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The Evening Record, September 19, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
; THE EVENINCx RECORI) ' [^^^3 ■
JJow for Toct Ball ^
€'w^ Ptossat u Pfg Laat
. '(/
a of BeapMt to WsU Kmww
Tarrible Crlms CommlUsd In
Battle Creek Last Evening
: Woman'* Horn* MiMlon AnnlV9r**ry Thl» AftoriMdii
funeral of
All Minds oT 9TOO* Ball
r^Otoltoto«l to« ^Kto OI
held at B^haak.
Oto%f-MifilX ^or Sto^wrdtoy’to
fr^^blcb luffcring from a^hill and a slight |tThere IS no cause
By Dr. Mason, Sscrotary of
rrssdman's AM Bocloty
than, aoroaaef whiu roan
And the Woman in the Cab#
Shot. But May Recover
.Bobart Bttcbtr Co., Props,
rermee l.«Ter of iIm W’o
Ummt~rmu Tate KMar-aOrSvariM Vrammm IbrTkto Kmmtmm*
Tto •amirmmrj of tte Wo«n*i
Laity raad tbe portion of wriptnra
Which talU of Cbriat'e tolanriaw with
Mlebodamna Tbe obalr then appoint
abn Waa to Ua«e MareM. WoeaO-
rt Bat?"wUmo! jSSaaTand^bShan
wt eandidalaa tor taa oftoa dnriiattla Creik, Mioh., »epL 19-Bolh
a addraae of tbe aeaning and be
Bamjiaon and Wblloomb. who flgurod
raadr to report at lu cloee.
After the annunnoamanU fur tbe in yesterday'a arening's aeoaatioeal
aomiiag day, Ear. Viok»ira totroduced
tngedy died at midnlgfXad mind for two yoara.
tbe apa^ar. paying a gloyrtog trlbnt.Battle <:roak, Mleh., Sept, liA-WlIto Dr. Mnaon. who waa again raoaired
Uam Saminon. a prominent oitiaen of
of foil blood. thli city, and Mrs. Eliaabetb Kottor
of Chicago, were to hare been matrlad
bSiiifr b*?
tba FiaedflMMi'a Aid
ThO d*TOtl€Ml •
tof w«oMi4ortbo<
Ooald of KoUaoooc
■ooiaty and hie last night at « o’clock, but a terrtl^e
I««TeBted. A. E. Whltoomb
anitable will, to a poaltlon
of Chicago, with whom tbe
bad Heed for the tbe laat two yeara.
bia raoa. Hla addrew waa
arrleed at .Bamjieon’a bouse on Lake
fall of wll
aonld not atop to quibble, and a aeenua laateeeuing. where tbe woman
atrmlgbtforward ooaamoti eenae that and her v year old aon Jow>pb atoppad
aweapa aalda many fallacie« and ab«
after arrieiug here yesterday. WhitanrtTtUorlaa that can bare no poaai
bto baarlng^uiioo^tb^i^ulament of
aaked U. «e Mi« Notfi*r. Bherefoaad
'**ln*^ntogTli^d?e*M.^)r. Maeon lu ae«' him. when upoo
•poka of the fact that the negro baa
tmlieU two rerolvera and fatally shot
Baaed and almoat dlaa< cted
riglootoTi of tbeoriea. ofien Bampaon in the adomeu. Mm Kotter,
fllM mod liMMtog dUtrioUJom
ftwM ibit Boml&f. ib« foraMT ropon^
iBf mmtXj 8D0 oooirrrBloof dorlof th*.
jmt, Md iml ootlTUy la Banday
■elMoU Kpworth aod Jooior Epwortb
XAimfae work.
Kaw oharohoN and paraonaffM baT«
bc«ii bollt cbarcha. InproTod aod a
llbaral oiDOODi oontrtbatrd for tfaa
•wHAtUlh oaotory fand
Ber rrs>Mi ( kiceao. ae4 gUM ItoMaa
deal with the negro, irre- heariug the *hote, stepped forth an.l
was *hot tn the back of the head and
ant. proUiSlufSny totu^°“*
Dr. Maaon. before prooeedio
ract I
P’!‘«'d oue of the revoivt-m to hU
direct diaouMion. of the
right timple and fir. d. diopping to
qoeation. gave a brief account of hi*
climb from eUeerr In which be e
<be floor i; Bluntly
bom a few month* Uforv the election
Tl»e iwhoe authoritiei remoTed the
mlMiiouf haTii baan libarally ramaaof Prwidant Unooln. np to bU im b
barad. a- hata baoeTolanoaa and tba
oborob oUlmaot'# fund aad 900 ooowarta ara rrportad.
Tba naat in order wara tba Dlaolbe nigod that all prejudice againM tittmi
any man of any nation of anv color
in the room when the ehoottug
of any aeotion be laid aaide. He *Utpraaobartr Who are the •opar-aonu.
She tolli a thrilling «lory
ed that tbe aoluliou of the negro i^obatad praaobers? Wbat mambara
The motive for the
ohuroh.tbe proteetant onnrch of Amer- crime wa* Whiioornh's JealouHy. He
loa, and that largely through such
followed the woman from Chicago Im
work aa la being doue hf tbe Freedmediately after he knew tlrnt »he had
man'a Aid and Boulhem Edacaiion
deiurted lor thi# city to marry Sampthe tint aim of thi. ] ^
Samiw^m had rec-oired a number
e tome
aoolety In to giee
to toe negrtH-aand,
Tha raport of Bar----------of lettem from Whitcomb, threatening
Mcretary of the Coulorrnoa Claim poor wbltea of the »onth tbe
Ule if be miuned.the woman,
ch the hi*
^dowroem fund oommlitae the Lonl Jesne Ohrl*t. wbic
Battle Crtt k. i^cpt.lt‘-Mrr Notter.
apeaker deolan'd. if emhrouedI in the]
hoaru of Ameri» north and south. I
by Whitcimto will reol«4»d thni In no Otber ooufen^noe in
MatnodUm arv the agM Itiuerautt
tnOM betw..n mplt.l «od Uhor .od ]
more loTed and rerered. M
iu« all MathodUm. the do away with tbe infumou* bmIoou ul j
“'iri drfl.V*hvrr;m..u. of herwoond. ... ,onoc.
Wide world over.
Rtft. to
naaiad mlnhtera. In addlton toflO,*
000 prorided for in wllU. Baaldat
tblN a Rift has neeu made by an nnfcnown friend of flOO yearly for aii indaflnita ttme to oomc^ and beet of all.
aootber unknown friand hat offercMl to
build twenty comfortable bomaa for
auparannoated mlnlNtaM or wldowi
of mlnUleni. the work of building to
lu the wcoud place, the gre
great atm
of this work is to send
mm iHop’
have come from
into the SihooU. took
mon piHiple to raise thi ir BUnd**
life and make them godlike, with I
goapel of Gt>d
to make ttieir bodies pui
The third great objec
1 to help the negroet to help ttiemjlvea and in thi* ia their greatest
•iumnh. nnder tbe work of the go#Mr. Hamilton’a r eport.
Piaraon. repreBeniing the Ameri- |iel. The Tiotories of the work, it*
di^liiea and lu need* were set
tnfloance ii world
apeaker also received aufficieot coniribulioDB in tbe envelope* atwi in loo*«
ea«h to raiar tbe total to 921S. and
thi* baa been materially increased
during the day.
At the close of the offering. Mlaa
Bt««aie Kowena Oampbell sang a beautifttl solo, ••For All Ktemity." which
waa marred somewhat br a number of
people in the audienot* div*'onrf. ou*ly
making a diaturbanoe by leaving the
opera bouse during the singing.
nominating committee priwented their
nomlnaiiona, and the men named were
^^D?" Maaon, renreaenUng the KretHl. •leoled to the otfleea of the Fn-^ dmaa’aAidand ftoolhern Wncatiooal man's Aid and Southern Educational
societT aa follows:
Preildeul-J. T LaOear of Jackaon.
- .
luMM *r a rir. Bum |>raa»lted
Makt>KIo9W We. Wrvrhed-IW.
l>.m,ctic IciUiCTs. Kid «nd Calf
prtmtoM Mmr tol.rnoliaal
Imp. ratcnl and enamel leather*
Kew Yarit, Bept. IV—The Anthracite
coal famine situation it reaebirg an
9 stage. Oue dealer *ays he can
get any price. Te«terdgy a oommittee forwarded a h-tter to Jonh Mitch
ell, urging him to call off the strike.
premiBing to n*e their luflucnoe to
tore the dlffereoc«‘* aetlled by arbitratioo
In reply to thi* p
Mr Mitchell said the following: ‘-I
Handsome Waist Cloths
to Ctnts atr Vard and upwards.
New Goods in Every Department
Hlfred U.
cannot accept the Buggcaiion that the
men resume work with the lioj« of
future adjustment of difference* •*
midnight la*t mghf. »tnlcr* dntamited the home of Richard Parfjtt,
fire boas, employed at the (hlb. :ton
wafer abaft
The etploaisu
away a goodly ]>artion of the hon*.-.
Parfitt and three children were
Nearly $1,000,000
The claaa of 1885 of the Methodist
enferenoe hold a class dinner today
In the dining room of tbe Hotel Wbitn fine menu was served and
State Than Last Year
Tw.l A..H.U1 u. 1* I
ber. Pi.MiT.Uon-Whal thaCc
to IhlB Hrrtlo. hiMBt
Lan*ing. Mich.. Sept. to-Tbe atate
j lax to hr collected lu thi* atate next
Dewmber amount* M |^.867,-Ar*,-.*5.
; according to the annual apiortionment
iprejiared by State Aroaontani Hornxrioua board*
| phrey and a.mt to the rariou*
>tal tax last
an excellent time was enjoyed by all,
[d memoriea being renewed and old
mes lived Over to retroepect.
Tba mambm of tba old claaa who
preaant ware George A. Odium
of Whitehall. A. R Keillor of Boyne
City. F.
F A. Van DeWalk.
r of Pari*.
Boell of Orleani. J. B. Bow. n
Ooete* and Pennington. The apt'ciai |
pieces will be Moron * "Te b*-um 1
Landamua" by the full choir, and a j
trio for aourno. tenor and
baas, j
Verdi’s | \rm U*v«. a llamiwH anS FtMTimele
’’AttUa.” Mrs. W. O. C. Germaine:
Forrw««« Hall ToMorrow Aflat
will be noeompantat.
■oeeatserdoek. *
Db ia to take
place at Forcfter hall to
ning at 6 o'clock, A fine time U con
fidently aaticipated, and men from aU
to Wirr I
i are
invited. A
Kew York, Sept. 19-Oand DakelmenB will be served, and there will
of IFood Uiinga to tbe w^
^*bafoto bU*de^ri^*yeftor<LS^. jS -a feast of reaaon and a flow of
1 ••
Sam ate isc it tki sta<i
tu III. Majerty. The
I hcy arc made in band,
some, Uahionabie atylca.
Materials ate select^ with
citra carc.>Tlicv *uc made
by the l>c5t shoe builders
; A
242 frwt St.
$lot*$canied «Co$fumes
2^ mSTuSo^irr
Atop Hnt-Tli SiM Strlq 44idiud. 50c.
llatlet* and
Claaa were W A. Bobtowm.C. W
den. U. B. Partridge.
fitote are a numbar of namea yot to
ba aotod dbea. wblofa wUl be done toTbe ordlmuloo of
3 ?uy yuTfiniB***
Influence Promised to Have
Settlement by Arbitration
Bxamioers, and tbe action taken np«n j
Iba caaM before tbe oonferenoa. Four,
niambaga completed the courea and
dJ?S?d^ to lhi*"reT.S?o7irB^^
»hai rrury boj waafaF-plMty of »oraHa
tor hard Br-ar-pBi.1* Uu4 ar« all woul-lWal.
that af»ehMp^oalilyrumBdB*wL«-»tjrllX
of Lyon and
Joaopli. A c
..ffectod. Rev
rly oncB
Socretary-Oeorgr U. Arnold of Al l reduction of nearly
on.-million dol- elected preeident
' lar*. La*t year ITOO.Ouo waa raised
^^Troaautar-K W. UU^ofOocr,*..
Lalng of Ooopera-' for general j
A L to 1
alee Toulaht.
| from t» e fund running ebout the aama.
^ ' Mlaaloaarr Matolaa
r 14th O.
B.'cSnir*"'"'-*' •'
laak quarter annual of •k.OOa Dr.
Maaoa told laany amutiug a»oriea and
Strike Off
. t-AKItOLL, Lb. D.
. Kes-nlns In the ItOef
lAllr th«e of Porto KU
A report regard
ing the minuttoof the meeting was
rSi& by W. J. Oogsball.
A oommltlei' ooooeroing reguUUoos
vagardlng marriaga Uw* and cigar-
Knee Pants
tumbled to the fl» r bat e*oap'd un
hurt. Threats of lynching w^re made
if the perpretratom arc caught.
Camberland, Md.. Sept IV- Two
car* collided this morning on the
running from hire
through the ,Georges Creek mining
region, family injuring
of Gumb,rland
•evrtely fhockiug paRtengere. The
Dr. Maaon closed with an app.*al for
from the galleries. bo*ei and from th.U.. P^pl.
away from any other aooiety or oauae
Two Hip-PDCksts
eaaaot oooaln
tog a 116,000
5iKiL.v.T.:x 5s;?p.sr«i:^
aaylua *HU
i •”Fmt Baltimtr* t/tfn atJtiI MU'*.
___________ 1J6S-H
just received sh9w Slot-Seamed effects in Cos
tumes. Jackets. Waists and Skirts. STAND
ARD PATTERNS can be relied upon in mak
ing >’Our Autuma and Winter clothes. Be sure
to visit our Paper Pattern Department and in
spect our stock. Patterns arc issued for ever>'
need in wearing apparel. When next you visit
our store get a copy of
CI>eDe$igner->IO €eitt$
It is the favorite Women’s Magazine, edited by
women for women. ::::::::::
From Cop
-Co Bottom
There’s not a fault
daw You
See “1902
and Suits?
In the Trousere
we offer for Fall and
Winter 1902-3.
Fine Worsteds and
Casslmeres at
$2.00 to $6.00.
We show many hnndred pairs
Fine Trousers for
yon to select from.
iirosD eattii^ el«l loeAkatnct
tm MiMpktUtartaK Utmlmt»\
te. ta* «k* fforto MM Mklr to
«b. MlMta M« «b.ll.iiM«MM» vUl WWMto—i M—UItta toM toto totoU a^aad
vUltoc to to ihtoci vkM MMH7 to
Tbo oltjr-o BOW
Brtodop yoaiaadi r for tba 1
•ad it waa at oaoi
waehlaa it a good oat. A few
waaa oraabad yaMerday ood tooay foot taama bara baaa kept baty
iMlioE tba oraabad atooe to Caioa
root, wbaao Owitiaotor Pnmga’.
aw to at work laying tba ooaorata
Mr. P»«ro.lnt«$hb»lfUHEatoao
'artber dolay in mooirlag laatorial ha
am ptMEtoally oowpleta tha paTlag
Bttttnl lUws
of ItH World
lar. Cora wlU bo plMtltal.
aad aorgba« it wiU bo oabotilatod
for ooib for fodder.
- Mitt flam Oma Jewett, Iba woU
kaowa aatbor of Haw Baglaad obamotar oketobco aad ttorioi, waa tbiown
from bar earrtogo ia aa aoeldoat la
Soath Fanwlek, Me., aad rooMmd
aerlooi injurtoa aboat tha b«Maad
Tba NoTalo triha of ladiaao la Aritoea. nambertag $0,000 men. woaiaa
aad children, to mpidly amnoachiag
We are tbowing the largest and
cotaplete Kae of Reed Rockers
shown from
$2.25 IIP.
C. E. Maitay. Agaal
Wl%Klm V'a
only $2.75
oMtoaatl. fWPTtoto TM)
dtranwtow at E C- IM.'|
anttol aid it readamd by tha
at. or by tha peopla anoffl-
Wc do not Gamble away any goods and then add a little on other
prices to pay for what wc lose. Our prices are all marked altke; the
lowest that the goods can be handled for by experienced furniture men.
$4 SHOES $0
FOR....... $U
0.niTLEII. 43gLFlliglStl
%1«AX MAlll^ftUer I
WMBU m. ^AUMEBrnti
plat cm. ol wommly itiawaw, Donat
tUAMlEl. M«COT«rj
rssMi r. rowsss of i
biet laxatire for family aaa.
A special from Valdes. AUak^ aays:
Taa first of, tha coal oil in Alaska
sras struck at Ootolla on Baptember I
at a depth of $00 fact Tha gusnar
took erarytbing away and roae 16 feet
brfom It was flaaUy stopped.
Dr. Btaphea Paget, a aanreoa la taa
Iv' -a-:OBO. w. raf
PMMKag AUorwj-
waiid movement.
Lm thiD thfM ymn tfo tb« Metb•ilit okEMh la ilM UaiicMl 8uta« aa
"—■It that a fond of fiOOOOOOO
woaU ba aaadad for ohoroh <
wubla a cipoa ttOML The 8toi>eDduii»
8f««« atiffatad the avataffa ohureK
MDbar. and ocban baaldat But th,
Twaalatfa Oaatmry Forward Moment
waa orgaalaad aad tha work haEua.
What baa abaadj baaa aablarad ta ra
aarkabU. aad daaooakraMa wba
pliEh wh» be aett about it. alao tb.
wmmmitj of tba poopla of Amarica
ta mmmnmtnw a pood ^aoM. Rot.
M&weH U milt, la bit addraat br
iiOE hm. ffara a rorlaw of what ba»
htmTimm by tba aoraoMat aad aaMB«dtbattbatt«nuleaaa
_____________ i of $17.
800.000 bad alraadj baaa rmiaad. Tbi.
ta«lt tbowa that
baa baaa osarolaad
by tha 1
■rolaad bj
aad that the 1
a$$Bdad UbaallT fitMo tha fmlu of
thalr. iadaoMT darioc tba thraa pro^
vmomM jaan jatt paatad. Dr. IflUt
P adtott that the wbola aiaoaat will
ba talaad abont or aooa afiar tha $r»t
or Jaaaarr. 1$08. Braa aboald tbU
•01 ba doaa tha moTemaot hat aooon
pitebad a work which will ataad at
■iaaaitat to tba cbrlttian aeal of
VopU in proTidlaE the
wbMwarltbal to earry oo a work bt
wbtob baotyalty abaU racaira Uatinp
ha can fnraisb bridgaa for aoaaa that
hare baaa brokaa or that bare sank
in. All that to required is a naadle
syrlaga aad aolidifled pamfllB. wita
tha malting point at 116 degTacA Tba
akin of the noae to aiokad kith a soalptl at the point where tha iurgary it
to ba performed Tha needle to then
iaaartad and this introduces the pamffin. heated to tba mcltioE point, andarceaih ^tha skin. A firm pressore
t ten molds tha paraffin into shape and
fomtolres a bridga corared with heal
thy skin without a scar.
Tha crown prince of Siam.. Ohowfa
Maha Vajlmrurh. has arrived at Oopaafaagan. King Ohrlstian itaTa a din
ner in his honor. The crown prince
-uiitnuh? Ctoiinittor:bough, a prominent farmer lirlng aalto from Southampton for New York
A aoclul obttTvcr <rf-lnmu*rou* Fjtn- near Frankfort. Ind.. crawled into a October 6. Ba will riait Preaidant
patbltT reporu to the LUleuer a trait crerattc in a Urge ttrawttack and RooaeveU. make a two months’ tour i
of t Cblueiw torvan! .
In a while tberv the Ktraw took lire. Their
tnborban famUy which n rcaU t cer eacape wat out off and the boyt were of ABserioa. and will then mil for |
tain caiabUity for rwul.v aKHlmllnllon
Young Danntoon H. Bell, a pyrouietlHKlt of dealing
Tbe retidence of John D Rookfel- maniac confined in tha Bloomihgdale
with the iranjii problem. A hungry
tramp called one Momlny afienn^.n at ler at Pooantico Hillt, Weatoheater asylum, to one of the bain to the
ibe kitchen d«*or, and woe pn»mptly oountj, t
destroyed by Arc. The millions of hii father. Dr. ChristoclmllenEtd by .luhn. To John Ibe tmmp | hoilding
burned to the ground | pher H. Bell, who died recently in
aopiiosed to have started Germany. Bell crralCMl a
from croased eleettio wires
Newport two yearf ago by burning
"Uk* fltalir .Kktd JoUn. In lulnuat- $K*.aio.
down costly villas aad cunningly
Mabel CarroU. aged 15. shot and in- ooooealing the origin of Uie firea
Ilk. Art.” lb. tramp ai>. ataoly kiUed her aunt. Mra WUllam
finally admitted that he sraa the fin
-Call nidny.- aald John, at he abut Emcriok. In the Kmerick home at hug and was placed under reatraint
Mrs Emeriok waa after his insanity was established.
the d(x,r. with A tmlle Imperturbable.- Roanoke. Va.
standing at a bureau dreMlng when the The boy’s misfortune to beUered to
girl snapped a revolver, which ahe hare broken hii fathesto heart, for
C hloauo Potato Marktot.
cUims ahe did not know waa loaded. after the uposure the latter sold bis
Mrs Eme|[^ died icstontly.
Amerian property and moved tc
lougo, Bepk 18 (Thursday )-ArJapanesfpaj)crs received by the Em- rope, where he Bred in seolosion untU
nsato wan $0 curs oo Vorthwesteni.4
ireas of India report the capture of hii death._______________
ITS each on 8k Panl and Wtooonain
two sea aerpenu off the ooaat of Japan
Beads Altoars Plrsi.
antnd. and 1 oar on Burlington.
The market sras steady for good ripi> by fiabermen. One was a male measur The other fellows will show tho
600 ••Shoe Btrlng ’ 4-in-hand s
white stodk with the demand fair, the | ing 48 feet and the other a female 89
feet They had boms 2 feet 6 inches
of atook waa rather slow, wit imple t
* f«»t
I* the
■uppllesL A good deal of the
1. : opinion of scleutists that the aementa
Tlic railroads have arranged for
of'being disturbed Ay aetomio dtoturb- half rates for the West Michigan Fair.
demand exiaU. which
onV fh? ;“f®®**^**°“®**
deep water for Sejn. 29 - Oct. 4, from all points, the
Ich helps
tickets arc to be good for five da)-s,
c^e here by taking a part of tha sur- ^
plus offeringa.
Prince Ye. son of tlie king of returning Saturday, OcL 4. and this
KTtr.,1., DeUwM. O.. feature will bring many lo the Fair
n-S4o: 2 can Bd* Borbuk. M #sc. i*®*®®*"”*''*
lil. w>cntar3r, to at- and to the city lo do their shopping
tears a little grean at 84 e.,1 car atWesleyan university. The as well Grand Rapids stores arc un
88c Oar lots on track.
| prince has a fair command of Engliah. usually attractive this toll
o«l §m ibaoolartataaMitoCooi
badoi^wolldMa. Xbaoi^toMbU
have taken the |>tot»ct advanUge of >our younger years and
the Douglas Uuion made Shoes f
$3.00 and $3.50
saved a little money.
This bank welcomes savings
accounts large or small. It }*a>ii
iotcrest on your savings and
6-r IN THil
your money is sale.
a—• for }..ar.^4f tlMl th v
»rr lu*t ton s <«t In e«vrrT to»jr
Mtb'to- for whK-hkoubto’rVAJU'C W to
iu«t roiN-iv.^1 m nvw Ihh- ..f
tifto- tolii^ liitotln It, I. k »»lf.
n*-'ito .-flf.
iJl. $. Fryman.
If your bedroom furniture is the best. If it is bought
from us it surely is. What about that
You said you needed one. If you see our superb dis
play you would really have one-couldn't help it. We
have a splendid three piece bedroom suite, biggest bar
gain you ever saw, for only $ 12.75; There are all
grades and the greatest display in this part of the state
of thejnost magnificent goods that the greatest factor
ies can make. See the genuine solid mahogany and the
newest natural finish and the beautiful birds eye maple.
Our salesroom presents a bewildering scene as you
look down the long lines of beautiful beds. This year
more than ever are the fancy colored enamels used.
The designs are entirely new and more elaborate than
usual. You can buy a full sized Iron bed for $ 1.75 and
then all prices to suit your pocket up to $58.00.
Would be hard to sleep on, but if the plank was made
into excelsior and had a two inch layer of cotton on top
then you would have a mattress you could rest on, and
it only costs you $2.50 to own one. Our stock of mat
tresses was never so varied nor so large. "Nothing in
- mattresses we don’t have.”
Just as big an assortment of these as anything else. A
good spring for $1.45, or the best Ideal double spring
at $8.00. When you buy a spring you don’t want it to
go to pieces in a month’s'time—you want the best—we
sell them.
Jvaat. cHiF iBfeii ef liitoat aBi fl
^ JTa era Ercluiiro MgnnU for Trerorto City.
lot EMbara oT tbo Metbodiat
ia boopUabla aad fioalr «•
Tbia U iloalf la worthy of
Um boro baaa oatholy obooorod oad
•oatyoaa baa aoairbt to aio tho Matbadiot poopla fa aakiag tbU tha wool
•TOT held ia
Tba aaaibart of tba <
The tunc way conic and the
days will pass pleasantly if you
If tocks atuckod his feet so bars.
In double blanks Jim Dumps would swear.
Such trifles now don’t bother him.
For “Force” has made him “Sunny Jlml”
No need to suffer from hcau
l>on’l let the air get stagnant
- create a bree/c. Put in one
or more of our <lcsl
free, stmc or home. All of new
designmnd perfea construction
lanna to ba gratiiod with tba laaalt
EbOMfWlj fiatat Tba total aabaortpttOB waa $4$$ oad tha aolicitiair eou■Htii baa ooUaotad mry oant ol tha
•Mat. aad that wlthoat goiag twiot
•fiM a rtEElo^MoHptioa. la^
taaoBT oatea oitlaaaa bora offorad to
Thb large beautiful Ger.
Bsan' Reed Rocker, only
Look at the a1
aborc cut and <
nMUMi w Imk
$TiiET(» nninatuiiis
idc«4s ^ darttic- OorUtiWMrtof
■paper wportenH-I^jkenian wm.
one of «B-WM coMlantJy treated bj
him to oomo Undfol exploit Hi whlcli
be bad tieen mgBgtd, thongh be modeetlj left aUlbeciadit to mm oor else.
At one time be bad eo»e upon a man
OTcrpowered bj footpads Just In lime,
wltb tbe aarittanee of others, to dUre
her be had reecoed a child from the founh story of a
bumln* buUdlux, mentkming. by tbe
iray. that a woman bad l»reii rescoed
from the Hfth story by. some one else
ondfT far more difflcolt clrcumsUncrs.
Then there were constant etKOttntera
with rniti In the *MJves.” where Dykecunslderrd It necessary to go in
tbe pursuance of souh* of his assiffns, OixaskHiaUy
aaoh and arery oaae of Catarrh that
aaanct be oaiod by the aas of Uall't
Sworn to before me and anbenrlbed
ptmwm thal arary aantion of the so
aalladpliiandoak barrsM of Miab. In my tmenoe. thU Aih day of Deoeml^. JL D. 18W
Iiao aaa ba la-foraatod. Vearly all
W A Oleaeon.
' tba U«es planled hare tbrteed and ara
mow from twslre to migtVmm faet
naUy and acta directly cm the blood
Bara A. Faanoa, jaalioa of
psaosaad a tofblr raspwtod eaaldant
Bold by Dmgglata, 76c, UsH't fam>
of Poloakej ia daad. Ha vaa d4 years
lly Pllla are tbe beat.
of M*. and bad raaided In Petoakey
Ighi-let me s*«e. .\h. 1 re
l.rfist ulght 1
uo------siri'ct w ben s w i»i
window lu s house I wus |issalug
and cried for help.
1 w*ui iu and
found a thief, who liad gui iiito the
sc-cond flour of the house while the
family wire at dinner. Just climbing
latikx'work from s rear |»orcb.
I ’r«eh«*d over and. sc lrlng hIs <x>at
collar, drew him uil Just then a po
und 1 tuni.d him
aad etalnllT
for mara than iwaaty
^ AVMaraball. ItrUxg Amdla. a mam.
bar of tba high aobool foot baU taam.
bad bto oollar boaa fiaetarad In n
peaoUoaiama Wednaadny aftamooo.
Tba aaoldaot will probably pot a
dampar on the irame In thnt city for
tba aeaaon, aa parrnta look opon tba
aport at too rough for the yunngsters.
To saUafy Mra Natl.anlel Corrlslon
of Lapwir. who imagiood Toho felt
aomathlng crawling about her atomaoh. .a phyalolan appUad a atomaeb
pomp, and to hit aatooiahmaat mli< r.
ad bla paUaot of et worm ire inobm
loaf. Tba reptile wa. of Iba l.OOOlagged rarlely, and tb# woman tbinka
abe moat hare swallowed it year ago.
Onek from marrying kUry Reilly, tbe
girl of bit oboloe. at tbe time orlgi.
aally eet Friday last Ooyne met with
lakes oath that
theeltyof ToUdo. Ooonty and 8uh^
At Marqoeth' tbe 1 year old aon of
‘T>ld any one ds.* oinie In for any of
WlUiam Jobnaon was Immed to death
the fTedltr ask.-d one of the "gang."
in a Are whicli destroyed the lamlly
Y.-s; It was all due lo the xvoman
who called fur belli, .‘^lie luol Induced
isa for
the UUIII lu Ciller u el..ue» hr ssauHtlg
for thre<.^e
him tluit he would find the silnr there.
s hen abe got him In she slammed
SMomKilUrille, O.. "for Piles and the do..r and Uirued the ke.»
Fistnla. bat. when all failed. Back. ever, the d’-.r was frail, and1 he
len*s Amioa 8a1t« oortid me In two
U down. I lell yon she wss j.lueky.
weeks " Cures bams, fimtses, OoU,
Ooms. Bores, Erojitions, Salt Ithenm. that woman."
Hut where »veie yt»ii llie night licPlies, or no pay. I6o at Jaa. O. Johnfort* and the night Is fore ihaf; You
sou s and F. U. Mead’s drug store.
an- ne\«r with us any im*n% Ihi you
The stale of
lin*. im ahU.1 n-sem* »ome one every night*"
Inherliam-e law. Juil*:.. lluiiu. of the
Ramsey county court, hohla tluit tim
hastemd to add;
law of lisn N wmA,m.tUutioiMl ,.ih1 lu
".Nev.r mind, dear Is.y.
