The Evening Record, January 23, 1907

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The Evening Record, January 23, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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e PA0B8



Mordof of An-

mursB REmras ANNTTP
Un» mt 09Hmm Will ••





gy Wira to ths Cvonlng Moedcd.
Columbia, g. Cm Joh. 29-—An tptn


Ablo to gpoak in ths Afttrnoon and
G^va -an Cscetiant and Valuablo Ad^ ^ Prog
f Oo^ifamAm
Quarantino Msmovad. From Thirtoon
Catos of Olphthwr.s at Provw
moot—Only gts Lsft.
Owing to thei* facfl
facjl chat
that Prank M
Bnerlal to TbO Rreolng Record.
Kugera of Unsing.
ing. deputy
i^puiy sute
\ Piuveowint. Mitlu Jan 23-The
coinmlaalanrr. was Uken am
epidemic of dlphthorta at rrovemont ly 111 this anoratng. the good t
la almoai over, only ali cast's remain­ mwilng waa adjoarned unUl
ing under Qunrtmloe. Ur. Payne of aftemiioo after the roll caU of the
giittona Hay removed the quaranUne highway commlsaioarra present.
Horn six of his pallenu yesterday
Rogers haa been bolding
Scarlet fever was also mixed la the
(Continued cm Third Pago.)
fiddemlc and one case of typhoid
pneaoumla The »cht¥d and churches
wetw ckised.


WbUe waiulfig ^Mom. Bwwet
licmk** at iho Lnko Harhor iMMft. at
brake ber art
A musical iraM at tbe Flrat M. R
rhurch Prof. Harper C Bajrbae. dl
rwpior gepattPMmt of.‘■Mwlc.-Ca
gute Mornal aegoM. Hu


PuraiMidd to the Ivewinf Reeerd
g) to fieew eMh day by g. E. WalL
WEONEgOAV. JAN. «. 1107.



a. oaocl^ aawni.
o. toda
of iw*-in
Ir f»r ysors, aaytag bo wtofod oIuh)
af Hancock. Who Uvad
^ niMi yaora
Hr ra^lrrd the Uttr
in Abandoned Ppwdtr Houa
Found With o gulleLMoAC.
in Ha Hsai.





' Sy Wif# U> lU Wtm\nff%moHL
Npv Yorti. Jat W-TliP trUI of
Hanr K. Tl»ir for ihr mnnler of
•iMkiN WIitta
lodar iM^ora
JuMtIro nis«ar»ld In ihp
bfnnrh <ff lb* gu^mn r<»tin. An imm««M rrov<i asM^mbM artwnd fbr
btHJ4lM •n^ |00 n-portrr, mipllpd for
glam, but onljr ffir
TIk. Uan of AKaiiM. bM n<A boon
frr«»l«4 bol Iiwniilty and thr ’ onwrii
inn law** ara atiioNnd i« form Ibn
arratar laiii. Tbe Bmfbar. nlMnr tod
alfa of Thaw mm litaatmi, Thaw
np|M4uad worried, but wan aniioun to
hnvv ibn iiiaJ baalB.
Tho work of tarucAna a Jury wa» -gold- glgns Hava gtgun to Maks
ThsJr Appoaranct Among ths
-oowimeocad Ml oorw nnd «i imon two
Varlotio Coopo—Oood Marktt
Aupurn %r#MP tn iha boi. Two Imndrod
for girda and tgga.
tatUnvn bad mu railed and It U ri
|dWi*<d thm a wnolc vlU la* wmaum*^
hafiat* a jury la atvurod.
The altowdanrr nl the poiiliry ahow
haa barn targr all day lung and It now
locAa aa If thr thing would bo a An
anrial sneewaa a« wrU aa a auccraa In
oihnr ways.
Mr. McKmrIr Is wot king hard on
Ihr judging of thr Idrda and has found
aoiitr raertimt aprclnM'ns rvni lo a
tialnrd eyr. aouuig thr rntrlrs. Thr
ATTINOAMCt WAt gMAtt THIS scoring runs high nnd there will l>o
s4Kue close Anlsbes In the rac<> for
the pritea.
The • >\ir ftslo” signs are up today
snd the largest nghiblioni hsve t>egun
to anil some of their better stock.
Them la a ready market for good
A. L. HOFKINt OAVC VALUAtLg birds and eggs from them which gooa
to show that the asanclatlon Is helpIng In a large monsure to Improve I he
slock raised thmughihn the region
gauto Cultara Wat Iht iiibjact of Mr.
J. C. Cummings of Old MIsalon who
Is a poultry fancier oti no small scale
That lacallant Work Has goon
Is la Ihr city and s|iendliig moat of hU
Oono—Woman's tootien.
timo at the show.
At 4 o’rlobk this afternoon slnuit
iwothirds of the fowU had been ex
Tbft siatr
amlniNl und Judged by Mi, McKemrlr.
a two dav»*
L R Benton of Chailevol* hmught
the cowrt ho
IhM'e hens, a c<s'ki*ittl und n rtick all
the wav from Charlevoix for cxhlld
ibnro wsM mriy a small crowd, hut tion. They are io»r ctuiiiKHl htown
Ihoue prrmml smro rcry much Inter IrgboiTis and the ctK k has never been
rated Tho mnotlna o|>rmM with nn beaien In hU three years of show
loatmmontat solo by MU« Anna N>e«t. life iiulll mm. He only acoted krt
Iiam after which the K«n. n K |^»ck points which puts hlpi far mii of the
hwn atwikc the in\'fvattan
I arc 1'he r ockeivl, however, came tn
The Orot addrew* was tiy A. U Hop- fur 92 ^ pfdnts. Thtj lowest acute In
kina of Bear Lak.*. our of the atalc the k»{ was on a pallet who diew M
npnakrrs. Mr. Ilupklns aiiokr on iHdnts. ThU exhlbli cume (aither
•*Karni MachIniTy and Its Caiv." Ur than any v»f the «ithers
qiicatlobisl how many roni. after they

AtUntic Coaat lint




jtte. Marie. Jan 23 -The merweot twenty^wm below this
morning An k-e luldge has formed
driven anot.!. the ftver.
lUlIttmd trafAc is ,ieiaye<l
Oporatof Miaaing.
. Jsn. 23.--Allen Wilcox,
aged 22. a leh-grwph operator, light
idexlrai. five and one half feet tall,
weight 12r. poundx. U missing. He
came here fn>m Val^ralstr Ihret*
weeks ago. He ran odr of the house
at » o'clock last nlghi while tenipti
nirlly Insane
m was hatleks and
flannel shin nnd airlped
brother-ln-Uw. M. B
Corey, and Shertf Wutaon warchr*.!
all flight. They think he caught a
fndght train and left the city
•hot l/mMlf.
llouRhlon. Jun.
—Ul 1‘itrlio. an
it Kreurh H'sldeiit <»T HuncHick. was
found dead last night wHh u buUci
:t2 calll-T revolver In his lell
He llverl In
ratw'der ht»us«' west, of Hanciick
cume from Quebec ATty years

WEAR .0 low thw M
rae^iieed to go witli cold
Fair. Oontla aeuthcaot wind.

smuiD KCONE nemehs




Kiagatey Haa a garpAua af ^ra Jaal
at Praaaai Many PaMtoaa
Lspoelad That th«
R. A I. gHdgo
Ara Caaeing la. I
at Mociay WUI go lloady
far Trafflt.
gpacial to tba B^ealac lUcoik
The G. k, A l.'uatffl la had i
Klagaley. Mlcb.. Jam 22.—PoUtoea
ram lla streak of kisrd licA Satorday are comlag la rapidly daapite tba
ilghu ThebHdge4)hatwaadeati
eoM waather aad are brkaglac 20
baa got bran raiMUrad bwt will prab- caatt a boabel. Thera are mora cars
abljr bo ready tw trmfge tomorrow
BMiralgg. The wrecknr te ta tho water
aad raqalraa macb groHc to Bet It eat
aa tba vatar Aa vanr blub. .

City Book Store


We Know of NoDther Wav


For ytm iQ know bow cheap w^rr selling
selllt giual clothes than ..w y«n
to come and see the gtxsls nnd the values.
They will speak fiir
l<» In* found anywhere.
themselVdA. We are offering iW best raluea
Will you make us prme it?

Tbe Best


Frit, («r trimmesl .luli*
©Ura, nc'veml i-olora locFi.iop©

Rules for the Guidance of th« V^riou
Janitors Wers Adopted—Reyaations Tell What Must gc Done
and What Must Not.

(iota), warm Slippi'n, ixiui.
moil «©iia© abains


we have been able to ascertain
of the people in Traverse C«ty.
who make a business of nuraIng. and their pay runs from
I6-00 to $20.00 per week.
need a nurse call us up and we
can tell you who is available,
their addresa. achool and price.

Drug store ^ I





Thiv OvE-rcoats
we ofli r

Seven.iUty, 7 J
Eleven DoUars


are newest styl.w—
bought tins yrar uU>ut a <lou-n
last season's roats
in the entire lot

Consider the matter: ‘ ;
Hi*re‘B your winlor
wotttlier- her©’* your
winter overcoats—here’*
prices that will hartlly
Ire iHiualed again on new
aierchandi&e, right
at the time when you
ULHtl them.

Sherman &

from ^1 vbo n^e oar '

kdc troni MlehisaB Grata.

^7'Haiuiah & LayiO^aii


Will pay Highest Cash prict^s for

Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and

Traverse City Mfg. Co.

Telephone-Cit. TJ.Uell 160.


Give 08 a look—
People who do
this usuaUy give



winter T :
aottaes '

Nothing '
but Good Words



vni W riubsl vlu'ii you make a call
at Seders Meat Market. 'The Bem
Onlj'Ms om motto and it Is left to
biiyciH of months, oven years, here tn
aay whether or not wo live up to the
high staiidatil me set up for uunu'vea
Whnu we »uH*n«il our shop. Cleanli­
ness. courle<ius service, just pricing—
al proropl us to Invite you here.
We pay top prtces for hogs. veal.
Imttrr. eggs and poultry.




The Str^gle lor At

The Grand Ranldn prire AglK esM-r
growing owl of tbe fatal I.ewUAVanh
fight have lM*«-n put over in tbe stitou-

We have juft campieUd our
revised list of nurses and
have 25 names
»s on the list.
Thess sre not all graduate


Joseph Sleder & Sons

AMhe miMMing of the bmud id edu
caih'in Umi evening the Hiauges in
kii |>lng the reconU of the loiard. as
devUed by CU'ik (Jlina. weie adofUed
Thesi- changes make It |H>s.sUde to teil
Id s ceiii the iM-r capita cost of e.«rli
pupil, not only la all rhe m ImmiIs hut
tn any building and jiUo lo lell tbe
ro>t of muimaliiance oT every build-

Do Voif
Ulant Jl


Try us onfall at $8.00

Only Me

i-e on decoration, nvo new memeis were admlUe<l to th«^ Isiaid
According to the by latga
the or(Contlnued on Sweood Page.)

r Wira to thd Cvwnlng Rw
, Jan. 23.I coal mint of the
Coiorado Fuel and iron company this
morning. Twenty miners are report­
ed killed.
Divielon SupeHntendont
Robert O-NeiM and peveral ourgeone
left on a special lor Primero at 8
o'clock this morning.






- The HoUrt Co. prop.

Nollcat gant Out Tc^ay With a Pot

held last evening for the purpose of
completing arrangements for the an­
nual niiwHng and l•anllm•l to take
place Thtirsday evening, Jan :;i>The
prokram for the banquet was prac­
tically completiHl. although minor
rhungen may l>e made latei on. It is
pn»|HSHMl to have Pui^siet> hull suit
Hld>- decoraie.1 for the occa-lon and
\l B. Holley. S Cirek and WllUarn


Everybody sboiild read
Tbo& W. Laxv^n's WondcHsl Story.
**rviday. the ISth."
hiIn Ever; body's Masaxlne.
on sale at the.

Only 85c

>ro the pay ndU
I’lider the old
and expendiluiea
' so enteiiM Ihiil
Killed by Car.
Marshall. Jaii. 22.—A Hiulfed car In order to anive at the co».i of any
going east on the JsckMui g Battle given Hem for a year In any .one builil
Cieek electric line stnick the buggy
of Mrs. Theo. CorlU. ugt-<l AX Xhrr**
tluit was tedious at beat. I'nder the
miles east, killing her Instantly.
changes devised by Mr. GUlls. tlu» ac
count of each building is Kfpt separ(Contlnued on Stwond 4’age.)


Womeo’i fine Felt Joliettee.
Uaok fortrimiDetl


The Rug Question
Pre'wonlil like you to «nv.-st in a rtiK now.
jvv<- want to impress upon yonr mind Uie tset
ibat we are doing just as we advertit^ We
iokl you that we were makinK some big ouU
ID prices. We did not toU yon why. It is
aU in three words-TOO MANY KrOSl
However. th»-y are oontidMed good, propertj\'
We ate obliged to pay an adtranee on nearly
eveiy mg we bny for epring and the patterns
are no bettor, in many caaee the aaine that we
are etdling today. Tbe qneatioa is—Do
yon consider the saving of $3.00, $4 00 or



TMi iwtm* meoRS Wuvsiim atv. sioiiWH.

.y. MNUARV S. tlC7.


«» iw




Imi H tMMtt #M Cmm|Maf% 0«ft WHU Mo«t «»



J. M.j BHIilw. ItBfttMr Of tw.
Ur. MMf loe»t«4 to DHroit, is la tM
iljr lA 'Iks tatcf^sts of tlM Umtea

Casualty company, a new health aad
slMtkm of which he Is
This coaspaay has emp
use ta DM/oAt with s
M.M A. O. toss, s

WHYliItbetter to depont yoar fundsUitb
us than to carry or bide them r
Bl^CAUSE with us they are abatdutely safe.
vbOe OB your person or iabidias
j • they are NOT safe.
BECAUSE many a life has been lost through
' keeping money about the boose
or da the person.
BECAUSE with us your funds may beemn_ i
iog a .moderate interest for yon
^ '
instesd oflyieg idle.



