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The Evening Record, March 02, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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1 'ii:;
M« TMWE FO. n. Tin
RumtelMd U the Cvmilns Itecard
p U noon Mch day by t. C. Wnrt.
SATURDAY. MARCH 2. 1f07. ‘
arometar. fall.ng. 2S.
laaiarium tamparatum for paat 24 f
Cloudy. Cantk «aa«t winS.
Raififall. 4$.
Ganaraliy fair ton.ght and Sunday except anew flurrtea waal por.
DM4 &%..
.■fLir.ns so.»/-:r///XG x/nr
Eaton*$ Hot Pressed Vellum
last evening and *1
aak.r •*, l«.lly that
vice* Were necessary
Au.1 U .lem rvnlly |x»pultr ua ocoouat of iu nni.ion fmiih aimI
cleisr trriling^nntfAcc.^ We luitPB a qiuutlity
SOe per box of one quire.
r Kerry VooUrMay Aftarv
Mad a Tan#. That
lag Two Mou.-u.
The Hobart Ci Prop.
Mm TrsfMly m Mm BUM
8ui«^ l4»trU i
W II lIlM^.rd »«U^ »»d
•tJlild llui Iw wV Harry K Thaw
Wbit*- and that
^lila pi^lOMr i« th*- rwif »anl.u
irasfMy ii«> b*«n]
la a rrataii
raai aay ha vyniIiI VIM Thaw
|l«. did
aM kaow «rb« Ulilia waa at tb«. lima
«Nil UlmiilA*xl him on thr niaht «W lha
Oraatte Mtaaurta Art About to B* Rut
Into ERoct to SUx tht TuborculoaJa RlOQut.
By Wiro lo tim K> rains Rrr«ird.
lamdoo. Marrh r -.\r%rr hat l>iti
4oa boon no dr<<ft|y allrrrcl hr a quri.
ttoa roarfmlna ibr pal.Hr bralih* on
aU aM«« aanliaiUn*. hralth oTAcrM.
aotirr* nf thU diamm* U ihr milk au|i
Illy and ihai thr mly Il^aHlhlr mnhod
fC aumiilns ilir irr^mond.H.a a,.mid oI
TIm* rrpiwi of thr nrillah rural rom
alaaloa on miirmilotU ha^ Irfi tin
tmm for rtoitht a* t.» »bo iift-nry <d
emo Ma awcuiNiiiG
Forward Trucks of Motionleat Eno«ne
Id Forward Part of tlw On*
That Struck It Went OR
the Raili—No Delay.
Oalng to II heavy V»« that imrelas] ruauovla yraicMluy alternoim u
’.tdllKhuj Iia.k plarr ;.t that MutUm Rn
Ihr Pere MnrquHte alauit t uCloek.
UK*nl frelnbt No.
aouth luaind
-taiidini: on th.- nuiln Itinv
i liil waa n.iifh liound wllhordrra
..a No -t .41 tM-nuvL.
Thr . n
«aa ati.|.|Mil dliiH*ily tit front of
»iaitoy nnd a flaemnn arnt ahead
M*. ! Ihr oiirumtUR Trelchi. The
aeitled over that portion nf the
try ao ihl.kly that thr rncliir
of No ::t did imi a.-., him. In
well aa the roi w.vrii part of the ,«cine
haulUic N«
lk.th plluta wenhe<| hut aaide fnmt \hai no ilain
LuckUy the areldetit h.'.pfw.nr.l Imtw«Mii two aw iuhes and all luvatpc
tniflle Wi-nl h V wlth.iui any tn.ul le
asnmla on No S paaaencei
tniarhM. E. Julian narn.mlv i*M*aiusl
injury today in a mrrck of tmu N.-w
York. .New Haven A Hanford train.,
on Ihr Naujnitnrk dlvUhm IViir mm.
« r. w« uf the tao enslnr... wrir kill.*.!
the Nausaturk division and a ..|Hvlal
ron^lMins of nn niKlne and one c.wMi
wHh nrty-«‘!ahl mrmlwn. of thr Xrw
Huien r.ray« rviumlnR from a iMn
juivd. The iruvrmor. afiei sett Ins *»««
of the wr.-rk.'.l niarh. mai. thr Am.to
W..rk yrtuns ihr luJimHl i^Hiple out.
rundunor i'ot.rcr KiUon and En
nnmr \Vm E, n..hei in rhar|fh of tin
apeelal rtaln oMhe Nrw Ha\rn
are to IM arre»lrd
Special to The ExriUng Record.
Wa^lngtoo. March
did not
BM- Prrr ctMoe altmcether a* a >^ke wIm^ th.'
. trafflr wa>
»g aaar
rr road had thr that •K.'rrrtan Shaw w.mld lieconie
light of way and ihaytienaU awra act brad of thr t'arnrglr Trtirt cmpati'
at thr ^uimr timr thr drraller waa In New York, on hU nilrvroettt from
I woil. the tre«i.urv ne»i week The rdtawe of
or thr rnsinmr mlai.K.k almaU for the mailer that I* pi^xlinc W'aebtng
thr C R A 1. train luilrii to atop until ton 'l* the aitliitdr that Mr. Shaw will
plowtsl Into lhcgr.Min.l It took tun adopt In r».nnecilf.n with the next rr
mra ti.
thr iriMii.lr at might rnr«l ptibllcan ermvrnloo. It U a HI known PITTED with clothes WaDC BY
out hut m. liafSc waa drUyrd hy tha that early in
Mr Shaw wa* f
garded a» havtnc alnoMii a lim on ih**
nominal Ion f«.t the pr.i4drnr>., and
wa* <n.n*l.1. r.^ line of the »tn>ngei.t
sdiaa Will Aiao Aas.st thg Coopie ta
rauiHdaie* that rtuild be put up to
Start L.fa Over Aga.n—One of
bead the repnblUan tkkei
the Worst Cases Reported
Rraau*vHf*ei.up In ahHvlng Mr Shaw
Here in Seme Time.
putting mmeVr le** of an i-xtingulhh
er on 111* pn**;deolial aapliation- Joh«.w eff.TiixN- ihl.v extinguish, r ha*
i-vt-ry jmir fairly M«k»u
uilhipriuL' frvahucM.
Logs, Logs
Wf*ff oMpliictiug
aori of • ahott. alua *
them- «Uya. nml
affMnl us
pU-asuri- ihan li> have the
pleakuruof thowiuK you our
lihiMl*4)Uie tM*w ahotw.
Will paLtithe*. Ca*h price* for
Maple, rfcmiock,- Ash, Elm, r\
Basswood, Pine and
: :
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Someone Sick
at Home?
Tclephonc-Cit..:i2. Bell 169.
The Cost Is Less
I*-r ramllc wwtr U*t «*le<*trit*
light lhaii for anv olh«*r
luminaut. Wo will not 1w
surpriMvl if you dmil
only fair thing
facL but 1
for ail cv)t )CTue.n» to allow
ti* to prove tins st
(Vill or let 118 t all on yon mul
tiiTtm*. and »-aliuiuU* your
plb-H. We gm-raniec all* n.l.m-r
gutKl*. *ytin•.:.•*•. wat.-r l*.«li»**'.
anv IVv.-r Tli«-ii.«»ni.*iri w«* m-iI.
M.mcy ha«k if imhhI* at. i...t ar
Suylng Limited to the Capacity of the
Manufacturem—Need far Car*
Never More Urgent.
Drug Store.
By Wire t« ih.- Evening R<vH>rd.
Piiifcliun:. .March
Ord.v* for *tc-41
ram amounting t» ||.'at.000,0.*.
MOW In the hand* of the Mtul ra^.
' Wire to Ihr TNrning R.*cord.
rVlioil. Mirh . March If —G«-tugt- I ^
oclork thi* mmnlng. Coroner
hr«i>«- t«x* ihr Jicarl
Indicating that hr hi.d n».-t wUh foul
Iday hut it ,wa- 1.-arii.*.l that Iu* hn.i
could be ananred d.-dvrty within il..n t.n the *ld.-w;.;k l;.*t rv.-nlng
next twelve months Pruriirally every
steel ear huildlng cvtitipaliy 4a the
eouniry la lK»»krd ahead for home
than one year and plan* ar.- on fo<d
for extension* that will largely In
Dr. and Mrx. A. L. Boyd Didn't Know
rr.-a*c eaiwHiy
Thai They Were Going to Enterwa> n.-ver mor. • iirg.-ot than 1
tain. But They Did.
rnt. iMtt the buying ha* hem T
By Wire.to iho Evening Record.
r.aylonl. Mich., M.vtvh
Weatem lb.* capacity of the bulldem.
Michigan capital haa taken h«dd.of thr
tailioad proiwTled aonie yeuta ago by
the Gaylord. Alpecw A WcKtrm Ball
Maaens Will Hava Charoe of Funeral
nud nmipany and will build a new
of Georg- C. Thomoaen.
line rnmt Alpena to Htber ManTatee or
The funeml aenic- of George C
Erankfori on I.alte Michigan
Thompaon. who did veiy anddeoly
The above dlHpatrh~ will be of in- yeaterday momlag. will U* held from
terewi to the t*«*ople of Tmverae Olt.v bU reaWenee. i;:> North Elmwood areaa a feA year* ago a fund was mlaed nue. tomorrow aftemoon at 1:3d. The
here for a survey through Grand Tmr Mawaoa will have charge of the funeral
and the following will art as pallbear
ers: II. O Joynt. J. H. McGough. E
The Matter ha* been In a utate of W. Hasting*. A V, Frietfrich. L B.
quieaeeace for aoBBe time but Judglnx Gilbert and W. W. Smith.
We sell and guarantee **Gold
IVMir to be the very beat bard
Josoph Slaador At Son
First-class polcbers. Packers and Sausage Makers
Umh. veal, gwirk and all
- ra<*aTs yi.ii
ci.r»* f..r kept in prime c
Hlnn In «M:r'
huge r*dd Morago quarter*,
more >*iu know alwmt meataihe Iv-tiefyou ll like .Hir pfatre. The fdi.-n.-r we
quote yf.u price* the nioie -roiiVlnred you'l! |,e that
Ihl* ht ihe
|he batcher *1.
*b..p .
*1 ihl*
pa.rtrolxe/ A rail at
Spring Shirts
orden. amounting t.. frv»m |•uo<H^.lKM.
to Sa.MMV. .*M. mot.*
iv»plir the rnotmou* .'iggr.-gate of
car* now in the hands H the sitM-l rar
l ullder* thr r.vliroads would hr willing
By Wirt to the Cveafas Record.
Kaa Juan IV. 8ar. Nlearapia. March
2.~Afler fonrteen houm of hard Ayhl
lag with bfxy Ummm to both aldra. entering of another ateam line Intc
the Klcamguafta captured Cl Oorpu*: the city. The new line will open ^
much new territory and Traverae City
iloiithiraaa 1«<I
large quaatltle
win be erne of the prineipol suuoni
........ ..
your pockrl
• aii(! keep it until m*At wlnt«*r.
Let usahow you how K.0.I Ihcmt Igiivainii an.-. It will
tatal ytui noihint:.
u«- of the most deidtirahlr ratu-*
h.-il in I hr city lot *4UiH tin..- wa*
lary uf thr- tmi*m>, on.-v hr i.-tlr.** m l.nmcht to flH- ait.t.tu.u ..f Su|H-rlti
pilvair lllr. will h»v«- to Ih- reckoned t.-l.d.-iit ..f th.- IN*.-- r U''M..iviii
with a* a pnliili^l l<*et<n- id rt.nKhb-r irr.iax
aide Imfmrti.nre. Th..t -Mr. Shaw mav
Th.- family of tin.-.lath.-r
have hi* ey.- *UII on thr prerld.-ntial
plum In lima
hr will *tUI Ii.-catd IVni
M.n. la ..aa 1.1* h4.m.-. alihoucl, Kum
and 1* . vi.l-iitiy lOo whiftlr** ic.
lira* alTait* may ii»-<-rK*hair ht* ir.-.i
ly hi- family with thr m*r.-*vari.-.
rlenre In New York
fe while the wif,. lark* the amid
Mora Trouble for Taft.
t.. k.-.-ilth.-lr ..H.m* in any *m,
Jii*t jiH iliMtgb STK-n-iary 'Taft did
>• of . J.-anlin.**s
The rhll.l U ‘J
nm bate eamigh trouble In k.-eplng
K old ..nd
r.ijiv i.i.rtning whthe 11(1 down Id the Philippine*, rxen
li a th.Mough ri.-antiig and fliod
Ing n patemali-tlr *way ..v.-r r.il.a.
n m-w Hoth. * by *4.n»- of the As
nnd alrtiggllng with thr r.inama rai.al htirr rhmvh vmrkrr* who HrM bmugh*
Macain lu.< tin
mat I rr to Mr. Marvin* ait»-ntl.m
Inarte4l on thr r.»tut.d ar: rnary of
le iH-ddilig and fuillltuir will Inwar the qtp*Ml.io of whether ''the
.►v«d. *•* <-<*vrt.-«l I* It with ftiit
rill*n pe^.ple ahjdl or *hall not Ih\rniiln it* 10 >M- iH-.iuiid r.-.b-mp
permitted to ronilmi.- ih.-lr piiouit of
Till.! will l.-avr th-fainilv w iil.oiM
pleaanre ni th.‘ ca-kplt
Wh.-i. Gm
him: 1.. Inch, hou-4rk.-4-p.ng with
iHHwarrl W.Hhl wav milHan gov.-rnoof i'lilu. In- i*M.r<i an ordri prohlhit tug
evk fighting in thr IHand Thi> ord.-r
Mr Mat\it. will v,.«ur.- nrtx t.M»m* for
ha* iHH-n uhserxed lit thr br..arh. but
ami are thai ih.di rnndtiiou I*
liv law I* law, and any violation thenk.-pt at a hlgh.-r l.*vH
<if nearly hiing* the giwully Govrmov
How ihry hat.- liv.-.l Iv a m.v*i«*ry
Magoon to tear*, he want* a ruling In
■I *1I||| Ot tht-ii .t.ndiluui h.i* i.-orln-d
the mutter. A* SecrH.irv Tnfi * shoul
. and thU ma
tGontlnurd on Sisoi.d I'.igr i
I stiff#*..-! fr..m 1
an.l otherdlKtrlN* for r<Ht»tntrilon thl^
year and taquirie* are ruralng In fo-
Yuli woulthlo iLwooUln’t you ? Well, tre art-tiffcriiiK you
jugl lUttl chaace when Wf **.*11 y.m Ovenx>aU at the priiY wu
Dr and Mr*. A. U Boyd left their
:.mc. 12* l-.ke avenue, for a *bon
roe Thuiaday evening and on thnr
irtnni found ibm Irthad been enteml
The.r didn't call the police, however.
any of iwetuy five of thrlr
who had quietl.v aascmblr.!
there in their abMroc**. Iceg^eani and
cake were *efved and the evening wa*
passed very pleaeantly In progre»*lve.
pedrti. Hugh
being skillful
to rapture the connoUtion
priae and Mrs. John Danford being
fortunate enough to win the Brat prize.,,
Funm-al Borviea.
The funeral of Mr*. Beasle Fora- P
her*, wife wf the
J; Porsberc.|l
who di<fl !«•< Wedneaday. wUl be held I
from the Swedish church tomorrow at I
2:30 o'clock.
(iro.nt abvortment
-f.me. Il« memb. f
50c. SI. $1.50
we arc
want U here.
Spring Neckwear
big line 2:1 cent
lie* just in-Yuu
will not fin.1 fx*lUt vnittca cl»<*whe-re.
l,.B.-4liir prices or
wiRter goofs coROOt
IrII to iRteresl poo.
wbfdeaale and retail.
uilaehed at .I.-UcbM — regnbr
^Ib anti Franklin.
YouMustBe Convinced
by This Time
"Best” Flour
L aonryou
Hannah & Lay Co.
tttE MEN
who Wk5d l«U^
dekririM iU dnaetei*^
OvdUwlon m mbunA bfev. Tb«v have in.
iliy aa Daa OHaim la ioaipS
liMTa Ihmima slay, tha lUrry
“ win ba tha actractloB at tha
Gemxd agara hoaaa Thaiaday^Ji^t.
Marrh U Mr. Doom^ and hla hatpara
MMly *iD.
Th«i you are reody fvr
rKhile, fioiVIlnR Paper,
Wimam MolheraJIt. mall clerk on
tContiaaed from First Page.)
tbe Manlalrv A Nunh««atern road, re
derw arv brtiad ih- problem haa l-en
ertved word thl» morning that hla
unkiSdfNl cm him
mother waa dead
Mr MotlWayi left
Sill It Satisfactory
this morning fm Howley. the home of
The river, and haib*»r. appropria
will be lakan care of 1^ Joha Rorsii tkm Ull finally haa been dlai.ised
a aupply clerk can arrive from sad the pKiiiey for Improvement. to
firaad Raplda. Mr. MotberaUI will re- the country*, waterways mkai will
avaltoble. The senate ami huiiiie cun
ferrroi. contrary to the general belief,
ahutrh, fully 200 p«H»le being prr«
tmt . The Ruth elaaa W Utight by Mr>
Hattie Strong.
-The fWlowlhg excellent |mi«ram
.Vocal aolo. Mias Kfnvla Cronag
Reading. Mlaa Stella Uoker.'
Vocal aolo. William Wllllama.
Plano duet. Mlaaea Oli%e fVaae :
lioa Crawford
Vocal aolo. Mias tlarland.
aelecUon. Sunday arho..| <.rrhe>tra
BefnMbmenta were sene.l In the
Itaaement of the rhurrh and |inrlur
tamea were lndulpe«l in by the yonns
-Do aot be too much dl
aald her friend. *’Afler all.
aot a great anm.’*—Rcacclapei
Up end Oewn.
»nger-What are your tmna? Ho
tel t:ierh-Uooma a dollar up. Stranger
-rin a poet.^and I want
la that CM. our terms are a dollar
down Roktuu Traum-ript.
Emirty men aiv the trumpeta of tW
Mrs. H. J. I^ehke. who ha. Wn the
roi of the MI.jm-. l^Iah and M.vrlle
.Miller, left thi.s raonilng fur her home
In tTdrago
Better Be Safe tbaa Sorry'
WhUe3 per cent Is not consMcrcd a
larte rate of Interest, do not fortet
the element
safety. All Investments do not hare It. People over
look It in the msh for blj returns.
‘•Savini's accmint dividends” are
payable twice a year, and the
money is here when yon want IL
Wa hare aeverel
extra haary part wool Ingrain
SOeper yd.
. lei Of ^RurBwitb
you -we ll aava you auiua
Imy now for oaly ........................
If you uie going to huild a
barn we want tr»H» to mil and
aee our Bam I>-'or Kallera
b» fain you buy. U wiU pay
J. W. 8L.ATB
ha. filed a claim with the Interior de
partroent on behalf of
cotl of Maumee. O. Wolwiti 1. the tie
.Cendant of the famous -Indian
LItUe Turlle. who wa. head of the
He lay. claim
220 acrtM. of land In the heart of Fort
Wayne, which
rroldeuce. and buRine*. honitea and
the Improvement, thereon are e.llluaitHl at many million, of dollars. The
claim, U iMUM-d on the griMiiid that
thoRt- who Induretl the Indian, to cede
nav<d and Jonathan.
The senate was my.tined this week
when two openly avtiwtsl enemlei
noblied a. thtMigh they were tbe best
of boRom cvimitanlonv. The Wince
dt-lt-galiim in c»*ngiv»vR-u a* «-.|hmyRtlll«-<I. and ab»-n*-x«-r u knot of
or fbnt are gatb. rt-d lt.geib* r It
yafe MsMiuipthni that tlie David
Jonathan attitude of St*nators Spotjm-r
and laiFolletle H under disco
tbe other day
Mr. Sfiotmer
a-alktHi around to the scat of Mr. I,a
Follelte. stopped
there a
placeil hi. hand on hi. cuUsagne'i
shunlder and ubi.percd to him. *Mr
LaFolletie lookeil up and very nearly
jarred the dignity of tbe senate by
laughing aloud, while Mr. 8p
Rliuok all over with sufipresMHl i
roent. Mr. Spiamer thereupon rvturoed
to hla seat and chuckletl even after he
sat 'down
T'n»m across the chamlMT
Mr. LaFoIlHte nodded merrily f
man whose political scalp he swore he
would get aad, Mr. Spooner weoi
another paroxysm.
When po!
enemies laugh together political fends
are likely to reach an ontlmely end.
Is a Spooner-LaFonette compact beirig
entered Into? This U^the question
that i. agitating congrois.
Sacond Army fteaerve.
Maj. Harold J. Megrew of IndianapoUs. Ute commander-in <±ief of tbe
Spanish vrar veterans. Is urging the
enactment of a bill providing for the
of the United Spanish War
corps. Ml
case of war (he veterans of lOS. bateg
trMaai aad aeaaaoed aoidiera. will be
availfble Imiaedlstely for active seVHe ts anxious to have the orik» placed aacood In the Haa In
^tha reoixauizaUnn of the army eatah-
third placiPalnt
, tha Proaid
He Liked Scheel.
bright little four jearndd
old U.y
Uken to
for Uh- Qi I time
rr he tuid lieeo given a desk and .e:
to work be .uddcaly put up hla Utile
••What do yo«t wanL Frttxr aakcC
the teacher
abotild like to kmro- when the holi
days begin.'* said Frlu.-~Dle Mnakrte.
THal Honn*nn*lc«>r
p.»riralt palnt^
again, and
Rob*-rt de IkiUboff of pan. arrivtnl
I hi. week to arrange f‘*r the final .P
The portrait when eomplHi.1
will t>e placed on exhibition here at
A ma mar 9in an idea ib«*n< that
the capliol. after which It will leOAjr i^tra him nmnj dolUm in
.wnng hi the J*eace Palact- ut The
' cmrm of Um#
Hague, and* probably be fonnally nn
experienced little dlfflcjllfy In ctidilng veiled .vl tbe lio.-llng of the <-onfer
to an agreeBH-nt on |^e measure As »;ue I her,, next .ummei . B.-m.n Ikd.l
huff i« an All^tr.an l.v Wnh. hi. ancthe
erae City lodge. Ni. 222. F. and A. M..
lui* for M-veral ceiiiurle. hating l>e.-n
will be held fnaiorrtjw. Sunday. March carried upward of |k3.0(k».oaa. which
piomloeut In the .tate aflair*-T»f ibuf
2. at
12:Ml o’clock to attend
the wan lncre..*M In the i
rouoiry. Like all the |K>riralt painter,
A* It f
funeral of hrtdher Co«rge C Thomp to IW.UiHI
Semloea will Im« held at the r«wl
Hiat Mr
The bouse ronfen
denceat I:3U p m
m.i an ea.y .nb>. >i
A apedal rommunlcalhui will l«
ou. and too ihuruugbly alive to .U
L gtanu^d iha Alaaka
held Monday eveaUtg for work
Re the appropriation for tbe tmprovemeni
•d fair ITfKi.otw aa a freahmenU.
of the MlasI..|pplAt^nireeB the m«4ib Htm long enough at
C. C. I^gley. W. M.
gift Tba dlftoaMioa of ihU aai
of the Ohio and the mouth of the Ml. of exten.ive work, and th.- imutrait
dOiMifoii^ form On* fan tha
ikiiiri. and the pn.vl.loa for the esm ha. t. Ih. ma«le plw^nteal.
goraremaDt has donated m.Mxi.o«a» A Temple Made From a Single Stone. atrurtion of lock and dam Nn. 7 In the
Peonag< Agiution.
An attempt ha. mwn ma.le during
for CTpoaittona of varlwia klnda.
Mayalliimaui. India, his « ren of tin- 'Jhlo river The appn>prialIon oT 1200..
moat r» markable temple. In the norU. OOP for the Chicago Hver is cut In the |ia.t week In revive the agitation
A Wrllaton: Ohio: man Vaa aan
each of throe UDhiue phn-e* of w<H-idi!p
half, while an amendment waa adopt over I he question tif peonay
1101 for a M>t or whlakpca whirh hr haring l»een faehluned from aolkl>ou
ed providing for snjMTvIalon of the south. A year ago. as the roi
loot IB a gaa rxploalun. Judalna br Ite bowlders. Home Idea of Uielr aloleged t-jifKiHure. by Umner. who
and the talk of chlM-llug out tl»e lute power companies at the Soo canal
that QuoUtlon vblakrra muat be
rtor may be gleaned from the fan tha* locka. Michigan. Taken In Its entirety, claimed to have Imm-.t unfairly t;»ate<J
of Ohlo'a proHtablr cro|p.
the amallcat of tin- iwvcn fa twenty however, the hill marks an epoch. In In the constntrtlon camp, wm-re w..rk
four feet high, aevenieen feet long and tha’ It practically commit., congre.. on tbe ne» Key Wi^t railway U m-lng
CBdmacV«i‘l br atopprd. Nn
Travelera who hav,- to a more lllieral "and far-reaching
twelve feet
fled with a Y. M. C. A. and a boa
y examined thorn are of the policy
Unar are going ahead t.«w and
that It took i-enturloi of worl.,
While the measure doe. not slxe up
Jmto a new church.
p theae grai-eful f-dittf-ro from
oat I re nn-k.
Mr. Harrlman mar not have acted
3aft eaactlr right but hr f« rntltled
. Invehtigailon.
Hard Onll.nQ.
to not a little praine for dramln
•It of tUf kind of .Viorrlran himintentlon from the Thaw caae.
that haa thrived alno«* the daya of Ren will continue to work to the end i
of Florida fn»m JacksonJamln Franklin cornea from n Muutann the federal government appropri
/Hie to Key West, visiting all the rail
lining t-auip.
way camps. It was found that the n-|r.4t.ooo.(KH) each year to proaecnte
A lamb but
Said one miner. •*'lhc rot-k down In
•Kjrted ahu.sea did not exi.t in any of
velopment work on the nation*, riv
that shaft U so bard that they need al::
Mt clawi.
places and
the matter was
•rrola of
day and
dropiMsL It iH doulrtful If il will rert Wa
Indian Clalmr Fort
celve much attention at the pr»raent
an Ohio 1
Fnless all sign.
•Igbr aald another. **I saw ‘em
wcH-klng ou a ledge oure wIhtc th- 1. planning to make various kinds of
Frograia Waa Given by the ftuth Sun
was ao hard that after they hail .eriou. trouble for certain inhabitants
day Sehool C lee. of the Church
nine barrel, o’ drill, oa It Uh- of Fbrt Wayne. Iml (’.eii. Isaac Sber
oom in the white liotise
of Chrlat.
hole .tu.-k mit .lx Inrhro.wood. c<mRre..n>an elect from Tolctlo
A very pleaaWmiclnl and nnigram
waa given by the Kulh Sunday arhoid
elaaa of the Church of Chrlat laat
with outton cliAi0‘Uial you osn
rtm Qn»A
IMlrymru * u»
Mrtitlwi mrcnticm whirh via U
aUe to get than IB 90d^ fron bow.
step in and kx4 thaai orer.
p^lhjd^ auch ptaya do act i
iiMold ftUmct ft Urgft fttt««4ftoe#> ft.<i
dM eoiVMtlaa U not o&Jjr of intertftf
U dM dnliyaMn but tb«> s«oeTftJ Urm
m aft Wftll. Th«^ U ftlwmy* monn or
mn Ktoek krpt on t^f^rr fann and ft(
tkMft coBvenUona tbn laloat and boat
aanaert of ftodUis ar« broogbt oot
Wa bare MTeral aman rolla of loKraia Oarpat
that «« are a&zkiaa to diapoae ot balore ov
haarj spring ahipaetita afTirp. Tbaae aate
teboogfatooteton^te^yoG wiD ba
aiw 80 traa to Ufa Chat oaa torgBU
UmaMf and
haHavna that AOaa
Doaaa haa cakaa him lata hla owa
little Mackamtth abog: thaa*tba race
aenaa la mada aaritlac hy tha ten
that tha aawa la carrM to tha auga
by aamer pigeoaa
'*"KaTTy Oow" ia
hm \m m» axT lUrcb i7 »d n
Builders' Hardware
a w«y
Howto Cover your Floor
for a litQe Money.