You shnll
ralld. and d..i
..f oih. i cmirta
j»eiid y.uirevenings w hen* you please."
have alneily found Imn.arahle llaus
Nevertheless iTiriosltV got the IsHtCT
as to hoiv l)yk< man ocimiueu uia k*isaid tliat he was ucanother
titoU to think that
and wss
aa Rooky MounUin
pan-tUm* in drill. Dykeivheii twIltiHl with the
860, Jaa, O. ‘
ut that lie had a Job to
an aoeldeot reenltlng in tbe faraaklng
of bit leg and blatrieodaoooclnde i
tbal tba wedding woald bare to U
Lord Klt»*hcner. In letnm f.u: the
postpon«ML Ueordaradanambolaaea. lemors lie li»a
In the UrlH..h
ractrujHdla. has pr*.».eiit.Hl to the rhy
of l^.mlon M fiin> i..|uii.|KHl ox wap.n
of tie. rhnrsrt.rMle N.utli .Vfrhun
M*rt. Whi. h wm. at oi,.. ttoio the j.ro|..
trtr of rr«T>lileiii Kru,.. r. uud :t ' loiii;
made lU home In tlie ohimaey
tom" w hI, h l ad heh.tu.Hl lo I he U-hta.
old atate i>riutary at Lanaing
At ooa
ttnsa a oonnl wna attamped aa the
birda circled aroand bnd alowly droppnA inU* ihft cdilmney, nod the nom.
bar ran more than »00. Tbe twallowt
^wtll aow bare to find a new home.
Tba morlng ran
men at Orand
Rapldt are boaier tbeee days than thsy
osoally are on May 1. Tbe rath It
oaaeed by the faot that many famlUes
ara being soared out of booaekeeplag
by the high price of ooal and other
aooeeaarles.andaie going to tryboard
ing this winter.
Krery Metbodi
of Detroit oonfaraaoe.
it said, baareqi
haareqaeatad the retam of lit
psaeent pamorr 1 for another year. Thlt
ia an onoaoal state of sffalrs and indllliat tbs work of the minietan
aea aatlsfsctory in eeery oaae
ime ga\ e lu explanation, so at last
OUiehl.hd o hunt up one for oxirSi-lve-i.
fh.su liig an evening when
we were all off «lu>y heg-ther. we made
our nrningeiuenis hi f..I!ow I»yken«u.
••Will you gu h. the Ihraler ibis evenlugV I asked hint "We sra sU off
toulglit and ran take In any show you
like "
"Thniiks. I would like to be wltb
A I., from all aUUoot Mackinaw C
you. hut you s4N'"to Big Rapids C. K Murray. Agi
"I don’t sec "
"Well. then, tliere la a hank"Wlmt Is to be thr hirkM*Al cotton mill
"Whh h U to In- ivi.lNNj tonight "
In thr world Is to In' lu<Tit«Nl tNM.n mnu
"How did you know tUatV’
Killians City. Mo. The tuvt*sttiu‘iil will
".Never mind. Go on."
resell about klO.itXMKia.
"They nee<! some man who Is quick
on tlie irlg^nr. who lias plenty of
snty in all tbe land.
There is no beant;
That can with her faoe compare.
"Tlunt will^: business Wore pleasHer lips are red. her eyes are bright.
Blie takes Rocky MounUin Tea at nre. You ran go to the theater with
Jas O. Jolinton.
We left l>ykemnn sUilng over a glass
On your ouUido doors oae Oal- of sour win# and salH.d forth, ostenman’s Elastic Bpar Varnish,
f J Mt
U.H.A I.sad
Hpecial T^^to Wiu
Rate from Trarerae Oity ronnd trip,
sn last Hatnr. 8ie.45
One extra stoiiorer allowed.
fatally for an Alpena man
day. Ha had enured
that afternoon while Uie
lit doors
d«^ were,
8rd. Ustc ‘TraTerse Oity In
mllerr and v ^
Wa^blngton 8;lo
bare hail a ' n. m. tbe next day. Solid train from
gone to alaep^ Be
berth Grand
had dream, for after a while be top.
Rapids to Washington, 84.60
plad orar tlie railing and fill to a
Make your resenrations early. Call
newbalgw.a dlatanoe of eighteen feet at oAoe or phone 12 for fortb. r de>
Mad beetmok on bl. luad. or fallen tailed informaition.
O. K.
aflforn tbe back of tbe imt. death
^woald probably bare baea InalaDtaae.
oae. bat aa It was be landed right and
was not Injnred In tbe ellghlest.
At OadUlar Mrs J
W Oobbs
aabrnrllmd 85001O the First Methodut
shairh psrsocagt' bonding fand and
the Uides* Aid eoeiety bis mwonnoed
its inmatloB to eootriham 1800 more.
Aotire wort tn mdieltiag for the fmid
wiU aow be eotared upon and the
amoani desired, fi.ooo. wUl probably
be enbsrrlbrdwlthln a few weeks
Aneightsea months’ old child of
Bert Vai»dc»bnnk..of
KOOd ^ U tb.
' Lmoky Oorve” Bold at KasUll's
At the oM fsi
U In Kwe
r lees for
IniiK luni res
tome hotels
irciil as one
day. The Uttle one had elimbed ap a man and a wife are char
grape rlae to gather giapee. aad bad and onc^bair persons if
tbe same room, A hnsl
erideatiy left tie bold. He booaet may travel at one and
llway. and also l.y ^be
eona by railway,
fumUhlng Ihelr
watehed till lie rarae out. then followed
lie sjwn stt.pped at a candy
store, from whieh he emerged with a
paper of sweets,
"Is he going to h.*nd off the tuink
rohlMTs l.y peppertng them wltb Ion
bontr* remarki-d oite of the "gsng."
A second stop was at n fruit stand,
when* he punUased some luscious
pcaclie* and yellow liauanas.
"I N.r," said anolher. "lie’s going
to seotter the skins on the fl<x»r In
front of the vault, and the robbers
will find their f.N t In the air and
thems4 lves on llM'Ir backs."
There w«to no more stops till Dykeman entered a little frame trap «»n tbe
outskirts of the ciiy. He went tn at
tbe door, oud wc l.N*k ihm.Iiion st the
wlmbiw. A dim light Hh.me within,
and there was half nn Ineh of space
Wween the window shade and sill
through Wlileh we iH'i-r-.l from the
A little girl of some seven
or eight .vesrs wss lyln* 00 a couch.
Her cheeks were thin, her eyes were
large and lustmus wlili .lls^'asc. and
their expression as they flarvd upon the
grciit tuuM-uUr Agtirecf Dykeroan was
that of om> who imd waited hungrily
for him all through tbe hmg day. She
thr» w her thin arms nlN>ui
bent over her and patie.1
l.aek. the only manifestation of her
delight vUUde to us now thal be wat
lietweeu tier and us. Th-n the candy
and the fniit came ont. and then Then s.m.cthJng I Ac sluin.e came
over us for eavesdroppplng. and one by
y fr.ua tbe window
the sight of this man. who was
screening hist«demew. and gentleness
wUh his I
and to
and the <child b.^* hi
keepi your liver uedng and your
Weet condition.
For sale at your DrnggisL
Ui»e bottle. 35
aaaU bottfc. to
in a
Ta» flmn m€ Ttsw.
II# went tM M real estate man.
"1 want xour ..pliiloti s. t- tl.evalne
of a errtaln plere of i»roperty.’*
Tlie real iwtnie man went f*ot and
looked at It.
"I khoald think kt.-i.noo s g.-Hl prir.for It" was the report.
"No more than thstr cried the Hlrat "Well. I won't ortl It for that"
•*Oh. yon own It and warn to sell!"
exclaimed the real estate man, -That
makes sll ttie difference In tbs world.
1 was hmktng It up from the point of
view of a man wbo wanted to htty.
My dear sir. It ought to bring from
• taojnOMtiMntritML8S~”.Sf
•OAaB'^AXll^ FLATFOMM.-----
Bos . iMdhw^mau tbe right to mote
Uve to a gtrl to win from her a eoDwiU bo fcMlon or ctUdo? This ts wbot ScrAoooal G. a A I. Excotoloo OoA
geont W’hcWwTight of tbe new. force
nb. to DotrolL ToUdo ood Obim^:
bos dene, and the ecblra of tbe tbUg
Ort 14th. to RichBMmd« lod. U*s o
are not botbsrtng him st sU, for bo boo
tbo lowo Doily GhpUot MTO: **Two
U - yon WAat to Ingb f^BtoU-
Xd6Mft*« MUMMfal oomeAy
asogt remarkable ntOroail ear
» in tbe world. Engineers of the
cylrama railroad bare for nomc
MT. hut those Uf OS Who t>eto the ‘•ganx," as we disre
spectfully refoirrd to ourselves heUykeiuan was simply sufthe wrong
rmg got
t of adveuspUerr onife and hlA s
hlksjuirs of siesiu fn*m his
safrty VSltd*.
It Ik lit. l»ykcman." 1 would soy lo him at dlnucr,
whin we weix* sssemlded at IIm? iJtUe
the alley where we aU
dlin**! togetbiT. **\Vhi re do jou spend
Condtnstd Dews
% of tnicblgM
Ugatloa into aa tmiqti#
saya the nttaharg Tlhwa. Tbia propoaltion la notblng 1cm than tbe driving
of six 330 foot tunnels Into the aide of
tke hin that riaca behind the tnloo
la tbcM tnanela are to be
ajid cleaned the btxndreda of
cars that are daily called lato oae on
the Ilttahurg dlrWoo of tbe great
trunk line. This suggestion was the
free offering of an eastern traveling
hla frequent JotmieyS to
man wl
i nttahurg licrame Imand th
tbe urgent nee
track fsclUUea about the
ai. He visited the rittshurg'offlcials
of the railroad, briefly outlined hla
Moxrlod Moo** won cm onbibite »t
fit Mxw. Ssmael Goldberg.
thoOnmd loot oTOAihtohd tbo Tiow
an. a lid. Ihiring oot os 0
gsrdorr on the diw|N>U
o pceoecit. Tbio brl|^ Amm
rremUra. he l>egsu mskli
of Oea K. BdoooB*o oomo love to tbe girt Tbe maiden’s bcort
rt 0.0000 oohonlBodoBdWi- was UghUj won, slid tn three days she
wss ready to ekgw with him. Then
be began talking olxiut fnnda.
could they go lo I'sris without a lump
Inst eveolrg. While the flrat two oeto of money? Nettle fell iuto the trap.
ore aotbolsteroos, the third oet ornkm She confessed that whe had Ukeo the
op for ony slow goiting of tto pro-
uTlovtT .
doood throogh tbe evening odd life
mod goiety to tbe ploy, ’ibo doaoteg
of tbo My«ra Bistors is oopoeioUy
b# would 4-ouvert I
Into rash for their
Mr. WbtNdwrtghi
Engllah—to> tell tbe sergram what site
creditsblo. *-TwoMorriodMeo**lso
thought of him, but the sergram says
direrting offort io ton-mokioir ood ^ does not mind at alL-I*lttshurg
took well Uot oveoiof. It U to Uogh
tunnels Is to be
oaditsrtJoetiswoUottolood. **Two
I to ai'eoniinodsu
Morried Moo*' U tbo bOlot the Otood YOU shoold boy 000 Of 1
four aundard length conches. They
ogoia this erooing ood It wUl doobcwlU he wide enough for two tracka
•2.60, tbofs alt a
and three paaaagewaya bruad enough less draw another faU boose, ”
the car ricaners to work with ease.
Manager Berger wbo managed Sol
FHectric light wUl dhpel the darkness
of the huge caves, while l.rlek roofs Smith Kuaseii throughout his long and
aad cement floors w III k«N'p the d.nmpThe tunods are to IW ch>i-e
uce to them will l»e
gained l.y a Udder track eoime*'tlug
Mr. Berger has been trying
with one of the main yard tracks. The
wlU iM. driven Into the hill
near the upper end of the traliiabed.
close to the very pUera where the cart years' contract at the Castle Square.
when th trains nre Mr. I^wis was |irc%'ented from ac
made up. U U believtHl thnt tbe entire cepting Mr. Berger’s tempting offer
lie done for rauKldi-rsbiy loss Mr. Lewis will be seen here in the
thau 8300.0110.
Slop and ciamiiic our stuci. lis.
lamous Russell play "A I’oor ReUe tracks now UHj-d arc !nveutiN'iith strxs't knuckle, tion** and a sidendid performance
months they ha^e Ikvu mav be depended ujion. The lUtc here
iciuate to the dcuuindt is Saturday. Sei>l, 29.
ir» and our pricp arc lair, w# also
them, but there w ns no
way to increase their rapacity. An ImLincoln J. Carter’s latest scenic
piirtant part of the l*nUm station U comedy drama "The Darkest Hour.*’
nndiTground. It was the lark of r«>ra
saul to l>c one of this most prolific of
thal Impelled the ronstruetU.n of subauthot’s grcaicst efforts will be seen at
iMiggage r»Mms and tnirks.
Sicml>crg’s (’framl next Wetlnestlay,
Srpt. *24 th. ,\mong the many well
known jibyers may be mentioncTl. the
and well known German
hold cxpcflimMit is to Ik- tri.d l.y
the lluug.*.rlau-goxeMiim i.t. A.Hx.rUiug
lo the VIenim ^'om‘^IN.n.h•tlt
Standard, it pro|H.s«-s to gn illxc
.hies liv funv. In MU the time
grenl immlgrnll..n lu the Ufteciith tfutury. if not in fon-. the T.gji.tlans have always Uvii .exiisnlUigly
i:nn.,H«. It
ns ..f a ihh
U Hot cosy lo take a <1*umis
luadic iNN>ple. I.ui if any
may be plav'cd uik.u olticial i-Kilmntra
Hungary may almost elnliu to In- what
"pn.mhe corrcs|»ondent rails
laed Und" of the nice
U#ved. Ita iop«y iH.i.nlaiion rrarhos
100,000, It i*nssraM*H mon- ttian a quar
ter of the t..tul for all l-.nn.iH'. Uou
maula. lu.we\.-i.
an even
larger iimnis t. lit.-'’uHl Walla. hhlU
pn.vlm-e luiMstg
Inhu cm- of their
gri'atesl Miongholds. 4;om jnm.-Kjs. chIKN-ially of the luit.riml oMit.n.mat pat
tern. Imve generally Usikeil i:|-m llw-se
auhemL-in wand
and have souietimra taken Gtv i
e^j.l..n, t
I fiYTtheir
WS4-S with slight
‘ matl.T of that
lu:u;;:ry s
. 1 llolt.-d t
hare a mimU'r of gn
whether they like it or iiei. They are
to U' traluctl to hamli.Taris or to agrirultnral UU.r, and such of tlicm as re
fuse to bend IlH'lr lUN-ks to il-.e yoke
are to In* galheivd lnt.» two grt-nt ni
formalories holding l.«ss. nn-ah itrauts
iclu llj.n- Is
I the xioilou
centuries will at mio- n'e..m He them
selves to regular hour* and to sl.H*plng
under a roof for all the w««-;d hke tlio
sttllonary gentiles fiu* wh-.m they often frt-l so much contemid. Uni ihthaps tbe ctmtempLnt.Hl mcasurra arc
Intended less for n.tnal eiifon'ement
than to frighten away the Ilomnny.
Who mightl prefer to meoi the Transylitier In Uot
Jsmra i». Lyuian .*f Wnierbury.
Conn,. imjNTint*MMl.-T t rf tlie Standard
Elerlrii- Time tvuepanv. huk Just Inveiited .n new eUN-tnr G-u-.l rloek
which U liUeiidetl, k:i.vs th.- Jewelers’
CircuUr Weekly, to 4.j>enite bell, and
signals on fsetories. schoul. or other
A writer In the Medical Times advo
cates on aanlUry grunnds the subaOtutkic of slomlnlnm taliJeU for paper
bank bills.
F-wirtmy, mrngo%.
Tbo Oomsdv Boocest of 4 osaarmi
Spcdil Sccnco!
Hord SpecUlUesI
SparkllBC Will
Pretty Girts!
(^•^...25, 35aRd50e.
r now no Nalr. ’PbooP Hr.
Dry Oood*
tiful vocal renditions o! "Little Bunch
of I.ilacs," ".Xpiilc liUissoms” etc. In
his lated efiort, Mr. C'artcr has surroundcil this particular star with an
ertinent and «ajablc comi»any.
member being carefully selected for
their jicculiar fitness for the role as
signed then, niic jilay is full of exciltng climaxes and sensations, mak
ing It one of the dramatic treats of
the scas«»n.
BENDA charges no fancy prioea for
Kocherter Clothing.
A.D«d €>klo gtraralo* Vte M. A N. K.
You will find u> .t 511 E. fill. St„
alw.3r. ready to mre >-ou. Call an>i
O Oeoo^r^
X 01. mnimeti
regular train until Nov. 1st 1»Q3.
D. L. S. & M.
ami Dck So.
F. A. Mi
. Cuuninghan
toknkjnc lM**rim.-nl-
It would take a reporter most of his time to keep you
informed on the store news here, but we can only
mention some items from time to time as we get a
minute between sales.
today it’$ Silk Dre$$
We jus opened up a big line this morning, made of
Taffeta and Peau l)e Soie Silks, the greatest values
yet. the
Ni. kl.-.
. . .
Ch-. k-, .-a-h u.-tii*. In
t.-rtisl fvvvi»u«-s<'o*unl
numbtr at SS.50 You’d guess $12.
Iv.lllS Ul
a*ui Ul
iw ei
And such a fine lot at $io.oa You’ve paid a half
more for no better—the others are
. .rf d.-,—
>r»res»#r rislma to Hsve Proof That
AMOrlro Wos lokablte4 Tbra.
The University of Kans.is has .-mother proof to offer tlmt Am. rira was inhabited In glacial timt*'i. mivs a sinvial
disiialch from Lawremv. Kan,, to ihe
.New York iimcs. rn.fe>H..r tVUUston.
who declares that the -loinKlng skuir
once belouged lo th.-'lKHly of n prehlsloric man. now comra forward wiih
this statement. Isicking tij* the unherslty curator, II. F. Martin.
There resta In tl»e inosenm of tbo
University of 1Kansas at luiwrenra tb«
d:HC«»vrrcd by Mr.
Martin in wratem Kansas several
years ago. They wtre taken from the
place w here they bad U-en ImlNHldi-d
In tbe rock. This stralnin t.f the earth
need at of the glaeial {ntI^a |wo
skeleton was found imbed
ded an arrow head. It was made of
flint and was so skillfully and delicate
ly faahJoiied that It o.uKJ^i>ot be mlsUkeu for oilier Hum It w as.
Grand Opera HousS
$I3.S0, $1S,00, f21.50, $25.00
You should see this line.
Miaa'44 Micaatn
T.M.140 u
Orand TrmT-
more new monte Carlos today
Visit our Cloak section whenever you come down
town, it’s a rare treat this year.......................................
As a usual thing, the bet
ter dressed a man is the
better he behaves under
all circumstances. It is a
cheering sign of the times
that men generally are
paying more attention to
their attire. Many arc
encouraged to do this by
the fact that by wearing
L. Adler. Bros. Co. RoChester made clothing,
they secure as good a
reputation for dressing as
well as their acquaint*
ances who pay twice the
money to swell merchant
Uibrs. $12.00 to $22 56
gives you all the dress
advantages that Uilor
made men secure at $25
to $50Ga
Mr Mk*r Bob «ail I
oa4L back h**tMr toDom to ion. mat
«tt tka Mao (IrL bat wtU tho «OMOfw mrrtn tnm fadlac th» nat Oabatoa
CoBu Dono.
•a ooiaad It at tbo ana tiao aad
for aoruo workod to-<b» aaao rtty.
m§ Mid DOC rmj well rootloiie f«^
mm, mad we at Uac drifud apert. Far
•wtdia wa rorraapooded. Uien fiUlU
M tnck of rarb caber.
MMWWIa for dw tbe romanee bad
PM M of tbe Arietthe amice, abd
It M baeoiDe Ibe drtml»r hmiomm,
•mnlabad. at wui^ii 1 »tnieri«<d to
oiaaa, Bapt. 19—The next
aays the New York
doead by any woman tboa far.
orlflBallty baa gained prestige for Its
owner, ai. i aU aodaty folk ere a-flutter
over If-luirodoctlon. Tbla oriental orBam.uu wbVrb la faatcnrd with four
rings and a bracelet, covers the entire
bark of the wearer's band, lu make-
aroha Multaat waa finally affaetad to‘'•y
It Us baen d»dd«t to
and dlamouda. It U of froetrd gold,
and ha openwork la tborougtdy orten
»rry mile tal in dmlgn. Iijcmaled with the pre
■•••yr ai
of uiy dotW llow- dona stooea of many deacrlpilonamm. ttat* w*. DO bHp for mr I
Tbe Urgeart atones In the center of •W-t^to BOO... BOW-.
the omamest are rubies and are aurrtmuArA with alternate rows ..f aniaU
diamonds and pearl. 1'j.ch ring cun
Too Bailli-Berl Mllier,
Ulna an opal which U surrounded
i^aa paaaad me aod wUUpered ia n/ with dUmonda. while the bro«-elet conOrsoicbMn—Dan Losidon.
4 O.-a la Ira winute.." ibeo alau of diamonds and sapphire* >tu-rGaapard—George F. Knowiaa
pMod OD ODd waa Joat la Ib^ «rowd.
Who ha warn, obat be laraat or
JrwrH l.e<ler-ked woman who ly. aVd.
how ha came to kaow me aaa a mya look* forward to the Introduction of
tmj. Ur traloind a. a dHrctlre at aomHblng new and oiigln*l will e^l^ aaaurod dw that 1 wikt»t I-. on deatly find In tbU band covering aa
tha track of a mnw
ateataa.** 1 bare It
will Go Agrtaai Elk RapMa la
iry. will irt^iUbl
g the •oclal art
Foot Boll 0*ao Nr«t
* *Y
tha placa. aotrr^ It
fonayinaa. Ue aoon rnfrr«t loaaad
na without a
prlrata dlnln*
lowad him. The d«a waa ac^rc^Iy
aaaadwhaohaaaJdto me
-ira aocaa time alnre w<
laat 1 aaw of you ym
off by a M with a loIr
oa your wnata. ho waa I. *
•^Mamonaa aro not alwaya i.lraaaut
Batter come to the |ioim at
**Blffht you are. HHuanma and I
(you kDow tflDiDOQa: ha waa artib ua
OB tha otber >obJ waa dlacbar*ed laat
waalL Wall we re r»il*y t« <raek a
hBBk. aod wa are badly In need of a
BBB wa can trust to wairb. If you'll
jalo ua. we'll share the plunder In
I eooaeatad. and be unfolded a plan
to lob tha -tb National.
Uow tha nan bad nlataken me for
aone ooa alee 1 could not Imagine,
nowvrer. 1 dW not trouble myaelf tery
nueb about It. being aliaorl-Hl with the
aroodarfol piece of luck that bad InfaUsB Boe. I waa too old a bird to
flra away my secret fur imlblng. I
want to tba president of the -th Natkwal and told him that I knew of a
F! about
rsssd Is CAlllsrsU.
Ira|»orUnt dUroverk*. Iu.v.- l«en
made by l#r. Kelley and hi* brother.
T. U. Kelley of Han rraiit l*<-u. who
recantly relumed to that city, mays the
New York Time*. They made a trip
alone down the gorge l.-luw the iJrand
canyon of Ibe Kings river, throngh a
region wUlcb la aaid never to have been
ayalemallrally explored lH-f..re.
They claim to have dI*eo\ered a rrgkm whkb aurisusea by far the world
c-Iebrated Vowmite valley and which
will some day l*e more famou*. l^xHimliig eventually the tourist yi.x-ca of
('alifomla when It la pm Into mmmu
ulratlon with the ouukle world.
• cliff '
and forty awsM-latloua eiiruU.d
men la«l y.wr ami rX|N-. t to make the
numlier of atudeuta
this year.
Thcae men range from fouruin yearn
of age to *Ixty. and Mi»i»'T o ut of thinu
vkiwl of mcrclal,
the rtud.tita :r5
1:5 iM-r
Ubbery a year Ufure and s4-«- are imvhanlca. 25 i*-r .•enl In the gen
to tha |»enlU-mlary for five eral trades, and but 23 i*t <vnt are
elerka. The cUsaes lu cin.-* ami Eng
foaad my broiber
gUah brauche* enroll fully 75 i*-r .vnl
aaw me he threw btmMdf on my mvk of foreign bum yui
**Oh. Tom. this comes of rtwding
Oaborlan and Cooan l>oylc: *
•'Explain. Bob.**
•*! fell In with wome men who proposed to rob a bank and convinced
thorn that I waa one of tbelr kind, lu^
fora I could cxpUln how I Inieodi-d to
trap them they were am-ated and
peached oa me. rajicra w .-re found lu
aty room connecting tue w ith them. 1
waa arraatad. tried and iwDvlcted. The
aaaa who got the reward I bad bo|*Ml
for was a new^per niiorttT and no
ffatacUva at alL 1 wUh 1 bad the ne. ka
of Gkborlau and Cooan lv>yle lu one
Mae. I d hang both of tbt'm blgb.^-
» frtim other nation*.
Teat. r*r C. A. R. Me*. _
The national encaiupmeiit of the
fSrand Army of the U.-public will W
held In a m
monster tent at Tamp Uoose.
veil, la Wa *hUigtoii. whl.h win Im- kv
rated In
White Hu
big cln-ua lent eaiaibb- of seating 2.000
veteran*. It will l*e floon-d and *uppllM with Chair* and a large platform
and win iM- drai^ with the national
mior*. There will bt> a regular mlllUry |»atn.l eataMl.h.d. and gn.upcd
than rnmmtx -Xou ahould have taken precan- atom the big tent will to a divien
tloiia. I hare Just made fio.ouu for amalkT lent*, whicb will to used fur
€ximmltif*« meeting* of the encampdolag what has sent you to prlaoi
1 want to the govemor and staled
■y own and my brolher'a attempted
Tkm C**«*re mi
work la aach a way as to secure
a pardon. We are now angmgaNl
paytaC boalBeas-not as detrctheaawofd.
iMdlt op on the f 10.000 paid me by the
By proof that wUl »o ecmtradlctkm
If any ooa menthma detective etorlaa
•r the datacUra aarrlce to Bob, be PaU Mall aaart ytold to P*ter*o.ier row.
•Md hasp oot of the way of bU flau.
-r. D. H. to W*»tnHaatar Gaaatta.
FonaiUn pen ahould hloi.
Tba faaenU of Mrs. M. MeOarTr
oeoanad thU amlng at JO o'clock
$$ «i
far m a/ttarwtam
____________ nt-li
Folal Ilaod-oo (Wllloloa oa W
a result of a
head on oolllaioa between two paaaanger trains on Uh* PUUbnrg A Waatom
railroad, near Witmer station, this
morning, five iioraona wen- killed and
two acnooaly Injared All the dead
fore b««n explored .-and U Inmnd to
lake rank ahead of Yow-mUe. There
are #h«-r cliffs there *ur|«i**lng lu
height aud gnmdeur far fame<! El < a|.
lun. The country la so hugely rough
that In one iiortlon It took na three
days to make four mile‘s' hhidway,
►cajlng cllffa the whole time. Th^ vir
gin country la simply alive with wild
game, ll U a region of w ond.-r*."
Kitui* the return to the ouuide world
Ue Queatloue<l im- to get of these explorer* enmest effort* have
a dew without paylUK f«r U. but I been jiut forth toward the bulldlug of
aaalad my moutl^ and Iw bnally con adequate trail* Into ^be new repUm and
tracted to pay me wbal I anked.
develoidog It a* the lust and gmnda».l
Of couraa on the hIkIiI w.- were to wonder so far revealed by CallftrmU.
rob tba bnak I bad iM>ll«^cn .rationed
at conraolent place*, who at the
proper time awooped down upon ua 6HAH ADMIRES PARISIENNES
and capturud.ua red luindrd and Ju.t aUDDed a Weddla* l**nr *»d Oav*
as tba burglar* wen- aU.ui t*. get
Dria* ferBla* C.«iaatere.
awee wtlb fTS.UUO lii blUa, besides a
The shah displayed d.m«MT«ijc quallarge number of govermueut Iniuda. niea recently lu Parla |.y playing a
1 waa UA away to Jail with a |mlr of game of blUlarda with Ibe grand v laler
handcuffs on my wrlat*. wbbb were tu the bUllard room of ih- Kl.v*.v Pal
Uken off am soon as I wa* out of at-e hotel, says the NVn York Il.rald,
Bight of my colalwrem. Meanwhile The “king of king* ’ inanlf.-aled great
tha mao who bad uuH me on the eujoym.-nt when hU cuUi|ietllor mlsacd.
atreet waa standing beside me w aiting um| he W..II .aslly.
for a Black MarU.
Th.- *hnh altgidcd the Theatre I'ran
cal* to hear a Jlaaslcal drama. I.ul wa*
not greotly ideaaed. lie prefer* the
••egcepl through you. Now. i lM-Ue\« rhatebd, where there 1* a Mg Iwllet of
you gars us away at Ituffalo. Vuu’ll pretty girl*. Ill* ndiuiralion of the
pay for tbla.fair M X bd him to atop a bridal cor
The ne*t day I rerriv.tl my jwjr aiel tege In the Ikii* and galhinily lu |w.*la the erenlng aal by my tire Mimklug a.-ut the lirlde with a J'en.lan gold
contentedly and plamang for a m w piece, for vvbhh the cn.wd < b.n-rid
Btart with my capital wben the fact hliu highly.
auddanly popped tnlo my biwtl that I
The *h:ih tMiught twii munk« \ * at the
had been luUtakeu for my twin Jardlu d AeclluiaUtlon. When they
hmCber. Dad Boh gone to the l»ad> Wen* taken to hi* h..l«-l. hi* |mm>ts out
My own bmtUer. l»om at Ibe same of j.-aloufcy swore like plral.-* In tlatuna, grown up with me. a burgUr. a IVrslnn longue.
