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The Evening Record, April 26, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
^ overcoat, i
To feel that you are reall^ell dretaed;
To feel that you have been treated well and al-
SfMlBf BMorA.
rnMim»K April W-BUrty
I pmtam kMf kfti th» citr.
BMlarrd U> W an wronwr
am aeeonni oC tbr IlmUad fa
TWa la a ararcily of labor
A. H. WAtH»trtl»roirMAAtHALL
vltb all aorta of dabria and tbi* authorIttda daeidad ibat Ibr work of rcator^
laf ordar soai not lag on aerount of
ibalarkflf batp.
tWw arr blata af pmft and rawlal
Uii aawi# tha Mrinaa tntrutad wiib
tbd laak or djrMftitiac tba mgafe
tngia and btrildfafi. la ooa IbfiaMw. Bid af Lalhar A Irwd.^ Waa Acaptad
K f|
A dalasi or nttHaag. not
far tha Addition to the Oak Park
ooBMMMiM by onoarr. aougbt to blow
ap ^ gMl naua 8pr«M-kle. building
for tha Coming Year.
vbM MpafU. M ta aald. bad daeMad
Iba atnirtora waa aot abMfr. CitUaor
ofwTnHrrrad tba martnra and larond
Vt thn-rrcular meeting of ibe hoard
t»><i t» fwawrc ibadynMaita
mtocatlon last arming much buri
w of a rlial nature for.cbU Hty waa
eamaad apd-aftny impo^iBt rbangaa
ach»nlnl*nl *-apmlall,r In lh.‘ ln<M.mlng
at tbr tc^brri for Ibr hril year. Among
tbeag Important rhangt^u Im- Inaugiitba dlalac otatloa and frd tbU mom ntad tn the rJty arhiadiT nic coming
y*«r. will Im ih*- addition or two more
fiva rrerjr «ma a Inncb laukat. An weeki. tn ih*» nine monfhH »m li.a.i y»wr.
odber irala with 17« aiTlritd at llu* ranking tblrt.v-.*lgbt wt-eki. acUia.l In
OaloB atatlon Uirr. IlrtwkTaai and at<^ of a ll.ltiy-ali wt^ k K-rm. The
■Iftilar arrangammu wrr«* mad#- for rraignalloii 4,f Prof U. U N}v. prlnripal cif ttm High acbmd. waa ac4-*pu-d
nml Ike apjMdnimrnt of Prof. A. II
rbargr of flo|H'Hol<*ndrai Klngmb^ of. Waahbmti. primipal of the klar^liaU
‘ lllgbi arbuil. accepted The |lu«» lalac
Iba rrllrf and aid aorWy
wblrb the board of i^ucaiUm reeom ’
No Campawlao WHI Fatf.
Toronto. April
Fir*- Inatiranra no-oded to I be n-guUr $l.*«iO MUry of |
Mr. Nyr waa n..t a<v«*pted |.y the |al-'
tcr. b«-nce kla n-aignatiun. No naorr!
larpoUr Imliuctoi haa i\.r *»ccuplcMl
the prlncIpalKhlp than IW H U Nye
and bla n- Ignat Ion, after four year-j
work, will U'.uuivehgtUy r*^reitt-d. the’
lept of the High
boys btdng most poignant, as thtir!
bUMIata bring rar*.pi«|.
airo cnaiiiaatas ^4aim>|Jtf>.ono.AOa wl prtucipal always Ibelr Ideal of all a |
(Conilnm-d on Third I»ags.)
pSy all tbdy arr llabbIdpa rompanloi bav<» fto.fitHi.ooo of i
tp pay and not a aingl*- c^.miainy will
fan. Tbr OanadUn cooi|iaiile« <ma pay
Iba loaaoa with wim-
Negotiated 100 Ya
and 220 Yards
Track Waa Rathsr Rough.
C. «. WILLIR WAS witty
Mami Waa Wall
;Woro Abiy Ohra^ Mi»ical Nw»^ ban EaoollaM/and Everytnint
Waa Cajoyabit.'
^laBSbBl bSssnM or iba Maa'a
«lab If OtSdb eSurrb waa bald laai
•nbatop ta Potman baO and waa a
»dry aniaysMi^ malok Tba dnb
WM annii^ IBWlad Ua ladlaa and
and f« n to ibe Boor of tbe bnrw
Ing afructiire. Mra, Bndgal/ was look
lug out of the kitchen window. She
know that Mr. Badgely wn
Waa One af tfic Beat Known Cltirrn. the Imm but when she mw the fla
(ContlnucHi on PtottrUi rage.)
af Traverse City—Member of the
Elks and-the KnighU Templar.
End Waa Peaceful.
At ti-n.nilimn-. to 2 ticlock
afifmoon, Ric^rd W. Rpund. one ul
beat known Trav<*riiC City critlteiis.
nliico February Iasi, ihc end mas
gmiK^ tellrf to Ibe weary body. A
hU Imdsldc were his ehlldren and hi
wife and the m-wN that hi» spirit bad
lUiwmd caused nlncere murow Ihrougl.
out the city.
I.a«t February Mr. Round was
Mrlrcken with paralysis Ills boily
wm stmng t.ut y. am of lull had ttdd
and IwildUounly pud .llenily tin- dl.
ease gained the mastery uniII aUiut
week ago h<- was coroiH-lleu ui take
to bis b**d. All day fotlay it wan known
that It was but a nmiier of time until
the spirit would IH* released.
Richard Round has, Un-n a
I bavo mmb- Renoroua aeloctiooa of aint^le pattern movcities for iprini; and anmtiiBr
wenr. and aball oateem it A
favor to have the public call
and examine the new tiffecta
in Woolena.
Our Oxfords are built on
ipecial laaU ami pattema in
inch a manner that they
work in perfect harmony
with the foot, ht anog nod
easy around the ankles, do
not mb at the heela, do not
gap at the aides and do not
cramp the toja aa moat Oxfonlg d».
The vari«4y -of
Ilvlt* ninl pricN S is ho groat
that we know jou cin find
juat what you want here.
Come Ih and
look ihcm over
Flooring, Siding, Ceiling. Stair Work. Mouldingi.
ctc„ made from selected woods.
Abstracts of Title
BAtabiisbod fans
Room 210 etato Bonk DnlldlaS
Let US have your business.
On. IMJW a
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
. ..
Richarrf W. Round.
acoi cltircn of Travenss- City for mauy
yearn. JU- wavalUc to iho N-st Int*^esu of fhe town ami w-rved for two
icrma on ib*» board of education, 4^cslgnlug to take a fhii on the cvMnril
where ttr acrviHl tor about fbo some
lime He was au authonitry on
and bU foundry was urn- *4 the best
known in The north.
Richard W Rmind was <if sturdy
Brhish stock. /He waa bom May I.
Ikll. in lUnnlngbam. near London,
was the Bomof Daniel and Re
-a t Ward I Rmmd. rmll he was
(Contlnoed «.n Ptmrth l^e.)
Wck Winnie dereai.H! WlllUm b
ocld laat erenlng In a loot race al t
driting park, ienuld. whtia<- bMue
In Tbompsonwille. claimed tbe ebam
pkmabip of Ileurb- cuoiy
match waa for t
that and Orand Traverse eounty.
There waa a iood crowd la auendaacr
and tw» ereou were run. Tbe Brsi
a ItKkyard dash and Winnie aago
lialed the Aiaianee in 11 keeoods. bm% ing Mraold nbooi lour yards to the
Tbe aeooad waa over 220 yards
and Winnie did this in » neconds.
again hartog n good lead on Menold
nnl« nude bis starts In n rroorh
George McDonaltTa Family Nad Nar.
and Menold stood and in tjjls manner
a Eacapa—Oliver Houglkoi
Winnie bad a aftgbl advantage. Tbe
Bar- Burned to the Oraimd.
track was very rough and not la good
business principle that if you "buy
^hi^Vpn«To life QUA^
HumbUMTs barn, aotrtbwMt
■m struck. aaC aSra aad to-
Co.’. “BEST ” Feed. Bran.
Middlings. Corn and Oats. Qual
ity and prices are always right.
■ '
Hannah & Lay Co.
li i it
M£9fs Ckiroam MDis
KIngalcy. Mich, April K.-Durlng
* atnrm last nlgbt amM«v McDonkagu. April K.~Wbaat-€toae aid a rmrldmmr wwa struck by light
tba plaatcring torn Ioobsi tbe
May. 7f %c; eora, 4^%e; oala. «%c.
ta sad llBolcam tom np from the
netfolt. April BE^WlMMt^No. 2
BPd oUmw damage dona. Tbe bolt
red. SSc: com. SSe; oata.
d oat (be rear door, which waa
union stust
SfRCE LAST FEBRUARY r***““*‘”**“**^~*‘‘®'"
Ttadgely wia abocked Into unconac
what we aim to furnish to every customer.
We are sole agents for L. Adler. Bros. & Co.’s
choice cooceptions in sprio^r attire.
C:lk laat arming Ur, Bl
aianding on tbe Bnor of bit
tuim attending to tbe atoek. Tbr
lightning evldrmily .truck In tbe bay
- .. Vi
&ven fifey to twent>'-two dollars.
Fiftycentstotsroddlais '
We show in the cut
one of our s^aight front
Varsity Suits.
If you want to see hpw
the back looks, come in
any day and we’ll show
Hamilton ClotMag Co.
^ 111 * * *^«*M t If ^
Bunniit cnr i
Am mm Am mmm
*‘*****si^S«sIl B«es t* l!Sf
CAN 6M fkwT.
> af Mr. aaf Mra. .Ab«
You may not have
en«tich business to
^book in the nimplMt,
.. .aont trntomntio wj to
tbk record in yonr bank
book; tha bank dora the
^ meal oonnantet way
-Now ®v®tpaim la CfiMfisfala IS turn
tag tk®lr attaatloa ta paring tor the
saff®rtag. Tkm® wfll b® Ifijm fliwil
tat® pogpto la Btouktaa by this amrm
tin. aaA cmiMlarn ar® goUg froai
dOBr to door asklag tor krsad to food
tb® mrttrng podpld- n Is umm far
me to wHt® amrt. Ton know more to
a gaaakgt way Ikan I do. and If yon
will. Just pal n ua® in tk® Roeord ntniIng w® ar® sdaad aad well. Our ad
dress Is Btookton. Oak
n aMr .a maa oa tk® boat gmt said.
Tsotorday 1 was worth t)Mj»fifi.fid:
today I cannot bay a loaf of krsad.- I
kkd some TlfiJM gaM pioona la mf
elotkes and IHt Tick oat® tossy Tito
1 ron Beds, i:• The cheapest, cleanest, most convenient
and durable 6cd sold today is the iron bed.
the BIGGEST Assortment
ever shown jn the ciiy is now on exhibilion on our sa^cs lU>ors. AU ihe laieu ^
%iyU% mntl c Joix in aU j^rades bran,
bronte. dead bUck and eveiything in Unis.
■E » o y l*ayrrsm-iiM.
We have a steel cast-
•ataaa I
ik>t tkty lira iif« ikd I
ikay w®fo la naa fraael
tt !• I* h« ntN»M tM B. L. Mr*
to *»« -P W* PortUW »
follow It. Mr. sad Mra. long
Travanc a«r. Mr. Mr»
Ml k«a ffoaaily lo locat® la
frtaa»al <« aar Ulfk •*!>«»' lor »«» _
wala aad tk®lr auuiy fr
raan u4 Baa a»»«a mk •«>Hla4t k®ra wm rmnr mptk woryWd «ai
fla la a aaa n( aM'Mr tag ik*W aafmy. Tk® roflowlaa l#t®r
Mi« kaa a (MaMr af aaJaUlala^ ifca frooi Mr. Loasikor® wm rao®l®®a Ittt
iMjaiM aa4 maWrana ^ tl* a<a4*ai«.
ac hy a frt®ad on tk® R®cord
aa «« aa aacarlac aa°« taanlt.
**W® war® la tka aartkqaak® la ffan
PraadMo on tka aMwalag of tk® Itth
loiiitl-rt kit ««rk to k etruii «xi
sad It wat aa atpartaabt a®r®r to b®
«y o«orol to kaiwpo bta •Iw I
forsoltaa. It kippaacd ai.Juti 6:14
Mfmr, *r Hr. JM »ot ^
a ». and tka ffrM tktaf I kaari Wa«
pirtelMii m4 tkonfor.
Mra. Loaetbor® acraamlng. 1 ju
out of bad but wat okibl® to atoMl nr
9iMt to wriMi wtet
Th®-iactur®a w®r® tklllns Iroai th^
t|» prfadpoJ ol our
van aaff tka window clan vaa 1
trofU koi «• <lo M
tac In a tkontgad^lff®. and aU artl
tOMkm okokM k« woii potd. It u dka la tk® toon war® tutalag upakS
nimmiM to ko a foei Ik tkit eooatrr down aad tha pUttaHac oa tk® caillnt
wt fMBtac down. This all happaaad
I lata tbaa on® mlnnt®, prohtbl>
UOI ftBT «rkkt ikOf kfO <
boat 60 aaooodft.
1 flaw for th® ttract wUh Mr*,
, aT iacfcaakii. A oagahor® aad p®opl® war® pourtog
laa hit llfr lo B;« oat of th® «ala In a «iraam. In two
arOr Mnr Wmarif
pi® on tk® atr®®t. After th®
ao aM*. aaf wbaaa wait U ao» ao ral
1 had lookasl
«Mkla ta Ua aertl aMataa. A p*r*o« ainaad a lUtl®. I r®ail»®d that a few
«ba d#»«ea hla aaiHai«raan la Intel
b® a nic® thins, no I ran
laalaal lralala( tor ika aarpoae ol turad back Into tha boa*® and grabbed
atataa Inatmetloa to othara. a*an«lai
wearing apparal and a»d® a
that ba U eai»«., aboaU offtalalj other niiJ for lb® *tr®®l.
raaalT* aanMaai aalair lo aoaaaaaaale
Maa for kU llaw.
•*ln«ld® of thirty mlmitr* tharc wc
^ yro 4*paaa apoa Iba leackert to In flra* starUng In every diraeiioa. V
Mmt oor raaat *nf •• iIi«p
than want tmek In*ld® ami nu* on
tk« ba»0~ of Ufa, and Urt raloe of 4alLjWjlt
and inok whnt r
tbia aroii cannot b* aatlawted. U l> Irla* wa could carry rarlly. and ^art
triM. howerar. Ika. a pood Inatmco, »d to Iwiva ih® city, hni ibit wa*
la tBatnnnaaul la ahapinc Ika car ~ propoeltlon/ Thera wa* not a *lni
anfearonafln kU char** aad la olien
log and paop.r were payUg
napaaalbla for aneeaaaaa «ka. maVc 110.00 to get a trank hauled i
■aa proaparoua and'placa tkein In pn. where, only to lot® It In the end.
ahMa of Molloetloa and naaful
aurtad for the kill* where wc thougM
U U dlMeall lo aaaaanra Ika ralna of
wa would l>a Mif® from tha fire,
a taaeharla aarrkaa. bni that ibar ar and whan I rouW look l»ack and *oa
aadamaH la a deplorable fact.
th® deatmctlon that wa* going on. It
Ttararaa Cli/ krhoola bare prow wa* a atght beyond dav^lptlon to .ea
to aw* aa attant darini iba paai te» the flaaiea humtlng out of those
pnam that nwre la ra«utn>d front ihe fourtann-story bulldlns*. It »
prladpal of Ika Hl|k bcbool iban here Ilk® th® fir® liurst out of etarjr win
tofora, aad «a araal eipaei froai time dow ml one®.
to UaM lo Ikeinaa* bla eompan*
NIgM Under tash.
lo'omrdoDor vtib ih*
-Bvafyoo® kept telling a* th® fire
tlM of th® podrton. It mar b® that will navar gat l»e>xind *uch and such
tk® IIOM» ba>
r®t arr1r®d whrn thi. s •tn'ci. Ml w® stayed up on th® hill
cKj can afford to i-iy the
that for savaral houra, nntll w® could sa®
Ur. Ny® roquln*. and prrbapt
the flam®* almost surrounding n*.
board of adoealloB aclod wla®W In not Then w® began lo rsallza the bast
mlof b®yond the aaMhint tb®y had thlog wT could do wa* to get
where. fSo w® started to go
Ur. Ky® (a
itrTrtr where: w®
walking west
®me City and w® b®ll®ta.<li»tHV p®o aiskt. and came to a park. Th
pit of th® cornmnnlly aa wrtl at th® located under a bu.h and aat and
Ktu«®ota who bar® b<p®D MHd®r kU watched th® flam®* and th® moving
chars® will wUh him a aoai pro
masses until morning.
out and tuccrttful futarc.
Paid fv for Little Food.
•in lb® morning w® took up th® trail
again for -aomewhar®.’ and by noon
w® found ooraalTas out to Camp Prealdlo. Then I began to want aome^
thing to aaL I fonad a small grocery
and gave him |1 fOr a can of salmon
and on® of fruit. Thoa w® sat under a
tree and uiad to gat aim la rest. Th®
few hours wa spaai there are aerar to
be forgotten. To so® tka pmtple of all
classes coming,to tka camp^roondt la
a steady otraam. old aad youag. rtch
and poor, and so many, many little
sick and dastltmc and crying
tmHv a tMk-kttptr. bat cklldran.
for a bite to aat and a drink of water
vtrety roan has enough
Loot Poroonal Pfopefty.
buaineaa to k^p ac-I raallned that there was only on®
count of It. To be on thing to do and that was to gat away
the kkfe kidca keep a •o wa started out again and hy the
record of your business adddia of the tfiaraooa wa war® able
to get aboard cm® of th® goT®nim®n.
bank Boocmiil will fnrboata and got aerosa tb® bay. and lai®r
Biffhyouk Tocofd of yonr
la th® ®reataf gcK a train to Stockton.
Bo w® ar® bar® sif® aiM sound, and I
do aoiihlnk tkt anssinar would both®r
Fabing Tackla
The firot of May wOl
MOB be here and yoQ will
want to sort np yonr oM
outfit or irorchaae a new
one. In either cnae we
can fix yon up right and
save you some moa^.
Our stock is new and we
hnve everything you will
need in the fiAing tackle
Come in and see the
liooal ensthig fine
and the famous Pennell.
They win look good to
tlon* worked out Histsry Dfvialon Has Chargt af Msat
I,- logatbcr with
rtkepMy.nppoals Th® foltofrtnfl Is th® progTsm for the
low—youi.g Wonist^s club fomorrow sfternoon. th®
try folk.- If history division in charge,
l.ctdcr. Mr*, n. ft. Wilson.
is a pMia sipry of plala people »rt heFtr»t piper. “PTtJblcra of Pear®.**
for® ikrm. tk® hUs® dty man il*
taken back to ^® tisse when, with Mrs. n 8 Wilson.
roTtaatlon of Oor®rnm®nt, Mr*. J.
stoaeinralsod feet be chased tk® but
terfly tkroagk the m^w. WUkal
rerr^t Evcnfs.'Mr*. Oco. Hoyt.
the story of tk® play potais to a moral
Pimno sold. ffpsuTdlnts Prii^lrlrh.
that U applicable to aU mankind. This
R®ritajloe. I^h
1 1. oot knag out Ilk® a slgn^mai.
I uacxmsclottsly absorbed. *‘Wgy
East- Is a clean play mad a
some oa®. The clergy has aot
ted to ondors® It. It 1* a draaw
full of what Is tenaad heart Interest.
!ts .lory of wrong to a young and •. K. Walt A tons Buy Wadswo
Brou.* Chioo® Oircct From the
the retribution
which ovonakes the man who betrays
her by false marriage. U on® lo stir
the blood and thrill through the being.
Way Pown East- will be the attrac
tion at lb® Grand tonight
iroglB ®
Chico* so that w®
fiv® cents Birsigbt.
Th® Cbloo Is a fin®, rich animat ic
Mr. Maklnbrak®* had l»®®n Intro
a special selection of highdnc®d tn a polltlcsl r®l®brlty. snd ws* grade Havana
filler, and while it cost*
®*prs«rtng his sens® of lli® b«>nor.
US more than any oiher fiv® cent cigar
-I sm highly pIrossNl to m^-t .rou. In onr css®, yet w® are alwsy* glad io
Mr. Tagg.” h® saw. -Tb® moment f r®oomin#nd. It for w® know that a
MW you I rtcognliMl you mnu th® *mok®r wbo< bays a Chico will com.back lo our store for more.
®aricatnrr« 1 b*v® seen of you so often
The besi men in this city, the bank
.^tbat Is. of coum®—1 doo*t intend to era. lawyer*, the merchants, those who
convey th® Weu—or, rather—<b®y were ran afford u> spend ten. fifteen cents
meant tu b® raricaturt-a. you kimw. but or more for a clgsr pr«*f.*r i
account of their rniidness.
—a public tutu, as a matter of fact,
rani rsiwpe that *ort of thlug—eupe- true Hav
Hally when th® rraetnblatic® la so
striking that—that anybody esu see— paying a higher price
not that they looked like .von at all. poorer cigar?
y«i undenrtand—iHit these artist*, you
Try a Chico and vou will *rr»-e that
know, are so clever, that tbe*- can it Is th® best cigar fur th® money th.ni
make a hldeou* picture look Just Ilk® you hav® ever smoked.
yon. *nd^ml scari'cly aeeni to-ct^
ghseUsg Vmmm ih» Alpt, .s tkla.
ctisiigc yonr featun** a parilcl®. and
that ;* why—yon g.-* my meaning,
*n»e »jue>t f »r a ii.-»rnl !h
am sure -In short, to sum It all up In t<y a luutc llf^t of Nki in;; n«N i(ii-tit« In
-a nonl. rta I aakt before— at «lo you Ml® Atps hi Itself the cxcnlse c.in
lin;dly be iniiNldensI moi>* iH-tiloo-.
thiuk Is going to W tlw
Ilian skniins. tbuugb tli® pioiHuiu
ajitsIiMNi imVlea aiul IwUtiil u-imIoun
N lilglH-r. I.ut when M»® ski-®r skU
fnmi his Imse. .iml i«-iitur«-a
Borrowing carried to the limit wa*
upon nufanilhir grimnd. there arr
Illosiraled In an elevated train.
l®a«t llin^ ways In which rnlumlt.v
-Are you through with your |*aperr ngl.le to iH-f.in him. Oil a gUrier
aaked the man of th® iwsiwticer bmay bre;ik ilirougli the snow brlilp®
Whhli lie Is liy liig to shoid. and he
Tor th® present.**jni* the reply. *if hurled In s crevasse. On Ih® hlllsIUc
you want to Imctow it awhUa I doni b® may ski vlolnitl.v down a* stei-p
pis*-®, and. nnstde to arrest hi* |
mind tending It. *
end b.v skMng over a pre.-iplr®.
-Oh. no.- Mid th® fiiwt speak
most aBTwhi^. uiih-ss In- know* the
don't want your pa|»®r. 1 have
of my own. Tb® trouble I* I can’t sign*, hr m*.v ski tu the tracks of
aud le overwhelm*-.!.
rrod tbcui. I left my glasses at th® nvsiUuHhc
office, I thnaght maybe Tours might an'idcN of each of these serernl kiml*
dJMster have latHy Ihk-d prem-iiteil,
snir. If yotfro not gotog to us® them of
aud ®a*h of Mi® dlaasters itnivv
Just now would you mind letting
warning of which amateur *k
whose name now adays ia legion, would
Tb® sodsclty of th® request deprived do well to take u careful iml®.—1.011Ih® other man oTth®‘ power of ri^usal.
II® took off hi* gUsses and sat staring don llraphlc.
oot of tb® w Induw while hU n«4gbbor
read the ereutug ^pcr.—New York
I *re fn-tiuently
naked to Uk® nttmug® thlug* in ]*a\vu.
Tb® other day n UpHiorn pawnbroker
-Before w® wore marrlod lent flOO on a floe bora®, which one of
hi* daughter* rod® until It w:«* re
• to buy deemed. The aapte pawnbroker one®
my cnady myneir or f® wttboat.L Mra. took la pledge • iWKlInil cb«-*l of iiol
Grtmeo-'Tluit’a just the way with th® son* that were *troog enough to kill
tatm. Mra. Mann-Bnt. then. 1 don't laooo men- It was. however, a valufimind It. 1 Imy better candy than b® bl® deiKwll. a* some of the fioliona
ns®d iffbuy. and as It Is bis money, joat wen® very rare A Kenalngton tEng
land) pawnbroker aboot three weeks
tk® ssme as to tb® old day*, tb*
ggo lent a Siam of money on a number
of autograph* of dead ceW-briMe*.
-Why ar® you going atwut with
lantern aad a cynical *mll®r make
Mra. Bartlett, Cumberland. Wyo-.
tys: My oldei
arath* with a
tahy had the <croup. After trying
no milFHfiE HUM
Tears ago. whew Irlephou®* wi rc
still a noveltj, a farmer frwu tbc out
skirts of Msm beater. .\. lU »wm® to
town <»o® day and i-nlled uii a law>®r
friend of bit. now Vulleal fUal®* Hemtor Henry R Hnniham. whotu lie aiipplied with butler, and who had had a
felepboti® retvutly luH In his office.
-Need any butief' this murnlnff?ask«d th® farmer.
-Well. 1 don't knoTT.” *nawen-sl th®
Uwyer. -Walt a mluut®. I ll aak my
wife «lK>u! Ii."
ATter -peaking thruiigh th® ’phone,
he went on: ‘*N'o: my wife sat* uo.Tbe fsrnier’a face was a stod.v fur
• moment. Then b® hnA® ont with:
TtwVaher®. Mr. Ijiwyer. I may be a
•mil®' and have my whisker* full tlf
hay and hayseed, but I'm not such a
dann-d ftxil as to Ik-1 lev® that your
wife is In that bos.*’
An EngHshman. complimenting Amer
ican* on tbelr skill at postprandial or
atory. went on to discus* th® iiosslhlllty of boring an sudleoc®, H® mW th.
severest reproof for a tiore which be
that administered by
-snd while driving with
the great T*ll®yra
a friend who kepi telling him stories.
As they passed through the streets of
a continental town, which in those
day* weiv policed by inady sentrU-a.
they obsened on® sentry yawn at hi*
post, odd Talleyrand Mid to his frieml:
•Htmh! W# ar® overtirord.-
Bis Sale
‘ Udiet’’
Muslin Drawers
See the big display in wIndow--Lac®
trimmed, tucked and plain, at
2So por pair
The May lashions arc here,
HnU and
a free shed.
Ll Mhelm
Try Record Want Ads
Wall Paper '
For Every Rootti in the House
Parlor Papers 25c to $1.00.
• - '
Sitting Room Papers 10c to 50c.
Dining Room Papers 12c to 75c.
Bed Room Papers 5c to 50c
Library Papers 25c jto $1.00.
• ^
Hall Papers 15c to 50c.
'■% '
Bath Room Papers 10c to 5pc.
Kitchen Papers 5c to 15c.
Our Wall Paper Df^partment is one of the busiest spots in our mammoth store.
. Our stock is so large, the patterns so varied and the prices so
reasonable that f>eople are naturally attracted by these
• ‘
three Kreat forces. We aim to please every
class of purchasers, so wc have
‘ ; -v
> • -:
papers from 5 cents to
- /^
V ;
$1 a double roll.
^ *
It is a pleasure to show «»urbeWiful papers, offer suppestions; and wc hope to find
acustomer in eveo'looker because—
Electrini ARHaaces
Bvny nort yon’m apt to
be ^
J.B. PsKeBeetdeCo.
Paper Want Met Here.”
HaDDab & Lay Mercantile Compnay
W Hi)
182 c ■
18T 188
* ){ t;
LOT 230
,'■ •
IxMt 385. 836, 237 a> advertised arc now Mid
fi LOTI 120
LOT 214
ThcM are all early selections and are the
Hanilsoiimt Lots In Oak Haislits
the most chming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built over, and good lots are
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold sepa
rately, excepting 182,188,184, which must be sold togeth«. All must go for spot cash, and the prices
X/T^ >
The whole bunch of
if sold at one time and for cash down, would be
Ai live price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.
Ab One Acre Lot
in Mwood
Fronting East Bay 8 rods and running back 20 rods,
lew • atrip two rods wide on north aid« for atreet. A
very di^bl? lot in thia beautiful tubuiban apot.
^ ■
dilioaal hid of 0110 was suhmltt.
J. J. Bordea auhmltted a
bid of 0190 for work In palnUag and
rarnishlag. the bidder to furnish all
Iteg. ladders, etc, with the «z
1 of the paint, the bid being ex
ly for work.
1 motka of H. Moatagae the
lowoat bid for the Oak Park aaari
Lather 4 Irwia a. was aoropted. bondi
belag placed at 04.000. Upoa motion
of W. <k 0boie the bid of 0190 for
palnUng of J. J. Burden was also aeeepted and the board Instructed to
enter Into a contract.
Architect Moore aad George Lather
ITS preseat to represent the firm
which received the bid and tmmedUte.
ly aaer IU aeeptaaoc Mr. h
stated that In order to oompUte the
annex within any specified time before
fall term poaseasloo of
Ids was necesaary. O. G. Millar,
who represented the tximinltlee. did
col think they should have charge of
to leave lt.for
appointed May 7. But ownlg to the
need at once of clearing the grounds
of the 130 cords of wood which
plied on the slU the committee finally
agreed lo have the grounds cleared
give possession of the site
where the work may at once be b<
Mr. Gilbert did not think It wool
terfere at all with the school work,
and the artesian well also was a
to be closed by Mr. Moore, who was
anxious to have the mailer completeRl
at this sesaioti. It was moved .finally
to. give possession May when tht
building should be eompleted by Aug
15. This giving Ume lor the patailng
and other final work. An adjournmcal was then Uken.
AnnU Lo3asb«7 at
. fond of the I
CbrisUpa McKay at IIS per aoaib
Zelaa Aaea ai IIS per PKaUu
the old Empire
(Oa»Uaii«d Proa flm Pw-) !
fttate. Within thirty-fire miles of New
aaa sboukl tor. a»d la commaodet^ i KHilr Oraj at M7AI>Br awnUi.
York city, among the Batnapu hllla.
JulU BSUInss at fst per montlL
heir respect
smI pdal
where, aeMabel McMlcUd pt 120 per acath.
Hiphiv WfsCHIM
Oak Pa-k Mldlng.
The new prlnrl^I. A H Wnsbburu.
fairtaa. brownlro
. now prmdial iir ibe
ibe MarsU.11 Ul*b
tongnsge is poetry sod wbooe borne to
school gnd fce/win eoae to tbU dir “«»»»»•
In tbe woodlands rou lie found If look
with ibt bWeat Of ciedcntlaln: hli
per mon^r..
ed for In the proper spirit.
first rr-awtolndailon barlps cornel
P^r month,
Aside from the falriee thcew are Infrua the U. ct M. where ht last yearj Mkr»arel Andru. at |45 per
tcrostteg traditions connected with
Mary Siereas at 145 per month.
TvrtTivcd ihc ck-erct cf B. A.
men and women of historical renown
-'Mr. Wavhliurn Ik a praduatr of the
At Bateapo, ctoa# to ibe boundary Him
Cora Pierson at $42-5hp(tr month.
of New Jersey, on a mighty pinnack
I:3dbaa|K»!U Hlfib achool nHer which
•UU Strwat SuilPinf.
of tbe Torne mocntaln. there U a place
he completed a conrae In the BuUm^
called **Waahlngtoo*s watch pocket.**
aia Finney at M per moath.
univeriilty of IndlanapolU follcwlng
It to a crevice la the rockI that looks as
which be ta'icht for ala years in the
tf nome giaut had m
I the roch and
r. prin.. at |70 per month,
CbtrlestuB. 111., schools the Ust two
torn It apart as one mlfht i
miratetb Vlrtan at 090 per mofilh.
y<*ars of which he stood at the boafl
slice of liread. If you put
Aitnes Mama at fIS por month.
as urindijal of the schools. Proa
eJose to this crevice and listen Intently
Marie Sanders at 145 per month.
you can bear, far below, the sound of a
then he ciilAT. *1 Ibc IT. of M. and look
Florence Perkin* at 049 per month,
watch ticking.
ai'ec of D A. and the middle of
Tbe story I* that George Washington
fnex CraiUA'r at 045 per month.
last winUT be accA-oto'd the priaclpaK
stood at that spot ooe day alone look
Vidan Simmons at 04S per Inontb.
ship of the Marshall llljth school
tag throogh a telescope to see whether
where he eri Ired ordt r out of chaos.
tbe BrltlMi were approaching. Ula staff
lYuf. 1. B. ailbcrt rUited Marshall
was some distance awdy. for to climb to
Jeasle Camp at 150 par month.
ihl8 rprina and found his work hlphly
that ledge of tbe
and etui requlrro
successful, ecvcril other application*
Cimwood Avenue SuildmB.
were conslderc«l but the high recomNellie Lytle, prln.. at 0f.:.5o
as all tbe work! kndwa. and be the
mendstloQ cf the university coupled j month.
nothing of the cUmb.'bnt the offlcn
ICdIth Ri>wley at 049 per month.
with Ibe practical demonstration of
bis Staff were a little more jenlot
Mr. WashlnirnV srork welshed favor
Anna Johason at 047.941 per moot
their exertion, and they were witling
Jennie Barton at 047.90 per month.
ably for his sonolntment. H>t salary
eoottfta to/sbey tbelr chief when he told
is 01-Of..
Ulllan Johnson at 04r5o per mout
them that they i>ecd not go with him.
Mr. K«lght Also.
Edllb Gibbs at 047.90 per month.
As Waabtagton stood. auitM^llks.peertag through the totoocopiK be thought be
Two clicnges will W taaugurated In
Boonvitle Building.
could dtoLTro a line of red among Ibe
Minnie Hublfcll at 045 per month.
tlH« lliRh school force, the n^slsnatlon
irw* a great many miles up the Uama
of K E Knifihl also having been
Union Street BoUding.
filed and arepled. and the appointment
Huldab Evan*, priu.. at 05T.9O per
The rodeeats-the Britlahr be ma.v
of Hartan C. Davis, assistant In the
hare murmured as be closed bto tele
department of phvslca of Olivet co’.Glenn Wlllsey at 015 per month.
*cor»e. It was now that the Incident
Lucile TbeoUaM at 045 per month.
IcKc to succiwtl Mr. Kuljcht. Mr. Ikivb
OHTurred that gave the ixaim*uf "IVaahtagtou’a watch fwker* to Ibis oiwulux
U a craUuate ot OUvet and eminently
Call iia Dunbar at 042.90 per moath,
In tbe fork. Itx-umbrrcd with the Id
qualified to fill the position vacated by
Grace Urodie At 045 per month.
In Venice ooe U as if caught la an eocx>pe-wbIeb w-«s m»t one of the c-ouMr. Knishl. It Is understood that
Day School for Deaf.
Immenae nawork. or spider** web, renleut fielilglssses that are In u-e to
Mi>. Caroline Shaw at 090 per which, as ooe walks in its m idst seems day. with a strap around It to ptvvent
ProfcAsom Kye nod Knight will later
the buslnet;s fields In the south* month.
to tlgntrn tbe closer about ooe. Tbe Its falling - Washington drogg-tl bis
ej-n part of the «Uke.
streets narrow overhead, push outward wsteb from hts fob to caIcnUiie what
OwlKK to the absence labi evenina
Kltrnbelh Hooker at 0OU per month. with beams and stone bak-onies and Ume It would probably be wbtm the
many turning angle*; seem to looiieu enemy reached that spot. The watch
Emma Woodman at 0C5 per monh.
of Mayor A. V. Friedrich. O C. Molfatt
tbeirboW for a moment where a tMidge slipped out of bl« baud, aeals and all.
elected iiroUdeni pro teui of the
Supermlendenfs ClarH.
crosses a narrow canal between high and fell Into tbe crerlce far out of
meeting Mr. Moffari In taking the
Lois Scofield at $25 per month.
walla and over dark water and then sight.
chair. siHikc feelingly of the elosins
Geo. W. MeWethy.
tighten again In close tones where tbe
It to strange tlidt tbe watch should
days of the old board where he hml I
smells of the shops meet and fume
served for the past nine years WiUil Tbe committee then reported the about one** fare. Tbe lanes are busy
Lat It to certainly
ol W. O FOole. Mr. following resignations: Misses Neva with men in rough elotbea and with ticking to tbis day Tbe understandIVace. Blanche Wright and Belle women In abawto. bareheaded and with lag to that tbe patriotic Imps of tbe
MolTa’t wa-s the Kcnlor member.
greot son bQfdieB of hair, who come mountain wind It. becauae It belonged
The firsi buriness to occupy the at Plummer from th4» Oak Park bulk
and go quietly, slipping I'taat ooe anoth to Ibe Falber of Ills Country, and that
lenilon of the board wa» the various Misses Hard Livingston. Lena Pan
er In these uarrow spaces, where there
reptiri* of the committee on school* ning and Laudra Blssell from the Elm to hardly room to imibs. as the gondolas they fcil! do ao to Ibe end of Ume. Tbe
rerlfleatlon of this legeud fii that tbort
and teacberp. who recommended the wood avenue building and Miss Nellio slip past one another In tbe narrow
e Toroe mountain and there is the
additional two wet^sK lo the regular Kelson from ibe l*nton sti'cet ^^uUdlng
crevice, and e\-ery oue knows Uiat
lh:rty-^U wtvkh t»Tm as provlouriy The following were employed in their
George Washingion really lived.
ooe to tbe otfter end of Venire Tbia
tnontloncd. the fall term to Ingln the placew: •
fir^t Mtmday iu SepUmber. They
Cwi*m Are Oaeght.
Addle Johi^son. flret year. 042.50 per movement, the tangles of the wsy. tbe
Ing of one's
ones attention
continual arresting
« ,
,f■keu at borne In tbe
also rerumimn.l‘'d that all contract» month.
by MNM wl»<low. <>oonr«y or bolrooy i
tbe furnace geta
with tea-'heis ec marc oh this basis.
Blanche Doughty, fret year, 045 iht pat • .train u|k>o oo*’. eye. and b«)u „j,
the fall Of the year
The iciiort- on teach>!b wag em mouth.
•nar .
to tiro and rtopofy tbo liefore the furnacr is lie
braced in thrve separate n ports. 1. c.
Cynthia Payne, find yt-ar. 045 per brain. Tbcre is no
Modem Mediesl 8<1eDce. IVople
city, and as ulght comes on tlio Iw- Khicer Into Ihelr cknbe* In cold rooms
learher* lo he' retained. High school month.
\earhcr> and new teachers. The fol
Charily Rice, hindbrgarlen 145 per wildennenl grow* almost disquieting. or alt In their apartment* chilled by
—Arthur Symons In BcribncFs.
lowing li.*»l was reporte>J for the Incom month.
the first fsU winds, and then wonder
why they eatrli cold
Iva Zimmer, kindergarten. 045 per
ing year wlih the raises which were
In ererr room there should be some
potted In the various ward acbuoU mouth.
