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The Evening Record, September 11, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
the evening record
Kim MY UP low
tOV*mtn*nt PI<M DM* Of 8«lootion PuMIc Bulldtm sit*
ftU dMorlptUM of Uod whiob bar*
bMo folonod M dolloqo«t forth.
r«r liOO. Md opoo vhloh tbo turn
jot foliiote oopotd. io th. fM)t thiU it
to I. iholr lotofoil 10 aofc.
Left Waahinffton Today for tha
oeoUMltoofMordiMroeot. M oddl.
ttoMl«M4oltorto oAMtoMohde.
WiU Ummmtm tm /
afur th. flntoaj of Ootobar, to cor.r
tr. B«PbMfM*lT-
B. F. Bewan. a pnbltobar of Ohlca.
go. has
begun ‘ the work of
ngna’s History of
Grand Trarorae and Leelanau Conn
ttow. Mtoblgan.- ambractog a oonctoe
ranawof thaaarly eettlament of the
two oountiee. todostrial deralopatont,
present oonditlooa togetbar with totar-
Dn tha Transport Thomas for
will b* Allowad Until DiU*of
Pin*] S*l*otlon of PropMty
A, «b»«»IMOf woo UriU b»
lor ■»!« *«rt
Oeaaial Milet left Watoto«loa topaT^IrluM telM OMKoothof day at 8:S0 p. m. for tba Pbyipptoaa
PM a
te •
SMWaiWr will mrt tb« •«» umuI
wlkUpUpwlUto- >bra4d«dth*lrtof Oelobtt. Iticrr It to bto totonilon to return to the
United StaUi by way of the 8ae« oafftno oo toMHh of Ootobar ood tbo ^
naL The itaneral’c party oonetou of
mm farormblo aito porahaaad at that
Mr. and Mra Miles, Oomellne Nana
Um Tba followiair to tba oOolal
hto aide de oamp, Mra Kane and an
ooHoa iMoadp ood vblab baa btoo
orderly and atenoarapber from army
poitod to tba poatoOaa far pobito iJh-
Mr. K. L. dmrwe wroi E4M —4
»ltoa WaefeWMeb Will be .f Taiee
L.anm% Ooall.
■IlK ffSpamolml mmtrn m% %9%m
New York, Sept. 11—Edward KgiU
Taylor and Martha Badunan, the
voimggid he lived with mWniiamabarg,
Were found dead in their rooms laK
night with ballet boles in their heada.-|
Indicatioas are that ther piaimed to
die together and BigaB fired the shots.
Bigall deserted his wife and two
children two yehis ago.
tha aarly days.
W. A. Dean, the architect, has
Tba work wUl ba adlted and com* completed plans for a new ^reaidenee
Uad bjr E. L. Bpngne. whose long for Mia. Linda Monroe, to l>c 4»iU
widttoe to thto region and exparl- on Eighth street and is ready for bids.
anoa ae a newspaper pubUeber make#
him an aapaenllly onpnble person to
gathe litarmry and of the publi.
rion't miss getting one <
n. Mr. Sprague to one of the
those r.9c parlor stands.
It pioneers to this eecuon of
The Boston Store.
Mioblgan and haa been as closely
eonneoted with the deeelopment of
the counties of Grand Traeerse and
man as
any other cltiwm.
Thai eqaippad with a wealth of ralI hiitorioal toformaUen and the
ability to oompile iuoh an Important
. Mr Sprague will present a eolnme which will be a ralnable addi
tion to eeery library In northern Mich, No deftnlte date has been fixed
for tba book to be issued, but it will
ba pnbllsbed as toon as the contents
can be properly gathered together and
pal to ehap&________ ’
Prices I ■
On new
The Journey will he orer the Ponn■ylranla Unea to Chloa«o. thanoe to
Portland. Or««oii. pr
and party will call for Manila on the
transport Thomas on ^e 90th tost
He will spend fully a month to the
PhUipptoi^. InspeotlDR the prlnoliial
Fan's and Waman't
t furjiosts and the fieneral condition of the
to 1a wrtttog
/aafAar and cnamaajof tba alto. <
In this way the embaratsing quecylhat tbaj will ba jEtTi
ufdaj are hard at work, and totereal tlon as'to where to place him daring
This week will mark the dose ol
on both aldec tooiaaaaa aa tha day Toi
gant snappy styles.
r readily.
the runs of the steamer W A,
Our price now only
the arenU approaobaa
Crbaaatbat the i.
Cumimngs from Northi«Ht to 1‘elos.
• ooBmlttoa oo antrlac haa about
kev and Charlevoix.
daeldad who wiU take part to aacl
After 1 next week the steamer
eraat, and It to npto thews men to np
pabUalj poatadaad talny daya allow- hold the honor of ihelr rMpsoUTi
:A>lurabia will discontinue regular
adfor tha flltof of obJaotiouL Tba ■Idas in tha coming oontaato. The Mixed Freely Between North- rija to bay points and next Sunday
aboto oaOlal aotlaa doaa aot tod
viU be the last of the regular SumUy
wtontog or loatog of tha mast may
port and Traverse City
ftbat aaob to tha oaaa. bat that a
rips to these points.
^Ts to dapaed on the tmek and field
olaat partod^l ba ailowad for ihoae
Owing to the dull season for the rcs<irts
Mtatoly will if the High
totoraated to flla taaaoea whj oaa alto
tha foot ball and the Al.
his has not been a very heavy season I
or the Traverse Bay Line, but Cai>9S.OO
aae ball game, or vice
I It poaalbto for tha
Webb has givin the best ixjssible j
ly oaaa. thera will be no
dapartmaot to jadya of tba local pea- and of rtvaliyoa too tmok and field
tervicc notwithstanding the falling off.
faraaoacaadpenalto a oaotoloe to ac
Ifomen'x $2.00 Shot.
in business.
A general mix up between
aord with thaccMialdaaltaaaBdto
Not the best shoes
The Ibet^bat Stave Lardle. perhaps and In^land occurred a good
baaplaf with tha aartta of
made, but belter
w fnolaot aprlntar that ever left the
shoes than most
High wOioolsWlllbe out of the city. Ust night, and thto
stores sell al $2.00.
wUl affeot very aeriously the chance Foasbed in tiS with Justice Dunker of Detroit-Wheat. 77 and72«,:oort
Heller stvles. better
of the Alumni of winning the t^ jgotious Bav and was allowed logo 5S;oats. 81
tilting, better wearToledo-Wheat. 73\ and
and field meet Another fact
1 his way.
cis. Oiujiricei^w
Chicago Wheat. 78»,; com.
wlU aerumaly affaot tha oaee to that
The negro coachman and Irish host
ration or 8t.
the aalaotao of avento has baan clever* ler of til.- medicine oomiwny of which
Church Is Completad
ly workad by the High school to give Mr. Battle now at Northport Point to 18.47V, and 17.02-,.
tbrovants to which they are espe- the btwd. had starU'd with the hones
oiaUy atroog. The weight throwing. to this city, to ship them from ihit
We are showing the hnestline
Mandtof Jumpe and otom av«it s on point to 8t Louis. Mo. At Suttoni I
raptor Mate-ron
which they have not the ghost of a
j^ey got ont^de of rome Ii
obanoa. have bami omitted, and there taugnefoot. and»fore reaching
are two sprtoU, on whlcl. the High city,
eitv. there were all eerto
school has shown Itoslf parUoularly going on.
tim. *181. Fr«oU chuyob. srhlob bos
strong, and the running bop-step-and
Tbit side of Buttons Bay they drop
bm IB proenm foe Mm |*sl two
ped thi- whip, and an old man who
mooth., fsnow emopM., nmkiot UiU jump, to which ths
i. 1to held by Olande
working on the road brought il
Mm buulKmmM how. of worship, city, over 48 faai,
Oa^r. who to aligiUo to the High to them.
from p* iPlPrio^ t1»w,
side or the ng. Pet playfuUy tool
I too pustystf. Ontoanin. him by the hair, and shoos him about
*p«i 4mmbrlPi» ZpphlppMMpdby with
lamp too aohool (has not so very freely. The old man objected M
Mpfk Bplmm. U JprtPPmptomd. pd« istofUffhJamp
thto and Pat ahoved the whip etool
Mm •plMmd wprk I, Imppttfal pnd
has not u sura thing, while
looeenlng aom<
»pry ••Mttlo.
ThP PTPmm pf llghslo* of Ih* oboroh to the relay ruoa. the odds are all In teeth and otherwise making toe ok
wlU mokp 11 Mm boil »«bmd boom of favor of toe High oebool. who have a
They went on. and later there wai
wopdblp IP the Pity, lodoed in MOs very stroiig team of four to pot
toe half mile relay.
•onble between the while mna not
^pfSlmsUM. TbprepiPlHf
The entries for the alumni for the le coon. It ended by the white mai
HlmmDdPwmpt UmpA p* Mm pr
various events to the track and field spending the night In the ooop hert
iptim mmctPPiT.
toe negro alet ping under thi
pimrs Pt Mm phpnh. Tlm _U#hu
Half Mile Be
silent sturs. Put nUlms that Sambo
w«p domioa by Mm ypuMl Udlm-Pofell out of the rig. but the Utter
ptoly Pf Mm phpTPh. pad Mm pyatam
points to an optic awollen ont till it
ofprtslag pad Ughtlpg wm ppt la by
vou want the best
100 Turd Derii-Open.
could be snared with a rope, and says.
d. B. PPlfP.
•• You fink dat look like Ah fall out?
A hppdpams Dtw tpd relTrt oprp.1.
UK aatried ladim* popIp- : Runuiug High Jomp-Kelth. Penn Hnh?‘*
This morning Deputy Sheriff Bleimel
ty ofJ^Pburpb will b. laid .mly ingtou. KUboorue. Smith.
came in. and over the wire Pat was
K11------ ---------------------------to plead guilty to disorderly
A dO bpon' dPTOiloaal aarriop wUt
Ohorles O. Carver. Ralph Hastings
nod wna fined $25 wbloh wns
««n pomorrow macplag at • o'ploak
t-ttow OKmmf>
paid by Mr. Battle, aad toe horeee
^ Kdppm bl«b «m« mid WlU Plam and A Smith will net ns
»-«ow oooa.
dnptoin NarUnger has not fully will be loaded on toe curs this evening
BBPdpy Blgbl. ratbPi B*a*r wiU bP
Bsaiitsd in thaaa aarvloas by Fatoar decided jnsl who will compose the by Pat and Sambo.
Hawlham of 8t John’s oh«ch at Jack* foot bnU teem, altliongh toe dectoico
aoo aad Fhtoar O’Brtoa of Bt Patar WiU probaby be finally made at the
close of the practice this evening.
and 8t Poal’i aalhadral at Detroit
OOplain Thirlby of toe base ball rsdttTS a«. Losis Co
1» FRojiT jnr.
Tcmmm evontog at7:10wUlba
taum baa aalaoted his men ns follows :
, sotf HU Test!
Oateh. Frank Novotny; pitch, L. T.
Bataifiar w»H te mam m 8 aad » Pennington; abort. Joa
••el^ aad M» beaidlettoa otUw first. Charles Novak; eeoood. Edwin
St Louis. Sept ll-eharlesKmta.
mmma«>l at 7:87. Barrie. Thirlby ; third. Ohorles Wstoh; left.
AUey Thooms; right, Bert Montague; the fugitive oonncilmaa. has return
oaotar, Fred Smith: anbstitntes, ed from Mexico and thto morning wei
George Kilbonme end Jerome Wil* taken to dlsgntos before the gtnn^
Jury and turned states evidence.
New Dress Goods. New Waistings, New
Krato arrived to St Louis Wednesday
Trimmings, New Notions, New Silk
night. It to expected that hto testi
mony will cense the indictment of at
Waists. New Furs, Ladies’ New Capes
andtoefoot bnU
least six fellow oonocilsmem .
and Jackete. Children’s Cloaks and
toe day't aporta. and wUl ainrt Utr
St. Louis, Sept 11-Thc wholesale
eoonfh to give banktea, doolore and
of councUmen of the
Flint. Sept. U-Tbe ph>wc^ in profOesioiml asen ample time to get to
i^^ughl about the
ttepdanoe on Judge Durand deaded tola laal part of toe day’s apart.
IN CARPET DEPT-New Carpets. New Rugs,
Welsbach lighting a
WaOitoctoo. Bapt f. IWi.
Hotloa to barabj pi roe that flaal eonaidafotioo will ba gtwm aad aalaettoii
For tha Biff Alumnl>Hlffh
School AthlaSc Meat
olllf^f^toaihJ^Ud U
Oi-ty Boole S'toro
U3 0PF
%o olomo. Oroo% oFimrxom te
WHom oHomf>.
Hobart BteclKr Co. « « Prog.
rfoar buMnen that «>»ble$ of to bf««k
pricci to easily. Today wc offer a bunch of
Everyone a hummer—aweUatri|Ma in purple
and white, black and blue, green, grey, tan
-made Of fineat -HUTCH" YARN—
double or aingk neck—the best that ever
happened fo.
i Lei of Ktm nki oum from Botfoo, 75e, SOe.
Trott /oor */w, oot jmor oort, wkoo hifiog "KtOZEr
.All Wool Flannels
Fine French Flannels,, etc. etc.
Prices from 49c to $3.75.
moH Htw Skirts Brrtvtitodaf...............
m V. rnoi
Floral Designs
Of all descriptions furnished on
short notice. .
Artistic work at right price*.
TliHnStiBd -
to look to one anethor for gymputhy. ]
New York. Sept. 11-The Henld
.n Utal Pataam Biadlee Strong and
iSiYoheainredat Boea. Ay^
SEfnttni. Jr- Sunday and are at the
SUM aad Udy."
m UP fYtum
New Linoleums. New Lace Curtains.
«haol.-ad«M. «paMMly Of ib. fMr j
as it to already appoMt tout toe gymV at mammon wiUbewito
M la OVOR7 ptoapaot of every
■mat* aad aooM should miss toe
Mmiy of oeetoff the old boyi oad
toe MW boys come togetoor.
„i| h»vo no
EVExre iM oocncTT.
Last evening 18 little friends gaxx
a verv idcaianl surprise party in hon
or of Ray Heath,
his home oo
Bates street. The erraing was deligfatfoUy spent by all ^
The Ptesbyterian Christian Endeavorsodetj and their friends en-
IN CLOTHING DEPT—Men’s New Suits and
Overcoats, Boys’ Suits. Overcoats and
Reefers, New Furnishings—in fact, a
general filling up of the choicest goods
—Buy your goods here at from lO to
20 per cent, cheaper than elsewhere.
Ladiei- and Children’t Hose. aU kin.U from 8C
Jtmr 4 eoitigany • «
242 Front St. I
t^tomS^topuThimona diet oi
Cbe Tair
The same care taken in
Design, Workmanship
'and Fit of medium and
high grades alijce—dif
ference in cost largely
in material. "Varsity"
sack is so popular it is
again shown in similar
design this year. "Ryton" overcoat and •‘1902
Model" are "stricUy in
it"—ask to see.
HE mimvBom. I( aiM «mii«. Mt a
okamothavbbsb hbrau>
The Only Nkturai American Cathartic
Water. A recognlred cure for Consti
pation. It keeps your llrer acting and
your system perfect. AI your Drug^st.
Large bottle, 35c.; small bottle. 10c.
fW Hr. Wtk. h* k > aDad Mtov tat It k itaktta fW HUlkAitm totlk MlatitaM* ttaStalk
Itarfir fttat ta* ObMm Sktw MMta
tBto tbe leM.
wen IwvwMd. tkey maj be rraored;
win be UmaA rtrbt and rmdj for »etto cool Id tte Utbnib.--
Iplted U Id full
StHtral lltws
Kow that tbe bot waatberoT Iq
L. exr at 81.00 for
Jmt KiaAtm, of Tnotcm. K. X.
I imo A m..
mu BWS7 fkoa booM la 1887 and 4xlf»all mr tbt weat, a« a aattla
,l.«bowUiciifUof paaeber and prcp«»ior. la IBM ba
west to tba Kloodike, aad Ibata at
laat fortaaa Urmtc him, aad after 10
tta Upta kktar to Ita Htalktm. y.i« ba bai ialataed to hi. bom. tb# “^S^li'ck^I^rTrapartoCn
with aalklqtb. Foder tbe Bbrlter of
oSttaeotaotSleUr. lt»«rm
ualfSt tawn bU«. !tktaH.llyot two btc ««*~al
TokMk tcratakaand taasMOMUt: omfol and aeiiltary (
Baaltb OflBear Friedrieb of deroly arUT. rokaae t.OlO f«t hkh.