MUblrd^t w aa atckenlng'
▲a soon as I could get away I aUrt
ad for Buffalo. There 1 vl*Hcd the
abler of
that had occurred lu that city, but
there waa no record of any one of my
■ame-Wharlon-bHuK i-oi.mvt.-d with
any of them. One day u,tK*lUv
at the atiaat fair at Central I ^
The game will be playwd next
neaday, beginning at 10 o’cloc
BRd a toRfUM S iSlUm f
Frmk Baftimma a/atara af J
PropooMl With C'aplt^ of aSO.-
Chicago. Bept Ih— cattle tmit.
with apropoaca capitalisation of $50.000.000 la in prooaa* of formation, ac
cording to a number of local
The new combine will promote the
cattle boftineea of the northweetem
and aouthwestem states, which u
a practical monopoly in this oon
Vienna. Sept. ID-The acooai
Assistant Oashler Jnllieck of the Acs-
Detrolt-Whrat. 76 and 72;
Chicago—Wheat, 78 and 78; eom.
aDdsoaMeorthe important re
ports win be made to the ooDfoeDce
tomocTow morning.
Some of the
memben of the atatistics committee
worked a good dare of the aigbt last
night, and are aearly done with their
reports far them diftrictE
The hearing of the fiixb annual ac
count of Wflliam E. Davis, execu
tor of the estgte of Thomas Haywood
deceased, was had today before Judge
of Probate Loranger, and an order
was made allow^^ sai^
of the claims and acer of the esute ol
Alexander M. C. Lewis was had today.
The Slate Bank’s sutement- ap
pears in another column and shows
footings ot $1,889,140.58. This is a
fine array of figures and shows that
the inoease since the last previous
statement was issued has been $180,000. There has been a stead}* in
crease for a king time and during the
past year it has aggregated $800,000.
The figures show that the per^e of
Traverse City and vicinity have mon
ey and that times are good with them.
The Btalcmcnt also shows that this is
one of the strongest banks in Michigan.
Piol. DeCommcrct sriU give a cali
co hop next week at the Academy.
Invitations arc now out.
The Knights of Pjthias arc looking
forward to a very enjoyable time at
their ojicaing season hop tonight All
Knights and their Udies cordisllv invited,
a M. Brown is confined to his
home as a result of running a rusty
nail in ms tool.
The advance sale of scats for the
engagement of ‘O-he Darkest Hour”
with Karl Gardner, will open tomor
row morning.
E. S. Williams ol the bicjxle repairing firm of Williams & Alberts, has
been appointeil to a ]x>sition as
cling representative of the Rac>lc
Comiumy. The place was given him
in preference to a Urge number of ap
plicants. He wiU start on the road
in a short time
The dance to be given Saturday
night on the new pavement 9n Front
street and the epneert on th^ iwch of
the Hotel Whiting, have b«n post
poned until next week, the dale to bf
announced later. ^
The Congregational ladies will open
their rummage sale tomorrow at
I'nion street.
Mr*. Johnson relumed to Manistee
this rooming with the remains ol her
late husband, who dic<l at the .Asylum.
She feels vciy grateful to the Elks
and Maccabees, who assisted her in
caring for the remains.
ThcM.A* N. K tram to Cedar
Sunday will leave at 9 a m. and 2:80
p. m. .
In another portion of the Reconi
apiKrars the statement ol the condition
the First National Bank, showing
ihs ago, and is the ''bcM showing
The muried ladle* of St. Fnnoie ever made by the bank, which has inohcrch iJ^ a rrogreative pmlro part* crcakcvl steadily since its organization.
Hst nl^hTIn the achool hall, whicb
figures show a sound con liiion
was well att.nded Fruit and ice
cream and cake were served. The fi»h
|iond addnl much to the amnaemeni
r business of the bank.
the evening The proceeds will go
towards parchaaing a new organ fo.
the clmicb
iss Cora Mason of West Unity,
io. is the guest of Mrs. Edgar
Mrs. James. Kehoe and roothci,
Mrs. William Smith, visited Petoskey
Fr. Fecdham and his cousin, Fr.
Mrs. Crane of Deiroit will have O’Bnen, who have been the guests of
cliar>;c ol the milliner}- dcj»artment of Fr. Bauer and Fr. Ncetlham’s iiarcnls,
the Boston Store this season. It
for the iMLSt week, returned to jackannounced a few days a^;o. that the son and Dcuoil this rooming.
Boston Store had engaged Mrs. Hope
Dr. M. C. B. Mason, the emi
of Oetroil as head trimmer, but t
colored orator and educator will
unable to come.. ITie day before she
leave the city this evening
expected to start for this city, her son
the Metho<Ust Episcopal confer
mat taken cnlically ill and is still \cry
cncc at Streeter; III.
low. She will not be able to c
Fred Simms, formerly employed bv
but they have been fortunate tc
cure Mrs. Crane.an able trimmer and the Record and a graduate of the
High School, left last evening lor
Peona, III, where he will enter the
Mr. Rosenthal has also received
Bradley Polytechnic Institute.
the lollowmg letter, which cxpia.ns
Dr. Archie McPhail of Northport
is in the City today.
Henry Kmgsworth is in the city to
day from fiellairc.
He is training
and driving lAdy Restive, who has
DETROIT, 8.pt. Iflth
been inside the money in all the races
Mr. ChaiL. Rosenthal,
ot the year except those in Grand Rap
Traverse City, Mich.
ids. He will race her at East Jordan
This will imroducc to you Mrs. this week and Gaylord next week.
Cranc,.who has had charge of our
Miss lane Shurtlefl of Cross VUpattern hat order dciiartmcnl am lage is visiting in the city.
customers* cop>nng room this season
Biglow and Mrs Clancy, who
so v-ou know that she is proficient it
the management of millinerr depart have been visiting relatives returned
Bangor today.
menis or she would not hold such j
Cornelius Krantz is visiting relaresponsible pUce in a concern like
ours. She IS a splendid saleslady as
well And 1 know that she is just the
right party lor )*ou. It was with much ATTEKTION FORESTERS, The
difficulty thaU conld persuade her to
Forester* wiU give a social dance in
leave our pUce to go up to you and
their hall after the businca sessioo
indeed we scarcely know how we are
evening, after which regoing to get along wHhout her ourlU win be •eri'ed. All For•elves, so have strcached a point to ac
esters and their ladies cordially in
commodate you. You can really con
gratulate >*ourself as I think she will
prove even more satisfactory than
fraak BaHmam a/afara at Jackyour first choice.
Trusting with aU you will have a
good season, we are
Venr truly j-ours,
Mitcheli-Moody-Garton Ca
By W D Moody.
Vice ITesidcnt.
G. T. 8toat, MS Stale etreei. at T
By Wtr. to t%m Evralnc IWonl
Oyxtcr Bay. L. L Sept. 19—Prexideut Roosevelt started on his western
trip on the S>*lph at 9:80 this moml
ing. A disagrcablc dmxlc prevail
Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Alice
Roosevelt and Miss Ethel will accompany him to New York. The other
members of the preadent’s lutny left
at 9-.30 on a special tram. They will
jom the prexi^ent at Jersey Chiy from
whish point the start will be made for
Cincinnati over the Pepnsvlv ania road
at 2:14 p, m.
rot WkH. our Mark-lo
ONi-Y wf.es
TbU bed wiik a iqaire incle nD
»t the head and foot, worth $3.60,
ot with beautiftil gold trimminp have ,voar choice, only $1.66.
Wc have a large stockof Iron Beds which we
wish to reduce, and In
order to do so we will
five 10 per cent off our
Refular Price ::::::
Wc Cordially Invite You to Call and Sec Our
Large Stock and Big Bargains
mu KM milt (onpiiii
By Wlro- t.. lb- l^rnin* II.,-.i C
New York, Sept. 19—The last
hitch in tnc information of the steam
ship trust, that of the transfer to J. P.
Morgan & Company, the stock of
the While Star.was practically cleared
away totlay.
OUR STORE. 106 Front stn^t, will
be closed all day
Remnants of Black and Cold Wool Dress
Goods for Waists, Skirts and Dresses
length I Ji yards to 7 yards. We don’t look
at the cos
-we’ve got to gel rid of the rein*
aacuau r*u A
Special drive in Ladies’ Dressed and Un
dressed Kid Gloves.
Lot I—Ladies’ Dressed Kid Gloves, all sizes, worth $1 00. to clc'se - . vV/G
Earrkm Whml TUnr.........
Lot 2 — Ladies’ Undressed Kid
Gloves, all sizes, worth $i J5 for-..
pEPvmToK THE cwNiirnoN c»F the
Who holds the Lvckjf Number on Bedroom Suite ?
tbi Boston Store
r .1. IV*»djii»n h»nd
U S H.*k1b
*lis •«
1C*..-: rc
Willinerp w Opening
tlMok.. mnd Mih,r
\^u are most cordially invited to
attendourMillinery Opening on
TuUl ..
fttB.f ..f Mi«hi<*n. l-..untT «if Cintnd Tr*r
1. r^nTw. ltoo..-B-»»irr «.r th.hBtak.do —l.-mnlv-w.»rth*t
ni.-nt la iru- .to ito U-kj of xuy kno*
Special care and extra efforts have been used in ob
taining the Latest Designs of .\ew York, Paris and
London Patterns and to this end, we have engaged
Mi>s P'ilman of Chicago, who is an arli'il of unusual
merit and will be present to show you the most Pasty
display of Fall Millinery* ever brought to Traverse
: ' :
: , :
€. Wilhelm
Cor. Front-Union
Saturday is the Day
Sunday’s Meals
Jacob Fuftsch’s
sm siK eROCEBr
Cadies* ttlool Bests and
We place on the Bargain Counter today about
TEN DOZEN. Ladie's Wool Underwear-ii’s
a discontinued line, it’s our One Dollar line,
we have a better one this year, so wc have
priced this one to close it out quickly —
69c a Barment
TOO can find a complete
rtockofitaple and Fancy
Four pieces for $2*50
Groceries, Fresh
Vegetables and
Fruits, i;!;;
It's a big saving to you. and will give us the
room for the new line. Every garment perfect.
naiBM « UMWIiai
$iz«*«4. 5 and 6.
... :
a. MUkc miMni Mr tktM-|
The New
Moves On
I and COB^ the atol with toola
oiAf mxAi ICOUIP man) up
• country and to culUvate tha
dtbim. write* therartocor.
: of the Loodou Tekgraph.
CB have received aneb namaa
lUX. Voluirv. Boebambeaa.
PrcTod-raradol. Oororllle and Camobett. aod there will no doubt In time be
a \Tctor Hugo and a Carnot Tbe
coiootol office offers cooccaalooa of Und
your atrength and energy go
ing the kind of elothea yoa
la ant ef theftr
felt like a new mi—
etomanh aad liver troublee. Only 1
at Jaa G.
Johnson’s and F.
cow tf^hey aaw her. Now. to K not
me emioeao for oiwfol Udlco who
work at home whether they like
ka. and thto atroitoly beam out the
or not to wear the trailing akirt.
idaa that the monad bulktom wr
bceto and tight <
ku kM i
tkt ricM tn rviks oT pre-
In public of couree erery woman
moat ae yet. untU the world beeomoo
more than half cimixed. dreaa aa faato
ktaudc €!»•• errr uftoort'mJ In UuU
CMMcoCW. wtiieb to Um livtol pUet
or too forwr gortrua* of Ohio ood
or U*w. tht otortrotod iJidtoo r
Thto totort dtoeovory vm
ifo^ to Itftt throosh the «ffnm of
0t vnUui a Mllto. comt^o nod dl
mtor or Sold o*ptor.llooo of the Ohio
gtolO Afchtooloctool oodety. tor* the
Mow T«to Worid. The ooctotx in the
loot fov yeoni bao hem nuklm
thotMgh loTwdfOtloo of on nou
oad vMto ponotoff hto work In
lottUtjr Pr. Mllto nn ncrtwa
Mod. which Itoo m o rathce tu
00dft7 ohUlMd
kMlOB fM Mr. Adam Gardner,
mar of the Uod, to open u
lUlf a ooore of men
pot to wort oo ft. The excora
or Dr. MUM who before a woeketopaed
flaw that ho had made ooe of the
rtchaot aithmologfcal -ftoda" In peara.
Tho Boofld waa 70 feet In diameter
flfld TH tmt hlgh, cooolrucied of throe
dtodMt horial proi
hj an abortfflaal nilafo alte. It to alt
oatod oo an otoTatton
hfloao acrao and cun
iMh rwolo'a Vlrwa •• the Ae
oaaana UUrenr.
fmer to wear what ahe pleaaeo than
It Win be rocaltod that a few daya Che American, for her men aa a rule
tha Omaha pntdlc
library barred do not mwMIe with that |»art of the
ago iba
one Mark Twalnh
an the ground that lu InISoence upon
the youthful mind waa perulcka
Omaha World Uerald aeot him
gram, which called forth the following
Tort B«
I ».•
It over
br mall
ful In every rmenmey. The coUto
women ought to be cooaula to foreign
pocta and cltlaa. a beglnnlnf balag
£300 <fl.0Di» aod who have had agri
cultural exia^riencr. The land will be
lent, free from all taxalkm. far a min
imum period of ten years. It Is not
expectfd that there will be many applVwnta for the land aronnd tbe AlgerUn vUlagea namwl after famooa
en. The Preoch pgrictiUnriaU
I a rule, to ren
cc. Fwr ralwa Oil w Fowl
time past, and e«i»cctoll>
utbrNcIte coal atrtke. the
Inquiries nm1 bto.klnc luto tbe mertU
of liiv«njtl.ms f.»r which patents are
to* used for the
he:it and inmer.
POflu.-ttoM of
irs the New Y’,»rk Time*. l>
The educated American woman to a
bectar Ungutot than the average InteW
Ugaot Amwlcan man. Tbeduttoaofa
conaul are in no aenae connected with
alate diplomacy. The <
after the IntertwU of hto c
in the place where he to
that in general In pa
rMrt ma her* from
• diatanre of forty or fifty tnllm.
hliborto apoilmo poopio to r«adin< Ifurk
wbooo moraU wUI go to wT*^h aod ruin
no wont to borrow a hondkerchlef and
cry. 1 ohould be aorry to think It was
tl>« puWUhwa thereoelreo ihut got op this
Iro little flutter to ooabte them to un1 s book that woo takln# too much
qoorat mound 1 erer
MlUa. “and In aom
tho moot raluable
oectlon of the roo
the most important department of tbe
conauTe duties.
Indnatrial. economic
aod educational mattera are tbemee
that appeal to all Intelligent women.
tbe natural economlat
and purveyor of the race. I*realdent
Booaevelt la In favor of poimcal eqoalfrmlnlne eex and tbe fullest
Ity for
-tally. Wooppo
have'applied for conanlahlpe nnitber presidenta. but were refuted.
Now let Mr. Roowvrtl tromortalixe
himself and aid women by giving to
•ome thoroughly well qualified ones a
few amall consulships at least
•t to
• awayisl by
-Women, like men.
clasa aympothlca.” aaya an jUigllsh
writer. ct.mmentlng on the effect of
feminine voting In Anatralla Just so.
We are every one of oa man or woman. awayed by our aympalhlea. and It
to a rre.m to ua too.
iBTrotlow Wo«totoro Bpema of Macklaoo.
E. J. Uodgaon. a Mlnnemitolla arch!
tact, baa iBTentod a apeed ngioter for
automobUea, tho uae of which. If requlred by dty goremmentii. nuiy aolva
the proUem of keeping the •dcrllawithin Umnda aa to apecd.
The Intnentor, according to the New
York Tlmea. haa applied to the potent
ofllce for patent! on regioters which.
atUched to automobilea. may lie aoen
from the aide of the alrcet by pedcatrUna, who may know at Juat wbot
apeed a machine to traveling. A poItoeman can, thepcforc. teU at a gtance
the pate at which a machine is going.
If the apee
ated he can i
programme. Wby ahould aho not dcvlac and wear about ber work a dresa
whose sklrta ahe will n<»t walk up
when she ascends a stnlrcaso-^ne that
will not be iKdmggllng to ber knees
when she goes Into the ortlmrd lu tbe
morning or eft<T n rain sbower ami
above all. one ibnt s.111
ber by lu weight and cramp her heart
and lunge eo abe cannot draw a full
breath or run upatalra j
You admit abe ought to wear alsmt
her work the dress that will enable
ber to accomplish tbe moat with tbe
least fatigue. Ut us ace xvlrnt such a
dresa would be. You don't wear yom
to to
The reaaon married life alnka into
tneb a grind of cimimoupla«-c la that
It is generally a union U-twe*-u com-
ToNoiTt TUAcno!. nr axM».
.____________________ b?0 S t
lo Tvtuin unul October Uib.
For Q A. R. Knoampment re
low Tslea oo October 8 4. ft and
tion. A vlgivout half bull dog weigh
ing thirty-five iK.umN wa-* eb’.oroformed to auch an « xu-:it that respira
tion had enlinly .vasiM; aft - r u quar
ter of an hour*. n*action of the tongue
tbe anliiml came t«. The cviM-riiui-ul
waa tried again until .-uuiph to «>phvx
tallon wi-um-il and irn. i. .u xvys not
reeorted to until fi\t- luimin-s ufuv.
The dog. who In-an* the iippn»prlnte
name of Ijirarus, this tunc *y»pc.-m-d
to be really d.ad, <»nc hour and t
of traction were f(i'.low»d by
But after auoUicr onchalf
respiratory cough sbox^d
still pn-stnt. Tlio dog
It occumd to l»r. IjlKi-tb- tluil It
woqld be a good ld«-a t«>
the cloth
waa driven by ch^-kw.rt^k. The
lmi*rx>vcd apiwnium now u>«.xl
by iaenns of an i-h<«-irlc
motor, tbe cum-nt U-lng auppllM 1^
Fads Nd Retion-Wet^' Nerres,
AU Run Rown-Cansufil Hetdachck—SlM^ Not Restful—
A Victim Gives the
Road to Hetlth.
Thomas Yeldman.
of Ka TV App’e
»onsm»m of recent years and at times
would become excited and shaky from |
very trivial causes.
waa generally
1 felt poorly and
ton down.
1 got some
of Dr. A. W. Ohaae’a Nerve Fills and
found them splendid.
They quieted
and aootbed tho nervea and strengthened and toned up my ayatem.”
Dr. A. W.
Chrnt a Nerve Pills are
•old at 60o a box at dealers or Dr. A.
W. Uhaae Mt-dioice Co.. Buffalo, N.
r. Bee that portrait and signature of
this impro\T<i Instnuuont It Is povAllde
That gifted lady. Mrs. Ellxal^h Ak
ere Alb-n..who gave happlueae to mllllooa when abe wrote the little poem
“Bock Me to »eep.” ha. Just pubUahed
a new book called “Sunaet Kong and
Other Veraea.-
have suffered a great deal from ner-'
A.W. Chaae, XI.D., are on every paok-
ftSJindfJ«ir.”:'b."‘^!ruSr. oRAlifliAfl CITT
boooa of all klnda. Thej were U
aot with almaat orery ahorel of oi
f.r |.!.n nto gathOnt of 4.3<»0
• dm to flro foot below the oorfaca.
ered and used 1
Although 1 hare opaaed many mo
e n iHrfiime that to
In Europe 4l*u
thto to tha drat Uma 1 hare erer
rr larcrly Into tho
haoaa thrown togetbrr promtococ
There arc men and women, not a
manufact ire of acvntfi. s>Hi|ia and
Wo wero abto to
Urrda and
__ woudera
so ugly that one
how aacbets.
There nre im»n*
veil with tham. The bonea were i---------;• ^imld .ncr find auvlKsly to marry white flowers4:athen-fl lluin any utbor
ly tboaa of dear, etka. l»mir«, racctwna.
Of the-e IM liax-e iiti
heerara. wUdeaU, mouuulu Uooa and evidence. The regUt
agrceablo scent, a nnnnikably tor^-e
atoo of rarioua klnda of flab.
Ola. one showing the ai»eed up to thirty,
proportion. Next In <»nU r *nhic yel
“flame booea were faahkmod Into ag- •lx mile* an hour and the other any
The Italian university at Milan has
those abvl
low hloaiHjms. with !C.1. M ^eiity-seven
rteulmral ImptomeoU.
thing higher than that. The reglatera
«-] as I
Of tbe.-n l*eliig perfuni.Hl
i:,-l lU.wera
■ of rartoua klnda are ao arranged that In enm- of an ac vrere sufft»catlng'? Ay.-: Then
mna Mualto!^ lias any American uni
number K2:t. of whb h
four nre
vara takau out Many of the
vcrslty a woman |>rofcaaor of anato
cident one of the hands locks at
too tight. Throw U off and wear no-rc
scented. The blue flow, i* ,ire oT .VH
haau made from tho teeth of a
|w,lnt reglatiTod when the accident
ly a bust aupiKirtcr
a soft conwl my?
rarictlca. thirty-four of w ith h an- |ht
One particularly Inlerratlng and pretty curred. thus ahuwlng prhHher
to to
rt>vcr waist. If you are eo stout that
fumed, and the vioh-t blo..sonis miinapadman of the mound builders* 1n- spt-ed waa too high «
In the midst of the muddle of ’ views'
1 must wear something of the kind,
iH'r 30«. thim-en of xvhi. h me ph asgmiBlty aad delicate workmanahlp waa
sure It la loose enough to h-l you on tbe woman question one thing haa
antly odorifenm*
aa awl made entirely from the boo#
your lungs with atr to the utmost at length become ciear-a self support
of mdem found at the bead of a akrlewithout any cramping of your riba ur Ing single woman willing to cuntinni
A flaw Fire. F»«ls*«l'‘ker.
tan. It waa almoat alxl
supporting hcrwclf after marriage cat
The claim to made f *r n new hr
tougth and tha ihlckneat of an ordinary
tlie skirt, h't me tell you always get a husband.
Now. aboi
tlngutohlng i^wdi-r tluil It U neither
toadpmmlL On the handle w «. car..-d
Fur years, when I have
aonous. explosive nor corrosive, wl
tha almoat parfact bead of a fox. i onTo the 9mmmrr BMrflrr.
bad hoBBct >rk and outdoor work to
The girls newly empW.ved to take to an advantage In comiHiriwm with tl»
Mdariog the fact tlu.i Uuwe iuH>pla
If >xiu will. St tt.» country; Uogti.
cnllcd the place of the much striking tele
have voru either the
If you like. SI Us ssy*;
liquid extingulaljers comimmly provid
led with the use of
Ssr thsl U« ptessurcs h«v« tired you; flU bloomtT C|toutne or a skirt so ahort graph mesaeogrr boy. In Chicago should ed. In case of a fire in the ehlroncj
. thto intricate work Is i
and acanWiat It ncv.r “drabbtod’ or
up >our cup of OleprsUe;
of a house 11 Is only iK-cessary to tlmiw
Jesr St the crudene« of nstur#; hstro at
uiy fe«< when l.ran upa quantity of tbe i»owi
her wonders your fling.
tcll you. nrtltc.^nplcndld.
fire in the atove. and
1 what 1 consider a peculiar Out don't Imsgin. s motnenl whsl you phyalml work Is a Joy and delight in
they win give
ated by tbe brat wlU pass up the chlmfmturu of tha burial ground la that Ws Sr/.“s^lstS wUJiSSt you. suil WUI
What is more. 1 wore
tat big 1lift.
Lfl'a caoae a great
ney and actually suffocate the flames
than waa ooa akelcton and only cue
contrive to esUt,
the dreaa at home and on the farm
» ih# morrow UtUa
for want of oxygen, as tbe generated
to to
at Cht haaa. tha majority of them bo- And whm 1
about my work In iHTfcit peace of
nk. you’ll be missed.
li« dtooararad either four feet above
1 a noble war
Here to a w
Kersr a t ssr for your going, never a sigh mind and without anm^yance from
ar tow fad below that point It la no
or a rrown;
anybody. I«at of all from tbe men In
1 sUy right hero In <
rn family. In dresa one dcaldermay go back to you
la to gel all the air possible upon
I am unable to account for It
and next your akin. The truth to that apolto. Kbe was appointed an army
Tou’re had your kick st
r flniral sirs;
the moat onbrtlthful thing wc can florae aod want to Cuba, serving tlU
Tha workmen darted digging at tha Isld'lhs’tT 1
to clothea-that to. aa a groaral the war ended. Tb« abe accompanied
tsks It b
apes and a akuU waa atruck by a pick
If women dared to go ber regiment to China aod remained
You lisvs announced thst out
wbaa they had gooe about four fm»t
barefoot In aummer. aa our great grand- during tbe troubl« there. After they
tala the ground. After that the burlrs did. they would find tbem- wcf« artUed Mtoa Young went next In
ala ware dlarloaed at much the same
aelrc* Infinitely beltiV lu health for IL ber profeaalooal capacity to tbe Philc Joaquln Dortlcus. a Tubnu Invrtitdtatanca apart, mod of them lying In
Ipplnaa. where abe reroaloed on duty or, to working oo a new outomobUe.
Their feet would Ih*
sg<nts and L---------lawa, artandad at full length, with at
ps slumber more awaetly than
limbs hnrdy and sturdy, aod until her return to tbe Stttea recently. and If It wUl do one-bulf of xvbat he
aaay aa alght In one row. Numeroua
Mother Earth would fill them with ber She had four ytoxa’ actlxe ^rrUx ^ cUlma he will have iH-rfonnod somearaamanta and implements accompa___
life giving electric currents.
But, I
thing approaching a miracle lu eU*cmalna. aoch aa lr1d<wccnt
What man baa aerved hto trlcal and mccbaiilral ra^rucilon.
Ws alcsp all right In ths country; you suppose, you would bo shocked at go health.
i made Into all Imaginable
msy rest brtfr In town
ing harefot>L so I say for warm wealb- country more faithfully than abe?
For tbe new machine Mr. l>ortlcns
tnnumerable hrlgjjt beeds,
bout stockings then, wearing J
cUlma safety, practically unlimited
alto tarred Into rreaewnta Ws sstd ws nrvrr would miss you: Ihst.
oea or high «loth ooea-thoaa
though. Is not smelly true,
strong women adore atrong men. but ■peed, low cort for maluicnance aod
with bolea were lying near Tst It ts rsther your moosy ws ahaU ba that have low hn Is and clastic webfltrong men are uaoally attracted to many aafeguanto against atvldonta,
Tbaae had been oaiid aa or
blng at the aldca NolsKly will care.
-Thto machine can 1« oiH*ratcd for
waak women, while weak men are
aded by a cord
For winter wear for the useful bom* drasrn to atrong women. Bo It cornea llTO^htha of a cent a mile.’’ saUl the
■eaada prstty a^esp. wr’ii admit. Init It’s worker there to no costume inttcr than about that aaglea aeldom male with Inventor In Chicago recently. ’ It can
that devtoed for girls’ gymnasium
run 150 mllea on one charge*, recharge
I met with and ooe ee- Tbsn"ws**a«“ksd on a f.w
dreaa. except that tho g) nmislum trooIn flftoen mlnutea and run the same
aad wagons aod
• platform pipe waa aeare onlinnrlly too full. In making
Mgss. too. they
distance back; can atop on the road
tbrte knickerbockers you ran wislly get <
and electrically charge anothra ma
a paper pattern. One si-rlal point to
dently not familiar with women’a clnb chine that baa become iisc-lraa; ran
remember to to cot out small gores of
climb bllto and aa It rtma will not only
cloth where It Is gathered below
the cT
that «vsr ta t
develop electrical energy enough to
to to
tain batcheta aod axea were plentiful.
“buntbe kn
run, but will store up wmugh energy
These CaUfomla girto do go ahead
Among the moet raluahk of all the
and wear out rapidly by the
to use a 2,0(Vi can^ile i«nwr search
avsnek Aswdoasy Awsnfts a Hsswt<
luttea waa a war Hub carved out of
folds rubbing logeibcr.
light. If one wheel tlvra out. the other
The French Academy bat awarded
atana and orar thirty-one incbea In
•k,Ts a warm combina only sixteen years oM. who to a aklllfd
three will run It; If Itwo^lve out, the
She haa lettered aod
Animal booea cut Into mil the AudllTred prixe of $3.toW to a wo tion oodergarment, uudtTwalst aod a sign painter.
other two will run; If three give out,
wannar of rode dedgna and large man—Mme, Meyrter. wdfe of
shirt waist of wool or ralton. accord painted all kinds of show work from
lee wmgooa to ham roofs and theater the remaining one will bring It home.
i'reoch conanl at Dlarheklr. Tbe
“It all Ilea In a new •ppllcatlon of an
,_talnai Tbongh only sixteen and
sul and hto w ife were In that tow
old principle. Erery engine baa lo nse
perfectly cloibed in a costume of only wearing ber hair In bralda, she to equal
vurtoad Bballa and pebble, mixed with the time of the Aijneulan maaai
a flywheel as a Iwlanca Tbe usual
four plt*^ besides your abo« and to the heat nsao ber employers have In
toi 1&I5. Mme. Meyriet aheltrtvd.
etoctilcal machine haa an engine and a
siocklnga. not counting the collar and tbelr service. Her first work waa
and cared for mwre than 700 Armenian
11* or other neckgeaa which the neat
mithmwui. M wtOtb hti bm
n always wears.
U thto cofl- a shop window and waa ao prood of
Which waa aeveral Umea bealego
you can work aU day wtthoiit ber achleveBBOOt that she lingeen
At a fllfllaBot of about alx fart frum Meyrlfr and hto auff repulalai
power. I have made tbe four wheels
ad tbe window and gased Ion
ths apex a praidstortc hsarlh waa ex- Turkish aaeallanu time after
of my automobile tbe flywheel of tbe
lov^y at it. This to the tm
This lastod twelve days, and when all
angina. As the wheels revolve tlmy
to to
to to
O. E Morray. Agont.
1WEINGARTEN BROS., 377-379 8ro*aw«y. New Tori:
Suffered forover 10 years
........ -
to to
O E Murcay, Agent.
ioa will give another of their
topical Boctotj.
mHa hltod*fiomrt^^o*^^^
iLknJ* tni.
tary to the French gem
tn New Yortcetty. The.
iTt toooe
there to
latant life there to siUl b.,M* of aavtng
an asphyxiated or drooled person.
The functloo which It U moot
aary to revive to the reaptratury.
Expettmentlng upon dt<a i>r. I.a<
horde found that tw.i or tlirev boors
after apparent death had act in It waa
flldo of thto atoratloo alopea preclpltootl7 to tha watafa odae. and It to at thto
point that tha chanoal of tho hdoto
drwr to doopoot
Orownioff thto oleratlon. not a bun
died fad frtan tho atoep bank and Joat
on tha rtirt oT a amall w<m
tho protarbomneo which bai
aaeh a troaaoro trora for tho
•It waa tha
aaw,- aald Dr.
apaeto will bo
eptnad la thto
nc Huck non * tu
M,i, « tt. MmtoUi. •« U » e«(«b».
w tb. Fm»hwooi«i.
