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The Evening Record, October 01, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
,uwy* Ho*»
Has B#an Forumd by tha ProM
outlon In Hararavas Caaa
Glvanl^ Dr. Chaaa, Dr.Evana
•fid Laonard CraywHi^
oiTT. mcB. wapHnn^T
OMr e Jmy. «*-
taally wateed by tbe proeiertlea aam eoam aatborittee ooald beprc
dmwd. althoagh Mr. Prate said be
•a. oerlala that be had aright lo
Mk tbe qaeelloa aad raeeire aa answer
from tbe witaeea
Tbe teetimoay of Dr. Ohara was
Dootinaed. Tbe matter of tbe poet
mortem, wbieh was held al 11 n m.
DO AprU tlel. was latiodaeed in tbe
To Socceral His Brother on
Dwmoerstte Ticket
Before the Nomlnstiori Was
Made. However.
ibe laryiU was romerod aad tbe raUp
Bloeely esamiaed by the witnera and
Qaroer aad Er» wboaedeted
mj. The Vitaera teetlSed
raeeioa oa tbe left temple
was aboat l>«ul taebra ia elae. and
iboataainobdeep: the depromed true lattty^ia^^ trial of
A^B»xtore back of tbe right ear about tbe
mme tera bat about three eights of
uiaebdeepL Either ooe of them tbe
awtat to boM
«iwa imrd gaitewltaera teralfled luigbt bate oaaeed
•d •wy day la tb« ooait tooai lo 14#*
death* though not imm^KlUtely.
Either would at least baTs raoeed on■«M« ni«
Wall. All
^ MM affalntt tba aoMMd, aad if^i^
•baw ttMt b« waa aottba alayer of bio
wifa^^Hwy S. Bargtmrm, tm tbe
, Momiafof ApriifliilMl.
Tba inti—ay of Oorooer O. E.
«UI»M, Dr. Z. H. Enmt mad Dopaty
taf mad iadlMlM that If
did aet oomailt tbo all4
t rtrid eroM m•Bdata# falitto alter tbo oioMittel
foatano. Both Dr. XEran. mad Dr.
OboM tMtify pooltiToly that Iftrt.
BargWTM ooald aol baToindioted tbo
aroando npcm her bead aad tbrMt
» with bar owe baada Both aicTM that
abo ooald aot hare choked benelf lo
death after ber rlffht arm area bfokea.
•or dliloeetid her arm after ab« bad
beoa obbked; nor ooald ehe In tboir
•piBtoa bare ladioted tbe depraeeed
fraeterMof tboekallby throwing boroelCafalneiaay obloot la the bedroom
wbMO ebe
her tra«le end.
Both Dr. Braaeaad Dr. ObaMteeti.
iedpoeittMly that tbe raptare of tbe
laryas aMtebare caaeed iaiteat dMib
U tbe woama was aot dead whea it
waeptodaoed. Bltborof the ffaetarae
woald almoot rarely bare pro•aoed aooouoelooraeot.
and in
aU liltelihood
The duding of
beadle under the wood.bed eulre by
Deputy Sheriff UruyooD. and Uter on
tbe dUoovery of tbe Iron aUaobment
to till eaw haniUe. in tbe eame plaoe^
preeeate another etrong link in tbe
obain of eridenoe which ie atrenglb.
eaini tbo cam of the peoide. in tbe
ouMof the eaw handle both phTuiolani
bare teetided that the wouade on the
ooald bare beeni produoed
produced by
and probably
wore oaaeed by that or a elmilar
muapoa. The finding of tbe mw han
dle two daye after tbe death of Mra
Barfraree. in the woo<Uhed of her
borne, and ooreted with froeh blood.
Ie rory damaging erldenoe. and If tbe
RECORD ^ l^wsiss^.^
at tbe antopey
dtewud tba blood on tbe brain beraalb tbe fiaoMne to bare been doc
ked. The ekuU at Iboee polnte. acxwdiag to tbe witaera. was about tbe
thiokeel of any portioo of the ekull.
Dsoept tbe topoftbebead He also
teetifled that it would require a Tory
tieairy blow to prodaee each wounda
Be ooald aot etale whether tbe fimotarra were reoelred while Uie Tiotlm
was etandiog or lying prooltate. Any
uf the wounds would bleed profusely,
uid u peraoQ mlgtil bleed to death
from them, especially from tbe cute
It the back of the bead which entered
% large artery. The skin on tbe
ibroat was also brnlsed and appeared
lo have been oat so that blood flowed,
rbe appearmnoe of these wounds iudlDated that tbe throat had been grasped
(Oontinned oa third pagei.
Pwv»d#. Coal Strike Headquartara Today
Anthracite Operators
Mitchell are Invited
ers aileet Thee et AesTiew
iToenra of
Washington. Oct. l-P
eralt sent telegrams to tbe anthanite
eoal operators aad John MitcbeU to
day asking them to meet him here at
11 O’clock Friday morbing for tbepnr-
Hroi er era TWhoS. era Is I
Im Uw Operas.
Dow far
nera Manager W. a Monu has
a game for tbe 18tb of tbe prae-
The eonerote ie aU laid fer tbe
Union etrora paring.andu bra tbe brink
two days wiU eompleto tbe entiro >ob.
Four or fire ears of briek are roquirod
to nnleh tbe iob. and the ftfut of them
can iennw on therrad. the time
beteu tbe arriral nf tbe brieks wUl
and there
OM«wMm«ly' For Sm^raramy*m
orur tbe state as b«
in tbe fast class, aad it will take
some fine playing for tbe
mslese they are delayed lor
daya The teteklayra. hare teft t«m |
city, but they wUI rotani if aeeeerarj, .
to complete tbe iob.
5 nt Normandy” City Oi>cra
c. FnvUy, Oci. 3
la all probahUitj reeult In tbe i
While tlM^ whole oommnnlty ie intereeted in tbe oonriotion of the gniUy
perooB or peraooe. ereryooe would be
glad if Hargiareeoould ebow eridenoe
te prore hi. innooenoe. At prMent,
bowuTor. the iMtlmooy ii ol a gtare
ehaiaoter and it remains for tbe defeuM to ebow eometbiag to oooTlnoe tbe iary that tbe erldeaoe tbui
far iatrodaoe
riod daring tbtemorning’e eenioa. hul
kepi hie nerre weU under Ibe tryittf
Washington. Oct. 1-Anolher m«ning of the president and his cabinet
was held at the temporary White
Honra this morning to discuss the an
thracite coal strike. The meeting
i^ourned at noon aad it srae stated
that an offloial memotandom would
be giren out latur.
WiUesburre. Got. 1—A general uir
of myetery perradra tbe strike head
quarters today imd Mitobell U more
■Uent than at any time einee tbe strike
began- Diririct PTOeldenu Fbhey.
Duffy and KiobolU oaiuot be located
this teoralng and it U thought they
are bolding an Important oonferenoe
Hnraltcn. Ooi. 1-The Drift on oolUety. ooe of the largest in tbe Lehigh
region, started this morning. One
hundred and ftfty polios are guarding
tbe mines.
Democrats Held County Con
vention today
Iff—------- ttoi.brBiw
lb. fbiAir«bi^totb. this {i)*ce defatted the Queen Citie*
ofTnreneCitrMdtr. b;* scon of
Some Daring Creations in $7.50 Overcoats
Dreamsxif Beauty in our Neckwear de|>artmcni- a lot of new ones
just from the maker-SOC. Snappy new styles in Soft HltS^ncw
shapes, shades, but the same old low prices-$1.00. $2,00. $X00
will f-nr«»ll pvpiN fur \ tolin at th«cniv of niuHic, C.lvt»i« ra lluux-t.l.». k. or
at r.-Mdt U.-C. 31S \V. util St. lU-ll I'lKHir.
POPI I.AR shoe: hoi
Clothicm, Ilatten. snd Fttnii>Jim to lli» Majesty, tl.r Amrrv’.n Citueii
At 5c, 6c, 7c, 9c, 1 Oc, wAII Great Vaiaos
Gram Display ot RU RS Mi ttie Latest tiiinp
: you’ll be pleased with the goods and e?.]»ccially the prices.
Tall Bulbs
j A fine shipment just received.
Place your orders early while
assortment is complete . . .
Keorah to iiQ UomnA.
Tbe democruti At in county oon^
reatioB this afrilnoon in tbe City
Dpera boura and nominated tbe fol
lowing ticket:
For reproeentotive iu state Icgitlature-Joha R. Santo of Traverra City.
For raeriff-WUllam Whiteford of
Jllfred U.
Me Very He
UDdersUm. $i.25 valnes,
ti- Bulk[ Mercerlzea
lud Romed................... .............. 98
Ftoimd Wtlsts, SOc. rSc. $1. $1.50 to......• 3.00
willtliit sun* i»4 Dress Skins. $tso to........... o.oo
Recced lined Wnppers, TSc. $i.oo. $i J5 to...... 2.00
Jlshrr &
221 Trout St.
A Ladies, Dress Shoevery new and stylish Iasi
—new hctls, neu* toes,
well and turn solc--kid
. and futenl leather.
For onunty elerk-Willlam Triplett
of Puimf^ir.
For reglater of deeds-Tbomae
-Daniel McMullen of
Underwood of Traverse City.
P. Kerlinger of TruTeiwe City.
nand fre
For ooroners-Z H Kvans of Truv
quently spoke to tl*eaooueed. Follow
erra City and Obarles Hanslovsky of
Ingle rite teetlmony of the witnesera
Trurerra City.
from yesterday afternoon’• intermlsFor
county rarTeyor-—B. P. Water
sloe, the eiperi testimony of Dr.
maaof Ituverra City.
SfSns and Dr. Cl.ara forming nartionTbe eoonty committee is ae foUowe
inrij Intoreetlng erldenoe :
HewHtea Ctetbtea Ca. Sf tU Oerw MeFetor Wnnbnrg. obalnran; C. A
Xewera BAoca Alter Oc«. l &-lteera
^bte. eeoretary; H. O. Boiler of
After the reoera at 8 JO yesterday
wwe A Co, Move Oot.
Acme, H. R Monroe of Blair. A. O.
sTtrarnmn Dr. Chase reramed the stand
of East Bay. D. O. Hntekini
for diroot oramliiatioo bj E 8 Pratt
baUere I- tbe good repubUoan doc of Fife Lake. O. A. Edgeoomb of
The wilnora deawibed minutely tbe to
trine of bealthy expansion, aad aftet
numerous wounds upon tbe body of October 1Mb they will occupy tbe Oarfleld. John Blrard of Grant, John
Green Lake. John Sobwlndt
He•tore ia tbe MoNamaru book, formerly
Mro Hargrarei
of Long Lake. Thomas Bollings of
iktm iobrtMiUUlj M h«*o<«r .«■
Mribtd iB ih. KTMto* B*»rd. u lot- wbo moved oot laet night aad tbix Mayfield. Elmer , Moras of 1
Fairbanks of Wbitelow. : A itvnmtd liMtw. OT« tb. aeorniag. Tbe later firm gora to De- { diae.
teuter. D. E Wynkoop. H. A. Lang
Utl V. •
ItMtur. b«k ol troit, with what was left of their
worthy. J. R. Santo. J. M. Huellman.h. loll rar. u abiuloB of tb. (Un etock.
Mr. Bandlura is not ready to state tel aad O. G. Millar of tbU city.
on the neck, rareral deep ouls or just wbai line of goods will go ioto
Tbe usual democrats wore preeent,
bruiesB on back of tbe beadand on tbe the nww blook. tbe rear of wbioh has
tbefusual bustle of Ibe party to gut
Mp of tbe bead, eerare brnlra on
gh men <6 flU tbe tinket. tbe
bant bright band. raToral on right
neual double. tripU and qandropU
one and backward disteearion of both
natioos. tbe nraal oolJeokm to
of right arm. Besidra these
pay for tbe baU aadtba uttial inetrooIburo wuro tarulerann tbe inner side
r «r Now Tee% an
ticna to tbe bead of tbe oommlttee to
of the left knee, nnotber on right hip.
fill vacanciae on tbe ticket, all the
ol tltbl hmai wrooobjA. •>«
1 things were in evidence. A. V.
wB—dt— bMk or l.nbuflo|>|>0NBt- •tI :oga,<
inch wue ofaairman of the 6only«iid.byllnr>r«ll«- .
rennon, E. L. Sprague aeeretury, and.
n» wltbMO itotod tbji HuroTM Dominated for governor.
all wbo were praeent. tbe wbple Hot,
wo. IXMrtot tb. lnq.4 tbooilb OM
• idli« newupuper OMn and epeote•I tb* iaol tBqolty !¥»'*• !»»">«*■
amouating te a totel
27. were
lb: taM mM tbB 4mo~ or tb.
» MBbers of tba oonreatioo.
K>tk«k>. Oct. 1-The tom of
That will add to>x>ur appearance and not dcni S^mr iKKkeiK»ok arc
ihoM wc’vc just unpacked and marked “SeTCH-Finy.- Sa>: Honest
ly—we have noer before seen such grand suits al such a prii'c-bcliltUng. MenTrho usually pay $10.00 or
can come inand invest
in one at ^ ^.»0—Same thing.
I Suit cidif 15c It Cold Stiragi |
Oe-d Wor
that BargraTM did not oenee tbe death
Betcher Co* Props,
The Ladies Aid Society of the First
M. K. Chun* srill give a reception
Detroit. Oot. 1-L. T. Dnroad nf for Mr. Lanfman and family and new MRS. TIMBLIN willbcgUdloscc
all the Udics at her home.
tegiaaw. brother of tl.e dietingulehed members Friday evening. Oct. 3. at
has received a samiJe line of cloaks
fudge O. H. Dorand. was ehoeen late the church, at 7:30.
walking riaru from Chas. A.
Wm. B. (}ross, general manager of
Bros. She can give you
ens &
bV Brox.
the Jas. A. Heme attraction, was in
low |iriccs for the vciy best fur
sandidate for goreroor in opposition
tbe dty yeeterday completing arrange
coats on the market. 4x Astrak> Aaron T. BUea The deolelon to
ments for the production here, on
chan, $40 and so bn. Parties can
slices L. T. Durand was not arrived
Thursday. Oct. Bth, of “Shore Acres
in evening. l.ook at her
^ without a bitter fight, but the
which is ooe of the finest
you will sas c monev.
There will be a regular medirtg of}
rrom all but Senator Helme.
In rufusing to rapport Dorand Sena- Queen Ckv Camp No. 573, Ro>ti1
tor Helme made riie following elate- Neighbors *ol America tonight. All
members arc requested to be presciiU
The Traverse Bay Sewing Circle
*1 shall certainly refuse to rapport
he nomination of L. T. Durand, and will meet wit6 Mrs. McMichael on
teliuU actively and eazneeUy oppose Washington street tomorrow afternoon.
ilm. I do this for two reasons All members arc urgetl to be jircscnt.
ITirit, I believe tliat I can eonrinoe
The condemnation suit of the
my lair minded man bj eridenoe tiiat C.,
& M. %s. the M. & N. K. has
[ eUall prodnoe that tl.e Durand nom- been defened, by consent of the i«uinarions. both greater and lesser, were ijcs, to October 21st.
nanipolatedby the oon>ormte interosU
One of the Klk Rapids bo)s bad I
3f the state so that they would hare the mislortunc to get his shoulder <
th»- next goreroor, whoever was euo- broken in the footliall gamc^ith thei
seesfol at the election. HeooaO. tl.e local High school team MomUy aftersominatioos of both the maiormnd
tbe minor Dovands were puslied by
rormer Uiereland offioehohlers for the
purpOM of aecnring the state delega
pUy the city team ol that pUcc, with
tion to tbe Olereland democracy in
a league pitcher in the box lor KaU
prganiaers are upon ns
guard of the Hill boom
The Octonar>-Club went to Carp 5
[ am oot willing to torn'
l.ake today, and now it will go hard
the-pxrty to the <
md reorganisers without a struggle. with the poor ducks.
TIictc will be a monthly meeting ofl
[ propose to appeal to tbe great demojratio masses, tbe farmer and labovur, the \V. C\ 1. A. tomorrow altcmoon
A full attendance is
abo have no money to attend confer- at 2 o’clock.
uioes in Detroit aad Grand Rapid,
rat wh<Wbearts ate true to principle,
lo go to tbe polls In Korember and
Mrs. W. J. nniikcr was ver) picas i ‘^O.Mr: Ik>> tir girl under 18
years of age is going Co get
fehoke these manipulators by soroteh- untly suqiriscd last evening by a nuin-l
ing the bead of the ticket. Don’t ber of her friends who called to hclj.
it—Why not )ou? Call for the
rote for miss. That would be as bad her |oss the evening. The |.arly diil
Xfool al our More that telU >v>u
u voting for Durand. As Mr. Bark- not disperse until a Ulc H.our, ami
all alK>ut ii—the chance of a lifccvcr>' minute of the evening was de
linic. A hamlsoine bullon given
each contesiant.
republioanUm 1 hare no ohoioe. ’
•’Let the head of the ticket lag
thonrands in tbe rear of tbe remain
der as a notice what will happen to
men wiio betray our principles ”
Ban *
Boys’ Astrachan Reefers—
vcr>’ stylish, at $3.50. S4 and
$5. Boy’s’ ulsters, boys’ knee
pants, boys’ fancy shirts,
boys’ blouse waists at 25c.
Boy’S* waists at 50c and $1.
Boy’s sweaters, nice lin
boys’ fleeced undcrweai
25c. Boys’ wool ribbed and
what is called Buckskia un
derwear. all at lowest prices.
One of.-if ;
Ever> thing about these
new fall styles
suggest superiority of
fit—harmony of
you get into them
you don't want to get
out. Exceptionally
good values at
$10.00, $IS«5. $i5«r
$l8.06 to $31X30.
r .
• “'
'-■jr Ml I
AtM. fbal jaaa* taa—i»»i
___ aar* tb. WMbta«lo«
U teet^ byw*
if wbKIi ba
IWTf> tb« cior far • rqn^* *>>”
____ ^of tholaotoonro------l»
and thoy l»ld that *•.
tfMrtJTOT to aaoUt oad adrlM bin •• •nkmhnatfbr two-loold bo loynlly
for Mm. Rooaaralt. Tbaa.
i-ailnlod with n 1
to tte bmt plan for naklnf tbo I
articicn ba daeterad and paid tba duty
oat Imnlarm.
u—b to Toqaort. tbe major
ooo of bSa bMt iimb. aod wlioi bo arflTod bte lordoblp took bin la to wImco
Mf« MOi /oowfam ■»« da ppao
WMtfm. Wmr»$rw$tUr%-9l-4t
**^T.crrftb;-lrorw.ro In a
Hottoool loUwoy. wfordlof th4 •
bot ratl-r oM f..hioo-t
, Tooodnyoontaiflwlioj
tho aoor of wbldi laekod a cow
mm MTontr abooka tbiU i
ttoB and waa aocttrod bj loctr-«ad boy.
that bo would Uko to aoo
tb» tniot or uurvxar
o*eiook at night tbo
UUo It aodaualtboplou Within. Tbo
dtaetlv. oy-1 the lane lf«» rault for
-Yaa. It la a rery atroog p»w of
tea ae^ WUm thir
rork, but. norwtbolaaa. m bet yon a
oltlo of cba«p.f»o that I can «ter ty and dtly ten MoaM Uka aoekla
tbia bottao wUboot coming tbroogb a ahalte. Tba WBta tended part of th
iwn. Tba teaa wUl ha |Ma.eOO.
door or window and open that aafe In
lam than flro mbratan** Tbo Brltiab
WboUtela tobbety oten"**®***
aaador took tbo bat at om prom
•bMt Indlananolte ‘
•otec OB tar aOBt
Bcht to aaandhythaanMi
"•“^/i.'liatOT a»«»
al.CteiCOfa.Tannacro.a Wamnu
white Ute lordahtp haM hte watch. «ba
•aaa alto laanod fat tba
'"rS5w'’irr?©w«»a ar wa
W-bao ba Brat antarad the manaloa of anatomy la a loaal aadlaal ooUtca.
lha datacOra had woUcad that tba «l- _______ _ two alolanbodtea wata foand
ter (latliva wata ohaamrad. aial. «ota« aboat 10 dayaaco:antetar»etatea
ontalda. ba opattad ooa of tbam, drop- ___
taaltor ol tbe ooUe«a.
pad down Into tha baannent and.
Maarly 100 c»na. It te aald. ban
tec np tba kllchan aulrwajr. was
by tbe Choate diwtec tbe
min which tha Iron mnlt
ooiba. Tbe aecroea wan
________ _ tba allrar plala wa. lecatad.
Thla of Itaalf falrljr took tha hraath«of .nod with abowaaa aad oqaippod
with horaa. mid waCooA Tha bodtea
WEIGHT of oaw-c.
wma aold to dlSareat ooUacn whlab
bla pocket
nnateat waok.
tea n.aaal« dooca of tba aafa I«d
from Padaaolmiuicareta araa readr to confeaa that lonuooa H—iitla taaC Fima Banjjtcir«y^»^ PdJlBAOU of GfoUot.
-aa baaten and promptly paid tea day nooitecalJo'alooktmilooday
at 11 p. m. a pteaial of tho aama of
kapi the pteao cotec, taeoaSHE STOPPED THE TRAIN. BoooU
ttec by bnrt «0 dUfenat oom^mBe made only two atop, of 10
■aw Mra. Cbanwtwr ah.tt»r*4 1
TaoAlllaaa br rolllu Alann
o» dortec the ttmo. Tba only
It took 0 pr^.w -----------bamnt. b. look wan te UqoiA
to teU tbe Brttl-i raUway wevanU.
Inelnding a aort of madtrameni
who am nolorlooaly etupld, that
•'55om!'ICw««* •»<>-
npoLaeXItl........ .
■te ealabratteo of UU paiwl jubllm nettra a pnatnt wbk-b a» far baa uem
, aaya Ibe New Vorb
Timra. It la a topas found in the mlnea
«C Ulnaa4}«rara. in Bnudl. ThU etooe
VUlgha M kna than l.TM grama, hot
vhat dotthlM lt» vnlur Is the work
«hleh baa bran exprudM tbu IL
Om of the moat aklllful Upldariea In
the world, the celebrated NraikolUan
gom a igura of Chrlat In tbe act of
tete. ------- Cartallo ten years of
fruptod Ubor to eomplet. thU chef
#m«Tfu testlned for tbe brad of the
Tndenn. awl he tea apeot no leas than
mkOOO in dlamaod dite to accomplUh
at one tlma bakmgod to the
kaManf BaurhoE It pasaed to M. Klu-aa Cartallo aad Mmeh firmengmrde
da OUitlla Caatrck who oteed It to the
Oaont da Oaaerta. The latter, tnaletiw to the Dne dena Terra, aald that the
St^ artlare family full liberty to
.te the faithful to the holy
A. S. FRY.MAN, PruBcaStem
MUSIC----- —■
10 Scant Of WaoMmlBi .
vtSaSchdeSCatt of Phjrcrt.
' B»mOKSt
dos^baLmm iTwrak^^pa?
V^l^HIrs ir^Sair
Too may selaot yonr own
HtrktaB Blockm
nil to
lo bring two atioka
.tick, of wood eacl
judged from
duraeter of
^niaiestic Range
PAT in a
Wacies known ai theStedeor
team &ia. One of tee beat in
Grand Travem county. S(
bar tee city.
ni^; Covent Girden and tee mtertod tee NMiotel Spoftme Qab,
Day, the Eari’. Court EriaWrioa by
Iti^y the^teier
•OB Downs rsce ooone
For tloora^am
PiktS2mS2.S0.S34W. mo
See them ra our show window.
t|»ft.or «k« cAty.
SteLaaTOLaaMa papal Itefla*
Here are shoes that teU of Health. Comfort,
Long Wear and Perlect Character. No argument is necemry because the good qualities
, are api^t-will keep out cold and damp11. arc amnctivdv put together and look as well as
♦ they fed. My name is stamped on every shoe
which means a guarantee to our cottumers.
35C, 50C. 75C. $1.00
The October number of 10 Stor>'
Book if on the ncwi stands and is a
gem, both as regards the cleverness of
the stories and the strong list of
names among the authors. John HabbertoD, known tHc world over as the
writer of ••Helen’s Babies" conlnbutes ••Between Stations" and Opic
Read, “The Mad Girl" -There is a
tragic stor>* by Dorothy Dix. cnlitlevl,
•The Other Woman," and a most
clever bit of cometiy by ElU W.
Pcallie. entitled “His
ulia Truitt Bishop contributes a
dramatic talc entitled ••The Yancey
Birthday." The story given the post
of honor U a unique sketch by Annie
Braslw. Other stories arc ••The
Vow|Fl)ealh" by W. R Henncme);
••The Wife and Misticss," by W. R
Bcmctt and “The House Accuned,"
Garrard Harris.
In the series o<
short masterpieces
Piece of
..a, .aaaaaa^a... w.. «------------- -------------- «tmOk .t
String." by Guy I>c Maupassant U
Ootella. on the eonthetn A
pubUiheA Announcement is i
a depth of 200 feet. An IndUna
a>,aipany hat been berlni^ at OteUa m this number of a prise story
for eereral months but did not expect lest in which priies a«gtegating a
thousand doUaii are offered. (Daily
D find oil eo near tbe aurface.
Slot)- publishing Ca, Chicago).
The guaber took cverythl _
nth It rlalng nearly 200 f«t Ufore It
.oold be capped. The oil U of good
quaUty. belmt rained at $4 a barrel at
The well known Iowa poet, hte.
the well It U nrar to water tranapor.
tattoo and wlU oort W a too to reach .,'iU Reed Dunroy, paid the following
beautiful tribute lo James A. Heme’s
I»aclllc coaat porta.
Ten mtlca of coaat landa In the rlcln- tamouf comedy-drama. "Shore Acres”
Ity have been located for oil
which is »o have a fine scenic prodneGoteUa U near Kayak, thirty
tion at Slembeig’s Grand on Thurs
aoQth of Copper. A large body of coal day, OcL 9th.
waa recently dlacorered near t
pUcc. The ayndlcate ownUig t
iced lU Intew
now BOWinc uaa «uuwuuv<
tlon of rafinlng the oil onitbe
tl apot
The dJ^MTcry Indlcatra
bearingatrata bear* upward from Cal "A te—Br M,»7 Mte a—ir r«te.
ifornia, atriklng AUaka near tbe Cop
per rtrrr. An Imporunt new Induatry
That »«4krMa *»4 MrflaBM Ui. iKMf* *
U thus added to Alaaka'a i
krtU. fcamH Ikral. m •a.ry bar;
Wim a* ai-la« a. aara-S aa a roaa la bkwm
Probably tte moat aUrtllng proplHH^
K*ar ffraabad with a anAdwi ram."
tttrr^l by any of tbe aprakrra at tte
onrantloo of tte National Dmiamak“Sporting Life." the Engliih mcU>jr^ aaaoclatloD In Chicago says a dis
as nrodticcd
produced at
*t Mc
patch from that city, was mad* by the dram* which
re. Chicago,
and tan
_ nlsaUoo’a pre-dent. Mme. L. U Vkier’s Theatre.
home with cootinned
Eapp. when abe d«?Ured that mrapa SSwcAs in that1 house
success, is announced for Steinberg’s
and jackets of all klnda durli^
coming aaaaon will te dlatlnclly Japa* Grand neat Saturday, OcL 4th. The
In origin. Per tte drat Ume In the Chicago Press for once in iu histoty.
»ry of modern taahkMis tbe well was a unit in pronouncing the play
■ed woman of America tnrna to the one of the ipatt realistic sceucally,
far oa- for Insplratloo tn her cholee that they hsd ever been privileged to
of modea. ahapra and general de-gnato Tokyo rather than to Parla. With witness "Sporting Life." a pUy «<
thla ond IB new, -eeree are to te M
and fira. and tte garment Itaelf win
«*aic embeUishment. The^
at elceely only at tte nock.
of tbe scene pamter’a 'an waa all 'ael
conmliritcd in New York. It ■
Take Laaaura
Ytetee. fhli
Stteaauutatta •«u»P»» «
AiEXPartHEMAtamiDswnwEs .
Our Fall Styles 1
to the right tralDi when a»kcd. and
Ibe conme -»e took to teach the leooon
baa made railway oaclala open
WteteTte may ba tba oiitetea te taa,.«te|h.wtedmi.ot.b.«tecUT.
