The Evening Record, January 14, 1907

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The Evening Record, January 14, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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wttfaraoPRm mows




aiMi UmM lliw l«l« «»»• MMr M
•r • WMI
to Wto

i On

A)r Wlm to the KymObc ]

By Wire to the Dvenlag 1

m« tajurwl. two MrtcNntr. to • rwwr
•M eotttotow of • Mora ltoilU4 trmto
wrlUi 0 Woteok aprra at tbw Owe
IlMtofWd aa4 TwallU «tn«t enmtos
of dto Wootoni latftoaa traeki
floato OktaMO at lt:M tkim mm
Tfco eaoM of Uo aoektoat was XJU
fatlaia of Mgaal torfXow oa too
toaok to atiMa. A Pulbaaa <
aaaflit tra bat all tbo para
wm fwocoad. Soraral IqM Ibalr bar

Roosevelt haa Issued a message to the
senate to which he deSnro at length
hla aetkm to dtoaftaatag withmit I



fifth tolaatry. He tiamai
Taft s repon and the toedmony of
several wltneeem.or Brownavllle and
port Brown, photos of bulldlaga. tottera aad numerous other exhibits. He
detolla the varloos Crimea, in
dndtog the morder aad msapnlU
- hy lhe -mnhe,iof,Uie

Mte. William Kj Vanderbilt is
Ihi^itoatlc about her haahand a racing
aubto to Pranoo. aad to jobllant orer
tha fact that Mr. Vanderbilt haa tod
the worid as a winning owner of

By Wire to tha Byanlng Itscord.
Brooklyn. Jan. 14.^laadoro Bar.
kavits had aavarg canvulalena for
nina aiaatHa which guxzlad tha
doatara. hut an X.ray examination
r.vMM a rv'"***


By WArw la Iba Bralac Reoonl.
Port ttofaa. Mlcb.. Jaa. H.-WUI
laai MoniioiL a«od M. of Cimic. CAS STOVE WRECKED SATURDAY
MIrb. wa« ftoiad wandering In the
woodi near Sarnia, OaL He .had
walked Ito naioa from Mt. roreot.
Oat., and had oaton nothing for three
ftoja. Ha waa Ukao til at Mt. Tor
aal and hla oatployar laat money from
QtoAdi bat oartog to a wrong dlreetion THREE
It aerar raaohod him. Morriaon then
atartad to walk home and became un
raackma on the way.
tot Had CoHactad to tha Ovan Whai
the -Pilot-* Light Waa Blown Out
.-.Windows Warn Torn Out





Darlaraa Unleaa It to Provided for He
Will Talk flivaro and Harboro
SIM to Deat\

the Rvenlng Record.
Jan. 14.—Friend* of
the rtver* and harbor* bill are alarmed
by tha threat of Senator Hopktna of
IlMnoU to talk tha bUl to death naleaa
proTlaloa Ibr a daap waterway from
the lakaa to tha gulf to made. He aay*
the rallroada are not able to handle
the baalneaa of the growing middle
autca and Borthwaat,
Mr WIrol

I by 70IM100


Bj Wire to tha Kvenlng Record,
Paila An. H.—The mlntolr} of ptibllc inalroctlon of thto city haa notified
Mgr. Schroeder, bbhop of Tarbea, that
the govarnmenl wiu alexe the famous
0.060 pUgr


Slight Aocldant Dalayad Pare Marbwatto Traffic SaUirday Night.
As extra freight No, SOS waa comlag
north oa tha Pare Marqaatta Satnrd^
afteraoos at 4:3d. two coal cars wm
darallad at DobUa. Tha can want ot
to aaoh a maaaar that trafSc wag tied
ng for oareraL homa bM ao one waa

The goaUry Mww will ha haU to
the Haatamatall hoOding oa Froat
atreet The itm»i to not as tone as
can ha wtohad tor but the manage-


What might hare ^ a aerloua acrldenL moulted only In the blowing
cnit <»f a Urge window, the teftolng of
fbc, oren dcx»r* from a gas stove and
hrmiilng them against the opposite
wait Saturday'erenlgg mt the Bks*
cluiC P. B. ShlppacW and Martin
tK-bg1en were in the Idtchen where tfie
tent happened blit were no^ im
jured. The cause of the expiosloo was
iccumuiaiioo of yms In the orea
after the light had born blown out by
the closing of the door*.
Mr*. Shippacaaae had lighted the
41or light Ip the oven preparatory
to turning on the iar|» jet. He closed
the doors, hurriedly aiid thto probably
extiiigutohcd the s^ll light A
ent later, the wllole anpply that
to used to heating the torer was turned
on and the air-tight Chamber rapidly
with gas. Unaljle to stand the
preasure. the door* hurst from their
hinges and were badli broken against
the opposite wait imh games of a
large wtodow srere Mown out almost
as dean ns n tsarpen^ could do the
lob, Oae door waa open and the other
to on swing hinges or more damage
would probably have' resulted, Mr.
pacasse waa almist In line with
the doors and had they struck him,
broken bones would probably have re-


Magazine Subscriptions;
bm mad it will iBophB pmpi BttdBtkML

City Book Store
TU HobBTiOo. proiL

atoroen Waa Berved hy Mro. War­
ier and the Beeerwer FaHeek ef
the FIrot BeNd Feed to HornherefDaya


Phrmlngton. Mich. Jaa. 14-*T have
DO prepared speech, hut I wUl always
day the best I can and try to do the
right thing at the right tlme."
Wlth these words Frad M. Waroe

Thidia BoiBpwndiagqiMmtion,
for we M mBinc aodM loki
wmyrbemp. TbnmvwedoBoi
wiah to omny orar. Hmm
atrooR nninbdra Ikmt mold mU
Oioaoaraifor|lS5aod $1.35
aro BOW bniBB aoki I6r $1.00
Theme are the beat Rooda yon
have bed oltend yon mt this
prioe aud if yon DBBd nmder.
wear thto to yonr time.

the document, made the above ad
drees, kiss kto Utile daoghtor Helea
and the coromony was over. There
was scarcely a dry eye In the room.


The governor waa confined to his
This picture of King &lwnrB and bed to hla Fhrmlngton home, having
the dneheaa of Roxburgh, who waa
Mtoa May Goclet of New York, to part
ot a group pbuiographcd at a reccw was bfheved that be wouM not be
bouw party at Weeat Dean Park.
(C<«tlaoed on Thlid Page.)
EnglanU. When the guewt* posed for
the pictnre the American doebeas was
given the place of honor immediately
before the king.


Over 150 Said to Have Been Put to <
Death by Stolypin'e Court Martial
nn t-e Laat Three Months.

ins In the ftoee-*Rallraiid De­
nt Alee a PsMr-

By Wlro to the Bvenlng Record.
81. Petersburg. Jan. 14.—iHirlug the
past three months morc^han 150 boy*
and girls have been hanged hV the
court maittol Instituted hy M. Stolypto. Some were not mdre than W
yonr* old.


Barometer, fallinp. EM4.
Maxlnuim tempereturo for poet 24


Cloudy. Gentle west wind,



Pair exespt anew fhirrtos near
tlw lakeo; dscMsdly eoldtr tonight; Traday fair and colder;


Will pay Highest Cash prices for

Maple, Hemlock, Asb, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
( V,''''


SpeetoA to The Bvenlng Record.
Oolumboa. Oa.. Jan. 14 —Rlvaln be
eea the Urge ciUea of the ponth haa
increased greatly aince the census bu
report. Many aurprtoe. aro furnUhed
by the figure* showing the relative
progress of various localities.
In the southeastern aiale* Cohim.
bus. Aagusta. Macon. Birmingham.
Mobile. Montgomery and AUanU are
leading manufacturing < centers
lU. by rosaon of Its large poputattoB. Shows the torgest gross amount
In increased wage* and product, but
the race between the other cities i*
xceedlngly close, with Columbus to
the van. Thto Is noqounted fos by the
nocent extensive rpiirond development
in ^ immediate section, cheap and
bandant water power, and other Indnromenu offered to manufacturers
to 4oonte here. Columbus hai'the kdlal advantage of a navigable
From t^ census burean bulletin It
is shown that In the period between
1500 and 1505 the capital invested In
Cxilumboa Increased $1,144,017: wages
Increased $40$.754. The coat of matergal consumed in this city Incroaaed
•1.S17.412. while produ^on shows an
advance of moro than two mlUiooa.

N\’w classes Jnsi forming.


Witch Hazel Cream

Witch Hazel Cream

If you were going to
buy a pair of aboea and
you iboughtyou cx>ald rndve
fifty cento to one dollar on
them at a certain
store, would’ you not


Which Hazer
'Cream Violet

Special to the Bvenlng Record.
WalUa, Mich.. Jan. 14.—Sunday
while out hantlngViih two other boys.
Hendereon waa shot by one of
hi* compeakma. the charge taking ef­
fect In hta aide mad face. The other
boys. Ray Wolrol nod Mogo Weggnra.
claim n wns accidental. Heodereon
Six Badly Ugursd to a Csal Mii^ Ex* wlU live. The caee will be toveeUgtoaton Today.
By Wlro to the Brcohig Brad,
OUntou. lad.. Jna, 14.—Five persona
, mehilled 'andalxjbmUy tojnrodtoa
saa expOoMon to a enpj mine hero toDetroit Mich.. Jan. IC-WUlIaa
den Smith nddmned the Newsboy* nstkm tost night. He promised
cr them job. to Wimhingtaa. PCS.
sa M«MS In the senate.


Ten Dollar Suits.

George W. Miller, StSSS
Yoo CDB Bwc by
boyiDO from our
Bargate TBbles.
■1: ■ pZ
They,re o.ld sixes from
neweat and beat


Many$l Shoes, fSJff
$:t.50 Shoes for......$2.75
$3 and $3.50 Shoes ..$240

CKerpe Took Effect in Hie Bide end
Face Boy Claim it Waa

You Want to Look
at $10.00



Telephone-Cit. :i2. Bell 1C*J.

■ rmgIsB l■'^rlec froa S14 to SIS all so

Witch Hazel Cream
This preparation has
been on the jnaikct ju’^t
trifle over a year and it
is the
th largest selling preparation
tration of the kind in
Traverse City and The
Most Satisfactory'.

Traverse City Mfg. Co.

Dr«i< Store

$2.508hoet for.............. $140

Could be made of the host of
delighted housewifes and their
assistanu who Itave used our

Their commendations would fill a' col­
umn of this paper. If you are not a
user of Best Flour now, thb i* just a
hint to try a single sadct Th^ will
be the first of many.


& Lay Co.

r . -In Error Was Made

Q<« ilo%«?
BciniB toft coal, hard coal,
coke or wood vithoat dtm or
diK Md will boU fifc 3S
bow with toft coal.

. Sc

Co« U
joc the gr
the maiket

■idacHpUiM le tat mrnum •• pH# ■»
<aatf If fm Iwva aac yet aewaei eae)
yee are eatItiMl te eae free ef e««.

