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The Evening Record, June 16, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
T YSmilDAy^ I88UB
By Wire to ib© Erening'Baeord.
an<Hftnftti. Juft© Jd-Myrfl© Howard, MOST OF THIS AMOUNT WILL GO
»rmcr aUMffrm|ib©r of CbaHea M.
f>r ItKlit llfto wofo ftUftrlM^ to top body
ftftd ft bdbL^toH^ to tob^
to Um bottom, too buoy dldat moTo In
too olIgbtMl tmt rpmoliiod in tbd wun^
poi^itkm ftll dfty. »howin* that torrwftft no curreni at tbai ilmo.
Tbo ptaeo vbore Mr. Cha«c> vaa lunt
la aery dorp, about 300 f*cl. and tblv
blndora too twcb Tory much. Hon
rrof. If tboro arc no currmia at toat
poim it It brllrtod that tbo.body can
bo sdekod up. Tb© party araa -com
poaod uf Chtrf Athlon. Onorge W
Bttorftfd. Mr; Stafford. C. E. Murray
and Cbftrlft Carv«*r.
Cbiof of fHiiiro Anbton inlondrd to
roaumo too acarto tola morning In
Mr. Murray a Muarb too ItMng. but
to© aoa ourka of tbo boat yrtn* left
op«m and tbia morning tbo bull «ai>
rotting on too bottom of tbo rlror
vllb to© vator up to tbo aoata. Thoit^
will probably l»e a largo niimbor of
Iftnnrbra >oCn In tbo noarrh tomorma
and Monday morning dynamiting will
b© trlod and tb© olfoct on tb© carcaaa
Schwab, died at lb© aty hMpIta d
ly aOer midnight. 8b« cam© her©
May 14 to be cured of toe morphine Grand Lodge Mooting and Field Day
habit but was attacked by paeamonla
Caorclaoa Wilt Be One of the
and her mf.R©bled condition was
. Greatoet Evoota in to© Hlo[St her rr*ooT©ry. Sb© threatened
lory of Travfora. City.
mIcM© before coming here.
C A. Palmer of Manl.stee. grand
chancellor of toe state of Michigan.
Cortif of Battle Creek/great
ket<per of records and seaU and W. H.
Lt«mls of G«ind lUplds. brigadier
geftoral of the uniform rank, were in
the Idly ctmferri^.wlth the executive
Ittee of the local lodge Knights
tif Pjthlas last ©veiling In regard to
the coming gmnd lodge meeting and
field day exerclM^ which will l»e"hi Id
In HUi city Oci, 2. 3 and 4.
. This miwtlng will be one of lb© big
er©nts of th© history of>ravc*nu* City.
were entered Into las»
evening and an appropriation of
raa made, the greater portion of
hleb is for prizes for the competitive
Sdid That Memhcia Ar« Only Await drills in the uniform rank.^ The.*;©
prizes win lie ihe largi^st
ing Word to Begin—DeUila Ara
startetf again at Blalyntok last night,
continmd all night and Is still going
The mob was swelled by thou
adbrls of peasants who an>
and burning the
Hie JewK. An orgmnlxed
In many cltb*s U pldnmsl. It Is
Iwllevwl today. It H allegjHi that
many goremmeot offleers are prime
movers In the “ctrimTof Russian pariots" bupiDd the upriiUngs and mas
■ at OoinH and toe membera an
only awaiting tb© word to begin W
awful work. Some of the details of
ftansacre are most reroning. Gwi :
women are ; particularly violent
against the Jt'wish women. .
200 Kill-d.
Uerjin. Juno 1C —A menilKT ^ the
•rman Jewi^l^ a.«iKarlntIon df-rlsp*
that 2m» |HT‘Uins have Ih-^'D murdeni!
Itialydok and over 4Su Injured,
many fatally.
It Ives of
hundnnl ^<•pre^
grand lodge will attend.
elghhM»n cumi»anh-8 of the unift.rin
rank which will make over one thou
sand visItonUand in addition .many
hidges In.the northern part of the
state have signified their Intenllpn of
attending In a Unly which irtll marIaMy ©well the crowd;
Grand Lodge Seaaiona.
The gi-aiid hnlge m-ssIous i
couri^e. »>cr» ( and during the meeting
offictW wlll,l>e elected and also Im
port am legislation and other hui^e.ss
will be acted npon.
Previous to ihe Travera© CTty meet
ing. there will be a number of oomp^L
tfreex^pll Mat Ions of the third d»*
gree by various d**gcec teams In tin*
state and a pr»Kx.*ss of e'SmlmiHon In
stituted. Thelxfil of lhe.se In the pro
Umlnaries wiTl Ik- selected for thU
city and the grand lodge has appro
priated a prize of $12:» for the best.
ThU prize Is aside from the $1350 ap
proprlated by the local lodge.
• Public Oriila.
The competitive drills-of the nni
form rank comimnle.s will Ik- the td<
feature of the season so far as the
l.ubllc Is ronrerned as they will U*
dohn PoitHumla Lost a Font by Being
• venliig the exeninllflcatkmH will
Xaupbt by a Train WhiU .o©
Wboal—McLauQhlin ConDanger^sty Wounded Two Deputy held and Hh- grand Ifidge convenes for
two days* sessbm on Wednesday. '
Constables Late Ye©t©rday-*CltiThe membera of tiic ex.-cutive com
zees and Sheriff. ^
mllli-e of the suborthmile liKlge are.
By Wlrft to ibft ETtmtof Itocord.
Chancellor C, K. Weller, riiairman; C.
Jackaon. Mich., Juno 16.-Mllton M
S Cavls, J. E. Cameron: R. J. Mt-rct-r.
Rbaara. a prlM*n r<mvlrt from IKHmlt By Wire to the Kvening Record.
Fri-<> rprtls. .The eummittee from-tho
Kanr^is City. June IC—Rhrriff \Vy
ftpprarod In Cirruli court tbla .mofnlnft
uniform rank is: Capi. J. V. Mclniosh.
nn with a pos.se of nfOrers and cltl
on n writ of balM*aK ci»rpuy. Ho claims
man; E. R. McCov. J M. Blakeans I ; ill pursuit nf ilirts- des|M-ra<^o«'
b© ahould not have bt-cn wntonctnl
lee. W/ D. C.
•under tbc‘ Indotormlnato'iav. for It who danu. nmstv wounded two depul>
waa not in fore© and provloua Uwi< consi.-jlili;i late v.-st*>rday, Th,r
ore supjKjf^tl to be the• mt^n who
that would lit the ra
poaitHi; Judge l*arklnMtn took an aU roblHMl the iMisUiIflce at MoorvsvxiUo
On* Erected in Rome in the Year 2 B.
Tuesday night.
Joumment for two wo©
C. Ham Jo«i Been Dlscoverwd—
Loat a F©
I* ,Beautifully Ornamented.
Owoaao. Mlcb . Juno
. B^BimiswcmtT
fbumir. fotoman of tbo Ksloy Man
fkcmrlng coiniuny. was caught at
OfSc© Of General OfficF^r of the Gen
cmealng on flu* Ann Arbor track on
©rai Staff WiH Net Be Filled
bicycle thin morning and had bia left
at Present.
foot cut off by a train.
Candidate foe Congr««a,
By Wire to the E\ enlng Record.
Muakegon. June 1d~ExTal Com
Washington. June id.—it has ix^ n
! C. Mclaughlln today decided that the vacancy In the grad©
moral orfieer on the gimeral staff
In this di.Urict
of the army is
to W (llkvd at tbo
present time. Ttie 4sw ,«arp that thero
may be three.genernl officers on the
H«l©l Men'a Aasociation Will M©«t In- geiwral staff in addition to the chief
of artillery. At present there are oaK
atcftd of Rortland. Oregon.
Kew York. June lC.-lbvau»e of the two general ofScers. Brigadier General
Hell. chW>f if staff, and Brig. Cnm
Ran Franclaco dl*aM»'r and consc
Thomas H. Barry, the president of the
crowding of trains the tw%*ntywventh
rmnlon of lb© Hoidroen s association war college. A board of general ofgfters
is soon to Ik* order*tl by the
win ti© held In Chicago July lU. in
war department, however, to fill the
atfiad of Portland. Ore.
vacanclc© on the general staff, which
lylll result on Aug.'tS from toe ©xpira
Uun of the tours of duty of si*veral of
Eaat Bulfala J«u© lC.-(\ittl
slow. Sheep and lambs~2.(W; choice fierrs. The officers to he n Ile'ved art
John a Kerr. Ma>vra WilUam I)
Hfl«a-2^; Yoricera. 3C.80O6ji5; BeaHj, John 8. Mallory and Joseph P.
Hickman. Capts. Harrv C. Hale. Will
benry and mUed. $IUS€f€.87
Detroit, June 16.—Wbeal-^No 2 r^nl. lam G. Haan. Dennis K. Kolan and
John C Oakes.
£$c; com. U\kc: ofttA
By Wire to the*Bvonlng Record.
>m©. Jun© 1C—A romarkablf* bis
torlnai and topographical monument
has just iKK-n tli.-K^ovt rcd, In th© vlcin
ity of toe coliseum. It Is an altar «'
up at the crossing of two thorough
fares, on© of which was named Viens
Santa Matris.
The alUr is beauii
fullv ornamented wUh wreaths and
branches of laurel and contains tb©
names of th© four'street maglsiraU-it
who had l>orn© ihejexpens© of Its cr©c
Hon in th© year 2 B. C.
-nx fttBAIT ca, VMP. .
Can You Blame 'Em
Flral excursion. Sunday. June 17U:.
Charlevoix. IVtoakey. Harbor Springs
and retorn. lljOO. steamer Illinois.- So©
dule, page 6. column 4 for time.
June 143t
Rublier fleets
■‘UooJ for that tmxl (oefing. ’
We pat them on.
nrsi «‘vrurslon, Sunday. June I7to,j
Chsrh voiv. I'etoskey. Harl>or Bpring*
ri turn. lUk). steamer llllnuls. See
Oby not try a pair
Tl.oy lay wbiiky inilamM
Brigbf8 di8<.aft(*« brandy ruiDB
kidneys, burgundy
bring, on gout and ftbftintbe
clestroys the brain. Now, we
know typfaokl and malaria
lurk iu wator and tuberou.
loftis in milk, ap what in the
worid is a thirsty man to
* Our soda water, of course.
We have Orfonla in Patent. Kid. Tan, White, Blue. UTWider
Pnrple. Cream, and Pink Pricoa to suit.
$1,61.25, $1.50
Bof»' CamvM
P8CJ0 $1.25
III while. Iilack/
lirown, >;rpy, bine.
goc to $2.00
Cblldrto s Ctnpat .
50C, 75C to $1
in tbr WdlK-lni idiN li
Tdf Summit
On. Sivfir & Pnhallini
fer looking «t # mn an. veil
garbed oTSie arkrtge OHUi ia vbo
buy* ki« clotbinK of mT . Thera
are eo in#ay miefita in tb» world
that it’a a pleaaore to look opon
aRood 6l
One thing we pndeonraelret up
on it the appeanoon ot nran,
yonlhk and boya ontfittod Inr ni at
to clothing: Another U the low
• (they pay na. 'Riey’ll ooma
1. yon Iknow..
Stock door# delivered same day as' orderad. Odd
doors and window screens in three days.
I Abstract* of TItl* j
Bwtabllaliad WM
ai« •t*t« Dank BwIMIw#
We’ll send a man to take the measurements
-------------------- ji * :Mk JA
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
J. W. Miken.
You are not Retting the best
that money can buy.
•Get a sample and try it.
Quality and price is right.
Have You a
If not, let us show you a splendid line
prices that will enable you to own oi
Good Hatninock
Lay Co.
We have priasd them at a.
reasunable profit and we
know they are right. Each
hammock has two spread
ers and valance and come
in attractive colorings.
They are well^/ made
and will give good service.
SehDol of toe Navy^ Will Open July
and Already Several Applicatlam
Have Baen Received.
By Wire to too Evening Record.
Washlngion. June 16—On July 1st
th© machinists’ wchool of the navy will
open at Norfolk, Va. AliVady th© bu
reau of navigailao has fecei^ed a|v
plIcatiOBs from several eftllated men
to be allowed to take th© course of In
strucUoB at toe achAol. and It ia ex^PcM^t the conrae will begin with
Cbicogo. Jfti
' M^Ac; spnx.
oala. 4t%c.
Toledr?. Jon© 16-Wbmtl-Oftab. 67c; Cohunhla. t:30 tomortob ©vt-nl^ Mceira wht^ YflU act fta
Mualc by hftftd. Round trip 25 cents, h^ not ^ been cbo©en.
com, 66c; oftta.^d3Hc.
Base bftU Bow©« Harbor* tomorrow
Tb© polio© were cmlled to to© r©*l aftemooft. Btaamer Jeavea dock at
1:36 p. OL. BtapplAg at ialaad both
d©n©r of W. F. Galkina
where aom© small boys had heeft pit- ffotftft and oomiftg.
day. but th© imeUlguat claaoes tio ftot
H Just now. They realize that
they are not preoared for It. and H»»t
they will not
prepared for U for a
ome. I have repvatedly
they wlsbod the United
and SeeU and innp and ftftU awmy
Rtopeo Divorce ^iL
By Wirt* to Jbe E\ ening Recort
Chicago. June 16.—Allc© 4vUbi
Duke Is preparing for the reopening of
her divorce suit against Urodle L.
Ihike. the lobarco king- She is at the
Auditorium annex.
ou B
Baifalas! Boys’ long Paot Suits
The largest and most complete line in the dty at
The Rev. Denma qoebllB ftftd hia
Bondfty gebod cto eompoMd of aix
young men enJoyM ft Ssh sm»per last
eveolftg fttith© boaie of Harry Walt
on Boftrdman avenue.
Veoterday Mr. Cocbrtn mnd tom Of
the boys west up to© rirgr ftiid cam©
back with eighty Sn© trout, aU .of
which were caught with Hies «a no
other bait was allowed on the trip. At
C o clqck the party sat down to aupper
and alter eating their fill spent the re
mainder of the evening In swapping
stories and In **siunt«’^ at th© Mayr chib gym in the basement of
the chutrh.
. The boys^ the class are: Lucius
l*aichto. Ilo^y Wait, Jnllus Mariinek.
Glenn Codoian. Gerald Montague ami
Roy Rorabneher.
WcdfflM Gifts
WcddlM Annoaocaneits '
WofaliM Booklets
ARRANGEMENTS FOR STATE K. P. Tbiwft «r th© Boyftsftod tlw Mil
Mftd In Hftftftkal H Ciimtofwli Wbere
Wmnt Up tb© Rhror YaMordpy i
SIw Wftft Bant <ift.Trfttomit4¥
Got Eighty NIC© Ofi©A >
Tto MAMb lor Iko b04r or Rol>rrt
roattaiMN OH dor yrUrr
^ !«' C *. Normy-i Uaack. OM
of>^^ Afbtoa ooAirOd^lbo body of
ft 4oiMr«MB too cHjr ocivoftcor
todk 11 to too plftco
too jroooK
800V our STOOD STiU
TMvcmc eiTV, mCHIQAH. •AnilBMkV. JUNE )
Ry Wtae to toe Etrening Record.
JUIK I»i«irr cMA«ro ooov.
•sdy sf • Dot Attochod to o UiM
ot too Ploco Whofo
i, '
f V,-f
for ages fifteen to twenty-rvoing to
close out entire lou that sold at
five dollars, six dollars,’seven fifty
and ten dollars, at
D.T5, J4.50.J5,$r50
; '
No better opportunity tp clothe your boy
friuHiiom 41.25 to S6.S0
■r .
/■ '•
Sieel hammodc and frame, can
be easUy moved about the yard or .
porch. Hammock made to fit
frame. It's the acme of comfort.
! fHammoelt and Frame SI2.50 S'
SATURMV. Jtmc 1C, nsL
$wlng Chair
Window Screens
the Best Ever Sold
$ $ $
$ $1 oiydir M
which wlf^be held toMnww M the
aMla Mm of the daeotmtlomi will
be waaamiM of fmm The planu
which were cut thia aaormina aT«rm«e
aboat three feet fa 1««th bat many
were almoat ahoolder blah, tbewe, of
cmrrae. WfR be ent off awd the to^ !*«
only mod.
At ThoMMTllle there ta a
who hirea lOnia cat thKia«hoat the
aummer em|»loylii« a Ur«^ nnmb
handa. The learaa are packed
ablpped to Chkwto loHat. who pot >«l09ataa From AU .Ovcr th« Cojnty
uo-tong Ctuh Oi*w<^terB Accepted
them la csold atoiace wherw they will
W4il Moot in the CiwJ Monday
N^w' 8-irt Hous- Lsxt Even
ke^ for apme Uaae. The paichoa there
Afternoon at 2 ©’Clock. ,
ing at a B.necial Meeting.
ooror aerwa while abont Trarcrae City
there are but few patehaa where the
The republican county convention
At a fW-lal m«-e<Ing of the W<-queplants are larae eooaah and tboa
for the purpose <ff aulecllng nine del*-^ tosr cbib dimcioiw lari r-v* nlng the
only isooiparatlvely small oaea.
flsioh to the re.oublican-sfatt- convf ti im-w Ikok hon-v-wra.s a«*n pl«*d fnmi thf*
tloa to be held In Detroit, Aug. *. w|l’ coi.iracior. D E. Warner,
lie h«-ld la tiH- Grand opera Ihmipp Mon
day aflemoao at t o'clock, -^e state building and some bills were Fikived.
OauphUr of Mrp. John O. Hatton cdOvrntlon will nominate ^smnUidaU-s . TIP* recent fin* dr*TOan.*ttrau**l th.forjbe sutc offices, the slate central fact that ibr wire, m-tilng fiartithms.
Paaaod Away at Northport at 7:30
committee and chairman tiicn-of and Instead of solid Wooden* walls, was a
This Monnlnp.
iransaci auch other business as may verv good idf-a as If it hailn't Ikvh for
propiTlr come before the cony-nilon. tLose
structure would have I>e«p4
Mias May Oelllrk. daughterfoT >fr«
The various precincts of the county ridlnlf dev;iroy.*d With the Inm!<
John O. TUttoa of mia elty. passed and city are enlllled to dclefhu*-s as thc.eln
away at Kortbport this morning al follow’S, the delegates having »MH-n se
7:3ft. gbe wUP 1h- buried from the lected at the primary election June 12:
Graduates Tonight
Catholic church at Petdakey tomorrow Acme ........ ............................................ G
Mrs. R U. Rammers li^t this mom
Ing for Mt. Pleasant, wher.- she will
Mias Oelllck was i4 years old
afi nd the graduaibm exercises of the
East Ray .
graduated from Mercy hospital at Rig Fife Ijikc*
Western Michigan Stan- Normal IbV
Rapids two years ago and Immediately OarfleJd ..................
datirhter. MIs:;
Sntnmrrs gradu
began nurslng In which prufession she Grant...........
ate: there this oenlniT with honurji"
was exmptlonaly skillful. The latter Greco Li^c ..i...........
M>s Sumnins is a graduate of the
part of Uat summer Miss Oelllck ws.« lying Lake .............. I.. ..,.,...
lo.-siil High f.chool and ha* niahy
stricken with kidney trouhle and from Mayfield...................... .
irtrnds In Uie rit.v wiui will b<* gla'd to
that lime on^has Ix-cn confined u
U*arn that she is now in powju-nslon of
l«*d of suffering. For the last
» UacherV life certificate.
iponths her sight has Ihh-u Impaln-d Union .............. ..
and all efforts to overcome the blind WTlllewater .......... ...
nets have failhd. Besides her mother Traverst* Cityand stenCather she leaves two sisters.
First ward
Mr. Hatton, who Is engineer on the
S<*rond ward
steamer Colnmhla, wHI be unable to
Third ward
attedU the funeral as he can find wo
Fourth ward ,
*... I. . ....
one to Uke his place tomorrow.^
• Fifth ward' ........
Tnrane Chr. MVdiicui. at t ^aoA
».«.«■ Mooter. !•»» !•- A- D- J*®*-
Xor sUie tfite« lor
tM% fn* tli« Mioetioa of a *taip cca
tnU cosalttoe And a chairman Iber^
or MUI for U>a
oChMi’ ^uAlBtMa an may iHnpcrljr oocnr
tOTwaTiown^hlpn and' warda
WOI t« •Btjtifd to dolriaica la ib«
oooiitr conrcmUoii an ,fono*i. io be
jlod at the prtamrrrf.k«6ontoba
.under the new
nteladte ..........
Trarerae City-
nral ward.............
• te«ooa»>rd
TMrt word ..........
T>cinrth ward .......
Fifth ward
Total ..........I...
Datad May 30. 190d
laa. H. klonroe, Cb
Rpben K. WalteK
On another pane In imimy a Record
will be found a circular sent out by
thoistate board *>f iKwltk; alvlna tin*
atath law In retard to lln'worka and
also a resume at the caiu«n» of lock
jaw many eases of which usually at
tend the celebratlcm of the FV>iirih.
As staled In lh«‘ rlrrular. the penuR
of letaauf are not i-onttfnHsl in the
expMrea tlitmM.dve»..iL«i mnmifac
turn of which la detflmpnUl ti> their
exUUmce. but durin* the hot acajuin.
they exist in the air and ihe wound
formed by an explnalon Ib an idi>al
place for their UidKinx. To puani
aialnst Ihlaia the purpose of the atatilaw.
It «AmId be w«*U for every parent to
road'tbU cJmilar of the ,yate iKiard of
health and can^fullv «tu<1v it. By iui
dolair they wfll la- able m int^^tUixmily aapervlac the llrewtirkH whh h their
.children Intend 16 use on the Fourth
and to prohibit ihofc which are dan
fteroua to their Uvea or those which
might,Inflict aerKmK Iniury.
The anommcemeul of (kmeral RooU.
thaj the Salvatkm Army will make ap
pliemtioD to enter Spain brings to
light the fact that Hitssla ts the^ml.v
Important country not yt-t Invaded
the army. The Salvation Army im
r ^h twojrlrraBes In sight the Trav
arse f^ty small tniy !•» the envy of all
lOi leas fortunale neighiKjrs.
If you want anything in
the Screen Door line we
can suit you. We have
the cheap^ the medimn
priced and the ffood
Sert^en* Doors. We have
Adjustable Window
Screens, Wire
Hinges. Door
SpriniTs. the Universal
Door Cit h and ever>*thing Qcsdcd to Icccp out
Our SI Door.'complete
wiih trimmings, . is. the
greatest bai^^n
ever saw.
c .
• Come and see it.
Wc htTc me exdnslTe
Easiest Kiul if Buy
J. Wi Slater
. ..
PEP SE WA CURES liver, kidney
QUICK, THE TAILOR, makpa good
tomach. nerves and bowels. Inquire
clotkoa.. 201 East Front SL
it your druggitU,
i little early forcsifM wUl provide Uie means
for an enjoyable ontlnt without “money pinch”
whoi vacation time comes. Open an acconnt^
with ns, startlnf it with $l, $2 or $3 this
wedu and add small stuns to it repilarly. A
Uttle more money fhr vacation means a lonrer
Uip, aloarer stay and a better time. Dolt now.
We can't say bow lonR we
can fnniiah them at tbes^*
ljrie»*fl—l»elter buy Ukbiy ami
make sure of them.
The towpshir
-Of Paradise
township will rt-n-ive scaled bids for
Contract to build one-ftory brick town
hall 24x60 at Kingsb-y, all bidP to Ik*
in by June 2ith. 190€. •
Plans and specifications on file at
cterk'a office. Hoard rt-senes right
t& reject any or wll bld«
A, W. Ori rhnlt.
June l«t
Town Clerk. ,
Aiilhorirml to act in nil capae
Itli-s jwf Trust, as f:xeeiitor. Ad
roliilKiVator. Trufdi-e timb-r w ill*,
n.-eelwr,* Registrar. Tran.*;|.T
Agent. ; Trustund<*r imirt-'
ga-,*s. set-wring iH.nds. etr.
Make..; audits and examinalloris of iMKiks for miinit iimli
tn.li vidual*.
■Per Cent
: EvTryu^Qar yon dejmsit
dniw tbpue, p<*r «-nt
t compoundtsi twice
Traverse Cily
State Bank
^ nioae&0e-2
TineisaCiljf, lidL t
‘ ^
the kind that
''f,] ^ | I' l
A: your doors and window*
.1 I !
at best prices. Dealers in all kinds
of building material. Get our prices and consider
onrsUxk U-ioro baying. Katimate* famisbed.
Oar motto/ B«t Priote. Dry Stock,
i if
Prompt friivery,
Phone Citizens 308
Beil 390
Regular $lft.00 Suits selling forRegiilar S..VJ Suits selling for.
Rcjjular *7.5^) Suits scdlinj; for.
Regular (> 50 Suits selling for.
Regular O fKj Suitv selling forRegular <i.00 Suits selling for.
Regular 5 00 Suits selling forRegular 4..50 Suits selling for.
Regular 3.50 Suits selling forRegular 3.00 Suits selling fc^r.
. Regular 2.50 Suits selling for.
Regular 2.t)0 Suits selling for.
1.50 Suits selling fori
Saved from what yon
e^rn will eanBoyou no
inconvenience, and ibis
ulsrly dej^.
amount r.-Lrii
iud in Iht SavimrsXk*parimeul
tbis Bank
will imibe you c-orafort*
able in the course of
time. I( you are not
alre.'i.ly a ileisvsitor. tlu-ii
pleaBC consider Ibis , an
irivitatiain to btfome one.
Jlk^aip^cinc Co
515 lake An.
Something we couldn't let pass. Values
no Traverse City father or mother should
overlook. Thursday we start the record
sale of Boys’ Clothing of the season which
includes one and two piece suits and
sailor suits.
F«h*s «'xtremelv moderate.
leeCass St.
The South Side Lumber Co.
Boys’ ClotUiig Extra!
limes .*^afi* and wt*!l selected
.Uet-eivt-s money on de|M>sil
and Issues interest tiearing
lificateK IJierefor.
fat’s & Good Wind
thqtWows from oar electric
fai*. We have 4hcm in sev
eral, sizes, and can install
them in any part of your home
or office. * An added comfoh
evc^ngs is reading oc iiewing
by*1ectric light—the finest illortiihant in the world. Ask
us for infonnation and esti
mates for either.
Ttf Record Want Ak
DcirBll, MicmeiiL
Fourth nf July Will ffe .■« Big Vime In
the VilUge Located on the Bherta
ef Lake Michigan.
Children of Woman’s Club and Their
Mothers Wc-c the Oueuta of Mrs,
Special to the Evening Record.
O. E. Wynkoop.
Empire. Mich. June 16.-Emplre
will celebrate Ihe glorious Fourth
The annual childn-nV. dny of the
great style this year. A Traverse City
brass band will furnlKh music all day VL'oman's fclub was obiurved at Rlrdiand a wvon-plere ondo-slra fmmTrav wood.^ierday. the cltlUlrt n and their
erse Cliy will ploy for a Wg dance milt hers iM-iJig the guests of Mrs. D. E.
Wynkoop. The day was most enjoywhich wlU continue all day and
ably sjvnt In varldns pleasant ways,
, In the evening ih^- will I
magniflr«-nt display of fire works, the not the lea.ct enj<»yablc of which bHng
nitiee having extu-ndi-d a largt the pollack dinner which wa* served,
mt of money for this feature evrr.vbody rontrihuting some p<»rtkin
alone. Two prominent siH-ak. rs will and the club furnl>4»lng Ici* cn am
The day wa.s rp.*nt in boat rldlm-.
dt-liver pat 1*10110 addresses. In
gatberim; flbwers and wild strawlsTaftcraoon there will be a grand |u
at floats and launches and numerous ries and other amusement*. Thenwenabout twitity-five < hildn ii pre.*'
other attractions. A Imll gamt
and almost as many mothers.
twii-n Msple City and Rmpin- wl
played for $4ft a side. All visitors will
Deadly Serpent Bites
lie exu ndei! hearty grwtlngs.
Are at common In India as are slonim-h and liver disorders! with uf«. For
the latter, however, there is. a sure
Township df ParadM'- It Advertising remedy: Eb-cfrtr Riifer<: the great
n-»u»rallve m«-dlc1ne. of which 8. A.
Rmwn of Renneitsville. S. C., nays:
“They n-stored my wife b> perfect
health, after years of Fuffering with
have a new town Hall. It wUl \»
ally torpid
brick Mnirtim- 3txCft and will ho lo^ dyipr-psla and a chronically
liver.” Elortric Uhten: cun • chills and
catiHl In Kingsley. The township of fever, malaria. hlHousncss. lam back.
fleers advertised for bids Uiday. Ih' kidney tiymble.s and bladder dh
-giiaranu-e^by Johnson Drug
bids loibe in and o|»«'nod on June z:,. 9<dd
Bugliec Drug
Co., F. H.
It will be one ston In height.
Co., druggists. Price i
Diffcbiit Opinions
S<*i-ai to exial jn n lation to
Iho roost pronUiW.* kin.l of
Fruit C;ia Ku^Kn. Some
Imlii-s insist on haviim now
onot ovorv yoar. I nil t!t> iu»t
ciiTO for iho rotdtl * xiK-nBivo
kiml, as ibuy are alwaj’i disoankd afU:r U.ioK ofl***-’ OM-d,
wbilo othora ai^iiii maintain
that tbo la-8l ia cboapeat tvtianlloss «)t oust. We have
ihoJeiorr pre|jftrt*l to |iU-iiao
every customer, and will S4*U
our Ix-st grades at .V and fic
lier dozen, and the clienper
Peaaksctl Biiildiofir,
d-O ^
This remarkable sale is'for Thursday.
Friday and Saturday only. No one will
dispute the fact that these are the best
prices ever made on Boys’ Clothinx at
this time of the season and should ^11
every suit we have long bafore the
tim^ is up.
Hinnali Jr Xay Mercantile
^ '■
•• •
4 i- Avoid the Knife
No Medicine. Knives or Prism
an* tisnl in dttrOriieioal Method.
#r. P. A. Wslfc. Prop.
, 4i>4HWmfUnBtt.
Dr. B. L. Patlswi. Ate't.
TranneCIQr .. .0|,rkMe3H-
TaWf. FifMrUM
Ijonf; rme fi
Kiahuimr nau«
S7 io $ii per neck^ or
»r Sl^rfl
Juw: 14 1 W
rav A Nccoao want aOl
Joseth Sleder & Sons wntSiTril!"?;,.,
Butchore/ Packers and
A Tender Chicken
KiroeBkM flH- eotHe comtiy. the
mter or deaths Irdtt locLlsir fa thm
mama of July arc Breatcr thas la aay
olbiir aoatk of ilR* jaar. That thU
tarrrcaaa te :h« numher Vif lataRtk-s
caa br prcrealcd, U berond Koeatka;
and thal il liMwild b« premtod. U tOe
trtponsibllitr of thf ipaMral pabUc.
The iwords of dcatba for the last
tlirp.* year* In the Uallod States ahoa
that fataBtW froin tetaoat. popularty
badlni as -loAia^"
&on expUiaSoos or blaak rariji
tej^atofs. ftlajrt flrecrarL«’rs. «a
Wh«r^. The roinimni u»e of lb<^
tide*, br ’rhildrtu ss
»* by
adiJU. In the* wlcbnalon of Independ
ence dsy. readily explainv th< pnnxaa
d.-nth mte fmm tetann* to the moot!
<if July. In the alatc of HJchlgan.<h.
u*e nf blank i»rtridgca. by ehlldrtni. 1
nrrl aloiM* a rreat Hak. hut a crlmina!
rlak. HInp a dln-ct vkMatioo of ih;
law. In IWKl. onr afale pacaed a lam
If) unvent |»M- ■Hak''T.tid uao of and
arfldcs to etjrh 'yotinft chUdren. am’
ri ada a? frllrwa:
An Act to Preve-t the 8-Ic a"d Uif
nf Try PiStCla.
iC-miilkMl I^m- «>f'lKT»7. Kc-ttlmi
roanted makes any meal seem
like a banquet. **Where can
one?” Kij^ht here, dc
madam, almost any day you
our way, unless customers
ll'^!2. r. A.-'No i.*!.S Iksn i
come too many at a time and I15:?l»
<if iht Sfalc of Mk’hlgai
buy us out
Still; we are:
generally well supidicnl in the SiTtloo 1. That no oenuni ahal
poultry line al prices that ««11. K!Vo. nr fumkh lo any chttd tin
make chickens not joo much tVr ibr ace of thlrt<H*n yetra. an;
of a luxury.
rnrtrldge of any^ form or material, oj
C jr. 8lh and Franklin. Both phone. aiiv pbloi. can.'or mher lnccha^l^a'
YounR America
cumiol hi* tupprcisoJ when
4lb of duly cx>njo6 arouml. He
wonUto let himself loose for all it
is worth, lie can <lo so with impunity if he lias a (^ood rc\'o1ver
and a supply of blank cartriilL'i«
that «*an make lots of noise. Wo
have just tlio gun he wanU. A
gcxMl, w»rviotvil>le pistol that is not
8 Ilax....
U U n...!.
orly. We also ha\^ a largo variety
of rilles. cannons, etc., and *an
kinds of ammuiiitkm. ~
Saxtbn Hardware Co.
David G. Chandier
Candidate for
The State
Grand Traverse
i -...
Has lived in Grand Trav
erse county l*J years.
Business is fanning. Ac.live member of the
Grange. N firm believer
in a revised pwjnnry law.
Is a supporter of Wm.
Alden Siniih for the
United Slates Senate. ^ *
Pow^r *for Your Boat:
Huj- a SM.^LLEY Marine (5as Knginc and
enjoy the boating seison from btrginning to end.
W. M. PAIGE, Agent.
With Ih.u J. B. PaipQ Electric Co.
120 Cass Strwt.
Good Residence Properties
^ I have two dfsirable kcalions on‘
Washington sireet. and one on
E.ast Ninth near U’nuin and one!
• 11 Hast Tenth ne^ar Cass. 1 will
fu nish money * io build fur any
one wanting to make a home.
The coniraaing party may m^e
fjiahs for., house and pay for|
property on easy terms.;
E. McNamara
“I! takes brataa to play the fooL"
Baaoi% in many iocaatlea agahiat aaHi
So Georire Kltne. tbe eqaaatrtaa dtBae! « la the jtid«PB«at of thit de:
rector of ibe great Vaa Ambari abova
parttnent that if more iocallties t
abea aaked coaceratag
coatrol the aale
or niiirt Louoo (4II1 twIeM)
IP VKRTO.TK Who has had #v«i
W* tb« silBhisot aaperWnoa ta
“ raIsJaa hawers haowa the
larly t^e cWb dctmniiient. for theto
works were oontrolled, ont only
Is Botbliis to m dreoa witboat n cl
Q:c Dwmber of d«stb» from teU
*•11 tea cotn^ under my obsenrmtloQ
diminUM. hnt the Bctttsl nnmber of
serlienu wes conalderablj
muij Us^ened
U8*eneo. that thd brmlnleat perfomMnw. nlway*
m|ke4he test dom and produce fan
ri is Worth whOe to
U%l tf tiotwnly whmeeoibe. but makes
evc-n ■ hlgh'pereeatage
the miB. BO matter bow dlacontentiNl
The flrewoilm moat likely to caqne
with tbe world, forfet his?xpl(M?kint atftl «o ^rmlt.yl^feption
tcBiporully and dhttolro-hls
mm letanti*. are: Blank' carlrldgei,.
feature* Into a Brin. Wbe® you comHam ftrerraeken*. cannon Hrecrmcker*.
pare the actor with the rtown ibe lit
Irearma, Includinc toy platol* and tor
tiT.has a handicap regardlDg his methhmIu cane». It U not (huughf that any
o3* and his farUlUe* of bVlnjHn.g forth
•f tbvM- exjilojtlvea them*elvi-<> con
aln the'telauua germ: for the ram
The other has the author to thank
naiertala do nt.t necessarily contain
nine timi-a out of ten for some ‘fat*
be bacnii. and ibe mode of mgnufacpart. Then, too. he is cnabk*d lo sav
uring flremoflca would tend to destroy
things that produce Tun and which are
he itermi^. ^hfittld they chanrt- lo bi>
not his own. But take tMb man U hind
aroicnt In ihs raw WterlalH. Norethe whltenetl far<* and hr has nothing
)v*u*. it li. well known that certain
to help him but hl.s gestures, his nim
:rare i»owdf r exploRloiw do occur.
ble leg* and hU art of so contorting
Then* graia* of mim.ler enter the
his fare as to brine forth mirth. ItV
leV» bi>t when, no Wife-tlou fnnu ttreal work to make Mu m laugh without
anus orriirs. ft In khumn that the toany aid whctiwiever cxc«-jiiing the fe«*
anu.N grmi exlm^s *mi thrive* in the
Item* I have menUoned. FurMiermore.
ncnistaMoij nr d*iut of fllfh; and mWa clown must he born: he is nut made
nmmer. In July, the atmci&pberc Is
or ttiaaufarinrctl.
'aden with hurh dust which jKHtk>i« on
:jroT Instance, lake Alonzo, the pre
he skin Of iiernmV ' A mnund. tbiw.
mier *>oc*y;of Hu* Van Amhurg show*,
.Mrrmlts the dm-1 *o laden with tetafnpand be would U* the last person In the
rennr to t-nter the alimrlon of the
world you would nick out as a profes
kin. and. rxaied in thl« exrellent m<sional jester. He Is Ihe nolienwt-ap:iura. tetarins germ* licnime prolMr.
IH'iring cu>;s you ever saw on the
•analng the il«-*ih of human lielnga
strwt. Y«-i lu- ha^ but to walk from
lit bin a vhorf time
the dressing t-ip to the big show and
It iR iK-heredrihat tiy paarkm oni^ I laugh. ThenMime'hing aUiut
lance* fo control the xal«- and iiae of that stride that Is funnrv and when luilnnk canridpes. toy pIrUiIr and othiT allows the toy balloon, to get away
langemus firework*, by anruaing pub fr^ him and sail through the air,
lic *|ilrit. so that merchant*
*X4«^yiug after It. I have seen the *iK*ctatnrtant to mil btimiful goods; !»^v Inrlt tor* almost' fall off the seat* with
nc iiarents to a earefiil and «1m- mi Igughter. Out In Ogtleii I remember
l»te fin-works i‘i iV tinsl one old tadV could hapdly Im- s-oppe.!.
