA a p^r for men’s
TvU canvas shoes
with leather soles.
a ftoir for mbM* fihorg,
Aolid« worth fniin $l3S5
to $1 fia
J7|l for
^lU patent leather
and tan sandals worth 75c
1 AT
men’s dress
1 IT I and work shoes
worth from $2 to $260.
1 70 for”»hn~la'motts
111 V Rice
p.itent leather
shoes worth $.‘5.00.
with extension sole.
s i»ir (or ebiUieii’* fine
sh'xit in welt atid Uod
tun>»1 ookw. wuitb $1.00
*Kp a pair infants’ kid
sIb moccasins in liuht
blue, tan, pink and white,*
worth SOc.
the Globe'Sfp"S"S*
•d At The OofsirK* 0mm. by
AiMTOoBthro AodMoot abttMfOd «t tho
m Kdm Vbo te this war add<
Mm of 0-. OfM IfiriL Ooroor
to iho hfMtjr of tho pvocty suMn
Lost EvMoiot
team ran AR£AV.
Tho Btnicol otemhiBMit id the
ME* Orin auu home of Dr. Mfi Mm. OoiBOr lost
(tad Esm Eaowh «•
I* Taka'wM
tr^ming Ummi Ik. ««M. kKl ud <Wfcctl»*«.Kri
'' EarM owNi ^ aoYH.
uHf. «.U EbM kir u wraSHlT*
jfc. u».
uriSRo. wk. HMWK wlik MSkt «o wgaKmTtnammm ct
Register of Deeds
isillce forri' May 20, has Unm on who met her here. Mr*. Green was
active duty lor the past three years, expected last week but the sodden
bur owing to a desire to change, ex dvwlh of hot father the evening she » x
porlf to kwve for a southern trip p.x-t«*d lo leave, pre rented her arrivai,
about June 1. With Mr. Utney a party
Walter IxtrangeF and Frv*d l>uidap
of eight are planning the Msuiheru l. fi vcMerday afu riKKin fur a nnhing
trip, anioiip them being iNHer Itlakesly trip at ItaKs l^kc
and wifiv nun and his wlfp and daiigh
Mr. and Mrf. A. E. WMlson left
ri*»ildent of Acme lerdsy
fe^r and huslmnd. A, n
leidsy for att trip s^utb. They
U alMi cvintemplatltig the trlji with IMP at Grand Kapjcls 1
them. If a Tavoral.le kicatlon
Mr. and Mrs. Lliiuy will have Trav
(Y.ign ^Ubro6k
^Ubro^ and
am * danghfyM(JtY.ign
erse City in the fall for a iK-rmaneu. Igima.
MW. left 'thU aiomlng T..r
a trip
resldeucse iu Virginia.
CoiM-mlhli. wluTe lh»* falh.r resldCH
Megasee as«>cIatlon. which includes Miss Laura will return in a few days
the Eastern Star lodges of the region,
The Hev. IVroas Cixhlin and J. H
win meet at Iloyne Cltl June 1. All Crane left this morning for Solon,
members of the local lodgu«who In- where they will participate in the Con
go are requested to notify gregatlonal council which convene*
^rie Pierce by May 2C so that this nfieriUKin for the pui|iose of ex
Erie shows.flshlug boats with Ihelr
fm* < iitertalumem may Ik* sccurtMl.
amlnlng -a candidate, A. A. Allington hrlllianl lights of n*d. blue and gre. n Miss Grace Morgan Hoxt^sa at Last
Evening’s Meetog.
The friend
Walter will uf the tNingregalional church for urdl gllnuneilng fauta-Hc and wHrd
The .",mi ciiii, xvas enu-rlnlm-tl by
be pleased to learn that he Is lK»ttcr
the golden .U-ams of the moon behind
Mbs Grace Morgan at h<*r home on
teals). The ojs ratlon has JK*t*n ladell
J. K Allor tf Maple City. Is doing a cloud.
State.street last evening. The game;-!
nltely postiKined.
businoMs iu the city today,
Several lamlscaiK* scenes. -Scene
plaved on the third llmir and
The IsdleM of the Klfth ward will
Afur a lUln." -Sevne After a Storm'
after five gnmt-s. dancing was Indulged
«f • Hat W<*f>kX*r.
meet In .Hans' hall Thureday aftenuxin
and the Uu>«t ph*ce of art. a land
RHreshments of rtraw berry loo
“Oil. but the *nrrve* vif s*m»e v\i».*ucm scapi* scene of the familiar white birch
at 3. In conm-ctlon with the civic Ira
Is worih a fortune to tbeml' gnw
n. salted pecans cake and punch
pr^voment work. All the ladies are
girl at luucb«-..ii in a dtiuirtiuent store. which the artist compIet«*<l last w<H*k were aerved and the evening was very
earnestly urgeil to Ik* prewiit.
* rvo Ikvii trying to get n Iu
Ul^ from a scene near Chicago an* all at enjfiyahle. The results w«-re a He last
tractive and luatiiiful.
snlrs lie the mUliuer)- U«n»urt
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Case of Twl
evening and the girls are still four
Ijtke farm aiv rejoic ing «,v<t the ar- trUnl uu hats until iiiy arins ached
jKilnts ahead with only om- nnne
Satl.Ord Thriw .\H.
lival'of an eight pound U»y who camt Pinning them on. aiul tlie s.ih*svv..nmn
g>! punde with rnge iKvaum* uom* miUAunt r.niithea BtXK*ks livinj In a litlh chance f,»r Hie hoys to get even.
ivl im*. Ill w’ttIkfHl a gnuiadler lu.rl of
There wil) Ik* a mwulng of Trav vvoinnn. will, n H.n,re«l lo.>kluc iimU New Ilmupshiiv vllhige v,*ry iniiu)
years wlthmif .nwrreliog with any on.*
erw* City c«immandery. No. 4!. tonight carrying h big p.niK*r !*:ig. Tlds vv«uuuu nud was so lh..riuighly Ilk^nl l.y evcr.v
The W. C. T. V. will mfH*t with Mm sninr*Hl around. turiHnl Imts np^ido one fur iiiilcN ruimd tliat lu-r |k.juiI;i»-,i Charle* M. Schwab Reported to Have
Charles Irish. 4Jr. North Spniev* street dovvu and nlmnwt Inside out niul tinally v'VeiiiHl the luletvst uf a summer vu
Peddled in flO.OOO.
Nat 2 p. m. Thursdav. May 21. Mrs ImikcHl H,ver tin* nntrliuiiMHl shMiH**. itur.
By'Wire to the toning R,-c«ird.
-Aunt Piiulhea,“4M* asked. ‘*how 1* It
Hhugart nas
has marge
charge or
of th<
the program •She iilcktxl out one. Drawing n eh.nir
l^ndon. V»> S-’ —It is reiKiried that
in thi U*fort* the Idggi'st mirror lu the phiec. Ih.nt )ou kw*i» on such gcMKi ternw will, Charles M. Schwab lost |1u,.mki In a
she s.ni down nnd h;ul i1k* maid empty
SunW^hiMd.*' A full att<
attc*ndaiice of the t-ontiMits of th.ni l«ig in her l..p. It every one. w luh* they are all quarreling tuace game.wlih card shai jH-rs on the
Kimmg thems4*1ve^r
membrrsSft^lnMl and a cordial
America goingover.
held flathers, flowers nnd ra»1.rtn».
-Well.- said Aunt r.iiithen. "Iielng us
vital Ion Ik ext^led to all o
Tlu*u she lH‘gnn 4o pin on reuthers here, yon areii t to stay l,erv* k.ug I'll tell
Hannah campl 8twnlsh Amorloan a fltiwer then* and to try th»* efri*»*t of a you.^ \N*lieu 1 go down the street 1
Ism In niiofh<*r platv. - She even had nn*< t Jasou l*unl.v. and hv aay*. ‘Why.
war veterans, will nuHi at Knapp
Jewelry stort*, r.Cli South Cnlon sire<*t. the maid hold a triinmnl hat while she Paulbcft. imw well you look!'
” -I-m glad yuu think so. Jasun.* 1
Prlclay evening for the purisux* of niak- ct»pUsl lit TIm* attemtants seensHl fusclnalt*d. for no one saW a wonl. Ami
at him.
Uy wire to the FNtpiiig Record
big plans lor Memorial day.
that in a store, mind yotk when* the
-.Next 111 me tip «.mcs toy Dracut
LomUm. May 23.—Ilenrlck Ibsen
The Clark A Hankins and the Camiv ivih-sglrts ask you KaivasiieaUy wheth
“ ‘Well, J w. Faiillica.* he say*. *how
e fsnmuK draraatUl, died tmlay of
bell roller rkaitns rinks have l>ei*n er you ure h.K*king forVomethIng cheap IK.rely yog, i re kH>kiug this year.*.
consolidated. F. M. Clark retiring from If you refuse to put tl »wn $.*Vi on a hat 1 “ My laud. Exrv.’,^l wr. -how quick heart failure, at Christiana. Norway,
\ew Vork Prew. yon nrv’lo notice tiKMe thingsr
iH 7G year* old.
the firm. The rink on the third door they sc‘lccl for you
•*i<o K is with every thing. Those who
will lemaln open w^lle the one down
like to think one way, 1 let V® think
stalrw win in* rlos«Hi. The st*cond flcx.r
Now nnd again fhlncH linj,|N-n e
wil! also iK* avhllable for dances and
football field which g.. to add t
oU»!*r. I let -cm think ll.“
Eaxt Buffalo. May 23—Catth—None.
There will i»c work In th«‘ acrond the ojK'n nlghu will be Tuosday. imyety of tl*e nation, on imc occasion,
\\*bo van deny that Aunt Fautbea
rank at the Knights of IHihlaa tomnr^ Thoraday and Satimlay. afurmsms for Instance, durhig n certain letigue had dhSovered a comfortable ]4iilo*o- Hogs—20; I'iwi
Plow; lambs. |r.,7r.<lC.!»0; wetherK. I**,
phy of lifel-Vouih a Coiu|uinlou.
row night. A full aVtendance U dc also, while the othv r dates can lx- rent match iu tiie m>rtb. the ivferce i
«i c.25: , wt-H. |5.2:.fT5.c:,.
ed for private jiarties.
how managed to lo*<e his whistle. There
V ai^. at k ocUwk. nhare
not auoth^T wl,Mle to l.e fouml
IVlndi. May 2-1—Wheat.
While loading potatoes In a car
The mirrryini: for tho renugit walk
and It sei*roctl that the game would
A* Xiliolcon vv.-iH oue day p:
corn, 5ii,c; naif. 37^0.
..%oa North Cnkm rirect wan completed siandlag near the Cass ftn*c*t bride have to tome to a wuhleti and Ingiori
tvview uoiuA- of hi* trooj** be
Chicago. Mav 2.1.-Wheal, S.3h<yealenlay and imlay the nciual work this morning a tvsun Uswme frightnui, muii tue referee Jilt upon au front of au old aod faUhfnl offleor. corn. 4SN.C: oats. 33»^c.
«jC laving tlM' walk tK gun.
lng«*ni,»UK sriieuie. lie product
wlm. ikcrhajMk from waul of briUiancy
run for th^o bridire at the ^aroe time late!,key from hU isi-kcl and managv*d ou the man's jorL bad never l*ecirtad
Kick Kllhkncr of Cniou mttM
Ht nih s
: UnsjmrchasiNl the mjpat dumping The driver uncirommihmalj to tcKdle merrily enough on It tin sud vam*cd U*yond the grade of t-ajunlu
was well «-uougU ktiowu
^market 1
riy owiHYnfyPijuy^hlhi out ouder the rolling ball* of petaloei denly. ns be approachtHl the tou«h line
“A Busy Day" as fK>riray«sl by B«*n<
a vuMuau'a ahrlil voice was henrd.
was fias.*and conductedi! umler
umh r -Uu* n^e of Cox which wen* scaiiorrtl for a dlsi;
and Allers at the Grand oix-ra hou!
Irol. A* lit* ca
Orua^ who were |»re\;^ou« owneiw. Mr.
“4-W, rome here at once! \S*bere did Ir Iu front of the old captain the officer
L vening VLa-. greeted !•) a uckmI a
Kttnkner waa a txrideiii of Monroe Kioppe<l l»eforc leaving the bridge
.von rt*t flint latchkey^
saiuted and said loudly, but without dlence who laughed and applauded
CX'nu r. wiiere be has a farm,* but last iMVtatiM*a t«vtk a droj, the entire
As be listroed to the guffaw which any apimrent movement of U*e j
thoroughly enjoyed the entertain
cle* of hi* face:
fall moved lo the city and will com tanct* tra\eh*d.
as a whtde, Daniel Gillespie e*
that^ rpfer»*e was the nH«t sbcoplsh
“noeen campaign*, private, caplw«te now In the market trade.
sayed by Bv*rt Bence, the conH'diaa
listing n,r,n on the ground, and as be
Mike IJiney, who rv'sfrnt'd fn>m the
a hummer with his three wlvt-^.
tlKvught or the curtain lecture loouHng
And the emperor, witlxmt tornlng
and predicaments which
Mrw, O. A. Robinson, who hm- lK*en
“Tolonel, brigadier, baroor
equln-d the wit of a Fhllailelpbla law
the K’uest of bv*r faughier. klrs. Caro- in hi* borom.-London Answers.
Then be wa* gone. There had. la- rer to untangle with seemliness and
llnv: Shaw, teacher in the deaf and
dMd. U««i no time for a word „
decorum, yet Daniel wa.* equal to
dumb departm«*nt of Uie city schools,
than had been |»i**ed. but thew had every situation. Joseph Aller*. sandy
A dog understand* -yc*s.“ an
left yesterday afU*rnoon for Elk Ram ei]oa!^ compeletu to grasj, the “no.“ sufficed for the qgptaln to
Ids. whero she will make a visit with Outshlc of that l,e is all dog and fol cate a long *tOfT and a reproachful and of Sarah Berohsrt proiior
the audience In a continual round
at and for the
low* hi* dog ways. He Indulge* in no
Mrs. L. 14. WTiIttacer.
good nature. Florence Gordon a*
right With g mrniary and sowill not comProf. W. H. Steffen* left for a visit mental refinement
Sally, the gardener's wife and handwith his parent* lU East U*Und yc»- prrheod many of your change* of mood
,'^We bare a show ^sc full of exor mlml. W-batever yon undertake to
maiden pf the honsMiold. Allen rri*terday.
. qpiUlte |K*rfuinert«iR, A prv*tly
teach make It pUIn, wimple and un
'Sy as Deacon Smith. Ruth Mason
liackagc of jK-rfipe makes a
James tjissa and family of Hannal changeable. H is a pity that be mu*t
TAwr Left.
Miss Camsbn. the old maid with a p
wptendid proiient ‘for k younji
be tuughtsmot to Jump up on people
A comedian appaafod in a foor act
ty for men, and Louisiana, the
with her parenti
lady tradnste.
ih a wasteni mining town, ats wench, who had her pickaninny stolen
. Prto. SSc. B0c.^K SCc, |IJ»
cording to the BaffaloCommerclaL At
The Rev. L. O. Drew left for Rapid
Bod of the tldrd act the miMn toae to add to the Gillespie family tree,
ere all accepuble in their roles.
body, gathared up tbeir beleAgtogs
aty thU afiernooB. wbere be will It I* not good form under any circum
stance.. ThediaripHneneednotbeac
Tonight closes the engagement and
•tarted to depart Ihe eamadian.
spoak thi* vveninff.
eampaiilod br any i
ty. A light
Jamay. ruabad before the corUln.
Mrs. Cora Green of Grand Rapid* ar- tooeh srtth a whip. If applied torari- ^StoAttoman." be aa^d. “there la anoth- a good house should greet so worthy
B riv«>4 in Ibc'city yewierJay anernotm al»4y. win soon setUe* the matter. Some tonct j»L- -yea; thaTs witj we are a play as an evening spent In such fnn
and rolltcklng is worth twice the
■ on her
her wrway to Burdlckvllle. where she
ketmri mea adopt the plan of atepptoC -«®toE.’’told lha mtoeto.
'ita/ V :isj
Qrand Travrbood cf
mo City.
has hMl a mcasbAr gnd brother who
fffAto tor loAAl eetohrtItoSk AD the PATU wtU be Misato fiwm hU oecustoMoJ
belAff hOArtfly cAoorpd. After the pro' place la the lodge room and among hla
SfAM light re^MeoU wo*e se
bro;hcr workers; therefore be it
lomtlnf to the Morsao haras mrtdmUy
social time
The tol
Resolved. That Grand Traverse
stiU had apirii. Ml Mr cnevBcftes.
lodgo. No. 55S. Brotherbood of Sal!
for they aaM tha trip at 19 o'clock
MAAdolin trio, tho MIim Howard. road Trainmen extood to the bereaved
lari might by troatlng thair drh
Cole AAd Boyer.
their deopeot ayaipothy In her
Pai Btaadam amd Johm.Tahaaty. to
VoeAt dwet. MIA.-P/C. Dtoaowd
sorrow, and be It^her
wihleat fide of the year.
Miss PMon. MIos Qlhbi. Acoompi
Rcoolved. That we drape our charter
Beetling frigbteaed at a paa
lAstrwAMAta]^ diet, the Missto Bisauto on Sixth street the team mat
sansaiional dash up the street to^the
RoAdin*. duu-lotte Isgrig^
comer cf Union where a sbaro turn
Vocal solo, Mrm. pegah.
was hsade, throwing Pat Burde
Buck, aocompanlst.
bis hack. ContHmipg down Umfoa
Mandolin trio.
street lovards the bay tho maawaym
Vocal solo. Mr. Bkelcher.
made the street a Maze of fireworks
LouUe Bock, accompanist.
from thi* su*el shod hoof* and the
brick pavcBH’nt. After crossing PVont
WANTCO-Dlnlag room girt Hotel
street during which time Mr Burden
Wisteria. Fouch. Inquire Columbia,
Uy OB bis back eaUting wild call.; the Ladim Entertained at the Home of
may Mf
I rushed Info the^'aldwell A Uou
Mr-, w. c. Hyll Last Evening.
«lcn thons ixhd ended ihe runswa
The ladit**' whl>l club wax enter FOR 8ALE-Rug 7x12 in. Pric* |5.W.
While l*at Burden was not severely
5211 Slate St
xnay mf
laincd by Mrs. W. C. Hull yvmerOay
Injured the general shakt^up and fright
oflcrniKin ami last night the invlu
have keot him confltK*d to hl^ \
t r»adliig from * 2 until 12 o’clock."
greater xhatt* of the day.
Tael VC mcmlwm wort* present and. the
m»> ss iriGiA. R. VeUTdn: enluted SepU
aficrnum was a thimble parly whil'*
' 3.'
; honorably dischaiKed Nov.
in the evening the party was taken STENOGRAPHER wanUnl
'*"> “•‘■• 5.
F.rat vole waain the 6eU
«iiid hand ty|K*wrlter. Arall F. Ner
auiomolillc riding. When the ,flme
for Abraham Lii^^do, and haa
Eight Oil PainUngs by Farsky An came for the ladles t<» depart. « vcry
linger. 212 State Bank building.
Now on Exhibition at the Pub^
, Ucpnl.Iiean tirket
one was afraid to g.i horn.-, soothe
lie Library.
Kow HTving fourth term
aulus were again calle<i into u.<e.
ROOMS TO RENT—For light Iuhok as Su|x*rviAur from Thin] Ward,
kt*«'plng: ga«. oi«xtric llghtr. waier.
Eight of the ten oil paluUugs by Os
wald Fsrsky won* hung lu the read
bath. Kteam h<wt; third fittor |N<o Tmvi*n»A‘ City, ami Chainoan of
luf; r««,H of the t'arnegle lihrar) yec Launch Owners Will Complete Organ
pie* Savings liank
may 23 it the Hoinl.
terday and from nfiw on Mr. Farsky
ization N*xt Tuesday Evening.
will cYintlDiie to hang his fliil«h(
WANTED—tliKKl night watchman wh<
Owing to Iho aliM-ncc of several
iindt-rstauds meain plant; tiui.-t fni
%\tk In the Traverse City lihrary
launch ownerx who c«nild not be pri*ynUh gfXMl references. b<- sl»-a*l> an.
where Ihe general public will have il.
at the tmetlng laM night It wa»*
ptivilege of ite«»lng the work of an
nliahle: Meadv ein|.I..yn,ent i.i He
di*cld« d to dajuurn to m.-v l m-ri Tues
rlgh: man. Addn-s* X. V. Z . Ev.-n
artist of national reputatiim.
day cv<t,ing a I the Ri-ct.rd i,ff,<K*. The
the exbihliii^’ now on has two strik
ing ll.M^ird.
may 2.: 4i'
oiganlxation of the cliih will he coming studksi “A night on l.ake Erie*'
pUttKl at that time. A ct.nKiliution
and • Shet'p in the siahU*.** which will
all \v»*«-k oomnn*tiein«
by-laws have b«H>u framed and
prove WMirth an aftermvon'K visit
w in Ik- load) lo act uiiun at next im*^the library. The sheep In the suble Is
The housekeeper ^Wh# Uses
St which it i* di-Hired that all the;
a stud) of animal and bird-life,
launch owners and yachtsmen of the
group of shvH p wUh a lamb or two and
city Ik* nrt'Kont. ^
the scattere<l barnyard fowls an* s
Famous Fun BNakors
iKaulifulIy denlcied that they ar
500 CLUB.
mere than reallRtl.**. The night on lak
pojMiiH'r u ftliroad la tb«
bt lns J*p.
\h^ tltDe fok tdfrrkr lx*l(micloK «<> Mr.
M4 Mri. \i\ E. MAtilti i4
■irtstrt. Otrl^ff lo the i»ram|iilDr«(i< of
llM* iroIrflMirjr. the
1m *ilvr.
C!*milur!oi»|«»*rk aoU l>mki*m|in Jt^in
Andt-rvon «r<» not at their Msruidom(«d
liaMiiU IhU
the thin In
tioa» t>cln« doc to a abort lay oft <»f ih*
^ riitrrui. A, T. Fwk.
iaBMa. HarlK^ «f Old Mian on, who
Mi mmia IlttK. Him' asu and ftncfi rwJ
. tiro rib*, hm« bean nnr.oualy Ul. ao
■ amrli no tUl bU daugbUtr. AJllio liari X^ert, alentrcrapher la ibU city. ba»
b«m ml bl« bodaide. mhlle a ion.
Cterlaa ISertx'rt, reddlSMC In Ohio, arlitred In the ell) 8«mUy and finding
no tray to rrsarb Old Mbrion. took a
bike and made a qnlck trip there Mr.
Ilefborl li aomeirbat Ijnpnired at pixtnml.
Hei>r>- and BtanUri' Uomck of
Umii eoaotir. wbu wore want to ihe
tirirolt How of Corroct^an on a
xdar amtr nee. passed throiixb the clt>
ronterday afti inoon on ihelr ret uni
bome. They were nmvIrlcHl with
jruung IH»hli»kli>n lb the haUxm run
a! (’odar.
The coni riliui Ion of i:. wlilch Mo
Pberw n puM of ihli city rimiHbutt'i]
to the ftWExal relief funil for 8nii
fYmncIhco, wan not IImimI wish ihr jmi;*
llkbed llrtK of cimtrlhMtioinH Uit wai
iB^^Indetl In the c.neml lolnl.
Opemfon# avrr liegun inlay by cm
jiipyea uf ih,. American imtier l)Uh
f•ctorT wpun the addiUon to the farlory on the r am able and «#wlnK to the
abm dona nworMliaK'd ly the brick
nrork of thn Udler fallina unuy. and Um
repairing, ihe woik of Ihe tu n factory
addition will I., done by the employen
tbmiMehf* luKti-ad oX I •> contract
Hegular. etimmuiflcailoa TraverifC
t»y ioSg.v So
r u .d JL m, i.h
B^row nUht for work.
The Grand Kapids
ing company
has decorated iU line bla *k tram with
the llnoat hameMB cv4 r r.adc In Trav;
erm* City. The hamcim wa* made by
the sn«st of Mm. a Grmalmer. Miss Macfflc Holden.
for tklnr
tk.1 •
at' « ;
tbene teoohMIoms ho onot to hie MofW
o»d a eopy >ohlikb*d to tho AaRy. "\> > .;
Oty oM a ^
ptocerf oA file to tho totoe moto.
■ K: A. XAovltob
a a Tk
Ind foot aod it Is per.
I sraj or conveying thaj
: ii-
Special Fogagement
“Ezy Wax”
Is the best hoiisckccpcT
You yhakc the can til
rus arc wniic,
white, pour
it into> a bowl, dip a cloth
in the liquid, wring it as
dry asI you can and just
go oyer varnish or paint
ed doors, woodwork, fur
niture or linoleum. They
look like new. It will not
hurt ihe lincst mahog
any. Sold by
Drug Store.
Monday, May 28
Hunt Stock COi
Suy»p<»rting Hu-'rming and lal(*Ai<*d
.'i.-ir.-ss MUs Kate rtfvglhlK»n and th^*
-unm-nt acli.r. Mr. .M. A. Hum. In a
m u :irnt u|i tn il.ite* rt'iM-rtoIn- of 1*0®«*tli»-N-and dranm.^.
tipudug phiv. Mr, Linp<.1n J. KibLey's great meh^ltama-In four acts.
m nn oi till wicM
.No waits. A conllnti UK shnv. High
;l:tsK vaudeville belw«4 i acts.
New Kperiul st*<-liejv
r. u. Ulus, rated wmg'
<tni' l».ly !«■«. on oi.-nlm: nichi
«*a« h |»ald 3n cent Hcke.». Seals oil
sale at John*on Dnig r«..
I’riev K-lb.-n.
i V!':
This department has b<*cn cleaned up in more ways
than one. Adding new attractions almost dai^Tf just
now we call your special alteniion to some snaps se
cured from the i»reat Claflin New York Sale.
At 5c Per Yard
we offer while the lot lasts 30 inch
Lawns, values Sc and 10c, aTso
good ginghams and challics.
At 8c Per Yard
A splendid line of Ginghams and
Madras Cloth, value \2^c
A beautiful line of Batiste, easily
At 10c Per Yard Conh“L
worth 15c. Also new arrivals in
Dimities, Dotted Swisscs, Organdies, etc
At 19c Per Yard Amold s Bai*e. double fold. In
colors. Grey, Brown and Green
twm^wm «r
fan fkftt
m 9TMipc«d.
**Wa ara aaParluc from an oafragmoa
-I ffltr I lanivt «nw» joor pro(«c- baacar. Pally.- oba aald to the Imxom
arcfo woman that aiac bar at tba cabla door. "If yoa will cook Bome of
that foaay earn btoad ymi make no
bmattfaUy aad fry ;bla Pah 1 baro
brqocbt I wU! rxi«iWe tbo norelty
of mtliic a dlaarr 1 worked for.**
**1 <ma at iMOt oiM joa a fO|«1ora Ulim Mko WlDcbeeiar bad Pipt aa*
tram aaMoa
Aka M tM aal aooacod tbat alio waa find of brr aaaal
mai arttk a Mfm. wklU haad. aad Vmr Baaunrrm «t Newport and bad told bor
maJTted brotbrr tbat br might uar bor
rod. bo bad iau>nffaS>i aarcliib roftairr fur tbo oroaon bor fwoplo bod
woodired wby abr abould do»ire any*
*’Por%M M li a aticklor for rti- thing dlfformt from tbo loroly roCUgo
oicMod, "aad Bdckt rr- wbrrv abo bad WM-ot bor aaiuOi.Ti for
iafd mj HrtlilW wtfk km~rr
Uio last ton yo^ra.
■waltr If I ateod Itfai mj rord.Vrhm abo bad told ibom abe was golog to npmd tbm* muotbi In a litUo
Virgtoia country place tbat tbcy «mld
not Pnd on tbo i^p tboy
tbrirabouldoniaiid cungratobitod thorn*
aolTca tbat Jolla waa tbo only ooo In
tbo family wbo bad rrrr abown ayiui^
-mLmjr latrodaca lae fp IiIib prop^ luma of ctteotrlcity.
aatrr M tapkaod. "1 wooldat far
With tLo bell* of tbo farmer wbo
ttaraM Ma a^ of ptopdrir for owood the cabin al»o bad BItod tt up
for niogb eamr»lng life. Tip* oegreoa,
Abr pattad tbo doc oa
Hally, bad been mxmmimdud at a
Uml** U« t««k «« Mi twmd t%p vlUi
hmmtifwm gnrttj and niltal. |lrmt «t
IM wmmm, thm wUli a rautiiimtorj
air tmo tiMT
of iw bri«uhic do*.
. tbr took IM doc M U» cuUar aod
Pitadac torod tbo ar
aoat abla bodjcvaid of aa
1 aplaattr. aUow mr to
aciiaalatad vlUi oar I>r.
**Toa*n aicnaa nj aot abakliic tutadif
Too win? Tbat'o MfowUncIr kind, for
1 would br iMcfatlr omrooi about trylaaKoaPr
Bf K oa Prat alcbf
la fact 1 bare bom dream*
aoow beaatioa boro.**
aba had dioppod
a by the aide of
tba BOW plachUf akapplac WIHe and
waa taklac bar Prat haaaoa In tba art
at tra"
-lou did that ]nat rtjhf Frrro|l
added an , old faalilowed dinner bom
to tbo oatabllabinonl. and XHaa Win*
eboator folt mritoul that If tbo nocea*
and ItiUlo could buld
tlty nr
tie men fmtn tbo ntrar
tbo can
NVtt day Ferroll bad Uen In luck
and half fllbd bit Uaket when .bo
ranebod ll»o rrook. "(bMd moralog. Illlllo- bo called
out.. "I bopo wo are on friendly lerma
Tlic'dpg anlfTod at tbo baakot of
Pib, tbonlgy down on tbo coat Forroll liad dlamrdod. ____^
-Tbat*. risbt,>eld fellow, make your
•olf at bomo. I b<>tH‘ lie doeou't 9b*
joct to nmokor Ho looked nt MIm
placed bla rod in tbo fork, of a eon*
▼mieot bnab and lit a cigar proparatory to a few mlnutca* ebat
_-Ho ne\if baa abouMi any tfiocUl
Wbllt Mr. and Mra. Fred Cuitla
were rttumittg laat night at addnigbt
1 the Eaatem Star enteitatnmeat
Fifth Ward.
they DoUeod the bird dog. Boger. Uthem ware reeadring a eleanlng or Imd
IB the BialD. the Flfcb ward paaaed hiagtng to Frank Garrer. lylag la fmat
the mbbUh gathered no ready to be a good Inspeetkm but there was conof my
Carver ageaer 00 Froot atreat.
you unaympntbKlc battled away. In the Brat alley a dray aldermble bruab, etc^ ^lod up which
' 1 rriutl Bbowed
"Wo liaro a bond of .ympaiby.- ho brufo. and, to make matter, wonie; 1 vPa eaoouaterod cn which wa^ U inm ctMild ea.Mly be dUpoaed of. Tin cans As they were on the oppoidle aMe of’
•aid, watching Ma TtedllaWe perfonn* hare kept bor
depoalted a great heap uf nsfuai*. were alao In cwiiKiice but It was nut the airoei they fell aon*rlae Ibnl the
dog did not immediately join them, ao
anoo at making amoko ring. In the with joMcn abont tba old maid at Sew- The|v gook pur puarur.** aakl ibc
nearly ao bad aa the First ward.
cruaring the afrvet they found that bo
calm aixamer air. "1 have an acn^. In port BUUo, do you think there la a
Udiea aa they paaaed bm before the
*Thc trip wa-s an edncatlon la llaeif
Newport who waa alamlntely dotar* Uving woman tbat wonkl overlook
tftp^ «ae poneliMled, the night waa co
it would tic bard^to bellerc^ ualcrs with water as tbongh Just out from a
mined I abould rlaH bor tbJa anmmer. log railed an old maid?**
moa that Ihcy failed to kwp track artnaJly aceu. that «> beantlful n city
Hbe roacbod over and took bold of
Rbo had picked out n rich old maid
plunge. Picking lire dog up Mr. Car*
of how much the? w
wlio owned a loroly ooftage. and bad one of the dog'a maltnwtrd mia.
as Travt‘rae City could bare such dirty
carried him Into the oftee and ;
"Umd me an ear. Billie. Yon
It an plautHd that I waa to go, to ace
of the energy of the
all«^}« In a
aoMl Mr. Carver, who came down
and to conquer aabi aplnater. Ho. you to be a well trained dog. for 1 have
In the Second ward. tbt> city it^lf 1
pik'd that It could be
ffvim kis residence to ses* wbat bad
aoct I eauio down briV to keep fn»m •pent boor, oo your edoextioa. Ot wr« guilty of perrofttinp sonM* ihlnss*
bring forced Into marryllig for monor." up and oxprma nlt^ly to the gentle that .rjghi not tu be for example <m from the Ktn'ci and In many utbei. H Injured the animal. He found tbat the
wws absolutely unsanlUry and'an of- dog had either Inn-n shtk or aevertdy
"I uacd to know anmo fevn*!^ In Now- man your overwbelmtnc dc:*lrv to live
by a d(Ktor*a CeiUr Mree*. near Fn*nt. a liad hoU fenj^ivc <»di»r nuild 1m* detected. Some injured by shan* Instmmenu k»r on
What a y«mr aunfa name?
choked nj» with wc<v!r and rubbish. of the alleys kioVod as tberngh aome
abo aaked. with protmae of Idio curlbU liaek. over the regloo of bis heart
Tbm abe manared to foiw her bead Bad places w«^ mglced near tlo- F2m of tho«e wbo rrsidnl thereon substloalty.
and ahouider and other portkia'. U
"Mra. reubm. Hl»o baa
lUore away from Fem.ir* ahouller
atoJ a’.enue sehtad and a varan l it tnt«-d entirely 6n eannni goods.
the b4ly ww abraslcms abowing that
for tbo biat three yearn onlr." And muugb to add another aenlcuce:
«*o Elm.uod avenue on a bleb wen* a
AU,al»out the city, however, there sbiK ykad entered tir tbo wimnd In*
bt« olHW-ailon tiring conccnimted on
"Von might stale that your mlstrewi numH r ef trees and oIm* many lln j^en* evlib nc<*K that the citixena InsnieKtd by a aharp poinit^ insttw*
hh neweat amoko ring, bo failed to aoe baa a ruudiiees for egn-giotta Idlota,
tlM* rrlmaon tliat fluabrd Iht faco wbeo BUUe,**
meat. The animal was unable to more
exc,‘lbm plae«' fur a i*ark with Il«ri»‘lrl4*an.sl, alleys freed from rubbUb aad and appeand to suffer grt^lly and
be mentlonod tbo name of Imt own next
work. A!1 wen' struck with the possi- mi
hauled away. Theiw U
door neighbor at Newport.
was dripping aa though be had jnot
iTllliles Ilf a stretch of proi»ony ^qill ideiit- Ctf work
A Weed Wltn.a ttimane ■l.fr,.
crawled from the river. Mr. Oanrer
"Tnwede/* or molaaw*., la a word ihMMigh which the asylum cre«-k ran
BUIIc’a mbitroaa aat under tlio trvr
in»ete4 and It is amid not take blm home at that hont
iM.utined ven ea»:ll> |sfci5lli!e that the two homti* ck*aning
by tbo en^ek une day untU abo bad liu- wltli an interwtlng blsUiry. *rbe eariJ* which ,,nhild
and mad** a tempo*ary place for him
Ubod bor tmuk. and atUl Ferrull bad eat **treack-** was an ontidote ngalmil I ,
e»fvns4*. In the Second ward davs. Friday and Saturday, will not be
to lie until thia momlag when he car>
the viper*, bite aud proliaMy wa* maiU- '
" ’
not hppoimxL
l»at *ic*:larlj. taany I'iliyens wfii- de- enough. Much was accomplished ye*,
ril'd btm home in a rig where he U
8be leaned over and patted the dog*, of siiicr-a fleah Itaelf. It U a wurJ UHied buidly engagetl iu slickiuK up._
tf rda> and many hmds wen* dump<M sUll unable to move.
on the chy market alto. The ladles
Third Ward.
