The Evening Record, June 19, 1907

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The Evening Record, June 19, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



t^ciii Ttiwum Utnt^

, BKcrmiTE


ant eovennoe.


Mimm u tfc« Hmm
9mmrn T«E^EiM H9‘4 C«ll
WftcW twin N IMttfr
W*M‘t Aci«Nd •«.

Or Win u> th» rntmlmg EmotE.
iMlwE UifitL, Am lE—Tiw utilm-««E Mim >—< tli« rmliNfn
U AiMaU tuc MmitoliM l«r m«
•toSM Mnat*r.
MmNuE u
prapwiU— to to E»
vm «f to*
UMtog. MtoA. JuM II
W*ni«r twt Ek mam

»o mm n Bai««»w^^
largf part to tha Wwa waa eva
ad Ev tSto near Uthatoa. Emilaa Ey
Aarato tha rtvar aaddaniy owoHaapad Ma Epoha and hyadrada off houaaa
wara carrlad into tha rmdinp dead.

Ejr Wtoa to toe Eaaatop Itooard.
AtEanA Oraaea. Amm tE-'T«aa Eondrad paraoaa hava partoEad im b Urrtoto Aaad at Trthp^ Thaaaatoy, A

Evary fratonul ar athar a^ak
aatoa af Treeam CHy, avary atohhtaatorar and avary bvatoati hayaa
to tovitod to parttoipata to tha
ftoat Fdiirth af Ad
rada. Aay paraan
faal a apaatol faaUira that wtoild
Ea attraotiva. to atoa raauaatad to
•Mhaiit Ma Maap ta tha parada aommlttoa. Tha parada ooaMalttoa wilt
Miaat at tha afflaa to tha Evantog
ftoaard at 7:10 Maaday avaatof,
Aiaa ITiii. aad aU Intoraatad ara InvHad to Ea praaant.

mnt >w nEsiBii twin

Evary paraon, aaacarn ar arpanl*
toatiea. daalrtofl la appaar In tha
paradA ara raouaatad to notify J.
W. Hannao^ chalnaan af tha ooofiatlttoA 00 oarly ao pooalhto. In on
dor thot tho Fourth of Ally InduA
trial parado mgy ha tha oraataat
diaptoy avar glvaa in northam

Oanarai Executivs Board of the Union
Mada a Buument Teday^Mat
tar in tha Handa of .Fraaidsnt^

paulttf wrval
particttlarljr Um
(V9«to( far* Mk to* govarnor rapBy Wire to the fihrtming Record.
•p«4 lEc wMlon «n th« kaorkto* for
ratardlog th« prlaiary
_ far tEa nomlnatloa# of
UaitaE Btotaa aaau^Ara Er dlract vote.
dal Tdagrapbera union decided upon
Ha aOE anpEatlaally that thU MU
thla oourae here this morning andd th^‘
sEoaM Eava paaaad.
Itatemem was Issued ti
la ocMtotuatoa lEa govcraor aaid ha
"*Vtn paoEuEtjr <aa)1 a apactol aaaakio
i of IE* ta^mtara to coaatoar this bUI
» today.
' aad to t^a op aaolhar hlU raqolrtaa
lEat all tobjrlau ahall ha ragiatared
against either or both the Postal and
BO that tEa paopto of tha auta may
the Western Union ctanpanies and the
haow vEo ara ofpnatng U
draHtoi to tEair Utoraata.
CAUESO BY FAIT ORIVINQ kAET mutter is now In the hands of Presi­
dent SmaU ’


^ ms. uiiiiitE ncKEu

Firad Vattajr at Capuia—Two Hui
drad dad Ftfto Wara Arraatod and
«•! Mwtinaara Ftod.


• FunitoEod to tha Evsning Record
up to aoon aach day hy A E. Walt
BaromsUr falling.
Maximum tsmpsrature for past 24
hourA 70.
Minimum. 45.
Cloudy, gentls north wind.
Rainfall. .OS inchsa


Rig in Which Flaming Waa Riding
Btnick MrA Pickall’a Buggy.
Throwing Har
Rig Was Ovarthrown.