MoCrsapSiBemiJi^Swaeelemedta «taalas bis pcBK.
the proMcy cl .ihr^^R^^aie
CHp M mm of IB. dkroe
llaea. Wbod waa s^ wlcw proM•»Ck Mm rampiar wM
take la OBI
OBdlUae and Maaistee. from hsea they
Sbinaer'a baniaaa dtde aad a Bcsati
aad be#a flkroe 1
TbU fact, coopled with his long snd
wBI aepply tba Umw witb. dactrle
a Aad wot aa Idle wmm U to be

for die plaoe.
aal teat IM§.
Mr. Wood ha. been eoneed
the IMwasyHsaia for thlity
Dia. Pnrdy aad ISasoo bald a cr
as a halper te tbe «lyft eeTM« rANMCRT IWSTITUTt
tatlaa at Mr Shepard^ orer hia Mule
▲ atau tarmen laaUtwta wlU be boy who la oot expaetad to lira.
M4 la tlila city east weak aad It
Iklay I.
ihcwld ba lanaly attaodad aoi oaly dldbla to the
by tba fanaara but by Iba yaopla of
tba dty aa wan. Tbaaa laatitalaa aia
rraak Moote araat to Cadillac aad
iaaton. iaa. 11.
Q. Hand Horn la rtM
apaakata wbo baya gfvtw tbeir
Bert BdgeUfe dotag a lei of ea
jaet tba ttoat caraimi attmtlon
work at fata new feed.mlU theae daya.
atady aad the raaolt la that what they
Oeorge OenAat'a daoghter la
aay baa weight aad bMuing. The eick at proeeat.
fhrmer of today la aa Intolliffeot betnt
Superrladr Wlllla Wlghtamn w)
and baa need of hU latelUaeoca aa Cadillac loot ifeek attendiag the aeafannla* la a
aioa of the bodrd of ooperyiaora.
Mr. and Mra. Prank Wlghtman at­
Hi order to be a aaeeeaa today, the tended the Odd Fellows’ oupper
-famer moat bare a kaowledse of the Installation of ofacera at Monroe Owtacbakel aide of bla calllns. be neat Icr Botorday ereolng.
kbow the laa and outa. rmra the
Bchotd commenced Jan. $ In the
aore crowded natiooa thia cooniry la now school house with a large attendWerelac tbe art of iatenatye farmliui. anee.
aometbtBf that will be aypro
A. Jahraos of Trayeroe City waa a
sore la after yeara tbaa it U ec
caller here Jaa. W.
Lead la cheap la Nortbero MIc
Wniam Tool^y la quite sick.
at prroaat aad la plenty but It will not
G. A. BHdham la at Bmplio oa bim
alwaya bp ao jodalna by the rate In Inees.
wkk^ It la belny aeltled now. Whfm
X>r. Bagoa Is now located in bU new
ttw time tmea that land ca
suite of rooms over the bank.
kmier be eadly obtained, then the
Mrs. Dora Bell U vislUng her par­
man who baa learned to farm aclen ents. Mr. and Mrs. R Brigham.
tlbcany will be the one who will make
Tbe Social Hour clgb met at Mra.
-------a. A. Brlghom’a Jon. 10. Next meet­
The oominc Inatltute ud corn
ing at Mra .Otto Bardou'a Jan. 24 at 2
•bould be attended hr eyary
aroealro farmer la the Oraad Traeeiwc
Ralph nrigbom shipped two cars of
realon. They ehoold hHba »ole hooka potatoes Jan. 10.
with them aad aote down what they
think woQld be of yalae to them and
they will Had much of thla^

I pad among a R A L
It Is said that Ids efe-


Hhe postponed meeting of the Men’s
club of Grace church wUl be held to­
morrow evonlng at 8 o’clock st Stew­
art’s academy. This will be a social
eyealng and an InnoraUon will be introdoced aa instead of the asual vocal


eiaUatici rocenUy publiahcsl ahow
that the y. M. C. A. morement haa
made wooderfhl progHwa In the
UaltiMl Staton Howeyer.
City haa done nothing to .well
tncmberahlp total._________

Tonight at the Grand dpera house
the great Nelsoo-Gons fight lo moving
plctum. Remember this was
grrotest battle ever witnessed and vrui
•iminaas* Trip te CbIciMe and
win want to see that foul blow that
Nelson delivered In the forlywecond
found. All this can be aero at the
George Blue, assistant auperintcud- Grand tooli^t so be there. 11 will bo
eni of tbe Hadnah A Lay Mercantile just as real as life. '
company returned from a bualneas
Vr«wt« In Old
trip to Chicago snd Grand Rapids
n.'j.- * roctivl.r^ (V
Saturday where he bought furniture
mimrariU in
Luc! u.d. For
for the local store.
stains, tl'r
of H.e Itie>v«-nA'
Mr. Blue stated to as Brenlng Rec­
li nt --nn Mondnv. July
ord reporter this rooming that tbe r»». IIJ:.*, Ite’.rt n,I,|:,.J.>. tur ir.:ty..r
xvit f .r Hu* iiinl-lcs .Mild
twelve of !lh» nvfsi worlliv of onr «'om.
outlook of the brtghtcbL
• The msnnfactarers claim that the pn»iy tn hritar :it the fli*!Ull;s1l far
sales will be the largest ever.*’ said selMnc dear sle ,\fier innoli flitopulo
iil -uii ibe priiM* and (ju.nitlly of malt.
Mr. Blue.
the Into tu.nyiir.
Wherein l\*hltli
It Is said that there; were 1.400 bayers la Chicago last week and aboui
tile eoiiiitry nnd ffirestsllril the
2S0 In Grand Rapids. ThU week wiU Tiialt. to ralM* Its |'ri«v. they w* re eorbe the Mg oae In the latter city, how­ vlrN.1 111 the iicnjilty of L’jLi
ever. Tbete arc many nhw patterns whfclj ohi<vring to. the rnnhitern r\err
and finishes qu that market among nnl* ;«'.! to Ik* kept In pil-on In the
until they
which tbe old English and fumed oaks Hiamlwriain’s rii^ttMly
should fiiy It.”
seem to be Uvorltcm. There will be a
Knat deal of miaoion fanUturo oa
WATCH Jackson’s Candy window.
this year’s market. The price has ad­
vanced from I to 10 per cent.

will be rendered by a
Mn Grian^l
JJtP fWlowliw to the pntomm:
CM to ordw and other boihie
ttoir oiiMU. with C B; Weller.
of letter tram the Her. C.
T.-Wbut by a U Blwvd.
Iteadtopuia .doptlon orreralutloo.
»»he Compuiy M Experience.. I
Itowgrth Hale.
TaoMaule. with Leon F. Tltua.
Mrs. F. M,
of Angola. Ind..
AU membera are urged to be precent Is visiting her sister. Mrs. F. W. CarVeuns .Men ef .the First .Msthodltt aa dcacb member to privileged to In- vcr. of this dty.
Chureh Art tskleg an Intorost in
vtt* ooe friend.
Mrs. U Elliott returned to her home
Study ef tha Bible.
In Fife Lake this morqing after vlstt
Ing friends in the cUjr.
The young men*. Bible class of the
A. F. BriauKm left for Jennings
rind Methodist Bnadsy «^hool. but
this morning:
lUy organized la growing rapidly Ford A 6tifin Lumber Company
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. ^ch are rlslt
Alden Will Have a Large
much ialersst U belag ukeo in
Ing at Man^lon.
the werk by iu memliera. From a
Miss Mabel Adams of
yety amah beginning the class has
passed through U»e city today on her
Q uoUl about thirty are on the
Aldon. Mich,. Jan 14.—The F^rd A way to Petoakcf.
. and more are being added every
Martha Hall went to Keystone
cart of AldSB anA wUl cut 40.fM)0 this moroing.
Mr. Dutton has charge of the etmly
‘ Claud Pound of Trroory Is lo the
Id many good resons of his snd th.* lath. 20.G0© sBlnslee aad mpoo fact of
city the guest of Irvine Murray.
l«ys* lalxir are bioked for.
Mrs. C. Johnson left for Tbomimon
vine this morning.
s ill be ywtabHahed at AMen.
Mrs. Carrie Gibson wemt lo TIrand
Rapids far the day this morning
Armalrsnp Met Two Methodist
P. Minor loft for Birmingham,
iimsters Workkifi for Him and
B. M tUrllcld «f Buffalo. N. V.. wbo AMl. this morning where ho will look
An Application From a ’Third
I* maiMcer of Crystal Brock, one of tba ground over with the M.-a of local
thp beat known summer resorts In the Ing there.
Special to Tbe ^Ing Record.
rokt arrived in the city Saturday
Alden. Mich.. Jan. 14.—L. Armstrong
night and Is registered at the IMiitlng.
Of AMro has two ez-Mclhodlst
Mr. Garfield Is to direct “Mismated.”
prcBchers worklag for him. and ana local talent pUy for the Moccaboes
preachcr aaked for a job out at at the Qrasd Jan. 20.

the comps recently. Not much work
There will be on Eastern SUr party
being done on account of no onow
old one. since t’-ie eoacertinn dntes from
toiBorrow Mght to which aR members
tbe early lart ..f the list (ceutury.
and Mr. Annftroiig was told lo get
and all Masons and their wives are liF InvenMon was cn early Indisctetlon of
down on his knees and aak for snow.
vlted. Bach Star member U eoUUed Sir Charles Wheatstone of telegraph
He replied. ’T hare two preachers
to the privilege of bringing their beat fame, who took out a patent for It In
link for me now. and had an mp- friend.
whjeh aoibethe very year In whkh
pltcatioo from the third.”
The C. M. B, A. will hold meetings body tn VieoBfi Isvented Chet rtnillar
lB«traB»enL tbe act^ioo. The concer**Btlggins Is an extrmidy selfUsh on every aHalBate Tiiwdnjr. embroencing tomorrow eyealng. laataad of
••No.** answered the charltsbie perThevRov. Mr. Canby spoke to the
isn’t sHflsb. He U merely «
snbjerflve reasoner.
He cen t under High school paptts'st qkapel this to MHtoto wtUfcH Mn XDd bto coastaneV when he ha» nU the
top moroliic. kte ankjept heliM *4few to
krv and i«tc he wants, why etVi^ one Make Ufe CouBL- Miss Broker deli velse should not tw |ierfi»rtl.v haiipy.”

Hour. In the Snow Sot lo Neji*tho Worn for It.
-•"“IW Bnmn or nimoiiub«nr gmf
WrtS to o l«.b on the nl«» of JOn.
» MKl for twenty-four boun Mu, little
•nlauJ toy in tbe mow by It. mothor'.
■»««. Nolfbbore now- It and told Mr.
Bniltb wbo could not boUoeo (be itory
M tomblnc Umo com iUos, m April.
Bo ourted out to ooorvb. howwrer.snd
sfler a iaa« hunt found the mother
■and her oBaprln*. The lamb wa.
.€*rcd for sad towm. to U> atron, and
.bnnllbr danpito It. chilly reception
into the world.


••en or Frank bHltc ^ad LIttIt Feiglar
a The tafhat eoa of Frank sHne. k0»
iWeet Beooad etreet, died Balanlay
had waa borled thla memlar The
•ftaefal waa held fnaa the Church of
the Immaculate OoocepUon.
The faaccal of IRUe Fitdeilck Felft«r waa held from the home in Beat
Bay 7sM«(dAy mamiBC. H.U carter
had tAaipt of both funen



He was a sandy halted and luidtr
freckled youth, but be had matrlmoni
J. W. Jaektom ^
A. W.
B1 asplraiolns jurt the same, so be pro. S;L‘
st. ouibwa
pome to the m*M of hi. rbhice.
BoM & Mootw
-Ko. Jelm. there’s
A4 0onmA
bht replied. ”I’ra wimsg to marry.
- Bli rtghL but I want a man thatl all
•Dt color,-^^_________
mm Cor,*
Carod >
In •€ OiyB




Don’t Forget
tyhen thinking about preaents that a
tier, pretty shade, pocket fhuber and


Portable Table Lamps

F.O«to .

P. L. Bbntw

J. B. Paiffe Electric Co.

NoW is the Ttes to Bay
Aad hero it wheroyoa will find tbe «n.
»d tbe loweet prieee ia
Tbe following will (ficu yon an idea of tbe RTWt ndnetioo w
have made. Thero arc oaJyafew*away:
Laiv.' Arm Roeker. koMoo oak finiih. r.v-ular $3 ralne, at $1.48
flood Cobbler Seat Kocker. lofritlar $;1.50. now..........................J.88
Rocker like cut. tfoKlen oak, roll aent, nicx4y carveti,
always sold fof
now only.............................. ................. 3B5
Our 8i>cciiil $7 Rocker, ffoklen oak. wide arm. roll Beat, now :m
SesrifiK Ctmiro from Tmo up. Morris Obnini from 4.76 up.
AU other high grade Rockers Bold acoordin^y.

Your Credit Is Good
■I'V .
Your Reliable Furniiurc Store/

Granil Rapids Furniture - Co.

,127 & South Union Street


Tlie Hann^ & lay Merwitfihi fti.


WATCH Jackson's Candy window.

^ too mw* room.
ir yon mat • Booker,

____ "THE big; STOUt•■-Dealers ,in Evayiliin*


Tim Mu .ftnlcii Relurnj.,,,.
A few hundred dollars spent in our
Furniture Division. We jrtaraniec
the best of returns for the monpy in­
vested. If you haven't the hundred,
we’ll lake fust;
: a few plain dollars—
say $4.00 for a set of six ifood dininir
chairs, or
for a reed rocker, or
$7 75 for a ijood dining table-



of Rofckfefs.
ia^iiK worth,


Henator La»WieUe*a bill haa pi____
by an oyerwhclmln« ma)ot1ty. UmltIn* the railroad man'a working day to
alxteen hour, with ten boom teal before he can go to wotk bpUn.___
thla law been paaaad long ago and
atrlcOy enforced the number of
dmita now recorded would have
materially lew.

{ jl#^.SlAIEit

We tell these Biot^cm the
0M7 ppyweot

Some time Saturday, one i^ood opporiuniiy to get one of the biggest
bargains in Ladies’ Shoes ever ofsered.. A $3 50 Gray Bros. Dongola
Common Sense Shoe for $1.4S.