^»y ehildn n. and bv li more promp fibw. you lot sorm* one else tr> that
liitl universal u.se of aiUlloxine and same little trick and If* not funnr
irophylacUc*: bv vnrli wHlOil. #e ran at all *
prevent Ihis^dread ami fatal dlseaeC. ?Mr Kline i-oiitlnued In that strain
tgUmu*, litim luithtT uihM preva- dpd Mu-n sent on to tell Ktnries of
teuev, iuitl guard against what sis-m* cfownv ami won.len-d what the oli
Ik* necdle.-js sorrom'.
ilfiUTH Ksy when they ^4•e ten and
f-ntrivanri*. aiMTlally arnUirtsl or dra
lcnal«*d for the » i;>!o^lon of ihi- »ain^
Si'rfiMM r.’ .\iiy pefitem rlolatlm
rn.v rf ihe-i.rmlPloTiK of the for^-colm
H-rUoii. rha!l I
K’lll’y of j
mlsdcntcamrr. ami iii»on romictin:
lltvrxr:f. rJiall Ik- |»unf5b.;il l.> a flio- o
mi! }i t^ than ten dollar*, nor moo
lliau fUk%- dollars.'and r^iMs of |iroFcn.tImi.'or impriPidiraeiit ihe rotmt>
Jail tint Itfr. than ten dayi« nor mor
I ban ninety dayr. rr both nurh (Im
ami Imiirisonnient, in tbr dlKrrt>iloi
of Ihe eoj'p.
Sertlon .I. Ij shall tie unlawful foi
IV |M r?<in mi»liT the ago of thlrtcvr
-ars to have hi iiosM«l*on. pt uh
any of the articles named tn so<*lioi.
one c,| lbU.;»ot. •
V h lelleved that If iMvpU- m*ne;
ally t.iiim* of this lum. .-tml Ti addiUon
of the n*al dancer reMiItinr
from Ihe ime <»f rc-rlaln flrewiuks
thev will oxerciM- the earr* and dlKcrtv
Mon iii'eessary lo imiieri 4heir owi.'
lnlen*«fK. U) itrevent their ehlldren. nt
|K»ralbly therh*elv<‘s. ptim iH'iTimluri
rllmr of lm|iro|ier |ilnytLines.
It may be Inten’Fiinc to m»:e wbaf
far ts we have .it hand to show rh.,
K-ilon lielween the j.|u-elal ju»ia
1-nee of ti linu; and tin- r«
iMi flrewiel:- on the Pourth of J:i!y
- OD'clhs fre-n Tetanu®.
Ip^Ml-hlcan. Ihrta- years ae». ti.
1!*03. there wep\ In July, iwa-nty-.-ieve.-i
Jeiths from ie‘anu^. all. fcdlowinc i!i«
wounds r»'oelv4-^I fnim hantlling tin
K and-ih the rniled Slates, ihi
numiKT of d«-athh from the samt
iiM >.as nr. In llMl. in .Mirhlcan
• iiumbiT ot diaiTln- fmm ih»- sann
1H-. iu J'lly, w.a> five; in the rnltisi
e.-:i.»lnr. In liH.r. - ti.,- -uainler .n
-rhv fh VhUiean from the sam.
i>4- w*,v sev« is; *n tfs- rn'lte-l States.
I. II Is at oure >een that Mu mim
* of dealh^.
In our own >(a‘e
ami ihroucljotii Mu' entire rtmnV'.v. ki
cfeallv exreehd j!ie numlier of
4l(.alh»* oreurrliic ‘ either in 1D^«4 o*
r.*or». After the falalitb** wen- n*con;
1!»04. the great cniaarle. acaliu.t
THE KFKJULAn Sunday excursion
lH*lwei-n Traverse fity and I’covemont
commence Sunday, June ITih. and
nue every other Sunday until
further miilce. Trains will leave Traverse THy at IMOo a. m.. and 4:no p. m.
and will arriveat Traverse City at.
10:r»l a. m. and
June 12-r.l.
Prof. H. N. Hor-.heck >-d Miss Lana
Ross Will Be Marriecl-^r. Hornbeck Is High School Instructor.
Imitation:, to the m.-ddlio; of Prol.
n. N. ,lb.uilK.ek to Miss i>•na,,^o^R of
'rhompsonville have hecn rt-ceived In
Mu- city. TIk- afTalr conu s off June Jo
af Mr. HoinlH-<-k s luune near NewayPr.if. Honiliock i« the instructor
ill chemi.sini* in the hH-nl Iliclt school
and ha.< Innij for thenast tmo year*.
He is wry iKipular with the scholar*
and ha* made a h<i*t of frlrmls tTinifV
city sJnrt- hi* has been emplmed hen*,
n is iMisHfhle that Mr. Honitirck will
bring hU hiide to this city mhere he
will take a iiorition In ihe rummii
-:chf»ol at Mu- Nin-dham leisim st <*olIeg»-.
p. m.
-Women’s Pains-
< "I was a total w-reck,” writes Airs. BeuIiH ^
Rowley, of Champoeg, Oregon, -from pains I had
suffered, for 4 years, every month. Sometimes I
would be unconscious for 12 hours at a stretch. I
did not know that anything could stop the pain
entirely, but' Wine of Cardui di(J. I advise all
women suffering with painful periods to use Car- ■
dui and be relieved.”,
It does this by regulating the functions'ahST’
toning up all the Internal female organs to health.
U is a pure, specific, reliable, female remMy, Mrith
a record of 70 years of
success. Ithasbene^
fited a million others,
^^y not you? Try it.
Sold by Bveiy J>mSSist in $1.00 Bottki.
wenly clowns In a ring today whi*re
childhood clay* one was t s
they expi?rl‘‘<l- The clown to
day m-rupii** an even more oxalteil pcs
Billon with the clreuH than he did
ihliiy or forty year* ago.’ It 1* better,
(iplaininl In Mr. Kline's word*, a* fulkrwK
ho!k- days thev didn't have
t*olossal act* *urh as tmvi-l
1-1 with
show Of the callN r of the Van Ambiirg
tiggn-gsMon It was an easy matter to
make, or rather arrange. >-om pm
gram ro that ‘one act tollowed *antrthei without a wait “Nowaday* with
I ho lifg art* it (okc9i time to get the'
rigging reaiiy and the clown mii*t,.
during those lorapurary lulls amuse
the **HT.'ators so that they will forget
all alK.-.it the wait and wntoh and
laugh. And. iM-Ileve me ifa no c*a*y
ta*k. Jt»*t tr> It yourself.''
■■The tw«-nt'-flvo clown* of the great
Van AraiMirg shows wi-ro all MH*ciaIly
V*ngag!sl for fhi.s branch of the performanre. and If* the iKiast of the
management that their 4 (fori.v in tbla
din*ctioi) have met with a aucce** l>e>
yond their expecfatlonr. Tbe Van Amburg whow* will be at Traverse City.
June 21.
George Coons Yanked a Monster Out
rf Caro Lake Yesterday.
While fishing iu Carp lake yesterday
Ofiige Coon* had a meilhim sired blu-.
However, when he went to pull In hit
AbL. ht- found that Rien* wa* a log or
•5>ine(hlng on the other end of the
Itae. When the ‘lop" was brought to
te Burfacc he di*covtred that it wa* a
which, when
proved to be ihirtyone inches long
and seven and . oue^haU pounds In
weight. The biaflsh aitraciad conaldcrable^ttentlou in the city last even-
klada. esprcUIty on rasa hbshss.
Ta a)t^?assfally ralsa Bawss»-«a
bring them ta tbair full grvwth sad
drvo-tapfwent uabWnnUard hj tla
%aii«-iy »r aoetbods rrroaiiaaadsd
for axi*-riHlaailng tk* prwtii. hdt
B«-arlr all bav'' thr-yrtr srrlsus dlf.
ftiult) of not.only killing tbs In»crt but kimag th*- pUut as wall.
Tb4isc> of ua wao bw\e trtrd aaris
grrra, brllr-W^ tub««-.-o w«trr. takIniJf, «» well «« erriwiu p4ttro|4-<l
produ<-ta On Ikr market, hav* bad
/or'a*^roSr a^ a*ad u
cKlnrlMid: and 4annot do ibr slight, Thonipoon A t's.. DrtrolL
sat harm to planta. snimala. etc.
Frre Sample anppttrd by yaoi
Besra fiswcTw. shnibs. vlars aad. gist oalj taat matlabls>.
Tirtor Herbert and John Philip 8TCAMKR ILLINOIS tXCUMION.
First excurtlon, Snntey, Jtnw 17Ul
8on*a. the well-known musicians and
composc-ra. appeared Ihe other day Charlevoix. Peloaltey, Harbor SprlBgs,
before a joint committee of tbe senate End return. 11.00^ steamer tniaolE. 8oe
and house In Washington. The com achodule, i>age 6. column 4 for time.
June 14-31
mittee wa* considering the proposed
new copyright law and tbe I wo musi
cian* contended that und^r the .f>fe*law they are deprived of legitINotice to all Par^ In
The ipecial mtmmi t
i royalUe* which they *hoald re
celve^from their composition*. Francl* Walker, a well-known authority on street to State street and SUte street
from Union street to Ca** *troet. is
patent law, answered Me»ara. Herbert now In my hands for the collection of
and Sousa. “Theae gi*nUemen com- the foiirtb installment, logcihcr with
I," said Walker, "that they do not 1 the accrued Interval on all unpaid InIment*. the aatoc to tn* paM on or
make enough money. Why, they}
ire the 30th day of June. 1»06.
make more money by far than Theo
City ’
dore Roosevelt does for ix-gulatlng tbe Office. Room 202. State Be
2-1 mo
Following tht Flag.
When our soldiera went to Cuba End
the Philippines, bealth was tbe moat
Important consideration. Wlllla T.
Morgan, retired commlasary aergeanL
U. 8. A., of Rural Route I, Concord.
H.. says: "I was two years la Cnba
rooeara in the Philippine*, and
Fir*i excursion, Sunday, June 17th.
CharleoJx. PHoskey, Harbor Springs
and return. Il.oo, steamer Illinois. Sec
Bchcdulp. page 0, columq 4 for lime.
June 12-t.t
Notice te all Persona Intercited.
The sperlal a**dH*mont tax roll for
be paving of Statu street fitom the
Cass aliVH-t
hands for the collection of
with J he Interest
I*, the same
on all unpai,
to be paid on or before the 20lh day
of June. D
.M. E. Haskell. City Treasurer.
State Bank building
t«y A EECOED WAfir A&
Pere Marquette
Line Steamers .
Round Trip $1.60
steamer* Imtvc Manlsloe dally (ex
cept Sundays) at 6:00 p. m. juid 7:00p.
m.. Sundays at 7:00 p. m. |SrlAidlng.
And Mllwaakcc. Arrim ht tlllkce.at C:30 a. m. Learn MUwauThia Report Is Made Up Daily. The
Record ir Not Reeponelble for
kee daily at 8:00 p. m. Anivlng at
- Change* In Prlcet.
Manistee at 7:00 a. m. and 9:30 a. m.
Selling Price.
Connections: At Milwaukee with
pork, per barrel............ | 18.00
early (rains for Chicago, afternoon
CTcar pork, per pound............
mills from ChlcEBO, and all potata
Short cut pork.......................... ijioo
and west. At Ludlngton with
nour. H. L. A Co.'* Beat........
Ry* flour. H. L. A Co/s Be*t.
perfi ifargnette rtllroad for all point*
Meal. H: L. A Co.'a Best....*
north and east. At Manlatoc with If.
Feed, H. L. A Co.'f Beet........
MO A N. B. railroad, M. A O. B. raUroad.
Egfi. per dozen........................
ao ahd steamers for OiMAama and Frank
Codieh. per pound............ ..
lArd. per pound........................
fort. Dock foot of Pint street TeleBuUer, per pound.................
e 682.
B. H. FRENCH. Agent ,
Oau, per bnahel................
Oat*, per bushel................
Potataes. per bushel......
Salt, per barrel................
Buying Ratat of Traveite City Oealera
Wheat ........................................
Com. per bushel............ ..
Poutoei, per bnehel, ............ 3540
r. W. WapAar T
to Hamilton Clothing Co.
r. W. Wa^er. aairntmaii at tbe
bamlltub pothlnfi compiiijr. baa tea- Chl^eni
dcred hU rtHOgnatlon and will go to h«m ...........
KBIkaakh.'where he bar aeeeptod a Oats .............
poalUon as bead naleamaa in T. D. Catii# ..........
During his stay In thbi city Mr.
Wagiterliaa jBade a targe number of Cow*.... ........
friends who wUI be very sorn to ae«
him Icatnc-v He la a very capable saleanian and.initeu^odlT will be auoooaaful in hl^w ppaltion.
«alte;i bm,
The apecla
esment tax
roll for
tbe paving of We*t Front street from
the west line of Union tircel lo the
west line of Maple street Is now In my
hands for the coilecllan of the accoad
Installment, together with the teemed
interest cm all unpaid Insullmrata. the
to be paid on or before tbe MHh ‘ ^
Klim's Kei
Mon. which kept roe In perfect health. day of June. 1$0€.
And nW; in Now Hampshire, we find
it the IK-M medicine In the world for
cough*, colds.
nchial trouble* and
lung dl*ea*e*. G
non Drug Co.. F. H. Mead*. C. A. Bug
bee. druggist*. Price Ouc and |1.00.
Trial bottle 10c.
: ' |s
ni $iLE.i
Good cow pasture for
sale^iiear head of
Boardman L.ake.
Wcll fenoed, divided
into two parts, runoia* water io each/
Good opportunity for.
anianwho wants to
herd cows. Call at
. Office, Ffitt SL
mUe nnd OonnU^fbam, huto
bkSBD Maoday wbm be wm u
omm an tbe eye, cau> npae
Mr. turn ww ij-UW -lH M trrM
I. Mt emu Itoe. Meclx tke halt
cla« ID Ibe ba« «*# to «i* K to» tt«
bMt ho MTC It « lerlu Tl» alawnr
...ie .n H.W l«it efler K CUD. Ik.
flehmi. Hr. Horn wM Jtsrted lo
tb. inu «Ml tb. M |W0« «o blab
Uat It tumek bl» « eUb
toe. «ltb lu toll aiMemtIjr horl to
«entcb bU chert toepif.- Tb. »A
tbM iopirt to the bottom Of the boet
Wbw tclllh* the-etory ihU Domlag
Mr, Rov sUd, **Aa4 the worst of It 1»
M 9hm a mai ulto the imih ooR; : JMfSjr 9W
Aflem A«rt«
sow U.4icatca a He crop of cbcrtlea
aad Daobooa applca altboagli tha groas
aro not crowiae may «a aoeoaat
<d tlMr drp weatber. Tbe aoar clMrry
trm aM to bo awwo loaded ibaa do
tbo met ewaa aad H la to tbOM tbal
mtloa If paid iKcaijMr tber
are bolter koepon aad'bHr« blibor
Vhem waflo tbo aoar chorry Ueea aro
baidy tbaa tbe oibcra. Koi
taia abeat prteea aa yet bat IL la
tkuMbbf that tbey wlinw Calrly j
Tbo Dacbeat applet aro aadU
mocli bettor abowiae than Iboy did
last year ^wbea tbo crop waa rather
Com and poutoei arc oomlog along
tt^et^y although a Croat In the rlrinlty
oL Dowera Harbor nipped aomo ftold<
MJbtitlr tint not moogb to kill the
luytvioi ptaata
Now potateea i
aoon pat to tbclr appea.-mnee and
»omv p^coa they are woarly ready
dig.at prvaent. . Hay la reported to be
dolfit well back of tbo city and at this
eod of lb<* peninanla but near Old Mia.
flop It will bo a Tcry abort crop.
Taking the country on the whole
the fnnna ate looking aa well ihla
apring and poaalbly hotter than otrer
iM’foro. Many new orcharda hare boca
oke tlK}
»tii this amlAK
wlik Hi
whlatlr. Th« Kartln
had 100.0(H) fert oT (Imtior in tow for
tba OU. rompany which wan picked
np at Korthport. Omcaa, and
Bap. iL irtp will bo »a<k- Into »miI
Bay Ihtt mnoraooB aad a raft picked
up ffWiivTtiba and Willow, l*olni. Af New York Police tay
met Will ^oon Be Made.
Urr bHniftif thli raff trv «t»e city the
By Wire to the Evening Record.
I'fei tog will nyiorn to (Tharicvolr.
New Vork. June 1C.—It waa aaaerted
by a nollce omclal that the alaycr of
Mra. Alice D. Klnnan had iMx-n trapped
C, A. Palmar Will Ba •peakor for and a wmaatlonal arrcel would ‘
made within forty-eight boura.
Knl#rta af Pytolaa Tomorrow.
Tbo annual
day aerrlcc
wm U- oliacfred by Ihh Knight a of
Pytolaa tomorrow. At 1:S0, lioth the
Mra. Catherine CU mena returned to
naifona rank aad.lbc, aulK>rdlniiie
lodge wUl mad at; tha lodge ruorea Stanton after vlalllng friend* in the
and at 2 o'clock tbo proecaaton will be city.
to Ihj: <H»inctcry
formoj and the marchi to
Frank Palne^ who haa been apendlng
t act aa tnarslial a few dava In the city., returned lo
made. O. C. lagrlg wtlH
will ea
Lansing fhla morning.
anbonllnato lodge, the. Traverac
Mrs. John Conwood of SljgfaU'was
baiul aceoim»aioiag.t|i|v w****-^
In the city today.
the comoirry the uaual memorial norMlaa Julia Uringaton of SuitOn^t
Tice will be bold and Grand C.hanrell«r
Hay IH viBitIng at Acme.
ralnar of Manlitci will deliver the
Mm. y S .SUU^of Northport paaacd
through the city thlH* morning on her
way to Grand Rapid*.
A. C. Smhh of Chicago, who has
-V The coBunon connidl of Traverac iM-en arn-ndlng a short Umo at Northicily will pay 1100 rewayd for the re port. returned today.
covery of the to»dy .of Ihdicrt Cha-nc.
Mra. E. & Michan oC Hcluforth*
who waa drowned In Onind Traverac CroMlng 18 in the city today!
hay Sunday afternoon. Juno 10. IPOC . Mrs. L. Clark of Heinforlba CronaJ. M. (illlett. Prea. pro tem.
|ng 1* *iK*ndliig the day with relatlvea
lone 15^t
In the city.
Mr*. E. R yatOB of this ctly who
has Wmi visiting In the vicinity o!
IblitrnttliK CruHBing. rttumed tbia
Mr*. A. C. CiAlfvy left for Kraplre
I hi* moniing. w here alu* will vl*U rel
Will make
l»i aum.
Mr*. WilUam Alexander of Eae!
iDtsr’g gtmw Imt kiok aa Rood
Jonlan iHiaaed thraugh the city today
aanew. It tuma IheoWiwl.
on bt*r way to l.Ake Ann.
moat diioolorad atmw white
^VIIUam Ncinlham apent the day at
Aod atainlcwa. KhuukIi te
Straw Hat
k«cp ypur liat clean and new
ail aunnnor
Mm K. C. Packard returned to her
tiome in Renconia this morning after
suiting reJaiivea in this city.
\V. W. ralrrhlld tranancted bualncs*
In Mayheld today.
navi on Lartlle la in the city visit Ing
Mr*. Thomaa Running of :n7 West
Ninth street retnnicd last ev«
fmm Colfax, WIs. where she
^ to tbc CUoto o eolksa or Poly
MfW P. B. U Cart rcUiniod to bar
ome to Maniatoe thit moraliig.
M^ Della am^t baa rctarwad frtrni
Champaign, IIU where ahe attcodml
tbe Ualvefalty of U^aoia,
Mlaa Ennlce Kcll^ haa rctomed
roH a Tint in Uma. IIL and Uf*
Dayton Sbrfby.ol Empire wa
goeat at the Whlttos yeUlerday.
L. EnaigB of Klngaley waatoUm
Bkrt Zbtell or A^or waa to the
II. Vnllcr of East Jordan i
guest at Park Place yesterday.
August Field of Mantatoe transacted
huainemi in the city yesterday,
8. Bowen of nellaire waa to tbe clt>
today lordUi4 aftw burtnem lniert?«a.
ptoc« and at tiM mwlM tobto
No Ultra cbafBe tor
Jane lH2t
« room being deeocwtgl with
iUmiber amptloa to ibe bay
and the ctoaa cokHU, ^g»cn
plafw to froDt of tbe We^actoiMi club and pink. Af 11:30. the bna prorldoc!
last eveiUig and tbe to
by the boatess nrrivod and tbe reThe Bi?v. B. K- HHaapto wHl preach
to the local High scbool boyt
girta* athletic asaociaikma 8n
The High aeboof athletic aasoclation
Is requested to meiH at the Bvaag.
Uttic DaogHter c< A. C. Tompklaa
cfl church Bunday evening at Tito.
TkcrtSfular weekly sbool of the Bod
The hyear-old daughter of A. C
and OuaXlub wasn’t vei;y well atlaqd Tompkins of Old Mtsrion pninfuUy
bmlaed her right foot yesterday afternoon, the injury being of such n aaturc that she waa naable to wklk on
O. F/ Cfrvcr and Tbotoaa Smurtb U. The lltilo girt waa playing In the
walie arc out along Bear C^-k. today ^rden and while mnnlag about,
They wfil oaly flab unttl thoy got the itruck her foot on a rock hidden In
limit end then return hume\and It 1* rhu grass. The foot was examlm*! b>
expi’eted that their stay %UI be Vcr> a local phyaldan but no broken bont s
w<Tc discovered altboogh It wa
that some of the small
George Miller thought that ycabrr
day was an Ideal day for fishing,* au bones were Injured on account of the
pain the chtfU auftered.
went out tojila favorite Von
^ftcr fishing''several hour*, be con
eluded that he w^a whltewaahcd^and
On Monday Wight the Mack l^e
was Juifl thinking about going borne
when he gx>l a bite and sc-cure<l fout Stock company <^na at the ^rand fo.
which were large enough to make a a week’s mgmg^nt In -rp York
State.-* a quaint rural comAdv drama
The Steamer Columbia made a trjp of the. belter claas. That Ihiwc favor
to Torch Lake yeaierday bringing ite* will welvc a warm weleot
back 3C5.000 ahlngics for the Hannah already a*»u«*d by th^ unusual advanct' sale of aeat*. which Jndleatea
A Lay Morcantllc Co.«f this city.
PsMa* T*I4 la* ramoa
Tlicre in o storj* iDid by Se
PHtn* of Al.nl ana on hliusHf alsml
wimt baiif*rtic<l to him when be
a imk* chap niteadfng Hinn h iwl*n*
•'I was only lu ynom obl.'*>«ild the
vatwan of the acnatc chamber. *9ni
bad U<cn amt to otiend SmHay acn*
lee akioe. I atonya ncrotni»nnh^ fuy
tmitlicr. fmt on thi* paiileular
dayahcwws sllirlitly lndta|H*ad and
toareliy fonvvl A> remain at bimie.
“I was oer-upylng a seal vrrj- war
IkMudhly the pUce in the city where <*l»**'*l>
\ht pnipit and tbe theme of the divine the weather chaugo* are felt the most
-WHS ‘Am 1 my limther^* kmi-VV
is at'the city water w orks. On a cold compaiu' has appiared ia unfviTsal in
-After pmiHiIng alKMi! flfb-eo mlm
damp day lawns are nut sprinkled and the opinion that It Is the to’st they
the stre*el sprinklers stop ojHTallng. have ever had at popular prices and
equal to many of the hlgh-prltx*d at
and hi* g«*eMrHw«-a.torr*l dlnx.tl> on When tho amount of water used in tractions. Their visit to this city will
mc^ I
to Iklgct a
taking care of lawns and kcepkig the
but he dill n’t lun» hi* eye* from mine dust dowh is summed up It reaches. give many |hm»pIc a chance to see a
of such well-km)wn
for :i
auil after n *h<*rt vonnr Immcnak onknilUca: Thuniday. whenp'»*’^
he Imnd forth again:
‘Am I ni^ the air was boh and do . the hig-pump^ ‘ *'^*5^*'
/'Sowing tb.- Wind,” ’"The
lirutlmr s
.cm !.«4K.(W« tollou. of .wvr fl„..,»st U«lc MJnl.t. r • .n,l -WtH-n Wo Wor,etmld stand It no lougi*r.and I no- thnnish tho nud.., whUo ,o.»cnl.y ‘r.onty.rtno." whlrlt 1... iK-n-loforawered lo a meek voice. *No. air.* *—
only I.76:.<KK. pllon. .oro «c0 .hlch 1
Ainerican Fptviulor.
docreT«. of nvarly . wimon:ive the ladh‘s a treat us she will w»*ar
noM heatdiful and costly
Gtud Traveme strawltcirlea aiadc
Mrs. Dora VogI apticared in Judg<
s01^11 on the local Mage
their appearance lu small qnaatltlcs Umieria court ytolerday and pleadift 4owns evt*r
by. auvoue at aiiy price. Alan I>ale.
guilty to aSMolt and battery. She man ihe leading dramatic critic of the
fined "la and Ws whk h she paid. country, last season jtnmuuuced .Miss
Mrs. Yogi was rliargeirwith beating a U-one |V‘ handi«>nicM. lKi.st gowned
nelglihgr'a child ami her trial was loi •nd most talented stm-k leading
for SHttCday morning but she voluu woman in the western country. Seats
tartly appeared yesterday.
1 Drug Co.
Mra C.K. Hale. Mrs. W. W. Hold*
worth abd Mra C. A.* Webb will eiUcrAn Alarming Situation
Uln Wedpe.sday afternoon. June 30. at Prcquently results from neglect of
2:30 o’clock yrllli euchre ai-lhe rcM ploggcHl bowels and torpid liver, until
eonstliiathm IwK'omeji chronic. ThI
dcnco of Mns. Hale. 6t)l Sixth street.
condition Is unknown to those w|io
Nearly all of ihe potato buyers have use Dr. King’s New Ufe PlIU; the
stbpiHHl shipping now and only a ver> lH‘st and gentk'st regulators of atom
tew loads are coming Into the r^y. ach and bowel;<. GuaraiJced by John
Thohe.ur^' Inlng’df^^iMmed of tfrluca! sonDrugt
bee Drug (
WHh^he change of schedule for the
summer by the railroads on Juno ‘24.
the resort travel will begin in earnest
but as n is there arc a few rcsorters
passing through the city each day to
the various resorts along tiie hay
while a large number go through the
clly to the more noiihern iKiinls. The
following party arr|vt«d lu the cUy this
noon, twk dinner sit Park Place an i LOST—Ih-tween l-irat National atel
People’s Imiik a week ago last
then dryve to’the Itushinore cottage
W<*iliiesday fjti. Ret uni l*i Rf'cord
at Old Mission, where they have hpcii*
June Ik If
several consecutive summers: JMr.
^Utlon. -Little
Dorotkir Ounteo.
OasB aong. -Joy Be
Recitatkm. -Too B^*
W.M. PAIGE. Agt.
1J5 Cm Street
by Charies
ReciUtlon by May MaaKW.
Violin solo. Jamie Butler.
Notlch to HI
RecKatioa. -Temperance.- by ten
Tbe special a
RcclUUon. -Suppo^^ Willis Hous- tb« cast line of Dlvlsloo atrcH tu..dB» /
west Hnc of Union street Is now to
hands for the rolloction of the fburtk
Young ladlea- quartet.
InaUllmeaL together with tbe accrued
Recitation. -'Christ’s Gardeners,*’ by interest on all unpaid InstHimnatg. tbk'
same to be paid on ur before tbe 30th
six girta.
Recitation. ”A lk*y-a Speech.” Jamie day of June. 190€.
M. E HaskeU. City Treasurer.
Office. Room 202, 8Ute Bank baUdlafSong. ’’Rearing Fruit for Jesus.**
June 11 mo____________
RedUmn. -By Four Girls.;
^BeelUNon. ’The Archway of Love.”
-The famous Mt. Clemons Mineral '
X^lorthB song.
Balts are having a big aalc at the draggista In tbia city. A poalilro cure for
STEAMER ILLINOIS EXCURSION. liver, kidney and stomach trouble. A
First exeurshm. Smi-lay. June JTih. safe, sure and effective remedy. Thru*
Charlevoix. IVtoskey. Harbor Springs weeks’ medicine, price
return, ll.oo. sieami'r Illinois. See
‘ ’ e B. column 4 for time,
TRV a record WANT AO.
June 13-€t
VVe are prepared lo s iPPly
you with the coolest and
the best there is in
straw Hats
from a 25c Mexican Flshlnk
Hat to a $5 Panama
^ Nobby Styles at $ I. $ 1.60. $2
Fancy Sox
lOc, 16c, 26c and ^Oc
- Negligee Shirts ^
60c, 75c. $1 and $1.60
25c, 50c and $I
Union Suits
$1 and $1.50
A lot of 50c Suspenders
to close at 25c >
,• '^
E. Wilhelm
HOUSE one week starting
a' V J;;u ri. e 1-3
WlL.l-iMRD fVIACK sn<j
^"^Supported, by the BEST COMPANY of stock actors ever offered
at POPULAR PRICES in a selection of
MIsH Olai
When accompanlett by one paid
Reserved Seat Ticket
Ladies^ Fre^ List Umited to 20o:
Ivary l^iay a L-itorary Traai
Ladi^Free Monday Niglit r
' '
Hot Weather Goods
“The Enflnes that Ran.”
and Mrs. Gt«orge N. Ulaek of Spring
e, girl for kitchen
field, in.. Mrs. Gwrge F. Strieker and WANTED—At
ni • at home.., Jacktimx* children. Misses Moody and
jqne HMt
Hamtlloii and j. W Rlack. Miss Oil
let! and Miss Jane Vaughn Olllett ol
Jackaonvllic. 111., and Mrs. Joa N. WANTEO-GIrl for general houw
Jewott and Mr. and Mrs. Josc^q, m.
work. Mrs. J. C. Morgan, r.25 Sixth
June jr.-tf
Rogor* of Chicago.
between Timrufto Oly aad Pnmaao^;;, V .
will cDBUNWce Buaday. Jbm ITU. mto " V , .M
coatlanc ever, "other BMdap mrtQ
further notice. Ttmtot wBl'toayd Tfmr- ^
erne Hiy at >:0P a. m- and 4:» p. m.(
! v;
awl win .mrtol Ti.»«r» OUT at)
-■^4 •
^at Sate Johnson Drug
•tf '/3t "Am
KeconTs U|»-to>Ddte Ittiii^tediFeature
" CHftWTMN kNOEAVeat^'^ i?. ;
Ift^.«. a DOTU.
r Jm
tmmti paratr U f :
P ..•;; ;:
axtm. IB thk kddraa and i—.rliHy!
a y.
------------------ ----------------------------
.'ooductad arlih iba otaiM Mtb
altb a
that ^
blip onr, but no marn^r of
1 family would arcapt li I
laly after tbia tl)e
fund ia USt.te. Thta money
^■loQ many needy tbiHlllfa an
*har axixmaco.
The aoat of
lal eaami
aaaary to aand a truated aeent to i
fartbaat comer of the country to
uaatlote « com ot reported hertiU
Nine peraona were adjudyed to
performed arta of unmUtakablc
lam and were awarded medala.
widows of two of thoac that per
in their bendc i
This life of gloiy even begins op
«>srih. Iiot it diUlns lU full fraltloo to
ties veil. IJke Clirist. the glary on earth
shine, throoch cloods of darkiwas-l
• dark (iellisemaues sad cross crowned
rslraries**-and. Uke Him. the crown
of glory cocues through the craas of
snflrering. **lf wo suffer with Him. wa
sbitl reign with Him.** And last of all
rhrtst mwaka of the Chrtstlsns* su
preme glory In besveo- tieholdlng Hla
glory. Tbst^in Iw our chief glory.
la -------- -----------------..
youna rlil <*f aevonieen,
Ifoae.. saw a youna min atruafUna In
the water apparenUy exhausted.
faarleaa swimmer, she went to hla res
cue and loa.Kl him to a |dace of safety.
She was al^<«
for e^imtlooal inirrllvpr tnedaL
mmisaltm voted tlO.OdO
tbe uurvlvnrs of the Brockton.
aboe factory cxFloolon.
be board disposed of $UOOO* at that Relfsnyder could not swim, and she
slnkina When her friend, who was
irst aittlna. '
d the unconscious
DuHna the summer and CHI ct IMS
everal further awards were made, firta
v>w a
me of the most mHablc cases
e p^esefver from
of Maude Aanes Titus, the i
the launch. With
Is ajudstaiict the
of ir-Newafk (N. J.) pli
heroic youiw
was able In kc^p
Titus, who Is about elahu*en and de
helpless comiilnlun
voted to the outilo.r life, was spendlnir above the waves untile |iasidnr yacht
her vacation at CaiH*o ]tuy. on the
Maine eoast. She and her i^.miwnlon.
Laura A’. HHfsnyder of East oranye. I3.&S0. and no one has ever < omplalnod
were aueais of the captain of a that the reward was undeservctl.
schooner yarht which t<M*k a |«arty mil
The .recent meolln* of the her»> fund
to see the north AUanUc squadron. On
ommlssion was tme sf the m.en Inter-
W’hMi by Ills pmrr
I shall look o., Ilia face.
That wUl be alor>. be glory forma.
«m.g nKAuniQs.
I*S. IxxxTl. ll; y:xek. xxvlll. 22; Msit
V. H;; John xll. IM; xr. k; Kom, 1. 21;
Nes'’ A'ork yminxstcr fiftc
a^e. who W'as jrive n a b
11.000 W ith-Which, tb
f.w savlny two smjill pi
In*. The children hail fallen from the
imd of one <if the irreal idiTs which ex
tend Inti, the ^ilsl Hver.
Rtm another case tlial
vide utumthm U that of
Ernst ..f Philadelphia, wl <1 was awarddal fi.r sav njc the life ..f
The old Jaiianese woman whi*r pl< tors Is Kivsn herewith la 110 years of
Hfs. She Is believed to be the oldest
parson In tbe emptrs. An American
timter became intersatad In her and
The cut show.-* u I uiHlel Ilf U»c first
eve-r* mad.-.
It nsi-mbh-s an <dd
fnshlamMl . spin
ning wheel more
than It dias a
sewlnc nuu hlne i
«T the pr««-nl
TIM*- ouichlne was In
than, (1 ci-ntury
ago l.y Thon«.
It was
working with a
and WHS design,
ed erfierlnlly to
Htltch hatbrr . It
—_=EL :r
!^>w»*v. r. p.-supidant the old method t
shaiMd structure
Jules Oeniaen. a Bruss.1.^ enjtlneer. deel»ne<l ,
Shoam in the drawinc. It i« a sk>-seia|«r twenty-one st.rties In heljrhi rlsh
to an altitude of 400 fret. Iis«n and cenu-nt are to be the materials uihhI Jn I
constnicilim. and lU Uyhtin« and ventllatinjc will t.« ji-rfect. A comblnatl.
of trolley and elevator will carry tenants to Ahe various flt»ots.
In the tropical
«i>uth Australia
carry a coini>ass.
with the
these nests imint
ni.rthern territory of
The dlslr
bt the ma«
The longer
due north and south.
In rhi* diriMlnn KrHhvivor so<*i«>ly of
the Kind Baptist ihuMi of iSblrnrA
last M-oson a liaud of wotImts >4giie,|
a pltnlge, tthe rtsuJu of which were
It read thus: -I idomlse to attend
the regular, prrarfaing serrlrot aod aft
er meetings of our church unless abso
lutely pnrenled aod to request at
loiisi om- strangiT or visitor to remain
ot eaih sftiT meeting and take part to
the«. meetings If thara Is an oppor
Out of the .large resofts friim the
keeping of this I waaled to propose a
spedsJ pledge to he^ Endenvorers carry out tbe suggntloo to crMgmte
with their pastors In every erangelladc
That pledge Is as follows:
By God s help I protniJM- pray eiTullr ta— *
’ tte mIw IMkslui
'hen when they .
Attend the re*
after meetings <
rvlutely prrventsd
n :r.'
90 Mtunte Mnl her an ear trumiwt
•SdMsaad Mo **Mn>. Methu%elali. tbe
BUkatfo'a ipltet sub>eit. Jaiwn, • and
It tsacte Its tetlnatlon in due time. .
aniHi. Tbeahnteof tbacteatoltef
mediately befoK Him. M tem tbtoV
fact catmoc keep out tbe glory am tb
be His aod Uter to bh His dMcHte*. '
Uttle xronder. them that gtory.teild^
be g principal theme to His teat addreoB and last prayer befora Hla emei*
flxkm. That over and the glory or tha
resnrreetlon was •ooo to foUov. thm
at tbe right band of Ood.
In tbU prayer Christ apeaks of tha
glory of God. tbe glory of Ulmaelf and
the glory of Uladladplca. OftbeFbltea
aays. **1 bare g
osrtb.- God s gift to
Is His anprrme glory
decteie tbe glory of God.** bat
itens declare
no aenae to tbe high degrta that'
Chrtsra telb declaiaa It
forever toagbi this fact when at Hla
blrcb they aang. •THory to God to fba
Christ also aptte of »a
oara glory. -1 bsve gkirlflrd Ibca m
earth • • • and now. Matbet. gtedl^y
Thou mo with Thine Wn aelf with
the glory which 1 hsd with TW befora
the world began.- And last of all
tnirlat apetka of tbe glory of his dis
ciples. “Ajid tbe glory which T^ioa
gaveat mo I have frlren them.** And
Urns are linked together the glory of
God. of Christ and of man.
Uwmmtht martrrdaai •« ariwjm Tmylor, who goro bU life tp tbr li«rulc
romtmo of tbt yictlmp of tiM lUrwldt
HUM dlMtor. Jn 1»04. that iMpirtU Mr.
Cimete «rHb ClM
tb do PomeexwnplM
Tlias Mr.' CarteTlc
Mif of tha achoma of i
mlmUdB for Um man a
ta tha atuonpe Jo^rP
y TiTr 1** **”
trtbtilatkms Is ahnoM avar.
