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The Evening Record, March 06, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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'Ar- ‘
^■I'm *•
-v5- ■ .
AY. MAHCM •; rw.
-li-i ' '
Bf WIra to
^ lbe,laaU»ar aad tt
. Mte aaltk pmii, 1
that they are
I la the teatl
do tklai. te u lolellKoot
Tha laac or the foraoooD ari
to opIakNu to draw oai about ThaWa
tamtiUm at the tiaie oT hla ■
nr. Waaaer made ixae of meupbom
aavaral Uses la bta aaawrra. la r»Hr to
wbra aaalty
u Wbea Ida
/ baoonaa rala r<m maaot aay iaai
. Dr. Wagaer alatad that be heUered
that hatma liM aad IKK there were
tlaM arbaa Tbaw bad
that be night be coaaldered
, After the cJoae of the croaa
tioa OaUMa aabad oe the redirect fx
aaOaaUOB. “Wbat waa the exact coo
ditkn of the daroMot'a mlod oo tbe
algbt of the ahoocteg.** A. **He wa«
usable to datermlse that the art
At 1:16 tbU afteroooo Mra. Mary
Copley Thaw took the aund and teallAed that wbaa Harry waa at her home
ta Plttaharg ts October. IMG. be
m . :2?r;
itvar^ Umm at sight
I >wmm mmmxM mm oshblat rlbleaUy. 8be
ly ’
saw a tight lb bla room many time.
at 3 or 4 o'clock la the morning. She
aabad him why be did not go to bed
and be aald. ^t’a no uac. mother. 1
V .
Tht New
Oaaefslly fair taalgIR and THw
day: WARI9CR Thursday and vm
pertien tonight; frM* amrthaa
I hi • Vwy tumr I
ErraJag Recotd ,
WIMK Bany Tliaw wa. wM to
Braira Ba M a ratbar laaaaa kooar
laM of arary act -Jaat aa aiy pa
nwnNTiifiiF UUWNI
ffrsebsp Want ta Battnem Thi« MamIng and Btraightanad Up tha
Right af Way far Traffic in
Vary Short Tinm.
A wrecker went out on the Pen
larqeette from this city to BHiaer.
tha acene of yesterday's wreck and In
short time had the track in shape
r traflc.
Tba Injured men. who were brougiit
to the city on No. 1 yesterday after
were cared for by the local road
. . Jclan. It waa found that Coaductor McCarthy had auffeUd a seveyc
Uccratlon of the scalp which could
e sewed op owing to ka torn and
ad condition. TbU waa the onl.v
injury discovered before the medical
For Spria«
art? here. Keodlata to aay,
thv fiylnt aie aatboritotive
and correct U yood ijouatienL
When the l»od)
ug covered by heavy
bedding, ud I waa evident that the
man died without a struggle of any
riia peraonal effects ^ were
aearrbed bat no bottle that "a
have contained laudanum could be
found. If he drank the Muff It la prohable that he threw the bottle away
before re-entering the building.
Besides the son there la a daughter
tiring at C*>dar Run Warren 8
to look after a oaae of porerty that
auted this morning that It waa
haa becB anpportod by charity there at an neceaaary for hla lalheT to h
for borne time.
th# county aa be would hare pror
The manY name la Jewell and
him whh every want.
Marrln found him In bed He b
wtfe and four chUdn* to aupport and
iimau'x shot- should be
liKlit in weight ami rtexible
to the fool to enable her
walk in
eaay. Rraocful |
Tbigiiot.e cf thcfcwlurea
that have ma.lc “Vueim
(Quality*’ to jjopular.
Titoy c.in U*
foaod at
erday aftcrniatn: pulled out of Thump
^onvllle {it 3:46 IhU morning
There was lot* of wiuw all al.mg
he line hut the tie-up of No. 97 waa
the only one that afforled trafflr nm
terially. On the tiranrhes the train
men -cxpeiirienced trouble, esperlally
HlkM*ka branch which has
given tronhic all winter.
Twenty-five [utatiengiTK waii<-d In
the local dc|v»t ex|»oct1ug the train
one pair of heavy eyelids among i|
thU mottling from trainmaster tU
lo section men. .
The G. R A I had aonw tro.
with the snow* on the loca] branch
nothing waa tied up In c<MiM*qucnce
8:40. after making slnw headway
through the drifts. The train was
wy smoking allowTd. The followhauled by an extra heavy engine or
Ing will be the program after the banhave been stalled No. 9. due
hero at |n;6i>. got In at 12:55.
lalmaMer. Hon Frc«I C. Wet
T. C.. L. A M and M. A N. F.
have bad no trouble as yet.
Vocal aclectiop. Manton mab- qnar-
Mtaa UlUan Parr
twsttty of bar friends at her hm
Waat Eighth atreet laat eranisi
varT plaaaani manner, the affair being
la honor of her Mrthday. Mlaa Parr
ww the radptant of a aambar of eery
“ParUaanahlp va. Individualism.*'
Perry F. Powers, ex-auditor general.
• Uncoln .« a Repabllcan." WlllUmi
Iden Smith. United State, genator.
Vocal selection. Maatoo male qoartetAddreaa. W. J. CallbTalth of Calu-
You would doit, wonkln’tyoar WoU, we an. offer ini? you
just that ebanoe when we sell you OreremU at the price we
are now making.
Frery one baa a price, that no mattar whether you need
a coat this winter or not. it is money in your pocket to buy
cue and keep it until next winter.
Let ux show you bow good these bargaina are. It wiU
(oat you Dothim;.
Don’t move quite so
fast these days as in
the .summer, but they
arc movinff all the
lime and they do
an ehutio
I for thia ; have just
• for youraelf
ejKdiislvc mgtmey.
Logs, Logs
Will pay Highest Cash prices foff
Our Iclepbonaa are in
Rooil workins condition.
aiKl we woiiHbo
tn lieve your order. Wo
will toe that you I'd
what you order.
Maple. Hemlock, Asli, Elm.
Basswood, Pine and
Telcphonc-Cit. :r>. Bell 169. ^
JottopH 3l|ttclor& Son
First-class Balcbcrs, Packers and Sansaoc Makers
Also Hats
M/-Bk«. chops. ;
Iamb. veal, pork and all the mc-ats you
care for kept in prime condition In our
huge cold atorage quarteni. The
more you know about toeaU the belter
you'll like tmr place. The ofieoer wu
quote you prices the more convinced
youll tie that thU U the butcher shop
you ahmild patroalxe. A call at an
early day will be welcome. Remember
we are makers of pare Bansage.
wholesale and retail.
Oi Course You Do
It wiU Iw «en
«ofth going
I IL aad what la mote to
I sale and ase la lacreaa
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Both pliorica.
Use Com Meal?
Waltx. Jolly Fellowa. R. VollatedL
LIrila KlaklM. Iatmaay> Thao.
and liare
Hth and Franklin.
'Vocal aeleetkio. Maston male Mr- By Wire to tha Evanlng Racord.
New York. March €.—An riertrlcal
-Uacoln.*' William A. Nottoa of St. blltxard. aald to-be due to aim apots.
Mias Fanny Hawitt Fell at Mt. Ftcaacame Jaat aAer midnight laat night
an Tharagay LaM nnd Paranu
amid Rood cracks of thunder, vivid
Net Notified Until YeaUrday.
The foUowlag mimical ptutgram wlU flashes of lightning, there wns a dense
aaow Ml aad a forty-right -mile wind
wns anothar feature. Aa hour prevlMardu The Btpra aad Stripes
ooa to the atorm -tbe air waa balmy.
iBT. ranm
Tim bllx»rd^
oitatUTt, JaWlee^Chr. Bach.
asaant tbla year. Tbaraday^ ah*
I and Ml la tba boiMlng. lying
i natil Tunday. Tba aswa
was kmpL tnm bar pareste sstfl yaatarday wMs. ssdar bar tape
dltleii.tbay ware boom by
Baoanap~AH tha
inaannff the Imat
lo chooae from and abo beoanaa it » eaaj to find a papiY
to do ibeTrori and do it WL
You don't hava to Mar ^Miooma all np to bava
THERK it no foot that
pretty with “Dorothy Dodd” aboaa: no tmite
The Boy
and the
her of Her Frienda Lnat Evaaisg
Why Not Select Your
WaU Papa* Now
In addition to hU wife Mr. Analiu
Icarea elnren children. He waa
member of the Woodmen and canied
fl.OOO laanimoce. bring banker of
Tha Hobart Oo. Piop.
auaenger From South Due at 6:30 p
thrsa Hba on the left aide broken and
m. A-rivad in th. CHy Twalvo
Blaal wounds. Mr. McCarihy
Hours LaU. Having Boon La.d
takas to bla^bome 524 West
Eleventh street, where he. U reatlng
Unth snow piled to a<»me pUcei'
MBsa Noiton of lBterl<*rben suf seven feel deep about the cars, logirlog
taalyaAa af tha CanUnU of tba htom- fered the dUloeatloD of hU left hip
No. 57 waa stalled U'twfcr
aeb ffolnf MaM—Want to Bad
r^gd Thompsonvtlle oo the Prir
beside other brulafawinH^.iakan-»a
Monday Night and Body Woo
lette untH 5:30 thU motnlng
tha Grand Trover^ hospital, where
Found Yoaurday.
holding pa-.s«ngcr ttain No. 5. north
‘ la raating anally:
. at Henry and No k at Thomp
Brakeman Jam^ Drlgga was not
With indlcatlona pointing toward aufaclenlly Injured to demand medical
aulcide. Cbarlea 8. Snow was found attentloa. be being In the lower part
■ snow, driven by on«* of the
dead la bed at the Bhllaoa bouac at 6
fiercest gslm i^at bsK Rsept m.nhern
o'clock yesterday afternoon. He re
gan IhU winter, juteked like
tired at 9 o'clock Monday algbt aflor
Before evening the big snow
parcbaslng an ounce of laudanum. An
allng frpm the wrecked car unautopsy waa held laat eeealag by Drm.
Mmtb from this city and the other up
Martin nnd
on the Kalkaska branch, w here It
of the sUNnacb
snows aU the time. The south bound
rill be condocted
plow did not reach the boovy snow
at 9:90 this erenlng.
beyond Thompa^vllle in time, how
'Snow baa been in the habit of going
ever and No. 97 ^owed Into It ooly lo
► the hotel, stopping orer night aad
there helpless. TTve only way
Bag oarty amet morning. ThM fact
t the cars oat was by ahoveflag
them. While the rear cars were being
of the ordinary. The
trotmd the front of the train In place:,
even feel high, packed »*olld1y.
»t Mr Bhllaon saw the body lying
The passenger* on the lraln» and In,
u the btMl late ycaterday aftemoon.
the atatloOR along the toad walU-d
bosty Inreatlgatloo showed that life
uneasily until 5:50 this morning, when
ad gone from the Mr and the corothe. freight was backed onto a siding
cr. piillce offleera and sheriff were
the passenger trains Itegan to
The man came to the houee Monday
ntght and aeeniPd In go»al aplrita. al
>gram Is an Eacallent One i
rh he waa euffering from a cold
fotod Speakers Will Be HeroHe had been sick at Bellalre and the
Music Will Be Furnished by
authoritlea there noUfled F. l>. Mar
vln that the man waa a realdent of
n tary Waller U riTclving
Ihte county SiHi hla ran- wmild tK>
charged agalnat Grand Traverac Mr. quests fur tickets frooi oil over the
Man-tn tookiHl the matur up and region for the Lincoln club banquet
found that the man liclonged In l.ecla- Friday evening and IndlcatkmR are
gpoclal to the Bvening Ilecord.
it the attendanev will be ve|-)' large,
Inleilocbcn. Mich. March €-Ttie
the capacity of the City opera
Tcmalaa of CbaHea A Anahutz
broogbl here at 12 46 frinn liar
tend to attend the banquet should scOhio Tho'funeral will bi' held fnm»
thelr tickets as
as ptmaible.
the town hall tomorrow aUemoon at WcM Wghib atieet
After an hour s talk with Mr. Shll- so that It will be known b<nr many to
2 O'clock.
epore for.
Six waoka ago Mr. Annluui went to Ron. Snow aakcil If hr could get Into a
Aflar carefully considering the mat
Barhoon to ace aboar aome marhlnory drug Bton* He was din'Cted to F. H.
for the Wylie Cooperage rtmu»an: Mcada'. where he purchased an ter. the executive committee has dc
Traterday be waa atrurk by a tral ounce of laudanum, making out the slip etded that smoking wlH be pcrmitte<l
and teaunlly klllisl No dotalla of to the eff.vt that It was lt> be ommI for after the banquet and cigars will be
Thb tt tha Tory bMt U»e of
€• w«« ask>
Dr. Wa«Mr
latfti THat Ha Waa CmmaH. ^
FMWilabadM tba Kuasisg BaasM
ap ts naan snab day sy B. I. WaR.
What Ktad Are Yon Uslag 7
D’ld^you ever stop to think that^erc was
ounelvei on the quality of our incaL It
-is made from. carefully sdcctcd com.
ground to just the right degree of finenesB and is altogether a splendid article.
Everything we make is always the
BEST, and nothing else will satisfy us.
Hannah & Lay Co.]
, nuycMK (nv, i
•sssr I
Pony Stockings
arc better
IS Ik tv*
....... ^.Tfc
*5lh. pail..................%tM
Medium and
Heavy Weight
for Boys.
^ '
j ’" ' tbanean behad
fie vaa OB the war to tbia <
;hi« train ^had
had Jnat
■nj It'va stati<m.
15c and 25
in any
By Wire to the
Oereland. Mairh C —Mr« litenie F.
HM M «« oir T-ai« «IM| o. Sack Bhenaaa. a wealthy aidow. aa^d tt.
waa tooad d««d fa her hone Ui Borlid
riUaae. It Is belieeed she was hilled
by rubbers while trytnf/o alre the
Stitts of Whitehall
the city FWmUy and while
for the Pere Mhrqoene frmln i
Took Araooic.
ww,n toW of a mther intrree Inc ea- py
Eveolaa Reeord.
perieoce be had paned tbro
Alpena nich.. Manb €,-blrs. Ux
day before and a little walk be
tie Gram. a«ed =1. narrled a few
n reanlt of it.
months, took a fatal doee of arsenic
■ake Mock thrive wkea Kin*
two tobiMpoottMol oifdit aad
15c and
a other aake.
One ca*-e of i.adies Black Hose, boughi l>cfore
ihe advance, worth 15c, ai present
1 An
»» Ctiormoas Mataas of Tunoar Ana
sod, Fer Tawir#.
.. the saae»l ttOilier a«naaUy cut la Waahiufft.a. and «»nrcon..
a »erj Urcr
**t pHioc. «*hf
rrai* ami U-lr|diuue i-.kis mt. urrd
frum the f.M-r^Ts III the I-UH.-I souod I
ftMiiitrj aiul a) a;; ilw t ...uuiKLi ruer.
•IW .xk-t «f lrai,M-r:sliou M steam
aud mm.IHm: Tessei aiiJ the limll.-d iw
I In
^ dropped hut not d:uint*Ml
t/alii ther<* and staned on the bad
kiml *if ireurtit
s*.mr of the
On reachlac Kaleva he mw
omi|»ajiks eucaititl In srllln* uot iMkkw
1 «f the scliny-jhanu of s..>.l<«d mc^ workinr alon.
SU.I piiUra to de*t*:i. iRhat arr .nllcU lu
track. 111^ apparent search for a|,j...
A- the ar
K tmnid his plant tp hist aiilcle
attmeted *me of the men -j,>Kii|uiii>i»n: IliuRiratUMi Rhou.. Ute«e
ppeneil to he the mftef t,„i, .-.^.rnioo. dlueti
Travers*- City antviNl in the city to- »’" ntiou
ay andi«nand i “O'* •ho
• ho had pick**.! up the l*ook. After Ui»ai- nml Ui ».haiH . Ium Si re^etulde a
i.vler U b< r. to <iay
day. Ml Schuyler
the lo.t valuahh-H w.w acain in hiHlelaar. ta|-r!nj: to a |K.ini at Ih.iIi eu.U.
nest Monday his entire for*
,KM-.ei he rcMU.l comfortnldy t-| i„ | »hc.uv »raU«Mliy eni.ryi.u: lo the K're-i
ployiw will arrive i* ady for busineHs
Mr SMiuylei R faetory will Im- liMTit*-*l the K:,1er.n Maiion until the ncM train '
in the T. H Sherman iMilldlnu. comer
tmt iiRually r^uitaln at les.t Mmi pie.'***
*»f Front and Oak r.tj«.*‘tA
lot tluilrer. n»iii:lii|: from ni tu It** ^erl
III Jei.uth and fr.m, elffl.l in. he* to
r*-adv fur the insfallaiPrti *.f rnarhln
I nearly l«o f« i iu diameter at the l.nti
Mr Srluivlet
U.1U*’ Kn.t«>iiiM«.l He*.- at................................
■ l(e.Ue.S»«toSSc
E. Wilhelm
weik nnd In^Winie p*-rTpii.ienT ift4id,Hits i \Vimatu
of thU city
- Was an Injuatioc.
__________ _
atlona ar* caiwruliy eoc* 1
To the Piildic
d«y. Th,
Rricaa art auppllcd by local
Tha ouUid*
«ll|W«d from
r,M lh,pr.. l
TH. —.............
Y.irterday 1
Mhieb uhm
Mi-< fHive.Shoin-r will an
-Itnri Land In The new suit ««
1 .h-!»a,tm,-ni «.f the H.-u,u.ih A
eantih- r-r.m|Minv.
'■>r —....
. roll
Allyn f^trnikhinc th<'Ui with eunalderatde rtaia
They **\pi**S'-ed tlienis«-!\e« m.-i luurh
ph-;is*‘d with the eondliinns and said
rliH* the o-.oloo’, M
I am tlit-re|or<- I
hi-lmej:-. i.-iuin.-j «“ ’V•o1^h w .id In tW- ,*nelne hrnise
.Hlav afrv r
ndinc ] >^„
hi- Ruiiiitliiiher I
h*Hih ward in He- FiHh wardTialL
I h;.*lM-„:iJ
|..p,Ke„- E J Han- A Sons Kt.oe,
id ..r Hlenm r-iudias«. To j
4-balii- fruii, •.iiiipitis* lr.m
.Iriv.-ri tlir-.itkl, tlw lirtk-. it
This Afte-noon.