If It be in harmony with ooe's snrread by Profet^or Gilbert, who cxImogcne CTamcroir. assistant kinder rsudlaga to work and to thrive a little meons of raising s Wttle beat quickly
at ttihea when tbe fntyiace cannot be
that where a raise was not ro garten. 040 per month.
and to rear children, to hare liberty debended upon.
and be toierant and self etere. The price of
Marie ^flcld. third grade. 045 per
fwTted the salaries were supposed to
be alnwdy at the maximum, tbe Board
eave tta cost mao.v tlmce or
tors* bfito -New Tork Press.
Eva Thackers, fifth grade. 045 pe-r
man aveane school leading In this re
Sever^ changes. In salaries
Bach. I think, totee:
of all
iBBUguraietl In the High school
Bertha Campbell, fifth grades 045 per
force owing to the responsibility of the month.
them. To« can trot it ky s simple ref• place te work? Berond IMtto-I abookl
teachers having charge of setsloQ
R-port Adoptod.
arenca Prem every ether miUea to ity! It*e no trouble to keep tbt
The report a* road was adopTed torope Ibere la emigration; from BwH- la order at alL Fm working for a
nvB^ Mrs Rose Hess and Atmw
and they never use
aertand UtBe or dom. At all times
Brown, both receiving a raise from upon niotloo of H. Montague. Co
0*y corner.
0i:o lo 08I7.SP. owing, as Mr. Gilbert ermble diseoasion followod la regard shoot aoaiooo Bwlm are te forelfa
xplained. to their charge ef session to the addltioaa] two-woeHa 9o the
regular aehool year sad whether tt
always they <
Twt>..r« Cn^loywT
added matcrUlly lo the lacreaae la home. The typicol Bwtoa aever 0
be Is herer* asked tbe trsrellDg
of tbe botfl Clerk.
Thr r«Ik,«ln» va> Ihi- report €«i Ibr the salary hudget. Mr. Giltiort atatod
-No. He peed to stop with u*. bi:
they had not Ml that tbe two woeka 2de"SrT*
tesehelw employed:
oercr put qp a ront.**
Travene City. Mich., April 29. IfiOfi.
catrm time more than edverei "what teg so. he
To the Honorable Board of .Education.
Toor commltU‘c on achfralt and
ea^MTs wonld recommeod that the
following teachers who aif at preaaat
teaching la our city schools bo re^
tallied for the ensuing year at the fob
lowing salary:
Hifh SekooL
Mary McLaughlia at 070 per month.
Jesale Vivian at 0T0 per month.
Alma Brown n( •C7J0 per month.
mrs. Rose
nose Haas
aw at 0C7JO per memth
Beatrice Pomeroy at 069 per
Agnes Thompson at 067J»
tbqy woitM In tbe aaturo of gradual
ImMae of aalary hare had to pay
if the nine moetha aMolo had pro
railed iWfhml wolewma aaiaUowa:
as to why «ho ttyhora
teg bad done «o and
gtaaa hy Mr. OBbart a
tbe work itself had any baiiBite. The ooamittee oa .ways aad amani
di at 002.50 per month,
aabaltted their monthly report, show
at 007.50 per moath.
fgaraoa at 009 per
Manafed to 04JK0.17. which was aJ»wad.
Ctotral BpIMNm>
ht 040 per month.
Sarah Prall at 04754 par moath.
AW iwteesttew.
fcich-Yoo are such a funny girt. I
pevpr did kpopr how to take you. Ktttr icbfiTh-Toa noTor Wad.
BlnnlagUatu - Your daughter to to
marry a youjigman named HUI 1 beHero? Mnneheeter-Tea. He betaogo
to ooe or the very oWtest famSitos te the
country. 8lmliifhaBH.I didnt know,
that he came from o poiMrotoriy old
fhmily. Mmwhoetor-Oh. yoa. Too of.
Bmlth-Brown to getUng to he quite
abaeotmlmM of tote. iaii*t hs7 Grif
fin-Why. I haven't pocked |L SornhWell bcHa. The other day he happmmd*
to look In a mirror at home. apA he
asked hto wife what she was dotaif
wtUi that fellow** picture 4o Che homm.
A.-The man does a great dan] lOP
the poor, it to said. R-Xopsepee. HP
sroold not c'^cn gtre bU daughter te mo
aa my wife.
Nollce to the banking Inslltutlooa
of the city of Traverse City. Mich.:
84-aled bids are requested hy the*
city round! of the city of Trareren
CBy. Michigan, for Ibc highest rate of
Interest on dally balanoos of ptepey
belonging to the cit>^or la tU custody,
and tbe lowest rate of latereal to bo
paid by the city for such temporary
loans as the city shall have power to
make, the word leraporacy to moan
wlihln Ibc trim of the oonlruct, or one
rtf from May 1. 1W0.
1 pn^l.
od with the city
rli/ clerk
Clark on or OCTETS
o clock p. m.. April 20. 1006Tbe cotincll reserve* tbe right to roJed any or all bid*.
City Clerk.
Dated this 3{tb day of April. Ited.
apr 24At
«UI* M
New Stock
Fishing Tackle
Enough Said
Base Ball
Central Loca^fues.
Bowiiiig Allen238 Test Fnot Street
‘ ‘
m wbm tbe n»d« get sood nd
String. eoaaMQOM in aunent. It
Siild remind iron tut Moot ware-
iNtChtoV^r^iir TOO caM get a
hisedter. fiM'tdom the petieot
.ooddeoTrrtomyo bleed
Qsces aty
CiL pboM 751.
W Hi)
182 c ■
18T 188
* ){ t;
LOT 230
,'■ •
IxMt 385. 836, 237 a> advertised arc now Mid
fi LOTI 120
LOT 214
ThcM are all early selections and are the
Hanilsoiimt Lots In Oak Haislits
the most chming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built over, and good lots are
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold sepa
rately, excepting 182,188,184, which must be sold togeth«. All must go for spot cash, and the prices
X/T^ >
The whole bunch of
if sold at one time and for cash down, would be
Ai live price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.
Ab One Acre Lot
in Mwood
Fronting East Bay 8 rods and running back 20 rods,
lew • atrip two rods wide on north aid« for atreet. A
very di^bl? lot in thia beautiful tubuiban apot.
^ ■
dilioaal hid of 0110 was suhmltt.
J. J. Bordea auhmltted a
bid of 0190 for work In palnUag and
rarnishlag. the bidder to furnish all
Iteg. ladders, etc, with the «z
1 of the paint, the bid being ex
ly for work.
1 motka of H. Moatagae the
lowoat bid for the Oak Park aaari
Lather 4 Irwia a. was aoropted. bondi
belag placed at 04.000. Upoa motion
of W. <k 0boie the bid of 0190 for
palnUng of J. J. Burden was also aeeepted and the board Instructed to
enter Into a contract.
Architect Moore aad George Lather
ITS preseat to represent the firm
which received the bid and tmmedUte.
ly aaer IU aeeptaaoc Mr. h
stated that In order to oompUte the
annex within any specified time before
fall term poaseasloo of
Ids was necesaary. O. G. Millar,
who represented the tximinltlee. did
col think they should have charge of
to leave lt.for
appointed May 7. But ownlg to the
need at once of clearing the grounds
of the 130 cords of wood which
plied on the slU the committee finally
agreed lo have the grounds cleared
give possession of the site
where the work may at once be b<
Mr. Gilbert did not think It wool
terfere at all with the school work,
and the artesian well also was a
to be closed by Mr. Moore, who was
anxious to have the mailer completeRl
at this sesaioti. It was moved .finally
to. give possession May when tht
building should be eompleted by Aug
15. This giving Ume lor the patailng
and other final work. An adjournmcal was then Uken.
AnnU Lo3asb«7 at
. fond of the I
CbrisUpa McKay at IIS per aoaib
Zelaa Aaea ai IIS per PKaUu
the old Empire
(Oa»Uaii«d Proa flm Pw-) !
fttate. Within thirty-fire miles of New
aaa sboukl tor. a»d la commaodet^ i KHilr Oraj at M7AI>Br awnUi.
York city, among the Batnapu hllla.
JulU BSUInss at fst per montlL
heir respect
smI pdal
where, aeMabel McMlcUd pt 120 per acath.
Hiphiv WfsCHIM
Oak Pa-k Mldlng.
The new prlnrl^I. A H Wnsbburu.
fairtaa. brownlro
. now prmdial iir ibe
ibe MarsU.11 Ul*b
tongnsge is poetry sod wbooe borne to
school gnd fce/win eoae to tbU dir “«»»»»•
In tbe woodlands rou lie found If look
with ibt bWeat Of ciedcntlaln: hli
per mon^r..
ed for In the proper spirit.
first rr-awtolndailon barlps cornel
P^r month,
Aside from the falriee thcew are Infrua the U. ct M. where ht last yearj Mkr»arel Andru. at |45 per
tcrostteg traditions connected with
Mary Siereas at 145 per month.
TvrtTivcd ihc ck-erct cf B. A.
men and women of historical renown
-'Mr. Wavhliurn Ik a praduatr of the
At Bateapo, ctoa# to ibe boundary Him
Cora Pierson at $42-5hp(tr month.
of New Jersey, on a mighty pinnack
I:3dbaa|K»!U Hlfib achool nHer which
•UU Strwat SuilPinf.
of tbe Torne mocntaln. there U a place
he completed a conrae In the BuUm^
called **Waahlngtoo*s watch pocket.**
aia Finney at M per moath.
univeriilty of IndlanapolU follcwlng
It to a crevice la the rockI that looks as
which be ta'icht for ala years in the
tf nome giaut had m
I the roch and
r. prin.. at |70 per month,
CbtrlestuB. 111., schools the Ust two
torn It apart as one mlfht i
miratetb Vlrtan at 090 per mofilh.
y<*ars of which he stood at the boafl
slice of liread. If you put
Aitnes Mama at fIS por month.
as urindijal of the schools. Proa
eJose to this crevice and listen Intently
Marie Sanders at 145 per month.
you can bear, far below, the sound of a
then he ciilAT. *1 Ibc IT. of M. and look
Florence Perkin* at 049 per month,
watch ticking.
ai'ec of D A. and the middle of
Tbe story I* that George Washington
fnex CraiUA'r at 045 per month.
last winUT be accA-oto'd the priaclpaK
stood at that spot ooe day alone look
Vidan Simmons at 04S per Inontb.
ship of the Marshall llljth school
tag throogh a telescope to see whether
where he eri Ired ordt r out of chaos.
tbe BrltlMi were approaching. Ula staff
lYuf. 1. B. ailbcrt rUited Marshall
was some distance awdy. for to climb to
Jeasle Camp at 150 par month.
ihl8 rprina and found his work hlphly
that ledge of tbe
and etui requlrro
successful, ecvcril other application*
Cimwood Avenue SuildmB.
were conslderc«l but the high recomNellie Lytle, prln.. at 0f.:.5o
as all tbe work! kndwa. and be the
mendstloQ cf the university coupled j month.
nothing of the cUmb.'bnt the offlcn
ICdIth Ri>wley at 049 per month.
with Ibe practical demonstration of
bis Staff were a little more jenlot
Mr. WashlnirnV srork welshed favor
Anna Johason at 047.941 per moot
their exertion, and they were witling
Jennie Barton at 047.90 per month.
ably for his sonolntment. H>t salary
eoottfta to/sbey tbelr chief when he told
is 01-Of..
Ulllan Johnson at 04r5o per mout
them that they i>ecd not go with him.
Mr. K«lght Also.
Edllb Gibbs at 047.90 per month.
As Waabtagton stood. auitM^llks.peertag through the totoocopiK be thought be
Two clicnges will W taaugurated In
Boonvitle Building.
could dtoLTro a line of red among Ibe
Minnie Hublfcll at 045 per month.
tlH« lliRh school force, the n^slsnatlon
irw* a great many miles up the Uama
of K E Knifihl also having been
Union Street BoUding.
filed and arepled. and the appointment
Huldab Evan*, priu.. at 05T.9O per
The rodeeats-the Britlahr be ma.v
of Hartan C. Davis, assistant In the
hare murmured as be closed bto tele
department of phvslca of Olivet co’.Glenn Wlllsey at 015 per month.
*cor»e. It was now that the Incident
Lucile TbeoUaM at 045 per month.
IcKc to succiwtl Mr. Kuljcht. Mr. Ikivb
OHTurred that gave the ixaim*uf "IVaahtagtou’a watch fwker* to Ibis oiwulux
U a craUuate ot OUvet and eminently
Call iia Dunbar at 042.90 per moath,
In tbe fork. Itx-umbrrcd with the Id
qualified to fill the position vacated by
Grace Urodie At 045 per month.
In Venice ooe U as if caught la an eocx>pe-wbIeb w-«s m»t one of the c-ouMr. Knishl. It Is understood that
Day School for Deaf.
Immenae nawork. or spider** web, renleut fielilglssses that are In u-e to
Mi>. Caroline Shaw at 090 per which, as ooe walks in its m idst seems day. with a strap around It to ptvvent
ProfcAsom Kye nod Knight will later
the buslnet;s fields In the south* month.
to tlgntrn tbe closer about ooe. Tbe Its falling - Washington drogg-tl bis
ej-n part of the «Uke.
streets narrow overhead, push outward wsteb from hts fob to caIcnUiie what
OwlKK to the absence labi evenina
Kltrnbelh Hooker at 0OU per month. with beams and stone bak-onies and Ume It would probably be wbtm the
many turning angle*; seem to looiieu enemy reached that spot. The watch
Emma Woodman at 0C5 per monh.
of Mayor A. V. Friedrich. O C. Molfatt
tbeirboW for a moment where a tMidge slipped out of bl« baud, aeals and all.
elected iiroUdeni pro teui of the
Supermlendenfs ClarH.
crosses a narrow canal between high and fell Into tbe crerlce far out of
meeting Mr. Moffari In taking the
Lois Scofield at $25 per month.
walla and over dark water and then sight.
chair. siHikc feelingly of the elosins
Geo. W. MeWethy.
tighten again In close tones where tbe
It to strange tlidt tbe watch should
days of the old board where he hml I
smells of the shops meet and fume
served for the past nine years WiUil Tbe committee then reported the about one** fare. Tbe lanes are busy
Lat It to certainly
ol W. O FOole. Mr. following resignations: Misses Neva with men in rough elotbea and with ticking to tbis day Tbe understandIVace. Blanche Wright and Belle women In abawto. bareheaded and with lag to that tbe patriotic Imps of tbe
MolTa’t wa-s the Kcnlor member.
greot son bQfdieB of hair, who come mountain wind It. becauae It belonged
The firsi buriness to occupy the at Plummer from th4» Oak Park bulk
and go quietly, slipping I'taat ooe anoth to Ibe Falber of Ills Country, and that
lenilon of the board wa» the various Misses Hard Livingston. Lena Pan
er In these uarrow spaces, where there
reptiri* of the committee on school* ning and Laudra Blssell from the Elm to hardly room to imibs. as the gondolas they fcil! do ao to Ibe end of Ume. Tbe
rerlfleatlon of this legeud fii that tbort
and teacberp. who recommended the wood avenue building and Miss Nellio slip past one another In tbe narrow
e Toroe mountain and there is the
additional two wet^sK lo the regular Kelson from ibe l*nton sti'cet ^^uUdlng
crevice, and e\-ery oue knows Uiat
lh:rty-^U wtvkh t»Tm as provlouriy The following were employed in their
George Washingion really lived.
ooe to tbe otfter end of Venire Tbia
tnontloncd. the fall term to Ingln the placew: •
fir^t Mtmday iu SepUmber. They
Cwi*m Are Oaeght.
Addle Johi^son. flret year. 042.50 per movement, the tangles of the wsy. tbe
Ing of one's
ones attention
continual arresting
« ,
,f■keu at borne In tbe
also rerumimn.l‘'d that all contract» month.
by MNM wl»<low. <>oonr«y or bolrooy i
tbe furnace geta
with tea-'heis ec marc oh this basis.
Blanche Doughty, fret year, 045 iht pat • .train u|k>o oo*’. eye. and b«)u „j,
the fall Of the year
The iciiort- on teach>!b wag em mouth.
•nar .
to tiro and rtopofy tbo liefore the furnacr is lie
braced in thrve separate n ports. 1. c.
Cynthia Payne, find yt-ar. 045 per brain. Tbcre is no
Modem Mediesl 8<1eDce. IVople
city, and as ulght comes on tlio Iw- Khicer Into Ihelr cknbe* In cold rooms
learher* lo he' retained. High school month.
\earhcr> and new teachers. The fol
Charily Rice, hindbrgarlen 145 per wildennenl grow* almost disquieting. or alt In their apartment* chilled by
—Arthur Symons In BcribncFs.
lowing li.*»l was reporte>J for the Incom month.
the first fsU winds, and then wonder
why they eatrli cold
Iva Zimmer, kindergarten. 045 per
ing year wlih the raises which were
In ererr room there should be some
potted In the various ward acbuoU mouth.
If It be in harmony with ooe's snrread by Profet^or Gilbert, who cxImogcne CTamcroir. assistant kinder rsudlaga to work and to thrive a little meons of raising s Wttle beat quickly
at ttihea when tbe fntyiace cannot be
that where a raise was not ro garten. 040 per month.
and to rear children, to hare liberty debended upon.
and be toierant and self etere. The price of
Marie ^flcld. third grade. 045 per
fwTted the salaries were supposed to
be alnwdy at the maximum, tbe Board
eave tta cost mao.v tlmce or
tors* bfito -New Tork Press.
Eva Thackers, fifth grade. 045 pe-r
man aveane school leading In this re
Sever^ changes. In salaries
Bach. I think, totee:
of all
iBBUguraietl In the High school
Bertha Campbell, fifth grades 045 per
force owing to the responsibility of the month.
them. To« can trot it ky s simple ref• place te work? Berond IMtto-I abookl
teachers having charge of setsloQ
R-port Adoptod.
arenca Prem every ether miUea to ity! It*e no trouble to keep tbt
The report a* road was adopTed torope Ibere la emigration; from BwH- la order at alL Fm working for a
nvB^ Mrs Rose Hess and Atmw
and they never use
aertand UtBe or dom. At all times
Brown, both receiving a raise from upon niotloo of H. Montague. Co
0*y corner.
0i:o lo 08I7.SP. owing, as Mr. Gilbert ermble diseoasion followod la regard shoot aoaiooo Bwlm are te forelfa
xplained. to their charge ef session to the addltioaa] two-woeHa 9o the
regular aehool year sad whether tt
always they <
Twt>..r« Cn^loywT
added matcrUlly lo the lacreaae la home. The typicol Bwtoa aever 0
be Is herer* asked tbe trsrellDg
of tbe botfl Clerk.
Thr r«Ik,«ln» va> Ihi- report €«i Ibr the salary hudget. Mr. Giltiort atatod
-No. He peed to stop with u*. bi:
they had not Ml that tbe two woeka 2de"SrT*
tesehelw employed:
oercr put qp a ront.**
Travene City. Mich., April 29. IfiOfi.
catrm time more than edverei "what teg so. he
To the Honorable Board of .Education.
Toor commltU‘c on achfralt and
ea^MTs wonld recommeod that the
following teachers who aif at preaaat
teaching la our city schools bo re^
tallied for the ensuing year at the fob
lowing salary:
Hifh SekooL
Mary McLaughlia at 070 per month.
Jesale Vivian at 0T0 per month.
Alma Brown n( •C7J0 per month.
mrs. Rose
nose Haas
aw at 0C7JO per memth
Beatrice Pomeroy at 069 per
Agnes Thompson at 067J»
tbqy woitM In tbe aaturo of gradual
ImMae of aalary hare had to pay
if the nine moetha aMolo had pro
railed iWfhml wolewma aaiaUowa:
as to why «ho ttyhora
teg bad done «o and
gtaaa hy Mr. OBbart a
tbe work itself had any baiiBite. The ooamittee oa .ways aad amani
di at 002.50 per month,
aabaltted their monthly report, show
at 007.50 per moath.
fgaraoa at 009 per
Manafed to 04JK0.17. which was aJ»wad.
Ctotral BpIMNm>
ht 040 per month.
Sarah Prall at 04754 par moath.
AW iwteesttew.
fcich-Yoo are such a funny girt. I
pevpr did kpopr how to take you. Ktttr icbfiTh-Toa noTor Wad.
BlnnlagUatu - Your daughter to to
marry a youjigman named HUI 1 beHero? Mnneheeter-Tea. He betaogo
to ooe or the very oWtest famSitos te the
country. 8lmliifhaBH.I didnt know,
that he came from o poiMrotoriy old
fhmily. Mmwhoetor-Oh. yoa. Too of.
Bmlth-Brown to getUng to he quite
abaeotmlmM of tote. iaii*t hs7 Grif
fin-Why. I haven't pocked |L SornhWell bcHa. The other day he happmmd*
to look In a mirror at home. apA he
asked hto wife what she was dotaif
wtUi that fellow** picture 4o Che homm.
A.-The man does a great dan] lOP
the poor, it to said. R-Xopsepee. HP
sroold not c'^cn gtre bU daughter te mo
aa my wife.
Nollce to the banking Inslltutlooa
of the city of Traverse City. Mich.:
84-aled bids are requested hy the*
city round! of the city of Trareren
CBy. Michigan, for Ibc highest rate of
Interest on dally balanoos of ptepey
belonging to the cit>^or la tU custody,
and tbe lowest rate of latereal to bo
paid by the city for such temporary
loans as the city shall have power to
make, the word leraporacy to moan
wlihln Ibc trim of the oonlruct, or one
rtf from May 1. 1W0.
1 pn^l.
od with the city
rli/ clerk
Clark on or OCTETS
o clock p. m.. April 20. 1006Tbe cotincll reserve* tbe right to roJed any or all bid*.
City Clerk.
Dated this 3{tb day of April. Ited.
apr 24At
«UI* M
New Stock
Fishing Tackle
Enough Said
Base Ball
Central Loca^fues.
Bowiiiig Allen238 Test Fnot Street
‘ ‘
m wbm tbe n»d« get sood nd
String. eoaaMQOM in aunent. It
Siild remind iron tut Moot ware-
iNtChtoV^r^iir TOO caM get a
hisedter. fiM'tdom the petieot
.ooddeoTrrtomyo bleed
Qsces aty
CiL pboM 751.
r* *
Men are too busy making a
living to avaU ibemaelves ot oppor
tualties (or socUI benormeoL
E. U Edwards, chairman. BlUworth
la Mrs. Alexander, of Carey. Me. wim
has found Dr. KlRg’a New Ufb PlUa to
be the beat remedy ahe ever tried (or,
keeptag the Btomaek. Uver and Bow
els In perfect order.
You’ll ogroo
the structure to release the stock. As with her U you try these pateMm
woman’s tuBuence U not felt. 8be U
she entered, she stumbled over the purifiers that tafuae new life. Guarmoneeded
teed by Johnson Drug C
body of her husband.
Meads and C. A. Bugbee
woman. God bless her influence. God
Mrs. Badgely Is not strong wad ahe dniggisu.
bkws the good she accompllahe*.- h(
was unable lo lift the man’a heavy
But fright and the aeoasslty
Mr. Vmlor thought that the club
«d to give her strength and she
banquets were too far apart and fa
dragged the unounsciuus man from tha
vored having (reqacni meetings where
barn into the
wet, freshly
the ladles were Invited.
While the
ladies were not always Interested In ficid. Unknowingly this was the be*t
thing that she could bmvo done for
tbe name sobjects as men, an equi
him' and the aricndlng physician. Dr i
librium could be maintained it care
Frallck. states that this probably saved
we re used.
his me.'
The Men’s club quartet.
Mr. Badgely is a bird working i
B. Versey Legg. Louis Parmlec, Ro»i
is left (or women.
They must aid in
octal bectermeat so nec
(Continued From First Page.)
A short In develop tbe good there is
avenue In life
formal reception preceded the banquet There is no
Hale and B Verscy Legg.
At 8:45, the company, led by tbe pres
•dent and lady, lo tbe strains of a atlrring march gilaved by Leslie Wagkry.
need Into tbe dining room w
three long tables werer spread la i
At tbe bead of tbe table,
spoakers of
pressdeat and
the eveolag wttb
ladies were saati4. tbe Rev. R. N. Hdl
I pronooBclag tbe InvocaUim. The
[uet was served by Grace church
Mrs. Charles Carter of SortbW>rt Is guild and the following was the menu
pending a short time In the city with
-or. cHttealtfliT
On accouet of the death of .Brother
fbc pa^inp bids will
Richard R^nd. the Elks* charity ball,
day nljrht and John Scankm o> Saidwhich waa to have been held tonight
naw ts here ready to make bis bid.
Oacar Lyon of Mapleton and
united In marriage last evenlna
at tbe paaooace by the Re^'. W.
tbe Baptist
(Continued tYom First Page.)
I the Bast Jordan represenutive?
make their home at
Rose street. thU clty.
Mrs. H. Kranu. 148 Bast Flfiecnih
Tbe Tinvcr*c City High school was
Ur Wirt lo thr BwbIiis Reoor4.
represented by Miss Lavlna U»wrey.
K»v Yurk. Aprtl S€.—H«ttr Grtin street, received a telegram from San
Mias Vera Wynkoop and Adam Panek.
the wortd t Hchmi womM. it pltjrini: Jose. Cal., this mornln* aUUng that
while Mr. Turm r, Mr Porter and Mis.
tbt roll of protector in tWt city. Twice her two sons. Philip an^ Cornelius.
Stewart represenU'd East Jordan. The
DOW «he
bat caused
aafi* at that place. They for debate was excellent In every particu
atnooc Wall tireH financiers by
merly resided In San Francisco.
lar. but there was a very small crowd
IttK to tbe M'tcue of tbe local ca
Mrs. Arvllla Gardner had received a present, much smaller than the t>ccachequer with over l2,00fi.Wd each time letter from her son. Claud Baker, stat.
skm dese rved.
and broke ibe rau of Ui>rt?sl. The Ins that be s>as in San Francisco durJ. W. Patchln acted a*
iMOiks charfte from & to 6 per cent in* the eartbannke but that he es
the imHuing while Supl. Wodgelt of
Mr*. Green let the money at tU.
Elk RaiddsivSupt. Butler of Central
Smurlbwalie has rw Lake, and Mrs. Gibbs of Mayfield were
Andrew J. lAcHenry a vcier
reived word that her slater,
Mrs. the Judges.
tbe First Mlcblitao cavalry, m
Arthur Qcm> of San Fianclsco was onln
Bast Jordan s main contention was
homr ibis afternoon from apendli
lured in tbe San Francisco disaster.
that the bill was not needed as the
winter at the State SoldleiV 1
Tbe New York Racket store, located Elkin s bin. If enforced, amply co\or
Gland Rapids. He will remain n| MC
t XM East l-'ront street, oi>encd Its ed the ground. The evils were morc
Rast Wahth street this summ
»ors ibis mornln* to Traverse aty. Imaglnary than real and hl*tor>* shows
Mrs. S. M. KllpatrlcV. who spent tbe
The firm Is known as M. Ferris A Co., that It was danpeiTotis for the rallraods
past two weeks at Marbon>uch,
iber* bein* the Misses Mar- to tr>' and extend control over
turm*d to her home this afternoon.
fuerite and Blliabeib Ferris of Cadll- railroads as in the end the rates
Bi>th ladi<*s
In charge per- ^oi as low to the people.
On account of the death of Brother
sonally and have expendetl gnwt |ialns
The Traverse City siKaikers showed
Richard Round, the ttki* charity ball,
In making the atore up lo date la the netHl of Just such leglfdatlon. The
which was to have*bee-' held tonight,
every partlcnlar.
ElkliiK bill did not give the United
haa been poatponed.
Slates enough (.ower and the Hepburn
Have Faith
io Our Medicines.
They arc worthy your
full conficlcncc. Every
prescription we ful has
purity and right com
pounding in its evcr>* de
tail. and the price is
right, too.
r mm*
Tbe aubjed in whlob the grammar
school («o
(.HI <*alkM]i
rontraveiM^ most
abarply tlie law
lai of tbe order of lesrotug: Is
I* iM*rtinp*
ivrtinp* grsmmar. for grammar,
anaiytlcand tbeoreticalatudy
M not lH^long In tbe
at all The artentlflc
km of plNmomcna ('annot
cooimence until tbe phenomena have
uUled and made familiar. To
this law of learning language is no ex('cption.
Tlio laugnage study proiter
to the grammar sr>bool la ohaervatlno
bUl/nuH'th the needK as well
n. William Scott being the!
Bat in It were'his team, a number of
Carnations were the fsvors.
pigs, -much hay. 3oo bushels of corn
Tbt Club.
After the viaudh had iMren disposed
and nearly all hi* /arming
The last speaker was L. L. Steven
highly aalkrfactory manner, tbe
which were di'slroyfd. leaving the fam
prtsWent called tbe meeting to order son. whose response was “Our Oppor
ily practically destitute. Three calvc'g
tunity as a aub.”
(*re all that were^ved.
read, the seerrUry also giving a Slated that the club had many opporThe family consists (if a sib
abort history of tbe club showing that lunille*. There were opportunltivi for
tree chlUlren. the youngest of ---------It has a membership of seventy-one social enjoyments. lor civic Improve
U only six uvs-ks old.
Mrs. .Badgely |
and Is constantly growing. There is a ments. the club could make Its Influ
is the (laughter of Mr. Thiel, living
balance on hand In the troasniy and ence (ell In civic elections, in aiding In
bolwwn Solon and Tiaverse C’liy.
the ontlook for the clnb Is ver> bright. wise and Just legislation and In aldlu?
and the minutes of the'last moeilng
After the business
bi*en con
cluded. the president Introduced
with a shortly and exlreondy witty ad
dress aad sncceedod tb mal
one feci at borne.
Mr. Weller's rrigti
aheep gt my farm,
j w. Blaier.
apr J«-lt
Men’s club was history.
sueh a msnner that
were frequent.
to have been held lcnlght, |
!•) years of age he attended various
schooling for about two years by nlghi
eord la not reaponolbla for changoa
sting and only added to the pleasure
of the occasion.
In 1S69 he left England and
the program
Canada. wher«‘ he worked thre<- years
was a vocal solo by Miss Ethel Bailey
as a journey man. finally coming to D**-
accompanied by I^lle Wagley.
troll In 1872.
The first
number on
After working there a
sang Gounods -Sing. Smile. Slumber.**
year he went lo Port Buron. w here h(
in such a sweet voice that she was re
called, giving
vijry succvssfuUv with his brother
“Annie. Ijiurle** and
a foundry
law. Mr. RuUgc.
for eight
Dl.sjio.slng of his
he spent some lime in Manistee and
Grand Rapid*, coming hvie In U82.
were well brought out and ibc t
where he remained a year, going to
waltc said that there were to kinds of East Jordan.'^where he formed a pari
dehau* wax worthy of a large and in
club women. Ibe literal and the liter
nership with bis son In-law. William
ary and he knew nothing about eitbe.- Malpass, remaining there tour years
bi!t would simply talk from hearsay, and then going south where he worked
lie stated that he was old fa.shione<1
for some time a* a Journeyman. Com
and bellevt'd that the greatevi woman s
Ing lo Ihl* city, he organizc-d a foundry
club wa.s home and If adheriMl id. it
in comi»any with Cash Monroe, leaving
was a good thills for the lamily and a
the Arm to In-come a member of the
good thing for the nation.
Times have ebangud.
Women arc
entering into active com|Ktltion with
Plan fiofiii Mail Eiq
organized a fundn*.
Jackson A Round.
living Detroit,
men and even demanding the ballot. ago
Sii Us Altaft Mm hfin
Calkins ^
No mallrr wh.1 you «rr oBcml
Wi- Icel that WV are prepared to do
Udicr by y*u in every way than
y*.u «J n ikJ elscnrbe re. Our j4an of
in plain ligr atn-iTsI fac.-rybext vale.
g.*xl Hualily at
the light price.
l«yment |Jau
: »»y. ^
He sold out and seven years
»«wll.^ in-ignitMaiiit. The lUam,
(.-^IKx-LIIv I hr Kimlwll pum.) bs«
iloiH- tiu«fe to sweetrit tlie rri»
tris e and to briag fHiacc attd happiacHS to UmUira in gcurtsl. and
to young |H-,.|.lr ill ,articular. tlu»u
Ihjth (f'lmed.
of the K.nibaUts
juud and syipjalb. Jir, and
liavr lx«n m..rie and sold
toresls, he went to Detroit where he
Thomas Smurtbwaltc was the ftn.i
The delivery of tbe principals
excellent Indwd, tmt in this. Traverse »IH*aker and his Eubjorl was
City seemed lo excel. The arguments Cl-ib Woman’s Husband.” Mr.*Smurth
ter citizen, a boiter non
daughter. Tit ere oao be
queaUoo about tbe truthfolI of thia fitatameiit,
Tho R*
able sarcasm but his thrusts left no
Club Woman’s Husband.
Richard Round, the^lka* charity ball,
Thia report la mada up dally.
which was to have been held tonight.
Richard Round, the Elks’ chxniy
has been postponed.
(Continued From First
Pbiloeophen have alvayt
at a Ion U
secret of the power which
patriotic tunes haw over
the pttople. and espec^lj
over the armies and uatians.
Historians hare been oontented to simply record tbe
fact, leaving the myitcry
more or lew unsol^-ed. .
But the m>’stery is-iil mir
end when wo attribuie to
mnsic iU riKhtlal power, that
of pilchinK hiKh the pUoeof
emotiona, brinjrinR to the
surfaco the very best tl^ is
On accou-» of thr d-ath cf Brother
audible smiles iiaruchlal and private *ch(X)lH. after
opening ad
that entering a.rolling mill where
wprming tbe hearts of alt with tbe old
On accourt of the death of Brother
Third floor:
new Campon block.
In any countr>- is due to other cau*e»
Anthony J. I>rc\H. wge. and i
CLARK A HANKI.NS’ price for skat,
iiig Is 25 cents with band.
dress tbe toastmaster used consider
While there might be dangers In this conducted by himself and hia son*.
man to
After the assembly bad sung -Amer
ica” the st*cond annual banquet of the
pleasure and'^ls IntroducGons
by wrecking tb« home ties, still some
Human Blood Marka.
A tale of horror was told by marks of the best lotelllgmioes in the t»ub
of human blood in tbe home of J. W. try wart being denied the right of the
iViniama, a well known merchant of ballot
Man are not rtfnalflg h> fet
Bac, Ky. He-Writes: •‘Twenty years women vote tlfrough seWshness hut
ago I hmi severe beraorrhages of the
lungs, and was near death when 1 he because of tbe fear of endtngering
On account of me
the oesxn
death oi
of Brother
orosnor j^
DUcovery. tbe borne.
But the woman’s abbs
Richard Rout^, the Elks’ charily bal', R completely cored me and 1 have re- have come and !i I* lo be boptd that
which waa to have been held tonight.
they will make no change.
WANTElk-Al «ucc‘,
the members themselves.
last evening was one to be thought of
and applications were kll delivered In
faet that the ratch are now lower than
> Palestine and Syria.
■ l>lssirroatW..Trawt*sOty. Mkb. I
rendered an “Indian Love Song.” Thl.(
tally destroyiMl^dld not belong to hlnL
thing that could Ik* .levised now. • The
in reading, speaking
Urge amount of
practice, much reading, much apiaklng.
Tbe oolT nae of
i negative one-nam<ly. to correct mIsUkea-and for Uda
negative purpose tbe only person In Uie
grammar sebool who need know gram
mar la the teacber. The poalttre. scl
entlflc study of grammar most be reserved for tbe high acbool.—W. G. Paraons in AtlanUc.
ert Chase and Herbert Montague thi n
Music Talks to
and Motlnrs
owner, and the barn, which wa* to
Carrie Ankeraoa of Garfield township
Creamed Puutow
burst irom the ha.v mow. she ran to
He was married In IRC-*: at Birming
ham. England, to Miss Mary Hlckln.
a native of England.
In addition to
would be good (or an.
That only Is
The sons
are Harry and Dan. both of this city,
and the daughters are:
Brown. Traverse City;
Mr*. William
Mr*. William
in the pld day*, the woman’s dub Malpass. East Jordan; MUs Florence
0»lds and Branchitla. and U tbe only
known cure for Weak Lunga. Every was tbujchurch and much of the greaf K. Rou^ Seattle, and Mrs. Harry L.
botUc guaranteed by Jobrnmn Drug ness of the churches today are due lo Harria.'^lles City. Montana.
Oo. F. H. Meads, and C. A. Bugbee
Mr. Round was a prominent Knighu
the efforu of women.
If woman’s
Drug Co., dniggista. M cenU and |1.
clubs tend'io destroy the borne, then Templar, a member of the Elk*, of the
they are the greatest menace of dvi- United Workmen and for many year*
On accowM of the death of Brother llzaUon. If they tend to build up tbe of the North
lichanf Round, the Elks' cha'ity ban* home, then the grtater BberUes and
which was to have boon held tonight prtvBeces woman ahoold have as It
hU wife Mr. Round b-aves two
four daughters and twenty<,nc grandchUdren. three Indpg dead.
The fbneral arrangemenu are not
« made on acount of the daughters
good (or wroman which tends to keep
New York Racket Store
teday, April 26
Don't Fail to call and
see the fine line of
her on the pedoatgl where man has
placed her. tbe ruler of society and
tbe queen of tbe bon^
by .Mian Myrtle' limar. (hUaWod wHh
a vIoUii solo, “Legwd,- by WkmMwaTim solo
nitremaly wd! rtm-
deM ami « Mrty etoit made to re-
has an atmop
In worn* form powlbla on that aatalbut not (Or human belaga. who
Bazaar Goods at Exceptionally
low Prices
-ntAvnac crrv.
Stciobcifs Grand 33^" sSSSSSar'
AU —
T. C. SWIlHnS-^
• ^ -
TonlgHt I s~^~
■W WU « WT
Win. A. Biddy's SfMdidProductloo
. frito
]y SO If toe state gaits abirhiag aad ChaHes B. Quick w-outTmhlad kto
real#-ee oa rath atreot with a lew
“Why aboald we fhrman help to handled rake busOy poklag around la
asylum orosiL The—toftbora w«ro
bolter toc.tolWM wbito otoom spollod toe
much myetlflad avar Me actio— hot
frov Is «n tkto Is aad ande moagy by ttr Th^ are later Itw- toaipMtoathew—attrwiTwIm to o«r stoto, foi
•toff ftp to# lead aa that Yha c-reto
would make hbtoe fa which toe trout
aess, bailt mUways. buUt low—, i
could Be. It cum- that toe rue#market tor labor, for pradaee aad
Bislmd — cheap lumber to build,
down toal aU Urn choice Z«U wore
was Uke the ploaeer farmer who toad #p and toe wla« maker of es—^
to tom «p irov tom cRUto bura^ ap toe walaut logs la Wasb- dotom flgured ewt that he could ffx It
teasw and Le—wee. He wasted and so that toe trout fhmily would find
spalled things aot becaase be w- 4e- ulce homeu to his back yard. It reacraetlve. but beeaa— he opald not msins to be seen whether his energy
ywo ocD too lUtoora la aaa
wm vail him anything or not.
