The Evening Record, September 22, 1902

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The Evening Record, September 22, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text









«ooe forlOjoata.
:BeT.LtOear of Fim obnroh of JackIn her ^ Sarardsy aftoraooD Miaa
Bmi-Oliel mooted a number of aerlptora;reraee from the old teetament
lelllac of prophedes oonraralng the By RooMveie* Spo«ch
Its for
' Wh«n the Ai:
;iywnaco. MaDyfapok
JowB and how faithfully they had
the Year Will be Read
•ton on this qsMiton and
beenfulfiUed. The race le now eoatterad, Jeraealem waa deetroyed. Ml
became a plain but the land is
not aa desolate aa It once waa The
faUU inoreaaing each year and
meanemooh. When Ohrim qmke
The treaaorar’a isport for the paat
of a OOP of cold water it meant mneh Declares the London Tele­
Occupied the Greater Part of year war aafoUowa:
graph Editorially Today
Total raoaipM for tba rariou di«. lore to them timn it does to na
Today*# Session
Bbe gare an oolUne of her father*!
trlota, Albion. fit.OlO; Bl# Bapida
iAOiS; Otand Kapida til.TeT.SO; fe and work aa a oonreiied rabbi
lead the Atria a Ssa
. mm4 IMes limmmA te thm Grand Trarerae. $&,S64.50; Kalamaaoo. BMmg the people of bit natire land;
of hie enooongementi
reakssMd nu Ckaao
ments, and the an
I by Ills Attitads
from dbar aooroaa 96.27415; Ml«.



for Iho year wiU be sneosaood. PrsottosUy all tho rMt of
tbo work of tho eoaforaeoe ti now
oomplotod. and ihoca ia aollilii« oIm

aloosry aooiaty. t2S.4M; Oaaroh ExtenaiaD aoeloty. ft,600 iO; Preadman*a
Aid. 9S.6W.50; Board of Kdaoation.
9I.6T7.76; Albion colleffa. 92.518.00;
day Bobool Onion. 9836 75; :Blble
aoolaty. 9850.76; W. P. M. 8..


hr Toot Ball ^
. The funeral of Peter A. Clausen,
who died in Orion Saturday inoniing,
win take place tomorrow afternoon at
2 o’clock from the rcaidence. 511
South Union at^ The body will
lie in state fromll a. m. to 1 p. m .
so that those who desire to look upon
the form of their friend for the last
time ma> liave an opportunity to do
so before the scn ice.
The services will be conducted by

All Iciradm of
Jca»« rraoralvrad
Sfiiowra, raxoraf>%.


SB.OO. S4.50. S4.00. S3.60
S3.00, S2.60. $2.00, $1.60






to llanMli A lAT MarcaaUls
C-o.*s JHors.

Part of the block between Union
Not Believed a Jury Could be and Case street ba- been opened for
traffic, tbe cement filler of the pave­
Secured In Regular Panel
ment bi lng now snlfieieoUy eet. It waa
Dt^ceeaary to plank a part of the street
Tb.l iH-fniM. M-r l» ro>Hl»cted In front of tbe Herald building and
Johnson's drug atore. aa the cement
rnoH Tk«orr ThiU Mr*. Iluvra»r. Kow
< MWUilUHd HuU-kl-


\V —


among the la.hc^i is the
mcoring ut

Balts and
n<ckti«s of
Shoe $trinfls«

Nm M-rtl-rrcl.


.lyobart Bttchtr Co., Props.

large number
of Klks met the remains at the train
Saturday evening ami escorted them
to the family residence.
meeting of Elks took place Sat­
pulpits and mncl, work might be
London, Sept* «2-The telegraph
along thU line if people only nndm- today aays President Booacvelt'a aaaer- urday evening and arrangements were
itood how beet to reach thle people. tiona at Cincinnati raises tb<> greatest made for the funeral.
She epoke of bow mnch rre owe to Donatitntional issue since the Civil
. eren Ohriet hlmeeU.
War. The President in one sense has
Bleared the air and brongbt hU perK>nal program into a strong focui.
In another aense be baa jirobably jeopardiaed his proipect of re-eleclioh by
placing Urn trust policy upon a basis
wblob tbe entire democratic party
will reject. If will aleo be repugnant
to a large portion of tbe repnblioana
Put Over Until Monday After­
noon. September 29th

Mrall SuRgnllras

ohn A. Hargnavea, who i- oharged
with the murder of bis wife, must l Udure another week of anepenae, before
oourt will take up hU case. When will ba SSMI II.« Two Mabu
We have a large assortment
m wa- oonrened by Judge Mayne
of OM.
of shoe strings ordered csPraaidlnf Elder of thi- Grand Trarorao Dlitriot. which ahowc«d roch
1:80 thia afternoon the oaee waa'put
liccially lor this inirposc.
an exoellenl raport or Uuit yaar'a work.
Tbe recent destruotioh by fire of
ar until 1:80 Monday afternoon,
Bepl 3Vth. by mntnal ooneenl
When the case wae oaU. d upon the caused aome changea in the ront« of
to wait for. The ezodoe from the
Informal reading of the calendar At- "A poor Relation Co., " owing to
city will btwlo tomorrow momlnjr,
tornej J. W. Palchin, oouneel for the their not having been notined of the
and by tomorrow i TiminR there will
Olaimlnt Fond. 9l8.17l.88.
reepondenl asked tlrnt the oaee be eet tire. Throngh theee changes. Manager
ba rery few of the Tuitln<f Motho<h.t
for a fixed tiate later in the term. He Steinberg lias anooeeded in getting
mnlatera rrmalnlng In the city,
lueet Uoauee one of the the attraction for two nights. Friday j
tom rale afternoon w^lon
When thv report on Sabbath obaerrtnee-ee for the ilefenee. and .Saturday, Sept 36 and ;»7. instead
loe waa glren there waa much diaMrs. Carrie Orinnell, who now lives of just ime night Thia will give
.1..,, BKI.TS »n.l t'kS
After derotional aerrioee ilia mom- ouuaalonorer one sentence referring
Cadillac, ia ill and cannot appear the bualaeaa people aa weU aa everymade to order.
street oar riding, the pnronaac of
inf the report of oommitteea were
«>ourt Attorney Patchln aleo ask­ one else, an opportnnitv to a<- thia
taken np. B* v. B. 11 Bnmdy waa miU and anchkbinga on Sunday.' The
grand play, widch made Sol Smith
t waa nHxmatructed and the ed that a -j^ial venire of jurors b»' Rnaaeira fame^___________
the first to fire a rei«ra that on Edding sentence atrloktm cat. The ordered Thia request waa made be•catlon.. He ai»oke of odooatlon aa
upon the present panel ten of THE STEAMER ILLINOIS will give
tha poUc- fome of tl»e nation and of rejiort waa an urgent appeal to all to
the jurors for the teri are Travrera
an oxcuralou to the 8oo Sunday.
the^appreoUtion aocxirdod Dr. Dickie seek by precept and example
Tbe boat will leave the dock here at
«e lawleasnrma of all kinds on City men. and aa the case had iKien
for hla anoeaelnf efforu, also Dr.
J p. m., giving six hours at the Soo,
of aenaatioual talk in the
returning to this port Tuesday noon.
Oawea flald eecretarr. The oontrt- the Sabbath day. Joseph F. Peeobmaa
Rate for the round trip.
bntlou to the oanse of BtudraUi waa presented thia report
and bertha incnlnded.
Sunday BchooU and Tracts" wsa secured from the present panel Upon
91.545 tlu paat y.wr.
the next report, glren by Rev. Brad- this showing a »ial venire waa orKpworth Lmmmmm llrport.
Bespoke of the good work of dere<l.
Tha Kpwonh Loafoe report Maa
Hargraves ia charged with the mnrnext read by K. O. Deal The Leagac this oommittee and urged that Utera
from their own bi*ok oonoera be der of his wife. Mary E. Hargraves.
ahowa a gain of 6.000 membeni laat
motning uf April Slat, and has
yaar. The mlaalooary library rolumea used lu the different departmea
sra haring an inerraaing olnmUtion.
It ia said that the defense would
Mlaaion atntly la spreading the world's read by D. A Greene. T
have been an inaanity plea, bat it it
need of n goaiwl; and the OhrUtlan tlie det p interest of all and the
•tewnrdahlpenrt.llod upward of 9».000 eat prcaenutlon of iu work should now euted that the atloraeye for the
may oondnet the oaee of their
sod are now enrolling by hundred-. often be bfon* the people of tha
client upon the theory tliat Mrs. HarThe plea ia "Pray, atndy, glre." ohurchea. He-poke of Uie good work
gravee oommitted suicide.
Thera are now 168.000 Kpworthiana In of Dr. Maaop in this fielA The
Hargraves mt in the oonrt room this
the Mlohlgan oouferenoe. Oct. 6 la to of theohorch report waa not given
M Dr. Wheeler who waa to glre it iflernoon beside hia aged mother who FVFRY PAIR WARRANTED
be glren to Bible aiady -enrioe.
ippeareu visibly affected. Hargraves
waa not present
riar malUtlcal llri«rt.
limaelf appean d cool and oolleoted.
DeaThe report of the autlatioal
Tlie criminal case of the iieople va
mltte waa preranteo at thia morning’a cones- Home. Grana Rapids, rraa bewu Oonnat and Etta Brown waa
Wion. It ahowa gratifying galm ohoaen. Tbit ia toe report giren: [waaed for the present, aa it was ateted
alongalll raobeaof the chroch work John Graham. P.;j. Maveety. Mrs. A. ;bat iKith parties had probably laft
A Knappen Leri Master, E.G . Lewt la aa follow-;
wla, Mrs J. W. Aldrich, LouU Do- dm oountry.
The oas4- of John McKee, alias
Lamarter, Mra.J. T. Riokeubnogh, W.
IUair,.irtil coUnrOc*.
• » 41 M
Puffer, A oolleotioQ for the ‘Black Jack," ia on trial this afterlaceia-.................................
» ^ Oyaoooeee' Home le to be taken dor- soon, McKee having entered a pKw of
Twf*tk<ha«tttr> th—k
f«4iOsot guilty.
lug the year.
Eighteen divorce oases are on the
The Bible Canae reiKwt wae flren
by L. B Kenyon. The Amercioan oalendar, moat of which are ready for
BiWe society ia doing much for mla- IrlalLtwo or thrt< going over the
etonariee and *Hhera for the upbuilding
of I'hriat'a canee. A leaolntlon reHOLD
garbling Sunday .funerale waa paeaed
upon, asking that an effort be made




authicra, lUttera and Kurniahm to It is Majesty. The American Cithen

Handsome Sr, Waist Cloths
10 Cents per Yard and upwards.

New Goods in Every Department

Jill Colors**
Black. Olhitt, .
and Brown « «

Floral Designs
Of all descriptions furnished on
short notice.


Artistic work at right prices.


nilrcd U.

Snit Cidir 15c it Gild Storage




yondtbeyxpeotntiona of the board but
mote ia needed for thU ona»e.
The report on Church Extension
was given by F. L. KOea Many
Uterature report iv'ad by W. J. Dougohurchea liave been ertvtcd throngh
laa. This waa a good report allowing
donations and loans received by tbe
that maoh good lliwature is U lng dUboard. Tbe board baa increased detributed and much work being done
along thU oommltwe’e line of work!
Tbe Tamparanoe report was a«zt
I np by IRev. Ralph Wooten.
in amohnt ha- been raised Reg attention
9 has been
paid to thUwofk. Tbe Temperanoe
Tbe Book Oonoera report waa given
Union nad Antl-Saiooa League bare
by B. E Meader It was nrged that
giraa their oo-operatioa A epeoial tbe indebtednesa be Hquidated aa soon
Committee wae reqneeted to oaU on all
to be active ia thU work. A oommitiM of seven weraolioeen by the nndltlagoommittee, ooe from enofa district.
Tbs andiungoonunltlsegave
tmmltteegave Ia brief
an hidebteds
A. Wright. M. M- Oallen, W. A
Frya. L. R. Lmmox. L. Qsossataaagh
W. M. Pnffer, W. P. Fraaoh, *, G,
Board of 8lewards-D. E. Roihl, J.

Kew Tork, Sept. 12-John MltcheU
this morning said be had had no
fer^'ooe with'the operators or their
repraeeotativea today. He said the
oontribnUoas coming io will ei
tbe miners to bold oat almost ii
Diely. -Will yon oomprtanlee.—
etrixe, Mr. Mitchell," be wae ashed.
**1 don’t oara toeay.' beeaid.
ai«> said be woold not aee Mergan
while ia the eC|y.

Wc have jo*, received our
und Winter stock of Silk
uid Wool Wmtsto in Se»- Shulcs and Styles. : : : ;





infaits’ CuU,

Can, 25c ti 75c
liai at Ladin'Walk­
ing SUrlt

221 CwAte#
F*will $si


Inch a


Cen Dollar to
Dollar line of
“W02" Stilts
and Ooercoata
now in**$ee

If there's a point which we emphasize more

than another in regard to our garmenu it's their per­
fect fitting qualities. Try on other makes if you will,
but when you get into ours you can feel the fit, just as
though they were made especially for you—makes you

....... ...................