• ll*a tbo Brat Uma to tbrve work. from the Crw-k "tber.** a wild beast,
While the animal eould not be pur*
whence came the adjective **tbetiakua,**
Font Inning. Uie comraln.v w «*nl Into ar^' In earnest al«>ut the matter and ehased for tltat, the vale** of the dog
iHTtalning to a wild U nsl, which wa:^
all cltir.ens should eo^»p<'rate.
aa a t>et nieana much to the family of
evfutuallr K}>eclali»d to mean serv ih<* Tiiiid ward- A big heap of bniKii
BIlllc gave a anort tbat ellhor ex*
The rig for the trh* was dcmait'il hy
ing aa an antidote against a wild on S«‘«enih Min-et. near Ct*dar and t>i
Mr Carver, who raiwil Iloger from a
pnwd ridicule for ibonuxlKy lu her
licttat'a bite. In English "tn-a4*Ie** tlien^ vklon. was notietd. An alley beiw(*en 11 J. Morgan, who thought that such a puppy and his qaalltleH as a bird di«
Toleo or lUiUipproval of ^ving bU onra
came to mean anvlblug aooiblng or Firih and Sixth su<His near OlvisUm trip would prove a desirahle enllght- are W4II know n to all dog fanciers. The
rubl»cd the wrtiug way; tbeu b<> aud*
comforting. iTiamvr even ainuki of
dog wa^ nevi r known other than gen
I llalcn. aud iu a few t^rist aa -nreaclc of all barm.** And. was vUliiyl and this was found to Ite a
regular dumping ground. There wencame down tbo path, ^
tle and friendly and no iKwsibfe cauag
many pih-s of nibhlsh In this viclnli>
For tbo Bng time' bo < nuio wltlniut
can I.4* found why such a dastardly an
blri fiabtug tackle. Ho throw hliuaelf
vhlch had received their start srveiul
ciiuht he commiiitd u|HMi so valuable
down uu the ground U-aklc. tbpm and
yeanr ago and siill nmiinu.d lu g.ow. Miss Ethel Bailey Wat Guest of Honor
r, nlle an animal.
He was evlaeoulod Uilu the dug*, welitmilug oyea.
me Te.i^lr of VUmm.
shot while In the down U»wn
"limic, 1 want you to kuuw that Fm
The most noi.tl Ure which Involved
The Fourth waid made a r«mmI ap*
A very pndty 7 o*chvck diner was district and ihnrirn Into the rlv.r
idiot. IVrbaim you will the burning of a single edillee was the
givvn at the home of the Rev. C. T | when- the animal, tiai l>aaiy wounded
iM- M.UM wliut at aoa aa to the moanlur di*stnictton of tbo gteat tiHuple of l»i*
of cgn»gJotm. but 1 aitaare you Ifa Uio ana at Epli.-aus.ln a t\ S.*-*. on Ibe and Cass street^; cteild he lmpn»\ed StiMit last evening by MIsk Helen ! to walk, draggeil himself fmm th«
viMT w«n.l kind of Idiot'*
re j Siouj amt Miss Ruth 8|H-nn-r. Miss j waier to the offln- id his master which
night Ak'xauder the Ureal was Iwm. If InlMir was rightly nseil, Thei^* were
Mifw Wlm-lH*alor mliuHl her eyebrow. Tlic fire was kindled by H
too runny beam, of un.«ii!hll\
InIKthel Hailey iK-Ing the gm .si of honor. | was IocKinI ami he then lay down at
evidrm.- to be exacH. c..mluclvo to q Covers wen- lil.l for seven nnd tb«'i the fhsir to awni? the arrival of help.
SupiHm- you tell us bow you became |,ig only
gotMi atiiH>aianc«*.
table was deci»ratid w ith ml tullp.s |
------ --------------- —
11 rv of your meuUl defecta,” «be|jj^jno ^
iges. He was put to
w bile apule blossoms were the favors.! And they who for their country die
First Ward. *
death w
with exquisite aud proloDgcd
The Firat ward was In the wor^f The dinner was served In six <
Shall nil an I
He pullid the dog'a bead over on bis tortupw, and the EplM**iau wmite com*
tnauded that on pain of death bis name Cfijidlliun. At one ulare In ilie alley and afterwards the evening wa
And biwuly w^-eps the brave.
"IllUle. I dare not tdl bow I dU abould never be prououn<*ed, hoping iK tWMvn Stale and Washington sfretf
oovored the faet of my klkx*y. Last tbua to disap|K»int bis exiHV'tatlou.
there nVs
i^ruhhlsh which had lMs»n ar
Wight when I left the creek 1 was a
:hi year.H at Ir.isi.
Call Tonight
Men’s Suits
Call Tonight
■ Men’s Hats and Caps Cy
FANCY Cassirherips and Worsteds—fine assortment
either single or double breasted coals—
DERBY HATS in three dimensions—
brown and black colors.
. $7.50, $ 12, $ 10, $ 15, $ 18, $20, $22
single or double breasted—'
$ 10, $ 12, $ 15, $ 18 to $22
/ •
/• "
. >
SOl-T H.\TS of the celebrated ••Ruimncir* make
from one! iwcniy-livc to three dollars—nothing
f>tu newest styles and colors.
’ .
S riU'SON HATS, both Derby and thr«?e styles
soft shapes.
TWO-PIECE SUITS—Blue Serge or Fancy Light
Plalds—-single or double breasted coats—
$7.50, $10 to $12
- 'v
SUMMER CAPS I-rom lifty cents to one seventy live. Black Silk, Cravenette goods, l.eathcr
rrimmed. etc. No better line tlscwh^rc—few as
Our fine goods are elegantly tailored—no better
work on any goods at any price.
Call Tonight
Men’s Top Coats
& Burner Call Tonight
Men’s Dress Shirts
Three colors—two different lengths—
■ - . $10. $12. $15 i|:
;• - Not an old coat to show you—everything new
w and goqd value or they wouldn’t go so fast. -
Cravenette Coats
r '
r "r.
Keep out the rain—-answer the double
purpose of a Rain Coat or Top Coat—
splendid values here at
Men’s Soft Collar Shirts
^ ^
From 50c to $2.00. Union' made.
an>T»hcre at prices. All colors
f' I, ^ - ^
from $9 jto $ 18^ ^
Great sale
e oh these goods last season^ Sale this
season wil
ill be larger. *Wc. $1.00, $1/25, $im
No larger assortment in the city.
No finer goods
Nev Lines of
Straw Hats.
Neckwear, Pants, Underwettf
Glovea. f-jne Hb«er>*. Come in tonight and see a
complete stock of fine Clothing and Furnishings.
Few odd sizes go at one>fourth off.
K' -
r Al -> J
tctler. which aaya: Tor JO
hatf^oartmlc liver tomplalat. which led
to aarh a severe ease of JawwAlce that
Uffaatf to
11ms or toll
f»trkitto» ftM flUM7 MmoMT
peo* Jl. Jarpis
^ oacN-ris-r
Iff fr#«l firtti
repwt li« emUmmce.
Jttt tlira IW i^rJ «Ml«
tt br aU »•«•*." «rt«d ih«
Itfto nheir IMMM' booaolr.
cIrU. **V«fiiailjn ” a4ikid Marie.
11»«» ( |«U for row ai>l>rol«tioa.
^o-, ,h«,. r«iKwb«. Kutk
tin.." ak* uM.
I then where she doe*, wow—
like lo take fee to a private memorial
grpima. Umiifli I (mat >«rely prr
Toa a vtaw ef tbe'Aeeoratkms.**
“CA btmo. lb«»r taactied Marie, -f
never dU care mads for Hamlet* with
Hamlet left wwt*
**la UU eaae tt U aomeciilns to urn
the irevlronmta. It furma ike kkrtye
for ear of Oambridte t ^lot. fadi-
my aariy home, a half bonr*a walk
from here. Thirty #emra have wow
greatly changed the placw. The lrr«
rmboweri-d hon»e I* a IIHJe more old
fashioned, and the treaa are grown,
iirnmmwkmmmi Nat t
bat tt la aa Idville W a* ihen.-Bttt the rommwee.** urged Marie.
"Ho fonad her la tbe garden.**
-I'm wamlerfog agamg old i
orlat. Yea. she wa* la I ha garden, and
-How lovely!** ear1alm«^ Kbtle
dote npoo fadeleu romaneev. There** they walked to the place In Hi« rear
an aroma aboot the very term."
**Yoa would appreeiate the a
neat of ihlii one atl the more.** aald
''Then, without thu least prelimMr*. KaWitoo. **!f you ktsew-a* ymi
Inary. Roger lUiid:
prraeotly aliall-tlio woman wb«
- ‘You Inmw I love you. TluHi. whli
-I II akeirh her here and now " aald my whole heart. I* there the slighte«i hope for raeT"
Marti< "If youll tive the polnta.'*Of eoome Ruth wa* c'UnpleHdy
*Take her, then, aa 1 knew her In
our aehool day*, when we two were In- overwhrdm«-d. Imt there would !.e bnt
aeparahlo. Ruth Bryant wa* taller one answer, and he read 4t In her
than yon—« cracefnl, atatejy Rlrl, wltb eye*.
"It war nearly dark. aiiiV tbe dl»a aw«H-tly winning face, yet with a cer
tain well defined flrameaa and prlU erect oM fngples never told a woul
In its line*. *rbe rye* were* tbe feature alnmt the acenc of the Iwtrtwhai.
Af Lome eiitortainmeDt it
-But It wa* a bUtmwaet hour.
that held and reaaanrwd one ag
A nenraalty for the welfarti of
the'vdelermlnatlon of the mouth and Roger told her at oace of his dolur
tliA family drda, aud Uh^ fart
cblu. They were dark, anfathomabh mlna/lon to enll^. ao the shadow of
eyet. wl* fnl and lender. Many a man Itartlng was ove|^ Ihelr Brst raptwn*.
that a
piaoo or cahinri
ha* salaed hi* flrat mal conception nf Ruth did not so Smich a* miggevt that
brnran it tho boat im'ottmeot
what aotil I* from a chance look Into be irtay"for her sake. «he ww* fn-err
yoaoan ouiki*. for iorrraaing
Inch a patrltsf. and *ho wa* pnmd to
the depcha of Ruth Tlryaiir* eyet.
Urn joy aod |ik*iitiin^ of home,
wr the path of paritng fitmi her hen
"It I* tbe atory of a warlliDe wwlng
the otily iniatako you oaa
"Bo they vow^ d eternal r*m*ianrv
and paritng." oonflnoe9l Mr*. Knnwlurn. with the air of a Rchehervuidtv llu ie by the twin inanle*. Roner lll:make it to hoyioK the w«Bg
• It* tyro, Roger Morgan, bad U»^'etl yeivHl In town an brng a* ptisvlbbplaa# Ml mmf prkw. The.
InterfiTlng with hi* punto*^'.
purchate of a
^y he carved Ihidr iultlab
grew up In her lM«uty and maiden
Wr Uneks he held lilnsfelf aloof. He ia the trunk of one of the tre«*H wlib
wa* Of a 4M«euUarly M*ntltive nature, tbe date <if Ihelr l*eir<ghal. May .1*.
and he^d,i>015r~16~Tie1h ve that Kutn ut.y."
• Td give anrihlng to *e*- them?
h>eke4l with rW{M>cial f*\«ir ii|mo one
Harvey ('bare, hi* fellow townsman. cried Mar^.
your lime.- aald her. enter
-Haney was mulrrly reaponaiblr
for Ibis delusbm, for he haunted Iluib tainer. "They are atfll b*glble. *nme
like her shadow, but she bad no lunll ha* Imvu allow«mI to effan* mdirtng nlatlng
tbofce gtdden day,’. .Ml
Uieni whalevt»r loaaid him. Bbe had
ghen bint plainly to and«>rstand a* through the year* I list spot ha* be«*<t
it ««oc)ooiny jieraoiiitit^l. You
vhiiiie iu Ruth."
ucb. I.ut he would not be reluimMl.traiit your dullan to go at far
‘ I wish It had all lunti-^I otit hap
-tlnod Ktuff In him." remarked Wa
pllv. -'alglu-d Kiltie. "This half of your
aa potaiUo. You waul the
b.wtnliheri«!it pricv Thii
".\o! Ml Aery g»*od. or at lea*! It wa* story must be much the hapider."
•it I*." raid her Atim l.onl*e. "for
•ijirallriMl by ba‘-er t.l.■lnent^. He ha I
ia what you got in a Kiutlmll
r^iteii Heiter to uiiderrtand that Itutli Roger went all t<si soon. and. arc<»nlto tay iiothiag of« the
giHi his atlentiuu*. and had Ing to 8hake*|M>aie*R test, he iietMl not
4|uiet>oy mxl aatiafuotioii iimt
made u^atterM 1 y ao nmeh tbe wors«v U* •n-creant’ In war. for he was reiiiih« nwin Iho owiufahip of
• I clianrid to know who r.*all> wa*
"Uuib* only comfort lay In their
l^lo>l aiul Iwaiiliful thiiigf \
the hero of her dream*, and I nnally
had the aatiafartlon c»f removing the corivs|iondeiice. which wa* carried on
thia uifikea Kiiiiliall
deliiRlon fmm Roger Morgan** mind.*’ nuu-t faUhfully. They came fully ;o
•Hoa d.llghtful!" exclaimed 1:kIc know the rlchnt'ss of each other** na
tore* and their indlvidiml caiiacliv foi
and whe
alT^tlon and lo grow clo*«-r and cke*< r
Ihg Jui-t at vatly-twUlghl. to >-|wak to Into each other's heart*.*’
When- In the meant tme was Hon
me a* I *t<H»d In our obi Isshiom d
■ Chaser *
gardeu eiijovlug the K|trliig bUtoni. 1
I should have told you V al hv .-n
that he
for the listed when Rogi-r did. . 1 always be
alkP l to
llc\e<l that he had walUul. dn-ading to
•it was quite true, he said, he wai leaxe Rugi*r In the borne field. But
lo enroll hi* name with the r«-cnilt* the engagement «a* cum-iitly re|M>rt**Then I nald ontrighl. ‘Have you «ul. ami be thought Ih^sI to keep an eye
on tbe victor.
fold Ruth aiMusi nr
yigalrs went as wartime affair* «lid
"He sijirtiHl and I saw his hand
go until Ropi-r had been away a year.
IL ft HARKElUfriK.
•••1 ciuUI ; t flatter m>*elf.* h»‘ said He h»d had no rnrlough. and the Im*124
had enjo)etl only Hu- IeU«rs aa^
•that it won ronceiu her *
"I dIUn i t nt to U tray Ruth, but I what we should teim leleuonUc com
uniy-ai u*n.
• Thru came the tenilde. battle of
Chancellursvllle, which took place on
the 8»d of May.
from Hu- date carvtul
iu gpiU* of wbat youf ueigliUira tell, carry kioilliug, carr>’
wowl. c*rry cxnil. hairy aalit-g, waah curtoina,
-TIh* ITnIoo nrmv lo^t the day. and
arc ep, at rul» nml atreal
a-; Hie enemy held posaeaslon of IlMfield If war. iin|*osslld«- foi them to re
.oxer alt ’.he I’nion dead
• Roger Morgan s nauur cameyout In
and be comfortable.
That Ilrtuidlul list of the killed HorIk D»r»*« Oo»% Vo« Ar.y Met-*
xv*/ Cha.se was taken prlacmei. and a
deadly haxoc was made among our
a’t really
Ml. j. a A lufer J. noBpiMi
Cimsists Only
iBliylMtlie anig piiio
. Mtirlriee.
triM kargalM.
Mow Own
VoVI Oo IW •
■ Cook With Gas
Olky Ows
jMipk Sllv & Sint,
Ibi Bat Hiikit a th Wf
A Roast from Sleder's
will giro you a wry agttsaUo kurliriao if ytm are not a cukUmior of
oart, otbl yon will womler wby yen
wn*er fa%r»rwl, oa with aa owh r Imforr. Any of oar jiatnaM will loll
yon that our nitata far turpaaa anyanylhiug ever tnaU*l. King of
UiehiMWt aitl meal leiuler tjuality
ami. w hat ia WKire, a)w««v« au *j he
bfkt lainh. matton, lie, t nml and
pAullry ia alwaya to l»e ftumi at
ShakrV the
Imtcteiw, pm kerw andaiMiii^ taakerw. WlKihaah*
true. Ruth wa;x tu^ deathly r'tlll when
rhe heard tbe new* that no one coolJ
fathom her grief. We were all puzslej
and nUrme.1 But alter a time Rhe aald
to me, wRli her ejrea at their daepewt
* 'The parting t* to be Rmger than
we tkoaght, l#wt^4in-e and.death carv
UU4 loach .such lore aa ours.* "Hid llarxvr Cha«s* <H.iur UekT*
"By a stmage Inmy of fate he did
in Jdhe of the following r>mr. He wa*
*!iong in the convloOoa that the oaly
oh-utle Irciwi^n him aiul Ruth hid
iMwa remoxvd. He lost no time la
Pteadlag hta ga*e. and when RtUh told
him In grieved attrprtse that her heart
had bars given muw for all to Jtoger
ihHf betrothaU li»t> dm tuning that
day ro blewMid to'them wa* to broom
theJr fatal day.
•'After Harvey *1uak away befpr
her wrath Rnth wxwt Into a Mate of
enthuUasm-a* if she had Just
heard < f a aatiaaal xirtory
landxsj all her shrlfie with laon-I leaf
and blu*:»m. She aratUied the j»iue
.•Bbicmailc leav«< and ffoweJ^s thickly
over the spot where In her poeilc
f-ncy vhe bad locatiwl his grave."
"Wa* kite so realist.c?"
-IdoaUflc. ratlu-r. Vrxu will n.ilce
he tuare all myi b* grtiwn
•f*eri b-ave* ai«- c*uispKM«,u> lii atl
‘ VVsKn'l I hr grand to uw<- the laund.
In th<: face of Harvey** wtanderr raid
•Bhe wai- kj>al In .-xt-o win aiel
IHht. and her loyalty was ju.ilin»i*i.*
"Oh. did people find out the fabuhooiir*
Few n*-«-d«*d tti Im- no SHU led. bui
th.- refutatl.ui came. One John 8oi
who had tuai»i«-tl ftorn Cambridge,
drilled bark to the town at the efuMthe war. He wii* full of ri-mlnl*
ore*, anti .«omc one who ha.l tnlktsl
ith him
him to Ruth.
• He was UV.KU- Rogi r Mor-.-cn wht i;
• waK slud thnuigh the ht-ari. H.t
bad |i:rl eauyht ibe fUg thal h« i lH-eu
t hau ls of the ctilur h
harp^hut.it 1 marked him
id Ks.k fatal aim.
"Huger next-r >poke after hi- was
hit. Bolgt r look hiK leiiors ami Ruth *
plctnre frt.ia hU liudr. but l-Hore b►wlrt M'nd them it» h»-r l;e wc* c.».p
nM and tbey were taken from btai
•*Af er lii:> n-lrai^e he- f*rwfl few
t'nnibrld:;e luii vlvors. |- <\
wn-. xviih him ill pr; n:> and
dll al.riii R ji-.er Mo*vnii.
S«»!t*er r.ixe.i
)-.is itisloyultx to Ins
*'kitUi dUl not value the tr»*iimonv
In Itself. Her faith had never faltenwi.
Imi aht* called uuon s<-lg4>r to make
Harxey <'haM*’ retract hi* slander—
hich he did In the craveu kTxI. that
mlghl haxe iM-eii evpec cd But R<ig
et*n shrine was verx be.oitiful thal
"I w.>tidi‘i if he knuw*.* i^nid r^btlyf-ainiiy. "or is nil Ihiu Hpuiih.i-nt and
di-voiiuii merely for Ime's rt-JUf?"
•We ciu »,n?y wmn!er." raid lor
ini. "Ih-rhapK In a tlee|MT sense than
r*. Ititrwnliig Intpllcil —
•’ Fi bh-tl eyes -hs- luighler xudurs than
flu- <»pen ever do;
"Be That as It. may, Rmh Hryat.f ’
IS k«,»t faith xvith a singbness of
heart that I- a, in.splrln:; a.s It*
e.ial "
•^Vhy imtr* said Marie. "If such
ofTcringi mean luxe and renu-nibiance.
xvoy, shouMn i they continue whlblove aud retuemhrance last 7 *
an Idyl atlxu^.'ix^• said KNle-•that retired nook In the garden, the
Cooaa beans rrow In*
pods on the tmnk
land limbaof a deU^cate tropical tree.
HThey omtalii Mix
ItillnMi mom toed val.
V oe than beet
We nse the hifbest
cost beans that are
frown and there Is
nothtnc ia oar cocoa
bat cocoa.
That U wby It U
the most ddkkms of
vwa WAiTca a. Aavnv ca.
tsuirs:: tiiz
BRtars. whka caved aw sad kept me-^
w«B for elevea ywrw.- Sate cave for ji
Ulioasaera. neormlgla. waakw-wa and.»^^
all atoaiach. Uver. kMoey and blatUer:^!
deraagemaau. A woadorful toalc. At Ar.
Johasoa Drug Co.**. K H. Mi*ads. 1' A \xr
Bugbee Drug
Hrwg Ston-s.
>R. F.J,
vd to f
and ^Tm^'a
rnaiuc** bam.
10* WBhriai hleea ha 4tf
•ew BUU- Bank holldl^
i^owenr for Your Boat:
liny a SMALLKY Marine Gas Engine ami
enjoy the boating season from beginning to end.
* Powerful
W. M. PAIGE, Agent.
xyilh the J. B. Palgo Electric Co.
126 Cass street.
SARA T. CHAS£, M. O. -Bhyriciaii
and RurgxHJo. OfSce* 40TS Rtale
Bank block, with Or. O. K Chaso.
CTlr. phon.- 2l‘5-2R. Residenrr kO!
W. Brvcolh WtTCCt, with Om' M!*uw«
Corn.ll. CUr. phone
Stove XVithout a
Competitor- ‘
a iiiotlol liluf tUuif tvM.ker having
BiMwrial fiutun^a not found in any
oUiur ki^oaeue atovo. It ia auitHbl**for (ill kitMla of«x)okiiig. t«|MU’ially for
UttktiiR ami Uroiliim. A inoilel of
Btiininer txymfort ami txMivoatojiro.
Evit)’ {i<»u84‘k(w«|MT ran appnvinte
what it iBto havf mi oil wtow ft»r hot
weather nm*, nml when lliia p» rft-ct
stove ia tilTert-d. that iium-Ib nil culitinry nupiin tnriit*. luiiiiiig willioul
Binokr, vslor xiriluat, c-ano<»t help exmsiJrring it a Ikwii of buUlanti»i
Traversa Ijwd aaS Loan Otv. F.
OR. F. HOLOSWORTM-Rpeeial aiRoobi T and a H a U Mareanlila
On. block Both pboMa.
OR. E. •: MINOR-Of^ ovw Arnwrlean Drag Stora. BpacUl ati4ipUoa
to eye. ear. noso anS Uroat. OUaara
Stud. DothpkoM. RaaltfMoaSlS
■ iiwiev^
CHi. 1ST; Ball. SS. RaaManra. JlS
W^^ngUB atraiA^^na. gbona fM|
Saxton Hardware Co.
If you xvant Low Prices
A Maril 1
Dantlsl (Har Bar^
rora ttoih
clan and surgoun. Ramoxed to of
Seca Id Mudioo block over lUrDOB
a Karl*;. ClMrcm* phone SK*.
If You Want Good Quality
OR. LAWTON—BhyVlcVan and’ «i^
gcon; ofnrcK Id Wllbclm hlook third
Boor with Dr*. Bawyar and l*anhab
If Quality is to be Considered
with the Price
We Can Get Your Business.
•4ARRY B. HARNER-^vpert plans
tuucr and artb.-fe rcguistor H«Hb
faodon guarstiiecd With KfSkhaO
Music Houre CIt*. phoi.e ?S4,
Come and See US
PIANO tuning Saiufanion gwarnnic-d. y n .\tt;...i*. a» 8<mtli
XTnIon. Tit- plttuip llM.
apr IMf
J. E. Greilick Co.
Fine Interior Finish
Sash, Doors and Mill Work
er. Lath and Shin..
Plate and Window Glass
vcr. I rit ♦ * reawinabln. OfSeq vlth
O. P (*arx« r A Bro. Both phonea.
OR. E. F. CHASE-HoinhOpnthUL QF
flrr ox.-r Bugbra'a drag itorw ClUtra. pboDq-RMldenow Ml; oMra
aog S Vteo
>R. E. L. THIRLEYtlon to diacaara of cl
40» State Bank bldg.
Dr. W. J. Higgins
Fine Dental Work
Ofioe 505 Now Wilh.-liii Itiock, '
Tne South Side Lumber Co.
SI5 Lake he.
Tninrse City, Mich.
the kind that
ti> your doors and windows
at best prices. Dealers in all kinds
of building' material. Get our prices and consider
oursUxk Isforebnjriog. Estimabw ftimUheJ.
Oar rncUo: Boat Prica^ Dry Stock,
. Prvimpt Uoliwrjr.
isitiy Recerd Went Adei
Phone Citizens 308
■•raiT ruinc
7l9Cutrr«>t«t. ' b|im.lr.
f:.‘*Ua wS
«vWritu*«, lb
iImm'* Orwit IW a»d PiynrV Wh»
Oveftan^ HOrrfliK U>rri> «, UfMiny WaltaM.
_ .
Tm UumCi«.i> Kook* *m1 Biilhd* by Um> F«voriU« of tb«
Anvthiiw mmI »r«ryauoe ia M«wr, both
didijr rrmknd l.y tbe biiat wtiala.
asd <4.1. ■|.loa-
BKUBMBBR-You <aii have all IbU Moaical
EalariaiaaM«t in yaar booia, to imior wheiKvi-r you f«d lik<. it.
7. K«»id>asc
Wu MUuutfiU CHI easy tonus.
----- -------
Di$tM^Uf€ /«r tM.
Branch 159{.FrontSt.. Traverse City
»n^kl>D .............. %
K II. K.
Unnil Kaiitda............................ SU 2
i^yiom :........« i
niM^tagSdaii ...iV:,............ * X « ‘i
HiMilh Ikttrt
S 18 2
Tt-ne hUulc ............................... 3 6 0
w’btvuiif........ b 3
3 6^
I 8 3
a II. R
as later
pi oven infeiior to the Spray, ah
that city, which bad noi cumiKii-d iu
the Upton aSair. but trimmed Sic.
Claire with i.<aae la {be C^uutrr clut
regatta. The Spray is now regainled
as llirr champiim of the 21 foot clAi*
4 on the lakes.
Sito Yttik ...................... ........ k 1
......... 5 U
SI. u.iilj* ..
.,A........ 6 13
Btmtou ........
rinrlnnati ..
HrcKiklyn ...
NVw York ..
8t. LouU
Plas^ulw dUsohrsauriepelsoastaasaaUsths
orsaBiiiitasiyaiiiMs to (M ihs
<4^ tbs
mambrsMs. aad «asMs tbs bisddsr lo empty ttis* heely and easily, and be
come normal.
Tbrutk, AII Artuid 8iidaitt
Is ihc dislin^ui'^hin^; factor
that makes our harness so
i»aiihfactory to horsic owners
and drivers. There are no
weak parts. The leather is
of ^ the finest oak tanned
stock, wtiuhini; skillfully and
peifec^ done, buckles and
mouniintoNQf-ihc best quality.
It can alw^^e relied upon
fur durability and safety.
Qu(cn Cily Implement Co.
12S E. b'nmt St.
7 9
Pere Marquette
Line Steamers
$1.00 JSiUS 1.00
Round Trip $1.60
I 1^ w.Al Jim ka»f aolblnt to
OskcmI all hut irvgottated. brouiht an
end to the long contest
Why Pay Molt
it Is poerr €.ronomv to pay
|2C on or HKoe for a I'hlna f«nncr 8«H Cull at TIk' t>oaomy
•Store loday ad mx what $15.00
wlU buy. We have but three.
Remamber. only three cf thew
lon-plare Austrian
China mnner Setf. all different
aelU for
Flm cnstiuncr has first
First caslomcr Uavilnii cboic-j
Many other new goods.
Always iwimeihiag yo-j need
at The Brooomy Store
StMUCli Troubles Cared
a<fasUaaatdghsl(dtlagalad.raMacww>ar.Wlorcaa. Palaii baf«
a»mal pstaaU aiamaoh. OM ar Tsaag prafdr earrd. I>rHKtMa
aoivrsd. AflsIoa-Atn^MmaarMbybr g
^ _
throrder of the «,urt '
Is to proscal the Naiiuuml Troulng us i
.SI cl'lion ir;.ai bearing evidence, and
it> ^iri'vent pirTCrtt* offering any evl
tieaee t^J^hc boanl <if review of the
It is alsu
tu enjoin the assaelation from taking any position in reriHXt to I he taro and the controversv
which has arbea nut .»f It.
