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The Evening Record, January 18, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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•pMUl Taiacraph I
er OMAC to Proam.
18. IBM.
A pUanat nrprUe wai toxmag Uei
Bight apoa O. L. OUppar. at hi* tr«:
>. Ad Stoto eutot. Mr. OUpper
down town wbeu aboat forty
------ d* took potopmlnB af hU jaetoIsea When bi- ■renrued be fosad
For Thiwatonlng to AbmmI- them swWtiBg hi* stHraL - Tbe |iuty
oUBBod in howwot
nata Rooaavait
Unhday oai
la tok«s of
their n«ant Ibn trieude leti a tendacNaecImir tot kbe hoa<md gwitUTEN YEARS' IMPRISONHENT maa. Tb.' neentag wa* derotod to
daaciag aud gaaMS aad a atoe re|m*t
rs.ri-Jir^'VS.'slo. S. SOLDIER
i law tbateoadn^ Arid that dwoMdi
of oiban aUtbi aa}oy tn blawiaca
Majw Bayawa. riBtaUy -M»ad tb.
fatfearaf tbe Maura haw, claaad tb«
awrtlaa vtUi ao* of hU aeal Mtrrlaf
I at #10 MMtIng
in addreaM wblafa alwaya iaayWe a Xae-
Stalnbarg'a Grand
eatoa wiili a daWmiaatioa to perrataata tbr goad worll awrtad by'Fathar"
Boyatua twauty yean ago.
Boyaioe »Tiaw«4 tha blatary of tbe
MaaaaUxa dariag tlie peat
ytanaadwiib hia ialwltabla tana
Addraaa by Great Ui4y.R^r
Kaaper Emma E. Bowar
a bis aadlaaoa tbo ralaa
of tblf nigaalMilaa as a taoweiicc t
ibe borne aad a foatarlag
aategg mwkiad.
Mayor Boyabm darotad moat of bit
yaatioa to tbe raaarra
Paw<e« Ee-
fand plau of
^ baproBw Teat. He told bow timt
body was tbe elilld of the Qreat Camp
of Mtobigaa. aad b«w it a<>w eoaght
Mffwahaw aad lo^j Maoeabaae wbiab
aad fitaot
Kaeiar MU. Kmto.
Lady Kawrd
K. Bower, ia
Tbarawam tally foer baadrad iat«
Tliay wwe aot oaly later, ilad
ta BHatlag tbe diellagBia)<ed
at tbe order aad the emioeat
wbo IM doae au auab fur ih- K O
• T. M . bat ware eacer to hitao to tbe
prupoaltioBe add arawineau la tarot
of etiaaaloa at tbe MaeoaWee of ibr
liraatCaaip of Miubigaa law other
Mayor Boyatoe aad Uiea Bowar arrlead oo aa aarly eraotag tiala aad
oaoe waat to iVrk
Hlaoe tor aapper.
Wbea tl>ey reaobed tbe ball aboat B
o’eloefe they wdre warmly xaeatred.
l^reairtot the laflaaaee of tbe latter
by bluAlag iu pragrew la faraad.T
Abide. He wld a reaarre faad
He spoke of tbe diSereaees ber____
tbeUteat Cbmp and Bapreme TeaL
bat .«ld that epoh dlffenaaee only
mad* iblnge brigbtor and itlmalatod
Hie membon to renewed rxerttrme. la
epeaklag of iheteaereefaad.be deeUred that tbe only way to maki
frataraal order, a sseoeae was ooopa
itoa. aad tfaU wae what did aoi exist
a Tbe Bapreme TeuL
la reterrlag to tbe ouIleeHea and
diUmruBaat ofebe (oada be «aid (b^
there we. a vast dlffarcaee beiwetm
eeileetlag aad diebanlng ttO.OOO.OOO
sad eolieetlag aad tareetlag tbe wae
amoaat. It reqairee a high oloM of
Oomoutadat .of Trareree City Teat.
baadllag eaeb rest aaau
maeh aa saeb moa would reogve Id
othrr Hoe* af bosiaem. He deeland
that it than had been no reoerre fand
tb Ibe Supremo teat there would bare
been ao tompttUoa for aa ofllola) to
ipfropruto to hU own aae 49T.OOO.
Tbe speaker eoatlened along tbU
line tor aboat an boar aad eloeed wUb :
ao cameat app>wl for
peatod FXiaeselaa of ep|<a*Uioa to tbe
belweaatbeaddn<iae*iu>deaeh ttaw
food plan of tbe Saptome
remarka appropriate to tbe oopaalaa
aad paid a deaerved tHbota 10 Mayor
Hoyaioe aad MIm Bower. Mr. FrM
rich ootllaed tbe objeota of tbe awet
lag aad then latrodae^ aquartat ooa.
eUiiag of O A. ttkelobar, B. B.
' White. Ham Obanberlala aad C. P.
Hanier. They raoderwl a pleaatag wlaotlaa aud were wamilr eaoi
_— .___ _
er. Mr. Balpb Uaelett, Mr. C
}k.'Icb.T end Mru Degaea.vocal dae't.
Dr. and Mrs. Uotlldey; nedleg. Mr*.
Ida kf. Beih-y; vooel trto. Mn. Rowley. MxAjXtUaC Mr*. Dayi.m. Vlolia. Pmr. D. W. 8i.-wart. Tbe bealo
oleb else eppiar la tb.-ir mos< eai.-ruiaiagfonu. TlML.iuaay frieade of
Mr*. DooTiT will be gUd tokaow tbai
ebi' bae laumleed lofanUb oee of h.-r
brlllUot pUa.< eeleetioae'
Tiobcie U ernie Oa mle ei Mill'
.r's drag etere ead Perk Place hotel.
At tbe mebilngof tb.-Orange tbie
afirniocM. the r>-et ntly elected ofAc n
were iUMsdIed.
tekeeud repreted tbe v
of those preeeui, wbieb wa e
leesanl featura of tbe afUTiiooii
The'cloekoftbeKortbeni Mioaigen
Traueportetlon Oo. will ta eloa-d for
tbe eeaeou today, bat (b>- elcam.T
Oreecent may make aaotber trip Mod.
r u«.rt. Keadu anOeWr I
M e I»vi- a li-a twell l Uicr* left ihxt you may lake XBay for $15 each
—swell lot at $12, $111. $7, $.-» an.I alioul a iloien that will close at
$S.75 each.-
Say. if y<iur bo) wam» knn-]>xnt», now ^ iIm timc—over aix hundred
tuchookcfmin ami every ]iair worth not lc*x than 5Uc, mem CSand 76c.
rheae we have in drcfeeJ or unJrcsseil, almost all shade*—warm lined
‘‘.Adler" brand—jjet a jair. Ii matters but lillle what yon want mthe
way omothinjc, Hals. Kum.dnngs—here you can buy chewier than
elsewhere bei ause we nce«l Ihe tnoney.
' OpenS.
this Evening.
Leading Clothiers.
Mr. Priadrisl. iatrodaoed aa tbe
Keproai'iitaiivo. of Trarerae Bay a'iehed tbe noaey which caaeed tbe
Bret apwkar. Sir Knight Oa
aud Ttan-ne Oiiyicnta and Uxb local w^l.' eoaadaL
U. 1). WllUamrof Ualhona Teat, of biro* Wore on tbo platform. DepBattb' Om>k. wbo 1* alee tbe maaag aty Oreal Oomiaaiider Bam Withrow
' tag aditur of the Fraternal Unmi ra*;iao pr.w.-ni.
Joaraal. wblob wae roeaatly etmb.
la til* oadieoce ware s Urge
kMiwee t'etHiaa tr WeeeeveH AatoaM i
lubad to fortbar tbe atti^gia fratoraal •r fram Hatioa* Bay. BU Raptda.
fropoeea CM U tbe .IiMr oa
iwopoeltioa ae agalu.t ih>
Uld MUsioa. Bellain. Ha- raUea Hew Nwar.
feed plaa of orgaaitations like tbe pie Oily, Oratre and other sarroaBd.
ljyv<*rTa»ik •»*•*■■**(<■
Mabeabaya Mr. WiUiame li a pleaalag talker aad-be U familiar with aU
WeahtngtoB. Jen.
pbaaw or frataraal laaaraaea.
BooesTeU to^ rea-irod the foHoW'
wpaolally with Ibe K. O. T. M.
lagpetllioa agalast (be r^aetlooW
William, at oaoe began tbe dlaei
•BgBr dotlee frorakhn Miehigea Sagar
of tbe proiKwIttOD io I xiond Ibe Jarli- Boar DelegAtAB Sand Note to Manateeion-n AseooUtioa. rcpreneai
(llotlae of tbe Ureal Oamp of MIohl
lag taa beet eagar iaduttry of MiehiPremier Sallabury
gaa tato other auiu. Th<- Idea of
gaa: ‘'We prates! against nay tedaeIhle U to maiatalQ tbe low rale of a>tiOB in tbe new tariS oa raw rogar*.
aeaamaal by laradlag a widiv lemeepeoUlly ae snob ledaeiloa will oaly
tory and tafaalog aew aad yoiutg
I to aasiei the eagar irast. thereby
blood IBM the organlutloa. Kut Uiat
the Maooalwi't are aot at ttroag a*
with whiob to ( imbat oar indartiy."
avrraaditiU growiijr year by year; BrT.a«>«akut)>«B«af
bet at other urgairtmtioDi oome Into
AmaKMam. Jaa. ID—Boer deletta'atUto to w k a divi.ioa of tbo gatw b<xe today. * bi to PrornlM
bu.iitat* U U right intl the
eof tbelr will
baaa aboeld rxiand lu juhedlr
the aame parpone. And Iu atguuig IgMike Btoimel took the leml today
faror af Iblt plaB Hr. B’HlIaub aek^
tapobUto. They an now waltlag tbe Reoord'e aoeieet for tbe ft
that the toeal lentt a<ad laltable re^ -the nen more no tbe part of (be Brltlonblpia Ibe latocaaticMl CorTaaeutatliee t*> tbe (ireal Camp ooa- ib gererameat
trapoedsBee Sofaoole of Bonatem.
raaiion to toi« for looh extoaitoa.
ThU Bob'
had (be effooi of
I- siendluge now are a* foUoi
He apoke of Ibe oppntltloa of the
theramnraof' ptolobln Mike Btoimel.
.............. >t:1S47
Huiwem.-^ont agalaat •xpaation by
tb.' Ureal Uainp aoil attributod It. oppoalttoa to It. di-elr.- to ooeBol the
Wide Aald of IU yanedietue. Tbo oxTotal
IMaloii of tbe Onwt Uamp. be dePUUOXAL
olaiwl. U d.'BiaBded bj tl.oaaand* of
mamb.-n frpai Michlgaa wbo bare
Her. Fbauie EUott patoed throogb
awrad laU otbi r atol<.eaad wbo with
tbe city Uet eTaatogoo ber way to
to have looal b-au to oall ihalr
tbe Frieade qaartorly mectliig
While aaleadlag-aanoa IbeM. A
aad aot be oompelled to take ap tbe
N. B. last eTimtog, Toay PetfoKm MimtotL
Hapreme Tent Insataao.'. Mr. WllBobert Pierce of Ftfi- Loke Is la tb.'
laBenxi an aecidaai tliat came eery
llaai* etauid tliat then' ax.- tweaty
ooallag him tbe sight of ooe at city. He wlU retara home Moaday.
ataho la (be eiiioa wbon- death lak- bU eyes He was kacekliig oai i
Dr. O. A HoUiday raiM tbl*
N U'lawtbaa that of Mioblgma aad be •lake, when a h.«ry chip Aew oS aad er.-uing to Detroit to reenme hu i
Boiolad oat tbe direct beneOte
•track him dlracUy over the eye, leal etadieu
derit.-d from extBaeioa.
1. BeuUoa of Praakfort U (bn gaeei
kopckiaghlm eeBseUee eed cBtttag
^ Ur.«t Lady K.-oerd Keeper Mies
hie beeabor. ead beluw the eyeqat|e of JaUae SieUbcrg.
Bmiua £ Bower wi^ tbe next epeakBlwnod BtoaUy of Maple City wai
badly. 4f tbe abtp tad straek aa tech
at. Mi.t Bowi-r it ooe of tbe fenr. he would prabahly here last la town U« eraolag.
•Butt frahraal awiely women la the elghi of Ibe rra A. it U bo wlU
H. a. BaUUr. deputy oU Inepeetor.
Mtobigaa and her w.«k for the L O.
be Uld oa from work tor a ceaaldor- of Meuloa. wra at tbe WblHag today.
T. M; hae bsM eueb at to. endear ber able ttiae.___________
Oarl E. Oopp wa* in tbe eity tram
to er.TT member of th> order. Tbere'VUu imke today.
fore tbe oordlal r»-.-ption ebr reeteTed
K. R. Daily end Onorge Wlloe of
wai deoi-rred aad opfcoprlau.
Bmplra won at the Park PUan today.
Herbert 0(wk of M^ City wae in
Mite Boww addrewed tb.- Maecab>wo goaarally. bat m>«e •■epecl^ly
drew OaUrtu* city OB bartoeee today.
the Lady Haoeabeea. Hbe luld bow a
Tbe followlag an tbo anaaata thas H- L Meeaoo cd OUa Arbor U to
tew yean ago Ibe Onwt Hire of
.............................oKlBley Mam- the ci7 today.
lady Maomba.0 eoa-d toaatbcn-lM it* nrial faad ia tb.'hand*
F. D. LaeUe. editor and proprietor
aBa uiiTe eommiliee loeaUad iu ju- Raff:
of tbe Ba^tto. a pabUeatiem la
Udlctten Into otbar itate* and thereby Prx'Tloaely aBbecribed
OleeaUad. was la tte eity today
e«)oy the growth of elmUar aoiwllio WilUam BoltBer
ioBM to Mortbport, when Ue brothwtih similar prlriltgoe. 8b«' ordain- B. a Trada, Bta^m '
A M. LeelU «f Ghtoagp U Oe
ad bow (be Soieame Teat fought thle
prime BOTw U tbe Ug rtoort hotel
^opoMtiOB aad eeeaied BB iByaaotlaa
faojeei. He stotoe that hU bratber
■ baitaeee to tbe pmijeot aad will
dtmtiet Bat Anally (be
torvoi a Urge amoaat of moBoy li
take* to Uie eatBiwe ouart. when- It
•art property la Hortbport..
it today. Bheoppeatod wtbe ladtot
maa wio* KflM TeOarto-wark for the oxtoeaioa aad eoatla
. aad growth^ tbe oed.^ oataide the TTanTBebtetaeBeewC.
ataw. Aepbrndidgrowthlsi
Victor. Iowa. Jaa. lS-8y ia azpto•aab yimr bat tbe aeged the memben •ton «d the boiler
a lacotootlra towtog toaatoal pn^am wlU be r<
to aid la makiag it ettU gnator aad aatlj ihU Bwra<ac tbe e^taew ead •
tbaa dtoke tbt oEPMto of Iblt tiater- Anmea of aimeMagor Bala were klUhern., “ftepaie Te tbe Way af
aal potfOttoB wetely aomiaaL Sbi- ed aad tbieo rtalnmaa tojared here.
tbe Lmd”—Oarett.
laadad tbe order, lu wortm aad Ibe
Htom. *‘Oeato. Holy lidrtt'
Th. --------a a.
-- ------- n.
Mata wbo toada li '
^ toad eao^
MM eala. "Tbe .#1^'
fumUy and praMotod tbai tbo i
nolhins cotaparee with
it ta tbit icetton.
Molby near Orawa Uet ceealag. and
had a most dallgbifDl time. Gsmee.
Thai MrKlaler Uot JM Wbal Oe.
made aad oUnr aoowl plneane
imwiil - IMteed lie WoaM
ladalged la. A Aac o.rstor .apper
KUI Baoeenb Whea Term at
EalMM Ksair^.
A deitgbifal elelgbrtde party
iadolgwl by s&e ooaplee of yeoag
Attorla, Ota.. Jaa. 16-Pnak Ra- people last i-rmtag. who drove to tbe
fcowakL a soldier af lbs Uolied StaiM •obool of iflee FraM«i paSrey> Lee
eriny. bae b>wa drgradod ta Fori lauea coenty. ead rpeat an cajoyible
Oaadby and aaauaeed to laa year. •TCBlBg Bt e box and ebadotr aoeUl;
Aleatnix UUaA tbe eefaool hoate.
CUtf.r 'or tbreauolBff to
Prtoldeat RootooelL Tb*
Mr. aad Mrs. Daal. l Me eat*
Aaeladed tats dUlicmonbU
lalued e number af -tbelr frieade tery
aad Ibe forfettan- of ble ollowaBoe.
pUai^Uy Uet erealng with
BakdwskI aae oa deiaofaod doty at grtoetre pedro party at tbeil borne oa
Port ColambU. Wash, wbea be Blxtb elreei. The eTealag wa* ipeat
valeed tbo followlag aaarobUt bmU- moat dellgblfplly. Tbe Ant |otx.- fw
while latoElBaied: "Preeideat Udiee wo* woe by Mia* Willeii. Hra
McKlole.r got wbat he deserted. My Fkait reoeletiag the oooeoUtiew. UtUrns or enllimut will emm explnAreti
•ad wbea It doae I will eee that
Rootoreli g,-u tbe tone doe>-' that
at l«e each, worth up to
Prof, aad Mrv O. H. Bora entertoiued obool 80 of tb.-irfriea1b most
dellgbttDllr last etenlag wUb a
Mother Ooooe': party.
the wall*
iiuTrial la th. Water NraaSai ( Me o
d darini
lag the erratag tbo*.- present
wroto Mother Oooee rbymee, roLoat
geese and la other ways won dUilDotiea aad had a eery Aae time Light
Oraad Rapids. Mlob.. Jea. ib-T. rerr.-eha>eBU were eerred.
P. HeUsny. next a-epoadeat follow
ing City Atteraey Balebary la tbe
bribery indtetmeat cane. Is tick -aa.l ^e iTOgiam fur tbv maticale
Park PUoe 1MX.-I Taeaday .eieaiag,
Jau. tiet, paomUe.
•ooUl I-T.'uiag. Stewart A Sieffeas
glee iwo uf tbelr delightful
Mew York, will laidmbly hola tbe
L Vocal eolne by Miss Eenbawd. Ibylcr was tbe amn wbo for-
PlPtH TKARxKO. 1488
Cbe Jncompdrabk
Special Sale
On Alcatraz laland, CaJlfoc^.
A Jolly aUlgbload of yoaag ^pU
'la H-ia Santanoa
;drarc to tlm homo of Min IMaa Me-
Special in new Spring 8oods
novelty lUais^ng eiotb
in ligtat aad dark c
Is what Uu- •lemaiuls id iiiudrrn life
have mailc the I'el^iihonr for busi
ness, siw ial and diimiMu. jiurjioses. il
lias i caK-.l ii' be a luxury , anil lias be
come as iie. e*sary, in every well-order
ed houtchuld, as water or ga*. .Ask
the Inca) manager t<> cx|>lain the laritius forms of sen ice.
IS cents per fard.
nmi'J Huw omnjraH
I OAS t r I I I I i_t_*^
OfflcersPres., Geo. C. WUce;
Vice Pres., E. A Dally:
Sec,, W. H. Foster
Ireas., Tios. Smnrtliwalte.
mor. J. P. WTOOHO. utoaima M
- - leadPleae. Mm OwaM.Trombea* ait
^U-wme-ta Ateme.
WMII Tim M...
Protect the Lungs
ud cbMi fram the cold piercing
wiade of wialer by aeiag Ohesi Prolector* or Chamois Veeta We hare
a Urge aaaonmeot of Umm good* aad
weceamiiafy vua ia etyle. aualliv
aad price. Aad (boulil M^iriac be
needed renu mber we have e com^etd
line of
Dn»ss aud WtJMats
What I, 3 and' 5c saved
an an atticle will amount to
in the course ol a year—a
much larger 'sum than you
suppose—this suni you can
save by trading with us. We
have no extra or unneces
sary help—every person in
our store is busy. We deal
for (ash. hence no bad ac
counts to charge against our
We are content with a
small profit, believing that
a .nimble nickle is better
than a slow dimel
togelber with Ibe b**t equipped pres
cription departateui la the rtt.v.
3as. 6. Jabuaau.
1 owiiriirarDtvM^
129 East Froot Street.
sciuoi in suw $nn '
r. s. umiL NMunu.
Traterst CUjr
MINOR’S monogram
General Agents ior purchasing, selling or leanog
* Real 1^81816. and everything pertaining thereto.
Will aid in promoting and ,
locating manufacturing enterprises.
We want the agency for sale of farming lands,
timber lands and other real estate. Bod
purchasers for the same.
We want factories to locate and locations
for them—wc want to represent you
in all real estate matters;
(0.000 acres good farming lands for-sale
on Easy Terms. Abstracit^ procured and examined.
Titles perfected—correspondence solicited.
For Ladies. Beautiful models with that refined'
grace and elegance so much admired by those
who dress, with strict neatness and' propriety.
Minor's Monogram Shoes are all one piice—
$3.60 PER PAIR
UcNunan Btk, Froot Snoot
sttvicaii mnoMHEs
rmAvmwn city, miohioam
Mtnte OTTlM at *»m •*€!•*.
carr, waetu satvbaat, ia^axt i«. t«
Opaabte ntfal toWateacM
te tba Snt aal* te tbf saw poteH
gaaanl. Braay CL Payra, wa* te
aa ASnteklmtlra bat.
Otc«adepaed tb* ttyl* tba ite tblag
taUnteL BraaterHaaaaataotyat
uliTtry •Ml
gtaiMU coeveft
at l*«ulM chyn* la the
fvod iBlo
aU tatewarad atenilMflna that
>e LSlAOu..*. the pasI* baiag wagad br Mm ’BaoaavaU
^tte tba tea aad mla* with wbkA
Isdiara. MiabJeaa.
tb* WkUt Bate la lafaatBd. Ir - fran nUaeit.
______ ___ fool
B«wl^ wrto* M T a'ilMk.
Obl«.lowaaad Miaracrl, an aoaaid- esa b^ anlnUalnJ t.y ibe blood, add
iMteta as nte fmn OaL I
tSvaaea la prtoaa It U da- that farnMb Doirluj. ut lu the body
ban. aapniitedmt ad lb* 1
altmd that tbn* ter be a plaUe fn^- ' bos', abets tbpa.- vart-ot Su
MTrtln! alasdt ftiJ to n>4-k. troci
SaateaBeatat^B m. tea And
terwtead to Wateagtaa M tmga «< tee bteara raxt niamn. aotwitb. eciiM. auJ Ui
tag the tenaan te SAW a faarml
tb* iplaaa teayrar ago.
OoL miUte r. Oadr,
BUl.‘’wbo ba* berate Vateagtae nopteeaeamben
aavnal dart tteWag U* tmiadt la below tbeaverage.'wbte tataiutbat turot Mil »f yoor (..<1
. te teted to tba Ifatlaaal ptakl* packan wlU fae fOO.QOO barrrlt astn. Ill feri. they a :U uukc ■ <truns
laaB cr wouuo of yi«. aad yt
_______ IbatenoaaDaadwoodacraii. abort. Banry WUlutn* of Detroit wjnl imtl llHUi eu.v non-.
it ao doabt bat that tba oCar aa* te tb* lateen. taid be rreald.Bot
NV» Y.tS f.-icuary 21 UML
aad if tba topply gave oat The P. I. .\bUy C«nii«Dy.
will ba liaiaadlattlr aoeapOed. at the''
U.UiMuo.., Mt-'h.
-----------aOalalt bar* far aote tUa*
Oeotl<-near-V.Dc vtllialde nmedy
bean «rtag te add to tbeir aoUaattra mar. Tba aaw crop will sot be ready for ladtcmkin aa> btgbly
Baa. B. Howard Baaara.
a veblol* of tea am. TW* D *
nirndcd l« me. t iripO lu-veral l»]
Blbl* aefaool afbsM.
OoL Mytra T. Marrlak te Olav*. of Ibe Tablet* altl> Ibr naiiH iba
.wbleb It teM taU of belt*, aad
base foand them w, U.neOrUI tbal 1
Mflcate a«^ •*
ar otbw roteta ten tba natet land, trraaarer te the McKlaU-y Man. b|'e dtarontlBOed Iboir on and
Jaate Bateroa at B
ad tbt roagbtiM* ad tba old days orlal ataoeiatiaB. nyt; "Than have aniild. ibttt-foiv. «trnnidy Tecumasead
OWate Bateaea at (:4ft.
gaaotkally ao ooatribatlait to llx-m t<i all a li-_ Miff.r with i«>maefa
............la arary city of
Bfwiac aarlaa at t o'aloak.
iteAlBC at tba Bwadlib tenb at
I•.VNIEI, J. R.lRt.T.
a of waaltb or itatee at lb.- bead d
r gnat oonnarleial aad nanafariropa. Wbra OaL Cody bad tb*
They have left
f by a-rtttne to the P. A Abbey
gnaagaea te tha ai^
Bpany. Katanaaoo. Mtrh.
bead* teogbt It a great irte toba tb* baildiag te tbU nanqrlai u
m torltad to weatep with aa
ited to rid* la a vahlelo to
. A WAIT* aU5B. JA8 O. JOBmoX
wbiab to tear people had ant death
vruRLD'H p.viB
la tbf- waatani "wUdt'.' of tba Oaiied
forrUAB PEaioniCAL*.
The gradaal noraetractira of Mr.
;oo*evelt‘* cabtaet lead* a direct nd
Marateg aarrle* aad tetea at 1
Haarab R. PtalUlpa' 1
Cbarl.* Knory Snilb „
Saaday acAaol at It.'
Ja*t wrllt.-a ifor Tbe Saturday Braaapra tbe wattn te tba Hadtoo anld
Bvealag anttea aad nemra at 7. a prafatira te Sawtra Mitt PhUUpa
lag Pott, of Phiadflphla.
Cbbiovl and Oabteei Making tell*
Allan eaadially tevlnd to than lived In Hew Tart City. It wae be]
bow preaideou ehoom ih< lr oAoial
dylog reqaeet that ber body be ere
adfiten: bow aloe noUtloal oratlder.
mied aad bar atet nn-wa opoa tbi pnalUoa. Mr. Ockeraoii I* one of tbe atitso* ladai-ace tbeir cboiee aad reBav. W. T. Woodhoa#^ paater.
Badaoa. Tbe .body wae iacteetate noat < nterat Ameriraa gaglneen. for dec to lowett ternie the asnbar te
tBiBg. I0;n.
Sablaet. ‘
liaviag had charge o( raslabh
aad tbe aabee plaoad te ao am. Tbe
One of the no*( Inportaiit eooelBaTrioBpbad JeosA”
famml rite* wan- bald at tbe Anld eoa*l and river rarveyt teqainDg the •a* reached bv Mr. Snith U that
Saaday wbool atlf. '
In tb<- praaanof te a few rela- bigbatt ekill aad eu-retive ability.
B. T. P. O.. 6M. Laadar,
fth.d* te fomteg their oBeiai
ttvaa aad frirada Tba«ni.^Ba bid- Be wa* a nenber of tbe latprisaHoiiel
.w; that of Mr. Lteenln and bit
Haute Maltaa.
dra baarath baaki of flowe^ Then Jaiy of Award! et tbe P*fU Eipots
I liicrutnn wlio (urtennd-d themBvralag. 7d» Sablaat. “Oaraan tb* brother aad titter were Mvra to tlon te moo. H-. !• al*o pronilbpiii *•
Ive* with |wrty hwdfre aad former
tbe Hadara aad rowed oat
<ibe mteteg eagloeer.
TbarrwUI baaapaalal naatlagof river. Tbe am era* opened aad la
Predersek W. Taylor hat b«n op
broad gang, m- n. regardh*. of JWevi
tb* obarob la tba parIon at tba olan
Bp by tbe breon potetod Chief of tbf Ueianmpui of lit political i*«.-ailBaoc«.
^ tb* laemleg anrloe.
aad etnwB apra tbe watark while the Agrirultore of tbe World'* Fair onil
Tbl* article wilt apfkwr te an earlj
(Boarateg frii-ad* tbowerod flowert Aotteg Oblef of the De]*rtneol ol i*ne of Tin- Saturday Ev.-nlng Pott.
Bav. Hogb Krasedy. paaiar.
noag tbw
Clan ia*atliigat«:4S.
A iiromUlng ►ntermte f-r rnUhrr
Two bvglari at h'ewbarg. near
mtde from tne
Mnalng aerrlae at lOte-Tbam, Olaralaad. ttole a bolldiSB fron aa- can Espoeitlon and daperiateodeni of het riv-nUy .
- Dolag tbr WlU af Ood. ’'
atber naa'i lot, aad after they bad lb<- dlvltioB te honioaltiire. Food* jijiuu; *li<iota <-! the Uocky
Soiidar tohool at II.
wtirely rrnevea tbe ttroetate. tried aad Forettry. Me wa. fomerly
Tln-re are f-ry
In Texet
Bpworte Laagna at d.
te eell tbo lot to people la tbe vlelai- rector of tbe Iowa State KoTticolii
that hme to
k l.-sal adtl.-e nut.lile
Bvealag Mviea. at 7 d». A apiwial ty. TbebaUdlog wa* praoiimlly • Society aad profetaor of lioaicBlturr thr.r limit*, fl. iio-y haw not a alnglt
sew ttraetare. obi- atny high aad at tbe Kebratka sate UoireiiitT *i allurni-y of their uaa.
The revival maattegt wUl aestime
7 40 feet la dlneaalaaA aad Lteeoln.
aaob avaalag daiiag tbawaak *so>-pl
Milan B. Halbert, of Brooklvn. ha*
TIte electric unrk goe* tbroogb r
>n worked bard ararly all
day Irariaa It down aad loadlag Use beiaappoioira Chief of the Ui'twri erv vein and every nerve. A plrataat
gr*d- reeling *wr».|a over the tool alter takneol ofiM
lanber apra tbeir wagon.
Rev. D. OoobUa. patter.
ibe Brooklyn Polyte.-bulc InAt Jefferaeti. lad.. three tboataadI aaaofibi
the aged aad feeble.
Betnraat tOJOn m. 8ablaat.,"A fear baadrad In »0 gold plecee were ■titaa aad bee bed a Urge.. *p.-rieBc-e j
aarartbad tea coal ebed oo tbe plaoe te naasfacterlBg *• a dir--otor of varSaaA^teiaal at aeaa.
te Mr*. B^lia Wrlgfat. who died loo* Imponaat onooerae He hat wav
Jaaler Gbriattea Bbdtaaor aaelaty Jus. 4. aged Hi. Sbe had baried
ru tb*
w. eled esteufively aad at the Pari* Ki
at «.
tedia I potlUoa te IMO wa. oae of tbe deimrimaney te faakteg powder
WiUlaaiA a girl wbon Mm . Wright neat director, ter tbe Coiled Stet-«.
•aalatyat 4te
ted tekra to taite. wa* tte only per- te obaige of "Varied lodclne-.'
Toaag FaopU'a todsty te Oritetea tea who knew tbe wtereabona of the vhioh oomapeodt in n'lmy iiartiroAdravortnd.
blddra trraaai*. Mr*. Wrigbt l.-ft lar* t« tte DemrtacDt Of MauafarioSaaday avralag gaapat awatlag at 7 propartT valaed at tlAtOO.
TTed the'French .govern
Dr J. L. M. Carry, of Sew York meat s* B juror and wa* decorated
ha* bora appointed tpraiel ee- with tbe other of the ('bevalier of thBar. Wm.
ray eatmerdteray and mteiater pleaiOlatt laaatlngatbJO.
Prof. W. Elwell Ooldtboroogb hat
WorMilpal 10 JO. Batnra *ab}eet, pateotlary to n-pretrai tb* preiideiit
at tte aomteg of a*- af tbe fclag of teen appointed directorof^the l>e(wn
"Spirit. eapUraiaadSlB."
-ment of El-ctric Erbibii*.
SaaAty aobool at lA
Baaklal Downey of Obleago. Wat Oold.boroagb it director of Eeetncal
Jaalar Bpwertt LaagM at 4.
■errteg te tte navy daring Ui< civil Eaginecnag In Pnrdm- CniTvr.liy.
Epwarth Laagat at b:4A
Wotelp at 7. a am on tebloet. war. He got word that bU dee ebil- Lsfaveta. Indianiu Prof. Ooldtbordran wer* dead and bU wife dying. oagb wat bora at Baltimore In ik;i.
"PIT* Platare* te Ood.
He wa* related leave of Aberac* and aod at tbr age of eight year* weal to
t-bwehwd caira (1
tooklL Ba waa dotaiotd «D da^at China with bit parent*, fait fatlier
Bav. TbeM P. CUem
Monteg at tO:lA Babhel. "Tb* bla wife'* tedalde aadw-bra te r*tamed eoaUi bUnew bad been mat miMAusoy. He trawled exteo>ive.
BpMl-PlUad Ohareh.
tered <ml aad te bed been deelared a ly in tee urieaal --oon trite HcenBatter nbool at 01
b't«d Goraell L'alvertlty at Irlssoa.
deeertar. Ba baa btra teeking evbr N. Y.. ia Ittei aadnflerhit gmdenJaaler O
■tee* to have hit record elmred. Wed- tlra took eberge of the electrinti
work of tee tnansatlcDal ('orTe*|K»<dneeday Pr«*ld<«t
aardra for Dowser a* being tte raly ene>-Seboolt of Bcrantoc. P* He beEvralqr trariea at 7. 8ab«eo(. "A
profarawof Eleetrlcal Eogiue.f
way eat of tte dUBcolty.
al^kaum. Cnlvertiiy. FeteiieOod-Olvea BarivaL"
Tbo Boagb Rider aloaeb *0 long tIU*. aad from Ih.-re weol to Pnrdne
Tharteay avanteg pmyar nratteg
aad Ualca BlMa Clan tran 7 JO to ram by Prealdmi Beoaevalt U now I UDiv.mity. B.- bae made imporant
knowa at the Admialttratlra bair^l*l**n«'» *« *le«rio*l literatore
9;». Amtowte Mattbaw'ago^eL
------- “ "
Toaare nqaeaed to te oa tin* at Bran athlatlo Saaaior Lodgt —-r.' Ladiea. *you
can jump on
aad all tee cabtetl effieiult have
all of tea tervioc*
trampl^D It, bol It will roioe pp
it. Th<- bat U at mneb a ilga
Walbone to wanblp wlte at am
■mltteg^eay time Oalmaa-* Kta.Ue Floor Vamlah. & E. Wait A
iwaagara. werktegnra aad tte poor. ataUagiaabc te Preaideat Boeaereli
a* Ite pearl faeavar wm t« Blaine.
OtartMtM MnwPi^OTaMi
-itr-ssMiasT«S BAILWAT P80JKT.
«to imr'i-------••-•- **"
d far B. R. U»■ lk^M« D. w. KMtauliMt«>
partMt tel wbleli te » dlf«el faMrlac Bpea ttr pfD)«e< to faaiU m Us*
Vtoobtet of tepwebaator tUa
Ite te to tekUtfe a or (tny batvaM Boatbpoat aad MaaiMiq*** ««•
aaaMac te Trarma OII7. Ualaaaa
' * MaaiaUqaa ,Ua* wlcb tba MaatoTbUaoiiaial
Vow tba teaof Aa paaetiaal nalteloaet ttl«pt«>>«i<^a*u with tba
paopU af taalanaB soasir. abac tha
Uaa of tba paojaetad read. Tha aoeem tha' ricfat of war i* fraaiad 1)1*
- aoate wlU tel Uaa 0|i*D ap oomma'
wttb Koatbpon sad fiva tha
paopl* of tet oouitr rbat tbaj bav*
lace ten looklac for. Tba iwiiortOH* of tba laolaet alwold sot ba loat
aicbt at, aad Mar who bar* nodlad
te qaattioB istaUicaailr baltava
that tba btBtlti to tbit eitr wlU fae
teUlOaa latp tba aertbwaai asd
aBerdaeoaw to tba ftaat timbeabad
teMte iMObtaaa of tba aoatbaan paniaaala of Hlehlcoo. U> daratoidM
tbte taaoaroet tbl* Ilaa wtU aSoad
dtet mil ooauaaBlaatlao to tba
kati of tba aeatbwaat for oor trait
prodDOt*. wbiab
te Ung baaa aeoefaL Tben, too. tba
wUl ba mrlted. rabaUUbad aad daaalapad t^ddlj brraaaoeot tba Uanted fiaelUila* for farlaciac aaiaaar
riten tran tba larga eltlaa of iba
ate wait aad aoatb, via tb* Paaairl'
teia allwar artniB and Iti oooiijettte. XbalnpamaesoftbUtoliaowutr aboald sot ba lost ai^t
ad. ted tba davalopoMst of tb* raaart* aad acrioaltaml tnriiarrot !«•bwM oaaotr
crratlr laeraaaad
■— ----- la Tmrara* Oitr fraa that
eater. Tbit elir t* lit nataial aoanr
ad abpplr aad narkat aad aar imlaaiaaiiat Biat wilt aaaae davrlop-
itetelta* tauftb wttb tbo prapnaad
taUnad sad tba aiforuU Tmi
Oltr to wlat It. Mr. Baerttat
If bta Idas* war* mrriad oat It woald
laara tbr roat* aadUpa**^
tetedd astasalsa ad tb* M. A K. B.
teBartbpnrt TbU woald sndoabted
Ir te a coed tbiac for tb* M. A b*.