HOI post
aad year homm la wprai day
and atght-ao baUdiag a to la
aodahtdlrtaramaka. COLE^

25 Per Cent
HEAiim srqvist

• .1
Our iaveotory brings to right Kreml hundred
doUars' srorth of stoves th»t BearewtiBiS to
dispose of regardless of coat or profit ratber
than to have our money tied up for another
sriKde year. Even if 'you srill not w4nt a new
rtove before next year it srilf p^ yoo to buy
Vpnc Rt ihc prices wc arc offeriog to
close out our stock.

Oi« «to<r» Md Ir. tUrtrdtx
tan «IU won cMt

J. W.

traaaaiwr. Thsae. vfih
It Is Bo< rM tap 1st*, to make i
|>Uiui for propsrtr adtrrrtlslat Ttst
ors« dty .aoO llM» Oraai) TmvtfM- rr»k*- OHS pIsa J»s kssa siitjisstsd
to sWnr tkai Travers* aur U *^00 tbs
ms|)L- Tbis ouasUt. ta soaM>
adefcars with a Maan awa af
•aa prlalsd ttofwa. Oa ibis. Trav
ms Cigr la pHatsO la laifa lsttsr>
sad tiM rail aad valsr roatss shovn
Tksss voakl bs attacbad to every box
or packacs sblppMl out erf the city
sad arooM mphallcslly can atteaU
to tbs city. WbHe thU suold be
pood way to keep thv uaroe erf Trav
eras «ty before Ike people ol the
coonlry. It aloas would out be eaough.
but worked In fwonertlon wUb <y»
iMnatIo advertUiny It would be a
fcreat bdp.
Tbs crftlcUl alatement^de by tbe
stats bankinc ccmnnisaloner. Ihsi
tbars ar« T> pstwoas la MM
poassaasd erf bank depoalts .more than
oas for strsry foar P«»pl«' In the stale.
U milts as surpritlag as It Is pleaslay
Wbbtaver nwy be true of other ststeu
mad outer sseCkaui of the aaloa It,
qulU e^Ueal Ibat prosperity la Mk
Ifaa is not IlaUted to anv single class
or may Wmllad oerupsiusis Mors than
tbrsc^ooribs of a million bank dspos
ttora fonn aa army of bopefal. active
expkBUat 4>«oplo that well siplalns
oar sUlab pivssat and rec«ml onward
moYmaaoU ta aU industrial <

>k*ilh the British guverament apotrv
glxlng. Governor 'SwsUeabam offering
thanks ibr aid and services extended
hr tbs United States and the people
of Jamaloa also expressing tla-ir grati­
tude, It iMgins to look as though that
bUtorlo bit of conversation between
Ihs gt>verm«- of Ntirlh Candlna and
tbs govomor of South Carulli
about to be repented.


The three candidates for connt5
acbool commissioner down in Kals
maxdo county have decided and
agresd to stick to their decision, that
they will not give away anv cigars
during tbe carapaUm. The voten* of
Kalamaaoo county will duly appreci­
ate this conc4-KAlon to their paUi






Hearts - drew a gtaal hotise
ind last evening and gave
I. -Human HvarH*In which ylrtue Is trinm
phnnt tn the end ahhough lo r
that end. It has to go through much
sorrow and trtbulatlon The piece
toaralnc with human interest and the
gallery Just had to yell at certain
Robert O C\»nnor has played
part of Tom l>»gan for so
It hss become second na
tUTw wlUk him and Jam*** II. mifham
lo the aesTO part was equally good
mars at the Grand

Friday nlghu
-a M. OarffeW of Duffaki. N.
piwssatsd «MUmated- at the Tc«
laat Bight aad night before wlHi oar
, ' local nmateurw and It wa* not only
the best locsl tU*«l show seen her*',
but It was belter than half the travel
Ingsbowa that come here, and r**gardKws of the fa*'t that the T*‘mple amts
• J.lfKl people were tume*l away both
pIghU- Mr. Gsmeld has U>en her*'
every year for the past live ysaiw. He
U a gentleman and nUavs giv«*s'
gooff, clean show and the pet>|»le know
it and like ^l«. -MIsmaUHr Is his
best yet and the large audiewce was
dnll«htcff.--Alpena. Mich,. l5cho. Jan

or of the People s Bute bank of Ita
irMt, eoiapose the board of dlr^tors,
on are
iml with Imosl excHlcol


sIHy and every Item Is secouBted for.
ml any «lnM» It 1* d«-slred lo kaiiW
bow roudb feel a certsln building used
f. m minutes to tell

is available. The
a can always tell
there Is un ham
snd whai lhal which was^Spent wa«<
used fbr.
board will herename of the
rather Ihaa la the
name or| the city treasurer as bat
been the jeuatom.
The new system dates back from
the time Mr. Glllls entered the ol
flee and he has U*eu working on it for
time In order lo get It Into
fof adoption at last nlghfs
g. ; Ah an example of the acwhich has been observed can
b«* cited jtho fact that Mr. Glllls and
an assistant spent several hours
looking ifor a tUscrepancy of two
cents and U was ulnMwt midnight
ken It was discovered.
Ruiss fer daaltars.
A new code of rul«*s. seventeen In
imber. for the guidance of janUors;
was adopted last evening. This lUt Is
qnlte eu^prehensfve and leaves no
00m for doubt as 16 what the JaB^
ora must and mum not do. Fur exmple. thhr must sweep and dust each
day after achool hours hut they must
swrK'ping until after thirty
minutes have elapsed after school has
been dismissed. If the t**urher Is prssIf tiie teacher gives permlsakm.
ork can be done.
The Iia|u. basemenu and slalrwajs
must also iH' Hwn»t each day but this
can be *lone during sj-hool h*»uir. If
the oil braom It used. 'During the vacatluas each room must be thoroughly
cleaned and mopped. The ro*«is mast
be m*»pii^l also betwwn Oct 10 aad
20. Nov. SO and 30. February 10 aad
2a and May in to 20. 4*he klnd*'rgarten rooms must be mopt>ed onew a
Pn»vialonM were made for cleaning
the I.lari^ianlB and chalk tmys and
the Junius's dinner hour was Bxed at
11 and tha time of his twtuAi at 11:4C
so that th*>re would U* some pn** In
aulhorf(y:ln the building dHring the
The flqg must Im hoisted on all
eaumerat^ flag days and sneh other
legal hcilldays as are not in the list.
The r6oma must be heated to 70 de^
greew b.v
a. m. and the fresh air
supply room muet not be used as a
sioro room.
The Jsallor must keep the walks
cb'sn. U)« lawn m*>wed. make mlirar
repairs alKMil the building. aUy In
the building during acbool hours had
must nut use tohacce In any form
alx.ut the building during aclgml
The toners should cmdoavor to
Wi.rk In harmony with the Janitors
with the keachers. The janitorii ate
under the directhm of the su|a>rintendent ahd principals *if the buUdInga.
The ruUw were ^restated In the
form of a commitlee report and were
adopted oh Mr. Montague-s motion
They will! be printed and distributed

'The Saginaw water works la all
hut aeU«tpportlng Nothing will ho
Irfaced In the tax roll for the
aide, had only n.lU.r: fur the west
ton A. Goldie of CmdllltK'. haa par- ‘
^ chased a timber tract tn Iron county.*
. which he aatlmates will cut fi0,000.u00
feel of maple, elm and hemlock.


system at the Ualoa street building. 1
It seams ibsx thf syatam U not ihor-'
oughly undefwtocid sad many repairs
have bcee aeceeaary. .\o ofHelal
aciloo was taken.


(OPBilnued From Flrat Paie.)
nomlaating coounlttee
Bominate candldat**s
for the various offices for the^coming
The resignation of MUs Jessie
year. The commllU^e appointed for
Camp, teacher of the kindergarten at thU purpose was! J. W. MOUkea. A.
the Boardman avenue building was
V. FrltHlrich. W. W. Smith. T. H.
accepted on Mr. Meads* motion and
Sherman and H. Moulague. This com
MUs l^ura Hawks wss empluyetl to
rnItiiH* was m>mlnat«sl some days be­
till her'place at a salary of ,|4S a
fore the annual niw-ting for the pur
rootilh on Mr. M0nlagu*>s nuitlon.
pose *rf giving the member* erf Ibe
Miss Christina McKay, tiarher in Itoanl of trade an opp*>rtunfty la **xthe third grade Ellmwood avenue
pr*-«i ihelr preference* of men to hold
building, presenhed her nealgnatloa
the offices for the year lMi7. It is
t)*v*sttfio of the aerious Illness of her
the purp«i*e of The committee to In
fstehr. TJbU whs accepted on Mr.
vlte every member of the isaml of
Meads- m*4lon ahd Miss Rtls Xdsms
iraxte to express bis pref*»renc*-s to
of the .Normal was employed in her
7l.eo. in funpie mmaon IFf'>re the
place on Mr MemUgue s motion.
tniM^thig. iw» that an intelligint Idea
The report of the committee on
may In* had as to who aro the
claims and accoiinta whs aceptesl tui
mrn and nuatt d«**lre»I. The ccHumltMr. Maada* motk^
tee a;ni get Itigethor linimHllaK-ly to
A leUer from Ibe nwkera of l\ r*v
discus* the matter.
line asked why more t»f th. lr piiHluct
ll was the sense of Ihe nu-eUng thal
hadn't been ordiresl and the board
answered the qu*wtion which the every good ciilxen erf Traverse (MlVj
clerk nol*>d in sbitrlhajul on the mar­ U' Invited to associate blmseU with!
board of trad*', and ttte Hcendary
gin. There weri» tbrtH- wuids only.
was receive the nam*-*
-costs too much.*]
The report of the truant officer of all who are not members hut who
ahowed that h** had vlslt*^ seventeen dt'slre to become member* betwt*en
homes, report*»dj seventeen tnmnt*. now and the date at the atmual meetbad sened on*' notice, carried fortjr- Ing. and they will Is* voted up*m Im­
une packages and traveled about mediately up*m the opening of the
session so that they may have an «.psi'venty-flve miles in the month.
The city tr*‘asarer-s iv'ptm showed.
»h*' b«
lhal-the board hml $22,960.73 on hand, j P^^‘*^*P**** *«
Mr. E\x>te sugfjeated that inasmuch j
a* be would l>e away for several i There are a large number of busl
monlhs that a new chairman t»f the n"ss men. working men and pn*f«*s
buildings and grounds oommlitee be, slonal men In the city wbo ar*> ntd
appointed buf a« the next In order members of the board of trade, and it
lakes the office. jibU was not neces- i* dt'slrc that <*very citizen associate
himself with the oiypmlzatlon for the
The report of Superintendent Oil purpose of pramoUng and assisting In
bort showed that the enrollmeot and the Induatrlal dev#tapineat< of Trav­
attendance compared very favorably erse City. The annual dues are c*nly
with Usi yenr. The |»ercvnUge of at- $2. which everv’ man, wbo baa the In­
t**ndance last year was 9.-*. and a frac terests of the city at heart, can easily
lion and this year for the same month afford, and the present tord of di­
It was 92 and a fraction. The number rectors earnestly deaire that there
meJongIng during the month was 2.<»l Ik* a full repn-sentation of every In­
and the average attendance was 2.f»32. terest at the coming roeetlag. Opiiortunltle* wllh be given for the disenssion of vital subject's of lnter»»st U»
everylHKly. In accordance with the
Fred Bemlsh Entertained With Pro- nMjm'st of the ditvetors last niKht, th<*
s**cretary. J. W. Hanncm. would b**
Orcssive Pedro at Hla Home Last
glad to receive the names of even*
cUir**n wh^ dc8lr<*F to attend the ban­
Fred Ik'mish was the host to thirty quet and annual meeting b**tween
friends last evening and entertained now and the list. Koticea of the an­
them In a veo' pleasam manner, ITo- nual meeting are being sent out Today
gresslve pedro was the game of the to all membera and a postal card Is
enclosed for response. It Is de.*lred
serv*wl. All the guesU present enJo>- that every meml>cr signify at once bis
ed themselves wu much that the Urn* intemtioo to be present, ao that proper
arrangemoot* may be made with the
pased very quickly.
banquet committee as to the number
to prepare for. This Is very Impor­
tant as the board of trade will bo re­
quited to pay for eveiy plate agreed
upon, and It la c'spaclally requested
that lhc»*M' who d**slre to attend should
notify the s«*cr**tary on or l^efore Jan.
23. This will give Mr. Cnvls and Mr.
A Michigan dniflglst. H. G. Coleman F3l**r amide time to pr<i»ar»* lK*tween
has m.vde a thorough study of vai
cures for the liquor habit, and givea that date and the sKt.
this as a result of his luv**stigaaon: ' Thif luinquel will douMl.-ss be one
-Before taking the agency «.f Orrine of the finest ever spread in Traveny
I went lo a considerable trouble tc
learn about It and become oonfldeui City and Ike meeting one of the most
that U wax a thoroaihly honest prepEr.ntfon and pul oue by a reliable
Of the work done sln^e the Ii^t annual
meeting will be rrod and an Intelli
gent him given of what the board uf
inglon. D C. MalU*d se
trade ha.* accomplished and iheefforU
costs but $1 per box.
Onlaa U sold by Jd
put forth by the officers for the bene­
Co.. 115 K. Front street.
fit *rf Xhfi city.
C. P. McCixd ns E Front.
Jan flood St


Stop Drinking!


Don’t Forget-


Wheo thinking about pn»o»t%. that a chande­
lier, pretty shade, pocket flatter and

«!• •« S* B «i> Mnrkg IMw

J. W. JMkMo A. W. JUinH
E. A. Haane Bow & Moniw
awarded a cup fnaa haadqtmitaM iar P. lleoq^
A. OomU.
tolnglhe-igntw of aMMt of' P.F.Alien
J. H. Lwomb
■ny company In the
Is neat by Mat Boer, of Grand Raplda.
0. F. 0««B
Compiny 1. otAiin Arbor, haa haea|



F. L. Slmtar

Portable Table Lamps
make the very best kind of-a prese**. -We ha*e all .
of them in stock, at the right pnc^.
and see.

J. B. Paige Electric Co.

119 Nnvna HUM

Sale of Rockers.
Bargains Wortti Looking Into
On aroOniii of tbiiae gooda arriving too
kle for Ibe Holiday tiada. wa have an
founnouB Block on haiid ibnt are taking
np too moch room.
If 'you want a Kocker.