Some of fhe Awards Made by the Commissioii and the Heroic
A<^ That Have Won Medals and Hahdsonie Gifts of Money
conimonpUcr UuuL a
vroomUm. bttt h« fopad 1t
b* an
trriMly Mcmta lUbttrr to manac*.
Th# tea brro^had ten a man of
■ v-^
au sifsm OS—iM oaISKliW
part In tbess aMetings K tbars Js an ep-
* TheUtrunxe objimi Im tewHh de4dcted is n«*l a levlathiin flMi us.Us apia-arnce rolirhl Indicate, bm « submartm which bus b«^o drawn out i« the beach
for netiwssry r< :c»lr* |.v Its hull. Wh>U movlny ah>ni: In the water half sobmenrrd the Craft Is rot unlike a i;iant «sh. and when out of waur the llkrnass
r>aie........... . Kane...
Address .................
I winiielp thee, sail
la tbs Haari af i
» Endeavor, a Boa littte
Tern Qaarter Cm
From the president of.tbs United
b pl. UinMi
UinMl has been
Tbe cup>baresilh
taeoverrd recently from the Wash,
;ta Is on the mast of Un-
The WWU House. WashtagUm. Feb. X
United Society of Chrlptlan Motevar,
1 heartily coogrstoiate the young peo^
pie's societies of Christian Cadeavor an
Che tteitydifth aonlvmsnr of theW
[ wish you an good I
■ for fhs iBond aad si
1 bsiag of ov pMfdc.
Tbe Gennaa law^rar hae rssnsaisd aw
denror oo the twenty-Sfth aaatvrraafT aC
the feaadtag of the argaalaatlsa and to
“ ■
Tbto cap Is teht
The cut shows l^iw tbe chamber of detmtk-s wtU oppesr when the boi
tbe plans wbleb have been deeSM no. Tbe new tacade, which will fmnt on the Qual d'Orsay. is cUssirol In .
line and Will iraent an Impotte spiwaranrr.' There has been i»k« discussion in th
the rap. I.s».liail am tk.
gfPi^ altmiUMi.. raw .rf Uk. nrabra kflag tn SW-a erectUi* • ocit I
.'Tf ■•''']
T^* add abapad bottles ahown In the cot wierp recently exhibited mi o
drassMs* conaaotlon In tetaniL They are deslm»«I to moke acildenial polaonlnc by laktoy flald from tbe wrooc b«iilr In the dsrk pnuilcally Impoasibia.
Une of fhfm Is a bottle AUed With a lock abd kej^ Anutber ^ arrayed with
a rapUka tap to dMtacninfa It from tbe ardlnary bottle. A third U a boCtM
that wilt ant tend tip.
are carryteg as te
bed stayed «t the restaurant saw two
p^rMtor fill. «n hie
peckeu wrttii
eQpwertng tbs doa^mion of tb-
ban-k notes, thus hoping never to hr bwrglara €wee atowly down the sirv,i
and recoirtard them.
He ndd them
catInrJy wUhoal funds,
that they mmtf hM*’- »ewd.-d la the
tcttU 4tf one pi^: uh<
won •ALC-l#4»-HanJirire
Moof». Tfmvfw
JOM IC'lt*
|m \t4i
laqaira Itto
ata. m
Biiay tcnaa.
Call for Involve and trnna.
rOK BALE—MS4—Icr rn«tn
BcxU fuantsia, caody aiakinE toulit.
all titbcr Irtlunru. all alack.
trade, central
MDaa to «Hk, Iron and wmtep: |i
One of ilir
Citizens pb»mc
tloaarr. Ire emm and randy uklnR
Cali fif
price. W
traverse Cily. MlHu
WAWTBO-Klicbeo ftrt. at Ibr 1
Oaljr^ hartSwart
omer oasr*
Owa^r ia otb^
Wade Bnm. 127 Front,street. Trav
. nnoi K»rt at iVre MampM«« BaUas
of Tiariw City.
may 2l4f
WANTEO-Onok. and aH klnda of re
FOR BALE—1427-Onr hundred and
aort <*apton*» at “Grand Traverar
H vmiec« nrrt? farm. «uc and oue
BiD|«W7>n;othlartaMi “
half wlUts aorlb of Orawn, oni-balf
alao boy
and a«JI accend band blryrtoa.
• W. Hol)fair«w<»nb. t\i K. FraKt 81..
CIta. pboae «K.
iw 4 Imo
WAWTtO-Com In the aar and oau;
blfbeat price paid.
B. J. Morgan.
may 264f
whole farm U level and cxtra/de^irpouW
N* easily plaited into onr-Aftb acre
county clerk.
iunc ISM
OfllENT AUTOMOBILE FOR 8AL£A IWF; Orteal Burkbcaird; In per
‘tael coodmoo; can bp bought at a
barjnOn If taken iocm.
aort, <mt «rf ihc pretuairt r,cort» In
the Grand Traverae region.
hundred, nnd elghty-llvc lots, trblrh
jUln; tiiwec-go foci blRb: gtjod con
fillrer lake;
bat or five lots to* the acre, or Cvr
worn aALt-Wlnd win. aprdal bar
dltlon: all
norih, nontli and weat of Dnrt u je.
able as a /wirt proposition.
wile nbbre front
Bei M. W
June S II
FOR BALE—Largo P-room booae and
would aril for
at the
ban Crereiing.
r*b ».>«. y«rU«ff*et.
,,R?tLember the future He. In yoot
band, a scientific f^tng wiU revem
ihe true life's history.
... .............
Onion BL
prii* we a»k for IL .If you want a
Bide entrance.
cot MONEY TO LOAN—No tax clause
put *n mortgages. Houses for aale
alUT Ibis.
Wade Uru:;. 127 Froiii
Inquire o> E. McNamara.
stHMl, Traverse Clty.^Mlcb.
may ri-If
CM. W.
apr 27-tf
and truck' land.*
money lakes HiIh.
«T»H.‘nty. MIrh.
aprll-if FOR
FOR BALE—To make place for dec
trie power, one 7 h. p. sUtlonary gas
olinc engine;
20 to 25
h^ p.
gtruira engine. iKrth In flrst.cla!W rm»dltlon.
To hr- aold at
taken at once
bargains IT
Traverse City
Boat cpmpiuiy.
Jum c 12i
—The greatesit egg machine.
to esilmaio,
way ni»pvr print s-ked.
This ks on-
xnolt dm lrable pUtecs of pni|»^
t rty m city.
iiAcrtim nt, <win ray that
«*f tour franm Mru-
jrrouud, li
1 had the highest ac'orliig |>en i»f any
earlpty In the rewt ptiultry slum.
ern. upft»dno* brb k buiblfni:. It w;ll
Bpectal prices on lou of 50 and 100
Willi a imel-
aimmnt tm iht invest m.-ni
I12S CASH win buy lot US. Ha
firvi claw. Iiv.in and
Also forTv horw-s and all ncccsVar>
eqiilmucnt. Iiugules. cuttefs, hark---,
to Thoa. T. Bates.
Ma> 6 tf
^•U). Oran»
strvi'L Oak Jleighls suburb, SO>165
drays. sMghs. hnrnf.s.sc.-.
feel, if srdd b< fore July 1st.
to Thba. T. Bates.
may Sdl
EN CASH win buy a \ acre lot In
BIrehwood suburb. 100 feel frtmllng
Qpon East bay. 312 feet on Brt.sch
atitKd. If sold by July uu
Thoa, T, Bates.
gbmV liulldlnc
ct iilrallv
Ib-v and cnijfjy the ^-.unfiirtabb* !•»:
tunc rnadi-' la lUl*
b-i>ln, -
will r»ay you to Itrw'sggaU-.
. price.
Ciill fv*
For 5nle and Qnamnteed Only h7
Wade Bms.. 127 Frtint i^tr4.vt
HOR8E8 FOR 8ALE-One pair drof
FOR SALE------- 1273—One hundred ami
horw»; weight 3200^ pounds:
One pair draft horses;
weight 3000
and cart;
iwetilTwrre farm, sis miles west o!
city, about, evenly acr« s under rultl
pounds; all good ones.
A fine Kd drivera.
2 saddle ponloa.
One Blirtlend j»i6r. new bi«y «»<l
a nice rtg for
ration; Good house, large Imm. with
acres rye. four
acres rota
. for prict‘.
froR 8ALF—14»-One hundred aad
farm oae'lialf
acr^ potatoc.s
S. H of S E. % of Sec. IS. T. 27. N }i U W.-kO acres.
N. ^ Of .N*. E. V» of See. 18. T. 27, N. R. 0 W'.—KO acres.
Wade Bnw. 127 ‘Fron
W. H of S. W k; of See. t. T .70. N. u. 0 W —kO aqyes... '
E. H of S.W.M at Sec. 11. T. zp. S. R. fi W —80 acroa.-
Juno 114
Maple City; flneat farm In Leehmau
FOR SALE—14SP—hl^orn rrsldcorc,
other busWeas; wni take part pay
St4te Ktn*et. three Wockp fnnn ppsi-
dty property
I'umarr. rlcrtrlc lights,
Wadc Tlroa., l27Trt>nt SL. Trarerse
City. MkdL
fdr price.
atlrens 4»hbne 121S.
may 2141
Lot Nq. 1 of Soc. 34. T. irs.
--------- Lot No. 2 of Soc, 24. T. 25.
N. Mr of 8 K, *4 of Sefx’.Zi.
X. E. M of a W..^ of Se^
An A So. 1 i^povltlon.
Wade Bma,. 127 rroni
art; MO feet on Rote. 105 feet
FOR WE-1443-Th!rty
and a half milea Union Mn^r. Three;
UKmaand hanring fruit troev: Anew
before July laL
imr^ nnfi ftrnlt i«in.
This it a fp
Apply to thoa. T. Ba
Jolm F. Ott Lumbef Co.
nctra, We
Grove. Its feel on the alley, tf i
; - bargaia.
a- Japane-c
The hrown
Call tor prtoe.
P. O. Bor lOC.^
Wade HroB„ 127 Proot ftreet, TraveiWcUjf. Mich-
janc lHf
far failed
his tyime a» ('el’i .;«>lllc Vmiiny more.
%«■• : m . and ■peaK/ln a ,low. halHiir
Ing. to gt'i til Lauhlug to look f*»r work,
m omer. ri.ouch as a m.itter of fact hi
lie hni md r«dii;;icd and th«- larallv If
Las a IIiViiTvnth -kncali-!-.;»• of I’tirlisb
Tin body i f WTlwin l-air* n. the 15
Ur J W. So>« i> of lMilladcl|.!ii:i ha:^
hm ii
leciiTicd cliaidam
year-old imid of <!n- .Miri.tgai, 8rbo.d
Grand Anxi.*.«rt the UcpuLlic In IVnn
for the IMIiid. wh*i v.a^ «lro»yn-d
tOJvanla, thk in ing hlR lh!rty-lli:h cm
Gt^nd rn« r. ha.
uiib diivvn ihi >;;* air
Mr , 1.1I Sfiw«ll of I.,ati»ing. Jn
term In
lint j-irmoii.
vania volunfeerK d-rlng Ih.- civil'wai
iMin fontid KeveraJ
«n. t rlcd
band. .\liiM r’f
ill nnny l.a t'ei; wHli
to In^
Kuicidi* part
o! tlM- Porontar.
u.l. and h-f
In IM:
!Mt’» like ll.isKi.oeu
rt.glca? ihal ef monf
pmii a
/-ar km-
tmf the lu-cret.A ef the m4.. Hb f*' «i
did vn-hi rrlaci-; Alice Is ftti.d nr>
with fine Ulw'an.nc.^ and phfo::f;iph
nurlng thy disr»m>ilon of tin n.-ifcr
Imlian apiinipri;*
. Fena^or Iji Ftd
hiwvrr.-. In IndUh
l aid ITSn.oon fnr
p.ijM-rf< for dlvfiree fi^ Mr^
Wio-man wen- i-erved on Iht
plair-lnp hi b-aaicr fllTm.-m
wl-. n
, ? -J y
Trarerw City, Mkh.
O Morriaon. Flying Perth.
Hhebry'* 84iuibrm Oitirert Band.
Vr.-i I:M. n JfiiKti at Royal Oak. he
back w.;rd that If be war. ever ri'le»v-»;
hlf firrt art could Ih- to kill hfr^ wlf(
ire than half a flilfllon offlrlals.
prt»fc^>K»na! no n.
jl»!t‘Utd'*>." remarkc.l S« nater Sp'-mif;
Ihe Allkeu*. the World'# CSrestMi
husl.niid. Ili-irrv Wlni-mab. who it In '
Marquette for life for the murder ol
'Sea 'witii tbo 6nat
. VulfiMrE Shows
The fatnouH J lint-* Kimball cTronpa
Mat*,trmiio'», Imptrta! ^rtwpn of
Hare Hark Rider.
IU iniroH,. Airlalhi*.
The MmettCbaifipeto Hare Back
The to-fUjH. fumble
Tramre per
Igirke A Adaint.. r,.inc<l> Aeh>hals..
(’lark. Tabf Wire Artiat.
M Hal MI. J4|cim , |iafn!l Act.*
GuvKrafi.f'mnl, Mule Hurdle Rider.
iMda^Rii .11 and her iKu ,»f Uu-
**Tbe iVirTow*. rom.-ly Tra|M-7c.
niriK. JuMihoii. Tight Wire Per-,
Of, .^,.ry
fair H at Vn-nar with 4^
F.-w firmer; arc aff uncg. f,;r.uicr.
n.4 Tum.-r * Tro.iim irf KdocaiH
i’irl.iMK-ketv :-tc timid an >••», »n»> ladv Silk IVMMib lK»g*.
losing i. STS gold watri,
.ih* onl.
Ilr.»uk Hnw . rorm-dy Arrohala
lU t, lUno, Champion Black Wlr#/
I heft r-itfrte^l
i rrii»>ry had Is-mi
SOIDI Of tlw Thiois Ym
rklMtM.I lililc man h«^ an air of iiei'
atockiin n
b*^ ri
rurt-d by ti-sing-.llallvti r y Ibn-Ky Moui,
tain Tt-a.
25 cent*, tea
JohnHon Urug^o.
plied;: 'The rr.raflild l:w>cr ran'l rr
Tex! to all the h’caling.
h- did h
wc*:Ul uevef iticep ■■
Ilcraui-e Id.Mlymc machines woul
m»t lly ’ Hcfiir)- . R«-'ie:never ^of Jer^-
CJtv ilircw hinue'f in fnmt «d a trai
Hferro ef Florldii
rnd v.-as killed
fndinna L at
Virginia, s^-nf-l nr a ctmf.tleraic ^oT
John \V. Kern, whom a few
rated as a
the Atlantii
from the r outh who k
millionaire, acrtiriling to
Newr. H J«mes^»
who i< a n-ith.- .d
dler iii Jhf civil war ami
A^ the Mimll«l-“Motber
may rememler a- a nomine.- for gw
emor in lOoh and 10o«. ^haH go u|Kr
TtaUtiKl IlgMl Ib'M'
made Id:
money in Ininlie-r and. baid.lng -enter
and Son.”
Hare you bc-cn bctmytMl by
cs of qaactea, nwallowcd
yrflln and
, gold Imc.
. Thy Dniy Genuine Olympic HIppA;'
bottled medicine without rc.oH« me
May Yehe. f. rnierly l-adr Hope ami
drome^with all klad* of thrtlltog and
cseirt a damaged alnmarh. Td tlto»e we derperau? race*.
offer ftolllHter** Rocky Mwinlaln Tea.
A prrrgrmm of amarlug exfepi of
l>.ndon pnUce
ling Mruggkw and fudirron* rivalmtfi. JohnHou Drag Co.
court for idlkltu: a cabman, w ho drm-o
later Mrf. Puinnm ilradlei- Si rang, haa
been flntnl flS In ' a
her arwind for twelve hour>, and finaliy took her to a hillway Ktatiou. whm^;
fchc hoarded a tralir without
healde* which all other* arc i
CO. schedule fifth page, toorlb column.
Race* of all description* on a % mils
How's This?
Owe How^
SU'eVi^Bi* PRoa«/^oF«TAirr.
horse allow .promoter, baa boco aleeptog on the roof garden of hla palatial
reaidence ia Oak Park
BCM CASH trill buy loU 182. Its and
184. Bom stweL Oak Heights i
N. R. V.) W.—Ck 1^-100 acrea.
N. K. 12 W.^7 ^1D<k acrea.
T. 2X. N*. R. 13 W.—80 acres.
. '•
24. T, 25, N. R, 12 W.-40 agmg.
N. E. fractional VI of 8ec-J3. T; 27. N. IL 13 W.—147 7S100 ncTM.
Come and sec us or write us for prices.
atixH-l. Trmvtw Oty. Mich.
June 114f
Hon m l im ,i:nfb»n t a\.
III m-lMe Il-e «-al :trike III the Sari
Tlic natlonvl tbket with Bryan.
street. Traverse City. Mich. C4iirca:
phope 1219-
hay. forty aer^ wild ttmts-r.
C.B. Taylor Coal Co.
foar^vij acres oats, seventeen am-^
B. J. Morgaa.
twenty acre
Of the
Th» is our guarantee wLich gow with
Travcr^'Clt.v. Mich. Citi/.m-4 phom
of tin-
naw valley
l.nlav. iTi- H'iirkwel!.
! in fhr
Order your
fou are not otwbod with rosulU
gaging.in ii bmam-ju; of ihiK; kin.l
may I
facb pn-scut <.wn(T ba ls al lc to n
This, rradrr. If y»TU contcmpla c «-n
Tire Tnsurance
doing .i
te yon if af
larm-st Ilv.Tv ari.l sab s l»ati*s lit thi>
■aemStmr^With^^lmnOg S m m *mU
VO D w. IP T V" a oTMUaps.
XHfc f ^MOUS
TMh \» one »»f thv
to he tm. :-cs:.v, l.v.nc nuthordy im
••YOU)- MON£l
NCx ^ooiy^
ndH s and all i« i>onal projH rty !:i
|12ft CASH will buy lot
u, ilie
The Faginriw r»nfc l.iMrd of arblira^
-oHrtfcMce In Ptir» mouili. Is to auc
MOd will 1^ ,f-i.
frame buildlm;. fit!»d ihrtmatilCiut for inghallalsntic oi
avenue. Oak Heights auburh. 50xlG.S
T?i- prince if Mon.io. aeklotvledgeil
*s Titi AI. i«rrri.»; ••n»;r
liH-t d«-»-p. nil eoven d with tsp-slur:.
fr^ t. If’Hold U forc July 1st.
llilndrel and 'rw«-nty. cp»uid f’cnbhyl
avenue. Oak UelghU suburb. StixICS FOR 8ALE-l2iM-i:i3hlv twu^iul ,»;i
Kiafc stre<-l. one linbdred au4 fifty
feet, tf sold l»cfore July 1st. Am»ly
Bhc st
We«ln<-rday jiighi
V-cn called
June 11 tf
ITS CASH win buy lot 110. Hannah
may Sdf
Cpll fur
*<if her own.
Tdkfoi-rba HairM-: rhumi.
Wade llrti--., 127 Fnmt ^«r»ei,
Travt rsi- Oty. Mich
to Thoa, T. Bate*.
Crsim ipr
< V»y «iKt I»rf
tau • m Ort ^ 4lp.tr,
U»in$ trots « odji^Oit MUt
cinl <in
at fonlUr. Ml*.- H. !. ii E. Ihirrh
was playing a rule Ifiti..
pn>!:vBpti> rerved wjfft etTmpany IJ of »hc .t>rn
itjti ;. <«*v« ring alH.'it mn half of Ibe
Of rare ability aud • v«rifri»e worKmnti
* T:a CorsMfhU & A. A.
As a biminess
for baicbiug II and 12 per thirtwn.
W. II. Uwh»L 408 Fifth 8t
may 6'2 mo
rn-inot l.c l^rateii at prlrtva.--lvr<l.
r. ck. .1
tjvtlwts-.^dor t*» Uuidfiii
eli»ht hundM-il f«*el on Slau» slrt HVolni- ImiJo^rtbk
The place timply
do v i hhf repres. Illative at the rH5ac.«
June 11-tf
taraa aad tnialnaaa of liotal Oolum
going t(» have Iwllod cHlflrh for dhi
Ilarnn Komiira. wbo'Was the mlkn
H'aU for
■el. 'Trav
127 Frorfl rtr*-ot
FOR BALE-Famlinra. bar room. Bt
iny baliway at that motr.cut that I was
acre fann
nm* gar
< lore to rliy; well watered, flue
But the bur
Wild Animal* and IVmncailr Crraturra
all taught m fartorm aatirtd.hlnx
Iricka; m?1ilhlied now for Hm- flrat
Mine, and
ka m Dsfly
*s Pm the CMlor oi that disk als-.t whirii
Else on Earth.
PIgH. Tralm-d fJecee.
fk*eaf. TraitiH!
J J: S KSlE iilZ, there <an Ih' no mistake to even fin was inarrieU at her buuir. Kiward 8.
.‘Vbornover of Rncbcrter-Inalnifl |qgr«m*«.
<!atr., Tralneil
ligetm^. Trained
Traima) BiorkH.
rii’Ei;; iXSSS b a-u indlffcrefit iMKiirll?.’
Tr»ilm- I c;<intP. Tralm-d
Tralmd \u
Two piriurc. fry n «f. l-ouls sUrt
It West Hranrh Mitnkeyv Train,-1
lir <n,ir^
_______ . .. . .
. l.lon*.
. . Tiger,
••aiutcr !ia\t> been src< pted by nn.l
vea. l^-oparda '
l*an!b*rw. Ifvi-nap.
:iM h i:ig cfuc.tiiciumriy iu the I*an><
lAr lapH
Jiiat 01«; v.ifea weir ra 4 In the pti and
Tr»r^ City
The .nraM Is. Gmtav Wolff.
marli n at Grand Han ;s. and the es ALL SEEN
|x v.'
t% fii fratn «o!i,l t-»
Lie un iu ib
a;, the loa.i id u
p<-:iH4* Ih alxnit 8‘.Mai; nearly It for
Kruwiiin I*ari.i m. a iand^rap.- iialnt.Gi^i, f' TtlK of Sprlmrymrl ha
FOR SALE—n3:-Forly
the posse made s rush.
may 25 if
allrr. and when they roeebed
atndent yelled. ^^Thorc they arr!** an-^
There I* tlmUT
rtumeb to pay for the whole farm at
games, and
j. C. BURHS. I^nl
price nrktid. this farm U offered W n
bargain and
pai1a*m with other proiH-rly ami ibr
very low ffeurc.
aemeni of Ysnkioo. «. D.
where she Is b etodent, is n cnpnbh
qucnil) officlatt-s to; that capacity. gtai^ prored to be tbc night watch and
ealner ilUiuds makm coo
Tbiso shows
Just 17 Tears old. a frkad wpo was taking hia mend/
CMS TO . RENT—For light b«iM- at Chicago with trains on all railroad Miss Ciement
RiKLt^riiml ILnwr nnd inaMorB
Uucr for points beyond.
good to look at. stViulg'.and hcaflhy with him. and ihoagh they pkoiir-d
pins; gas.*electric lighu. walcr.
mnnrlfiig PofiikNi to nfidntsm
WhT ir captain of tpr chriniiloB tuukiH mrlltr to tcying'lbe bank window
Xarth »iojnd st.-aiiiera maLc
luith. r. cam.bcal; third Boor Pc-o
r rncHinaW
and VnrinM
Mackinac lijaiid
with all ban Uain df4bc Yankton colb-gc ,At
pk*s Savings tank.
may 234l Hmo.; at
Htawlinir and Rank, and to OBHiSf^
*:featn*^^hlp llnr*Vt*»wmtrp for points
A m?B who said be was
tmnis 1 he is admitted to be the rhntti
nnllionfi of
<m IxU Sur»erlor. lisVt Hi
picn womaa plDcr of Booth Hxkoto rrlwt s.-K-nt scrrml days ml Lansing
T:rb.G.^.rgten bay. Uke O
. lie
Hrrvwyl In a umty hluc'.uult and short in the n»k- or m
blue, hlo-iae. with btr wcal;h of hair gaged Uiard at the home of Edward
Th-kct« aelti tknnigh to
FOR RENT-D^ cfliee rooms > the
Burr, who Introtlured him to two oi
via ronti-irtiug llm-v.
city; nvuly finished and paimd;
Apirlqg sight on
ia<ff>bxn dlaimind thrtx- merchants, of- whom be koagh
xfi Informal bm r.*r»rtUng rouner
h-a!«-d; lK.t and cold water; best
large bills of gjoda, Hc^lw* Itargalned
rbuj > .nu«l lak*- lrip> rhci-rtully gi'f) and. what is more’ as an nmplrx- sh<
dayligbi >cooms Ih dty. Ofer Flrat
i;aowB her hnsftH»:«. Witn the mon« > for an au vmubUe. He gave a dec-tl
-.ilKiu .ipidkwilLn lu
Natknial bank. Inquire at Mlllikcn’r
If a house an.1 lot there to Mr Burr
pV.c bu< taruH as an urojdrt; Mls»
office. Rent low.
may f-U
rument s?y» she wllfbe abU- to outfit • h«> found the real owner In p.w»*-a
i,!on. He falkd to spm«ar for
Iktitj'phone ; nV zn. liuck aud of he: self for the ncTt >Tar In «»Ilcgc.
rUms porrhare* and has departed.
gnmp <-f xr.cn were talkiug“abmTt
While the Fimt llapllst church
J. Plcrpont Morgan the other day. die
LOST—Thunuiay m<i.-ning hn Wi
laginaw, eras on fire.
rKs:ing his pcrsomal u-iUw and hsl*
in'Ton sintf. Cars i!rc<-t, ab)Og by
aing. organlrt. wht> wa
It.*. al»vn one of the 11 tc.crs broke In
Vviv .Mairpjcttc depot, or on Cnlon
continued to Tilt, unrtl
t:i the current of talk by asking ll a- far ^rroth aa Smith and IT.lcc>.
culHlm-d tho flames
Wbt-n lerrllled
inontbtTs *;f ‘Itp gr->hp if anv of ibem
U Iffsct April ]
rrvtuf'Ul r|uip«tl gold pin With •‘pray
nml her tronps, of nnUinel linnfi
Jrk*nd:i reaclied her aide and askt
had fvrr iM^n Into hlji honre In Mad
of fliiwcr*. widi pearl la o;nU r of
liy she .'had not fle l. she aaW:
At each perforritnee Uiiiltfnveltl.
ism Pvenue. .New V.irb',
Not one of
Lilk ril rcaarrl if rerum«il
a« tioi the least bit nlanmTl and ro tie woman enic;ra this den .d wibl
F^WlMmw. tey OIT. PWt Ib.-m hud. “Wen. I had In go to s«v
Ui Recon! office.
just cfintlnood to pla>.**
Tbc On man^-ailng l«-aala and ctolh-I:. thr^
t.lm our* .• said ibe la.l ^r^pt^^ “an l
Jum* 11 tf
mnnarrha to do 1»t bidding.
wpH cnntMMl I.) an explosion of gas
wm km.w the tiling that lmpre»M-d mWhile Pssisting Miss Etlua Willi
was the llc.'igb’ Uu.t if t had as
Truly Wendcrful Diaplay of Tramvd
son In her priMumitlnns for ber v
much momy as Morgan 1 wouldn't If
Animala. BMWt^Bfrila ami
ding with Ix-nn Greer wui of Sheriff
6 OiHjra j . ____________________ _
It Ic kmtwn t'j ever.- fno; who cnlcrcl
H|- com- PALMIfiTRVl-Consnlt Madame H»om
rjUloii can n«»t bo bcau n.
Jgoc 44/
For natural advaiiiacea b>^
liceiw phono 1219.
bam. Incite MS W. Tenth. .
HutH Columbia.
pith a yerV amall amount adtrtrti*^
per lot
ATT. Trarc ri4*
Lv. Tiaveiv^- Cl
Chicago ....
RENT—liar * room la cawUM^oq
wl'b lurtH., f5imli4»cd or unfurnished.
food markci t<ma wicbte um
and declare*
Umt to nU hb life hb health baa never
been better.
He aays the ontdoor Ufe
1/ the on^ life to 1^.
of file fieople lire to rtnffy
mri cMt to
0«J«. .od
trii» to W
llgll, Md kitlof,
Tfltofona »y fo#»iU «e.
^ go iHr^kly «IiaU*«»%:
OtabI f»riclr«M^ «o »T d^Wor.
AKh^ the irtrawhe^ crop
toca to he a Mfliit ime thia year, hoaae
^ thrir toMn —
km!^ vrIH try to pet up at least a
To Ikt Um Bkr OTrrtMd.
caaa of Chto favorlle Oraad TravOoodBOB^ iB BBBtOB ld«Bt.
frae fnilL The New Met Woamn-a
BkorrtBt fbr ioM TbWob.
. gcnwbovr OBlBty-^To om
fralL riaae and hull: then Uy pa a
ptotfer AB^ tpeiakto wltir 8Bgar,.uslnK
Add BB OBBBi ■■BMi or
one poQBd to b perand of fruR; oov^r
B»re «i«v tf
wkk glata BBd aetia the w a hottc^
FrwiBf IB Utm ports ico aod ooo yort
Itoko mr kiATt. I pmr. of kfadiiMNi
ray*. Aflfr tundoam bring tolo l^e
•AHr«r« foW. ••
hmtiie and aet wtm It to dry. N>x;
.y »ortAl ryrt fro. blind
rnwherry l» Cream - To one day aat^out again.' and by the end of
haanpf ditawharriea add one qaah of two day*' exposure. If very bo^ one*,
ateam aad two cppfola of granu- the fruit should be iransparept. Uf:
I voiMd
^ owi kbd dowof*.
lalad aqgar boltod to a aymp wjU ooe- each berry carefuUy nnd place In j< Hy
From lojBgutloA pnj 4^ir»r:
bair oapful of water. Mix well, aad tumblera. Boll the syrup a few min
ABd. CBOd ABgal. cnml to BM
ia a^ fnwta. Pack In a fancy ute*; then atraln and cov«*r the fruit;
That |ir bwt te BnOBCol oror.
ciimdar gmld wNh a Oght cover, aad when oool aoaJ tightly.
H«rHa bU Bay mUbh b«.
Mad toe tim boon. Beamve frtim
naed Slrawberrlea—Select perfect
Iho mold, and «n the earner wHb an
; flU cant, which have been thor
haBed stiawhBfytoa caraTmiy waabed oughly ctoiBaed. with the fruit, adding
as much *»lding hot wator-A# ihry
> W» tote cmr BkAiOof MiIbc.
bold. To each can add oa.i pint
atoMpoBiifula battor. then add one **f angar; put covers loosely ai^:,lheu
> Tbo pBfkp Are orUA-roB^ Bid
j^nl powdered augar. ‘add «U torg- stand cans In a deep pan of cold wa
be^ one at a dme. mixing tborouch ter. having fK-vend thlckncsiww iif
» ABd iMBdlOM tool BUT foil
ly with the butter and aagar between doth In the bottom Jo prevent ih»
» Bat jTBt tlM> daya are obrory.
the additions. Pour Into a mould and can* from eomlag in oonurt with
» And Bigbt brtan rast when vaary.
harden on ice. Rerve with dumplings heal of the atove. The'water mu .*
» AB^aomobov tlil%old plaael U a
» within tbrt'e Inches of the tops
or any hot alraF»»«Ty pudding.
Bnowflakea with Strawberry Since of the cana. Sot the pan on the stove,
when the water to absolutely bbll
-Combine aa In mixing cake half a
the b(*rrlc8 have been c«ik»sl
cup of bulter. n cup of augar. half a
rup of milk, two cups of flour, a level enough. Pul rubbers on and »exl m
labiMpoon of baking powder and ibe ur»*ly. Place the fruit In a dark, cool
whites of four eggs. Tom Into well'- place in order to ensure Its keeping.,
Camied 81 raw terrier. No. 2.—Place
buttered enpa and steam about half
in^boor. Turn out. roll In powdered cleaned ahd hnUed lierrlcs in can* and
, A wrltBf In
set them In water as In the above rec
sugar and aerve with
flvoa a vartatioB no tko old adylca to
but vrtthout sugar; let the water
Strawberry Sauce—Tnwm togcUuT
BOBBi our tBBf«lM vklrli abo docdacoa
a third o< a cup of butter and a cup in the pan come to boll»flt;ri.u( a* th^ ^ a aara oar. tor iba blaaa. It oarof powdered augar. flavor with vanilla juire U extracted from the 1»errle'.
I ' .totBly vbaa tbo lawlt of .Impllclty and
and beat into the mixture gradually a turn off carefully Into a kct‘ie. leavi
to vartb tiyiac tb. B«rt iIbki tba oM
Inp th»* strawiMTiiea In the can*; now
— anoaiy tabea at Boavaras. Bb. aayi: cup of .berries.
Strawberry Omelet—Begl the yol^a awei-len this Juffe. u*lng'one |»outul of
Hbto to a food 4bfwr raclp. that bar
of Tour f^gga and a tableapoon of aug Kiipir for each i»ound of juice obtain.si
baoa Iboroogbly t«tod an# to aobtob
ar nniJI light, add a lltlie of the grated from the lK»rrIe*. Take N rrie* from
toi^ A iRRo cur. tor tha ‘Tala.*.- a
rind and two Ubleapooua of orange :wo can* and put Into one^ a.s they wll!
-Broocb; Ibo -dumpa'- or aay other of
lulce. then carefully combine with the probably have shrunken-.sufficiently ti
tboaa peatifeima flU-a In lbe otoimeat
ilimy beaten whitea of four eggs, t'ry do 80 by the time the juice is extract
of one a dally IranqulUty.
In butter aa aay omelet, spread with ed. Turn In the juice; see that all
Tab. a abe.1 of nice whU. paper, a
beaten atrawberry Jam or preaenre. the air babbles arc out and seal se
well abarpened pencil and an odd qnar.
rold and turn out on a hot diah and curely. This recipe has never failed
tor of aa hour. Then write out erory
Juat with powdered sugar. Gamlah
irrtoyaBoe. worry and aliment you .can
rllb a ring of freah berries, sweetened
Proaerved Jelly—rStem. vraah and
' • BOfudbly ooocclre of aa to pertalnlaa
ind ajlgbt|y heated.
B»*h the bt»rrle*: press through ^
yodr Woebefoneartf An Imajctnary
and onehalf cup«^ (deco of cheesoK-loth. To each plm
dtory entry, iclllny of cooka d.llnquenrlM. the children’^ aauKhtlneaa. Jouble cream add one and oiY^half How oho pound of rugar. bringing the
Jack‘8 coldncKR, motberV dlarcyard of rupa Rtraaberry pulp and juice—that juice first to the iMiUlng dKilnl and
rig for fifl.-en minpies; .ndd the
your fr»H*doB» and pieman re. or any If, Rlrawberrlea crushed and Ftraimri
I and stir uniU It H dlsHolved.
otbar of your bete. nolra, will be e». -the juice of half a lemon and three
eellimU Or you may write a leller to quarters cup of sugar. Beat with a Iwiil the whr-lc* for five minutes bmger,
your coofldante. Irmny her of yotir i^ver egg beater until thick to the then try It by putting a little on a
BOBlAuBfer. your aadly mlnunderatood t^uttom of tto* bowl, then turn Into a saucer and stand on Ice; If it f.irms n
ioaUioB In your bnaband a family, the quart mold partly . burletj in *H|ual Jelly on Uic surface li. is of the nere*I > goarlp you have heartl al»onl youraelf. measures of salt and-Ice. Fill the sary conx|.*itency and Is ready tor tho
>lcr.<i. Sund where the dint will
ordbe way you are petting fat. Again. mold to overflow, spread a paper
if imu are literary, you may write a above, press the cover down over the not drop on to it and. when cool, cover
' . abort atory wboae heroine baa iroul.leM pat»er and flnUh packing In ice and with two thlcljiM*<st*R of tissue pain r
like youni. or a aketch plctui^ng the salt. The mousae can Ik* removed mo)Rtcm*d wetTh alcohol; put the tops
crwl coodlllona of your life and bat much more readily from the mold If It on and ret In A ciiul. dry place in order
be |ln«M with pap*T. Let stand about that a Arm. erton jelly may l»e formed.
^ , Ue agalnat rebnUeaa < ?) fate.
If the alcohol i* not used, melt paraffin
Do you know what wlU happen wlien thiiN* hours.
iHiTnpUng*'—Onc^jegg. one cup milk, and run over the ton of the jelly.
you are through? A Parla bat to a
peannt that you will Imrat out langb one tahU siKionful 4nelt<*d butter, thnv UTieii removing the lumiffln from the
Ing aa you haven't done for day*. That tahliKpoonful* baking ptiwder, flour jelly, ltx>s4*n It by running a knife
arraignment of your family and enough to make hotter a little thicker around the eilge of and tM-netth the
t V: friend*, that catalogue of your grlefi than for griddle cake*. Butter cups, paraffin.