Daaaff to •mowKi hte brnthae at tb.
ktaff af tba CarnoeraUo-atam tlabat. It
wwaU teba a vary bopatal aited. te
tea amat aancatea JameeraA to am
■0 pnapaelof Tteteiy.wlte tbe party
:^!5SiStir Kbwre •?
MpMnIwi hy long die*— U> ^itlt
mA other at laMi onoa • yeor. The
withthevnoa TkeycrecMrutceffkrtcBycm
of the New York
---Mra. Bamoel Chauncey of New Y
-atar of Lady Kewhorougl^ who ha.
made anch a ItrlUlant •ocIal^
London Ihla year, bai Utely been at
BerwlckKm Xweed. On her way there
-le Ud to change at York. She loat
ber maid and gOTemew altogether,
while her mother. Mra. Cair. and her
UttJe daughter alao dlaappeared and
did not turn op until the neat day.
•hauncey found biwlf put
X. n. Ali-vm
_______wrong train by a guard. w>
without any healUUon abe rang tbe
aUrm bell and had the train etopped.
to tbe aroaaement of tbe train
men. whom abe bUtued for allowing
her to travel by the wrong train. BUe
Jaat BOW handiada of TiaTema Olty then calmly alighted and walked Iwck
pm*te an pnpartec for tb.lr^o.1 half a mile or «) to ihe neat ataUon.
• where abe caogUt another train.
Boclrty U cooTulaed with merriment
teoct tlma ateoa they wan eotartaintag trtead. from othm part, of lha whenever Mra. Chaoncey a atory H
told. Borne people l«Kbk at her with
m»liT mtd now It to tbalr tara to^ awe. for It la a liiittab t
wla^tec- Tb.oh.npnn.Bmd.hy tea only caaeo of Ufa or death
nttamte make it poaaibte for Umoat excuae puUlng the aUrm U lL
any pm«> who «m> .pn. the tlim to
Onr twenty different atyki of Extewon Tables lancing
thu wiU aeat eight peoolt, fat $3.rS aad up to thorn hne.
celebntedVlem^MaEcatty then tnm l^
" 5
greal many teblea on the market that cany then owalea^ but if
you win innat^ate you win find that there « none that wtU compare
•jjrT needs no public demonstration of
I Its qualities. Every owner knows it
■ is the best range made and those who
don’t own one have been told these facts
by those who are daily using them. They
will last longer, bake better and quicker,
heat more water, and do this in less time
and with less fuel than any range made.
We Will gladly explain all these good
points and show how to operate these
ranges. We have a splendid stock to se
lect from and the prices are remarkable
that we have placed on them. Let us talk
to you right away—this evening, say^It
will be money in your pocket, happinera
In your kitchen and comfort in your honie
rncMs best
dressinif At
IcAst ^pense •
T1>e Woeiln idea bri«id>e bat idea of ^
(be b« waaa't naan in the world is reach
0< wooseti <d food tote, rva tboofh tbeir
b>j/m woo»*f
vovea. dyed and cot by cepem, and gmicnti
c£ «tirtic liM dedenad and finished by an^
TiN>«ltiacShcitykfo£ FaU and Wtnlrr sohi arc
OlnMtad here, theft k a charminc Taricly in ihc offering of i
ocsts. wiaps. and aejaoatc skim in WooHe* designs. Get the
Woobex book of ttyk% free
ont. Tbe oaeee were foand, bet 48
pain of ehoa. w«e gone. It U belier*
ed there le an orgaaiaed gang nf
thlerea in the olty.
OhtfleeBtanrt of the Boo ha. hamMed enoe Mete lor 70 yean and etiU
Mite nl the Xleli- Un*t tired of tbe lob
Ccttdtttstd litws
» arnwimt,
ItM OnUsae of Mine. dil. year wiU
; *
b. larger dM U greTloM yenrt.
Forty or sore etnaeoie ere now there
to hegia their eteaue Meooane the
fnU MB hegloe An onneud amaiber bead^.of Keanedale, Tex.. *‘aad eooo
of high eehooU here hefcrd that they
•w mao.'* lulalllble
llrer trooblea Only 1
be plneegngea tbea<Mre4iladlletef
the edl^ eo that their greiaetei at Jaa. O. Joham
enter witboel examination npeo Mend , dreg eUM.
preeeo<ntlon of high eobool diplomae.
paper eay.:
Boyne City u booming. A big
emremUl hoe been Ulaiy eeoared. n
thl. week and i
Ughtlnc giant for gnblle and mlTnle (
teoo. otU.iOQ.." Ttoapor
'lighting pnt In. n mile ornMsre of
failed to elate, howerer. what he In
oereani wnlhe Imre been laid, and np
WMde of 100 dwelling honeee eon- tended to hitob np with the boy.
? .
V ’
h. •
K .
Wltb nU the oeaeent faoloriee whidi
Imre been eeUbliebed In Hiofalgaa la
the pad few7«srfl and are tmrnlnf oot
fhonwutde of bairele erery day.
frein nearly orecy olty oome reporte of
Inability to eecnre eoongb of the ataF
to earry on wort la whlob tt i. teqnlr*
Walter Apeey. lirlng near Elmira,
loel ble life by drowning on Porenjilne lake neer ble borne Friday erenlng. Mr. Apmy and two ehildrmi
were oat boatiag. wben one oliild fell
TJ». father dove and
l tbe boy to the boat eafely.
■ exhaoiK d and drowned In the
A 14 year old Keton Eapid. boy
hne diHng the peel .emmerreiied ISO
bMbeli of onion., doing all the work
himeeir. amtfaa. .old hi. crop for 7S
Oharle. Rarabaoher. edltor farmer
of Bo«U> hyoa. who ha. a herd of Jef.
tey oow. at hi. farm; ‘'Tennoe
Orore.** reoently made ten ponnd. of
exua fine batter frem U. pound, of
milk. The oow. wriv on their ordl
nary paatere. with no extra feed
A freak fowl wa. killed at a Gold
watm ponltry farm the other day. It
had bgre
that the bird had fonr
lega. bet when It wae killed and
oleoned It M dlaeoreted that It had
nearly a year old.
Eeeanaba will ret. on Oolober IS on
a prepoMtlon to bond th. city for
100.000 to pnrohaeethtga. and alec,
trie Ughtlag plant at preeent own.
bp a pHrele oorporntlon In that city
A eehema 1. on foot to eeublleh
.gM ftet M Honghum to fnrnUh ga.
for heatlag and lighting pnrpoaee to
the whole of the county, Within k
dkan time applIeaUoo will be i
to the reriona elUege oounoile tor the
neoeemry frnnohlee.
TTF. MoOUl. n bnMoem m
Bear Lake, wixoetepped through a de•retire MdewaU early thl. ret
nad spcalnedLu ankle, and hne been
obliged to are n oeae erer eiaoe, ha.
inal ptrereled hi. bill for •6.000 dan
•gee. which the oonnell rejeoted. .
Mwenit wlU follow.
At Ann Arbor Betnrday erealng
freight train wu. brokan Into anf
bowels, porgee the .ymem of ntl Impurttlee, reSohee the blood, erad
The oanning faotoriee of northern
Kant eonaty will, it U anld. lore a lot
of money this year on nooonat of the
failnrs of the tomato orop. Out of
lores which were oootreoted In
ownshlbe. but twenty-flie aorex
panned ont naythlog.
Wlsu is the girl whom
xmin Tea.
It fllia her full
Tbs fmmer. around Oonoord Imre
rgaaised a stoox company and will
eatabllah a creamery capable of oaring
for the milk of 000 oowa
MoOonnellaTille. O., **for Piles and
Fistula, but. when all failed. Buoklen*a Arnieu Bulre oared me in two
wouka*' Caruu
Tim uxtanaioo of the Detroit A
MaokUae railroad it Ulng roibed
nortnward from Towor. with th. la*
on of renuhing Ohobaygun nbout
8M of Ohio, Olty of Toledo. | „
Luon. Oonniy.
Frank J. Ohenoy make, onlh that
thuoityof Tolado. Oounty and Btatc
fiwore to before m. and rebooribed
W. A. Gleason.
Notary Publla
Hairs Catarrh Cure it taken internaUy and acts directiy on tbe blood
and muoous eurfaoee of the eyslum
Toledo. O.
Bold by Dregglsls, 76c. Hall's fam
ily PilU are the best
THBRB are other FounllaB Pen. besidre Ibe Waterman, but they don't
ion. Mnm.. ehippad to Iowa, thrown
Be sure you are right then go ahead.
It*s always safest to get the best of
everything, then there is no guess
work. The best is the Ouetu £Hy
Oirei* WiKSf Boar. Sold by dll deal
ers and manufactured by
by an naerea prwMe ae of the grip
of a hand. At this point ih. Isrynx
prodnoed in endeaoe Testtfylaf
to tbe eererity of the roptare of the
Inr^ the witness ststed that in hU
on .nob an injnry would rusnlt
most instant death. He temifted
that before a person could indiot encli
u wound on bimmlf ho would become
weakeniHl long btfore u fatsl Injury
oould be glTen.
m. Co«M Xol Ua*« BaM mJMa.
. Prutt uoked wiint *. to state
wbetbi r in Ma opinion it would be
amihle for Mrs. lUrgravci. to inflict
ich s wound on buruelf.
Mr. Patohln ohjeoted. arguing that
the foots should be lirougbt out a.
they exiated and that it waa for the
Jury to di'termine whether the oould
hare caused the wounds upon herself
Tbe objeotiou wsa oremilod wnd Mr.
Patohin noted an exception.
Thereupon tbe witnem stated that
In his opinion it would be impoesible
for Mra. HargruTcs to hare produoed
herself the
wound as that of tlie larynx
would produce almoet instnnt death.
He didedt think there oould hare
aggie after the wrmnd wae
the tliroat
Tbe wilnese stated that the gimersi health pf Mrs Hargrares at the
time of tbe alleged crime waa better
it had been daring tbe winter
prerlouilr- For two moatba preriIS better but before that riie
ined to tb. bouse mverul
4c had axtendad both her
and Hargrares np to within ten days
of the tradgey. They had ai>parenUj
ired posoeably together. Owing to
her crippled arm Mra UargrsTes was
»t able to drees heiself aloua
Tbe subject of Oie heslUi of Mr.
BargraTre was taken up by Mr. IMi.-hin at vSk beginning of Uie erom examntion. The wiineee P^stifled that it
as fair, then Mr. Patohin oalled bU
leotioo to the testimony he gave at
>e uxamlnatloa ul HargraTos in
whioh he sinlad tliat it was rery good.
Tbe witnees qualified thU by sutlng
SMtt. %«DMsa4«.
Ire the wthM irered that tbe
bMwd had hren ou the floor
UMi«h re reek through the os
Into wue fresh blood wadm the
. There wus also blood ou
w of tbe plerero fMu bo
teed, upd ou the rim of the
flowre paU by lha wtadow. tbe purpres of the refuam^balag to show that
rends uu the Body of the w<
a hare been mte by falUs
autopsy, ue to wbethur the bonof of
te reuU wer«_apUulersd or ooly
od. The uritoim bad teitified
they wore oradkad but uel aplintou the outrida Oouuael for tbe
BeganUagthe testiiaooy of the sritms that tbe fraotaree srere a half and
three-eighte of an iueh drop. Mr.
one half to one iBoh deed. The
witnem smied that It was lUely that
res former teoHmony was oorrect as
the matter wae fresher In hU mind at
that time. The wouod on the larynx
WM another robject of close erom exIon. Tbe witnem teecifiod that
uggle must hare taken plaoe
the rupture of the larynx, and
the body might bleed a good deal after
death from the amlp wounds. Hs beieved also thet tbs srounds on the
mod must here been eeuaed after Uiat
of the larynx.
Mr. Pateln called auentiou to the
teetimooy of the witnem at the pfeaatte that tha wonnds
head appeared to bare been
by a blunt inetromeui, ultbongb the fraoturee IndiouteO that
they had been caused by a sharper inthe mw handle then
brought into tbe ^ase. While this
Uma the sritneas testified all the
wounds might hare lh«a oaased by
d a hole mate the bottom esep
and with tbe amlsfeanee of ftonk Bax^
ton. who eeoused a lantacn. bn
forth the mw handle, tbe Imple
I ooverod with blood from one
end re the oter. ntoo etomds of
Mr. Parehln ohJeetod to the i
FMobla trlod re Battle tbe wltnum
j jjANNAH & lAY GO
_ V • fg'-J-;-.-
. L;-.
Ld prevloua^.reutified that wbeu be
first turered tbe room the door oSerud
ireMtaou Tbe wlprem elated that
the body was Bfsirot tbe door but bs
•ould 0M hU form Ibrougb wllbout
ilrerefilBg tbo body, ou further
was not light ia tha woodahad: it sras
quire durk. Don't reammbor that
off from the atop from under whioh
he found iw
Tbe witnem auid be ureutto tbe Jail
and shosred the club to Bargrureu and
akeed him to toll all about the crime.
Witness denied thst he told flarrmres that be sras ti
work the best he knew
as aot'ustd would try to do u go^
Job of work.
The court here took a recess of ton
inntos. durtog whioh many of the
spectators went within the rail and
Tbs witmm uoduarored to qualify miained the pbotograph of the tebis opireon in this regard, bat tbe deUpon reeoorealag the orom examifenm did not seem to bo eonrinoed
the woanOB «*ould hare been made by naUon of tbe wttnam was rsaumed.
Asked as to why be took the olnb to
and showed it to HargxmTea the
At this pi.int the court adjourned
witnem slstt-d that, he Uionght bs
for the day.
git a oonfeasion from ths aol»r.C-aem*sT«Mlme«/ Thta Moralec.
Ue mid he did notmytet
Dr. Ohase returned to the stand this
ted to earn his money.
moruing and sruequestiooed by Alterney Patoldu as to the degree of s blow
Tbe witnees mid thst he oould not
tell from >eruonul exporlunce, but
that aooording to surgioal authorities
either one of the two of the more lerion tbe skull of Mra
Hargrares w
that state. Or Chase when asked
what part he took in tbe satopsy stated that the aotusl work was perform
ed by Dr. Evans, sml at the time he
xgsgad in taking nouw, but was
position to obmrre everything
thst was done. It was brought out by
qoesUous Uimt the skull Wing composed of two pUtou. it was possible
to fraeture the outok plate without
earious injntl to the inner, also tiiat
unoonsoloosnem might be caused by
without causing s frseturr
Prstt quust'oned tbe witness
he struggle in the room uud tbe
hty of Mra Hargruves haring
iofliotod the wonnds upon herself by
fallluK ugainot eome article or portion
of the wall. Dr. Chase said it might
be possible to canss some of them
that sray but oot all. He also ststt-d
on being asked, thst it wss i>ossi
bis for Mra Usrgrares to dUl
her arm by a fall but it would
ably require oonsldozable more force
than tbe fall itself. Attorney Piatt
witnees as to whsl he
mid at tne inquest. Mr. Patohin obher enppled arm her health might be Jeotod.to this but the oourt allowed
dered ^ He had^ecribed 4ie queetiou to be asked. Mr Patolifor both andPr sererml mo^ before io noted an axoeption.
last April bad been frequently called
nsult them. Ilargruves had not
mmaa skullVas here iotn>daoed
been well but be did not know that and the witnem expained in detail the
aa eerioutly indispoeed at any nature and looaUon of the Injuries
Mr. Preohln spoke to witness of the
He bad not been di-ohargi^d as phy- fuct that in plaoes where Ins^e
sloian of the family when Uro tragedy pie areoouSned that preoautiuus are
rred. From anything the witnem
i by rounding anarp oorners and
could are Haigiares was able to work. padding the waUs to prevent
Odtng back to the time he risitod patients ftom injuring themselves by
the horeoon the moraing of April gist throwing thaMlres against
tbe witnem tertified that when he ar
«. and aakad Dr. Ohase if a
rived Hargrares was In the sitting ct thU kind oould bare oaased the in
and was la an agitated oondi- jury to the larynx, Tbe witueKS said
tioo. though not apparently weak. He that from the oburmeter of Uie marks
waa orylag gad groaning and talking on tha throat il»e injury could
to MriL Lake.
hare been causad in that mam
From ths nature of the disoolorations
At thl. point Mr. Patriiln asked the
the dootor Judged them to hare been
witnem if he bad erer had any expei by human flagun, the fores uxrienoe with epUepMc parsons. This wss
I being unaqually distributed: In
the first time during the tnal that epearn of their being oaueed bj coming
in oonlaoi with some snifaoe the
would be more equal und tbe marks
importaat elemaat in the defease, it
haring bean olaimsd Utat the aoousad
was subjeot to such an afBiotloa at
Deputy 8
frequret IntarraU. Tbs witnem repUad that he was familiar with tbe
rensof epilepsy. Tbe aooused
might or might not hare had an epitoptic fit on that morning, lie oould as ha found them upon a eeara
tell from his oonditioo at the eridenoeeooaufrerthaaUeffede] ,
lima. He eras axoiled and Durronr^
Me^ ”
A psraou might be ia that stale imme Ha
diately after oomlag out of sueh a fit.
Tbe qaretioB of epUepay was drop
ped here and Mr. PMohSu fare the
wltaam a bharp erom eiamlaatiou rulatire to the positiqp of tbs dour whin
be eulared the bedroom of Mra Bargrarea Tbe witnem uUted that he
oould gut through without moving
tbe body us it lay ou tbd floor. Mr.
as to how the blood oonM hnro hero
on tbe eliok at both ends and not in
the middle
Tbe sriioem told how be eimnoed
to take Mr. Saxtou . Hs mid ha met
Baxton ou th« way end did not aeak
ont as a witnam in tha auaroh of
the premisoa The eearoh wae a
couple of days after thsallaged orimu
I ou the hmidlowuefMih. Be
relative to meeting Frank Baxton. on
way CO thebomeof Mrs. Lukato
get the key of the Hargtaree bouee,
by direoUon of the aheriff. Be eatere<l by the Imllway then wont througn
Bittiag room and the kitoben to
woodshed. Tbe witness stated
that lie searobed every room in the
V. The witness ucyer saw the
handle before he found it. Decured be did not hare it at Uie Jail
before he found it at the house. The
ess wss not snn that it was not in
the morning that he found the mw
J. W. Slater
Cbe Pracrtcal Bouse
WE CAN furnish your house complete: Furniture.
Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Dishes. Shades. Curtains,
Draperies, or anything you need in your home, on
easy payments. IF THERE JS ANYTHING you
GROCERIES, we have made arrangements with a
RELIABLE store here.tO save you some money and
give you HONEST goods.
J. W. Slater's
douse Tumishing Store.
. Pstchiu objected to the qnee- 1
Vlc-Frwaldroxt of tho Falmotto Club. MomphU. Tons
tion which celled for thU reply, as
leauiMg Tbe oonrl allowed the queeon to stand and aa exoepUon wae
The witnem Tound about 1 o'clock a
quantity of hair clotted with blood.
In ihv kitchen store, wrspped in a
—without the torture of aa
r. He had not ee«m the hair sinoe
operation. WineofCsrdai
be turned it over to Dr. Oliaee.
has cored them in tbe pri
vacy of their homee and it
Ou the re croes examination the
has fiiund a place in the
itneM tesrified that it was in the'
hearts of American womcii
forenoon of tbe :aMund day after the
that no other medicine haslound. In
death of Mr*. Hargrares that he found
pted. 1 hare tsfcre gfsst hrossal ia this
their grntilisle over 10,000
saw handle. Ue found several
msdlrim for the part two yeses, ainoc k
women Ure writtre lettsre
other sticks under tbe stepe.
fooight health sod rttcngtli to me. I
The diagram of tbe bouee was shown
hare also fecommcndol It to a number
tbe witness for a rerifloalion of his
of my friends and they who hare used it
Btotomeot of where be found tbe mw
of it in the higfaert teems and 1 leei
that k is ptee well bcsiowrud.**
pain at diildbirth. When tJ
re of life appears they enter
H. Krans was relied to the etand.
(Continued ou fourth page)
ring the impurities from the body.
IS Sarah Finley, of Memphis.
Tenn.. rioe-prreidret of tbe FahneCto
aob of that city, speaks for hsndtf and
V4.li-.. n-.i 111- loriii.il
many friends when she bestows tbe
;ir 4.f liK ewu.- a hi.
Vrvbtld. hui
on !♦> 1114- 'nniiKViml He w-hn oU aye
The p<»«oi\aIIy conducted. S6.00 a berth TOURIST PARTV
is what you should look into if KolufC to
i@AiLi!ir@i!3N0A, ©siseeR ss. wseesiineTon
iMi ri@@(i^ ©0i!o©^@e
is the o »ly way to trawl to gel the full licnefil
reduced T.'xtc. The scmi-wcekly
the o\-erlai:d trip at
fulfill all the requirements of thisspecbl service, namelythnmgh
holesome beds,
fast time. Rocky Mountain scener>. a select and
impony, and information enronte. Infonn.'Uion not only on history
but also about land, investments, irrigation, etc. So often ha\x* our
I managers gone back and forth o\rr the route that they are among the
med of men on the subject of western psxjpcrty. l*articnlarly U»cy know
c\*cr>*lhing about the railway trip. rdie\*ing their pasactigent of tlic care of baggage,
train connections and. llic rca>ponsibiliUes of tra\-el.
Tbe Jodaoa-AlUm'pertiert hav^ tmek of tbon the guarantee of die Chicago &
Altoii. MLmoari Pacific, Den\^ & Rio Grande and Rk) Grande & Western Rail^•sD-s^^thc SontbOT Pacific Compmiy, the Oregon Short Liuc and Oregon Railway
petet^aai^Th.ti4iiaaa«OM w wUwod • IMi. CM. ia «Mia ov aMthyoath. Wot.
tftmtOt mum* Ik* M*ch. tm a***
tW*4. W *7«* *>»dne.
■taM ».*'—* j****d b**ni7 *(*u
MW fMPMtf to totoTT -M • M47
to Xii AMr fto tto >ak« «f to>
•y, fto*« tovyw^wirmr; ttoi‘« aH I
iHito tot to toy•XIA, Itoto joor nomUad m
rmllj. to Um a prm
Urn toad of yoar aarlnc aajrtlUngr
•TTaa* Jato Oto.toMNk aattSaf oltolaatoly.
tov* t
0totod ntor yuor faaC^but 1 «rci
fto laMad Id* anto and «»« a mn>
toaii^^itod pootMd dlrtor;y. -Yoa
aaa M Aattay ei
Wa aw to to far I
Ajy to to
haktoaiia. Tbry
mw •a «y
Y»u inuat MM
fMItr Kad rrSad. artoat
•Jy tto tfrtppad tor ana
to tflgtoly It liuidr tirr
atoak kattoir fnr, yaytto auarlly. -toy
totte* araa. dora aal aaj ‘aluill ima’ to
**Wkat'a all tbla-yoa two quaiTH*
la*r Mad Aalday aaa< oqt, rrtultt*
paadiW karaaa In Hoaa bwtde f ba atrp.
**Oawa QoSck. Mtoa itoar. Wa arr go.
toff Yha mu road.**
**Btofc yaor «wo arrk aa murli aa you
Ilka. I akall not Irt you risk Koaa a.**
toady kfoka in.
Aaklay acowtod. -Blak la arUat nakra
Ufa wortk Unog. la It a«t. tola. Iit-ar
IM atoad **Wa know we bare ykH Utvato to a drupof coward a Wood **
*lt If woraa tkan cowardly to take a
WMMB Into BCMllraa danger.** Handy
aald. kaaping faat bold of Itoer.
•*Lat am «or Boar aald daafmtcly.
Aakky acnick down Kaady’a Juind and
wkippad away, with lloee ailila aide.
-I bare wotiderrd all along bow you
aadarad bia Inaotooci-.** A^biry aald.
Maaa tvaad raarntrully fn^nj him.
waM ta aaa bin again. 1 bate blnsaarty aa norb aa 1 kale you!**
“Hal toy roaa la tbomyr Athlry
aald. wltb a Usy Uugb, lieglnnlng to
1 llrron h« dwell*;
“If I nay doC aiog. what taay I dor
“Whal you Ukr.**
Atolcy’a breath came bunl. “1 Ilka
tblar ba rrlad eiuUaiilly, drow^iig
bto rlOM and klaaing bar on Hie forabwA ayaa and ll|>a. Oi»a am held bar
. faat. Tba reina lay half graaptnl in
tba odMC band. HUH the team uiigbt
AoC bare mlraaad Ihclr advanlaga bad
not a buneb of bUwilng yoong caitia
aaddaaly broken out of a iroaaremd
rtgbt bodar tbalr noeaa. Iimtantly the
browna took blta In taath and were tiff
Uka Iba wind.
a cToaaroad. rougU. rocky and running
along a blUalde at wboao foot tba mlU
pond alretchad. To drive
wad they wbtwlad. .UUley
.\tuiey flung au
aboot Itoaallnd. easing lioiiraHy.
“Hold bardr* Tba ira|i went down the
towp daacant upon tUr rim of two
wbtoia but by a mlnule did iu4 u|im t.
Bofora Ita occupants twogUi lirtatb
tbay were joondng and lK>um*Ing lo^rll
onaly orar l.lg rocka and rtMita. Now
and again tbikmgb tba tree trunks
Boaattnd caught lli« aull« n gleam of
alatit water baldw Aahley cowered
at tba eight,
1» tha
tba lalna,, crying:
naly cbauca!**
-Ba atmr* llowillud
anaU'bJng tba rvlu*
Tba baiaaa bata you eo
atop than If they bear yo
lag.-racking vablclr, hiding hl« e>ea
wltb abaklng handa. while ItiMuiliud
laanad ataadlly forward, m>w slacking
•otiy drawing in
t *]Mike to the luad.
danad bcaata. gently. cln>erily. It waa
In tba ffuna aba pUyinl with death.
tTulaaa aba could check them iMfora
tbay cam* to tba aharp ramp wltere
tba road dliubad higher tlnv trap would
InarlUbly toppla. Ontx» In the wnttT.
tba aock of tba mill rww w onld do Uia
faat. Btrocig awlmmam could not light
MkM It and aba could not awim a
mroka. Aa for the thing ci»werlug 4hnlda hcc. It could not c^au aave liaeir.
•miff bataair aa far forward a* poMl
too. pnllod to With all her atraitgth and
nt tba aama Utnc a|ioka ahandy to the
brawna. toady bad »atd a* he taught
bar tba trick, **ll tnakea a runaway
tblnk you're coming up with him. and
ba atapa to 0nd out bow you’x a dona It."
Tba browna ato|i|»ed abort, noeallud
toapt wblta and trnnblad ao ahe could
baraly apdng from tha carriage, but
aba inabad a baaotlful may red w hen
Bandy cama up wltb thnn-Handy. w Uo
bad raend afiar Ibatn aa aoon aa br
>«onld ffot to horwa.
*X)f eonraa 1 did not faint, yon giKiae!
Wby aboDld 1-wltb tba trouble all
atmr aba aakfd.
lent to.U
•way. craalfallto bayuod worda,
Boaaltnd. bit tba
band to tondy'a t
, Mi.«>dlfa.Ed.W*it left tod*r
X m* milliken
Gloria Tonic ^
eared thorn
ar Blroioo. h*r«MuM<ue*Melou.
B*M or Bkicbl h*T* «M**aia*tat
dMUi. Dr. Uma» iptb* of * bar
«h*a b**M**M 1*
Oltr teal
JM* Wb*h*d lMOhU*.th.<»M
af th* h*M with •b***boU hot ud
mtfm tmi iiMilihMn* hod poiolr•ii. «* bat hi* aaMal baolM**. alth*Mb mat IhM* m*MM*l*af
One hod euDeml 18, the
other 25 yeora. *8001 had.
doetored without obtaining:
relief. They ueed Gloria
Tonic, which remedy com
pletely cured them.”
are again in rugve. Tba only lor * t«o «c(U' viat b Si«baa..
Mr. and Mn. J. L Cnmaafi of
la tbit wblta la muac fararad! OUMi«a.i.left lod^ for Toao*;
MBaaaidMlMMb. hataaald writ*.