B. aad Ttaran* Oltr ;woatd rvallaa
baaafiti br nab an liBj»OTPin«it
Baartbwaltr aaja (bu eitr mlg
natslr a way aiattsa. bat w* beUara
ili growth eaaaot be lourdad by tba
MtablteMOt af tbl- lisa at ba viawt
It. bat woald b* nor* firmlr <
liabad at the railroad oestrr of oortta.
era MAigmn Tbit city it tha nataral
'goegn«biaal aod iadaitrlat oatstra of
a wide tacioQ of rraaltbr tarrStory
aad IM taatUct eanaot bet i
bancai br tba aar terrj plan. avr«
tboagb tba tamUiot it at Northport.
WbllabavlBit tba fetTy tamlaat la
Tmatna Oltr wbald parfaapt bnnit
aoM baeadu Ibar weald ba laotmtidaaabl* cominrod with tba braadt to ba
telvad tra a dlnet itei- ibreaab
a It BM to ditmragr
tte mpeaed M. A K.
teoalda ear ferry tee<
a of tte M>el*.
I to that point woald te et
greater rate* thaa wiibrat te at tte
ralBfal dtvclepmeat thrao^ Iteteflu«aae woald tead brateea* tatttar M. A
K. B. teat aaiamUy balmgad te teat
Tuesday, Jau. 3t, we will display the new ^ring
, line of pretty Sheer Fabrics for^i^rty dresses—
coasistiog of
Slllc IVIull,
S«^ln Foulards,
L.000 Silks,
9llk ond l-lrion
E’tol, E-tOv
It will be the finest showing of this class of good*
ever seen in Traverse City. You will appreciate
these goods this time of the yean You arejnost
c^ially jnvited to come and^iDspKt this line
whether you want to buy or not.
fa J. W. MILLIKEM *1
Ttiis isthe season when good Heating Stoves are needed
and just now we are making SPECIAL PRICES ON HEAT
ING STAVES. We want to talk it over with you. ClilliatNn.
Onwge B. Barker, for not* tbaa
two yean olty editar of te* Dally
Eagle, will leave Mratey atoralag toe
Rad Ledge. Maataaa. wten be lakne
]«aluoo oe tee Puket. a weekly
iwtpepar of tint pMe*. Tbe poeilieo U a good oa* aad eairie* wite »
a good mlary. Mr. Bark** baa mad*
^y friradt rteo wUl regret to bav*
him leave Uh- eily. b«t wUl b* glad
teat he tet la view a mac* loanciv*
tywtete* batiatt* of tea Hat.
Tbe 4f«vclopn<-at of tte raeoab
b*U*f* (0 te of grant vala* to tel* One" will te bm. ba* beta Baad te
«tly aadbeltore that tte Tmverec Tbanday, Jaa. SO.
Wbralt U Ktatad teat tea aiwtetiea
our. LeoMaaa A MaaitOq** wUl
aampUte maab la teU diftMloB.
will te appmai-
_ _ _
_ tgM *
___________ **■ Blaea.DfMtW evixv aickl
cs raj's:
gfk, s
7te«w«am^te *r MM «te
•mam ate iritei t*Hm« drtw iiimini
____________________ J baaa left
bam tte
tte halidBT
holidaT trade.
trade. .SvetT
«M»d.**M'te*y are
wiU not tea
bat tteti*
Otky teat
Tateteg, Jam tl
■ Fab. 1ft. wbra au wra »ra ■
attratlM te teaW ayaa-orab
tetesaamlaadteoaf ohante Ota
will ta Btted iritertimlly at r
Fab. Ite
Baby’s Coiiimg
H. y. BMOad. tte aathor e(
*M te ■MtbmAhitetelfteara m ^rarii dfaemm" tad aanra Aa
=2TjBSj=X'7nai*isa - ■’
Maple and other Hardwood
at our mill. Will pay highest mar
ket prices. JOHN F. OTT & CO.
to houses with the least expense In fuel for years. That is
because the principle it is built on is a sound one. The man
ufacturers of the ROUND OAK STOVE have
improved it from time to time until now it stands at the
head. This stove burns either hard or soft coal, coke or
wood and you get the heat from them all*
is a good heater* It gives an even heat
totheroom. It is an economical stove
and just now we are IMAKINO
SREOIAL. RR1GE9 on all
our heaters. We can interest you
great line of heaters at once.
way to teach the aBay b
atiaat aad tba i««w.
. Mayr appMatal i
nOrr. Micb.
emrnd of «e emr «f
___ OKRMcm^ ko«B roealral tbe
m to orBm by 3. W.
w la tbo Aalr.
Bw. Stod^Giltoa OMaal. Bag Oar
riJBO and 3. V. Patefela. mayor.
rt la the proeaadlage.
Bafarred to chief of-------- -----------wHb power to ^ bM If
______ ___________ » to. Sto wUb the
rommlttm oa baUdlngi. wm ptaaeBUd
. as Rusldn defines itf is shnplr
^ a Mperior power id seeing. Have you
J the geohs to see bow imjiortant an
element in the suceess'of your boiuse^eef^ng
is the use of lvory Soap? Judged by the woric
it does Ivory is t^ cheapest soap in America
to-day. It is harmless. Embroideries, laces^
and delicate stufis should be washed only
with Ivory Soap.
that the
ad ta pot
aad for-
. .. . .
.. .. _____
d o«r
roaactl Of (kc City of rracerae
ctfr vicAtom:
1. Oeatlemea—We. your oornnKtee
rt tbit we bare «
t claims aa^ bat
from (he rarioas fands s
Ibis sublert.
Tbe (ollewlag eniamte to ber^
ibmttted In detail u followe;
Sheet asphalt mvemeat.
Front street from L’akm toreet to
Park Place etreet.
Width of peTemcBi emiamtod at
Materiel tor aettlag ecalee... .1
Labor, city nurket. Iroo work
i..elUe D. Kelih, city llbrarla tbe Ualoo aad
L^M' Ubra^' Anoed]^'.
Tbe eerwtta day adranitota bare
adopted a aalqaa mtmlooMy aeheme. CIUnaeTetopboaett..;pbo«
Brer; adrtnUM who to a farmor will
clerk'a oSee and D. E.
tbe ooaiiaR year aet aeide a “mtoMosWrlRbl.....................................
ary” am*-, that to, oae am for erery
rJly oScei. for q
member of bli famUr, aad aeon aerce
n R. E . L. A K C
If to dtopoeed. bat every cme at Inet randle power lem
one aore, tbe iwodnea or Rialn lalied
upon It to be eold for fonlRn mis•Iona It to cfalmed that erery adreottot In ihto coanlty will' do tbU.
Uet year many adopted ttato pton. and
deetora that tbe prodaoa ratoed apoa
to twice that
laieed npoa tbe other neree in tbe
They look apon ttato ae
eral aRreemeat to adopt tbe plan
aa for
ralilDR mimionary fasda
Pink eye to raRlng In norne pnrtt of
ratK.-n MlehlRaa. and a namber of
cattle lia\-e become blind aad died.
People a^- aleo amieted will. it.
■ “
* SS
Fife depertmrot pay roH for^
SO <1
Jeha Reanle, hey. wm. ud
47 M
S 00
C 41
Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness.
and flavor noticed in the finest cate, short
cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which expert pa8tr\* cooks declare is upobtainable
by the use of any other leavening agent
bi strengtli.
7 00
.3 nc 7S
,.u. .w eircotar earb, 6le
13 34
00 24 IlD. ft. etrelgbt curb. Sic..
U 120 IlD. ft. of white oak at$3S 28 20
£ouT catch UMba at S3*.... 120 00
Sewer eonnecUont...................
S8 M
Total.......................... . .t 2 348 24
Incldenult.......... ..................
61 M
Settins posts' and Bxidr
I 28
Mo?r« lumber f rom tooiboLs;
: 44
to m
nrusli-s sewer...........................
4 1*
Repelrlag Walks........................
PIcklDR Ratter ea Union stroet.
ilfaelm block..............
g mod rom
! 48
l^bor on Crprem street aidewalk, .....................................
7 84
Chopping Ire from water
CleulQg out creek aod ditch
^ west side wstcr tnugb.
John Kelley, 160 hoars.'...... 44 00
0. P. CstrcB. Cbtlrman.
C. M. Beebs. Clerk.
Moved by Aid. Kirnmon tbst tbe
accoaats be allowed and orders drawa
for tbe ameanto.
Yeae—Aids. HamlUon. Campbell.
Sleder. <^wt. Bound. O'Neel, OerrlNaye—None.
Alderman C
ed and took part ii
>8£7 yards at 32.10 per yd...112.320
2.un lin fi. of Medina curb at
1 346
51 rents.
Tom, . ,
itort or (
S36X m- Jds. at'l2.10 per yd.11.786
1256 Iln. ft. circular curbing
cento per Iln. foot...........
18 llD. feet of straight etirtalag
51 cento.............................
124 iln. (L of white oak at 138 26
Four catrh baglos. 136.00.... 120
..........31X77 69
Orand total, .
Boardman aveane.
Brick pavamsnt.
Width of pavimant sattom
Pan of cost aasmmbto to
. Modtaa curb at
r.m u
iTMd total............................S3.106
total. .
Park Place atreet from Pront etraot
to Stole etreet.
Sheet asphalt
It pavement,
Width of pnvemi
rement, sstlmsled 40 fl. l«o Iln. ft. straight curb at
■t to prtv^
Pert of
at 32.18..$3,183
40 1.466.7 equare yards
curii Sic.. 316 20
70 £20 Itn. M. medina
. . . . . .
146 61
4 (arld^toto...............
80 iBcldeotols. ..............................
Total......................... -.......... 83.616 1
3.m 0*
Part of coet aseemaMe to city..
Grand total. ....................... $2*Xn tt .
42 70
43 12 i:n. ft. etialght colt. Sir.
Stoto atnwt from Dnlm to Bonrd12
60 *0
catch faaalns at 330........
04 Two
00 Sewer
l of cost assesmble 'to privnto
723 6* v._,/ty.
14.333 91 -Alt.l sq. yds. at lIXt.. ..$14X64 31
Grand total. ..
3.7M Iln. fl. MMIaa suns
curb, 8f
------ -, with ssphsV*ls‘f3lS?.’^
Front slfvrt. private prop«ny............ ........................ 316,633 04
. .317X33 62
Front street, city
Sheet-t asphalt pavement. '
lb of pav.
pavement eeUisaled 40 feet,
-tot eeeeistble to property.
Pan of cost
32.13 a yd...117.812 86
.222.*q, ]
3.700 He.
medloa stone
c.................... ur 0*
........................ 122 22
Tasvgaite Cnr. Hleh..
Jan. 6. 1902.
Ike J/oeorcble, tke Ifepor aed Clfy
roaactl of Ike CUy of rrorerte
. .320X2
City, Mick;
Pan of cost assewable toicily.
• M
CcicTixuE.*—PImse pay the fol Street cromlngt.
1* ee lowing bUle and charge to tbe City U20 sq. yds. at 12.18 .
7 M
130 lin. ft. straight curb s
* M 9. E. Orelick Co.. .
I 27 04
10 SO Josej>b Hewitt.........
12S 00
.......... 128 11
200 00
In. ft. of wblte oak curb
Wm. Beltner..........
:i 4S
1 M
21 71
k Sene.........
4 SO
18 42
r Iron Work*.
2 00
.33.446 21
Hanub *-Ut Mer. Co-----11,67
/ ■WT Milllken, .... .............
Grand total.........................323,663 23
- - Caet Iroa. Pipe
Unlcn street from B6V street tenth
Feandry Co,
S 00 City of Trwaamt Cl
> 8. Union street bridge.
Sheet espbilt pavement,
4 U
■j. H. Larkins.........
4S 00 B. B. B. L * P. C<
n’ldtb of pavement, 40 (eel.
Pan of cost assesmble to private
IW dray line..........
S 00 Arms A Cole. ........
28 8<
..39X03 10
W. V. Telegraph Co.
5 08
7 38
7 70
8C04 equare yards at $2.10. .tl40< M
IU.6 ft. clreutor cartong, 18c
88 41
10 M
for first qaarter. m.|sxiuT
mrt'ln J- n. riceolt l. aboot to H. Proulv. eetton. .
tetln- fnms tlx- Ifawion tire <Iei>artment
sft.T f.yl)-fc-ven .veer*' serikc la IL
lie » tll tv.v'lve n iK-n.lnii.
Eagle Prrm^tSl’J^Smd.
Inga............................................ .no 08
Wbat woald yoa tblak of yoar groeery men If be eold roa mad for aog.
ar? What do yoa think of a draggtoL
wbo oBen yea a eebetitate for the
ktadieoa Oo'e Book; MoaaiatBTna
iaa -O. Johaecm.
llrtiu for December. ',
r OD^'alon street.
and bridge.
» 1«
4 3:
23 <1
V. Petertyl, boramfaoelag. etc..
1SA33 M
Part 0
3 80
Polk* pay r^» ^^ber.
ooers, ............................; .. ••
alls (or sidewalks on Cypress
sic per yard....................... Ijis'tl
la^ldenuls-Eaglneer* and It•pectlOB ............... ............
U4 7*
« W
Buys a good
round dollar’s worth
of goods from
our Men’s or Boys’
Ulster, Overcoat
or Reefer stock.
Other goods •
at bargain prices
from our
Annual Inventory
Clean up.
Call and tell
. '
us your troubles.
",L.v.5iSrri'ir,.r;sv;s j.
with yoar reeolatloe o( OrtobeT^
Mured by Aid. CaapbMl that,, tbe ItOl. file No. Sii. plana. |dato. aad dtognmi. aad cetlmstsa of qnaaUUm of
imc be accepted aad ptoeod oa »:
cmala etteeie of TraTwrm City, m
Tasrsam Crrr. MIeb.
Jaa. 4. IfO
We do hereby
. . edUfy
rtJfy to
_____ that
.... ibefollowtagtoanaroar
the (ollowiag
•to aceeaBi of tbe coat of rapatrs ea
:ract aad the conetraetlon thereof, tbe
) and a
tt of materiel need aad tbe «tAll of which |i
eet or place
By O. P. CAsraa.
cottar WALkB.
11*1 tt
CmAB. M. bBB. Clerk,
37 SO—g :>«st o }h« Hoaorakle. (Ae Mayor. City
•Ikk .. M II
oosecw and Ike Board of PaMto
Works of Ike Cily of Traaerae
CUv -Mlcktym;
— I berowttb anfaiDN
Tbe flrot
Brat ebipmeat of lambe to mar- Moet'HlRh:
Moet H1r<>- w.w<- do not tl.e
tl>e leee-------leet moan
kei from the Upper Peolaeala lea for oer sister, who baa been taken
carload tliat luu just beea coosiRoed from B>k .
. Reeolred. That la tbe dedtb of
toObiea«.yi by iheRoycroft format Maty Uruad tbto hi*<- moarai tin- loss
Bldwr. The farm to already etocked pf B elster who was orer ready to
with aerenl bnndrad ^eep, and tbe iiroffer the band of aid. aad tbe volee
sy^iwtliy. to the needy and dtoratolac of tombs for market to to be ofren-d
of the freteraity; aa aotlTf
- made aa Important oae.
•■•mberof tW. eocleg^^en^aad
Mlm Louie KoiRbt of Praaeuti,
killed e bear this week wblefa welRh- *SNl3nd, ^t” syianSlhVof this
extoaded to her family '
ed ICS pnoada The yoanR woman tbolr afRIctimL
foand the bear la tbe ob'lekm) coop
Reaelred, That tbe t&artar of tbto
aad teteraieR to tlie hosee R<>t a Ran bin be draped in mooning for tblr^
daya, aa a mark of reepeot (or oar deand killed 1L
deter; that tbaoe reaolatim
Weather roodltina. <ui Lake 8ape> onaed
be cpread apoa tbe reoordeef tbto
rtor are aopreoedanted aad pbeaome- bin end a oopy thereof be tomnamitted
naL Usaally at tbU aeaaoa of tbe to the femily of onr deoroaed aicHr.
year the Beweenew pealatala to storm aad to each of tb.- nowspapare of this
•wqpt aad BOW to piled ap bIodr tbo
tallroatM to the teleRiapta-wir>-a This
wlaier the w.ather to aoKormly ralld
aad tbere to only fair elelRhlaR la tbe j
oopper eosalxy. For half a eeatary'
tbere has beea oothliiR lUe tbeaalform mtldoeee of th<- tneeai ee^ti. arc rained ten to iweirefohl tbe prWe
of dtomomli. Tbe beat came tram
Tbere are no sIrbs of loe on lake 8a- Cklaa. Ceylon and India.
parlor aad boati are ranalaR back aad
fonb on tbe aartta ehone. .
_uatb reatonag. life raoewing cor
Tbe CkuTom-Arebareaa ntmtany of dial. a loaic fortlflea tbe body aad
LadltiRtoB. tbe tonteet game lioard brain aad dope tbo mine of deoay.
Mtaafeotaren la tbe world, baa eas- Ttmt-e what Sooky Moaataia Tea
does U oeata Jaa Q. Johaeco.
pmded worii to InereAae the capacity
Pure, healdiiul,
RamUtaa. OupbMI.
ladcr. OUtott, Bond. ONcH. Oarrlaad Ooctatta.
He welRbc 400 itooBda. to a* nimble ae
a eat and rerr atroaff. and can ran'
Wh-yraa. It liae plenaid ll>e Ownt
bop, ablp, and Jamp. box liata. and Arehltecl of tbe Outrenw to retuoribold bto Qwa Renerallr wUb aar ordl from oar mldet irwell lOTi-detotm.
ind. aa
aatj atbleta He to temperate In !iab.............
I. It I IbH that a S»laR
IH and baa a boat of frleada
n«o«iilatloii of b<r macr
•lioold be had. Ilierefote be It
of the plHnt. Tbe mala factory balldiaf will be ealarfed br an additlmi.
40 by 00 feet, aad two storlee blRh. A
new etnm power plant la a e.’raiate
balldtag will atoo I* Iratalled. Tl>to
oonoern.' which started aboat ;
years ago with a capacity of tbir^
beard, a day apd empIoyicR lem tbea
a doaea nwn. new has a oapaelty of
1.000 boards per day aad glrM
Cctidtastd Hews
» cf Wkhisan
flf $>0.«00 la AlUoa
mm « tb* dteo» «rm not iri'
Tmmitj Mr. Diekie rwrlrad a iKwr
r thatt a saa*^ wmid p>«
throMk Albioe Wo^aaMlar. ee hti
«ar M Ohlaaco. and aakiaic tba |ml
deal la nwrl him at tbc UbIs. Tbe
taitnatltiBf v«re (allowed aed at tin"tiats Mr. DMle WBi hacdMl as eoralapa with tbe reqoejt ^1 to ojieii 11
wdl be reaebed hii ofltee. Oo open
iBR tbe «arelop>- be wae eniiwlied to
Bod tbr Rift.
John Barber, an old tvoidesi of
Or7ibtt FaJU. ie advlaed far letter
from AaeirUtbai beliaelalleo belr
to a (ortBoe led him h, an oBcle. He
' left Thnredar for bi. satire Ui '
claim th<' relate^ t^e alleRed ralbr u.
.wtalebUaaldtobeBl.ono.COO. Berber
to a «eU known etaantoter abost Orr»Ul Falla, and to familiarlj known aa
Mored by Aid. H
mnjW nod clerk be
tb# matter la props
ward to CooiitRsma
AAioaraed regalar aimUag of
CetneU bOM to ocaaeU reemeJaaP^
10. im.
QalMd ta order by Oeerge F. OarThey to take tbe faalMlag ma Itsuada laoB. prttodmt pro teat, in tbe chair.
Preamt-AMe. HmIIUv CtompbiB.
Stodtf. OOton. BoagLay. Cwaaiagham.
CKy Clert.
Boaad. (FNeal. Oarrlaaa and Oeealia.
l^nnO.SE AND OOMMDNICAtoorad by AM. Btoder that the roTIOSB.
>rt be aeoepted aad
4te bl^aat bidder.
aT uaanarer’i
goreralBg the
Mocad by AM. Oarrtma ttet wa Mb
.Cmsa. M. Bcma. City OA
164 Un. n.' atral^t ciitb, lie
Tfi H
It* M
IM to
Total............................ ....3 2,11137
Total-Private property. .386,667-89
_________ _____ 3UX43M
Usdiu curb, iU 1X37 AO
740 AA
.. .
_ dm
le to private
2,6to 1
.. ..................................... * . 973 60
.11,614 40
1X46 fi
124 llD. ft of white oak at 338 26 04 Ineldentolt. .
634 70
MoimaT I
417 00100 OO ............................. ^ .................
SO 00
Willlama - - Pan
Oraham, 29 dys. attlJS
29 12
Street croeetoge.
638 sq. yards at 12.12 per yd. 11.776 86 »4 iMj. ydi. Bt $l
.Ti 1.634 37
Ireoler curb
Total. .♦ ............................... 6 239 18 128.6 Iln. ft. rirenlar curb
(msdlne) at 66c................
rirat Netloil'
tld by order on city clerk.
et 8*c..
43 ft. etralgbt curb el
” **
Doc 30. 1901. .... . .. v--» 1 « 46 lUu (I. straight curb
24 48 Pour catch baalns. at $30.
dine, at Sic.................
Jim Cnan. Dec. 23. 1901.......
6 00
BOARD WATER COMMISSIONERS. ) Iln. ft of vh't* oak a
Four catch baalns at 33
64 67
J. W. MtuiEU. Prealdeat
Sewer connecUons. ....
John Bredna. rebate aa cnB. J. Pt-uim-w. Secretorr.
Moved by AM. 0-N(U that (be
wZ^5/:^e/.*J?faaie a. e.*
aeeoanl* be Ulowed ana orders drawn
mwt wdk. 1000...................
s M on tbe water fond (or tbe amoants.
Grand toUI........................ 316X73; *3
Pront street from Union street to
.3 773 « Park rireet
Teae—Alda Hamilton. Oampball.
Btodf^. OlUett. Boand.' O'Neal. OarrIM 06
ana and Coebito.
16 90'
BlI*lri^a*A. lAwranee (or baked
31 U
_Dods (antobwl deteatlim boaplul laddsauto. .
was prmented.
Total. .
HoTfd by AM. HamUtm that tba
Morad by AM. OOtott that tba report ime be referrad to tbo Board of Babe aoMpted aad waraaU draM on perTtoors.
the aarml faada (or tbe amoaaW
Total..................................... 313X31 74
m—AMb. HamUfcei, OunbeOL
Moved by Aid. Hamtttoa that vkea
Part of coat antmahli to dly.
WMtk of a
Btoder. OlDett, Naaad, OTtml. Oarrl- we adjbara. we adjoaro to meW ^
.711 as. yds.
eaa amd QgJla.
day. Jaaaary 10. at 7;W p. m.
336Xm Pto!^31X*....^ ^!!
■ 41
AM. Oarrlaca meda a Tmbal repaet
Morad tfaM tbe mgttor of aMewalk
•lit 9B tbe none aMe of Cypmm
irari ba rafmtad t* tba Aldarmaa at
Fov mtok tomtit nt 33A.. mM
H. 0.
W. 8.
'acldUtalA ..
127 67
.3 1X16 66
Grand total......................... 310X34 36
UalOD etreet from Baf street south
to B. Union KroM bridge.
Brick peveatent
Width of pare
Psn of east smmmbli to prtvtt*
UltS'sq. yda at 3L63..........|7X34 36
IAA* ft. Medink curb. Sic.... 272 63
Poor eateta hnetne at 3
34 tt
86 Ai
33 At
I The Old I
iGray Mare:
«"-«riha tout. -B* wa
Ha* a«MB |M toffaad <fea hui
U It an a* batwau imiT aad Mar
"Caa’t «T whMtor Ha ar aat DM
oa ratr kaow ov aid pbt m
•XaadAao: Votbhi'oartoi
bto bitea tto pto-
pjoasttiamlrea aald
LT64A yards at |LU..
laeldeauto -I--'.
t>an «
teforaatim thu tattar to wrlttoa fay Two cattb baalu at Boardma
>nd paapU af tto 9aau aty yua traty,
Tboo. Bauithwa
hBrebatowrred byltoymted tto
t<9 alMM toUy wltb a UtUa itoalornctAL
liataal food af ato tiBnmliM tfaa
. toad nlltcBd ftnaa Ttatana Oily
Oiaad total.......................... tsj
iaHattbpon Ito aity fuiwiawtot
Outtoaad fioa third paga.
Bute Mreet-freB Boardaua a
Mtoku ttoamutla toad, aada
> Railroad ae^ne.
Qraad tntal.........................
Tar Biacsdato: 30 feel wide.
■to a fiMt dtolaf Obb aad
Part of COM/toaemble to p
armor ta u affntt ta
if^tafwBT te Ito laaiamd read
• tto alty.
aad that bardu aa !■ demte
-86A66 70
M cBUBtotM.
PabUo' totritad
Pan of COB
■riteat tore affrtad to dcnale rery
aq. yda-atll
............ ..................... 8 770 00
Ha. ft. tcireular curb. Cfc.. 85 00
relaabla righu apoa tha Ibaatr ttot
128 lln. ft. straight curb 6)c
65 a
Itoy «m eomitottat to tto saMcal f.7U aq. yds at I:
8to catch faaaio*. 830............
180 00
waUara of tto elty, ato the aawapa- l.lty lln. ft. JledI
160 00
61 eaau........................
par* tor* faithfaUy raoorded i
■a-hlleoak. 6X1S
mal/attatMto at a *rT*rHt pql-Ue
totot A faw trmtoldara. Bot farUas
StraK rriulnp*
--•Ii71 73
able ta doaaU aM yalnabla rlcbu.er T7 aq. yds. at tlJO.
s lu w
7 gi
wtotaU to apinoeiaM tto baseSu to U ilB. ft whia oak *>!..
to dtdrad fiaa tto jgo>aotad a
■ Rallrred aveane.
yrUe. tore daoUaad to aake msb doTotal, .
30 feet wide,
totlBM wbaa .reqnwh-d hr tlia eoaAlley ri
b and gntter oae foot
■Ittaa. ud Uwlr aamaa tore bare 86.1 aq. !
iatod OBMaJly by tto Bmbm of .26.8 Kn U circular curb's!
• Com aBMosable to private property.
tto camBltkae in raping aa to {wo4.153 aq. yd*. al^76c................ |3dl6
83816 2S6
IS St S.670 lln ft. curb at
ralgtai curb. Sic..
and gutter
aado, aad by aauy tbrea good
ISO lln. ft. Mk. ai-fSS..........
«»»•........................................ 1.068 »
BS aroAeanad deSetonc ia paV
Itch faaalDs'al tW.......
iBCKeniala. . ......................... tsO 00
lUapIrtt. That tar .tto gaaeral aeoti'
•Hto-d (totoMT a«P for toasth aft*
WmMT Mb Cww tod fM tk*
ala* alMt dr* roda." bsftod thr bto! MUfciiMmiilnirinlrrirnniiilt
«• t* tto M* nnada W Mtoto h», -Or woslda’l kM tto
«wt(k Ui wir«. X«a<T. wto pUMaerklDHlUTr
Hdsf rtiatr. Sto tod
"Sto Sii«bt feteb ap ta s tomeo car
. .
letocce vttdiD nar per ato b«Bp tor owa toto. bat I
SMto. FtotBCr Jabii aat dova irUh • caeaa that woald to (to wmi of H.
^mt. ftotod «t bta aUff kon- ■ mlo- Wtat-a op. Naacrr
■M.Md ttoa, itolMid «f dlUnc bU pip*,
"NothiB'far Tsa W kaow. Tea }ast
to ilovi/tamed to tto wU^aBd Mid: keqp quiet aad teane work tbla hlac
“KeafT. I »««» «* ki»« wtoi'e e« bT araeir. lilUlT'a fata'
mw with ear UltiT.’
•fur a daraln' aeadle aad a .
*lTtet oe MfU do Tea araar *i- black tbraad after dlaarr toaMrrer. aad
aball drire tto old aare."
After dlaarr aett tor tto botae waa
lltolTrrafoa aad Ufl
■Dean trr to feol aw." to
■ a ab^ in tto banrard
to to alowiT atook hi* toad. ~l alat
toeBaakla- do qaMleae toforr. bet I
trip. Ito taotber broocbt tto
■MB for two or lhf«F wooia thU tUdto ootSt •roood.'trtla* Boeh aore tlao
trae wronf with MIHt."
than oerawjd neeeMarr. Moo
wbap ito oM nare. who had paaaad
r tweoOetb birthdar. waa bn
toat thlak we oecfat le'tor* ■ dorter.
at tto fair alw wa* what HlllT.ralld»7e«r
•HTlf»lj'"-Uiat la. ato waa arrr
*1 thlak. KdDcr.’' b» Bld^tT rrpllrd
•fur a taif aUnte- "I think I’b koId' aad reatleaii and erldeatlr roll'nf fo.
!• dad eat wtot'e tto inalirT with Sto tod to be told hr (to bit aatll tto
MUlT. ead IT rao wen-f tVit aw I’ll to Ctrl sot In and aocared tto llbea.
''Sto an* ml coHr todaf." aald tto
•rer ead tore a few worda aliii mie
■Mber aa ato pattrd tto aarv'a oooe,
TahMtin Urtito to kaowa’’
-Hew aboold to knowr aalrd Naa- dim abe'lJ (irodT down iiefate Tto gat
BooBod to to "gal tto lailread
to the arbooltooBe. She baa oertr ru
■iUiaut t^aid to tto coat or tto
*l>BBae. bat I rarei I’ll walk orrr awhT In ber life, bat If ato abooM do
- -(1A22 06
■aaa." Tbera ara two ddM to
almoM arary pcopoaiilncIn IbU
. .|7.lk
Grand toal. ..
w tat too aaarn to tore reealred
Cass street fi
. "Tod go rtgbl olong. Aa I waa aaria',
daradaa. aad chat bat partlaUy. ,r!dge.
Brick parcBet..
, «l>aaeo.hatlwaBt-toior8l>eJohii- U ato abtold roa away yon bold bar A flaaw at tha other Bight at laaar
Btcady In tto alddir of Ito road and to riod baatnaM poliey.
WIdiD of atreet MtlBsted. U f
S.404.S aq. yds at 11.80..........84.6U »0
*Tea are alwar* pokin' areuod and rrearn for hrtp. Now let brr g'la
Ia tto Srat plaoa TntTataa Ci^ toi I.I6S lln. ft. medlna cub. SIC 687 SS
Tbr old gray Bare awred off w
■tots' to old toa hnxar of j-oaraelf.
fiVaato toibaad* tone of tto beat iDcldrnlal*. .............................. 240 46
•ad I aspact Tea'll frt vp aad pat oa rath, and for a quarter of a mile ato
etoeCUTAraaaeaaoinrnienila'. Now. aalntalned a pace lo aorprlae brr drlr.472 87
baaatlfalaf Ito proparty ud UOs
chto. hats' j«a ate M fall 6t mriatitr. or. Then abe auddeoly gave a aqaaal
Part of coqt-asaeMitile '
Imno tall Tou aometblB'. Our Mlllj aad twoke luio a mn, Mllly diopped will to Bwra fully apiwaclatod ia Uie
Kireet rcoaslagaf
(be llnea and rlung lo tto oeal. aad ato
aad BUa hara tod a tift"
74 aq yd* a<At:»0..........
-.8 140 SO
raneatored ber motber'a Injottc•'Had a row. ehr qurrlfd John, aa
7 85
lie. ft oak. at 866. ’..
14 OS
h», aatUad Usiarir down to bmr ito tloo to actraa. Sllaa Jobnaon waa atlll ilBiA But aside frota this, wtoi U
werklng ee tto feace ")e*t beyond Ibo
tto tanpoaltloB aa preeaaiad by tto
lie <rta alao railing blai
Tout............. .....................J
*^^"iSrritoT torm'ir ahr aMpptd.
articla la your laei toBae? Is affect it
Alley creaBlBg*.
. *‘t said a dff. aad tbm-'ii'a toa|> of dirU tba ea'taniloD of ttia ValtoD-Trav 4.146 aq yd*. aHI-80...............
ake DP wit
fwaaee totware a tiff and a row."
when be bMrd orruaa and a rlatter orw City bresnh of tbe S. R. A L l.SSC lln. ft. circular curb at
th«T tet laad a» rerb otiirrr
t. tto'^aztaatlu
Tbb, th^ did. aad I'lu liarkln’ UHIt dowB tto road, ne gratped the altoa- lailread to Korthptot.
lln. n. atralgbt curb. Sic .
to be Binagad aad onai
Btrei^LJi!r.'tto Pour
far bU t'B’worlb. You know (he daj tIOD at a glaDee.catch baalns at ISO. . .
~ ti none of tto mder'a
aba west orrr lo Ell Wamrr'a to are
At North. Sewer coonectioD*. ;;.. ,...
Iber bo rmolred to do or die. port, doaki aad trasafar alilpa
tomb? Well, there wa> a wladiulll
toclrientila. . . . . . . . . . .
BU at Warorr'B that djf- «i»> hebe
[tor the -wriggly'
n cirla anos the -Kwrrt
. IU70 ST
glad of an ezcaae to atop or aide aafabllitod between that port and
white to pi
frantic efforta to codIIddc ber alld Muiatlque.
fis Sllaa called UIIItb
(Srand total............................8C.8I4 IS
fllgbL It la anScieat that to atoppM
Tto paotde of Mertbport ud riolnlCa*» etyeel from Kronl Mrcei
'Aad aba fot Dtadr
ly taolly expect that reanlt. ud tto bridge.
"Of cegne.*;
Hrtck parFBfst.
Width of pavement otlmated.
-Of rowto."
rotad to bond ttot lawaiiililp to aid tto
"Aad to toao'i toea here for (wo
Tbe people
le of Tiaveree
Tbe main ]>olDt of Intrreat ahifta lo
to prlrei’e
waaka. aad Mlllr U ffain' amsnd tooknpon
that aide reranila again. Nancy Is an
te' aa If sto wanted le die? 1 imtai co ting
aq yd*. *1 ll.Kl ... ..t(.4
there alone with a amlle of iri>rar aad are Kile and irti )ilu ahe'a all
ipb on her face when John cotura np •ehiuerloal. ud felt ttot tbi- resDii 1.162 Ud. ft.. Medina i^urh
•ear tots.’ iMd aad wania to to rrteada
from the bare and boldi up lo view a would be bnt a Hue of read to Northpart. TtaU woald aatutally be tlieli
••Wtot! WtoC iohn I’aner. are dosen burs aad
ecacloaica. aa if a lar ferry Itae wan
TMA her* feoir- bIbmi alioiiied Nan- fooad
taqaitad (tore is m plaoa on tto en
nd they Bust 'bare been wbal mad*
Street croBiii
Laka Mlchifu ato
»e old mare con away."
TO aq yd*.
to that purpew ttoa Tiavaraa 86
-V«T likely." abe replies wllboat
lln Tl while
loeUn up,
IncldeotaU. ..........
Of oooraa adme arlU la aaawer U
"Aad aoBeboay-BiD.t^ e p« 'CB
Alley i-roMlnc*.
Bay freemJn wiater." Bat thii U
3 aq yde., aat 81.81
•at u aanrer. m wbu Orud' Ttar
nrh. CK.' 78 40
6 6 lln. ft. <
araa Bay fraeie* ao as to prevut the
b. 5lc, .
so 40
catch basin
ato leaks up a
boor*. Nqrthport bey. tto lower end'
of Uiud Traverae Bay ud Luka
Mloblgu aeetb to tba Multea i*l
aada will be foud freau soIlA Bn
. . 16.000
Grand total. .
ODd aeaia Afier that nbalier baa aoocrdlag to tto report la yoat laM
Hark Place at
torn admliled no one la avowed to eatto Northport ear ferry aoheme State ■
Brick paver
Tto explaaatlon will aerve to la- awBi to be laoaiTlag arrloua onetodk'idth of pai
trodore an locldeni reported by a rer•
oonioB>dent of the Plltaburg Ulapatcb.
rowd of BCD and woBen. each platbd. Now rappoae it ware aeta«ny
onMraotad Aad la opmtloe. What
* -V. II r: ....... is.Tivo
order in which they were to eater tto would be the affaot upon Travpna
■riling. Lie........
316 SO
nett alreet cir. Mood at tto I'lace de Olty? It would make It a trey etatlu
TKlolie itallOB when tto dnwnlewD
Ito Uaa to Northport; Bar atreet,
car aiTlrfd.
ToUl.................................. ..IJ.tTfi SO
(to bay fraat tn tto elty. the beuliKurreylDg tbe crowd, the eoadi
Pan of coat BBiesMble t city.
falahata Una of tto hay northward.
cried out: “Only three plpim In tto
Ailey CM(*|Pi;r.
lid ba ooeapied by a rallread line/ 2S4.Saq. yds. allt lS.........