*repiiiahle ;ir;|on*
sululd.- dimeiisl.iiK and jNiue, th*-
Urdies- llhr:,ty
of the Ton
,r the rundemnation It i
Charleih I
mmrn^mw eveninc
I* caudx Kih- last Satmd4>
cle.-ir.-d $12 and hail srlld all th.-lt
tilHily U'lorc MippiT time.
rianlnn .<e«ine soch-ty will
■tow afierrioint with .Mrs.
Ancis McColl. l-i:. Hist Eicjith. stre-r.
The- h:iite iKjrty whicii was to hav.Imen
Flldav eCulna has Ireen
Buffalo Policeman Killed a Burglar
Who Was Erxdeavormg to Rob a
- Sheet Metal Works.
flrand T,;.vej«,riu.rle*
U IkK^kera
sworn s:,yR that he had
thoncht of seekinc the office
Tl-.c Ihl.lce
* Cone re
-.-lloT very
inc. yhc Covefat.ni Clrrle and Yoiina SAWDUST
l-nll.*ii societies and also the honorary
nty Maaufactmlni: C«
mar C-rf^
K«m Buffalo.'ilairh €.-Cai
members iH-tnc pnests
The su^p.*r
quiet. «hi-.-p and lurolM.—3.O0r. hlKh.'r; w*k a very en>»xaWe affair nn^ all In STRAYED-Bav colt from i.39 E3ghth
rbolce lamlik. r.754i7.W;' wethers.
Ri ; finder notify Jake Voel. SriS E.
mar L-lf
rl2>i; hikh.-r: ^^'orken., heavy aad
to do geo-
►...I len-ihxvi-e rm:«
J ihf ,-eiil*-r. «»iie ,.r
i ^.ri *.f lMtIkli.-flf1 at
THE PEST yet. OW Dutch Clmner.
eWns every part of the ho«iae from
cellar to f»rret Md everythlnr In the
PiAce 10 cenu. \V R Foote.
Imih phones.
nt.nr C5i
I a ,b*cM-c was taken i
use Kit he simiHi Sid. 1.1
of Hie c.mmon .-oirru II <if
r Traverse Cl,% MIrhIgi.n.
City Clerk.
REMEMBER the ycung people's
daixc.ng party Thursday night- Hor.t’a
mar S If
the r-'tatc.
: of the Kastent
rent i^tnr
>tnr ,,
f..,., „,«rt.
T.llo-............... 1...^.^...........
mUedfl I7 C5C7 10.
March C—l\*heflt-No. 2
red TTc: corn. 4THc; o*is. 41t,c.
March «_\\*1,eat—May.
TCVc: com. 4«T.c; oats. 41t^c.
ToifHla O.. March « —Wheat-Otsh
Tfe; corn. 4k^c; oum. 43%c.
*nrll w;iid Til Granc' hall. *»n C»w*’
d in Hie S.-eond waid
Tliis Is th.-l Htv l.all
li. Ill- tnimarx *rl|.M»l
a:- thsi he hes«
Thli.l I
. j huildmi:. .o.fier
.veriet ot
of I'nlon
iTTon Olid
ond T.mrh
thin moniinv that th.* ia\ was inrreas- |,ouuj siiialy oud pla'-e.! m th.- j.r..iM.r
Inc all the lime and ih.ni r.mtid Traiv j iim.iti.»u lu the .Tadle. ‘1 l„-y nr> a..*
►w, of adju-le,!
ndjURle, a* t.. ..lerUi. em h .dlo-r. Ih,,eis*- ianse.1 nnn.iip .im- i..r.-u..,.,
the i:o,1hr--m counties with recards
**»•• W IH-Ioir |da.-ed ..j.p4e.l|e
•Is toi««l »r.
„„^,.,!lhe .a-litrr ..f the
,1' 'f*»*t* .‘'Mipletl IJl II
,C liK jiHons ll.vve lK*en dtll)
III.- f.dlottlnc
by the .vitimron eonncll of
;:n*alesl «I,
aiu.-l.-r i> not ..ver slvly f«-i .
*ni<-*4- a al ts are .-uuMrni le.1 in .ra
dh-» uj.K.r.sl III th- v-.Mter adjm-.nl to
«;|H In the rltv y»*stenlav. h^avlnp
proeeiih-a the nmth th-lN hJ*,niln=.
He rtai*.*l j
>ald a kinple woni to any person alront
wantinc the office, nor has any fawn
. \er Raid *me wiml to him about beinp
j a rand.date l.ir vaid .rfSce" He did no*
j.v.*n kuoM wh.-ie the e*mv.-ntion «as
Itv Wire u. thi; r^unz He. .xrd
to be h.-ld .-uid firml.v lMdii V**k that the
Bitffaln March € —r.itndnuu, n.rck
j repoTt of his Irelnj: a randidati- acninst
l«‘s Rickey
Mr Oiso was ;I de
one of a rxair of iiurplary I
mjqrchlrn in hb. candidacy for the
inc to airi-kl
Tnev w. re i
.dfire of nty treast
sh.t-i roital woiks of Ko-e &- Mim.i
fTtari.** n. Docki-ray.
.<ulMU-HlH-d .,nd stROttt 1.. Wfoi^ -iue
.511 50012
hi- c.th dax ot March. A 0 11»*»7
G.sirire W Curtis.
Justice of the l‘.- .c*
LItht *leer* find heifer*..........
Btt*ers and heirera. 1100 lh«..
Dremnsl poollry ........................ ..
rhlckvn-. live w.-ipht...............
] Bridge Builders of t
H.rr . dlVS-ci................... ..
Flic**n. with wool on...............
■Bprlnp Ismha. lUie weight..
Two JU-.H1V11 of the |M‘B,-e. im»
■im <*f lour year-, and on.- f«o n
thr.-.* y.-ots i.» flM vneunry
One MifM-rve.or from .-ai Ii
\u;th|K,|t p;...s,‘d Hi,..ui:li ih*Mr*. A, H llollidjiy
Totoiiko. (*aii;iibi. When I
her son 1.01:1*
Butter, dairy, per lb.
Mi <
the iMKtrd of .Hli,ea
fo; a t. ini of ihr.*e v.*3iw.
Chewe. |»er Ih.......
Balt, per bbl.................
Celery, larae atalka.
l>*4tuce, per lb............
Oranaes. per Aoten
It. here for tm- fun.oul
. |
Th.- fnn«Fal v.ixie*- will In' held]
from thl- home romonow .-iftemorm at
adjourned, a friend told
y oVhick. the R* v. C K Ijo»-kh;irt oi |
on had b*»en clrculnted
sndidate naataM fleoiR*- Gaylord. Alpena A Western Offtcera ficiaiina and the nrinna.-mi-ntr beinpj
In eh.ifae of th.* Atuler>.m rnderi;ik-|
Attempted to OHve to Frankfort
iiy acbool comtnlssloner
But Storm Stopped .Them.
id denWvl it am« OKk*‘d
in-ilna It. ' The name,<
kivi-n him BK c'lirulntlt\a the i'*.|Ktrt aie
nil p.-irtW np,K>*.Hl to
Potatoes. J8c and »»«
of>lavfl.dd ..nd Mr- KaNir r
i.njjdav of thl citv and he^ slhter. .Mr*
will I Samuel I*arU uf Sah-ni Mo
In n,Mi
i«i h.r d.iuahi. ,, .nud Kio.-r sh,
the h.jvfH a -on. in Kal;un..z.»«, ulio will
, on the phone niid
Balling Prieaa,
rinarhark imrl. p*-r bhl............ |15».50
aWback pork, per Ih....,,.
Fhnit rnt of pork, par hhl.... 10.50
Ham. per lb.................................................1€
l.attt. per Ih............................. ...15 14
Ilacoo. per Ih................
Corb meal, per 100 Ibi.............. 1.50
Flour. II.. U A Co a Beat. bhl. 4.50
Oats, per hu.............................................. 47
f>e.l. IU U A Co a Beat, per
IM lbs............ .............................
Mtddlintt. per 100 Iba............... 1 .ft
per 100 lt»s............ ..
ddrkf-liv |MU Ih.....................
PoUloea ........................................... 55© 4"
Mrs Wll'iam II. ConMin I
at Kalkaska
Thl* R. V Mr lB4jM*;g w.-nt «
.I.ii h m.-l I.. rr
^ ,h... .
Twibiy Arc loads wen- brmralii
rday cooRlailiiK of
marksi yeatcnlay
««fs. i«m and iKitatmn..
TIm pilqp of poiai.M R tiHl,i> U irl
Tia\er>w- i'»t>'j*
benUhy iiidiiRt/ie„ and one which
employ the hij;he,vi Hl.ilh-d lutwn
In iHiiimi to Klow
A. F. .Nerlliiaer I
It.-.idon imlay
H U Mclkmald I
I b*- ha* lec-ivcHl many ,
4:30 p. m. After an Illness From
lainlatioa fn»m hl„ cus j
,U nm,ov;.l into
liinj where he
ettimnd hiv buKl
Mih. |J A Oh.L ;»ped lid of
He ha-.!
,|h|,ed with Older..] E.i-1 Ninth .Hirert p.i.s>n>d B«ay y, *t.M j
f.u Ho. p-iM f.W w*.
ih.-ioU j,in\ aftemixm ni 4;*.» *r«l.K-k
a Irwc. n:iin»M-r ot onw-r^ n ,ve rom.* i |,i vine Ih-.-ii rot,nim,i to her Ik*.' Kim-.-.
.Iliiyt to Travels.- fit v
1 in-<
Wlih h*-i at the Hnm • f h. .
The sev.m ^rinm*.», will rnrive m;ytj.Mi.th n*i*> her thn-*- d«,mhter^. Mi'I.lll-IH I
notice of Primanf Election
To the |e;:all.v enroll.^d volcn* of the
nepiihllcan i*.nny of th. . Hy ..fTint.
■ CUi. t'oiinly of 4lran-l Trav>. State Til/ -Mlrhlrnn:
TAKK NOTICf: That In ncconl
pnol*h.UK of
Mr>. n J lieu lit i. vlviilnc i.i C.-an.l| 1st. of lh.> 1‘uldlr Arts *»f Mhdiliraii,
Kaphiv ...........................................
. ^ ...... IH. li.ld a
mm...o„ of
priiiiaty eh^cilon
election on the I9lli
I9H, *U>
Itravion and wife n-tumed
fioni 7 oVh
me In Grawn thi^ motnlnc
the firreniKin until T. oVhu-k in I
I 1.. Itiayion n*tiime«1 to i
letn«Mii, of >:ald ilav cfor tlie piirpruu*
Grawii ihlsVooi-ninc nfier i
*rf nominallua rantlidai*-* for the re
pulill.-an i»arty. for the ehanei
Minr reintiv.*. in the city.
.^pril. A I> lt«»7.
» ,. _ ^ ^
j man tills mntiiinc. calleil hy the Ulmts
her praodlrtether. Mr* Mai^ .\ett
Hr ore, the pnt^jen-i of his r**ni..vo« j
iKHik containing
eral cberk.. slmk
i»,i.dv to- the amount fw which they
wrrt to !m» drown to be fllle,! in
* dropped to the track Ireneath
Head of the Company
f Today—Factory Beady
for the Machinery.
Miavod Iha Waa KiNod hy'llahhafs
WMla Attawptiai to Qh#n tha
Alarm by YolapHM
mrirvaifnl jiteck
<mMrki»ow»tliat tUfoiino
Mediom sod
Light Weight
for Girls.
..t:t -.
,-it ;!ie forw:tril ,n,d v.itli llut.ixxini: han-o*r aud
tu-ide ihe
by I..1.T.1I Hi.vln- whhb .-xtei.d
> fr-wri - de IM side. bHtir f;,-tene.|
I I he fr.xnt of |
III..-, whi t, em-iiT-J,. Ho, ruft
plow working on tlici
th- i.,niag •‘train Is w.il <hKalkaaka branch «f the Pere War irlbute.1 and 1- not «H>me merely |e U»e
qnett*. Jimip*fl the imrk yest.-idax j l-xiK end
The |dow enwMim. r<-1
' '
t-tmie let- and was slid down inio the!
TJie en.;st Indiam. of Alaska s|H-ak
No damai:.- was .lone nor was] Rur^klan and hear a rios.* n-s. inidarir,anM.ne hurt.
j «« ihe Japanese. »K-'ng small o| .siat
The,.- wilt Im- a meetinc of the . i.re am! prominent of cl»eeklH,ne.
Americ:in Insmwnr.- union In Wonta*
--------------------------c*.i- hall this .-v.minjt for ih,* purposel
The BriHsh war of 1R12 11 with the
01 IflBiaiins a cUk« of. m-w roemU*r>-.
p.-rlh,rw the ..nly |n
.Vaticmal S.*crT*tarx George A. Hoglan •'•• ntv* on record nf a war termhu.ting
rtilnr for *»r
Ik . xjM-cted to IK in i,*t..n.Unce.
rruntlng 1
Faiuahix l.Kl;^-. No. ~(C, I O
will hcdil mliLiHon tornnirotr . x
|,o.'ce No MO h.is l,een Invited
The empemr of RnaaJa ha* a kweoi
{and w.-IMrained te«or voice. Had h.*
Rcgula. meeting of Grand Traverse'**■'**
■m-i:.-. .No 37^. S^aturday. March 3. ®»***’^Ime of nieetTn* 1:3rt p.
a full *1The W. C. T. r-wj;i miHi with Mr*.! city
corner W«-*t From and Mon enci
•ticei*. Thursday afternoon.
atte«ri.ince 1* di-sircd as officers •
THE BE.ST yet. Old Ihiich aeaner.
nd. 4r.!l«»wmlnL }oar axe 10 be ,-iected
inr C-if^ There wlU be special dedteatlon ser cJe*n* eterx part of Ihe house from
cellar to garret and everything In the
_______ I vice, toniglit m the Salvation Army
HI !>-• Twelfth Mreet; Four children will Ik* dedicated to tb« Hmr-e. Price in cents. W. R. Fonte,
rsehoTd T-ord. Capt. Rex Muuselle of Detroit
C. It OOCICERAY. eaodidi
city tiwaajrrr. twenty ywra* cap*ri.; gfxo,!* for wale
leave dly.j
•rtca In all kinds of boekkeepinB.
j Imrpaln. Wc 1
CAU, at
mar 4*3r
We Have Told You Beford"
(About new dress
ds, but we
want to tell y>u again, for they will
bear a great deal of talking about.
Never in our history have wi shoturn
Mirh a .splentlid selection lo choostfrom, or nevttr were they as liantlsomc
ak this season.
/y//:AVf /.V i:\'h:Ryr///,\(, thaj nri:
MOST aar/c.u. suormi^ col i.n h vm/,
XO MATTER 117/. 17' J^K/L/i JUJiV
U/SffHi) TO PAY.'
For your own sake 4o not overlook ffils
seleeUoo Urkea planalag lor a pew
4res8. You will be bmmtc tbaa
pleased witk tbe resolL
25 cents to $4 a yard.
en. iwt
u wk
1 final atn bvi one way oat «ff tkkt:
iwt fimra an tfii mm, and 1 Mlefu I
cfialfi IhM %fiir a fiaaan Mtm ta tt
mUh ikia rfwbii bififttv tjm taat
I MM the hettar of ma. At Mtol
rm fiftlaff to try. ra ffft up on lha laifiar thin way; hare aaolhar am ruftfif Ik. «r «M M fow>kM U Ik.
me oa the other atfie; if t fioat ilihfbnad aMa of tha Math hhff tha
m fipva ai all. it «<mt matter halma^aa haM tha Ifi
-Uthoirt- van pMh
mrrvptm. af lover ha.^ tfm
aide belag mthrior m
flm^ uT^uSmTm:
M* tami ti«t M w ft Ml «r
Mk- Ute. I. M ari.
-Why. maa. ywi aerer can ataafi the
eat. fra cmm«fe to acmeh a Mlov.-n;e gatH knock you orer a. aooa
ft ii ammhayh immtia evtor
tW tkfiWT tiBt tim M ar cfilm t
fiMMMit Ifi fi mk fii«f«b hr mai
■fikfihfi aapanally VMHkfUhlii
fcfi^ tm
ttafia am caiiL
toWooMi framnN. ItMfy L .
nrt. M Cwtla and flis. Plokhain.
Bref. BaU hat
ia fidcineo that oflar fi few at
tW mmkey leanmd to kav«
I taatmg ttofla arilMaa af fam
fc : ■
vouMa't rh* my Ilf# that vay.”
Bot McCoaaeU did not #r#a llatea
t them.
flaatrblag a towel from Its atJI la
I# Btareai honae. h# v«< ti. and vrai#
sd It roaad hit
The kmc tafia «f the ahab of Per
» he eUmb#d
trrteaoa Ik
their haeds orer Ibl>i7
a. MrOoo ^
bell put ^1]
bll bit ttreagth
lato tbe-first
Chocolate Bonbons
ttH Amt tur lb# IaiiHj
ntl cttT0> fl mt a
tftiftftd bMtiMft or««r^. w*fli ft ft
looktet «'loib aftft#ft«ftd Iftto ft
bftaW# II. Kftirft 0^f%6tmt0> that it h«4
||M« dh* Wftahlftc dar alMi
flfWid Ufttbfftd BMiib#flT Mrt Ollrojr
Vho hftd lJtr#d In tb# on rottfttrr
Om* Bot will muk0
A nmv ncmt!
The upward rush of gas told tbpi h#
ir rmn b#rora. lookftd upnft lh«>
ftftftr vlih ftiijr To
All th# on OMai
Vdr# *-iK# bmra.*' ftim omltlfm to hor
■lOilioHjr aright.
t that b# aatnmnd the defi
The young one vat hurried hack to
fields and th* olt
bla mother, and a about vent from
and BO emetgenry erer aroa# that hr the men.
The votnen vared their
flat not equal to.
haada. and aome of them thouted.U
la aplt# Of bU reiu^e peiipl#
bat MeConnell cried like a child vb
to bar# a ceriaia reapnet for
be aav that the little one vat aafe
The people felt more kindly tovard
myatery aarronadlaf him vat ao the auperlntendent vhen they aav
amall •attraetkm Same oa# from tb# bov touched he vat.