•f Wtia to tEa Oraatof EdOoHL

and ERrarreated and IM mu
“htors 1100.

man from Buttons Bay and
Ilobert Fleming of this city struck U.
The men were driving very fust and

kinstot IE E wtalioa




Bj Wire to tba Brantos Record.
Mich.. Juaa It-fTr.
Praaklto Eloca® pf thla city haa been
advtoad that tha caar of Ruaala haa
that ha
a mil^
— la
J eniltUHl
------- to Uoa Bollar fortaa# toft by hU father
aad conBaoaiad by the


see Mm. IMekell or warn unable to
turn out. lor the buggiea'em**—
icell’a home
dashed north on I’nlon
Tnlun sin*(
stii'Ot snU was
caught by Jtdm Blacken Mra. 1V
ell araa thn>wo out «itu the pavem
Ur. Plemlng waa thought to be
rkraaly Injurad at hrat
1 but as^
aalde fi
m. feie
Is all
all riahl
right tiMlav
few bruliLM ti« t>
climbed into his ci
The other--------rlafe and drove _ ,------ unknown
but It As generally suppuaed that he
look the Shortest road to Buttons
^ Mra. Pkkell I not very serious, *j„ red
y, Plckell's buggy was badly dai
aged but up to A o'cloc.^' this afterooc
neither of the men hgd showed up i
make a settk*menl. Unless they do s
in will be taken against them.


and Commtrcs.

Bp Wire to tha Brenlag Record.
New York. June lb—Judge Re
ky today to court of general xeastons
d all indictments founi last
ngaillnst the heads of the so
_____ rimalHcal trust. ’ In hU decis
Ion the judge decis red that theatrical
amuaeasants cannot be claaslfled as
arUctoa of UaEe aad copimcrqe.


ItoBBahly snowtrs thjs afternoon
and tohlght: cooUr tonight; Thurs­
day fair; gsntle to frssh north

* Ss-..a

total far Sftoto ConEacatad to IMA
Hat Eaaa Allawad hy tha Cxar
af That Caantry. -

turn KCBia ijKssut

This AfUrnoon.

A hors4> driven by Miss Beulab t'<»^
veil became frightened at the corner
of Union and Fumt stieels this af­
ternoon and threw Miss Cxiveil and
her companion. Miss Lola Lutman.
out upon the pavement, but fortunate­
ly neither of the youuK ladles were
Injured. The horse became entan
glad In the harness and bnjke that
besides the buggy.



Over 100 asitoe of trees ate to he
plaaied between Wtoalpeg and Cal
gary by the railroad for si^ hreak-u
The Cxar owns over l.OOMOO aausrr*
miles of reel eeute. compristag rich
gold mines, cultivated tracu sad vast

St of tbst-dass Hammocks that ors bnilt
for hard eveiy-^ oas^ and also mads ta vary pretty oedora.
Any prioe yo^ wish io psy, from %1M to $7AIl

City Book Store

Chancallor Cemmandar of ths Mania
ttquB Lodga Knighta af Pythioa
Waa Aaaurad That Would
Ba Many and Vsrisd.

Mayor FYledrich received 'a long
distance telephone measage from the
fbanceliur commander of the KnlghU
of P>-tblas lodge of ManUtiqoe thU
morning unking concerning the attrartloos here on the Kourth and slat
lug that it wa»> possible that the ManIStique lodge would organize a grstiii
exrumion and c-umc down on the car
; f..rn .
The mayor immediately got entbuastlc and described the manifold at |
TbiirthT sUtVnFlhal If Jhe MauUtique
delegation would come, they w«iuld,
fiud something doing every mluuie;
of the day and would be royally enter
talued. The chancellor was very fa
vorably impressed and asked that od
certislng be sent to help In giHting a
Thee car ferry in iuelf would ut
iclbrti. as .there ap- a numbe
n that have never
people In the region
seen the big boat
NegoUatiims will
tnimodlately be euteret-d luto and it
thought, that a big party

lx the day wc ct-lcbiule with patrbitic

We will l»e open on Iba

4ih i»r July auU )-<iu will be abto lo
fiuil anything you mvsd in the Ub« of
ii*-gllge hhlrlM. collara. cuffa. tlca. bClUt. .