Who baa ticket .No. ir
b that Mra. Blabkff Chicago-'(to ever which woald tbuder erety hour *■ 8 lln. ft. clreulnr vurh at
lln. ft. alralght curb at
ilouieat woBun In the American cob or ao poadaroa* ooal ud ore OaiaA
ny. approaebrd, bolding np tbr tl^ aot raui^ to, bat throagh Traverae. 60 lln. n. white oak at |l
Two Caleb baalnaat tSO...
lUed for.
Oily, ud'(to great privilace of
"Slcp alioard. midaa." aald tbe
pablle apirtiBd ultlaMa..wbo gave ap Sewer
a atrcanoK ar a
dDcinr, rioglnc hla go ahead toll,
tfaato proparty or aged lhaasalvat to
•tvaii: Walt: rye No. Sr railed a
ar-aa aba roar fram ber rbalr. -Dod'I
ta of tl>a waallhlaat oorpmtloii^
Tto daro Mr ooe single' sieip; You'd ttle FrencbBan.
la Ito world, troold ba to stud npoa
"Y'on’re top Utr.- replied tto
■ake a pretlj bum of ihlui.'* If itoy
iraod total..............................
.8S.8S3 66
(hair atreato ud aea tbeae "baiaa go
doctor. "ErrtrpUce'U Ukra.”
■aa Ml to TOD. wooldn't youV
•rk Place ai-*H from l-r<-<itIt tn^ate
by," while their rlew of this magaiS- street.
-B« aOBietUeg baa.got io Iw done.”
eeat bay woqld ba iatereepiod there-' Hr|ck pavement.
to proUatod with anaiou* voice. -MIIWidth of pavem
«T had BUo bare been ^vln' each oiber
•r*r two real*, and » e musiu'l let '.-a
laacat this elty la tber*BraisBi
SO tq. yd*, at 8l*'i..
liU oat over a little iblug like that."
of tto Waltoa tomato of that syautn.
> lln. ft cutblnc. 6lc
'hat's , got Ito lie tlow'. for one
Bad oa eato' darireta Uttic adruage.
A la for yq
» kcei> «
to arrloaaly injnted by aay t
Ttoa tto tanaaas will to- at Northbtuir bat got
netlier. i
lore affag.—Drtrtft I>ee Ptraa.
port ud this ei^ a aare naUoD oa
Mottor alts right bere. and what sbr
tto Una.
tost kaow about lorrr.' .lusirel* yolt
yd*, at 81.8:.............
I Bappoaa Ito M. A N. K. railroad Il.asq.
Msdat try to-learn bn N.
:. 8 lio. fL circular rurb'o<
Baled to Ito elty tto iirotnslttao
—t 1 tell . .... . _ .................
at 68 cents. ............. ...........
If It wan gruad tto right of SO ft. atraigth curbing at 61c.
•Os Jehaaoo win conic eoeaklu' around
Bnaser-Oh. all right. Sto toast at
la ft. wblle oak at 136___
aay day. but if to vto« don't you say
atv gown* a* my wlfe.-ColsBbtB way Uiraagb tto olty it woald aztud
> Caleb baa.ns at 830..........
DM word about tbe qium-l. Jest treat
ia Has to EU Baiddaud then ombi.l Suie Joor^L
er conoectlsn-i. ...................
hlB a* If yo^ aidD't know anyibing
UaMomlBiurtututonwlae? Bim
A (WMOfttOl
had happened. lie begun tto quarrel,
Oerlral cuatooitr tare.___ ________
•ad to'a got to to tto oar to eat buafrom nap' la baiW* cbalr»—All fweperty or as tto toly to aid nato a
laolaet* It U but utnral that rail
* be ath-ka o al»ut It tbiDOth.
Battor—Yea. air;
Grand tout............................
toads should aaek tto IcmgaM loaibU
Park Place mfeet from :
"Serial cuatoarr-Iadead! Ttoa 1 haul of luaeagm or freight. Fa State atreet.
U to d eat fall « ttotom
iD*t bar* te«b lodalglog la a qalM thirty yaon tto Passaylreala lyaaa
Brick pav«
aak Us aeck. be ll ■elwS^er.
baa torored Peletoay for (tot
Width of B1 Id MtiBalet
*^rtor—Ton aarely har>y *lr.
•ad ftrr hDBble within two week*
it 81.86...
1.393.3 aq. r
Cleri><al..cDBteaier-~lt waa veruisly
Mra. Naacy Carter ibouabt »Ih- knew
316 2<
6S0 lln. ft.
1. Bcdina
curb, .
you__ ______________ _
ffsaac BUat iobaaon pretty well and Ttry kind of you
13* 33
mt ha* done Be good, aad I aa huadt to to ba wltoMl^ ud tto
Oat to dldB't differ BDch fruDi tto tbe
reiy thankfol to you far wbat waa
■tommy af term, bat ato was mis.
•nkto. Ha waa aa ofaatlaate yonng
Barto^Doe't acatua It air.
Alley cnulagt.
■aa. tad. tbeagh It eauned blu low ealy fair return; I atteatod a
aouna ttto ol^ has ao powes to mchurch 8
•r slaap aad appetite, to refunrd to to
real aaoh u uianwtoa aad it iMbld
toa Srat ta glee' la. Oar irord frea
88 c«nu. .
16 lln. ft. Mralfbt c
lony waald hare htoogbt Ub orer
dial 10 our ury. AdM<al Oo^ay
onj amtoa'ca this Itoe of read, tot
8 16
60 eeau.................
•a tto Ouur farBbowe ea tto JuBp, ■UI
to cariiM aa tto actito IM •• M read ru wbm U wlU do tto
IS 60
hto, bactad by a feeUng of iniiiiT aad
60 00
tot ■■tor, ato rrfnwd to sprek H.
•Mhaiu Tto ally cu at toam preIt thaa «t*a aboni that tto -tiff"
■I ogalaM tto nooai«Uwi aad uaa of
af tto
A aad ttote waa a poaalblUty of
tto oily or af tto
frut af tto MUia weatm |ut
at tto laaorpoBBtoon. lieuaiiqttto
Otoaftto taeth
MittoBaklagfw Itow
«u toa MtgeM of tto toad r
Freai atisM from Pork PIom atrert
Tihto rtow af tto qooaUm my 1
..... ...
Pan of poit I
i to city.
»q. yd* I
....I 532
lin. fl. circular curb ud
gutler (omb, 60c...................
128 lln. ft. airalgbt curb aad
gutler cemb, 40e ..........
Si* catch basin*. 830............. 180
Sewrr conneciloa*.................... 160
160 lln. ft. white oak, 136___
Incldeoul*. ..............................
•to an.
Marqals Itu tbe Jspoaeaa atatcai
with the Order of tto Bod Eagle.
n. a. Bogcra toa mat ■Otoa
doUan aad macb of bM Om Impcaeing sad dacontlng hta bom '
Falrharen. Mass. 1
tbe town a Utnry.
drainacF^q^eta. tot
ball, sebooto
A-Gardlwr U. tone. <taM af *81. baa
made a gift to tbe K
ttoa that wilt eubhle
panment to Invhe emlaeai Etuapean
•cbolare to leware at *tbe uolvfnity M8 FRONT BT. BOOMS^I, tud«
Ml •nbfecd* cuouev-trd n lib tlnrk aad
totln llteralnre.
FOB SALS. 961-«0 aore tere. ueu
. Tboma* Alia*. larafreaor of animal
ailee aosth of city, totge boBa .
Indonry at tbe UIiidcmU Klate Agri bm ^ Urge fraata bare. Abut
cultural t-uU'-ce. ba* teudeied bil
all aadgg ealtiretioa aod mU goad
Ignaliuo to take effect early la
soil. Lew pnea. Prtoe, $8.«a^^
uary. He wUI Im-uiue editor of
FOB BALE. WO-New six reaa booaa
etcoe foudeiiaa.Wast Ninth itrewi.
Boay tema. low prioe. Pries. 8860.
FOB BALE. 90- Large heaaa u
Noatfa Bpeuea atreat, large bare.
Hinelous Eliui of life Dlsox FOR Sale. i.________ _
#red by FamoiM DMterpries for cash. Pnoe. gTtn..
ScientiMt Thai' Curas
OB BALE. y9*-Kl(» lltrie hooae
«aH hare, East Freai atraaL.Every Known* Ailment
Eaay temo. Price 86CU.
Offtoe epu evary eroDlag ll'ug'ii
Wwterfu) Cures ara Effected
TIA Seem Like Miracles PerYou tmve no 50 to 100 por
fermed-The Seerdt of tons cent, contrsetor’s profits to pejr
life of OMen -Times
ou this property. It is ell listed
•t Ks lowest cash value, owned
by honest people and told at an
Th« Ramedy is FrM to All )Vho honest price.
8«nd Name and Address
Always on the hustle, always
After yean of patieot stady. i
clad to see you. Make wiora
delving into the dbsty record of
paek a* wall aa following modern ex- Sllaa, have larger lists than ill
patimeata in' the reels* of Bedleal the rest put together.
- 81.10* 70 •oieaoe. Dr. Janie* W. Kidd, *676
Piiat Katipnel Bank bntldlng, Fon
..86.443 98 Wayne. Ind. Bakea Ito atartllog a
Any additional ealimalce for work of nouoement
----- -- - - - -*mt
that be ha* euiely dl*oo
■ny dlffcn-nt quantity. r kind within
the dlrirfct coiTrnld bj
by anncieil planv
can I-' f«mi»hcd. if y. 11 may nqulrc
Kopcctfully aubinll
. 242 Front Stroot
Civil Engineer.
Bay City. Jan. 9. 1*02,
. Ih-PalBil-l. T‘~~ ~ - "-1 1-11i ■ ■■ I
Ritis Hst and Present Free. 1
That the pUlB and dto I
gram*. pUn*. >peclflralloD* and e*tl-j
mal.-ii of the lioard of public works, for j
the griding and paving nf Kronl avim-l
from the «-n.t line of t'nion street to
(he WCM line of P.rk Mreet; I'nlon
«ir«-<-t from th<- lumth ban of Bay atreal
lo th.- iifirlli Vnd of Soqih I'nlon atreet
bridge; t>>.^ Iitrecl from tbe Muth
line of Prm: street to the north line of
Slat- -irecl. and Pirl| Mrect from the
•oulh line of Kronl-Mreet to the north
line of Stale Mreei, lie received: and
tnai the following territory be dcalgnat_ Bystrrions
•d aj)<l •-Mabbehed a* a special aase**■nt dIMrIrt. to be aaacaaed for tbe oomnonad, known oaly to himaelf.
grading and iiaving of aald eireH*. all prodooed aa a raapll of Ito yean be
has. «pe«t in searehing for IhU pranth.-city of Traverae riiy:
All the lot*, part* of lot*, land* and olon* life givlng boon, (o onreuy
preniifCK .nhuiilng and fronting on ud erayy diaeasa. that is knnwo to
ellhr-r ride of Front airwl
Mrwl from the tbe bnmu body. There ia ao donbt
tto dootor'a earaeathea* in aaklDg
Fnlon Mrect
•M't to the west of
ud tto iMnerkable onre*
line of lUrk »tr»
II tbe Iota, parts bia elaim
he 1* dally effeetlng *ei»na to
:>1*. lands ai
premlies abutting ttot
bomr faia oot very atroogly. The thefronting on
brr aide of llnlon aiT which be edvuoee is «ae of rees-1 from the south lio* of n*r
Bay rtreei ho ud baaed oa aoud experienoe io a
- north end of South I'nlon Mreei
praerloe of Buy yeeiri. It
•irldB'-. nil Tho lot* and parts nf Iota, Bedtoel
oat* nothlog to try this____
lands and y.r.-mUc* anutling and front- Eltxir of Life, 'aa be oilia
ns oii.etibrf Bid- of Crm Mn-ei from be eenda It free co uy i
Who it.e
lb- -ohih dinr of Kront alreet lo the eofferer, in solHeleDl <
north lln- of Klat- Mrret. and all tbo
viaee of iu
lu abll
lot*, lion* of lot* land* and premise*
■a is mtwolnb'ly i
abuKIns ami fronting on either aide of
teof ttoonrea oiled
are very
Park Mreei from Ih- »outh line of
' "b. ud '
for tvUable witKronl iln-el in tbr norlh lln* of State
onid fahardly be oradtted. 1The
cepling froiA thy above dlsIiublo- rircet* and alley*.
■I. furihrr, That Mid plat* of tto reiaedy. The siok. l
and diagram*, plan*. apeclOcatlbna and by borne doctor*, have bean restored
eellmatc* W d.-p<»iied with the city to their fwlliea ud frlanda l^perfeot
rlerk for publli- -xamiaatlon. and that
liver. kidnqTblood ud
■•* Ih-r.-of. and of the pro
la ud bladder trenbles d>*>
< nbove prescribed and detig- ap|wwr to by magir. RcadAcbe*. hack
. nervonaaea*. fever*, oonanmp
I that the cobboo ronnril
Clan, eongh*.
cold*, aatbrna. oatarrh,
■ V will meet
pct Dt the council
ihiti* ud all affeetiona of the
cllr, on the 27ih day of iwonehitli
or uy vital orgua are
at,' Inagf
I 1).. 19(>: at 7;30 o'clock p. threat,
easily evereome tn a spam of lime
ler uy objection* Ibereto. that
lic.glven by publication for two week*
Partial |mrely*la. 1
In "Tilt lUiiv E»cle" and "Evening
dropsT. gout, snrofnla. ud piles are
Record. " newspaper* of aald city.
removed. It
lUfli-nl, farik.T. That action upon
Vathe —------------- blood ud
the r. malntler of the report of aald
larva pow.
Itoanl of piibltr work* be deferred nn
1* ud?'
I Ih* next regular meeting of tb(
........is pcodOL-.
' ?^Se
doctor all aystema ..........
'aluTaand eeoalMove.1 l.y Aid Hougbey that tbr Iy^ir>«l^ by^ this great"Biulrol
nwoluilon la- adopt.-.! a* read
Yeas—Aid*. Ilamlltop. Campbell.
Sleder, Gliletl. Dougb*y. '*
Roond. O'.Neal Garrison
d Cochlin.
tiovi-d by Aid. Corblln that «v ad
Inalruetiona lo bidders.
Sperinratioa* for tar micadam.
fii»«. M Htta*. City Clerk.
op-.|j BtM>
.-r- t.i .■<—«■.• *a**
V Cl- W.M.h-nwlh
Nr> ton-
torn U.I.V wwb- tw
• • n ,ailWaxU-^H.«>^
: at. Iwrain.n-m KsIhmI t-toi
nj»i < '•I. lluiiliM |-kiUuiNI
11^ roll IMUt W
1 HAIA-l.«nn-r Klxl,Ui siMiFraafcto
M-o lM»r..f AM--.
r b«alros>U«si*>Bgw^Mr—< tol«
Xo K KT-MlwYa
b sad
■ louitg K>B BKKT-diu Bl*>-'«r.^. ala■ iOCHS To UNT .« W-l,.i..'.ir*-i to
n uBin-.iu. i>«-iw.uU-ui
puB RgNT-On«iMl e..« is <-.d» UHl Uirh
■maln-uf 8. l> t;.niH«l
iaato Mret'ttotwill ormhU
Feb. 18* 1901
A. R. Bremer Co.,
Gentlemen:—I have
used Coke Dandruff
Cura for the past
year and found it an
excellent prepara
"Don't miss the latest
out." For particulars
look in our show 'win
dow Monday morning'.
January »oth.
■«. lb. ri—rl
d a. ,to^t
'The Hustling Jeweler.
■antsea TaSe »e*i
--------------- -------------------- u at
foUowi: Brick weak, 46 eaau pea
how^i BMM wortj 60 euH pw boor;
MoMtag. M
OOoa over City Booh Blon. Bo*
• tollavu, tte4p.m., Ttc
Rw. BoU'vtoMdB.OU.’ptoMSM
Twwhae* cf rwia aad Tawl Mato.
ashnaiii irsaVaaM cm, IndE aannmAT.TJiJroAMT ivmm
Sell UsMiiatHi
tDartia S 6oms
4 <N a tadr* watch rtala. ta
•M* t* »tT< 4» <W Fm( la ■
vbaa Is tMTt S(t aa s«af4a sT (ba 4acL
Is »Klas tbat tab* staUooa la tbeiopa
tomrr^ M. kr O. 1. KUaar ]
cr at tba rapid bra fmrn. It a ahlp-a
baaar paitr M asikd away far aay astta baa-•boaU sc
st*paa doty, aa itw cimtas af a csMa
tbeflcburwho at Ctsaraasaa darins ttw S|«Blib war.
4ra«« «nt tba wrtl dnilad surlsss arv tm ts sa.
a la tba eldasl <
Meai at wali
Tba Btanar <•
aa ta tbr^ackr
Stair ct ansa, altbsssb It nay <
Ttatr raadiMaa to sal DS Mbera SB tba
laUwiw of raasBia dnrtu tba reaast
tJaaWi was la kaaplBS WKb-ftaat tarsads. aod tba arty dtatsBt past lesas
aatar la Caba or cs tba rwi to TlaDtala abd 1‘afclns- Tba I'tiltfal Suias
mrlaas waaa os dark In atl tba froat
a^ batUra of lb« war of IM>; tbcy
vara Id iba'lsdUa and Maatcwa wars,
at tba trtt Ball Hon and In tba si.wuiIM ®f »■«« Homtar and Kort Klshrw.
STbaarrar nblpa. aonld carry tba Da#
-,tba BarlDM waat sums t« bark U up.
Eraa tba baro of tba Msloa. l*rlTsla
WUUan Aatboey. wUi want balow and
alsty laferiDMl Csi>tsiD RlintM* of
tba caUalropba. was a narloa. Tba
nariaa battalion «‘blrb lisd tba Oral
Afbt wltb tba Kpanlarda oo IsDd at
auaataDsoo bay was ormnlsad for
tbs war. It want to fulm In tba staaiDor Ilatbar sbawd nf MbafK-r's rorlw
aad wai Brat to««BlII -.n furalsn soil
■Ddar tba stars and airliaw. Tba day
of loseblBS Hanius'i. Jnna lu. was
also UN day sf tba undjns on Cuban
aoll of tba ODD man of Iba baiullon
■adra <W md nr I.I.mtaiMnl OdonH
IL W. ttoaUnsloti. U» Iba Brat day
4^ tamp was Iriirbad and aupidlaa got
aabera bot tba day r»llowlos tba
Bpoolardi attarkad In aup^rtnr forca.
For tbraa days tbarr was a cimaunt
battla, for tbe marlnaa wanted to boW
tba bay aolll tba cooiloc of tba navy,
and tba BiNDlaida watitad to drivr tba
SuwUcaot out Tba ract.id of tha Iwlulloa at OaBBlaiwiuo la una lo ba
proud of. It was alUrkad on Iha Iftb
donblthai tba fighting woirid
ba mainly on iba aaa. Fanl iim
marlnro srtib bim oo tba Hangar and
tba Bunliomma Hlcbard. Martiw* also
fongbl tba Turk to THpoll. bslpad wort
tba guns of Iba Cooailtoilon ta bar tatlla wltb Iba Udarrtara. fongbt and died
by tba aide
tba Cbaaapruka. stood with IVity oa
Lake Erta. and sadar Cbanncay and
faaadooough drora tba Brilld. flag
froa LakaCbamplslD. Old srodoga Ilka
Rtrwart. Farragui. tvilVas. l*onar aod
Parry apoka la prilaa of tba martaas. ,
BcDil bad martnaa Hi bU army la
and at Btodaoaburg iba mA
fongbt tba Brillab until tbara was
Ksmily an iiowouodad man la tba
tanka And arm Jarka.«-a famoua Una
teblad ib^ cottoa bab-s imHudad maribas, flgbilog wltb muakals.
Hnrlag iba tong Isiarral of paaaa betwaan 1B15 and tba klorkU war of
IBM tba marloas wafa Ilia iblaf artlra
Id Iba sarrlr* of Inala Ham.
Tbay lurtM-rl out to qtK-ll local raroll.
irass piracy In tba West Indlaa
prrsaara older during Iba great
fir* lo Saw Vork in IBSi In tba Waxiwar Ilia martnas Bgund In araty
antanirlta frooi tba golf i» tba PadBc
coast. Tbry wai* wltb Klna.r.aiKl Hlocktoa to California and wltb Perry In
Mexkv. aa wall Wt with tba armies of
Bcoll. TayUif and tVortb. Ercry aneonaiar uti tba I>acinc coast, tba rtp
r UiiBiaaay, Han Franrtaco aod
_____ Ian. Iba Ogbllne at I-oa Angdaa.
Ban Hlago. Han tJalirlar. Han Joaa ami
aaaymaa. had Its barn of Iba niaHna
corps bronglit from tba ahipt In tba
Urxlao one baiialinn followed tba
fortunes of tba army front Vara Crux
to the City i Uixico At tbf stormleg of Cbapui -jn-c tba v<>lunii*r party
aaalgoad lo aiwla Iba walls of Iba cas
tle waa lad by Major Twice* «f Iba,
marina l■llallu^. and tba plouarr IisimI
rbicb lad off wltb ladders and
bad for Ms Indrr Captain Jobs U.
Baynolda of Iba
Twiggs waa killed In Iba Mral
In INIl. vary soon afiar Ibr Inaty
wltb New llranada iCulmiililai. tba
rlnra laiHlarl at l*anama lu proiact
ntlroad. Si-x-ral limes ■Im-e Ibay bare
acted Id ibe rmiTgaory. IwIbb always
,at band on tba sbipa of war lying near
tba latlimua.
the Brat. Bull Hub Major J. Q.
Bryoolda lisl a liaitBlUin of 3.'iU marloaa. Tbay arrvtd In Portar a brigade
In anpport of tbe gnus of ilrtfla'a bat-
a UatHcr bollrt llrM at dou
“Aflar fartne a,atrody Bra for tbm
days tba baiulloo attaokad and rw
pola(d.a aop.-rior fort*. On Iba I2lh
two compaulrs uodrr Captain Elliott
Ml bad out six mill* from Iba cainp
and daatroyad a wall u|wo wblab tba
Bpaularda In front of tbaui drpaodad
for watar. On tbla ax|>adltlon Caplalu
Blltoa dafaalad a fort* of »K> HpanUrda Only 2 par rant of lira r<*pa
Wtra Birk In Calm, and nooa dird
IB tba aaa ballla at Haollaeo many
Sf tba sacobdary and rapid Ora tNtlar
las of BeWay-a atalpa war* maaiud by
narlsaa autlooad oa tira.flsbiiiis raw
sals, lo tome rasas Ih.-sa kuus drort
Iba Bfaulaida from tliair Iraitarlas durIBC Iba boltast of tbf tlcbt.
Tba comtuaiidar of tba martaa battalloo at UiAataDanm. Col.wal IIUDb
Inroci. Is a rHarao of tbi- Hrll war.
April. IWI. Bi
lloll Hub lad u
tba Om baiila of lioli
Iba tbrao companies of luarlm* wbkrb
fousbt tbara. Ha Is also a siirrlaor of
Iba Samoa ship diansiar of INB. baring
bran on board tU^'ollrd Slaira
ar Traotoa during tlw iiurrlranc la tba
barber of A|>la.
Equally prunin in marclilug
dafccaa of tba BaK antl taking Brat
rlUa agaltNI an UBkm.wu for w. ra iba
marlni* In Aalailr •slrrs sl ibc tima
of tba lloiiT oulbrrak In
Oaptaln UrCalla bd ibr Hxi luarinaa
Sf lha Ttrulalu gamnoti wlil. b
oe tba lOlb of Jum- lu n-palr llir ruad
,tba dtoiatb bad dr«iri>yTil. !*!«>
IVBlalD and IVking. For ton dayafoltowing tba wlld«*i ninHira pmallcd as
to Iba faia of Ibo n-llof ndiimu wbtrb
Admiral Bcjiuour of iba llntlali uary
was leading lowanl tba Cbiuoai- capi
tal. Rumon of bard Bgliiltig and of
bdlllani BoccasMs folluwrd onar. bst wbra tba irnib at tart
pnUIr pTOpany It waawbrwn tlial Iba
Amaftcan.marinas Imd Usuatuoog iba
brorrat of tba liravc to tlial crisis. Ba
tor* tba column Irfi Tlanuin and wbllo
. tba commaodam from diffaraoi
trlaa war* dlacuaaluB wbsi abuuld be
dona HcCalla cut shun ibr arcumanl
by.aaylag. -rorwanl lu Fakinc!" Hiv
ing tba msrrb ba «aa souudad lUi
Ubm«, yat be rataluid bit command
tba and. and It lron.|ilr.-d ttiai. la aplta
of Iba bvlW ibat lb*- Cblnaman
srcnldD't flgbt. tba cuIoIdb bad fougbt
111 way losrard lyiliig. ibm turned
aad ent Ha way back lo Ttamsin. meattag w*0 nntied CblMW- aotdiors at arranwblle anolbrr fotve o
ODBinn nTBasoasns sntr
Pakca la t
Patota )a noj an orleatal
ar or aowatblng good lo rat bot a
I widely known among bpanlab
1 and wlUi which Iba paw
pte of Haxwiia In particular af* at pr*w
cot vary much faarlnalrd. aay* lb*
.Saw York Tlmaw Tboaa who do ool
Uka Uw wt*d Twiou.- can call tba
goBNCtai-alaL*' alibougb correct noaga
la aald to favor tba formar.
Tba borne of the game to Sow Tort
Is to ba lo au Immanaa bnIMlog lo ba
encird wo tba bkivk rraol on Crmtral
Part W<*« briwraa. Hixty-rwcood and
Btsty-tbird airaeta. It tuni* out that
tba pun-baarra of this prtnwrty. a pM
of acvanteei. Iota sold raiwnlly by Jw
k Work.
r w buiu a
lent of Iba rtHUlwiiy w ayiidlrot*
U U. tialbls. and lis New York repreoantatli* U J. A. Hal Hour, who lacoonaciad with II. BcbU-ffeilii A Cu.
Tbe game of |ieluU as ibsM-ribed by
Mr. Hel (tolar aeema lo run*»|K>od In
nanr rrniieita tu batidliall. It la pUyad by four, six oa Hgbt liUyen wltb a
yllyalyliall. The s.-v-ik-of ibe aobt la lirtween two btgh walla, aeplied from each other liy prrbaiw S
hondrsd feat. Back aod forth belwrao
wall* Ibe ball la driven by Iba
pUyera. Ibalr lianda liHne prolecifd by
stiff gloraa. bavlng a sort of rxteotloii
beyond tbe Anger tips wblab gives
ar protwlllng fort*' It I* aa
tba game U vary exciting aod
that tbe maicbes pUyed In tla
tba oecaalons of heavy bet
Both agility and mri-ngth are rsWilrad
In tba tpon. and Ibe American od
sutloned In Culm have favorwd te man athletic exevrtae for tbe aoldlriar'^
To Iniroiluea Ibe game |a<ofesslo
will be Uvugbt Jo Sew Vork from
Vina, alibouxb Us poimUriiy wtu prob
ably lead lo Iba formation of local
V- proptwed bnlldinc oo Ceniral
Park West will be aluply a Urg* cor
crad arena, altbougb tbe front farioi
Ceniral park will bo deslgnad as a
Hve alory atnictuiv. wllb a cafe on tta
ind nbor and a iwltiakcller below.
Tta arena Itself, which will be aorded by bcoIs accommodating 0.000
KW. will. It la hclleied. be tta
«l In tta city with the excel
o< Madlaon Sqntr* Garden.
runs for tta new strunur* ar*
being im-parviL anA work upon It will
ta begnn early tbla spring, tt It andefstood that tta price paid for tta
alt* waa aomrihlog over BSOO.iin. while
tta enllT* enterprlar will call far an
InaaoBneDt of about BWO.OOu.
AN EXPOSITION PAPER.tl. Louis World's rdir.
■r of tbs marloea al Oi
imu^Cuho. June. UOa]
tear kod loat foriy-thf** moo and oOecta. In every am Uebt of cunsequence.
from tbe MunUnr Mrrrlniar battle
down to Ibe aloklng of Iba croIifT AUtama. Iba marioc* won bunora and al
so Id tba altacka nisni land fortlBrttlont. Tba first abut fnini Ibe Meariniac wiped out nine mniioes on board
tbe Cuoiberlatid. t'udi* Parragul at
Port llodaoo a gun s crew of marine*
r AUbam
sras Bred by a rifle gnn onttafe
manned by
_ marines.
TUat aamc year.
ISM. at tbe other md of sbe world Ibe
marjnet oo board tbe I'nltcd States
steamer Wyoming foucbl Ibe Japanese
Farragut tad 8U0 ma
rine* In bis MIsaissliHd fled, and oo
the Carolina roast mahora fongbt on
tta water and no Und tn rrery battle.
Ortr fifty marinea fril at tbe siormlog
of Fort FUber
Gsoana U Kti.usa.
r^ nitaTiirtblrtj-fl^r 2SS
aymbol af goad
a oo aou paper
g that year cor-
ellmb tta chluay. hi# ti
lag a fear feet ladder, i
and a rope.
IT* do not apeak tta EagUah Mnaag* ta tba way la which It Is ^wkew
by iha peepl* of BugUnd. W* have
graatly changed, eatorged and pertaapa
Ifaproevd It In oar
r wdy Is sTTOOg.—.\aw
-I don't.are wbat yah all hat to gli
o prood aboat.- aald Ulta 8adN Cot
“Cobs* you doesn'.’* anamraed Mlaa
Mtaml Brown. ~l't* been kudylo' de
white folk*. What-yob .wants to do
la jra- pnt on de aira yohar'f an' let de
■ h folks
foil do
■ dv
Hod Ip ptebU.
•Why. Jubooy. are yoo
Mat going borne
Your iDMber'a
been looking fur yon
Johnny—Yea'oi. I ki
'-Just think bow wc
lied the must ta:
Jahnoy-Oh. abe'i near tbe rod o' b
wncryla'. I'm Jest bagiunlD' ulue.
twdww Toll**.
- clpltaa made tn
Xjundiinl Von go t a brsi rate Ultor
saxured and croaa
iMsumL Tbe eknb I* exiwUeot.
UMideraie. as compared wltb New
rdqiM-sied lu eall and try
Iheui on la Ibree day*. Vuu come to ta
irtal oo ami Bod Ibat ita eluilu-q are
basted logtibcr and Ibat tta I
mcfviy a preliminary one. Tta baxilng,
U all ripped opra. and you are idoned
YunImI after a king lotenal and
try Itau on again. Tta altvtes a:
iDcb too kMig. Ita ettUar Cia s* Hi
were made for a horse, tbe Jacket
la tight acriM* tta ebest and obnodsly
Intended for a fat msu arunod tta
but during a convulaloo a liriAen i<
dlacovervd. and lutira w«*
pared at once lo ulllloe lb Tta egperi* a auoces*. tta Jaw ta* f
Dcb or more, and tbwAnri
. b(*Q leas ri*qufg|lf^
tbo patrolUDg of Ita Hllieriao
bead off Aiofrican miners wbo wtU be
d eltbrr mining oo Ibrir owta
When lUlgar rrinrnciE ta had
a reaolve to Bod oiil lb* arctet of bla
molber'a acutalottnce wltb FMlUf
He liunted tbi^igb lier .
pen till be came opon a note from
Eatber to hit molber. wbicb read aa
Tour'BOU of tbanka Is reeelTsd.
must nut
yourself unUrr e ..
lion to ms. II u I st>o am oUlgsd to
Edgar's curtmdly now drove biro
Ignore tbe unaailsfactory wording of
Eatber* Invliatloo. and In talf
boor be. entered ita gronnda ta bad
kept aloof from fur
to hla csnl. entering
tbe rtam wltb aligbl limp and wlHi an
nnlnviilDg a manner itat Edgar
repelled. Eatber gave a very uoaaU*factory explanation of tbe aeceet df
tar acqualuiaDC* with bla motber. On
Ibe whole. Ibe call was a failure,
ta tad learned was that tbe, secret
acqaalDtance wa* made acrldei
daring hla atwence from borne.
A few day* laiee Edgaw met bl
la In tbe elreei. Thinking Itat lime
had absolved bim froio bit promise, be
poured fenb bla beartfeli ttank*. Hla
oucle 0*01*4 taring rurelsbed '
wltb a dollar. Asloolsbeil. Itogar
olvrd tu dlscuirr tb*
loan, aod dried Into a
trunk wber* be bad seen toolcbeckbooka of bla Stotbi-r
beur's aearcb be fuuod tbe entry of a
deposit year* tafure:
Cbeca of Eatber Bsro.*. Oil.W
Tbla 1» not a tote aiorv. At least the
tore lo It la not art lurih. It Ja given
to show tbe misfortune wbicb may oc
cur tu couaequeoro of aelf nDdervaluttoo. How Eatber Haraes loved Edgar
OoveewM thaw a «r*w« Flo Bairr.
Wtarton. Ibongb only sericig bim; bow
The New EngUnd pie belt will tav
ata learned of bis nervoaliy from bl*
lUllve lu ■
molber and fnrolsbed tbe amuoot ondar promlae of aecrery: bow Ura.
Wbartoo before her death l.egg*d for
parmlaaiOD to tell ber soo and was refused, are matters wbk-b would com*
the prejudices agalntt tbe product
In' a love story
This taiug for a
which food reformer* bar* «' '
special pnn>oar. It U orcraury to aay
mote, ta like* bl* pN w
that Edgar iuade anoibre call oo EamesL Occasionally be will sup|>rv*s
sank down oo
a pleles*
bis -kne« beside tbe aofs where ata
nat and boried tala face in bla bands.
Uguors or wine* for froretuor 8b*w:i“* '
that did not real Of* ten tw a doarn
.Just plain Ainerican fqod. pUInly cookynra of bappICKua itat they might
ad. sriib plain water and pUln coffee
havt had. tbongb It gav* them happl>e of beveragro.
frora that momenb
a maa,- oaya tba
latefitaeae* la Mlea.
Tbe organs of btwriug and acbeUIng
bl micp arv very effii-b-ul. I>ul Itair
ayralgbl Is. wvtallri.-. l-«r. ns-lr Inh-lllgi-mv- Is. we slMiuhl tbiuk, low. as
tniglil ta ex|sv-lid from tin- pauelty of
coDvubilioiu ill riielr brains. Wc sus
pended a Hn uf Hour at swii a iH-Igbt
from Ita ground itat our liiile frtciata,
conbl but quite jump Into It. tbongh
imell vf the food mode them very
peractering In Ibrir eodraturt to do au.
then arranged a string so that by
rinur 'tay could gel at tta gosd
Btoff Itat way.u ntunse by ri4b>wlng ital .courae
Btulnnl to tbe dealn-d giAb but evi
dently by chance, for la-lng startled
uf Ita Hu It fvmiluunl fur a loug
le to make filllle efforts lo rtvovef
its lost posllluO by juiupllig Up. never
again a.-eklog Ibe ^ad wbkii liad led
It tafolv to Ita olije.*! of
For iM.ur* we have liiln lu Issl wi
log mhv trying in valu io spring into
Ibe till uf flour, note- of ibi'Ui <-v<t |s-re*lTlug tut Ibere wa* a f-a»lble road
leading tben-lu.-i'tamtars' JuurtMl.
I A TaoMPmrii. K. D Offimm tadMa
• • AMiinarokis^ ■luia.ataUa.m.ltn
R.M-tMI AS. hsexhara
by ovw pew launlirin
bM alxty-fim bbtbday tecently at
Tvlag Park. Hens. Lord RoihacfaOd
la much mar* hcavfly bnHt and poodaroos In moirarr than bla taottart.
aad ta takes life amontly and roaaeisaUaNwIy. Sport i* bl* groat relaxattotk and ta ba* bit uwo pack <^***>‘
I. at whose a
Tta HotbarhlMs
amMttoua aocUIly. aad ar* psfectly happy, b
la a qolat
daraastlc rxJafc*. oerapled s
xrtth their
____ _ ,__________ _____________ and prac
tical tetarosc N tocnl affalrv—Chicago
fy-F »-*T »- ta
You ask If ta did n«Uy take ii
wviueuls lo tta Brat loautM-c.
talkw rnmpiBceolly rip* up all
a again ami uocs- mure ira-mlB lu
make I'-talk marki all over you and lu*'*40M**»**
i Duoitar of pins.
Trsua arnrs at Tiarsew fXly at 4J*WB..
I arv lu'-llnid to use protsta
gnage. but furlosily luaaten your
elloga. otto you wuoiler bow
aauUlsbmeni ran smvvwd wImt
C. L UK-gWisiD.
a li time run l»- waatsd over one
' ti P « T A
<-loHH-*.-IS>uliiicy lUgelaw lu inde
____ ____________ .
Genenl llarriaun Gray On*, editor
and publlaber of tbe Ita Angelra iCal.l
Tlmea. U in Ht. tanU foe Ibe pc ' Of U.vlng liefoi* tta world's fair
agament hi* icujcct for tta
Bent at the expualtluo of i
wutr tewaloe Says There la »s Tr»
srwNNper plant.