LadiM' Mgbt Ribis
50c, 75c, $1


« Shirt WaisTs

Fr«H:h Fl*nn.l-Ml

F-A 1 R

PONT SPEND A DOLLAR for poor fitting

New Silk and Wool



FvSeaift 7.50ti .98



feel "Every Inch a Man."
You know the makes we carry—no one excels or
even equals the STEIN BLOCH CO. or HART.





m EVHimc

lUiMMto bf Maktaf iaNrafU la rsU*
aoftvl8R. TW
MkM lodN. B«flbk»Tiobto
tMt ttM Uaitod 0(alM hm not
toortod tfat MBilh of Mtirity: bat

the d«ad. hsTtBpud to tbe Mfrty of tbr tiring.
Working 'AtB? rrematioiis have ta-

affortl 11 there orc-ao many tblcfa all
rmdy to |iai on for oole and iWy ore
ao rtwaoaaUe In l»1ce that It U teat to
^ur them. But there are odd^Wta of
laaten^ whk*h ran 1- utlU«d ao that
iberelaalwaya wmwihlnf todo.
ft moat he admined that while tbe
-atore auir looks better at the oataet
It does hoc wear ao weU aa the ooe
the moUKT makea. This is portly becauae fartory made ranneou nmat all
be cut wUh an ld«-a to the cloaeal economy. TLut ream* are uoi Uken IB aa
deep aa tiny ahouW be. While the
aarliic on one anlt would he trifling, tt

bass ball a nnisam nndar the
Uw? Miss Kau Hootaan. a spinalar
of Walla Walla. Wash., says ‘tis. It
U now ap to tbe sapsnor ooort of tbs
1 to soy it **aln'b*'MiaiBootaanlhrosBsartbsoitybaUFarkaBd
claims* that tbs aoiss and crowds an­
^ cut the aame day. and half an Inch
noy her. She has thbrefors asked
the oouTU to absta tba Boimnoa.
I>arlx« P*«ld«t Boaacvrtf. re««
Brory baU that drops into bar yard
New mrnvhlrc bl. cotbs maiden lady promptly oobUsolcado. «i rooto for Ibe pulut where




9mUmtmtmt Q^mnm
**"iuAjri »L McCOY of K«^:
ruBT r. rowBtts «f^w«sSb.
af JocUa
fW Om. af ttel* Lood Oao^
MDWriM A. WII^BT of VaoBw

B. A L Annual Bzeoraioa to
‘Detmit and Toledcn
To Richmond. Ind..

E. Murray, Agent
Mim KalUe M. Brown, for some
time a teaober in tbs fOTenunent In­
dian school at Grow Creek arency.
Booth Dakota, has jost been married
to Fred Medicine Crow, a fall blood­
ed redkain beloogin* to tbe Crow farsMiArtaer th»
Creak raaarration. Tba bride haiU

They were Bwift Sc Co. rmm loo
with beef ea route for Cam
Ibej ocetoed to move at alowl
the way at po«U4e. For fift
OUA the foil tliae alloiied

K ,

Chester. 40 at Uren**.!. 18 at Glas­
gow. IT St Hu!l and 2 at I»arIlngton.
Leicester will bare a cretnatortum In a
montba. sod the . institution In
se of erection In tbe north of Lon­
don win be ready l.efore the cb«^ of
1902. Tbe Unltwl Slates has 20 cre^
matoriea. of which 24 are In n«*. At
FVwh Pood. N. V.. i-A UidWn were
c^Hnsted In 19U1. Wat S«u Frmnciaco
<Odd Fellowst. and 1K2 In Chlcapo. to
Paris, from 1890 to
2.21A piirate cremation, took |d3i«e.—San FrancUco Chronicle.

borne of Ooim Belle FeUows. Ibe sooi
ety belle who married Ohaska, tba
In the front rank of the wwd.
8obIx-w onion which tamed oat de­
rp went a nU?hty roar of laurhter.
J. W. AUhands. aged «
rou mi: x.ittu: oars.
| nmehman Uring 80 mUes coat of Oddelay i
•aved ou the different grade, means ] orsdo Srpings. blew oat his brains
tall«-d to s few worda.
yard, in the ai:m*pite. And. ‘^<^ {He bad serred a. a jor
asteued a. the
oonnty court under i
Lt r would do them.
The llt- I bcfraod for rexeure, ana^
O. B AL to BSobmoBd. Ind.M 00.
hem. Tbom.iS^e??S^er^
when refused
tle garmetiiii are given out hy
jhe killed himself rather than
Ootobm Utb. O. B. Morrmy. Agent

yomun a. fall of cniwn.

Sliouid contain


The com u » sm*0 c»m>denn^ U>e .

Na 5 Cal^ top SCxiU, in bin b dindedanJ cacb-Mc ^ >J C
tioo win hold SOIbt. of flour, one dr»*. 19x17x14 only «7. / O
OTHER^VLES—»1.60. $5.60 «nd
Kitchen TabR^ 28x42 in., select whitewood top. 3 inch
square leg securely bolted...................................... *....
Same Table with draw

we can discount any price on same arilcle;


No nectl to suffer from heat
I)on*l let the a:r get stagnant
- create a brcc/c. I’ut in one
or more of our desk or ceiling
ELECTRIC FANS in your officc, xtorc or home. All of new
design and perfect construction

The time may come



daj-s will i»asx pleasantly if >ou

.waTBICK U. KBbbEY of W ay^
U b. WBJCillT of Ctoooiaa.

have taken the proiicr advan-

far Mt.aW af Oaoat— gar—tfi Ooa#a

Uge of your younger years and

A«C:UIBabD B.I>ABKAyUofliraU«

saved a little money.
This bank weU:ome« savings
accounts large or small


It laj-s

interest «>n your savings and

fWjUQaaolaBra ta Mata L^tUUtmroJAB. B. MONBOr.

the Doughs Union Wade Shoes
$3.00 and $L50
ini -thnk: >afofbl.o r

5 our money is xale.

It will !»■».
txi rx-n>ii«Ih* W L
- -*M, - KI..I
M- for,lf Ihtot Ih-x



t-^n|wjlng« U. $*«•• Wrr
•ointort ■Mtl f*TVI r*
i. n -w I n. ..r
th--*ms«l* In b t .alf.
r.«*-is .-toir.


£ n. AbbYE



Tbe foUowlng axtraoU from Himrj
Olaw'a Uat Ananoial rarlew U i| aor,
ooBiptobeBiaTa aommary of tbe indu<
%M *
-Aufoat'a eaporta abowed a lo^ of
f tt.000.000 oompared with last year.
4oa to ahrlnka«e In shipmanU of airrt.

• BMBtB only it U well
atPOiy xampovwry aou MWh *«
aiawm oaragrlcnltoimi^p.
wito M« Ukaly to ran botwaso 971.000.000 to $100,000,000 in eaoasa of tbe
laM flaoal ysor. Omr leading hanker.
BIO kaaplng b close wateb apon inter
MttOBBl BBds BBd fli^oiai movsMis. BBd mnoh of tbBlr present
ff^Bdai>iia in the fatore In anqmastioa
Bbly based apon tbe probability of our
paying a rory bwf« proportio.. of oar
fCEOlffB IndoMsdnoss in product.
In tbs laB twelve monih. there lia.
biBD a sbrlnkaga in com eaporu alone
Bf fil.000.000. which will not be rapMiBd this year.
•*On tbe Btook Eaohanirs there hare
Uioa the outlook
tbs monetary
1. Tory sam««arr. Tbs Wg leader,
hava tbs ornrhat well under oootrol.
bBl am oTideBtly not disposed to take
tbi UUiatlTe at fwssank Railroad
BEmlngtooBtinim Imgs; ganstal trade
atows toormslng aotirtly; tbe iroa
tlBds Is taxed to the utmost and forUlgB mlllBg mllU am being called
mpoB m mn.iy
Tim dBCkssl spot upon tbs horUon i.
M eoBl mrlka. which stUl oontinaas.
but momstc be gradoally dying.
odat lbs boldness with which big
MW loans are tsoaod. Thus Ibrthe
•ibet ofaxcasMm oapIlidimEioc has
BBt bosB duly felt. And tbe day of
- --- -------------- ^ likely to be postponmrning of the ^ tide.


Mor. OUitandardi
I may ba^to^a^-



BkBBfUd and wUlbsfoBBd to wirk


tiM MM f»«

to to
Uf. On tMimt migmtmmn*-

tfctoto» toSeffcy>wpcy^ ^

Wb are ErclusiaB /IgBnts for Troworto City

Pjui1.yr of ftrroBU ChuM

■oij TraaararDEO. W. iTEWAttD.


satisfactory Shoe
fl. $. Fryman. West
Store in traverse City.
4to>r womt-ii to Cnl^U. nn-» CR Ibc
1. alim*st noUilng the work U
ii-dly done. So a clever mother
who buya these ganneni. would do
lIirelofoTC magic Untem. have la^en well to go over the cuds of the seams
and butu.iiK,
immit pictures only or for pniji-cting
u thankful to he able to say that
opaque pictures only. Some trauH- thom> ill coiuH-ivt'd aud uncomfortablo
glrlH- dn»«.*s WUh the long I n-mh
imrenry pn»Ji«ctom. bon ewer. luivr
alsU arc rarely sc*cu In the now fall
prorld.*d with an atlaohni. nt whereby
the wime may l»e converted Into n pro- frocks. The Itusslsu biou«? sluniH? Uvr
JetMor f<»ro|taque picture., Wliile till. little 1'h.vs Ih to U- |to»pulur. and mau.v
11 girls will also have some
I* .ultablc for recta In cIakkc. of t xhl
Sian Mouse, hut U 1. ulmc i Lely neverlheli*h. fall, .hort of tin*
akc the form of coats rather tlmn
rtHinlrement. when lt,l. deiilred to exhlblt traneparent and opaque picture.
Interehangiable. fur con.lderable time
i. consumed and trouble Involvcl in
It of |«itent leather or while canvas,
ere Is a \\ i*W sailor collar and any
making iira|>er ndjuslnient. ne*-«iH>nry
»d of irlummig that one likes M-st,
to effect tin* ebatige from one «•ln^. of
douse is suitable for lH>y.
pletnre to the other. Moreover, ce
hrxv lo six. The next is a
•peeially Int.nwting ob^ccts-yix, thooe
laid in Norfolk, kill or side
Little owrouit. of quite heavy
wouletegooda are made In the aame
way Wteepl that the overcoats arc
made inueh largiT and are triinmetl
w Ith fur In some cases. The looat* belt
is iudlspemialde.
Utile s<ho.dgirla should be.drcswl
plainly for obvlou. reasons but they
should have pretUly made garmenla.
of aU the different

Tor the Ifncfit of those interested
in the cooking scTool lc5son to l>c
given by Ktnnu Meric Coolings the
price of the course for one week will
be from $UKMo $I.r,0 according to
the nutnljcr taking the lessons. It is
requcstcil that all ladies in the city
wishing to join the class give their
names cither i>craonally or by phone
l>cforc Friday to the following ladies:
Mcstlamcs I., Roberts. J. F. Gilles­
pie. J.
Moutaguc. J. H.McGough.
A. 11. Cook.

gifl IsTesUttS Thai l> l>«-rlUrUI,
Forward »lrp.

: street car tracks ;

Hr..( .Vi.l toth* liOur^l.

A iKo*l upi-nit«>
H^^i^t In ren­
dering nrsi {.id In »a>4* of accident,
has b»-,-n tied In Tan-. It 1. like a
pillar letter U»\. and .tMitalns a fold­
ing sm*teUt r. a few iii«-dieiiies. ete. In
ortler to g«*t .It tIn-M* obj* lia ll U n« rt*.sary to l.reak the gb^^. a*, when ‘vail­
ing" a fire ongiT.e. In this way the
key of the case and access to a tele­
phone Inside iHUummilenting with th.
nmbulaiuH* .tatlon are obulued.—Chi­
cago Daily News.

able, according to the thlckn
and t
i»*avy gitoidn. w hile the t
look lK»t In the liner materials.
pertly trt^n^l«^rcnt and i..:riJy opaq
cannot l»e projected by such Untcrua
With the«‘ condltlmi. Iti ralDil. .Mr
George \V. Pmith of Kvnn.toii. lib
say. the Scientific AmcTit-an. ha. re
centJy produced end iiatcnt«*U an ep
psretu. which will pmjtvt any cla*
of picture or objcft without rctjuiriiig
any .pecUl odjuk
The invention 4>*mpriM-. a lantern
box. at the nar of wliWh i. itlngeil s
refliH-tlou ehamber liavlnu reriiesl
wall, arranged oMIqnelj w lih n‘fr"'Ct
to tbe front wall, of the box. A light.
A. U located at one side of the lauttTn
box at one f*icu. of au elli|«toddal re­
flector. the pUturt* or object to W pro­
ject.^ being Um-ricd at the other
focu*. t»n tbe opiN»llc .idc an o]
Ing Is formed In thf* n'fl» for
admUsluQ of the objective tulie. Uay.
.from light, .V.
densing leim. It. to otic cf-lhe «hli<iue
wall, of the n*fl**ctor ebamUT.
flectura. C and IJ, are |iro\ ld«-d on
Walls, and they act to rellct't the ray.
back through a romlen*lng len*. E. A
trmnaparent Uotern slide, F. when
phu'cd before the kw. K, IntemqiU
the ray.
ttona of light and fdmdow to be pro­
jected by lena. G. on to the
8ncb la tbe effect when a trat
slide U mwd. t>*ben an opaque .hde
Is to be projected, tbe direct raya from
Ump. A. and also the Imllrct rays
concentrated by the cUipeoidal reflector
Illuminate tbe front of the slide, and
the proper Image
agb lens. G. to
be partly o
transparent or translucent, the Untera
wlU operate simnltaueoualy a. a tnegaocepe and ectopticoo combined, tbna.