Harm la ana af tba meat aUlk.
of the new amckinga. Tba
thloneat of gansa and laca win ba
MtaMI. Thomas loft this morn
wora rvao. In
waatbar. A rick
in Ohio.
craam colured bum wiO ba wora wltb ing for a
white coutnme. A nary bloa atockMr. and Mrs. George Harvey have
teobano at^Jb^UaiM^
lug la helns wuru wltk tba UM an- gOBe to Flmt for a visit with relarivcs
tmaa gowu. *Tbe gray otocklag kaa andfrienda
nbtol Id fL & Onnld not toU bmf
f««aad to be a fad. Appliad lace daelonff aba bnd boon dond.poaamyioto nrfml blow to iiifllot iMb wonnda aa
Mr. and Mn. William Ingeruoll are
or Cr« boara; tba U4j wna onld.
tboaa OB bm hind wUb the aort of Thoae have the Uce dertgn oewed to a vintinginOhia
Tbo vtinoaa daoartbad to o ffanatol weapon prpdnoad to nonrt* tbo b nir |iUin liiU« thread boae and, wblla karMra Ehrood Stanlc)' of West Front
lug Ibe kiipceruiHw of a lace openwork street has gone to Toledo. Ohio, to
•ottoff aa a onabton. Tba
wnaaw w ^my« «^ «"^***** *^' wora oot elaM
eiano out
ont bnl
ons praaaoion o atiK^klng, yet
v«t her dangler. Mra Ed. Rice.
Tba blood ortbooarpat waa ao tbiokU,,!^ ^ mnn«lod oppawMoa.
Mn. Uun Friedrich Smith and
IbtoitVtoUnlnab.ponlboboolaofjiFM. ib. toaotion of tbo
Ibo wonnda tbo
daqghter. of Atlanta, Georgia, are in
Delegates to toe Mlcklgan ondartak- the dty OB a visit.
paraoea ware
ara’ courentloo reealrad a aoiprtaa at
tba wound could not bare booo tofllet- Battle Creek toe other day in tba form
of a body that baa not beeo^lnalde a the
od from tba aide or rtar.
W. L. Brown and wife and Floyd
tton of tbo
■Ma nbeot tba
In the abaanea of other wonnda. Dr. coflto since death occurred nearly a
Smith and wife left today lor Grand
room nncr^MtlTa of Iba toatimony Brant oald ba wonU eomo to Iba im- year ago. mya^^C
of ftortona^ttottoaa.
Inatm the water la
ware tba oaaaa of death. Tba witoaaa the haUnce. The exbibitloo waa made
The Mistes Angie and Jennie .Anon tba took of Ibo band,
nlao aald that onongh blood flowed by Walter Keet, a local undertaker, derson, and Will Andenon, Jr., left
ba booo. Tbo wi
from tba body to Imra oonoad danM and too body was toat of John Lwk, a this morning for a month’s visit in
ocborwonnda. bntnl tbnttteadid oot by bcmorrhaffau It waa nlao hia opu. pauper, who dkd Nor. IB. 1001, to a Ohio.
ion tbnt. aU wotmda on Mra. Bur local boaptUL
Will S. Anderuon is- in Maple City,
gmraa' -band wore prodnood by Ibo
enjoying the lair four rows at a time.
mma toaimmoot Dr. Brans illnaA tneeUng of all the tendien of the
Supervisor Cleveland and wile. F.
Tba wltnaaa told of tba matbod am- tmtad bow Ibe tojuriao might bam
ployod to dalanoloa Iba natnrt of lha baoo toflletod. natoff tba mw bandla dtyachoob was held yetterday after- L. Ransom and wife, Curtis Fowler
noon after school, and Health Oflioer and Mr. Comte, will leave Saturday
wound on iba bend Foaod a
and aknU to domonatrmte.
Lawton incacnted to then in x very for Washington to attend the NaHontnra aboat an ioob to dUmator wbara *Tba taattaumy of Dr
coodie and helpful manner the al G. A. R encampment.
—----eonolndad by tba emtemei
of contagion in general, acarMtod bobtodiba far. to a qnaation of Mr. Pmtt. that a fall
Mrs. C. E Hale has returned from
aboat tba aamo Uaa. T*m akvU bona^ agatoataaharp objaot would prodaoa let fever and diphtheria and the char Chicaga
waa omokod bnl iba tema waa not dla a Uoaratlon of the flash, but oould acteristic outward s>*mptoms of these
Peter Johnson has gone to Grand
diseases. The talk was a ver>'
ptooad. Boto fnelnroa woao fonool- aoaroalr make tba wo<
Rapids and Owossa
laoerattog tl»a akin. In answer to a ticxl and helpful one.
Mrs. C. X Bugbcc and daughter
Tba wltooaa found bolb bonaa of tba question by Mr. Patchto tba wft
Nita are visiting in Grand Rapids.
riffbt arm dUlooatod* liartoff baoo said. **10 my judgment tha wound Dr A. H. HoUidxy as Hen
-Crimes". Friday night. *
forood backward. Tua lait arm
to tba larynx waa mada by tba thumb
Armlydaad at riffbt angle. Ibarw
of a peraon. although it mlgbt here
The comedy, “A Runaway Match,**
a blaoK nna blna apot acroaa tba rtfbi boeo mada by tha aharp norm r of au
The lA^Unxu County lair is being was presented at Steinberg’s Grand
band aa tbongh bartoff baon atraok by object If forowl bard
held ihU week at the lair grounds at last evening and pleased the few peo
a olob and tbaro wora woanda on iba
‘iba wimafs alao taatiflad that tb •
ple who were present. The corojiany
loft hand aa Ibouffh nuulo by Angm blood mast hare flowed before death,
held in that is a small one and makes up in quslaaila.
aa non# oould hare flowed after daatlL county. There arc over six hundred itv what It lacks in quantity, hlach
Then tba larjng waa prodnood
Tba Mood on tba earprt flowed be exhibits and the stock and fruit dtsmember ot the company were very
tba wiumaa daaortbad tha oharaotr
fore tha woman died
pUys are the best ever made in that gootl Some clever singing and dancing
tbo woond, wbtob waa m trdb
In answer to another qnaation section. There is a good crowd in
Specialties were introduceii
tba throat. Ibo witnaoa abo
of Mr Pratt tba wi
atlemUnce. and the fxir is a decided
bow tba rnplnra ftttod bU toomb, to- nla former autament that tha injory success in every particular.
dioktloff tba maaner to wblab tbo to tba larynx waa tba last tofliotod
wound waa nuila. Bu aald tlie mp
This oomplatad lha teatimony of Dr.
Ueiroit-Whcat, 7fl anil 72': corn.
inrt. wna amdo from tba toont. Tin
Eraua at tbla time althongh it wai
warn n doaan wonnda on tb. ihiont
ataiod by tba proaeoution that ba
The box oflloa mla will opan af toe
Thoaffoci of aneh a niptnra would wouU ba uallad again lat«r
com. 47J;
City Mews atnnd tomorrow nt 8 o'clock
ba dlffloult brmilbto*, frotbtoy at tbo
a. m. Lust ulgbt a full rohnarml oats, SIJ: iwrk. $15.:i5; lard, $8.77*
month and blood.
Dr. O, i:. f hmmm RccelleJ.
*‘l baro no hoaltaUon to atating toat Dr.Obaaa waa racallad bytha proaaou- waa bald ^at the Oily Opero houaa and and $8.l7f
a perfect prtidaation wiU ba tha oontbo woman narar hraatbAl afuu |bc Hon at S o'clock tbla aflernoon.
Tbe eanae la n worthy one
mptnra waa tofliotod.**
Mr. Pratt abowad tha mw hat
While .lifiggmg |K>tatocs in the eastOther wonnda on tbo bodj war
lha wltnaaa He aald ba mw tba atlok
. ernI jiart
fiart of the
i city today, J. R. Hamaorlhod by tbo wltnaaa. Ajipaai
before, when it was in poaaeaion Of
j lin found three {lotatoes whose com
of room and body todloatod that thora Depnty Urayaon. wno waa aooon
Hear dem
bciu? Wh.t( beUi? bined
urned weight was ^ pound*. He
that thera a
ed at tba tlma by Prank Saxton. Tha
Normandy,” Friday would like to know who can beat that.
now. taatiflad tba witnem. ap
night. __
The potatoes arc of the Caliiomia
<d tba aama aa it did at tba time
Russet variety.
or alia might not Lata Iwao killed b7
witoaaa mada teats to aaoertaio Hear Bessie Kowena CampbeU as
alUier. l*ba Injury to tha throat
Scrpolette in •’Chimes**. Friday.
her tba stains ware blood and
HOT SOUPS mi oar faaafasn. Wa!P$
would cuMi toatnntdaatb. It would
Pratt asked him to state to tha
tlN,g Sl*r».
bara boan Impoaalbla for the ffoioan Jury how be datermlnad that tha See “Chimes’* of Normandy** Friday
to bare toflietad nil of tba woonda on atoa ware mammalian blood.
at City*Opcra House. See Geo. F. Knoirte* as -G»s(ar<r
Mr. Fatohin objected, argning that
in "Chimes, - City Opera Houae,
Haskell at Germaine in
Tha witoaaa waa ahown tha aaw onlam tba witnem could atata that hia Miss
“Chimes” Friday night.
handle and teatlflad that ha had aaai. analyaii showed human blood.
before. Thera WM more hlooi oi.
The court orerrulad the objection
it whan be aaw It before and aoma and an axoeiition waa noted by Mr.
lialr. Tba blood waa fraahar than than Patchln.
Tha witnem dcaorlbad tha pioccaa
ilia injoriaa on Mra Uargrarek* he employed to prore that the blood
bond could bare been prodnoad by a a mammalian blood, which is of
aooli aa inatrumam. Tha witoaaa was Mna character aa hnman blood
amphatio ou tbla point, and equally
Then tbo witness waa asked if be
poaltira aa to hla otbar •totameat.
axaminad at length, too hairs on tha
On tba crooa agnmlaation tba wit handle. Ha anawarod **yaa.'* and
neaa aald tba woman might bare bt an that tha hairs ware light in color. Ho
We sell more guits and Cloaks than al! other dealdead 10 bonra or k bonra. at Ibe tlma
iparad toe strands with hair from
ers combined—why?—because we carry the largesto
ba arrtred at tha bonaa. The natopgy
hmdfm Mra Uargraraa. which
waa mada on tba labia to tba kltoban. waa of aimilar color.
and best line, can fit you when you come, can give
Dr. Oarnar and Dr. Ohaaa wtoa proa\yh\Ui the witnem waa prepared to
ant Tba aiAopay wna aa ooaaplata aa ate that tbo blood oiCtba sUek was
the color, materials and style you are Ipoking for,
naoeaaarr. raUtlra to the woonda on ammallan hr was not praparad to
lha body. Only anunlnad tha Uryna atata poaltlrolj ^bal it waa human
bejng the largest dealer places us first with the
a« ona of tha oauaaa of death. *'^
manufacturers, they rather sell us because they can
that aba narar breathed altar
Mr. Patohin than took tba witnem.
tba rapttoa. bnt aU miffbt bara bean
ct poiitiTaly
sell us more. They offer special inducementSr^on
dandbefora. If ah. waa not tWad bethat of Mn.
fora tlia mptnra of tba larynx that HargruTaa, bnt it looked like IL Aa
this account. We guarantee everything we sell.
'Blabad it *'
to tba length of thabairaon tba atiek.
Your money back if you want it. : : :__^ j__:
Hi^rt tba dafanaa lad tha wltnaaa to
fftra hla knowladga of tomna
Hiay were all only a half Inch to
aaklng him if it wna not known lengHi. excepting one or two. Tba
that patlaota to gnob inaUtntlooa often hair of Mra Hargraees rarted to
nought to threw tbamaalroa ngatoat length, aoma long and aoma abort.
objaota for tba pnrpoan of aalf daatmoThis oonclnded toe toatimonr op to
Tba witnaaa aald H a paraon tba afternoon Intermiaalon. after
waa toaana ha would not atop to fig- which Sheriff Ohandlar was sworn.
ooman affatoat which to
Imaair Mr. Patehto than J. W CLtfPK has just recaiyed
aoplm ortba aong **Jnat go 'way
naked If an toaana paraon did not often
and let me sleep," which haa been
diaplay an axlradordlnary ooUnaaa.
The line is now complete. We
out of ^int for a lime, owing to a
Tha Wltnaaa admitted that aaob might
invite your inspection. Walk
ing Suits have the call—you
Golnff haoktotbadeaortpUonoftha
akull.tha witoaaa baUarod both wounds cc Uert Miller “cut up" a* the
can travel or walk on the
Hailli in “C'hinicx."
Mia by aooM weapon, aomastreets and not have to carry
tbinff like tba mw bnndla Tba wityour skirts, you’ll appreciate
bare gara an iUnaUaUon to iba
jury wltb tba akoll exhibited, daaoribthat and Dame Fashion says
toff to detail tba cbatmilar oftbafmoit’s proper.
tara on tha bead of Mtm. llargmraa.
After dinner Dr. Eraua oontinoad
a taatlmany. Mr. Potohto asked i
gor mortlahad aet tn when tba
rynx of Mrs. Maigraraa waa ramor
I, and U thera waa any flow of blood
wbcQ knife was totrodoood. Witness
•ad that it bad and that tb«Ae waa
Rev. C. Su«d, ot Harriv
with the longer skirt. You can have that and be
flow of blood, bat larynx oonminod
riUe.Wi*., writnt:
•lot of coagnlalod blood
properly gowned. We never had such a showing
ana atatad that at the antopgy
that I have tho
of medium and high grade suits. Solid colors and
bommomd tba antlra mmlp from tha
in my conRPegaUon who
•op*fMn.B.rfnT.. iMM. b*l f
wereviciimn of rhetuaatism.
** f^tlel*. of l»M. Tt»
MABTHA to*Cl WlfXlAtol.
utDIogr wn. «oMMMd br Dn. Oh.^
Bnuu. Dr. S*M*dotec
Oalmtoito InUHor Bpar It th« Omm*
moBtdurBbldvamIdh madd. th*M*a*I work wUb Or. Oh**, tack
M flTM br bl». O. b*ta*
AnnanI Oblo Baowuton VU to* A M. K«
**k«l*bo*i UMfiMbrn. oo lit* a.*.
«nT*.-bMd «tia«(i»Uth*rBl(fat
r A. Mltobal. O. P. Afi
btoto tiMto «gndodftotolbai
itoi pnrttoloa ofbonovtonM
lhatov totototod. Anoltor .
>n, ibiBpli
We are offering a very desirable .
and ipretty line of Prairie grass
Tunrittirc at Factory Prices. Come ,
in and make selections now. while
our stock is large. • « «
The foliowring adv. that appeared in yesterday's issue
should have rea#: .
“Bitinnti TelW
instead of "TO-NIGHT ONLY”'. Theseg(;i>ds were
placed on sale last night at the spedal prices
mentioned, which will continue for
the balance of the week.
Save Money by Spending it Nnw !
muwm ainci €>rmmm Ooodflk Our stock
represents the latest things from Home and For
eign looms—a moit comprehensive assortment, all
styles to suit all tastes and all purses.
To-MIkH^ wc arc offering some extra specials
that will keep us busy this evening. Would be
pleased to have you call and inspect our stock
whether you wish to purchase now or later.
54 in. all wool Cheviot, sponged
and shrunk, in colors of brown, green, wine
navy and black, worth $i.oo, tonight.................«9c
To.-ISIIarH^54in.airwool Venetian Cloth
in tan. brown, cardinal, black* worth $1.00, to
To-MlKHt Ablack Silk Croise Velvet so
popular lor short Jackets, a special purchase,
worth $1.00, tonight.....................................
nro-NlKH^ Wc have been fortunate in se
curing a job of about 400 yards of an all Silk
Swiss Grosde Lonre, in colors of Cardinal.
Pale Blue, Pink, Old Rose and Cream. The
g< ods are perfect.and in good condition, an extr i good dollar value, as a starter wc price
it|tonight for.............................
a choice line of Corded Velvets
for waists, cardinal navy, wine and brown, a
dollar value, fof tonight.........................
Bos-ton «S-fcoro
Our Ootbing
Bsms2iL.0ur Store
We cannot afford to sell
trash. We cannbt afford
to deal otherwise than
honorably by everybody.
We are in business to
suy, and our ambition
continually spurs us on to
greater effort. As the
representative in this dty
of L. Adler. Bros. & CoRochester - made, ready
to wear, we are able to
furnish our customers
with the handsomest and
most reliable make of
clothing that is anywhere
produced. Many of the
most particular men here
are wearing it and the>will tell you that it is just
as satisfactory to them as
clothing which they have
had made to measure at
double what they have
paid us. Welike toseU
"Adler” made dothiag
because it means greater
reputation lor us.
Dress-Suits.r,:LT.TJ; *
iTnS!'!"''!*’Sto,O0 to SBS.oo
Sackets, Cloaks and Capes
You will have to aee thi» line to know what we are
showing. Hundreds of styles and cloths to select
from—no two alike in the noveldea. "We tell the
best Coat in the city at $4.60. at $6.00,‘at $7.60, at
$8.00, at $10.00, at $1-2.00 and up to $125.00.
CHILDREN’S COATS-You cannot afford to buy
a coat for the girls until you have «en our line.
;s>sa rusi: "O'®- fosTa teHEME
ter. SteaMadllteafacharteAag.
-tec a go haaw fight mmr ite «■
taloMd. taklag ter half rctectaat b»*
ractreaa by tte te^ -My name'a
BdhiiDort Mail'd Idea to Mall
Letters odAU TroDcr Cara.
io fcacm rmfc >i6hTiNa
Oaotie a Bala, fonoir ckkf af tte
KanaM Oty dm department baa rw
Brtwid a letur frarn tendon asking blm
H Ttatt tkat city with a >iew af gtrtag
kki adTW and aiwgaatlone to tte mot^
of tbe Engllrti fire fighting
aerrlca. mya tbe Clereland Ptato Deni
er. Tbe letter came from Horace Faulkenor. aecrrtary of the Brttlah lira
Brtgadte anloa. CbkT Hale baa conla to dlacnae tbe anbject
further with a eommlltec of Engltab
ofIklaU whom be la to BMCt to New
fire off!
eperaem ayatrmof collecting maU
York.I the com«T letter Uixtw by carEarly bmt spring fifteen glrta lort
hi eliitw U Curnddered crude, to
lives to a two story bulMlng
ade<iuate und not at aU abreaet of tbe
fh the alowneaa of the tendon
I of tbe timra by Mr. George tk
p «uMcAllUter of BalllmotT.
Tte B4»tfta43r. «v«7
alM Imt.
mmrn wiM kir nanSe ira. added u»
lipiJ pdpw*. Thw* Jl WM nxMdad
tbe BMe girt
tte Boodlady.
-•o era re.BotH t«.k tW bint c
-Wherr*. ibe mp. mtar
*tep-yea. ye'd brt*
wlM demaadad tHbme fur krtfAug p«
tjr oCaadara out of >all
Hbr ««t^
teU far tbatr asppaaniDrr tn roort Her
nbatiiilaiirt waa n*«rard4d acvwrdlog
IdlbaaiDoaBtniaruuWr.dJ.^i. Nr%*T
ted aba liaaa ki>uam to ukr 1*^ Iban
Id par cant lotrrrat.
ItetoraUj tha WEjrblJy goa^ of ibr
wor* mU<’o
AaMNMT fte dwHkra of tba aquaisd
Mrt lit wLkfi aba Ihrd tbr Iv.iidiMd a half
aiMl bad arvwal
away ta
Km bad iior of bar co«io
•loaipadtaU *' r«oa!lr «bry a
paMtWl baoctra uu, wIh— loaaUra
fpwid for Ibm. kM»bolr. «.f rM
tte lasal dra«Mt.
Hut to b«ir one
pralad. ordarad bar to -|irt»diKa iba
bodkar of a doaao tam f«r
bom aba
ted ateraod batl.
Vaaldr to krep
abraaaC nitb prlatad artra. tbe T
had bora bofoa. Tbr mm raiHurrd
wara Um BoMUady a uaoal atria of
patrooa. Tbaj wrrr vtmi hrd ftr l>r
waidlaadara Bacrlvlnt raab Int
■ba bad pUdlr «ooe Into ibc a.«U But
a mr eOeUl bljrb 1» auihtrl.,.
waa arraatad. arrua.-d of a bubble
rt-Jurj. lirt
«■ baU
It waa a great dajr for tbr urwaiaE
par; It waa a Ud day for tbe Ikuid
ladx. Kattwallr tberr aae i»u «>r t.
ptra bar armiwthy hbi* wmt Into tbr
muaid and aat oa a brnrb ba.^
to gauHl nirluuBir
Aa aba aat groantnc and nrnttirlng
ate aoCload DO tbe nr»t iK^m b a rug
dlrtr little girl brr bmd lu tirr
>g tlttiTly.
It aai
DOC tbe rage, tbat drrw tbe liimdladr*a
attaDtSoD. She bad gr..an calkma to
attcb^bloga Tbrrr a a. a touch of ua
tom tbat made tbrw klii. The young
adar'a hair waa rt^l
atede of red. Tbe
waa of tbe aame abadr.
Tba Boodlady fell It bad Umu tbe
color of bar balr tbat made bi>r wtiat
Mmm TOOK A BOAT »om>a
tUfmmi tefi Oih(i^a0tetnAt. deman t, net.
ate waa. Tbe world bad »ix>ffed
ter; ate bad rowed tbe world owed
ter a thing. Fnaa being eenaJthe abe
bad grown harder and bard«-r tlU now
ate bad DO feeding for augbt that >aa
baman. Ilbe loved only ber gUtterlug
gold, ber dingy bouw^
Tbe probable loa. of much of bee
waaHb bad made ber w Ub Nbe could
wan>-abe, wboee tear eprlng bad run
dry long ago. Ami here waa a little
led balred girl, tbe Imagr of l«*raelf In
than UkaU It waa
bar wmp. The Ik
It bad tetmgbt tm
t^ a Beat bealde the Utile waif
aad pat a eoarae band uj«»n her la
witb aomotblng like genileneee.
-BTiafa th- matter. youtufat^Tr*.
Tte llUle one mleed ber iilucbE'd.
dirty, tear aUlned fatx*.
‘ Ee-rveryCblag.*** Then abe ciitHl again
aatly between eoba. “Aunt Jane aaUl 1
waa a boodoo-toM me to g% t out ea|d
ymi‘rt a redhead, to.^: ain't
Tbe Boodlady i>odd.M
She hadn’t
rran glanced In the gUm for rearm,
and yat a woman! Hut abe bad uoi
baan allowed to forget abe bad red
kin aamd .to Indicate .
know tb* Boodlady bad
*^T0a bolp Itr W«a tbe none too
fOrraat raapooae.
««o T« »0t
U<* f rrr am.tr
•akad Ike Boodiatfj.
^ ~ m ara y« foln-r
-Itei't know.- More teara e»-en»4
aboat to Bow. but ate wiped tbam
•ww/. aua nar cym gave a gteam m
tepa. -Unlaaa you'd uVe me. ma am.T-I-Imtoo
-Hard enough V feed
•Ob, am’am-I can belp-l'm a w
V. 1 am. 1 wont be any troublc-aad 1 know youil be good to
tar gri aome eoep; ye i
Aad aba ctmotKl out d
Bath trahgU bark oneoftbrm Tbe
Boodlady put It in ber iHirer.
mWe aome big etkk* of I>eppcr
aud who U rveponalble fvr
-tVe dooT eat cendy bere,city iNJatal cwm. aays a db.|«tcb from
Both showed ber temperament waa
Wa.Uingtou to tbe Ht. teuia I’oet-Dieqalte a- «mny ae her bab. awallowlng
Icb. The auev'eaaful oiaratlon In rebar dlaappotatmeot Inatead of tba pep.
jl yearn of puatal cwra auggiwU tbe
prmlot. Then, haring nerd the w>ap
ery whHbtT aU the trulhy cara
pan beraair. abe aiurked tbe tear.
might iu4 be need to an Immeime ad
Her rkonlinma wan cootagtoua. Next
vantage In mall collection and Irann
Kwnlag tte BoodUdy uaed aoap t
Ull more aarprtaing. abe boogbt B
j y«-am Mr. McAlll«ler baa
a attek of peppermint.
ly Becking to promote a
The Boodlady cmaed to ply her on
puiaic movement to favic of tbU Idem.
pleaMUt trade m«Trly Iwcauae of her
111a efforts have altrarltd the moat fatil lock, for tbe mmiey eenee waa atlU
Ttwalde public altcutlou lu Baltimore.
atrong to bor. While tbe mur
Iitt«burg and other cltlea. and during
taklng away her “here!nl*4*fore
tbe laai few days hr lhaa api»eartd Ij
tbmad dwelllnga ’ alie found co
Washington as the adviM-ate of It.
ttan In tbe glittering gold ronceo
A statement hy Mr. McAUlater ol
One day
bla Interratliig plan of UoUey maU col
iugful of
twin. After tbat abe would m. lunger
ce»t»d. tbe Idea tc
tialao to pleaa of |Miverty: her entreat- m.na i«N,|»le |Mo.ihly ha.k. vUkmary
laa for -go«llee * ami -'iretty Ibinga to Only tbe practical detail.
It. which
ear" Urwme quite a* Irrtwiatll.le aa are not appnr. nt at first sight. lend to
•d iMon her idea lu the courtyard.
It tbe a«iH*ii of genuine emmun
Blow ly but aiirely tbe klnahlp due to
affd phiudMllty.
ptxkvlde an i
"It 1* |*roiHaMd
lately eiiHHad i>r
Rotb aaked
iHtera on tbat aide of every at reel
money bare you got. motherr
which U nearer tbe aWepulk. The
“1 don't know-exartly.beet mev'hanical cuniitrurthm of
-But bow imich-alkoutr
drop inter o|aolng-for a kind ol
-AliontBut why do ye aant t* on atrt-et cara. tu Iw juviietaly etplalutd
know. Ilulhy
-will demand:
••Bo.wum* I thought If you only liad
-Flnit.-That It ab.ll la a duly eloo
aoougli to gel a a ay frton here. io get galvd mtmth. topleoi H|HTture-lbal la.
out Into «ie of the new |iart«. Io atarf au entirely flush op- i*h‘g
a little atore "Sevvind. That it shall la i0*ced ver
gbe waa talking huriuiw*. The Bond- tically. at no angle of dcfleciiou
lady'a eara <.|ieiMxL "Tbat'a not
HT. to the baud
plan, lluth. I'll go count my i
-Thlnl -TI.Bt
i'll UiJuk aliout It "
lent (
Kot long alntM* tb<* two fdrroer
of the Ih.ndlady who bad
her and more: alotq{ the aide «»f tbe car.
Ituth In the courtyani having
-Fmirth.-That It ahaU la provl
algntd hy the mdltlcal in»»ter« to light with mrcbaulcal larta InUTiurly
talw with a atrect lavIng gang
proteii letlera to the mall boi fi
auhurlo. ato|.ped for rvfreabnieu
the eh-menta freely Uetlng Into It.
neat little corner grv*cery.
A iTlght
-The nuH laulcal dealgu also calls for
faced, red hatred taaa watte<1 on them. memua of diachargtug tbe tnmU fruin
Behind tbe counter waa a woman with
at one laint only, nc
balr of the aame aUade.
far along the car tbe o|an
gUaaea and waa reading a
lug may extend.
upalde down.
Mother and <laugbter
“Now. tbe cittoru desiring tu |>oat
were clean aa tbe little aboti.
letter on a lasslng atreet <*ar would go
tbat tbe dirt aUlned political M*rfa about It In the aame maimer iTecUaly
were awed Into alienee till they re- aa be now gvHW alaut iKardlng a
tumod to tbe pavrmt
to ride. lie would, however. iu4
-Bliwa'd If It lan'l th’ BoniMady and the 'ueer* atreet crossing, or that now
ber kid?uaed by li
-Illven muat a telfved 'em Udb <
would use the *far' <TossJng-the •mail
ing' ertosing. as It would wme to U
uami-d-Uiug thus dl.tingulsbahle to
the motorman as a iHrs<»n alaut to
Clever thing* that cblldr«ni lui;
post a letter.
not uaually wurtb repeating If they im»
"Aa the ear come toward htm he
of tbe aort tbat an adult.eoiild Invent
wt.uld. of wurae. stciv frtun tlie aideBut a real cblld a pulnt of view U In- walk to meet It. The iiioturmaii. at a
liultahle and often dellglilful. aa In thla pnilMT distance from him ami in the
story which iKwu Ikole refteata In bta usual way. wtuild *duwu hrakeaC* hut
lEWik of m‘mlula.vm-vw. -Iben and lu this c-aia only for a '.piarteT atop' of
tbe car, graduating the sishsI ao that
When we n-atored tbe weviern front the car would laaX tin' croasliig at
of our cathcdml In Kivbiwier M a
als>ut tbe rate at which. In all our
of many lbuu«ud i«und«. we bu
cltlea. car. are run when male pa»great wlelo^aUuo and a ..pIoydM
•vmgera are al*out to btard them with
out atopjage, Thla will be latter exTbe arcbbUbo|> and bUhoia. tlie lord pUtned In a
niT. onr mem"I’racticall
the aioed of
inlral of the diM'k.vard. tbe general of
rki, aU marched In stale.