We donU soe how you’re
goinkl to pull through the
summur, iir, without a pair of

light w t-lghi underwear. Fauama ,and
Straw HaU. or anything you want in
Al tliRt clahx balHTdaxbciy...

dOB*t AnteiMl to
If >ou expect to enjoy the
comfort of -a pair, w« re at
your aenrice with the largest,
handsomest and most oom*
plete line of Men's Oxfords
lu the city.
Cool oomfort-bringers
ui«lerut«‘ prices


S1.7S to aoo


Home at
Learner Chequamegon Tuesday.

Union Si. Clothiers.


shGes, v<^u will find everything
here. If you are particular about
the. kind of footwear you want,
TOE SLIPPERS -come and see ua.


have Just
property on Washington strel. s«ur
ing it from the pn-sent owner. F T.
Osborn. The property will Ih^ used as
u rectory and is situated Just euRt of
of Franklin street. It Is In am exceh
lent location and is a very deslral.bplece of property.

Foot Powder



Here is Recipe No. 5



lA caps brown •ngsr, 1 cupful batter, | tfAspoonful sods
•ohed in two tsblespoonfok hot wstei, H asRS, a little nutg, 1 snpful seeded fmwins, 3 1-2 ciqifak pjEST FUHIR. ^
teespoonf^ oresm of tartar that hag been sifted^ i Apfol bnttormilk. 1 onpfnl of chopped nut meats nuiy be sdiAed. Drop
the doogh from ^oon into dmoonaected cekee.


Office CQT. Lake Awe. and !0th. Res. 4'29 W. lOih.
Office phbne 82. Res. phone 200.

The Proof of Ideal Flour
§llows up in a bright light on
baking day. The IDEAL
brand makes friends in every
kitchen, because of its light­
ness, its whiteness, the way it
gois up in the pan once it’s in
the oven. For br^d, cake,
pies, pastry, puddings, etc.,
fills every bill.
Ask your grocer or call up the

keep you
cool at
nominal cost

Traverse City Milling Co.

I'udtrwesr, 50c
Soft Collar Shirts,

SGc toUFinest made
Straw HaU

SOc to $S

liistanteous Hit
Vaudeville»'’ar Tonight


Outing Soito
No such



valnes elsewbeiB.


Hannah & Lay Co.

Bmith Realty Co.

Drug Store,

Entire new lina

HERMITS. Tbey Are Fbie

Why Not Own a Home?
YOU pay rent year after year and still have no home.
payments that you
WE sell you a home on such easy

will hardly pay more than rent, and in a few years
you will have a home of your
WE have some ver>' decided bargains in all parts of
the city.
A SMALL PAYMENT down and the balance same
as rent.
TRAVERSE CITY is known as a city of homes. Put
yourself in the home-owners’ list.


Switch Was Thrown and Traffic o
the Pere Marquette Was Tied Up
Tightly. .

Ask us.


Sore and Tired

I Washington Street.

: "h-1

Finest Iineof Summer Footwear
to be found in the city. No mat-

You can cobr your Oauvaa Shoos any oolor.
The Traverse City Umrd of trad*will be the guests of the presld(
the board. John R. Sauio.
Buuio. Tuesday.
June 25. St his summer home pt Omena. the Invlutlcm having Iteen extend­
ed yesterday. The party will mak«- th*
trip on the steamer Chequamegon.
which will leave her dork promptly
» ock*ck in the morning, and re
iena about :* o’cliick
giving ample time
i pleasant session,
angemeuts have been made to
iiinodat^ all the board memberR
and Traverse CHv will Ih> the keynote
The Invitation un
ol the occaRion.
♦‘t, be laid asuie
that all business
and the only expense will be a ’ pleas
am smile ” The Isuud will
preRldeni’R guests frrmi the time they
bo;ird the boat until they lenve It
again on the return trip