Odl Drcsscis. Cheffoniers, Kitchen Cabinets,
- Kitchen Tables, etc.,
TU. ... ..,U.l
Having Your
Alia tract
' of Title conipii-^I by
rdiabl- bbstraelor.
Then, when ready 11 s. ll, eg.
change or ma\e over yoor proj
ty yon osn do ao with a ch ar con
science, knowing there will lie no
hitch in the matter to n ctify later.
AUtraO, of TiUe
210 State Bank Buildiag.
A.W. Jahreus
E.A.M«iree Boaa&Monroe
F. P. Akwfs
J. H. Umion
WeqnMoGg Olnb
Arearioan Dm Store
127 S. South Union Street
"THE BIG STORE"—Dealers in Eveiything"
Never In ttie history oi book making has Uie
Uke been known. Our Book Division is oiler:lna you ttie snap oi the year, books Umt can
only be pnrehased from our shdves. Pass a
most pleasant evenina by reading one
of the foUowlng.
; Pay M cents lor an up-fo-dare lHK>k instead of $1^.
i M ' These are the highest sfyleof the bookmaker’s
binding* best of book |Miper*
rr;™ 1 - art Good cloth
t:good clear type* finest colored
• KATR MKHKDITH FI.VAN*(*KIEU.” C. J F.iJrlilT II>i.e. aulluu^
K-lil, ;• Mr. T4kYi1.** -Tli*- Fllibiu-ter” Mr. Hvin- li:ih M-i-n fit to l<rf-ate
Kfvne *or ill.*; latest and b^st no\el on the d4-adly criast of W**st Africa, a
legb.n (IfUd with man-eating wild animals.
f«v«n.. trartb*.. Juugb-s ami a most dating, deteimfaj»-d and mmsualEngIbh g'.ri.
*CarleT.’* the n-d-headc<d adv<mtur»-r. pla>w a must ImiHirtant
l«iit tliro.igliout this most facinating bfsik.
2 20'io:m
An lar*M at Urn rdtewtig fteroi
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
/.......................... . swap
Cti.ffom..r. from ...........X,.
........ ....... . SS* Op
Your Reliable Furniture Store*
art. m.-inagfl to gel mIxvM up
of High • w-hrstt girls
fn»in j
Smarnp-c'oit. Mass. wh.i li»d cimi- to’
shako lilt- pn-Kl.b-ni*. hand. It did not
erolmmiK. Mr. Rooju-veli in the lcat<t.
for this qiie,‘r mlxlurt- of humanity i.
alnuMi a dally ocmrreiict- Ih the big
, G. A. R. and W. R. C.
McPherson p^»fct. G. A. R., and tbe
Woman’i Relief Corp* will hold their
regular m<s*ilng Monday evening. Il»twwn the two meeting, there win be
a social and at C «*cl.K-k .supp«-r will
Ask in> charges for aivliable
Abstract cf Title
». pr1t«^ flgblcn.. school tearhvrs.
Inron nu-n and offlct*. stM-ker. gaProf. Mlkt» Donovan. Instnicl.Mtmxtng In the New York Athletic
I and who has given the
Here Are Some Great Baraalns lor Yon.
ithe mi I t coRmopoliinn
s|Kit In i
hole United State*. One
•lay this week President Roosevelt
'ounied among his callers senabu's.
» a Cold In Ofko Day
A Few Snaps in Furniture
**THB nilBP LFXIATBE.** Anna Kath»-rine Greem*. most
N« w Ytirk myaietiet; Thia aoth«»r ha.* always l*eeii imii«-i1 f«»r her splefidld
d« t. cTi-e .'.toi i(*o and this snr]»a»«-H them all. the finest my*tc-ry story of
-RBZANOV.** Gertrud.- Atherton. Dr. RoU-rtson Mroll In British Weekly
says the abbtet woman writer, of fiction now living. In pciint of sheer
power there is no woman novelist who comes near her.**—The Sketch.
• DANIFJ. SWEI-rrU^ND.** Eden Phlliadi’s. who stands lit the front rank
ftf the great English norelUu. No one has yet auniaased him cjo Tales
of Oirunshiie. wh«*re the scenes of thU. his latest wojk. are laid.
-THE HOUSE OF DEFENCE:.** E F. Ben«jn. S^-vera^earo ago Mr. Benson startled England with his first b<K>k. ’Dodo.** Now cornea thU newest,
more brilliant, more startling.
• DOC GORDON.” Mary E. WilklnwFreeman. Thla U a really great novel
of human Interest, charming love study, extraordinary action and deepest
•LADY E\’ELYK.* Max Pamberlon.
The masterpiece of this famous
English writer. Not a commonplace or unexciting line in the whole book.
THE MAN BBT^^’EBN.'* AmeUa E. Barr a greatest novel. Has arouse#
wildest interest In all reading circles because It U a surtllag. gspiaatie
story, told In the author's happiest vein.
•A ROCK IN THE BALTIC.** Robert Barr. A atonr that Is beoomlaf the
uik #r two oantlnenu. Refieshiiic In style, brilliant te acUon. and charae-
ajtaoi&ff tiie hbmW and pet*
Whiteman*s Bank
I lews From Uwloo !r3r?:^
Pazsfed Big hjm
I Farte. rkiaf of cJi» i
He bad apaot ajr fS to hire a hovac
•Bd caniaoe to take bla aq«a« rtd
____________________________of €*pecu»cr; tb^ I, a
Spadal CaMa to tba Bvqnmc Bm4.
COopyrisbt. IMC. by Cba Hanrat Mm
Lady Batenmn. who ts^ore her mar>
tamdoe. March I -Lord Curxon of ram* to tlM* baron was Mi> Heniy
Kadieston. ex vicevoy of India, spoke Knapp of New York kvs Mi l^d<m
for Riviera.
An lnieiv*iulor bit «*f family history
•trap of her cown. and went into cUb
ter arrived. Sopie of them ht
aUmt the first Ia»dy Ikoeman Is re
oTwte deWU about Its makiiis and
^Iled. She was a xrand dauebter trf fifls—<br merest trifltls of
i about eveoihinic to do with the party,
the first duke of MariUTCooch. but was but enough to carry the fcrUnc of tbr
heme and the supper.
not lortd by thr
ndmibialde olu day.
duebms. 8amh J.nmtu*:s. W-r vindh- j
taacupful of hpt water, stirring until
the mixture bolls, then add half a teib.
cupful of vinegar, half a teaspoonful of
salL 6r leas U ibe fal U sally, tca^
with famines in India. A ip-d many
people may assume that the majority
of the BM« and wxmien enimjEcd on the to the frame the
lb«- splMul
' .
I fine and sUco twice as much opid
cold pota
there was a refrvshlnc diversity uf
puvenuBcnt relief works are In a very
“She is far black
n>es very ihtn
Arranjw ibv ham and
omacuted condition, like Ibe llvinx
: Myles. One girl who could skeUh had
jsTtat.H's in a salad dish In layers and
skeletons that are seen In photciicraph:^
tittle drawiniCK stack in hare
Letter Party for an invalid.
sprinkle each
double layer with
which appear In the BbiUlah illusirated
ne of the prrtUeM id«as vver ,*^*^^' ere all through her letter And } chopped celery, then pour French
papws at famine times.
• My reoolkvtlon Is that Ibe p
ighi of In coor
dressing over all. Garnish with bard
on the relief works wtm in asu
:tqr i»an>
The nurv«. siWt»d tf. the
for inv^ids. Is that
Udlrd eggs, cut in allrvw or In fancy
rn^^of »!»«• plan by hoy
on Invalid known bow very deprv
were the skulker., who could nt
nan seemed |
Tongue-Cook a
w that day
It Is to have several visitors in a day,
<»»• innumvowl
or even om* who Mttles herself to! The pleasure was
aa great as ^a»oH\y of rhopiH*d celery, chopped
Front and Cass, before buying >Tmr
Bdlson and Victor . at
prices and terms better than any mall
order hooae in the couiitiy-. S<>i«« t
your records by hearing them or aeo4>
for caUlog.
, feb 20-winlAaat
Very aooa after Mr Uarrtaao be
came pmideet. Quaaab weat to Wash when be presided at a keture on
tngtoa to aee the Cheat Father oe famine flshtias by Rir kYederic LHy.
boatara rdatlao to bl. tribe
Gao. Harrtaoa save him aa ondienre.
maar. the prealdeiu exclaimed, and h*
made the chief promlao that he wooUl
Notmaayyoani have no BH»re.
••D k* wmi to a eattlaaM • eonraa
fioa la Danaa. Tax. aa4 wtilm tkerr
On the way home from the cattle
aold a taOK* of catUa aad wcalfod a
an s ooovewtion. folly tan years after
«l»ek la pajrMt.
Strmlcbtaarar br hla meetina with On. Karrlaon. Good
voat to thp bank to «rt It caabad
nlaht found that he waa In the name
Ta Ida ctaqpsa ba foaad ibai tbe sleeplna car with Chief Partter. He
s|>end the day. The Invalid brlghlenf
iHwk toam voald aoc eaah tbe chock
w>tic«l the.ohiar bad with him a
up. lemisMartly. but there's an itievl.
iMoaota ha waa wot fcaova to then. It new squaw, wbo. appaimtly. waa a re
"Tricre was a fH-rh„l
l*si y
tal.Ie ivarltoo. Uying to both HivallJ
«aa tha fiat tlMc that he had triad
It acqnlaUioft.
say. frvm 177u-ln which no s>
to uaoaaet baalaaaa with a babk aoi
“Who la that squaw you have with tic effort was wade to co,h^
1 holidays that have ^
the Indian ruvernmetit
la bla ova totmabfp. and be ooold aoi your naked Ooodnlaht.
years ateo the Mute
nadMaad thia baak’a method.
"She my wife,* repllNj Quanah.
srriouslr at • ohllKa-Me Qaanah Parker." hr Mid.
•-Your wife? Ifow Iona have you
ell to Miy lot ill ifRiH and
-I don^ know vbo Qaanah Parker bef«n married to her”
K: tha oaahler replied
"f>h! me have her about one year " Ilf the poveninwnt that no nipe.-woul 1
be spared by which they should hojH•‘Me baap bU chief Oamaacbe la
"One yes I? Why 1 Iboiiabt
you to mhiesie siifferinx or to save life
promised the Creal k^lhrr In Wash- Each famine sj it lakes place is i.ivf,.
-\*enr I
to marry
any more tlRHt.-d in all ]
1*11 V ii|»tK>lnt<d r
we caa*t caab the t
H»-nc«. we have evtdv.il
Qttanah wma paztled
Famine ivMef. a ♦rf'l.-nee »^ulllrlent:y
wives. Mr no have more six wives. I Isslir to Ih- capable of a.IJuMmeni to
who had aal ap all one nlictt expect Me send one squaw ho)br. then marry the cireumfctancts and tenulrenM-ni«
•f dift.rem tinii,. and |nealitje>. but
ack by Quanah and this squaw "
»t th.- SAUK- lime !;iifnri*iit|\ pr. riiaXtemaril ber»mic
raa the Uwsl of old Waal.akle. Lo Im .•nilvwllml in km;.H
ooe of the old Indian . lx *.t
lainine niocedure
catered the hank and efepiK-d forwanl
■ that be had never shed white
and laid l« the ck^:' • M. i.u whiv
lelb r, whlb- th•Tbaf. all rijthi Charley; he. Qtj.
l'X|MII<bYl WU<« r
nah Parker, chief of the Orniaarhi^
ing. tgie.msi.tMH.
I know him. and ni aund K«)»d to:
I nut we Miall la- abb' to p!.-\yi|i ;
in«- ill IndIJP the iHYude .Ilid Hit.
nil* < withji
T" ^r’lt
V .d fdililiKibb-. Thei w#«
. #rtTT7i5mvM4o--Te-r1ffrt^
f the .^t.-rm in whidf.
.ifK tn.iy I
held Waahakle. a vi
ESidtil a.
. I |o »k
iddle wa. prr^aMiird to
him In the
le of the flreat Father, A hell , l'1.1 mere In a.lmin-111.-|^al K ill
lIvY.midainipg nMenalbui ..f Hr,, ou
taken rnilrrly by su,
Tlie chief
ivn p.N!p|,.s. Ih.. »i*irf#-r..r». Ib-lU-vIveK.
prise when the prraental
*r the h. i.dsin of Ih.. i.iriceis Kng
made and the saddle
handed ish an.l nstiv... civil nti.l mtliiarv- in
si Imre whom Ih.. charge of iliu*.* Milferiim
wui.liu..!. or Ih.- hemlsm
and for several minutes sUiod garing
of the tui.-sioiiarl.Ni Fiicli>h. Aui.-rl
«an. Canadian an.l |.hiM.p..iin. u..in..|i
•The Great Father will ho awaiting
•When p
r his runner to return wUh
the ItiiiTr.i
.1.1 IK
kind words from you. Can yt
him and tellTilm how pleased
the ..x|H li. iHY' niighi t.!^. wh.-ii Ihe
re with the saddle
eoiitiiry is in th.. ihnMNK of t« giesl
taniiii.-. Tli..j'^^"w.*iild >-.<• ih.-r.* what
Qaanah Parker wlxhed to
me. Kn
Washakie l*K>ked at Hi<
tertna the room, the rhirf was pH
am filling his evns Tlien after the altenipl.n! I., und. itake lii Ibe past,
loi^a in maklna bla wanta known llo
what n.. c.u..|iini..|ii . vr. pi our r.wn
pse ..f a few nioie inluute
had been a free spender duilna thr
it eapjibl.. of un.lr iiakiiig
inuly iK lleve n
what I fii
two days of thr ronventlon and bad pll.Nl
"Oh. I wish I e«KiId say thank you' Kun.^lK.aii‘'4.r Indian
Alfhooah Qoanah M-<tiu*.l to appro
Clair tkmdnUthf. klndneai.. hr alao
appaartd to be worried alKWt eome
Iblna. Aa the t»n men loft ihr l«xiK
the raahJrr heard Quanah mv:
"Me no Mlie that Iwuk. Mr rhb f
amny Indiana: heap bla chief, no can
CM money.
You no chief, juat one
white man. Yon nay: Him Quanah
Parker; him sood maa.So hank man
Slve bla chief money."
are mod awwily dl.lrrased. and aald
the whit*' man say* It. For i
be would like rnouah monry io p«>
while man ferds grateful ho 1
loridrotal rx|>rnM>» on hla trip Ipnnc.
in hiK head, and hla tongue i
"I aave him
and hr thanked mr
. head, and he says Thank you*
and Wt. Half an bmir later 1 was with his longue. But when at^ndiar
n-els grateful he feels It in his heart
heart, alas, has nn tongue."—
The great majority of men an
iromeo at the age of 50 years begi
lo feel the Erst algns of advancing ag
. of kidney
hladEor veaknaas. Few are
free fran that torturous dli
llaelf. hut a symptom of <-------- -function of the kidneys which have
Id their duty of alfUng and elralning
the polBoomis waste matter, uric acid.
>m the blood
ling it to
resoatn and dec
decoropoee. settllog alrout
the joints and
tmise pain aad aulfering.
The bladder, however.
oM fblks the mnet annoy*
tally at night and early me
A noted aothoritv In a i
e»e aUted that he haa woe
cea* wRh the old time
He states
_____ of hU
a / ■ s..^
tlTu trmtnHttt only one very compli
rated cMe failed to fullr yield to it*
remarkable tuMneoce. It l» the moat
harmleas t^tmeat I have ever found
to clean the ay*lem of rheumatic pol
eons: remore IrriUtloo of the bladder
a»d relieve urinary dllTIcuMlee of the
old people. It Is true vliallxlng Innh
to the eotiro kidney and urinary at roc
ture^ relnvlgorating the entire
What he term*
vegaUMe treat
lions of impular sh. et music now lUc,
feb rivwedfcsat
Jie.t p.*rt of ,i «Jl Mas that, ileiluce leaves, or sUced.snd alternated
le *o,k of the girl who had‘with beets.
a^ sh.‘ iv.| 1 Karon I>ressUig—Heal two tabk^
IN/londsy, IN/lsrcKi
Annual Wtiite Sale
WE Wll_l_ OF>KN OLM9
These Items Subject to Discount
All Sheetings and Pillow Tubings.
Chocolate Bonbons
Alwsy* D«liekm*-Pu»—
Wbole*«e-D.g«Uhl. ,
One Box will mmke
A Hoppy Hornet
Every S«*
Fresh and FuU Weight
: have a splcnditj showing; this sfirinL'
_______in all lines and our .p.Hccs
i ai low as usual, owing
he fan that
) the
our ^.»ods were purchased
chased before the advance in all lines of merchandise. A
?prcial discount will be allowed fin all White Goods, in Cotton, Wool and Silks, in white
except Shcctinifs and Colored Wash Goods up to FITTEI'N CENTS PER YARD.
in town Thursday
W. Kmallcy of Bheimaa mas a caller
at Buckley this week.
Wallai^e Shepard started for Chi
Wednesday, March 13, Being the Last. Day.
Buckley. Mich.. March l.-Hnagla
rkrt was i
Bro*,. wh«»se
sirojed by fire Wednesday night, will
rebuild at one*-. Arthur Baulmcr. who
lost his hartier shop, will rent
l^, Olnry is at Copemlsh.
W F. Bowen of Traverse niy was
date BUtea' neur gaaolinea ongtac
•Bd wood mainline have arrhmd and
he will bcfln culling wood at oaec
Ladiaa, “you can Jump on It irairp'
pie on It but It will coma up amilmg
every lime." Caiman’* RJaotic Floor •
Varnish. S. E. Walt A Eon*. Traverse
I nlon Cajiually company of Bctr
Is doing business in
The Social Hour club wrfll glvt. a Ihcent supper In Ihe church parlors tfii*
evening Trom S to g. All welcom^.
Moore A Son
started their mill
Saw togs. bay. potatoes and Ice are
to be mem on the street In large quanUtica nowaday*.
Inn carried ^hitp,
two <>r more egs.. and add
xciterocnof the als.re dressings. Garnish
no ,i, pres.Mon aft.rwanl.
the mashed yolk, on
ll..n.e Mil,, is son... 1..II.I ..r nil., i
f..r li.-lan.l was pionils. d b> Augnsllin.
•Uiry. I4.|i
d assuin... H.4. offi.N.
m.N4 Itrvci.
it ish aiiilmssad..r in Ward.ltigl.Ml
e.akmg ..ally in
new Irish government hill, but wh. n
Mr i>ong. la former lorv chief s.-erTlaryi has Ih.* hill In his ban.l* he will
sun.Iy say that It will lead I*, horn*.
housewife may Ik- glad to know, can I iile.
be prevr^trd by tying up In a
•The only mlnlinii that wisiM gUe
satisfaction to the giT-iit niaiw- <»f the
tum a lump of broad and placing
|K»p»ilallon «»f livlaiid Is what is g.-ii
the |Kit with the iKdllng greens, ham*,
vrallv call.Hl a li.mje rub* iMrliaoient.
etr. This will alurnrh the gases. A and the prim.- minister will n.»i make
few rod peppers or pieces of charcoal
ilmself resiMmsil.b* for any uieasuro
vl.irh waruld Ih- likely to liiir.rt. re
vith or obstriH t tt..' fullillin. Hi of thIbb unpleasant odor which generally
fills the houae when grer-n vegota-
ra'gn Thursday with threerfars of po^
would have
it no e'emei
Table Uheiis. Napkins, Lunch CIbIhs.
Dollies, Towels and Crashes, all Laces.
Embroideries, All-over Nets,
AU-over Embroideries.
Shlri Waists,
MnsUn Underwear. Cnrialn Molls.
.Ml Colored Wash Goods below \h cents per yard.
All Colored Wash Goods from 15 cents .op will be
included in this sale.
II -WE WANT YOU to Atteod ibU sale anrl infiptt t our
White Bedspreads.
Wool Goods. Silks
— new goods. It will pay you to buy
White Colton Walstings and
waist now and save money, besides
the best I
Dress Goods.
I.Ons: Milic mnd Kid Olov^s In All Oofor*.
2. iisf.
|pngn'sciivnfnd Ms evra^MJ^ aw
/ /
I iliiiliiiiUiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^
( ) 2
the People.
lure rrpairm*. rhalr ceoliui Mil
foniittrr piwJaii*. K. H. TMuir.
Ilf Uuloe Bi.
MKM WANTCO^To work la th« luro
bar wooda. Call CUIxctm ph<mr No
fi b 20 If
FOR SALE »boo aUK-k, flalorca mad
IraM- of bulldinc In fMid aiarkct
town rl.iM’ lu
Cily. Wudc
tint*. M7 8<MitU rnlim 81.
I.honr 1219.
fn, 2Mf
FOR SALC-<;<aMl borae. fina UiUet
alaadatd l.rt'd; alM> duiibla bamraa
mod Iwi^^iMWlfd culler. Clt. plMHie
feb 23 If
PrtHdftticblflan ||
limbs at Saline. P time at ion^vUle daring the' pa«
A. Wllaon. Smamnn nf Urn nieetric week and In that tiam Ima called Mn
light cnaatmerimi fome. feH a diataner T^kmr. aged €8 yearn, stem* eammMd ft f«nt atrtklag an hla head. He ahmer; Andrew Shlppy. agM 79; R
T. Dunham, aged 85 yenft; Mrw.WHI
ts aerioosty hurt.
FOR SALE—MBSAwakened by a bedlam of sound*
aged §Z
from hU chicken coopa. Henry Ward.? year*, and Mr*. Charles Gregory wa*
owner of the Oohnaaat ponluy farm nt j bnwght borne for burial.
Mnakegon. diaeovarad the place in: Poilikal enemies of Probate indge
flamea and f.Ofia hraileiw. ready to FVyd U Post of Midland, are in high
skip to an enaiem market, were lost. | feather beennar the attorney-genefal
At the meeting of the Mlchlgawarwo-; has
I of fair* at Ionia. It wa*
hoW the »b of judge sad mayor
o go after the IcgisiaUre approfdla t6». as thU would eatifle him to seat
ownr tourtag car In the beat ions for county fair* neat year. The, on the board of superviw>ra. dfhl he
Ittion. full set of Umpa. cay
leat matting wUl be beM In Detroit, would pass on hi* own bills. , I\Mt
tra tima. toola. etc. Would
. H. BnUerSeld wa* elwttvl president | bad announced hi* imrailoo of going
parties are all tb«- go si» after the mayorjiU»
fever best
The board of supervisor* at Pas
At the last one. ooe Udy divw ajpsw. which ha* been Inqiftring Into
Union 8L cuspidor, a man a pair or women** . ibe affair* nf the *herlR* oEke during
»Wf|hoae. apd there wa everything from; the regime of exwheriff BrltUn. ha*
Uhproved. Urge bam and good
bouse, orrhard. Urge amount of
gwsi wood. Umber, farm all fenced
sud DO l>ctttv »on to be found; six
miles southeast of city on main
road. Ka*t Bay township; dose lo
school and church; wUl aeli on easy
terms, owner In other bnalncs*:
price 13.000. Wade Bixw . 817 South
Unluu 8t Clt. phone 1219.
Adi 20 tf
FOR SALE—1508-Modem nwldencc
iui West Ninth street; eight rooms;
het water iMWt; bath. lUhi*. all
mtsiem r<.nvcnl*ne«w; g»sM bsm;
pro|K*my is aeiuslly
w<»rtn 8,*;..%oo but o%ner 1* leaving
the city hcnr«. wv* mak<
price of I2.7O0
South Union street. Clt
snned peas to giugkam shirts.
} derided to etmtinue the gvssl work.
Ai the devllralion of.xhr new Method ’ and a commUirc uill U»ok into all mat
*t church at IkjwagUr over 8:>.tMsi was j terw cuuni'ctMi with hi* administra
sulvscrtidlon by the Rev J Uon. and also ctUlecl «U vwt»vwt«l
Parr d Kokomo. Ind
He saM he | Ismd* w'-.rh have Uvii
_ *«'j,„H>|.le
had uevei founil l**<n*le m
i Slurlff Briiian rolu
Xtve iM liire
The manta for taking their
Mr* J*»hii L Ixusn. a native of lb
Uv..* run* U. the family td G<-iIlch,„..
Hrilier. a carpenter of Ann AtW wUi
e.itieally injurv^l
fatally shot himself in the head here'
Trunk mnvk at Gm lj.
WclncMUy night. Ill* father jumt««d Io„, „ j,,
that ,.lae
In a ciMetn and « *i*ier h-nged her ;
^e. „vover> i* doubtful
Dviran had Uv-n U1 f«»r 13 mouth*, at
Th-n- wa* a douMe fm.ei.1 at St |
,o „y to »
Mary * chun b In J«rk*im lT>ur>da> , r
Her 8 nioolb*-u
• hen the remain* of David IVmlevv^,.^
8he b«* Ih.-o II
and hi* ulfe were laid at rest Umley .
j„ To,onto. |» r hu*lMu.d * home,
dlerl M.mdav ,d ihl> wr-ek and hu wlfej
l*,a« I Psishall. apvi 7o j
It ran of tht; eivil •*., dK
IWediiesdav «l latingsbur*
Well UkiMl. isdny a sort
oalh not to Ihmiow I
hal.lt ln oidei to pH the lew
wan, »O'-O I
achool. market and charch;
tarma Price tlCOO.
jilCwaaBt placr
Call or addrvi
FOR SALE-1507-Hooao and kd on
II. CaMjrtK-II. a I ma n. Midi
Waahinatun alreal between G. U.
f»'b :G !f
A I. and E>anklin alrwl.
Wade Broa.. XI7 Smiib
Uuloii alrecL Cil. idmnc. 1219
1 SL Clt.
be viMage for nUi.v year*
td Ms cTentrlr idea* that
I to a ehurrh nor a minister caIbHl to
- ‘n ranM-Murn.^- «t »hlc(, >
li'llyflwl (bo ad<ln.Ml .1 III.
Thu..ll.-.B.Km «b.-« hf Wl tn.m I,^
a .M O'I lean IVntutl train
111* Kkutl!
•ur ITirrspUn*. metr
• a. fi.rluivd, a.rMbe .d.vsieian. .. !
XI7 South
In-i of fi„. viin Id • Jr*n th<- Tramp.
iHiekMl l.v Harry Wo.sl, ha-al lallo
jan SOlf.*^"
IMS tor tvu yeara. and Watwer a
W’hlle WUr of Tar has cured then
an.- nw naU by Um American Drag
James B
MattiiH. thefa
mwator" of Nrw Jetwry . enjoy* thv
dUtlnrikn or having been the candi
date of hU party—the democraUc—for
SALE^No. 1 timothy hay and
WANTE»—To buy boraea; welKhr
.Mta atraw. Tra>crae City Mllllni;
from 1.000 to 1.400 Iba. If you bavei
feb IHI
any to acU let me know. B J Mor-------------------FOR 8ALE-1471-1K acres two milea
feb K-tf
Slate Bank building; finest locatUm
for sulmrlMin renldcnce In thli reWANTED->Toa to oae li>RAL aprint
itKt 13 OOO. Wade Hma.. «17
wheat flour for bread. IDEAL blrndUnion atreeL CUx. phOM 1111.
rd flour for bread and paMry; beat
la tho cilj. Trarerao Clljr Mllllns FOR 8ALE-14tt-27 acres two and
our^half miles city market;
benrlni; peach, good house and Mm;
price 12300.
Wade Bros., SI UnIon street. Cits, phone 1211.
ic*U. Kakt Hay
• HaiTimaii sav* he would
le of the iMWt locations
there. Lest er D Welch, with lenderhe railroad* if thi-ro •«*
wiKMl ft Umlor. Sutherland bUvck
lu. limit to
feb 27 1
iHHlv Idease
FOR BALE—1490—Seven room house, Pontiac. Oxford ft Northern?”
large lot; I^ke avenue; tlose In.