HU Idea U lo ai«cnre In advance tbe
Sanator Depew and bride, acbompacooperation of all tbe leading daltlc* eled by a kTencb maid, pn-lvi-d st noon
of tbe wurid lo an enten'risa taring In lUrla tbe otter day from Peaullcn.
for Itt otiject tta iNinUng on iba -Tbe tlecplng car company paid them
srorid'a fair gronnda of a m<eclal adl- tta nonsual complimvut of giving them
ttoo of each one of tbe |«pcn> tliat may a apertal car free, on iheir arrlial Mr.
enter the ayniUcatc.
Deprw. wbo looked radiant and carried
'carasringly au eoormuiu.Uix of the
stock, bride'* JexerU. aald to the New York
would conatltuletbe priiicl|ail msterUI Jonrnal corteapondent:
eqolpment required. In an Interview
"Men may latt of atecL railroad and
on the subject Gcueral Olla rold to a ojlier trusta. bnt none of them can give
reprraenUtlv* of tbe Chicago Uecurd- dlvldenda like that a mao gel* by mar
rying a young aod pretty wife on tta
"The papers could each br act tn Us runny Riviera. We did not go carortown office, uutrices made and these Inp aronnd creaOon boneyuoonlng. but
■hipped lo a ceotral office on tbe rxpo- ooe day we drove to Monte Carlo, an-,
sltton grouDda. wb«* th* qitla ould otber lo Cap Martin and anotber to
ta made, tta paper* irinlcd and UN Klee My marrUg* ba* been nnlqne.
work of dUtributlon done by agent* or Brat tathtwuniber and variety of ccremployees of each iwper acting under emoolca: aecond. by the number and
the loatructlons of tta home manage variety of bodyguanla
ment FpecUl days could ta act apart
-A* we bad three iwmonlea. ao we
for pnhllc exblbltlona of carta paper.
ad tbr«e lx>8f|n>anU. Tta pro at
Thn* ttare conld be a 'I-w Angeles _bc awoed protected ua. for w# bad
Timet day.' a ■St LonU Republic day.* bodyguard of JournalUt* and a body
‘8t I^uU Globe-Hrmociwl day.' and gnard of bluejackrta. lOkewlae. by tta
) on. tta amaller journal* of Chicago. bye. w* bad a bodyguard of plrtureanue
New York. London and 1‘arta following fiahwomeo weighing 2iW eaeb.
doe CDorae. ■■ might ta agreed by
••At Canoe* we wrefe aerenaded or
Mblroredd.' a* it N called out west,
aek-clloo or otberwiae."
wltb a trememtoo* racket of tin pan*
Saewd kr'Hruheo TuMh.
r with ttair
WlllUm Fhomar of Trenton. S. Jwbo has Iweo dangerously in of lock
jaw. la likely to recover, berooae of a
broken front tooth, which made It pnwOlble lo Inject food and medicine, aayu
Syw Vork World,
kt BKv ran a rua . .
akin, causing blood pcdaoolng. This de
veloped Into lockjaw.
that la
to rroch Tlenialn and reinforce lb*
Mender colnmo of foreign inups tbrra.
After tta fall of tbe Taku forta tta
CbUwse i*guUra.and rebel* all comMned and tor* up tta railroad between
Taka and Ttenlaln. Tbeer was do way
There ar« 4..V10 m«a. l.w In Ita body
•f getting word lo or from Heydiour
f n moth. ■
or of learoing tta true aiaie of laffalrn
Iximlan spnula over fl.ono.iioo anat tta kgallont or lo Ttralalo. HwObe
hoallyo *
aOtb of Jon* 400 HnaaUos. accompa
Kentui^ iwi:
nied by UO American nutrines from
iloridllar taJiigs fever.
tta sbl|N at Ttku. commanded by Ma
The •
jor Waller, atarted down Ibe road tosnid Tlentoln. On tta 21*1 Waller*
detachment was led into anibnab by
tta Chlneae oaltonal troops, and eleven ary bundr^ roiuimnw-n in KnasU.
of lb* 00140** were abot down. Aficrc liay tarvfst '.o ih» Cnlied Watea
Ul amusutrd to Sl.uai.UlU to
ward lU* deiacbmeot fongbt galUntly
In tta racaptor* of Tteoislo and agala
hanrically lo ita defeoro from tta CM
•MS aCWr toe remrn of Beymoor's tal
•ad column.
Tta Boxer nprlalng wax not tbe firtt
seen alow <g tta Ameriron maiines beInt la avldeDce lo tta far casL Dario*
tha sror nf IMH-se between. Chins and
Japah the martoes Uudrd In Beo^.
For Artbor. Newebwang aod r*Ung
t* protect tta live* and jiropeny af forround tbe glob*.
, - atgoera. Tta oortuus and often
Tta Bask of J-'rance eaa eompri Its
gwoui doty of pruiecilng American inwatooera to t*i-el*« tmc-BfUi <t
tatawN and kccplnx onlev to
noaey drasm In gold.
abroad naimlly falU to tta
ins* they ar* tta tnlaed
• BM. CnUk* tta sallara. I**rented fraNt aaUlog from Pnr
■aMh oo tba* recently becanae I
m «- ..............
nmo oawdod thttMgh tba haavr nir
or tb* JeCmuM Uartat csMrt la Nav
Trtfc tba otbar day tba voice .of a ebUd <
d upon ber nUbd. Al
Naglag. U waa a Hay abred of a T
■stralnad aod lackiag lo volnmc. yat It Nxteea. 00 age when glria coon w ap
waa awast ood so dear that It roaa ^eclat* tta valor of beaoty. Battar
above ibe boax of eooreraattoo aad notlaed that bw mM^peo feat was
ghoffUng of faak la tb* morky covt- a bUght. and tWa as Affected ber that
room. «y* tbe New Tark tVortd. Mag she canto ore ■r'bewoty la tatoNf
istral* Ulmatad bad jast aaeeodad tb* whatever.
bt«ch aod waa Uotanlng lo tbe BtuoWhen brbr* was finren. there fame
bkd axcw* of an onlrapt nma wbo to Dve la Ibr' Unle boiar oppaalte tar
tad beao drank for days.
.oUtriy home a widow. Mrs. lYhansa.
The drankard anddaoly e«
' with ooe aoa. Edgar, a manly feltow
ramU* and ItolaMd lUeatly.
«r eUbteen. Edgar Wtarc".- noticed
•TPeo tbeuah K k* a «»aaa
tta awert. meUmboly face of Esther
Thai rwiaatn m*~
Baron st the window* sod Iraged for
a»a tta thin, rwrcl teiWA
admIlUDcr to the twuari Ixib mllxlBg
“Wbo a that r aakad .tb* *Bgl«rate.
that pavertj and ricbn are bad —
•Tbat's tba lima faltow 1 picked up paoloat. ta made no effort to attala
few Tear's nlofat. yonr honor, at For- , tta desired coDsuinluatluti. Eatber.
.y-Mgbtb BtraH end EIgbtb avenne.- oetlced Ibe youns mao ruulug and
Mld PoUviBan Uanba.- 'Ha say* that
leg from bto bumr oppaallr and b>ag*Neorrt. My God. to Tbe*.' la all be can
blm. but Ibe
alsg. and be'* olnglBg tt now out in tta of tar deformity rome- la to loletrer*
ChUdree'a todaty ruaea.'
with Ibe carrylug out of ber wish.
"Bring bIm In." aahj tta
Haring no means wlib wbtcb to Se
Unrtta tiptoed ool of Iba ruoa. bnt rin* a college edneatiuo. Edgar entered
id not dimorb tba boy nntll ba had
re aa clerk,
lie. aooo saw
_«labtd hU vaaaa. Bo tha coortroolD
for a mlool* pcroeniad
for hfm at beniF. so be went uu
qiectarlegif bard faced men and worn- tberoad.~ After flve.yeara'bard
................................................. at tbrtr eyes
be bad arcond a vatoablc bualoewa.
lemming and asked far an locivase of salary and
basrlng' to hide any.trace of emotion.
refused. Hiring do ropUal with
When tta alogrr. flee years old. was which to roodocl a botooea* of "
broagbt in. be told tta magUtrate ''
OWN. be was forced to go on selling
sras Jnbony Mnrtltu
goods to iwcll the cuSrr* y»f aniHber.
r papa Is dcs
Our day Edgar aaw an open Idler t
mamma works o
bl* tuutber'a wrillng desk addrvsaed to
Fox In Foriy-aUtb street. Bhe toM me
incle. ber lirotbee. Family letlrra
to go out aod play, and I got bwt. My
entumun prtqn-riy lirtweeD motbNcnma'll find me. tbongb."
id Bon. and ta n-sd It. Tta letter
Johnny w*a sent lo tta ChHdpen'* *o- contaliieO a rcinct tbal Ibe writer'
elety. If hla inottar doe* not cUlm Irotber would lead Itogar BIU.lxxl (bat
him. he will ta cowiittrd «o an aay- ta might Bel u|i ail a UHSvhandlar broInm.'.
wblcb Mra. Svbarton knew waa
ber aoo'a dealre. Edgar aald .ootblng
ANOTHER NATI0i;»AL PARK. to bla mother ■■■out tiavtng aero tta
letter awl went off on a foor moolbt'
Ctaoe* Foe Bo*tO« a^iroat Wa* Fa*.
trip. Wtau be returned. hU
bim a fciaa aod a cenlScale of
dfwoslt for iuiuiii. at tbe n
Informing bim that Ibe mone
fats dliqawil on cottolUoa Ibat be nuke
headwater* of Ibe greai
ers of North America and of preoeevtng no lognlritw aa tu who waa ita lender.
hUlorical lucamire wblvb anotbiT Edgar, wbo knew bit onrie
bondfed 3 i-ar* of ra|Hd aettlenwnt seem alDguUr man. made tta required proraWben be aaked for Ita note
Otbersrlar rerialn lo amr or di-slroy.
No half way meaaorea ar* adequate to algn, he waa lohl Hint Ibere we*
Then Edgar *.-1 up in bnaln
tta aucvcoa of pUna like Hwwe. They
and made money rapidly.
ell call for a
Five year* latiT ta lougbt a borne almUar to tta one ofipmdlr.
When Edgar Wbartoo was lUrtyuary Onllug of tbe need and tbe op|wrtunlly for a new national park In north two years old. be lost bis mother. It
a. There nanda today waa a great blow to bim. and It aeema piece of ancient f.wrstcd Aiuetica— ed at If It would iw liDi>Mslhle lo occu|>y Ibe bouae ^uiie. ludeod be de
In fact, tbe only nnSalniUK
bctweCQ Ibe Kocky ineuiila
termined to rrut It end nuke a toiort
AtUntIcocean-whIrb It lai>o**IUe aUll trip abroad. In dntuliig out bla motblo save from destruction. WUWn lta cr-a wrillng desk ta «wme «l«ti aomeUmlu of tta Cbippeway IndUo reaerva- thing that sun'Cta-d him. a note from
tton atoog Ibe Leech. CaaaAod Wln^ Ertber Itarnes. It eonlalncd ootblng
Of Importance. Imt Edgar wt* unawar*
and waiting for this purpiNc. ClliUfi that bla motlx-r bad any artiaalntane*
acres of Uod and SlHbTo acres of wa
wllb the aw-eel faced w oman wl» bad
ter turfac*. U It the land of tta orig lived "over Ibe way " He wrote fall
inal lUcota* and Obljlwas. the cradle dl*cnv<;ry across Ibe far* of tbe note,
of Bortbwestrni story and tradlUon.
Trtiueatlng ^■elm1*alon lo rail upon on*
Tbe pooalblllty «f another great B
w bo bad l•ecD bla muibrr'a friend wllb
ttonal park created from our vaolahb
out bit knowledge, and scnl II to E»
public domains Is In llacif a matter of ther.
In n-iurn be received tta de■ general *— —
aired i»rml*sk>ii. but ao roldly and
ease there 1* added tta apertal welfare formally staled that be <letenulned not
of sport and foeeaUr throughout a to acc«i<t It. A few ds>* Uler kMtber
region of vast extent It la the chance received a hriW note from bim that ta
for Mlnneaou also to acenre Tor beraeir and tta peoi>lc of tbe upper
sUi^pl eaUey the only great park In
the lotertor of the «vuuir>'.
Only tbara bora deaf are laratabla.
In tta abyasra of tta oceana, balow
BOO fathom* many anlmaU tars aitber
nAad wUb eoa«ta ar* oi|*d to go to
Imperfect eye* or none. Their eoodl8«t this to nosUy
. Dw'l hm aa
if cave life, Bsd tta
_____ _____ Kaw Dtoao*.
* probably tta noN. -Hrieoc*
sswaliia srlU ooro
ofdnbN that all deep aea Ufa
K'a tba
a popolattoa of about
wta. Koaity hoJfai*
Onlda.aadaU Ttatiat oadTraag dto•taoa SB oartb. TW flm das* hetoga
BBd*?A Ml *
aa BLOBL Bfotr boMagwaa—
I cmr. Mxa, sATtranAT, iAXOAsr
Vm^» TkMtT «r Ufc.
m---------- Jtrqwm Lort> or tbt Col•( CkkMO tfariorto r«»«U
MMt «feo «atk«Uw or pfcxolulo«>ow
li CMwp tfcot
0 M «• Mo or Wo.
Mtt P. S«tW W osplolDtac U>i« 4l»
«m«T r«r 1*0 K*w lort JoonoL
r or OC0OO oT'Um
g I17 Dr. Al-
. MK F. K*tbt*o-to ibo *■•»««»«
a br tho ootbortutlro 0«»- rfMsr Joeqoto Uob or tte CUU 00 fOIKUDOOUl ood
tbot U iim~ lo warroot lb* bo|io Uot
#o«Ml 0000 toow «ti«t 010 to. ^
^K&mtaA U» Uiolu of o-o o !><*»
to iotoosa bl# OWO Ufa
U C0B>«
Ottolr to tbo ootauoo oT Ibo njMCT?
or TfUUV «>“ phndokiglou bora
ow boCtoO baoo obU to OHOvacb.
•otoo or tbo o>poft«aota that I.
M st> to IbM tfoeorarr bora aw^o« o aov Mao or tba boioro of daotb
0-0 Mro raoonod to tbo «oao of tba
Od Wttb to tba ladaBolta pottpoob
tooot or ditoolatlea. Brao tba dlocor, omo do not Iblok that tbap eao lodlcoto tba roal daptb« to oblrb ibar
toao nacbad or toward whleb they
010 bolto lod. Tba wbola (DandaUoa
ok ftbjtootocr ■»<> luadlrtDa loar b*
tidiDOlntn-^. aiMl wa 1007 Odd that
«o pOMtaa a coutnX urar tba pbaoocaOM oT Ua oora aiaatarful Uiau aaf-
dioeororr la aod whj It la ao Urraacblog. BrM7 atatad. » baa baao dlaeororod tbat oor oarraa. or at laait tba
tooar cocoa of ibam. rou»<» of wbat it
toUad 'O colloMal Bolail«w-tbai U to
M7. or BOtiar reaoffibnoc folatM bald
bod or aaoawd tba 01
__________________ _
« aolloldal partialM to tba oaraa# earry ebargr* o^ pooItSaa alactOdiT.
Wbabtaar tba barra partlclra paaa
Croa tba colloidal coodltioo inio tba
oiato of cclatla. or. la oibar worda.
taCTOir Jalllad. tba oerra eipariaocoa
o oUtoolatlee or-baconxo acUre. New.
tha •
FbCifl Mt nedM-Vetk Rcrm.
AO Rpi Dovi' CiMtMt Be«4>
«che—SkcpMl EcsOU—
A Vkdto dm the
lt«4 t» Htollk. '
Fbto to tbeir battaf that aUep to 0.
ooa tbo toooao of 0M«rW* It Ito
waaca of ttoo. a dear* mao aod wotba fottor or bMOM Uo bad too
of a
. -hoipitVa or Wo.
apM orttb amor, a»d tbar adrlorf tba
tolo a aoeUty wbUh pioptf »
iMtoao Mt to amor tba load oT C»port e(
brrowoftbcv. JatoOAtbno
tbrtr Hraa U apant Io liaaUm alambar.
otoeotar uioUortnHy. U «bot 1
Tba erpnntoatUa to coiud tba Kom
iibjiliiiiaMi bod onto tatoo
Boor Maap Hob.
MM Ibo octioo ad tba otono aoM tba
pUdard to aUap bot Joof boor. 0 olpht.
rbUnpo Cbronlrta. 1Tba DaiB. hare mff-rrd a praot dawl from nacraaya tba CbUnpo
no csplaBatioo oov o
bare nmiaod tbal draplna In
icotel yawn and at tlmoa t
ba OB laavlmttaa to aO ycn»|
that time to porrly a babll-lbat to. weald baeroa ascitad obO abnky from
oaaortlr rootncta. oad w«oiiaa atoo- Bot fear tba
trtdtj. •Sroe (OT frao tba touUOttoi tatoa or tba oidBooB dotuo. bot obooM BOtbiac abort of tonful In tbto day of racy trirlal t»noaa. I fail pomly aad
coo or tba portMaa. paaaaa oo la
ho ready OBd wmuap to awTc God
- ......'n Ki.. __________
aa bamful and latnnprT- I e« Dr. A. 1
rroM tbfooob tbo taofth oT tbo to tbo moat dlAcMt ptocaA- Tba aoloptaedtd.
Tbay qalfo
:aaotoi-a ww of intoUannla.
____a. Bat tbo ■oortto alao cootilo dur aaoka iba moat doBpaaooo and dUOBd towed up my nyoaoiioMol pantetoa. aad at tbaoa roealro •cBliloaka. Why ahoold DOt tba ChHo- tetocco or dnipa.
UcstHoa of the club wbo hare ebUDr.
- -............... tltoaro
tba Impolaa oT tba oagatiro tor
rcB are reorlnp tbrm to ohoarve tt»e anld at «0o a box ________
dowlomar Dr. A
toar alao dtow taaotbar. aod tboa
Caleb did Bot sodaita
ima laoUKUoa wlih nrimrt toallapad ,W. Obona MadlctooOo.. BoFale, B.
uacdoo or tba oinaeMa la prodom
•M OBd dlOnitt uak Io bU ow»
In nigbtiy reot. Potua'r. Seo Umt poattoit and topontoro of
bat Id Iba atrcnpib of the
aUld are ya.ro of «sa| AJ^Chnae. U. O.. are OB preoy
mWoi Bot 0 rod rooUBpAa
Ida ftorad to treed. Uo bad <wn ba tralDad tq do with
to tba
tokao bU own airrtiptbond theoOCMtb Bleep, bet tba malonty ore o«
t^BloB that cbltdren atoMild Iw allow
of tba a«aniy Into roeoldtcmtloo and
ed fioo tox to alpbl boor.. Iba amownt
•too Uw aacraaUy of barlDp tba pccodacrewaUp an tba child grow* OMar.
told bl» that ba bad racalrod a m
brtp of God. -If BO b(
Tba dub ban arrured a torca aiBOBnt
NotWWbwelirtor^ U-t |Am.C
ba witb ma. 1 ahaU be
ot lltarmture 00 tba anbjart, and tba
to drlra Ibam oot. aa tba Lord hath
toambara qoola abuixlaoca of aotborlHard ibtBpa aya not
ty to abew tbat tbar .ra rtpbl In tbrir
iBtb itJlpa aod with tbeae aad ^ rtoa
wabcMW. bot to fallb. Trnat lo
rr>ea lie- -i«>« liar to Bay
COBtaotioDB. Tbi-r pnlol to Napoleon ainto to Ibr a.-nb toto to towth rnxw Mieto
Btada a apUst aod boBdafoo for Mo God will aaanre oa rtetory
u- -ms i„-. «f--------broker loo. aya tba Now Tort Bar- aoamy tbat 11 may ba our duty lo (aeo aoda nombar of tba preolato peoanu.
orriirra of btotory and iMnkan. wbo
aid. Ua waa 00 a awoal cor a *
or taccam Ip abT
_ ___
_______ ______ <. bftTV
daya apo 00 bU way ta attaod a
la undartaka.
kpua>«d-11b tto-I lly itor* Iw pablw
aultatloo U Kaw Jeroay. It wi
_______ raltb aod afforta
BiisHiy day. ood tba atraata wera
ad wilb aorcaoa. aod ba rewired Iba
parr with nod. At tba Peooayir
bed of tba Asaklm aa bU raword.
faery ol Twaoty-tblrd atioet ba to
Bnceam and rrward alwnye follow Iba
ihat ba i 5.;;;
;w. .i;,
•d to tba coDdocter and ■ »oi
toUbful parfonnance of doty. With «a IndiHwd IO alwlaltin Iba “UaUt."
*hat>lt.“ ^ •'•‘.‘‘.a-tobark
1in**a IWrk
Uter owom off tba car. Uo nltood Mo
>1 taltb and evotopa at
and bto child, all yean old. ^
tootlop and won tbrowA HU lap boot Caleb Ut ua "wboIly foUow tba Lord.'
WUb the «Inled|-J^;-n_,.^-M..nn-^
Bbd« blio. OBd BB ba tank dowB bt and aBceeos aod reward will ba oor parreot. and all aaroi lo enjoy pood baaltb
raallatd that ba w»a badly
' -......... ana rniotma .« «ih.t sA- ul
and bripht mamai Uruiilaw
otaodoro aatoatod bln to 0 a
BiUA nkamyok.
Tba mao wbo »laal>; dgbl bourn «ol
Ek- III. 1-12; Joah. 1. I-T: Jodp. rll.
of twenly-four and lire* tt> l*a .-igbtjoCtrt ot r*to» aotot- 1S-2&: Nab. lU 11-30; *ecb. Ir. «; Uo.
one year* old baa In reamy lltrti but •It*rllrn- ilM- Mlh h-r..t
BDcc. ba blDtalf Btada ao ounlaatSoB xl. 31: ra. xItI. Id; klatt. xir. 23-30:
th.-l.nr'h llDr»«Kt»l» *.1—#. e»i-«T 1"« Ir.**
llty-four jerw Twptily-aav.o ba ban “
of bla iBjory. Praoatof Ma ftopno IMO xxriu. 10. SO; John ti. 4: fbU. ir.
Ib'Mion-di-t'M-t *11 iMi14v-*'rv.M> aad
I N'-ii**i*al—lMevl-; civ.-B'ibaolM-C.MuBi.hU Up aa rclaotleaoly at aey phyol'C.MiBrilof—Iviiy Will t.-***! «a* i'.«nl
On Iba otb-'<
of tba kody
i will a patUBt ba dUeoraacd
pound fmetnro. OcoUalBp tba Band
A lw«avob-iil-l.«*liig man 1«anlcd i
ban- a|«-ul oaarly a o
i.. il- .*>4
In., n w
■peady tMtoaot-OBd prcaolBP tba dowo-lown toaralor abeatlr »-vii|>la<
aixty-aigbt .raara «f real Itfr If Ua
bonaa inio pUco tba baol be avoid, ba
talna Ite ape of algbly-ona yram.
looked abool for ifilloif M baodaptA
I Afn. w • .r. ni\.i\.aiiww
Tbero waa dodo at hasd. bat Mi
apartiully dodad bl« bal awl bald It
In bik band buiII ba leachtd bto dratln
brclU WBi Ibaiw.
TIktc *n- .TliiJiil iiiiM-iy •I*wUi»
goickiy taortup tba corar froo
rama. ba rippad tbU iDto^pA 1 ^
•■Wbat a diarmmg man^Aoeb JoraIn I'mix-r drrU att- ......... ftetpi
ly manomr poabad
to .liitrr: In Hair. In ttw- •prtiig.
rito. Ila pUcad tba roda aboot Ma Up.
A fVw mlnuira tolar tba liaoarolanianil
ncnil Joe 1Vli.;-lrr bwith tba ntrlpa of doth. Ma haadkarI. -pHflNF 1
looklnp man of tba lovHy nuiunat. cradiuiltot frvm W.a.i l*...m fi.rlj «-o
ebUf and nacktU. acid drew all tiphtly
raaebad bit otoca. nirlilng bto bal on year* agn.
'----------------------------------------topetbar. boldlnp tba brekao beoto to tba back of bto baoafireot
SCOTT AailNO. Propm.
aprawtlnp hlmaelr down In lru<
An anboUBc* had alioody ba
abaodon at bto tWok. puffing a <-toy
anirod Dr. pipe to an arttotically moi«-ullna ft»h■ ; Best arcommodationt fat potici
".<all^ III iinr .\ib-y" «n« »
Carr bad computed oo aDarpwey IoB. occMlooally aipart.watlng lo thr
I tier treatment.
by Hi-nry ••arry -Uo ill-il In 1
IraolDaot equal to tbat of tba arango
AiuiMig ilitfa-iltv alil<-riij>» I
aubnUDCO Burpeoa wUb all tbo nato- SM-waak-fi>r-tm-bi»ur»a-«Uj
raphar by JoedtaHy Inquiring wby------- Chlrapo rlly i,viiii'll »n- twn
rial at
Ba waa Ukao to tba New
all 4hoaa lapal paper* bare not Iwt-n
York boaplUI aod u bow Io w of tba
moma Id tba priraw poUeata' wfnp oT
Ixirdy man.
^^*U!r«ierM7 ootaoo la tbot oT
w use
When you waot s csniaKc
for Fuaer-ti. W^dinif or. t«i
Make Calls, or want^to come .
come doom loam, call up No.
5. both 'pbunck.
tbto pooago ot iba oarrea from tba
dltootrad to tba }allM aula U prodocad by tba actloo «f aiosia or ieoa
baoftaf ebarcaa of ocfatlrt daciticKy.
Wbtoarto aeeb ebarsca arc Introdocwl
Iota tbo Bara tbo Uttar aic ailuioUtad aod eootroct.
ThU fact at once eapuina tba actloo
. or ctrtalD cbetuical oubatancao wbao
latrodtKod loio tba bomao body. aMo
of wblcb laod 10 qolal Iba txTxta and
otbacc to Oldie tbam. Tba oarra qolal1^ lono art tbooa ibai bear rbargea
or peolUa alectrirUy. aoeb at tba otoma or WdltUD. poualuoL aalclun and
bydrecco. ai>d tbrir pmviHc urtidt to
kaap tba colloidal ’ |■arlh•lra uf ibe
Barras la a aialo of oululhMi. ao
tba sarraa ramalB Inacilra.
Tba Btrn atioolBilai Iona arc tba
Blau of foeb aobataocca oa doorlna
BBd cbUdBO. wbteb carry cbar«ao of
aocatJro olectricliy abd arbao Iniredored Iota tba ayoiam cooat' iba oarvt
panidaa to coaleara or becutoa yalllad.
io wbUb coBdlllon tba oarra It-anira.
Iba dafroa of tctlrliy dapandlns
tba iBtoodty ot Iba aUmuUtlua. Daolb
oppaan to U
Hoo ot tbo Bcrrao. rtwi
Hilly to roopood lo.ailuuUilou Uo
far Iba dlamrery of*(ba laaDocr 1
wbloh oarro actloo la or con ba pr
I docod wUI oaabla pbyalek>cUia i» oppooo tba procraoea tbat aod id dcalb
cob ooly ba datcrtBload by fortbar
Bat wltboot loga'd «o any aneb pooolMa or only to ba ^oped for raaoUa
tba oaw dlacorary tbrowa a flood ot
ttpbl Ob Uby bllbarlq obacura prob-
p tba Barra paytictaa In a alita of
aolotloB qolrts tba oerrea, Suw. tba
Barra ponidaa arc lartaly cnmpoaid
•r fat BBd It la wall known -Ibt
aiwaalbittca dlaaelra fai: baocc wbao
OBOottotlei ora lntr«ducrd into tba
that tbay qnUt tba Barrao.
to o HiBlUr manoar tba actloo of'
wUaby to orradlsc tba pr«rcoo of
tonka potano la axpUload. doae aoake
palm tanda to cooauhita iba oarra
aobotOBCa. tboa cautloe daalb.. oblla
okebel U^lBUodoccd quickly aooocb
tad koapa tbo oerrto to a codoldal cooftdeo.
Other famlltor facta are alao egptolead oo tba aama prioriptA Bant,
far laotaDrA at weeryttody koowA
taadi to qnlrt tbe eerraAtoKrlded Ibo
lamparotnra to sot too blgtlba reaaoo
batop tbot tba cSact ot baot la to pteecu coopMattoo of tba oarra aubOUBCA Cold, oo tba cootrary, prw
flOHB golotloe to tbe Barrat aod coBBoqaant admntotloA But tl blpb lampeiatmoa baol alto prodocaa pelatloB
Owe of tba loteteoHop roorlomoBO
drwwn troatba dtoeoeary la ttiat ebaor
ickl Htmolotloo la Mootkal wUb eUr
Irkml otiilatloo bacaoae tba cbem*al onbaiancaa tbat affan itu Barraa
da ao thiwopb tba aUetrlcal ebarpea
tbit tbay carry. No dooM nmny
rtoa will oDdeoTor to boar upon ttto
oMy tbo Bloat core
In tbo Made of t
c loflrt any
•ai 1NRII lINpB
tl** IMM wMA
U >ou want a Bus for Large or
Small party. 1 have them for
you. Satisfaction guaranteed
and prices as low as good work
can be done.
Mtow bdtoy Mtoa-lotoW
I bar* lo-r aarh-il* .OAV aX iwa-<a
auw* -Inrh I »tu maU at WHOLB
BALP ITtJl'M. thUaadar*—.
ue Paw Btofcth
Idtlia tlm EIkMc
li(U nl Pim B.
to .wi. to. t.«
Fireinsurance-^_^^^3 ■'
Ob. yea. vary.—Iton I-'rsi«-to«ei Ware.
Stota of Ohio, 6lty of Toledo, i ^
be to Uu
of F. J. O
OBtb clmt
pwraerot tba fli«
waeyAOo.. dolDp bnaioam
Ey of Tolodo. Oowaty nod
fOaol roblla Wartoa WIU toe PbMW
■I Iba W-rM*a Pair.
Howard J. Bocn chief of tba da■nmaniB of adncattoo and nodal eeODotny of Iba «. Loom Worid’a fair, waa
la New York rteently to eoofer with
tba apadal coniolnao wWb to plan-,
ning Am “modal dly“ fmoiiio of
la .tnkati
.tnkao isteriBiorBnU'a Ontoxrh Ooi*. to
fair, aaya tba New Tnrk World.
tba blood
.toUy OBd no* dlrooUy
on tbo
CKurnmaa conatau of Cbartaa
•ndtoMBoa ontfaeoo
aeoo of tbo
Iltogbt. fobn Oa Witt Wamar. Cbariea
IL Lamb. Albert Katory of PUtodolpbU sod WllUam A Ctnodall. Tbo
the betL
fcranco waa bald nt tba NaUooal Art
dob In New York.
An aoalam Cigrawman -.aa taking
Tba AdmlatotroUoe bolldlnp win bo
-•oogra-niaii lilu.tu.w of ATkanaa.
taken aa tba nuDUtpM ecBtar of tba
abool bto dtatrb-l and bl* mUbme.
IKdniInc .Mil Kajp. wIhH bl* fkb-nil
ratnarka.1 Ibal hr lived iwetl;
tba UI»»ourl line. THi. yr.." rriilla.1
Dln<Uiorv. "I »|WOk l.oll' lanpi;n
kind. In aoditlen ibrra will bo i ctooalflrd esblWtloo abowtog mODldpol
coodliloDt at tbry aro In Aaudeaa
Elap Edward TU. baa alrakdy order
ad tbe coronatloB BIWa from tba Brtttob bad Foreign BlbU ooetoty to be
nicd In WcMmlnater attoay nen Jose.
It wUI be a large quano Tcfomc. b
to ted motocca wltb gold ctaapa aod
atamprd wlib ibe royal arasA It wlU
beevua ibe property of ibe btobop wbo
ntotera tbe ooilw.
C-rarn-r Obow tooa Twelea Toao.
raaaona wbo Hka to knew oil oboot
pbrsdcol pacoltorlltao Of pobllc
will ba totarcotad In tba loformi
accordlop lo the Waabloptoo ■
apondant of tba New York Berald
that Goraroer dhow of Iowa, tbo now
aacreury of tba iroaaary, boa olx to
oo cacb foot._______________ ^
tnasant hr Ba*. A B
ScU'anton, Pa.
rutou^li a
>oh . an .pialifv loW a im-chatiical or architectural tlfxftunxB; then >xmi can cawl)-Ret a 1>1». ^
ition;xn<1 bj further »tu.i», while worcin.; .u ui.tim.,;. > nt . in .jiiilifv t.. Ik: an architect, or a inechanirai or clectriia] e«i;inccr.
------------l■COIIPOMTC».200,000 STUDENTS.
THOS. J. FOSTER. President.
eceiwr’f No.
y bt.
Time Filed
READ' the following
)wing aavc
advertisement ana ag
r favorite.
vote for your^f|vorite.
/3 IQnQ
fmrod Ihu Rtootrto Bitaaao will ear*
oo^ trooblM ■ I aoFaood for yaM
with kidBoy (roohla.-- wriiea Mro
Pbobo-Obartar. of Potoraco. 1a.
“oBdw'toBo book potDod mo 00 I
ookld not dreoa myiolf. bot Blaotrlo
Blkton wbolty ewwd too. aad. al-
Poo* Wbat TWr Thiwh.
Wo «n of BO profaao to want ararybody to bo bank with ba bat -bra
OooHhedy thtoataai to tall oa Joat arbat
ba tbtoko of BB wa know tosTtoctlrrty
tbat It to aoaetblBp hot at al compUMOBtatT.—BooUb TraDanyba.
t'aiabwaatbaannof JkpbnnDa. Natbnpto4BowD of bto early blatscy. Ttet
>a wa* a fothlpDar ood a grooaiyic to
Judalam to altopclbar preboMr. aa ba
Tha fana Bf Bocktoa'a AibJa Balaa
to enUad a Kanaalia. Ur waa ooa of
oa tba baat la tba world, axtoada
tba -twrira man aant to apy o«t tba
dibatoMh. D'athaopa ptofaet
toad of Cotoan wbao tba In
____ V of Oato. Ootaa. Bbm. firBtoao.
Bm came to Ita bardecA HaandJe^ Boraa. fioMtot. BoUa Uloan, FbIoba
oa ware tba ooly boro of tba twotea kobii. Fbtoa a»d aU Skis
wbo rtpanad'lB fawo of aniarlop tbo
laod. and tbay atooa of tbooa wbo Mt
Egypt wetr paTBitltad to ahtar
pcomUad land. Once awfed. tba
Tbtreara oaly four ktalaa to tba
tend bad to lo-cooqorewL OaUhoakod
tBBBtry wtakb bara metr tbao a millJoobua for that pcrtloa of tba land toe Totan carb, Naw York. IVaosylwblcb ibc ^dat bad rUftod and wMcb
iBBla. Ohio aod iniBoto.
htooao bad promUad Mm. It e
moot dlfficBR pooltloo to uka. Bto raqorot waa prantrd. and ba cooqoared ▼ TWoM ldoo tlm^^ ^
It and poiitoord tL
Tba task tbat CaUb ctaota to tba
qarot of tba laod of CanaaB waa h
moot dlfflcuH ow.. Ba dM not 0 '
Aaolbw oBppeatlTa fact ta tbot ms
Matty of otlmototlre actloa to todlcaad Iwtwoou ctaomteol looa aod tlpM
WBtoOL Zbo abort tight warco toward
tbo Bitta *Mat aod of tba apactm
aro iB tfett BgOBB oladtor w tbo i
Oto toao wWtt ottmaloto tM ao
try. It waa alao ortMetolly da
wMto tba lOM wauaa toward tbo nd *3bo ctUoa wwa graat *Bd I
The Record wilj present lo the person getting the most votes by Feb.. 15. 1902.a Free Scholar- i
ship in Mechanical or Architectural Drawing, in the International Correspondence Schools, of i
BMBoy kofoadod.
;as. o.JOBnoB. Buosa • boxbobo.
0. B. WAIT * BOJtB.
Wa tbo BBdaoolpDaa. do hereby
0*100 to rafoBdtfao moaor on a 60Mt bottle of OroaBe 'a Wamiitod 8yr-
A CbfBiwo Tiaa.
A Fnoeii pAprr raporta a troe of'tm
_ypetoa family, to tba aute of OAXaca.'^
Mexico, that to ISS fart in clreunafera at alx fart from tba pruuod. It to
for from tba famoaa Ultla ralBk
Hdlifiiwnf, Il3$ttti St
®“f*7. o£^**OofrTedodA O.
______ polnta adapted
garbape crematory and a flRratloa
l•tom for porifylop tba water aapply.
Tbera will ba aampU paretiiaDta of tbo
rartooa kloda In oaa to Aatodcou dtloA
with arerytblnt ctoa that to aard aboet
the Biraec on tba auwet or l
mmH Md B. K Mt A Boao* ttBt
i Ufllil Tfl IfflTC Cutout attached Coupon and mail or bring It tothe
IllUn lU fUlt business office of the Record. Each Coupon must
bear the name of the person for whom.you wish to vote. The records Fpm..... of the competitors will be shown in the paper every issue, and votes will Ff.WFo...
Tom _
be received until lO p. m. Feb. 15, 1902.____________________
Send for Circular giving full inforfhatlon pertaining tothe above Scholarships to
Harold E. WiHkeaocal Apnt, City Book Store
•pMUl Taiacraph I
er OMAC to Proam.
