The Evening Record, November 20, 1906

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The Evening Record, November 20, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text













Looom utrr rooms in




By Wire to tb« EYcninc Record.
rhlra«o. Nov. 2ft —Mn- thU
lay dcalniyud the aU-aiory
turlna batldlDK at 1214 .Vorth Tanal
suwl causlnic a Iohs of fllOyNi’*
Smoke filled njonilng h»>uM B at lUn
d<dph and Canal stn-rl.>-lii2 :«
panic In which four perwim. w4-rc In
furwl and
xmwtR si-n driTin to
tnei In fh4lr iilcM <lothe>. Tlic
Aanu's spri'ad to nilJoiiiluK ImlUimr^
M-verai hundn-d ^MruiiantN <if tbi
turned out with, burins Uj
Ui utcuanl Gsiw ra] SUkwI. ibs di?f»«nder of Piirt Ariluir. U In such finan save their homes.
rial straits that hr has appllfd to a
rbarllable Instliutlon ftir woiindid sol
db«rs for asRlKianre 10 . n.ibJo him t**
ly a servant.

Gy Wire to the Evening Record.
Lockport. N. Y.. Nov. 2a—Fred,
erlck Bolton, agad 65. was attacked
in hit bam by a large Plymouth
Reck rooster which drove its spur
In. producing death



n^n^ion waa AgrwvvBiv w
rsMSUtlvt Af ths City and on
Antwsr Will — Prsparsd and
rilsd by City Attorney.

.fit Clrrull
J/P. Ott irat itrantrd a trmptv
(rary injunrlloo n»alralnliJK iho cHy
from tsarina out bi» dam If It wen’
graanbvalts A Alway apT>«arrd for
Mr. Ott. whits E. 8. Pratt n‘prciK’ntr,1
ths city'i Intsrreta. Mr. Srmirthwalir
rontmdod that Ihr movsmrnt wma
.mails In ths tntersaiK of the laiinrli
nwnwa and that tho sanliary pn^au
titm waa a men* prrtrnK.v Ho furIher atatsd that m. plouaure |K»at had
A rlaht oYrr tbf water near the dam
without Ihi- conarnl of the oaiier and
that tbs Hrrr waa not navlxabls. The
rlRhi of Mr. OU orsr llm river man
baai>d upon ths fact that ths llaimah
A Uy company had tnrnsBl on luith
lianks and sold
Mr. Oft
north while hr owns on the imuth
bank by ivialtlve prescription.
After atune further dliirussloii Mr
Pratt slaltNl thst it would 1h* aan’cptile to him for the <Hmrt to Ustift a
tenpornry Injuncthm acalnM which
prbceedlnfs will be commenred by tha



Rm Away Down thp Slid nf MaontaTn
.and Klllad Two Mttnbara of
tho Crew.



AmotHcxMilpUeliiieof BcokP, Gwirf*, Dolls, Toys, Falct
Gtx)ds-the Vind of crudes lUl uppcvii to your good uste sad

By Wire to the Evening Record.
Marlnette.^’If.. Nor. 2).—W’hllc sit­
ting in the Ipbby of White s hotel Ust
night. 8, R fletcber. aged 60. of Osh­
kosh. traveltog for Anmmr A Co. of
Chicago. di«vl of heart disease. He
waa holding a cigar and hl» death wa’i,
not Botired junta the body was eold.
Ha baa a wife and four children.

The average Hevailon -of the earth’s
At tha Gaptlpt ohureh. Wadneaday. surface above sea level Is
Nov* ZItL from 5 to 7. Price 25 cents. all the contpenls, Africa has
greatest avcMe wivratioo.

fer date of formal Hcl dsy openiug.

City Book Store
The Hofaett Ca prop.

fall furnishings
for men itre dtttlncUjr dlOtivtu
from thotm for summtT at It
>our outer clothing. 0»mc in
and M-e the Urert if yon vouM
be m the,mode from lue la toe;
m«fch j^ur new suit with
proper ahlrta. Uea. acarfs/aock*.
glmca an^ the like.
change In ahape. too. We have
the Uat the laanufacUuSni

If they’re in a
pair of these
they are...........



You canH afford to be wi:L-

• —

Xt’VtT utin ! uhat prtrol ah 4* vmi waul
.Nhme Lurv, Wi*r«* luwkirur h fim- ulio*'* iiiA! of itew winter wi’iuLi
for fi'tli
Mr.’, Wouieii, Ik»>w. nnJ (]ir!w. Wo
have you
on ymr
I kiuiw u !>.. if you try
bKK oit: sVISD'jWS

m to $1.50

All Kinds

we carry all kinds of Syr­
inges and they are of the beat
quality for the price—Our stock
of Bulb Syringea, FounUin 8yringaa. Combination Syringea
and Hot Water Bottles is the


. .__


For That Reason She Wants to Be the
One Who W.ll Throw the Swith -1
out a pair
- That Will Kill the Man Who
wlten yoQ itop to oomp^ir.* the
tx>m(ort in tium with Iho
smult amount ^of money
Hy Win- to Ihg Evening lb-cord.
they coot.
C< lumbuf. <y. Nov. 20-Mrs Marlhn
ONE CENT IN HANDKERCHIEF lldKins. nnittgn c»f the poUe#- sinlion.
nrits to turn cm the eb'rtric current
that will execute Frank CanfiT, forWAS ALL THE MONEY SHE POS nierly of Flint. Vlch . for killing a pn.
llceman. Her assoriaiKm with the
pollc<*nien has brought her in sympnthlto deeply with them In their dan­
Waa to Have Visited at the Home of gerous work.
Mrs. Stella Cha.-e But Illness and
Misfortune Had Preceded Her
and It Waa Impoaaiblp

The silver locky nf hair rlinglng i«
-r lemplns; a lltib- Mark shawl
drawn closely about her wast.M sluV..’
deri». Mrs. K. J. Ihinn. a w.unan of
three scor*» and elev.-n ye ars. !.»M an
ELECTRIC LINE UP AGAIN Evening H.-e<ird r»’iMUter her Mory
Ibis aftent.K.ji, a Fiery •M-ldorn lu-anl
of except In plays or IhmiKs.
The H^le Md lady si-ke in a voice
fllkd with bltti rness, and as her story
«inf.»ldo.l iisilf. the reawm for thl.>
the suspicious bs^k with which
Council Will Consider Franchise a she eyed the newsi»aiH-r mnn. M-camr
Special Meeting Tuesday Night—
rent. Slie has children, two of
J. W. Milliken Called Atten­
thi ni. and each one has a h.»me J.ut
tion to Fire Danger.
dcx»rs of thes4\ it Is s.nld. are
opened - grmlglngly to her. She has
ai a iiearbv city for ju»me Untie
In uJl prubal'ility. the city Is farv
a daujjkter and her buFli.nn.-i. but
to fare with anoflur law suit The had lately planned a visit wUh .her
t'ttnimimv* <»n IIcb-usb-k r<’|H>iied to the granddaughter Mrs. Stella Chase of
city ctMtnrll last evening that ni'iet Wadsw-nith sti>’ei.
due and careful Investllgation It wmiil
AUmt two Weeks ago a child ws5
n'coninu nd ibai no IUh iim Ih- grant. .1 Is.rn into the Chase home and. since
to WllUani IL lUs.ird ti> <on<!ttef a tui-l I hat time, the mother has he<*n unable
bmn Ui thl^ f-Uy. j ’ J. T>B..ddle. .Mr. to do any work whatc’ver. Con
at bull. y. anno in. vd that lu- with the habyV birth c.nroe
ilsforvunM KO l«to ru.l .-.mj-l tho tune to a little daughler-hllniness
eltj to gtan^lll^ ilb-ot a licence to Cradualtv. ih.« little girl’s fight hsf
opcnile In ihii.'cll>.
M-en slipping away fr».m her until
After (be reiiort of the cummltt.H- Vondiiv when, in Fb<**r dc*<p<railon.
had N-en lOJi-l Mr. Murehte moved the father left his w ife. tis>k bif daughthat It be accBi»teil and s.h»i»t<Ml and ter and went Id Grand Rapids, where
Mr. GUU’tt scctmdC’d
Mr. Twcddle
iContinm'd on St'coad Pace.)
^awl. In Ivhalf of Mr Biar^. that,
the re.-i«mi. for Ute rt-fuMil to grunt
him a lli’enM- be mi lonli :%% a ni.i!ter
T* b'Jo, o . Nov. 2if.—Wheal—Cash.
of re.H.rd At Ihb lhei>‘ were o-lU ::c; corn. 42c; uais.
for the queFth-n and the voted 2«iarte.l.
IVirttit. N..V. 2*i -Wben4-No. 2 red.
Mr. Aldnitt \>>tlnc y^-s. Mr. Everett a
name »aa «UUhI and hi* rvfus.M to
vote. staHng that be didn't like she l»er. T2T^r; corn, 42c; oats.
hbM of turning a man down and mH
knowing what he w.n* doing it for.
Mr. TmiHldlc
i.> argue and
Mr. Olllctt aske.1 that the v..te be
proceeded with as the roll had Wen
partially calljvl.
Mayor Fr^rich refused to have
the clerk pn»ci-etl. saying that Mr.
(rontinned on Third Page.)



hpura, IS <
Fair. Gentle northanet wind.
Rain or mow tonight
]; Wodnoodny; frreh r



1 By Wire to tha Rranlng Record,
Aabvnin. N. C.. Nov. 20.—Fhst
i treAgfit No. TO im (he Southern railway
' got beyond raotrol on a steep mmmI Utn ‘gredp and ruabt'd down for ten
! miles at n speed of seventy miles an
► ( hour and Idled up tu a heap of kindling
i wcxKl at a eurve near Old Fort.
Conductor Joe Wolf mad Fireman
! Horace Weal, both of Ashvllle. were Trevollng Man Expir^ While Smoking a CIghr In the Hotel Lobby
bUled. Ton membera of fhc crew
bt Marinette.
At n depth of iwt mlk« the temperstore of the earth tn moot places is
that of boiling water: at a distance of
as mllao below the surface the heal
In aafScAeat to melt Iron. *

I Fram SSS.517.30S.775 in Four
-Oiatrict of Columbia CitL


I Foreword I
Regvdiiv ow HolkUj G«»!* for Uiu MMon.
This will be an rxcelleotplMe to tmreiiMe KitU.
AnmpteliMol Obie. thtl Yoo «eiiee.«« whole lot of


G|wsssmsrs< UmMy Kss4s mmM FWMs
l« «M nssM Oisuids mi is
PiMss Wsrs Cmi^lsi to


^lahad to tba Erenibt Rap
M ppm aacb day by G. G. W

By Wire to the Erening Record.
Washlagtcm. Nov. 20.—Although the
smaUtwt ptdUica] anb-dlviatoo in the ^
UntoiL the Ihstrirt u CVIumbla, oot-1
ranks twesty-ilvo state
Foot Paopic Were Injored In a Panic. In wealth. The ftgwnre given I
rensua barvsau. which has Just
OccopanU of Houaea Turned jOut
a oensns Ilf wesith. sbOwr that 1
With Gockeu to Savs Homes
tn 1X*0 the wi^th of the I’nUc-dlW^A
From Firs.
States was
6I7..'’.ta':.77a gnd by IMH
it had lurrtw-d to IlftT.bH.iyMlft’ '


Tbs fbvrtomui bstUsrjr nf srtmrrr
lodsjr rdamA from prsctics
msrcM Ibro^ tbs provtors of Plssr
U«J RSo. msflnf r««rd Urns dssplir
tbs moddy rtmd« snd flcAMl*. Is
dUliicts Ibrr »ors obllKwl to use
pootoosB Tbs msrrb prursd
Atnsfirsns ran ko anxvbsrs In Cuba
St any sassns trilb tbr hi^rbrnt fl.tbt
smnsry sow bcrs.




Hf Wlfo 10 UM Wwmlmg lUeori.








There is No Magic
in the accomplishments of our

“Best” Flour



It is made from carefully selected
Traverse wheat, in a t^ood
mill by a ijood miller. Hvery
sack guaranteed.

Hannah , &

Bachant & Roscoe
For Sale Cheap, j
1 work team, wo>hl almui ’2,IOC*.
1 7-ycar-old in-irr, good unver.
1 4-inonths-t>M colt.
t ows.
1 la i sf>nng’s calf.
2 sets heavy work harnesh.
1 light driving harness,
^1 heavy wagon
1 set heavy sltighs
1 power feed mill, new
Will take approved i.ine monih^* note, wiihoul iniercsi,
in payment lor any of the above.

Lay Co.

Smith Realty Co.
Corn*T Lake Ave. and Teoih St.
Citirens phone :L'
, Bell phone 1C9

Half Ho$e
in great variety of
styles—no belter val­
ues can be shown in
half hose at twentytive cents per pair
than are shown by us.

FINE Underwear
For Men—
,From the fifty cent fleece lined
goods to the finest all wool
suits our underwear depart­
ment meets the approval of all
who visit it. We can guaran­
tee you extra value on any­
thing bought from us in the
underwear line. It will be a
good plan to buy early, as wc
arc already experiencing diffi­
culty in duplicating our best
bargains where wc arc short
of some sizes.

Sherman & Hunter.

Mondav anti all nr-xi
XI 1wr» k we offer
you the choice of uO Cloaks at


:,a«i $10.00
that are extra vilue at 51J and $18 iO.

: At $15.00
We effer you Ttc" pn k t f
Cloaks worth fronf $1C ob to tli-

At $19.75
We I ffer you the pick ol
menu that arc regular $2p vwlu»^.
This shruld crowd our Cloak Section
wit)H>u>cr^ all day ^very
day next week.


Ask the salesladies to trll
3TOU about our proposition to the girls


OoBUnmJ impromnpot aloiHl Uw line of Bh>««
romtroclioii has at Uat giien iia the pufwA
•<•**< Mtair < tee dollar a Mook will boy n>r oae.
The be.t W..hiDg Marlline
^We tell them oii30da>V


one and he fonritieed.

IV* Vm MMtf
Ml O*

«f tkM mH-

TteM arv aM
aniatfl»ar af th9 Ma<»ord tvavM aubaafifllaa la
Tha^ ata aanauat
aalla far H^aa aanvaalr*. aatf If you

I "


J07 /dl

^ Hi*

Warram map of the Arctic rtplon
►howing Lkuu-nant IVary’a counu*.
The calnlti is a Cuban fruit which
with a jdiotogr.'iph t*f fhi- commander
u a milky, flb:*ius lural, swts't and
ai the lift.
lUdow ciii .hows IJiutinunl IVary. starchy, and a numU-r of riiund. black
Mi>. Peary and their daughter In the seeds. It Is purple or dark green on
the outside and gn»ws on a tn-e.
rahln t»f the
ut^ which the
explorer went north.

thaa ttiaaa fifU. Thay ara riah and
aataral la aalaHaf. baavtlful la daalaa «id IM alaillaa af tli# ariflaal
eU paimiiifi. Call at tha ftaoard a#
Ilea «Mla aalaatlaaa ara taad and pick
avt what yaa vaaat.
Paaiafabar thay aaat ya« aaUilaf.
Cvafy jnall awbacribar adia wHi aand
la tha amauiit al hla aabacHptlaa will
racahra aaa at thaaa beautiful aauvaaira fiaa by ratuffi malU Act profapt|y batbaa thpy ara all paac





♦•ach life some nUn must fall.
Wise ptHtplc don't *it down and luiwl:,
fooU suicide or take to flight,
people take Rix-ky Mountain
Tea atvnlghl. Johm^m Drug Co.
‘ A reccfeily InventiHi pii'cv of lalior
saving machluiry i« a darning ma­
chine which will in ten wlnuti's cover
a hole thist an energetic
i could
hardly AM In an hour.
To Cure a Cold In One Day

dance at Forester s hall Wedtii«day
evening. Nov. 21. liill. 50 eeoU.
Nov. 17 and 20

em Michigan for Great East­
ern Company.



rOR RENT—l.‘l4 l-ake Avo. Inquire
143 p:. Eighth strict.
nov 2otf
IMM-ketlMMik Im IwiM'ii
Haalar. s ctdiege
Johnson's drug
miainlng Immey. lletm

• :,'x;

If you only knew what tender,
juicy roosl.s you can cook hi the

Bastinf ]
Roasters .


A. W. Jehrmns
Ro«A Moinoe


Wiwuetoog <
C. F. Owwn
Americhn Drug Store
HsnDAh Drugstore
F. L. Shulvr.

the benefit nf onr vast
exiH?rience in aavini? leolli by apecial treatment, of filling with roW,
siU-er or enamel ami of crowning
ami britlgink' when neceasarj*— n
•ares ever>*one sittifietory resnlts
at thii office.
Can we e.xamine your tc^th with
a view of compelinj: any dcfivta?


Your Credit Is Good
One Dollar Down. One Dollar a Week

Your Reliable Furniture Store.

Grand Rapids Fumitur£ Co.
127 S. South Union Street

S/aU Jiank Jiu.. /t>nr

A Thousand Times a Year
You ;^ather around the dining t.'ible. If you sit down to a
table filled with all manner of good things you are just
happy. Wc help you all w*c can in our Grocery Dept.

Good Things for Breakfast

Good Fres^ Bread

If you have any choice pick from this
list: Pawnee Oats.
Malt Breakfast
Food. Wheailet. Pilsbury's Vitos, Shred­
ded Whole Wheat, Grape Nuts. Rolled
Avena, Wheat Grits, Apeiezo. Saxon
Food, Wheatinc, \Y:ana Tiscuit and 10

Baked fresh every* ihoming. Whole’
Wheat, Graham or Rye. Order with
y'our groceries and save all trouble. If
you do your own baking you want the
best. We sell the ‘‘Supreme/' the
• Marver’ and the H. & L. Co/s “Best."

Here’s Something Already Baked

The roast basUw in its own
jnioe. Let us explain bow
this is.
Sae them in our window.

K F. Holnmb ba.i aecuicsl the xvii!; ;
tion of district j manager w ith il .1. .
Great Eastern Cakoahy and Indc-nliV 1 - .
comfiany of New* York for NortU.r.:.
Michigan. Mr. H|>lcomb has charge of i
the entire state north of Grand Rap-!
Ids and wrUl soon devote bis entire L
lime to the work, giving the business. 610061
of the .American Adjustment company
into other hands.!


More Good Things

Salmon Sandwiches

Olives, Sniders Salad Dressing, Deviled
Olives. Oyster Cocktail Sauce. Snider’s
Catsup, Mixed Pickles. Creamed Sal­
mon,- Pure Horseradish. King Oscar
Sardines. Clam Chowder, all kinds of
popular Soups.

are so good, or the solid meat salmon tor
lunch. Wc sell the Columbia River Sal­
mon, the Pillar Bay Salmon, the Alaska
Red, the Butterfly, the Imperial, the
Orchard and the Chinook—the very best.
on-the market. This is put up in three
different ways.

Nothing Better Than Good Coffee

the current, pat in the applianeea.'
light. teleidMoe, bon^ alanns,
ciU bella. Botois (all kinds) for
sewing iiMehinea, etc„ at great advnntaew'to yoa. elight profit to
ewrodvea. (joeetfon ne ebont electrieal goods and woA aa madi as
yon like.