HleUcaa raM tola raiy gotat:
la the state to NIchigaB la the year
- much - anybody, excep
Itao lest tiaa half to all the laad was
r. to boildlag «p Michigan, aad
Peter Mencgarl Is keeping closo
aatiled by tormers. aad mor# thaa half
he does aot deaenre nil the crtC
watch on the Ooardman. He h— a ten
They have them now; khere la am
ww wild, aaaectlad laad. lathe
Inch rainbow located and every day
raal Ibeeat la Waahtaaaar oooaty thaa
year to- lhaa oaotoird to oar laad
His methods nrera bad mad tbe he goes out and looks st him to sec
la BoaoDauboa^aoaaty. Why did they
w-improeed laad. The
state shonld have chaaged tbea and that he hasn't been frightened awijy.
keep them? Veoaash they could aot
telle - that la toe aoKhera half to
helped Ibis Ind—try Into i^t i
“I*m going out the first thing after
aVofd to be withaot. The farmer in
toe state, aot amely toe
of doing.
midnight on May 1." —id Pete this
lows planted forest on laad beUer
eala. bat a large part to the lower peaamratag. “aad HI gat him. too.’* it to
But this is a by gone. Today
thaa the best la oor stale. Why? Bw
laaaU lacloded. aboat »S per cent to
cause be calf better aVord to do with - toe people of Mkblgaa. have the said toat every nl^i and mornlag he
an. laad sr— aalmptwired aad ahoat 17
aimaks out to toe creek and carefully
a few acres le— of oora thaa to haal lands aa^ we bavp toe aoad for tim^
per seat aot even aeUled!
U U aaeleoB to haaoat aad
coal flve or ton milea and pay eaeh for
Aeeof^g to toe Auditor Oeacrars every stick of wood or Umber. The say. Why does aot Mr. Doe. who
ChaHes Skcleher. dty clrcuUtor of
ofllce there Mre been for years about state of Wurtemberg h— about 4O0.M0 eklaaed off this toad and who Is now
tU mUlkia acres o^^Uad-whlch the acres of woods bdoagli^ to ihdi state skinning the Isnds of Oregon and the Exening Record, has purchased a
fine new rod, “It s for my son. Orlle. *
sUte held for mm-fiayasrat to
Itself. Tbea# woods are on the poor WsshlngtdO. come back snd help us?
be said when questioned sbont It.
aad which are making a nselc
lands and yet toe^people gel over two
Hdwever. there’s an old story about
pendknre to money for the aUte tm the
Bui toe lands nre here aad wc. the father that never went to soe the
way to advertlsUg aad clerk hire, this
people, are here, and wc have the
rirctia. but just accompanied his sou.
espeodltare U flve years aaMioaUag to
1 choice of letting things drin
One dsy-Sqlle Brotbcri came to town
» and to the bad aad pay exorU snd the boy w— sick and refused to
that can he rented at that figure for
8U mlUloa acres, or oaetosUi of any length of time. The forest norImport prices for limber or build
go. The old man w— in despair In
toe tatlre state, la soak for Uses!
mslly beau the farm for a net Income up our forests, make this toad pay uv the morning, but in the afternooo^wa^
What toU laad Is like roQulres ao
rdlnary lands mnd whhrever Um I rent, snd provide a cheaper home the first one up to the ticket wagon.
dflaertpUon; toe fhet tost people did ber U sccees’lhle abd h- a reaao—ble umdy of material.
A friend met him I—ide the esnv—.
aot oare to pay Usaa oa toU land Is price. But tola U not all: Your forest
There U stIU aaotber thing to to
• Why. deacon.- he said. * I thought
aotldeni Udleatioa. It U ent
said. This matter is not one of great that you didn’t sjiprove of circuses
Inmed-OTer pinery, desolate, flretomrSave the money which ix snd only went to accomiwny your son.
red stump-waste, which h— not grown Industries, all pf which make busi
od on adverUaameat and Where’s the boy this afternoon? ’
a crop alnoe the forest
ness. and make up toe fhmser's most clerk hire for the Ux toads, and use
“Why, he’s home sick.” said the
It h- lain and Ues now Idle
Important home market. Does It pay ^ It to protect these lands and the for d$wooov“and ho worried so about mlss;
w—ic. Invoicing a Ions of more U
Yes. toe fact U we can not afford to cst will largely come of itself. The Ing the show that I came so I could
million dollars every year.
» without It.
thlag will pay handsomely In the end. tell him about lt.“
Several million acrea.to all
The reader Is at liberty to pick out
Yes. To beglo with the United The sacrifice you make in solving this
Jaads are held by private parties.
the right way Is lets than th^ application. ^ ^ ^
States government h— set aside over
These peoide arjtwalUag to sep what
Ob acres of land for that which you now spend in dolag it
eaa be done with tbeae laads and
It’s hard to ahsttcr a man’s repu^
le wrong way.
an area* nearly throe
Btaad ready to do toe right thing —
Ijpl the state ^ pass s few simple iltm. but then rcpuUllon Is opiy what
times — large — all MIehlgaa..to be
soon - a chaaoe U ghren.
New York tows; provide for the pnAectlon of peojac think yon are anyway. For
*«at thaaa laads wfll aU be eecUed."
Bert Winnie has occupied the
IT a rnimon acres and U buying
yoa wm nay. The name thing wai
PcnnsylvanU Is buying, all her other property; prevent confiscation pedestal of pabt msKtrr of tbe art of
flfty years ago In New England
run-down lands and pays up to t» per under the guise of taxallou; stop forr angling. His reputation h— grown
after ruining thousands to fan
aero for them; she means to raise Urn- lag Its poor slate lands on the markei. with each succeeding heason until he
more than s third of the land tilled In
Connrotieut and Msssacbuselts and go ahead with a good example on has come to believe It himwif. People
ISSO waa given up and abandoned b<s
olng toe same thlag and are get. Its own lands, and Instead of holding naturally look to the Indian to capture
fore the^car IDOO! Do you think, as
ting plenty of lands at from II to $4 them In a waste land condition, pro^ the biggest fifth of the scaaon and.a
long — a man can bny all toe aand be
(hem and grow tlmbiT. When thU Sitatemrnt to that effort creates no
per acre, lands which were “all farm
wants in Conncctlcui. llasancbnseui
one the private man will Ukc .x»mment. Last year cm the first day
land ’ before Michigan was a sUte.
and New Jersey si s dollsr an acre,
be showed up as usual with a three
Our nclghW. Wlaeo—in. b— act aside heart and Ao thfc rest.
that our lands will'be much In de
Plant trees, take care of your wood pounder and announced that he had
all her sUte lands — forest reserve.
msnd? And do you suppose, because
caught It. It was a fine fish and the
and th*' lot, join the Michigan Forestry —sa
a few interested men shout. **AI1
writer had the plc.-cMiro of aiding iu
clear out to elation and get your ncighlwr <o dr
farm land,’ ‘that this will make a jack
performing a delicate oiK-raticm upon
and W—hlngton. which the same. Read forestry books, which
pine aand. which already hundreds to
be given you free of charge; Isik It. Since then, however, U dcveloi»od
have stole forests. We In Michigan
that llcrt was not the catcher of the
families have tried and have aban
forestry and let your representativc«St
doned. Into a garden mp.»t? U-t us be
Ihat you understand this matte- piscatorial specimen. His brother Art
I In toe I r of the 1
reasonable; self deception
that you iH-llcve In it and want tto asiied the big fellow snd ss he wsx
ought to be at be front.
going out of the city to finish up th»*
the wordt to all Uc\ us expect our
aUer carried Into effect.
To begin with, ibe pcofik of France,
dsy. left the Indian to Uke it** home.
soils to do just what similar
Du it now. and write to SorreUry
prmany. Scandl—via and Austria
When he got bscktbfil night, he found
dolmt elsewhere.
tis hope that
have large expanses of pinery on T. M. Sawyer, of Ludington, for any that the Indian, not the “man who
much to this land Is good and will
y Ifhds. They have prevented
does tbe work.” had caught the beauty.
seuied. and also let us l>c clear and
fire, nad are doing It now. They la
It win be different. hoW^-ver. this year
not expect that all will be settled say
t If one acre In 10.000 geU touched
more here than In Pen—ylvanta. New
Gore a man who bad the reputation iDd **the man who doric the work” Is
by fire In nay one year. The man who
York and other older states. Let
ol noEtf. having l>cen toaten for tbe positive that he can make tbe Indian
says that the people of Michigan can pavilion of orderly i-ame from another Umk Ukc s has-been.
be rlesr abd understand that thote
not do^thls reflects seriously on th- regiment. Prirate Haarseber and the
large arc— to land on which no Uxes
honesty and capacity of thU law-abld newcomer, at lock would have It.
The fishing tackle Imslnres Is lively
could be paid are* cull and UuU they
uetalWl for guard the same day . The it present. There arc no radical
locm tow part which will he a^og
Forestry and fire go together, like w bole garrlsoD turned out tb see s
Ganges from last year and It Is still
Ume sKtllng.
farming and fire, or like city buildings one the adjnTsnt would pick for the np to the man behind the rod to land
But, -Ide from the wild lands, we
coveted plare. To all outward signs
and fire. You must stop the one to do there was uo difference in the uest
the fish Instead of letting t^ tackle
have in this atate over torec million
the other. In oor towns we keep some, od soldierly spi.esnince of the two do It for him.
acres to farm woodlots. where the
body on band to prevent and slop lai.
good sense to the farmer prH
Tbe ofllrcr spent sbont twenty min
kc#p woods In spite to all the
r greater properly) aad you wUl Dtes examining the rifles, belts, car
The “eighth wonder.-* as It Is usually
greater pay in field and
tridge boxes and brasses of the two called, is tbe gigantic pslsre of the
ive no trouble.
ww. There w— absolutely jMHhlng Rarnrisl. which sunds In tbe ancient
Fbrealry Is no “sugar trust baby.boose between them In point of kljMrdom or Toktlo. Bpsln. It to con^
Have we the land for foreaU? Yos,
1 ao many nre trying to make It out.
less of appesrsnee. FI—lly, as s feasedly the most wooderful edifice in
aad we shall always hsve it. lllc:
Fbresu can pay taxes — well — any
gmn Is located well; she esa and mu
the world, wl^ftber In dime—io— or
r propefly. Tb# foresU of toe
riches. It has IJMO rooms. 0.300 wln^
evonlually. raise sll she Deeds aad
Old World pay taxes; New York pays
dows snd doors. 80 staircases. 73 fo
ided but abaohirely clean
ul—. 48 wine cellsre. 8 orgm— and 61
But U It aot beitor tf aettlod la toxM on her stale forest, aad we
bells. Its circumfereacMx U 2W fe«t
farms? We -hsve hundreds to farms ought to do toe same on our state undid torse butto— of hit blouse. or almost exactly a half mile. It wi. But forestry-is like any other
I « bread new suH of dadlcsted to 8t Loremto. the saint who
In neariy every state and country
that must barb rost to said to have been broiled — a gr|6where a struggle Is made to 1
And oor present system of
a moath’e pay It was tbe other iroiLwnd — that account Its founda
poor land produce good crops,
man on that day who walked past post tions were laid off In tmlUUoo of the
where in ten or twenty years
In the hot sun, while H—rseber did sbaiie of that kind of a piece of kltehstruggle rods la complete failure
•toimig duir* in the shade in front of
mortgage le4breckmed and this farm,
Do you kamv that toe average
a grave to ^nmaa hapfdaeas..te rea<ir tax tnte la oae cf cmr oouaUea wn
over MO for each fl.00t of pro^y.
thlag else asre toe Amcrloaa cHlsaaad that aom# laada were taxed over ship which be had won by enUstlag aafIM for eech «l.gM of actual value? der toe AaMriesa flsg.~Ghledgo Poet
to ttoto Uxatloa or eoaftacaUon? fl^psad. toe tstokm of profilas In
stmggitng p#o|rt# sre trytag to do toe
black caalag la simat tbe asms time,
you have a twenty-acre lot of
OM awa—s Is Ls#lss4.
they wars caHs4 la Aariatoa allboutibpooalhla to thU kind of farmtog.sug- beeu aad the assessor would
la Lspto^asjsm ^ sj^byy to ffttaa. lbs aoblUty ctolaHag toat tosg
hiUmr than poveny? Is It better to
mmad uatU the beets are ripe
bad toeir portraits do— In black hehav# the land tilled by n lot of people aad the figure: The laad Is good; I
cana# they wnsrs too poor to hav# a fan
who nre bound to tail and turn broken assess ft at 175 per acre, aad ton crop be place of bspttaas<-#he Is dowered
hearted back to the clUea. or U tt bet is worth $75 more, ao toat this prop by her father with a certalg aamber
ter to have a thrifty fbrnat, toe only erty will stand at $150. What wooM of rriadeer. whkh are brsaflod with
safe crop on auch lands,
n hnnd- yon say? Bat tim assesaor who asasas- her inlttato aadhopf apart — hw apoMrs.
a-Do y— romemlmr. Qmt
clsl ptoperty. In ptxipcwtiou — they alfbt la Aft— Hdniy. whsa you flfot
sosse return of a material whkdi to-- es toe Umbor - P-t of ton real eatate
aakafl am to a—Itr you? Mr. Jo—aaeoeasary - w^eat ttoatf. and piwdiic- .-------------,--------- ------- crop of timber
If y— tftlir t# that flnt. Ia#c al—la.
lagaaetlaeoma;afaaltoev«alotlmt y#ar after year Ana#
aolltsry aad —ly ooe—hm up— whlel>
obtolaadoa goad lam laad? Aie aot
toad aad OOP tor
WANTffD—gcrap Ifwn; will esM tor I avfr atofld j— ta marry ma, 1
tamm, ooaaty sad outa better off toe owaar of a e
and forest. Iflg pmwids ar I—rs. Citx. pba—$»L
latoelaliaraaat? A good^bnaer oa while tor all other I
ho-spha-$M. CookBroav Waygaod laad Is a blesatag aad Is tbe only the land. To i
DaaiA AINct any af toa Trovarw
CHy Sy-K, Mo—yarw|iimk#a;^
Sotofl Urgmi to Ag#ln Bator ;
Mi^oWilMW IlwlII»tor#f«nr«to
to Ntoi tito foUmtof «rtieSe cAftotol/:
Trm bsMUfj fow Itont; • fsw
0Dotf altoto mas aM IMi to Uto otok
/tftoa to a tom lol. M4 ttey aM tooto
tVM toaaUTMka Mtiimjr. Aaav
aaaa to larva ttoiriy toapla aa4 alto
trass add to tke cash raloc of yimr
farm aad tot fsnaa to jraor aatoiibors.
Trass ahaltcf yoar balkitoss. yoor
SKMUtos aad roar stoek acatost the
aatotoars hast aad to# alator's wiad.
A vood sroodito toshta roa ladevsadaat to to# eoal aad vood rard.aad
toas itohto yaa as ratalar aa lacome
as aagr otoor part to yoar farm. A.’
VDto toiodlto to hsttor toaa toOMx la
tW totok. ft vrairs aad to# capHal aad
tetorak ar# rlakt bofbr# yoor #y#s
aad a ttUto cftort cao doal»l# the lat#r«st Tb# woods caa as# to# popror
part to yoor laad wklch yoa ar# vow
proltot yoor stoop load aad keep thU
load tooto aoUyina and heap It fsrUie.
Year voodkii aad toe voodloU to
yoor .aelcliboni are aoKiog the chief
ptoau to beauty to yoor aelghbochood.
aad they OMhe your laad worth 110 ao
Th# Dorsal# ar# toe oaly flaUsfaetory
maos to prtraaUac floods, aad la this
aloaa.jpoa caa aae# MIehiiaa (yoa aad
Tbd forests caa store- water aad
toeodv aasore a steady flow la #881
aser. tohidi la worth aUlUoae of doUai#
lad—tries. The Dorasts cao aave us
may a crop aaalaat drying winds
whkii-otherwise would tom out a faUThe forrsU are the eourco of our
bulldtag Umber, to which we need
Itor# la MIehlgaa alone over 2.000 milIloa feel per yoar. The foreaU furmlsh toe raw amleilal for our eecood
Vreatesl Induatry. aad If oar fOre»is
ue gone our woodmahlog Indaatrlcs
muat leave toe elate, aad the farmer
Joses aa Importaat part to his home
amy to toe Importer for -what he
assde la this llni*:~------ ^
Tbo foroau can maVo u»o of oor to
fnior.Unds; they two produce aa in
come*targe enough to pay our stale
tasea from |he lands which hare been
reverting to the state because they
were ho—idered too poor or worthless
to pajr Uses on them.
The foresU are the only crop to
which tfe are certain toat It can be
piwdared sallsfactorUy on mniHink of
acrewto oar Ugbter aaady lands.
The treat, the woodioi and the fo^
oet can hdlp — to do our duty to our
ehUdrra and to onr atatc. The foreat to the most poteot agent to —lure,
maklag this world habtUble for man.
aad toere )s no met— now at our dis
posal which can help - More than
the forest to preaerre and to -reatore
the tieauty to our ylato aad the ferUIItr to our land, and thus live* up to
the universal moral ohllgaUoo to leavtag the couatry at least BO poorer than
we foaad it; leaving this world ao
worw lor m having been here.
Mtohigan uacs a rmind 2.«0 million
fool to lumber Umber, besides gre
wood. Pricos to timber hsve gone up
with a jump aad tortwten going up
We. the pc
Umber pad >«aber. Yoar roof Is cov
her emiM fPoai the aotoh. your
Hhp from cambraia; toe oak la your
tahW U ahlppad from Mississippi and
CM rxi ttw .er culo.4 for U»
IMtkt to..
U 1«M <k« tuBliw
•to m aiUthiB doom UM tmf
vatotf good bum lor tor iM »ta/dM to Oojtod. at ow fuaon. Todvr otor tair at tkl. toto otottol
kto Ml to* outo ud I. to to itok.
tor for «kar tot*,
lotto toM of ow^ toMi *M
toortoldlaoMtot. Do «. to tor
ftowu? Coa torrrsto
Rapids today. BvanavOle belag the
visiting team.
... €
... «
Special to the Bv—lag Record. .
Olivet Oollege. April 2A—Tbe apftag ^
term of toe college y—r Is. peibdpA
aitracUve tor both —w and
^ this Ume toe
cc—tomed hlmaeir
to the collcB# way of doing things aad
the old stud-t has ceased lo notlee
him: while toe —toy sophamorr.
cither — account of his **co-*' of hto
“glrl.“ leu the treshm— go aad come
*The liascbsll team has played three
games so far this season, all at M. A.
getting away with the first snd
dropping the last Jwo. The team to
handicapped somewhat for prscllce. —
several of the men hsve laboratory
In the afternoon. There arc genorally enough out for two t-ms and
at least three or four Innings of base
ball are played every day.
Willard Hans is s cxnUidate for firM
b—c and to doing good work,
A call waa stmt out to track men
last week and roost of the college men
have responded. Arthur W*alt to doing
nicely In the daahos and promises to
Kidy move some for a
Urth on the t—m‘i roster.
Louis Ulrdssll to also put for tbe
ng runs. He has dlHilnguUhcd himftclT here as a memU’r of the “turn-
Dsllss. Tex.. April 2C.~Edward E.
Lewis has been klllcM) at Marlow. In
dlsn Territory, while umpiring s base
ball game between Marlow, and Dun:lubs. l^wls renderetl s decision
that sngeretl the Duncan players and
— bit with s bssebsB bsl and his
Oscar snd Prank
Mllllken. who has resigned the capn— sre fh'jsil. charged jrit h
taincy of the baseball team and has re
tireil from atblrilcs, Is bt'lng urged to
get out, as he 11 a valuable man In ibe
Chicago. April 2€.—Tom Sharkey half-mile, but does nut wish to do so.
ihe saUor pugUisl, who will wrest It
Prof. Chas. Novak of Travci— City.
John Rooney, the Chicago pollcomsti.
in the show st the Coliseum tonight pho has been superintemlent of U»e
offered to bet Rooney even money CKIvei public schools for tbt |»ast year,
received a flattering Increase In
on the side that he will throw him
within furty five minutes, the time al hts salary and will undoubtedly re- _ .
lot te«l for the bout. The provisions of msin another yv*ar.
Some new rules suRested by the fic- ) '
tbe signed artlchw are that the pollceulty arc being «Uscusr<*d ralluT warm;
msn put the sailor to the mat l
ly by tbe studenift. Hervturoi-c lh»»
itbln thrwHjusrtcni of an hoi
lose the purse, snd to Sharkey this rules juve Uin very lenicut, but iu
looks like the easiest sort of money
changed somewhat. The new ones are
Cblcsgti. April 24.—Arp—gen
to,the effort that young men cannot
have bc-en made for s^"profrs»
enjoy the wiclcty of the “tio^HlB** wllh1S.2 cxlilbltlcm lillllsnl twurnsmri
the presence of a chaperon,
Chicago b«'twpen Gifirge Slosson. win
has long been the custom here U
ner of the New York tourney; Jskt
• long walks or go host riding or
efer. Cwirgc Sutton. Willie Hopi»e
n go hunting, almost st will sod
snd Umls Cure. Ihe 1-Yench exr>crt
presence of the chaperon is' not
The event will lie held St Thomas Or welcorot!d by many. None of ibe Travchestrs hall. Michigan avenue, l^ln erse City bunch her# are affecItMl by
nlng May S. snd ending May 12. Five this rule, however.
players will necesslUtc ten games snd
Five fellows, three of whom are
the msnsgemetit . hopes with
from Traverse City, have rented a fur
gsmej playoil «Ully afternoon snd nished house and. besides setting an
evening, to finish. Including tics. In
mple to sll the ncighborlujod Iu
tters of housekeeping and gt*ncrsl
dciiorlroenl. Indulge In s IHtIc stutly.
Ann Arlior. Mich., April rc.-l-ssl One of them was heard to say that he
night KtH iie Fltrpoirlck left for Phlls- would have to hsve st least fifteen or
delphls with Ihe track team which is twenty minutes sleep even* Bight for
represent Michigan st the Univer the rest of the year, and that spreads
ally tif Penusyh'snis mt'Ct next Satur (hat were to last si! night ought to Uv
day. ’The personnel of the team will held Saturday evening.
IKJ da foTlpws: .
Four mile relay team. Rowe. Coc
CleanM— of the siotospbere has
Ramey. Maloney': shotput. Coe. Gar
rela. Dunlfp; dlncus throw. GarreN much to do with the sigisrent length et
comKs* taUs, In clear tropical skirs
and Coe; broad jump. French.
or In tbe rarefied atmosphere of mounWhile *‘KiU.“ — usual la making
Uluous rooutrtes tbe tolls of such
ten predlctlooa. it la generally bodies can be traced much farther.
ought that he will bo greatly dK than they can by European oboervert
appolnted If Michigan
or tbo— of iemi«rste Aroertci. *n>e
the moat pointa In the big meet. The apparent length of such sppeudsgea by
unlveralty will have the smallest rep- uj roes— indlcsles anything of their
resenutlon of any college partlrlpat real lenrh. and It often happe— that
Ing In the meet. The points of which those wrbich appear tbe longest sre
rnilly tbe shortest. Thto is due to the
Michigan feels practically sui
dlffereot distances wrhich comets bold
flve Ih the fdur-mllc relay rare, nine in with reaped to the earth. While tbe
put. six In the discus, snd a great comet of 1861 had s toll vriiidi
stretcM sway more than IS.OOOjOOO
place In the broad jump.
miles. Its apparent length was flv# ^
Ypailsnll. Mich.. April 2C.—The Nor times that dlsunc*. Tbe ft—t DoiUU
rt. with s toll whlcb appeared oftly
msl baseball girls have been awarded
tbclr Bw^^rft; s white Norfolk jacket half — long — tost of IWl. w— raab
ly 60.000.005 mil— In length. Tbe
with lb«[ Insignia N. *OC. The toait ctunet of 18C1 was only about JlJMtL .
had kept
the repuUllon of tbr
miles from ns. while Do—tl's was
earllor sUr tdams and U undefeated
Mstf—rtiffl— ——mote, s dream. * ^
although It h— had an unusually full
le# that tyould scoooat for Its apnit Isek of tan. Tbe gr—t comet of
schodule. It plied up s total of 124
polnu to all oppoa—u <0. snd twice Ibe. year 1080 aad.tbat of 1M$ eaeb
defeated Mt. Pleasant Norsssl and De bad a tan of enormow kngtb. TV
troit Western High aeboot The young leagtb of tV toil of toat of tbe last
lo—d date has been estimated at - j - /
ladles who were swarded sw—tars are
OOilOO iblle#-Uie loogeet of any
Mlaseo Aa— Brady.
t that bat yet been ol—rred. lb# <•., ..
Eiliabeto OToole.Ytoada Yatos. Elisabeto Btaero. BU- Stark feaptala).
Rath Dunbar ai^ Bd— ODaU.
To draw i— ftro out of buraft, baal
__ ......
ipSik teTta!
w*»iiw hi karabr dfo. UM Mg.
oae altovlac povUir to roa at ttiyt
am ba 9iw«Mtad atoertlac to !•».:.
Tihr A BgeOW ft'ANT ACi.
Mnu Uai* rwlw of ibvtMoa fto-
, s"r«2rus'sr-"K
UHm XgMct Uoua nHurnodJo Obto
‘ '*?,rjSrtl7 k.. retoinod tar ioifcor
yror. lie inMek»l to i fall koow •oa
Mr. ...
««ck .r.
OctftT<« Homl®* ha*
rrv liBm€ on tb€ ifi M
of rmak miM^.
WlHIaai Wcleb
**Mr S^^MnL^lton of Traverse
Cltjr are gnoaU of Mr. and
Doni foraei to ae< oot aome freea
atare of Mra. W. Ti
Arbor dar. A prodamailoo of Arbor
Of now OB tb« grvuud, but day ba» brcB la*ocd to Che people of SMiarly compielod and ready fof or
in the 1->caJ
paper. Krtgalry efUtm* bave alwara ^fil^d Mr*, r. R Dari* .pent 8ai^y ta TimveraB City. '
(aken prWe In beaut Ifving
p»* with tr» e». aad we km** that
ly rtwpoa»e to Ike guveraor a c*1l|
will b« made.^
gw Cm
PrepamtloB* are being made by ibe
|:»tertng hb booie. the huvUnd U
doe BtBoe tbelr return.
Ooorge Sberldan. rnrho-ha. bnn In
potf bealib over a year and
ntlrely belplea* for aereraJ
liifrio U bMng cliTulat*^ to Kbift all ywtr grlefr he lago’.im
-vM:. ir* our
m\ r mdlev
wife, who
re*|*in«lbllliy and preparation* to oth
Ifflwreti *olw.
j .
u*. darttng. I kwafw we ate p<
held at the engine 1 -UMT.
aoa or Mr. and Mm. K. B Sheridan.
('UHf-^ay. and It 1*
that all hut I am »lrivlne and alrasg'ing rt
He waa bom here S3 yoam ago laM In'e
ertuited will aflend.
d*y- «"<I •»«««• tlnu* >
Jannary and haa limed here nearly aM
If * I
bl« llfe.^le wai marrlod lo MU* Ellen
Dim thl* ytuir. The buRJobnaon nearly throe yearn a£o. HU
gre Imerrsied and *how a* IIM atkove tMTlll.*'
wife, father, molhar. two balMn^ora.
B to aaslal In every way poe-, “I ktifiv. >i.n trr Tvetking h*M
half »l*ter, one brother and three
ert* mill Uoubileaa be no It l« if^rildr to l»e twilled abnut
fd^m are left tjumoum their k>*s. A
In the team from laM.year dmiiluilmi."
laracwlfrfTMfrtmd* *yrapathl*c with
“WTiO h** U««'n twlUiug >>i.u
there are any they will lie an
them In iheJr hour of sorrow.
m ill
a few
April 23. /
•‘Thnt iur.vn Mm, Dekrrlgb.”
The ^lng*h»y crifi mil! 1* making a
-IHimpIt. that dlvortrcJ I ^UnCl ln t
tod run and ha* a good .patronw,
l»oth In Klngsier and neart.y hrdlumi iwy any *i
tCIngaley nnU other m-art.)
But she rings It !u in.v fo«-e tb»l
1 iirr tf»o |MH»r tp nfford !• iwy me
April 24.
Wra. Whevlcr ia at BoUin on bust
allnipi y if avc siimtUI l«e dlvou'cd.’V
*** today
-Gnwiuinp III iqilril iMN-aesc be fo
Mr. Perincr of East Leland I* vl*northroRt oepartmbnt.
allxca tlie blighting tn;lh. the |ioor bu<Ulna bl* dauchtcr. Mr«. B. Hollai
burierr bis
in Ills b«rd* nut
nichan! Thoma* of Omtma spent
Ole OlCTon had the mUfortun
Wednesday In town.
:» ananhlstle iLpiiglils.—Judge.
lose two ralnalds cow* last week.
Mm. .McholH spent Tuesday In
Traverse CItv.
William Thoma* enterulmal hl»
-The old tYeuidi artstoerary die* vrlUi
Moivin Gray and Tiny Branso of U Sundry school clars at hi* home on
land^apent Batnrday with the Prau* Wednesday. A highly enjoyable even- me,- erleU the IYUkiw* de Valniont on
Ing was Bpt'n:, after which leu dream her deatbU'd, bho mas a lillier old
•oul. who. Itoru of a long line of ua
^*Mr.*’and Mm. C. Bloom and chlldre and cake were served.
Mr. Perrv of radlllac wa* in ipwn rontanilunted am-c*tom ntiU married
and Mr. and Mr*. Fred Daao and MIs^
Tu^day in the Intcrekls ef the K. O. to a liotde of otiuallT •npr'riine strain,
Olive Dago cf Maple City apent 8a
day evening and Bonday at the
bad. throurli lu-r liur.baud * death in
.‘li. E GUI spent Monday and Tuca- financial difficulties, to luarry her five
ter’* homo In ihi* place
dnv in Traverse City,
Sunday tchool auned again yc»
day with the following oBleerw; FH»r.
i the bllgb
eharactcr. but
anperintoadaot: Olo K.rh
ry In
ooaaorer. and Florence Keh rtec
r* were ma«M mournful to ber
derhouae. aecreUry. Everjono i* In presents
erse City spent
ited to attend.
Wednesda in town.
The romaln. of Geo SbOfMan
Glon Arbor, who died last Friday, will
Cha*. Baiimberger returnetl from
be laid to reat today In the Port Buttons Bay Wednesday
Oneida cemetery at S o’clock.
Dungla** Wilson had the misfortune
Mr. and Mm. Cba*. Mikula of lh«- to lireal: hi* arm oik- day tW« meek. . t-rrndo r^floetloa; “We hare here,
South Manltoii Islaod. who
George U'»Ue spent Wednesday In eonnting on her flnters, Tei>resenta
tly married, gave a dancing party Traverse
tire* of carriage making. wbo»e*ak
their friend* at the latter * home
O. Prlroeau.*wht» has lieen ill. f« can 1 procery. confectionery, toni mining and
on 8atunl*y evening. All report a R«K»d
We wish them a long and happ.v
r. and Mr* John Dago were
The Epwortk
anti) anrprtMid la*t Ratunlay nl;
lit llfty of their friend* who
eroind Mr. Dago of hU *l»ty.fourth
playing t
arrvml a
... ..
In which to secure a Dinner Set Free.
We’re eolei to Bive Dish Tickets Vntii May 12.
ois.'r^L-“‘Sir:.ss's: id?«
IteMy with
Mrm. C. U
LMt >rl4ay C. U
Ronell kUnderilp
rlU Mr. ma4 Mr«. R
___________M»er ktart
He.4 wt» well .lieoM
-•^lVe":r-5:? M ike r«m. talk,
*•« to Ike dwee «t Job. ttawof. «i
■lUtat.. Ther »ir tker had* r«Tjr Ml
RVMile IlMe. Mr. Md M".
kta rerr ko.plUble «»d eaterunilil
■nd there I. .Iw«n«.« bid .lt«.dro«
whenrrer »»y p.rt» or lUtice U <ol.|
Ikim. to Mr and Mr*. Wm Uubin
lo wort oo tbc fovcrnment boat thli
. AlpboDko Tyrpr. Br.. waa howp a Ip*
day. tbU last week from 8ouih Foj
Mm. rrod NHtod of ArcWc made i
abort eltl! with 1»ct daophtcr. Mm
Freda Kroupa. laat Tueaday.
Mr. and Mm Jamm IV Beac>
Miiit IMy vlatted tbrlr daufbtor. I
Darld U. Elman, for a few day«
noliert leannln ha« returned from
Alden for a flalt with reUtlvci..
David Wman had the mUfortunc In
Itwr bU now la»l Runday nlaht
k'mnK Sferen* have
takco a flrirt5lKlurX3oWwater ach«K.|
for trtal. If tnltinl they will adoiit her
at iMt*
M.*JIe.r1pr6urdlrw«^"-“ u.
It M noroetlrae* eUlmed that the *or.
fwoB or the phy.lelan I* the only man
who 1* paid for bl* mistake*, but that
I* cl^rly unlmo. Uwivr* mnwire fee*
for the cB*e* that they loie, and other
rked- whenever they
mra are i
npkite sucee**. The
r*ll abort
takfii UHT^okl
bSe^SIi SbiJk^^ 5Kn the t.kra
h.re to bo inereimd
fhetioa er eomplele aneraaa If very
Pwr meeting IhU week mt Mile*
UihnoreV Mr. Oolrlch will load.
April W.^
writer in the Loniou ChrOBiele
latgimgeR trick of decmpl
g wofBa. na !• -ima.- -rhooe* »M
M not at nil a
Capuin WMkor df the Slraplas
the ramumo wwiBi Y*tBd’ eiR
Bolir life aomlBf aUlkm hfis reeeivod
t.- 0«r very eoHy anceetom but
ordora from the deporUBOBt
the verb ■^raOB.* nod yet *apeBd' 1*
htittM. whieh la um Ik does, tofitty 0 dUdtulelug abbrenetlon ^
bettor Utln •dia-pendere.* to pny onL *8f
U gBBlher very old lUtgUMi word, yet It
ia rtelty ifiltperr^-dla^port,* to <wrry
ta? bMci 'rtanins «Uk rSMili nd r*l- ___ I* of Rteasure or amoaemeut prtt
ctoely •* *dlTerr and •li*BH>ort.*"
Hot moved hla family ood
r -goods to Keyatooe loot
vy. where he wUl have em-
hr=ii?.t.d.i^k-.Tk.^- Mantoo
»d ekIU». «t
a^t « few day* Mai »«ok
wRh roRtlfwi here, rolurmlai home
\ OoraBMm. who hn* bora dormum to tovo the poM two
, retaraed to her home In BurbkvIUe Botarday
Urn OBdmBB oi
This Beautiful
I I Bowtjf.
To hivostigaR is to Invest
‘*\pril 23.
raUlS^iiMhlo to work for pomn
h M
Mlea rtOBeoa Traimbloy left
day lor DohKh. where ahe will maka
bar home with a ataier
If you question H, come
in — wc’II knock. your
doubts into smithereens.
Wc like the trade of peo
ple who feel that money
is not made to be squan
dered — who insist that
every penny must do its
\J work.
Wc arc neither
f too btisy, too vain nor too
Jndpi>cndcnt lo acknowl..... *ed|fc the existence of
competition; but when you compare our qualities and
our prices with thoK^ oSTered you elsewhere,' wc arc
benefited and you gain.
Is it # Buggy or a Har- /
ness you arc thinking of? '
Don't wail untH you act
ually need them.' JCome.
in an^ look over our line.
Wc have them in all va
rieties and at prices to
fit your pocketbook. As
tp .catalogue house offecs.
bring in your catalogues.
Wc will meet or beat th^ prices. Here you sec what
you buy befeu^ you put up your money. We arc here
to right every wrong and they art not. Investigate—
and that includes a visit to our establishment.
Wm. HooHhan & Co.
• Tbe%
AH Mrt* or VAM* tor *P
<< ooo. H«no» wa* «o Older
by Johri&M«.lwirty Witt Wa^
Olass Spring S-tooUs
Now In
Holsrh-t of Thwlr Olory
an<t sfireaeling
si>r<;a<linti the sp
spirit of favor that charactirig and
public aitiuidc toward this great trading center.
Here you (mkI the new slyk-s—the Ix M v.irieti.;s-the most satisfatPiry m.-rcliamlisi; to buy without the necessity of paying fancy prices (or it. (Not oniy
that, but we are giving away to customers
^ -
Beautiful Forty-three Piece Dinner Sets Free - .
. . WVve decided to corttinue this «rand oiler until May I J
This still Bive-s'y.m
1') days in which to Wure cnoujrh tickets fur one of the above 4o piece Uinner ^»cl^.
Ar« Quo-tins Spooiol Rrloo» In oil L.lnoo
pecial in Ijiwlira’
Tnilor-mmlo SniU,
yppri.l 8alc of White
Silk* at
25c. *Sc mt eSc
SiKH-i.1 in , B 1 a 0 k
HUk*. y«nl «iJv, «.t
Hfavid ill I.*a(1iiV
S9e a»d fl.OO .
Long OiaU,
$9,0$, $.59. 7je: Specinl in Table
19.00. 12.00
Linen* ut
39c. SOc end 59c
BpeoUl in Ladies'
$0M^ 4.50. 5.00.
$.00. 0.00,
Sta-ittl Sale of Fine SpnriHl
WHiftf, at
Wash (iwAl* in1 luAUtiful Floral Ji.sign*.
(iooO* thut look
silk, at
. ^
Special io While I'n^itkirU, Muiliu
Govnft. etc., Bt
Ik^-iUtiful Suiting! for
.lackeU, hkirt! or Spncifil in iiiui* iiihI
Ohikirnn't HaU anil
TAilor-mado SuiU.at
Special'la BCD’s Sails, $8.95, $11.50
SpecUl itt Knee Pant Suits, $1.45, $1.95 “4 $2.« .
Calicoes at 4c. Dress Ginghams at 5c.. Percaloe at 6jc *
■^rrWT' ' -
I Aimr
1 nt:\ «
Of Rftut«r 8«rvic«
Iron Ox
kro Ma w 4b* <
Rfftlcii MkUcu
TrttsporfstlM Onpanr.
t«t» a *1M* lir QmM Mat ta IW
«0f 14 Hatec tao oolooM doot 4or.
tec pnkAim ham* «M
klliia. MaiUwiptecMio«gr«oi
for iMiir wmteM la ddt.
It te fiani^tM a fiur fria.rMli la.
M ailt Mtw tti« If ifecn*^
mm «M 0M(* wi i M
miv.Mrt a r i^a.
if. MipMri «ni
in their poek«i.-adakr
«•» 7 . ► a. wai
PrtfcT ■»■««»■» mi tirnmnTIwrlM** M
.!; V'
tW IMM. ta*f iMt My tiM
tktm iV VHI* a Mtat M
mtotmirmcmi kaai.
I iro at the
OTCit for ManiH «• Wtiom
Wttli iJik MiU COM tan fiM rofiM
of miWfa^ yoOMOa.lt
oiSrMck Afloftyay«ikar»
■Mty roflff ai fo« oao4 at «l«We
iaW pricoi
As m iad.ffat
to 4o too4 Morfi o« f.ro. aaM«
with a carload of farm
chunk! and general
purpohe horaet.