Bb. bM mt
Dr. Iman’s Ladies’ Restorative
'rAi.i.MADfn:. Mith.
Grand Rapids. Mich.,
Dear Doctor: I have been thinking
for some time that 1 ought to write \ou
a few words of praise for yf>ur wonder
did me such wr>rlds of good. 1 suffered
>uch untold agonies with mymenses, and fern ile complaints,
for over ten years, that death would have been ,a h lief to me.
I took doctors’medicine and several kinds of Patent Medi
cine. but they all availed me nothing. 1 am so th ankful that
I learned about DR. IMAN’S RES TORA FIVE ihat 1 want
to recommend it to any woman suffering from ihe<e terrible
complaints. Anyone wishing to learn more about it may ad
Mrs. L. Morse. Tallmadge. Mich.
0T« *«tb
Moafl UbM to ■ d.|Xh ef thto*
TW »h«ltoto WM litoS w «to«t ^
S4 y
«k* «M *inu* esi *«««. •«** l»»*5
—illirT tli«t the etorattoa bed
IMB n ebertHaU TlUM. eiu. TWto
€toeto«r •«•»•«<*• •»»■»
4 (Ht to «tom«tor .edJS f^ ^^
rescued Armeuiaus left, abowerlng
bleaslncs on the- heads of the aavlotw.
BIX aoflths uter Mi..e. Meyrkr led a
caravan ef flOO ChrlMtons to the eoai
a fortnight’s ioomey. ‘The vallai
woman led the Und on horsebac
with her four c«^drau foUowlog on
tlttor, and
with btf par
through tbaar andf^f hostile trit
Tbe tolaconala dairy Industry
MMd « T«T «rtUl>»«
.Dd on boorln* bl. MHaut UT lo a Ud7 co»tom». “So. wo
1 that tbe brain la i
ihlSl iSla^St*tTiSra5ilt”of*ba^
wM flonC flaplalaad Dr. MUM.
ftt odlad mpofl torer,
•inlMflyflliFato tin Idaa that aUiMnnd[^,rl^
**^j55A i^HARD eXJoNNEB.
re servo,
to bar remark: -toe have not noo
iflln lalnly.“-D*troto Fifl. Praaa.
tag flrat Inveoted tbe autamobO*.
A mother who Uvea In th«* Ijiwr
vllle district has jort relumed from a
aummer oolhig In New JenM^y. aa
which abe waa accompanied by her »yeaisokl daughter.who haa been ta
that angels guard her while abe al
On the that night In tb<* strange j
the little ooe awoke, saying:
•Oh. mamma, the angela guard me
1 hear tbe oolae of tbelr
''^alarmed mother baatetm_____
baby’s bedside. Then flbe atoo baard
the oolae of wings, but not haring aY
way* Uved to LawreoceTllle she knew
chase oT'm eald *• fast as rao can catch it. Wbaa fahan at tha rtshi
2Sc. at ysar draaxtsfa. If ha can’t sunplv m«. aand prtca fltoaetta
ntim nzstem co,
w.inuaiiaf, iMrYmb.
m minrnt
mm w RMBiiiio.
Trooblrla PhUpptoes.
rmn AID WASunnanz
IWMbto vtthtte Mora- in Mto-
bMl-ra tbora la do rood to bravra —
■ora or rapM M tb-t tiir dratb fooDd ID
lAttM. Tbo W-hlllktoo oOrUI- b-rIbo— pnotM, obd DOW Vndm
•oidkn bora t-co frartlrailj 4
off tbo louod br ODO of tbr d-ttra. who
boo ocraofir Uitraoclird blnwHf. rrrpantloM ora boUw iDodo to trarb ibe
MM tav-t..TbeMcro.
Tbe Mcro. b-r»
pooM mod mio or tbr d-ii i ora DO
doubt fri-bdij Ot pTMOOt. Oor. bow.
over, vbllo dAwlortof aodjnnf -ffra>
Moo fbr tbo VnlleA tttotra. boo tm
QVlotJr gathmiic -lUr- from mUoa
bo bM llDod tb- wall- of Wa fort wltb*
oot ood wtlbiu wttb -tour. Tb«i bo
owt word Out AiDWImDa in oat j
om; tbot tbojr were not fit to Urr mmooff
Motm -fDoe tber (tbe Afuerlr-Dai oot
pork mod do otbor tarboraoa thlmgm
Of ooorao Uocte Mon ba» ootblns to do
but Ubo that fort- AKHImt baa bran
“I mu morfT to ora tl.e Mora tramblbu ramra mt Imal.** amid a NVwnrkcr tbe
other dej wpo rarved for -onie time In
Mindanao In tbe rt-Kular anuy. Everr
Ban wbo baa aerriMl In that imrt of tbo
rbOlppUiao koowB tiiat It waa loorlu.
We. atm wo do nut like to are tbe tblaf
raaBj berr, for It ueatii Idoudabad.
and no man knowa bow noeb of It. I
know m Spanlab Heotenant wbo bad
nenrod for twelvo /cara in Mindanao
In tbo Bpaolab anuy. and 1 bare
tuUoom otdorad by tbo French war of.
flme wblcb la to attempt to cra-a tbo
denmt of bnbnrm.
Tbo brnDoon will
am be marnmni
Tbe aole Ihrtog occo
pmmu will be nU'ptoMM. wblcb will
bo to tbe lower compartmomt of a
maaUemr. Water Imllaat will be carriod to a toak mapeoded by wire ropeo
below tbo ear. Tbo tank will be di
vided Into compartmenta by perforated
Tbe lowiwf win hav
racriring brnaa conical valve exactly
toclontoc an oriboe by which the wa.
ter mill be nllowrd to tow oat. The
ralTc wlU be entirely of liroua*-. To
It wm bo ntlacbed a -pring <-o«ucct.
log wttb tbe toll of Che cradle of the
vahe. the lower end helug hooked to
the braaa ryllnder, whic h wurka In a
dricnJ chaunH honsl verUtwUy
mb tbe emter of tbe vahe. The
lower Olid of the cyUoder la fiatteoed.
and to It ia atUrbed a lewaa wire
twelve motcra lung bearing a ateel bcOl
blng twenty kilns, wl.hh will
keep tbe valve cloaed and prtnrenl thm
» of water.
The w right of the
r to a little ov«r thlr
The ejalug will then-fore he
total weight slightly over _
kilos, hut ss Its imwrt of reslslanre j
qnato twenty It fullnww that wln-n |
be Wright of the at.-el ImiII U n-mmed.
a when It touriiea the ground, tne
alre will o|H*n. the wstir will flow
Dd the tialhiou will go up again.
Even aner a loss of a |a>rlloo of the
rater the valve will remain riosed m
long aa the atcH lafll to stiaiH*nd4^.
The upiwr division of the cwr la provld
ed with a camera wWeh la i«|Mhle of
All the luatrumenta arc c-ajKihle
of working fire days. There arc also
irrangemcuta for the eacsia- of ihtt pi'toiia when the tiallouii strikiw the
round. Tlnn^ will Is- a small liiicrnal
Ir bag of fiOt ruble luriers. The tiah
IcMiu llaeif will be l.«aw cubic metera.
of tifty-M ven ruhlc
iipai.y the ouiln lailcnmhrlc and Inflated siih iHuuiluating
.lid will i-arry a sail
Its total
Wright will not eicr^*.l 170 klliH. In
dudlng the entire e^inlpment.
rding to priia nt plm
.d the
[ti-e In 4-harge. iVn sylvanln
avenue will he elaborately illumlnatW
during tlie tlrand Army en.-umpment
1 the Indir,,lions are j
will fVgbt from Ublud
brim. Why. once the Bpanlardaaiurked
M Of IbHr forta with raniwm. and do
ftm think It feated Ihera de%lli.? NtK
nmelL They rharged the gmia with
bows and arrows. The BiwnUrda stuck
to tbo guna aa kmg aa Ih.-y roold and
nowed aw.tba In Ibetn. hut old Mr.
Mora c-aue right on. and he touk tbo
**If 1 were oot Ibera and were or
dered to. I'd bara to go. and 1 would
hbt X ten you right now that 1 would
not rrjlab the Job. It U ooe thing to
train your ride on an rnetny like the
Tagmla and other miplno tribes out*
aide of Mindanao and amdhir to get
the Morns In
neihlng of the
murab out of a inau to lire carefully
mi^ often Boe the enemy dn.p and final,
ly run, and It s another very dlgcrent
thing to ara the maaa rhwe np after
you make m bole In U aud eouie right
«U Jmat the aame. Talk about a rraay
negro with a raaor. he la a peaceful.
tahbUng boy alongalde of thrar Morus
nrltb the UUIe hunger in them and
tbolr glittering aworda (kriaaeio awlnc
lug oYor Ibclr heads.
Tbora aworda. by the way. are o^
de and decorated #lUi
work, wnu Ivory ban; of a kri«i.
ffod n linmber of little -c-ratrliea or
Blck^ Each Indlratra a life the own«r •r tbe kri-a baa token.
-Onra we acted aa r«x»rt for a num
Imr of dattoa wbo were going down to
a ranfraroce, Tbeae chaps, who nre
Chiefs of dtotricto. have a ch«-erful way
cC winding ihrlr larlania to lutllcale
.tto onmber of individual!
dTM p-rnooal poahea Into
hMtlng gvDUDda, Oor people over brae
tblAk tbona d-ttoa are IgnoranL WeU.
they havrn t rartiln klnda of knowl
edge. but they are at deep aa well, and
nU Brad clevra. I know a German Jew •tor wrbe got tt into hla brad he contd
go to tiM ritlra of Mlodanao. hobnob
wttb tbe daUos and boy prarla nod
etber Jewels for a aong. He told me
that wbra bo got over tbere he found
U hto nstMtobmeot that tbe dattoa
kMW aa mbcb about tb* priera oF
pmtfto to tbe ootride world aa b« did.
•Bd to tocC more. Tbera were no ■oug
mrar War Deraa For Oarman A
Tha Oermnn ampraar baa dai
that an braneboa of tha German i
ibaU ba anppUad with gray naif
ter oaa to dma of war. Tba pi
wtfanM win Mt ba altarad.
ABor^ WIMl
The plana for tlie onrHUng of tbe
Kossuth nmnnmrnt In Ueveland, U,
bare gn.wn far Uyond the moat aan-
I met tH* a.'. urai. ly esThe iniml-T
ill nm well Into the
Umat««.l. hut i
thousan.il.. S rii-tl.-s from .New Y«>rk.
FJttal.urc. ru\
I.r r|H-cis| trains.
coniliig ill m
Not only will gn.-si
frtitu tlie riiit.*.! Siiii
has rla4n to one <d
attoiibl Int.Tb-at.
Ai.lr.*w Toih .d 1 M>l.r.-nxlii.
IIuugMiy, il.c muIpi.T sho d.-slgucd
tl.r K.»*Mifl. nH.imiiHi.t. J- to Ik- Iu
riev. land m. gu.-l of h..ii..r Tbe sou
of the gn-sl patriot 1» ills-, cm--, tel aa
ler pn.inln.
nl llung iru
wHI o« other
limguihtn luitriot.
•hamro.! to a d.-slrahle
hs-atlon on th.- rnlv. n-liy «in h- u\*\toalte Wade
alt.|Mrk. To sIh.w w hni atti-n-.iciing nl.nm.l the
imisTs bale pul.IlKh.-d acsmi.is i.U.iil
III.- n fii-nl id the cli r t^.niu ll to |sTmlt
Is sum. h ill. Th.-i-.- st'.ries hiivr Im-oIi
gn-utly cxfigK-Tiii.sl, an.1 »-.me of Hie
uewspap rs ax.-rr.^l that th- . ily hud
r.-ru-a-.l to nlh.tv the Ko-miUi inonu
ver Ijefort- aiu-n.pu-d In
I nuiit t.. Ihaays the liih-oKo IniiT <». .tni. j tjiv limit- S hi- ha- .-nsn.-l no .-ml .d
One of the Ideas that 4'baln.mti \V. 8.
Knox nf
tion baa
an Im- 1 effoil
nieiiae Grand Army hs.igenithcis.utli. f.rt,. fi„. i-.h .d S.-}.i..|..1h i. TIi.-hIit
east conmr of the treasury hulldlng. Kundu. i-rh .p- il..- m..-i pr..inln.'iit
which at night would U' Imhted by
s,.althh--i of th- ri-v.l.ind Ilun
of 4-ulor.d
....... '
• - • cK-ti u. lights. ' p;„ km*, u giUns nm. U h-lp to the
The badge wonM Is- about fifty fc-t , p,omoti..ii of th- plaif- rolonel l/.uls
to liright and Iw visible fromI an
all i«iris
iwrts |j iiiack, the rii.ilrin
Of the avenue hetweeu the treasury !
I- nl-.*
aud th- rapltol.
Hdn Hr.
•.-r. r. l. Jmlt;- ,
Fennaybunlit a\entie from the
bd I0 Fifli-enth stnvl 1. to Im- 11111-1 |Vl.-dl au.l oih.-r pn.min-nt li. x.land
ilnalfd aUi by *-on>s bldgea. of Huiigarhin- are a-iixe In rnnkli.g the
•hlch tluTo are twenty-live.
This j ih-ialls of the ig..grniuine letter piTould give one tm nearly every
I |M.lnt
mier iM-lwt-eu the
Mr. Knox will hortly apiKiii.t n sule
duty il will Im- to
rail on the 4
4 men-hant. of Wash- ou- ,.rg:. Mictions and Imlhi.luiils.
Ingtou and a-rerlalu the d.x-.,niii.H.. to 4'..pU-s «rti silk mdl Im- M-nt to Frrsld.tlt
I- provlilrd hy 4-ach fur the nigl.t lllu- IhKMS veil.
Hanna. 1 nirlmnks
Iona. Three rash prir.-s <d f'JTdi. ati.I ll.K.r i:ni ..ihets, ’I'tunx- will al-x.
flM and fino are to lie fdr«-r.s| by iha I.e h nn ro.rrhil soim-nSr »d sev.Tal huii
cximmltU-e for the U-st dix'orallun Of tlr.-d |«iges cntalning Ih.- life of Kim.
trie llghta during th.- em-ainpineul. suih. iii.i.y plrimvA of Im.-r.-i, the
hla way U to prois.s<-d to Interest story of K..—uihe I'.ur throughout the
•very hoalneas man of the city In the I’ntrcd 8tatt-s fifty years ng.. aiHl other
>rlra, and If the pre«-nt Id.ws are
carried oot there to no qu.-silon hut the
Iu- f.-.-itun-s of tbe .-‘Ichraleal display Uial will gnri Ibe ti..nwhb
s to mark the one hundredth
ina at tUrir thirty sUIh annual birthday
iinlveniary of K.iasuth aa
cocampinefit wlU mirpaaa aiiyihlng of
fiftieth niitilversary of hla
the kind eviT prepared for a reunion
i:nit.xl SUil.-a will Im- the
of th- okl aoldlera. The capitol will l.irge paradt- on Suit.hix, fv-pi. *js. U
be Illuminated hy eight or ten huge WlU r.irm at Hu* a.|uare and march to
ararehlights. making a iK-autiful dia- rnlv»TMliy clr,U-.. It will Im? a notable
pUy at each end of tbe axenne.
sight. All Ih-MO- In liiM- w-m wear the
K.o-suth fiat, n low f.it affair with a
grny f.-ather There wUl U? many unlOH Mar Break Cral Maaapolr.
Oil may pr»»4c to he the mrana of fornnd iww-lcth-s .-iinl aii.v huuiImt of
breaking the .aiel monopoly In the an- Un.l-. At the SaitiMay nft.-rm-m unregUn. aaya the Waahtngton m.*rlal luectlng s|s-«x h.-a will prtdiahly
cwTeapondenl of the Chicago Ktvurd- l.e made hy S.-nat..ix. raliiwnks and
Herald. A iuiimt N now in o.urs*- «.f Hoar as w.ll as 8.-nator Iluniia. A
prt-parallon by Charh- Wlllanl Hay,-a Urge Hungarian ci
of the ge».logl.wl survey slMmlng ih- will funilMi a prog
y of oil fr..m the lexas field btaiu
btaiuUfiil air. of the
ts-4-i.xl th.at S,-nator I'airnsylvanla f.»r «ll fii.-l purpoiw-s. iMiuks will pr«--lde at the uiireillug exIt WlU give the reUtIvc- fml value of erelM-s on Hiinday.
llrh'f addreaaea
the Texas oil aud various klii.ls of will 1m} made nt the iiiunoiiuiit.
cral i-siMx lally Ihe hsnl c..il ..f lVn:i- the evening f..llowing th,- in.-m.rtal
sylranla. This will t.^ th.- first autU-u- meeting th.Te will Ih- a luiuuuet iu one
He puldlcatlon of the guv,Tnm.-iit treat- of the llungarUn halls. TIn-re wiU
liig this auhj4xi at great l.-iigtli. It to alau Im- a Imnquet on Sunday evening
beiu-ved that It xvUI 1m- Instrumental to U- given by the o.inl.ln.-d Ilungabi guiding consuns-ra of coal tow ard j rlan s. K iel lea of tn.-velai..l.
methods for aupi.lantluc Hm- use of
that fuel with «1L eaiax-Ullr during
A Mo.wi.ewl I. r.e.er«l
A statu.' of Crn.T;.! Sh-nim to to 1.
T.-cled by the stst.- of NVw Y’ort on
be iMiMh-tl. Id of tb'tty shtirc. and an
ri.-t—ral.- pro-graminc c.f e.-remon!cs
Bound fur hla old borne in tbe Tnu»- win mark riu* occasion on 8«-pt. VK
vmal. J. 11. Muimik. tonnvr stale min- aays the riilla.l.-lphla North Amcri.wn.
tog engineer tinder the Tntusvaal gt.v- This statue of <;rn.T«^ Slocum la an
ernment. sailed the other il.nr fnim i-pn-strlau f;gurx? of o.V*-i.I slrv It
New York o«i the ateamslilp St. I*.-iul.
w in Im- ereri.-l on Cnlpto hill, whm*
-I have been irralod well.*v he said Ills line was located during tbe lifitil.-.
to a reiMHirr of the New York Fn—. -^'he fMMS«-stal to of gninlte. aud from
arhlle here and do bop.* the !Uier generaU DOW In Europe
arope come here If only
only . _________________
lUlrtTMxne f!*et. The Wtnror
!.» get abaved hy an Amerlmi, barber. 11* i.-, f.^et
Inches high, and the li-ncHi
Inxury .»f a ahara i ox-er all 1
I never knew tl«e inxury
r> liMin-s. It wriglis
until 1 came to this country.
j 7..Tno pounds nnd w as c.nst tn’iironxe l»v
“1 predict a great fntuir tor Itooth the cel.-lTaix-l
cel.-lTai»-l f.mndry .'Of a well
Africa. It win rise out ot the ashes known o.in|«ny The model
noc of the grratewt coon- rut.-.!Mr
I.r Am.-rh'a
t.TilpbTr. Mr. E.
•raw Braes* r*lks l.eft.
They are booeat folks in New York
a.^-.Tdlng I., a writer in
ataie. If a atory fram Arcmle to tak.-n
as an IndlcaHon. A year ago a farmer
r iM.nrs a da
loat while haying a pnrkethook con1 thoogli he ibs-s not preiwire 4,’a
hca word for wonl like 8lr ^Tl17 rather leas than
alMtrthand wrh
with them la tbe b
does wbat be calls **thlnk them out
while In iMMl.’- ami notes the firliiripal
headings on a sheet of folded foolscap,
I Drighhor a ton which be holds In Ids right hand wblla
mktot of
mn MV^ toxnlm^
lVYDOWASl.tay.aiBp a toaMA10.Vaa.«.B.
In tbe toptaal referrncea wo bare
Mepf tbe nmnt rammrknUe prayera to
bm fomnd to tbe word of God. Paul
waa m man of prayer. He not only
prayed for blmralf. but hi. i«yera
wore constantly offered to the tbrooe
of ctod for ChrtotUn people crery.
where and espectoUy to behalf of tbe
Christian eburebea in which lie waa
Interested. He wrote to the ^tomans
that wlihoot (rasing he made im-nUon
of them in his pnijera. and In this let
ter to the Eplnwlaiis we have an Ulus
tratlon of »me of his In-st prayera of
fered in the bebnlf of a Christian
church. This pra3 it i-onsUls <d a |Tcfsee of four iH-tltUms and the toUowlug doxol.MTv; - Now nnto Him that to
able to do exc4-e.llug almtidautly above
aU that w,. nsk .h- think, aec-ordlng to
the is.s.r that work.-lb In u«. unto
Him U- glory In the chuivh by CTtrlst
Jesus thnuighoot all ag.-a, world .with
oot end. .\m.-u."
As a eonsummatlon of all the p.Tl
Hons of this pray»T I‘nu! i»ra.va that
tbe Ephe-laiia may W -fllled with all
the fuUness of <
This Is a iH-<.uUar
ot nnnn that It Is
■Dd «uud«j.
K BDd at. Aa Brat
incepted the deUuwiury rxei'cioiw were
to U' simple, involving only tbe mmvelUiig id the statuel alth a few mddrtsMsr l^ |•romll.tU local lloagn.
nans and oihcrs.
Nos. hoMcver. a memorial meeting
baa liecn added to the firogramme.
i»ersuna of national Ptvmlueoce have
k at this gather
ing. Hiere sill U- st httat two haiiUria tendtred the guests of the lleve- the fuUm-aa ofrilml. Thto w.mld ImHuiignrlaii MMi«.ii«.s. and the at- alMoinl. They are flnit.-: G.hI to In
Unidan«v prouilMs to far t-xt-eetl tbe finite. It would he a1.suliit.-lv Iuiihm!
alhle b. ixmilm- Intlulty In the limits
klag^ur •MH-icties aud organlxationa of flnitemra. Whut 1‘aul asks to that
from all o\«-r the 1*nili<il States hare the Eph.-slsns mny to- fllh-d with the
. lv““ ’
I aay aUlra bare bran
fa-UMW-ea. They nevir liowed before
tbe Bpanbih. In fact Ibe Kiamlidi prKtj geooniUr feared tbroi niul b-t tbein
pretty nevrrriy alone afi«T lbey bad
cot ODO UaJr after anofhi r of Hpaolah
troopo to pb-cra. They klUM butulnrla
of MpanUrda. Lrat a good many of
their own ueo, of oonrae. but that did
not bother thru 00 far aa tlghtlng
(3c*tluid's Tribute t« tbe Hun.
Syrian Hero.
«o«M youi
the pen that suiiBe*
Sold by
on. SAwvKn
ilualing Jeweler.
Pan Ink ler sale.
offer apjilies only to those who
tata SutaT Ot to* Sy* aad nuto.
will use gas immexUalely conneetions are made and who arc on
linra ol mains.
As the nights
lengthen the demand for GAS
c light is more
briUiant. avaiUble and reliable at
ALL HOURS, and, with equal >
light, costs lc» than one-halTof
any other, besides being far easier
on the e)Ts.
Houses in cousc of
N. B. CHAPIB. Praar-
erection or proposctl should not
. be completed without a sys
tem of gas piping.
Many have
already done this. Ap}iUcation
for an>thing in the line of light
ing, heating or piping made at
our ofticc, 223 K. Front St will
secure prompt attention.
Wartin & €wms
OOc. U E. rre.« 8«
I—.‘K eAld:-4ii..- iMilnch LsU .-urto buy
r i.r.-K, in aiHwl ordt-r. \X ue msk.-r wnth It.
tkt. iwy f.u It by l«Ung h»y. Sow «m Kent
row* wilL th.Mr
lATt... Ato. r tifw -niiuii
taiiub row.
<a Attn rt K.-nt. in
Until September 20th we will
make connection from main to
r.1. E.TC 1. T..r near*.
Crowd what money you iu.xy Into
rour pui>e you find your purse still
-mpty. But with love In xour L. art
111 your drarts art' IcJiorM. And
hough you who doid.t U.ve question
(0.-1,-Id. n«- Hint love
whU-h was I.xg!ca! or Just Would c.>me
short ar Ihe huh. You think love to
away up or down. s.>mexxhere out of
aigl.t nnd Ixexond um-. But lox.-. tm..
and III larger s4-iiKes. U food and ml-
cvetj-pen «oU.
si>ond hurss
The .|m-Mth»n a«k.xl In tin- t..pi.- to. tlOIC-xK WANTK1>-A
Iloxv to this fullm-H. of r.,si to to- re«rive,l? In the to|.l.-al tvr.-f. o.v U to
aumrrst.Hl hy |•a^I that 11 to b. Im- Hm*
of th.
Ih-s whi.-h he luiH ixray...l f,.r to
Th.-re are four of Hi.-m- iH-iiiiom
Faul i>ni>s that they inav to strei
ciied with might in llH* imi.T UKi
the Holy
.lx 4.I10M
-J. He pra
Fhrl^t inav
may (Ixvell
.!xv.-ll hi
h. th.'lr
th.-lr h.li.-ailn by
faith n He pravN thill they max to-abhto .•umm.-hi-nd
pm: h-uuth and .l.-i-tir and
the love of GihI. t II.-pt.ix> that
may to- nbl.- to
«i.rtol xxhl.il pa-.^ th kiH.xvl,,!;.. . The
r-snlt of all Ito-e istition. to to be the
fulim-. ..f t;.Hl Tl„ X Im-Imle Hu |m..iccHsloii oT trie H..ly I’.h.iM, the hidw. llliig 4.f .b-u^ li.rtoi and The .-..iniir.|l«»r.-iK rt*B }-AbK OK HKKT. rormr WsMi
Slid ixsrluw m-r J.dm Bennie ..r
l.enM.,1, of the loxe of G,sl snd of n
4ta-i»r miu|h-,ii
Christ. If.‘th.Tt-f..n-. xxe xvant t.. km.xv
Imxx ...........
1m» fill.Hl xvlth III.- fulln.-ss
of God. ansxv.T Is f..uml h.T.-,
saes-,-.l ..f 4i.sl and !
the vUiira.-i.T of 1
xxe .wnn.it but ato. jHi..-..
tto- .bi-iHiHj.
llouof tbsl. Tln-llolx t.MHsdamltlm
la.rd J.’sns Christ cnnimt .Ixx^l hi *»ur
In-aiis xvitlHUit lnaldfe^itill^ th.-ms.-lx.-a
In ..nr .hMH.-iti..ns urn! in .ur lix.-<.
lu-ing of the same iiaiim- a-* G,-l. th.-y
will lmi«irt this rmtuie to 11^. and xv..
will lHe.iK-.-ai to the full.--.l UM-aMiniHinaible I to- same dtolK>si!lon nnd tl.e
same clmrarier that GM hiuiM-lf |k.>ax-aaca
lUEUC iu:ai.inuk
J..I.U 1. I.VIS; 111.
.10; xiv. 10; A. ts
1. 1 11; I (or. hi. 5 14; Gal v. 1U1*0;
t:pli. 1. Ml*: ('ol. 1. 11*IN'; II. Sin; m.
is be who buys the
Cucky Cum
A written'guaniuece ii^
tluit are cUaract.TtotJ.- ,.f tb-l Th.»y
.M.nUl n.«l riinialii In lh.-ms.-lx i-» the
t love iluil to i-oiitaiii.-l In tJotl.
ami y.-t to the nueaiiure ..f thrir full
tM-sM ilM-y could (-onlalii th.- same klml
of love t.s chnrarterltos <bMl. Th«- .Ilf
r.T.-mv woul.l Ih- hi th.- .l.-gte,- ;,.,d
CuUeg..Oacagu, lU
n..l 111 the nuaUty^ The snnll. r v.-sm 1
cmld Im- lill.-.l from th.- larger om- and
ISM.S1.SS tlie same mat. li.il omtalu.«d
Xipljirr».».f IitaiMakd. toS Sivtlisi^g.^
In lU uUh..ugh It «.uld ii..t .x.ntaln
the aame amount. In thto m-hm- Paul
pra.vs that tin- Ephesians may In- fillcl
w lih ihe fuUn.-as of ibsl. He i,vks Ihal
they in.vy have Ihe grntvs of chan..i.-r
and the i|iuillUew of dl-poslihoi that
eluirn.ieria.-Gm1. He |MH.s«‘ssiitr In
f.HMlon What th.-y xv
liriri iimsi dwell In oiir iM-nils. a
•iiic ro..!.-!! nnd gr.Mimle.1 hi hue,
t npp.tri..-n.l aii.l mi.h-rsiaml
man ,
iBia. Bt^jiPhoosa TrararaaCtt,
joL SF.TohUST-W. P.(
v.'T- liri.wn fur Miirf U-twe»ti Trsrt-rse
sources of life
thm- to no
pra.-tli-sl thing hut lov.-.
gains and saU-s are In tbe lari d.-j
t-wx. lUilvvluiii
stasran^ Trarans atr atlltoa.m.
rxBH. UARNEU a 8WANTON. .apacAal aX-
Jwsi This Mlaatc.
n whsle^/i e M>• and do *^"“***
If sre put s purpose In It
Thst !• bonsst ihrouah snd through
We shsll glsdden fife an.l slve u
<Jrar« tu tnske It all sublime.
For. thtmgh llto Is long, we live It
Just ihU Aolnuto we arc sow ing
Se-,1. at sorrow or of sot.r
Just this minute we are thlnklnj
On the wars that lead to Ood
' Or to kUe dreams are sinktag
To the lex ai of the cl4»d.
ywr^ P4dals aorthl
gu*ya.E Tmi>^i.M sixd
amr4wLe«iaviJlsaa4 0I.LMla.AJDanPMhay aad Harter BaeAara. 4 Jl aax
Ingvr a lAirang-r. Uesdto Work.
Testerdar Is gone: tocnorrtw
Mover comeo within our grasp;
Just UUa minute s )oy or oorrow
That la ail our hsmto mar ris*;
••IwniinU tba warid to kxtow/'
writas Bra. a J. Bodloog of Aahra
way. R. L. •*wbat a thoraagUy good 100 acrct known as the Stede or
aad taUabla madirtM I foaod to Eo- Needham (arm. One of tbe belt in
laolne Bittara They eixrad »e of
jMxodioaaad livar tiooblaf that bad Grind Travertc county, SJ toilet
aaaaad aaa great aaffariog for aaaoy
•oath of tbe chy.