Pioneer livery.
• Hack * ,illa eiUMlr proiiipllv
at all li*mn». I call f.*r lai,t
1 have an opriN bii't for
parii**s T^hcrc
they all sit *lo\vn in thn
boiloiu as they usc*l to
do ill jjixnl oM times
years awiu. Have another
bu5\ with side scats for
those who ilon’t want the
other but**.

If you w-ani to move 1
LO give
i{ive you
aI good man
and a iai
give you

Now Is like Time to Boy
And bert* ii where
ere you
von will hod
find the unfinantf th(* lowaai prioea in
the cily.
Tin* Mlowlu^ will give you an iih-a of the grcAt reduction we
have made. Tbeae are only a few of tb«v many;
Larg«* -\rtu Rix*k**r, nolihm ouk fioiah, r**gular$:{ vidua, fll $1-48
Go^xl Cohhlcr Seat Koi*k*'r.
$:I.50. ih.w................. .1:18
K‘v*ker like cut. gold«Ni *>ak. ro’l anal, ni*vly earv»**l,
alwHya aoUl for |4).00, now iiuly.......................... ...........
i )ur sp K-inl $7 U >ckrr. toleu oak. wi*le nriti. roll aeal. uow M 'J5
S**aiug Clutira fr«>m il-To up. Morria Cbatra frota 4.7B up.
All oilier high grade litK'ktra told a4*otrftliugly.

Your Credit Is Good
Yoiir Reliable Furniture Store,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Street

The Hannah & Lav Mercaniile Co.
"THE BIG STORE"—Dealets in Etuything

Why Don’t You Raise Poultry?
There is Money In tlve Business, Both in
Ralstnt Poultry and Sclltnf the Eks.
It must be
on sci. iitiflc'priociples. though. A smaU sum invesUd at fit»t in-the r^t
kind of supplies will bringyuu suoh retums that you osa soon SDlatgu year batineas tlist wiU be
both iawuoatiDg aad must ptoHUbk-.
We carry a full line of the oelobrated‘ Reliable- In. nba'jrrs, Brooders and PonUry SuppUi!S. What we doirt have wo cau get for you in the ahorieat poaaible Ume abd cAii save you moocy. You can gee yoar goods Itefore you uiake your
yo purchaae.The Reliable lOO Egg Incubator, one of th.. bast after tesoty-fiM yssis o|
conttant improvement.
Proof Yard. The diicits eannot


The Reliable Stock Food Cooker and Water Heater Combined. The chicks
atlMn quicker growth and greaU^r weight when fed properly cooked food.
The Reliable Exhibition Coop, one of the nestsst aad be* c»ps m
mmrkat Is pat
tugeiiwr with Si rews. t^an be token apart in a moment’a tiasi. tor shipping.
The Reliatflo Insect Bellows, for dusting insect powder over both okl and yoang fowls.
Poultry Netting K-cps yonr ponltrj- in and amall sto.k out. Yonoanboy anyamonnt
yoa wstit.

Reliable Lice »<».'*”»


rwiae would take

Galvanized Iron Drinking Fountain-U’will not freeae, oaimot he tipped pear and i,
moat eoady cleaned
Reliable Hand Corn Sheller-SheUs any kind of com and is a great labor sarer.
Grit or Feed Box - Excelsior Feeding Trough. Reliable Caponizmg Inatrement
We carry in stock a full line of TnteniationsI Ponltry Fo<rf. Happy Fanes Oonditioo IWier,
Pratth Ponitry FooiL Seneca Horae Ooodilion Powder. IniematioDU Slook Food, Inta
national Colic Core. Sonera Hog Cholera core. lat^thmU Diaper Care. Seem
Poultry Food. Pratt’* Animal Regulator. International Heare Onre. PraU’a Worm Powder,

VyE GIVE AWAY as premium
the best Galvanized Iron
Drinking Fdunuin for best exhibit
in Class Four at the Northern Mich.
Poultry Show. Ian. 26 to 25. '

’ #1

HFE GIVE AWAY as premium
FT a $16.00 Lake City Feed Cutter’for the best bushel of Dent com
exhibited at the State Faraers'
Institute, Jan. 23 and S4.





TkMt 9MUIIMM ;ir»


«Hp «« teP food lor

I ^ IMI M«f«.

^ SM teate.
»ip«f» «f mt pn- • 4al]j proAKtIoa cT ra^to* fro« te
to 7t l«u. ate cte of
laii^ «te
of iu kite
A frw lM«d «^f |lir« otork' aad foor
, kiods <iT ter ver^ tiir rt«d|d. at Cte
pitet m
■ttfiiK r»«t«rtur. •
The coM^voottef te« tM op tte
rakSrat of th« cwpaiy la ttet to
POIM tesiMo fwpletHr u far aa

Fter «»a are left to mouri hU
daaU ate,the father apeat a portioa
of tech year with each of them. co«
tap here three wetea apo The other
•oa. lire to Sooth B«d. Ionia and
St. Jotea. Hla wife died twenty^wo
yeare apo.
Yte funeral will be held peoUbly
mday ate bortal will take place

.ad of telte o>M^ toPI tltk two nlto

At tte pc^ tte tmrmmr ia oo« icrt

Hy WIra to Tte Mraolnp Booord.
Del roll, Jaa. 21.—WbMt—No. S rod.
7teM»ra. 4Pc; oau, 41c.
CMoafo. Jaa. fS.—t^liaat—Mar.
n%e: cam. 46%c; oaia. 2M%t
Ttoteo. O.. aJn. 23.—Wheat—Caah.
TIHc; com 46c: oata. 3f^e.
teat potato. Jan. 2S.-Oatlto-loo;
mow, oaay. Steep ate toaiha-R.000;
II: cboloe lanba. 17JOSH:
$4^4 76: wottera, |6J6«
646: ewoa. 24,76©6.36. Hopa-2660;
fairly acUrr: Yorken. 6I.70©7.15;
plfi. J7.2S; mlaed. |7.oi|r7.l5: beary.


MMdUao. P*t 100 Ibi...
porlOO tta..........


Buyt-S Prkov


Apphia, per 100 tba........ .
Cow. .......... .....................

I Johnson Dn« Co. I
I -—


&““ F r


Don't Stoop.
The whede aecJlet of alandIng and
IKVKSTICATB PRI(»» ..n »trp.-l walk-erect conaiata In keeping the
UKI !.•«)> I.vwfmr hul.; Mlu C. I’.
throwM the bead upward and backMci-ool. 118 K. Kr..nt. '
wanl. and the ahoulder* will naturally
Jtn -:«h).3I
Fettle backward and In their thic poRltlon. ^ Thoae who atoop In walk­
ing generally look downward. The
proper way In to look atralght ahead,
^the name level with the eW or,
cllni^ to aloop. until thil ten­
dency la overcome l«>k ralhe^ abtn-e
than below* the level


This Week
You will have the Kfcatest opportunity to
buy ncir, rcliabfc merchandise at prices so
low that inventory with us will be an easy
task. The lollowing will give yooan idea
of what we arc doing along this line.
3 pieces HMnch Silk, brown, navy and black.
a 50c value, lo close.................................
3 pieces Trench Flannel.
all wool, always 75c. to close.............................. »Vi/

3G-hich Wool Dress Goods, 50c and 53c
values, all good patternR, choice -.-.......... .. .VV/V/
54-inch Suitings, jroodxolors,
Jl values, choice...................................................Vvi/

About MRenwants of Wool
Dress Goods at


Lalah Rookh Temple U All Ready to
Srethera From
Acroaa tha Deacrt.


After the banquet Dr, ShHllday <d
Lake Ann. who wma the only outside
L gatre a abort talk on matteia
pertatelag to the ammcUllon which
waa vary wen received. Mrs. K. E
Hovel ate Mra. A. 8 ‘Rowley rendered
.New York. Jan. 23 —American regu
I aotoa which w
gees from Klngslon, Jamaica, arrived great deal.
here yesterday on board the rte
►nit's orcheatra played
Kilel Friedrich, which ■
out the evcalng.
the stricken city on Thursday
l. the third day after
the earthquake, were unanlmou
condemning what they tergired
"imirtivUy and utter Inefftcimy'* of
the English auiborittoa on the ii
during the first days following
disaster. For three day., or upon the
day the Print Eitel sailed, they say,
there was lio semblance of order or C. w. Wheclock
nothing definite .done In the matter of
relieving the sufferings of many of
Firat Qlaaa RaataucanL




^ .Honed at leut the ptirllepe






Special to The Breolng Roci>n1.
Sullon. B.y. Mick, J«n SS.-S.1',
tons Bay will bare one of the most .
modern school bouses In this S4-ctUni .
of the state. The new building will
t*e of field stone and will he compU-tN-d at a cost id $6.0(M>.
Pursuant to a call «d the b^rd of
education, the tax payers of the vil­
lage met Ust Bight and conaldcjed
the matter of a bulldlag. a altc ma­
terial %Bd funds for the name. Tho
boaid had options on four sites, the
property on 8t. Marys avtjoue,
the SteiiBel property at the head of
the Di-ust. r property
no Race and 8t. Joaeph avenues ami
the Btelmel property In front <d St.

plelod ve.sterda>vM‘*^^*®*'»
A deal was
.Li«rL MnH Wm .
» majority declared In favor of
whereby C. W
Bloodgood’became the owners «»f the the Holme pn>i»crty.
I decided that the
Utile Tavern. Mr. BlooNlgt>od will
be of field hUMie with '
lake the management of the bufluess
slate riKif and the mat complete
while Mr. Wheelock wiU lbbk After
will lie IC.OOO.. It was also di-clded
the financial end of the busineas
Robert Davldaun will remain under to purchase the Palmer property
alongside so aa to Increuae the school*
the new management.
Tne plan of the new proprlelors Is
lo give Traverse City a finit -class
reauurani and with that end In vh-w.
they will remodel the interior of the
building. The dining room has al
l*almer property vi additional |75.
ready been repaivre<i and palnU-d and
Work wilt In- Itogun as Vumn as the
In a few days the whole establlshmcui
ans an- approved and as soon as the
will be as got»d as new A shipment
of |(K) worth of sliver wras received material car

Df RbK-pIng on the open doeJs of the
Kingston was refused "with
givat unclvlllty."
The wcMind«-d. wh«. had Imk-u taken
1 iKMtrd th<- same steamer for an
asylum were put tshon- the day fob
owing the earthquake. Tuesday, and
vere left on the railway wharf until
a red for by the American naval auhorlrb-s Thumday.
The I>rlnz Eltcl's passengers told of
the great relief the arrival of the
American squadron brought to tha
tcj-i or stricken
p«-<»ple and
amazed to hear of the rupture which
Past Prwldent Charles Everett. Was .
IS occurred lietween (lovemor Swef- Two Wera Tested Very Satistaclorlly
Burpriisd by Fraternaf Order <4^.^
nbani and Admiral Davis.
Eaglra Last Night.
>n t»-e
A N. E. Lockl
R«>«ulutlons condemning the authorFraiobU Yesterday.
lti(w were paaaed.
Past Prt-aident Churb^ Evrieit of
Ttaveroo ('lly aerie. No. 3k3. FYatoiual Onl«T of Eagles, was'very much
things In this tu-cHon of the state
least, but ycKtenlay two of th«‘ train surpriseil lust evening.-wiii*n he was
prcM-nted with a handMime silk um
hones weit- given Uummgh
(Contiuui-d From First Page.)
on the M. A N. E. bK-als Vy their bnlla. a present from the bMige. The
lul«-a al RciMl City, radlllac. Lak»picsentalloii siMv-ch was made by
City. KaHtuhkn. Charlevoix
Elmer F: White and liT a few. wH!
any . accidents
laire. coming from there here, and all
troubles along the Hue and report the rlK»M-n Words Mr. Willie told how
jdotig has found the pe<»ple very en
mhereulKiuts of tbe train which would much Mr Ev**retl's scrvlci-s during'
ualastic i.ver the good roads ques
feud In pr<-VT*nt accidents and alN* hl« two terms were appn-elated. The
give much woriy and work
Tests umbndla has an lvoi> and g«dd han
ThU afternoon Mr. Rf>gers waK
v<-te make at five dlffen-ul places die f»n which Is engraved F*. O K. and
able to deliver an addn-as iin thr
the IniHals <Nf the past pre-sident. Mr.
ilong the line.
piPgrehN id giKMl roads. He slated
E>.Veti had no Inkling of the affair
that therp had bc-i-ti nlnety-lbri-e
I of Kiate roads built In
four counties and that
had iH-en made for 25K miles of mad Lons Llat of Them Whose Last
Known Addraaa Was fn th^ United
mm different Si-ctlons. The different
Slatoa—Whole Family LosL
kinds of roads the state pays f.,r
discussed and the kind for each
A bulletin haa Just lieen tm^sIoiI I MrW. Emma Arnhold
Hun suKK«‘Mte«l.
the First National bank office which
Passed Away ^ While
The mad built at Kalkaska
Journeying to the West.
s|K»kc‘n of and this road U giving the would furnish a clew for many an in
eiy best of aaildacUon. The state teresUng story could they be traced
Chiragbpivlal to The F:venlng Ib-cord. .
an anly jray for two miles of road In
Klngsle). Muh.. Jan. 31.—Word has
•ach township. Money for road build banking firm which makes a sr»«'elaHy
ing can be raised b>* bonding If de- of finding the heirs to largo Inherit just been recelvi-.! hei.- that Mra.
and the state will pay for two anres. The bnllcHn post**tl Is thr Emma Ainhold. who left
fortieth «»ne and contains 31.1 nanu-s for the west, died lu the depot at Man­
i a year until thr townahip
These are mostly foreign names Imt itowoc, Wis.. FYlday night of ct»usuini»rsoil providing that, Ihcf
funds In the department.
addresses worn In the rnlte«1 States
Jacob Arnhold and family left InIn order to gel the state rt
roada must not be less than eighteen In several raws entire families have Join Mrs, Arnhold's par­
feet, from that up lo twenty-four feeL been lost trace c»f and the last known ents- in South Dakota and
in width.
Drainage was taken up and the ne- of the family.
great shock to lier many friends. She
sslty of this was urged on the i
The Grand-Rapids Llneoln club will
leaves la^alde* her husband aud i»arg. The statement that in i
hold Its annual lianquet FVb. 13. Gov.
ents four daughters and two sons. SUo
states they are building rtMds by
W*arner and Senator Smith will lie tbe
was 46 years old.
ing sand and clay and meeting with
chief speakers.
excellent aucceas was of special in