J.B. Paige Electric Co.

for breskfast. It starU the day off just right, but you must have GOOD COFFEE tol
Mrs, Rover's Perfect Blend is the most perfect blend on
o the market. It is the result
It is pot up in one and two ponnd air-tight < SOS. The one pound can soft at
two ponnd
id iat 75c. Mrs, Rover's latest recipe book for making cxkes, puddings and ^oes.
coffee is used, is enclosed in each can. We sell Old Govemmeot Mocha and Java at
Bland Mocha and Java at 35c. There are other bulk coffees sold at 80o, 25c*. 20c and 1
wt pound packBm> coffees we Uve Dutch Blend. Hezajo, Art Mtwha and Java, Banner. Neotor,
Jersey, Spurr’s Imperial and Arbnckle’s Arioaa.

Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Co,

“The Big store”





Animal Cookie*. Gham-

Aia ter Site HthtfeAewk^ Barm

Yon w ill find a big eul oo the other goods M wtdl. for
• luiifcl Imvi* tile M..U1.

and why. we are c)niU> ture that
yon woald buy one sooner or

Front and Cass

J. W. JBokacm
E.A. Monroe


Natives, ol the Solomon Islands
credluM with the U-st eyesight of any
iKHiidc. Aralts come next.



First Nattonal Bank

U.«1 Inm B.d, all .iz,« and rfl oolor*. a good woven win.
/»priuK and a goo.1 <'oHod top uiattm*.

.\inlnll higbt^r gnulei will
aoM nctsonlingly.
We have an oveiatook of Uieae goods and are have gol to ,
make room, fur a carload uf goods which we have ooming.


Ton ought to know more
about the cheapness, cooTealenoe and safety of our
haw money orders. There it
no mora aallsfaotonr way of
sanding money ihtongh the
By the way our
rmUa on these orders are
leas Uum thewe charged by
tha post ofAce or the a«proM companies.

You Get the Benefit
Here Is a Chance for You


And n^w aascx'latea of the Standard
II crowd are aafd to Ik- after a fran
rhUe In Tmverae City for an Hortric
railway, If they will have cars run
nlng wllitln a rcaaooahio time aud th^
THK factory DIbTRiCT.
Only Two Votes Behind.
_ . I In every way. tbt >
. Tba c«iniDunlcatlc« of J. W. Milll rItyU aalfugu
have It.
The n-port of | the hoard of count.v
keo to tha city council last crcninR
canraasers on jthe recent eh'ctiun
araa oaa that waa ««ntlrcly timely ^il
KhowK that F'n-dlPrat'Trt^elvi-d a ma­
aboidd ba gtran careful conalderallon
jority of 101!>. the largest on the cosnloaannioh aa there U Taluable prop
erty at aUke and crcrylhlnf ahould eaciting Bowling Conteat at ^he Wil­ ty ticket and H.1k. Walter came a»vbaidoaeto pTotm it. ' .
kinson |a Rosser Alleys Lhst Even- fjnd'wHh 1017. isheriff Johnson waa
third, lietog eleven votes le hind Mr.
Aa Mr. Ilinikim aald. ahould tb« ac
|lng-Cloae Scores.
Walter The uaofArlal nisirt gave
inUU burp. U
would bo hoar
K>oll tU flrM 1, iVc Cn'tiu- weekiv Mr. Johuson sectind place. ;
and auffcrinjc would fall upon the lucu iHialiiiR ^•ult'st at thf Wllkliis<*n £ 1
^-------------Whp ara employed , thendn aud who U..HK..r
dertwa IhHr llvini;(^nd that of thdr down (Sf pi
in thn-c
Tin* 5
-----------familiee from that employment. ThcM* w^ciuuf pUic.
hotly coni.Hied frr.]' '(Continued from nrst Page.)
men could undmihicttly wH-ure allua Corbett and Curtis lolllug
uga tie for j ii.i
a,. will lis.k for employment so that
tkma In other rltlcii hut many of th«'m thriv ganu-s. tuUllng
Iiins. They^^
may he ahU* o support his child
own, or are huyln* their homea here, nJI.^ <«] .n.l 0..lK-tt ««n om.
s|H<< lalist*s care
mid to move wmild cauM- much loan
Th.T.- ».« • M of .•xHu Uut l.^. ,
ThU state of. affair's made It IroiK.ssl-l
to them. It would al»k» rauae a Knnt init ilir nmtral a> all ttir m......
l.-a to the city.
rl.«... Hair rolliHl hiKh acoro
that she
Tha Doardman river and Ihianlninn
Ml .loan on ,hr
a,.hj.,hrr,. In ,hr ^
lake are near eiiouKh a« that a iHuthm
Thr ..*.1, a.-rr: K.oll IS!.;
„;iln Irf. for a!
' at loaat of the luduNtrlo4 cxiuld Ih> pro l*.*n. isvi Cun is.
: Carv.T.
ItH'ted by Wttt4<r fiom tlti>e hut in MuH..h.iM. 4i:; MonriH.. 4r.«: Briggs.’!"'"^
ordcTT to make a kikmI flaht aaalnat the 477; Hale 4SI; t'on or.m. 442;
Mih. Ihinn arrived In the city at
ftamca It would Im* neov»aar> to hav.- WlnnU*.
son-lu l.nw.
more atreama than the «>nKluea coiilfl r Tl..‘ ti.nt)'
...... .............
fiimUh and additional water tnalna Thursday evening
njui .man. Mrs I|uun aald.,roriiu-<l lo
tuke her to the home of the rc'latlv<-s
would be the only aoiireo.
tmt put Vr in a cah and Instructed
Such a Are mli:ht never come and It
the driver to Ic.ike her at the M. A
la to be hoped that It will not. hut
j N K station. Hi] fulloweil and I
with a weatwly amle and a |ti"h1 ntnrt.
J. J. Twaddle Negotiated a Deal In­ I her a ticket whi^h left jnsl
deaplte the utmoat «‘fTorta of an ef
volving flUOO-Only Few Such jI til'd np In the eo|rm»r of her
her handkc
nrient Are deiiartmeni. <th.* dlHtrhi
chief. Ttien he Ivenl.
would nadbulitiHlIy be in mlna iinh aa
home." said
i -lU sal.l he hid to
every fhcUlty was at liand fur Aphtlni;
Attorney J. J. Tweildle has Just ■
-He* used to be a proachtheAunet.
Tha committee to which the matter made a hale of limber land for J«‘hu.), ^ a,ui a pretty giH^l one. 1 guess, tiulll
to drlnkln* an’now hes
waa referred ahould lnv.atl»ale 1! I>an anh Mert
neuuonn l«‘roro.'s j
hv !<;«i>rgc
! ro-orge
carefully and make a report In accord; wben by
owner of a T7<>acre tr.M-t of haidwomitl j,
ilcr developed
ance with their nndlm;a.
tlmlier. The consideration for this
traiisactlpn was |i::.S's. or aUmt |s2 Ing to do with hi^r. huslmnd s mother
•rrc. j
j anj ,hm it is bclig planned to pul (he
Ota pcHtlonl&p for
8alua of this sort are by no means j homeless tdd wo^an In the county’s
Amertcan occupation of the Uland and
a Aitveatln# Cuban-xeueial dt'clarlux an ordinary thing now an^ comiuira-! care. She left, however, at S:40 after
j almost seven hoiirs of waiting during
ho will drive them Into the
it they
do. thtnpa down In ,lhe pern of the An- Helnfortb wni begin lurolk*rtng opi'ra-1 which, time she ^uld not even leave
1 the hard bench op which she sat.
ttllles are In no ^pci of aintting Into lions at onctv
•i'm hclpli-sH ou know.- she said,
The Japanese piH'tlcally term wrlnk J
le» -the wave* of old. age.“


Discard Your Wood Beds








If ,{




Om»4 noekooi «rrg1o«< tko moot popular mwnt*4r of tb^ Ru..lan Im
prrtal ftimlfy. wMoirod hf a kooib. oka will
acalb Hhc 1« mgacwd to
Omo4 fkiko Nkbolalfvltrb.

fOootloood from Plrat Po«r,)
Kvrrwtt kad aakrd for torormatloo ood
kti Ikoocki tkr poloi well (okoo.
Mr Ulllett atotri that a rommHtor
had breo appniotod for thn purpoac of
laToaflgatlpv tba man * characlrr and

Abb<m ^tate
onH^ ft not lx*«t for the InterehU tif the rlt) to aranl the llrfiiHO.
Mr. Cverttt Cacuaei.
Mr Kwrett lataied that the way be
looked at it n wa. puttlna a black
nark agahu>t the man aa Iona a« be
lived In Travtw City and be didn't
think It wag riaht to ao vote without
any reason bdini; itivi'o and 00 that
aooount be aajted to lie Pruned from





waaarmat Mike atataitkatka wan
»la wkkkool
TW mn ttft «M ow(taM4 Mi di two waaka a«e who MU kim of tka|
pwipeMlina kaU ky Mr. OIkka. He Mw
ImmM aMBi tkal tka oM
maiUtely took ap the matter and
was ahoaiy la ike kaaia of
. vte M kM (
akoot a weak ago be ieeUei to coam
lay and ka bad to bare soaM
» WM MiiiiAk
to tkia dtj.\ Mr. OIkka gara kUa aU tkteg taagfUa to work em
PAft «r tW OQMd
tka taformadoa at kla «9oaal aoi ke
Mr. fMkka aaU that ka bad bow
TMiil* aii ki 91
Mimatonf that ika fraBcklaa bad oxatfi ttet k« M
for kis dSMt
Pirod and that tkara bad BOrar baM
ikam Mr BMifi for •<«« tte« Mi
Mr. VI
eeot ai- aaytklag aaU aa tn kow mask wtMk
|k»Mt MMii^ k »M «f fOOi
ka akooM do to actaatty atait omctefMT
FkUktr. k* fCMM. tkt
lii^ tU-ikl-mmt thm of tka foai and not Uto tka kaaie atrwctlom He aaU that wkao It woa
tocmM* tk« />dto or tk» atr oC- of Mr. OIkka or M7 of tko praawCera.- mU that the propoaltloB waa a good
»ftcorv kore oot H«kt to rofkoe oa «p- He aaU that la oriar to gat aU tim OM tkM tka M kaktod It moat oarjliSeoa motkorttr to ^ lUfnor oodor report, before the tnaodcre it waa tataly kavo meant It, or thoy woaUa't
Itke Mvt a tko otaie witkoot }wU neceaeiry to bare aa exteoMoa. He hare aald It. Ha stated that ka wooU
ooa doUar tf tka traBckke
mm o»d 10 tMs COM. kc nld. 00 bad no bealtaocy in aaylng that the not
'cooM koi bMOMlsaod.
pK>pl« behind him were aaaoclated waa granted that ha woaU Bot get a
wttk tka Staaiard OO crowd and be oaBt oalcoa the road paM. Brery dol­
had BO ioakt that the propoettloo lar muat go Into tka road. He thought
wooU go thftmgh. Mr. \leieiman that aoow ptea couW be armBfod
koardr ka naked. *1CaB the cooacll tkeo qwolad a letter. apaaklBg rary whereby the matter eoaU be
to be imifnrml wiikoot lla^ highly of the propoaad llae.
taalac to hie elder Mr Tw%ddle wa.
tdwOOaOSO WaKIng. .
imt otattag that llOa kian ^ iled kU
He Mid he had been over the prohood and bla hrmfimru had been ate
i»oe«i line In the city and it looked
prmd wheo U^. Mooo tatemxpted
good to him and that he thought the tioB carried, tka 1
kit of order, telb
propoaltlon would be a paying one aad
be nigkt juat aa
cblae matter. Ibr Mity days and found
that waa what be waa looking for. **1
wHl save hJa breedk. that the conaitthat it wa. paaacd SepL S7. Mr. Wintec knew what It
talklag akoot
aia'. motkm carried aad Mr. Mooo
aaM. -and tkla letter mdd that there
-We don't.- aald Mr Tweddle.
amrad that wbaa councU adjoara It
wa. W.OOO.OOO Uere waiting for a
-I'd Uke to limit IkM to four koorm."
adjoam natU Bext Tueaday night to
good Ureetmant and there U no rea
aald Mr GUlett. .
conMder the railroad mattar. The
non why we can't get a slice of iblaMr. Friedrich asked bow much time motion carried.
Faaloiy Flrw Frotactian.
-ITnder the abo^lng p»ow before tkla was needed and Mr. Gibb, aald car.
body.- aald Mr Twedfle. '^ae caa go would be running by next year.
The drat bualnes. before the conn
Into ctmri and eflimpet the rouncll to
Mr. VMerman said that be would ell was a commnnlcatloa from J. W.
grant him a liceoae jand tkat'a juat like to go ahead with the matter and Mllllken calling attention to the dan­
what hell do.j
tlml there was a certain amoont of ger of a terrtbic Are In the factory dla-You'll have to show me.- *aJd Mr. money to be eipcodtd before May I irlrt. The communication was nGllletr
ferrod to the Arc committee for Inve.
for material, etc.
-And me." aald lir Lardle and
In order to get the matter befora
the bouse Mr. Olllett moved.that tbo
The cor
-Pleaae watt nnUl ire get acme of time be eatended to May 1 and In the public
these other law adits ^t of the way.time the company was to expend J practically complHed and It was
aald the mayor a^ the matter ended frS.oOO In construction or material on j time to look to public improvements
without fartbrr parle/
the ground. There was no second and } for l»07 He stated that the Traveme
the city ailomey was appealed to as city Manufacturing company adjoined
Street Railway Mature.
the South Side laimber company and
An ordinance id amend an amend to whether this could be done.
that the Williams Manufacturing com­
Franchlm Hae Cxpliwd.
ment made 8epf. i$. I»U3. to the street
Mr Davis stated that In his opinion pany also made the facton* Hue on
railway franchise granjlid L. K. Gibbs
that aide of the river almost continu­
seven years ago was ; introduced and
with the lumber "pHew and warethU brought forlb* thp sUleroent that had expired br llmltatkm and that no
the Htandard Oil crowd-was at pres extension could be granted. U would houaea of inlsbed prtriucts. On the
eni considering the ^ulldlng of the bt» necessary fU |iaas a w hole new or­ c^hcr side of the river sras the basket
factory and adjoining this wa. the
proposed lino In this cily and Old dinance.
There was much discussion as to Oval Wood Dish company, plant with
Mission. F. W Viederman of Detroit


SOMETHING to be tbaokfol
for In each Division. The
“Blrcer” silorc, wlihblipfer
stocks and: blrfcr values.


I j&aii-JirWai


from Mcloiivo
I# Uilon o( Yoodk M«n'« (nothiogFn>m>b iD«d«lt, olow ettiog back.
Tba moat typical garnieata for Men
aad Yoiinff Men to be found anywhere
are now abown in bur compU-to lint-a of
Ovrrooala and Winti^r HuiU.

irhod Table Damaak.
Llamaak, beat
Desk vain© lor me
mom y, per yard....
"2.incK Bleiu-hed
the_ money,


Such as thf«« arc DOC aoao CVMT
grmtcBt of val­
our i^caa
m ar« #1#J». #2#, #27.
#2 #33. #4#^ mig

1 s rT'.:i'^ii''Wr»?7triTtTv^’

.1. 'mm -

Dinmg Chairs
are priced for set of aU DDd aeU for
•415. #6, #6, #1090 and #12JO
Box aeat, Imther upboUterM. #a.80
#24. and #25.
Golden otk. wood aeat, beat values.
#050 #12. #15 and #11.90

Sroata^t var

.--3.00, 4.00, 6.00
...6.00, 6.00, 7.60
Red Damask Table Linen, per jarxl...........26c, 30c, 40c, 60c

ere. #15. #16.50. #1#.
Fancy C
#2fk 122.
Fancy Worwt«ls, #254».
"Nusac.." 4 hutlim enat. #10. #12.

............................ -............................

Roast Your Turkey
In a Savory Roaater and
wlU be twice as tender. These sell from
#1.25 to #020
There are cheaper ones from 49e te #000
Roasters are made In f^lly and hotel aUe. and plain
canring #eta. #1.00 te #kOO
.^•.JBlfd Camero #14» te #tJO


-Ar»oa," thiw+wioA r«Mit. »10. $11.

SUM 11$. $1$. IN.


Thanksghrktg Game Sets

Fur Lined Overcoats
The sveUest line any iserebut has ever dtopUyed One large Platter and 12 Dinner Platea.
Is Traverse City, but our trade demanded the finest roods
SLSO andSIO lorlhesel
made. Some ofihe very best have already been sold. The
foUowlnr yon can pick from. AU these bea.ntlfu Overcoats Ladies^ Newest Shoes Dining
arc best of Black Broadcloth. ‘
Hudaoo Bay

A HOST cordial Invitation to
r\ visit our store at ail times. Is
extended to alL Watch the
alterations, see the new roods and
enjoy onr hospitality.

The NapkiM to match for S3.00 aad $3.50 the dozen.
grades Bleachetl Dimnak, at, per yard............... 76c and 1.00
Dwo other
other g'
L^nbtehed Table Damask, dift-rent widths, at, per yard. .30c, 60c, 75c

Black Cheviot. #15, #1#,5a #1#. #2E


wUk advice and auggeatkma
The meat markeu wort tound ta
good shape with poariWy one or two
esoepUooa and la regard to thorn ko
hoped to have a kottor report neat
The matter of equlpmeot waa re­
ferred to the ways and means oobudUp
tee with power to act.

BuffeU that aboold be lo every dlDiDg room arc now #12. #22.50. #». #23$

As One a line Of Table Linens as yon wiU find. Exceptional values In aU cases.

Black. 41 In. length. #45. #40. #35.
#30. #22. #20. #1#. #15. #12.
Grays. 41 In length, #15, #16. #1k
t'ulurs. 4h iU. length. #12. #15, #1t.
#20. #25. #30, #35. #40. #45.
HUrk. 44 In. length. #10, #12. #13.Sa
#15. #1#, #20. #22. #28. #2t.
Colors 44 111 length. #10. #12. #15.
#1R #20. #22. #25. #2#.


in a 00
complained of the G. R.^ I. sidetrack
In the alley In the rear of bU resi­
dence. €42 Bast Eighth street, and the
communication waa referred to the
streets and walks commIUee on Mr.
Winnie's moUoo.
The mayor's v'Ho of the bond Uaue
for piling the river mouth wai


Black, modlura hcs\y Whale. 41 in.
' Hmg. #22.00.
Black. 5o In. length. #12. #1#.#0. #15.