It evening
the home <if the bride. Theyvlefl
There was a car i eralled at Kal<
houseboat down
thPP Pere Marque te last night i
____ _____
Bslongs to Email Boy From the South
traffic was bloc•ked until this noon,
of tlw city and
latter pan of the week
A wtwcker went
Who Wilt Spend the St»mmer
M-king. It
still working.
Mr. Brown is stenographer and book
at OmenA
seper at Bbardman Jet , and
seems that some one threw a switch
ide U one of the popuUr young la
es of Adrian They will be at home
le of the strangest pieces of bag­ !ter July 1 at 112 Bast Twelfilr
gage that ever passed through the
Continuous Vaudeville—City Opera
city went to Omens lodsy It wj
box containing twenty or thirty
Hour© tonight at 7; 43 and S» p. t
tie ee«ki»«
ee«ke« raxing
ranging from three
threw to
in length. The snakes w
were the
See the refined vaudeville at
Id from the s
_ srty of a small Ud
mn by Judge
_ he wss taking
^ them to Omens,
City opera house tonight.
rom this city
where he spends the summer. The
snakes are the comiumioos of the h
and he fondles them as one would
cat or 6ob
Doling the few hou
stop over here the box was stored
Germaine's livery bsrp and attracted
much sttentioa by their rattUng

Uy Wire to the Mreatag Record.
Botoe. Idaho. Jaae iP-Pantoaits of
prcaaoaUcm to tho Haywood case arc Groom Fft
spiwdlag raatoM of big surprtoas la
From This
Grand Rapids.
limatlag tlmt alther Moyer or Pettlhoae may foafdac and oorroborst
Robert Kiu^n of Grand Rapids and
cNard. thas seadtog Haywood U
Hattie McOarry of this dty were
gallowA Two moiw dajru will aeg the
at the paraoemge
end of Che sUte's case.
of the nret Methodist chuich this
afternoon by the Rev. Joseph Dutton,
the bride being attended hy her sister.
Owe BItttof on ths Park Ptooa Awwax Miss Margsret McOarry. a teaci
the Needham Business ooliege.
Attrwetod Much Attoattofi.
Last waalag. s partridge was no- yooeg people will lire is Grand Rapttoed sUttof OB the gable oa the roof
of the Park Ptooe aaaex aad a largo
of cUtooas wftaewiad the aov
Bpectol eato ea trimamd hatA haL
;r%it of a wild herd making ttaeU aaes to meek. Mtos C. P. MeCooL 2St
at hotoa la a dty. Whether It latoods
jam 1S2t
to PsmilB at that popular hotel for the E. Front stoaei.
iiiMir or not to not kaewa. hM It
QUICK. THE TAILOR, makes peed
pppewrad to be perfectly pooteated
itolheA .BB1 East Front sUeeL

irtg^cettoeated that the gowns were
i the New York horee show repew
enied a total cost o< StoAOML




JEat drlTlag
hat fur s
a time
time loSS verywrious
carriage of Mm. Mlu





& Hunter

See Milano & Alvin in
a Joke”
See tha Grant Gaylor, the Enrupenn Athlnle and CuntorlinpiaA

See Peny, the MntioRl Comedian
See Bodde, the Character Impersonator
See the Moving Pictures




iMTlmdiee eiidOhildraa entered to


'jrr ■'