18. IBM.
A pUanat nrprUe wai toxmag Uei
Bight apoa O. L. OUppar. at hi* tr«:
>. Ad Stoto eutot. Mr. OUpper
down town wbeu aboat forty
------ d* took potopmlnB af hU jaetoIsea When bi- ■renrued be fosad
For Thiwatonlng to AbmmI- them swWtiBg hi* stHraL - Tbe |iuty
oUBBod in howwot
nata Rooaavait
Unhday oai
la tok«s of
their n«ant Ibn trieude leti a tendacNaecImir tot kbe hoa<md gwitUTEN YEARS' IMPRISONHENT maa. Tb.' neentag wa* derotod to
daaciag aud gaaMS aad a atoe re|m*t
rs.ri-Jir^'VS.'slo. S. SOLDIER
i law tbateoadn^ Arid that dwoMdi
of oiban aUtbi aa}oy tn blawiaca
Majw Bayawa. riBtaUy -M»ad tb.
fatfearaf tbe Maura haw, claaad tb«
awrtlaa vtUi ao* of hU aeal Mtrrlaf
I at #10 MMtIng
in addreaM wblafa alwaya iaayWe a Xae-
Stalnbarg'a Grand
eatoa wiili a daWmiaatioa to perrataata tbr goad worll awrtad by'Fathar"
Boyatua twauty yean ago.
Boyaioe »Tiaw«4 tha blatary of tbe
MaaaaUxa dariag tlie peat
ytanaadwiib hia ialwltabla tana
Addraaa by Great Ui4y.R^r
Kaaper Emma E. Bowar
a bis aadlaaoa tbo ralaa
of tblf nigaalMilaa as a taoweiicc t
ibe borne aad a foatarlag
aategg mwkiad.
Mayor Boyabm darotad moat of bit
yaatioa to tbe raaarra
Paw<e« Ee-
fand plau of
^ baproBw Teat. He told bow timt
body was tbe elilld of the Qreat Camp
of Mtobigaa. aad b«w it a<>w eoaght
Mffwahaw aad lo^j Maoeabaae wbiab
aad fitaot
Kaeiar MU. Kmto.
Lady Kawrd
K. Bower, ia
Tbarawam tally foer baadrad iat«
Tliay wwe aot oaly later, ilad
ta BHatlag tbe diellagBia)<ed
at tbe order aad the emioeat
wbo IM doae au auab fur ih- K O
• T. M . bat ware eacer to hitao to tbe
prupoaltioBe add arawineau la tarot
of etiaaaloa at tbe MaeoaWee of ibr
liraatCaaip of Miubigaa law other
Mayor Boyatoe aad Uiea Bowar arrlead oo aa aarly eraotag tiala aad
oaoe waat to iVrk
Hlaoe tor aapper.
Wbea tl>ey reaobed tbe ball aboat B
o’eloefe they wdre warmly xaeatred.
l^reairtot the laflaaaee of tbe latter
by bluAlag iu pragrew la faraad.T
Abide. He wld a reaarre faad
He spoke of tbe diSereaees ber____
tbeUteat Cbmp and Bapreme TeaL
bat .«ld that epoh dlffenaaee only
mad* iblnge brigbtor and itlmalatod
Hie membon to renewed rxerttrme. la
epeaklag of iheteaereefaad.be deeUred that tbe only way to maki
frataraal order, a sseoeae was ooopa
itoa. aad tfaU wae what did aoi exist
a Tbe Bapreme TeuL
la reterrlag to tbe ouIleeHea and
diUmruBaat ofebe (oada be «aid (b^
there we. a vast dlffarcaee beiwetm
eeileetlag aad diebanlng ttO.OOO.OOO
sad eolieetlag aad tareetlag tbe wae
amoaat. It reqairee a high oloM of
Oomoutadat .of Trareree City Teat.
baadllag eaeb rest aaau
maeh aa saeb moa would reogve Id
othrr Hoe* af bosiaem. He deeland
that it than had been no reoerre fand
tb Ibe Supremo teat there would bare
been ao tompttUoa for aa ofllola) to
ipfropruto to hU own aae 49T.OOO.
Tbe speaker eoatlened along tbU
line tor aboat an boar aad eloeed wUb :
ao cameat app>wl for
peatod FXiaeselaa of ep|<a*Uioa to tbe
belweaatbeaddn<iae*iu>deaeh ttaw
food plan of tbe Saptome
remarka appropriate to tbe oopaalaa
aad paid a deaerved tHbota 10 Mayor
Hoyaioe aad MIm Bower. Mr. FrM
rich ootllaed tbe objeota of tbe awet
lag aad then latrodae^ aquartat ooa.
eUiiag of O A. ttkelobar, B. B.
' White. Ham Obanberlala aad C. P.
Hanier. They raoderwl a pleaatag wlaotlaa aud were wamilr eaoi
_— .___ _
er. Mr. Balpb Uaelett, Mr. C
}k.'Icb.T end Mru Degaea.vocal dae't.
Dr. and Mrs. Uotlldey; nedleg. Mr*.
Ida kf. Beih-y; vooel trto. Mn. Rowley. MxAjXtUaC Mr*. Dayi.m. Vlolia. Pmr. D. W. 8i.-wart. Tbe bealo
oleb else eppiar la tb.-ir mos< eai.-ruiaiagfonu. TlML.iuaay frieade of
Mr*. DooTiT will be gUd tokaow tbai
ebi' bae laumleed lofanUb oee of h.-r
brlllUot pUa.< eeleetioae'
Tiobcie U ernie Oa mle ei Mill'
.r's drag etere ead Perk Place hotel.
At tbe mebilngof tb.-Orange tbie
afirniocM. the r>-et ntly elected ofAc n
were iUMsdIed.
tekeeud repreted tbe v
of those preeeui, wbieb wa e
leesanl featura of tbe afUTiiooii
The'cloekoftbeKortbeni Mioaigen
Traueportetlon Oo. will ta eloa-d for
tbe eeaeou today, bat (b>- elcam.T
Oreecent may make aaotber trip Mod.
r u«.rt. Keadu anOeWr I
M e I»vi- a li-a twell l Uicr* left ihxt you may lake XBay for $15 each
—swell lot at $12, $111. $7, $.-» an.I alioul a iloien that will close at
$S.75 each.-
Say. if y<iur bo) wam» knn-]>xnt», now ^ iIm timc—over aix hundred
tuchookcfmin ami every ]iair worth not lc*x than 5Uc, mem CSand 76c.
rheae we have in drcfeeJ or unJrcsseil, almost all shade*—warm lined
‘‘.Adler" brand—jjet a jair. Ii matters but lillle what yon want mthe
way omothinjc, Hals. Kum.dnngs—here you can buy chewier than
elsewhere bei ause we nce«l Ihe tnoney.
' OpenS.
this Evening.
Leading Clothiers.
Mr. Priadrisl. iatrodaoed aa tbe
Keproai'iitaiivo. of Trarerae Bay a'iehed tbe noaey which caaeed tbe
Bret apwkar. Sir Knight Oa
aud Ttan-ne Oiiyicnta and Uxb local w^l.' eoaadaL
U. 1). WllUamrof Ualhona Teat, of biro* Wore on tbo platform. DepBattb' Om>k. wbo 1* alee tbe maaag aty Oreal Oomiaaiider Bam Withrow
' tag aditur of the Fraternal Unmi ra*;iao pr.w.-ni.
Joaraal. wblob wae roeaatly etmb.
la til* oadieoce ware s Urge
kMiwee t'etHiaa tr WeeeeveH AatoaM i
lubad to fortbar tbe atti^gia fratoraal •r fram Hatioa* Bay. BU Raptda.
fropoeea CM U tbe .IiMr oa
iwopoeltioa ae agalu.t ih>
Uld MUsioa. Bellain. Ha- raUea Hew Nwar.
feed plaa of orgaaitations like tbe pie Oily, Oratre and other sarroaBd.
ljyv<*rTa»ik •»*•*■■**(<■
Mabeabaya Mr. WiUiame li a pleaalag talker aad-be U familiar with aU
WeahtngtoB. Jen.
pbaaw or frataraal laaaraaea.
BooesTeU to^ rea-irod the foHoW'
wpaolally with Ibe K. O. T. M.
lagpetllioa agalast (be r^aetlooW
William, at oaoe began tbe dlaei
•BgBr dotlee frorakhn Miehigea Sagar
of tbe proiKwIttOD io I xiond Ibe Jarli- Boar DelegAtAB Sand Note to Manateeion-n AseooUtioa. rcpreneai
(llotlae of tbe Ureal Oamp of MIohl
lag taa beet eagar iaduttry of MiehiPremier Sallabury
gaa tato other auiu. Th<- Idea of
gaa: ‘'We prates! against nay tedaeIhle U to maiatalQ tbe low rale of a>tiOB in tbe new tariS oa raw rogar*.
aeaamaal by laradlag a widiv lemeepeoUlly ae snob ledaeiloa will oaly
tory and tafaalog aew aad yoiutg
I to aasiei the eagar irast. thereby
blood IBM the organlutloa. Kut Uiat
the Maooalwi't are aot at ttroag a*
with whiob to ( imbat oar indartiy."
avrraaditiU growiijr year by year; BrT.a«>«akut)>«B«af
bet at other urgairtmtioDi oome Into
AmaKMam. Jaa. ID—Boer deletta'atUto to w k a divi.ioa of tbo gatw b<xe today. * bi to PrornlM
bu.iitat* U U right intl the
eof tbelr will
baaa aboeld rxiand lu juhedlr
the aame parpone. And Iu atguuig IgMike Btoimel took the leml today
faror af Iblt plaB Hr. B’HlIaub aek^
tapobUto. They an now waltlag tbe Reoord'e aoeieet for tbe ft
that the toeal lentt a<ad laltable re^ -the nen more no tbe part of (be Brltlonblpia Ibe latocaaticMl CorTaaeutatliee t*> tbe (ireal Camp ooa- ib gererameat
trapoedsBee Sofaoole of Bonatem.
raaiion to toi« for looh extoaitoa.
ThU Bob'
had (be effooi of
I- siendluge now are a* foUoi
He apoke of Ibe oppntltloa of the
theramnraof' ptolobln Mike Btoimel.
.............. >t:1S47
Huiwem.-^ont agalaat •xpaation by
tb.' Ureal Uainp aoil attributod It. oppoalttoa to It. di-elr.- to ooeBol the
Wide Aald of IU yanedietue. Tbo oxTotal
IMaloii of tbe Onwt Uamp. be dePUUOXAL
olaiwl. U d.'BiaBded bj tl.oaaand* of
mamb.-n frpai Michlgaa wbo bare
Her. Fbauie EUott patoed throogb
awrad laU otbi r atol<.eaad wbo with
tbe city Uet eTaatogoo ber way to
to have looal b-au to oall ihalr
tbe Frieade qaartorly mectliig
While aaleadlag-aanoa IbeM. A
aad aot be oompelled to take ap tbe
N. B. last eTimtog, Toay PetfoKm MimtotL
Hapreme Tent Insataao.'. Mr. WllBobert Pierce of Ftfi- Loke Is la tb.'
laBenxi an aecidaai tliat came eery
llaai* etauid tliat then' ax.- tweaty
ooallag him tbe sight of ooe at city. He wlU retara home Moaday.
ataho la (be eiiioa wbon- death lak- bU eyes He was kacekliig oai i
Dr. O. A HoUiday raiM tbl*
N U'lawtbaa that of Mioblgma aad be •lake, when a h.«ry chip Aew oS aad er.-uing to Detroit to reenme hu i
Boiolad oat tbe direct beneOte
•track him dlracUy over the eye, leal etadieu
derit.-d from extBaeioa.
1. BeuUoa of Praakfort U (bn gaeei
kopckiaghlm eeBseUee eed cBtttag
^ Ur.«t Lady K.-oerd Keeper Mies
hie beeabor. ead beluw the eyeqat|e of JaUae SieUbcrg.
Bmiua £ Bower wi^ tbe next epeakBlwnod BtoaUy of Maple City wai
badly. 4f tbe abtp tad straek aa tech
at. Mi.t Bowi-r it ooe of tbe fenr. he would prabahly here last la town U« eraolag.
•Butt frahraal awiely women la the elghi of Ibe rra A. it U bo wlU
H. a. BaUUr. deputy oU Inepeetor.
Mtobigaa and her w.«k for the L O.
be Uld oa from work tor a ceaaldor- of Meuloa. wra at tbe WblHag today.
T. M; hae bsM eueb at to. endear ber able ttiae.___________
Oarl E. Oopp wa* in tbe eity tram
to er.TT member of th> order. Tbere'VUu imke today.
fore tbe oordlal r»-.-ption ebr reeteTed
K. R. Daily end Onorge Wlloe of
wai deoi-rred aad opfcoprlau.
Bmplra won at the Park PUan today.
Herbert 0(wk of M^ City wae in
Mite Boww addrewed tb.- Maecab>wo goaarally. bat m>«e •■epecl^ly
drew OaUrtu* city OB bartoeee today.
the Lady Haoeabeea. Hbe luld bow a
Tbe followlag an tbo anaaata thas H- L Meeaoo cd OUa Arbor U to
tew yean ago Ibe Onwt Hire of
.............................oKlBley Mam- the ci7 today.
lady Maomba.0 eoa-d toaatbcn-lM it* nrial faad ia tb.'hand*
F. D. LaeUe. editor and proprietor
aBa uiiTe eommiliee loeaUad iu ju- Raff:
of tbe Ba^tto. a pabUeatiem la
Udlctten Into otbar itate* and thereby Prx'Tloaely aBbecribed
OleeaUad. was la tte eity today
e«)oy the growth of elmUar aoiwllio WilUam BoltBer
ioBM to Mortbport, when Ue brothwtih similar prlriltgoe. 8b«' ordain- B. a Trada, Bta^m '
A M. LeelU «f Ghtoagp U Oe
ad bow (be Soieame Teat fought thle
prime BOTw U tbe Ug rtoort hotel
^opoMtiOB aad eeeaied BB iByaaotlaa
faojeei. He stotoe that hU bratber
■ baitaeee to tbe pmijeot aad will
dtmtiet Bat Anally (be
torvoi a Urge amoaat of moBoy li
take* to Uie eatBiwe ouart. when- It
•art property la Hortbport..
it today. Bheoppeatod wtbe ladtot
maa wio* KflM TeOarto-wark for the oxtoeaioa aad eoatla
. aad growth^ tbe oed.^ oataide the TTanTBebtetaeBeewC.
ataw. Aepbrndidgrowthlsi
Victor. Iowa. Jaa. lS-8y ia azpto•aab yimr bat tbe aeged the memben •ton «d the boiler
a lacotootlra towtog toaatoal pn^am wlU be r<
to aid la makiag it ettU gnator aad aatlj ihU Bwra<ac tbe e^taew ead •
tbaa dtoke tbt oEPMto of Iblt tiater- Anmea of aimeMagor Bala were klUhern., “ftepaie Te tbe Way af
aal potfOttoB wetely aomiaaL Sbi- ed aad tbieo rtalnmaa tojared here.
tbe Lmd”—Oarett.
laadad tbe order, lu wortm aad Ibe
Htom. *‘Oeato. Holy lidrtt'
Th. --------a a.
-- ------- n.
Mata wbo toada li '
^ toad eao^
MM eala. "Tbe .#1^'
fumUy and praMotod tbai tbo i
nolhins cotaparee with
it ta tbit icetton.
Molby near Orawa Uet ceealag. and
had a most dallgbifDl time. Gsmee.
Thai MrKlaler Uot JM Wbal Oe.
made aad oUnr aoowl plneane
imwiil - IMteed lie WoaM
ladalged la. A Aac o.rstor .apper
KUI Baoeenb Whea Term at
EalMM Ksair^.
A deitgbifal elelgbrtde party
iadolgwl by s&e ooaplee of yeoag
Attorla, Ota.. Jaa. 16-Pnak Ra- people last i-rmtag. who drove to tbe
fcowakL a soldier af lbs Uolied StaiM •obool of iflee FraM«i paSrey> Lee
eriny. bae b>wa drgradod ta Fori lauea coenty. ead rpeat an cajoyible
Oaadby and aaauaeed to laa year. •TCBlBg Bt e box and ebadotr aoeUl;
Aleatnix UUaA tbe eefaool hoate.
CUtf.r 'or tbreauolBff to
Prtoldeat RootooelL Tb*
Mr. aad Mrs. Daal. l Me eat*
Aaeladed tats dUlicmonbU
lalued e number af -tbelr frieade tery
aad Ibe forfettan- of ble ollowaBoe.
pUai^Uy Uet erealng with
BakdwskI aae oa deiaofaod doty at grtoetre pedro party at tbeil borne oa
Port ColambU. Wash, wbea be Blxtb elreei. The eTealag wa* ipeat
valeed tbo followlag aaarobUt bmU- moat dellgblfplly. Tbe Ant |otx.- fw
while latoElBaied: "Preeideat Udiee wo* woe by Mia* Willeii. Hra
McKlole.r got wbat he deserted. My Fkait reoeletiag the oooeoUtiew. UtUrns or enllimut will emm explnAreti
•ad wbea It doae I will eee that
Rootoreli g,-u tbe tone doe>-' that
at l«e each, worth up to
Prof, aad Mrv O. H. Bora entertoiued obool 80 of tb.-irfriea1b most
dellgbttDllr last etenlag wUb a
Mother Ooooe': party.
the wall*
iiuTrial la th. Water NraaSai ( Me o
d darini
lag the erratag tbo*.- present
wroto Mother Oooee rbymee, roLoat
geese and la other ways won dUilDotiea aad had a eery Aae time Light
Oraad Rapids. Mlob.. Jea. ib-T. rerr.-eha>eBU were eerred.
P. HeUsny. next a-epoadeat follow
ing City Atteraey Balebary la tbe
bribery indtetmeat cane. Is tick -aa.l ^e iTOgiam fur tbv maticale
Park PUoe 1MX.-I Taeaday .eieaiag,
Jau. tiet, paomUe.
•ooUl I-T.'uiag. Stewart A Sieffeas
glee iwo uf tbelr delightful
Mew York, will laidmbly hola tbe
L Vocal eolne by Miss Eenbawd. Ibylcr was tbe amn wbo for-
PlPtH TKARxKO. 1488
Cbe Jncompdrabk
Special Sale
On Alcatraz laland, CaJlfoc^.
A Jolly aUlgbload of yoaag ^pU
'la H-ia Santanoa
;drarc to tlm homo of Min IMaa Me-
Special in new Spring 8oods
novelty lUais^ng eiotb
in ligtat aad dark c
Is what Uu- •lemaiuls id iiiudrrn life
have mailc the I'el^iihonr for busi
ness, siw ial and diimiMu. jiurjioses. il
lias i caK-.l ii' be a luxury , anil lias be
come as iie. e*sary, in every well-order
ed houtchuld, as water or ga*. .Ask
the Inca) manager t<> cx|>lain the laritius forms of sen ice.
IS cents per fard.
nmi'J Huw omnjraH
I OAS t r I I I I i_t_*^
OfflcersPres., Geo. C. WUce;
Vice Pres., E. A Dally:
Sec,, W. H. Foster
Ireas., Tios. Smnrtliwalte.
mor. J. P. WTOOHO. utoaima M
- - leadPleae. Mm OwaM.Trombea* ait
^U-wme-ta Ateme.
WMII Tim M...
Protect the Lungs
ud cbMi fram the cold piercing
wiade of wialer by aeiag Ohesi Prolector* or Chamois Veeta We hare
a Urge aaaonmeot of Umm good* aad
weceamiiafy vua ia etyle. aualliv
aad price. Aad (boulil M^iriac be
needed renu mber we have e com^etd
line of
Dn»ss aud WtJMats
What I, 3 and' 5c saved
an an atticle will amount to
in the course ol a year—a
much larger 'sum than you
suppose—this suni you can
save by trading with us. We
have no extra or unneces
sary help—every person in
our store is busy. We deal
for (ash. hence no bad ac
counts to charge against our
We are content with a
small profit, believing that
a .nimble nickle is better
than a slow dimel
togelber with Ibe b**t equipped pres
cription departateui la the rtt.v.
3as. 6. Jabuaau.
1 owiiriirarDtvM^
129 East Froot Street.
sciuoi in suw $nn '
r. s. umiL NMunu.
Traterst CUjr
MINOR’S monogram
General Agents ior purchasing, selling or leanog
* Real 1^81816. and everything pertaining thereto.
Will aid in promoting and ,
locating manufacturing enterprises.
We want the agency for sale of farming lands,
timber lands and other real estate. Bod
purchasers for the same.
We want factories to locate and locations
for them—wc want to represent you
in all real estate matters;
(0.000 acres good farming lands for-sale
on Easy Terms. Abstracit^ procured and examined.
Titles perfected—correspondence solicited.
For Ladies. Beautiful models with that refined'
grace and elegance so much admired by those
who dress, with strict neatness and' propriety.
Minor's Monogram Shoes are all one piice—
$3.60 PER PAIR
UcNunan Btk, Froot Snoot
sttvicaii mnoMHEs
rmAvmwn city, miohioam
Mtnte OTTlM at *»m •*€!•*.
carr, waetu satvbaat, ia^axt i«. t«
Opaabte ntfal toWateacM
te tba Snt aal* te tbf saw poteH
gaaanl. Braay CL Payra, wa* te
aa ASnteklmtlra bat.
Otc«adepaed tb* ttyl* tba ite tblag
taUnteL BraaterHaaaaataotyat
uliTtry •Ml
gtaiMU coeveft
at l*«ulM chyn* la the
fvod iBlo
aU tatewarad atenilMflna that
>e LSlAOu..*. the pasI* baiag wagad br Mm ’BaoaavaU
^tte tba tea aad mla* with wbkA
Isdiara. MiabJeaa.
tb* WkUt Bate la lafaatBd. Ir - fran nUaeit.
______ ___ fool
B«wl^ wrto* M T a'ilMk.
Obl«.lowaaad Miaracrl, an aoaaid- esa b^ anlnUalnJ t.y ibe blood, add
iMteta as nte fmn OaL I
tSvaaea la prtoaa It U da- that farnMb Doirluj. ut lu the body
ban. aapniitedmt ad lb* 1
altmd that tbn* ter be a plaUe fn^- ' bos', abets tbpa.- vart-ot Su
MTrtln! alasdt ftiJ to n>4-k. troci
SaateaBeatat^B m. tea And
terwtead to Wateagtaa M tmga «< tee bteara raxt niamn. aotwitb. eciiM. auJ Ui
tag the tenaan te SAW a faarml
tb* iplaaa teayrar ago.
OoL miUte r. Oadr,
BUl.‘’wbo ba* berate Vateagtae nopteeaeamben
aavnal dart tteWag U* tmiadt la below tbeaverage.'wbte tataiutbat turot Mil »f yoor (..<1
. te teted to tba Ifatlaaal ptakl* packan wlU fae fOO.QOO barrrlt astn. Ill feri. they a :U uukc ■ <truns
laaB cr wouuo of yi«. aad yt
_______ IbatenoaaDaadwoodacraii. abort. Banry WUlutn* of Detroit wjnl imtl llHUi eu.v non-.
it ao doabt bat that tba oCar aa* te tb* lateen. taid be rreald.Bot
NV» Y.tS f.-icuary 21 UML
aad if tba topply gave oat The P. I. .\bUy C«nii«Dy.
will ba liaiaadlattlr aoeapOed. at the''
U.UiMuo.., Mt-'h.
-----------aOalalt bar* far aote tUa*
Oeotl<-near-V.Dc vtllialde nmedy
bean «rtag te add to tbeir aoUaattra mar. Tba aaw crop will sot be ready for ladtcmkin aa> btgbly
Baa. B. Howard Baaara.
a veblol* of tea am. TW* D *
nirndcd l« me. t iripO lu-veral l»]
Blbl* aefaool afbsM.
OoL Mytra T. Marrlak te Olav*. of Ibe Tablet* altl> Ibr naiiH iba
.wbleb It teM taU of belt*, aad
base foand them w, U.neOrUI tbal 1
Mflcate a«^ •*
ar otbw roteta ten tba natet land, trraaarer te the McKlaU-y Man. b|'e dtarontlBOed Iboir on and
Jaate Bateroa at B
ad tbt roagbtiM* ad tba old days orlal ataoeiatiaB. nyt; "Than have aniild. ibttt-foiv. «trnnidy Tecumasead
OWate Bateaea at (:4ft.
gaaotkally ao ooatribatlait to llx-m t<i all a li-_ Miff.r with i«>maefa
............la arary city of
Bfwiac aarlaa at t o'aloak.
iteAlBC at tba Bwadlib tenb at
I•.VNIEI, J. R.lRt.T.
a of waaltb or itatee at lb.- bead d
r gnat oonnarleial aad nanafariropa. Wbra OaL Cody bad tb*
They have left
f by a-rtttne to the P. A Abbey
gnaagaea te tha ai^
Bpany. Katanaaoo. Mtrh.
bead* teogbt It a great irte toba tb* baildiag te tbU nanqrlai u
m torltad to weatep with aa
ited to rid* la a vahlelo to
. A WAIT* aU5B. JA8 O. JOBmoX
wbiab to tear people had ant death
vruRLD'H p.viB
la tbf- waatani "wUdt'.' of tba Oaiied
forrUAB PEaioniCAL*.
The gradaal noraetractira of Mr.
;oo*evelt‘* cabtaet lead* a direct nd
Marateg aarrle* aad tetea at 1
Haarab R. PtalUlpa' 1
Cbarl.* Knory Snilb „
Saaday acAaol at It.'
Ja*t wrllt.-a ifor Tbe Saturday Braaapra tbe wattn te tba Hadtoo anld
Bvealag anttea aad nemra at 7. a prafatira te Sawtra Mitt PhUUpa
lag Pott, of Phiadflphla.
Cbbiovl and Oabteei Making tell*
Allan eaadially tevlnd to than lived In Hew Tart City. It wae be]
bow preaideou ehoom ih< lr oAoial
dylog reqaeet that ber body be ere
adfiten: bow aloe noUtloal oratlder.
mied aad bar atet nn-wa opoa tbi pnalUoa. Mr. Ockeraoii I* one of tbe atitso* ladai-ace tbeir cboiee aad reBav. W. T. Woodhoa#^ paater.
Badaoa. Tbe .body wae iacteetate noat < nterat Ameriraa gaglneen. for dec to lowett ternie the asnbar te
tBiBg. I0;n.
Sablaet. ‘
liaviag had charge o( raslabh
aad tbe aabee plaoad te ao am. Tbe
One of the no*( Inportaiit eooelBaTrioBpbad JeosA”
famml rite* wan- bald at tbe Anld eoa*l and river rarveyt teqainDg the •a* reached bv Mr. Snith U that
Saaday wbool atlf. '
In tb<- praaanof te a few rela- bigbatt ekill aad eu-retive ability.
B. T. P. O.. 6M. Laadar,
fth.d* te fomteg their oBeiai
ttvaa aad frirada Tba«ni.^Ba bid- Be wa* a nenber of tbe latprisaHoiiel
.w; that of Mr. Lteenln and bit
Haute Maltaa.
dra baarath baaki of flowe^ Then Jaiy of Award! et tbe P*fU Eipots
I liicrutnn wlio (urtennd-d themBvralag. 7d» Sablaat. “Oaraan tb* brother aad titter were Mvra to tlon te moo. H-. !• al*o pronilbpiii *•
Ive* with |wrty hwdfre aad former
tbe Hadara aad rowed oat
<ibe mteteg eagloeer.
TbarrwUI baaapaalal naatlagof river. Tbe am era* opened aad la
Predersek W. Taylor hat b«n op
broad gang, m- n. regardh*. of JWevi
tb* obarob la tba parIon at tba olan
Bp by tbe breon potetod Chief of tbf Ueianmpui of lit political i*«.-ailBaoc«.
^ tb* laemleg anrloe.
aad etnwB apra tbe watark while the Agrirultore of tbe World'* Fair onil
Tbl* article wilt apfkwr te an earlj
(Boarateg frii-ad* tbowerod flowert Aotteg Oblef of the De]*rtneol ol i*ne of Tin- Saturday Ev.-nlng Pott.
Bav. Hogb Krasedy. paaiar.
noag tbw
Clan ia*atliigat«:4S.
A iiromUlng ►ntermte f-r rnUhrr
Two bvglari at h'ewbarg. near
mtde from tne
Mnalng aerrlae at lOte-Tbam, Olaralaad. ttole a bolldiSB fron aa- can Espoeitlon and daperiateodeni of het riv-nUy .
- Dolag tbr WlU af Ood. ’'
atber naa'i lot, aad after they bad lb<- dlvltioB te honioaltiire. Food* jijiuu; *li<iota <-! the Uocky
Soiidar tohool at II.
wtirely rrnevea tbe ttroetate. tried aad Forettry. Me wa. fomerly
Tln-re are f-ry
In Texet
Bpworte Laagna at d.
te eell tbo lot to people la tbe vlelai- rector of tbe Iowa State KoTticolii
that hme to
k l.-sal adtl.-e nut.lile
Bvealag Mviea. at 7 d». A apiwial ty. TbebaUdlog wa* praoiimlly • Society aad profetaor of lioaicBlturr thr.r limit*, fl. iio-y haw not a alnglt
sew ttraetare. obi- atny high aad at tbe Kebratka sate UoireiiitT *i allurni-y of their uaa.
The revival maattegt wUl aestime
7 40 feet la dlneaalaaA aad Lteeoln.
aaob avaalag daiiag tbawaak *so>-pl
Milan B. Halbert, of Brooklvn. ha*
TIte electric unrk goe* tbroogb r
>n worked bard ararly all
day Irariaa It down aad loadlag Use beiaappoioira Chief of the Ui'twri erv vein and every nerve. A plrataat
gr*d- reeling *wr».|a over the tool alter takneol ofiM
lanber apra tbeir wagon.
Rev. D. OoobUa. patter.
ibe Brooklyn Polyte.-bulc InAt Jefferaeti. lad.. three tboataadI aaaofibi
the aged aad feeble.
Betnraat tOJOn m. 8ablaat.,"A fear baadrad In »0 gold plecee were ■titaa aad bee bed a Urge.. *p.-rieBc-e j
aarartbad tea coal ebed oo tbe plaoe te naasfacterlBg *• a dir--otor of varSaaA^teiaal at aeaa.
te Mr*. B^lia Wrlgfat. who died loo* Imponaat onooerae He hat wav
Jaaler Gbriattea Bbdtaaor aaelaty Jus. 4. aged Hi. Sbe had baried
ru tb*
w. eled esteufively aad at the Pari* Ki
at «.
tedia I potlUoa te IMO wa. oae of tbe deimrimaney te faakteg powder
WiUlaaiA a girl wbon Mm . Wright neat director, ter tbe Coiled Stet-«.
•aalatyat 4te
ted tekra to taite. wa* tte only per- te obaige of "Varied lodclne-.'
Toaag FaopU'a todsty te Oritetea tea who knew tbe wtereabona of the vhioh oomapeodt in n'lmy iiartiroAdravortnd.
blddra trraaai*. Mr*. Wrigbt l.-ft lar* t« tte DemrtacDt Of MauafarioSaaday avralag gaapat awatlag at 7 propartT valaed at tlAtOO.
TTed the'French .govern
Dr J. L. M. Carry, of Sew York meat s* B juror and wa* decorated
ha* bora appointed tpraiel ee- with tbe other of the ('bevalier of thBar. Wm.
ray eatmerdteray and mteiater pleaiOlatt laaatlngatbJO.
Prof. W. Elwell Ooldtboroogb hat
WorMilpal 10 JO. Batnra *ab}eet, pateotlary to n-pretrai tb* preiideiit
at tte aomteg of a*- af tbe fclag of teen appointed directorof^the l>e(wn
"Spirit. eapUraiaadSlB."
-ment of El-ctric Erbibii*.
SaaAty aobool at lA
Baaklal Downey of Obleago. Wat Oold.boroagb it director of Eeetncal
Jaalar Bpwertt LaagM at 4.
■errteg te tte navy daring Ui< civil Eaginecnag In Pnrdm- CniTvr.liy.
Epwarth Laagat at b:4A
Wotelp at 7. a am on tebloet. war. He got word that bU dee ebil- Lsfaveta. Indianiu Prof. Ooldtbordran wer* dead and bU wife dying. oagb wat bora at Baltimore In ik;i.
"PIT* Platare* te Ood.
He wa* related leave of Aberac* and aod at tbr age of eight year* weal to
t-bwehwd caira (1
tooklL Ba waa dotaiotd «D da^at China with bit parent*, fait fatlier
Bav. TbeM P. CUem
Monteg at tO:lA Babhel. "Tb* bla wife'* tedalde aadw-bra te r*tamed eoaUi bUnew bad been mat miMAusoy. He trawled exteo>ive.
BpMl-PlUad Ohareh.
tered <ml aad te bed been deelared a ly in tee urieaal --oon trite HcenBatter nbool at 01
b't«d Goraell L'alvertlty at Irlssoa.
deeertar. Ba baa btra teeking evbr N. Y.. ia Ittei aadnflerhit gmdenJaaler O
■tee* to have hit record elmred. Wed- tlra took eberge of the electrinti
work of tee tnansatlcDal ('orTe*|K»<dneeday Pr«*ld<«t
aardra for Dowser a* being tte raly ene>-Seboolt of Bcrantoc. P* He beEvralqr trariea at 7. 8ab«eo(. "A
profarawof Eleetrlcal Eogiue.f
way eat of tte dUBcolty.
al^kaum. Cnlvertiiy. FeteiieOod-Olvea BarivaL"
Tbo Boagb Rider aloaeb *0 long tIU*. aad from Ih.-re weol to Pnrdne
Tharteay avanteg pmyar nratteg
aad Ualca BlMa Clan tran 7 JO to ram by Prealdmi Beoaevalt U now I UDiv.mity. B.- bae made imporant
knowa at the Admialttratlra bair^l*l**n«'» *« *le«rio*l literatore
9;». Amtowte Mattbaw'ago^eL
------- “ "
Toaare nqaeaed to te oa tin* at Bran athlatlo Saaaior Lodgt —-r.' Ladiea. *you
can jump on
aad all tee cabtetl effieiult have
all of tea tervioc*
trampl^D It, bol It will roioe pp
it. Th<- bat U at mneb a ilga
Walbone to wanblp wlte at am
■mltteg^eay time Oalmaa-* Kta.Ue Floor Vamlah. & E. Wait A
iwaagara. werktegnra aad tte poor. ataUagiaabc te Preaideat Boeaereli
a* Ite pearl faeavar wm t« Blaine.
OtartMtM MnwPi^OTaMi
-itr-ssMiasT«S BAILWAT P80JKT.
«to imr'i-------••-•- **"
d far B. R. U»■ lk^M« D. w. KMtauliMt«>
partMt tel wbleli te » dlf«el faMrlac Bpea ttr pfD)«e< to faaiU m Us*
Vtoobtet of tepwebaator tUa
Ite te to tekUtfe a or (tny batvaM Boatbpoat aad MaaiMiq*** ««•
aaaMac te Trarma OII7. Ualaaaa
' * MaaiaUqaa ,Ua* wlcb tba MaatoTbUaoiiaial
Vow tba teaof Aa paaetiaal nalteloaet ttl«pt«>>«i<^a*u with tba
paopU af taalanaB soasir. abac tha
Uaa of tba paojaetad read. Tha aoeem tha' ricfat of war i* fraaiad 1)1*
- aoate wlU tel Uaa 0|i*D ap oomma'
wttb Koatbpon sad fiva tha
paopl* of tet oouitr rbat tbaj bav*
lace ten looklac for. Tba iwiiortOH* of tba laolaet alwold sot ba loat
aicbt at, aad Mar who bar* nodlad
te qaattioB istaUicaailr baltava
that tba btBtlti to tbit eitr wlU fae
teUlOaa latp tba aertbwaai asd
aBerdaeoaw to tba ftaat timbeabad
teMte iMObtaaa of tba aoatbaan paniaaala of Hlehlcoo. U> daratoidM
tbte taaoaroet tbl* Ilaa wtU aSoad
dtet mil ooauaaBlaatlao to tba
kati of tba aeatbwaat for oor trait
prodDOt*. wbiab
te Ung baaa aeoefaL Tben, too. tba
wUl ba mrlted. rabaUUbad aad daaalapad t^ddlj brraaaoeot tba Uanted fiaelUila* for farlaciac aaiaaar
riten tran tba larga eltlaa of iba
ate wait aad aoatb, via tb* Paaairl'
teia allwar artniB and Iti oooiijettte. XbalnpamaesoftbUtoliaowutr aboald sot ba lost ai^t
ad. ted tba davalopoMst of tb* raaart* aad acrioaltaml tnriiarrot !«•bwM oaaotr
crratlr laeraaaad
■— ----- la Tmrara* Oitr fraa that
eater. Tbit elir t* lit nataial aoanr
ad abpplr aad narkat aad aar imlaaiaaiiat Biat wilt aaaae davrlop-
itetelta* tauftb wttb tbo prapnaad
taUnad sad tba aiforuU Tmi
Oltr to wlat It. Mr. Baerttat
If bta Idas* war* mrriad oat It woald
laara tbr roat* aadUpa**^
tetedd astasalsa ad tb* M. A K. B.
teBartbpnrt TbU woald sndoabted
Ir te a coed tbiac for tb* M. A b*.
