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The Evening Record, January 20, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
SatuftVs issK 13S0
WRI Not bo it CandicUto for
t.od Up to tho
Praaont Conditlonm
TtM BMord I.M rae-lrad Um follow-
U« Jbm (b* poblke miad ot tbii
eltr WMmoUy dliterW bf tlie bii
on «r foor «fod«ili lo ipodoote.
tMnaslor BMitiBcot tbfl boord on
tbo loortii Wodof'idor of thM B
-fOpOTod »( jBiUOh opoB
awitar.aad lli« rxpori wu
ir oeeeptod by • foil Word. tho« »lng oBciol
[ ^ 0
oBor by (h« botgrd 'rt tor riirbi, I
tbiak. with s11. or curly oil of tb»
people. ezerptlDK tboae petwmelly
B.t at tbi- aun<' tieie llien we> bitUr hbetmty lo me on flie
of two
aemben of <oe board (or aootbar r<«aoo.
li^atood for Ilia aeb-e-
Uoe of ifie
bMt taocbera obtaloable,
whlb ibay atood for <ba ap'!»<^lao of
MUla ’'i>onie f.-lrU." wb» w<-t«
oteMly l>uBitrd for tli* work Ihaa
t*go«« ilut ooeld.aad ibooldtiare bna
hired. Aad they were m pot to It U
•aeoniillab tbeir perpoae that obi- of
tlM board by Mr. Pop.-,
wlthoot the
fcaowledc.' of irllbrr Mr. Hamnoad or
myieU, and that. i.m>. Bfuraaotber
tuohrr hM» berh acreed opoe.
At tbr ti'«eUr ntretiofr lo Jaiy Mr.
Pope breacbt before the board a reaohrttoB. aaklOK for mr retlftaaUoa. aad
pirt^ ae n ruioo for the fame that I
hadlnct. tli.‘ •■leapeot aad ooofldeboe
of patroae aad popll.” to aneh aa extaal that I woald aol be able to matotala diaolpliae aad eaoeeaefully oarry
oo the w<irk. A najority of tbe nieaibeta Tot.-d for tlie rewlotioa. wlille
foBT of ib<- boahl alontt with mye> If
deoied tlie ■ xlitaaoe of the oobelud Id the reealBiioo.
The meurd of tbe half y<wr
of eeheel aow port prbrea that
esMl-eoodlUoa ae that Oiled in
reaelaUaa did .-xlet.
Koib>'liiff abiu U aooompnib il
phrpoeeUat ao.omer tb.--e ;meinbere
of tbe. board hare beoa ptauilBg to
fet eT. o with BK- by eleriin* a new
eBperlBUad.'Ot before tbeir
oOee expire.-
t<«ni of
Thle they'may hare
the leffal Bothority to do. bot they
bare no moral ri|rht to <lo it. for the
foUowtoit teaeoaiw
1. Tbe pupils are IB a marked de(tree reepretfsl. loyal aad
frieadlv to
the prvoeot eapTriudeadoBt.
who an- betUr
able U jadip- lliair aayooe etae. ap-prore of tbe eoiwrtnteBdeafa melhodt, plaas, work aod spirit aad beartlly-oeopeiau with faia>.
X Tbe half year's work Just eloeed
bw bnaadmltt.-d by tbodh .opposed
to me. to bare been carried on tooeeatfaly. Two w^e ejro I went to
Mr. Hoffatt and asked for crliicista..
OB the veor'e w..Tk.
Hr said he had
BO arliiclsm. i.< make.
To lae nuae
and liad l.tard none. Mr. PatcFila aud
ha l>ad n.<
eriilcitm to make,
stated il<at
a«me pe..pl.-
hliaaire in cup.riBieadeDi.and |winri
pie of tlie .11)1(1. Ml..»l would be I
gD^tlitBK. Mr Sioams said lie liad
BO eriielsBi. aad l.sd um l.eard a word
of orttleUm tl.ia year.
Mr. Pope
aol tBianrIewed. It is admitted oo all
liaads lUat the aclioole aer.-r did more
uiUfart.iry w.^rk ihaniluy liava dooe
dartof li.e past half year.
The disei-
plioa, laei.-ad ..f betnK har.1. waa ner.
ar easier, the popll liare worked hard
aod th.' resulia »t
Firm 'TKAB--iro. i4m
or Oomc to Ptm*.
li.eir work hare
via., ttet Rkv
M»fr baada oR
tba wbaoli at ^aaabt mod tot Urn mattai of my eaaatMor alawa. aad ta ba
BOtad OB by tba Bew Board of BdseaThU woald bo fair to toe peo
ple aod fair U laa What U toil aad
wl)o liare olilldtea in selmol
A Faliiieas demaiidc ihai ih./peopie be allowed to express tliemkeluf
at aaeli a lime as this.
A Tliere Is no Bsceesliy for il.e
ins«Bi tamrd aotlBp la this matter at
alL Cie Bew Btard of Bdoeailoa will
be to oOlee aad may be orpaatoed the
tf« week to May. a fall moBib b>-fot«
befonmy prueai ooatmoi uplns.
Why do Mr. Patehto aad Mr. Pope
uge this early etoetien of a npsriafdiBt?' Tbe naeoB it obrtou
t. Only throe of the prosaat mombus of toe burd wtU be to ofiee nest
yoor wtom neleoled oa tbe Ant Mooday in April. For men wte an eo
•OOB to go oat of oOee to doUbsraiaty
ttoaMtotpcrtoBta matMr out of toa
hMte of too paoptoeeams to ma to ba
haoitot botaooople of milos soata ot
toe luet btaaob of toe Mautoing rail1 by
Tin- United btaUs orultar Plilladelpbta Is ol.ae t.. tbe eeeae af tbe en
abIngtoD. Jan.
Tbe ataU de[BUtmect this iiieming reenived a oabh- from Oonsnl Onnow at Panama
ig that a battle II going osi'in
the bay ot Paoama aud that the gov-of that inovinee 1ms Iwen killed.
ahiagUn. Jan. W-The sary de
partment this afternoon reoelved tbe
fcjlowlBg dispewb from Oapmto
Mude.eofflmaadtog tbe PhUadelpiiia:
'The Panama tosnrgeai staamar Tadellla attaokeA the Latata yeataiday
moroinr at cloae qnart.-ra. Her crow
las daaertad bar, aad she it now oa
Are and >toktog."
Snperiotendent Hon wu jneeent at
eliBifl tills montog and spoke to the
---- ‘to regarding tlie work of tbe euyear. He explatoed tliat he liad
been kecptog u ranch u poeaible to
toaeli witl. tlie work of tlie Hlgli aohool
aad liad paid speeial atu-ntloa to the
yuoeni eiamlnationa Oa looking over
u three or fow hundred papen he liu bean' agtuably auriwtoad
by llie general appasnuea of the
whole lot He eorapUranaled the Hlgli
eehool etudeats apon their work asd
tliankM toem for aU the oonsldentloo they bad shown bimwlf, aad the
other leaolian
Among the craion, JOBlon.
Bopliomone. or even tlie Fmlin
perhapg then .to sot oae ot iheoe
tliat to wlUiOBt their poets.
One of theee got In 11to work os the
HUIrllortbr ralllaa Va4srU
board ill the high Mhool room this
niodtlag tnnel. to the amuesnent ot
Hreklaa oa Peso Maraoor
everybody bot tlie Jaaiiwa. parhaiw.
t-ealrol Lako Batardai
Han to UM jiarody, as old ilmmsoag.
Store Btiataoo. for a loos'
to toe Jnoion:
[dc^-d by toe Pen Manfuetto to toll Some noble .Janion will be with u
city, woa badly hart Saturday evaatog
DO mote.
whih- braking oo a freight at Oestiml For they ^ve gndutad tbiongfa tbe
lake. It-was oa bis eeoead trip, as be
back door;
had Jut taken tbe position of bnkto For Tbanday ia Oeetnelry eeveral of
B Friday.
them failed.
He fell b.-tw<wo two cart
Ob myi you cbonld liave seen bow
wav.aad bis right h-g WM caaghi Jut
toelr faoes imleA.
below the trunk and badly eroobed. ^d BOW they have left as to piaddlirortuDBtoly so buoee wen brokon,
tbongb the Beto was terribly tooer- We really orv to aony. it gives uall
atod. His ankle asd hand wan also
toe bines.
CBI and bruised, and be wu otlier. That's wliy we'n eo ICMly and abnl
wise Imdly Injured.
oar books with alama,
Fnrtuulely he raeoeeded la tbiow- Onr romiad'e have toft u after exams
Ing falmself Jut ootolde the niU.
Otherwise he would have loot hia 1th-. After exams an ovi-r. after oar papen
0r. Bameay at Oentnl Imke attoodeomeback. '
i-d him. It reqairudr stHobea
After oar marks an all made •
close the w..aade that the car wbeoU
tb<-y show bew maefi we laoi.
badtoBlctod. It is hoped, however.
Many the Junlon an aoblBg, many
thslDOBe of toe bone nfietrd wiU
arv mi-vk u lambe.
nsuU In permanent tojnry.
Many toe hopes that are vanisbad.
Mr. StUnaoB wu broagbt
after toi->xama
Tnruue Hoaplml toll momtog when
Tba aaBicWB and ooihe of tbeir
be to being cared tat.
tbe (
Ts oompany aad ooDaeoted at Law-
Mow that tlie we-k ot examtoailoti
to toe High ecbool to over.toere pto a
gnat number of Jabitoai faoes aiw^
til.' stadenti and again then- aWu
teisvaiM ef ibe l»rortees Is KUM
ib.-r Who ari- boa ao happy. How
ever. ihenambey who "annked" an
-J.ead Troops oto Tbrowloe
vi-ry small minority and toe
Vp lotrsaekoMwU.
I of tlieir failing ena be attribuh-d
Hr MserspS to Uo Kooora.
Urgelr to abaaaee oo aooowt et altoColon. Uolnmbia. Jan. »-A battle neto. elo.. Id 'general the work this
beiweea threelevatotlooary aad three last nmeatar lias goal-very nootlily
rnmeat Temels to betoc foofflit to indaaa, aad it liu been one of tJie
PaoBiua harbor. The government toad
with tbe Maiqnette A Soniheut-'
With tbe oonstrsetloii of the.
two-mlli- etntoh. sad with the Trav- :
eree I'icy-Korihport line in oommis-'
tioo. tbe PennsylTanla-pneamlng'
the Incmparabk
Special Sale
i-r Id ria.' r.nAwvali^rv-sA.
Clovetond-t'llffe ^
is oa
Owe tbe
“~S. BENDA 8c CO.
^icidl in Htw Spring 6eeds
novelty Olaisting (Elotb
ia ligbi aad dark effect D-warTnated fact oolen-^
IS tints ptr pard.
as oas
X * . X t t I 1 X
1 dilD Timm DMKO.
By Trinrsph b. lbs ILvurC.
Jau.' A>—Houiag ts-fon
tbe rapnme couri of tbe writ of babeas corpus lo tbe matteru to wbeibCbulss Pratt must testify 'in the
case agalnet ex-Speaber ^<lsms wu
token up today.
nesvion Ibe Uieease at
Aea ArUer.
Mmhi (ijn UNKni
KHl. Pb.— Xo ■«.
P»Dt;l U.b«VT ,
r 5. mniii. PtOMira.i
Br lelserwib lo Uo Boeoed
Imnraig. Jan. 80—Tbe state board
of teallh wu ooitAed today that Effle
Paiatem. of Broason. a •todrai in the
ualveraity at Ann Arbor, ss ill with
ivelaad. Jaa. 10-Bophto Zautlny
wu shot by Aleiaadar Moore oa
Mather Mreat Uat aighL T wo baUatt
took eSact. coe to toe rbia. tor other,
to toe back brsaUng a rib. Mooru.
laimadiawly to bis bo^ took
peteB aad dtod ia aa bou»'<Ha bad
beto ta love with tte girl tat hlsatoto wen coldly teceivod by bar.
Mim Zaattoy wtU
Jomea DoMoad wmI to Plaito «•
r Sait, R>.-f<«. Ovwooai.
. F-HOM-r »-r.
MUitoBBlrv Tutor will to TltoS >
Onad Baplda,- Jaa. »>-T. F. MeUarry to too sick to appear to eoan
today to auwar to tba bribery ebatga.
will be triad tostead asst. U MoQmtt to ae bettor.
Mo ^toadlMT* will be ted totey,
Bwatttog too ceadltlaB «f MeOany
om-w o
OMK MAI-ta ON'Pr oe ifata.Mewlaadiaiwp(ed.
tbtag at oowjtad itot, lw,-aum "We Meed the Money."
t'haHM l*rMt.
Uloter. Maeklutotb o* Doek Coat.
Wsahtugtoo. Job. SO-Tha prusidant
seDi to ccagriae a Npeolal meimge of
forty words, tnarmitttog tbe npplemeiitary nport of the IMbmias oaaBl
oommlseloo. favorlBB tbe adt^Rtou of
tbe Hananurxmle for a United etatee
tstbmiaa tonal. Tbe nflaR to umbI-
bi uid T«M«Uj
We have mveral baadrta pain <g
Biles Areepu AnpelKMai.
JaarlO—Got. Bltos bu acin tba uaiiotial rommltiae arpointad
to recommandtec^nge In tbe date of
tbe'praeidenttol inanguntion.
haic ojiencdo Hvnc$t CIcanin);,
Ojlm^ an.l Ke|>air Shupoicr
)tus McColl's iilaoksmilh .Shu]L It
lou want to hu) or sell harncsi
MK. While rci*airiiij: .^11 su|.|il)ruslomcrs uith hamos mhilc theirs
l>cin^ tArei) for.
W. H. HKKilNS.
A ^oor Polioy
Sl-oo A l-EO
What 1. 3 and 5c saved on
oompony's three lullroade—Ifau sean an article will amount to
cutee toe dinci route from the Ish- j
in the course of 5,year—a:
>org. and otlwr iron mnten whieh | much larger sum than you
too rumor had It
with an in-' suppose
thi^ sum you can
iMlioa of obtaining. '
savebyiradingwithus. We
have no extra or unneces
RECONCENTRATION ORDER sary help—every person in
our store is busy. We deal
for ca^h, hence no bad ac
counts to charge against our
Hr Tsiumt so tbs Bscmu.
M'aabiuglou.Jan. SO-Brigadier Ova,;
We arc content with a
eiul Boll, i-orntnaodlng the deputment
of southern Luaon, ni-ently israeil e small prolit. -believing that
nc-oncantxatioD order which may com- a nimble nicklc is better
with that of Weyler in Cuba or than a slow dime.
kllcbemr in Boulh Africa.
ialeneted in.
look at toe ele^t and 'utcful good* in our Kut window
ai lUc each, worth up to Boc—notbiag compares with
It m this scctioo.
that it U closely allied with, if not.
frleods will Mtofarati toolgbt with a
•lelghrida and rapper at Btoglmin.
wuM Peedaw wM beoa the Mirbst
store that is eternally offer■ ing its goods at from one-fourth
to one-half their actual value soon
falls under suspicion—it's the honest
goods, honest prices, that makes and
holds business. We are not working
up fake sales to'sell our footwear, we
want and ask ybur inspection and we
will convince you that, if the quality
cuts arw figure, we are never under
sold. Our goods are not marked up so
as to misled you—we use plain figures
—a $2 shoe is worth $2; a $2.50 shoe
is worth $2.50 and a $3 shoe is worth
$3 at our store. Compare some of the
80 called cut prices with ours—you take
no chances at this store.
P’rtonta Rrlodrioh,
AM lwooU>akBototogoftoa
Matotlna bat toto.
a M iiooi.
One of Them Is on Fire and
been Biore tUao mTually satisfactory.
aaottaseot ot a majonly of tlie paieau
Tbo Naniutto Mtatog Joaraal to
totr to toe peopto aad U me to far tbe
Csirylnff Tsn to Thsir Doath st in IMU of teuday bu Uto foUew■et totSMt at tbe sebaoto.
lagtomy rolatlvo to tlm ponhaas of
Tube ioKBOd fair aad rtybt. aad
Bolfast, Irwlsnd
* “
U aol for tbe bbcbeat welfare of toe
nmd by Metlieasy aad Kaafmaa. to
Ue Ima beoa my rullBc mottre
et with tba Tnvonv Oily. L>wtorootb eiybt aad ooe-balf yeataof
arbool work to tbU ptoos.
1 have
IS above wUl b>- toad wlUi drop
aevcr beeu a poltoy mbb. -1 have
toutbt u fcaewtoertobl aad to do
my daty. oo Mtur bow hard It ml«bt Addsd to the Horror of ths satly aOming the ramcta eorrest a
slint tiate ago linking Uie Peoayvaato
have besB.
B with tlie Marquette A South■
Knowtof BOW. that eoob eoadaet to
saatsn. At tliai lime it wu stated
>e oOee of ■opartob-Bdeol doea Bot
the big Bastara road wu saekiag eapleaas aortalB mombtn ot toe praeeal BMe t^ts or Pplaalec llooms ia I
By to tlia Imka Saperlor ^ Aslito.
Burd of Bdueotioa. aad fcaowtof far
aad M a step toward iliat and a line
ther that II to toelr deliberau aad
of railway wu brtog eoaatruetod
red parpoee not- W allow tola
TsmMr SitobUr lajens.
tlireogh till- Leelanau peoinraia, runsr U be eetUed' by toe eprtoy
ntog north from Tnvccee Oitv oo the
eleetlea, Ida bow make this poblto. r TUsenita to tos Bseonl
Belfaat. Inland. Job. »-Tb.- rol- G. R. A L to Korihport. nau‘tlie
aeemaat Umi I am to so aas
ith of Mnnd Tnrerse bay. From
laiae of toe aide walls of tone of tbe
splontiig rooms of tbe Smitbfleld Flax Morthport it wu smted that pnwsrfal
city will ead with toe eloee of the BploBiag mill today raoaed the diwtli tarry boats, two of whWIi lisd already
ordered, wan to ooaaeei with
of ten iienoBB asd tbe terlou tojury
sUqne. whieh bean the dlsilneof ftfiwn eto.-ra A eoon wen atoo
tlm of b-'lngan "open" portall the
elighUy tojared.
Then wen 800 |>eraoat. muily
toe mills at tbe time of till- plan, the Maatotique
of toe aocideat So qairkly did wettara (<ir Mortliera. wu also to'
rotopee orear that the occu- play iu pan in the proposed rontr t.< •
poBU <d tbe room bad aa chaare to the iroD misea. and the feat tliat eoetrol of the road liu aow hwa aaeured j
move from toelr pUcea
Tbe home was added to by a for the PematyTBBta would anra to |
ate lliai toe nports Lad some
nam of ecaldtoA water from toe
Instirsentand Colombian Vet
laijen. At say nta toe deal >e
broken pipes Bevi-cal persoes wbo
sols in Battla
have eeraped, were s highly Importaat one. The road
wLieli bu ehaagoA faaa^ ruu uartoeraldelto death.
Tills is the rerdict of il.e teacliers asd
It U approred by by jodjrmeni.
1. 1 tiiiak the altitude of a luajorily of tlie board does ii'.l repreeeal tlie
Ab^ forwef mea
m amdtta oMlwfU tato
• tetowoatte.
Tbe CRd RaitlileSteesBBB,
Tte New Suad. MS Front Sc
Pres.. Geo. C. Wilce;
Vice Pres., E. R. DaUy; '.
Sec.. W. H. Foster: Treaj., Tlos. Sniiirtliwaltt.
aumiiim w..
General Agents tor purchasing, selling or leasing
Real Estate, and everything peitainiog thereto.
Will aid in promoting and
locating manufacturing enterprises.
We want the ageoev for sale of-farming lands,
timber lands and other real estate, aod
purchasers for the same.
We want factories to locale and locations
for them—we want Ip represent you
in all real estate matters^
10.000 acres good farming lands for sale
on Easy Terms. Abstracts procured and examined.
Titles perfected—correspondence solicited.
Trarerst City
129 East Front Street,'
All that skilled workmanship and taste can pro
duce in ladies' shoes is crysulized in
They are snappy and stylish. They are made 00
" lasts that are comfoitable. They arc made of tbe
best obtainable material.
$3.60 PER PAIR
McNanuini Blk.. Froot Street
*■— BTSmaO »■***■»*, TKATSBU lUT 1, WcA^ MOWOukT. lAKVAST
ID Evonne KECDRA- fTmputMf«
' —^SK3“^
nuvEne city, hicrioam
I ntdal PtdsiMtt}
INATBEiUNRIlX \6tatraintws
It la tba Wtoa old idfto
absaca b ta tba t
IMS. r
to toby^i btobb mtol be takes britoc
tobr-i Wrth. Tbe ebUd mb bM ao
tnere berith thaa -tbe ftiotber fnea it.
berith? oottaer. Rtraaf of
'll of
wUl cadow tbe child
VbMob atataa tbat Kluf Edward
luwiilj inaaiiiil in r ^—*• eoat with
ralM oaSft TUa baa iodoead ban
Lobdem'a weU-drrtoad men K
order ooattod tba wae daoeriptlaa
n>a enfft ara Uim ioalias daep. and
are Mimd ap tram iftalda the tlaarei.