Many delicious uses may be found
that atatemenl of your and drop a spoonful of batter In each.
dane before the bar of your own com On this lay thn'*e nr four large straw• for .straw berrb?*. from the thick i|ims
' ,mon aen*w. all In onM hlark and whlt^ lierrie* and cover with the liatter. fiv»)re«l by our Brlitoh cobsinn for
will clear the air like a thunder *torm. Steam half an hour. Serve with cream breakfast to the various fruit Ici's
which reach their p^rfeciion In <h;
Tour pet exa*|»eratlonE will dla*olv.' and sugar.
before vour oy*»s. your -vapora** will
Short cake-Sift
two own roimtry. The housekee|K*r shmib
drift magically out of your ken. and cupfulfl of pa»tr> flour, one teaspoon not neglect to ‘^put down” a goo,1ly
you will once more In* a *ane. happy ful of salt and four tea*p.Kiurula of supply of this fruit far nre when the
laklng powder together twice. Rub wason Is o\«>r and the sntsn 'fruit
familiar alth the lim. Into thU with the lips of the fingers have pone for smdhef year.
honored injunction to chi-ck off out one tablejqioonrul of butter; mis to a
> blemlngi one by on«i. .like no many soft dough with lhn*e fourths of a cup
For the Herb Bed,
credit Itema. when .Blue Monday ful of good cream, losa on a lightly
Many, perhaps the majority of |>eo
come*. But thi. aetUng down of thi floured hoard, knead slightly, divide
pie. consider parsley "loo Cm* and
dlaagreeablea In tbo oppotite colums the dough Into equal parts, and pal
govKl for human natUn* * daily food
ia even wore offlcaclou*’ It ahowa m and roll each.piece to half an Inch
This I* a very mistaken Idea. Whlb*
weak place* In our armor of conceit thickness to lit a circular or square
It adds a dainty l«^h to dl.he*
flawa In our aggricCwI eattmate ni cake pan. Place one piece In a bu
which. It to ured as a garnish, (and
mea nnd Ulngs. ond folly in our kMry lered pan.^d brush the top over with
hearla nnd dnUed head, that we hevci molted butter: toy the remaining plec'
at a raorarnf* noilc^ an.l transform*
drenned of. Sometlim^* It revcala i on top and bake In a biscuit-m e
even a *plaln ptatter of hn.«^h Into .i
cure tor aome old adhe. aome worn teen minutes. Remove fr»»m the «
dish dainty cninigh to ret before un
that we tbooght irrenuHliable. in the Invert the cake on a hot platter
exiH'cted ctimiianri It* value as a fla
jnoat nnexpectod way. Botnet Im.^a th. off the bottom layer (which is now the
voring In soups and *p!ced dishes
h ’ htrliMjiiln of humor a-tll j»p on tn tin top), spread with butter, and add a
makew It worth a place to every kftch
page .When we l€«n*t expect it. and pro layer cf berrief prepared as direct .sll
en garde n.
yoke a laugh that aave* ib.^ cUy.
below.. Sift generoualy with powdor»*d
If care Is taken to protect and cul
t .
Al Urn very least, the writing tidei sugar, replacv tke remaining cake, re
tivate, the seedling*.‘h will renew
V as orar aome dtoagreeaWe mom< nti peat the above proex^s, and cover with
lisjlf from year to year, and It will
; gad girca ua a nmr ylewpolnt-alawy- whipped cream sweetened.ahd flavor
flimri^ t'quallr well on the farm. In a
a crying need wlU woman. Needier e«l delicately with orange eairacl and
tiny city dooryard, or ^ven ws a pot
to aay. the diary to never kept, the le» forrod tht^h a pastry-bag. using a
ti*d house plant. In the latter form
ter never poated, tbo alory never a1
Its cnrled. feathery leatrea have *«*rvcd
lowed many hmira of Mfe. But U^aj
Mixture—Waab jlwo a* a Ctmicrplecc to the dinfEg table
*have nerved the beat Of all pnrpoaa quarts of ntrafrbeiTles, huJI. and cut
In the family of one Home Cheer read
!f they have lifted ns out of the akifigh each berry in half. Prepare a a>*rup
er for several wrlnter*. and visitors in
of deapomt Into that calm, uaburried. by bolUag together one4ialf ctipful of
variably comment on Us bexulv.
tinaffrighted atmosphere ao vrilBj to ef- water4tnd one and «i«-half cupfuls of
The following is from a recent
granulated aagar tor four alnates:
pour whHe hot Ofver the beiTtoa. and’
isicjr. which l§ known In tke
let ataad nn hour or more before botanlcM^^^d as Pctroimlinnm aaUnalng. Do not cook the herrlca.
vum. ia a aMlve of Europe, but the
use and cttltamBf.thla pUnt have tomakeaadeUetonaflaaacrL The foBow- come i» gcBta! In aU palto of Jhc
ing to a good todpe tor It: Soak ove.- world tbat recBlllng lU nattre borne
Wlto'i^lk fie wortd wUh maBight a larte tBaeu|>tol
ta|i^ In
Thaor lighten my hartal bardems.
COM water; In the motmlag pot half of
^ brighten Bv takato ho«»a.
n IB a hatteiad yellow warn baking
Ab< acAtur my blaakaat Mthvgjra
Bta arc easy
cMtare and
«4s may ba aoyra Mi the groopd
r time dnriak the gartaihg am
Iroo April nntfl Sc^ember.
When waated for early rammer n*.
the seeds must be sow n In cold framer
iDuow-boxe* before it* U warm
enough for.outdoor planting. .
Palak-y seed gtailaatiis very stow. For ouliloor sowing always T»rtpare the seed by plartag It In hot wa
ter. to" soak for twenty-four hours, in
warm place. 5%ow in drill* one foot
mrt. in rich mejibw noil made frtHfrom lump* jind -siom's. Whtm one or
inehc; ’high thin out the planu jo
tnebes apart in the row?. Ttoplant* which are thinmd out may to
ransplanted into other b<*ds or borb rs. Slid ro made use cf.'
Parsley may be used as a lK>rder in
of^K ri iuiisl herb*, and It should
linayc be grown near Ibc purannlal*.
shert- it WlU not be disturbed with the
firing tilling of the r«t of the gar
den. It to a biennial and hardy In
locallUes. if I*. IK* given a rUlght
protection of boughs or leave* during
be winter to save It from the extn‘m**
Plants ralred from *«*!* sown. In
ReptemiK’r will live two wint.»rs and
hrongh the third summer If the flow
«»r stalks are kepi carefully pruned
during the growing reasonr.. - Spring
ptonts usually di.- during the
plant.* arc also the le-ti^r f..r inning
ir winter culture. Parsb j will grow
i a icmiF rainr»’ c.f a f«-w decriH's
bove (retiring U it be glw n a .sunnv
Indow. The attic or baremmi fiirl<hes grKKl inter quarters for bouse
<*ulture of ihto plant
many lu-tjple the fondness for
Is an acquired ta^'e. like lUsl
of tomatoes and olives, but when once
bltohed It I* a very useful one
a the bouKekeeiK*r's standi»olnl.
pequenlly when a jjorplexed hou.~ekeep< r ta«»s her brain P»r an app«'Uzing dish for brtwkfart, luncheon or
hat Is incgiM-nslvc and re
quire* but little time to piepare. para>
ley will yield an effectual aid. A plain
dish of warmed-nrer potatoi-s wiil ac
quire a fi jHlve appearance an wi ll a>
dell'ciouF flavor by adding a II tie
M l) minpd p.ar-b*y and lk«-ti scatring .1 lew of f.be w hole leav» f. over
the di-h Kv4M) one knows that any
form of rf.ld in. at is given an add. .1
•li.h i.y the use of par ley. 4<ftlM*r
hen rbojiiwHl .and ur.Nl in comblnation as a salad or as a girntoh itl the
disV,-s.flrei-n saluds are aiway . Incompleie wltliou! o dash of parsley and aJT
***1. Vfgelalile salads are made
e ravory b;* the use of this pun
gent plant. Again. In soup* and stew;*
of tollh meat and ve-etabtoa parrb v
Imparl*- a flavor that no wise miok wiil
Finely mln’x-d par.riey mixed
little French salad dressing,
makes delirious sandwlche*. And a
dl:;h of the freshly-gathen.-d brambe*
placed on fh.- luncheon or tea table, .o
1)0 dipped In salt and eaten with hr»*ad
and butler, will furni-'b a hygienic np
peii-A^r f.ir a simple meal that no rare
fully pie,»ai.d' 5W«cimeat. or even
elalvirate ctinfiTlIoii, could prov id.-.
move Ink from the flngera or
tar by APpXylag a damp malch head.
Ire aia^ be made to bum hrightU
itmrt iram seeds than annuahi. Those
eho are rdartlnc them for the Aral
Lirar will achieve better reralu tf not
ivold actual failttre. by paying attenOoa to some very rimule require
Benta Thto month to the to»t time to
i:art them In the open grOanO, and
*vcnr Bovper lover who Is pernmaenUy
kiraled Mould plant at least a W.
IVrennlal seeds not'd even
Murv. mniJdnfc and darkne** and a^
thf'jr often take wtM*kr. to germinate.
paUcnce np*m the pan of the owner.
After planting the reeds ia the ojM-n
gro-ind in June, ctm-r thinly with n
light soil and sprlakie over thi m
choppe.] muoa. the kind that to used
by lloflsta in packing plants for mail
Ing. Then aet an lnvrriv*d flower |iot.
or something rf tfle kind, over the spot
which the ^?eod'; nre sown to ex
rlude the light, and maok the place iki
It will not be dtoturtoHl. vThe moisU
ran be Rtarte.f in any convenient place
Floral Not*a
r«-tunias. vrrto*axs an] plants of
similar habit* of growth rh.mld be
pegged .1. w-n ro as to cov.-r the lK*ds
('arnaiionr. and other idant? wantrsl
to flower lu winter tUc.t arc throwi»g
up flower stem's should be cut bark.
An cXPvlIoDl f.Tilllrer for dollcatioutdoor plants or potUNl plants U
llqirtd manure, made by leaching waleihroagh dhaourc. ^
A quarter of a Siound of ordinary
hbe soap dls.soIvrHl in a .mil of waler make- an- oxn-llent spray for the
that attacks rwrei peas.
aphi;; iha
If planted thto rcrmlh cannas. rin
Idas, dahlias, asters^ maricold*. etc.,
will f.rrulsb blooms until frori and
glvceuttingf fnr iKiyq Mt-. ibrougb the
lati nminicr.
A partially shad.-.! viu.t to a giwid
plan- for bon -,, olaiil'. in the mimtucr.
Ihui’l negl.cl to water tlM-iu, luit .Jo
not give
abundanre of water ii
lbo.Me plan - n.HNlirig rert.
by throwing
lated sugar toto IL
A ptae or’chBrboal put tnto me poi
Ith boning onions vUl absorb most
of the odorl
Lcmqns can be keid almoat Indefl
nlU'!y under glass chat K-light and
air tight. Sex one under a gotd»H ami
If the lamp is i^pset and the oil
rmother It out. ■
take grtwse cut of dress gotwls
gel from your druggist a piece of
Fivnch chalk—with a penknife scrap*
a.w:p.h_«.r fine djvt to cover well
;d}.Nl spotn. and iay the garmen*
away carefully for r.-nie bour^— a day
»r two, fw'rhai.«i~tlien ^^ulke or brush
t off gtmllj. If ’he r.Kds ar<- imH fo
il.;) r m.o.-.i' rep. at the pioc.-ss.
To ri-moy.- r»*aM- s|hiIs from car
[K-to .-in.! rug:« t^mr toiiling hot wat. r
mx-qual parts, f magm-sia and full*?! V
I'arrii; iiuik.- a pa.Uc of this and pul on
L-ar|K-s while hoc. Biuah off wtoa
Jry and nain wiil have di .apiu-arx’d.
Old can.' chairs, when worn and
staln.’d. may Le very greatly improved
la spm-arance b> the following meth
Fir--1 wake a lather-of warm wa
and soan. to which a Utile alrolud
has to-eii added? then, while the eaieto still vrot. Vtn w it well with flower
r Milphar. a'fu! leave It until dry.
ben the sulphur may to- tinudied off
with n ::tlff Imi^h. "
pfieras mixed
dorc room .
.-ct life away;
Bb acti fiul«-.l nuM
ud.-ne.'/ r.4K S'I
Sun-Cooked Strawberries.
Tliose who like o very rii h prejw-rve.
or berii.-s for gaiaishing. sh»n;ld try
stui<«okel rtr4wl).rri.s. WbatToEa.
rii-es th.-'folUiwing j»?Hj»c:
l-\.r sun-cooked Mr.twto me»: try rid
reclp.'; To «»ne quart of l..-rrkrH takone plnMif igar and .uA-half pint 4,f
wat.r.i H^-Jl the‘sugar and' water un
III It dropjv t»ff the spmui like j4 Uy.
tlu*a put tbe-to iTl.'s dn and nsd; five
flK ell. Pastor.
Morning service. 10:30 a. m.
lllble cihooi at Boon.
n.rtoJlan Entavor. <:S0 p. a.
KitMilng service, 7:30 p. Bi.
W. M S. first WedncBday ta tho
*'^da1 hour
All are
Fourteenth Street M. t dmrcK
L. li. Carp*
liter, pastor.
12:00 m.
.worth league at C;30 p. m.
t ning ?N I moil. 7:30 p. m.
ever meeting. TburadBy. ovoatti
JIng. FroBt]
strt:«-f. niwr (’**< stroet. (Captain aad ;
Mrs. Iknm-rr. In charge. I'ubllc meetIngs every night »’Xet |»l Monday. Sun-
red hot aalvatlon mectiag.- ..
Our battle -ry; Sinner, thers Is i
Monilr.g service and r-.-rmon. 10:.‘;0
Stti.d.ny srli.Kd and lUbb- H.-iks at
Kveii.ng servite and sernmn, 7-no p
W.-ek dayis am] holy days as ap
square cak»- pan? . pour the to*rri. s oc
Ft Francis church, corner Ca.Hs anr
the platter or Into the tiiir, and r.d in T.-nth slrtM-i.
the lirirht sun. Do this fur two nior.l>o;r ninn .. Ctff. and S;00 o'clock
Hlr.h eus»^ 9 00 and 10:30.
.lays until riie t yrup ir. Hke j« Uy. D->
VeKix'r*. T:r*.o p. m.
nol reheat the l.-rrlcs/liut put them
Lenten deviiiiun*. Wednesday and
into g'as'.es cold. S.-al.the iop>- wllh
Friday evenings. 7:30.
parafTln. The I . rrlrs will In- firm,
kerp their sii.i.M :«.nd le d -llcJo..4 in
AtbuL M. E. Church,
Hugb lKen....!) Pastor,
meeting. 9:4& p. ro.
Morning iservice. 10:30 a. BB.
Sunday s
Roaches ar-d Other PesU.
Tlie que-iion of kei'ping all kin
n*k T»iur*.lay evening
bugs and roaches out of the h.mr** ha?
A cordial wrIcnmo to these
be<m Wld. ly dlrni*;« d In all sor
hrirt (Oisdt
IiajH-rr, I-kich bo?iM k« eu-u liaThnmxn IVnn
om. Miutotcr
own formula.‘mere cr b rr eff41
Care of Rose*,
Qul.-l hou
0 a. III.
Moraiiig' Xworship and sermo
the month of roW. and un A m.Miol honrike..i„T rlaiip-'- ««
fv-lipol. 13 m.
fortunate to tb.* home florist who largi ly experimenti-^l. and has 1
t;e,j*„r Lnd.-avo-. »: 0«.
hasn't one or mord.bushes In the yard the following an ai.Fol'jte ami
K. :jf:;g evaiirpdir.iic s.*sri.)n. T
or garden c.v. red w ith fracranb bios way of disposing of tinpontecnsial prayer meeting Thor*
somr. Other flow. r.** make their ap a large l-fush and a quanUly of
day evening at 7:30.
pi>arance this mrinih. to be sure. bn‘ pent ine and wher.-ver roaches or i
Ji^b.r f-:nde.avor nSturdays. 2:30. /
bu.Jp? have apinared. molrt.-n
none is ro .popular as.ih.* groa*. glow
Ikjrca* Aid r.w ic:y mc-tR every sec
wood work. &vpiTlally «^lMiiild the mnl and fourth- Wednesday of each
ing June ro!H.‘-7«*ver) bo.l.Vs favorr *
month at 1:30.
flower. The presence .if lh«*se flowerji crackf: in the doors and ov.-r th.‘ dot
T1)e C. W’. It M. auxilary hr>ld
be liberally Irvat.-d wlih this tiir|KnIn the garden. In varying RlxaUe.s and
line Any roach touched by the Itir meetings fho first Wednesday in each
shapes, their fragrance delightfully
month at 7:30.
pent ine will to- inr t niiily killed am
"W.dcomo lb worship with us are
IKTfumlBg Ibe atmosphere, makes one
all ergs d.*rdroyed. The odor of Un slrangt-ra, workingmeji and the
,turp«*ntine is not agtei-a!de to manypcopV. hut a few hour.* airing wi 1
First M. E. Church.
way of keeping the young flower-pro
dirpose orjhi? ol.J.'ClIon.
Rev. Thos. Cox, Pa-rior.
.luring shoot* growing ihrlfUIy after
Clasn meeting. 9:30 a. m.
the first glorious outburst of blossoms
Morning sorvire. 10;30 a. m.
Sunday nchnol t
lc« for Table Uae.
While a perpetual blooming roue bash
I?t>worlh league,
A ^f*od many women do not 1
Is out of the nuesilon In the ordinary
Turning s.Tvir#-, 7:30 p. m.
sense, the blooming peritKl can to: how to Chou Ice for tabic use. Th.*
Tbiirsday al 4;00 p. ra
greatly pf^longell by careful manage operation Is not a difficult one. If yc ^ JunU>r league
meeting Thursday evshlng at
mcnl. This Includes cutting back hare a heavy canvas tong to bold tl
giK*d mulching Willi mail lire* not uk Ice and a taallct for p jund.ng it. Ac
freeb. and fighting insect p«-sts. Site rtout. cl.-an bag. wheri.er It Y« ma*;
Baptist Church.
W. T. Woodhottse, Paster.
ce.s.*;f«l rwe growers do not wail fo; of canvas or merely of thick nnirll
Morning. 10:30.
the first crop of flowers to fade to forc will answer ibc pur|»ofe.. 1 have sec
Sunday school, J2:^.
cutting iJack the bu«^hc«:. nowmrs witli a wc:man us.: an olj aiding l.ag and
Baraca Bible daaa. 12:flt.
a Y. P. U.. C:3(f.
long-ctcms are cut In generouB quan pound tto ire with the heavy ei
Ev ening. 7:30.
Utica. If a single large branch, oi p-n bld-rasUiotted ^ta.-n poUio mash
Junior Union. Batnrday at 2:30.
strung shoot from the root, ia^ut ol er. The ri-suli was quite n^ aaUtfacbloom liefore the other.* it it cut baeV tory as If she had tad the apeciallj
to within a foot of the ground, aB.3 prepared bag and maUet Thc^rM
AU are cordlaUy Inrltcd to tba •»
fresh .vboots wiU often have atarUsl mcniB of Ice arc prtvepted from fly
from It l^fore the flowera on oUiei ing .by the cloth., and the blunt wooden
root* bare ladci On healthy buabci pounder does hot Injure the bag as a
rose-bugs. It scomSi are ever preaenl metal one might do.
nnd have to be picked off by hand, at
do the caterpillar* that cat the leave*
I lost five very handsome cat* be
A spray of atnm* aftaprad*. tobacco
water or heUcborc may be used or fore I tamed that a piece of raw
otlleV iaaecu that infest and moler roUed In powdered sulphur given once
t^lMBBU. ThBrosBa.wUl Bta WBtei
7:H evening gospel aervlet
Ice. If you \
bc^ In Traverae^aty, you are earn
ed Invited (o .cxBae. gto i
and work and wmhlp c
with u*.
etamc to alL In^oduceyourfritas.
Groet the stranger*. If a stranger, wait
Id meet the pastor.
Riwvrlal st'Tvlcea aanovBta Ib Um •
church brevities.
Jtegular servlta as
!0:3rt a. m.. niornli
hip IBi.
Tmoo. Gbol
lOf MfB.
12 m.. Sunday srhool. Tf preveatea
attending, j-m the home department
h:t5 p. m . Tong;; Poole's Society
f tnirlstlan Endi-avor In the parlors,
7:30 p. m . evening worship. G<wpei
u-eting and evWgeltot|c servlcB..
iMvlr under dlreerion of Dr. Smith.
Tburr-iUy. 7:30 p. m^ prayer aad
Sunday i
^rvlee In Modm
W»»o.Ift,an ball oier posh
evening, Testimony
m.’oling .-il 7..30
ll.uidtug room. Nn. 314 W
block. o|K-n every afternoon (<
Hiindavi fr»»ro 2 to B.
A . cordial Invitation to attei
services and the reading room.
Church Brevities.
At tie Find McltouM’d rhiirrh Kw
mor.ow Mn- subjif-t In ito- imirnliig
will to- "The Mearikig and Miniiiry of
.»f .«4urow" In till- ivcniiiR at 7 3U,
"Wton, thi- Joy lb Ito are Rim ing In
tlu- Hiart.” Tlu
wrmouF will bo
diwiissionv of vital fact-; of life ihsl .
arc of Imivirtanrc to all and *-srM*elal-^ '
!> iLo.-c wli i Lave pas
thrt»ugh ItorTb. ’tmi-ldiiif: elder rd i|,c Grand
TV.nv. rM\|l.siricl. Ib v. A. T. FcigUKon.
will drilvi-r tb*- ?.-rmoii at the Asbtiry
MeiiMHllst Kpl iopal rhmcl, Sunday
m 7:3«»
TIm- II’a. M. S. Tb-ed of Alden. ptsfor at largi- bf. tto- Grand Traverse .
.IJa|«rc.t ar..-»K-lation. will uiK-ak at thi-’
ri.i’riri ciiu.ch Sunday morning and i ; .
ellc-il •Church-The
egular f
iiMl.iv ni
III be 1.
;:ivei. up to thec Chil.lrcn
- day-exor-}
r,.4-r al 1‘»:.30. An lrit« M-sUng pire.|
gram, will to- rvndcr<-«l by the childreit >
of tlie Sunday Kchrsd. A sliver offer- .
ing will to? ler . ivtvi. Hi the evening at
7::;*J tto- M-rvlc-s will to- e .|K-riaily In
Ihe Intenri of the GIris’ an.1 Boys*
AfhIHh iss/^iailons of the HIgu '
school who will attend in a to.dy In
• to an Invitation by the pacordial invliaih»n iii extended
Death From Lockjaw
Nevf-r follows an Injiirv dressed wllh
Buck len s Arnh
al F.Hve. Its anttoeptic and to-alinus properties prevent
bK»otl polRouSng. Gha-. Oswald, roerrhanl. of lU-ns^elaervilh-, N.
writ*#: "It curtil 8e(b Burch of fbU
place of the iiglio^sort- on bis neck I
ev.-r saw.” CureiTciito. woundr. bums
and sores. 2.V. al Johnson lirag Co.*a.
F. If Meads. C. A. Biigbee Drug Co.*»
drug atorea.
Notice to all Persona Intereeted.
The special a**e*Mnent Ux roll for
the grading apd paving of VM Pronr
street from the nast line of Park strvwt
to the oast line of Wellington.alrort. to
now In my bands fog collection of th*
second Inslallmcfit, lort'ther with tho
Infrrem on all unpaid installmenU.
Ibe same to be paid on or before Urn
3Wh day of June. 1!M)C.
M. E. HaakclL CUy Treasurer.
Office. Room 202, State Bank BMMlag.
When you open a pad>‘
age of Uneeda Bisdiilt
it*s like opening the oven
door and taking them out
crisp, fresh, and clean. .
Uneeda Biscuit
Out Kwtmr of tlo^ ITot^crsIty of
iMTOotf IlHit Joktejr OorrHIft, Un>
sfwi aU^wowid aiWot*. •»< Joe Cor
U», tbe IrKk otW«<e ood eajMJo^elec*
of the .t»M| MfdUsaa foottall umm.
mM mMt te extdMUoni kteo oo
JWM » oi tlio Ctrlc sUMc coolest
Curtis will prf>b*Wy sppesr In tbir
hnnmer Urow mud shot pat, wlille
Oarrells will tkrow the discus, pot tlir
shot, throw the hnmmer nod run Jie
VTfrjrthIftii points to ooe of the most
Moeessfnl awciU thnt hns ever been
held nloeo the Ovie nthhrtlc cofUests
hnve been losUtot^.
Kent ^onifdoTHte iwHioUiArles win
be pulHoi off nod
wni qonUfr for the ionU to be hehl
fdooship soeiBn to develop In n mce
between the Third and'K^Hirih ward
athletic teams. The Fourth ward team
with fioroer as a meml^. looks to Iksllffhtif the atrtMiaeiU,' although the
two Dewejra. and FlUjdhbon form a
etroog eombtoaUon for the Third. The
Jpidor team eham^ooahlp Is almost
meoded to the Ninth ward fmim. as
they bare one of the atrongest teams
that has ever appeared on the field.
. taroey Okffleld Will Race Over 8L
Leula Track Whem He NeaHy
, Met Heath Before.
thing. Now Why €lao*t Komc
get out and hoKtle the thing?
If that four mile an boor ordinanos
goes 'through In Detroit there srin
doubiedly be a hot tlase In Deiroii for
a while. Autoists will fight It In t
Offeeaff g* OkHteW That Coay cf Chi.
CUBO Would Beal Him SMurday
Fumbbed complcUi, with thaft and
re\’i^r«ible propeller
, . AJao 2,3.4CylinderMotow
Gas Engine Repairs a Specialty
....... w
5 3
10 15
.......... .......... ..
. Copemish Grays
Sunday, June 17
O.-W. b. Park.
If you want Low Prices
If You Want Good Quality
Baigains in Sligiitty Use!
Ipiams Rnd Organs
Ihis Week.
If Quality is to be Considered
with the Price
We Caii Get Your Business.
Come and See US
J. E' Greilick Co.
M. OiMiade. Uic pew leader of the
^ ^ncialisu In the French ehamber of
! ^hpotJea., aays: “In fonr yewrs* the
wUI be aUe IP con
sider coolly a rei<ffntk*ai7
Kimball Music
anil Surxpon, Officr* 4074 .Stats
Bank block, witb Dr. O. K. (%ssi.
CUT plmnr 325 2R, Rfwldi-SM 5fit
v, nth atresi. with llw lllasM
Carroll, CHr.. phone 53S.
TRAVERSE pITY Norinal ^Muate
Teacher, Mr*. Frascea 8.
Smith. Grailuate pupil of Prof. FrvJ*
A rl< k Horoci* CUrk of Cbl^. Ml
Frtml rirei*L Siudld No. IS,
duaii xtaira. Ctlx. pboos No. €04.
Troverito laind aad Losa Oa, F.
Thurtrll. Manaairr. OtBos^ roOM K
Hamllioa ^a Mlliikra bloOk.
tcnilon to dlMaaoa of tks (
00*0 and throat Olasaw
Roomi 7 and *. H. A L.
Don’t im;igine that your Ii.tsaCabloelL Botapboasa
ilous it. all.
The vtduA’Ie ciiU
w^mneh of a figure in Alriviiig Da E. a MlNOft-OfSos mr Amm^
lean Drue Rtor«.e Bfiselal attsatloa
ffor plcTiatm* or on busitit-ss, and
to ♦yo. ear, doao and throat Otaaoii
fitted. Roth pbosM. Bsoldsacs 81i
Hie Ijorue knows it.
^Make itoasy
Sixth atroiA.
for^liim, mid so for yourself, by
The Wagon Counts, Too!
getting^ i^y running rig from
our bi^T•<‘x h of “transportation
SARA T. CHASE, M. O.—rhjrotelsn
rreifflit. psTMls and tnnte OttM
at aty Book.Btors.
. ^fiingle CylindertL 1, 2, 3. 6 and
7 Horae Pontpr
no »iii iHTin .«ininK ^
R n. K.
Oakland, CaL. June 1C.—Ralph W.
loo tor 111. 1.alllo for ilio f.alh. rw.«nnv»i iTTaf-ir#
RtMK*. lyaldsl.uiK-s gigantic young ath- weigh. eh..»,.H.n,hlp wl.h Aho A..-,.,
lete. has left fpr the rnlverslty of In hlch Is scheduled to uko plarv July
diana. where he Intends rosiimlng his
Incidentally he may enter th»*
rcctvd breaking busint'ss in the ath
letic world again. During his vacation
Cincinnati .
Boston .....
One of the i|th.
letea admirers says he can cut two
day. He Is/the pride
of the post office Infesting <^ltlxens of
• native town, and when Saturday with the New York Yacht club fA»r
* than thirty years. Is seriously 111
evening he Joined a grand march
Uirough the main'stre«*ts a crowd of at hlK yr^dence here.
in Arl»or. Mlih.. June 1C.—Repori
adnllrlnp youngRl«*rR kept cIosa- com
eimiA'K that the Tt)b*ilo b*agUA* team
pany to his heels.
has farmed Grover Gillen a Wn^ht.*
naw county bA»y. who has pitehi-Al four
winning gami-s out of six with Jh'Took Feature Event
Swamp Angels. Gillen will go to ,th*‘,
Latest and Newest Case
Da*s Moines lA*am. He was with TaThursday' by Five Lengths—40 to
Uesign**. RcnAaissantjC,
c»n.«<* laM ).ar?- •
l.’Art .\ouveau, ColonAccountaut. thr .”.y.-ar-olU lay col!
* ial and1 Inexpensive
New Y»»rk, Jun.* IG.—.\doratlon.
Iiaeked from H to 5 to 7 to in, won the
Cottage Uprights
ork by >V. Harry Brown to J.amea, \V.
FISHING TACKLR. bait, launches Cltiver Stakes, the f«aturv of the card Brody fA»r |40.<vh). It Is a pretty steep
Giavesend Thursday. She went t*J price for a colt, birt If Armintant
and row boats for fishermen. Hotel
the front at the start and rounding cnm#*R tu> tOK*xpA*ctatlons he mill win
Wisteria. Fouch.
June Mf
the far turn opA-ned up a gap of five several tlmA*e that amount for his ownlengths and bolding her advantage to
the finish won by the same distance.
Ixmdon. June. 16—At the Piinceiis
Kllilecrankie finUhtMl second three club Friday ^fterno<»n Jay Gould ®of
lengths lM*fore I^arhesls. a ^0 to
l.akew7N»d. N. J., defi'atA d the world’s
►hot. who wa.s an ad.led klarter. ’
champion court tA-nuis playir, CatII
Harrv Bmwn sold to JamA S B. Brady Fairc.'by 3 1: tin* f<HJres were 6 4.
We have pianos here ’
the threi* year-old b.vv colt Acc
6 2.6-3.
to match the furnishings
ant for thi* n-portc'd price of ftu.ouo
Boston. June 16.—Thatle.s NA-ary of
of mansion or cottage;
Dels by Fllli;rane UA-A-kon and Is CAin MilwaukoA* got the dAK*ision ovax- ”Kbl*!
ptanos of the highest
KlilerAHl, now that BurgomaslA*r I* r<‘ GooAlman of Bosicln In a fifteA*n-rouud
class; pianos that are ar^
llrAHl. to be the ls*st rtdl in the east. CAioteat at the Unredn Athletic club.
tistic fr9rti every view^
He Is hA>avily engaged in all the thrtn*
point; pianos that the
yt'ar-old stakea
the advantage of
world’s great musicians
the fifteen. Irtil be was unable to
Base Ball Tomorrow.
say arc the best.
send.a rnockout punch to GooAfman
O. W. P. VK. Coin mlsh on -forraeKA
Game called at » o'clock.
New York. June 16.-Nomln*lon by
At our warcrooms yon have
The O. W. D.'s defeated Kak'hii:* lndeiK*hdA*nts vs. Wylb- the atitomAiblle cJub of Turin f>T a comsplemlnl facilities for testing
the Copemish Grays June 10 Facu»rj tA-am. Ilower* Harbor Boat pb*te Italian tA*am for the VandertMll
each instrume.^.t in home
cup race on Oct. 6 is on the way t->
in a 13-inning contest.
like conditions.
jA-aves at 1 :Si*.
thl* country.liy mail. This news was
Our modem system of j i*
cabled to E. Rand Hollander. TIlc
ano selling, marking eadi inItalian drivers will Ik* l,Anrla. Narraro.
atruirent in plain tigurcson
Dr. NVeillscott. Cagno and Fahn*. ThAsmallest fjossible margin
cars will be alovi one hundr^. and
sistenl with legitimate bnsitwenty horse power
ness methoGls, gives each ensBay City evidently ha* a real base
tomer greater 6t»cnrity for
111 team In the men who hkv4 be-n
faUraloc than the old way
pick«l to Independently represent the
making Uie price match
Yes^day the Cadillac
the pockellxjok.
were trimroeAl by a
of 5 to 0 and let down with oi
X for Bay City
and mily Barber was behind the bat
VellA^ and Snlcer were In Ihe pedntj
for Cadniac.
Rube WaddeU took a fishing trip
Term, ewb nr $.5 (o $25
up to Mt. Clemens yesterday abd
oMbmul $.5. $7 to $10 i>er
In a ball game by playing first 1
n^ib bo,-, aoy >pri«ht
with the Mt. Clemens Soothern Nlch
igan league team agalasl an amateur
Our Small faymntl Plan
from Fort Wame. Ind.. known
J Bines. The leaguers managed
makes buying
to srin^cwit by a score of S lo 4.
8L Louis. Mo.. June 16.—Over Ihe
course where his Hying machine once
amashed through the Inclosing feni'e,
killed two men and badly bruised the
daring driver hlmaelf. Barney Oldllehl
will again participate. in an gutomiv
bHe race here next Saturday. The
•vent la to Ik* a five mile Invitation
conleat. live entrl.*s to go fc»r a |l.W»o
puma, and win Ik» IIk* feature
mneUng. which Is to Ik* held at the
Fair Grounds under the auspices of
the St. Louis Automobile aasodatlon.
Oldfield Ulkeil very freely hen*. 'I
do not llke^ to Jm quoted as retiring
from the game/ but I And that after
a Jong Uyniir I lose my eye., and It
takes considerable training to get it
Into shape again.*’ he paid. **I fcH*l as
though I am gradually losing my
nerve, although I am at present' in as
good form as 1 ever was. and expect
to break the iw^rd for one mile at
either Indianapolis or Chlrago."
are the |onlyj Soda
Crackers. Others cease
to be “crackers” after a
few hours exposure to the
Open a paclo^e of
Uneeda Biscuit to«day.
San Pranriaco. Jone ll.-James J.
Coffroih. bead of the Trtsco fight
truft. aald today that the boxing game
wni be rcMMUDod the middle of Augum. Cleveland .. ......39
The ooe thing that ia holding the pro^ Now York .. ......21
30 '
moiert of big oonteMa from opening PhlladAlphta ........ M
up at the prrmmt time U the lack of Ootroll ...............26
accommodatkms for the om of town
BC l>*iil»
pobUc that always makes It a potat of ffblcajco .... ......22
coming to the city. Coffroth would Waahincton.
- JJ6A*
like to get’Nelson and Cans together,
St , •-.294
Boston........ ......15
but the former wtaled that such a
match was beyond qtuktkm. In his
;Won._ Doat
opinion the fight would not -draw, for
the reason that if Cana made the
^ 17
weight—125 pounds—the public would
.64 V
NV* York
l»elleve the match a fake.
Los Angeles will not give up the po
gi, l>Kib
sition that it hai been holding tempo
Brooklyn ... .-....,21
rarily without aJjsrd struggle, -nie
CInclim*!i r............31
June flstU* carnival to be given under
BoidOD ...........17
36 ,
the anvnlces of the Pacific
club. in the southern city. promfRes to
be unique in the hbnorr of the fight
arena. It will U* a veriinlde luitile of
RAiulh Bend
fi 7 Z
nation*. Among thos«J^who will take
part In the lioiit are a Chinaman. Jew.
Pole. Turk. Greek and an Italian
Chlrago. m. June 16 -k:. A. Cwy
tim Chicago mnikmaMre automobile en
tbualaat. Thursday night wired an of
fer to Barney OldOdd to make a sidbet of $1,000 that he would defeat th<
iploB In the big ract^at 8t. Loul
8alurday. Cqej U one of tbe beji
dHvers in the country and has just re
celved hts new racing car of 110^1
power from the fscior>-. fie will drive
this ear at St. 1,/ruis. Instead of bis 00^
irse power machine.
Jerry Kilts Ihe local daredevil, who
a great rival of Copy, has offered to
The following fighters will psrUclbet Ooey that he ran dofeat blm In a
heat of the fl.ooo race in 8t. LouU pate In the camlvql: Harry Baker
•Kid” Dalton. 16 rounds;
and the two will ask the racing .eom
miflee to place them in the same trial Attell .vs.. Ah Wing, six nium
Walsh vs. Tommy iKjahy. sU round*imalgan vs. Jim Trimble,^ six N«*w York
ds; I^Mrd 1-atider vs. Billy Cleveland
Athlete Will be There Next Vear- Ixjcke. six rounds, and Billy Walsh i ^-ashini
vs. Voting Ih'rry. six rounds.
^ Has Been ftplitting'Wood,
Frankie N<*11 arrived In Dos AngA*h‘s «
iTwo C«rde a Day.
Da W. a MOON—Fhsnaa, sMoa
au, 107; Boa M. RsildSDea Tlfi
Waahlnftoa itrsM. 0^ pBoas tlla
oa A. H, HOLLIDAY. OraduaU Ts*
Qncen City Implement Co.
CiL pboae 7.-.I.
12S K. Front Ft
A Barl’t Jswslry
lohn R. Santo’
Plant now
Ifcw WUhdm Blk..' TrtTcrsc City
We have them to sell.
General Insurance
Eooa No 1. Oty (Wm Uosm Block
l>a LAWTOK-Phyatclan agd osi*
ffeoo; office* Id Wilhelm block, third
Boor with Dri. Bawysr and Psakak
• • tuner and actlim rsffulator. I
faction xuaranfeed.. With Kll
Music Hoii»e. CItx. phone *€4.
PIANO TUNING—Bailxfaction asarw
at.f.A-,1. F. D. NlchoU. $29 BosU
fnlon. Cllr. phone 1198.
apr ^
«• 2f"'s!ICE AND
-----J At
Either Ice or Wood
zoi yront street| - ^rjn
be delivered
promptly if prdcred
DnW. J. Higgins
Fine Dental Work'laniBS G. HopkinS
abstracts cTf title—C. O. Oaiv
TAT. Price* raaxonahie. Office with
O P. Carver A Bnx Both phoasa.
Da a F. CHABE-HoasopathlsL Of*
flee aver Bafbee'* drug w4iom, 610*
xeba phooe-Eaaldfmea tU: office
auf tl4ms
oa a L. THIRLBV-BpecMl attas.
tlOQ to dlMiiea of chlldrM. KooM
499 SUte Bank bids. BoU phoaaa
Cit phone 711.
ai my offloe and
UlM-ril. JCP1.Y
mtst «o mso
Ab»elu«*ly frmm
This means you only pay for the stove. The pipe from
the main to the stove-and all labor
free of charge.
rate* before ra-
Ol-fcy Oas
DENTISTOffice SOS Kew Wilbebn Block,
Citiians’pbooe G3!t.
For those who love outdoor
excrcLc includes spraying the
flower beds, mowing and
watering the lawn. We have
everything that will meet
vo-jr needs in "lawn mowers,
hose with ball nozzles, i
at bedrock prices.