B. aad Ttaran* Oltr ;woatd rvallaa
baaafiti br nab an liBj»OTPin«it
Baartbwaltr aaja (bu eitr mlg
natslr a way aiattsa. bat w* beUara
ili growth eaaaot be lourdad by tba
MtablteMOt af tbl- lisa at ba viawt
It. bat woald b* nor* firmlr <
liabad at the railroad oestrr of oortta.
era MAigmn Tbit city it tha nataral
'goegn«biaal aod iadaitrlat oatstra of
a wide tacioQ of rraaltbr tarrStory
aad IM taatUct eanaot bet i
bancai br tba aar terrj plan. avr«
tboagb tba tamUiot it at Northport.
WbllabavlBit tba fetTy tamlaat la
Tmatna Oltr wbald parfaapt bnnit
aoM baeadu Ibar weald ba laotmtidaaabl* cominrod with tba braadt to ba
telvad tra a dlnet itei- ibreaab
a It BM to ditmragr
tte mpeaed M. A K.
teoalda ear ferry tee<
a of tte M>el*.
I to that point woald te et
greater rate* thaa wiibrat te at tte
ralBfal dtvclepmeat thrao^ Iteteflu«aae woald tead brateea* tatttar M. A
K. B. teat aaiamUy balmgad te teat
Tuesday, Jau. 3t, we will display the new ^ring
, line of pretty Sheer Fabrics for^i^rty dresses—
coasistiog of
Slllc IVIull,
S«^ln Foulards,
L.000 Silks,
9llk ond l-lrion
E’tol, E-tOv
It will be the finest showing of this class of good*
ever seen in Traverse City. You will appreciate
these goods this time of the yean You arejnost
c^ially jnvited to come and^iDspKt this line
whether you want to buy or not.
fa J. W. MILLIKEM *1
Ttiis isthe season when good Heating Stoves are needed
and just now we are making SPECIAL PRICES ON HEAT
ING STAVES. We want to talk it over with you. ClilliatNn.
Onwge B. Barker, for not* tbaa
two yean olty editar of te* Dally
Eagle, will leave Mratey atoralag toe
Rad Ledge. Maataaa. wten be lakne
]«aluoo oe tee Puket. a weekly
iwtpepar of tint pMe*. Tbe poeilieo U a good oa* aad eairie* wite »
a good mlary. Mr. Bark** baa mad*
^y friradt rteo wUl regret to bav*
him leave Uh- eily. b«t wUl b* glad
teat he tet la view a mac* loanciv*
tywtete* batiatt* of tea Hat.
Tbe 4f«vclopn<-at of tte raeoab
b*U*f* (0 te of grant vala* to tel* One" will te bm. ba* beta Baad te
«tly aadbeltore that tte Tmverec Tbanday, Jaa. SO.
Wbralt U Ktatad teat tea aiwtetiea
our. LeoMaaa A MaaitOq** wUl
aampUte maab la teU diftMloB.
will te appmai-
_ _ _
_ tgM *
___________ **■ Blaea.DfMtW evixv aickl
cs raj's:
gfk, s
7te«w«am^te *r MM «te
•mam ate iritei t*Hm« drtw iiimini
____________________ J baaa left
bam tte
tte halidBT
holidaT trade.
trade. .SvetT
«M»d.**M'te*y are
wiU not tea
bat tteti*
Otky teat
Tateteg, Jam tl
■ Fab. 1ft. wbra au wra »ra ■
attratlM te teaW ayaa-orab
tetesaamlaadteoaf ohante Ota
will ta Btted iritertimlly at r
Fab. Ite
Baby’s Coiiimg
H. y. BMOad. tte aathor e(
*M te ■MtbmAhitetelfteara m ^rarii dfaemm" tad aanra Aa
=2TjBSj=X'7nai*isa - ■’
Maple and other Hardwood
at our mill. Will pay highest mar
ket prices. JOHN F. OTT & CO.
to houses with the least expense In fuel for years. That is
because the principle it is built on is a sound one. The man
ufacturers of the ROUND OAK STOVE have
improved it from time to time until now it stands at the
head. This stove burns either hard or soft coal, coke or
wood and you get the heat from them all*
is a good heater* It gives an even heat
totheroom. It is an economical stove
and just now we are IMAKINO
SREOIAL. RR1GE9 on all
our heaters. We can interest you
great line of heaters at once.
way to teach the aBay b
atiaat aad tba i««w.
. Mayr appMatal i
nOrr. Micb.
emrnd of «e emr «f
___ OKRMcm^ ko«B roealral tbe
m to orBm by 3. W.
w la tbo Aalr.
Bw. Stod^Giltoa OMaal. Bag Oar
riJBO and 3. V. Patefela. mayor.
rt la the proeaadlage.
Bafarred to chief of-------- -----------wHb power to ^ bM If
______ ___________ » to. Sto wUb the
rommlttm oa baUdlngi. wm ptaaeBUd
. as Rusldn defines itf is shnplr
^ a Mperior power id seeing. Have you
J the geohs to see bow imjiortant an
element in the suceess'of your boiuse^eef^ng
is the use of lvory Soap? Judged by the woric
it does Ivory is t^ cheapest soap in America
to-day. It is harmless. Embroideries, laces^
and delicate stufis should be washed only
with Ivory Soap.
that the
ad ta pot
aad for-
. .. . .
.. .. _____
d o«r
roaactl Of (kc City of rracerae
ctfr vicAtom:
1. Oeatlemea—We. your oornnKtee
rt tbit we bare «
t claims aa^ bat
from (he rarioas fands s
Ibis sublert.
Tbe (ollewlag eniamte to ber^
ibmttted In detail u followe;
Sheet asphalt mvemeat.
Front street from L’akm toreet to
Park Place etreet.
Width of peTemcBi emiamtod at
Materiel tor aettlag ecalee... .1
Labor, city nurket. Iroo work
i..elUe D. Kelih, city llbrarla tbe Ualoo aad
L^M' Ubra^' Anoed]^'.
Tbe eerwtta day adranitota bare
adopted a aalqaa mtmlooMy aeheme. CIUnaeTetopboaett..;pbo«
Brer; adrtnUM who to a farmor will
clerk'a oSee and D. E.
tbe ooaiiaR year aet aeide a “mtoMosWrlRbl.....................................
ary” am*-, that to, oae am for erery
rJly oScei. for q
member of bli famUr, aad aeon aerce
n R. E . L. A K C
If to dtopoeed. bat every cme at Inet randle power lem
one aore, tbe iwodnea or Rialn lalied
upon It to be eold for fonlRn mis•Iona It to cfalmed that erery adreottot In ihto coanlty will' do tbU.
Uet year many adopted ttato pton. and
deetora that tbe prodaoa ratoed apoa
to twice that
laieed npoa tbe other neree in tbe
They look apon ttato ae
eral aRreemeat to adopt tbe plan
aa for
ralilDR mimionary fasda
Pink eye to raRlng In norne pnrtt of
ratK.-n MlehlRaa. and a namber of
cattle lia\-e become blind aad died.
People a^- aleo amieted will. it.
■ “
* SS
Fife depertmrot pay roH for^
SO <1
Jeha Reanle, hey. wm. ud
47 M
S 00
C 41
Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness.
and flavor noticed in the finest cate, short
cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which expert pa8tr\* cooks declare is upobtainable
by the use of any other leavening agent
bi strengtli.
7 00
.3 nc 7S
,.u. .w eircotar earb, 6le
13 34
00 24 IlD. ft. etrelgbt curb. Sic..
U 120 IlD. ft. of white oak at$3S 28 20
£ouT catch UMba at S3*.... 120 00
Sewer eonnecUont...................
S8 M
Total.......................... . .t 2 348 24
Incldenult.......... ..................
61 M
Settins posts' and Bxidr
I 28
Mo?r« lumber f rom tooiboLs;
: 44
to m
nrusli-s sewer...........................
4 1*
Repelrlag Walks........................
PIcklDR Ratter ea Union stroet.
ilfaelm block..............
g mod rom
! 48
l^bor on Crprem street aidewalk, .....................................
7 84
Chopping Ire from water
CleulQg out creek aod ditch
^ west side wstcr tnugb.
John Kelley, 160 hoars.'...... 44 00
0. P. CstrcB. Cbtlrman.
C. M. Beebs. Clerk.
Moved by Aid. Kirnmon tbst tbe
accoaats be allowed and orders drawa
for tbe ameanto.
Yeae—Aids. HamlUon. Campbell.
Sleder. <^wt. Bound. O'Neel, OerrlNaye—None.
Alderman C
ed and took part ii
>8£7 yards at 32.10 per yd...112.320
2.un lin fi. of Medina curb at
1 346
51 rents.
Tom, . ,
itort or (
S36X m- Jds. at'l2.10 per yd.11.786
1256 Iln. ft. circular curbing
cento per Iln. foot...........
18 llD. feet of straight etirtalag
51 cento.............................
124 iln. (L of white oak at 138 26
Four catrh baglos. 136.00.... 120
..........31X77 69
Orand total, .
Boardman aveane.
Brick pavamsnt.
Width of pavimant sattom
Pan of cost aasmmbto to
. Modtaa curb at
r.m u
iTMd total............................S3.106
total. .
Park Place atreet from Pront etraot
to Stole etreet.
Sheet asphalt
It pavement,
Width of pnvemi
rement, sstlmsled 40 fl. l«o Iln. ft. straight curb at
■t to prtv^
Pert of
at 32.18..$3,183
40 1.466.7 equare yards
curii Sic.. 316 20
70 £20 Itn. M. medina
. . . . . .
146 61
4 (arld^toto...............
80 iBcldeotols. ..............................
Total......................... -.......... 83.616 1
3.m 0*
Part of coet aseemaMe to city..
Grand total. ....................... $2*Xn tt .
42 70
43 12 i:n. ft. etialght colt. Sir.
Stoto atnwt from Dnlm to Bonrd12
60 *0
catch faaalns at 330........
04 Two
00 Sewer
l of cost assesmble 'to privnto
723 6* v._,/ty.
14.333 91 -Alt.l sq. yds. at lIXt.. ..$14X64 31
Grand total. ..
3.7M Iln. fl. MMIaa suns
curb, 8f
------ -, with ssphsV*ls‘f3lS?.’^
Front slfvrt. private prop«ny............ ........................ 316,633 04
. .317X33 62
Front street, city
Sheet-t asphalt pavement. '
lb of pav.
pavement eeUisaled 40 feet,
-tot eeeeistble to property.
Pan of cost
32.13 a yd...117.812 86
.222.*q, ]
3.700 He.
medloa stone
c.................... ur 0*
........................ 122 22
Tasvgaite Cnr. Hleh..
Jan. 6. 1902.
Ike J/oeorcble, tke Ifepor aed Clfy
roaactl of Ike CUy of rrorerte
. .320X2
City, Mick;
Pan of cost assewable toicily.
• M
CcicTixuE.*—PImse pay the fol Street cromlngt.
1* ee lowing bUle and charge to tbe City U20 sq. yds. at 12.18 .
7 M
130 lin. ft. straight curb s
* M 9. E. Orelick Co.. .
I 27 04
10 SO Josej>b Hewitt.........
12S 00
.......... 128 11
200 00
In. ft. of wblte oak curb
Wm. Beltner..........
:i 4S
1 M
21 71
k Sene.........
4 SO
18 42
r Iron Work*.
2 00
.33.446 21
Hanub *-Ut Mer. Co-----11,67
/ ■WT Milllken, .... .............
Grand total.........................323,663 23
- - Caet Iroa. Pipe
Unlcn street from B6V street tenth
Feandry Co,
S 00 City of Trwaamt Cl
> 8. Union street bridge.
Sheet espbilt pavement,
4 U
■j. H. Larkins.........
4S 00 B. B. B. L * P. C<
n’ldtb of pavement, 40 (eel.
Pan of cost assesmble to private
IW dray line..........
S 00 Arms A Cole. ........
28 8<
..39X03 10
W. V. Telegraph Co.
5 08
7 38
7 70
8C04 equare yards at $2.10. .tl40< M
IU.6 ft. clreutor cartong, 18c
88 41
10 M
for first qaarter. m.|sxiuT
mrt'ln J- n. riceolt l. aboot to H. Proulv. eetton. .
tetln- fnms tlx- Ifawion tire <Iei>artment
sft.T f.yl)-fc-ven .veer*' serikc la IL
lie » tll tv.v'lve n iK-n.lnii.
Eagle Prrm^tSl’J^Smd.
Inga............................................ .no 08
Wbat woald yoa tblak of yoar groeery men If be eold roa mad for aog.
ar? What do yoa think of a draggtoL
wbo oBen yea a eebetitate for the
ktadieoa Oo'e Book; MoaaiatBTna
iaa -O. Johaecm.
llrtiu for December. ',
r OD^'alon street.
and bridge.
» 1«
4 3:
23 <1
V. Petertyl, boramfaoelag. etc..
1SA33 M
Part 0
3 80
Polk* pay r^» ^^ber.
ooers, ............................; .. ••
alls (or sidewalks on Cypress
sic per yard....................... Ijis'tl
la^ldenuls-Eaglneer* and It•pectlOB ............... ............
U4 7*
« W
Buys a good
round dollar’s worth
of goods from
our Men’s or Boys’
Ulster, Overcoat
or Reefer stock.
Other goods •
at bargain prices
from our
Annual Inventory
Clean up.
Call and tell
. '
us your troubles.
",L.v.5iSrri'ir,.r;sv;s j.
with yoar reeolatloe o( OrtobeT^
Mured by Aid. CaapbMl that,, tbe ItOl. file No. Sii. plana. |dato. aad dtognmi. aad cetlmstsa of qnaaUUm of
imc be accepted aad ptoeod oa »:
cmala etteeie of TraTwrm City, m
Tasrsam Crrr. MIeb.
Jaa. 4. IfO
We do hereby
. . edUfy
rtJfy to
_____ that
.... ibefollowtagtoanaroar
the (ollowiag
•to aceeaBi of tbe coat of rapatrs ea
:ract aad the conetraetlon thereof, tbe
) and a
tt of materiel need aad tbe «tAll of which |i
eet or place
By O. P. CAsraa.
cottar WALkB.
11*1 tt
CmAB. M. bBB. Clerk,
37 SO—g :>«st o }h« Hoaorakle. (Ae Mayor. City
•Ikk .. M II
oosecw and Ike Board of PaMto
Works of Ike Cily of Traaerae
CUv -Mlcktym;
— I berowttb anfaiDN
Tbe flrot
Brat ebipmeat of lambe to mar- Moet'HlRh:
Moet H1r<>- w.w<- do not tl.e
tl>e leee-------leet moan
kei from the Upper Peolaeala lea for oer sister, who baa been taken
carload tliat luu just beea coosiRoed from B>k .
. Reeolred. That la tbe dedtb of
toObiea«.yi by iheRoycroft format Maty Uruad tbto hi*<- moarai tin- loss
Bldwr. The farm to already etocked pf B elster who was orer ready to
with aerenl bnndrad ^eep, and tbe iiroffer the band of aid. aad tbe volee
sy^iwtliy. to the needy and dtoratolac of tombs for market to to be ofren-d
of the freteraity; aa aotlTf
- made aa Important oae.
•■•mberof tW. eocleg^^en^aad
Mlm Louie KoiRbt of Praaeuti,
killed e bear this week wblefa welRh- *SNl3nd, ^t” syianSlhVof this
extoaded to her family '
ed ICS pnoada The yoanR woman tbolr afRIctimL
foand the bear la tbe ob'lekm) coop
Reaelred, That tbe t&artar of tbto
aad teteraieR to tlie hosee R<>t a Ran bin be draped in mooning for tblr^
daya, aa a mark of reepeot (or oar deand killed 1L
deter; that tbaoe reaolatim
Weather roodltina. <ui Lake 8ape> onaed
be cpread apoa tbe reoordeef tbto
rtor are aopreoedanted aad pbeaome- bin end a oopy thereof be tomnamitted
naL Usaally at tbU aeaaoa of tbe to the femily of onr deoroaed aicHr.
year the Beweenew pealatala to storm aad to each of tb.- nowspapare of this
•wqpt aad BOW to piled ap bIodr tbo
tallroatM to the teleRiapta-wir>-a This
wlaier the w.ather to aoKormly ralld
aad tbere to only fair elelRhlaR la tbe j
oopper eosalxy. For half a eeatary'
tbere has beea oothliiR lUe tbeaalform mtldoeee of th<- tneeai ee^ti. arc rained ten to iweirefohl tbe prWe
of dtomomli. Tbe beat came tram
Tbere are no sIrbs of loe on lake 8a- Cklaa. Ceylon and India.
parlor aad boati are ranalaR back aad
fonb on tbe aartta ehone. .
_uatb reatonag. life raoewing cor
Tbe CkuTom-Arebareaa ntmtany of dial. a loaic fortlflea tbe body aad
LadltiRtoB. tbe tonteet game lioard brain aad dope tbo mine of deoay.
Mtaafeotaren la tbe world, baa eas- Ttmt-e what Sooky Moaataia Tea
does U oeata Jaa Q. Johaeco.
pmded worii to InereAae the capacity
Pure, healdiiul,
RamUtaa. OupbMI.
ladcr. OUtott, Bond. ONcH. Oarrlaad Ooctatta.
He welRbc 400 itooBda. to a* nimble ae
a eat and rerr atroaff. and can ran'
Wh-yraa. It liae plenaid ll>e Ownt
bop, ablp, and Jamp. box liata. and Arehltecl of tbe Outrenw to retuoribold bto Qwa Renerallr wUb aar ordl from oar mldet irwell lOTi-detotm.
ind. aa
aatj atbleta He to temperate In !iab.............
I. It I IbH that a S»laR
IH and baa a boat of frleada
n«o«iilatloii of b<r macr
•lioold be had. Ilierefote be It
of the plHnt. Tbe mala factory balldiaf will be ealarfed br an additlmi.
40 by 00 feet, aad two storlee blRh. A
new etnm power plant la a e.’raiate
balldtag will atoo I* Iratalled. Tl>to
oonoern.' which started aboat ;
years ago with a capacity of tbir^
beard, a day apd empIoyicR lem tbea
a doaea nwn. new has a oapaelty of
1.000 boards per day aad glrM
Cctidtastd Hews
» cf Wkhisan
flf $>0.«00 la AlUoa
mm « tb* dteo» «rm not iri'
Tmmitj Mr. Diekie rwrlrad a iKwr
r thatt a saa*^ wmid p>«
throMk Albioe Wo^aaMlar. ee hti
«ar M Ohlaaco. and aakiaic tba |ml
deal la nwrl him at tbc UbIs. Tbe
taitnatltiBf v«re (allowed aed at tin"tiats Mr. DMle WBi hacdMl as eoralapa with tbe reqoejt ^1 to ojieii 11
wdl be reaebed hii ofltee. Oo open
iBR tbe «arelop>- be wae eniiwlied to
Bod tbr Rift.
John Barber, an old tvoidesi of
Or7ibtt FaJU. ie advlaed far letter
from AaeirUtbai beliaelalleo belr
to a (ortBoe led him h, an oBcle. He
' left Thnredar for bi. satire Ui '
claim th<' relate^ t^e alleRed ralbr u.
.wtalebUaaldtobeBl.ono.COO. Berber
to a «eU known etaantoter abost Orr»Ul Falla, and to familiarlj known aa
Mored by Aid. H
mnjW nod clerk be
tb# matter la props
ward to CooiitRsma
AAioaraed regalar aimUag of
CetneU bOM to ocaaeU reemeJaaP^
10. im.
QalMd ta order by Oeerge F. OarThey to take tbe faalMlag ma Itsuada laoB. prttodmt pro teat, in tbe chair.
Preamt-AMe. HmIIUv CtompbiB.
Stodtf. OOton. BoagLay. Cwaaiagham.
CKy Clert.
Boaad. (FNeal. Oarrlaaa and Oeealia.
l^nnO.SE AND OOMMDNICAtoorad by AM. Btoder that the roTIOSB.
>rt be aeoepted aad
4te bl^aat bidder.
aT uaanarer’i
goreralBg the
Mocad by AM. Oarrtma ttet wa Mb
.Cmsa. M. Bcma. City OA
164 Un. n.' atral^t ciitb, lie
Tfi H
It* M
IM to
Total............................ ....3 2,11137
Total-Private property. .386,667-89
_________ _____ 3UX43M
Usdiu curb, iU 1X37 AO
740 AA
.. .
_ dm
le to private
2,6to 1
.. ..................................... * . 973 60
.11,614 40
1X46 fi
124 llD. ft of white oak at 338 26 04 Ineldentolt. .
634 70
MoimaT I
417 00100 OO ............................. ^ .................
SO 00
Willlama - - Pan
Oraham, 29 dys. attlJS
29 12
Street croeetoge.
638 sq. yards at 12.12 per yd. 11.776 86 »4 iMj. ydi. Bt $l
.Ti 1.634 37
Ireoler curb
Total. .♦ ............................... 6 239 18 128.6 Iln. ft. rirenlar curb
(msdlne) at 66c................
rirat Netloil'
tld by order on city clerk.
et 8*c..
43 ft. etralgbt curb el
” **
Doc 30. 1901. .... . .. v--» 1 « 46 lUu (I. straight curb
24 48 Pour catch baalns. at $30.
dine, at Sic.................
Jim Cnan. Dec. 23. 1901.......
6 00
BOARD WATER COMMISSIONERS. ) Iln. ft of vh't* oak a
Four catch baalns at 33
64 67
J. W. MtuiEU. Prealdeat
Sewer connecUons. ....
John Bredna. rebate aa cnB. J. Pt-uim-w. Secretorr.
Moved by AM. 0-N(U that (be
wZ^5/:^e/.*J?faaie a. e.*
aeeoanl* be Ulowed ana orders drawn
mwt wdk. 1000...................
s M on tbe water fond (or tbe amoants.
Grand toUI........................ 316X73; *3
Pront street from Union street to
.3 773 « Park rireet
Teae—Alda Hamilton. Oampball.
Btodf^. OlUett. Boand.' O'Neal. OarrIM 06
ana and Coebito.
16 90'
BlI*lri^a*A. lAwranee (or baked
31 U
_Dods (antobwl deteatlim boaplul laddsauto. .
was prmented.
Total. .
HoTfd by AM. HamUtm that tba
Morad by AM. OOtott that tba report ime be referrad to tbo Board of Babe aoMpted aad waraaU draM on perTtoors.
the aarml faada (or tbe amoaaW
Total..................................... 313X31 74
m—AMb. HamUfcei, OunbeOL
Moved by Aid. Hamtttoa that vkea
Part of coat antmahli to dly.
WMtk of a
Btoder. OlDett, Naaad, OTtml. Oarrl- we adjbara. we adjoaro to meW ^
.711 as. yds.
eaa amd QgJla.
day. Jaaaary 10. at 7;W p. m.
336Xm Pto!^31X*....^ ^!!
■ 41
AM. Oarrlaca meda a Tmbal repaet
Morad tfaM tbe mgttor of aMewalk
•lit 9B tbe none aMe of Cypmm
irari ba rafmtad t* tba Aldarmaa at
Fov mtok tomtit nt 33A.. mM
H. 0.
W. 8.
'acldUtalA ..
127 67
.3 1X16 66
Grand total......................... 310X34 36
UalOD etreet from Baf street south
to B. Union KroM bridge.
Brick peveatent
Width of pare
Psn of east smmmbli to prtvtt*
UltS'sq. yda at 3L63..........|7X34 36
IAA* ft. Medink curb. Sic.... 272 63
Poor eateta hnetne at 3
34 tt
86 Ai
33 At
I The Old I
iGray Mare:
«"-«riha tout. -B* wa
Ha* a«MB |M toffaad <fea hui
U It an a* batwau imiT aad Mar
"Caa’t «T whMtor Ha ar aat DM
oa ratr kaow ov aid pbt m
•XaadAao: Votbhi'oartoi
bto bitea tto pto-
pjoasttiamlrea aald
LT64A yards at |LU..
laeldeauto -I--'.
t>an «
teforaatim thu tattar to wrlttoa fay Two cattb baalu at Boardma
>nd paapU af tto 9aau aty yua traty,
Tboo. Bauithwa
hBrebatowrred byltoymted tto
t<9 alMM toUy wltb a UtUa itoalornctAL
liataal food af ato tiBnmliM tfaa
. toad nlltcBd ftnaa Ttatana Oily
Oiaad total.......................... tsj
iaHattbpon Ito aity fuiwiawtot
Outtoaad fioa third paga.
Bute Mreet-freB Boardaua a
Mtoku ttoamutla toad, aada
> Railroad ae^ne.
Qraad tntal.........................
Tar Biacsdato: 30 feel wide.
■to a fiMt dtolaf Obb aad
Part of COM/toaemble to p
armor ta u affntt ta
if^tafwBT te Ito laaiamd read
• tto alty.
aad that bardu aa !■ demte
-86A66 70
M cBUBtotM.
PabUo' totritad
Pan of COB
■riteat tore affrtad to dcnale rery
aq. yda-atll
............ ..................... 8 770 00
Ha. ft. tcireular curb. Cfc.. 85 00
relaabla righu apoa tha Ibaatr ttot
128 lln. ft. straight curb 6)c
65 a
Itoy «m eomitottat to tto saMcal f.7U aq. yds at I:
8to catch faaaio*. 830............
180 00
waUara of tto elty, ato the aawapa- l.lty lln. ft. JledI
160 00
61 eaau........................
par* tor* faithfaUy raoorded i
■a-hlleoak. 6X1S
mal/attatMto at a *rT*rHt pql-Ue
totot A faw trmtoldara. Bot farUas
StraK rriulnp*
--•Ii71 73
able ta doaaU aM yalnabla rlcbu.er T7 aq. yds. at tlJO.
s lu w
7 gi
wtotaU to apinoeiaM tto baseSu to U ilB. ft whia oak *>!..
to dtdrad fiaa tto jgo>aotad a
■ Rallrred aveane.
yrUe. tore daoUaad to aake msb doTotal, .
30 feet wide,
totlBM wbaa .reqnwh-d hr tlia eoaAlley ri
b and gntter oae foot
■Ittaa. ud Uwlr aamaa tore bare 86.1 aq. !
iatod OBMaJly by tto Bmbm of .26.8 Kn U circular curb's!
• Com aBMosable to private property.
tto camBltkae in raping aa to {wo4.153 aq. yd*. al^76c................ |3dl6
83816 2S6
IS St S.670 lln ft. curb at
ralgtai curb. Sic..
and gutter
aado, aad by aauy tbrea good
ISO lln. ft. Mk. ai-fSS..........
«»»•........................................ 1.068 »
BS aroAeanad deSetonc ia paV
Itch faaalDs'al tW.......
iBCKeniala. . ......................... tsO 00
lUapIrtt. That tar .tto gaaeral aeoti'
•Hto-d (totoMT a«P for toasth aft*
WmMT Mb Cww tod fM tk*
ala* alMt dr* roda." bsftod thr bto! MUfciiMmiilnirinlrrirnniiilt
«• t* tto M* nnada W Mtoto h», -Or woslda’l kM tto
«wt(k Ui wir«. X«a<T. wto pUMaerklDHlUTr
Hdsf rtiatr. Sto tod
"Sto Sii«bt feteb ap ta s tomeo car
. .
letocce vttdiD nar per ato b«Bp tor owa toto. bat I
SMto. FtotBCr Jabii aat dova irUh • caeaa that woald to (to wmi of H.
^mt. ftotod «t bta aUff kon- ■ mlo- Wtat-a op. Naacrr
■M.Md ttoa, itolMid «f dlUnc bU pip*,
"NothiB'far Tsa W kaow. Tea }ast
to ilovi/tamed to tto wU^aBd Mid: keqp quiet aad teane work tbla hlac
“KeafT. I »««» «* ki»« wtoi'e e« bT araeir. lilUlT'a fata'
mw with ear UltiT.’
•fur a daraln' aeadle aad a .
*lTtet oe MfU do Tea araar *i- black tbraad after dlaarr toaMrrer. aad
aball drire tto old aare."
After dlaarr aett tor tto botae waa
lltolTrrafoa aad Ufl
■Dean trr to feol aw." to
■ a ab^ in tto banrard
to to alowiT atook hi* toad. ~l alat
toeBaakla- do qaMleae toforr. bet I
trip. Ito taotber broocbt tto
■MB for two or lhf«F wooia thU tUdto ootSt •roood.'trtla* Boeh aore tlao
trae wronf with MIHt."
than oerawjd neeeMarr. Moo
wbap ito oM nare. who had paaaad
r tweoOetb birthdar. waa bn
toat thlak we oecfat le'tor* ■ dorter.
at tto fair alw wa* what HlllT.ralld»7e«r
•HTlf»lj'"-Uiat la. ato waa arrr
*1 thlak. KdDcr.’' b» Bld^tT rrpllrd
•fur a taif aUnte- "I think I’b koId' aad reatleaii and erldeatlr roll'nf fo.
!• dad eat wtot'e tto inalirT with Sto tod to be told hr (to bit aatll tto
MUlT. ead IT rao wen-f tVit aw I’ll to Ctrl sot In and aocared tto llbea.
''Sto an* ml coHr todaf." aald tto
•rer ead tore a few worda aliii mie
■Mber aa ato pattrd tto aarv'a oooe,
TahMtin Urtito to kaowa’’
-Hew aboold to knowr aalrd Naa- dim abe'lJ (irodT down iiefate Tto gat
BooBod to to "gal tto lailread
to the arbooltooBe. She baa oertr ru
■iUiaut t^aid to tto coat or tto
*l>BBae. bat I rarei I’ll walk orrr awhT In ber life, bat If ato abooM do
- -(1A22 06
■aaa." Tbera ara two ddM to
almoM arary pcopoaiilncIn IbU
. .|7.lk
Grand toal. ..
w tat too aaarn to tore reealred
Cass street fi
. "Tod go rtgbl olong. Aa I waa aaria',
daradaa. aad chat bat partlaUy. ,r!dge.
Brick parcBet..
, «l>aaeo.hatlwaBt-toior8l>eJohii- U ato abtold roa away yon bold bar A flaaw at tha other Bight at laaar
Btcady In tto alddir of Ito road and to riod baatnaM poliey.
WIdiD of atreet MtlBsted. U f
S.404.S aq. yds at 11.80..........84.6U »0
*Tea are alwar* pokin' areuod and rrearn for hrtp. Now let brr g'la
Ia tto Srat plaoa TntTataa Ci^ toi I.I6S lln. ft. medlna cub. SIC 687 SS
Tbr old gray Bare awred off w
■tots' to old toa hnxar of j-oaraelf.
fiVaato toibaad* tone of tto beat iDcldrnlal*. .............................. 240 46
•ad I aspact Tea'll frt vp aad pat oa rath, and for a quarter of a mile ato
etoeCUTAraaaeaaoinrnienila'. Now. aalntalned a pace lo aorprlae brr drlr.472 87
baaatlfalaf Ito proparty ud UOs
chto. hats' j«a ate M fall 6t mriatitr. or. Then abe auddeoly gave a aqaaal
Part of coqt-asaeMitile '
Imno tall Tou aometblB'. Our Mlllj aad twoke luio a mn, Mllly diopped will to Bwra fully apiwaclatod ia Uie
Kireet rcoaslagaf
(be llnea and rlung lo tto oeal. aad ato
aad BUa hara tod a tift"
74 aq yd* a<At:»0..........
-.8 140 SO
raneatored ber motber'a Injottc•'Had a row. ehr qurrlfd John, aa
7 85
lie. ft oak. at 866. ’..
14 OS
h», aatUad Usiarir down to bmr ito tloo to actraa. Sllaa Jobnaon waa atlll ilBiA But aside frota this, wtoi U
werklng ee tto feace ")e*t beyond Ibo
tto tanpoaltloB aa preeaaiad by tto
lie <rta alao railing blai
Tout............. .....................J
*^^"iSrritoT torm'ir ahr aMpptd.
articla la your laei toBae? Is affect it
Alley creaBlBg*.
. *‘t said a dff. aad tbm-'ii'a toa|> of dirU tba ea'taniloD of ttia ValtoD-Trav 4.146 aq yd*. aHI-80...............
ake DP wit
fwaaee totware a tiff and a row."
when be bMrd orruaa and a rlatter orw City bresnh of tbe S. R. A L l.SSC lln. ft. circular curb at
th«T tet laad a» rerb otiirrr
t. tto'^aztaatlu
Tbb, th^ did. aad I'lu liarkln’ UHIt dowB tto road, ne gratped the altoa- lailread to Korthptot.
lln. n. atralgbt curb. Sic .
to be Binagad aad onai
Btrei^LJi!r.'tto Pour
far bU t'B’worlb. You know (he daj tIOD at a glaDee.catch baalns at ISO. . .
~ ti none of tto mder'a
aba west orrr lo Ell Wamrr'a to are
At North. Sewer coonectioD*. ;;.. ,...
Iber bo rmolred to do or die. port, doaki aad trasafar alilpa
tomb? Well, there wa> a wladiulll
toclrientila. . . . . . . . . . .
BU at Warorr'B that djf- «i»> hebe
[tor the -wriggly'
n cirla anos the -Kwrrt
. IU70 ST
glad of an ezcaae to atop or aide aafabllitod between that port and
white to pi
frantic efforta to codIIddc ber alld Muiatlque.
fis Sllaa called UIIItb
(Srand total............................8C.8I4 IS
fllgbL It la anScieat that to atoppM
Tto paotde of Mertbport ud riolnlCa*» etyeel from Kronl Mrcei
'Aad aba fot Dtadr
ly taolly expect that reanlt. ud tto bridge.
"Of cegne.*;
Hrtck parFBfst.
Width of pavement otlmated.
-Of rowto."
rotad to bond ttot lawaiiililp to aid tto
"Aad to toao'i toea here for (wo
Tbe people
le of Tiaveree
Tbe main ]>olDt of Intrreat ahifta lo
to prlrei’e
waaka. aad Mlllr U ffain' amsnd tooknpon
that aide reranila again. Nancy Is an
te' aa If sto wanted le die? 1 imtai co ting
aq yd*. *1 ll.Kl ... ..t(.4
there alone with a amlle of iri>rar aad are Kile and irti )ilu ahe'a all
ipb on her face when John cotura np •ehiuerloal. ud felt ttot tbi- resDii 1.162 Ud. ft.. Medina i^urh
•ear tots.’ iMd aad wania to to rrteada
from the bare and boldi up lo view a would be bnt a Hue of read to Northpart. TtaU woald aatutally be tlieli
••Wtot! WtoC iohn I’aner. are dosen burs aad
ecacloaica. aa if a lar ferry Itae wan
TMA her* feoir- bIbmi alioiiied Nan- fooad
taqaitad (tore is m plaoa on tto en
nd they Bust 'bare been wbal mad*
Street croBiii
Laka Mlchifu ato
»e old mare con away."
TO aq yd*.
to that purpew ttoa Tiavaraa 86
-V«T likely." abe replies wllboat
lln Tl while
loeUn up,
IncldeotaU. ..........
Of oooraa adme arlU la aaawer U
"Aad aoBeboay-BiD.t^ e p« 'CB
Alley i-roMlnc*.
Bay freemJn wiater." Bat thii U
3 aq yde., aat 81.81
•at u aanrer. m wbu Orud' Ttar
nrh. CK.' 78 40
6 6 lln. ft. <
araa Bay fraeie* ao as to prevut the
b. 5lc, .
so 40
catch basin
ato leaks up a
boor*. Nqrthport bey. tto lower end'
of Uiud Traverae Bay ud Luka
Mloblgu aeetb to tba Multea i*l
aada will be foud freau soIlA Bn
. . 16.000
Grand total. .
ODd aeaia Afier that nbalier baa aoocrdlag to tto report la yoat laM
Hark Place at
torn admliled no one la avowed to eatto Northport ear ferry aoheme State ■
Brick paver
Tto explaaatlon will aerve to la- awBi to be laoaiTlag arrloua onetodk'idth of pai
trodore an locldeni reported by a rer•
oonioB>dent of the Plltaburg Ulapatcb.
rowd of BCD and woBen. each platbd. Now rappoae it ware aeta«ny
onMraotad Aad la opmtloe. What
* -V. II r: ....... is.Tivo
order in which they were to eater tto would be the affaot upon Travpna
■riling. Lie........
316 SO
nett alreet cir. Mood at tto I'lace de Olty? It would make It a trey etatlu
TKlolie itallOB when tto dnwnlewD
Ito Uaa to Northport; Bar atreet,
car aiTlrfd.
ToUl.................................. ..IJ.tTfi SO
(to bay fraat tn tto elty. the beuliKurreylDg tbe crowd, the eoadi
Pan of coat BBiesMble t city.
falahata Una of tto hay northward.
cried out: “Only three plpim In tto
Ailey CM(*|Pi;r.
lid ba ooeapied by a rallread line/ 2S4.Saq. yds. allt lS.........