Till* Kvoiilng Record.
dn*. Mich. Jan. 33.—Samuel
»s.d'«. iui found dead In
<«1 thlK morning at hla home aix
iU»8 i-aM of Emplw, He leaves a
Ife and one »ou. John, and one
■other. 1-V.inH
Heart disease was
f cause of his death.
Mrs. Maggie rWinahur. aged 75. die,!
yesteiday morning after a long 111
She leavcH one aon. Daniel, and
two daughters. Mm. Murphy of Grand
Rapids and Miss Maggie Donahue ol
Minnie, the i:,-inonthh-<dd daughter
of Mr. and Mrs Thomas M<K>re. died
at .7 o'clock thU morning of pneumo-

Tbe Indians nay that their gods
knew how much trouble it w«
- a canoe mnd so gave them the
cotton, tree, lu wood la lighter
pine and almost as soft aa cork. The
shape adapts the trunk to nai
and after the tree is felled, with
comparatively lltUe labor, the Interior
is excavated, the canoe pitched
-Farmers are buying Jobi."
and withln.’and ready for use. One
Friederklc F. ^ngram. of Detroit
lht*«e canoes. 60 feel long, will
-Thoae who buy large farms get poal carry a load of S to 12 tons, not In
eluding that of the boatman.


tcrest. There is danger In this be
The vlillure can travel 160 miles an
The abollUon of net fishing lu all
P at Howell they tried It and forma in the Saginaw river Is conteiu- hour. It la a question whether It or
used too much sand. The reanlt wai plated by the bill lalroduccd by Rep. the tegllsh kestrel la the awITtest
one of the worst roads in Michigan. C. H. Waters.
then explained a practical method
for bplldlng a good rtiad of this ma
Gimvel roads were next discussed
purB food lows
Mr. Hopkins gave valuable advice to
tolovory ol
rd to this, telling the commlaslonera how to prepare the road for the
gravej and In conclusion how to place
the gravel on.
\Vh\)e the meeting wa» n<k
STERLING i#rigl»t piano, walnut
the closest attention was paid and
The king haa bad the art treasures case, regular $325: pre Inventory price the Ulk was very Instnictlvc.
Jan 33-51
at Windsor Castle rearranged, but haa 1210. Grinnell Bros.
not l?oen able to have them Insured,
owing to their great value, which la
said to be S60.000.fiW.
Misa AddU Solat Waa Hoatasa to
Party of Vpwr»9 Ladiaa al Home
o: J. W. Haiman.
teu. Mtaa C. P. McCool. 118 E ProoL
Jan 22-eod-3t




mbber Slone Coat





In part# of Belgium FlcmUh l» uacd
by the workman, aervanta, cabmeh.
and the ^re»l claaaes. French la the
apofich air Uie real of the population.
The atrek aigns are printed to both.
In Finland the pcManta spete only
Flnnlah, In the town*. 8wfdlah (which
haa no relation whatever lo FlnnUh).
Noken. whereas the official Iane of the courU la RuRsiaS.




TTie Knights of Khoraasan U*gan to
feed up their camels today for the
Journey across the hot sands to Traw
erne Oty, where ^hev will find an
oasis tomorrow evening and will be
the guMta of Lallah Kookb temple
it Is asserted that men and w(
The Manistee caravan, cooalaling of
large numbers, la all prepared. Kal­ wYio sought the aheller on board the
BrltlKh steamship Port Kingston
kaska is riwdy for the Journey,
a-as chartered for Sir Alfred
brothers from Sherman have packed
their belohAlne. «hHe tho«. «ho live
I. Eak R.rl.l» .re Aoonln* their tur- “''...e .nd the pie. of the Amerlch
bM«. Ever} thio* point, to one of the I
and the number of knights frt»m out­
side the city will l»e large.
The lianquet Is even uiiw being
reiuin-d i*> C S Cavis and Sam
Elltr and will Ik- ikic of the finest
eveV held by any teimplc. The supply
of food will Ik- ample and moisture
will IK- found at the oasis vIm- 11
would not be a true oasis.
Tonight then- will Ik- a rehcaraal
(d Grand Vizier RIckatd and the
other nH»ml»ers of the temple will don
their fln<n- and step forth Into the
glare of the fcKUllghts at the Grand
opem houRe. The cast has gotten the
woik down perfertly and a large class
of .tyniR has In-t-n promUi-rl and will
undoub’u-dly iK* here. The entertatnrm nt end will be managed by A. U
J««- and be has It In g»MHl aba|M\
The iH-st talent avalbiblc has U-en
tK-cured and the list of after dinner
speakers contains the i


The Gihte TimvWw Medical asaodatloa held their amiiial banqMt at
Bark Place last eveotag.
PUtoa wws laid for twenly-tw<^
imeau ate aa excelleot atoou was

„„ ^


The expt'nae of the rcceul grand
Jury In Berrtn eoonty WM 61.620 and
Mrs. L F. Titus ndumed1 last-nigh
when the last of the r3'lndlct«>d and after a lhre<- wc«'ks visit In Chicago.
r«tnvlrte<l men have paid their fine*
W. O. F«xite loft ff>r Denver. Col.
the county will realise
this mnnilng. where he will s|tehd the
winter. .
Mrs. William Kvans letunuMl U/hei
ekUSca itrer be afria W bsy CbA- lu.iue in Boyne City thlsjnomlng.
MiW F. E. Bniwu and daUghler
wenealhMl to the Son by the dealU
u M 4tKer Vmr Jt i»M reUef tt
«lwv$ EEre te toUtv. It a ttfiu- of the child of Mrs. A Di-Graw j
iaiTvattble tor coin crov *b< (5. A. Bilghain of nm-kley wa^ In
wbMplac coach. For,sale by Arne- the city t.slay.

rteaa Orac Ca.



U raaJlr omm ^t «lt» two dtattoct
niUIa. ea^ woTkiap todepaaiowor. yet In ^ect aeeoid Corn. P, ^K-elJ WawwSu-Ste iThis
Aftamoon From tha Flrut Prtaby
The paper ladneuy U rtnruluiloola
ins OCaaca. ate to ibta tepamnrht of
Oa|^ P, Kj;pli ar.^
Utee tte towa la eaaAy Mkhlpan a
adc«nar.a fiineral aehnon
forkaMi are aow biiay tm the
la of the OCaapo (^Inp aillU full of tender aym^thy for
fVlenda who are U^ft tehlnd and
wlibln a few abort naatha tb«w ior pUtnly showed hi. esteem and that of
atHutloba will be bee hlrea of Iteoat the general public for Mr. Kroll who
n and lurnlng out thafmdm of <te met such a Ttotent d^th early MonUja In producu weekly4
day morulnp.
The pall bearer, were choaen from
' in the eaae of each mill the pU^
have been prepared witb the Idea Of amung "Chartoy-.** friend, and a
doubUnc the preacnt ca|paclty in tte large number of hU Arm frietek fertnear future and aa applied to tte lowed hU body to ^la Uat rtetJng
Otaefo Coaliny mill. U^a work
place In Oakwood.
be done durlog 1007. when a M
bnlldlDK. 400*63 feet, jwlll he
•luicuM and the numbfr of coaUnu
any 4eft
The Human Hoartk
machinea Incroaacd froip nix to aU
this morning where; they
•bow tonight.
The I. a K. cluh gave a rery much
when Qeorgu E. Bardeen decided to mjoyabir party in Hond a academy
build hla first paper mlU there. uuUi Uat evening.
The friend, of Fn‘d Lewla will be
today there are seven Unp) mills, alt
of which hare been built through the interested to team that he U rapltUx
ecovering from the effect, of hi.
efforts'Of Mr. Bardeen."
iperatlon. Mr. Lewis la at present at
3lg Rapid, but hope*, to be home
One of Count Tolalol'a favorite
ioon. Mrs. Lewla 1. with him.
maxims 1. that ' the find duly of hu­
The guild of Grace church will give
man being, la to abolish war." A
i reception at Uie home of Mrs.
Kn-nchman once tried to convert him
Goodall. 502 Welmter alreet. Thurs­
from hla anllmlUtaut Id^a and. find
day afternoon from 2:30 to 5 o'clock.
lug hla argumeuta of no avail, said:
All the. ladles of the church, together
• | am certain that the firal peasant
with 'the friends, are Invited.
we meet will have sounder Ideas thau
. J. W’. Ganntlett is now able to
your. " They went for a walk and on
Id to all of his practice after five
mreUng a laborer the Prenebman laid
weeks of parUal dlaablUty caused by
ttefore him a plan fur a Franco-Rusthe fracture of his left wrist. He has
alan mar with (ionnan)< "What du
been at the office during that time
you think of thatT" asked Tolstcd. ' I
but has attempteil but little outside
think." r«-plle«l the man. "that my
plan Is a IroUrr one, Un the FrenehA iMdltton was filed in Pitdiato
mm mork and the Kusaian. mtirk.
court today for the determlnaUon of
and mhm thr> day*, toll la over let
helra in the Husana CalkinN estate.
thnra go and have r drink logelhnr
It hao n'malned unscllU'd since 1893
and take th« (Jerma s with them ••

. totM for <«•.. ,«m„ .«! p«*. if h« ^
^ tea Unaa for aak*. la prrfir Iwckr.
OfalB malpta ara tiskt tboar ter«

aaltot Ateraas to Grate Trav.






•iry H rnmi^mmm§ ^ CHp

Tl» M


MkM •



ii DfcP'J


Pierce and during the eveolng
freahmeats were aerred. the I
paaaliig very enjoyabty.

WANTED-Hlgbaat caiAi priea paid
There are about 400 tewllag dabs
for -ear com ate oata. Timwaa In Beatland. 22 of whidt are la OlaaCity MilUng Ob.
Jan IS tf


.... _'L



■ o'-*"



Fir itrvoiis, wMWHiid
and “Run DmM” SilkiHn
tiMt aaad aiaat to carafallr attort^
Martor tottM
to «ad

fw •tAryttef

iMcy It te lU Two am atoaM to tall la aacS ]

Mr. HbykiM MrtMd IW fMcr« ta
a MC
npOf* M Mi M
wM Um fM M a fdat
yiavlag. tofMMit ^

. Mr. Storm hmnUy lodorMHl Mr.
were trw by rltlaf U»» fact that

|i» M a amte dHIl wMci ba M M
Imtj'Mx rconi Md rat H is to good
Mtoga bmw ba M cskm
M btod»r la alwar« taM afoil aad

^Xtara- was K. A. dapp a *to
aad he becaa h, sNtoc the retatlo
spears to tto mtmktr et haahata
aerw. lour, tto omml aamhm plMi
Baca aaa to^to tli ai aidi ^ If mek prodacod oao ear. bearlac
iNMtols to the aorm
Saranac toaaM to toto aaea to
The proper way to take bare of aoed
tm dara Ha atotaad ttot tto 1
eora Is to pick out a good ripe ear
ar eamrau aaa gaai aurtouMa to- aad leere It oa the aulk and take It
rtair rattor ttoa amr. Ma Um
afur It la haekad and pot It where It
toad dlcctoc toparior to aar ottor U aJvar* bt aae temperature. Do not
lac aad aaaiy




EspotoM of Mn. Rodtwood and Mist Tierney




AatU thl( b* th« «u*T
ftoaoM itoy torn nr^leatad them■eleen, m ewy oao of thaao patiroU

rrwiMta. It. r.. writ*.:


aieaU. aad other oryaale weaknceaas
All of theae oymptona are lodloaticms of aa vahealthr oondllkm of the
famalayatamand if aoi headed the
peaalta W
paid by a daafaroaa

2»r-uJ2r,“«^rs r-s:
eObaspoaa^ made
fitoa aatlra tooUaad
has eared
Ko oUwr nmAj h« ndi ufaaiialaa ItU thaa aay other oaa
rtMoady. Soeb lettarc aa ihafollowiaf

Mrs. Pinkhain's SUndlng Invttotion to Wi
Wonea aafferiaf from aay form of famali yeeVtoi| era larltad io
promptly eommuatoaU with Mra. Plakham. to Lyai, llaak From the
aympUMaa flm. the teoaMa may ha located aad the ouletoai a^ aami way

^ Wto. nihtoM*s tortec-A Wmsa lest Uaiertiuti s W«ni-t Hta.
orcr the country rtmdi, and the man
arhu lorra to anuciUe ap to hU swoatbmrt and kt^i> bor vara, or the man
Id family who lovea Uie baalthfol dlrersUw. should tore one of oar acw
style aleinis. with one or two seats, to
enjoy hit winter pastime. To be
without a Rood aleich when tberTTs
. snow on the croand would heUR

' USB. KoMet.