Ratt had rIMted tb# laaaa and giren
Tbit Vinter, vhen the
them an inkltiig of MrOaftattih past. frotea. and no gas vas to be bad for
It vat hinted that «hl* married Ilf# cooking or for varmth. Connelly Broth
bad been a dlaappolntmenl. aad that ers. vho had n supply of coal, nrg«^
the only thlag ha mall/ lored vat hu him to come and bunk vltb
littm yhUd. vho had died through tbr
laed. and. vhen Mike pressed
fTMdbfrlt ntvleei.
tor. be turned saragely avay
Wbefbrr fhl* atnry van true or not.
the people on the Iraae aoon learned
that the only thing that ronld more
him vac a rhild. To a voman h<
vould abov no more rlrllliy than II
all# vere the mughett muitabout on
the lease, but he seemed ItatlnetlrHy
to Uke on a gentler etpjessloa vbfv
In the presence of a child Once, vhen
be passed a gmup of children, be lin
ed his hat. and valked by vltb nneorered head.
to fals flrelesa ahsnty. vbere he etui id
ly at# halfdrorrn hnvd and drank ley
Ciiffe# until th# gas came on again.
Tho winter vat a tedious on# to th#
work#rii in Ih# field. The deep snow
pul*a atop to drilling, and cut them
off from the outside vorld. The days
dragged slowly, with no greater cxrliemenl than that caused hy a brttken
shaft or an unusual spurt on tb# part
i»f tom# veil, until ib# last of March;then th# veather frith atrange perverimrrral Incldeots of thit son made
siiy. turn«1 suddenly varirf. and Just
111# people feel that he mfght postibly
al daylight a terrific thunder storm
hare one tender spot In hit heart, but
lottk place.
after Ih# shooting of veil No. Ifi them
In twenty minutes Mike vat pound
vat no ,longer any donbt aboot It
Of course ererybody on the lease ing at the door of MeOonneirt thanly.
was out to see the shot, for Na 16 •The Ughtning-a struck lank 4. and
vas espeeted to be a guaber
Th# ehe’s hornin' like fury."
gtyeeHne vat >ust bHng nnloatM.
and McConnell was seeing that the
^fimt .under 4he boiler vere pot otit.
when light up to the glycerine cans
esme Omyloek s little boy. vllh aatlek
In his band to^slnim on the *pltty
tins.- a. h# ralletl them. The child had
alipped away from Its mother, and no
toanmnd-tvtU and puff up
ftffamMthalmart. TMtarovdt
tba hnart and httaifamt vith
ha aelioft. aaatliff ftbortnbm nl
Dyspepsia Cure
heUirr Mike had finished. MrCon
nell vat at the door. »T'tIl all the
men; liar# them hr)ng th# big hoa#;
ni aee Godfrey.”
At he tpoke. McConnell started on
a run for the engine room. -Here. Godfrey. ve want erery pound <ff ateam
ymi can rmlae; taak 4hi afire, and
we re got t.. smother it if vecan.Before the engineer fairly Veallied
the situation, a fore# of men came,
dragging the hlg hoae.
Without a
word. It vat attaaied to the engine,
and a relay carried the huge nomle
forwrard. an;l thrust it Into the hatchbole of the big unk MeOonnell help
ed Godfrey fire, and for half an hour
they sent Into the burning oil vre^
ountv of M#am the engine could carry.
Then Mike came to the engine room
•It s m> use. McConnell; the st#am
don I make no headway against a
fir# Ilk# that; the tank's bound to go
Hudn'i w# better g#t out the cannon
and sbnoi Into her? She Isn't more n I
a third full: the emhankmenHl holdi
that aaay enough |
lihaa tha dbain nff tha htail
sHidov of a chan«- to get it here In
tl»e: from tby sn^oke abe't making
ahe wont burn more'n two boom
"HafinT ve best get out the women
aad ehlklrea? If M,e btov. ap,.
Ukely take the ahantle. um"
At the menthm of the cblldtWt. Mc^
Connell's fare grew vblta aa itratb*
•:WbataTe,tm talkla*. you fooh
Doat you remember MlUer-a week
tAd baby, and Ray*, boy that baa lung
few? Tvtmld be the death of ‘em
to bring 'em out In tbia alnab. We^rc
got to keep her from btoving ap. I
trSa vSTtTjS!
lona at them vere practicable.
Then McOonneU called two of the
sea aahle. the talber of the week-old
-No. no. Joe. Ifh best for me
If the ymUg ones are a
that's all I ask"; and McConnell
to tLe most rrltlrsl period of
Uliea aclentUit reafi tb# cabled re
port of 8lr William Cruokf's dls-
Member ef Johman On»g Cc. Wat
Acthraly IfimKlfiad WHh the UnHad
Or^Q Company. Malm of fleaaM
BemadUA Which Hat Been Mere
Thao Camplyinf With the New Law.
even Befera t\ Waa Thoopht of m
Nitric acid sddt greatly to the produetirity of
Nitrate of soda, used
for that pu
•earee. It U aaid. it soon wlU be exhaustrsl.At prt-amt therost ©f eitrae
ting nil l ie acid from the air la ezpeoaJve. Prof. Charles F. Chandler, head
of (be d#p^m#nl of ehemlMiy. in Co^
. #zpUIO#d. hut said
mHml apfurmllr frarr
which auch U employed In th# proe«w. nitric acid manufactured hy th#
new method would b# cheaper than
nitrate of soda
fideaee aad tell them jnat what they
"When a practical working proceas
U perfected." aald Pixrf
•erevT water fall In tb# country wHl
be avellald# for t» ^ pr-.daetlon of
the Waahingtim gorenimeot has
the aAnufaclnrers
plainly on ibHr Mbelt what adi
nata have been used in pieparim
the atmospheric feitliUer. Betrotlsu
hare been working on this problem
. hundred years, hui real head
way has hern mad# only rerciiily."
ncas are promptly h##<ied hr ini#lllgeat woBM-B who are approachiog
ih# period of lif# wh#a this great
chaage may he expected.
Mrs, PredOrtis. loi4 Si. I.afavrtt#
Street. So. Bead. lod.. writes: *
‘ **
Wlun«BMdi^e bu
Figures of the amount 4ff bualaeaa
eonaected vltb tetopboaes made pub-
We Don't Know of a Bener Range
than the Favorite.
We bought tb#m Ijecuoac w.-lielifcve.1 thetii to
o be the beat w«
oonW get f«.r our caalomera. Tlrey have aU
oibof Kangt s and aome that othert do i
iooking for a goo.1 Rang#, ooe that wiJI give yon aaiaafaciioti.
we want to abov vtKi oue of th
Price from$35 lo$M.
MB ,eS«
Edistii Records
Just Received
,We now have every number in domcatic catalog.
OUXhl II mow that four yuan ago!
r;ie nure food law fines not
ImkaakaB. melaacbolla., dread uf Im-
I with tb# ebi
5.071.500.000 exchange telephna# talks and 113.-'
t^t wu^
hiag-dialaoc# or toll roatnunleatloaa ta tha year 1»M ta this coun
from leeUhdle and means a
try. Oa Daoembrr 31. there vere 7.alon or equal.
Covvaln U n word whose derive hearts of tkoau who were giving the
P#o,.k* a squaie dtwi.
lid never Ih- guessed. Th#
awalh was originally the man
well knovn druggtms. In dltensslng
pulled ni#"after mr in th# caph
jhls point with oar reporter, nisde
Jlrh vas known at the c
iKtat. This In tnrn it a corruptio
:.7I5.3C7. the total elreult. I.4H:.900,
word coracle, a small. rt»and
and tbe emploveea Ml.aoo. Tbcae figi on the Wy# and l^ak rivers,
"There's a good deal of satlsfarih
ores show a growth in six years of
eovswaln comes from the WH.<ih.
In knowing you've don# right." aaid a
mmcHlor# is not
member uf Johnson Drag Co„ "bnt 171 per cent in aamber of employees
of 3M per eeat la the aamber of sia
to its licglnnlng. If U simply
lions, and of 549 p#r cent 1a the irrtal
lUllan eonimandstor#. meaning
"Four years ago ve were one of the nnrober of miles of wire.—Rcle
tbousand leading droggtats vbo
‘h person as Davy Jones
together to dlacuss 4be patent i
exUted. though on# often heai
cine sltnatlon.
All of us «pr«
and his locker. On# should speak
Duffy Jonah's locker." for tha
-Oaeof ]
publle. of
the prlglnal. -I>uffy ' is the ^>at In course, ve sold whatever our trade]
dian* name for spirit or ghost, vhllr called for. But ^
strolled tato the Uttie shop kepi by an
Jonah refers, of eonrm«. to Hie prophet to sell
Did maa. a naUve at the place.
Another curious case <tf a term grad line of I
In looking about she found a kind of
and THEn- knewually eomipied .nit of the original
'K whose rellahilUy
and ef- linen etoth vWeb she bought for fan
form Is the dog watch. It vat orig
we eotild back up with oar
•pk. Boom fHends vbo aav aad
inally th# “dodge watch." t>#cause It
liked vent to the ahem abd parchaaed
lasted only two hours Instead of four
and tbu«; made it possible that the
In a few days the |
aatxH- men ahould not bo cm duty ev
formed to manutaeutre
I bis atoek.
cry day during the same hours.
and boagbt
. Cves-alla in Itoxall Ftan.
Then there Is the "sheet aarhor."
rure-alls.' ao Seerot formulas- which also
Ihe name given to the largest anchor
-Well.- e
Imed l^le HI as tbe
il and safes
carried by a Vessel. It it really •^bot#
last yard venL "If any more of you
anchor." and Is to called beeauae of medical wor» for
fbllta vnat that stuff, you »n bo un
aad every formnU knovn to every
Its great weight, whlch.makes It easy Rexall druggist and his coatomera—
Intaafi an- git it. I
to shoot out In case of emergency.”
THAT vas the Rexalt ptaa from the keep nothlac ta ibla here shop?Instead of the terms "port” and beginning!
"The great soeeewa of Rexall Reme
es baa baon ao surprise to ua. They
e the BBBT cures, and they're sold
the SQUAREBT way. Kvery Rexall
emfdy It sold with the uafieraund power of light reeenUy received
tar that the customer, if dtasatlafied.
ta lUastratlon In tbe silver mii
:ei the purchase money back by ]
urianx. A mine bad been abao
simply returning the empty package
doned tote years, when aome |
or bottle—and ve have always lived
vaa fonad beaeath tbe stag. The
this guarantee!
atag betoff rmamrafi. ta a abort lime
tba uailra apace vaa eovfirad vltb
two years has
tbo mant ffuttaona abov of po|
Remedies in the Irost. beeauae their
After twenty ceatarfes' rest they bad
forrouUs were NR\TJI BECRRT—aad
bloomed as vigorously as If they bad
ever3lHHly knew It!*
beeu borne by fiovera of yeste.nlay.
Uncle fi.n Attonta the marnh Flam
"Tbi' rotted Btntea govemmmt has
at la-rt <ome arotnd to our way of
tblDklnx Ln.t aasned a pure food aad
drug laPu* we dldnt need the
rniTf ni^^ush
ni m push ns to tell what Is
Our deUciou. Cod LhVr
PWiswtkn wittiout on.
Better ttwn old-8irtnoaeil
cod fiver oB and eraoMdbs
to restore hceOtfa far'
OU people, ddicste diSdreo.
week rundown Persons,
•nd after sickness, colds,
ome acilre sad with a
as irriutioos make lif<- a
a^ toUSTtW *dSItnlr*t Ue wfu-k”
Evolution of Baa Tarma
Thero it hardly a langui^i^ vhlrb
baa not liecn called on to provide at
leatt on# of tb# ciulous sea terms
h are in constant use and whose
origin Is so xxhscnr#
For Inttanee.
the wort! "admiral- U not of KnglUh
origin, hut It from th# Arable -emll
JwwSTljrrfJiily n *TlS2ha
covery of a eommerctal method rd
Hag Blirte aeld from tb«^atmos
phere. they .aid Ibeie vat ao longer
aay fear of srarcity of food from over
populatloa. beraaw. the retult of ih#
-ellng tovard the Udder, h# half fell
lb# grorrad l»#lov.
Miller snd Jo# carried him to no#
Tb# Urt rhMWtm ah# had ah# took no# bad ooticrd until It vat right Into
of tbo roiUges; and. when b# earn#
nrrftftlao to tHI MrOauwll that If
tM. dangrr.
» blmtelf. they told him Ib# danger .-.r
#»#r h# ftranted ~» hoi rmp o’ #olT«>#.
Rtivjrvn# v«a borTldrd. for
le tank was past.
or ft iKiltoft ar«#d on.“ b# abmilO
-oiildt hfttr# tftkoft ninch or a ran
Breryhody on th# Woolaey vent
MNftft to ^Moilmr QUroy. ’
th# thing off; and nm no mocb
mild or#r McConnell that day. hut h#
MrCoftiiHI foftllod. ftlftMMi afttrtly.
hair of Ih# llitl# rhap vnaM #«
would bar# none of tbHr thanks aad
Ikftt hp mid ibtok hit o«B rot##
tea hero fonad. to nay nothing
in# of iheir praise.
fttid ft#w on bfai ovti
otm hufiMt. and #r#n
I# danger to tb# oibent.
Tovard night Jc^ cam# to him and
Mm. fliimy had i«» iftdftiU that hr vat
hl«Ooftii#ll dared not mar# Mt tin
• No«. Jlcf.
Iml b# gar# turh a groftii at I otv
lay you mustn't live off
Hr vat ftot
hoard onlrtH a man vat In mori
My wife an
hST# you live miih us;
«mld lift aftuamr. or »orft
1ft the only way v#'vVglA,xiljhfihlagiro ft man a Dair tbov. It vat only
ve’re grateful.vb#o they undetlook to ftmk
Ovinff to mofim methoda of llvioir
laioanily h# tnrnHl snd Mot
ovbsr in again: then, half blinded.
Ji until .mt of th# current of gat.
and mad# another opening.
nr# times h# mad# th# eruvlor
tell; iMit th# tilth time be vat too
arlmmu aaf
all the dlffhtwbl ani
toa HecaBaaitea
tioa to the fan that It hat haaa aiatsd
that maay savage trihet can aoi dl«
lingulth fiark bine ,,«■ black, and
Tbe beta aid to tampermnee is aome^
thing that win atrivgtbeu the drunkarTn wrecked aerroua nyatem and
evra bis annaiaral efartac for drink.
beUeve that aa^maa vho reaRy
Only the
*^<^^tiat at their Ipgrefih
^ always
to the ffUhHe.
"We likt^all iBa elhar BeaaB firug
glau. ksTe alvaya hafi fhe fonmtaa
of the
Rrxan Bwaadiaa ta nur pernspataan. and harm gfra them to thon-
that ve aro glad to aell It under aa
abaoittte guarantee to refimd
iMmey If It does not cure.
It ta In two forms: No. 1 that can
be ffhran accreOy. aad No. 3 for thooo
vho vtah to be eared. It to aot only
tho am reltahto treatamnl known,
bvt It to aino the moet aeohomleal
aa It coaii only |i a box and thare to
"0OBT you tanut ve aara leaaon lo vMtaff^v bTaM^om^ilS^
Try H on ear gaarantoe.'
have eeaan to gntlMth ta 0ifimr
KMall Music Houct
Ose Record Want Ads
lU FmtStnet
M. R HABNBB, pfep.
ly. A»< M tm IWBtmM Mr. Miwfcall
«9PW««. Tk* •mlly M tk*
A Michigan dnigglal. H. 0. CoAem
1 dar^!- r«pM Jote drytj.
-II# belly good. BM------- -Pbr goodsM «ke.-
ladeWer Joe Yeager of the Highland-1
for Catcher Rickey.
John Auderaon. tbe Waahlngton out-!
SeAder. ha. refoaed to algn a motn^t
beeaoae of aHeged unfair trealmenc" !
AfUr Hanging Firt fo- Thra# Yea-1
Only two NIU.ukce player* hnr‘e,
Looks Like n
algnad and both w< re once on the;
Ffratra* Ilk. Tbey are Harry
•of albMk euuiml
td «d
k the Ual^erNty
of Mlaavooia. tbrtv
Uni# St## llJM#o •Uk#t V
•t ll#Md for at 6r##r WminU
teellued tu haak uWk favor
ptopoaHioa ot unbiliAalag
»-blg ntne- la compaBy »Uk !
The WoiverlB# tamlty to
My nun.
DaUMl. Ifirli.. Marob €-Tbr lxiioll Oiirlag cJab mnmoapetm tbe
atalies for the annoa] Uoe rtbba#
noetlag to be held at Groaae fVdatr
July « to J«: Herrbanie aad Neon
Tbe dtonmteatt^l MioncM^an* ulab
aiake for 2:24
value llO.UOo; Cbaober of OiaiMerer
Hah# tw 2:14 trotterm, value tijtVi: oompoaed of tbe
lloruettaii aad Aplrl( of tbe TIm
aUke for 2:14 troltrr*. <«ch »2.00#.
ttililea duae April 2
Race# will be
oa CbratMiaat plaaa
IbK Bprtaga. Ark . Marrb C.-Th<
l«*las game to
bcioiDtag at
liprtogs. MaoKiter Jobn II MrKor to
iifm Badinc maichiw almoat ready
made for bln and to dally In receipt
ol challenge* and cro*. cballengr*
from bosrra all o»rr the country. Tbe
wmd baa gcmi out that the game to
good In Hal Sprioga and that every
body gel a fair treatment. The aaaured
root nuance ^
the Oaklawn
meeting* baa grvaUy IncreaiuHl tbe
number of vlaltora In ibe reaort mho
are foliovera of aporting gamea and
thia baa •ttengtlieiied Hu- Inixlng bu>fi
rhUadeli.hto. I*a.. March r..-Jurh
f»Brlen to nm lo fight Jack Itoliner,
the English hear,weight, and Ihere to
little bo|>e (hat the two mill get ity
O Drlen. who arrived heiv
from CtnlKurnla two day* ago. says
(but hto Iliue to Ilmllid and that he
muM return to laet Angelea to pn pare
tor hto fight with Tommy Hum*, and
that a alx round Ikiui mldi Palmer in
the Quakei City would not pay him.
crililen iwya he to milling In hark
Jack iTwIni Sullivan to whip Pnlmet.
since Hia Mother Died.
A smart lawyer bad Iteen bullyrag
ging the srlinesa In a laundry ca*r
Finally he aakod: ‘'How long have
50U barn goUlQg your washing done
at this place• Ever since yonr m*rther died.** an
smeiYd tiin witnaas
-What do >t»u mean, sir? ‘ aakrd the
lawyer, firing up
-JuM what I say. »lr.- calmly iv».
|dbd Oie mlines*.