Who baa ticket .No. ir
b that Mra. Blabkff Chicago-'(to ever which woald tbuder erety hour *■ 8 lln. ft. clreulnr vurh at
lln. ft. alralght curb at
ilouieat woBun In the American cob or ao poadaroa* ooal ud ore OaiaA
ny. approaebrd, bolding np tbr tl^ aot raui^ to, bat throagh Traverae. 60 lln. n. white oak at |l
Two Caleb baalnaat tSO...
lUed for.
Oily, ud'(to great privilace of
"Slcp alioard. midaa." aald tbe
pablle apirtiBd ultlaMa..wbo gave ap Sewer
a atrcanoK ar a
dDcinr, rioglnc hla go ahead toll,
tfaato proparty or aged lhaasalvat to
•tvaii: Walt: rye No. Sr railed a
ar-aa aba roar fram ber rbalr. -Dod'I
ta of tl>a waallhlaat oorpmtloii^
Tto daro Mr ooe single' sieip; You'd ttle FrencbBan.
la Ito world, troold ba to stud npoa
"Y'on’re top Utr.- replied tto
■ake a pretlj bum of ihlui.'* If itoy
iraod total..............................
.8S.8S3 66
(hair atreato ud aea tbeae "baiaa go
doctor. "ErrtrpUce'U Ukra.”
■aa Ml to TOD. wooldn't youV
•rk Place ai-*H from l-r<-<itIt tn^ate
by," while their rlew of this magaiS- street.
-B« aOBietUeg baa.got io Iw done.”
eeat bay woqld ba iatereepiod there-' Hr|ck pavement.
to proUatod with anaiou* voice. -MIIWidth of pavem
«T had BUo bare been ^vln' each oiber
•r*r two real*, and » e musiu'l let '.-a
laacat this elty la tber*BraisBi
SO tq. yd*, at 8l*'i..
liU oat over a little iblug like that."
of tto Waltoa tomato of that syautn.
> lln. ft cutblnc. 6lc
'hat's , got Ito lie tlow'. for one
Bad oa eato' darireta Uttic adruage.
A la for yq
» kcei> «
to arrloaaly injnted by aay t
Ttoa tto tanaaas will to- at Northbtuir bat got
netlier. i
lore affag.—Drtrtft I>ee Ptraa.
port ud this ei^ a aare naUoD oa
Mottor alts right bere. and what sbr
tto Una.
tost kaow about lorrr.' .lusirel* yolt
yd*, at 81.8:.............
I Bappoaa Ito M. A N. K. railroad Il.asq.
Msdat try to-learn bn N.
:. 8 lio. fL circular rurb'o<
Baled to Ito elty tto iirotnslttao
—t 1 tell . .... . _ .................
at 68 cents. ............. ...........
If It wan gruad tto right of SO ft. atraigth curbing at 61c.
•Os Jehaaoo win conic eoeaklu' around
Bnaser-Oh. all right. Sto toast at
la ft. wblle oak at 136___
aay day. but if to vto« don't you say
atv gown* a* my wlfe.-ColsBbtB way Uiraagb tto olty it woald aztud
> Caleb baa.ns at 830..........
DM word about tbe qium-l. Jest treat
ia Has to EU Baiddaud then ombi.l Suie Joor^L
er conoectlsn-i. ...................
hlB a* If yo^ aidD't know anyibing
UaMomlBiurtututonwlae? Bim
A (WMOfttOl
had happened. lie begun tto quarrel,
Oerlral cuatooitr tare.___ ________
•ad to'a got to to tto oar to eat buafrom nap' la baiW* cbalr»—All fweperty or as tto toly to aid nato a
laolaet* It U but utnral that rail
* be ath-ka o al»ut It tbiDOth.
Battor—Yea. air;
Grand tout............................
toads should aaek tto IcmgaM loaibU
Park Place mfeet from :
"Serial cuatoarr-Iadead! Ttoa 1 haul of luaeagm or freight. Fa State atreet.
U to d eat fall « ttotom
iD*t bar* te«b lodalglog la a qalM thirty yaon tto Passaylreala lyaaa
Brick pav«
aak Us aeck. be ll ■elwS^er.
baa torored Peletoay for (tot
Width of B1 Id MtiBalet
*^rtor—Ton aarely har>y *lr.
•ad ftrr hDBble within two week*
it 81.86...
1.393.3 aq. r
Cleri><al..cDBteaier-~lt waa veruisly
Mra. Naacy Carter ibouabt »Ih- knew
316 2<
6S0 lln. ft.
1. Bcdina
curb, .
you__ ______________ _
ffsaac BUat iobaaon pretty well and Ttry kind of you
13* 33
mt ha* done Be good, aad I aa huadt to to ba wltoMl^ ud tto
Oat to dldB't differ BDch fruDi tto tbe
reiy thankfol to you far wbat waa
■tommy af term, bat ato was mis.
•nkto. Ha waa aa ofaatlaate yonng
Barto^Doe't acatua It air.
Alley cnulagt.
■aa. tad. tbeagh It eauned blu low ealy fair return; I atteatod a
aouna ttto ol^ has ao powes to mchurch 8
•r slaap aad appetite, to refunrd to to
real aaoh u uianwtoa aad it iMbld
toa Srat ta glee' la. Oar irord frea
88 c«nu. .
16 lln. ft. Mralfbt c
lony waald hare htoogbt Ub orer
dial 10 our ury. AdM<al Oo^ay
onj amtoa'ca this Itoe of read, tot
8 16
60 eeau.................
•a tto Ouur farBbowe ea tto JuBp, ■UI
to cariiM aa tto actito IM •• M read ru wbm U wlU do tto
IS 60
hto, bactad by a feeUng of iniiiiT aad
60 00
tot ■■tor, ato rrfnwd to sprek H.
•Mhaiu Tto ally cu at toam preIt thaa «t*a aboni that tto -tiff"
■I ogalaM tto nooai«Uwi aad uaa of
af tto
A aad ttote waa a poaalblUty of
tto oily or af tto
frut af tto MUia weatm |ut
at tto laaorpoBBtoon. lieuaiiqttto
Otoaftto taeth
MittoBaklagfw Itow
«u toa MtgeM of tto toad r
Freai atisM from Pork PIom atrert
Tihto rtow af tto qooaUm my 1
..... ...
Pan of poit I
i to city.
»q. yd* I
....I 532
lin. fl. circular curb ud
gutler (omb, 60c...................
128 lln. ft. airalgbt curb aad
gutler cemb, 40e ..........
Si* catch basin*. 830............. 180
Sewrr conneciloa*.................... 160
160 lln. ft. white oak, 136___
Incldeoul*. ..............................
•to an.
Marqals Itu tbe Jspoaeaa atatcai
with the Order of tto Bod Eagle.
n. a. Bogcra toa mat ■Otoa
doUan aad macb of bM Om Impcaeing sad dacontlng hta bom '
Falrharen. Mass. 1
tbe town a Utnry.
drainacF^q^eta. tot
ball, sebooto
A-Gardlwr U. tone. <taM af *81. baa
made a gift to tbe K
ttoa that wilt eubhle
panment to Invhe emlaeai Etuapean
•cbolare to leware at *tbe uolvfnity M8 FRONT BT. BOOMS^I, tud«
Ml •nbfecd* cuouev-trd n lib tlnrk aad
totln llteralnre.
FOB SALS. 961-«0 aore tere. ueu
. Tboma* Alia*. larafreaor of animal
ailee aosth of city, totge boBa .
Indonry at tbe UIiidcmU Klate Agri bm ^ Urge fraata bare. Abut
cultural t-uU'-ce. ba* teudeied bil
all aadgg ealtiretioa aod mU goad
Ignaliuo to take effect early la
soil. Lew pnea. Prtoe, $8.«a^^
uary. He wUI Im-uiue editor of
FOB BALE. WO-New six reaa booaa
etcoe foudeiiaa.Wast Ninth itrewi.
Boay tema. low prioe. Pries. 8860.
FOB BALE. 90- Large heaaa u
Noatfa Bpeuea atreat, large bare.
Hinelous Eliui of life Dlsox FOR Sale. i.________ _
#red by FamoiM DMterpries for cash. Pnoe. gTtn..
ScientiMt Thai' Curas
OB BALE. y9*-Kl(» lltrie hooae
«aH hare, East Freai atraaL.Every Known* Ailment
Eaay temo. Price 86CU.
Offtoe epu evary eroDlag ll'ug'ii
Wwterfu) Cures ara Effected
TIA Seem Like Miracles PerYou tmve no 50 to 100 por
fermed-The Seerdt of tons cent, contrsetor’s profits to pejr
life of OMen -Times
ou this property. It is ell listed
•t Ks lowest cash value, owned
by honest people and told at an
Th« Ramedy is FrM to All )Vho honest price.
8«nd Name and Address
Always on the hustle, always
After yean of patieot stady. i
clad to see you. Make wiora
delving into the dbsty record of
paek a* wall aa following modern ex- Sllaa, have larger lists than ill
patimeata in' the reels* of Bedleal the rest put together.
- 81.10* 70 •oieaoe. Dr. Janie* W. Kidd, *676
Piiat Katipnel Bank bntldlng, Fon
..86.443 98 Wayne. Ind. Bakea Ito atartllog a
Any additional ealimalce for work of nouoement
----- -- - - - -*mt
that be ha* euiely dl*oo
■ny dlffcn-nt quantity. r kind within
the dlrirfct coiTrnld bj
by anncieil planv
can I-' f«mi»hcd. if y. 11 may nqulrc
Kopcctfully aubinll
. 242 Front Stroot
Civil Engineer.
Bay City. Jan. 9. 1*02,
. Ih-PalBil-l. T‘~~ ~ - "-1 1-11i ■ ■■ I
Ritis Hst and Present Free. 1
That the pUlB and dto I
gram*. pUn*. >peclflralloD* and e*tl-j
mal.-ii of the lioard of public works, for j
the griding and paving nf Kronl avim-l
from the «-n.t line of t'nion street to
(he WCM line of P.rk Mreet; I'nlon
«ir«-<-t from th<- lumth ban of Bay atreal
lo th.- iifirlli Vnd of Soqih I'nlon atreet
bridge; t>>.^ Iitrecl from tbe Muth
line of Prm: street to the north line of
Slat- -irecl. and Pirl| Mrect from the
•oulh line of Kronl-Mreet to the north
line of Stale Mreei, lie received: and
tnai the following territory be dcalgnat_ Bystrrions
•d aj)<l •-Mabbehed a* a special aase**■nt dIMrIrt. to be aaacaaed for tbe oomnonad, known oaly to himaelf.
grading and iiaving of aald eireH*. all prodooed aa a raapll of Ito yean be
has. «pe«t in searehing for IhU pranth.-city of Traverae riiy:
All the lot*, part* of lot*, land* and olon* life givlng boon, (o onreuy
preniifCK .nhuiilng and fronting on ud erayy diaeasa. that is knnwo to
ellhr-r ride of Front airwl
Mrwl from the tbe bnmu body. There ia ao donbt
tto dootor'a earaeathea* in aaklDg
Fnlon Mrect
•M't to the west of
ud tto iMnerkable onre*
line of lUrk »tr»
II tbe Iota, parts bia elaim
he 1* dally effeetlng *ei»na to
:>1*. lands ai
premlies abutting ttot
bomr faia oot very atroogly. The thefronting on
brr aide of llnlon aiT which be edvuoee is «ae of rees-1 from the south lio* of n*r
Bay rtreei ho ud baaed oa aoud experienoe io a
- north end of South I'nlon Mreei
praerloe of Buy yeeiri. It
•irldB'-. nil Tho lot* and parts nf Iota, Bedtoel
oat* nothlog to try this____
lands and y.r.-mUc* anutling and front- Eltxir of Life, 'aa be oilia
ns oii.etibrf Bid- of Crm Mn-ei from be eenda It free co uy i
Who it.e
lb- -ohih dinr of Kront alreet lo the eofferer, in solHeleDl <
north lln- of Klat- Mrret. and all tbo
viaee of iu
lu abll
lot*, lion* of lot* land* and premise*
■a is mtwolnb'ly i
abuKIns ami fronting on either aide of
teof ttoonrea oiled
are very
Park Mreei from Ih- »outh line of
' "b. ud '
for tvUable witKronl iln-el in tbr norlh lln* of State
onid fahardly be oradtted. 1The
cepling froiA thy above dlsIiublo- rircet* and alley*.
■I. furihrr, That Mid plat* of tto reiaedy. The siok. l
and diagram*, plan*. apeclOcatlbna and by borne doctor*, have bean restored
eellmatc* W d.-p<»iied with the city to their fwlliea ud frlanda l^perfeot
rlerk for publli- -xamiaatlon. and that
liver. kidnqTblood ud
■•* Ih-r.-of. and of the pro
la ud bladder trenbles d>*>
< nbove prescribed and detig- ap|wwr to by magir. RcadAcbe*. hack
. nervonaaea*. fever*, oonanmp
I that the cobboo ronnril
Clan, eongh*.
cold*, aatbrna. oatarrh,
■ V will meet
pct Dt the council
ihiti* ud all affeetiona of the
cllr, on the 27ih day of iwonehitli
or uy vital orgua are
at,' Inagf
I 1).. 19(>: at 7;30 o'clock p. threat,
easily evereome tn a spam of lime
ler uy objection* Ibereto. that
lic.glven by publication for two week*
Partial |mrely*la. 1
In "Tilt lUiiv E»cle" and "Evening
dropsT. gout, snrofnla. ud piles are
Record. " newspaper* of aald city.
removed. It
lUfli-nl, farik.T. That action upon
Vathe —------------- blood ud
the r. malntler of the report of aald
larva pow.
Itoanl of piibltr work* be deferred nn
1* ud?'
I Ih* next regular meeting of tb(
........is pcodOL-.
' ?^Se
doctor all aystema ..........
'aluTaand eeoalMove.1 l.y Aid Hougbey that tbr Iy^ir>«l^ by^ this great"Biulrol
nwoluilon la- adopt.-.! a* read
Yeas—Aid*. Ilamlltop. Campbell.
Sleder, Gliletl. Dougb*y. '*
Roond. O'.Neal Garrison
d Cochlin.
tiovi-d by Aid. Corblln that «v ad
Inalruetiona lo bidders.
Sperinratioa* for tar micadam.
fii»«. M Htta*. City Clerk.
op-.|j BtM>
.-r- t.i .■<—«■.• *a**
V Cl- W.M.h-nwlh
Nr> ton-
torn U.I.V wwb- tw
• • n ,ailWaxU-^H.«>^
: at. Iwrain.n-m KsIhmI t-toi
nj»i < '•I. lluiiliM |-kiUuiNI
11^ roll IMUt W
1 HAIA-l.«nn-r Klxl,Ui siMiFraafcto
M-o lM»r..f AM--.
r b«alros>U«si*>Bgw^Mr—< tol«
Xo K KT-MlwYa
b sad
■ louitg K>B BKKT-diu Bl*>-'«r.^. ala■ iOCHS To UNT .« W-l,.i..'.ir*-i to
n uBin-.iu. i>«-iw.uU-ui
puB RgNT-On«iMl e..« is <-.d» UHl Uirh
■maln-uf 8. l> t;.niH«l
iaato Mret'ttotwill ormhU
Feb. 18* 1901
A. R. Bremer Co.,
Gentlemen:—I have
used Coke Dandruff
Cura for the past
year and found it an
excellent prepara
"Don't miss the latest
out." For particulars
look in our show 'win
dow Monday morning'.
January »oth.
■«. lb. ri—rl
d a. ,to^t
'The Hustling Jeweler.
■antsea TaSe »e*i
--------------- -------------------- u at
foUowi: Brick weak, 46 eaau pea
how^i BMM wortj 60 euH pw boor;
MoMtag. M
OOoa over City Booh Blon. Bo*
• tollavu, tte4p.m., Ttc
Rw. BoU'vtoMdB.OU.’ptoMSM
Twwhae* cf rwia aad Tawl Mato.
ashnaiii irsaVaaM cm, IndE aannmAT.TJiJroAMT ivmm
Sell UsMiiatHi
tDartia S 6oms
4 <N a tadr* watch rtala. ta
•M* t* »tT< 4» <W Fm( la ■
vbaa Is tMTt S(t aa s«af4a sT (ba 4acL
Is »Klas tbat tab* staUooa la tbeiopa
tomrr^ M. kr O. 1. KUaar ]
cr at tba rapid bra fmrn. It a ahlp-a
baaar paitr M asikd away far aay astta baa-•boaU sc
st*paa doty, aa itw cimtas af a csMa
tbeflcburwho at Ctsaraasaa darins ttw S|«Blib war.
4ra«« «nt tba wrtl dnilad surlsss arv tm ts sa.
a la tba eldasl <
Meai at wali
Tba Btanar <•
aa ta tbr^ackr
Stair ct ansa, altbsssb It nay <
Ttatr raadiMaa to sal DS Mbera SB tba
laUwiw of raasBia dnrtu tba reaast
tJaaWi was la kaaplBS WKb-ftaat tarsads. aod tba arty dtatsBt past lesas
aatar la Caba or cs tba rwi to TlaDtala abd 1‘afclns- Tba I'tiltfal Suias
mrlaas waaa os dark In atl tba froat
a^ batUra of lb« war of IM>; tbcy
vara Id iba'lsdUa and Maatcwa wars,
at tba trtt Ball Hon and In tba si.wuiIM ®f »■«« Homtar and Kort Klshrw.
STbaarrar nblpa. aonld carry tba Da#
-,tba BarlDM waat sums t« bark U up.
Eraa tba baro of tba Msloa. l*rlTsla
WUUan Aatboey. wUi want balow and
alsty laferiDMl Csi>tsiD RlintM* of
tba caUalropba. was a narloa. Tba
nariaa battalion «‘blrb lisd tba Oral
Afbt wltb tba Kpanlarda oo IsDd at
auaataDsoo bay was ormnlsad for
tbs war. It want to fulm In tba staaiDor Ilatbar sbawd nf MbafK-r's rorlw
aad wai Brat to««BlII -.n furalsn soil
■Ddar tba stars and airliaw. Tba day
of loseblBS Hanius'i. Jnna lu. was
also UN day sf tba undjns on Cuban
aoll of tba ODD man of Iba baiullon
■adra <W md nr I.I.mtaiMnl OdonH
IL W. ttoaUnsloti. U» Iba Brat day
4^ tamp was Iriirbad and aupidlaa got
aabera bot tba day r»llowlos tba
Bpoolardi attarkad In aup^rtnr forca.
For tbraa days tbarr was a cimaunt
battla, for tbe marlnaa wanted to boW
tba bay aolll tba cooiloc of tba navy,
and tba BiNDlaida watitad to drivr tba
SuwUcaot out Tba ract.id of tha Iwlulloa at OaBBlaiwiuo la una lo ba
proud of. It was alUrkad on Iha Iftb
donblthai tba fighting woirid
ba mainly on iba aaa. Fanl iim
marlnro srtib bim oo tba Hangar and
tba Bunliomma Hlcbard. Martiw* also
fongbl tba Turk to THpoll. bslpad wort
tba guns of Iba Cooailtoilon ta bar tatlla wltb Iba Udarrtara. fongbt and died
by tba aide
tba Cbaaapruka. stood with IVity oa
Lake Erta. and sadar Cbanncay and
faaadooough drora tba Brilld. flag
froa LakaCbamplslD. Old srodoga Ilka
Rtrwart. Farragui. tvilVas. l*onar aod
Parry apoka la prilaa of tba martaas. ,
BcDil bad martnaa Hi bU army la
and at Btodaoaburg iba mA
fongbt tba Brillab until tbara was
Ksmily an iiowouodad man la tba
tanka And arm Jarka.«-a famoua Una
teblad ib^ cottoa bab-s imHudad maribas, flgbilog wltb muakals.
Hnrlag iba tong Isiarral of paaaa betwaan 1B15 and tba klorkU war of
IBM tba marloas wafa Ilia iblaf artlra
Id Iba sarrlr* of Inala Ham.
Tbay lurtM-rl out to qtK-ll local raroll.
irass piracy In tba West Indlaa
prrsaara older during Iba great
fir* lo Saw Vork in IBSi In tba Waxiwar Ilia martnas Bgund In araty
antanirlta frooi tba golf i» tba PadBc
coast. Tbry wai* wltb Klna.r.aiKl Hlocktoa to California and wltb Perry In
Mexkv. aa wall Wt with tba armies of
Bcoll. TayUif and tVortb. Ercry aneonaiar uti tba I>acinc coast, tba rtp
r UiiBiaaay, Han Franrtaco aod
_____ Ian. Iba Ogbllne at I-oa Angdaa.
Ban Hlago. Han tJalirlar. Han Joaa ami
aaaymaa. had Its barn of Iba niaHna
corps bronglit from tba ahipt In tba
Urxlao one baiialinn followed tba
fortunes of tba army front Vara Crux
to the City i Uixico At tbf stormleg of Cbapui -jn-c tba v<>lunii*r party
aaalgoad lo aiwla Iba walls of Iba cas
tle waa lad by Major Twice* «f Iba,
marina l■llallu^. and tba plouarr IisimI
rbicb lad off wltb ladders and
bad for Ms Indrr Captain Jobs U.
Baynolda of Iba
Twiggs waa killed In Iba Mral
In INIl. vary soon afiar Ibr Inaty
wltb New llranada iCulmiililai. tba
rlnra laiHlarl at l*anama lu proiact
ntlroad. Si-x-ral limes ■Im-e Ibay bare
acted Id ibe rmiTgaory. IwIbb always
,at band on tba sbipa of war lying near
tba latlimua.
the Brat. Bull Hub Major J. Q.
Bryoolda lisl a liaitBlUin of 3.'iU marloaa. Tbay arrvtd In Portar a brigade
In anpport of tbe gnus of ilrtfla'a bat-
a UatHcr bollrt llrM at dou
“Aflar fartne a,atrody Bra for tbm
days tba baiulloo attaokad and rw
pola(d.a aop.-rior fort*. On Iba I2lh
two compaulrs uodrr Captain Elliott
Ml bad out six mill* from Iba cainp
and daatroyad a wall u|wo wblab tba
Bpaularda In front of tbaui drpaodad
for watar. On tbla ax|>adltlon Caplalu
Blltoa dafaalad a fort* of »K> HpanUrda Only 2 par rant of lira r<*pa
Wtra Birk In Calm, and nooa dird
IB tba aaa ballla at Haollaeo many
Sf tba sacobdary and rapid Ora tNtlar
las of BeWay-a atalpa war* maaiud by
narlsaa autlooad oa tira.flsbiiiis raw
sals, lo tome rasas Ih.-sa kuus drort
Iba Bfaulaida from tliair Iraitarlas durIBC Iba boltast of tbf tlcbt.
Tba comtuaiidar of tba martaa battalloo at UiAataDanm. Col.wal IIUDb
Inroci. Is a rHarao of tbi- Hrll war.
April. IWI. Bi
lloll Hub lad u
tba Om baiila of lioli
Iba tbrao companies of luarlm* wbkrb
fousbt tbara. Ha Is also a siirrlaor of
Iba Samoa ship diansiar of INB. baring
bran on board tU^'ollrd Slaira
ar Traotoa during tlw iiurrlranc la tba
barber of A|>la.
Equally prunin in marclilug
dafccaa of tba BaK antl taking Brat
rlUa agaltNI an UBkm.wu for w. ra iba
marlni* In Aalailr •slrrs sl ibc tima
of tba lloiiT oulbrrak In
Oaptaln UrCalla bd ibr Hxi luarinaa
Sf lha Ttrulalu gamnoti wlil. b
oe tba lOlb of Jum- lu n-palr llir ruad
,tba dtoiatb bad dr«iri>yTil. !*!«>
IVBlalD and IVking. For ton dayafoltowing tba wlld«*i ninHira pmallcd as
to Iba faia of Ibo n-llof ndiimu wbtrb
Admiral Bcjiuour of iba llntlali uary
was leading lowanl tba Cbiuoai- capi
tal. Rumon of bard Bgliiltig and of
bdlllani BoccasMs folluwrd onar. bst wbra tba irnib at tart
pnUIr pTOpany It waawbrwn tlial Iba
Amaftcan.marinas Imd Usuatuoog iba
brorrat of tba liravc to tlial crisis. Ba
tor* tba column Irfi Tlanuin and wbllo
. tba commaodam from diffaraoi
trlaa war* dlacuaaluB wbsi abuuld be
dona HcCalla cut shun ibr arcumanl
by.aaylag. -rorwanl lu Fakinc!" Hiv
ing tba msrrb ba «aa souudad lUi
Ubm«, yat be rataluid bit command
tba and. and It lron.|ilr.-d ttiai. la aplta
of Iba bvlW ibat lb*- Cblnaman
srcnldD't flgbt. tba cuIoIdb bad fougbt
111 way losrard lyiliig. ibm turned
aad ent Ha way back lo Ttamsin. meattag w*0 nntied CblMW- aotdiors at arranwblle anolbrr fotve o
ODBinn nTBasoasns sntr
Pakca la t
Patota )a noj an orleatal
ar or aowatblng good lo rat bot a
I widely known among bpanlab
1 and wlUi which Iba paw
pte of Haxwiia In particular af* at pr*w
cot vary much faarlnalrd. aay* lb*
.Saw York Tlmaw Tboaa who do ool
Uka Uw wt*d Twiou.- can call tba
goBNCtai-alaL*' alibougb correct noaga
la aald to favor tba formar.
Tba borne of the game to Sow Tort
Is to ba lo au Immanaa bnIMlog lo ba
encird wo tba bkivk rraol on Crmtral
Part W<*« briwraa. Hixty-rwcood and
Btsty-tbird airaeta. It tuni* out that
tba pun-baarra of this prtnwrty. a pM
of acvanteei. Iota sold raiwnlly by Jw
k Work.
r w buiu a
lent of Iba rtHUlwiiy w ayiidlrot*
U U. tialbls. and lis New York repreoantatli* U J. A. Hal Hour, who lacoonaciad with II. BcbU-ffeilii A Cu.
Tbe game of |ieluU as ibsM-ribed by
Mr. Hel (tolar aeema lo run*»|K>od In
nanr rrniieita tu batidliall. It la pUyad by four, six oa Hgbt liUyen wltb a
yllyalyliall. The s.-v-ik-of ibe aobt la lirtween two btgh walla, aeplied from each other liy prrbaiw S
hondrsd feat. Back aod forth belwrao
wall* Ibe ball la driven by Iba
pUyera. Ibalr lianda liHne prolecifd by
stiff gloraa. bavlng a sort of rxteotloii
beyond tbe Anger tips wblab gives
ar protwlllng fort*' It I* aa
tba game U vary exciting aod
that tbe maicbes pUyed In tla
tba oecaalons of heavy bet
Both agility and mri-ngth are rsWilrad
In tba tpon. and Ibe American od
sutloned In Culm have favorwd te man athletic exevrtae for tbe aoldlriar'^
To Iniroiluea Ibe game |a<ofesslo
will be Uvugbt Jo Sew Vork from
Vina, alibouxb Us poimUriiy wtu prob
ably lead lo Iba formation of local
V- proptwed bnlldinc oo Ceniral
Park West will be aluply a Urg* cor
crad arena, altbougb tbe front farioi
Ceniral park will bo deslgnad as a
Hve alory atnictuiv. wllb a cafe on tta
ind nbor and a iwltiakcller below.
Tta arena Itself, which will be aorded by bcoIs accommodating 0.000
KW. will. It la hclleied. be tta
«l In tta city with the excel
o< Madlaon Sqntr* Garden.
runs for tta new strunur* ar*
being im-parviL anA work upon It will
ta begnn early tbla spring, tt It andefstood that tta price paid for tta
alt* waa aomrihlog over BSOO.iin. while
tta enllT* enterprlar will call far an
InaaoBneDt of about BWO.OOu.
AN EXPOSITION PAPER.tl. Louis World's rdir.
■r of tbs marloea al Oi
imu^Cuho. June. UOa]
tear kod loat foriy-thf** moo and oOecta. In every am Uebt of cunsequence.
from tbe MunUnr Mrrrlniar battle
down to Ibe aloklng of Iba croIifT AUtama. Iba marioc* won bunora and al
so Id tba altacka nisni land fortlBrttlont. Tba first abut fnini Ibe Meariniac wiped out nine mniioes on board
tbe Cuoiberlatid. t'udi* Parragul at
Port llodaoo a gun s crew of marine*
r AUbam
sras Bred by a rifle gnn onttafe
manned by
_ marines.
TUat aamc year.
ISM. at tbe other md of sbe world Ibe
marjnet oo board tbe I'nltcd States
steamer Wyoming foucbl Ibe Japanese
Farragut tad 8U0 ma
rine* In bis MIsaissliHd fled, and oo
the Carolina roast mahora fongbt on
tta water and no Und tn rrery battle.
Ortr fifty marinea fril at tbe siormlog
of Fort FUber
Gsoana U Kti.usa.
r^ nitaTiirtblrtj-fl^r 2SS
aymbol af goad
a oo aou paper
g that year cor-
ellmb tta chluay. hi# ti
lag a fear feet ladder, i
and a rope.
IT* do not apeak tta EagUah Mnaag* ta tba way la which It Is ^wkew
by iha peepl* of BugUnd. W* have
graatly changed, eatorged and pertaapa
Ifaproevd It In oar
r wdy Is sTTOOg.—.\aw
-I don't.are wbat yah all hat to gli
o prood aboat.- aald Ulta 8adN Cot
“Cobs* you doesn'.’* anamraed Mlaa
Mtaml Brown. ~l't* been kudylo' de
white folk*. What-yob .wants to do
la jra- pnt on de aira yohar'f an' let de
■ h folks
foil do
■ dv
Hod Ip ptebU.
•Why. Jubooy. are yoo
Mat going borne
Your iDMber'a
been looking fur yon
Johnny—Yea'oi. I ki
'-Just think bow wc
lied the must ta:
Jahnoy-Oh. abe'i near tbe rod o' b
wncryla'. I'm Jest bagiunlD' ulue.
twdww Toll**.
- clpltaa made tn
Xjundiinl Von go t a brsi rate Ultor
saxured and croaa
iMsumL Tbe eknb I* exiwUeot.
UMideraie. as compared wltb New
rdqiM-sied lu eall and try
Iheui on la Ibree day*. Vuu come to ta
irtal oo ami Bod Ibat ita eluilu-q are
basted logtibcr and Ibat tta I
mcfviy a preliminary one. Tta baxilng,
U all ripped opra. and you are idoned
YunImI after a king lotenal and
try Itau on again. Tta altvtes a:
iDcb too kMig. Ita ettUar Cia s* Hi
were made for a horse, tbe Jacket
la tight acriM* tta ebest and obnodsly
Intended for a fat msu arunod tta
but during a convulaloo a liriAen i<
dlacovervd. and lutira w«*
pared at once lo ulllloe lb Tta egperi* a auoces*. tta Jaw ta* f
Dcb or more, and tbwAnri
. b(*Q leas ri*qufg|lf^
tbo patrolUDg of Ita Hllieriao
bead off Aiofrican miners wbo wtU be
d eltbrr mining oo Ibrir owta
When lUlgar rrinrnciE ta had
a reaolve to Bod oiil lb* arctet of bla
molber'a acutalottnce wltb FMlUf
He liunted tbi^igb lier .
pen till be came opon a note from
Eatber to hit molber. wbicb read aa
Tour'BOU of tbanka Is reeelTsd.
must nut
yourself unUrr e ..
lion to ms. II u I st>o am oUlgsd to
Edgar's curtmdly now drove biro
Ignore tbe unaailsfactory wording of
Eatber* Invliatloo. and In talf
boor be. entered ita gronnda ta bad
kept aloof from fur
to hla csnl. entering
tbe rtam wltb aligbl limp and wlHi an
nnlnviilDg a manner itat Edgar
repelled. Eatber gave a very uoaaU*factory explanation of tbe aeceet df
tar acqualuiaDC* with bla motber. On
Ibe whole. Ibe call was a failure,
ta tad learned was that tbe, secret
acqaalDtance wa* made acrldei
daring hla atwence from borne.
A few day* laiee Edgaw met bl
la In tbe elreei. Thinking Itat lime
had absolved bim froio bit promise, be
poured fenb bla beartfeli ttank*. Hla
oucle 0*01*4 taring rurelsbed '
wltb a dollar. Asloolsbeil. Itogar
olvrd tu dlscuirr tb*
loan, aod dried Into a
trunk wber* be bad seen toolcbeckbooka of bla Stotbi-r
beur's aearcb be fuuod tbe entry of a
deposit year* tafure:
Cbeca of Eatber Bsro.*. Oil.W
Tbla 1» not a tote aiorv. At least the
tore lo It la not art lurih. It Ja given
to show tbe misfortune wbicb may oc
cur tu couaequeoro of aelf nDdervaluttoo. How Eatber Haraes loved Edgar
OoveewM thaw a «r*w« Flo Bairr.
Wtarton. Ibongb only sericig bim; bow
The New EngUnd pie belt will tav
ata learned of bis nervoaliy from bl*
lUllve lu ■
molber and fnrolsbed tbe amuoot ondar promlae of aecrery: bow Ura.
Wbartoo before her death l.egg*d for
parmlaaiOD to tell ber soo and was refused, are matters wbk-b would com*
the prejudices agalntt tbe product
In' a love story
This taiug for a
which food reformer* bar* «' '
special pnn>oar. It U orcraury to aay
mote, ta like* bl* pN w
that Edgar iuade anoibre call oo EamesL Occasionally be will sup|>rv*s
sank down oo
a pleles*
bis -kne« beside tbe aofs where ata
nat and boried tala face in bla bands.
Uguors or wine* for froretuor 8b*w:i“* '
that did not real Of* ten tw a doarn
.Just plain Ainerican fqod. pUInly cookynra of bappICKua itat they might
ad. sriib plain water and pUln coffee
havt had. tbongb It gav* them happl>e of beveragro.
frora that momenb
a maa,- oaya tba
latefitaeae* la Mlea.
Tbe organs of btwriug and acbeUIng
bl micp arv very effii-b-ul. I>ul Itair
ayralgbl Is. wvtallri.-. l-«r. ns-lr Inh-lllgi-mv- Is. we slMiuhl tbiuk, low. as
tniglil ta ex|sv-lid from tin- pauelty of
coDvubilioiu ill riielr brains. Wc sus
pended a Hn uf Hour at swii a iH-Igbt
from Ita ground itat our liiile frtciata,
conbl but quite jump Into It. tbongh
imell vf the food mode them very
peractering In Ibrir eodraturt to do au.
then arranged a string so that by
rinur 'tay could gel at tta gosd
Btoff Itat way.u ntunse by ri4b>wlng ital .courae
Btulnnl to tbe dealn-d giAb but evi
dently by chance, for la-lng startled
uf Ita Hu It fvmiluunl fur a loug
le to make filllle efforts lo rtvovef
its lost posllluO by juiupllig Up. never
again a.-eklog Ibe ^ad wbkii liad led
It tafolv to Ita olije.*! of
For iM.ur* we have liiln lu Issl wi
log mhv trying in valu io spring into
Ibe till uf flour, note- of ibi'Ui <-v<t |s-re*lTlug tut Ibere wa* a f-a»lble road
leading tben-lu.-i'tamtars' JuurtMl.
I A TaoMPmrii. K. D Offimm tadMa
• • AMiinarokis^ ■luia.ataUa.m.ltn
R.M-tMI AS. hsexhara
by ovw pew launlirin
bM alxty-fim bbtbday tecently at
Tvlag Park. Hens. Lord RoihacfaOd
la much mar* hcavfly bnHt and poodaroos In moirarr than bla taottart.
aad ta takes life amontly and roaaeisaUaNwIy. Sport i* bl* groat relaxattotk and ta ba* bit uwo pack <^***>‘
I. at whose a
Tta HotbarhlMs
amMttoua aocUIly. aad ar* psfectly happy, b
la a qolat
daraastlc rxJafc*. oerapled s
xrtth their
____ _ ,__________ _____________ and prac
tical tetarosc N tocnl affalrv—Chicago
fy-F »-*T »- ta
You ask If ta did n«Uy take ii
wviueuls lo tta Brat loautM-c.
talkw rnmpiBceolly rip* up all
a again ami uocs- mure ira-mlB lu
make I'-talk marki all over you and lu*'*40M**»**
i Duoitar of pins.
Trsua arnrs at Tiarsew fXly at 4J*WB..
I arv lu'-llnid to use protsta
gnage. but furlosily luaaten your
elloga. otto you wuoiler bow
aauUlsbmeni ran smvvwd wImt
C. L UK-gWisiD.
a li time run l»- waatsd over one
' ti P « T A
<-loHH-*.-IS>uliiicy lUgelaw lu inde
____ ____________ .
Genenl llarriaun Gray On*, editor
and publlaber of tbe Ita Angelra iCal.l
Tlmea. U in Ht. tanU foe Ibe pc ' Of U.vlng liefoi* tta world's fair
agament hi* icujcct for tta
Bent at the expualtluo of i
wutr tewaloe Says There la »s Tr»
srwNNper plant.