Ib^rause Simon Kuffle. aged (L\ and
Price ILIOO.
Wade Broa. 817 8
Union street.
jan 26-U son. iVtcr. agt'd 24 yearx wenlthy
larmenv of IN»scn. cIuIiImvI
FOR BALE—1585—nne home. West Welxa. a neighbor, and left him in a
Tenth St., close In; price 82.000. critlral condilluD by the ,-uadshb\ Jan
Wade Bros, XIT South Union St. 7.Mhcv wi-iv sentenced to J.t*Ksou
Cil. phone 1219.
Jan 30 if
FOR BALE—1501—Seven room bouse
owned bv (TiMiesBIuuieuth.d.
a tarmer. near Midland, suddenly went
mad \\c<lmH.da/. and when it* owne,
Sev.-ml head of *t«* J
WANTED-Wheat, rye. com. oala.
bcana. bay and atiww; hl|;hctit caah
priew paid. Traverse City MilllnK
feb h U
FpR 8ALE -HrJlpee
i-ni:tnc. 3X, b v . nn
M lUhiici.
ALE—147X-F'>rty arm farm
cr mile east of Mayfield; good
hmiae; g«>d bam.
Bio*.. 817 Uatoo
t. CIU.
FOR SALE~1503—comfortable
home. North C«s1.r St.; pri.'t> |f.5n
Wade Bros. X17 South Unkm SL
St.' Clt.
Unl.m S
jan 30-tf
FOR 8ALE-Klghty arra farm two
miles we*t NiirrUvtlle; four miles
post office Traverse City; sixty
acre* Impievcd; *
take 11.000
for garden? good
r nf en
: tsrts' ’S2,
Price 83X00. Wade Bma, 817 8oi th
Union atreeL Cltlaena Phone 1219.
Jaa. 4 It
--------------- 1
St ; price 11.700.
S..uth union 8L_
Jr sale—SDe* l < ar fer,!. fiuefo.^!
row feed, plg feo.1. chicken fe«-d.
Wade Brrw^ *17
Clt phone 121F
«iat*. rye. bu.d.wtirat. pop.jgAL£_An
hinds of
I. nilddling*. hay and
chicken feed. T. C. MHllng
er»c City Milling Co.
}an 11-tf
fob 3 tl__________________________________------------------------------------------------------------- for
FOR SALE—1488-llouae and large
UA. Thirteenth St.;
pt^c fl.ndo.
Wade flma.. 817 Sooth Union, t'tt
phone 1219.
jan 3<Mf i
FOR SALE—1498-lArge. new house,
good barn. Webster SL; price flJSOn
Wade Bros, xi? Sonth Union St.
CIL phone 1219.
jan Stvtf
*1" 80UU
plHme 1219
blended spring and winter Bbnr. graham. whole wbeaL rye and bockwbenl floor, gtannlated meal. Trav
erse City Mflllag Oo.
feb 5-lf
FOR SALE—1808—Modem eeald.'nce.!
Went -nenth SL; steam Kent hath.j FOR SALE Nes
wlectrlc l^U and gas, laundry In
basement; Urge aiuc. gooa oaru J
large k»L one of thej
best msldenoaa In the dty. will take'
r city property value FOR SALE—Young mare, city broke
part payment; price
also Piortland cutter and boggy juai
Bros.. 817
need a few times: cash or time. 411
hone 1219.
m l-ii*
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain WorK
On floor with BuaioeM OoUegn.
OR M. 8. GREGORY-Physician and
aurgevm. 117 Ca*a
760 Cltx.
State Hank building.
A. J. McPHAIL- IkntlM. Over John
MMi drug store.
Bell phone 3**0 2
rings; Clir 66X2 nng*.
Collerlion work a siMHtsRy
I nderwcsHl A Umlo,
With Unde
laud Work.
U ' 9 tf
ed to EYE. EAR. NOi
64*2 Wnhein
Order, your
i. O.
_nnl hihI of]
icliij^aii flock.
fivight. fum-elK and trunk*. Offlre
at nty lUmk Store.
MRS. E. L. BONNER'S h.-Ur dresslr
parlor*, over City Bor»k Store. IUhii
AMIL F. NERLINCER. LAWYERMiHiey to Uuin. 212 State Itenk
building. CitlreflH phone nyc.
Traverse Ijind and la-an Co.. F
Thurtvll. Manager . flffire. rm»m 2
Hamillmi ft Mllliken him k.
The ,
cV.miutny failed to pro
I .National liank wu* j
. xt,a ] the Hank of m„:,nd.
HA8E. M. D—OfficH* with
Cha*o. State IL.nk blo-k
ro-K. 22.V2r. Resld<-n.-e 221
h St. Clfl. phone 7X1
>R F. HOLDSWORTM Spevlal »l
ti‘iition.l(i diM-asi-* i»f Hu- ey»-: ear.
nose and throat
Glasses flitiM
fiver Jol.nKoi, drug store. Bolt.
6etieral news
(leojge R. tnHrd Shaw it
over of muse
In fact. 1
play, l*,ame Mircetucful he
DR W. E. MOON-Sper-lall
urinary-. >^kii. and hUssI «l
* ex|»erlen
ex|»erlenre. Offke
hiMj*,* Idm-k.
in Wusl.ingloi,
old 292. Resl.)
phones PCI.
einn and 8urg»««.n
Ren,*»vef| to
fire* 111 Munmin blm k over Bain
ft Flarr*. Citizen* phrW 3X3.
Citx. phone 121».
Twcntv i
dl^iict; a l^manta
fight party;
iy; prlc'e
Bros, 817 ftnith I
,.onoM that It had ruten-vl
tract with a former flnaucial Instl.n
living a* a musiroi rrlric. He wa>
rovii.-d by a Iri-ad one night Jo hrtir
a string quiiriel from Paly. • Kxi*-cl
111= a tie,I. he .irreplisl Ihe invitartioi,
NotMuly- know* JU*( wliv. hut the old And throughout the program he sat
Mvle quill |mHi. feal
with a sUMiv l.«,k on hi* fare
: vKdety wone nl irieii
1488—Modem eight room
with l»re; In
new line of raile
Cont.ary lo ge„.-,T»| suppo^iiiot,
• house.
widence. Casa St.: lUiMili, the Mor,K-<an l*andii. i*avvc!l
price “lL3oo.
Wa-le Bro*.,
e«lucatc*l geiilh-ninn. Iiaring hi* aiiee*
South Union £
Cil. phone 1219.
11,rough MuUI bjri*. win. founde.1
Jan 30-tf
rio- empiro of Morocco, to the pnd.ei
In Maine he I* Hsid lo lie tall and
FOR BALE-lArge. right
iiio<lern ctiuvenitHire*.
nare. g.Mst Mm
:. Eighth skin and with fenrore* lailH-r Civt iau
and Cass sitfHM*.
la-Mer I *. Welch.
Hun S«-nilili.
J Undcrwissl ft Uuibu.
s;‘ rs
Union $meu QU- phone^
.FOR SALE—1510
Tb.- <a.M. *.f ,h.
Ranke,>• Mutm
C,i*u:iHy C«.T of Iowa against the Ftn
Nptiioaal hank of Durand was witi
FOR lALE—Wfl—2!i»165 fee. corner
Of .Union and Seventh Mrtvi; twoflory frame bulldlna: ceoirally loeated: flraKlasa l>uKln<>Ks liMmilon.
price I6.&00. Wade llrua, X17 8«.uUi
Union street.
jan 26tf
and 14th atm€
in good ralue
every day and enjoying a fin* biisl
ncMi; frame and brick structure;
price 16.000: Incumbrance ll.OoO;
will trade eouity for farm or city
Both pliou.« :Vk
sfHNl pat. and the show wa* eloM
Oi.lv after a • luiid” conversaflon m,
« lni,g-iil*tanco phone with the man
gel and •angel” at Clarkston lUd
rc«I* n. after a flist-clas* ride on il
rushieriH had iH-en promised
drove in the yard. aiiarktHl him and pnHe. lion for five
. si*n. Frank.
; hank h.ol iMiid hut one ,e«,.
Mr Gray u|n irv-e
WlHi* He.* late, jhI to the ground
• InhaWtanl*: eafiaeli
Let US settle that
Maigbhara QM FooUd.
-1 waa nteraUy congblng mysrif lo
death, and bnd become too weak to
leave my bed: and neighbors predict
ed that I would never leave It alive;
bat ihny got fooled, for thanka be lo
Cold. I was Ittducod to fry Dr. King'S
New Discovery. It took Ju*i four ono
dtdiar UvriJes to completely cure the
coach and restore me to go«*d s«»und
health.- wrluw Mn«. Eva Unrapbor. cf
Co, Ind. Thi*
King of cough and cold cure* and
healer of throat and lungs. 1* guaran
teed by BugtH^ Drug fV.. Frank H
Mead*. Hannah drog store. 3l»e and
111*0. Trial bottle frew
the P.M1
FOR 8ALE->1II7-Slx rt«m , houae.
lUrth gMB and elecuic lishta. Good
bacn. fine Uwn. doae lu. Waahln*tua
alreei. Price IlCdO. Wade Broa.
tl7 South Union SL. dUwna Phone
Jan. 4 tf
It Is Not
for my nooey.
FOR SALE—1511—Ooe hundred and
thirty fit e acre farm, eighty acre*
couW «Jo * gimt MDonoi of lo Aing •bout, M»d
ancMBi niftbology t^lk «• lUt bn <lid. Hat Dcvoroo
kii boaiflst «Uy <lkJ tb*- fobted gUnl oomfmm «o mach
«Ub hit ritioo m dnet oni* Httl« W*iii Acl, which
it OB vkitioK l«r«t with thnottodt of people, wbmn
h fMohot
dey., (iiv.* it a
eed tee bow c|oiokly yoa will g<*l roplicw.
New York eltv
.Mr* Janes E.jhini.
HARRY b: HARNER-^F:x^rt plam
leaders never! htvn playing l.qcethcr for twelve
tuner and hcti
hftiun r«cuNtor. Safi*
wnies with any other
Another fad • >*«r*. ’ •^'welre vear*;
fart ion auaran
With Kimball
said' 111.
Music House.
of the day -Idle * are not f.ddiHl. be-juther In an inrrvdulon* voie... • Suroiy
mg slipperl into e ae*-hqa»» the exact! »<*ve tH-eu beiv longer
MONEY TO LOAN-No tax elausM
size i»f the note iwKr.
j R. Nannetfi. no'inher of |«.rilaput In mortgace*
Hotise* for sale.
Inquire of E.
M* Namara,. Pa.k
The cuMiun or rwiiig man fashion ;.iii-nt for the mlU-ge divUlon of Dnh
1* daily growing In favor with ari*li* I I'U'-aind ro~,*utly M>-, |eri«>«| mayor td
laiic Eogliahwomen
AneHig them! H»ai «Hy. *|| |,ls life ha* Uen
n^wtuklng ABSTRACTS OF TITLE-C. O. Car
ver 7»rices reasonable. Office with
1 Ho*
O. P. Cwnrer ft Bro. Both pbonf-s.
Wesimlnsici. Lady Castlereagh; Ijidy ;‘d the F
man-* Jinrual In addlth
Uonstaiin- Klchaidsoo and .Mrv. Fair-; to hi*
and tnoiali
OR E. L- THIRLBY-.Speclal alien
laiin. Exch of ihe*«.^,rUl lights dt-: Imnor*NannrMil i* a niemlH r
ib.r, to diseaiw s of children. Bm.m
409 Slate Bank hldg
Both phone*.
no other way
the saddle
obtalioM. P<»ri
I* and the Dublin
|T,.-.d-> cm
1* leputH to have
•re-! «•<•*•„
iK-n a sworn
Merry del Vat. |>apal M-rre-'
Feniau in IX6T and trust
iug and HeimfoilhV
.Notify <;«,
Hrlmforth. CUy phone 12X3^1»-2I. lary of *ute. i* an a«MmpllHhed man |in ihe Inner rank* of the Kei.lan TRAVERSE CITY LODGE, NO 73. K.
P. meet everr Thursdav evenLiberal rt-ward.
feb 2X4R He *p, «k* all language*. Hi* Engll*». j orianlnailrm. He ha* n..w somewhat
. New Munson block. C. B. WeiI* P*'rit-ci; he i* a finished sriiolar and|nK^eialt<d his view.*, w rirh are *1111
extn>nM'Iy fine dlpItMnatl*!. a rare j however. Mnnigly revolutionary
The Bonk of Common Prayer was
nronarw,! hr tf' r^mm.nd of Henrw
He wa* Imrn In Lfudoa |
Sneator Tillman *ees more with TRAVERSE CITY LEGION. So. 139—
Henry '
National Protective laegloo
Vni Tn
Ua n
I, underwent
«re,^ent several
dlsilnguiahed Spmtlah-lriah ,-rmt-!«oe cy. than many men ...e wl.
In u
meet In Woodman hall on the thin!
those who see the
Tuesday of each month at 7:3# p. m.
of age be waa cardinal: a year-Utei
iiei I*cry
jBery woutherner can not avoid node
Abram Smith,
be was made eardinal
rdjlng his misfortune. The
<Kber day he
Grlawold, eecretary; Nettie C. Gray,
the f’burrh of Kn.riand. The prVfT ■tale.
jclapiied hi* hands for* iiagr from the
for the rovni faii llv 1. hv Jamea L
Tbc late Raronetuf Burdettf’outi* < rla«krtN>m dour. A new page who had
nued to reUlr with keen pleasure a! not yet mastered the senatorial oame,. TRAVERSE CITY LODGE, No. 222, F.
Hiiatinfl Vor Troobla.
ft A. M.. meeU on Monday evening
*Tril Senator Clay.- be
Tve fired In California 2fi <i«ara. atocy of the duke of Welllngto® and j reapr-nCed
on or baCore the full of the 'isooa.
and am atin hunting for trouble In the Soon. On txe flnt oecaakm the duke]*aM. -ihat I want tp see him lu the
wwy of buraa. ooTtia, vooada. holla, took Suiilt Into Apalcy hojae the Utter, cloakroom. * Th*' page ran on the
cuta, apralBS. or a caaa of pUea that
Bucklen’a Arnica Salve wooX quickly wa* Borprlaed at the mbaence of pk- errand, on hU way stopping to aak the TRAVERBE^ITV^LWW NO. 871.
write* OMoa Waltera of AUe- tur*. he had knon. In Madrid. “How head nMier whero Senator Clay aaL
ly. Slorra Oo.
No use IraaUag. U IL Monrienr le Due.- he said. That-Ttea he asked
-Who* thU that
K. O. T. ML*U. No.*781*‘iiiaeta every
11 cure* erery ca*e, you hare ao to» of the Bpanlah master-1 has only ooe eyer The oaher. tWnh- Friday night te Uk Broach btock. Mart
at BugbM Dm* Co.
ple«»r*-Marah^ ymi for»et;^|dled toft l« a qnaatkm in mytholqgy. re- wnknna. Oouander: B. M. Franklin.
Hannah drug «toTu.
I the auke. mut pxf nrmr w*a only tax'plied ; -iRTiy. Cyclopa. of cooree.- The
lohn R. Santo
General Insurance
(few wnutai Bit,
I have a number of ^jood
farms, all the way from iO to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any^
body else.* I have farms
which arc located from four
to 20 miles from Traveme
City, all good improved land.
;f yrtn
I.Hvr gt>ol level farm*
1 will huy them,
2.0 WMbioKtoo.
OiL pboae 77.
The Following Items
23«- Brt*,m*. ea.l,...................... 20e
10 and 73c Fing*-r lUnss
mrw .............................................40c
35c Finger fling*, now............ 2^
One lot of English Flow Blue
Ware In Plalw. Oat Meal
and FVult*. only................. Be each
All our Fancy BaakeCa at
Parties havtng tIrkkU on
plcturaa will please cal! at onoi#
and make thrir ariecthm ax we
> ftOt expect to continue thU
mceure deal but a abort time
r TRAVCMK cmr.
>yTuiibAV^NJ^E nw.
Hm I tmai Id IW P
nftr rariM «ftpt »D<MDI
paA four vtoto was uktw to
.PlgDoa bartag kwi lu digmt
Aa amciid-j ms Sod uillrb «w fm
««aa^ upl- sad lbs toms wrrk Inac B
fr totosMc
tba bumiigcarai
smnary. tbs grala froai which inotb |
nlmsK HnMhiac has
SaiufSay oaly; rsgnlar
^Hsrrcr. Ksa.. Bsottnri
• l^r si H L & Co s.
Tfc. Prmf 0f Dmrimq
9mmmU4 ^ ttm
T«t W
rnmk^mm A
Pmiam Imp i«to Ctamit/.
t« ««rt
f»r » mi. t K««
•M M IIP kftt. tJMt f»r» It
mM M fW fPtr uf tbp
vikk M |rite>tbMP fltrpic te tto f«
lift ■Mftlll— M «U UmLm
relldoiis pretense.*
■e HO. to have n lie ton it j „,.„i |„
. H. 1*J: «;si. VI.
inill. Iv.
P; Her. xxl. j
•Kee. ouly Biio ami l»elus hare
reatbod tbe lopr stmie one shouuil ex
-Ciiedli. Toi true. tl»e other .v.ujtb-,
fslnl hearted. |»erbs|wi. or tb. lr rraiuju
w lien re»igning tbe gen
retnrniac in the fs.r of s..H.
aryshtp of the I nlteJ S n ie
Iisidy rastlug awsy of hum
isllan Kndea
Ir'co'mlng do^i*™LTirtsUan
brute life.
lloraea and riders turned l.i the air, •**“ ^
ihm crashed with mlgl.ty shock upon i “«'*
tbe cruel atones at the foot oi
blnff, a sight that madt^ strung
weep and cniae am
Already 1 begin to
pity of It all Tbe
Il«, ror
all time, for the lunxpr hm.thiciroumlI*
Intlx 1 hv,. y.u mar
rtalnmd the aplrl3 her de l . enn**»“
of ,xy nr yo«r
wa. borne from tbe scene in the arms
*« ;»uu.Ulag that ivnl help to
of tbe veepltig old warrtor cMe^ Tim
***>‘ **' •“**’*" «-* * *•>>’*** .
oquawa. with taarad breasts, gathcetsl *^“*»« -a** ‘' *-■boat the dead bodies and eomneared
to wall tbe death dirge of tlw Klowaa.
In the EV.11.X t-9
In Wendex
tlaahlttg thMr naked brwsU and artna
a number of delegates from tbe Bflltle
tbe wIillD with Miatp bunting knlrsa.
And today MedkHne Noff towees sc- fuorincps and UtbuanU met to bold
ranaly above the beautiful little creek tbe second aeoaloo of tbe Baltic prorof the same name that rtpplea along at
Its faot. famatfnl of tbe sad setne
anee nUrrortd la Its llqrld breastLaa.Angelea Tlroea.
train, on Inriutlcm of tbclr hlghnsaar*
tbr mnersaM Marls and ltopt)lr
Tbe Oraat Latlery. '
Lwsn, to Castls Krsman
Thors a
Maries Taktnc a wife la sometblog
rbaprl asrrtcs wa» hsM and a aocirtr
rha-Tou‘Tu gol to await rc-oll*
yM can be absolatclr sure
ikan the rtgbt klDCl.-Eachaniw
»l limruv I •U. j-ou ir»«t
UM>iu. M lilll. .uffmiw .9 IKWI.
cslkd by tbe Samoans
apliig tunas and w a
iM. situation Is not
sunerstirr of repose or pence of mind.
*t‘hai1ra F. Holder in thiUng Man-
‘The ll.pihl
-freqner.tly rr.tswa-.er or ..ihrr dC'cte
ly pertume.1 dUflllatl..-.. adding .on
Hlde-ahlT tr. the fra^rara*.' of tbp
The tolweeo 1- Ilgl.Te.1 !a a
recei.t.icie f I tli|\ summit of flK' pl|.e.
whb'h U also f..rtued «»f gold or silver
and siodrled with rnag;ilficent d!a
monds and other g.^ms
The tubes
rary In length from fixe to fen yards,
and the whole parapbemalU Is often
home hefaind a nohleroan on horwe.
hark.^ 90 that by thU means he ran
t^ntlo^ his amoke as tbe IbcIluatMD
t 10 r~^ FiOWFRSAOUWlll
1I-.1Z :!f •-It nid
tiarcito are
eX|H.nslie of all pfpev
The tU^-^
Ihn. igh wbkh the s.m.ke i* drawn are
le»:lK*' .•**\en.d wit*, icbet
•u* with gold and sllier rro »n? th- very
wealthy. rk-lU;
. Vni. sforM-.. wnaflr forma l of gUss
r engrav.sl i
liandson1 gilU
-I w-e that a yorng
r.»vere,i thirty s!\ -tars
“idd slw* -trp'oo a
—H.;vtf.ti 1’ost.
^IH), uow fit
" ^ (-Y
They Buy Some Hcs:i and Thrn Caned tSc Order.
Hon. Jake Moore Important to Oiurches
Suffered Twenty Years With Indigestion
Relieved ;by Kodol for Dyspepsia.
trail, leai.ng thej*^"'^ **
on the i *^****‘‘’‘“*“ Kt.deuv.ir y«ur chief private
I concern this jear
Study it from all
. stood 1
luterest In it all tbr ep|HviaIly
j influential fwoitle y..u ran.
Make It
St the vixHl Idurbke
ontlined i
_______________ lilnls
for fliela thorunghly kmrensfnl lu your rbnrch.
Tbe abuddetiug tui#llude tolow turn Th<*re wras m-ver a day when it had
1 1
rd away alckened. and women shneke:
r its f.ilure-1
aa tbe brave little ponies took the leap
Prtnk of the bluff
The Tuna a Mighty Leaner.
Exactly bow blgb a ftiaa can l«*hi> It
diminit to say. i bmv^ seen tbe wap Is'aieo Imo a foam by tbem four
die- distant and hare a pbetocnipb
lowlnc a fish-a hlack streak, at least
a niito distat.t. blrb In at.-, n Jump of
s-talflly ten or prireu fc-t. ami It IV opinion, tsiseii on wb.v. I hare
■eii. that It U i-csH.k- f<.r a lu*;v tuna
[lecl I.. pr..Je«-t Itself twenty
He- air stuj lUiny
boHs-.nul dlnvih.ii
| j,idi:r
• iHH.-JUIr from tl»e leaf, of a
Idg tfliia whh-l. . lesred 11.0 kelp and
UiMled high .m file rt- ks .1 Santa «‘at-
awoke aealu and the nur
the change In Ibr nigl.l. I
wliai Hli.‘ nieanl. I bad
r-t ro-.v!' t'.ML vt ha. ?n:
Igidt tbe trail upwaM. \
km waltiM xtiellhouik
A tittle cBlsrMa of IOm dlaaolrsd ta
warm water aabrs as Dtrctirr dsodorflasr for rrsarti to whVrh the mlcr of
the monastic republic, on T.e
.-.nst o'- Turkey. U go.eraM by f.mt
prrs.de.d- . -lie senior Is ciUrJ the
j ’* ■
ilsflwl With mere prnfesston^ If
•• worlb tailtatinc. Is ict It{ sessu.n liifliiitely mow vsluableV
HiMriiy''ihr.’i’u;dri'nto^ i *lr7i'’^^’rrr\LVllp*^d7.^t^’~Ii
Mrs. Origss-Bo yuu managrcl to gn
la the harraln emsuter for me
yuo asD au.Tthnur real cheap tb«c?
Oricis-Yea; I mgbt a gtHupaa of my
TMKV OO IT Of\l ^9 00 f=>E R.
Jttrt op-
led. They
luauy is-rwiaa
r ready to pMc flaws In otbera.
i u rio. -k.to the i«al
, bastenlnx
Id aep no fanlts In tbe
*•• ^‘»,olhrPont
de la 1
more pltlaWe coodlikm ran be Imag- [
determined to pay tbetn out. and
laed than for a man to be byporrltlial' f„f u„u
I of tb^ plains put an
In bJs rellctoo and yet to ibink that be '
tooL up to bis apaniutfuis
^ and sa>pr«*r by setti
and sinerre IUj rase ts al j^ua
eihUrfte«l ilie n.
cud eihUrttnl
tr kw^prs a task
•cKas.forlf wed^nol nalir^ ^fow iMlnnii-s tofonr* ,
bit M m traly a
of b«r
It will be impoaaihic tor.
of his «NH.nU flm.r
jry aad.
apd a UM of lorr I ina a fprtaln
Ion for It. I.et us tbere-V ..f their enrerm-ss to . ut, I
our hearts tboroucbly uiany persons «*oW not bri
tbplr imaloi
r we arr reslly w hat we to Unk at tbe s-alf.
iba lop of a blab Waft,
whether we are boneet
s-s-a a i-n.wd o.U^ted. and UH*.sra
pialna Mow, br
errs kU.red ibclr ster* in order to ;.axe
nblp Itop of PiaaThuodr
Then* b every ress/»n why ire abonld nt the nnwoipetl aH«riiiou.
pironia tbp prin<i«*wi ij nwrrla^r.
' be siii.-rre atitl honest In reiiclon. cud , oVIm-k strut k. and a<«.u after a numA! tbU polm a.lHi^f cWrlinl.
--------------------adinnirsl hi favtir j ...
her of men
I twT aoi mt-u wh.. had inlTMsl tbe |
I b Itself a pin of this
.rfbiiHirrlsy. Hy|»ocTi-y avails
lls nothlug ‘ returned tu an Irritgged <r>U(Ution i
with «;od. We may de<e
men for a | stoindnc l-‘foie Vlvlcr's b.«se. -1
peak of the WIrbMa
t/;od esnm,
itheir fists at him. Vivier went d.
detwired. Insloc-re rehc
rl.clnu Is no
aa MedictiiP Muff, from the firTThat
Ckm. *t;od H a splrll. r:m1 they that
tbp n^atPfloua medkine men were
wdksbip Him must worsliip Him in
wont to BiDH npoo It. fummlt and
i spirit and In truth" ililierwlse it Is
tbPTD remeort their p
I not worship, but mockery. Hie li.rjio that calf. *
-Ab: Yon know him. ilienr retum
7 V,
. ***’‘‘**
repeat prayers, but he never
tnldnlsbt plots npoQ tbe
1 prays tiod secs tin- heart, and no rell
ed VIvIcr. -I was not nware «f It **
Uln top. for the Iduff Itself
■ I Clous forms. h.-»we\-er numerous or
In lime VIrler's «wlf Iss-pme t!ie sub
ananrory reputafimj
elslsirsle. esn make up for lu.im-erily ije< t of a lecnid. o.i'.irdlnc to which
Ih.- animal infill InTIvler's a,nrlment-.
w |4. In an ox and -n anwye.1 the
ludne rsft rlrsnlr In i«r fri»nm siw-x
detected. Jot. det-lares that hypoc:hls.n. by bl- lowlnc thsKitn pm
thrl I
Illustration: Tiie -|.ld.*rs
•t..r of the h**nse Insisted «n Its
r was spirited aws.v lir
j wonderfully woven, but what Is weak
1C sent on ay
VIvler told him to
nUht liy
-emls-srle- of the ei II
^ [ er? And. tbouch we n>ny im^t rare
1. fully WMive n false life, wnner or later
Its true character will be know n. We
, may deceive men fur a thTu<. l-ut not
for all lime. W e may evcn.d.*celre otxr
Ires, but in the .lay ..f Jiulcment. If
t Inforv. the scales will fall from onr
wbile tribe, with many fmiu I
I I>ond.u.dcs l..r.'