Kitchen Girl Wanted


A few rnm families to get^tarted on
the best Mocha and Java Coffee you
ever drank. The Yale at ^85c

pound, the. Monarch at 40c.




to look over our slock of tinware
and aluminum goods and tell her
mistress how many things are needed
to make the work easier. Flour
sifter, cookie cutter, dish cleaner,
stirring spooo and^a host of money

TO EENT-For aftenooti kerns and oveoing
Koeptioiis, Bherbel glasBes, punch bbwl,
nmo^n cups, sanoots and plates and
folding chaiia at very littin expense,


FOR SALE-Hundreds of tbe very-lateM '
$1.60 oop^hl-steriei for 60c. fie^ irf
good clear type, fineat of
m BOYS WANTED~To boy sUteB, while

rANnB-U,SSB or mon^ pmle to waib
^t^Adqr rotb teepMmt » mmp,
Stx^ kinds lo select bom. Sobs oood
kinds sro two
for a nic]

dreoo ^ ^ ^





rnm not

iiiiKnrtia. mi u»
Aim M (W poranMT MM tM
ft MM UM M MiM/tM M

OafMI ^
FVa Laka^av takaa aa back
foraba "W#d aad Wooly Waoc.- Wa'ra
tt! fa Iba paai «a baat baaa a little

, ‘

3 tMMatMMtf fm

JWM M# o« tkm i


Mr MortUL Md too mIM kf
Vratarr r»k a Ml M Mrm.


W«fiMC. Afl.*r • hrW rlMi la tlo par
iSms Mrs aulrf Iba gaott wof
^Mtrad tfl til# aarerM * M Horn

«: tJr tr

JUMMM Harry Mt-

;W M CMMM aMf ripAllr—
wltraa: Harry CMaa af M
pr^ jNi|itli ar MM. Mo. Waraar
i aa4 Afi^raa, aM Mak t Naal.

mtnj tiwM that anemL It's
aold UMt OM box won't
cMwtinly.OwMtml ,

Uaatfan-aar iaar-Tbaa far ana-la <
arrafU aad back aHaiS M ablal
kalraa aad rtaacbad fata dM aoi aa
tobo M tba city ball bm Satoria^
to tmatr h- Bat aoar we pron
Igbf. All aatkmaUtma wora rapre
aad poiat to tba fan that
Mitad aad tba frugmaota of many dif
■a Mat veak paraiad oar alia
rreat dialacu wara beard aa goo<
attb a matrar ta aaeb haad aai <
lai to kaav Pby? Tba HIM rtabaa wara aitendad to him.
Dewpite tba abortaeas of tba aotiet
empMMIy ootaai.^a aaparM
»a Matlar aai aia^od aad tlie rhicb praawitad maay of bM out o
paaMfaUr repoa<^ brtveea ^
ra or Ua boaka. Tba gi
tan adar a«i n
■nnly drore away, aan
froai tbHr bldMf pMcea. bualaaia wm «M4 oataM. la tb« «M m Um> Mi
roor pn
Dod Md the lacUleat Hoaad^
Ml warw dataile^to pn
nre l>ike MoaKor.
r but Ibey wH^notncMari

7 II m tW^Mmar'a wIMi'tliat hla
yam Mia MM t» prmmi aai

r af Oapabk Lakt

tba valU at iba moai aai a boat
«mtbaimia fcalbamut.
Lydia J. Fklmer of OopaMc take.
i *^Wiil. I an raaily to taka tlia oath.
ilea rary lU at
OMtrga.:* apoka tba goaanMir. braaklag
Iba slUnaa. aa ha addraaaai tha i
oa North Horace atreet. thia city
Ir Hark.
la anffertag froin aathna aad hefiri
AitraaHag to tba baai of tba bad.
Je Her buabapd dl
iTbara Oetranwr Waraar aat wftb ap>
vbere tbay arilred New YMr'a
lalarai tba oatb. at tha Hoaa of vbtab aigbt. He atm remalna to bHp take
•Iba abiaf ataevtlra aald. -| do,- aad
of hla mother The oldeat acn |.
jiffoad a aopy of tba oatb to ba flla.1 aim at homo up north. An only
With tW aarraury of auta.
daughter. Ihring la Grand Raplda. baa
. -Thao, iharil do for two loora been aent for aa It tt doubtful If abr
Toara.- aaHalmad lha poranior aa br will lire until moruing.
baolload cn tba bad.
Her former borne wma In OooporaCVniraaaiaaa Bmitb waa tba brat to rule. Near Orand Rapfda.
roagratoiata Oovaraor Waraar. bat laIra load from abaktnf bli band. aaHiK
Oaei flaaia luatituta.
that ha dtd Ml artab to lira him.
The oouDty road Inatltnte for Omad
arlahad a apaady raoorery to haaltb
rarerae county win be held at Tnr.
and proeaadad to Ma tba roon.
rae City on Jan. 23. beginning at 10
^ Ha via baaM off by Mra. Waraar. a. w.
arho aald that tba foyaraor daaJrad
Highway commiaalonera la nttepdparty to auy aad tuaeb with
ance will recHre their
day-a pay. Every
in the oueitloQ of good foada ta Mltbmmor Wamar partook of tba ally Invited to attend. The aeaa
^laada with tba ml aad ba ata will be held la the oourt booae.
Mrtlly. maaitbiff that tbia waa
Yoort eeiy truly.

•boat Iba iral aMM food ba had aatan
Maoa babif ukaa airk.
bbla to pat to Uattag rrllbla tba
fwaaty^lay Unit ffaad by ta».

Hofptlo a Barte,
State Highway Oommlaalone
fflOOffO WANT AM. ffAY.

The fifth annual meeting .'of the
Northern Michigan Poultry At»ociation will be held in the Heulmantell
building. , 2IU E«.t Front afreet.

Aldfw Ifl bHd by tM
oma Hty and It li
I* la aooUiar pubUf
more lovad, truetH

than Wirnm Alda«


Took Firgt |a Wiacauain Laat Yaai
and ffipHt out af ffltaeo ffM
Ware Cllpibit ta Flnt.

lfr». V. Stawirt of tble Hly bai
>ma cbickanii of which ebr I* vcr.«
proud and It U vary llkaly that rIk
will antar tbam In lha local poultr)
^btnr although tha flock thin year l»
not In aa good mndition aa laat year
IjkMi January Mra. SU^wart anleratJ
bam In the -WUconaln ahow at 0»h
koab and out of tba two cockarala. oar
. flva pullaU and thraa hana an
larad. aUht of tba birda racalvad ovai
PO. thus baJng allgibla to tba Aral
prira and tba otbar thraa wara all
allgibla to tba aacond prtaa. tha low
aat balng 8*. Tha birda wara cut
laat on weight. Iha>* being ^uni
for thair data. CharloR McClava wai
eochina and eounting bar potnta at
tha Wlaconalu abow Mra. Stawart war
ahead of axhibltom in Iowa. Indiana
MaaaarhuM'lta. Sba racalved on
aitrm pramium for Iba baai dlnpluv
lady and ona for par
the blfY*. »»nc hen having
Mra. fitawart alM> received aavara
priran nt tha Wlaconaln aUta fair.


The South Slda Lumbar company
haa fllad a bill a compUInt against
thair atloroay. W. P. Crotaer. A dfI* a«kad to anabla them to aaiU^
fy a Han which tbay hold againat a
hooae built by Mra. Pierre. ^Tba otbar
dafandanta ara the Traverae City

Jan. 22, 23, 24, 25.

Laat year more than 100 bird* were on exhibition,
and.from preaent indicationi there will be
a larger number at the coming
meeting and the stock will
• '
be of a highergrade.'
j -^^ ^

T. W. McKenzie

.of Concoi^. Mich, one of the
best chicken expeitt io the atate,
■' v\ ; ,
has been aecured to
^udge the birda.



Cash and Ribbon Awai^
Peraona with fancy stock are urged
to place the same on exhibition.



fallen Into oCbar bnnAa. It la not Mat
to commerea. It U not tbna, boworei,
wben a fflnmM bnffly m for agnmpM, telM m ibo gnmnd. At Mam nw
M It bo of aMe ooBriently iu^ortnnt to amort attontlon oSa moat too
tbeto la little ebanro of Ita bHmr anyad.
In tbo city It gom dlfwrtly into tW
gutter aad thence to the oawer. • In tba
cotmtry, on tbr main rand, it breoM
coracad up by the pabMaa and aanb
Ibat are adrrad up by vabk^ and pe^
Aaatrtaua One ma feH aura In thia
cane tba goma are Mat to tbe world and
wttl oarer return to uarfulMna.
But. one will any. we are sUll far
from tbe U par cent glrcn aa tba ac^
tual kma of dMuianda. Tbera are. after

Roealpts at tbo maikat wort Hgbt
Batmday, only R fo« Mads of bay
FOlffkafl. An wo pMlctod a fOw
Aaym ago that If tbe warm waaibar
kept np l|na wmaM ba anppoaod to do
tbair daty ’gpd pnt Mco opg* no tbe
•nrkot, boa Iw-a 4oaaa«ro cnom trwo
aa tbe rao^a Baturdoy wnro awro

calved M pat to affoct tba price doalers Aiy not ablpping ta nearty ao many
and aomo report enough to aupply
thair trade.
Tba pcMato outlook In ootaida mar j
kata U a little brighter. This is attributed. bowarar, to tbe tact that bad
roads have kept back the hauUng and
dealam not eaiteg to taka stock from
warabouaaa baa made tbe rtee^pla a
little lighter but It does not make the
advance If any. aeaytblng var pnmils

Oota. par
Floar, H, L. A Oo.'a BaoL b«. 4.50
Oun maaL per 100 Iba....... L. l.»