The Injauclion was ,orved on Sc*c:c!Bi > W II iMK l er of the National j
Tnntlng as:-Kiaiem at ilnriford S r j
vice v.at aevu;, d and pieliiuinar, ar-1
" :::::t
sunnier* leave ManlHltv daily lex
-epi Sundays) at 5:t*0 p. in and 7;t*0 p
in., Sundays at 7:tH) p m. for Ludluj;
ton and .Milwauki>e. Arrive at MU
waukee at 6;30 a. m. U-ave Milwau
kee dally al k:00 p. m. Arriving at
erd in woman's championship ipvlf
Manistee at 7:00 a..m. and 9;3tJta
C\jnnrcllona: At MlJjrauktx; with
t«rly Umlna lor Cblrago.* afternona si Um- Woodland tkdf elub at qie open
iraiiEs Irooi ('hitagt,. and all ladnU lug of Ibe aim «al mee* of the Btisioti
north and west. At LndhiKtou with AVunisii s <;«dl a.s84K'isi Ion
Miss M.ity Iminou of the Osklev
IVre Manhiette railroad fm- all pttlnu
muih and ea.st At Mapistiv with M Ciumiry club aad Miss Fiwhces C. Ot
4c N. R mUroad, M A G, R. rallr^.ad gtx».1 ol the Country club, plavt^d five
I Alia holes in eighU'en h.de eoiUrsl
and atoaineni for Onekama and Frank
before fbr match was rteddod (q.fafvor
fort Dock kiut of Pint strt-et. Tek'
ef Miss Dumon
A difficult Bymlq on
phuRu: iki.
the tweuiy-ihird green, which
K. H FRENI H. Agent.
match with Jiuiinv Britt. iv«spke Ihe
oft repcaital jiiatemeai by Nelao% and
hla manager that Britt will go unrec«>gnlr<*d onlll he has settled « cialYntSI
indebtedness nf
ik.fUUiCG. NHson now says h« will
fight Britt anv wa> and any tlmoi Ti
this end a foifeit of $10,000 wga*posted
here and a reply is waltiag frugallov
York, whert Hriit Is Ncdm miA kU
maiiar-r sn evidently hoping to Wks
a triumphs! entry into the c$^rn
mci^polts after the Uane has poifMitsl
off Herrera again.
It Is cwamaunl Uiat /vOit penpms
went otit to the tralmag gnartors
terda) to watch Herrera and N^m
Gain lor ihdr Aght of Friday
Hundredi were al '‘Lucky ’ Bwili0n s
place in watch tb« Dane, who la^e
g«Mt of hooor there aad cv«i mare
V isiied the Mexican, ^wbo U worklag
Bawara of Ointr
that Contain Marcury
E- Harvey Wllcr. prMtdcnt of tbo ,
empire Lurohi'r company, arrived Sat- ;
arday to attend to tbe buOn^tv Ind- :
d<«t to pay vUy.
Gcorse Johnsoti our local cigars •
xiakiT. was In Hontw cm busiaesa SaD T !
Mrw lU-ary ItoWascm of fYankfort T '
vlsHed her vlMer. Mrs. lUiUe Ctttnrier
last week.
Fred Dago of MauJe City U teachlug school in the Tweddk' district, one
and one half miles south c»f town.
Miss Emma Holmes of Honor flaBed over Sunday bete with her alster.
Mrs. Harry Baker. •
Peter Stormer fs suff^lng. wtth. . i
- one skir ol the face, lb
by his physicUn Ybat be
rill s^ r
Mrs. John Donovan wtmi to Travse aty Iasi Wwlnesday (or a IFo
days* visit with her^iHrr.-'Mrr'. Ruae ‘
Duran and Frank Sheridan ^ '
Glen Arlmr were In town Sundav. I
Frank Adam^kl of ManUtvv airlvbd
Uat Monday to take chargi- of the C.
n. Sberman drug Mort'.
Peter ChrtwtlatiM and lamHy
kYankfori vUltod with ibcii numeioip>
irleuds hete over Suinlay
Thur.aU> lor a tutuiw home at Cappr.
St. Clair county, where Mr
will i\mduct a iihuiograuh gallery.
Mr. and Mis W. S RvhM
over Sunday
Mrjt. R
Mrs. SUnldf.
Ri-ed gml Mrs \V
Jey afld
.Uughter. UjUIc.' all of Jovflell. B«p>
r.k' county.
The Rev
M-ni heu
(5. W'Hoffmy. wh/. wa»
flora Chlca-to In Fvbruar.v
to take charge of ih« M
has leMT-m I und rctmiu>d to ChlcnfOw
Much sviupaiuv is exiu.ised here tor
Ihc young ra.idw'cr ou ai'couu» of the
Double In which he UTatne involvfd
J«-‘ Wua has bought his idatxMis. Paul Varm>v«nH»rs. Dari#n
here and Uiovi d on to it
Sillyniaii had a runaway Piidsv wMU*
Mrs Babcock has gone to Stratf.vrd l^urulng heme Irora i'ialte A bvll
with her sUtei. Mi>. Ileniy Mune
came Old of.the thills, letting one side
J. L. I>ewis aud <!hailie Bullion havi- j ump down onto the horsr'Y btvls. Mrs.
gone to Btratford to cut wuhI.
Isillviuan Jump*d and Mi*; Vanio was
Bob McTargH and daughter Viaa thiosu from tbe huguy, but bevood a
of South HoarUmxn wei< calling .:i f* w biiJisvirBeiiber la*Jy wa- M-riously
old friends one lUy Isht
hurt. lH>ih walked Ih*- Tour miles lo
Mr*, Arnold vlsl'ml Mr> Will I-.e
, , ^
Mm. John Blc**masier dk*«l Friday
*^* ^'^‘''***______________ ^
niiunlng at 3 o clo. k at
A MminUin of Gold.
:: j
surprise, was ihe Jutlgu Flail uev: week. Judge Town.
i, dilah!e shew ing of Chb age in t he
end. who isausd the injuuctivu. ails
wei-ht events.
iu Uh ledcrxl Circuit court U New
leocra i irrUR court «
\,^k tun icMi-li-s In this cif..
^---------------AuburmlaU*. Mass.. May 23.-What
Stovall, Jhe ftvrmcr IMroit
i.s Iw'lieved t«i iK-n new national ree
i«aial Harks. Ui«d ) y Ik.
irrr Ihr
.la'Wt s too <i«wn< m •nrr.arfaJ
*.«H«hwdHHb, dnn;
th.-, a.tM.1 k.< .4.
tMM)>)r rhanrr. Hi-rufn)a. OM W-M l .aiaBihi.’ffl.,
y.u.htcT«ialM4lilv.l»>*iaj*a«,I..wrt,urtsBV. Hcan,llaMilS4;«# Wia.t. U.wy
«W sg.
aHm«toiw.fnasesrU ltols-rvHua.aadN.urwU.ia,
‘d <».llr.w Vatarrk, IWral
ilac*a«—k). Drsisi'w.
. hi., tiatl
bnchl .• Ihtowa.. «*olUr. itac'i»*-'k).
in>rti»asl»»T:i. |Jr«T,
aJi kkawm.
j sadUidwr lis^'. cnir .Mat. sad
r.si blow); to the Chicago Kiipporterh
The onl>
haring qxkwi thrta«a d^ar snd «wh
yuB saaam Wrur»al I will Ml yoa .-s*. Mj
Indhms in
Am*Ww sM
todW^. ^
(Yarh SlagK offthc l»nlv*TsHy
Chicago Is out with a sUtemenl slnro
the deel meid with Mirhljtaa. Satur
day. that he e»*M*cls the Ann Arbor
lioys to win the oonlexence me**
lieie iK the way he puls It:
.Michigan must be conceded W
-Hinferenie im*et this year by a go<
margin of inrtws Fitzpatrick husi
supt'rb biinoh of athletes and they ei
alnly arc tmtltled to
IK-Iieve any oilu r i<
There t« a row In Chicago over t
to win orf June 2 *’
rondltkmu under which the LIpt
The Midway roach’s view of the aOi
enp boats are to*'l»e enter'd. Two of
the new yachts whleli will Ih- otii lm‘ telle kltiuiibm i.^ Khar«Ml Kcoetall^ In
the irttphy this year are uwihhI by the wiartKUi camp The Chicago adher
eiith wrhi, had looked fui «*»r|»rufi^ 8a»
iirUay weie disappolnled.* with one oi
two oxcepiiouii, as they had louke-1 (le
the mausiio. to overturu the **do|K'‘
In several e^ the erliiral events.
The mtet settUnl seveial wo3t«'>J
q u-stionw Garrelt*' ileleui of SlwITeii
In the high hurdk*s. Siewart’iJ vtlon
over Merrill and Merriam in the 22<t
yard dash, and Mc*rriam> defeat b>
tUmev In the half-mile were' the hani
The noted nerve specialist in Grand Rapids
since 1875, will be In Traverse City at Room
31 'at\d Parlor of WhitingHotel from Wt dnesday. May 23. to Thursday. May 31. 1906.
KATI^L l^quE.
1^ v:^ss£u^tks!:§s:::!i
C’ll. I.lu.u<. 7.M.
,,....,.....7.;..,.. t
Any person hsvlng bacUche. kidney
pains or bladder trouble who will take two
or three Plno-ulea upon retiring at night
shall bp relieved before morning.
QiSra Sake. 11. S. kUlla. ICoitwbla),
Nov JlSvmukeo, E. R Brown A Co..
Ouikou, SyndAcole, (Counlnr club.
Toledo, Tokdo company. <Toledo).
<Ko name). J. II. Feamslde. iHam
lliOB. Ont.i
i. Comnodore E. P. Vilas.
Elmo. J U. Cotter. (Bay City
Ste. Clniv. F. II Walker. (Country
club, IktrolO.
Spray, li. U. Schmidt. llX'troil Yacht
Clev. lanrl. tleorge W Worthlngtoia
<Cle\ eland).
Rooster II.. Syndicate, (l^kcwood
( Irveland), .
f the CongragatloiiAl oburch.
The promotion exercises of the noc
od. ftfth and eighth gradea will U
eld Friday eecnUg In the> M E
bnredL The smUor eommoncemcnv
.•m be MSf Tuesday rwalng at iht
d. R cluueh The 3e«U»r and senku
umq .et win be given next Wedoes
vUl cee ihc ttfUGo.
.ay eveiUng at the hotel. The pr
New York. Ha> 28--A popnlai vnm Is being car«<«lly planned nnd
Inuncb un the lake* IbU yoar wUl K expiated to be very ©atcrtnlnlng.
Ike hiibaiMicd Klcu boat, which wa'
hum b«ee Is thirtj-flve ftxrt long an
T^-reilse In the
equipped wlU» alxty Sotm' poner. (out
cylinder gmaollnc cnglnmf. giving r ise of l>r Kthg s New Ufe
reuses. They anvu you from
sjKHd of twenty-one miles an hour and bring quick and pntnless
The Eleo's bulls are Balbhid In ms
I eoDsttpnUoo nnd ibe 111
hognny. There Is a scat by the moloi log oet of It Strength and vigor al
lor the helmsman, and in the cockpb ways Wlow their uiw*. Guarsnued by
l<»hns<ib Drug Co.. F. II Miuds. C. A.
theie Is scaling room for seven Four BitgU'C Drug Co., druggiiils.
e. Try
of these are IndMdual antomoWU
bucket newts
A glass wind shield
give* pivlenieii Itoin Ihe wind ami
flying water, aud over the cxK-kpit
a cape cart Ii»lUing automobile hotwl
Among thtiM’ who have purchavtl
Klco boats ,ire John C. Baton of To
nusto. whose iKiat. l.augh a Lot. wilt SpccUl to the Ev.-iiinn Rerord.
used on Muskuka Uke^; W'lUlam M
Crofuu. Mich . May 22: Mt> C. C.
Flehman. wIusk- boat. Ikst It. will K* Btllea WSK in Kalkaska last Ssiarday.
WMvJ nl. Bar Harbor, and another
Mrs. HolUiook and Mr^ Krumlauf
lor a IVtrolt yachtsman, lor use on were In Kaikaska last Wedm'sday.
the iKtrolt liver
F. F. Cli velaud of tiidlllac aUeudiVd
our Sunday nchisd last Sunday, and
New Haven. Conn . May 23 -Judge
alM. Mr lUfUa «»f Kalkaska, and sfuTownsend of the I'uiU'd States Cirxult
the school was out, Hsik a plclur** of
»iurt has Ixsnei an ord. r requiring
the Sunday schtKil.
the NxUonal Trotting association U'
Mrs Trltlng and Mrs Hivdman
show cause why on May 28 a pixdUnlaar> writ of InjanciUm sbu iid «pi, called on Mrs. Aimdd last Sundav.
issue lettinlning the asst»clation from] Mrs. J Sham and ;..n lb»waid un.l
meetliig at I>-Mugton. Ky.. June 1.1 Hannah Sham were In .Ka»M*^ka lx: r
or at any other lime and plttce. lor the I M«mda>.
purpose of hearing the ca^e of thej p:- Liighion has r»*tumed fn»m hi«
Memphis Trolling a.«s<K*tsUon vt^rsus ^i^it fn Grtvland, Y*u' hi)* wife Is <1
E. K amaihl i)*
‘ uiuM on IniiH.risiu buNlm ss. l>k k
it a li
Thu is the CS.M'In which Is involved) batching it. but don i like H
tbe que-timi of wht iher or not the |
nuic I^u Dillon was drugged prior |o|
the ounlesi to. the gold cuj. al
Amlra Salve,
it io.mpb telv
! cai<d a running
her leg. ml, 1,^,
h» r j:: long y. ar.^. C.rest
^ anilsepiir beahn .sf idUov, wonmls.
< ,,,,,
„ j„hn,MUi Drug Co. s.
. y I,
C A. Bugbr e Drug Co
| Uryg sioria,
pUcbvr. who has ba u |K-rfonyiug In j
ike Americnn aK^ociatloa Bu- lh»
leet n’ly
as a iwirff^i
hlgiusl t v
l.Mr w.i ks
gaiigrcne. fr»mi
She lnav« s
b* siik*s h« r
b'lsljand two sous and one daughiri,
all gmwn.
Shi* was 52 >(-ars of age.
Sunday. Int. imeut taking place in the
r, !ar. iJ
the |.*,ui.svdU. cluh who placed him In I
N*V'cn and t*. A. Cook Ir
of Gk-n ArD.r.
.Manager l eUau »»1 j Spr^ ial to ihe Evening Keconi.
I'.mpue. .May 21
John /
'lrac>..John Domoan. Will Morris. L. '
TbtseioreHu livan
folllu. R
Drew of Kmpirv. left
the tHJtield, where he has leeu work 'has Inen lU lor s< mi* tunc hu» ha,; i:ii
this • muriiiuK in a
lug biillianily and l»at i:ig w<ll.
I'Utu- river for a mnink of days* dab-
J proved
Hpeilsl to the Evening Record.
ru:an. Mich.. May 21 -Mrs. Dan
iel KisiiHin returned :T<»ni an extende l vkdt in Kalamarca) a.nd Virk*J>urg^
and other southern ulsres last week.’
l^e last n imber «»n the ^loetme
cwr:e will le given tonight by G, C.
Hosg Mr. Hoag t*,^r«roaimended very
highly and a large crowd is expected
to hear him
on the subject,
Scnxtwr Croprey of Vieksburg visit
ed at the heme ol Darnel FiAuklin for
a lew dsvs laM va«k.
The 8hi:.-nnn cixamerv In rjaniu*.;
Mr.v. C. C (Temens i« visiting al the
he-ire »•: her paivuL^,. Mr and M'«. EGllLert. cf this place.
Mn. Martha Clark la very HI at
prctcah. much worm' than (or some
Item past. Dr. litioUey was cail^ to
attend tar Ix't Frids/ Dom Mamon.
TiKf Junior l a-kei ball team play
agalim M:;ntcn a wi^«k from Friday
al Mantoa.
^Mir. E. Cu k r IcR thl^i boon cm a
buslnesx trio to Benzoatn.
Mr. Boer. trtvxUp* aalaatBan for
CMrl Koocf 4 Co,. Gimod lUpIda. ra
ite tovp fast wc-ek oo hla laat trip ^
I Mr. and Mrs. D. U Bone ar« Om
prond pareara of a Uby boy. bom
May U.
Bar. Dpham aad teUJy of A'qpdfr
hit* anUM! ItH UtoraOay orppBig
Rev. rfdULm baa accepted tbe charge
Th*> ftiui ial wan held from the home
A fi'^hing juirty .c*»tt.;uting *,f E liar*
alter pitching j|
vev Wild' of (Tilear* John R Saalo
Uf Trr.vurs.. Ci‘>. Jerry Sdllvaa of
seveia! had gaiiios. and was imniedi ’Ls
Plsltc c«*m«*tr>ry.
Ilv wa.s rekas»-d i|
two jjtasoiu. is likely to bectvmea star. 11
I'latte township,
the aiiipuiatloii of one of h.r tirabs
as t,i leiuin ti» h-
Mu- C. F. Waikei of i;
was iu ipwa Sunday,
Mr. aud Mrs, F«ed tt.un
Glen Havorti vlsiuwl SnudaBeuneit s parent« here.
Jerry Sullhao of CVslar. John
Santo of Travena aty and H L N
box ear for
The car was fliicd out with bedsw
•love, table, chairs, all kinds of eat
aid* -. tlah
kind carrk'<! in a Jug down to the ham
Idc angle
woitn In grc;at
Will Dallcy accompanied the lariy as
do I take Cardui”? writes Mrs. i
Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W. |
Va. “Because, after suffering ^ i
for several yws with female f
trouble, and trying different doc- a
tors and medicines without obtaining relief. I at last f
foundi in Wine of Cardui, a goiden medicine for all my ;•
ijis, ?nd can recommend it above all others for female f
Cardui furnishes safe relief for tackacbe, headache,.
perioJical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata-.
menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women
suffer. A pCTfect tonic for delicate women. A pure ‘
vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subjectlo the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited
over a miliion who used to suffer as you do.
At every drug store. In |i,oo bottles.
BCNT-BMt oCte rooms to toe
cMy; aewty ftatoM
bofitod; bol oMl fioM wmtor; best
dfigrUckt iwoM to cMy- Over fflnt
office. Rent tow.
WANTBO Every tody to Traverse
€t ibe asbtliME of tkt Anmy
emme mmOl tbm var «rm« well
Th<» elHvelaia of tli€ real
was rrmmktte May. a MotMlat
tbr. vho realotM lUs rlwnr at
UM> am call to arm aa4 auurM to
file fpoat. There were three Maya iw
ihe reftiiaeat. brolhers- two captalas
the cha|>lah4 tcir war hloof
tieraicd to ma la their relaa. Three
Maya did 1 my* roar, for there was
the captala s wile, and ao plackSer
patriot senred the
cause thaa
the wuBiaa who lulk>wc<l him to camp,
first at Arilnatoo aad Alexaadiia and
them to a point near Mooat Veraoa.
which wan kmpwn as Camp MIchls a
She brottfihl with her their two daach
term. JtMM>phiae. ased tbtrtoea. aad
Wla. perhaps five years younjcer.
oee spritMt day at Ounp Mlrhlaan
Hew WOMB ML. Tmtctk CHj
—It hapis^ed to be April 13. the first
aanlrersarr of the fall of Sumpter—
the little yirls wiw wUd-Oower jpithei^
ina Their bands were flllod when
they came across a grave—a rough
unmarked mouiul that had closed In
e ver aome Norlbera boy for whom
taps had sounded that first twelve-
R. Santo
Cenenl Insojraiice
T^irt Titsuranct
" *Oh. let’s Jjut our flowers on this
grave/ crtwl Josephine. He in a sol
dlcr hoy.;
•la a trire the two were dtiwn on
Ihrlr^ kne^ heaping nosegays over
that bare hllh»ck and clasping their
hands In delight at their happy con
trlvaace. They must have had la mind
the nine acts of remrjnbrmnce they
had men at (he gravesides in Uit
grafs-gmwn cemetery at honje.
8ha|^ ■ W«( Froot Stiaet
-On Uielr way home the little ones
j.lanmNi to go next day.,gather arm
ful.s of flowerh and put them on all thegraves. When they w€»rv about to liet
out on the morrow, Josephine toM
Mt^May of their proh-ct. and Ih.
swei^^ (houghtfuliu-ss of this child
fsney apiM'aW-4oaiM»^
woman as
It only couldhave appcHtled to a moth
Best early varieties.
er who knew a hospital camp at flr.-,i
band and had folded the hands u*T
more than one young fellow in his last
steep. With her companion. Mrs.
Kvana. a young Red Crom nurse. Mis.
May jolniHl the children in gathering
flowers, and together they placed the
blossoms on thirteen giaves—all that
they found, union and confiMlerate
alike, among the thousands that later
were to rt^st at Arlington and along
the shor»ti of the l‘otomac.
-The next year they did the same
UBM A»rU l.im
•lUMlMwOwifwOWy— lon^wt
thing, and the next, each time in May
rCMomDMM.fM.e».Of»a KmM. and now for the wiMlens who fell at
1^ ^ ^
Sccood-hand Bicycles
Frank Beardsley's
Tomato and
Cabbaje Plants
•asm Hwl^awOpwaaMMsik
•nvml Unr Llih and Mads H«r WML
How many Urea of beauUful young
girls hare been ancrificed lust as they
were ripening into womanhood I How
many irregularities or dUplacrmenU
-In IfiCt Gan. John A. Uvan lanwd
that famoasoidmoflUiins aoramder ln<hl«f M the C. A. H. whkh act
w Memorial Day-a
dale chosen tote In the apriag to nriter
lo give the
I nalcns his army and himself
ifinnk crery
shoMd be extermtosted? Who took
ths gattaat Army of Northmw Vir
•hiCTi offlcUl rocognlUoa was
lU Siala by the threat to that wildcrneM
observance by congress. Since thaa aad never rsieaacd hta grasp uatil k
many of the aUtes hare made the day died at AppomaUox? Who is this but
a legal holiday.
Grant, the man who wonM not be dc^
•^orc baa been tome oohlrmrersy bM! . Ah, these men who* wore
here aad there as to what sonxcc to blue, yea, the fanlight shall kiss i
auribute the honor of auggcatlng a and the ages shsU bless them while
docoraUon day. 0<m. Chipama atlrib- their souls still go marching ak>i
yted it to a Ctnelnaati soldier whose ArchbUhop Brady.
letter coBcerstog such a cu
Germany ha laid, before Oen
Gen. John R. Murray, oa the other
band, has adranrod the
celebration held at Waiettown, N. Y.. C*beervd when the abools of victory
May 27. IkCC. Certain it Is that Gen Spurred oa the flight of ihv enemy.
l.iogan often referred to his Aral dec
oration day order as the •prpudcil act
nf hU life/ and the year U warn Isau
the first great ohsenranoe was held
Arlington cemetery* with Gen. Ai^ur
as the orator of the day. It Is equally
ccrUin that further to the south, a
few years bcfkirc. those tsro little
giris bid begun the
lion of grmvcB In a Kraall way that as
wriatnly developcil into the natioaat
U far hs 1 know no
ix^cognlilon baa--4»n paid to its giri
ish origihat
-Of the four persons who di'cked
those fltwt graies In 1862. not one sur
iJnk* Jo»*cphUie May died In
/Ivea. IJ
1872. ten yrers to a day from that of
the first decoration, nefore the death
of Mra. Evans, in IKK?.. Crocker Post
vf IVs Moines, la., gave to her recog
nllion for the part she playtsl; am'
also to Ella Way. mho. shen she died
last )var in the state of Washington
was accurdotl miliUrj honors by thi
(S. A. R. and lowered to her gravv
wrapped Ip the American flag. Olive
May. the actress, now playing in “Arl
*ona" tn England, is a cousin.
-Chaplain May. his wife Marcia, and
their two daughters lie buried ir
Home. Kalamartx). Mich
With the 1 xrepllon of one year, the
chatdain's family remained with him
throngboul the war. Mrs. May wa-^
called ‘an angel of merry from Go<i
for her work at Alexandria. I recaU
'circumstances when she morally alolc
dying men and smuggled them into
the city hospitals that she might rain
later to thedr wants. She had of course
the cponivnnre' of the surgeons—It
was either that or leave them to die of
negU'cl and lack of nursing, for in
liose first months of the war every
blng was ‘riHl Upc/
-LMer oa she had a chance to serve
her country- as well as humanity. She
was at Alexandria In the spring of *«,
when Ls'c began a series of
ts. and no plan could be hit
Or fighting sternly, with fares grim.
Their eyes to the fot'^tnd tenneatrun
Mid cannon s roar and musket s era
In slow defeat their lines fall* back.
LfWTtog ^behind Ibi ra the dying and
Thoae humble heroes wbo nobly bb^
Tb save a nation and free the slave
On the altar of freedom their live**,
th^ gave.
Fi^ of fcMure and strong of frame,
I city her thousands
In the flower of youth, at their coun
try's call.
To conquer or die that reiK-lllon fall
In the smlllna iwuth-land. far away
From thrir boyhood » home, they sleep
Where the night-winds steal with sen
Unci tread
Oer the silent bivouac of the dead.
But peace has come; the yeara have
While the march of progress, with
steady tread.
Has carried us up to a higher plane.
rram the slough of hatred and strife
and pain.
The Kortb and the South have seen
their sons.
Shoulder to shoulder wUh leveled
In another clime, on a foreign strand
Fighting the causc^of another Und.
City to rend cmr nd wn Thursday.
May 24. ;. W. MIMkna.
I of the mda into ton pre
nrial dtolecia.
A school fm trmtotog aenrmiU to to
FOR RENT-Ten^wom honnn^ IM N..
be estaMtohed to Hamhwg. U will
Sprnce BU pboM MC • tofiy 14t
with cxtoitoc schools,
which proridn tratetog to domestic
ackmce fbr.glrto of wMHodo tomlllea
with the staUstIcni mania
has figured that $23.«NI.M0 to spent on
cabs la London each year. He farther
figures that over l7.0fifi.0M of this WANTED—A tailor to do general re PASTURE^Havc 9 neren good pnature; will take ( or t cows at €0c
amount to for tips aad overchargea.
pair work. Hamilton aotiitog Co.
per week. C. R. Docknrmy. 433 Sixth
The Btobqp of London recently mp^
may 21
may 21 2t
pented to n Bonrnemouto am
sell their motor ears, golf ci
WANTED^At once, two trick
LOfiT—Hand bag containing gtoasen
aad apply the proceeds to the
also two brick wbeeleni. Apply at
and sum of money. Ftoder ^ve at
a debt of toe anal Loodoi
once. Traverse City Brick Co.. Key
Rneord office.
In China nfl frulta are pftekad green
may 21 3t
and Hj>eoed off the ptoni. aa toe Chi
nene farmer to either too anxions to
WANTED—Young farmer wants noat
sell hia crop or loo much afraid of
housekeeper. Address X \\ care
rers Opera
to wait unUl the fruit is prop^
R. r. D. Na €.
may H 12t*
erty ripened.
1>0C are swwfer and t
thin the giri* of war limes. The upder at 603 West Seventh street CIL
Uh^ate girl* all lake Hu'.U*U r*s Rocky
phone 794
may 9-lmo
Mountain Tea. Si cent*, ton or lab GIRL WANTED-For general h<
ku. Johnson Drug Co.
work. Mrs. W. P. Crolaer.
Boardman avenue.
MONEY TO t.OAM-No tox ctoUM
Memorial Osy. May SO. ItOfi. put lu mortgafiuu. Houauu tor unto.
Headquarters McHheiwoii Post.
WANTED—Four heavy teams to draw
Inquire of B. McNnmnra^ Pnrfc
Ko. 18. G. A. R
lumber; good wages; write or phone
Place botfiL
Of the grest h<»l that forty-five
Carp Lake Lumber Co., Btogham.
years ago responded to the call of
apr 23 tf RALMISTRY-Omralt MadnmnHtoea.
-Father Abraham” two thirds have
Remember toe ffiture lieu to ym
pass'd over the dark river, mhlle
third is alii I left to ke^-p alive the
sacred memories of their comrades.
Every veteran throughout the re FOR SALE-Horms at the Shilson
gion Is expcctcMl to >oln with his com
house barn. Dan Creveling. U4
Hide* In the parade, the devotional ex
Washington. CU. 705.
apr 27-tf
errlse* and the placing of flags and
flomers «»ver the green mounds where FOR SALE-Sunumr cottage and lot
If so, I have toe following for uale.
n-Hts the form of ci.mrades whose dr
at Birchwood. inquire Angus Ma bargains, every one of tonus.
votioii to <liity havt* brought the bless
ONE HOUSE on Wftrt Eleventh 8t
lug of jM-aix- and enduring repul>llc.
Would make a aloe homa
A rperial invitation is extendeii FOR SALE CHEA
Woman R Relief Corps. S<ms of eVier
glnc, 8 horse power. 1 single work
TlfREE HOUSES on Bnat*Tnn(h 8L
ans. SpanUh war veurans, the pupils
harness. 1 sail boat A. W. Rickerd. Nicely looated.
of the public achoola and all loyal cUI
321 Bay itreet
zens to yoln In this tribute of a na
April 2Mma
tlon’a love.
Sunday. May 27. Is Memorial Sun
, bar room, fixdayr Post will aaaembic at the hall
at 12:30 and attend divine service to
bla. A. Hebert
80 ACRES CUT OVER bardwoQd .
a body at church corner of Cass and
land, level as a floor, 2% miles from
Eighth streets. All auxiliary and kin FOR SALE—No. 4 Smith
town Of 500.
fired societies are invitee] to join with
typewriter, almost new. W. E. WillANOTHER 40 ACRES cut over.
toms Ca
mar 21^
Best kind of poUlo land, only two
F. D- Marv in. Commander.
By Allan F. Little. Adjutant.
FOR 8ALE~l,adlo«’ library projK-rty mUcs from market and P^frtly ievoL
may M6 23
on Front street; 51-foot front; terms
SaUsfacfory terms will
reasonable. Inquire of Mr*. C. J. any who wish to buy. Would accept
8HAI» TREES sold, gat
may Ftf city property In exchange for landcleaned and ploughed. H. J. Boyd,
rahka that fought drayman; office Saxtons bardwai
135 E Ninth 8t^
Cli. phone M3.
apr U-tl
—The greatest egg machine. Eggs
missed, so tru
Phone 1088.
„ Traverse City,
heath the sun and
apr 23 tf
I had the highest scoring pen of any
variety to the recent poultry show.
Soon all must pass to the other shore GraysvUlc. Mo., -three of my custom
Special prices on lou of 50 and 100.
They will answer, -here** to their ers were permanently cured of con
W. U. Umlor. 408 Fifth St.
sumption by Dr. King’s New Discovery,
names no more.
may 5-2 mo At my farm one mile fiouth of
and are well and strong today. One
Vitl thev meet again In the grand
GFawrn; (rood, m^id, 10 bar, 4-foot
was trying to sell bis property and
move to Arizona, but after using New FOR SALE—White Wyandottes. Dn^ wirefen<rmgst30cperiod. 1 alto
cloaa bog
And a happier world their youth n- Discovery a short Umo he found It untiaa strain, prize wtoneru,. fifteen have a Rood,
nr^^ssary to do so. I regsrd Dr.
eggs for 12.00. R. C. Br. Leghorns, fence at Ste per rod. Poultry netKing’s New Discovery aa. the moat
r It visit the*wounded and dying
ting at the loweat prioea. Also
wonderful medicine to
eggs fifteen for |1.5«. J: W.
confederates. As she cared for them And we. wbo remain, the charge t
bittb wire feoofi. J. W. 8kter.
she gained hrhat she could of Lee'
mar Z2-3m
movements and plans. With the sane- While honor Is bright nor conscience
thm and promised aid of friends at
and II. Trial bottle Ific.
$75 CASH will ^ lot no. Hannah
blessings they won at so great a
Washington and Alexandria she then
50x1 CS
went to the Mansion House hosplUl
Ignoring the union men and offering Our union and freedom, shall ne’er be
" .
sympathy to the prisoners. The next
And now, as they
street today.
Those thin, weak
the gray.
Many the form we
At rest In his lent
the dew.
marched down the
Order your
Notice of Meeting of the Boani of
Review and fqnalizatioo.
New Stock
Fishing Tackle
Enough Sain
Baie Ball
day she went again with comforts
which won them over, so that in a few
daifs she Iteeame their confidant
-She gained not only definite knowl
edge t»f Lpce’s past_movements. but a
clue to the future—of his proposed adance on Fpirfax, -Alexandria and
Washington. She even scenred flares
of the supposed strength >of his com
A mother should come to her^lWs mand and the propoaed points of aiaki at Uds criUcal time and remember
Uck. These facts she related to Sets
reUry Sunton and accompanied him
the coming Miaaire and start thU try. to President Lincoln. The president
Jiftened with interest Soon after be
made a tour with his cabinet of the lo
ns referred to, and fovfid them
hut lightly fortified. They were at
reinforced. VThm, at tlm exact
day and points anticipated. Led made
hb Attack, they were not aniprtoed.