PftOF. C. E. HOR8T
tatan K WWta Md V«U Mta.
JJow for Toct Ball ^
€'w^ Ptossat u Pfg Laat
. '(/
a of BeapMt to WsU Kmww
Tarrible Crlms CommlUsd In
Battle Creek Last Evening
: Woman'* Horn* MiMlon AnnlV9r**ry Thl» AftoriMdii
funeral of
All Minds oT 9TOO* Ball
r^Otoltoto«l to« ^Kto OI
held at B^haak.
Oto%f-MifilX ^or Sto^wrdtoy’to
fr^^blcb luffcring from a^hill and a slight |tThere IS no cause
By Dr. Mason, Sscrotary of
rrssdman's AM Bocloty
than, aoroaaef whiu roan
And the Woman in the Cab#
Shot. But May Recover
.Bobart Bttcbtr Co., Props,
rermee l.«Ter of iIm W’o
Ummt~rmu Tate KMar-aOrSvariM Vrammm IbrTkto Kmmtmm*
Tto •amirmmrj of tte Wo«n*i
Laity raad tbe portion of wriptnra
Which talU of Cbriat'e tolanriaw with
Mlebodamna Tbe obalr then appoint
abn Waa to Ua«e MareM. WoeaO-
rt Bat?"wUmo! jSSaaTand^bShan
wt eandidalaa tor taa oftoa dnriiattla Creik, Mioh., »epL 19-Bolh
a addraae of tbe aeaning and be
Bamjiaon and Wblloomb. who flgurod
raadr to report at lu cloee.
After the annunnoamanU fur tbe in yesterday'a arening's aeoaatioeal
aomiiag day, Ear. Viok»ira totroduced
tngedy died at midnlgfXad mind for two yoara.
tbe apa^ar. paying a gloyrtog trlbnt.Battle <:roak, Mleh., Sept, liA-WlIto Dr. Mnaon. who waa again raoaired
Uam Saminon. a prominent oitiaen of
of foil blood. thli city, and Mrs. Eliaabetb Kottor
of Chicago, were to hare been matrlad
bSiiifr b*?
tba FiaedflMMi'a Aid
ThO d*TOtl€Ml •
tof w«oMi4ortbo<
Ooald of KoUaoooc
■ooiaty and hie last night at « o’clock, but a terrtl^e
I««TeBted. A. E. Whltoomb
anitable will, to a poaltlon
of Chicago, with whom tbe
bad Heed for the tbe laat two yeara.
bia raoa. Hla addrew waa
arrleed at .Bamjieon’a bouse on Lake
fall of wll
aonld not atop to quibble, and a aeenua laateeeuing. where tbe woman
atrmlgbtforward ooaamoti eenae that and her v year old aon Jow>pb atoppad
aweapa aalda many fallacie« and ab«
after arrieiug here yesterday. WhitanrtTtUorlaa that can bare no poaai
bto baarlng^uiioo^tb^i^ulament of
aaked U. «e Mi« Notfi*r. Bherefoaad
'**ln*^ntogTli^d?e*M.^)r. Maeon lu ae«' him. when upoo
•poka of the fact that the negro baa
tmlieU two rerolvera and fatally shot
Baaed and almoat dlaa< cted
riglootoTi of tbeoriea. ofien Bampaon in the adomeu. Mm Kotter,
fllM mod liMMtog dUtrioUJom
ftwM ibit Boml&f. ib« foraMT ropon^
iBf mmtXj 8D0 oooirrrBloof dorlof th*.
jmt, Md iml ootlTUy la Banday
■elMoU Kpworth aod Jooior Epwortb
XAimfae work.
Kaw oharohoN and paraonaffM baT«
bc«ii bollt cbarcha. InproTod aod a
llbaral oiDOODi oontrtbatrd for tfaa
•wHAtUlh oaotory fand
Ber rrs>Mi ( kiceao. ae4 gUM ItoMaa
deal with the negro, irre- heariug the *hote, stepped forth an.l
was *hot tn the back of the head and
ant. proUiSlufSny totu^°“*
Dr. Maaon. before prooeedio
ract I
P’!‘«'d oue of the revoivt-m to hU
direct diaouMion. of the
right timple and fir. d. diopping to
qoeation. gave a brief account of hi*
climb from eUeerr In which be e
<be floor i; Bluntly
bom a few month* Uforv the election
Tl»e iwhoe authoritiei remoTed the
mlMiiouf haTii baan libarally ramaaof Prwidant Unooln. np to bU im b
barad. a- hata baoeTolanoaa and tba
oborob oUlmaot'# fund aad 900 ooowarta ara rrportad.
Tba naat in order wara tba Dlaolbe nigod that all prejudice againM tittmi
any man of any nation of anv color
in the room when the ehoottug
of any aeotion be laid aaide. He *Utpraaobartr Who are the •opar-aonu.
She tolli a thrilling «lory
ed that tbe aoluliou of the negro i^obatad praaobers? Wbat mambara
The motive for the
ohuroh.tbe proteetant onnrch of Amer- crime wa* Whiioornh's JealouHy. He
loa, and that largely through such
followed the woman from Chicago Im
work aa la being doue hf tbe Freedmediately after he knew tlrnt »he had
man'a Aid and Boulhem Edacaiion
deiurted lor thi# city to marry Sampthe tint aim of thi. ] ^
Samiw^m had rec-oired a number
e tome
aoolety In to giee
to toe negrtH-aand,
Tha raport of Bar----------of lettem from Whitcomb, threatening
Mcretary of the Coulorrnoa Claim poor wbltea of the »onth tbe
Ule if be miuned.the woman,
ch the hi*
^dowroem fund oommlitae the Lonl Jesne Ohrl*t. wbic
Battle Crtt k. i^cpt.lt‘-Mrr Notter.
apeaker deolan'd. if emhrouedI in the]
hoaru of Ameri» north and south. I
by Whitcimto will reol«4»d thni In no Otber ooufen^noe in
MatnodUm arv the agM Itiuerautt
tnOM betw..n mplt.l «od Uhor .od ]
more loTed and rerered. M
iu« all MathodUm. the do away with tbe infumou* bmIoou ul j
“'iri drfl.V*hvrr;m..u. of herwoond. ... ,onoc.
Wide world over.
Rtft. to
naaiad mlnhtera. In addlton toflO,*
000 prorided for in wllU. Baaldat
tblN a Rift has neeu made by an nnfcnown friend of flOO yearly for aii indaflnita ttme to oomc^ and beet of all.
aootber unknown friand hat offercMl to
build twenty comfortable bomaa for
auparannoated mlnlNtaM or wldowi
of mlnUleni. the work of building to
lu the wcoud place, the gre
great atm
of this work is to send
mm iHop’
have come from
into the SihooU. took
mon piHiple to raise thi ir BUnd**
life and make them godlike, with I
goapel of Gt>d
to make ttieir bodies pui
The third great objec
1 to help the negroet to help ttiemjlvea and in thi* ia their greatest
•iumnh. nnder tbe work of the go#Mr. Hamilton’a r eport.
Piaraon. repreBeniing the Ameri- |iel. The Tiotories of the work, it*
di^liiea and lu need* were set
tnfloance ii world
apeaker also received aufficieot coniribulioDB in tbe envelope* atwi in loo*«
ea«h to raiar tbe total to 921S. and
thi* baa been materially increased
during the day.
At the close of the offering. Mlaa
Bt««aie Kowena Oampbell sang a beautifttl solo, ••For All Ktemity." which
waa marred somewhat br a number of
people in the audienot* div*'onrf. ou*ly
making a diaturbanoe by leaving the
opera bouse during the singing.
nominating committee priwented their
nomlnaiiona, and the men named were
^^D?" Maaon, renreaenUng the KretHl. •leoled to the otfleea of the Fn-^ dmaa’aAidand ftoolhern Wncatiooal man's Aid and Southern Educational
societT aa follows:
Preildeul-J. T LaOear of Jackaon.
- .
luMM *r a rir. Bum |>raa»lted
Makt>KIo9W We. Wrvrhed-IW.
l>.m,ctic IciUiCTs. Kid «nd Calf
prtmtoM Mmr tol.rnoliaal
Imp. ratcnl and enamel leather*
Kew Yarit, Bept. IV—The Anthracite
coal famine situation it reaebirg an
9 stage. Oue dealer *ays he can
get any price. Te«terdgy a oommittee forwarded a h-tter to Jonh Mitch
ell, urging him to call off the strike.
premiBing to n*e their luflucnoe to
tore the dlffereoc«‘* aetlled by arbitratioo
In reply to thi* p
Mr Mitchell said the following: ‘-I
Handsome Waist Cloths
to Ctnts atr Vard and upwards.
New Goods in Every Department
Hlfred U.
cannot accept the Buggcaiion that the
men resume work with the lioj« of
future adjustment of difference* •*
midnight la*t mghf. »tnlcr* dntamited the home of Richard Parfjtt,
fire boas, employed at the (hlb. :ton
wafer abaft
The etploaisu
away a goodly ]>artion of the hon*.-.
Parfitt and three children were
Nearly $1,000,000
The claaa of 1885 of the Methodist
enferenoe hold a class dinner today
In the dining room of tbe Hotel Wbitn fine menu was served and
State Than Last Year
Tw.l A..H.U1 u. 1* I
ber. Pi.MiT.Uon-Whal thaCc
to IhlB Hrrtlo. hiMBt
Lan*ing. Mich.. Sept. to-Tbe atate
j lax to hr collected lu thi* atate next
Dewmber amount* M |^.867,-Ar*,-.*5.
; according to the annual apiortionment
iprejiared by State Aroaontani Hornxrioua board*
| phrey and a.mt to the rariou*
>tal tax last
an excellent time was enjoyed by all,
[d memoriea being renewed and old
mes lived Over to retroepect.
Tba mambm of tba old claaa who
preaant ware George A. Odium
of Whitehall. A. R Keillor of Boyne
City. F.
F A. Van DeWalk.
r of Pari*.
Boell of Orleani. J. B. Bow. n
Ooete* and Pennington. The apt'ciai |
pieces will be Moron * "Te b*-um 1
Landamua" by the full choir, and a j
trio for aourno. tenor and
baas, j
Verdi’s | \rm U*v«. a llamiwH anS FtMTimele
’’AttUa.” Mrs. W. O. C. Germaine:
Forrw««« Hall ToMorrow Aflat
will be noeompantat.
■oeeatserdoek. *
Db ia to take
place at Forcfter hall to
ning at 6 o'clock, A fine time U con
fidently aaticipated, and men from aU
to Wirr I
i are
invited. A
Kew York, Sept. 19-Oand DakelmenB will be served, and there will
of IFood Uiinga to tbe w^
^*bafoto bU*de^ri^*yeftor<LS^. jS -a feast of reaaon and a flow of
1 ••
Sam ate isc it tki sta<i
tu III. Majerty. The
I hcy arc made in band,
some, Uahionabie atylca.
Materials ate select^ with
citra carc.>Tlicv *uc made
by the l>c5t shoe builders
; A
242 frwt St.
$lot*$canied «Co$fumes
2^ mSTuSo^irr
Atop Hnt-Tli SiM Strlq 44idiud. 50c.
llatlet* and
Claaa were W A. Bobtowm.C. W
den. U. B. Partridge.
fitote are a numbar of namea yot to
ba aotod dbea. wblofa wUl be done toTbe ordlmuloo of
3 ?uy yuTfiniB***
Influence Promised to Have
Settlement by Arbitration
Bxamioers, and tbe action taken np«n j
Iba caaM before tbe oonferenoa. Four,
niambaga completed the courea and
dJ?S?d^ to lhi*"reT.S?o7irB^^
»hai rrury boj waafaF-plMty of »oraHa
tor hard Br-ar-pBi.1* Uu4 ar« all woul-lWal.
that af»ehMp^oalilyrumBdB*wL«-»tjrllX
of Lyon and
Joaopli. A c
..ffectod. Rev
rly oncB
Socretary-Oeorgr U. Arnold of Al l reduction of nearly
on.-million dol- elected preeident
' lar*. La*t year ITOO.Ouo waa raised
^^Troaautar-K W. UU^ofOocr,*..
Lalng of Ooopera-' for general j
A L to 1
alee Toulaht.
| from t» e fund running ebout the aama.
^ ' Mlaaloaarr Matolaa
r 14th O.
B.'cSnir*"'"'-*' •'
laak quarter annual of •k.OOa Dr.
Maaoa told laany amutiug a»oriea and
Strike Off
. t-AKItOLL, Lb. D.
. Kes-nlns In the ItOef
lAllr th«e of Porto KU
A report regard
ing the minuttoof the meeting was
rSi& by W. J. Oogsball.
A oommltlei' ooooeroing reguUUoos
vagardlng marriaga Uw* and cigar-
Knee Pants
tumbled to the fl» r bat e*oap'd un
hurt. Threats of lynching w^re made
if the perpretratom arc caught.
Camberland, Md.. Sept IV- Two
car* collided this morning on the
running from hire
through the ,Georges Creek mining
region, family injuring
of Gumb,rland
•evrtely fhockiug paRtengere. The
Dr. Maaon closed with an app.*al for
from the galleries. bo*ei and from th.U.. P^pl.
away from any other aooiety or oauae
Two Hip-PDCksts
eaaaot oooaln
tog a 116,000
5iKiL.v.T.:x 5s;?p.sr«i:^
aaylua *HU
i •”Fmt Baltimtr* t/tfn atJtiI MU'*.
___________ 1J6S-H
just received sh9w Slot-Seamed effects in Cos
tumes. Jackets. Waists and Skirts. STAND
ARD PATTERNS can be relied upon in mak
ing >’Our Autuma and Winter clothes. Be sure
to visit our Paper Pattern Department and in
spect our stock. Patterns arc issued for ever>'
need in wearing apparel. When next you visit
our store get a copy of
CI>eDe$igner->IO €eitt$
It is the favorite Women’s Magazine, edited by
women for women. ::::::::::
From Cop
-Co Bottom
There’s not a fault
daw You
See “1902
and Suits?
In the Trousere
we offer for Fall and
Winter 1902-3.
Fine Worsteds and
Casslmeres at
$2.00 to $6.00.
We show many hnndred pairs
Fine Trousers for
yon to select from.
iirosD eattii^ el«l loeAkatnct
tm MiMpktUtartaK Utmlmt»\
te. ta* «k* fforto MM Mklr to
«b. MlMta M« «b.ll.iiM«MM» vUl WWMto—i M—UItta toM toto totoU a^aad
vUltoc to to ihtoci vkM MMH7 to
Tbo oltjr-o BOW
Brtodop yoaiaadi r for tba 1
•ad it waa at oaoi
waehlaa it a good oat. A few
waaa oraabad yaMerday ood tooay foot taama bara baaa kept baty
iMlioE tba oraabad atooe to Caioa
root, wbaao Owitiaotor Pnmga’.
aw to at work laying tba ooaorata
Mr. P»«ro.lnt«$hb»lfUHEatoao
'artber dolay in mooirlag laatorial ha
am ptMEtoally oowpleta tha paTlag
Bttttnl lUws
of ItH World
lar. Cora wlU bo plMtltal.
aad aorgba« it wiU bo oabotilatod
for ooib for fodder.
- Mitt flam Oma Jewett, Iba woU
kaowa aatbor of Haw Baglaad obamotar oketobco aad ttorioi, waa tbiown
from bar earrtogo ia aa aoeldoat la
Soath Fanwlek, Me., aad rooMmd
aerlooi injurtoa aboat tha b«Maad
Tba NoTalo triha of ladiaao la Aritoea. nambertag $0,000 men. woaiaa
aad children, to mpidly amnoachiag
We are tbowing the largest and
cotaplete Kae of Reed Rockers
shown from
$2.25 IIP.
C. E. Maitay. Agaal
Wl%Klm V'a
only $2.75
oMtoaatl. fWPTtoto TM)
dtranwtow at E C- IM.'|
anttol aid it readamd by tha
at. or by tha peopla anoffl-
Wc do not Gamble away any goods and then add a little on other
prices to pay for what wc lose. Our prices are all marked altke; the
lowest that the goods can be handled for by experienced furniture men.
$4 SHOES $0
FOR....... $U
0.niTLEII. 43gLFlliglStl
%1«AX MAlll^ftUer I
WMBU m. ^AUMEBrnti
plat cm. ol wommly itiawaw, Donat
tUAMlEl. M«COT«rj
rssMi r. rowsss of i
biet laxatire for family aaa.
A special from Valdes. AUak^ aays:
Taa first of, tha coal oil in Alaska
sras struck at Ootolla on Baptember I
at a depth of $00 fact Tha gusnar
took erarytbing away and roae 16 feet
brfom It was flaaUy stopped.
Dr. Btaphea Paget, a aanreoa la taa
Iv' -a-:OBO. w. raf
PMMKag AUorwj-
waiid movement.
Lm thiD thfM ymn tfo tb« Metb•ilit okEMh la ilM UaiicMl 8uta« aa
"—■It that a fond of fiOOOOOOO
woaU ba aaadad for ohoroh <
wubla a cipoa ttOML The 8toi>eDduii»
8f««« atiffatad the avataffa ohureK
MDbar. and ocban baaldat But th,
Twaalatfa Oaatmry Forward Moment
waa orgaalaad aad tha work haEua.
What baa abaadj baaa aablarad ta ra
aarkabU. aad daaooakraMa wba
pliEh wh» be aett about it. alao tb.
wmmmitj of tba poopla of Amarica
ta mmmnmtnw a pood ^aoM. Rot.
M&weH U milt, la bit addraat br
iiOE hm. ffara a rorlaw of what ba»
htmTimm by tba aoraoMat aad aaMB«dtbattbatt«nuleaaa
_____________ i of $17.
800.000 bad alraadj baaa rmiaad. Tbi.
ta«lt tbowa that
baa baaa osarolaad
by tha 1
■rolaad bj
aad that the 1
a$$Bdad UbaallT fitMo tha fmlu of
thalr. iadaoMT darioc tba thraa pro^
vmomM jaan jatt paatad. Dr. IflUt
P adtott that the wbola aiaoaat will
ba talaad abont or aooa afiar tha $r»t
or Jaaaarr. 1$08. Braa aboald tbU
•01 ba doaa tha moTemaot hat aooon
pitebad a work which will ataad at
■iaaaitat to tba cbrlttian aeal of
VopU in proTidlaE the
wbMwarltbal to earry oo a work bt
wbtob baotyalty abaU racaira Uatinp
ha can fnraisb bridgaa for aoaaa that
hare baaa brokaa or that bare sank
in. All that to required is a naadle
syrlaga aad aolidifled pamfllB. wita
tha malting point at 116 degTacA Tba
akin of the noae to aiokad kith a soalptl at the point where tha iurgary it
to ba performed Tha needle to then
iaaartad and this introduces the pamffin. heated to tba mcltioE point, andarceaih ^tha skin. A firm pressore
t ten molds tha paraffin into shape and
fomtolres a bridga corared with heal
thy skin without a scar.
Tha crown prince of Siam.. Ohowfa
Maha Vajlmrurh. has arrived at Oopaafaagan. King Ohrlstian itaTa a din
ner in his honor. The crown prince
-uiitnuh? Ctoiinittor:bough, a prominent farmer lirlng aalto from Southampton for New York
A aoclul obttTvcr <rf-lnmu*rou* Fjtn- near Frankfort. Ind.. crawled into a October 6. Ba will riait Preaidant
patbltT reporu to the LUleuer a trait crerattc in a Urge ttrawttack and RooaeveU. make a two months’ tour i
of t Cblueiw torvan! .
In a while tberv the Ktraw took lire. Their
tnborban famUy which n rcaU t cer eacape wat out off and the boyt were of ABserioa. and will then mil for |
tain caiabUity for rwul.v aKHlmllnllon
Young Danntoon H. Bell, a pyrouietlHKlt of dealing
Tbe retidence of John D Rookfel- maniac confined in tha Bloomihgdale
with the iranjii problem. A hungry
tramp called one Momlny afienn^.n at ler at Pooantico Hillt, Weatoheater asylum, to one of the bain to the
ibe kitchen d«*or, and woe pn»mptly oountj, t
destroyed by Arc. The millions of hii father. Dr. ChristoclmllenEtd by .luhn. To John Ibe tmmp | hoilding
burned to the ground | pher H. Bell, who died recently in
aopiiosed to have started Germany. Bell crralCMl a
from croased eleettio wires
Newport two yearf ago by burning
"Uk* fltalir .Kktd JoUn. In lulnuat- $K*.aio.
down costly villas aad cunningly
Mabel CarroU. aged 15. shot and in- ooooealing the origin of Uie firea
Ilk. Art.” lb. tramp ai>. ataoly kiUed her aunt. Mra WUllam
finally admitted that he sraa the fin
-Call nidny.- aald John, at he abut Emcriok. In the Kmerick home at hug and was placed under reatraint
Mrs Emeriok waa after his insanity was established.
the d(x,r. with A tmlle Imperturbable.- Roanoke. Va.
standing at a bureau dreMlng when the The boy’s misfortune to beUered to
girl snapped a revolver, which ahe hare broken hii fathesto heart, for
C hloauo Potato Marktot.
cUims ahe did not know waa loaded. after the uposure the latter sold bis
Mrs Eme|[^ died icstontly.
Amerian property and moved tc
lougo, Bepk 18 (Thursday )-ArJapanesfpaj)crs received by the Em- rope, where he Bred in seolosion untU
nsato wan $0 curs oo Vorthwesteni.4
ireas of India report the capture of hii death._______________
ITS each on 8k Panl and Wtooonain
two sea aerpenu off the ooaat of Japan
Beads Altoars Plrsi.
antnd. and 1 oar on Burlington.
The market sras steady for good ripi> by fiabermen. One was a male measur The other fellows will show tho
600 ••Shoe Btrlng ’ 4-in-hand s
white stodk with the demand fair, the | ing 48 feet and the other a female 89
feet They had boms 2 feet 6 inches
of atook waa rather slow, wit imple t
* f«»t
I* the
■uppllesL A good deal of the
1. : opinion of scleutists that the aementa
Tlic railroads have arranged for
of'being disturbed Ay aetomio dtoturb- half rates for the West Michigan Fair.
demand exiaU. which
onV fh? ;“f®®**^**°“®**
deep water for Sejn. 29 - Oct. 4, from all points, the
Ich helps
tickets arc to be good for five da)-s,
c^e here by taking a part of tha sur- ^
plus offeringa.
Prince Ye. son of tlie king of returning Saturday, OcL 4. and this
KTtr.,1., DeUwM. O.. feature will bring many lo the Fair
n-S4o: 2 can Bd* Borbuk. M #sc. i*®*®®*"”*''*
lil. w>cntar3r, to at- and to the city lo do their shopping
tears a little grean at 84 e.,1 car atWesleyan university. The as well Grand Rapids stores arc un
88c Oar lots on track.
| prince has a fair command of Engliah. usually attractive this toll
o«l §m ibaoolartataaMitoCooi
badoi^wolldMa. Xbaoi^toMbU
have taken the |>tot»ct advanUge of >our younger years and
the Douglas Uuion made Shoes f
$3.00 and $3.50
saved a little money.
This bank welcomes savings
accounts large or small. It }*a>ii
iotcrest on your savings and
6-r IN THil
your money is sale.
a—• for }..ar.^4f tlMl th v
»rr lu*t ton s <«t In e«vrrT to»jr
Mtb'to- for whK-hkoubto’rVAJU'C W to
iu«t roiN-iv.^1 m nvw Ihh- ..f
tifto- tolii^ liitotln It, I. k »»lf.
n*-'ito .-flf.
iJl. $. Fryman.
If your bedroom furniture is the best. If it is bought
from us it surely is. What about that
You said you needed one. If you see our superb dis
play you would really have one-couldn't help it. We
have a splendid three piece bedroom suite, biggest bar
gain you ever saw, for only $ 12.75; There are all
grades and the greatest display in this part of the state
of thejnost magnificent goods that the greatest factor
ies can make. See the genuine solid mahogany and the
newest natural finish and the beautiful birds eye maple.
Our salesroom presents a bewildering scene as you
look down the long lines of beautiful beds. This year
more than ever are the fancy colored enamels used.
The designs are entirely new and more elaborate than
usual. You can buy a full sized Iron bed for $ 1.75 and
then all prices to suit your pocket up to $58.00.
Would be hard to sleep on, but if the plank was made
into excelsior and had a two inch layer of cotton on top
then you would have a mattress you could rest on, and
it only costs you $2.50 to own one. Our stock of mat
tresses was never so varied nor so large. "Nothing in
- mattresses we don’t have.”
Just as big an assortment of these as anything else. A
good spring for $1.45, or the best Ideal double spring
at $8.00. When you buy a spring you don’t want it to
go to pieces in a month’s'time—you want the best—we
sell them.
Jvaat. cHiF iBfeii ef liitoat aBi fl
^ JTa era Ercluiiro MgnnU for Trerorto City.
lot EMbara oT tbo Metbodiat
ia boopUabla aad fioalr «•
Tbia U iloalf la worthy of
Um boro baaa oatholy obooorod oad
•oatyoaa baa aoairbt to aio tho Matbadiot poopla fa aakiag tbU tha wool
•TOT held ia
Tba aaaibart of tba <
The tunc way conic and the
days will pass pleasantly if you
If tocks atuckod his feet so bars.
In double blanks Jim Dumps would swear.
Such trifles now don’t bother him.
For “Force” has made him “Sunny Jlml”
No need to suffer from hcau
l>on’l let the air get stagnant
- create a bree/c. Put in one
or more of our <lcsl
free, stmc or home. All of new
designmnd perfea construction
lanna to ba gratiiod with tba laaalt
EbOMfWlj fiatat Tba total aabaortpttOB waa $4$$ oad tha aolicitiair eou■Htii baa ooUaotad mry oant ol tha
•Mat. aad that wlthoat goiag twiot
•fiM a rtEElo^MoHptioa. la^
taaoBT oatea oitlaaaa bora offorad to
Thb large beautiful Ger.
Bsan' Reed Rocker, only
Look at the a1
aborc cut and <
nMUMi w Imk
$TiiET(» nninatuiiis
idc«4s ^ darttic- OorUtiWMrtof
■paper wportenH-I^jkenian wm.
one of «B-WM coMlantJy treated bj
him to oomo Undfol exploit Hi whlcli
be bad tieen mgBgtd, thongh be modeetlj left aUlbeciadit to mm oor else.
At one time be bad eo»e upon a man
OTcrpowered bj footpads Just In lime,
wltb tbe aarittanee of others, to dUre
her be had reecoed a child from the founh story of a
bumln* buUdlux, mentkming. by tbe
iray. that a woman bad l»reii rescoed
from the Hfth story by. some one else
ondfT far more difflcolt clrcumsUncrs.
Then there were constant etKOttntera
with rniti In the *MJves.” where Dykecunslderrd It necessary to go in
tbe pursuance of souh* of his assiffns, OixaskHiaUy
aaoh and arery oaae of Catarrh that
aaanct be oaiod by the aas of Uall't
Sworn to before me and anbenrlbed
ptmwm thal arary aantion of the so
aalladpliiandoak barrsM of Miab. In my tmenoe. thU Aih day of Deoeml^. JL D. 18W
Iiao aaa ba la-foraatod. Vearly all
W A Oleaeon.
' tba U«es planled hare tbrteed and ara
mow from twslre to migtVmm faet
naUy and acta directly cm the blood
Bara A. Faanoa, jaalioa of
psaosaad a tofblr raspwtod eaaldant
Bold by Dmgglata, 76c, UsH't fam>
of Poloakej ia daad. Ha vaa d4 years
lly Pllla are tbe beat.
of M*. and bad raaided In Petoakey
Ighi-let me s*«e. .\h. 1 re
l.rfist ulght 1
uo------siri'ct w ben s w i»i
window lu s house I wus |issalug
and cried for help.
1 w*ui iu and
found a thief, who liad gui iiito the
sc-cond flour of the house while the
family wire at dinner. Just climbing
latikx'work from s rear |»orcb.
I ’r«eh«*d over and. sc lrlng hIs <x>at
collar, drew him uil Just then a po
und 1 tuni.d him
aad etalnllT
for mara than iwaaty
^ AVMaraball. ItrUxg Amdla. a mam.
bar of tba high aobool foot baU taam.
bad bto oollar boaa fiaetarad In n
peaoUoaiama Wednaadny aftamooo.
Tba aaoldaot will probably pot a
dampar on the irame In thnt city for
tba aeaaon, aa parrnta look opon tba
aport at too rough for the yunngsters.
To saUafy Mra Natl.anlel Corrlslon
of Lapwir. who imagiood Toho felt
aomathlng crawling about her atomaoh. .a phyalolan appUad a atomaeb
pomp, and to hit aatooiahmaat mli< r.
ad bla paUaot of et worm ire inobm
loaf. Tba reptile wa. of Iba l.OOOlagged rarlely, and tb# woman tbinka
abe moat hare swallowed it year ago.
Onek from marrying kUry Reilly, tbe
girl of bit oboloe. at tbe time orlgi.
aally eet Friday last Ooyne met with
lakes oath that
theeltyof ToUdo. Ooonty and 8uh^
At Marqoeth' tbe 1 year old aon of
‘T>ld any one ds.* oinie In for any of
WlUiam Jobnaon was Immed to death
the fTedltr ask.-d one of the "gang."
in a Are whicli destroyed the lamlly
Y.-s; It was all due lo the xvoman
who called fur belli, .‘^lie luol Induced
isa for
the UUIII lu Ciller u el..ue» hr ssauHtlg
for thre<.^e
him tluit he would find the silnr there.
s hen abe got him In she slammed
SMomKilUrille, O.. "for Piles and the do..r and Uirued the ke.»
Fistnla. bat. when all failed. Back. ever, the d’-.r was frail, and1 he
len*s Amioa 8a1t« oortid me In two
U down. I lell yon she wss j.lueky.
weeks " Cures bams, fimtses, OoU,
Ooms. Bores, Erojitions, Salt Ithenm. that woman."
Hut where »veie yt»ii llie night licPlies, or no pay. I6o at Jaa. O. Johnfort* and the night Is fore ihaf; You
sou s and F. U. Mead’s drug store.
an- ne\«r with us any im*n% Ihi you
The stale of
lin*. im ahU.1 n-sem* »ome one every night*"
Inherliam-e law. Juil*:.. lluiiu. of the
Ramsey county court, hohla tluit tim
hastemd to add;
law of lisn N wmA,m.tUutioiMl ,.ih1 lu
".Nev.r mind, dear Is.y.