Mr. and Mn. Leif Ct^DEa've the

aIni.H.t anything, thongh
ilur one waa of flu
pbld 111 elun d'wign. The skirt
lu idalts all around, turning backward from the wide b.x pbll at the
center of the front. The aide jdalU
formed a hollow box at the Uek. and
the Mouse \va. pblted down the front.
Some guImjM? Ins'ka are seem roortly
for lilet*." and they are made quite
reasy by the atlditiuii of bee and ribon. Sasb-s an* worn again. Ulbliona
re made Into fancy b»w. and set at
the shoulder, and narrow ribbon to
match the color 1. titd at the temple,
to bold the hair back. Long ringleta
the fashion, and all chil­
dren wlK»se hair will stay In curl wear
carta Instead of tbe flnffy flying bunch
of the bsi few years
For »cb«Jol dark, all wool
best. fiW If Itodled they can l*e washed,
while mixturtw cannot. There are
bomespuna and plolda cashmeres,
cheviots and many more. All these
make durable and pretty dresses. Much
time has Isn-n exito-mbd this year In dcvlaiiig tlalnty white aprons f* wear
wtfh the dark dresses. Nothi^ la so
good for this punvose as linen lawn.
For amall gffU there are cunning lit­
tle Jackets that are n>crer In front mod
box In the liack. Some of these hare
aide looiw and tbe hanging loose blouse
The ereryday hata arc to be of very
soft felt with scanty trimming. Insllniito*y and w wily,
face Is v»tV i
SUk evds and ta>rcls With a ttoautiful
sem ..n ttoime. tith.ra have
of ostrich idnmes.
Quite a numl«- of the hmg coata In­
tended for ^^dd wither have llnlngi
of bright plaid aUk or ore made ot the
doable faerd goods.


l>c carried direct lo the gates of the
U'esi Michigan Fair.
The bridge
over the Grand River has been built
and thoroughly reiaircd.

T^at will appeal to every woman in the city. A cloak in
these days of fashion must have that high standard of per­
fection that only expert designers can give. Our garments
belong to that class.






A specially good garment—one of our leaders—27 in. long,
satin lined, at $7-.SO. $800 and $10.00. A Tan Kersey, lined
throughout w’ith satin, for $10.00. A splendid line of 45 inch
garments in castor, tan, black, oxford and bro>vn from $10
to the very linest at $30.00. A most complete line of Rag­
lans in all the most popular colors at $10, $15. $22 and $30.









Just as fine a line and just as much attention paid to these
cloaks as the ladies. A fine Kersey at $5.00. The $7.50
styles include the castor, red. black and blue. The Misses’
^Xong Coat, a beautiful garment for $iox». The Raglans,
in fashion’s latest colors, at $i5.oa

A most complete line in castor, red or blue'at $3.50, $4.50.
$5x30, $6.00 and $7.50. The mothers will fully appreciate
the attention that has been'paid to this line of garments.

rU Ditofpwi»g Train.
Tka Haaa 9ar4aa.
rta BaaafUaf Mlhgariaa/

Tki Ami a Stap Nulim.


tba taianitl aaeAHtaa of tbk
bow«ha4iM af in.Q00lBS

K kurdUoeuw

How Do Vou Know


Every one* in awhile you hear eome
lady say.: ‘-I'd like to use H. & L. Co/s
BEST FLOUR*' but some other flour
is cheaper. How do you know It’s
cheaper? It's the same old story of
the ••Cheap-In-the-bearlnnlng.” but
••dear-ln-the-end,**—price. A word
to the wise is sufficient. : : : : :


Ccttdenstd Dtws
» oimichisan
A p»p*r Bill, which will b. OM of
tb« iBgMt la tbo oowilrj. with a pro4MiB< mpMlty of IK toot of popv •
d*r. 1. to ho hoilt at Boalt 8b. Marie.

will reqalra aiffht Boothf. will hagio at ooaa.
Food OoBBlBiooer Soow’s balleiia
for Aaffoatabowtihat U mmu acaloat
atlegad Tiolatora of the para food laws
ware pBMllii« at the betiMlofr of tha
Boath. Stale AaalTftDoomUaaBMa.
load 67 BauOaa of food ptodaela dartat tba Booth. 4^ baioff pare aod 14
adaltaralhd. lo Jelly. oleoBarfarlae
aod Tloefar Impariliaa ware found.
At Iroo Moautalo WiUiam PaaU a

of an act fallioff froB abora. atrikiac
hlB oo tba bead.
J. Moore WtlliaBa. of Lgroaa. baa
iofaated a faa that whan aacreted in
a hank aafe and ralaaaad bya woald-be
thief oTcroocue the latter. Mr. Williama thioka the haa a ffood thla«.
Oitiaens of Cladillae ere aaloaadad«
tbay are axparleoclnjr
The eorporatioo
ownloR the electro lifht plant liaa
Toloatarily radoced Ita ratea
8parta la beooBinc a freal frolt
bait. The rnali of fruit la ao rreat at
thla point that the oommlBioo men
baea treat diaoolty in baadUaf tba
aM aadaaed. Tba alieela are
. atowM with paaohwi«oaa and labor.
• an aAl a ptOBlnin. Oaahiar Kealf.
at. of tba Sparla State hank aaya
^ baea Boia Boaay oo dcpoalt then they


anm, mi Sm vrittiw i
' UM KUc ot tto Jnn!' DpoaU>UUx«
tUhop b>lU .p «•
or th» »cM IfHUefddwuw. OT«r
bMid U tbU cUr. » MO** fmU of
lopUal. ontlaoUt. naortniM
YMtwrday Was PaolcFci Full of pewM.
iMte M • BOttat's lolUbrndot
Mfcon URlbU M «b. teuod Upteiac
Good Things
mi «bo OMhUc U»»dee. Ho M•»
or KlTUc .
of tUo dUooono eoo do it
imam. II vopt oTM«hodM«U.of
Was On# of th# Most Masterty
Ever H#ard Here

paaoMant «r Mn Bpwtb Xentnno pro.
aMad nft Mb nnnlroi^ nNnni maatinf
for that BgnntanMantn tba nftBBMB.
HalatronoadDr. J. F. Baroy. adUar
of tba Bpwartb Harold, wbo made tba
Dr. Bany apoka of tba roamlaaa
work of tba yoanf paofla atarted la
tba Mat half of tna Inal oaotary. aad
atill in a foramtiro an«a.
Moat of hi. addrroa waa oooapied
with Ub foar forward BorooBato of
the Laacae.gyateBatic aad daroUoaal
atady of tba Word of Ood. Cbrlatiaa
Baantaad maana Tharowaaalito- BUalona. Cbrlatiaa alawaidabip aad
tlmaofatadyaBdworohlp ta Iba aarBum. wbioh, while tt oeeapied nearly
in boar and n bnlf, left nlltbaandi. bow tba laaoera in tba work proparod
wma lonflnf tbnt it abonld eon- tba ooaiaa of bibla atady. bow it
epraad aaDMag tbe yooaf people of tbe

lac It oFataeaa.aa ttlaabaacMiM
Dr. DiaMa told aC tba aFar af Oor.
aroarBUBtofiro 810.000 towaid tba
Pbyroaat af tbU dabt la aaaa tbaroat
U roiaid baforotba iroiaflaaroiy.
aad Mated that maro tbaa tbroa-foartha
of tba entire debt U bow proridad
Idr. "Wa maMroiae tba raat.” ha
Bid. “and wa wilL**
Dg. DIakla potatad to tba aplaedid
work tbattlBaol]agaitdelaf.iatal.
laataally. aroroUj aad aplritaally.
Be told of foar AlMoa atadaata, oat
of a total of fOO aaadldataa. tdkiaf

Dr. Sr moel Dickie, LL D. iicaaideBt
of Albion College and the graat ternporanne leader and orator of the Pro­
hibition lariy. aa be araee aad Marted to announce tbe closing hyma, waa
cheered aad loud calls for "Dicklet.
Dickie!” rang out Ull he finally ooa«
sontea to epi*ak. Her raferrad to the '
leolarations of the Mexhodist ohuroh.
which were framed by him aa ohair-

la ibe Morei.r


Where Biahop Fitxgarald ha. bu*eu entertained and whara the
ranged by him and hi. Oablnet.
the oloae of thU aarrioa.Hhr
matter of the offering for anporannoatadopted by the
League, x
ad mlniaten was broaffat upi The
now being purman made tome aiat«m» uU foi folfllled bia promlaa of Saturday eve-1 Y. P. S. O.K . and
lat. wbao the ctrookao one soda a
tba information of thoae present. He ning. aod expreaaed iita views on tbe sued by many IhouBuds of earoeat
diatorbaaoa Both yonnt men ware
stated that there were 141 cUimanU liquor question in a way that tin young people in all \mru of the world.
at oooa aakeo io band by Ohiaf of
He spoke of ih. former prayer of the
could not fail to be im
Poliea Raaala wha waa there, but
church to open mission doors, then
at tba aaroaat aolieiBUon of the leadTbe apeaxi r pointed to tbe humil-! when the doora were oiwn of tbe prayOf tbe 12t cUImanla at this time, 116
era of tbe Baetlnt. one of whom waa
UtioD of Christ in his daath. craei-! er for workers, and now. when bnn60
eranteliat, they
flxion, the death of the slave and the ! dreds of trained missiouarie. an* ready
wdera. anil jirob- being Ci and Hie average perioil of ler criminal. Tbe title called attention to go to tbe fields in the ends of the
Tbe average
ablyreoalred tbe worat imnlahmaot of ▼ioa in tbe ministry
inoome per family in the ooo- to his home in Nazareth, Uie meanest ewtb, he pointed out that tha nrod
their Utm in the lirely iulereat that
clalmanii’ liomea is H11. He city in Galilee. But In it all, there uxUy is for money. He raferrad to
waa manifaatad in the%wellare. Benrged tliat the Methodist minister, do was the exaltaUon of the Savior, for the campaign that tha Epworih
not forget the pione. rs in thla part of He was titled the King. He was the League is oonducling along UiU line.
field. Rev. W. L. King of tbe Jews. wb<r were His oWfal The matter of ChrUtiaa aUwardLaufman made a stirring apptal for people, and the speaker beautitolly j ship he held to be tbe solution of this
money. He aUtod Uiat Ithe Methodist pointed out that Je«i. Is still king cf j and .11 other qneations of church
BOERS AND MATRIMONY. ^Uten oooid do as they like, but be nis own, and that none of His ehll- finance He urged that it U the duty
dreo can have need to fear. He .now. of every Christian man to pay at least
#ttUk OuuaiUtl.a f HUe# Mae sNbta^ tha paople of Trararaa City to
abow Michigan Methodiam what kind ed also that the Jews were the cne- one tenth of his inoome into tbe
Cobaldenble ihdignatluD is U iug ex of peopla we have here. He paid a mies of the Christ, and emphaaize<l Lord's treasury
Dr Berry put the strongest empha
reared at The Hague over the report glowing tribute to the fatbera of the fact that Jeros Is king of His enethat the Hriiiah. being determined to Miohigau Methodiam. and aaid when mics.and that soiTO day theyshall W sis on the movement for perwmal
crush Hutch influence in cverj- possi­
ble way in bmith Afrlin. an* discour­
aging matrimony lictwcen lUa*ra nnd
Britons, mys the EL*Louls lllolM*-l>cmt
The story in-*s that llfiy English
women wlio di-slred to avail them­
selves of Mr. ChamUTlalii's i-ailgintkMi
scheme lisvc la«cu rcjccti*d U-cauw
thc>- admltled that they were Boer
aynipathlxcra and stall*.! that if they
iminicil 111 South .\frlca they woul.l
wed Imti-hmrn. It is nlsi^ stated tliat
Sir John Ardsgh. on.* of the royal commUalou just aeut out t.» Smith Arrii*a,
Idren of m
t In BiH-r Ideas.

He xmrtium ebeae. Are U.e f Tw*
IH.II.n taaeee.
He(*<nit iu%t«tlmtlotiR of natural I'olur
in watt^ ehow that U le duclo ten dis­
tinct «*nu»ce-ve|CctBl*lc hlnlii ami aus|4Midisl matter. When the latter la
pn*oeut in apiRtvlahle quanUly, U
cauoae turbWlt) and la not a real pl«mcnl. The true cvloT <
atain la im-enlsh yellow
brown and U due to decayed plant
groeth; the
ly miner)
c«»lor acquired by -water at the
bottom of a deep pood la largely ‘
An F.mrtlsh n.*w«pi
to tbla enuae.
Knieru bave adofited a method of alnr> : -Siimc im.nihs
atallng the dei*th of color In water by hilled In an agen-ss
comparlsi.u with a mixture of ptall- inemlK*ni of Um* »A( elut. ni imiiarn
wbo |mMM*d along a f.s.tpath through
by om* |*rt of platinum to 1.U0O.U00 a cliiiup of .4iiia In the golf park. Tl:e
iwrta of water 1h*1ujc taken aa the* first iH-nmn ntim k.d
eye «:m1 as the ana. k
cr daiii and the bud
Thut U haa Ihvu ohowu. aaya
wiitiT in buci*e»A. that the rolor of was stip|«»»-i'il that mNcliiwiuis l»oya
surface wat*r de|Hi»da l»otU on Um trciatsalnc In the park and throwing
character of the nclghtiortng reiraU atom's vw Hie aggnwoors and
turn and on the tUue that tbe wat« watch was conanineutly kept .\nothcr
reoMlna in contact with It. Water perami was. h«wc\er. aitai'k.*.! who
naar at cep rockn. when* there are few saw the blid aod on whose hnt fealhaud marks of the blnl s talon* nr
troea. will KemTally lie t»elow twanty
iH-ak wero fouii.1 Thevwl hi
units in color; stei p w.mhI.hI »»r
Of rciing In a In-.- near the imth.-rated aloia*# gUe ttveiity to
lisll.T News.
unlta; almllar but p-ntb r el.»|»ea

expn med bis oonviction that aone
day the temperanc«' seatiasent would
become ro strong that it ooald notbe
disregarded. He Mated fhat the righteoue oaaae ever triarophs ia the
ead, aad held out words of a good
oheer. Hr was about to bs ssatsd, bat
the flrat of January, and invited all oriss of "Go da! Oo oo!" impelled
to the big Jubilee to take place Jane hlB to ooattnae and briefly rooant
the history of the stab* in tne amtlcr^,
since tlie prohibitory Uw of 1868, Ull
Dr. Dawe, financial aeorelary c
the present time, the prohibitory Uw
ooUege.gaTeabriefaddroro. ins
haring been repealed in UJ76 aad all
U empbaaUedthe fact that Metli
ohuroh work
MethodUt edaoatlon subeeqnunt Uwe being favorabe to the
go haad la hand, the oharch ooUege
Dr. DiokU U Do^thasiaiUe over
be ing the only InMltatloa that care,
looal opUoa. as it U too looal and toe
for the mental, moraL pliysloal aad
spiritual lult^reMe of iu rtadenla
SesatUaz KWrlK's Hood Citlaeaalila MaMlosThe Oily Opera House was packed to
the doors Saturday evanlng for the
good oiUsanahlp maaa meeUng. The
mnaie waa led by tbe ohoir of the
Flrat BaptiM oboroh, and the meeUag
waa presided over by Dr. Saaael
Dickie ox Albioo ooUegs.
After the deroUoiial aervloe and a
stated that the meeUrg waa not under
auspieee of the AnU-Salooo
league, the Oonfaranoe Temperance
society Doranyhing elae in partioular,
■o that the speakars were enUraly frac