M erttool ctalw oo top. hat aa ata« laoA baa eaot a latter to John D
H. W.
oaa oa toa atria at Ika Itagbt ol aboat Boekefellar.ealUng bit atteotioo to tbe
t iwteat. On tha aak atda of iba raot that medloal aeienee bad aa yet
Uaa Iha tMlI towa of Strom, failed, to dlaoorer the gmallpox
bolt Tha papakttoa at tba kknd i> and that each diaoorary wouU
ably mean tba elimination of
miaery and tbe aaring of oaay
lirea. HaaBka Mr. Bookafaller to prodope. 7 tt
Tide a fund for the parpoae of baring
were 1m
an inraatiairtion carefaly oartiad on.
Moaat VaiOTlaatha
Dr W. T. HarrU. United State# ooo>
of 8t.
laelonarof ©duoatou. firmly balieraa
W. L. Bapi
that aaooeaa oomt i to-«r at least U
Tickets will ba aold so nbora points
la <jalet, bo
WaUlboa. Riobmood or tba obliterated daaarrad by-tbo«^ who ar©*‘oarly to
bad and early to rlaa.’* For >w%ra
baa been bia cnatom to lellr© about
tbo eaaimltofSoaiTlefatotbf tha time cnlckaoi aaea their rooat and
QaaatUiaa of dead flab hart be ia always np by 8 o’clock. Mort of
VWiaHIn V-ei
waabed aabore on tbe leeward bis beat work ia dona between that
liour and tbe time w^ bia olerka arnre at the bureau.
Tbe internal rarenne baa made publie the atatiatioa aa to tbe number of
oigara manufactured in tha United
talpbar ool
in tba flaoal year ended July 81
lotaia it laa ool to eean^a d
laat Tim number wa* 6.674,725,657.
ofldmilea Tbe ooorea of tbe
Thli does not inclode tmaU clagra or
laaowadeepimTlDe. A big ai
tobacco cigarettea. weighiag leas than
io tba
three ponnda to the thonaand, nor
eigaia which bare been Imported.
When the Danish literary expedition
oa tba laat trip of tbe eteamer Bertha to Greenland reached the capital of
from Alaaka aay tbe Toloaaoea Be that country they found that Green land
for a year bad bem* without a
doablo Ulamma and Aaguitlna are In
1'X.AtX Tt» I-I.AT IS.
It© eruption. Qraat Tolamea ol physician, wherefore Dr. Rertbeiaan
«u-«- -n
am Uaaa from all three and Redoubt foond blioaelf tba moat welooma lie swung iu a aUady t-onii-r or undt*r S
tree, aud lu U the lobj will sleep
throwing clouda of amoka mllea member of the axpediUon. .
unnude«ied by file*
Report# from timber Are diatrlota
in Wyoming state that sheepmen will
On very hot days awakcu tbe chllA UABVMT FAdTIVAL
be beary loserm. Many of tbe bands dreu enrly and give them s cooUng
hsTe scattered and tbouaanda of sheep both, 'ihen after they have eaten s
I Army WUlHoMOneHereSepare now In tbe midit of tbe burning Simple hreakfBkt of hominy, soft boUed
timber country. Timber Saperriaor eggs snd a very imle fresh fruit tsks
lalration Army, working, in J. B. Atberly has started for the burn- them out fur s short walk Is^fore ttie
OF dlstricta with 60 men and rariou. beat of the day ban Is'jnm. When they
lefatlgably tba whole year
come borne, n-mme tlu Jr Uttle gowns.
DO mattdT bow iliiii, »u>d Ut them play
umaa and seasons which in tbclr Tory
mrsd-ry. Dinand all hs I have quietly In tbe i
outuie arc fitted for spoolal effort.
to combat tb© Are.
To tba peopld ot both mairopoliiai
^ 1 Strok, roeat beef or chh-ken.
Jolm Moor©, a farmer Uring
sud inlarlor towns tha Harreat Fosi
1 After dinner there ahould be a nap
ille. , Claiborne ooc 3"’ : of nn hour or two. then at Imlf past
ral appeals with paaaliar aigaili
bile demoliahing an ancient i 4‘an,,n,er walk, coming borne in lime
There ia practically no girt wbioi •welling on hU farm, hva foond a jog ,or aupiMff. Just In-fore going to bed a
he Army oanaot make actual nae ; «i HioUining nearly 84 dX) in 820 gold 1 tepid l«ith haa a a.Hithlng effecL
fis nme gifts of produce—fruitn rneoea The mopev it tnoucht to have | OrcaslonaUy. If prartleable. tt ia a
Lira bt tek,
furniture oi
ahould be ob
o uo-irable kind. mtricuUurst
d fora served that the sir. I le hotne diel Is not
e .. ..to-m Ana, anything in U.
Ml DpfriDifOlai
s w. “Pirtv" f#f
C«mm»n tKtetnha ithhrtrcm ^3-89 «V20 Different patterns to select from.
J W. slater, u laome house fumiisher
No need to xoffer from hexL
^1)00*1 let the xir get xtagnant
— create a brecrc. Put m one
or more of our desk or ceiling
ELECnUC FANS in >t>ur of6ce, store or home. All of new
design and perfect conitniclioo
We io\-tteyos to call aodseeour sew stock, especial
ly the •’Victor," sameasshown in cut. Tables extend
Irom the ends with filling enclosed io top of ubie so
extention can be made without remotnng Hnen or
dishes. This is considered a great advantage by the
many ladies who are now useiog them herein the
city. Every ubIe is guaranteed to you by the factory
lor to years. “Victors” are only made from the best .
selected stock and polished.
33.00, 33.SO. 3A.OO, 3B.OO
The rcpuution of W. I.. liougUs Shoes
for style, comfort snd wear is known c« <
ciywhcrc throughout tl>c world. They
hsve to give better utixfaction than other
iDslces becsusc the sUndsrd has altrayt
been jdaced so high that the
wearers exi»ect more for their
money than the)- can get else
where. We cart)- a full line
and can insure a perfect 6t.
Jl. $. Fryman.
Want an Office Desk
Kwt waak^la city will ba Inrad
ad by IMfbodlat clergyman
bomaa of oar people, ragurdlesa of rv
Uglaaa faith will be opened to U<
Tiallora and TruTeraa Oily hoapiull*
baiatofora poaalUla. Tbe local Mu
odist paatora and eba aommlttee of ..
riacamanli baea maaagad wall a.
ii.i U.ai u eitber capable of uw
it aaw seams as thoogb tbe big p«.
gma will be aarnod through wiibou M 1 n« Army or that may be aold by
a biMk
ia to ba remambared that tber.
gaUbad obatab workara in ai
rs in Ibis aonntty today OTor 78i
naea, mmm of tbam of national
iiffarant Balratlon Army oorpa ano
tatien and promiaaaea. Tha oonfei
anoa taringe together aa aggregaiioL •ntpoate. ao that an artlola which u
rrhapa a drug upon tbr
of talent which will reaalt in oonaid
another hare Arsl rat.
anbla Intwaatlng antertainnHinl fo
TmTarae City people aaldom offeree uarkat ralne, a-d at worst it wiU gt.
not soma oapiul n*e
In a town of this alaa. Tba prorncH
of Arym operaiipna
aw af tba plan to bring tba ooofcranct
Mara acaankiticd to oredit and ever I'or thera ara ia this ooontry 1»5
Belief Instil
oltiaM Aeald aadat la making tb<
TiMt of tba clargyman so pleasant tba jj The Salration Army, with 646 uffl
oera and employes; €62 SbeUera foi
Rbaltars for woman. M F
>wsy Pitta ettywtotwrpwpk.
Depots. 24 Industrial Homos for tht
unemployed and dacoliot, 20 Reacoe
ttp wpkiag ot eoaeot litiok hi^ m dome# for tbe fallen woman, 14
5ettloaMBta, with 80 minted yonng
4n their ehatga-and all this,
PM ot tta totaptappol Htphifon II to my nothing
of tha Colonlw
dmploymant Baroans. tbe Belial
■Ota Bxpoftapnt. ot tbp poM ta
I and baU a doaan other axprea
of Tba Army’s actlTity In Um
l«r et tta pndopi, wtaw Ita propei United Btatea
Mkrtol k oppd. and pnakp sraoi Over 2.000 parsons are nightly ao
naalk. Xtakot oMoml to tbk 0U3 lomiDotetod in The Army’s Bbelters
atavtotolkPhow that poi»rtor brtek r saibor more tbaaS.MO.000 per yeer
MotaBodo tolhk lopoUtr. and tot More than 450 Ta|lon women an
oom, to taMPl tooxtaMttoto K yearly taseaad and lad to a life boll
r and asafulnaaa. while not
1,000 oooreraioas am brought
sekly by Army ministratioos
ra than 8250.000 are
In tba reUaf of lbe
u with tbs bops of msatiag
It U
msstiag aa
iTUcanoyln tbaUMlsdSlatmiAi- ^ as pomibls of them diroim and
demands that Tha Army
lyaar itaHarrsatFMtiTal.
aad itUla fuU
^ APOSmig CTBE^__
dslea for tbe HarYOo^FMd^
tolheTtogndeot Oik Pato tchool
br Mm Ntme E. Filktop, their tpoeb.
pr. She told them to way after
tchooi lor qtalmg. and many
toecroM heard aroand tj>e i
It Is also squally
ttafooDta *0 flod a noMdx toot wooM
h« after tchool when ice cream
okc were aetred the tnne
chPMpd. On the whole itvasadeUjhUuI time enjoyed by all
Fovie ia apftam Gn
>«cek tea toon vi^
Blcindoiied nnd tl: -i the afieruoon .nap
IIF.I.KN ri.ll'TON.
.r the railroad trask and when tbe betaken.
pectal slowly pulled through tbe
Mrs Belle Place returned last e^cn,wn its path was lighted by tbe
tog from Grand Rapids where she
King Oscar, of Sweaen who has a made extensive purobaset of fine fall
-plendid phyBique, being over six feet and winter miHmcry.
in height and oowerfully built, wua u
greut aUilete in his yoonger days aud
uas always been fond of sport, haul
ing iu panioular and Stalking tbe
Bois more e«pecUlly. Though
•evf nty year old. he is still pas
ktelr fond of mounUlnoerlng and
ks nothing of walking twenty-Are
milro a day. When on these walks be
generally outstrips bis companions and
.rfteu returns to Uie castle a mile or
ro ahead of tbem.
Women insure -against being old
maids in Denmark. If they many be
fore they are 40 what they haro paid
tn goes to the less fortonale and tbese
last are pensioned for tbe remainder
af their lives on a scale proportloiiate
n what they paid in.
Obioago health officials believe they
have unearthed a wholesale trafficking
tn human bodies among undertakers.
Boore of- Arms suspected they
have eridenew that two. el least, took
bodiec enttusied to tbem to medical
row’s the time to take Rocky
untain Tea; k«vps the whole fam-
The most convenient piece of furniture a person can
have. Why some people couldn’t keep house without
one. much less an up-to-date store. These Roil Top
desks keep all your things safely. Everything is locked
as soon as the top is closed. No dust getting on your
papers: no wind biowingthem away, no meddling hands
disturbing your books. We carry them in all sizes and
sell from $ 16,50 to $42.00. See them at once.
Want a Cadies\ Wriring Desk?
Always know where your writing m aterials are.- Want
to write a note, accept an invitation or answer a letter,
don’t have to take half your time wondering where the
ink and paper are. These are beautiful goods. The
Quarter Sawed Oak sell from $8.00 to $14.00, the
Mahogany from $7.00 up and the Bird’s Eye Maple
• from $8.00 to $18.00.
Combination Bookcase and Writing Desks
Something every home should own. Your books of
reference are right at hand when most needed. Your
fine books safe from dust. The tops offer a fine place
for bric-a-brac and vases of flowers. Adds to the
comfort and completeness of the home. All manner of
styles and finishes of wood, and sell from $16.00 to.
See Our $15.00 Bicfck
Got a few wheels that we don’t want to carry over. If
prices are inducements you’ll own one of these.
TtataVf;tataK OIY^. MI^M.
Emr (Sort «M Bade to the end
diiiBi^ aad afcSitBre M
jBla MaWl $M;000 laodac
Heir Be Orded Ste Berth oa toof-Whea Kwchtbood Wa la
a,.-tho«ldaalana a the c.
e Fife Cest CepiteL
_.aid««t«»e.cfthe fa* lifteea
ooasD xoiET DRims noma
Xcai of tibe axteoilh teutm. A
^»Uag Aatioo ea* aet fithf. reJ^rdTSa andenrear «om m tlat
period. Thoafho h»re «en the
ptojr Wa aaeaber tha in the a«»od,
act the Prince. May aek. r«<^ »
bedia«deraeMp*Heanr Vlllt
ia>poitaBitie>tiutriaauir Lomal
Ten» Cbaidim. wbJ W« th. W.1dorf Astorla hotel on s mgrr New
TssPs day. 1901. to circle the globe to
the ocher dsy on the steamer Majestic,
two days ahead of time, says the New
York World. He started out with only
a nickel, which was presented to him
by Admiral Dewey, s part of tbs
wager being that betoust earn eoongh
as be trareled to pay afl bis expenses
sad bring beck s surplus of f2,000 to
cash or dIaAoods. The man with
wham be made the bet was Paul Boyatan. the swimmer.
CburcbUl. arrayed to a suit of white
dock and weartm: about lire pounds of
mflals. called at the office of tb^ abots
jpcotiened paper the other ulgbt to anBounce bis rf<ura. He 1# thin, focty-ooe
ymrs of age. 5 feet 7 inches In hefgbt
dMt'sdteMOTBltlMrsbBTS besots. aod weighs 130 pounds. He hss newspa
per cuppings ircoonting bis sdrentim
te »Wff osirsd ssTssal protests from i
from sll the countHes;:throngh which
fOtideitsed Dews
0OIM ^oatoMMhMfor]
ud Detroit TW oHoot
lU. J
This is tbs time to ass Boeky Moon__________ r« Is BO deeWedlr to Bd.
▼Mos ofObtosffo priosstbMotUoA
OM half of tbe peaehes mo hsodod
OTor too eoslefo roilwv Umo. Fdr
two vooka post IlM Blc Flov BlOM IM
ru solid roCrigsiotor tmtes pdlUaf
Bnppoasd intent of
not OTM7 MOtog witli Its ffaewoBd
Tbs sngtoswas
iNsksls of psosbss for this sostoro
■Mkst This Mcsosteni Hods hss
ootlioly ool off. tte Mliwodkos iiiip.
Blais of Ohto. Oily of Toledo, i „
liucas County.
^ “*
DiMosIsd with tbs dUotortossi of
Frank J. Obensy makas oath that
ba is santor partnar of lbs firm of F.
WMbsd oimj dartoc tbs sprtof frssh.
I on. tbs woioeo of Utioo took mottsrs
tolo tbetr owB hoods Botordoy doa
nods o bos, lbs resalt of which is
itel tbs doarsroas spot U now oU
right Beforstbsjbodtbstoboomplotsd o lorgs orowd of OBSO gotbsmd
Md bslpsd tbsss. losoangsd bj
thoirsoeossa. tbswooMobogMi oerBKotaiy Pobhc•ods dcyostaoEtoos wot^ ood today
BaU's OalBrrb Oars is taken totsr|bs glaos is Mosb iMproTod as a fssalt ally aadacts dtosotlyoaths blood
of tboir dstatBsiaattoo to Itors ibtags
eparta bas tbs oU fmr aod to baa
llbadL AooMpaaytobskaowaastbs Uy Pills are tbs best.
Bparta 3U Oa hM bssa fomad to
bora larailaad aoalaadiiidwsstof At BooghlOB Alfmd Bhipmaa, fiO. a
iowa. aboai olghtjfods. Work wiU miliar to tbs Tri Moouiala mtoa. fell
tiammmm to a few days aod oomsr goo feat to the abaft aid was killed
KeSDesmsator UBs.
dood is BiMilar to tbs oil islds of
Obla Tbs soil U absaryolayaad
fonasa broad prairis. Mors atnagars
are to Bparta ooor^thaa bars orsr bsen
ssea tbsrs bsfotr. Tbs psoids are
ralstog tbs prlos of property srery
, ddJ and orery building to town is
oaUod oat Monday to llgbt
thfsatsnsd to destroy a namber of rss
Idsnoes aod Bssman‘s shtogle miU.