•00 Ftonoctopb Cm
Hint Ko. 1—Bay yonr ptoao from aoum boose that has a rlta]



ttorefare all rtfht II It does not ooam mlgf96.
Ulto No. S—Do not
tone. Get a ptano with a flrat-claas tepuUtkm.
Hint No. 4-lDv/frtlgale any **wonderfar oltort rerf <sarMi|lly.
^memtor Uem l^oo
^ *


■ “ ".-resr

ehaaer tormiu this ptaa to

w sai ctsa

kiMBAuL MdHib
- _U. a BAaNBB,p(Da

131 F>^t stmt

trill toeom motot aad later if tto
vetotor €hcac« H will f;ee» aad
thaa apo^Plt tor need. By all
If you eipect shod ctopi •Met
aoed. Itore la a totoeaey la
tooiwreh todi aad otosMima
but lei It be used tor toed «ad la that
detaroytac It you toa keeptac the
eaai eora oa the admace aUfe.
The ladUas took grmt care In productoc aa Improred eoaditioa of
It used to to an Idea that the middle
sutee prodooee the-beat eora bat aotr
aa*wa tore aormaded the
ve tore i
ed in productac a floe Quality of eora
Oust as yoa would eapect to tore a
flae. healthy rail gnm fro
health}, prodoctlre mother than
so inferior or scrub animal.
He adrised shellinf off the com aad
putting It In a dry place to save for
seed. If It Is necosaar} to buy a«
should be purchased In as near a like
climate where It will be used as pos­
SUfitlnf and Cart af Cera CropA. U Hopklos qaoted ooe'insUu
where a farmer complalaed In regi
to the rUamte end aeaaen aad
closer obserratloB he found that this
jer had beep plaating cira on the
e piece of ground lor bevenleee
a. It was proven that the fault
rted to the farmer. Clover aod
Is the iKWt place to plant com. Plow
your ground late In the fall and
when the spring plowing is oa
moisture aod mulch will have monchance to intermingle with the earth.
cm then If you And hales and
ooMC and tpe earth sUck you iiad
better nsed a roller and press this
no )our work Ixiter aod quit com
plalnhig with nature and you farmers
will hare toitrr crops.
The apenkbr explained fully how
the farmer can save half by usl
eheek^owor In ptaatlag eom .ln pref
eirace to plantiBg by the old fash
aed war.
Drag the land after It la planted
and level It off eo that lha rapit^ will
oot follow tto treachea and wash out
the com or Mr. Jim Crow wroaH
akmg mad pick out the itod The
Ume to kill weeds Is just when you
turn your ground over. Don't wait
unUl they are big enough to cut with
The aremge farmer cnltlvates his
core three times and that always be­
fore the Ptrtirth of . July. If you hare
ooly flve acres of com K will pay you
ae a cuHlrator mad go over It
er If you tore got to husk your
com you tad better put on three or
men and then If later you
tise the shredder but don't: above all
tktnga. leave your >ora In the field
when tto apov cornea for It will get
y pad you know that the stock
don't want to eat musty food.

the adripppA gniei tto ooUeetkm is
tfGild pptoM Is-ltatod Ptaopg the
m^oMs Ai^tAHBg tSU of tAtaht hath
la map Mwllig. tosay writing.
poMUen and other aahtoets. Oh# eery
pratQr atoal UptlslGU tto Mi
OoartpM adtool hat a ttoa eollecttoa eC drawinc- Oae an
laM. is a-atop la tto duaailen af high
tosp apn aantinaa hla eadeaeora with a* markad aaeeaaa.
Boam aeartag ea can
aya PM tto ballenfliflT
Of holly and the prtwertol Christmas
tuilitf makes one wlik they might
live the Christmas aad Hew Tear over
Oa^ aehoal has a tee line af pen­
cil drawliv from apeelnl leaaons neat
oat by the ebmmlseUmer. as hss also
larteld No.
Tnto eetool has color dmwiags In

Wdoica in mn extausted, ncnxKiA statc,^ to ovcfwvork, roatiniKlto
aockl functions or a general •Tun down * oondttioa of hoMi, often wonder
whjr toaics and emuUkmp till to bencBt them. The rtaa^ b |dAin.
TonictAndemtikionsAre good to ttoto
but the>> ctnnot build up the
body tmta the Mrrrr have been toned and qukted.
Theresa only
remedy that can restore betlth tp women in this exhausted. ncrx'ouscondittoo, bcciuse it acts diiccUy upon the nems.

WfwrieanHli Elliillb the only remedy of iu kind in cxistCBce. As its name implic^ It’s a
specific for the peculiAr exhausted .nervous conditions resulting from the
continuous rush and tension under whk'h Amerirans live. Thb remedy
fills an important gap in the line of fpedicincs.
Ucxall Amcricanitis supplies to "the body just lhc»sc elements which
Nature cannot supply .in sufficient quantities to meet the unnatural drain
upon the »cr\»ous ajstem.
Pbotphorus in soluble form b the basb of thb splendid ner>c food.
Tbousauds of women hive been sa\-ed from ner\*ous prostration by the
prompt U5e of Rcxall Amcricanitis. To all <k>nditk>ns of ncr\*ou^ deiangelanpt
incnl, exhaustion and debility it brings |)crmar
~ relief.

7S Ctoiits Pmr
d sards Vy the Httta people. Alae
Mdea korae eareed aad atouated
by Otaa ABdras. aged It. which doei
credit to that Hne of art.
kites, f^aeiteto. hooka, cards and all
eh pretty things, the work of In
ms pupils which shows plainly
the inlereai tgken In their afaare U
the Institute.
Monroe Cenier school, dlstilat No.

JOHNSON DRUeXO., Druggists

Store i

Observations on SoiinA
The following curioui; obkorv si inns
nf Kuuud hsvo. iM-fii rsn-rully vorllii-d
h.v sn cxiendt'd iwrics of cxpcrimratK: Dr. Kirschmann telieves that Even
With Vastly Ojfferent Conditions
Tb»' whistle »»f s IfK-tnmirivo U henrd
It Does Exist,
Ihrco thousand, thr.'.- hundred y.nrds;
the nolM* of a railroad Imln., Iwo Bv WJre to the Evening Itooorfl.
Mind. «dch( blindr«v1 yards; the
Tonrmtn. Jsn 2,1.-The exIMence of
n of a muskt I and th.- luirk of n life In other worlds has lieen u
dog. flghlecn hiindr.*d; Iho nrthi^stra generally mimtttid l»y wientlltr
u* roll of a drum, sixteen hun than by thr average Individual.
drod: the human volri- roachi s ih a Is. bowe%er. Inteit'stlng to note
dlMltoee of one Ihousund; the rioak Dr. A. Klrschmann. professor of Phil
Ings of frtip<. nine hundieiJ: the ehirp- osoidiy In the Dntverslty of Tot
p -nf clilekens. eipht hundred.
has expressed himself very stn
Distinct siMakiiip Is heard In the, regarding his l>ellef that life exists In
air from Ix-lna up to a’dl.‘-»;«nre of six < lhi-r planets. He rven c«int«mdR tlu.t
hundrt'd yanls; from ahme ft is only on other (Kslles when- nmdltlmjs of
understiHvi Io a nui^e nf one hundrx*<l lehiperature of carl»on. nitrogen, wesyards downward. It has
aHcer- ther. etc . an- diffrn nt from our own
Mabel rowter
■d that an echo is a* ll reflwled tie have no gi
piod reason to c-onrltidi
district No. 3. teacher.
from the aurfare of sniuoih water only that rondlllonH may not exist to i»«*r
Mar>' 8o6BeidClmy. district No. 2. teacher. Rose when the voice cornea from an rdeva mlt Intetllgt-nt life comparatdo to
Armatttmfi. •
Her alrollar fOienomenn connected
Harrcr. district No i. teacher. Kina
Alth the transmission of aound have
obaenred. but the reaulta diaaReitner. district No. €Vk. teacher.
grec.wlther from Inarruracy In the ole
Una B. Hagar.
ttioaa. or fmni the varying na­
Counade. district Ko. 3. teacher.
ture of the circumstances .affecting
Esier Amber.
Hifhiaaa. district No. 3. teacher. the numlFcrs obtalnwl.
Such variations recur Io an extent
Bslor Archer.
By Wire Io Th^ Evening Record.
ten to twenty p<*r cent, and even
Bates, district Ko, 3. teacher. Ethe
Berlin. Jan. 23.—The Prussian i
ore. The w-eather being cold and
lyn TomplOns.
lallway ciMipbll has. adopted h;
Bay. district No. 2. teacher. dry or warm and wet are the chief in­ large prondsal that the railway i
fluencing causes. In the first case the
Fhnny Swaney.
WUliamsburg. district No. 4. S. M. aound goes to j
Perry, principal; Ethel Scott. Inter- second a lesser,
ital measure
mediate: Blanche Carpenter.
reduce the pn si ni hl^h price of meat
The Catholic population of the by Icswnlng the cost of bringing It
district No. 2. teacher.
United States of America at present to market. As in many quarters tt
Amy risher.
Interlochen. district Nb 5. teachers. numbers al>out fourteen millions, and 1* roainlninedt hats meat Is not only
there Is added to these figures the dear, hut alH» scarce, the <-ffeet of the
W. H. Curtis and Miss Woodland.
Cedar .Creek, dtslrict No. 1. teacher. Catholic population of the Pbllllplnca reduction In the cost of carrlagv^ will
and Porto Rico, the Catholic popula­ be watched with Inteiesi.
Grover Crum.
Karlin, district No. 5. teacher. tion under American government
would exceed twenty million.
Emory HUllatd.
'ectlon of a hall
Silver Bake, teacher. Alice Archer.
Stramboats pl.^lng on the Thames i least $30.<
Lone Tree. dUtrtet, No. D. teacher,
being named after British celeh- roan Aid society, of Cslomet.
Ruby carprater.
CoaU. dtatrict No. 2. tosie R. Win
am epIdaiBic at Munbfaig.
eouncU. U being an Idea of , John
. have been mpflHofl had
s. tho Ubor VMiber of parlia^Fbriy
Ositas. district No. 3. teacher. Flormenu whleh waa met wHh much favor tour deaths have occurred from this
A: CIPPP^ Nofihby.
Especial notice should be given to
Umg links:


•na of woik as have also the follow
Bartlett school, district No. 4. teach
er. Grace Pulrtfcr.
kU}*fleld. dlatricl. No 4. teacher.
William Rich.
I'aradiae. district No. 3. tiwcher.
Martha Hcwtti.
Kingsley, dlatricl No 3. A. H. rUrk
incipal: Bits Jennings, intermedi­
ate; Ullian Bouors. second, and Matol
Eldred primary.
Mapletoa. district Ko. 6. teacher.
Rnth Thom.
Malchett. district No. 5. trsrber.
Alice Rose.

- •Tompkins, district No. 3. teacher.


10 apecllben ethlhRM by Klngaley
Thi^ behig ttie first eentimlaelioi>l til Ornnd Traverse ooimty.
leUn A.- Mwtw. tMaftk U Ctlv. U Htad
wdrtf In bodk fW« U eschllent
D. tt
In hi) Tto ditotent hrmadies.
A ahuw Mw dtaiday of wooden
wwHt Is eoetothteg aotlcoable. The
•MM KMilkit.
pen and
» Winuatburs KboM hu •
Ink atted byTtorta Crisp. sgM 13. U
>ll» Mhfltt IB
fiat: aleo A Quillet by tto same boy
bBikrt Mtlat-Wj«r thmi
Ddra P
. _
Mrth bvk ««tk.^BBirSt «>
unable to atlead aehool. atot n very pretty
rito Ltoe has atao a fine dlaptay of toadoet ef ciape Useae paper flowers
of lilies, roeea. margueritee.
Thto^tectloo la very
natiAal aad does credit to the young
girl AM is rally wppreelnted by all.

The Evening Rectird.
Mich . Jan 23-nr
cull «wrt iirnMnc-d at Frankfort
William Hogg of Frankfoit was
vlhillng his family he.e over Sunday.
He exiMM-iN to Iiuive hIs family to
Fiankfoii the last 4.f the month.

M1H^ Blnn:8tadL 4rf. ikHwbh was
the guest of her auni; fltei. Mike
lto.ver. last wwk.
Mrs. John KtHieska Is visiting .her
luin^nts at Nessen l!lly.
AndK'w Uumund is daugf rtMJsly IU
at the home of his mother. Dr. MrMiiIUvi of t'adlllac was calUvl fm
him Saturday.
Vcr> little hope Is enlrrlslneil for
the recovt^- of O. A. Brown.
Flank Stiver of Pomona was In
town Saturday.
Wlss Sadie Brewer. James y6i55iio
and George Smith, all of Nrasen City
»<-re shopping in town. Rsturdsy.
(Tiarles Crawford nf Twin Moontain «as in town Friday.
Mrs. M. J. Follett was called to
Rosebush Monday by the aoddln
death of her father. She retumnd
Guy Smith of Trmreran City nrn»the guest of hU brottora. Ray and
Fern last Thuradny. Ouy nma enronte
to his parents home at Angola. Ind.
Mias Edith Slough of Dldaborg.
Alberta. Is visiting her friend, MUa
Dina Mmv.
The i>enny social at tha Maoemtoo
hall last Tuoadsy was very IniRely
tended. It was a wKial and flAan.h! suoceas and netted the Mimhnftf
*arly |2t. .
Dr Bdnmondt of Honor wni In
tomu last Thursday

Doga nre being trataod tor theterby whtah wilt to nto on tho tein
root at emt^ FTHa. PM. 32. This
U mn manual cvenL. Cnah prixet am

^yiVtaoi ra Btoer Than Any. Other Remedy to Raatord

Health StFenath

Clarence ttetuflUp lAnaera. aaya a

Ctaripito filiiifrtr. Ata allege that
(to ippDrtitaitaMt et me Jug ravara
BfltaB tataity^totofUed ah ito m

ilHtabaA of tU Htomtoo nf Urn FaaM eeUmatAd to aoat
II Baton ted Jamthe

tateKMy tNMjto
Mtop MMteto tfi d

IM ViMi toon up tbe tyrntm, mnk
ffiuAe «W
of the W bMV
e* by thotou^y milcMiogtbecu>«o(<«le.K.
endlcMiog the ci






if Ap*
L f'

'■ i


• Mb





We Know
•MUM fMMt?

aad filarffeftte. have 1


of KaB>
touaty. have agiM thAM
Bckelg tod ta mBke ae attewgC «•


Bad Axe amat eoatribtile |d05 to
wIpiacM Uedebtof MMLor


•r <mmtrr. AMrmt U S.

g^tlt MoaatiwtL GKa^pbcaa

WANTI&-.MM <«• boy Ui drive tew
V at <M». J. W. SUier b«mae furaleb
Jm tl4f

■Wd HU atraaia.; wtn taa f1.Me
la paod aalaa. itm aad ««aar af

•tX tOOQINft MUD* vaated; two
trip kaal: ms par If. r. J. Hall

Mnm., tl7 Ualoa atraac. CStz. pboaa

W# rfcrd. Iflch.


jaa «-«•

*On MLB~i4ia<-naa iMaaa. eoraar
of Bapd aad rraat: larva lot: aaw
boaaa; aaay trnma; priea |lMa.
Wad# Broa. tl7 Caloa^SLl. Gtti.
pboaa im.

con aad
ai oata Travera* Ckjr
laf Co.


FOX tALt-14S»-n I
^opabalf aHAw elty


cura la car. CotwwiMa Trawafer Go.
iaa. SI tt


WAHTCD-SS taama. Seed toad, biat
cl vataa. Jerry BalUraa. Oadar.'