>e diatrl
of the letter and
A litth boy who watrlMHl frton a brake would la. In aU. three and onrraked wlial half to four «H-onda Since tbe -dn^v
neigbiwing wludc
. lie frank letter' opening, however, would extend
be tbonght of the i
ly replUHl tbat be did n<»l like It very perhaia half Ite length of tbe car. experleniT ha^Temonalrated that five
-might have bad a kangaroo"
"Now. very naturally, go Impulse ofprejudice leads ua to lalleve thait tbe
act of iKattog a letter on a car In thla
way would be more difficult, mure cumpllcated than that of taking paaaage on
a car.
"In rellabiilty thla letter inating
would be iK4Detblng Indefinitely almpler, mpre direct, leas dlscunoerttog to
tbe average man. or w uman either, and
acctmipllslusl also with |saslbly a hun
dredth lurt of the difficulty or rUk
now Involved in boarding a car. lu
thla latter case om- niu«t remain In tbe
atreet while tbe entire Iswly of tbe car
paaaea lafurv one ate|a on tbe lack
Idatform. and all tbe w^lle one's at
tentlon must la wholly fixed on IbU
i*lat^do you think of lUatr platform. Only a lart of a second la
to dn*pplng a letter.
be Inquired when I bamlrtl lack the
"On the steam railway ay.letn mall
riad tu read. An
*^\>h." aald I In laTftvUy g«H»d failb,
ent would in thla
"the mlstakea are bad enough, but tbe
writlDc la far worae. It really la a dte- case phftve imnafer' agents at aucb
of the ehvtrlc
*TTie writing? What, my wTlilngr roads aa would Insure tbe nearest con
■aid tbe Inspector, -i topird the theme nection for mall transferred’ from
poHoffice to
aut myaeir»'
Ulng there, rolh-ctlons over
or fifty a<,m
In the^^”***^
wr IPl.T eleven yeart henco,
.'used «t the '
n Empire 1% to go tu plvs-es,
of tbe iioatuffloe. iN-talnlni
according to a IN>IUh prophet
riaaona fur the prophecy are so cogent ncr' tvoxea. tte* cat
ooaly ablfl tbelr amaU contents to tbe
that then* U do i\*oiu fi*r duuht
car l>oxe*.
"Motormen do not now fitvd children
Of tender age attempting to lidr; they
waa first framnL
add the figup
The resuh U tw euty- would not find them attempting to iwat
two. If this
added to lft4» we get letters on tbe cars wl
when ttelr parents
when tbe German Em- coold and-would aend
ocr boxea, and as to
Now add tofctber the fleurea
ettter tbe maU or the
The author of •Vollectlon% and Ilecolloctlona" relates a la riHmal experi
ence of having aaid a -tbliig one would
rather have left unaald " Even after
tbe laine of twenty yrwra, be adds, tbe
recolWnioo of tbe aenaatlons of tbe
moment turns him hot with chagrin.
A remarkably pomiama clerg>*mEU, a
dlov'eaan luapcctor of acbool*. once
showed tne a theme on u Ik-rliKural
aubjert. written by a girl wbo waa
trying to paaa from tbe rank of a pupil
teacher to the rank of acboolmlaireaa.
The theme waa full of alaurd ml*
Ukin. over w hich the
Germany lost b«- flrat two^emWlUlam and
A 9aj'm WIto RMa fcr LllW.
Repeat tbe addition procew
What does this algnify? To moat
peoiile Dothtag more than 1013L But
tbe Follah iiropbet haa an answer |at
—1918 to tbe date of German.v'a de
struction. t\i«ihl anythliv be Hearer?
team yte tern md balr. Voull tako
waat yoa. ma amr
Bte waa far. rery far, from
In tbe year 70 tbe crater of Veaowltb vinca, and
Brtttoh waraMfr are to be painted
graeci tbla aeaaoa. In order to complete
bapofolly. lato tte coana tte teeto ad tte teat colar far waritom
-WiBrva telKlglL Jk-Mr-
W. H.
tte king aroaa at d
Mock aad aorpriwd bla aokUetw by
btdertug oat tbe gmud. He ww* macb
tte aAcera that they would have to ba
we strict to tte futarw. Tbe king la
aa bright a boy aa I bare evwr aaa«L
aad ttere la no imthTn tbe storleathat
te baa a weak aUnd «r tnata bla maCb«r craelly.
•:ln Spain te to teM up to aU boys aa
tte axaaipto of wbat a lad aboiild be
to bto amcber. Time and again 1 aaw
tte qoeen awtber and ber royal aoo
tegrtbar. Ilia manner toward ber waa
ind or :
a»ror of i
Tbe coadwetar gave ter flO laa
I rhange. and ate refaatd to re*
tarn tbe money. Tbe matter waa taken
tala coart. and Mn. Battertand waa
Id aad Bam gg-M Vm«.
ty lowroomd Mp mto ta
life wkea kia
bla miaher than to blms, lf.
-And be to ftfily ai'ilidtlve
fectlon. for when the ck
ring wildoat there would often oon<
molatnra In tbe boy king's e.rea as
bowed. If ever a human belng a e;
■aid anything, bla aaid that he mei
to te a good king to bla people."
Par IVtnakiy aad Maektesv City II to a as.
Aiaoika of the British agitation for
tbe purx'toiM* uf tbe llulv l.aud by the
Chrlattons uf the wiirld. Israel Zaugwill, tbe well known ih.viIM of the
GhenvK write* as follows. «,>.s»nllng tu
a aioclal eabU-gram fnuu Lundmi to
firs drt*artoent. The tendon papers
took the matter op and drew a vx>mparlaou lietwren the work uf the ten
don tinmen and the methods of the
Kansas t'Uy Ilr» mcn.
men. w ho
ho gave an exblbltlun under t hief lUle at the C'ryaUl ralavv t'hlef Hale haa twice taken
a Kansas tiiy fire team tu Eunia in
uu with the U-st deialii
In the Wurhl and each time r^uniefl
vicbTiuua. Hale was ousted aa chief of
the Khtisaa t'Uy deiarluieiit a few
muntba ago on acevmni of bta isJttltw.
food to p^ectly
digeated and a»aimilated and the
otb7jl.*^bieb wvnMm*!vVtolIlv Hovvii- j
Trmtam Vtmn TrarMsa iTty s- f.4*<.ss
ite Oraad Baites. Dsteoti. TuWdo. iWtaaeo
•ad was*, a W) aw. IIW»sm.A»pn.
Ite Maaksgoa. Bay tTly. Port Rarua. Tntode
time In history fhiUi wt. ji.l achieve j
hi- misskm v.f issow and rv.xmeiha- ,
«f gs-nc
.\ccept noanbaUtute for»-Golden Med
In one of the Uvudun |amas a v
ical I>tocoveT>*.’’ There to notbmg "just
er aigiiliig hliUM'lf "V hrlsTian" w
lhu*u- nUu an* agituliiig fur the
Dr. Fk
cha*e «tf l‘alestllie that tl«*y are
|H.u*lug a huiM leo, eause. "l„.,-auia
Twenty- one one - cent, atamps for ^
hovah Ims furl.uhleu and will prv*
■irrtrwa Mmtmmm KwasSt tks- toatl
•r fr l.wr. Ulia apwl.-a KtaaFrom an» .American woman has cur
» defense of Alfuuo* Xlll.. tl
.vuung king of ttialu. «i.va tbe New
Vurk I’rc-. Ml«i Ague. ll. Witen of
Maiihailan. who r. turm*! tu New York
on the Teutonic the other day. was at
the flower festival lu Madrid and was
presented tu the buy king. "Tinwe ati^
rlea aUmt the y.mug kmg a eixvutrtcltlea,' aald Mlaa WlUou, "Ere not true.
Um to a wry aeusiUe yuuiig fellow ami
larfe^-tly chariulug
At the flower fesI the custom of ihe |sxH»le to
king at
with a
. lart
• hianlsh ist^pk*. and our:r.r
i fn.ui uf the rt.yal U»x
• k.UJ
Itetce. BuflHo. N. Y.
A long, odd winter I* at tend, acevodlng to the lo«*kee|afw. They*are
inaltlTe of It lH*cause the astute provid r fur the mouth* nu.nd U putting
away «tui>-s iti*in
uf honey in
the fo-sl Is.x.*** nml lutally temwing the
aundns l-.xes .«»*.v,. sa.vs the Denver
Tinn-w The bun. y »-r«.p this year, all
ihn.ugh i'^K.rado esisvlaUv. to very
One Who knew l‘re*nhnt 1‘ulnui. of
riiUt. nmuiately during his life to
New Vurk snv., ttei while In* warn «-un•taiilly handling large snin» of money
for the i'ulMii Junta the future chief
executive Wii* uldtge«| to praetUv the
moat rtgUl «*«*>iM>m> tu supis»rt hi* fuui
I lum^ Deuba” V i Hey ** w^l't hOul suffichiit m..ney in hi* |*H ket to
a. m.. 11 JD a. B . A 40 n a.
Traeww rsty aXlltos
nn>Teuta«Fcv w«w
9m. 9m^ S, M«»«r*a
m- ;
....8 t»5.«
maboso tiL4i
Paw JaattorBto«*«4
FXJd toiallM Oak PMfc aM
FbM toa^ Ualoa Mraat
Uaique WoA DenJted to tbt Stniett tuk aiA tt Ike rmt- Paid Jaatow B^Uto’ nM
Oikf Philipptoe DIotoeL
ne nttM eritr. ChaseV Rem
The Only N—turel American Cathartic
Water. A recognized cure for Coasti.
patlon: It Keeps your liTer acting and
your system perfect. At your Druggist.
Large bottle. 35c.; small bottle. 10c.
TW ftaxom why
Minmeadof aped.
to b«qr docks on
tbe euy peyment
pUo—Do you want
to buy tbst w*y.>
We're ready (or
shoaki have a
nice clock.
Our prices arc
lower than
you have ever
had goods of
fered to you—
Come aod see
—prove for
Traaaferred from
1— Our ptket are
away iNte the ■*Wtet to refsrOed as bj Car tW mC
.8 10.00
<ia] kef» »itb nvatO
2— We toy direct
I'blUMHM. to UhU liKbis
Paid for ir.i
TKArcBss cm MAUun.
axawooD anLxix niiunan.
from maken and
« T^- •Mid Mtoo ito good offoeto tooe^ Paid for natting troaa
itodlii tbei radacUua
Pad for rapalrm u>
handle ODly the btot
paid for boae and
traaftowUMi to t^..^
r N>w Vork
Paid for water rental
It to Ibo irto «Curt to ofwii tbe dour to
i for yaiV'
Paid for blackboards.. ............ 220.94 ^
3— Wc are right bm
Uuvmry rrtotloiio brtvM Um Maiaj*
Coat of fuel per pupil.............
Paid for wiring Cmitrm] buildtomakeourguahui^
otoa ootwlrj aod Au>«r^ A Cblca«o
Fuel on band SepL L 1902.
1U5 cofda wood at 82.00..........8210.00
pbrtocton. Ur. Uarkl J. Uobotr. to tW
Paid fmViidlng nnd grading.!
65 osvda W(
of tbr animaar. and bo baa
apaot tbrao/«ara
aru ^rafiarattoii
ittoo for U
tba wt»rt. vbkb
vtll ba tMffbt out to I
Trnnafrrrad from contingent
fund................. ........... 81W:58
a ftm of Uoaloopobllat
inaraanoK rt'xu.
Ur. Uobmy waa tod tuto tbia oalqM
ranee on acbool bulldlngal 520.85
fmdarUblog Umnicb traualatloc a
■paatob oh^IcoI vurk tmo Knattob.
kwt of fuel for year.......
from contingent
Tba volooia «raa iUrroor’a tnatiaa on
fund................................. 8 520.85 Vmi of fuel per pupil,----dlaaoaaa of tba rtUU|iplnca. Tbr attra
u I on hand 8^. 1. 1902.
i.vTKwcaT rt-xn.
74*, cords wood skidded at
■cr.au narm or riuivaicsB .
tloo flrao tbia labor balped to lutrraat
cat on bonds..................... 8 549.17
81.00........................................... 8 74.50 Wheat ...
Ur. Uabarti la hla atud/ of tbr Mf«o
25 cords wood af^Z.OO.......... 50 00
tob tonavaar. and. barlua Ukro a
Tranaferrad from eonUngenl^
otma loiart^l Iu tba aol.jm of tbr
8 124.50
rblllpiHuaa alfaply to aratlfy tba arbol^
ia»Aai.u.\x avi;m X ariyuxu.
U 780.44
ant paid
ara totrraac lo pblloloay. br br«mii a
) roc ma heated by 8m«ad ayatem.
tjwUMUc atody of tba Taaal ton
verage number of p
>o-c4e»Ule Kottor MUl.
aimaa. BbaUy rraotvltia to cuiutiKa tba
. .
M Tranaferrad .r
ardwuia Uak of inuLihc a Taaal gnny Fifth...
185.0k ,
8 724.21 Coat Of fuel for year .,
w-tbat to. a arauiiuar which will 8lxlb...
Coat <f fuel i>er pupn
!!!!! 47
..................... ..........................................
8 730 44 F'uel on hand Ikp 1. 19C
6 cordg wood at 82.00...................812 <K> j
>cvi«o raiCM.
*.y.l nt
No. l................................
tba Bnallab »Hbod and of cuoraa a
8 1M4 169 cords wood aaidded at 81 00. 169 Oo wWt.
Paid for hooka..............
aoloma aorb that tbr Taaal child lo
..... 7X2
otodjrlna n will to
Tranaferred from contingent
fund...................................... IS.H
Cbas. M. Beers,
I rocabotarjr
rmRm’m: rtTiu.
CJerk of Board cf- Education.
llUd for furniture................. 8 882.80
14a aducatlocMl aalua of aucb a book
cou ba rradny ondrratood.
Tba frn«*nil facta rranrdlnr tbr tan
fund............................... .8 882JO
!!!!! 84
goaga of tbr Tagaloga which I>r. Do- Fifth..
bartr baa at bla coninunU ara aatoo
for aui.pllea.................. 8 74.67 COAL STORES UNDER WATER
tobhia rran to tboar who bare raad tba
aaat amoaut of matter that baa baon
WEINGARTEN BROS.. 3^47* Brredwey. New Yerli ]
..... 841
pabitsbrd atwat thr f*blli|iplura. Aa
Tbe b-atllni: do*-k ntitburliU-e «.f Miutb
OB luaunca It oartua that tba Taaalaaa.
Wales are urging Ibc gt*\ *Tunicni lo
while cxiuiuioiUj accouutrd pao|4c of
make cv|MHlmei»Ts la M..r..u; Xr-AUt ^
oamlttartiarlc or autlrrlj barlAric ruaiRcinxxTaL Kxrcxac n xi*.
cxxil uieb r w Mter a- Ito* l.e*t lu.-uu- of J
toSA rrollj have tbrtr blatorlaua aod
■**’* SI Paid for taking acbool renBua8
oorHiaU to aa comiutratlrrljr a gmu- Third..
prcwTxlng Its *-aUiti«c i-m.T. -a.ts a !
!!!I 41 l*ald for manuel training aupBUSINESS CARDS
mble dlsiwtob from to.tMluii to the Chi
toa aenaa aa baa AoMaica. Not lung Fourth,
cap* .VrWM. fUwr Admital I.«»rd riuirl«*< |
ago. bidaad. tbara waa uraatilat<d to o
Pnld for kindarg-rten aupIh n-sfin^l. In anminK iluit the etb-ton ■ riu. y. HOLUrtWroNTM Bpsrial alSylhw
I»blll|iplna clly a awicty compoard a». Sixth...
cy au
cloalrdy of Tajmlog wrllara aod anPaid for piano rental..............
BrltUh fl.ct deiH nd- ii|-.n im a.to
tbOTA tba toatltatUm bclug lutcodad to
miacenaneoua acbool
coal suH.ly at a naval Ioim*. d*x
todtida lb oirojbrrahlp Ihr claaa that
tbat bto exia^b-Dce has tot u lluii i
would br rairt«t«wd lu a rrpotabla an
tbora' club of tba Uultad HUtm
l*ald for
.Tagalog la tba prU»cl|wl dlnlrct of
PaM for poataga.........
the CJbrtaltoti and chlUml Killpltioa.
. 41.81 been kei»t tou lung in wi«n‘.
l>aid for freight and
who roMlItutr aliottt MU |>rr cent of tba Third................... ...
Paid for water............
The din k nianiitfeis in wrillnc their
litlmblUuU of tbr |!bUlpplna arcbliK4 Pourtb.......................
00 exiM-rh-me -ay lb il w ben Ibe d...-ka are
ago. and It la rapidly lir<x»mli»a tbe
hiii ft of coal
donrinant dialect lu Ibr antlrr group of
84.00 tone tofii lumjd u hi. h hn>l fij<len dorPaid for auperlnienaenl-R clerk
lalaoda. Pblloknrlala claaalfy Tagaloc Smenih and Blgbth.
.inlay i
to tba MaUyoPolyncalan family. In
100.00 lug the pr-ttf- of lun.lMig. iverc cox‘ 4 planeta.rluii
17.50 ,-re.l wPb imi.l iiimI ,.^.l du^t and Ud
r dlalnfactmg.
I Cblnrau *H»uUrt. ita
6.60 been from tl
Paid for ai
a i^im m-ttwa of tbr
10.00 water. This,
l»ald f r cl
3.25 A furibcr t»*»»t xv.n- nuide of 1inu^ i>lng
llucktoQOotaaanoplJioriginal Ara
1798 l»ald for oil.
13.75 a quanllly of ixwl fxtr two moiitbs. AfiPaid for capalrmg clocka.
loo of Wllllaa voi. Ilutnboldt tbat
erward Its cabwllh |-.w,t was corn»tlM rt'iba City Of
for Hvary.,
TagnU.f If tbe nmal perfect of tba bla
for diplomas.. .
parttl will! a i|URntliy ft,nu tbe Kaiue
verae City. Mlruigan,
layc^lHJyniwlAn totiKuca.
for tngroaalng dtplomaa
e rn uu loa Tin; TtAM 1902--OS.
bloi-k of tH*‘’*al Muninumhslilce at.nui
TagaUw lm« Ibrtv la-lmlllve vowel
Paid for opera house rent .
txwl Tbe be.s la tbe unmer»><>d vxial
oonoda-e, I aud u-whU U are cUarac- IWS ** ^'*"*"^* **"*‘‘*®®^explraa lH.d expenaea of the delegalea
turn Ana k-tnu.
was lets than 1 t-*r <vni.
tartotic of tbr KurojHwn l»ranch o( tba
UJ. OtiM-na'
to the National EducaChaa. M. Haem. Clerk, time explraa
Tbe duck auitiorltl.-a iuIxIm- tbr conAryan family. Tbr other vowel aounOa,
atruotton of ft»ncre:e lai.k- caisiMe of
a aod o. are umhI cblrfly In printing
. Wurtburg. Treaaorer. time explrea I'aid mlM'ciianf
i..n« or more. wbl. h ct.uld Upvrs Houmt
and word* of Ht«nUb orludn. l»ut tbry 1903. II
are proitouiKXHl like I and u rrapectlve81.70261 be run off inu* m-n waier. When want
ed for ui*e. evi-s.mv t.» ihe -uhtn.i.lenl
ly. Tberr are fiftrru Kluiplr and two
beat of Malia or liiUmlur xvio^d auou
compound coitautmiit i-.unda
Tranafcrrel from the continKcui fund...................... 81.702.61
Tbr nuwt notlcrablr utrurtuntl fea- Hrat ward, time axplrtw 1908.
It__ _______ ^___
() C. Moffat. Member from tba Flr«
tnra of tbr langtuiKr In lu o<wltb of
I Kt AM> w'auI:m i-.\in ix»a tiix txas
Sweeter than the bn^ath of morn i»
radlcato. which, by tbr a.hlittou of
brmth of the girl who takea
I. B. Gilbert, auperlntendent,-81 JOO.OO Rooky
prafltoa or aufllxcA or both. toH^nur
Mountain Toa AixrfectKv.
U to our friends reA few
R. U Nye. principal............... I.IOO.OO
raiwbla of wide apptIcatUm A radhwl
from tba 8m- Mclifugblln. Mary.
nnd iu uses may inot
585.00 tern renovator, at'
breomra an adjivtlvr If rtna" It pra- ond ward, lima Member
axpiiwa 1904.
495.00 Ylgormtlng. Jaa
Montague. Myrtle..
axad and an alwtract noun If 'Nw** la
IJ I»m.» sad r»-wa.«c** MS Hla*® mlr^.
F. a. Hiumann. MexiLsr from tbe llegJe. Grace.. ,.
•P^n-s, IW-U *». i'lUMSu WScadincss, reliabiliprvSxad aud **aur aumird. For ax- I UMU
ample, lha radical -butl." in»nd: -tnaty and coofiomy, there seems
H. B. Oarner. *&**f?o« U.. Killotl.
>tl. 11
question whatever in'
Third ward, lime « xpiraa 1904.
M E. Haakall. Member from the KrenerlcfTll.
minds of our 200 consumers, and
terlcfril. C. .
took. Anna E .
a comparison of quality and ex
495 00 ^aawMaaaMaamara ^ TACT,
edham. W. P.
cellence of light, together with
both ‘
xpiraa 1904.
Wood. Harriet J...........
vast decrease of cost, will con
Member frtMii tba I*rall. Satie E......... .
U -tnyo,** but
405.00 M00dmCh0
vince the most skejrtical man he
If tba baarar U excluded it to ^catul.**
Tripp, l^lu ................
makes no mistake in installing
Cryrirr. Mary E...........
Tba nnmerala are o*mplrtp. tl»e onlta
WUaon. Ella .. .....
batog expcMaad by a flngla wi^rd. tba
gas in his premises. Aside from
^MannetA Jaaa> ........
•naana- by tbe word *Ublu" l<*ftora
its merits for cooking and light
otmno iNnTaNTi.v mr
IK and ending Moore. Oatberlna U...
Ing Bept.
tba corraaptutding unit and tbe mul- Aug. 81. Unit.
ing, gas can Uc uscdintcnnittcot495.00
Filklna. Nettle E.
1 do ban by cwrtlfy tbat tba following
ly for heating small rooms, offi
Ilcox. Bertha .......
ffwch unit OidlnaU are formed fn.m la a correct aUtamani of
ces, bathrooms, etc., when heat
tba cardlnaU by prefixlug ‘tca.- reived and axpandad by tba Board of Vogleaong.
MkHT lOo
Kosella ..
is retjuired promptly, and for a
TUo.** eight; •inblnolao,- Kducwtlon of Trararaa Oiy. eeichlgnn. Kelson. Nellie ..........
limited lime. Our heaters being
Bigbtaen; ‘‘utooiut i»«,- eiRldy; *ica for the year
ymir commancing «epu 1. 190K Uroxlngvr. Emma ...
as easily controlleil as our gas
Blao," aigbth- Adjective are grtieraUy and ending Aug. 81.1902.
Lytto. Nellie ...........
Alao a atatamant ahowlng tba namaa Hunter. Mrs. C. J-. .
ranges full efficienc)' being devclrwoNd by praAxing -ma** to the n*>t.
Nocirs to Tax PtLyww.
IboBgb tbfra are. of courar. mn uy prim and aalarlaa of taacberm and to<orw Dougherti'. Charlotte
on the instant, the expense
Ittvo adiactlraa. r«mpar1.KU» to ex. employed for tbe paat acbool year nnd Ray. MfA C. M. .....
Cve an pata and rdieve instantly
ceasing at moment of turning off
pcBBaed by dopIlmtUm cither of tba for the pnnast acbool year, tba praaont Holcomb. Edith ........
Nursery burners arc also a
Cady. Mable P............
drat aylUbto or of tbr entire radlmL
convenience in the house,
Camp. Jeiule ............
Tbia. -^bnU.- good; -mububuti.while for bathroom purposes our
Vivian. Ellxabetb ...
Il tiJt) u cl.- k to th
Instantaneous Water
Tarba ara nrtlva. pnaalve. reflective llild for cwncalation of booda.fd.OOO.OO
•rmma WapMa. awas.
i oVl«
oVlrtkk utml
utml 44 oVlork
oVlork m tto sf*.-rtH«» of ssrh
ina. Hulda ........ .
Heater*'is the acme ol pcrfec•Dd Imiwraonal. Tbeir variou. tnu.al« Tranaferrvd to Tam bam* Sal340.00
rr. Amy ...........
•7AMA^‘ pn rack iabUt.
^ tioo. Appliances of all dcscn|4and taoaaa ara expmued i
mer. Inex ..............
praaxaa to tbr mot aud partly
tions on show and for sale at our
TraoRferrad lo Janllorra* Sal360.00
•on. FYank ........ .
arlea’ rund.................... 2,610.00
•Btllic ooa or more fyllaUlea of tba
office 223 K Front street.
rmd. Tbua: Tto» n«t -*ahir rnmna Tranmferrad to IncldenUl Ex340.00
■todj: “magwral.” to atndy; •^lagw
Tr«n»ferrd i
llrodle. Grace.......................
Slmpwm Idiuiw.........
£20.85 Tbrohald. lAicUe...............
Nash. Cbarh^te.......... ...
•Marabla development, but wbrtlier tba
daxwlopmaot of tbe Ungoage to an tw
Fund.................... *. ....
724.21 Olbbx. Edith................ ...
mpkclty of tbe paw Tranaf«rred to UhraryFund.
12.14 Uvlngaton. Carolyn... .>
Trmnaferred to Fumttum »\md 882.80 Fierce. Harriet---- .. ..
^*Dr. Uobartj bear* tba drgree of ma»- Tnnaferred to Laboratory
Itordy. Carrie................. ..
tor or «rta In addition to tito inrth.wl
FMnd.................. 86.47 Holloway. Helen................
To balance ..............19.83161
dagim na waavicxwted In ftt. I>nuta
fbr many yaara, later gidng to tTiicago
to pnctlee. He la widely known amoiig
8l0.t>00.00 issue dated Aug. 8. 1891, dna
tboM iBtoTMtad In pbnohigy.
Aug 8. mi. Interest at 5 per cenL
r balance Bept. 1. 19 i
No need to suffer from hcaL
Don't let the air gel stagnant
752J1 89*oli^oJ^iae'dmed July 1. 1894. due
July 1. 1906. Intervat at S PM cmL
Otto of I
-^create a breere. Put m one
pay^le aeml-annually.
lt«w Tori
or more of our desk or ceiling
Estimated value of
ELBCnUC FANS in your ofand Grounds..................... 8140.080.00
6oe. store or home. AUofnew
Amount of cash on band Sep. T ^ ^
.♦ 1.400.00
••IWBBtnU IlM ««
of Aabn- Paid
vritoatooT. a J. Bi
In 1902..................
Paid apv-cial taarbera.
Coat of heating 8
rfood Paid uwchara* aatorlaa
«Bj. A. L. «*vlmt BI
ytar of 1901--02.
Mid loltobla aodloUto I tend to BocctTaaL^Bvnnixo.
tootoio Bltom tkoy oofod mt of
Hustling* EASY
-»-• JJ
martin & Goans
. . .. .
tui eui ttS!=^
%Zr:ts: —^
Dr.lman’s t- jissa.'sir "■ ‘
Pain Tablets
BNftoaii RtmElieliie
Uett Hi Pnw Cl
re. /msk m^aicne
TMVERSE emus tamn
0! I'nnouviiiii
JOHN R. SANTO ^sssxsixtsssr^
Primary acbool money..
Trmnafarred from «*U
.8 4.m.04
SSsSSt'-oSst Paid toAltor^ BDarimaN ncro-
FM on hand BapL 1.190. 28
ewrO wood at ISJO....