T YSmilDAy^ I88UB
By Wire to ib© Erening'Baeord.
an<Hftnftti. Juft© Jd-Myrfl© Howard, MOST OF THIS AMOUNT WILL GO
»rmcr aUMffrm|ib©r of CbaHea M.
f>r ItKlit llfto wofo ftUftrlM^ to top body
ftftd ft bdbL^toH^ to tob^
to Um bottom, too buoy dldat moTo In
too olIgbtMl tmt rpmoliiod in tbd wun^
poi^itkm ftll dfty. »howin* that torrwftft no curreni at tbai ilmo.
Tbo ptaeo vbore Mr. Cha«c> vaa lunt
la aery dorp, about 300 f*cl. and tblv
blndora too twcb Tory much. Hon
rrof. If tboro arc no currmia at toat
poim it It brllrtod that tbo.body can
bo sdekod up. Tb© party araa -com
poaod uf Chtrf Athlon. Onorge W
Bttorftfd. Mr; Stafford. C. E. Murray
and Cbftrlft Carv«*r.
Cbiof of fHiiiro Anbton inlondrd to
roaumo too acarto tola morning In
Mr. Murray a Muarb too ItMng. but
to© aoa ourka of tbo boat yrtn* left
op«m and tbia morning tbo bull «ai>
rotting on too bottom of tbo rlror
vllb to© vator up to tbo aoata. Thoit^
will probably l»e a largo niimbor of
Iftnnrbra >oCn In tbo noarrh tomorma
and Monday morning dynamiting will
b© trlod and tb© olfoct on tb© carcaaa
Schwab, died at lb© aty hMpIta d
ly aOer midnight. 8b« cam© her©
May 14 to be cured of toe morphine Grand Lodge Mooting and Field Day
habit but was attacked by paeamonla
Caorclaoa Wilt Be One of the
and her mf.R©bled condition was
. Greatoet Evoota in to© Hlo[St her rr*ooT©ry. Sb© threatened
lory of Travfora. City.
mIcM© before coming here.
C A. Palmer of Manl.stee. grand
chancellor of toe state of Michigan.
Cortif of Battle Creek/great
ket<per of records and seaU and W. H.
Lt«mls of G«ind lUplds. brigadier
geftoral of the uniform rank, were in
the Idly ctmferri^.wlth the executive
Ittee of the local lodge Knights
tif Pjthlas last ©veiling In regard to
the coming gmnd lodge meeting and
field day exerclM^ which will l»e"hi Id
In HUi city Oci, 2. 3 and 4.
. This miwtlng will be one of lb© big
er©nts of th© history of>ravc*nu* City.
were entered Into las»
evening and an appropriation of
raa made, the greater portion of
hleb is for prizes for the competitive
Sdid That Memhcia Ar« Only Await drills in the uniform rank.^ The.*;©
prizes win lie ihe largi^st
ing Word to Begin—DeUila Ara
startetf again at Blalyntok last night,
continmd all night and Is still going
The mob was swelled by thou
adbrls of peasants who an>
and burning the
Hie JewK. An orgmnlxed
In many cltb*s U pldnmsl. It Is
Iwllevwl today. It H allegjHi that
many goremmeot offleers are prime
movers In the “ctrimTof Russian pariots" bupiDd the upriiUngs and mas
■ at OoinH and toe membera an
only awaiting tb© word to begin W
awful work. Some of the details of
ftansacre are most reroning. Gwi :
women are ; particularly violent
against the Jt'wish women. .
200 Kill-d.
Uerjin. Juno 1C —A menilKT ^ the
•rman Jewi^l^ a.«iKarlntIon df-rlsp*
that 2m» |HT‘Uins have Ih-^'D murdeni!
Itialydok and over 4Su Injured,
many fatally.
It Ives of
hundnnl ^<•pre^
grand lodge will attend.
elghhM»n cumi»anh-8 of the unift.rin
rank which will make over one thou
sand visItonUand in addition .many
hidges In.the northern part of the
state have signified their Intenllpn of
attending In a Unly which irtll marIaMy ©well the crowd;
Grand Lodge Seaaiona.
The gi-aiid hnlge m-ssIous i
couri^e. »>cr» ( and during the meeting
offictW wlll,l>e elected and also Im
port am legislation and other hui^e.ss
will be acted npon.
Previous to ihe Travera© CTty meet
ing. there will be a number of oomp^L
tfreex^pll Mat Ions of the third d»*
gree by various d**gcec teams In tin*
state and a pr»Kx.*ss of e'SmlmiHon In
stituted. Thelxfil of lhe.se In the pro
Umlnaries wiTl Ik- selected for thU
city and the grand lodge has appro
priated a prize of $12:» for the best.
ThU prize Is aside from the $1350 ap
proprlated by the local lodge.
• Public Oriila.
The competitive drills-of the nni
form rank comimnle.s will Ik- the td<
feature of the season so far as the
l.ubllc Is ronrerned as they will U*
dohn PoitHumla Lost a Font by Being
• venliig the exeninllflcatkmH will
Xaupbt by a Train WhiU .o©
Wboal—McLauQhlin ConDanger^sty Wounded Two Deputy held and Hh- grand Ifidge convenes for
two days* sessbm on Wednesday. '
Constables Late Ye©t©rday-*CltiThe membera of tiic ex.-cutive com
zees and Sheriff. ^
mllli-e of the suborthmile liKlge are.
By Wlrft to ibft ETtmtof Itocord.
Chancellor C, K. Weller, riiairman; C.
Jackaon. Mich., Juno 16.-Mllton M
S Cavls, J. E. Cameron: R. J. Mt-rct-r.
Rbaara. a prlM*n r<mvlrt from IKHmlt By Wire to the Kvening Record.
Fri-<> rprtls. .The eummittee from-tho
Kanr^is City. June IC—Rhrriff \Vy
ftpprarod In Cirruli court tbla .mofnlnft
uniform rank is: Capi. J. V. Mclniosh.
nn with a pos.se of nfOrers and cltl
on n writ of balM*aK ci»rpuy. Ho claims
man; E. R. McCov. J M. Blakeans I ; ill pursuit nf ilirts- des|M-ra<^o«'
b© ahould not have bt-cn wntonctnl
lee. W/ D. C.
•under tbc‘ Indotormlnato'iav. for It who danu. nmstv wounded two depul>
waa not in fore© and provloua Uwi< consi.-jlili;i late v.-st*>rday, Th,r
ore supjKjf^tl to be the• mt^n who
that would lit the ra
poaitHi; Judge l*arklnMtn took an aU roblHMl the iMisUiIflce at MoorvsvxiUo
On* Erected in Rome in the Year 2 B.
Tuesday night.
Joumment for two wo©
C. Ham Jo«i Been Dlscoverwd—
Loat a F©
I* ,Beautifully Ornamented.
Owoaao. Mlcb . Juno
. B^BimiswcmtT
fbumir. fotoman of tbo Ksloy Man
fkcmrlng coiniuny. was caught at
OfSc© Of General OfficF^r of the Gen
cmealng on flu* Ann Arbor track on
©rai Staff WiH Net Be Filled
bicycle thin morning and had bia left
at Present.
foot cut off by a train.
Candidate foe Congr««a,
By Wire to the E\ enlng Record.
Muakegon. June 1d~ExTal Com
Washington. June id.—it has ix^ n
! C. Mclaughlln today decided that the vacancy In the grad©
moral orfieer on the gimeral staff
In this di.Urict
of the army is
to W (llkvd at tbo
present time. Ttie 4sw ,«arp that thero
may be three.genernl officers on the
H«l©l Men'a Aasociation Will M©«t In- geiwral staff in addition to the chief
of artillery. At present there are oaK
atcftd of Rortland. Oregon.
Kew York. June lC.-lbvau»e of the two general ofScers. Brigadier General
Hell. chW>f if staff, and Brig. Cnm
Ran Franclaco dl*aM»'r and consc
Thomas H. Barry, the president of the
crowding of trains the tw%*ntywventh
rmnlon of lb© Hoidroen s association war college. A board of general ofgfters
is soon to Ik* order*tl by the
win ti© held In Chicago July lU. in
war department, however, to fill the
atfiad of Portland. Ore.
vacanclc© on the general staff, which
lylll result on Aug.'tS from toe ©xpira
Uun of the tours of duty of si*veral of
Eaat Bulfala J«u© lC.-(\ittl
slow. Sheep and lambs~2.(W; choice fierrs. The officers to he n Ile'ved art
John a Kerr. Ma>vra WilUam I)
Hfl«a-2^; Yoricera. 3C.80O6ji5; BeaHj, John 8. Mallory and Joseph P.
Hickman. Capts. Harrv C. Hale. Will
benry and mUed. $IUS€f€.87
Detroit, June 16.—Wbeal-^No 2 r^nl. lam G. Haan. Dennis K. Kolan and
John C Oakes.
£$c; com. U\kc: ofttA
By Wire to the*Bvonlng Record.
>m©. Jun© 1C—A romarkablf* bis
torlnai and topographical monument
has just iKK-n tli.-K^ovt rcd, In th© vlcin
ity of toe coliseum. It Is an altar «'
up at the crossing of two thorough
fares, on© of which was named Viens
Santa Matris.
The alUr is beauii
fullv ornamented wUh wreaths and
branches of laurel and contains tb©
names of th© four'street maglsiraU-it
who had l>orn© ihejexpens© of Its cr©c
Hon in th© year 2 B. C.
-nx fttBAIT ca, VMP. .
Can You Blame 'Em
Flral excursion. Sunday. June 17U:.
Charlevoix. IVtoakey. Harbor Springs
and retorn. lljOO. steamer Illinois.- So©
dule, page 6. column 4 for time.
June 143t
Rublier fleets
■‘UooJ for that tmxl (oefing. ’
We pat them on.
nrsi «‘vrurslon, Sunday. June I7to,j
Chsrh voiv. I'etoskey. Harl>or Bpring*
ri turn. lUk). steamer llllnuls. See
Oby not try a pair
Tl.oy lay wbiiky inilamM
Brigbf8 di8<.aft(*« brandy ruiDB
kidneys, burgundy
bring, on gout and ftbftintbe
clestroys the brain. Now, we
know typfaokl and malaria
lurk iu wator and tuberou.
loftis in milk, ap what in the
worid is a thirsty man to
* Our soda water, of course.
We have Orfonla in Patent. Kid. Tan, White, Blue. UTWider
Pnrple. Cream, and Pink Pricoa to suit.
$1,61.25, $1.50
Bof»' CamvM
P8CJ0 $1.25
III while. Iilack/
lirown, >;rpy, bine.
goc to $2.00
Cblldrto s Ctnpat .
50C, 75C to $1
in tbr WdlK-lni idiN li
Tdf Summit
On. Sivfir & Pnhallini
fer looking «t # mn an. veil
garbed oTSie arkrtge OHUi ia vbo
buy* ki« clotbinK of mT . Thera
are eo in#ay miefita in tb» world
that it’a a pleaaore to look opon
aRood 6l
One thing we pndeonraelret up
on it the appeanoon ot nran,
yonlhk and boya ontfittod Inr ni at
to clothing: Another U the low
• (they pay na. 'Riey’ll ooma
1. yon Iknow..
Stock door# delivered same day as' orderad. Odd
doors and window screens in three days.
I Abstract* of TItl* j
Bwtabllaliad WM
ai« •t*t« Dank BwIMIw#
We’ll send a man to take the measurements
-------------------- ji * :Mk JA
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
J. W. Miken.
You are not Retting the best
that money can buy.
•Get a sample and try it.
Quality and price is right.
Have You a
If not, let us show you a splendid line
prices that will enable you to own oi
Good Hatninock
Lay Co.
We have priasd them at a.
reasunable profit and we
know they are right. Each
hammock has two spread
ers and valance and come
in attractive colorings.
They are well^/ made
and will give good service.
SehDol of toe Navy^ Will Open July
and Already Several Applicatlam
Have Baen Received.
By Wire to too Evening Record.
Washlngion. June 16—On July 1st
th© machinists’ wchool of the navy will
open at Norfolk, Va. AliVady th© bu
reau of navigailao has fecei^ed a|v
plIcatiOBs from several eftllated men
to be allowed to take th© course of In
strucUoB at toe achAol. and It ia ex^PcM^t the conrae will begin with
Cbicogo. Jfti
' M^Ac; spnx.
oala. 4t%c.
Toledr?. Jon© 16-Wbmtl-Oftab. 67c; Cohunhla. t:30 tomortob ©vt-nl^ Mceira wht^ YflU act fta
Mualc by hftftd. Round trip 25 cents, h^ not ^ been cbo©en.
com, 66c; oftta.^d3Hc.
Base bftU Bow©« Harbor* tomorrow
Tb© polio© were cmlled to to© r©*l aftemooft. Btaamer Jeavea dock at
1:36 p. OL. BtapplAg at ialaad both
d©n©r of W. F. Galkina
where aom© small boys had heeft pit- ffotftft and oomiftg.
day. but th© imeUlguat claaoes tio ftot
H Just now. They realize that
they are not preoared for It. and H»»t
they will not
prepared for U for a
ome. I have repvatedly
they wlsbod the United
and SeeU and innp and ftftU awmy
Rtopeo Divorce ^iL
By Wirt* to Jbe E\ ening Recort
Chicago. June 16.—Allc© 4vUbi
Duke Is preparing for the reopening of
her divorce suit against Urodle L.
Ihike. the lobarco king- She is at the
Auditorium annex.
ou B
Baifalas! Boys’ long Paot Suits
The largest and most complete line in the dty at
The Rev. Denma qoebllB ftftd hia
Bondfty gebod cto eompoMd of aix
young men enJoyM ft Ssh sm»per last
eveolftg fttith© boaie of Harry Walt
on Boftrdman avenue.
Veoterday Mr. Cocbrtn mnd tom Of
the boys west up to© rirgr ftiid cam©
back with eighty Sn© trout, aU .of
which were caught with Hies «a no
other bait was allowed on the trip. At
C o clqck the party sat down to aupper
and alter eating their fill spent the re
mainder of the evening In swapping
stories and In **siunt«’^ at th© Mayr chib gym in the basement of
the chutrh.
. The boys^ the class are: Lucius
l*aichto. Ilo^y Wait, Jnllus Mariinek.
Glenn Codoian. Gerald Montague ami
Roy Rorabneher.
WcdfflM Gifts
WcddlM Annoaocaneits '
WofaliM Booklets
ARRANGEMENTS FOR STATE K. P. Tbiwft «r th© Boyftsftod tlw Mil
Mftd In Hftftftkal H Ciimtofwli Wbere
Wmnt Up tb© Rhror YaMordpy i
SIw Wftft Bant <ift.Trfttomit4¥
Got Eighty NIC© Ofi©A >
Tto MAMb lor Iko b04r or Rol>rrt
roattaiMN OH dor yrUrr
^ !«' C *. Normy-i Uaack. OM
of>^^ Afbtoa ooAirOd^lbo body of
ft 4oiMr«MB too cHjr ocivoftcor
todk 11 to too plftco
too jroooK
800V our STOOD STiU
TMvcmc eiTV, mCHIQAH. •AnilBMkV. JUNE )
Ry Wtae to toe Etrening Record.
JUIK I»i«irr cMA«ro ooov.
•sdy sf • Dot Attochod to o UiM
ot too Ploco Whofo
i, '
f V,-f
for ages fifteen to twenty-rvoing to
close out entire lou that sold at
five dollars, six dollars,’seven fifty
and ten dollars, at
D.T5, J4.50.J5,$r50
; '
No better opportunity tp clothe your boy
friuHiiom 41.25 to S6.S0
■r .
/■ '•
Sieel hammodc and frame, can
be easUy moved about the yard or .
porch. Hammock made to fit
frame. It's the acme of comfort.
! fHammoelt and Frame SI2.50 S'
SATURMV. Jtmc 1C, nsL
$wlng Chair
Window Screens
the Best Ever Sold
$ $ $
$ $1 oiydir M
which wlf^be held toMnww M the
aMla Mm of the daeotmtlomi will
be waaamiM of fmm The planu
which were cut thia aaormina aT«rm«e
aboat three feet fa 1««th bat many
were almoat ahoolder blah, tbewe, of
cmrrae. WfR be ent off awd the to^ !*«
only mod.
At ThoMMTllle there ta a
who hirea lOnia cat thKia«hoat the
aummer em|»loylii« a Ur«^ nnmb
handa. The learaa are packed
ablpped to Chkwto loHat. who pot >«l09ataa From AU .Ovcr th« Cojnty
uo-tong Ctuh Oi*w<^terB Accepted
them la csold atoiace wherw they will
W4il Moot in the CiwJ Monday
N^w' 8-irt Hous- Lsxt Even
ke^ for apme Uaae. The paichoa there
Afternoon at 2 ©’Clock. ,
ing at a B.necial Meeting.
ooror aerwa while abont Trarcrae City
there are but few patehaa where the
The republican county convention
At a fW-lal m«-e<Ing of the W<-queplants are larae eooaah and tboa
for the purpose <ff aulecllng nine del*-^ tosr cbib dimcioiw lari r-v* nlng the
only isooiparatlvely small oaea.
flsioh to the re.oublican-sfatt- convf ti im-w Ikok hon-v-wra.s a«*n pl«*d fnmi thf*
tloa to be held In Detroit, Aug. *. w|l’ coi.iracior. D E. Warner,
lie h«-ld la tiH- Grand opera Ihmipp Mon
day aflemoao at t o'clock, -^e state building and some bills were Fikived.
OauphUr of Mrp. John O. Hatton cdOvrntlon will nominate ^smnUidaU-s . TIP* recent fin* dr*TOan.*ttrau**l th.forjbe sutc offices, the slate central fact that ibr wire, m-tilng fiartithms.
Paaaod Away at Northport at 7:30
committee and chairman tiicn-of and Instead of solid Wooden* walls, was a
This Monnlnp.
iransaci auch other business as may verv good idf-a as If it hailn't Ikvh for
propiTlr come before the cony-nilon. tLose
structure would have I>e«p4
Mias May Oelllrk. daughterfoT >fr«
The various precincts of the county ridlnlf dev;iroy.*d With the Inm!<
John O. TUttoa of mia elty. passed and city are enlllled to dclefhu*-s as thc.eln
away at Kortbport this morning al follow’S, the delegates having »MH-n se
7:3ft. gbe wUP 1h- buried from the lected at the primary election June 12:
Graduates Tonight
Catholic church at Petdakey tomorrow Acme ........ ............................................ G
Mrs. R U. Rammers li^t this mom
Ing for Mt. Pleasant, wher.- she will
Mias Oelllck was i4 years old
afi nd the graduaibm exercises of the
East Ray .
graduated from Mercy hospital at Rig Fife Ijikc*
Western Michigan Stan- Normal IbV
Rapids two years ago and Immediately OarfleJd ..................
datirhter. MIs:;
Sntnmrrs gradu
began nurslng In which prufession she Grant...........
ate: there this oenlniT with honurji"
was exmptlonaly skillful. The latter Greco Li^c ..i...........
M>s Sumnins is a graduate of the
part of Uat summer Miss Oelllck ws.« lying Lake .............. I.. ..,.,...
lo.-siil High f.chool and ha* niahy
stricken with kidney trouhle and from Mayfield...................... .
irtrnds In Uie rit.v wiui will b<* gla'd to
that lime on^has Ix-cn confined u
U*arn that she is now in powju-nslon of
l«*d of suffering. For the last
» UacherV life certificate.
iponths her sight has Ihh-u Impaln-d Union .............. ..
and all efforts to overcome the blind WTlllewater .......... ...
nets have failhd. Besides her mother Traverst* Cityand stenCather she leaves two sisters.
First ward
Mr. Hatton, who Is engineer on the
S<*rond ward
steamer Colnmhla, wHI be unable to
Third ward
attedU the funeral as he can find wo
Fourth ward ,
*... I. . ....
one to Uke his place tomorrow.^
• Fifth ward' ........
Tnrane Chr. MVdiicui. at t ^aoA
».«.«■ Mooter. !•»» !•- A- D- J*®*-
Xor sUie tfite« lor
tM% fn* tli« Mioetioa of a *taip cca
tnU cosalttoe And a chairman Iber^
or MUI for U>a
oChMi’ ^uAlBtMa an may iHnpcrljr oocnr
tOTwaTiown^hlpn and' warda
WOI t« •Btjtifd to dolriaica la ib«
oooiitr conrcmUoii an ,fono*i. io be
jlod at the prtamrrrf.k«6ontoba
.under the new
nteladte ..........
Trarerae City-
nral ward.............
• te«ooa»>rd
TMrt word ..........
T>cinrth ward .......
Fifth ward
Total ..........I...
Datad May 30. 190d
laa. H. klonroe, Cb
Rpben K. WalteK
On another pane In imimy a Record
will be found a circular sent out by
thoistate board *>f iKwltk; alvlna tin*
atath law In retard to lln'worka and
also a resume at the caiu«n» of lock
jaw many eases of which usually at
tend the celebratlcm of the FV>iirih.
As staled In lh«‘ rlrrular. the penuR
of letaauf are not i-onttfnHsl in the
expMrea tlitmM.dve»..iL«i mnmifac
turn of which la detflmpnUl ti> their
exUUmce. but durin* the hot acajuin.
they exist in the air and ihe wound
formed by an explnalon Ib an idi>al
place for their UidKinx. To puani
aialnst Ihlaia the purpose of the atatilaw.
It «AmId be w«*U for every parent to
road'tbU cJmilar of the ,yate iKiard of
health and can^fullv «tu<1v it. By iui
dolair they wfll la- able m int^^tUixmily aapervlac the llrewtirkH whh h their
.children Intend 16 use on the Fourth
and to prohibit ihofc which are dan
fteroua to their Uvea or those which
might,Inflict aerKmK Iniury.
The anommcemeul of (kmeral RooU.
thaj the Salvatkm Army will make ap
pliemtioD to enter Spain brings to
light the fact that Hitssla ts the^ml.v
Important country not yt-t Invaded
the army. The Salvation Army im
r ^h twojrlrraBes In sight the Trav
arse f^ty small tniy !•» the envy of all
lOi leas fortunale neighiKjrs.
If you want anything in
the Screen Door line we
can suit you. We have
the cheap^ the medimn
priced and the ffood
Sert^en* Doors. We have
Adjustable Window
Screens, Wire
Hinges. Door
SpriniTs. the Universal
Door Cit h and ever>*thing Qcsdcd to Icccp out
Our SI Door.'complete
wiih trimmings, . is. the
greatest bai^^n
ever saw.
c .
• Come and see it.
Wc htTc me exdnslTe
Easiest Kiul if Buy
J. Wi Slater
. ..
PEP SE WA CURES liver, kidney
QUICK, THE TAILOR, makpa good
tomach. nerves and bowels. Inquire
clotkoa.. 201 East Front SL
it your druggitU,
i little early forcsifM wUl provide Uie means
for an enjoyable ontlnt without “money pinch”
whoi vacation time comes. Open an acconnt^
with ns, startlnf it with $l, $2 or $3 this
wedu and add small stuns to it repilarly. A
Uttle more money fhr vacation means a lonrer
Uip, aloarer stay and a better time. Dolt now.
We can't say bow lonR we
can fnniiah them at tbes^*
ljrie»*fl—l»elter buy Ukbiy ami
make sure of them.
The towpshir
-Of Paradise
township will rt-n-ive scaled bids for
Contract to build one-ftory brick town
hall 24x60 at Kingsb-y, all bidP to Ik*
in by June 2ith. 190€. •
Plans and specifications on file at
cterk'a office. Hoard rt-senes right
t& reject any or wll bld«
A, W. Ori rhnlt.
June l«t
Town Clerk. ,
Aiilhorirml to act in nil capae
Itli-s jwf Trust, as f:xeeiitor. Ad
roliilKiVator. Trufdi-e timb-r w ill*,
n.-eelwr,* Registrar. Tran.*;|.T
Agent. ; Trustund<*r imirt-'
ga-,*s. set-wring iH.nds. etr.
Make..; audits and examinalloris of iMKiks for miinit iimli
tn.li vidual*.
■Per Cent
: EvTryu^Qar yon dejmsit
dniw tbpue, p<*r «-nt
t compoundtsi twice
Traverse Cily
State Bank
^ nioae&0e-2
TineisaCiljf, lidL t
‘ ^
the kind that
''f,] ^ | I' l
A: your doors and window*
.1 I !
at best prices. Dealers in all kinds
of building material. Get our prices and consider
onrsUxk U-ioro baying. Katimate* famisbed.
Oar motto/ B«t Priote. Dry Stock,
i if
Prompt friivery,
Phone Citizens 308
Beil 390
Regular $lft.00 Suits selling forRegiilar S..VJ Suits selling for.
Rcjjular *7.5^) Suits scdlinj; for.
Regular (> 50 Suits selling for.
Regular O fKj Suitv selling forRegular <i.00 Suits selling for.
Regular 5 00 Suits selling forRegular 4..50 Suits selling for.
Regular 3.50 Suits selling forRegular 3.00 Suits selling fc^r.
. Regular 2.50 Suits selling for.
Regular 2.t)0 Suits selling for.
1.50 Suits selling fori
Saved from what yon
e^rn will eanBoyou no
inconvenience, and ibis
ulsrly dej^.
amount r.-Lrii
iud in Iht SavimrsXk*parimeul
tbis Bank
will imibe you c-orafort*
able in the course of
time. I( you are not
alre.'i.ly a ileisvsitor. tlu-ii
pleaBC consider Ibis , an
irivitatiain to btfome one.
Jlk^aip^cinc Co
515 lake An.
Something we couldn't let pass. Values
no Traverse City father or mother should
overlook. Thursday we start the record
sale of Boys’ Clothing of the season which
includes one and two piece suits and
sailor suits.
F«h*s «'xtremelv moderate.
leeCass St.
The South Side Lumber Co.
Boys’ ClotUiig Extra!
limes .*^afi* and wt*!l selected
.Uet-eivt-s money on de|M>sil
and Issues interest tiearing
lificateK IJierefor.
fat’s & Good Wind
thqtWows from oar electric
fai*. We have 4hcm in sev
eral, sizes, and can install
them in any part of your home
or office. * An added comfoh
evc^ngs is reading oc iiewing
by*1ectric light—the finest illortiihant in the world. Ask
us for infonnation and esti
mates for either.
Ttf Record Want Ak
DcirBll, MicmeiiL
Fourth nf July Will ffe .■« Big Vime In
the VilUge Located on the Bherta
ef Lake Michigan.
Children of Woman’s Club and Their
Mothers Wc-c the Oueuta of Mrs,
Special to the Evening Record.
O. E. Wynkoop.
Empire. Mich. June 16.-Emplre
will celebrate Ihe glorious Fourth
The annual childn-nV. dny of the
great style this year. A Traverse City
brass band will furnlKh music all day VL'oman's fclub was obiurved at Rlrdiand a wvon-plere ondo-slra fmmTrav wood.^ierday. the cltlUlrt n and their
erse Cliy will ploy for a Wg dance milt hers iM-iJig the guests of Mrs. D. E.
Wynkoop. The day was most enjoywhich wlU continue all day and
ably sjvnt In varldns pleasant ways,
, In the evening ih^- will I
magniflr«-nt display of fire works, the not the lea.ct enj<»yablc of which bHng
nitiee having extu-ndi-d a largt the pollack dinner which wa* served,
mt of money for this feature evrr.vbody rontrihuting some p<»rtkin
alone. Two prominent siH-ak. rs will and the club furnl>4»lng Ici* cn am
The day wa.s rp.*nt in boat rldlm-.
dt-liver pat 1*10110 addresses. In
gatberim; flbwers and wild strawlsTaftcraoon there will be a grand |u
at floats and launches and numerous ries and other amusement*. Thenwenabout twitity-five < hildn ii pre.*'
other attractions. A Imll gamt
and almost as many mothers.
twii-n Msple City and Rmpin- wl
played for $4ft a side. All visitors will
Deadly Serpent Bites
lie exu ndei! hearty grwtlngs.
Are at common In India as are slonim-h and liver disorders! with uf«. For
the latter, however, there is. a sure
Township df ParadM'- It Advertising remedy: Eb-cfrtr Riifer<: the great
n-»u»rallve m«-dlc1ne. of which 8. A.
Rmwn of Renneitsville. S. C., nays:
“They n-stored my wife b> perfect
health, after years of Fuffering with
have a new town Hall. It wUl \»
ally torpid
brick Mnirtim- 3txCft and will ho lo^ dyipr-psla and a chronically
liver.” Elortric Uhten: cun • chills and
catiHl In Kingsley. The township of fever, malaria. hlHousncss. lam back.
fleers advertised for bids Uiday. Ih' kidney tiymble.s and bladder dh
-giiaranu-e^by Johnson Drug
bids loibe in and o|»«'nod on June z:,. 9<dd
Bugliec Drug
Co., F. H.
It will be one ston In height.
Co., druggists. Price i
Diffcbiit Opinions
S<*i-ai to exial jn n lation to
Iho roost pronUiW.* kin.l of
Fruit C;ia Ku^Kn. Some
Imlii-s insist on haviim now
onot ovorv yoar. I nil t!t> iu»t
ciiTO for iho rotdtl * xiK-nBivo
kiml, as ibuy are alwaj’i disoankd afU:r U.ioK ofl***-’ OM-d,
wbilo othora ai^iiii maintain
that tbo la-8l ia cboapeat tvtianlloss «)t oust. We have
ihoJeiorr pre|jftrt*l to |iU-iiao
every customer, and will S4*U
our Ix-st grades at .V and fic
lier dozen, and the clienper
Peaaksctl Biiildiofir,
d-O ^
This remarkable sale is'for Thursday.
Friday and Saturday only. No one will
dispute the fact that these are the best
prices ever made on Boys’ Clothinx at
this time of the season and should ^11
every suit we have long bafore the
tim^ is up.
Hinnali Jr Xay Mercantile
^ '■
•• •
4 i- Avoid the Knife
No Medicine. Knives or Prism
an* tisnl in dttrOriieioal Method.
#r. P. A. Wslfc. Prop.
, 4i>4HWmfUnBtt.
Dr. B. L. Patlswi. Ate't.
TranneCIQr .. .0|,rkMe3H-
TaWf. FifMrUM
Ijonf; rme fi
Kiahuimr nau«
S7 io $ii per neck^ or
»r Sl^rfl
Juw: 14 1 W
rav A Nccoao want aOl
Joseth Sleder & Sons wntSiTril!"?;,.,
Butchore/ Packers and
A Tender Chicken
KiroeBkM flH- eotHe comtiy. the
mter or deaths Irdtt locLlsir fa thm
mama of July arc Breatcr thas la aay
olbiir aoatk of ilR* jaar. That thU
tarrrcaaa te :h« numher Vif lataRtk-s
caa br prcrealcd, U berond Koeatka;
and thal il liMwild b« premtod. U tOe
trtponsibllitr of thf ipaMral pabUc.
The iwords of dcatba for the last
tlirp.* year* In the Uallod States ahoa
that fataBtW froin tetaoat. popularty
badlni as -loAia^"
&on expUiaSoos or blaak rariji
tej^atofs. ftlajrt flrecrarL«’rs. «a
Wh«r^. The roinimni u»e of lb<^
tide*, br ’rhildrtu ss
»* by
adiJU. In the* wlcbnalon of Independ
ence dsy. readily explainv th< pnnxaa
d.-nth mte fmm tetann* to the moot!
<if July. In the alatc of HJchlgan.<h.
u*e nf blank i»rtridgca. by ehlldrtni. 1
nrrl aloiM* a rreat Hak. hut a crlmina!
rlak. HInp a dln-ct vkMatioo of ih;
law. In IWKl. onr afale pacaed a lam
If) unvent |»M- ■Hak''T.tid uao of and
arfldcs to etjrh 'yotinft chUdren. am’
ri ada a? frllrwa:
An Act to Preve-t the 8-Ic a"d Uif
nf Try PiStCla.
iC-miilkMl I^m- «>f'lKT»7. Kc-ttlmi
roanted makes any meal seem
like a banquet. **Where can
one?” Kij^ht here, dc
madam, almost any day you
our way, unless customers
ll'^!2. r. A.-'No i.*!.S Iksn i
come too many at a time and I15:?l»
<if iht Sfalc of Mk’hlgai
buy us out
Still; we are:
generally well supidicnl in the SiTtloo 1. That no oenuni ahal
poultry line al prices that ««11. K!Vo. nr fumkh lo any chttd tin
make chickens not joo much tVr ibr ace of thlrt<H*n yetra. an;
of a luxury.
rnrtrldge of any^ form or material, oj
C jr. 8lh and Franklin. Both phone. aiiv pbloi. can.'or mher lnccha^l^a'
YounR America
cumiol hi* tupprcisoJ when
4lb of duly cx>njo6 arouml. He
wonUto let himself loose for all it
is worth, lie can <lo so with impunity if he lias a (^ood rc\'o1ver
and a supply of blank cartriilL'i«
that «*an make lots of noise. Wo
have just tlio gun he wanU. A
gcxMl, w»rviotvil>le pistol that is not
8 Ilax....
U U n...!.
orly. We also ha\^ a largo variety
of rilles. cannons, etc., and *an
kinds of ammuiiitkm. ~
Saxtbn Hardware Co.
David G. Chandier
Candidate for
The State
Grand Traverse
i -...
Has lived in Grand Trav
erse county l*J years.
Business is fanning. Ac.live member of the
Grange. N firm believer
in a revised pwjnnry law.
Is a supporter of Wm.
Alden Siniih for the
United Slates Senate. ^ *
Pow^r *for Your Boat:
Huj- a SM.^LLEY Marine (5as Knginc and
enjoy the boating seison from btrginning to end.
W. M. PAIGE, Agent.
With Ih.u J. B. PaipQ Electric Co.
120 Cass Strwt.
Good Residence Properties
^ I have two dfsirable kcalions on‘
Washington sireet. and one on
E.ast Ninth near U’nuin and one!
• 11 Hast Tenth ne^ar Cass. 1 will
fu nish money * io build fur any
one wanting to make a home.
The coniraaing party may m^e
fjiahs for., house and pay for|
property on easy terms.;
E. McNamara
“I! takes brataa to play the fooL"
Baaoi% in many iocaatlea agahiat aaHi
So Georire Kltne. tbe eqaaatrtaa dtBae! « la the jtid«PB«at of thit de:
rector of ibe great Vaa Ambari abova
parttnent that if more iocallties t
abea aaked coaceratag
coatrol the aale
or niiirt Louoo (4II1 twIeM)
IP VKRTO.TK Who has had #v«i
W* tb« silBhisot aaperWnoa ta
“ raIsJaa hawers haowa the
larly t^e cWb dctmniiient. for theto
works were oontrolled, ont only
Is Botbliis to m dreoa witboat n cl
Q:c Dwmber of d«stb» from teU
*•11 tea cotn^ under my obsenrmtloQ
diminUM. hnt the Bctttsl nnmber of
serlienu wes conalderablj
muij Us^ened
U8*eneo. that thd brmlnleat perfomMnw. nlway*
m|ke4he test dom and produce fan
ri is Worth whOe to
U%l tf tiotwnly whmeeoibe. but makes
evc-n ■ hlgh'pereeatage
the miB. BO matter bow dlacontentiNl
The flrewoilm moat likely to caqne
with tbe world, forfet his?xpl(M?kint atftl «o ^rmlt.yl^feption
tcBiporully and dhttolro-hls
mm letanti*. are: Blank' carlrldgei,.
feature* Into a Brin. Wbe® you comHam ftrerraeken*. cannon Hrecrmcker*.
pare the actor with the rtown ibe lit
Irearma, Includinc toy platol* and tor
tiT.has a handicap regardlDg his methhmIu cane». It U not (huughf that any
o3* and his farUlUe* of bVlnjHn.g forth
•f tbvM- exjilojtlvea them*elvi-<> con
aln the'telauua germ: for the ram
The other has the author to thank
naiertala do nt.t necessarily contain
nine timi-a out of ten for some ‘fat*
be bacnii. and ibe mode of mgnufacpart. Then, too. he is cnabk*d lo sav
uring flremoflca would tend to destroy
things that produce Tun and which are
he itermi^. ^hfittld they chanrt- lo bi>
not his own. But take tMb man U hind
aroicnt In ihs raw WterlalH. Norethe whltenetl far<* and hr has nothing
)v*u*. it li. well known that certain
to help him but hl.s gestures, his nim
:rare i»owdf r exploRloiw do occur.
ble leg* and hU art of so contorting
Then* graia* of mim.ler enter the
his fare as to brine forth mirth. ItV
leV» bi>t when, no Wife-tlou fnnu ttreal work to make Mu m laugh without
anus orriirs. ft In khumn that the toany aid whctiwiever cxc«-jiiing the fe«*
anu.N grmi exlm^s *mi thrive* in the
Item* I have menUoned. FurMiermore.
ncnistaMoij nr d*iut of fllfh; and mWa clown must he born: he is nut made
nmmer. In July, the atmci&pberc Is
or ttiaaufarinrctl.
'aden with hurh dust which jKHtk>i« on
:jroT Instance, lake Alonzo, the pre
he skin Of iiernmV ' A mnund. tbiw.
mier *>oc*y;of Hu* Van Amhurg show*,
.Mrrmlts the dm-1 *o laden with tetafnpand be would U* the last person In the
rennr to t-nter the alimrlon of the
world you would nick out as a profes
kin. and. rxaied in thl« exrellent m<sional jester. He Is Ihe nolienwt-ap:iura. tetarins germ* licnime prolMr.
IH'iring cu>;s you ever saw on the
•analng the il«-*ih of human lielnga
strwt. Y«-i lu- ha^ but to walk from
lit bin a vhorf time
the dressing t-ip to the big show and
It iR iK-heredrihat tiy paarkm oni^ I laugh. ThenMime'hing aUiut
lance* fo control the xal«- and iiae of that stride that Is funnrv and when luilnnk canridpes. toy pIrUiIr and othiT allows the toy balloon, to get away
langemus firework*, by anruaing pub fr^ him and sail through the air,
lic *|ilrit. so that merchant*
*X4«^yiug after It. I have seen the *iK*ctatnrtant to mil btimiful goods; !»^v Inrlt tor* almost' fall off the seat* with
nc iiarents to a earefiil and «1m- mi Igughter. Out In Ogtleii I remember
l»te fin-works i‘i iV tinsl one old tadV could hapdly Im- s-oppe.!.