-Mrs. May’s serrloes were grmtffi
tons, aad althongh ahe reoetred perI thanks from those high to anthortty. It waarittt wish th receire no
public mention in this matter.**—De
troit FYec Press,
; aud
Central LcaRues.
C:: I
•will pot her ow the right road to a
And know, that so long as freemen
Their duty above the price of gold.
The temple of freedom secure shall
And peace smile o’er a happy*land.
—Arlington Sf>eer
Men and Women wbo eat fat meats
und drink strong eoffee usually have
coarse, fiorid skins. Hollister’s Rocky
Mountain Tea makes jrour akin soft
and fair. SS cents, tea or tahleu.
Johnson Drug Co.
Peru has Icm than aeren persons to
the square mile.
Whitney, the hirentor of the cotton
rto. dM not make a cent out of his
Notice is hereby given that the $125 CASH will buy lot 188. Hannah
Board of Review and Equalisation of
avenue. Oak HdghU suburb. 5fixl65
the city of Traverse aty will meet on
feet, if sold before Jong 1st Apply
Monday. May 2*. 1M6. at the council
to Thos. T. Bateu..
M^y 5 U
rooms to said city of Traverse City, at
9 o’clock in the forenoom and continue
Ion aj least four days, or xs
street. Oak HeighU suburb, 50x165
much longer aw may be necessary to
feet. If sold before June IsL Apply
complete the equalisation and re^ lew
to Thoe. T. Bates.
may M
of the assessment rolls of said city
Any person or persons desiring to do $2S0 CASH srfll boy a % acre lot to
may examine his, her or their aaBirchwood suburb. IfiO feet frooUng
sment on said rolls and show
upon Bast bay, 312 feet on Brosch
cause, if any exlsU. why the valuation
street. If aoM by JuBfi tot Apply to
thereof should be changed.
Tboa. T. Baton.
may 54f
Dated thU 18th day of May. IfiM.
FOR SALE-Severml hooees or wfll
Oerk of the Board of Review and| reaL Howard Whittog.
^aay StI
may 19 71
FOR SALE-Hlgh«rnde todSea* wheel.
may S4f
4h Monroe atrecL
Reymilds and BofOrd. holds the Haea
at Getlyshurg with Iron grekp. I see
Between MM) hud MO British towns
and riUsces have nameaakes to the
Vnlted States.
A gov'crnmeot expert eatimste* «»4l
the expeodlmre for advertising in l»ir,
maffkrt in tl>e
FOR SALE-Typewriter. No. C Rem
tagton; good condition.
Record office.
Unloa street to the
street and UbIob street taom toe north
’ lot 1 of block 5. to Hannah. Lay
•s fifth subdtnskm of Traverae
Ctty. to toe north end of South Union
street hrtdge. are now in axy hands for $290 CASH will buy loto 182. 1S3 and
the eolls^ of toe fifth tostallmenL
U4. Romi atreoL Oak Helshto Mb.
togetocr urith toe neerned totercut on
nrh; UO feet on Roaa
Roesi IK
IM fatten
feat on
all nnpaM tostaltoMnU, toe name to
hetors the fint day of Jw
Ormm. m feet on to# altor. ff aoid
bMare June IsL This la a si«at
^ figt fwt stmt
Wepfimtor pspor mnr
smtmdeiis that mioht havi
fOAMTS ••COIMWdOATIO** AT WAA AA Way ta Aaytam Wbaa Ha Cal
movu vf «ovtiiwoii.
wilt A ICIWiOllll KISS
ANARCMtrra aalutko
F«N Wtwm itocfc.
fraU WWW in
fragraaoe ENad Ue nir
iBpoaad for pUtorUg fn
Hover or dlsturhlag
THE WV. T. P. ULLOM FAVORB priae oo tbe part of Umwk, dtiCLEANING UP THE CITY.
SCO. bmoskt about .
a uaay trays
Oarwntural adranUB
are Braaiar Uaa tbeira All «e ae^
Talia of Twio Calltomta CHioa Wbtoh is to Bhe baad to UU cUrton emU to
Hava Accomplishad Much by
doty and vary aooo our UiUe cUy. too.
United EltorL
vlll CMS to U« froot la ciaaiilUaaa.
The thirteen townships oulhbb, ol
BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS WAS Tri»»i rs<* nty are 4*stlmaied at |r,.777.
•m. and Uie ciiy-i,f Trav.TM- |:..7’t.u
tlAlfDH. llAjr ».-«■!
ush. The estluiaie of the state tax
am AtoiAAder B«iriBAii li««ld ao aa
ctminiHJtbjn. however, U eoosldcrablv
ArdilAt »<MlA« At Arblu>r» hAll lAJ>t
Chreka Were Returned to Cantractore In excess of the assessi'd valuations
Alflll Wh«A KomiA lAUuducnd
Bxt^d hy the lHuii.1 if su,Kr%Isois. the
BAA am CAV« hlAI A roui.111* ..mATk
and Minority Report of Board of
(Continued on.»^‘r<md Fage.l
OA Ur ARBlh. IkHli fiM-A. ttmxU'i
Public Worka Favoring City
•VAfTlIilng AAd SAkt €*»vrrlhlng
Doing Work AdopleA
VATA nArttod by four puhe^mrn aiuI
FooliAT, VAy
a BlrdAlry,
Mcr to WlAd BlJlA AOd CAA^tlOr ID
glAAA, OOBAimOd AUlrldo lA»t OlAbl
wllb OATboIU: mtid AOd by AbBAloi;
blABAlf to ihm brod wlU a rt
Ha was dlAcourog^d or
At Ue rol ling of tbc/rlly rvmnrjl
St evening, a eoninu i a lib the M, i
n»|,(,111411 Bflrk euiuiiaio aa» authei
Irid for the brick n.*,ci-ai> to do ih*
log on Soniti I nU,n and ('mm,
Ur^. The |.rl,e was 1,4 cenu a SECOND WARD THE BEST AND
WiOAU^atH ThU l« practle^ly Ut‘
KABO AS Ue klAoUteo pHro Aa there la
1 dtErmocr otJdfOuTTuur eenta lo thr
frtdghl rAU*A. The board of puhlu
eorka was AuUorUrd to BAke con MUCH RUBBISH DISCOVERED
meU for the irtber oiveaaAry BAterUl
ADd Iu procet^d with the work of |uiv
OrtAl Mill I
Allro. Moy M.-Tfcr grUl mill bt*ri'
VAA Alruck by IlfbUloc ood bomf«d
Aorly. UU Bomloji with oil tU ron
teotA No lAsarmorr.
lAbAlAd OAAa
8au1I Sir. MAflr. Moy 2a.-jAtm>»
•oninirtom. In addition to this
MrSurocy. bolaiiOAU fi»r Uo furuAii* the mlnoiiiy r«,M,it of the Unud of
(d tbo AI^iBa HU<I riiintMiuy. ft-ll liuldir works. niad«* May 7. favoring OfScars a»d Esnculive Commiule of
froB ue lQt> of tb.‘ (uroA.'i* lU- iu
doing of the woik \») da> lalHU' In
Woman's Civ*c Improvement AaiBlod baa btovo to him t.y ibi win.l ».l<-ad of, by I'oniiarf, was adopii-d
soclslion and Newspaper Men
AAd dl«d Ibougb dortor> ourked uvir
(Coullnucd on Third rage.)
Viewed City's Back Yards.
ArrrrAl iMiurm
Told Him Ha Would Find a Dead Man
Whan Ha CAma SacA Sot Nona
WAA Dtacovarod.
IMiro J A Brlua. a IVrr Marqu. io
brokoBAO. »a» rn'iMiDK the fr«-ktw>
UoAdoy nlghi on bli aa> to the it»uud
baAac, be aaa «bal bet buusbt wa« «
brokebrAiD l>lno
Jibe trAck. Wbi n
be BOl op rlouer. be dluctivered tbot
l«u^ ob>ert AAA A icaii obu bod iiu
brad oo «u»e mil aod'hka fwl oo
other A» Mr llrlgKis A)ipruAcbed. the
BAU mn doAu the toink rouml
aomeihlnr ahuoi “Ahm you come ba< k
youll And a diAd man beixv” The
braVemAn aimed a klok at the htraoxer
Vben> It auutd do tin- nuiet kimmI
lb# »ouldl»e MiirldK dlaAPpeatod lb
tbe darktiea* ajid a>. ti<i body baa aioce
baoo fin.ud It U thought UAt br loat
bt» aer^e Wj^u^hrtivored, It rrah
obli a aboitflmtonhiM a^utaar
traiA Aaa due. Th«> ma^^aa'oot far
AAcHiBb mi the in-»iw u.
AAlar but waa oa Ib4- a rat rad.
MtoAlonary Dcdarra, That It C>
Only lA Imasmation And Thar
ta Raally None. *
y.t •;
I am iwoat baortily lo tovoraf immAp.
Bli^t aad day. Sunday and bidldays
ipal claaolog tUya.
That U ibe Ureicaa. caaseUas way
that money deposited wiU us at tatercat will work for you. and ft will
iIh); apart Frida, and Salardax «>,
*« “> “rtk.akwrtd you
-«* a. • munlripal rKanh^j day." to!«® »"
^ «rt.? 8ft yoar bokv
a M.V la tb« risbt Ulrwilon. a -■oak|‘“ »orili,* ,or you. Interest Is Its
rake speech * of the right sort. 1 moH wages and lu pay U sure. INwpIc s
heartily second Ihla forward move- Savings hank.
imiil. Every cUiz<n in ureal ed In Ue
welfsiv of our city estheti^lly aod a Ao R. flowers AND COFFEE.
Flowers will be received by the sol
lO lrienicaJly should otuu rv e tbesv* day*
iu ymrt at least as reguesti<d. Let us diers' committoe aU day on the 39U
of May at ib« Grange ball oo Cass
purify and Uauilfy oar city.
ttoiue inonlks ago I was privileged slrcel.
(\ilfee will be served for those who
to visit Redlands and Riverside. Cal.
two of U« most Uautlful of our small bring their Inncb at noon on Memorial
may 23 U
cities. The streets v
Bupertiaor W. W Dvpa has been
making aonn- cpmi^iisona reUtlve to
Ibc aasoju^l AalualWiUs of uutl eiUte
In eack aasewalug dlstr»cl In Uranu
Travcrs<‘ rutmiy. Including the Bve
wards of the city He has taken the
flruns esilman-d by
of Ue l.*oard of slate tax ro
board of assessor* for the
Tills estimate give,^ he
luul v.dualioii In the rountiy of 111.
OovAtAor WArtM-r AM>ft>v»d llw bciArd »
two dAlAciim.
By Wfra lo ibr BraolAB Baoord.
HttotlMian. iad^ May 23 --Oparalu]
kach BrarrU KHkaa at Aadrewa^ latAAr HERETOFORE CITY HAS PAID
btm A aaaairokc, lAMBd iralA order*
today UAt s^wm dUUeb AgSBU Ibt
bottaat tlaa of Uair Itvaa lo prvrcal
Ha waa oa Ur aay BtHwryieor Dean Wm Mak^ Elton to
to Ue aayluB bat got prMaeaabra ^
Have EQuaHaation FPkM an Baala
tba lrt4-arapb ofAce la Ue abaeoce
pf tha But? Tg* Commla'
Id U« operator.
aloo’a EstimaU.
9f wtf U» iW •vMlas IU«H
OM Sprite.
g>NH# ^o*rd At UiAftlAA hAJi rmtti
MOiid • |»r4« for Ttioauu K. Me
ClArrr llrOArry
ta CH« arm»4 Rapklt WAler
4m1 •caa4Al »n4 i
loak lor four ycort The
A srfAt tei or AtUntloA All
C|«tr Ua AUtc AOd AMAjr «forU werf>
■a# to AAtian. A
tor UtO^nr
RepOftedVGb^yrs Would CoM 15 and
20 Cents and Hair MowirVi 75
1 hat some of the alleys in Travels,City are in a de,»huaTneNw4idlib,n was
d.moiiMral.sl iliU mornlnK when Mr,=
J. W l•stcbln. preMdenI of the
Woman's Clvir lm|in,\eraenl as.siK’la
li.m. .Mrs. W H VmbM. hecielary aiel
treasurer, and Mi> A. V. Frledrleh
and Mrs
»i S4,uie ofr the e>
extH UlUe
d by tW
(tS{W’r men (liovi- ever. ih(‘ greater ,iart
of Traveih, tliy and made a can Ini
invfsilgallon to lind oid "how the
(lUer half looks ‘ It wax th<* omcenHUSof.n,,lntoii thsi the Hu.k of getting
the city spick stid hi*an wa,^ a higge.“
t,DP than had bei ji thought.
The trip alM,ut the city disrlus*Ml the
fart that the Semnd ward was th‘
banner ohr of the five and that the al
(Continued on l*agt .'• )
WAS M ,Mut»*d Around the <ll> to
day IhAl the Ik^lM i's pulou was oo the
iMiiut of Adiam ing the price of shaves
1 M» and 15 CN-ms to i:. aod 2o <vnt»
lach. the extra nlekle In laah
caiMH iiaylng for a msk shave. Not
was thiN the worst the news mittaUud
alb gallon also that the prln- for
KmooihiiiR lip I he thstrb oo top of the
think hho|, was to U- 7.', i ent «, btx bits
lghl,s II Im-<u> Nor was llil.s the
I Tlu man who had a safety raxor
anil xhaviNl hiin« If was to in* luinisl
fumi havini; his hair (tti al any union
shop at au.v pnci; ,The Injuminui w.i. LIVED IN THIS REGION
to be tM'rruanout and the tuan wb*.
Mumped bis own mug would have to
gel bis wife to rut bis hair or do H
Wm a Believer tor Many Years In the
The union bad a linlr smoker Mon
day night ami the'priee mising minors Bwedenborgian Feith or the Church*
ef the New Jerusalem.
simply jd,H dreams. A Rem. 1
repoMM-nlatlve InU-nrlewed. William
Inlow. lireiUh-al of th» union. t«alay
TVvIh relieved Uie sulIeringH of M
be dc iH, d tl*e whole story.
KyeriA «d Kmplrr yesterday altem«in
at l;30 after a yesri. Illness fn>m dla
Ths NewMt Copyright Book
The t(ai7 foUowa the ceieer of • pow wtiet'of briOieiit WImW
end Pfomiae vho cooMe to Loodoa. FWiwioh oosoedee the twt
thUheie elraad^aaiTiedtoeecNiBtfy giri i^eW MoiUeDd
^endtroBthiederive UtealioS ieteuelydimuudio i> which
FhnvkhV wife and & heeoUtol deoghter of FeawiokX noh
Lotodos cstlon phx teadiog parte.
is always to Ite had at our store.
That iH Iwiauae our stylee ai« the
loadinK t>oes. Now that the merry
summer has MriN*ed yon nee<l a hat
nbt only the standard of
i and style, the iierfeotion of
that is ijrawful in shape and
beautiful in form, but also one that
in durable ami wcvarahh‘. Neither
do you want to pay too much or too
little, either is false economy. Our
hats will exactly meeb your desire
at all pointo.
icumKOK a.
Colgatc^s Cashmere
Our outing shoes are at*
iraciing a good deal of at
tention at this writinjj. Wc
have all the good styles in
hijjh or low cut. Yachts. - men, tennis players and all
men or women who enjoy
summer sports will find we
have just the shoes to
Bouquet Soup
Kucbi room size, with each
purchase of ihcir
Men's and Women’s Outing Shoes
on this occ;ision should hav«
tbo best appi ariinoo pt^sihle.
The RonU will want Paicuit
Leather and of the newest
aisles. Funhious are do'
signed in the faetoritv where
we huy our sliiven.
The ladies will wear white.
We have
Order lor
-While Footwear
of all descripliuns.
Olblts Canvas
Ours $1.25
Tn*es, shruhL
IQis$ and ntr.
Tkar«^; d^Hr «Mtr taMM:
iiwbat most of them
will wear.
$1,25, 1.55 tc 1.75
With Usr
Stock doors delivercti same day as ordered. Odd
doors and window screens in three days.
Drag Store
\Vc*ll send a man to take the measurements
abstract* of TItl*
Traverse City Mfg. Co^
In the Pantries
of the most critical families,
club houses, hotels and
restaurants *
“Best” Flour
ho'lds first place. Will
you not give it anrial f
Ask your grocer fora
A Splendid Offer
Two special offerings in‘Hosiery in both ladies and
children's. One is a special hose in a ladies’ fast black,
excellent quality, put up three pairs in a box. price per
Lay Co.
Ifijpiwd in a Train Wmek GetTmn
Lafayette a^d the StXdiera'
Travef-Y' region In is*.4. where a Ibu
Hpmt Today.
By Wire to U« Btreniog Rerord.
acre home»iead'wM taken uji and a
IBAtrar. May
- Bubo,, oldhaio of
raotinuous rc^dcare maiutalmHl ev< r
By Wire to the Bvenlng Rnwd
tW dtacaae of Acmtbem Arnta. at Uv
llanapolie. May » - a dispatch wnw. The wife died aeven year* ago
(UAirralkB of Ur »ork) Mountain IIu
from Battle Ot^nd- says that thirty and two rhiWt*ii are left. Adellwrt
•toAary aoctoty H*day dwUrtd that
oHJ aoldlers were Inyun^ In a raUroad hTvertH of Kranktori-: a s«,n by a first
bail^Sra aa i»reAebcd Irom Ur ptilpU
k bHawn LAfa>ei(«.
Ue aul wife, and Mr*. Marx K. Wilson, cmly
child of thv* aerond wife. Ft>ur grand
dlm«* borne.
rhlldrrui and one great grandrhikl are
Mrs, A I. Tldball fftumed lo be; also lefb while a brother. H. C. Kverls
home yxsierday after a vUlt In the of Grand Rapldr. survive*.
Ordar of ESilam SUf Catabratad Faa^
The funeral will Uke plact tomor
elty with Mrs 8 Bdgerly. 2J7
tarday Aftamooii and Evening.
row afiemo*»n at 2 o'clock from the
W’tat ttUteenU Mn-it
Thr XJfder of Ue Baatem Hlar orte
home, seven and a kalf miles soulb of
brated Uair ^moib aoolviaiBry U
CAMPUF-IX A IIAKKLNB It,vile Bmpite. tbe He'v. Willi
A very fdaAAABt ■Boaer y
jfour patruaage al the roller hkatiag Burial arUl be In Ifcc WaBner cemoAfiamooo mod etabU^ lo tba afur aodltoriuB. third Boor new Campbell tcT}'. Mr. ISTetta was for may yeara
ABB tba lAdiea eoAfiABAlad ml tbr block
Opea Taesdaj
a belimt of tbc*SvedeaborBlaB faitk.
Mb# nioBu «M apao^ tba Mma to
or Ue Cbufcb of Ue New Jeraaalem.
vartosa idantl waya aod to the etro
W. B. Anderson of this city will bavc
lU • »0U1|* mirp>*. U. w^kk (b*,am
charge of tbe funeral arrangemeau.
»1I»W VM» toUM*. «W MTTtd. itiM.
Another is ladies'and children’s Hose, fast black, and
an unusually good quality at a low price. Your choke
of cither 3 for 25c. Per pair,
; .
Two-piece Suits
$7,50,. 10.00, 12.00
Latest out—fjood fitters—blue serges and
fancy light pkids.
Fine Summer Suits
. NoihJilftSi at lew than'
three to five dollars more money.
■ -
I Watch this space tomorrow.]
• Store closed all day Decoration Day.
They «re IKK a luxury.
The hot summer days
makes them w posduve ^
U vrftlaa la i|a Bvaalag «a€aH
Tke aaearaxloa tor the new addliioi
Is what usost people axe Intorfro«| BaraAa Safteia. AiH, Ffaak W io tke Iforgaa A Sea elder mill on
eslod in iast now aad we would
Ulml a tniall ium in comWUaa^ eaa^jr
af 4«a^. wa< Bgy aineet la aearlag compirttoa. tke
Bke to Inters^ you la our doers
Tha Army cl tha I
iwrtson wiib aavic43 ot a
exearatioa belag la placra mock beloa They Rye marebtog to tke drum. 1 can
and windows. We have tbpeoml^xxl
rgtor in a acaaon
'aaM vrfi# aad M roi tkehaylerei. The ea« Ire earth tmai J
or two.
Ike nullum aJtd the good
r« Mfaljr aa4 U of ibU loeatloa to made earth from ; ^*bea the Sreleroas of 'k’ickshurg
scr^tm doors, adju. la »,K* window
Wi* have just what you
aboat a»“ ^ood cMiditioa aa caaki la eawdaet aad edgMsa froai tke oU
^e«eas. ipriag blugrs. door
•aiiialer out upon parade;
'' ant at kaa than yi>u ex|Kvt
I Mffarad a srcai mUMag operatloae of yeam igo. Tb« ror the old famlUar roll sumimuis
to pay.
sprtnga. polls, buitcms, wr‘.e
d«aJ aa Ua trip.
edftafa aa they lay la the eacavatloo
cloth, in tact everythloa yxm
^ every soldIer*s soul
-I %m lApronaf a sraai 4aal aaH aad were espoaed to air became aoA t rrpm the eimotless graves of gtory
noed to ket p otK the flU'#
dak iMa li a giaat pte for aae i sad pare ao trouble to remove by
wttvre their- Allowed dust is
lalta. It U rtfia up la tW aMoaUlB, Mmetlac while If they bad bm mater 1
Before buying conn In an 4
aad tkroa|b IM dartka t^pmtnn eoaked they woald have baea preWith hU hullet riddled flags and hla
J. w. Vk-jx-rKf*
ha« boaa fa dacfoaa. tlM Mibaat Mca •ervad kal all vltk tke exeeptloa cf
a-et lu hUs»dy rags,
I kart kata iMca, kat vanr aoM algku. Ikm dlre^y todag the water froat
* Walks the pale young rontlucmal
f tfpm tkraa u> mere dry.
la aiiocli»r roilUB ot
R«eor4 tty
with his mi’fckrt at his hack;
w raproAiiM Uh tnrM fiT Um •ra caatc par papit aa4 iae oa«». too. V The baaemeal fooodatloa will be T1>erc are Pcrrv’a batu-red tars, with
. BgftmiBrt ralaatkiM of tlM» ftUAiMn Fmekm ara lanpar tkaa kickonr aau lour feet betow the water level aad
their cut lasicw and scars.
f«r tka aUta hoari « aaaaMora iM
in ascavaiioa of a four foot depth to
And RnnbomiBe Uirhard’s sallorv
UK w^laaliMi. far IW eoaai/ af laiiu aia |a»t oorarad wKli i
the bard pan wOI be neoeaaary In
wit\i the smoke of hattle hla* K
koaci^rucklM aad are tke
frdw to Sad a aubati^tial baae for
kara rrar eaea.
They aie marchiug to the drum,
Ottjr. Tkaaa iiana ladlaau tkai Ika
ibe waUa.
though wUh lost fuivver duuil.
While tbo edgings furtneriv wert
«Md/oatakla of tka aiir ikoaM ka*
my bip ao||w aad tkU mnralng I soo aalable and were pUed wlib reXuae
Arc the bugh^ that f.v Gram and
a mile bul IO make laad along ibo water fioni.
tmre pla.vtvl a flerev iv
I dottara la eseaae of aralked akoit^a quarter
Ibelr value lodsy l. rf‘c*>gul*od b»*lh
' Trart-ma City
■kaalifnti tke diy haa paid about •oam but tklak I will he able to rome u a fuel and as klDdllng wcmmI. and in 6ut the ranks uf him- and gray have
arben. and iu,Uy
« par amt af tke total atata aad ouoa borne tm three or four werke aad run Ibis way Is shippe-d to the uttUide
Ride by side keep step together to
IT U*. Vadar tka atlaiale of Ue aaotber tool race,**
uarket to And a good prtoe.
kMPf af aaaailaare tka eooaly akould
New week the Iral stone founda'tton ‘
the welt iememtH*n-d strain.
rMOdlurs and marines from the
pay Mora tkaa half of tkeaa laaaa. W
far off I'hlllpplneK.
KlbTO feet In dimenaloas and be util
W. Om, chalrvaa of fhe board «|
Mp««iMMa kaa te^,tke Miter up
juMi esrliulvely for the elder aHlt . ('lad In tatiert'd khsU i»|r»uM s am!
(Coallnued from First IHtgc.l
•ad vtti mt^kt ao aPort vltk ika coia total la Urn oouaty being about Ik.too. rbile the mill .lie m*w will bv uei^ for
with fares lean ami lanii*^!;
Eveiy eye b
,in tht
■illaa •• Pdoallaatloa at Ika •agt PM. of vkicb the oily U given about he storage building.
flag for whuij they dit-»I,
•Ma# of Ike koard of aaprrrlaon to l4.40g.W0. The city to ipof paid
kara tka lam equpliaed upoa Uie about W per cent of the state and
There’s a wound in every boMHii.
kdiia af Ike aatiiaata af the tai oooh county tai. whereas under the esib
bul a sword In every hsnd.
-A fair average Uay*A Nmnmy wUh a
Mrtaa. Tkii le a mUar of ooaald mate of the sUto board of asre.^ors dog team in our county U twenty Ore
.\V\’ have al.oiu ::<• «l.,/eii ChnUron's Ulack 1 lose in all
awikla taiporiaaae. pad vklle tkr of the ux commission, the share of miles.** aald a realde4 of AlaakA “If Tb the arm.r *if the drum. th<»ugh Ihc
the Wsxun and the bomb
‘ ‘
aaiOdaU ta ika ladinduaj Urpayer the townships outside of the city |s
si/es Irom 5 to S'.;-----Regular lOc value....Come
thj^^ tilT lit’0^1’ST^
Wffl ka rnttac. tkr rottOl) ouleldr the IM7.406 mo,x. than .be city valua.lony.l 2;il7.Uy^Ui.U^^^
here an.l ;;et tin m at tli.- above i-riee....They are
dHy arftdaaUy ahould pa> a mile more
The following are the tgvres In lack
------fre-ii Iroin ih-; mills ....
township and each of tbo (iVc wdrds of but one mtist know how to t
Not a iiixii amonx: them all but uuul lj
the city, giving a comprcbraalve table It wrUI not do to give th«ib inoro than
rtitKise again lo fall
IB a r<*I>t*rioIrr t»f ibc
tmi women at wonk,
of the values of real estate'In oatdi
For the blight and stsrry ha urn » I a|pet
A ooaiMmae of ladle, of ibe Chic
pamalng dlatrlct as estimated by
made immortal with their tdiKMl 5-OlWI
iMpmamai aaauclatloo eurted out
The usual feed U a lot uf rkw or meal
amioera for the board of state tea
that has been well boiled, with
When tlu- spur,v and saliu-s shine and
IkM aMUPitif upoo p tour of iDvratlse
and state Uiard of asses- fat meat tbroau In for aeaaonlng. This
the columns wht*el In Hue.
Uaa aa to wbere tbetr etorti abould
t!Wf fuYHhe year 1»05
they eat with great avidity. u»r do
Oh. it thrills a Yankee’s sphll a
kt dlracied la rleaatag up Ike dty os
they expert any morv rations uulJI tlie
it Alls a Yankt-e’s eyes!
fWday aad Saturday. Tke oommlUeo
“An latprmli iit Votm •
mxt clay s eUsk*. If they were given
...... ........................ lai.wo
of Mr. J. W. ratihin. Mr. Acme
lireakfaai the next morning It wookl For h<» heart, the sternly h« at of
viewless aiiu.v> fi-<‘l ~
l0ti Eoule. Mm A. V Ffledrlrh aud
ba almost tmiawsUde to gtt ynj work
32l».6to out of them during the day. Uliese ua
The tmrapii.a oi the Uglou.^ that anUfa. W. H. ITiuloi. ai>d ibuy
2^.246 live dogs hove sa mueh of their wild
can.plUK lu I be sKu s.
by rrpiiru I . of ibe dally rife Jjtke .
OarEelU ...
745.114$ tiroiUcw. the wolf. In their mal^eup
— Minna IrvliiK, in Le«lh‘s Wtvkly
43$.55tt that they ahow but little uffeetiun to
Tke aUmnlua girea to clrlc Improve Urant ........
245.255 ward thrtr master. Thej will aerve
by Ike ladlea of Traverau City Urwen Uk«
Seal sale at Johnson Di u^;!
Bwwal t* tbr CMsrwescr.
li rary gratlfylac and alibough the
noaa basin, and they Ignore petting
^Bi'lng e»iual to an eiuergeiuy h-lf.s
6l5.i:-^ Montreal Htar.
days m for ruauratlua iur Kriddy and Mayfeld ...
one out of plights Into v^hu h iIh* Im-h*
MkUrday. already tke rualdeut. of the Paradlaa ...
Of us aometimes fall. A tvrtuiu aetor
ally kare begun to clear up their Peninsula ..
came so Isrlaled to the tlieumr
Islellert Is lev.
prmlaea. it will nut be necoaaery to Union
*lTje common Impression that the av ext-ulug when be was to play Othello
445.1210 erage man is superior to the avenige to the trag(*dy of that uutm» tluii be for
emit uatll Friday or Saturday to do Whitewater
woman lutelUvtually at h-ust In orlgl got to liluckeu his bunds un<l rusl
tklavork. It may be done Mmner. and
Cooaiy valuation
5.777.l»kl imllty, iiivcatlvc'iu-ss. n*:)Hoiiiiig power the sUge with lb«-m wbde uml hU fmv
Ike aooner the better. Tbixo- who
aooty. Of course the nudlen*x»
by Warda. nod the like is Is yoiid doubt due* to the
kare already flnUhed .cloartng their Travaraa City Vain
eommou habit of judging each sex by and poor Othello, w hen be nwlixrd tlw
praailm ran bare tt»o plea*ure of
lU must siii»erlor rcprescutulives. This causa of tba mlnb. was alun^t unable
7h4.0ti5 aaeins fair enough and would W fnlr to pnx-eed w ith bm part oud so ib-i*p!.r
araioklag other folk, do the aork. and ^t^.nd ward
morilfltxl that, w belt he matle I.I4 exit
tl^foaa aithoiil Myin| that It a 111 be I'^lid ward
FuHitb ward .......
540,745 tiHi aexes in rariabUity-tbai is. the after his first st-eue. he tK> lart>
('an Ik; owndtl by anyone who will lake care of them.
a rary interraiing eaterialnmcat.
574.$K6 ranpp of spraadlag dow u from and up ka could not flulYdi the iM-iforman* e.
- - .
Veil will neetl some help an ! we a’nl you all in our
aimva Uie average. In lnudli*rtual traUs kut a bnppy llmugbf struek him. lie
power. You want *;uod
ty \aluanoJrv.,.
;..| 5.260.5K5
khu-kaaad bis kaiKls. put the gloves on
... 5.777.VS*1 ble group. The very hlghtwt and very and walkcvl tiuirtly urt iigaUi. TX.vrc
‘ A, A. AINaflea la Saieg Prepared folowest tllarka in a mixed college class
• tke Cefigrepational Mlniatry by
will eommonty i»e given to men; the traa quite u little titlering ns the M
fily and county total........... |ll,ta$.57$ variability found among boys la the wrut OU with hla liuex but k enUrelv
Church bepreeenutlvsa.^
pulan” \ 1 inch sells for.....,.
............. i
$:knoKsciss of lownahips over
moua upmtsl bwu which have aubslded as during a H»«vh of mie ..f
'I he ‘roptilar.' b*. iiu h m*11s for------ --------------:j.oo
given by psychoiuglcal Uivestlga tha other chorac lers the duskv b.viT
•• .......... ................... .
A. A. AlUngton. wImi has hr-en 1<v
‘The “Pvipiilar." In iiuli
‘fully flrevv off bis gU.\ t>. duM io»iin;<
\V. W. Uuan. who is chairman of the tors la from 5 tu lO pwr cent grvmicr
rated at SoUm In the Congr<\{^ttnnsl
tkan that found among glrU. of the
Tlu; ‘Superior.’' b* nub. ball beariiifi .... 1 - - - ...
paatorate for some time, w a. pi tun'd iHiaid tif sniM'rvlMtrs. states that he b
rlslbkw liad been afftvie,! fell
tbouaand most eminent IntelUvts of
The “Superior.'’ Is inch, ball b»* iriiit».I 5.00
uader ordination t kamlnatl.m ihU ft'litS t«* take this matter up with ihr hUtorj P7 tmr cent ars men. the varU gnuili aud awkward.
and at thi bURy which causes the monoi»oly of
'I'hc “'•tiperior.*’ L*'» inch, ball biMtinc'-.. ... ...............
afternoon at l:fO, the ckurthes which
The .\ 1. C K. bi inch, hi^jh wheel, four kn'fe
panirlpated in the counrii of urdina
grains raualog also the existence of
an effort will lie made tc* have ih. twtoe as gmoy male ai female IdleU?*tloa being Traverse CUy. Nortbpuri.