..^‘Campus'' Suits


TkiM^ tkla ftotrkA an tka lOrdM
Mgkt aad poaatOMM tnte «r«tka
Fora Marowatte talfwar pOM ood la
tkia tka fwtuk aaglBaa of tka Pofo
MaMlifli OBi tka a E. A t aMo
work. Bt aiotad tkot ka bad bo
paroooal knowladga of tka matter but macklBM be pu&d tor at Iks fBlu at
HOO uBBanOy witk tko pHrUtfo af
payMM tkofin amauBt at nay
Inga ware to. tkera moot ka a 1
bar of IncIpiMt Iroa wkick aia pitt
out ky watokmoa but la oaae of a
waatariy gale and a m»d ouit. the
wkoie diatrict . would be wiped out K ka aMdM M ortOBriOB of timt Isr
tkata was ag Inadaqimte water auppty payiag tor tko pavamoBt la Imt kt
Thto wmdd throw kaadreda oot of RM hU pmorty oa Tklid and MapM
atreoU waa rooolvod and ftlod oa Mr.
ploymMt aa^ would ka diaafti
Lardlo'a amtkm.
Traaacna City aa wklla tka
Tko manor of robatoo on tka Saalk
Valoa atfoot payiag was rsfmtad M
tbo eommlttoo ob date and. a«9^
labor would kmeu
Mint loopoctloa, '
He autad that it was absolutely
City Moot aad MUk laapector XMek*
criminal to permit this dtttrict to axltt
without an adeoaate water supply aa oray rtportod tkat ko would kavo to *
fT6 worth of laatmmoaU
It wa. the heart of Traveraa aty'a In­
dustrial life He said that while tka to work proporiy. He aoodad a taalar
extanalon of water malaa la tka
at a coot of m. a tot of kaIgBm at
daoce dlstricti waa nacoaaary. tka fac­ IH aad ooaloo #11 booMoo oomo atkM
tory dUtrlct should be prorldad for maiariala Ho alM> roportad oa kM
Grand Kapldf trip.
Mr. MtUlkan cloaad by aaytag that
Loeal Otiriao Cloaii.
ao InTcsUgmUcm i|oold ba ooortneiag
Mr. Dockoray aald that ho would iaof the truth of the autamaoia. Mr. iah InapocUng tho local dairtos tod^TF
Moon aald that the communlcotkm was aad that the dairloa of tkU city woald
true, that the dlsirict waa at the Ore s oemparo favorably with tkoao of
mercy On Mr. Winnie's motion, the Onmd Raplda He found all tho kMol
communlcaUoo was referred to the dalrlV with possibly 000 excoptlop.
water committee.
porfeetiy cloan aad that tho cows woro
kept in perfect condltkm. tkoro botag «
Other OualiiaM
A commonIcatioo from Frank J. no dirt or filth on tkem. Tko kam
Hughes, direr. aPktng that be hu al­ were cloan and the aourooo of wmtor
lowed $52.W more for the work done ao far were good. In one plaeo tho
bottling waa done la a shed next tko
here, was received sad filed.
bam bot generally it was done la a
The J. K. Orelllck company
pUee at a dlstafice from the bam. Tho
given permission to move a i
building one block on Mr. Abbott's mo- owners generally welcomed tko In-

loard for



m Mnt BM adMtMB BB« 4 BomM
r Ikn BBfikwBi of Ika tkMm, Ik#
BBS prksk^mM

|F WHEN GOING THROUGH OUR STORE you see articles you
1 do not care to purchase at that time, notify the merchant
•throughj whom you trade, and he will get it for you from us.

Overcoats and Suits


Tuvcnic cmr,




collar. #f75J0a
Nprtkem Mlak.

Natural Rat, otter collgr. fJOOOO.
Blended Rat. otter rt»IUr. W-fifi.
Natural Rat. rat cv4Ur. #M> and #75.
Blended Marmot. Persian collar
e- H
Blended Marmpt. ra1 collar. #«.0fi.

AU Fur Overcoats
BUrk ItaHi.. calf. $M MM $».

BMlmo Doc. $10. $$$. $*(k $«.

That have gtaod, style
and beanty.
The Ona Metal CaU in button,
bee aad Uneber. one of the most
popnbr finisbee thU U told,
Eteiy lady take, pride in hw
sbooa, aad these show tbs daiaty
Unea of the foot to Ihs .wy bi»l
auraatage. Tbrae shorn am mads
to fit and they wear wall.

Men’s Latest Shoes

The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile G). arsu'ssfte%i?“tK

Sold in “open ttock." Buy any n
ber of pieces you want. Platea Cup$ and
Saucers. Platters, Covered Dishes, Soup
Plates, Oatmeal Dishes, Butter Chips,
Sauce Dishes, Pitchers and Bowls.


Best mines smr offered in the
gffg$10.«IS.«UJ0. «M.
Yonr turkey will taste ssatA
better if sMTsd train afaten as*
Bs sun aad tee the display.


Crockery Attractions

Blue Dinnc Ware


The grasteat lias e( OhW awl7bbls D
•m M«ii in tb« oi^.
The famous gennlne "Old Blue" China
Butter PUUt. dlfftrettt de■tgno lOe sMh.
Cupe and Baaetrt. lOn, lie. tic.
tela. lOe. lie. tic. lOe, #140
Tea Btmlam. He.
Saha and Peppers. lOe.

Onr (hooAy DivitWn offWs s
boat of good things to aid in your
Thanksgiving diansr.





S*at and fraahaat W craaSarHaa.
Or^rt fraah avaty Say.
CMwy rt#w frwa tha Mlaty SaSa.
The famous "Rub DrT Towrta. m Uam turteTowsli.
Caaeia, aaS Rttlas Apslaa.
dtos 90s.
SSamaa-a CtStr fw yaar mlnaa sXs>
Turkish TowsU. good Mg <mss. lOg Plaiii Huek TowsHug, 11s,
All klnSa at aelaaa fa, tun»v
lies iOss its.
. i
dOo lOa no 11.1# yfi.

Btete Turkish TwsjMu. tOe, Os

nguretf Hudt Tirirelikjk. ns.

OyMarttu Craakafa. matt Salk
enekt, nMaa.
NaMaeaa, Paatlnaa and aU ait
at fanty Caakiaa.

Big Stefc''

fHiinrM^wn BMowh TiAVtBMt cmf. mGKmM^y




Baking 9€mOer

of twnff dicested in sul-


.l*<4l »OWO« CO., «w ^



The Boy.* Unity lencnr of the Bap
I V* to \bt> clrriw. Uther?**
A iimall hoy wtoatt oo th«* north sldv lift church met at the roddenre^of K.
of Pniat oirt^ mulBjc at ihe an- U Siushea la»t erenlns and elected
novBnrmcnt that r«le Hiaa/ thnr^ the followins of Brer.: Proaldenl. the
tUg, dottbl# tnomrtle cIrtMia would Rev O E. l^hb.rt; rice preddent.
Ntd Kehor; Mvrotary, Hanley Wllmpp^r Id flu. city July Ml
bHm; treasurer. Ralph Hunter.
A ti*Ar atoff opiKwHr.
“Kw.- ooo. that tircti*
The boy* an« plannlns a hunt Ins
! mimtlM a«o.“
jirip for the KrJday att*r Thankaaivlna
i *-Wcil then I ahoald thins Ihr »torf^ | with a rt-ndocvoun at ^ Wilhelm cot
achild loar do^tu Ibocc horrid tasc on l^uns Uhe. The boya who will
hunt will .tart from the f^lly enrly In
I Nils," Mdomed the b*»y.
, “Now pul up your hammer, sup. the mcimlng and arrive at noon, whert*
^ and weTl pet some dinner." spoke the some who bare driven ah<>ad will
paiwkt na he and hi* «>ff*prlo( passed meet them with dinner ready. The
Jmo the door of a re»taurant whose aftomwin will be »p€ml in hunUng and
fraot aottoooood Iha same ahow that n game supper Is expected for
hod Oltraeted tho bo>‘s atiMmoo aome Ing Tliv nirhl will ls» *pE«l*at the
ronaite ami tbe party will hunt bark
where down the afreet.
^ '
To aa oliM-rvlaj eye wuue* of the ti» the city the next day.
A untiy league quartet 1* being orhaMdlafs, wnpocUlly ihc
aa'rrast atreel, proeeat a ridiculous ganUi'd which will furnish music for
apiMsartaco.. H^re and there on rlcai the Sunday evening m*jvIc<-*. Four of
Ihe'buya will, each Sunday, aaalsl the
various other place, oi bualness are strangers' welcoming committee In
po*te«1 annonnremeat. of t>>!« Broth- ushering while iwo othera will dUlribrr.' eirru* ahlrh app<-aretl In thU city ute spi^lul invitations to men spend­
last July
ing Sunday In the local hotels.
Atmln. on a nie.i msikot. U an ad
Next ihiesday a meeting of kll the
vertlieiseat for the Owl cigar. Happy boys of the church between the ages
ThcMight chewing tobaron. I'nlnn of 12 and 10 will be held In the paaleader ruf jdiig and Hwlft’* Pride . Ioi'h offlts.
for the pm|
'•opp. Next to ihi* plsre of hubiu. tt* ing a xephyr club
U a tnllliuFMy i.ti>ie advitiUlni: tbr
JngoraoU dollar wutch; no. they don't
The oldest belfry in America Is the
keep wstches there but Lbe sign ha* .rven<entury<dd Hr tree, eight feel
done sE'rvlce for several years and
thick, that form* the spire of 8t.
now much the worse for wear. Borne ter's church. Tacoma, which Is i
Imlustrlou* agent ha* b*H>o busy ou a (or the bell of the church.
local blarksnilth shop and everything
from an American Krauty c<»riM‘i dl*
Picture poMcarda tiearing portraits
play MU to a High Ufe t*cer sign
of Tolstoi have been supprvwsed In
adorns It* front Tbe-ie thing* are mil
a greo! addition to the city's uppraraijce by any means
lUNlTNC. PARTY at the CamplicII
bba-k. ITlday. Nov. .JL Nichols’ kA bee visit* 's.MsbuOO flow era
pl<ve orchfMrtra.
nov 17 4l
gathering on pound of honey.


.Mobain aa.I
Fancy Mixlun-a.
$G.OO and f7.00.

See pBT.wteOw.
Choice at

Sold everywhere for $5.00.
Excellent Maleriala.
One or two of a kind only.


Choice, $3.90, :^

They won’t last long at thnae priow.

hooka. 80 plioae afl hrteg the ToUar
end McradUh hooka.

it tgiim tmtmn eoUk br
TABLBT8. TVywaithcr
•bortMt poMibfe •ftm oi


fad It Brno Other Than Sunday
Ni«hL OelJ Leeejoy Weidd Fftdn
•Wy Have PerlahedL

Price 2Sc per b*x.
W TWhorth.




Oa the atreosch of l
Jedme Mayae. the John jP. Ou Lum
ber coa^ay will piit fa their dam
by an
and save oot tbU tafanaatloa
auted that the aeclkowUken
WU. by
tbe board of public work, will be rtch Will be so ar
plaerd by one which
U each yror'a
ransed that at the end he
cut It caa be removed pad free paaaas« to laoaeh owner, made. It will
not be opened, however, when there
are los. In the river.
B*h«n asked who would bear tbl*
expense Mr. Ott maid 'Why. 1 suppiMe
we will have to du H now.**
“We are la no hurry about pultlns
It In." he uld. 'but we m.*rely wanted
U» know where we were at before tbe
los buyins for tbi' season began."

Ninsty-two Loads of Polatoss Wsiphod
at City MartEst YsoUeday—Pay
Ing 25 Conte.
Thb receipts of potatoes -on the
locsl market again overremrbed for­
mer liounds for this year yesterday
and nlnetyiwv were welghiNl Tip by
City Welghroaater Winnie. This cx
c<vds the largest previous day this
season by two loads.
Travers© City U paying 25 cent*
now while all other poInU In Michigan
far and near are buying from that
down to U cents.
George Loflus left yesterday
Monmouth. III., where be will attend
a family reunion.
Tho Rev. and Mrs. C. T Stout left
today for Koy We«t. Fla., where they
win* make thHr future home. Mrs.
Stout leaving at 10:45 and spending
tbe day with her son HcIht at Grand
RapMa. Mr. Stout left at 3.35 this
afternoon, having U^ji detained by
sesa matters. A large number of
the membra of the parish were pres­
ent to bid Mr. and Mrs. Stout goodbye
Mr*. J. C. Morgan will accompany
them aa far south as Tampa Bay.
Mis* Grace Wilhelm. Mr*. Dr. Row
ley and son returned from Kalamazoo
and Ann ArlK>r today.

SI Waa Calabrated LaM Cvtiw
by a Company of About
Thirty Ooosta.

Mra. Loo Oole of SIS Pine atiert.
vaa rttr mmek worried wheo ahe read
of the atnhlas of Che MtUe steamer
Dlx oo
OB Pusot
Pttset aoood aa
at her brother
Love>oy ride, to aad fn
« that boat and hte two 4l
Urn trip How
ever, their aamoa orore not la the list
of dead pobltebed la tbe Press thU
monitRg mad her terrible anxiety wa*
Mrs. Lorejoy x>wns a summer boanr
at Alki Point and ob account of hi*
wUeh hoalth U stUl residing then
Brery morning he and hU< daughter*
go over to the city oh the boat and
return in the erenlag. Had It been
any other time than Sunday eve*riug
they undoubtedly would haw bi-x*o


Puny years ag6 last olghi WIU S
luderson with his ou»ther. thri'© Rule
and Mrs. John C. Quipley H.
d.lers and one little bruthir landed
Jolty Party at Their Home Last
on the dock la Traverse City after a
tough trip over Lake Michigan. They
left Chicago on tbe evening of Nov. li.
Mr and Mr*. John C. Quigley la*t
]ft€€ on the steamer Bean Richmond
evening entertalmMl tbe ttel* at ihelr
(as the old alfomer Allegheny had
home. .S27 Wasblngion *tre« i. The
I token down and laid np f«rr the winearlier i»ait of ibe evening was spent
ten and landed at Korlhport on the
lln tbe ebvtlon of orUeers and oUier
t venipg of the 16th. being two day*
bu*ine**. The lemalnder wa* sin-nt
on tbe lake.
In progrt‘.^*lve isdro and a five-c»mrs(
Owing lu the Grand Traverse bay luuch«H»n wa* ser^'ed. The guest* d<
lelng so rough they laid there until parted at a late hour, all agret-ing that
the afternoon of Nov. I». 1866. when they bad U’en highly cnlertalnt'd
they took the IHfle atoaroer Sunnyable. owned by Hannah. Lay A Co,,
and'c4>mmanded at that time by the
El.-ven oVbiek of the year.
late Capt. Fred Johnaon. Mr. AndsrHuhb.for the wt**d* are a*Uvp! |
i«>n *ay* he well rt tpi*mbcrs that night
Hu>h. for the *IIeure U dwp!
when the bay was tossing In all II*
I Nut a bird note the *gihH«** l» bivak
fury und the o)d genial captain came,
I*, the young man and said “dou't Ifo}
the moonlight Is wak
afiwld. .roung^man. I will laud >ou|**^
safe In Traverse City." and ao be did
Hush- Usl the hrealhing. Yoil hear?
HlKnil 12 o'clock forty year* ago laxl
Eleven o ciock of the year.
Eleven o'clock of the year.
Wiir* father, the late Samuel
demon, had precfnUxl the HtUe family How quiet the we<. n*.wers keep!
about two months and met them on How the tall trees moaii In their sle<»p!
the dock and a happier family never Only tho wind wanders sighing.
landed In Traverse CUy than that was Only the wind wanders crying
For the wood-XHcnds he urc’d
that night forty years ago.
find here.
In remembranVe of that night a
Eleven o'clock of the >iwr.
pany of al>out thirty of tbelr friends
that were here at that
Eleven o'clock of the year.
home of those Ihrsv little sl.^ter* on
O nuKm. with >'<i«r ro>*siic gleam,
84’venth street, where they have lived
O moon, weave a silver dream;
for more thai^ thirty-eight, year*, last
And wind, change your slghlni
night and it was one of the roo»t suc­
cessful partkMj or socIuI.h of the kind
A soft. s*eel lullaby bringing.
that ha* Ixhh held In Traverse City
And weave with the moou a *i»en
for a long lime rnd It wa* a late hour
O'er the comrades you love to wt
when they left, saying they would not
Step lightly! They’re, all sleeping
have missed It for anything. A* a ro
membrane© the sisters were presenu-d
KleVi-n o'clock of the year.
with a lieautRul lamp.
—Good llouM-keepIng


Tbe most elalxjrate animal liouai* In
any yxHdoglc-al garden Is said to lie
Evidence Is Being Heard In the Cen- the new vpaciojs ostrich houiw- In the
tPil Lake Lumber Co.-Harvey Mat­
Berlin zoological garden. It Is built
ter-One Divorce Granted.
after tbe de.slgn of an I’gyptlan palWhon the weather suits you not.
ace. and Is d«-corati-<l inside and out
Try smiling.
The case of the Cent ml 1-ake Luro- with ancient Egyptian figure* of men
When your coflw Isn’t hoL
iH^r company ve. C. W Harv< y and and birds.
Try smiling.
Samuel Tiffany of Chicago wa* ren your nelghl)or* don’t do HghL
aunuMl thismiomlng. Correspondence
A treasured relic In I’enshurst place,
our relstlves all flghl.
waa read during tbe *e**ion and. the
e seat of Lord de L'l^le and Oadlcy.
Sure If* bard, but then you might
case wa* stRl iK’fore the court at press Ik a Ktfwd covenKl In faded blue velvet
Try smiling.
e<1g<-d with Filver cord, on which
Boesn't change the things, of course,
A decree was grouted In the divorce Qu<h n Victoria jkneli to receive the
Just smiling:
case of Charles vs. Henilytta Vaileau sacrament of her cortinatlon.
But It cannot make them worsejust smiling.
And It seems to help your case.