Only 18
i^win in TaUowMM ^ Oftt or tlM iMad od 80 and
Blato new Wood la loWodaoed at
DM tbe btod will treome aninot.
TIm apaaiftwaa timi axiat are net
r tbowUl. It
fttwt U*« bb tba atnotc. alnk dawa bardy. Tlwn an U.OOO elk ao<thoaUa. 1b fteOBtw
OivT OBcnftfOB
_ bftld Ihftt It
, .
MBda of aniahve wUliiu tlie pork lim•Bdfti iBftftMM ftftd riWftid B«t bi ftdWhat a unit daiwtoril Ceril? waa!
MOtba Uw Dcnoa.
aad iodacc* >rat a (aatbrr on ber feet, apr? at
sUMdtB piBbftift ■80 AtludcMpL
awapt oTcr Tlwao Tliaraftvahing ilecp. II
ft tot, abe wooM fo aorwbm, era?4K. J..Jftdf«B«ftd)Cn.
givea vigor mod
day. dolDR c*«U damafft One ban
wboc. What pkaaed brr iBoat waa to
eURtiettr to the
died paraoe were moaa dr leaa aariocadlBb where I dreaded to follow ber.
organs of onatei
io> tor ft polio? of Ufa when I moat follow ber to be ocar at
hour ii iftBcticull'.
Bity. >o that the
It cnablce
ftppUOBBl WftHftBtod toodtoCBaeabeaboBldfan. 8bc called
Pagitbe iDother to provide a plentiful Rupely
MbM nrioftilp. ai. MC -Old rrodence" aod would often aetoy are aomewliat analBcd. The ha*- of.brahhhil Douritbnwnt for Uic healthy
wtod pBftBmnli ftbd rlewtr twtt me oa what abe c<
It tnakcR weak women Mroug
hand It at |wemni llrlnp in the elitrk- aii-l nick »«nen wyll.
M(c tban pradrace-ClDldlt?.
of PMTUrfv h, no alcohol In -Farofite PreThe Itorea were yellow end eeartot ea coop while tlie vrife aad Iwr alat.-r
ft-njaiuu-aiid it u abaolntdy free frocn
.UMll«Klftli7>>«** Ml ' •a mSt.
------------------aboai the pood; there wee ao aatnau oeeapy tl>e oomronohle home. Mi. oj.iuni. rwRioe, «b.I all <*ber furcocka.
it i« IbiOBIft Od.
ooH-“ Afur U« dwtfa. lo ft wit b? min 10 the air; aommer waa rlpeolftc. Pagriey it a atroog adreeate of prohiSick womrti arc inr-ited to consnlt Ur.
TMMiMR tB. iftppOM tfaftt
h« lettrr free of ebar
bU wUo ftBBlBM ibi OQMiMr to n- Uha tba (nut, lolo wloter. Cee»r aod
■MmAm vlU tlUftk twlm Men kIt,
RirictlT private
1 were atmac on the baek oear the Brown, Mn. Pogaley’a elatar. oaim
|i« piMle TOtnio Mm which Md OOTOT the fttoowt od tba poUor. U
.\ddiciR Ur. R. V. I-ierce,
ibowB thU bo hftd bow Ulwlth reoft- mllL Tbeie la tba place, tboucb It la the Pngalvy maorion to make
to MMmi toft pjiiitiBC fan ot RO*- Mto. wlthlft two joftn prorlow to ao crewB orer with brtub that we hOBM, Pngaley fonod an empty 'wliu-mared tM. P
tt tn tbU coftBOT. Oft Dftlarcoou Dot alt there now. We------ key flaak ou a table. There waa a raw
Cerily bad apoken
Bftkewtot, of Aatoclft.
and Pagatoy took up hla abode in Ilia
bSi^ ViSa^ lanWR.
1 to ton 7M1 1«- bold Ml Ibo dftUit? od.-•0
Itihr bo-a cfciU •■d hR» tare tarn btnk.
ohlckee eoop He ooeka lita own •IKI
I aiSri>,l«TtT aRct. InethRa I did befor
lirtMMMt f«r tofthlftc pftbllc Ur fta- aanollod tba eon
msftlt and makm hta bed: in fact, l>«
Bop. iK. J.,)«8».
|w^*IARI woihm lo U.C LRc -r«v«rWe i
• »<M
toward tbe----- ---tb* Doitod Stotw
“ih. I-ierce-9, Pleaiant PelletR
watrbed her while abe paaeed
wlU Mr
At Altos. III.. Mrs SopliU D< math pleasant aad effective UxaUve me
ptatferm aad approsrited tbe wberi.
of llkft neUto
which was tollL There 1 mw berettb- lias'etarted aa ‘ anci-laty buu oroiOM li to ootabUth Mlwloao,
■toe." She has begato aettre w<«k by
aMlfttftiB ft BlMloBW? pr’wtbood ftftd
Thft MB wto> btow aBP M KftlBi
aaaalnr tbe klWt or George Soolt •«
(or tboodftw- ootolt
Primw tolmy MImrtom*
-1 woDldaT do that." 1 caUed.
oharget of rraclty to-children aad
^BMMB* ftCfttoftod With ftftel'
1 IIRV- I.Rir rarl-a,<L> .d bRy and m.nv tu
Bbe paM oo bead to my caotloti. b«
. wl.K'h I wiU ntall at W->I01,BMl bf- did tto dnd.
dimbed oot oo to tbe 'uppenaoU part. (aihin to mimort hta fcmliv. Mn
MI.KI-1UIB*. laURud—m,-.
•U IbM foltowi cOftOd ft* teiiftcfat
w br It wltboftt paeoftiftt? iM«t. U ft As sooa at aba waa oa It tbe wheel be- Oemnth aelaed three of Boon's chil
k b OlUUS'Ul-UH.
comItobU MOO rift t1 Oft. ftBd ft toi ‘
caa to tuni slowly and ebe taok oot of
MeKa.1 taebUKirvH.
boftto naod b? m BMbM >ftd otoi- alfbL
1 cot up. weot to Ibe vebtol anil mid. after the arrMi of Boon, tliai
daotodoiliiff tba wot OMBlbater
mnwaaaof rtonpawtloo. la «
. ■tabd hMAIoc down at ber. gbe waa beretofore ahe had oiwiienir.! heraelf
with giving warningf to lazy men:
(rastaafttloft fttotor ft tow awpttng
ad OtotoftBr to tUIi Oittou 1
beamfti-r abe would bav.- them arreat
ftU bBlldlnsa «aad asriBriTal? (or
frand oBftnUle*. hot Mllwaok.
ran beomih brr.
ed and dealt with hr Uw.
■lUl COufidftOt Ihftt hU TDTftl faichiMM chftHtftbla pftTpoaoft. 50 AtlftftHe Baft
-I will bold tba wbeel." I mid. -while
At Bpokaae. Wa>h.. lying guar-lH
m. J. Jftdjn Oawtotoa) S8B.
WlU not «U«bt tfaftt Hlj.
you dlmb n^-Doo-t trooblo yotirmlf. I m rery in ft lo<lge building of tbe Urder e(
-KllUnc of Aftlaftlft-A comfMlable."
— ■ •
new fraiernsl lueni-----PRESIDENT HONORS A BOY. doc atf^od (ram bona OBto detandUBkBOWI
I dldo’C Hke to bare ber there. Tbe
aftt’a Bftqk. In tba opan oouitty. mill might begla to grtad at aay ino- for luittaiibo who wnt eev.-rrly hnrt
BaeereeM Delb
O. 99: CARVKI*
abfthlBft Hla naae la i-aereit. ^
aboat threa-qBarton «t a mile trow .meot. 1 begeed ber -to come np. but dorlag tbr o^mooleR Tbnt-day
rmldent RooMrelt mestly made a tbe iBilnod etattoo and waa klUtd. abe would not aad finally told me that Bight . H- U vraiebnl by a Mlow
Bttle bey from New Jerwy rerj bippy The aocliieer leatldod that after Icde- I had not tbe '■apaak'' to come down.
members who refutee toglve hit nt
to Vraablnrton. myt tbe Ni-w Vork iDK tbe fttfttloo bo hod to c« ep •
-It I do. aeltber of aa csd cM out.- Part of ibi- tnitifttion cerrmimiriTlmea. Air be dbl wai to abake baodt irtftde. and waa eucaffwl >o lookiaf t replied, “for at we climb tbe wheel bUadroldiag ibr victim an-1 drawing
With tbe youO<«tet and orruk bim after bla IntarlMton aod other bo- wlUtnre."
m pt top Rper.l in I
ul the
wKh ctaaracterUttc -fervor fbai be
n climb one
-Oh. yea, vre cap. 1
> hiltifttioo ctvw
a Utile MTi.
! htm. but that waa
daUfbted t
rids Bbd you tbe otber."
tbe;traefc.aftd Umi darlac Che time .the- -I am mneh bmvler thaa yoo."
were anabh- to control the wagon.rmiI
etlDX took plan- tbe otbir fireman waa attendlaf to tbe fin.
^e victim vn» ilomt*-I ovcragsinil
-Bot. helac blc and etrooc. you
Id Ibe |irealditi('a rbarch. wae beU that tbeownwo< tbe dog climb fatter, aad that will mak
tbe gresi high alitr In (b-- center of
Which, ia Bpllc of a pourinc ralo. -waa
BOt eutllled to reeovto (or MOk
Hit »l-h wtR croRhnl m
•d. After
tbe wrvlre tbe |retl- ktUlng.-Kl Soothera Bop., (Klaft.,
wril flUed.
WtablBf to cut tbe mtuer tbort tod and be test psiaftiU.v hart.
ompanled by bU dancbler. Jodr-OftthooB)8»&
get her out ftt quickly tt poerihle. I
LsM Thoridftr peini.a
t of bla pew aud down tbe
went down to .ber. Tbe wlwel turn iseot OBI from DeerfleM, O.. annoDnea toward tbe dnor^ tbe real of tbe
Adjoining Lot Owaaro-Ohitoao- ed alewly with my tocreoeed weight, lag the ilmth of Hr*. Jehu Kraos
Rrecatloa mnainliuj Id iIh- peW!
tiofte-A lot owftto la not JaaUBad to but after I reftched ber soon bemme from lyphohl fever. Two' phytician*
U bo bad paaaed ool (»d tU way
rilll Bgtla. ^td tbe accednl to ui
from YonogRtovrn ami one from UeertoW a UtUe banl aboot oot from areetiBg a bonlac of riom bootda cm pleading to go up at once we woul
bla lot, i» front of tho windowp of (
llehl prononneeil her-leecL. An nmlerbare bad little tronblc to mcblDg
bODRO adjoining,to paornat tbe thramfa price, but the mw I wet worried tftker plRor'l tin- bo<lv in a CRvket
iDC of refnae from tba - wtodowa oai •Bd made tbe most of It by deity. FHeadm mme to view the rro ain,.
t 3. HlUtkeD.
fall lot, ao aa to obetrmol Pm tiebt aad Presently 1 bmrd tbe vrcll known aod many remerked bow Rhe wniuc.l
*T am very clad to ate you at rborrb air Ihraocfa tha wlBdowa.wbare a fear- aeniid of (be openlnc of tbe floodctle
a lifelike Irnk. The fRmily ma-le fvetbia rainy day.t Mr. Iloow-vrit wid as Her of ftsotbto klod weold ba eqaally above, and down came the -weter.
pfttfttlcioe fof the fuorraL Bn-Menlv. ,
bft BboDk tbe iKiy-a band.
It took ftomt Urn# for Ibe wet.
at affeoUre. Tba taet tbftt ooa owner
wbih- a friend eloo-l taking b ri«t I
*1 am awfid clad I caDM-." tbe bey
ilttod prrftofta of bad obonekto.
ftotojKly lepli^ -T nevrr abook batida
•I during which Cecily end 1 look look, grief torni d -to amazement hy a
whoae behavior waa a bdImboo, to ocWfth a prcftMent brfam.ed at meb other aKWlled. though i am Bust decided twieliliig ot rtie face <if
mpy hit bODM. dot* wotyaatify astree to confem I wee far more terror tbe ispiR>w<l eorpRc._ Oocton wentee Btarete ieRealeft.*
other ewftto aroeting atMb a harrltr.
lied and it It tbongbt ihe will
utrltoeB than tbe. Then tbe wheel beB- B. Cemmea of Merrick. K. T.. a -tOAilaatleBop <H. J.. Jadgr Pit- gan to turn slowly, and we were oblig lire. Thi- famllr trcalliil the fonernl
ftaodaoo of llobrn PuIiod. tbe loreei- aeyiMl.
______ ____
ed to more vHth It Cecily, plucky girl cardR.
to of tbe BiraailRwi.-liaR n.nRtroiiidaa
that she vrsa. teeing tbe necealiy of
KleoU TrrU ha, a wlrel.-ua leleIce Weyrte. eaye ita- in>lladelpbla 1‘reas.
kaephig np a riout betrt,. begaol to
who was injtond boat Tismp. tnmp. tramp, tbe hoyi graphy Ryteem of hi* own noil mrR of
. Ab ordlBary rDOoer 1r find ptaced cw Bltoa-PMaia.
"There Ir on diftioalty in obialn- Ibe (not fork of bd oidJiwry bk-yrle.
• feeding a nnagla. by bartag •re rnsrchlagr at though- tbe ftffelr
and a ijilked tire Ir alQyed
il>r tear her fiftgm ewngbt lb«ola.
teatHod vest rery tonny, while I wat tbloUng ing the reqaliite energy to tigiial
that tbe knew bw flagara vrould be of aome vray te glre an trirm. It •cram (he Pulflo. or all around the
,''?tatM Ot tbe atie.-!, to the «>df of
borned aad oraabed U enagbt. Bald. weald be o( oo am to tbont for tb^ earth. There |* apiatvuUy no rmaon
whicb ftkale* an- faiteD-il. Tbne- are
ifiolsBt 10 shew that toe bad. na- •Otoe of tbe vrater wooW drovru my why we abould not aend clecmc
tnid to aicftdy ilw iDarliliie and maimed tba danger whiZb imollod la vutee, and at It rose beueuib oa tbe warea to ib<- moon or Mara, cr any
trel It.
ber Injnry.-MAIL Bap <B. Lllbt. notoe iDMcaaed. It corend onrankleft other planet."
(bea oar team aad oaly ceaaed to riM
After a deepetaie atruggle with a
OBAB. W.8AXT1B will ahowapriag,
wbmaM our hips.
im. doatoBR SMla-Blorh UlotUnc
pack ot wolves in bia tornyard Orif
Tba Podtontios of Womaa'a CUabt
Cedly tallsd on beaUe me while tbe ~
today aa^ tomorrav^ at HamUtou Itaa axtoadod tba right of boatonry
a well-knovra farmer re*idOlotblng Oo. .Otdara take for laiwater deepeoed and ber ctreerb wan.
XftCroaae. Wla. liet »>i a
■odlaw to apriiic dellrtry.
ed. making OMfry of It all till tbe last
oiidltloo with tbe Oeah liter
wben tot gars mo a look wUrii mid
tram hit body m many
-pritsly: -l can go 00 ftriber. I'm go
ing to drap-- I took ber in my armt pbieoa Ptm^lani «ay be miinoc live.
|•OFl-l,AR |•BaIODlCAUS.
To tbe Taiyayere of <he Olty of Tiav.
Dim Ulty;
Tbs Jftuuftty nuabto of tbe Arntri- aod tramped on. I vrat t stent (ellow John D. Rrekefeler ha* promiaed to
The tax ralU for (be ooUecileo of
Boy to out ftBd la eartoty of Bt twenty, but 1 knew that my etrengib double ereiy gift made to Vamar colIbe etolr and oouty toM for
iiw ftftd baooiy of..................
lUattffttloo. ex- would give oot in time. I met a demfttiorudbaooi
1801, and for tbe '
■pairing glance about for tobie meant uw. np to 8800,000.
mlt ftoy nnmbto ,----------- , —
aad oliT taxes and.. ...
to change tbe ritnaUon. Then (or tbe
Farmer Bogatram, dUglng In hie
tetold year Uve heeo plaeed la my ^•Mstolw*U^om^UM mat- first tint 1 ooUced t broken piece ot
tratlootaa^t tot ft btoatlfU HintitUng wblcb poatfbly I might de- mltar at Uaamde Valley, Pm. dlROor^T^^l^^lnmy^ee lereMlve mid
toeb aad BM (or a lertr te stop tto ored that hi* houa<- Ir build over tbe
tone frost sow bdiU Pefaraary 1.
rumnlna of a hnge aolmal. thought to
UQ8. oa saoh week day from B o'elobk
' "
TbttMrimftre-. '^■BoHito a bnm- wtoeL
“Can you walk on for • few me- be a aaRtodnn. Hr has fuoiid about
to 11 AO la tbe feroBoao and from
orant atorv by BodMya«toB:'‘How
|tcB feel of thi- nub. but hae aioppi-d
the Bflor- We Oftlato oar Bebotottollft." by wata. Cedlyr 1 aaked.
•‘ftloefc ftftUI 4 o'eloek la the
-Tm: 1 tore tod a good iwLTbomat Wllsoai “Too AiUle by
iradftg in tbe mad for fear of enOa all stale aod eonaty tax payed Half." by J. VaaTfttml; “Pnaaad
I put tor down and. eUaglog to tto
bta boaae. It it eMimamd.
bafara Jftoaftry lO. tba ragnUr fee of Profit U Trapplag," by/. A. '
ttot the taak mnat ba about IB feet
aae par oeat for eeUectiaa will be
tUag. Never befeeu or rine* bare I^
loogand IS to tt feut high. A ublp
eharged. aad-oB all laxee lefttaiDiac
forth toeb foeut a form that no maa
aapald Jaaeftry lOih. there will be
from tha tea vrat sent to a New York
ritacgid a fee of $ per eeoi for oollee- •Jm^
Plow" by^lm Battal eanaxtrtttcept temve IlfA Tbt tim lelaatlai. vrbo ynaonneea It Ivory. A
ber yielded, and tn aootber mionie I
ttoa. Paaaliy oa deUaeBont city aad XjnunU.
taxes aad —^---------------------------------------^-------------------------Borne of tbe Icadlsg arUrimare: had tbrori It tbruugb tbe tide of Ibe rich mioeral siulag bat hnrti from
Mataoa eftohdollarof ibeamooDl ••Blomo^U He Wto ^ Ppaad BU wbMl aod retted lu eod igainri tto tha rook Just above where the lutk
____ .. Oartoad FamU: 3amm Ofige of t Mont vrilL Tbt wheel wae
Wbitetimb BUay uUt of hit boybood: stopped. Then Cecily came to me. pot
Tbe famena Strrokir oolleetit
part four of "Worklag tay Way hm anni about me and vrepL
totkwiflm and motbt hat been told
X^ftdUM Wocld” by^ftRTBtooto
- BMiDCDie (oe
tto moicr
miller wu
HorrttM. (to boy tnvtl^-Tto OU
ru upon ut to dlamree what fo; (80,000. TUponhwerl^tbeAmKourteSoBimteftd” to Walkm Oam- loakUg down
d bto
whaeLjCecily cried ariean Muienm uf Naiutal Biatocy. In
mtofttBftiMrwottki-Pamiliat Talki tod Mopped
With Boys" to A. B. Welto;J*Bwoot- ootnitfuagbh ber tmra.^lt Ukm big Hew Twk. Tbe oollection containt
over 800,000 apwlaena
fito to Mop a mill wbteir
- Tto
man gave ber t band,
and with mt briow to tolp tot vrat
maa eo tto dry ptatferm. I followed,
py ft toga oratM eftobare:
and tboru came a fiood of gf^tJtnde
to Ofttam and BponiTto Bn't Ltkcft- ttot I tad btto permitted to mve my•eir and Oadly from a bcrrlbta dmth.
I waatad Cudly to rlrit tto oM mill
of tbe AmertoftB Boy: Tto Boy Ooto
and Stamp Ooltoetcft; ^ Boy't Poal- with Bft tot ato
Uy Yard: FmBantoThtok AbMt^
W. 81 7«n ^ •>< <
imiTiiA. Iwria* tra ehUtaft. aMi
ft VlU iMTliiv MMMBaad hit wife.«te U*ft« «UM hte. awtr bU ki«
pnvmtrtt* tbftlrlivw.
- MU vUL
--------(oat o( hto cMUdrw ti«> ]»Rt(dv»tta in tkft dlaBib«ti«B oflM* «
th( thiMt c< Mi SM MMdMt
•ra bB BB tbiT
___ ftftd ftow tba MoeblftafT N oOeoL
»b Min will ftftialy “ftaraf frtftd ft«»l»
dram wfttrii that are paM." fter.wea.'
I bare It earr? mt tbiwocb that aeei
aa UfTtbto e( twwtr jaara ar> wbt
(to boon I tzaaepad. mtoped. aa to
Tuesday. Jaa. 3i, we will display the new spring
•line of pretty Sheer Fabrics for«party dresses—
coousting of ^
I OrsAndloSo
' Sa^ln Foulards,
l-aoo Silica,
8111c and Unan
E«o., Eto.