•MWrofrbpir.. AMiiLiiiitioo
tW II EHra M PrtM
Wm. Champion
PalBter. Paper Haarer
aid Decaratar.
t 'D. MdLUi"
All work done in a utitfac***5?ll'^e« promptly attend
ed to.
33i W.lOlb St. Oh »k«c Ml
6eo. Ha Sarpif
OricAtal Foppics
2«l fp«Bt.»traft
lOc each
J. N. ■UlUHAlinL
rtna iNaunANcc
VltOaMOrantat, up auira
I .
Tne South Side Lumber Co.
TrmisaCity. Mich.
the kind that
fit your doors and windows
’> ■ f i
at best pricci. Dcalen in all kinds
building inateriaL Get our pricei and consider
itoik b(4ora baying. KoUmoU*i fomlohed.
Our Uiolto: Boot Priooa l>ry HU^k,
Prompt Delivt-n-.
Ml 330
8in«feC,liipk«. 1.1. 8, 6 aw
7 Hcaaa Powr
(onstipaf io ’
Andlxmci WM^ IO
ttmf cvrpd: Not •
hinli fmrttthm doM.
but I mBd, h«alio|
Mr. aai mo. fteteli r. MUwr of
Mr CM aa?0 Hai tairf/ aom
M la IM. aai aov«aa«i Ma cun
IJfMa TM PMU or. of 0«»M
Wf^ oa4 H OMI •< T«of» oM MpoeU
•partai Is lb. Meabtes MMard.
Akanaaa, bOib^ AmM SL-Mr. md
Mia. U A ttttea«r aid vtamag tb.
dhtek cf lirh. Bhlaaar at HlbiteBb
r b tew'Siffm. ..
ffMs| eegslat tTMl ttenmi aai MRHOUSE TO MBNT^M LaW aWSM
4ba /mini <4 WexiM wmw sateUr
spammfcaaa. lagnliw la K. MhU
manMai tbe bnme nf Mr. and Mrs.
IL R FMairiak by B. a FMNfcb.
*Uiy paMSe.
TVStWBiTER tor rmu. OaU Ot
Mllb mm Weld. «f Tbomsannettle
phone SSS.
apr IWl
la wMItlagbt ibr hmn. aC Mtea HHc
WAMTSO-Two miwtet fWa; ymmg
Mr. Batbarlatd. wbo baa bora esry
girte vbo eaa board at beam preUl far at«^ day. witb munealar
frrred. Apply at tba MllUkaa stora
ibaateaMam. I. aid. to be oat of donr.
time tku the wutcmiaa ftbmcsqthbntwaa
Tb. laetarw glveii by U Q. Hmbmn WANTCD-Fow boary team, to draw
fnaUMw; good wagaa: write or pboa.
laat.Tb»aday ammlmg wm weW Mlth
Oarp Lak. Laaihar On, Btegham.
mad aad ttaa appiocteted by a Vality
apr il4f LO«r-W*>rk ck*l*. RMir* to UT
SdnaSl of,oar towaapaopte mittmdad
th. laetar.
at Mnaick Thartetey WANTCQ—Lac. cnrialna to cte.n at
the Pbilstea. U to IS coax per pair. -DCSTEUCTIOII OF IAN FfUMON^
•paetel to Ow Mwctac BaeafC.
rebates br^Tf. N. PtnH of Big Bap^
Taportry enrtatoa T5c to liJi.
Crofion. Mich . April 2&.-My«. H. L. Idt.
C0.--Bi.t book: Ursa pratea;; bat
ParlaUa Dy. Work., 311 E. From
IfalhiwMt waa In Katfcanka ten Bainr
Mlm Bffle Cutter aad Mix. RKt.
apr n-if
T13 Cheatant St, 1
Wua. were In Tbompmmvme Friday.
Prank aad Oeorge BUow did buah
Mr. PteUer aad daaghlM> AianUa
nci& larKalUaka laai Friday.
droT. to Kew Wexford S>iday aflm^
Oeoigc ArautroM had the Mat
J. U. SMlTM^Detectlve Bniean. Dainae u> cut bf» foot lait WedneMU
iec:lvo wtwk la ail tegiUmatd
Mrs. Radle Colemm returned to her
wbl). cboppliM wAKbd near U^Mllle home In Chlengo yemoiday. after WANTKO AT Of#Ct-Two girla. com
branrhea. Suite blA Power. OpHS
pHmit cook aad Mcond girl; beat of
It will lay hli^ up for a while.
House Bldg, Grand Raplda. Mich.
.pendlag m^rmal week, wltk her par
waget. Mm. W. N. Kelley, Stale
J T. Lrwl^ haa gone to Kimira,
eat.. Mr. .ad Mm F. M Wnll.
apr IM teo
apr ithtf
cut wood with NatffBcaber.
Lartm Caatrr 1. cooking on tiu
Ira IiM cateitalaad a lady frlead •caw* bteoMteg to the Mi.Utee N.v
ROLLER L08T-W11I th#
WANTtD-Glrl for general house
fftxm floath llaardmaa-ovar Saaday.
Igatkia Co.
work. Dr. Lawtoih fSl Webtter Bt.
Mr.. C. C. Btlie* weat io Ralkaaka
MU. lAiIu barter 1. vl.ltIng rel.
return It II. Montague, apr lt4f
laai aainrday.
live, la Rarrietta.
Praak Blnack myved to Tra
MIm Della Tntile and Ml.m Ida FH WANTED—Two good diatag
MONEY TO LOAN—No tax dgaa#
City last week.
low. of Harrimia are vl.lt Ing frlenUti
. put «a raortgagfd. lUraaaa tor sals
girla. Hotel mitiug.
Jake Cramm- ha« movt>d into the I. towa tor a few day.
I laguira of M.
hnuM that Wm. Bady racated.
On acaoaat of the teacher.' in.tl WANTED—lUntwood boRa, All klad.
Bd gaydrr aad oldeat danghler are tute bald at McMck Tbumday and FH
of fanna for aala. Brbard Strobm
on IbealdrllM,
' pUoe. ICO acres, clay team. Timber PALMtSTRY-OnamUt Madam# HIS#A
day there wa. no .chool. .
Mr.. Krumlauf and Mm Coo|k
The Mother’ll club will meet Thum
eailmater and auppllcr. W.-Tuller.
RrB.ember th# ftitvr# ll#i tm ffitt
Ited Mm. Con gulllran oae day la*t day afternoon at 0h‘ huroe of MrInterlochen. Mich.
awr 11 If
band, a aoimtUSe raadteg wtU r#v#ml
week Mm! Sullivan U la vt*ry
Ik* tra* III*-* kM«cr. Ot*f «M
OaloaBt. aUa Milra***.
■ Our .ecilon hoM. Harrv
burled hi. father lait Suaday.
Raitt ra.tnc Wbltu<7 »eH* of «
no Ton WANT TO BOY A llOllR
Bcolt had been In very poor bealih all home owuec^ut very luauilau. t.ate*. GOOD HORSE for axle. Ingnlre 8. U IN THIS riTv?
Onte. Cor. IIU and Dlviaioa. Ci*.
who. Wbeceter li«^ m.y 1^. U aatUfied
winter. H. wa. over 70 yearn old.
I h*v» thr followlo* tor *kl».
phooc C71.
apr 21-«i
with nu lem than llw Xwmt. '
Mr.. Bd Herrlnton ha. pitrrhaM^
liargain.. every one of them.
“Luring tbe tnrlug msMin In thr
Incubator, the find one In thi. place
ONE HOD8B cm Weri KtereaHi gi.
Mm Arnold took .unmr with Mr w»wt Ibl. bumeman «u«r Invited a FOR EALE-Summer cotlafe and lot
at Blrchwood. Inquire Angus Me WouM make a nice home.
friend In buii:b;e c lo nmatamr. to dine
and Mm Herrinton U.i Monday
with blui at a vert.lu very expeualvr
/ apr lk4f
THREE HOUSES cm East Teath Rt.
Klcely located.
Mr. LaBar ha. again .tanrd bi hoeMry.
Ibe gw««.T wa. much Imprced l.y FOR SALE—40 acres tend Bast Bay.
meat wagon through otir village.
bl. mumundlng. and made freuoeul
Inquire lOri) K. Eighth street.
luculrlm tomb lug lli. co.| of tbe \mrn
apr 23Xt»
oil. luiuHm tiictr M W idu.liied. A«
tbe diMttcr tieured It. chiae be aaktd
.ffwdlr. that rhlWr.li. delknt. ladtet the homeman .. l« tbe .uiaiu.t of tte FOR SALE CHEAP—One gasoline on
gtne. S horse power. 1 .lagle work
and weak peopl. miioy tbeir eteanalag tip be uaUAlly rue tbe waller wbt
«''KH h»r<I«oo.t
•Cert, while .trwna peopl. miy they Mrred h!mharneaa. I Mil t.6at
W. HIrkrrA.
art th. beat llra^pllli mdd. Ntt.r
“UVa** Mild tlie b*u«e ewuer. “If lo
311 Bay street
limn ..I ilKt.
MTxrx Oic Well 1 Kri.er«i:i baud bli^
April 13 Itua
d. why
. doUar. If the »erUie
__________; ANOTIIKR Ift ArHI» i-nl orar.
I aUe Llm a Up on tbr nura." ^ew FOB SAUK-Mr kome at IJI Ilit.t!
Woodcraft bold, the key lo n.
York Tril tine.
EUhik 8t Dralrabk. loeaUu*; r«-;
.torebouM^. A c.miter .bould know for
bltnwlf bow to uutdt. buw to i
tonabl. price. B. U. IHipe.
- Rmtsfar ory terms will l»e made to
iMealth U wealth and money t.nlk..
and make a c iunp. bow tu wieid i
h'lir M> I
pmrerb run..
apr 17 •!
any •!,« wUh to buy. WouM accept
aad make proinT fire., how tu
A fv.rtni voH may plainly mt.
I»cMy In exchange fdr land.
waidi. mend: bow to travel wltluai
In taking Rt»cky Mountain
dn Tea.
FOR SALE-Fumiture. Imr rtHim. Sx
Johniaui Drug <
tug bU coume of what tu do wbea be
turea and bualneax of Hotel Colum ,
ba. luat It: how tu tmll. bunt. aW.
ISSE Ninth at . t
Ida. A.IleberL
apr 14-lf j
m—f *t PorlUmeot.
PhcMie riixx.
Travenm City..
Tb. Sr. wbirb dmtruyrd the old FOR SALE-Orinnell Bnw. due hill fc»r APr23!f
Mdfl. aa may l*e ueeUvd lu wlklemeai boom, of jiaillamrot^jruk. out on iict.
|X0. Anyone dealring tbit abound
faring And be idu»u:<
HI. D04. Tb. present building, termed
Inquire' at Reconl
. •'a
d offlee. ^/#|»r
tblug. aa be doe« tin- Way tu hi. tb. paUc of WMttnlnatm. wm aptimd
M .\ov.4. IH&g. It ataiul. on a bed of
aure to do promidly the right thing at concrete iwidr. feet thick and covem FOR 8ALE-Nn. 4 Smith ITemler I
the right time, wbatevar tM^tella. Kcch
typewriter, almoil new. MT. K. Wlll jAt my fatm one mile bouih of
a man ba. an buoeat |irMe lu hU
talu. l.lOU apartuieula. iuu atalrcaww
lama Co.
mar 11-tf jUrawn; ffotxl, •olW. 10 !mr, 4 foot
aud two rllm of iMrrhhMW and pa. ------------------------------------------------------ wire fencing at 30c per r«l. 1 slso
farce, a ilongbty aolf reliau.e th©t M
TW great Vlciorla tower at tb.
have a roocI, atrong* cloae bog
good to feel. 111. I. the txiithdenie of aouibwem .xtremity ta g4ts fi^ la
»«mn fence at 2Hc i e * rod. Poultry neL
the kmc aallormau who wbUiUw a. he height—London Standard.
eggs fur 12 00. R, c. Br. Lcghorm..|tinff al the lowvml pricea. Abo
put. bta Uuy Urk out to M-a.- Out
iMfm wire fence.
*1. W. Slater.
oc TypowrliM^ C5o. mhom u^mtr
aot.4 Mor til. Mtor of tb. teuwed
Hikio. bo. mUMl word froai tbr
Mat noMar^lM.l b« U Mie .nd
aal. twMUrtrr wirhl|MW by esprrwt
Ml arc Moro b. owteSi.
Tb. caterM fSMory at Vmn.r tmmrO
Moadoy Bisbt. Lom f2>M. with It.Tbo MteHMl iMpMHkJjnf Mboole
a. diMOMOd by On KIrfrr ..d Pmr
ebr PoBilor
lUr. C.J1 RoMaoiMW pMior of »Uy
•ovor oteirrh of Loootei o»4 focooily
tfom bMrUtoo. Mo., will bo ordalord «
oir Port Huiaa. otoesd .od wm anrrted ttt Sbrata, osd wboa tbry amt
bock froM IbHr woddlog tcMir io NVw
Torir tbo porwoU mood ready to fi>r
dy. tbrai.
Walter Row., while worki.e la tb^
al rpoia of tbo 0^$m Owent work,
at Mortimlllc. wa. mrtnXy imrowl
by cb« iae eoal oxnkidiBc. Aaoibor
•Bpiof. aockteataUy drained a bo*
Iraa oa th. ooal.
Tbc UrlBcteoa rux Co. will erect
mlU at aieboMMid tbln lumaior.
ABO Arbor «ad Grand Ijodfc mca
ivo dMddad 'to ..tabUihaf cttUrr>
laclory al Ukc OdMaa.
Tb. Cadillac Uimlier Co., at a *prBt Hwettar. roted to torreasc the
caplUl atock from |l5ooo to tJS.nfVi.
About ULOOO aouatlK of wool liavo 'al
i^dy bocp
Bayer, arc laylna iwcniy-cljtht centt
per pound.
Bath Haratoni at Saadiuky hMc
bcoa puialHMod by ib. Wallace. Orr
tN>.. of Biy Port, lb© new owner, u
lake poaMaalnn la July.
glma. aad Homer ftmltb. of
Oxford, bare offered to erect a iftybarrel dour mill In that Tlllace. pnv
idtea lb. towa win alve a bomu of
Arraayemenu are belnx made for
the eroeUoa of a aew cr«tmei) at
SeoMeld. Monro. couBly. by the Towai
Oremmery Oa of Detroit. A Urgr mim
lM»r of ciiBiracti ft»r milk .n- Itelng re
relrrd fiom Ibe farroem.
The^Valley City Dertt Co.’ t»f O.tid
lUpida. wbirb ha. an a«ency in San
PraaHmo. bas been umible t« ht^r
lag from It. reprtwentailvc!. but
at lb. prfMat tUae ba. onlern tm It.
ter elffbf carload, of tiewkn for
Owlat to tbe large Increase of bucJ
PM at Carimoa la.t .eaium. and tbe
lack of capacity to handle ibelr tomacrop. WllUami Dro*.. of DciroK.
bare purcbaied more Uml and will
It-wa. once toH) lo a certain klag of
BngUnd that Lord Blank waa tea pa
Utmt mib)ect. -| win tmt him.- mdd
tbe king and .bowed Lord Btenk to
tbe royal carriag.. bolding tbe daw for
tern to cuter Siwt. which be did. -You
ni* right.- mdd tbe, king. -A ternwr
man wwold bar. tfwnbM te. with
▲Iro 1 AAQjrliadwUatafa
Tbs Original Laxallv. Otragb Syrwp
. KeaaWy'S Laaatlv. llosey aad
It .xptea all cold from tb. wr*it
acitag M . catbartte sa tb. btr
Kanaody a LaxaUir. Ilospy aad Tar te
a oertala. aalc aad barmteM cm tor
u aitoc bMM.
Her llne^nd-l niH a man today
wba euvlf* me. and I rnvy him.
Hla Wife -Who la br2
Her Ilualmnd—Kmawlrn-eW ebap
10 U. .w«4 ua run befuee
raroUbad emapleta. with ahaft and
Gas Eaciie leptmi SKCblty
Wrwaalr a.me« Peat*.
ao liibuman a. to refu^ anything to a
Tbe nrlglu of tbe im calk-d riau
|irt»M> woma..
Hofll.tcr*. Rocky
ncalf 1. not certainly known. Imt
Moimtalif Te. make beautiful women
cent. Jtdmaon Drug Cto.
tvaMoably aure that > It wa. broigbt
from clilBa nUMt IKTU on wmir Idant
laMkorted by Jame. Uck and placml oi
tea liroperty la tbe Si
uU Clam rail
factory, which will employ 2fid bandv By lMa> U bad com.
the year around. Thi. ludu.try. which
lud dcecribml Uj
capitalUed at l.'tot
Ilrr. tb. farmer drop. In to
wbo named it apHid a few minute, when be come,
»ed by the Clerelai
That namo
from Ibe bnm or grid on aa
Mill. Co. II will br
bteuf too ban! for moat of oa. tbe fwat
L lire In tbe great. clt.a
about four mtmth. The mala building baa becoBM known the work! on
wtot, comfiiHabk place, tb. bujy
MS fwpt long.
tbe San Jmc acaW Dwcu tbe place
m, mwueiUufw rocking Ui«
Arth.r K. Cantiil, auinager <d
where It waa fimt found by ProfeMar
ftmm opcwlng and dmt>w bnalnn.a department of tbe Grand i’tomaiock. very much to tbe dlmat of
Rapid. Qa. Light Oa for the but four tbe people of that vlty and vk-Uilty.
imlng* atocklnga. plirlnS
Miaiha. goaa to Pneblo. Cot.. tbU wbo do not ioffer from It la any apptv* regeUbtei or mixing goudlea In a yet
clabw- degree.-San Frandaco f^ironl low bowl Tb. cbUdr«» alt ua tb.
In aaanm. lb. geBoral
aging U-fiua. tdiWlUig pmia or
of the ga. comfAiBy .t that
erlm. tb. .-at idetg.. on tb.
Mr. CaniHl wa. formerly contbe wod bax and ibc vUIlor
I with the Denver Ga. Co. and
Whit. Wlan « Tar Doc
I at Grand RapidouBc«m It eoaaomptloa.
For aal. by all dmggteU.
•Ooremor K N. Morrill of Kanmv
brea a Sunday school teacher for
ovwr «fty yeara. He waaw member of
the Mhool board of IVertng, Me,
which employed Thorns, a Reed. The
mor examtnaid Reed. Afterward
they were In eongre.. logrthcr and
th. IncldmM wa. twealted. Reed
rwwty McapMl dloalmal for m
wlripihte d boy.
what they ar. so la tb.
marp. teiag l*r. Praaebit ama. m««
auitn. aa' I apllt tb. wbate
lot na tb. imutry temr. mam. amd fm
ba. Bit aU 1 emiMi M^np. ap* nMOBL**-
Hla BTft—I an|i|io«e he enrtea jwm
“I- I ra»» U.
is*. IS'-
FOB fl!NT-Tw.. .m.n
corner Llneuln and Fern, other
Lincoln, inquire Z. T. Swan. 501 TV.
nth 8i. Phone 144.
apr 25-if
roonjii. Ctt3 W. Seventl St.
apr 13^f
FOR RENTr-Mcc large house, cc^-^.
Bleventh aad IMvlMon atreetE pheme
apr 14-dl
FOR RENT-Farm 1 mll#a >
Travenm City. BmaU home
orchard. Other convenlencM. ChM
Norris* Nonitvllle.
apr 1 if
a. W^S E. M of Sec. IX. T. 17. N. R. § W.—SO arrea.
N. ^ of N. K. H of Sec- IS. T. H. N. R. $ W.-80 acrea.
W. H of E W. M of Sec. S. T. 30. K. R. f W —SP aerea.
K. H ckf a W. M of Sec. 11. T. 30. N. R. f W.-S# acrea.
Lot No. 1 of Bee. 34. T. it. N. R. 13 W.—3S SAI#t acrea.
. Let Na 2 of See. 34. T. S3. N R. 13 W.-3T iSl#t acraa
N. B. fractloaSl H of See. 3. T. n. H, R. 13 W.-I4I fS^ltS aoNib
Come aad aee ea or write na for prteea.
Om Month li«el
TBkVBiM orrv
^ k MM’S 1™^
at Bonlab Utt m
ttmo vat iwporiod
9 •mMU
kf.- Wk^^kmmrnim
IW MM> WHr'um0 UMt fTMk ftir
ilv<« lo ««ftiAB «klM
vkMi It *to
IlM IMU M llr»l tk»l It U 4JUMI«tAK
Um. Mplrskm. But *f!tr givtag U •
fftir irtel (AflgoHlag to tkm im0 ao
tlMHiri ikv tM Ikelr rrfwt fa-*i
%MUMag M If bf magi^T.
Baemanr TWi U iMipafiil ibai In •
lav fUgFt ftc will iMva rvluevtf bU
vKgM U»
peoali. Thm
bit laM^irtaiM^
laMiiii fMt Hi banH bal aajrtblag
Ibai lia vraatad lo cal Hae^
Cbritl^ 4ajr. Ha bat 1I?mI laotil)
oa laaa'bacf »ad tplarb tiaee tbar
iUia aad bit I4baa off
ipowMIt. Tafl*t bamias iatimalar bat
mm imd him fpt that b« win have t«
ba^ m iValalM or ba will ffot bit
gmhhmkm tbraa iIm laHar (baa
bt toob II off. Tbt faet It tbbi Taft
aaa mmfm affUa aat aaytblai br‘Ukta
If ba waatt to ki*p ilowa ^ bbo
poaadt. Wbao be ffalt ibai oai aterybody aijMWla to baar aa ag|>loaloa at
Ibe war dagartaBawi that mill braak
all iba wladowi la the placa.
Wblla tba bouta vat la tba ibrort
«C baalad daUta over tba aM*iiit of a
bill iraailBi watar power Hgblt to a
Cialllorwla powar eoaipaay la ibe Ban
iWraardlao vallay Coagreatmaa rru«
4 la peace, flit
'wtadajr oaooteg. at which tbay
dad bUa with a iiM* rocker Tb#
nroaiag van npaot Iw lNailag gamot.
and nil wbo aitoodtd feportad na ea
o band praotlend la ibo WoodiMa
lani Friday otoola.
laM Cnaatagbam aad lllaa Bibd
AiWtowg atlondMI fbrfU* lortwra at
TbitupnoarUla M Friday algbt.
Wontoy BoiMb ci WaDta wat la town
Mrt. George Wtarar it vtolting
lendd tad rwUtIvat al Anradln «bli*
v4rvk«* to tlo- . lu
Oaorge artffilb^ tin* UnglUb gUd»e
lha aarih. tayt ba oreant to Uart l ot.
more, mit wUl_l>uUa a bum.* ua ibr-
narrownriiM of mind of the |MV>|de who
toil fron Iba rwrih
There will bo a wUa ttrip along the
Ibat wiH boar lllilc or nothing—
**Tbat amy t*e ao. loa
Btlll 1 ot-
pecl lo get more comfort looking nt
Iba 1 root nml anloylng their beauty
than tba little I might gat from the
toll they take np olharwiae. And than,
aball not be alone in my anJoyn»**«t
of the Iraet.
] fancy that the people
who have occaaloa to paat by will Hu 1
rongarotaan Viator llunlocb la noi
f.na or tba walldraaaad Kantnaa In
Wntbibglon In tba Judgatont of bla on
0« Iba cootrary. bt «ay*. "ibare U a
Btadlr irmdltloB ibal Vlctor a wlfa ba>
to throw btai down and tit on blw to
Iwdnet blM lo obango bit Uana,
•owitor FIloa oT Waabtaroa It be
wbtia tmn aaaalor. Ha atrwr appaart
la tbo aeoalo wllboot that paitlcoW
garweid. or porbapa H would ba bMtar
ui tay gamaiitB, at tba dlffaraat atylat
aad pattamt ba woart Indicate ibat
white Btntt ar« bit twriicular fad. Frc^
goant Htltort to tba gallery, uattl tbay
•nd ant wbo ba It. Inquire * Wbo M
Iba wUtf-irottad teaatorr
Tbit it bow lUxIm Gorky drinkt
laa: Find ol nil. It comet not in ■
cup bat aianvlng hot In t glaaa. Oorky
diwpt ta n tiloa or kmoa. ukat two
hiaipt of angar from tba bowl and dipt
iboai lightly Into tba ton. Tboa ba
IbjW tbaai aMda nod tnlkt wblla tbay
at a ■omH of nngar aad b^ U np
balwMW bit tfwot laotb wbUa bo takan
% kP of hot toa/Ho bMn aaoibor Mor
M aad lakan aaoibof tip. aad kh on
|BtU tbo ton aad angar are both gooa
porch of the old home and
a Hitle hiilher out.
Wo will get com
The flr-t hiidb in •iiringtlme
will mate our btwris glad, nud when
I*ur ssetsral w-s-k* he h.id Imh u an-
\Vc have just received
an assortment of these
Kooils direct from the
7r>c. DSC. $1. $1/25. $1 2V)
and $1.35 each. '1 hey are
extra full width and well
mane with filled scams,
deep llounccs on bottom,
extra dust niflles, tic.
Many are surprised at
the values we are ofTeriny; in these goods.
\V<* would esteem it a
pleasure to have you call
and cxaivii
tba man
the frobt uipa them In the fall ww will
i^nipaihUe with them U*caube winter
poyctl L> a
part vf hu .,rtu 1- luw
it coming:
liad failetl h* .m« UI to Inniu- liv.itiie nt, j
to go on with the work of
The home will be dearer
to vn for every Ihh* an«l flower wo set
telling out blk pretty little mapU ii
The irtt t|»eaker reprtHu-nin a Urge
aat. the elaat of
iiinitarianii who
* “It was a kind of a inysstery to the
when ‘you
iirk hard to turn everything to tome fulka would gel nuiue good out uf the
He bad come tiii lr«-es. father."
pmrtlcal nccouai.
through the hard aebnol of nutk and
The vUltor at bit farm would
'-It 1m I me. though. Jim. We miy not
i» rile pe*hy
the elhuvv. It
and vvlili great is hi. tiuue he uenl aiul
ixMistdit d a burt:ii»o.
The latter made .a ‘aivlil i.o U.ouainl
rxiraiit'd a nt-vtlle an turii and a haB j
.Mr. TyteliiM had no r.-^ dh.ihm
th* uiHTatluii 4li*imi*-.l
d«» to make <Mir
tatUf) Ibe mate fur beauty; alt wa>
uior«‘ Uwutlfnl will spur it<»melMMl> *-)-«>
ixjni|s*l%«' U» tl;e shghit «t lU fires*.
• 1 11 1.1 kr \lud i «-e1h . rliM fni .“
calculated to nerve the unMul. and that
up to do th.
home brighter and
I w.uildu i h*-
hit afraid to bet a eeul that
The iM.yn'of fbe far^ ninui which
iheir father, an mqnt boyfe
me whu
he. loo.
vdb4* may, and soT the
trol. aoine
fdoiigh* d.
r I .n 4 I
TnU« hwrm Tiwt^to. 'ctMf fur k»urih|iur4
MiJtilu! *.h J uf Or»l>d Mbptelo
OR. W. B. MOON PRawaa, qfBam
CIU.. 107: BeU. M. BaMdaweTTli
W^ljgUm giiwal, CIU. tkoM tUa
Metal Pollgb
TVek Plkiet
Lanv Brmjkelt
Tiro Poutpi
AKont for thi
iSt.x ring Wheelt
r>rtK* Trimmliaga
b\iiaiJig Awchoro
migo PumiMt. etc.
Smalley MaHho Gm
Walter M. Paige
125CMt St
With tb« J. a pAlgq Beclrtc Co.
clAB a&d tun
ftcet in Montoa Uock wrwr
A Bari t. CHliRot phoM SSI
OR. LAWTON—PhymldAA aa4 oo^
HARRY A HARNtR-Bxpart ptaM
twaar aad action ro«ulaU>r. BaUw
PIANO TUNINO-RatUfactlon guaranlt-xl. F. 1) .\lchohi. 31:9 Soolb
Fnhm. dtrVl»<M*«^rii«.
apr I»tt
^er. Priewt roaAooabI*. OfBea vttk
P. Caroar A Pro BoU pbowaa.
Dfi. cT F. CHASE—HoiaaopaUlaL OA
•c* over Bngbee't drag atoraw CItb
root pbone Retldeaoa, S3«; oTid*
aog S14mo
J.H. MONROE GE0. W.McWETHTi“^i.V„:^'--VnS2^ tSZ
world w ill lic
heliHHl a little ••
Amperq Mctcn
OR. B. B. MINOBkAS Drug Btoro.
to eye. ear. BCtw a
. B. MdUlAY. Af.«>t
•ThU helping the world is whal a
good many folks .lon't seem lo"tUliik
“If I waa I‘d dig out qulrker*n you
If he
Ar. M«-ktiMW CMy
4 h. )• n> t-ie j* ni
Ar e.411W.............
l«.a»|. ti. t Upui
Ar (ir»nil kUrmli. lUUaaM 4.44». lu lal& p w
•aid. “\VUh a Title i.Mli^hli « d o ill
he hut a- gUsI n» ever. mh;igs
rylindcr OH
ITip Grewtq
Snss:: Hj:
will t4‘l «mi a lre«» or two
up Iheemlgel In hU behalf
what w»* bald here thU morning until
have a faiher worthy ivf loyalty, took
•nUd I aln i that man’s Im.v.- JUn
c-vxmi o
neighbor will go home and think
neither the qurprUi* ii».r tlu- pain of
always rimw It. hut all tho work we
OamdiDo Gaugfw
IBBB Tirt Insuranct
of baring awMlh'wtri the io-e.lU-. tmi
pud there nothing |o n llove the eye or
Bdoau tW ARAL MtaquHM
OOL block. BotkpboMk
Hpark IMugt
Ibnn thoee which can be enlen or
Who flndt ioy and pride In other tblngi^
A^Inbia SS5f ***“ ^
Spark Cxdlt
WttUitwa r.s«aR«.
It U the plitlU k'e uJ lit*' hUt •
rvHHjJVl sstn- •*; tlu -ir.iuur
JUtislt-Jils 4U
Sir. ’O te liiUt b » a|vt r.
through thoii
*lhinlcl Junes, the last biirvlrtiT 1 ut
om* of the th tail of tws tify union *.u!
dl«^ whi.h laHnred Jell
IhivU tu
1K<k\ died rs'esnitir ut KsAouio. link
lie was a meinhs-r of iht* j*eve;ii.v
oird imliaua mouulcd infantry.
Warner t White" Wl-.e of Tar Syrup,
ihelr thadows.
Rvery year we will the he-U eough ix-m«-il> t u eaiih. cures
a ctikl In one day If taken *n uimv For
note Ihelr growth as they ahoot up a
gale by all t
little higher and spread ihelr hranclH ^
leaM ;^
INhu*. INiul
along tho road where the trees ratii
but I Imagine you may ffnd it prettv
after. *1
Udics* Black
ifortralt «f
Pina X. Liking
from Tltlau’a lairtmlt
dollars anl
may^talMx^c beauty If you prefer It.
From 7.00 a. in. U>i)KK} jv u.
will eui a fee
Jack Hohlnson!’- l*ole ro
The father walt«-d a uilnut^lsefere
be aubui u-il
father takL quiHly.
a»lde for old age
much aUuit, do the), faihetr*
Thi* only muible l>
hr bna been making ihe farm, and'noi
letting the farm wiake hlm.Jlm Biralgbtenc^ np, and
“Tharntkke- it a!l the
morv utciohary that iho)ie of us who
do s-' the UM' of working not ail fur
uursi Ivet should ktx*p right on doing
our iiart i4» help (Uhera to
are here to.
iml 4.
They all stoml around the last tree,
and nqolnuxl down Ihe line to tee how
about H a mlaule. ^lVm*t )n»l aar
what thi^ meana. fa(fe\**
I ihlak the farm may^have a r»o.
deal lo do bUh the man’a charncter
Jim—that It. If be will allow U to
Bom* m<« are to Intent on making
evorytblng turn Into, mon^ that they
hare ao time to tee the brauty oi
loodarot or anythlig elne on the farm
Tbffw am 40U or nplewdid tUlngt akout
the farm ntld* from whit w* can get
oot of It ta the way el food aad d<d
lart They doBH M»iU for much, any
way. All dollan at# good for U to
help na gM aometklng to make ut bet
ter aad bapplar aad do a little good
tor Ike mat af tba abridr
The boyt mampad 4be earib Brmlr
about Ibe laal llttla trae they bad
plaated. aad tbaa atood waltlag for fa
tbtr to go oa. They knew aomebov
that they were getting noUd fncit that
might twve them when Hfe bad differ,
aat amaalagt to them tbaa It had today'
-All iba kaaklMl ihlaffn of Naturv*
wafw made for aoaMtbmg. aad aome^
tbiuatoreaad bolter than to be
cadaad lalo gokU koyw The traan nad
tba Baaata, add all the UOagn «a Ube
Try Gas Coke Now. Tbeo You Vill Know
ft beforo rwat my oftce and get rates
star IS lyr
nrwing. A. B. Curll«.
0*T«0P*rHI0 >H V«MMAIW>
U Bffbct Aprtl 1. law
ihal we
ttmlght M was. and went back Ic
h«mte.—Farm and Kirealde.
P ha* ctuag& more Hiught and dried
or* tror*. wl|H*d away dlbcabc* and
driven away mon- tcar« than anr oihor
muHllclnc In the world.
Rorkv Mnoinaiii Tea Sk « ntb. IVa «»r
Tabhub Johnib.n Hrwg Co.
F. 8. tvairon of ari-at llanlngton.
Ilabb., ha» pmchat4'd i.5tio acrot uL
furett land In that virtnlty. Including
mouniala. and will ih»
Umb4*r to grow f<ir tb* added
U^anty and U-neftt uf the tection.
•• 4L t
pie sa Rw but It wtti easie «p amlliat
r tUaa.« Oalmaa*! Elaatk FImt
dah. A S. WaM A fesa, Tfwvaroa
The board of iniUlo Worka WUl rw
elv* tealed bid* up to
April S7o for fmwlablng
rtsveraq CUjr vUb all ffiwvtl to be
aoabf ISM.
BpeciSratloaa may be alAstsad by
^r. Carrlo A*oy. OMiborlaad.
applying to ibe dty eagiaaer. Tbe
Wfomlag. bad a aoro tbioat aad Uekboprd raaenraa ibe right lo rejoet any
omfy asps bit basn aad «lsi. satTItt *-apri7At
tbm sood aad beipfoi laffaaacwa do
Uw4r worit la bU Imart. b* vlu ba a
T«r A NBcem want aw
l»r. .kuna Shaw hr* p< m- lo Oregup
Wbero »be will U* hit^y until the iuld>
die of June ronJu» !luc a eamju-ilgii for
■piwra letb of grant along thla row of
wroruan’s suOiage.
I^r. Shaw U the
bhnde I teen
If w e ever |Uow the laml
ttHx e-sor uf MU* Aiithrtuy a* |ue*jdeMt
under the triH's we will nut get much of the .Vitl uial .\s* K Litloi» of WoiJitU
corn or oau. but think of what we SltlTragUls.
We will enjoy bluing oo the
when Ihe wind Mows
da. -n^i.r Murdock oT BMorado. Kan
hands. We get manhoml. and manhood
countH fur mote
fort froiii hiarlng their soft whisper;^
ib^^tiartart well, our neighbor U a good maw
laid' In twaho boyM.
He ban dune ftrml rale on the
• t
tor^ or hard
gal out of my laad along the road You
-ponded quickly
yirt and
We get what U bet
ter than ha>t.wd and
except Ibo troea, of eourta.*'
roold ta>
It only tfiovii tho nial Ignorance and
nald when the neighbor was nell out
ntlaa or trnab vara
-That doei.n l hurt any one.
tay tuch Ihlngb
i4 hearliif.
---- WILL HE AT----
Plaea Hitil
TMnSIW. NW 2tn
Of Henley on
ho lu
jUMl IVtlTX^
Tfaamcn. Kui^nd. w h*.
s ju.
%m a pemilonAha* w alked lM».t
iMMino tuih^
licrformluc hl« <httlc« aa ihki
oa our
a a good ilatl or lha value of the
writing n» n nalgblro# of itali Calna.
conatrurflon oo Iba mllrond abora Vic
Aad donH yon think the tract wUI
Ula uT Maa and aaitlo_down >ui aoval
Wr rdiarlat Matcnira. lha rtm.nltlng
S. E. Wait« Sons
better^tltci^ for It. We get aomatblny
-MakCfl me mml to hear ihat kind uf
the irv*«*ii weie being net out. Ii>yal le
Irtrttar, wbo bat tavan Uarat awrlrcb .l
hnnda. lo carry with nt." Pete tald
nulghlior vent on.
Johnson Drag C*.
"Home city folk* tay we gat hayteed
^‘Well. I than fenat on what I ran
mtttlonar't groat
In our hair, and
tbit Ufa.
muo TUNIN«-V. R
, euMtT eona m TNR koRLO FOR oouQNt ano eotnei
matter wherry we go iir wbit we Inten I
tbgL.jrbal It tba way
■ott^^a good Ibmgt wa litre In
to carry bit h ub from fb# farm, no
tome bapptnaat In driving under ihalr
dbomad tbai It waa a '^iiaat** Tbc da
bata graw bPtiar 'aad bard tblag. ware
agld. Oraiort to tba right oT blauA>r
alora to iba loft or blif. tdlryfd an l
tbMidbfad.^vt CYiiaipacbor aaooaad
Klbl Altootu and Prlncwaa Baa art
intb daocwadaau of liarjr Qoaao uf
Baou. aa It avarjr laoaarcb la Burope
iggoapi tba blag of Bvadaa aad the
auUaa Iff Turbtr.*
Mr. Obambavtala will prarida at a
baagoaf to la* gtvaa to Ixird illlnar at
Iba llolal tnacti oa Bwpiro dav May
14, la racognllhwi of the at tiigh o..m
DB. P. J. MAC nrrr-Pvweikiq ttmB*
hM^wlU«wMrttwtOr.KllWnN«Nr1M»oovwryour*« Mr*.HoOto Holton
tioit aftor hM^famUy bad w«to|Md *t bor bodoMo for tho ond. which <
to do in after life.-
thndo nnd faaallng on their benuty.**
bad Iba ioor aad wat vehciaapnj do
alarhii ibat tba »aature undar
tldarblloB bad iha aaactbia or the ag
ifMbrbI aad lataHor dapaitioaau
^ wmnr giTW wiw I9ww^vm maj
•Alul lu-xt giimiiH*r you can I my for
future tWlivery at 50 ctmta K«a a ton.
Wc WiU Paj Ibc Cartsrc
ob t Trial
Oracr Now
Office 50.5 Nev WUbsbn Block,
Oitiaeoi’ pboos B89.
If you want Low Prices
If You WarttCood Quality
Dr.W. J. Higgins
If Quality is Considered
with the Price
/ ^
Come and See US
J. E. Greiiick Co.
ftnc Dental Work
lohn R. Santo
General Inssrance
RcTWBbelaMa. TraTtfMOtT
An Every Day
J, E. fitHLICK M
To feel that you are reall^ell dretaed;
To feel that you have been treated well and al-
SfMlBf BMorA.
rnMim»K April W-BUrty
I pmtam kMf kfti th» citr.