-Do juu mean tu lusluuair that my
mother t^cr Old yuur mashing? You
Catcher Towne of the White Sox
may be tranrferrrd to the Milwaukee
dob In exchange for Frank I^Kh. who
wa* loanc^I to Cornl*key t)
Ing crtolb 111 ihe American
Mydr#phohi. Infection. May RosuU j
Fram Mora ConUct With Virus.
Haluiday a *eileii of basketball
games U-tw«-o Albion and Olivet col
leges was fintobed
Olitet won all ol
the four games played
The state Intrrrollegiaie oratoileal
'" •**
df-ldetl by ju.irt ntam' of markio‘tbe
Inga which, of courM-. was cM|uall> tin ! rlrus. M e mmt uom- except ih,
statofactory to'cause the muikincM juuct.va teyr: mid nasal imu'ous
were glvdn by the same
brane* In fa.
fai i.
I. the utter
Utter offers a lerj
e judges. Nine cranes
convenient rhaunel of Infeetlon
colleges c^|K‘ted.
j: coovenlrot
Ilaseliall pracllce si*it,>.i off lively |.
mlih the arrival of il
cage. Coach Kennedy
li.g out men every aftCi«M.».i ««u
IH-eis for I. winning lutseluiH team annr.- ihr
the street on a windy day
Track ulhUtirH
lie- In the path of « mad Ne
______ ' ..I—
K Handy Centrivanes Far tKs Qui
H.ndl.na of Mtrchsndiss.
Inijin.i.d iiictb.Hto of saving t(i
loading and ilellrerlng
men handlis- .ire
The old fashioned ninth
-ri... 1____ ________ _____________
res with tbe bond still moist with the
M's aallva. and the ralschier wk*
M»e.- I»r. tieorge Rambaud. nirei-ioT
r tbe New York Pasteur Institute.
vsnt Unhinging
^Tlie fact jhat the onlluarv
uaed on window blind* and i
ar# Inadequate for the‘ o»«Nofiiee tfiey
U often demoastratfvl1 Iin
d a high wind
by tbe unhinging
igliig of n blind.
In tbe
jellon It Is the weight of
the Mind
plaer. and no prortoUm to made for re
taining the biiad when the totter to aeeldentally lifted.
To remedy ihto deri«ien' v a ^ilnplr
device hs* iHM-n liivrntrd mhi.h may
b# attaebcil to any blind binge of
atmndard make to guard against dislodgmeni. Thto window Mind gYianl
Ik Illustrated In detail in the a< omt
pan.ving engraving, mhlrh also shows
the devb^ In position on a shutter
hinge. Tbe hinge comprises the usual
hanger. wb»i-e spikfHl end to driven
In . .lm«. dim... WOO mIK, f™,: ‘‘
ran Iw
•..«». D.rt.1 U» .11 .crk. of r.1.!
J, ‘ ™ “■
parkagea“ from va
In <h.
Ibr |d».l Kro«.
beighis and then folded and storr-J
leaves and flowers and perfects
am ay lu an ordinary delkery w ag«m
aoed. Then It dries up and leaves Of tru-'k under tbe driver's seat.
T be ehnle or tut# to fttnne^l of
«4ily a watcr-flllcd goonl. which
thick, hard shell m^Is against ani Ibie fabric and re-enforced by an
mals and vrvaporaUon.
The trans- mesh of totw.
hand. Tb# chute to constrm ted of a
pUnted apacUacn silll tt-membera the
lalny soaaoa>r six weeks, Tl wakes,
Ing derices. »o U
mends out tobUHs. stauis and leaves 4mUdlngs of vary
beifbt*. One end
and then dries up again until the fol- of the chut# to 1
poed to an u]vper
story of the'waie
w from which tb#
tnd tbe lower eod
attached to the framesrark of th^
itodent period for a naval of- truck. Thooffh primarily lateodsd for
detirerlng and loading paireto
two yrani- packages, such as sacks of floor. i
etc. la cans of emergency It «
employed as a •» rmwpe.
larentsd ajtoooaaa by srblch. ba clalma.
be ran form fram tbe toaeaa of rartooa fralt bearing trraa aad ahruba the
flarega that are cbarartcciatic of tba
of tbe bolhllag. Tbe hanger carries a
pintle adapted to enter the e.ve or
atoeve of tbe leaf hinge, whl.'h to at
taebad to tbe bUad.
Betsreen the
alaere aad blind tbe guard to applied.
Tbe guard to made of stout wire bent
to tena a book at the upper e.Hl, which
books over tbe upper edge of the tosf
Tb# lower cad of tb# wire to foniMd
wttb a ftager which projects approxi
mately at right angles to tbe body of
tb# fusrd. This flager Is adapted to
eagafl# tbe undfrald# of tbe banger,
teas preventiag tbe leaf from being
Ufladofftbaptetl#. ^
teg tbe fragraaca and taste of appiaa. •aBir srtl^srely rotate with tb# leaf
and from vrtoe toaves a bertrage raaam kiteB# wblls tbe blind to being swaag
Wtegwlas. HU tbaary la that tbe pa. open. A patent oo tel# Improved wla
eatiar flavor of apple., psara. grapaa dow bUad fusnd has Just been grantand berrtoa to prenarsd te aad derived mi to Louis P Bicbardsmi. 789 Cran#
-........... -
^ M rite foe free book cp tbe car# of
bloe aboa# dtaapp«ar«d.
coboUsm to tbe Orrtae Co., Waab
Kilty taraed lo her lorer
Hr was
gton, D. C. Mailed sealed. Orrinc
mu but 11 per box.
huffed about sometelng. His fhee
Orrlae to sold by J
wooden Kitty told herself, aad his
Co„ 125 EL Fioot street.
eye* rigidly Ignored her own.
"WUI you come Inr she queried
Faal Caua# of O
While clvillxed mat
trying to
"You can change your mind quick.
grasp tbe lueanlng of
Ty.- His Tolce sounded as if It could
tbe anctnitot>d of all age* hare long
have chopped wood. II was so sharply
ro resolved their doubU la MoagolU
New York. March C.—A dtopalch edged.
to the breathings and skipping* of
from Reno. Nrv . *ay*.
"My mlndr Kitty echoed tlankly.
huge frog that causes the the mis
‘ A n uim battle between Youni Cor
"Ye-es- he drawled cruelly, ' You
chief; in China, a gigantic dragon; in
belt and Jimmy Briu. n fi.Uc engage posseas some such affair, r*
India a world-bearing rlcptianl: An I
ment which ha^JH-en hanging fire for
Kilty alartxl—stepped back a
Celebes, a hog: and in other countries
thiee year*, to now an aasored ihlng. aured harder; then—she put her an
tbe scheme U varied by the int
ami this tomn to to be the uene of arooad hto neck
tion of a .bull and a tortoise. Earth
war between die bitter rtrato.
"Jobn." she whispered trembling
quakes In '^ilicrla are believed
Bdith. Jaxne*. Edward and Will to. wit! mile. •'! don't understand. What i%
due to the froll^ of mammoth* who
leave Trlaco next Monday night, ar wrongr
live in the center of the earth, wh
riving here Tueeday morning, an.l
John did not reply Jum at once. His in Vancouver Island It to the spirit
ihoo the final arrangements for th*' outraged feelings mere struggling In
evil witb hto marshaled husU of all
cuntrat mill be made.
1‘ffectually against the presaute of the the wicked people mho have
irms about his neck, and the Ultlc lived -Kansas City Star.
race looting woodcrlngly into hto.
-M'clI.*’ he said at length, drawing a
Found at Last.
read and reread If. and long breath. T forgive .vou."
J. A Harmon M U/eiuoie. V
At last 1 haw found
honor ^ axed apace. The lighted
Kllty pinched hto check-nbi bard, Va . Kavfct
periecl pm that never dtoapi*»ints me;
trousers, and. un
and for the iK-nefii of Mhers affllcliMl
»'«™ed It. may.
•Some people are fond of forglvtorpid liver and rhrmilr omstlpa
. : take Dr King's New
-Such impudent Ingratitude! Great hg?' she aald
"What have I done, tiem. will say;
l-lfe T’llto." «
GiiarantiMHl saitsfaciory
Scott, to she crazy, or am I? And the ny lord?"
Hydrophobia to u.iinlly transmitted j
through a bile, the danger of mlijch
drprada on the’^epth. the dimruaioa i libUat-------" The cigar claimed hto atand tbe locatien
But iuf.H-tu.n may tention at thto point. He extinguished
take place through other ehauneU. Of | It. then got up and walked to .nd fro,
come any m#uod. whether fremh or j -Ye gtKto mid little fl^ho! The bill—
est. pulled off at Hillsdale, wa. in the iina-ess-of hraling^lll cm^^be4^_^c tibbon! II;..
mon by Hllisdair.
lIlIlMlair. Albion ranki-il *ec- contaminated In* tin* ralJU^rrruir^^lpm not
call again
peculiarity !.l>» very racenUy b«e,i deimm.irated MVII."
ami Olivet third. One peculiarity
Well.** he
he said
Mild grimly
Yf the rouieirt mas that evray Judge |
(again-with the ribbon**
-No; I mean Just wh*t 1 say. Your
mother died six years iigo
I have had my washing done at this
laundr).Then the wHues# was sHowihI to
step down. and. tbe smart Umjer
aroatled smaril) amid the giggles of
Iho nultltudr.
Froaf of Flint Msmory.
riant memory to a problem fur Ihr
Inqutolllve lioUntot. In IFM a plant
allied to the sqnash aad pumpkin was
taken to-New York from the UcMMi
«< Sonora. In Mexico, and since then
U haa been kept-wlthoul watering-
Bro^rlck and Unglaub were ndn
aUled by the national romitoaiou
but edrob wa* fined fl'K*. and Utlgga
waa relnautcd mllhout a fine •
Jimmy Burke, captain of the Kanu«
ply team last yt^r. mho ««» eecurtnl
by the Athletic* at the cI(M.e of the
amuon. wUI be relea.cd
It li. underatood that Burke will -be iv-tumt-d to
Kan*a* Oiy.
:::r rr.
1 went to a coosidermM# tnwbte tc
team about It and become oonAdanl
that It waa a tboroughly booaat preparatlM aad pul oua by a Twiteble
Stop Drinking!
Chester mas unhappyIn despair. Bridget had
•Done. Oh-h. Kilty!"
T*he reproach brought Kitty nearer
he verge of tears.
"If you'll only ull me." ahe began
mhai muidf^ Vx^ commit-
John told a note befote her ejes
She gtred on It with sickening
To ««ay pirfBt* tn Ox- H90ti
WTr-» tarn SorthBfi
Oh. what a sum voice that was!
TICKETS :on aale
She read :
1 and 19. April 2
that Mi>. CheMer had gone Journeying
•The pstetj I netdved fn>m you lev
Mcjlhmanto-thls ma^ the iinkinde>t day needs maahlng-you understand?
cut r>f ajl Bridget'e u(K>Iogh>* h.nd
I iM ver saw anything In such a sham«ptt*fuMV\ l.ut KJily couldnl forgive ful condition. Don't call again. There
to a ribbon missing. Send It with your
• Shun', himself \m'l Itoti n lo fJjvnu bin."
or ray son, but bnllen up. aud skt d.id
die pcardhor
York. V re pUtu- Am
sorry mem. lavin' ye mo suddint
mheiheii. it's yer>elf canT lie ba
the houackeepln'.Whlch subtle flattery
vaguely wondering If Bridget maj
cuKtic at times.
But she left. And the ITri.n Nu Pin
iindry. the butcher ami the baker
r*re to be ix>cl;oned with. Kitty could
have put the two last aside with suf
flclent amity, but Bran Nu Pin had
piled on the agony Insufferably by re
turning the family naiM«ry -done up”
as If such things a* soap and mater
KIttyto ternIHT wa.H angelic, but under tlic i lr
Sh” |K-nnod a
stormily Incoherent note to Bran Nu
Pin. and m.is M-glnnlng lo feel H.nieved. when, as she laid down
Bunny arrived. The note
»mpunknl him Kitty kissed
mhlih {
twice. SH there
as nobody but the
rabbit there to
e. And then she
klascti the rabbii
He had U*en pnuu-antlcli»al«d —.erithuxid
And now there hq may. in the moel
ng mtic cagt'.'wlth hto mhlle
coat aa soft as down, and hto. coral
ryee. and hto long car* lying flat
on hto back, and hto funny little lull!
M'hat a dear John Marahall wa*! "For.
beimj-en you and me. Bunny." Kitty
mhiKpf red. -John and 1 are to be mar
ried soon—though that's a jwcrct.Bclng a respectable rabbit. Bunny
said nothing regarding such a weighty
matter, but began shyly to nibble the
red ribbon which circled hto i
Kitty Ussed him again, aud set
so thst she conld glance at him
and then, and in dispatching a stormy
note to the laundry and a grateful
to -Dear John.*' and In preparations
for -the dad's" dl
passed *o quickly that U was quite
surprising. • la fad. Klttys' opinion
of her housewifely qualltlei* continued
Increasing, until, mhen
she could have calmly morn a gold
-mu you write that?"
"Did you receive that?"
Phone No. 215
Phomc NO.R. 9M
Cit. phone.
Feb 141m
Amos E. Bingham
PaciUc CoMi
The tmo unfortunate
glart‘d at each other for a moment.
Kilty succumbed She nob
laughter, and some time el
before sbo recovered sufficient
posure to explain matters. The ex
planation wuM have proved sat
To tl.t- b-gal
of lilt- ci*> <*f Ttnvtor}, for there was n further delay
erse City. Crand Traveise County,
before dear John re<-ollc«cted himself
and State of Michigan;
sufficiently to tie the new ribbon
Notice to linebv givtH that
had brought around Bunny's neck. Be- Board of KegtotniltiHi of IIh- M-veta!
mardh of the city
rrspcctable rabbit, he had nibbled the first one until B looked
day, March I2th and l.tih. I!«n7. for
the piinw»^e or n*K»*teilng all nnallBed electors nsldlng In Um- dry of
some fern M reels a may John Traverse City, mho are m»l nom legiman gazed on the dainty
totered; said Boaids of Uegtotnitiini
mill tniH-t in each of the five wards of
mlih a mournful'upllfiIng
said city ill the folloming plaws:
oblique eyebmms:
First mard-ln Ciangc hall on Cass
•Dear John." It ran. * you are wry
Noti(»otthe Board ot Registration
g«MHl to send It so laion. I never
Scrend mard- al tli.- Sermi
anything so l•cauUfuIly mhlte. Be
city hall on Spnin- slnM-i.
1 hlnl mard- in the priiii.ny
ome to Mipp r IfHilght.--Boston
liuildlng. «-orner of Cnlon an.l
............... :r"J:
Fifth'marT-In 7hc^ y
"Centicmen of the Jury." erupUnl .Pliosite K. J H;.ns Ancr of Wa-shii.gi.
e attorney for the plaintiff, addres*
Ing the 12 Arkansas peers mho mere
sild ni.M-ilngN
ni«M-tlng-, of til.- Ihraid I
K In judgment on their res|>cci.n mill la-• oiH-n fi
live shoulder blades in a damage suit
unril X (
looti of said reglMration »lay*
against a grasping corporation for killt.-Mlinonv mhen-»if I have
corn-. -if the train had IwH-n
hand thl.s I'Tlii dMj ofr Fel.niary. I'JoT.
tig as slow as It should have
T II ClUdS. .
run. If the Im II bad been rung as
Ity Clerk.
to have betm mug. or the mhlstlc had blown aq U should have been
blew, none of which was did. the com
mould not have been Injured mben sh«*
Hi* Idea of Ari.
A curious siory to now being told
of the late Shah of Persia. Hto bed
chamber mas adomc-d with magnifi
cent works of art. studded with Jew
els. and In every may was lavishly
furnished, but in the midst of all Ibla
tbete was cooaplcuoaalr
displayed In a magnificent gold frame
a cheep print copy of a grotesque pic
Seven o'clock brought a ring at tbe ture used In advertlxlng a certain
bn&d of Bngltob soap.
It to said
door bell
•*ft to John, surely." quoth Kilty that the Shah was as food of teat pU^
Alaa. no. and she grew mrathful as ture Mb of anything ela# la the room.
she aaw beaming ecsUtically before
her an oxeyed Celestial from the laun
-M’cll!" Her haughty monosylUble
received a broadside of beatific grins.
"Me belly well."
*1 told you not too call again"—se
verely. -Ahem!—I alao meoiAonml a
tlhlxia." she went on trowniogly.
Th9 imaauBly count#naaoe pot oo a a#w wreath of smUes.
"Me boir waU. Me come slnppa."
"Dear Mp tbe man! Whaf alls
hlmr- njacdtefed Kitty, at a loss
wheiher to malnUln tbe haughty atUtade or relax Into a amlle.
COillE WOW !
"M# beny good." The Oatertlara
uulle deepaaed la tetaotlty.
"What do yoo wumr emdalmad
Kitty daapafatalj. half ^^ag the
Winter goods at cost.
We give one 100 pound to
200 pound scale with every
cash purchase of $25 or over.
Aflk ui tor cut prices on
"Gale” farm tools, plowt. har
rows, cultivatort.
See us before you boy a drill.
We can interest you. Super
ior, MeSherry and Empire at
aboflt cost.
Farmers’ Supply C«.
Camlidiitefor u
Candidate for Republican
Nomination for
City Treasurer. •
cccssful business man.. ScylI
years Alderman from
:ond ward.
Farm for Sale
Known ns Uie
Chnrles Ellis Farm
One and One-half MUes
from 014 Mission.
I»8 acr#8, i) ifim wood lot.
10 acrea Ko»l appl^rrliard. 2-atory frame houac, ooat $2,000.
Framo bam. ^x48.
Steno bare. 24x48.
LkfKe abeil, cncloaod coriirrib au«l
other buildings.
On main road to Old Mitaion.
Price, $4,000.
City Treasurer
Ctas. EUls on tkc Farm.
c^niideratiou of volors.
'ABtmhUe. Uqb^ ti« GasfUflcBBTUe Accessirtcfl.
Caneral Garage BuainBSB.
MunveU Motor Cii,.
VUrioe .Moto,:
One Ton
Is equal lo
Two Tons
Traverse City, Mien.
131 On, SU oomer of State
Coke is the ideal feel.
No dust; no amoke; very
litUe aahes.
We have reduced tbe price lo
$5.00 [S
Traverse aiy
liderman in the 5th Ward
Gas Co: ^
(si course)
'Ar- ‘
^■I'm *•
-v5- ■ .