Ortory, Migo aucka,,....
Loctoca, por 1b..
Oraogoa. per
mary. par lb....3



“«*• pe,


The monthly crqp report, lasoed hy
the aMtotar> of aula.^aa>w:
•The tempeniitire during Decamlier.
■ ”V*
Wording to the Michigan atate
waaibei bureau, was below tha normal
aa tboae occurring In Urea. aMp- In tbo upper pensInsTiU. nortbera and
wrreka. ate. Again, tbera are paraooa central count U s. slightly above in the
wbo exprma In ibalr wllla tbe formal aoNilbem counties and 0.4 dbgrcN'a
dewirc to be decorated with thair jowSome tlim^ ngo the mlafortunaa of oU wben dead. Thia U matomary la
the Rf^laakl family were pubHahad
All tbeoa cauaea explain anally bow
in tha Bvenlng Record and the atary
waa widely rand. The man with neariy a aixtb of tba diamonda can
complafrty diaappaar.
whom tim woman cm to tbfa <
U tbia reckoolsig are not compnted
try waa almply daalgnatad aa a prleat tbe loaaeo arialng frum racuttlag. The Jury.from any cauwr
and the natural inrerence waa that he apUntMod frmgmenu and places are onis In lha staia nnswaivd y«-s' and
waa of the Roman church and by hU aanicenble still In Some way or other 4KH no.- and In answer m iho quen
actUma had brt*keo the moat aacrrd Wa do not admit Sort, black diamonda lion. Has the ground hejsn well cn.v
vnwjD—the prb^au of the Roman aad diamonda uaed in tha loduatrlaa. eitil with anow daring IVacamU rr 12K
church liHng callbatea. However, It but refer only to gem gualltlca.
Ccrn«K|Mmd4MJts answer 'yt-n' and 5s 1
One might mantloo tbe 25 pfr cant
deralopaa that, Reglnaki waa a prloai
Indicated by tbe loos on roar cut atooaa.
of tha Riiaaian church and waa
“The total numitcr of hiishels of
or all Btouoa tbaoe roaeo abow
bound by an oath of callliacy.
wheat marketed hy farmers in IkcNUii
greatest loaa.-Boaton Herald.
In Ruaala. the priaata of lha lower
IKT nt 132 flmiring mills Ik 'i»K.229 «nd
claaa are urged to marry and i
At W alevatom and lo grain do
Tba UmI ainiw.
of them do. However, when they lake
A certain small boy much given to 122.R10. or a total of .121.059 hus
a wife theyfiwfHt all Ibeir hf>pea for ponctuadng bis remarks w ith tba In- Of this amount 2.H.R91 bushels
wupylng poaltkma of church dlgnl*: tarragntloo point rather exceeded
marketed In the stmt hem four Hers of
tarlai* an a amrrlud man cannot ad> aalf tbe other day. All murulog
counties. 74.M*,<; In the caniml <
vance farther than the parish prjaat aU aftemooo did be keep up a steady lies and 14.1U2 In the nonhein t
hood, all the higher church offioerM. Arc of questions. If It wasu t “Why tics. The estimated total nnrote
the blahopa aad olheW t>eing ca1ll»ate«. does tba wind blowr It was •'Whal bushels of wheal marketed In the live
makes tbe leaves greaur* or “How
the right iuii.l.htneut U gmcrally afl.
ReginakI waa of the lower claaa and many drops of water ara there In tbe months, August llecerolHT. Is 5
lulnUtcred.-^Irsnge Tribune.
bad the woman been free, could have
ir At Ust hU iMior. loug suffermarried her.
log 1 Dotber ixmld stand It no
The family waa at Elk Rapida aome and J
rtly before dlnuar abe hustMd
Thsis quotations art carefully
1 bad aud told bliu to stay
time and the children ware aent to the bim off to
rected every day. The local market
carry goods
If of
orplmn s home In Grand Rapida by tha
from <me season to another. F<irm«»r
roublaaoma habit of ask­ pricet are supplied hy local dealers. prices ll.Ko to 16. now M-lUng for II
Rev. Father Fauclar. The orpban’a
The nutelde quoutiona by wire, not to $.1 Best ones will go fliwt.
home In Grand Rapida la a Roman
clipped frmu other papers
probed and tbe Imuse quiet
trs of the preMISrt (\ I*. Mrf'<K)U
Catholic inatitutloo but It makea no began to repent. How rroaa abe bad
Jan 12 21
difference whether tba children aaak> liaen, bow Imimtleut and bow uuwloe
ing admittance are Protaaianta or
y It waa to thus check By Wre to The Evening Record.
membera of tba Or^ or Ruaalan
of tbe <-hlldlab mind for
D« imlt. Jsn. 14.-Wheal-.No. 2 nsl.
churcbea. .the fact that they are or useful knowledge: Here was thU 7Cc: com. 44^c; oats. 28r.
growing latallact. esger to reach
phnna opening the doom of the InatlChicago. Jah. 14—Wheal-May.
J gmsp whatever was of luler- 7C4r; corn, 43^ : oats. 3C%r
5 value, aud here was she. to
Tolcd<». O. Jan. 14.—Wkeai—rash.
whose charge that .ruuug lutelhi i bad
7Cc; ci,rn. i7,\^c: oats, 27HtC.
R. J. Riinkroau of Old Mlaaibn waa liean committed, shlrklnr her duty. At
East Buffalo. Jan. 14—Catlle—'..250;
this atsge In her refle<-tloiui tbe motbar
in the city today.
choice stf»ck active, others l«r lower;
John Swuney of Old Miaaion waa In
loM bim that he waau't su<-h ) choice steers. >5.054^6;
Itor, after aR and that If b •dwiw. $5.l5fi5JiO; heifers. |4.2.'.ffr.;
Mra. Pater Duant of Old Mtaalon bad an.v more questloos to ask ah
s. I3 25G4 50: Stockers and fe«-d
came In cm tha auga thia morning.
would do her hast to answer then eiw. |2.25<i4.15. Sheep and tambsMra. Jotieph Omior ratunuHl thia “AH rifbt.“ repfied tbe little bo}
27.««l; active: lasohs. 15c lower;
morning from Old MUaion. where ahe “Mamma, bow far can a cat apltr
choice - lambs. |7.75fi7,9h; yearlings.
baa bean vlaltlng.
The Boraeee MalAoM* Ftoyer.
Fred l^ivtla returned from Old Mia
ewes. |5G5.25. Hogs—H.hOO: active;
aloo thia morning.
tba pagodas Watch tbam aa tbay gllda Yorkers. 16.70© 6 75; pigs. |6 90in:
I. Ball of Elk Rapida waa in the up the marlde stairs to the great gold- mlxTHlfl |6 70©C.75; hmvy. |C.60fiC.Tu
rity iCKla}.
FOUND-Fur rot
Owner call at
Their little bare fart flat
W,s-em rnlon.
J. B.BrowTi of the Haunoh A iJiy ter In aandals of green and amber.
•ve pr«>pcrty and
pay fqr this adv.
Mercantile evampany haa i
to Tif Can yon Imagloe these aonny. smiling
Jan 14 U
Vmpha going lo the temple to |wmy
fln. Ohio, for a abort vlall.
that In tbe nagt tranamigratlou Ibey
WANTEO-Bell u.y al Park Hace
may be mere man? Yertanrh U tbe
n*conim»»ndTOMC.HT at the Grand opera houae pcrrarslly of feminine viatura. For
•••» J«n 14 21
nana-NVIaon light in nioting plctur**.thia they pray oa ferveoUy aa they
Prlc«*a 25. .15 and^50 centa.
love. Follow them ui> the marble
WANTEO-25 teams. Ired road. Iiest
ateiMi. paat tbe grinning monsters of
of wag«>s. J< rry Sullivan. OAdar.
atone that gi
Jan 14 If
rows of stalls
This evening Traverse Ray lent. No. offerings of roses, taiwrs of beeswax
MS. and Traversa Bay hive. No. Tl.
sill hold a jolnl Installation of of up the marble steps to tba broad white
platform of ahrtnes wbara cruas lagged
leers, followed ky banquet. All memmarhla and
iHTs arc raquaated lo be prcacni.
A mnrriage Ucauaa was granted to these divinities of tbe earth km-eling
hlermnn Stalnmuller and MlIHc Krlser at their fret with uplifted

Crowned with triple miter, a conateUa
Tbe tmvallng men did not complete
Thia is fbe store that elves Beal
hair organization Satuiday but will;
*■oMru belt, tbal It^le lod
. Wem
tminkle In'ibe .luillsbt. uprluc* rron
lo so at tbe end of this week.
i»agoNearly all seating apace was ocenda, 8bwe Hagoo. tbe aou) of a peo|
tied at tbe Christian church las* Cklcago Tribune
tight. The Rev. J. A. CSanby apcAe on
he “Necrairtty and Nature of thf New
ralliaa'latw Bale la Air.
link," Many remained for the bapOne of tbe strange experiences of
iamal aemlce. The subject for lo- balkwoltt la that of faUlug Into “a hole
ilght Is “How to Receive the Holy In the nlr.“ w hich Mr. Rolker reports
tplrlT.“. The primary chorus wiir fur aa follows; “Ho you continue
ilsh the special musical number to^ enjoying tbe present wltb little
of tbe atnrtling surprisss that may be
.l«h, .t 7:»; ^
before jrott. Ahead of you. Abseen. may
Tb«. ladl|p at tbe FnabnerUn be what tbe balloouMt calla a bole In
bun* ud CMcrecaUM viil bold . the atr.* rssembUag itbe vortex of k
pedal baslaeos meeting Tueaday at maelstrom, and down thia you may llt_ In black*. Jirays and fancy mixuire*. • ' ?•;
t o'cloek In the church parlors for thei erally fal/ st a rate which Is terrifying
lecUon of ofllcers of tbe aid sodety
sscrtflcMg two or three bar
Style* in thUneason* box and
,nd plan, for the yeur
yenr. K potiuck suiv!
seams, form fitting.
►er will be aened t..•*e‘
Indies will bring knife, fork nnd napkill. A fTM-wlIl oB.r1ns wtH b. i..
wnew Dw«e were cwoKm.
There was a Ume.“ said the anil8p«Ml
quartan, “when dogs M our mualMg
fur uu-qt Mat
kspC the aekt


Suit Hat Been tuned Againat Mra.
Agnaa Fierce at al. by South
tide Lumbar Campany.

Traverse City, Mich.

can place nt SS pw mt tbe StamMAa
tbnt M Mngnr batong naybagy. PM
•r all. anya Le DUmnut. what So wo
m«nbyioftdlnaMiMa} WbMaomwo

. Tha former fumlahad a part of
uatarial for tha dwelling on con
tract and Mr. Hcoit did lha Wk. The
South Slda cpmpany furwl.hisl lath.
»hlngla». caiilngR. ata.. to tha amount
of lUk.70 which they a^k for with tnIrraat at U per cam.

Many Were Freeent at the Meeting
Saturday—Work War Done by the
Old Mleaion Team.
Tha annual Inatallation of grange
cifScara waa hHd Saturday afternoon
at Grange hall on Caaa atreat. ibaie
hHng a large number of membara
praM^nt A^noon tha grange aat down
to a btaurnmil dinner and after that
waa concluded the work began, tba
Old Mlaaloa team acting aa InaulDng
oCScara. During the meeting the raport or lha aute grange waa given by
Iba dHegaiea. mV. and >^ra. Wlllowby

8TKBKT HATS at vary
coinceaakma. aa wa do not carrj

4. we

ng for II
118 K. PRO.VT.


... *«»•'»


$10 values at $6.90
$12 values at $8.90
$17 and $20 values al $li;99


Mr And Mrs. Thomas Bstuu of Poo-

IM UNMI be aieue uol Uler lhau
le a. Hk. Jaa. tt.


rsee llieae vatoes.** You will
. . not look iarmer.

25?^ ijrSaiir JSTwe*^


Oelieral Rdmission, - lOcmiu




-5 .






be locRl dieteBeof the mucoBt
■WBbiaM ef aeee e»d thraet
end speech.
Hive yon tried iPAXTINB
Applied viA sn etoeOier it

tbe dty darn report as bolA

a^ rrtday for Mr. 48ealaa. Mr.
Soalaa aad faaslly are gdag to more

lU dty dark aetlM tbe naoDcn

TramaaOtiL Mn, Jam. t« tMT.
To tbe Howmble. tbe Mbfor aad tbe





tioa end removei rH odor of
CRtRnh. Pkxtine ii the heel
nod noit euoceMful Rotiseptk
ever diicovered. i
• Tty it on oor purantee.
TMt JOHNeoN Muo oa

weak a^ bate beam maktag anas#
tywibaUaJima.|bcy nmfroaiPmsob
to Biagbam la esacily five mtaatre.
m hcglaatag to arrive at the
mm aad H WQI alan wp ahoet Mareb
ttib. wttb abaat 8 tour dittkm ost.
Mias Peart Ortamre bee beea visit
tog |llsa MBBBa Obertto last week. Special to Tbe Mvealag ilecoed.
MIsa Orttoari Is ^ Au Qiea.
A aarprtoe party was given oa Mrs.
•cmlea and family Tburedsy eveabNI.
Lag H«al bualneas la town TaaaEeTreahmcats were eenred and merT
oae bad a very enjoyable iHm- iir.
Mr*. Umi Ackermaa to oouflaed to
Soules was
thr biuiae by a aevpre attack of
Tbe Lady Maccabees are gulag to
^e^a peoay auclal in tbeir baU TneeCTly »«»
BmUh rerelfeil a brtdten rib
tDwii rtUay.
and a fractured colkar boae by allow.


or Aaun deued la comaTriiber oT eowa la aa«4 dalrlee-1
Namber ef dairtea daHsJ la dty-


1 base taotad 19 Marptea «C asilk
whtcM baeepU baea Pd ba tbe stand.
ard reoBlreC <

or tli« Ctty CMHMil «r tiM city w
TrM«« C%. MlfMciil.
loritoCMf OMKii

^ sr^^^'sss&sirr.rt


t! itSrT" ***^
I ttik-CUHO, htr4W,


tbat «• rwombMid IMt Ibe city »e


Miliar tkM IW
n«r sMaUM U a


Moved lyUrdte mS^mSSlS^'hj
Bdmer tbat tbsMBw be iwadead aad


reH»«. IV-tV •? Itmewm.
Th?' fiT»f a gw.ifi »rf raxare k> dfl
leat© tb»t rivo tbf tomoos Daamaciix
•word blades ransv4 cwu-^1 Umsu to
Aajtare. It li iwl V'*» n4U.v Luoum that
tbf grato of a Hucsl.di raror U so aan
altlrr that its gtocrsl tllrtitUm Is
rtmugi'd aft»*r a short nTVli'e. When
you buy a One raxiir tbe grains ran
Clem tbe upper eotl ef tbe outer pelat


. tb« Maybr ibuS 1
■ City. Mlciilciui:

a. waurftwte

fSUiX-s?-i4S:r . ,^SJS4-£S.*SS.“^
iMtfMirmli)* %ofty io ivpalr iby buUd*


• SMJi
oAeca. Doc^

TrmvarM City. Itleh, J«b. S. 19M.
To fb« tluttuTBlilB.
Mvor M Ui«



«" “.sr£';'~ -

HoMrbMe. tbe Mayor aad Um>
pd Trmfme CUy. MIcbtaMi:
teatloibM-tiM m. A.TTwal


.To ibv HoMbbla. Ue Mayor and the
aty at Tmwaa 6ty« MIebigan:

..... V*'

...... •:...

' alloved out «r tba aareral funds ms

m betng do obiMtlon the aam

beat IPad............ .



Mi be rahatadl . rrm*k BrooktMqrer
ftir y«ar im. be.

LU vblcb
j^of $bU
I reeammen

d tfrearee OKy, MMAMm:


Horad by mU
UuMt Chat tiM m.M( b* Moi

Murebie that Ibe «
U. tb» dalJiia Mil]
ee and rity atlomey.