Tbs flree started from a boallrs wbew
•oms boys bad rosatsd grssa oom.
and osrtog to tbs bsary southwest
wiads it sptsad to tbs grass
rsaoasd tbs dry brash and
asMtbsmiUaad ssretal ro---------Tbs ftfs was ooDtroUed aftsrabalf
day's work by
Forssl flios sonth and west of tbs
plaos are orssptog tOo close for som
Tbs tblrty-seTenth annual reunlot
of tbs Twsnty.thlrd R««iment Mlohl.
CMi Volanteers, will be held at M»dload. Wednesday. Bsptsmbsr 17. Midload wanu sTsry mother's son of the
•Moototion. together with his family,
to bs present on this oocaslon. All
dayandaUnlgbt Erery one wUl bs
wsU taken oars of.
tbs TassoU Ooaaty Farmers’ Fair
assaelatiaa. at Oaro. is
Clso the patrona more than theli
May's worth this ysM. They offsr
ittO for speed premtoms. aad bars sslatogitrsafn
Duriiig a storm a boll struck Abe
Ttoama' bouse to Utloa aoa hit the
bad to which Mr. and Mra Thomas
lay. Bpltotered the bed poets, soorohed
ths bed olohtes aod let the bed down
without Injuring the oocupanm
A l*sr«oe*s MoMs Act.
In his tour CburthUI has always
trareled first cUsa and put up st the
best botrU. He Is a “IlgUtnlng artist"
by profession and has iiald his way
the world by making pictures,
.w-atries where be t-ould not speak
the language be made known bis wsnU
in pictures.
-When I left New York," be said,
•*! walked to Yonkers, as I did not
want to spend the nickel which Dew
ey had frl«*en me. In Yonkers I gsre
so entertainment in the parti IlUl
(>>antry clnl* and got enough to |iay
my railroad fare to Hudson and to get
some things 1 needM. 1 workisl my
way aloT.g to lluffala, giving eincrtiiUiments in varbius towns. In Itufralo 1
Stoi»i»ed at thert’an Am.Th-an fair foT
seven mouUis and mad.* fl.4<si.
Helena. Munt.,1 frescoed the big Au
ditorium free and then gave an eut«*r
which nett«*d me $4W.
agre«*d to grain the walls of the Audi
Indore I left, but wns bound
and gagged by Ijoudlts. whf, stole all
of my ghbUO. I bad to Ik«t«w g-l the
____ _____ Jiing to |Mi> my fart* to J^t
tie. and thtre 1 stdd a rli^ to pay my
In Yokohama my first
This M not hirtoncaDy accuwh« Henry w«ktog.ii6boay.
6 towns and nuuk* much
Klevirle a«arrkllaat
T.wrr W
AI4 Boata «• Avoid CollUlows.
sra“..*nssO. Barrett Patomtiar of Ooldwater.
patotar and paper hanger, was south
hBBttog with Leri Cooper. Cooper
■hot at a Boake and struck Palmatier
to tbe back. klUlng him almost to•woky Moanlaln Tsa bcaoM up ....
ipatohas from Bnonos Ayres an____ce tbs destrucUou of tbe town of
BoUvia. Argantins Republic, by a
cyclone. Fourtren patwms were kiUad
aad 60 injured.
paina to b^.
back aodriomaoh. tSi being without
etaoMoh aad liver uoablea. Only S5c
l.afeat Pad Par Olrl*.
To the Instlnetlva money getting
hrewdneas of a juvenile native U doe
the lilrth of one of the moat grotesque
fads of the season, saya a special dl.
patch from AtUruUc Oty. N. J.. to tbe
inilladefphla .North American. This Is
iloaely reUteU to tbe chameleon fad
of other Bcaaona. fbe only real differe,Ke bring that a “fiddler crab" Is substltuu*d for the Urard. “Fiddler crabs"
diminutive crustsceans not quite
— inch in length, and their appear
ance is made horrible by the
develonmenl of one cUw. Tbe little
I are found In
the salt marshes and, nnllk crabs, do
The boy
not Ute altogether In wsiw
le of the
who aurted tbe fsd took some
“fiddlers,*" attached Hoy brass
and pins to them and found wx
era OQ the board walk. Now t
an wear than.
A Bor’s wild Bias tor LMm
wy BiBhf •
wm GOLD won a SBQ|AX3T.
flilCES25c, 35c,50e.75e
offer appUes only to those who
wmuM*gM immediately conncc.
tions are made and whoaieon
lines of matoA As the nighu
lengthen the demand for GAS
for illominaling u incrcasnig—
wperior to »ny other method
koomi here, l-be light is more
briUiujl, .VeiUble uid reUable »t
ALL HOURS, tnd. with equi
light, cosu les then ooe-lulfor
any other, besides being Cu itsicr
ontheejes. Houses in conse of
erection or propored should not
be completed without a .yi-'
tern of gas piping. Many have
already done this. Application
for anything in the line ol light-
Of ibaByaandFitltog
Watch and
jam. SAwwKR
’Hunting for Hawkins ”waV writ
ten by that master of comedy pUy
ra Guy F. 8|eely, end it fairly
over with fun and frolic. In
toot there is not a elngle minute with
out its laugh, the play being tunny
enough to mtlify tbe moet expectant.
The ganeral conference of tbe Boolety of Friends has made an important
moament to the effect that it ii
secure prompt attention.
y^AjJJTElA-l^uwlry flrt at Hotel ^Cgins
lain their headgear in meeting aod
lembly was asked to re
move hate._______________
& Goans
oac.mu.mti Hi.
•’It is with real pleasure that
1 certify to the efficacy of
Pearl Saxton wCTt to Pomona on
business this mbmini;.
in the
lron.Ox Tablets
- •wjUjB S’iSaSS!!**'
pM'MH-^A. AJ
o wlU deUrer pltnM tn
so TabttU, 23 C«n^
SMUartlind Optra Hmi
■ OUraa
SER-r. 13
to Fort Waya., U JO
Frank 1.. Pcrlcv presents
AUBodlnliOUbg TO EKNT -w. P. <
------ -
Isad to. boalB. 4 JD p. B.
“jssarBati.'S” -
«adwwa. SB»ato.. tIBI a.to^Sto ».«-
e Foolcoi
Primi0c,75c,SI aH SI.S0.
Wn^ .lnwrto^
Y<5'd better
bony-tlierife **
HAWKINS uiartiHimu
SEPT. 16
Bdtoe and Urer troBblea that bad
«M.aad me great Buffenni : for many LIGHT FOR THE OHIO FALLS
The only Inland llghlhonse save it
on the greatrtakes Is to l*e ere* ted
the falls of the Ohio, says a dispatch
from L^lsville. O.. to tbe Flttslitirg
Ths lighthouse Is to be
ereeled at the bead of the Indiana
According to the plana It is
to be el^hty-four feet high from tbe
rock lottom which forma tbe crest
the falls. A plot 130 feet long and
of mu
n be built
level two feet higher than
Dark of 18S4.
1 ba erected tbe bouse of
On thia
tbe keeper end a sleel lower on---------will be pUced a searchUght. operated
by machinery at tbe base of the tower.
By means of this tbe harbor can be
rept at all times and a close watch
kept for aU craft In danger, besides
lielng of scrrlce as tbe boats go over
the falls at night.
Good from^tart.
Goodin-evepy w.r.
whether of high or low degree, wore
Abet at all It wiU b
that -Princsem Man
irb Tarioos poitiom v.
-------- - apparel at the king and
cxMntiefS. It is all dainty lingerie of
pink, white and Woe. These gar
ments are not historically accurate
cither, for people in those da>s wore
blati underwear, owing, to the diffi
culty of obtaining water and the ex
Even .rojal person
ages wore bladt undeiganDcnls. not
so much because d the expense of
white ones, but on aooooat of the difficultyofoblaining wMer to dcai«
them. Effie Eflsler’s company will
gitre this productioo to a packed
boose in Steinbag'. GrniKl Saturday
‘My next Jump was by Ikuu to Vlndirostok. Kussls. sod on the way we
wrt«<kcd sn4 driven ashore In
one of the seas «»f Ja|isn. 1 traveled
mll« aiTuss Uussts sod Slhc
msktng pictures wherever I wenu wemM go into s imUlc pUce where
there were a lot of----------------------------------rank and without a word would sketch
the moet prominent chap In the outfit.
Then I d give him bis pl«4nre. and he’d
give me 4 or o rubles. Then every
else in sight w ould w nni a pictui
hlmwlf at the Mime prloi*. and I d
a harvest.
-When I flnaUy reached the Uusslan
fruuUer. tl#sent me l.ack 300 n
Vnrsaw-^o g«*t my passes fixed up.
I stop|*ed there St the hotel which. I
___ _______
told. I* ownt*d by radcrewski.
From Russia 1 went straight through
to Rerun and so i
and then ldverp*x»l.
•*Xext New Year’s I am going to start
around tbe world
•■« I—'Ae^
of Fioot and Maple atrectA
«ii fiM
mm tkm «ppcr &mck mt
m XdMr wnkilm M tMmmmd perrnmiomr. r^pmnnwmmtlm^wnh
ta>< tendk«relters tmr vartof far9>
MJto UMlr^^ wbo tiraced tb^
«l IW t««d of llM.
iipaiilnawf, • rrvop uf mm atill
hir Mart. Mia Wtotar. Ml« A«1
tm-bmA tmne up froa the mtlitood
aooCte prvtkNM mud bad ubasi
Cb* MrllMrB dtp bjr auriD. AtmidoM
Enid. If yoa lor*
ImU na arorb na I Inra yan T"i ueM
And 1 lore ran too wrU to M rmt po
ora to E«n4» and bttjr a tub* inat bocaoaa aaa«- atllj womro t.-n yon Ifa
tbr proper caper.
*'Maybo joo doot know tbat yon
lore me. TUc aortal pace baa bern ao
teat yon harro t bad time to fblnk.
In ten mlaotwi they wlU pat <iff Ibe
piloe ira my laai chance to aoaabon*.
IM I CO wUb him. or do I K.«-rrd to
Europe aa joor ttaiM-rT'
Por the drat Itnaa be I
Into her cym. to meet at
bad oerer aeon there before Re b. Id
oot bla anmu «od an
brad aaaiu bo wblapr
* Vufi do lore me.
oow-yoa know Jl - ’
Kbe looked op. brr fa.a- asb*
**I knew It when you aatd
He IH-Id her <4oae and
tblng tbat made tier atort bark
-tib. yoti Impctoou. la>y.»'*
•im.- be urged.
T have captan^
oo telrlr and abovabowrdr
r TO aat ooor^
anartwit t» tnm any nri'a bead bad
baaa adammad upon ber. but Him tVi,.$m bad gnardad bar with Jealoo. rare.
aba warded off »*apr
•^'alt Bold, my dear/* abe bad aald
to warntoi tonaa. *notll we've bero
atoaad at laaat coca, dee man. of life
BMtt. Uoo-t emablUl. an Ideal
tao galckly.*'
■tod bad duUfully
lily ukrii
Ukrti IIbe advice
: favor i« 1
for a laat wenL Barb rm>«l bla feb
toWA tbe baglM’ and tbe Uirbt Uwrtetl
tbroag. Each, boplng for a ebamv bar
tba teat tooder word whb b ebould be
toMTlibad aa tbe real fareoell aer.en
tba oeaga'a laaffww. w.a vinw illln* to
menra and leave the Held to another.
Tba altwttoa wna rapidly leroqiinjc
taaaa wban Uarry Hruoaoti aei tbe e»
ampto and with a few wHI rhoaen
waida took Wmaelf off. the head «f a
JVC g blot of di frown apfieared Am
Bttld a brow ae be beta In perfiwctoiT
teabioo ovar bw baud: Harry mHid
the flown wltb a amlle of frioinpli. An
be dveoMtod tbe aUlra he looked any
thing bot dewolatc.
Ilia jaunty ear
rtago ao Inowaaed tbe fn>wu on .Miaa
AabbWtoo’a fare that lmlc Freddy
I gaaUif np froui tbe
lytbe, rullott. I>uu.
bar nnd the rwH, but no aign of Bn«i■on. tXmbtleae be waa half way to bla
oBko by tbla Ume. trrar>|ied tii> lu
roporta abd utterly unmindful tbat tbe
Kalaar WUbelm waa luwd(d t(W tbe
barter. Yet of alt her admlrera dur
tag tba oeaaon he had br..n the moat
dovotod. abd It bad rr(|uin.(l all Iot
Aaooae to tirevwit bl. making the
grandad daclaratloo.
Many time, te
bad found hU brat maueuter. dunktd
by Yba aodden appaaran.w of tbe kin.
datgarton.na be contemptnmialy termed
Cba youiigar Uda who worwblp«l Enid
nnd who In return were ntUlard by tbe
firi to ward off oWer and iiWoe .wrloija
Tbe crowd oo deck tierwme aileiit aa
tba cUy Una grew tague
tUnuv were
gOlaCty crying.
Knld bcraelf Ml a
wmplHtma mokrtnre in ber eye. A d(*ep
aont, every ooa in tbe |iart>. muat
know tbat abe cared ootblng fur New
* York. Of eonrae they would gueaa tbe
Bba turned
iroopad lower and lower. .ik1 tbe t
r Ibe day of
tojna nnebrekad
tarty alone In tba bright, gay wurld.
POtotontly abe r^-alled a-rlaln pn( futile rfforta
I par
Had it been done entirely In
MW to bar aont'a wlabea or in a
tolrit of ibacr coque;ry? I•^rhapa be
1 of It all. and bla curt farewell
thla would be ptrary on'the bleb
atlll-aa «vni lu»lat-and only for
rraaorn why-- Her r«ilce faltered, and
ber gUoce feU, -It ha|ipei»a that Aunt
Betta'a favorite t'brcyinau ia (Hi 1km
and if you are act U|ioii aavlnk
penaea and making tbla our bon
teU gmwtbavnlrmrtYplautod. Mr.
Blna baa baan to Cbtoaga for Ite pnm
tow yaaiA but baa now Ipeated tera
attoatlao on HaitlnlQne.
to fed gr
ohat tbe atiU active
the near future.
Wbat Conaul Ayme feara moat la
that a tidal wave may foUow cootinned craiHiona. and a tidal ware. It
abotod be remembered, la likely to affeet not only MarUnlqtie, but the eto
rbain of lalauda.
**Knkatoe la the name of a Tola
Id Bomb Amertew which blew tbe 1
the mounlabi off aeveral yeara ag
sal auttoaly to tbe
labtoA audit to tba
Pebroaa •»d
think It waa in Aumontha a fur:
gual tliat the ellmax rame ThU may
iwove to be tbe (wir In Mart
jw tlie top off
Mont iVlcr may tdow
mooutain. and Ibeii tthere w ill tw l
ooa troul.le.
it waa tbe .mptlon of
Hay H whlib d*.airo.ved Ut. rienr. but
that evplo-lon
one of June ti, and the rxpKwloc of
June 0 waa not
which have follow
• Vp to June i; tlure bad lH., n four or
live aeparate (ratcra on Ibe aide, of
the mouutalna near the Iwae. Their
waa rLl-^bal la to aay.
I (ratera wbieh had liecn
they were
mied tip
r (rater '
June IJ a i
liolnta to anoth(T
indicate. Hint Felce'a arthiiy
loateod of dlmliil.
;*'If the v. iit la not aufflclent
cano will blow Ita bewd off." <]
the ronaul
"In tbe raac of Mont IV
lee, which extcmla und(T
r#*"!!!* would Ic* irciij«*ra of earth and
water w bl. b might
dtaaater. At leaat 10n.(aai |M^.ple would
afferte,! I,y ii lldni
adjiu-eiil UlandFori de Fram-e
Enid piill(.d beraelf fn^*.
1 all other (It lea on the leeward aide
**Ini V(»II |.n.*ume to tell me you wire
-o aure aa tliatr abe demanded Tbire of the iHlaiid of .Marllnluuc would
n»ved. A rl(u* of tbri'e fc«M In
Waa a rtnah nf Ibe tdd aplHt. Tbe lial
would flood Fort de France, and
, . a.lly
flc bad
fleeu f«M.t riee would coniplrtcly
w li«- It out (*f ( xi-leii.f
"Tbe UUind. of the tVcl Imllea
Ilia <nf tbla. It waa aliiiply by the
force of my gr.wt Ime tliat I ho|MHl to ao altu?ted that a tidal wn^e wbh h nfffe« t all the otberA
w in. and with i*ui»id and a eliaplaln" .
waa .lowing up M ll.r and If Mnrtlnbiue went under Ibe name
fate would await Ht. Tbomaa, Ikimitirfiarture of tbe pIbM. Bmii»u*n tnru.-d
1(W. Antigua ^ul Ibe nwt of them.
mrxouaiy. but a band waa labl gently
There la (tmiimrulively nothing now ou
tenibT voice wbla
,-r from clthiT volMartiokinr
e. but the (»lbcr ta•tVitb rupld and a clmplnln! Ob,
(julte thickly iKipubiicd. nnd
,e combination I. i«a> alr^mg. Wille boi*ed that I'(Ice will not
lU you Itell Aunt lletb? 1 cnn't’*
complete Ha work by hurling tbe a w
ft. the rpilot went back aluue.
with mlaehlef.. and be a|K»ke Ineaii
♦*Vc«. 1 know be*a on l»onnl. Fnet la.
with the
mile haul I made biat wtn^i on
the alreiH. I tlHHirbt be needed the
vatwuou. and 1 bad nu idea be iiitubt
o.ine In bandy. Vmi aee. I ntii a in..nd
pirate. 1 la-llere In rarryli.K a chap
barer rUh.