BMlarrd U> W an wronwr
am aeeonni oC tbr IlmUad fa
TWa la a ararcily of labor
A. H. WAtH»trtl»roirMAAtHALL
vltb all aorta of dabria and tbi* authorIttda daeidad ibat Ibr work of rcator^
laf ordar soai not lag on aerount of
ibalarkflf batp.
tWw arr blata af pmft and rawlal
Uii aawi# tha Mrinaa tntrutad wiib
tbd laak or djrMftitiac tba mgafe
tngia and btrildfafi. la ooa IbfiaMw. Bid af Lalhar A Irwd.^ Waa Acaptad
K f|
A dalasi or nttHaag. not
far tha Addition to the Oak Park
ooBMMMiM by onoarr. aougbt to blow
ap ^ gMl naua 8pr«M-kle. building
for tha Coming Year.
vbM MpafU. M ta aald. bad daeMad
Iba atnirtora waa aot abMfr. CitUaor
ofwTnHrrrad tba martnra and larond
Vt thn-rrcular meeting of ibe hoard
t»><i t» fwawrc ibadynMaita
mtocatlon last arming much buri
w of a rlial nature for.cbU Hty waa
eamaad apd-aftny impo^iBt rbangaa
ach»nlnl*nl *-apmlall,r In lh.‘ ln<M.mlng
at tbr tc^brri for Ibr hril year. Among
tbeag Important rhangt^u Im- Inaugiitba dlalac otatloa and frd tbU mom ntad tn the rJty arhiadiT nic coming
y*«r. will Im ih*- addition or two more
fiva rrerjr «ma a Inncb laukat. An weeki. tn ih*» nine monfhH »m li.a.i y»wr.
odber irala with 17« aiTlritd at llu* ranking tblrt.v-.*lgbt wt-eki. acUia.l In
OaloB atatlon Uirr. IlrtwkTaai and at<^ of a ll.ltiy-ali wt^ k K-rm. The
■Iftilar arrangammu wrr«* mad#- for rraignalloii 4,f Prof U. U N}v. prlnripal cif ttm High acbmd. waa ac4-*pu-d
nml Ike apjMdnimrnt of Prof. A. II
rbargr of flo|H'Hol<*ndrai Klngmb^ of. Waahbmti. primipal of the klar^liaU
‘ lllgbi arbuil. accepted The |lu«» lalac
Iba rrllrf and aid aorWy
wblrb the board of i^ucaiUm reeom ’
No Campawlao WHI Fatf.
Toronto. April
Fir*- Inatiranra no-oded to I be n-guUr $l.*«iO MUry of |
Mr. Nyr waa n..t a<v«*pted |.y the |al-'
tcr. b«-nce kla n-aignatiun. No naorr!
larpoUr Imliuctoi haa i\.r *»ccuplcMl
the prlncIpalKhlp than IW H U Nye
and bla n- Ignat Ion, after four year-j
work, will U'.uuivehgtUy r*^reitt-d. the’
lept of the High
boys btdng most poignant, as thtir!
bUMIata bring rar*.pi«|.
airo cnaiiiaatas ^4aim>|Jtf>.ono.AOa wl prtucipal always Ibelr Ideal of all a |
(Conilnm-d on Third I»ags.)
pSy all tbdy arr llabbIdpa rompanloi bav<» fto.fitHi.ooo of i
tp pay and not a aingl*- c^.miainy will
fan. Tbr OanadUn cooi|iaiile« <ma pay
Iba loaaoa with wim-
Negotiated 100 Ya
and 220 Yards
Track Waa Rathsr Rough.
C. «. WILLIR WAS witty
Mami Waa Wall
;Woro Abiy Ohra^ Mi»ical Nw»^ ban EaoollaM/and Everytnint
Waa Cajoyabit.'
^laBSbBl bSssnM or iba Maa'a
«lab If OtSdb eSurrb waa bald laai
•nbatop ta Potman baO and waa a
»dry aniaysMi^ malok Tba dnb
WM annii^ IBWlad Ua ladlaa and
and f« n to ibe Boor of tbe bnrw
Ing afructiire. Mra, Bndgal/ was look
lug out of the kitchen window. She
know that Mr. Badgely wn
Waa One af tfic Beat Known Cltirrn. the Imm but when she mw the fla
(ContlnucHi on PtottrUi rage.)
af Traverse City—Member of the
Elks and-the KnighU Templar.
End Waa Peaceful.
At ti-n.nilimn-. to 2 ticlock
afifmoon, Ric^rd W. Rpund. one ul
beat known Trav<*riiC City critlteiis.
nliico February Iasi, ihc end mas
gmiK^ tellrf to Ibe weary body. A
hU Imdsldc were his ehlldren and hi
wife and the m-wN that hi» spirit bad
lUiwmd caused nlncere murow Ihrougl.
out the city.
I.a«t February Mr. Round was
Mrlrcken with paralysis Ills boily
wm stmng t.ut y. am of lull had ttdd
and IwildUounly pud .llenily tin- dl.
ease gained the mastery uniII aUiut
week ago h<- was coroiH-lleu ui take
to bis b**d. All day fotlay it wan known
that It was but a nmiier of time until
the spirit would IH* released.
Richard Round has, Un-n a
I bavo mmb- Renoroua aeloctiooa of aint^le pattern movcities for iprini; and anmtiiBr
wenr. and aball oateem it A
favor to have the public call
and examine the new tiffecta
in Woolena.
Our Oxfords are built on
ipecial laaU ami pattema in
inch a manner that they
work in perfect harmony
with the foot, ht anog nod
easy around the ankles, do
not mb at the heela, do not
gap at the aides and do not
cramp the toja aa moat Oxfonlg d».
The vari«4y -of
Ilvlt* ninl pricN S is ho groat
that we know jou cin find
juat what you want here.
Come Ih and
look ihcm over
Flooring, Siding, Ceiling. Stair Work. Mouldingi.
ctc„ made from selected woods.
Abstracts of Title
BAtabiisbod fans
Room 210 etato Bonk DnlldlaS
Let US have your business.
On. IMJW a
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
. ..
Richarrf W. Round.
acoi cltircn of Travenss- City for mauy
yearn. JU- wavalUc to iho N-st Int*^esu of fhe town ami w-rved for two
icrma on ib*» board of education, 4^cslgnlug to take a fhii on the cvMnril
where ttr acrviHl tor about fbo some
lime He was au authonitry on
and bU foundry was urn- *4 the best
known in The north.
Richard W Rmind was <if sturdy
Brhish stock. /He waa bom May I.
Ikll. in lUnnlngbam. near London,
was the Bomof Daniel and Re
-a t Ward I Rmmd. rmll he was
(Contlnoed «.n Ptmrth l^e.)
Wck Winnie dereai.H! WlllUm b
ocld laat erenlng In a loot race al t
driting park, ienuld. whtia<- bMue
In Tbompsonwille. claimed tbe ebam
pkmabip of Ileurb- cuoiy
match waa for t
that and Orand Traverse eounty.
There waa a iood crowd la auendaacr
and tw» ereou were run. Tbe Brsi
a ItKkyard dash and Winnie aago
lialed the Aiaianee in 11 keeoods. bm% ing Mraold nbooi lour yards to the
Tbe aeooad waa over 220 yards
and Winnie did this in » neconds.
again hartog n good lead on Menold
nnl« nude bis starts In n rroorh
George McDonaltTa Family Nad Nar.
and Menold stood and in tjjls manner
a Eacapa—Oliver Houglkoi
Winnie bad a aftgbl advantage. Tbe
Bar- Burned to the Oraimd.
track was very rough and not la good
business principle that if you "buy
^hi^Vpn«To life QUA^
HumbUMTs barn, aotrtbwMt
■m struck. aaC aSra aad to-
Co.’. “BEST ” Feed. Bran.
Middlings. Corn and Oats. Qual
ity and prices are always right.
■ '
Hannah & Lay Co.
li i it
M£9fs Ckiroam MDis
KIngalcy. Mich, April K.-Durlng
* atnrm last nlgbt amM«v McDonkagu. April K.~Wbaat-€toae aid a rmrldmmr wwa struck by light
tba plaatcring torn Ioobsi tbe
May. 7f %c; eora, 4^%e; oala. «%c.
ta sad llBolcam tom np from the
netfolt. April BE^WlMMt^No. 2
BPd oUmw damage dona. Tbe bolt
red. SSc: com. SSe; oata.
d oat (be rear door, which waa
union stust
SfRCE LAST FEBRUARY r***““*‘”**“**^~*‘‘®'"
Ttadgely wia abocked Into unconac
what we aim to furnish to every customer.
We are sole agents for L. Adler. Bros. & Co.’s
choice cooceptions in sprio^r attire.
C:lk laat arming Ur, Bl
aianding on tbe Bnor of bit
tuim attending to tbe atoek. Tbr
lightning evldrmily .truck In tbe bay
- .. Vi
&ven fifey to twent>'-two dollars.
Fiftycentstotsroddlais '
We show in the cut
one of our s^aight front
Varsity Suits.
If you want to see hpw
the back looks, come in
any day and we’ll show
Hamilton ClotMag Co.
^ 111 * * *^«*M t If ^
Bunniit cnr i
Am mm Am mmm
*‘*****si^S«sIl B«es t* l!Sf
CAN 6M fkwT.
> af Mr. aaf Mra. .Ab«
You may not have
en«tich business to
^book in the nimplMt,
.. .aont trntomntio wj to
tbk record in yonr bank
book; tha bank dora the
^ meal oonnantet way
-Now ®v®tpaim la CfiMfisfala IS turn
tag tk®lr attaatloa ta paring tor the
saff®rtag. Tkm® wfll b® Ifijm fliwil
tat® pogpto la Btouktaa by this amrm
tin. aaA cmiMlarn ar® goUg froai
dOBr to door asklag tor krsad to food
tb® mrttrng podpld- n Is umm far
me to wHt® amrt. Ton know more to
a gaaakgt way Ikan I do. and If yon
will. Just pal n ua® in tk® Roeord ntniIng w® ar® sdaad aad well. Our ad
dress Is Btookton. Oak
n aMr .a maa oa tk® boat gmt said.
Tsotorday 1 was worth t)Mj»fifi.fid:
today I cannot bay a loaf of krsad.- I
kkd some TlfiJM gaM pioona la mf
elotkes and IHt Tick oat® tossy Tito
1 ron Beds, i:• The cheapest, cleanest, most convenient
and durable 6cd sold today is the iron bed.
the BIGGEST Assortment
ever shown jn the ciiy is now on exhibilion on our sa^cs lU>ors. AU ihe laieu ^
%iyU% mntl c Joix in aU j^rades bran,
bronte. dead bUck and eveiything in Unis.
■E » o y l*ayrrsm-iiM.
We have a steel cast-
•ataaa I
ik>t tkty lira iif« ikd I
ikay w®fo la naa fraael
tt !• I* h« ntN»M tM B. L. Mr*
to *»« -P W* PortUW »
follow It. Mr. sad Mra. long
Travanc a«r. Mr. Mr»
Ml k«a ffoaaily lo locat® la
frtaa»al <« aar Ulfk •*!>«»' lor »«» _
wala aad tk®lr auuiy fr
raan u4 Baa a»»«a mk •«>Hla4t k®ra wm rmnr mptk woryWd «ai
fla la a aaa n( aM'Mr tag ik*W aafmy. Tk® roflowlaa l#t®r
Mi« kaa a (MaMr af aaJaUlala^ ifca frooi Mr. Loasikor® wm rao®l®®a Ittt
iMjaiM aa4 maWrana ^ tl* a<a4*ai«.
ac hy a frt®ad on tk® R®cord
aa «« aa aacarlac aa°« taanlt.
**W® war® la tka aartkqaak® la ffan
PraadMo on tka aMwalag of tk® Itth
loiiitl-rt kit ««rk to k etruii «xi
sad It wat aa atpartaabt a®r®r to b®
«y o«orol to kaiwpo bta •Iw I
forsoltaa. It kippaacd ai.Juti 6:14
Mfmr, *r Hr. JM »ot ^
a ». and tka ffrM tktaf I kaari Wa«
pirtelMii m4 tkonfor.
Mra. Loaetbor® acraamlng. 1 ju
out of bad but wat okibl® to atoMl nr
9iMt to wriMi wtet
Th®-iactur®a w®r® tklllns Iroai th^
t|» prfadpoJ ol our
van aaff tka window clan vaa 1
trofU koi «• <lo M
tac In a tkontgad^lff®. and aU artl
tOMkm okokM k« woii potd. It u dka la tk® toon war® tutalag upakS
nimmiM to ko a foei Ik tkit eooatrr down aad tha pUttaHac oa tk® caillnt
wt fMBtac down. This all happaaad
I lata tbaa on® mlnnt®, prohtbl>
UOI ftBT «rkkt ikOf kfO <
boat 60 aaooodft.
1 flaw for th® ttract wUh Mr*,
, aT iacfcaakii. A oagahor® aad p®opl® war® pourtog
laa hit llfr lo B;« oat of th® «ala In a «iraam. In two
arOr Mnr Wmarif
pi® on tk® atr®®t. After th®
ao aM*. aaf wbaaa wait U ao» ao ral
1 had lookasl
«Mkla ta Ua aertl aMataa. A p*r*o« ainaad a lUtl®. I r®ail»®d that a few
«ba d#»«ea hla aaiHai«raan la Intel
b® a nic® thins, no I ran
laalaal lralala( tor ika aarpoae ol turad back Into tha boa*® and grabbed
atataa Inatmetloa to othara. a*an«lai
wearing apparal and a»d® a
that ba U eai»«., aboaU offtalalj other niiJ for lb® *tr®®l.
raaalT* aanMaai aalair lo aoaaaaaaale
Maa for kU llaw.
•*ln«ld® of thirty mlmitr* tharc wc
^ yro 4*paaa apoa Iba leackert to In flra* starUng In every diraeiioa. V
Mmt oor raaat *nf •• iIi«p
than want tmek In*ld® ami nu* on
tk« ba»0~ of Ufa, and Urt raloe of 4alLjWjlt
and inok whnt r
tbia aroii cannot b* aatlawted. U l> Irla* wa could carry rarlly. and ^art
triM. howerar. Ika. a pood Inatmco, »d to Iwiva ih® city, hni ibit wa*
la tBatnnnaaul la ahapinc Ika car ~ propoeltlon/ Thera wa* not a *lni
anfearonafln kU char** aad la olien
log and paop.r were payUg
napaaalbla for aneeaaaaa «ka. maVc 110.00 to get a trank hauled i
■aa proaparoua and'placa tkein In pn. where, only to lot® It In the end.
ahMa of Molloetloa and naaful
aurtad for the kill* where wc thougM
U U dlMeall lo aaaaanra Ika ralna of
wa would l>a Mif® from tha fire,
a taaeharla aarrkaa. bni that ibar ar and whan I rouW look l»ack and *oa
aadamaH la a deplorable fact.
th® deatmctlon that wa* going on. It
Ttararaa Cli/ krhoola bare prow wa* a atght beyond dav^lptlon to .ea
to aw* aa attant darini iba paai te» the flaaiea humtlng out of those
pnam that nwre la ra«utn>d front ihe fourtann-story bulldlns*. It »
prladpal of Ika Hl|k bcbool iban here Ilk® th® fir® liurst out of etarjr win
tofora, aad «a araal eipaei froai time dow ml one®.
to UaM lo Ikeinaa* bla eompan*
NIgM Under tash.
lo'omrdoDor vtib ih*
-Bvafyoo® kept telling a* th® fire
tlM of th® podrton. It mar b® that will navar gat l»e>xind *uch and such
tk® IIOM» ba>
r®t arr1r®d whrn thi. s •tn'ci. Ml w® stayed up on th® hill
cKj can afford to i-iy the
that for savaral houra, nntll w® could sa®
Ur. Ny® roquln*. and prrbapt
the flam®* almost surrounding n*.
board of adoealloB aclod wla®W In not Then w® began lo rsallza the bast
mlof b®yond the aaMhint tb®y had thlog wT could do wa* to get
where. fSo w® started to go
Ur. Ky® (a
itrTrtr where: w®
walking west
®me City and w® b®ll®ta.<li»tHV p®o aiskt. and came to a park. Th
pit of th® cornmnnlly aa wrtl at th® located under a bu.h and aat and
Ktu«®ota who bar® b<p®D MHd®r kU watched th® flam®* and th® moving
chars® will wUh him a aoai pro
masses until morning.
out and tuccrttful futarc.
Paid fv for Little Food.
•in lb® morning w® took up th® trail
again for -aomewhar®.’ and by noon
w® found ooraalTas out to Camp Prealdlo. Then I began to want aome^
thing to aaL I fonad a small grocery
and gave him |1 fOr a can of salmon
and on® of fruit. Thoa w® sat under a
tree and uiad to gat aim la rest. Th®
few hours wa spaai there are aerar to
be forgotten. To so® tka pmtple of all
classes coming,to tka camp^roondt la
a steady otraam. old aad youag. rtch
and poor, and so many, many little
sick and dastltmc and crying
tmHv a tMk-kttptr. bat cklldran.
for a bite to aat and a drink of water
vtrety roan has enough
Loot Poroonal Pfopefty.
buaineaa to k^p ac-I raallned that there was only on®
count of It. To be on thing to do and that was to gat away
the kkfe kidca keep a •o wa started out again and hy the
record of your business adddia of the tfiaraooa wa war® able
to get aboard cm® of th® goT®nim®n.
bank Boocmiil will fnrboata and got aerosa tb® bay. and lai®r
Biffhyouk Tocofd of yonr
la th® ®reataf gcK a train to Stockton.
Bo w® ar® bar® sif® aiM sound, and I
do aoiihlnk tkt anssinar would both®r
Fabing Tackla
The firot of May wOl
MOB be here and yoQ will
want to sort np yonr oM
outfit or irorchaae a new
one. In either cnae we
can fix yon up right and
save you some moa^.
Our stock is new and we
hnve everything you will
need in the fiAing tackle
Come in and see the
liooal ensthig fine
and the famous Pennell.
They win look good to
tlon* worked out Histsry Dfvialon Has Chargt af Msat
I,- logatbcr with
rtkepMy.nppoals Th® foltofrtnfl Is th® progTsm for the
low—youi.g Wonist^s club fomorrow sfternoon. th®
try folk.- If history division in charge,
l.ctdcr. Mr*, n. ft. Wilson.
is a pMia sipry of plala people »rt heFtr»t piper. “PTtJblcra of Pear®.**
for® ikrm. tk® hUs® dty man il*
taken back to ^® tisse when, with Mrs. n 8 Wilson.
roTtaatlon of Oor®rnm®nt, Mr*. J.
stoaeinralsod feet be chased tk® but
terfly tkroagk the m^w. WUkal
rerr^t Evcnfs.'Mr*. Oco. Hoyt.
the story of tk® play potais to a moral
Pimno sold. ffpsuTdlnts Prii^lrlrh.
that U applicable to aU mankind. This
R®ritajloe. I^h
1 1. oot knag out Ilk® a slgn^mai.
I uacxmsclottsly absorbed. *‘Wgy
East- Is a clean play mad a
some oa®. The clergy has aot
ted to ondors® It. It 1* a draaw
full of what Is tenaad heart Interest.
!ts .lory of wrong to a young and •. K. Walt A tons Buy Wadswo
Brou.* Chioo® Oircct From the
the retribution
which ovonakes the man who betrays
her by false marriage. U on® lo stir
the blood and thrill through the being.
Way Pown East- will be the attrac
tion at lb® Grand tonight
iroglB ®
Chico* so that w®
fiv® cents Birsigbt.
Th® Cbloo Is a fin®, rich animat ic
Mr. Maklnbrak®* had l»®®n Intro
a special selection of highdnc®d tn a polltlcsl r®l®brlty. snd ws* grade Havana
filler, and while it cost*
®*prs«rtng his sens® of lli® b«>nor.
US more than any oiher fiv® cent cigar
-I sm highly pIrossNl to m^-t .rou. In onr css®, yet w® are alwsy* glad io
Mr. Tagg.” h® saw. -Tb® moment f r®oomin#nd. It for w® know that a
MW you I rtcognliMl you mnu th® *mok®r wbo< bays a Chico will com.back lo our store for more.
®aricatnrr« 1 b*v® seen of you so often
The besi men in this city, the bank
.^tbat Is. of coum®—1 doo*t intend to era. lawyer*, the merchants, those who
convey th® Weu—or, rather—<b®y were ran afford u> spend ten. fifteen cents
meant tu b® raricaturt-a. you kimw. but or more for a clgsr pr«*f.*r i
account of their rniidness.
—a public tutu, as a matter of fact,
rani rsiwpe that *ort of thlug—eupe- true Hav
Hally when th® rraetnblatic® la so
striking that—that anybody esu see— paying a higher price
not that they looked like .von at all. poorer cigar?
y«i undenrtand—iHit these artist*, you
Try a Chico and vou will *rr»-e that
know, are so clever, that tbe*- can it Is th® best cigar fur th® money th.ni
make a hldeou* picture look Just Ilk® you hav® ever smoked.
yon. *nd^ml scari'cly aeeni to-ct^
ghseUsg Vmmm ih» Alpt, .s tkla.
ctisiigc yonr featun** a parilcl®. and
that ;* why—yon g.-* my meaning,
*n»e »jue>t f »r a ii.-»rnl !h
am sure -In short, to sum It all up In t<y a luutc llf^t of Nki in;; n«N i(ii-tit« In
-a nonl. rta I aakt before— at «lo you Ml® Atps hi Itself the cxcnlse c.in
lin;dly be iniiNldensI moi>* iH-tiloo-.
thiuk Is going to W tlw
Ilian skniins. tbuugb tli® pioiHuiu
ajitsIiMNi imVlea aiul IwUtiil u-imIoun
N lilglH-r. I.ut when M»® ski-®r skU
fnmi his Imse. .iml i«-iitur«-a
Borrowing carried to the limit wa*
upon nufanilhir grimnd. there arr
Illosiraled In an elevated train.
l®a«t llin^ ways In which rnlumlt.v
-Are you through with your |*aperr ngl.le to iH-f.in him. Oil a gUrier
aaked the man of th® iwsiwticer bmay bre;ik ilirougli the snow brlilp®
Whhli lie Is liy liig to shoid. and he
Tor th® present.**jni* the reply. *if hurled In s crevasse. On Ih® hlllsIUc
you want to Imctow it awhUa I doni b® may ski vlolnitl.v down a* stei-p
pis*-®, and. nnstde to arrest hi* |
mind tending It. *
end b.v skMng over a pre.-iplr®.
-Oh. no.- Mid th® fiiwt speak
most aBTwhi^. uiih-ss In- know* the
don't want your pa|»®r. 1 have
of my own. Tb® trouble I* I can’t sign*, hr m*.v ski tu the tracks of
aud le overwhelm*-.!.
rrod tbcui. I left my glasses at th® nvsiUuHhc
office, I thnaght maybe Tours might an'idcN of each of these serernl kiml*
dJMster have latHy Ihk-d prem-iiteil,
snir. If yotfro not gotog to us® them of
aud ®a*h of Mi® dlaasters itnivv
Just now would you mind letting
warning of which amateur *k
whose name now adays ia legion, would
Tb® sodsclty of th® request deprived do well to take u careful iml®.—1.011Ih® other man oTth®‘ power of ri^usal.
II® took off hi* gUsses and sat staring don llraphlc.
oot of tb® w Induw while hU n«4gbbor
read the ereutug ^pcr.—New York
I *re fn-tiuently
naked to Uk® nttmug® thlug* in ]*a\vu.
Tb® other day n UpHiorn pawnbroker
-Before w® wore marrlod lent flOO on a floe bora®, which one of
hi* daughter* rod® until It w:«* re
• to buy deemed. The aapte pawnbroker one®
my cnady myneir or f® wttboat.L Mra. took la pledge • iWKlInil cb«-*l of iiol
Grtmeo-'Tluit’a just the way with th® son* that were *troog enough to kill
tatm. Mra. Mann-Bnt. then. 1 don't laooo men- It was. however, a valufimind It. 1 Imy better candy than b® bl® deiKwll. a* some of the fioliona
ns®d iffbuy. and as It Is bis money, joat wen® very rare A Kenalngton tEng
land) pawnbroker aboot three weeks
tk® ssme as to tb® old day*, tb*
ggo lent a Siam of money on a number
of autograph* of dead ceW-briMe*.
-Why ar® you going atwut with
lantern aad a cynical *mll®r make
Mra. Bartlett, Cumberland. Wyo-.
tys: My oldei
arath* with a
tahy had the <croup. After trying
no milFHfiE HUM
Tears ago. whew Irlephou®* wi rc
still a noveltj, a farmer frwu tbc out
skirts of Msm beater. .\. lU »wm® to
town <»o® day and i-nlled uii a law>®r
friend of bit. now Vulleal fUal®* Hemtor Henry R Hnniham. whotu lie aiipplied with butler, and who had had a
felepboti® retvutly luH In his office.
-Need any butief' this murnlnff?ask«d th® farmer.
-Well. 1 don't knoTT.” *nawen-sl th®
Uwyer. -Walt a mluut®. I ll aak my
wife «lK>u! Ii."
ATter -peaking thruiigh th® ’phone,
he went on: ‘*N'o: my wife sat* uo.Tbe fsrnier’a face was a stod.v fur
• moment. Then b® hnA® ont with:
TtwVaher®. Mr. Ijiwyer. I may be a
•mil®' and have my whisker* full tlf
hay and hayseed, but I'm not such a
dann-d ftxil as to Ik-1 lev® that your
wife is In that bos.*’
An EngHshman. complimenting Amer
ican* on tbelr skill at postprandial or
atory. went on to discus* th® iiosslhlllty of boring an sudleoc®, H® mW th.
severest reproof for a tiore which be
that administered by
-snd while driving with
the great T*ll®yra
a friend who kepi telling him stories.
As they passed through the streets of
a continental town, which in those
day* weiv policed by inady sentrU-a.
they obsened on® sentry yawn at hi*
post, odd Talleyrand Mid to his frieml:
•Htmh! W# ar® overtirord.-
Bis Sale
‘ Udiet’’
Muslin Drawers
See the big display in wIndow--Lac®
trimmed, tucked and plain, at
2So por pair
The May lashions arc here,
HnU and
a free shed.
Ll Mhelm
Try Record Want Ads
Wall Paper '
For Every Rootti in the House
Parlor Papers 25c to $1.00.
• - '
Sitting Room Papers 10c to 50c.
Dining Room Papers 12c to 75c.
Bed Room Papers 5c to 50c
Library Papers 25c jto $1.00.
• ^
Hall Papers 15c to 50c.
'■% '
Bath Room Papers 10c to 5pc.
Kitchen Papers 5c to 15c.
Our Wall Paper Df^partment is one of the busiest spots in our mammoth store.
. Our stock is so large, the patterns so varied and the prices so
reasonable that f>eople are naturally attracted by these
• ‘
three Kreat forces. We aim to please every
class of purchasers, so wc have
‘ ; -v
> • -:
papers from 5 cents to
- /^
V ;
$1 a double roll.
^ *
It is a pleasure to show «»urbeWiful papers, offer suppestions; and wc hope to find
acustomer in eveo'looker because—
Electrini ARHaaces
Bvny nort yon’m apt to
be ^
J.B. PsKeBeetdeCo.
Paper Want Met Here.”
HaDDab & Lay Mercantile Compnay
W Hi)
182 c ■
18T 188
* ){ t;
LOT 230
,'■ •
IxMt 385. 836, 237 a> advertised arc now Mid
fi LOTI 120
LOT 214
ThcM are all early selections and are the
Hanilsoiimt Lots In Oak Haislits
the most chming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built over, and good lots are
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold sepa
rately, excepting 182,188,184, which must be sold togeth«. All must go for spot cash, and the prices
X/T^ >
The whole bunch of
if sold at one time and for cash down, would be
Ai live price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.
Ab One Acre Lot
in Mwood
Fronting East Bay 8 rods and running back 20 rods,
lew • atrip two rods wide on north aid« for atreet. A
very di^bl? lot in thia beautiful tubuiban apot.
^ ■
dilioaal hid of 0110 was suhmltt.
J. J. Bordea auhmltted a
bid of 0190 for work In palnUag and
rarnishlag. the bidder to furnish all
Iteg. ladders, etc, with the «z
1 of the paint, the bid being ex
ly for work.
1 motka of H. Moatagae the
lowoat bid for the Oak Park aaari
Lather 4 Irwia a. was aoropted. bondi
belag placed at 04.000. Upoa motion
of W. <k 0boie the bid of 0190 for
palnUng of J. J. Burden was also aeeepted and the board Instructed to
enter Into a contract.
Architect Moore aad George Lather
ITS preseat to represent the firm
which received the bid and tmmedUte.
ly aaer IU aeeptaaoc Mr. h
stated that In order to oompUte the
annex within any specified time before
fall term poaseasloo of
Ids was necesaary. O. G. Millar,
who represented the tximinltlee. did
col think they should have charge of
to leave lt.for
appointed May 7. But ownlg to the
need at once of clearing the grounds
of the 130 cords of wood which
plied on the slU the committee finally
agreed lo have the grounds cleared
give possession of the site
where the work may at once be b<
Mr. Gilbert did not think It wool
terfere at all with the school work,
and the artesian well also was a
to be closed by Mr. Moore, who was
anxious to have the mailer completeRl
at this sesaioti. It was moved .finally
to. give possession May when tht
building should be eompleted by Aug
15. This giving Ume lor the patailng
and other final work. An adjournmcal was then Uken.
AnnU Lo3asb«7 at
. fond of the I
CbrisUpa McKay at IIS per aoaib
Zelaa Aaea ai IIS per PKaUu
the old Empire
(Oa»Uaii«d Proa flm Pw-) !
fttate. Within thirty-fire miles of New
aaa sboukl tor. a»d la commaodet^ i KHilr Oraj at M7AI>Br awnUi.
York city, among the Batnapu hllla.
JulU BSUInss at fst per montlL
heir respect
smI pdal
where, aeMabel McMlcUd pt 120 per acath.
Hiphiv WfsCHIM
Oak Pa-k Mldlng.
The new prlnrl^I. A H Wnsbburu.
fairtaa. brownlro
. now prmdial iir ibe
ibe MarsU.11 Ul*b
tongnsge is poetry sod wbooe borne to
school gnd fce/win eoae to tbU dir “«»»»»•
In tbe woodlands rou lie found If look
with ibt bWeat Of ciedcntlaln: hli
per mon^r..
ed for In the proper spirit.
first rr-awtolndailon barlps cornel
P^r month,
Aside from the falriee thcew are Infrua the U. ct M. where ht last yearj Mkr»arel Andru. at |45 per
tcrostteg traditions connected with
Mary Siereas at 145 per month.
TvrtTivcd ihc ck-erct cf B. A.
men and women of historical renown
-'Mr. Wavhliurn Ik a praduatr of the
At Bateapo, ctoa# to ibe boundary Him
Cora Pierson at $42-5hp(tr month.
of New Jersey, on a mighty pinnack
I:3dbaa|K»!U Hlfib achool nHer which
•UU Strwat SuilPinf.
of tbe Torne mocntaln. there U a place
he completed a conrae In the BuUm^
called **Waahlngtoo*s watch pocket.**
aia Finney at M per moath.
univeriilty of IndlanapolU follcwlng
It to a crevice la the rockI that looks as
which be ta'icht for ala years in the
tf nome giaut had m
I the roch and
r. prin.. at |70 per month,
CbtrlestuB. 111., schools the Ust two
torn It apart as one mlfht i
miratetb Vlrtan at 090 per mofilh.
y<*ars of which he stood at the boafl
slice of liread. If you put
Aitnes Mama at fIS por month.
as urindijal of the schools. Proa
eJose to this crevice and listen Intently
Marie Sanders at 145 per month.
you can bear, far below, the sound of a
then he ciilAT. *1 Ibc IT. of M. and look
Florence Perkin* at 049 per month,
watch ticking.
ai'ec of D A. and the middle of
Tbe story I* that George Washington
fnex CraiUA'r at 045 per month.
last winUT be accA-oto'd the priaclpaK
stood at that spot ooe day alone look
Vidan Simmons at 04S per Inontb.
ship of the Marshall llljth school
tag throogh a telescope to see whether
where he eri Ired ordt r out of chaos.
tbe BrltlMi were approaching. Ula staff
lYuf. 1. B. ailbcrt rUited Marshall
was some distance awdy. for to climb to
Jeasle Camp at 150 par month.
ihl8 rprina and found his work hlphly
that ledge of tbe
and etui requlrro
successful, ecvcril other application*
Cimwood Avenue SuildmB.
were conslderc«l but the high recomNellie Lytle, prln.. at 0f.:.5o
as all tbe work! kndwa. and be the
mendstloQ cf the university coupled j month.
nothing of the cUmb.'bnt the offlcn
ICdIth Ri>wley at 049 per month.
with Ibe practical demonstration of
bis Staff were a little more jenlot
Mr. WashlnirnV srork welshed favor
Anna Johason at 047.941 per moot
their exertion, and they were witling
Jennie Barton at 047.90 per month.
ably for his sonolntment. H>t salary
eoottfta to/sbey tbelr chief when he told
is 01-Of..
Ulllan Johnson at 04r5o per mout
them that they i>ecd not go with him.
Mr. K«lght Also.
Edllb Gibbs at 047.90 per month.
As Waabtagton stood. auitM^llks.peertag through the totoocopiK be thought be
Two clicnges will W taaugurated In
Boonvitle Building.
could dtoLTro a line of red among Ibe
Minnie Hublfcll at 045 per month.
tlH« lliRh school force, the n^slsnatlon
irw* a great many miles up the Uama
of K E Knifihl also having been
Union Street BoUding.
filed and arepled. and the appointment
Huldab Evan*, priu.. at 05T.9O per
The rodeeats-the Britlahr be ma.v
of Hartan C. Davis, assistant In the
hare murmured as be closed bto tele
department of phvslca of Olivet co’.Glenn Wlllsey at 015 per month.
*cor»e. It was now that the Incident
Lucile TbeoUaM at 045 per month.
IcKc to succiwtl Mr. Kuljcht. Mr. Ikivb
OHTurred that gave the ixaim*uf "IVaahtagtou’a watch fwker* to Ibis oiwulux
U a craUuate ot OUvet and eminently
Call iia Dunbar at 042.90 per moath,
In tbe fork. Itx-umbrrcd with the Id
qualified to fill the position vacated by
Grace Urodie At 045 per month.
In Venice ooe U as if caught la an eocx>pe-wbIeb w-«s m»t one of the c-ouMr. Knishl. It Is understood that
Day School for Deaf.
Immenae nawork. or spider** web, renleut fielilglssses that are In u-e to
Mi>. Caroline Shaw at 090 per which, as ooe walks in its m idst seems day. with a strap around It to ptvvent
ProfcAsom Kye nod Knight will later
the buslnet;s fields In the south* month.
to tlgntrn tbe closer about ooe. Tbe Its falling - Washington drogg-tl bis
ej-n part of the «Uke.
streets narrow overhead, push outward wsteb from hts fob to caIcnUiie what
OwlKK to the absence labi evenina
Kltrnbelh Hooker at 0OU per month. with beams and stone bak-onies and Ume It would probably be wbtm the
many turning angle*; seem to looiieu enemy reached that spot. The watch
Emma Woodman at 0C5 per monh.
of Mayor A. V. Friedrich. O C. Molfatt
tbeirboW for a moment where a tMidge slipped out of bl« baud, aeals and all.
elected iiroUdeni pro teui of the
Supermlendenfs ClarH.
crosses a narrow canal between high and fell Into tbe crerlce far out of
meeting Mr. Moffari In taking the
Lois Scofield at $25 per month.
walla and over dark water and then sight.
chair. siHikc feelingly of the elosins
Geo. W. MeWethy.
tighten again In close tones where tbe
It to strange tlidt tbe watch should
days of the old board where he hml I
smells of the shops meet and fume
served for the past nine years WiUil Tbe committee then reported the about one** fare. Tbe lanes are busy
Lat It to certainly
ol W. O FOole. Mr. following resignations: Misses Neva with men in rough elotbea and with ticking to tbis day Tbe understandIVace. Blanche Wright and Belle women In abawto. bareheaded and with lag to that tbe patriotic Imps of tbe
MolTa’t wa-s the Kcnlor member.
greot son bQfdieB of hair, who come mountain wind It. becauae It belonged
The firsi buriness to occupy the at Plummer from th4» Oak Park bulk
and go quietly, slipping I'taat ooe anoth to Ibe Falber of Ills Country, and that
lenilon of the board wa» the various Misses Hard Livingston. Lena Pan
er In these uarrow spaces, where there
reptiri* of the committee on school* ning and Laudra Blssell from the Elm to hardly room to imibs. as the gondolas they fcil! do ao to Ibe end of Ume. Tbe
rerlfleatlon of this legeud fii that tbort
and teacberp. who recommended the wood avenue building and Miss Nellio slip past one another In tbe narrow
e Toroe mountain and there is the
additional two wet^sK lo the regular Kelson from ibe l*nton sti'cet ^^uUdlng
crevice, and e\-ery oue knows Uiat
lh:rty-^U wtvkh t»Tm as provlouriy The following were employed in their
George Washingion really lived.
ooe to tbe otfter end of Venire Tbia
tnontloncd. the fall term to Ingln the placew: •
fir^t Mtmday iu SepUmber. They
Cwi*m Are Oaeght.
Addle Johi^son. flret year. 042.50 per movement, the tangles of the wsy. tbe
Ing of one's
ones attention
continual arresting
« ,
,f■keu at borne In tbe
also rerumimn.l‘'d that all contract» month.
by MNM wl»<low. <>oonr«y or bolrooy i
tbe furnace geta
with tea-'heis ec marc oh this basis.
Blanche Doughty, fret year, 045 iht pat • .train u|k>o oo*’. eye. and b«)u „j,
the fall Of the year
The iciiort- on teach>!b wag em mouth.
•nar .
to tiro and rtopofy tbo liefore the furnacr is lie
braced in thrve separate n ports. 1. c.
Cynthia Payne, find yt-ar. 045 per brain. Tbcre is no
Modem Mediesl 8<1eDce. IVople
city, and as ulght comes on tlio Iw- Khicer Into Ihelr cknbe* In cold rooms
learher* lo he' retained. High school month.
\earhcr> and new teachers. The fol
Charily Rice, hindbrgarlen 145 per wildennenl grow* almost disquieting. or alt In their apartment* chilled by
—Arthur Symons In BcribncFs.
lowing li.*»l was reporte>J for the Incom month.
the first fsU winds, and then wonder
why they eatrli cold
Iva Zimmer, kindergarten. 045 per
ing year wlih the raises which were
In ererr room there should be some
potted In the various ward acbuoU mouth.