HU Idea U lo ai«cnre In advance tbe
Sanator Depew and bride, acbompacooperation of all tbe leading daltlc* eled by a kTencb maid, pn-lvi-d st noon
of tbe wurid lo an enten'risa taring In lUrla tbe otter day from Peaullcn.
for Itt otiject tta iNinUng on iba -Tbe tlecplng car company paid them
srorid'a fair gronnda of a m<eclal adl- tta nonsual complimvut of giving them
ttoo of each one of tbe |«pcn> tliat may a apertal car free, on iheir arrlial Mr.
enter the ayniUcatc.
Deprw. wbo looked radiant and carried
'carasringly au eoormuiu.Uix of the
stock, bride'* JexerU. aald to the New York
would conatltuletbe priiicl|ail msterUI Jonrnal corteapondent:
eqolpment required. In an Interview
"Men may latt of atecL railroad and
on the subject Gcueral Olla rold to a ojlier trusta. bnt none of them can give
reprraenUtlv* of tbe Chicago Uecurd- dlvldenda like that a mao gel* by mar
rying a young aod pretty wife on tta
"The papers could each br act tn Us runny Riviera. We did not go carortown office, uutrices made and these Inp aronnd creaOon boneyuoonlng. but
■hipped lo a ceotral office on tbe rxpo- ooe day we drove to Monte Carlo, an-,
sltton grouDda. wb«* th* qitla ould otber lo Cap Martin and anotber to
ta made, tta paper* irinlcd and UN Klee My marrUg* ba* been nnlqne.
work of dUtributlon done by agent* or Brat tathtwuniber and variety of ccremployees of each iwper acting under emoolca: aecond. by the number and
the loatructlons of tta home manage variety of bodyguanla
ment FpecUl days could ta act apart
-A* we bad three iwmonlea. ao we
for pnhllc exblbltlona of carta paper.
ad tbr«e lx>8f|n>anU. Tta pro at
Thn* ttare conld be a 'I-w Angeles _bc awoed protected ua. for w# bad
Timet day.' a ■St LonU Republic day.* bodyguard of JournalUt* and a body
‘8t I^uU Globe-Hrmociwl day.' and gnard of bluejackrta. lOkewlae. by tta
) on. tta amaller journal* of Chicago. bye. w* bad a bodyguard of plrtureanue
New York. London and 1‘arta following fiahwomeo weighing 2iW eaeb.
doe CDorae. ■■ might ta agreed by
••At Canoe* we wrefe aerenaded or
Mblroredd.' a* it N called out west,
aek-clloo or otberwiae."
wltb a trememtoo* racket of tin pan*
Saewd kr'Hruheo TuMh.
r with ttair
WlllUm Fhomar of Trenton. S. Jwbo has Iweo dangerously in of lock
jaw. la likely to recover, berooae of a
broken front tooth, which made It pnwOlble lo Inject food and medicine, aayu
Syw Vork World,
kt BKv ran a rua . .
akin, causing blood pcdaoolng. This de
veloped Into lockjaw.
that la
to rroch Tlenialn and reinforce lb*
Mender colnmo of foreign inups tbrra.
After tta fall of tbe Taku forta tta
CbUwse i*guUra.and rebel* all comMned and tor* up tta railroad between
Taka and Ttenlaln. Tbeer was do way
There ar« 4..V10 m«a. l.w In Ita body
•f getting word lo or from Heydiour
f n moth. ■
or of learoing tta true aiaie of laffalrn
Iximlan spnula over fl.ono.iioo anat tta kgallont or lo Ttralalo. HwObe
hoallyo *
aOtb of Jon* 400 HnaaUos. accompa
Kentui^ iwi:
nied by UO American nutrines from
iloridllar taJiigs fever.
tta sbl|N at Ttku. commanded by Ma
The •
jor Waller, atarted down Ibe road tosnid Tlentoln. On tta 21*1 Waller*
detachment was led into anibnab by
tta Chlneae oaltonal troops, and eleven ary bundr^ roiuimnw-n in KnasU.
of lb* 00140** were abot down. Aficrc liay tarvfst '.o ih» Cnlied Watea
Ul amusutrd to Sl.uai.UlU to
ward lU* deiacbmeot fongbt galUntly
In tta racaptor* of Tteoislo and agala
hanrically lo ita defeoro from tta CM
•MS aCWr toe remrn of Beymoor's tal
•ad column.
Tta Boxer nprlalng wax not tbe firtt
seen alow <g tta Ameriron maiines beInt la avldeDce lo tta far casL Dario*
tha sror nf IMH-se between. Chins and
Japah the martoes Uudrd In Beo^.
For Artbor. Newebwang aod r*Ung
t* protect tta live* and jiropeny af forround tbe glob*.
, - atgoera. Tta oortuus and often
Tta Bask of J-'rance eaa eompri Its
gwoui doty of pruiecilng American inwatooera to t*i-el*« tmc-BfUi <t
tatawN and kccplnx onlev to
noaey drasm In gold.
abroad naimlly falU to tta
ins* they ar* tta tnlaed
• BM. CnUk* tta sallara. I**rented fraNt aaUlog from Pnr
■aMh oo tba* recently becanae I
m «- ..............
nmo oawdod thttMgh tba haavr nir
or tb* JeCmuM Uartat csMrt la Nav
Trtfc tba otbar day tba voice .of a ebUd <
d upon ber nUbd. Al
Naglag. U waa a Hay abred of a T
■stralnad aod lackiag lo volnmc. yat It Nxteea. 00 age when glria coon w ap
waa awast ood so dear that It roaa ^eclat* tta valor of beaoty. Battar
above ibe boax of eooreraattoo aad notlaed that bw mM^peo feat was
ghoffUng of faak la tb* morky covt- a bUght. and tWa as Affected ber that
room. «y* tbe New Tark tVortd. Mag she canto ore ■r'bewoty la tatoNf
istral* Ulmatad bad jast aaeeodad tb* whatever.
bt«ch aod waa Uotanlng lo tbe BtuoWhen brbr* was finren. there fame
bkd axcw* of an onlrapt nma wbo to Dve la Ibr' Unle boiar oppaalte tar
tad beao drank for days.
.oUtriy home a widow. Mrs. lYhansa.
The drankard anddaoly e«
' with ooe aoa. Edgar, a manly feltow
ramU* and ItolaMd lUeatly.
«r eUbteen. Edgar Wtarc".- noticed
•TPeo tbeuah K k* a «»aaa
tta awert. meUmboly face of Esther
Thai rwiaatn m*~
Baron st the window* sod Iraged for
a»a tta thin, rwrcl teiWA
admIlUDcr to the twuari Ixib mllxlBg
“Wbo a that r aakad .tb* *Bgl«rate.
that pavertj and ricbn are bad —
•Tbat's tba lima faltow 1 picked up paoloat. ta made no effort to attala
few Tear's nlofat. yonr honor, at For- , tta desired coDsuinluatluti. Eatber.
.y-Mgbtb BtraH end EIgbtb avenne.- oetlced Ibe youns mao ruulug and
Mld PoUviBan Uanba.- 'Ha say* that
leg from bto bumr oppaallr and b>ag*Neorrt. My God. to Tbe*.' la all be can
blm. but Ibe
alsg. and be'* olnglBg tt now out in tta of tar deformity rome- la to loletrer*
ChUdree'a todaty ruaea.'
with Ibe carrylug out of ber wish.
"Bring bIm In." aahj tta
Haring no means wlib wbtcb to Se
Unrtta tiptoed ool of Iba ruoa. bnt rin* a college edneatiuo. Edgar entered
id not dimorb tba boy nntll ba had
re aa clerk,
lie. aooo saw
_«labtd hU vaaaa. Bo tha coortroolD
for a mlool* pcroeniad
for hfm at beniF. so be went uu
qiectarlegif bard faced men and worn- tberoad.~ After flve.yeara'bard
................................................. at tbrtr eyes
be bad arcond a vatoablc bualoewa.
lemming and asked far an locivase of salary and
basrlng' to hide any.trace of emotion.
refused. Hiring do ropUal with
When tta alogrr. flee years old. was which to roodocl a botooea* of "
broagbt in. be told tta magUtrate ''
OWN. be was forced to go on selling
sras Jnbony Mnrtltu
goods to iwcll the cuSrr* y»f aniHber.
r papa Is dcs
Our day Edgar aaw an open Idler t
mamma works o
bl* tuutber'a wrillng desk addrvsaed to
Fox In Foriy-aUtb street. Bhe toM me
incle. ber lirotbee. Family letlrra
to go out aod play, and I got bwt. My
entumun prtqn-riy lirtweeD motbNcnma'll find me. tbongb."
id Bon. and ta n-sd It. Tta letter
Johnny w*a sent lo tta ChHdpen'* *o- contaliieO a rcinct tbal Ibe writer'
elety. If hla inottar doe* not cUlm Irotber would lead Itogar BIU.lxxl (bat
him. he will ta cowiittrd «o an aay- ta might Bel u|i ail a UHSvhandlar broInm.'.
wblcb Mra. Svbarton knew waa
ber aoo'a dealre. Edgar aald .ootblng
ANOTHER NATI0i;»AL PARK. to bla mother ■■■out tiavtng aero tta
letter awl went off on a foor moolbt'
Ctaoe* Foe Bo*tO« a^iroat Wa* Fa*.
trip. Wtau be returned. hU
bim a fciaa aod a cenlScale of
dfwoslt for iuiuiii. at tbe n
Informing bim that Ibe mone
fats dliqawil on cottolUoa Ibat be nuke
headwater* of Ibe greai
ers of North America and of preoeevtng no lognlritw aa tu who waa ita lender.
hUlorical lucamire wblvb anotbiT Edgar, wbo knew bit onrie
bondfed 3 i-ar* of ra|Hd aettlenwnt seem alDguUr man. made tta required proraWben be aaked for Ita note
Otbersrlar rerialn lo amr or di-slroy.
No half way meaaorea ar* adequate to algn, he waa lohl Hint Ibere we*
Then Edgar *.-1 up in bnaln
tta aucvcoa of pUna like Hwwe. They
and made money rapidly.
ell call for a
Five year* latiT ta lougbt a borne almUar to tta one ofipmdlr.
When Edgar Wbartoo was lUrtyuary Onllug of tbe need and tbe op|wrtunlly for a new national park In north two years old. be lost bis mother. It
a. There nanda today waa a great blow to bim. and It aeema piece of ancient f.wrstcd Aiuetica— ed at If It would iw liDi>Mslhle lo occu|>y Ibe bouae ^uiie. ludeod be de
In fact, tbe only nnSalniUK
bctweCQ Ibe Kocky ineuiila
termined to rrut It end nuke a toiort
AtUntIcocean-whIrb It lai>o**IUe aUll trip abroad. In dntuliig out bla motblo save from destruction. WUWn lta cr-a wrillng desk ta «wme «l«ti aomeUmlu of tta Cbippeway IndUo reaerva- thing that sun'Cta-d him. a note from
tton atoog Ibe Leech. CaaaAod Wln^ Ertber Itarnes. It eonlalncd ootblng
Of Importance. Imt Edgar wt* unawar*
and waiting for this purpiNc. ClliUfi that bla motlx-r bad any artiaalntane*
acres of Uod and SlHbTo acres of wa
wllb the aw-eel faced w oman wl» bad
ter turfac*. U It the land of tta orig lived "over Ibe way " He wrote fall
inal lUcota* and Obljlwas. the cradle dl*cnv<;ry across Ibe far* of tbe note,
of Bortbwestrni story and tradlUon.
Trtiueatlng ^■elm1*alon lo rail upon on*
Tbe pooalblllty «f another great B
w bo bad l•ecD bla muibrr'a friend wllb
ttonal park created from our vaolahb
out bit knowledge, and scnl II to E»
public domains Is In llacif a matter of ther.
In n-iurn be received tta de■ general *— —
aired i»rml*sk>ii. but ao roldly and
ease there 1* added tta apertal welfare formally staled that be <letenulned not
of sport and foeeaUr throughout a to acc«i<t It. A few ds>* Uler kMtber
region of vast extent It la the chance received a hriW note from bim that ta
for Mlnneaou also to acenre Tor beraeir and tta peoi>lc of tbe upper
sUi^pl eaUey the only great park In
the lotertor of the «vuuir>'.
Only tbara bora deaf are laratabla.
In tta abyasra of tta oceana, balow
BOO fathom* many anlmaU tars aitber
nAad wUb eoa«ta ar* oi|*d to go to
Imperfect eye* or none. Their eoodl8«t this to nosUy
. Dw'l hm aa
if cave life, Bsd tta
_____ _____ Kaw Dtoao*.
* probably tta noN. -Hrieoc*
sswaliia srlU ooro
ofdnbN that all deep aea Ufa
K'a tba
a popolattoa of about
wta. Koaity hoJfai*
Onlda.aadaU Ttatiat oadTraag dto•taoa SB oartb. TW flm das* hetoga
BBd*?A Ml *
aa BLOBL Bfotr boMagwaa—
I cmr. Mxa, sATtranAT, iAXOAsr
Vm^» TkMtT «r Ufc.
m---------- Jtrqwm Lort> or tbt Col•( CkkMO tfariorto r«»«U
MMt «feo «atk«Uw or pfcxolulo«>ow
li CMwp tfcot
0 M «• Mo or Wo.
Mtt P. S«tW W osplolDtac U>i« 4l»
«m«T r«r 1*0 K*w lort JoonoL
r or OC0OO oT'Um
g I17 Dr. Al-
. MK F. K*tbt*o-to ibo *■•»««»«
a br tho ootbortutlro 0«»- rfMsr Joeqoto Uob or tte CUU 00 fOIKUDOOUl ood
tbot U iim~ lo warroot lb* bo|io Uot
#o«Ml 0000 toow «ti«t 010 to. ^
^K&mtaA U» Uiolu of o-o o !><*»
to iotoosa bl# OWO Ufa
U C0B>«
Ottolr to tbo ootauoo oT Ibo njMCT?
or TfUUV «>“ phndokiglou bora
ow boCtoO baoo obU to OHOvacb.
•otoo or tbo o>poft«aota that I.
M st> to IbM tfoeorarr bora aw^o« o aov Mao or tba boioro of daotb
0-0 Mro raoonod to tbo «oao of tba
Od Wttb to tba ladaBolta pottpoob
tooot or ditoolatlea. Brao tba dlocor, omo do not Iblok that tbap eao lodlcoto tba roal daptb« to oblrb ibar
toao nacbad or toward whleb they
010 bolto lod. Tba wbola (DandaUoa
ok ftbjtootocr ■»<> luadlrtDa loar b*
tidiDOlntn-^. aiMl wa 1007 Odd that
«o pOMtaa a coutnX urar tba pbaoocaOM oT Ua oora aiaatarful Uiau aaf-
dioeororr la aod whj It la ao Urraacblog. BrM7 atatad. » baa baao dlaeororod tbat oor oarraa. or at laait tba
tooar cocoa of ibam. rou»<» of wbat it
toUad 'O colloMal Bolail«w-tbai U to
M7. or BOtiar reaoffibnoc folatM bald
bod or aaoawd tba 01
__________________ _
« aolloldal partialM to tba oaraa# earry ebargr* o^ pooItSaa alactOdiT.
Wbabtaar tba barra partlclra paaa
Croa tba colloidal coodltioo inio tba
oiato of cclatla. or. la oibar worda.
taCTOir Jalllad. tba oerra eipariaocoa
o oUtoolatlee or-baconxo acUre. New.
tha •
FbCifl Mt nedM-Vetk Rcrm.
AO Rpi Dovi' CiMtMt Be«4>
«che—SkcpMl EcsOU—
A Vkdto dm the
lt«4 t» Htollk. '
Fbto to tbeir battaf that aUep to 0.
ooa tbo toooao of 0M«rW* It Ito
waaca of ttoo. a dear* mao aod wotba fottor or bMOM Uo bad too
of a
. -hoipitVa or Wo.
apM orttb amor, a»d tbar adrlorf tba
tolo a aoeUty wbUh pioptf »
iMtoao Mt to amor tba load oT C»port e(
brrowoftbcv. JatoOAtbno
tbrtr Hraa U apant Io liaaUm alambar.
otoeotar uioUortnHy. U «bot 1
Tba erpnntoatUa to coiud tba Kom
iibjiliiiiaMi bod onto tatoo
Boor Maap Hob.
MM Ibo octioo ad tba otono aoM tba
pUdard to aUap bot Joof boor. 0 olpht.
rbUnpo Cbronlrta. 1Tba DaiB. hare mff-rrd a praot dawl from nacraaya tba CbUnpo
no csplaBatioo oov o
bare nmiaod tbal draplna In
icotel yawn and at tlmoa t
ba OB laavlmttaa to aO ycn»|
that time to porrly a babll-lbat to. weald baeroa ascitad obO abnky from
oaaortlr rootncta. oad w«oiiaa atoo- Bot fear tba
trtdtj. •Sroe (OT frao tba touUOttoi tatoa or tba oidBooB dotuo. bot obooM BOtbiac abort of tonful In tbto day of racy trirlal t»noaa. I fail pomly aad
coo or tba portMaa. paaaaa oo la
ho ready OBd wmuap to awTc God
- ......'n Ki.. __________
aa bamful and latnnprT- I e« Dr. A. 1
rroM tbfooob tbo taofth oT tbo to tbo moat dlAcMt ptocaA- Tba aoloptaedtd.
Tbay qalfo
:aaotoi-a ww of intoUannla.
____a. Bat tbo ■oortto alao cootilo dur aaoka iba moat doBpaaooo and dUOBd towed up my nyoaoiioMol pantetoa. aad at tbaoa roealro •cBliloaka. Why ahoold DOt tba ChHo- tetocco or dnipa.
UcstHoa of the club wbo hare ebUDr.
- -............... tltoaro
tba Impolaa oT tba oagatiro tor
rcB are reorlnp tbrm to ohoarve tt»e anld at «0o a box ________
dowlomar Dr. A
toar alao dtow taaotbar. aod tboa
Caleb did Bot sodaita
ima laoUKUoa wlih nrimrt toallapad ,W. Obona MadlctooOo.. BoFale, B.
uacdoo or tba oinaeMa la prodom
•M OBd dlOnitt uak Io bU ow»
In nigbtiy reot. Potua'r. Seo Umt poattoit and topontoro of
bat Id Iba atrcnpib of the
aUld are ya.ro of «sa| AJ^Chnae. U. O.. are OB preoy
mWoi Bot 0 rod rooUBpAa
Ida ftorad to treed. Uo bad <wn ba tralDad tq do with
to tba
tokao bU own airrtiptbond theoOCMtb Bleep, bet tba malonty ore o«
t^BloB that cbltdren atoMild Iw allow
of tba a«aniy Into roeoldtcmtloo and
ed fioo tox to alpbl boor.. Iba amownt
•too Uw aacraaUy of barlDp tba pccodacrewaUp an tba child grow* OMar.
told bl» that ba bad racalrod a m
brtp of God. -If BO b(
Tba dub ban arrured a torca aiBOBnt
NotWWbwelirtor^ U-t |Am.C
ba witb ma. 1 ahaU be
ot lltarmture 00 tba anbjart, and tba
to drlra Ibam oot. aa tba Lord hath
toambara qoola abuixlaoca of aotborlHard ibtBpa aya not
ty to abew tbat tbar .ra rtpbl In tbrir
iBtb itJlpa aod with tbeae aad ^ rtoa
wabcMW. bot to fallb. Trnat lo
rr>ea lie- -i«>« liar to Bay
COBtaotioDB. Tbi-r pnlol to Napoleon ainto to Ibr a.-nb toto to towth rnxw Mieto
Btada a apUst aod boBdafoo for Mo God will aaanre oa rtetory
u- -ms i„-. «f--------broker loo. aya tba Now Tort Bar- aoamy tbat 11 may ba our duty lo (aeo aoda nombar of tba preolato peoanu.
orriirra of btotory and iMnkan. wbo
aid. Ua waa 00 a awoal cor a *
or taccam Ip abT
_ ___
_______ ______ <. bftTV
daya apo 00 bU way ta attaod a
la undartaka.
kpua>«d-11b tto-I lly itor* Iw pablw
aultatloo U Kaw Jeroay. It wi
_______ raltb aod afforta
BiisHiy day. ood tba atraata wera
ad wilb aorcaoa. aod ba rewired Iba
parr with nod. At tba Peooayir
bed of tba Asaklm aa bU raword.
faery ol Twaoty-tblrd atioet ba to
Bnceam and rrward alwnye follow Iba
ihat ba i 5.;;;
;w. .i;,
•d to tba coDdocter and ■ »oi
toUbful parfonnance of doty. With «a IndiHwd IO alwlaltin Iba “UaUt."
*hat>lt.“ ^ •'•‘.‘‘.a-tobark
1in**a IWrk
Uter owom off tba car. Uo nltood Mo
>1 taltb and evotopa at
and bto child, all yean old. ^
tootlop and won tbrowA HU lap boot Caleb Ut ua "wboIly foUow tba Lord.'
WUb the «Inled|-J^;-n_,.^-M..nn-^
Bbd« blio. OBd BB ba tank dowB bt and aBceeos aod reward will ba oor parreot. and all aaroi lo enjoy pood baaltb
raallatd that ba w»a badly
' -......... ana rniotma .« «ih.t sA- ul
and bripht mamai Uruiilaw
otaodoro aatoatod bln to 0 a
BiUA nkamyok.
Tba mao wbo »laal>; dgbl bourn «ol
Ek- III. 1-12; Joah. 1. I-T: Jodp. rll.
of twenly-four and lire* tt> l*a .-igbtjoCtrt ot r*to» aotot- 1S-2&: Nab. lU 11-30; *ecb. Ir. «; Uo.
one year* old baa In reamy lltrti but •It*rllrn- ilM- Mlh h-r..t
BDcc. ba blDtalf Btada ao ounlaatSoB xl. 31: ra. xItI. Id; klatt. xir. 23-30:
th.-l.nr'h llDr»«Kt»l» *.1—#. e»i-«T 1"« Ir.**
llty-four jerw Twptily-aav.o ba ban “
of bla iBjory. Praoatof Ma ftopno IMO xxriu. 10. SO; John ti. 4: fbU. ir.
Ib'Mion-di-t'M-t *11 iMi14v-*'rv.M> aad
I N'-ii**i*al—lMevl-; civ.-B'ibaolM-C.MuBi.hU Up aa rclaotleaoly at aey phyol'C.MiBrilof—Iviiy Will t.-***! «a* i'.«nl
On Iba otb-'<
of tba kody
i will a patUBt ba dUeoraacd
pound fmetnro. OcoUalBp tba Band
A lw«avob-iil-l.«*liig man 1«anlcd i
ban- a|«-ul oaarly a o
i.. il- .*>4
In., n w
■peady tMtoaot-OBd prcaolBP tba dowo-lown toaralor abeatlr »-vii|>la<
aixty-aigbt .raara «f real Itfr If Ua
bonaa inio pUco tba baol be avoid, ba
talna Ite ape of algbly-ona yram.
looked abool for ifilloif M baodaptA
I Afn. w • .r. ni\.i\.aiiww
Tbero waa dodo at hasd. bat Mi
apartiully dodad bl« bal awl bald It
In bik band buiII ba leachtd bto dratln
brclU WBi Ibaiw.
TIktc *n- .TliiJiil iiiiM-iy •I*wUi»
goickiy taortup tba corar froo
rama. ba rippad tbU iDto^pA 1 ^
•■Wbat a diarmmg man^Aoeb JoraIn I'mix-r drrU att- ......... ftetpi
ly manomr poabad
to .liitrr: In Hair. In ttw- •prtiig.
rito. Ila pUcad tba roda aboot Ma Up.
A fVw mlnuira tolar tba liaoarolanianil
ncnil Joe 1Vli.;-lrr bwith tba ntrlpa of doth. Ma haadkarI. -pHflNF 1
looklnp man of tba lovHy nuiunat. cradiuiltot frvm W.a.i l*...m fi.rlj «-o
ebUf and nacktU. acid drew all tiphtly
raaebad bit otoca. nirlilng bto bal on year* agn.
'----------------------------------------topetbar. boldlnp tba brekao beoto to tba back of bto baoafireot
SCOTT AailNO. Propm.
aprawtlnp hlmaelr down In lru<
An anboUBc* had alioody ba
abaodon at bto tWok. puffing a <-toy
anirod Dr. pipe to an arttotically moi«-ullna ft»h■ ; Best arcommodationt fat potici
".<all^ III iinr .\ib-y" «n« »
Carr bad computed oo aDarpwey IoB. occMlooally aipart.watlng lo thr
I tier treatment.
by Hi-nry ••arry -Uo ill-il In 1
IraolDaot equal to tbat of tba arango
AiuiMig ilitfa-iltv alil<-riij>» I
aubnUDCO Burpeoa wUb all tbo nato- SM-waak-fi>r-tm-bi»ur»a-«Uj
raphar by JoedtaHy Inquiring wby------- Chlrapo rlly i,viiii'll »n- twn
rial at
Ba waa Ukao to tba New
all 4hoaa lapal paper* bare not Iwt-n
York boaplUI aod u bow Io w of tba
moma Id tba priraw poUeata' wfnp oT
Ixirdy man.
^^*U!r«ierM7 ootaoo la tbot oT
w use
When you waot s csniaKc
for Fuaer-ti. W^dinif or. t«i
Make Calls, or want^to come .
come doom loam, call up No.
5. both 'pbunck.
tbto pooago ot iba oarrea from tba
dltootrad to tba }allM aula U prodocad by tba actloo «f aiosia or ieoa
baoftaf ebarcaa of ocfatlrt daciticKy.
Wbtoarto aeeb ebarsca arc Introdocwl
Iota tbo Bara tbo Uttar aic ailuioUtad aod eootroct.
ThU fact at once eapuina tba actloo
. or ctrtalD cbetuical oubatancao wbao
latrodtKod loio tba bomao body. aMo
of wblcb laod 10 qolal Iba txTxta and
otbacc to Oldie tbam. Tba oarra qolal1^ lono art tbooa ibai bear rbargea
or peolUa alectrirUy. aoeb at tba otoma or WdltUD. poualuoL aalclun and
bydrecco. ai>d tbrir pmviHc urtidt to
kaap tba colloidal ’ |■arlh•lra uf ibe
Barras la a aialo of oululhMi. ao
tba sarraa ramalB Inacilra.
Tba Btrn atioolBilai Iona arc tba
Blau of foeb aobataocca oa doorlna
BBd cbUdBO. wbteb carry cbar«ao of
aocatJro olectricliy abd arbao Iniredored Iota tba ayoiam cooat' iba oarvt
panidaa to coaleara or becutoa yalllad.
io wbUb coBdlllon tba oarra It-anira.
Iba dafroa of tctlrliy dapandlns
tba iBtoodty ot Iba aUmuUtlua. Daolb
oppaan to U
Hoo ot tbo Bcrrao. rtwi
Hilly to roopood lo.ailuuUilou Uo
far Iba dlamrery of*(ba laaDocr 1
wbloh oarro actloo la or con ba pr
I docod wUI oaabla pbyalek>cUia i» oppooo tba procraoea tbat aod id dcalb
cob ooly ba datcrtBload by fortbar
Bat wltboot loga'd «o any aneb pooolMa or only to ba ^oped for raaoUa
tba oaw dlacorary tbrowa a flood ot
ttpbl Ob Uby bllbarlq obacura prob-
p tba Barra paytictaa In a alita of
aolotloB qolrts tba oerrea, Suw. tba
Barra ponidaa arc lartaly cnmpoaid
•r fat BBd It la wall known -Ibt
aiwaalbittca dlaaelra fai: baocc wbao
OBOottotlei ora lntr«ducrd into tba
that tbay qnUt tba Barrao.
to o HiBlUr manoar tba actloo of'
wUaby to orradlsc tba pr«rcoo of
tonka potano la axpUload. doae aoake
palm tanda to cooauhita iba oarra
aobotOBCa. tboa cautloe daalb.. oblla
okebel U^lBUodoccd quickly aooocb
tad koapa tbo oerrto to a codoldal cooftdeo.
Other famlltor facta are alao egptolead oo tba aama prioriptA Bant,
far laotaDrA at weeryttody koowA
taadi to qnlrt tbe eerraAtoKrlded Ibo
lamparotnra to sot too blgtlba reaaoo
batop tbot tba cSact ot baot la to pteecu coopMattoo of tba oarra aubOUBCA Cold, oo tba cootrary, prw
flOHB golotloe to tbe Barrat aod coBBoqaant admntotloA But tl blpb lampeiatmoa baol alto prodocaa pelatloB
Owe of tba loteteoHop roorlomoBO
drwwn troatba dtoeoeary la ttiat ebaor
ickl Htmolotloo la Mootkal wUb eUr
Irkml otiilatloo bacaoae tba cbem*al onbaiancaa tbat affan itu Barraa
da ao thiwopb tba aUetrlcal ebarpea
tbit tbay carry. No dooM nmny
rtoa will oDdeoTor to boar upon ttto
oMy tbo Bloat core
In tbo Made of t
c loflrt any
•ai 1NRII lINpB
tl** IMM wMA
U >ou want a Bus for Large or
Small party. 1 have them for
you. Satisfaction guaranteed
and prices as low as good work
can be done.
Mtow bdtoy Mtoa-lotoW
I bar* lo-r aarh-il* .OAV aX iwa-<a
auw* -Inrh I »tu maU at WHOLB
BALP ITtJl'M. thUaadar*—.
ue Paw Btofcth
Idtlia tlm EIkMc
li(U nl Pim B.
to .wi. to. t.«
Fireinsurance-^_^^^3 ■'
Ob. yea. vary.—Iton I-'rsi«-to«ei Ware.
Stota of Ohio, 6lty of Toledo, i ^
be to Uu
of F. J. O
OBtb clmt
pwraerot tba fli«
waeyAOo.. dolDp bnaioam
Ey of Tolodo. Oowaty nod
fOaol roblla Wartoa WIU toe PbMW
■I Iba W-rM*a Pair.
Howard J. Bocn chief of tba da■nmaniB of adncattoo and nodal eeODotny of Iba «. Loom Worid’a fair, waa
la New York rteently to eoofer with
tba apadal coniolnao wWb to plan-,
ning Am “modal dly“ fmoiiio of
la .tnkati
.tnkao isteriBiorBnU'a Ontoxrh Ooi*. to
fair, aaya tba New Tnrk World.
tba blood
.toUy OBd no* dlrooUy
on tbo
CKurnmaa conatau of Cbartaa
•ndtoMBoa ontfaeoo
aeoo of tbo
Iltogbt. fobn Oa Witt Wamar. Cbariea
IL Lamb. Albert Katory of PUtodolpbU sod WllUam A Ctnodall. Tbo
the betL
fcranco waa bald nt tba NaUooal Art
dob In New York.
An aoalam Cigrawman -.aa taking
Tba AdmlatotroUoe bolldlnp win bo
-•oogra-niaii lilu.tu.w of ATkanaa.
taken aa tba nuDUtpM ecBtar of tba
abool bto dtatrb-l and bl* mUbme.
IKdniInc .Mil Kajp. wIhH bl* fkb-nil
ratnarka.1 Ibal hr lived iwetl;
tba UI»»ourl line. THi. yr.." rriilla.1
Dln<Uiorv. "I »|WOk l.oll' lanpi;n
kind. In aoditlen ibrra will bo i ctooalflrd esblWtloo abowtog mODldpol
coodliloDt at tbry aro In Aaudeaa
Elap Edward TU. baa alrakdy order
ad tbe coronatloB BIWa from tba Brtttob bad Foreign BlbU ooetoty to be
nicd In WcMmlnater attoay nen Jose.
It wUI be a large quano Tcfomc. b
to ted motocca wltb gold ctaapa aod
atamprd wlib ibe royal arasA It wlU
beevua ibe property of ibe btobop wbo
ntotera tbe ooilw.
C-rarn-r Obow tooa Twelea Toao.
raaaona wbo Hka to knew oil oboot
pbrsdcol pacoltorlltao Of pobllc
will ba totarcotad In tba loformi
accordlop lo the Waabloptoo ■
apondant of tba New York Berald
that Goraroer dhow of Iowa, tbo now
aacreury of tba iroaaary, boa olx to
oo cacb foot._______________ ^
tnasant hr Ba*. A B
ScU'anton, Pa.
rutou^li a
>oh . an .pialifv loW a im-chatiical or architectural tlfxftunxB; then >xmi can cawl)-Ret a 1>1». ^
ition;xn<1 bj further »tu.i», while worcin.; .u ui.tim.,;. > nt . in .jiiilifv t.. Ik: an architect, or a inechanirai or clectriia] e«i;inccr.
------------l■COIIPOMTC».200,000 STUDENTS.
THOS. J. FOSTER. President.
eceiwr’f No.
y bt.
Time Filed
READ' the following
)wing aavc
advertisement ana ag
r favorite.
vote for your^f|vorite.
/3 IQnQ
fmrod Ihu Rtootrto Bitaaao will ear*
oo^ trooblM ■ I aoFaood for yaM
with kidBoy (roohla.-- wriiea Mro
Pbobo-Obartar. of Potoraco. 1a.
“oBdw'toBo book potDod mo 00 I
ookld not dreoa myiolf. bot Blaotrlo
Blkton wbolty ewwd too. aad. al-
Poo* Wbat TWr Thiwh.
Wo «n of BO profaao to want ararybody to bo bank with ba bat -bra
OooHhedy thtoataai to tall oa Joat arbat
ba tbtoko of BB wa know tosTtoctlrrty
tbat It to aoaetblBp hot at al compUMOBtatT.—BooUb TraDanyba.
t'aiabwaatbaannof JkpbnnDa. Natbnpto4BowD of bto early blatscy. Ttet
>a wa* a fothlpDar ood a grooaiyic to
Judalam to altopclbar preboMr. aa ba
Tha fana Bf Bocktoa'a AibJa Balaa
to enUad a Kanaalia. Ur waa ooa of
oa tba baat la tba world, axtoada
tba -twrira man aant to apy o«t tba
dibatoMh. D'athaopa ptofaet
toad of Cotoan wbao tba In
____ V of Oato. Ootaa. Bbm. firBtoao.
Bm came to Ita bardecA HaandJe^ Boraa. fioMtot. BoUa Uloan, FbIoba
oa ware tba ooly boro of tba twotea kobii. Fbtoa a»d aU Skis
wbo rtpanad'lB fawo of aniarlop tbo
laod. and tbay atooa of tbooa wbo Mt
Egypt wetr paTBitltad to ahtar
pcomUad land. Once awfed. tba
Tbtreara oaly four ktalaa to tba
tend bad to lo-cooqorewL OaUhoakod
tBBBtry wtakb bara metr tbao a millJoobua for that pcrtloa of tba land toe Totan carb, Naw York. IVaosylwblcb ibc ^dat bad rUftod and wMcb
iBBla. Ohio aod iniBoto.
htooao bad promUad Mm. It e
moot dlfficBR pooltloo to uka. Bto raqorot waa prantrd. and ba cooqoared ▼ TWoM ldoo tlm^^ ^
It and poiitoord tL
Tba task tbat CaUb ctaota to tba
qarot of tba laod of CanaaB waa h
moot dlfflcuH ow.. Ba dM not 0 '
Aaolbw oBppeatlTa fact ta tbot ms
Matty of otlmototlre actloa to todlcaad Iwtwoou ctaomteol looa aod tlpM
WBtoOL Zbo abort tight warco toward
tbo Bitta *Mat aod of tba apactm
aro iB tfett BgOBB oladtor w tbo i
Oto toao wWtt ottmaloto tM ao
try. It waa alao ortMetolly da
wMto tba lOM wauaa toward tbo nd *3bo ctUoa wwa graat *Bd I
The Record wilj present lo the person getting the most votes by Feb.. 15. 1902.a Free Scholar- i
ship in Mechanical or Architectural Drawing, in the International Correspondence Schools, of i
BMBoy kofoadod.
;as. o.JOBnoB. Buosa • boxbobo.
0. B. WAIT * BOJtB.
Wa tbo BBdaoolpDaa. do hereby
0*100 to rafoBdtfao moaor on a 60Mt bottle of OroaBe 'a Wamiitod 8yr-
A CbfBiwo Tiaa.
A Fnoeii pAprr raporta a troe of'tm
_ypetoa family, to tba aute of OAXaca.'^
Mexico, that to ISS fart in clreunafera at alx fart from tba pruuod. It to
for from tba famoaa Ultla ralBk
Hdlifiiwnf, Il3$ttti St
®“f*7. o£^**OofrTedodA O.
______ polnta adapted
garbape crematory and a flRratloa
l•tom for porifylop tba water aapply.
Tbera will ba aampU paretiiaDta of tbo
rartooa kloda In oaa to Aatodcou dtloA
with arerytblnt ctoa that to aard aboet
the Biraec on tba auwet or l
mmH Md B. K Mt A Boao* ttBt
i Ufllil Tfl IfflTC Cutout attached Coupon and mail or bring It tothe
IllUn lU fUlt business office of the Record. Each Coupon must
bear the name of the person for whom.you wish to vote. The records Fpm..... of the competitors will be shown in the paper every issue, and votes will Ff.WFo...
Tom _
be received until lO p. m. Feb. 15, 1902.____________________
Send for Circular giving full inforfhatlon pertaining tothe above Scholarships to
Harold E. WiHkeaocal Apnt, City Book Store
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