'I he \ 1. C K. IS utclr. hi;:h wheel, four.Liiife ...
SitUpas Bay. Honor. Ik-nsunU. Ukc comparative valuation!, as 1^!etwtH*n th»! Bookman.
“Our Siamlartl/ b’» iiu h. ftuir knib;. ba*1 lM arin;».
Aaa and ThompeonviAr. fmm aklch city and ciuinty Hx.-d upon the l.asb
“O.ir S’amlanl.' Is inch, f.nir kaif *. bTl b:trin.r. .... ..
A firm of nmiuuulilon d»-«lei
plam a paator and one delegmte rep of the state tax eommlsslouei s e«.tt
“Our Si I’l l tr 1 “ J L-it :h f » irk i‘f - b iM
When the late Klierniaii Hivir, a law Broadway. .New V«Kic. ivivnlly nax-lv
rgmt the church. Aside from these mate. This would u-qulte the county
Tht;>l ar ; ih“ lirp i. L iw i Mow^ri la V. xr; ?n
yer of rvci^tilzed ability, left the law ed a letter from n finii In the same
the Mar. J. V. rmue of Traver^j Oiy to pay a little more than half the stvlv
apd Ike Rev. W. A. Minty and Uu* Rev and county lax. wheraas now tbs city
his fsther. Judge Hfsir, wws st tlis
W. U. Warren. es sUte st'cretary arc pay s 53 per cast of the w hole.
,ple. who are starting business all over
helgid of hU legs! reimtstlon
la attendance. The cH».lug ceremoagalu. says the New York Trl
Shttubi Ik; own* ‘1 by everyone who lias a J mower./They
’Ibe yoting man’s first client
will take place this evening
The lom*r was an order for g khIk to
Irishmsn. ami the esMv Though only
lo any mower ami easy lo empty.
' •
be rushed to Oakland, and the engrav
John Rocksfsilsr tavs Ha Faala Ss- soiye smaU matter of a
ed beading read:
cauaa Ha la Leaing Oy^mpala.
waa out thAt required the •xamlmUion
By Wire to the Mxening Reeurd.
•f a numbar of de<d. sad mtid- Mr
i'SjH-ciar’ Collon Hose, three qutrlrr indi. lOc jijr foJ, Wolu l*hg coufi'; /
New York. May 33 -John a Rocke Hoar a«-i«n!lDg1y told his elleul to
U B. B
liiii: with every .VI fcM Ien;:th
feller says he IihIs like a rich man come iiack In two days f«»r hb «|‘»nlon.
The Irtahman left Ibe o«ee. evidentnee.” ihret* (jii.aritrr
<jii.Tri4!r im h. lOj
i)c \i
:r foot
corner Park sU."
He alludea aol to his wealth hut to
OB|toyl«Mk<rMr WC4SIC
ty verj relfirtaat si the delay. Turn(rre
laned Ct»Lloii Hose*. Lie: i»►er
jf foot.
gcHlug rid of bla dyspepaU.
tog at tha door, be asked; -Vouldn’t
clotheu—cuts the coat
ihn e-tjuar
arier inch. I’Jc per fo:>t.
re givw mt the stvsw
according to the doth.
, in< h.
United Suies. “ ihrtK • piarier
one of the___________
I5c per bxot.
MlstlHT Hoarr
TTn bo a anrooaa you also
Ocneral lileUric,
in riiher one-half or ihrcf* luancr inch',' cut
“No. uo.“ was the reply; **ct
The Hunt Block company, tdlled to Thoiwdajr.*’
moat oat your ooat aoooidlennihs to suit customei*.
be with us all next week at the (Irani
iag io your doUi-that is«
Tto* flient was aa far as the w«u»,
opera houac. is an organisation .01 Then he turned and tlptofd back to}
Toa miial aait ypar expoastMt Posiribimkw..
«; 1 Bull OothM.
merit. Mlehlgaa tKirn. and one of the the door aa.^ put his h.-ad toalde, wtxhi
diinrat to your luttvaie.
iver vc«u. 1 Plug
few repertoire ahows that has stood a finger to Ids llj^s.
OLD POSItfFiCE B!tlL0il6
3 Nights 3
Monday, May 2i
ConiiKly Successes
I -
Prices: IOc. 20c. 30c.■
Tm Record WanlAde
Be a u t i f u I Law ns
Lawn Mowers
/, ■ :
Grass Catchers
. Hos'e
illic SocccssAir Taller
—tie MC yOB would
•A* your ioooiuo grow.
3foor expt'ihlituroa iiienmao.
Often wa b«ar a mail aay,
»U I had a aalaiy like
Bmith I oewM aatro aoma.
tbiag.” At tha aame time,
yoa kmm hit aaighbog
Jemea. vbo baa ody ooahall of Hmitb'aaalary.aiid
ha maiiaRaa to aava mae.
Ihtiigarefy year.
Met. ai»d wua«rK gmv isb, not
uf •swing small sums and drpusIHag lb«m is tbg banklurasls
First NtiOMl
GM>m«rttba (Iniwiac Rank
“IVhlur* Ite whlsK-fwd. “Couldn’t
the lest of time This is the. sevenlh
aeaaoa of unqnalifled success. All th< ye get to see you fathhr tonight.
plays are new and ePber owaad by Mlsther Hoar7"-llost!« llermld.
Mr Ham or royalty hills. Tbd open
tog play. L. J. Klbbey’s grwat melo
drama, la four aeiA **Tlie Path of Ue
WlckiM.- U OM of Ike proltiest stags
atorlM ever toM. Tke comedy is of
kigk order aad tke patbos,sublime
moral lesson. tnilhXully fw
trayvd by a selected compaay of play
At (he Grand all next week
tog Muaday. May 2S. One lady
free with eaek paid SOoeat ticket on
In a dozen diffcreni sti Ks, ^clI from 25c to $1.W.
Screen Doors
Complete with hinKcs. hook and knob, for $1, $1.;:5, $1.50. $1.65 Sod $2.
A Word of WarnlDt:
Al«ul fTm Molors When you ner;d
the* you will want them right away,
and Terr likely you want to* able to
have your order filled promptly, fk tter than taking any old thing in u
hurry, let us take yx>ur order now. and
wpyly ywi with'the boat and lute»i
FrtoBU. 10. M. 20 Mta.
Itoat lato Jokaaoa Umc
k'lar bka.]raa aad tklrty-mm Brtitob
laairtpalltifa awa gaa warts, ato^y.
ilae tramwajra aaa lAi aappiy
Phuno 602 2
185 Gm» Sl
Window Screens
Patent adjustable, to lit anv window, the best made, something you must
have. • Sell for 30c. 3.'ic and iOc.
CMM lb«
Tailor Made Suit hae reached a height of popularity it has
not at^The(| for eomo time, and it’s not to be wondered-at when the
suits are taken Into consideration, for they were never
Ashandsomsas they are this^season. Each medal has some raiticuj attraction of its own: some of the most beautiful designs arc in
thel£toheffecls and these with their trimmings of laces, bands and
braids make them very charming indeed, Then there is the long
coat effects in the light mixtures that are very swell.
In buying a Miit hrre the *clection is »o larnc that you can net jti«t the modi;| bevt
adapted to you and one that soiu you bc*t, not only that, but you yet »ui;« trnm. the-ht s'
nunofteturdra in tiic country. •««» that arc not only ileiiiyncd riyht, but vf! nude riyhtBrciden.
we back of every »uit we sell.which mean*, your n» Jttcy back if it i* not salfiifacioryC" Can you aiik for more i*
Priced^ From $ 10.00 to $50.00
Ladies’ Shirt Waist Suits
Did you ever mvestiyate the ready nvade Shirt
Waist quchiion ? You*ci Lc lurprinctJ to nee what pretty
thiriii;! you can
for a lillk^ioney.
at the prices at which they are sold.
IVf:Uy iTnui Tiulor; Ma.le Shin Waist
huitsai^S.bO, $.0.Waiul
White Duck. Pique and IJne.n Sepcraic Skintt. the
pieiiiesi lim; we ever had and the prices are very
rt aKoiiable—$1 Ou. vJ r>U up
Suit of Black and Whitt? Percalcvuteal^ waixt and
irt, trimmed in straps and buttons.
You'd like this one at.
Suit of Blue ami White Mixed MercerizoirSaiin linishrd Suiting, tucked waist ami skirl
>irap trimmed........................................... ViJ* f tJ
Suit of Blue and Whiu* Check Zephyr, triinmrtl in self
strappme and biiutms. Avery swell
Suit ol White and BlacO; Check Madras, box pleated
waistr nmincex! skir\l»«»\ pleated, also
strap irimminKs—price ...................
While Linen Tailor Made Suits, caton and pony styles,
very stylish and practical, prices range
fnm^qio,...4.........!•___ :.................
Silk Peticoats
We want yon to see this line. We hav<* nevttr had siich
pretty sty!
Styles or so complete a line
f leet from
the: same low prices consisiei
consistent with quality
that we always give black and color
$ 1 li) to
tea:b.? - v
Normal ww
“.t rjir"”'"-
and child are doing well.
one far»rr la lie w
cease anppiring patma wHh JnUk \
til he complied with the commlaski
inltary^ orders.
One of the most vnusoal clali
ade upon the esute of R. O. Hart
that of Benjamin Randolph of Lapem
He has presonUHl a certificate of de*
poMl U«ued by the bank of K 0 Hail
A Cw to H. Abbey. November 27. Ift72
The deposit was to bear lnten»si at 7
per cent if left fhrt'e months,
•ow M year# old, and the cUli.i
amounts lo |6o. Randc
Imoght the eertlficaie Trohj Abbey
name years ago while the latter wax
waiting for a train at Ijitieer
After three -dry ’ Sandays
Htrlw has bad an •open" Bunday
the lid was lifted and the oM onb V of
things n snmed.
lames Biwsrd McCall, the blind
cvdore«1 studeoi <4 AIblO«i college,
the fliillman tti oraicwtcal prise for
For tb«- nu\ time In years, dt is said
Umla had a ’’dry" day Bunday; every
place IciT the sale of liquor being
earned tight IV.
T!ie Duplex Pbonograph^^TT
puichas^tl ihm- acre* of land In th*'
n .rth psn of Kslamasoo and will be
gin ihr envtinn of a factory COxUO
Miss Oran Tk nub* of Charlotte Is In
n sftbin- conditicn from tieliig thr
fmm s bu>f.rv by tb». horse of Blaine
Rfitwrl^ iKu miltic frightened
K. W. Case, pinInt Iff. has made ap
pM cat Ion In ihe Oont xiM* county cir
cuit court for the appcdnlim-nt .
rerndvor and for an InjuncUon
St ruining the holder of a lien from
ludlhig the prois'iiy erf the Case Mfc
Cn , inunuXacturerK of household
Thn'atK of a sinmarh pump to se«* If
he wjiM fbe burglar who lie two bn
nanat. while raldinc Mu- home of O
K. UmketH. cttUM-d Hono r Ktv\eu'‘
arrested on suspicion at Kalamaxoo
to confexx bU guilt. Ik* also said hhad I skim |50 at the home ol ThnmaAek«‘r. He has served time In Jack
Mm. Thomp^m and daughter. Daisy
consisting <rf music. Ham
few days at Wextord
qW toldlers
and sallOTW,
natttog reUtU^ and frienda
veterans, W
all Clibens who wish to partldpate,
wlU proceed to the cemetery, where
Mrs. ('ass was In Bandoo Thursday. J appropriate exercises will be conductC.€o. Uesveldt of Grand Rapids was ^
accordance with the Q. A: R,
ritual, after which ranka wlU ho
a btrsfness caller here Thuradav.
Frank McLellan bad the miafortuat brtficen to assemble at the post room
lo got quite a l«d cut over the left at I o’clock p. m. sharp.
eye while working In the mill here
At 1 o'clock p. m the W. R. C., ac*
rcompanled by all who wUh. will pro*
Tom Cox of Tiaver«* City was in ceed from the inmi nx*m to the dook
Hendon Wednesday, railing on mends. and strew flowerw. In memory of Ibe
Mrs. Gleason and graodsaium. W dead aallors, under charge of iko
and tute Gleason, who hive hetn vis cor^ as dtrectod by their general orIt lug relstlvek here, returned home der*.
At 2 p. ro the parade will l>e forme!
The t’nlon Ladies’ AW R»ve a ten* at headquarters, headtnl hy th® marcent %uv4ter and ice cream social at rial band. Hannah Rifles, with all
Bitiwn’s hiwiw TliuiSiUy evening. Pn>* fipanlah war veterans. Rons «rf Veter
reeds were $21 25.
an, the speaker, mayor and oouacU
In canlageA. the G. A R.. W. R C.
school Cblldren and all who with lo
Join to the procession
WAS PURCHASED The line of march will be aa ftd
b>ws: Beglnulng at Uimnge haU at
K'mulnued on Third 1‘sge.)
I no sharp, the line will be fortuod on
This definitely settles the matter of
fass ttr«*<*t. right restlmc on Bute
paving and It wl|i now U* done by the
kireiU, then msrch east on Bute atre«*t
to Wivlltotfton. north fm.Weninftcm to
The canvass of the viUe on the bom!
FZast F*rout stm-t. west on Hist Krotit
tog proposition showed that I7fi voted
►tret*! to the cltv opera bouse, where
for the pr<*posit|on and nlnelisu
the foliowjng program will In* given:
against. In acctirdailrc with this \«*:e.
a reMdutlon was itas^ed authoritlir.;
luxocatloQ. the Iw^ulng of
wofih <rf bonds
Reading.trf orders by adjutonf.
for i»s%tog the meet lut, rs..v*Mons and
other non «k»Ki*sal b iw.itIons of the
Addrt'ss »rf webtmic bv
slr.H<tfc to U* paved.
MvmmUl aUdrtw. by Rev. Bb
A r4‘KvdulUm that |!5.et..1 $«. ivayable
in five equal Insiallments. be ralseil
for the pun^we of pavlug Pnlon smt t
The program will close* with ’
from the south Hue of the south bridge
Ics • AH tre Invited to join.
lo the south line of Twelfth street, the
money to be rsliM-d bv spvoAat assess
Manorial Day.
uientA ami all ihe lots fronting on the
im|uti\ emi 111 *to tie a k.H*cisl asHesk l.,et the flowers fall
meiif ill^trict waw ps**v,*,| The n*w.e Over them all!
- luiic.n al^» reH< isde l a Iniua i r. noln- No more tbHr trampling ftwd
tion of the council. maktiiK the dlwtilri Keep lime with the quick driii|^ lieat:
exieml to the H.iuih HiK* of TbirieentJ.
-tre^.i and the om-^fixlng the width of To the blotvly bat tic’s din;
' .
Cnlfui kiix*<*l betw*e<u Siveuih and They sbM.p tcMisy.
Elghtb ktiMi-ts at ibfiiyeigbt feet The blue and gray.
*rhls block was made forty feet wide Beaeath Mk*
A rusuimion wa^ iIhii imwmm] hking
the assessment dlvlrlci ami makliig That nourish.Hl them ms boyi and >
fbe siiiH-rvlsors of the city s si-cial
And when
swM HsIng iKiard
A resohiHon that ll.JMCff* In* ralw-d There came
bit the purpoNe uf iiavliig Cahs klic«M The dreadful game *
fif.ui th»* notib lint of .State *tr.-<-t to or war. they played It as each one
the north line of the Kotnb l.ridge. t.y
K[w*cl.*il ak-eHAtueni and defining the Of the saro»* motherhood:
* •
■t wa> i»asHt‘d and also one for And dying In It. hopes and feara
today iba! mofher*s team.
iipervisom to make the assesHThe past Is past, a newer life
In the abKr*Dce of the mayor. G«>cirge Has risen*from that awful ntrlfei
l.a»dle was el«cled cbalrmair of j A»d these, to w b<.m we-cannol JcU
meeting The only other busIneiw What union gn w because they leU,
tbeadoptkmMif a rt‘commendsilon I Shall ever be the tie that Idnds
that the sidewalk grade on the ta-t*iThe fellowsblii of mrtder minds.
'-Ide «*f KimWiWHl avenue iK tween Ran j The nation, and the whole worl
i«dpb and Wayiie str**«.*t be flxt*d Ini
iccordance with IhV n-rrmimendatlon
'he flowers fall
If Me* ronimirt.-.-tfn kitveis and walk*
. '
- f
Makes a Most
wav m mn.
Aka Vox. a tiuveiing man for a Cin
(^nnstl lb,u«.r houM- b*rt bk grip In
the P<re Marquette de|s»t at Saginaw
and whet, be rcnitised it was g<»ne. bu
Suit of Blue Chimbray^ b^>^^^leat^d and strapped
\V«‘ n.-ivi;
h.nvi; oil silo
sain a very com|.l,;tx; tiii(> of these nooda
OIK* nlni(»>t. exactly alike wax then
Kt: skirt has tucked pamd^ffcci.
The ’ wrong*’ case contained artlrhand would be pleasiHl to show them to yon. There
\% an extra gouil
uooil suit at
ThisH is
whteb leads Mr. FVx to conclude that
has never b<‘en a goo<l lint* of children dresses in
i: is the pru|)crty of Rev. D. J Blair ol
atui you t(»iiUI not buy ilie
Suit r.f Bine and While Checke I Z<‘phyr. waist
nig Kspidx
self strap*
irimmeil in while mull and val lacc'‘ and self
No criminal action
w a^k.
ping-, tuck and *^ll siraj^Miigs on
taken arsinst Wm. Andre, the C.rand
to ;7.so
skifi—pricc >
l.edce dealer in butter and eggs who
ik missing. All of An.ln’x prop*rtv
has i*e«*n seized f«)i the tu turflt of cre V
dor-. It hsh lM*en Kiige».ted'lbat per
n.np Ik* in In the east e«»llecilng mon
iiil.l.* Urarl. UuK.y>n. N. Y.. ha* j l.o U vau D. rry HU tionor. Ii aiUisiif in his own caro Hi- had dt»rliu<*'1 '•V for hlk sbiniueius and that be will
M'iiM-tinl lh«- s u
«•! HjI.Iii j :i;al
tji ui.ty .<r i|i...iluu luluhtj- ra w mlt' 1lJ^viIicn^»n In-Imh- decllulnj; ^robaldi re: urn to Grand l.cdge.
r. r. i;o-enbt:ry of Bay City
OsittlH ii «»r
li e |in*j uiitv •oJiu* of fh” Jui-ti- in i.lali; j «ht- i;ioa of Honor.
Fred «;iindwU‘k. an eleven jesr ^M j YIeniU rs .rf the new b.^tise of ctme/
*werxed his aulosnobile lo avoid strik
jlargfhi Njuogt'guf ol ll.i- ittuiimHl
Ma«m and Dixon’s llnv tho tin.- i.f Inr a l lr clixi and bnisbi*d so clo;4ely iK>y of North Wbitfli'ld. M"»-*
] ,«.ns h«>e stni1e«l s pr.iv»T itiaeitoj^
l.a iSllt* Oforo. ihf famous tMUitln
Xrw York rliy. KaMd .Majjl•ma^catllUl |.x fwt‘i fi h(*t Id^uli and
qu1r‘egm>nie reputation as a pulpll t is bebl mi Tuemlay aftenuibow la
tal dttiu> i. iak**-i u«i rhancofr of lo***In luu ><»i .no yrars
* wilt aaain.
ne of the v*..fi.mlitee nxiiui.
j-old hi fail, w a^ a «haram-t
thu'iltrh tlu’ fwUllug. of an ttukh . a«* j ^
iiab ii.a !»• a |*ro i 8rt«n a of a.*!! S.n .wTi Pin
rh j mail; onct; .Iroiip.»d hy '-ULd,- Taylor. *as drAgio*d ne.itiy a blt>ck. H. *
ua,-h of h. r lis-i U insured for
,uu,n:iut tn uuo ..f tltf iu.m.*,
aix> In *1«H, loar tl at
-*1r- tlio D mu >KM*sn who flddifd his way •ioiblng was loin fiom her IkmIv an*t
K.n Jid.n J flstkln».,a ivwion i
* I wu.'^ aluh lui\<* >oi romi e | ir vr«vn- low iiM4i>«*i iiuiy puldish tholr j int.« thv gt>v«nioi’« chair twlot*. Tbl.e rie-h Ws.*. Hciatved fr»*ra her arms
lui. St. |.;v ^ liiton an o*HTa • ntUUsl ': u«hi. Ho l. d in lou* wliu .cii vidoiiy j namo> iu-coniirciioTi anh a ra her o?n ' rornin govcmt>r ha;. Ju*.’ ieay**^l the
lim : to »b« l*cne. lH*r injuries un
v hL h w ill ho l»r«-I imiti'ic wlu. oi.Krod a vet of
|jair&;.dug affair. The
in a
j .uubiilun of hU life in wurlna the
; Tb^as aUo^r^rlttt n ^foeih fn»ut him. wiua rhe i»*» th wi'r.*; loushle saleirstan fnnilly wan!i<d soim rnoniiunlUm throuch dliWi popular
Ti.e question ol a Miccessor fo the
oaux tfon.'ti.. ^
jdeli'veiiHl ih\ n.unuti louail a m s. Ut jfnn and d,.
loi a nusiupd j vote of the ijemocracy of hU stan* for
ate James A. Coye as surveyor of cus
•Blr Thants:. l.h»'« a h.u had iw nhtD ' Me ..ropo^al 4 ug.;u,vl on ihr pisie i Uexrrihlni: hy.>e!f as* » • lenexoai. : I'nited Suies s«.nator, to suoco<*d Mr.
oms at Grand Rapids Is now of Inierdadr C.I ilHvilei^-bharnnv k*. which wUri, held I’n iw th
: widow ’ Over !*«> n'plh s w,-re rv-learmark, the Incumbent. Kver
st. ITuA.* monikmed arc;
t:f them ft^m Pltiahmg j’rayh*r i^Mred from the governor’s of- Rose, prerent depute* collector ofdiv
tin will pre>«iit It* Ihe Ni w York Yach i ‘ pi,
li o
CO N inirsor-; <^\lviHl.
elob «1 an eail> sUUr J>.ev nr» tt *w
itn.'vif trct*'i i I’iol* v-vional uen wimnn to Chetr her; fire In ISSl he has bei^n cou^ldensi a Rcr4’. T,:c*ent deputy surveyor of rus
l^nit e$hlhli. .l in reV.hm
ihtouch the [up a lit Me. Yni’ widower wriU-K that! randbUt*’ f-M the venste. The
oms and brother of Henry M. Rose,
Dr. Judah I^Ho, Ms«u.> raSd.1 ol jt-rmion t-b n m.mumen, ,*n the exacttlhl
j hi •- happIn*
happlm**H p»« v^: sway wlih theliime h.* ran lor governor the republic* hief clerk In the rnlicd Wiau-s wen
I spot who;.* M:e,;i.v.jdeto!’>.tv:d wa«*<’e^tih of hi^ (Irat wife, but th.‘ ihinkf 5 ..n rand.date was hU bn.ther, Alfred jte; J B Ware rf the Chlrens* Tele
phclMst dviiiiic Ihe few ^uva of h'l* an alliance with thii* • I meson.e wbl-’
Tavior. The **War of.the Rinses’’ nhone ( e.; Caariu; Holden and Tout
Cured After Nine Year*' Sutfcrlnr CouU Only W’elk
QTATt or MU IlIU AX -tNvwmy uf flraul hunt* in w*.uihweit Oklihuma I# :]< * ' troi ’.d Ai> mu^!i to 4*h.‘er tlm in»!wa> the name given popularly to ihr
W'itta Hand* M KMe*.
*) Cl. rk Connor Smith.
spring. The mon iim id i> i,, iic in ih.> i wsaln. l^lien; have l*ei n r* ceiied campaign of DK6. In which ho was sucRev.
\V. Geistou. iiAktor of the
contrr tif a lew ivWn eaJb .i Tht\> j frv ny ihisH» miniv ers, eight lawtccs
It was among the most pie- Firti Pic Kl yUTlan church at Kalama
’Aitd twelve doctorr
j rurraque fioUUral cuotesU In the hl»*
has Ufpjn sull
the FWel
j :or>* of the conntrj\
t\ ramlKt-loiu I Shar. ; Cbl
Mine. Curie hss explained
A i'asualty Co. of New York for
^ tHeng lH f.ire .U-avlng naslatid lorjdem in she i;te rf her late h:s
lin.ouu damages. Lonis M. Gelston.
finds tt
pilfe: He
son of the pastor, died of scarlet feto piwialm bis elumirtrr Yn the asaerrvmnd aud
1m m-II at |.rl ;a
U^.\rvA rihwm of the beglon of Hon w
while sUff phyaldan of the Cala
KldiKjr OUeaMa Are More Danferoue than thoe
Iciakl: ••What h»» ebieSy Iniprev^ed :I HU
hu u\i$on was a matter *of specula-'
mi A Hcela mine at Calumet. Hw
tiM tonga, ar ai«y Other Orgsa. aMI Comt
he dignity and snlWliy of yoai jtlon. Ow Insln.nation Was that the'
carried a $5,000 poUcy to this com
With Much Leas Warulog.
There U n c< mpacine»s of grea^hemUt bad a grievance ibst hP
\oaf Kidoey. arc ofica t»«». •cak.ct owes, aad if nur
pany. but as the father ndled to give
Any good things you any aat.
back ianeak.................................. red. blobd-Bkc. arluu. oiSr,
hich la spite jxvlfe wa% net decorated with him: an
prooT of domh within two moatha the
UBca. the BOA Tiul ck«cet
wUl life hit land of tabor
!.*• on IIm «.ihe;. ».tii! leas plaiisjl‘1 . was that fc*
Any. It Is alMRed. hM rcfiiaed
mltui me o;..dtd not eaT>f to ancep- a de-ora-ionS Uke Rocky Mountain Teai.
JohMoo Drug Oa
hcaatba eric acU. daaaB* ttw Ueod of aU Mhona and cena
—tch had iwver hren.coiifernxl upoaj
Children’s Colored Dresses
K- :•'
1o M MOdt Aaeord.
Bmid^ Max It.-Omie U
OwmtiM «r 0ra«w M • •Xtmik,
Fr«ewtk« xi» rmm% wm ••
Traxme CHy.
•!•««« fnm «• Owk.
m™. 8Unp« Ute rMklDtvwklNl
cu* (K kcr 4a<whf*r. Mn. UuMmk.
for the t
Loto Bd««T4. I. uttallac Mn. 8.
J. Qreiory.
lof Memovinl day are all compleie4«
of the day,
M. Dfwke b 111 with plemfinr.
aa fdUowat
H. C. Ocre Is
At $ o'clock a. m. the oommlttcw on
lair BatUo OMk slMv «Aat o« ltd again.
ROheit MeOomiok and famllv and
ma air> malata
arMcb BMiaas that llattW Ct«rli
Hooker, w 111 lanre the poet room
a morr milk thaa the avnage BnnAay In ftmdon
^0«kwoaa caneteiT for tfco pB*oa*
rlix of 4U.WH) people. The taapretora Ban to & J Oo«or.
found that.faimea had rmi
Mcftt JoM of
Popular Than Ever
Your money can not buy better Suits than we
Of 41m a A
R. mt Tpalteftd M tte tkrr at»
ttec M OM for Ue McwMfy wortL
th9 oouoril teft docMed to ttkt otarge
of tao Mmaorm daj cmclM.
Remarkable Cure
’ hU father. Mme. Curie writes quleil)
u> cliscrve that ntl thte is pnrcl.- fau-j THE COMPANIONS of
asilc. M. Cnr.e had a se iloJ eanvte. will give
_________ _____ _
that perAJoal doeoniUons werwlof May 2.*!^ Foresters n»d their frienda
to ohJt»ctb>as flfet oalw.'lgheJiare luvIleU.
any ISA»
ihetr advantages and to her greit joy j
by the Jpry when aa ahartnk hla tofilnk* tq nctod mp to .
»t. HAY a. MM.
SkI Sim Biriaiu «Bn ti Bi FmS n Oir
» .
BifiiiiSIm Tabhs
Worn foaod. and; the beauty of it » h*a AOt acaie of cheap thoeE.
Manistee Sh<^ Sttck does not contain a POOR PAIR bP SHOES.
1 1 n for men'* and
IflSl boyi* e^rvday
dreMfboet. worth from ..
$1.75 to $t
fi.f £7 for ladies* fine
gitDl shoes with '
light and heavy soles. .
worth $2i>0 to gi.
1 01A for infant).' fan1
pattern shoes
Forswn’sMUn «slf dnss
shoes with extoasioB solo.
white ceaTAfi oxfoidg. (.iheon
Atyk. Uucher cat, worth $1.
J QA a p^r for men’s
TvU canvas shoes
with leather soles.
a ftoir for mbM* fihorg,
Aolid« worth fniin $l3S5
to $1 fia
J7|l for
^lU patent leather
and tan sandals worth 75c
1 AT
men’s dress
1 IT I and work shoes
worth from $2 to $260.
1 70 for”»hn~la'motts
111 V Rice
p.itent leather
shoes worth $.‘5.00.
with extension sole.
s i»ir (or ebiUieii’* fine
sh'xit in welt atid Uod
tun>»1 ookw. wuitb $1.00
*Kp a pair infants’ kid
sIb moccasins in liuht
blue, tan, pink and white,*
worth SOc.
the Globe'Sfp"S"S*
•d At The OofsirK* 0mm. by
AiMTOoBthro AodMoot abttMfOd «t tho
m Kdm Vbo te this war add<
Mm of 0-. OfM IfiriL Ooroor
to iho hfMtjr of tho pvocty suMn
Lost EvMoiot
team ran AR£AV.
Tho Btnicol otemhiBMit id the
ME* Orin auu home of Dr. Mfi Mm. OoiBOr lost
(tad Esm Eaowh «•
I* Taka'wM
tr^ming Ummi Ik. ««M. kKl ud <Wfcctl»*«.Kri
'' EarM owNi ^ aoYH.
uHf. «.U EbM kir u wraSHlT*
jfc. u».
uriSRo. wk. HMWK wlik MSkt «o wgaKmTtnammm ct
Register of Deeds
isillce forri' May 20, has Unm on who met her here. Mr*. Green was
active duty lor the past three years, expected last week but the sodden
bur owing to a desire to change, ex dvwlh of hot father the evening she » x
porlf to kwve for a southern trip p.x-t«*d lo leave, pre rented her arrivai,
about June 1. With Mr. Utney a party
Walter IxtrangeF and Frv*d l>uidap
of eight are planning the Msuiheru l. fi vcMerday afu riKKin fur a nnhing
trip, anioiip them being iNHer Itlakesly trip at ItaKs l^kc
and wifiv nun and his wlfp and daiigh
Mr. and Mrf. A. E. WMlson left
ri*»ildent of Acme lerdsy
fe^r and huslmnd. A, n
leidsy for att trip s^utb. They
U alMi cvintemplatltig the trlji with IMP at Grand Kapjcls 1
them. If a Tavoral.le kicatlon
Mr. and Mrs. Lliiuy will have Trav
(Y.ign ^Ubro6k
^Ubro^ and
am * danghfyM(JtY.ign
erse City in the fall for a iK-rmaneu. Igima.
MW. left 'thU aiomlng T..r
a trip
resldeucse iu Virginia.
CoiM-mlhli. wluTe lh»* falh.r resldCH
Megasee as«>cIatlon. which includes Miss Laura will return in a few days
the Eastern Star lodges of the region,
The Hev. IVroas Cixhlin and J. H
win meet at Iloyne Cltl June 1. All Crane left this morning for Solon,
members of the local lodgu«who In- where they will participate in the Con
go are requested to notify gregatlonal council which convene*
^rie Pierce by May 2C so that this nfieriUKin for the pui|iose of ex
Erie shows.flshlug boats with Ihelr
fm* < iitertalumem may Ik* sccurtMl.
amlnlng -a candidate, A. A. Allington hrlllianl lights of n*d. blue and gre. n Miss Grace Morgan Hoxt^sa at Last
Evening’s Meetog.