If It be in harmony with ooe's snrread by Profet^or Gilbert, who cxImogcne CTamcroir. assistant kinder rsudlaga to work and to thrive a little meons of raising s Wttle beat quickly
at ttihea when tbe fntyiace cannot be
that where a raise was not ro garten. 040 per month.
and to rear children, to hare liberty debended upon.
and be toierant and self etere. The price of
Marie ^flcld. third grade. 045 per
fwTted the salaries were supposed to
be alnwdy at the maximum, tbe Board
eave tta cost mao.v tlmce or
tors* bfito -New Tork Press.
Eva Thackers, fifth grade. 045 pe-r
man aveane school leading In this re
Sever^ changes. In salaries
Bach. I think, totee:
of all
iBBUguraietl In the High school
Bertha Campbell, fifth grades 045 per
force owing to the responsibility of the month.
them. To« can trot it ky s simple ref• place te work? Berond IMtto-I abookl
teachers having charge of setsloQ
R-port Adoptod.
arenca Prem every ether miUea to ity! It*e no trouble to keep tbt
The report a* road was adopTed torope Ibere la emigration; from BwH- la order at alL Fm working for a
nvB^ Mrs Rose Hess and Atmw
and they never use
aertand UtBe or dom. At all times
Brown, both receiving a raise from upon niotloo of H. Montague. Co
0*y corner.
0i:o lo 08I7.SP. owing, as Mr. Gilbert ermble diseoasion followod la regard shoot aoaiooo Bwlm are te forelfa
xplained. to their charge ef session to the addltioaa] two-woeHa 9o the
regular aehool year sad whether tt
always they <
Twt>..r« Cn^loywT
added matcrUlly lo the lacreaae la home. The typicol Bwtoa aever 0
be Is herer* asked tbe trsrellDg
of tbe botfl Clerk.
Thr r«Ik,«ln» va> Ihi- report €«i Ibr the salary hudget. Mr. Giltiort atatod
-No. He peed to stop with u*. bi:
they had not Ml that tbe two woeka 2de"SrT*
tesehelw employed:
oercr put qp a ront.**
Travene City. Mich., April 29. IfiOfi.
catrm time more than edverei "what teg so. he
To the Honorable Board of .Education.
Toor commltU‘c on achfralt and
ea^MTs wonld recommeod that the
following teachers who aif at preaaat
teaching la our city schools bo re^
tallied for the ensuing year at the fob
lowing salary:
Hifh SekooL
Mary McLaughlia at 070 per month.
Jesale Vivian at 0T0 per month.
Alma Brown n( •C7J0 per month.
mrs. Rose
nose Haas
aw at 0C7JO per memth
Beatrice Pomeroy at 069 per
Agnes Thompson at 067J»
tbqy woitM In tbe aaturo of gradual
ImMae of aalary hare had to pay
if the nine moetha aMolo had pro
railed iWfhml wolewma aaiaUowa:
as to why «ho ttyhora
teg bad done «o and
gtaaa hy Mr. OBbart a
tbe work itself had any baiiBite. The ooamittee oa .ways aad amani
di at 002.50 per month,
aabaltted their monthly report, show
at 007.50 per moath.
fgaraoa at 009 per
Manafed to 04JK0.17. which was aJ»wad.
Ctotral BpIMNm>
ht 040 per month.
Sarah Prall at 04754 par moath.
AW iwteesttew.
fcich-Yoo are such a funny girt. I
pevpr did kpopr how to take you. Ktttr icbfiTh-Toa noTor Wad.
BlnnlagUatu - Your daughter to to
marry a youjigman named HUI 1 beHero? Mnneheeter-Tea. He betaogo
to ooe or the very oWtest famSitos te the
country. 8lmliifhaBH.I didnt know,
that he came from o poiMrotoriy old
fhmily. Mmwhoetor-Oh. yoa. Too of.
Bmlth-Brown to getUng to he quite
abaeotmlmM of tote. iaii*t hs7 Grif
fin-Why. I haven't pocked |L SornhWell bcHa. The other day he happmmd*
to look In a mirror at home. apA he
asked hto wife what she was dotaif
wtUi that fellow** picture 4o Che homm.
A.-The man does a great dan] lOP
the poor, it to said. R-Xopsepee. HP
sroold not c'^cn gtre bU daughter te mo
aa my wife.
Nollce to the banking Inslltutlooa
of the city of Traverse City. Mich.:
84-aled bids are requested hy the*
city round! of the city of Trareren
CBy. Michigan, for Ibc highest rate of
Interest on dally balanoos of ptepey
belonging to the cit>^or la tU custody,
and tbe lowest rate of latereal to bo
paid by the city for such temporary
loans as the city shall have power to
make, the word leraporacy to moan
wlihln Ibc trim of the oonlruct, or one
rtf from May 1. 1W0.
1 pn^l.
od with the city
rli/ clerk
Clark on or OCTETS
o clock p. m.. April 20. 1006Tbe cotincll reserve* tbe right to roJed any or all bid*.
City Clerk.
Dated this 3{tb day of April. Ited.
apr 24At
«UI* M
New Stock
Fishing Tackle
Enough Said
Base Ball
Central Loca^fues.
Bowiiiig Allen238 Test Fnot Street
‘ ‘
m wbm tbe n»d« get sood nd
String. eoaaMQOM in aunent. It
Siild remind iron tut Moot ware-
iNtChtoV^r^iir TOO caM get a
hisedter. fiM'tdom the petieot
.ooddeoTrrtomyo bleed
Qsces aty
CiL pboM 751.
W Hi)
182 c ■
18T 188
* ){ t;
LOT 230
,'■ •
IxMt 385. 836, 237 a> advertised arc now Mid
fi LOTI 120
LOT 214
ThcM are all early selections and are the
Hanilsoiimt Lots In Oak Haislits
the most chming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built over, and good lots are
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold sepa
rately, excepting 182,188,184, which must be sold togeth«. All must go for spot cash, and the prices
X/T^ >
The whole bunch of
if sold at one time and for cash down, would be
Ai live price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.
Ab One Acre Lot
in Mwood
Fronting East Bay 8 rods and running back 20 rods,
lew • atrip two rods wide on north aid« for atreet. A
very di^bl? lot in thia beautiful tubuiban apot.
^ ■
dilioaal hid of 0110 was suhmltt.
J. J. Bordea auhmltted a
bid of 0190 for work In palnUag and
rarnishlag. the bidder to furnish all
Iteg. ladders, etc, with the «z
1 of the paint, the bid being ex
ly for work.
1 motka of H. Moatagae the
lowoat bid for the Oak Park aaari
Lather 4 Irwia a. was aoropted. bondi
belag placed at 04.000. Upoa motion
of W. <k 0boie the bid of 0190 for
palnUng of J. J. Burden was also aeeepted and the board Instructed to
enter Into a contract.
Architect Moore aad George Lather
ITS preseat to represent the firm
which received the bid and tmmedUte.
ly aaer IU aeeptaaoc Mr. h
stated that In order to oompUte the
annex within any specified time before
fall term poaseasloo of
Ids was necesaary. O. G. Millar,
who represented the tximinltlee. did
col think they should have charge of
to leave lt.for
appointed May 7. But ownlg to the
need at once of clearing the grounds
of the 130 cords of wood which
plied on the slU the committee finally
agreed lo have the grounds cleared
give possession of the site
where the work may at once be b<
Mr. Gilbert did not think It wool
terfere at all with the school work,
and the artesian well also was a
to be closed by Mr. Moore, who was
anxious to have the mailer completeRl
at this sesaioti. It was moved .finally
to. give possession May when tht
building should be eompleted by Aug
15. This giving Ume lor the patailng
and other final work. An adjournmcal was then Uken.
AnnU Lo3asb«7 at
. fond of the I
CbrisUpa McKay at IIS per aoaib
Zelaa Aaea ai IIS per PKaUu
the old Empire
(Oa»Uaii«d Proa flm Pw-) !
fttate. Within thirty-fire miles of New
aaa sboukl tor. a»d la commaodet^ i KHilr Oraj at M7AI>Br awnUi.
York city, among the Batnapu hllla.
JulU BSUInss at fst per montlL
heir respect
smI pdal
where, aeMabel McMlcUd pt 120 per acath.
Hiphiv WfsCHIM
Oak Pa-k Mldlng.
The new prlnrl^I. A H Wnsbburu.
fairtaa. brownlro
. now prmdial iir ibe
ibe MarsU.11 Ul*b
tongnsge is poetry sod wbooe borne to
school gnd fce/win eoae to tbU dir “«»»»»•
In tbe woodlands rou lie found If look
with ibt bWeat Of ciedcntlaln: hli
per mon^r..
ed for In the proper spirit.
first rr-awtolndailon barlps cornel
P^r month,
Aside from the falriee thcew are Infrua the U. ct M. where ht last yearj Mkr»arel Andru. at |45 per
tcrostteg traditions connected with
Mary Siereas at 145 per month.
TvrtTivcd ihc ck-erct cf B. A.
men and women of historical renown
-'Mr. Wavhliurn Ik a praduatr of the
At Bateapo, ctoa# to ibe boundary Him
Cora Pierson at $42-5hp(tr month.
of New Jersey, on a mighty pinnack
I:3dbaa|K»!U Hlfib achool nHer which
•UU Strwat SuilPinf.
of tbe Torne mocntaln. there U a place
he completed a conrae In the BuUm^
called **Waahlngtoo*s watch pocket.**
aia Finney at M per moath.
univeriilty of IndlanapolU follcwlng
It to a crevice la the rockI that looks as
which be ta'icht for ala years in the
tf nome giaut had m
I the roch and
r. prin.. at |70 per month,
CbtrlestuB. 111., schools the Ust two
torn It apart as one mlfht i
miratetb Vlrtan at 090 per mofilh.
y<*ars of which he stood at the boafl
slice of liread. If you put
Aitnes Mama at fIS por month.
as urindijal of the schools. Proa
eJose to this crevice and listen Intently
Marie Sanders at 145 per month.
you can bear, far below, the sound of a
then he ciilAT. *1 Ibc IT. of M. and look
Florence Perkin* at 049 per month,
watch ticking.
ai'ec of D A. and the middle of
Tbe story I* that George Washington
fnex CraiUA'r at 045 per month.
last winUT be accA-oto'd the priaclpaK
stood at that spot ooe day alone look
Vidan Simmons at 04S per Inontb.
ship of the Marshall llljth school
tag throogh a telescope to see whether
where he eri Ired ordt r out of chaos.
tbe BrltlMi were approaching. Ula staff
lYuf. 1. B. ailbcrt rUited Marshall
was some distance awdy. for to climb to
Jeasle Camp at 150 par month.
ihl8 rprina and found his work hlphly
that ledge of tbe
and etui requlrro
successful, ecvcril other application*
Cimwood Avenue SuildmB.
were conslderc«l but the high recomNellie Lytle, prln.. at 0f.:.5o
as all tbe work! kndwa. and be the
mendstloQ cf the university coupled j month.
nothing of the cUmb.'bnt the offlcn
ICdIth Ri>wley at 049 per month.
with Ibe practical demonstration of
bis Staff were a little more jenlot
Mr. WashlnirnV srork welshed favor
Anna Johason at 047.941 per moot
their exertion, and they were witling
Jennie Barton at 047.90 per month.
ably for his sonolntment. H>t salary
eoottfta to/sbey tbelr chief when he told
is 01-Of..
Ulllan Johnson at 04r5o per mout
them that they i>ecd not go with him.
Mr. K«lght Also.
Edllb Gibbs at 047.90 per month.
As Waabtagton stood. auitM^llks.peertag through the totoocopiK be thought be
Two clicnges will W taaugurated In
Boonvitle Building.
could dtoLTro a line of red among Ibe
Minnie Hublfcll at 045 per month.
tlH« lliRh school force, the n^slsnatlon
irw* a great many miles up the Uama
of K E Knifihl also having been
Union Street BoUding.
filed and arepled. and the appointment
Huldab Evan*, priu.. at 05T.9O per
The rodeeats-the Britlahr be ma.v
of Hartan C. Davis, assistant In the
hare murmured as be closed bto tele
department of phvslca of Olivet co’.Glenn Wlllsey at 015 per month.
*cor»e. It was now that the Incident
Lucile TbeoUaM at 045 per month.
IcKc to succiwtl Mr. Kuljcht. Mr. Ikivb
OHTurred that gave the ixaim*uf "IVaahtagtou’a watch fwker* to Ibis oiwulux
U a craUuate ot OUvet and eminently
Call iia Dunbar at 042.90 per moath,
In tbe fork. Itx-umbrrcd with the Id
qualified to fill the position vacated by
Grace Urodie At 045 per month.
In Venice ooe U as if caught la an eocx>pe-wbIeb w-«s m»t one of the c-ouMr. Knishl. It Is understood that
Day School for Deaf.
Immenae nawork. or spider** web, renleut fielilglssses that are In u-e to
Mi>. Caroline Shaw at 090 per which, as ooe walks in its m idst seems day. with a strap around It to ptvvent
ProfcAsom Kye nod Knight will later
the buslnet;s fields In the south* month.
to tlgntrn tbe closer about ooe. Tbe Its falling - Washington drogg-tl bis
ej-n part of the «Uke.
streets narrow overhead, push outward wsteb from hts fob to caIcnUiie what
OwlKK to the absence labi evenina
Kltrnbelh Hooker at 0OU per month. with beams and stone bak-onies and Ume It would probably be wbtm the
many turning angle*; seem to looiieu enemy reached that spot. The watch
Emma Woodman at 0C5 per monh.
of Mayor A. V. Friedrich. O C. Molfatt
tbeirboW for a moment where a tMidge slipped out of bl« baud, aeals and all.
elected iiroUdeni pro teui of the
Supermlendenfs ClarH.
crosses a narrow canal between high and fell Into tbe crerlce far out of
meeting Mr. Moffari In taking the
Lois Scofield at $25 per month.
walla and over dark water and then sight.
chair. siHikc feelingly of the elosins
Geo. W. MeWethy.
tighten again In close tones where tbe
It to strange tlidt tbe watch should
days of the old board where he hml I
smells of the shops meet and fume
served for the past nine years WiUil Tbe committee then reported the about one** fare. Tbe lanes are busy
Lat It to certainly
ol W. O FOole. Mr. following resignations: Misses Neva with men in rough elotbea and with ticking to tbis day Tbe understandIVace. Blanche Wright and Belle women In abawto. bareheaded and with lag to that tbe patriotic Imps of tbe
MolTa’t wa-s the Kcnlor member.
greot son bQfdieB of hair, who come mountain wind It. becauae It belonged
The firsi buriness to occupy the at Plummer from th4» Oak Park bulk
and go quietly, slipping I'taat ooe anoth to Ibe Falber of Ills Country, and that
lenilon of the board wa» the various Misses Hard Livingston. Lena Pan
er In these uarrow spaces, where there
reptiri* of the committee on school* ning and Laudra Blssell from the Elm to hardly room to imibs. as the gondolas they fcil! do ao to Ibe end of Ume. Tbe
rerlfleatlon of this legeud fii that tbort
and teacberp. who recommended the wood avenue building and Miss Nellio slip past one another In tbe narrow
e Toroe mountain and there is the
additional two wet^sK lo the regular Kelson from ibe l*nton sti'cet ^^uUdlng
crevice, and e\-ery oue knows Uiat
lh:rty-^U wtvkh t»Tm as provlouriy The following were employed in their
George Washingion really lived.
ooe to tbe otfter end of Venire Tbia
tnontloncd. the fall term to Ingln the placew: •
fir^t Mtmday iu SepUmber. They
Cwi*m Are Oaeght.
Addle Johi^son. flret year. 042.50 per movement, the tangles of the wsy. tbe
Ing of one's
ones attention
continual arresting
« ,
,f■keu at borne In tbe
also rerumimn.l‘'d that all contract» month.
by MNM wl»<low. <>oonr«y or bolrooy i
tbe furnace geta
with tea-'heis ec marc oh this basis.
Blanche Doughty, fret year, 045 iht pat • .train u|k>o oo*’. eye. and b«)u „j,
the fall Of the year
The iciiort- on teach>!b wag em mouth.
•nar .
to tiro and rtopofy tbo liefore the furnacr is lie
braced in thrve separate n ports. 1. c.
Cynthia Payne, find yt-ar. 045 per brain. Tbcre is no
Modem Mediesl 8<1eDce. IVople
city, and as ulght comes on tlio Iw- Khicer Into Ihelr cknbe* In cold rooms
learher* lo he' retained. High school month.
\earhcr> and new teachers. The fol
Charily Rice, hindbrgarlen 145 per wildennenl grow* almost disquieting. or alt In their apartment* chilled by
—Arthur Symons In BcribncFs.
lowing li.*»l was reporte>J for the Incom month.
the first fsU winds, and then wonder
why they eatrli cold
Iva Zimmer, kindergarten. 045 per
ing year wlih the raises which were
In ererr room there should be some
potted In the various ward acbuoU mouth.
If It be in harmony with ooe's snrread by Profet^or Gilbert, who cxImogcne CTamcroir. assistant kinder rsudlaga to work and to thrive a little meons of raising s Wttle beat quickly
at ttihea when tbe fntyiace cannot be
that where a raise was not ro garten. 040 per month.
and to rear children, to hare liberty debended upon.
and be toierant and self etere. The price of
Marie ^flcld. third grade. 045 per
fwTted the salaries were supposed to
be alnwdy at the maximum, tbe Board
eave tta cost mao.v tlmce or
tors* bfito -New Tork Press.
Eva Thackers, fifth grade. 045 pe-r
man aveane school leading In this re
Sever^ changes. In salaries
Bach. I think, totee:
of all
iBBUguraietl In the High school
Bertha Campbell, fifth grades 045 per
force owing to the responsibility of the month.
them. To« can trot it ky s simple ref• place te work? Berond IMtto-I abookl
teachers having charge of setsloQ
R-port Adoptod.
arenca Prem every ether miUea to ity! It*e no trouble to keep tbt
The report a* road was adopTed torope Ibere la emigration; from BwH- la order at alL Fm working for a
nvB^ Mrs Rose Hess and Atmw
and they never use
aertand UtBe or dom. At all times
Brown, both receiving a raise from upon niotloo of H. Montague. Co
0*y corner.
0i:o lo 08I7.SP. owing, as Mr. Gilbert ermble diseoasion followod la regard shoot aoaiooo Bwlm are te forelfa
xplained. to their charge ef session to the addltioaa] two-woeHa 9o the
regular aehool year sad whether tt
always they <
Twt>..r« Cn^loywT
added matcrUlly lo the lacreaae la home. The typicol Bwtoa aever 0
be Is herer* asked tbe trsrellDg
of tbe botfl Clerk.
Thr r«Ik,«ln» va> Ihi- report €«i Ibr the salary hudget. Mr. Giltiort atatod
-No. He peed to stop with u*. bi:
they had not Ml that tbe two woeka 2de"SrT*
tesehelw employed:
oercr put qp a ront.**
Travene City. Mich., April 29. IfiOfi.
catrm time more than edverei "what teg so. he
To the Honorable Board of .Education.
Toor commltU‘c on achfralt and
ea^MTs wonld recommeod that the
following teachers who aif at preaaat
teaching la our city schools bo re^
tallied for the ensuing year at the fob
lowing salary:
Hifh SekooL
Mary McLaughlia at 070 per month.
Jesale Vivian at 0T0 per month.
Alma Brown n( •C7J0 per month.
mrs. Rose
nose Haas
aw at 0C7JO per memth
Beatrice Pomeroy at 069 per
Agnes Thompson at 067J»
tbqy woitM In tbe aaturo of gradual
ImMae of aalary hare had to pay
if the nine moetha aMolo had pro
railed iWfhml wolewma aaiaUowa:
as to why «ho ttyhora
teg bad done «o and
gtaaa hy Mr. OBbart a
tbe work itself had any baiiBite. The ooamittee oa .ways aad amani
di at 002.50 per month,
aabaltted their monthly report, show
at 007.50 per moath.
fgaraoa at 009 per
Manafed to 04JK0.17. which was aJ»wad.
Ctotral BpIMNm>
ht 040 per month.
Sarah Prall at 04754 par moath.
AW iwteesttew.
fcich-Yoo are such a funny girt. I
pevpr did kpopr how to take you. Ktttr icbfiTh-Toa noTor Wad.
BlnnlagUatu - Your daughter to to
marry a youjigman named HUI 1 beHero? Mnneheeter-Tea. He betaogo
to ooe or the very oWtest famSitos te the
country. 8lmliifhaBH.I didnt know,
that he came from o poiMrotoriy old
fhmily. Mmwhoetor-Oh. yoa. Too of.
Bmlth-Brown to getUng to he quite
abaeotmlmM of tote. iaii*t hs7 Grif
fin-Why. I haven't pocked |L SornhWell bcHa. The other day he happmmd*
to look In a mirror at home. apA he
asked hto wife what she was dotaif
wtUi that fellow** picture 4o Che homm.
A.-The man does a great dan] lOP
the poor, it to said. R-Xopsepee. HP
sroold not c'^cn gtre bU daughter te mo
aa my wife.
Nollce to the banking Inslltutlooa
of the city of Traverse City. Mich.:
84-aled bids are requested hy the*
city round! of the city of Trareren
CBy. Michigan, for Ibc highest rate of
Interest on dally balanoos of ptepey
belonging to the cit>^or la tU custody,
and tbe lowest rate of latereal to bo
paid by the city for such temporary
loans as the city shall have power to
make, the word leraporacy to moan
wlihln Ibc trim of the oonlruct, or one
rtf from May 1. 1W0.
1 pn^l.
od with the city
rli/ clerk
Clark on or OCTETS
o clock p. m.. April 20. 1006Tbe cotincll reserve* tbe right to roJed any or all bid*.
City Clerk.
Dated this 3{tb day of April. Ited.
apr 24At
«UI* M
New Stock
Fishing Tackle
Enough Said
Base Ball
Central Loca^fues.
Bowiiiig Allen238 Test Fnot Street
‘ ‘
m wbm tbe n»d« get sood nd
String. eoaaMQOM in aunent. It
Siild remind iron tut Moot ware-
iNtChtoV^r^iir TOO caM get a
hisedter. fiM'tdom the petieot
.ooddeoTrrtomyo bleed
Qsces aty
CiL pboM 751.
r* *
Men are too busy making a
living to avaU ibemaelves ot oppor
tualties (or socUI benormeoL
E. U Edwards, chairman. BlUworth
la Mrs. Alexander, of Carey. Me. wim
has found Dr. KlRg’a New Ufb PlUa to
be the beat remedy ahe ever tried (or,
keeptag the Btomaek. Uver and Bow
els In perfect order.
You’ll ogroo
the structure to release the stock. As with her U you try these pateMm
woman’s tuBuence U not felt. 8be U
she entered, she stumbled over the purifiers that tafuae new life. Guarmoneeded
teed by Johnson Drug C
body of her husband.
Meads and C. A. Bugbee
woman. God bless her influence. God
Mrs. Badgely Is not strong wad ahe dniggisu.
bkws the good she accompllahe*.- h(
was unable lo lift the man’a heavy
But fright and the aeoasslty
Mr. Vmlor thought that the club
«d to give her strength and she
banquets were too far apart and fa
dragged the unounsciuus man from tha
vored having (reqacni meetings where
barn into the
wet, freshly
the ladles were Invited.
While the
ladies were not always Interested In ficid. Unknowingly this was the be*t
thing that she could bmvo done for
tbe name sobjects as men, an equi
him' and the aricndlng physician. Dr i
librium could be maintained it care
Frallck. states that this probably saved
we re used.
his me.'
The Men’s club quartet.
Mr. Badgely is a bird working i
B. Versey Legg. Louis Parmlec, Ro»i
is left (or women.
They must aid in
octal bectermeat so nec
(Continued From First Page.)
A short In develop tbe good there is
avenue In life
formal reception preceded the banquet There is no
Hale and B Verscy Legg.
At 8:45, the company, led by tbe pres
•dent and lady, lo tbe strains of a atlrring march gilaved by Leslie Wagkry.
need Into tbe dining room w
three long tables werer spread la i
At tbe bead of tbe table,
spoakers of
pressdeat and
the eveolag wttb
ladies were saati4. tbe Rev. R. N. Hdl
I pronooBclag tbe InvocaUim. The
[uet was served by Grace church
Mrs. Charles Carter of SortbW>rt Is guild and the following was the menu
pending a short time In the city with
-or. cHttealtfliT
On accouet of the death of .Brother
fbc pa^inp bids will
Richard R^nd. the Elks* charity ball,
day nljrht and John Scankm o> Saidwhich waa to have been held tonight
naw ts here ready to make bis bid.
Oacar Lyon of Mapleton and
united In marriage last evenlna
at tbe paaooace by the Re^'. W.
tbe Baptist
(Continued tYom First Page.)
I the Bast Jordan represenutive?
make their home at
Rose street. thU clty.
Mrs. H. Kranu. 148 Bast Flfiecnih
Tbe Tinvcr*c City High school was
Ur Wirt lo thr BwbIiis Reoor4.
represented by Miss Lavlna U»wrey.
K»v Yurk. Aprtl S€.—H«ttr Grtin street, received a telegram from San
Mias Vera Wynkoop and Adam Panek.
the wortd t Hchmi womM. it pltjrini: Jose. Cal., this mornln* aUUng that
while Mr. Turm r, Mr Porter and Mis.
tbt roll of protector in tWt city. Twice her two sons. Philip an^ Cornelius.
Stewart represenU'd East Jordan. The
DOW «he
bat caused
aafi* at that place. They for debate was excellent In every particu
atnooc Wall tireH financiers by
merly resided In San Francisco.
lar. but there was a very small crowd
IttK to tbe M'tcue of tbe local ca
Mrs. Arvllla Gardner had received a present, much smaller than the t>ccachequer with over l2,00fi.Wd each time letter from her son. Claud Baker, stat.
skm dese rved.
and broke ibe rau of Ui>rt?sl. The Ins that be s>as in San Francisco durJ. W. Patchln acted a*
iMOiks charfte from & to 6 per cent in* the eartbannke but that he es
the imHuing while Supl. Wodgelt of
Mr*. Green let the money at tU.
Elk RaiddsivSupt. Butler of Central
Smurlbwalie has rw Lake, and Mrs. Gibbs of Mayfield were
Andrew J. lAcHenry a vcier
reived word that her slater,
Mrs. the Judges.
tbe First Mlcblitao cavalry, m
Arthur Qcm> of San Fianclsco was onln
Bast Jordan s main contention was
homr ibis afternoon from apendli
lured in tbe San Francisco disaster.
that the bill was not needed as the
winter at the State SoldleiV 1
Tbe New York Racket store, located Elkin s bin. If enforced, amply co\or
Gland Rapids. He will remain n| MC
t XM East l-'ront street, oi>encd Its ed the ground. The evils were morc
Rast Wahth street this summ
»ors ibis mornln* to Traverse aty. Imaglnary than real and hl*tor>* shows
Mrs. S. M. KllpatrlcV. who spent tbe
The firm Is known as M. Ferris A Co., that It was danpeiTotis for the rallraods
past two weeks at Marbon>uch,
iber* bein* the Misses Mar- to tr>' and extend control over
turm*d to her home this afternoon.
fuerite and Blliabeib Ferris of Cadll- railroads as in the end the rates
Bi>th ladi<*s
In charge per- ^oi as low to the people.
On account of the death of Brother
sonally and have expendetl gnwt |ialns
The Traverse City siKaikers showed
Richard Round, the ttki* charity ball,
In making the atore up lo date la the netHl of Just such leglfdatlon. The
which was to have*bee-' held tonight,
every partlcnlar.
ElkliiK bill did not give the United
haa been poatponed.
Slates enough (.ower and the Hepburn
Have Faith
io Our Medicines.
They arc worthy your
full conficlcncc. Every
prescription we ful has
purity and right com
pounding in its evcr>* de
tail. and the price is
right, too.
r mm*
Tbe aubjed in whlob the grammar
school («o
(.HI <*alkM]i
rontraveiM^ most
abarply tlie law
lai of tbe order of lesrotug: Is
I* iM*rtinp*
ivrtinp* grsmmar. for grammar,
anaiytlcand tbeoreticalatudy
M not lH^long In tbe
at all The artentlflc
km of plNmomcna ('annot
cooimence until tbe phenomena have
uUled and made familiar. To
this law of learning language is no ex('cption.
Tlio laugnage study proiter
to the grammar sr>bool la ohaervatlno
bUl/nuH'th the needK as well
n. William Scott being the!
Bat in It were'his team, a number of
Carnations were the fsvors.
pigs, -much hay. 3oo bushels of corn
Tbt Club.
After the viaudh had iMren disposed
and nearly all hi* /arming
The last speaker was L. L. Steven
highly aalkrfactory manner, tbe
which were di'slroyfd. leaving the fam
prtsWent called tbe meeting to order son. whose response was “Our Oppor
ily practically destitute. Three calvc'g
tunity as a aub.”
(*re all that were^ved.
read, the seerrUry also giving a Slated that the club had many opporThe family consists (if a sib
abort history of tbe club showing that lunille*. There were opportunltivi for
tree chlUlren. the youngest of ---------It has a membership of seventy-one social enjoyments. lor civic Improve
U only six uvs-ks old.
Mrs. .Badgely |
and Is constantly growing. There is a ments. the club could make Its Influ
is the (laughter of Mr. Thiel, living
balance on hand In the troasniy and ence (ell In civic elections, in aiding In
bolwwn Solon and Tiaverse C’liy.
the ontlook for the clnb Is ver> bright. wise and Just legislation and In aldlu?
and the minutes of the'last moeilng
After the business
bi*en con
cluded. the president Introduced
with a shortly and exlreondy witty ad
dress aad sncceedod tb mal
one feci at borne.
Mr. Weller's rrigti
aheep gt my farm,
j w. Blaier.
apr J«-lt
Men’s club was history.
sueh a msnner that
were frequent.
to have been held lcnlght, |
!•) years of age he attended various
schooling for about two years by nlghi
eord la not reaponolbla for changoa
sting and only added to the pleasure
of the occasion.
In 1S69 he left England and
the program
Canada. wher«‘ he worked thre<- years
was a vocal solo by Miss Ethel Bailey
as a journey man. finally coming to D**-
accompanied by I^lle Wagley.
troll In 1872.
The first
number on
After working there a
sang Gounods -Sing. Smile. Slumber.**
year he went lo Port Buron. w here h(
in such a sweet voice that she was re
called, giving
vijry succvssfuUv with his brother
“Annie. Ijiurle** and
a foundry
law. Mr. RuUgc.
for eight
Dl.sjio.slng of his
he spent some lime in Manistee and
Grand Rapid*, coming hvie In U82.
were well brought out and ibc t
where he remained a year, going to
waltc said that there were to kinds of East Jordan.'^where he formed a pari
dehau* wax worthy of a large and in
club women. Ibe literal and the liter
nership with bis son In-law. William
ary and he knew nothing about eitbe.- Malpass, remaining there tour years
bi!t would simply talk from hearsay, and then going south where he worked
lie stated that he was old fa.shione<1
for some time a* a Journeyman. Com
and bellevt'd that the greatevi woman s
Ing lo Ihl* city, he organizc-d a foundry
club wa.s home and If adheriMl id. it
in comi»any with Cash Monroe, leaving
was a good thills for the lamily and a
the Arm to In-come a member of the
good thing for the nation.
Times have ebangud.
Women arc
entering into active com|Ktltion with
Plan fiofiii Mail Eiq
organized a fundn*.
Jackson A Round.
living Detroit,
men and even demanding the ballot. ago
Sii Us Altaft Mm hfin
Calkins ^
No mallrr wh.1 you «rr oBcml
Wi- Icel that WV are prepared to do
Udicr by y*u in every way than
y*.u «J n ikJ elscnrbe re. Our j4an of
in plain ligr atn-iTsI fac.-rybext vale.
g.*xl Hualily at
the light price.
l«yment |Jau
: »»y. ^
He sold out and seven years
»«wll.^ in-ignitMaiiit. The lUam,
(.-^IKx-LIIv I hr Kimlwll pum.) bs«
iloiH- tiu«fe to sweetrit tlie rri»
tris e and to briag fHiacc attd happiacHS to UmUira in gcurtsl. and
to young |H-,.|.lr ill ,articular. tlu»u
Ihjth (f'lmed.
of the K.nibaUts
juud and syipjalb. Jir, and
liavr lx«n m..rie and sold
toresls, he went to Detroit where he
Thomas Smurtbwaltc was the ftn.i
The delivery of tbe principals
excellent Indwd, tmt in this. Traverse »IH*aker and his Eubjorl was
City seemed lo excel. The arguments Cl-ib Woman’s Husband.” Mr.*Smurth
ter citizen, a boiter non
daughter. Tit ere oao be
queaUoo about tbe truthfolI of thia fitatameiit,
Tho R*
able sarcasm but his thrusts left no
Club Woman’s Husband.
Richard Round, the^lka* charity ball,
Thia report la mada up dally.
which was to have been held tonight.
Richard Round, the Elks’ chxniy
has been postponed.
(Continued From First
Pbiloeophen have alvayt
at a Ion U
secret of the power which
patriotic tunes haw over
the pttople. and espec^lj
over the armies and uatians.
Historians hare been oontented to simply record tbe
fact, leaving the myitcry
more or lew unsol^-ed. .
But the m>’stery is-iil mir
end when wo attribuie to
mnsic iU riKhtlal power, that
of pilchinK hiKh the pUoeof
emotiona, brinjrinR to the
surfaco the very best tl^ is
On accou-» of thr d-ath cf Brother
audible smiles iiaruchlal and private *ch(X)lH. after
opening ad
that entering a.rolling mill where
wprming tbe hearts of alt with tbe old
On accourt of the death of Brother
Third floor:
new Campon block.
In any countr>- is due to other cau*e»
Anthony J. I>rc\H. wge. and i
CLARK A HANKI.NS’ price for skat,
iiig Is 25 cents with band.
dress tbe toastmaster used consider
While there might be dangers In this conducted by himself and hia son*.
man to
After the assembly bad sung -Amer
ica” the st*cond annual banquet of the
pleasure and'^ls IntroducGons
by wrecking tb« home ties, still some
Human Blood Marka.
A tale of horror was told by marks of the best lotelllgmioes in the t»ub
of human blood in tbe home of J. W. try wart being denied the right of the
iViniama, a well known merchant of ballot
Man are not rtfnalflg h> fet
Bac, Ky. He-Writes: •‘Twenty years women vote tlfrough seWshness hut
ago I hmi severe beraorrhages of the
lungs, and was near death when 1 he because of tbe fear of endtngering
On account of me
the oesxn
death oi
of Brother
orosnor j^
DUcovery. tbe borne.
But the woman’s abbs
Richard Rout^, the Elks’ charily bal', R completely cored me and 1 have re- have come and !i I* lo be boptd that
which waa to have been held tonight.
they will make no change.
WANTElk-Al «ucc‘,
the members themselves.
last evening was one to be thought of
and applications were kll delivered In
faet that the ratch are now lower than
> Palestine and Syria.
■ l>lssirroatW..Trawt*sOty. Mkb. I
rendered an “Indian Love Song.” Thl.(
tally destroyiMl^dld not belong to hlnL
thing that could Ik* .levised now. • The
in reading, speaking
Urge amount of
practice, much reading, much apiaklng.
Tbe oolT nae of
i negative one-nam<ly. to correct mIsUkea-and for Uda
negative purpose tbe only person In Uie
grammar sebool who need know gram
mar la the teacber. The poalttre. scl
entlflc study of grammar most be reserved for tbe high acbool.—W. G. Paraons in AtlanUc.
ert Chase and Herbert Montague thi n
Music Talks to
and Motlnrs
owner, and the barn, which wa* to
Carrie Ankeraoa of Garfield township
Creamed Puutow
burst irom the ha.v mow. she ran to
He was married In IRC-*: at Birming
ham. England, to Miss Mary Hlckln.
a native of England.
In addition to
would be good (or an.
That only Is
The sons
are Harry and Dan. both of this city,
and the daughters are:
Brown. Traverse City;
Mr*. William
Mr*. William
in the pld day*, the woman’s dub Malpass. East Jordan; MUs Florence
0»lds and Branchitla. and U tbe only
known cure for Weak Lunga. Every was tbujchurch and much of the greaf K. Rou^ Seattle, and Mrs. Harry L.
botUc guaranteed by Jobrnmn Drug ness of the churches today are due lo Harria.'^lles City. Montana.
Oo. F. H. Meads, and C. A. Bugbee
Mr. Round was a prominent Knighu
the efforu of women.
If woman’s
Drug Co., dniggista. M cenU and |1.
clubs tend'io destroy the borne, then Templar, a member of the Elk*, of the
they are the greatest menace of dvi- United Workmen and for many year*
On accowM of the death of Brother llzaUon. If they tend to build up tbe of the North
lichanf Round, the Elks' cha'ity ban* home, then the grtater BberUes and
which was to have boon held tonight prtvBeces woman ahoold have as It
hU wife Mr. Round b-aves two
four daughters and twenty<,nc grandchUdren. three Indpg dead.
The fbneral arrangemenu are not
« made on acount of the daughters
good (or wroman which tends to keep
New York Racket Store
teday, April 26
Don't Fail to call and
see the fine line of
her on the pedoatgl where man has
placed her. tbe ruler of society and
tbe queen of tbe bon^
by .Mian Myrtle' limar. (hUaWod wHh
a vIoUii solo, “Legwd,- by WkmMwaTim solo
nitremaly wd! rtm-
deM ami « Mrty etoit made to re-
has an atmop
In worn* form powlbla on that aatalbut not (Or human belaga. who
Bazaar Goods at Exceptionally
low Prices
-ntAvnac crrv.
Stciobcifs Grand 33^" sSSSSSar'
AU —
T. C. SWIlHnS-^
• ^ -
TonlgHt I s~^~
■W WU « WT
Win. A. Biddy's SfMdidProductloo
. frito
]y SO If toe state gaits abirhiag aad ChaHes B. Quick w-outTmhlad kto
real#-ee oa rath atreot with a lew
“Why aboald we fhrman help to handled rake busOy poklag around la
asylum orosiL The—toftbora w«ro
bolter toc.tolWM wbito otoom spollod toe
much myetlflad avar Me actio— hot
frov Is «n tkto Is aad ande moagy by ttr Th^ are later Itw- toaipMtoathew—attrwiTwIm to o«r stoto, foi
•toff ftp to# lead aa that Yha c-reto
would make hbtoe fa which toe trout
aess, bailt mUways. buUt low—, i
could Be. It cum- that toe rue#market tor labor, for pradaee aad
Bislmd — cheap lumber to build,
down toal aU Urn choice Z«U wore
was Uke the ploaeer farmer who toad #p and toe wla« maker of es—^
to tom «p irov tom cRUto bura^ ap toe walaut logs la Wasb- dotom flgured ewt that he could ffx It
teasw and Le—wee. He wasted and so that toe trout fhmily would find
spalled things aot becaase be w- 4e- ulce homeu to his back yard. It reacraetlve. but beeaa— he opald not msins to be seen whether his energy
ywo ocD too lUtoora la aaa
wm vail him anything or not.