AY. MAHCM •; rw.
-li-i ' '
Bf WIra to
^ lbe,laaU»ar aad tt
. Mte aaltk pmii, 1
that they are
I la the teatl
do tklai. te u lolellKoot
Tha laac or the foraoooD ari
to opIakNu to draw oai about ThaWa
tamtiUm at the tiaie oT hla ■
nr. Waaaer made ixae of meupbom
aavaral Uses la bta aaawrra. la r»Hr to
wbra aaalty
u Wbea Ida
/ baoonaa rala r<m maaot aay iaai
. Dr. Wagaer alatad that be heUered
that hatma liM aad IKK there were
tlaM arbaa Tbaw bad
that be night be coaaldered
, After the cJoae of the croaa
tioa OaUMa aabad oe the redirect fx
aaOaaUOB. “Wbat waa the exact coo
ditkn of the daroMot'a mlod oo tbe
algbt of the ahoocteg.** A. **He wa«
usable to datermlse that the art
At 1:16 tbU afteroooo Mra. Mary
Copley Thaw took the aund and teallAed that wbaa Harry waa at her home
ta Plttaharg ts October. IMG. be
m . :2?r;
itvar^ Umm at sight
I >wmm mmmxM mm oshblat rlbleaUy. 8be
ly ’
saw a tight lb bla room many time.
at 3 or 4 o'clock la the morning. She
aabad him why be did not go to bed
and be aald. ^t’a no uac. mother. 1
V .
Tht New
Oaaefslly fair taalgIR and THw
day: WARI9CR Thursday and vm
pertien tonight; frM* amrthaa
I hi • Vwy tumr I
ErraJag Recotd ,
WIMK Bany Tliaw wa. wM to
Braira Ba M a ratbar laaaaa kooar
laM of arary act -Jaat aa aiy pa
nwnNTiifiiF UUWNI
ffrsebsp Want ta Battnem Thi« MamIng and Btraightanad Up tha
Right af Way far Traffic in
Vary Short Tinm.
A wrecker went out on the Pen
larqeette from this city to BHiaer.
tha acene of yesterday's wreck and In
short time had the track in shape
r traflc.
Tba Injured men. who were brougiit
to the city on No. 1 yesterday after
were cared for by the local road
. . Jclan. It waa found that Coaductor McCarthy had auffeUd a seveyc
Uccratlon of the scalp which could
e sewed op owing to ka torn and
ad condition. TbU waa the onl.v
injury discovered before the medical
For Spria«
art? here. Keodlata to aay,
thv fiylnt aie aatboritotive
and correct U yood ijouatienL
When the l»od)
ug covered by heavy
bedding, ud I waa evident that the
man died without a struggle of any
riia peraonal effects ^ were
aearrbed bat no bottle that "a
have contained laudanum could be
found. If he drank the Muff It la prohable that he threw the bottle away
before re-entering the building.
Besides the son there la a daughter
tiring at C*>dar Run Warren 8
to look after a oaae of porerty that
auted this morning that It waa
haa becB anpportod by charity there at an neceaaary for hla lalheT to h
for borne time.
th# county aa be would hare pror
The manY name la Jewell and
him whh every want.
Marrln found him In bed He b
wtfe and four chUdn* to aupport and
iimau'x shot- should be
liKlit in weight ami rtexible
to the fool to enable her
walk in
eaay. Rraocful |
Tbigiiot.e cf thcfcwlurea
that have ma.lc “Vueim
(Quality*’ to jjopular.
Titoy c.in U*
foaod at
erday aftcrniatn: pulled out of Thump
^onvllle {it 3:46 IhU morning
There was lot* of wiuw all al.mg
he line hut the tie-up of No. 97 waa
the only one that afforled trafflr nm
terially. On the tiranrhes the train
men -cxpeiirienced trouble, esperlally
HlkM*ka branch which has
given tronhic all winter.
Twenty-five [utatiengiTK waii<-d In
the local dc|v»t ex|»oct1ug the train
one pair of heavy eyelids among i|
thU mottling from trainmaster tU
lo section men. .
The G. R A I had aonw tro.
with the snow* on the loca] branch
nothing waa tied up In c<MiM*qucnce
8:40. after making slnw headway
through the drifts. The train was
wy smoking allowTd. The followhauled by an extra heavy engine or
Ing will be the program after the banhave been stalled No. 9. due
hero at |n;6i>. got In at 12:55.
lalmaMer. Hon Frc«I C. Wet
T. C.. L. A M and M. A N. F.
have bad no trouble as yet.
Vocal aclectiop. Manton mab- qnar-
Mtaa UlUan Parr
twsttty of bar friends at her hm
Waat Eighth atreet laat eranisi
varT plaaaani manner, the affair being
la honor of her Mrthday. Mlaa Parr
ww the radptant of a aambar of eery
“ParUaanahlp va. Individualism.*'
Perry F. Powers, ex-auditor general.
• Uncoln .« a Repabllcan." WlllUmi
Iden Smith. United State, genator.
Vocal selection. Maatoo male qoartetAddreaa. W. J. CallbTalth of Calu-
You would doit, wonkln’tyoar WoU, we an. offer ini? you
just that ebanoe when we sell you OreremU at the price we
are now making.
Frery one baa a price, that no mattar whether you need
a coat this winter or not. it is money in your pocket to buy
cue and keep it until next winter.
Let ux show you bow good these bargaina are. It wiU
(oat you Dothim;.
Don’t move quite so
fast these days as in
the .summer, but they
arc movinff all the
lime and they do
an ehutio
I for thia ; have just
• for youraelf
ejKdiislvc mgtmey.
Logs, Logs
Will pay Highest Cash prices foff
Our Iclepbonaa are in
Rooil workins condition.
aiKl we woiiHbo
tn lieve your order. Wo
will toe that you I'd
what you order.
Maple. Hemlock, Asli, Elm.
Basswood, Pine and
Telcphonc-Cit. :r>. Bell 169. ^
JottopH 3l|ttclor& Son
First-class Balcbcrs, Packers and Sansaoc Makers
Also Hats
M/-Bk«. chops. ;
Iamb. veal, pork and all the mc-ats you
care for kept in prime condition In our
huge cold atorage quarteni. The
more you know about toeaU the belter
you'll like tmr place. The ofieoer wu
quote you prices the more convinced
youll tie that thU U the butcher shop
you ahmild patroalxe. A call at an
early day will be welcome. Remember
we are makers of pare Bansage.
wholesale and retail.
Oi Course You Do
It wiU Iw «en
«ofth going
I IL aad what la mote to
I sale and ase la lacreaa
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Both pliorica.
Use Com Meal?
Waltx. Jolly Fellowa. R. VollatedL
LIrila KlaklM. Iatmaay> Thao.
and liare
Hth and Franklin.
'Vocal aeleetkio. Maston male Mr- By Wire to tha Evanlng Racord.
New York. March €.—An riertrlcal
-Uacoln.*' William A. Nottoa of St. blltxard. aald to-be due to aim apots.
Mias Fanny Hawitt Fell at Mt. Ftcaacame Jaat aAer midnight laat night
an Tharagay LaM nnd Paranu
amid Rood cracks of thunder, vivid
Net Notified Until YeaUrday.
The foUowlag mimical ptutgram wlU flashes of lightning, there wns a dense
aaow Ml aad a forty-right -mile wind
wns anothar feature. Aa hour prevlMardu The Btpra aad Stripes
ooa to the atorm -tbe air waa balmy.
iBT. ranm
Tim bllx»rd^
oitatUTt, JaWlee^Chr. Bach.
asaant tbla year. Tbaraday^ ah*
I and Ml la tba boiMlng. lying
i natil Tunday. Tba aswa
was kmpL tnm bar pareste sstfl yaatarday wMs. ssdar bar tape
dltleii.tbay ware boom by
Baoanap~AH tha
inaannff the Imat
lo chooae from and abo beoanaa it » eaaj to find a papiY
to do ibeTrori and do it WL
You don't hava to Mar ^Miooma all np to bava
THERK it no foot that
pretty with “Dorothy Dodd” aboaa: no tmite
The Boy
and the
her of Her Frienda Lnat Evaaisg
Why Not Select Your
WaU Papa* Now
In addition to hU wife Mr. Analiu
Icarea elnren children. He waa
member of the Woodmen and canied
fl.OOO laanimoce. bring banker of
Tha Hobart Oo. Piop.
auaenger From South Due at 6:30 p
thrsa Hba on the left aide broken and
m. A-rivad in th. CHy Twalvo
Blaal wounds. Mr. McCarihy
Hours LaU. Having Boon La.d
takas to bla^bome 524 West
Eleventh street, where he. U reatlng
Unth snow piled to a<»me pUcei'
MBsa Noiton of lBterl<*rben suf seven feel deep about the cars, logirlog
taalyaAa af tha CanUnU of tba htom- fered the dUloeatloD of hU left hip
No. 57 waa stalled U'twfcr
aeb ffolnf MaM—Want to Bad
r^gd Thompsonvtlle oo the Prir
beside other brulafawinH^.iakan-»a
Monday Night and Body Woo
lette untH 5:30 thU motnlng
tha Grand Trover^ hospital, where
Found Yoaurday.
holding pa-.s«ngcr ttain No. 5. north
‘ la raating anally:
. at Henry and No k at Thomp
Brakeman Jam^ Drlgga was not
With indlcatlona pointing toward aufaclenlly Injured to demand medical
aulcide. Cbarlea 8. Snow was found attentloa. be being In the lower part
■ snow, driven by on«* of the
dead la bed at the Bhllaoa bouac at 6
fiercest gslm i^at bsK Rsept m.nhern
o'clock yesterday afternoon. He re
gan IhU winter, juteked like
tired at 9 o'clock Monday algbt aflor
Before evening the big snow
parcbaslng an ounce of laudanum. An
allng frpm the wrecked car unautopsy waa held laat eeealag by Drm.
Mmtb from this city and the other up
Martin nnd
on the Kalkaska branch, w here It
of the sUNnacb
snows aU the time. The south bound
rill be condocted
plow did not reach the boovy snow
at 9:90 this erenlng.
beyond Thompa^vllle in time, how
'Snow baa been in the habit of going
ever and No. 97 ^owed Into It ooly lo
► the hotel, stopping orer night aad
there helpless. TTve only way
Bag oarty amet morning. ThM fact
t the cars oat was by ahoveflag
them. While the rear cars were being
of the ordinary. The
trotmd the front of the train In place:,
even feel high, packed »*olld1y.
»t Mr Bhllaon saw the body lying
The passenger* on the lraln» and In,
u the btMl late ycaterday aftemoon.
the atatloOR along the toad walU-d
bosty Inreatlgatloo showed that life
uneasily until 5:50 this morning, when
ad gone from the Mr and the corothe. freight was backed onto a siding
cr. piillce offleera and sheriff were
the passenger trains Itegan to
The man came to the houee Monday
ntght and aeeniPd In go»al aplrita. al
>gram Is an Eacallent One i
rh he waa euffering from a cold
fotod Speakers Will Be HeroHe had been sick at Bellalre and the
Music Will Be Furnished by
authoritlea there noUfled F. l>. Mar
vln that the man waa a realdent of
n tary Waller U riTclving
Ihte county SiHi hla ran- wmild tK>
charged agalnat Grand Traverac Mr. quests fur tickets frooi oil over the
Man-tn tookiHl the matur up and region for the Lincoln club banquet
found that the man liclonged In l.ecla- Friday evening and IndlcatkmR are
gpoclal to the Bvening Ilecord.
it the attendanev will be ve|-)' large,
Inleilocbcn. Mich. March €-Ttie
the capacity of the City opera
Tcmalaa of CbaHea A Anahutz
broogbl here at 12 46 frinn liar
tend to attend the banquet should scOhio Tho'funeral will bi' held fnm»
thelr tickets as
as ptmaible.
the town hall tomorrow aUemoon at WcM Wghib atieet
After an hour s talk with Mr. Shll- so that It will be known b<nr many to
2 O'clock.
epore for.
Six waoka ago Mr. Annluui went to Ron. Snow aakcil If hr could get Into a
Aflar carefully considering the mat
Barhoon to ace aboar aome marhlnory drug Bton* He was din'Cted to F. H.
for the Wylie Cooperage rtmu»an: Mcada'. where he purchased an ter. the executive committee has dc
Traterday be waa atrurk by a tral ounce of laudanum, making out the slip etded that smoking wlH be pcrmitte<l
and teaunlly klllisl No dotalla of to the eff.vt that It was lt> be ommI for after the banquet and cigars will be
Thb tt tha Tory bMt U»e of
€• w«« ask>
Dr. Wa«Mr
latfti THat Ha Waa CmmaH. ^
FMWilabadM tba Kuasisg BaasM
ap ts naan snab day sy B. I. WaR.
What Ktad Are Yon Uslag 7
D’ld^you ever stop to think that^erc was
ounelvei on the quality of our incaL It
-is made from. carefully sdcctcd com.
ground to just the right degree of finenesB and is altogether a splendid article.
Everything we make is always the
BEST, and nothing else will satisfy us.
Hannah & Lay Co.]
, nuycMK (nv, i
•sssr I
Pony Stockings
arc better
IS Ik tv*
....... ^.Tfc
*5lh. pail..................%tM
Medium and
Heavy Weight
for Boys.
^ '
j ’" ' tbanean behad
fie vaa OB the war to tbia <
;hi« train ^had
had Jnat
■nj It'va stati<m.
15c and 25
in any
By Wire to the
Oereland. Mairh C —Mr« litenie F.
HM M «« oir T-ai« «IM| o. Sack Bhenaaa. a wealthy aidow. aa^d tt.
waa tooad d««d fa her hone Ui Borlid
riUaae. It Is belieeed she was hilled
by rubbers while trytnf/o alre the
Stitts of Whitehall
the city FWmUy and while
for the Pere Mhrqoene frmln i
Took Araooic.
ww,n toW of a mther intrree Inc ea- py
Eveolaa Reeord.
perieoce be had paned tbro
Alpena nich.. Manb €,-blrs. Ux
day before and a little walk be
tie Gram. a«ed =1. narrled a few
n reanlt of it.
months, took a fatal doee of arsenic
■ake Mock thrive wkea Kin*
two tobiMpoottMol oifdit aad
15c and
a other aake.
One ca*-e of i.adies Black Hose, boughi l>cfore
ihe advance, worth 15c, ai present
1 An
»» Ctiormoas Mataas of Tunoar Ana
sod, Fer Tawir#.
.. the saae»l ttOilier a«naaUy cut la Waahiufft.a. and «»nrcon..
a »erj Urcr
**t pHioc. «*hf
rrai* ami U-lr|diuue i-.kis mt. urrd
frum the f.M-r^Ts III the I-UH.-I souod I
ftMiiitrj aiul a) a;; ilw t ...uuiKLi ruer.
•IW .xk-t «f lrai,M-r:sliou M steam
aud mm.IHm: Tessei aiiJ the limll.-d iw
I In
^ dropped hut not d:uint*Ml
t/alii ther<* and staned on the bad
kiml *if ireurtit
s*.mr of the
On reachlac Kaleva he mw
omi|»ajiks eucaititl In srllln* uot iMkkw
1 «f the scliny-jhanu of s..>.l<«d mc^ workinr alon.
SU.I piiUra to de*t*:i. iRhat arr .nllcU lu
track. 111^ apparent search for a|,j...
A- the ar
K tmnid his plant tp hist aiilcle
attmeted *me of the men -j,>Kii|uiii>i»n: IliuRiratUMi Rhou.. Ute«e
ppeneil to he the mftef t,„i, .-.^.rnioo. dlueti
Travers*- City antviNl in the city to- »’" ntiou
ay andi«nand i “O'* •ho
• ho had pick**.! up the l*ook. After Ui»ai- nml Ui ».haiH . Ium Si re^etulde a
i.vler U b< r. to <iay
day. Ml Schuyler
the lo.t valuahh-H w.w acain in hiHlelaar. ta|-r!nj: to a |K.ini at Ih.iIi eu.U.
nest Monday his entire for*
,KM-.ei he rcMU.l comfortnldy t-| i„ | »hc.uv »raU«Mliy eni.ryi.u: lo the K're-i
ployiw will arrive i* ady for busineHs
Mr SMiuylei R faetory will Im- liMTit*-*l the K:,1er.n Maiion until the ncM train '
in the T. H Sherman iMilldlnu. comer
tmt iiRually r^uitaln at les.t Mmi pie.'***
*»f Front and Oak r.tj«.*‘tA
lot tluilrer. n»iii:lii|: from ni tu It** ^erl
III Jei.uth and fr.m, elffl.l in. he* to
r*-adv fur the insfallaiPrti *.f rnarhln
I nearly l«o f« i iu diameter at the l.nti
Mr Srluivlet
U.1U*’ Kn.t«>iiiM«.l He*.- at................................
■ l(e.Ue.S»«toSSc
E. Wilhelm
weik nnd In^Winie p*-rTpii.ienT ift4id,Hits i \Vimatu
of thU city
- Was an Injuatioc.
__________ _
atlona ar* caiwruliy eoc* 1
To the Piildic
d«y. Th,
Rricaa art auppllcd by local
Tha ouUid*
«ll|W«d from
r,M lh,pr.. l
TH. —.............
Y.irterday 1
Mhieb uhm
Mi-< fHive.Shoin-r will an
-Itnri Land In The new suit ««
1 .h-!»a,tm,-ni «.f the H.-u,u.ih A
eantih- r-r.m|Minv.
'■>r —....
. roll
Allyn f^trnikhinc th<'Ui with eunalderatde rtaia
They **\pi**S'-ed tlienis«-!\e« m.-i luurh
ph-;is*‘d with the eondliinns and said
rliH* the o-.oloo’, M
I am tlit-re|or<- I
hi-lmej:-. i.-iuin.-j «“ ’V•o1^h w .id In tW- ,*nelne hrnise
.Hlav afrv r
ndinc ] >^„
hi- Ruiiiitliiiher I
h*Hih ward in He- FiHh wardTialL
I h;.*lM-„:iJ
|..p,Ke„- E J Han- A Sons Kt.oe,
id ..r Hlenm r-iudias«. To j
4-balii- fruii, •.iiiipitis* lr.m
.Iriv.-ri tlir-.itkl, tlw lirtk-. it
This Afte-noon.