Inline tribes, fatbered at tbi
bow ncumtcly the
Me«lHne bluff to swdlt tlie on
mooutalns in faU upon us and txirer I
»>meilmes carry on the a. tirltics
US. And in that day fhrlst tells ps ^f the day durlnj: the interval of
that ‘there Is noihluc ro.wrwl that ,ithomtb
ahall not he revesle.1. neither bid that j
not dolo swear by. I
'•u»dlall nlcht at the liedsidi of L
detection In this life will then bare, r-rlv in tlie monilna I Ur dr
Homes topped all this iwrlMtrh st.leu
dor. trailing out far U«hlnd In the hri-k
ptwlrip bteeae
A siKli of mlnele,! admiral to., and
sorrow went ii|> fnm. the
tbe yoo.ic bmirs, the f
Itondi'to bi*^d* *** ******^
Wttft ftloi l« bis wlffnani M
twMif at] tuU. far W j
Pft. a pftgbv rtHHIala. li^rj tbr
Ukb aU llK. yuauf
» a. wrO a. ik»»r
1-^ .in.!* ia frlnuldradly
I tbp arllrr IM or
DbtpDd Mola. aad Ibrrrfncr In- «•* rall^
o«t •• tb-* t«Wy«j wltb »p.
fld opoD to rtbon tbm to ^mr Uw
rrpltod lb»* ppolal cju^. ~ft«OK*
iMd «ad Derrr Illn la DJocfrity aaCi of niy rrDtfltor* ar** tnr^ to
la tmtb a»l rot aw.r «br p«Ja whirftiaad H ami .V»
r^*.l t> b<. ai^ la
foar fatima
o. tb^ oib^
coorwatKloo -ilb roar aa|D«r *
was a •'ooarm^ prartira’ the rUlape cbnrrfti or In tbe r
of tb.> flooU aad ia K«yp«
illls bat bancs la the ball ot$
Ibr Lord/- In tbe tt»o of Omirt Ibo
«r In the f-otta^ porr-b. His 1
cbr p-T*«aiflratloo* of^
fifty tboasand a
bn»rr1a7. and
Ma««^ mitm <btwins aiitl ibm. as If la iJ^palr. drrw
Matod tbna for tbHr falM- r^«o
arlth bis emndfatber'a bauimer gtin or
a i.rtrti from bi*
Tbr roo
with tbe newest of batnmerleaa eie« tdoctor was laiio] upon by ar' UtosHot
tbair pxamptoi And bow aaocdi hypoc
to Inli-rfcrr. ami Airier was on tb* ora. fbibea with a baael rod cot at tbe
U la the rrilptoas world to
aterside or
point Of brag: disaniwd ^on siKkkm. ^trrsidc
or with
with tbe
tb UJc<g Uilnf la
Uar! Uow many profcm rrlipiuu. jri
ly bP
Ibr pistol In two. bauM W* ***®*‘***** •
<lo B0< poasr— it: Uow naBy bare tba
bsif to tV *x>ndoctor and bPjan to
fomi or p
b an Instinct, a
cat tbe otber half blmsplf.
It Wa.
A nr one
nancew Noimerau
Bt. V. t; Aflato In
tbpnr was
V- «
aJinrry. Ai'n>ndinir to biai. tbPt^
la U/c worth barrrlns for.
omcE or
Cbc Srfeon Commtfiiston of Georgia
JOS.S. TlJ^Pl__
TOM lU^,
Atlakta. Aufutt 10. 1904.
E. C. DiWrrr & Co.. Chicftgo, lU.
DeAT Sin:—hftvp suffered more than twftaty ytan from Indi*
festion. About eichteen months ftgo I had grown so much wona that
I could not digett a crust of com bread and could not retain anything
bn my stomach. My heart would beat so fast I could not altap, at
^ times 1 would almost draw double with pain in the pit of my stomach,
i 1 lost twenty-five pounds: in fact, I made up my mind that 1 couki not
I live but a short time, when a friend of mine recoremanded Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. I consented to try it to please him apd I was better in
one day. 1 now weigh more than I ever did in my life and am in better
health than for many years. Kodol did iL I koop a botUe conitanUy,
and write this hoping that humanity will bo benofitad."
Yourt Tsry tru!y
Kodol for dyspepsia is the tnly dijrosiant or combination of
dlgestanU that will digest all cUasos of food. In addition to this fact.
It contains, in asaimllati.ra form, tho‘ creucal known tonic and raconslTMiCTa properties, AH other digosunu and dyspepsia ramadiaa
digest certain cUaaea of food only. And are lacking in reconatnictiTe
Kodol for Dyspepsia is prepared at the
DeWiU U Co.. Chiu««o. and is aoki bj loauiog druopaU asarywhara
Kodol for Dyspepsia
Schools and Lodges
If y ouxwani an ORGAN here is an <
will certainly appeal to you.
l'v>r ihi: purpose of miking the name
Grinnell Bros.
a household word in your communi y,
sixty days
Donate One-HaU the Price
of any used organ in our stork.
I till- Pilhiwiu
A wHitcn appUciitlon niu.it to M:nt to ORI.N.NKU. BROS.. TRAV
If f.om « rhurrh. by the PaMf.r. Offirt-i. and at ItaM L'o in.-u.to n.. if from a
. Iiiid 20 parcMTH of puplto; U from a IxHlgr.
Ixulgr. by
!» .hr
the offtn-rH and
membera In g
, few Kiinplo of the fine uho-J Ojgans from whtoh Mlfi-ttou. may be made:
4. Parwrd Organ. ,*i ortaxs.s. 5 -tup-. - awcJl
5. Smith Am. rif-au. 5 o. Ursi.. 5 sV»p». high
r.. Fa. rand A V»fc>. fi
rsH. 10 »to|M^...........................................................................
iCH. in -lop*, r -wHto. g*io«l aa new................. ....
walnut caito.
ocUveu.................................... '
I Amerirau. Chapsh
12. Kimi.aII rtano Oaaed Organ, gok
raii 7 iiclaw ^idar |lW'
13. Jeastt A iKiodiuan. Cbai.el nans.
fK-tavcfc. walnut, high
14. Falarr.
;r) Cottage. & oruriw. higbTip ...
A (Tark. 5 octave*, high lop. one i
IT Csni'iirv. S cicuvea. high lop
Rcm-mtor. tbto great offer bolfi* gtiod for sixty dayh ouly and tboae who art at oner will gel the pirtt
if «ur large aaaortmuat. Call a»d took tbe lnUriBKiit* over, or write for further inronnaUatt.
ntAVEBSE cmr,
, r*Avint errv.
tv ttom «r naoktog. «kkfe V
npw iVvn aV aVpa df iVcmi and
hoUtog waiar. tot R «W‘#iaV CV
UK to parttoOy coto la to* wator.
tva taV R oat aad pack R to a totok
laar paa Vto tv flVm af tv paai
laaatog toaRtoVaa af tV paa. Fiami
mkhman. »atuiidav, mamh *. iw.
Deal abut yoar hooa^laat toe
► «r tv musty old t
paa vrito a watghc oa It.
tarn avm
fmnm tow*r tVn
AS an tv tolifpMd V lotaii
la tv maat mm totomaa vm
tv omaat to evmy part of tv omer
Ami tteM «te ImioMi. ImHi
Tto tM VMM rwt
~ TV- into Ml nts tW ctet.
boUtag. and Vpt knBtog tor twenty
mtoatea. Tkl* noagalatoe tV Jutoe at
WMlUfifi iVt WMT art Bo(.
TMb lov* mM to««l to 4atf.
AM atl tv wof14
lar win toralak a aopply I
Salt, pepper and os
e*. mint and pnrsley
tv BMat waa boiled aad vVa eoM
ramova IV tel to V dariflad for
aVftaalag Ua» tV liquid for. aoap
aeat day with latacad carrot, taralp
aad cahhage. Half aa hour before
•errteg add a tovge oaloa mlaoed flne.
If a mare delicate aoap t* preferred,
almply salt and pepper, the liquid,
•ddlng a aralirr of eeVr
thickea alightly. serve with toasted strips
raltohlllty and faad
.vn .W.WP
•_OYer tv lonnoll
m* erntM^ cmi
-HOM !• d ptoro or pMce . . tVI
tor oot oalf froto M tojorr. Vt fro*
pvtcroto teto
MlorV Of VAllo «K9etj« or toe out
or world Id dllDwed hf eItVr posVod
or wlf# to ero«i too toreVold. It
cdMoo to V Vtoo: n to tVo ooly •
port or ttat Vtof wot^ irkUA you
Vto roolM ooor oM VgMV fro to
Bot 00 tor 00 it Id 0 dViM ptooe. o
eooul toototo. o
«C tV Vorth
wotcVd ofor
VoooVId goto. V
fort wbooo tmem voo mt coatiO Vt
tVoo wtoMP toey ooa roeetfo wito
lore, oo tor 0* U to tote—oM roof
ood tie ore type, only of o nobler
oW oM light. oV4d o> of toe rock
to d weory toad dad light do of tV
PVroo to tv dlonny eed-eo tor it
TlndKAloo tv ddiao odd fulfllUi the
prdido «r V®#. ?
“Add wVterer d true wife come*
thle VtoO l« dhroye drouV her. The
etaie ooly any V orer Vr heed, to*
glow worm In to* nigh «>ld gr*** any
V the only Are at her feet, but home
la y*t wVrerer ahe la. nod fOr a ao>
ble woomii It atrelchea tor arouV her.
r*- to* Invalid.
h good variety with Hee added oo sub
While there Is so much Illness prev
ntantUl * tidckenlagir of ao«p*.\
A little book Imtety pobltahed. en alent. the following hint* a* to the
, Pracllcsl Methods rare of Invalids wUl not ct*me amiss;
titled. "Ninety
A comfortable lounge with pl|k>w*
of UUUslng B
long string of recipes chlelly Ibrrmgh and a coverlid should have it* place
varying flavor of lV aanre or Ihe In the InvaJld's room. This will serve
gravy senred with the meat*
f.rt- the mirw- while Ihe patient Kill Is
Braised Pinner Beef-Fse the com Id
and when he Is eoough «>f a con
port piece weighing from three to foor vab'weent to spend part of the day up
pounds. Reject all skin and grtoily It will furnish a restfal^r Vnge for
Wipe with n dara^ cloth.
rgVpet* are out of place In lb. nick
into good shape. Rub I with salt, pep room. A staln.sj or imlnted floor m
per and flour.
bcallMer In all part* of the house;
Have ready In a frying pa
spoonfnla of fat frtmi prevk
or from salt pork. When It Is
hot pnt to th* meat and tore
II U seared and brown nil over. Then
put It in n deep earthen or gn
ware dlab which can V covered.
To IV fat left In the frying pan
add «aongh more to make two table
apoonfoto. Brown in this tot a small
onion chopped fine. Add two Uble
spoonfuls of flour and tot that brown
Then pul In a pint of liquid, eilbei
water or stock, and vrhen It
ena. alightly strain It over lh*^ment
Also la a hit of doth tie a piece at
bay toaf. a bladeof mac*, two of three
peppeeoorns aad dove*, and pot It In
the gravy wllh the meat to V re
moved when It to aufllrlentty flavored
Cover the meat and pot In a slow
ally turning IV meat over
In this same manner prepare a flank
spread with atufflng and roUed
IM In shav-
rie* M«*l* tor a Dollar.
AM 9» example of good living on
-cheap meat." eay» a writer In the l>
troll rree Frets. Jet d family bur ten
pouoda midway of the hind leg after
•II dealrntde slice* of mund *teek
Vve been sold. The price will vary In
dlgeiwnt localUle. from togtl to flf.
teen rent* n pound: It ooght not to
coat over ten cents.
The botcher will cut II up If be to
told whal to wanted; dt least be will
remove tV outer skln.whlch Is worthlem^ and apt to We a atnmg Vvor.
and also ml out sad crack IV Vue.
The moaelea form natural division*
and tv larger one* furnish a compaci
piece weighingnboat five pounds; this
TV amaller seclkms may V alked
for cutlrts or ndU.
All ragged portions of clcnr meat
may V chopped for Hamburg steaks.
Vrapa of fat should V clarified tor
Iron dishes are not suitable for so
long' a period of cooking.
Small rugs
and aired a
When ktodllng* are scare an excel
lent auVtltuie for starting Are* wilt
V found in com coV which have
been dlpp.'d in kero*ene. iJanger will
V lesm-ned and waste avoided. If a
number of cobs are dipped In the oil
at one time and pul In a c»vered Un
IU.II or can. ready for use. The safest
way to klm^le a Are I* to crush a
Ci»uple of sheets of uewspaper aud
place a f.-w firy chip* or split kludIlDga on u»p. then light
wood should not V lUKdted in a shed
•d Jihould
place irr the ov^-n until thonnighlv
heat.nl and 4«iffe.l. 8.-rve with a lit
V floored, for. If the
the ground, the
into the pile and
will V damp and
Rev DemasI CfK LUn. pastor,
Church phiuine No mo.
Our church
aud service
If you have no
yn Traverse i'lty. you are
ai n
Our sta
Latter Dya Salnta (Reorganized.)
Tl'K8IlA Y EVi:.N|.Ntl..
7.3M a. Ml. Ueiigo Literary auclrty.
7:3ft a.
S*»« Ul s»-rvlre.
II 4f. a m . Siiiidav lu-hi-d.
7:ftii p m.. Pr*-achtng bv Elder W.
I Ellio of touith tkiararnsn
All ar*
ir^Uvime to alien.l Um* serib-e*.
mHcmne to all IntnKmv
IntnKm-* y,
Cr.-et the ‘iniugei*. If m stranger. i
ami me.-t the pastor.
i-borch brevities.
Kegulsr senrU-ea as foliows;
10 ::o a. m . morning wurrhlp i
rerincui t'holr under direction of 1
Church Services
and i-sjKflali) liked b>
m.u.1 tender
n steak, trim
1 iviiiuve any
udltig. J in I be botae departmmi
6 45 p. m . Young »*eoole*s Soclel
of Christian Fndeavor In ttle parlor*.
7 iHi p n. . eveulug worship. (Jusp
nstun strtNd
Morning seivire and nernum. 10:30
raca day are]'**- »
conllal Invitation to mW these i
: for any Vd l»‘
. The floor Itsalf should V w|,a-d |’«
the Juices of <tbe
should V
Church of the Immaculate Concep
with a imie salt, and i>ut a tiny bit
of butler on tV tup Carnisb with a tion—Corner JlIrlsloB xad Second ’
Infectant has been ffltoreu____ ^
lx»w ma^s.
high mass, lo 3<i; vev
The wlAsows shnulu V curtained sprig of parsley plat^'d '»ti the c«ke.
per* aud Vnedlcilon. 7 30 p. m.
Mutton Broth-Cut two isninds of
with light drapery over dark shades,
Lenten Servicea.
so that although the light ean flood
Tiu-Mlay rveTi.n at 7
the rtwm II will not blaze Into the pa every particle of fat. Cover with one
Way of the
Friday evening at 7
Uenfs ey*s. A acrccn for protecting quart of cold watec. le^lt come to the
and l*en..-dlrtbKi
him from the glare i* one of the con Vil. and simmer slowly two hour-. <
_____ _
Church-Corner Tenth
venient accensoriet
A aatall table
and Cass struts. Sunday-Low mass
aaowlly csmertohi^ furnished forth
av 7:30 a m ; high maas and sermon
with medicine flaaha. glasses, spoons.
at 10 30 s. m ; ve>»|»era and VnedlrFarina (Jniel-Stir two tablespoon
article of fumlior*. and should V fuN of farina In three of milk, po.ir ilon at 7:T!0 p m. Week daya-8erkept la aa.,hl>trualve comer where 11 In a pint of iMtiling water and Isiil vieev at 7:30 a. lu.
the patient need not have It In con until 'thoroughly c<»oked. Ktirrtng of
f rienoa Church.
ten to kfH*p it smooth. Take it off. add
Cororr Oak and Fifth streeti.
necied therewith In tNUistant rvmein a pinch of salt, and two gill^ of cream.
Rev. Franklin Meredith. Rev. Mary
Apple Water—Pare tart. Juicy a|>The wall paper is best when tV plea and cut them in slices, take aUnii Moon MertHliih. pastors.
Meeiing fur worship SabVth morn
least obtrusive, wllh restful hoe and Vlf a pint measure of them and pentr
almost Invisible pattern If any deaign over alMuit a pint of Unling water: lug. 10 .**.0 am.
Sabbath schtKjl. ll:4r. a. m.; John
at all appear. Wall paper figures are l.et thl.s Bland until cold, and serve in
famous for annoying ihe sleeplms pa a glasH with some rrackcsl lee. This Trem:ilne. superintendent.
tient and for becoming Irritatingly
Is a pbMsant and ben.-flc-ial drink In
conaplcuoiis to the dally gaze.
R4K-klng chairs are best In other
Brown Bread Cofr.*.— Pul the crust
t.-ai hers' meeting Tues«lay evening
rooms than the tnralid’a. They are
7 p. mInclined to creak to Ihe first place,
Ihe oven Jo dry. fitting care not lo.
Prayer m**eilng. 7:30 p. m.
and In the second place they make
bum them. When dried, put Into the
Pr.-a< hing on Sabbath Vth morning
a still person nervous. A large easy
coffee pot. and |iour over them iHilIIng
chair Is really Viter In any case for
water <*over. aud U t Is sleep a while
anyone if nerve* are In consideration
The room as a whole, and
I frtmi Hie blown bread S» ne led. the
dHall* should V daintily
three Igr four laches. apr««d thickly
with sanaage meat, or chopped ooloa.
or a atufflng maV of aeaaoned crumbs throogh wm» a sharp knife. Into Irilea or long thiB strips. If the hitBoll and tie. or skewer wllh amooth
pUe to log aabto fashion on a tiny
No hoimewif* a^ fear tVt the wooden toolhplcka. Then proceed aa
mem will spoil or that the family with the culleta.
^ plat* covered with aa embroidered
wOl tire of it Vtore It is eaten, as
BreaXfaat Meat Cake* -For tV avmight V the cam with a ten-pouV erage fktolly.use a pouqd of meat afroML
.Jdor ia.il aecaaaanr to cook it ail at
rarered with srater. thee Uke
opea. TV Hamhnrg atnaV win ke^>
n day Vime cooktog; tV cntleta or
oBt and let It cool. RaU « Pint oi milk
krater. thlekeB It with a Ublerolls may V partially cooked and kept
iful or more of tV flonr. acrapMl
aeewrnl dayk Vtor* VUhtogt toe
ptoon for brmlalng can V toft for two
anj mixed smooth with a little cold
8caM« to to* taK* with aalt
days to
lag. and afterward U will ktmp tor a M oval cake* aa Inch thlcX la thla aad a bit or aitgar If Itoed. Thla Is
ahiip* they may ataad la a cool ptoe* •ot rmff pfltetable. Vt la many eaaaa
vpnk. V wlU IV aonp eloac.
OiVr cwu which may V naV to tor twmttj^ottr Vers without tojary. or bowel troable to rmrj dffleaelooB
TV floor ban* win keap tor moaths
MPw of tv ways to V daacHbV
•r^ *Vtch bow." Uuk Md -neck or to m*ltad Viter aad bion. or fry. aad
dry. COOT ptoea.
aarr* wrtih tomato oaaec. U aay am
M mryOdag eoma.to ov way or le^4»«Te COM. cat ta tola alle**: Vrd ab^l cUma. and ptoc* toam to a
agpIVr. To make tVae ch«np*r cuts tvy ato otoo good fllllag tor aaad- Vttia oarer the tra with aix tableapoemfuto oT boHloR. water. WVo the
of m*nt pnlauhle one moat V wUllng
ahaiis opaa remora tom. Strato off
to take pnlas with tV cooking. The
toe ^alce, aeaaoo with aalt aod pefRcr
gmmral preparation of aU tough menu
TV vartona hps of booe and grtstle
wiU fnmUII n quart
two ..f strong
•onp stock
taldeaivsmful of rice. After It cinn. s
to tv ImjU. Ibl la simmt-r for two
at rain. s*as»m with salt atel
JH-Pl^ r. and eerv. ho. <»nl> half the
fowl tie«-<I !«♦at oi:c«f’lifTed Cracker t*mi-r the square
crackers, known as w»da bisruii. with
BO dust
K carpel*, j • *>**'^ chopped flne, make
taken out!
<*»ke. Brtdl ihla on J
Bralaed beef should V sened hot
like roast beef, and to aomeUmes caU
ed a pot roast. A coinjiacH piece ol
stuffed meet will slice well when cold
Any remnants and tV gravy may V
mreblned with vwgeubles for a stew
or they may V chopped and served
In croquHtes or hanhes A five-pound
braised piece nsuaily furntohes an or sunshiny as possible, and altinrether j
dinary family two or three meals, at the nuxi Inviting room In the house.
Give the Invalid Ihe b«*s1 r«iom av
Vre shown.
l>led Cutlets or Stewed Steak-A
Much depends on the f,*od. which
slice one and om-half to two inches
should Jh-junirtshlug. well pre|iartd
thick to cut in pieces suitable fc
and daintily served. Here are fu.me
dividual serving, and alt nudestrable
rocJp.'s which will fill all requirement*
portiiuiB rt-BTOved,
Oatmeal Grm-I- Throw a bandful of
Then broil over a quick Are HU well raisins Into n pint of wi.i. r. and b-t
browned, but not cooked throughout. them VII five or ten m‘niiies. Mix
Put the i*ii'c«‘» then In a tomato sauce two tablenpoonful* of oatmeal wllh a
or a !.r\*un gravy, and cover aV cook little evdd water, and pour Into the
for about two h»Hin». or till tender. saucepan. Boll thirty minutes and
This to a good war to serve the fleah. strain. Add a little sail.
ends of sirloin steak.
Beef Sandwlche«-Scrapo a hnle
Sometimes tV steak., may b* stew raw beef from a choice, tender piece-.
ed flrut, then egged and crumbed, and Season wllh pepper and .ksIi. and
frtod in deep tot.
spread the luH*f over a thin sllc** of
Beef Rolto-Cut the m«mt In pieces bread from which Ihe crust has been
^* lamp and flrvalde of home, btoca
oulWrememberanca of many a care
and annoyance durtog toe day. and
the bsat aafegoard tVy can take with
them Uito Ihe wortd la tV Influence of
a bright little domestic sanctum
fuLaf tha mattcra
of bread.
or add a mtoced oaloo to the liquid
salt aV pepvr. thlekeu with well
aaakad aaio. Mting It cook In IV
aoap fltuwa mlVtes. atfrrlBg It srfiea
Or Instead of 'at«o. add Vlf a cup
sted serve, if liked half a pint of milk
of rich milk and the yolka of four eggs
can V Vded. with a little Viler and
taking the kettle off tV stove Vfor*
flour to thicken it.
aUrrtag to the egg yolkv. Serve with
Chicken Broth-Weigh The fowl, an
•trips of hot toast
Appetites vary, so we canmit give
allow one pint of cold water. -Break
peppers, allspice
. curry powder, celery
to thU old world of oar«:
Ho»lr lk# ,d*»Udbl grow.
0«t of to* dofk
ret mif toe geetle U<li<'
If they V Mt Rad It at tVIr aara
beaithatonea.^ wtU V nought V
other leas profftahle ptacea. TVr»fore V toe Are hum brightly at night,
aad maV toa .homestead dtolghtfol
wlto allihoaelRUeartavktehparaBto
DoaT re-
, baeawa* af Its apaclal
Th«* Ht-\
Thursday. 7:.^0 p. m.
conference meeting.
Friday. 7:00 p m.. Mayl
Evening s.-nb-I‘. t”
Bible Ktudv. praiver and p
vie*-. TIim'Miay ••vening at 7
Jiinlon iiiibm. Saturday. 3 :
^ too*' Junior ^4K'i.^l club.
A cordial welctime to all.
besdtya In the ixKinib at 2: 30 ,
I»rayer meeting Thursday •
at 7:.i0 .Si-s!« fn-e.
All ar* welcome to all the
jc Weak Kidneys
■ .33.* ‘,trr.„X”„EX-u33*J3'S
a ?!K
Fourteenth btraat M. C. Chm
Hev. L B. t arpenler. pastor.
Class meeting. 9:4.^ a m
Preaching service. 10:30 a. a
Sunday Miuxd at 13 0« m
Kpworth league at «:Sn p m
Prsy*r inre lng. Thursday w
The Salvation A
bull lug.
*tre.-r. n-ar C;.i:i sirc-L Captain 1
Mr^. Ib.uler* li. . barge
Publn- meet .
Ing* every iilgbt except M.mday Sue '
day. II a ro.. bolinei.. meeting
siuoer. there Is aa?
. prai«
. r»i hot
L>-4u ■!--«*)
»*tal It •an ainl wUI
Dr. Shoop’s
Y^ can get better roaoUs
>er feed, aud you can gat
Bot vou don’t get all vour ctjw% t*
Ukm *11 the «e»m ootUlui it oot a*
Omi* la MS Sm
Um EsviPs SsM H.
-A CoM or a Cough i.eariy
always iHotlucft «*on*liirttiiMi-the waU^r always runs to the
dyes. noe« ami throat instead of
passing ont of the svateiD
thfoughlhe liver and kidneys
For want of moiatore the boweb bepose dry aod hard **
Wednesday. 7: 30 p m.. every flr*l
week of month C. W. B. M. meets.
Tbnrsday. 7:30 p. m., union mid
week prayer meeting.
Friday. 7:90 p m.. Sanday school
teacher** meet teg.
Welcome to worship with ns are
atrangers. worklngmea and tha poor.
Come and See the Best Range in the World.
Kenaady's Laxative Cough
rruprelierea Colds by work
Conforms to National IsrtHTti ,
roo. evewtog fomto) aerTtes.
Pure Food & Drug Uw
No axpecae Is spared to make them what they are "tbe belt Is
the world.** W> will gladly explain their good points **d show yon
where they nre better toan the moat range* that are aold. We know
If If* quality yon want at a satisfactory price, we will get jour bua|.
Aa oC aU elUMi wiIbu
myer neeUog Tbnrsday STsatai
FIrK Ffwabyt*r44Wi CVrch.
Cor. Washington ana Park-*ir*^
Rev. U B. BlrselL Pazlor.
ueesing at 7:20.
Mornlog service. 10:30 a. m.
Heading room. No. tl4
Bible school at noon.
Christian Endeavor, f :S0 p a.
Evening aervire. 7;V» p. m.
W. M. 8. first W’edoesday to to. ,
1 -
Church of ChriK (Oiaciples,)
J. Allen Canby. minister.
Sunday. 9:30 a. m.. quiet hour.
Sunday. |0:::0 a. m.. morning worhip. sermon.
Sunday. 12 m.. Sunday school.
.Sunday, 3:30 p m . Junior C. E.
Sunday. 5:30 p m. Intermediate C.
:; senior C. E.
Sunday. 7 p. m.. erangellsllc senrice. 1
Tuesday. 7:30 p. m.. cottage prayer'
aeetJnga on east and west sides of
' Cough Syrup
Class m*Klng. 9:44 p. m.
Morning aervic*. 10:30 a. m.
8un.day school at 12 m.
worth leagiior C:30 p. m.
Evening service at 7:«0 p. ro.
A c»^lal wticoms to tosa* sarrtosA
Nearly all other Cux^h Cor»-a
ooiiBtiiKitintr. e*|s'ciHlly
Ihom- contaiuinK flpittw. ”
Tue>d:»y Evtuiing
7..’.u. pi aver iiH-eJIng.
Vildat Tvenliig
7 3<* Zion'< Kellgb* LU»
tiiSfief |c^-aie«l at
First M. ff. Church,
J**.eph Ihittun. pastor.
Morning si-rvlci-. 10:30..
Sunday *rbool. nam.
Ei»worth I>wgue. G p. m.
Evening evaiigellstk aerrlre. 7.
Prayer meeting. Tliuradiiy evening.
' .'?iudy and office, -VM Wilhelm bU*^k
tifflee ph.me. NO riii/rit*.
in 30 am
Sunday sch.sd. ir.
Itaiw Bible clawi. 13.
For Coughs
and Colds
11:45. Sunday iuh*N>!