^»y ehildn n. and bv li more promp fibw. you lot sorm* one else tr> that
liitl universal u.se of aiUlloxine and same little trick and If* not funnr
irophylacUc*: bv vnrli wHlOil. #e ran at all *
prevent Ihis^dread ami fatal dlseaeC. ?Mr Kline i-oiitlnued In that strain
tgUmu*, litim luithtT uihM preva- dpd Mu-n sent on to tell Ktnries of
teuev, iuitl guard against what sis-m* cfownv ami won.len-d what the oli
Ik* necdle.-js sorrom'.
ilfiUTH Ksy when they ^4•e ten and
f-ntrivanri*. aiMTlally arnUirtsl or dra
lcnal«*d for the » i;>!o^lon of ihi- »ain^
Si'rfiMM r.’ .\iiy pefitem rlolatlm
rn.v rf ihe-i.rmlPloTiK of the for^-colm
H-rUoii. rha!l I
K’lll’y of j
mlsdcntcamrr. ami iii»on romictin:
lltvrxr:f. rJiall Ik- |»unf5b.;il l.> a flio- o
mi! }i t^ than ten dollar*, nor moo
lliau fUk%- dollars.'and r^iMs of |iroFcn.tImi.'or impriPidiraeiit ihe rotmt>
Jail tint Itfr. than ten dayi« nor mor
I ban ninety dayr. rr both nurh (Im
ami Imiirisonnient, in tbr dlKrrt>iloi
of Ihe eoj'p.
Sertlon .I. Ij shall tie unlawful foi
IV |M r?<in mi»liT the ago of thlrtcvr
-ars to have hi iiosM«l*on. pt uh
any of the articles named tn so<*lioi.
one c,| lbU.;»ot. •
V h lelleved that If iMvpU- m*ne;
ally t.iiim* of this lum. .-tml Ti addiUon
of the n*al dancer reMiItinr
from Ihe ime <»f rc-rlaln flrewiuks
thev will oxerciM- the earr* and dlKcrtv
Mon iii'eessary lo imiieri 4heir owi.'
lnlen*«fK. U) itrevent their ehlldren. nt
|K»ralbly therh*elv<‘s. ptim iH'iTimluri
rllmr of lm|iro|ier |ilnytLines.
It may be Inten’Fiinc to m»:e wbaf
far ts we have .it hand to show rh.,
K-ilon lielween the j.|u-elal ju»ia
1-nee of ti linu; and tin- r«
iMi flrewiel:- on the Pourth of J:i!y
- OD'clhs fre-n Tetanu®.
Ip^Ml-hlcan. Ihrta- years ae». ti.
1!*03. there wep\ In July, iwa-nty-.-ieve.-i
Jeiths from ie‘anu^. all. fcdlowinc i!i«
wounds r»'oelv4-^I fnim hantlling tin
K and-ih the rniled Slates, ihi
numiKT of d«-athh from the samt
iiM >.as nr. In llMl. in .Mirhlcan
• iiumbiT ot diaiTln- fmm ih»- sann
1H-. iu J'lly, w.a> five; in the rnltisi
e.-:i.»lnr. In liH.r. - ti.,- -uainler .n
-rhv fh VhUiean from the sam.
i>4- w*,v sev« is; *n tfs- rn'lte-l States.
I. II Is at oure >een that Mu mim
* of dealh^.
In our own >(a‘e
ami ihroucljotii Mu' entire rtmnV'.v. ki
cfeallv exreehd j!ie numlier of
4l(.alh»* oreurrliic ‘ either in 1D^«4 o*
r.*or». After the falalitb** wen- n*con;
1!»04. the great cniaarle. acaliu.t
THE KFKJULAn Sunday excursion
lH*lwei-n Traverse fity and I’covemont
commence Sunday, June ITih. and
nue every other Sunday until
further miilce. Trains will leave Traverse THy at IMOo a. m.. and 4:no p. m.
and will arriveat Traverse City at.
10:r»l a. m. and
June 12-r.l.
Prof. H. N. Hor-.heck >-d Miss Lana
Ross Will Be Marriecl-^r. Hornbeck Is High School Instructor.
Imitation:, to the m.-ddlio; of Prol.
n. N. ,lb.uilK.ek to Miss i>•na,,^o^R of
'rhompsonville have hecn rt-ceived In
Mu- city. TIk- afTalr conu s off June Jo
af Mr. HoinlH-<-k s luune near NewayPr.if. Honiliock i« the instructor
ill chemi.sini* in the hH-nl Iliclt school
and ha.< Innij for thenast tmo year*.
He is wry iKipular with the scholar*
and ha* made a h<i*t of frlrmls tTinifV
city sJnrt- hi* has been emplmed hen*,
n is iMisHfhle that Mr. Honitirck will
bring hU hiide to this city mhere he
will take a iiorition In ihe rummii
-:chf»ol at Mu- Nin-dham leisim st <*olIeg»-.
p. m.
-Women’s Pains-
< "I was a total w-reck,” writes Airs. BeuIiH ^
Rowley, of Champoeg, Oregon, -from pains I had
suffered, for 4 years, every month. Sometimes I
would be unconscious for 12 hours at a stretch. I
did not know that anything could stop the pain
entirely, but' Wine of Cardui di(J. I advise all
women suffering with painful periods to use Car- ■
dui and be relieved.”,
It does this by regulating the functions'ahST’
toning up all the Internal female organs to health.
U is a pure, specific, reliable, female remMy, Mrith
a record of 70 years of
success. Ithasbene^
fited a million others,
^^y not you? Try it.
Sold by Bveiy J>mSSist in $1.00 Bottki.
wenly clowns In a ring today whi*re
childhood clay* one was t s
they expi?rl‘‘<l- The clown to
day m-rupii** an even more oxalteil pcs
Billon with the clreuH than he did
ihliiy or forty year* ago.’ It 1* better,
(iplaininl In Mr. Kline's word*, a* fulkrwK
ho!k- days thev didn't have
t*olossal act* *urh as tmvi-l
1-1 with
show Of the callN r of the Van Ambiirg
tiggn-gsMon It was an easy matter to
make, or rather arrange. >-om pm
gram ro that ‘one act tollowed *antrthei without a wait “Nowaday* with
I ho lifg art* it (okc9i time to get the'
rigging reaiiy and the clown mii*t,.
during those lorapurary lulls amuse
the **HT.'ators so that they will forget
all alK.-.it the wait and wntoh and
laugh. And. iM-Ileve me ifa no c*a*y
ta*k. Jt»*t tr> It yourself.''
■■The tw«-nt'-flvo clown* of the great
Van AraiMirg shows wi-ro all MH*ciaIly
V*ngag!sl for fhi.s branch of the performanre. and If* the iKiast of the
management that their 4 (fori.v in tbla
din*ctioi) have met with a aucce** l>e>
yond their expecfatlonr. Tbe Van Amburg whow* will be at Traverse City.
June 21.
George Coons Yanked a Monster Out
rf Caro Lake Yesterday.
While fishing iu Carp lake yesterday
Ofiige Coon* had a meilhim sired blu-.
However, when he went to pull In hit
AbL. ht- found that Rien* wa* a log or
•5>ine(hlng on the other end of the
Itae. When the ‘lop" was brought to
te Burfacc he di*covtred that it wa* a
which, when
proved to be ihirtyone inches long
and seven and . oue^haU pounds In
weight. The biaflsh aitraciad conaldcrable^ttentlou in the city last even-
klada. esprcUIty on rasa hbshss.
Ta a)t^?assfally ralsa Bawss»-«a
bring them ta tbair full grvwth sad
drvo-tapfwent uabWnnUard hj tla
%aii«-iy »r aoetbods rrroaiiaaadsd
for axi*-riHlaailng tk* prwtii. hdt
B«-arlr all bav'' thr-yrtr srrlsus dlf.
ftiult) of not.only killing tbs In»crt but kimag th*- pUut as wall.
Tb4isc> of ua wao bw\e trtrd aaris
grrra, brllr-W^ tub««-.-o w«trr. takIniJf, «» well «« erriwiu p4ttro|4-<l
produ<-ta On Ikr market, hav* bad
/or'a*^roSr a^ a*ad u
cKlnrlMid: and 4annot do ibr slight, Thonipoon A t's.. DrtrolL
sat harm to planta. snimala. etc.
Frre Sample anppttrd by yaoi
Besra fiswcTw. shnibs. vlars aad. gist oalj taat matlabls>.
Tirtor Herbert and John Philip 8TCAMKR ILLINOIS tXCUMION.
First excurtlon, Snntey, Jtnw 17Ul
8on*a. the well-known musicians and
composc-ra. appeared Ihe other day Charlevoix. Peloaltey, Harbor SprlBgs,
before a joint committee of tbe senate End return. 11.00^ steamer tniaolE. 8oe
and house In Washington. The com achodule, i>age 6. column 4 for time.
June 14-31
mittee wa* considering the proposed
new copyright law and tbe I wo musi
cian* contended that und^r the .f>fe*law they are deprived of legitINotice to all Par^ In
The ipecial mtmmi t
i royalUe* which they *hoald re
celve^from their composition*. Francl* Walker, a well-known authority on street to State street and SUte street
from Union street to Ca** *troet. is
patent law, answered Me»ara. Herbert now In my hands for the collection of
and Sousa. “Theae gi*nUemen com- the foiirtb installment, logcihcr with
I," said Walker, "that they do not 1 the accrued Interval on all unpaid InIment*. the aatoc to tn* paM on or
make enough money. Why, they}
ire the 30th day of June. 1»06.
make more money by far than Theo
City ’
dore Roosevelt does for ix-gulatlng tbe Office. Room 202. State Be
2-1 mo
Following tht Flag.
When our soldiera went to Cuba End
the Philippines, bealth was tbe moat
Important consideration. Wlllla T.
Morgan, retired commlasary aergeanL
U. 8. A., of Rural Route I, Concord.
H.. says: "I was two years la Cnba
rooeara in the Philippine*, and
Fir*i excursion, Sunday, June 17th.
CharleoJx. PHoskey, Harbor Springs
and return. Il.oo, steamer Illinois. Sec
Bchcdulp. page 0, columq 4 for lime.
June 12-t.t
Notice te all Persona Intercited.
The sperlal a**dH*mont tax roll for
be paving of Statu street fitom the
Cass aliVH-t
hands for the collection of
with J he Interest
I*, the same
on all unpai,
to be paid on or before the 20lh day
of June. D
.M. E. Haskell. City Treasurer.
State Bank building
t«y A EECOED WAfir A&
Pere Marquette
Line Steamers .
Round Trip $1.60
steamer* Imtvc Manlsloe dally (ex
cept Sundays) at 6:00 p. m. juid 7:00p.
m.. Sundays at 7:00 p. m. |SrlAidlng.
And Mllwaakcc. Arrim ht tlllkce.at C:30 a. m. Learn MUwauThia Report Is Made Up Daily. The
Record ir Not Reeponelble for
kee daily at 8:00 p. m. Anivlng at
- Change* In Prlcet.
Manistee at 7:00 a. m. and 9:30 a. m.
Selling Price.
Connections: At Milwaukee with
pork, per barrel............ | 18.00
early (rains for Chicago, afternoon
CTcar pork, per pound............
mills from ChlcEBO, and all potata
Short cut pork.......................... ijioo
and west. At Ludlngton with
nour. H. L. A Co.'* Beat........
Ry* flour. H. L. A Co/s Be*t.
perfi ifargnette rtllroad for all point*
Meal. H: L. A Co.'a Best....*
north and east. At Manlatoc with If.
Feed, H. L. A Co.'f Beet........
MO A N. B. railroad, M. A O. B. raUroad.
Egfi. per dozen........................
ao ahd steamers for OiMAama and Frank
Codieh. per pound............ ..
lArd. per pound........................
fort. Dock foot of Pint street TeleBuUer, per pound.................
e 682.
B. H. FRENCH. Agent ,
Oau, per bnahel................
Oat*, per bushel................
Potataes. per bushel......
Salt, per barrel................
Buying Ratat of Traveite City Oealera
Wheat ........................................
Com. per bushel............ ..
Poutoei, per bnehel, ............ 3540
r. W. WapAar T
to Hamilton Clothing Co.
r. W. Wa^er. aairntmaii at tbe
bamlltub pothlnfi compiiijr. baa tea- Chl^eni
dcred hU rtHOgnatlon and will go to h«m ...........
KBIkaakh.'where he bar aeeeptod a Oats .............
poalUon as bead naleamaa in T. D. Catii# ..........
During his stay In thbi city Mr.
Wagiterliaa jBade a targe number of Cow*.... ........
friends who wUI be very sorn to ae«
him Icatnc-v He la a very capable saleanian and.initeu^odlT will be auoooaaful in hl^w ppaltion.
«alte;i bm,
The apecla
esment tax
roll for
tbe paving of We*t Front street from
the west line of Union tircel lo the
west line of Maple street Is now In my
hands for the coilecllan of the accoad
Installment, together with the teemed
interest cm all unpaid Insullmrata. the
to be paid on or before tbe MHh ‘ ^
Klim's Kei
Mon. which kept roe In perfect health. day of June. 1$0€.
And nW; in Now Hampshire, we find
it the IK-M medicine In the world for
cough*, colds.
nchial trouble* and
lung dl*ea*e*. G
non Drug Co.. F. H. Mead*. C. A. Bug
bee. druggist*. Price Ouc and |1.00.
Trial bottle 10c.
: ' |s
ni $iLE.i
Good cow pasture for
sale^iiear head of
Boardman L.ake.
Wcll fenoed, divided
into two parts, runoia* water io each/
Good opportunity for.
anianwho wants to
herd cows. Call at
. Office, Ffitt SL
mUe nnd OonnU^fbam, huto
bkSBD Maoday wbm be wm u
omm an tbe eye, cau> npae
Mr. turn ww ij-UW -lH M trrM
I. Mt emu Itoe. Meclx tke halt
cla« ID Ibe ba« «*# to «i* K to» tt«
bMt ho MTC It « lerlu Tl» alawnr
...ie .n H.W l«it efler K CUD. Ik.
flehmi. Hr. Horn wM Jtsrted lo
tb. inu «Ml tb. M |W0« «o blab
Uat It tumek bl» « eUb
toe. «ltb lu toll aiMemtIjr horl to
«entcb bU chert toepif.- Tb. »A
tbM iopirt to the bottom Of the boet
Wbw tclllh* the-etory ihU Domlag
Mr, Rov sUd, **Aa4 the worst of It 1»
M 9hm a mai ulto the imih ooR; : JMfSjr 9W
Aflem A«rt«
sow U.4icatca a He crop of cbcrtlea
aad Daobooa applca altboagli tha groas
aro not crowiae may «a aoeoaat
<d tlMr drp weatber. Tbe aoar clMrry
trm aM to bo awwo loaded ibaa do
tbo met ewaa aad H la to tbOM tbal
mtloa If paid iKcaijMr tber
are bolter koepon aad'bHr« blibor
Vhem waflo tbo aoar chorry Ueea aro
baidy tbaa tbe oibcra. Koi
taia abeat prteea aa yet bat IL la
tkuMbbf that tbey wlinw Calrly j
Tbo Dacbeat applet aro aadU
mocli bettor abowiae than Iboy did
last year ^wbea tbo crop waa rather
Com and poutoei arc oomlog along
tt^et^y although a Croat In the rlrinlty
oL Dowera Harbor nipped aomo ftold<
MJbtitlr tint not moogb to kill the
luytvioi ptaata
Now potateea i
aoon pat to tbclr appea.-mnee and
»omv p^coa they are woarly ready
dig.at prvaent. . Hay la reported to be
dolfit well back of tbo city and at this
eod of lb<* peninanla but near Old Mia.
flop It will bo a Tcry abort crop.
Taking the country on the whole
the fnnna ate looking aa well ihla
apring and poaalbly hotter than otrer
iM’foro. Many new orcharda hare boca
oke tlK}
»tii this amlAK
wlik Hi
whlatlr. Th« Kartln
had 100.0(H) fert oT (Imtior in tow for
tba OU. rompany which wan picked
np at Korthport. Omcaa, and
Bap. iL irtp will bo »a<k- Into »miI
Bay Ihtt mnoraooB aad a raft picked
up ffWiivTtiba and Willow, l*olni. Af New York Police tay
met Will ^oon Be Made.
Urr bHniftif thli raff trv «t»e city the
By Wire to the Evening Record.
I'fei tog will nyiorn to (Tharicvolr.
New Vork. June 1C.—It waa aaaerted
by a nollce omclal that the alaycr of
Mra. Alice D. Klnnan had iMx-n trapped
C, A. Palmar Will Ba •peakor for and a wmaatlonal arrcel would ‘
made within forty-eight boura.
Knl#rta af Pytolaa Tomorrow.
Tbo annual
day aerrlcc
wm U- oliacfred by Ihh Knight a of
Pytolaa tomorrow. At 1:S0, lioth the
Mra. Catherine CU mena returned to
naifona rank aad.lbc, aulK>rdlniiie
lodge wUl mad at; tha lodge ruorea Stanton after vlalllng friend* in the
and at 2 o'clock tbo proecaaton will be city.
to Ihj: <H»inctcry
formoj and the marchi to
Frank Palne^ who haa been apendlng
t act aa tnarslial a few dava In the city., returned lo
made. O. C. lagrlg wtlH
will ea
Lansing fhla morning.
anbonllnato lodge, the. Traverac
Mrs. John Conwood of SljgfaU'was
baiul aceoim»aioiag.t|i|v w****-^
In the city today.
the comoirry the uaual memorial norMlaa Julia Uringaton of SuitOn^t
Tice will be bold and Grand C.hanrell«r
Hay IH viBitIng at Acme.
ralnar of Manlitci will deliver the
Mm. y S .SUU^of Northport paaacd
through the city thlH* morning on her
way to Grand Rapid*.
A. C. Smhh of Chicago, who has
-V The coBunon connidl of Traverac iM-en arn-ndlng a short Umo at Northicily will pay 1100 rewayd for the re port. returned today.
covery of the to»dy .of Ihdicrt Cha-nc.
Mra. E. & Michan oC Hcluforth*
who waa drowned In Onind Traverac CroMlng 18 in the city today!
hay Sunday afternoon. Juno 10. IPOC . Mrs. L. Clark of Heinforlba CronaJ. M. (illlett. Prea. pro tem.
|ng 1* *iK*ndliig the day with relatlvea
lone 15^t
In the city.
Mr*. E. R yatOB of this ctly who
has Wmi visiting In the vicinity o!
IblitrnttliK CruHBing. rttumed tbia
Mr*. A. C. CiAlfvy left for Kraplre
I hi* moniing. w here alu* will vl*U rel
Will make
l»i aum.
Mr*. WilUam Alexander of Eae!
iDtsr’g gtmw Imt kiok aa Rood
Jonlan iHiaaed thraugh the city today
aanew. It tuma IheoWiwl.
on bt*r way to l.Ake Ann.
moat diioolorad atmw white
^VIIUam Ncinlham apent the day at
Aod atainlcwa. KhuukIi te
Straw Hat
k«cp ypur liat clean and new
ail aunnnor
Mm K. C. Packard returned to her
tiome in Renconia this morning after
suiting reJaiivea in this city.
\V. W. ralrrhlld tranancted bualncs*
In Mayheld today.
navi on Lartlle la in the city visit Ing
Mr*. Thomaa Running of :n7 West
Ninth street retnnicd last ev«
fmm Colfax, WIs. where she
^ to tbc CUoto o eolksa or Poly
MfW P. B. U Cart rcUiniod to bar
ome to Maniatoe thit moraliig.
M^ Della am^t baa rctarwad frtrni
Champaign, IIU where ahe attcodml
tbe Ualvefalty of U^aoia,
Mlaa Ennlce Kcll^ haa rctomed
roH a Tint in Uma. IIL and Uf*
Dayton Sbrfby.ol Empire wa
goeat at the Whlttos yeUlerday.
L. EnaigB of Klngaley waatoUm
Bkrt Zbtell or A^or waa to the
II. Vnllcr of East Jordan i
guest at Park Place yesterday.
August Field of Mantatoe transacted
huainemi in the city yesterday,
8. Bowen of nellaire waa to tbe clt>
today lordUi4 aftw burtnem lniert?«a.
ptoc« and at tiM mwlM tobto
No Ultra cbafBe tor
Jane lH2t
« room being deeocwtgl with
iUmiber amptloa to ibe bay
and the ctoaa cokHU, ^g»cn
plafw to froDt of tbe We^actoiMi club and pink. Af 11:30. the bna prorldoc!
last eveiUig and tbe to
by the boatess nrrivod and tbe reThe Bi?v. B. K- HHaapto wHl preach
to the local High scbool boyt
girta* athletic asaociaikma 8n
The High aeboof athletic aasoclation
Is requested to meiH at the Bvaag.
Uttic DaogHter c< A. C. Tompklaa
cfl church Bunday evening at Tito.
TkcrtSfular weekly sbool of the Bod
The hyear-old daughter of A. C
and OuaXlub wasn’t vei;y well atlaqd Tompkins of Old Mtsrion pninfuUy
bmlaed her right foot yesterday afternoon, the injury being of such n aaturc that she waa naable to wklk on
O. F/ Cfrvcr and Tbotoaa Smurtb U. The lltilo girt waa playing In the
walie arc out along Bear C^-k. today ^rden and while mnnlag about,
They wfil oaly flab unttl thoy got the itruck her foot on a rock hidden In
limit end then return hume\and It 1* rhu grass. The foot was examlm*! b>
expi’eted that their stay %UI be Vcr> a local phyaldan but no broken bont s
w<Tc discovered altboogh It wa
that some of the small
George Miller thought that ycabrr
day was an Ideal day for fishing,* au bones were Injured on account of the
pain the chtfU auftered.
went out tojila favorite Von
^ftcr fishing''several hour*, be con
eluded that he w^a whltewaahcd^and
On Monday Wight the Mack l^e
was Juifl thinking about going borne
when he gx>l a bite and sc-cure<l fout Stock company <^na at the ^rand fo.
which were large enough to make a a week’s mgmg^nt In -rp York
State.-* a quaint rural comAdv drama
The Steamer Columbia made a trjp of the. belter claas. That Ihiwc favor
to Torch Lake yeaierday bringing ite* will welvc a warm weleot
back 3C5.000 ahlngics for the Hannah already a*»u«*d by th^ unusual advanct' sale of aeat*. which Jndleatea
A Lay Morcantllc Co.«f this city.
PsMa* T*I4 la* ramoa
Tlicre in o storj* iDid by Se
PHtn* of Al.nl ana on hliusHf alsml
wimt baiif*rtic<l to him when be
a imk* chap niteadfng Hinn h iwl*n*
•'I was only lu ynom obl.'*>«ild the
vatwan of the acnatc chamber. *9ni
bad U<cn amt to otiend SmHay acn*
lee akioe. I atonya ncrotni»nnh^ fuy
tmitlicr. fmt on thi* paiileular
dayahcwws sllirlitly lndta|H*ad and
toareliy fonvvl A> remain at bimie.
“I was oer-upylng a seal vrrj- war
IkMudhly the pUce in the city where <*l»**'*l>
\ht pnipit and tbe theme of the divine the weather chaugo* are felt the most
-WHS ‘Am 1 my limther^* kmi-VV
is at'the city water w orks. On a cold compaiu' has appiared ia unfviTsal in
-After pmiHiIng alKMi! flfb-eo mlm
damp day lawns are nut sprinkled and the opinion that It Is the to’st they
the stre*el sprinklers stop ojHTallng. have ever had at popular prices and
equal to many of the hlgh-prltx*d at
and hi* g«*eMrHw«-a.torr*l dlnx.tl> on When tho amount of water used in tractions. Their visit to this city will
mc^ I
to Iklgct a
taking care of lawns and kcepkig the
but he dill n’t lun» hi* eye* from mine dust dowh is summed up It reaches. give many |hm»pIc a chance to see a
of such well-km)wn
for :i
auil after n *h<*rt vonnr Immcnak onknilUca: Thuniday. whenp'»*’^
he Imnd forth again:
‘Am I ni^ the air was boh and do . the hig-pump^ ‘ *'^*5^*'
/'Sowing tb.- Wind,” ’"The
lirutlmr s
.cm !.«4K.(W« tollou. of .wvr fl„..,»st U«lc MJnl.t. r • .n,l -WtH-n Wo Wor,etmld stand It no lougi*r.and I no- thnnish tho nud.., whUo ,o.»cnl.y ‘r.onty.rtno." whlrlt 1... iK-n-loforawered lo a meek voice. *No. air.* *—
only I.76:.<KK. pllon. .oro «c0 .hlch 1
Ainerican Fptviulor.
docreT«. of nvarly . wimon:ive the ladh‘s a treat us she will w»*ar
noM heatdiful and costly
Gtud Traveme strawltcirlea aiadc
Mrs. Dora VogI apticared in Judg<
s01^11 on the local Mage
their appearance lu small qnaatltlcs Umieria court ytolerday and pleadift 4owns evt*r
by. auvoue at aiiy price. Alan I>ale.
guilty to aSMolt and battery. She man ihe leading dramatic critic of the
fined "la and Ws whk h she paid. country, last season jtnmuuuced .Miss
Mrs. Yogi was rliargeirwith beating a U-one |V‘ handi«>nicM. lKi.st gowned
nelglihgr'a child ami her trial was loi •nd most talented stm-k leading
for SHttCday morning but she voluu woman in the western country. Seats
tartly appeared yesterday.
1 Drug Co.
Mra C.K. Hale. Mrs. W. W. Hold*
worth abd Mra C. A.* Webb will eiUcrAn Alarming Situation
Uln Wedpe.sday afternoon. June 30. at Prcquently results from neglect of
2:30 o’clock yrllli euchre ai-lhe rcM ploggcHl bowels and torpid liver, until
eonstliiathm IwK'omeji chronic. ThI
dcnco of Mns. Hale. 6t)l Sixth street.
condition Is unknown to those w|io
Nearly all of ihe potato buyers have use Dr. King’s New Ufe PlIU; the
stbpiHHl shipping now and only a ver> lH‘st and gentk'st regulators of atom
tew loads are coming Into the r^y. ach and bowel;<. GuaraiJced by John
Thohe.ur^' Inlng’df^^iMmed of tfrluca! sonDrugt
bee Drug (
WHh^he change of schedule for the
summer by the railroads on Juno ‘24.
the resort travel will begin in earnest
but as n is there arc a few rcsorters
passing through the city each day to
the various resorts along tiie hay
while a large number go through the
clly to the more noiihern iKiinls. The
following party arr|vt«d lu the cUy this
noon, twk dinner sit Park Place an i LOST—Ih-tween l-irat National atel
People’s Imiik a week ago last
then dryve to’the Itushinore cottage
W<*iliiesday fjti. Ret uni l*i Rf'cord
at Old Mission, where they have hpcii*
June Ik If
several consecutive summers: JMr.
^Utlon. -Little
Dorotkir Ounteo.
OasB aong. -Joy Be
Recitatkm. -Too B^*
W.M. PAIGE. Agt.
1J5 Cm Street
by Charies
ReciUtlon by May MaaKW.
Violin solo. Jamie Butler.
Notlch to HI
RecKatioa. -Temperance.- by ten
Tbe special a
RcclUUon. -Suppo^^ Willis Hous- tb« cast line of Dlvlsloo atrcH tu..dB» /
west Hnc of Union street Is now to
hands for the rolloction of the fburtk
Young ladlea- quartet.
InaUllmeaL together with tbe accrued
Recitation. -'Christ’s Gardeners,*’ by interest on all unpaid InstHimnatg. tbk'
same to be paid on ur before tbe 30th
six girta.
Recitation. ”A lk*y-a Speech.” Jamie day of June. 190€.
M. E HaskeU. City Treasurer.
Office. Room 202, 8Ute Bank baUdlafSong. ’’Rearing Fruit for Jesus.**
June 11 mo____________
RedUmn. -By Four Girls.;
^BeelUNon. ’The Archway of Love.”
-The famous Mt. Clemons Mineral '
X^lorthB song.
Balts are having a big aalc at the draggista In tbia city. A poalilro cure for
STEAMER ILLINOIS EXCURSION. liver, kidney and stomach trouble. A
First exeurshm. Smi-lay. June JTih. safe, sure and effective remedy. Thru*
Charlevoix. IVtoskey. Harbor Springs weeks’ medicine, price
return, ll.oo. sieami'r Illinois. See
‘ ’ e B. column 4 for time,
TRV a record WANT AO.
June 13-€t
VVe are prepared lo s iPPly
you with the coolest and
the best there is in
straw Hats
from a 25c Mexican Flshlnk
Hat to a $5 Panama
^ Nobby Styles at $ I. $ 1.60. $2
Fancy Sox
lOc, 16c, 26c and ^Oc
- Negligee Shirts ^
60c, 75c. $1 and $1.60
25c, 50c and $I
Union Suits
$1 and $1.50
A lot of 50c Suspenders
to close at 25c >
,• '^
E. Wilhelm
HOUSE one week starting
a' V J;;u ri. e 1-3
WlL.l-iMRD fVIACK sn<j
^"^Supported, by the BEST COMPANY of stock actors ever offered
at POPULAR PRICES in a selection of
MIsH Olai
When accompanlett by one paid
Reserved Seat Ticket
Ladies^ Fre^ List Umited to 20o:
Ivary l^iay a L-itorary Traai
Ladi^Free Monday Niglit r
' '
Hot Weather Goods
“The Enflnes that Ran.”
and Mrs. Gt«orge N. Ulaek of Spring
e, girl for kitchen
field, in.. Mrs. Gwrge F. Strieker and WANTED—At
ni • at home.., Jacktimx* children. Misses Moody and
jqne HMt
Hamtlloii and j. W Rlack. Miss Oil
let! and Miss Jane Vaughn Olllett ol
Jackaonvllic. 111., and Mrs. Joa N. WANTEO-GIrl for general houw
Jewott and Mr. and Mrs. Josc^q, m.
work. Mrs. J. C. Morgan, r.25 Sixth
June jr.-tf
Rogor* of Chicago.
between Timrufto Oly aad Pnmaao^;;, V .
will cDBUNWce Buaday. Jbm ITU. mto " V , .M
coatlanc ever, "other BMdap mrtQ
further notice. Ttmtot wBl'toayd Tfmr- ^
erne Hiy at >:0P a. m- and 4:» p. m.(
! v;
awl win .mrtol Ti.»«r» OUT at)
-■^4 •
^at Sate Johnson Drug
•tf '/3t "Am
KeconTs U|»-to>Ddte Ittiii^tediFeature
" CHftWTMN kNOEAVeat^'^ i?. ;
Ift^.«. a DOTU.
r Jm
tmmti paratr U f :
P ..•;; ;:
axtm. IB thk kddraa and i—.rliHy!
a y.
------------------ ----------------------------
.'ooductad arlih iba otaiM Mtb
altb a
that ^
blip onr, but no marn^r of
1 family would arcapt li I
laly after tbia tl)e
fund ia USt.te. Thta money
^■loQ many needy tbiHlllfa an
*har axixmaco.
The aoat of
lal eaami
aaaary to aand a truated aeent to i
fartbaat comer of the country to
uaatlote « com ot reported hertiU
Nine peraona were adjudyed to
performed arta of unmUtakablc
lam and were awarded medala.
widows of two of thoac that per
in their bendc i
This life of gloiy even begins op
«>srih. Iiot it diUlns lU full fraltloo to
ties veil. IJke Clirist. the glary on earth
shine, throoch cloods of darkiwas-l
• dark (iellisemaues sad cross crowned
rslraries**-and. Uke Him. the crown
of glory cocues through the craas of
snflrering. **lf wo suffer with Him. wa
sbitl reign with Him.** And last of all
rhrtst mwaka of the Chrtstlsns* su
preme glory In besveo- tieholdlng Hla
glory. Tbst^in Iw our chief glory.
la -------- -----------------..
youna rlil <*f aevonieen,
Ifoae.. saw a youna min atruafUna In
the water apparenUy exhausted.
faarleaa swimmer, she went to hla res
cue and loa.Kl him to a |dace of safety.
She was al^<«
for e^imtlooal inirrllvpr tnedaL
mmisaltm voted tlO.OdO
tbe uurvlvnrs of the Brockton.
aboe factory cxFloolon.
be board disposed of $UOOO* at that Relfsnyder could not swim, and she
slnkina When her friend, who was
irst aittlna. '
d the unconscious
DuHna the summer and CHI ct IMS
everal further awards were made, firta
v>w a
me of the most mHablc cases
e p^esefver from
of Maude Aanes Titus, the i
the launch. With
Is ajudstaiict the
of ir-Newafk (N. J.) pli
heroic youiw
was able In kc^p
Titus, who Is about elahu*en and de
helpless comiilnlun
voted to the outilo.r life, was spendlnir above the waves untile |iasidnr yacht
her vacation at CaiH*o ]tuy. on the
Maine eoast. She and her i^.miwnlon.
Laura A’. HHfsnyder of East oranye. I3.&S0. and no one has ever < omplalnod
were aueais of the captain of a that the reward was undeservctl.
schooner yarht which t<M*k a |«arty mil
The .recent meolln* of the her»> fund
to see the north AUanUc squadron. On
ommlssion was tme sf the m.en Inter-
W’hMi by Ills pmrr
I shall look o., Ilia face.
That wUl be alor>. be glory forma.
«m.g nKAuniQs.
I*S. IxxxTl. ll; y:xek. xxvlll. 22; Msit
V. H;; John xll. IM; xr. k; Kom, 1. 21;
Nes'’ A'ork yminxstcr fiftc
a^e. who W'as jrive n a b
11.000 W ith-Which, tb
f.w savlny two smjill pi
In*. The children hail fallen from the
imd of one <if the irreal idiTs which ex
tend Inti, the ^ilsl Hver.
Rtm another case tlial
vide utumthm U that of
Ernst ..f Philadelphia, wl <1 was awarddal fi.r sav njc the life ..f
The old Jaiianese woman whi*r pl< tors Is Kivsn herewith la 110 years of
Hfs. She Is believed to be the oldest
parson In tbe emptrs. An American
timter became intersatad In her and
The cut show.-* u I uiHlel Ilf U»c first
eve-r* mad.-.
It nsi-mbh-s an <dd
fnshlamMl . spin
ning wheel more
than It dias a
sewlnc nuu hlne i
«T the pr««-nl
TIM*- ouichlne was In
than, (1 ci-ntury
ago l.y Thon«.
It was
working with a
and WHS design,
ed erfierlnlly to
Htltch hatbrr . It
—_=EL :r
!^>w»*v. r. p.-supidant the old method t
shaiMd structure
Jules Oeniaen. a Bruss.1.^ enjtlneer. deel»ne<l ,
Shoam in the drawinc. It i« a sk>-seia|«r twenty-one st.rties In heljrhi rlsh
to an altitude of 400 fret. Iis«n and cenu-nt are to be the materials uihhI Jn I
constnicilim. and lU Uyhtin« and ventllatinjc will t.« ji-rfect. A comblnatl.
of trolley and elevator will carry tenants to Ahe various flt»ots.
In the tropical
«i>uth Australia
carry a coini>ass.
with the
these nests imint
ni.rthern territory of
The dlslr
bt the ma«
The longer
due north and south.
In rhi* diriMlnn KrHhvivor so<*i«>ly of
the Kind Baptist ihuMi of iSblrnrA
last M-oson a liaud of wotImts >4giie,|
a pltnlge, tthe rtsuJu of which were
It read thus: -I idomlse to attend
the regular, prrarfaing serrlrot aod aft
er meetings of our church unless abso
lutely pnrenled aod to request at
loiisi om- strangiT or visitor to remain
ot eaih sftiT meeting and take part to
the«. meetings If thara Is an oppor
Out of the .large resofts friim the
keeping of this I waaled to propose a
spedsJ pledge to he^ Endenvorers carry out tbe suggntloo to crMgmte
with their pastors In every erangelladc
That pledge Is as follows:
By God s help I protniJM- pray eiTullr ta— *
’ tte mIw IMkslui
'hen when they .
Attend the re*
after meetings <
rvlutely prrventsd
n :r.'
90 Mtunte Mnl her an ear trumiwt
•SdMsaad Mo **Mn>. Methu%elali. tbe
BUkatfo'a ipltet sub>eit. Jaiwn, • and
It tsacte Its tetlnatlon in due time. .
aniHi. Tbeahnteof tbacteatoltef
mediately befoK Him. M tem tbtoV
fact catmoc keep out tbe glory am tb
be His aod Uter to bh His dMcHte*. '
Uttle xronder. them that gtory.teild^
be g principal theme to His teat addreoB and last prayer befora Hla emei*
flxkm. That over and the glory or tha
resnrreetlon was •ooo to foUov. thm
at tbe right band of Ood.
In tbU prayer Christ apeaks of tha
glory of God. tbe glory of Ulmaelf and
the glory of Uladladplca. OftbeFbltea
aays. **1 bare g
osrtb.- God s gift to
Is His anprrme glory
decteie tbe glory of God.** bat
itens declare
no aenae to tbe high degrta that'
Chrtsra telb declaiaa It
forever toagbi this fact when at Hla
blrcb they aang. •THory to God to fba
Christ also aptte of »a
oara glory. -1 bsve gkirlflrd Ibca m
earth • • • and now. Matbet. gtedl^y
Thou mo with Thine Wn aelf with
the glory which 1 hsd with TW befora
the world began.- And last of all
tnirlat apetka of tbe glory of his dis
ciples. “Ajid tbe glory which T^ioa
gaveat mo I have frlren them.** And
Urns are linked together the glory of
God. of Christ and of man.
Uwmmtht martrrdaai •« ariwjm Tmylor, who goro bU life tp tbr li«rulc
romtmo of tbt yictlmp of tiM lUrwldt
HUM dlMtor. Jn 1»04. that iMpirtU Mr.
Cimete «rHb ClM
tb do PomeexwnplM
Tlias Mr.' CarteTlc
Mif of tha achoma of i
mlmUdB for Um man a
ta tha atuonpe Jo^rP
y TiTr 1** **”
trtbtilatkms Is ahnoM avar.