Tbe W. M. ML of tho
t^arrh will hold Ite aaaMi IM
siooary praiae oerrko at tho

KoofoteJtoo A C3htrtJahTif
hove eterted oo pcteotel baav at m
Thefarm oporoM
saat nooi atrcoL 'Tho
to the raooft dty dortoc
doTtoc the aoonaer
Mitha ood arm gtay here a* loog oa
their trade keeps u|L The little store
U Med with curios from India. Arme­
nia. toprpt. Japan and o eoore leore of
cxwotrtee of tke globe.
The Grace church golld win meet
wUh Mrs. A. r. OamMOO. SU Bute
atreet, Wedoeeday afteraooo at 2:30.
A Ibfe ottetidance U deaired as there
U lOeoty of vrork for each one to da

be eerrod. A frro will oEcrtmg wfll
be received.
Traveroe Bay .aewtag circle will
meet with >lra. Will Bhoer. 115 North
Oak street. Thursday aft ©moon. Nor.
The Mlsaourl waa In port la«t night.
Mra. Pffamtoosebmidt has rKurood
Icovt^ a large ihlpaMPi of frelfht foe from o bualneas trip to Detroll.
The two big hoau
The' Compankm Bewln* soeiKy vrlU
of the fleet wUl prohaUy have Uree
more trips ajdece white the Kansas meet with Mr* Lew Culman Thoraday at 1 ociock. Busses will teavo
wiu ran but once more.
Mro McLaughlin's and Mrs. Frank
The Oak Partt mothara wUl hold 8hoter*a at that Umr.
their Pteoiol meetlag In the hkadergaiF. C. Deamood haa^to^ .^dpa
ten rxKND of the Oak Park adiool tch buck deer home from the up|«M^l«». -norrov afternooo at 2 o’Hqpk.. Mub- sula.
|ect (or dtscuasioB will be "Morol
AppUesUkm haa heeo filed In pro-*
Training of Children." led by Mrs. bate coort for tbe admission of Mrs.
BllaJ Caneo.
Elizabeth Pike to the Northoni Mich­
The Primary Cnlon will meet to­ igan asylum.
morrow rncnlug at 7:30 tn the library
Judge Fred R. W'alker today Issui-d
building. Mrs. A M. Eldred will con­ an order determining the heirs tn
duct the devotkmala and Mrs, J. W. tbe Abrohanv Hsrris estate.
Mimkcn will have charge of the meet­
ing which Will Ciiiwist of echoes fi^
The city of Toklols one.hundred
primary wo^ of the *tate cooventloo ywsro older than 8t. Pete



An elephant’s Memory.
Twenty years ago a native who wa*
IcKiking at the eiephants in the zoolog­
ical garden* at Bc»mlaiy. Indla.gave an
elephant a lighted cheroot to pul Into
s mouth, and then ran away.
The man moved hundre-ds of miles
away, and it was only last summer
that b© vialted Bombay again He went
the garden* and found the same
caephant. The great b<w*t gave him
DO attention and the native finally be>
coreleoa. Then he wa* aoddenly
seized and Hoag to the roof, and when
h«; came down the elephant knelt oo
him and cmahed him.
As the elephant had never offered to
njure aB.Tone bHore, and even had
children on his hack kt the time of
seizing the man. there is no doubt
that he remembered the native aad
meant to punish him for his joke of
years before.
elephant which fell thrxmgh a
bridge In India wa* driven enrer the
road thirty year* Uler and rtfused to cross at the same apot. and
had to be drtTen 20 miles to a fording

Good Advice for F
/ Piano Buydps
Buy of a Home Concern and Let the Money
Circulate in Traverse City to the
Advantage of Everybody.
All public *pld!<xl Htlren* who bhve! 1* one oi (b<I* sulMttantial husine** tn*.j sUtutlonR of Traveiwe Clly; It Is hent*» stay and Its pnquietorH are ♦ieepljr
s«lvantnKi-K tn tiM-ndlng their money; InlereMed In the welfare of (bU com
wlih home ctincernK. Advantages, not miintty. Money K|H*nt with Grlnuell
only to (he Individual, but to the en Bro*. rli^ulaii* right here at heme t.i
lire riumnunlly.
the bciu-fit of an. '
Thl* Ik particularly true in the cxjh'
Grintiei! Bros.* “fravefse City sl«»re *
of piano buyer*. If they wnd their Is one of a chain of fifteen comidct«’
money to Chlrago. NeV York, or atinie music housi?* owm-d and uperoU'd by
other diKiant |*dnt thi y lake Just so Grlnnell Hnis. In dlffeiVut cRlt'w of
much Iiioiy.-y out cif cliTulaiInn In Mlehlgsin. Their headquarters Is at
Traverse City, if thi.s money wen- Del roll, where also J* located the •
lefi at hiime ll would iM-n. fit every! firm's Idr. piano factory. Ii Is lbe |m
Another great dlsJidvjintnge whleh
the oul-of town planii buyer 1* pul
l!es in the fart th*t be is left with
Ilf tie ineaii^ or redreK^ in
iHano pro\eH d« f«Tide. or nuKatlsfarlory. What d«M-f the otii-of town merchain care in such cave? He is mlb away and has no particular Interest
in a RJile except to collect (be m»*ney
as it falls du.’. .'HI* guarant«*«* tlf he
ha* given one! provide* that the
buyer shall ship the piano back u»
the factory for n'palrs. paying Isixing.
rartnge and fieighi bfdh way* and as­
suming all rlRk.
ino buyers should, for tbelr own
good, a* well as for the goi>d of the
ommunlty at large. patronly.o the
lores that are helping build up TravTM- City by spending their money
here for wage*, rents. tax<-s, etc Such
irero Is Griuuell Bros., the piano
and mufcie deul*-r* of 15» E. Front
stiwt. Giinnell Bros, have Wn establishc'd here for yFwra and have a
rotmtation for squari- <b*aling second
►ne in the ctnintry. Thl* concern

the combined buslnrs* of th«^‘ firte<-n
sfon-n that enable Grimiell Bros, to
underbuy and undenw*!! <»th«*r lioureK.
Il Is a faet that the values <iff, red by
are not nearly equalt-d
Ctitimdl Bros, lake Ibe lo-st can* of
all patrons. Th,-ir |>erK,tnaI guarauit-e
acconijianli-* yach InKtrmumt and Uw-y
aA»ituie all rUk and expen*,- In case of
<k-fec(. Ik'ing on the ground at all
tlnurs they fry xvallablo when wauled
and alwny* ready to make good any­
thing that might be wrong or iiuhatlsfactory.
In addltlom>^ to the Ineomparohle
Grlnnell HrU
piano tthrir own
make). Grlnnell Bnw,. are cxeluslve
Mate agenu, for the worid-famt'd
Steinway piano, the popular Rterling
piano, the Wegra&ri piano, the .Bmlth
A BarticK piano, the Huntington piano,
the M, nd, iKSohn piano and other kuiH-iior make*. Very ea*y term* of
payment may Ik* arranged and pianos
liought now w ill be held for ChrUtmaa ilellvery. If desired.

merica U now making doth for
ts to clothe Arabian*. ’The coarae
Itray fabric* from oor mills are partic­
ularly In favor, and oor Iraiher goods
also And a ready nsarket aaMMg the

SOdoxon MenV Turkey Kcvl Handk©rchief!, Wednoflday only,

Black Far Neck Piece*. tuiUblc for
Ladies aad Mimc*. worth $1.25. tVed-'
needay only.


• Ucts.
36-inch Black Taffeta Silk. Has a good luster.
per yard. Wednesday only, per yard
Fl&imelette Wnippeni. with wido flounce,
trimmed in braid, dark'oolora.
Worth $1, for Wodirarfay only.......
White Shaker Flannel, heirily napped,
for Weanwrfay only, pwyaid.............


CoaU’ Thread. Uack or while, all numbeta, Wodncwlay only,

3A cts.

2 tpord limit.

Others advertise (or 89c


i 5]


rr '’j-y

Brightens up a glo«»my place;
l! sort o’ rests your face—

made o{



------------ ^
a^rabU at Lm Red af I
Caeh Year's Cut
Me Ooeaad White Thera

- ssss’srsssfti .


Weakens the System

6muf nmMujKY.


A cdd. I FEUED


1 «ju«rt Granite Bake Pans.
with doable handles, all perfect.
Wedaerfay only ..............................
IXqnart Granite Diah Pant, all p«foeL
Wedneadayanly............... ................






^ • f. ■
■ ' i-"''


1 bale—M74-UW I
psadL cBtoss eaitocy. bear «
aeasan. tlds Is cm sC tbs Bnant



Traearto CBy. ptofasuii. bath Bays.

FOR BALE—M7»-«s acres <m

la city Tn r-

CaE tor

ide Bros, 127 Froat 8L

WAHTti^Um ax ton to lMt>
ftatoktot. totaklartoc M ^
toe to aelaal yncOt* to Ibra*
—»W«tato tottU. Wriu
tor tr— cautatoto OrrWr Trato

%m CASH will bey lot 2M. Grant
etreec. Oak Heltku subnrb. MxlCS
fs«t. If sold before Dec. 1. Apply to

oct «U

m CABN vfB too
lit. Hi
atame. Oak flatobts sntovb, SfiglO
fissL ff sold btootu DSC. L Apply to


A> A Mfc 1 fwpoMflnn. OaB
•IMT Woi*lhanH»l.l«o
ite Wade Bm. ItJ FMt
WA«TtD-Thr** »r fw
a Tfmrer.. CBy. Mlek.
bitiM «tir« foM«. WUl PAT
Jane lldf
U» It !• PAT dAf aad teA/d. J. W
ber sb^ AAd bath rooms for cash
WAWTtO^WoomA W hM, tA bnAid
or smaU pAymeat down to right par
goAt^ m
lUAltOO itlAAd
I wish to engagr la othc/
Aft WiDtAf'A lot. B. J.
buAineaa Totopboati mr and I a lU
make appolBtment and talk the mat
t«r «»r#r.^ I can sbp^ this shop to
AaCNTg-Ml oor rraAr^uIr HiunXm*
be one'<,f tb^ best inmiey makers
■cicir «Ad CArprC bruahr* Ia Alor*^,
la the atala. E. Bemus. Peoples
p«bUe bAl)<l
Dank bolUHnp.
IAEA. iMKfdji. bAlU: AaM AAliiAltcd;
nor. 17-6U
^ rAdAcir dMt M pAr Mt ActnA) u«t;
guU annUI At m, UAihi Aorld .
Ulr; Atrtetlr cuarAAtAAd; Me »»rtiun.
StD AAd KTAAt mJIct; ofiponuAlOr to
bouse, fifty by ntir
build gnua JrAdr; ckflualvr lArrily fcjot lot. Boyd Are. Bargain. Cnll
t<»rx: AO ruBiputlttoo. MilwAukt^*
iHlktlM ^UAh Cu, MIIWAUk*^.
FOR SALE—1441—Thirty acres two
miles amah west of city; three tboua
and bearing poach and apple, choice
WANTCfl—MAAAfer fur briDch ofrarlHles: all good soil and one of
ter, w« vUb to loTAte here In Travb«.t ofrhanls in this riclnlty. Call
er*A CItj. AddroM. with refortoce*.
fur prico. Wade Broa.. 127 k^nt 8t.
Thf Morris WholeMlA Hoqaa, ClndAAAU. Ohio
nor 3 3(»l

Crus#, Htmor. Mich.
WOOD WANTCD—Woold llh# to bxxy
•riAM or tw«»ly oordA of twO-fodt
drr iMrdwQod, Apidjr to J. W.
IlABMA. Koeord offtoA.
001 i^H
WANTCCkwAt <mc#:
girl for semnd work. Mrs WAli.r
N. Kelley.
n«w tlMf

Amne, OAk HelgbU suburb. lOxlCS
feet. If told before Dec,.lr‘Apply to
ThOA. T. BAtei.

•OR BALE—ia7—dd feet front on
tute itreet. adjolat new gorernmant bonding on tha wasL TbU is
Ike moot ceatrmUy located lot in the
eentral dlstrlbatlag point In the moat
modem, progrealre city In rentral
Mtekigan; suitable for any class of
bostssM. [Can for price. Wade
BiWL,,irirronl BU. Tmrarse aty.
MIeh. Cit^ phone Ulf.
may S4-tt
I HAVE a line piano, good as new.
tbst 1 will scTl at a bargain. Cafl
at the Palics 130 E. k>unt. and sec
same and ^el full parllcalars. J. 0.
aov C If

LOBT—Two calm, one black and
while; one yellow and while.
turn to Aug Rosenow. Archie.
nov Ifki
LOBT—On B’est Front stre^d. pocket
book cootolnlng' money.
leave at Record office.
nov lH-2t

iUrtmm aw4 Recelet##.
Han Porter (to person sollrtllng
or St a mlnl.tryi^Tbe mtolsier rw
eelves from 10 oelock to mlddsy-All rigUL** say* Ike nttor. “but
wbet buur don be; gWer-Psrts Fb

W«. oat the young pi-«*ple of thU
niuir) the Ik's! essmpU- and tesoh
UC that we chaurv'to know. That’s
UiHMl advlo- Take jllollUler-» Rocky
Mouatalu Tea. Tea or TableU. 35
c«*nts. JuhuMHi iVug ('to.

Why si I in a! cold room
when a little money sr»cnt
will keep it oi|t?
Storm sash are^uaranteed to pay I for them­
selves in two years in
savinj: of fucL
Get our prices.

WAMTfO-Your toUed gArments to
OlAAa And rnnke like new. Lmdles'
work A ApeclAlty. rmrlslsn Dye
Works, 812 K. Front 81. Call 811
CIU. phone and we will do the rest.
ocl t if


A Hunter.
FOR tALC-atorA and ]
rreot and Oak alreeU
bttslnfidi IocaHoo: flat upstairs
would rent to rtghl party. Enqulr
. Bbrrman A Hunter.
oci 2541

all liKht»-d,b> electricity; good fl«v
pnjttxMlon,: in a fine place of l5t»o:
thr**# rallroada and a gnat opeuing
for a general repair bpalncss; nu
upiMrslUon; will stdl for |l5tK»; a
anap for wmio one; owner In poor
health. Addresa J. J. Rorirk. Ox
ford, Mich.
nor *7-tf
im CABH will buy lot 230. Grant
atreei. Oak HelghU suburb. SO&ies
f«>ct. If Mdd before IK-e. |h*. AppU
to Tboa. T. Bates.
may Hf

All kinds* of lumber and
interior finish;

South Side
bimbcr Co.

Btotama JemmaBam la Bowardi Bsrriaa co«Ry fruit grower* ar
Cit* iusuRsd in the adrattitoag of a j downcast orer the rusalt of the (
psptoar kfund of kmtottost imto la! kto fmese.whlch caumd them .o i
taaa Inmaad they are making arthe Raoord at S <
af getjwito. at toast tha bustle
t the payout an ttose
More In any two or Ursa yuam. Oae
-deep rtemu- lor the mistake.
He local nuTwtry has keco selUng trfea
dossaT state how mack of a boir was at the mte of lt.ftlO imr day lor Dm
made U the Record s atnmg tom tn past few weeks The Berrien County
making good the mcrehnnfa tons Htottenlml society will boM tU Erst
meettog nt tbe Ubrary baB In tbnt
through sMUng -ns ndrcrtlsed.- .
Eggs are two ahllttogs or ab a doa- dty. Not. 24. wben tbe cimAttons
en in the Jacksoa market, and some of from aU orer Ue country will be tbe
I bam sie susplclcms objecu. eren at chief topic of dlscuaahm.
Tbe number of deaths returned to
tkU price.- says the Patriot. * Now.
If Luther Barbaak could only pro- the department of state lor October
dueq a ben which coaid lay an egg was 3.374. a decrease of 14> from the
Just as gladly and freety when the number of Ue preceding moaU. toK
orer the same
price soars as they do In the warm nn Incmaae of
spring waather. be would be doing month of ItoL Deaths from typhoid
iferer nttmlwr IkC. BBore than In any
If rmilrund tofioncer Is manifested ^ October since IPSl. Tbe editor of Ue
in the leclslature this winter. It will bulletin aays: HeaHh officers are bebe first detected la tbe demand for.n
of Ue
secret cancus on the senslprlal ques- t»f death
lungs. IW; luteumonla, 1B4; diarrheal
tiem.** SA.TS the Lanuslng Journal.
Very funny things happening on diseases under two yeursw 23*; cancer.
Heaaant Avenue. Recently one of out 1f.T; vkdeoee. 12*. There Were 3.54*
rvsiNeted rnisens went to bed with births rrturaed as having occurred tn
hl» c^iat on and did not dlaeover It October, corresponding to a birth rate
until m'<wnlng. Another of eur resl of 17 C per l.tHK> eatlmatcd population.
Tbe Supreme court lately refused
dents and hU respective wife kept
Saturday for Sunday and sent slioot to allow a writ of ertt.r to the Dnltod
Monday's work, washing. tHc.. Sunday States Supreme coon In Ue cam of
morning Did-not dlsoovt-r ihelr roU WiltUm TuoUn and Alex McMUlan
tak\» unUI one of Ibclr brethren calU*d against J. M. Longyear and James
to see If they were not going to attend Monroe. Saturday Ue attorneys for
quarterly meeting -Bowen. MllU (’«r- l^or.gyenr pixwented to the slate Su­
preme court a writ of error slgm-d by
ro-pondem MlddK vllle Sun.
The efforts made to •eenre Ue Ju»itlce HarUn. of the federal Suprt-me
etmrt. and tbe
caw will be taken
mromutatlon of the death sentepce -----------------------IniiKmed upon Fred Ctostcr. of ninl.I ih* blcMw court for final adjudication
are not viewed with t The rase. Involves the Irimlliy of a
- Bay City police and j
title and certain provision of the
aUy by
Michigan lax law are attacked.

Raatonfa wblmMcalBy artiwtod evanj
to bM birtbday. Having bmn bon to'
taapyw. on Fob: Sfi. bo bad a Mflb-|
▼Red bis trWods to colebnto his oMtot€<«fb Wrtb^. Some of tbo hoot mwcw

Farms for Sale

FOR BALE-Bslance of my household
FOR BALE-14d5—Hotal and fumb
goods. Including beds, furniture,
turn, bar and flatursa; smaU town
i dressers, wssh stands, etc., fur sale
eloae to Trarerse City; good paying 1 cheap. JuUos Steinberg.
nov 6 tf
pleos of property; call for price.
Wads Bros, 127 Front 8L. TraTsm#
FOR BALEr-Horse -noc.- gray gx-ld
City. MkA. Cltlssns phone 1210.
lug. stands l»-4 Imnds. suusre trot­
mug BCf
ter. lK•^l allenHiud horst* In Michl
gau; aisvv road cart, harness and
bike. Foriprlce addivss Wade Bnw..
Travf'rse City. Mich.
nov la^U

have a number of Kood
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any­
body else. I have farms
which arc located from* four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land

Easy toms. Owner In other biml ! FOR BALE-1431-Fbur and on«4iair
seres all Imprwed: good house,
nans., OaU tor Intplca and torms.
small bam. small orchard. All good
Wads Broa. 127 Ftont strasL Tmvgarden ground. Two cows, on# bun
tns aiy. Mich. atUans phoo#
dred and fifty chickens, three bogs,
may I44f
lues. household goods, oic.
This Is tost the propoalUoo for
party Uatiwants Just enough gro
to the center of tk# city to get 240 Wash iotrton, ' CiL phone 774
tine to a good profit. With
under cultivation; abmit all hundred
proper management this spot of
bearing peach trees; ten aerss poU
ground wffl earn the aalary of an
toes. Call for pricu.
Wads Bnvs.,
bookkeeper, clerk or mo
127 Front 8t
oct M
chanlc. Owner got the -roams.**
hence offer at low price. W’ade Bros..
Hstc ysa Mbonatt Uut
FOR BALE—14B5—Resldunca Bsst
127 Fn>nt slroeL Traversa Qty.
Mich. CUUena phone 1212.
Ninth SU cloaa In; largu mma;
June 2141
lat^ bouse; lar|^ lot; small price;
A Na i property; easy terma; call
FOR BALE—1407—so acre farm eight
tor prtea. Wads Bros,. U7 ITOsl
miles aoutheaal of city; two'g^
BL attoas phone I2il.
* apple orchards! good bouse; wind
mill and tank by bam: all fenced;
mostly alt levd: good spring of
OM Boooonto promptljr attended,
water. CaD for price. Wade Bros.. to and I oan make money for yon
FOB BALE-14«7-Smy-a<»u farm,
127 Front jBt.
oct Btf
onwhalt mlla west Monroe Center;
forty acTM under cuUIrmtion; creek
1« feet on Park, dlrscUy oppoalte
and spring; all gocMl soU; good loca­
KtioD Airenc7, OTer Hbrnilton
Park Plato hotel, comer lot; suittion; oloto to sebooL ckurch and
Clothing Go.
class of buslnsss; tor
nMa for any clai
Basst tnaort on Dnek lake ; caU tor
l^yWy and salca i
priea. Wads BtoSh U7 Frant Bt,
City, Ml^b., SapL 10, XfiOA
Oltlasns phone UIB.
aag »4f
I bava placod a anmher of aoconalt
aide cntTUM: best locatioa In Mty
tor Erst ^ koiM; bard to asti: wiu A. Poboral a ai«cy for eoOeetFOR BALE—MdB-Twonty-semn and
mala ualu4 but Is offered way batow
. maay of Uem Ipag wotlawad; tori
onndmlf acma ont and onwhalf
■iBss west of aty; one thousand
t tbe aama Mr. Poimral brought tbo
vkat it to vorth at preaaat ttsto;
tNaring peach, ninety apples. ewMre
Inquciiu to Umaland prompt net
call tor price: Wade Bros, Timeerse City. 127 Front BL* Cltiians
os, 127
oct B-U
pboaa 1211. '
nng I4f


Arc Your Collections Slow
You Have Given Upi"

If y(wi have, let me coUect
tbem for yoo.