It Will be the finest showing of this class of goods
ever seen in Traverse City. You will appreciate
these goods this time of the year.' You are most
cordially invited to come and inspect this line
whethe^you want to buy or not.'
ft J.W. HILUKEH *)
Because we sell what we say we sell. It
is hot so much what you pay for an arti
cle as the satisfaction it gives. That’s
what counts. The Grocery and Dryg
Depts. are attractive place's at all times.
Just received some of the finest apples We have had
this winter. Northern Spies. Golden Russetts and
Grimes* Golden. Don't you like a good eating apple?
Have some Apple Sauce or Apple Pies or Baked Apples
for the men folks when they come home to their meals.
We are selling the sweetest and juiciest oranges Noth-'
ihg nicer for puddings for dinner or/sliced with banan
as for supper. Better order sorfie with your next
grocery order.
With every 60 cent package of Armour’s
Nothing more appetizing for dinner, some like it for
supper served with toasted bread or wafers. The sick
room should never be without it. Order a package at
And a sweet breath can only be had by using Rubifoam
Sozodont or Euthymal Tooth Paste. They only cost
25c each an^ you have such a satisfied feeling after
using them.
£S3£!l.“S'Ti:i 5SJS5?
Tto Pamto Do^rtawto; Tbe Boy't
7yet«fttaaiu Bumbereff pew
■1 wham taaca
•"% aod
Mr. aftd Mia. D. J. Sprlagwamtoa
patwita of ft fito toby toy, wto ftf
Thirty different kinds of the finest Toilet Soaps that.
' are made. Packer's Tar Soap, Cuticura Soap. Gljfcerine Soap, Kirk’s Juvenile, Jap Rose Soap, Non-perfumed Pure Castile Soap. Prices ace from 6c to 25c
■ orv, MXCB^ vcnroAT. JAsrirAxT n. im.
> WINTER OF 1902
^ M^Krets, MOW tine t{0 we oiaed to be pwblUhed in tbe
aettiiic loct)i ceruin Witeaenti ud deiins lor oar new toiuc nod reooostractor,
Cod Lhrer-OiL
ttu «nd HiTiw node herein hive tuce
Proof noouaeatal.and ii
le hu been comng to us fraa aB pans of
fas its befaaU, and the Inrtber statement that nothin---------»------------------------------------- j--------dn^ store has quailed
VnfOL both in demand and real medidnal merit.
We asain proclaim our ofTer to the people that we sell VI!fOL on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE.^
4liere is no medidne that will 'cure everything, but if you are troubled with any of the following
ailinenta-we k&ow that \’ISUL wdl help you.^ Anyway, you should givp yourself the chance lo be
benefited by it, particularly as /ou uke no risk in losing money il it does not help )-ou.
Everything in it is plainly printed on the label, and while it
contains all tlic medidnal elements found in the Cod's Liver, it contains no oil or grease, and is as
ddidously palatable as the most delicate glass of wine, — come in and lest it — )-ou will want more.
AU Run Down—^Mo ApputHom
U yew ImI aO wen oat. Iui*c vnyfittk appetitw and net n
h steep, caated by enr-work or tklmcia. try VINOL
DebUHated—AU Tired Out.
Wbydncoaien eilMrscewhiKMi ttfeor amUdoa.
..TtNOLwOl bring Ue.sltm(tbaad vigor to (he deUUuicd.
year aMory will be letaaded.
It fa OM ntanl lo fed coatlaaally lirtd.
Uyoa tio M fed wd try VINOU
U k dom not bdj
Oulu Flesh—Bet Strong.
Ym eaa gat let wMiod taUi« tbagieaUe Cod Liver OQ. Fat taken into iSe syMeie dees'not creaielat.
bcUevs VINOL vrUloeatt floh qtdeker iban any ptepenllen coauiaing greaec. We have proved in nany cases I
VINOL qakUyaauesttiaagih.
Tty it on our gueraaiet.
Ontydhnee who ectaally suBer know Its terwet fee them We b robbed of aD joy. It ptodocm maayaerioai o
pUcadeas aad caferUrs the cniiri-V’vtn KeUif only roairv when s srirntific tvatWy enables the siomsch to prop
•MhalUt^ food. There u no medidne ibsiviU do tUi so sucemdaSy as VINOL. T^ it on oar gaaraAec.
Old People—Weak People
. We gaarkatec it to give
. \TWOL b d iMepeteaal value la at
moUagr.' Try it on ooi gusianlee.
id baallb to Ihoec who ait weak and d<
Pale Women—Pale Children
d fairs abos tbat the bleed U
foot, and thin, anil also indteatn laprtlrct dlgmtlon.
Chqdrea leva VIKOU It b so ddidous
VlNOl. wU conect si
Try It on ou guaiaalec.
Bronehltle- -SorieLungb.
odea bod UtbSy aalcas tpedally cared for in
early steg
d Liver U
tba tW and Wap than VINOU Wine of Cod
Theta b no medidne marc talnsUe lor reatoring k^h' io
Try it on out guarantee.
its w«ek la TpaUaatl Friday. laeWy
\*INOL Ii Ike vary
Vniike other Cod UvwOU praparatlotti.it does not upset the stomach, and it u deUckms to the
Tty it on our guannlre.
tloae. bat none of Uwm have teeo ee
WW-a the family of BobeH Miller.
tad..In every iaetaBee, aatiTea Uvjag near Mt. Olemeae. awoke (he
me other emte have keen ^
other BOBiag. they eaeartained that
to act fb the capacity of gortew
(bey bad had a aartow eeeape from
eaol the
etat«.jB the
A flr>- Imd started abnet
the ehimavy aodkanind a bole 10 feet
tbeSooth aorosB ia the roof, wbeo it had aeoraa
Lyons high erho-tl was eap
aodatlBgly gime oat.
with aleobiil and boUiug water ihv al
cohol exploded, quite severely >en- SmteofObio. Olty of Toledo.
t **'
Laeos eoaaty.
log one of Die atodenta
Fiaak J. Oheocy makes an oath ttet
The ftret uee of alomlanm wire for he is (be eeaier jiamar of the dm
taliroad porpoaae la Miohlgaa istobi ■of V. J. CbeaeT A Oa. doiag beeinem
mad<-today on a aerUoa of the Hawke in (be ri(y of Toleda Oooaty and
dtole aforesaid, aad that mid Arm
Angne InterarbaB betweau Jarkoo and will pay the earn of ONB HUNDRSD
Hiohlgaa Oenur when the care emm- DOLLaRA for 'eaeb aad every ease el
h that <etUnot be eared by Uh
« raaalag or. hie Uac between oetanli
Holl's I
AnB*drbor and Jarksos. A etreloh Of
iwora lo before 1
four uilee has>eea oqolpped with at- in mv pnweooe on thU Cib day of Deamiaum feed wtrea^AInmliioia wires eeiaber. A. D. itW.
Ball'i Oatarrh Care U taken Islarare aeed oat
the Allrgao eleeirlo
light plant, tmt this wUt. be the firat ally aad aeta dlreeUy oa the blood
_ad maeoBS sarfaciee of the lyeteta.
adaptatiOD lo
railrvad parpoaee in Beod for wstlmoslaU. flea
- - Oheaey*CW.Tble«o.a
A five moaths old bal7. Tedd.v
Pills are the beet
Booeereh Oalleoder, hat the dletta.WbUe the pfayeica elam ii
to do B little sbupplBg, aba left (be the sheds by tramps at night in retare
Ultiv ooe la Its gtaadfatber's anaa for which thei
bey cccopT tbs boakt
Jaeixe Oallender lo-Aed proadly as the ieiL
be held-tbe haby. and
divided hie at-
It it a myietefy why woaea endure
eiyibiag ran aloifg amooibly aattl one
'bleiamdwly. Fatotlsg
of the lawyi-re. growing animated ee and &>sn 8p
he warmea ap ia his delate, beat a proved t^t
each uoablOL
load tetoo with bis del apno'the desk with kidney trooble.'
as if (u drive home end vUarb the er- Miebe Oberl.-y. of ---------------------------gataeat he was a-lvaarfog. This vras "and a lame Uek puned me ao I
oonldwol drom myself, bnt Eleotrio
too taorfa for the baby.
It birrbed
Bittere wholly cored me. and. alforth a plalative a]>peal for mamma, thoDgh 73 year* old. I now am able to
iAd drvliaed to be .(timfortt-d by de all ray honeework." It overeomes
Oraudia Oallender. so it Ataily be- Coatpistloo. impruree Ap]ieuie.gives
perfeci bealih. Only aOc at Jaa O.
raiae iieeemery to adjearn court anvtl
and 8. K Wait A Bone
the mother reterm-d and hBsh--d the drag oiore.
liule ooe to <ialeL
At (he U. of kL before bU clam in
A Reed 'City man named Heary J.
Utaf has'jast perfected ea lBT<-ntioii polltioal >-<-imoffi7 Friday. Prof. F. M.
which bids fair, whoa plaoed before Taylor declared that (he "Imdii-s
the pnblu-. to rival * wlreleee tele llouie Journal " it a aerloae eviL
graphy. It il a email .and very simple mid It htpaght op th>- piwaree
machiar for.the
vrealth and Inxuiy to those la ordi
uary eireadisiaacea
"It it not the
■ of the InM
Inrainatlag parpoei-a.
It la clai
by the liiveotor that oar thooeud feel the greotoeae of the' inooow of bii
ovtghbor that bre<-ds diseoatest,'’ Im
I of gat can be made for tea cents.
in that
city ii gradoally deenaalng. He has
completed a oeasas and And the total
•00, whereas a few yeas ago when be
«am<- there, the eolored folks naraberedBOO.
A Booster petition, of ov.t *00
name* for theeetabltahmentof n h^-
Nursing Mothers^Weah mothers.
t-v<-r B'oeived, aad the list i
posed of prominent men. priin .
IIUIMta* TtoUMto.
The futoe of Baoklen'e Anioo-Sotve
as the best la the world, estead*
roaad the earth. It's the ooe perfect
lioJer of Oat*. Coras, Baras. Braises.
Sores, Scnlns. Beils. Uloers. Feint.
Pain* anand oU Sbla SrapUeoa
- '
•' •
G. ■
of tbr B. P. O. E.. who lives ait Sagi
naw. It is one of the Urgeet p-tiUnni
The old idea that the body eoB».
oOoiaU of the army, uavy eiid eat- tises needs A posrerfal. dtasUe. parnative pill bos been exploded; for Dr.
'tomsdeiartiaeirtrof Uaele '
King'* New LUe Pills.which are per|nutil after a dMieion of the United feetly hormlees. gently clUnaUte UvIstatriTenpremr coort.lhat the Philip- er. aod bowel* to expel poiioneai
jpne blande areewritary of this Batter, oleonee the (yetem aod abeeiBlelv care ConetipMlon aod Slok
I ccmntxy was it poeribleander the laws
OmEU* law speeiAcaUy stab-a that
.. , ,
It-ic-'r- of , Ktlrbavea.
Louly white male citisent of the Cult- Uew>.. Iiav Blt-vi in Tlial l»uu a li
;ed States of America can become brary. unlvruori*. u-wn UalL »<booto.
memb-'l* of the frateniily. The grand
iburcli sad s draluacr eysivo.
eeeretary hai also reoeived an appliraVntil r,-emily hie<Ili-*I nilK*k<nsri*a
liou for a lodge ei Hilo. Hswaiin
,t> J.
______________ ‘
-be i-spltsl now
lat and a bom>iiaL
The potitioa of diafUmaa not only
^ -
,aSords pleaiaatoDd vrell paid work,
trial for uy of the above ailmemf and have received no benefit, you havd" only to tell os sa and we
' You aee our faith in VINOL. and you must admk that we know
a of Cod Liver OH vre have ever
ton. vrhen we tell you tWti VINOL is the most valuable preparatiot.....................
known, and a wpoderflil tonk-recoostntetor. and tebutlder of atrenglh. appetite, and health, at the aame
e to cspect you to believe uk
.et as
bat is the beet k».rirn stopping stone
to maeb
better thinga The arehi-
designs originated fay
tfaese welMmown
wfaolesale tailors.
Cfaas. HI. Baxter
will represent tfaein
faere as usuak
CoDtinues until further ooVUr
ticcooMensandBoys Overcoats. Reefers. Ulsters. Odd Suits, Etc.
Clotfaing £0.
WimOUT LUVM6 tniE M U9K UT TIME noH im
h*rrwHrb<4*r,hl|>tu II
of BSB as we And him,
re only what we ceti me.
g (hsi no one esn be per-
,mkvrt*i ln*B •ir-tutram.aUu (•■&■ juofwdl T.etbr paOIttm.
huvea-Imv-r.,nr|jMwi euHuUv,
.1 Whltea-irkiiisi
« willl>'CBi*ln*(*auh*rtlrwtU a
idma(>a>eri>ad«.i-ierw-rtt wtU 1-->lfbi,*nSr«a will n*vr vi.wtr «(■.
i wiU ImveH m yeur powm tertm
MHuil} mifki riK»i<jf«
1. K-w^. AM la in' '
tbr Bmrd wiU «iw F<m* Free ncOelsrmipnarvblMrtnral Omwiar
Hom to tofo—Cox oui attached coupon and mail or bring if
to the busineu office of, the
FjuJj coUjKjp' rou«
bear the runw of the jnsson foT «•
whom )-ou with to vote.
M for Cireolof firing full ioformotioa portmioiog to tho nfisra
fs HiftOLO £. WiUEtt. toeml igoot; CHg iooi Ston
BoiUing, Trororoo Cit/, tieh.
uee Rwky Moiwt^Tco.
a ornttraetor and boilder. or as ar^lteel in wfalA oNmettlee be will bore
lulled efTcmnitte* to aeqalie
On MoodsT woraing. Jaa. *0th. w*
will plaee la oar window SOO eachages.
In tbeer paokeg.-. wtllhe
plaaed ariielce that nave beeo left
over from tbe liolt^y trade. BveST
ao^ineiyat parorl will be wrapped ap ; too cn^
(ramAS-WtoliaW ndny: be crai be
an enignear In nay braneh-i
electric^ and elvil engi
neering nre all opia to tbe diafumon
;whe wUl Imtawea hie spore
Hat to
Do net nndar etotmote tbe oppor
gt.OO and over. Tbras cnrasls will he
piaeed In onr window Mradsy bmLsg and yon nut peek oat the paokane
yon worn (or *So. Ton any gel tbe
diamond ring, bnt yon oao’r mtona
bnrgnla ns there arc no bls*fci ■
*^smU. the HasUIng Jewel
m oadleaee left the opeta hoaee in
Vote today. tOBBtow. and every
bettor (iBBe of Bled.
With each o aj. Veto -the eonpon in ttls tonne
This to as it shadMr mi^lad with eheertng nkaa oea^y. "Wasn We Were Twenty- of the Beoord.. and get ae Many asm
don la the heat* (fast coveted the One’'vreald aevor grow old isOoe- BOpies. for -aore Totee. as yon eon.
Tote tegnMgly end piiiltoinUy. withdsMCTiac one. hetog one of the Anest play, tha Boeto and fonelas of the loetoa.’"
every eelonet Waddleo. and ^ d«tor
MitaU. • ■
4ng to focB n baoto of the ptaoe. while
^etoy Diwethy TOnnast no Ryllio
pU to-Wbra Ws Were fwentv-One."
than to anv
ban t« » long time.
■hnoU bs. as the prodaotios to
The dsto h«a to Thn^. te. B.
B.J.Heili,itn«N«linilttlHi b»
When you want a carriage
vrin oot be n blank pnrael in tb.- let.
and we gnainntee there vrtll not be e for FuneraL Wedding oc to
single artlele In the lot bet tbat to
wortli aiae than the nrloc of diavring Make Calls, or want to come
Mwe than that we will place eaangst come jiown town, call up No.
the lot one gvnalse diamond ring, and
one solid gold bmooh. which some- 3, bot> ’phones.
tunity which tbe rradma of-the
was tfai- ^'toratotioo of "Whan We mo^ to the Imp and seBsthlng Beoord wlU |*eMnt you If yon win
to Dtwotby. playing oat the tbu BdaootioMl VoOng Oonteet. It
Prom Inquiries that oostlnaB to Warn- Tw.>nty.OBs"at the op«)
plot. The eappon throaghoot to of a wiU BMD a great deal to yoe to have
The nttesdM
eonw to M-hs|tt Steinberg (ram oat- lost erealng.
af'towB pntreas, there promises to Urge and on more Out one oeooslon high order, and ao merltorions to the
a ttet MidoB tea a Oe^- tionedpiaoed within ynut gTMp.
be A larger ntmadnne,- of eatoids peo- big brartod. resontoslal Diok Osi
OUto Onlly Age.o( Jns-lW^lB and JOhmt Dorrio ao the lap
saitha otoatoior partL wUh Wnitor
Wnlhst ao Dtok Omw, Mdhw
(Kail and soefbe
(ectural diafumnn eaa aeaiiy beoome
will retuni the entire amount of taoaey you have paid us.
• XI Vn>lirr>oa'->)Tt“rw
l^of (h.- nrd<9«f^ Elks to grant a dUpenmtion for a lodge al kUnila. for
■' You«ill absolutely be mder no oUigatioe to ns whatme. if after you have given VINOL a fair
For Spring “Ig02.”
tcatltti between it aad (be expeetalatloiia of the omteeting atioixeya Ev-
Ifaromeowiib nursing babim who heao ttificnliyin kecplnc'Bp theb hmltli and atraegth wooM take VIKOL, vm
know posidvsly that the best leuulu would U obtained. You know the life an«tuluia dcveWpeBCBt of the child depeedt
Suits and Cop eoats
dw of patting a ooort of jutiew oot
All (he way from one t« twen^.dee
of boelBeas la Bay City. The wee bit namiw etriko Durand every nighL
of homaiilty it a grancWoi of Jauiee A11 of the Coal at tbi- eleet^ light
Chlleader, aad while iU mother weal aod water works plant Is wheeled Into
by Grand Seoretary Oeo. A. Reyaoldt
Try it on ear guanatee:
Faultlessly Caifored
loenaus. >
of Elks at kinaila has bvei) reeel'
wpew peeper noorishmeat.
tooall atteaticB to thefael that Xiefa
We. the aademgaed. do faerehy
has sevee elaalad a aative of the agree 10 tefead the memey oa a Sfi.
• “rafraated 8yropte either govaraoe er Dailad Smiae oeeibettleof Oreaae'eWan
spot Ter if it Mile to I
or. ‘-llioblgaB'was admitted laeoogh or eeld.
Wd also ga
to the BBiOB U 18S6.W yean ago.
M-eeat bottto to p
abya."and«hUdreafaataia the emte
that (he colored popolatiua
One might aa waHcoawdt aakideas to let ibam go andiecked.
hath in
Coday atid
vrhso he vreat epos thin tee where lee
Rev, O. B Collins, pastor of the
Imasiiig African kL K chpreb. saye
Chronie Colde—Haoldng Dough.
maddtw needed.
M ybrw^th. he.
Boy TesiA-'^ a cold
water gee eattable forhmtiag aod IP-
d nerres era daa u
gntrauaa VINQl, Win* of Codtiver Oil u
Wtaa body. Xrj it on oa gnnmntce.
Sara eigns of danger ahnd.
attnd the faaeraL
■t trf fwiliy.
10 the ew^emr eooit on the qaestifla
reqaliad by law for &Ulw those poei
.anrrearfiil remedy W the ills for which it is recommended, and amply justifies all our stran
Vinol is' NOT a patent medidne.
of the oMelltatloaaUiy of tba law.
I daagaroas eon ibraddbr get ia
weald years ago have raaebed the age
the .0^ which confirms beyohd eontiodiction the fact that VIKOL is a «deotiAc and
U it does not succeed in benefitiisf you we will rdund the entire amount of purchase incoey.
Ob ^tard^v al^t he
LeFarge Isviag hie hand and arm
catting had jaet bren carried oa. ahd
broke ifareagh. Be was sot iajared.
Ibe vaamahle Jadge Joaiah Tanse.
BDd aside from the daekiag, aoSand
who vras os tba handi a half natary
BO evil eSeets from the cold plaage.
ago, aad is ana
the moM balored
aitiaeas la Mtohlgaa. is eeaatTaiaad
By JAS. G. JOHNSON, Druggist.
j Know, therefore, people of this 017 that tte fae
Mn. a O. Tana
atge yumrday that fam iaatnr. Bmty C OalH. dWd at • a. m. very sad-
U Ifaa eoM a^laat Oaeegt B. BatMe «f PMoekey for mIBbc oeland
bees sMit aaply verified.
DWd la 4
CMhnstd litws
cSfcl^BstoltaJnn. tm to
If you want a Bus for Large or
Sm^ phity. 1 have them for
you. Satisfaction guaranteed
and prices as low as good work
can be done.
i« i»d«.