U etraat. CIU. pboaa 111

two aad


I eff Ua
gad qegMu
etimyU aad btoXh to erer:^
onto«ftbebedy. Mereslad^
geetma. DyapepriC Squr Sima.
•ch.Bricfaiag.Qas an StmnacL
aad an Stomach treuhia*.
gall lad amethiriagiw



elKdfo applaa by baabaU fWr Ml*:

|aa H4f


rnard Brittn^ 22 year* old. 40
ea la height &d blind, la a aeww
boy who staada near Ue captUil ew» at Lanaiag. He quU the stage
for tbe^SalralioB anay. he saya. He
came there recently from CoaiWite.
BlUor Geo. A. Kewett of Isphagriag.
tecorertag from the fracture eC two
rib* la Ue wreck of the Rock Island
flyer a week ago. He was returning
Arlaona *nd Mexico.
The Adn Arbor hfualth officer. Dr.
'Mlnaer. aays that folly 12 'per cent
of the cltlxens of Ann Arbor are ill or
ailing. The chief eomplalats are hron
I or catarrhal trooblro with the
grip ln|the lead.
The Nile* Dally Sun prints Uii
em: *‘D. 8 Bcoffern'a cat has leara
ed to operate the door beU. When
she wishes admltunce she rings the
bell as would a caller. Her pereocitj
Is not appreciated late at night.**
Dr. J. R Carver, alias Blewart. wbc
married a Hanover. MIrh, widow ol
•oaM m€4as after a short acquaint
aaee last fall. Is charged In a warrant
IssuM *f Port Huron, with bigamy
He la aald to hare four undlvorred
The David Ward estate, of Oakland
county. Is the ficheat In Umber lands
in northern Michigan. H owaa IB.OOO
acrt^i in Antrim. Kalkaska* Charle
volx. Ots4^ aad Crawtord countlei.
ossessed at about |2,000.000. It owns

VANTtO—A man t o make Ulh. 15
tboaiuad par day. iwuiit «t kla aawB. FOR BACE-Ktmban upright piano at
The plsto to divide the twenty-fifth
Tb« IMark Land A lumber Co..
Jan 2M2i judicial clrooit as proposed by a bill
Hast Jurdaa. Mich
Jan Ult
Intvodnred at l.analng by Senator Pul
W Is not poiHiUr wl^h Menominee
WANTCO-Hny. atraw and «>ra la
stlomeys. the Herald l.^der finds
iherar. B J Mor«aa.
)an lltf
tU ctreet. Prtoa IliM. The county lar assocUtlon has turned
the proposition down and the county
WA^RO-Yoor apboMertaf. fornl
board baa gone «i record against It
tarn rrpalrtat. chair raalat aad
fnralture packlnf. R H. Tanner. Ill FOR BALB-Btoc* la om of U* boat The opposlljon Is said to extend
Into Marquette. IMckInsoo and
Union St.
Jan. 16ff
ariaea la OolMWdo. aot a piwaptt. oouaties. hot Delta county favor*
but a paylac Mm. oa* la whieb
WANTED—Tboaa that keep cow* to
retnraa are aai*. proBfa large: ao
uae our IDRAL dairy f«m. beat and
**gold8eld. Uka^ but a aubataatlal Employe* in Halt work
rbeapaat In the laarfcK. T. C. Mill*
R. A. CrolL acting la behalf of the
Colorado lare«tmeat. Throw lo cbolera. scarlet feter
Inc Oo.
jaa 11 U
Iron Mouauln Rika, has aeeared an
Bfieea dollar* aao get a hmidrwd cold*..
option for the purchase of two lot*
WANTED-Wheat. rya. oora.
opposite the city ban. It is the InteaCured of Lung TreubU.
the benefit of Ue naali inveetor.
bean*, hay aad atray. T. C. MUllnc
of the lodge, if the deal Is cloeed.
ir yon wlah to make a good aUed •*It is BOW eleven year* *ince I had tion
|aa lUf
narrow e*cape fn>m consumption.** as it 1* expected it wHI be. to erect an
inreetmewt take Trarerae City write*
C. O. Floyd, a leading busineea Elks’ temple aad theater.
WANTED—You that keep chlckeaa
map of Kemhaw. S.^t\ * * ^
Plan* for a dty ball, submitted by
down in weight
td urn our mSAL mixed chicken
John D. Chubb, architect, of Chicago
by day
ooughlng w as cm
feed. Noon better. T, C. Ml
1 tnkUg
by night. Finally
ade Brof., Trarerae and
jan ll*tf
Dr. King s New Dtscorcry. an
City. Mlchn in Ualoa 8t CUlaeni tlBOed thi* for abom tlx monUi
pboae mt.
dec IMf asy cough and luag troid^e w.
tirely gone and 1 was restored
eolt*. from oo* to foor year* old.
They aiuat b* aouad. If you have FOR BALE-Braa aad BUddliag* In normal weight. 170 pound*.** Thou
sands of
aay to *e1l come aad tee me. HerDrug Co.
year. Qua
jaaa Hyman. 241 Waahlncton Mreet
Pmak H. Meads. Hannah drag store
dec 21*i
FOR BALE—1471—Forty acre farm 50o and ll.M. Trial boule fraa.
quarter mile east of Mayfield: good
WANTED TO BUY—Good, blocky
. An attempt will be made br i
new cement block houae; good bam,
colt* from a » to four years old.
Phil Krorney association of New;
prim 11200. Wade Bros., fl7 Uoioa
They mnat I
street CIt; phone 1212.
to have the body qf the noted pOtrlot
leave for Indiana and Ohio aad will
Node* to tbe Ttacnamt tt tfca Cttr at moved frem Us present retting place
be gone two weeks, trying to bring WE HAVE hardware stocka at Gmwn,
Tmrerie City:
In Trinity churchyard, Ke^ York cUy.
Hotel and Bar Fumitufe stock and
tome farmer* ap here, if you hare
The ux rolls fbr the wQfctloa qf to the national cemetery at Arllagton,
tmde at Lake Ann. Urge fluoring
aay good colu to aell wrlu a»e.
mill at CopemUh. one of Ue Ui^ the tute and county taxes fdr Ue Va.
giving poatofdce addmaaa, what
and best hotels, all furnlsbed. in year 12©€ aad for the deBaqueat
Vice Prekldent Fairbanks. Attorney
Northern Michigan: one thousand ■cfaool aad city taxes aad special m*mu'hare to aell aad rwaaaa for aell*
General Bonaparte and SecreUry of
million feet of bed hardwood, hem
lag. On ny return will either call
the Treesary LeaHe M. 8baw will be
lock aad pin* In Michigan: livery aeaemenu for said year hare
on you or write you. Henaaa Hyliam fully egutpped in Tmversc 4>laced U my hands for eoUeetloi
among Ue notable guests at the. UnCity. We hare R. R. and saw mllU
mpn. 240 Wp.hlagtoa *treeC 12*224f
I will be la my offle* to receive mfld coln day banquet given by the Union
also* a few choice locattoaa In cen­ Uxeil from now unUl Feb. 1. 1227. oa
League of Maryland afid the Toung
tral portion of Tmveme City. Ws
vacant lot on elth
have gold aad ailrer mines In th« each week day from 2 o’clock to 11:30 Men’s Retrabllton club in Baltimore.
• Sixteenth
o’clock la the forenoon and from
Zola ^lerivea his name from Zolla.
Cjdl at J.
—the Ovid
o'clock to 4 o'clock m Ue afternoon.
which mean*.* clod of earU, and he
We hare gold and aUrer mines la
On all state and county taxes paid was proud of this derivation. Among
Colorado. la fact, we bare proper­
before January 10. the regular fee of his remote ancectora be traced Itallto.
want It. But we hare nothing w« one per cent for collection wlU be German aad Greek blood.^ His great
can offer yon that will equal tb€ charged and on all taxes paid on
FOR BALE—All kinds of hor»e.
grandfhthet and grandfiither wereofflOmnd Tmrerse HegloB for safe, after Janusrf 10. there will
CO* and cblrken feed. T. C- Mming
ty^rw in Venice under Ue last doges.
9 proflUUle lnre»tment. either lo
charged a fee of four per cent for col
Jaa ll-U
Though Spooner. Foraker and Till
purchaser or as eecurlty
W> always hare a gilt edged ae- lection. Penalty on delinquent city man UrovF JavelWa at one another In
curliy for your money and we al­ and school taxes and apecUl S)
^OR BALE—Meat market. Froet
the eeaate chapiber the eenate cham­
ways Have Ue money tor gUt edged meni*. 4 cent* on each dolUr of Ue
Ktrect. Tools, stock, fixtures, dellr*
ber. they are chummy on the ontside
amount of aald Ux.'
ery. good trade, good locatloa. easy
and fend of exchanging stories. It
terms. Wade Bnw.. gl7 BouU Ualoa
tlT UaUa Stfuet^^Mimg^ty. Office In room 202 8UU Bank has even been Intimated that on oa
Mieh« Cits. fiMi 121R -GaU an up building.
Jaa I tf
casion they arrange dramatic ritaaDa'M. Dec. 4. 1206.
tkms for preeeetatlen at Age proper
FOR BALt-14M—Modem eight
dac 4 to feb-22
City Treaaarer.
residence, BIxU aireet. AU
U. Tou^y. dlrec^ of the Pari*
FOR BALE-l423-One hundred and
etoSeocea. A good ham. dose In.
mimlidpel Follee. hfi at4ended the resixty wem farm 12 mUe* aoutfi of
Price I3BM. Wade Bros., 117 BouU
city: aerenty acres Improved: new
bton&l of -JuMue Gaeear.*- The mur'Union street Cltliea* Phone
&9T of Bhakeepear** hero disturbed
his professional laaUncL He arid 2c
a friend: “See here, ihcrea a great
FOR BALE—Large, eigbt room
In this drama on the part of the
Fmnklln and
police. Julius Caesar ahonld have
*tn«ctii; ktune ltaat*ment: fUmace
Urge loL house well finished, on
lo'st. lU'ctrlc light, city water, sevrer
atone foundation: easy terma. Price
Jobs Sharp WlUlama aad Senator
tlPM. Wade Bma. BIT Ualoa aL,
ctinnectlons. all in fir*t*claaa coadi*
Daniel were dlacuasiag Ue fortifica­
O. P. Murray.
^ 10-lmo
tion bill and the former declared that
FOR BALE-14SS-Oood new torea^
should be heavy fortlflcutkina
FOR BALE-1471-11 aevea two m
room bouse. «th elreel, close to
along the Virginia capes, otherwiee
State Bank building: finest local
arhool. market and church; easy
for aoburUsn residence In this
aa iBvadlag fleet might get up to
lenaa. Prkw tlMO.
dea. Price |5.0U0. Wade Bros..
Washlngum. “Perhap* you ere righL”
Whde Bros, SIT Ualoa BL. au.
Ualoa atieet Ota. phone m*.
said the old eohfederate. ”bet I was
tmag to get into Washington from
FOR BALC—im—Flee modem hoaae
1261 •until 1805 and I never sueceeded
BlxU atfeetwad one of Ue beet oa
1224.” It was In the latter year
the dreet Price ashed la spot cash.
that Mr. Daniel was elected congreesHOUfilB TO RENT-«a*t Teatt BL;
atto one oomet Front and Boee. A,
meone asked L W. Busby, prf
P. HaetlmaateL
dec S-d
FOR BAL«-Elghty


W* pS?


peat effito


iTeree City; sixty
: six acres saitable
od baUdiags; all la
tUoa; cash priq*


HOUBK TO RRNT-Cheap. coraei
Garfield tod Btata tagWre F. Q.
Reumaaa. 121 OUA
dee B4f

S42; cS* pho..
FOR BALE—14IT—Six room hoeae.
. Both kaa and electric ligbta. Good
bam. pae lawn, cloae In. Waahiagtou
•HwK. Price fllOO. Wade Bros.
BIT BoaU UafcMi Bt. atlaeas Phone
FOR BALE-14»-Larg* eight mem
house. Urge lot R. HlnU aliwot
* dtato ta. Qiili iilBa ilBlii Wade

Candidate for Republican
Nomination for
Germany has tmreling ertiodla for
cooking fihd farm work to Ue woasea
coaaectod wlU the agricuUnfal dl*tricta or Baden. Bararta and oUere.
and iheiy are dedaiwd to be a great-

City Treasurer.
Successful business man. Sev-

ng along. ”Net mmtk doing fa
matter.- was Bnahy** repty. “la
fact I have received Mr. Oaaaoah
poelUre order* to hold It la cheek and
not to pernR It to get beynad coaunL
I rittlBff OB Ue Md. to to apeak,
or hU ptortdeatia] heom. The Mat
t* net very aaeoarfbitahle aa yet. and
Foo koww 1 eaa get off at may time If
M goto too hot.Senator Clark:r.of Atkaaaa* ar* aot
good Mead*, Ue roaiarai <to gat tt
ailldty) datta

C.B. Taylor Coal Co.

The HollaadBcaM sanea
I taken exeepOea to the thahk
aad voting thma falT pay. It
that the haariTa bealaeaa ceeld
heea tfeaeied la eae toy at a
af BI2. whmuM Oiuwa eooaty
get to aa eageato of OflK.
The haairia «r togev4triaw are ]
featli« a BvelF tatotoat ta the
lag greiMeed to be held at Marr

Lake Sapt
vor to M
Uws that

e Mi« Bah la the
BtfF aM to «

a* the Itolto



tBTER D. WELCH-^ttoraey at
law. CoBacUea won/a MClaHy.
4 Uto^, 8athe^
BB. F; J. MAC NRTT-Praetka

Dr.W. J. Higginl
Porcelain Work


Oa floor with Bosinam OolW

With Orinnell
Mffto ihe Yahe
Rh the amfi ef


8hould the tmueyers tote «a ftoer
r the propmfiriaa Jaa.
I reaeoa to heitove Ihet the WeMea

0. r. CARVER a BitO.

the site. wMtohaa a]
ally, been aalBetod. tl

fiss. Jl. jarsis
’ maera-riw-r ,

The Battle Creto «i
by Rep- H«ary that M
It wish<>s the legMai
Some of tiM tm&B
extension df the elDr
factory dlslricto aU
to limit the' mariamm
saloon Urease* to oae Bor

riMiht garfilfi aai traahA OCBa*
at OBy Bwh iuaa.
MBB. I. L. BONNBRM hair dreaatafi
MriMas to«r CBF BtoR BtoTA Beoai

”8o long aa the railroads of the Ann. r. NasLiNom. LAwvta—
mute are taxed differently from toy
Hf»T to tooa. sit 8UW
other corporation, and are obliged to
tariMIng. CUItrot pboo* ««.
pay. In many caae*. aanual Uxe# great­
ly in excess of their aaanal aei earn
Ings. it Is not probaUe that the 41r REAL EfiTATl AND LOANfi-Grmad
Travrito Land aad Uma On, F.
ectors of this company woald lack
Tbortrii Maaagnr. Offleqi. room t
WlU favor upon aay extension of it*
RamUtoa 4 Mlllikea block.
lines.” writes PresWeni H. B. I>*dyard, of the Michigan Central
BARA T. CHABS, M. D.-0(fiM wtU
road. DetrolL lo a cltltea of 1
Dr. O. B. Chaacg Btato BnU Mockwho laqulrod what ore the pros]
BoU phonal. tM-lr. Rartdtooa tl4
for the exteaaloa of the Chkeco. KalW.BghUBt Otti.phoaam.
astoioo 4 Beglnew railroad
to loala.