A. Pohoral


know - bo mid one day. to>^ktog to a ^
friend, -you tomw what pcetty danew
tunes Attbor bss always wHttsu.-t^
as likely to wriCo danco! at.




11^ i

astod to giro Ms opinloa of Ibo opem,I Trwi»artiv»a» towssvmOKy ttowfisy mly
otngle bearing; I
cemod. 1 sbgll 1
Rooslnrs wittldoms lodre.! boWJod
focU at all tlmea and under all drcumataneos On one^^orraskm a
aid In proruring for blip su engagw
mrat at tbs oiTrm. He wa« a dmmmor and had taken th<^ praeautloo to
bring bla instmment. RomiiU mid bo
would boar him -play.** sud It was doclded tost be should show «ff in th#
overture? to “Bemlrsmlde* Tbe very
first lar of the overiuro contains a
tiemolo tor the drum, and wben this
bad Uen iM-rforroed Ue player nfi»srk.
ed: -Now I hare a iw^t of seventy
eight bars. These, of root*#. 1 will


-Oh. no.- said tb# eoroiKsim-.
all means count (be veventy-elgbt
1 particoiarlj wi*b to bear

8omc of tb«s# aneojotiw of Roaalnt
remind u# that eomp^ww, as a rula,
have xmt figured amiably as critics of
each other. Handel *w«r.> Umt Gluck
know no more about I'.mnu rpolut than
hi* cook. WelM-r pr.uiohtu'ed B.'ctbo-ven a madman, aisl ilnydn said of a Dt$. J. 0. h lUBT XTlUBELCXm
brother rouidcUo that -he plnyed tb#
fiddle like a hoc-- Umt w%* iwrtlrularlv si-vere U|Kin fcUow artl*t*. Som# <Mto#MM4WTltototoag i a. ai. to B
one wa* once playing to him a compoaltlon be evideutl.r did not rare fur.
-WTjst I* thntr l»e n*ke;l. -|t i* Ben
DPtr* ‘Maid of Ort««an«* sonata.- was
tbe reply. -Ah.*’ aald tbe vlrtmsw.

Henerai ncips
Pen Sht‘Ult>t4 veteran county di-rk
i»f Lander. \Y,vo.. was defoaUMl 'for ro­
ll et'l ion by a big uiayTiiy, He was
i.p|K7Hed by young women, who rcsi*nt
oil his arlloo In dlHchsrglug a girl
t-mploye.1 In bl^ ollkv b-twuse ahe in
»lKt(-d In a p«y*k-a boo waist.

Fitrfi-ssor BeinUard ITnenkel of
Beritn. the noted (Jt-rmsn lary noldglst.
win ceKbnite bis scventU-ih birth.'ay today.
hYaenkel has U-en for
many year* the pn>fe*sor of diseases
«»f the tbniat and nose* in the I’nlversliy of Bnrltn and In that capacity aa Joanr But is*rUa;w In-tter lliau tlila
Dt. Herry 8. Curtin. snpenlMw of he taught thousands of mcitlcal »tu- wa* tbe ordniun of Wagner < x;*reised
playgrounds of the national capital. dent* and numerou* American laryn- by Offenlrtieh. Wagner had Ju^ pub
haljed bU -Rleiixl.- and off went a
Mnkofi rAlU for yourtdf and
praliM-s the public playgrounds of ikw- ologlstH havf iHMm his puplU. HI* ror*y to‘ Offenliach. with a nN]i»e*t that
tern al»ovt thoAc t.f other cliles of the friends, deslnuji* of c-elcbratlng tte be W'ouM say wbnt Ih* tbougfit of It.
No delay, as 1 have the
< o intiy. After a lour of the big cltk^ cK-r.ihloii by a lianqwrl or public tmwl Now. Offenliach bad po-\ii*U'«lT read
HocofiJ hack rwnly.
«Ui/at> Invi-MigatUm to leaoi |«dnt«'rs 4rw. wrn uMt l.v a r.fii»al on hi*
f <if wagner-a |
ami had nude
for Washington, hv nnurntfl und juirt t<* ac<-«-pt nuy al,!« utlon. His as- fun of them, a cimim*t«nce well
Kiven or no
known to Wagner. After three week*
awanbM tbi- luilm to the hub.
chiirRel i;.!e the event by an exhibition illus­ tbe ww of **RUt»*I- was rctomeil to
I^»rd RtmaVd.shay. though only 3U trative of the progress of the Uryng- It* eomiMMer with a jijip on whb-h wus
>t<nr.4 of age. has ]md>a‘i]y dpni* mtwe
In the last flfiy year* and to written; -Dear Wagn«T..Tonr mu«lc Is
iravHing for hl^ age than any man liv­ thi.s PndejiiMir Frnenkel ha* agrts-d. trash. Htlck to poetry '* Tbi* of count#
Fi-w iH-oide know more than With ih.- cooiHtation of the many enraged Wagner greatly,
be aU»ui the lllinalayaR and I‘er^lH. inanufacturers of ln*lrum*-n!K and of mouth* l*t»w be
lie Uas also found time to expb.r.- sp»wlallst* In Ihl* eiiuiury. -over 1J>U0 bU celebrated bixK-hun-s d-u
tbe Jew*. It w*» a fine opp«ulunlty
Kashmir. Ualuchlatan. Ladak. TU et dlir*T«*nt exhibits were wnt. each bear­ jf«wn
jbe IVrblan gulf, to say nothing ing a descriptive fag. with the word
C«?jlon.‘ V
menliarfa In no time. Two da.v* j
-America" across the face
eUiwivL and Wagner luid tl»e iiampblet'-------------------------------------------------------Mr. aoS Mrs. Muriiu (*oht-n 6( MeinUck. tt-ben be t>|.«-oed It tbi* is what
I»hls. Tenn.. celeUrated Ihclr gulden
• Famoui Strik. Brukcr..
be fouiKl written on the front page:
weddiug annlvcn-iry a few cvenlngH
The most famous strike breakv'rs ta -Dear M’agner. your brmbure 1* roL
age At the same time .Mr. and Mr*. the land HTv Dr, King's New Ufc PUls. Stick to mu»lc."
Uaydu wa* a great ^mlrer of tbe
Nathan .Bach of rUtaburg. their son- When liver and liowcls go on strika.
tlM?y quickly settle the (rouble, and fair *cx, and some of bla pretUcat
In law and danghter. were celebrating the purifying work goes right on. Bast
their silver welding. Gifts of gold and cure for constipation, headache and thing* were said nbont'vrimirn. On#
Office aOSxNew Wilhala Block,
silver wert" exchanged by the two fam- dlrr.lne**. 25c at Bugl»ce Drug Co.. *Iiec*lmen must anlBce. Tbe
Frank H. Meads. Hannah Drug Store. Mm. Bimngton
his, and Sir J«U.o« H.7m.l.U b«l
rplnted her portrait. Ila^dn went to
H. nry Arthur Jones says there has
lu-«-n tmly three g«Kid play* wrjn«*n
in 2" years. At which the De nver Regood. But you luilnted Mr*. BlUlngProf. P. H. CloM, iDitrootor
puldlian aays: -Well, turning It
too listening to tbe angels, whereas
auK Front Strti t.
aro!ind. it la cert^lp ihru-e have Imhui
tbe angel* sboold be listening to her._
ChiHren’t claM Satnr^y. 10at least
n»tt» n pla^ In the last aaar pork, par barral.
Berbo*. .tbe eminent French
Clear pork, per
~;.12 a. 01. Adult.’ c\am Mon.Uy,
three years - Maybe If theater roau- Short
cut pork.
,d.i:7:W-Hp. m. AtaemWy, Blonday
agers would try some of the pJays Flour. H. L. A C
-a big bog.- a •*mu»lcUn of tbe smm- jniKbt Telephone Cilia-n.
they rejwt there would be an Improve4.10
ach ’• For this be w*s t«id out by
Meodelaaohn. who declared that after
(lovernor Eltv-t Hughes of New
touching a scare of B<vlloz soap and
York, wearied with bla exertions In Eggs. p€T doten........
water were nece«wry- Berllot. bow J.H.X0NR0B GEO. W. SeWETHT
ever, bad his musical hero, and that
the‘recent campaign, has bi-en enjoy­
hero wa* Beethoven.
Touch Bee­
ing a period of rest In the Adiron­
thoven Irreverently and bla Ire wa*
dack*. Mrq Hughes took bU exercise
kindled. There Is a errtain passage for
Creamery Butler, per pound. . jO
on the main mad near Kamp Kilkare. Cbeaaa.
tbe douMe baasc# In one of tbe mas­
per pound.,...............
In view of tbe fact that there were Oat*, per bushel......................
ter's soire* which was at one time be­
many penions scouting around who New potatoes, per bosbal....
lles ed to be alnxwt Impowlble of execu­
w«Te more converaant with knives Timothy Seed ................. ...
tion. Now. Habeoerk rondocted a per2.10
formance of this
In Paris and
and forks than gtns. precantlon was SalL par baltor...,................
taken by Mr. Hughes to wear a bright Bran, par lOfi......................... .
rt*d cap as a danger signal. He doc* Poultry ................................
not care for hunting, which ha* prov­ Spring chicken.................. n.
ed to bUn eo far that It U purely a Clover need...............................
waste of time.
Buying Rataa ff Trnvaraa City Dantor
The death of Rorkwood H<»r. on Cider apples, per cwt..............
M Uoa. -iKMj't let It be toog.**^
(he eve <»r his reelection to congress Wheat ............................................
_ __________ __________On floor with BufiiitoBfi College.
ci-rop’ete,. tbe strange *lmllarity of
bumor was rather of the grim kind, w-Imre FratoBa.
congreaslonal fortune betwt-en him Rya ........................
aembllng more tbe aatlr* of Cartyl#
and hi* kinsmen. Of the five congress Butter, per pound
than anything elae. Tb# compoMr*a|
men namiKi Ht»r from Massaebusetts. Egg*, per doxao..
Bnckwbeat ..........
than a single term. Samuel Hoar, Chicken*, spring.
Hen* ......................
the aon-ln-law of Rodger
Oat* ......................
was aent to tbe bouse under Van
ren. but at the next el«etlon a <
CaUla ....................
ocrat succeeded him. Hi* son.
RM Rockwood Hoar, alao served
term In tbe hooae. dm
*1 can trflc-e my ancestry back to
praaidaocy oT Gesanil GraaL bat de^ Calvaa ..................
Wimarn' the Conqueror.** aald tbe girl
cltnad a reelectlon and was aaocaaded
M% whff was tiylng to Iroprw tlie young
by a democrau His aon. Sbennan
M% mam with tbri*|»lei)dor of ber Uncage.
Hoar, wa* elected for one tena a* aj
perlDm hi order to make him m erlook
tttmidta>rr P«tt«r fnmltnr..
Wi not to miifh.- b« rvpntd.
mail, d^ without eomplatiag bU
aingie tefnL

B. J. Morgan’s Hack
and Baggage Line

H* 3arulf


front Strtti


loo st reet. prolonged
piece of suburban property to plat
into lots m this Tlriulty; ail loel.
close to schools, factories, and
I streets; only
one of main
one hundred and slatyr rods
ro of paved
portion of I’nlon strei-t.. If
tiargaln. get after this. Wade
want a l»ars
Bros, 1271 Front 8L

FOR BALE. 1471—Realdmce Stath 81.
Btcam heal. Ulh. electric and gns
lights. In fat-t modem, up to date
in every respect. Call for price.
Wnde Bros.. 127 Front 8L
oct «tf


I Itero* ol fftlcblflsn


DaDclnr Academy.



J. Higgins'






Porcelain Work



S2; :::::::::::::



Order your>

Coal i

(MB Heater

(E«i^ irift SMkdas BevkO
affalni of aeotiment.
him nke a book. 1 1
the botttemW more heat is nquM.
Mtkai warm and cozf the rooms ooC
heated by other
or furnace.
H«« witrrquickli- Bn-oUfagm
bauiifullyemh^. HoUr4qiun»
bum<l»hout<. l«-ofiiihh«

aald that be wojkl nrrlre ct VIoU a
the I4te-ruimlne

isehoMuse. Made of bran through.
l-pUted. Perfcctlycormnictod; absomexcvUed ID licht^vinc po«^. An
Every lamp wtTTanicd.
OUT nearest agency.

BH-b. catW a, *‘ZCBfO-i



•«a I ilseJ'ki V.

.pS o»r s*r IS# sW*.# Sa4 s:hppj«pfp^.~»v;il p,rpni*-

The Holiday Season
it noar nl ham! ami every boutowife
•bQnld bt> thinkioK about what the it
UoiuK le do to tickle the palate of
her family on Thankfiririnp Day.
.\ viait b» our kitore will quickly relieve ^
her of all troublca* about what to eat.
We have n-« lioice tt*h‘ction of XuU. Raitint. Ourranta. Fruitt
and Vcgf'Ublet. Note tome of our priin*®:
lietl CiiiK.' Co.f CrahU rnea at I Oc per ejuart. .
Ilome ^;n»wn CranU rriet at I OC iK'r quart.
Fnah California Gmpet lat 20c P«t pound.
. Citron. Lemon and Oran|?e Teel.


Bananas 20a per dozen

Oranges, 25c, SOc per dozen

New guodt every day.

20 pounds Sugar
for ................

Josepb Sleder & Sons
Who ploeanH? . Yon*ll mitt
much if jon don't get for yenr
family the extra quality rib lOatf
—freth, temler juicy—in [our ice
box« axid on onr choppinK block*.
So mmet^ nntnmetit moor rout
beef that yoo . •treogthen your
whole family wbeo yon boy of nt.
Try oor Sane
Smoked FUh.
Stonge made daily,

lit Hocord Wimi A1

He made tblnpi bom
started, bnt
trben'bU nulo arrived wi!

MR*. C. L. •ONMl« bklr

.p,,, »nq of tb. *ro™ wbonJo ■ laat one.
Arthur stood dp to l^ok orrr tbe
nioMw otl aad
U. . ^ .
bad apparently
fainted away, and two or three men
and carry
As her shtml. block.*'remarked ibe
phono fM.
ucht alffht of aa be aJlcfd down 10 ceuta* worth of
thlucs were rare roaat href ordersd by tbe
, wUb a dof In her arroa. They locludo REAL ESTATE AND LOANV-Oraad
even aa*VU»la was reading the ,jjaatcd on to tbe aide track to let tbo
both doga and emta betooglng to Ibei Trmverae Land and Loan Co, F.
while «wt«! «. th. o»l
p..., Thoy woro .eltw w I ,711,*^.?
furnlahed roomerh oC the neighbor. Tburtell. Manager. Office, room t
her on She bare arm: a wliiilnjUl f^^menta. and all of a audOeu. while ;
Hamilton A MUIlken block.
at neighboring boardIiig|
no Ubie
tbe piece de i
Dr. O. B. Chaee, BUU
Tommy U aooght at tbt <Mb

Iwrk to the city i^olo la ilio watn*tlim w.. • look )B hi. eyr. that ««


Both pboneo. SSfiAr. lU

W. BshthBL Ota.phe
koorko.1 down' “Boort boofl. • f.rgrlto Vlood. Tho
ana «»ood Dob Id Ion root tin. tart. pn»y -----------------------------------------------------—
mired l>etw«*m tbe roomliii^
14lh and noon of tbe next day. and
hour after dinner
VIol.n made np .abbed and ^wept and tluvw .tUk. at,
f.nnrn.. tb. farmot.' boyi rri to which. .b« ioj .. ^
<>»«■ JohDOOD dru( .torw Both
her mind to hare la
cry. If nbf/ ,bc bugs crawling
< «Dd tbe farmera* dogs admitted that a poodle la apeclally devoted. Ox tall j
ber aunt, wlv> was a |j«i i,y
and yells and
„ i QJ.mistake
. »od other thick aouj.a are used to pour'
------ had lK«en
\tn»en the auto resumed Us journey
see what
“ passenger. Rhe had
ODD oros atorw SprtdDi DtMUhN
to tbe l«irn to cry aroAng the mckllng the abelter of tbe grove
to and realized that she was not f»nlly In voi
to or.. ODT. BOD*, .na ttfODt «M.«
hena and new roewn bay. the hired ^aa up.
taken off to an Insane asylum. j titering Ita me
man would c.mie atumbllng lu: If abe
Rhe hadiirerd of a rabbit being rout-!
fluod. BottVhMMh BDOJdOMoUf
---------------------- —
hid away behind 'the grais» nrlior or rd out of a woo<l pile and .n whole ct*un-^
'was some hours later, when tbo
Blith .troot
shining and the : *»«et !■ MeOUe^sl KselUa i
the currant bnriiea, there were bugs to tr joining In tbe chase, and It flashed ■
th«t thbi fvns an ors r™l»1*«rwius were singing, that she
Probably tlie oldest Kngllsh--------- -------------crawl down her back as soon ns kbe tcrosa w
h« n.l»d
that Ibl. wn, an o,. ■
..a, w«o .ho Ixonlon «*»1.
_^ joR. w.
was off her guarvl.
’mrrenee of the
iHjId- Klliatcjibcn. who wmfc In 1174. no - ^Iti, 107; Boll M.
jflvca Interesting detalla of tbe lighter
Washington street. ClU. phone fit.
of artiool time. We brer of
acbolari who on certain |irlvlleged ocrealona attacked Ibeir acboolmaamra
T. W. THIRLk."'. DenlUL Over Bar.
nnm A Bari's jewelry store. Both
phones 101.
Is glad to bear. -wUboot roentlmiln*
- In addition to these elegant ARTHUR HOLLIDAY. M. a—PhyiF
exorcises, they hnd the mw robust
clsn and Burgeon. Removed to ofof their time. On Shrove Tureflees la Munson block over Bamnm
day rerb boy brought bla fighting cock
A Bari s. Otlsens phone m.
to acbooL tnd the had cockfights all
and afttbo morning in tbe
er dinner played foofliall in the fields
a. Every Sunday In I^ent
sham fight, tame of tbe
facUon guaranteed. With KtmbnO
toys being mounted, tbe rest on foot
Music House. ClU. pbons HA
Easter they played tt tbe water
quintain, while on enmmer bolldaya MONEY TO LOAN-No Ux cUuae
thoy practiced at arrbery. IrepIng.
put in mortgages. Houses for sale.
wrestling and atone throwing and In
K, McNamara. Park
winter slid, skated tod went to boll
baits and bog flghU. No doubt tbe
London ecboola bad tbHr tererer aide,
and the life was not quite such a round ABfiTRACTk OF TITLE-C. O. Carof dlMtpatloo aa It reads. - London
yer. Prices reasonable. Office with
O. P. Carv er A Bro. Both phones.