■ iM, munuT, lAmetMT n, int
twpmtmtn tt the Oletrafi
T>—«»e ■> Mw—e Vn.s Ba^M
tka War «a faa«nav
aMMnd. vitb
latbrrmlac. Tbr cnairr part of Uw
famnni reodBrior's tlxor in tb* riir
VM flTw^p to Um talk of trlllnt bow
k* pUrnl twfent Klu« Uiranl of.
Omt Brttalu an bla
irtp to
Si^ad. Itnriiv bU vtall inanr proDtaot mm mn Mr. Hovw In riJodsa
Oardoe-a oB<r. aul aa rarb aahl. ■'TrII
m» OU aboat It." Ur. Boaao had io rr
boom tba atorr • •«»«■«» n»rr tlmra.
*Xct m» tell JOQ bow King tUlaaid
kopt »t b«od oal uotll 3 oVIw'k U> (be
Mnloc.*- antd Ur. Kouaa lo a rrpnrtrr
. tar Um PblladalpbU Pma. -That'a
aUa thing for a king to do. lau't ill
wr im-t Kliig l^iwanl
WaU. rou a
wai (bo Afir
aaroatb Unbdar annlrmarr of Uimwd
“A apactal train waa in walilug.' To•■tbar with the roral paur, loanr
■atabara of (be noliIlKr wrot along.
That train waa cwrtaiulr an Indiratkio
0(Bnglaad'adra>orrarr. After
haaa vat of Uiodoa for three mlnutea
poo coaldB’t bare told a l>aiiilman
frocs a knight of (be tlarti-r.
Mna Iwet Acte,whe
baaw easy
aw Maaa the dnih af hn baahMd. la
waaMmUy katm koday-Md hn ratag a ILoa of Saaatr etfS.M»
aatraty ta hapad fa*.
ThaiegalariaaariBff af
147 af Bm Order of tha Brnm Star
wU be bald taatocraw enwlM at 7 BO.
o« UM whotail A faU aMsaMww is daaUsd at mdal
dfrtot at tkto o4r. aoUapaid ati»
seas U to oaaw before the OI»pUal atiht. hUkuai
Md aU .IkW MW twa
Obaa W. Otfiw. laiMteatlai
italb-inaah alathi^, la ^ am
Tha baUdlaga wata aaaaytil by Ma hi, dlagdar «( orlae eoeda at
aaeam aad tbolr aleekgwaaMW} Waa a< tha HamUtaa Olathiac Oi
loaa. wkieb U alwatad at *10,000.
r. 1. LlUar la paau a( a iaa
aialaalra «( tha law M U» baUdlngi
A. Otaasae baa so tar rseoTsrsd
takMW what aaawd hiaatta«fftb aa ta baabla ta teraU
tha aoUapa* ^ tha balldlMt.
Mm ta hU aigar mktag baalBaada; alcht that dlatnat iajaaetl-
tha riataitr ^ that tha balldl
to fall lata a baa|> wilbaat a^
are ertdaoeaa af an agplaalaa aheat
tha ralaa, bat m owa haaid a a
a( aaah an agploatau.
It waa fortaaata Oat tba wrack oeaarrad aa Saaday ttl^L Bad li hapfwaad dariac haiiiaaa boon, tha law
of Ufa woald lM?a bean apaaUtai
ttafaraaaaa aied for baattag tbe
balldlogs. Tbatewaraao wslABsa
abaat iba aceMaaa, eoawiiaaatir
then waa aa laaa af Ufa.
UlB ihaai^ rlaiilag t..?"oi£
aad acbw aU frietida OhptaUi Sana
alag betweea Milwaukee eud Piwt
The weather belag Urotuble
auantar Oraaerol wiU not ba takmi off
the fey ronu for soraral days and
wlU pcabwhly ran lha'rvmaiadrr of
thin weak. TbU btbateteatia tba
wlatar that tee Ttaearae Bay Um
' hara arm run 00 tha Imy. -s
I regular auM-tiag of Trarerae
OUy Lodge :Na At. F. B A. M.. will
be bald IhU arraing.
Tha Womeo-s Foreign Mimiaoarr'
SoolaiT af the Frioada ohoroh wiU
meat Taeaday afteraoaa at f o'oook
with Mrs. Bartha PaBaiagtoo. 810
Weal BaranUt atiaat 8nb>aert."EUm.
Tbe Ooagtagatlaal lodlas Aid 8aioair WiU bold tbalr maatlag on W.-dnaada.r afiviMoa of ihl* weak with
Mrs. CoebllB, Waablagtoa stra>-L The
topic tor dlaennaiae will ba "Boupi. "
The ladlaa will bring raelpaa for their
(urorlta kind. A oollaeUoo will be
taken t« raplealth tba gaaatal fund
All ara ooMliaUy iarllad.
Fred Bmitithas aeeeptad a permaBaal poaltlaB oa tha report<irUl niaff
of iho OuUy Eagle.
The tugular aanailBg af tha eilv
eoDOoU wiU'ooeor thU af<-aUig.
Tba mamhan of the Ofipgregatlooal
Ohrlatlaa Badearor aoofetSjrfy anjov
aalei^da la (he home of M. O OrUU
Mothaast of Uta ally Wadueadar area-,
lag of IhU waak,aiid a aUamut aocUl i
araidag at hU home. All mambara of
(heaoolaly an Uriiad
Bums will
laare the roaldaaosa of 8. Olsek, HI
West Saraiitb atiuai. and 8. E. Walt,
: o'olook.
A runaway 00 Kiulh smet Ibis
aonliig eruattd
uenl and cnsl.ed Uito (be eultar of
Or. Swaoion. aerinonly damaging it.
The B. r. P. C. of tba Baptist
ehurah will giea ooa of ibeU popolsr
aooials In the baaament nf the obarch
(bis i-Tunlng.
Tb.-ra will ba n raaatUig of the Uolform Rank. Knigl'ta of Pythias lomnraTunlng, followed by n aoclAl bop
roUowing U tha alaudiag of tbs
rartoM routaataala la tba Raeacd's
ToUag raulaat tor tha free drawiag
a-holanhlp la the luteoatleBal Oiw.
aattalDl)' a feast (bat tber bad
wdaaoa arboala of Setmuiaii, Pa.
fw oa. I doB-t smi-eae )o.i .-ould men- Obarlat A. Btralt........................... ifiO
ttan a arlna Ibat wasn't there. Tba mn- Mike Slalml
.................... l«B
■teUnt bald in well, though, oo tbc up Prod Blamdatf
Tttp. bocatise tbej felt ihst they w
tawaomung Aoerlra. but King
ward kept theai eating and drink!
■ar. ba'a a Jollr fellow:
"I WSS reiT murb worried, bot when
I aiTleod at ffsndrlugbain I found Ihst
tha band wss sUII Intart. Our prvwaatata waa
ttwt to eusb. t bad delerinlDed that
t woald lot (be king
ftad aative moslr.
“Of eenrae we bad to play 'Oad Sara haring raeolrad a aabaariptloa
tta King.' because tbst Is re<)alred at O. B. Oraadall B Baa. Tbe fellow•0 coon aotertalnmenta Rut we aaaed ing It the sabaeHptioo ta data:
anr cotMrtonrea by playing It oear Prerloaaly reported.
.«80 10
■gnla nad* tba title of 'Amerln.' a
O. K. Oraadall B Baa, Qiawn .
da you kpow tbe king nerrr bmy
tha aUgbteat sign tbat be notlcad U
..yti to
tha (anea were Um sttue.
“UtOe runce fViward of York wai
Toaar s Marbsts.
8y Tebwrssa to the BmocA
D. irott-Wbeat, Maad tS -. eon, 61
oau. 4».
Taltdii—Wbaat.«8>4 aad n_l^:
^Uhga-Wbaat, T»i, i com. 68*4
... Latrr I found that wblla oau. 4»',; pork. «1AW: lard. |».M.
1 waa balding my roocert tbe lio.r
haelbg aoo by hlmartf up ctalra.
“1 oarer felt eo'cnurh at botne In all
Wy Ufa at .a ranoert. 1'he king inntle
Jack Shay and Barnard Vaq Alsiiue
m, tool at eaae Ktrr.MUliig waa
I on Martbwaatam, t oars 00 BL bad a lUtIa diffleuUy about noon to
(Oraal. Tbe rbalrt of (be rm al uiriiihsra of tba |>arty aod (hoae ..f tbe
Paul. 6 oara oa Minhlgaa Oanliat. ds.* and/ama logethar with ao nwfol
hUlty wwa placed In artlallr <-onrualon. Tlia aarkat was firm aad damasd faU. crash. Soma damage waa iDflioied 00
aM U a gsllery"-bert Ur. Rouu uae.1 wllh arrlraU tha smUaM of tba both aldaa but Bbay, dUplaya a rlsage
a tarn which iiinat ba l«d form
weak. Balea from atare wm Ugbk tbs. suggaaU oootaM with the busteaaft-“aad In a gailiry there wai
bat a few car law ahaagad baad.. A nasa depanmoiit ot a tbroahlng isagsiag of mart attirhea
“All tba muale aeemed to take with .ear of BaraU aald at 76o.
Mrs T. H. A. Tiagealiad a narrow
tha kliig. Tba queen and all the oilier
eaewpa from aerioos Isjary Saturday
Train Jnssnad Iba fisark.
sayal ladiM aawDed to like iIh- 'mgtlaia' baoT They ilaptied like gnllery
A train of empty oars aaed in lunl- arenlog from a runaway. Her borua
■ads when 1 played •Whiailing-ttufua.’ mg logs, Jampad ilia Pare Marquette took fright oil Sdolb Union street,
Bat tba blog aeemed tiest pleaaeil wiilt craek yaaerday aftarwoesi at Mabel. and run ta Front, tnrnad •■uat and ran
'■aada Armaa tbe Hea.’ • I gneaa be The oara ware replaced and the tiaok
for two or three block*. Then the
(boagbt of that aid
beau danbed bank aad when it made
oloarad last araalng.
Ibe tun on Union street. Mra. Tr.-gea
Well, after ti
t liroper had
was thrown out and dragged for a
Minded,. tbe royal equerry aotltleil
A few frlaodt aud ualgbbois gathor- short dUlaaoe. but fortunatfily was
am that bla majeaty ihe king wlsbed to
I at Iba home at Mr. and Mra Dot oorioutly hart. Tbe bora*- was
cab wtib me. Klug Kdwanl
» things alwiit Atiier- Oharlea Allan 00 Bprara straat Bator- flioppod oa Sooth Uuloo street bridge.
nd pan
day araoliig and gmra them a plcamiil
bats 1 had rendered. Theu“~bere rsiiie surprls.'. Masl. aad prograaBlee paaaotbrr word not In the court Ulrllona- dro was the ordar of tba aeanlug.
ry-“tben be yanked out « Vl.t.irlan Ltgbt rati«ahme>a. war* aarrad.
aiadsl-a ailvrr medal surh a« la ghen Thoae iraai-iM ware Mr. aad Mra Ed
la awn coiuldeml of hlgti aninili- mer
it Ha aiked me to a.-reiu It as _ .. Pmaklin, Mr. tad Mra Pxunk Iriah,
baa at (ha reapeet of hlineelf and the Mr. and Mrs. lia Root, Mr. aad Mra
Daeld Elman, Mr. aad Mra Thomas
“My, bot l.wss eiulH>rmaM<d: I sii|v Btaatoa. BuUa and Pearl Marrla. Mr.
paaa that tba Iww 1 'made wn. «ry
•*r. AUea. Mr*. Hight, Mra
awkward. When I vent Iwi-k to lUo Ohsrl.. Irish aad Charier Irish.
male aland, tba Iwnd men lielghtein-o
aiy coafnalon. All through the n<-ii
Alonso Hodgun. an agutf^TMaiM of
aambar-Whlcta I'played ua aUMiinire.
•a to tpaak-l brard small rolees nay the elTll war. dlwl at tbe asylum yealag. '1 woudrr dhat the king gavo larday monlng. Tha funsral amaga111 will ba mada latar.
“Then tba mure of tValen eauie for
ward and aakad tbat I let him pn. ibe
MlSHleWrtM* rMrrmdal on my coai. *lMd I do lo Well.
I couldn't refuae him. 1 don't Iwllete
any allwr AmeUrsn nmsleian nao e..r
baaoredaohighly. 1 am aurc Ihut I am
lo\e of iwNry. It h
* wlib jearu
tba first to rerelte a dcruratluii
"Then with the king « e alarted liaek
(-ompuir frooi twrm
far ZiOedoa. Tbe king bad dlteeiiyl that
Uilny uf the IhlrV-uo*
wa wero to proceed aluwly.
u «as
linbli- .->Hi|dHs nIM "tVa ka.“
after 8 a. a. when we arrl>e<i In ilie
bmr an- liuiiW ta Bartm *l-ukBiaeapHal, and (bare was ao Uitle tu the
for FXauliistliHi
haSat ear that t think tba land •oiikl
iur.<u Tsksiakl bas beM bU prow
“One of tba main feaiurei of tba'npe«lal tnla waa tba buffet ear. That
(he I
ronwAm OF Mbkiklst
hare haaa rUtlac Mta. Bard far ear
*Ml woakA left today tor Ihabbame
rOay ^Mogletf KacthiMt waala the
alty m harlaiM laday.
Jamaa Kohl. W. A. CampbeU and
WUbar OUl of b'orth|«rt paaead
thrtmgh the alty today 00 their way
taOsaad Baplda.
PhU a Baa>T aad wUa ferrrraWBad tram DetrolL
Depaly Oama Watdeo W. A. MeOarerti U la tha alty 0
aeoiad with hU
Mrs. Frank B. S^tb aad daagfater.
left today for CaUfamU.
MUi Bmlth-a baulth has beau poorly
for aome tlaw aad tb. trip Is taken,
ha^ag that ^e may be tn-aefil.^
baa lakaa a positlan as (taTaliag saleaomu with Ch.Kallay Bhlagle Co. aad will speud
moat of his time for tbe next (, w
months lu th. •oathara part of the
The Oak Park Pedro Club aorprUad
Mr. sad Mrs. Eldrad of East Eighth
ttraai Batorday arhnU.g. Tba time
was pltdmaty speot la eurds and
Kumea aad deUei<«s refraabmenu
ware scrrad.
Mrs. O. W. Matooa. wife of Mr.
Malone, dlstrlet saperiateadrui af tbe
Anti-iSslooii league, is expeotad thU'
eV^lng to fpaod tba r.-st of the win-;
ter hero with bar hnshani Tbeewlll'
make their headquarters with Mr. aa.l
Mra A. W. Buahe.-. ISl West Beecnth
Miss M:>-nla Biea. who has been em
ployed Ui the Temple of Faibiou tor
time, has returt.ed t.'. h6r home
TNT foad ot
a Par a htskal.
bar ms>eoty‘s paa
A DOmbar of aortriy sronien of New
>1 s*. im.ll
• feat ad tha e»
Tarfc ara Intereatlag tbemaelrrs. In
igv l-uat.
What la called tbe alcfeel coocert. They
«a mwtwra of promlarbi niutle aooMIm. Tba Idm U to rumlab good
••Mr llargu*. . wban tbrrr L _
male ta (ha panpla at B rcoia a bemt. iraaij Iwiwei-D two po»ers and eat of
them break* tbe agTeemenL ibe other
U out bMiiMl l.y it any laager That U
Tba ScatUa assay olllce has bandied earre.1. Is It notr
-Ve*. tbaCh^aiy uudetstaudUig af It.
-Ur- tUrguL yea took (bat UUow-l
fK-rd Pan Hlillwlnk ta (be Ibeaur
last night. Oor engagemfcit ls abragatrr. Mr. Horgus "-t'bkugo Trib-
s neter yet he««
lavB ae a aaiurai original prodoti.
It li alwaya termed by art.
Tba drat tbaatw tn (be rottatry la bs
with gas was a tbestsr la rkQ-
|fart«A whkb put tb gas pipaa la
(oUowa; Briok t
------mm, waA. dOMww pw
rU M
• J—
“Dod'^i miM tbe- latest
out." For particulars
look in our show win
dow Monday morning.
January 20th.
The Hustling Jeweler.
ban. Abeol ■
-------------- andaU good
prtoa PHoe. 81.40a
Hath St.—
EViee, Saau.
FOR BALE. 8D--Oood eerea ramn
pries for oath. Prtoe. «700.
FOR MLE. Wl-S'tae little how
gmaU twra.^ Eau Fropi struot.
Easy terms. Price feou.
Ofloe opw erery ereoiog UU • p
Roy Wood left this morning qo a '
Tlsil to Re.-d Oily. Utatid Ba|-ids. Dr-1
trait. Cliiengoand Linden. Ilrwllp
be gone for about six weeks
Earl M. Bennett lift today in take a
position -iu a large j.-wrlry store 10 '
Sanlt 8te. Mane.
Jack Slater Wot to Grand Rapids.
thUmorniiig to attend the futullore.
O. W. Ashton went to GUI . Pier '
nod Leland todny on bosinem.
Charles King left this morntog for,
Oadar Rnii. ao allei.d I.is stst.-r, Mrs
Alta Pnyoe. who Is ill Arthur Morss left Hus morning for.
Cedar 00 bosioess.
»»o~e DO
Horth Spruae street, lair- ban,
Aw lot. All lorr eseapi prtoa.
That s cut io two. Pnoe. feMt
F^SALE. BSl-Botelandfunitore,'
•ak <ajldn«
You have no 50 to 100 par
cent, contractor's profits to pay
ou this property. It is all listedot its lowest cosh value, ownad
bj hooast^ple and bold at on
hooost price.
Alwaya oa the hustle, olwaya
Clod to see you. Moke -iwro
solos, hove larger list* than all
tba rest puttecather.
242 Front Street
BurdiBB Dim Elictric '
Poffir Cl.
Rads Pisl fisd Praat Free.
. .r .r
..i, in. f v.
ta«n Ukr.BnvlWlk*
•ed etnak-, •ill.i.-n •
pboM naiiiii <1»i»wsa>, BUI ta .o^»
J-«.. ™,.'■sssjfeM:
-.irt •'Ware Wrblb atal Pr^kkim
Ii>,<ur«c(-DuBM** * Kbbn.
pvR HOLA- |l«». *»1 lu .• H.BU. Mdr.'sil
H-irt » wai
TTwo-lfanTraTm-Otyae tuU'-vi
(<r*iul .Rapid*. Kalaws*.*, Ckiagu^aad
r.M-i w*»o. , am*.*
For Ur*M Raped*. KeWiwstm, tUdiwiwd. On
rtnaaii.lMeHUr.IM.Umla. II m* a
Fur^^i^Kaplda Kslama...i Md CbMcu
Tnun. arrtr* at Trarww- Oey at « Wa ■
i«i. w.sutriDp. B
IT-t'anUAHl room- tm
— -t* »*-
Stock w w
e end ar last klarrb wan
Jl niillioii Dollar
rlsttw I
t«ni|ina.-d 1
II|IM-4I|> tl
mr. F. S. nibltt. rtprtstnling B. Knippenhtimtr
• eompany, ot Cblcago. is showing a m6st su
perb Hnc ol Sample Clotbing In all tbc Spring nootitles. Hts ssmpits represent
if T^T% a'
•ehaM BuIMIum sT IM, CSty.'
Today W. A. Watkl« of tha Ttaretse City Ari Oa ^taeod la thtua o<
• inaeii.1 aoi>oaUmaaa S ib, city
partialti of MaKlalay whlnli wen
ardacudaametUuaaga Tha pocWalts
ereTOO boats, aad an mda
hart by Mrs. Watklaa. Tbs mm tor,
tb.- Oaatiul aehool was wt ptaeeo la*
tba aehaot boaae taday, bu wiU br
laft at the atare of WUhelm Bros ter
few days, y
«• 1. up-gwttoo.
f. » MVBAAY.
Ole cordially inoitc you lo inspect tbc scientific
produettons in tbc art el tailoring lor lg02.
Cbis is an excellent opportunity lor you to make
Ibe aclcctionol your spring suit or top coal from
sueb a magnfficent slock. Cbcy make only tbc
guaranteed Und. Cbis line ot clothing is so well
known in this city that It Is almost unnecessary to
mention that tbc mting qualifies and workmanship
tqnal that turned out by merchant tailors at double
0k would be pleased to take your order lor spring
delinery, but whether you wish to order or not we
want you to see tbe nne line we are going to carry.
Che samples will be on cxblMfion In our Clothing
Coddy and Comorrow
Step Tn »jsyg!|,^
Boston Store
p“S2fSs;u*'.?S'i’i=. TSffi
__________ lEFw (?»7 Miia
r cinrKiMoaAU. ami
PERE Marquette
«e*> land aad Lbb <to
oad warn. Irta m,limaB., 4MSp.w.
twMn^-rw-BsyCHy.PnfSBatra. tuMs.
IMrWI aad *MS.dma B.. II m a w.
OoNT Be Foolcdi
OOm OTsr OHy Book Btota.
Bcwri: • to It a m.. f to4 g, m.