Dr. Dickie then introduced Dr.
Barues of Charlotte, wbo spoke fw
fiHeea mUntee on tbe work^
the AnU-Saloon Lrogae aad the work-

T***4^hern states than in the south. Col blaaainfa^ng^Rooky
ored W#ier l« gradually bleached by
aunllght. the aiiion taking ^ place
chiefly within one fool of the surface.
Tbe study of n*U»r lu wat.*r Is of
Th.'V nei^- diMiis^liig Um- uaiward
youth who was ettdeavuiiiig to
people objeil lo drinking brownUh into literalurx'.
water; hence In a town wnti'r sui»ply
-Js he a giuxl wrlHTV'
Site Given by Hon. Perry Hannah and Dedicated in 1867. under the Pastorate of Rev.
tba color must either U* removed or
‘Oh, line."
Draper. Committee Seesioos have been held here.
Ita formation must be prevented. Tbo
inan*8 niends alwajs thlnl
Uttar U often tbe most ei^'onomloal but ha. his work ever Iwuugl
thing to do and It may Ik* aciximidlahod much of anything?"
a maa can oompnte Ta dollars and | befora Him. though now they defy | evangelism He she
"Well. nith.T.
by Intercepting the wat.T from the oposnta what he owes his mother, then Him. He closed ihu part of hU dU- it. pointed out the
outlined the meth
grand results HU addrese was 1
:hI.wgo Boal.

UwlB BoUr. ol Ha «0 Bm» Oiloli.U
Mloh.. mjt: "U
U wllboortd<m»,«»»* triKof Dt.
• A. W. ChM.’. Nmw WIU wUl pwr.
oOMta I WM
pooriT ead n»
dewB UM •pri...
•dmSMd. IproowPdaliosUB.

TbarriUo»vmi aiUia.««ld


k, **l«d.M»«««-aUfl«d UpU(
Or. A. W.
lUrre PUUm
MUot neabmaldMUnorDr. A.
W. OtaM Medtaue Oa. Botola H.
T. fce»l«*»por*»W«»d»tfuMM»of
A.«. OIaa»,


on the vigor with which they enforce
tbe existing laws sgainst the salooe,
aad the speed with wbloh"they enaol
new ones that shaU outUw tbe saloon.

may Im* made ntjlttlc i'ttmi by taking
a yard oml tUnV-quarimi of strong
J«m. Double and divide U Into nine
there bt* a space
of two lurbfs HfttT eat li third comisutment. Fill the <-oiu|MirimenU with
very fine cuttings of cork, which may
be made by rutting up old corks, or.
belter Mill. purrliRiied «t the eork cut­
ter's. Work eyelet holes at the bottom
of each comiMriment to let tbe water
drain out. Attach a neckband aad
waist strings of stout boot webbing
and oes thi iii on strongly.

usiDesB,and the andianoewaa loud
in cheers for him aad in their desire
that he speak to them for a riiort Ume
ut. Ha did not oonaont to thU.
however, but stated that he would
have a word lo my oo the timperaaoe
qaestion oa the morrow.
w a deUghtfal solo by Mim
Qraoe Haatings.Dr. Dickie iattodoosd
Dr. Potto, who U stoue dsaf. bat who
is none the leas keen and aone tha
less beloved. He U the editor of t^
Michigan Christian Adrosale. and
is knviwu and loved all over Method­
ism. As be aroro to addrem tbe audtenoe, in response to the suggestion
of Charlman D‘ckie. slnoe tbe speaker
have beard no amonnt of applanse .the Cliatanqna salute waa giron
him . at which bU faee lighted up
with a smile that was good lo see.

the Lord Jens as tbe SariOT of the ^ that brought out a erowd that filled
srorld able to mve to tbs uttermost j
auditorium to the last row of
sU who oome unto Ood by Him. | •••ts in the upper gaUery and left
sU wbo oome unto
^le corridors without.

Dlokie, paid a glowing tribuB to hU
abUity aad the apleodid work bt* has
done for tbe ooUege.
Dr. SaaMM*! Dickie's ASUrsao.
When Preaidaul Dickie an
improssiro aarrlou Tirnro were 14 ia q»ak. he was rraetad with ofarors
the blBB for desoon’s orders, and they loudandloDg His addrorowus rosy
wara clothed with their new antherity with dne oeramony
re were aereo ia the oMro for tioas, Albion oolkge
eoUegs roeeiriag the
iorters,aadthaiBroiMtywaallMa*s Mbto of the
The first part of the aftezaoon i

true solatlon, to his miad. is in aa
argaataattoo that aball elect men
whose lOBora of offloe from the rotes

€ kealrml I4fr

drives away all impurities from your

S.'imUh .\s«nrlatk>ns
TIh* O.*0tM-i
was tbe floe sum of 8160, hut said that
y iutMiM-%1 a rtfM*liUli>n
(i(x»t<*atliig aznilniU ihr aU*)Ukui of the Travetae City eonld do bettor than
It waa found thathU pradiotkm
kUt and distinctions of Hh- bighUod
oorraot. for in the aftaraooa it
l-unl RoIktIs. to whom
aaaouaoad that «h<> offering had
Ihe reiBlatiou was furwartlevl. replice
that there i* no intention to Interfere
Maseecir Sarasoa Ur Blalipa ntsaarata.
the highland
The City Opero bouse waa packed
color of .the service Sraoa muM be like to the doors again when the time arthat of the ?rM of
rirod for the ragular Borolng praaeh. it lowers aboee. iag oerrioa. Key W. L. Laafaroti
it's aatara'e wro^ proaided as this aassioa, the secBoa
There's ae
being prroched by
Bkiad. Sadi Ul
Tbe ragular or
86c. Jas. O Jo
first. aU Joiaiag in the raspeesas.
Tbs maale was lad b7 the full ohoir of
FirstMelhodiMohBSch. Asolo, "Oh!
Byas That Ara Wsary," hr Mrs. Fox
of louia wrororyplsaslag. AnnaibiB was alM> sang by ths choir.
BIshsp FIMfiBaM tank fCr tha iszt

la Ihe world. Asa roroae of oMertiiM
pablia hlaokroall ftoro eriroa. of harig thapabUeecBaaiaeoa.orrob.
Hag aroaa roada plan Mr a ^
giro# daty. thS rpBikar drohaod that
toroaa ryataro is a raaorro. keftaa
laaof rogalariagthe iMiaor troAo
eoloaroi fhUara. ,
ha roid it 1

I other BBana employed wara dwid. with wit aad bitter aaroaaB
ing at Umee la tbe epaaker'a
a Be longed for the maa to
wbo will unite all the anti ealoon foross. «o sweep the monster from
(he earth Meanwhile, hooever. he
orvei all MethclUia and all Christ
ians to fight the American saloon.

One of the moat Inspiring gat herInga of the entire conference waa the
l which occurred
nt 9 o’clock, and oontioued until time
for the other aarrioe at 10 :d0. There
fesution of the nrenenoe of God io lb** hearts cf His people
nnd aometimes there werr as many a»
half n hnndrad people on the floor at
uoa tiae. nU nnxiooa to tell the good
tbinci that tba Lord had done for
tnc. An nlBr aarriea wna bald In
Tbe aarrioe was a most inapir.
anob oaaa. nod thora wm aoma in inf ona throngImut,
onae wbo oonfaaaed oonreraioo.

SOklBC Succeeds Se Uke Sicce«.


ed Tory poalUTey
lioearo U of the devlL Be pointed
lag. be axproarod drro faith that tba oat ita faUaoiee aad axged tart all
debt of tbe ooUaga will be roiaed by fight thU plan of go
tioB of the Infaroo

Teaterday. was n grrot day in the
Mleblffan Mfthodiat oonferanoa, nnd
from the lore fanat in the Bornlng to
adoontlonnl meailrg
the day waa full of
food thinfa.
The rnriona city (mlpita were occnpi<*d by rifitinf Meihodisi minlaiora.
and anch chnroh felt mat it had been
firan Ih. jAok of nU Mctbodlam for Its
.apply for tba day.

opBi air meeUnaa wara bald oo Front
alraal Uai araniny by rUitiof Metbc
atlnlalora nod olbar Ohrladna
Ba of tba oUy. Tba lint wma
bald nt tba oomar of Front nod Oaaa
6 o'clock, nnd the other nt the oomar
of Front nod Oaaa nn hour lator.
• wara ranoy food apenkeri nt

hearuly endorsed


MB ffir the tadlTldBal. aed
polated toMBfMtthatlOOyaanage
Bell throe pro arol ef the gaofda oC
the Dalrod Brotro ware total abalaiaera, wh^ m OTor « pm omit.

Another siU-ntiflc rxiK*rlmcnter has
been worklnj^ along the lines of ITofeaaor Ixm Ii of t'bicago in tbe effort
to And a luaterlsl formula of ibe life
principle. Ill s rtv-rnt report to tbe
of jiaychkTil iK'lence at AJaccio I>r. I-cduc tokl bow by
a few drops of ferro cyanide of potas­
sium on a thin Uyer of getatin he
could cause to -start Into life n collec­
tion of rolls baring a regular polyhedrte form and containing each a
DUcleOB. a sac of proCopIsMu and n
exactly like tbe roll of plant

It U vahl to Ik*. Only In Inkstands aod
Ink bottiro is It found, and for thu
r««*on It is known as the Ink microbe.
Veaiwls which contain Ink aod which
are seldom cicniuMKl or corked furnish
a most congenial home for It. Ink in­
fected with this mkTolK* was recently
Injected Into rots and guinea iitga. and
as a n-sult tin* atilmaU siwodlly died.
The speaker began by Mating that Fortunately there U an esny way to
be did not propoes to m^tbe people gel rid of this peat, and that la by
how to vole on tbe qusstioa of gov keeping ooea inkstand clean aod cov­
. though be Bight show them ered.
how to vote for principle, which
might prove a suggsstiou in tbe
K. .s. Hutton of Owens
paign. He stated that there are
rolk*ge has succei-ded in fustog quartt
dons on waiob tlwre is al
In the electric furnace, thus making
i room for difference, enriit* i
apparatus which will withstand much
dioa, politics aod teapen
higher temiK*rature than glaau It if
suted that the fused quarts baa a Tsry
h>w temperature coettcieot aod that
when hot It can be quMicbed Itooaki
water without cracking. This smbb to
be a very promising material for high
aLMatutoryand locaL
temperature ai»paratua. As yM tha
Dr. Potto Mated tUat there i
differaaoe of opiaioo in regard to the materlsl has not been prodarod atolraly free from bobbles.
eviU of the liquor traflto, as prua ‘
and Bioonkeepars. deaooos aod barT>on t you sympathise with the peo­
senders, saint, and topers art
ple who are complsiuing of high
•greed oo that point. He oaU
be wanted to given few edil
-I do." answered the maoopoUst.
notes, without trying to ploaro any- -It shaU never lie said that I was dereflet In tbe matter of sympathy. I
body. Ha piotarad the rolooa h
with its power aad ■tooag iatr
tion I
Bsoto ia poUtiro and gorocai
’to in three or four
He culled attootioo to the trot that
about twice
there an 8.000 ariooes ia Mleh
880.000 ia the Oaitod Btalas aad (
86,000,000 peeple whodriakaad

He alatod that the aeealar pr
pledged, tacitly or opsaly. to the pmpatuatioa cf the mJooo. aad MaMd that
the aewmero of the Mato could
knook out therolooaaoftaastotoU
three yrors if thqrehoau

ThotnasHmiBof Lake Ann spent
Sunday in tbe dty.


bmm' ■
, '

- ^;:^l'





IfOi-J. W. Darldf.

Qvljria. Om. On>7.
H. McOomb
& B. UmA», J. <1 Ooofc. B. O

S. Pklaaliw. A. W. Bimmotu. J. W.
VIoiMW. 3U H. lUmOag. ^
M. OoAld. F. 1 YuDmUw. O. A.
P. E. WbilBM. A. F. Luib.
•r. A. J
FvlodtoftU—Allwrt Smith, Qto,
BmU. A. A. (Mfw.
: MmmOmj 8oIm»oUmm1 Tn«t*-W. U
Hoitt, A. W. Mmmford. W. R

8M of tb» Cb«roh^W.
J. a. ValMiCiM. BUiotl B<nmh. O
L. Bottt.
Obcnb B^lMiOA^W.L. LMtlomn
W. F. BMlmwAj. R. J. him. A T.
Qom. r JL Tarlor.
FrwS—n*g Aid Md SoHitbeni Bda
Ate—L. B. Lorajoj. O: O. Odlvm.
OllM. VMM. OhM. OtlM. J B. PMt
BAsditiaff OommittM-N. P. Browo,
a L. BMbM. WiiUm Aldrich.
VBook Omo<«b»-R. a OtMor. V.
A. Taylcr. J. W. Buea
Bible OMM-W. F. Kcndnek, Hogt
XMMdj. W. P. VoabM.
OMfcTMOc OlAUMat»-A. J. Eld
Md. D. W. Plarma. H. Lu Fox. J. W.
IMdA O. B. Arnoia E. T Newell
GMWmm BcliOiooe-D. F
W. X WiiMA. J. E. rtnckMd. J. W.
Ooatlat. J. W. HallMbeok. O. W.
TdlhlU. A F. Nackr.
I>etef»lM to Fimknml Ordere-

Public Worrtjip-PreeldiDg elders
aad paetore when ooalereuce is held*
aleo Qeo. Buileu. O. a Bobiacoa. D.
Sabbath Obeerraaoe-J. ,K. Foole
W..B. Doty, a A BaldwU. O. F
Wheeler. J. Dobeoa.