OFFICE: syMttr
,uwy* Ho*»
Has B#an Forumd by tha ProM
outlon In Hararavas Caaa
Glvanl^ Dr. Chaaa, Dr.Evana
•fid Laonard CraywHi^
oiTT. mcB. wapHnn^T
OMr e Jmy. «*-
taally wateed by tbe proeiertlea aam eoam aatborittee ooald beprc
dmwd. althoagh Mr. Prate said be
•a. oerlala that be had aright lo
Mk tbe qaeelloa aad raeeire aa answer
from tbe witaeea
Tbe teetimoay of Dr. Ohara was
Dootinaed. Tbe matter of tbe poet
mortem, wbieh was held al 11 n m.
DO AprU tlel. was latiodaeed in tbe
To Socceral His Brother on
Dwmoerstte Ticket
Before the Nomlnstiori Was
Made. However.
ibe laryiU was romerod aad tbe raUp
Bloeely esamiaed by the witnera and
Qaroer aad Er» wboaedeted
mj. The Vitaera teetlSed
raeeioa oa tbe left temple
was aboat l>«ul taebra ia elae. and
iboataainobdeep: the depromed true lattty^ia^^ trial of
A^B»xtore back of tbe right ear about tbe
mme tera bat about three eights of
uiaebdeepL Either ooe of them tbe
awtat to boM
«iwa imrd gaitewltaera teralfled luigbt bate oaaeed
•d •wy day la tb« ooait tooai lo 14#*
death* though not imm^KlUtely.
Either would at least baTs raoeed on■«M« ni«
Wall. All
^ MM affalntt tba aoMMd, aad if^i^
•baw ttMt b« waa aottba alayer of bio
wifa^^Hwy S. Bargtmrm, tm tbe
, Momiafof ApriifliilMl.
Tba inti—ay of Oorooer O. E.
«UI»M, Dr. Z. H. Enmt mad Dopaty
taf mad iadlMlM that If
did aet oomailt tbo all4
t rtrid eroM m•Bdata# falitto alter tbo oioMittel
foatano. Both Dr. XEran. mad Dr.
OboM tMtify pooltiToly that Iftrt.
BargWTM ooald aol baToindioted tbo
aroando npcm her bead aad tbrMt
» with bar owe baada Both aicTM that
abo ooald aot hare choked benelf lo
death after ber rlffht arm area bfokea.
•or dliloeetid her arm after ab« bad
beoa obbked; nor ooald ehe In tboir
•piBtoa bare ladioted tbe depraeeed
fraeterMof tboekallby throwing boroelCafalneiaay obloot la the bedroom
wbMO ebe
her tra«le end.
Both Dr. Braaeaad Dr. ObaMteeti.
iedpoeittMly that tbe raptare of tbe
laryas aMtebare caaeed iaiteat dMib
U tbe woama was aot dead whea it
waeptodaoed. Bltborof the ffaetarae
woald almoot rarely bare pro•aoed aooouoelooraeot.
and in
aU liltelihood
The duding of
beadle under the wood.bed eulre by
Deputy Sheriff UruyooD. and Uter on
tbe dUoovery of tbe Iron aUaobment
to till eaw haniUe. in tbe eame plaoe^
preeeate another etrong link in tbe
obain of eridenoe which ie atrenglb.
eaini tbo cam of the peoide. in tbe
ouMof the eaw handle both phTuiolani
bare teetided that the wouade on the
ooald bare beeni produoed
produced by
and probably
wore oaaeed by that or a elmilar
muapoa. The finding of tbe mw han
dle two daye after tbe death of Mra
Barfraree. in the woo<Uhed of her
borne, and ooreted with froeh blood.
Ie rory damaging erldenoe. and If tbe
RECORD ^ l^wsiss^.^
at tbe antopey
dtewud tba blood on tbe brain beraalb tbe fiaoMne to bare been doc
ked. The ekuU at Iboee polnte. acxwdiag to tbe witaera. was about tbe
thiokeel of any portioo of the ekull.
Dsoept tbe topoftbebead He also
teetifled that it would require a Tory
tieairy blow to prodaee each wounda
Be ooald aot etale whether tbe fimotarra were reoelred while Uie Tiotlm
was etandiog or lying prooltate. Any
uf the wounds would bleed profusely,
uid u peraoQ mlgtil bleed to death
from them, especially from tbe cute
It the back of the bead which entered
% large artery. The skin on tbe
ibroat was also brnlsed and appeared
lo have been oat so that blood flowed,
rbe appearmnoe of these wounds iudlDated that tbe throat had been grasped
(Oontinned oa third pagei.
Pwv»d#. Coal Strike Headquartara Today
Anthracite Operators
Mitchell are Invited
ers aileet Thee et AesTiew
iToenra of
Washington. Oct. l-P
eralt sent telegrams to tbe anthanite
eoal operators aad John MitcbeU to
day asking them to meet him here at
11 O’clock Friday morbing for tbepnr-
Hroi er era TWhoS. era Is I
Im Uw Operas.
Dow far
nera Manager W. a Monu has
a game for tbe 18tb of tbe prae-
The eonerote ie aU laid fer tbe
Union etrora paring.andu bra tbe brink
two days wiU eompleto tbe entiro >ob.
Four or fire ears of briek are roquirod
to nnleh tbe iob. and the ftfut of them
can iennw on therrad. the time
beteu tbe arriral nf tbe brieks wUl
and there
OM«wMm«ly' For Sm^raramy*m
orur tbe state as b«
in tbe fast class, aad it will take
some fine playing for tbe
mslese they are delayed lor
daya The teteklayra. hare teft t«m |
city, but they wUI rotani if aeeeerarj, .
to complete tbe iob.
5 nt Normandy” City Oi>cra
c. FnvUy, Oci. 3
la all probahUitj reeult In tbe i
While tlM^ whole oommnnlty ie intereeted in tbe oonriotion of the gniUy
perooB or peraooe. ereryooe would be
glad if Hargiareeoould ebow eridenoe
te prore hi. innooenoe. At prMent,
bowuTor. the iMtlmooy ii ol a gtare
ehaiaoter and it remains for tbe defeuM to ebow eometbiag to oooTlnoe tbe iary that tbe erldeaoe tbui
far iatrodaoe
riod daring tbtemorning’e eenioa. hul
kepi hie nerre weU under Ibe tryittf
Washington. Oct. 1-Anolher m«ning of the president and his cabinet
was held at the temporary White
Honra this morning to discuss the an
thracite coal strike. The meeting
i^ourned at noon aad it srae stated
that an offloial memotandom would
be giren out latur.
WiUesburre. Got. 1—A general uir
of myetery perradra tbe strike head
quarters today imd Mitobell U more
■Uent than at any time einee tbe strike
began- Diririct PTOeldenu Fbhey.
Duffy and KiobolU oaiuot be located
this teoralng and it U thought they
are bolding an Important oonferenoe
Hnraltcn. Ooi. 1-The Drift on oolUety. ooe of the largest in tbe Lehigh
region, started this morning. One
hundred and ftfty polios are guarding
tbe mines.
Democrats Held County Con
vention today
Iff—------- ttoi.brBiw
lb. fbiAir«bi^totb. this {i)*ce defatted the Queen Citie*
ofTnreneCitrMdtr. b;* scon of
Some Daring Creations in $7.50 Overcoats
Dreamsxif Beauty in our Neckwear de|>artmcni- a lot of new ones
just from the maker-SOC. Snappy new styles in Soft HltS^ncw
shapes, shades, but the same old low prices-$1.00. $2,00. $X00
will f-nr«»ll pvpiN fur \ tolin at th«cniv of niuHic, C.lvt»i« ra lluux-t.l.». k. or
at r.-Mdt U.-C. 31S \V. util St. lU-ll I'lKHir.
POPI I.AR shoe: hoi
Clothicm, Ilatten. snd Fttnii>Jim to lli» Majesty, tl.r Amrrv’.n Citueii
At 5c, 6c, 7c, 9c, 1 Oc, wAII Great Vaiaos
Gram Display ot RU RS Mi ttie Latest tiiinp
: you’ll be pleased with the goods and e?.]»ccially the prices.
Tall Bulbs
j A fine shipment just received.
Place your orders early while
assortment is complete . . .
Keorah to iiQ UomnA.
Tbe democruti At in county oon^
reatioB this afrilnoon in tbe City
Dpera boura and nominated tbe fol
lowing ticket:
For reproeentotive iu state Icgitlature-Joha R. Santo of Traverra City.
For raeriff-WUllam Whiteford of
Jllfred U.
Me Very He
UDdersUm. $i.25 valnes,
ti- Bulk[ Mercerlzea
lud Romed................... .............. 98
Ftoimd Wtlsts, SOc. rSc. $1. $1.50 to......• 3.00
willtliit sun* i»4 Dress Skins. $tso to........... o.oo
Recced lined Wnppers, TSc. $i.oo. $i J5 to...... 2.00
Jlshrr &
221 Trout St.
A Ladies, Dress Shoevery new and stylish Iasi
—new hctls, neu* toes,
well and turn solc--kid
. and futenl leather.
For onunty elerk-Willlam Triplett
of Puimf^ir.
For reglater of deeds-Tbomae
-Daniel McMullen of
Underwood of Traverse City.
P. Kerlinger of TruTeiwe City.
nand fre
For ooroners-Z H Kvans of Truv
quently spoke to tl*eaooueed. Follow
erra City and Obarles Hanslovsky of
Ingle rite teetlmony of the witnesera
Trurerra City.
from yesterday afternoon’• intermlsFor
county rarTeyor-—B. P. Water
sloe, the eiperi testimony of Dr.
maaof Ituverra City.
SfSns and Dr. Cl.ara forming nartionTbe eoonty committee is ae foUowe
inrij Intoreetlng erldenoe :
HewHtea Ctetbtea Ca. Sf tU Oerw MeFetor Wnnbnrg. obalnran; C. A
Xewera BAoca Alter Oc«. l &-lteera
^bte. eeoretary; H. O. Boiler of
After the reoera at 8 JO yesterday
wwe A Co, Move Oot.
Acme, H. R Monroe of Blair. A. O.
sTtrarnmn Dr. Chase reramed the stand
of East Bay. D. O. Hntekini
for diroot oramliiatioo bj E 8 Pratt
baUere I- tbe good repubUoan doc of Fife Lake. O. A. Edgeoomb of
The wilnora deawibed minutely tbe to
trine of bealthy expansion, aad aftet
numerous wounds upon tbe body of October 1Mb they will occupy tbe Oarfleld. John Blrard of Grant, John
Green Lake. John Sobwlndt
He•tore ia tbe MoNamaru book, formerly
Mro Hargrarei
of Long Lake. Thomas Bollings of
iktm iobrtMiUUlj M h«*o<«r .«■
Mribtd iB ih. KTMto* B*»rd. u lot- wbo moved oot laet night aad tbix Mayfield. Elmer , Moras of 1
Fairbanks of Wbitelow. : A itvnmtd liMtw. OT« tb. aeorniag. Tbe later firm gora to De- { diae.
teuter. D. E Wynkoop. H. A. Lang
Utl V. •
ItMtur. b«k ol troit, with what was left of their
worthy. J. R. Santo. J. M. Huellman.h. loll rar. u abiuloB of tb. (Un etock.
Mr. Bandlura is not ready to state tel aad O. G. Millar of tbU city.
on the neck, rareral deep ouls or just wbai line of goods will go ioto
Tbe usual democrats wore preeent,
bruiesB on back of tbe beadand on tbe the nww blook. tbe rear of wbioh has
tbefusual bustle of Ibe party to gut
Mp of tbe bead, eerare brnlra on
gh men <6 flU tbe tinket. tbe
bant bright band. raToral on right
neual double. tripU and qandropU
one and backward disteearion of both
natioos. tbe nraal oolJeokm to
of right arm. Besidra these
pay for tbe baU aadtba uttial inetrooIburo wuro tarulerann tbe inner side
r «r Now Tee% an
ticna to tbe bead of tbe oommlttee to
of the left knee, nnotber on right hip.
fill vacanciae on tbe ticket, all the
ol tltbl hmai wrooobjA. •>«
1 things were in evidence. A. V.
wB—dt— bMk or l.nbuflo|>|>0NBt- •tI :oga,<
inch wue ofaairman of the 6only«iid.byllnr>r«ll«- .
rennon, E. L. Sprague aeeretury, and.
n» wltbMO itotod tbji HuroTM Dominated for governor.
all wbo were praeent. tbe wbple Hot,
wo. IXMrtot tb. lnq.4 tbooilb OM
• idli« newupuper OMn and epeote•I tb* iaol tBqolty !¥»'*• !»»">«*■
amouating te a totel
27. were
lb: taM mM tbB 4mo~ or tb.
» MBbers of tba oonreatioo.
K>tk«k>. Oct. 1-The tom of
That will add to>x>ur appearance and not dcni S^mr iKKkeiK»ok arc
ihoM wc’vc just unpacked and marked “SeTCH-Finy.- Sa>: Honest
ly—we have noer before seen such grand suits al such a prii'c-bcliltUng. MenTrho usually pay $10.00 or
can come inand invest
in one at ^ ^.»0—Same thing.
I Suit cidif 15c It Cold Stiragi |
Oe-d Wor
that BargraTM did not oenee tbe death
Betcher Co* Props,
The Ladies Aid Society of the First
M. K. Chun* srill give a reception
Detroit. Oot. 1-L. T. Dnroad nf for Mr. Lanfman and family and new MRS. TIMBLIN willbcgUdloscc
all the Udics at her home.
tegiaaw. brother of tl.e dietingulehed members Friday evening. Oct. 3. at
has received a samiJe line of cloaks
fudge O. H. Dorand. was ehoeen late the church, at 7:30.
walking riaru from Chas. A.
Wm. B. (}ross, general manager of
Bros. She can give you
ens &
bV Brox.
the Jas. A. Heme attraction, was in
low |iriccs for the vciy best fur
sandidate for goreroor in opposition
tbe dty yeeterday completing arrange
coats on the market. 4x Astrak> Aaron T. BUea The deolelon to
ments for the production here, on
chan, $40 and so bn. Parties can
slices L. T. Durand was not arrived
Thursday. Oct. Bth, of “Shore Acres
in evening. l.ook at her
^ without a bitter fight, but the
which is ooe of the finest
you will sas c monev.
There will be a regular medirtg of}
rrom all but Senator Helme.
In rufusing to rapport Dorand Sena- Queen Ckv Camp No. 573, Ro>ti1
tor Helme made riie following elate- Neighbors *ol America tonight. All
members arc requested to be presciiU
The Traverse Bay Sewing Circle
*1 shall certainly refuse to rapport
he nomination of L. T. Durand, and will meet wit6 Mrs. McMichael on
teliuU actively and eazneeUy oppose Washington street tomorrow afternoon.
ilm. I do this for two reasons All members arc urgetl to be jircscnt.
ITirit, I believe tliat I can eonrinoe
The condemnation suit of the
my lair minded man bj eridenoe tiiat C.,
& M. %s. the M. & N. K. has
[ eUall prodnoe that tl.e Durand nom- been defened, by consent of the i«uinarions. both greater and lesser, were ijcs, to October 21st.
nanipolatedby the oon>ormte interosU
One of the Klk Rapids bo)s bad I
3f the state so that they would hare the mislortunc to get his shoulder <
th»- next goreroor, whoever was euo- broken in the footliall gamc^ith thei
seesfol at the election. HeooaO. tl.e local High school team MomUy aftersominatioos of both the maiormnd
tbe minor Dovands were puslied by
rormer Uiereland offioehohlers for the
purpOM of aecnring the state delega
pUy the city team ol that pUcc, with
tion to tbe Olereland democracy in
a league pitcher in the box lor KaU
prganiaers are upon ns
guard of the Hill boom
The Octonar>-Club went to Carp 5
[ am oot willing to torn'
l.ake today, and now it will go hard
the-pxrty to the <
md reorganisers without a struggle. with the poor ducks.
TIictc will be a monthly meeting ofl
[ propose to appeal to tbe great demojratio masses, tbe farmer and labovur, the \V. C\ 1. A. tomorrow altcmoon
A full attendance is
abo have no money to attend confer- at 2 o’clock.
uioes in Detroit aad Grand Rapid,
rat wh<Wbearts ate true to principle,
lo go to tbe polls In Korember and
Mrs. W. J. nniikcr was ver) picas i ‘^O.Mr: Ik>> tir girl under 18
years of age is going Co get
fehoke these manipulators by soroteh- untly suqiriscd last evening by a nuin-l
ing the bead of the ticket. Don’t ber of her friends who called to hclj.
it—Why not )ou? Call for the
rote for miss. That would be as bad her |oss the evening. The |.arly diil
Xfool al our More that telU >v>u
u voting for Durand. As Mr. Bark- not disperse until a Ulc H.our, ami
all alK>ut ii—the chance of a lifccvcr>' minute of the evening was de
linic. A hamlsoine bullon given
each contesiant.
republioanUm 1 hare no ohoioe. ’
•’Let the head of the ticket lag
thonrands in tbe rear of tbe remain
der as a notice what will happen to
men wiio betray our principles ”
Ban *
Boys’ Astrachan Reefers—
vcr>’ stylish, at $3.50. S4 and
$5. Boy’s’ ulsters, boys’ knee
pants, boys’ fancy shirts,
boys’ blouse waists at 25c.
Boy’S* waists at 50c and $1.
Boy’s sweaters, nice lin
boys’ fleeced undcrweai
25c. Boys’ wool ribbed and
what is called Buckskia un
derwear. all at lowest prices.
One of.-if ;
Ever> thing about these
new fall styles
suggest superiority of
fit—harmony of
you get into them
you don't want to get
out. Exceptionally
good values at
$10.00, $IS«5. $i5«r
$l8.06 to $31X30.
r .
• “'
'-■jr Ml I
AtM. fbal jaaa* taa—i»»i
___ aar* tb. WMbta«lo«
U teet^ byw*
if wbKIi ba
IWTf> tb« cior far • rqn^* *>>”
____ ^of tholaotoonro------l»
and thoy l»ld that *•.
tfMrtJTOT to aaoUt oad adrlM bin •• •nkmhnatfbr two-loold bo loynlly
for Mm. Rooaaralt. Tbaa.
i-ailnlod with n 1
to tte bmt plan for naklnf tbo I
articicn ba daeterad and paid tba duty
oat Imnlarm.
u—b to Toqaort. tbe major
ooo of bSa bMt iimb. aod wlioi bo arflTod bte lordoblp took bin la to wImco
Mf« MOi /oowfam ■»« da ppao
WMtfm. Wmr»$rw$tUr%-9l-4t
**^T.crrftb;-lrorw.ro In a
Hottoool loUwoy. wfordlof th4 •
bot ratl-r oM f..hioo-t
, Tooodnyoontaiflwlioj
tho aoor of wbldi laekod a cow
mm MTontr abooka tbiU i
ttoB and waa aocttrod bj loctr-«ad boy.
that bo would Uko to aoo
tb» tniot or uurvxar
o*eiook at night tbo
UUo It aodaualtboplou Within. Tbo
dtaetlv. oy-1 the lane lf«» rault for
-Yaa. It la a rery atroog p»w of
tea ae^ WUm thir
rork, but. norwtbolaaa. m bet yon a
oltlo of cba«p.f»o that I can «ter ty and dtly ten MoaM Uka aoekla
tbia bottao wUboot coming tbroogb a ahalte. Tba WBta tended part of th
iwn. Tba teaa wUl ha |Ma.eOO.
door or window and open that aafe In
lam than flro mbratan** Tbo Brltiab
WboUtela tobbety oten"**®***
aaador took tbo bat at om prom
•bMt Indlananolte ‘
•otec OB tar aOBt
Bcht to aaandhythaanMi
"•“^/i.'liatOT a»«»
al.CteiCOfa.Tannacro.a Wamnu
white Ute lordahtp haM hte watch. «ba
•aaa alto laanod fat tba
'"rS5w'’irr?©w«»a ar wa
W-bao ba Brat antarad the manaloa of anatomy la a loaal aadlaal ooUtca.
lha datacOra had woUcad that tba «l- _______ _ two alolanbodtea wata foand
ter (latliva wata ohaamrad. aial. «ota« aboat 10 dayaaco:antetar»etatea
ontalda. ba opattad ooa of tbam, drop- ___
taaltor ol tbe ooUe«a.
pad down Into tha baannent and.
Maarly 100 c»na. It te aald. ban
tec np tba kllchan aulrwajr. was
by tbe Choate diwtec tbe
min which tha Iron mnlt
ooiba. Tbe aecroea wan
________ _ tba allrar plala wa. lecatad.
Thla of Itaalf falrljr took tha hraath«of .nod with abowaaa aad oqaippod
with horaa. mid waCooA Tha bodtea
WEIGHT of oaw-c.
wma aold to dlSareat ooUacn whlab
bla pocket
nnateat waok.
tea n.aaal« dooca of tba aafa I«d
from Padaaolmiuicareta araa readr to confeaa that lonuooa H—iitla taaC Fima Banjjtcir«y^»^ PdJlBAOU of GfoUot.
-aa baaten and promptly paid tea day nooitecalJo'alooktmilooday
at 11 p. m. a pteaial of tho aama of
kapi the pteao cotec, taeoaSHE STOPPED THE TRAIN. BoooU
ttec by bnrt «0 dUfenat oom^mBe made only two atop, of 10
■aw Mra. Cbanwtwr ah.tt»r*4 1
TaoAlllaaa br rolllu Alann
o» dortec the ttmo. Tba only
It took 0 pr^.w -----------bamnt. b. look wan te UqoiA
to teU tbe Brttl-i raUway wevanU.
Inelnding a aort of madtrameni
who am nolorlooaly etupld, that
•'55om!'ICw««* •»<>-
npoLaeXItl........ .
■te ealabratteo of UU paiwl jubllm nettra a pnatnt wbk-b a» far baa uem
, aaya Ibe New Vorb
Timra. It la a topas found in the mlnea
«C Ulnaa4}«rara. in Bnudl. ThU etooe
VUlgha M kna than l.TM grama, hot
vhat dotthlM lt» vnlur Is the work
«hleh baa bran exprudM tbu IL
Om of the moat aklllful Upldariea In
the world, the celebrated NraikolUan
gom a igura of Chrlat In tbe act of
tete. ------- Cartallo ten years of
fruptod Ubor to eomplet. thU chef
#m«Tfu testlned for tbe brad of the
Tndenn. awl he tea apeot no leas than
mkOOO in dlamaod dite to accomplUh
at one tlma bakmgod to the
kaManf BaurhoE It pasaed to M. Klu-aa Cartallo aad Mmeh firmengmrde
da OUitlla Caatrck who oteed It to the
Oaont da Oaaerta. The latter, tnaletiw to the Dne dena Terra, aald that the
St^ artlare family full liberty to
.te the faithful to the holy
A. S. FRY.MAN, PruBcaStem
MUSIC----- —■
10 Scant Of WaoMmlBi .
vtSaSchdeSCatt of Phjrcrt.
' B»mOKSt
dos^baLmm iTwrak^^pa?
V^l^HIrs ir^Sair
Too may selaot yonr own
HtrktaB Blockm
nil to
lo bring two atioka
.tick, of wood eacl
judged from
duraeter of
^niaiestic Range
PAT in a
Wacies known ai theStedeor
team &ia. One of tee beat in
Grand Travem county. S(
bar tee city.
ni^; Covent Girden and tee mtertod tee NMiotel Spoftme Qab,
Day, the Eari’. Court EriaWrioa by
Iti^y the^teier
•OB Downs rsce ooone
For tloora^am
PiktS2mS2.S0.S34W. mo
See them ra our show window.
t|»ft.or «k« cAty.
SteLaaTOLaaMa papal Itefla*
Here are shoes that teU of Health. Comfort,
Long Wear and Perlect Character. No argument is necemry because the good qualities
, are api^t-will keep out cold and damp11. arc amnctivdv put together and look as well as
♦ they fed. My name is stamped on every shoe
which means a guarantee to our cottumers.
35C, 50C. 75C. $1.00
The October number of 10 Stor>'
Book if on the ncwi stands and is a
gem, both as regards the cleverness of
the stories and the strong list of
names among the authors. John HabbertoD, known tHc world over as the
writer of ••Helen’s Babies" conlnbutes ••Between Stations" and Opic
Read, “The Mad Girl" -There is a
tragic stor>* by Dorothy Dix. cnlitlevl,
•The Other Woman," and a most
clever bit of cometiy by ElU W.
Pcallie. entitled “His
ulia Truitt Bishop contributes a
dramatic talc entitled ••The Yancey
Birthday." The story given the post
of honor U a unique sketch by Annie
Braslw. Other stories arc ••The
Vow|Fl)ealh" by W. R Henncme);
••The Wife and Misticss," by W. R
Bcmctt and “The House Accuned,"
Garrard Harris.
In the series o<
short masterpieces
Piece of
..a, .aaaaaa^a... w.. «------------- -------------- «tmOk .t
String." by Guy I>c Maupassant U
Ootella. on the eonthetn A
pubUiheA Announcement is i
a depth of 200 feet. An IndUna
a>,aipany hat been berlni^ at OteUa m this number of a prise story
for eereral months but did not expect lest in which priies a«gtegating a
thousand doUaii are offered. (Daily
D find oil eo near tbe aurface.
Slot)- publishing Ca, Chicago).
The guaber took cverythl _
nth It rlalng nearly 200 f«t Ufore It
.oold be capped. The oil U of good
quaUty. belmt rained at $4 a barrel at
The well known Iowa poet, hte.
the well It U nrar to water tranapor.
tattoo and wlU oort W a too to reach .,'iU Reed Dunroy, paid the following
beautiful tribute lo James A. Heme’s
I»aclllc coaat porta.
Ten mtlca of coaat landa In the rlcln- tamouf comedy-drama. "Shore Acres”
Ity have been located for oil
which is »o have a fine scenic prodneGoteUa U near Kayak, thirty
tion at Slembeig’s Grand on Thurs
aoQth of Copper. A large body of coal day, OcL 9th.
waa recently dlacorered near t
pUcc. The ayndlcate ownUig t
iced lU Intew
now BOWinc uaa «uuwuuv<
tlon of rafinlng the oil onitbe
tl apot
The dJ^MTcry Indlcatra
bearingatrata bear* upward from Cal "A te—Br M,»7 Mte a—ir r«te.
ifornia, atriklng AUaka near tbe Cop
per rtrrr. An Imporunt new Induatry
That »«4krMa *»4 MrflaBM Ui. iKMf* *
U thus added to Alaaka'a i
krtU. fcamH Ikral. m •a.ry bar;
Wim a* ai-la« a. aara-S aa a roaa la bkwm
Probably tte moat aUrtllng proplHH^
K*ar ffraabad with a anAdwi ram."
tttrr^l by any of tbe aprakrra at tte
onrantloo of tte National Dmiamak“Sporting Life." the Engliih mcU>jr^ aaaoclatloD In Chicago says a dis
as nrodticcd
produced at
*t Mc
patch from that city, was mad* by the dram* which
re. Chicago,
and tan
_ nlsaUoo’a pre-dent. Mme. L. U Vkier’s Theatre.
home with cootinned
Eapp. when abe d«?Ured that mrapa SSwcAs in that1 house
success, is announced for Steinberg’s
and jackets of all klnda durli^
coming aaaaon will te dlatlnclly Japa* Grand neat Saturday, OcL 4th. The
In origin. Per tte drat Ume In the Chicago Press for once in iu histoty.
»ry of modern taahkMis tbe well was a unit in pronouncing the play
■ed woman of America tnrna to the one of the ipatt realistic sceucally,
far oa- for Insplratloo tn her cholee that they hsd ever been privileged to
of modea. ahapra and general de-gnato Tokyo rather than to Parla. With witness "Sporting Life." a pUy «<
thla ond IB new, -eeree are to te M
and fira. and tte garment Itaelf win
«*aic embeUishment. The^
at elceely only at tte nock.
of tbe scene pamter’a 'an waa all 'ael
conmliritcd in New York. It ■
Take Laaaura
Ytetee. fhli
Stteaauutatta •«u»P»» «
AiEXPartHEMAtamiDswnwEs .
Our Fall Styles 1
to the right tralDi when a»kcd. and
Ibe conme -»e took to teach the leooon
baa made railway oaclala open
WteteTte may ba tba oiitetea te taa,.«te|h.wtedmi.ot.b.«tecUT.