1 to 6 g XL Bdll 'lAoM- 4>, OIL
Balm«n*B IntMior Spar M iBo
SatuftVs issK 13S0
WRI Not bo it CandicUto for
t.od Up to tho
Praaont Conditlonm
TtM BMord I.M rae-lrad Um follow-
U« Jbm (b* poblke miad ot tbii
eltr WMmoUy dliterW bf tlie bii
on «r foor «fod«ili lo ipodoote.
tMnaslor BMitiBcot tbfl boord on
tbo loortii Wodof'idor of thM B
-fOpOTod »( jBiUOh opoB
awitar.aad lli« rxpori wu
ir oeeeptod by • foil Word. tho« »lng oBciol
[ ^ 0
oBor by (h« botgrd 'rt tor riirbi, I
tbiak. with s11. or curly oil of tb»
people. ezerptlDK tboae petwmelly
B.t at tbi- aun<' tieie llien we> bitUr hbetmty lo me on flie
of two
aemben of <oe board (or aootbar r<«aoo.
li^atood for Ilia aeb-e-
Uoe of ifie
bMt taocbera obtaloable,
whlb ibay atood for <ba ap'!»<^lao of
MUla ’'i>onie f.-lrU." wb» w<-t«
oteMly l>uBitrd for tli* work Ihaa
t*go«« ilut ooeld.aad ibooldtiare bna
hired. Aad they were m pot to It U
•aeoniillab tbeir perpoae that obi- of
tlM board by Mr. Pop.-,
wlthoot the
fcaowledc.' of irllbrr Mr. Hamnoad or
myieU, and that. i.m>. Bfuraaotber
tuohrr hM» berh acreed opoe.
At tbr ti'«eUr ntretiofr lo Jaiy Mr.
Pope breacbt before the board a reaohrttoB. aaklOK for mr retlftaaUoa. aad
pirt^ ae n ruioo for the fame that I
hadlnct. tli.‘ •■leapeot aad ooofldeboe
of patroae aad popll.” to aneh aa extaal that I woald aol be able to matotala diaolpliae aad eaoeeaefully oarry
oo the w<irk. A najority of tbe nieaibeta Tot.-d for tlie rewlotioa. wlille
foBT of ib<- boahl alontt with mye> If
deoied tlie ■ xlitaaoe of the oobelud Id the reealBiioo.
The meurd of tbe half y<wr
of eeheel aow port prbrea that
esMl-eoodlUoa ae that Oiled in
reaelaUaa did .-xlet.
Koib>'liiff abiu U aooompnib il
phrpoeeUat ao.omer tb.--e ;meinbere
of tbe. board hare beoa ptauilBg to
fet eT. o with BK- by eleriin* a new
eBperlBUad.'Ot before tbeir
oOee expire.-
t<«ni of
Thle they'may hare
the leffal Bothority to do. bot they
bare no moral ri|rht to <lo it. for the
foUowtoit teaeoaiw
1. Tbe pupils are IB a marked de(tree reepretfsl. loyal aad
frieadlv to
the prvoeot eapTriudeadoBt.
who an- betUr
able U jadip- lliair aayooe etae. ap-prore of tbe eoiwrtnteBdeafa melhodt, plaas, work aod spirit aad beartlly-oeopeiau with faia>.
X Tbe half year's work Just eloeed
bw bnaadmltt.-d by tbodh .opposed
to me. to bare been carried on tooeeatfaly. Two w^e ejro I went to
Mr. Hoffatt and asked for crliicista..
OB the veor'e w..Tk.
Hr said he had
BO arliiclsm. i.< make.
To lae nuae
and liad l.tard none. Mr. PatcFila aud
ha l>ad n.<
eriilcitm to make,
stated il<at
a«me pe..pl.-
hliaaire in cup.riBieadeDi.and |winri
pie of tlie .11)1(1. Ml..»l would be I
gD^tlitBK. Mr Sioams said lie liad
BO eriielsBi. aad l.sd um l.eard a word
of orttleUm tl.ia year.
Mr. Pope
aol tBianrIewed. It is admitted oo all
liaads lUat the aclioole aer.-r did more
uiUfart.iry w.^rk ihaniluy liava dooe
dartof li.e past half year.
The disei-
plioa, laei.-ad ..f betnK har.1. waa ner.
ar easier, the popll liare worked hard
aod th.' resulia »t
Firm 'TKAB--iro. i4m
or Oomc to Ptm*.
li.eir work hare
via., ttet Rkv
M»fr baada oR
tba wbaoli at ^aaabt mod tot Urn mattai of my eaaatMor alawa. aad ta ba
BOtad OB by tba Bew Board of BdseaThU woald bo fair to toe peo
ple aod fair U laa What U toil aad
wl)o liare olilldtea in selmol
A Faliiieas demaiidc ihai ih./peopie be allowed to express tliemkeluf
at aaeli a lime as this.
A Tliere Is no Bsceesliy for il.e
ins«Bi tamrd aotlBp la this matter at
alL Cie Bew Btard of Bdoeailoa will
be to oOlee aad may be orpaatoed the
tf« week to May. a fall moBib b>-fot«
befonmy prueai ooatmoi uplns.
Why do Mr. Patehto aad Mr. Pope
uge this early etoetien of a npsriafdiBt?' Tbe naeoB it obrtou
t. Only throe of the prosaat mombus of toe burd wtU be to ofiee nest
yoor wtom neleoled oa tbe Ant Mooday in April. For men wte an eo
•OOB to go oat of oOee to doUbsraiaty
ttoaMtotpcrtoBta matMr out of toa
hMte of too paoptoeeams to ma to ba
haoitot botaooople of milos soata ot
toe luet btaaob of toe Mautoing rail1 by
Tin- United btaUs orultar Plilladelpbta Is ol.ae t.. tbe eeeae af tbe en
abIngtoD. Jan.
Tbe ataU de[BUtmect this iiieming reenived a oabh- from Oonsnl Onnow at Panama
ig that a battle II going osi'in
the bay ot Paoama aud that the gov-of that inovinee 1ms Iwen killed.
ahiagUn. Jan. W-The sary de
partment this afternoon reoelved tbe
fcjlowlBg dispewb from Oapmto
Mude.eofflmaadtog tbe PhUadelpiiia:
'The Panama tosnrgeai staamar Tadellla attaokeA the Latata yeataiday
moroinr at cloae qnart.-ra. Her crow
las daaertad bar, aad she it now oa
Are and >toktog."
Snperiotendent Hon wu jneeent at
eliBifl tills montog and spoke to the
---- ‘to regarding tlie work of tbe euyear. He explatoed tliat he liad
been kecptog u ranch u poeaible to
toaeli witl. tlie work of tlie Hlgli aohool
aad liad paid speeial atu-ntloa to the
yuoeni eiamlnationa Oa looking over
u three or fow hundred papen he liu bean' agtuably auriwtoad
by llie general appasnuea of the
whole lot He eorapUranaled the Hlgli
eehool etudeats apon their work asd
tliankM toem for aU the oonsldentloo they bad shown bimwlf, aad the
other leaolian
Among the craion, JOBlon.
Bopliomone. or even tlie Fmlin
perhapg then .to sot oae ot iheoe
tliat to wlUiOBt their poets.
One of theee got In 11to work os the
HUIrllortbr ralllaa Va4srU
board ill the high Mhool room this
niodtlag tnnel. to the amuesnent ot
Hreklaa oa Peso Maraoor
everybody bot tlie Jaaiiwa. parhaiw.
t-ealrol Lako Batardai
Han to UM jiarody, as old ilmmsoag.
Store Btiataoo. for a loos'
to toe Jnoion:
[dc^-d by toe Pen Manfuetto to toll Some noble .Janion will be with u
city, woa badly hart Saturday evaatog
DO mote.
whih- braking oo a freight at Oestiml For they ^ve gndutad tbiongfa tbe
lake. It-was oa bis eeoead trip, as be
back door;
had Jut taken tbe position of bnkto For Tbanday ia Oeetnelry eeveral of
B Friday.
them failed.
He fell b.-tw<wo two cart
Ob myi you cbonld liave seen bow
wav.aad bis right h-g WM caaghi Jut
toelr faoes imleA.
below the trunk and badly eroobed. ^d BOW they have left as to piaddlirortuDBtoly so buoee wen brokon,
tbongb the Beto was terribly tooer- We really orv to aony. it gives uall
atod. His ankle asd hand wan also
toe bines.
CBI and bruised, and be wu otlier. That's wliy we'n eo ICMly and abnl
wise Imdly Injured.
oar books with alama,
Fnrtuulely he raeoeeded la tbiow- Onr romiad'e have toft u after exams
Ing falmself Jut ootolde the niU.
Otherwise he would have loot hia 1th-. After exams an ovi-r. after oar papen
0r. Bameay at Oentnl Imke attoodeomeback. '
i-d him. It reqairudr stHobea
After oar marks an all made •
close the w..aade that the car wbeoU
tb<-y show bew maefi we laoi.
badtoBlctod. It is hoped, however.
Many the Junlon an aoblBg, many
thslDOBe of toe bone nfietrd wiU
arv mi-vk u lambe.
nsuU In permanent tojnry.
Many toe hopes that are vanisbad.
Mr. StUnaoB wu broagbt
after toi->xama
Tnruue Hoaplml toll momtog when
Tba aaBicWB and ooihe of tbeir
be to being cared tat.
tbe (
Ts oompany aad ooDaeoted at Law-
Mow that tlie we-k ot examtoailoti
to toe High ecbool to over.toere pto a
gnat number of Jabitoai faoes aiw^
til.' stadenti and again then- aWu
teisvaiM ef ibe l»rortees Is KUM
ib.-r Who ari- boa ao happy. How
ever. ihenambey who "annked" an
-J.ead Troops oto Tbrowloe
vi-ry small minority and toe
Vp lotrsaekoMwU.
I of tlieir failing ena be attribuh-d
Hr MserspS to Uo Kooora.
Urgelr to abaaaee oo aooowt et altoColon. Uolnmbia. Jan. »-A battle neto. elo.. Id 'general the work this
beiweea threelevatotlooary aad three last nmeatar lias goal-very nootlily
rnmeat Temels to betoc foofflit to indaaa, aad it liu been one of tJie
PaoBiua harbor. The government toad
with tbe Maiqnette A Soniheut-'
With tbe oonstrsetloii of the.
two-mlli- etntoh. sad with the Trav- :
eree I'icy-Korihport line in oommis-'
tioo. tbe PennsylTanla-pneamlng'
the Incmparabk
Special Sale
i-r Id ria.' r.nAwvali^rv-sA.
Clovetond-t'llffe ^
is oa
Owe tbe
“~S. BENDA 8c CO.
^icidl in Htw Spring 6eeds
novelty Olaisting (Elotb
ia ligbi aad dark effect D-warTnated fact oolen-^
IS tints ptr pard.
as oas
X * . X t t I 1 X
1 dilD Timm DMKO.
By Trinrsph b. lbs ILvurC.
Jau.' A>—Houiag ts-fon
tbe rapnme couri of tbe writ of babeas corpus lo tbe matteru to wbeibCbulss Pratt must testify 'in the
case agalnet ex-Speaber ^<lsms wu
token up today.
nesvion Ibe Uieease at
Aea ArUer.
Mmhi (ijn UNKni
KHl. Pb.— Xo ■«.
P»Dt;l U.b«VT ,
r 5. mniii. PtOMira.i
Br lelserwib lo Uo Boeoed
Imnraig. Jan. 80—Tbe state board
of teallh wu ooitAed today that Effle
Paiatem. of Broason. a •todrai in the
ualveraity at Ann Arbor, ss ill with
ivelaad. Jaa. 10-Bophto Zautlny
wu shot by Aleiaadar Moore oa
Mather Mreat Uat aighL T wo baUatt
took eSact. coe to toe rbia. tor other,
to toe back brsaUng a rib. Mooru.
laimadiawly to bis bo^ took
peteB aad dtod ia aa bou»'<Ha bad
beto ta love with tte girl tat hlsatoto wen coldly teceivod by bar.
Mim Zaattoy wtU
Jomea DoMoad wmI to Plaito «•
r Sait, R>.-f<«. Ovwooai.
. F-HOM-r »-r.
MUitoBBlrv Tutor will to TltoS >
Onad Baplda,- Jaa. »>-T. F. MeUarry to too sick to appear to eoan
today to auwar to tba bribery ebatga.
will be triad tostead asst. U MoQmtt to ae bettor.
Mo ^toadlMT* will be ted totey,
Bwatttog too ceadltlaB «f MeOany
om-w o
OMK MAI-ta ON'Pr oe ifata.Mewlaadiaiwp(ed.
tbtag at oowjtad itot, lw,-aum "We Meed the Money."
t'haHM l*rMt.
Uloter. Maeklutotb o* Doek Coat.
Wsahtugtoo. Job. SO-Tha prusidant
seDi to ccagriae a Npeolal meimge of
forty words, tnarmitttog tbe npplemeiitary nport of the IMbmias oaaBl
oommlseloo. favorlBB tbe adt^Rtou of
tbe Hananurxmle for a United etatee
tstbmiaa tonal. Tbe nflaR to umbI-
bi uid T«M«Uj
We have mveral baadrta pain <g
Biles Areepu AnpelKMai.
JaarlO—Got. Bltos bu acin tba uaiiotial rommltiae arpointad
to recommandtec^nge In tbe date of
tbe'praeidenttol inanguntion.
haic ojiencdo Hvnc$t CIcanin);,
Ojlm^ an.l Ke|>air Shupoicr
)tus McColl's iilaoksmilh .Shu]L It
lou want to hu) or sell harncsi
MK. While rci*airiiij: .^11 su|.|il)ruslomcrs uith hamos mhilc theirs
l>cin^ tArei) for.
W. H. HKKilNS.
A ^oor Polioy
Sl-oo A l-EO
What 1. 3 and 5c saved on
oompony's three lullroade—Ifau sean an article will amount to
cutee toe dinci route from the Ish- j
in the course of 5,year—a:
>org. and otlwr iron mnten whieh | much larger sum than you
too rumor had It
with an in-' suppose
thi^ sum you can
iMlioa of obtaining. '
savebyiradingwithus. We
have no extra or unneces
RECONCENTRATION ORDER sary help—every person in
our store is busy. We deal
for ca^h, hence no bad ac
counts to charge against our
Hr Tsiumt so tbs Bscmu.
M'aabiuglou.Jan. SO-Brigadier Ova,;
We arc content with a
eiul Boll, i-orntnaodlng the deputment
of southern Luaon, ni-ently israeil e small prolit. -believing that
nc-oncantxatioD order which may com- a nimble nicklc is better
with that of Weyler in Cuba or than a slow dime.
kllcbemr in Boulh Africa.
ialeneted in.
look at toe ele^t and 'utcful good* in our Kut window
ai lUc each, worth up to Boc—notbiag compares with
It m this scctioo.
that it U closely allied with, if not.
frleods will Mtofarati toolgbt with a
•lelghrida and rapper at Btoglmin.
wuM Peedaw wM beoa the Mirbst
store that is eternally offer■ ing its goods at from one-fourth
to one-half their actual value soon
falls under suspicion—it's the honest
goods, honest prices, that makes and
holds business. We are not working
up fake sales to'sell our footwear, we
want and ask ybur inspection and we
will convince you that, if the quality
cuts arw figure, we are never under
sold. Our goods are not marked up so
as to misled you—we use plain figures
—a $2 shoe is worth $2; a $2.50 shoe
is worth $2.50 and a $3 shoe is worth
$3 at our store. Compare some of the
80 called cut prices with ours—you take
no chances at this store.
P’rtonta Rrlodrioh,
AM lwooU>akBototogoftoa
Matotlna bat toto.
a M iiooi.
One of Them Is on Fire and
been Biore tUao mTually satisfactory.
aaottaseot ot a majonly of tlie paieau
Tbo Naniutto Mtatog Joaraal to
totr to toe peopto aad U me to far tbe
Csirylnff Tsn to Thsir Doath st in IMU of teuday bu Uto foUew■et totSMt at tbe sebaoto.
lagtomy rolatlvo to tlm ponhaas of
Tube ioKBOd fair aad rtybt. aad
Bolfast, Irwlsnd
* “
U aol for tbe bbcbeat welfare of toe
nmd by Metlieasy aad Kaafmaa. to
Ue Ima beoa my rullBc mottre
et with tba Tnvonv Oily. L>wtorootb eiybt aad ooe-balf yeataof
arbool work to tbU ptoos.
1 have
IS above wUl b>- toad wlUi drop
aevcr beeu a poltoy mbb. -1 have
toutbt u fcaewtoertobl aad to do
my daty. oo Mtur bow hard It ml«bt Addsd to the Horror of ths satly aOming the ramcta eorrest a
slint tiate ago linking Uie Peoayvaato
have besB.
B with tlie Marquette A South■
Knowtof BOW. that eoob eoadaet to
saatsn. At tliai lime it wu stated
>e oOee of ■opartob-Bdeol doea Bot
the big Bastara road wu saekiag eapleaas aortalB mombtn ot toe praeeal BMe t^ts or Pplaalec llooms ia I
By to tlia Imka Saperlor ^ Aslito.
Burd of Bdueotioa. aad fcaowtof far
aad M a step toward iliat and a line
ther that II to toelr deliberau aad
of railway wu brtog eoaatruetod
red parpoee not- W allow tola
TsmMr SitobUr lajens.
tlireogh till- Leelanau peoinraia, runsr U be eetUed' by toe eprtoy
ntog north from Tnvccee Oitv oo the
eleetlea, Ida bow make this poblto. r TUsenita to tos Bseonl
Belfaat. Inland. Job. »-Tb.- rol- G. R. A L to Korihport. nau‘tlie
aeemaat Umi I am to so aas
ith of Mnnd Tnrerse bay. From
laiae of toe aide walls of tone of tbe
splontiig rooms of tbe Smitbfleld Flax Morthport it wu smted that pnwsrfal
city will ead with toe eloee of the BploBiag mill today raoaed the diwtli tarry boats, two of whWIi lisd already
ordered, wan to ooaaeei with
of ten iienoBB asd tbe terlou tojury
sUqne. whieh bean the dlsilneof ftfiwn eto.-ra A eoon wen atoo
tlm of b-'lngan "open" portall the
elighUy tojared.
Then wen 800 |>eraoat. muily
toe mills at tbe time of till- plan, the Maatotique
of toe aocideat So qairkly did wettara (<ir Mortliera. wu also to'
rotopee orear that the occu- play iu pan in the proposed rontr t.< •
poBU <d tbe room bad aa chaare to the iroD misea. and the feat tliat eoetrol of the road liu aow hwa aaeured j
move from toelr pUcea
Tbe home was added to by a for the PematyTBBta would anra to |
ate lliai toe nports Lad some
nam of ecaldtoA water from toe
Instirsentand Colombian Vet
laijen. At say nta toe deal >e
broken pipes Bevi-cal persoes wbo
sols in Battla
have eeraped, were s highly Importaat one. The road
wLieli bu ehaagoA faaa^ ruu uartoeraldelto death.
Tills is the rerdict of il.e teacliers asd
It U approred by by jodjrmeni.
1. 1 tiiiak the altitude of a luajorily of tlie board does ii'.l repreeeal tlie
Ab^ forwef mea
m amdtta oMlwfU tato
• tetowoatte.
Tbe CRd RaitlileSteesBBB,
Tte New Suad. MS Front Sc
Pres.. Geo. C. Wilce;
Vice Pres., E. R. DaUy; '.
Sec.. W. H. Foster: Treaj., Tlos. Sniiirtliwaltt.
aumiiim w..
General Agents tor purchasing, selling or leasing
Real Estate, and everything peitainiog thereto.
Will aid in promoting and
locating manufacturing enterprises.
We want the ageoev for sale of-farming lands,
timber lands and other real estate, aod
purchasers for the same.
We want factories to locale and locations
for them—we want Ip represent you
in all real estate matters^
10.000 acres good farming lands for sale
on Easy Terms. Abstracts procured and examined.
Titles perfected—correspondence solicited.
Trarerst City
129 East Front Street,'
All that skilled workmanship and taste can pro
duce in ladies' shoes is crysulized in
They are snappy and stylish. They are made 00
" lasts that are comfoitable. They arc made of tbe
best obtainable material.
$3.60 PER PAIR
McNanuini Blk.. Froot Street
*■— BTSmaO »■***■»*, TKATSBU lUT 1, WcA^ MOWOukT. lAKVAST
ID Evonne KECDRA- fTmputMf«
' —^SK3“^
nuvEne city, hicrioam
I ntdal PtdsiMtt}
INATBEiUNRIlX \6tatraintws
It la tba Wtoa old idfto
absaca b ta tba t
IMS. r
to toby^i btobb mtol be takes britoc
tobr-i Wrth. Tbe ebUd mb bM ao
tnere berith thaa -tbe ftiotber fnea it.
berith? oottaer. Rtraaf of
'll of
wUl cadow tbe child
VbMob atataa tbat Kluf Edward
luwiilj inaaiiiil in r ^—*• eoat with
ralM oaSft TUa baa iodoead ban
Lobdem'a weU-drrtoad men K
order ooattod tba wae daoeriptlaa
n>a enfft ara Uim ioalias daep. and
are Mimd ap tram iftalda the tlaarei.