Some of fhe Awards Made by the Commissioii and the Heroic
A<^ That Have Won Medals and Hahdsonie Gifts of Money
conimonpUcr UuuL a
vroomUm. bttt h« fopad 1t
b* an
trriMly Mcmta lUbttrr to manac*.
Th# tea brro^had ten a man of
■ v-^
au sifsm OS—iM oaISKliW
part In tbess aMetings K tbars Js an ep-
* TheUtrunxe objimi Im tewHh de4dcted is n«*l a levlathiin flMi us.Us apia-arnce rolirhl Indicate, bm « submartm which bus b«^o drawn out i« the beach
for netiwssry r< :c»lr* |.v Its hull. Wh>U movlny ah>ni: In the water half sobmenrrd the Craft Is rot unlike a i;iant «sh. and when out of waur the llkrnass
r>aie........... . Kane...
Address .................
I winiielp thee, sail
la tbs Haari af i
» Endeavor, a Boa littte
Tern Qaarter Cm
From the president of.tbs United
b pl. UinMi
UinMl has been
Tbe cup>baresilh
taeoverrd recently from the Wash,
;ta Is on the mast of Un-
The WWU House. WashtagUm. Feb. X
United Society of Chrlptlan Motevar,
1 heartily coogrstoiate the young peo^
pie's societies of Christian Cadeavor an
Che tteitydifth aonlvmsnr of theW
[ wish you an good I
■ for fhs iBond aad si
1 bsiag of ov pMfdc.
Tbe Gennaa law^rar hae rssnsaisd aw
denror oo the twenty-Sfth aaatvrraafT aC
the feaadtag of the argaalaatlsa and to
“ ■
Tbto cap Is teht
The cut shows l^iw tbe chamber of detmtk-s wtU oppesr when the boi
tbe plans wbleb have been deeSM no. Tbe new tacade, which will fmnt on the Qual d'Orsay. is cUssirol In .
line and Will iraent an Impotte spiwaranrr.' There has been i»k« discussion in th
the rap. I.s».liail am tk.
gfPi^ altmiUMi.. raw .rf Uk. nrabra kflag tn SW-a erectUi* • ocit I
.'Tf ■•''']
T^* add abapad bottles ahown In the cot wierp recently exhibited mi o
drassMs* conaaotlon In tetaniL They are deslm»«I to moke acildenial polaonlnc by laktoy flald from tbe wrooc b«iilr In the dsrk pnuilcally Impoasibia.
Une of fhfm Is a bottle AUed With a lock abd kej^ Anutber ^ arrayed with
a rapUka tap to dMtacninfa It from tbe ardlnary bottle. A third U a boCtM
that wilt ant tend tip.
are carryteg as te
bed stayed «t the restaurant saw two
p^rMtor fill. «n hie
peckeu wrttii
eQpwertng tbs doa^mion of tb-
ban-k notes, thus hoping never to hr bwrglara €wee atowly down the sirv,i
and recoirtard them.
He ndd them
catInrJy wUhoal funds,
that they mmtf hM*’- »ewd.-d la the
tcttU 4tf one pi^: uh<
won •ALC-l#4»-HanJirire
Moof». Tfmvfw
JOM IC'lt*
|m \t4i
laqaira Itto
ata. m
Biiay tcnaa.
Call for Involve and trnna.
rOK BALE—MS4—Icr rn«tn
BcxU fuantsia, caody aiakinE toulit.
all titbcr Irtlunru. all alack.
trade, central
MDaa to «Hk, Iron and wmtep: |i
One of ilir
Citizens pb»mc
tloaarr. Ire emm and randy uklnR
Cali fif
price. W
traverse Cily. MlHu
WAWTBO-Klicbeo ftrt. at Ibr 1
Oaljr^ hartSwart
omer oasr*
Owa^r ia otb^
Wade Bnm. 127 Front,street. Trav
. nnoi K»rt at iVre MampM«« BaUas
of Tiariw City.
may 2l4f
WANTEO-Onok. and aH klnda of re
FOR BALE—1427-Onr hundred and
aort <*apton*» at “Grand Traverar
H vmiec« nrrt? farm. «uc and oue
BiD|«W7>n;othlartaMi “
half wlUts aorlb of Orawn, oni-balf
alao boy
and a«JI accend band blryrtoa.
• W. Hol)fair«w<»nb. t\i K. FraKt 81..
CIta. pboae «K.
iw 4 Imo
WAWTtO-Com In the aar and oau;
blfbeat price paid.
B. J. Morgan.
may 264f
whole farm U level and cxtra/de^irpouW
N* easily plaited into onr-Aftb acre
county clerk.
iunc ISM
OfllENT AUTOMOBILE FOR 8AL£A IWF; Orteal Burkbcaird; In per
‘tael coodmoo; can bp bought at a
barjnOn If taken iocm.
aort, <mt «rf ihc pretuairt r,cort» In
the Grand Traverae region.
hundred, nnd elghty-llvc lots, trblrh
jUln; tiiwec-go foci blRb: gtjod con
fillrer lake;
bat or five lots to* the acre, or Cvr
worn aALt-Wlnd win. aprdal bar
dltlon: all
norih, nontli and weat of Dnrt u je.
able as a /wirt proposition.
wile nbbre front
Bei M. W
June S II
FOR BALE—Largo P-room booae and
would aril for
at the
ban Crereiing.
r*b ».>«. y«rU«ff*et.
,,R?tLember the future He. In yoot
band, a scientific f^tng wiU revem
ihe true life's history.
... .............
Onion BL
prii* we a»k for IL .If you want a
Bide entrance.
cot MONEY TO LOAN—No tax clause
put *n mortgages. Houses for aale
alUT Ibis.
Wade Uru:;. 127 Froiii
Inquire o> E. McNamara.
stHMl, Traverse Clty.^Mlcb.
may ri-If
CM. W.
apr 27-tf
and truck' land.*
money lakes HiIh.
«T»H.‘nty. MIrh.
aprll-if FOR
FOR BALE—To make place for dec
trie power, one 7 h. p. sUtlonary gas
olinc engine;
20 to 25
h^ p.
gtruira engine. iKrth In flrst.cla!W rm»dltlon.
To hr- aold at
taken at once
bargains IT
Traverse City
Boat cpmpiuiy.
Jum c 12i
—The greatesit egg machine.
to esilmaio,
way ni»pvr print s-ked.
This ks on-
xnolt dm lrable pUtecs of pni|»^
t rty m city.
iiAcrtim nt, <win ray that
«*f tour franm Mru-
jrrouud, li
1 had the highest ac'orliig |>en i»f any
earlpty In the rewt ptiultry slum.
ern. upft»dno* brb k buiblfni:. It w;ll
Bpectal prices on lou of 50 and 100
Willi a imel-
aimmnt tm iht invest m.-ni
I12S CASH win buy lot US. Ha
firvi claw. Iiv.in and
Also forTv horw-s and all ncccsVar>
eqiilmucnt. Iiugules. cuttefs, hark---,
to Thoa. T. Bates.
Ma> 6 tf
^•U). Oran»
strvi'L Oak Jleighls suburb, SO>165
drays. sMghs. hnrnf.s.sc.-.
feel, if srdd b< fore July 1st.
to Thba. T. Bates.
may Sdl
EN CASH win buy a \ acre lot In
BIrehwood suburb. 100 feel frtmllng
Qpon East bay. 312 feet on Brt.sch
atitKd. If sold by July uu
Thoa, T, Bates.
gbmV liulldlnc
ct iilrallv
Ib-v and cnijfjy the ^-.unfiirtabb* !•»:
tunc rnadi-' la lUl*
b-i>ln, -
will r»ay you to Itrw'sggaU-.
. price.
Ciill fv*
For 5nle and Qnamnteed Only h7
Wade Bms.. 127 Frtint i^tr4.vt
HOR8E8 FOR 8ALE-One pair drof
FOR SALE------- 1273—One hundred ami
horw»; weight 3200^ pounds:
One pair draft horses;
weight 3000
and cart;
iwetilTwrre farm, sis miles west o!
city, about, evenly acr« s under rultl
pounds; all good ones.
A fine Kd drivera.
2 saddle ponloa.
One Blirtlend j»i6r. new bi«y «»<l
a nice rtg for
ration; Good house, large Imm. with
acres rye. four
acres rota
. for prict‘.
froR 8ALF—14»-One hundred aad
farm oae'lialf
acr^ potatoc.s
S. H of S E. % of Sec. IS. T. 27. N }i U W.-kO acres.
N. ^ Of .N*. E. V» of See. 18. T. 27, N. R. 0 W'.—KO acres.
Wade Bnw. 127 ‘Fron
W. H of S. W k; of See. t. T .70. N. u. 0 W —kO aqyes... '
E. H of S.W.M at Sec. 11. T. zp. S. R. fi W —80 acroa.-
Juno 114
Maple City; flneat farm In Leehmau
FOR SALE—14SP—hl^orn rrsldcorc,
other busWeas; wni take part pay
St4te Ktn*et. three Wockp fnnn ppsi-
dty property
I'umarr. rlcrtrlc lights,
Wadc Tlroa., l27Trt>nt SL. Trarerse
City. MkdL
fdr price.
atlrens 4»hbne 121S.
may 2141
Lot Nq. 1 of Soc. 34. T. irs.
--------- Lot No. 2 of Soc, 24. T. 25.
N. Mr of 8 K, *4 of Sefx’.Zi.
X. E. M of a W..^ of Se^
An A So. 1 i^povltlon.
Wade Bma,. 127 rroni
art; MO feet on Rote. 105 feet
FOR WE-1443-Th!rty
and a half milea Union Mn^r. Three;
UKmaand hanring fruit troev: Anew
before July laL
imr^ nnfi ftrnlt i«in.
This it a fp
Apply to thoa. T. Ba
Jolm F. Ott Lumbef Co.
nctra, We
Grove. Its feel on the alley, tf i
; - bargaia.
a- Japane-c
The hrown
Call tor prtoe.
P. O. Bor lOC.^
Wade HroB„ 127 Proot ftreet, TraveiWcUjf. Mich-
janc lHf
far failed
his tyime a» ('el’i .;«>lllc Vmiiny more.
%«■• : m . and ■peaK/ln a ,low. halHiir
Ing. to gt'i til Lauhlug to look f*»r work,
m omer. ri.ouch as a m.itter of fact hi
lie hni md r«dii;;icd and th«- larallv If
Las a IIiViiTvnth -kncali-!-.;»• of I’tirlisb
Tin body i f WTlwin l-air* n. the 15
Ur J W. So>« i> of lMilladcl|.!ii:i ha:^
hm ii
leciiTicd cliaidam
year-old imid of <!n- .Miri.tgai, 8rbo.d
Grand Anxi.*.«rt the UcpuLlic In IVnn
for the IMIiid. wh*i v.a^ «lro»yn-d
tOJvanla, thk in ing hlR lh!rty-lli:h cm
Gt^nd rn« r. ha.
uiib diivvn ihi >;;* air
Mr , 1.1I Sfiw«ll of I.,ati»ing. Jn
term In
lint j-irmoii.
vania volunfeerK d-rlng Ih.- civil'wai
iMin fontid KeveraJ
«n. t rlcd
band. .\liiM r’f
ill nnny l.a t'ei; wHli
to In^
Kuicidi* part
o! tlM- Porontar.
u.l. and h-f
In IM:
!Mt’» like ll.isKi.oeu
rt.glca? ihal ef monf
pmii a
/-ar km-
tmf the lu-cret.A ef the m4.. Hb f*' «i
did vn-hi rrlaci-; Alice Is ftti.d nr>
with fine Ulw'an.nc.^ and phfo::f;iph
nurlng thy disr»m>ilon of tin n.-ifcr
Imlian apiinipri;*
. Fena^or Iji Ftd
hiwvrr.-. In IndUh
l aid ITSn.oon fnr
p.ijM-rf< for dlvfiree fi^ Mr^
Wio-man wen- i-erved on Iht
plair-lnp hi b-aaicr fllTm.-m
wl-. n
, ? -J y
Trarerw City, Mkh.
O Morriaon. Flying Perth.
Hhebry'* 84iuibrm Oitirert Band.
Vr.-i I:M. n JfiiKti at Royal Oak. he
back w.;rd that If be war. ever ri'le»v-»;
hlf firrt art could Ih- to kill hfr^ wlf(
ire than half a flilfllon offlrlals.
prt»fc^>K»na! no n.
jl»!t‘Utd'*>." remarkc.l S« nater Sp'-mif;
Ihe Allkeu*. the World'# CSrestMi
husl.niid. Ili-irrv Wlni-mab. who it In '
Marquette for life for the murder ol
'Sea 'witii tbo 6nat
. VulfiMrE Shows
The fatnouH J lint-* Kimball cTronpa
Mat*,trmiio'», Imptrta! ^rtwpn of
Hare Hark Rider.
IU iniroH,. Airlalhi*.
The MmettCbaifipeto Hare Back
The to-fUjH. fumble
Tramre per
Igirke A Adaint.. r,.inc<l> Aeh>hals..
(’lark. Tabf Wire Artiat.
M Hal MI. J4|cim , |iafn!l Act.*
GuvKrafi.f'mnl, Mule Hurdle Rider.
iMda^Rii .11 and her iKu ,»f Uu-
**Tbe iVirTow*. rom.-ly Tra|M-7c.
niriK. JuMihoii. Tight Wire Per-,
Of, .^,.ry
fair H at Vn-nar with 4^
F.-w firmer; arc aff uncg. f,;r.uicr.
n.4 Tum.-r * Tro.iim irf KdocaiH
i’irl.iMK-ketv :-tc timid an >••», »n»> ladv Silk IVMMib lK»g*.
losing i. STS gold watri,
.ih* onl.
Ilr.»uk Hnw . rorm-dy Arrohala
lU t, lUno, Champion Black Wlr#/
I heft r-itfrte^l
i rrii»>ry had Is-mi
SOIDI Of tlw Thiois Ym
rklMtM.I lililc man h«^ an air of iiei'
atockiin n
b*^ ri
rurt-d by ti-sing-.llallvti r y Ibn-Ky Moui,
tain Tt-a.
25 cent*, tea
JohnHon Urug^o.
plied;: 'The rr.raflild l:w>cr ran'l rr
Tex! to all the h’caling.
h- did h
wc*:Ul uevef iticep ■■
Ilcraui-e Id.Mlymc machines woul
m»t lly ’ Hcfiir)- . R«-'ie:never ^of Jer^-
CJtv ilircw hinue'f in fnmt «d a trai
Hferro ef Florldii
rnd v.-as killed
fndinna L at
Virginia, s^-nf-l nr a ctmf.tleraic ^oT
John \V. Kern, whom a few
rated as a
the Atlantii
from the r outh who k
millionaire, acrtiriling to
Newr. H J«mes^»
who i< a n-ith.- .d
dler iii Jhf civil war ami
A^ the Mimll«l-“Motber
may rememler a- a nomine.- for gw
emor in lOoh and 10o«. ^haH go u|Kr
TtaUtiKl IlgMl Ib'M'
made Id:
money in Ininlie-r and. baid.lng -enter
and Son.”
Hare you bc-cn bctmytMl by
cs of qaactea, nwallowcd
yrflln and
, gold Imc.
. Thy Dniy Genuine Olympic HIppA;'
bottled medicine without rc.oH« me
May Yehe. f. rnierly l-adr Hope ami
drome^with all klad* of thrtlltog and
cseirt a damaged alnmarh. Td tlto»e we derperau? race*.
offer ftolllHter** Rocky Mwinlaln Tea.
A prrrgrmm of amarlug exfepi of
l>.ndon pnUce
ling Mruggkw and fudirron* rivalmtfi. JohnHou Drag Co.
court for idlkltu: a cabman, w ho drm-o
later Mrf. Puinnm ilradlei- Si rang, haa
been flntnl flS In ' a
her arwind for twelve hour>, and finaliy took her to a hillway Ktatiou. whm^;
fchc hoarded a tralir without
healde* which all other* arc i
CO. schedule fifth page, toorlb column.
Race* of all description* on a % mils
How's This?
Owe How^
SU'eVi^Bi* PRoa«/^oF«TAirr.
horse allow .promoter, baa boco aleeptog on the roof garden of hla palatial
reaidence ia Oak Park
BCM CASH trill buy loU 182. Its and
184. Bom stweL Oak Heights i
N. R. V.) W.—Ck 1^-100 acrea.
N. K. 12 W.^7 ^1D<k acrea.
T. 2X. N*. R. 13 W.—80 acres.
. '•
24. T, 25, N. R, 12 W.-40 agmg.
N. E. fractional VI of 8ec-J3. T; 27. N. IL 13 W.—147 7S100 ncTM.
Come and sec us or write us for prices.
atixH-l. Trmvtw Oty. Mich.
June 114f
Hon m l im ,i:nfb»n t a\.
III m-lMe Il-e «-al :trike III the Sari
Tlic natlonvl tbket with Bryan.
street. Traverse City. Mich. C4iirca:
phope 1219-
hay. forty aer^ wild ttmts-r.
C.B. Taylor Coal Co.
foar^vij acres oats, seventeen am-^
B. J. Morgaa.
twenty acre
Of the
Th» is our guarantee wLich gow with
Travcr^'Clt.v. Mich. Citi/.m-4 phom
of tin-
naw valley
l.nlav. iTi- H'iirkwel!.
! in fhr
Order your
fou are not otwbod with rosulU
gaging.in ii bmam-ju; of ihiK; kin.l
may I
facb pn-scut <.wn(T ba ls al lc to n
This, rradrr. If y»TU contcmpla c «-n
Tire Tnsurance
doing .i
te yon if af
larm-st Ilv.Tv ari.l sab s l»ati*s lit thi>
■aemStmr^With^^lmnOg S m m *mU
VO D w. IP T V" a oTMUaps.
XHfc f ^MOUS
TMh \» one »»f thv
to he tm. :-cs:.v, l.v.nc nuthordy im
••YOU)- MON£l
NCx ^ooiy^
ndH s and all i« i>onal projH rty !:i
|12ft CASH will buy lot
u, ilie
The Faginriw r»nfc l.iMrd of arblira^
-oHrtfcMce In Ptir» mouili. Is to auc
MOd will 1^ ,f-i.
frame buildlm;. fit!»d ihrtmatilCiut for inghallalsntic oi
avenue. Oak Heights auburh. 50xlG.S
T?i- prince if Mon.io. aeklotvledgeil
*s Titi AI. i«rrri.»; ••n»;r
liH-t d«-»-p. nil eoven d with tsp-slur:.
fr^ t. If’Hold U forc July 1st.
llilndrel and 'rw«-nty. cp»uid f’cnbhyl
avenue. Oak UelghU suburb. StixICS FOR 8ALE-l2iM-i:i3hlv twu^iul ,»;i
Kiafc stre<-l. one linbdred au4 fifty
feet, tf sold l»cfore July 1st. Am»ly
Bhc st
We«ln<-rday jiighi
V-cn called
June 11 tf
ITS CASH win buy lot 110. Hannah
may Sdf
Cpll fur
*<if her own.
Tdkfoi-rba HairM-: rhumi.
Wade llrti--., 127 Fnmt ^«r»ei,
Travt rsi- Oty. Mich
to Thoa, T. Bate*.
Crsim ipr
< V»y «iKt I»rf
tau • m Ort ^ 4lp.tr,
U»in$ trots « odji^Oit MUt
cinl <in
at fonlUr. Ml*.- H. !. ii E. Ihirrh
was playing a rule Ifiti..
pn>!:vBpti> rerved wjfft etTmpany IJ of »hc .t>rn
itjti ;. <«*v« ring alH.'it mn half of Ibe
Of rare ability aud • v«rifri»e worKmnti
* T:a CorsMfhU & A. A.
As a biminess
for baicbiug II and 12 per thirtwn.
W. II. Uwh»L 408 Fifth 8t
may 6'2 mo
rn-inot l.c l^rateii at prlrtva.--lvr<l.
r. ck. .1
tjvtlwts-.^dor t*» Uuidfiii
eli»ht hundM-il f«*el on Slau» slrt HVolni- ImiJo^rtbk
The place timply
do v i hhf repres. Illative at the rH5ac.«
June 11-tf
taraa aad tnialnaaa of liotal Oolum
going t(» have Iwllod cHlflrh for dhi
Ilarnn Komiira. wbo'Was the mlkn
H'aU for
■el. 'Trav
127 Frorfl rtr*-ot
FOR BALE-Famlinra. bar room. Bt
iny baliway at that motr.cut that I was
acre fann
nm* gar
< lore to rliy; well watered, flue
But the bur
Wild Animal* and IVmncailr Crraturra
all taught m fartorm aatirtd.hlnx
Iricka; m?1ilhlied now for Hm- flrat
Mine, and
ka m Dsfly
*s Pm the CMlor oi that disk als-.t whirii
Else on Earth.
PIgH. Tralm-d fJecee.
fk*eaf. TraitiH!
J J: S KSlE iilZ, there <an Ih' no mistake to even fin was inarrieU at her buuir. Kiward 8.
.‘Vbornover of Rncbcrter-Inalnifl |qgr«m*«.
<!atr., Tralneil
ligetm^. Trained
Traima) BiorkH.
rii’Ei;; iXSSS b a-u indlffcrefit iMKiirll?.’
Tr»ilm- I c;<intP. Tralm-d
Tralmd \u
Two piriurc. fry n «f. l-ouls sUrt
It West Hranrh Mitnkeyv Train,-1
lir <n,ir^
_______ . .. . .
. l.lon*.
. . Tiger,
••aiutcr !ia\t> been src< pted by nn.l
vea. l^-oparda '
l*an!b*rw. Ifvi-nap.
:iM h i:ig cfuc.tiiciumriy iu the I*an><
lAr lapH
Jiiat 01«; v.ifea weir ra 4 In the pti and
Tr»r^ City
The .nraM Is. Gmtav Wolff.
marli n at Grand Han ;s. and the es ALL SEEN
|x v.'
t% fii fratn «o!i,l t-»
Lie un iu ib
a;, the loa.i id u
p<-:iH4* Ih alxnit 8‘.Mai; nearly It for
Kruwiiin I*ari.i m. a iand^rap.- iialnt.Gi^i, f' TtlK of Sprlmrymrl ha
FOR SALE—n3:-Forly
the posse made s rush.
may 25 if
allrr. and when they roeebed
atndent yelled. ^^Thorc they arr!** an-^
There I* tlmUT
rtumeb to pay for the whole farm at
games, and
j. C. BURHS. I^nl
price nrktid. this farm U offered W n
bargain and
pai1a*m with other proiH-rly ami ibr
very low ffeurc.
aemeni of Ysnkioo. «. D.
where she Is b etodent, is n cnpnbh
qucnil) officlatt-s to; that capacity. gtai^ prored to be tbc night watch and
ealner ilUiuds makm coo
Tbiso shows
Just 17 Tears old. a frkad wpo was taking hia mend/
CMS TO . RENT—For light b«iM- at Chicago with trains on all railroad Miss Ciement
RiKLt^riiml ILnwr nnd inaMorB
Uucr for points beyond.
good to look at. stViulg'.and hcaflhy with him. and ihoagh they pkoiir-d
pins; gas.*electric lighu. walcr.
mnnrlfiig PofiikNi to nfidntsm
WhT ir captain of tpr chriniiloB tuukiH mrlltr to tcying'lbe bank window
Xarth »iojnd st.-aiiiera maLc
luith. r. cam.bcal; third Boor Pc-o
r rncHinaW
and VnrinM
Mackinac lijaiid
with all ban Uain df4bc Yankton colb-gc ,At
pk*s Savings tank.
may 234l Hmo.; at
Htawlinir and Rank, and to OBHiSf^
*:featn*^^hlp llnr*Vt*»wmtrp for points
A m?B who said be was
tmnis 1 he is admitted to be the rhntti
nnllionfi of
<m IxU Sur»erlor. lisVt Hi
picn womaa plDcr of Booth Hxkoto rrlwt s.-K-nt scrrml days ml Lansing
T:rb.G.^.rgten bay. Uke O
. lie
Hrrvwyl In a umty hluc'.uult and short in the n»k- or m
blue, hlo-iae. with btr wcal;h of hair gaged Uiard at the home of Edward
Th-kct« aelti tknnigh to
FOR RENT-D^ cfliee rooms > the
Burr, who Introtlured him to two oi
via ronti-irtiug llm-v.
city; nvuly finished and paimd;
Apirlqg sight on
ia<ff>bxn dlaimind thrtx- merchants, of- whom be koagh
xfi Informal bm r.*r»rtUng rouner
h-a!«-d; lK.t and cold water; best
large bills of gjoda, Hc^lw* Itargalned
rbuj > .nu«l lak*- lrip> rhci-rtully gi'f) and. what is more’ as an nmplrx- sh<
dayligbi >cooms Ih dty. Ofer Flrat
i;aowB her hnsftH»:«. Witn the mon« > for an au vmubUe. He gave a dec-tl
-.ilKiu .ipidkwilLn lu
Natknial bank. Inquire at Mlllikcn’r
If a house an.1 lot there to Mr Burr
pV.c bu< taruH as an urojdrt; Mls»
office. Rent low.
may f-U
rument s?y» she wllfbe abU- to outfit • h«> found the real owner In p.w»*-a
i,!on. He falkd to spm«ar for
Iktitj'phone ; nV zn. liuck aud of he: self for the ncTt >Tar In «»Ilcgc.
rUms porrhare* and has departed.
gnmp <-f xr.cn were talkiug“abmTt
While the Fimt llapllst church
J. Plcrpont Morgan the other day. die
LOST—Thunuiay m<i.-ning hn Wi
laginaw, eras on fire.
rKs:ing his pcrsomal u-iUw and hsl*
in'Ton sintf. Cars i!rc<-t, ab)Og by
aing. organlrt. wht> wa
It.*. al»vn one of the 11 tc.crs broke In
Vviv .Mairpjcttc depot, or on Cnlon
continued to Tilt, unrtl
t:i the current of talk by asking ll a- far ^rroth aa Smith and IT.lcc>.
culHlm-d tho flames
Wbt-n lerrllled
inontbtTs *;f ‘Itp gr->hp if anv of ibem
U Iffsct April ]
rrvtuf'Ul r|uip«tl gold pin With •‘pray
nml her tronps, of nnUinel linnfi
Jrk*nd:i reaclied her aide and askt
had fvrr iM^n Into hlji honre In Mad
of fliiwcr*. widi pearl la o;nU r of
liy she .'had not fle l. she aaW:
At each perforritnee Uiiiltfnveltl.
ism Pvenue. .New V.irb',
Not one of
Lilk ril rcaarrl if rerum«il
a« tioi the least bit nlanmTl and ro tie woman enic;ra this den .d wibl
F^WlMmw. tey OIT. PWt Ib.-m hud. “Wen. I had In go to s«v
Ui Recon! office.
just cfintlnood to pla>.**
Tbc On man^-ailng l«-aala and ctolh-I:. thr^
t.lm our* .• said ibe la.l ^r^pt^^ “an l
Jum* 11 tf
mnnarrha to do 1»t bidding.
wpH cnntMMl I.) an explosion of gas
wm km.w the tiling that lmpre»M-d mWhile Pssisting Miss Etlua Willi
was the llc.'igb’ Uu.t if t had as
Truly Wendcrful Diaplay of Tramvd
son In her priMumitlnns for ber v
much momy as Morgan 1 wouldn't If
Animala. BMWt^Bfrila ami
ding with Ix-nn Greer wui of Sheriff
6 OiHjra j . ____________________ _
It Ic kmtwn t'j ever.- fno; who cnlcrcl
H|- com- PALMIfiTRVl-Consnlt Madame H»om
rjUloii can n«»t bo bcau n.
Jgoc 44/
For natural advaiiiacea b>^
liceiw phono 1219.
bam. Incite MS W. Tenth. .
HutH Columbia.
pith a yerV amall amount adtrtrti*^
per lot
ATT. Trarc ri4*
Lv. Tiaveiv^- Cl
Chicago ....
RENT—liar * room la cawUM^oq
wl'b lurtH., f5imli4»cd or unfurnished.
food markci t<ma wicbte um
and declare*
Umt to nU hb life hb health baa never
been better.
He aays the ontdoor Ufe
1/ the on^ life to 1^.
of file fieople lire to rtnffy
mri cMt to
0«J«. .od
trii» to W
llgll, Md kitlof,
Tfltofona »y fo#»iU «e.
^ go iHr^kly «IiaU*«»%:
OtabI f»riclr«M^ «o »T d^Wor.
AKh^ the irtrawhe^ crop
toca to he a Mfliit ime thia year, hoaae
^ thrir toMn —
km!^ vrIH try to pet up at least a
To Ikt Um Bkr OTrrtMd.
caaa of Chto favorlle Oraad TravOoodBOB^ iB BBBtOB ld«Bt.
frae fnilL The New Met Woamn-a
BkorrtBt fbr ioM TbWob.
. gcnwbovr OBlBty-^To om
fralL riaae and hull: then Uy pa a
ptotfer AB^ tpeiakto wltir 8Bgar,.uslnK
Add BB OBBBi ■■BMi or
one poQBd to b perand of fruR; oov^r
B»re «i«v tf
wkk glata BBd aetia the w a hottc^
FrwiBf IB Utm ports ico aod ooo yort
Itoko mr kiATt. I pmr. of kfadiiMNi
ray*. Aflfr tundoam bring tolo l^e
•AHr«r« foW. ••
hmtiie and aet wtm It to dry. N>x;
.y »ortAl ryrt fro. blind
rnwherry l» Cream - To one day aat^out again.' and by the end of
haanpf ditawharriea add one qaah of two day*' exposure. If very bo^ one*,
ateam aad two cppfola of granu- the fruit should be iransparept. Uf:
I voiMd
^ owi kbd dowof*.
lalad aqgar boltod to a aymp wjU ooe- each berry carefuUy nnd place In j< Hy
From lojBgutloA pnj 4^ir»r:
bair oapful of water. Mix well, aad tumblera. Boll the syrup a few min
ABd. CBOd ABgal. cnml to BM
ia a^ fnwta. Pack In a fancy ute*; then atraln and cov«*r the fruit;
That |ir bwt te BnOBCol oror.
ciimdar gmld wNh a Oght cover, aad when oool aoaJ tightly.
H«rHa bU Bay mUbh b«.
Mad toe tim boon. Beamve frtim
naed Slrawberrlea—Select perfect
Iho mold, and «n the earner wHb an
; flU cant, which have been thor
haBed stiawhBfytoa caraTmiy waabed oughly ctoiBaed. with the fruit, adding
as much *»lding hot wator-A# ihry
> W» tote cmr BkAiOof MiIbc.
bold. To each can add oa.i pint
atoMpoBiifula battor. then add one **f angar; put covers loosely ai^:,lheu
> Tbo pBfkp Are orUA-roB^ Bid
j^nl powdered augar. ‘add «U torg- stand cans In a deep pan of cold wa
be^ one at a dme. mixing tborouch ter. having fK-vend thlckncsiww iif
» ABd iMBdlOM tool BUT foil
ly with the butter and aagar between doth In the bottom Jo prevent ih»
» Bat jTBt tlM> daya are obrory.
the additions. Pour Into a mould and can* from eomlag in oonurt with
» And Bigbt brtan rast when vaary.
harden on ice. Rerve with dumplings heal of the atove. The'water mu .*
» AB^aomobov tlil%old plaael U a
» within tbrt'e Inches of the tops
or any hot alraF»»«Ty pudding.
Bnowflakea with Strawberry Since of the cana. Sot the pan on the stove,
when the water to absolutely bbll
-Combine aa In mixing cake half a
the b(*rrlc8 have been c«ik»sl
cup of bulter. n cup of augar. half a
rup of milk, two cups of flour, a level enough. Pul rubbers on and »exl m
labiMpoon of baking powder and ibe ur»*ly. Place the fruit In a dark, cool
whites of four eggs. Tom Into well'- place in order to ensure Its keeping.,
Camied 81 raw terrier. No. 2.—Place
buttered enpa and steam about half
in^boor. Turn out. roll In powdered cleaned ahd hnUed lierrlcs in can* and
, A wrltBf In
set them In water as In the above rec
sugar and aerve with
flvoa a vartatioB no tko old adylca to
but vrtthout sugar; let the water
Strawberry Sauce—Tnwm togcUuT
BOBBi our tBBf«lM vklrli abo docdacoa
a third o< a cup of butter and a cup in the pan come to boll»flt;ri.u( a* th^ ^ a aara oar. tor iba blaaa. It oarof powdered augar. flavor with vanilla juire U extracted from the 1»errle'.
I ' .totBly vbaa tbo lawlt of .Impllclty and
and beat into the mixture gradually a turn off carefully Into a kct‘ie. leavi
to vartb tiyiac tb. B«rt iIbki tba oM
Inp th»* strawiMTiiea In the can*; now
— anoaiy tabea at Boavaras. Bb. aayi: cup of .berries.
Strawberry Omelet—Begl the yol^a awei-len this Juffe. u*lng'one |»outul of
Hbto to a food 4bfwr raclp. that bar
of Tour f^gga and a tableapoon of aug Kiipir for each i»ound of juice obtain.si
baoa Iboroogbly t«tod an# to aobtob
ar nniJI light, add a lltlie of the grated from the lK»rrIe*. Take N rrie* from
toi^ A iRRo cur. tor tha ‘Tala.*.- a
rind and two Ubleapooua of orange :wo can* and put Into one^ a.s they wll!
-Broocb; Ibo -dumpa'- or aay other of
lulce. then carefully combine with the probably have shrunken-.sufficiently ti
tboaa peatifeima flU-a In lbe otoimeat
ilimy beaten whitea of four eggs, t'ry do 80 by the time the juice is extract
of one a dally IranqulUty.
In butter aa aay omelet, spread with ed. Turn In the juice; see that all
Tab. a abe.1 of nice whU. paper, a
beaten atrawberry Jam or preaenre. the air babbles arc out and seal se
well abarpened pencil and an odd qnar.
rold and turn out on a hot diah and curely. This recipe has never failed
tor of aa hour. Then write out erory
Juat with powdered sugar. Gamlah
irrtoyaBoe. worry and aliment you .can
rllb a ring of freah berries, sweetened
Proaerved Jelly—rStem. vraah and
' • BOfudbly ooocclre of aa to pertalnlaa
ind ajlgbt|y heated.
B»*h the bt»rrle*: press through ^
yodr Woebefoneartf An Imajctnary
and onehalf cup«^ (deco of cheesoK-loth. To each plm
dtory entry, iclllny of cooka d.llnquenrlM. the children’^ aauKhtlneaa. Jouble cream add one and oiY^half How oho pound of rugar. bringing the
Jack‘8 coldncKR, motberV dlarcyard of rupa Rtraaberry pulp and juice—that juice first to the iMiUlng dKilnl and
rig for fifl.-en minpies; .ndd the
your fr»H*doB» and pieman re. or any If, Rlrawberrlea crushed and Ftraimri
I and stir uniU It H dlsHolved.
otbar of your bete. nolra, will be e». -the juice of half a lemon and three
eellimU Or you may write a leller to quarters cup of sugar. Beat with a Iwiil the whr-lc* for five minutes bmger,
your coofldante. Irmny her of yotir i^ver egg beater until thick to the then try It by putting a little on a
BOBlAuBfer. your aadly mlnunderatood t^uttom of tto* bowl, then turn Into a saucer and stand on Ice; If it f.irms n
ioaUioB In your bnaband a family, the quart mold partly . burletj in *H|ual Jelly on Uic surface li. is of the nere*I > goarlp you have heartl al»onl youraelf. measures of salt and-Ice. Fill the sary conx|.*itency and Is ready tor tho
>lcr.<i. Sund where the dint will
ordbe way you are petting fat. Again. mold to overflow, spread a paper
if imu are literary, you may write a above, press the cover down over the not drop on to it and. when cool, cover
' . abort atory wboae heroine baa iroul.leM pat»er and flnUh packing In ice and with two thlcljiM*<st*R of tissue pain r
like youni. or a aketch plctui^ng the salt. The mousae can Ik* removed mo)Rtcm*d wetTh alcohol; put the tops
crwl coodlllona of your life and bat much more readily from the mold If It on and ret In A ciiul. dry place in order
be |ln«M with pap*T. Let stand about that a Arm. erton jelly may l»e formed.
^ , Ue agalnat rebnUeaa < ?) fate.
If the alcohol i* not used, melt paraffin
Do you know what wlU happen wlien thiiN* hours.
iHiTnpUng*'—Onc^jegg. one cup milk, and run over the ton of the jelly.
you are through? A Parla bat to a
peannt that you will Imrat out langb one tahU siKionful 4nelt<*d butter, thnv UTieii removing the lumiffln from the
Ing aa you haven't done for day*. That tahliKpoonful* baking ptiwder, flour jelly, ltx>s4*n It by running a knife
arraignment of your family and enough to make hotter a little thicker around the eilge of and tM-netth the
t V: friend*, that catalogue of your grlefi than for griddle cake*. Butter cups, paraffin.