HleUcaa raM tola raiy gotat:
la the state to NIchigaB la the year
- much - anybody, excep
Itao lest tiaa half to all the laad was
r. to boildlag «p Michigan, aad
Peter Mencgarl Is keeping closo
aatiled by tormers. aad mor# thaa half
he does aot deaenre nil the crtC
watch on the Ooardman. He h— a ten
They have them now; khere la am
ww wild, aaaectlad laad. lathe
Inch rainbow located and every day
raal Ibeeat la Waahtaaaar oooaty thaa
year to- lhaa oaotoird to oar laad
His methods nrera bad mad tbe he goes out and looks st him to sec
la BoaoDauboa^aoaaty. Why did they
w-improeed laad. The
state shonld have chaaged tbea and that he hasn't been frightened awijy.
keep them? Veoaash they could aot
telle - that la toe aoKhera half to
helped Ibis Ind—try Into i^t i
“I*m going out the first thing after
aVofd to be withaot. The farmer in
toe state, aot amely toe
of doing.
midnight on May 1." —id Pete this
lows planted forest on laad beUer
eala. bat a large part to the lower peaamratag. “aad HI gat him. too.’* it to
But this is a by gone. Today
thaa the best la oor stale. Why? Bw
laaaU lacloded. aboat »S per cent to
cause be calf better aVord to do with - toe people of Mkblgaa. have the said toat every nl^i and mornlag he
an. laad sr— aalmptwired aad ahoat 17
aimaks out to toe creek and carefully
a few acres le— of oora thaa to haal lands aa^ we bavp toe aoad for tim^
per seat aot even aeUled!
U U aaeleoB to haaoat aad
coal flve or ton milea and pay eaeh for
Aeeof^g to toe Auditor Oeacrars every stick of wood or Umber. The say. Why does aot Mr. Doe. who
ChaHes Skcleher. dty clrcuUtor of
ofllce there Mre been for years about state of Wurtemberg h— about 4O0.M0 eklaaed off this toad and who Is now
tU mUlkia acres o^^Uad-whlch the acres of woods bdoagli^ to ihdi state skinning the Isnds of Oregon and the Exening Record, has purchased a
fine new rod, “It s for my son. Orlle. *
sUte held for mm-fiayasrat to
Itself. Tbea# woods are on the poor WsshlngtdO. come back snd help us?
be said when questioned sbont It.
aad which are making a nselc
lands and yet toe^people gel over two
Hdwever. there’s an old story about
pendknre to money for the aUte tm the
Bui toe lands nre here aad wc. the father that never went to soe the
way to advertlsUg aad clerk hire, this
people, are here, and wc have the
rirctia. but just accompanied his sou.
espeodltare U flve years aaMioaUag to
1 choice of letting things drin
One dsy-Sqlle Brotbcri came to town
» and to the bad aad pay exorU snd the boy w— sick and refused to
that can he rented at that figure for
8U mlUloa acres, or oaetosUi of any length of time. The forest norImport prices for limber or build
go. The old man w— in despair In
toe tatlre state, la soak for Uses!
mslly beau the farm for a net Income up our forests, make this toad pay uv the morning, but in the afternooo^wa^
What toU laad Is like roQulres ao
rdlnary lands mnd whhrever Um I rent, snd provide a cheaper home the first one up to the ticket wagon.
dflaertpUon; toe fhet tost people did ber U sccees’lhle abd h- a reaao—ble umdy of material.
A friend met him I—ide the esnv—.
aot oare to pay Usaa oa toU land Is price. But tola U not all: Your forest
There U stIU aaotber thing to to
• Why. deacon.- he said. * I thought
aotldeni Udleatioa. It U ent
said. This matter is not one of great that you didn’t sjiprove of circuses
Inmed-OTer pinery, desolate, flretomrSave the money which ix snd only went to accomiwny your son.
red stump-waste, which h— not grown Industries, all pf which make busi
od on adverUaameat and Where’s the boy this afternoon? ’
a crop alnoe the forest
ness. and make up toe fhmser's most clerk hire for the Ux toads, and use
“Why, he’s home sick.” said the
It h- lain and Ues now Idle
Important home market. Does It pay ^ It to protect these lands and the for d$wooov“and ho worried so about mlss;
w—ic. Invoicing a Ions of more U
Yes. toe fact U we can not afford to cst will largely come of itself. The Ing the show that I came so I could
million dollars every year.
» without It.
thlag will pay handsomely In the end. tell him about lt.“
Several million acrea.to all
The reader Is at liberty to pick out
Yes. To beglo with the United The sacrifice you make in solving this
Jaads are held by private parties.
the right way Is lets than th^ application. ^ ^ ^
States government h— set aside over
These peoide arjtwalUag to sep what
Ob acres of land for that which you now spend in dolag it
eaa be done with tbeae laads and
It’s hard to ahsttcr a man’s repu^
le wrong way.
an area* nearly throe
Btaad ready to do toe right thing —
Ijpl the state ^ pass s few simple iltm. but then rcpuUllon Is opiy what
times — large — all MIehlgaa..to be
soon - a chaaoe U ghren.
New York tows; provide for the pnAectlon of peojac think yon are anyway. For
*«at thaaa laads wfll aU be eecUed."
Bert Winnie has occupied the
IT a rnimon acres and U buying
yoa wm nay. The name thing wai
PcnnsylvanU Is buying, all her other property; prevent confiscation pedestal of pabt msKtrr of tbe art of
flfty years ago In New England
run-down lands and pays up to t» per under the guise of taxallou; stop forr angling. His reputation h— grown
after ruining thousands to fan
aero for them; she means to raise Urn- lag Its poor slate lands on the markei. with each succeeding heason until he
more than s third of the land tilled In
Connrotieut and Msssacbuselts and go ahead with a good example on has come to believe It himwif. People
ISSO waa given up and abandoned b<s
olng toe same thlag and are get. Its own lands, and Instead of holding naturally look to the Indian to capture
fore the^car IDOO! Do you think, as
ting plenty of lands at from II to $4 them In a waste land condition, pro^ the biggest fifth of the scaaon and.a
long — a man can bny all toe aand be
(hem and grow tlmbiT. When thU Sitatemrnt to that effort creates no
per acre, lands which were “all farm
wants in Conncctlcui. llasancbnseui
one the private man will Ukc .x»mment. Last year cm the first day
land ’ before Michigan was a sUte.
and New Jersey si s dollsr an acre,
be showed up as usual with a three
Our nclghW. Wlaeo—in. b— act aside heart and Ao thfc rest.
that our lands will'be much In de
Plant trees, take care of your wood pounder and announced that he had
all her sUte lands — forest reserve.
msnd? And do you suppose, because
caught It. It was a fine fish and the
and th*' lot, join the Michigan Forestry —sa
a few interested men shout. **AI1
writer had the plc.-cMiro of aiding iu
clear out to elation and get your ncighlwr <o dr
farm land,’ ‘that this will make a jack
performing a delicate oiK-raticm upon
and W—hlngton. which the same. Read forestry books, which
pine aand. which already hundreds to
be given you free of charge; Isik It. Since then, however, U dcveloi»od
have stole forests. We In Michigan
that llcrt was not the catcher of the
families have tried and have aban
forestry and let your representativc«St
doned. Into a garden mp.»t? U-t us be
Ihat you understand this matte- piscatorial specimen. His brother Art
I In toe I r of the 1
reasonable; self deception
that you iH-llcve In it and want tto asiied the big fellow snd ss he wsx
ought to be at be front.
going out of the city to finish up th»*
the wordt to all Uc\ us expect our
aUer carried Into effect.
To begin with, ibe pcofik of France,
dsy. left the Indian to Uke it** home.
soils to do just what similar
Du it now. and write to SorreUry
prmany. Scandl—via and Austria
When he got bscktbfil night, he found
dolmt elsewhere.
tis hope that
have large expanses of pinery on T. M. Sawyer, of Ludington, for any that the Indian, not the “man who
much to this land Is good and will
y Ifhds. They have prevented
does tbe work.” had caught the beauty.
seuied. and also let us l>c clear and
fire, nad are doing It now. They la
It win be different. hoW^-ver. this year
not expect that all will be settled say
t If one acre In 10.000 geU touched
more here than In Pen—ylvanta. New
Gore a man who bad the reputation iDd **the man who doric the work” Is
by fire In nay one year. The man who
York and other older states. Let
ol noEtf. having l>cen toaten for tbe positive that he can make tbe Indian
says that the people of Michigan can pavilion of orderly i-ame from another Umk Ukc s has-been.
be rlesr abd understand that thote
not do^thls reflects seriously on th- regiment. Prirate Haarseber and the
large arc— to land on which no Uxes
honesty and capacity of thU law-abld newcomer, at lock would have It.
The fishing tackle Imslnres Is lively
could be paid are* cull and UuU they
uetalWl for guard the same day . The it present. There arc no radical
locm tow part which will he a^og
Forestry and fire go together, like w bole garrlsoD turned out tb see s
Ganges from last year and It Is still
Ume sKtllng.
farming and fire, or like city buildings one the adjnTsnt would pick for the np to the man behind the rod to land
But, -Ide from the wild lands, we
coveted plare. To all outward signs
and fire. You must stop the one to do there was uo difference in the uest
the fish Instead of letting t^ tackle
have in this atate over torec million
the other. In oor towns we keep some, od soldierly spi.esnince of the two do It for him.
acres to farm woodlots. where the
body on band to prevent and slop lai.
good sense to the farmer prH
Tbe ofllrcr spent sbont twenty min
kc#p woods In spite to all the
r greater properly) aad you wUl Dtes examining the rifles, belts, car
The “eighth wonder.-* as It Is usually
greater pay in field and
tridge boxes and brasses of the two called, is tbe gigantic pslsre of the
ive no trouble.
ww. There w— absolutely jMHhlng Rarnrisl. which sunds In tbe ancient
Fbrealry Is no “sugar trust baby.boose between them In point of kljMrdom or Toktlo. Bpsln. It to con^
Have we the land for foreaU? Yos,
1 ao many nre trying to make It out.
less of appesrsnee. FI—lly, as s feasedly the most wooderful edifice in
aad we shall always hsve it. lllc:
Fbresu can pay taxes — well — any
gmn Is located well; she esa and mu
the world, wl^ftber In dime—io— or
r propefly. Tb# foresU of toe
riches. It has IJMO rooms. 0.300 wln^
evonlually. raise sll she Deeds aad
Old World pay taxes; New York pays
dows snd doors. 80 staircases. 73 fo
ided but abaohirely clean
ul—. 48 wine cellsre. 8 orgm— and 61
But U It aot beitor tf aettlod la toxM on her stale forest, aad we
bells. Its circumfereacMx U 2W fe«t
farms? We -hsve hundreds to farms ought to do toe same on our state undid torse butto— of hit blouse. or almost exactly a half mile. It wi. But forestry-is like any other
I « bread new suH of dadlcsted to 8t Loremto. the saint who
In neariy every state and country
that must barb rost to said to have been broiled — a gr|6where a struggle Is made to 1
And oor present system of
a moath’e pay It was tbe other iroiLwnd — that account Its founda
poor land produce good crops,
man on that day who walked past post tions were laid off In tmlUUoo of the
where in ten or twenty years
In the hot sun, while H—rseber did sbaiie of that kind of a piece of kltehstruggle rods la complete failure
•toimig duir* in the shade in front of
mortgage le4breckmed and this farm,
Do you kamv that toe average
a grave to ^nmaa hapfdaeas..te rea<ir tax tnte la oae cf cmr oouaUea wn
over MO for each fl.00t of pro^y.
thlag else asre toe Amcrloaa cHlsaaad that aom# laada were taxed over ship which be had won by enUstlag aafIM for eech «l.gM of actual value? der toe AaMriesa flsg.~Ghledgo Poet
to ttoto Uxatloa or eoaftacaUon? fl^psad. toe tstokm of profilas In
stmggitng p#o|rt# sre trytag to do toe
black caalag la simat tbe asms time,
you have a twenty-acre lot of
OM awa—s Is Ls#lss4.
they wars caHs4 la Aariatoa allboutibpooalhla to thU kind of farmtog.sug- beeu aad the assessor would
la Lspto^asjsm ^ sj^byy to ffttaa. lbs aoblUty ctolaHag toat tosg
hiUmr than poveny? Is It better to
mmad uatU the beets are ripe
bad toeir portraits do— In black hehav# the land tilled by n lot of people aad the figure: The laad Is good; I
cana# they wnsrs too poor to hav# a fan
who nre bound to tail and turn broken assess ft at 175 per acre, aad ton crop be place of bspttaas<-#he Is dowered
hearted back to the clUea. or U tt bet is worth $75 more, ao toat this prop by her father with a certalg aamber
ter to have a thrifty fbrnat, toe only erty will stand at $150. What wooM of rriadeer. whkh are brsaflod with
safe crop on auch lands,
n hnnd- yon say? Bat tim assesaor who asasas- her inlttato aadhopf apart — hw apoMrs.
a-Do y— romemlmr. Qmt
clsl ptoperty. In ptxipcwtiou — they alfbt la Aft— Hdniy. whsa you flfot
sosse return of a material whkdi to-- es toe Umbor - P-t of ton real eatate
aakafl am to a—Itr you? Mr. Jo—aaeoeasary - w^eat ttoatf. and piwdiic- .-------------,--------- ------- crop of timber
If y— tftlir t# that flnt. Ia#c al—la.
lagaaetlaeoma;afaaltoev«alotlmt y#ar after year Ana#
aolltsry aad —ly ooe—hm up— whlel>
obtolaadoa goad lam laad? Aie aot
toad aad OOP tor
WANTffD—gcrap Ifwn; will esM tor I avfr atofld j— ta marry ma, 1
tamm, ooaaty sad outa better off toe owaar of a e
and forest. Iflg pmwids ar I—rs. Citx. pba—$»L
latoelaliaraaat? A good^bnaer oa while tor all other I
ho-spha-$M. CookBroav Waygaod laad Is a blesatag aad Is tbe only the land. To i
DaaiA AINct any af toa Trovarw
CHy Sy-K, Mo—yarw|iimk#a;^
Sotofl Urgmi to Ag#ln Bator ;
Mi^oWilMW IlwlII»tor#f«nr«to
to Ntoi tito foUmtof «rtieSe cAftotol/:
Trm bsMUfj fow Itont; • fsw
0Dotf altoto mas aM IMi to Uto otok
/tftoa to a tom lol. M4 ttey aM tooto
tVM toaaUTMka Mtiimjr. Aaav
aaaa to larva ttoiriy toapla aa4 alto
trass add to tke cash raloc of yimr
farm aad tot fsnaa to jraor aatoiibors.
Trass ahaltcf yoar balkitoss. yoor
SKMUtos aad roar stoek acatost the
aatotoars hast aad to# alator's wiad.
A vood sroodito toshta roa ladevsadaat to to# eoal aad vood rard.aad
toas itohto yaa as ratalar aa lacome
as aagr otoor part to yoar farm. A.’
VDto toiodlto to hsttor toaa toOMx la
tW totok. ft vrairs aad to# capHal aad
tetorak ar# rlakt bofbr# yoor #y#s
aad a ttUto cftort cao doal»l# the lat#r«st Tb# woods caa as# to# popror
part to yoor laad wklch yoa ar# vow
proltot yoor stoop load aad keep thU
load tooto aoUyina and heap It fsrUie.
Year voodkii aad toe voodloU to
yoor .aelcliboni are aoKiog the chief
ptoau to beauty to yoor aelghbochood.
aad they OMhe your laad worth 110 ao
Th# Dorsal# ar# toe oaly flaUsfaetory
maos to prtraaUac floods, aad la this
aloaa.jpoa caa aae# MIehiiaa (yoa aad
Tbd forests caa store- water aad
toeodv aasore a steady flow la #881
aser. tohidi la worth aUlUoae of doUai#
lad—tries. The Dorasts cao aave us
may a crop aaalaat drying winds
whkii-otherwise would tom out a faUThe forrsU are the eourco of our
bulldtag Umber, to which we need
Itor# la MIehlgaa alone over 2.000 milIloa feel per yoar. The foreaU furmlsh toe raw amleilal for our eecood
Vreatesl Induatry. aad If oar fOre»is
ue gone our woodmahlog Indaatrlcs
muat leave toe elate, aad the farmer
Joses aa Importaat part to his home
amy to toe Importer for -what he
assde la this llni*:~------ ^
Tbo foroau can maVo u»o of oor to
fnior.Unds; they two produce aa in
come*targe enough to pay our stale
tasea from |he lands which hare been
reverting to the state because they
were ho—idered too poor or worthless
to pajr Uses on them.
The foresU are the only crop to
which tfe are certain toat It can be
piwdared sallsfactorUy on mniHink of
acrewto oar Ugbter aaady lands.
The treat, the woodioi and the fo^
oet can hdlp — to do our duty to our
ehUdrra and to onr atatc. The foreat to the most poteot agent to —lure,
maklag this world habtUble for man.
aad toere )s no met— now at our dis
posal which can help - More than
the forest to preaerre and to -reatore
the tieauty to our ylato aad the ferUIItr to our land, and thus live* up to
the universal moral ohllgaUoo to leavtag the couatry at least BO poorer than
we foaad it; leaving this world ao
worw lor m having been here.
Mtohigan uacs a rmind 2.«0 million
fool to lumber Umber, besides gre
wood. Pricos to timber hsve gone up
with a jump aad tortwten going up
We. the pc
Umber pad >«aber. Yoar roof Is cov
her emiM fPoai the aotoh. your
Hhp from cambraia; toe oak la your
tahW U ahlppad from Mississippi and
CM rxi ttw .er culo.4 for U»
IMtkt to..
U 1«M <k« tuBliw
•to m aiUthiB doom UM tmf
vatotf good bum lor tor iM »ta/dM to Oojtod. at ow fuaon. Todvr otor tair at tkl. toto otottol
kto Ml to* outo ud I. to to itok.
tor for «kar tot*,
lotto toM of ow^ toMi *M
toortoldlaoMtot. Do «. to tor
ftowu? Coa torrrsto
Rapids today. BvanavOle belag the
visiting team.
... €
... «
Special to the Bv—lag Record. .
Olivet Oollege. April 2A—Tbe apftag ^
term of toe college y—r Is. peibdpA
aitracUve tor both —w and
^ this Ume toe
cc—tomed hlmaeir
to the collcB# way of doing things aad
the old stud-t has ceased lo notlee
him: while toe —toy sophamorr.
cither — account of his **co-*' of hto
“glrl.“ leu the treshm— go aad come
*The liascbsll team has played three
games so far this season, all at M. A.
getting away with the first snd
dropping the last Jwo. The team to
handicapped somewhat for prscllce. —
several of the men hsve laboratory
In the afternoon. There arc genorally enough out for two t-ms and
at least three or four Innings of base
ball are played every day.
Willard Hans is s cxnUidate for firM
b—c and to doing good work,
A call waa stmt out to track men
last week and roost of the college men
have responded. Arthur W*alt to doing
nicely In the daahos and promises to
Kidy move some for a
Urth on the t—m‘i roster.
Louis Ulrdssll to also put for tbe
ng runs. He has dlHilnguUhcd himftclT here as a memU’r of the “turn-
Dsllss. Tex.. April 2C.~Edward E.
Lewis has been klllcM) at Marlow. In
dlsn Territory, while umpiring s base
ball game between Marlow, and Dun:lubs. l^wls renderetl s decision
that sngeretl the Duncan players and
— bit with s bssebsB bsl and his
Oscar snd Prank
Mllllken. who has resigned the capn— sre fh'jsil. charged jrit h
taincy of the baseball team and has re
tireil from atblrilcs, Is bt'lng urged to
get out, as he 11 a valuable man In ibe
Chicago. April 2€.—Tom Sharkey half-mile, but does nut wish to do so.
ihe saUor pugUisl, who will wrest It
Prof. Chas. Novak of Travci— City.
John Rooney, the Chicago pollcomsti.
in the show st the Coliseum tonight pho has been superintemlent of U»e
offered to bet Rooney even money CKIvei public schools for tbt |»ast year,
received a flattering Increase In
on the side that he will throw him
within furty five minutes, the time al hts salary and will undoubtedly re- _ .
lot te«l for the bout. The provisions of msin another yv*ar.
Some new rules suRested by the fic- ) '
tbe signed artlchw are that the pollceulty arc being «Uscusr<*d ralluT warm;
msn put the sailor to the mat l
ly by tbe studenift. Hervturoi-c lh»»
itbln thrwHjusrtcni of an hoi
lose the purse, snd to Sharkey this rules juve Uin very lenicut, but iu
looks like the easiest sort of money
changed somewhat. The new ones are
Cblcsgti. April 24.—Arp—gen
to,the effort that young men cannot
have bc-en made for s^"profrs»
enjoy the wiclcty of the “tio^HlB** wllh1S.2 cxlilbltlcm lillllsnl twurnsmri
the presence of a chaperon,
Chicago b«'twpen Gifirge Slosson. win
has long been the custom here U
ner of the New York tourney; Jskt
• long walks or go host riding or
efer. Cwirgc Sutton. Willie Hopi»e
n go hunting, almost st will sod
snd Umls Cure. Ihe 1-Yench exr>crt
presence of the chaperon is' not
The event will lie held St Thomas Or welcorot!d by many. None of ibe Travchestrs hall. Michigan avenue, l^ln erse City bunch her# are affecItMl by
nlng May S. snd ending May 12. Five this rule, however.
players will necesslUtc ten games snd
Five fellows, three of whom are
the msnsgemetit . hopes with
from Traverse City, have rented a fur
gsmej playoil «Ully afternoon snd nished house and. besides setting an
evening, to finish. Including tics. In
mple to sll the ncighborlujod Iu
tters of housekeeping and gt*ncrsl
dciiorlroenl. Indulge In s IHtIc stutly.
Ann Arlior. Mich., April rc.-l-ssl One of them was heard to say that he
night KtH iie Fltrpoirlck left for Phlls- would have to hsve st least fifteen or
delphls with Ihe track team which is twenty minutes sleep even* Bight for
represent Michigan st the Univer the rest of the year, and that spreads
ally tif Penusyh'snis mt'Ct next Satur (hat were to last si! night ought to Uv
day. ’The personnel of the team will held Saturday evening.
IKJ da foTlpws: .
Four mile relay team. Rowe. Coc
CleanM— of the siotospbere has
Ramey. Maloney': shotput. Coe. Gar
rela. Dunlfp; dlncus throw. GarreN much to do with the sigisrent length et
comKs* taUs, In clear tropical skirs
and Coe; broad jump. French.
or In tbe rarefied atmosphere of mounWhile *‘KiU.“ — usual la making
Uluous rooutrtes tbe tolls of such
ten predlctlooa. it la generally bodies can be traced much farther.
ought that he will bo greatly dK than they can by European oboervert
appolnted If Michigan
or tbo— of iemi«rste Aroertci. *n>e
the moat pointa In the big meet. The apparent length of such sppeudsgea by
unlveralty will have the smallest rep- uj roes— indlcsles anything of their
resenutlon of any college partlrlpat real lenrh. and It often happe— that
Ing In the meet. The points of which those wrbich appear tbe longest sre
rnilly tbe shortest. Thto is due to the
Michigan feels practically sui
dlffereot distances wrhich comets bold
flve Ih the fdur-mllc relay rare, nine in with reaped to the earth. While tbe
put. six In the discus, snd a great comet of 1861 had s toll vriiidi
stretcM sway more than IS.OOOjOOO
place In the broad jump.
miles. Its apparent length was flv# ^
Ypailsnll. Mich.. April 2C.—The Nor times that dlsunc*. Tbe ft—t DoiUU
rt. with s toll whlcb appeared oftly
msl baseball girls have been awarded
tbclr Bw^^rft; s white Norfolk jacket half — long — tost of IWl. w— raab
ly 60.000.005 mil— In length. Tbe
with lb«[ Insignia N. *OC. The toait ctunet of 18C1 was only about JlJMtL .
had kept
the repuUllon of tbr
miles from ns. while Do—tl's was
earllor sUr tdams and U undefeated
Mstf—rtiffl— ——mote, s dream. * ^
although It h— had an unusually full
le# that tyould scoooat for Its apnit Isek of tan. Tbe gr—t comet of
schodule. It plied up s total of 124
polnu to all oppoa—u <0. snd twice Ibe. year 1080 aad.tbat of 1M$ eaeb
defeated Mt. Pleasant Norsssl and De bad a tan of enormow kngtb. TV
troit Western High aeboot The young leagtb of tV toil of toat of tbe last
lo—d date has been estimated at - j - /
ladles who were swarded sw—tars are
OOilOO iblle#-Uie loogeet of any
Mlaseo Aa— Brady.
t that bat yet been ol—rred. lb# <•., ..
Eiliabeto OToole.Ytoada Yatos. Elisabeto Btaero. BU- Stark feaptala).
Rath Dunbar ai^ Bd— ODaU.
To draw i— ftro out of buraft, baal
__ ......
ipSik teTta!
w*»iiw hi karabr dfo. UM Mg.
oae altovlac povUir to roa at ttiyt
am ba 9iw«Mtad atoertlac to !•».:.
Tihr A BgeOW ft'ANT ACi.
Mnu Uai* rwlw of ibvtMoa fto-
, s"r«2rus'sr-"K
UHm XgMct Uoua nHurnodJo Obto
‘ '*?,rjSrtl7 k.. retoinod tar ioifcor
yror. lie inMek»l to i fall koow •oa
Mr. ...
««ck .r.
OctftT<« Homl®* ha*
rrv liBm€ on tb€ ifi M
of rmak miM^.
WlHIaai Wcleb
**Mr S^^MnL^lton of Traverse
Cltjr are gnoaU of Mr. and
Doni foraei to ae< oot aome freea
atare of Mra. W. Ti
Arbor dar. A prodamailoo of Arbor
Of now OB tb« grvuud, but day ba» brcB la*ocd to Che people of SMiarly compielod and ready fof or
in the 1->caJ
paper. Krtgalry efUtm* bave alwara ^fil^d Mr*, r. R Dari* .pent 8ai^y ta TimveraB City. '
(aken prWe In beaut Ifving
p»* with tr» e». aad we km** that
ly rtwpoa»e to Ike guveraor a c*1l|
will b« made.^
gw Cm
PrepamtloB* are being made by ibe
|:»tertng hb booie. the huvUnd U
doe BtBoe tbelr return.
Ooorge Sberldan. rnrho-ha. bnn In
potf bealib over a year and
ntlrely belplea* for aereraJ
liifrio U bMng cliTulat*^ to Kbift all ywtr grlefr he lago’.im
-vM:. ir* our
m\ r mdlev
wife, who
re*|*in«lbllliy and preparation* to oth
Ifflwreti *olw.
j .
u*. darttng. I kwafw we ate p<
held at the engine 1 -UMT.
aoa or Mr. and Mm. K. B Sheridan.
('UHf-^ay. and It 1*
that all hut I am »lrivlne and alrasg'ing rt
He waa bom here S3 yoam ago laM In'e
ertuited will aflend.
d*y- «"<I •»«««• tlnu* >
Jannary and haa limed here nearly aM
If * I
bl« llfe.^le wai marrlod lo MU* Ellen
Dim thl* ytuir. The buRJobnaon nearly throe yearn a£o. HU
gre Imerrsied and *how a* IIM atkove tMTlll.*'
wife, father, molhar. two balMn^ora.
B to aaslal In every way poe-, “I ktifiv. >i.n trr Tvetking h*M
half »l*ter, one brother and three
ert* mill Uoubileaa be no It l« if^rildr to l»e twilled abnut
fd^m are left tjumoum their k>*s. A
In the team from laM.year dmiiluilmi."
laracwlfrfTMfrtmd* *yrapathl*c with
“WTiO h** U««'n twlUiug >>i.u
there are any they will lie an
them In iheJr hour of sorrow.
m ill
a few
April 23. /
•‘Thnt iur.vn Mm, Dekrrlgb.”
The ^lng*h»y crifi mil! 1* making a
-IHimpIt. that dlvortrcJ I ^UnCl ln t
tod run and ha* a good .patronw,
l»oth In Klngsier and neart.y hrdlumi iwy any *i
tCIngaley nnU other m-art.)
But she rings It !u in.v fo«-e tb»l
1 iirr tf»o |MH»r tp nfford !• iwy me
April 24.
Wra. Whevlcr ia at BoUin on bust
allnipi y if avc siimtUI l«e dlvou'cd.’V
*** today
-Gnwiuinp III iqilril iMN-aesc be fo
Mr. Perincr of East Leland I* vl*northroRt oepartmbnt.
allxca tlie blighting tn;lh. the |ioor bu<Ulna bl* dauchtcr. Mr«. B. Hollai
burierr bis
in Ills b«rd* nut
nichan! Thoma* of Omtma spent
Ole OlCTon had the mUfortun
Wednesday In town.
:» ananhlstle iLpiiglils.—Judge.
lose two ralnalds cow* last week.
Mm. .McholH spent Tuesday In
Traverse CItv.
William Thoma* enterulmal hl»
-The old tYeuidi artstoerary die* vrlUi
Moivin Gray and Tiny Branso of U Sundry school clars at hi* home on
land^apent Batnrday with the Prau* Wednesday. A highly enjoyable even- me,- erleU the IYUkiw* de Valniont on
Ing was Bpt'n:, after which leu dream her deatbU'd, bho mas a lillier old
•oul. who. Itoru of a long line of ua
^*Mr.*’and Mm. C. Bloom and chlldre and cake were served.
Mr. Perrv of radlllac wa* in ipwn rontanilunted am-c*tom ntiU married
and Mr. and Mr*. Fred Daao and MIs^
Tu^day in the Intcrekls ef the K. O. to a liotde of otiuallT •npr'riine strain,
Olive Dago cf Maple City apent 8a
day evening and Bonday at the
bad. throurli lu-r liur.baud * death in
.‘li. E GUI spent Monday and Tuca- financial difficulties, to luarry her five
ter’* homo In ihi* place
dnv in Traverse City,
Sunday tchool auned again yc»
day with the following oBleerw; FH»r.
i the bllgb
eharactcr. but
anperintoadaot: Olo K.rh
ry In
ooaaorer. and Florence Keh rtec
r* were ma«M mournful to ber
derhouae. aecreUry. Everjono i* In presents
erse City spent
ited to attend.
Wednesda in town.
The romaln. of Geo SbOfMan
Glon Arbor, who died last Friday, will
Cha*. Baiimberger returnetl from
be laid to reat today In the Port Buttons Bay Wednesday
Oneida cemetery at S o’clock.
Dungla** Wilson had the misfortune
Mr. and Mm. Cba*. Mikula of lh«- to lireal: hi* arm oik- day tW« meek. . t-rrndo r^floetloa; “We hare here,
South Manltoii Islaod. who
George U'»Ue spent Wednesday In eonnting on her flnters, Tei>resenta
tly married, gave a dancing party Traverse
tire* of carriage making. wbo»e*ak
their friend* at the latter * home
O. Prlroeau.*wht» has lieen ill. f« can 1 procery. confectionery, toni mining and
on 8atunl*y evening. All report a R«K»d
We wish them a long and happ.v
r. and Mr* John Dago were
The Epwortk
anti) anrprtMid la*t Ratunlay nl;
lit llfty of their friend* who
eroind Mr. Dago of hU *l»ty.fourth
playing t
arrvml a
... ..
In which to secure a Dinner Set Free.
We’re eolei to Bive Dish Tickets Vntii May 12.
ois.'r^L-“‘Sir:.ss's: id?«
IteMy with
Mrm. C. U
LMt >rl4ay C. U
Ronell kUnderilp
rlU Mr. ma4 Mr«. R
___________M»er ktart
He.4 wt» well .lieoM
-•^lVe":r-5:? M ike r«m. talk,
*•« to Ike dwee «t Job. ttawof. «i
■lUtat.. Ther »ir tker had* r«Tjr Ml
RVMile IlMe. Mr. Md M".
kta rerr ko.plUble «»d eaterunilil
■nd there I. .Iw«n«.« bid .lt«.dro«
whenrrer »»y p.rt» or lUtice U <ol.|
Ikim. to Mr and Mr*. Wm Uubin
lo wort oo tbc fovcrnment boat thli
. AlpboDko Tyrpr. Br.. waa howp a Ip*
day. tbU last week from 8ouih Foj
Mm. rrod NHtod of ArcWc made i
abort eltl! with 1»ct daophtcr. Mm
Freda Kroupa. laat Tueaday.
Mr. and Mm Jamm IV Beac>
Miiit IMy vlatted tbrlr daufbtor. I
Darld U. Elman, for a few day«
noliert leannln ha« returned from
Alden for a flalt with reUtlvci..
David Wman had the mUfortunc In
Itwr bU now la»l Runday nlaht
k'mnK Sferen* have
takco a flrirt5lKlurX3oWwater ach«K.|
for trtal. If tnltinl they will adoiit her
at iMt*
M.*JIe.r1pr6urdlrw«^"-“ u.
It M noroetlrae* eUlmed that the *or.
fwoB or the phy.lelan I* the only man
who 1* paid for bl* mistake*, but that
I* cl^rly unlmo. Uwivr* mnwire fee*
for the cB*e* that they loie, and other
rked- whenever they
mra are i
npkite sucee**. The
r*ll abort
takfii UHT^okl
bSe^SIi SbiJk^^ 5Kn the t.kra
h.re to bo inereimd
fhetioa er eomplele aneraaa If very
Pwr meeting IhU week mt Mile*
UihnoreV Mr. Oolrlch will load.
April W.^
writer in the Loniou ChrOBiele
latgimgeR trick of decmpl
g wofBa. na !• -ima.- -rhooe* »M
M not at nil a
Capuin WMkor df the Slraplas
the ramumo wwiBi Y*tBd’ eiR
Bolir life aomlBf aUlkm hfis reeeivod
t.- 0«r very eoHy anceetom but
ordora from the deporUBOBt
the verb ■^raOB.* nod yet *apeBd' 1*
htittM. whieh la um Ik does, tofitty 0 dUdtulelug abbrenetlon ^
bettor Utln •dia-pendere.* to pny onL *8f
U gBBlher very old lUtgUMi word, yet It
ia rtelty ifiltperr^-dla^port,* to <wrry
ta? bMci 'rtanins «Uk rSMili nd r*l- ___ I* of Rteasure or amoaemeut prtt
ctoely •* *dlTerr and •li*BH>ort.*"
Hot moved hla family ood
r -goods to Keyatooe loot
vy. where he wUl have em-
hr=ii?.t.d.i^k-.Tk.^- Mantoo
»d ekIU». «t
a^t « few day* Mai »«ok
wRh roRtlfwi here, rolurmlai home
\ OoraBMm. who hn* bora dormum to tovo the poM two
, retaraed to her home In BurbkvIUe Botarday
Urn OBdmBB oi
This Beautiful
I I Bowtjf.
To hivostigaR is to Invest
‘*\pril 23.
raUlS^iiMhlo to work for pomn
h M
Mlea rtOBeoa Traimbloy left
day lor DohKh. where ahe will maka
bar home with a ataier
If you question H, come
in — wc’II knock. your
doubts into smithereens.
Wc like the trade of peo
ple who feel that money
is not made to be squan
dered — who insist that
every penny must do its
\J work.
Wc arc neither
f too btisy, too vain nor too
Jndpi>cndcnt lo acknowl..... *ed|fc the existence of
competition; but when you compare our qualities and
our prices with thoK^ oSTered you elsewhere,' wc arc
benefited and you gain.
Is it # Buggy or a Har- /
ness you arc thinking of? '
Don't wail untH you act
ually need them.' JCome.
in an^ look over our line.
Wc have them in all va
rieties and at prices to
fit your pocketbook. As
tp .catalogue house offecs.
bring in your catalogues.
Wc will meet or beat th^ prices. Here you sec what
you buy befeu^ you put up your money. We arc here
to right every wrong and they art not. Investigate—
and that includes a visit to our establishment.
Wm. HooHhan & Co.
• Tbe%
AH Mrt* or VAM* tor *P
<< ooo. H«no» wa* «o Older
by Johri&M«.lwirty Witt Wa^
Olass Spring S-tooUs
Now In
Holsrh-t of Thwlr Olory
an<t sfireaeling
si>r<;a<linti the sp
spirit of favor that charactirig and
public aitiuidc toward this great trading center.
Here you (mkI the new slyk-s—the Ix M v.irieti.;s-the most satisfatPiry m.-rcliamlisi; to buy without the necessity of paying fancy prices (or it. (Not oniy
that, but we are giving away to customers
^ -
Beautiful Forty-three Piece Dinner Sets Free - .
. . WVve decided to corttinue this «rand oiler until May I J
This still Bive-s'y.m
1') days in which to Wure cnoujrh tickets fur one of the above 4o piece Uinner ^»cl^.
Ar« Quo-tins Spooiol Rrloo» In oil L.lnoo
pecial in Ijiwlira’
Tnilor-mmlo SniU,
yppri.l 8alc of White
Silk* at
25c. *Sc mt eSc
SiKH-i.1 in , B 1 a 0 k
HUk*. y«nl «iJv, «.t
Hfavid ill I.*a(1iiV
S9e a»d fl.OO .
Long OiaU,
$9,0$, $.59. 7je: Specinl in Table
19.00. 12.00
Linen* ut
39c. SOc end 59c
BpeoUl in Ladies'
$0M^ 4.50. 5.00.
$.00. 0.00,
Sta-ittl Sale of Fine SpnriHl
WHiftf, at
Wash (iwAl* in1 luAUtiful Floral Ji.sign*.
(iooO* thut look
silk, at
. ^
Special io While I'n^itkirU, Muiliu
Govnft. etc., Bt
Ik^-iUtiful Suiting! for
.lackeU, hkirt! or Spncifil in iiiui* iiihI
Ohikirnn't HaU anil
TAilor-mado SuiU.at
Special'la BCD’s Sails, $8.95, $11.50
SpecUl itt Knee Pant Suits, $1.45, $1.95 “4 $2.« .
Calicoes at 4c. Dress Ginghams at 5c.. Percaloe at 6jc *
■^rrWT' ' -
I Aimr
1 nt:\ «
Of Rftut«r 8«rvic«
Iron Ox
kro Ma w 4b* <
Rfftlcii MkUcu
TrttsporfstlM Onpanr.
t«t» a *1M* lir QmM Mat ta IW
«0f 14 Hatec tao oolooM doot 4or.
tec pnkAim ham* «M
klliia. MaiUwiptecMio«gr«oi
for iMiir wmteM la ddt.
It te fiani^tM a fiur fria.rMli la.
M ailt Mtw tti« If ifecn*^
mm «M 0M(* wi i M
miv.Mrt a r i^a.
if. MipMri «ni
in their poek«i.-adakr
«•» 7 . ► a. wai
PrtfcT ■»■««»■» mi tirnmnTIwrlM** M
.!; V'
tW IMM. ta*f iMt My tiM
tktm iV VHI* a Mtat M
mtotmirmcmi kaai.
I iro at the
OTCit for ManiH «• Wtiom
Wttli iJik MiU COM tan fiM rofiM
of miWfa^ yoOMOa.lt
oiSrMck Afloftyay«ikar»
■Mty roflff ai fo« oao4 at «l«We
iaW pricoi
As m iad.ffat
to 4o too4 Morfi o« f.ro. aaM«
with a carload of farm
chunk! and general
purpohe horaet.