*repiiiahle ;ir;|on*
sululd.- dimeiisl.iiK and jNiue, th*-
Urdies- llhr:,ty
of the Ton
,r the rundemnation It i
Charleih I
mmrn^mw eveninc
I* caudx Kih- last Satmd4>
cle.-ir.-d $12 and hail srlld all th.-lt
tilHily U'lorc MippiT time.
rianlnn .<e«ine soch-ty will
■tow afierrioint with .Mrs.
Ancis McColl. l-i:. Hist Eicjith. stre-r.
The- h:iite iKjrty whicii was to hav.Imen
Flldav eCulna has Ireen
Buffalo Policeman Killed a Burglar
Who Was Erxdeavormg to Rob a
- Sheet Metal Works.
flrand T,;.vej«,riu.rle*
U IkK^kera
sworn s:,yR that he had
thoncht of seekinc the office
Tl-.c Ihl.lce
* Cone re
-.-lloT very
inc. yhc Covefat.ni Clrrle and Yoiina SAWDUST
l-nll.*ii societies and also the honorary
nty Maaufactmlni: C«
mar C-rf^
K«m Buffalo.'ilairh €.-Cai
members iH-tnc pnests
The su^p.*r
quiet. «hi-.-p and lurolM.—3.O0r. hlKh.'r; w*k a very en>»xaWe affair nn^ all In STRAYED-Bav colt from i.39 E3ghth
rbolce lamlik. r.754i7.W;' wethers.
Ri ; finder notify Jake Voel. SriS E.
mar L-lf
rl2>i; hikh.-r: ^^'orken., heavy aad
to do geo-
►...I len-ihxvi-e rm:«
J ihf ,-eiil*-r. «»iie ,.r
i ^.ri *.f lMtIkli.-flf1 at
THE PEST yet. OW Dutch Clmner.
eWns every part of the ho«iae from
cellar to f»rret Md everythlnr In the
PiAce 10 cenu. \V R Foote.
Imih phones.
nt.nr C5i
I a ,b*cM-c was taken i
use Kit he simiHi Sid. 1.1
of Hie c.mmon .-oirru II <if
r Traverse Cl,% MIrhIgi.n.
City Clerk.
REMEMBER the ycung people's
daixc.ng party Thursday night- Hor.t’a
mar S If
the r-'tatc.
: of the Kastent
rent i^tnr
>tnr ,,
f..,., „,«rt.
T.llo-............... 1...^.^...........
mUedfl I7 C5C7 10.
March C—l\*heflt-No. 2
red TTc: corn. 4THc; o*is. 41t,c.
March «_\\*1,eat—May.
TCVc: com. 4«T.c; oats. 41t^c.
ToifHla O.. March « —Wheat-Otsh
Tfe; corn. 4k^c; oum. 43%c.
*nrll w;iid Til Granc' hall. *»n C»w*’
d in Hie S.-eond waid
Tliis Is th.-l Htv l.all
li. Ill- tnimarx *rl|.M»l
a:- thsi he hes«
Thli.l I
. j huildmi:. .o.fier
.veriet ot
of I'nlon
iTTon Olid
ond T.mrh
thin moniinv that th.* ia\ was inrreas- |,ouuj siiialy oud pla'-e.! m th.- j.r..iM.r
Inc all the lime and ih.ni r.mtid Traiv j iim.iti.»u lu the .Tadle. ‘1 l„-y nr> a..*
►w, of adju-le,!
ndjURle, a* t.. ..lerUi. em h .dlo-r. Ih,,eis*- ianse.1 nnn.iip .im- i..r.-u..,.,
the i:o,1hr--m counties with recards
**»•• W IH-Ioir |da.-ed ..j.p4e.l|e
•Is toi««l »r.
„„^,.,!lhe .a-litrr ..f the
,1' 'f*»*t* .‘'Mipletl IJl II
,C liK jiHons ll.vve lK*en dtll)
III.- f.dlottlnc
by the .vitimron eonncll of
;:n*alesl «I,
aiu.-l.-r i> not ..ver slvly f«-i .
*ni<-*4- a al ts are .-uuMrni le.1 in .ra
dh-» uj.K.r.sl III th- v-.Mter adjm-.nl to
«;|H In the rltv y»*stenlav. h^avlnp
proeeiih-a the nmth th-lN hJ*,niln=.
He rtai*.*l j
>ald a kinple woni to any person alront
wantinc the office, nor has any fawn
. \er Raid *me wiml to him about beinp
j a rand.date l.ir vaid .rfSce" He did no*
j.v.*n kuoM wh.-ie the e*mv.-ntion «as
Itv Wire u. thi; r^unz He. .xrd
to be h.-ld .-uid firml.v lMdii V**k that the
Bitffaln March € —r.itndnuu, n.rck
j repoTt of his Irelnj: a randidati- acninst
l«‘s Rickey
Mr Oiso was ;I de
one of a rxair of iiurplary I
mjqrchlrn in hb. candidacy for the
inc to airi-kl
Tnev w. re i
.dfire of nty treast
sh.t-i roital woiks of Ko-e &- Mim.i
fTtari.** n. Docki-ray.
.<ulMU-HlH-d .,nd stROttt 1.. Wfoi^ -iue
.511 50012
hi- c.th dax ot March. A 0 11»*»7
G.sirire W Curtis.
Justice of the l‘.- .c*
LItht *leer* find heifer*..........
Btt*ers and heirera. 1100 lh«..
Dremnsl poollry ........................ ..
rhlckvn-. live w.-ipht...............
] Bridge Builders of t
H.rr . dlVS-ci................... ..
Flic**n. with wool on...............
■Bprlnp Ismha. lUie weight..
Two JU-.H1V11 of the |M‘B,-e. im»
■im <*f lour year-, and on.- f«o n
thr.-.* y.-ots i.» flM vneunry
One MifM-rve.or from .-ai Ii
\u;th|K,|t p;...s,‘d Hi,..ui:li ih*Mr*. A, H llollidjiy
Totoiiko. (*aii;iibi. When I
her son 1.01:1*
Butter, dairy, per lb.
Mi <
the iMKtrd of .Hli,ea
fo; a t. ini of ihr.*e v.*3iw.
Chewe. |»er Ih.......
Balt, per bbl.................
Celery, larae atalka.
l>*4tuce, per lb............
Oranaes. per Aoten
It. here for tm- fun.oul
. |
Th.- fnn«Fal v.ixie*- will In' held]
from thl- home romonow .-iftemorm at
adjourned, a friend told
y oVhick. the R* v. C K Ijo»-kh;irt oi |
on had b*»en clrculnted
sndidate naataM fleoiR*- Gaylord. Alpena A Western Offtcera ficiaiina and the nrinna.-mi-ntr beinpj
In eh.ifae of th.* Atuler>.m rnderi;ik-|
Attempted to OHve to Frankfort
iiy acbool comtnlssloner
But Storm Stopped .Them.
id denWvl it am« OKk*‘d
in-ilna It. ' The name,<
kivi-n him BK c'lirulntlt\a the i'*.|Ktrt aie
nil p.-irtW np,K>*.Hl to
Potatoes. J8c and »»«
of>lavfl.dd ..nd Mr- KaNir r
i.njjdav of thl citv and he^ slhter. .Mr*
will I Samuel I*arU uf Sah-ni Mo
In n,Mi
i«i h.r d.iuahi. ,, .nud Kio.-r sh,
the h.jvfH a -on. in Kal;un..z.»«, ulio will
, on the phone niid
Balling Prieaa,
rinarhark imrl. p*-r bhl............ |15».50
aWback pork, per Ih....,,.
Fhnit rnt of pork, par hhl.... 10.50
Ham. per lb.................................................1€
l.attt. per Ih............................. ...15 14
Ilacoo. per Ih................
Corb meal, per 100 Ibi.............. 1.50
Flour. II.. U A Co a Beat. bhl. 4.50
Oats, per hu.............................................. 47
f>e.l. IU U A Co a Beat, per
IM lbs............ .............................
Mtddlintt. per 100 Iba............... 1 .ft
per 100 lt»s............ ..
ddrkf-liv |MU Ih.....................
PoUloea ........................................... 55© 4"
Mrs Wll'iam II. ConMin I
at Kalkaska
Thl* R. V Mr lB4jM*;g w.-nt «
.I.ii h m.-l I.. rr
^ ,h... .
Twibiy Arc loads wen- brmralii
rday cooRlailiiK of
marksi yeatcnlay
««fs. i«m and iKitatmn..
TIm pilqp of poiai.M R tiHl,i> U irl
Tia\er>w- i'»t>'j*
benUhy iiidiiRt/ie„ and one which
employ the hij;he,vi Hl.ilh-d lutwn
In iHiiimi to Klow
A. F. .Nerlliiaer I
It.-.idon imlay
H U Mclkmald I
I b*- ha* lec-ivcHl many ,
4:30 p. m. After an Illness From
lainlatioa fn»m hl„ cus j
,U nm,ov;.l into
liinj where he
ettimnd hiv buKl
Mih. |J A Oh.L ;»ped lid of
He ha-.!
,|h|,ed with Older..] E.i-1 Ninth .Hirert p.i.s>n>d B«ay y, *t.M j
f.u Ho. p-iM f.W w*.
ih.-ioU j,in\ aftemixm ni 4;*.» *r«l.K-k
a Irwc. n:iin»M-r ot onw-r^ n ,ve rom.* i |,i vine Ih-.-ii rot,nim,i to her Ik*.' Kim-.-.
.Iliiyt to Travels.- fit v
1 in-<
Wlih h*-i at the Hnm • f h. .
The sev.m ^rinm*.», will rnrive m;ytj.Mi.th n*i*> her thn-*- d«,mhter^. Mi'I.lll-IH I
notice of Primanf Election
To the |e;:all.v enroll.^d volcn* of the
nepiihllcan i*.nny of th. . Hy ..fTint.
■ CUi. t'oiinly of 4lran-l Trav>. State Til/ -Mlrhlrnn:
TAKK NOTICf: That In ncconl
pnol*h.UK of
Mr>. n J lieu lit i. vlviilnc i.i C.-an.l| 1st. of lh.> 1‘uldlr Arts *»f Mhdiliraii,
Kaphiv ...........................................
. ^ ...... IH. li.ld a
mm...o„ of
priiiiaty eh^cilon
election on the I9lli
I9H, *U>
Itravion and wife n-tumed
fioni 7 oVh
me In Grawn thi^ motnlnc
the firreniKin until T. oVhu-k in I
I 1.. Itiayion n*tiime«1 to i
letn«Mii, of >:ald ilav cfor tlie piirpruu*
Grawii ihlsVooi-ninc nfier i
*rf nominallua rantlidai*-* for the re
pulill.-an i»arty. for the ehanei
Minr reintiv.*. in the city.
.^pril. A I> lt«»7.
» ,. _ ^ ^
j man tills mntiiinc. calleil hy the Ulmts
her praodlrtether. Mr* Mai^ .\ett
Hr ore, the pnt^jen-i of his r**ni..vo« j
iKHik containing
eral cberk.. slmk
i»,i.dv to- the amount fw which they
wrrt to !m» drown to be fllle,! in
* dropped to the track Ireneath
Head of the Company
f Today—Factory Beady
for the Machinery.
Miavod Iha Waa KiNod hy'llahhafs
WMla Attawptiai to Qh#n tha
Alarm by YolapHM
mrirvaifnl jiteck
<mMrki»ow»tliat tUfoiino
Mediom sod
Light Weight
for Girls.
..t:t -.
,-it ;!ie forw:tril ,n,d v.itli llut.ixxini: han-o*r aud
tu-ide ihe
by I..1.T.1I Hi.vln- whhb .-xtei.d
> fr-wri - de IM side. bHtir f;,-tene.|
I I he fr.xnt of |
III..-, whi t, em-iiT-J,. Ho, ruft
plow working on tlici
th- i.,niag •‘train Is w.il <hKalkaaka branch «f the Pere War irlbute.1 and 1- not «H>me merely |e U»e
qnett*. Jimip*fl the imrk yest.-idax j l-xiK end
The |dow enwMim. r<-1
' '
t-tmie let- and was slid down inio the!
TJie en.;st Indiam. of Alaska s|H-ak
No damai:.- was .lone nor was] Rur^klan and hear a rios.* n-s. inidarir,anM.ne hurt.
j «« ihe Japanese. »K-'ng small o| .siat
The,.- wilt Im- a meetinc of the . i.re am! prominent of cl»eeklH,ne.
Americ:in Insmwnr.- union In Wonta*
--------------------------c*.i- hall this .-v.minjt for ih,* purposel
The BriHsh war of 1R12 11 with the
01 IflBiaiins a cUk« of. m-w roemU*r>-.
p.-rlh,rw the ..nly |n
.Vaticmal S.*crT*tarx George A. Hoglan •'•• ntv* on record nf a war termhu.ting
rtilnr for *»r
Ik . xjM-cted to IK in i,*t..n.Unce.
rruntlng 1
Faiuahix l.Kl;^-. No. ~(C, I O
will hcdil mliLiHon tornnirotr . x
|,o.'ce No MO h.is l,een Invited
The empemr of RnaaJa ha* a kweoi
{and w.-IMrained te«or voice. Had h.*
Rcgula. meeting of Grand Traverse'**■'**
■m-i:.-. .No 37^. S^aturday. March 3. ®»***’^Ime of nieetTn* 1:3rt p.
a full *1The W. C. T. r-wj;i miHi with Mr*.! city
corner W«-*t From and Mon enci
•ticei*. Thursday afternoon.
atte«ri.ince 1* di-sircd as officers •
THE BE.ST yet. Old Ihiich aeaner.
nd. 4r.!l«»wmlnL }oar axe 10 be ,-iected
inr C-if^ There wlU be special dedteatlon ser cJe*n* eterx part of Ihe house from
cellar to garret and everything In the
_______ I vice, toniglit m the Salvation Army
HI !>-• Twelfth Mreet; Four children will Ik* dedicated to tb« Hmr-e. Price in cents. W. R. Fonte,
rsehoTd T-ord. Capt. Rex Muuselle of Detroit
C. It OOCICERAY. eaodidi
city tiwaajrrr. twenty ywra* cap*ri.; gfxo,!* for wale
leave dly.j
•rtca In all kinds of boekkeepinB.
j Imrpaln. Wc 1
CAU, at
mar 4*3r
We Have Told You Beford"
(About new dress
ds, but we
want to tell y>u again, for they will
bear a great deal of talking about.
Never in our history have wi shoturn
Mirh a .splentlid selection lo choostfrom, or nevttr were they as liantlsomc
ak this season.
/y//:AVf /.V i:\'h:Ryr///,\(, thaj nri:
MOST aar/c.u. suormi^ col i.n h vm/,
XO MATTER 117/. 17' J^K/L/i JUJiV
U/SffHi) TO PAY.'
For your own sake 4o not overlook ffils
seleeUoo Urkea planalag lor a pew
4res8. You will be bmmtc tbaa
pleased witk tbe resolL
25 cents to $4 a yard.
en. iwt
u wk
1 final atn bvi one way oat «ff tkkt:
iwt fimra an tfii mm, and 1 Mlefu I
cfialfi IhM %fiir a fiaaan Mtm ta tt
mUh ikia rfwbii bififttv tjm taat
I MM the hettar of ma. At Mtol
rm fiftlaff to try. ra ffft up on lha laifiar thin way; hare aaolhar am ruftfif Ik. «r «M M fow>kM U Ik.
me oa the other atfie; if t fioat ilihfbnad aMa of tha Math hhff tha
m fipva ai all. it «<mt matter halma^aa haM tha Ifi
-Uthoirt- van pMh
mrrvptm. af lover ha.^ tfm
aide belag mthrior m
flm^ uT^uSmTm:
M* tami ti«t M w ft Ml «r
Mk- Ute. I. M ari.
-Why. maa. ywi aerer can ataafi the
eat. fra cmm«fe to acmeh a Mlov.-n;e gatH knock you orer a. aooa
ft ii ammhayh immtia evtor
tW tkfiWT tiBt tim M ar cfilm t
fiMMMit Ifi fi mk fii«f«b hr mai
■fikfihfi aapanally VMHkfUhlii
fcfi^ tm
ttafia am caiiL
toWooMi framnN. ItMfy L .
nrt. M Cwtla and flis. Plokhain.
Bref. BaU hat
ia fidcineo that oflar fi few at
tW mmkey leanmd to kav«
I taatmg ttofla arilMaa af fam
fc : ■
vouMa't rh* my Ilf# that vay.”
Bot McCoaaeU did not #r#a llatea
t them.
flaatrblag a towel from Its atJI la
I# Btareai honae. h# v«< ti. and vrai#
sd It roaad hit
The kmc tafia «f the ahab of Per
» he eUmb#d
trrteaoa Ik
their haeds orer Ibl>i7
a. MrOoo ^
bell put ^1]
bll bit ttreagth
lato tbe-first
Chocolate Bonbons
ttH Amt tur lb# IaiiHj
ntl cttT0> fl mt a
tftiftftd bMtiMft or««r^. w*fli ft ft
looktet «'loib aftft#ft«ftd Iftto ft
bftaW# II. Kftirft 0^f%6tmt0> that it h«4
||M« dh* Wftahlftc dar alMi
flfWid Ufttbfftd BMiib#flT Mrt Ollrojr
Vho hftd lJtr#d In tb# on rottfttrr
Om* Bot will muk0
A nmv ncmt!
The upward rush of gas told tbpi h#
ir rmn b#rora. lookftd upnft lh«>
ftftftr vlih ftiijr To
All th# on OMai
Vdr# *-iK# bmra.*' ftim omltlfm to hor
■lOilioHjr aright.
t that b# aatnmnd the defi
The young one vat hurried hack to
fields and th* olt
bla mother, and a about vent from
and BO emetgenry erer aroa# that hr the men.
The votnen vared their
flat not equal to.
haada. and aome of them thouted.U
la aplt# Of bU reiu^e peiipl#
bat MeConnell cried like a child vb
to bar# a ceriaia reapnet for
be aav that the little one vat aafe
The people felt more kindly tovard
myatery aarronadlaf him vat ao the auperlntendent vhen they aav
amall •attraetkm Same oa# from tb# bov touched he vat.