Only 18
i^win in TaUowMM ^ Oftt or tlM iMad od 80 and
Blato new Wood la loWodaoed at
DM tbe btod will treome aninot.
TIm apaaiftwaa timi axiat are net
r tbowUl. It
fttwt U*« bb tba atnotc. alnk dawa bardy. Tlwn an U.OOO elk ao<thoaUa. 1b fteOBtw
OivT OBcnftfOB
_ bftld Ihftt It
, .
MBda of aniahve wUliiu tlie pork lim•Bdfti iBftftMM ftftd riWftid B«t bi ftdWhat a unit daiwtoril Ceril? waa!
MOtba Uw Dcnoa.
aad iodacc* >rat a (aatbrr on ber feet, apr? at
sUMdtB piBbftift ■80 AtludcMpL
awapt oTcr Tlwao Tliaraftvahing ilecp. II
ft tot, abe wooM fo aorwbm, era?4K. J..Jftdf«B«ftd)Cn.
givea vigor mod
day. dolDR c*«U damafft One ban
wboc. What pkaaed brr iBoat waa to
eURtiettr to the
died paraoe were moaa dr leaa aariocadlBb where I dreaded to follow ber.
organs of onatei
io> tor ft polio? of Ufa when I moat follow ber to be ocar at
hour ii iftBcticull'.
Bity. >o that the
It cnablce
ftppUOBBl WftHftBtod toodtoCBaeabeaboBldfan. 8bc called
Pagitbe iDother to provide a plentiful Rupely
MbM nrioftilp. ai. MC -Old rrodence" aod would often aetoy are aomewliat analBcd. The ha*- of.brahhhil Douritbnwnt for Uic healthy
wtod pBftBmnli ftbd rlewtr twtt me oa what abe c<
It tnakcR weak women Mroug
hand It at |wemni llrlnp in the elitrk- aii-l nick »«nen wyll.
M(c tban pradrace-ClDldlt?.
of PMTUrfv h, no alcohol In -Farofite PreThe Itorea were yellow end eeartot ea coop while tlie vrife aad Iwr alat.-r
ft-njaiuu-aiid it u abaolntdy free frocn
.UMll«Klftli7>>«** Ml ' •a mSt.
------------------aboai the pood; there wee ao aatnau oeeapy tl>e oomronohle home. Mi. oj.iuni. rwRioe, «b.I all <*ber furcocka.
it i« IbiOBIft Od.
ooH-“ Afur U« dwtfa. lo ft wit b? min 10 the air; aommer waa rlpeolftc. Pagriey it a atroog adreeate of prohiSick womrti arc inr-ited to consnlt Ur.
TMMiMR tB. iftppOM tfaftt
h« lettrr free of ebar
bU wUo ftBBlBM ibi OQMiMr to n- Uha tba (nut, lolo wloter. Cee»r aod
■MmAm vlU tlUftk twlm Men kIt,
RirictlT private
1 were atmac on the baek oear the Brown, Mn. Pogaley’a elatar. oaim
|i« piMle TOtnio Mm which Md OOTOT the fttoowt od tba poUor. U
.\ddiciR Ur. R. V. I-ierce,
ibowB thU bo hftd bow Ulwlth reoft- mllL Tbeie la tba place, tboucb It la the Pngalvy maorion to make
to MMmi toft pjiiitiBC fan ot RO*- Mto. wlthlft two joftn prorlow to ao crewB orer with brtub that we hOBM, Pngaley fonod an empty 'wliu-mared tM. P
tt tn tbU coftBOT. Oft Dftlarcoou Dot alt there now. We------ key flaak ou a table. There waa a raw
Cerily bad apoken
Bftkewtot, of Aatoclft.
and Pagatoy took up hla abode in Ilia
bSi^ ViSa^ lanWR.
1 to ton 7M1 1«- bold Ml Ibo dftUit? od.-•0
Itihr bo-a cfciU •■d hR» tare tarn btnk.
ohlckee eoop He ooeka lita own •IKI
I aiSri>,l«TtT aRct. InethRa I did befor
lirtMMMt f«r tofthlftc pftbllc Ur fta- aanollod tba eon
msftlt and makm hta bed: in fact, l>«
Bop. iK. J.,)«8».
|w^*IARI woihm lo U.C LRc -r«v«rWe i
• »<M
toward tbe----- ---tb* Doitod Stotw
“ih. I-ierce-9, Pleaiant PelletR
watrbed her while abe paaeed
wlU Mr
At Altos. III.. Mrs SopliU D< math pleasant aad effective UxaUve me
ptatferm aad approsrited tbe wberi.
of llkft neUto
which was tollL There 1 mw berettb- lias'etarted aa ‘ anci-laty buu oroiOM li to ootabUth Mlwloao,
■toe." She has begato aettre w<«k by
aMlfttftiB ft BlMloBW? pr’wtbood ftftd
Thft MB wto> btow aBP M KftlBi
aaaalnr tbe klWt or George Soolt •«
(or tboodftw- ootolt
Primw tolmy MImrtom*
-1 woDldaT do that." 1 caUed.
oharget of rraclty to-children aad
^BMMB* ftCfttoftod With ftftel'
1 IIRV- I.Rir rarl-a,<L> .d bRy and m.nv tu
Bbe paM oo bead to my caotloti. b«
. wl.K'h I wiU ntall at W->I01,BMl bf- did tto dnd.
dimbed oot oo to tbe 'uppenaoU part. (aihin to mimort hta fcmliv. Mn
MI.KI-1UIB*. laURud—m,-.
•U IbM foltowi cOftOd ft* teiiftcfat
w br It wltboftt paeoftiftt? iM«t. U ft As sooa at aba waa oa It tbe wheel be- Oemnth aelaed three of Boon's chil
k b OlUUS'Ul-UH.
comItobU MOO rift t1 Oft. ftBd ft toi ‘
caa to tuni slowly and ebe taok oot of
MeKa.1 taebUKirvH.
boftto naod b? m BMbM >ftd otoi- alfbL
1 cot up. weot to Ibe vebtol anil mid. after the arrMi of Boon, tliai
daotodoiliiff tba wot OMBlbater
mnwaaaof rtonpawtloo. la «
. ■tabd hMAIoc down at ber. gbe waa beretofore ahe had oiwiienir.! heraelf
with giving warningf to lazy men:
(rastaafttloft fttotor ft tow awpttng
ad OtotoftBr to tUIi Oittou 1
beamfti-r abe would bav.- them arreat
ftU bBlldlnsa «aad asriBriTal? (or
frand oBftnUle*. hot Mllwaok.
ran beomih brr.
ed and dealt with hr Uw.
■lUl COufidftOt Ihftt hU TDTftl faichiMM chftHtftbla pftTpoaoft. 50 AtlftftHe Baft
-I will bold tba wbeel." I mid. -while
At Bpokaae. Wa>h.. lying guar-lH
m. J. Jftdjn Oawtotoa) S8B.
WlU not «U«bt tfaftt Hlj.
you dlmb n^-Doo-t trooblo yotirmlf. I m rery in ft lo<lge building of tbe Urder e(
-KllUnc of Aftlaftlft-A comfMlable."
— ■ •
new fraiernsl lueni-----PRESIDENT HONORS A BOY. doc atf^od (ram bona OBto detandUBkBOWI
I dldo’C Hke to bare ber there. Tbe
aftt’a Bftqk. In tba opan oouitty. mill might begla to grtad at aay ino- for luittaiibo who wnt eev.-rrly hnrt
BaeereeM Delb
O. 99: CARVKI*
abfthlBft Hla naae la i-aereit. ^
aboat threa-qBarton «t a mile trow .meot. 1 begeed ber -to come np. but dorlag tbr o^mooleR Tbnt-day
rmldent RooMrelt mestly made a tbe iBilnod etattoo and waa klUtd. abe would not aad finally told me that Bight . H- U vraiebnl by a Mlow
Bttle bey from New Jerwy rerj bippy The aocliieer leatldod that after Icde- I had not tbe '■apaak'' to come down.
members who refutee toglve hit nt
to Vraablnrton. myt tbe Ni-w Vork iDK tbe fttfttloo bo hod to c« ep •
-It I do. aeltber of aa csd cM out.- Part of ibi- tnitifttion cerrmimiriTlmea. Air be dbl wai to abake baodt irtftde. and waa eucaffwl >o lookiaf t replied, “for at we climb tbe wheel bUadroldiag ibr victim an-1 drawing
With tbe youO<«tet and orruk bim after bla IntarlMton aod other bo- wlUtnre."
m pt top Rper.l in I
ul the
wKh ctaaracterUttc -fervor fbai be
n climb one
-Oh. yea, vre cap. 1
> hiltifttioo ctvw
a Utile MTi.
! htm. but that waa
daUfbted t
rids Bbd you tbe otber."
tbe;traefc.aftd Umi darlac Che time .the- -I am mneh bmvler thaa yoo."
were anabh- to control the wagon.rmiI
etlDX took plan- tbe otbir fireman waa attendlaf to tbe fin.
^e victim vn» ilomt*-I ovcragsinil
-Bot. helac blc and etrooc. you
Id Ibe |irealditi('a rbarch. wae beU that tbeownwo< tbe dog climb fatter, aad that will mak
tbe gresi high alitr In (b-- center of
Which, ia Bpllc of a pourinc ralo. -waa
BOt eutllled to reeovto (or MOk
Hit »l-h wtR croRhnl m
•d. After
tbe wrvlre tbe |retl- ktUlng.-Kl Soothera Bop., (Klaft.,
wril flUed.
WtablBf to cut tbe mtuer tbort tod and be test psiaftiU.v hart.
ompanled by bU dancbler. Jodr-OftthooB)8»&
get her out ftt quickly tt poerihle. I
LsM Thoridftr peini.a
t of bla pew aud down tbe
went down to .ber. Tbe wlwel turn iseot OBI from DeerfleM, O.. annoDnea toward tbe dnor^ tbe real of tbe
Adjoining Lot Owaaro-Ohitoao- ed alewly with my tocreoeed weight, lag the ilmth of Hr*. Jehu Kraos
Rrecatloa mnainliuj Id iIh- peW!
tiofte-A lot owftto la not JaaUBad to but after I reftched ber soon bemme from lyphohl fever. Two' phytician*
U bo bad paaaed ool (»d tU way
rilll Bgtla. ^td tbe accednl to ui
from YonogRtovrn ami one from UeertoW a UtUe banl aboot oot from areetiBg a bonlac of riom bootda cm pleading to go up at once we woul
bla lot, i» front of tho windowp of (
llehl prononneeil her-leecL. An nmlerbare bad little tronblc to mcblDg
bODRO adjoining,to paornat tbe thramfa price, but the mw I wet worried tftker plRor'l tin- bo<lv in a CRvket
iDC of refnae from tba - wtodowa oai •Bd made tbe most of It by deity. FHeadm mme to view the rro ain,.
t 3. HlUtkeD.
fall lot, ao aa to obetrmol Pm tiebt aad Presently 1 bmrd tbe vrcll known aod many remerked bow Rhe wniuc.l
*T am very clad to ate you at rborrb air Ihraocfa tha wlBdowa.wbare a fear- aeniid of (be openlnc of tbe floodctle
a lifelike Irnk. The fRmily ma-le fvetbia rainy day.t Mr. Iloow-vrit wid as Her of ftsotbto klod weold ba eqaally above, and down came the -weter.
pfttfttlcioe fof the fuorraL Bn-Menlv. ,
bft BboDk tbe iKiy-a band.
It took ftomt Urn# for Ibe wet.
at affeoUre. Tba taet tbftt ooa owner
wbih- a friend eloo-l taking b ri«t I
*1 am awfid clad I caDM-." tbe bey
ilttod prrftofta of bad obonekto.
ftotojKly lepli^ -T nevrr abook batida
•I during which Cecily end 1 look look, grief torni d -to amazement hy a
whoae behavior waa a bdImboo, to ocWfth a prcftMent brfam.ed at meb other aKWlled. though i am Bust decided twieliliig ot rtie face <if
mpy hit bODM. dot* wotyaatify astree to confem I wee far more terror tbe ispiR>w<l eorpRc._ Oocton wentee Btarete ieRealeft.*
other ewftto aroeting atMb a harrltr.
lied and it It tbongbt ihe will
utrltoeB than tbe. Then tbe wheel beB- B. Cemmea of Merrick. K. T.. a -tOAilaatleBop <H. J.. Jadgr Pit- gan to turn slowly, and we were oblig lire. Thi- famllr trcalliil the fonernl
ftaodaoo of llobrn PuIiod. tbe loreei- aeyiMl.
______ ____
ed to more vHth It Cecily, plucky girl cardR.
to of tbe BiraailRwi.-liaR n.nRtroiiidaa
that she vrsa. teeing tbe necealiy of
KleoU TrrU ha, a wlrel.-ua leleIce Weyrte. eaye ita- in>lladelpbla 1‘reas.
kaephig np a riout betrt,. begaol to
who was injtond boat Tismp. tnmp. tramp, tbe hoyi graphy Ryteem of hi* own noil mrR of
. Ab ordlBary rDOoer 1r find ptaced cw Bltoa-PMaia.
"There Ir on diftioalty in obialn- Ibe (not fork of bd oidJiwry bk-yrle.
• feeding a nnagla. by bartag •re rnsrchlagr at though- tbe ftffelr
and a ijilked tire Ir alQyed
il>r tear her fiftgm ewngbt lb«ola.
teatHod vest rery tonny, while I wat tbloUng ing the reqaliite energy to tigiial
that tbe knew bw flagara vrould be of aome vray te glre an trirm. It •cram (he Pulflo. or all around the
,''?tatM Ot tbe atie.-!, to the «>df of
borned aad oraabed U enagbt. Bald. weald be o( oo am to tbont for tb^ earth. There |* apiatvuUy no rmaon
whicb ftkale* an- faiteD-il. Tbne- are
ifiolsBt 10 shew that toe bad. na- •Otoe of tbe vrater wooW drovru my why we abould not aend clecmc
tnid to aicftdy ilw iDarliliie and maimed tba danger whiZb imollod la vutee, and at It rose beueuib oa tbe warea to ib<- moon or Mara, cr any
trel It.
ber Injnry.-MAIL Bap <B. Lllbt. notoe iDMcaaed. It corend onrankleft other planet."
(bea oar team aad oaly ceaaed to riM
After a deepetaie atruggle with a
OBAB. W.8AXT1B will ahowapriag,
wbmaM our hips.
im. doatoBR SMla-Blorh UlotUnc
pack ot wolves in bia tornyard Orif
Tba Podtontios of Womaa'a CUabt
Cedly tallsd on beaUe me while tbe ~
today aa^ tomorrav^ at HamUtou Itaa axtoadod tba right of boatonry
a well-knovra farmer re*idOlotblng Oo. .Otdara take for laiwater deepeoed and ber ctreerb wan.
XftCroaae. Wla. liet »>i a
■odlaw to apriiic dellrtry.
ed. making OMfry of It all till tbe last
oiidltloo with tbe Oeah liter
wben tot gars mo a look wUrii mid
tram hit body m many
-pritsly: -l can go 00 ftriber. I'm go
ing to drap-- I took ber in my armt pbieoa Ptm^lani «ay be miinoc live.
|•OFl-l,AR |•BaIODlCAUS.
To tbe Taiyayere of <he Olty of Tiav.
Dim Ulty;
Tbs Jftuuftty nuabto of tbe Arntri- aod tramped on. I vrat t stent (ellow John D. Rrekefeler ha* promiaed to
The tax ralU for (be ooUecileo of
Boy to out ftBd la eartoty of Bt twenty, but 1 knew that my etrengib double ereiy gift made to Vamar colIbe etolr and oouty toM for
iiw ftftd baooiy of..................
lUattffttloo. ex- would give oot in time. I met a demfttiorudbaooi
1801, and for tbe '
■pairing glance about for tobie meant uw. np to 8800,000.
mlt ftoy nnmbto ,----------- , —
aad oliT taxes and.. ...
to change tbe ritnaUon. Then (or tbe
Farmer Bogatram, dUglng In hie
tetold year Uve heeo plaeed la my ^•Mstolw*U^om^UM mat- first tint 1 ooUced t broken piece ot
tratlootaa^t tot ft btoatlfU HintitUng wblcb poatfbly I might de- mltar at Uaamde Valley, Pm. dlROor^T^^l^^lnmy^ee lereMlve mid
toeb aad BM (or a lertr te stop tto ored that hi* houa<- Ir build over tbe
tone frost sow bdiU Pefaraary 1.
rumnlna of a hnge aolmal. thought to
UQ8. oa saoh week day from B o'elobk
' "
TbttMrimftre-. '^■BoHito a bnm- wtoeL
“Can you walk on for • few me- be a aaRtodnn. Hr has fuoiid about
to 11 AO la tbe feroBoao and from
orant atorv by BodMya«toB:'‘How
|tcB feel of thi- nub. but hae aioppi-d
the Bflor- We Oftlato oar Bebotottollft." by wata. Cedlyr 1 aaked.
•‘ftloefc ftftUI 4 o'eloek la the
-Tm: 1 tore tod a good iwLTbomat Wllsoai “Too AiUle by
iradftg in tbe mad for fear of enOa all stale aod eonaty tax payed Half." by J. VaaTfttml; “Pnaaad
I put tor down and. eUaglog to tto
bta boaae. It it eMimamd.
bafara Jftoaftry lO. tba ragnUr fee of Profit U Trapplag," by/. A. '
ttot the taak mnat ba about IB feet
aae par oeat for eeUectiaa will be
tUag. Never befeeu or rine* bare I^
loogand IS to tt feut high. A ublp
eharged. aad-oB all laxee lefttaiDiac
forth toeb foeut a form that no maa
aapald Jaaeftry lOih. there will be
from tha tea vrat sent to a New York
ritacgid a fee of $ per eeoi for oollee- •Jm^
Plow" by^lm Battal eanaxtrtttcept temve IlfA Tbt tim lelaatlai. vrbo ynaonneea It Ivory. A
ber yielded, and tn aootber mionie I
ttoa. Paaaliy oa deUaeBont city aad XjnunU.
taxes aad —^---------------------------------------^-------------------------Borne of tbe Icadlsg arUrimare: had tbrori It tbruugb tbe tide of Ibe rich mioeral siulag bat hnrti from
Mataoa eftohdollarof ibeamooDl ••Blomo^U He Wto ^ Ppaad BU wbMl aod retted lu eod igainri tto tha rook Just above where the lutk
____ .. Oartoad FamU: 3amm Ofige of t Mont vrilL Tbt wheel wae
Wbitetimb BUay uUt of hit boybood: stopped. Then Cecily came to me. pot
Tbe famena Strrokir oolleetit
part four of "Worklag tay Way hm anni about me and vrepL
totkwiflm and motbt hat been told
X^ftdUM Wocld” by^ftRTBtooto
- BMiDCDie (oe
tto moicr
miller wu
HorrttM. (to boy tnvtl^-Tto OU
ru upon ut to dlamree what fo; (80,000. TUponhwerl^tbeAmKourteSoBimteftd” to Walkm Oam- loakUg down
d bto
whaeLjCecily cried ariean Muienm uf Naiutal Biatocy. In
mtofttBftiMrwottki-Pamiliat Talki tod Mopped
With Boys" to A. B. Welto;J*Bwoot- ootnitfuagbh ber tmra.^lt Ukm big Hew Twk. Tbe oollection containt
over 800,000 apwlaena
fito to Mop a mill wbteir
- Tto
man gave ber t band,
and with mt briow to tolp tot vrat
maa eo tto dry ptatferm. I followed,
py ft toga oratM eftobare:
and tboru came a fiood of gf^tJtnde
to Ofttam and BponiTto Bn't Ltkcft- ttot I tad btto permitted to mve my•eir and Oadly from a bcrrlbta dmth.
I waatad Cudly to rlrit tto oM mill
of tbe AmertoftB Boy: Tto Boy Ooto
and Stamp Ooltoetcft; ^ Boy't Poal- with Bft tot ato
Uy Yard: FmBantoThtok AbMt^
W. 81 7«n ^ •>< <
imiTiiA. Iwria* tra ehUtaft. aMi
ft VlU iMTliiv MMMBaad hit wife.«te U*ft« «UM hte. awtr bU ki«
pnvmtrtt* tbftlrlivw.
- MU vUL
--------(oat o( hto cMUdrw ti«> ]»Rt(dv»tta in tkft dlaBib«ti«B oflM* «
th( thiMt c< Mi SM MMdMt
•ra bB BB tbiT
___ ftftd ftow tba MoeblftafT N oOeoL
»b Min will ftftialy “ftaraf frtftd ft«»l»
dram wfttrii that are paM." fter.wea.'
I bare It earr? mt tbiwocb that aeei
aa UfTtbto e( twwtr jaara ar> wbt
(to boon I tzaaepad. mtoped. aa to
Tuesday. Jaa. 3i, we will display the new spring
•line of pretty Sheer Fabrics for«party dresses—
coousting of ^
I OrsAndloSo
' Sa^ln Foulards,
l-aoo Silica,
8111c and Unan
E«o., Eto.