The friend
Walter will uf the tNingregalional church for urdl gllnuneilng fauta-Hc and wHrd
The .",mi ciiii, xvas enu-rlnlm-tl by
be pleased to learn that he Is lK»ttcr
the golden .U-ams of the moon behind
Mbs Grace Morgan at h<*r home on
teals). The ojs ratlon has JK*t*n ladell
J. K Allor tf Maple City. Is doing a cloud.
State.street last evening. The game;-!
nltely postiKined.
businoMs iu the city today,
Several lamlscaiK* scenes. -Scene
plaved on the third llmir and
The IsdleM of the Klfth ward will
Afur a lUln." -Sevne After a Storm'
after five gnmt-s. dancing was Indulged
«f • Hat W<*f>kX*r.
meet In .Hans' hall Thureday aftenuxin
and the Uu>«t ph*ce of art. a land
RHreshments of rtraw berry loo
“Oil. but the *nrrve* vif s*m»e v\i».*ucm scapi* scene of the familiar white birch
at 3. In conm-ctlon with the civic Ira
Is worih a fortune to tbeml' gnw
n. salted pecans cake and punch
pr^voment work. All the ladies are
girl at luucb«-..ii in a dtiuirtiuent store. which the artist compIet«*<l last w<H*k were aerved and the evening was very
earnestly urgeil to Ik* prewiit.
* rvo Ikvii trying to get n Iu
Ul^ from a scene near Chicago an* all at enjfiyahle. The results w«-re a He last
tractive and luatiiiful.
snlrs lie the mUliuer)- U«n»urt
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Case of Twl
evening and the girls are still four
Ijtke farm aiv rejoic ing «,v<t the ar- trUnl uu hats until iiiy arins ached
jKilnts ahead with only om- nnne
Satl.Ord Thriw .\H.
lival'of an eight pound U»y who camt Pinning them on. aiul tlie s.ih*svv..nmn
g>! punde with rnge iKvaum* uom* miUAunt r.niithea BtXK*ks livinj In a litlh chance f,»r Hie hoys to get even.
ivl im*. Ill w’ttIkfHl a gnuiadler lu.rl of
There wil) Ik* a mwulng of Trav vvoinnn. will, n H.n,re«l lo.>kluc iimU New Ilmupshiiv vllhige v,*ry iniiu)
years wlthmif .nwrreliog with any on.*
erw* City c«immandery. No. 4!. tonight carrying h big p.niK*r !*:ig. Tlds vv«uuuu nud was so lh..riuighly Ilk^nl l.y evcr.v
The W. C. T. V. will mfH*t with Mm sninr*Hl around. turiHnl Imts np^ido one fur iiiilcN ruimd tliat lu-r |k.juiI;i»-,i Charle* M. Schwab Reported to Have
Charles Irish. 4Jr. North Spniev* street dovvu and nlmnwt Inside out niul tinally v'VeiiiHl the luletvst uf a summer vu
Peddled in flO.OOO.
Nat 2 p. m. Thursdav. May 21. Mrs ImikcHl H,ver tin* nntrliuiiMHl shMiH**. itur.
By'Wire to the toning R,-c«ird.
-Aunt Piiulhea,“4M* asked. ‘*how 1* It
Hhugart nas
has marge
charge or
of th<
the program •She iilcktxl out one. Drawing n eh.nir
l^ndon. V»> S-’ —It is reiKiried that
in thi U*fort* the Idggi'st mirror lu the phiec. Ih.nt )ou kw*i» on such gcMKi ternw will, Charles M. Schwab lost |1u,.mki In a
she s.ni down nnd h;ul i1k* maid empty
SunW^hiMd.*' A full att<
attc*ndaiice of the t-ontiMits of th.ni l«ig in her l..p. It every one. w luh* they are all quarreling tuace game.wlih card shai jH-rs on the
Kimmg thems4*1ve^r
membrrsSft^lnMl and a cordial
America goingover.
held flathers, flowers nnd ra»1.rtn».
-Well.- said Aunt r.iiithen. "Iielng us
vital Ion Ik ext^led to all o
Tlu*u she lH‘gnn 4o pin on reuthers here, yon areii t to stay l,erv* k.ug I'll tell
Hannah campl 8twnlsh Amorloan a fltiwer then* and to try th»* efri*»*t of a you.^ \N*lieu 1 go down the street 1
Ism In niiofh<*r platv. - She even had nn*< t Jasou l*unl.v. and hv aay*. ‘Why.
war veterans, will nuHi at Knapp
Jewelry stort*, r.Cli South Cnlon sire<*t. the maid hold a triinmnl hat while she Paulbcft. imw well you look!'
” -I-m glad yuu think so. Jasun.* 1
Prlclay evening for the purisux* of niak- ct»pUsl lit TIm* attemtants seensHl fusclnalt*d. for no one saW a wonl. Ami
at him.
Uy wire to the FNtpiiig Record
big plans lor Memorial day.
that in a store, mind yotk when* the
-.Next 111 me tip «.mcs toy Dracut
LomUm. May 23.—Ilenrlck Ibsen
The Clark A Hankins and the Camiv ivih-sglrts ask you KaivasiieaUy wheth
“ ‘Well, J w. Faiillica.* he say*. *how
e fsnmuK draraatUl, died tmlay of
bell roller rkaitns rinks have l>ei*n er you ure h.K*king forVomethIng cheap IK.rely yog, i re kH>kiug this year.*.
consolidated. F. M. Clark retiring from If you refuse to put tl »wn $.*Vi on a hat 1 “ My laud. Exrv.’,^l wr. -how quick heart failure, at Christiana. Norway,
\ew Vork Prew. yon nrv’lo notice tiKMe thingsr
iH 7G year* old.
the firm. The rink on the third door they sc‘lccl for you
•*i<o K is with every thing. Those who
will lemaln open w^lle the one down
like to think one way, 1 let V® think
stalrw win in* rlos«Hi. The st*cond flcx.r
Now nnd again fhlncH linj,|N-n e
wil! also iK* avhllable for dances and
football field which g.. to add t
oU»!*r. I let -cm think ll.“
Eaxt Buffalo. May 23—Catth—None.
There will i»c work In th«‘ acrond the ojK'n nlghu will be Tuosday. imyety of tl*e nation, on imc occasion,
\\*bo van deny that Aunt Fautbea
rank at the Knights of IHihlaa tomnr^ Thoraday and Satimlay. afurmsms for Instance, durhig n certain letigue had dhSovered a comfortable ]4iilo*o- Hogs—20; I'iwi
Plow; lambs. |r.,7r.<lC.!»0; wetherK. I**,
phy of lifel-Vouih a Coiu|uinlou.
row night. A full aVtendance U dc also, while the othv r dates can lx- rent match iu tiie m>rtb. the ivferce i
«i c.25: , wt-H. |5.2:.fT5.c:,.
ed for private jiarties.
how managed to lo*<e his whistle. There
V ai^. at k ocUwk. nhare
not auoth^T wl,Mle to l.e fouml
IVlndi. May 2-1—Wheat.
While loading potatoes In a car
The mirrryini: for tho renugit walk
and It sei*roctl that the game would
A* Xiliolcon vv.-iH oue day p:
corn, 5ii,c; naif. 37^0.
..%oa North Cnkm rirect wan completed siandlag near the Cass ftn*c*t bride have to tome to a wuhleti and Ingiori
tvview uoiuA- of hi* trooj** be
Chicago. Mav 2.1.-Wheal, S.3h<yealenlay and imlay the nciual work this morning a tvsun Uswme frightnui, muii tue referee Jilt upon au front of au old aod faUhfnl offleor. corn. 4SN.C: oats. 33»^c.
«jC laving tlM' walk tK gun.
lng«*ni,»UK sriieuie. lie product
wlm. ikcrhajMk from waul of briUiancy
run for th^o bridire at the ^aroe time late!,key from hU isi-kcl and managv*d ou the man's jorL bad never l*ecirtad
Kick Kllhkncr of Cniou mttM
Ht nih s
: UnsjmrchasiNl the mjpat dumping The driver uncirommihmalj to tcKdle merrily enough on It tin sud vam*cd U*yond the grade of t-ajunlu
was well «-uougU ktiowu
^market 1
riy owiHYnfyPijuy^hlhi out ouder the rolling ball* of petaloei denly. ns be approachtHl the tou«h line
“A Busy Day" as fK>riray«sl by B«*n<
a vuMuau'a ahrlil voice was henrd.
was fias.*and conductedi! umler
umh r -Uu* n^e of Cox which wen* scaiiorrtl for a dlsi;
and Allers at the Grand oix-ra hou!
Irol. A* lit* ca
Orua^ who were |»re\;^ou« owneiw. Mr.
“4-W, rome here at once! \S*bere did Ir Iu front of the old captain the officer
L vening VLa-. greeted !•) a uckmI a
Kttnkner waa a txrideiii of Monroe Kioppe<l l»eforc leaving the bridge
.von rt*t flint latchkey^
saiuted and said loudly, but without dlence who laughed and applauded
CX'nu r. wiiere be has a farm,* but last iMVtatiM*a t«vtk a droj, the entire
As be listroed to the guffaw which any apimrent movement of U*e j
thoroughly enjoyed the entertain
cle* of hi* face:
fall moved lo the city and will com tanct* tra\eh*d.
as a whtde, Daniel Gillespie e*
that^ rpfer»*e was the nH«t sbcoplsh
“noeen campaign*, private, caplw«te now In the market trade.
sayed by Bv*rt Bence, the conH'diaa
listing n,r,n on the ground, and as be
Mike IJiney, who rv'sfrnt'd fn>m the
a hummer with his three wlvt-^.
tlKvught or the curtain lecture loouHng
And the emperor, witlxmt tornlng
and predicaments which
Mrw, O. A. Robinson, who hm- lK*en
“Tolonel, brigadier, baroor
equln-d the wit of a Fhllailelpbla law
the K’uest of bv*r faughier. klrs. Caro- in hi* borom.-London Answers.
Then be wa* gone. There had. la- rer to untangle with seemliness and
llnv: Shaw, teacher in the deaf and
dMd. U««i no time for a word „
decorum, yet Daniel wa.* equal to
dumb departm«*nt of Uie city schools,
than had been |»i**ed. but thew had every situation. Joseph Aller*. sandy
A dog understand* -yc*s.“ an
left yesterday afU*rnoon for Elk Ram ei]oa!^ compeletu to grasj, the “no.“ sufficed for the qgptaln to
Ids. whero she will make a visit with Outshlc of that l,e is all dog and fol cate a long *tOfT and a reproachful and of Sarah Berohsrt proiior
the audience In a continual round
at and for the
low* hi* dog ways. He Indulge* in no
Mrs. L. 14. WTiIttacer.
good nature. Florence Gordon a*
right With g mrniary and sowill not comProf. W. H. Steffen* left for a visit mental refinement
Sally, the gardener's wife and handwith his parent* lU East U*Und yc»- prrheod many of your change* of mood
,'^We bare a show ^sc full of exor mlml. W-batever yon undertake to
maiden pf the honsMiold. Allen rri*terday.
. qpiUlte |K*rfuinert«iR, A prv*tly
teach make It pUIn, wimple and un
'Sy as Deacon Smith. Ruth Mason
liackagc of jK-rfipe makes a
James tjissa and family of Hannal changeable. H is a pity that be mu*t
TAwr Left.
Miss Camsbn. the old maid with a p
wptendid proiient ‘for k younji
be tuughtsmot to Jump up on people
A comedian appaafod in a foor act
ty for men, and Louisiana, the
with her parenti
lady tradnste.
ih a wasteni mining town, ats wench, who had her pickaninny stolen
. Prto. SSc. B0c.^K SCc, |IJ»
cording to the BaffaloCommerclaL At
The Rev. L. O. Drew left for Rapid
Bod of the tldrd act the miMn toae to add to the Gillespie family tree,
ere all accepuble in their roles.
body, gathared up tbeir beleAgtogs
aty thU afiernooB. wbere be will It I* not good form under any circum
stance.. ThediaripHneneednotbeac
Tonight closes the engagement and
•tarted to depart Ihe eamadian.
spoak thi* vveninff.
eampaiilod br any i
ty. A light
Jamay. ruabad before the corUln.
Mrs. Cora Green of Grand Rapid* ar- tooeh srtth a whip. If applied torari- ^StoAttoman." be aa^d. “there la anoth- a good house should greet so worthy
B riv«>4 in Ibc'city yewierJay anernotm al»4y. win soon setUe* the matter. Some tonct j»L- -yea; thaTs witj we are a play as an evening spent In such fnn
and rolltcklng is worth twice the
■ on her
her wrway to Burdlckvllle. where she
ketmri mea adopt the plan of atepptoC -«®toE.’’told lha mtoeto.
'ita/ V :isj
Qrand Travrbood cf
mo City.
has hMl a mcasbAr gnd brother who
fffAto tor loAAl eetohrtItoSk AD the PATU wtU be Misato fiwm hU oecustoMoJ
belAff hOArtfly cAoorpd. After the pro' place la the lodge room and among hla
SfAM light re^MeoU wo*e se
bro;hcr workers; therefore be it
lomtlnf to the Morsao haras mrtdmUy
social time
The tol
Resolved. That Grand Traverse
stiU had apirii. Ml Mr cnevBcftes.
lodgo. No. 55S. Brotherbood of Sal!
for they aaM tha trip at 19 o'clock
MAAdolin trio, tho MIim Howard. road Trainmen extood to the bereaved
lari might by troatlng thair drh
Cole AAd Boyer.
their deopeot ayaipothy In her
Pai Btaadam amd Johm.Tahaaty. to
VoeAt dwet. MIA.-P/C. Dtoaowd
sorrow, and be It^her
wihleat fide of the year.
Miss PMon. MIos Qlhbi. Acoompi
Rcoolved. That we drape our charter
Beetling frigbteaed at a paa
lAstrwAMAta]^ diet, the Missto Bisauto on Sixth street the team mat
sansaiional dash up the street to^the
RoAdin*. duu-lotte Isgrig^
comer cf Union where a sbaro turn
Vocal solo, Mrm. pegah.
was hsade, throwing Pat Burde
Buck, aocompanlst.
bis hack. ContHmipg down Umfoa
Mandolin trio.
street lovards the bay tho maawaym
Vocal solo. Mr. Bkelcher.
made the street a Maze of fireworks
LouUe Bock, accompanist.
from thi* su*el shod hoof* and the
brick pavcBH’nt. After crossing PVont
WANTCO-Dlnlag room girt Hotel
street during which time Mr Burden
Wisteria. Fouch. Inquire Columbia,
Uy OB bis back eaUting wild call.; the Ladim Entertained at the Home of
may Mf
I rushed Info the^'aldwell A Uou
Mr-, w. c. Hyll Last Evening.
«lcn thons ixhd ended ihe runswa
The ladit**' whl>l club wax enter FOR 8ALE-Rug 7x12 in. Pric* |5.W.
While l*at Burden was not severely
5211 Slate St
xnay mf
laincd by Mrs. W. C. Hull yvmerOay
Injured the general shakt^up and fright
oflcrniKin ami last night the invlu
have keot him confltK*d to hl^ \
t r»adliig from * 2 until 12 o’clock."
greater xhatt* of the day.
Tael VC mcmlwm wort* present and. the
m»> ss iriGiA. R. VeUTdn: enluted SepU
aficrnum was a thimble parly whil'*
' 3.'
; honorably dischaiKed Nov.
in the evening the party was taken STENOGRAPHER wanUnl
'*"> “•‘■• 5.
F.rat vole waain the 6eU
«iiid hand ty|K*wrlter. Arall F. Ner
auiomolillc riding. When the ,flme
for Abraham Lii^^do, and haa
Eight Oil PainUngs by Farsky An came for the ladles t<» depart. « vcry
linger. 212 State Bank building.
Now on Exhibition at the Pub^
, Ucpnl.Iiean tirket
one was afraid to g.i horn.-, soothe
lie Library.
Kow HTving fourth term
aulus were again calle<i into u.<e.
ROOMS TO RENT—For light Iuhok as Su|x*rviAur from Thin] Ward,
kt*«'plng: ga«. oi«xtric llghtr. waier.
Eight of the ten oil paluUugs by Os
wald Fsrsky won* hung lu the read
bath. Kteam h<wt; third fittor |N<o Tmvi*n»A‘ City, ami Chainoan of
luf; r««,H of the t'arnegle lihrar) yec Launch Owners Will Complete Organ
pie* Savings liank
may 23 it the Hoinl.
terday and from nfiw on Mr. Farsky
ization N*xt Tuesday Evening.
will cYintlDiie to hang his fliil«h(
WANTED—tliKKl night watchman wh<
Owing to Iho aliM-ncc of several
iindt-rstauds meain plant; tiui.-t fni
%\tk In the Traverse City lihrary
launch ownerx who c«nild not be pri*ynUh gfXMl references. b<- sl»-a*l> an.
where Ihe general public will have il.
at the tmetlng laM night It wa»*
ptivilege of ite«»lng the work of an
nliahle: Meadv ein|.I..yn,ent i.i He
di*cld« d to dajuurn to m.-v l m-ri Tues
rlgh: man. Addn-s* X. V. Z . Ev.-n
artist of national reputatiim.
day cv<t,ing a I the Ri-ct.rd i,ff,<K*. The
the exbihliii^’ now on has two strik
ing ll.M^ird.
may 2.: 4i'
oiganlxation of the cliih will he coming studksi “A night on l.ake Erie*'
pUttKl at that time. A ct.nKiliution
and • Shet'p in the siahU*.** which will
all \v»*«-k oomnn*tiein«
by-laws have b«H>u framed and
prove WMirth an aftermvon'K visit
w in Ik- load) lo act uiiun at next im*^the library. The sheep In the suble Is
The housekeeper ^Wh# Uses
St which it i* di-Hired that all the;
a stud) of animal and bird-life,
launch owners and yachtsmen of the
group of shvH p wUh a lamb or two and
city Ik* nrt'Kont. ^
the scattere<l barnyard fowls an* s
Famous Fun BNakors
iKaulifulIy denlcied that they ar
500 CLUB.
mere than reallRtl.**. The night on lak
pojMiiH'r u ftliroad la tb«
bt lns J*p.
\h^ tltDe fok tdfrrkr lx*l(micloK «<> Mr.
M4 Mri. \i\ E. MAtilti i4
■irtstrt. Otrl^ff lo the i»ram|iilDr«(i< of
llM* iroIrflMirjr. the
1m *ilvr.
C!*milur!oi»|«»*rk aoU l>mki*m|in Jt^in
Andt-rvon «r<» not at their Msruidom(«d
liaMiiU IhU
the thin In
tioa» t>cln« doc to a abort lay oft <»f ih*
^ riitrrui. A, T. Fwk.
iaBMa. HarlK^ «f Old Mian on, who
Mi mmia IlttK. Him' asu and ftncfi rwJ
. tiro rib*, hm« bean nnr.oualy Ul. ao
■ amrli no tUl bU daugbUtr. AJllio liari X^ert, alentrcrapher la ibU city. ba»
b«m ml bl« bodaide. mhlle a ion.
Cterlaa ISertx'rt, reddlSMC In Ohio, arlitred In the ell) 8«mUy and finding
no tray to rrsarb Old Mbrion. took a
bike and made a qnlck trip there Mr.
Ilefborl li aomeirbat Ijnpnired at pixtnml.
Hei>r>- and BtanUri' Uomck of
Umii eoaotir. wbu wore want to ihe
tirirolt How of Corroct^an on a
xdar amtr nee. passed throiixb the clt>
ronterday afti inoon on ihelr ret uni
bome. They were nmvIrlcHl with
jruung IH»hli»kli>n lb the haUxm run
a! (’odar.
The coni riliui Ion of i:. wlilch Mo
Pberw n puM of ihli city rimiHbutt'i]
to the ftWExal relief funil for 8nii
fYmncIhco, wan not IImimI wish ihr jmi;*
llkbed llrtK of cimtrlhMtioinH Uit wai
iB^^Indetl In the c.neml lolnl.
Opemfon# avrr liegun inlay by cm
jiipyea uf ih,. American imtier l)Uh
f•ctorT wpun the addiUon to the farlory on the r am able and «#wlnK to the
abm dona nworMliaK'd ly the brick
nrork of thn Udler fallina unuy. and Um
repairing, ihe woik of Ihe tu n factory
addition will I., done by the employen
tbmiMehf* luKti-ad oX I •> contract
Hegular. etimmuiflcailoa TraverifC
t»y ioSg.v So
r u .d JL m, i.h
B^row nUht for work.
The Grand Kapids
ing company
has decorated iU line bla *k tram with
the llnoat hameMB cv4 r r.adc In Trav;
erm* City. The hamcim wa* made by
the sn«st of Mm. a Grmalmer. Miss Macfflc Holden.
for tklnr
tk.1 •
at' « ;
tbene teoohMIoms ho onot to hie MofW
o»d a eopy >ohlikb*d to tho AaRy. "\> > .;
Oty oM a ^
ptocerf oA file to tho totoe moto.
■ K: A. XAovltob
a a Tk
Ind foot aod it Is per.
I sraj or conveying thaj
: ii-
Special Fogagement
“Ezy Wax”
Is the best hoiisckccpcT
You yhakc the can til
rus arc wniic,
white, pour
it into> a bowl, dip a cloth
in the liquid, wring it as
dry asI you can and just
go oyer varnish or paint
ed doors, woodwork, fur
niture or linoleum. They
look like new. It will not
hurt ihe lincst mahog
any. Sold by
Drug Store.
Monday, May 28
Hunt Stock COi
Suy»p<»rting Hu-'rming and lal(*Ai<*d
.'i.-ir.-ss MUs Kate rtfvglhlK»n and th^*
-unm-nt acli.r. Mr. .M. A. Hum. In a
m u :irnt u|i tn il.ite* rt'iM-rtoIn- of 1*0®«*tli»-N-and dranm.^.
tipudug phiv. Mr, Linp<.1n J. KibLey's great meh^ltama-In four acts.
m nn oi till wicM
.No waits. A conllnti UK shnv. High
;l:tsK vaudeville belw«4 i acts.
New Kperiul st*<-liejv
r. u. Ulus, rated wmg'
<tni' l».ly !«■«. on oi.-nlm: nichi
«*a« h |»ald 3n cent Hcke.». Seals oil
sale at John*on Dnig r«..
I’riev K-lb.-n.
i V!':
This department has b<*cn cleaned up in more ways
than one. Adding new attractions almost dai^Tf just
now we call your special alteniion to some snaps se
cured from the i»reat Claflin New York Sale.
At 5c Per Yard
we offer while the lot lasts 30 inch
Lawns, values Sc and 10c, aTso
good ginghams and challics.
At 8c Per Yard
A splendid line of Ginghams and
Madras Cloth, value \2^c
A beautiful line of Batiste, easily
At 10c Per Yard Conh“L
worth 15c. Also new arrivals in
Dimities, Dotted Swisscs, Organdies, etc
At 19c Per Yard Amold s Bai*e. double fold. In
colors. Grey, Brown and Green
twm^wm «r
fan fkftt
m 9TMipc«d.
**Wa ara aaParluc from an oafragmoa
-I ffltr I lanivt «nw» joor pro(«c- baacar. Pally.- oba aald to the Imxom
arcfo woman that aiac bar at tba cabla door. "If yoa will cook Bome of
that foaay earn btoad ymi make no
bmattfaUy aad fry ;bla Pah 1 baro
brqocbt I wU! rxi«iWe tbo norelty
of mtliic a dlaarr 1 worked for.**
**1 <ma at iMOt oiM joa a fO|«1ora Ulim Mko WlDcbeeiar bad Pipt aa*
tram aaMoa
Aka M tM aal aooacod tbat alio waa find of brr aaaal
mai arttk a Mfm. wklU haad. aad Vmr Baaunrrm «t Newport and bad told bor
maJTted brotbrr tbat br might uar bor
rod. bo bad iau>nffaS>i aarcliib roftairr fur tbo oroaon bor fwoplo bod
woodired wby abr abould do»ire any*
*’Por%M M li a aticklor for rti- thing dlfformt from tbo loroly roCUgo
oicMod, "aad Bdckt rr- wbrrv abo bad WM-ot bor aaiuOi.Ti for
iafd mj HrtlilW wtfk km~rr
Uio last ton yo^ra.
■waltr If I ateod Itfai mj rord.Vrhm abo bad told ibom abe was golog to npmd tbm* muotbi In a litUo
Virgtoia country place tbat tbcy «mld
not Pnd on tbo i^p tboy
tbrirabouldoniaiid cungratobitod thorn*
aolTca tbat Jolla waa tbo only ooo In
tbo family wbo bad rrrr abown ayiui^
-mLmjr latrodaca lae fp IiIib prop^ luma of ctteotrlcity.
aatrr M tapkaod. "1 wooldat far
With tLo bell* of tbo farmer wbo
ttaraM Ma a^ of ptopdrir for owood the cabin al»o bad BItod tt up
for niogb eamr»lng life. Tip* oegreoa,
Abr pattad tbo doc oa
Hally, bad been mxmmimdud at a
Uml** U« t««k «« Mi twmd t%p vlUi
hmmtifwm gnrttj and niltal. |lrmt «t
IM wmmm, thm wUli a rautiiimtorj
air tmo tiMT
of iw bri«uhic do*.
. tbr took IM doc M U» cuUar aod
Pitadac torod tbo ar
aoat abla bodjcvaid of aa
1 aplaattr. aUow mr to
aciiaalatad vlUi oar I>r.
**Toa*n aicnaa nj aot abakliic tutadif
Too win? Tbat'o MfowUncIr kind, for
1 would br iMcfatlr omrooi about trylaaKoaPr
Bf K oa Prat alcbf
la fact 1 bare bom dream*
aoow beaatioa boro.**
aba had dioppod
a by the aide of
tba BOW plachUf akapplac WIHe and
waa taklac bar Prat haaaoa In tba art
at tra"
-lou did that ]nat rtjhf Frrro|l
added an , old faalilowed dinner bom
to tbo oatabllabinonl. and XHaa Win*
eboator folt mritoul that If tbo nocea*
and ItiUlo could buld
tlty nr
tie men fmtn tbo ntrar
tbo can
NVtt day Ferroll bad Uen In luck
and half fllbd bit Uaket when .bo
ranebod ll»o rrook. "(bMd moralog. Illlllo- bo called
out.. "I bopo wo are on friendly lerma
Tlic'dpg anlfTod at tbo baakot of
Pib, tbonlgy down on tbo coat Forroll liad dlamrdod. ____^
-Tbat*. risbt,>eld fellow, make your
•olf at bomo. I b<>tH‘ lie doeou't 9b*
joct to nmokor Ho looked nt MIm
placed bla rod in tbo fork, of a eon*
▼mieot bnab and lit a cigar proparatory to a few mlnutca* ebat
_-Ho ne\if baa abouMi any tfiocUl
Wbllt Mr. and Mra. Fred Cuitla
were rttumittg laat night at addnigbt
1 the Eaatem Star enteitatnmeat
Fifth Ward.
they DoUeod the bird dog. Boger. Uthem ware reeadring a eleanlng or Imd
IB the BialD. the Flfcb ward paaaed hiagtng to Frank Garrer. lylag la fmat
the mbbUh gathered no ready to be a good Inspeetkm but there was conof my
Carver ageaer 00 Froot atreat.
you unaympntbKlc battled away. In the Brat alley a dray aldermble bruab, etc^ ^lod up which
' 1 rriutl Bbowed
"Wo liaro a bond of .ympaiby.- ho brufo. and, to make matter, wonie; 1 vPa eaoouaterod cn which wa^ U inm ctMild ea.Mly be dUpoaed of. Tin cans As they were on the oppoidle aMe of’
•aid, watching Ma TtedllaWe perfonn* hare kept bor
depoalted a great heap uf nsfuai*. were alao In cwiiKiice but It was nut the airoei they fell aon*rlae Ibnl the
dog did not immediately join them, ao
anoo at making amoko ring. In the with joMcn abont tba old maid at Sew- The|v gook pur puarur.** aakl ibc
nearly ao bad aa the First ward.
cruaring the afrvet they found that bo
calm aixamer air. "1 have an acn^. In port BUUo, do you think there la a
Udiea aa they paaaed bm before the
*Thc trip wa-s an edncatlon la llaeif
Newport who waa alamlntely dotar* Uving woman tbat wonkl overlook
tftp^ «ae poneliMled, the night waa co
it would tic bard^to bellerc^ ualcrs with water as tbongh Just out from a
mined I abould rlaH bor tbJa anmmer. log railed an old maid?**
moa that Ihcy failed to kwp track artnaJly aceu. that «> beantlful n city
Hbe roacbod over and took bold of
Rbo had picked out n rich old maid
plunge. Picking lire dog up Mr. Car*
of how much the? w
wlio owned a loroly ooftage. and bad one of the dog'a maltnwtrd mia.
as Travt‘rae City could bare such dirty
carried him Into the oftee and ;
"Umd me an ear. Billie. Yon
It an plautHd that I waa to go, to ace
of the energy of the
all«^}« In a
aoMl Mr. Carver, who came down
and to conquer aabi aplnater. Ho. you to be a well trained dog. for 1 have
In the Second ward. tbt> city it^lf 1
pik'd that It could be
ffvim kis residence to ses* wbat bad
aoct I eauio down briV to keep fn»m •pent boor, oo your edoextioa. Ot wr« guilty of perrofttinp sonM* ihlnss*
bring forced Into marryllig for monor." up and oxprma nlt^ly to the gentle that .rjghi not tu be for example <m from the Ktn'ci and In many utbei. H Injured the animal. He found tbat the
wws absolutely unsanlUry and'an of- dog had either Inn-n shtk or aevertdy
"I uacd to know anmo fevn*!^ In Now- man your overwbelmtnc dc:*lrv to live
by a d(Ktor*a CeiUr Mree*. near Fn*nt. a liad hoU fenj^ivc <»di»r nuild 1m* detected. Some injured by shan* Instmmenu k»r on
What a y«mr aunfa name?
choked nj» with wc<v!r and rubbish. of the alleys kioVod as tberngh aome
abo aaked. with protmae of Idio curlbU liaek. over the regloo of bis heart
Tbm abe manared to foiw her bead Bad places w«^ mglced near tlo- F2m of tho«e wbo rrsidnl thereon substloalty.
and ahouider and other portkia'. U
"Mra. reubm. Hl»o baa
lUore away from Fem.ir* ahouller
atoJ a’.enue sehtad and a varan l it tnt«-d entirely 6n eannni goods.
the b4ly ww abraslcms abowing that
for tbo biat three yearn onlr." And muugb to add another aenlcuce:
«*o Elm.uod avenue on a bleb wen* a
AU,al»out the city, however, there sbiK ykad entered tir tbo wimnd In*
bt« olHW-ailon tiring conccnimted on
"Von might stale that your mlstrewi numH r ef trees and oIm* many lln j^en* evlib nc<*K that the citixena InsnieKtd by a aharp poinit^ insttw*
hh neweat amoko ring, bo failed to aoe baa a ruudiiees for egn-giotta Idlota,
tlM* rrlmaon tliat fluabrd Iht faco wbeo BUUe,**
meat. The animal was unable to more
exc,‘lbm plae«' fur a i*ark with Il«ri»‘lrl4*an.sl, alleys freed from rubbUb aad and appeand to suffer grt^lly and
be mentlonod tbo name of Imt own next
work. A!1 wen' struck with the possi- mi
hauled away. Theiw U
door neighbor at Newport.
was dripping aa though be had jnot
iTllliles Ilf a stretch of proi»ony ^qill ideiit- Ctf work
A Weed Wltn.a ttimane ■l.fr,.
crawled from the river. Mr. Oanrer
"Tnwede/* or molaaw*., la a word ihMMigh which the asylum cre«-k ran
BUIIc’a mbitroaa aat under tlio trvr
in»ete4 and It is amid not take blm home at that hont
iM.utined ven ea»:ll> |sfci5lli!e that the two homti* ck*aning
by tbo en^ek une day untU abo bad liu- wltli an interwtlng blsUiry. *rbe eariJ* which ,,nhild
and mad** a tempo*ary place for him
Ubod bor tmuk. and atUl Ferrull bad eat **treack-** was an ontidote ngalmil I ,
e»fvns4*. In the Second ward davs. Friday and Saturday, will not be
to lie until thia momlag when he car>
the viper*, bite aud proliaMy wa* maiU- '
" ’
not hppoimxL
l»at *ic*:larlj. taany I'iliyens wfii- de- enough. Much was accomplished ye*,
ril'd btm home in a rig where he U
8be leaned over and patted the dog*, of siiicr-a fleah Itaelf. It U a wurJ UHied buidly engagetl iu slickiuK up._
tf rda> and many hmds wen* dump<M sUll unable to move.
on the chy market alto. The ladles
Third Ward.