Which flab have tbe |kiW(T of fl-ai!
uiig and awlu.mlng back downwanl?
Tbla lHa uU..r
only by the dkalou and, the tctnalmi.
lUed ramlllea of tropical Oabea
wbleb are iKipularty known na glolnTbe tetrodon U atao r.Hind off the
eiiaaia of t'omwall and Ireland. Tbe
faculty ia due to the fart that the lAiii
on llH- iilalomen of lbe«* flab.^ U mueb
than It la c»n the laick. and they
er to Inflate
ibl- bain'
e iwwer
h tbe
.wallowing air
gullet. Tbla (if courae cnabbw them
over at will. and. alitmugb the
great J•rt•lM b iiaturailat Cuvier did imt
e tliat wlien In tbl. laM^UIon they
(vuUd awim aa they pleaBcd. Ihirwin
.aHTe^ied him and proti'd tbat Ib.-y
..•ould awliu liutb forward and liack
iir.1 In tlila laHilllna.
It la of (vmrae wHI known tbat tbe
ahark and the ibcflah. owing 4o the
their laicka tjefore
they ran arUla their iH^ y. and while In
thia laaililon they are able to awlui for
■Idermble dlaiamv
Mohammed, when aakrd where he
ould aiieud hla vacaUou. nidbMl. "Mo
hammed will go to the mountalii.*’
F|iot» (viuutlng hla change. howewT.
»e found that be waa abort, (mi waa
1 to atay hla two week.* va
pital out of the aayiug t
enaUlod to Uke a trip to t
-New York Time.
4imt Ammr Ctour.
*Hhe aaya abe won't marry beeanae
ahr'a net rr yet ami her Ideal."
"Maybe it'a becauae her Idoil
her nnt-^Sew York World.
A I*II S(wrtl> In Jrwrlri.
*Tlic U( wcM tbliiiT in jcw. lry this
111 ta a tliuml. M's! rluc." rrai«rk('d a
UllndcUihla wouinu who m»k('« a
study uf such tlilUKs, wiy« thv Fhlliidcl
ltd thU U a fflslilon
fruni 1‘ailH. Hut from
luay Im- (if cither ailHome. The I
ver or gold, but prolwhly aiher w III Ih»
the luaat popuhir. It Id nuiH^hc In np
laHirancf'. rod the wwl la lanrr cuoogh
to iHf of pnunlcal uae Iti acallm: leticra, U wlU la* cnimiv.H! w Uh clthiH- a
(Crntu or a coat
may add Ihat
be found ©fici
desk than on htn- i
(Tb« nrtiid at»4 imcrcia of «hp Ubortns man wtU be prutretad and cared for.
not by labor aaitiitora. but by tbd tThrtaUan mrw to whom Ood In his Innmts wudom haa riven control of the prop^ty In
Xo tbs pre
In the planeu' ll»t.
Wban the earth waa vacua with vapor
I the pterodactyl t
"‘hithru-ad oo the land and aeo
a dldn t know what their names ware
any mar# than today «to w*'«vrvcf they went they heard tt; **Tou
th waa (
aortly In
tied oo rlooda.
Whmn etara from the ahope^
Cbara bod tean anything mure than
anal good breading in bta Uat band
rtaig! Ob. If tmly be were here now.
baur dlffarantBba aurtad guiltily aa a light atep
•iuaiadvtbaatalfuuototde. Iiaerm..!
•iMt aa If abe bad hem thinking
ataui and bad taken aome atrunger to
iartk but waa oomlng rtmpd the galtafy taadlag to tba tlhrary. llaatlly
toytog bar ayaA aba fuaa. gave a graat
wmtA than drttopad back Into bar
Cbalr. A ifUta atoad la tba doorway
m Bba Btouaoa’a tbat aba Cbougbt It
■taua trtcfc af ter tired, narrooa bruin,
■te rtutabad tba daab to auudy ter.
aalt but tteru waa no quaatlan about
tba tetoA Tbat waa rmU aad U waa
■riBiia'A Bba gave a glad Uttla «y
aai teld aut ter band. Ua took tt to
the favored ap.-tlMi this
Ilotert Barr, tba nnveUat. racently
told a Btory to Uluatrate tbe Me
aur hack of the ro|*e.
medana* belief In the abaolnte cataloty of fate-a aiory. he aaya. that U
tradition among them. A anltan wt
We ourht to be gbid and joy
omw naked by Ula fa t ort te. tba grand
bucht to be niied with riee
VAat eoas a«o tbe placard waa r
vtxter. for pertuiaaloo to leave at
for fimyrna. altbougfa a bnUiant
frte waa tten lo ptegtoaa. Tpoo 1
farther than Adam and En
a.ked hla rmmm for micb tealA tba Tte lehthroaaunie halted and
took hU Ifwjc.
^ ^
vlxtor mdlad:
"Baoioae 1 joat anw tba nngel of
wtth tbe atm; -Ib^aro:,
4aotb yuadar to tbe crowd. He looked
Bt me ao anmaatly tbat 1 know ha baa
come for me.
1 Utah to eacapa -W. IX KmbU In -
Ttel*»lJkSrilfJd^UllonB of ac
'fwidtad tteangrt
WUIto-No’Bi. I aln*L Too tmem up
nsytl has rant'd: only an overman
firing tyrant baa glren ter any cou
aMawMe Intirval of poire. Tbe Inlt^
rior la dottol with tbe mlna of mmgu
mlJta: tte cittaa are tbe foulcat In tte
Weot IndleA and topaea into anvmgsrj
ye im rommoo that they are no louget
Tbww are imod men among tte Hay>
ttoDA men wbooe amUtkma and Ideali
are leTty. patiiode and dtalntcreatod,
hot they rantior Imven tbe lump of Ir
neranre and battertam. Tbe world la
getting crowdrd. and ffrtlle Haytlcaa
net Burti longrt be left a prey t«
<—taut war^-Haw Tarfc JauruaL
Wbiparta. SaltalA PmtallaA IPelfesASattBtotals Priced,6oc»
eiKvIotA Z«b«1in«s and
eamcls Bair
The usual weekly hop at tbe Weqoe-toog dub house will not take
plaoe tomorrow evening
faraalaat nUttomaaf tteyanr. Ba
Dtatoiura bto itto anpootba
Uto atatemciit.
2.PW mllca away. It bejran to erupt In
the Reoard ptoms of the
«*FcrdmaD(r variety which are very
toire and sweet and of debdoos fig.
vor. This is a rather new variety
this country but it promises to be one
of the best plums on the market.
The Elks dub rooms wUI be opened Saturday evening for the benefit of
the Elks who expect to attend the
pextormance of "When Knighthood
Was in Flower.- at Steinberg’s Grand.
Woman*a Ctolf to d
TtoabUlty of aaourto MtaiBmUyM.
OoUlnga to give a
and would Ute to tear ftoai nil tboaa
who would lite to joto ai
wbatter membata of tte
Olab or not. Knmaa of
wtoh to, join iboold ba left with tte
aaaoatiTa oommittaa or tte apaetol
oommittt^ nppointad to look np tbe
1 85c to $4.tw per jrd
The completeness of our FALL SUITI.NGS in black, colors and mixlures, including the Cravcoette waterproof weaves. wiU stand
Uie inspectioQ of every good dressing lady in this vicinity.
the production o( *'When Knighthood
Wasin Flower."
Spteia1—S4 in. Suiting at SOe to $2 ptr fd.
A report has been circulated that
there arc no more scats left lor “When
Knighthood Was in Flower." lobe
given in Steinberg’s Grand Saturday
While the sale has been ver>heavy, in fact
xz: -rSC:
Stamped on the selvage of every yard, indicating that the
goods are guaranteed by the manufacturer.
Mpmmli for Mopoo^oot Potterot, 5e. tOc mod 15c.
bclorc the performance, thwe arc
still some very good scats left. Those
desiring to witness ihU
should ice that their seats arc rcserv -
laapiA J. A Mootagne and A. B.
Oook. Mim OoUinga had clinrga of
The Traverse Cily^Rand wUI have
a rehearsal this evening
tba cooking otoae
William Love and Geo. Raff. * |r.
are fitting up the basement under the
wiring and gas fittmg business.
handsome Suits
nnder tte nnapioaa
store of the Cavis Cigar Co. as headof tba Travaraa Olty Qm Oo.
for their electrical supph-,
time ago. and to wall known in tte <l
Tor tbi Bops*,
It.-v I»r. Thoiua* CDllaudeTa death
w ill t'aiue mounting around tbe world,
►ill.. tiM- .\>w York Tlinea. Tbouaanda
of «l(Mf mute* arv W'aticrtHi w ho loved
the rt'C*or of St. Ann s clmrrb. In .New
V«*rk. for the work
hr tlalUadci followtnl In tliv footof hlN fntht'T. for wlMiin be wus
haiiUMl. I.iko 111** father, he mnrrit'd
a deni mute, ami mue up bia life fur
the bell* of Ibe unlortninileii. Father
• 11*1 won w.Te ealh'd It. the lal*or (*f
love through the al«lrtl(»iia of others.
Each was a minister of the FrottMitant
EpUt'epnl ehurt-h Th*- ehley (iallau
del. when a young iiisn lo ilartrord.
foiin . pitied a little girl. .Oire i'ogswell, tlie daughter of a nelghlior. who
bad loot ber iwwcr of oi»e«‘eh and bearItiK through scarlet fever, lie man
aged to <x>ujraunlcate w Hb her through
a syoleiu of signals with tbe flngero.
It wao not long befoiv? be taught Ibf
little jtirl to read.
Alice's father, flndlnc that there
were many others similarly aflllrted.
inter-sted wealthy men of Hartford In
a srhtHil for deaf min.'s. Dr. tlalUudet
was wait abroad, wbire It waa oald
tbat tbe foreigners U-at understood tbe
algn language,
lie returned
l.iuirent rh-re. a pupil of Ik-cnrd. and
tbe celebrated Inailtullon at Hartford,
tbe first In America. i
T>r *^t2aUaudrt. the oon. after be
graduated from Trinity college.
Wc are proud of our unusually fine
line of suits for the little lellows—the new
styles are sun* to be winners. TIu* cheviots
and rough effects are the perdot.iinaling
fabrics in blues, blacks and fancies.
on and Mias Lorens Penningtor
rent to Csrp I jJte this morning on x
Mrs Baxter, who has been
It the home of her son, James liaxtci
jn Spruce sucel, relumed to hci
lorac at PlymouUi. Mich, today.
Mrs John Benjamin went to Cedar
Run this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Steel, of Al-I
hion, Mich., made a flpng call today:
Ml her aunt Mrs. M. N. Hammond,]
yf Washington street.
They are on |
their way to the Upper Peninsula on ,
s commercial trip,
F. J. l.aClcar of Rapid City
town today.
Rev. W.
George and daughter Grace left this
morning for Alma, where Mrs. Woodbouse hat preceded them, to lie pres
ent at the golden wedding anniversar)'
of Mrs. Woodhouse’t par^ts tomor
row. They wrill return Saturday.
W. H, I. Phelps and wife of KalkaskA C- E. Pomeroy of Kansas Citv,
Mo., and
31iss Sarah
Phelps ol
Rochester, N. Y. are guests of Mrs. |
E. B. Dennis on Wclister street.
Roy Hannalord ot
towm today.
Cedar was
Misses Rose Dyer and Mary Ficraccr returned from a w-eek’s visit at
Hendon and Lake Ann.
Miss Williams and
Pugh, who hayc been visiting at the
on of'tbe lieof and
home of Miss
Pugh’s sister. Mrs.
same time te waa
siodying for tbe ministry. Soon after Walter Bingham, on Division street,
bta ordination a minister told biro of returned to their home in Kalamazoo
a young girl dying with consuroptloo. thi. moving.
8be waa deaf and dumb and could not
Geo. H. VanPelt of Xomood was
lead, aa abe bad never been Instructed.
in the city today on a brief business
The young ch'rgyman went to ber and
trip and called on old lime friends.
in a little while was able to make ber
understand tbe algn language.
haring signaled: "I leave content and
sure of my welcome."
dV. Gallaudet was a frequent vlallor
to tbe bar of tbe HflU Avenue hotel.
In New York, oo Sunday aftemoona.
It has been tbe custom of tbe proprielort for years to give up this room
to the afflicted on Sunday, fine week
day be beard aome one laughing at tbe
antics nf a "duinror It* tbe bar. lit
walked Ia wearing his clerical garb.
few Bwlft movements on
bis fingera. and tbe man left tbe pUc«
with him. He waa never seen again
in tbe iHir exceiK ou Sunday after-
T have beard and read many pa
thetic atorHa.” aald Senator Hoar to a
Washington Slur man. "but none of
them ever awoke ao moch bad tympathy as one which Profcaaor GaUaudet
reUtrd. Tbe professor had a favorite
pupil, a lltUe deaf mule boy. who was
excn-ptlonally bright Mr. Galtoodet
asked him If be knew tbe story of
George Washington and the cberrj
tree. WItli his ulmUe fingers tbe Ilttk
one said be did. and then be proceeded
to mieat It. The notaelesa gestlcnto
tkms oontloncd until tbe boy had In
of tbe
Washington's discovery of the moUlated tre* and his qoeat for th© mnU
lator. ‘When George's father asked
him who hacked hla favorite trsA’ alg
rjiled tbe
bta liatchet In hU toft hand'aartoff be i
R«»ging m pri<» i
id to
and are bringing forth every effort to make the most comidcle showing.
H.U Riley, ads-ance representa
tive of E&e EUsler’s company, to ap
pear here Saturday night, is in the
dty completing the arrangemems for
BobertA J. H. MoOoogb. J. r. Oil
Itice* from SOc to $1.7« per fd
BroadeletbA meltons and
tbf LaUst in
Jupcnik Chtbing
Will please the little chaps—
and their parents. The new style has ]
the coat buttons all the way down
the front—just like papa’s and a regular
mannish vest. The fabrics are largely in the
rough effects and the blue is the popular
color. The prices range from $i 50 to $5.
Chi lioilolk
Is still in much favor and is very be
coming for the little men. We have them
in all the latest styles and fabrics. Prices
range from $1.50 up to $5.00.
We also have a nice line in the
cheaper makes, vestees, etc., ages 3 to 8—
from $1.00 up.
Suffered forover 10 years
Iman’s Ladies’ Restorative
XorrtoTllta Roltar MUl.
Wednaaday. Oot lat $&.00 round
Tau.mai>ge. Mich.
Grand Rapids. Mich,,
Dear Doctor: I have been thinking
; for some time that I ought to write you
J a few words of praise for your wonder
did me such worlds of good. ! suffered
such untold agonies with mymensfe, and female complaints,
for over ten years, that death would have been a relief to me.
I took doctors’ medicine and several kinds of Patent Medi
cine, but they all availed me nothing. 1 am so thankful that
I learned about DR. IMAN’S RESTORATIVE that I want
to recommend it to any woman suffering from these terrible
complaints. Anyone wishing to learn more about it may ad
Mrs. L. Morse, Tallmadge, Mich.
Before purchasing that exten
tooat practical table on tbe market Weato exdnaive ageoti.
Mr. and Mra. B. K. Marfan and loa
Waltar af BiitoniBaa lad., aia TtoAltoff Mr. atad Mra. W.^4X Footo. af
In boys’ clothinc. 'I hese are
made by one of New York’s leading
manufactun rs—they are well sewed,
KOod lining, handsomely shaped—
being exact copies of ihe men’s suits.