201 Yreat ftrtti
us. J. a s SAIT j.Ttvinuv*
• a, m m te

t ^e wamm

Order your



I. C4. Nurnw
Both phoDsa 3&

POM aad UroaL

|| generdl liews ||


That tf yna try WABBBD NUT
LUMP sort coal every order
• win be “amri me washed aat
lamp.- It’s trto from da*L ha*
im Uttle aahtos ftto. ftilm
riato la Met It’s IdaaL

the former printed a certain re
In bis Memphis paper. There had
been some cootroversy between the
two over aa editorial which Carmack
had written aad Glark In an answer
•aid that Oammek did not appr<
that frieadablp was a substantial aaaet. Carmack reproduced the
meat of Clark aad added: ”We do
not regard Ue frlendabip of the au­
thor of tkla decUtoUoa no much as an
asset as a llahlUty.flenator Dubois of Idaho declares
that aenator* must lecture or
extra money In toaee oUer way In
Older to make boU pods meeL “No
oae caa deny,” he aays. “that H
Impoaalrie far a senator to live proper­
ly on a salary of |5,000 a year,
must keep two homes—one la
sute and one in Wasblogtoii. He Is
galled upon lo pay asimaamenti
political campaigaa. He can
avoid It. If he is qualified forw
tioo la the se^te he must ^eapend
more or lees In a aodal way. He cae
r.ot Uke a hack room somewhere with
his family aad do Justice lo,hlmeeir
Aad te his coaimoency.‘
too; chairman of the
house committee oq river* and har*
bor*. wn* cIlMeeing a firopoeltioa for
dredging the Ohio river. J
of The committee who has
quaintance with' the
made what
be thought w*Aa brillant suggestion.
-Why not. Mr. Chairman. * he aald.
‘ •end a seagoing dredge down the
Ohio aad dredge It out? I think It
could be done cheaper aad better that
way - “There f* only one objeetion
to your scheme.** aald Mr. Burton with
weety took.- “aad that to that a seagoteg dredge dtowtng some fifteen
feet of *r«er mighi find eome diffi
cutty la navigating the Ohto which
only averages abom four fret,-.

OR. R. B. MINOR-Office ovar A
aaa Drug BtM Bpedal atUatloa
to ay% aar. Bto4 aad UftoL ah
Btmd. BeU phaato Baridaato 111
DR. W. t. MOON—Speclallst-^enlto.
•rlnary, ekie aad blood dtoeasn
years experieace. Office CtXj opera
hoaae Mock. Phoaeu-New. 127:
oMfifiL Reaideaoe. no Waahiagtoo


lolm R. $41114
General InsorafiCd
Key wnhehi Mt.,' Thrtsns CW

Farn)s_for Sail

I 4iave a number of good
farms, all the way from 401»
160 acres, for sale, or if yM
riaa aad Bargtoa. Rome
have any good property, I wfll
ficto la Muaeoa blocR rm
take it in exchange and make'
ABari’a. Cttlsmm phoaa
you easy terms. 1 can sefl yew
HARRY B. HARNlR-^Bipaft plaao a good farm for less mone|
than you can buy it of any­
body else. 1 have farms
which are located from fotg
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land.
laqulra of M McKa.
If yoD bare good lerel fara*
- *
I »iU boy tbsik.

O. P. Carver 4 Bro BoU phones.

420 Wa^infftoQ,

OiL phone 774

OR. 1. L. ’THIRBBY-Bpvelal attto

Goa to dtosM AT ehfMcw. Room
IN Blato Bank bldg. BoU phoam

Lonx MmcEs.
Of P, mtot OTwy Tharaday mrea*1^ Nmr Humoa bloefc. C B. Wri
ler, C. C.

Hatloari Protoctlvq Ltokm wID
mm to Woodman haU oa Uo Ulrd
have some otganic weakness Toopday of ooch moaU ot 7:N p. m.
Which causes Inflammation, Ahrfim BdU. proridoat; Oaylo
mentm; Bottle C Gray,
ulceration or diatresaing GrfhwoM.
catarrhal conditions.
Have you ever tried hot TBAVRRBR CITY LOOBff. Wol m. F.
dohehes a PAXTINE ToUet
oamr toiBca Ua IMI to Uo mmb;
Antiseptic for thi?’
at t:N 4 m. Oarl C Laatoey. W.
' We And that it ghrea «ni- M.; JL *. WhUAri«otary.
vetM satis&etiMi to " ‘
nse it, and aWiongh wfeiagrce TRAVRRBE CITY LOOOle Na 171.
to refund tile money te any­
K: O. T. M, M. llo..fn moMi avery
one not satisfied with its re< FihtoyatobtlaUaBraaohM
■altsfwe.dott^ have oae boa
m% Uimiador; M M.
•itisdahvadred bronchi bade
rd Xeepor; B. A. Braaa.

nit amminii wiwi nn




mmA Overalls
We have tbeoi'In botti
vhile and bioe in gooi, gm
erooa aiaea, all at lowert

Boy'a (bloe) BrownbOmr.







Special to the Erenlag BaeofC
Glenamre. Nic^i., Jaa. ta.—Gltm*
mere la a aame quite faaaiHar to the
resorting mrorid and acote muMO acofwa
•oak beta each year to spcwd the
summer month*. The Tillage. If one
can term a store, two hotete and a
few cottages as a village, is located
at the narrows, which to a bridge
with the pobUc. Fistic toUowerm still biiQt acros* Glen Lake, ao as to make
look the mbgr one meriowsly when ho a uhofter distance to Glen Arbor and
Ulked of acato entering the ring.
other points near there.
Bob Fltsatmmona was a mlAdlf^
The collection of cotUges and huab
weight aad held that title. He held ness pUcyw Sir bulU upon the banks
D«iw-. rv4. Jam SL^Hjinj LrwU fron the
that the battle opened
!ihe light hearywefght tltie and he
vott a derittre r*xu>ry over Bubc
Ltarte vcf>t oni of bU ooraer Hie If the Woluerinet Da Boll Oat the Be-. ^eld the hearywelghi honors He ak of Oen like and offer a beautlhil
the aurmundlng country.
BmJth of fbl* riiy Imu evenlns, knock- j a ilaar and kefit 4M^tDp of hU man
latiops With Chicago Will Brab j
bought men of greater weight
Count^eaa* of Urge beautiful
lag biro o«it hi the flret minute of the ibrooahont the fUciiU Smith ahowed
ably Cantlnwe.
j ,tgn hlm«*lf. He ws. beaten by Jim !
Um ThtrH W#fli •# Oth#r«.
every species of fiower
eljthih rrmnd,i
‘; aotne riertr toot work, hoverar. and
Jjtjffries. but It mras not superior ablh
varieties of
The tienrrf boy oeeer had a lookin ; bU csoverlua kept defeat away for
fighter that won for Jumbo shrubbery ch*
I iiy »»
here In their
and I! waa merely a m^ter of rounds aowe time.
Chicago. Jan. 23—Michigan s re­ Jeff. It was Just brute strength.
natural suie, ^ The gentle zephyrs of
H«r' York. Jan. »-Jork»y Oam#r. |
They say now that the ffght wilb summer, comhinri! with the sweet
ported desire to -withdraw fnm, the
WW» fWMiNI aaddlf-vork at New.
If the aged man
ma of Nature's vegeta­
conference to held Id be -^without «nisao to all off.
Orkvtta m wHc tuto Uvt^r. nU^t I
of freckles should still reUIn that
foundation- by profrsaors and atd- awful punch long enough to put It tion. cauae a thrill of contentment
am ahaaacw «ir tvo vM-m.
denta at the rnlrermiiy of Chicago. over on Noah, he will stand as even and intenae Joy to permemte every
or an fajarr. atilt b««aa tiM* wlanlaf j
visitor to the^ parts.
They »*elleve the prewnt oglUUon a more remarkable figure In the ring,
The painstaking and effirlmt hostjoekeya at the Creaeenc
of student «ien. for eleven years ago he did Just atotut esses found In Mr*. King and her]
the raiMw m
eifecl on the same thing to another champion. very 4»loa*lng daughter. Grace, at their '
Peter Maher said he was champion 1M^alltlfnl resort KchwoikI. make n|
because Jim CortoMt told him he could longing ambition- of the resorter to!
- whimr*. twenty-fire
all Mond.
have the title. Jim having • reun d - stay hcic Just as hmg as ptwsible.
•fleet, thlrda J. Himneamey. nad.i
I to tkt
eoa'lraet fo B«t1ew 4 O NVil. Mao«U
..-n. »n.un.l .. champion un.ll,
,„.,pri«orX"f «!«<"«.«. h..:.-!,
amad. with tbirty-flre mlnn.*f..
radtilcmnn^d Tnbln. alw
menilM r of ih.» • nine- be ro« Boh, I. took Mt, juM
UOfly aenomU and
pmv. that pctc, wa. n.t.-.
__ ,.vPrlic >,k,i for rcilitR
unit m iitiM coni lime on favorataken
For eleven years the game I
thlrda. Ilmiataln U third, with thir
B<»lh are exiierienccl
ins m'iih the i i|;h| ntlu r coland enjt*>
has gone on.
Maher to now training In this work and haw a n»-wly fiirn
tydhraa winnerm, thirty four naroiid*.
of the aKsoclailne.
for a fight In NVs OileanK. and the tohed and newly built lu*tel of nUmt
/"and twenty ala thlrda while Nirol b
■ **1 do nni Ih-IIi v*- anrihiDR will
aged RotoTt to talking abmit meeting 75 rOL,ms tii acc<»mino4b,u- gu.-sl*. R.
fourth with iweniyeme and a«-%en
rome of this anltaiion aronnj; the
tawa reapertlrely. Then com«w a bU
Tohlii to the ,K>*t ma*te, abd ruiiH n
students at Ann Ail»or.** he •b-rlnred.
In ttouie It yearn Jim Jeffries came
vdrup lu IJoyd aad U. Auailn. who
general slon*. He rt'iKi
I iHlUte the farulty mill stand by
and conquered and went into retli'Chate maall) otHcUsaed the other boya
ihi^ aclUui \if the rt»nfen*ttcv and* not
Ing husin«'s* and r:inl«m.ut. Now Brusso claims the title.
Jack Manin ao far baa ridden only
tensive* line of general
advise wlthdimwinc from the a'^sooUNow fight fans are wonderlpg If the
Are firstu. lire aeconda aad fire thirds
Scon-s of piv-tvy ctrtta
liiirlew 4 ONell. by ibe may. have
old Aiisinillan would l»e ahl^ to re built hert- and during
••^^eIw should Mirhisan mithdraw I
peat the trick. '
won In atakea and purses nearly tbnv
time, C.leninere ha* quite a |K,pul.i
do not l»elleve |i w«»uld make tmirh
llmea as miteh money as any olliet
rtlfrerenc^* with Ohlean* I know (Mil
incliidlni Satlird/.y s mres
A great many fertile farms uro
fbu ytHina partners hare rolled up
found near h«-re and ll g*s*s wllliout
Concord, who is iudgifig tht entries at the poultry think id bad;
Bdward OtirrlKan siandlnr rrank W. McKenzie
saying that for pore-^unadulieralc-d
and pet stock show.
llK-li.te our Abletle rejaiIons mIth
mercaid with |i.€7t
food, fresh wholesiMue air. and pict­
__ ^___ ,
__ jMIchlcan would
would name
CIW. as, a n*Hul| ,
Company for the PurpoM.
uresque scenery, rilennu-r*- to c-rtuln
r----------- --——=

j think wr si
III could IK^ on go<Ki terms
ns we have done In ihej
Iv favored by Itome Niiture.
IkiThig all lime* of the yi-ar a si. kline 1* maintained and eonm-ci* with
the M. 4 N. 1C. Rv at C<-dai.
The talk of a Ight between Bob
Flfraimmnns and Noah Bmaao has
died owt, int It went to abow one
thins: that in the erea Of the •Khtlfh
wortd old Plu atin aianda a5 the
i«nre of pnslliam. The fact