L. K. Gibbs it mtuckqit ci
mAmmoth cATs of corn grown m Ann.
tAtneAT Whitewater. The spedmcAt
wercueAttoMr.Gibbtbyliit fafinei
pArtne^. George NmI. wen known in
this lotnhty aevena ycAit Aga
Tbe cocmdl will meet this
to take final action oo the Old Missioo raflroAd Iranchiie.
The tidetrack of Alderman Lardie will ^
come op at tbb meeting.
There urill be a tpedal meeting of


iiMaMBMm:ii« iMft.

fiAorwMiy-Xk M





Prot a E. Bant left the city
boot two WMk« ago la mpoode M a
lelemai from PorMr J. Vbita, who
Alug At 4 o'dook WAS A very dullghioffered him the poeilkm of baelaeec
fAlmffkir, AAd WAS untered iuM with
gar of the ceaipaBy whSoh U to
tbu tree ooUugu ujurtt fry Abool 100
uw DeTidOutmlh. aad la which
formur oollugu men And their wivc«.
V.i^ite U toappoaraetheelar.
Old Albion WAU tbe boogred Mb^
Thie i. the aew lOay which Mr.
on aU tongAAA Md tbe prauuurity of
WUio hasbAd iA]
that lAutUAtioo woAld eerm to bu naSMSOASAAd Is tObopMdAOOdfortbs Jegrec. R^Shmenu wiU be «n e<t ^ witb Mob loynl uuAi AAd dAAgbtm tlmo this USAAOA. Bis wife. I The miUincry opening of Mr*. Belle m uompoulAff Ber AlAmni.
AS Olga Vome. is Place will occur Thursday and Friday
to Ihs
Tne fret port of tbe evening was
so uMf in Fanat. the pisoe which has ol thit a-cek.
upent in oonsideriBg a bAoqueC eerved
msA bats several times. Both
'There will be a tpedal meeting of bymlmurBlmerBrewp. The .preml
srUl be soon U the City Opera Chapter Na 147 of the Order of the WAt litereUy nnd Abuuluteiy diapoaed
Bouss this s*s«m.
Ijtftcm Star tomorrow evening for of.
Prof. Horst wUl retan naat spring tbe conferring of degreet and tpedal
TbM Rev. W. H. Phelps o4 Qrand
ireuamework in inatraotion on the business.
tapida. preuideol of tbe Assooiation,
An excursioA srill be run on the After A few wail ohoeea preUmiuury
W. H. a
steamer lUinoit Suuday next from this
Ursoh of Albion, the toAStauster for
dty to the Soo.
The Forettert will have a social tbe SToning.
uoom witty
ince this evening after the
oAllsd upon Rev. Q. D.
won. Refreshments will be served.
ChAse of Muakegon to reupond to tbe
Mrs. Bcn-OUcl gave a delightful
WbAt I would Study if I were
talk on the sficpherd and the shep­
in Behool Atuiu.'* Tbe first thiog
herd psalm yesterday to the pnmary
foot bull, in which the
PrAAldent Will Sponk In Th«t department of the Congregation * ■pMkur felt that be war deffolent.
Sunday School. Dlustrating it with
rune ntber things of equal importCity This Evening
young man dressed as a shepherd.
Dos where raentiooed by the speaker.
Isaac Pennington left last evening
Rev. W. F. Kendrioki of Qaafet
for Lansing, where he has accepted
bad DO particular ■ubeot, aad he needthe large shoe emporium
He told a bunch of very
of CD. Woodbury.
amusing itonea, and paidu tribute to
A Traverse City base ball team Albioo’i former preaident
Including Osbomn. Lnthrop. was defeated by the Cedar Stars
Rev. D. R Lee of Grand Rapids,
Newberry. Rich and Hamilton that place yesterday by a score of 4 who bappens to be a single man or
who remains so of malice aforeto 2.
thoogbt. was asked to speak on "The
About 50 feet of sideu:alk
burned near the comer of Eighth and PareooAge Queeu." While his rvbe Vsrg I.Aoetsst Ooe-a# WUI
raarks srere full of wit and sense, it
Rose streets last.
WAS the united judgme.nt of All marRsllsrsto Bis CshM BedTied ministers present that he had not
proeity VoUcrrs. U. M. Timblln. agent for informed himself oo tne subiect as«Tsrb m th*B.«,rd.
; A. Stevens &: Bros, has just re­ well AS ht. should. They desire Uiat
troit, 8cpc. as-Alter a good turned from C''hicago, ahcrc she went
olgbt*s rest. President Booseveli
on business < onncctcd with the firm. more uuthoritut ^
ly refreshed this morning. He
ProC Townc, the well known musi­ jeet at the college men's reunion.
breakfasted In tbe Flemish roc
Rev. V. K Lovejoy of Grand Rap*
cal composer of Chicago, and his
the QadiUao hotel with members of wile, belter known to thousands of ids presented "A Great Scheme,"
readers of the David C. Cook publi­ which wa«, in brief, that every Meth­
Ojrtia Lothrop. Trnmaa H. Kewberry, cations, as HcIIc Kellogg Towhe. arc odist pestor raise from his congn*gudtrathearn Hebdxy. and Chase Os
each year, and give
way to Chi- lion at least
boroe srere Among the guesU of tk in the city today on their wa
it to the first young man or woman
preuident At btUAkfAUt Lsivr he had go from a visit to Pcloskcy.
to go from that charge to Albion. A
Fred Munson left tcxlay for Ann number cf the pastor* present agreed
brief cliAk with ex UoTHrnor Rich,
Mman Hamilton and.u few .\rbor to resume his studies in the to do this.
other of MlohigAn*s hlgti dignitaries. University.
Dr. Saniot-l Dickie. LL D.. s|ioks
Miss Helen Moore started this wittily and wisely on tbe subject
The president’s spetHsh ut the Simnli veteruns, hanquei this erciiiDK morning for Oberlin.
"Our Boy a" He was luu-ct^ tc
will be AP ImjiortAat one; because In
Will Brcithaupl, who has been with rare interest and' his atldresi
the metropolis of the state whloli op­ working in Manistee some lime, has received thorough appreciation. The
posed his Cuban rsciprooity policy relumed to this city to remain.
burden of hjs remarks was *j Give ui
in oongTMs he will reiterate ami emProsecuting Attorney Smith of the boya" He showed the nw-il of it,
pbasise bis well known views on thi* Kalkaska is in the city attending and the immense benefits of it.
mbjeck This city Is crowded with circuit court liHlay.
Rev. W. L Laufmanof this city
•tmngers and the president's rooep
Rev, D. C). Ruth left this morning was called npoo, but in bis absence
tiou is acre to be of the most enthnr Grand Rapids to attend a district his "better haU" responded for him.
■lastlo nature.
in a few well chosen end witty worda
meeting of the K\ angelical church.
Rev. W. M. Puffer of Kalamasoo
William lies of Cedar is m town to- spoke briefly in a general way. havday.
iig no si*cial subject assigned tc
F, O. I-add and wife were m from him.
Old Mission yesterday.
The afwlatlon electwl the foITow^
Mtlitanr i>eal>llc
Sid I’urkiss ol Northi»ort was at ing officers for the ensuing year:
•President—Rev. L £. Lovejoy ol
the Whiling yesterday.
Trb^auh ta tk. B«' >nl
Gniud Kaplda
l.ansing. Scpt.21-Klbert S. Roos,
Henry Anderson of Kewadin is in
Vice Presdivut-W. F. Kendricks ol
•rho was srresictl for aiding and abet the city today on business.
ting in the Hendcrvjn-.\rocs mill
Harry Bliss of Racine, Wis., is visdeal, pleadetl guilty in circuit c
this morning and was finctl $3,<


FwWrtVaHcrw,*. HX ■ nxTIa.
FrtMjr KvMlacMa AmwAot MmwIbc
After WAtkiDBAnd riding, a dl«»ut.
liAd crowd Arrived At Old Miarion
BAMidAy Atl:») A. m. tOAttMd A SASgmcMde IiaU which waa given FridAy
They mrrivwi there in time to re­
turn. rreobiag thU city at 11 a m

This bed with a square angle rail
at the head and foot, worth $3.50,
or with beautiful gold trimmings^ have your choice, only $1.65.

ipmeUl to tb*

lit,; OAta, 81V


We Cordially Inritc You to Call and See Our
Large Stock and Big Bargains

W>at HI. t>»*

A well-known GI:,acow divine re­
lated the follow irg ai.vvd.ue. i-h..w ir.g
that the na.l\ ^-it of a i-..uiilr\luaU
wa» more than a uiateh f%*r him;
He wa»
to tbe ci.umry for bi*
bolida>H ami ua» lii a mihvay train
when a jovtui: man •ntur«-d. lu a
sbott time tbe.iw.» .>.um»eiu-.d a |X‘»vernation, in ib> voume of eblcb tbe
cierg.vman a!-k«d the jx»uib_^bal be


U«ver* S(r«lsli«


There is a distlmtly now di*{>a
la furniture. I am not a|M>aklni:
of the •*srt mmvenu.** but of •
thing which hss Umiicbetl out Uyoud
It. Tl»e ‘ art nouveau** slmetl to i

locks like, leaves ami HoweW. The new
furniture Uss none of those mrv.n It
Is built on stmlght, se\ere ami aimpis
tloeu. The woods are stained a luittiral
brown or green, with rush
leuther cushions In dull reds, tilacks
And yellows. Tlie effw-t of this
iqualnt. hut, on the whole, restful.
The hsU UJustrstwl is fllUd with J
Aoch furniture, llic colorlujcs are dj


fruM. yellow and Iwown. The'walls
ATS pale yeDow, The fumliure Is of
fumed ouk- The grmndfaibcr s clock
bus a Urmau face aad a grniwork of
bcuss. Tbe quaint desk him Its uwaT
poctloA arranged to accoiunuKlate
booka. bric^-bruc. He., and the flttlugs
ATS of brmaa In addition there are
quaint blgb backed ebalr. a settle n
Usrud by a gilt beading and a sma
Atand to bold a eaitl salrcr. The bard

Tbe Uev.
ter. O.. traveled Iho miles to get bom*


mllM by rail uerenteen mlleo by <
rlagu. 1» mlks on a bicycle and or


So am 1.*’ rvplbtl tbe
ir»n V*nuf»«-tan*r t’«»
*<1 .-nma.- lu.- daft, out

lau};bier and .utid; •Ob. I
aautf farther than y,- da.-,
rouple and uurouple.**
Tlie cleruyinan laughed le‘urtlly and
acknowl.Hlod that the >..ulh h.-id the
better of tbe wily.—lUiuol. Ktalo Bei,Uler.
rover tiink.- that kind »»f a
Kiiid the expert.
"Why not.'** aaked ib.^ tiovhv in
canine affalra.
• Tb-i-auM*,** repll.d the oxin-rt. **he
l«n*t anmll en..m;b t.. la- ti^ b-*a. etiipld
enough Uvlie uiiorly wi«-t!drea «.r imb
ewnijrli to U- Ini. nMint:.”
Tbl« m.-in. it may b.- e.iid. lunl li::ide
a Mu.l> of the jH-ti. uf faohiuu.—i’bl-

lohR f. on & Ctaptey

Tt-i© Way
We Sell.

have charge of the trimmiDif room.
8ha will abow not only eopie. of the

TolKlr,.Jtaad n^urm

mi. VU G. R.

There are no better shoes than ours a»id
we sell them a considerably cheaper than
the regular shoe stores—we can because
tiur expense is smaller a department
store can always sell cheaper than thi>se
that carry exclusive lines. We haveatlded to our well known lines two noted
makes for men. viz., the Hanan and the
T. B. Berry shoes. The Ilanan is the
bttst shoe made and

Get foil information of G.

I l^lectrlc Lisht AdvopcM C'ort or
blaktina •i.'i.lVr t>«t After
Sparta, Mich., Sept, 2*2.—Sjiaria
hdeitiic Eight Company today issuetl
a circular stating that the price ol

ileraltad la'Foot Daatba. Mx Kalal aad


Fairmont. W. \ a. Sept. 22.explusion occured in Stanibrd
moming. .Four acre killed, six prob­
ably fatally injured and several others
badly hurt.