Eniranteed liqBorCura
No Oetenlton From Work or Loot
Drink De.
etroyed by Orrine.

DR. E. L. THIROBY-Bpedal atten
tloo to diseases of children. Room
401 Blau Bank bldg. Doth phones.


When one of mir most rollatiie OnigglMiR mak?>s a iv^iMlflvo statement that
he will guarani*'o to core the liquor
of P. moot trevT Thurwlmr e»oohabit If OrriDo Is used In accordance
to*. New MDDrt>D block. C. B. Wrtwith directions or refund tbe money,
ler. C. C.
It shows hls groat faith In the.trret
ment. U Is In ibU way that Orflne Is
TRAVERSE CITY LEOlOH, No. 1»sold by the leading druggUt In nearly
NdUoddI rrotccilT* Legloa wUl
every city and town. In every b
owt Id Woodman hail on the tUM
a rostered guarantee which cnllUea
Tneodar of ench montli nt 7:S4 p. m.
you to a refund of your money If Or
Abnm Smith, prartdent; OwW
rlne falls to effect a cure.
Ortawold. oecreurr; Nettle C. Orny.
No other enre for the liquor habit
OcL SStf
baa been sold In tbU way and tbe
shows bow
tbe ordinary i
A A. M. meeta on Monday eeenlns
iUrium or borne froatm^ait. There It
on or betom the full of tbn Booii.
no dclenlloo from work nr lore of time
nt 7:3# p. m. M. B. Hnnknil. nnefw
when Orrine la uaed. It dretroys the
Ury. Bteier B. WbMn. W. M.
dealre for liquor, ao tbit the drink l<
not missed, also cures tbe deraars
stomach, weakened nenrea, and otbe
111 effects of exceaalre drinking, reatorlng the paUent to perfect health.
Orrine U prepared In two forma. No.
1. the secret remedy which can be
used In food or drink without the
knowledge of tbe patient; No. t for

tboae who Uke the remedy of their
own free win. Both forma are t
on bow to cure drunken,
new free on Veqneat. Orrine Co..
Washington, D. C. The price of elthm^
form It II a box. maktef the ooifi,of
tbe complete cure leas than ooet
what It is usually charged nt
tariuma. with a^guarantee that the expeiiM win be nothing unlen a cu
gained. Mail orders filled.
Orrine la for sale by Johnson Drug






•iCBb«ait,akUB«Ma«rqDE«Cj(i. "etei

do TOO Ihtak o( A|cr-t rat (or GHMi^tlioaP"
▼a are wORfig lo rat him. Are yxm?

On*«r Northern Michigan’s Mosl Progr^>;«
and Up>to-Dat* Villages.
to Tbe ISrolsc
MlHi^ fUn. tf^Prvro
•otat may
u- aiyM
of iImt
nuic UmnM fo
e*m»Tr- *«mwo4«l by hnrn^m of
•cm oC fartJUr Uii4g,
liaTtiiif • biSRIok «tmnfn thut imtpkn^
lA Uio a*<g>bor^o< of ality
ymr brtmmd, ft ghtm it aa •ctitUr tkAt




tJp to Alx rmn APO rroT^noAt vma
VaI a tmdiac poiAt for xhtme trw
f^»or« that bAd cboaon fArna 1a tkts
roclOA to dmkn». Two amaij atorra
Aa4 » ««>rr of Aoom wrrr all ibAt
«AArtc«pd Ha mr^r ki«ioft4iig
TW bolldlAf of A Umndi lln* of
rkllroAd lAlo tklc ptoor by ik» M. 4k N.
. BiANm A »«w opodi In thr Ixtatory
r tliA niiwt*, 0mA of DAW Ap4tv
trr%id* nrm wrre bollt, t$rw atom.
» holH wrra alao
0I« lAduftry.
^jT Tbo PutmAii |>QAitH>r and Coopor^Hea nnnpAAy wpa orsanUod and
Ibroofh IW HftHaot mauMirmrot of
J. a tip
-Jl hma KfOWA to be A manUfarturtnf
ron«*fti than any loon In northern
Mlehlcan might waII l,,. pn.ud «f. H
hAf AiMKigh tlml»rr In Ha pnaaraaloo.
AAd ronlTArted for. to Inaniw Ha exlatence in the vtnage for fifteen yoAra
At leaat. and rmploya from forty to
alxtjr men tbo ymr Around. lu main
<Mit|iut.U utmv-m and lujopa and duHng
the winter aenaon maoufarturea lum­
ber. A. Bterena. the foreman, la alao
to be complimented for hia part In
tmlldlnc np UiU QmirUbtng coneein.
Flnt Farmn
The enuntry around rrovemunt baa.
alao pnigrmaod very rapidly, while
the rlllaae ha# Inrreaaed In alxe and
. ivipulatkio. Aa far Aa the eyea can
pmrtnte <»n Inwrti culilTmlrd
f>mu. W^rni mid updiMlBle tarni
dwellloga aa well aa large. apAcloua
l*arna and well kept llreatock. Tfie
faitnera |H*iuu-aaed of (hat aplrll of
.prrrgreaalTent a» and rr^iuiliite of purpoee. hare given Pnivemiuit n ftirwlng
dlatrH-t that romparoa And with any
.fimad in JHchlgAii.
Hruvenumra m-arneaa to U^-lanaa
l^kr and altiuftid on the narrowa of


hMM DOW. two Of the moat modern
hatfU found In theae parta. namely:
The Fountain Point Hotel and the
flahiw’nherg Houm‘. two hr>atelef1ea.
Whoa,» aervire ta the heat. Tlu* Finin
lain Point h«»te| u alJuated on the
narrtiAfa of laike berhiiiau. and Ik *«rrounded by acrca of well kept lawna.
a(udU.»d here and there In the auromer
time witb every viiriely of jiluDla and
flowtM'a known to gn»w In theae regThe ratea are very reammable
ea i»t pUwaurea. aurh
hy rewiriera are more,
than the ordinary roKorta offer. Klah
of every a|»ecb'a are found here. Iroat
Ing la eieellent. and hiilhlng farimiea
are unauriMiaaed. Tlw-n again, the
rich farming c«mn!ry aiih Ita frt*»ih
fi«Hl auppllea, a<H>n caow the nerve
raekeil worn-out bodlea of the reaort

r S'


rloaiHl the h^Uh reatorod. ruddjr
fae<M| auii happ.v n’aortiua ar»» loud In
Ihelr praiae for la»ing fortunate
enough to have found aurh a health
giving ajad aa thla.
The Hahnrn!>» rk Houae alio comei
In for Ita ahare ^»f pm!a»* under the
aide managemeni oT Jod.eph K Roach.
.b»rm^r a bt»tel proprit-ior in Central
lAke. Thla hotel |a ojM»n thtt>ughmit
the aAAaoA. and tin* #icrvlo* given
here for the.ratea maktHi arv» hard to
AXCidI In villAgea many tlmea lerger
than Provemont.
Two Oaneral •iorea
Two gtmeral alorei in this place

mpply Ur waau of Ha rmidmta and
arw owAad aM rns by iomph VaUcy
and mmtrn Hebaob. Mr. Valley ta tbe
village poatmAAter and baa aereral
(IM held on^ of (rwat and rmpoiita cbiii plam. He baa ma
aty. has opem^ up a lonsorlal par­
lor la this village and roports a rapid
iy growtog bualaeas. His shop fa eratrany meated. aeat aad np-U>4ate In
appeAraaee. wad Mr. Porter U an ef
SrJent ami adept worktnaa. ao ICs up
to the villagers to sec ihat be stays.
Uvory Stable.
liabnenberg U Proremoot's
congealal liveryman, land formerly
proprietor of tbe faotfl which bears>
Hit exienvWe llrrTy busl
and wHIwiocked ness made It neceaaary to suirend^r
hotel InterestK to
lo another, and he
plicr of bnilAfaa and by hla falrneaa
a holee time in providing
to an wboB he baa eeip« In i^mtaci
with in A huaiaeai way hma built ap a for the traveler, comfortable carrtages. aa they drive ^rom this point
large. flouriahlAg bualneM.
r-by tomns He alN. has some
Hardware ttara.
hlK livery
Another aubceeaful loatltotioo la
of the biwt n the business
PremuDoot g hardware alore Ita ownSUgs. Links,
lahjieobefg, hy bit careful
Bach day. in addltlop to the Hvery
busln«-ss hew. lao stafes. run from
haa mtabllabr4 hlmielf ai one of the
Prtiveroont to l^i-land j and Rution*
leading hardwAra roerrhanta in U^ la
Bay. They make conni-ctlom. with all
nau county. At hU place of hiiKlnea*
train* of the Crand‘Rapid* 4t Inran be foundB a compint
oompirle line trf ab.df
la Ry. at Hutton* ^y and the M
and farming
A K. B Ry. at J*rov, upmf.
ii4 8. Iblanger.
are tw(» of Prtnemuut's Hquot dealers.
Twe|0Hoa Atarea.
They both have flrn-ly fumUhi^d
aupporti two ahoo places »4 buslnes*.
lUorca aa well *ai repair ahopa. Tlie
The Putney l.onilM-r jand C«oi»emge
nrat owned hy Thomai Plaimalan and concern have rer«-ntly jaddf^ to ti.eir
Ihc other under John Barnard. !k>lh equipment a new oil h(>use.
are huftlen ii^d always eager tn
Several new dmeilln^ hou«te« havt
phwae their mtmeroua cuatomeri.
been built here thl* Kukumer and stll!
Addition to Moat Market.
there U a scarcity of hiimM-K to rt-ut.
The Standard Oil C*>. have-lMilH
bnatling meat dealer, ta at thla time
-w cdl h(»u*e here aiM at the *tsrt
building an addition to hU already nipcrieiiced a great deal of trouble
aparlona linlldlpg. Mr Ounthler ha»i from the highway copiml**ioner t»f
not only built ap' a larg*.patronngo in this township. He epntenUed that
the village, bui kcepa a meat wagon they had encroachH op th«' highway,
on the nwd. then by making It iwl- but on looking up un Ydd survey, he
Ule for Aie rurgl realdenls to procure found they were acting within the M
freah meat during any aeiniou of tht* A N. B Ky.'s jurisdicikm and all par
year. He alwi buys and ajdli. llvi- ties are at pearv withU>ach other at
atock. poultry and hides.
U.1. wrllln*. ;
Biacl^Kh Shop.
Go«d Sehoo^
August Krop^ la the rlllaga LUckCue of the moat notlc<-alde and most
amtth and la at all llmca prepared lo boasted of Institutions by resM.-nt*
do horae ahoelag and general repalr- of PnrvenuHit are their public s.-hool*.
The public schwds iiud parts hint
^ Produce Suyera.
schmd havo Int u uul|o,| and hav(>
fVion Hnlfka^ formerly a lea«llng
total atteudance of oier rr.u pupil*.
produce buyer ^t Cedar, but now lo The fotir dcparliuoiits
rated «t Pniveniont. together with A. •*d and four roruiM-tei
J. Otto, are thejproduce buyern of this employed. All subjects
place uud fn>in early morning tintll kiuilergarteti. primary, j
late at night ar^»rea of farmera can Ih- high ^his»U are t.nui
»<en hauling pt\ oiits. wheat and they aifti achieving gn
lailatm-K to ihejr warehouacK or carx. their united work.
Mr, (>tto and Mr. Snlfka both are
Father Orensnian Ic
handlrappT’d In their fallurt> to grt moral aimo«iiht*re of tWls
cars, hut bop<' 'to ats^ thla luci>nveoi- fttl. happy and conteni^l |MH»ple. and
ence remedied After a few days.
his many acts of d« vUlun. chaiiiy.
and g«v»dn» »ti In and <yii of his par­
dan^u, la
ish. have n>.:de him a ptMent Inflnenci'
ITovemont and the pretty little In this eommuuHy. and] a nuMtnlflcent
craft la lied tojher dock to await an example of true and ttuhle manhood
other aeaaon for her plying on Carp to the world outside Of Provenumt
lake iH-tween F>;»uch nnd I>>land.
and may his year* t.e niany to admin
Provemont la not without Ita j.hyal- istcr to the spiritual innd temporal
clan. Dr. C<kiK ha* located ben‘ and wonts of hi* large stjd nourishing
omgregotion at Proveniont.
Uavld Couilerer's fivi farm resi
dence is the pride (»f the country sur
rounding It. It* locotitin among the
hill* nnd Its unique architectur.- and
those whom hel haa endeared himaelf modern ffnlsh. makes it one of th.
prettb »t found In thi* region.
B. C. Briggs.] formerly connected
M. Hollengcr. M. Brqwn. and Her
with the general offices of the M. A
N. K. Ry.. at hianjatee. haa lM»en sta­
cn>p €
tioned at Pror^moht. aa their agent this year.
fVo tho
and dlapstcher. 1 Mr. Brigga ia warmly
welcomed by ll>e rtlUgera. and It la than in previous years, j
hoiHHl by them'that this will Ih‘ hla
Mrs. F C. Tice is jeorrespondent
permanent homf.
of the Grand Traverse Herald at
Barter Shop,
Provemont and any H#-m of nems
R Porter, formerly of Traviw which tho tlllagors of I^vemoat and
vicinity may hand her will be greatly
appreciated, not only hr her but hy
the Record and Herald ^bllshtng Co..
' news may
ng to the one
giving It to the correspondent. It may
be extremely Inleresring to scores of
others living In your (Immediate
T H. Huesi. formeriv the M N
Ry. ope
operator and agent I at Ptoveroi
it now 1stationed at Stoi-raer. a aUtioo
on the M. N. B. Ry, between Honor

wf the BOBt nutcitioia lot flour
loods—UnMda Biseift-the
ooly perfect sods emde^. Then

because s well-noorbhed body
{ hss greater productive capacity.
Thus you will ebo be able to

More |
because for value receh^ there
is ao food so oooaomical as

Unaada Btoeidt


Last yenr r».NiO native ChrlotUl
wm a«M<x! to tbe churvh In Japan.
Japan la batldlng in her own aht
yaida forty reaoels. Inrtnding two ba

Montreal (Can.)
partag to erect tbt

la North AnKrtca.

rytkXat all Crimea, more are cocamlttad la tbe atrtama than during any
ofber of tbe four eeasems of the year.
Cata’ for has no oH.r anhstance In It'
and cooseqoently to more easily wetted



loro. «
ta rxirt aad Jolroua a«T«l M M=(f .2u-,t for t:.a»-ral. ;
• Or*""*- »<»®
Bm-klBrtd^r aaJ
At tb» rt.*» .
r.anti'a to »Urt at wax. Uttrt
«f lb. rotAtrt lb. is:ol|.v Iotio4 thnn- j
•rlv.. Uiaaanl tn staaM» Va. wUh- ; l»
‘Mr a«t for Jolinaoa.
oat a paotv. It »aa Hrtt bm tlut « b« b. had h«nl tb« caa. ba apIhm am ab...<d ap*ra u>otM|»!i<t. proaHroJ th. farmer la aa lni|rtiroaa
jOUkloloc a -rtaad W arith tha ««•. «>•■«>«• aud aUird him to maka ^
'danor of th. ml., train that na Into ' «« ‘d>«lo» The fanaw rrfn^ ItOlBunotoo. Tom. ihm atml rirrmi. eot : M
Tom I. ruaikad
es.-taalra couttol of the datl/ i«i,r i ‘kal ha wooKl Vl'r him (TJW extra W
barioaM. 11. at on.-. |mi op irWr. to ; «"T ‘hr roulract throoeh ahd ha
, 15 emta for ««rb |«|wr aad ;S ornl. '-ouW «»““ him Jo.t four rolnntm to
for plitUT. t«prr« In Hi. montbi h. deridr. If at tbr cn.lratlon of that
;badckao«lapnMirlj-»;..,wtthwhloh jUm. tbr otter «caa not ..•.rplrd U
;h. look th. famltr ba.-k to UwU.lll.
*«M »»•. tvlthBm*ot»i*^lt.p:otad
i ThoOdh tb. Jubnaou* rvmaliMM In
•"gun at ouc, Jobi^^hyaA to
Hhe dlmt iwvrrty for awrral J
1 «>«">' »<(
mlmjtra. Th. old Wlow
! t B> •wt-iu off bl« fort bj tb. Iffiixaii.
Tom manacad to obtain a>«n. « hoo|.
,„uo,u^, auii at tho

SfMvIal lo the E>»-riirig Re<'*;rd.
f* »j«yri2ht.
hy^W. R. Hcar>t.
\lias Khclyu. lilg* 1;»*. *t;^iigll!t r of l^■MlltIl( > IJi-vJo/. *ou Nuy. 12 she
was murried U» Jamc** Francis .Mavid.i* riark of Boston, the o-reniouy look
place Id St. 4bH»rge s, Han«»%er square. lx»ndon

^ Cleveland’s Hustling Mayor (
Character Study of Tom 1. Johnson. Whose
Creed is “Equal Rights"
r^ir T*;:


A Mas of Capacity and Charictcr, Progrc«slvc and Inventhre. Full of Energy. Frank and Open. Yet Able
to Turn a Diplomatic Corner -^o Optlmt»tlc
and Determined That He Ban­
ishes Obstacles by His
Mere Presence

rc'levelaud Ik still d-diu: tlilugs.
2 T £ It Is a habit be
rl lujuuche dl*u'.*eyiHl n track.
tlon In teariug up o htr
He p>l through that difficulty all right,
as he has got lhr>»ugh *o mhu.v others.
Next week Ik' will l*c doing so/ncfliiiig
else lutcrestiug. Noliody enn pn^:ct
Just what It win Ih*. except that It will
be Tom J<dm*<nic^MUf; al*a It xvill be
la favor of the iKitplc.
Johnson Is so Individual tlmt.h? is
like nobody else that ever wa* «jr Is or
Is to be. Ho is so unique he U refreshlag. He 1* lu no sc:im‘ a freak.
He Is too gcmiiue and nMe for that.
Your freak i» usuallyfuWr nn*l a

Ing. democratic In manner and with
fund of that charming Homelhi
known bj the stock name of
magneftsm. nnd withal so buoynuL
optimistic and dctcnnlued that lie l*an
istaes obsuclea hy hl-s me.-o prosence.