Our prices for boys’ two piece suits in
these new makes range from St.oo up
to $4 oo. 1 he three piece suits, ages
8 to 17 years, sell from $2.so to $7 00
Boston Store
F. A. Mltotel. O. P. Agt.
B. W. Cnnnlngtoun. Afft.
the boy. wto
h.*te needed hb
tbf lUake Counts
Kim MY UP low
tOV*mtn*nt PI<M DM* Of 8«lootion PuMIc Bulldtm sit*
ftU dMorlptUM of Uod whiob bar*
bMo folonod M dolloqo«t forth.
r«r liOO. Md opoo vhloh tbo turn
jot foliiote oopotd. io th. fM)t thiU it
to I. iholr lotofoil 10 aofc.
Left Waahinffton Today for tha
oeoUMltoofMordiMroeot. M oddl.
ttoMl«M4oltorto oAMtoMohde.
WiU Ummmtm tm /
afur th. flntoaj of Ootobar, to cor.r
tr. B«PbMfM*lT-
B. F. Bewan. a pnbltobar of Ohlca.
go. has
begun ‘ the work of
ngna’s History of
Grand Trarorae and Leelanau Conn
ttow. Mtoblgan.- ambractog a oonctoe
ranawof thaaarly eettlament of the
two oountiee. todostrial deralopatont,
present oonditlooa togetbar with totar-
Dn tha Transport Thomas for
will b* Allowad Until DiU*of
Pin*] S*l*otlon of PropMty
A, «b»«»IMOf woo UriU b»
lor ■»!« *«rt
Oeaaial Milet left Watoto«loa topaT^IrluM telM OMKoothof day at 8:S0 p. m. for tba Pbyipptoaa
PM a
te •
SMWaiWr will mrt tb« •«» umuI
wlkUpUpwlUto- >bra4d«dth*lrtof Oelobtt. Iticrr It to bto totonilon to return to the
United StaUi by way of the 8ae« oafftno oo toMHh of Ootobar ood tbo ^
naL The itaneral’c party oonetou of
mm farormblo aito porahaaad at that
Mr. and Mra Miles, Oomellne Nana
Um Tba followiair to tba oOolal
hto aide de oamp, Mra Kane and an
ooHoa iMoadp ood vblab baa btoo
orderly and atenoarapber from army
poitod to tba poatoOaa far pobito iJh-
Mr. K. L. dmrwe wroi E4M —4
»ltoa WaefeWMeb Will be .f Taiee
L.anm% Ooall.
■IlK ffSpamolml mmtrn m% %9%m
New York, Sept. 11—Edward KgiU
Taylor and Martha Badunan, the
voimggid he lived with mWniiamabarg,
Were found dead in their rooms laK
night with ballet boles in their heada.-|
Indicatioas are that ther piaimed to
die together and BigaB fired the shots.
Bigall deserted his wife and two
children two yehis ago.
tha aarly days.
W. A. Dean, the architect, has
Tba work wUl ba adlted and com* completed plans for a new ^reaidenee
Uad bjr E. L. Bpngne. whose long for Mia. Linda Monroe, to l>c 4»iU
widttoe to thto region and exparl- on Eighth street and is ready for bids.
anoa ae a newspaper pubUeber make#
him an aapaenllly onpnble person to
gathe litarmry and of the publi.
rion't miss getting one <
n. Mr. Sprague to one of the
those r.9c parlor stands.
It pioneers to this eecuon of
The Boston Store.
Mioblgan and haa been as closely
eonneoted with the deeelopment of
the counties of Grand Traeerse and
man as
any other cltiwm.
Thai eqaippad with a wealth of ralI hiitorioal toformaUen and the
ability to oompile iuoh an Important
. Mr Sprague will present a eolnme which will be a ralnable addi
tion to eeery library In northern Mich, No deftnlte date has been fixed
for tba book to be issued, but it will
ba pnbllsbed as toon as the contents
can be properly gathered together and
pal to ehap&________ ’
Prices I ■
On new
The Journey will he orer the Ponn■ylranla Unea to Chloa«o. thanoe to
Portland. Or««oii. pr
and party will call for Manila on the
transport Thomas on ^e 90th tost
He will spend fully a month to the
PhUipptoi^. InspeotlDR the prlnoliial
Fan's and Waman't
t furjiosts and the fieneral condition of the
to 1a wrtttog
/aafAar and cnamaajof tba alto. <
In this way the embaratsing quecylhat tbaj will ba jEtTi
ufdaj are hard at work, and totereal tlon as'to where to place him daring
This week will mark the dose ol
on both aldec tooiaaaaa aa tha day Toi
gant snappy styles.
r readily.
the runs of the steamer W A,
Our price now only
the arenU approaobaa
Crbaaatbat the i.
Cumimngs from Northi«Ht to 1‘elos.
• ooBmlttoa oo antrlac haa about
kev and Charlevoix.
daeldad who wiU take part to aacl
After 1 next week the steamer
eraat, and It to npto thews men to np
pabUalj poatadaad talny daya allow- hold the honor of ihelr rMpsoUTi
:A>lurabia will discontinue regular
adfor tha flltof of obJaotiouL Tba ■Idas in tha coming oontaato. The Mixed Freely Between North- rija to bay points and next Sunday
aboto oaOlal aotlaa doaa aot tod
viU be the last of the regular SumUy
wtontog or loatog of tha mast may
port and Traverse City
ftbat aaob to tha oaaa. bat that a
rips to these points.
^Ts to dapaed on the tmek and field
olaat partod^l ba ailowad for ihoae
Owing to the dull season for the rcs<irts
Mtatoly will if the High
totoraated to flla taaaoea whj oaa alto
tha foot ball and the Al.
his has not been a very heavy season I
or the Traverse Bay Line, but Cai>9S.OO
aae ball game, or vice
I It poaalbto for tha
Webb has givin the best ixjssible j
ly oaaa. thera will be no
dapartmaot to jadya of tba local pea- and of rtvaliyoa too tmok and field
tervicc notwithstanding the falling off.
faraaoacaadpenalto a oaotoloe to ac
Ifomen'x $2.00 Shot.
in business.
A general mix up between
aord with thaccMialdaaltaaaBdto
Not the best shoes
The Ibet^bat Stave Lardle. perhaps and In^land occurred a good
baaplaf with tha aartta of
made, but belter
w fnolaot aprlntar that ever left the
shoes than most
High wOioolsWlllbe out of the city. Ust night, and thto
stores sell al $2.00.
wUl affeot very aeriously the chance Foasbed in tiS with Justice Dunker of Detroit-Wheat. 77 and72«,:oort
Heller stvles. better
of the Alumni of winning the t^ jgotious Bav and was allowed logo 5S;oats. 81
tilting, better wearToledo-Wheat. 73\ and
and field meet Another fact
1 his way.
cis. Oiujiricei^w
Chicago Wheat. 78»,; com.
wlU aerumaly affaot tha oaee to that
The negro coachman and Irish host
ration or 8t.
the aalaotao of avento has baan clever* ler of til.- medicine oomiwny of which
Church Is Completad
ly workad by the High school to give Mr. Battle now at Northport Point to 18.47V, and 17.02-,.
tbrovants to which they are espe- the btwd. had starU'd with the hones
oiaUy atroog. The weight throwing. to this city, to ship them from ihit
We are showing the hnestline
Mandtof Jumpe and otom av«it s on point to 8t Louis. Mo. At Suttoni I
raptor Mate-ron
which they have not the ghost of a
j^ey got ont^de of rome Ii
obanoa. have bami omitted, and there taugnefoot. and»fore reaching
are two sprtoU, on whlcl. the High city,
eitv. there were all eerto
school has shown Itoslf parUoularly going on.
tim. *181. Fr«oU chuyob. srhlob bos
strong, and the running bop-step-and
Tbit side of Buttons Bay they drop
bm IB proenm foe Mm |*sl two
ped thi- whip, and an old man who
mooth., fsnow emopM., nmkiot UiU jump, to which ths
i. 1to held by Olande
working on the road brought il
Mm buulKmmM how. of worship, city, over 48 faai,
Oa^r. who to aligiUo to the High to them.
from p* iPlPrio^ t1»w,
side or the ng. Pet playfuUy tool
I too pustystf. Ontoanin. him by the hair, and shoos him about
*p«i 4mmbrlPi» ZpphlppMMpdby with
lamp too aohool (has not so very freely. The old man objected M
Mpfk Bplmm. U JprtPPmptomd. pd« istofUffhJamp
thto and Pat ahoved the whip etool
Mm •plMmd wprk I, Imppttfal pnd
has not u sura thing, while
looeenlng aom<
»pry ••Mttlo.
ThP PTPmm pf llghslo* of Ih* oboroh to the relay ruoa. the odds are all In teeth and otherwise making toe ok
wlU mokp 11 Mm boil »«bmd boom of favor of toe High oebool. who have a
They went on. and later there wai
wopdblp IP the Pity, lodoed in MOs very stroiig team of four to pot
toe half mile relay.
•onble between the while mna not
^pfSlmsUM. TbprepiPlHf
The entries for the alumni for the le coon. It ended by the white mai
HlmmDdPwmpt UmpA p* Mm pr
various events to the track and field spending the night In the ooop hert
iptim mmctPPiT.
toe negro alet ping under thi
pimrs Pt Mm phpnh. Tlm _U#hu
Half Mile Be
silent sturs. Put nUlms that Sambo
w«p domioa by Mm ypuMl Udlm-Pofell out of the rig. but the Utter
ptoly Pf Mm phpTPh. pad Mm pyatam
points to an optic awollen ont till it
ofprtslag pad Ughtlpg wm ppt la by
vou want the best
100 Turd Derii-Open.
could be snared with a rope, and says.
d. B. PPlfP.
•• You fink dat look like Ah fall out?
A hppdpams Dtw tpd relTrt oprp.1.
UK aatried ladim* popIp- : Runuiug High Jomp-Kelth. Penn Hnh?‘*
This morning Deputy Sheriff Bleimel
ty ofJ^Pburpb will b. laid .mly ingtou. KUboorue. Smith.
came in. and over the wire Pat was
K11------ ---------------------------to plead guilty to disorderly
A dO bpon' dPTOiloaal aarriop wUt
Ohorles O. Carver. Ralph Hastings
nod wna fined $25 wbloh wns
««n pomorrow macplag at • o'ploak
t-ttow OKmmf>
paid by Mr. Battle, aad toe horeee
^ Kdppm bl«b «m« mid WlU Plam and A Smith will net ns
»-«ow oooa.
dnptoin NarUnger has not fully will be loaded on toe curs this evening
BBPdpy Blgbl. ratbPi B*a*r wiU bP
Bsaiitsd in thaaa aarvloas by Fatoar decided jnsl who will compose the by Pat and Sambo.
Hawlham of 8t John’s oh«ch at Jack* foot bnU teem, altliongh toe dectoico
aoo aad Fhtoar O’Brtoa of Bt Patar WiU probaby be finally made at the
close of the practice this evening.
and 8t Poal’i aalhadral at Detroit
OOplain Thirlby of toe base ball rsdttTS a«. Losis Co
1» FRojiT jnr.
Tcmmm evontog at7:10wUlba
taum baa aalaoted his men ns follows :
, sotf HU Test!
Oateh. Frank Novotny; pitch, L. T.
Bataifiar w»H te mam m 8 aad » Pennington; abort. Joa
••el^ aad M» beaidlettoa otUw first. Charles Novak; eeoood. Edwin
St Louis. Sept ll-eharlesKmta.
mmma«>l at 7:87. Barrie. Thirlby ; third. Ohorles Wstoh; left.
AUey Thooms; right, Bert Montague; the fugitive oonncilmaa. has return
oaotar, Fred Smith: anbstitntes, ed from Mexico and thto morning wei
George Kilbonme end Jerome Wil* taken to dlsgntos before the gtnn^
Jury and turned states evidence.
New Dress Goods. New Waistings, New
Krato arrived to St Louis Wednesday
Trimmings, New Notions, New Silk
night. It to expected that hto testi
mony will cense the indictment of at
Waists. New Furs, Ladies’ New Capes
andtoefoot bnU
least six fellow oonocilsmem .
and Jackete. Children’s Cloaks and
toe day't aporta. and wUl ainrt Utr
St. Louis, Sept 11-Thc wholesale
eoonfh to give banktea, doolore and
of councUmen of the
Flint. Sept. U-Tbe ph>wc^ in profOesioiml asen ample time to get to
i^^ughl about the
ttepdanoe on Judge Durand deaded tola laal part of toe day’s apart.
IN CARPET DEPT-New Carpets. New Rugs,
Welsbach lighting a
WaOitoctoo. Bapt f. IWi.
Hotloa to barabj pi roe that flaal eonaidafotioo will ba gtwm aad aalaettoii
For tha Biff Alumnl>Hlffh
School AthlaSc Meat
olllf^f^toaihJ^Ud U
Oi-ty Boole S'toro
U3 0PF
%o olomo. Oroo% oFimrxom te
WHom oHomf>.
Hobart BteclKr Co. « « Prog.
rfoar buMnen that «>»ble$ of to bf««k
pricci to easily. Today wc offer a bunch of
Everyone a hummer—aweUatri|Ma in purple
and white, black and blue, green, grey, tan
-made Of fineat -HUTCH" YARN—
double or aingk neck—the best that ever
happened fo.
i Lei of Ktm nki oum from Botfoo, 75e, SOe.
Trott /oor */w, oot jmor oort, wkoo hifiog "KtOZEr
.All Wool Flannels
Fine French Flannels,, etc. etc.
Prices from 49c to $3.75.
moH Htw Skirts Brrtvtitodaf...............
m V. rnoi
Floral Designs
Of all descriptions furnished on
short notice. .
Artistic work at right price*.
TliHnStiBd -
to look to one anethor for gymputhy. ]
New York. Sept. 11-The Henld
.n Utal Pataam Biadlee Strong and
iSiYoheainredat Boea. Ay^
SEfnttni. Jr- Sunday and are at the
SUM aad Udy."
m UP fYtum
New Linoleums. New Lace Curtains.
«haol.-ad«M. «paMMly Of ib. fMr j
as it to already appoMt tout toe gymV at mammon wiUbewito
M la OVOR7 ptoapaot of every
■mat* aad aooM should miss toe
Mmiy of oeetoff the old boyi oad
toe MW boys come togetoor.
„i| h»vo no
EVExre iM oocncTT.
Last evening 18 little friends gaxx
a verv idcaianl surprise party in hon
or of Ray Heath,
his home oo
Bates street. The erraing was deligfatfoUy spent by all ^
The Ptesbyterian Christian Endeavorsodetj and their friends en-
IN CLOTHING DEPT—Men’s New Suits and
Overcoats, Boys’ Suits. Overcoats and
Reefers, New Furnishings—in fact, a
general filling up of the choicest goods
—Buy your goods here at from lO to
20 per cent, cheaper than elsewhere.
Ladiei- and Children’t Hose. aU kin.U from 8C
Jtmr 4 eoitigany • «
242 Front St. I
t^tomS^topuThimona diet oi
Cbe Tair
The same care taken in
Design, Workmanship
'and Fit of medium and
high grades alijce—dif
ference in cost largely
in material. "Varsity"
sack is so popular it is
again shown in similar
design this year. "Ryton" overcoat and •‘1902
Model" are "stricUy in
it"—ask to see.
HE mimvBom. I( aiM «mii«. Mt a
okamothavbbsb hbrau>
The Only Nkturai American Cathartic
Water. A recognlred cure for Consti
pation. It keeps your llrer acting and
your system perfect. AI your Drug^st.
Large bottle, 35c.; small bottle. 10c.
fW Hr. Wtk. h* k > aDad Mtov tat It k itaktta fW HUlkAitm totlk MlatitaM* ttaStalk
Itarfir fttat ta* ObMm Sktw MMta
tBto tbe leM.
wen IwvwMd. tkey maj be rraored;
win be UmaA rtrbt and rmdj for »etto cool Id tte Utbnib.--
Iplted U Id full
StHtral lltws
Kow that tbe bot waatberoT Iq
L. exr at 81.00 for
Jmt KiaAtm, of Tnotcm. K. X.
I imo A m..
mu BWS7 fkoa booM la 1887 and 4xlf»all mr tbt weat, a« a aattla
,l.«bowUiciifUof paaeber and prcp«»ior. la IBM ba
west to tba Kloodike, aad Ibata at
laat fortaaa Urmtc him, aad after 10
tta Upta kktar to Ita Htalktm. y.i« ba bai ialataed to hi. bom. tb# “^S^li'ck^I^rTrapartoCn
with aalklqtb. Foder tbe Bbrlter of
oSttaeotaotSleUr. lt»«rm
ualfSt tawn bU«. !tktaH.llyot two btc ««*~al
TokMk tcratakaand taasMOMUt: omfol and aeiiltary (
Baaltb OflBear Friedrieb of deroly arUT. rokaae t.OlO f«t hkh.