Ratt had rIMted tb# laaaa and giren
Tbit Vinter, vhen the
them an inkltiig of MrOaftattih past. frotea. and no gas vas to be bad for
It vat hinted that «hl* married Ilf# cooking or for varmth. Connelly Broth
bad been a dlaappolntmenl. aad that ers. vho had n supply of coal, nrg«^
the only thlag ha mall/ lored vat hu him to come and bunk vltb
littm yhUd. vho had died through tbr
laed. and. vhen Mike pressed
fTMdbfrlt ntvleei.
tor. be turned saragely avay
Wbefbrr fhl* atnry van true or not.
the people on the Iraae aoon learned
that the only thing that ronld more
him vac a rhild. To a voman h<
vould abov no more rlrllliy than II
all# vere the mughett muitabout on
the lease, but he seemed ItatlnetlrHy
to Uke on a gentler etpjessloa vbfv
In the presence of a child Once, vhen
be passed a gmup of children, be lin
ed his hat. and valked by vltb nneorered head.
to fals flrelesa ahsnty. vbere he etui id
ly at# halfdrorrn hnvd and drank ley
Ciiffe# until th# gas came on again.
Tho winter vat a tedious on# to th#
work#rii in Ih# field. The deep snow
pul*a atop to drilling, and cut them
off from the outside vorld. The days
dragged slowly, with no greater cxrliemenl than that caused hy a brttken
shaft or an unusual spurt on tb# part
i»f tom# veil, until ib# last of March;then th# veather frith atrange perverimrrral Incldeots of thit son made
siiy. turn«1 suddenly varirf. and Just
111# people feel that he mfght postibly
al daylight a terrific thunder storm
hare one tender spot In hit heart, but
lottk place.
after Ih# shooting of veil No. Ifi them
In twenty minutes Mike vat pound
vat no ,longer any donbt aboot It
Of course ererybody on the lease ing at the door of MeOonneirt thanly.
was out to see the shot, for Na 16 •The Ughtning-a struck lank 4. and
vas espeeted to be a guaber
Th# ehe’s hornin' like fury."
gtyeeHne vat >ust bHng nnloatM.
and McConnell was seeing that the
^fimt .under 4he boiler vere pot otit.
when light up to the glycerine cans
esme Omyloek s little boy. vllh aatlek
In his band to^slnim on the *pltty
tins.- a. h# ralletl them. The child had
alipped away from Its mother, and no
toanmnd-tvtU and puff up
ftffamMthalmart. TMtarovdt
tba hnart and httaifamt vith
ha aelioft. aaatliff ftbortnbm nl
Dyspepsia Cure
heUirr Mike had finished. MrCon
nell vat at the door. »T'tIl all the
men; liar# them hr)ng th# big hoa#;
ni aee Godfrey.”
At he tpoke. McConnell started on
a run for the engine room. -Here. Godfrey. ve want erery pound <ff ateam
ymi can rmlae; taak 4hi afire, and
we re got t.. smother it if vecan.Before the engineer fairly Veallied
the situation, a fore# of men came,
dragging the hlg hoae.
Without a
word. It vat attaaied to the engine,
and a relay carried the huge nomle
forwrard. an;l thrust it Into the hatchbole of the big unk MeOonnell help
ed Godfrey fire, and for half an hour
they sent Into the burning oil vre^
ountv of M#am the engine could carry.
Then Mike came to the engine room
•It s m> use. McConnell; the st#am
don I make no headway against a
fir# Ilk# that; the tank's bound to go
Hudn'i w# better g#t out the cannon
and sbnoi Into her? She Isn't more n I
a third full: the emhankmenHl holdi
that aaay enough |
lihaa tha dbain nff tha htail
sHidov of a chan«- to get it here In
tl»e: from tby sn^oke abe't making
ahe wont burn more'n two boom
"HafinT ve best get out the women
aad ehlklrea? If M,e btov. ap,.
Ukely take the ahantle. um"
At the menthm of the cblldtWt. Mc^
Connell's fare grew vblta aa itratb*
•:WbataTe,tm talkla*. you fooh
Doat you remember MlUer-a week
tAd baby, and Ray*, boy that baa lung
few? Tvtmld be the death of ‘em
to bring 'em out In tbia alnab. We^rc
got to keep her from btoving ap. I
trSa vSTtTjS!
lona at them vere practicable.
Then McOonneU called two of the
sea aahle. the talber of the week-old
-No. no. Joe. Ifh best for me
If the ymUg ones are a
that's all I ask"; and McConnell
to tLe most rrltlrsl period of
Uliea aclentUit reafi tb# cabled re
port of 8lr William Cruokf's dls-
Member ef Johman On»g Cc. Wat
Acthraly IfimKlfiad WHh the UnHad
Or^Q Company. Malm of fleaaM
BemadUA Which Hat Been Mere
Thao Camplyinf With the New Law.
even Befera t\ Waa Thoopht of m
Nitric acid sddt greatly to the produetirity of
Nitrate of soda, used
for that pu
•earee. It U aaid. it soon wlU be exhaustrsl.At prt-amt therost ©f eitrae
ting nil l ie acid from the air la ezpeoaJve. Prof. Charles F. Chandler, head
of (be d#p^m#nl of ehemlMiy. in Co^
. #zpUIO#d. hut said
mHml apfurmllr frarr
which auch U employed In th# proe«w. nitric acid manufactured hy th#
new method would b# cheaper than
nitrate of soda
fideaee aad tell them jnat what they
"When a practical working proceas
U perfected." aald Pixrf
•erevT water fall In tb# country wHl
be avellald# for t» ^ pr-.daetlon of
the Waahingtim gorenimeot has
the aAnufaclnrers
plainly on ibHr Mbelt what adi
nata have been used in pieparim
the atmospheric feitliUer. Betrotlsu
hare been working on this problem
. hundred years, hui real head
way has hern mad# only rerciiily."
ncas are promptly h##<ied hr ini#lllgeat woBM-B who are approachiog
ih# period of lif# wh#a this great
chaage may he expected.
Mrs, PredOrtis. loi4 Si. I.afavrtt#
Street. So. Bead. lod.. writes: *
‘ **
Wlun«BMdi^e bu
Figures of the amount 4ff bualaeaa
eonaected vltb tetopboaes made pub-
We Don't Know of a Bener Range
than the Favorite.
We bought tb#m Ijecuoac w.-lielifcve.1 thetii to
o be the beat w«
oonW get f«.r our caalomera. Tlrey have aU
oibof Kangt s and aome that othert do i
iooking for a goo.1 Rang#, ooe that wiJI give yon aaiaafaciioti.
we want to abov vtKi oue of th
Price from$35 lo$M.
MB ,eS«
Edistii Records
Just Received
,We now have every number in domcatic catalog.
OUXhl II mow that four yuan ago!
r;ie nure food law fines not
ImkaakaB. melaacbolla., dread uf Im-
I with tb# ebi
5.071.500.000 exchange telephna# talks and 113.-'
t^t wu^
hiag-dialaoc# or toll roatnunleatloaa ta tha year 1»M ta this coun
from leeUhdle and means a
try. Oa Daoembrr 31. there vere 7.alon or equal.
Covvaln U n word whose derive hearts of tkoau who were giving the
P#o,.k* a squaie dtwi.
lid never Ih- guessed. Th#
awalh was originally the man
well knovn druggtms. In dltensslng
pulled ni#"after mr in th# caph
jhls point with oar reporter, nisde
Jlrh vas known at the c
iKtat. This In tnrn it a corruptio
:.7I5.3C7. the total elreult. I.4H:.900,
word coracle, a small. rt»and
and tbe emploveea Ml.aoo. Tbcae figi on the Wy# and l^ak rivers,
"There's a good deal of satlsfarih
ores show a growth in six years of
eovswaln comes from the WH.<ih.
In knowing you've don# right." aaid a
mmcHlor# is not
member uf Johnson Drag Co„ "bnt 171 per cent in aamber of employees
of 3M per eeat la the aamber of sia
to its licglnnlng. If U simply
lions, and of 549 p#r cent 1a the irrtal
lUllan eonimandstor#. meaning
"Four years ago ve were one of the nnrober of miles of wire.—Rcle
tbousand leading droggtats vbo
‘h person as Davy Jones
together to dlacuss 4be patent i
exUted. though on# often heai
cine sltnatlon.
All of us «pr«
and his locker. On# should speak
Duffy Jonah's locker." for tha
-Oaeof ]
publle. of
the prlglnal. -I>uffy ' is the ^>at In course, ve sold whatever our trade]
dian* name for spirit or ghost, vhllr called for. But ^
strolled tato the Uttie shop kepi by an
Jonah refers, of eonrm«. to Hie prophet to sell
Did maa. a naUve at the place.
Another curious case <tf a term grad line of I
In looking about she found a kind of
and THEn- knewually eomipied .nit of the original
'K whose rellahilUy
and ef- linen etoth vWeb she bought for fan
form Is the dog watch. It vat orig
we eotild back up with oar
•pk. Boom fHends vbo aav aad
inally th# “dodge watch." t>#cause It
liked vent to the ahem abd parchaaed
lasted only two hours Instead of four
and tbu«; made it possible that the
In a few days the |
aatxH- men ahould not bo cm duty ev
formed to manutaeutre
I bis atoek.
cry day during the same hours.
and boagbt
. Cves-alla in Itoxall Ftan.
Then there Is the "sheet aarhor."
rure-alls.' ao Seerot formulas- which also
Ihe name given to the largest anchor
-Well.- e
Imed l^le HI as tbe
il and safes
carried by a Vessel. It it really •^bot#
last yard venL "If any more of you
anchor." and Is to called beeauae of medical wor» for
fbllta vnat that stuff, you »n bo un
aad every formnU knovn to every
Its great weight, whlch.makes It easy Rexall druggist and his coatomera—
Intaafi an- git it. I
to shoot out In case of emergency.”
THAT vas the Rexalt ptaa from the keep nothlac ta ibla here shop?Instead of the terms "port” and beginning!
"The great soeeewa of Rexall Reme
es baa baon ao surprise to ua. They
e the BBBT cures, and they're sold
the SQUAREBT way. Kvery Rexall
emfdy It sold with the uafieraund power of light reeenUy received
tar that the customer, if dtasatlafied.
ta lUastratlon In tbe silver mii
:ei the purchase money back by ]
urianx. A mine bad been abao
simply returning the empty package
doned tote years, when aome |
or bottle—and ve have always lived
vaa fonad beaeath tbe stag. The
this guarantee!
atag betoff rmamrafi. ta a abort lime
tba uailra apace vaa eovfirad vltb
two years has
tbo mant ffuttaona abov of po|
Remedies in the Irost. beeauae their
After twenty ceatarfes' rest they bad
forrouUs were NR\TJI BECRRT—aad
bloomed as vigorously as If they bad
ever3lHHly knew It!*
beeu borne by fiovera of yeste.nlay.
Uncle fi.n Attonta the marnh Flam
"Tbi' rotted Btntea govemmmt has
at la-rt <ome arotnd to our way of
tblDklnx Ln.t aasned a pure food aad
drug laPu* we dldnt need the
rniTf ni^^ush
ni m push ns to tell what Is
Our deUciou. Cod LhVr
PWiswtkn wittiout on.
Better ttwn old-8irtnoaeil
cod fiver oB and eraoMdbs
to restore hceOtfa far'
OU people, ddicste diSdreo.
week rundown Persons,
•nd after sickness, colds,
ome acilre sad with a
as irriutioos make lif<- a
a^ toUSTtW *dSItnlr*t Ue wfu-k”
Evolution of Baa Tarma
Thero it hardly a langui^i^ vhlrb
baa not liecn called on to provide at
leatt on# of tb# ciulous sea terms
h are in constant use and whose
origin Is so xxhscnr#
For Inttanee.
the wort! "admiral- U not of KnglUh
origin, hut It from th# Arable -emll
JwwSTljrrfJiily n *TlS2ha
covery of a eommerctal method rd
Hag Blirte aeld from tb«^atmos
phere. they .aid Ibeie vat ao longer
aay fear of srarcity of food from over
populatloa. beraaw. the retult of ih#
-ellng tovard the Udder, h# half fell
lb# grorrad l»#lov.
Miller snd Jo# carried him to no#
Tb# Urt rhMWtm ah# had ah# took no# bad ooticrd until It vat right Into
of tbo roiUges; and. when b# earn#
nrrftftlao to tHI MrOauwll that If
tM. dangrr.
» blmtelf. they told him Ib# danger .-.r
#»#r h# ftranted ~» hoi rmp o’ #olT«>#.
Rtivjrvn# v«a borTldrd. for
le tank was past.
or ft iKiltoft ar«#d on.“ b# abmilO
-oiildt hfttr# tftkoft ninch or a ran
Breryhody on th# Woolaey vent
MNftft to ^Moilmr QUroy. ’
th# thing off; and nm no mocb
mild or#r McConnell that day. hut h#
MrCoftiiHI foftllod. ftlftMMi afttrtly.
hair of Ih# llitl# rhap vnaM #«
would bar# none of tbHr thanks aad
Ikftt hp mid ibtok hit o«B rot##
tea hero fonad. to nay nothing
in# of iheir praise.
fttid ft#w on bfai ovti
otm hufiMt. and #r#n
I# danger to tb# oibent.
Tovard night Jc^ cam# to him and
Mm. fliimy had i«» iftdftiU that hr vat
hl«Ooftii#ll dared not mar# Mt tin
• No«. Jlcf.
Iml b# gar# turh a groftii at I otv
lay you mustn't live off
Hr vat ftot
hoard onlrtH a man vat In mori
My wife an
hST# you live miih us;
«mld lift aftuamr. or »orft
1ft the only way v#'vVglA,xiljhfihlagiro ft man a Dair tbov. It vat only
ve’re grateful.vb#o they undetlook to ftmk
Ovinff to mofim methoda of llvioir
laioanily h# tnrnHl snd Mot
ovbsr in again: then, half blinded.
Ji until .mt of th# current of gat.
and mad# another opening.
nr# times h# mad# th# eruvlor
tell; iMit th# tilth time be vat too
arlmmu aaf
all the dlffhtwbl ani
toa HecaBaaitea
tioa to the fan that It hat haaa aiatsd
that maay savage trihet can aoi dl«
lingulth fiark bine ,,«■ black, and
Tbe beta aid to tampermnee is aome^
thing that win atrivgtbeu the drunkarTn wrecked aerroua nyatem and
evra bis annaiaral efartac for drink.
beUeve that aa^maa vho reaRy
Only the
*^<^^tiat at their Ipgrefih
^ always
to the ffUhHe.
"We likt^all iBa elhar BeaaB firug
glau. ksTe alvaya hafi fhe fonmtaa
of the
Rrxan Bwaadiaa ta nur pernspataan. and harm gfra them to thon-
that ve aro glad to aell It under aa
abaoittte guarantee to refimd
iMmey If It does not cure.
It ta In two forms: No. 1 that can
be ffhran accreOy. aad No. 3 for thooo
vho vtah to be eared. It to aot only
tho am reltahto treatamnl known,
bvt It to aino the moet aeohomleal
aa It coaii only |i a box and thare to
"0OBT you tanut ve aara leaaon lo vMtaff^v bTaM^om^ilS^
Try H on ear gaarantoe.'
have eeaan to gntlMth ta 0ifimr
KMall Music Houct
Ose Record Want Ads
lU FmtStnet
M. R HABNBB, pfep.
ly. A»< M tm IWBtmM Mr. Miwfcall
«9PW««. Tk* •mlly M tk*
A Michigan dnigglal. H. 0. CoAem
1 dar^!- r«pM Jote drytj.
-II# belly good. BM------- -Pbr goodsM «ke.-
ladeWer Joe Yeager of the Highland-1
for Catcher Rickey.
John Auderaon. tbe Waahlngton out-!
SeAder. ha. refoaed to algn a motn^t
beeaoae of aHeged unfair trealmenc" !
AfUr Hanging Firt fo- Thra# Yea-1
Only two NIU.ukce player* hnr‘e,
Looks Like n
algnad and both w< re once on the;
Ffratra* Ilk. Tbey are Harry
•of albMk euuiml
td «d
k the Ual^erNty
of Mlaavooia. tbrtv
Uni# St## llJM#o •Uk#t V
•t ll#Md for at 6r##r WminU
teellued tu haak uWk favor
ptopoaHioa ot unbiliAalag
»-blg ntne- la compaBy »Uk !
The WoiverlB# tamlty to
My nun.
DaUMl. Ifirli.. Marob €-Tbr lxiioll Oiirlag cJab mnmoapetm tbe
atalies for the annoa] Uoe rtbba#
noetlag to be held at Groaae fVdatr
July « to J«: Herrbanie aad Neon
Tbe dtonmteatt^l MioncM^an* ulab
aiake for 2:24
value llO.UOo; Cbaober of OiaiMerer
Hah# tw 2:14 trotterm, value tijtVi: oompoaed of tbe
lloruettaii aad Aplrl( of tbe TIm
aUke for 2:14 troltrr*. <«ch »2.00#.
ttililea duae April 2
Race# will be
oa CbratMiaat plaaa
IbK Bprtaga. Ark . Marrb C.-Th<
l«*las game to
bcioiDtag at
liprtogs. MaoKiter Jobn II MrKor to
iifm Badinc maichiw almoat ready
made for bln and to dally In receipt
ol challenge* and cro*. cballengr*
from bosrra all o»rr the country. Tbe
wmd baa gcmi out that the game to
good In Hal Sprioga and that every
body gel a fair treatment. The aaaured
root nuance ^
the Oaklawn
meeting* baa grvaUy IncreaiuHl tbe
number of vlaltora In ibe reaort mho
are foliovera of aporting gamea and
thia baa •ttengtlieiied Hu- Inixlng bu>fi
rhUadeli.hto. I*a.. March r..-Jurh
f»Brlen to nm lo fight Jack Itoliner,
the English hear,weight, and Ihere to
little bo|>e (hat the two mill get ity
O Drlen. who arrived heiv
from CtnlKurnla two day* ago. says
(but hto Iliue to Ilmllid and that he
muM return to laet Angelea to pn pare
tor hto fight with Tommy Hum*, and
that a alx round Ikiui mldi Palmer in
the Quakei City would not pay him.
crililen iwya he to milling In hark
Jack iTwIni Sullivan to whip Pnlmet.
since Hia Mother Died.
A smart lawyer bad Iteen bullyrag
ging the srlinesa In a laundry ca*r
Finally he aakod: ‘'How long have
50U barn goUlQg your washing done
at this place• Ever since yonr m*rther died.** an
smeiYd tiin witnaas
-What do >t»u mean, sir? ‘ aakrd the
lawyer, firing up
-JuM what I say. »lr.- calmly iv».
|dbd Oie mlines*.