Daaaff to •mowKi hte brnthae at tb.
ktaff af tba CarnoeraUo-atam tlabat. It
wwaU teba a vary bopatal aited. te
tea amat aancatea JameeraA to am
■0 pnapaelof Tteteiy.wlte tbe party
:^!5SiStir Kbwre •?
MpMnIwi hy long die*— U> ^itlt
mA other at laMi onoa • yeor. The
withthevnoa TkeycrecMrutceffkrtcBycm
of the New York
---Mra. Bamoel Chauncey of New Y
-atar of Lady Kewhorougl^ who ha.
made anch a ItrlUlant •ocIal^
London Ihla year, bai Utely been at
BerwlckKm Xweed. On her way there
-le Ud to change at York. She loat
ber maid and gOTemew altogether,
while her mother. Mra. Cair. and her
UttJe daughter alao dlaappeared and
did not turn op until the neat day.
•hauncey found biwlf put
X. n. Ali-vm
_______wrong train by a guard. w>
without any healUUon abe rang tbe
aUrm bell and had the train etopped.
to tbe aroaaement of tbe train
men. whom abe bUtued for allowing
her to travel by the wrong train. BUe
Jaat BOW handiada of TiaTema Olty then calmly alighted and walked Iwck
pm*te an pnpartec for tb.lr^o.1 half a mile or «) to ihe neat ataUon.
• where abe caogUt another train.
Boclrty U cooTulaed with merriment
teoct tlma ateoa they wan eotartaintag trtead. from othm part, of lha whenever Mra. Chaoncey a atory H
told. Borne people l«Kbk at her with
m»liT mtd now It to tbalr tara to^ awe. for It la a liiittab t
wla^tec- Tb.oh.npnn.Bmd.hy tea only caaeo of Ufa or death
nttamte make it poaaibte for Umoat excuae puUlng the aUrm U lL
any pm«> who «m> .pn. the tlim to
Onr twenty different atyki of Extewon Tables lancing
thu wiU aeat eight peoolt, fat $3.rS aad up to thorn hne.
celebntedVlem^MaEcatty then tnm l^
" 5
greal many teblea on the market that cany then owalea^ but if
you win innat^ate you win find that there « none that wtU compare
•jjrT needs no public demonstration of
I Its qualities. Every owner knows it
■ is the best range made and those who
don’t own one have been told these facts
by those who are daily using them. They
will last longer, bake better and quicker,
heat more water, and do this in less time
and with less fuel than any range made.
We Will gladly explain all these good
points and show how to operate these
ranges. We have a splendid stock to se
lect from and the prices are remarkable
that we have placed on them. Let us talk
to you right away—this evening, say^It
will be money in your pocket, happinera
In your kitchen and comfort in your honie
rncMs best
dressinif At
IcAst ^pense •
T1>e Woeiln idea bri«id>e bat idea of ^
(be b« waaa't naan in the world is reach
0< wooseti <d food tote, rva tboofh tbeir
b>j/m woo»*f
vovea. dyed and cot by cepem, and gmicnti
c£ «tirtic liM dedenad and finished by an^
TiN>«ltiacShcitykfo£ FaU and Wtnlrr sohi arc
OlnMtad here, theft k a charminc Taricly in ihc offering of i
ocsts. wiaps. and aejaoatc skim in WooHe* designs. Get the
Woobex book of ttyk% free
ont. Tbe oaeee were foand, bet 48
pain of ehoa. w«e gone. It U belier*
ed there le an orgaaiaed gang nf
thlerea in the olty.
OhtfleeBtanrt of the Boo ha. hamMed enoe Mete lor 70 yean and etiU
Mite nl the Xleli- Un*t tired of tbe lob
Ccttdtttstd litws
» arnwimt,
ItM OnUsae of Mine. dil. year wiU
; *
b. larger dM U greTloM yenrt.
Forty or sore etnaeoie ere now there
to hegia their eteaue Meooane the
fnU MB hegloe An onneud amaiber bead^.of Keanedale, Tex.. *‘aad eooo
of high eehooU here hefcrd that they
•w mao.'* lulalllble
llrer trooblea Only 1
be plneegngea tbea<Mre4iladlletef
the edl^ eo that their greiaetei at Jaa. O. Joham
enter witboel examination npeo Mend , dreg eUM.
preeeo<ntlon of high eobool diplomae.
paper eay.:
Boyne City u booming. A big
emremUl hoe been Ulaiy eeoared. n
thl. week and i
Ughtlnc giant for gnblle and mlTnle (
teoo. otU.iOQ.." Ttoapor
'lighting pnt In. n mile ornMsre of
failed to elate, howerer. what he In
oereani wnlhe Imre been laid, and np
WMde of 100 dwelling honeee eon- tended to hitob np with the boy.
? .
V ’
h. •
K .
Wltb nU the oeaeent faoloriee whidi
Imre been eeUbliebed In Hiofalgaa la
the pad few7«srfl and are tmrnlnf oot
fhonwutde of bairele erery day.
frein nearly orecy olty oome reporte of
Inability to eecnre eoongb of the ataF
to earry on wort la whlob tt i. teqnlr*
Walter Apeey. lirlng near Elmira,
loel ble life by drowning on Porenjilne lake neer ble borne Friday erenlng. Mr. Apmy and two ehildrmi
were oat boatiag. wben one oliild fell
TJ». father dove and
l tbe boy to the boat eafely.
■ exhaoiK d and drowned In the
A 14 year old Keton Eapid. boy
hne diHng the peel .emmerreiied ISO
bMbeli of onion., doing all the work
himeeir. amtfaa. .old hi. crop for 7S
Oharle. Rarabaoher. edltor farmer
of Bo«U> hyoa. who ha. a herd of Jef.
tey oow. at hi. farm; ‘'Tennoe
Orore.** reoently made ten ponnd. of
exua fine batter frem U. pound, of
milk. The oow. wriv on their ordl
nary paatere. with no extra feed
A freak fowl wa. killed at a Gold
watm ponltry farm the other day. It
had bgre
that the bird had fonr
lega. bet when It wae killed and
oleoned It M dlaeoreted that It had
nearly a year old.
Eeeanaba will ret. on Oolober IS on
a prepoMtlon to bond th. city for
100.000 to pnrohaeethtga. and alec,
trie Ughtlag plant at preeent own.
bp a pHrele oorporntlon In that city
A eehema 1. on foot to eeublleh
.gM ftet M Honghum to fnrnUh ga.
for heatlag and lighting pnrpoaee to
the whole of the county, Within k
dkan time applIeaUoo will be i
to the reriona elUege oounoile tor the
neoeemry frnnohlee.
TTF. MoOUl. n bnMoem m
Bear Lake, wixoetepped through a de•retire MdewaU early thl. ret
nad spcalnedLu ankle, and hne been
obliged to are n oeae erer eiaoe, ha.
inal ptrereled hi. bill for •6.000 dan
•gee. which the oonnell rejeoted. .
Mwenit wlU follow.
At Ann Arbor Betnrday erealng
freight train wu. brokan Into anf
bowels, porgee the .ymem of ntl Impurttlee, reSohee the blood, erad
The oanning faotoriee of northern
Kant eonaty will, it U anld. lore a lot
of money this year on nooonat of the
failnrs of the tomato orop. Out of
lores which were oootreoted In
ownshlbe. but twenty-flie aorex
panned ont naythlog.
Wlsu is the girl whom
xmin Tea.
It fllia her full
Tbs fmmer. around Oonoord Imre
rgaaised a stoox company and will
eatabllah a creamery capable of oaring
for the milk of 000 oowa
MoOonnellaTille. O., **for Piles and
Fistula, but. when all failed. Buoklen*a Arnieu Bulre oared me in two
wouka*' Caruu
Tim uxtanaioo of the Detroit A
MaokUae railroad it Ulng roibed
nortnward from Towor. with th. la*
on of renuhing Ohobaygun nbout
8M of Ohio, Olty of Toledo. | „
Luon. Oonniy.
Frank J. Ohenoy make, onlh that
thuoityof Tolado. Oounty and Btatc
fiwore to before m. and rebooribed
W. A. Gleason.
Notary Publla
Hairs Catarrh Cure it taken internaUy and acts directiy on tbe blood
and muoous eurfaoee of the eyslum
Toledo. O.
Bold by Dregglsls, 76c. Hall's fam
ily PilU are the best
THBRB are other FounllaB Pen. besidre Ibe Waterman, but they don't
ion. Mnm.. ehippad to Iowa, thrown
Be sure you are right then go ahead.
It*s always safest to get the best of
everything, then there is no guess
work. The best is the Ouetu £Hy
Oirei* WiKSf Boar. Sold by dll deal
ers and manufactured by
by an naerea prwMe ae of the grip
of a hand. At this point ih. Isrynx
prodnoed in endeaoe Testtfylaf
to tbe eererity of the roptare of the
Inr^ the witness ststed that in hU
on .nob an injnry would rusnlt
most instant death. He temifted
that before a person could indiot encli
u wound on bimmlf ho would become
weakeniHl long btfore u fatsl Injury
oould be glTen.
m. Co«M Xol Ua*« BaM mJMa.
. Prutt uoked wiint *. to state
wbetbi r in Ma opinion it would be
amihle for Mrs. lUrgravci. to inflict
ich s wound on buruelf.
Mr. Patohln ohjeoted. arguing that
the foots should be lirougbt out a.
they exiated and that it waa for the
Jury to di'termine whether the oould
hare caused the wounds upon herself
Tbe objeotiou wsa oremilod wnd Mr.
Patohin noted an exception.
Thereupon tbe witnem stated that
In his opinion it would be impoesible
for Mra. HargruTcs to hare produoed
herself the
wound as that of tlie larynx
would produce almoet instnnt death.
He didedt think there oould hare
aggie after the wrmnd wae
the tliroat
Tbe wilnese stated that the gimersi health pf Mrs Hargrares at the
time of tbe alleged crime waa better
it had been daring tbe winter
prerlouilr- For two moatba preriIS better but before that riie
ined to tb. bouse mverul
4c had axtendad both her
and Hargrares np to within ten days
of the tradgey. They had ai>parenUj
ired posoeably together. Owing to
her crippled arm Mra UargrsTes was
»t able to drees heiself aloua
Tbe subject of Oie heslUi of Mr.
BargraTre was taken up by Mr. IMi.-hin at vSk beginning of Uie erom examntion. The wiineee P^stifled that it
as fair, then Mr. Patohin oalled bU
leotioo to the testimony he gave at
>e uxamlnatloa ul HargraTos in
whioh he sinlad tliat it was rery good.
Tbe witnees qualified thU by sutlng
SMtt. %«DMsa4«.
Ire the wthM irered that tbe
bMwd had hren ou the floor
UMi«h re reek through the os
Into wue fresh blood wadm the
. There wus also blood ou
w of tbe plerero fMu bo
teed, upd ou the rim of the
flowre paU by lha wtadow. tbe purpres of the refuam^balag to show that
rends uu the Body of the w<
a hare been mte by falUs
autopsy, ue to wbethur the bonof of
te reuU wer«_apUulersd or ooly
od. The uritoim bad teitified
they wore oradkad but uel aplintou the outrida Oouuael for tbe
BeganUagthe testiiaooy of the sritms that tbe fraotaree srere a half and
three-eighte of an iueh drop. Mr.
one half to one iBoh deed. The
witnem smied that It was lUely that
res former teoHmony was oorrect as
the matter wae fresher In hU mind at
that time. The wouod on the larynx
WM another robject of close erom exIon. Tbe witnem teecifiod that
uggle must hare taken plaoe
the rupture of the larynx, and
the body might bleed a good deal after
death from the amlp wounds. Hs beieved also thet tbs srounds on the
mod must here been eeuaed after Uiat
of the larynx.
Mr. Pateln called auentiou to the
teetimooy of the witnem at the pfeaatte that tha wonnds
head appeared to bare been
by a blunt inetromeui, ultbongb the fraoturee IndiouteO that
they had been caused by a sharper inthe mw handle then
brought into tbe ^ase. While this
Uma the sritneas testified all the
wounds might hare lh«a oaased by
d a hole mate the bottom esep
and with tbe amlsfeanee of ftonk Bax^
ton. who eeoused a lantacn. bn
forth the mw handle, tbe Imple
I ooverod with blood from one
end re the oter. ntoo etomds of
Mr. Parehln ohJeetod to the i
FMobla trlod re Battle tbe wltnum
j jjANNAH & lAY GO
_ V • fg'-J-;-.-
. L;-.
Ld prevloua^.reutified that wbeu be
first turered tbe room the door oSerud
ireMtaou Tbe wlprem elated that
the body was Bfsirot tbe door but bs
•ould 0M hU form Ibrougb wllbout
ilrerefilBg tbo body, ou further
was not light ia tha woodahad: it sras
quire durk. Don't reammbor that
off from the atop from under whioh
he found iw
Tbe witnem auid be ureutto tbe Jail
and shosred the club to Bargrureu and
akeed him to toll all about the crime.
Witness denied thst he told flarrmres that be sras ti
work the best he knew
as aot'ustd would try to do u go^
Job of work.
The court here took a recess of ton
inntos. durtog whioh many of the
spectators went within the rail and
Tbs witmm uoduarored to qualify miained the pbotograph of the tebis opireon in this regard, bat tbe deUpon reeoorealag the orom examifenm did not seem to bo eonrinoed
the woanOB «*ould hare been made by naUon of tbe wttnam was rsaumed.
Asked as to why be took the olnb to
and showed it to HargxmTea the
At this pi.int the court adjourned
witnem slstt-d that, he Uionght bs
for the day.
git a oonfeasion from ths aol»r.C-aem*sT«Mlme«/ Thta Moralec.
Ue mid he did notmytet
Dr. Ohase returned to the stand this
ted to earn his money.
moruing and sruequestiooed by Alterney Patoldu as to the degree of s blow
Tbe witnees mid thst he oould not
tell from >eruonul exporlunce, but
that aooording to surgioal authorities
either one of the two of the more lerion tbe skull of Mra
Hargrares w
that state. Or Chase when asked
what part he took in tbe satopsy stated that the aotusl work was perform
ed by Dr. Evans, sml at the time he
xgsgad in taking nouw, but was
position to obmrre everything
thst was done. It was brought out by
qoesUous Uimt the skull Wing composed of two pUtou. it was possible
to fraeture the outok plate without
earious injntl to the inner, also tiiat
unoonsoloosnem might be caused by
without causing s frseturr
Prstt quust'oned tbe witness
he struggle in the room uud tbe
hty of Mra Hargruves haring
iofliotod the wonnds upon herself by
fallluK ugainot eome article or portion
of the wall. Dr. Chase said it might
be possible to canss some of them
that sray but oot all. He also ststt-d
on being asked, thst it wss i>ossi
bis for Mra Usrgrares to dUl
her arm by a fall but it would
ably require oonsldozable more force
than tbe fall itself. Attorney Piatt
witnees as to whsl he
mid at tne inquest. Mr. Patohin obher enppled arm her health might be Jeotod.to this but the oourt allowed
dered ^ He had^ecribed 4ie queetiou to be asked. Mr Patolifor both andPr sererml mo^ before io noted an axoeption.
last April bad been frequently called
nsult them. Ilargruves had not
mmaa skullVas here iotn>daoed
been well but be did not know that and the witnem expained in detail the
aa eerioutly indispoeed at any nature and looaUon of the Injuries
Mr. Preohln spoke to witness of the
He bad not been di-ohargi^d as phy- fuct that in plaoes where Ins^e
sloian of the family when Uro tragedy pie areoouSned that preoautiuus are
rred. From anything the witnem
i by rounding anarp oorners and
could are Haigiares was able to work. padding the waUs to prevent
Odtng back to the time he risitod patients ftom injuring themselves by
the horeoon the moraing of April gist throwing thaMlres against
tbe witnem tertified that when he ar
«. and aakad Dr. Ohase if a
rived Hargrares was In the sitting ct thU kind oould bare oaased the in
and was la an agitated oondi- jury to the larynx, Tbe witueKS said
tioo. though not apparently weak. He that from the oburmeter of Uie marks
waa orylag gad groaning and talking on tha throat il»e injury could
to MriL Lake.
hare been causad in that mam
From ths nature of the disoolorations
At thl. point Mr. Patriiln asked the
the dootor Judged them to hare been
witnem if he bad erer had any expei by human flagun, the fores uxrienoe with epUepMc parsons. This wss
I being unaqually distributed: In
the first time during the tnal that epearn of their being oaueed bj coming
in oonlaoi with some snifaoe the
would be more equal und tbe marks
importaat elemaat in the defease, it
haring bean olaimsd Utat the aoousad
was subjeot to such an afBiotloa at
Deputy 8
frequret IntarraU. Tbs witnem repUad that he was familiar with tbe
rensof epilepsy. Tbe aooused
might or might not hare had an epitoptic fit on that morning, lie oould as ha found them upon a eeara
tell from his oonditioo at the eridenoeeooaufrerthaaUeffede] ,
lima. He eras axoiled and Durronr^
Me^ ”
A psraou might be ia that stale imme Ha
diately after oomlag out of sueh a fit.
Tbe qaretioB of epUepay was drop
ped here and Mr. PMohSu fare the
wltaam a bharp erom eiamlaatiou rulatire to the positiqp of tbs dour whin
be eulared the bedroom of Mra Bargrarea Tbe witnem uUted that he
oould gut through without moving
tbe body us it lay ou tbd floor. Mr.
as to how the blood oonM hnro hero
on tbe eliok at both ends and not in
the middle
Tbe sriioem told how be eimnoed
to take Mr. Saxtou . Hs mid ha met
Baxton ou th« way end did not aeak
ont as a witnam in tha auaroh of
the premisoa The eearoh wae a
couple of days after thsallaged orimu
I ou the hmidlowuefMih. Be
relative to meeting Frank Baxton. on
way CO thebomeof Mrs. Lukato
get the key of the Hargtaree bouee,
by direoUon of the aheriff. Be eatere<l by the Imllway then wont througn
Bittiag room and the kitoben to
woodshed. Tbe witness stated
that lie searobed every room in the
V. The witness ucyer saw the
handle before he found it. Decured be did not hare it at Uie Jail
before he found it at the house. The
ess wss not snn that it was not in
the morning that he found the mw
J. W. Slater
Cbe Pracrtcal Bouse
WE CAN furnish your house complete: Furniture.
Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Dishes. Shades. Curtains,
Draperies, or anything you need in your home, on
easy payments. IF THERE JS ANYTHING you
GROCERIES, we have made arrangements with a
RELIABLE store here.tO save you some money and
give you HONEST goods.
J. W. Slater's
douse Tumishing Store.
. Pstchiu objected to the qnee- 1
Vlc-Frwaldroxt of tho Falmotto Club. MomphU. Tons
tion which celled for thU reply, as
leauiMg Tbe oonrl allowed the queeon to stand and aa exoepUon wae
The witnem Tound about 1 o'clock a
quantity of hair clotted with blood.
In ihv kitchen store, wrspped in a
—without the torture of aa
r. He had not ee«m the hair sinoe
operation. WineofCsrdai
be turned it over to Dr. Oliaee.
has cored them in tbe pri
vacy of their homee and it
Ou the re croes examination the
has fiiund a place in the
itneM tesrified that it was in the'
hearts of American womcii
forenoon of tbe :aMund day after the
that no other medicine haslound. In
death of Mr*. Hargrares that he found
pted. 1 hare tsfcre gfsst hrossal ia this
their grntilisle over 10,000
saw handle. Ue found several
msdlrim for the part two yeses, ainoc k
women Ure writtre lettsre
other sticks under tbe stepe.
fooight health sod rttcngtli to me. I
The diagram of tbe bouee was shown
hare also fecommcndol It to a number
tbe witness for a rerifloalion of his
of my friends and they who hare used it
Btotomeot of where be found tbe mw
of it in the higfaert teems and 1 leei
that k is ptee well bcsiowrud.**
pain at diildbirth. When tJ
re of life appears they enter
H. Krans was relied to the etand.
(Continued ou fourth page)
ring the impurities from the body.
IS Sarah Finley, of Memphis.
Tenn.. rioe-prreidret of tbe FahneCto
aob of that city, speaks for hsndtf and
V4.li-.. n-.i 111- loriii.il
many friends when she bestows tbe
;ir 4.f liK ewu.- a hi.
Vrvbtld. hui
on !♦> 1114- 'nniiKViml He w-hn oU aye
The p<»«oi\aIIy conducted. S6.00 a berth TOURIST PARTV
is what you should look into if KolufC to
i@AiLi!ir@i!3N0A, ©siseeR ss. wseesiineTon
iMi ri@@(i^ ©0i!o©^@e
is the o »ly way to trawl to gel the full licnefil
reduced T.'xtc. The scmi-wcekly
the o\-erlai:d trip at
fulfill all the requirements of thisspecbl service, namelythnmgh
holesome beds,
fast time. Rocky Mountain scener>. a select and
impony, and information enronte. Infonn.'Uion not only on history
but also about land, investments, irrigation, etc. So often ha\x* our
I managers gone back and forth o\rr the route that they are among the
med of men on the subject of western psxjpcrty. l*articnlarly U»cy know
c\*cr>*lhing about the railway trip. rdie\*ing their pasactigent of tlic care of baggage,
train connections and. llic rca>ponsibiliUes of tra\-el.
Tbe Jodaoa-AlUm'pertiert hav^ tmek of tbon the guarantee of die Chicago &
Altoii. MLmoari Pacific, Den\^ & Rio Grande and Rk) Grande & Western Rail^•sD-s^^thc SontbOT Pacific Compmiy, the Oregon Short Liuc and Oregon Railway
petet^aai^Th.ti4iiaaa«OM w wUwod • IMi. CM. ia «Mia ov aMthyoath. Wot.
tftmtOt mum* Ik* M*ch. tm a***
tW*4. W *7«* *>»dne.
■taM ».*'—* j****d b**ni7 *(*u
MW fMPMtf to totoTT -M • M47
to Xii AMr fto tto >ak« «f to>
•y, fto*« tovyw^wirmr; ttoi‘« aH I
iHito tot to toy•XIA, Itoto joor nomUad m
rmllj. to Um a prm
Urn toad of yoar aarlnc aajrtlUngr
•TTaa* Jato Oto.toMNk aattSaf oltolaatoly.
tov* t
0totod ntor yuor faaC^but 1 «rci
fto laMad Id* anto and «»« a mn>
toaii^^itod pootMd dlrtor;y. -Yoa
aaa M Aattay ei
Wa aw to to far I
Ajy to to
haktoaiia. Tbry
mw •a «y
Y»u inuat MM
fMItr Kad rrSad. artoat
•Jy tto tfrtppad tor ana
to tflgtoly It liuidr tirr
atoak kattoir fnr, yaytto auarlly. -toy
totte* araa. dora aal aaj ‘aluill ima’ to
**Wkat'a all tbla-yoa two quaiTH*
la*r Mad Aalday aaa< oqt, rrtultt*
paadiW karaaa In Hoaa bwtde f ba atrp.
**Oawa QoSck. Mtoa itoar. Wa arr go.
toff Yha mu road.**
**Btofc yaor «wo arrk aa murli aa you
Ilka. I akall not Irt you risk Koaa a.**
toady kfoka in.
Aaklay acowtod. -Blak la arUat nakra
Ufa wortk Unog. la It a«t. tola. Iit-ar
IM atoad **Wa know we bare ykH Utvato to a drupof coward a Wood **
*lt If woraa tkan cowardly to take a
WMMB Into BCMllraa danger.** Handy
aald. kaaping faat bold of Itoer.
•*Lat am «or Boar aald daafmtcly.
Aakky acnick down Kaady’a Juind and
wkippad away, with lloee ailila aide.
-I bare wotiderrd all along bow you
aadarad bia Inaotooci-.** A^biry aald.
Maaa tvaad raarntrully fn^nj him.
waM ta aaa bin again. 1 bate blnsaarty aa norb aa 1 kale you!**
“Hal toy roaa la tbomyr Athlry
aald. wltb a Usy Uugb, lieglnnlng to
1 llrron h« dwell*;
“If I nay doC aiog. what taay I dor
“Whal you Ukr.**
Atolcy’a breath came bunl. “1 Ilka
tblar ba rrlad eiuUaiilly, drow^iig
bto rlOM and klaaing bar on Hie forabwA ayaa and ll|>a. Oi»a am held bar
. faat. Tba reina lay half graaptnl in
tba odMC band. HUH the team uiigbt
AoC bare mlraaad Ihclr advanlaga bad
not a buneb of bUwilng yoong caitia
aaddaaly broken out of a iroaaremd
rtgbt bodar tbalr noeaa. Iimtantly the
browna took blta In taath and were tiff
Uka Iba wind.
a cToaaroad. rougU. rocky and running
along a blUalde at wboao foot tba mlU
pond alretchad. To drive
wad they wbtwlad. .UUley
.\tuiey flung au
aboot Itoaallnd. easing lioiiraHy.
“Hold bardr* Tba ira|i went down the
towp daacant upon tUr rim of two
wbtoia but by a mlnule did iu4 u|im t.
Bofora Ita occupants twogUi lirtatb
tbay were joondng and lK>um*Ing lo^rll
onaly orar l.lg rocka and rtMita. Now
and again tbikmgb tba tree trunks
Boaattnd caught lli« aull« n gleam of
alatit water baldw Aahley cowered
at tba eight,
1» tha
tba lalna,, crying:
naly cbauca!**
-Ba atmr* llowillud
anaU'bJng tba rvlu*
Tba baiaaa bata you eo
atop than If they bear yo
lag.-racking vablclr, hiding hl« e>ea
wltb abaklng handa. while ItiMuiliud
laanad ataadlly forward, m>w slacking
•otiy drawing in
t *]Mike to the luad.
danad bcaata. gently. cln>erily. It waa
In tba ffuna aba pUyinl with death.
tTulaaa aba could check them iMfora
tbay cam* to tba aharp ramp wltere
tba road dliubad higher tlnv trap would
InarlUbly toppla. Ontx» In the wnttT.
tba aock of tba mill rww w onld do Uia
faat. Btrocig awlmmam could not light
MkM It and aba could not awim a
mroka. Aa for the thing ci»werlug 4hnlda hcc. It could not c^au aave liaeir.
•miff bataair aa far forward a* poMl
too. pnllod to With all her atraitgth and
nt tba aama Utnc a|ioka ahandy to the
brawna. toady bad »atd a* he taught
bar tba trick, **ll tnakea a runaway
tblnk you're coming up with him. and
ba atapa to 0nd out bow you’x a dona It."
Tba browna ato|i|»ed abort, noeallud
toapt wblta and trnnblad ao ahe could
baraly apdng from tha carriage, but
aba inabad a baaotlful may red w hen
Bandy cama up wltb thnn-Handy. w Uo
bad raend afiar Ibatn aa aoon aa br
>«onld ffot to horwa.
*X)f eonraa 1 did not faint, yon giKiae!
Wby aboDld 1-wltb tba trouble all
atmr aba aakfd.
lent to.U
•way. craalfallto bayuod worda,
Boaaltnd. bit tba
band to tondy'a t
, Mi.«>dlfa.Ed.W*it left tod*r
X m* milliken
Gloria Tonic ^
eared thorn
ar Blroioo. h*r«MuM<ue*Melou.
B*M or Bkicbl h*T* «M**aia*tat
dMUi. Dr. Uma» iptb* of * bar
«h*a b**M**M 1*
Oltr teal
JM* Wb*h*d lMOhU*.th.<»M
af th* h*M with •b***boU hot ud
mtfm tmi iiMilihMn* hod poiolr•ii. «* bat hi* aaMal baolM**. alth*Mb mat IhM* m*MM*l*af
One hod euDeml 18, the
other 25 yeora. *8001 had.
doetored without obtaining:
relief. They ueed Gloria
Tonic, which remedy com
pletely cured them.”
are again in rugve. Tba only lor * t«o «c(U' viat b Si«baa..
Mr. and Mn. J. L Cnmaafi of
la tbit wblta la muac fararad! OUMi«a.i.left lod^ for Toao*;
MBaaaidMlMMb. hataaald writ*.