Many delicious uses may be found
that atatemenl of your and drop a spoonful of batter In each.
dane before the bar of your own com On this lay thn'*e nr four large straw• for .straw berrb?*. from the thick i|ims
' ,mon aen*w. all In onM hlark and whlt^ lierrie* and cover with the liatter. fiv»)re«l by our Brlitoh cobsinn for
will clear the air like a thunder *torm. Steam half an hour. Serve with cream breakfast to the various fruit Ici's
which reach their p^rfeciion In <h;
Tour pet exa*|»eratlonE will dla*olv.' and sugar.
before vour oy*»s. your -vapora** will
Short cake-Sift
two own roimtry. The housekee|K*r shmib
drift magically out of your ken. and cupfulfl of pa»tr> flour, one teaspoon not neglect to ‘^put down” a goo,1ly
you will once more In* a *ane. happy ful of salt and four tea*p.Kiurula of supply of this fruit far nre when the
laklng powder together twice. Rub wason Is o\«>r and the sntsn 'fruit
familiar alth the lim. Into thU with the lips of the fingers have pone for smdhef year.
honored injunction to chi-ck off out one tablejqioonrul of butter; mis to a
> blemlngi one by on«i. .like no many soft dough with lhn*e fourths of a cup
For the Herb Bed,
credit Itema. when .Blue Monday ful of good cream, losa on a lightly
Many, perhaps the majority of |>eo
come*. But thi. aetUng down of thi floured hoard, knead slightly, divide
pie. consider parsley "loo Cm* and
dlaagreeablea In tbo oppotite colums the dough Into equal parts, and pal
govKl for human natUn* * daily food
ia even wore offlcaclou*’ It ahowa m and roll each.piece to half an Inch
This I* a very mistaken Idea. Whlb*
weak place* In our armor of conceit thickness to lit a circular or square
It adds a dainty l«^h to dl.he*
flawa In our aggricCwI eattmate ni cake pan. Place one piece In a bu
which. It to ured as a garnish, (and
mea nnd Ulngs. ond folly in our kMry lered pan.^d brush the top over with
hearla nnd dnUed head, that we hevci molted butter: toy the remaining plec'
at a raorarnf* noilc^ an.l transform*
drenned of. Sometlim^* It revcala i on top and bake In a biscuit-m e
even a *plaln ptatter of hn.«^h Into .i
cure tor aome old adhe. aome worn teen minutes. Remove fr»»m the «
dish dainty cninigh to ret before un
that we tbooght irrenuHliable. in the Invert the cake on a hot platter
exiH'cted ctimiianri It* value as a fla
jnoat nnexpectod way. Botnet Im.^a th. off the bottom layer (which is now the
voring In soups and *p!ced dishes
h ’ htrliMjiiln of humor a-tll j»p on tn tin top), spread with butter, and add a
makew It worth a place to every kftch
page .When we l€«n*t expect it. and pro layer cf berrief prepared as direct .sll
en garde n.
yoke a laugh that aave* ib.^ cUy.
below.. Sift generoualy with powdor»*d
If care Is taken to protect and cul
t .
Al Urn very least, the writing tidei sugar, replacv tke remaining cake, re
tivate, the seedling*.‘h will renew
V as orar aome dtoagreeaWe mom< nti peat the above proex^s, and cover with
lisjlf from year to year, and It will
; gad girca ua a nmr ylewpolnt-alawy- whipped cream sweetened.ahd flavor
flimri^ t'quallr well on the farm. In a
a crying need wlU woman. Needier e«l delicately with orange eairacl and
tiny city dooryard, or ^ven ws a pot
to aay. the diary to never kept, the le» forrod tht^h a pastry-bag. using a
ti*d house plant. In the latter form
ter never poated, tbo alory never a1
Its cnrled. feathery leatrea have *«*rvcd
lowed many hmira of Mfe. But U^aj
Mixture—Waab jlwo a* a Ctmicrplecc to the dinfEg table
*have nerved the beat Of all pnrpoaa quarts of ntrafrbeiTles, huJI. and cut
In the family of one Home Cheer read
!f they have lifted ns out of the akifigh each berry in half. Prepare a a>*rup
er for several wrlnter*. and visitors in
of deapomt Into that calm, uaburried. by bolUag together one4ialf ctipful of
variably comment on Us bexulv.
tinaffrighted atmosphere ao vrilBj to ef- water4tnd one and «i«-half cupfuls of
The following is from a recent
granulated aagar tor four alnates:
pour whHe hot Ofver the beiTtoa. and’
isicjr. which l§ known In tke
let ataad nn hour or more before botanlcM^^^d as Pctroimlinnm aaUnalng. Do not cook the herrlca.
vum. ia a aMlve of Europe, but the
use and cttltamBf.thla pUnt have tomakeaadeUetonaflaaacrL The foBow- come i» gcBta! In aU palto of Jhc
ing to a good todpe tor It: Soak ove.- world tbat recBlllng lU nattre borne
Wlto'i^lk fie wortd wUh maBight a larte tBaeu|>tol
ta|i^ In
Thaor lighten my hartal bardems.
COM water; In the motmlag pot half of
^ brighten Bv takato ho«»a.
n IB a hatteiad yellow warn baking
Ab< acAtur my blaakaat Mthvgjra
Bta arc easy
cMtare and
«4s may ba aoyra Mi the groopd
r time dnriak the gartaihg am
Iroo April nntfl Sc^ember.
When waated for early rammer n*.
the seeds must be sow n In cold framer
iDuow-boxe* before it* U warm
enough for.outdoor planting. .
Palak-y seed gtailaatiis very stow. For ouliloor sowing always T»rtpare the seed by plartag It In hot wa
ter. to" soak for twenty-four hours, in
warm place. 5%ow in drill* one foot
mrt. in rich mejibw noil made frtHfrom lump* jind -siom's. Whtm one or
inehc; ’high thin out the planu jo
tnebes apart in the row?. Ttoplant* which are thinmd out may to
ransplanted into other b<*ds or borb rs. Slid ro made use cf.'
Parsley may be used as a lK>rder in
of^K ri iuiisl herb*, and It should
linayc be grown near Ibc purannlal*.
shert- it WlU not be disturbed with the
firing tilling of the r«t of the gar
den. It to a biennial and hardy In
locallUes. if I*. IK* given a rUlght
protection of boughs or leave* during
be winter to save It from the extn‘m**
Plants ralred from *«*!* sown. In
ReptemiK’r will live two wint.»rs and
hrongh the third summer If the flow
«»r stalks are kepi carefully pruned
during the growing reasonr.. - Spring
ptonts usually di.- during the
plant.* arc also the le-ti^r f..r inning
ir winter culture. Parsb j will grow
i a icmiF rainr»’ c.f a f«-w decriH's
bove (retiring U it be glw n a .sunnv
Indow. The attic or baremmi fiirl<hes grKKl inter quarters for bouse
<*ulture of ihto plant
many lu-tjple the fondness for
Is an acquired ta^'e. like lUsl
of tomatoes and olives, but when once
bltohed It I* a very useful one
a the bouKekeeiK*r's standi»olnl.
pequenlly when a jjorplexed hou.~ekeep< r ta«»s her brain P»r an app«'Uzing dish for brtwkfart, luncheon or
hat Is incgiM-nslvc and re
quire* but little time to piepare. para>
ley will yield an effectual aid. A plain
dish of warmed-nrer potatoi-s wiil ac
quire a fi jHlve appearance an wi ll a>
dell'ciouF flavor by adding a II tie
M l) minpd p.ar-b*y and lk«-ti scatring .1 lew of f.be w hole leav» f. over
the di-h Kv4M) one knows that any
form of rf.ld in. at is given an add. .1
•li.h i.y the use of par ley. 4<ftlM*r
hen rbojiiwHl .and ur.Nl in comblnation as a salad or as a girntoh itl the
disV,-s.flrei-n saluds are aiway . Incompleie wltliou! o dash of parsley and aJT
***1. Vfgelalile salads are made
e ravory b;* the use of this pun
gent plant. Again. In soup* and stew;*
of tollh meat and ve-etabtoa parrb v
Imparl*- a flavor that no wise miok wiil
Finely mln’x-d par.riey mixed
little French salad dressing,
makes delirious sandwlche*. And a
dl:;h of the freshly-gathen.-d brambe*
placed on fh.- luncheon or tea table, .o
1)0 dipped In salt and eaten with hr»*ad
and butler, will furni-'b a hygienic np
peii-A^r f.ir a simple meal that no rare
fully pie,»ai.d' 5W«cimeat. or even
elalvirate ctinfiTlIoii, could prov id.-.
move Ink from the flngera or
tar by APpXylag a damp malch head.
Ire aia^ be made to bum hrightU
itmrt iram seeds than annuahi. Those
eho are rdartlnc them for the Aral
Lirar will achieve better reralu tf not
ivold actual failttre. by paying attenOoa to some very rimule require
Benta Thto month to the to»t time to
i:art them In the open grOanO, and
*vcnr Bovper lover who Is pernmaenUy
kiraled Mould plant at least a W.
IVrennlal seeds not'd even
Murv. mniJdnfc and darkne** and a^
thf'jr often take wtM*kr. to germinate.
paUcnce np*m the pan of the owner.
After planting the reeds ia the ojM-n
gro-ind in June, ctm-r thinly with n
light soil and sprlakie over thi m
choppe.] muoa. the kind that to used
by lloflsta in packing plants for mail
Ing. Then aet an lnvrriv*d flower |iot.
or something rf tfle kind, over the spot
which the ^?eod'; nre sown to ex
rlude the light, and maok the place iki
It will not be dtoturtoHl. vThe moisU
ran be Rtarte.f in any convenient place
Floral Not*a
r«-tunias. vrrto*axs an] plants of
similar habit* of growth rh.mld be
pegged .1. w-n ro as to cov.-r the lK*ds
('arnaiionr. and other idant? wantrsl
to flower lu winter tUc.t arc throwi»g
up flower stem's should be cut bark.
An cXPvlIoDl f.Tilllrer for dollcatioutdoor plants or potUNl plants U
llqirtd manure, made by leaching waleihroagh dhaourc. ^
A quarter of a Siound of ordinary
hbe soap dls.soIvrHl in a .mil of waler make- an- oxn-llent spray for the
that attacks rwrei peas.
aphi;; iha
If planted thto rcrmlh cannas. rin
Idas, dahlias, asters^ maricold*. etc.,
will f.rrulsb blooms until frori and
glvceuttingf fnr iKiyq Mt-. ibrougb the
lati nminicr.
A partially shad.-.! viu.t to a giwid
plan- for bon -,, olaiil'. in the mimtucr.
Ihui’l negl.cl to water tlM-iu, luit .Jo
not give
abundanre of water ii
lbo.Me plan - n.HNlirig rert.
by throwing
lated sugar toto IL
A ptae or’chBrboal put tnto me poi
Ith boning onions vUl absorb most
of the odorl
Lcmqns can be keid almoat Indefl
nlU'!y under glass chat K-light and
air tight. Sex one under a gotd»H ami
If the lamp is i^pset and the oil
rmother It out. ■
take grtwse cut of dress gotwls
gel from your druggist a piece of
Fivnch chalk—with a penknife scrap*
a.w:p.h_«.r fine djvt to cover well
;d}.Nl spotn. and iay the garmen*
away carefully for r.-nie bour^— a day
»r two, fw'rhai.«i~tlien ^^ulke or brush
t off gtmllj. If ’he r.Kds ar<- imH fo
il.;) r m.o.-.i' rep. at the pioc.-ss.
To ri-moy.- r»*aM- s|hiIs from car
[K-to .-in.! rug:« t^mr toiiling hot wat. r
mx-qual parts, f magm-sia and full*?! V
I'arrii; iiuik.- a pa.Uc of this and pul on
L-ar|K-s while hoc. Biuah off wtoa
Jry and nain wiil have di .apiu-arx’d.
Old can.' chairs, when worn and
staln.’d. may Le very greatly improved
la spm-arance b> the following meth
Fir--1 wake a lather-of warm wa
and soan. to which a Utile alrolud
has to-eii added? then, while the eaieto still vrot. Vtn w it well with flower
r Milphar. a'fu! leave It until dry.
ben the sulphur may to- tinudied off
with n ::tlff Imi^h. "
pfieras mixed
dorc room .
.-ct life away;
Bb acti fiul«-.l nuM
ud.-ne.'/ r.4K S'I
Sun-Cooked Strawberries.
Tliose who like o very rii h prejw-rve.
or berii.-s for gaiaishing. sh»n;ld try
stui<«okel rtr4wl).rri.s. WbatToEa.
rii-es th.-'folUiwing j»?Hj»c:
l-\.r sun-cooked Mr.twto me»: try rid
reclp.'; To «»ne quart of l..-rrkrH takone plnMif igar and .uA-half pint 4,f
wat.r.i H^-Jl the‘sugar and' water un
III It dropjv t»ff the spmui like j4 Uy.
tlu*a put tbe-to iTl.'s dn and nsd; five
flK ell. Pastor.
Morning service. 10:30 a. m.
lllble cihooi at Boon.
n.rtoJlan Entavor. <:S0 p. a.
KitMilng service, 7:30 p. Bi.
W. M S. first WedncBday ta tho
*'^da1 hour
All are
Fourteenth Street M. t dmrcK
L. li. Carp*
liter, pastor.
12:00 m.
.worth league at C;30 p. m.
t ning ?N I moil. 7:30 p. m.
ever meeting. TburadBy. ovoatti
JIng. FroBt]
strt:«-f. niwr (’**< stroet. (Captain aad ;
Mrs. Iknm-rr. In charge. I'ubllc meetIngs every night »’Xet |»l Monday. Sun-
red hot aalvatlon mectiag.- ..
Our battle -ry; Sinner, thers Is i
Monilr.g service and r-.-rmon. 10:.‘;0
Stti.d.ny srli.Kd and lUbb- H.-iks at
Kveii.ng servite and sernmn, 7-no p
W.-ek dayis am] holy days as ap
square cak»- pan? . pour the to*rri. s oc
Ft Francis church, corner Ca.Hs anr
the platter or Into the tiiir, and r.d in T.-nth slrtM-i.
the lirirht sun. Do this fur two nior.l>o;r ninn .. Ctff. and S;00 o'clock
Hlr.h eus»^ 9 00 and 10:30.
.lays until riie t yrup ir. Hke j« Uy. D->
VeKix'r*. T:r*.o p. m.
nol reheat the l.-rrlcs/liut put them
Lenten deviiiiun*. Wednesday and
into g'as'.es cold. S.-al.the iop>- wllh
Friday evenings. 7:30.
parafTln. The I . rrlrs will In- firm,
kerp their sii.i.M :«.nd le d -llcJo..4 in
AtbuL M. E. Church,
Hugb lKen....!) Pastor,
meeting. 9:4& p. ro.
Morning iservice. 10:30 a. BB.
Sunday s
Roaches ar-d Other PesU.
Tlie que-iion of kei'ping all kin
n*k T»iur*.lay evening
bugs and roaches out of the h.mr** ha?
A cordial wrIcnmo to these
be<m Wld. ly dlrni*;« d In all sor
hrirt (Oisdt
IiajH-rr, I-kich bo?iM k« eu-u liaThnmxn IVnn
om. Miutotcr
own formula.‘mere cr b rr eff41
Care of Rose*,
Qul.-l hou
0 a. III.
Moraiiig' Xworship and sermo
the month of roW. and un A m.Miol honrike..i„T rlaiip-'- ««
fv-lipol. 13 m.
fortunate to tb.* home florist who largi ly experimenti-^l. and has 1
t;e,j*„r Lnd.-avo-. »: 0«.
hasn't one or mord.bushes In the yard the following an ai.Fol'jte ami
K. :jf:;g evaiirpdir.iic s.*sri.)n. T
or garden c.v. red w ith fracranb bios way of disposing of tinpontecnsial prayer meeting Thor*
somr. Other flow. r.** make their ap a large l-fush and a quanUly of
day evening at 7:30.
pi>arance this mrinih. to be sure. bn‘ pent ine and wher.-ver roaches or i
Ji^b.r f-:nde.avor nSturdays. 2:30. /
bu.Jp? have apinared. molrt.-n
none is ro .popular as.ih.* groa*. glow
Ikjrca* Aid r.w ic:y mc-tR every sec
wood work. &vpiTlally «^lMiiild the mnl and fourth- Wednesday of each
ing June ro!H.‘-7«*ver) bo.l.Vs favorr *
month at 1:30.
flower. The presence .if lh«*se flowerji crackf: in the doors and ov.-r th.‘ dot
T1)e C. W’. It M. auxilary hr>ld
be liberally Irvat.-d wlih this tiir|KnIn the garden. In varying RlxaUe.s and
line Any roach touched by the Itir meetings fho first Wednesday in each
shapes, their fragrance delightfully
month at 7:30.
pent ine will to- inr t niiily killed am
"W.dcomo lb worship with us are
IKTfumlBg Ibe atmosphere, makes one
all ergs d.*rdroyed. The odor of Un slrangt-ra, workingmeji and the
,turp«*ntine is not agtei-a!de to manypcopV. hut a few hour.* airing wi 1
First M. E. Church.
way of keeping the young flower-pro
dirpose orjhi? ol.J.'ClIon.
Rev. Thos. Cox, Pa-rior.
.luring shoot* growing ihrlfUIy after
Clasn meeting. 9:30 a. m.
the first glorious outburst of blossoms
Morning sorvire. 10;30 a. m.
Sunday nchnol t
lc« for Table Uae.
While a perpetual blooming roue bash
I?t>worlh league,
A ^f*od many women do not 1
Is out of the nuesilon In the ordinary
Turning s.Tvir#-, 7:30 p. m.
sense, the blooming peritKl can to: how to Chou Ice for tabic use. Th.*
Tbiirsday al 4;00 p. ra
greatly pf^longell by careful manage operation Is not a difficult one. If yc ^ JunU>r league
meeting Thursday evshlng at
mcnl. This Includes cutting back hare a heavy canvas tong to bold tl
giK*d mulching Willi mail lire* not uk Ice and a taallct for p jund.ng it. Ac
freeb. and fighting insect p«-sts. Site rtout. cl.-an bag. wheri.er It Y« ma*;
Baptist Church.
W. T. Woodhottse, Paster.
ce.s.*;f«l rwe growers do not wail fo; of canvas or merely of thick nnirll
Morning. 10:30.
the first crop of flowers to fade to forc will answer ibc pur|»ofe.. 1 have sec
Sunday school, J2:^.
cutting iJack the bu«^hc«:. nowmrs witli a wc:man us.: an olj aiding l.ag and
Baraca Bible daaa. 12:flt.
a Y. P. U.. C:3(f.
long-ctcms are cut In generouB quan pound tto ire with the heavy ei
Ev ening. 7:30.
Utica. If a single large branch, oi p-n bld-rasUiotted ^ta.-n poUio mash
Junior Union. Batnrday at 2:30.
strung shoot from the root, ia^ut ol er. The ri-suli was quite n^ aaUtfacbloom liefore the other.* it it cut baeV tory as If she had tad the apeciallj
to within a foot of the ground, aB.3 prepared bag and maUet Thc^rM
AU are cordlaUy Inrltcd to tba •»
fresh .vboots wiU often have atarUsl mcniB of Ice arc prtvepted from fly
from It l^fore the flowera on oUiei ing .by the cloth., and the blunt wooden
root* bare ladci On healthy buabci pounder does hot Injure the bag as a
rose-bugs. It scomSi are ever preaenl metal one might do.
nnd have to be picked off by hand, at
do the caterpillar* that cat the leave*
I lost five very handsome cat* be
A spray of atnm* aftaprad*. tobacco
water or heUcborc may be used or fore I tamed that a piece of raw
otlleV iaaecu that infest and moler roUed In powdered sulphur given once
t^lMBBU. ThBrosBa.wUl Bta WBtei
7:H evening gospel aervlet
Ice. If you \
bc^ In Traverae^aty, you are earn
ed Invited (o .cxBae. gto i
and work and wmhlp c
with u*.
etamc to alL In^oduceyourfritas.
Groet the stranger*. If a stranger, wait
Id meet the pastor.
Riwvrlal st'Tvlcea aanovBta Ib Um •
church brevities.
Jtegular servlta as
!0:3rt a. m.. niornli
hip IBi.
Tmoo. Gbol
lOf MfB.
12 m.. Sunday srhool. Tf preveatea
attending, j-m the home department
h:t5 p. m . Tong;; Poole's Society
f tnirlstlan Endi-avor In the parlors,
7:30 p. m . evening worship. G<wpei
u-eting and evWgeltot|c servlcB..
iMvlr under dlreerion of Dr. Smith.
Tburr-iUy. 7:30 p. m^ prayer aad
Sunday i
^rvlee In Modm
W»»o.Ift,an ball oier posh
evening, Testimony
m.’oling .-il 7..30
ll.uidtug room. Nn. 314 W
block. o|K-n every afternoon (<
Hiindavi fr»»ro 2 to B.
A . cordial Invitation to attei
services and the reading room.
Church Brevities.
At tie Find McltouM’d rhiirrh Kw
mor.ow Mn- subjif-t In ito- imirnliig
will to- "The Mearikig and Miniiiry of
.»f .«4urow" In till- ivcniiiR at 7 3U,
"Wton, thi- Joy lb Ito are Rim ing In
tlu- Hiart.” Tlu
wrmouF will bo
diwiissionv of vital fact-; of life ihsl .
arc of Imivirtanrc to all and *-srM*elal-^ '
!> iLo.-c wli i Lave pas
thrt»ugh ItorTb. ’tmi-ldiiif: elder rd i|,c Grand
TV.nv. rM\|l.siricl. Ib v. A. T. FcigUKon.
will drilvi-r tb*- ?.-rmoii at the Asbtiry
MeiiMHllst Kpl iopal rhmcl, Sunday
m 7:3«»
TIm- II’a. M. S. Tb-ed of Alden. ptsfor at largi- bf. tto- Grand Traverse .
.IJa|«rc.t ar..-»K-lation. will uiK-ak at thi-’
ri.i’riri ciiu.ch Sunday morning and i ; .
ellc-il •Church-The
egular f
iiMl.iv ni
III be 1.
;:ivei. up to thec Chil.lrcn
- day-exor-}
r,.4-r al 1‘»:.30. An lrit« M-sUng pire.|
gram, will to- rvndcr<-«l by the childreit >
of tlie Sunday Kchrsd. A sliver offer- .
ing will to? ler . ivtvi. Hi the evening at
7::;*J tto- M-rvlc-s will to- e .|K-riaily In
Ihe Intenri of the GIris’ an.1 Boys*
AfhIHh iss/^iailons of the HIgu '
school who will attend in a to.dy In
• to an Invitation by the pacordial invliaih»n iii extended
Death From Lockjaw
Nevf-r follows an Injiirv dressed wllh
Buck len s Arnh
al F.Hve. Its anttoeptic and to-alinus properties prevent
bK»otl polRouSng. Gha-. Oswald, roerrhanl. of lU-ns^elaervilh-, N.
writ*#: "It curtil 8e(b Burch of fbU
place of the iiglio^sort- on bis neck I
ev.-r saw.” CureiTciito. woundr. bums
and sores. 2.V. al Johnson lirag Co.*a.
F. If Meads. C. A. Biigbee Drug Co.*»
drug atorea.
Notice to all Persona Intereeted.
The special a**e*Mnent Ux roll for
the grading apd paving of VM Pronr
street from the nast line of Park strvwt
to the oast line of Wellington.alrort. to
now In my bands fog collection of th*
second Inslallmcfit, lort'ther with tho
Infrrem on all unpaid installmenU.
Ibe same to be paid on or before Urn
3Wh day of June. 1!M)C.
M. E. HaakclL CUy Treasurer.
Office. Room 202, State Bank BMMlag.
When you open a pad>‘
age of Uneeda Bisdiilt
it*s like opening the oven
door and taking them out
crisp, fresh, and clean. .
Uneeda Biscuit
Out Kwtmr of tlo^ ITot^crsIty of
iMTOotf IlHit Joktejr OorrHIft, Un>
sfwi aU^wowid aiWot*. •»< Joe Cor
U», tbe IrKk otW«<e ood eajMJo^elec*
of the .t»M| MfdUsaa foottall umm.
mM mMt te extdMUoni kteo oo
JWM » oi tlio Ctrlc sUMc coolest
Curtis will prf>b*Wy sppesr In tbir
hnnmer Urow mud shot pat, wlille
Oarrells will tkrow the discus, pot tlir
shot, throw the hnmmer nod run Jie
VTfrjrthIftii points to ooe of the most
Moeessfnl awciU thnt hns ever been
held nloeo the Ovie nthhrtlc cofUests
hnve been losUtot^.
Kent ^onifdoTHte iwHioUiArles win
be pulHoi off nod
wni qonUfr for the ionU to be hehl
fdooship soeiBn to develop In n mce
between the Third and'K^Hirih ward
athletic teams. The Fourth ward team
with fioroer as a meml^. looks to Iksllffhtif the atrtMiaeiU,' although the
two Dewejra. and FlUjdhbon form a
etroog eombtoaUon for the Third. The
Jpidor team eham^ooahlp Is almost
meoded to the Ninth ward fmim. as
they bare one of the atrongest teams
that has ever appeared on the field.
. taroey Okffleld Will Race Over 8L
Leula Track Whem He NeaHy
, Met Heath Before.
thing. Now Why €lao*t Komc
get out and hoKtle the thing?
If that four mile an boor ordinanos
goes 'through In Detroit there srin
doubiedly be a hot tlase In Deiroii for
a while. Autoists will fight It In t
Offeeaff g* OkHteW That Coay cf Chi.
CUBO Would Beal Him SMurday
Fumbbed complcUi, with thaft and
re\’i^r«ible propeller
, . AJao 2,3.4CylinderMotow
Gas Engine Repairs a Specialty
....... w
5 3
10 15
.......... .......... ..
. Copemish Grays
Sunday, June 17
O.-W. b. Park.
If you want Low Prices
If You Want Good Quality
Baigains in Sligiitty Use!
Ipiams Rnd Organs
Ihis Week.
If Quality is to be Considered
with the Price
We Caii Get Your Business.
Come and See US
J. E' Greilick Co.
M. OiMiade. Uic pew leader of the
^ ^ncialisu In the French ehamber of
! ^hpotJea., aays: “In fonr yewrs* the
wUI be aUe IP con
sider coolly a rei<ffntk*ai7
Kimball Music
anil Surxpon, Officr* 4074 .Stats
Bank block, witb Dr. O. K. (%ssi.
CUT plmnr 325 2R, Rfwldi-SM 5fit
v, nth atresi. with llw lllasM
Carroll, CHr.. phone 53S.
TRAVERSE pITY Norinal ^Muate
Teacher, Mr*. Frascea 8.
Smith. Grailuate pupil of Prof. FrvJ*
A rl< k Horoci* CUrk of Cbl^. Ml
Frtml rirei*L Siudld No. IS,
duaii xtaira. Ctlx. pboos No. €04.
Troverito laind aad Losa Oa, F.
Thurtrll. Manaairr. OtBos^ roOM K
Hamllioa ^a Mlliikra bloOk.
tcnilon to dlMaaoa of tks (
00*0 and throat Olasaw
Roomi 7 and *. H. A L.
Don’t im;igine that your Ii.tsaCabloelL Botapboasa
ilous it. all.
The vtduA’Ie ciiU
w^mneh of a figure in Alriviiig Da E. a MlNOft-OfSos mr Amm^
lean Drue Rtor«.e Bfiselal attsatloa
ffor plcTiatm* or on busitit-ss, and
to ♦yo. ear, doao and throat Otaaoii
fitted. Roth pbosM. Bsoldsacs 81i
Hie Ijorue knows it.
^Make itoasy
Sixth atroiA.
for^liim, mid so for yourself, by
The Wagon Counts, Too!
getting^ i^y running rig from
our bi^T•<‘x h of “transportation
SARA T. CHASE, M. O.—rhjrotelsn
rreifflit. psTMls and tnnte OttM
at aty Book.Btors.
. ^fiingle CylindertL 1, 2, 3. 6 and
7 Horae Pontpr
no »iii iHTin .«ininK ^
R n. K.
Oakland, CaL. June 1C.—Ralph W.
loo tor 111. 1.alllo for ilio f.alh. rw.«nnv»i iTTaf-ir#
RtMK*. lyaldsl.uiK-s gigantic young ath- weigh. eh..»,.H.n,hlp wl.h Aho A..-,.,
lete. has left fpr the rnlverslty of In hlch Is scheduled to uko plarv July
diana. where he Intends rosiimlng his
Incidentally he may enter th»*
rcctvd breaking busint'ss in the ath
letic world again. During his vacation
Cincinnati .
Boston .....
One of the i|th.
letea admirers says he can cut two
day. He Is/the pride
of the post office Infesting <^ltlxens of
• native town, and when Saturday with the New York Yacht club fA»r
* than thirty years. Is seriously 111
evening he Joined a grand march
Uirough the main'stre«*ts a crowd of at hlK yr^dence here.
in Arl»or. Mlih.. June 1C.—Repori
adnllrlnp youngRl«*rR kept cIosa- com
eimiA'K that the Tt)b*ilo b*agUA* team
pany to his heels.
has farmed Grover Gillen a Wn^ht.*
naw county bA»y. who has pitehi-Al four
winning gami-s out of six with Jh'Took Feature Event
Swamp Angels. Gillen will go to ,th*‘,
Latest and Newest Case
Da*s Moines lA*am. He was with TaThursday' by Five Lengths—40 to
Uesign**. RcnAaissantjC,
c»n.«<* laM ).ar?- •
l.’Art .\ouveau, ColonAccountaut. thr .”.y.-ar-olU lay col!
* ial and1 Inexpensive
New Y»»rk, Jun.* IG.—.\doratlon.
Iiaeked from H to 5 to 7 to in, won the
Cottage Uprights
ork by >V. Harry Brown to J.amea, \V.
FISHING TACKLR. bait, launches Cltiver Stakes, the f«aturv of the card Brody fA»r |40.<vh). It Is a pretty steep
Giavesend Thursday. She went t*J price for a colt, birt If Armintant
and row boats for fishermen. Hotel
the front at the start and rounding cnm#*R tu> tOK*xpA*ctatlons he mill win
Wisteria. Fouch.
June Mf
the far turn opA-ned up a gap of five several tlmA*e that amount for his ownlengths and bolding her advantage to
the finish won by the same distance.
Ixmdon. June. 16—At the Piinceiis
Kllilecrankie finUhtMl second three club Friday ^fterno<»n Jay Gould ®of
lengths lM*fore I^arhesls. a ^0 to
l.akew7N»d. N. J., defi'atA d the world’s
►hot. who wa.s an ad.led klarter. ’
champion court tA-nuis playir, CatII
Harrv Bmwn sold to JamA S B. Brady Fairc.'by 3 1: tin* f<HJres were 6 4.
We have pianos here ’
the threi* year-old b.vv colt Acc
6 2.6-3.
to match the furnishings
ant for thi* n-portc'd price of ftu.ouo
Boston. June 16.—Thatle.s NA-ary of
of mansion or cottage;
Dels by Fllli;rane UA-A-kon and Is CAin MilwaukoA* got the dAK*ision ovax- ”Kbl*!
ptanos of the highest
KlilerAHl, now that BurgomaslA*r I* r<‘ GooAlman of Bosicln In a fifteA*n-rouud
class; pianos that are ar^
llrAHl. to be the ls*st rtdl in the east. CAioteat at the Unredn Athletic club.
tistic fr9rti every view^
He Is hA>avily engaged in all the thrtn*
point; pianos that the
yt'ar-old stakea
the advantage of
world’s great musicians
the fifteen. Irtil be was unable to
Base Ball Tomorrow.
say arc the best.
send.a rnockout punch to GooAfman
O. W. P. VK. Coin mlsh on -forraeKA
Game called at » o'clock.
New York. June 16.-Nomln*lon by
At our warcrooms yon have
The O. W. D.'s defeated Kak'hii:* lndeiK*hdA*nts vs. Wylb- the atitomAiblle cJub of Turin f>T a comsplemlnl facilities for testing
the Copemish Grays June 10 Facu»rj tA-am. Ilower* Harbor Boat pb*te Italian tA*am for the VandertMll
each instrume.^.t in home
cup race on Oct. 6 is on the way t->
in a 13-inning contest.
like conditions.
jA-aves at 1 :Si*.
thl* country.liy mail. This news was
Our modem system of j i*
cabled to E. Rand Hollander. TIlc
ano selling, marking eadi inItalian drivers will Ik* l,Anrla. Narraro.
atruirent in plain tigurcson
Dr. NVeillscott. Cagno and Fahn*. ThAsmallest fjossible margin
cars will be alovi one hundr^. and
sistenl with legitimate bnsitwenty horse power
ness methoGls, gives each ensBay City evidently ha* a real base
tomer greater 6t»cnrity for
111 team In the men who hkv4 be-n
faUraloc than the old way
pick«l to Independently represent the
making Uie price match
Yes^day the Cadillac
the pockellxjok.
were trimroeAl by a
of 5 to 0 and let down with oi
X for Bay City
and mily Barber was behind the bat
VellA^ and Snlcer were In Ihe pedntj
for Cadniac.
Rube WaddeU took a fishing trip
Term, ewb nr $.5 (o $25
up to Mt. Clemens yesterday abd
oMbmul $.5. $7 to $10 i>er
In a ball game by playing first 1
n^ib bo,-, aoy >pri«ht
with the Mt. Clemens Soothern Nlch
igan league team agalasl an amateur
Our Small faymntl Plan
from Fort Wame. Ind.. known
J Bines. The leaguers managed
makes buying
to srin^cwit by a score of S lo 4.
8L Louis. Mo.. June 16.—Over Ihe
course where his Hying machine once
amashed through the Inclosing feni'e,
killed two men and badly bruised the
daring driver hlmaelf. Barney Oldllehl
will again participate. in an gutomiv
bHe race here next Saturday. The
•vent la to Ik* a five mile Invitation
conleat. live entrl.*s to go fc»r a |l.W»o
puma, and win Ik» IIk* feature
mneUng. which Is to Ik* held at the
Fair Grounds under the auspices of
the St. Louis Automobile aasodatlon.
Oldfield Ulkeil very freely hen*. 'I
do not llke^ to Jm quoted as retiring
from the game/ but I And that after
a Jong Uyniir I lose my eye., and It
takes considerable training to get it
Into shape again.*’ he paid. **I fcH*l as
though I am gradually losing my
nerve, although I am at present' in as
good form as 1 ever was. and expect
to break the iw^rd for one mile at
either Indianapolis or Chlrago."
are the |onlyj Soda
Crackers. Others cease
to be “crackers” after a
few hours exposure to the
Open a paclo^e of
Uneeda Biscuit to«day.
San Pranriaco. Jone ll.-James J.
Coffroih. bead of the Trtsco fight
truft. aald today that the boxing game
wni be rcMMUDod the middle of Augum. Cleveland .. ......39
The ooe thing that ia holding the pro^ Now York .. ......21
30 '
moiert of big oonteMa from opening PhlladAlphta ........ M
up at the prrmmt time U the lack of Ootroll ...............26
accommodatkms for the om of town
BC l>*iil»
pobUc that always makes It a potat of ffblcajco .... ......22
coming to the city. Coffroth would Waahincton.
- JJ6A*
like to get’Nelson and Cans together,
St , •-.294
Boston........ ......15
but the former wtaled that such a
match was beyond qtuktkm. In his
;Won._ Doat
opinion the fight would not -draw, for
the reason that if Cana made the
^ 17
weight—125 pounds—the public would
.64 V
NV* York
l»elleve the match a fake.
Los Angeles will not give up the po
gi, l>Kib
sition that it hai been holding tempo
Brooklyn ... .-....,21
rarily without aJjsrd struggle, -nie
CInclim*!i r............31
June flstU* carnival to be given under
BoidOD ...........17
36 ,
the anvnlces of the Pacific
club. in the southern city. promfRes to
be unique in the hbnorr of the fight
arena. It will U* a veriinlde luitile of
RAiulh Bend
fi 7 Z
nation*. Among thos«J^who will take
part In the lioiit are a Chinaman. Jew.
Pole. Turk. Greek and an Italian
Chlrago. m. June 16 -k:. A. Cwy
tim Chicago mnikmaMre automobile en
tbualaat. Thursday night wired an of
fer to Barney OldOdd to make a sidbet of $1,000 that he would defeat th<
iploB In the big ract^at 8t. Loul
8alurday. Cqej U one of tbe beji
dHvers in the country and has just re
celved hts new racing car of 110^1
power from the fscior>-. fie will drive
this ear at St. 1,/ruis. Instead of bis 00^
irse power machine.
Jerry Kilts Ihe local daredevil, who
a great rival of Copy, has offered to
The following fighters will psrUclbet Ooey that he ran dofeat blm In a
heat of the fl.ooo race in 8t. LouU pate In the camlvql: Harry Baker
•Kid” Dalton. 16 rounds;
and the two will ask the racing .eom
miflee to place them in the same trial Attell .vs.. Ah Wing, six nium
Walsh vs. Tommy iKjahy. sU round*imalgan vs. Jim Trimble,^ six N«*w York
ds; I^Mrd 1-atider vs. Billy Cleveland
Athlete Will be There Next Vear- Ixjcke. six rounds, and Billy Walsh i ^-ashini
vs. Voting Ih'rry. six rounds.
^ Has Been ftplitting'Wood,
Frankie N<*11 arrived In Dos AngA*h‘s «
iTwo C«rde a Day.
Da W. a MOON—Fhsnaa, sMoa
au, 107; Boa M. RsildSDea Tlfi
Waahlnftoa itrsM. 0^ pBoas tlla
oa A. H, HOLLIDAY. OraduaU Ts*
Qncen City Implement Co.
CiL pboae 7.-.I.
12S K. Front Ft
A Barl’t Jswslry
lohn R. Santo’
Plant now
Ifcw WUhdm Blk..' TrtTcrsc City
We have them to sell.
General Insurance
Eooa No 1. Oty (Wm Uosm Block
l>a LAWTOK-Phyatclan agd osi*
ffeoo; office* Id Wilhelm block, third
Boor with Dri. Bawysr and Psakak
• • tuner and actlim rsffulator. I
faction xuaranfeed.. With Kll
Music Hoii»e. CItx. phone *€4.
PIANO TUNING—Bailxfaction asarw
at.f.A-,1. F. D. NlchoU. $29 BosU
fnlon. Cllr. phone 1198.
apr ^
«• 2f"'s!ICE AND
-----J At
Either Ice or Wood
zoi yront street| - ^rjn
be delivered
promptly if prdcred
DnW. J. Higgins
Fine Dental Work'laniBS G. HopkinS
abstracts cTf title—C. O. Oaiv
TAT. Price* raaxonahie. Office with
O P. Carver A Bnx Both phoasa.
Da a F. CHABE-HoasopathlsL Of*
flee aver Bafbee'* drug w4iom, 610*
xeba phooe-Eaaldfmea tU: office
auf tl4ms
oa a L. THIRLBV-BpecMl attas.
tlOQ to dlMiiea of chlldrM. KooM
499 SUte Bank bids. BoU phoaaa
Cit phone 711.
ai my offloe and
UlM-ril. JCP1.Y
mtst «o mso
Ab»elu«*ly frmm
This means you only pay for the stove. The pipe from
the main to the stove-and all labor
free of charge.
rate* before ra-
Ol-fcy Oas
DENTISTOffice SOS Kew Wilbebn Block,
Citiians’pbooe G3!t.
For those who love outdoor
excrcLc includes spraying the
flower beds, mowing and
watering the lawn. We have
everything that will meet
vo-jr needs in "lawn mowers,
hose with ball nozzles, i
at bedrock prices.
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