Rome, Se|)L 22~'The Pope today
grantet.1 an audience to Sir Wilfred
lAurier. Canadian premier, and>
lAurier. The audience lastc.1 romc
A 8u de by tne name of August
Schmidt has ia-en ordered confined it
ths asylum, us be it u victim of de
mentis He was about yesterday
offering various people stones

Y0krl-Tl.l. h
**Lov«t« Leap.Tbe Fair Arri
beneath a willow! How
to give It such u
Yokel-'Cattse ye cant
minutes before u
down yeb^k!->l

the Forettert i* ordered not to re­
ceive daet after the laat day of each
month. All due* mni.t N- paid by
that time or member* will atand



U rd



J. Carter, the iKJimlar
ilh? IS due
1C the credit ot having
given the
*• public
’ ----------new
an entirely plot,
away from the old threadbare,
lional lmcs,J»'hoUy devoid of all tlic
old sicrcut)i<tl situations. Mr. Car­
ter has found in real life and modern
society, the plot and storj' for a play
that has ne\ er l>cforc l>ecn used for
stage priKluctionsu This he has made
in lour acts, for each of which the
entire equipment of special scenery
will lie carrietl For a title the most
fitting one, "The Darkest Hour" has
been chosen and a comjunv headed
by Charles A. (Karl) Gardner, the
|X)pular comedian, and sweet singer,
has been engaged lor the initial tour.
"The Darkest Hour." wiU be at
Sternberg’s Grand next Wednesdav
night, SepU 24.
It is a mars clous stage creation
that can keep an audience ol play go­
ers on the verge of tears for two hours
and jiresccxc them from weeping by
simply making them laugh. Such is
the character of .\'oah Vale in Sol
Smith RusseU’s charming play, "A
Poor Relation." whid
Licrg’s Grand 0|<ra House, next
y and Saturday nights Sej>l, 26lallyarulc that ap­
peals to the sympathies at tiroes deep­
ly; and being delmcated with such exquisite finish by a comedian whose
roethoils are jieculiarly adapted to the
character, it is no wonder that the
and wholesonac on the America stage.
Mailer Fred C. Berger not only
carries the same scenerv, properties,
etc, used by Mr. RusscU himself, but
also has reuined many of the same
admirable company, mduding Messrs.
Horace Lewis, George R Sprague,
Thurston Hdl, Horace Newman,
George Cowen. \\. S. Miller. O. B.
Smith, Misses Itfarie Harriott. Fannie
B. Sprague, Portia Albee, Henrietta
Numan and Maude Calla.
AW MaaMver*




MRS. a M. TIMBLIN, agent for
Chat. A. Stc\ cns. Parties wiU m
Washington, SepL 22.-Thc army
money by looking over Y^ct faft I
maneuvers at Fort Riley, Rail, begin
of suits, ailkt and fur coals.
today and will continue until October
8th, concluding with •‘The battle of
Fort Riley." in whkh aU the tioopa

€. Wilhelm



The Annual G. R & I Excuroion
to Detnoit and Toledo, round trip


When we sell a person a jtair of sho/f*s.
we ilo it with the intention of making
them fdir steady ctistmner. Wc sell
({ood shdfs and vl^arantee them to >:ivc
..K'OOtl satisfaction. Wlu n a costumer is
p’eased he is sur«*
c<>nu* aj»ain ainl
’ a«ain and send their fiiends. That is
why we are enjoying such a Lir^e and
growing patronage. Our trade is stead­
ily increasing. May we not h.ive the'
privelege of showing you our

MilltM-ry OprniBC.

The lAdire are invited to tke openitxg of fall and winter milliuerv at
Mrw W. G. Lmwiem-e * Friday after-






The service this aitcmoon took the
fonn of a church extension anniver
tary. Dr. Monroe was the Sjicaker
tor the setskai. lie gave an inter
Ming addrem treating of the imixmance of this line ol work. Ke% cr was
there a tim^ srhen more work u*a
In some sections of Michigai
known as missionar> tcmtoi^ where
there is great need of churches.
cxiUectioo for the church cxicns
cause, exceed by far the amounts &
the Board for buildings in such <
tricta The board, howe%er, is m
ing progress.
Evcrjxme is urged to have this s
ject on his heart. It is a good
vestment and few to plead for
Christ had not a place to lay his hcatl
and many people in Christ’s work to­
day arc in the same condition. Helj)
them if you can.
juilge Wi«t shandy reprimanded
After singing and prayer by R
Rotw and the others who were impli­
Lauiman, the meeting adjourned.
cated in the

ft I.

We have a larfc stock
of Iron Beds which we
wish to reduce, and In
order to do so we will
five 10 per cent off ow-v
Retular Price : ; ; : : :



Tt-ioT. B. Berry*
SHoo-----Is the best $3.50 shoe put on the market.
You know good shoes when you see them
and that is why we ask you to call an in­
spect ours. All shoes l6ok the same in
the picture but an c.xamination reveals
the true character.


Steinbergs Grand Opera Jyouse

for Tomorrow, only
For Tuesday we will sell a choice line of
Men’s shoes in box calf or velour,Good­
year welt, heavy sole, latest lasts, we will
Jet you be the judge as to their real val­
ue* all we ask you tomorrow is

Two Wfhts-Friday and Saturday, S^pt. 26-27.
Mr. Fred G. Berber


«A poem in Uughter and tears."—
Umarn JXan HowxUs.
"A dean comedy, rich in humor,
pathos and situations.**— Ttmus-Jfer^
cU, CAuof:o.
"FuU of quaint humor, charming
songs, and pathetic redutionA**—



All the orlilnal scenery
and properties.

7Sc, SOc, 3Sc



we have a fine line of them, including
the high tops in all sorts of lengths.
They are pricexlall the way from $1.25
up to $5.00.

SoHool ShooB
At 75c. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. $2oa
“We want another pair”—they have the
right stuff in them, an expression we of­
ten hear.


V'ocjrmFor niMtMliAlM roo^wremr.

^TKio Boston

- F743 00 Bed Room Sait?


'-’I-w. ■ ■■ ■


Iirnilfthii of the
lUcmai VafMca.
«riv mn.

~ ."vLJ-



phy. wbkb vlB be pahUalmd almatta.
boaoBy la many coontrlaa ao Xov. 15.
wm be a minim cmrtaimng 100.0UO
troida. oaya n London catda dlapatcb to
tbo Kow Yortt THbono. Tbo Bonlcb
nn. baa paid a bus
^ and amial rlgbta la

dad over to tbe oc

battaa. Kan, tte vbcat cx^art of tW
Coltod HUtao dopartiDaoC of AfTM-

fmm of ttio Uttttod WtMtm %
wiU lo aO proiiabllKr molt la a aary
lar^pe \ucnmm to tbo wkaat crop of tbo
Um 8C. Liioia Okibe^litBocraL It
,ak» roauh la tWlotrodortioo aad so».
ml oat ^ tbo nrv aod wbolaaoMt aa
WoU aa sslooaaat flavorcsl rartety of
Um atair of Ufa.
IncTMlllilo aa ft may Bomi la rlow of
o«r lant* aaaual expurtaUoo of arboat
rcml mannfartarora of IVaoaylYaaU
and Nrw York are oUllfed to Import a
great portion oT the arboai uaod by
Um ta tbo maoafartanr of mao
oadTormlcHU. Uuadrada of tbom
of Uoabola of wbcot am aanoallj

Tbo Imok conlalaa tbe atory of Faul
Kragm'a Ufe from cbOdboud to the aegodatloa of paaee. It waa dicuted by
Ur. Kroger to bla private oeerrtan'. IIC. Bradcil. and to Peter Orobler. furonderanrmary of atate f.>r the
TraaoraaL Tbe Englldi tranalatur U
Texelra de Mattoa. aotbtc of a current
of Obate
Tbe maousoTlpt of tbe work received
la I^oodoa brlnga tbe aarratlre down
to the Jameoon raid, and tbe rwiuiUider
will laclode tbe atory of the incotlatlooa with Mr. Chaiaherlala. an aceoont of the war until Mr. Krug»-r*a de­
part are from the Traaaraal and laddenta of hi. life la Holland. The early
lie 1bla youth, edacatiou.
ebaptrra deacrlUe

ceedlng cbaiHera cuaUlu a a account of
varlooa ex|>editlona agataat Ki^Lld and
other Kaffir chlefa. One of the moot

Tbe blalory of tbe J;

lafortor qaaUty to that madala aoatbera rraaoe and italy.
la addttloo to tbo mararaol made In
tbla noontry we ammaliy Imparl more
tbaa lS.ti(JU.UiOpoooda IVuTbaaorCarlo^
ton beHeroa that If tbe fanaen of the
wootrm olaloa wUI tom Ibrlr atteotloo

aa the Irritating
policy of beerrtary CbamtMTlaln in tbe
oegutlatkNia. Mr. Kmgrr*a aatut
j* ia*rtlon
la diplomacy la revealed In IhU
of bla-dcrply Intereating lKK.k. He aliw
attarbea great Imiiortance to a aerlei
of telegnim. between Flora Hhaw amJ
ra. In wblrb Mr. ChainlM-r
lalB-a name 1. freely o-ed. Mr Kruger.

wo can raloo not only aU tbat ia re^


ylold two to four tituea aa «rrat aa that
laary wbcala, la ooo oectlon of
iHikuta wbofr tbe ordluarj
yielded twelve to foaileeu boobola to tbe acre tbe matartajl. wheat iiroaroo
iiid ottaliia a
i'arb'tou heituni tlM lratrUrm that tf tbe fai
tantkm to Ha cnltlvatluo tbo wheat oatpot of tbo ITolted Hlaliw will lio laCToaaed more ibao
jfiT aaautn In a very few yearn.
la an tatervtew retrnrdina tbe talrodarUon of tbla «b.wt ta tbe weatem
autea IVufeios>r Carletoo Mid:
••It ta Hear that one of the pooBlblli^ tlea of expoaaloo la oar cereal Induatry
Dm in tbe dlrcrtloo of aecoring new
droogbt rmlatant variKloa with which
to extend tbe cereal prodartlnn area
farther Into tbe aemlartd retrl<ma and
to luaore oropa and Urg.T pr.miucllooa.
-In my travel. tUroach Korope I
found a duam varlrttra of red winter
wbent aad macaruiii wbraia that will
bo of apecUl beaefU tu the groat plalm
Tbo maearual wbmta will be of value
to tbo Bprlng wheat gruo era aa well at
tbe winter wheat gn.wera becaiioe they
ma be grown ta tbe atatea from North
liakoU to Texaa. larlu.lvc. Tbe Idea
of Incmaalng tbe area of winter wbcata
ta of apodal value tu Iowa and Kebraaka. It will enable tbe fannera
there to grow winter wbcata where
beretofure they could aucceoafolly grow

prodtn ta two waya. They are for a
apodal porpoao and auld at an ad­
vanced irice, and then the yield la ao
much greater than ordinary wboata.
Tba yield on an aswrage would Iw lacraaaed from 25 to 60 per cent la aome

ordinary wheat mat."
lYofaaaor Corirton. baring epeat orvoral year, in Korope. where throe
vbcata are extmalrrly grown, and Im
mUgated tbe detailed metbuda of
growing aorb cro^ wUl Iw able to aw
•Id the fanum of tbla country to aw>
naaafnl exiwrtaimta. lie aaya tbe pen
pie of t^f uid tvmntr> base battled
•mb bad rundlUoiaa of dmiote for ao
Many yware that aow the) have a com
pleto ayolom of agriculture of Ibeir
ifom. They have for centorles bora

22IL*Ijniw\*Jrw ti M Mb^
«f gdtlng bmt maolu not «f bad con*

Km Zambia la at taat to bo tboroogidy explored. ITofeM filrkaland.
a Danlob acleotlaU baring caoaanted to
brad aa oxiwdrtloa for that fNirpoaa.
Bo wfll bare alx mmpankma. and tia
ob>ed of tbo expodltioo la to atudy tbo

nddltloasl Pree«att*»« F»r HU tetr.
«r nelwa Ummmrmltr I meg.
AS a result of tbe rs>»'ent a«vJdcnt to
tba preaident and hi. i»nrtv at Titu
field. MsM.. a snggeatiulJ Unm Ipren
made that there la* orpaiilre.1 a
corps of detectlvea to look nfler all Uctaila nlatlng t<» the pn-aMet.f« anfet.v
while In Waablngtou and while tnis-ellug alioat the country, wiya the KC
IxiuU <;iola.-|»etn«Ti»f. Thia work la
now part of the duty «»f tike iw«crft mtvIce men, Imt It U |»tuimi«i1 tnji.vve a
numbtT of picked exiaTU to do kbia
an<l xmtblng eUe.
Tim matter waa bro«eh«l at the
treaaury deimrtiufut. hut the offielnlji
there wits' not pn'pan**! to liidorM* It
entirely. .Wlatant Se<T«tnry TayU*r
aald that ao for aa afft.r.Ung general
protection to the prealcleul wna contmhI thi. wa* d<*ne v<Ty efri*cluuUf
the occret aervhv inen.ulrcjidy. He
addiol, howeviT. that he lliMUghl It
would la- a wU' thing to pros hie tin
official cnacliman for the prr»'!ilenl to
drive the hitter In nil the cilie* that he
Ult. -Wit
Ith (
aald Mr. TayU
DU*. l>ox.*
wtiuhl l*e
hormw getting: la-yond
drlviT taking sinwarranti'd
liSMtng car trorka. It would ni^u U* a
good thing to liave one or two men ou
haiMl to see that evi r>thlng eimni-cnd
w ith the train ou w hUh the pnf'Ident
waa to travel waa In proiaT order.’*
1‘nhllc men in Wa.hinglon base giv­
en some attention to tiie qui*»^tlon of
whether cr not aa a luattiT of ladhy
It ia a good thing f..r the president to
travel generally about the wuniry. Tlio
uiiivermal opinion ha. K-i-n that, nil
thing, comildered, tbe good ri'afiltlug


W. ATonm,

Jl Sappy

ICapyilgbt. M by C B. Lewla.1
Tbe Eari of Borlelgh waa dead, and
tbe carra only ooo and sueoesaor waa they can bs prepared In such variety
a wanderer on tbe face of tba earth that evg|7 tasto may be anlted. Ooa
and had not been beard of for fim <rf tha pqpalar waya M to aeleet large
fine learea of ctiriy Jettnee and pUce
/ aloop
r of tbe oa
aald that be and bla partner had taken
a man of t!>e name of Hendemoo to
one of tbe New ilulma lalanda. where
they left him to live a Crume life. Rctomlttg. aU on the aloo|i had died excepe Hurrh
When Bim-h’a story wa. made
known. It waa beiievvd that yoong
Henderson moat be tbe
of Borleigb. \mx by tbe time a Mellioorae a»lieit<w bad been rmpowtred to send oot
a aearchlng exto'ditlon a full year had
eupaed. Ihcre waa a Walt to find tba
right sort of «Tafi and anotber for the
bad weatlier
to |kam. and when
the ^»wrr*h wo. finally enicn-.! upon
IIcTidcrMih had Ihtui pla.ring Kobinaon
<*rui««* for <iv«T two ^v’ar*. A. 1 waa
mate of fh»* craft 1 am siMwklng by the
can! iu giving you nil tho«* iwrllculara.
You will figure that It was a very
easy thing to su-^r for the foral aea
aiMl lm\e liun-h imint out the laland
on wliich IIemIcriK»q h.nd taken up hla
allude, but we foUuH dlffi.iiilles from
the V.TV' outiM't.
Hemlersou had a
chart t,f tb.- CiTHl sea. but he had not
nlluw ixl Iloreh tu InKia-rt it. Tin- latter
therefure could nut sny what iidanda
had first Is^M. sight.ll. lie could not
Ijo <*crt«iii of the
sPhtwI after­
ward. t»ur only way was to visit and
iTy one unh-KS we hapi»ened
l.» fallI 1ly Willi niitivi's or a try.ler who
fkmld give u* dennll.' Inbinnaii.ui.
When we had finlslM-d wilh the I»oislade nr. liiiH-bgo. we sUi-ml to tbe
nurtheast and up isbnd nfWT
l.laiMl w illnuit miiHiig a iKm.t. At Hie
Woodlark group, however, we entne
uertnsa a trading M h.H.ti.-r whieh gave


bot»ks w hb h doubtl.-s* Isi-n of tiie
immtHr cut bv lliMid.Ts..n and
aUo fourxJ i^Mue
thr.i- or f..ur

Cuclty €unie






that satis&a.^?^


L. S. & M. S. and Dek 8a



w*jsssr Srirr* —



Until September 20th we wiU
make connection from main to


n. Geo. G. Snom Co . of Brockton.
Mott.. Mokort.