Harm la ana af tba meat aUlk.
of the new amckinga. Tba
thloneat of gansa and laca win ba
MtaMI. Thomas loft this morn
wora rvao. In
waatbar. A rick
in Ohio.
craam colured bum wiO ba wora wltb ing for a
white coutnme. A nary bloa atockMr. and Mrs. George Harvey have
teobano at^Jb^UaiM^
lug la helns wuru wltk tba UM an- gOBe to Flmt for a visit with relarivcs
tmaa gowu. *Tbe gray otocklag kaa andfrienda
nbtol Id fL & Onnld not toU bmf
f««aad to be a fad. Appliad lace daelonff aba bnd boon dond.poaamyioto nrfml blow to iiifllot iMb wonnda aa
Mr. and Mn. William Ingeruoll are
or Cr« boara; tba U4j wna onld.
tboaa OB bm hind wUb the aort of Thoae have the Uce dertgn oewed to a vintinginOhia
Tbo vtinoaa daoartbad to o ffanatol weapon prpdnoad to nonrt* tbo b nir |iUin liiU« thread boae and, wblla karMra Ehrood Stanlc)' of West Front
lug Ibe kiipceruiHw of a lace openwork street has gone to Toledo. Ohio, to
•ottoff aa a onabton. Tba
wnaaw w ^my« «^ «"^***** *^' wora oot elaM
eiano out
ont bnl
ons praaaoion o atiK^klng, yet
v«t her dangler. Mra Ed. Rice.
Tba blood ortbooarpat waa ao tbiokU,,!^ ^ mnn«lod oppawMoa.
Mn. Uun Friedrich Smith and
IbtoitVtoUnlnab.ponlboboolaofjiFM. ib. toaotion of tbo
Ibo wonnda tbo
daqghter. of Atlanta, Georgia, are in
Delegates to toe Mlcklgan ondartak- the dty OB a visit.
paraoea ware
ara’ courentloo reealrad a aoiprtaa at
tba wound could not bare booo tofllet- Battle Creek toe other day in tba form
of a body that baa not beeo^lnalde a the
od from tba aide or rtar.
W. L. Brown and wife and Floyd
tton of tbo
■Ma nbeot tba
In the abaanea of other wonnda. Dr. coflto since death occurred nearly a
Smith and wife left today lor Grand
room nncr^MtlTa of Iba toatimony Brant oald ba wonU eomo to Iba im- year ago. mya^^C
of ftortona^ttottoaa.
Inatm the water la
ware tba oaaaa of death. Tba witoaaa the haUnce. The exbibitloo waa made
The Mistes Angie and Jennie .Anon tba took of Ibo band,
nlao aald that onongh blood flowed by Walter Keet, a local undertaker, derson, and Will Andenon, Jr., left
ba booo. Tbo wi
from tba body to Imra oonoad danM and too body was toat of John Lwk, a this morning for a month’s visit in
ocborwonnda. bntnl tbnttteadid oot by bcmorrhaffau It waa nlao hia opu. pauper, who dkd Nor. IB. 1001, to a Ohio.
ion tbnt. aU wotmda on Mra. Bur local boaptUL
Will S. Anderuon is- in Maple City,
gmraa' -band wore prodnood by Ibo
enjoying the lair four rows at a time.
mma toaimmoot Dr. Brans illnaA tneeUng of all the tendien of the
Supervisor Cleveland and wile. F.
Tba wltnaaa told of tba matbod am- tmtad bow Ibe tojuriao might bam
ployod to dalanoloa Iba natnrt of lha baoo toflletod. natoff tba mw bandla dtyachoob was held yetterday after- L. Ransom and wife, Curtis Fowler
noon after school, and Health Oflioer and Mr. Comte, will leave Saturday
wound on iba bend Foaod a
and aknU to domonatrmte.
Lawton incacnted to then in x very for Washington to attend the NaHontnra aboat an ioob to dUmator wbara *Tba taattaumy of Dr
coodie and helpful manner the al G. A. R encampment.
—----eonolndad by tba emtemei
of contagion in general, acarMtod bobtodiba far. to a qnaation of Mr. Pmtt. that a fall
Mrs. C. E Hale has returned from
aboat tba aamo Uaa. T*m akvU bona^ agatoataaharp objaot would prodaoa let fever and diphtheria and the char Chicaga
waa omokod bnl iba tema waa not dla a Uoaratlon of the flash, but oould acteristic outward s>*mptoms of these
Peter Johnson has gone to Grand
diseases. The talk was a ver>'
ptooad. Boto fnelnroa woao fonool- aoaroalr make tba wo<
Rapids and Owossa
laoerattog tl»a akin. In answer to a ticxl and helpful one.
Mrs. C. X Bugbcc and daughter
Tba wltooaa found bolb bonaa of tba question by Mr. Patchto tba wft
Nita are visiting in Grand Rapids.
riffbt arm dUlooatod* liartoff baoo said. **10 my judgment tha wound Dr A. H. HoUidxy as Hen
-Crimes". Friday night. *
forood backward. Tua lait arm
to tba larynx waa mada by tba thumb
Armlydaad at riffbt angle. Ibarw
of a peraon. although it mlgbt here
The comedy, “A Runaway Match,**
a blaoK nna blna apot acroaa tba rtfbi boeo mada by tha aharp norm r of au
The lA^Unxu County lair is being was presented at Steinberg’s Grand
band aa tbongh bartoff baon atraok by object If forowl bard
held ihU week at the lair grounds at last evening and pleased the few peo
a olob and tbaro wora woanda on iba
‘iba wimafs alao taatiflad that tb •
ple who were present. The corojiany
loft hand aa Ibouffh nuulo by Angm blood mast hare flowed before death,
held in that is a small one and makes up in quslaaila.
aa non# oould hare flowed after daatlL county. There arc over six hundred itv what It lacks in quantity, hlach
Then tba larjng waa prodnood
Tba Mood on tba earprt flowed be exhibits and the stock and fruit dtsmember ot the company were very
tba wiumaa daaortbad tha oharaotr
fore tha woman died
pUys are the best ever made in that gootl Some clever singing and dancing
tbo woond, wbtob waa m trdb
In answer to another qnaation section. There is a good crowd in
Specialties were introduceii
tba throat. Ibo witnaoa abo
of Mr Pratt tba wi
atlemUnce. and the fxir is a decided
bow tba rnplnra ftttod bU toomb, to- nla former autament that tha injory success in every particular.
dioktloff tba maaner to wblab tbo to tba larynx waa tba last tofliotod
wound waa nuila. Bu aald tlie mp
This oomplatad lha teatimony of Dr.
Ueiroit-Whcat, 7fl anil 72': corn.
inrt. wna amdo from tba toont. Tin
Eraua at tbla time althongh it wai
warn n doaan wonnda on tb. ihiont
ataiod by tba proaeoution that ba
The box oflloa mla will opan af toe
Thoaffoci of aneh a niptnra would wouU ba uallad again lat«r
com. 47J;
City Mews atnnd tomorrow nt 8 o'clock
ba dlffloult brmilbto*, frotbtoy at tbo
a. m. Lust ulgbt a full rohnarml oats, SIJ: iwrk. $15.:i5; lard, $8.77*
month and blood.
Dr. O, i:. f hmmm RccelleJ.
*‘l baro no hoaltaUon to atating toat Dr.Obaaa waa racallad bytha proaaou- waa bald ^at the Oily Opero houaa and and $8.l7f
a perfect prtidaation wiU ba tha oontbo woman narar hraatbAl afuu |bc Hon at S o'clock tbla aflernoon.
Tbe eanae la n worthy one
mptnra waa tofliotod.**
Mr. Pratt abowad tha mw hat
While .lifiggmg |K>tatocs in the eastOther wonnda on tbo bodj war
lha wltnaaa He aald ba mw tba atlok
. ernI jiart
fiart of the
i city today, J. R. Hamaorlhod by tbo wltnaaa. Ajipaai
before, when it was in poaaeaion Of
j lin found three {lotatoes whose com
of room and body todloatod that thora Depnty Urayaon. wno waa aooon
Hear dem
bciu? Wh.t( beUi? bined
urned weight was ^ pound*. He
that thera a
ed at tba tlma by Prank Saxton. Tha
Normandy,” Friday would like to know who can beat that.
now. taatiflad tba witnem. ap
night. __
The potatoes arc of the Caliiomia
<d tba aama aa it did at tba time
Russet variety.
or alia might not Lata Iwao killed b7
witoaaa mada teats to aaoertaio Hear Bessie Kowena CampbeU as
alUier. l*ba Injury to tha throat
Scrpolette in •’Chimes**. Friday.
her tba stains ware blood and
HOT SOUPS mi oar faaafasn. Wa!P$
would cuMi toatnntdaatb. It would
Pratt asked him to state to tha
tlN,g Sl*r».
bara boan Impoaalbla for the ffoioan Jury how be datermlnad that tha See “Chimes’* of Normandy** Friday
to bare toflietad nil of tba woonda on atoa ware mammalian blood.
at City*Opcra House. See Geo. F. Knoirte* as -G»s(ar<r
Mr. Fatohin objected, argning that
in "Chimes, - City Opera Houae,
Haskell at Germaine in
Tha witoaaa waa ahown tha aaw onlam tba witnem could atata that hia Miss
“Chimes” Friday night.
handle and teatlflad that ha had aaai. analyaii showed human blood.
before. Thera WM more hlooi oi.
The court orerrulad the objection
it whan be aaw It before and aoma and an axoeiition waa noted by Mr.
lialr. Tba blood waa fraahar than than Patchln.
Tha witnem dcaorlbad tha pioccaa
ilia injoriaa on Mra Uargrarek* he employed to prore that the blood
bond could bare been prodnoad by a a mammalian blood, which is of
aooli aa inatrumam. Tha witoaaa was Mna character aa hnman blood
amphatio ou tbla point, and equally
Then tbo witness waa asked if be
poaltira aa to hla otbar •totameat.
axaminad at length, too hairs on tha
On tba crooa agnmlaation tba wit handle. Ha anawarod **yaa.'* and
neaa aald tba woman might bare bt an that tha hairs ware light in color. Ho
We sell more guits and Cloaks than al! other dealdead 10 bonra or k bonra. at Ibe tlma
iparad toe strands with hair from
ers combined—why?—because we carry the largesto
ba arrtred at tha bonaa. The natopgy
hmdfm Mra Uargraraa. which
waa mada on tba labia to tba kltoban. waa of aimilar color.
and best line, can fit you when you come, can give
Dr. Oarnar and Dr. Ohaaa wtoa proa\yh\Ui the witnem waa prepared to
ant Tba aiAopay wna aa ooaaplata aa ate that tbo blood oiCtba sUek was
the color, materials and style you are Ipoking for,
naoeaaarr. raUtlra to the woonda on ammallan hr was not praparad to
lha body. Only anunlnad tha Uryna atata poaltlrolj ^bal it waa human
bejng the largest dealer places us first with the
a« ona of tha oauaaa of death. *'^
manufacturers, they rather sell us because they can
that aba narar breathed altar
Mr. Patohin than took tba witnem.
tba rapttoa. bnt aU miffbt bara bean
ct poiitiTaly
sell us more. They offer special inducementSr^on
dandbefora. If ah. waa not tWad bethat of Mn.
fora tlia mptnra of tba larynx that HargruTaa, bnt it looked like IL Aa
this account. We guarantee everything we sell.
'Blabad it *'
to tba length of thabairaon tba atiek.
Your money back if you want it. : : :__^ j__:
Hi^rt tba dafanaa lad tha wltnaaa to
fftra hla knowladga of tomna
Hiay were all only a half Inch to
aaklng him if it wna not known lengHi. excepting one or two. Tba
that patlaota to gnob inaUtntlooa often hair of Mra Hargraees rarted to
nought to threw tbamaalroa ngatoat length, aoma long and aoma abort.
objaota for tba pnrpoan of aalf daatmoThis oonclnded toe toatimonr op to
Tba witnaaa aald H a paraon tba afternoon Intermiaalon. after
waa toaana ha would not atop to fig- which Sheriff Ohandlar was sworn.
ooman affatoat which to
Imaair Mr. Patehto than J. W CLtfPK has just recaiyed
aoplm ortba aong **Jnat go 'way
naked If an toaana paraon did not often
and let me sleep," which haa been
diaplay an axlradordlnary ooUnaaa.
The line is now complete. We
out of ^int for a lime, owing to a
Tha Wltnaaa admitted that aaob might
invite your inspection. Walk
ing Suits have the call—you
Golnff haoktotbadeaortpUonoftha
akull.tha witoaaa baUarod both wounds cc Uert Miller “cut up" a* the
can travel or walk on the
Hailli in “C'hinicx."
Mia by aooM weapon, aomastreets and not have to carry
tbinff like tba mw bnndla Tba wityour skirts, you’ll appreciate
bare gara an iUnaUaUon to iba
jury wltb tba akoll exhibited, daaoribthat and Dame Fashion says
toff to detail tba cbatmilar oftbafmoit’s proper.
tara on tha bead of Mtm. llargmraa.
After dinner Dr. Eraua oontinoad
a taatlmany. Mr. Potohto asked i
gor mortlahad aet tn when tba
rynx of Mrs. Maigraraa waa ramor
I, and U thera waa any flow of blood
wbcQ knife was totrodoood. Witness
•ad that it bad and that tb«Ae waa
Rev. C. Su«d, ot Harriv
with the longer skirt. You can have that and be
flow of blood, bat larynx oonminod
riUe.Wi*., writnt:
•lot of coagnlalod blood
properly gowned. We never had such a showing
ana atatad that at the antopgy
that I have tho
of medium and high grade suits. Solid colors and
bommomd tba antlra mmlp from tha
in my conRPegaUon who
•op*fMn.B.rfnT.. iMM. b*l f
wereviciimn of rhetuaatism.
** f^tlel*. of l»M. Tt»
MABTHA to*Cl WlfXlAtol.
utDIogr wn. «oMMMd br Dn. Oh.^
Bnuu. Dr. S*M*dotec
Oalmtoito InUHor Bpar It th« Omm*
moBtdurBbldvamIdh madd. th*M*a*I work wUb Or. Oh**, tack
M flTM br bl». O. b*ta*
AnnanI Oblo Baowuton VU to* A M. K«
**k«l*bo*i UMfiMbrn. oo lit* a.*.
«nT*.-bMd «tia«(i»Uth*rBl(fat
r A. Mltobal. O. P. Afi
btoto tiMto «gndodftotolbai
itoi pnrttoloa ofbonovtonM
lhatov totototod. Anoltor .
>n, ibiBpli
We are offering a very desirable .
and ipretty line of Prairie grass
Tunrittirc at Factory Prices. Come ,
in and make selections now. while
our stock is large. • « «
The foliowring adv. that appeared in yesterday's issue
should have rea#: .
“Bitinnti TelW
instead of "TO-NIGHT ONLY”'. Theseg(;i>ds were
placed on sale last night at the spedal prices
mentioned, which will continue for
the balance of the week.
Save Money by Spending it Nnw !
muwm ainci €>rmmm Ooodflk Our stock
represents the latest things from Home and For
eign looms—a moit comprehensive assortment, all
styles to suit all tastes and all purses.
To-MIkH^ wc arc offering some extra specials
that will keep us busy this evening. Would be
pleased to have you call and inspect our stock
whether you wish to purchase now or later.
54 in. all wool Cheviot, sponged
and shrunk, in colors of brown, green, wine
navy and black, worth $i.oo, tonight.................«9c
To.-ISIIarH^54in.airwool Venetian Cloth
in tan. brown, cardinal, black* worth $1.00, to
To-MlKHt Ablack Silk Croise Velvet so
popular lor short Jackets, a special purchase,
worth $1.00, tonight.....................................
nro-NlKH^ Wc have been fortunate in se
curing a job of about 400 yards of an all Silk
Swiss Grosde Lonre, in colors of Cardinal.
Pale Blue, Pink, Old Rose and Cream. The
g< ods are perfect.and in good condition, an extr i good dollar value, as a starter wc price
it|tonight for.............................
a choice line of Corded Velvets
for waists, cardinal navy, wine and brown, a
dollar value, fof tonight.........................
Bos-ton «S-fcoro
Our Ootbing
Bsms2iL.0ur Store
We cannot afford to sell
trash. We cannbt afford
to deal otherwise than
honorably by everybody.
We are in business to
suy, and our ambition
continually spurs us on to
greater effort. As the
representative in this dty
of L. Adler. Bros. & CoRochester - made, ready
to wear, we are able to
furnish our customers
with the handsomest and
most reliable make of
clothing that is anywhere
produced. Many of the
most particular men here
are wearing it and the>will tell you that it is just
as satisfactory to them as
clothing which they have
had made to measure at
double what they have
paid us. Welike toseU
"Adler” made dothiag
because it means greater
reputation lor us.
Dress-Suits.r,:LT.TJ; *
iTnS!'!"''!*’Sto,O0 to SBS.oo
Sackets, Cloaks and Capes
You will have to aee thi» line to know what we are
showing. Hundreds of styles and cloths to select
from—no two alike in the noveldea. "We tell the
best Coat in the city at $4.60. at $6.00,‘at $7.60, at
$8.00, at $10.00, at $1-2.00 and up to $125.00.
CHILDREN’S COATS-You cannot afford to buy
a coat for the girls until you have «en our line.
;s>sa rusi: "O'®- fosTa teHEME
ter. SteaMadllteafacharteAag.
-tec a go haaw fight mmr ite «■
taloMd. taklag ter half rctectaat b»*
ractreaa by tte te^ -My name'a
BdhiiDort Mail'd Idea to Mall
Letters odAU TroDcr Cara.
io fcacm rmfc >i6hTiNa
Oaotie a Bala, fonoir ckkf af tte
KanaM Oty dm department baa rw
Brtwid a letur frarn tendon asking blm
H Ttatt tkat city with a >iew af gtrtag
kki adTW and aiwgaatlone to tte mot^
of tbe Engllrti fire fighting
aerrlca. mya tbe Clereland Ptato Deni
er. Tbe letter came from Horace Faulkenor. aecrrtary of the Brttlah lira
Brtgadte anloa. CbkT Hale baa conla to dlacnae tbe anbject
further with a eommlltec of Engltab
ofIklaU whom be la to BMCt to New
fire off!
eperaem ayatrmof collecting maU
York.I the com«T letter Uixtw by carEarly bmt spring fifteen glrta lort
hi eliitw U Curnddered crude, to
lives to a two story bulMlng
ade<iuate und not at aU abreaet of tbe
fh the alowneaa of the tendon
I of tbe timra by Mr. George tk
p «uMcAllUter of BalllmotT.
Tte B4»tfta43r. «v«7
alM Imt.
mmrn wiM kir nanSe ira. added u»
lipiJ pdpw*. Thw* Jl WM nxMdad
tbe BMe girt
tte Boodlady.
-•o era re.BotH t«.k tW bint c
-Wherr*. ibe mp. mtar
*tep-yea. ye'd brt*
wlM demaadad tHbme fur krtfAug p«
tjr oCaadara out of >all
Hbr ««t^
teU far tbatr asppaaniDrr tn roort Her
nbatiiilaiirt waa n*«rard4d acvwrdlog
IdlbaaiDoaBtniaruuWr.dJ.^i. Nr%*T
ted aba liaaa ki>uam to ukr 1*^ Iban
Id par cant lotrrrat.
ItetoraUj tha WEjrblJy goa^ of ibr
wor* mU<’o
AaMNMT fte dwHkra of tba aquaisd
Mrt lit wLkfi aba Ihrd tbr Iv.iidiMd a half
aiMl bad arvwal
away ta
Km bad iior of bar co«io
•loaipadtaU *' r«oa!lr «bry a
paMtWl baoctra uu, wIh— loaaUra
fpwid for Ibm. kM»bolr. «.f rM
tte lasal dra«Mt.
Hut to b«ir one
pralad. ordarad bar to -|irt»diKa iba
bodkar of a doaao tam f«r
bom aba
ted ateraod batl.
Vaaldr to krep
abraaaC nitb prlatad artra. tbe T
had bora bofoa. Tbr mm raiHurrd
wara Um BoMUady a uaoal atria of
patrooa. Tbaj wrrr vtmi hrd ftr l>r
waidlaadara Bacrlvlnt raab Int
■ba bad pUdlr «ooe Into ibc a.«U But
a mr eOeUl bljrb 1» auihtrl.,.
waa arraatad. arrua.-d of a bubble
rt-Jurj. lirt
«■ baU
It waa a great dajr for tbr urwaiaE
par; It waa a Ud day for tbe Ikuid
ladx. Kattwallr tberr aae i»u «>r t.
ptra bar armiwthy hbi* wmt Into tbr
muaid and aat oa a brnrb ba.^
to gauHl nirluuBir
Aa aba aat groantnc and nrnttirlng
ate aoCload DO tbe nr»t iK^m b a rug
dlrtr little girl brr bmd lu tirr
>g tlttiTly.
It aai
DOC tbe rage, tbat drrw tbe liimdladr*a
attaDtSoD. She bad gr..an calkma to
attcb^bloga Tbrrr a a. a touch of ua
tom tbat made tbrw klii. The young
adar'a hair waa rt^l
atede of red. Tbe
waa of tbe aame abadr.
Tba Boodlady fell It bad Umu tbe
color of bar balr tbat made bi>r wtiat
Mmm TOOK A BOAT »om>a
tUfmmi tefi Oih(i^a0tetnAt. deman t, net.
ate waa. Tbe world bad »ix>ffed
ter; ate bad rowed tbe world owed
ter a thing. Fnaa being eenaJthe abe
bad grown harder and bard«-r tlU now
ate bad DO feeding for augbt that >aa
baman. Ilbe loved only ber gUtterlug
gold, ber dingy bouw^
Tbe probable loa. of much of bee
waaHb bad made ber w Ub Nbe could
wan>-abe, wboee tear eprlng bad run
dry long ago. Ami here waa a little
led balred girl, tbe Imagr of l«*raelf In
than UkaU It waa
bar wmp. The Ik
It bad tetmgbt tm
t^ a Beat bealde the Utile waif
aad pat a eoarae band uj«»n her la
witb aomotblng like genileneee.
-BTiafa th- matter. youtufat^Tr*.
Tte llUle one mleed ber iilucbE'd.
dirty, tear aUlned fatx*.
‘ Ee-rveryCblag.*** Then abe ciitHl again
aatly between eoba. “Aunt Jane aaUl 1
waa a boodoo-toM me to g% t out ea|d
ymi‘rt a redhead, to.^: ain't
Tbe Boodlady i>odd.M
She hadn’t
rran glanced In the gUm for rearm,
and yat a woman! Hut abe bad uoi
baan allowed to forget abe bad red
kin aamd .to Indicate .
know tb* Boodlady bad
*^T0a bolp Itr W«a tbe none too
fOrraat raapooae.
««o T« »0t
U<* f rrr am.tr
•akad Ike Boodiatfj.
^ ~ m ara y« foln-r
-Itei't know.- More teara e»-en»4
aboat to Bow. but ate wiped tbam
•ww/. aua nar cym gave a gteam m
tepa. -Unlaaa you'd uVe me. ma am.T-I-Imtoo
-Hard enough V feed
•Ob, am’am-I can belp-l'm a w
V. 1 am. 1 wont be any troublc-aad 1 know youil be good to
tar gri aome eoep; ye i
Aad aba ctmotKl out d
Bath trahgU bark oneoftbrm Tbe
Boodlady put It in ber iHirer.
mWe aome big etkk* of I>eppcr
aud who U rveponalble fvr
-tVe dooT eat cendy bere,city iNJatal cwm. aays a db.|«tcb from
Both showed ber temperament waa
Wa.Uingtou to tbe Ht. teuia I’oet-Dieqalte a- «mny ae her bab. awallowlng
Icb. The auev'eaaful oiaratlon In rebar dlaappotatmeot Inatead of tba pep.
jl yearn of puatal cwra auggiwU tbe
prmlot. Then, haring nerd the w>ap
ery whHbtT aU the trulhy cara
pan beraair. abe aiurked tbe tear.
might iu4 be need to an Immeime ad
Her rkonlinma wan cootagtoua. Next
vantage In mall collection and Irann
Kwnlag tte BoodUdy uaed aoap t
Ull more aarprtaing. abe boogbt B
j y«-am Mr. McAlll«ler baa
a attek of peppermint.
ly Becking to promote a
The Boodlady cmaed to ply her on
puiaic movement to favic of tbU Idem.
pleaMUt trade m«Trly Iwcauae of her
111a efforts have altrarltd the moat fatil lock, for tbe mmiey eenee waa atlU
Ttwalde public altcutlou lu Baltimore.
atrong to bor. While tbe mur
Iitt«burg and other cltlea. and during
taklng away her “here!nl*4*fore
tbe laai few days hr lhaa api»eartd Ij
tbmad dwelllnga ’ alie found co
Washington as the adviM-ate of It.
ttan In tbe glittering gold ronceo
A statement hy Mr. McAUlater ol
One day
bla Interratliig plan of UoUey maU col
iugful of
twin. After tbat abe would m. lunger
ce»t»d. tbe Idea tc
tialao to pleaa of |Miverty: her entreat- m.na i«N,|»le |Mo.ihly ha.k. vUkmary
laa for -go«llee * ami -'iretty Ibinga to Only tbe practical detail.
It. which
ear" Urwme quite a* Irrtwiatll.le aa are not appnr. nt at first sight. lend to
•d iMon her idea lu the courtyard.
It tbe a«iH*ii of genuine emmun
Blow ly but aiirely tbe klnahlp due to
affd phiudMllty.
ptxkvlde an i
"It 1* |*roiHaMd
lately eiiHHad i>r
Rotb aaked
iHtera on tbat aide of every at reel
money bare you got. motherr
which U nearer tbe aWepulk. The
“1 don't know-exartly.beet mev'hanical cuniitrurthm of
-But bow imich-alkoutr
drop inter o|aolng-for a kind ol
-AliontBut why do ye aant t* on atrt-et cara. tu Iw juviietaly etplalutd
know. Ilulhy
-will demand:
••Bo.wum* I thought If you only liad
-Flnit.-That It ab.ll la a duly eloo
aoougli to gel a a ay frton here. io get galvd mtmth. topleoi H|HTture-lbal la.
out Into «ie of the new |iart«. Io atarf au entirely flush op- i*h‘g
a little atore "Sevvind. That it shall la i0*ced ver
gbe waa talking huriuiw*. The Bond- tically. at no angle of dcfleciiou
lady'a eara <.|ieiMxL "Tbat'a not
HT. to the baud
plan, lluth. I'll go count my i
-Thlnl -TI.Bt
i'll UiJuk aliout It "
lent (
Kot long alntM* tb<* two fdrroer
of the Ih.ndlady who bad
her and more: alotq{ the aide «»f tbe car.
Ituth In the courtyani having
-Fmirth.-That It ahaU la provl
algntd hy the mdltlcal in»»ter« to light with mrcbaulcal larta InUTiurly
talw with a atrect lavIng gang
proteii letlera to the mall boi fi
auhurlo. ato|.ped for rvfreabnieu
the eh-menta freely Uetlng Into It.
neat little corner grv*cery.
A iTlght
-The nuH laulcal dealgu also calls for
faced, red hatred taaa watte<1 on them. memua of diachargtug tbe tnmU fruin
Behind tbe counter waa a woman with
at one laint only, nc
balr of the aame aUade.
far along the car tbe o|an
gUaaea and waa reading a
lug may extend.
upalde down.
Mother and <laugbter
“Now. tbe cittoru desiring tu |>oat
were clean aa tbe little aboti.
letter on a lasslng atreet <*ar would go
tbat tbe dirt aUlned political M*rfa about It In the aame maimer iTecUaly
were awed Into alienee till they re- aa be now gvHW alaut iKardlng a
tumod to tbe pavrmt
to ride. lie would, however. iu4
-Bliwa'd If It lan'l th’ BoniMady and the 'ueer* atreet crossing, or that now
ber kid?uaed by li
-Illven muat a telfved 'em Udb <
would use the *far' <TossJng-the •mail
ing' ertosing. as It would wme to U
uami-d-Uiug thus dl.tingulsbahle to
the motorman as a iHrs<»n alaut to
Clever thing* that cblldr«ni lui;
post a letter.
not uaually wurtb repeating If they im»
"Aa the ear come toward htm he
of tbe aort tbat an adult.eoiild Invent
wt.uld. of wurae. stciv frtun tlie aideBut a real cblld a pulnt of view U In- walk to meet It. The iiioturmaii. at a
liultahle and often dellglilful. aa In thla pnilMT distance from him ami in the
story which iKwu Ikole refteata In bta usual way. wtuild *duwu hrakeaC* hut
lEWik of m‘mlula.vm-vw. -Iben and lu this c-aia only for a '.piarteT atop' of
tbe car, graduating the sishsI ao that
When we n-atored tbe weviern front the car would laaX tin' croasliig at
of our cathcdml In Kivbiwier M a
als>ut tbe rate at which. In all our
of many lbuu«ud i«und«. we bu
cltlea. car. are run when male pa»great wlelo^aUuo and a ..pIoydM
•vmgera are al*out to btard them with
out atopjage, Thla will be latter exTbe arcbbUbo|> and bUhoia. tlie lord pUtned In a
niT. onr mem"I’racticall
the aioed of
inlral of the diM'k.vard. tbe general of
rki, aU marched In stale.