M erttool ctalw oo top. hat aa ata« laoA baa eaot a latter to John D
H. W.
oaa oa toa atria at Ika Itagbt ol aboat Boekefellar.ealUng bit atteotioo to tbe
t iwteat. On tha aak atda of iba raot that medloal aeienee bad aa yet
Uaa Iha tMlI towa of Strom, failed, to dlaoorer the gmallpox
bolt Tha papakttoa at tba kknd i> and that each diaoorary wouU
ably mean tba elimination of
miaery and tbe aaring of oaay
lirea. HaaBka Mr. Bookafaller to prodope. 7 tt
Tide a fund for the parpoae of baring
were 1m
an inraatiairtion carefaly oartiad on.
Moaat VaiOTlaatha
Dr W. T. HarrU. United State# ooo>
of 8t.
laelonarof ©duoatou. firmly balieraa
W. L. Bapi
that aaooeaa oomt i to-«r at least U
Tickets will ba aold so nbora points
la <jalet, bo
WaUlboa. Riobmood or tba obliterated daaarrad by-tbo«^ who ar©*‘oarly to
bad and early to rlaa.’* For >w%ra
baa been bia cnatom to lellr© about
tbo eaaimltofSoaiTlefatotbf tha time cnlckaoi aaea their rooat and
QaaatUiaa of dead flab hart be ia always np by 8 o’clock. Mort of
VWiaHIn V-ei
waabed aabore on tbe leeward bis beat work ia dona between that
liour and tbe time w^ bia olerka arnre at the bureau.
Tbe internal rarenne baa made publie the atatiatioa aa to tbe number of
oigara manufactured in tha United
talpbar ool
in tba flaoal year ended July 81
lotaia it laa ool to eean^a d
laat Tim number wa* 6.674,725,657.
ofldmilea Tbe ooorea of tbe
Thli does not inclode tmaU clagra or
laaowadeepimTlDe. A big ai
tobacco cigarettea. weighiag leas than
io tba
three ponnda to the thonaand, nor
eigaia which bare been Imported.
When the Danish literary expedition
oa tba laat trip of tbe eteamer Bertha to Greenland reached the capital of
from Alaaka aay tbe Toloaaoea Be that country they found that Green land
for a year bad bem* without a
doablo Ulamma and Aaguitlna are In
1'X.AtX Tt» I-I.AT IS.
It© eruption. Qraat Tolamea ol physician, wherefore Dr. Rertbeiaan
«u-«- -n
am Uaaa from all three and Redoubt foond blioaelf tba moat welooma lie swung iu a aUady t-onii-r or undt*r S
tree, aud lu U the lobj will sleep
throwing clouda of amoka mllea member of the axpediUon. .
unnude«ied by file*
Report# from timber Are diatrlota
in Wyoming state that sheepmen will
On very hot days awakcu tbe chllA UABVMT FAdTIVAL
be beary loserm. Many of tbe bands dreu enrly and give them s cooUng
hsTe scattered and tbouaanda of sheep both, 'ihen after they have eaten s
I Army WUlHoMOneHereSepare now In tbe midit of tbe burning Simple hreakfBkt of hominy, soft boUed
timber country. Timber Saperriaor eggs snd a very imle fresh fruit tsks
lalration Army, working, in J. B. Atberly has started for the burn- them out fur s short walk Is^fore ttie
OF dlstricta with 60 men and rariou. beat of the day ban Is'jnm. When they
lefatlgably tba whole year
come borne, n-mme tlu Jr Uttle gowns.
DO mattdT bow iliiii, »u>d Ut them play
umaa and seasons which in tbclr Tory
mrsd-ry. Dinand all hs I have quietly In tbe i
outuie arc fitted for spoolal effort.
to combat tb© Are.
To tba peopld ot both mairopoliiai
^ 1 Strok, roeat beef or chh-ken.
Jolm Moor©, a farmer Uring
sud inlarlor towns tha Harreat Fosi
1 After dinner there ahould be a nap
ille. , Claiborne ooc 3"’ : of nn hour or two. then at Imlf past
ral appeals with paaaliar aigaili
bile demoliahing an ancient i 4‘an,,n,er walk, coming borne in lime
There ia practically no girt wbioi •welling on hU farm, hva foond a jog ,or aupiMff. Just In-fore going to bed a
he Army oanaot make actual nae ; «i HioUining nearly 84 dX) in 820 gold 1 tepid l«ith haa a a.Hithlng effecL
fis nme gifts of produce—fruitn rneoea The mopev it tnoucht to have | OrcaslonaUy. If prartleable. tt ia a
Lira bt tek,
furniture oi
ahould be ob
o uo-irable kind. mtricuUurst
d fora served that the sir. I le hotne diel Is not
e .. ..to-m Ana, anything in U.
Ml DpfriDifOlai
s w. “Pirtv" f#f
C«mm»n tKtetnha ithhrtrcm ^3-89 «V20 Different patterns to select from.
J W. slater, u laome house fumiisher
No need to xoffer from hexL
^1)00*1 let the xir get xtagnant
— create a brecrc. Put m one
or more of our desk or ceiling
ELECnUC FANS in >t>ur of6ce, store or home. All of new
design and perfect conitniclioo
We io\-tteyos to call aodseeour sew stock, especial
ly the •’Victor," sameasshown in cut. Tables extend
Irom the ends with filling enclosed io top of ubie so
extention can be made without remotnng Hnen or
dishes. This is considered a great advantage by the
many ladies who are now useiog them herein the
city. Every ubIe is guaranteed to you by the factory
lor to years. “Victors” are only made from the best .
selected stock and polished.
33.00, 33.SO. 3A.OO, 3B.OO
The rcpuution of W. I.. liougUs Shoes
for style, comfort snd wear is known c« <
ciywhcrc throughout tl>c world. They
hsve to give better utixfaction than other
iDslces becsusc the sUndsrd has altrayt
been jdaced so high that the
wearers exi»ect more for their
money than the)- can get else
where. We cart)- a full line
and can insure a perfect 6t.
Jl. $. Fryman.
Want an Office Desk
Kwt waak^la city will ba Inrad
ad by IMfbodlat clergyman
bomaa of oar people, ragurdlesa of rv
Uglaaa faith will be opened to U<
Tiallora and TruTeraa Oily hoapiull*
baiatofora poaalUla. Tbe local Mu
odist paatora and eba aommlttee of ..
riacamanli baea maaagad wall a.
ii.i U.ai u eitber capable of uw
it aaw seams as thoogb tbe big p«.
gma will be aarnod through wiibou M 1 n« Army or that may be aold by
a biMk
ia to ba remambared that tber.
gaUbad obatab workara in ai
rs in Ibis aonntty today OTor 78i
naea, mmm of tbam of national
iiffarant Balratlon Army oorpa ano
tatien and promiaaaea. Tha oonfei
anoa taringe together aa aggregaiioL •ntpoate. ao that an artlola which u
rrhapa a drug upon tbr
of talent which will reaalt in oonaid
another hare Arsl rat.
anbla Intwaatlng antertainnHinl fo
TmTarae City people aaldom offeree uarkat ralne, a-d at worst it wiU gt.
not soma oapiul n*e
In a town of this alaa. Tba prorncH
of Arym operaiipna
aw af tba plan to bring tba ooofcranct
Mara acaankiticd to oredit and ever I'or thera ara ia this ooontry 1»5
Belief Instil
oltiaM Aeald aadat la making tb<
TiMt of tba clargyman so pleasant tba jj The Salration Army, with 646 uffl
oera and employes; €62 SbeUera foi
Rbaltars for woman. M F
>wsy Pitta ettywtotwrpwpk.
Depots. 24 Industrial Homos for tht
unemployed and dacoliot, 20 Reacoe
ttp wpkiag ot eoaeot litiok hi^ m dome# for tbe fallen woman, 14
5ettloaMBta, with 80 minted yonng
4n their ehatga-and all this,
PM ot tta totaptappol Htphifon II to my nothing
of tha Colonlw
dmploymant Baroans. tbe Belial
■Ota Bxpoftapnt. ot tbp poM ta
I and baU a doaan other axprea
of Tba Army’s actlTity In Um
l«r et tta pndopi, wtaw Ita propei United Btatea
Mkrtol k oppd. and pnakp sraoi Over 2.000 parsons are nightly ao
naalk. Xtakot oMoml to tbk 0U3 lomiDotetod in The Army’s Bbelters
atavtotolkPhow that poi»rtor brtek r saibor more tbaaS.MO.000 per yeer
MotaBodo tolhk lopoUtr. and tot More than 450 Ta|lon women an
oom, to taMPl tooxtaMttoto K yearly taseaad and lad to a life boll
r and asafulnaaa. while not
1,000 oooreraioas am brought
sekly by Army ministratioos
ra than 8250.000 are
In tba reUaf of lbe
u with tbs bops of msatiag
It U
msstiag aa
iTUcanoyln tbaUMlsdSlatmiAi- ^ as pomibls of them diroim and
demands that Tha Army
lyaar itaHarrsatFMtiTal.
aad itUla fuU
^ APOSmig CTBE^__
dslea for tbe HarYOo^FMd^
tolheTtogndeot Oik Pato tchool
br Mm Ntme E. Filktop, their tpoeb.
pr. She told them to way after
tchooi lor qtalmg. and many
toecroM heard aroand tj>e i
It Is also squally
ttafooDta *0 flod a noMdx toot wooM
h« after tchool when ice cream
okc were aetred the tnne
chPMpd. On the whole itvasadeUjhUuI time enjoyed by all
Fovie ia apftam Gn
>«cek tea toon vi^
Blcindoiied nnd tl: -i the afieruoon .nap
IIF.I.KN ri.ll'TON.
.r the railroad trask and when tbe betaken.
pectal slowly pulled through tbe
Mrs Belle Place returned last e^cn,wn its path was lighted by tbe
tog from Grand Rapids where she
King Oscar, of Sweaen who has a made extensive purobaset of fine fall
-plendid phyBique, being over six feet and winter miHmcry.
in height and oowerfully built, wua u
greut aUilete in his yoonger days aud
uas always been fond of sport, haul
ing iu panioular and Stalking tbe
Bois more e«pecUlly. Though
•evf nty year old. he is still pas
ktelr fond of mounUlnoerlng and
ks nothing of walking twenty-Are
milro a day. When on these walks be
generally outstrips bis companions and
.rfteu returns to Uie castle a mile or
ro ahead of tbem.
Women insure -against being old
maids in Denmark. If they many be
fore they are 40 what they haro paid
tn goes to the less fortonale and tbese
last are pensioned for tbe remainder
af their lives on a scale proportloiiate
n what they paid in.
Obioago health officials believe they
have unearthed a wholesale trafficking
tn human bodies among undertakers.
Boore of- Arms suspected they
have eridenew that two. el least, took
bodiec enttusied to tbem to medical
row’s the time to take Rocky
untain Tea; k«vps the whole fam-
The most convenient piece of furniture a person can
have. Why some people couldn’t keep house without
one. much less an up-to-date store. These Roil Top
desks keep all your things safely. Everything is locked
as soon as the top is closed. No dust getting on your
papers: no wind biowingthem away, no meddling hands
disturbing your books. We carry them in all sizes and
sell from $ 16,50 to $42.00. See them at once.
Want a Cadies\ Wriring Desk?
Always know where your writing m aterials are.- Want
to write a note, accept an invitation or answer a letter,
don’t have to take half your time wondering where the
ink and paper are. These are beautiful goods. The
Quarter Sawed Oak sell from $8.00 to $14.00, the
Mahogany from $7.00 up and the Bird’s Eye Maple
• from $8.00 to $18.00.
Combination Bookcase and Writing Desks
Something every home should own. Your books of
reference are right at hand when most needed. Your
fine books safe from dust. The tops offer a fine place
for bric-a-brac and vases of flowers. Adds to the
comfort and completeness of the home. All manner of
styles and finishes of wood, and sell from $16.00 to.
See Our $15.00 Bicfck
Got a few wheels that we don’t want to carry over. If
prices are inducements you’ll own one of these.
TtataVf;tataK OIY^. MI^M.
Emr (Sort «M Bade to the end
diiiBi^ aad afcSitBre M
jBla MaWl $M;000 laodac
Heir Be Orded Ste Berth oa toof-Whea Kwchtbood Wa la
a,.-tho«ldaalana a the c.
e Fife Cest CepiteL
_.aid««t«»e.cfthe fa* lifteea
ooasD xoiET DRims noma
Xcai of tibe axteoilh teutm. A
^»Uag Aatioo ea* aet fithf. reJ^rdTSa andenrear «om m tlat
period. Thoafho h»re «en the
ptojr Wa aaeaber tha in the a«»od,
act the Prince. May aek. r«<^ »
bedia«deraeMp*Heanr Vlllt
ia>poitaBitie>tiutriaauir Lomal
Ten» Cbaidim. wbJ W« th. W.1dorf Astorla hotel on s mgrr New
TssPs day. 1901. to circle the globe to
the ocher dsy on the steamer Majestic,
two days ahead of time, says the New
York World. He started out with only
a nickel, which was presented to him
by Admiral Dewey, s part of tbs
wager being that betoust earn eoongh
as be trareled to pay afl bis expenses
sad bring beck s surplus of f2,000 to
cash or dIaAoods. The man with
wham be made the bet was Paul Boyatan. the swimmer.
CburcbUl. arrayed to a suit of white
dock and weartm: about lire pounds of
mflals. called at the office of tb^ abots
jpcotiened paper the other ulgbt to anBounce bis rf<ura. He 1# thin, focty-ooe
ymrs of age. 5 feet 7 inches In hefgbt
dMt'sdteMOTBltlMrsbBTS besots. aod weighs 130 pounds. He hss newspa
per cuppings ircoonting bis sdrentim
te »Wff osirsd ssTssal protests from i
from sll the countHes;:throngh which
fOtideitsed Dews
0OIM ^oatoMMhMfor]
ud Detroit TW oHoot
lU. J
This is tbs time to ass Boeky Moon__________ r« Is BO deeWedlr to Bd.
▼Mos ofObtosffo priosstbMotUoA
OM half of tbe peaehes mo hsodod
OTor too eoslefo roilwv Umo. Fdr
two vooka post IlM Blc Flov BlOM IM
ru solid roCrigsiotor tmtes pdlUaf
Bnppoasd intent of
not OTM7 MOtog witli Its ffaewoBd
Tbs sngtoswas
iNsksls of psosbss for this sostoro
■Mkst This Mcsosteni Hods hss
ootlioly ool off. tte Mliwodkos iiiip.
Blais of Ohto. Oily of Toledo, i „
liucas County.
^ “*
DiMosIsd with tbs dUotortossi of
Frank J. Obensy makas oath that
ba is santor partnar of lbs firm of F.
WMbsd oimj dartoc tbs sprtof frssh.
I on. tbs woioeo of Utioo took mottsrs
tolo tbetr owB hoods Botordoy doa
nods o bos, lbs resalt of which is
itel tbs doarsroas spot U now oU
right Beforstbsjbodtbstoboomplotsd o lorgs orowd of OBSO gotbsmd
Md bslpsd tbsss. losoangsd bj
thoirsoeossa. tbswooMobogMi oerBKotaiy Pobhc•ods dcyostaoEtoos wot^ ood today
BaU's OalBrrb Oars is taken totsr|bs glaos is Mosb iMproTod as a fssalt ally aadacts dtosotlyoaths blood
of tboir dstatBsiaattoo to Itors ibtags
eparta bas tbs oU fmr aod to baa
llbadL AooMpaaytobskaowaastbs Uy Pills are tbs best.
Bparta 3U Oa hM bssa fomad to
bora larailaad aoalaadiiidwsstof At BooghlOB Alfmd Bhipmaa, fiO. a
iowa. aboai olghtjfods. Work wiU miliar to tbs Tri Moouiala mtoa. fell
tiammmm to a few days aod oomsr goo feat to the abaft aid was killed
KeSDesmsator UBs.
dood is BiMilar to tbs oil islds of
Obla Tbs soil U absaryolayaad
fonasa broad prairis. Mors atnagars
are to Bparta ooor^thaa bars orsr bsen
ssea tbsrs bsfotr. Tbs psoids are
ralstog tbs prlos of property srery
, ddJ and orery building to town is
oaUod oat Monday to llgbt
thfsatsnsd to destroy a namber of rss
Idsnoes aod Bssman‘s shtogle miU.