It Will be the finest showing of this class of goods
ever seen in Traverse City. You will appreciate
these goods this time of the year.' You are most
cordially invited to come and inspect this line
whethe^you want to buy or not.'
ft J.W. HILUKEH *)
Because we sell what we say we sell. It
is hot so much what you pay for an arti
cle as the satisfaction it gives. That’s
what counts. The Grocery and Dryg
Depts. are attractive place's at all times.
Just received some of the finest apples We have had
this winter. Northern Spies. Golden Russetts and
Grimes* Golden. Don't you like a good eating apple?
Have some Apple Sauce or Apple Pies or Baked Apples
for the men folks when they come home to their meals.
We are selling the sweetest and juiciest oranges Noth-'
ihg nicer for puddings for dinner or/sliced with banan
as for supper. Better order sorfie with your next
grocery order.
With every 60 cent package of Armour’s
Nothing more appetizing for dinner, some like it for
supper served with toasted bread or wafers. The sick
room should never be without it. Order a package at
And a sweet breath can only be had by using Rubifoam
Sozodont or Euthymal Tooth Paste. They only cost
25c each an^ you have such a satisfied feeling after
using them.
£S3£!l.“S'Ti:i 5SJS5?
Tto Pamto Do^rtawto; Tbe Boy't
7yet«fttaaiu Bumbereff pew
■1 wham taaca
•"% aod
Mr. aftd Mia. D. J. Sprlagwamtoa
patwita of ft fito toby toy, wto ftf
Thirty different kinds of the finest Toilet Soaps that.
' are made. Packer's Tar Soap, Cuticura Soap. Gljfcerine Soap, Kirk’s Juvenile, Jap Rose Soap, Non-perfumed Pure Castile Soap. Prices ace from 6c to 25c
■ orv, MXCB^ vcnroAT. JAsrirAxT n. im.
> WINTER OF 1902
^ M^Krets, MOW tine t{0 we oiaed to be pwblUhed in tbe
aettiiic loct)i ceruin Witeaenti ud deiins lor oar new toiuc nod reooostractor,
Cod Lhrer-OiL
ttu «nd HiTiw node herein hive tuce
Proof noouaeatal.and ii
le hu been comng to us fraa aB pans of
fas its befaaU, and the Inrtber statement that nothin---------»------------------------------------- j--------dn^ store has quailed
VnfOL both in demand and real medidnal merit.
We asain proclaim our ofTer to the people that we sell VI!fOL on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE.^
4liere is no medidne that will 'cure everything, but if you are troubled with any of the following
ailinenta-we k&ow that \’ISUL wdl help you.^ Anyway, you should givp yourself the chance lo be
benefited by it, particularly as /ou uke no risk in losing money il it does not help )-ou.
Everything in it is plainly printed on the label, and while it
contains all tlic medidnal elements found in the Cod's Liver, it contains no oil or grease, and is as
ddidously palatable as the most delicate glass of wine, — come in and lest it — )-ou will want more.
AU Run Down—^Mo ApputHom
U yew ImI aO wen oat. Iui*c vnyfittk appetitw and net n
h steep, caated by enr-work or tklmcia. try VINOL
DebUHated—AU Tired Out.
Wbydncoaien eilMrscewhiKMi ttfeor amUdoa.
..TtNOLwOl bring Ue.sltm(tbaad vigor to (he deUUuicd.
year aMory will be letaaded.
It fa OM ntanl lo fed coatlaaally lirtd.
Uyoa tio M fed wd try VINOU
U k dom not bdj
Oulu Flesh—Bet Strong.
Ym eaa gat let wMiod taUi« tbagieaUe Cod Liver OQ. Fat taken into iSe syMeie dees'not creaielat.
bcUevs VINOL vrUloeatt floh qtdeker iban any ptepenllen coauiaing greaec. We have proved in nany cases I
VINOL qakUyaauesttiaagih.
Tty it on our gueraaiet.
Ontydhnee who ectaally suBer know Its terwet fee them We b robbed of aD joy. It ptodocm maayaerioai o
pUcadeas aad caferUrs the cniiri-V’vtn KeUif only roairv when s srirntific tvatWy enables the siomsch to prop
•MhalUt^ food. There u no medidne ibsiviU do tUi so sucemdaSy as VINOL. T^ it on oar gaaraAec.
Old People—Weak People
. We gaarkatec it to give
. \TWOL b d iMepeteaal value la at
moUagr.' Try it on ooi gusianlee.
id baallb to Ihoec who ait weak and d<
Pale Women—Pale Children
d fairs abos tbat the bleed U
foot, and thin, anil also indteatn laprtlrct dlgmtlon.
Chqdrea leva VIKOU It b so ddidous
VlNOl. wU conect si
Try It on ou guaiaalec.
Bronehltle- -SorieLungb.
odea bod UtbSy aalcas tpedally cared for in
early steg
d Liver U
tba tW and Wap than VINOU Wine of Cod
Theta b no medidne marc talnsUe lor reatoring k^h' io
Try it on out guarantee.
its w«ek la TpaUaatl Friday. laeWy
\*INOL Ii Ike vary
Vniike other Cod UvwOU praparatlotti.it does not upset the stomach, and it u deUckms to the
Tty it on our guannlre.
tloae. bat none of Uwm have teeo ee
WW-a the family of BobeH Miller.
tad..In every iaetaBee, aatiTea Uvjag near Mt. Olemeae. awoke (he
me other emte have keen ^
other BOBiag. they eaeartained that
to act fb the capacity of gortew
(bey bad had a aartow eeeape from
eaol the
etat«.jB the
A flr>- Imd started abnet
the ehimavy aodkanind a bole 10 feet
tbeSooth aorosB ia the roof, wbeo it had aeoraa
Lyons high erho-tl was eap
aodatlBgly gime oat.
with aleobiil and boUiug water ihv al
cohol exploded, quite severely >en- SmteofObio. Olty of Toledo.
t **'
Laeos eoaaty.
log one of Die atodenta
Fiaak J. Oheocy makes an oath ttet
The ftret uee of alomlanm wire for he is (be eeaier jiamar of the dm
taliroad porpoaae la Miohlgaa istobi ■of V. J. CbeaeT A Oa. doiag beeinem
mad<-today on a aerUoa of the Hawke in (be ri(y of Toleda Oooaty and
dtole aforesaid, aad that mid Arm
Angne InterarbaB betweau Jarkoo and will pay the earn of ONB HUNDRSD
Hiohlgaa Oenur when the care emm- DOLLaRA for 'eaeb aad every ease el
h that <etUnot be eared by Uh
« raaalag or. hie Uac between oetanli
Holl's I
AnB*drbor and Jarksos. A etreloh Of
iwora lo before 1
four uilee has>eea oqolpped with at- in mv pnweooe on thU Cib day of Deamiaum feed wtrea^AInmliioia wires eeiaber. A. D. itW.
Ball'i Oatarrh Care U taken Islarare aeed oat
the Allrgao eleeirlo
light plant, tmt this wUt. be the firat ally aad aeta dlreeUy oa the blood
_ad maeoBS sarfaciee of the lyeteta.
adaptatiOD lo
railrvad parpoaee in Beod for wstlmoslaU. flea
- - Oheaey*CW.Tble«o.a
A five moaths old bal7. Tedd.v
Pills are the beet
Booeereh Oalleoder, hat the dletta.WbUe the pfayeica elam ii
to do B little sbupplBg, aba left (be the sheds by tramps at night in retare
Ultiv ooe la Its gtaadfatber's anaa for which thei
bey cccopT tbs boakt
Jaeixe Oallender lo-Aed proadly as the ieiL
be held-tbe haby. and
divided hie at-
It it a myietefy why woaea endure
eiyibiag ran aloifg amooibly aattl one
'bleiamdwly. Fatotlsg
of the lawyi-re. growing animated ee and &>sn 8p
he warmea ap ia his delate, beat a proved t^t
each uoablOL
load tetoo with bis del apno'the desk with kidney trooble.'
as if (u drive home end vUarb the er- Miebe Oberl.-y. of ---------------------------gataeat he was a-lvaarfog. This vras "and a lame Uek puned me ao I
oonldwol drom myself, bnt Eleotrio
too taorfa for the baby.
It birrbed
Bittere wholly cored me. and. alforth a plalative a]>peal for mamma, thoDgh 73 year* old. I now am able to
iAd drvliaed to be .(timfortt-d by de all ray honeework." It overeomes
Oraudia Oallender. so it Ataily be- Coatpistloo. impruree Ap]ieuie.gives
perfeci bealih. Only aOc at Jaa O.
raiae iieeemery to adjearn court anvtl
and 8. K Wait A Bone
the mother reterm-d and hBsh--d the drag oiore.
liule ooe to <ialeL
At (he U. of kL before bU clam in
A Reed 'City man named Heary J.
Utaf has'jast perfected ea lBT<-ntioii polltioal >-<-imoffi7 Friday. Prof. F. M.
which bids fair, whoa plaoed before Taylor declared that (he "Imdii-s
the pnblu-. to rival * wlreleee tele llouie Journal " it a aerloae eviL
graphy. It il a email .and very simple mid It htpaght op th>- piwaree
machiar for.the
vrealth and Inxuiy to those la ordi
uary eireadisiaacea
"It it not the
■ of the InM
Inrainatlag parpoei-a.
It la clai
by the liiveotor that oar thooeud feel the greotoeae of the' inooow of bii
ovtghbor that bre<-ds diseoatest,'’ Im
I of gat can be made for tea cents.
in that
city ii gradoally deenaalng. He has
completed a oeasas and And the total
•00, whereas a few yeas ago when be
«am<- there, the eolored folks naraberedBOO.
A Booster petition, of ov.t *00
name* for theeetabltahmentof n h^-
Nursing Mothers^Weah mothers.
t-v<-r B'oeived, aad the list i
posed of prominent men. priin .
IIUIMta* TtoUMto.
The futoe of Baoklen'e Anioo-Sotve
as the best la the world, estead*
roaad the earth. It's the ooe perfect
lioJer of Oat*. Coras, Baras. Braises.
Sores, Scnlns. Beils. Uloers. Feint.
Pain* anand oU Sbla SrapUeoa
- '
•' •
G. ■
of tbr B. P. O. E.. who lives ait Sagi
naw. It is one of the Urgeet p-tiUnni
The old idea that the body eoB».
oOoiaU of the army, uavy eiid eat- tises needs A posrerfal. dtasUe. parnative pill bos been exploded; for Dr.
'tomsdeiartiaeirtrof Uaele '
King'* New LUe Pills.which are per|nutil after a dMieion of the United feetly hormlees. gently clUnaUte UvIstatriTenpremr coort.lhat the Philip- er. aod bowel* to expel poiioneai
jpne blande areewritary of this Batter, oleonee the (yetem aod abeeiBlelv care ConetipMlon aod Slok
I ccmntxy was it poeribleander the laws
OmEU* law speeiAcaUy stab-a that
.. , ,
It-ic-'r- of , Ktlrbavea.
Louly white male citisent of the Cult- Uew>.. Iiav Blt-vi in Tlial l»uu a li
;ed States of America can become brary. unlvruori*. u-wn UalL »<booto.
memb-'l* of the frateniily. The grand
iburcli sad s draluacr eysivo.
eeeretary hai also reoeived an appliraVntil r,-emily hie<Ili-*I nilK*k<nsri*a
liou for a lodge ei Hilo. Hswaiin
,t> J.
______________ ‘
-be i-spltsl now
lat and a bom>iiaL
The potitioa of diafUmaa not only
^ -
,aSords pleaiaatoDd vrell paid work,
trial for uy of the above ailmemf and have received no benefit, you havd" only to tell os sa and we
' You aee our faith in VINOL. and you must admk that we know
a of Cod Liver OH vre have ever
ton. vrhen we tell you tWti VINOL is the most valuable preparatiot.....................
known, and a wpoderflil tonk-recoostntetor. and tebutlder of atrenglh. appetite, and health, at the aame
e to cspect you to believe uk
.et as
bat is the beet k».rirn stopping stone
to maeb
better thinga The arehi-
designs originated fay
tfaese welMmown
wfaolesale tailors.
Cfaas. HI. Baxter
will represent tfaein
faere as usuak
CoDtinues until further ooVUr
ticcooMensandBoys Overcoats. Reefers. Ulsters. Odd Suits, Etc.
Clotfaing £0.
WimOUT LUVM6 tniE M U9K UT TIME noH im
h*rrwHrb<4*r,hl|>tu II
of BSB as we And him,
re only what we ceti me.
g (hsi no one esn be per-
,mkvrt*i ln*B •ir-tutram.aUu (•■&■ juofwdl T.etbr paOIttm.
huvea-Imv-r.,nr|jMwi euHuUv,
.1 Whltea-irkiiisi
« willl>'CBi*ln*(*auh*rtlrwtU a
idma(>a>eri>ad«.i-ierw-rtt wtU 1-->lfbi,*nSr«a will n*vr vi.wtr «(■.
i wiU ImveH m yeur powm tertm
MHuil} mifki riK»i<jf«
1. K-w^. AM la in' '
tbr Bmrd wiU «iw F<m* Free ncOelsrmipnarvblMrtnral Omwiar
Hom to tofo—Cox oui attached coupon and mail or bring if
to the busineu office of, the
FjuJj coUjKjp' rou«
bear the runw of the jnsson foT «•
whom )-ou with to vote.
M for Cireolof firing full ioformotioa portmioiog to tho nfisra
fs HiftOLO £. WiUEtt. toeml igoot; CHg iooi Ston
BoiUing, Trororoo Cit/, tieh.
uee Rwky Moiwt^Tco.
a ornttraetor and boilder. or as ar^lteel in wfalA oNmettlee be will bore
lulled efTcmnitte* to aeqalie
On MoodsT woraing. Jaa. *0th. w*
will plaee la oar window SOO eachages.
In tbeer paokeg.-. wtllhe
plaaed ariielce that nave beeo left
over from tbe liolt^y trade. BveST
ao^ineiyat parorl will be wrapped ap ; too cn^
(ramAS-WtoliaW ndny: be crai be
an enignear In nay braneh-i
electric^ and elvil engi
neering nre all opia to tbe diafumon
;whe wUl Imtawea hie spore
Hat to
Do net nndar etotmote tbe oppor
gt.OO and over. Tbras cnrasls will he
piaeed In onr window Mradsy bmLsg and yon nut peek oat the paokane
yon worn (or *So. Ton any gel tbe
diamond ring, bnt yon oao’r mtona
bnrgnla ns there arc no bls*fci ■
*^smU. the HasUIng Jewel
m oadleaee left the opeta hoaee in
Vote today. tOBBtow. and every
bettor (iBBe of Bled.
With each o aj. Veto -the eonpon in ttls tonne
This to as it shadMr mi^lad with eheertng nkaa oea^y. "Wasn We Were Twenty- of the Beoord.. and get ae Many asm
don la the heat* (fast coveted the One’'vreald aevor grow old isOoe- BOpies. for -aore Totee. as yon eon.
Tote tegnMgly end piiiltoinUy. withdsMCTiac one. hetog one of the Anest play, tha Boeto and fonelas of the loetoa.’"
every eelonet Waddleo. and ^ d«tor
MitaU. • ■
4ng to focB n baoto of the ptaoe. while
^etoy Diwethy TOnnast no Ryllio
pU to-Wbra Ws Were fwentv-One."
than to anv
ban t« » long time.
■hnoU bs. as the prodaotios to
The dsto h«a to Thn^. te. B.
B.J.Heili,itn«N«linilttlHi b»
When you want a carriage
vrin oot be n blank pnrael in tb.- let.
and we gnainntee there vrtll not be e for FuneraL Wedding oc to
single artlele In the lot bet tbat to
wortli aiae than the nrloc of diavring Make Calls, or want to come
Mwe than that we will place eaangst come jiown town, call up No.
the lot one gvnalse diamond ring, and
one solid gold bmooh. which some- 3, bot> ’phones.
tunity which tbe rradma of-the
was tfai- ^'toratotioo of "Whan We mo^ to the Imp and seBsthlng Beoord wlU |*eMnt you If yon win
to Dtwotby. playing oat the tbu BdaootioMl VoOng Oonteet. It
Prom Inquiries that oostlnaB to Warn- Tw.>nty.OBs"at the op«)
plot. The eappon throaghoot to of a wiU BMD a great deal to yoe to have
The nttesdM
eonw to M-hs|tt Steinberg (ram oat- lost erealng.
af'towB pntreas, there promises to Urge and on more Out one oeooslon high order, and ao merltorions to the
a ttet MidoB tea a Oe^- tionedpiaoed within ynut gTMp.
be A larger ntmadnne,- of eatoids peo- big brartod. resontoslal Diok Osi
OUto Onlly Age.o( Jns-lW^lB and JOhmt Dorrio ao the lap
saitha otoatoior partL wUh Wnitor
Wnlhst ao Dtok Omw, Mdhw
(Kail and soefbe
(ectural diafumnn eaa aeaiiy beoome
will retuni the entire amount of taoaey you have paid us.
• XI Vn>lirr>oa'->)Tt“rw
l^of (h.- nrd<9«f^ Elks to grant a dUpenmtion for a lodge al kUnila. for
■' You«ill absolutely be mder no oUigatioe to ns whatme. if after you have given VINOL a fair
For Spring “Ig02.”
tcatltti between it aad (be expeetalatloiia of the omteeting atioixeya Ev-
Ifaromeowiib nursing babim who heao ttificnliyin kecplnc'Bp theb hmltli and atraegth wooM take VIKOL, vm
know posidvsly that the best leuulu would U obtained. You know the life an«tuluia dcveWpeBCBt of the child depeedt
Suits and Cop eoats
dw of patting a ooort of jutiew oot
All (he way from one t« twen^.dee
of boelBeas la Bay City. The wee bit namiw etriko Durand every nighL
of homaiilty it a grancWoi of Jauiee A11 of the Coal at tbi- eleet^ light
Chlleader, aad while iU mother weal aod water works plant Is wheeled Into
by Grand Seoretary Oeo. A. Reyaoldt
Try it on ear guanatee:
Faultlessly Caifored
loenaus. >
of Elks at kinaila has bvei) reeel'
wpew peeper noorishmeat.
tooall atteaticB to thefael that Xiefa
We. the aademgaed. do faerehy
has sevee elaalad a aative of the agree 10 tefead the memey oa a Sfi.
• “rafraated 8yropte either govaraoe er Dailad Smiae oeeibettleof Oreaae'eWan
spot Ter if it Mile to I
or. ‘-llioblgaB'was admitted laeoogh or eeld.
Wd also ga
to the BBiOB U 18S6.W yean ago.
M-eeat bottto to p
abya."and«hUdreafaataia the emte
that (he colored popolatiua
One might aa waHcoawdt aakideas to let ibam go andiecked.
hath in
Coday atid
vrhso he vreat epos thin tee where lee
Rev, O. B Collins, pastor of the
Imasiiig African kL K chpreb. saye
Chronie Colde—Haoldng Dough.
maddtw needed.
M ybrw^th. he.
Boy TesiA-'^ a cold
water gee eattable forhmtiag aod IP-
d nerres era daa u
gntrauaa VINQl, Win* of Codtiver Oil u
Wtaa body. Xrj it on oa gnnmntce.
Sara eigns of danger ahnd.
attnd the faaeraL
■t trf fwiliy.
10 the ew^emr eooit on the qaestifla
reqaliad by law for &Ulw those poei
.anrrearfiil remedy W the ills for which it is recommended, and amply justifies all our stran
Vinol is' NOT a patent medidne.
of the oMelltatloaaUiy of tba law.
I daagaroas eon ibraddbr get ia
weald years ago have raaebed the age
the .0^ which confirms beyohd eontiodiction the fact that VIKOL is a «deotiAc and
U it does not succeed in benefitiisf you we will rdund the entire amount of purchase incoey.
Ob ^tard^v al^t he
LeFarge Isviag hie hand and arm
catting had jaet bren carried oa. ahd
broke ifareagh. Be was sot iajared.
Ibe vaamahle Jadge Joaiah Tanse.
BDd aside from the daekiag, aoSand
who vras os tba handi a half natary
BO evil eSeets from the cold plaage.
ago, aad is ana
the moM balored
aitiaeas la Mtohlgaa. is eeaatTaiaad
By JAS. G. JOHNSON, Druggist.
j Know, therefore, people of this 017 that tte fae
Mn. a O. Tana
atge yumrday that fam iaatnr. Bmty C OalH. dWd at • a. m. very sad-
U Ifaa eoM a^laat Oaeegt B. BatMe «f PMoekey for mIBbc oeland
bees sMit aaply verified.
DWd la 4
CMhnstd litws
cSfcl^BstoltaJnn. tm to
If you want a Bus for Large or
Sm^ phity. 1 have them for
you. Satisfaction guaranteed
and prices as low as good work
can be done.
i« i»d«.