• U ‘.1 miUIoimlre
1m- inridc ht« n
nr* oliiitd i;t tlie «li-*mictloii of Bion“|H>ly. He U t*i»cnly nud uggn-*Hiv* ly
a fns- tr id.-r
Nii.gU- taxer, jd was
ck-tftl t\ io* to f-oi.grc-* In a prulecllon dl->tric| aii'l Iia* In-cu el»«»-ieii three
times for mayor H-y nn elcetorate k
v.n*t ijiajority of wlemi do net advacafe or even uudepdand the single UX.
,\.»t tl*e least umoug hi« accompllshmcMt.H U that In rievel.and Ih- Itet
the nHioubtaMe .Mark llatinn 1k>Ui In
business nnd iK^litles.
The Municipal Model.
After aii exhaustive study covering
pni. tlc.nliy tla- etiUre emiutn* Lincoln
Hteffcas in M.K'hm’s Magazine den “tbe l.e*t i ;
govcmiM city In tbe
cd Htat.**.- yvt Steffens U* not
Jlv reganhsl a* a panegyrist, but
iW a
-miiek raker'* nnd a -knocker.** Nor
does be ride the Johnson bobbrborsflo.
tdocs not grott* frenzied over the -onj cartHHl liKTPonent** nnd ha* never
I *010wn any partU-ular Interest in tbe
i taxation of privilege rather than of Indtislrr

Hines* In the Cleveland mayor. The
-bug~ is civic virtue, and be
manr sldca that a merv' catalogue of !
‘li'^'O'erod that Insect in
his accomnllKhraents sonnd* ^logls- ‘ Tom IJ* vicinity cUc he would hard. ts tame <

1 several linpro
having p*
to tba atreet car ej-slem that were
commercially anccessfol and are still
In use. Again, be haa Un-n a keen
llnanclcr and bnslnesa man, a thing
tmnnal among Inventors. He Is an
•Cecdre campaigner and convincing

rried Ihroogh,
|iuu>rt'd hixu. He carvJ little for biaHow He Becaam a Si^ Taxer.
gusgc* aud literary studies, but
Tbe inanuer of Tom L. Johuson'o
]ln matbematuw. finishing the entltw
vottversion lo the single lax Is Indleajmatbeaistli'al course up to (wlctiln*.
the 4nan. One day n newsboy
In January. l.wKt. wUco nearly
Job in a roll i offiT»d him\Henr>
Ce.vrgr's -IvwUI
teen, tbe
of (Ik- iHjv- I I'r.iMcuq^ td n-«d on the train. The
iug mill.
erty of bis famUy the m
anm-r of hi* ;
magu-nlc refUM-tl, liut Ulfl.
iwlnlug tliat situation U iwthctlcnUy {rauductor. who was a iH-r«oaal friend
Hluntratlve. It wa* Ills UMitbcr tv ho and a single taxer. advl*i«d him to read
thing ! it. fiud he did. t rum that moment be
Kolu'iteil the |da«'c. and. having
to w ear ujMh Imt head »*ul a knit ho si. j
« riianged muu. He m-xt rtwd
the relic of mure amuciil tmicK.-she ‘TTow^-Kt and PoM-rtv.'* wriil to see
waltts! for a cold day. on wblrb sUc ' Henry ticorge mii tsTiime bis ardent
conhl don this and veuture Uttb In | tllM-lpU- He BssUtoU <;e..rge in his ^
seanrh of employment for
her sou. | first fight fur mayor. aU> lu his cam*
___m I If'
s(-crelary oI state of .New
burtcd a Kciarm ttny la uic.
llie Isiy did hot stay long lu the roll.jwch. sud Ge .rge ndvl*<Hl him to
Pout of the famous I do so lie fried in CcHqwr I'tiiou nnd
1n-Uware Du Touts was ibrti naming suc(*eeded lu staling
sta>liig OI
on his Awt
a little bonw car strt-cl railway lu five mluutes. l.atcr he iMK-ame an efUtuUvIlle. and on this young Johnson ftvtlve camiialgner.
was giveu a minor pla<-r. Hi* duty
uont carver I*
U known
wa* lu take the nli-kela from the eon
HU dUjsHMil of hlK 1
dtu'torless cars aud trau*f«r them to
the safe. It is t“l‘l «f him (hat he 111* |MiII(h-nl
f.MiruI this done in a *1IpsIhh1 manner three t-eul fare, for «*<iual taxation and
uml *t.ir1cl n reform right there. It ts for efficient government In ( IcveUntL
nbui Mid that be up tlw ulC hi* uuuunubllc and ^ cus tent caw
sciwp Ir^to about tbe place and put It paign for tlA* goyerm.rshlp of Ohio, his
ititu u Ijarrel for lulure use. These- unsm-tvsaful at tempt to *e<-unp tfiuslortos may t»e pipe dream*, but rer- nh ipal ownership lu IMtrolt - all |Ih**«
tnln It i* that T»ui L. did lUMnellilng. have attracled nationwide and suuki
as Is hi* w«mt. lo gain the eonfideuce of them cr«n woridwhle atu-ntUm. Ho
of hi* einplo.ver. and n* n result he la only fiftyy two y«
years of ngo and has
wa. rapidly advnm-etl until lie was
* In him :
secretary of tbe etinjjsiny. When hU
Mr Jfdmson'* btrtue life Is that of a
father Wume chief of |<-e of I.,nil*- cnlturvsl .kinericau geutlemau. Hero
vine Tom .uceonMed him s* suiHrlu- b<- hold* n school on muni.-lpal govtrndent of the stret-t railway. He was rrmucni where all hU offli-er* met't
not yet of ags.
often to dlscn** tl»e !fr>md«-r questions
It was lit about till* time Unit hr In Hint relate to civie affairs, HU wlf#
veiiti'd a fure Ih»x wbicli not only tojk was a MU* Jolm*«n U-fore Imr tanrIn money for IIm* street cor iH*t»pU-. l»*rt ^ rlnge. a distant *-tni*ln.
IBBd.. MOW for Tom >Ibo. Hr Ib.-n to- I ■‘ ■•m «- Jolm-m'. rw.! U 'V-iubI
Ti.i,to.| n TBlI ul,l. l, »a. nl«> n u lniiM'. I ‘‘K*"-- «“> S
K I. Jiat bb
Tim .voiiiig nihii concluded to wt *rt *
in bu*im**N for bim-wJf. lU,rrowing
fUo.iKW of Mr. J»u Tout, be I. mght A
____ __
dliiLv, lillle horse line.of \VllHnin II./ n„„ 'i',,- .honhl V fniieml sermon
Kngllsh h, IndhmaisdU. This Lnglidi ,
Wc‘n*k.Hl ihl* qm-sihai of half a
Deims ruHc cnml!
was afterwnril
diffen-nt iMsiple IhU Wi-ek Ih-date for vh-e |
lent of Hie riiMcd cause of n (o|ivci>atioii
State*, hut
sliuuld not U- held In H e
'll refcr..m-e to the ouln-siionsIMc for llmt.
rngiouc hiigth (»f n scriimn tm-nihM
Tom I., inudc hi* fiitlicr president of M a n-ent fnneinl Tlu- gemrxil opin­
the road. When tlic elder Johtis.,u ion seeimd to Is- Hist few fuiii-rnl m-twn* ask«d whnl tHmltlon Id* son hi d luou*- ought to lie over llfti-cn minutes
b(' laughingly rcsismiled. -Oh. T.mii to lu l.-iigth. -M n time of Ihnl kind Ihu
tlie board of dlrtH-tur*!" He wa* «U less *n;d the 1- ttcr
Fww nn- enn(hot and more. He wn* tlw- wlult cK-r-n'-d oHier fhiin the lmfni41la(e fami­
thing on tiint line, uml he puslui] U ly and they are luiving
along III such a rate Hint in a few w Ifhoul Nlng (t.miM-lh*
year* Ih- sold It out fur over half a

He (btm Im.kiHl for ntlicr cities to
conquer. • He d«-cldc-.l on i*h'velnna,
and hl-*tory U-gan making from that
very hour. llie Hue that John«oo
txinglit wa* smalt and ri-mote from (),€
cerilrr of town. 11- change<l nil that.
He extended hU road. ImiuMvt*-! It.
liouglil .dher line* ami put on a tronssysteu whith wa* then a new
Lg in t '.k'veUml. Next in- i»roiv»*e«l



Qon«cl oitne qa Ifet

Umm nmtlmr W«* rB*sl*4.
An ohi lawyer lu iqn-aklng recently
alK/ut Ciciii-rul Hen BuHit sshl:
-Ih-w Ituiler wti* a tnror and a
form^H to the judges. On cue oo»
cn*Um Jndre Snng.-r. Inxing Ih-cd buJlied and l.sdgei.'d out of nil psHemss.

cyeiMiPP and ;
everything else liorril.le tiuit a street j -8cr«f( hing fals head a inlmite. \Tut
.g y^ur honcon Iw. Mark Hanna l--gau a ler rei»Hed. *W( 11. I
palgu wlih the property hohh-m along orif got me there.* **
the stn-ct, ami o* a result Hs-.v oh- j
jeeted. It. was Johmmo-s move, and I
be mov(-,l. He proiM.H.*l to pavc.tln«t I
wIkiIc street.
The |ir»»iH-rty owuo«s i
Juiuiied at the offer. TU- sited wns
paved, the line wa* bdlL and Tom U
made money ou the deal
Then l* gan a merry war bclw«K*n ,
Johnson and Hahua. 3t wa* the sea-;
•atloQ of C'k*veland. In the main Johnsou came out ahead. At oi*c time ha i
pr>pjm-d lo Hauna ts rent trackage '
righu si mg oue of the main street*.
Haims refused. Then Johusoo wetit
before the dty conndl and profHjsod to
straddle Ilauua s Hue as the ouly way
of bringing his imssengeri Ipto tha
King of Story Tellers
heart of the city. This threw Hauna
on the defenalve and made him ajipoar
la tbe light of an obstrocHontst. Peo­
ple along the Johnson Hue* raised such
an outcry that the discomfited Msrcu*
called a tnicc aud consented to John­
son** proposal for renHng trarkagr*
rlghta. In tbe end Johnson farmed a
big coasoUdatton and Banna a smaltor
one. after whidi there was peace.
Tom L. Johnson wsa one of tbe first
mcB to etoctrKy bis line*. He saw the
great poasIbUlUca of tbe trolley road*
from the beginning. Outside of bis
Cleretond lines be bad Important street
car boldings In Brooklyn. DetrolL 8C.
Looto and
a gnat ateol tall mill at Jobastown. •
I>a..ajidaiM^atLnealii.O. Unoo-i
Dcctioo With tbe Lorata mlfl tha I


It li evident that the city of Cleve­
land approved Mr. Steffens* verdict, for
notwithstanding the fact that
nstuUly i:ei«nbllciin it gave Mayor
Johnson a trifle above <kO(Mi plurality
ta each of bis first two races aad aver
XLOOainbU third.
Tom ordinarily sUnds for Thomas,
hot in Johnson's case it stands for itaeir. It likewise stands for him and te
for It He was chrUtened that wi^y.
He beloogs to tbe Kentucky Johnsoas.
TDatiwiaBMtwIiwMy.aagbpyopdMLTdoahL . who can iKMUit
of one rice presidret pf
8Ute* besides cougreasgeacruU. c-iloaols sud Judges
i galore, The Johusous are related .to
.near!.r eveiy Kentucky family of proin‘ ace and to aome In other eoutbera
tea. TlJey have been ia tbe country
te long enough to
IS of them. Tam
_ iLomn Johimon got bis second nama
sad Itmm his motbcFs people, who alao bekmgod ta tha -quality.** It Is an item
by of note that JobaWs fathar
a pupU of James G. BUlae id a
>aoj^|Ke«w±y mUHair academy, and At
the oame time bis mother was a atiP
Nobody waa wtoa ta tfw more,
{dent under Harriet 8tanwood. who
afterward tweaiae Mrs. BUlne.
|r*^ •ad Iber^ore tbe toad was cheap.
D It due io deUeMig tbe goods
^ A ^ msmsln




Thomas Wyche

Grand Opera House
Evcnln^J \

Nov. 29, 1906

Folic Lore of the Sooth.

The Unwritten Stories
handed down by the oldtime Negro.


TMvcRw errv.








in Aiitk|oe

Aitter cmM
' all k<r mamtr^ ^
«m«1 t» a
ftalt la tar espMillBrM aod irrlilMi
la tta antter aC tlra to tar caddtaa.