Tbs flree started from a boallrs wbew
•oms boys bad rosatsd grssa oom.
and osrtog to tbs bsary southwest
wiads it sptsad to tbs grass
rsaoasd tbs dry brash and
asMtbsmiUaad ssretal ro---------Tbs ftfs was ooDtroUed aftsrabalf
day's work by
Forssl flios sonth and west of tbs
plaos are orssptog tOo close for som
Tbs tblrty-seTenth annual reunlot
of tbs Twsnty.thlrd R««iment Mlohl.
CMi Volanteers, will be held at M»dload. Wednesday. Bsptsmbsr 17. Midload wanu sTsry mother's son of the
•Moototion. together with his family,
to bs present on this oocaslon. All
dayandaUnlgbt Erery one wUl bs
wsU taken oars of.
tbs TassoU Ooaaty Farmers’ Fair
assaelatiaa. at Oaro. is
Clso the patrona more than theli
May's worth this ysM. They offsr
ittO for speed premtoms. aad bars sslatogitrsafn
Duriiig a storm a boll struck Abe
Ttoama' bouse to Utloa aoa hit the
bad to which Mr. and Mra Thomas
lay. Bpltotered the bed poets, soorohed
ths bed olohtes aod let the bed down
without Injuring the oocupanm
A l*sr«oe*s MoMs Act.
In his tour CburthUI has always
trareled first cUsa and put up st the
best botrU. He Is a “IlgUtnlng artist"
by profession and has iiald his way
the world by making pictures,
.w-atries where be t-ould not speak
the language be made known bis wsnU
in pictures.
-When I left New York," be said,
•*! walked to Yonkers, as I did not
want to spend the nickel which Dew
ey had frl«*en me. In Yonkers I gsre
so entertainment in the parti IlUl
(>>antry clnl* and got enough to |iay
my railroad fare to Hudson and to get
some things 1 needM. 1 workisl my
way aloT.g to lluffala, giving eincrtiiUiments in varbius towns. In Itufralo 1
Stoi»i»ed at thert’an Am.Th-an fair foT
seven mouUis and mad.* fl.4<si.
Helena. Munt.,1 frescoed the big Au
ditorium free and then gave an eut«*r
which nett«*d me $4W.
agre«*d to grain the walls of the Audi
Indore I left, but wns bound
and gagged by Ijoudlts. whf, stole all
of my ghbUO. I bad to Ik«t«w g-l the
____ _____ Jiing to |Mi> my fart* to J^t
tie. and thtre 1 stdd a rli^ to pay my
In Yokohama my first
This M not hirtoncaDy accuwh« Henry w«ktog.ii6boay.
6 towns and nuuk* much
Klevirle a«arrkllaat
T.wrr W
AI4 Boata «• Avoid CollUlows.
sra“..*nssO. Barrett Patomtiar of Ooldwater.
patotar and paper hanger, was south
hBBttog with Leri Cooper. Cooper
■hot at a Boake and struck Palmatier
to tbe back. klUlng him almost to•woky Moanlaln Tsa bcaoM up ....
ipatohas from Bnonos Ayres an____ce tbs destrucUou of tbe town of
BoUvia. Argantins Republic, by a
cyclone. Fourtren patwms were kiUad
aad 60 injured.
paina to b^.
back aodriomaoh. tSi being without
etaoMoh aad liver uoablea. Only S5c
l.afeat Pad Par Olrl*.
To the Instlnetlva money getting
hrewdneas of a juvenile native U doe
the lilrth of one of the moat grotesque
fads of the season, saya a special dl.
patch from AtUruUc Oty. N. J.. to tbe
inilladefphla .North American. This Is
iloaely reUteU to tbe chameleon fad
of other Bcaaona. fbe only real differe,Ke bring that a “fiddler crab" Is substltuu*d for the Urard. “Fiddler crabs"
diminutive crustsceans not quite
— inch in length, and their appear
ance is made horrible by the
develonmenl of one cUw. Tbe little
I are found In
the salt marshes and, nnllk crabs, do
The boy
not Ute altogether In wsiw
le of the
who aurted tbe fsd took some
“fiddlers,*" attached Hoy brass
and pins to them and found wx
era OQ the board walk. Now t
an wear than.
A Bor’s wild Bias tor LMm
wy BiBhf •
wm GOLD won a SBQ|AX3T.
flilCES25c, 35c,50e.75e
offer appUes only to those who
wmuM*gM immediately conncc.
tions are made and whoaieon
lines of matoA As the nighu
lengthen the demand for GAS
for illominaling u incrcasnig—
wperior to »ny other method
koomi here, l-be light is more
briUiujl, .VeiUble uid reUable »t
ALL HOURS, tnd. with equi
light, cosu les then ooe-lulfor
any other, besides being Cu itsicr
ontheejes. Houses in conse of
erection or propored should not
be completed without a .yi-'
tern of gas piping. Many have
already done this. Application
for anything in the line ol light-
Of ibaByaandFitltog
Watch and
jam. SAwwKR
’Hunting for Hawkins ”waV writ
ten by that master of comedy pUy
ra Guy F. 8|eely, end it fairly
over with fun and frolic. In
toot there is not a elngle minute with
out its laugh, the play being tunny
enough to mtlify tbe moet expectant.
The ganeral conference of tbe Boolety of Friends has made an important
moament to the effect that it ii
secure prompt attention.
y^AjJJTElA-l^uwlry flrt at Hotel ^Cgins
lain their headgear in meeting aod
lembly was asked to re
move hate._______________
& Goans
oac.mu.mti Hi.
•’It is with real pleasure that
1 certify to the efficacy of
Pearl Saxton wCTt to Pomona on
business this mbmini;.
in the
lron.Ox Tablets
- •wjUjB S’iSaSS!!**'
pM'MH-^A. AJ
o wlU deUrer pltnM tn
so TabttU, 23 C«n^
SMUartlind Optra Hmi
■ OUraa
SER-r. 13
to Fort Waya., U JO
Frank 1.. Pcrlcv presents
AUBodlnliOUbg TO EKNT -w. P. <
------ -
Isad to. boalB. 4 JD p. B.
“jssarBati.'S” -
«adwwa. SB»ato.. tIBI a.to^Sto ».«-
e Foolcoi
Primi0c,75c,SI aH SI.S0.
Wn^ .lnwrto^
Y<5'd better
bony-tlierife **
HAWKINS uiartiHimu
SEPT. 16
Bdtoe and Urer troBblea that bad
«M.aad me great Buffenni : for many LIGHT FOR THE OHIO FALLS
The only Inland llghlhonse save it
on the greatrtakes Is to l*e ere* ted
the falls of the Ohio, says a dispatch
from L^lsville. O.. to tbe Flttslitirg
Ths lighthouse Is to be
ereeled at the bead of the Indiana
According to the plana It is
to be el^hty-four feet high from tbe
rock lottom which forma tbe crest
the falls. A plot 130 feet long and
of mu
n be built
level two feet higher than
Dark of 18S4.
1 ba erected tbe bouse of
On thia
tbe keeper end a sleel lower on---------will be pUced a searchUght. operated
by machinery at tbe base of the tower.
By means of this tbe harbor can be
rept at all times and a close watch
kept for aU craft In danger, besides
lielng of scrrlce as tbe boats go over
the falls at night.
Good from^tart.
Goodin-evepy w.r.
whether of high or low degree, wore
Abet at all It wiU b
that -Princsem Man
irb Tarioos poitiom v.
-------- - apparel at the king and
cxMntiefS. It is all dainty lingerie of
pink, white and Woe. These gar
ments are not historically accurate
cither, for people in those da>s wore
blati underwear, owing, to the diffi
culty of obtaining water and the ex
Even .rojal person
ages wore bladt undeiganDcnls. not
so much because d the expense of
white ones, but on aooooat of the difficultyofoblaining wMer to dcai«
them. Effie Eflsler’s company will
gitre this productioo to a packed
boose in Steinbag'. GrniKl Saturday
‘My next Jump was by Ikuu to Vlndirostok. Kussls. sod on the way we
wrt«<kcd sn4 driven ashore In
one of the seas «»f Ja|isn. 1 traveled
mll« aiTuss Uussts sod Slhc
msktng pictures wherever I wenu wemM go into s imUlc pUce where
there were a lot of----------------------------------rank and without a word would sketch
the moet prominent chap In the outfit.
Then I d give him bis pl«4nre. and he’d
give me 4 or o rubles. Then every
else in sight w ould w nni a pictui
hlmwlf at the Mime prloi*. and I d
a harvest.
-When I flnaUy reached the Uusslan
fruuUer. tl#sent me l.ack 300 n
Vnrsaw-^o g«*t my passes fixed up.
I stop|*ed there St the hotel which. I
___ _______
told. I* ownt*d by radcrewski.
From Russia 1 went straight through
to Rerun and so i
and then ldverp*x»l.
•*Xext New Year’s I am going to start
around tbe world
•■« I—'Ae^
of Fioot and Maple atrectA
«ii fiM
mm tkm «ppcr &mck mt
m XdMr wnkilm M tMmmmd perrnmiomr. r^pmnnwmmtlm^wnh
ta>< tendk«relters tmr vartof far9>
MJto UMlr^^ wbo tiraced tb^
«l IW t««d of llM.
iipaiilnawf, • rrvop uf mm atill
hir Mart. Mia Wtotar. Ml« A«1
tm-bmA tmne up froa the mtlitood
aooCte prvtkNM mud bad ubasi
Cb* MrllMrB dtp bjr auriD. AtmidoM
Enid. If yoa lor*
ImU na arorb na I Inra yan T"i ueM
And 1 lore ran too wrU to M rmt po
ora to E«n4» and bttjr a tub* inat bocaoaa aaa«- atllj womro t.-n yon Ifa
tbr proper caper.
*'Maybo joo doot know tbat yon
lore me. TUc aortal pace baa bern ao
teat yon harro t bad time to fblnk.
In ten mlaotwi they wlU pat <iff Ibe
piloe ira my laai chance to aoaabon*.
IM I CO wUb him. or do I K.«-rrd to
Europe aa joor ttaiM-rT'
Por the drat Itnaa be I
Into her cym. to meet at
bad oerer aeon there before Re b. Id
oot bla anmu «od an
brad aaaiu bo wblapr
* Vufi do lore me.
oow-yoa know Jl - ’
Kbe looked op. brr fa.a- asb*
**I knew It when you aatd
He IH-Id her <4oae and
tblng tbat made tier atort bark
-tib. yoti Impctoou. la>y.»'*
•im.- be urged.
T have captan^
oo telrlr and abovabowrdr
r TO aat ooor^
anartwit t» tnm any nri'a bead bad
baaa adammad upon ber. but Him tVi,.$m bad gnardad bar with Jealoo. rare.
aba warded off »*apr
•^'alt Bold, my dear/* abe bad aald
to warntoi tonaa. *notll we've bero
atoaad at laaat coca, dee man. of life
BMtt. Uoo-t emablUl. an Ideal
tao galckly.*'
■tod bad duUfully
lily ukrii
Ukrti IIbe advice
: favor i« 1
for a laat wenL Barb rm>«l bla feb
toWA tbe baglM’ and tbe Uirbt Uwrtetl
tbroag. Each, boplng for a ebamv bar
tba teat tooder word whb b ebould be
toMTlibad aa tbe real fareoell aer.en
tba oeaga'a laaffww. w.a vinw illln* to
menra and leave the Held to another.
Tba altwttoa wna rapidly leroqiinjc
taaaa wban Uarry Hruoaoti aei tbe e»
ampto and with a few wHI rhoaen
waida took Wmaelf off. the head «f a
JVC g blot of di frown apfieared Am
Bttld a brow ae be beta In perfiwctoiT
teabioo ovar bw baud: Harry mHid
the flown wltb a amlle of frioinpli. An
be dveoMtod tbe aUlra he looked any
thing bot dewolatc.
Ilia jaunty ear
rtago ao Inowaaed tbe fn>wu on .Miaa
AabbWtoo’a fare that lmlc Freddy
I gaaUif np froui tbe
lytbe, rullott. I>uu.
bar nnd the rwH, but no aign of Bn«i■on. tXmbtleae be waa half way to bla
oBko by tbla Ume. trrar>|ied tii> lu
roporta abd utterly unmindful tbat tbe
Kalaar WUbelm waa luwd(d t(W tbe
barter. Yet of alt her admlrera dur
tag tba oeaaon he had br..n the moat
dovotod. abd It bad rr(|uin.(l all Iot
Aaooae to tirevwit bl. making the
grandad daclaratloo.
Many time, te
bad found hU brat maueuter. dunktd
by Yba aodden appaaran.w of tbe kin.
datgarton.na be contemptnmialy termed
Cba youiigar Uda who worwblp«l Enid
nnd who In return were ntUlard by tbe
firi to ward off oWer and iiWoe .wrloija
Tbe crowd oo deck tierwme aileiit aa
tba cUy Una grew tague
tUnuv were
gOlaCty crying.
Knld bcraelf Ml a
wmplHtma mokrtnre in ber eye. A d(*ep
aont, every ooa in tbe |iart>. muat
know tbat abe cared ootblng fur New
* York. Of eonrae they would gueaa tbe
Bba turned
iroopad lower and lower. .ik1 tbe t
r Ibe day of
tojna nnebrekad
tarty alone In tba bright, gay wurld.
POtotontly abe r^-alled a-rlaln pn( futile rfforta
I par
Had it been done entirely In
MW to bar aont'a wlabea or in a
tolrit of ibacr coque;ry? I•^rhapa be
1 of It all. and bla curt farewell
thla would be ptrary on'the bleb
atlll-aa «vni lu»lat-and only for
rraaorn why-- Her r«ilce faltered, and
ber gUoce feU, -It ha|ipei»a that Aunt
Betta'a favorite t'brcyinau ia (Hi 1km
and if you are act U|ioii aavlnk
penaea and making tbla our bon
teU gmwtbavnlrmrtYplautod. Mr.
Blna baa baan to Cbtoaga for Ite pnm
tow yaaiA but baa now Ipeated tera
attoatlao on HaitlnlQne.
to fed gr
ohat tbe atiU active
the near future.
Wbat Conaul Ayme feara moat la
that a tidal wave may foUow cootinned craiHiona. and a tidal ware. It
abotod be remembered, la likely to affeet not only MarUnlqtie, but the eto
rbain of lalauda.
**Knkatoe la the name of a Tola
Id Bomb Amertew which blew tbe 1
the mounlabi off aeveral yeara ag
sal auttoaly to tbe
labtoA audit to tba
Pebroaa •»d
think It waa in Aumontha a fur:
gual tliat the ellmax rame ThU may
iwove to be tbe (wir In Mart
jw tlie top off
Mont iVlcr may tdow
mooutain. and Ibeii tthere w ill tw l
ooa troul.le.
it waa tbe .mptlon of
Hay H whlib d*.airo.ved Ut. rienr. but
that evplo-lon
one of June ti, and the rxpKwloc of
June 0 waa not
which have follow
• Vp to June i; tlure bad lH., n four or
live aeparate (ratcra on Ibe aide, of
the mouutalna near the Iwae. Their
waa rLl-^bal la to aay.
I (ratera wbieh had liecn
they were
mied tip
r (rater '
June IJ a i
liolnta to anoth(T
indicate. Hint Felce'a arthiiy
loateod of dlmliil.
;*'If the v. iit la not aufflclent
cano will blow Ita bewd off." <]
the ronaul
"In tbe raac of Mont IV
lee, which extcmla und(T
r#*"!!!* would Ic* irciij«*ra of earth and
water w bl. b might
dtaaater. At leaat 10n.(aai |M^.ple would
afferte,! I,y ii lldni
adjiu-eiil UlandFori de Fram-e
Enid piill(.d beraelf fn^*.
1 all other (It lea on the leeward aide
**Ini V(»II |.n.*ume to tell me you wire
-o aure aa tliatr abe demanded Tbire of the iHlaiid of .Marllnluuc would
n»ved. A rl(u* of tbri'e fc«M In
Waa a rtnah nf Ibe tdd aplHt. Tbe lial
would flood Fort de France, and
, . a.lly
flc bad
fleeu f«M.t riee would coniplrtcly
w li«- It out (*f ( xi-leii.f
"Tbe UUind. of the tVcl Imllea
Ilia <nf tbla. It waa aliiiply by the
force of my gr.wt Ime tliat I ho|MHl to ao altu?ted that a tidal wn^e wbh h nfffe« t all the otberA
w in. and with i*ui»id and a eliaplaln" .
waa .lowing up M ll.r and If Mnrtlnbiue went under Ibe name
fate would await Ht. Tbomaa, Ikimitirfiarture of tbe pIbM. Bmii»u*n tnru.-d
1(W. Antigua ^ul Ibe nwt of them.
mrxouaiy. but a band waa labl gently
There la (tmiimrulively nothing now ou
tenibT voice wbla
,-r from clthiT volMartiokinr
e. but the (»lbcr ta•tVitb rupld and a clmplnln! Ob,
(julte thickly iKipubiicd. nnd
,e combination I. i«a> alr^mg. Wille boi*ed that I'(Ice will not
lU you Itell Aunt lletb? 1 cnn't’*
complete Ha work by hurling tbe a w
ft. the rpilot went back aluue.
with mlaehlef.. and be a|K»ke Ineaii
♦*Vc«. 1 know be*a on l»onnl. Fnet la.
with the
mile haul I made biat wtn^i on
the alreiH. I tlHHirbt be needed the
vatwuou. and 1 bad nu idea be iiitubt
o.ine In bandy. Vmi aee. I ntii a in..nd
pirate. 1 la-llere In rarryli.K a chap
barer rUh.