-Do juu mean tu lusluuair that my
mother t^cr Old yuur mashing? You
Catcher Towne of the White Sox
may be tranrferrrd to the Milwaukee
dob In exchange for Frank I^Kh. who
wa* loanc^I to Cornl*key t)
Ing crtolb 111 ihe American
Mydr#phohi. Infection. May RosuU j
Fram Mora ConUct With Virus.
Haluiday a *eileii of basketball
games U-tw«-o Albion and Olivet col
leges was fintobed
Olitet won all ol
the four games played
The state Intrrrollegiaie oratoileal
'" •**
df-ldetl by ju.irt ntam' of markio‘tbe
Inga which, of courM-. was cM|uall> tin ! rlrus. M e mmt uom- except ih,
statofactory to'cause the muikincM juuct.va teyr: mid nasal imu'ous
were glvdn by the same
brane* In fa.
fai i.
I. the utter
Utter offers a lerj
e judges. Nine cranes
convenient rhaunel of Infeetlon
colleges c^|K‘ted.
j: coovenlrot
Ilaseliall pracllce si*it,>.i off lively |.
mlih the arrival of il
cage. Coach Kennedy
li.g out men every aftCi«M.».i ««u
IH-eis for I. winning lutseluiH team annr.- ihr
the street on a windy day
Track ulhUtirH
lie- In the path of « mad Ne
______ ' ..I—
K Handy Centrivanes Far tKs Qui
H.ndl.na of Mtrchsndiss.
Inijin.i.d iiictb.Hto of saving t(i
loading and ilellrerlng
men handlis- .ire
The old fashioned ninth
-ri... 1____ ________ _____________
res with tbe bond still moist with the
M's aallva. and the ralschier wk*
M»e.- I»r. tieorge Rambaud. nirei-ioT
r tbe New York Pasteur Institute.
vsnt Unhinging
^Tlie fact jhat the onlluarv
uaed on window blind* and i
ar# Inadequate for the‘ o»«Nofiiee tfiey
U often demoastratfvl1 Iin
d a high wind
by tbe unhinging
igliig of n blind.
In tbe
jellon It Is the weight of
the Mind
plaer. and no prortoUm to made for re
taining the biiad when the totter to aeeldentally lifted.
To remedy ihto deri«ien' v a ^ilnplr
device hs* iHM-n liivrntrd mhi.h may
b# attaebcil to any blind binge of
atmndard make to guard against dislodgmeni. Thto window Mind gYianl
Ik Illustrated In detail in the a< omt
pan.ving engraving, mhlrh also shows
the devb^ In position on a shutter
hinge. Tbe hinge comprises the usual
hanger. wb»i-e spikfHl end to driven
In . .lm«. dim... WOO mIK, f™,: ‘‘
ran Iw
•..«». D.rt.1 U» .11 .crk. of r.1.!
J, ‘ ™ “■
parkagea“ from va
In <h.
Ibr |d».l Kro«.
beighis and then folded and storr-J
leaves and flowers and perfects
am ay lu an ordinary delkery w ag«m
aoed. Then It dries up and leaves Of tru-'k under tbe driver's seat.
T be ehnle or tut# to fttnne^l of
«4ily a watcr-flllcd goonl. which
thick, hard shell m^Is against ani Ibie fabric and re-enforced by an
mals and vrvaporaUon.
The trans- mesh of totw.
hand. Tb# chute to constrm ted of a
pUnted apacUacn silll tt-membera the
lalny soaaoa>r six weeks, Tl wakes,
Ing derices. »o U
mends out tobUHs. stauis and leaves 4mUdlngs of vary
beifbt*. One end
and then dries up again until the fol- of the chut# to 1
poed to an u]vper
story of the'waie
w from which tb#
tnd tbe lower eod
attached to the framesrark of th^
itodent period for a naval of- truck. Thooffh primarily lateodsd for
detirerlng and loading paireto
two yrani- packages, such as sacks of floor. i
etc. la cans of emergency It «
employed as a •» rmwpe.
larentsd ajtoooaaa by srblch. ba clalma.
be ran form fram tbe toaeaa of rartooa fralt bearing trraa aad ahruba the
flarega that are cbarartcciatic of tba
of tbe bolhllag. Tbe hanger carries a
pintle adapted to enter the e.ve or
atoeve of tbe leaf hinge, whl.'h to at
taebad to tbe bUad.
Betsreen the
alaere aad blind tbe guard to applied.
Tbe guard to made of stout wire bent
to tena a book at the upper e.Hl, which
books over tbe upper edge of the tosf
Tb# lower cad of tb# wire to foniMd
wttb a ftager which projects approxi
mately at right angles to tbe body of
tb# fusrd. This flager Is adapted to
eagafl# tbe undfrald# of tbe banger,
teas preventiag tbe leaf from being
Ufladofftbaptetl#. ^
teg tbe fragraaca and taste of appiaa. •aBir srtl^srely rotate with tb# leaf
and from vrtoe toaves a bertrage raaam kiteB# wblls tbe blind to being swaag
Wtegwlas. HU tbaary la that tbe pa. open. A patent oo tel# Improved wla
eatiar flavor of apple., psara. grapaa dow bUad fusnd has Just been grantand berrtoa to prenarsd te aad derived mi to Louis P Bicbardsmi. 789 Cran#
-........... -
^ M rite foe free book cp tbe car# of
bloe aboa# dtaapp«ar«d.
coboUsm to tbe Orrtae Co., Waab
Kilty taraed lo her lorer
Hr was
gton, D. C. Mailed sealed. Orrinc
mu but 11 per box.
huffed about sometelng. His fhee
Orrlae to sold by J
wooden Kitty told herself, aad his
Co„ 125 EL Fioot street.
eye* rigidly Ignored her own.
"WUI you come Inr she queried
Faal Caua# of O
While clvillxed mat
trying to
"You can change your mind quick.
grasp tbe lueanlng of
Ty.- His Tolce sounded as if It could
tbe anctnitot>d of all age* hare long
have chopped wood. II was so sharply
ro resolved their doubU la MoagolU
New York. March C.—A dtopalch edged.
to the breathings and skipping* of
from Reno. Nrv . *ay*.
"My mlndr Kitty echoed tlankly.
huge frog that causes the the mis
‘ A n uim battle between Youni Cor
"Ye-es- he drawled cruelly, ' You
chief; in China, a gigantic dragon; in
belt and Jimmy Briu. n fi.Uc engage posseas some such affair, r*
India a world-bearing rlcptianl: An I
ment which ha^JH-en hanging fire for
Kilty alartxl—stepped back a
Celebes, a hog: and in other countries
thiee year*, to now an aasored ihlng. aured harder; then—she put her an
tbe scheme U varied by the int
ami this tomn to to be the uene of arooad hto neck
tion of a .bull and a tortoise. Earth
war between die bitter rtrato.
"Jobn." she whispered trembling
quakes In '^ilicrla are believed
Bdith. Jaxne*. Edward and Will to. wit! mile. •'! don't understand. What i%
due to the froll^ of mammoth* who
leave Trlaco next Monday night, ar wrongr
live in the center of the earth, wh
riving here Tueeday morning, an.l
John did not reply Jum at once. His in Vancouver Island It to the spirit
ihoo the final arrangements for th*' outraged feelings mere struggling In
evil witb hto marshaled husU of all
cuntrat mill be made.
1‘ffectually against the presaute of the the wicked people mho have
irms about his neck, and the Ultlc lived -Kansas City Star.
race looting woodcrlngly into hto.
-M'clI.*’ he said at length, drawing a
Found at Last.
read and reread If. and long breath. T forgive .vou."
J. A Harmon M U/eiuoie. V
At last 1 haw found
honor ^ axed apace. The lighted
Kllty pinched hto check-nbi bard, Va . Kavfct
periecl pm that never dtoapi*»ints me;
trousers, and. un
and for the iK-nefii of Mhers affllcliMl
»'«™ed It. may.
•Some people are fond of forglvtorpid liver and rhrmilr omstlpa
. : take Dr King's New
-Such impudent Ingratitude! Great hg?' she aald
"What have I done, tiem. will say;
l-lfe T’llto." «
GiiarantiMHl saitsfaciory
Scott, to she crazy, or am I? And the ny lord?"
Hydrophobia to u.iinlly transmitted j
through a bile, the danger of mlijch
drprada on the’^epth. the dimruaioa i libUat-------" The cigar claimed hto atand tbe locatien
But iuf.H-tu.n may tention at thto point. He extinguished
take place through other ehauneU. Of | It. then got up and walked to .nd fro,
come any m#uod. whether fremh or j -Ye gtKto mid little fl^ho! The bill—
est. pulled off at Hillsdale, wa. in the iina-ess-of hraling^lll cm^^be4^_^c tibbon! II;..
mon by Hllisdair.
lIlIlMlair. Albion ranki-il *ec- contaminated In* tin* ralJU^rrruir^^lpm not
call again
peculiarity !.l>» very racenUy b«e,i deimm.irated MVII."
ami Olivet third. One peculiarity
Well.** he
he said
Mild grimly
Yf the rouieirt mas that evray Judge |
(again-with the ribbon**
-No; I mean Just wh*t 1 say. Your
mother died six years iigo
I have had my washing done at this
laundr).Then the wHues# was sHowihI to
step down. and. tbe smart Umjer
aroatled smaril) amid the giggles of
Iho nultltudr.
Froaf of Flint Msmory.
riant memory to a problem fur Ihr
Inqutolllve lioUntot. In IFM a plant
allied to the sqnash aad pumpkin was
taken to-New York from the UcMMi
«< Sonora. In Mexico, and since then
U haa been kept-wlthoul watering-
Bro^rlck and Unglaub were ndn
aUled by the national romitoaiou
but edrob wa* fined fl'K*. and Utlgga
waa relnautcd mllhout a fine •
Jimmy Burke, captain of the Kanu«
ply team last yt^r. mho ««» eecurtnl
by the Athletic* at the cI(M.e of the
amuon. wUI be relea.cd
It li. underatood that Burke will -be iv-tumt-d to
Kan*a* Oiy.
:::r rr.
1 went to a coosidermM# tnwbte tc
team about It and become oonAdanl
that It waa a tboroughly booaat preparatlM aad pul oua by a Twiteble
Stop Drinking!
Chester mas unhappyIn despair. Bridget had
•Done. Oh-h. Kilty!"
T*he reproach brought Kitty nearer
he verge of tears.
"If you'll only ull me." ahe began
mhai muidf^ Vx^ commit-
John told a note befote her ejes
She gtred on It with sickening
To ««ay pirfBt* tn Ox- H90ti
WTr-» tarn SorthBfi
Oh. what a sum voice that was!
TICKETS :on aale
She read :
1 and 19. April 2
that Mi>. CheMer had gone Journeying
•The pstetj I netdved fn>m you lev
Mcjlhmanto-thls ma^ the iinkinde>t day needs maahlng-you understand?
cut r>f ajl Bridget'e u(K>Iogh>* h.nd
I iM ver saw anything In such a sham«ptt*fuMV\ l.ut KJily couldnl forgive ful condition. Don't call again. There
to a ribbon missing. Send It with your
• Shun', himself \m'l Itoti n lo fJjvnu bin."
or ray son, but bnllen up. aud skt d.id
die pcardhor
York. V re pUtu- Am
sorry mem. lavin' ye mo suddint
mheiheii. it's yer>elf canT lie ba
the houackeepln'.Whlch subtle flattery
vaguely wondering If Bridget maj
cuKtic at times.
But she left. And the ITri.n Nu Pin
iindry. the butcher ami the baker
r*re to be ix>cl;oned with. Kitty could
have put the two last aside with suf
flclent amity, but Bran Nu Pin had
piled on the agony Insufferably by re
turning the family naiM«ry -done up”
as If such things a* soap and mater
KIttyto ternIHT wa.H angelic, but under tlic i lr
Sh” |K-nnod a
stormily Incoherent note to Bran Nu
Pin. and m.is M-glnnlng lo feel H.nieved. when, as she laid down
Bunny arrived. The note
»mpunknl him Kitty kissed
mhlih {
twice. SH there
as nobody but the
rabbit there to
e. And then she
klascti the rabbii
He had U*en pnuu-antlcli»al«d —.erithuxid
And now there hq may. in the moel
ng mtic cagt'.'wlth hto mhlle
coat aa soft as down, and hto. coral
ryee. and hto long car* lying flat
on hto back, and hto funny little lull!
M'hat a dear John Marahall wa*! "For.
beimj-en you and me. Bunny." Kitty
mhiKpf red. -John and 1 are to be mar
ried soon—though that's a jwcrct.Bclng a respectable rabbit. Bunny
said nothing regarding such a weighty
matter, but began shyly to nibble the
red ribbon which circled hto i
Kitty Ussed him again, aud set
so thst she conld glance at him
and then, and in dispatching a stormy
note to the laundry and a grateful
to -Dear John.*' and In preparations
for -the dad's" dl
passed *o quickly that U was quite
surprising. • la fad. Klttys' opinion
of her housewifely qualltlei* continued
Increasing, until, mhen
she could have calmly morn a gold
-mu you write that?"
"Did you receive that?"
Phone No. 215
Phomc NO.R. 9M
Cit. phone.
Feb 141m
Amos E. Bingham
PaciUc CoMi
The tmo unfortunate
glart‘d at each other for a moment.
Kilty succumbed She nob
laughter, and some time el
before sbo recovered sufficient
posure to explain matters. The ex
planation wuM have proved sat
To tl.t- b-gal
of lilt- ci*> <*f Ttnvtor}, for there was n further delay
erse City. Crand Traveise County,
before dear John re<-ollc«cted himself
and State of Michigan;
sufficiently to tie the new ribbon
Notice to linebv givtH that
had brought around Bunny's neck. Be- Board of KegtotniltiHi of IIh- M-veta!
mardh of the city
rrspcctable rabbit, he had nibbled the first one until B looked
day, March I2th and l.tih. I!«n7. for
the piinw»^e or n*K»*teilng all nnallBed electors nsldlng In Um- dry of
some fern M reels a may John Traverse City, mho are m»l nom legiman gazed on the dainty
totered; said Boaids of Uegtotnitiini
mill tniH-t in each of the five wards of
mlih a mournful'upllfiIng
said city ill the folloming plaws:
oblique eyebmms:
First mard-ln Ciangc hall on Cass
•Dear John." It ran. * you are wry
Noti(»otthe Board ot Registration
g«MHl to send It so laion. I never
Scrend mard- al tli.- Sermi
anything so l•cauUfuIly mhlte. Be
city hall on Spnin- slnM-i.
1 hlnl mard- in the priiii.ny
ome to Mipp r IfHilght.--Boston
liuildlng. «-orner of Cnlon an.l
............... :r"J:
Fifth'marT-In 7hc^ y
"Centicmen of the Jury." erupUnl .Pliosite K. J H;.ns Ancr of Wa-shii.gi.
e attorney for the plaintiff, addres*
Ing the 12 Arkansas peers mho mere
sild ni.M-ilngN
ni«M-tlng-, of til.- Ihraid I
K In judgment on their res|>cci.n mill la-• oiH-n fi
live shoulder blades in a damage suit
unril X (
looti of said reglMration »lay*
against a grasping corporation for killt.-Mlinonv mhen-»if I have
corn-. -if the train had IwH-n
hand thl.s I'Tlii dMj ofr Fel.niary. I'JoT.
tig as slow as It should have
T II ClUdS. .
run. If the Im II bad been rung as
Ity Clerk.
to have betm mug. or the mhlstlc had blown aq U should have been
blew, none of which was did. the com
mould not have been Injured mben sh«*
Hi* Idea of Ari.
A curious siory to now being told
of the late Shah of Persia. Hto bed
chamber mas adomc-d with magnifi
cent works of art. studded with Jew
els. and In every may was lavishly
furnished, but in the midst of all Ibla
tbete was cooaplcuoaalr
displayed In a magnificent gold frame
a cheep print copy of a grotesque pic
Seven o'clock brought a ring at tbe ture used In advertlxlng a certain
bn&d of Bngltob soap.
It to said
door bell
•*ft to John, surely." quoth Kilty that the Shah was as food of teat pU^
Alaa. no. and she grew mrathful as ture Mb of anything ela# la the room.
she aaw beaming ecsUtically before
her an oxeyed Celestial from the laun
-M’cll!" Her haughty monosylUble
received a broadside of beatific grins.
"Me belly well."
*1 told you not too call again"—se
verely. -Ahem!—I alao meoiAonml a
tlhlxia." she went on trowniogly.
Th9 imaauBly count#naaoe pot oo a a#w wreath of smUes.
"Me boir waU. Me come slnppa."
"Dear Mp tbe man! Whaf alls
hlmr- njacdtefed Kitty, at a loss
wheiher to malnUln tbe haughty atUtade or relax Into a amlle.
COillE WOW !
"M# beny good." The Oatertlara
uulle deepaaed la tetaotlty.
"What do yoo wumr emdalmad
Kitty daapafatalj. half ^^ag the
Winter goods at cost.
We give one 100 pound to
200 pound scale with every
cash purchase of $25 or over.
Aflk ui tor cut prices on
"Gale” farm tools, plowt. har
rows, cultivatort.
See us before you boy a drill.
We can interest you. Super
ior, MeSherry and Empire at
aboflt cost.
Farmers’ Supply C«.
Camlidiitefor u
Candidate for Republican
Nomination for
City Treasurer. •
cccssful business man.. ScylI
years Alderman from
:ond ward.
Farm for Sale
Known ns Uie
Chnrles Ellis Farm
One and One-half MUes
from 014 Mission.
I»8 acr#8, i) ifim wood lot.
10 acrea Ko»l appl^rrliard. 2-atory frame houac, ooat $2,000.
Framo bam. ^x48.
Steno bare. 24x48.
LkfKe abeil, cncloaod coriirrib au«l
other buildings.
On main road to Old Mitaion.
Price, $4,000.
City Treasurer
Ctas. EUls on tkc Farm.
c^niideratiou of volors.
'ABtmhUe. Uqb^ ti« GasfUflcBBTUe Accessirtcfl.
Caneral Garage BuainBSB.
MunveU Motor Cii,.
VUrioe .Moto,:
One Ton
Is equal lo
Two Tons
Traverse City, Mien.
131 On, SU oomer of State
Coke is the ideal feel.
No dust; no amoke; very
litUe aahes.
We have reduced tbe price lo
$5.00 [S
Traverse aiy
liderman in the 5th Ward
Gas Co: ^
(si course)
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