Trayeme City. Mlcb.. lam. 4. 1897.'
7>e tbe Howmbbia, tbe Mayer aad tbe

Reapanfulty aubmlited

caoUy bM 4i»ioi br Ar»,



vawrb r (VHR 0R.

SSlmntlnr^ml^ J



ill drag the grain outward from Che
edge, so that after steady aae for aereral tnoolba tbs fiber ©f tbe steel o


tbM wh3i^It Old on tbe day ef par.
w proeees
proeaas also affects tbe
temper of the
tbe blsde. and when tbe
grain seta from tbe lower outer jtolata
toward the back you bare
wbkb caaaol bo kept la eoedl


e anathar cadeae freak tbat wUl
take pladb to tbe eame tool: If you
two aad taka It ap you will find tbat
tbe grain has aaeumed Its first iiositlua.
e operatloo can be repeeled uotU the
el le worn thnoogli to tbe back.-



have been filed by the 5!hp
Trunk eewer dUt No. 9 .. 91»‘s37
Life Insurance company r<
sewer diet. Na 1 ..
15159 a 48-stoir
building on tbe site of Dr.
H. Parkhuiwt’s old church.
fl.52S.8C Charles
picture shows the height of the
945.141.92 The
building In coiupsilson with other
buildings which rank as the highest
........ 944.fll.99 In the city. It will l»e G1K»H feel high
from the fuundstkm.



lot* W. oak HfdchU

same ba ftcurrd nccordln* to above
Aama bbd baUuoe over be refaaded.
U K. Clevalaad.
Bopertlsor Wfth Wanl.
Tbore belag »o objeetloo the same
van referrtd to Iha oommittee on
elalns and acronnu and erty attorney city
Tramae Ckr, Mk^. Dec. IS, IMd
To tbe Honorable, tbe Mayor and the
nty of .ravorae City, Mteblgaa:
K44-Oeotloroeo—libt 40, Bkmk 1 of
47. 41 and 4f and ahoald have bees
assmed In one deacrtpUoa. I ro
mend that >a.41 auihiner Ux aod1




'obiwts and dty attorney.
Traverse Oiy, Mleh.. Jan 7. iao7.
lC4&-Mr. Tracy H. Oillls. City Clerk.
Clty—Uear sir: Kncloaed And bUU
a Dr.
Albert H. lioUldi
iP«tleely. for post: mo
mortem examlimtloa of


Moos, chairman of tbe water
tteb made a verbal report rela
live to the claim of C. U Miller In
effect tbat tbe oommittee was not
ready to make their final ^report.
i] to the Bvenlog Becord.
C. D. MUIer now took oooaakm to
sen City. Jsn. 14.—Miss Vemie
explain his hm.
ie Is staying with her. teacher.
Moved by Shnter and supported by Mias 8ad|e Ilrewer, over
Palmer that the Board of Public
Several Maccsb€'<*s of C<
tendiMl lodge here last Saturday.
seems t*» be the style to have
ribs. coUar bones and shoulders hurl.
Jim Coyne is just recovering from
bis Injuries. Word was later reeved
d by Pain
that Ralph Simons of Copemlah. for­
Lardie that tbe ooaacU adjoara.
merly of thia place, had throe ribs
broken, tbe result u
T. H. OILU8. City Clerk.
Tuesday night word
imay wll
sh and '
thrown from the
Barty BaUard. who maay yaem ago
Brad to a aamll town la andbata Vap
I fa. had II

Dated for bif
Rod collar boBc and .hoiild.T Injared.
bead tottota. aaady wU ami ramarkabto II I. faotK'd that fal» recorerr
faeUUy tor cgtampace ritymtog. \Tblto speedy.
be waa aittlag oaa day in tbe vTlllago
Tho young folks enjoyed
•tore of wha| Is now s part of 1
Lime Saturday night, at a d
he.Maccsbc*' hall. As wo have good
we can have a dance
I wky be were mns

by the board of sti(ienrlsars
taaaon that the poat mortem was not
Aeamed aeeessary by the eoroaer In
blteadama, bat was bald at tbe rebueat of the mayor and elty attnrDey.

hor train In Copemlsh i
*iODam ame.« aaVS the merchant
tosaka at 0 xhjma oa t bad bat, kml ]
Wttl girt yoa tbe beat 1 bare la my In Platle. Sunday, after m two wed
•torsL* IMMrtty Baity threw tba aM visit at home.
Ctond Bf*tty. of Copemi^; was


'iJsyt:s?raL«R. iS2SlsSr:“

Mov«l 4ty Moon and aupported by
iJirdle that tbe commaalcatkia be le^
ct^eed aad placed oa ftle.
ftaperte ef Committeea.
Travmae «ty. Mldu Jaa. 7. 1007. .
To the Hoaorabla. the Mayor and the
tee oa a
Anna for 500 feet of tatake |


are as folio
IfeK of steel
pipe. S IS In. thick.
AaagM and bolta, t o. b, Trmyeree City
AlAID. also 500 feet of Intake pipe
«d No. 10 gaage. steel withoat Asn
bat with the necessary riveU for <
lions. 11.051. f.
arse Oly. W© wou
that tbe toot offer be aocepleA


Ho, Moor >■« ■■imrM by W. K. caldwan.wagtaaer..
ItmiR V>U Dm nwrt b* Roewtnd

Kim*. lliMt*l». Hrimnr.


J. B. Martta. begltb oMear

' £«*pr3*3Mt^armat ?

Tbwaew batmaawitodmbttodriy
aom wad BactpMia 4t oB to titomph.
aylag. *fii*t-a paar bead tbat caa*t

Joase Lynch WiilUma.



-Buck up.- said Mr. WlllJama -Von

Art your, cMldrwi thta,

vnioL u ekrt «Kii chfl-

rm need, it andEBs than
■tieSg. rebut ead tocy.
That*t iMciiise TSaol cm.
taiu «1 the seedkint «ai
etre^ mdUae cbbente
ef cet imr wf.rau asa
fteeif «Me>J^ tStpi9»:


THE jtMNiMi dSue «a ^

Brine Carr was UrtaJly
deatroywd by Art- TOeadsy murolag.
The origin of tbe «rv which orrurrsd
at aboat ten o'clork was caused by
tbe esidoalaa of a oust stove. Sothlng
was aased vaonpt on© rotkt r and a
baby cab. No insurance.
The six BMiBthM old Usby of John
Bradkiey died We<|A<wday momUtg
of pnwBiDMila aad was burled from
the Copgiwgatkmal phurob this afler

The Ouagragaitoopl
wlety bsOd tbrlr aaunal moeting at>
of Mrs. A. Hrrren. Thura. "
day and
fleeted for tbe year,
AfHT the electloa the boetoae eerred
s dainty
dslaty luach.
v .jw
------------- 1-------- '
. Might ead va Mtoa
Tbe majority .»f bnmsa
erclee tbe right side of tbe Usly taorw
coastantty than the left, antt In roaseaanwe ft Is soiwHer to strength. It
would tw tar better If bath aides ef
tbe body worked tstoaliy. and If the
KaUt eC natog tbe left arm and tbe
left leg as wedlly as tbe right to
formed In chlklbpod Ibe |diy.Uwl
stnrmri^ill uot onjif b«‘ r^l\u^ but

Is adi^owled^^ be tbe most sneCMMsful remedy In ihfc country for
tboae painful ailmeoU prcuUar to
**K? more than 10 years it haa
wo curing Famale Complatota.


W«to«idv «nUn*
Mrs. 1. J. guick U able to be oat
after bHng nmtaed to tbe


So. ITnlon^Bt Bx. Imp faad.
Caaa St^. Imp. faad ....
aad Ooanty read ....

or. to 1141. Oi......................


Lr usTwf

-kaood gracMosr said I. Tiaw ^
ymiiiiaitoge ItY B-^.7t takes me i

ar. w.
Rf im»rt.
Ti, «j»'WivnewrR v«fy m
- - - - eechiai. SM-VMUftWbalb’RHbtaBaaba-S RMRMM MRCWCJW ONgSb



hr Change of Ufe
Leoords show Uutl it has cured
moee oaam of FemMe HU than may other oim remedy kaowa.

.iTr3^.“sK:, ” 5IS1 RS3i.”jsss..'S2:
( LydU K. Plokbamb Vegetable

Mrs Pfnkham's Stsndlnc Invitotloa to W< in..,
haaltfa. BaradTkM

Spp hluaUe Hip
by tbe Kimball Male Houae. We rrpreaent three iof the torgest
ftirms in the trade: W. W. Kimball Co.. Lyon A Haaly. aad tba Bditon Phonograph Co.
lUnt No. 2—Boy your pUao from aooM boose tbat baa a riul
loterestTn satlitfyiag the public oa plaaoa-tbat tooM aeU good
pianos to order to coaUade to boilaeaa.
, ;
HUit No. 2-Be turn the booaa yoo deal with k^ what aplaao
fjally to. aad does not coasidar U Mmply a pleeraTfuroltare. aad.
therefosa aU right If It doaa not t»ma oaglimdl
; ^


Hint No. 4-l0T«tl«ata aaf “maiderfRr-oaera I YRcy


HlRLJio. S-Bnrara ct tba “JadglnR-a-p tano- hi jro«»w oaraRORM*
Mm. ^r Ratty ^ tRct. RRRrlr rU iRfarior pMaoa are .soM tkat
arajr. for tke atepto TtaaMi tbat tfaap voald ba S^bad at U tba
Wlaaraaa^ a Rnt«laaa ptaao daaJar. Tbe laaqeaacr of tba pai>
ebaaar panMl. tMa idaa to aacaaad aa.7 tRlaa:

ta "^1






7^■;" i

-1^. jp»f





1 PeeKroiinicbHatt



to Caapt bt 1 lamr
8eft rcl Oitt «w WeSHd grt

Prmak H, Mah^ Hammk dnig itorou

Abd it fnm fnan daat


f«i ol any ooal yon can bay.


Oa. of BattU
mod a deal
^^AjjamoMbd. and

claim that tbabr mast kariaaaa
e of use baa bean o8ora4 ndaad by Mra 8arak BIrdaey.
of Thomaa MorrtMi. spread atortca to the etect that
sold pork fwaa dtoaasad bogA
bara-eaed bar for flSAiS
Tbey adnrit bariac boagbt



^ Tbt. i. not a hard
* problem to •olvic.
There arc
Hale probiema tb«
Cflme np evm day to your boi^old
and buaiiieaa affain that are jim ah caay
to rolire if you bat one the want adf,
They are aneot but tireleaa work^ bat
they set the r«ulta. . . . RemUber,

abe plaead on a coal aiava.
The IX 4k C.
land at tba



BR. KARt C> TYLKR-DaahM Room
S fim Kitlimil Bask BMf. OU


ysK^'Sft'ajr as»“c-.2?s.TS»"M!.*5


LESTER a WELCH^ttoraey

Port Horan, will be cut oR. aad the


^iBtAi nsdii^


bar to talking, bat tbey laatat that

js.nantoB mo. v. avEisr

M ■■W^5lilT«lIT7l,OOR

Ur.W. J. Higgins

Uw. dollactloo aroili a apectoBy.
WRh Ifodarwood R Vmtor. Srihai^
toad block.
change to fed^ were amde. bat the
rereane would romain mboot tbd aagiA
Gbpuln Henry ifoagler bas secured It U the opinkm that tbero abonM
Or Boar with Buum^ CdU^
ai to MTM. BAR. ]
the old Holtsbeliner booae oo Potter be Dd more than 40 aaloonA at the
street at aagtoaw. will pot It In Arst oataUe. in tbe dtj.
claaa eoodttlon aad recbrlatea It the
tba steal
Hotel Maraoette.
amer TadoW. to taka tbe ptoce
George H. Brklea. aged €2. a reteran. died Prlday at the borne of hi. of tbe Moaart&r wrecked last tail at
nephew at Plymootb. He warn a mem­ Ule RoyaU. oo tba n» betweea Port
ber of the Tareatlelb Michigan Infan- Arthur sj^ SamU. She U of 2.258
Bros, corner Front and
groaa tonnage reglator. and was buUt
try. Two brolbata aanrlra.'
tbe package aad palled on
Mra. 8. U McMIIUa. carrier on R. la 1801. Tbe paaaeager baaineaa be­
white glovea. After shaking
P. D. No. ifoot df GmearilU. baa bad tween tbe two cUlea baa fallen off baads withk tbe
president he oaretally
her 28-iaUe rooie for throe yearn, aad In a marked degree, and tbe Tadc
A R. I
during all that ame baa mtaaad bat
8. Budd of
12 trips.
pocket to await the next racepOon.
an order



aew. paaaewgar


Poi^l^n Work


TW U^tmd na^ lkc ^le.