You shnll
ralld. and d..i
..f oih. i cmirta
j»eiid y.uirevenings w hen* you please."
have alneily found Imn.arahle llaus
Nevertheless iTiriosltV got the IsHtCT
as to hoiv l)yk< man ocimiueu uia k*isaid tliat he was ucanother
titoU to think that
and wss
aa Rooky MounUin
pan-tUm* in drill. Dykeivheii twIltiHl with the
860, Jaa, O. ‘
ut that lie had a Job to
an aoeldeot reenltlng in tbe faraaklng
of bit leg and blatrieodaoooclnde i
tbal tba wedding woald bare to U
Lord Klt»*hcner. In letnm f.u: the
postpon«ML Ueordaradanambolaaea. lemors lie li»a
In the UrlH..h
ractrujHdla. has pr*.».eiit.Hl to the rhy
of l^.mlon M fiin> i..|uii.|KHl ox wap.n
of tie. rhnrsrt.rMle N.utli .Vfrhun
M*rt. Whi. h wm. at oi,.. ttoio the j.ro|..
trtr of rr«T>lileiii Kru,.. r. uud :t ' loiii;
made lU home In tlie ohimaey
tom" w hI, h l ad heh.tu.Hl lo I he U-hta.
old atate i>riutary at Lanaing
At ooa
ttnsa a oonnl wna attamped aa the
birda circled aroand bnd alowly droppnA inU* ihft cdilmney, nod the nom.
bar ran more than »00. Tbe twallowt
^wtll aow bare to find a new home.
Tba morlng ran
men at Orand
Rapldt are boaier tbeee days than thsy
osoally are on May 1. Tbe rath It
oaaeed by the faot that many famlUes
ara being soared out of booaekeeplag
by the high price of ooal and other
aooeeaarles.andaie going to tryboard
ing this winter.
Krery Metbodi
of Detroit oonfaraaoe.
it said, baareqi
haareqaeatad the retam of lit
psaeent pamorr 1 for another year. Thlt
ia an onoaoal state of sffalrs and indllliat tbs work of the minietan
aea aatlsfsctory in eeery oaae
ime ga\ e lu explanation, so at last
OUiehl.hd o hunt up one for oxirSi-lve-i.
fh.su liig an evening when
we were all off «lu>y heg-ther. we made
our nrningeiuenis hi f..I!ow I»yken«u.
••Will you gu h. the Ihraler ibis evenlugV I asked hint "We sra sU off
toulglit and ran take In any show you
like "
"Thniiks. I would like to be wltb
A I., from all aUUoot Mackinaw C
you. hut you s4N'"to Big Rapids C. K Murray. Agi
"I don’t sec "
"Well. then, tliere la a hank"Wlmt Is to be thr hirkM*Al cotton mill
"Whh h U to In- ivi.lNNj tonight "
In thr world Is to In' lu<Tit«Nl tNM.n mnu
"How did you know tUatV’
Killians City. Mo. The tuvt*sttiu‘iil will
".Never mind. Go on."
resell about klO.itXMKia.
"They nee<! some man who Is quick
on tlie irlg^nr. who lias plenty of
snty in all tbe land.
There is no beant;
That can with her faoe compare.
"Tlunt will^: business Wore pleasHer lips are red. her eyes are bright.
Blie takes Rocky MounUin Tea at nre. You ran go to the theater with
Jas O. Jolinton.
We left l>ykemnn sUilng over a glass
On your ouUido doors oae Oal- of sour win# and salH.d forth, ostenman’s Elastic Bpar Varnish,
f J Mt
U.H.A I.sad
Hpecial T^^to Wiu
Rate from Trarerae Oity ronnd trip,
sn last Hatnr. 8ie.45
One extra stoiiorer allowed.
fatally for an Alpena man
day. Ha had enured
that afternoon while Uie
lit doors
d«^ were,
8rd. Ustc ‘TraTerse Oity In
mllerr and v ^
Wa^blngton 8;lo
bare hail a ' n. m. tbe next day. Solid train from
gone to alaep^ Be
berth Grand
had dream, for after a while be top.
Rapids to Washington, 84.60
plad orar tlie railing and fill to a
Make your resenrations early. Call
newbalgw.a dlatanoe of eighteen feet at oAoe or phone 12 for fortb. r de>
Mad beetmok on bl. luad. or fallen tailed informaition.
O. K.
aflforn tbe back of tbe imt. death
^woald probably bare baea InalaDtaae.
oae. bat aa It was be landed right and
was not Injnred In tbe ellghlest.
At OadUlar Mrs J
W Oobbs
aabrnrllmd 85001O the First Methodut
shairh psrsocagt' bonding fand and
the Uides* Aid eoeiety bis mwonnoed
its inmatloB to eootriham 1800 more.
Aotire wort tn mdieltiag for the fmid
wiU aow be eotared upon and the
amoani desired, fi.ooo. wUl probably
be enbsrrlbrdwlthln a few weeks
Aneightsea months’ old child of
Bert Vai»dc»bnnk..of
KOOd ^ U tb.
' Lmoky Oorve” Bold at KasUll's
At the oM fsi
U In Kwe
r lees for
IniiK luni res
tome hotels
irciil as one
day. The Uttle one had elimbed ap a man and a wife are char
grape rlae to gather giapee. aad bad and onc^bair persons if
tbe same room, A hnsl
erideatiy left tie bold. He booaet may travel at one and
llway. and also l.y ^be
eona by railway,
fumUhlng Ihelr
watehed till lie rarae out. then followed
lie sjwn stt.pped at a candy
store, from whieh he emerged with a
paper of sweets,
"Is he going to h.*nd off the tuink
rohlMTs l.y peppertng them wltb Ion
bontr* remarki-d oite of the "gsng."
A second stop was at n fruit stand,
when* he punUased some luscious
pcaclie* and yellow liauanas.
"I N.r," said anolher. "lie’s going
to seotter the skins on the fl<x»r In
front of the vault, and the robbers
will find their f.N t In the air and
thems4 lves on llM'Ir backs."
There w«to no more stops till Dykeman entered a little frame trap «»n tbe
outskirts of the ciiy. He went tn at
tbe door, oud wc l.N*k ihm.Iiion st the
wlmbiw. A dim light Hh.me within,
and there was half nn Ineh of space
Wween the window shade and sill
through Wlileh we iH'i-r-.l from the
A little girl of some seven
or eight .vesrs wss lyln* 00 a couch.
Her cheeks were thin, her eyes were
large and lustmus wlili .lls^'asc. and
their expression as they flarvd upon the
grciit tuuM-uUr Agtirecf Dykeroan was
that of om> who imd waited hungrily
for him all through tbe hmg day. She
thr» w her thin arms nlN>ui
bent over her and patie.1
l.aek. the only manifestation of her
delight vUUde to us now thal be wat
lietweeu tier and us. Th-n the candy
and the fniit came ont. and then Then s.m.cthJng I Ac sluin.e came
over us for eavesdroppplng. and one by
y fr.ua tbe window
the sight of this man. who was
screening hist«demew. and gentleness
wUh his I
and to
and the <child b.^* hi
keepi your liver uedng and your
Weet condition.
For sale at your DrnggisL
Ui»e bottle. 35
aaaU bottfc. to
in a
Ta» flmn m€ Ttsw.
II# went tM M real estate man.
"1 want xour ..pliiloti s. t- tl.evalne
of a errtaln plere of i»roperty.’*
Tlie real iwtnie man went f*ot and
looked at It.
"I khoald think kt.-i.noo s g.-Hl prir.for It" was the report.
"No more than thstr cried the Hlrat "Well. I won't ortl It for that"
•*Oh. yon own It and warn to sell!"
exclaimed the real estate man, -That
makes sll ttie difference In tbs world.
1 was hmktng It up from the point of
view of a man wbo wanted to htty.
My dear sir. It ought to bring from
• taojnOMtiMntritML8S~”.Sf
•OAaB'^AXll^ FLATFOMM.-----
Bos . iMdhw^mau tbe right to mote
Uve to a gtrl to win from her a eoDwiU bo fcMlon or ctUdo? This ts wbot ScrAoooal G. a A I. Excotoloo OoA
geont W’hcWwTight of tbe new. force
nb. to DotrolL ToUdo ood Obim^:
bos dene, and the ecblra of tbe tbUg
Ort 14th. to RichBMmd« lod. U*s o
are not botbsrtng him st sU, for bo boo
tbo lowo Doily GhpUot MTO: **Two
U - yon WAat to Ingb f^BtoU-
Xd6Mft*« MUMMfal oomeAy
asogt remarkable ntOroail ear
» in tbe world. Engineers of the
cylrama railroad bare for nomc
MT. hut those Uf OS Who t>eto the ‘•ganx," as we disre
spectfully refoirrd to ourselves heUykeiuan was simply sufthe wrong
rmg got
t of adveuspUerr onife and hlA s
hlksjuirs of siesiu fn*m his
safrty VSltd*.
It Ik lit. l»ykcman." 1 would soy lo him at dlnucr,
whin we weix* sssemlded at IIm? iJtUe
the alley where we aU
dlin**! togetbiT. **\Vhi re do jou spend
Condtnstd Dews
% of tnicblgM
Ugatloa into aa tmiqti#
saya the nttaharg Tlhwa. Tbia propoaltion la notblng 1cm than tbe driving
of six 330 foot tunnels Into the aide of
tke hin that riaca behind the tnloo
la tbcM tnanela are to be
ajid cleaned the btxndreda of
cars that are daily called lato oae on
the Ilttahurg dlrWoo of tbe great
trunk line. This suggestion was the
free offering of an eastern traveling
hla frequent JotmieyS to
man wl
i nttahurg licrame Imand th
tbe urgent nee
track fsclUUea about the
ai. He visited the rittshurg'offlcials
of the railroad, briefly outlined hla
Moxrlod Moo** won cm onbibite »t
fit Mxw. Ssmael Goldberg.
thoOnmd loot oTOAihtohd tbo Tiow
an. a lid. Ihiring oot os 0
gsrdorr on the diw|N>U
o pceoecit. Tbio brl|^ Amm
rremUra. he l>egsu mskli
of Oea K. BdoooB*o oomo love to tbe girt Tbe maiden’s bcort
rt 0.0000 oohonlBodoBdWi- was UghUj won, slid tn three days she
wss ready to ekgw with him. Then
be began talking olxiut fnnda.
could they go lo I'sris without a lump
Inst eveolrg. While the flrat two oeto of money? Nettle fell iuto the trap.
ore aotbolsteroos, the third oet ornkm She confessed that whe had Ukeo the
op for ony slow goiting of tto pro-
uTlovtT .
doood throogh tbe evening odd life
mod goiety to tbe ploy, ’ibo doaoteg
of tbo My«ra Bistors is oopoeioUy
b# would 4-ouvert I
Into rash for their
Mr. WbtNdwrtghi
Engllah—to> tell tbe sergram what site
creditsblo. *-TwoMorriodMeo**lso
thought of him, but the sergram says
direrting offort io ton-mokioir ood ^ does not mind at alL-I*lttshurg
took well Uot oveoiof. It U to Uogh
tunnels Is to be
oaditsrtJoetiswoUottolood. **Two
I to ai'eoniinodsu
Morried Moo*' U tbo bOlot the Otood YOU shoold boy 000 Of 1
four aundard length conches. They
ogoia this erooing ood It wUl doobcwlU he wide enough for two tracka
•2.60, tbofs alt a
and three paaaagewaya bruad enough less draw another faU boose, ”
the car ricaners to work with ease.
Manager Berger wbo managed Sol
FHectric light wUl dhpel the darkness
of the huge caves, while l.rlek roofs Smith Kuaseii throughout his long and
aad cement floors w III k«N'p the d.nmpThe tunods are to IW ch>i-e
uce to them will l»e
gained l.y a Udder track eoime*'tlug
Mr. Berger has been trying
with one of the main yard tracks. The
wlU iM. driven Into the hill
near the upper end of the traliiabed.
close to the very pUera where the cart years' contract at the Castle Square.
when th trains nre Mr. I^wis was |irc%'ented from ac
made up. U U believtHl thnt tbe entire cepting Mr. Berger’s tempting offer
lie done for rauKldi-rsbiy loss Mr. Lewis will be seen here in the
thau 8300.0110.
Slop and ciamiiic our stuci. lis.
lamous Russell play "A I’oor ReUe tracks now UHj-d arc !nveutiN'iith strxs't knuckle, tion** and a sidendid performance
months they ha^e Ikvu mav be depended ujion. The lUtc here
iciuate to the dcuuindt is Saturday. Sei>l, 29.
ir» and our pricp arc lair, w# also
them, but there w ns no
way to increase their rapacity. An ImLincoln J. Carter’s latest scenic
piirtant part of the l*nUm station U comedy drama "The Darkest Hour.*’
nndiTground. It was the lark of r«>ra
saul to l>c one of this most prolific of
thal Impelled the ronstruetU.n of subauthot’s grcaicst efforts will be seen at
iMiggage r»Mms and tnirks.
Sicml>crg’s (’framl next Wetlnestlay,
Srpt. *24 th. ,\mong the many well
known jibyers may be mentioncTl. the
and well known German
hold cxpcflimMit is to Ik- tri.d l.y
the lluug.*.rlau-goxeMiim i.t. A.Hx.rUiug
lo the VIenim ^'om‘^IN.n.h•tlt
Standard, it pro|H.s«-s to gn illxc
.hies liv funv. In MU the time
grenl immlgrnll..n lu the Ufteciith tfutury. if not in fon-. the T.gji.tlans have always Uvii .exiisnlUigly
i:nn.,H«. It
ns ..f a ihh
U Hot cosy lo take a <1*umis
luadic iNN>ple. I.ui if any
may be plav'cd uik.u olticial i-Kilmntra
Hungary may almost elnliu to In- what
"pn.mhe corrcs|»ondent rails
laed Und" of the nice
U#ved. Ita iop«y iH.i.nlaiion rrarhos
100,000, It i*nssraM*H mon- ttian a quar
ter of the t..tul for all l-.nn.iH'. Uou
maula. lu.we\.-i.
an even
larger iimnis t. lit.-'’uHl Walla. hhlU
pn.vlm-e luiMstg
Inhu cm- of their
gri'atesl Miongholds. 4;om jnm.-Kjs. chIKN-ially of the luit.riml oMit.n.mat pat
tern. Imve generally Usikeil i:|-m llw-se
auhemL-in wand
and have souietimra taken Gtv i
e^j.l..n, t
I fiYTtheir
WS4-S with slight
‘ matl.T of that
lu:u;;:ry s
. 1 llolt.-d t
hare a mimU'r of gn
whether they like it or iiei. They are
to U' traluctl to hamli.Taris or to agrirultnral UU.r, and such of tlicm as re
fuse to bend IlH'lr lUN-ks to il-.e yoke
are to In* galheivd lnt.» two grt-nt ni
formalories holding l.«ss. nn-ah itrauts
iclu llj.n- Is
I the xioilou
centuries will at mio- n'e..m He them
selves to regular hour* and to sl.H*plng
under a roof for all the w««-;d hke tlio
sttllonary gentiles fiu* wh-.m they often frt-l so much contemid. Uni ihthaps tbe ctmtempLnt.Hl mcasurra arc
Intended less for n.tnal eiifon'ement
than to frighten away the Ilomnny.
Who mightl prefer to meoi the Transylitier In Uot
Jsmra i». Lyuian .*f Wnierbury.
Conn,. imjNTint*MMl.-T t rf tlie Standard
Elerlrii- Time tvuepanv. huk Just Inveiited .n new eUN-tnr G-u-.l rloek
which U liUeiidetl, k:i.vs th.- Jewelers’
CircuUr Weekly, to 4.j>enite bell, and
signals on fsetories. schoul. or other
A writer In the Medical Times advo
cates on aanlUry grunnds the subaOtutkic of slomlnlnm taliJeU for paper
bank bills.
F-wirtmy, mrngo%.
Tbo Oomsdv Boocest of 4 osaarmi
Spcdil Sccnco!
Hord SpecUlUesI
SparkllBC Will
Pretty Girts!
(^•^...25, 35aRd50e.
r now no Nalr. ’PbooP Hr.
Dry Oood*
tiful vocal renditions o! "Little Bunch
of I.ilacs," ".Xpiilc liUissoms” etc. In
his lated efiort, Mr. C'artcr has surroundcil this particular star with an
ertinent and «ajablc comi»any.
member being carefully selected for
their jicculiar fitness for the role as
signed then, niic jilay is full of exciltng climaxes and sensations, mak
ing It one of the dramatic treats of
the scas«»n.
BENDA charges no fancy prioea for
Kocherter Clothing.
A.D«d €>klo gtraralo* Vte M. A N. K.
You will find u> .t 511 E. fill. St„
alw.3r. ready to mre >-ou. Call an>i
O Oeoo^r^
X 01. mnimeti
regular train until Nov. 1st 1»Q3.
D. L. S. & M.
ami Dck So.
F. A. Mi
. Cuuninghan
toknkjnc lM**rim.-nl-
It would take a reporter most of his time to keep you
informed on the store news here, but we can only
mention some items from time to time as we get a
minute between sales.
today it’$ Silk Dre$$
We jus opened up a big line this morning, made of
Taffeta and Peau l)e Soie Silks, the greatest values
yet. the
Ni. kl.-.
. . .
Ch-. k-, .-a-h u.-tii*. In
t.-rtisl fvvvi»u«-s<'o*unl
numbtr at SS.50 You’d guess $12.
Iv.lllS Ul
a*ui Ul
iw ei
And such a fine lot at $io.oa You’ve paid a half
more for no better—the others are
. .rf d.-,—
>r»res»#r rislma to Hsve Proof That
AMOrlro Wos lokablte4 Tbra.
The University of Kans.is has .-mother proof to offer tlmt Am. rira was inhabited In glacial timt*'i. mivs a sinvial
disiialch from Lawremv. Kan,, to ihe
.New York iimcs. rn.fe>H..r tVUUston.
who declares that the -loinKlng skuir
once belouged lo th.-'lKHly of n prehlsloric man. now comra forward wiih
this statement. Isicking tij* the unherslty curator, II. F. Martin.
There resta In tl»e inosenm of tbo
University of 1Kansas at luiwrenra tb«
d:HC«»vrrcd by Mr.
Martin in wratem Kansas several
years ago. They wtre taken from the
place w here they bad U-en ImlNHldi-d
In tbe rock. This stralnin t.f the earth
need at of the glaeial {ntI^a |wo
skeleton was found imbed
ded an arrow head. It was made of
flint and was so skillfully and delicate
ly faahJoiied that It o.uKJ^i>ot be mlsUkeu for oilier Hum It w as.
Grand Opera HousS
$I3.S0, $1S,00, f21.50, $25.00
You should see this line.
Miaa'44 Micaatn
T.M.140 u
Orand TrmT-
more new monte Carlos today
Visit our Cloak section whenever you come down
town, it’s a rare treat this year.......................................
As a usual thing, the bet
ter dressed a man is the
better he behaves under
all circumstances. It is a
cheering sign of the times
that men generally are
paying more attention to
their attire. Many arc
encouraged to do this by
the fact that by wearing
L. Adler. Bros. Co. RoChester made clothing,
they secure as good a
reputation for dressing as
well as their acquaint*
ances who pay twice the
money to swell merchant
Uibrs. $12.00 to $22 56
gives you all the dress
advantages that Uilor
made men secure at $25
to $50Ga
Mr Mk*r Bob «ail I
oa4L back h**tMr toDom to ion. mat
«tt tka Mao (IrL bat wtU tho «OMOfw mrrtn tnm fadlac th» nat Oabatoa
CoBu Dono.
•a ooiaad It at tbo ana tiao aad
for aoruo workod to-<b» aaao rtty.
m§ Mid DOC rmj well rootloiie f«^
mm, mad we at Uac drifud apert. Far
•wtdia wa rorraapooded. Uien fiUlU
M tnck of rarb caber.
MMWWIa for dw tbe romanee bad
PM M of tbe Arietthe amice, abd
It M baeoiDe Ibe drtml»r hmiomm,
•mnlabad. at wui^ii 1 »tnieri«<d to
oiaaa, Bapt. 19—The next
aays the New York
doead by any woman tboa far.
orlflBallty baa gained prestige for Its
owner, ai. i aU aodaty folk ere a-flutter
over If-luirodoctlon. Tbla oriental orBam.uu wbVrb la faatcnrd with four
rings and a bracelet, covers the entire
bark of the wearer's band, lu make-
aroha Multaat waa finally affaetad to‘'•y
It Us baen d»dd«t to
and dlamouda. It U of froetrd gold,
and ha openwork la tborougtdy orten
»rry mile tal in dmlgn. Iijcmaled with the pre
■•••yr ai
of uiy dotW llow- dona stooea of many deacrlpilonamm. ttat* w*. DO bHp for mr I
Tbe Urgeart atones In the center of •W-t^to BOO... BOW-.
the omamest are rubies and are aurrtmuArA with alternate rows ..f aniaU
diamonds and pearl. 1'j.ch ring cun
Too Bailli-Berl Mllier,
Ulna an opal which U surrounded
i^aa paaaad me aod wUUpered ia n/ with dUmonda. while the bro«-elet conOrsoicbMn—Dan Losidon.
4 O.-a la Ira winute.." ibeo alau of diamonds and sapphire* >tu-rGaapard—George F. Knowiaa
pMod OD ODd waa Joat la Ib^ «rowd.
Who ha warn, obat be laraat or
JrwrH l.e<ler-ked woman who ly. aVd.
how ha came to kaow me aaa a mya look* forward to the Introduction of
tmj. Ur traloind a. a dHrctlre at aomHblng new and oiigln*l will e^l^ aaaurod dw that 1 wikt»t I-. on deatly find In tbU band covering aa
tha track of a mnw
ateataa.** 1 bare It
will Go Agrtaai Elk RapMa la
iry. will irt^iUbl
g the •oclal art
Foot Boll 0*ao Nr«t
* *Y
tha placa. aotrr^ It
fonayinaa. Ue aoon rnfrr«t loaaad
na without a
prlrata dlnln*
lowad him. The d«a waa ac^rc^Iy
aaaadwhaohaaaJdto me
-ira aocaa time alnre w<
laat 1 aaw of you ym
off by a M with a loIr
oa your wnata. ho waa I. *
•^Mamonaa aro not alwaya i.lraaaut
Batter come to the |ioim at
**Blffht you are. HHuanma and I
(you kDow tflDiDOQa: ha waa artib ua
OB tha otber >obJ waa dlacbar*ed laat
waalL Wall we re r»il*y t« <raek a
hBBk. aod wa are badly In need of a
BBB wa can trust to wairb. If you'll
jalo ua. we'll share the plunder In
I eooaeatad. and be unfolded a plan
to lob tha -tb National.
Uow tha nan bad nlataken me for
aone ooa alee 1 could not Imagine,
nowvrer. 1 dW not trouble myaelf tery
nueb about It. being aliaorl-Hl with the
aroodarfol piece of luck that bad InfaUsB Boe. I waa too old a bird to
flra away my secret fur imlblng. I
want to tba president of the -th Natkwal and told him that I knew of a
F! about
rsssd Is CAlllsrsU.
Ira|»orUnt dUroverk*. Iu.v.- l«en
made by l#r. Kelley and hi* brother.
T. U. Kelley of Han rraiit l*<-u. who
recantly relumed to that city, mays the
New York Time*. They made a trip
alone down the gorge l.-luw the iJrand
canyon of Ibe Kings river, throngh a
region wUlcb la aaid never to have been
ayalemallrally explored lH-f..re.
They claim to have dI*eo\ered a rrgkm whkb aurisusea by far the world
c-Iebrated Vowmite valley and which
will some day l*e more famou*. l^xHimliig eventually the tourist yi.x-ca of
('alifomla when It la pm Into mmmu
ulratlon with the ouukle world.
• cliff '
and forty awsM-latloua eiiruU.d
men la«l y.wr ami rX|N-. t to make the
numlier of atudeuta
this year.
Thcae men range from fouruin yearn
of age to *Ixty. and Mi»i»'T o ut of thinu
vkiwl of mcrclal,
the rtud.tita :r5
1:5 iM-r
Ubbery a year Ufure and s4-«- are imvhanlca. 25 i*-r .•enl In the gen
to tha |»enlU-mlary for five eral trades, and but 23 i*t <vnt are
elerka. The cUsaes lu cin.-* ami Eng
foaad my broiber
gUah brauche* enroll fully 75 i*-r .vnl
aaw me he threw btmMdf on my mvk of foreign bum yui
**Oh. Tom. this comes of rtwding
Oaborlan and Cooan l>oylc: *
•'Explain. Bob.**
•*! fell In with wome men who proposed to rob a bank and convinced
thorn that I waa one of tbelr kind, lu^
fora I could cxpUln how I Inieodi-d to
trap them they were am-ated and
peached oa me. rajicra w .-re found lu
aty room connecting tue w ith them. 1
waa arraatad. tried and iwDvlcted. The
aaaa who got the reward I bad bo|*Ml
for was a new^per niiorttT and no
ffatacUva at alL 1 wUh 1 bad the ne. ka
of Gkborlau and Cooan lv>yle lu one
Mae. I d hang both of tbt'm blgb.^-
» frtim other nation*.
Teat. r*r C. A. R. Me*. _
The national encaiupmeiit of the
fSrand Army of the U.-public will W
held In a m
monster tent at Tamp Uoose.
veil, la Wa *hUigtoii. whl.h win Im- kv
rated In
White Hu
big cln-ua lent eaiaibb- of seating 2.000
veteran*. It will l*e floon-d and *uppllM with Chair* and a large platform
and win iM- drai^ with the national
mior*. There will bt> a regular mlllUry |»atn.l eataMl.h.d. and gn.upcd
than rnmmtx -Xou ahould have taken precan- atom the big tent will to a divien
tloiia. I hare Just made fio.ouu for amalkT lent*, whicb will to used fur
€ximmltif*« meeting* of the encampdolag what has sent you to prlaoi
1 want to the govemor and staled
■y own and my brolher'a attempted
Tkm C**«*re mi
work la aach a way as to secure
a pardon. We are now angmgaNl
paytaC boalBeas-not as detrctheaawofd.
iMdlt op on the f 10.000 paid me by the
By proof that wUl »o ecmtradlctkm
If any ooa menthma detective etorlaa
•r the datacUra aarrlce to Bob, be PaU Mall aaart ytold to P*ter*o.ier row.
•Md hasp oot of the way of bU flau.
-r. D. H. to W*»tnHaatar Gaaatta.
FonaiUn pen ahould hloi.
Tba faaenU of Mrs. M. MeOarTr
oeoanad thU amlng at JO o'clock
$$ «i
far m a/ttarwtam
____________ nt-li
Folal Ilaod-oo (Wllloloa oa W
a result of a
head on oolllaioa between two paaaanger trains on Uh* PUUbnrg A Waatom
railroad, near Witmer station, this
morning, five iioraona wen- killed and
two acnooaly Injared All the dead
fore b««n explored .-and U Inmnd to
lake rank ahead of Yow-mUe. There
are #h«-r cliffs there *ur|«i**lng lu
height aud gnmdeur far fame<! El < a|.
lun. The country la so hugely rough
that In one iiortlon It took na three
days to make four mile‘s' hhidway,
►cajlng cllffa the whole time. Th^ vir
gin country la simply alive with wild
game, ll U a region of w ond.-r*."
Kitui* the return to the ouuide world
Ue Queatloue<l im- to get of these explorer* enmest effort* have
a dew without paylUK f«r U. but I been jiut forth toward the bulldlug of
aaalad my moutl^ and Iw bnally con adequate trail* Into ^be new repUm and
tracted to pay me wbal I anked.
develoidog It a* the lust and gmnda».l
Of couraa on the hIkIiI w.- were to wonder so far revealed by CallftrmU.
rob tba bnak I bad iM>ll«^cn .rationed
at conraolent place*, who at the
proper time awooped down upon ua 6HAH ADMIRES PARISIENNES
and capturud.ua red luindrd and Ju.t aUDDed a Weddla* l**nr *»d Oav*
as tba burglar* wen- aU.ui t*. get
Dria* ferBla* C.«iaatere.
awee wtlb fTS.UUO lii blUa, besides a
The shah displayed d.m«MT«ijc quallarge number of govermueut Iniuda. niea recently lu Parla |.y playing a
1 waa UA away to Jail with a |mlr of game of blUlarda with Ibe grand v laler
handcuffs on my wrlat*. wbbb were tu the bUllard room of ih- Kl.v*.v Pal
Uken off am soon as I wa* out of at-e hotel, says the NVn York Il.rald,
Bight of my colalwrem. Meanwhile The “king of king* ’ inanlf.-aled great
tha mao who bad uuH me on the eujoym.-nt when hU cuUi|ietllor mlsacd.
atreet waa standing beside me w aiting um| he W..II .aslly.
for a Black MarU.
Th.- *hnh altgidcd the Theatre I'ran
cal* to hear a Jlaaslcal drama. I.ul wa*
not greotly ideaaed. lie prefer* the
••egcepl through you. Now. i lM-Ue\« rhatebd, where there 1* a Mg Iwllet of
you gars us away at Ituffalo. Vuu’ll pretty girl*. Ill* ndiuiralion of the
pay for tbla.fair M X bd him to atop a bridal cor
The ne*t day I rerriv.tl my jwjr aiel tege In the Ikii* and galhinily lu |w.*la the erenlng aal by my tire Mimklug a.-ut the lirlde with a J'en.lan gold
contentedly and plamang for a m w piece, for vvbhh the cn.wd < b.n-rid
Btart with my capital wben the fact hliu highly.
auddanly popped tnlo my biwtl that I
The *h:ih tMiught twii munk« \ * at the
had been luUtakeu for my twin Jardlu d AeclluiaUtlon. When they
hmCber. Dad Boh gone to the l»ad> Wen* taken to hi* h..l«-l. hi* |mm>ts out
My own bmtUer. l»om at Ibe same of j.-aloufcy swore like plral.-* In tlatuna, grown up with me. a burgUr. a IVrslnn longue.