H.O. BUTLER, 430 E. Front St.

cgnibrs and niw tomato«\'». Kuh th«hard bi{l*il yolks of four egg« through
a sieve into a IkiwI ami mu in .-m.fully. A.hl oil and vinegar . lorngh to
make th.' di.'ising liL.' a cn-sim. s.a
M.n with salt. iH piH r a:.d a tebl.-MMs.nftil of anchovy iiiste and add to the
prt'pam! vcgetaldcs. To>-s lightly and
turn into the s«!ad 1k>*vI. 4»rn.iiucnt
w ith sllr.'tl eggs. bi-1. «*ut Ini*, fan. y
slinisw. gherkins, stuff.'.! olives and the
h.-art of a h ltiice hea.L
rrnlt Isaliid may Is- inn.l.' wlih any


r-OK SAbk-Onr eool atovr and ea* olr tight


offer applies onJy to tboae who
will use gas immediately connec­
tions arc made and who are on
lines oi mains.
As the nights
lengthen the demand for GAS
for illuminating is increasing—
the jKople of our city now rcaliac
that GAS for lighting is rnffnitely
sujicrior to any other method
known here.
The light is more
briUianL available and reliable at
ALL UOURS. and, wilh equal
light, costs less than one-half of
any other, besides being lar easier
on the eyes.
Houses in cousc of
erection or |iroi»scd should not
be completed without a sys­
tem of gas piping.
Many havc^
already clone this. AppUcation
for an>thing in the line of Ughling, healing or piping made at
our office, 223 E. Front Sl will
secure prompt allention.


sure h.' h.nd never M-t fisd lo that place
!Y.'m h dressing. This always i
l»of.Te. We evplonil the bla ml from
b' chlllt'd Wbir.' lug.
side to side m.d fr..m « nd to end. and
bkatkkt mii i
It wa. found l«. b* nnytliing l.ut the
AT fOo
one th.' had lived oa for a week
or i. n .lavK.
We t.ow f.iind the worst. On all the
Few Tlmrlr 1H»«- to XV«»r
rL’RNbliEl) hv bland* of th.- r.iml s.a la a
ela^M .,f in.-n -b-a. h coudM'n.,"
Thiy iir.' salloni. tra.l.-r*. wrckeni.
VTr.alllbMr«rtth:. \es m:d w<.ri.- If
nii ti had
diM ov. ll. ui!. rsoti .m his bland
T.» b* n gu«Kl traveler b an ml
h-m.r. th.^v would n;.t hesifnt.- :.i mur­
only few acquire, hut It b worth culti­
der In or.l'T t.. seelin' hi*
vating If .miy fur th.* sake «.f tie- ImUho reli.T. fotmd Jn the .aimp
ni-m.d to pn.v.' n'hb'ry at least- Hen­
Ill tile flnt pla.c.
m.' urge y..u b.
derson had n.i lM.;»^.-ti,d .'ould Ii 'l leave dress simply, a dir
mill was nev.T
hi. bland. If any had vbitnl him. lut.' to b.' the p
' fur the exhil.J
he would not have pr.K iUed them with
Ills bo,.ks. os the UII.'IU lejiv.'s pnived
he had net y.T ii-ru-.d them hims.-if.
It was almost wiihoui heji.- that we
igiMil f.T the
On thi' fourth d.iy .nfi.r wo struck
the Hwht bhind nt hi.t. The m h.smer
w n. obliged to cast mi. hor iib.ut half a
I I o TKlKltU*H>LM).O.MBR.M. J TRUBinlie off !l... lH-n,h. and I then w.nt
ail.or.' v.iiJj Am.n. .V heavy growth
.»f till H and ffiKlios 4-:«me right down to
juiiu l
Cl Mnd gl Wynkoop hirtuJiCo.
high w.i»er mark- We set out to cn>a*
t^^the south shh*. atid w c ha.l made our
wTiy b.r nlsMit half a mile when wc
raiight sigl.t of n g.«t and nlw hoard a r «n w. \ few miiiuie* later a
ihig hark.ll. and then we knew for cor-'j
lain the hiding place ..f the lubsing
h.'Ir. The dog pnis'nlly appeared to
jlaastfc a t^ivcialty.
vh'W. hut he hsiKiil wild and half
utarved. nu.l with, all our coaxing wo
twill.! m.t iTing him m anr.
W.' first m..\ td d.iw II to the house. It
n.nlalmil nrt| one r.H.m. and the floor
waa with bs.ks. bottles, weda
and varioui other Uhlugs. Boxes had
riu-jH-t n-»mne .n.1 K.«lhrr Ben<
bin l.rek.-n oj..u and their caatcuia
C*rj*®» k-vs mg sod Lsyin*
emidied, but amid all the cnfuslon It
rould Xtc s.Tn lliai nothing of mil val­
N.ll.t lIAPIN.Propr
ue was h-ft. In and alH.111 tlx' door waa
of bnliet b.hi.
-We shall fiml It down here.” .aid
the captain n. he iK.iutfd b. the roc-ka.
^ proiHT <ii*tuuu'.
sad we fuKowed him. The dug made a
A aiMi'LX ur.tss.
great fu.a n* we drew n.-ar. and we
knew w hy. He wa. guarding the lialy or mohair, juat a* you phtiM'. hut It
It was not a dead most be pUln, wltln.ut frills.
iKsl.r. bm rather a skelet
Do not curry pui>.*r [mrc. b or paat.*Twenty itkU to the S4»t h. In the edga
boartl bixe*. A pblu K'ath.r or cniinf a Ihlctet.
.d two more skclc- vaa dres* auU c-am* will hold all your
oiigtd to the jtarty iN-longlng*, and It can easily Ik? c.irrmklng the at
How hmg he had rled to and from the train. In addi­
4to«l them of no emit
uld say. but tion to this, a small alligatrjr skiu l>ag
Uc hud ina.le 1 g.s«l fight of it before 1* sometime* mM-ful.
iT'lng stnuk down.
Try to arrive at tbe ataiiou In lime
When we l.-ft the bland, we bok to purchase your iIckKa In n b Uun'ly
wlih ua the skeleton ami rvcrjihlng fashion and to attend pruisrly to the


Pta Ink lor sal*.




Hustling Jeweler.

Mackinaw City ’ to Big Rapiaa. on

Gt t detailed informaiioa oi Q. K. &
L agent
C. E. Murray, Ageat


A written guar


regular train unUl Kov. 1st IML ^

tbe w. St

rnci Anrsa

eki.. Ttiey hrd
down »t
.Kl. and tlore w te ninny

is be who buys tbe

Lord Klteheoer during bla
af military ..Tvlee waa received in the
Soudan, wh. rr a boUet from an Arab'a
pepper, aalt, oU. mnatard and. 4f pro­ pm stru. k him iu tbe rb.'ck. Tbe bul
let. after npuilnlug m the flesh for
curable. a tiny daab of table clareL
Cauliflower and Onloo SaUd.-Flice some time. feU into hla jdate at a Lootwo Bermuda onkma rather finely and
aoak them In a little salt and vinegar
for an boor.

the ,-asl t j r. pl.-nlsh hi. ivaUT caaka
but had hihiii by sonie one In the bush.i, niid driven off.
Th:il wi.M . igi.i.i n nioiitliM
HI* d.^erlptlon of tlie 1-vh.nd telliod
with Hur.h’s. iiud wo at
•sm li. i»ne day In.'
bland whieh llun.'h
l was

Profeoaor CarlHon autoa that maca­
roni wheat ran bo ^wo wllb sreat
prodt la many of tbe weatem and
aaotbwcatim oUtm. eapeclatly la Nobraaka« Mlaaonrl and Kamna. It la ooo
of tbe beat droogbt realatiag wbcaU
knowu aad caa be gnma la localltloa
wbece tbe rmlafaU doee not exceed tea
tacbeo auaually. For tbla reaaoa It
■hoold prore eopodaUy valuable ta tbo


noiAi^, B0*iudliB is. iitti


i. a Martta, Mb.



Boardman Hirer Electric
Light and Powir Co.

a. B. Bvaao, M. D

martin & 6oans
Offioa. S06 B. rvont Hi.;







Cmmpmur Belle*e. the
The North western llailri.nd comimuy
la experimrutiug with 8loux Indian*
a* laUuvni on the Klkhora Hue. northI prove aucixwaful. nay. a
apecUl dlgpeteh from Uncoln. Neli. to
tbe New York Timem.
For several mooih. It ha. lavu aloat lm|K3a.Uile to gel .uffidenl kbortha road around I^mg Flue and
elthiT aci*tiou work or
t gang of lulian* en­
gaged in coal shoveling nt IxTig I*lne
became dlMalUtled and threatened to
quit unlem t'unec«.l*»u. were made to
Its final extremity tUi* railroad
rad a numlMT of Indian*, diacharged tbe Itallona and put the red
lo work. They have liroaght tht lr
squaw a and |hi|imomw to the cwmp.
rswmi.e engaged.
Oorrat Itollw.r !■ White N*m«.
Tbe new building lu Waelilngton
whlet U to conUln the om.-.-. of the
pcvaldmt la w> far cuoipleted that atwi Im. hn-n |aiid to the louka of
tba axterlsr. my. I lie New York JiHxrTba office bnlWing U separated
from tbe WbHe llooae by the oM cmservatory. Tbla cooarrvalon 1. to l^e
old regHuc wbm a vblior w
tbe White Uooae It wa* ra.y
tala wbclbcr be went ««n Jmi

RL?*iS5«3Ser“'''' '•'.IS-.r







ighbThood Of
the bbnd. We found a native with
one of Heuderwoo*. gnu*, w hich be had
l«nght of a while man. We fouml
men who bad s^ a the other dog. We
fouj.d *^.mo 4.f the iKs.k* and a medlfaUed to by haoda

checking of your Isiggage. Thi* can
U' done If you use a litile fiTetluiUght.
Alwve all. keep your presenc*' of mind.
Before I cU-m- I want to make one
more remark. It !. atemt the woman
who buys everything w hi. h I* sold In
the «r and passes h.T time munching
eandy. lamana*. saudw h-hc and f*o]s
com- Such a pro.wllug 1. Injurloua to the health and disgusting to
fellow pasacagvrs.

be c*nuea out
again, and Bobody wlU be tbs wlaor
fia to'wbare ba waaL


100»cret known as the Steele or
Needham turn. One of the best in
Grand Traverse county. S| i
south of the city.





lawbvMk'Tl genenilJy, nearly
laalne Bittan.
Tb. y oomd me of
whom have fv:\olv.n. when a
but lo traveling men, -sjiorty" men jaudioeaod liver trtmUea that had
and even g«**l rlfixeus.•who think a
rrv.dvcr U n.-4i-s*nry for self-vl.-fense
In rase of emergency.
Tmcy. aad IVfer Power, and
b« might
doMitt know whHber to have Pat

Crow# kidnap Peter IVvar or bare

marry Mary MaeVan# ta th# U#t
t#r oC tb# atory." mttfnm


»« rtty-gy


Jm. a John-






n atinmliim




mkrm% bmtk mt Mam Aap
aterm. teimtef wlU tto

*Tbw«^a many a rtnar* ttei« te
ttfe." to otoyrd. coattnatec. "tot tto
oteBagaatofallfateva. It tateipnaBlhli
-Or wtam It goaa.-ato added, lam-

of aay momaamm. Aa
aald tafaom^ to dtetod paat tem
iteaaAtem.1 toi
Osaagb tto daor.

He walTfd tto gaeatloa.
-Uke the wtod.- be anmaarsd. It
Bseaat temimloaa by tws pbyslfalowatb wtore tt liateth. From tto stoaa of Borne a. to tto depth of teasp

•toaotfc ng teas
paaad.* •tomaaad. *Tt*s 00c mmgh.- |
*11 »at to balpad. Ito taltiag tto '
ainry aa It waa Odd to me. They pot
kt JUI4 ite. WMMTlt tto gaaff aamowtort atee. oad tto mgct
I ktAteuidSftuMaiaod
day. ukteg tto has from under tto
«r Dtfkr •mi Jm it I« to hod. they ateood tt away to tto attic

I Mi At.