0. p. caavER a BRo.



Tin insumM

—■.-W— 1.


1^. iMg* M. K Mtath Mnet.

,.c^ ^S.aS,S5c«St£2
1«b tut

WANTtO-To« «a>t kM|> cMckoui
to M» on nWAL adnd eUefcaa
«mC Mm UOk. T. C. MBtlM

la good iraXoe. free and clear of eih

^ in mkrn ftraet. CIU.
roA bALI-l 477-Lane «ght room

WAMTKO TO aw-Mtoa. bloekr

Inaae. oorwer of tSSTIadldUi ate.
Urge lot. boeae wefl Aalebed. on

ron •An-nm^nn« ih»m. «
WANTKO-ftoAtod room for llglil

Bord Md riMt; Urea M; oe«

j^ddroM D. O.. carr
Ma 11-lc*

ron tALt-MdA^n .OM t«o Md
oMhAir BllM dllr BVkat; l.«M


•AL«-«oc» in om of tba beat

com and chicken feed. T. C. Milling
, C5o.
JM i|4f
FPII •ALI-Meet narket, Proal
alreet Tool., oiock, lUturM. deUr
en. good trade, good location, oasy
tome. Wade Broa.. «17 Boutk Union
jon l-«
rOR AALC—148$—Modem eight room

reMdem Sixth ntmet All
veaUocee. a good bam. cloee In.
Price UtM. Wade Broa . 817 Sonlb
Union •troel, Cltlsen. Phone iSlf.
J»n. 4 U.
FOR SALIHl^rge, elgbi-rooin b
atroeU: atowe baaeraent; furnace
beet eleclrlc llgkl.clty water, mwci
coonoclloo.. all In Ar.t<-laM condl
tioa. O. P. Murmy.
jaa lo-Imo
rOR SALC-1471-18 acme two mflea
State Beak building: flnet locatloo
for aobarbag raaldawce in ibte re>

FOR SALS—147S—Pine modem boaea
8UUi atreet, gad one of tba beat on
tba atrael. Prtoa naked U apot caab.
Prioa $4»0.
Wade Broa. 81T
boloo atreet atx. phone 1219.



1. o. toum*


WANTtO TO •UV-Oood. bfoekr
rolU CitMB OM to four yeani old.
Tber Butt be aooad. J«a Srd X
teera /or Indiana and Oblo aad will
b# gom6 two waoba. trrla* to hUng
aoaa fomora op bare. U poo bava
aay good oolU to aeil write na.
(WHu jhoatonsa bddfwaaa. what
yuQ bare to mH aad iwaaoa for ecll
lag. pa nr retom wUI wltber call

won tALt-All kind, of h

201 frsat Strset

Curod of Long TrooblA
IMghL paiMla «M traakA Ottoa
“It Is i»ow eleven yean since t had
i w> well drawn and lifelike that a narrow er----- -------- -------------- -— ”
at City Book SiofA
writes C. O.
of Kershaw. 8. C “1 bad run
The Hbncock naral reaerrea bare
in weHtbt to 12S poanda. aad MRR R. I. RONMER*8 hMr draaMag OM.MMWmiN
t A > «. R
secured a new annory with a drill
Mr Rndd-» father eonghtag waa oonataat, both by day
pariorA orar City Book Btora.
hall 80x57 fdbt. The company I. try­
I Davy Citx
ing bard to become proAdent in the grandron. a colonel In tbe rebel
I>r. King’s New Wscover>. and con­
fandamanUl. of the aerrioe.
Clinton county auperrUjra e
for about
WlllUm Cumminga and John Riley the opinion that they are being * -...... tinued ihU and
lung trouble were on- AMIt F. NERLINQER. LAWYERwUl be asamiaed baCore the United ed to death’* and have drawn up a set
of ij^ reaolutlooa etnbodvinr aome dealr> lircly gone and 1 was restored
Moocy to toon, 242 8toto
Order your
roaios conumasKmer on a cbargl^
cnarge oi
normal weight.
paiKfog o^erfelt dollarm at varknu ed change, in the drain law which
building, atfaieba pbooa 686.
^SrSTTr^ST hM inaugurated
A-Norton wlU year. Guaranteed at Bugbee Drug Co..
get paused
Frank H. Meads. Hannah drag j
REAL estate and LOANS-Oraad
an lnno.-allon by appointing aI ape
ara^ •*n.“ld
«nncia of Port Huron, who 50c and IIJM). Trial bottle free.
ptdlceman for Du*^nd. It
Travataa Laad and Loaa Oo, F.
ha. kept diary alnn- 1105.
a Daria, tortnerly of the bridge. a autement In a Port Huj
that since l8oo the city baa lom 2<M
prominent clUzen. by death. Unkind
will be voted on at Holly next Wed­ j ctinirmporarle. have *ugg
SARA T. 9HA8Ea 8A Or-C
nesday .The
J®" Norllu-m
be raUed. will be placed
Dr. a a Ohaaa. 8UU Bi
Michigan «1«-k.
Notice to the Taxpajera of tba ©ly of
hunting trip'by A. B. Bar
BoU Fhoaao, 226-tr. RaMdaaea M4
Traverse City:
Itolh phonoi 3fi. ,
rge I>tt% Is and I>r. P. G. ColW.MghtkBL OtoLphoaom.
The tax rolli for the
hlca. there 1. on exhibition
them are no nccommodatlona for tbv In the window of a local store the tba stole and county taxes for the DR. F.
oihcT parts^^d^e anatomy. yaar 180C and for
aurpliMd ch<»lr and for the Sunday
fOBtkm to dtooaoto of tka aya. aar.
1 modem paririi hall will
DOS# and throat OlaM
be 4»reeted In rear of the chnrrh.
Ovor Johaaqa drag Mova- Bolk
The lioard of
W. J. Oaroo. who
log of the B. A Vi. mi
» Of 1150
will bo In my office to reoelvo
baa returned to Saginaw, and will
boarding prls^merh. He taxes from now unlU Feb. 1, 1807. on
month f
aaaoelated with hla father In con­
m’t like . aa ex-Sheriff Parker,
ducting tbe PergUKon hotel, which
each week day from 8 o'clock to 11:30
. republican, was given 1250 a
Am N«.\ f
Opm% Hmmm AM
they roceotly ptirebaaed.
o’cloric In the forenoon and from 1
to aye. aar. aotA aad tbroaL Olaaaaa
Cbauncey Caae.
o'clock to 4 o’clock In tbe oXlfmoon.
fitted, Botbpboaea. Raaldaaea 518
Cry»Ul. h«vo «.-U>br»ted their BfUetb
On all atoto and county taxes paid
Sixth stroaL
►kHW, of lHb.,mly in the ...n. :
bafore January lO. tbe regular foa of
of M.0W to compel the l«utn» of or"
doM fkn AMvwiniB ciaimeo to
Cnse look up 400 acres of govern- one per cent for coUecUon -will fas
to iMi
De duo
changed and on all taxes paid oa or OR. W. C. MOON—SpecUllst—Ocnlto.
after January 10. there will be
icelem me worry ing over
urtoan . skin and bipod diaoasea; 15
» away.
Hew Wltbela Bit. immc Cttr
the prospect of a aeiimis abortaga of
charged a fee of lour per cant tor col­
yoafo experience. Office aty opera
H. VanAuken of Coldwater.
Two or throe weeks
the open1 wlo
lection. Penalty on delingnciit city
house' block. P^nef—New. 107:
and school taxes and apeetol aiaaaaold
vmlley of „„
^ „
scarcity In the
[illdlng materi
m.leri.1. next .ummer. , _ When Le w«5 to driv^be pbon« * monta. 4 cento on each dollar of the
amount of arid lax.
George F. Welcome
have the
Office in room 202 Stato Ba
Port Huron, fell Into tbe bold of the I:r,m‘rbe'’”b'^'’‘ljr.^’o„t“-.
T. W. THIRLRV, DsBUst Orar Bar
Northern Light at Buffalo, to hla home several block, distant,
aom 4 Bari's jawalry stora. BoU
I have a number of oood
striking on hla bead after a drop of
The tug James R«eid of Port Huron.
Dated. Doc. 4. 1806.
20 feet, Ckmcuaaion of tbe brain will ha. returned from An Sable, after the
farnui. all the way from 40 to
probably cause death. He la 40 year, lateat lake trip ever taken. She went *
City Trcaauror.
old and married. .
to the rescue of l^c barge .Wawnnosh, dec 4 to feb 28
160 acres, for sale, or if you
ARTHUR HOLUDAY, M. OContractor John Bdelman of Muske- and took off the lumber cargo. The
have any good property. I will
gon. has iK-en ectjultted In the juallce barge has been abandoned as m total
court or a charge of doing buslncas low. The Reid bad delJkhlful weather
take it in exchange and make
e. hla aitocney
attocaey as- during the■ trip.

oKx J. a a suit J. noBMM*

tt. rj%, eon. mU. aoo aALa-I«Ta-VlM anr
bman kair lod mnj. T. C. MUUu

5^" 6fo. a. jarolf





part of ttb Rtiwet.



W^^^m unlcn 8L. CIto

b« a paring fdash ine > whSek
mturaa are into, proflta Urge; no
**goldfleld fokel but a aubataaUal
Oalorado totw^neat
Throw la
Aftoea donam ^o iet a baadrod
•baraa. Wa aip baadUag tbU tor
tba beoaAt of tba email inreator.
If you wlab to;inake a good aUed
iBTcotmeot taka TraTome. aty
properly or Tmrarae region fanns.
Write or call on ua for parUcnlan
aad Information In regard to Inre»tmenta. Wads Bros.. Tmremei
City. Mich.. 817 Union 8L Ollxon.
phone 1218.
dec 28-tf

ttlllloo fMt Of bMt hordwood. barnlock ud ploc la kHcbUcaa; IfTwy

have gold and allrer mlnea In the
dtmateat mining district la the world
—the Grid Field WBtrlct NeradA
We lurva gold aad allrer mines 4n
Cckwada In fact, we hare proper­
ly for italo alBKwt aaywb^re you.
want It. But we bare aotbl^ wr
^ offer you that will egaal tba

We always baea a glU adged se­
curity for your money and we alway. bare the money for glU edged


lohn R Santo
General Insurance

Farms for Sail

you ca»y terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you, can buy it of any­
body else. I hjve farms
wjiich are located from four
to 20 miles from Travene
MONKY Vo MAN—M» tax «bM0
all good improved land.
Mt la
.Bowm tor mIa
ImSm At S ScWonro. Paik M yo« hare good lwrd.-fanns
1 will boy them.

Grand Opera House

[ general n$w$ || J A n.

MoxUv- Nigiil

Grsllon WUson, doctor of
.MM.v-Mv*/ of Providence, an econt>
relat aad aoclologUt. haa beea ap
pointed lecturer In the department of
Intcraalloiial law at the lUnrard
law aamol. Dr. WUaon will havo
charge of some of the'eoursea former
' conducted by I»ro(eaaor Edward
enry Strobel. who lately resigned to
boconm layl^ advlaor to the govem-


be aoballtntcd. Mr. SUpcU points oat

that In the past fon yoar* the muk

haa won renown on i^v batUe
fields and that the animal has fully
earned the dlallncUon proposed.
Senaior Depew has stunned Wash
imton with what la declared to be the
Is of the Ulesl

Senator Beveridge of IndUna acora-

:* .






' 4» Washine»«»,

■ WP. . ...
la Movtag Piaares

paa.ftjwfWDBrtoM mHa

Oit phone 774


P^offto^TmTeme *qty;^^^^aix^



sf JS2

•treet au. pboee 1211.
FOR SALS-1487-Slx rtiwn

Both gaa and electric lights. Good
bam. floe Uwn. cloae in. Waebliigtow
atreet. Prtee tldto. Wade Bros.

817. Soath Uakn 8L. atUeoa Pfone
Jaa. dtf
APPLSS FOR SALS-^ bare aome
choice apptee hr baabela tor oaU;
Qrinee- Oeideda. Mdwiaa. Qreem

»Ff *Mf
FOR AALl-1483—One hnadred aad
elxty acrafomU arilea ^tb of

tl7 Unloo Slrebt Tmreme Oty. when a frie^ offered
Mich, at*. Pboaw 1218. Call aa up bU umbrella>No, tba
me.** aald the In.
by phone, local or long dlataaca.
elU la a sign tf an ffete and
Wa pay the fitigbL
I like owalk“n
mln and a man that docs not
FOR 8ALE-148SMJood new aeren• room boifoe. 8tb atreet. cloae to ought to wear peltlcoaU.’^
Fifteen men are known to be atlll
alive who atnrad aa confoderato eoo«n—John Good and Roger A.
Mrginla: A. 8. Colyar. J. D. C.
. ioaaph a Uelakel and John V.
Wright. Tennessee: Hiram P. Bell,
Georgia: Henry •€. Jones. Florida;
JaxMw Ll Pugh, AUbama: S. B. Cal­
Houses TO ReMT-Mi iTaalb St; lahan. Indian teRitory; J. A- P. Camp
aUowaa corner ffyoati idBoaA A. ball. MIsaUaippI; B. B. FVwd. Ken
dec etf
P. HoeUmaBt^!