• ll*a tbo Brat Uma to tbrve work. from the Crw-k "tber.** a wild beast,
While the animal eould not be pur*
whence came the adjective **tbetiakua,**
Font Inning. Uie comraln.v w «*nl Into ar^' In earnest al«>ut the matter and ehased for tltat, the vale** of the dog
iHTtalning to a wild U nsl, which wa:^
all cltir.ens should eo^»p<'rate.
aa a t>et nieana much to the family of
evfutuallr K}>eclali»d to mean serv ih<* Tiiiid ward- A big heap of bniKii
BIlllc gave a anort tbat ellhor ex*
The rig for the trh* was dcmait'il hy
ing aa an antidote against a wild on S«‘«enih Min-et. near Ct*dar and t>i
Mr Carver, who raiwil Iloger from a
pnwd ridicule for ibonuxlKy lu her
licttat'a bite. In English "tn-a4*Ie** tlien^ vklon. was notietd. An alley beiw(*en 11 J. Morgan, who thought that such a puppy and his qaalltleH as a bird di«
Toleo or lUiUipproval of ^ving bU onra
came to mean anvlblug aooiblng or Firih and Sixth su<His near OlvisUm trip would prove a desirahle enllght- are W4II know n to all dog fanciers. The
rubl»cd the wrtiug way; tbeu b<> aud*
comforting. iTiamvr even ainuki of
dog wa^ nevi r known other than gen
I llalcn. aud iu a few t^rist aa -nreaclc of all barm.** And. was vUliiyl and this was found to Ite a
regular dumping ground. There wencame down tbo path, ^
tle and friendly and no iKwsibfe cauag
many pih-s of nibhlsh In this viclnli>
For tbo Bng time' bo < nuio wltlniut
can I.4* found why such a dastardly an
blri fiabtug tackle. Ho throw hliuaelf
vhlch had received their start srveiul
ciiuht he commiiitd u|HMi so valuable
down uu the ground U-aklc. tbpm and
yeanr ago and siill nmiinu.d lu g.ow. Miss Ethel Bailey Wat Guest of Honor
r, nlle an animal.
He was evlaeoulod Uilu the dug*, welitmilug oyea.
me Te.i^lr of VUmm.
shot while In the down U»wn
"limic, 1 want you to kuuw that Fm
The most noi.tl Ure which Involved
The Fourth waid made a r«mmI ap*
A very pndty 7 o*chvck diner was district and ihnrirn Into the rlv.r
idiot. IVrbaim you will the burning of a single edillee was the
givvn at the home of the Rev. C. T | when- the animal, tiai l>aaiy wounded
iM- M.UM wliut at aoa aa to the moanlur di*stnictton of tbo gteat tiHuple of l»i*
of cgn»gJotm. but 1 aitaare you Ifa Uio ana at Epli.-aus.ln a t\ S.*-*. on Ibe and Cass street^; cteild he lmpn»\ed StiMit last evening by MIsk Helen ! to walk, draggeil himself fmm th«
viMT w«n.l kind of Idiot'*
re j Siouj amt Miss Ruth 8|H-nn-r. Miss j waier to the offln- id his master which
night Ak'xauder the Ureal was Iwm. If InlMir was rightly nseil, Thei^* were
Mifw Wlm-lH*alor mliuHl her eyebrow. Tlic fire was kindled by H
too runny beam, of un.«ii!hll\
InIKthel Hailey iK-Ing the gm .si of honor. | was IocKinI ami he then lay down at
evidrm.- to be exacH. c..mluclvo to q Covers wen- lil.l for seven nnd tb«'i the fhsir to awni? the arrival of help.
SupiHm- you tell us bow you became |,ig only
gotMi atiiH>aianc«*.
table was deci»ratid w ith ml tullp.s |
------ --------------- —
11 rv of your meuUl defecta,” «be|jj^jno ^
iges. He was put to
w bile apule blossoms were the favors.! And they who for their country die
First Ward. *
death w
with exquisite aud proloDgcd
The Firat ward was In the wor^f The dinner was served In six <
Shall nil an I
He pullid the dog'a bead over on bis tortupw, and the EplM**iau wmite com*
tnauded that on pain of death bis name Cfijidlliun. At one ulare In ilie alley and afterwards the evening wa
And biwuly w^-eps the brave.
"IllUle. I dare not tdl bow I dU abould never be prououn<*ed, hoping iK tWMvn Stale and Washington sfretf
oovored the faet of my klkx*y. Last tbua to disap|K»int bis exiHV'tatlou.
there nVs
i^ruhhlsh which had lMs»n ar
Wight when I left the creek 1 was a
:hi year.H at Ir.isi.
Call Tonight
Men’s Suits
Call Tonight
■ Men’s Hats and Caps Cy
FANCY Cassirherips and Worsteds—fine assortment
either single or double breasted coals—
DERBY HATS in three dimensions—
brown and black colors.
. $7.50, $ 12, $ 10, $ 15, $ 18, $20, $22
single or double breasted—'
$ 10, $ 12, $ 15, $ 18 to $22
/ •
/• "
. >
SOl-T H.\TS of the celebrated ••Ruimncir* make
from one! iwcniy-livc to three dollars—nothing
f>tu newest styles and colors.
’ .
S riU'SON HATS, both Derby and thr«?e styles
soft shapes.
TWO-PIECE SUITS—Blue Serge or Fancy Light
Plalds—-single or double breasted coats—
$7.50, $10 to $12
- 'v
SUMMER CAPS I-rom lifty cents to one seventy live. Black Silk, Cravenette goods, l.eathcr
rrimmed. etc. No better line tlscwh^rc—few as
Our fine goods are elegantly tailored—no better
work on any goods at any price.
Call Tonight
Men’s Top Coats
& Burner Call Tonight
Men’s Dress Shirts
Three colors—two different lengths—
■ - . $10. $12. $15 i|:
;• - Not an old coat to show you—everything new
w and goqd value or they wouldn’t go so fast. -
Cravenette Coats
r '
r "r.
Keep out the rain—-answer the double
purpose of a Rain Coat or Top Coat—
splendid values here at
Men’s Soft Collar Shirts
^ ^
From 50c to $2.00. Union' made.
an>T»hcre at prices. All colors
f' I, ^ - ^
from $9 jto $ 18^ ^
Great sale
e oh these goods last season^ Sale this
season wil
ill be larger. *Wc. $1.00, $1/25, $im
No larger assortment in the city.
No finer goods
Nev Lines of
Straw Hats.
Neckwear, Pants, Underwettf
Glovea. f-jne Hb«er>*. Come in tonight and see a
complete stock of fine Clothing and Furnishings.
Few odd sizes go at one>fourth off.
K' -
r Al -> J
tctler. which aaya: Tor JO
hatf^oartmlc liver tomplalat. which led
to aarh a severe ease of JawwAlce that
Uffaatf to
11ms or toll
f»trkitto» ftM flUM7 MmoMT
peo* Jl. Jarpis
^ oacN-ris-r
Iff fr#«l firtti
repwt li« emUmmce.
Jttt tlira IW i^rJ «Ml«
tt br aU »•«•*." «rt«d ih«
Itfto nheir IMMM' booaolr.
cIrU. **V«fiiailjn ” a4ikid Marie.
11»«» ( |«U for row ai>l>rol«tioa.
^o-, ,h«,. r«iKwb«. Kutk
tin.." ak* uM.
I then where she doe*, wow—
like lo take fee to a private memorial
grpima. Umiifli I (mat >«rely prr
Toa a vtaw ef tbe'Aeeoratkms.**
“CA btmo. lb«»r taactied Marie, -f
never dU care mads for Hamlet* with
Hamlet left wwt*
**la UU eaae tt U aomeciilns to urn
the irevlronmta. It furma ike kkrtye
for ear of Oambridte t ^lot. fadi-
my aariy home, a half bonr*a walk
from here. Thirty #emra have wow
greatly changed the placw. The lrr«
rmboweri-d hon»e I* a IIHJe more old
fashioned, and the treaa are grown,
iirnmmwkmmmi Nat t
bat tt la aa Idville W a* ihen.-Bttt the rommwee.** urged Marie.
"Ho fonad her la tbe garden.**
-I'm wamlerfog agamg old i
orlat. Yea. she wa* la I ha garden, and
-How lovely!** ear1alm«^ Kbtle
dote npoo fadeleu romaneev. There** they walked to the place In Hi« rear
an aroma aboot the very term."
**Yoa would appreeiate the a
neat of ihlii one atl the more.** aald
''Then, without thu least prelimMr*. KaWitoo. **!f you ktsew-a* ymi
Inary. Roger lUiid:
prraeotly aliall-tlio woman wb«
- ‘You Inmw I love you. TluHi. whli
-I II akeirh her here and now " aald my whole heart. I* there the slighte«i hope for raeT"
Marti< "If youll tive the polnta.'*Of eoome Ruth wa* c'UnpleHdy
*Take her, then, aa 1 knew her In
our aehool day*, when we two were In- overwhrdm«-d. Imt there would !.e bnt
aeparahlo. Ruth Bryant wa* taller one answer, and he read 4t In her
than yon—« cracefnl, atatejy Rlrl, wltb eye*.
"It war nearly dark. aiiiV tbe dl»a aw«H-tly winning face, yet with a cer
tain well defined flrameaa and prlU erect oM fngples never told a woul
In its line*. *rbe rye* were* tbe feature alnmt the acenc of the Iwtrtwhai.
Af Lome eiitortainmeDt it
-But It wa* a bUtmwaet hour.
that held and reaaanrwd one ag
A nenraalty for the welfarti of
the'vdelermlnatlon of the mouth and Roger told her at oace of his dolur
tliA family drda, aud Uh^ fart
cblu. They were dark, anfathomabh mlna/lon to enll^. ao the shadow of
eyet. wl* fnl and lender. Many a man Itartlng was ove|^ Ihelr Brst raptwn*.
that a
piaoo or cahinri
ha* salaed hi* flrat mal conception nf Ruth did not so Smich a* miggevt that
brnran it tho boat im'ottmeot
what aotil I* from a chance look Into be irtay"for her sake. «he ww* fn-err
yoaoan ouiki*. for iorrraaing
Inch a patrltsf. and *ho wa* pnmd to
the depcha of Ruth Tlryaiir* eyet.
Urn joy aod |ik*iitiin^ of home,
wr the path of paritng fitmi her hen
"It I* tbe atory of a warlliDe wwlng
the otily iniatako you oaa
"Bo they vow^ d eternal r*m*ianrv
and paritng." oonflnoe9l Mr*. Knnwlurn. with the air of a Rchehervuidtv llu ie by the twin inanle*. Roner lll:make it to hoyioK the w«Bg
• It* tyro, Roger Morgan, bad U»^'etl yeivHl In town an brng a* ptisvlbbplaa# Ml mmf prkw. The.
InterfiTlng with hi* punto*^'.
purchate of a
^y he carved Ihidr iultlab
grew up In her lM«uty and maiden
Wr Uneks he held lilnsfelf aloof. He ia the trunk of one of the tre«*H wlib
wa* Of a 4M«euUarly M*ntltive nature, tbe date <if Ihelr l*eir<ghal. May .1*.
and he^d,i>015r~16~Tie1h ve that Kutn ut.y."
• Td give anrihlng to *e*- them?
h>eke4l with rW{M>cial f*\«ir ii|mo one
Harvey ('bare, hi* fellow townsman. cried Mar^.
your lime.- aald her. enter
-Haney was mulrrly reaponaiblr
for Ibis delusbm, for he haunted Iluib tainer. "They are atfll b*glble. *nme
like her shadow, but she bad no lunll ha* Imvu allow«mI to effan* mdirtng nlatlng
tbofce gtdden day,’. .Ml
Uieni whalevt»r loaaid him. Bbe had
ghen bint plainly to and«>rstand a* through the year* I list spot ha* be«*<t
it ««oc)ooiny jieraoiiitit^l. You
vhiiiie iu Ruth."
ucb. I.ut he would not be reluimMl.traiit your dullan to go at far
‘ I wish It had all lunti-^I otit hap
-tlnod Ktuff In him." remarked Wa
pllv. -'alglu-d Kiltie. "This half of your
aa potaiUo. You waul the
b.wtnliheri«!it pricv Thii
".\o! Ml Aery g»*od. or at lea*! It wa* story must be much the hapider."
•it I*." raid her Atim l.onl*e. "for
•ijirallriMl by ba‘-er t.l.■lnent^. He ha I
ia what you got in a Kiutlmll
r^iteii Heiter to uiiderrtand that Itutli Roger went all t<si soon. and. arc<»nlto tay iiothiag of« the
giHi his atlentiuu*. and had Ing to 8hake*|M>aie*R test, he iietMl not
4|uiet>oy mxl aatiafuotioii iimt
made u^atterM 1 y ao nmeh tbe wors«v U* •n-creant’ In war. for he was reiiiih« nwin Iho owiufahip of
• I clianrid to know who r.*all> wa*
"Uuib* only comfort lay In their
l^lo>l aiul Iwaiiliful thiiigf \
the hero of her dream*, and I nnally
had the aatiafartlon c»f removing the corivs|iondeiice. which wa* carried on
thia uifikea Kiiiiliall
deliiRlon fmm Roger Morgan** mind.*’ nuu-t faUhfully. They came fully ;o
•Hoa d.llghtful!" exclaimed 1:kIc know the rlchnt'ss of each other** na
tore* and their indlvidiml caiiacliv foi
and whe
alT^tlon and lo grow clo*«-r and cke*< r
Ihg Jui-t at vatly-twUlghl. to >-|wak to Into each other's heart*.*’
When- In the meant tme was Hon
me a* I *t<H»d In our obi Isshiom d
■ Chaser *
gardeu eiijovlug the K|trliig bUtoni. 1
I should have told you V al hv .-n
that he
for the listed when Rogi-r did. . 1 always be
alkP l to
llc\e<l that he had walUul. dn-ading to
•it was quite true, he said, he wai leaxe Rugi*r In the borne field. But
lo enroll hi* name with the r«-cnilt* the engagement «a* cum-iitly re|M>rt**Then I nald ontrighl. ‘Have you «ul. ami be thought Ih^sI to keep an eye
on tbe victor.
fold Ruth aiMusi nr
yigalrs went as wartime affair* «lid
"He sijirtiHl and I saw his hand
go until Ropi-r had been away a year.
IL ft HARKElUfriK.
•••1 ciuUI ; t flatter m>*elf.* h»‘ said He h»d had no rnrlough. and the Im*124
had enjo)etl only Hu- IeU«rs aa^
•that it won ronceiu her *
"I dIUn i t nt to U tray Ruth, but I what we should teim leleuonUc com
uniy-ai u*n.
• Thru came the tenilde. battle of
Chancellursvllle, which took place on
the 8»d of May.
from Hu- date carvtul
iu gpiU* of wbat youf ueigliUira tell, carry kioilliug, carr>’
wowl. c*rry cxnil. hairy aalit-g, waah curtoina,
-TIh* ITnIoo nrmv lo^t the day. and
arc ep, at rul» nml atreal
a-; Hie enemy held posaeaslon of IlMfield If war. iin|*osslld«- foi them to re
.oxer alt ’.he I’nion dead
• Roger Morgan s nauur cameyout In
and be comfortable.
That Ilrtuidlul list of the killed HorIk D»r»*« Oo»% Vo« Ar.y Met-*
xv*/ Cha.se was taken prlacmei. and a
deadly haxoc was made among our
a’t really
Ml. j. a A lufer J. noBpiMi
Cimsists Only
iBliylMtlie anig piiio
. Mtirlriee.
triM kargalM.
Mow Own
VoVI Oo IW •
■ Cook With Gas
Olky Ows
jMipk Sllv & Sint,
Ibi Bat Hiikit a th Wf
A Roast from Sleder's
will giro you a wry agttsaUo kurliriao if ytm are not a cukUmior of
oart, otbl yon will womler wby yen
wn*er fa%r»rwl, oa with aa owh r Imforr. Any of oar jiatnaM will loll
yon that our nitata far turpaaa anyanylhiug ever tnaU*l. King of
UiehiMWt aitl meal leiuler tjuality
ami. w hat ia WKire, a)w««v« au *j he
bfkt lainh. matton, lie, t nml and
pAullry ia alwaya to l»e ftumi at
ShakrV the
Imtcteiw, pm kerw andaiMiii^ taakerw. WlKihaah*
true. Ruth wa;x tu^ deathly r'tlll when
rhe heard tbe new* that no one coolJ
fathom her grief. We were all puzslej
and nUrme.1 But alter a time Rhe aald
to me, wRli her ejrea at their daepewt
* 'The parting t* to be Rmger than
we tkoaght, l#wt^4in-e and.death carv
UU4 loach .such lore aa ours.* "Hid llarxvr Cha«s* <H.iur UekT*
"By a stmage Inmy of fate he did
in Jdhe of the following r>mr. He wa*
*!iong in the convloOoa that the oaly
oh-utle Irciwi^n him aiul Ruth hid
iMwa remoxvd. He lost no time la
Pteadlag hta ga*e. and when RtUh told
him In grieved attrprtse that her heart
had bars given muw for all to Jtoger
ihHf betrothaU li»t> dm tuning that
day ro blewMid to'them wa* to broom
theJr fatal day.
•'After Harvey *1uak away befpr
her wrath Rnth wxwt Into a Mate of
enthuUasm-a* if she had Just
heard < f a aatiaaal xirtory
landxsj all her shrlfie with laon-I leaf
and blu*:»m. She aratUied the j»iue
.•Bbicmailc leav«< and ffoweJ^s thickly
over the spot where In her poeilc
f-ncy vhe bad locatiwl his grave."
"Wa* kite so realist.c?"
-IdoaUflc. ratlu-r. Vrxu will n.ilce
he tuare all myi b* grtiwn
•f*eri b-ave* ai«- c*uispKM«,u> lii atl
‘ VVsKn'l I hr grand to uw<- the laund.
In th<: face of Harvey** wtanderr raid
•Bhe wai- kj>al In .-xt-o win aiel
IHht. and her loyalty was ju.ilin»i*i.*
"Oh. did people find out the fabuhooiir*
Few n*-«-d«*d tti Im- no SHU led. bui
th.- refutatl.ui came. One John 8oi
who had tuai»i«-tl ftorn Cambridge,
drilled bark to the town at the efuMthe war. He wii* full of ri-mlnl*
ore*, anti .«omc one who ha.l tnlktsl
ith him
him to Ruth.
• He was UV.KU- Rogi r Mor-.-cn wht i;
• waK slud thnuigh the ht-ari. H.t
bad |i:rl eauyht ibe fUg thal h« i lH-eu
t hau ls of the ctilur h
harp^hut.it 1 marked him
id Ks.k fatal aim.
"Huger next-r >poke after hi- was
hit. Bolgt r look hiK leiiors ami Ruth *
plctnre frt.ia hU liudr. but l-Hore b►wlrt M'nd them it» h»-r l;e wc* c.».p
nM and tbey were taken from btai
•*Af er lii:> n-lrai^e he- f*rwfl few
t'nnibrld:;e luii vlvors. |- <\
wn-. xviih him ill pr; n:> and
dll al.riii R ji-.er Mo*vnii.
S«»!t*er r.ixe.i
)-.is itisloyultx to Ins
*'kitUi dUl not value the tr»*iimonv
In Itself. Her faith had never faltenwi.
Imi aht* called uuon s<-lg4>r to make
Harxey <'haM*’ retract hi* slander—
hich he did In the craveu kTxI. that
mlghl haxe iM-eii evpec cd But R<ig
et*n shrine was verx be.oitiful thal
"I w.>tidi‘i if he knuw*.* i^nid r^btlyf-ainiiy. "or is nil Ihiu Hpuiih.i-nt and
di-voiiuii merely for Ime's rt-JUf?"
•We ciu »,n?y wmn!er." raid lor
ini. "Ih-rhapK In a tlee|MT sense than
r*. Ititrwnliig Intpllcil —
•’ Fi bh-tl eyes -hs- luighler xudurs than
flu- <»pen ever do;
"Be That as It. may, Rmh Hryat.f ’
IS k«,»t faith xvith a singbness of
heart that I- a, in.splrln:; a.s It*
e.ial "
•^Vhy imtr* said Marie. "If such
ofTcringi mean luxe and renu-nibiance.
xvoy, shouMn i they continue whlblove aud retuemhrance last 7 *
an Idyl atlxu^.'ix^• said KNle-•that retired nook In the garden, the
Cooaa beans rrow In*
pods on the tmnk
land limbaof a deU^cate tropical tree.
HThey omtalii Mix
ItillnMi mom toed val.
V oe than beet
We nse the hifbest
cost beans that are
frown and there Is
nothtnc ia oar cocoa
bat cocoa.
That U wby It U
the most ddkkms of
vwa WAiTca a. Aavnv ca.
tsuirs:: tiiz
BRtars. whka caved aw sad kept me-^
w«B for elevea ywrw.- Sate cave for ji
Ulioasaera. neormlgla. waakw-wa and.»^^
all atoaiach. Uver. kMoey and blatUer:^!
deraagemaau. A woadorful toalc. At Ar.
Johasoa Drug Co.**. K H. Mi*ads. 1' A \xr
Bugbee Drug
Hrwg Ston-s.
>R. F.J,
vd to f
and ^Tm^'a
rnaiuc** bam.
10* WBhriai hleea ha 4tf
•ew BUU- Bank holldl^
i^owenr for Your Boat:
liny a SMALLKY Marine Gas Engine ami
enjoy the boating season from beginning to end.
* Powerful
W. M. PAIGE, Agent.
xyilh the J. B. Palgo Electric Co.
126 Cass street.
SARA T. CHAS£, M. O. -Bhyriciaii
and RurgxHJo. OfSce* 40TS Rtale
Bank block, with Or. O. K Chaso.
CTlr. phon.- 2l‘5-2R. Residenrr kO!
W. Brvcolh WtTCCt, with Om' M!*uw«
Corn.ll. CUr. phone
Stove XVithout a
Competitor- ‘
a iiiotlol liluf tUuif tvM.ker having
BiMwrial fiutun^a not found in any
oUiur ki^oaeue atovo. It ia auitHbl**for (ill kitMla of«x)okiiig. t«|MU’ially for
UttktiiR ami Uroiliim. A inoilel of
Btiininer txymfort ami txMivoatojiro.
Evit)’ {i<»u84‘k(w«|MT ran appnvinte
what it iBto havf mi oil wtow ft»r hot
weather nm*, nml when lliia p» rft-ct
stove ia tilTert-d. that iium-Ib nil culitinry nupiin tnriit*. luiiiiiig willioul
Binokr, vslor xiriluat, c-ano<»t help exmsiJrring it a Ikwii of buUlanti»i
Traversa Ijwd aaS Loan Otv. F.
OR. F. HOLOSWORTM-Rpeeial aiRoobi T and a H a U Mareanlila
On. block Both pboMa.
OR. E. •: MINOR-Of^ ovw Arnwrlean Drag Stora. BpacUl ati4ipUoa
to eye. ear. noso anS Uroat. OUaara
Stud. DothpkoM. RaaltfMoaSlS
■ iiwiev^
CHi. 1ST; Ball. SS. RaaManra. JlS
W^^ngUB atraiA^^na. gbona fM|
Saxton Hardware Co.
If you xvant Low Prices
A Maril 1
Dantlsl (Har Bar^
rora ttoih
clan and surgoun. Ramoxed to of
Seca Id Mudioo block over lUrDOB
a Karl*;. ClMrcm* phone SK*.
If You Want Good Quality
OR. LAWTON—BhyVlcVan and’ «i^
gcon; ofnrcK Id Wllbclm hlook third
Boor with Dr*. Bawyar and l*anhab
If Quality is to be Considered
with the Price
We Can Get Your Business.
•4ARRY B. HARNER-^vpert plans
tuucr and artb.-fe rcguistor H«Hb
faodon guarstiiecd With KfSkhaO
Music Houre CIt*. phoi.e ?S4,
Come and See US
PIANO tuning Saiufanion gwarnnic-d. y n .\tt;...i*. a» 8<mtli
XTnIon. Tit- plttuip llM.
apr IMf
J. E. Greilick Co.
Fine Interior Finish
Sash, Doors and Mill Work
er. Lath and Shin..
Plate and Window Glass
vcr. I rit ♦ * reawinabln. OfSeq vlth
O. P (*arx« r A Bro. Both phonea.
OR. E. F. CHASE-HoinhOpnthUL QF
flrr ox.-r Bugbra'a drag itorw ClUtra. pboDq-RMldenow Ml; oMra
aog S Vteo
>R. E. L. THIRLEYtlon to diacaara of cl
40» State Bank bldg.
Dr. W. J. Higgins
Fine Dental Work
Ofioe 505 Now Wilh.-liii Itiock, '
Tne South Side Lumber Co.
SI5 Lake he.
Tninrse City, Mich.
the kind that
ti> your doors and windows
at best prices. Dealers in all kinds
of building' material. Get our prices and consider
oursUxk Isforebnjriog. Estimabw ftimUheJ.
Oar rncUo: Boat Prica^ Dry Stock,
. Prvimpt Uoliwrjr.
isitiy Recerd Went Adei
Phone Citizens 308
■•raiT ruinc
7l9Cutrr«>t«t. ' b|im.lr.
f:.‘*Ua wS
«vWritu*«, lb
iImm'* Orwit IW a»d PiynrV Wh»
Oveftan^ HOrrfliK U>rri> «, UfMiny WaltaM.
_ .
Tm UumCi«.i> Kook* *m1 Biilhd* by Um> F«voriU« of tb«
Anvthiiw mmI »r«ryauoe ia M«wr, both
didijr rrmknd l.y tbe biiat wtiala.
asd <4.1. ■|.loa-
BKUBMBBR-You <aii have all IbU Moaical
EalariaiaaM«t in yaar booia, to imior wheiKvi-r you f«d lik<. it.
7. K«»id>asc
Wu MUuutfiU CHI easy tonus.
----- -------
Di$tM^Uf€ /«r tM.
Branch 159{.FrontSt.. Traverse City
»n^kl>D .............. %
K II. K.
Unnil Kaiitda............................ SU 2
i^yiom :........« i
niM^tagSdaii ...iV:,............ * X « ‘i
HiMilh Ikttrt
S 18 2
Tt-ne hUulc ............................... 3 6 0
w’btvuiif........ b 3
3 6^
I 8 3
a II. R
as later
pi oven infeiior to the Spray, ah
that city, which bad noi cumiKii-d iu
the Upton aSair. but trimmed Sic.
Claire with i.<aae la {be C^uutrr clut
regatta. The Spray is now regainled
as llirr champiim of the 21 foot clAi*
4 on the lakes.
Sito Yttik ...................... ........ k 1
......... 5 U
SI. u.iilj* ..
.,A........ 6 13
Btmtou ........
rinrlnnati ..
HrcKiklyn ...
NVw York ..
8t. LouU
Plas^ulw dUsohrsauriepelsoastaasaaUsths
orsaBiiiitasiyaiiiMs to (M ihs
<4^ tbs
mambrsMs. aad «asMs tbs bisddsr lo empty ttis* heely and easily, and be
come normal.
Tbrutk, AII Artuid 8iidaitt
Is ihc dislin^ui'^hin^; factor
that makes our harness so
i»aiihfactory to horsic owners
and drivers. There are no
weak parts. The leather is
of ^ the finest oak tanned
stock, wtiuhini; skillfully and
peifec^ done, buckles and
mouniintoNQf-ihc best quality.
It can alw^^e relied upon
fur durability and safety.
Qu(cn Cily Implement Co.
12S E. b'nmt St.
7 9
Pere Marquette
Line Steamers
$1.00 JSiUS 1.00
Round Trip $1.60
I 1^ w.Al Jim ka»f aolblnt to
OskcmI all hut irvgottated. brouiht an
end to the long contest
Why Pay Molt
it Is poerr €.ronomv to pay
|2C on or HKoe for a I'hlna f«nncr 8«H Cull at TIk' t>oaomy
•Store loday ad mx what $15.00
wlU buy. We have but three.
Remamber. only three cf thew
lon-plare Austrian
China mnner Setf. all different
aelU for
Flm cnstiuncr has first
First caslomcr Uavilnii cboic-j
Many other new goods.
Always iwimeihiag yo-j need
at The Brooomy Store
StMUCli Troubles Cared
a<fasUaaatdghsl(dtlagalad.raMacww>ar.Wlorcaa. Palaii baf«
a»mal pstaaU aiamaoh. OM ar Tsaag prafdr earrd. I>rHKtMa
aoivrsd. AflsIoa-Atn^MmaarMbybr g
^ _
throrder of the «,urt '
Is to proscal the Naiiuuml Troulng us i
.SI cl'lion ir;.ai bearing evidence, and
it> ^iri'vent pirTCrtt* offering any evl
tieaee t^J^hc boanl <if review of the
It is alsu
tu enjoin the assaelation from taking any position in reriHXt to I he taro and the controversv
which has arbea nut .»f It.
The Injauclion was ,orved on Sc*c:c!Bi > W II iMK l er of the National j
Tnntlng as:-Kiaiem at ilnriford S r j
vice v.at aevu;, d and pieliiuinar, ar-1
" :::::t
sunnier* leave ManlHltv daily lex
-epi Sundays) at 5:t*0 p. in and 7;t*0 p
in., Sundays at 7:tH) p m. for Ludluj;
ton and .Milwauki>e. Arrive at MU
waukee at 6;30 a. m. U-ave Milwau
kee dally al k:00 p. m. Arriving at
erd in woman's championship ipvlf
Manistee at 7:00 a..m. and 9;3tJta
C\jnnrcllona: At MlJjrauktx; with
t«rly Umlna lor Cblrago.* afternona si Um- Woodland tkdf elub at qie open
iraiiEs Irooi ('hitagt,. and all ladnU lug of Ibe aim «al mee* of the Btisioti
north and west. At LndhiKtou with AVunisii s <;«dl a.s84K'isi Ion
Miss M.ity Iminou of the Osklev
IVre Manhiette railroad fm- all pttlnu
muih and ea.st At Mapistiv with M Ciumiry club aad Miss Fiwhces C. Ot
4c N. R mUroad, M A G, R. rallr^.ad gtx».1 ol the Country club, plavt^d five
I Alia holes in eighU'en h.de eoiUrsl
and atoaineni for Onekama and Frank
before fbr match was rteddod (q.fafvor
fort Dock kiut of Pint strt-et. Tek'
ef Miss Dumon
A difficult Bymlq on
phuRu: iki.
the tweuiy-ihird green, which
K. H FRENI H. Agent.
match with Jiuiinv Britt. iv«spke Ihe
oft repcaital jiiatemeai by Nelao% and
hla manager that Britt will go unrec«>gnlr<*d onlll he has settled « cialYntSI
indebtedness nf
ik.fUUiCG. NHson now says h« will
fight Britt anv wa> and any tlmoi Ti
this end a foifeit of $10,000 wga*posted
here and a reply is waltiag frugallov
York, whert Hriit Is Ncdm miA kU
maiiar-r sn evidently hoping to Wks
a triumphs! entry into the c$^rn
mci^polts after the Uane has poifMitsl
off Herrera again.
It Is cwamaunl Uiat /vOit penpms
went otit to the tralmag gnartors
terda) to watch Herrera and N^m
Gain lor ihdr Aght of Friday
Hundredi were al '‘Lucky ’ Bwili0n s
place in watch tb« Dane, who la^e
g«Mt of hooor there aad cv«i mare
V isiied the Mexican, ^wbo U worklag
Bawara of Ointr
that Contain Marcury
E- Harvey Wllcr. prMtdcnt of tbo ,
empire Lurohi'r company, arrived Sat- ;
arday to attend to tbe buOn^tv Ind- :
d<«t to pay vUy.
Gcorse Johnsoti our local cigars •
xiakiT. was In Hontw cm busiaesa SaD T !
Mrw lU-ary ItoWascm of fYankfort T '
vlsHed her vlMer. Mrs. lUiUe Ctttnrier
last week.
Fred Dago of MauJe City U teachlug school in the Tweddk' district, one
and one half miles south c»f town.
Miss Emma Holmes of Honor flaBed over Sunday bete with her alster.
Mrs. Harry Baker. •
Peter Stormer fs suff^lng. wtth. . i
- one skir ol the face, lb
by his physicUn Ybat be
rill s^ r
Mrs. John Donovan wtmi to Travse aty Iasi Wwlnesday (or a IFo
days* visit with her^iHrr.-'Mrr'. Ruae ‘
Duran and Frank Sheridan ^ '
Glen Arlmr were In town Sundav. I
Frank Adam^kl of ManUtvv airlvbd
Uat Monday to take chargi- of the C.
n. Sberman drug Mort'.