1 'ii:;
M« TMWE FO. n. Tin
RumtelMd U the Cvmilns Itecard
p U noon Mch day by t. C. Wnrt.
SATURDAY. MARCH 2. 1f07. ‘
arometar. fall.ng. 2S.
laaiarium tamparatum for paat 24 f
Cloudy. Cantk «aa«t winS.
Raififall. 4$.
Ganaraliy fair ton.ght and Sunday except anew flurrtea waal por.
DM4 &%..
.■fLir.ns so.»/-:r///XG x/nr
Eaton*$ Hot Pressed Vellum
last evening and *1
aak.r •*, l«.lly that
vice* Were necessary
Au.1 U .lem rvnlly |x»pultr ua ocoouat of iu nni.ion fmiih aimI
cleisr trriling^nntfAcc.^ We luitPB a qiuutlity
SOe per box of one quire.
r Kerry VooUrMay Aftarv
Mad a Tan#. That
lag Two Mou.-u.
The Hobart Ci Prop.
Mm TrsfMly m Mm BUM
8ui«^ l4»trU i
W II lIlM^.rd »«U^ »»d
•tJlild llui Iw wV Harry K Thaw
Wbit*- and that
^lila pi^lOMr i« th*- rwif »anl.u
irasfMy ii«> b*«n]
la a rrataii
raai aay ha vyniIiI VIM Thaw
|l«. did
aM kaow «rb« Ulilia waa at tb«. lima
«Nil UlmiilA*xl him on thr niaht «W lha
Oraatte Mtaaurta Art About to B* Rut
Into ERoct to SUx tht TuborculoaJa RlOQut.
By Wiro lo tim K> rains Rrr«ird.
lamdoo. Marrh r -.\r%rr hat l>iti
4oa boon no dr<<ft|y allrrrcl hr a quri.
ttoa roarfmlna ibr pal.Hr bralih* on
aU aM«« aanliaiUn*. hralth oTAcrM.
aotirr* nf thU diamm* U ihr milk au|i
Illy and ihai thr mly Il^aHlhlr mnhod
fC aumiilns ilir irr^mond.H.a a,.mid oI
TIm* rrpiwi of thr nrillah rural rom
alaaloa on miirmilotU ha^ Irfi tin
tmm for rtoitht a* t.» »bo iift-nry <d
emo Ma awcuiNiiiG
Forward Trucks of Motionleat Eno«ne
Id Forward Part of tlw On*
That Struck It Went OR
the Raili—No Delay.
Oalng to II heavy V»« that imrelas] ruauovla yraicMluy alternoim u
’.tdllKhuj Iia.k plarr ;.t that MutUm Rn
Ihr Pere MnrquHte alauit t uCloek.
UK*nl frelnbt No.
aouth luaind
-taiidini: on th.- nuiln Itinv
i liil waa n.iifh liound wllhordrra
..a No -t .41 tM-nuvL.
Thr . n
«aa ati.|.|Mil dliiH*ily tit front of
»iaitoy nnd a flaemnn arnt ahead
M*. ! Ihr oiirumtUR Trelchi. The
aeitled over that portion nf the
try ao ihl.kly that thr rncliir
of No ::t did imi a.-., him. In
well aa the roi w.vrii part of the ,«cine
haulUic N«
lk.th plluta wenhe<| hut aaide fnmt \hai no ilain
LuckUy the areldetit h.'.pfw.nr.l Imtw«Mii two aw iuhes and all luvatpc
tniflle Wi-nl h V wlth.iui any tn.ul le
asnmla on No S paaaencei
tniarhM. E. Julian narn.mlv i*M*aiusl
injury today in a mrrck of tmu N.-w
York. .New Haven A Hanford train.,
on Ihr Naujnitnrk dlvUhm IViir mm.
« r. w« uf the tao enslnr... wrir kill.*.!
the Nausaturk division and a ..|Hvlal
ron^lMins of nn niKlne and one c.wMi
wHh nrty-«‘!ahl mrmlwn. of thr Xrw
Huien r.ray« rviumlnR from a iMn
juivd. The iruvrmor. afiei sett Ins *»««
of the wr.-rk.'.l niarh. mai. thr Am.to
W..rk yrtuns ihr luJimHl i^Hiple out.
rundunor i'ot.rcr KiUon and En
nnmr \Vm E, n..hei in rhar|fh of tin
apeelal rtaln oMhe Nrw Ha\rn
are to IM arre»lrd
Special to The ExriUng Record.
Wa^lngtoo. March
did not
BM- Prrr ctMoe altmcether a* a >^ke wIm^ th.'
. trafflr wa>
»g aaar
rr road had thr that •K.'rrrtan Shaw w.mld lieconie
light of way and ihaytienaU awra act brad of thr t'arnrglr Trtirt cmpati'
at thr ^uimr timr thr drraller waa In New York, on hU nilrvroettt from
I woil. the tre«i.urv ne»i week The rdtawe of
or thr rnsinmr mlai.K.k almaU for the mailer that I* pi^xlinc W'aebtng
thr C R A 1. train luilrii to atop until ton 'l* the aitliitdr that Mr. Shaw will
plowtsl Into lhcgr.Min.l It took tun adopt In r».nnecilf.n with the next rr
mra ti.
thr iriMii.lr at might rnr«l ptibllcan ermvrnloo. It U a HI known PITTED with clothes WaDC BY
out hut m. liafSc waa drUyrd hy tha that early in
Mr Shaw wa* f
garded a» havtnc alnoMii a lim on ih**
nominal Ion f«.t the pr.i4drnr>., and
wa* <n.n*l.1. r.^ line of the »tn>ngei.t
sdiaa Will Aiao Aas.st thg Coopie ta
rauiHdaie* that rtuild be put up to
Start L.fa Over Aga.n—One of
bead the repnblUan tkkei
the Worst Cases Reported
Rraau*vHf*ei.up In ahHvlng Mr Shaw
Here in Seme Time.
putting mmeVr le** of an i-xtingulhh
er on 111* pn**;deolial aapliation- Joh«.w eff.TiixN- ihl.v extinguish, r ha*
i-vt-ry jmir fairly M«k»u
uilhipriuL' frvahucM.
Logs, Logs
Wf*ff oMpliictiug
aori of • ahott. alua *
them- «Uya. nml
affMnl us
pU-asuri- ihan li> have the
pleakuruof thowiuK you our
lihiMl*4)Uie tM*w ahotw.
Will paLtithe*. Ca*h price* for
Maple, rfcmiock,- Ash, Elm, r\
Basswood, Pine and
: :
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Someone Sick
at Home?
Tclephonc-Cit..:i2. Bell 169.
The Cost Is Less
I*-r ramllc wwtr U*t «*le<*trit*
light lhaii for anv olh«*r
luminaut. Wo will not 1w
surpriMvl if you dmil
only fair thing
facL but 1
for ail cv)t )CTue.n» to allow
ti* to prove tins st
(Vill or let 118 t all on yon mul
tiiTtm*. and »-aliuiuU* your
plb-H. We gm-raniec all* n.l.m-r
gutKl*. *ytin•.:.•*•. wat.-r l*.«li»**'.
anv IVv.-r Tli«-ii.«»ni.*iri w«* m-iI.
M.mcy ha«k if imhhI* at. i...t ar
Suylng Limited to the Capacity of the
Manufacturem—Need far Car*
Never More Urgent.
Drug Store.
By Wire t« ih.- Evening R<vH>rd.
Piiifcliun:. .March
Ord.v* for *tc-41
ram amounting t» ||.'at.000,0.*.
MOW In the hand* of the Mtul ra^.
' Wire to Ihr TNrning R.*cord.
rVlioil. Mirh . March If —G«-tugt- I ^
oclork thi* mmnlng. Coroner
hr«i>«- t«x* ihr Jicarl
Indicating that hr hi.d n».-t wUh foul
Iday hut it ,wa- 1.-arii.*.l that Iu* hn.i
could be ananred d.-dvrty within il..n t.n the *ld.-w;.;k l;.*t rv.-nlng
next twelve months Pruriirally every
steel ear huildlng cvtitipaliy 4a the
eouniry la lK»»krd ahead for home
than one year and plan* ar.- on fo<d
for extension* that will largely In
Dr. and Mrx. A. L. Boyd Didn't Know
rr.-a*c eaiwHiy
Thai They Were Going to Enterwa> n.-ver mor. • iirg.-ot than 1
tain. But They Did.
rnt. iMtt the buying ha* hem T
By Wire.to iho Evening Record.
r.aylonl. Mich., M.vtvh
Weatem lb.* capacity of the bulldem.
Michigan capital haa taken h«dd.of thr
tailioad proiwTled aonie yeuta ago by
the Gaylord. Alpecw A WcKtrm Ball
Maaens Will Hava Charoe of Funeral
nud nmipany and will build a new
of Georg- C. Thomoaen.
line rnmt Alpena to Htber ManTatee or
The funeml aenic- of George C
Erankfori on I.alte Michigan
Thompaon. who did veiy anddeoly
The above dlHpatrh~ will be of in- yeaterday momlag. will U* held from
terewi to the t*«*ople of Tmverae Olt.v bU reaWenee. i;:> North Elmwood areaa a feA year* ago a fund was mlaed nue. tomorrow aftemoon at 1:3d. The
here for a survey through Grand Tmr Mawaoa will have charge of the funeral
and the following will art as pallbear
ers: II. O Joynt. J. H. McGough. E
The Matter ha* been In a utate of W. Hasting*. A V, Frietfrich. L B.
quieaeeace for aoBBe time but Judglnx Gilbert and W. W. Smith.
We sell and guarantee **Gold
IVMir to be the very beat bard
Josoph Slaador At Son
First-class polcbers. Packers and Sausage Makers
Umh. veal, gwirk and all
- ra<*aTs yi.ii
ci.r»* f..r kept in prime c
Hlnn In «M:r'
huge r*dd Morago quarter*,
more >*iu know alwmt meataihe Iv-tiefyou ll like .Hir pfatre. The fdi.-n.-r we
quote yf.u price* the nioie -roiiVlnred you'l! |,e that
Ihl* ht ihe
|he batcher *1.
*b..p .
*1 ihl*
pa.rtrolxe/ A rail at
Spring Shirts
orden. amounting t.. frv»m |•uo<H^.lKM.
to Sa.MMV. .*M. mot.*
iv»plir the rnotmou* .'iggr.-gate of
car* now in the hands H the sitM-l rar
l ullder* thr r.vliroads would hr willing
By Wirt to the Cveafas Record.
Kaa Juan IV. 8ar. Nlearapia. March
2.~Afler fonrteen houm of hard Ayhl
lag with bfxy Ummm to both aldra. entering of another ateam line Intc
the Klcamguafta captured Cl Oorpu*: the city. The new line will open ^
much new territory and Traverae City
iloiithiraaa 1«<I
large quaatltle
win be erne of the prineipol suuoni
........ ..
your pockrl
• aii(! keep it until m*At wlnt«*r.
Let usahow you how K.0.I Ihcmt Igiivainii an.-. It will
tatal ytui noihint:.
u«- of the most deidtirahlr ratu-*
h.-il in I hr city lot *4UiH tin..- wa*
lary uf thr- tmi*m>, on.-v hr i.-tlr.** m l.nmcht to flH- ait.t.tu.u ..f Su|H-rlti
pilvair lllr. will h»v«- to Ih- reckoned t.-l.d.-iit ..f th.- IN*.-- r U''M..iviii
with a* a pnliili^l l<*et<n- id rt.nKhb-r irr.iax
aide Imfmrti.nre. Th..t -Mr. Shaw mav
Th.- family of tin.-.lath.-r
have hi* ey.- *UII on thr prerld.-ntial
plum In lima
hr will *tUI Ii.-catd IVni
M.n. la ..aa 1.1* h4.m.-. alihoucl, Kum
and 1* . vi.l-iitiy lOo whiftlr** ic.
lira* alTait* may ii»-<-rK*hair ht* ir.-.i
ly hi- family with thr m*r.-*vari.-.
rlenre In New York
fe while the wif,. lark* the amid
Mora Trouble for Taft.
t.. k.-.-ilth.-lr ..H.m* in any *m,
Jii*t jiH iliMtgb STK-n-iary 'Taft did
>• of . J.-anlin.**s
The rhll.l U ‘J
nm bate eamigh trouble In k.-eplng
K old ..nd
r.ijiv i.i.rtning whthe 11(1 down Id the Philippine*, rxen
li a th.Mough ri.-antiig and fliod
Ing n patemali-tlr *way ..v.-r r.il.a.
n m-w Hoth. * by *4.n»- of the As
nnd alrtiggllng with thr r.inama rai.al htirr rhmvh vmrkrr* who HrM bmugh*
Macain lu.< tin
mat I rr to Mr. Marvin* ait»-ntl.m
Inarte4l on thr r.»tut.d ar: rnary of
le iH-ddilig and fuillltuir will Inwar the qtp*Ml.io of whether ''the
.►v«d. *•* <-<*vrt.-«l I* It with ftiit
rill*n pe^.ple ahjdl or *hall not Ih\rniiln it* 10 >M- iH-.iuiid r.-.b-mp
permitted to ronilmi.- ih.-lr piiouit of
Till.! will l.-avr th-fainilv w iil.oiM
pleaanre ni th.‘ ca-kplt
Wh.-i. Gm
him: 1.. Inch, hou-4rk.-4-p.ng with
iHHwarrl W.Hhl wav milHan gov.-rnoof i'lilu. In- i*M.r<i an ordri prohlhit tug
evk fighting in thr IHand Thi> ord.-r
Mr Mat\it. will v,.«ur.- nrtx t.M»m* for
ha* iHH-n uhserxed lit thr br..arh. but
ami are thai ih.di rnndtiiou I*
liv law I* law, and any violation thenk.-pt at a hlgh.-r l.*vH
<if nearly hiing* the giwully Govrmov
How ihry hat.- liv.-.l Iv a m.v*i«*ry
Magoon to tear*, he want* a ruling In
■I *1I||| Ot tht-ii .t.ndiluui h.i* i.-orln-d
the mutter. A* SecrH.irv Tnfi * shoul
. and thU ma
tGontlnurd on Sisoi.d I'.igr i
I stiff#*..-! fr..m 1
an.l otherdlKtrlN* for r<Ht»tntrilon thl^
year and taquirie* are ruralng In fo-
Yuli woulthlo iLwooUln’t you ? Well, tre art-tiffcriiiK you
jugl lUttl chaace when Wf **.*11 y.m Ovenx>aU at the priiY wu
Dr and Mr*. A. U Boyd left their
:.mc. 12* l-.ke avenue, for a *bon
roe Thuiaday evening and on thnr
irtnni found ibm Irthad been enteml
The.r didn't call the police, however.
any of iwetuy five of thrlr
who had quietl.v aascmblr.!
there in their abMroc**. Iceg^eani and
cake were *efved and the evening wa*
passed very pleaeantly In progre»*lve.
pedrti. Hugh
being skillful
to rapture the connoUtion
priae and Mrs. John Danford being
fortunate enough to win the Brat prize.,,
Funm-al Borviea.
The funeral of Mr*. Beasle Fora- P
her*, wife wf the
J; Porsberc.|l
who di<fl !«•< Wedneaday. wUl be held I
from the Swedish church tomorrow at I
2:30 o'clock.
(iro.nt abvortment
-f.me. Il« memb. f
50c. SI. $1.50
we arc
want U here.
Spring Neckwear
big line 2:1 cent
lie* just in-Yuu
will not fin.1 fx*lUt vnittca cl»<*whe-re.
l,.B.-4liir prices or
wiRter goofs coROOt
IrII to iRteresl poo.
wbfdeaale and retail.
uilaehed at .I.-UcbM — regnbr
^Ib anti Franklin.
YouMustBe Convinced
by This Time
"Best” Flour
L aonryou
Hannah & Lay Co.
tttE MEN
who Wk5d l«U^
dekririM iU dnaetei*^
OvdUwlon m mbunA bfev. Tb«v have in.
iliy aa Daa OHaim la ioaipS
liMTa Ihmima slay, tha lUrry
“ win ba tha actractloB at tha
Gemxd agara hoaaa Thaiaday^Ji^t.
Marrh U Mr. Doom^ and hla hatpara
MMly *iD.
Th«i you are reody fvr
rKhile, fioiVIlnR Paper,
Wimam MolheraJIt. mall clerk on
tContiaaed from First Page.)
tbe Manlalrv A Nunh««atern road, re
derw arv brtiad ih- problem haa l-en
ertved word thl» morning that hla
unkiSdfNl cm him
mother waa dead
Mr MotlWayi left
Sill It Satisfactory
this morning fm Howley. the home of
The river, and haib*»r. appropria
will be lakan care of 1^ Joha Rorsii tkm Ull finally haa been dlai.ised
a aupply clerk can arrive from sad the pKiiiey for Improvement. to
firaad Raplda. Mr. MotberaUI will re- the country*, waterways mkai will
avaltoble. The senate ami huiiiie cun
ferrroi. contrary to the general belief,
ahutrh, fully 200 p«H»le being prr«
tmt . The Ruth elaaa W Utight by Mr>
Hattie Strong.
-The fWlowlhg excellent |mi«ram
.Vocal aolo. Mias Kfnvla Cronag
Reading. Mlaa Stella Uoker.'
Vocal aolo. William Wllllama.
Plano duet. Mlaaea Oli%e fVaae :
lioa Crawford
Vocal aolo. Mias tlarland.
aelecUon. Sunday arho..| <.rrhe>tra
BefnMbmenta were sene.l In the
Itaaement of the rhurrh and |inrlur
tamea were lndulpe«l in by the yonns
-Do aot be too much dl
aald her friend. *’Afler all.
aot a great anm.’*—Rcacclapei
Up end Oewn.
»nger-What are your tmna? Ho
tel t:ierh-Uooma a dollar up. Stranger
-rin a poet.^and I want
la that CM. our terms are a dollar
down Roktuu Traum-ript.
Emirty men aiv the trumpeta of tW
Mrs. H. J. I^ehke. who ha. Wn the
roi of the MI.jm-. l^Iah and M.vrlle
.Miller, left thi.s raonilng fur her home
In tTdrago
Better Be Safe tbaa Sorry'
WhUe3 per cent Is not consMcrcd a
larte rate of Interest, do not fortet
the element
safety. All Investments do not hare It. People over
look It in the msh for blj returns.
‘•Savini's accmint dividends” are
payable twice a year, and the
money is here when yon want IL
Wa hare aeverel
extra haary part wool Ingrain
SOeper yd.
. lei Of ^RurBwitb
you -we ll aava you auiua
Imy now for oaly ........................
If you uie going to huild a
barn we want tr»H» to mil and
aee our Bam I>-'or Kallera
b» fain you buy. U wiU pay
J. W. 8L.ATB
ha. filed a claim with the Interior de
partroent on behalf of
cotl of Maumee. O. Wolwiti 1. the tie
.Cendant of the famous -Indian
LItUe Turlle. who wa. head of the
He lay. claim
220 acrtM. of land In the heart of Fort
Wayne, which
rroldeuce. and buRine*. honitea and
the Improvement, thereon are e.llluaitHl at many million, of dollars. The
claim, U iMUM-d on the griMiiid that
thoRt- who Induretl the Indian, to cede
nav<d and Jonathan.
The senate was my.tined this week
when two openly avtiwtsl enemlei
noblied a. thtMigh they were tbe best
of boRom cvimitanlonv. The Wince
dt-lt-galiim in c»*ngiv»vR-u a* «-.|hmyRtlll«-<I. and ab»-n*-x«-r u knot of
or fbnt are gatb. rt-d lt.geib* r It
yafe MsMiuipthni that tlie David
Jonathan attitude of St*nators Spotjm-r
and laiFolletle H under disco
tbe other day
Mr. Sfiotmer
a-alktHi around to the scat of Mr. I,a
Follelte. stopped
there a
placeil hi. hand on hi. cuUsagne'i
shunlder and ubi.percd to him. *Mr
LaFolletie lookeil up and very nearly
jarred the dignity of tbe senate by
laughing aloud, while Mr. 8p
Rliuok all over with sufipresMHl i
roent. Mr. Spiamer thereupon rvturoed
to hla seat and chuckletl even after he
sat 'down
T'n»m across the chamlMT
Mr. LaFoIlHte nodded merrily f
man whose political scalp he swore he
would get aad, Mr. Spooner weoi
another paroxysm.
When po!
enemies laugh together political fends
are likely to reach an ontlmely end.
Is a Spooner-LaFonette compact beirig
entered Into? This U^the question
that i. agitating congrois.
Sacond Army fteaerve.
Maj. Harold J. Megrew of IndianapoUs. Ute commander-in <±ief of tbe
Spanish vrar veterans. Is urging the
enactment of a bill providing for the
of the United Spanish War
corps. Ml
case of war (he veterans of lOS. bateg
trMaai aad aeaaaoed aoidiera. will be
availfble Imiaedlstely for active seVHe ts anxious to have the orik» placed aacood In the Haa In
^tha reoixauizaUnn of the army eatah-
third placiPalnt
, tha Proaid
He Liked Scheel.
bright little four jearndd
old U.y
Uken to
for Uh- Qi I time
rr he tuid lieeo given a desk and .e:
to work be .uddcaly put up hla Utile
••What do yo«t wanL Frttxr aakcC
the teacher
abotild like to kmro- when the holi
days begin.'* said Frlu.-~Dle Mnakrte.
THal Honn*nn*lc«>r
p.»riralt palnt^
again, and
Rob*-rt de IkiUboff of pan. arrivtnl
I hi. week to arrange f‘*r the final .P
The portrait when eomplHi.1
will t>e placed on exhibition here at
A ma mar 9in an idea ib«*n< that
the capliol. after which It will leOAjr i^tra him nmnj dolUm in
.wnng hi the J*eace Palact- ut The
' cmrm of Um#
Hague, and* probably be fonnally nn
experienced little dlfflcjllfy In ctidilng veiled .vl tbe lio.-llng of the <-onfer
to an agreeBH-nt on |^e measure As »;ue I her,, next .ummei . B.-m.n Ikd.l
huff i« an All^tr.an l.v Wnh. hi. ancthe
erae City lodge. Ni. 222. F. and A. M..
lui* for M-veral ceiiiurle. hating l>e.-n
will be held fnaiorrtjw. Sunday. March carried upward of |k3.0(k».oaa. which
piomloeut In the .tate aflair*-T»f ibuf
2. at
12:Ml o’clock to attend
the wan lncre..*M In the i
rouoiry. Like all the |K>riralt painter,
A* It f
funeral of hrtdher Co«rge C Thomp to IW.UiHI
Semloea will Im« held at the r«wl
Hiat Mr
The bouse ronfen
denceat I:3U p m
m.i an ea.y .nb>. >i
A apedal rommunlcalhui will l«
ou. and too ihuruugbly alive to .U
L gtanu^d iha Alaaka
held Monday eveaUtg for work
Re the appropriation for tbe tmprovemeni
•d fair ITfKi.otw aa a freahmenU.
of the MlasI..|pplAt^nireeB the m«4ib Htm long enough at
C. C. I^gley. W. M.
gift Tba dlftoaMioa of ihU aai
of the Ohio and the mouth of the Ml. of exten.ive work, and th.- imutrait
dOiMifoii^ form On* fan tha
ikiiiri. and the pn.vl.loa for the esm ha. t. Ih. ma«le plw^nteal.
goraremaDt has donated m.Mxi.o«a» A Temple Made From a Single Stone. atrurtion of lock and dam Nn. 7 In the
Peonag< Agiution.
An attempt ha. mwn ma.le during
for CTpoaittona of varlwia klnda.
Mayalliimaui. India, his « ren of tin- 'Jhlo river The appn>prialIon oT 1200..
moat r» markable temple. In the norU. OOP for the Chicago Hver is cut In the |ia.t week In revive the agitation
A Wrllaton: Ohio: man Vaa aan
each of throe UDhiue phn-e* of w<H-idi!p
half, while an amendment waa adopt over I he question tif peonay
1101 for a M>t or whlakpca whirh hr haring l»een faehluned from aolkl>ou
ed providing for snjMTvIalon of the south. A year ago. as the roi
loot IB a gaa rxploalun. Judalna br Ite bowlders. Home Idea of Uielr aloleged t-jifKiHure. by Umner. who
and the talk of chlM-llug out tl»e lute power companies at the Soo canal
that QuoUtlon vblakrra muat be
rtor may be gleaned from the fan tha* locka. Michigan. Taken In Its entirety, claimed to have Imm-.t unfairly t;»ate<J
of Ohlo'a proHtablr cro|p.
the amallcat of tin- iwvcn fa twenty however, the hill marks an epoch. In In the constntrtlon camp, wm-re w..rk
four feet high, aevenieen feet long and tha’ It practically commit., congre.. on tbe ne» Key Wi^t railway U m-lng
CBdmacV«i‘l br atopprd. Nn
Travelera who hav,- to a more lllieral "and far-reaching
twelve feet
fled with a Y. M. C. A. and a boa
y examined thorn are of the policy
Unar are going ahead t.«w and
that It took i-enturloi of worl.,
While the measure doe. not slxe up
Jmto a new church.
p theae grai-eful f-dittf-ro from
oat I re nn-k.
Mr. Harrlman mar not have acted
3aft eaactlr right but hr f« rntltled
. Invehtigailon.
Hard Onll.nQ.
to not a little praine for dramln
•It of tUf kind of .Viorrlran himintentlon from the Thaw caae.
that haa thrived alno«* the daya of Ren will continue to work to the end i
of Florida fn»m JacksonJamln Franklin cornea from n Muutann the federal government appropri
/Hie to Key West, visiting all the rail
lining t-auip.
way camps. It was found that the n-|r.4t.ooo.(KH) each year to proaecnte
A lamb but
Said one miner. •*'lhc rot-k down In
•Kjrted ahu.sea did not exi.t in any of
velopment work on the nation*, riv
that shaft U so bard that they need al::
Mt clawi.
places and
the matter was
•rrola of
day and
dropiMsL It iH doulrtful If il will rert Wa
Indian Clalmr Fort
celve much attention at the pr»raent
an Ohio 1
Fnless all sign.
•Igbr aald another. **I saw ‘em
wcH-klng ou a ledge oure wIhtc th- 1. planning to make various kinds of
Frograia Waa Given by the ftuth Sun
was ao hard that after they hail .eriou. trouble for certain inhabitants
day Sehool C lee. of the Church
nine barrel, o’ drill, oa It Uh- of Fbrt Wayne. Iml (’.eii. Isaac Sber
oom in the white liotise
of Chrlat.
hole .tu.-k mit .lx Inrhro.wood. c<mRre..n>an elect from Tolctlo
A very pleaaWmiclnl and nnigram
waa given by the Kulh Sunday arhoid
elaaa of the Church of Chrlat laat
with outton cliAi0‘Uial you osn
rtm Qn»A
IMlrymru * u»
Mrtitlwi mrcnticm whirh via U
aUe to get than IB 90d^ fron bow.
step in and kx4 thaai orer.
p^lhjd^ auch ptaya do act i
iiMold ftUmct ft Urgft fttt««4ftoe#> ft.<i
dM eoiVMtlaa U not o&Jjr of intertftf
U dM dnliyaMn but tb«> s«oeTftJ Urm
m aft Wftll. Th«^ U ftlwmy* monn or
mn Ktoek krpt on t^f^rr fann and ft(
tkMft coBvenUona tbn laloat and boat
aanaert of ftodUis ar« broogbt oot
Wa bare MTeral aman rolla of loKraia Oarpat
that «« are a&zkiaa to diapoae ot balore ov
haarj spring ahipaetita afTirp. Tbaae aate
teboogfatooteton^te^yoG wiD ba
aiw 80 traa to Ufa Chat oaa torgBU
UmaMf and
haHavna that AOaa
Doaaa haa cakaa him lata hla owa
little Mackamtth abog: thaa*tba race
aenaa la mada aaritlac hy tha ten
that tha aawa la carrM to tha auga
by aamer pigeoaa
'*"KaTTy Oow" ia
hm \m m» axT lUrcb i7 »d n
Builders' Hardware
a w«y
Howto Cover your Floor
for a litQe Money.