Tbe senator look­
ed bettor than bo haa appoared In
wear olf hasteturaed to hla lace..
Sir Mortimer Doroiid. untH rocontb
BrtUab ambassador at Chicago, was
down in Virginia lari summer and
stopped at a small town for dinner. He
went to ^ hotel, where there Is a


House TO MKT-CbibS. oom«
QariUld aad 8^ laqairo P. G
Haamaaa. 121
dee S4f

Jaa. 17


TRAVERSE CITY LSRION. Ma. 1»MoMaaal Ptotaottva Ls«laa am
MK la Wdodmaa haM oa tba tklid
TMoaiUy of MR moatkat 7:80 p. a.
AMam Smith, prartiaui; Oayla
Ortoaold, aOcratory; Mattla C Gray,


rero said as Jto returned and placed
ktoda of pie before tbe matonment:
-Overman madd a grand three
liM diplomat. “And what was the
apech for aoeb a roemg man. (Tbe
with the appler Sir Mortimer
orator In qneatloo Is 52 yfarm old). It matter
me of Webotei^ at Banker asked in temag of hla Experience.

SSShTJ? tSISS 2TL?toi^t*"tf- I rather



wxRreas said, when tbe British ambasaador bad finished. ‘K:berry.'blackberry and custard pie.” 4be ambassa-


PrV* IdMO. Wad* Biw, tl7 UBlaa


. /.

4 A. M, masts oa Monday artotof
<m or RMWa the fan of tba Mooik
at 7 :1# A to. Caik C. Aasglay. W.
ML; to to White, aaefatey.


. , r,... P*..




on the


ly wMnm wRk gold
ilntloB la tbe bis rank ke
yooe noticed that
ne. 1
C forlk la ito of tbe line.
hot carried a pack­
age carofully
to tisane paper
two bears now

la htohanA Aa

ItoP «Mdj
SIril smat the

when only
coly four or
dent tbU diplomat wba
fire Ales a

K; O. Ta M, M.

“A «00#
FRICES: titok 75c. 50c. aad

Men’s Jaekels

of P, meed avery Tbaraday avaallR New Manana Mock, a & Wal­
ler. C. C.


M •'eloek.

K. CXE. iLMtiiOi MiMMaaMM

Triiay afoiiida toRSM^Maek. Matt

We have ibeni in liotb
white and UyiBB00.1.,cen
eroos Biz.%
at loweet

Brewoie Over-



ajadmblalo 17 yaara. eoaUag to tba doaat la ItM
bam. T.^. xrott St. UmM. Ho wma IdrlftlBg Into

» fel tk9 WMI M {

world a rhampInatMrtj ighta. la add!

Ma to •• to CillfanU or *rapor* for
Mk. Ho ««U to Ollldtalo oM kc-

ttoa to tba aaa
that ware act

aad la a few yaare ba owned tha laoadry aad later he braached out lato
aporta aad rerleed the old tght dub.
Stacn ba took bold of the AghUag
waa caperteMdaa great troable getUng game la Lot ABgeIca he baa made the
matches la tba adlddle weight divtaloa. dty faaMMa tba world brer at tbe
MaCarey also drrelapei Harry Baker. AghUag ceat^ of the globe.
KM Hbrama aevdr maamatad to aweh
aaUI McCaray took hba la tow mad cootaat agataat tbe aagebmab promomatebad him with Bidlf Haalon. Aii< term of Nev
Nevada, aad be llgurad that a
iwlia Hafteta aad othbra. aad tbe Cbl dty of nearly 360A00 abwld ba^te
to pay as big a prtee for a
a raeull of tbaaa amtebea. AureWo ship battle at a
Harrerm. tbe Megleaa Agbter. also was ba raiaad tba I
gave tbe ggbtora a week to
developed and otade fanMiaa by Me*
Rhyolite mid. ba got the
r has reLad la Lot Aagalaa O'B'fen match.

-’i’SM'St'jr— >™

f ee^m^ •OMkM wuTrMMla «i
lM( jw. wave iMteil
nriw vMoli «m

ot U* du^w aUdM)

Hr nda to bo oltataotod: xknm-r^mr
roto Mi oiw nte of portleiiHitloo
to oppljr oBlj to iootbidl, taoiMMlI mod
tnrk BooCo.
A 4«ro4bifi rou wm OBCWiinr lo


gS.o“i.£USOT:L^ toArSGOffiO

te^or of til tlio orofwood cbMon. lUi
■aU Md WiMuia roud acaloM Um*


BO aabaiale. bat la fam of

tnraed from CaAa. where ha apant
bbttou agalaat ovamblBi omfrt t^hol^a^r.' FlUgerald has now
or tWoiM M

toaai wiu loM

rto ta'tlio I
Cbc BMNlt

Parrr. wWla tba track aai ladoor
apum wMi loaa baavftj.



Qatea* horaaa this season,


r bomae wtQ run In
and ootom Ada aaaaoe

cOar achocia wUI yitaf.


tbf same sale. Nawmarhei, EngUnd.
M. Edmond Blanc paid $IO.OOO for
mare by Ran-

During the Ave iays of the Nawmar’ ObiaatfaJaa. M.--Kia Hanaaa aa>i ket sale the total realUvd the targa
•oaaead iatariajr tbat ba woold irob. amount of $615,000. Moat of the lota
were yearilnga and^ prood mares.
Joe Jonas, the jockey, has signed i
miar of Toaopab of a $10,000 poraa
for a iateb .Agbt witk Tomayr Mur* contract to ride for August Belmon
lo England next year. Mr. Belmon
pby of lfa« York at tbe Caalao Atk. will campaign a auWe of 50 homes li
latio dab cm Ifaitir lA
Bnglaad In addition to a formidable
Hrdbaa did not tar potUlveljr chat string on the local race cours
ba would aecapt the propotiUoa. but
Jockey Darla is;now In California
taSd that bo fell ftrorably toward It. exercising boraea. He will do aom
tad would Id RJlay kaow poalUvrly heavyweight riding as he cannot mak
leas than 106 pounds.
artthta the aoit fow daya.
•Aftor tba Oaaa Aght I made up my
Pour ynchta are being built In Can­
mlad that I maald «alt Urn rtBc for a ada to eompete for the Roosevelt cup
tlmt. aad nayba tor food." liSd Her at Jamestown expoMtlon. They are all
ama. •*but I doa'i tlUak a aum who u n-footeia.
So highly pleased have the mem­
adt a aiimoBalra bat aay budnaatt
bers of ths New York Yacht rlOb been
ImIbv up good offaia ao loag at with the fun rigged model of Sham­
toAii proBKiara tbliik ba It a good rock It., which the daalgncr. Watson,
nsade for the gaUei^. that they have
**1 bar# baaa pUaalac to ao
babiinat Habt away, aad I am afraid waa the American cup challenger In
tbai to atari out for aaotbof battle 1871. and the Royal Yacht club syndi­
aov BOgbt uptei my plant. Another cates* Thistle, which was the challenthini. 1 have jott gd mtnied tad 1
havu to cootult my ‘partner* before
Fla., to Naaaai
tUrt planalng for hnother battle.**
on February 8 next
Sir William
Herman etldenUy toelt like Uklng Oray-Wllaou. governor f the Bahas taking a great Interest In the
a whirl at Murphy and the
lace. The coufse Is iHM sUtute miles.
end of tha purte. and there la every *The navy daparUaaat baa provised a
reaton to bajlete that ba will accept.
iltahle escort ^ the Uny fleet.
Another lighter
bees -busted.*'
Joe Oiim told magtslrate In Pittsburg
that he waa goooped of
AT amiAte JAN. 21-24 the othera day
poker gaum and was clean
The foMowIng la the ofAcUl pn».
gram for the OulF laha k» yacht i
to ba held Jan. li lt under the dlraetkm of ih« Kalamaaoo Ice Yacht
nitIT ' RACS-MIchlgaa
a. tfo square feet
caami limit; bast two out of throe
baata. without handicap. Opao lo
Michigan lea yachu only. Michigan
aUla championship fag. preaeoted by
Henderaon-Amea company. Kalamatoo. Mich., and dedicated aa auch by
ex-Oovenior A. T. Bllaa. 1905.
Bacood Racci
Anrepatakna rara
•10# puiwa; dirtdad. $60. $10. $lo!
Handicap race. Fraa for all. One
Third Raca-OcmiolaUon noa. $M
puree; dlrldad. $». $1S. $10. Handi­
cap race, rrea for nU who bgra not
woo any prlac. One baht
Kp Entry rea>-8aoood and third
meet are open to aU Ice yacht cTuba

Par tha riral Tima Will tha Wlaconaln Craw Race Aafem Cyaa

Syracuse, N. Y.. Jan. H^Wflb Ihe
airangementa of a race between Uic
'varsity crews of Syracuse university
and Wlaconaln. a new em in the Inter­
collegiate alblellrs of the Salt City Instiluu to believed to be at hand.
With the 'rise of the orange from
olmcurtty lo her present proud posl<
tlon and the leader of the younger Inatltutkms of the country and the rival
of many of the older ones has grown
tbe spirit of aaaUlanco which 8yracuae desire to give aa much as she
can to honest sport.
tMien negotiations w
ed for the boat race on
next spring. Athletic Dlreotor Hutch­
ins suted that a crisis was at hand
lo Wlsooualn aquatics. For years the
students of the western InslituUon. be
aaid. bad been aoodlug their crews lo
PDughkemle. but never had the ran*k
and Ala of them seed their oarsmen In
a race.
If the Wisconsin entry at Bough
keapsle waa desired by the other cof
leges rowing there, he said. Il'was up
to one of them to visit their and rare
Wlaconaln In the sight of her **giad'*
and **MndergTada.Syracuae waa Invited to send her
crews to Lake MendoU. antL In fho
intereat of tbe sport, although her aiithorltlea reallied. and do yet. that
such a long trip three or (our weeks
before the Poughkeepsie rcgklU. maj
bance which the orange
piay have had there, she decided to
send bar crew.
About 50 man will be taken on tbe
trip, which will occur lu the latter
part of May. There Is a possibility
that the fours of Syracuse and Wls
consln may meet as well as the eights.
as Coach James A. Tv^
Eyck win in dude
take thee trip.
trip, hla fc
W*ho will look after tbe oarsmen In
Syracuse while the coach is in the
west to a problen that Is now e
the athleUc aulhoriUes here

ACTION OF Conference

1 will be given to Terry
MeOmem. srho has ’ gone Insane. In
Madlaiai Squaiv* garden. New York,
on January S5. All the leading boxers
will appear at the benefit In addition
to many actors and professional «o- the actl<
trraae* Batunliiy In reruilng lo modify
the recently adopted stringent regula­
Ing It thHr
tions for athletic* was not unexpect­
ful In their aalacflon of referees. It ed. there to nevertheleas great disap­
Is not a bad Idea. The men most In pointment aad gloom among tbe studdemand are Jim Jeffries. George Slier
au of the Univ
Graoey and Ja<k McGulgaa.
^ Aakod If Jqffrlaa really Inleaded
ic beumerous
expected from the leaders of athlego> Into the ring again BlUy Delaney tlca
here If the acUon of the confer
aaid: 1-dont know about that, u ence
was unfavorable have been heard
he la be better get m move on mlgbty fo raome
time. But nothing definite
qukik. A fighter can’t stay away from had developed
Batnrday except that
the game ao long aa Jeff and expect there was evidence
of a atrong move­
be aa good aa ever. If be doesn't ment among the atudeou
in favor of
irry up aad make up hla mind there an
appeal lo the University of Michi­
little use of hla trying."
gan faculty to have Michigan with­
drawn from the big nine conference.