>e diatrl
of the letter and
A litth boy who watrlMHl frton a brake would la. In aU. three and onrraked wlial half to four «H-onda Since tbe -dn^v
neigbiwing wludc
. lie frank letter' opening, however, would extend
be tbonght of the i
ly replUHl tbat be did n<»l like It very perhaia half Ite length of tbe car. experleniT ha^Temonalrated that five
-might have bad a kangaroo"
"Now. very naturally, go Impulse ofprejudice leads ua to lalleve thait tbe
act of iKattog a letter on a car In thla
way would be more difficult, mure cumpllcated than that of taking paaaage on
a car.
"In rellabiilty thla letter inating
would be iK4Detblng Indefinitely almpler, mpre direct, leas dlscunoerttog to
tbe average man. or w uman either, and
acctmipllslusl also with |saslbly a hun
dredth lurt of the difficulty or rUk
now Involved in boarding a car. lu
thla latter case om- niu«t remain In tbe
atreet while tbe entire Iswly of tbe car
paaaea lafurv one ate|a on tbe lack
Idatform. and all tbe w^lle one's at
tentlon must la wholly fixed on IbU
i*lat^do you think of lUatr platform. Only a lart of a second la
to dn*pplng a letter.
be Inquired when I bamlrtl lack the
"On the steam railway ay.letn mall
riad tu read. An
*^\>h." aald I In laTftvUy g«H»d failb,
ent would in thla
"the mlstakea are bad enough, but tbe
writlDc la far worae. It really la a dte- case phftve imnafer' agents at aucb
of the ehvtrlc
*TTie writing? What, my wTlilngr roads aa would Insure tbe nearest con
■aid tbe Inspector, -i topird the theme nection for mall transferred’ from
poHoffice to
aut myaeir»'
Ulng there, rolh-ctlons over
or fifty a<,m
In the^^”***^
wr IPl.T eleven yeart henco,
.'used «t the '
n Empire 1% to go tu plvs-es,
of tbe iioatuffloe. iN-talnlni
according to a IN>IUh prophet
riaaona fur the prophecy are so cogent ncr' tvoxea. tte* cat
ooaly ablfl tbelr amaU contents to tbe
that then* U do i\*oiu fi*r duuht
car l>oxe*.
"Motormen do not now fitvd children
Of tender age attempting to lidr; they
waa first framnL
add the figup
The resuh U tw euty- would not find them attempting to iwat
two. If this
added to lft4» we get letters on tbe cars wl
when ttelr parents
when tbe German Em- coold and-would aend
ocr boxea, and as to
Now add tofctber the fleurea
ettter tbe maU or the
The author of •Vollectlon% and Ilecolloctlona" relates a la riHmal experi
ence of having aaid a -tbliig one would
rather have left unaald " Even after
tbe laine of twenty yrwra, be adds, tbe
recolWnioo of tbe aenaatlons of tbe
moment turns him hot with chagrin.
A remarkably pomiama clerg>*mEU, a
dlov'eaan luapcctor of acbool*. once
showed tne a theme on u Ik-rliKural
aubjert. written by a girl wbo waa
trying to paaa from tbe rank of a pupil
teacher to the rank of acboolmlaireaa.
The theme waa full of alaurd ml*
Ukin. over w hich the
Germany lost b«- flrat two^emWlUlam and
A 9aj'm WIto RMa fcr LllW.
Repeat tbe addition procew
What does this algnify? To moat
peoiile Dothtag more than 1013L But
tbe Follah iiropbet haa an answer |at
—1918 to tbe date of German.v'a de
struction. t\i«ihl anythliv be Hearer?
team yte tern md balr. Voull tako
waat yoa. ma amr
Bte waa far. rery far, from
In tbe year 70 tbe crater of Veaowltb vinca, and
Brtttoh waraMfr are to be painted
graeci tbla aeaaoa. In order to complete
bapofolly. lato tte coana tte teeto ad tte teat colar far waritom
-WiBrva telKlglL Jk-Mr-
W. H.
tte king aroaa at d
Mock aad aorpriwd bla aokUetw by
btdertug oat tbe gmud. He ww* macb
tte aAcera that they would have to ba
we strict to tte futarw. Tbe king la
aa bright a boy aa I bare evwr aaa«L
aad ttere la no imthTn tbe storleathat
te baa a weak aUnd «r tnata bla maCb«r craelly.
•:ln Spain te to teM up to aU boys aa
tte axaaipto of wbat a lad aboiild be
to bto amcber. Time and again 1 aaw
tte qoeen awtber and ber royal aoo
tegrtbar. Ilia manner toward ber waa
ind or :
a»ror of i
Tbe coadwetar gave ter flO laa
I rhange. and ate refaatd to re*
tarn tbe money. Tbe matter waa taken
tala coart. and Mn. Battertand waa
Id aad Bam gg-M Vm«.
ty lowroomd Mp mto ta
life wkea kia
bla miaher than to blms, lf.
-And be to ftfily ai'ilidtlve
fectlon. for when the ck
ring wildoat there would often oon<
molatnra In tbe boy king's e.rea as
bowed. If ever a human belng a e;
■aid anything, bla aaid that he mei
to te a good king to bla people."
Par IVtnakiy aad Maektesv City II to a as.
Aiaoika of the British agitation for
tbe purx'toiM* uf tbe llulv l.aud by the
Chrlattons uf the wiirld. Israel Zaugwill, tbe well known ih.viIM of the
GhenvK write* as follows. «,>.s»nllng tu
a aioclal eabU-gram fnuu Lundmi to
firs drt*artoent. The tendon papers
took the matter op and drew a vx>mparlaou lietwren the work uf the ten
don tinmen and the methods of the
Kansas t'Uy Ilr» mcn.
men. w ho
ho gave an exblbltlun under t hief lUle at the C'ryaUl ralavv t'hlef Hale haa twice taken
a Kansas tiiy fire team tu Eunia in
uu with the U-st deialii
In the Wurhl and each time r^uniefl
vicbTiuua. Hale was ousted aa chief of
the Khtisaa t'Uy deiarluieiit a few
muntba ago on acevmni of bta isJttltw.
food to p^ectly
digeated and a»aimilated and the
otb7jl.*^bieb wvnMm*!vVtolIlv Hovvii- j
Trmtam Vtmn TrarMsa iTty s- f.4*<.ss
ite Oraad Baites. Dsteoti. TuWdo. iWtaaeo
•ad was*, a W) aw. IIW»sm.A»pn.
Ite Maaksgoa. Bay tTly. Port Rarua. Tntode
time In history fhiUi wt. ji.l achieve j
hi- misskm v.f issow and rv.xmeiha- ,
«f gs-nc
.\ccept noanbaUtute for»-Golden Med
In one of the Uvudun |amas a v
ical I>tocoveT>*.’’ There to notbmg "just
er aigiiliig hliUM'lf "V hrlsTian" w
lhu*u- nUu an* agituliiig fur the
Dr. Fk
cha*e «tf l‘alestllie that tl«*y are
|H.u*lug a huiM leo, eause. "l„.,-auia
Twenty- one one - cent, atamps for ^
hovah Ims furl.uhleu and will prv*
■irrtrwa Mmtmmm KwasSt tks- toatl
•r fr l.wr. Ulia apwl.-a KtaaFrom an» .American woman has cur
» defense of Alfuuo* Xlll.. tl
.vuung king of ttialu. «i.va tbe New
Vurk I’rc-. Ml«i Ague. ll. Witen of
Maiihailan. who r. turm*! tu New York
on the Teutonic the other day. was at
the flower festival lu Madrid and was
presented tu the buy king. "Tinwe ati^
rlea aUmt the y.mug kmg a eixvutrtcltlea,' aald Mlaa WlUou, "Ere not true.
Um to a wry aeusiUe yuuiig fellow ami
larfe^-tly chariulug
At the flower fesI the custom of ihe |sxH»le to
king at
with a
. lart
• hianlsh ist^pk*. and our:r.r
i fn.ui uf the rt.yal U»x
• k.UJ
Itetce. BuflHo. N. Y.
A long, odd winter I* at tend, acevodlng to the lo«*kee|afw. They*are
inaltlTe of It lH*cause the astute provid r fur the mouth* nu.nd U putting
away «tui>-s iti*in
uf honey in
the fo-sl Is.x.*** nml lutally temwing the
aundns l-.xes .«»*.v,. sa.vs the Denver
Tinn-w The bun. y »-r«.p this year, all
ihn.ugh i'^K.rado esisvlaUv. to very
One Who knew l‘re*nhnt 1‘ulnui. of
riiUt. nmuiately during his life to
New Vurk snv., ttei while In* warn «-un•taiilly handling large snin» of money
for the i'ulMii Junta the future chief
executive Wii* uldtge«| to praetUv the
moat rtgUl «*«*>iM>m> tu supis»rt hi* fuui
I lum^ Deuba” V i Hey ** w^l't hOul suffichiit m..ney in hi* |*H ket to
a. m.. 11 JD a. B . A 40 n a.
Traeww rsty aXlltos
nn>Teuta«Fcv w«w
9m. 9m^ S, M«»«r*a
m- ;
....8 t»5.«
maboso tiL4i
Paw JaattorBto«*«4
FXJd toiallM Oak PMfc aM
FbM toa^ Ualoa Mraat
Uaique WoA DenJted to tbt Stniett tuk aiA tt Ike rmt- Paid Jaatow B^Uto’ nM
Oikf Philipptoe DIotoeL
ne nttM eritr. ChaseV Rem
The Only N—turel American Cathartic
Water. A recognized cure for Coasti.
patlon: It Keeps your liTer acting and
your system perfect. At your Druggist.
Large bottle. 35c.; small bottle. 10c.
TW ftaxom why
Minmeadof aped.
to b«qr docks on
tbe euy peyment
pUo—Do you want
to buy tbst w*y.>
We're ready (or
shoaki have a
nice clock.
Our prices arc
lower than
you have ever
had goods of
fered to you—
Come aod see
—prove for
Traaaferred from
1— Our ptket are
away iNte the ■*Wtet to refsrOed as bj Car tW mC
.8 10.00
<ia] kef» »itb nvatO
2— We toy direct
I'blUMHM. to UhU liKbis
Paid for ir.i
TKArcBss cm MAUun.
axawooD anLxix niiunan.
from maken and
« T^- •Mid Mtoo ito good offoeto tooe^ Paid for natting troaa
itodlii tbei radacUua
Pad for rapalrm u>
handle ODly the btot
paid for boae and
traaftowUMi to t^..^
r N>w Vork
Paid for water rental
It to Ibo irto «Curt to ofwii tbe dour to
i for yaiV'
Paid for blackboards.. ............ 220.94 ^
3— Wc are right bm
Uuvmry rrtotloiio brtvM Um Maiaj*
Coat of fuel per pupil.............
Paid for wiring Cmitrm] buildtomakeourguahui^
otoa ootwlrj aod Au>«r^ A Cblca«o
Fuel on band SepL L 1902.
1U5 cofda wood at 82.00..........8210.00
pbrtocton. Ur. Uarkl J. Uobotr. to tW
Paid fmViidlng nnd grading.!
65 osvda W(
of tbr animaar. and bo baa
apaot tbrao/«ara
aru ^rafiarattoii
ittoo for U
tba wt»rt. vbkb
vtll ba tMffbt out to I
Trnnafrrrad from contingent
fund................. ........... 81W:58
a ftm of Uoaloopobllat
inaraanoK rt'xu.
Ur. Uobmy waa tod tuto tbia oalqM
ranee on acbool bulldlngal 520.85
fmdarUblog Umnicb traualatloc a
■paatob oh^IcoI vurk tmo Knattob.
kwt of fuel for year.......
from contingent
Tba volooia «raa iUrroor’a tnatiaa on
fund................................. 8 520.85 Vmi of fuel per pupil,----dlaaoaaa of tba rtUU|iplnca. Tbr attra
u I on hand 8^. 1. 1902.
i.vTKwcaT rt-xn.
74*, cords wood skidded at
■cr.au narm or riuivaicsB .
tloo flrao tbia labor balped to lutrraat
cat on bonds..................... 8 549.17
81.00........................................... 8 74.50 Wheat ...
Ur. Uabarti la hla atud/ of tbr Mf«o
25 cords wood af^Z.OO.......... 50 00
tob tonavaar. and. barlua Ukro a
Tranaferrad from eonUngenl^
otma loiart^l Iu tba aol.jm of tbr
8 124.50
rblllpiHuaa alfaply to aratlfy tba arbol^
ia»Aai.u.\x avi;m X ariyuxu.
U 780.44
ant paid
ara totrraac lo pblloloay. br br«mii a
) roc ma heated by 8m«ad ayatem.
tjwUMUc atody of tba Taaal ton
verage number of p
>o-c4e»Ule Kottor MUl.
aimaa. BbaUy rraotvltia to cuiutiKa tba
. .
M Tranaferrad .r
ardwuia Uak of inuLihc a Taaal gnny Fifth...
185.0k ,
8 724.21 Coat Of fuel for year .,
w-tbat to. a arauiiuar which will 8lxlb...
Coat <f fuel i>er pupn
!!!!! 47
..................... ..........................................
8 730 44 F'uel on hand Ikp 1. 19C
6 cordg wood at 82.00...................812 <K> j
>cvi«o raiCM.
*.y.l nt
No. l................................
tba Bnallab »Hbod and of cuoraa a
8 1M4 169 cords wood aaidded at 81 00. 169 Oo wWt.
Paid for hooka..............
aoloma aorb that tbr Taaal child lo
..... 7X2
otodjrlna n will to
Tranaferred from contingent
fund...................................... IS.H
Cbas. M. Beers,
I rocabotarjr
rmRm’m: rtTiu.
CJerk of Board cf- Education.
llUd for furniture................. 8 882.80
14a aducatlocMl aalua of aucb a book
cou ba rradny ondrratood.
Tba frn«*nil facta rranrdlnr tbr tan
fund............................... .8 882JO
!!!!! 84
goaga of tbr Tagaloga which I>r. Do- Fifth..
bartr baa at bla coninunU ara aatoo
for aui.pllea.................. 8 74.67 COAL STORES UNDER WATER
tobhia rran to tboar who bare raad tba
aaat amoaut of matter that baa baon
WEINGARTEN BROS.. 3^47* Brredwey. New Yerli ]
..... 841
pabitsbrd atwat thr f*blli|iplura. Aa
Tbe b-atllni: do*-k ntitburliU-e «.f Miutb
OB luaunca It oartua that tba Taaalaaa.
Wales are urging Ibc gt*\ *Tunicni lo
while cxiuiuioiUj accouutrd pao|4c of
make cv|MHlmei»Ts la M..r..u; Xr-AUt ^
oamlttartiarlc or autlrrlj barlAric ruaiRcinxxTaL Kxrcxac n xi*.
cxxil uieb r w Mter a- Ito* l.e*t lu.-uu- of J
toSA rrollj have tbrtr blatorlaua aod
■**’* SI Paid for taking acbool renBua8
oorHiaU to aa comiutratlrrljr a gmu- Third..
prcwTxlng Its *-aUiti«c i-m.T. -a.ts a !
!!!I 41 l*ald for manuel training aupBUSINESS CARDS
mble dlsiwtob from to.tMluii to the Chi
toa aenaa aa baa AoMaica. Not lung Fourth,
cap* .VrWM. fUwr Admital I.«»rd riuirl«*< |
ago. bidaad. tbara waa uraatilat<d to o
Pnld for kindarg-rten aupIh n-sfin^l. In anminK iluit the etb-ton ■ riu. y. HOLUrtWroNTM Bpsrial alSylhw
I»blll|iplna clly a awicty compoard a». Sixth...
cy au
cloalrdy of Tajmlog wrllara aod anPaid for piano rental..............
BrltUh fl.ct deiH nd- ii|-.n im a.to
tbOTA tba toatltatUm bclug lutcodad to
miacenaneoua acbool
coal suH.ly at a naval Ioim*. d*x
todtida lb oirojbrrahlp Ihr claaa that
tbat bto exia^b-Dce has tot u lluii i
would br rairt«t«wd lu a rrpotabla an
tbora' club of tba Uultad HUtm
l*ald for
.Tagalog la tba prU»cl|wl dlnlrct of
PaM for poataga.........
the CJbrtaltoti and chlUml Killpltioa.
. 41.81 been kei»t tou lung in wi«n‘.
l>aid for freight and
who roMlItutr aliottt MU |>rr cent of tba Third................... ...
Paid for water............
The din k nianiitfeis in wrillnc their
litlmblUuU of tbr |!bUlpplna arcbliK4 Pourtb.......................
00 exiM-rh-me -ay lb il w ben Ibe d...-ka are
ago. and It la rapidly lir<x»mli»a tbe
hiii ft of coal
donrinant dialect lu Ibr antlrr group of
84.00 tone tofii lumjd u hi. h hn>l fij<len dorPaid for auperlnienaenl-R clerk
lalaoda. Pblloknrlala claaalfy Tagaloc Smenih and Blgbth.
.inlay i
to tba MaUyoPolyncalan family. In
100.00 lug the pr-ttf- of lun.lMig. iverc cox‘ 4 planeta.rluii
17.50 ,-re.l wPb imi.l iiimI ,.^.l du^t and Ud
r dlalnfactmg.
I Cblnrau *H»uUrt. ita
6.60 been from tl
Paid for ai
a i^im m-ttwa of tbr
10.00 water. This,
l»ald f r cl
3.25 A furibcr t»*»»t xv.n- nuide of 1inu^ i>lng
llucktoQOotaaanoplJioriginal Ara
1798 l»ald for oil.
13.75 a quanllly of ixwl fxtr two moiitbs. AfiPaid for capalrmg clocka.
loo of Wllllaa voi. Ilutnboldt tbat
erward Its cabwllh |-.w,t was corn»tlM rt'iba City Of
for Hvary.,
TagnU.f If tbe nmal perfect of tba bla
for diplomas.. .
parttl will! a i|URntliy ft,nu tbe Kaiue
verae City. Mlruigan,
layc^lHJyniwlAn totiKuca.
for tngroaalng dtplomaa
e rn uu loa Tin; TtAM 1902--OS.
bloi-k of tH*‘’*al Muninumhslilce at.nui
TagaUw lm« Ibrtv la-lmlllve vowel
Paid for opera house rent .
txwl Tbe be.s la tbe unmer»><>d vxial
oonoda-e, I aud u-whU U are cUarac- IWS ** ^'*"*"^* **"*‘‘*®®^explraa lH.d expenaea of the delegalea
turn Ana k-tnu.
was lets than 1 t-*r <vni.
tartotic of tbr KurojHwn l»ranch o( tba
UJ. OtiM-na'
to the National EducaChaa. M. Haem. Clerk, time explraa
Tbe duck auitiorltl.-a iuIxIm- tbr conAryan family. Tbr other vowel aounOa,
atruotton of ft»ncre:e lai.k- caisiMe of
a aod o. are umhI cblrfly In printing
. Wurtburg. Treaaorer. time explrea I'aid mlM'ciianf
i..n« or more. wbl. h ct.uld Upvrs Houmt
and word* of Ht«nUb orludn. l»ut tbry 1903. II
are proitouiKXHl like I and u rrapectlve81.70261 be run off inu* m-n waier. When want
ed for ui*e. evi-s.mv t.» ihe -uhtn.i.lenl
ly. Tberr are fiftrru Kluiplr and two
beat of Malia or liiUmlur xvio^d auou
compound coitautmiit i-.unda
Tranafcrrel from the continKcui fund...................... 81.702.61
Tbr nuwt notlcrablr utrurtuntl fea- Hrat ward, time axplrtw 1908.
It__ _______ ^___
() C. Moffat. Member from tba Flr«
tnra of tbr langtuiKr In lu o<wltb of
I Kt AM> w'auI:m i-.\in ix»a tiix txas
Sweeter than the bn^ath of morn i»
radlcato. which, by tbr a.hlittou of
brmth of the girl who takea
I. B. Gilbert, auperlntendent,-81 JOO.OO Rooky
prafltoa or aufllxcA or both. toH^nur
Mountain Toa AixrfectKv.
U to our friends reA few
R. U Nye. principal............... I.IOO.OO
raiwbla of wide apptIcatUm A radhwl
from tba 8m- Mclifugblln. Mary.
nnd iu uses may inot
585.00 tern renovator, at'
breomra an adjivtlvr If rtna" It pra- ond ward, lima Member
axpiiwa 1904.
495.00 Ylgormtlng. Jaa
Montague. Myrtle..
axad and an alwtract noun If 'Nw** la
IJ I»m.» sad r»-wa.«c** MS Hla*® mlr^.
F. a. Hiumann. MexiLsr from tbe llegJe. Grace.. ,.
•P^n-s, IW-U *». i'lUMSu WScadincss, reliabiliprvSxad aud **aur aumird. For ax- I UMU
ample, lha radical -butl." in»nd: -tnaty and coofiomy, there seems
H. B. Oarner. *&**f?o« U.. Killotl.
>tl. 11
question whatever in'
Third ward, lime « xpiraa 1904.
M E. Haakall. Member from the KrenerlcfTll.
minds of our 200 consumers, and
terlcfril. C. .
took. Anna E .
a comparison of quality and ex
495 00 ^aawMaaaMaamara ^ TACT,
edham. W. P.
cellence of light, together with
both ‘
xpiraa 1904.
Wood. Harriet J...........
vast decrease of cost, will con
Member frtMii tba I*rall. Satie E......... .
U -tnyo,** but
405.00 M00dmCh0
vince the most skejrtical man he
If tba baarar U excluded it to ^catul.**
Tripp, l^lu ................
makes no mistake in installing
Cryrirr. Mary E...........
Tba nnmerala are o*mplrtp. tl»e onlta
WUaon. Ella .. .....
batog expcMaad by a flngla wi^rd. tba
gas in his premises. Aside from
^MannetA Jaaa> ........
•naana- by tbe word *Ublu" l<*ftora
its merits for cooking and light
otmno iNnTaNTi.v mr
IK and ending Moore. Oatberlna U...
Ing Bept.
tba corraaptutding unit and tbe mul- Aug. 81. Unit.
ing, gas can Uc uscdintcnnittcot495.00
Filklna. Nettle E.
1 do ban by cwrtlfy tbat tba following
ly for heating small rooms, offi
Ilcox. Bertha .......
ffwch unit OidlnaU are formed fn.m la a correct aUtamani of
ces, bathrooms, etc., when heat
tba cardlnaU by prefixlug ‘tca.- reived and axpandad by tba Board of Vogleaong.
MkHT lOo
Kosella ..
is retjuired promptly, and for a
TUo.** eight; •inblnolao,- Kducwtlon of Trararaa Oiy. eeichlgnn. Kelson. Nellie ..........
limited lime. Our heaters being
Bigbtaen; ‘‘utooiut i»«,- eiRldy; *ica for the year
ymir commancing «epu 1. 190K Uroxlngvr. Emma ...
as easily controlleil as our gas
Blao," aigbth- Adjective are grtieraUy and ending Aug. 81.1902.
Lytto. Nellie ...........
Alao a atatamant ahowlng tba namaa Hunter. Mrs. C. J-. .
ranges full efficienc)' being devclrwoNd by praAxing -ma** to the n*>t.
Nocirs to Tax PtLyww.
IboBgb tbfra are. of courar. mn uy prim and aalarlaa of taacberm and to<orw Dougherti'. Charlotte
on the instant, the expense
Ittvo adiactlraa. r«mpar1.KU» to ex. employed for tbe paat acbool year nnd Ray. MfA C. M. .....
Cve an pata and rdieve instantly
ceasing at moment of turning off
pcBBaed by dopIlmtUm cither of tba for the pnnast acbool year, tba praaont Holcomb. Edith ........
Nursery burners arc also a
Cady. Mable P............
drat aylUbto or of tbr entire radlmL
convenience in the house,
Camp. Jeiule ............
Tbia. -^bnU.- good; -mububuti.while for bathroom purposes our
Vivian. Ellxabetb ...
Il tiJt) u cl.- k to th
Instantaneous Water
Tarba ara nrtlva. pnaalve. reflective llild for cwncalation of booda.fd.OOO.OO
•rmma WapMa. awas.
i oVl«
oVlrtkk utml
utml 44 oVlork
oVlork m tto sf*.-rtH«» of ssrh
ina. Hulda ........ .
Heater*'is the acme ol pcrfec•Dd Imiwraonal. Tbeir variou. tnu.al« Tranaferrvd to Tam bam* Sal340.00
rr. Amy ...........
•7AMA^‘ pn rack iabUt.
^ tioo. Appliances of all dcscn|4and taoaaa ara expmued i
mer. Inex ..............
praaxaa to tbr mot aud partly
tions on show and for sale at our
TraoRferrad lo Janllorra* Sal360.00
•on. FYank ........ .
arlea’ rund.................... 2,610.00
•Btllic ooa or more fyllaUlea of tba
office 223 K Front street.
rmd. Tbua: Tto» n«t -*ahir rnmna Tranmferrad to IncldenUl Ex340.00
■todj: “magwral.” to atndy; •^lagw
Tr«n»ferrd i
llrodle. Grace.......................
Slmpwm Idiuiw.........
£20.85 Tbrohald. lAicUe...............
Nash. Cbarh^te.......... ...
•Marabla development, but wbrtlier tba
daxwlopmaot of tbe Ungoage to an tw
Fund.................... *. ....
724.21 Olbbx. Edith................ ...
mpkclty of tbe paw Tranaf«rred to UhraryFund.
12.14 Uvlngaton. Carolyn... .>
Trmnaferred to Fumttum »\md 882.80 Fierce. Harriet---- .. ..
^*Dr. Uobartj bear* tba drgree of ma»- Tnnaferred to Laboratory
Itordy. Carrie................. ..
tor or «rta In addition to tito inrth.wl
FMnd.................. 86.47 Holloway. Helen................
To balance ..............19.83161
dagim na waavicxwted In ftt. I>nuta
fbr many yaara, later gidng to tTiicago
to pnctlee. He la widely known amoiig
8l0.t>00.00 issue dated Aug. 8. 1891, dna
tboM iBtoTMtad In pbnohigy.
Aug 8. mi. Interest at 5 per cenL
r balance Bept. 1. 19 i
No need to suffer from hcaL
Don't let the air gel stagnant
752J1 89*oli^oJ^iae'dmed July 1. 1894. due
July 1. 1906. Intervat at S PM cmL
Otto of I
-^create a breere. Put m one
pay^le aeml-annually.
lt«w Tori
or more of our desk or ceiling
Estimated value of
ELBCnUC FANS in your ofand Grounds..................... 8140.080.00
6oe. store or home. AUofnew
Amount of cash on band Sep. T ^ ^
.♦ 1.400.00
••IWBBtnU IlM ««
of Aabn- Paid
vritoatooT. a J. Bi
In 1902..................
Paid apv-cial taarbera.
Coat of heating 8
rfood Paid uwchara* aatorlaa
«Bj. A. L. «*vlmt BI
ytar of 1901--02.
Mid loltobla aodloUto I tend to BocctTaaL^Bvnnixo.
tootoio Bltom tkoy oofod mt of
Hustling* EASY
-»-• JJ
martin & Goans
. . .. .
tui eui ttS!=^
%Zr:ts: —^
Dr.lman’s t- jissa.'sir "■ ‘
Pain Tablets
BNftoaii RtmElieliie
Uett Hi Pnw Cl
re. /msk m^aicne
TMVERSE emus tamn
0! I'nnouviiiii
JOHN R. SANTO ^sssxsixtsssr^
Primary acbool money..
Trmnafarred from «*U
.8 4.m.04
SSsSSt'-oSst Paid toAltor^ BDarimaN ncro-
FM on hand BapL 1.190. 28
ewrO wood at ISJO....
OFFICE: syMttr
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