Odl Drcsscis. Cheffoniers, Kitchen Cabinets,
- Kitchen Tables, etc.,
TU. ... ..,U.l
Having Your
Alia tract
' of Title conipii-^I by
rdiabl- bbstraelor.
Then, when ready 11 s. ll, eg.
change or ma\e over yoor proj
ty yon osn do ao with a ch ar con
science, knowing there will lie no
hitch in the matter to n ctify later.
AUtraO, of TiUe
210 State Bank Buildiag.
A.W. Jahreus
E.A.M«iree Boaa&Monroe
F. P. Akwfs
J. H. Umion
WeqnMoGg Olnb
Arearioan Dm Store
127 S. South Union Street
"THE BIG STORE"—Dealers in Eveiything"
Never In ttie history oi book making has Uie
Uke been known. Our Book Division is oiler:lna you ttie snap oi the year, books Umt can
only be pnrehased from our shdves. Pass a
most pleasant evenina by reading one
of the foUowlng.
; Pay M cents lor an up-fo-dare lHK>k instead of $1^.
i M ' These are the highest sfyleof the bookmaker’s
binding* best of book |Miper*
rr;™ 1 - art Good cloth
t:good clear type* finest colored
• KATR MKHKDITH FI.VAN*(*KIEU.” C. J F.iJrlilT II>i.e. aulluu^
K-lil, ;• Mr. T4kYi1.** -Tli*- Fllibiu-ter” Mr. Hvin- li:ih M-i-n fit to l<rf-ate
Kfvne *or ill.*; latest and b^st no\el on the d4-adly criast of W**st Africa, a
legb.n (IfUd with man-eating wild animals.
f«v«n.. trartb*.. Juugb-s ami a most dating, deteimfaj»-d and mmsualEngIbh g'.ri.
*CarleT.’* the n-d-headc<d adv<mtur»-r. pla>w a must ImiHirtant
l«iit tliro.igliout this most facinating bfsik.
2 20'io:m
An lar*M at Urn rdtewtig fteroi
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
/.......................... . swap
Cti.ffom..r. from ...........X,.
........ ....... . SS* Op
Your Reliable Furniture Store*
art. m.-inagfl to gel mIxvM up
of High • w-hrstt girls
fn»in j
Smarnp-c'oit. Mass. wh.i li»d cimi- to’
shako lilt- pn-Kl.b-ni*. hand. It did not
erolmmiK. Mr. Rooju-veli in the lcat<t.
for this qiie,‘r mlxlurt- of humanity i.
alnuMi a dally ocmrreiict- Ih the big
, G. A. R. and W. R. C.
McPherson p^»fct. G. A. R., and tbe
Woman’i Relief Corp* will hold their
regular m<s*ilng Monday evening. Il»twwn the two meeting, there win be
a social and at C «*cl.K-k .supp«-r will
Ask in> charges for aivliable
Abstract cf Title
». pr1t«^ flgblcn.. school tearhvrs.
Inron nu-n and offlct*. stM-ker. gaProf. Mlkt» Donovan. Instnicl.Mtmxtng In the New York Athletic
I and who has given the
Here Are Some Great Baraalns lor Yon.
ithe mi I t coRmopoliinn
s|Kit In i
hole United State*. One
•lay this week President Roosevelt
'ounied among his callers senabu's.
» a Cold In Ofko Day
A Few Snaps in Furniture
**THB nilBP LFXIATBE.** Anna Kath»-rine Greem*. most
N« w Ytirk myaietiet; Thia aoth«»r ha.* always l*eeii imii«-i1 f«»r her splefidld
d« t. cTi-e .'.toi i(*o and this snr]»a»«-H them all. the finest my*tc-ry story of
-RBZANOV.** Gertrud.- Atherton. Dr. RoU-rtson Mroll In British Weekly
says the abbtet woman writer, of fiction now living. In pciint of sheer
power there is no woman novelist who comes near her.**—The Sketch.
• DANIFJ. SWEI-rrU^ND.** Eden Phlliadi’s. who stands lit the front rank
ftf the great English norelUu. No one has yet auniaased him cjo Tales
of Oirunshiie. wh«*re the scenes of thU. his latest wojk. are laid.
-THE HOUSE OF DEFENCE:.** E F. Ben«jn. S^-vera^earo ago Mr. Benson startled England with his first b<K>k. ’Dodo.** Now cornea thU newest,
more brilliant, more startling.
• DOC GORDON.” Mary E. WilklnwFreeman. Thla U a really great novel
of human Interest, charming love study, extraordinary action and deepest
•LADY E\’ELYK.* Max Pamberlon.
The masterpiece of this famous
English writer. Not a commonplace or unexciting line in the whole book.
THE MAN BBT^^’EBN.'* AmeUa E. Barr a greatest novel. Has arouse#
wildest interest In all reading circles because It U a surtllag. gspiaatie
story, told In the author's happiest vein.
•A ROCK IN THE BALTIC.** Robert Barr. A atonr that Is beoomlaf the
uik #r two oantlnenu. Refieshiiic In style, brilliant te acUon. and charae-
ajtaoi&ff tiie hbmW and pet*
Whiteman*s Bank
I lews From Uwloo !r3r?:^
Pazsfed Big hjm
I Farte. rkiaf of cJi» i
He bad apaot ajr fS to hire a hovac
•Bd caniaoe to take bla aq«a« rtd
____________________________of €*pecu»cr; tb^ I, a
Spadal CaMa to tba Bvqnmc Bm4.
COopyrisbt. IMC. by Cba Hanrat Mm
Lady Batenmn. who ts^ore her mar>
tamdoe. March I -Lord Curxon of ram* to tlM* baron was Mi> Heniy
Kadieston. ex vicevoy of India, spoke Knapp of New York kvs Mi l^d<m
for Riviera.
An lnieiv*iulor bit «*f family history
•trap of her cown. and went into cUb
ter arrived. Sopie of them ht
aUmt the first Ia»dy Ikoeman Is re
oTwte deWU about Its makiiis and
^Iled. She was a xrand dauebter trf fifls—<br merest trifltls of
i about eveoihinic to do with the party,
the first duke of MariUTCooch. but was but enough to carry the fcrUnc of tbr
heme and the supper.
not lortd by thr
ndmibialde olu day.
duebms. 8amh J.nmtu*:s. W-r vindh- j
taacupful of hpt water, stirring until
the mixture bolls, then add half a teib.
cupful of vinegar, half a teaspoonful of
salL 6r leas U ibe fal U sally, tca^
with famines in India. A ip-d many
people may assume that the majority
of the BM« and wxmien enimjEcd on the to the frame the
lb«- splMul
' .
I fine and sUco twice as much opid
cold pota
there was a refrvshlnc diversity uf
puvenuBcnt relief works are In a very
“She is far black
n>es very ihtn
Arranjw ibv ham and
omacuted condition, like Ibe llvinx
: Myles. One girl who could skeUh had
jsTtat.H's in a salad dish In layers and
skeletons that are seen In photciicraph:^
tittle drawiniCK stack in hare
Letter Party for an invalid.
sprinkle each
double layer with
which appear In the BbiUlah illusirated
ne of the prrtUeM id«as vver ,*^*^^' ere all through her letter And } chopped celery, then pour French
papws at famine times.
• My reoolkvtlon Is that Ibe p
ighi of In coor
dressing over all. Garnish with bard
on the relief works wtm in asu
:tqr i»an>
The nurv«. siWt»d tf. the
for inv^ids. Is that
Udlrd eggs, cut in allrvw or In fancy
rn^^of »!»«• plan by hoy
on Invalid known bow very deprv
were the skulker., who could nt
nan seemed |
Tongue-Cook a
w that day
It Is to have several visitors in a day,
<»»• innumvowl
or even om* who Mttles herself to! The pleasure was
aa great as ^a»oH\y of rhopiH*d celery, chopped
Front and Cass, before buying >Tmr
Bdlson and Victor . at
prices and terms better than any mall
order hooae in the couiitiy-. S<>i«« t
your records by hearing them or aeo4>
for caUlog.
, feb 20-winlAaat
Very aooa after Mr Uarrtaao be
came pmideet. Quaaab weat to Wash when be presided at a keture on
tngtoa to aee the Cheat Father oe famine flshtias by Rir kYederic LHy.
boatara rdatlao to bl. tribe
Gao. Harrtaoa save him aa ondienre.
maar. the prealdeiu exclaimed, and h*
made the chief promlao that he wooUl
Notmaayyoani have no BH»re.
••D k* wmi to a eattlaaM • eonraa
fioa la Danaa. Tax. aa4 wtilm tkerr
On the way home from the cattle
aold a taOK* of catUa aad wcalfod a
an s ooovewtion. folly tan years after
«l»ek la pajrMt.
Strmlcbtaarar br hla meetina with On. Karrlaon. Good
voat to thp bank to «rt It caabad
nlaht found that he waa In the name
Ta Ida ctaqpsa ba foaad ibai tbe sleeplna car with Chief Partter. He
s|>end the day. The Invalid brlghlenf
iHwk toam voald aoc eaah tbe chock
w>tic«l the.ohiar bad with him a
up. lemisMartly. but there's an itievl.
iMoaota ha waa wot fcaova to then. It new squaw, wbo. appaimtly. waa a re
"Tricre was a fH-rh„l
l*si y
tal.Ie ivarltoo. Uying to both HivallJ
«aa tha fiat tlMc that he had triad
It acqnlaUioft.
say. frvm 177u-ln which no s>
to uaoaaet baalaaaa with a babk aoi
“Who la that squaw you have with tic effort was wade to co,h^
1 holidays that have ^
the Indian ruvernmetit
la bla ova totmabfp. and be ooold aoi your naked Ooodnlaht.
years ateo the Mute
nadMaad thia baak’a method.
"She my wife,* repllNj Quanah.
srriouslr at • ohllKa-Me Qaanah Parker." hr Mid.
•-Your wife? Ifow Iona have you
ell to Miy lot ill ifRiH and
-I don^ know vbo Qaanah Parker bef«n married to her”
K: tha oaahler replied
"f>h! me have her about one year " Ilf the poveninwnt that no nipe.-woul 1
be spared by which they should hojH•‘Me baap bU chief Oamaacbe la
"One yes I? Why 1 Iboiiabt
you to mhiesie siifferinx or to save life
promised the Creal k^lhrr In Wash- Each famine sj it lakes place is i.ivf,.
-\*enr I
to marry
any more tlRHt.-d in all ]
1*11 V ii|»tK>lnt<d r
we caa*t caab the t
H»-nc«. we have evtdv.il
Qttanah wma paztled
Famine ivMef. a ♦rf'l.-nee »^ulllrlent:y
wives. Mr no have more six wives. I Isslir to Ih- capable of a.IJuMmeni to
who had aal ap all one nlictt expect Me send one squaw ho)br. then marry the cireumfctancts and tenulrenM-ni«
•f dift.rem tinii,. and |nealitje>. but
ack by Quanah and this squaw "
»t th.- SAUK- lime !;iifnri*iit|\ pr. riiaXtemaril ber»mic
raa the Uwsl of old Waal.akle. Lo Im .•nilvwllml in km;.H
ooe of the old Indian . lx *.t
lainine niocedure
catered the hank and efepiK-d forwanl
■ that be had never shed white
and laid l« the ck^:' • M. i.u whiv
lelb r, whlb- th•Tbaf. all rijthi Charley; he. Qtj.
l'X|MII<bYl WU<« r
nah Parker, chief of the Orniaarhi^
ing. tgie.msi.tMH.
I know him. and ni aund K«)»d to:
I nut we Miall la- abb' to p!.-\yi|i ;
in«- ill IndIJP the iHYude .Ilid Hit.
nil* < withji
T" ^r’lt
V .d fdililiKibb-. Thei w#«
. #rtTT7i5mvM4o--Te-r1ffrt^
f the .^t.-rm in whidf.
.ifK tn.iy I
held Waahakle. a vi
ESidtil a.
. I |o »k
iddle wa. prr^aMiird to
him In the
le of the flreat Father, A hell , l'1.1 mere In a.lmin-111.-|^al K ill
lIvY.midainipg nMenalbui ..f Hr,, ou
taken rnilrrly by su,
Tlie chief
ivn p.N!p|,.s. Ih.. »i*irf#-r..r». Ib-lU-vIveK.
prise when the prraental
*r the h. i.dsin of Ih.. i.iriceis Kng
made and the saddle
handed ish an.l nstiv... civil nti.l mtliiarv- in
si Imre whom Ih.. charge of iliu*.* Milferiim
wui.liu..!. or Ih.- hemlsm
and for several minutes sUiod garing
of the tui.-sioiiarl.Ni Fiicli>h. Aui.-rl
«an. Canadian an.l |.hiM.p..iin. u..in..|i
•The Great Father will ho awaiting
•When p
r his runner to return wUh
the ItiiiTr.i
.1.1 IK
kind words from you. Can yt
him and tellTilm how pleased
the ..x|H li. iHY' niighi t.!^. wh.-ii Ihe
re with the saddle
eoiitiiry is in th.. ihnMNK of t« giesl
taniiii.-. Tli..j'^^"w.*iild >-.<• ih.-r.* what
Qaanah Parker wlxhed to
me. Kn
Washakie l*K>ked at Hi<
tertna the room, the rhirf was pH
am filling his evns Tlien after the altenipl.n! I., und. itake lii Ibe past,
loi^a in maklna bla wanta known llo
what n.. c.u..|iini..|ii . vr. pi our r.wn
pse ..f a few nioie inluute
had been a free spender duilna thr
it eapjibl.. of un.lr iiakiiig
inuly iK lleve n
what I fii
two days of thr ronventlon and bad pll.Nl
"Oh. I wish I e«KiId say thank you' Kun.^lK.aii‘'4.r Indian
Alfhooah Qoanah M-<tiu*.l to appro
Clair tkmdnUthf. klndneai.. hr alao
appaartd to be worried alKWt eome
Iblna. Aa the t»n men loft ihr l«xiK
the raahJrr heard Quanah mv:
"Me no Mlie that Iwuk. Mr rhb f
amny Indiana: heap bla chief, no can
CM money.
You no chief, juat one
white man. Yon nay: Him Quanah
Parker; him sood maa.So hank man
Slve bla chief money."
are mod awwily dl.lrrased. and aald
the whit*' man say* It. For i
be would like rnouah monry io p«>
while man ferds grateful ho 1
loridrotal rx|>rnM>» on hla trip Ipnnc.
in hiK head, and hla tongue i
"I aave him
and hr thanked mr
. head, and he says Thank you*
and Wt. Half an bmir later 1 was with his longue. But when at^ndiar
n-els grateful he feels It in his heart
heart, alas, has nn tongue."—
The great majority of men an
iromeo at the age of 50 years begi
lo feel the Erst algns of advancing ag
. of kidney
hladEor veaknaas. Few are
free fran that torturous dli
llaelf. hut a symptom of <-------- -function of the kidneys which have
Id their duty of alfUng and elralning
the polBoomis waste matter, uric acid.
>m the blood
ling it to
resoatn and dec
decoropoee. settllog alrout
the joints and
tmise pain aad aulfering.
The bladder, however.
oM fblks the mnet annoy*
tally at night and early me
A noted aothoritv In a i
e»e aUted that he haa woe
cea* wRh the old time
He states
_____ of hU
a / ■ s..^
tlTu trmtnHttt only one very compli
rated cMe failed to fullr yield to it*
remarkable tuMneoce. It l» the moat
harmleas t^tmeat I have ever found
to clean the ay*lem of rheumatic pol
eons: remore IrriUtloo of the bladder
a»d relieve urinary dllTIcuMlee of the
old people. It Is true vliallxlng Innh
to the eotiro kidney and urinary at roc
ture^ relnvlgorating the entire
What he term*
vegaUMe treat
lions of impular sh. et music now lUc,
feb rivwedfcsat
Jie.t p.*rt of ,i «Jl Mas that, ileiluce leaves, or sUced.snd alternated
le *o,k of the girl who had‘with beets.
a^ sh.‘ iv.| 1 Karon I>ressUig—Heal two tabk^
IN/londsy, IN/lsrcKi
Annual Wtiite Sale
WE Wll_l_ OF>KN OLM9
These Items Subject to Discount
All Sheetings and Pillow Tubings.
Chocolate Bonbons
Alwsy* D«liekm*-Pu»—
Wbole*«e-D.g«Uhl. ,
One Box will mmke
A Hoppy Hornet
Every S«*
Fresh and FuU Weight
: have a splcnditj showing; this sfirinL'
_______in all lines and our .p.Hccs
i ai low as usual, owing
he fan that
) the
our ^.»ods were purchased
chased before the advance in all lines of merchandise. A
?prcial discount will be allowed fin all White Goods, in Cotton, Wool and Silks, in white
except Shcctinifs and Colored Wash Goods up to FITTEI'N CENTS PER YARD.
in town Thursday
W. Kmallcy of Bheimaa mas a caller
at Buckley this week.
Wallai^e Shepard started for Chi
Wednesday, March 13, Being the Last. Day.
Buckley. Mich.. March l.-Hnagla
rkrt was i
Bro*,. wh«»se
sirojed by fire Wednesday night, will
rebuild at one*-. Arthur Baulmcr. who
lost his hartier shop, will rent
l^, Olnry is at Copemlsh.
W F. Bowen of Traverse niy was
date BUtea' neur gaaolinea ongtac
•Bd wood mainline have arrhmd and
he will bcfln culling wood at oaec
Ladiaa, “you can Jump on It irairp'
pie on It but It will coma up amilmg
every lime." Caiman’* RJaotic Floor •
Varnish. S. E. Walt A Eon*. Traverse
I nlon Cajiually company of Bctr
Is doing business in
The Social Hour club wrfll glvt. a Ihcent supper In Ihe church parlors tfii*
evening Trom S to g. All welcom^.
Moore A Son
started their mill
Saw togs. bay. potatoes and Ice are
to be mem on the street In large quanUtica nowaday*.
Inn carried ^hitp,
two <>r more egs.. and add
xciterocnof the als.re dressings. Garnish
no ,i, pres.Mon aft.rwanl.
the mashed yolk, on
ll..n.e Mil,, is son... 1..II.I ..r nil., i
f..r li.-lan.l was pionils. d b> Augnsllin.
•Uiry. I4.|i
d assuin... H.4. offi.N.
m.N4 Itrvci.
it ish aiiilmssad..r in Ward.ltigl.Ml
e.akmg ..ally in
new Irish government hill, but wh. n
Mr i>ong. la former lorv chief s.-erTlaryi has Ih.* hill In his ban.l* he will
sun.Iy say that It will lead I*, horn*.
housewife may Ik- glad to know, can I iile.
be prevr^trd by tying up In a
•The only mlnlinii that wisiM gUe
satisfaction to the giT-iit niaiw- <»f the
tum a lump of broad and placing
|K»p»ilallon «»f livlaiid Is what is g.-ii
the |Kit with the iKdllng greens, ham*,
vrallv call.Hl a li.mje rub* iMrliaoient.
etr. This will alurnrh the gases. A and the prim.- minister will n.»i make
few rod peppers or pieces of charcoal
ilmself resiMmsil.b* for any uieasuro
vl.irh waruld Ih- likely to liiir.rt. re
vith or obstriH t tt..' fullillin. Hi of thIbb unpleasant odor which generally
fills the houae when grer-n vegota-
ra'gn Thursday with threerfars of po^
would have
it no e'emei
Table Uheiis. Napkins, Lunch CIbIhs.
Dollies, Towels and Crashes, all Laces.
Embroideries, All-over Nets,
AU-over Embroideries.
Shlri Waists,
MnsUn Underwear. Cnrialn Molls.
.Ml Colored Wash Goods below \h cents per yard.
All Colored Wash Goods from 15 cents .op will be
included in this sale.
II -WE WANT YOU to Atteod ibU sale anrl infiptt t our
White Bedspreads.
Wool Goods. Silks
— new goods. It will pay you to buy
White Colton Walstings and
waist now and save money, besides
the best I
Dress Goods.
I.Ons: Milic mnd Kid Olov^s In All Oofor*.
2. iisf.
|pngn'sciivnfnd Ms evra^MJ^ aw
/ /
I iliiiliiiiUiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^
( ) 2
the People.
lure rrpairm*. rhalr ceoliui Mil
foniittrr piwJaii*. K. H. TMuir.
Ilf Uuloe Bi.
MKM WANTCO^To work la th« luro
bar wooda. Call CUIxctm ph<mr No
fi b 20 If
FOR SALE »boo aUK-k, flalorca mad
IraM- of bulldinc In fMid aiarkct
town rl.iM’ lu
Cily. Wudc
tint*. M7 8<MitU rnlim 81.
I.honr 1219.
fn, 2Mf
FOR SALC-<;<aMl borae. fina UiUet
alaadatd l.rt'd; alM> duiibla bamraa
mod Iwi^^iMWlfd culler. Clt. plMHie
feb 23 If
PrtHdftticblflan ||
limbs at Saline. P time at ion^vUle daring the' pa«
A. Wllaon. Smamnn nf Urn nieetric week and In that tiam Ima called Mn
light cnaatmerimi fome. feH a diataner T^kmr. aged €8 yearn, stem* eammMd ft f«nt atrtklag an hla head. He ahmer; Andrew Shlppy. agM 79; R
T. Dunham, aged 85 yenft; Mrw.WHI
ts aerioosty hurt.
FOR SALE—MBSAwakened by a bedlam of sound*
aged §Z
from hU chicken coopa. Henry Ward.? year*, and Mr*. Charles Gregory wa*
owner of the Oohnaaat ponluy farm nt j bnwght borne for burial.
Mnakegon. diaeovarad the place in: Poilikal enemies of Probate indge
flamea and f.Ofia hraileiw. ready to FVyd U Post of Midland, are in high
skip to an enaiem market, were lost. | feather beennar the attorney-genefal
At the meeting of the Mlchlgawarwo-; has
I of fair* at Ionia. It wa*
hoW the »b of judge sad mayor
o go after the IcgisiaUre approfdla t6». as thU would eatifle him to seat
ownr tourtag car In the beat ions for county fair* neat year. The, on the board of superviw>ra. dfhl he
Ittion. full set of Umpa. cay
leat matting wUl be beM In Detroit, would pass on hi* own bills. , I\Mt
tra tima. toola. etc. Would
. H. BnUerSeld wa* elwttvl president | bad announced hi* imrailoo of going
parties are all tb«- go si» after the mayorjiU»
fever best
The board of supervisor* at Pas
At the last one. ooe Udy divw ajpsw. which ha* been Inqiftring Into
Union 8L cuspidor, a man a pair or women** . ibe affair* nf the *herlR* oEke during
»Wf|hoae. apd there wa everything from; the regime of exwheriff BrltUn. ha*
Uhproved. Urge bam and good
bouse, orrhard. Urge amount of
gwsi wood. Umber, farm all fenced
sud DO l>ctttv »on to be found; six
miles southeast of city on main
road. Ka*t Bay township; dose lo
school and church; wUl aeli on easy
terms, owner In other bnalncs*:
price 13.000. Wade Bixw . 817 South
Unluu 8t Clt. phone 1219.
Adi 20 tf
FOR SALE—1508-Modem nwldencc
iui West Ninth street; eight rooms;
het water iMWt; bath. lUhi*. all
mtsiem r<.nvcnl*ne«w; g»sM bsm;
pro|K*my is aeiuslly
w<»rtn 8,*;..%oo but o%ner 1* leaving
the city hcnr«. wv* mak<
price of I2.7O0
South Union street. Clt
snned peas to giugkam shirts.
} derided to etmtinue the gvssl work.
Ai the devllralion of.xhr new Method ’ and a commUirc uill U»ok into all mat
*t church at IkjwagUr over 8:>.tMsi was j terw cuuni'ctMi with hi* administra
sulvscrtidlon by the Rev J Uon. and also ctUlecl «U vwt»vwt«l
Parr d Kokomo. Ind
He saM he | Ismd* w'-.rh have Uvii
_ *«'j,„H>|.le
had uevei founil l**<n*le m
i Slurlff Briiian rolu
Xtve iM liire
The manta for taking their
Mr* J*»hii L Ixusn. a native of lb
Uv..* run* U. the family td G<-iIlch,„..
Hrilier. a carpenter of Ann AtW wUi
e.itieally injurv^l
fatally shot himself in the head here'
Trunk mnvk at Gm lj.
WclncMUy night. Ill* father jumt««d Io„, „ j,,
that ,.lae
In a ciMetn and « *i*ier h-nged her ;
^e. „vover> i* doubtful
Dviran had Uv-n U1 f«»r 13 mouth*, at
Th-n- wa* a douMe fm.ei.1 at St |
,o „y to »
Mary * chun b In J«rk*im lT>ur>da> , r
Her 8 nioolb*-u
• hen the remain* of David IVmlevv^,.^
8he b«* Ih.-o II
and hi* ulfe were laid at rest Umley .
j„ To,onto. |» r hu*lMu.d * home,
dlerl M.mdav ,d ihl> wr-ek and hu wlfej
l*,a« I Psishall. apvi 7o j
It ran of tht; eivil •*., dK
IWediiesdav «l latingsbur*
Well UkiMl. isdny a sort
oalh not to Ihmiow I
hal.lt ln oidei to pH the lew
wan, »O'-O I
achool. market and charch;
tarma Price tlCOO.
jilCwaaBt placr
Call or addrvi
FOR SALE-1507-Hooao and kd on
II. CaMjrtK-II. a I ma n. Midi
Waahinatun alreal between G. U.
f»'b :G !f
A I. and E>anklin alrwl.
Wade Broa.. XI7 Smiib
Uuloii alrecL Cil. idmnc. 1219
1 SL Clt.
be viMage for nUi.v year*
td Ms cTentrlr idea* that
I to a ehurrh nor a minister caIbHl to
- ‘n ranM-Murn.^- «t »hlc(, >
li'llyflwl (bo ad<ln.Ml .1 III.
Thu..ll.-.B.Km «b.-« hf Wl tn.m I,^
a .M O'I lean IVntutl train
111* Kkutl!
•ur ITirrspUn*. metr
• a. fi.rluivd, a.rMbe .d.vsieian. .. !
XI7 South
In-i of fi„. viin Id • Jr*n th<- Tramp.
iHiekMl l.v Harry Wo.sl, ha-al lallo
jan SOlf.*^"
IMS tor tvu yeara. and Watwer a
W’hlle WUr of Tar has cured then
an.- nw naU by Um American Drag
James B
MattiiH. thefa
mwator" of Nrw Jetwry . enjoy* thv
dUtlnrikn or having been the candi
date of hU party—the democraUc—for
SALE^No. 1 timothy hay and
WANTE»—To buy boraea; welKhr
.Mta atraw. Tra>crae City Mllllni;
from 1.000 to 1.400 Iba. If you bavei
feb IHI
any to acU let me know. B J Mor-------------------FOR 8ALE-1471-1K acres two milea
feb K-tf
Slate Bank building; finest locatUm
for sulmrlMin renldcnce In thli reWANTED->Toa to oae li>RAL aprint
itKt 13 OOO. Wade Hma.. «17
wheat flour for bread. IDEAL blrndUnion atreeL CUx. phOM 1111.
rd flour for bread and paMry; beat
la tho cilj. Trarerao Clljr Mllllns FOR 8ALE-14tt-27 acres two and
our^half miles city market;
benrlni; peach, good house and Mm;
price 12300.
Wade Bros., SI UnIon street. Cits, phone 1211.
ic*U. Kakt Hay
• HaiTimaii sav* he would
le of the iMWt locations
there. Lest er D Welch, with lenderhe railroad* if thi-ro •«*
wiKMl ft Umlor. Sutherland bUvck
lu. limit to
feb 27 1
iHHlv Idease
FOR BALE—1490—Seven room house, Pontiac. Oxford ft Northern?”
large lot; I^ke avenue; tlose In.