TcasM to Tkig Part of the State Ara
Braaklag Ua and Manaoar Smith


In torn queried:
Manager Smith of tta local High
Marshall. Mict. Kor. Sd -^Ttat tta
-Who woqM bare tbongbt
st^od team has been trying vainly to
Bsraaaba High acbool football rleren
conld do wtthoot .TOO? And does ta
securt- a game for Saturday hmt finds tlqurs**"
bad elttar won or tad forfeluid to It
that mo«t of the teams In this part of
esrry game ftir aea»oo war Ita meaOama U Eatiafactary.
tbe state have disbanded. One case
sx.g» recelTed by Principal Waatborae
was found wta-re the backfidd. a
erf the State latracbnlftic league <d
tackle, an end and tta coach had all
ttU city Sonday night. He
Aaa After, met. Saw. 10 -WUt
But few
abb from Bentoa
^ BMire games remain to ta gone deer bunUng.
ffMartor*a gatt* at ' Pbilaaelplila. Stalina ttat ttat team would bear the l***^*^ and Ita 130C football searoo Tbe game with the A. C. on Thanks­
MletlffUl'a flrat mmw oT tta aw
Aiid it will be giving day will, close ibe season, here,
■trl# forKtafi eator to a rW. aad. ‘the champbmrtlp of tta upper pea In- «
rtmemberrd year fm It ma^s ThU win dcnibiieas be. a very interaCfat^ljr oBoagt. duriag It MkAlgaa aoU U IWujton lUrbor. The game *****
•**»«* ^
fuolbaU. . ewUng contest ax Uxb teams are work­
tar tad mm warn tiiarad than ata
ing hard pniiaring for It.
bar fen arranged f.*r
ka» tad for autay fmn to tta part.
pie Irn'klng at one aide.
Cairtata Cortia brok# tU Irg, Patrick
able ttat a IllUe doctoring will be ad­
twlrtf^l tU lag. Wriitt tort tU ankle
ministered to them this winter by ibe
ft«7km«Iy. gbrak war <wt of tta game
Echoes From the OHvet-Albion Cams
with aa laiarrd back aad toadrrdr of
Saturday—*Thaclcer Was Brutally
girl who looked that way lould alToid
aamJl lajartoa tare tarraaard the
Stocxl that Uemcnsnt Rolwrt Btarllug
Slugged mjhs Face.
to be old faxhlooed,add twoptbrr girM,
Irtarara aad pfwrwted ttHr pUjrtag
----------j be tapked fi>r aa tta gntm* as It stands*
was tbe beginning and tbe end of
enormonsly stylish, but with bo looks
.! now lofiks good to the specutor.
aafttlag Ilka ita ball ttay aaad to.
B|s-cial to the Kvenlng Record.
to boast, could not help but ta 111 aa-!
Ttaai^ ttb ta a Urge part ao doabt
AUtaa thrilled to think of herself
»e rulings of the ronf«-renCf in the
OUvei. Nov. 2u.—Ht-b4*r Stout «>f turrd,
Id him. with the mnltltodc
Is da# to tta fact ttat aimw tta mle«
middle west bar bad much to do wUh Traverse CTty manifested tafore o
Reuson. tta choir lcad.*r. a Ibln man.'
forbiddlag tta iralnlag uMe and pre
srvwUug. but wholly hanging hrcalhlcwsly uim»i| her voice,
the wesk«*nlng of t«am» throughout its big rn.wd Saturday that be can perpetually
there In the churcu. all tallght with
Mtlag tta plarlog of more ttan Are Will Mtat Any Team Under 130 and Jurlsdirtion. The at>oIUhment of tta fb4* kevKtotn- po^ltkm and play It well. thrtmgb iHHir aigbU
flags anil oaken t>ougbx. nowt-rs
ta were
gamoa a year have taea In force, tbc
mining table, lb.- paid c<aich. al- In the laM twu mlmi!.-> 4.f play he wax AUbea aiHl said: “Tbe *,loT IU;o yon
Defend Their Title—Only Average
besru of
new pUylng code la blaim^ for It by
h<High that ruling has not as yet had calUd lo take lh*‘ ixM^ltlon of quarl4-r120 But Are Very Game.
do ber best.
tta studenu to a Urge exlent.
nuch effe< t qpon the teams geoerallg. tack with the tall in tbe rrni4-r trf
Iwsoch lusplrfUtm.
Mlcblgan U much pImumm) by the
Bo It was'^a
» have Hen
and the l»arring «.f fr«->btmn. Is bt*und the field. He pul th.' |day« iu fluir
friendly attitude rtlcago tar taken
i!».' ■«"
Now that the High school team ran*i to make the tnrnlnp out of elevens effective placex and woik4-4l tintoward ter. and tta inters from Chi- gel a game until Thanksgiving, alnng that ran c<ip<* suco -isfully with the tall to the Methodixis* tW4»yar.l tine, iH-lla.
cagD rtoilmta and profesiiort hoping rtuiiM* the Junior Cliamps with a rbal east4 m aggregation u harti task.
Ir I-. tMKm rn ,li.e IIIV Mk>'
• «"■ •<>"»■»v:
where lime wax caSed.
aarh tatter
Mlrtigmn mcoraa In tta ponnryIranU Icoge fur any obi time. Tbc| will
Thacker was brutally slugged iu lh«In tbe west
There lx but one
*‘®***‘ “’^* k-ohl, where
game'haTe gone a long way to kilt the meet any tiwm of boys In the city
day that looks up to tbe regular I fare and wax i
frteuds. -are 4-umiug xjHt !ally lo ]
bitter faellng that formerly preralled. averaging under 130 pounds and diw • westem Btandnnl" of biottall That after ih4» game
only volt!r tars does not make thin and
me. I'ntll tbeu you must make
Un panny. He sbailwlng with IutIu the
fend the title. This aggregation only
Ix Chicago. I>4'spHe the dr-}
------wiib-4br rvsl,**
Mlrtlgaa aad Chicago erery y*«r at- averages 120 pounds bm shows that
-As y^u vvtU. Miss Evans.** lleusdo
f4-at xiixtsinid by thv Mnnnmx In their'
Iractod more at lent Um than any other they am game by putting out this
said, a flu-*h ♦Ti-yping up to bis sallow arrangisl u. Y»>u might U- In a chorus
wiih Mlniiw,
........ will
k r*
r *J
game pUyed In the wort, and Michi­ ch:i'.b-ngv\
promised. l-dc'iMmd- , later on. I.ut yon do md know enough,
iKwk •-1101
llul you prom
.krninciments can be remi mbered was plav,.lln,M.«
n,Mm w,.t
w. i .nndi
and , J
|t UlB flfig ^106.
-b to! Tim would try to dn.wu the rest with
gan would be more than glad to n- by calling 71 before this ev.uied oa tta prvmbK-. Aud
Igo 4-h vim xtlilt#
Miggy ground, the fhWgo
‘ your big notes. There Is ita difference,
me ttat tbe mmic shall
minut tbe relations that were sevi-red Ing.
stands out In brilliant 4-4mirast
i 1 rbuu't sing ex.stpt:
An ber In eburua. and sbe
-I darv *eiy
Marv in Hart will not m*-1 Jack
by thh conference If Coach 8Ugg
This team lias the right spirit and general run of wi-stcrn elevens.
IL*’ \ltbctt said- with' would sing exactly In key .**
when 1 f.vl 1
makes any orertures for a game they jlf a few mor«‘ hud
wllb ,
an old
said Altl»ea
4dd taartIh‘«i
win undoubtedly ta acceptin). - ^
I earlier In the Keasun there might hhvc the (bipTu r eh‘V» n uf^thlx season ran-1
brail of the vestry. and ran honw to liil her molbix'.
agreed to a finish fight In private. Un­
Ih-fiirr it came to t4iling
II la probable that If a game is lMH‘n wmie. Inlensely Interesting Juve­
was all Ufixrt. aud by no Uitx n fierson
mill to take place in New York.
scheduled between the two rcbcs»ls for nile gaim*s played here.
Minn4-sota has xupporied In hyg,>ne l^ngford gta the division ov«T
next year tta restive talk of retiring
tave him aay tb.-m Miss .\rrbiT. who ♦•aiuc swiftly]
to iH-r and said a b,t. but uot In lusny
from tbe weatem ccmfereace. which
uiie9mmmml Wm All liy
U wC4 mB almost a folly hy the west
Providt nee; R. I. j h-ss. Music, u great gift, a gr«*at blisis- w.mto TIm* M'sull %v ns wlicii tin* wrvhas been heard here'this year, will
Tbe inlnlst4 r of n lo-gm church ta
k;c 4,f thanks vauH* 4iu there wc-re m‘Vcm ih veils to \ry to coin* with thc|
Tcnfi h- s-ends word that he to | lug. d.*4?s not oMue wiibcut work. If oral sun»rtoex. but. if truth must ta
come to nothing and Michigan will r«^ Rlcbuou-d gnv4- ,.ut this nol!.v:
shap- for his nn-eting with 1
will nut work n^xioinngly you Will
• I ba\4- to .ninouiu e to you^bfctlireo ♦-astern elevens umler the existing'
Ulp It. old membermhlp In that «wganYuu shield ' *‘**‘*’
*^*'**”* «hMap|M4iitmcjiix. for
. IxatJoo. If tbe Bam« U not schP-dulcsi. and sisters, dat d.- fmn-nil of de imly conditions, when the ♦ ast has it ujHiU Ton.v
V, n have Allht-a sang tbe S4.b» ami lu Ito- anlbcm.
and Mis* Aniii-r
iiay night and say^ hr,- will giv,* CniH»however. It U more than likely that survivin’ son of de late Tboums lin­ the middle w««st In so many ways.
voice, oh. .V4-S. but it 11,-4-dx heart In jit.
kers an* Ids widow. Martha Jane TinIf
adni all the latter ran Jiandh*
Michigan will pay up Its bark dues kers. Isdb n-st uMHl. will tnl; • pln‘'0
Unless you gr,4W to hoe the work .rou
and resume ita old pUce to the »ast RU* <'4Mne to o«-4 urri’H«v on Tue^^day west and hold as much prextlg*- as it ; Though It is said coUpri-d fighters will iifier gel Ihi, heart. Y*»ur alagdid It seems that tuiotter or later Iht- j do not draw well In Chd^.-a. flfti-.-n Ing wiU be- whut you xayr-duiub’.-llkc
eni Intercidleglato nasoclatlon.
next at 1*J in lusm pnHl«4ly.
ronf4 rence mu-st retract its ruling as* nmnd of (he style c»f fighting put up 8 street piano that one may pUy w^b
• An* I have ic sa.v. br^-thren and
he doing aw*ay of the training] by Sam and <bH»rgo at the Valb-y a i*rauk.*'
s!«ters. dat i-outrlbtiilons for earrjin*
Lieuli naijt Rob4-rt Btnrllxig wafted out­
• Kcttlly. thls-tbis U tayond end^ir- side the cboir loft stair.-with at li*ast
out 4lal funcnil will ta In onler an* RO table, barring of .fri*xhn:en and sol Kalis .\. r wmdd draw Mke a plasti r.
I^ <*.4‘orge Rodgt'r.- of Cleveland will auev,** AUbea liegua.
ceplatlons. *u eta* de funeral «-nti*l forth.
fifty of bto enthusiastic townsmen
Isaliolls lu
Ink* plme. eM-4*plln* and s^.v,- only as
hat glng iM-hlnd.Jo six- ibe rcs«,n of his
-----------------------J.M' r.rlm of Phnadelphia In a
ly uud pul her taud over Althea*s ll|n. lollcTing.
. plain burial; f«* Bamtiel rink4Ts has
Tb4 U she calhd to the choir masur.
p.t jiV money encmgli to bury UlmMichigan has ruachol her height h
Who b.a n.«v.M . .U..C ,v„, off: •
been intocestlugly tra«*ed In the enreer {
;xhurg and h*- (
dererve^.**—liar, of glory and is descending.
.fth ..n.The knell has b\«en ringing through
too.rJ ibe m-H sin.
■“>■••• I ,r«ul.l i.<-i. r b t p>. 11^ m..L. «o I«plcturuN aiul bad mental words for , claxt^in this secti -n.
Bad Csmght Bts rtsW.
out the season. The WolV4*rtne squad
M.« .Arvher ,.n|W
it is wald Jack O Brien to tickled to
The late Siiwn Ik Anthony once at­ only the few-iwi things. He tad no
was. possibly, hit the hardiest of any
tbey «.r.- «f.- lo ll»^ver the fact that moving plr- -Ob. ttauk: you I .bouW bk.- to .ins- j.,,.,
of the big team by the rulings of the* tended a w edding in Kim bvutrr. and at sense of right and wnmg. Being often '
1 love it
•*h1f nine” and rectuery bKiks far tbe reception she said to the bride­ bnngry ta Mole fixxl-ttat to to say. ^
nnn.. WonO. r wh.. «... b.,.sway and misty.
-If you want this merrlngr to be »um, of. mourj h»- niav'.o bin own In ’ I"" •’“rint Iho l«m to provlrto a lUtlo
A half duxen yearn of unbroken
____ I
i.<Kbli.e n.u.b,- Mi..
BO i
thing for advi-rttolng talk to help
»ill yon cir, forV B,o .\nlMX- Me-toy. srtrvss aud gmttowoSUCC4VIS has made Michigan drunk, a happy one. you must be ns kind and the same way. and again be
dtunk with confidence, but the swnk tender always as yoti are now. I
day ta toidb from a iKKini the plriun-s after they ari* SOU asked, sesung himself at the simill '
wild, with a mito laugli. -I

plac-d on exhn.itlon.
t'nlng they re<*elv«*d Sat unlay has
i i*i rc»»t. and ji,-.rpb* wouldn’t
I ib l.-rmlju-,! t<, play
There is ev, ry re.»-«*n to bi-lleve sayiug; -Swmclhiug old mud simple. let me abme.
brought them, back to earth with a Jolt nage tad not turiicxl «mt us Imppdy at which turned ,*ut to ta gold He went
tatuYthlug my mother sang, pk-ast.
ag.dn f«»r Just myaod u taste like that of the niurnlng It shonltl have done. The wife said Into a kh:>p to buy sweets with It. hut , that Jtie Thomas and Tommy Kxun
Bay -UrKk of Ages* or 1’uroualioa.* ” *|
.-ostumes w.-rv piTf. «,'!fy
to the husband one evening;
after. Borne think that the deftmi wil!
“i m g dug 1 bate all that old rubrsH^ l-x.utifu7 If
” Tlcnwr we r 4^^ married, dt-ar. yon h.'‘'.l,ub'^'.‘r^’anr.!^‘ awav*' 'tic i
only serve to stimulate the intenst. wci'c alwaxs giving me presi-nts. Why wa. borriflC. imt at tl..- Iboft. I'.ut th*
bixh.- Althea said, moreblug toward pui.iu-didn*tllke tlicm m.r im-m tbi-m.
It may be true but reason says that 4o you newr glv,- me any n»w V
extent Of It. In the end b4» l.uricl the i<‘f taxing look on Thomas offer to tbe door.
*o l*vr tad tbe play-fbr pl^y ibat f;.llthe men of Yost will never ta as
Isatalls follovicd her. but Ioiu»«d. j ^
***My love.* the bu«tand replied. piece and from ttat time stole no more, j min t Ryan g< bxdtoh. Perhaps It to.
Tbe sluK-k had ijulckened efmmienoe j hn! the last time th»t Honey Mdlody
say with a j you mu*t think hovr Interesting Ifa
strong ns the> have N-vm before. They Mid yon ever hear of a tlslo-rman
Into life, and he niHHlcil Utile -coo-lw«s In the wesd he offenMl to tax
be»*n. atMi It has taiis^l mr oh. smii a
may taat IVnn next year (let us hop^
till In the ro4>Ui. “Von d tatter put j |Vf
lot* Mlihout it I licvcr cfuild have
verting- when kindly luxtructors at j
number of rounds d«>xlred.
sol hut that, ta Itself will Imply noth
‘Autli^ues to Be Been }
w hat your i« w«-rc.” ,
l^ltvok him In hand.-St. Jamas* Ga- j
Herman, the sturdy Chicago op a sign outside, ‘.Vutli^ues
Inr CiirtU. Hammond, C.arrvds and
KreMtrtelllM mt l*l«l»rr»«>r.
and Heard Here!* ** Then she ran down •
.\s If that tnatti-rf-d. ax If anythlnt
-Now tlmt we nrv all bvre ii*gethcr,
light wiight. who to matchcfl to mc4-t tta strt»a laughing loudly,
Gmbam will ta among-the missing
: loudly, aud ax she, n:Mb rrsl. exo pt that wr love each;
next fall when the tecrults shorn up genilcmrn,** said*the muliimllllonulre.
Jo4- r..nns In a finish fight at Tonopah. overtotik Attlu-a ca ugbt ber arm. shook , other.” IJrutcnsnt Btarling said. “You'
for Ugbt woiV. There will ta new -I luiV4' nil nnioHinceno-nt to mak4>. I
bor gayly and said1:. *i think wo have ,
p^.r roe. Nora, itorllngr* '
Ma Sobtbl" Jn an Co
will give to the Institution you rv-i.refaces bm they will ta the fsces of InI a purso of
bn. ..nrt. d In to .lo /ettbMi Misv -Vrrber. If she ta
-I ought not to. It will break tta
setit ll.c st:m 4>f gTs.•.<.«» on coiwll- rbanf. .tia.
exixrlenced men and not th<»se of the tlou—**
It to a Imndrcil years since a tani'^chl training for the cont4-st at a S4mxe al all sbe won’t come again-t
“But rm mlgbUly
old veterans. JCta mtm who. year
j gymnasium In Chicago. He will work
A deep grvin Imrst fn»ni the trus­ falleti In Chins.
M bettar or no Miss Archer tad sense
after year, have born among those tees. It would ta alimwt lin|ssMilble
The port 4>f I.ond«n was enti-n'd U for two wtx-ks and will then start for
she certainly tad a voice. Bbe also-|
lOOr. by 27.00S ve^McU.
toos Angeles. Cal., where he will finish and this was U»r i-row u of i*oor Ben-1
counted cm for parts of the big ma to rals4' such a sum.
-Von pnd.:idy misappr,-hcud me.
chine arc slipping away and it will be
In I^ndon on ,Be|.t. i there were 19.. up hto work for the tattle.
son’s J^y-kknew mighty well bow to
another cycle of foot tall before the getdlemen. 1 aUmt to say that I W regtotered momr i-ors.
use It. SlK
Slie was withal imslosl ata 1
will give you $:-tXMsO. not on t-ooditlon
Tbe British government gets sn ta
bld<Ub}4>. giving bcrxiif no nlm wbst-1
miund win again rank ns a |»eer over
that you raliM- a like annwini else­ ^omq of gSe.UUMSX) from tbe rail wav's,
■A dangerous surgical operation,
the oountn 'ihe way It mnWixl lhn*e where. but on condition that you ad4ipt
river boots and forests of India.
of the Klnq of Ci^ar*and four years ago.
tb. slmplirted sih lling in all the litera­
. aa large as my hand from m! kei»t mni-b t« herself and. slthougb
**«»<'*t‘takldaughier*x hip was prevented by
ture irf vour Institution b4-rvaf—*
Ito-tid by; appiicailon *of ' Bucklen’s Arn
A d4*etMT gnv.-vn Int4'rrupted him. which baa Just tox-n
artivoeolocistR. I. .bout 0.fki. years old j skive.” s.nv
This pnxjKwltlon was nl«w*lutely
Mrs. Judge Gray----------------The last South Auatralla vintagt IW. Va,
few surviving coiumand.Ts of the om- tblukablc.--4i>lcago Tribune.
Cures Cals. Sunday afternoon, a thing she ta,l nt-v-»when they received Jhelr stex-k
•completely cured
yielded 2,<rKV*M7 gglbrns. a*
frdemte army. Is pncticlug law at tbe
M want Mv« WmiIsA.
Bums and Injuries. 25c at Bngbec cr been known to do to fore. She nsk- j of Wadsworth Bros.*« Cbloo cigars
figs of Tfi at MMUt. Ark.
Drug Cn.. Frank H. Meads. Hannah
^ Notwithstan.linc tbe flurtyr abont tta
Miss Anber to Uui: also to dlnnw I found that a hand«>fne eagle d^>rstJ. B, Martin, an Ohio man. wba parking houses and a few mher qnewDrug Store.
Deit-r«k, Bot Ml« ArrbcrM»»kl«|rd ,b» bat It to .cry .ppfoprlaie.
mraf Mm mining profsTties in Alas­ t1«vns of natiiuial Impt-nauce. the
-poyou think T>anl>erwill erermota
ka. amerts that ta will give AV10.UOO bill Is alwa.vk a to|dc of 4vmversaUoa
a sm-eessful arttot?- .
a ysar to tta entmt of prohibition. '
w.. to> o>.n «Kl fr.ll .t

tare, .
“lmjio«5ble. He cant even draw a Mrth that hi. Bf, w« a«p.l«<I CL ,b.
WaiMm rtnekney TThrte. Vnlted
roa«tol«.t wcr,V. .•n.-b.ut-- Thi. to on, ,b.t pl««. .1! who lor,.
TTiey were talking, abont It In tha
FHttm .enatar from Marybiud. who ro: lobby of the boose. -WeH." said Rep- decent conclnslon.Be Uved. bosrever. to be elgbty-flte, Ing she bated to stay out of tbetm a good smoke, yet It sells for only 5c
cwntly Cdebnited his R2nd birthday, resentive I'red tandis. -I gness tta
who used to pay ten to fif­
A Year of Blood.
has never been Inside a mVnm, ner«r prrskletit got atsvul what It wsnied.oust excuse
teen cents fc/r cigars now puff up the
amotad^ aaltaw rode |n„ n caU
sH the
Notice 0f A. E of E.
It was tta
-Bure.** replied Rei>rvsentativ« GapCblcos. and are better pleased and sat
field. “He got what he wanted tbe w ay of Alll
There will be a special meeting of
Ky., as a year of blood;
St aU. the soul of
tta girt Eld who was trsreUng in M«- which
nS so copiously from
fromMlig. Leelauan Union No. 45 oo Kbf. 24. at
Try a Ctiloo aad you wUl thank 8. E
Icow Bbe coaki not B>twk Bivsnish and TackeCs longs that death a«
aeeteOd 10 o’clock a. m. at Cedar. Mich, for •foslve. Rbe ro,le out ev>ery morning
she wanted some- milk. Bbe rouldn*t very-near. He wrrites: “Severe bleed­ tbe purpoee of agreeing upon a price aod drove every afternoon, alwaya tValt A Bona tar reeomineiidlag tbe
ahme except for a staid liveried groom.
make tbe waltiT nndeiwtaad. so^ ing from iho longs -and a frightful
The one thing vclnenibto aboot ber
drew a plctnre of g cow on a piece ol
tbe basis of Chicago market as set wax ber clotbes. Ex.inlxite lu livolce.
paixer. Tbe waiter opderstood ttaa.
tor Consumption, with tbe by headquarters of A. 6. of E. at the make, fit and material they were all ao
He booEbt ber a ticket for a T>nll Dtecovery
^onlshi^ result that after takl^
annual meeting Oct. »-2«. 130C very far from being In fsMilim, ’Jtarofour bottles I was completely
fore they bred tbcories. Nobody roafiy
and as time baa-proven pen
knew more of Miss Archer than that
-Too tare, Jamesl
Guaranteed for Sore Longa.
John B. lanier.
iGe had come to tbe Wray booae with
•Imnworker, rlsRlng the JalL
Coughs and Colds, at Bagbee Drug Frank i. Vii.s.
A novel feeltng of leaping, bounding
wplled tbe nc-r primer, Co„ Prank H. Meads. Hannah Drug
anlmpcochable credentiala from two «€ Impulses goes through your body.
i • 4 • t Ury.
Store. Price 50c and 11.00. Trial bot­
rUx wfiv
wg» In f<s
for borgbiry.
teat aeaaooli atar taardem. 8a ttara Tou feel young, act young and sre
certainly am nr- tle free.
-B eU. wclU
NO DANGER of typhoid If yon use
woven about ber. Tbe favorite cm young ^after ^taking HoHlsterta Rocky
KkCENT garriage to any part of tbe Mtnrlsed mUk.. Queen City Dairy arms that she bad been eltfaer suddenly MooBUfb Tear Tea or Tablets. S5
dty. OL pbgcM 505.
aov 10-12t onpany. Cits, let 5T5.
maw iWf beroft of fortune or itaUata had ta emu. Joknam Dni^ Co.

Ordi^ your

I. O.
Yanl ainl otBo© Norihi-m'
Michik^ liock.
Both phonfis 30.




.12 o:;..;:::.:;' "r:;:::.::.. h«!.... ...... —-



In Brooches, Bracelets,
and Crosses

Beautiful and
Rare Gifts
Look forwiiril b» tlio
HolMqjra iin.l-insixvl Uio
liii; liuo of j.-wclry I enrry.

J. N Martinek
217 K Front St.


■':» i

letiheFagle Serwm

Hiifr '

Bohemiaa ^

\VVh/*i* *lnrk Ouiini^s auitaBlc W ♦‘ lnU.iiig
sustibk* for
Wo nta» liHvc
oolonil om-8 an«l wliiki OutinKt

5c and 10c
per yard. . ^

Horses-and Cows
For Sale
easy keeper,
( 1500 lb. 9 year old mare.
Make first.,laM U«n
lao>l»r woodt. WUt

i beautiful, mdard bfN
brood mate, suffibretar
and infos by TAW.

tfery cheap.



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