Wtott tto tnwto tod hmm low«fto toto tto toM Mi tto boM tetoa of
walklag rapidly ap and down f«r air.




imimm mid M

The Only Nstursl Americsn Csthsrtic
Water. A recognised cure for ConsttpsUon. It keeps your liver acting and
your aystem perfect. At you^rugglst.
torge bottle, 3Sc.; small bottle. 10c.

^ to


» a pood atery.- ato dodded (
ly. ■That tbarr to of It. hot It I


lap. wttb tbsoa Iwm of hto oat of toV
tewod proaad. It ooahte’t root Ual
ftort aomo aort of myth tike that la
me btotntyf Lrt tea eDoradM,
#rad, yelknr of akin, gnady of
I nad taanahed Hke him. maka an
raloa to that ooontry hocao of
yoor aarte-a. tot tbrai nmb Into the
attto aome Oto aigbt and rraenr tto

^____ to

•mi OTt MtU. wtolt to. todm
4tA btrtrt tor tort iDd fortli ttd
toct Md fortli oftlo. ryikl tor furUr#.

-HoWa ttotr
-I pooad tto typexrrtler.-Of ooaree I aboaUl tore I
-It ratter takas from tto <
, domn't nr wistfully.

Trmlm to Wamioctoo. D. r.. VU
4t. B. A 1. om IW. Uoouw Oet. 4.


asm. A. O. im.

____ lUle f^TruTerae City round trip,

__________ ______ _ ^


TIokeia on mle Oct. »rd. 4th. Mh aad

hartod doomOy la hie nam* land, bto
aool node rmi along with them. Uow*e
ttot for a Patohr
He toettated. Pto naawrred terowa
-It s ao good at an." ato' mmptottwd.
How nbaU I flalib Itr
-kfost yoa intoh ur
-Of roaree. If u pcNo Into priattHo tarasd a qalek gtoaos apoa tier,
-la that what yoa dor to ^aea.'
UodM. -B'rtter
-Il'a what I do.- ato anawered nm
ow tatemiag ft maat be- to
Id. -to waare totloa. ta maka
rthlag oat of next to nothing and
ra ysar hrmd ttoreby rmdL- atie repmtad weartly, Imt
always tto butter.- AJid ato
atrstrlmd oat two hao^ to a gmtBiO
wteeb asmrsd of despair.
Ho eaqght one. ttot aaarrat to h
-And to It wttb this little hand
tor cap# mmgtr mbtmi tor ti>4 ttt yoa writer to queried, spreading
(to fiugtra.
•Wtolto iilftolf Wttk tto iDtItoDtot
ttototo. torMtotoimc. tor*r<« «*<» -I write with both these little tel


a. m. and arrire in «e»hingtoo S:15
.......... .. SolidTrVtr'from


gnae <m tto »klre. turning from yellow ‘_________________________________
to erltniwm. from crlUMun to pur|>le,
from purple to the aoft. lurttow gray of


^Sc jroo toutro.** to ttord. -in tto
I dOB*t tolimrt In iniifb of nnjrtUug
*Tton I taro t otory to tril. It la
tto titry of t tmg of tMmm I tod on
fwrit in tto dlptomatlr mpa In rblna.
Wbtlt ttort to coma timaa tbt buBoa
•f t CblBtouiB. Wtottotr to jott
taBBd tto toBit or^-.
•'Ptrtopt.** arltli t quW?t. bright
g^Bto nm tnjod him. Tbta bagtto to

Grand Rapids. Mich..
Dear Doctor: lhavc been ihinkii
for some time that 1 ought to write you
a few words of praise for yon r womierfill LADIES* RESTORATPVE. which
did me such worlds of good,
id. I suffered
ith mymenses, and female
e complaints,
for oyer ten years, that death would have been a relief to me.
I took dociprs’ medicine and several kinds of Patent
_______ Medi.^
. but they
y all availed me nothing. I1 am so thankful
I learned about DR. IMAN’S RESI ORATIVE that I want
to recommend it: to
*--------------------------rr _•_ /from these terrible
a ny woman siifTering
complaints, Anyone: wishing to learn more about it may address
Mks. L. Moksk, Tallmadge, Mich.

llerqnroTbefc WBB a motm nt of alienee, dur*
tog which to regarded her.
-Yoo are ewt^i.- he whleperrd,
-How do you know I am eweetr ato
amllnd iMck at h
-How do I km It la commencing to
be dark? How do I know we an- near
tog the emei of England?
England? How do I
Tbe answer pleaaed her. lIiTtlugcri.
which were reeling lightly on tils arm.

**IU|ta. At toy »!•*. wrilli imirb
mUm tad t good dani of txi>maa. to
toOBglU tbit bt« of boom orrr tto tmt
wttb bim to bH ooootry tooar in icot
Itpd tod. tortng brmitbt Ibani tbarr.
patjlte twty tod forgoi til aliout
It it tto any of tto world,- tba
Mddti. -Wt go to trtry aort of
MMt tod tipmot doliig tblngt wt
ttaBk wo woot t^da. tbm woodar why
IB tto BtSM of coBittiou tmm 00 mrr
woot to tto trooblt of do4n* tbnn.-Jltt to U dot murar of tlmt he
ftvt a hOBta party, tuif'nnrfi. of
; % totem tUTlllng aooe Mend. «p from
Imnita for a wttk nr two lie oiird
tto tetoaa. aa a matter of fact, ftvtn
Stoftt to eoUar But. flrat. I furtot to
«y ttot tto omranta had put the bay
. Of haoat It o tox and tto bux in one
of tto apart foobm opttaira ondtr tto

i yoo told It o lim* it
NBtte. aeour
toBto wat ao flUad.- bt west
■k *ttot Bpoo tto arrlral of the biat
•ml It wot found Btrranary to pat
Mto It tto mrr room, which fur aome
ftooto or oCtoi^yoB will pardon tUla
Pterr If B tea*! rtry ritor-wat aeldom
Ptod. Ttoa tto fBB bagam Tbem were
daacteg aad maatr and rrulirking tiU
bM toBPi of tto Blglit. tttl 4 or ttotw
Btoat la tto toamlog. wbm. one by
BBa.ttoy MBitoiaPidtogototod. Tto
•m tf wtom 1 tpoka was tto teat to
pm tto root tod m about dooad off
wtop to rtattd ttoai by daabtegjaat
of Mt loom, ^iamiiiig the door bAlod
m. fOBteg dowa tto haU to my mittoa iBtm BBd telUiig item pamo Bpoa
tto gvpti. paatteg aad whUf aa any
aatte proppad Wb ap aad throw
water te tea faro. Wtoa to ooald
mtek to toM tern bow ha tod tot^
•at to tod bofort a taU Cbi
ampl teas oywl aad pigu
Bate Bteaawtott. to <w
wtoam and stead by tea

not to be^ruel
> to klae ito IlUr
*7hullrtng. aba drew ber ratw aim
her throat.
-You are cold.*' aald he * We err
nearing tto Brlttoh ctmat. Tto rhltt of
te fog comm out to wekmne ua. Mhall
turk yoa tot Herr, let me put my
warm bcobh rag around you.-rin colib but (bat e not wbat*a tto*
mattir with me »o much. It'« (hM
ttory. It worriea ma.Throwlng off tto ruga, he aiirpag
down and stood tiefore her.
>. Jefa walk at«nt.- bokllng out
tea arma. thnt Uoghtog and rrmemheriag. taktog her two toade to betp
bar dowa. -aad 1 wUl (rll you anoCtet
Story, aa old. oht story, but tto awret.
sstirfory laths world.Valktog ana to ana ac
they elood facing tto sunein.
-An exqalette Turner effect,- aald I
crttirally. -those blown about rtoade
wbh IJbad my braehee and pelote
IJto ttot la what yoa do. then, iiatotr
-Patot It oa caaraa. and I wUI
It with words, then we-ll cunpan
-We will Bat tto atoryr
-Y«. I tod forgnttea. Tto etory/
-li e a T«7 simple atcry of a mai
who osOmd up the gangpUnk cf «
arrtoeely. aathlnk
tog. neror once Imaglatog what await

ilrol llesSsesr.

Is-ry I- iU* nll.geU sub^**'!. On
one c*e,«x.,!. . iM- w. ;,i into a large Oxford elnet i • ‘ IMiuient to puir liaat
«l te he stood bAro>
* U- nited a bishop
M * ..,Tnnd and rule•.
% on., of the aboo aa^

I4JT.1 IbsM-U-iy
fn.iu him and
(Binlmnl It iTltlcolly tofu
ore be answernd. -No.- he repIUHl Mt leoglh. -I
haven't gut
t like
.i>d 1(1
had 1 wo

t- ofwuooiffp-rffp.--------------------


Modern Eloquence
“The Greatest Spoken Thought of the Nineteenth Century”



A Few of the Many Contributors
Jasrpli N, ChMio
WllIlM M. E»arU

Cbaeisrty M. Depew
H««ry W»rS Beecter
h*mt, W . Urndy
lt«brrl (1. Inrvrssll

ArtMMS Ward

7^^ A
Ubtary VoltuM) h aa sernt of preiairr
Importeaea. lor thd first time the l.«l
Aftrr Din-«»r Spserbes, Lcctares, Addresses, At
dotes. Kemiaboenoes sad Repartee of America i snd
KagUad i mou brdhsat men ton bssa aelecii
aditsd—srraagsd—bj sn sditoml board of c
ttomselm eloqarat with word sad psa-i
who ton achknd naiataoe in virwd fields of
Thess fvms of tpshsa thought wan Isgm^e from
lack of proptf pnsemdn mnaa. aatil (he Hon
1-* 1

r paopUr who toro toea eaiSTf

^tlr. Iman’s Ladies’ Restorative

calculate.- aald be.

tto coast. glow.Tl bunilnrrly misty with
- Well what r helnsfst.d
-l uleus I tUO* aald sl.e. -Ibis story. It
eerros to me. stands lew .h.m ..f lH>lng
finl.b.Tl than tbe other one.•Tbo atory.- be frusinnl. ‘always
the sl«iry! l>n*p I
must todj
out for oar luggage. Talk
me you cere for me ”
'ell then.- she tohl him. “iKT-bapa


ta*-' WiSf.1T*-

They wuIktMl brkkly nntm«. facing
the fug ami (he ronsl. In the darkneao
ttcotch." they were snmoind«^l by gUnetly flftonagtt hr mlm tnd bUit co
mid ebe, -I ebould any you were IrUh aive, ttolr cxp<Tniint fuoTi ul»o tuarard
trtittota tomt tioud tt tto mU ^
Ittkitf tart tt tto fit* nmeuXe boo t>f and tod kleeod tto PUmry ytonetto rtaet. w>me boiue g.dng.
-If I were Irtob ereq, I ebould draw
tto rotadloff cooBt of Framv
‘Talk to roe.- he togge.1. ‘Tell roS-at tliat lt‘» e dUBcult feat
-It la too Mion. rroni I»1. |i|h- to VwBtr totoogtoffa tod tom pUcrd hj t tto II
to*Ar to tto long mot «l tto oUtr. hj Yoo tnoet be held by your hc-U t
haven, four hours. It i» much loo
io«».-ehe r..lti rated.
•mi hr, lotplag dova. oto arooi bi lr>r.k yoo tong orrr a dangrrone prer
-Have you foigoiten the studio of
«flir tton. Upoo tor rHorn tto foobd lieed down to reach It. Everyth
Mroe. tonmlro and bow we met (hers?
kUt Mfortthlr otMroiirrd lb brr %f.
Reeideik love dmu not cmint the hours.
• ctaHr. With u toft Itoitrt roc w«ll
Uelen to the fog his^ns. We are about
wrMtoi ttoirt tla ktimo tod a toft
toUnd. Talk lorn..folt tot drovB doom.
-Well.- she Uveii and et..pi»«l.
For awbllo, tflor tto intnoor of two


SuffBiBdforovsr 10 tears

Tran ree Cuy.
t ASOI'T TO laan TAMt TO ME.* IJ OO. oa Oet 14tb, from Maakiaaw O. L. Lookwoo«l. O. P.
Bieou catcbliur elubi «f Imt altting there, s picture
Cue pUld
R. A I. Aaaaal Excoreloa to
cape and her big tmi

Olton pMd tto <1«1L Bobm., to.
tmimg tto dUdto room. t>t pti* ftfrd

-I tort m^t TOO tofoft.
t IlgbUtg BP of 170B
-ytt.- to taomtod: -at I
UntIro III Pont. I rorognUrd
WItb ttot ttoj Ulkod for mi bmtr or
W Of tbltpa of 00 mnbt>
am It oBAMBtry in
»• ••««% tfirr
vbkt ttor dnrtod into» eiort

BROS.. 377d» Broahrar. Hew Tor':
Ke otter cMcsaukctW pises ef tbs W.B.Vr«<tPem. Aemft ao «ib«>(.e^

^\^ik lilwsries sad masry files wen belag deind
iato in s hnndred pUers wk.le f.moos men i
pBttiiig Into msnosa pi their train chOdrrn-while
rrtu)b’4*crr.iT., rrjiaiteK;. and story were Iwing redsoed
1j tt|». and s{«e.-hes. addreaics, and leciarcs, which
n.oi,ry coaid not tuT. were ia friendship's i___
beuxg oficred, |i!r. Keid ksi picpefing fur thb work,
his moat axnUuoos conUibnuon U liltrature —his
//ac tfr rvi«.'u*<c-“Tto lafiusAcs and tto
Hlstary of Oratory.** Prof. Lorenso Sears, beloTtd and honored in msny Undo for hii criti.^1
I'id coMi.t; to^ vufk in iitrratare. was
**Ths H'utory of After-Dtoncr Spoa

Tbe leadenst tribate to sromaa I ton ever re
aaid Senator DoDirer when be read the msaoacHpt
of Joaeph Choate's sftrr - dinner speech,The
Hlgrim Mothers.-


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