Peter ChrtwtlatiM and lamHy
kYankfori vUltod with ibcii numeioip>
irleuds hete over Suinlay
Thur.aU> lor a tutuiw home at Cappr.
St. Clair county, where Mr
will i\mduct a iihuiograuh gallery.
Mr. and Mis W. S RvhM
over Sunday
Mrjt. R
Mrs. SUnldf.
Ri-ed gml Mrs \V
Jey afld
.Uughter. UjUIc.' all of Jovflell. B«p>
r.k' county.
The Rev
M-ni heu
(5. W'Hoffmy. wh/. wa»
flora Chlca-to In Fvbruar.v
to take charge of ih« M
has leMT-m I und rctmiu>d to ChlcnfOw
Much sviupaiuv is exiu.ised here tor
Ihc young ra.idw'cr ou ai'couu» of the
Double In which he UTatne involvfd
J«-‘ Wua has bought his idatxMis. Paul Varm>v«nH»rs. Dari#n
here and Uiovi d on to it
Sillyniaii had a runaway Piidsv wMU*
Mrs Babcock has gone to Stratf.vrd l^urulng heme Irora i'ialte A bvll
with her sUtei. Mi>. Ileniy Mune
came Old of.the thills, letting one side
J. L. I>ewis aud <!hailie Bullion havi- j ump down onto the horsr'Y btvls. Mrs.
gone to Btratford to cut wuhI.
Isillviuan Jump*d and Mi*; Vanio was
Bob McTargH and daughter Viaa thiosu from tbe huguy, but bevood a
of South HoarUmxn wei< calling .:i f* w biiJisvirBeiiber la*Jy wa- M-riously
old friends one lUy Isht
hurt. lH>ih walked Ih*- Tour miles lo
Mr*, Arnold vlsl'ml Mr> Will I-.e
, , ^
Mm. John Blc**masier dk*«l Friday
*^* ^'^‘''***______________ ^
niiunlng at 3 o clo. k at
A MminUin of Gold.
:: j
surprise, was ihe Jutlgu Flail uev: week. Judge Town.
i, dilah!e shew ing of Chb age in t he
end. who isausd the injuuctivu. ails
wei-ht events.
iu Uh ledcrxl Circuit court U New
leocra i irrUR court «
\,^k tun icMi-li-s In this cif..
^---------------AuburmlaU*. Mass.. May 23.-What
Stovall, Jhe ftvrmcr IMroit
i.s Iw'lieved t«i iK-n new national ree
i«aial Harks. Ui«d ) y Ik.
irrr Ihr
.la'Wt s too <i«wn< m •nrr.arfaJ
*.«H«hwdHHb, dnn;
th.-, a.tM.1 k.< .4.
tMM)>)r rhanrr. Hi-rufn)a. OM W-M l .aiaBihi.’ffl.,
y.u.htcT«ialM4lilv.l»>*iaj*a«,I..wrt,urtsBV. Hcan,llaMilS4;«# Wia.t. U.wy
«W sg.
aHm«toiw.fnasesrU ltols-rvHua.aadN.urwU.ia,
‘d <».llr.w Vatarrk, IWral
ilac*a«—k). Drsisi'w.
. hi., tiatl
bnchl .• Ihtowa.. «*olUr. itac'i»*-'k).
in>rti»asl»»T:i. |Jr«T,
aJi kkawm.
j sadUidwr lis^'. cnir .Mat. sad
r.si blow); to the Chicago Kiipporterh
The onl>
haring qxkwi thrta«a d^ar snd «wh
yuB saaam Wrur»al I will Ml yoa .-s*. Mj
Indhms in
Am*Ww sM
todW^. ^
(Yarh SlagK offthc l»nlv*TsHy
Chicago Is out with a sUtemenl slnro
the deel meid with Mirhljtaa. Satur
day. that he e»*M*cls the Ann Arbor
lioys to win the oonlexence me**
lieie iK the way he puls It:
.Michigan must be conceded W
-Hinferenie im*et this year by a go<
margin of inrtws Fitzpatrick husi
supt'rb biinoh of athletes and they ei
alnly arc tmtltled to
IK-Iieve any oilu r i<
There t« a row In Chicago over t
to win orf June 2 *’
rondltkmu under which the LIpt
The Midway roach’s view of the aOi
enp boats are to*'l»e enter'd. Two of
the new yachts whleli will Ih- otii lm‘ telle kltiuiibm i.^ Khar«Ml Kcoetall^ In
the irttphy this year are uwihhI by the wiartKUi camp The Chicago adher
eiith wrhi, had looked fui «*»r|»rufi^ 8a»
iirUay weie disappolnled.* with one oi
two oxcepiiouii, as they had louke-1 (le
the mausiio. to overturu the **do|K'‘
In several e^ the erliiral events.
The mtet settUnl seveial wo3t«'>J
q u-stionw Garrelt*' ileleui of SlwITeii
In the high hurdk*s. Siewart’iJ vtlon
over Merrill and Merriam in the 22<t
yard dash, and Mc*rriam> defeat b>
tUmev In the half-mile were' the hani
The noted nerve specialist in Grand Rapids
since 1875, will be In Traverse City at Room
31 'at\d Parlor of WhitingHotel from Wt dnesday. May 23. to Thursday. May 31. 1906.
KATI^L l^quE.
1^ v:^ss£u^tks!:§s:::!i
C’ll. I.lu.u<. 7.M.
,,....,.....7.;..,.. t
Any person hsvlng bacUche. kidney
pains or bladder trouble who will take two
or three Plno-ulea upon retiring at night
shall bp relieved before morning.
QiSra Sake. 11. S. kUlla. ICoitwbla),
Nov JlSvmukeo, E. R Brown A Co..
Ouikou, SyndAcole, (Counlnr club.
Toledo, Tokdo company. <Toledo).
<Ko name). J. II. Feamslde. iHam
lliOB. Ont.i
i. Comnodore E. P. Vilas.
Elmo. J U. Cotter. (Bay City
Ste. Clniv. F. II Walker. (Country
club, IktrolO.
Spray, li. U. Schmidt. llX'troil Yacht
Clev. lanrl. tleorge W Worthlngtoia
<Cle\ eland).
Rooster II.. Syndicate, (l^kcwood
( Irveland), .
f the CongragatloiiAl oburch.
The promotion exercises of the noc
od. ftfth and eighth gradea will U
eld Friday eecnUg In the> M E
bnredL The smUor eommoncemcnv
.•m be MSf Tuesday rwalng at iht
d. R cluueh The 3e«U»r and senku
umq .et win be given next Wedoes
vUl cee ihc ttfUGo.
.ay eveiUng at the hotel. The pr
New York. Ha> 28--A popnlai vnm Is being car«<«lly planned nnd
Inuncb un the lake* IbU yoar wUl K expiated to be very ©atcrtnlnlng.
Ike hiibaiMicd Klcu boat, which wa'
hum b«ee Is thirtj-flve ftxrt long an
T^-reilse In the
equipped wlU» alxty Sotm' poner. (out
cylinder gmaollnc cnglnmf. giving r ise of l>r Kthg s New Ufe
reuses. They anvu you from
sjKHd of twenty-one miles an hour and bring quick and pntnless
The Eleo's bulls are Balbhid In ms
I eoDsttpnUoo nnd ibe 111
hognny. There Is a scat by the moloi log oet of It Strength and vigor al
lor the helmsman, and in the cockpb ways Wlow their uiw*. Guarsnued by
l<»hns<ib Drug Co.. F. II Miuds. C. A.
theie Is scaling room for seven Four BitgU'C Drug Co., druggiiils.
e. Try
of these are IndMdual antomoWU
bucket newts
A glass wind shield
give* pivlenieii Itoin Ihe wind ami
flying water, aud over the cxK-kpit
a cape cart Ii»lUing automobile hotwl
Among thtiM’ who have purchavtl
Klco boats ,ire John C. Baton of To
nusto. whose iKiat. l.augh a Lot. wilt SpccUl to the Ev.-iiinn Rerord.
used on Muskuka Uke^; W'lUlam M
Crofuu. Mich . May 22: Mt> C. C.
Flehman. wIusk- boat. Ikst It. will K* Btllea WSK in Kalkaska last Ssiarday.
WMvJ nl. Bar Harbor, and another
Mrs. HolUiook and Mr^ Krumlauf
lor a IVtrolt yachtsman, lor use on were In Kaikaska last Wedm'sday.
the iKtrolt liver
F. F. Cli velaud of tiidlllac aUeudiVd
our Sunday nchisd last Sunday, and
New Haven. Conn . May 23 -Judge
alM. Mr lUfUa «»f Kalkaska, and sfuTownsend of the I'uiU'd States Cirxult
the school was out, Hsik a plclur** of
»iurt has Ixsnei an ord. r requiring
the Sunday schtKil.
the NxUonal Trotting association U'
Mrs Trltlng and Mrs Hivdman
show cause why on May 28 a pixdUnlaar> writ of InjanciUm sbu iid «pi, called on Mrs. Aimdd last Sundav.
issue lettinlning the asst»clation from] Mrs. J Sham and ;..n lb»waid un.l
meetliig at I>-Mugton. Ky.. June 1.1 Hannah Sham were In .Ka»M*^ka lx: r
or at any other lime and plttce. lor the I M«mda>.
purpose of hearing the ca^e of thej p:- Liighion has r»*tumed fn»m hi«
Memphis Trolling a.«s<K*tsUon vt^rsus ^i^it fn Grtvland, Y*u' hi)* wife Is <1
E. K amaihl i)*
‘ uiuM on IniiH.risiu buNlm ss. l>k k
it a li
Thu is the CS.M'In which Is involved) batching it. but don i like H
tbe que-timi of wht iher or not the |
nuic I^u Dillon was drugged prior |o|
the ounlesi to. the gold cuj. al
Amlra Salve,
it io.mpb telv
! cai<d a running
her leg. ml, 1,^,
h» r j:: long y. ar.^. C.rest
^ anilsepiir beahn .sf idUov, wonmls.
< ,,,,,
„ j„hn,MUi Drug Co. s.
. y I,
C A. Bugbr e Drug Co
| Uryg sioria,
pUcbvr. who has ba u |K-rfonyiug In j
ike Americnn aK^ociatloa Bu- lh»
leet n’ly
as a iwirff^i
hlgiusl t v
l.Mr w.i ks
gaiigrcne. fr»mi
She lnav« s
b* siik*s h« r
b'lsljand two sous and one daughiri,
all gmwn.
Shi* was 52 >(-ars of age.
Sunday. Int. imeut taking place in the
r, !ar. iJ
the |.*,ui.svdU. cluh who placed him In I
N*V'cn and t*. A. Cook Ir
of Gk-n ArD.r.
.Manager l eUau »»1 j Spr^ ial to ihe Evening Keconi.
I'.mpue. .May 21
John /
'lrac>..John Domoan. Will Morris. L. '
TbtseioreHu livan
folllu. R
Drew of Kmpirv. left
the tHJtield, where he has leeu work 'has Inen lU lor s< mi* tunc hu» ha,; i:ii
this • muriiiuK in a
lug biillianily and l»at i:ig w<ll.
I'Utu- river for a mnink of days* dab-
J proved
Hpeilsl to the Evening Record.
ru:an. Mich.. May 21 -Mrs. Dan
iel KisiiHin returned :T<»ni an extende l vkdt in Kalamarca) a.nd Virk*J>urg^
and other southern ulsres last week.’
l^e last n imber «»n the ^loetme
cwr:e will le given tonight by G, C.
Hosg Mr. Hoag t*,^r«roaimended very
highly and a large crowd is expected
to hear him
on the subject,
Scnxtwr Croprey of Vieksburg visit
ed at the heme ol Darnel FiAuklin for
a lew dsvs laM va«k.
The 8hi:.-nnn cixamerv In rjaniu*.;
Mr.v. C. C (Temens i« visiting al the
he-ire »•: her paivuL^,. Mr and M'«. EGllLert. cf this place.
Mn. Martha Clark la very HI at
prctcah. much worm' than (or some
Item past. Dr. litioUey was cail^ to
attend tar Ix't Frids/ Dom Mamon.
TiKf Junior l a-kei ball team play
agalim M:;ntcn a wi^«k from Friday
al Mantoa.
^Mir. E. Cu k r IcR thl^i boon cm a
buslnesx trio to Benzoatn.
Mr. Boer. trtvxUp* aalaatBan for
CMrl Koocf 4 Co,. Gimod lUpIda. ra
ite tovp fast wc-ek oo hla laat trip ^
I Mr. and Mrs. D. U Bone ar« Om
prond pareara of a Uby boy. bom
May U.
Bar. Dpham aad teUJy of A'qpdfr
hit* anUM! ItH UtoraOay orppBig
Rev. rfdULm baa accepted tbe charge
Th*> ftiui ial wan held from the home
A fi'^hing juirty .c*»tt.;uting *,f E liar*
alter pitching j|
vev Wild' of (Tilear* John R Saalo
Uf Trr.vurs.. Ci‘>. Jerry Sdllvaa of
seveia! had gaiiios. and was imniedi ’Ls
Plsltc c«*m«*tr>ry.
Ilv wa.s rekas»-d i|
two jjtasoiu. is likely to bectvmea star. 11
I'latte township,
the aiiipuiatloii of one of h.r tirabs
as t,i leiuin ti» h-
Mu- C. F. Waikei of i;
was iu ipwa Sunday,
Mr. aud Mrs, F«ed tt.un
Glen Havorti vlsiuwl SnudaBeuneit s parent« here.
Jerry Sullhao of CVslar. John
Santo of Travena aty and H L N
box ear for
The car was fliicd out with bedsw
•love, table, chairs, all kinds of eat
aid* -. tlah
kind carrk'<! in a Jug down to the ham
Idc angle
woitn In grc;at
Will Dallcy accompanied the lariy as
do I take Cardui”? writes Mrs. i
Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W. |
Va. “Because, after suffering ^ i
for several yws with female f
trouble, and trying different doc- a
tors and medicines without obtaining relief. I at last f
foundi in Wine of Cardui, a goiden medicine for all my ;•
ijis, ?nd can recommend it above all others for female f
Cardui furnishes safe relief for tackacbe, headache,.
perioJical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata-.
menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women
suffer. A pCTfect tonic for delicate women. A pure ‘
vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subjectlo the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited
over a miliion who used to suffer as you do.
At every drug store. In |i,oo bottles.
BCNT-BMt oCte rooms to toe
cMy; aewty ftatoM
bofitod; bol oMl fioM wmtor; best
dfigrUckt iwoM to cMy- Over fflnt
office. Rent tow.
WANTBO Every tody to Traverse
€t ibe asbtliME of tkt Anmy
emme mmOl tbm var «rm« well
Th<» elHvelaia of tli€ real
was rrmmktte May. a MotMlat
tbr. vho realotM lUs rlwnr at
UM> am call to arm aa4 auurM to
file fpoat. There were three Maya iw
ihe reftiiaeat. brolhers- two captalas
the cha|>lah4 tcir war hloof
tieraicd to ma la their relaa. Three
Maya did 1 my* roar, for there was
the captala s wile, and ao plackSer
patriot senred the
cause thaa
the wuBiaa who lulk>wc<l him to camp,
first at Arilnatoo aad Alexaadiia and
them to a point near Mooat Veraoa.
which wan kmpwn as Camp MIchls a
She brottfihl with her their two daach
term. JtMM>phiae. ased tbtrtoea. aad
Wla. perhaps five years younjcer.
oee spritMt day at Ounp Mlrhlaan
Hew WOMB ML. Tmtctk CHj
—It hapis^ed to be April 13. the first
aanlrersarr of the fall of Sumpter—
the little yirls wiw wUd-Oower jpithei^
ina Their bands were flllod when
they came across a grave—a rough
unmarked mouiul that had closed In
e ver aome Norlbera boy for whom
taps had sounded that first twelve-
R. Santo
Cenenl Insojraiice
T^irt Titsuranct
" *Oh. let’s Jjut our flowers on this
grave/ crtwl Josephine. He in a sol
dlcr hoy.;
•la a trire the two were dtiwn on
Ihrlr^ kne^ heaping nosegays over
that bare hllh»ck and clasping their
hands In delight at their happy con
trlvaace. They must have had la mind
the nine acts of remrjnbrmnce they
had men at (he gravesides in Uit
grafs-gmwn cemetery at honje.
8ha|^ ■ W«( Froot Stiaet
-On Uielr way home the little ones
j.lanmNi to go next day.,gather arm
ful.s of flowerh and put them on all thegraves. When they w€»rv about to liet
out on the morrow, Josephine toM
Mt^May of their proh-ct. and Ih.
swei^^ (houghtfuliu-ss of this child
fsney apiM'aW-4oaiM»^
woman as
It only couldhave appcHtled to a moth
Best early varieties.
er who knew a hospital camp at flr.-,i
band and had folded the hands u*T
more than one young fellow in his last
steep. With her companion. Mrs.
Kvana. a young Red Crom nurse. Mis.
May jolniHl the children in gathering
flowers, and together they placed the
blossoms on thirteen giaves—all that
they found, union and confiMlerate
alike, among the thousands that later
were to rt^st at Arlington and along
the shor»ti of the l‘otomac.
-The next year they did the same
UBM A»rU l.im
•lUMlMwOwifwOWy— lon^wt
thing, and the next, each time in May
rCMomDMM.fM.e».Of»a KmM. and now for the wiMlens who fell at
1^ ^ ^
Sccood-hand Bicycles
Frank Beardsley's
Tomato and
Cabbaje Plants
•asm Hwl^awOpwaaMMsik
•nvml Unr Llih and Mads H«r WML
How many Urea of beauUful young
girls hare been ancrificed lust as they
were ripening into womanhood I How
many irregularities or dUplacrmenU
-In IfiCt Gan. John A. Uvan lanwd
that famoasoidmoflUiins aoramder ln<hl«f M the C. A. H. whkh act
w Memorial Day-a
dale chosen tote In the apriag to nriter
lo give the
I nalcns his army and himself
ifinnk crery
shoMd be extermtosted? Who took
ths gattaat Army of Northmw Vir
•hiCTi offlcUl rocognlUoa was
lU Siala by the threat to that wildcrneM
observance by congress. Since thaa aad never rsieaacd hta grasp uatil k
many of the aUtes hare made the day died at AppomaUox? Who is this but
a legal holiday.
Grant, the man who wonM not be dc^
•^orc baa been tome oohlrmrersy bM! . Ah, these men who* wore
here aad there as to what sonxcc to blue, yea, the fanlight shall kiss i
auribute the honor of auggcatlng a and the ages shsU bless them while
docoraUon day. 0<m. Chipama atlrib- their souls still go marching ak>i
yted it to a Ctnelnaati soldier whose ArchbUhop Brady.
letter coBcerstog such a cu
Germany ha laid, before Oen
Gen. John R. Murray, oa the other
band, has adranrod the
celebration held at Waiettown, N. Y.. C*beervd when the abools of victory
May 27. IkCC. Certain it Is that Gen Spurred oa the flight of ihv enemy.
l.iogan often referred to his Aral dec
oration day order as the •prpudcil act
nf hU life/ and the year U warn Isau
the first great ohsenranoe was held
Arlington cemetery* with Gen. Ai^ur
as the orator of the day. It Is equally
ccrUin that further to the south, a
few years bcfkirc. those tsro little
giris bid begun the
lion of grmvcB In a Kraall way that as
wriatnly developcil into the natioaat
U far hs 1 know no
ix^cognlilon baa--4»n paid to its giri
ish origihat
-Of the four persons who di'cked
those fltwt graies In 1862. not one sur
iJnk* Jo»*cphUie May died In
/Ivea. IJ
1872. ten yrers to a day from that of
the first decoration, nefore the death
of Mra. Evans, in IKK?.. Crocker Post
vf IVs Moines, la., gave to her recog
nllion for the part she playtsl; am'
also to Ella Way. mho. shen she died
last )var in the state of Washington
was accurdotl miliUrj honors by thi
(S. A. R. and lowered to her gravv
wrapped Ip the American flag. Olive
May. the actress, now playing in “Arl
*ona" tn England, is a cousin.
-Chaplain May. his wife Marcia, and
their two daughters lie buried ir
Home. Kalamartx). Mich
With the 1 xrepllon of one year, the
chatdain's family remained with him
throngboul the war. Mrs. May wa-^
called ‘an angel of merry from Go<i
for her work at Alexandria. I recaU
'circumstances when she morally alolc
dying men and smuggled them into
the city hospitals that she might rain
later to thedr wants. She had of course
the cponivnnre' of the surgeons—It
was either that or leave them to die of
negU'cl and lack of nursing, for in
liose first months of the war every
blng was ‘riHl Upc/
-LMer oa she had a chance to serve
her country- as well as humanity. She
was at Alexandria In the spring of *«,
when Ls'c began a series of
ts. and no plan could be hit
Or fighting sternly, with fares grim.
Their eyes to the fot'^tnd tenneatrun
Mid cannon s roar and musket s era
In slow defeat their lines fall* back.
LfWTtog ^behind Ibi ra the dying and
Thoae humble heroes wbo nobly bb^
Tb save a nation and free the slave
On the altar of freedom their live**,
th^ gave.
Fi^ of fcMure and strong of frame,
I city her thousands
In the flower of youth, at their coun
try's call.
To conquer or die that reiK-lllon fall
In the smlllna iwuth-land. far away
From thrir boyhood » home, they sleep
Where the night-winds steal with sen
Unci tread
Oer the silent bivouac of the dead.
But peace has come; the yeara have
While the march of progress, with
steady tread.
Has carried us up to a higher plane.
rram the slough of hatred and strife
and pain.
The Kortb and the South have seen
their sons.
Shoulder to shoulder wUh leveled
In another clime, on a foreign strand
Fighting the causc^of another Und.
City to rend cmr nd wn Thursday.
May 24. ;. W. MIMkna.
I of the mda into ton pre
nrial dtolecia.
A school fm trmtotog aenrmiU to to
FOR RENT-Ten^wom honnn^ IM N..
be estaMtohed to Hamhwg. U will
Sprnce BU pboM MC • tofiy 14t
with cxtoitoc schools,
which proridn tratetog to domestic
ackmce fbr.glrto of wMHodo tomlllea
with the staUstIcni mania
has figured that $23.«NI.M0 to spent on
cabs la London each year. He farther
figures that over l7.0fifi.0M of this WANTED—A tailor to do general re PASTURE^Havc 9 neren good pnature; will take ( or t cows at €0c
amount to for tips aad overchargea.
pair work. Hamilton aotiitog Co.
per week. C. R. Docknrmy. 433 Sixth
The Btobqp of London recently mp^
may 21
may 21 2t
pented to n Bonrnemouto am
sell their motor ears, golf ci
WANTED^At once, two trick
LOfiT—Hand bag containing gtoasen
aad apply the proceeds to the
also two brick wbeeleni. Apply at
and sum of money. Ftoder ^ve at
a debt of toe anal Loodoi
once. Traverse City Brick Co.. Key
Rneord office.
In China nfl frulta are pftekad green
may 21 3t
and Hj>eoed off the ptoni. aa toe Chi
nene farmer to either too anxions to
WANTED—Young farmer wants noat
sell hia crop or loo much afraid of
housekeeper. Address X \\ care
rers Opera
to wait unUl the fruit is prop^
R. r. D. Na €.
may H 12t*
erty ripened.
1>0C are swwfer and t
thin the giri* of war limes. The upder at 603 West Seventh street CIL
Uh^ate girl* all lake Hu'.U*U r*s Rocky
phone 794
may 9-lmo
Mountain Tea. Si cent*, ton or lab GIRL WANTED-For general h<
ku. Johnson Drug Co.
work. Mrs. W. P. Crolaer.
Boardman avenue.
MONEY TO t.OAM-No tox ctoUM
Memorial Osy. May SO. ItOfi. put lu mortgafiuu. Houauu tor unto.
Headquarters McHheiwoii Post.
WANTED—Four heavy teams to draw
Inquire of B. McNnmnra^ Pnrfc
Ko. 18. G. A. R
lumber; good wages; write or phone
Place botfiL
Of the grest h<»l that forty-five
Carp Lake Lumber Co., Btogham.
years ago responded to the call of
apr 23 tf RALMISTRY-Omralt MadnmnHtoea.
-Father Abraham” two thirds have
Remember toe ffiture lieu to ym
pass'd over the dark river, mhlle
third is alii I left to ke^-p alive the
sacred memories of their comrades.
Every veteran throughout the re FOR SALE-Horms at the Shilson
gion Is expcctcMl to >oln with his com
house barn. Dan Creveling. U4
Hide* In the parade, the devotional ex
Washington. CU. 705.
apr 27-tf
errlse* and the placing of flags and
flomers «»ver the green mounds where FOR SALE-Sunumr cottage and lot
If so, I have toe following for uale.
n-Hts the form of ci.mrades whose dr
at Birchwood. inquire Angus Ma bargains, every one of tonus.
votioii to <liity havt* brought the bless
ONE HOUSE on Wftrt Eleventh 8t
lug of jM-aix- and enduring repul>llc.
Would make a aloe homa
A rperial invitation is extendeii FOR SALE CHEA
Woman R Relief Corps. S<ms of eVier
glnc, 8 horse power. 1 single work
TlfREE HOUSES on Bnat*Tnn(h 8L
ans. SpanUh war veurans, the pupils
harness. 1 sail boat A. W. Rickerd. Nicely looated.
of the public achoola and all loyal cUI
321 Bay itreet
zens to yoln In this tribute of a na
April 2Mma
tlon’a love.
Sunday. May 27. Is Memorial Sun
, bar room, fixdayr Post will aaaembic at the hall
at 12:30 and attend divine service to
bla. A. Hebert
80 ACRES CUT OVER bardwoQd .
a body at church corner of Cass and
land, level as a floor, 2% miles from
Eighth streets. All auxiliary and kin FOR SALE—No. 4 Smith
town Of 500.
fired societies are invitee] to join with
typewriter, almost new. W. E. WillANOTHER 40 ACRES cut over.
toms Ca
mar 21^
Best kind of poUlo land, only two
F. D- Marv in. Commander.
By Allan F. Little. Adjutant.
FOR 8ALE~l,adlo«’ library projK-rty mUcs from market and P^frtly ievoL
may M6 23
on Front street; 51-foot front; terms
SaUsfacfory terms will
reasonable. Inquire of Mr*. C. J. any who wish to buy. Would accept
8HAI» TREES sold, gat
may Ftf city property In exchange for landcleaned and ploughed. H. J. Boyd,
rahka that fought drayman; office Saxtons bardwai
135 E Ninth 8t^
Cli. phone M3.
apr U-tl
—The greatest egg machine. Eggs
missed, so tru
Phone 1088.
„ Traverse City,
heath the sun and
apr 23 tf
I had the highest scoring pen of any
variety to the recent poultry show.
Soon all must pass to the other shore GraysvUlc. Mo., -three of my custom
Special prices on lou of 50 and 100.
They will answer, -here** to their ers were permanently cured of con
W. U. Umlor. 408 Fifth St.
sumption by Dr. King’s New Discovery,
names no more.
may 5-2 mo At my farm one mile fiouth of
and are well and strong today. One
Vitl thev meet again In the grand
GFawrn; (rood, m^id, 10 bar, 4-foot
was trying to sell bis property and
move to Arizona, but after using New FOR SALE—White Wyandottes. Dn^ wirefen<rmgst30cperiod. 1 alto
cloaa bog
And a happier world their youth n- Discovery a short Umo he found It untiaa strain, prize wtoneru,. fifteen have a Rood,
nr^^ssary to do so. I regsrd Dr.
eggs for 12.00. R. C. Br. Leghorns, fence at Ste per rod. Poultry netKing’s New Discovery aa. the moat
r It visit the*wounded and dying
ting at the loweat prioea. Also
wonderful medicine to
eggs fifteen for |1.5«. J: W.
confederates. As she cared for them And we. wbo remain, the charge t
bittb wire feoofi. J. W. 8kter.
she gained hrhat she could of Lee'
mar Z2-3m
movements and plans. With the sane- While honor Is bright nor conscience
thm and promised aid of friends at
and II. Trial bottle Ific.
$75 CASH will ^ lot no. Hannah
blessings they won at so great a
Washington and Alexandria she then
50x1 CS
went to the Mansion House hosplUl
Ignoring the union men and offering Our union and freedom, shall ne’er be
" .
sympathy to the prisoners. The next
And now, as they
street today.
Those thin, weak
the gray.
Many the form we
At rest In his lent
the dew.
marched down the
Order your
Notice of Meeting of the Boani of
Review and fqnalizatioo.
New Stock
Fishing Tackle
Enough Sain
Baie Ball
day she went again with comforts
which won them over, so that in a few
daifs she Iteeame their confidant
-She gained not only definite knowl
edge t»f Lpce’s past_movements. but a
clue to the future—of his proposed adance on Fpirfax, -Alexandria and
Washington. She even scenred flares
of the supposed strength >of his com
A mother should come to her^lWs mand and the propoaed points of aiaki at Uds criUcal time and remember
Uck. These facts she related to Sets
reUry Sunton and accompanied him
the coming Miaaire and start thU try. to President Lincoln. The president
Jiftened with interest Soon after be
made a tour with his cabinet of the lo
ns referred to, and fovfid them
hut lightly fortified. They were at
reinforced. VThm, at tlm exact
day and points anticipated. Led made
hb Attack, they were not aniprtoed.
-Mrs. May’s serrloes were grmtffi
tons, aad althongh ahe reoetred perI thanks from those high to anthortty. It waarittt wish th receire no
public mention in this matter.**—De
troit FYec Press,
; aud
Central LcaRues.
C:: I
•will pot her ow the right road to a
And know, that so long as freemen
Their duty above the price of gold.
The temple of freedom secure shall
And peace smile o’er a happy*land.
—Arlington Sf>eer
Men and Women wbo eat fat meats
und drink strong eoffee usually have
coarse, fiorid skins. Hollister’s Rocky
Mountain Tea makes jrour akin soft
and fair. SS cents, tea or tahleu.
Johnson Drug Co.
Peru has Icm than aeren persons to
the square mile.
Whitney, the hirentor of the cotton
rto. dM not make a cent out of his
Notice is hereby given that the $125 CASH will buy lot 188. Hannah
Board of Review and Equalisation of
avenue. Oak HdghU suburb. 5fixl65
the city of Traverse aty will meet on
feet, if sold before Jong 1st Apply
Monday. May 2*. 1M6. at the council
to Thos. T. Bateu..
M^y 5 U
rooms to said city of Traverse City, at
9 o’clock in the forenoom and continue
Ion aj least four days, or xs
street. Oak HeighU suburb, 50x165
much longer aw may be necessary to
feet. If sold before June IsL Apply
complete the equalisation and re^ lew
to Thoe. T. Bates.
may M
of the assessment rolls of said city
Any person or persons desiring to do $2S0 CASH srfll boy a % acre lot to
may examine his, her or their aaBirchwood suburb. IfiO feet frooUng
sment on said rolls and show
upon Bast bay, 312 feet on Brosch
cause, if any exlsU. why the valuation
street. If aoM by JuBfi tot Apply to
thereof should be changed.
Tboa. T. Baton.
may 54f
Dated thU 18th day of May. IfiM.
FOR SALE-Severml hooees or wfll
Oerk of the Board of Review and| reaL Howard Whittog.
^aay StI
may 19 71
FOR SALE-Hlgh«rnde todSea* wheel.
may S4f
4h Monroe atrecL
Reymilds and BofOrd. holds the Haea
at Getlyshurg with Iron grekp. I see
Between MM) hud MO British towns
and riUsces have nameaakes to the
Vnlted States.
A gov'crnmeot expert eatimste* «»4l
the expeodlmre for advertising in l»ir,
maffkrt in tl>e
FOR SALE-Typewriter. No. C Rem
tagton; good condition.
Record office.
Unloa street to the
street and UbIob street taom toe north
’ lot 1 of block 5. to Hannah. Lay
•s fifth subdtnskm of Traverae
Ctty. to toe north end of South Union
street hrtdge. are now in axy hands for $290 CASH will buy loto 182. 1S3 and
the eolls^ of toe fifth tostallmenL
U4. Romi atreoL Oak Helshto Mb.
togetocr urith toe neerned totercut on
nrh; UO feet on Roaa
Roesi IK
IM fatten
feat on
all nnpaM tostaltoMnU, toe name to
hetors the fint day of Jw
Ormm. m feet on to# altor. ff aoid
bMare June IsL This la a si«at
^ figt fwt stmt
Wepfimtor pspor mnr
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.