Which flab have tbe |kiW(T of fl-ai!
uiig and awlu.mlng back downwanl?
Tbla lHa uU..r
only by the dkalou and, the tctnalmi.
lUed ramlllea of tropical Oabea
wbleb are iKipularty known na glolnTbe tetrodon U atao r.Hind off the
eiiaaia of t'omwall and Ireland. Tbe
faculty ia due to the fart that the lAiii
on llH- iilalomen of lbe«* flab.^ U mueb
than It la c»n the laick. and they
er to Inflate
ibl- bain'
e iwwer
h tbe
.wallowing air
gullet. Tbla (if courae cnabbw them
over at will. and. alitmugb the
great J•rt•lM b iiaturailat Cuvier did imt
e tliat wlien In tbl. laM^UIon they
(vuUd awim aa they pleaBcd. Ihirwin
.aHTe^ied him and proti'd tbat Ib.-y
..•ould awliu liutb forward and liack
iir.1 In tlila laHilllna.
It la of (vmrae wHI known tbat tbe
ahark and the ibcflah. owing 4o the
their laicka tjefore
they ran arUla their iH^ y. and while In
thia laaililon they are able to awlui for
■Idermble dlaiamv
Mohammed, when aakrd where he
ould aiieud hla vacaUou. nidbMl. "Mo
hammed will go to the mountalii.*’
F|iot» (viuutlng hla change. howewT.
»e found that be waa abort, (mi waa
1 to atay hla two week.* va
pital out of the aayiug t
enaUlod to Uke a trip to t
-New York Time.
4imt Ammr Ctour.
*Hhe aaya abe won't marry beeanae
ahr'a net rr yet ami her Ideal."
"Maybe it'a becauae her Idoil
her nnt-^Sew York World.
A I*II S(wrtl> In Jrwrlri.
*Tlic U( wcM tbliiiT in jcw. lry this
111 ta a tliuml. M's! rluc." rrai«rk('d a
UllndcUihla wouinu who m»k('« a
study uf such tlilUKs, wiy« thv Fhlliidcl
ltd thU U a fflslilon
fruni 1‘ailH. Hut from
luay Im- (if cither ailHome. The I
ver or gold, but prolwhly aiher w III Ih»
the luaat popuhir. It Id nuiH^hc In np
laHirancf'. rod the wwl la lanrr cuoogh
to iHf of pnunlcal uae Iti acallm: leticra, U wlU la* cnimiv.H! w Uh clthiH- a
(Crntu or a coat
may add Ihat
be found ©fici
desk than on htn- i
(Tb« nrtiid at»4 imcrcia of «hp Ubortns man wtU be prutretad and cared for.
not by labor aaitiitora. but by tbd tThrtaUan mrw to whom Ood In his Innmts wudom haa riven control of the prop^ty In
Xo tbs pre
In the planeu' ll»t.
Wban the earth waa vacua with vapor
I the pterodactyl t
"‘hithru-ad oo the land and aeo
a dldn t know what their names ware
any mar# than today «to w*'«vrvcf they went they heard tt; **Tou
th waa (
aortly In
tied oo rlooda.
Whmn etara from the ahope^
Cbara bod tean anything mure than
anal good breading in bta Uat band
rtaig! Ob. If tmly be were here now.
baur dlffarantBba aurtad guiltily aa a light atep
•iuaiadvtbaatalfuuototde. Iiaerm..!
•iMt aa If abe bad hem thinking
ataui and bad taken aome atrunger to
iartk but waa oomlng rtmpd the galtafy taadlag to tba tlhrary. llaatlly
toytog bar ayaA aba fuaa. gave a graat
wmtA than drttopad back Into bar
Cbalr. A ifUta atoad la tba doorway
m Bba Btouaoa’a tbat aba Cbougbt It
■taua trtcfc af ter tired, narrooa bruin,
■te rtutabad tba daab to auudy ter.
aalt but tteru waa no quaatlan about
tba tetoA Tbat waa rmU aad U waa
■riBiia'A Bba gave a glad Uttla «y
aai teld aut ter band. Ua took tt to
the favored ap.-tlMi this
Ilotert Barr, tba nnveUat. racently
told a Btory to Uluatrate tbe Me
aur hack of the ro|*e.
medana* belief In the abaolnte cataloty of fate-a aiory. he aaya. that U
tradition among them. A anltan wt
We ourht to be gbid and joy
omw naked by Ula fa t ort te. tba grand
bucht to be niied with riee
VAat eoas a«o tbe placard waa r
vtxter. for pertuiaaloo to leave at
for fimyrna. altbougfa a bnUiant
frte waa tten lo ptegtoaa. Tpoo 1
farther than Adam and En
a.ked hla rmmm for micb tealA tba Tte lehthroaaunie halted and
took hU Ifwjc.
^ ^
vlxtor mdlad:
"Baoioae 1 joat anw tba nngel of
wtth tbe atm; -Ib^aro:,
4aotb yuadar to tbe crowd. He looked
Bt me ao anmaatly tbat 1 know ha baa
come for me.
1 Utah to eacapa -W. IX KmbU In -
Ttel*»lJkSrilfJd^UllonB of ac
'fwidtad tteangrt
WUIto-No’Bi. I aln*L Too tmem up
nsytl has rant'd: only an overman
firing tyrant baa glren ter any cou
aMawMe Intirval of poire. Tbe Inlt^
rior la dottol with tbe mlna of mmgu
mlJta: tte cittaa are tbe foulcat In tte
Weot IndleA and topaea into anvmgsrj
ye im rommoo that they are no louget
Tbww are imod men among tte Hay>
ttoDA men wbooe amUtkma and Ideali
are leTty. patiiode and dtalntcreatod,
hot they rantior Imven tbe lump of Ir
neranre and battertam. Tbe world la
getting crowdrd. and ffrtlle Haytlcaa
net Burti longrt be left a prey t«
<—taut war^-Haw Tarfc JauruaL
Wbiparta. SaltalA PmtallaA IPelfesASattBtotals Priced,6oc»
eiKvIotA Z«b«1in«s and
eamcls Bair
The usual weekly hop at tbe Weqoe-toog dub house will not take
plaoe tomorrow evening
faraalaat nUttomaaf tteyanr. Ba
Dtatoiura bto itto anpootba
Uto atatemciit.
2.PW mllca away. It bejran to erupt In
the Reoard ptoms of the
«*FcrdmaD(r variety which are very
toire and sweet and of debdoos fig.
vor. This is a rather new variety
this country but it promises to be one
of the best plums on the market.
The Elks dub rooms wUI be opened Saturday evening for the benefit of
the Elks who expect to attend the
pextormance of "When Knighthood
Was in Flower.- at Steinberg’s Grand.
Woman*a Ctolf to d
TtoabUlty of aaourto MtaiBmUyM.
OoUlnga to give a
and would Ute to tear ftoai nil tboaa
who would lite to joto ai
wbatter membata of tte
Olab or not. Knmaa of
wtoh to, join iboold ba left with tte
aaaoatiTa oommittaa or tte apaetol
oommittt^ nppointad to look np tbe
1 85c to $4.tw per jrd
The completeness of our FALL SUITI.NGS in black, colors and mixlures, including the Cravcoette waterproof weaves. wiU stand
Uie inspectioQ of every good dressing lady in this vicinity.
the production o( *'When Knighthood
Wasin Flower."
Spteia1—S4 in. Suiting at SOe to $2 ptr fd.
A report has been circulated that
there arc no more scats left lor “When
Knighthood Was in Flower." lobe
given in Steinberg’s Grand Saturday
While the sale has been ver>heavy, in fact
xz: -rSC:
Stamped on the selvage of every yard, indicating that the
goods are guaranteed by the manufacturer.
Mpmmli for Mopoo^oot Potterot, 5e. tOc mod 15c.
bclorc the performance, thwe arc
still some very good scats left. Those
desiring to witness ihU
should ice that their seats arc rcserv -
laapiA J. A Mootagne and A. B.
Oook. Mim OoUinga had clinrga of
The Traverse Cily^Rand wUI have
a rehearsal this evening
tba cooking otoae
William Love and Geo. Raff. * |r.
are fitting up the basement under the
wiring and gas fittmg business.
handsome Suits
nnder tte nnapioaa
store of the Cavis Cigar Co. as headof tba Travaraa Olty Qm Oo.
for their electrical supph-,
time ago. and to wall known in tte <l
Tor tbi Bops*,
It.-v I»r. Thoiua* CDllaudeTa death
w ill t'aiue mounting around tbe world,
►ill.. tiM- .\>w York Tlinea. Tbouaanda
of «l(Mf mute* arv W'aticrtHi w ho loved
the rt'C*or of St. Ann s clmrrb. In .New
V«*rk. for the work
hr tlalUadci followtnl In tliv footof hlN fntht'T. for wlMiin be wus
haiiUMl. I.iko 111** father, he mnrrit'd
a deni mute, ami mue up bia life fur
the bell* of Ibe unlortninileii. Father
• 11*1 won w.Te ealh'd It. the lal*or (*f
love through the al«lrtl(»iia of others.
Each was a minister of the FrottMitant
EpUt'epnl ehurt-h Th*- ehley (iallau
del. when a young iiisn lo ilartrord.
foiin . pitied a little girl. .Oire i'ogswell, tlie daughter of a nelghlior. who
bad loot ber iwwcr of oi»e«‘eh and bearItiK through scarlet fever, lie man
aged to <x>ujraunlcate w Hb her through
a syoleiu of signals with tbe flngero.
It wao not long befoiv? be taught Ibf
little jtirl to read.
Alice's father, flndlnc that there
were many others similarly aflllrted.
inter-sted wealthy men of Hartford In
a srhtHil for deaf min.'s. Dr. tlalUudet
was wait abroad, wbire It waa oald
tbat tbe foreigners U-at understood tbe
algn language,
lie returned
l.iuirent rh-re. a pupil of Ik-cnrd. and
tbe celebrated Inailtullon at Hartford,
tbe first In America. i
T>r *^t2aUaudrt. the oon. after be
graduated from Trinity college.
Wc are proud of our unusually fine
line of suits for the little lellows—the new
styles are sun* to be winners. TIu* cheviots
and rough effects are the perdot.iinaling
fabrics in blues, blacks and fancies.
on and Mias Lorens Penningtor
rent to Csrp I jJte this morning on x
Mrs Baxter, who has been
It the home of her son, James liaxtci
jn Spruce sucel, relumed to hci
lorac at PlymouUi. Mich, today.
Mrs John Benjamin went to Cedar
Run this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Steel, of Al-I
hion, Mich., made a flpng call today:
Ml her aunt Mrs. M. N. Hammond,]
yf Washington street.
They are on |
their way to the Upper Peninsula on ,
s commercial trip,
F. J. l.aClcar of Rapid City
town today.
Rev. W.
George and daughter Grace left this
morning for Alma, where Mrs. Woodbouse hat preceded them, to lie pres
ent at the golden wedding anniversar)'
of Mrs. Woodhouse’t par^ts tomor
row. They wrill return Saturday.
W. H, I. Phelps and wife of KalkaskA C- E. Pomeroy of Kansas Citv,
Mo., and
31iss Sarah
Phelps ol
Rochester, N. Y. are guests of Mrs. |
E. B. Dennis on Wclister street.
Roy Hannalord ot
towm today.
Cedar was
Misses Rose Dyer and Mary Ficraccr returned from a w-eek’s visit at
Hendon and Lake Ann.
Miss Williams and
Pugh, who hayc been visiting at the
on of'tbe lieof and
home of Miss
Pugh’s sister. Mrs.
same time te waa
siodying for tbe ministry. Soon after Walter Bingham, on Division street,
bta ordination a minister told biro of returned to their home in Kalamazoo
a young girl dying with consuroptloo. thi. moving.
8be waa deaf and dumb and could not
Geo. H. VanPelt of Xomood was
lead, aa abe bad never been Instructed.
in the city today on a brief business
The young ch'rgyman went to ber and
trip and called on old lime friends.
in a little while was able to make ber
understand tbe algn language.
haring signaled: "I leave content and
sure of my welcome."
dV. Gallaudet was a frequent vlallor
to tbe bar of tbe HflU Avenue hotel.
In New York, oo Sunday aftemoona.
It has been tbe custom of tbe proprielort for years to give up this room
to the afflicted on Sunday, fine week
day be beard aome one laughing at tbe
antics nf a "duinror It* tbe bar. lit
walked Ia wearing his clerical garb.
few Bwlft movements on
bis fingera. and tbe man left tbe pUc«
with him. He waa never seen again
in tbe iHir exceiK ou Sunday after-
T have beard and read many pa
thetic atorHa.” aald Senator Hoar to a
Washington Slur man. "but none of
them ever awoke ao moch bad tympathy as one which Profcaaor GaUaudet
reUtrd. Tbe professor had a favorite
pupil, a lltUe deaf mule boy. who was
excn-ptlonally bright Mr. Galtoodet
asked him If be knew tbe story of
George Washington and the cberrj
tree. WItli his ulmUe fingers tbe Ilttk
one said be did. and then be proceeded
to mieat It. The notaelesa gestlcnto
tkms oontloncd until tbe boy had In
of tbe
Washington's discovery of the moUlated tre* and his qoeat for th© mnU
lator. ‘When George's father asked
him who hacked hla favorite trsA’ alg
rjiled tbe
bta liatchet In hU toft hand'aartoff be i
R«»ging m pri<» i
id to
and are bringing forth every effort to make the most comidcle showing.
H.U Riley, ads-ance representa
tive of E&e EUsler’s company, to ap
pear here Saturday night, is in the
dty completing the arrangemems for
BobertA J. H. MoOoogb. J. r. Oil
Itice* from SOc to $1.7« per fd
BroadeletbA meltons and
tbf LaUst in
Jupcnik Chtbing
Will please the little chaps—
and their parents. The new style has ]
the coat buttons all the way down
the front—just like papa’s and a regular
mannish vest. The fabrics are largely in the
rough effects and the blue is the popular
color. The prices range from $i 50 to $5.
Chi lioilolk
Is still in much favor and is very be
coming for the little men. We have them
in all the latest styles and fabrics. Prices
range from $1.50 up to $5.00.
We also have a nice line in the
cheaper makes, vestees, etc., ages 3 to 8—
from $1.00 up.
Suffered forover 10 years
Iman’s Ladies’ Restorative
XorrtoTllta Roltar MUl.
Wednaaday. Oot lat $&.00 round
Tau.mai>ge. Mich.
Grand Rapids. Mich,,
Dear Doctor: I have been thinking
; for some time that I ought to write you
J a few words of praise for your wonder
did me such worlds of good. ! suffered
such untold agonies with mymensfe, and female complaints,
for over ten years, that death would have been a relief to me.
I took doctors’ medicine and several kinds of Patent Medi
cine, but they all availed me nothing. 1 am so thankful that
I learned about DR. IMAN’S RESTORATIVE that I want
to recommend it to any woman suffering from these terrible
complaints. Anyone wishing to learn more about it may ad
Mrs. L. Morse, Tallmadge, Mich.
Before purchasing that exten
tooat practical table on tbe market Weato exdnaive ageoti.
Mr. and Mra. B. K. Marfan and loa
Waltar af BiitoniBaa lad., aia TtoAltoff Mr. atad Mra. W.^4X Footo. af
In boys’ clothinc. 'I hese are
made by one of New York’s leading
manufactun rs—they are well sewed,
KOod lining, handsomely shaped—
being exact copies of ihe men’s suits.
Our prices for boys’ two piece suits in
these new makes range from St.oo up
to $4 oo. 1 he three piece suits, ages
8 to 17 years, sell from $2.so to $7 00
Boston Store
F. A. Mltotel. O. P. Agt.
B. W. Cnnnlngtoun. Afft.
the boy. wto
h.*te needed hb
tbf lUake Counts
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