Archibald H. Douglas, tha aUr half
back of tbe nary team, baa been
elected captain tor tba asibaa of 1907.
He to an air around athlete, balag a
crack baseball pitcher aad poaaeaaiog
grant phyalclal strength: He to also
maldant of the claha which grad*Kof. Ihm'i Tommy Bipwn.** aaM
Ilea next aeaaoa.
^Ut'e mother. **l*m aurTbe Ukea to
Harry Vardon. tha champion golf
go ta Aiaalay erhoal.n gnaae be does,- replied WIIBa.
tbe way be tilha ebout Ita. New Zealand. India, ttiglaai.
-KTry what does he aayr
Aa and back to the United Statae.
-Ha mlU It *fabbatfa
ictatlne has
Blam J. AbattaUae
baa Ibaan rc^
of tbe Phlh
I Club. Calchfr Doblln bai
_____ tor 1M7 and,JaekUtaeb baa
aignad lo balp out Doblta back of tbe
bat John Nhoar. a pitcher who did



55c at » Bngbah . Drug Co.

-I tboaAAt yre obtoetfd to doff>»l.
tom. h^Blrt.-I aaW. -larel^
re SS nat a dog coltor.^
twrwed ibatody. -Ii*a only a plere of
^ ^
baa bad a
baa wan flanael night and day."
-Baraly that to too nattofA to do any
road. Tha atrip to no wMtr than a

Mrs. Tom U fJobnson, discussing
»e other day the ac buoi of bouseboM ,
rank. It to wbtopered that Btagg to imatb trying to i
leace that she to helping to found in
contesapUtlng even better game aad neaa on lop.laeveland. said:
would be more aattofied with a try at
• ftorlallsm to tbe revolution af tbs I
Cleveland girl, after a course In I
hit alma mater. Yale.
atomaeb.- ,
aur school, wouM I
Cmat WUiing to Mtoat WaaL
-F«s*UIism Is enrv legiti
Tbe following deOnliion It the
Both aland for the nsore'open game,
and It 1s said that Both Yale and Cbl- that milled the $5 prtor:
Lo Its
cago havee> iplayed tbe new game to
“Soeislism Is s corobfratlon of rf- I This young bride, after acnlng to
beat advantage, iqore ao
i than by thrtr forts and theories tending to esialilUh
bu«bsnd a Thanksgiving dmu«*r
Stagg's legally nmong all mankind tbe great that was m> so. said, as tbe dc
rivals in Mlher ae<
phenomenal offense last fall ba^ made cat possible^ equality
eqnsllt: of wealth or mto- mlnre pie wws brought:
an impression In the ^t. and there ery.--Phlladclphla
-*I Intended, dear, to Uve aam
Is aald to be a atrong InclinalkMi to
apougr r^ke. too, but It has l>ccn
see wbst tbe Maroons Jhave to offer.
More* than a mere majority of the east
total fallarr.'
Tbe -hired glrr (we never, oarer alere cbilegtons and critics bold the west
-•How was thatr tbe bu-lamd
iDdtd to her aa -tbe maid*' In tbe amaU
Amertcmn town or quirt country place naked in a Alsai»pulntrd tore, for be
wras found of siwoge reke.
and Penniylvanto Michigan w-bare you iand I
-The drngelM.' she explained, 'sent
and apparently are more wITl- Uke one of tbe family, and mol
neet western teatns than hcre- glad to bare her help, and notae of ns «**•* <»*<*
loforo. This probably* has been rc- put on any frills with her. and sbe was Indlanaiwlls 8tar.
» for tbe free-wHl
A T«tt«
not compelled to put on any frHls of
PennsylvaDla and Aponpo!
cap or aproo with ua. Ofttiroea. eapectotly in tbe quiet countTV places, her
) tlie British
alMlarvard aodal standing was aa good as that of
anybody etoe. I'anally sbe waa one of
likely to secure a i»ortU»n uf i»ix>ml- a grown family of girls There wae
nenre on the schedule of the New plenty of help at ber boose, and so sbe
m eleven. OiherwlstT a game with
Uhlnn tou, h« >t
the His will mean a big cmiccsslon to
the Maroon forces, but there Is strong bouse. In tbeir beam of ease piotbcr the hniulM of a pretty nianlmrixt on
hope, however, that 8l«gg will bring and sbe dlscuaacd tbe neighborhood Connectli'Ut avenue. wb4*ti. wlfli limpid
gossip togriber. The -bli^ girl” had eyes, she lookctl at him and said:
about the much-desired ermtesl.
-We are so grateful for any tcatlher beao. a nelgblior’a stolid, shoeplsb
aon. and . much was she jokad about mofilila from our imtrdba.
*ter yeai^
year* of faithful n««ndr , *
bre and Anally, after
••On the eontrary. 1 should be defriendly Servitude, sbe
Foroad. lUlian Flghttr to Quit in him. We went to tbe wedding, and It lighte«1, ’ rcsfKmderl the Briton. •
Three-Round Go.
was quite a social affolr, with much taking a rani, be wrote thcnH>ii the
Phllsdelidila. Jan. 14—Noah Drasso. temperstc merriment and wUb many following and handed It to her:
*ThcT^*'s a divinity that Htai>cs oor
who fought the notable twenty-round cheap but oreflil prcjenU,-Erery.
endx”—New York Tlmea.
batUe with Jftck o nrlen. made Joe body's Magaxiim.
rim. the Italian champion, quit in a
iree-round bout at the Lyeeunj iht>
ater here.Saturday night. «
Grim had signed a contract to box
the Canadian three rounds of three
mlnntea each. Before going Into the^
ripg he Insisted that the rounds l»e
cut to one minute €»eh. and was ol»durate. Brusso and the manageimmt
finally agreed, and Grim reredx'd a
great lacing for his unsporthmsullke
uct. In fact, ho lay down Is'fiTo
the third round ^was over, w
being struck.

Mohn,- said Mrs. Noodles savagely
as John came Into tbe nMim.unstf^dily
and burg Ills eollar on the obandclalr.
-What Urae Is Itr
-Jus' 1 o'clork, my dear." replied
John, makhig a desperate effort lo act
-Wliat do you mean by telling me
auch a fals<*l>ood? 1 heanl the clo'k
not ten minutes before you
came lu.”
-Yes-hlc—my doan but you don't
ni.'Hfiind that . lo, k. It's a rcm»atcr.”
—Mila auk w Sentinel.
All It NeeAML

Prlsrftla’s lUvsaa*.

It was In tbe days of old when
knights were bold and dressed in
gVsmlng snnor.
-<tef»rge. dear.'* said IVlsclIla. over
her dnP.r Is^k. “wilt thou not help me
with luy skelnsr*
-By the lowre of I^don—ne!"
rnsreil G«Njrge. as be aharpened his
-You haven't a spinning
wheel for a hnslwnd.Two hours later George retnrned
om the fray with bis armor Uttered
and torn.
-IWrefd rrlscllto.- he said, softly,
-wilt thou not put a few i»ntcbcs on
my dress suUr
-No, Peorgt- Yeplled
sweetly. -Yod haven't a Wacksmltb
for a wlfe.And the bold knight was so humlllatret lie went over to Ye Froarn Heart
Uvern and stood the Uverekeeper off

on the fare which AarTHT an ethei^
wire perfect picture. Tbe phoU«lore to ecconnt for
thjs. OB examlBaUoo of tbe negative
fsUlng to give
the eeorre of ^
later mu ctuptieo qT gpeda brohe^out
on the womens free, whlrb prerad to
be the first ootwsrd symptofoa eC a
very severe attack of emallpox.

this I
myself.- smiled
“It would be,- assented her husband,
-If you bad put s little mors oil and
vinegar and pepper and mustard seed
and horseradish In tba dressing and
introduced a allced c«g or two and a
few white onions and left half of tbe
poUtoes out - ,

Afl!8iA$«leAi«l|fttr BaaI

Walter M. Paige

toaring It off by degrere.-


*^ader Tbe rule# confirmed Saturday
MIcMgan lores Captain Oarrels. Joe
Curtis and ApMer Coe of the treck
cress •ctreopres.
taam. WendeB and Oaruthers of the
woman with an exeeptleuny
baaaball nine, and Magoffin. Graham
mid Harry Hammond of the football dear romrilexleo rerently aat for her
elarea, who. it was hoped, would be pbolagraph. On receiving tbe proof
pomlttod to play thfx>ugh one more ahe took It hack to the arttot and

botlar than any otbar bumAre.* Oaar-

At 16fi yards Da^Uris orilpaad hla
old record of 1:45 by aix aaremds and
fintobad tbe 50$ yards in t:l5 54. exacUy 4 44 aeoonda better than he bad
made in tbe name tank a year aga

Chicago. Jan. 14.-Whlle in the east
A debating society in Manaynrk of.
to attend the m€^ng of the footbail fered last week a prtee of $5 for tbe
beet deflaltkm of aoriallam.
Among tbe deflaittons ealmUtted
way for an Invaskm of the cast next were tbe foHbwiar
fan by the Chicago team. Pennsyl
-SeHs!lai6 means that no man has
ed Chicago to become a fooibaU op­ ■ right to atane to death where milponent next sreaon. and U tbe faculty Ikms are offering from Indigeotlon.-Sortollsni U olher people's money.-

amancipation prwlamatlon It excited
great deal of discussion In
the army. On one oeeasion. Heiir;*
Clay *rnimbnlL aaya his blpgrspher.
mas going through the camp of the
refimeDt of which he was chaplain,
when be w as balled by a sergeant and
who were arguing the subJret.
-ChapUln." asked the sergeant -do
you tbink lYesldent Lincoln had any
rlfbt to bmoe that pro» lamstloor
-I mni»poee be tbought be had.” re­
for wlthdrewal from the conference plied Mr. TrumtmlL
-Well. I supiHioe w soldier's got a
aad niiDora hare been current that
auch action woald be likely to result rliAt to bold bU own opinion, basn't
tba resignations of both Charles
Baird, gradtiate dliW^tor of athletics.
-Oh. yes. certainly be has," anrered the
take care i

*nia Right Name.
Mr. Anguat Sharpe, the popular over
aaar of tha poor, at Fbrt Maaaon. la.,
ifo POto are
amro: -Dr. Uimg m I6aw Llto
the reeaipu toUBad W.7M.
Tha Y>Mma haasM foagaa has plac­ rigbtly namad; tbay act aero agreeed tha aaianr maTat $UA0.
nbirgda mora good and make one foal
Ahe->Te« aay yea are iavetei to art.
What Is Jbe parUcator art that yaa
lore bret?

Of Lam Aearen

ttartod rrooi aciwtcb red ac ^ —>»$5laod a atroag armaire to
150 yareto bto time la tbe trti
trial bret; Aag eoOaii. re 1 waa surprised are day
waa l:l|. Jaat 6 44 aecoods batter wbaa Min. Birt tmgta bar (avortta
t^ tbe raoofd held by Harry Le- Aas. Dw^. ta are a band
of the Boston AthleUc aaaocAa-

WATCH Jackaon’a Candy window,

Boston Ferns



Phono for |>r:ce6. Wfl dflli?®r.

Arc Your ColIcctioBS Slow
BftTCTM tc»MS that

You Have ^Tcn Up?

If yon hwe, let me collect /v
them for yon.
OU ecoounU promptly
to and I can make mooey for you

A. Pohoral
Collociion Aifoucj, over HBmilion
OlotbiuK Oo.
TrarerM City. Mich., Sept 1$. ItOf.
I have placed a number of aecounte
with A. Pohorel’a agency for rellocb
ion. many of thooi long outlawed: But
just the same Mr. Poborel brought the
deUnquenta to time and prompt aelc
Dr. ILL..




-1906 Model K. Winton.” full lea­
ther tup. gua lamps, extra outer casIngs^ Car in flrst-claaa condition.

-1906 Northern Touring ^ Train arrire. at Travare OllyPtoaday ealy
Oar.- only used four months; In A-1
condition. 11250.
One “190« Elmore Touring Car.”
wlth Cape Top and Gas Lamps. $1000.

WATCH Jackaon’l Candy window.


Ofosingr Ou*t Sailo.
On account of poor limiltb will cloeo out oiv etook
1 ana 2 Imcklo Arrtio. for Boyt. Yontha and Children at... .$1
Boyt’ Hoary Rubbera to wear with heavy eox .... ................Mc
Hen's 1 buckle Arrtioi....................................... ............ ..flSS

Ladles’ aad dUldren's Rubbers
Men a Robben include Cbippewaa, 4 bnckle Arctica. Lumber
B.U Band aidtty^ glove.
on eboce, but ve have them
In DryGotxie we have Hoeiety. Underwear, (ilovee and
SOX-A Good Wool Sox.....................18e
A Good Lined Leather Mitton for....................................... 20c
Men a Work Panto. Sbirla. Overalhi. Sweaten
and Storm Ckata.

w. 0. Foote



Joseph Slsder & Sons

lUe Ideal ftecL

Luncheon or dhmer are hcrefieeh. tender, jnioy and palatabteu
Ouraareaadcatiingup of n
have eoBMthing to do with their
deht'efvd Crqe on reqneat


Both phoned.

$5.00 ass z:

Traverse CMy
Gas Co. i

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