Ib^rause Simon Kuffle. aged (L\ and
Price ILIOO.
Wade Broa. 817 8
Union street.
jan 26-U son. iVtcr. agt'd 24 yearx wenlthy
larmenv of IN»scn. cIuIiImvI
FOR BALE—1585—nne home. West Welxa. a neighbor, and left him in a
Tenth St., close In; price 82.000. critlral condilluD by the ,-uadshb\ Jan
Wade Bros, XIT South Union St. 7.Mhcv wi-iv sentenced to J.t*Ksou
Cil. phone 1219.
Jan 30 if
FOR BALE—1501—Seven room bouse
owned bv (TiMiesBIuuieuth.d.
a tarmer. near Midland, suddenly went
mad \\c<lmH.da/. and when it* owne,
Sev.-ml head of *t«* J
WANTED-Wheat, rye. com. oala.
bcana. bay and atiww; hl|;hctit caah
priew paid. Traverse City MilllnK
feb h U
FpR 8ALE -HrJlpee
i-ni:tnc. 3X, b v . nn
M lUhiici.
ALE—147X-F'>rty arm farm
cr mile east of Mayfield; good
hmiae; g«>d bam.
Bio*.. 817 Uatoo
t. CIU.
FOR SALE~1503—comfortable
home. North C«s1.r St.; pri.'t> |f.5n
Wade Bros. X17 South Unkm SL
St.' Clt.
Unl.m S
jan 30-tf
FOR 8ALE-Klghty arra farm two
miles we*t NiirrUvtlle; four miles
post office Traverse City; sixty
acre* Impievcd; *
take 11.000
for garden? good
r nf en
: tsrts' ’S2,
Price 83X00. Wade Bma, 817 8oi th
Union atreeL Cltlaena Phone 1219.
Jaa. 4 It
--------------- 1
St ; price 11.700.
S..uth union 8L_
Jr sale—SDe* l < ar fer,!. fiuefo.^!
row feed, plg feo.1. chicken fe«-d.
Wade Brrw^ *17
Clt phone 121F
«iat*. rye. bu.d.wtirat. pop.jgAL£_An
hinds of
I. nilddling*. hay and
chicken feed. T. C. MHllng
er»c City Milling Co.
}an 11-tf
fob 3 tl__________________________________------------------------------------------------------------- for
FOR SALE—1488-llouae and large
UA. Thirteenth St.;
pt^c fl.ndo.
Wade flma.. 817 Sooth Union, t'tt
phone 1219.
jan 3<Mf i
FOR SALE—1498-lArge. new house,
good barn. Webster SL; price flJSOn
Wade Bros, xi? Sonth Union St.
CIL phone 1219.
jan Stvtf
*1" 80UU
plHme 1219
blended spring and winter Bbnr. graham. whole wbeaL rye and bockwbenl floor, gtannlated meal. Trav
erse City Mflllag Oo.
feb 5-lf
FOR SALE—1808—Modem eeald.'nce.!
Went -nenth SL; steam Kent hath.j FOR SALE Nes
wlectrlc l^U and gas, laundry In
basement; Urge aiuc. gooa oaru J
large k»L one of thej
best msldenoaa In the dty. will take'
r city property value FOR SALE—Young mare, city broke
part payment; price
also Piortland cutter and boggy juai
Bros.. 817
need a few times: cash or time. 411
hone 1219.
m l-ii*
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain WorK
On floor with BuaioeM OoUegn.
OR M. 8. GREGORY-Physician and
aurgevm. 117 Ca*a
760 Cltx.
State Hank building.
A. J. McPHAIL- IkntlM. Over John
MMi drug store.
Bell phone 3**0 2
rings; Clir 66X2 nng*.
Collerlion work a siMHtsRy
I nderwcsHl A Umlo,
With Unde
laud Work.
U ' 9 tf
ed to EYE. EAR. NOi
64*2 Wnhein
Order, your
i. O.
_nnl hihI of]
icliij^aii flock.
fivight. fum-elK and trunk*. Offlre
at nty lUmk Store.
MRS. E. L. BONNER'S h.-Ur dresslr
parlor*, over City Bor»k Store. IUhii
AMIL F. NERLINCER. LAWYERMiHiey to Uuin. 212 State Itenk
building. CitlreflH phone nyc.
Traverse Ijind and la-an Co.. F
Thurtvll. Manager . flffire. rm»m 2
Hamillmi ft Mllliken him k.
The ,
cV.miutny failed to pro
I .National liank wu* j
. xt,a ] the Hank of m„:,nd.
HA8E. M. D—OfficH* with
Cha*o. State IL.nk blo-k
ro-K. 22.V2r. Resld<-n.-e 221
h St. Clfl. phone 7X1
>R F. HOLDSWORTM Spevlal »l
ti‘iition.l(i diM-asi-* i»f Hu- ey»-: ear.
nose and throat
Glasses flitiM
fiver Jol.nKoi, drug store. Bolt.
6etieral news
(leojge R. tnHrd Shaw it
over of muse
In fact. 1
play, l*,ame Mircetucful he
DR W. E. MOON-Sper-lall
urinary-. >^kii. and hUssI «l
* ex|»erlen
ex|»erlenre. Offke
hiMj*,* Idm-k.
in Wusl.ingloi,
old 292. Resl.)
phones PCI.
einn and 8urg»««.n
Ren,*»vef| to
fire* 111 Munmin blm k over Bain
ft Flarr*. Citizen* phrW 3X3.
Citx. phone 121».
Twcntv i
dl^iict; a l^manta
fight party;
iy; prlc'e
Bros, 817 ftnith I
,.onoM that It had ruten-vl
tract with a former flnaucial Instl.n
living a* a musiroi rrlric. He wa>
rovii.-d by a Iri-ad one night Jo hrtir
a string quiiriel from Paly. • Kxi*-cl
111= a tie,I. he .irreplisl Ihe invitartioi,
NotMuly- know* JU*( wliv. hut the old And throughout the program he sat
Mvle quill |mHi. feal
with a sUMiv l.«,k on hi* fare
: vKdety wone nl irieii
1488—Modem eight room
with l»re; In
new line of raile
Cont.ary lo ge„.-,T»| suppo^iiiot,
• house.
widence. Casa St.: lUiMili, the Mor,K-<an l*andii. i*avvc!l
price “lL3oo.
Wa-le Bro*.,
e«lucatc*l geiilh-ninn. Iiaring hi* aiiee*
South Union £
Cil. phone 1219.
11,rough MuUI bjri*. win. founde.1
Jan 30-tf
rio- empiro of Morocco, to the pnd.ei
In Maine he I* Hsid lo lie tall and
FOR BALE-lArge. right
iiio<lern ctiuvenitHire*.
nare. g.Mst Mm
:. Eighth skin and with fenrore* lailH-r Civt iau
and Cass sitfHM*.
la-Mer I *. Welch.
Hun S«-nilili.
J Undcrwissl ft Uuibu.
s;‘ rs
Union $meu QU- phone^
.FOR SALE—1510
Tb.- <a.M. *.f ,h.
Ranke,>• Mutm
C,i*u:iHy C«.T of Iowa against the Ftn
Nptiioaal hank of Durand was witi
FOR lALE—Wfl—2!i»165 fee. corner
Of .Union and Seventh Mrtvi; twoflory frame bulldlna: ceoirally loeated: flraKlasa l>uKln<>Ks liMmilon.
price I6.&00. Wade llrua, X17 8«.uUi
Union street.
jan 26tf
and 14th atm€
in good ralue
every day and enjoying a fin* biisl
ncMi; frame and brick structure;
price 16.000: Incumbrance ll.OoO;
will trade eouity for farm or city
Both pliou.« :Vk
sfHNl pat. and the show wa* eloM
Oi.lv after a • luiid” conversaflon m,
« lni,g-iil*tanco phone with the man
gel and •angel” at Clarkston lUd
rc«I* n. after a flist-clas* ride on il
rushieriH had iH-en promised
drove in the yard. aiiarktHl him and pnHe. lion for five
. si*n. Frank.
; hank h.ol iMiid hut one ,e«,.
Mr Gray u|n irv-e
WlHi* He.* late, jhI to the ground
• InhaWtanl*: eafiaeli
Let US settle that
Maigbhara QM FooUd.
-1 waa nteraUy congblng mysrif lo
death, and bnd become too weak to
leave my bed: and neighbors predict
ed that I would never leave It alive;
bat ihny got fooled, for thanka be lo
Cold. I was Ittducod to fry Dr. King'S
New Discovery. It took Ju*i four ono
dtdiar UvriJes to completely cure the
coach and restore me to go«*d s«»und
health.- wrluw Mn«. Eva Unrapbor. cf
Co, Ind. Thi*
King of cough and cold cure* and
healer of throat and lungs. 1* guaran
teed by BugtH^ Drug fV.. Frank H
Mead*. Hannah drog store. 3l»e and
111*0. Trial bottle frew
the P.M1
FOR 8ALE->1II7-Slx rt«m , houae.
lUrth gMB and elecuic lishta. Good
bacn. fine Uwn. doae lu. Waahln*tua
alreei. Price IlCdO. Wade Broa.
tl7 South Union SL. dUwna Phone
Jan. 4 tf
It Is Not
for my nooey.
FOR SALE—1511—Ooe hundred and
thirty fit e acre farm, eighty acre*
couW «Jo * gimt MDonoi of lo Aing •bout, M»d
ancMBi niftbology t^lk «• lUt bn <lid. Hat Dcvoroo
kii boaiflst «Uy <lkJ tb*- fobted gUnl oomfmm «o mach
«Ub hit ritioo m dnet oni* Httl« W*iii Acl, which
it OB vkitioK l«r«t with thnottodt of people, wbmn
h fMohot
dey., (iiv.* it a
eed tee bow c|oiokly yoa will g<*l roplicw.
New York eltv
.Mr* Janes E.jhini.
HARRY b: HARNER-^F:x^rt plam
leaders never! htvn playing l.qcethcr for twelve
tuner and hcti
hftiun r«cuNtor. Safi*
wnies with any other
Another fad • >*«r*. ’ •^'welre vear*;
fart ion auaran
With Kimball
said' 111.
Music House.
of the day -Idle * are not f.ddiHl. be-juther In an inrrvdulon* voie... • Suroiy
mg slipperl into e ae*-hqa»» the exact! »<*ve tH-eu beiv longer
MONEY TO LOAN-No tax elausM
size i»f the note iwKr.
j R. Nannetfi. no'inher of |«.rilaput In mortgace*
Hotise* for sale.
Inquire of E.
M* Namara,. Pa.k
The cuMiun or rwiiig man fashion ;.iii-nt for the mlU-ge divUlon of Dnh
1* daily growing In favor with ari*li* I I'U'-aind ro~,*utly M>-, |eri«>«| mayor td
laiic Eogliahwomen
AneHig them! H»ai «Hy. *|| |,ls life ha* Uen
n^wtuklng ABSTRACTS OF TITLE-C. O. Car
ver 7»rices reasonable. Office with
1 Ho*
O. P. Cwnrer ft Bro. Both pbonf-s.
Wesimlnsici. Lady Castlereagh; Ijidy ;‘d the F
man-* Jinrual In addlth
Uonstaiin- Klchaidsoo and .Mrv. Fair-; to hi*
and tnoiali
OR E. L- THIRLBY-.Speclal alien
laiin. Exch of ihe*«.^,rUl lights dt-: Imnor*NannrMil i* a niemlH r
ib.r, to diseaiw s of children. Bm.m
409 Slate Bank hldg
Both phone*.
no other way
the saddle
obtalioM. P<»ri
I* and the Dublin
|T,.-.d-> cm
1* leputH to have
•re-! «•<•*•„
iK-n a sworn
Merry del Vat. |>apal M-rre-'
Feniau in IX6T and trust
iug and HeimfoilhV
.Notify <;«,
Hrlmforth. CUy phone 12X3^1»-2I. lary of *ute. i* an a«MmpllHhed man |in ihe Inner rank* of the Kei.lan TRAVERSE CITY LODGE, NO 73. K.
P. meet everr Thursdav evenLiberal rt-ward.
feb 2X4R He *p, «k* all language*. Hi* Engll*». j orianlnailrm. He ha* n..w somewhat
. New Munson block. C. B. WeiI* P*'rit-ci; he i* a finished sriiolar and|nK^eialt<d his view.*, w rirh are *1111
extn>nM'Iy fine dlpItMnatl*!. a rare j however. Mnnigly revolutionary
The Bonk of Common Prayer was
nronarw,! hr tf' r^mm.nd of Henrw
He wa* Imrn In Lfudoa |
Sneator Tillman *ees more with TRAVERSE CITY LEGION. So. 139—
Henry '
National Protective laegloo
Vni Tn
Ua n
I, underwent
«re,^ent several
dlsilnguiahed Spmtlah-lriah ,-rmt-!«oe cy. than many men ...e wl.
In u
meet In Woodman hall on the thin!
those who see the
Tuesday of each month at 7:3# p. m.
of age be waa cardinal: a year-Utei
iiei I*cry
jBery woutherner can not avoid node
Abram Smith,
be was made eardinal
rdjlng his misfortune. The
<Kber day he
Grlawold, eecretary; Nettie C. Gray,
the f’burrh of Kn.riand. The prVfT ■tale.
jclapiied hi* hands for* iiagr from the
for the rovni faii llv 1. hv Jamea L
Tbc late Raronetuf Burdettf’outi* < rla«krtN>m dour. A new page who had
nued to reUlr with keen pleasure a! not yet mastered the senatorial oame,. TRAVERSE CITY LODGE, No. 222, F.
Hiiatinfl Vor Troobla.
ft A. M.. meeU on Monday evening
*Tril Senator Clay.- be
Tve fired In California 2fi <i«ara. atocy of the duke of Welllngto® and j reapr-nCed
on or baCore the full of the 'isooa.
and am atin hunting for trouble In the Soon. On txe flnt oecaakm the duke]*aM. -ihat I want tp see him lu the
wwy of buraa. ooTtia, vooada. holla, took Suiilt Into Apalcy hojae the Utter, cloakroom. * Th*' page ran on the
cuta, apralBS. or a caaa of pUea that
Bucklen’a Arnica Salve wooX quickly wa* Borprlaed at the mbaence of pk- errand, on hU way stopping to aak the TRAVERBE^ITV^LWW NO. 871.
write* OMoa Waltera of AUe- tur*. he had knon. In Madrid. “How head nMier whero Senator Clay aaL
ly. Slorra Oo.
No use IraaUag. U IL Monrienr le Due.- he said. That-Ttea he asked
-Who* thU that
K. O. T. ML*U. No.*781*‘iiiaeta every
11 cure* erery ca*e, you hare ao to» of the Bpanlah master-1 has only ooe eyer The oaher. tWnh- Friday night te Uk Broach btock. Mart
at BugbM Dm* Co.
ple«»r*-Marah^ ymi for»et;^|dled toft l« a qnaatkm in mytholqgy. re- wnknna. Oouander: B. M. Franklin.
Hannah drug «toTu.
I the auke. mut pxf nrmr w*a only tax'plied ; -iRTiy. Cyclopa. of cooree.- The
lohn R. Santo
General Insurance
(few wnutai Bit,
I have a number of ^jood
farms, all the way from iO to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any^
body else.* I have farms
which arc located from four
to 20 miles from Traveme
City, all good improved land.
;f yrtn
I.Hvr gt>ol level farm*
1 will huy them,
2.0 WMbioKtoo.
OiL pboae 77.
The Following Items
23«- Brt*,m*. ea.l,...................... 20e
10 and 73c Fing*-r lUnss
mrw .............................................40c
35c Finger fling*, now............ 2^
One lot of English Flow Blue
Ware In Plalw. Oat Meal
and FVult*. only................. Be each
All our Fancy BaakeCa at
Parties havtng tIrkkU on
plcturaa will please cal! at onoi#
and make thrir ariecthm ax we
> ftOt expect to continue thU
mceure deal but a abort time
r TRAVCMK cmr.
>yTuiibAV^NJ^E nw.
Hm I tmai Id IW P
nftr rariM «ftpt »D<MDI
paA four vtoto was uktw to
.PlgDoa bartag kwi lu digmt
Aa amciid-j ms Sod uillrb «w fm
««aa^ upl- sad lbs toms wrrk Inac B
fr totosMc
tba bumiigcarai
smnary. tbs grala froai which inotb |
nlmsK HnMhiac has
SaiufSay oaly; rsgnlar
^Hsrrcr. Ksa.. Bsottnri
• l^r si H L & Co s.
Tfc. Prmf 0f Dmrimq
9mmmU4 ^ ttm
T«t W
rnmk^mm A
Pmiam Imp i«to Ctamit/.
t« ««rt
f»r » mi. t K««
•M M IIP kftt. tJMt f»r» It
mM M fW fPtr uf tbp
vikk M |rite>tbMP fltrpic te tto f«
lift ■Mftlll— M «U UmLm
relldoiis pretense.*
■e HO. to have n lie ton it j „,.„i |„
. H. 1*J: «;si. VI.
inill. Iv.
P; Her. xxl. j
•Kee. ouly Biio ami l»elus hare
reatbod tbe lopr stmie one shouuil ex
-Ciiedli. Toi true. tl»e other .v.ujtb-,
fslnl hearted. |»erbs|wi. or tb. lr rraiuju
w lien re»igning tbe gen
retnrniac in the fs.r of s..H.
aryshtp of the I nlteJ S n ie
Iisidy rastlug awsy of hum
isllan Kndea
Ir'co'mlng do^i*™LTirtsUan
brute life.
lloraea and riders turned l.i the air, •**“ ^
ihm crashed with mlgl.ty shock upon i “«'*
tbe cruel atones at the foot oi
blnff, a sight that madt^ strung
weep and cniae am
Already 1 begin to
pity of It all Tbe
Il«, ror
all time, for the lunxpr hm.thiciroumlI*
Intlx 1 hv,. y.u mar
rtalnmd the aplrl3 her de l . enn**»“
of ,xy nr yo«r
wa. borne from tbe scene in the arms
*« ;»uu.Ulag that ivnl help to
of tbe veepltig old warrtor cMe^ Tim
***>‘ **' •“**’*" «-* * *•>>’*** .
oquawa. with taarad breasts, gathcetsl *^“*»« -a** ‘' *-■boat the dead bodies and eomneared
to wall tbe death dirge of tlw Klowaa.
In the EV.11.X t-9
In Wendex
tlaahlttg thMr naked brwsU and artna
a number of delegates from tbe Bflltle
tbe wIillD with Miatp bunting knlrsa.
And today MedkHne Noff towees sc- fuorincps and UtbuanU met to bold
ranaly above the beautiful little creek tbe second aeoaloo of tbe Baltic prorof the same name that rtpplea along at
Its faot. famatfnl of tbe sad setne
anee nUrrortd la Its llqrld breastLaa.Angelea Tlroea.
train, on Inriutlcm of tbclr hlghnsaar*
tbr mnersaM Marls and ltopt)lr
Tbe Oraat Latlery. '
Lwsn, to Castls Krsman
Thors a
Maries Taktnc a wife la sometblog
rbaprl asrrtcs wa» hsM and a aocirtr
rha-Tou‘Tu gol to await rc-oll*
yM can be absolatclr sure
ikan the rtgbt klDCl.-Eachaniw
»l limruv I •U. j-ou ir»«t
UM>iu. M lilll. .uffmiw .9 IKWI.
cslkd by tbe Samoans
apliig tunas and w a
iM. situation Is not
sunerstirr of repose or pence of mind.
*t‘hai1ra F. Holder in thiUng Man-
‘The ll.pihl
-freqner.tly rr.tswa-.er or ..ihrr dC'cte
ly pertume.1 dUflllatl..-.. adding .on
Hlde-ahlT tr. the fra^rara*.' of tbp
The tolweeo 1- Ilgl.Te.1 !a a
recei.t.icie f I tli|\ summit of flK' pl|.e.
whb'h U also f..rtued «»f gold or silver
and siodrled with rnag;ilficent d!a
monds and other g.^ms
The tubes
rary In length from fixe to fen yards,
and the whole parapbemalU Is often
home hefaind a nohleroan on horwe.
hark.^ 90 that by thU means he ran
t^ntlo^ his amoke as tbe IbcIluatMD
t 10 r~^ FiOWFRSAOUWlll
1I-.1Z :!f •-It nid
tiarcito are
eX|H.nslie of all pfpev
The tU^-^
Ihn. igh wbkh the s.m.ke i* drawn are
le»:lK*' .•**\en.d wit*, icbet
•u* with gold and sllier rro »n? th- very
wealthy. rk-lU;
. Vni. sforM-.. wnaflr forma l of gUss
r engrav.sl i
liandson1 gilU
-I w-e that a yorng
r.»vere,i thirty s!\ -tars
“idd slw* -trp'oo a
—H.;vtf.ti 1’ost.
^IH), uow fit
" ^ (-Y
They Buy Some Hcs:i and Thrn Caned tSc Order.
Hon. Jake Moore Important to Oiurches
Suffered Twenty Years With Indigestion
Relieved ;by Kodol for Dyspepsia.
trail, leai.ng thej*^"'^ **
on the i *^****‘‘’‘“*“ Kt.deuv.ir y«ur chief private
I concern this jear
Study it from all
. stood 1
luterest In it all tbr ep|HviaIly
j influential fwoitle y..u ran.
Make It
St the vixHl Idurbke
ontlined i
_______________ lilnls
for fliela thorunghly kmrensfnl lu your rbnrch.
Tbe abuddetiug tui#llude tolow turn Th<*re wras m-ver a day when it had
1 1
rd away alckened. and women shneke:
r its f.ilure-1
aa tbe brave little ponies took the leap
Prtnk of the bluff
The Tuna a Mighty Leaner.
Exactly bow blgb a ftiaa can l«*hi> It
diminit to say. i bmv^ seen tbe wap Is'aieo Imo a foam by tbem four
die- distant and hare a pbetocnipb
lowlnc a fish-a hlack streak, at least
a niito distat.t. blrb In at.-, n Jump of
s-talflly ten or prireu fc-t. ami It IV opinion, tsiseii on wb.v. I hare
■eii. that It U i-csH.k- f<.r a lu*;v tuna
[lecl I.. pr..Je«-t Itself twenty
He- air stuj lUiny
boHs-.nul dlnvih.ii
| j,idi:r
• iHH.-JUIr from tl»e leaf, of a
Idg tfliia whh-l. . lesred 11.0 kelp and
UiMled high .m file rt- ks .1 Santa «‘at-
awoke aealu and the nur
the change In Ibr nigl.l. I
wliai Hli.‘ nieanl. I bad
r-t ro-.v!' t'.ML vt ha. ?n:
Igidt tbe trail upwaM. \
km waltiM xtiellhouik
A tittle cBlsrMa of IOm dlaaolrsd ta
warm water aabrs as Dtrctirr dsodorflasr for rrsarti to whVrh the mlcr of
the monastic republic, on T.e
.-.nst o'- Turkey. U go.eraM by f.mt
prrs.de.d- . -lie senior Is ciUrJ the
j ’* ■
ilsflwl With mere prnfesston^ If
•• worlb tailtatinc. Is ict It{ sessu.n liifliiitely mow vsluableV
HiMriiy''ihr.’i’u;dri'nto^ i *lr7i'’^^’rrr\LVllp*^d7.^t^’~Ii
Mrs. Origss-Bo yuu managrcl to gn
la the harraln emsuter for me
yuo asD au.Tthnur real cheap tb«c?
Oricis-Yea; I mgbt a gtHupaa of my
TMKV OO IT Of\l ^9 00 f=>E R.
Jttrt op-
led. They
luauy is-rwiaa
r ready to pMc flaws In otbera.
i u rio. -k.to the i«al
, bastenlnx
Id aep no fanlts In tbe
*•• ^‘»,olhrPont
de la 1
more pltlaWe coodlikm ran be Imag- [
determined to pay tbetn out. and
laed than for a man to be byporrltlial' f„f u„u
I of tb^ plains put an
In bJs rellctoo and yet to ibink that be '
tooL up to bis apaniutfuis
^ and sa>pr«*r by setti
and sinerre IUj rase ts al j^ua
eihUrfte«l ilie n.
cud eihUrttnl
tr kw^prs a task
•cKas.forlf wed^nol nalir^ ^fow iMlnnii-s tofonr* ,
bit M m traly a
of b«r
It will be impoaaihic tor.
of his «NH.nU flm.r
jry aad.
apd a UM of lorr I ina a fprtaln
Ion for It. I.et us tbere-V ..f their enrerm-ss to . ut, I
our hearts tboroucbly uiany persons «*oW not bri
tbplr imaloi
r we arr reslly w hat we to Unk at tbe s-alf.
iba lop of a blab Waft,
whether we are boneet
s-s-a a i-n.wd o.U^ted. and UH*.sra
pialna Mow, br
errs kU.red ibclr ster* in order to ;.axe
nblp Itop of PiaaThuodr
Then* b every ress/»n why ire abonld nt the nnwoipetl aH«riiiou.
pironia tbp prin<i«*wi ij nwrrla^r.
' be siii.-rre atitl honest In reiiclon. cud , oVIm-k strut k. and a<«.u after a numA! tbU polm a.lHi^f cWrlinl.
--------------------adinnirsl hi favtir j ...
her of men
I twT aoi mt-u wh.. had inlTMsl tbe |
I b Itself a pin of this
.rfbiiHirrlsy. Hy|»ocTi-y avails
lls nothlug ‘ returned tu an Irritgged <r>U(Ution i
with «;od. We may de<e
men for a | stoindnc l-‘foie Vlvlcr's b.«se. -1
peak of the WIrbMa
t/;od esnm,
itheir fists at him. Vivier went d.
detwired. Insloc-re rehc
rl.clnu Is no
aa MedictiiP Muff, from the firTThat
Ckm. *t;od H a splrll. r:m1 they that
tbp n^atPfloua medkine men were
wdksbip Him must worsliip Him in
wont to BiDH npoo It. fummlt and
i spirit and In truth" ililierwlse it Is
tbPTD remeort their p
I not worship, but mockery. Hie li.rjio that calf. *
-Ab: Yon know him. ilienr retum
7 V,
. ***’‘‘**
repeat prayers, but he never
tnldnlsbt plots npoQ tbe
1 prays tiod secs tin- heart, and no rell
ed VIvIcr. -I was not nware «f It **
Uln top. for the Iduff Itself
■ I Clous forms. h.-»we\-er numerous or
In lime VIrler's «wlf Iss-pme t!ie sub
ananrory reputafimj
elslsirsle. esn make up for lu.im-erily ije< t of a lecnid. o.i'.irdlnc to which
Ih.- animal infill InTIvler's a,nrlment-.
w |4. In an ox and -n anwye.1 the
ludne rsft rlrsnlr In i«r fri»nm siw-x
detected. Jot. det-lares that hypoc:hls.n. by bl- lowlnc thsKitn pm
thrl I
Illustration: Tiie -|.ld.*rs
•t..r of the h**nse Insisted «n Its
r was spirited aws.v lir
j wonderfully woven, but what Is weak
1C sent on ay
VIvler told him to
nUht liy
-emls-srle- of the ei II
^ [ er? And. tbouch we n>ny im^t rare
1. fully WMive n false life, wnner or later
Its true character will be know n. We
, may deceive men fur a thTu<. l-ut not
for all lime. W e may evcn.d.*celre otxr
Ires, but in the .lay ..f Jiulcment. If
t Inforv. the scales will fall from onr
wbile tribe, with many fmiu I
I I>ond.u.dcs l..r.'