•MWrofrbpir.. AMiiLiiiitioo
tW II EHra M PrtM
Wm. Champion
PalBter. Paper Haarer
aid Decaratar.
t 'D. MdLUi"
All work done in a utitfac***5?ll'^e« promptly attend
ed to.
33i W.lOlb St. Oh »k«c Ml
6eo. Ha Sarpif
OricAtal Foppics
2«l fp«Bt.»traft
lOc each
J. N. ■UlUHAlinL
rtna iNaunANcc
VltOaMOrantat, up auira
I .
Tne South Side Lumber Co.
TrmisaCity. Mich.
the kind that
fit your doors and windows
’> ■ f i
at best pricci. Dcalen in all kinds
building inateriaL Get our pricei and consider
itoik b(4ora baying. KoUmoU*i fomlohed.
Our Uiolto: Boot Priooa l>ry HU^k,
Prompt Delivt-n-.
Ml 330
8in«feC,liipk«. 1.1. 8, 6 aw
7 Hcaaa Powr
(onstipaf io ’
Andlxmci WM^ IO
ttmf cvrpd: Not •
hinli fmrttthm doM.
but I mBd, h«alio|
Mr. aai mo. fteteli r. MUwr of
Mr CM aa?0 Hai tairf/ aom
M la IM. aai aov«aa«i Ma cun
IJfMa TM PMU or. of 0«»M
Wf^ oa4 H OMI •< T«of» oM MpoeU
•partai Is lb. Meabtes MMard.
Akanaaa, bOib^ AmM SL-Mr. md
Mia. U A ttttea«r aid vtamag tb.
dhtek cf lirh. Bhlaaar at HlbiteBb
r b tew'Siffm. ..
ffMs| eegslat tTMl ttenmi aai MRHOUSE TO MBNT^M LaW aWSM
4ba /mini <4 WexiM wmw sateUr
spammfcaaa. lagnliw la K. MhU
manMai tbe bnme nf Mr. and Mrs.
IL R FMairiak by B. a FMNfcb.
*Uiy paMSe.
TVStWBiTER tor rmu. OaU Ot
Mllb mm Weld. «f Tbomsannettle
phone SSS.
apr IWl
la wMItlagbt ibr hmn. aC Mtea HHc
WAMTSO-Two miwtet fWa; ymmg
Mr. Batbarlatd. wbo baa bora esry
girte vbo eaa board at beam preUl far at«^ day. witb munealar
frrred. Apply at tba MllUkaa stora
ibaateaMam. I. aid. to be oat of donr.
time tku the wutcmiaa ftbmcsqthbntwaa
Tb. laetarw glveii by U Q. Hmbmn WANTCD-Fow boary team, to draw
fnaUMw; good wagaa: write or pboa.
laat.Tb»aday ammlmg wm weW Mlth
Oarp Lak. Laaihar On, Btegham.
mad aad ttaa appiocteted by a Vality
apr il4f LO«r-W*>rk ck*l*. RMir* to UT
SdnaSl of,oar towaapaopte mittmdad
th. laetar.
at Mnaick Thartetey WANTCQ—Lac. cnrialna to cte.n at
the Pbilstea. U to IS coax per pair. -DCSTEUCTIOII OF IAN FfUMON^
•paetel to Ow Mwctac BaeafC.
rebates br^Tf. N. PtnH of Big Bap^
Taportry enrtatoa T5c to liJi.
Crofion. Mich . April 2&.-My«. H. L. Idt.
C0.--Bi.t book: Ursa pratea;; bat
ParlaUa Dy. Work., 311 E. From
IfalhiwMt waa In Katfcanka ten Bainr
Mlm Bffle Cutter aad Mix. RKt.
apr n-if
T13 Cheatant St, 1
Wua. were In Tbompmmvme Friday.
Prank aad Oeorge BUow did buah
Mr. PteUer aad daaghlM> AianUa
nci& larKalUaka laai Friday.
droT. to Kew Wexford S>iday aflm^
Oeoigc ArautroM had the Mat
J. U. SMlTM^Detectlve Bniean. Dainae u> cut bf» foot lait WedneMU
iec:lvo wtwk la ail tegiUmatd
Mrs. Radle Colemm returned to her
wbl). cboppliM wAKbd near U^Mllle home In Chlengo yemoiday. after WANTKO AT Of#Ct-Two girla. com
branrhea. Suite blA Power. OpHS
pHmit cook aad Mcond girl; beat of
It will lay hli^ up for a while.
House Bldg, Grand Raplda. Mich.
.pendlag m^rmal week, wltk her par
waget. Mm. W. N. Kelley, Stale
J T. Lrwl^ haa gone to Kimira,
eat.. Mr. .ad Mm F. M Wnll.
apr IM teo
apr ithtf
cut wood with NatffBcaber.
Lartm Caatrr 1. cooking on tiu
Ira IiM cateitalaad a lady frlead •caw* bteoMteg to the Mi.Utee N.v
ROLLER L08T-W11I th#
WANTtD-Glrl for general house
fftxm floath llaardmaa-ovar Saaday.
Igatkia Co.
work. Dr. Lawtoih fSl Webtter Bt.
Mr.. C. C. Btlie* weat io Ralkaaka
MU. lAiIu barter 1. vl.ltIng rel.
return It II. Montague, apr lt4f
laai aainrday.
live, la Rarrietta.
Praak Blnack myved to Tra
MIm Della Tntile and Ml.m Ida FH WANTED—Two good diatag
MONEY TO LOAN—No tax dgaa#
City last week.
low. of Harrimia are vl.lt Ing frlenUti
. put «a raortgagfd. lUraaaa tor sals
girla. Hotel mitiug.
Jake Cramm- ha« movt>d into the I. towa tor a few day.
I laguira of M.
hnuM that Wm. Bady racated.
On acaoaat of the teacher.' in.tl WANTED—lUntwood boRa, All klad.
Bd gaydrr aad oldeat danghler are tute bald at McMck Tbumday and FH
of fanna for aala. Brbard Strobm
on IbealdrllM,
' pUoe. ICO acres, clay team. Timber PALMtSTRY-OnamUt Madam# HIS#A
day there wa. no .chool. .
Mr.. Krumlauf and Mm Coo|k
The Mother’ll club will meet Thum
eailmater and auppllcr. W.-Tuller.
RrB.ember th# ftitvr# ll#i tm ffitt
Ited Mm. Con gulllran oae day la*t day afternoon at 0h‘ huroe of MrInterlochen. Mich.
awr 11 If
band, a aoimtUSe raadteg wtU r#v#ml
week Mm! Sullivan U la vt*ry
Ik* tra* III*-* kM«cr. Ot*f «M
OaloaBt. aUa Milra***.
■ Our .ecilon hoM. Harrv
burled hi. father lait Suaday.
Raitt ra.tnc Wbltu<7 »eH* of «
no Ton WANT TO BOY A llOllR
Bcolt had been In very poor bealih all home owuec^ut very luauilau. t.ate*. GOOD HORSE for axle. Ingnlre 8. U IN THIS riTv?
Onte. Cor. IIU and Dlviaioa. Ci*.
who. Wbeceter li«^ m.y 1^. U aatUfied
winter. H. wa. over 70 yearn old.
I h*v» thr followlo* tor *kl».
phooc C71.
apr 21-«i
with nu lem than llw Xwmt. '
Mr.. Bd Herrlnton ha. pitrrhaM^
liargain.. every one of them.
“Luring tbe tnrlug msMin In thr
Incubator, the find one In thi. place
ONE HOD8B cm Weri KtereaHi gi.
Mm Arnold took .unmr with Mr w»wt Ibl. bumeman «u«r Invited a FOR EALE-Summer cotlafe and lot
at Blrchwood. Inquire Angus Me WouM make a nice home.
friend In buii:b;e c lo nmatamr. to dine
and Mm Herrinton U.i Monday
with blui at a vert.lu very expeualvr
/ apr lk4f
THREE HOUSES cm East Teath Rt.
Klcely located.
Mr. LaBar ha. again .tanrd bi hoeMry.
Ibe gw««.T wa. much Imprced l.y FOR SALE—40 acres tend Bast Bay.
meat wagon through otir village.
bl. mumundlng. and made freuoeul
Inquire lOri) K. Eighth street.
luculrlm tomb lug lli. co.| of tbe \mrn
apr 23Xt»
oil. luiuHm tiictr M W idu.liied. A«
tbe diMttcr tieured It. chiae be aaktd
.ffwdlr. that rhlWr.li. delknt. ladtet the homeman .. l« tbe .uiaiu.t of tte FOR SALE CHEAP—One gasoline on
gtne. S horse power. 1 .lagle work
and weak peopl. miioy tbeir eteanalag tip be uaUAlly rue tbe waller wbt
«''KH h»r<I«oo.t
•Cert, while .trwna peopl. miy they Mrred h!mharneaa. I Mil t.6at
W. HIrkrrA.
art th. beat llra^pllli mdd. Ntt.r
“UVa** Mild tlie b*u«e ewuer. “If lo
311 Bay street
limn ..I ilKt.
MTxrx Oic Well 1 Kri.er«i:i baud bli^
April 13 Itua
d. why
. doUar. If the »erUie
__________; ANOTIIKR Ift ArHI» i-nl orar.
I aUe Llm a Up on tbr nura." ^ew FOB SAUK-Mr kome at IJI Ilit.t!
Woodcraft bold, the key lo n.
York Tril tine.
EUhik 8t Dralrabk. loeaUu*; r«-;
.torebouM^. A c.miter .bould know for
bltnwlf bow to uutdt. buw to i
tonabl. price. B. U. IHipe.
- Rmtsfar ory terms will l»e made to
iMealth U wealth and money t.nlk..
and make a c iunp. bow tu wieid i
h'lir M> I
pmrerb run..
apr 17 •!
any •!,« wUh to buy. WouM accept
aad make proinT fire., how tu
A fv.rtni voH may plainly mt.
I»cMy In exchange fdr land.
waidi. mend: bow to travel wltluai
In taking Rt»cky Mountain
dn Tea.
FOR SALE-Fumiture. Imr rtHim. Sx
Johniaui Drug <
tug bU coume of what tu do wbea be
turea and bualneax of Hotel Colum ,
ba. luat It: how tu tmll. bunt. aW.
ISSE Ninth at . t
Ida. A.IleberL
apr 14-lf j
m—f *t PorlUmeot.
PhcMie riixx.
Travenm City..
Tb. Sr. wbirb dmtruyrd the old FOR SALE-Orinnell Bnw. due hill fc»r APr23!f
Mdfl. aa may l*e ueeUvd lu wlklemeai boom, of jiaillamrot^jruk. out on iict.
|X0. Anyone dealring tbit abound
faring And be idu»u:<
HI. D04. Tb. present building, termed
Inquire' at Reconl
. •'a
d offlee. ^/#|»r
tblug. aa be doe« tin- Way tu hi. tb. paUc of WMttnlnatm. wm aptimd
M .\ov.4. IH&g. It ataiul. on a bed of
aure to do promidly the right thing at concrete iwidr. feet thick and covem FOR 8ALE-Nn. 4 Smith ITemler I
the right time, wbatevar tM^tella. Kcch
typewriter, almoil new. MT. K. Wlll jAt my fatm one mile bouih of
a man ba. an buoeat |irMe lu hU
talu. l.lOU apartuieula. iuu atalrcaww
lama Co.
mar 11-tf jUrawn; ffotxl, •olW. 10 !mr, 4 foot
aud two rllm of iMrrhhMW and pa. ------------------------------------------------------ wire fencing at 30c per r«l. 1 slso
farce, a ilongbty aolf reliau.e th©t M
TW great Vlciorla tower at tb.
have a roocI, atrong* cloae bog
good to feel. 111. I. the txiithdenie of aouibwem .xtremity ta g4ts fi^ la
»«mn fence at 2Hc i e * rod. Poultry neL
the kmc aallormau who wbUiUw a. he height—London Standard.
eggs fur 12 00. R, c. Br. Lcghorm..|tinff al the lowvml pricea. Abo
put. bta Uuy Urk out to M-a.- Out
iMfm wire fence.
*1. W. Slater.
oc TypowrliM^ C5o. mhom u^mtr
aot.4 Mor til. Mtor of tb. teuwed
Hikio. bo. mUMl word froai tbr
Mat noMar^lM.l b« U Mie .nd
aal. twMUrtrr wirhl|MW by esprrwt
Ml arc Moro b. owteSi.
Tb. caterM fSMory at Vmn.r tmmrO
Moadoy Bisbt. Lom f2>M. with It.Tbo MteHMl iMpMHkJjnf Mboole
a. diMOMOd by On KIrfrr ..d Pmr
ebr PoBilor
lUr. C.J1 RoMaoiMW pMior of »Uy
•ovor oteirrh of Loootei o»4 focooily
tfom bMrUtoo. Mo., will bo ordalord «
oir Port Huiaa. otoesd .od wm anrrted ttt Sbrata, osd wboa tbry amt
bock froM IbHr woddlog tcMir io NVw
Torir tbo porwoU mood ready to fi>r
dy. tbrai.
Walter Row., while worki.e la tb^
al rpoia of tbo 0^$m Owent work,
at Mortimlllc. wa. mrtnXy imrowl
by cb« iae eoal oxnkidiBc. Aaoibor
•Bpiof. aockteataUy drained a bo*
Iraa oa th. ooal.
Tbc UrlBcteoa rux Co. will erect
mlU at aieboMMid tbln lumaior.
ABO Arbor «ad Grand Ijodfc mca
ivo dMddad 'to ..tabUihaf cttUrr>
laclory al Ukc OdMaa.
Tb. Cadillac Uimlier Co., at a *prBt Hwettar. roted to torreasc the
caplUl atock from |l5ooo to tJS.nfVi.
About ULOOO aouatlK of wool liavo 'al
i^dy bocp
Bayer, arc laylna iwcniy-cljtht centt
per pound.
Bath Haratoni at Saadiuky hMc
bcoa puialHMod by ib. Wallace. Orr
tN>.. of Biy Port, lb© new owner, u
lake poaMaalnn la July.
glma. aad Homer ftmltb. of
Oxford, bare offered to erect a iftybarrel dour mill In that Tlllace. pnv
idtea lb. towa win alve a bomu of
Arraayemenu are belnx made for
the eroeUoa of a aew cr«tmei) at
SeoMeld. Monro. couBly. by the Towai
Oremmery Oa of Detroit. A Urgr mim
lM»r of ciiBiracti ft»r milk .n- Itelng re
relrrd fiom Ibe farroem.
The^Valley City Dertt Co.’ t»f O.tid
lUpida. wbirb ha. an a«ency in San
PraaHmo. bas been umible t« ht^r
lag from It. reprtwentailvc!. but
at lb. prfMat tUae ba. onlern tm It.
ter elffbf carload, of tiewkn for
Owlat to tbe large Increase of bucJ
PM at Carimoa la.t .eaium. and tbe
lack of capacity to handle ibelr tomacrop. WllUami Dro*.. of DciroK.
bare purcbaied more Uml and will
It-wa. once toH) lo a certain klag of
BngUnd that Lord Blank waa tea pa
Utmt mib)ect. -| win tmt him.- mdd
tbe king and .bowed Lord Btenk to
tbe royal carriag.. bolding tbe daw for
tern to cuter Siwt. which be did. -You
ni* right.- mdd tbe, king. -A ternwr
man wwold bar. tfwnbM te. with
▲Iro 1 AAQjrliadwUatafa
Tbs Original Laxallv. Otragb Syrwp
. KeaaWy'S Laaatlv. llosey aad
It .xptea all cold from tb. wr*it
acitag M . catbartte sa tb. btr
Kanaody a LaxaUir. Ilospy aad Tar te
a oertala. aalc aad barmteM cm tor
u aitoc bMM.
Her llne^nd-l niH a man today
wba euvlf* me. and I rnvy him.
Hla Wife -Who la br2
Her Ilualmnd—Kmawlrn-eW ebap
10 U. .w«4 ua run befuee
raroUbad emapleta. with ahaft and
Gas Eaciie leptmi SKCblty
Wrwaalr a.me« Peat*.
ao liibuman a. to refu^ anything to a
Tbe nrlglu of tbe im calk-d riau
|irt»M> woma..
Hofll.tcr*. Rocky
ncalf 1. not certainly known. Imt
Moimtalif Te. make beautiful women
cent. Jtdmaon Drug Cto.
tvaMoably aure that > It wa. broigbt
from clilBa nUMt IKTU on wmir Idant
laMkorted by Jame. Uck and placml oi
tea liroperty la tbe Si
uU Clam rail
factory, which will employ 2fid bandv By lMa> U bad com.
the year around. Thi. ludu.try. which
lud dcecribml Uj
capitalUed at l.'tot
Ilrr. tb. farmer drop. In to
wbo named it apHid a few minute, when be come,
»ed by the Clerelai
That namo
from Ibe bnm or grid on aa
Mill. Co. II will br
bteuf too ban! for moat of oa. tbe fwat
L lire In tbe great. clt.a
about four mtmth. The mala building baa becoBM known the work! on
wtot, comfiiHabk place, tb. bujy
MS fwpt long.
tbe San Jmc acaW Dwcu tbe place
m, mwueiUufw rocking Ui«
Arth.r K. Cantiil, auinager <d
where It waa fimt found by ProfeMar
ftmm opcwlng and dmt>w bnalnn.a department of tbe Grand i’tomaiock. very much to tbe dlmat of
Rapid. Qa. Light Oa for the but four tbe people of that vlty and vk-Uilty.
imlng* atocklnga. plirlnS
Miaiha. goaa to Pneblo. Cot.. tbU wbo do not ioffer from It la any apptv* regeUbtei or mixing goudlea In a yet
clabw- degree.-San Frandaco f^ironl low bowl Tb. cbUdr«» alt ua tb.
In aaanm. lb. geBoral
aging U-fiua. tdiWlUig pmia or
of the ga. comfAiBy .t that
erlm. tb. .-at idetg.. on tb.
Mr. CaniHl wa. formerly contbe wod bax and ibc vUIlor
I with the Denver Ga. Co. and
Whit. Wlan « Tar Doc
I at Grand RapidouBc«m It eoaaomptloa.
For aal. by all dmggteU.
•Ooremor K N. Morrill of Kanmv
brea a Sunday school teacher for
ovwr «fty yeara. He waaw member of
the Mhool board of IVertng, Me,
which employed Thorns, a Reed. The
mor examtnaid Reed. Afterward
they were In eongre.. logrthcr and
th. IncldmM wa. twealted. Reed
rwwty McapMl dloalmal for m
wlripihte d boy.
what they ar. so la tb.
marp. teiag l*r. Praaebit ama. m««
auitn. aa' I apllt tb. wbate
lot na tb. imutry temr. mam. amd fm
ba. Bit aU 1 emiMi M^np. ap* nMOBL**-
Hla BTft—I an|i|io«e he enrtea jwm
“I- I ra»» U.
is*. IS'-
FOB fl!NT-Tw.. .m.n
corner Llneuln and Fern, other
Lincoln, inquire Z. T. Swan. 501 TV.
nth 8i. Phone 144.
apr 25-if
roonjii. Ctt3 W. Seventl St.
apr 13^f
FOR RENTr-Mcc large house, cc^-^.
Bleventh aad IMvlMon atreetE pheme
apr 14-dl
FOR RENT-Farm 1 mll#a >
Travenm City. BmaU home
orchard. Other convenlencM. ChM
Norris* Nonitvllle.
apr 1 if
a. W^S E. M of Sec. IX. T. 17. N. R. § W.—SO arrea.
N. ^ of N. K. H of Sec- IS. T. H. N. R. $ W.-80 acrea.
W. H of E W. M of Sec. S. T. 30. K. R. f W —SP aerea.
K. H ckf a W. M of Sec. 11. T. 30. N. R. f W.-S# acrea.
Lot No. 1 of Bee. 34. T. it. N. R. 13 W.—3S SAI#t acrea.
. Let Na 2 of See. 34. T. S3. N R. 13 W.-3T iSl#t acraa
N. B. fractloaSl H of See. 3. T. n. H, R. 13 W.-I4I fS^ltS aoNib
Come aad aee ea or write na for prteea.
Om Month li«el
TBkVBiM orrv
^ k MM’S 1™^
at Bonlab Utt m
ttmo vat iwporiod
9 •mMU
kf.- Wk^^kmmrnim
IW MM> WHr'um0 UMt fTMk ftir
ilv<« lo ««ftiAB «klM
vkMi It *to
IlM IMU M llr»l tk»l It U 4JUMI«tAK
Um. Mplrskm. But *f!tr givtag U •
fftir irtel (AflgoHlag to tkm im0 ao
tlMHiri ikv tM Ikelr rrfwt fa-*i
%MUMag M If bf magi^T.
Baemanr TWi U iMipafiil ibai In •
lav fUgFt ftc will iMva rvluevtf bU
vKgM U»
peoali. Thm
bit laM^irtaiM^
laMiiii fMt Hi banH bal aajrtblag
Ibai lia vraatad lo cal Hae^
Cbritl^ 4ajr. Ha bat 1I?mI laotil)
oa laaa'bacf »ad tplarb tiaee tbar
iUia aad bit I4baa off
ipowMIt. Tafl*t bamias iatimalar bat
mm imd him fpt that b« win have t«
ba^ m iValalM or ba will ffot bit
gmhhmkm tbraa iIm laHar (baa
bt toob II off. Tbt faet It tbbi Taft
aaa mmfm affUa aat aaytblai br‘Ukta
If ba waatt to ki*p ilowa ^ bbo
poaadt. Wbao be ffalt ibai oai aterybody aijMWla to baar aa ag|>loaloa at
Ibe war dagartaBawi that mill braak
all iba wladowi la the placa.
Wblla tba bouta vat la tba ibrort
«C baalad daUta over tba aM*iiit of a
bill iraailBi watar power Hgblt to a
Cialllorwla powar eoaipaay la ibe Ban
iWraardlao vallay Coagreatmaa rru«
4 la peace, flit
'wtadajr oaooteg. at which tbay
dad bUa with a iiM* rocker Tb#
nroaiag van npaot Iw lNailag gamot.
and nil wbo aitoodtd feportad na ea
o band praotlend la ibo WoodiMa
lani Friday otoola.
laM Cnaatagbam aad lllaa Bibd
AiWtowg atlondMI fbrfU* lortwra at
TbitupnoarUla M Friday algbt.
Wontoy BoiMb ci WaDta wat la town
Mrt. George Wtarar it vtolting
lendd tad rwUtIvat al Anradln «bli*
v4rvk«* to tlo- . lu
Oaorge artffilb^ tin* UnglUb gUd»e
lha aarih. tayt ba oreant to Uart l ot.
more, mit wUl_l>uUa a bum.* ua ibr-
narrownriiM of mind of the |MV>|de who
toil fron Iba rwrih
There will bo a wUa ttrip along the
Ibat wiH boar lllilc or nothing—
**Tbat amy t*e ao. loa
Btlll 1 ot-
pecl lo get more comfort looking nt
Iba 1 root nml anloylng their beauty
than tba little I might gat from the
toll they take np olharwiae. And than,
aball not be alone in my anJoyn»**«t
of the Iraet.
] fancy that the people
who have occaaloa to paat by will Hu 1
rongarotaan Viator llunlocb la noi
f.na or tba walldraaaad Kantnaa In
Wntbibglon In tba Judgatont of bla on
0« Iba cootrary. bt «ay*. "ibare U a
Btadlr irmdltloB ibal Vlctor a wlfa ba>
to throw btai down and tit on blw to
Iwdnet blM lo obango bit Uana,
•owitor FIloa oT Waabtaroa It be
wbtia tmn aaaalor. Ha atrwr appaart
la tbo aeoalo wllboot that paitlcoW
garweid. or porbapa H would ba bMtar
ui tay gamaiitB, at tba dlffaraat atylat
aad pattamt ba woart Indicate ibat
white Btntt ar« bit twriicular fad. Frc^
goant Htltort to tba gallery, uattl tbay
•nd ant wbo ba It. Inquire * Wbo M
Iba wUtf-irottad teaatorr
Tbit it bow lUxIm Gorky drinkt
laa: Find ol nil. It comet not in ■
cup bat aianvlng hot In t glaaa. Oorky
diwpt ta n tiloa or kmoa. ukat two
hiaipt of angar from tba bowl and dipt
iboai lightly Into tba ton. Tboa ba
IbjW tbaai aMda nod tnlkt wblla tbay
at a ■omH of nngar aad b^ U np
balwMW bit tfwot laotb wbUa bo takan
% kP of hot toa/Ho bMn aaoibor Mor
M aad lakan aaoibof tip. aad kh on
|BtU tbo ton aad angar are both gooa
porch of the old home and
a Hitle hiilher out.
Wo will get com
The flr-t hiidb in •iiringtlme
will mate our btwris glad, nud when
I*ur ssetsral w-s-k* he h.id Imh u an-
\Vc have just received
an assortment of these
Kooils direct from the
7r>c. DSC. $1. $1/25. $1 2V)
and $1.35 each. '1 hey are
extra full width and well
mane with filled scams,
deep llounccs on bottom,
extra dust niflles, tic.
Many are surprised at
the values we are ofTeriny; in these goods.
\V<* would esteem it a
pleasure to have you call
and cxaivii
tba man
the frobt uipa them In the fall ww will
i^nipaihUe with them U*caube winter
poyctl L> a
part vf hu .,rtu 1- luw
it coming:
liad failetl h* .m« UI to Inniu- liv.itiie nt, j
to go on with the work of
The home will be dearer
to vn for every Ihh* an«l flower wo set
telling out blk pretty little mapU ii
The irtt t|»eaker reprtHu-nin a Urge
aat. the elaat of
iiinitarianii who
* “It was a kind of a inysstery to the
when ‘you
iirk hard to turn everything to tome fulka would gel nuiue good out uf the
He bad come tiii lr«-es. father."
pmrtlcal nccouai.
through the hard aebnol of nutk and
The vUltor at bit farm would
'-It 1m I me. though. Jim. We miy not
i» rile pe*hy
the elhuvv. It
and vvlili great is hi. tiuue he uenl aiul
ixMistdit d a burt:ii»o.
The latter made .a ‘aivlil i.o U.ouainl
rxiraiit'd a nt-vtlle an turii and a haB j
.Mr. TyteliiM had no r.-^ dh.ihm
th* uiHTatluii 4li*imi*-.l
d«» to make <Mir
tatUf) Ibe mate fur beauty; alt wa>
uior«‘ Uwutlfnl will spur it<»melMMl> *-)-«>
ixjni|s*l%«' U» tl;e shghit «t lU fires*.
• 1 11 1.1 kr \lud i «-e1h . rliM fni .“
calculated to nerve the unMul. and that
up to do th.
home brighter and
I w.uildu i h*-
hit afraid to bet a eeul that
The iM.yn'of fbe far^ ninui which
iheir father, an mqnt boyfe
me whu
he. loo.
vdb4* may, and soT the
trol. aoine
fdoiigh* d.
r I .n 4 I
TnU« hwrm Tiwt^to. 'ctMf fur k»urih|iur4
MiJtilu! *.h J uf Or»l>d Mbptelo
OR. W. B. MOON PRawaa, qfBam
CIU.. 107: BeU. M. BaMdaweTTli
W^ljgUm giiwal, CIU. tkoM tUa
Metal Pollgb
TVek Plkiet
Lanv Brmjkelt
Tiro Poutpi
AKont for thi
iSt.x ring Wheelt
r>rtK* Trimmliaga
b\iiaiJig Awchoro
migo PumiMt. etc.
Smalley MaHho Gm
Walter M. Paige
125CMt St
With tb« J. a pAlgq Beclrtc Co.
clAB a&d tun
ftcet in Montoa Uock wrwr
A Bari t. CHliRot phoM SSI
OR. LAWTON—PhymldAA aa4 oo^
HARRY A HARNtR-Bxpart ptaM
twaar aad action ro«ulaU>r. BaUw
PIANO TUNINO-RatUfactlon guaranlt-xl. F. 1) .\lchohi. 31:9 Soolb
Fnhm. dtrVl»<M*«^rii«.
apr I»tt
^er. Priewt roaAooabI*. OfBea vttk
P. Caroar A Pro BoU pbowaa.
Dfi. cT F. CHASE—HoiaaopaUlaL OA
•c* over Bngbee't drag atoraw CItb
root pbone Retldeaoa, S3«; oTid*
aog S14mo
J.H. MONROE GE0. W.McWETHTi“^i.V„:^'--VnS2^ tSZ
world w ill lic
heliHHl a little ••
Amperq Mctcn
OR. B. B. MINOBkAS Drug Btoro.
to eye. ear. BCtw a
. B. MdUlAY. Af.«>t
•ThU helping the world is whal a
good many folks .lon't seem lo"tUliik
“If I waa I‘d dig out qulrker*n you
If he
Ar. M«-ktiMW CMy
4 h. )• n> t-ie j* ni
Ar e.411W.............
l«.a»|. ti. t Upui
Ar (ir»nil kUrmli. lUUaaM 4.44». lu lal& p w
•aid. “\VUh a Title i.Mli^hli « d o ill
he hut a- gUsI n» ever. mh;igs
rylindcr OH
ITip Grewtq
Snss:: Hj:
will t4‘l «mi a lre«» or two
up Iheemlgel In hU behalf
what w»* bald here thU morning until
have a faiher worthy ivf loyalty, took
•nUd I aln i that man’s Im.v.- JUn
c-vxmi o
neighbor will go home and think
neither the qurprUi* ii».r tlu- pain of
always rimw It. hut all tho work we
OamdiDo Gaugfw
IBBB Tirt Insuranct
of baring awMlh'wtri the io-e.lU-. tmi
pud there nothing |o n llove the eye or
Bdoau tW ARAL MtaquHM
OOL block. BotkpboMk
Hpark IMugt
Ibnn thoee which can be enlen or
Who flndt ioy and pride In other tblngi^
A^Inbia SS5f ***“ ^
Spark Cxdlt
WttUitwa r.s«aR«.
It U the plitlU k'e uJ lit*' hUt •
rvHHjJVl sstn- •*; tlu -ir.iuur
JUtislt-Jils 4U
Sir. ’O te liiUt b » a|vt r.
through thoii
*lhinlcl Junes, the last biirvlrtiT 1 ut
om* of the th tail of tws tify union *.u!
dl«^ whi.h laHnred Jell
IhivU tu
1K<k\ died rs'esnitir ut KsAouio. link
lie was a meinhs-r of iht* j*eve;ii.v
oird imliaua mouulcd infantry.
Warner t White" Wl-.e of Tar Syrup,
ihelr thadows.
Rvery year we will the he-U eough ix-m«-il> t u eaiih. cures
a ctikl In one day If taken *n uimv For
note Ihelr growth as they ahoot up a
gale by all t
little higher and spread ihelr hranclH ^
leaM ;^
INhu*. INiul
along tho road where the trees ratii
but I Imagine you may ffnd it prettv
after. *1
Udics* Black
ifortralt «f
Pina X. Liking
from Tltlau’a lairtmlt
dollars anl
may^talMx^c beauty If you prefer It.
From 7.00 a. in. U>i)KK} jv u.
will eui a fee
Jack Hohlnson!’- l*ole ro
The father walt«-d a uilnut^lsefere
be aubui u-il
father takL quiHly.
a»lde for old age
much aUuit, do the), faihetr*
Thi* only muible l>
hr bna been making ihe farm, and'noi
letting the farm wiake hlm.Jlm Biralgbtenc^ np, and
“Tharntkke- it a!l the
morv utciohary that iho)ie of us who
do s-' the UM' of working not ail fur
uursi Ivet should ktx*p right on doing
our iiart i4» help (Uhera to
are here to.
iml 4.
They all stoml around the last tree,
and nqolnuxl down Ihe line to tee how
about H a mlaule. ^lVm*t )n»l aar
what thi^ meana. fa(fe\**
I ihlak the farm may^have a r»o.
deal lo do bUh the man’a charncter
Jim—that It. If be will allow U to
Bom* m<« are to Intent on making
evorytblng turn Into, mon^ that they
hare ao time to tee the brauty oi
loodarot or anythlig elne on the farm
Tbffw am 40U or nplewdid tUlngt akout
the farm ntld* from whit w* can get
oot of It ta the way el food aad d<d
lart They doBH M»iU for much, any
way. All dollan at# good for U to
help na gM aometklng to make ut bet
ter aad bapplar aad do a little good
tor Ike mat af tba abridr
The boyt mampad 4be earib Brmlr
about Ibe laal llttla trae they bad
plaated. aad tbaa atood waltlag for fa
tbtr to go oa. They knew aomebov
that they were getting noUd fncit that
might twve them when Hfe bad differ,
aat amaalagt to them tbaa It had today'
-All iba kaaklMl ihlaffn of Naturv*
wafw made for aoaMtbmg. aad aome^
tbiuatoreaad bolter than to be
cadaad lalo gokU koyw The traan nad
tba Baaata, add all the UOagn «a Ube
Try Gas Coke Now. Tbeo You Vill Know
ft beforo rwat my oftce and get rates
star IS lyr
nrwing. A. B. Curll«.
0*T«0P*rHI0 >H V«MMAIW>
U Bffbct Aprtl 1. law
ihal we
ttmlght M was. and went back Ic
h«mte.—Farm and Kirealde.
P ha* ctuag& more Hiught and dried
or* tror*. wl|H*d away dlbcabc* and
driven away mon- tcar« than anr oihor
muHllclnc In the world.
Rorkv Mnoinaiii Tea Sk « ntb. IVa «»r
Tabhub Johnib.n Hrwg Co.
F. 8. tvairon of ari-at llanlngton.
Ilabb., ha» pmchat4'd i.5tio acrot uL
furett land In that virtnlty. Including
mouniala. and will ih»
Umb4*r to grow f<ir tb* added
U^anty and U-neftt uf the tection.
•• 4L t
pie sa Rw but It wtti easie «p amlliat
r tUaa.« Oalmaa*! Elaatk FImt
dah. A S. WaM A fesa, Tfwvaroa
The board of iniUlo Worka WUl rw
elv* tealed bid* up to
April S7o for fmwlablng
rtsveraq CUjr vUb all ffiwvtl to be
aoabf ISM.
BpeciSratloaa may be alAstsad by
^r. Carrlo A*oy. OMiborlaad.
applying to ibe dty eagiaaer. Tbe
Wfomlag. bad a aoro tbioat aad Uekboprd raaenraa ibe right lo rejoet any
omfy asps bit basn aad «lsi. satTItt *-apri7At
tbm sood aad beipfoi laffaaacwa do
Uw4r worit la bU Imart. b* vlu ba a
T«r A NBcem want aw
l»r. .kuna Shaw hr* p< m- lo Oregup
Wbero »be will U* hit^y until the iuld>
die of June ronJu» !luc a eamju-ilgii for
■piwra letb of grant along thla row of
wroruan’s suOiage.
I^r. Shaw U the
bhnde I teen
If w e ever |Uow the laml
ttHx e-sor uf MU* Aiithrtuy a* |ue*jdeMt
under the triH's we will nut get much of the .Vitl uial .\s* K Litloi» of WoiJitU
corn or oau. but think of what we SltlTragUls.
We will enjoy bluing oo the
when Ihe wind Mows
da. -n^i.r Murdock oT BMorado. Kan
hands. We get manhoml. and manhood
countH fur mote
fort froiii hiarlng their soft whisper;^
ib^^tiartart well, our neighbor U a good maw
laid' In twaho boyM.
He ban dune ftrml rale on the
• t
tor^ or hard
gal out of my laad along the road You
-ponded quickly
yirt and
We get what U bet
ter than ha>t.wd and
except Ibo troea, of eourta.*'
roold ta>
It only tfiovii tho nial Ignorance and
nald when the neighbor was nell out
ntlaa or trnab vara
-That doei.n l hurt any one.
tay tuch Ihlngb
i4 hearliif.
---- WILL HE AT----
Plaea Hitil
TMnSIW. NW 2tn
Of Henley on
ho lu
jUMl IVtlTX^
Tfaamcn. Kui^nd. w h*.
s ju.
%m a pemilonAha* w alked lM».t
iMMino tuih^
licrformluc hl« <httlc« aa ihki
oa our
a a good ilatl or lha value of the
writing n» n nalgblro# of itali Calna.
conatrurflon oo Iba mllrond abora Vic
Aad donH yon think the tract wUI
Ula uT Maa and aaitlo_down >ui aoval
Wr rdiarlat Matcnira. lha rtm.nltlng
S. E. Wait« Sons
better^tltci^ for It. We get aomatblny
-MakCfl me mml to hear ihat kind uf
the irv*«*ii weie being net out. Ii>yal le
Irtrttar, wbo bat tavan Uarat awrlrcb .l
hnnda. lo carry with nt." Pete tald
nulghlior vent on.
Johnson Drag C*.
"Home city folk* tay we gat hayteed
^‘Well. I than fenat on what I ran
mtttlonar't groat
In our hair, and
tbit Ufa.
muo TUNIN«-V. R
, euMtT eona m TNR koRLO FOR oouQNt ano eotnei
matter wherry we go iir wbit we Inten I
tbgL.jrbal It tba way
■ott^^a good Ibmgt wa litre In
to carry bit h ub from fb# farm, no
tome bapptnaat In driving under ihalr
dbomad tbai It waa a '^iiaat** Tbc da
bata graw bPtiar 'aad bard tblag. ware
agld. Oraiort to tba right oT blauA>r
alora to iba loft or blif. tdlryfd an l
tbMidbfad.^vt CYiiaipacbor aaooaad
Klbl Altootu and Prlncwaa Baa art
intb daocwadaau of liarjr Qoaao uf
Baou. aa It avarjr laoaarcb la Burope
iggoapi tba blag of Bvadaa aad the
auUaa Iff Turbtr.*
Mr. Obambavtala will prarida at a
baagoaf to la* gtvaa to Ixird illlnar at
Iba llolal tnacti oa Bwpiro dav May
14, la racognllhwi of the at tiigh o..m
DB. P. J. MAC nrrr-Pvweikiq ttmB*
hM^wlU«wMrttwtOr.KllWnN«Nr1M»oovwryour*« Mr*.HoOto Holton
tioit aftor hM^famUy bad w«to|Md *t bor bodoMo for tho ond. which <
to do in after life.-
thndo nnd faaallng on their benuty.**
bad Iba ioor aad wat vehciaapnj do
alarhii ibat tba »aature undar
tldarblloB bad iha aaactbia or the ag
ifMbrbI aad lataHor dapaitioaau
^ wmnr giTW wiw I9ww^vm maj
•Alul lu-xt giimiiH*r you can I my for
future tWlivery at 50 ctmta K«a a ton.
Wc WiU Paj Ibc Cartsrc
ob t Trial
Oracr Now
Office 50.5 Nev WUbsbn Block,
Oitiaeoi’ pboos B89.
If you want Low Prices
If You WarttCood Quality
Dr.W. J. Higgins
If Quality is Considered
with the Price
/ ^
Come and See US
J. E. Greiiick Co.
ftnc Dental Work
lohn R. Santo
General Inssrance
RcTWBbelaMa. TraTtfMOtT
An Every Day
J, E. fitHLICK M
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