;Of Jiimalcn IMuln. the crack Blrycltot.l
The whole affair is nllj
'holder of the world;* itx^ord for IP.:,.,l.lo,, „ve, in a '•••.
Tommy Mnrphy stands lot some-1 and healthy. ' And no he l4s>k Jo hl^ .-n. to and 3u kilometers, .and n well
Michigan sill abide bv the:
thing very much more ihan a yonnu 'othbUc*.
i known sK-^tov hlrvcle rldei. has been;
e rulings Just as Chlr..go !
m a olietiror,
onetime, And he rarermiy arhooU*d himself i n,.,tch.d
fighlH- who hat beaten
„„.et riarenee Harallloii.j
Ih-cuum- the rouseivatlve eb
bi rlimreitc-s. |h-«u or ' ik<> luller skatM. in a series of races
sdiampkin and esTned the right in'i
f’ark-iui gesi Just U4»w.
asplie for hlihetl flag honor* him whisky.
n««\J Filday
. wif.
Out of a puny to»dy Tommy Murphy ' skating rink,
Despite the fan that Germ.tns. Syrto- In ntlle ho;cts.
Tommy Murpby to a fine liiileltviug has evcdicNl ‘by eb:ili h;,hlU of life* The rare 1
se-Bion lo ail fighters, and.moie than and rsibuiiil t-xc n
hare Ite4-n pontine into
the .ing
Ihat. to all youBS »«*0splendidly toiigb. slender imiseb-s. o nady started lialnliig
rusiotn biro Rtmlb Africa. British workmen cannot
la this history of the career of the df‘cp rhe-i. n thick, strong m-k. agile his bicycle in order to aert
boy irbo heal young CorhHi nod who leg*, a rbnr eye and umiuestbmed self to taking the mniers
high be Induced to go there iMH-atiM- b«fr
Is/oo dear.
now figures oq a campaign of the | pluck
H}k |dcyslral stamina i'- now
wtwLbmklng fur Ihc ocalps of Jimm.vj acute, as flue a* the mental
Dlilt, AurHhi Itrrrera, Battling NH-1 liia that dariied him tintcmcl^d
non, perhaps, and all <if the great lit |tbmugU the lemptaiUms to which niue
tie men. aavr Joe Oans, <and he will i out of ten .rtuiihs fall vViims.
come talM If Murpliy go.-s on Im 1 No clgareiies. no be.-, nm whisky,
provingI. the one big fact worthy of, no gamldlmC no false excltcm.-nf*
tht- nmsi respectful otumtlon i* that j plac«*d a i»noi* puny to,y In a ring the
llltio Tommy Mun>hy to the champion . at her night |n Flilladelphla and made
'New York. Jan
-One of the old-1 Shield No. rST-^Jeorge F. rhamto r-|
€d the clean life. him the vktor mer amuhm young
member i
The clean life alone haa nmU.-i man to whom nutim-In the first place est regulations of the New York
of the dull, a ytt. htsman and u mil
Murphy ptw*i»»le'aa a puglltotlc cham had g.^en ever.uhlng m-cess;iiy in the lice department Is that simclal poll
plon. Tommy Mnrphy got nothing In making of # great lUtle ph.vsica? men shall wear a gray uniform to «
Shield No. *»ft—Itovld H. Moirls.
Ihc firsi plare from nature ^ui an gladiator
Mnrphy s lerord ha* to-«n a steady I tegulatt*. fan you sec- the five mil- Mr. Morris to « nilllltmaire .nml a for­
admlrahts pinrq of gray thinking lat
let In Ills SKUlk
cllnih In poker, lie is 2l years idd llnnalres apptdnted by Police (‘ommls- mer president of the Aiitomtddle dub.
-The duty to voluntary on otir
In early boyhood Murphy was skin , now.
If be prov.w mlonger ihnn sinner Bingham In tegiitoie the autoIMirt." declared Mr. Shatiurk. ”Wc
Ity- even puny. Ills first trade was | temptation |ie will in the ('ourse of mrddle sp«H-d fiends
that of a glaasblower. To a puny-^ the next two yeai> develop a sinuig- r uniform? I'un the mllllonntre cop* asked to la- sworn in as |K>llo.-raen at
the suggestion of the gmernors of the
flal-rheabHl lio.v.tbai trade meant «-on b.»dy than he luis now lb- still larks M-e II?
Automohlle dub of America. They
sumfUlon. and d.-nth to-f»ie he was. a lltih- of Ihat sticngtli tluo mak-,
Oh. no:
are ns we are. to put an end
21 jeurs old.
a clisnipbm' with a certain kuorkout
But they ;ire busy Just the sameto the pmerire of speeding which to
Murphy ahnnd«m#Nl it tdow The clean life w 111 gl»e Murphy
uniform ni no imlbum. Ttie five mil
bringing automoblllng Into nndeHa want to work a* a^thuumd wton il ha* d.m. ho it sill
M-rv.-d'dtofavor. II to our Inlenllon
bar. But all the time he | put him fujly In the c lass wuh the
lo ai.i the p.dlf-.» In cv.-iy way posslfold Itlmaalf that if he was m l-‘ lKlvatest littb- fighters that the wo,id
hie to enforcu^lhe spec,! laws whenmtcccaiifWt lo jjjfa hr must to- strong jhai evei known.
club of America, vety ri» h and has an ever and wher.-ver we we them vlo.dflce at
Wall street. .
lale.1.Shield No. SIT—wiuthiop K. Shar
A provision ol the depjirtment regu,11. Mr SraiHt to a iaw'x.-r and n Intlug MM-clal pt.ycemen will make the
millionaire c»ps extn-mely Imsy |f
-Shield No 24-All red 8. Shall tick. they .live up to the dutlc-s of the of­
Ml. ShatiiK-k to a f4»imer prc-sldent of fice. for this provision compels the of­
the Auumioldle club rollll.m ficer to make anests for other violaairc
tqifmen by
the jlocal colony
Memphis. Jan. 33—Not wit list


which If ancccsaful will place IhoMsuH-s in line with llllnola and MU
uccompanled by pool selling or wagerbig. horsrmeo tn this vlcinliy are pnf
Hug in bu«^ forenoon* fitting young
tind old horses for the srhwluled meal
lags at Ifot Rprlng* and Memphl* and
liirthrr on up the line
Owners have Isaued luat met Ions lo
trainers to be reMly for the rsces.
«v»me what nay tw shape of ant l-mring
tm«suea«jtad their i^Uoo lo some In
alanees haa ranaad miieh aurprtse lo
the acKeallcd frftMW element who are
already claiming viciorlea la this and
the stoier aUte of Arkansas. Word
has g.uir down the line among the
hoiwetnen la Tennaeacw,lneludliig hnn
dtc-ds of hitmdera of both the hamnaa
hiMim and the thorooghhred. that the
fV.use bill reonnily Intmducml In the
eenale at NaahvUle la 4oooh4. It to
argijed that aatbrnclnff amrtlment to
•I low abb and that thoat hahind the
muvimmat am abont to tarn their atlo ihS lov diaaa and other
whem mom harm may rnttoi

the serietairy ot the New Memphis
Jockey club In shape of loriufl an
that no matter what hap
and Jan. 2K. except
xpected anulhllmiou
of racing Meantime, that the stake*
meet It at Montgutner;
for the ,spring: roe«-llng
park win c<os«- on that day. Ten old
limr claasj^ are
the coming spring
them the Tennesst-t- deibr. the Tt-n
nossiw- Oak j. t he M ont goroery and P»*a
bo«1y handicaps, a rich Jumping rare,
valuable 2 .t(ear-old special* and other
cviut* that If missing from the usual
apting list of turf |dum* will losrr
many an <wner hereabouts without
his usual ol^Himmlt, to win ex
money and'other money. Accom

aecietary to a statement lo the effect
that the Si-w Memphis Jockey club
does not care to hr revtrded as laff
lag a deflolie altitnfie against theUw
maker* at |he aute eaplui. ;Bat if
there Is to Ibe raring here, and It I*
‘ rd thjere will he. aUktw will
Jan. n, and ihv mceiihg will
race April 21.
that the proposed
to* a tow. the Jockey
win Uve op Ui
was diatribuled the tow In fvory respect

U»rd YaUlnghlim is easily the
Iw-st shot In Kiigtond.
He to
prtdmldy the cmlv man In the
world who shoolit was|M on the
That requires marvelous
accuracy of .itm.
To practice
on these llttfq pe*ts and crJwr
insect game hr had
rifle specially

Trainer Mike Murphy dforks Hard to

HIs bag of 1.07A grotiae to bto
own gu% shooting for dose on
IS honrsycm end.
never has
Iwwm surpassed.
On another
day. on the Yotksprre moors, he
hfoiight down 421
grouse, using l.lOO cartridges,
which shows what a large percent
affe of hto ahoU are fatal. He is
ao expert with the rifle as with
the shotgun, and has hunted big

Haskins and Root. Trainer Mike Mur­
phy will devote hto full lime lo dereloping a fourth. He has aereral good
candidates Jn Leary. Morris. Moore
and Carr^tberih aad ^ aad Blue
followers ^1 confldrat that Marphy
can turn out a winning team.

same In Oraton aid <
hut of toie rmtm he hai 1

Develop Strong Team.
PhllHridphla. Jan. 23.—Pennsylva­
nia and Cornell will meet In u fourralle delay race In this djv on Wash­
ington's blrthdav. Word came from
Cornell that Trainer Jack Moaldey
would send Ihe famous quartet and a
great race is looked for.
Pennsylvania has thre«- gwxl men.


LC'.4la Mllllman of aoarVaatar. says j tag

ha loralvad $C2tA0 for hto crop of



ImImmoa. However, theiw
hiw h few that with they harl.
hiidhbnre uumW that are
glad they did.
We are now looking ordm with the WISE «mw for
1907 uiolorm.

Walter M. Paige

Cit phooo 872 181 Cm» 8t

Boston Ferns

shapely planU in
several sixes.
Phone for priri's. We tlellvor.

M. niNE
Arc Your Collections Slow ^
HtYeyoB tccofifits tbit

You Have Given Up?

If yon bave, let me collect .
them for you.
Oltl 4UX)0UI1U prompUy
to anti I oan make money (or you

A. Pohoral
CoHortion Agency, over Hfimilion
Ciolhing Co.

**’** Soul bet nMh-hliran lea^e neM

Mrs. 8 N. Warren «.f Flint is dead
in her 92d year. Thirty year* ago she
or tne untioimi game in was given np to die wli.-n 111 with
typhoid fever. She aHkiil for a bake,!
potato. Her phy*lrlan. ludlevlng that
she couldn't live, and winhe,! to kbU*
Sy her whUn. baked a ,*»tato in cmb.
and responsible organization effected
acraiH-tl out a ien*,Kioi,ful. added a
here, there is said to In* a promising
littU- salt and gave It to the iiaiient
prospect that an implication for the
Fiom that nionieiit she l»egaii to iv
admission of Flint into the league
would be favorably considered.
the present time there to umier dlsFlank Rollins of Mu-kegon. the al
russlon a plan to organize a Mock
leged • Black Hand' man. charge,!
company and place the baseball pets
with atiempiing to blarkmail .-v S^-u
position on a substantial bnidneas
Blor James K. n<«sl. of Hart, li) m-iuI
basis. It Is proposed to aeciue a capa­
Ing thn-atenhjg bit«rs ihnuigh the
ble manager and ,»ay him a g«»d aal
iiiail. will com** to trial this w«*ek in
ary. and already offers have «M*en re­
the irnifeil at ale* distriei court »n
ceived from two parties who wish to
Grand Rapid* . He has been in Jail
take charge of the team that to likely slnee laM May. Hto trial was delayed
represent Flint on the diamond
to-caiiM- ilf tile death of Judge Georg"^d this yi^r. either
h-ague or as an. Independent organlza
ib.n An effort to to*Ihg made to ve
The Might N«m..
cure desintble grounds that will be
Mr. August Sherpe, the popularovereasy of access, and It to expecte<l that
scr of the jsKir. at Fort Madison, la-.
preliminary ste,i* will to- taken In the says: "Dr. King's N-w Life PIIU are
near future lo<iklng to Ihe orgnnl/a
j-lgblly named; they art more agree­
lion of the prf)pr»'‘**d su>ck company.
ably. kIo inoie giKsl pud make one fe**l
better than an> o^h-r laxative." Guar
anteed to ruiv ldMou*t,e*s and rnuirtl
pallon. 2:,C at llugie-^- I»rug (o..
Frank H. Mead*. Hannah drug rt‘»reAn Arbor. Jan. 2.7.—The unsettled
condition of Michigan athletics has
tied Ihe hands of Dlrecto* Charles
Baird in the making of track and IvaseiMill schwlttles and In cemsequence the
chaos has to-en heightened. The in­
door track season to to open within a
few weeks yet nothing has been done
towanl the arranging of contf*sts. In
' V P,i
fart there t* a prohaldHty that there
win to- no indoor meet* of impor­
If Michigan uses Captain Garrels.
Ramoy and Stewart Ihe conferenre
agreement will have Wn broken and
no conferenre memlw-r or thoe col­
lege teams playing under conference
rule* can be permlttoHl to compete with
the yellow and the blue. Most of the
eastern universities and college* have
about completed ihelr indoor sched­
ules. BO with Michigan withdrawing
from the conferance some lightning
work will have to be done by Baird
lo get dates. The best chances seem
to be of getting a meet with Pennsy
and Cornell,
A new phase of the athletic altuaUon to presented by Michigan's pre
dieted withdrawal from the cohfer
One of the greatest plays
ence. It to that If Michigan goes east
i-ver written, trne to life,
to seek oppooenu in football, track
teaching; a beantifnl losand basball U will be compelled at
m>D, which run :«r> nighU
least for a year or ao to play a ma­
iu New York City.'
jority of tba contests In the eoemy s
PrcMntvd by local talent under
country. It to regarded as almost sure
the direction of BeiideU Melton
that Mlefilgaa's entry In the eastern

Trarersa City. Mich.. Bept Id, IfOt.
I hava placed a number of accounta
with A. Pohoral'i agency for collect*
Ion, many of them long outlawed; but
Just the same Mr. Pohoral brought tht
delinquent! to Uma and prompt

Dr. E. L. Albion. Drattot


B:ss=-"’:ss::uw a?:


JsrTJiT.:;»dii lu. ».

Wiw.«i Trav-rw,CMy ...l Ur*..! BapkU.

mi. LINK cm

Ar m

II ■

11 II S »



Brand Opera House
Friday Night

January 2S


of the games
to be ptoytMl hi the eest until the
yellow aad blue haa proved its worth
Of coiirae Peaaay. aocordlnf to the
terms of the eoatract will eome to
Aab Arbor next fall for the aecood
aaana] football ffaaid* hot other mem
berm of the latereoUegiate will make
«, to KM tea* KToena <»■
every effort


Garfield, Bnffalo, N. Y..
for the benefit of

Traverse City Uve No.
Sn.L.0. T. M.M.
Don't &il to tee tbo fcntX fire
eeeoe. Honee in fltmee with
, firemen in c^MgrtfioB.

Prices; ISe, Meaai tie.
Seat ^ opent 101. m. Wednesday. Jan. 23, at box office.


Nor. £ INN. H«w to

One Ton

o oT*k e
Ucqsal to

Two Tons
Coke >« the hleel fnd.

No ,lutl; no emoke; very
little aehee.

We have twlneed the price to

Traverse City
Gas Co.

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