MUblrd^t w aa atckenlng'
▲a soon as I could get away I aUrt
ad for Buffalo. There 1 vl*Hcd the
abler of
that had occurred lu that city, but
there waa no record of any one of my
■ame-Wharlon-bHuK i-oi.mvt.-d with
any of them. One day u,tK*lUv
at the atiaat fair at Central I ^
The game will be playwd next
neaday, beginning at 10 o’cloc
BRd a toRfUM S iSlUm f
Frmk Baftimma a/atara af J
PropooMl With C'aplt^ of aSO.-
Chicago. Bept Ih— cattle tmit.
with apropoaca capitalisation of $50.000.000 la in prooaa* of formation, ac
cording to a number of local
The new combine will promote the
cattle boftineea of the northweetem
and aouthwestem states, which u
a practical monopoly in this oon
Vienna. Sept. ID-The acooai
Assistant Oashler Jnllieck of the Acs-
Detrolt-Whrat. 76 and 72;
Chicago—Wheat, 78 and 78; eom.
aDdsoaMeorthe important re
ports win be made to the ooDfoeDce
tomocTow morning.
Some of the
memben of the atatistics committee
worked a good dare of the aigbt last
night, and are aearly done with their
reports far them diftrictE
The hearing of the fiixb annual ac
count of Wflliam E. Davis, execu
tor of the estgte of Thomas Haywood
deceased, was had today before Judge
of Probate Loranger, and an order
was made allow^^ sai^
of the claims and acer of the esute ol
Alexander M. C. Lewis was had today.
The Slate Bank’s sutement- ap
pears in another column and shows
footings ot $1,889,140.58. This is a
fine array of figures and shows that
the inoease since the last previous
statement was issued has been $180,000. There has been a stead}* in
crease for a king time and during the
past year it has aggregated $800,000.
The figures show that the per^e of
Traverse City and vicinity have mon
ey and that times are good with them.
The Btalcmcnt also shows that this is
one of the strongest banks in Michigan.
Piol. DeCommcrct sriU give a cali
co hop next week at the Academy.
Invitations arc now out.
The Knights of Pjthias arc looking
forward to a very enjoyable time at
their ojicaing season hop tonight All
Knights and their Udies cordisllv invited,
a M. Brown is confined to his
home as a result of running a rusty
nail in ms tool.
The advance sale of scats for the
engagement of ‘O-he Darkest Hour”
with Karl Gardner, will open tomor
row morning.
E. S. Williams ol the bicjxle repairing firm of Williams & Alberts, has
been appointeil to a ]x>sition as
cling representative of the Rac>lc
Comiumy. The place was given him
in preference to a Urge number of ap
plicants. He wiU start on the road
in a short time
The dance to be given Saturday
night on the new pavement 9n Front
street and the epneert on th^ iwch of
the Hotel Whiting, have b«n post
poned until next week, the dale to bf
announced later. ^
The Congregational ladies will open
their rummage sale tomorrow at
I'nion street.
Mr*. Johnson relumed to Manistee
this rooming with the remains ol her
late husband, who dic<l at the .Asylum.
She feels vciy grateful to the Elks
and Maccabees, who assisted her in
caring for the remains.
ThcM.A* N. K tram to Cedar
Sunday will leave at 9 a m. and 2:80
p. m. .
In another portion of the Reconi
apiKrars the statement ol the condition
the First National Bank, showing
ihs ago, and is the ''bcM showing
The muried ladle* of St. Fnnoie ever made by the bank, which has inohcrch iJ^ a rrogreative pmlro part* crcakcvl steadily since its organization.
Hst nl^hTIn the achool hall, whicb
figures show a sound con liiion
was well att.nded Fruit and ice
cream and cake were served. The fi»h
|iond addnl much to the amnaemeni
r business of the bank.
the evening The proceeds will go
towards parchaaing a new organ fo.
the clmicb
iss Cora Mason of West Unity,
io. is the guest of Mrs. Edgar
Mrs. James. Kehoe and roothci,
Mrs. William Smith, visited Petoskey
Fr. Fecdham and his cousin, Fr.
Mrs. Crane of Deiroit will have O’Bnen, who have been the guests of
cliar>;c ol the milliner}- dcj»artment of Fr. Bauer and Fr. Ncetlham’s iiarcnls,
the Boston Store this season. It
for the iMLSt week, returned to jackannounced a few days a^;o. that the son and Dcuoil this rooming.
Boston Store had engaged Mrs. Hope
Dr. M. C. B. Mason, the emi
of Oetroil as head trimmer, but t
colored orator and educator will
unable to come.. ITie day before she
leave the city this evening
expected to start for this city, her son
the Metho<Ust Episcopal confer
mat taken cnlically ill and is still \cry
cncc at Streeter; III.
low. She will not be able to c
Fred Simms, formerly employed bv
but they have been fortunate tc
cure Mrs. Crane.an able trimmer and the Record and a graduate of the
High School, left last evening lor
Peona, III, where he will enter the
Mr. Rosenthal has also received
Bradley Polytechnic Institute.
the lollowmg letter, which cxpia.ns
Dr. Archie McPhail of Northport
is in the City today.
Henry Kmgsworth is in the city to
day from fiellairc.
He is training
and driving lAdy Restive, who has
DETROIT, 8.pt. Iflth
been inside the money in all the races
Mr. ChaiL. Rosenthal,
ot the year except those in Grand Rap
Traverse City, Mich.
ids. He will race her at East Jordan
This will imroducc to you Mrs. this week and Gaylord next week.
Cranc,.who has had charge of our
Miss lane Shurtlefl of Cross VUpattern hat order dciiartmcnl am lage is visiting in the city.
customers* cop>nng room this season
Biglow and Mrs Clancy, who
so v-ou know that she is proficient it
the management of millinerr depart have been visiting relatives returned
Bangor today.
menis or she would not hold such j
Cornelius Krantz is visiting relaresponsible pUce in a concern like
ours. She IS a splendid saleslady as
well And 1 know that she is just the
right party lor )*ou. It was with much ATTEKTION FORESTERS, The
difficulty thaU conld persuade her to
Forester* wiU give a social dance in
leave our pUce to go up to you and
their hall after the businca sessioo
indeed we scarcely know how we are
evening, after which regoing to get along wHhout her ourlU win be •eri'ed. All For•elves, so have strcached a point to ac
esters and their ladies cordially in
commodate you. You can really con
gratulate >*ourself as I think she will
prove even more satisfactory than
fraak BaHmam a/afara at Jackyour first choice.
Trusting with aU you will have a
good season, we are
Venr truly j-ours,
Mitcheli-Moody-Garton Ca
By W D Moody.
Vice ITesidcnt.
G. T. 8toat, MS Stale etreei. at T
By Wtr. to t%m Evralnc IWonl
Oyxtcr Bay. L. L Sept. 19—Prexideut Roosevelt started on his western
trip on the S>*lph at 9:80 this moml
ing. A disagrcablc dmxlc prevail
Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Alice
Roosevelt and Miss Ethel will accompany him to New York. The other
members of the preadent’s lutny left
at 9-.30 on a special tram. They will
jom the prexi^ent at Jersey Chiy from
whish point the start will be made for
Cincinnati over the Pepnsvlv ania road
at 2:14 p, m.
rot WkH. our Mark-lo
ONi-Y wf.es
TbU bed wiik a iqaire incle nD
»t the head and foot, worth $3.60,
ot with beautiftil gold trimminp have ,voar choice, only $1.66.
Wc have a large stockof Iron Beds which we
wish to reduce, and In
order to do so we will
five 10 per cent off our
Refular Price ::::::
Wc Cordially Invite You to Call and Sec Our
Large Stock and Big Bargains
mu KM milt (onpiiii
By Wlro- t.. lb- l^rnin* II.,-.i C
New York, Sept. 19—The last
hitch in tnc information of the steam
ship trust, that of the transfer to J. P.
Morgan & Company, the stock of
the While Star.was practically cleared
away totlay.
OUR STORE. 106 Front stn^t, will
be closed all day
Remnants of Black and Cold Wool Dress
Goods for Waists, Skirts and Dresses
length I Ji yards to 7 yards. We don’t look
at the cos
-we’ve got to gel rid of the rein*
aacuau r*u A
Special drive in Ladies’ Dressed and Un
dressed Kid Gloves.
Lot I—Ladies’ Dressed Kid Gloves, all sizes, worth $1 00. to clc'se - . vV/G
Earrkm Whml TUnr.........
Lot 2 — Ladies’ Undressed Kid
Gloves, all sizes, worth $i J5 for-..
pEPvmToK THE cwNiirnoN c»F the
Who holds the Lvckjf Number on Bedroom Suite ?
tbi Boston Store
r .1. IV*»djii»n h»nd
U S H.*k1b
*lis •«
1C*..-: rc
Willinerp w Opening
tlMok.. mnd Mih,r
\^u are most cordially invited to
attendourMillinery Opening on
TuUl ..
fttB.f ..f Mi«hi<*n. l-..untT «if Cintnd Tr*r
1. r^nTw. ltoo..-B-»»irr «.r th.hBtak.do —l.-mnlv-w.»rth*t
ni.-nt la iru- .to ito U-kj of xuy kno*
Special care and extra efforts have been used in ob
taining the Latest Designs of .\ew York, Paris and
London Patterns and to this end, we have engaged
Mi>s P'ilman of Chicago, who is an arli'il of unusual
merit and will be present to show you the most Pasty
display of Fall Millinery* ever brought to Traverse
: ' :
: , :
€. Wilhelm
Cor. Front-Union
Saturday is the Day
Sunday’s Meals
Jacob Fuftsch’s
sm siK eROCEBr
Cadies* ttlool Bests and
We place on the Bargain Counter today about
TEN DOZEN. Ladie's Wool Underwear-ii’s
a discontinued line, it’s our One Dollar line,
we have a better one this year, so wc have
priced this one to close it out quickly —
69c a Barment
TOO can find a complete
rtockofitaple and Fancy
Four pieces for $2*50
Groceries, Fresh
Vegetables and
Fruits, i;!;;
It's a big saving to you. and will give us the
room for the new line. Every garment perfect.
naiBM « UMWIiai
$iz«*«4. 5 and 6.
... :
a. MUkc miMni Mr tktM-|
The New
Moves On
I and COB^ the atol with toola
oiAf mxAi ICOUIP man) up
• country and to culUvate tha
dtbim. write* therartocor.
: of the Loodou Tekgraph.
CB have received aneb namaa
lUX. Voluirv. Boebambeaa.
PrcTod-raradol. Oororllle and Camobett. aod there will no doubt In time be
a \Tctor Hugo and a Carnot Tbe
coiootol office offers cooccaalooa of Und
your atrength and energy go
ing the kind of elothea yoa
la ant ef theftr
felt like a new mi—
etomanh aad liver troublee. Only 1
at Jaa G.
Johnson’s and F.
cow tf^hey aaw her. Now. to K not
me emioeao for oiwfol Udlco who
work at home whether they like
ka. and thto atroitoly beam out the
or not to wear the trailing akirt.
idaa that the monad bulktom wr
bceto and tight <
ku kM i
tkt ricM tn rviks oT pre-
In public of couree erery woman
moat ae yet. untU the world beeomoo
more than half cimixed. dreaa aa faato
ktaudc €!»•• errr uftoort'mJ In UuU
CMMcoCW. wtiieb to Um livtol pUet
or too forwr gortrua* of Ohio ood
or U*w. tht otortrotod iJidtoo r
Thto totort dtoeovory vm
ifo^ to Itftt throosh the «ffnm of
0t vnUui a Mllto. comt^o nod dl
mtor or Sold o*ptor.llooo of the Ohio
gtolO Afchtooloctool oodety. tor* the
Mow T«to Worid. The ooctotx in the
loot fov yeoni bao hem nuklm
thotMgh loTwdfOtloo of on nou
oad vMto ponotoff hto work In
lottUtjr Pr. Mllto nn ncrtwa
Mod. which Itoo m o rathce tu
00dft7 ohUlMd
kMlOB fM Mr. Adam Gardner,
mar of the Uod, to open u
lUlf a ooore of men
pot to wort oo ft. The excora
or Dr. MUM who before a woeketopaed
flaw that ho had made ooe of the
rtchaot aithmologfcal -ftoda" In peara.
Tho Boofld waa 70 feet In diameter
flfld TH tmt hlgh, cooolrucied of throe
dtodMt horial proi
hj an abortfflaal nilafo alte. It to alt
oatod oo an otoTatton
hfloao acrao and cun
iMh rwolo'a Vlrwa •• the Ae
oaaana UUrenr.
fmer to wear what ahe pleaaeo than
It Win be rocaltod that a few daya Che American, for her men aa a rule
tha Omaha pntdlc
library barred do not mwMIe with that |»art of the
ago iba
one Mark Twalnh
an the ground that lu InISoence upon
the youthful mind waa perulcka
Omaha World Uerald aeot him
gram, which called forth the following
Tort B«
I ».•
It over
br mall
ful In every rmenmey. The coUto
women ought to be cooaula to foreign
pocta and cltlaa. a beglnnlnf balag
£300 <fl.0Di» aod who have had agri
cultural exia^riencr. The land will be
lent, free from all taxalkm. far a min
imum period of ten years. It Is not
expectfd that there will be many applVwnta for the land aronnd tbe AlgerUn vUlagea namwl after famooa
en. The Preoch pgrictiUnriaU
I a rule, to ren
cc. Fwr ralwa Oil w Fowl
time past, and e«i»cctoll>
utbrNcIte coal atrtke. the
Inquiries nm1 bto.klnc luto tbe mertU
of liiv«njtl.ms f.»r which patents are
to* used for the
he:it and inmer.
POflu.-ttoM of
irs the New Y’,»rk Time*. l>
The educated American woman to a
bectar Ungutot than the average InteW
Ugaot Amwlcan man. Tbeduttoaofa
conaul are in no aenae connected with
alate diplomacy. The <
after the IntertwU of hto c
in the place where he to
that in general In pa
rMrt ma her* from
• diatanre of forty or fifty tnllm.
hliborto apoilmo poopio to r«adin< Ifurk
wbooo moraU wUI go to wT*^h aod ruin
no wont to borrow a hondkerchlef and
cry. 1 ohould be aorry to think It was
tl>« puWUhwa thereoelreo ihut got op this
Iro little flutter to ooabte them to un1 s book that woo takln# too much
qoorat mound 1 erer
MlUa. “and In aom
tho moot raluable
oectlon of the roo
the most important department of tbe
conauTe duties.
Indnatrial. economic
aod educational mattera are tbemee
that appeal to all Intelligent women.
tbe natural economlat
and purveyor of the race. I*realdent
Booaevelt la In favor of poimcal eqoalfrmlnlne eex and tbe fullest
Ity for
-tally. Wooppo
have'applied for conanlahlpe nnitber presidenta. but were refuted.
Now let Mr. Roowvrtl tromortalixe
himself and aid women by giving to
•ome thoroughly well qualified ones a
few amall consulships at least
•t to
• awayisl by
-Women, like men.
clasa aympothlca.” aaya an jUigllsh
writer. ct.mmentlng on the effect of
feminine voting In Anatralla Just so.
We are every one of oa man or woman. awayed by our aympalhlea. and It
to a rre.m to ua too.
iBTrotlow Wo«totoro Bpema of Macklaoo.
E. J. Uodgaon. a Mlnnemitolla arch!
tact, baa iBTentod a apeed ngioter for
automobUea, tho uae of which. If requlred by dty goremmentii. nuiy aolva
the proUem of keeping the •dcrllawithin Umnda aa to apecd.
The Intnentor, according to the New
York Tlmea. haa applied to the potent
ofllce for patent! on regioters which.
atUched to automobilea. may lie aoen
from the aide of the alrcet by pedcatrUna, who may know at Juat wbot
apeed a machine to traveling. A poItoeman can, thepcforc. teU at a gtance
the pate at which a machine is going.
If the apee
ated he can i
programme. Wby ahould aho not dcvlac and wear about ber work a dresa
whose sklrta ahe will n<»t walk up
when she ascends a stnlrcaso-^ne that
will not be iKdmggllng to ber knees
when she goes Into the ortlmrd lu tbe
morning or eft<T n rain sbower ami
above all. one ibnt s.111
ber by lu weight and cramp her heart
and lunge eo abe cannot draw a full
breath or run upatalra j
You admit abe ought to wear alsmt
her work the dress that will enable
ber to accomplish tbe moat with tbe
least fatigue. Ut us ace xvlrnt such a
dresa would be. You don't wear yom
to to
The reaaon married life alnka into
tneb a grind of cimimoupla«-c la that
It is generally a union U-twe*-u com-
ToNoiTt TUAcno!. nr axM».
.____________________ b?0 S t
lo Tvtuin unul October Uib.
For Q A. R. Knoampment re
low Tslea oo October 8 4. ft and
tion. A vlgivout half bull dog weigh
ing thirty-five iK.umN wa-* eb’.oroformed to auch an « xu-:it that respira
tion had enlinly .vasiM; aft - r u quar
ter of an hour*. n*action of the tongue
tbe anliiml came t«. The cviM-riiui-ul
waa tried again until .-uuiph to «>phvx
tallon wi-um-il and irn. i. .u xvys not
reeorted to until fi\t- luimin-s ufuv.
The dog. who In-an* the iippn»prlnte
name of Ijirarus, this tunc *y»pc.-m-d
to be really d.ad, <»nc hour and t
of traction were f(i'.low»d by
But after auoUicr onchalf
respiratory cough sbox^d
still pn-stnt. Tlio dog
It occumd to l»r. IjlKi-tb- tluil It
woqld be a good ld«-a t«>
the cloth
waa driven by ch^-kw.rt^k. The
lmi*rx>vcd apiwnium now u>«.xl
by iaenns of an i-h<«-irlc
motor, tbe cum-nt U-lng auppllM 1^
Fads Nd Retion-Wet^' Nerres,
AU Run Rown-Cansufil Hetdachck—SlM^ Not Restful—
A Victim Gives the
Road to Hetlth.
Thomas Yeldman.
of Ka TV App’e
»onsm»m of recent years and at times
would become excited and shaky from |
very trivial causes.
waa generally
1 felt poorly and
ton down.
1 got some
of Dr. A. W. Ohaae’a Nerve Fills and
found them splendid.
They quieted
and aootbed tho nervea and strengthened and toned up my ayatem.”
Dr. A. W.
Chrnt a Nerve Pills are
•old at 60o a box at dealers or Dr. A.
W. Uhaae Mt-dioice Co.. Buffalo, N.
r. Bee that portrait and signature of
this impro\T<i Instnuuont It Is povAllde
That gifted lady. Mrs. Ellxal^h Ak
ere Alb-n..who gave happlueae to mllllooa when abe wrote the little poem
“Bock Me to »eep.” ha. Just pubUahed
a new book called “Sunaet Kong and
Other Veraea.-
have suffered a great deal from ner-'
A.W. Chaae, XI.D., are on every paok-
ftSJindfJ«ir.”:'b."‘^!ruSr. oRAlifliAfl CITT
boooa of all klnda. Thej were U
aot with almaat orery ahorel of oi
f.r |.!.n nto gathOnt of 4.3<»0
• dm to flro foot below the oorfaca.
ered and used 1
Although 1 hare opaaed many mo
e n iHrfiime that to
In Europe 4l*u
thto to tha drat Uma 1 hare erer
rr larcrly Into tho
haoaa thrown togetbrr promtococ
There arc men and women, not a
manufact ire of acvntfi. s>Hi|ia and
Wo wero abto to
Urrda and
__ woudera
so ugly that one
how aacbets.
There nre im»n*
veil with tham. The bonea were i---------;• ^imld .ncr find auvlKsly to marry white flowers4:athen-fl lluin any utbor
ly tboaa of dear, etka. l»mir«, racctwna.
Of the-e IM liax-e iiti
heerara. wUdeaU, mouuulu Uooa and evidence. The regUt
agrceablo scent, a nnnnikably tor^-e
atoo of rarioua klnda of flab.
Ola. one showing the ai»eed up to thirty,
proportion. Next In <»nU r *nhic yel
“flame booea were faahkmod Into ag- •lx mile* an hour and the other any
The Italian university at Milan has
those abvl
low hloaiHjms. with !C.1. M ^eiity-seven
rteulmral ImptomeoU.
thing higher than that. The reglatera
«-] as I
Of tbe.-n l*eliig perfuni.Hl
i:,-l lU.wera
■ of rartoua klnda are ao arranged that In enm- of an ac vrere sufft»catlng'? Ay.-: Then
mna Mualto!^ lias any American uni
number K2:t. of whb h
four nre
vara takau out Many of the
vcrslty a woman |>rofcaaor of anato
cident one of the hands locks at
too tight. Throw U off and wear no-rc
scented. The blue flow, i* ,ire oT .VH
haau made from tho teeth of a
|w,lnt reglatiTod when the accident
ly a bust aupiKirtcr
a soft conwl my?
rarictlca. thirty-four of w ith h an- |ht
One particularly Inlerratlng and pretty curred. thus ahuwlng prhHher
to to
rt>vcr waist. If you are eo stout that
fumed, and the vioh-t blo..sonis miinapadman of the mound builders* 1n- spt-ed waa too high «
In the midst of the muddle of ’ views'
1 must wear something of the kind,
iH'r 30«. thim-en of xvhi. h me ph asgmiBlty aad delicate workmanahlp waa
sure It la loose enough to h-l you on tbe woman question one thing haa
antly odorifenm*
aa awl made entirely from the boo#
your lungs with atr to the utmost at length become ciear-a self support
of mdem found at the bead of a akrlewithout any cramping of your riba ur Ing single woman willing to cuntinni
A flaw Fire. F»«ls*«l'‘ker.
tan. It waa almoat alxl
supporting hcrwclf after marriage cat
The claim to made f *r n new hr
tougth and tha ihlckneat of an ordinary
tlie skirt, h't me tell you always get a husband.
Now. aboi
tlngutohlng i^wdi-r tluil It U neither
toadpmmlL On the handle w «. car..-d
Fur years, when I have
aonous. explosive nor corrosive, wl
tha almoat parfact bead of a fox. i onTo the 9mmmrr BMrflrr.
bad hoBBct >rk and outdoor work to
The girls newly empW.ved to take to an advantage In comiHiriwm with tl»
Mdariog the fact tlu.i Uuwe iuH>pla
If >xiu will. St tt.» country; Uogti.
cnllcd the place of the much striking tele
have voru either the
If you like. SI Us ssy*;
liquid extingulaljers comimmly provid
led with the use of
Ssr thsl U« ptessurcs h«v« tired you; flU bloomtT C|toutne or a skirt so ahort graph mesaeogrr boy. In Chicago should ed. In case of a fire in the ehlroncj
. thto intricate work Is i
and acanWiat It ncv.r “drabbtod’ or
up >our cup of OleprsUe;
of a house 11 Is only iK-cessary to tlmiw
Jesr St the crudene« of nstur#; hstro at
uiy fe«< when l.ran upa quantity of tbe i»owi
her wonders your fling.
tcll you. nrtltc.^nplcndld.
fire in the atove. and
1 what 1 consider a peculiar Out don't Imsgin. s motnenl whsl you phyalml work Is a Joy and delight in
they win give
ated by tbe brat wlU pass up the chlmfmturu of tha burial ground la that Ws Sr/.“s^lstS wUJiSSt you. suil WUI
What is more. 1 wore
tat big 1lift.
Lfl'a caoae a great
ney and actually suffocate the flames
than waa ooa akelcton and only cue
contrive to esUt,
the dreaa at home and on the farm
» ih# morrow UtUa
for want of oxygen, as tbe generated
to to
at Cht haaa. tha majority of them bo- And whm 1
about my work In iHTfcit peace of
nk. you’ll be missed.
li« dtooararad either four feet above
1 a noble war
Here to a w
Kersr a t ssr for your going, never a sigh mind and without anm^yance from
ar tow fad below that point It la no
or a rrown;
anybody. I«at of all from tbe men In
1 sUy right hero In <
rn family. In dresa one dcaldermay go back to you
la to gel all the air possible upon
I am unable to account for It
and next your akin. The truth to that apolto. Kbe was appointed an army
Tou’re had your kick st
r flniral sirs;
the moat onbrtlthful thing wc can florae aod want to Cuba, serving tlU
Tha workmen darted digging at tha Isld'lhs’tT 1
to clothea-that to. aa a groaral the war ended. Tb« abe accompanied
tsks It b
apes and a akuU waa atruck by a pick
If women dared to go ber regiment to China aod remained
You lisvs announced thst out
wbaa they had gooe about four fm»t
barefoot In aummer. aa our great grand- during tbe troubl« there. After they
tala the ground. After that the burlrs did. they would find tbem- wcf« artUed Mtoa Young went next In
ala ware dlarloaed at much the same
aelrc* Infinitely beltiV lu health for IL ber profeaalooal capacity to tbe Philc Joaquln Dortlcus. a Tubnu Invrtitdtatanca apart, mod of them lying In
Ipplnaa. where abe reroaloed on duty or, to working oo a new outomobUe.
Their feet would Ih*
sg<nts and L---------lawa, artandad at full length, with at
ps slumber more awaetly than
limbs hnrdy and sturdy, aod until her return to tbe Stttea recently. and If It wUl do one-bulf of xvbat he
aaay aa alght In one row. Numeroua
Mother Earth would fill them with ber She had four ytoxa’ actlxe ^rrUx ^ cUlma he will have iH-rfonnod somearaamanta and implements accompa___
life giving electric currents.
But, I
thing approaching a miracle lu eU*cmalna. aoch aa lr1d<wccnt
What man baa aerved hto trlcal and mccbaiilral ra^rucilon.
Ws alcsp all right In ths country; you suppose, you would bo shocked at go health.
i made Into all Imaginable
msy rest brtfr In town
ing harefot>L so I say for warm wealb- country more faithfully than abe?
For tbe new machine Mr. l>ortlcns
tnnumerable hrlgjjt beeds,
bout stockings then, wearing J
cUlma safety, practically unlimited
alto tarred Into rreaewnta Ws sstd ws nrvrr would miss you: Ihst.
oea or high «loth ooea-thoaa
though. Is not smelly true,
strong women adore atrong men. but ■peed, low cort for maluicnance aod
with bolea were lying near Tst It ts rsther your moosy ws ahaU ba that have low hn Is and clastic webfltrong men are uaoally attracted to many aafeguanto against atvldonta,
Tbaae had been oaiid aa or
blng at the aldca NolsKly will care.
-Thto machine can 1« oiH*ratcd for
waak women, while weak men are
aded by a cord
For winter wear for the useful bom* drasrn to atrong women. Bo It cornea llTO^htha of a cent a mile.’’ saUl the
■eaada prstty a^esp. wr’ii admit. Init It’s worker there to no costume inttcr than about that aaglea aeldom male with Inventor In Chicago recently. ’ It can
that devtoed for girls’ gymnasium
run 150 mllea on one charge*, recharge
I met with and ooe ee- Tbsn"ws**a«“ksd on a f.w
dreaa. except that tho g) nmislum trooIn flftoen mlnutea and run the same
aad wagons aod
• platform pipe waa aeare onlinnrlly too full. In making
Mgss. too. they
distance back; can atop on the road
tbrte knickerbockers you ran wislly get <
and electrically charge anothra ma
a paper pattern. One si-rlal point to
dently not familiar with women’a clnb chine that baa become iisc-lraa; ran
remember to to cot out small gores of
climb bllto and aa It rtma will not only
cloth where It Is gathered below
the cT
that «vsr ta t
develop electrical energy enough to
to to
tain batcheta aod axea were plentiful.
“buntbe kn
run, but will store up wmugh energy
These CaUfomla girto do go ahead
Among the moet raluahk of all the
and wear out rapidly by the
to use a 2,0(Vi can^ile i«nwr search
avsnek Aswdoasy Awsnfts a Hsswt<
luttea waa a war Hub carved out of
folds rubbing logeibcr.
light. If one wheel tlvra out. the other
The French Academy bat awarded
atana and orar thirty-one incbea In
•k,Ts a warm combina only sixteen years oM. who to a aklllfd
three will run It; If Itwo^lve out, the
She haa lettered aod
Animal booea cut Into mil the AudllTred prixe of $3.toW to a wo tion oodergarment, uudtTwalst aod a sign painter.
other two will run; If three give out,
wannar of rode dedgna and large man—Mme, Meyrter. wdfe of
shirt waist of wool or ralton. accord painted all kinds of show work from
lee wmgooa to ham roofs and theater the remaining one will bring It home.
i'reoch conanl at Dlarheklr. Tbe
“It all Ilea In a new •ppllcatlon of an
,_talnai Tbongh only sixteen and
sul and hto w ife were In that tow
old principle. Erery engine baa lo nse
perfectly cloibed in a costume of only wearing ber hair In bralda, she to equal
vurtoad Bballa and pebble, mixed with the time of the Aijneulan maaai
a flywheel as a Iwlanca Tbe usual
four plt*^ besides your abo« and to the heat nsao ber employers have In
toi 1&I5. Mme. Meyriet aheltrtvd.
etoctilcal machine haa an engine and a
siocklnga. not counting the collar and tbelr service. Her first work waa
and cared for mwre than 700 Armenian
11* or other neckgeaa which the neat
mithmwui. M wtOtb hti bm
n always wears.
U thto cofl- a shop window and waa ao prood of
Which waa aeveral Umea bealego
you can work aU day wtthoiit ber achleveBBOOt that she lingeen
At a fllfllaBot of about alx fart frum Meyrlfr and hto auff repulalai
power. I have made tbe four wheels
ad tbe window and gased Ion
ths apex a praidstortc hsarlh waa ex- Turkish aaeallanu time after
of my automobile tbe flywheel of tbe
lov^y at it. This to the tm
This lastod twelve days, and when all
angina. As the wheels revolve tlmy
to to
to to
O. E Morray. Agont.
1WEINGARTEN BROS., 377-379 8ro*aw«y. New Tori:
Suffered forover 10 years
........ -
to to
O E Murcay, Agent.
ioa will give another of their
topical Boctotj.
mHa hltod*fiomrt^^o*^^^
iLknJ* tni.
tary to the French gem
tn New Yortcetty. The.
iTt toooe
there to
latant life there to siUl b.,M* of aavtng
an asphyxiated or drooled person.
The functloo which It U moot
aary to revive to the reaptratury.
Expettmentlng upon dt<a i>r. I.a<
horde found that tw.i or tlirev boors
after apparent death had act in It waa
flldo of thto atoratloo alopea preclpltootl7 to tha watafa odae. and It to at thto
point that tha chanoal of tho hdoto
drwr to doopoot
Orownioff thto oleratlon. not a bun
died fad frtan tho atoep bank and Joat
on tha rtirt oT a amall w<m
tho protarbomneo which bai
aaeh a troaaoro trora for tho
•It waa tha
aaw,- aald Dr.
apaeto will bo
eptnad la thto
nc Huck non * tu
M,i, « tt. MmtoUi. •« U » e«(«b».
w tb. Fm»hwooi«i.