■ iM, munuT, lAmetMT n, int
twpmtmtn tt the Oletrafi
T>—«»e ■> Mw—e Vn.s Ba^M
tka War «a faa«nav
aMMnd. vitb
latbrrmlac. Tbr cnairr part of Uw
famnni reodBrior's tlxor in tb* riir
VM flTw^p to Um talk of trlllnt bow
k* pUrnl twfent Klu« Uiranl of.
Omt Brttalu an bla
irtp to
Si^ad. Itnriiv bU vtall inanr proDtaot mm mn Mr. Hovw In riJodsa
Oardoe-a oB<r. aul aa rarb aahl. ■'TrII
m» OU aboat It." Ur. Boaao had io rr
boom tba atorr • •«»«■«» n»rr tlmra.
*Xct m» tell JOQ bow King tUlaaid
kopt »t b«od oal uotll 3 oVIw'k U> (be
Mnloc.*- antd Ur. Kouaa lo a rrpnrtrr
. tar Um PblladalpbU Pma. -That'a
aUa thing for a king to do. lau't ill
wr im-t Kliig l^iwanl
WaU. rou a
wai (bo Afir
aaroatb Unbdar annlrmarr of Uimwd
“A apactal train waa in walilug.' To•■tbar with the roral paur, loanr
■atabara of (be noliIlKr wrot along.
That train waa cwrtaiulr an Indiratkio
0(Bnglaad'adra>orrarr. After
haaa vat of Uiodoa for three mlnutea
poo coaldB’t bare told a l>aiiilman
frocs a knight of (be tlarti-r.
Mna Iwet Acte,whe
baaw easy
aw Maaa the dnih af hn baahMd. la
waaMmUy katm koday-Md hn ratag a ILoa of Saaatr etfS.M»
aatraty ta hapad fa*.
ThaiegalariaaariBff af
147 af Bm Order of tha Brnm Star
wU be bald taatocraw enwlM at 7 BO.
o« UM whotail A faU aMsaMww is daaUsd at mdal
dfrtot at tkto o4r. aoUapaid ati»
seas U to oaaw before the OI»pUal atiht. hUkuai
Md aU .IkW MW twa
Obaa W. Otfiw. laiMteatlai
italb-inaah alathi^, la ^ am
Tha baUdlaga wata aaaaytil by Ma hi, dlagdar «( orlae eoeda at
aaeam aad tbolr aleekgwaaMW} Waa a< tha HamUtaa Olathiac Oi
loaa. wkieb U alwatad at *10,000.
r. 1. LlUar la paau a( a iaa
aialaalra «( tha law M U» baUdlngi
A. Otaasae baa so tar rseoTsrsd
takMW what aaawd hiaatta«fftb aa ta baabla ta teraU
tha aoUapa* ^ tha balldlMt.
Mm ta hU aigar mktag baalBaada; alcht that dlatnat iajaaetl-
tha riataitr ^ that tha balldl
to fall lata a baa|> wilbaat a^
are ertdaoeaa af an agplaalaa aheat
tha ralaa, bat m owa haaid a a
a( aaah an agploatau.
It waa fortaaata Oat tba wrack oeaarrad aa Saaday ttl^L Bad li hapfwaad dariac haiiiaaa boon, tha law
of Ufa woald lM?a bean apaaUtai
ttafaraaaaa aied for baattag tbe
balldlogs. Tbatewaraao wslABsa
abaat iba aceMaaa, eoawiiaaatir
then waa aa laaa af Ufa.
UlB ihaai^ rlaiilag t..?"oi£
aad acbw aU frietida OhptaUi Sana
alag betweea Milwaukee eud Piwt
The weather belag Urotuble
auantar Oraaerol wiU not ba takmi off
the fey ronu for soraral days and
wlU pcabwhly ran lha'rvmaiadrr of
thin weak. TbU btbateteatia tba
wlatar that tee Ttaearae Bay Um
' hara arm run 00 tha Imy. -s
I regular auM-tiag of Trarerae
OUy Lodge :Na At. F. B A. M.. will
be bald IhU arraing.
Tha Womeo-s Foreign Mimiaoarr'
SoolaiT af the Frioada ohoroh wiU
meat Taeaday afteraoaa at f o'oook
with Mrs. Bartha PaBaiagtoo. 810
Weal BaranUt atiaat 8nb>aert."EUm.
Tbe Ooagtagatlaal lodlas Aid 8aioair WiU bold tbalr maatlag on W.-dnaada.r afiviMoa of ihl* weak with
Mrs. CoebllB, Waablagtoa stra>-L The
topic tor dlaennaiae will ba "Boupi. "
The ladlaa will bring raelpaa for their
(urorlta kind. A oollaeUoo will be
taken t« raplealth tba gaaatal fund
All ara ooMliaUy iarllad.
Fred Bmitithas aeeeptad a permaBaal poaltlaB oa tha report<irUl niaff
of iho OuUy Eagle.
The tugular aanailBg af tha eilv
eoDOoU wiU'ooeor thU af<-aUig.
Tba mamhan of the Ofipgregatlooal
Ohrlatlaa Badearor aoofetSjrfy anjov
aalei^da la (he home of M. O OrUU
Mothaast of Uta ally Wadueadar area-,
lag of IhU waak,aiid a aUamut aocUl i
araidag at hU home. All mambara of
(heaoolaly an Uriiad
Bums will
laare the roaldaaosa of 8. Olsek, HI
West Saraiitb atiuai. and 8. E. Walt,
: o'olook.
A runaway 00 Kiulh smet Ibis
aonliig eruattd
uenl and cnsl.ed Uito (be eultar of
Or. Swaoion. aerinonly damaging it.
The B. r. P. C. of tba Baptist
ehurah will giea ooa of ibeU popolsr
aooials In the baaament nf the obarch
(bis i-Tunlng.
Tb.-ra will ba n raaatUig of the Uolform Rank. Knigl'ta of Pythias lomnraTunlng, followed by n aoclAl bop
roUowing U tha alaudiag of tbs
rartoM routaataala la tba Raeacd's
ToUag raulaat tor tha free drawiag
a-holanhlp la the luteoatleBal Oiw.
aattalDl)' a feast (bat tber bad
wdaaoa arboala of Setmuiaii, Pa.
fw oa. I doB-t smi-eae )o.i .-ould men- Obarlat A. Btralt........................... ifiO
ttan a arlna Ibat wasn't there. Tba mn- Mike Slalml
.................... l«B
■teUnt bald in well, though, oo tbc up Prod Blamdatf
Tttp. bocatise tbej felt ihst they w
tawaomung Aoerlra. but King
ward kept theai eating and drink!
■ar. ba'a a Jollr fellow:
"I WSS reiT murb worried, bot when
I aiTleod at ffsndrlugbain I found Ihst
tha band wss sUII Intart. Our prvwaatata waa
ttwt to eusb. t bad delerinlDed that
t woald lot (be king
ftad aative moslr.
“Of eenrae we bad to play 'Oad Sara haring raeolrad a aabaariptloa
tta King.' because tbst Is re<)alred at O. B. Oraadall B Baa. Tbe fellow•0 coon aotertalnmenta Rut we aaaed ing It the sabaeHptioo ta data:
anr cotMrtonrea by playing It oear Prerloaaly reported.
.«80 10
■gnla nad* tba title of 'Amerln.' a
O. K. Oraadall B Baa, Qiawn .
da you kpow tbe king nerrr bmy
tha aUgbteat sign tbat be notlcad U
..yti to
tha (anea were Um sttue.
“UtOe runce fViward of York wai
Toaar s Marbsts.
8y Tebwrssa to the BmocA
D. irott-Wbeat, Maad tS -. eon, 61
oau. 4».
Taltdii—Wbaat.«8>4 aad n_l^:
^Uhga-Wbaat, T»i, i com. 68*4
... Latrr I found that wblla oau. 4»',; pork. «1AW: lard. |».M.
1 waa balding my roocert tbe lio.r
haelbg aoo by hlmartf up ctalra.
“1 oarer felt eo'cnurh at botne In all
Wy Ufa at .a ranoert. 1'he king inntle
Jack Shay and Barnard Vaq Alsiiue
m, tool at eaae Ktrr.MUliig waa
I on Martbwaatam, t oars 00 BL bad a lUtIa diffleuUy about noon to
(Oraal. Tbe rbalrt of (be rm al uiriiihsra of tba |>arty aod (hoae ..f tbe
Paul. 6 oara oa Minhlgaa Oanliat. ds.* and/ama logethar with ao nwfol
hUlty wwa placed In artlallr <-onrualon. Tlia aarkat was firm aad damasd faU. crash. Soma damage waa iDflioied 00
aM U a gsllery"-bert Ur. Rouu uae.1 wllh arrlraU tha smUaM of tba both aldaa but Bbay, dUplaya a rlsage
a tarn which iiinat ba l«d form
weak. Balea from atare wm Ugbk tbs. suggaaU oootaM with the busteaaft-“aad In a gailiry there wai
bat a few car law ahaagad baad.. A nasa depanmoiit ot a tbroahlng isagsiag of mart attirhea
“All tba muale aeemed to take with .ear of BaraU aald at 76o.
Mrs T. H. A. Tiagealiad a narrow
tha kliig. Tba queen and all the oilier
eaewpa from aerioos Isjary Saturday
Train Jnssnad Iba fisark.
sayal ladiM aawDed to like iIh- 'mgtlaia' baoT They ilaptied like gnllery
A train of empty oars aaed in lunl- arenlog from a runaway. Her borua
■ads when 1 played •Whiailing-ttufua.’ mg logs, Jampad ilia Pare Marquette took fright oil Sdolb Union street,
Bat tba blog aeemed tiest pleaaeil wiilt craek yaaerday aftarwoesi at Mabel. and run ta Front, tnrnad •■uat and ran
'■aada Armaa tbe Hea.’ • I gneaa be The oara ware replaced and the tiaok
for two or three block*. Then the
(boagbt of that aid
beau danbed bank aad when it made
oloarad last araalng.
Ibe tun on Union street. Mra. Tr.-gea
Well, after ti
t liroper had
was thrown out and dragged for a
Minded,. tbe royal equerry aotltleil
A few frlaodt aud ualgbbois gathor- short dUlaaoe. but fortunatfily was
am that bla majeaty ihe king wlsbed to
I at Iba home at Mr. and Mra Dot oorioutly hart. Tbe bora*- was
cab wtib me. Klug Kdwanl
» things alwiit Atiier- Oharlea Allan 00 Bprara straat Bator- flioppod oa Sooth Uuloo street bridge.
nd pan
day araoliig and gmra them a plcamiil
bats 1 had rendered. Theu“~bere rsiiie surprls.'. Masl. aad prograaBlee paaaotbrr word not In the court Ulrllona- dro was the ordar of tba aeanlug.
ry-“tben be yanked out « Vl.t.irlan Ltgbt rati«ahme>a. war* aarrad.
aiadsl-a ailvrr medal surh a« la ghen Thoae iraai-iM ware Mr. aad Mra Ed
la awn coiuldeml of hlgti aninili- mer
it Ha aiked me to a.-reiu It as _ .. Pmaklin, Mr. tad Mra Pxunk Iriah,
baa at (ha reapeet of hlineelf and the Mr. and Mrs. lia Root, Mr. aad Mra
Daeld Elman, Mr. aad Mra Thomas
“My, bot l.wss eiulH>rmaM<d: I sii|v Btaatoa. BuUa and Pearl Marrla. Mr.
paaa that tba Iww 1 'made wn. «ry
•*r. AUea. Mr*. Hight, Mra
awkward. When I vent Iwi-k to lUo Ohsrl.. Irish aad Charier Irish.
male aland, tba Iwnd men lielghtein-o
aiy coafnalon. All through the n<-ii
Alonso Hodgun. an agutf^TMaiM of
aambar-Whlcta I'played ua aUMiinire.
•a to tpaak-l brard small rolees nay the elTll war. dlwl at tbe asylum yealag. '1 woudrr dhat the king gavo larday monlng. Tha funsral amaga111 will ba mada latar.
“Then tba mure of tValen eauie for
ward and aakad tbat I let him pn. ibe
MlSHleWrtM* rMrrmdal on my coai. *lMd I do lo Well.
I couldn't refuae him. 1 don't Iwllete
any allwr AmeUrsn nmsleian nao e..r
baaoredaohighly. 1 am aurc Ihut I am
lo\e of iwNry. It h
* wlib jearu
tba first to rerelte a dcruratluii
"Then with the king « e alarted liaek
(-ompuir frooi twrm
far ZiOedoa. Tbe king bad dlteeiiyl that
Uilny uf the IhlrV-uo*
wa wero to proceed aluwly.
u «as
linbli- .->Hi|dHs nIM "tVa ka.“
after 8 a. a. when we arrl>e<i In ilie
bmr an- liuiiW ta Bartm *l-ukBiaeapHal, and (bare was ao Uitle tu the
for FXauliistliHi
haSat ear that t think tba land •oiikl
iur.<u Tsksiakl bas beM bU prow
“One of tba main feaiurei of tba'npe«lal tnla waa tba buffet ear. That
(he I
ronwAm OF Mbkiklst
hare haaa rUtlac Mta. Bard far ear
*Ml woakA left today tor Ihabbame
rOay ^Mogletf KacthiMt waala the
alty m harlaiM laday.
Jamaa Kohl. W. A. CampbeU and
WUbar OUl of b'orth|«rt paaead
thrtmgh the alty today 00 their way
taOsaad Baplda.
PhU a Baa>T aad wUa ferrrraWBad tram DetrolL
Depaly Oama Watdeo W. A. MeOarerti U la tha alty 0
aeoiad with hU
Mrs. Frank B. S^tb aad daagfater.
left today for CaUfamU.
MUi Bmlth-a baulth has beau poorly
for aome tlaw aad tb. trip Is taken,
ha^ag that ^e may be tn-aefil.^
baa lakaa a positlan as (taTaliag saleaomu with Ch.Kallay Bhlagle Co. aad will speud
moat of his time for tbe next (, w
months lu th. •oathara part of the
The Oak Park Pedro Club aorprUad
Mr. sad Mrs. Eldrad of East Eighth
ttraai Batorday arhnU.g. Tba time
was pltdmaty speot la eurds and
Kumea aad deUei<«s refraabmenu
ware scrrad.
Mrs. O. W. Matooa. wife of Mr.
Malone, dlstrlet saperiateadrui af tbe
Anti-iSslooii league, is expeotad thU'
eV^lng to fpaod tba r.-st of the win-;
ter hero with bar hnshani Tbeewlll'
make their headquarters with Mr. aa.l
Mra A. W. Buahe.-. ISl West Beecnth
Miss M:>-nla Biea. who has been em
ployed Ui the Temple of Faibiou tor
time, has returt.ed t.'. h6r home
TNT foad ot
a Par a htskal.
bar ms>eoty‘s paa
A DOmbar of aortriy sronien of New
>1 s*. im.ll
• feat ad tha e»
Tarfc ara Intereatlag tbemaelrrs. In
igv l-uat.
What la called tbe alcfeel coocert. They
«a mwtwra of promlarbi niutle aooMIm. Tba Idm U to rumlab good
••Mr llargu*. . wban tbrrr L _
male ta (ha panpla at B rcoia a bemt. iraaij Iwiwei-D two po»ers and eat of
them break* tbe agTeemenL ibe other
U out bMiiMl l.y it any laager That U
Tba ScatUa assay olllce has bandied earre.1. Is It notr
-Ve*. tbaCh^aiy uudetstaudUig af It.
-Ur- tUrguL yea took (bat UUow-l
fK-rd Pan Hlillwlnk ta (be Ibeaur
last night. Oor engagemfcit ls abragatrr. Mr. Horgus "-t'bkugo Trib-
s neter yet he««
lavB ae a aaiurai original prodoti.
It li alwaya termed by art.
Tba drat tbaatw tn (be rottatry la bs
with gas was a tbestsr la rkQ-
|fart«A whkb put tb gas pipaa la
(oUowa; Briok t
------mm, waA. dOMww pw
rU M
• J—
“Dod'^i miM tbe- latest
out." For particulars
look in our show win
dow Monday morning.
January 20th.
The Hustling Jeweler.
ban. Abeol ■
-------------- andaU good
prtoa PHoe. 81.40a
Hath St.—
EViee, Saau.
FOR BALE. 8D--Oood eerea ramn
pries for oath. Prtoe. «700.
FOR MLE. Wl-S'tae little how
gmaU twra.^ Eau Fropi struot.
Easy terms. Price feou.
Ofloe opw erery ereoiog UU • p
Roy Wood left this morning qo a '
Tlsil to Re.-d Oily. Utatid Ba|-ids. Dr-1
trait. Cliiengoand Linden. Ilrwllp
be gone for about six weeks
Earl M. Bennett lift today in take a
position -iu a large j.-wrlry store 10 '
Sanlt 8te. Mane.
Jack Slater Wot to Grand Rapids.
thUmorniiig to attend the futullore.
O. W. Ashton went to GUI . Pier '
nod Leland todny on bosinem.
Charles King left this morntog for,
Oadar Rnii. ao allei.d I.is stst.-r, Mrs
Alta Pnyoe. who Is ill Arthur Morss left Hus morning for.
Cedar 00 bosioess.
»»o~e DO
Horth Spruae street, lair- ban,
Aw lot. All lorr eseapi prtoa.
That s cut io two. Pnoe. feMt
F^SALE. BSl-Botelandfunitore,'
•ak <ajldn«
You have no 50 to 100 par
cent, contractor's profits to pay
ou this property. It is all listedot its lowest cosh value, ownad
bj hooast^ple and bold at on
hooost price.
Alwaya oa the hustle, olwaya
Clod to see you. Moke -iwro
solos, hove larger list* than all
tba rest puttecather.
242 Front Street
BurdiBB Dim Elictric '
Poffir Cl.
Rads Pisl fisd Praat Free.
. .r .r
..i, in. f v.
ta«n Ukr.BnvlWlk*
•ed etnak-, •ill.i.-n •
pboM naiiiii <1»i»wsa>, BUI ta .o^»
J-«.. ™,.'■sssjfeM:
-.irt •'Ware Wrblb atal Pr^kkim
Ii>,<ur«c(-DuBM** * Kbbn.
pvR HOLA- |l«». *»1 lu .• H.BU. Mdr.'sil
H-irt » wai
TTwo-lfanTraTm-Otyae tuU'-vi
(<r*iul .Rapid*. Kalaws*.*, Ckiagu^aad
r.M-i w*»o. , am*.*
For Ur*M Raped*. KeWiwstm, tUdiwiwd. On
rtnaaii.lMeHUr.IM.Umla. II m* a
Fur^^i^Kaplda Kslama...i Md CbMcu
Tnun. arrtr* at Trarww- Oey at « Wa ■
i«i. w.sutriDp. B
IT-t'anUAHl room- tm
— -t* »*-
Stock w w
e end ar last klarrb wan
Jl niillioii Dollar
rlsttw I
t«ni|ina.-d 1
II|IM-4I|> tl
mr. F. S. nibltt. rtprtstnling B. Knippenhtimtr
• eompany, ot Cblcago. is showing a m6st su
perb Hnc ol Sample Clotbing In all tbc Spring nootitles. Hts ssmpits represent
if T^T% a'
•ehaM BuIMIum sT IM, CSty.'
Today W. A. Watkl« of tha Ttaretse City Ari Oa ^taeod la thtua o<
• inaeii.1 aoi>oaUmaaa S ib, city
partialti of MaKlalay whlnli wen
ardacudaametUuaaga Tha pocWalts
ereTOO boats, aad an mda
hart by Mrs. Watklaa. Tbs mm tor,
tb.- Oaatiul aehool was wt ptaeeo la*
tba aehaot boaae taday, bu wiU br
laft at the atare of WUhelm Bros ter
few days, y
«• 1. up-gwttoo.
f. » MVBAAY.
Ole cordially inoitc you lo inspect tbc scientific
produettons in tbc art el tailoring lor lg02.
Cbis is an excellent opportunity lor you to make
Ibe aclcctionol your spring suit or top coal from
sueb a magnfficent slock. Cbcy make only tbc
guaranteed Und. Cbis line ot clothing is so well
known in this city that It Is almost unnecessary to
mention that tbc mting qualifies and workmanship
tqnal that turned out by merchant tailors at double
0k would be pleased to take your order lor spring
delinery, but whether you wish to order or not we
want you to see tbe nne line we are going to carry.
Che samples will be on cxblMfion In our Clothing
Coddy and Comorrow
Step Tn »jsyg!|,^
Boston Store
p“S2fSs;u*'.?S'i’i=. TSffi
__________ lEFw (?»7 Miia
r cinrKiMoaAU. ami
PERE Marquette
«e*> land aad Lbb <to
oad warn. Irta m,limaB., 4MSp.w.
twMn^-rw-BsyCHy.PnfSBatra. tuMs.
IMrWI aad *MS.dma B.. II m a w.
OoNT Be Foolcdi
OOm OTsr OHy Book Btota.
Bcwri: • to It a m.. f to4 g, m.
1 to 6 g XL Bdll 'lAoM- 4>, OIL
Balm«n*B IntMior Spar M iBo
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