Inline tribes, fatbered at tbi
bow ncumtcly the
Me«lHne bluff to swdlt tlie on
mooutalns in faU upon us and txirer I
»>meilmes carry on the a. tirltics
US. And in that day fhrlst tells ps ^f the day durlnj: the interval of
that ‘there Is noihluc ro.wrwl that ,ithomtb
ahall not he revesle.1. neither bid that j
not dolo swear by. I
'•u»dlall nlcht at the liedsidi of L
detection In this life will then bare, r-rlv in tlie monilna I Ur dr
Homes topped all this iwrlMtrh st.leu
dor. trailing out far U«hlnd In the hri-k
ptwlrip bteeae
A siKli of mlnele,! admiral to., and
sorrow went ii|> fnm. the
tbe yoo.ic bmirs, the f
Itondi'to bi*^d* *** ******^
Wttft ftloi l« bis wlffnani M
twMif at] tuU. far W j
Pft. a pftgbv rtHHIala. li^rj tbr
Ukb aU llK. yuauf
» a. wrO a. ik»»r
1-^ .in.!* ia frlnuldradly
I tbp arllrr IM or
DbtpDd Mola. aad Ibrrrfncr In- «•* rall^
o«t •• tb-* t«Wy«j wltb »p.
fld opoD to rtbon tbm to ^mr Uw
rrpltod lb»* ppolal cju^. ~ft«OK*
iMd «ad Derrr Illn la DJocfrity aaCi of niy rrDtfltor* ar** tnr^ to
la tmtb a»l rot aw.r «br p«Ja whirftiaad H ami .V»
r^*.l t> b<. ai^ la
foar fatima
o. tb^ oib^
coorwatKloo -ilb roar aa|D«r *
was a •'ooarm^ prartira’ the rUlape cbnrrfti or In tbe r
of tb.> flooU aad ia K«yp«
illls bat bancs la the ball ot$
Ibr Lord/- In tbe tt»o of Omirt Ibo
«r In the f-otta^ porr-b. His 1
cbr p-T*«aiflratloo* of^
fifty tboasand a
bn»rr1a7. and
Ma««^ mitm <btwins aiitl ibm. as If la iJ^palr. drrw
Matod tbna for tbHr falM- r^«o
arlth bis emndfatber'a bauimer gtin or
a i.rtrti from bi*
Tbr roo
with tbe newest of batnmerleaa eie« tdoctor was laiio] upon by ar' UtosHot
tbair pxamptoi And bow aaocdi hypoc
to Inli-rfcrr. ami Airier was on tb* ora. fbibea with a baael rod cot at tbe
U la the rrilptoas world to
aterside or
point Of brag: disaniwd ^on siKkkm. ^trrsidc
or with
with tbe
tb UJc<g Uilnf la
Uar! Uow many profcm rrlipiuu. jri
ly bP
Ibr pistol In two. bauM W* ***®*‘***** •
<lo B0< poasr— it: Uow naBy bare tba
bsif to tV *x>ndoctor and bPjan to
fomi or p
b an Instinct, a
cat tbe otber half blmsplf.
It Wa.
A nr one
nancew Noimerau
Bt. V. t; Aflato In
tbpnr was
V- «
aJinrry. Ai'n>ndinir to biai. tbPt^
la U/c worth barrrlns for.
omcE or
Cbc Srfeon Commtfiiston of Georgia
JOS.S. TlJ^Pl__
TOM lU^,
Atlakta. Aufutt 10. 1904.
E. C. DiWrrr & Co.. Chicftgo, lU.
DeAT Sin:—hftvp suffered more than twftaty ytan from Indi*
festion. About eichteen months ftgo I had grown so much wona that
I could not digett a crust of com bread and could not retain anything
bn my stomach. My heart would beat so fast I could not altap, at
^ times 1 would almost draw double with pain in the pit of my stomach,
i 1 lost twenty-five pounds: in fact, I made up my mind that 1 couki not
I live but a short time, when a friend of mine recoremanded Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. I consented to try it to please him apd I was better in
one day. 1 now weigh more than I ever did in my life and am in better
health than for many years. Kodol did iL I koop a botUe conitanUy,
and write this hoping that humanity will bo benofitad."
Yourt Tsry tru!y
Kodol for dyspepsia is the tnly dijrosiant or combination of
dlgestanU that will digest all cUasos of food. In addition to this fact.
It contains, in asaimllati.ra form, tho‘ creucal known tonic and raconslTMiCTa properties, AH other digosunu and dyspepsia ramadiaa
digest certain cUaaea of food only. And are lacking in reconatnictiTe
Kodol for Dyspepsia is prepared at the
DeWiU U Co.. Chiu««o. and is aoki bj loauiog druopaU asarywhara
Kodol for Dyspepsia
Schools and Lodges
If y ouxwani an ORGAN here is an <
will certainly appeal to you.
l'v>r ihi: purpose of miking the name
Grinnell Bros.
a household word in your communi y,
sixty days
Donate One-HaU the Price
of any used organ in our stork.
I till- Pilhiwiu
A wHitcn appUciitlon niu.it to M:nt to ORI.N.NKU. BROS.. TRAV
If f.om « rhurrh. by the PaMf.r. Offirt-i. and at ItaM L'o in.-u.to n.. if from a
. Iiiid 20 parcMTH of puplto; U from a IxHlgr.
Ixulgr. by
!» .hr
the offtn-rH and
membera In g
, few Kiinplo of the fine uho-J Ojgans from whtoh Mlfi-ttou. may be made:
4. Parwrd Organ. ,*i ortaxs.s. 5 -tup-. - awcJl
5. Smith Am. rif-au. 5 o. Ursi.. 5 sV»p». high
r.. Fa. rand A V»fc>. fi
rsH. 10 »to|M^...........................................................................
iCH. in -lop*, r -wHto. g*io«l aa new................. ....
walnut caito.
ocUveu.................................... '
I Amerirau. Chapsh
12. Kimi.aII rtano Oaaed Organ, gok
raii 7 iiclaw ^idar |lW'
13. Jeastt A iKiodiuan. Cbai.el nans.
fK-tavcfc. walnut, high
14. Falarr.
;r) Cottage. & oruriw. higbTip ...
A (Tark. 5 octave*, high lop. one i
IT Csni'iirv. S cicuvea. high lop
Rcm-mtor. tbto great offer bolfi* gtiod for sixty dayh ouly and tboae who art at oner will gel the pirtt
if «ur large aaaortmuat. Call a»d took tbe lnUriBKiit* over, or write for further inronnaUatt.
ntAVEBSE cmr,
, r*Avint errv.
tv ttom «r naoktog. «kkfe V
npw iVvn aV aVpa df iVcmi and
hoUtog waiar. tot R «W‘#iaV CV
UK to parttoOy coto la to* wator.
tva taV R oat aad pack R to a totok
laar paa Vto tv flVm af tv paai
laaatog toaRtoVaa af tV paa. Fiami
mkhman. »atuiidav, mamh *. iw.
Deal abut yoar hooa^laat toe
► «r tv musty old t
paa vrito a watghc oa It.
tarn avm
fmnm tow*r tVn
AS an tv tolifpMd V lotaii
la tv maat mm totomaa vm
tv omaat to evmy part of tv omer
Ami tteM «te ImioMi. ImHi
Tto tM VMM rwt
~ TV- into Ml nts tW ctet.
boUtag. and Vpt knBtog tor twenty
mtoatea. Tkl* noagalatoe tV Jutoe at
WMlUfifi iVt WMT art Bo(.
TMb lov* mM to««l to 4atf.
AM atl tv wof14
lar win toralak a aopply I
Salt, pepper and os
e*. mint and pnrsley
tv BMat waa boiled aad vVa eoM
ramova IV tel to V dariflad for
aVftaalag Ua» tV liquid for. aoap
aeat day with latacad carrot, taralp
aad cahhage. Half aa hour before
•errteg add a tovge oaloa mlaoed flne.
If a mare delicate aoap t* preferred,
almply salt and pepper, the liquid,
•ddlng a aralirr of eeVr
thickea alightly. serve with toasted strips
raltohlllty and faad
.vn .W.WP
•_OYer tv lonnoll
m* erntM^ cmi
-HOM !• d ptoro or pMce . . tVI
tor oot oalf froto M tojorr. Vt fro*
pvtcroto teto
MlorV Of VAllo «K9etj« or toe out
or world Id dllDwed hf eItVr posVod
or wlf# to ero«i too toreVold. It
cdMoo to V Vtoo: n to tVo ooly •
port or ttat Vtof wot^ irkUA you
Vto roolM ooor oM VgMV fro to
Bot 00 tor 00 it Id 0 dViM ptooe. o
eooul toototo. o
«C tV Vorth
wotcVd ofor
VoooVId goto. V
fort wbooo tmem voo mt coatiO Vt
tVoo wtoMP toey ooa roeetfo wito
lore, oo tor 0* U to tote—oM roof
ood tie ore type, only of o nobler
oW oM light. oV4d o> of toe rock
to d weory toad dad light do of tV
PVroo to tv dlonny eed-eo tor it
TlndKAloo tv ddiao odd fulfllUi the
prdido «r V®#. ?
“Add wVterer d true wife come*
thle VtoO l« dhroye drouV her. The
etaie ooly any V orer Vr heed, to*
glow worm In to* nigh «>ld gr*** any
V the only Are at her feet, but home
la y*t wVrerer ahe la. nod fOr a ao>
ble woomii It atrelchea tor arouV her.
r*- to* Invalid.
h good variety with Hee added oo sub
While there Is so much Illness prev
ntantUl * tidckenlagir of ao«p*.\
A little book Imtety pobltahed. en alent. the following hint* a* to the
, Pracllcsl Methods rare of Invalids wUl not ct*me amiss;
titled. "Ninety
A comfortable lounge with pl|k>w*
of UUUslng B
long string of recipes chlelly Ibrrmgh and a coverlid should have it* place
varying flavor of lV aanre or Ihe In the InvaJld's room. This will serve
gravy senred with the meat*
f.rt- the mirw- while Ihe patient Kill Is
Braised Pinner Beef-Fse the com Id
and when he Is eoough «>f a con
port piece weighing from three to foor vab'weent to spend part of the day up
pounds. Reject all skin and grtoily It will furnish a restfal^r Vnge for
Wipe with n dara^ cloth.
rgVpet* are out of place In lb. nick
into good shape. Rub I with salt, pep room. A staln.sj or imlnted floor m
per and flour.
bcallMer In all part* of the house;
Have ready In a frying pa
spoonfnla of fat frtmi prevk
or from salt pork. When It Is
hot pnt to th* meat and tore
II U seared and brown nil over. Then
put It in n deep earthen or gn
ware dlab which can V covered.
To IV fat left In the frying pan
add «aongh more to make two table
apoonfoto. Brown in this tot a small
onion chopped fine. Add two Uble
spoonfuls of flour and tot that brown
Then pul In a pint of liquid, eilbei
water or stock, and vrhen It
ena. alightly strain It over lh*^ment
Also la a hit of doth tie a piece at
bay toaf. a bladeof mac*, two of three
peppeeoorns aad dove*, and pot It In
the gravy wllh the meat to V re
moved when It to aufllrlentty flavored
Cover the meat and pot In a slow
ally turning IV meat over
In this same manner prepare a flank
spread with atufflng and roUed
IM In shav-
rie* M«*l* tor a Dollar.
AM 9» example of good living on
-cheap meat." eay» a writer In the l>
troll rree Frets. Jet d family bur ten
pouoda midway of the hind leg after
•II dealrntde slice* of mund *teek
Vve been sold. The price will vary In
dlgeiwnt localUle. from togtl to flf.
teen rent* n pound: It ooght not to
coat over ten cents.
The botcher will cut II up If be to
told whal to wanted; dt least be will
remove tV outer skln.whlch Is worthlem^ and apt to We a atnmg Vvor.
and also ml out sad crack IV Vue.
The moaelea form natural division*
and tv larger one* furnish a compaci
piece weighingnboat five pounds; this
TV amaller seclkms may V alked
for cutlrts or ndU.
All ragged portions of clcnr meat
may V chopped for Hamburg steaks.
Vrapa of fat should V clarified tor
Iron dishes are not suitable for so
long' a period of cooking.
Small rugs
and aired a
When ktodllng* are scare an excel
lent auVtltuie for starting Are* wilt
V found in com coV which have
been dlpp.'d in kero*ene. iJanger will
V lesm-ned and waste avoided. If a
number of cobs are dipped In the oil
at one time and pul In a c»vered Un
IU.II or can. ready for use. The safest
way to klm^le a Are I* to crush a
Ci»uple of sheets of uewspaper aud
place a f.-w firy chip* or split kludIlDga on u»p. then light
wood should not V lUKdted in a shed
•d Jihould
place irr the ov^-n until thonnighlv
heat.nl and 4«iffe.l. 8.-rve with a lit
V floored, for. If the
the ground, the
into the pile and
will V damp and
Rev DemasI CfK LUn. pastor,
Church phiuine No mo.
Our church
aud service
If you have no
yn Traverse i'lty. you are
ai n
Our sta
Latter Dya Salnta (Reorganized.)
Tl'K8IlA Y EVi:.N|.Ntl..
7.3M a. Ml. Ueiigo Literary auclrty.
7:3ft a.
S*»« Ul s»-rvlre.
II 4f. a m . Siiiidav lu-hi-d.
7:ftii p m.. Pr*-achtng bv Elder W.
I Ellio of touith tkiararnsn
All ar*
ir^Uvime to alien.l Um* serib-e*.
mHcmne to all IntnKmv
IntnKm-* y,
Cr.-et the ‘iniugei*. If m stranger. i
ami me.-t the pastor.
i-borch brevities.
Kegulsr senrU-ea as foliows;
10 ::o a. m . morning wurrhlp i
rerincui t'holr under direction of 1
Church Services
and i-sjKflali) liked b>
m.u.1 tender
n steak, trim
1 iviiiuve any
udltig. J in I be botae departmmi
6 45 p. m . Young »*eoole*s Soclel
of Christian Fndeavor In ttle parlor*.
7 iHi p n. . eveulug worship. (Jusp
nstun strtNd
Morning seivire and nernum. 10:30
raca day are]'**- »
conllal Invitation to mW these i
: for any Vd l»‘
. The floor Itsalf should V w|,a-d |’«
the Juices of <tbe
should V
Church of the Immaculate Concep
with a imie salt, and i>ut a tiny bit
of butler on tV tup Carnisb with a tion—Corner JlIrlsloB xad Second ’
Infectant has been ffltoreu____ ^
lx»w ma^s.
high mass, lo 3<i; vev
The wlAsows shnulu V curtained sprig of parsley plat^'d '»ti the c«ke.
per* aud Vnedlcilon. 7 30 p. m.
Mutton Broth-Cut two isninds of
with light drapery over dark shades,
Lenten Servicea.
so that although the light ean flood
Tiu-Mlay rveTi.n at 7
the rtwm II will not blaze Into the pa every particle of fat. Cover with one
Way of the
Friday evening at 7
Uenfs ey*s. A acrccn for protecting quart of cold watec. le^lt come to the
and l*en..-dlrtbKi
him from the glare i* one of the con Vil. and simmer slowly two hour-. <
_____ _
Church-Corner Tenth
venient accensoriet
A aatall table
and Cass struts. Sunday-Low mass
aaowlly csmertohi^ furnished forth
av 7:30 a m ; high maas and sermon
with medicine flaaha. glasses, spoons.
at 10 30 s. m ; ve>»|»era and VnedlrFarina (Jniel-Stir two tablespoon
article of fumlior*. and should V fuN of farina In three of milk, po.ir ilon at 7:T!0 p m. Week daya-8erkept la aa.,hl>trualve comer where 11 In a pint of iMtiling water and Isiil vieev at 7:30 a. lu.
the patient need not have It In con until 'thoroughly c<»oked. Ktirrtng of
f rienoa Church.
ten to kfH*p it smooth. Take it off. add
Cororr Oak and Fifth streeti.
necied therewith In tNUistant rvmein a pinch of salt, and two gill^ of cream.
Rev. Franklin Meredith. Rev. Mary
Apple Water—Pare tart. Juicy a|>The wall paper is best when tV plea and cut them in slices, take aUnii Moon MertHliih. pastors.
Meeiing fur worship SabVth morn
least obtrusive, wllh restful hoe and Vlf a pint measure of them and pentr
almost Invisible pattern If any deaign over alMuit a pint of Unling water: lug. 10 .**.0 am.
Sabbath schtKjl. ll:4r. a. m.; John
at all appear. Wall paper figures are l.et thl.s Bland until cold, and serve in
famous for annoying ihe sleeplms pa a glasH with some rrackcsl lee. This Trem:ilne. superintendent.
tient and for becoming Irritatingly
Is a pbMsant and ben.-flc-ial drink In
conaplcuoiis to the dally gaze.
R4K-klng chairs are best In other
Brown Bread Cofr.*.— Pul the crust
t.-ai hers' meeting Tues«lay evening
rooms than the tnralid’a. They are
7 p. mInclined to creak to Ihe first place,
Ihe oven Jo dry. fitting care not lo.
Prayer m**eilng. 7:30 p. m.
and In the second place they make
bum them. When dried, put Into the
Pr.-a< hing on Sabbath Vth morning
a still person nervous. A large easy
coffee pot. and |iour over them iHilIIng
chair Is really Viter In any case for
water <*over. aud U t Is sleep a while
anyone if nerve* are In consideration
The room as a whole, and
I frtmi Hie blown bread S» ne led. the
dHall* should V daintily
three Igr four laches. apr««d thickly
with sanaage meat, or chopped ooloa.
or a atufflng maV of aeaaoned crumbs throogh wm» a sharp knife. Into Irilea or long thiB strips. If the hitBoll and tie. or skewer wllh amooth
pUe to log aabto fashion on a tiny
No hoimewif* a^ fear tVt the wooden toolhplcka. Then proceed aa
mem will spoil or that the family with the culleta.
^ plat* covered with aa embroidered
wOl tire of it Vtore It is eaten, as
BreaXfaat Meat Cake* -For tV avmight V the cam with a ten-pouV erage fktolly.use a pouqd of meat afroML
.Jdor ia.il aecaaaanr to cook it ail at
rarered with srater. thee Uke
opea. TV Hamhnrg atnaV win ke^>
n day Vime cooktog; tV cntleta or
oBt and let It cool. RaU « Pint oi milk
krater. thlekeB It with a Ublerolls may V partially cooked and kept
iful or more of tV flonr. acrapMl
aeewrnl dayk Vtor* VUhtogt toe
ptoon for brmlalng can V toft for two
anj mixed smooth with a little cold
8caM« to to* taK* with aalt
days to
lag. and afterward U will ktmp tor a M oval cake* aa Inch thlcX la thla aad a bit or aitgar If Itoed. Thla Is
ahiip* they may ataad la a cool ptoe* •ot rmff pfltetable. Vt la many eaaaa
vpnk. V wlU IV aonp eloac.
OiVr cwu which may V naV to tor twmttj^ottr Vers without tojary. or bowel troable to rmrj dffleaelooB
TV floor ban* win keap tor moaths
MPw of tv ways to V daacHbV
•r^ *Vtch bow." Uuk Md -neck or to m*ltad Viter aad bion. or fry. aad
dry. COOT ptoea.
aarr* wrtih tomato oaaec. U aay am
M mryOdag eoma.to ov way or le^4»«Te COM. cat ta tola alle**: Vrd ab^l cUma. and ptoc* toam to a
agpIVr. To make tVae ch«np*r cuts tvy ato otoo good fllllag tor aaad- Vttia oarer the tra with aix tableapoemfuto oT boHloR. water. WVo the
of m*nt pnlauhle one moat V wUllng
ahaiis opaa remora tom. Strato off
to take pnlas with tV cooking. The
toe ^alce, aeaaoo with aalt aod pefRcr
gmmral preparation of aU tough menu
TV vartona hps of booe and grtstle
wiU fnmUII n quart
two ..f strong
•onp stock
taldeaivsmful of rice. After It cinn. s
to tv ImjU. Ibl la simmt-r for two
at rain. s*as»m with salt atel
JH-Pl^ r. and eerv. ho. <»nl> half the
fowl tie«-<I !«♦at oi:c«f’lifTed Cracker t*mi-r the square
crackers, known as w»da bisruii. with
BO dust
K carpel*, j • *>**'^ chopped flne, make
taken out!
<*»ke. Brtdl ihla on J
Bralaed beef should V sened hot
like roast beef, and to aomeUmes caU
ed a pot roast. A coinjiacH piece ol
stuffed meet will slice well when cold
Any remnants and tV gravy may V
mreblned with vwgeubles for a stew
or they may V chopped and served
In croquHtes or hanhes A five-pound
braised piece nsuaily furntohes an or sunshiny as possible, and altinrether j
dinary family two or three meals, at the nuxi Inviting room In the house.
Give the Invalid Ihe b«*s1 r«iom av
Vre shown.
l>led Cutlets or Stewed Steak-A
Much depends on the f,*od. which
slice one and om-half to two inches
should Jh-junirtshlug. well pre|iartd
thick to cut in pieces suitable fc
and daintily served. Here are fu.me
dividual serving, and alt nudestrable
rocJp.'s which will fill all requirement*
portiiuiB rt-BTOved,
Oatmeal Grm-I- Throw a bandful of
Then broil over a quick Are HU well raisins Into n pint of wi.i. r. and b-t
browned, but not cooked throughout. them VII five or ten m‘niiies. Mix
Put the i*ii'c«‘» then In a tomato sauce two tablenpoonful* of oatmeal wllh a
or a !.r\*un gravy, and cover aV cook little evdd water, and pour Into the
for about two h»Hin». or till tender. saucepan. Boll thirty minutes and
This to a good war to serve the fleah. strain. Add a little sail.
ends of sirloin steak.
Beef Sandwlche«-Scrapo a hnle
Sometimes tV steak., may b* stew raw beef from a choice, tender piece-.
ed flrut, then egged and crumbed, and Season wllh pepper and .ksIi. and
frtod in deep tot.
spread the luH*f over a thin sllc** of
Beef Rolto-Cut the m«mt In pieces bread from which Ihe crust has been
^* lamp and flrvalde of home, btoca
oulWrememberanca of many a care
and annoyance durtog toe day. and
the bsat aafegoard tVy can take with
them Uito Ihe wortd la tV Influence of
a bright little domestic sanctum
fuLaf tha mattcra
of bread.
or add a mtoced oaloo to the liquid
salt aV pepvr. thlekeu with well
aaakad aaio. Mting It cook In IV
aoap fltuwa mlVtes. atfrrlBg It srfiea
Or Instead of 'at«o. add Vlf a cup
sted serve, if liked half a pint of milk
of rich milk and the yolka of four eggs
can V Vded. with a little Viler and
taking the kettle off tV stove Vfor*
flour to thicken it.
aUrrtag to the egg yolkv. Serve with
Chicken Broth-Weigh The fowl, an
•trips of hot toast
Appetites vary, so we canmit give
allow one pint of cold water. -Break
peppers, allspice
. curry powder, celery
to thU old world of oar«:
Ho»lr lk# ,d*»Udbl grow.
0«t of to* dofk
ret mif toe geetle U<li<'
If they V Mt Rad It at tVIr aara
beaithatonea.^ wtU V nought V
other leas profftahle ptacea. TVr»fore V toe Are hum brightly at night,
aad maV toa .homestead dtolghtfol
wlto allihoaelRUeartavktehparaBto
DoaT re-
, baeawa* af Its apaclal
Th«* Ht-\
Thursday. 7:.^0 p. m.
conference meeting.
Friday. 7:00 p m.. Mayl
Evening s.-nb-I‘. t”
Bible Ktudv. praiver and p
vie*-. TIim'Miay ••vening at 7
Jiinlon iiiibm. Saturday. 3 :
^ too*' Junior ^4K'i.^l club.
A cordial welctime to all.
besdtya In the ixKinib at 2: 30 ,
I»rayer meeting Thursday •
at 7:.i0 .Si-s!« fn-e.
All ar* welcome to all the
jc Weak Kidneys
■ .33.* ‘,trr.„X”„EX-u33*J3'S
a ?!K
Fourteenth btraat M. C. Chm
Hev. L B. t arpenler. pastor.
Class meeting. 9:4.^ a m
Preaching service. 10:30 a. a
Sunday Miuxd at 13 0« m
Kpworth league at «:Sn p m
Prsy*r inre lng. Thursday w
The Salvation A
bull lug.
*tre.-r. n-ar C;.i:i sirc-L Captain 1
Mr^. Ib.uler* li. . barge
Publn- meet .
Ing* every iilgbt except M.mday Sue '
day. II a ro.. bolinei.. meeting
siuoer. there Is aa?
. prai«
. r»i hot
L>-4u ■!--«*)
»*tal It •an ainl wUI
Dr. Shoop’s
Y^ can get better roaoUs
>er feed, aud you can gat
Bot vou don’t get all vour ctjw% t*
Ukm *11 the «e»m ootUlui it oot a*
Omi* la MS Sm
Um EsviPs SsM H.
-A CoM or a Cough i.eariy
always iHotlucft «*on*liirttiiMi-the waU^r always runs to the
dyes. noe« ami throat instead of
passing ont of the svateiD
thfoughlhe liver and kidneys
For want of moiatore the boweb bepose dry aod hard **
Wednesday. 7: 30 p m.. every flr*l
week of month C. W. B. M. meets.
Tbnrsday. 7:30 p. m., union mid
week prayer meeting.
Friday. 7:90 p m.. Sanday school
teacher** meet teg.
Welcome to worship with ns are
atrangers. worklngmea and tha poor.
Come and See the Best Range in the World.
Kenaady's Laxative Cough
rruprelierea Colds by work
Conforms to National IsrtHTti ,
roo. evewtog fomto) aerTtes.
Pure Food & Drug Uw
No axpecae Is spared to make them what they are "tbe belt Is
the world.** W> will gladly explain their good points **d show yon
where they nre better toan the moat range* that are aold. We know
If If* quality yon want at a satisfactory price, we will get jour bua|.
Aa oC aU elUMi wiIbu
myer neeUog Tbnrsday STsatai
FIrK Ffwabyt*r44Wi CVrch.
Cor. Washington ana Park-*ir*^
Rev. U B. BlrselL Pazlor.
ueesing at 7:20.
Mornlog service. 10:30 a. m.
Heading room. No. tl4
Bible school at noon.
Christian Endeavor, f :S0 p a.
Evening aervire. 7;V» p. m.
W. M. 8. first W’edoesday to to. ,
1 -
Church of ChriK (Oiaciples,)
J. Allen Canby. minister.
Sunday. 9:30 a. m.. quiet hour.
Sunday. |0:::0 a. m.. morning worhip. sermon.
Sunday. 12 m.. Sunday school.
.Sunday, 3:30 p m . Junior C. E.
Sunday. 5:30 p m. Intermediate C.
:; senior C. E.
Sunday. 7 p. m.. erangellsllc senrice. 1
Tuesday. 7:30 p. m.. cottage prayer'
aeetJnga on east and west sides of
' Cough Syrup
Class m*Klng. 9:44 p. m.
Morning aervic*. 10:30 a. m.
8un.day school at 12 m.
worth leagiior C:30 p. m.
Evening service at 7:«0 p. ro.
A c»^lal wticoms to tosa* sarrtosA
Nearly all other Cux^h Cor»-a
ooiiBtiiKitintr. e*|s'ciHlly
Ihom- contaiuinK flpittw. ”
Tue>d:»y Evtuiing
7..’.u. pi aver iiH-eJIng.
Vildat Tvenliig
7 3<* Zion'< Kellgb* LU»
tiiSfief |c^-aie«l at
First M. ff. Church,
J**.eph Ihittun. pastor.
Morning si-rvlci-. 10:30..
Sunday *rbool. nam.
Ei»worth I>wgue. G p. m.
Evening evaiigellstk aerrlre. 7.
Prayer meeting. Tliuradiiy evening.
' .'?iudy and office, -VM Wilhelm bU*^k
tifflee ph.me. NO riii/rit*.
in 30 am
Sunday sch.sd. ir.
Itaiw Bible clawi. 13.
For Coughs
and Colds
11:45. Sunday iuh*N>!
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