Bb. bM mt
Dr. Iman’s Ladies’ Restorative
'rAi.i.MADfn:. Mith.
Grand Rapids. Mich.,
Dear Doctor: I have been thinking
for some time that 1 ought to write \ou
a few words of praise for yf>ur wonder
did me such wr>rlds of good. 1 suffered
>uch untold agonies with mymenses, and fern ile complaints,
for over ten years, that death would have been ,a h lief to me.
I took doctors’medicine and several kinds of Patent Medi
cine. but they all availed me nothing. 1 am so th ankful that
I learned about DR. IMAN’S RES TORA FIVE ihat 1 want
to recommend it to any woman suffering from ihe<e terrible
complaints. Anyone wishing to learn more about it may ad
Mrs. L. Morse. Tallmadge. Mich.
0T« *«tb
Moafl UbM to ■ d.|Xh ef thto*
TW »h«ltoto WM litoS w «to«t ^
S4 y
«k* «M *inu* esi *«««. •«** l»»*5
—illirT tli«t the etorattoa bed
IMB n ebertHaU TlUM. eiu. TWto
€toeto«r •«•»•«<*• •»»■»
4 (Ht to «tom«tor .edJS f^ ^^
rescued Armeuiaus left, abowerlng
bleaslncs on the- heads of the aavlotw.
BIX aoflths uter Mi..e. Meyrkr led a
caravan ef flOO ChrlMtons to the eoai
a fortnight’s ioomey. ‘The vallai
woman led the Und on horsebac
with her four c«^drau foUowlog on
tlttor, and
with btf par
through tbaar andf^f hostile trit
Tbe tolaconala dairy Industry
MMd « T«T «rtUl>»«
.Dd on boorln* bl. MHaut UT lo a Ud7 co»tom». “So. wo
1 that tbe brain la i
ihlSl iSla^St*tTiSra5ilt”of*ba^
wM flonC flaplalaad Dr. MUM.
ftt odlad mpofl torer,
•inlMflyflliFato tin Idaa that aUiMnnd[^,rl^
**^j55A i^HARD eXJoNNEB.
re servo,
to bar remark: -toe have not noo
iflln lalnly.“-D*troto Fifl. Praaa.
tag flrat Inveoted tbe autamobO*.
A mother who Uvea In th«* Ijiwr
vllle district has jort relumed from a
aummer oolhig In New JenM^y. aa
which abe waa accompanied by her »yeaisokl daughter.who haa been ta
that angels guard her while abe al
On the that night In tb<* strange j
the little ooe awoke, saying:
•Oh. mamma, the angela guard me
1 hear tbe oolae of tbelr
''^alarmed mother baatetm_____
baby’s bedside. Then flbe atoo baard
the oolae of wings, but not haring aY
way* Uved to LawreoceTllle she knew
chase oT'm eald *• fast as rao can catch it. Wbaa fahan at tha rtshi
2Sc. at ysar draaxtsfa. If ha can’t sunplv m«. aand prtca fltoaetta
ntim nzstem co,
w.inuaiiaf, iMrYmb.
m minrnt
mm w RMBiiiio.
Trooblrla PhUpptoes.
rmn AID WASunnanz
IWMbto vtthtte Mora- in Mto-
bMl-ra tbora la do rood to bravra —
■ora or rapM M tb-t tiir dratb fooDd ID
lAttM. Tbo W-hlllktoo oOrUI- b-rIbo— pnotM, obd DOW Vndm
•oidkn bora t-co frartlrailj 4
off tbo louod br ODO of tbr d-ttra. who
boo ocraofir Uitraoclird blnwHf. rrrpantloM ora boUw iDodo to trarb ibe
MM tav-t..TbeMcro.
Tbe Mcro. b-r»
pooM mod mio or tbr d-ii i ora DO
doubt fri-bdij Ot pTMOOt. Oor. bow.
over, vbllo dAwlortof aodjnnf -ffra>
Moo fbr tbo VnlleA tttotra. boo tm
QVlotJr gathmiic -lUr- from mUoa
bo bM llDod tb- wall- of Wa fort wltb*
oot ood wtlbiu wttb -tour. Tb«i bo
owt word Out AiDWImDa in oat j
om; tbot tbojr were not fit to Urr mmooff
Motm -fDoe tber (tbe Afuerlr-Dai oot
pork mod do otbor tarboraoa thlmgm
Of ooorao Uocte Mon ba» ootblns to do
but Ubo that fort- AKHImt baa bran
“I mu morfT to ora tl.e Mora tramblbu ramra mt Imal.** amid a NVwnrkcr tbe
other dej wpo rarved for -onie time In
Mindanao In tbe rt-Kular anuy. Everr
Ban wbo baa aerriMl In that imrt of tbo
rbOlppUiao koowB tiiat It waa loorlu.
We. atm wo do nut like to are tbe tblaf
raaBj berr, for It ueatii Idoudabad.
and no man knowa bow noeb of It. I
know m Spanlab Heotenant wbo bad
nenrod for twelvo /cara in Mindanao
In tbo Bpaolab anuy. and 1 bare
tuUoom otdorad by tbo French war of.
flme wblcb la to attempt to cra-a tbo
denmt of bnbnrm.
Tbo brnDoon will
am be marnmni
Tbe aole Ihrtog occo
pmmu will be nU'ptoMM. wblcb will
bo to tbe lower compartmomt of a
maaUemr. Water Imllaat will be carriod to a toak mapeoded by wire ropeo
below tbo ear. Tbo tank will be di
vided Into compartmenta by perforated
Tbe lowiwf win hav
racriring brnaa conical valve exactly
toclontoc an oriboe by which the wa.
ter mill be nllowrd to tow oat. The
ralTc wlU be entirely of liroua*-. To
It wm bo ntlacbed a -pring <-o«ucct.
log wttb tbe toll of Che cradle of the
vahe. the lower end helug hooked to
the braaa ryllnder, whic h wurka In a
dricnJ chaunH honsl verUtwUy
mb tbe emter of tbe vahe. The
lower Olid of the cyUoder la fiatteoed.
and to It ia atUrbed a lewaa wire
twelve motcra lung bearing a ateel bcOl
blng twenty kilns, wl.hh will
keep tbe valve cloaed and prtnrenl thm
» of water.
The w right of the
r to a little ov«r thlr
The ejalug will then-fore he
total weight slightly over _
kilos, hut ss Its imwrt of reslslanre j
qnato twenty It fullnww that wln-n |
be Wright of the at.-el ImiII U n-mmed.
a when It touriiea the ground, tne
alre will o|H*n. the wstir will flow
Dd the tialhiou will go up again.
Even aner a loss of a |a>rlloo of the
rater the valve will remain riosed m
long aa the atcH lafll to stiaiH*nd4^.
The upiwr division of the cwr la provld
ed with a camera wWeh la i«|Mhle of
All the luatrumenta arc c-ajKihle
of working fire days. There arc also
irrangemcuta for the eacsia- of ihtt pi'toiia when the tiallouii strikiw the
round. Tlnn^ will Is- a small liiicrnal
Ir bag of fiOt ruble luriers. The tiah
IcMiu llaeif will be l.«aw cubic metera.
of tifty-M ven ruhlc
iipai.y the ouiln lailcnmhrlc and Inflated siih iHuuiluating
.lid will i-arry a sail
Its total
Wright will not eicr^*.l 170 klliH. In
dudlng the entire e^inlpment.
rding to priia nt plm
.d the
[ti-e In 4-harge. iVn sylvanln
avenue will he elaborately illumlnatW
during tlie tlrand Army en.-umpment
1 the Indir,,lions are j
will fVgbt from Ublud
brim. Why. once the Bpanlardaaiurked
M Of IbHr forta with raniwm. and do
ftm think It feated Ihera de%lli.? NtK
nmelL They rharged the gmia with
bows and arrows. The BiwnUrda stuck
to tbo guna aa kmg aa Ih.-y roold and
nowed aw.tba In Ibetn. hut old Mr.
Mora c-aue right on. and he touk tbo
**If 1 were oot Ibera and were or
dered to. I'd bara to go. and 1 would
hbt X ten you right now that 1 would
not rrjlab the Job. It U ooe thing to
train your ride on an rnetny like the
Tagmla and other miplno tribes out*
aide of Mindanao and amdhir to get
the Morns In
neihlng of the
murab out of a inau to lire carefully
mi^ often Boe the enemy dn.p and final,
ly run, and It s another very dlgcrent
thing to ara the maaa rhwe np after
you make m bole In U aud eouie right
«U Jmat the aame. Talk about a rraay
negro with a raaor. he la a peaceful.
tahbUng boy alongalde of thrar Morus
nrltb the UUIe hunger in them and
tbolr glittering aworda (kriaaeio awlnc
lug oYor Ibclr heads.
Tbora aworda. by the way. are o^
de and decorated #lUi
work, wnu Ivory ban; of a kri«i.
ffod n linmber of little -c-ratrliea or
Blck^ Each Indlratra a life the own«r •r tbe kri-a baa token.
-Onra we acted aa r«x»rt for a num
Imr of dattoa wbo were going down to
a ranfraroce, Tbeae chaps, who nre
Chiefs of dtotricto. have a ch«-erful way
cC winding ihrlr larlania to lutllcale
.tto onmber of individual!
dTM p-rnooal poahea Into
hMtlng gvDUDda, Oor people over brae
tblAk tbona d-ttoa are IgnoranL WeU.
they havrn t rartiln klnda of knowl
edge. but they are at deep aa well, and
nU Brad clevra. I know a German Jew •tor wrbe got tt into hla brad he contd
go to tiM ritlra of Mlodanao. hobnob
wttb tbe daUos and boy prarla nod
etber Jewels for a aong. He told me
that wbra bo got over tbere he found
U hto nstMtobmeot that tbe dattoa
kMW aa mbcb about tb* priera oF
pmtfto to tbe ootride world aa b« did.
•Bd to tocC more. Tbera were no ■oug
mrar War Deraa For Oarman A
Tha Oermnn ampraar baa dai
that an braneboa of tha German i
ibaU ba anppUad with gray naif
ter oaa to dma of war. Tba pi
wtfanM win Mt ba altarad.
ABor^ WIMl
The plana for tlie onrHUng of tbe
Kossuth nmnnmrnt In Ueveland, U,
bare gn.wn far Uyond the moat aan-
I met tH* a.'. urai. ly esThe iniml-T
ill nm well Into the
Umat««.l. hut i
thousan.il.. S rii-tl.-s from .New Y«>rk.
FJttal.urc. ru\
I.r r|H-cis| trains.
coniliig ill m
Not only will gn.-si
frtitu tlie riiit.*.! Siiii
has rla4n to one <d
attoiibl Int.Tb-at.
Ai.lr.*w Toih .d 1 M>l.r.-nxlii.
IIuugMiy, il.c muIpi.T sho d.-slgucd
tl.r K.»*Mifl. nH.imiiHi.t. J- to Ik- Iu
riev. land m. gu.-l of h..ii..r Tbe sou
of the gn-sl patriot 1» ills-, cm--, tel aa
ler pn.inln.
nl llung iru
wHI o« other
limguihtn luitriot.
•hamro.! to a d.-slrahle
hs-atlon on th.- rnlv. n-liy «in h- u\*\toalte Wade
alt.|Mrk. To sIh.w w hni atti-n-.iciing nl.nm.l the
imisTs bale pul.IlKh.-d acsmi.is i.U.iil
III.- n fii-nl id the cli r t^.niu ll to |sTmlt
Is sum. h ill. Th.-i-.- st'.ries hiivr Im-oIi
gn-utly cxfigK-Tiii.sl, an.1 »-.me of Hie
uewspap rs ax.-rr.^l that th- . ily hud
r.-ru-a-.l to nlh.tv the Ko-miUi inonu
ver Ijefort- aiu-n.pu-d In
I nuiit t.. Ihaays the liih-oKo IniiT <». .tni. j tjiv limit- S hi- ha- .-nsn.-l no .-ml .d
One of the Ideas that 4'baln.mti \V. 8.
Knox nf
tion baa
an Im- 1 effoil
nieiiae Grand Army hs.igenithcis.utli. f.rt,. fi„. i-.h .d S.-}.i..|..1h i. TIi.-hIit
east conmr of the treasury hulldlng. Kundu. i-rh .p- il..- m..-i pr..inln.'iit
which at night would U' Imhted by
s,.althh--i of th- ri-v.l.ind Ilun
of 4-ulor.d
....... '
• - • cK-ti u. lights. ' p;„ km*, u giUns nm. U h-lp to the
The badge wonM Is- about fifty fc-t , p,omoti..ii of th- plaif- rolonel l/.uls
to liright and Iw visible fromI an
all i«iris
iwrts |j iiiack, the rii.ilrin
Of the avenue hetweeu the treasury !
I- nl-.*
aud th- rapltol.
Hdn Hr.
•.-r. r. l. Jmlt;- ,
Fennaybunlit a\entie from the
bd I0 Fifli-enth stnvl 1. to Im- 11111-1 |Vl.-dl au.l oih.-r pn.min-nt li. x.land
ilnalfd aUi by *-on>s bldgea. of Huiigarhin- are a-iixe In rnnkli.g the
•hlch tluTo are twenty-live.
This j ih-ialls of the ig..grniuine letter piTould give one tm nearly every
I |M.lnt
mier iM-lwt-eu the
Mr. Knox will hortly apiKiii.t n sule
duty il will Im- to
rail on the 4
4 men-hant. of Wash- ou- ,.rg:. Mictions and Imlhi.luiils.
Ingtou and a-rerlalu the d.x-.,niii.H.. to 4'..pU-s «rti silk mdl Im- M-nt to Frrsld.tlt
I- provlilrd hy 4-ach fur the nigl.t lllu- IhKMS veil.
Hanna. 1 nirlmnks
Iona. Three rash prir.-s <d f'JTdi. ati.I ll.K.r i:ni ..ihets, ’I'tunx- will al-x.
flM and fino are to lie fdr«-r.s| by iha I.e h nn ro.rrhil soim-nSr »d sev.Tal huii
cximmltU-e for the U-st dix'orallun Of tlr.-d |«iges cntalning Ih.- life of Kim.
trie llghta during th.- em-ainpineul. suih. iii.i.y plrimvA of Im.-r.-i, the
hla way U to prois.s<-d to Interest story of K..—uihe I'.ur throughout the
•very hoalneas man of the city In the I’ntrcd 8tatt-s fifty years ng.. aiHl other
>rlra, and If the pre«-nt Id.ws are
carried oot there to no qu.-silon hut the
Iu- f.-.-itun-s of tbe .-‘Ichraleal display Uial will gnri Ibe ti..nwhb
s to mark the one hundredth
ina at tUrir thirty sUIh annual birthday
iinlveniary of K.iasuth aa
cocampinefit wlU mirpaaa aiiyihlng of
fiftieth niitilversary of hla
the kind eviT prepared for a reunion
i:nit.xl SUil.-a will Im- the
of th- okl aoldlera. The capitol will l.irge paradt- on Suit.hix, fv-pi. *js. U
be Illuminated hy eight or ten huge WlU r.irm at Hu* a.|uare and march to
ararehlights. making a iK-autiful dia- rnlv»TMliy clr,U-.. It will Im? a notable
pUy at each end of tbe axenne.
sight. All Ih-MO- In liiM- w-m wear the
K.o-suth fiat, n low f.it affair with a
grny f.-ather There wUl U? many unlOH Mar Break Cral Maaapolr.
Oil may pr»»4c to he the mrana of fornnd iww-lcth-s .-iinl aii.v huuiImt of
breaking the .aiel monopoly In the an- Un.l-. At the SaitiMay nft.-rm-m unregUn. aaya the Waahtngton m.*rlal luectlng s|s-«x h.-a will prtdiahly
cwTeapondenl of the Chicago Ktvurd- l.e made hy S.-nat..ix. raliiwnks and
Herald. A iuiimt N now in o.urs*- «.f Hoar as w.ll as 8.-nator Iluniia. A
prt-parallon by Charh- Wlllanl Hay,-a Urge Hungarian ci
of the ge».logl.wl survey slMmlng ih- will funilMi a prog
y of oil fr..m the lexas field btaiu
btaiuUfiil air. of the
ts-4-i.xl th.at S,-nator I'airnsylvanla f.»r «ll fii.-l purpoiw-s. iMiuks will pr«--lde at the uiireillug exIt WlU give the reUtIvc- fml value of erelM-s on Hiinday.
llrh'f addreaaea
the Texas oil aud various klii.ls of will 1m} made nt the iiiunoiiuiit.
cral i-siMx lally Ihe hsnl c..il ..f lVn:i- the evening f..llowing th,- in.-m.rtal
sylranla. This will t.^ th.- first autU-u- meeting th.Te will Ih- a luiuuuet iu one
He puldlcatlon of the guv,Tnm.-iit treat- of the llungarUn halls. TIn-re wiU
liig this auhj4xi at great l.-iigtli. It to alau Im- a Imnquet on Sunday evening
beiu-ved that It xvUI 1m- Instrumental to U- given by the o.inl.ln.-d Ilungabi guiding consuns-ra of coal tow ard j rlan s. K iel lea of tn.-velai..l.
methods for aupi.lantluc Hm- use of
that fuel with «1L eaiax-Ullr during
A Mo.wi.ewl I. r.e.er«l
A statu.' of Crn.T;.! Sh-nim to to 1.
T.-cled by the stst.- of NVw Y’ort on
be iMiMh-tl. Id of tb'tty shtirc. and an
ri.-t—ral.- pro-graminc c.f e.-remon!cs
Bound fur hla old borne in tbe Tnu»- win mark riu* occasion on 8«-pt. VK
vmal. J. 11. Muimik. tonnvr stale min- aays the riilla.l.-lphla North Amcri.wn.
tog engineer tinder the Tntusvaal gt.v- This statue of <;rn.T«^ Slocum la an
ernment. sailed the other il.nr fnim i-pn-strlau f;gurx? of o.V*-i.I slrv It
New York o«i the ateamslilp St. I*.-iul.
w in Im- ereri.-l on Cnlpto hill, whm*
-I have been irralod well.*v he said Ills line was located during tbe lifitil.-.
to a reiMHirr of the New York Fn—. -^'he fMMS«-stal to of gninlte. aud from
arhlle here and do bop.* the !Uier generaU DOW In Europe
arope come here If only
only . _________________
lUlrtTMxne f!*et. The Wtnror
!.» get abaved hy an Amerlmi, barber. 11* i.-, f.^et
Inches high, and the li-ncHi
Inxury .»f a ahara i ox-er all 1
I never knew tl«e inxury
r> liMin-s. It wriglis
until 1 came to this country.
j 7..Tno pounds nnd w as c.nst tn’iironxe l»v
“1 predict a great fntuir tor Itooth the cel.-lTaix-l
cel.-lTai»-l f.mndry .'Of a well
Africa. It win rise out ot the ashes known o.in|«ny The model
noc of the grratewt coon- rut.-.!Mr
I.r Am.-rh'a
t.TilpbTr. Mr. E.
•raw Braes* r*lks l.eft.
They are booeat folks in New York
a.^-.Tdlng I., a writer in
ataie. If a atory fram Arcmle to tak.-n
as an IndlcaHon. A year ago a farmer
r iM.nrs a da
loat while haying a pnrkethook con1 thoogli he ibs-s not preiwire 4,’a
hca word for wonl like 8lr ^Tl17 rather leas than
alMtrthand wrh
with them la tbe b
does wbat be calls **thlnk them out
while In iMMl.’- ami notes the firliiripal
headings on a sheet of folded foolscap,
I Drighhor a ton which be holds In Ids right hand wblla
mktot of
mn MV^ toxnlm^
lVYDOWASl.tay.aiBp a toaMA10.Vaa.«.B.
In tbe toptaal referrncea wo bare
Mepf tbe nmnt rammrknUe prayera to
bm fomnd to tbe word of God. Paul
waa m man of prayer. He not only
prayed for blmralf. but hi. i«yera
wore constantly offered to the tbrooe
of ctod for ChrtotUn people crery.
where and espectoUy to behalf of tbe
Christian eburebea in which lie waa
Interested. He wrote to the ^tomans
that wlihoot (rasing he made im-nUon
of them in his pnijera. and In this let
ter to the Eplnwlaiis we have an Ulus
tratlon of »me of his In-st prayera of
fered in the bebnlf of a Christian
church. This pra3 it i-onsUls <d a |Tcfsee of four iH-tltUms and the toUowlug doxol.MTv; - Now nnto Him that to
able to do exc4-e.llug almtidautly above
aU that w,. nsk .h- think, aec-ordlng to
the is.s.r that work.-lb In u«. unto
Him U- glory In the chuivh by CTtrlst
Jesus thnuighoot all ag.-a, world .with
oot end. .\m.-u."
As a eonsummatlon of all the p.Tl
Hons of this pray»T I‘nu! i»ra.va that
tbe Ephe-laiia may W -fllled with all
the fuUness of <
This Is a iH-<.uUar
ot nnnn that It Is
■Dd «uud«j.
K BDd at. Aa Brat
incepted the deUuwiury rxei'cioiw were
to U' simple, involving only tbe mmvelUiig id the statuel alth a few mddrtsMsr l^ |•romll.tU local lloagn.
nans and oihcrs.
Nos. hoMcver. a memorial meeting
baa liecn added to the firogramme.
i»ersuna of national Ptvmlueoce have
k at this gather
ing. Hiere sill U- st httat two haiiUria tendtred the guests of the lleve- the fuUm-aa ofrilml. Thto w.mld ImHuiignrlaii MMi«.ii«.s. and the at- alMoinl. They are flnit.-: G.hI to In
Unidan«v prouilMs to far t-xt-eetl tbe finite. It would he a1.suliit.-lv Iuiihm!
alhle b. ixmilm- Intlulty In the limits
klag^ur •MH-icties aud organlxationa of flnitemra. Whut 1‘aul asks to that
from all o\«-r the 1*nili<il States hare the Eph.-slsns mny to- fllh-d with the
. lv““ ’
I aay aUlra bare bran
fa-UMW-ea. They nevir liowed before
tbe Bpanbih. In fact Ibe Kiamlidi prKtj geooniUr feared tbroi niul b-t tbein
pretty nevrrriy alone afi«T lbey bad
cot ODO UaJr after anofhi r of Hpaolah
troopo to pb-cra. They klUM butulnrla
of MpanUrda. Lrat a good many of
their own ueo, of oonrae. but that did
not bother thru 00 far aa tlghtlng
(3c*tluid's Tribute t« tbe Hun.
Syrian Hero.
«o«M youi
the pen that suiiBe*
Sold by
on. SAwvKn
ilualing Jeweler.
Pan Ink ler sale.
offer apjilies only to those who
tata SutaT Ot to* Sy* aad nuto.
will use gas immexUalely conneetions are made and who arc on
linra ol mains.
As the nights
lengthen the demand for GAS
c light is more
briUiant. avaiUble and reliable at
ALL HOURS, and, with equal >
light, costs lc» than one-halTof
any other, besides being far easier
on the e)Ts.
Houses in cousc of
N. B. CHAPIB. Praar-
erection or proposctl should not
. be completed without a sys
tem of gas piping.
Many have
already done this. Ap}iUcation
for an>thing in the line of light
ing, heating or piping made at
our ofticc, 223 K. Front St will
secure prompt attention.
Wartin & €wms
OOc. U E. rre.« 8«
I—.‘K eAld:-4ii..- iMilnch LsU .-urto buy
r i.r.-K, in aiHwl ordt-r. \X ue msk.-r wnth It.
tkt. iwy f.u It by l«Ung h»y. Sow «m Kent
row* wilL th.Mr
lATt... Ato. r tifw -niiuii
taiiub row.
<a Attn rt K.-nt. in
Until September 20th we will
make connection from main to
r.1. E.TC 1. T..r near*.
Crowd what money you iu.xy Into
rour pui>e you find your purse still
-mpty. But with love In xour L. art
111 your drarts art' IcJiorM. And
hough you who doid.t U.ve question
(0.-1,-Id. n«- Hint love
whU-h was I.xg!ca! or Just Would c.>me
short ar Ihe huh. You think love to
away up or down. s.>mexxhere out of
aigl.t nnd Ixexond um-. But lox.-. tm..
and III larger s4-iiKes. U food and ml-
cvetj-pen «oU.
si>ond hurss
The .|m-Mth»n a«k.xl In tin- t..pi.- to. tlOIC-xK WANTK1>-A
Iloxv to this fullm-H. of r.,si to to- re«rive,l? In the to|.l.-al tvr.-f. o.v U to
aumrrst.Hl hy |•a^I that 11 to b. Im- Hm*
of th.
Ih-s whi.-h he luiH ixray...l f,.r to
Th.-re are four of Hi.-m- iH-iiiiom
Faul i>ni>s that they inav to strei
ciied with might in llH* imi.T UKi
the Holy
.lx 4.I10M
-J. He pra
Fhrl^t inav
may (Ixvell
.!xv.-ll hi
h. th.'lr
th.-lr h.li.-ailn by
faith n He pravN thill they max to-abhto .•umm.-hi-nd
pm: h-uuth and .l.-i-tir and
the love of GihI. t II.-pt.ix> that
may to- nbl.- to
«i.rtol xxhl.il pa-.^ th kiH.xvl,,!;.. . The
r-snlt of all Ito-e istition. to to be the
fulim-. ..f t;.Hl Tl„ X Im-Imle Hu |m..iccHsloii oT trie H..ly I’.h.iM, the hidw. llliig 4.f .b-u^ li.rtoi and The .-..iniir.|l«»r.-iK rt*B }-AbK OK HKKT. rormr WsMi
Slid ixsrluw m-r J.dm Bennie ..r
l.enM.,1, of the loxe of G,sl snd of n
4ta-i»r miu|h-,ii
Christ. If.‘th.Tt-f..n-. xxe xvant t.. km.xv
Imxx ...........
1m» fill.Hl xvlth III.- fulln.-ss
of God. ansxv.T Is f..uml h.T.-,
saes-,-.l ..f 4i.sl and !
the vUiira.-i.T of 1
xxe .wnn.it but ato. jHi..-..
tto- .bi-iHiHj.
llouof tbsl. Tln-llolx t.MHsdamltlm
la.rd J.’sns Christ cnnimt .Ixx^l hi *»ur
In-aiis xvitlHUit lnaldfe^itill^ th.-ms.-lx.-a
In ..nr .hMH.-iti..ns urn! in .ur lix.-<.
lu-ing of the same iiaiim- a-* G,-l. th.-y
will lmi«irt this rmtuie to 11^. and xv..
will lHe.iK-.-ai to the full.--.l UM-aMiniHinaible I to- same dtolK>si!lon nnd tl.e
same clmrarier that GM hiuiM-lf |k.>ax-aaca
lUEUC iu:ai.inuk
J..I.U 1. I.VIS; 111.
.10; xiv. 10; A. ts
1. 1 11; I (or. hi. 5 14; Gal v. 1U1*0;
t:pli. 1. Ml*: ('ol. 1. 11*IN'; II. Sin; m.
is be who buys the
Cucky Cum
A written'guaniuece ii^
tluit are cUaract.TtotJ.- ,.f tb-l Th.»y
.M.nUl n.«l riinialii In lh.-ms.-lx i-» the
t love iluil to i-oiitaiii.-l In tJotl.
ami y.-t to the nueaiiure ..f thrir full
tM-sM ilM-y could (-onlalii th.- same klml
of love t.s chnrarterltos <bMl. Th«- .Ilf
r.T.-mv woul.l Ih- hi th.- .l.-gte,- ;,.,d
CuUeg..Oacagu, lU
n..l 111 the nuaUty^ The snnll. r v.-sm 1
cmld Im- lill.-.l from th.- larger om- and
ISM.S1.SS tlie same mat. li.il omtalu.«d
Xipljirr».».f IitaiMakd. toS Sivtlisi^g.^
In lU uUh..ugh It «.uld ii..t .x.ntaln
the aame amount. In thto m-hm- Paul
pra.vs that tin- Ephesians may In- fillcl
w lih ihe fuUn.-as of ibsl. He i,vks Ihal
they in.vy have Ihe grntvs of chan..i.-r
and the i|iuillUew of dl-poslihoi that
eluirn.ieria.-Gm1. He |MH.s«‘ssiitr In
f.HMlon What th.-y xv
liriri iimsi dwell In oiir iM-nils. a
•iiic ro..!.-!! nnd gr.Mimle.1 hi hue,
t npp.tri..-n.l aii.l mi.h-rsiaml
man ,
iBia. Bt^jiPhoosa TrararaaCtt,
joL SF.TohUST-W. P.(
v.'T- liri.wn fur Miirf U-twe»ti Trsrt-rse
sources of life
thm- to no
pra.-tli-sl thing hut lov.-.
gains and saU-s are In tbe lari d.-j
t-wx. lUilvvluiii
stasran^ Trarans atr atlltoa.m.
rxBH. UARNEU a 8WANTON. .apacAal aX-
Jwsi This Mlaatc.
n whsle^/i e M>• and do *^"“***
If sre put s purpose In It
Thst !• bonsst ihrouah snd through
We shsll glsdden fife an.l slve u
<Jrar« tu tnske It all sublime.
For. thtmgh llto Is long, we live It
Just ihU Aolnuto we arc sow ing
Se-,1. at sorrow or of sot.r
Just this minute we are thlnklnj
On the wars that lead to Ood
' Or to kUe dreams are sinktag
To the lex ai of the cl4»d.
ywr^ P4dals aorthl
gu*ya.E Tmi>^i.M sixd
amr4wLe«iaviJlsaa4 0I.LMla.AJDanPMhay aad Harter BaeAara. 4 Jl aax
Ingvr a lAirang-r. Uesdto Work.
Testerdar Is gone: tocnorrtw
Mover comeo within our grasp;
Just UUa minute s )oy or oorrow
That la ail our hsmto mar ris*;
••IwniinU tba warid to kxtow/'
writas Bra. a J. Bodloog of Aahra
way. R. L. •*wbat a thoraagUy good 100 acrct known as the Stede or
aad taUabla madirtM I foaod to Eo- Needham (arm. One of tbe belt in
laolne Bittara They eixrad »e of
jMxodioaaad livar tiooblaf that bad Grind Travertc county, SJ toilet
aaaaad aaa great aaffariog for aaaoy
•oath of tbe chy.
PftOF. C. E. HOR8T
tatan K WWta Md V«U Mta.
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