.T ■

■ V e: . •




iliwim wm •» Hm ta
N<r—I win St AIM


r iMIVr
most mpwrta, daring
1W 9MI t«i row*, lhat wa <mgki
MpMt n WM or hardiMp In bwl
mm and Indwtrtal dlndtaM. god
rnmki U»
H along Thai U not
|0M dM loaguago nwd by tboM whu
Ofo wslag tariff frvMon and tariff
tlnkortag for n changa. bat that i<
}aal oiacJly vhat auch talk anounU
to II la wall known that thrra I* no
mom fM> dlaonUafartUm ao far aa
ganrtml eandUloaa ara roucfrned. v*
pHitlly aa rowfiarad with the altuatU« bofora tba piwaaftt urtff law was
•oarlad. Thor* »■ »o fanr. no trm.
hla that te raal, and no rtpM^ailou
of aarfona troubl* from any dlr»H;tlon
And tp aoma pacullar paraona aik-h
a Vata of affalra bnoomea Umaooir
nnd they want a cbangt* And ibat la
all than* la to our rwmlry'a lurlff
prolilaan at tha prraam tlma



It la aomawhat raoaauring Ui bo Iniamd that tbera will h* no war botwaan Japan and tho \tnliad Sutea
karoir^ cd tho fort that no country
in Buropa would take part in pruvtd
Ing Japan with f^a with which to
onlor upon war with Tnclo M.
That may bo a good roaaonvslrpfo a
•nanclal point-of virw. but Japan
could probably think rff aovoral Cot­
tar roaaona than that for not gidng
to war with thU country
It wight
ba fnrthor addod that tho pooplo of
tha tlhltod ffutoa have not tho allghtoal wlah to go to war with anybody
and Ihoy will not If It can hoiuwa»)ly
tia avoldod.

taa Mtor tttoaton

idMir at t:di f. to. at tha fnaada
U 1m ^irnm ^ tka
jgiigC tototooh hnSirtataniaata. MroL
litrrf and Mra Hato^ and to as toA

achool wm take ptoea nt thn Omnd
t gad prayer. Mhl
ofMtm hmgm tmnarmw
iwngram wlH be :
ipport. Mra. Beld
HoraTs orchootra.
-Joai a UUto Panay." Rath
Chonm--Wele«ana.- nolwol.
MaoUaga aad Lacy Natooe.
Plromndker drill, imt gmda boya.
lacitailoa.-fTowata In Darkeacd
* lUeftation—*1 aa good." Alloe Vaootoa,* Lucy Nelsoa.
cxpixmaikm pf the origta'af tha day.
ffartuuaa-’i'ee Bad.** BthB Bam*
Vocal aafo-TJItchreOao," Margarai
Dnat. "UBtoa of the Valley;** Mrs.
Belkaap and Kca. Dali.
Holy City.- Wary
"Maatb ^ doatered
Otoe Olldorakl. Bliahatb Bottgka.- Bath Hdatlngt.
^»dapaBa^ ^ "Voice of tha FTowera." Mra Bull.
coaiak. Haartotu Bak*
RapdUto. "Life ttalehca of Jennie
Richard. Bltabath Mlddleion, Bertha
Rokoa. Rath Hdoiihaa.
Vocal dnat—-The Qaacral.- J«ll«u nap.
Rbkoa. Mabal Richard.
RaeliaUou, “A n<^er Mb
-Tnitpa and Paaalaa,- orehestm.
lira. CurtU,
-Flowar fhmastioa." Mlnlraa
Diacuaslan of flower mlaalou '
Cloalng hymn.
Camady -“A Brain af haft.h’kite ribboa benedicl^.
TH. Carom, a raaownad medical
practltluaer. Carl
Jeremiah. bU aervavt. Tllll* Ver


lugeralll, hi* eenrant. ahrdia H?
y.ingeram. an BrypHan
Ue<»rge Kotlrfta.
Prof. Ranltaa. aa e*part oa lunacy,
(Tank Reniak.
Offtcer Bromn one of the 8oe«t, Jullui Vatina.
Mayw Skinflint, a retlfi'd Bngli»h
officer, Roy Vl«*Rufu*
Smiley. coiin*el1or^i-tow,
George Kotlan.
Jim Leary, a boatler. U. Oagaon
Mr. ninkeUplel. h man of a family.
Joseph DeS.
"Revel of the Naiad*." Ullan Rich­
ard. Mary WInowlackl. Tiramoaia
Novak. Della Boudreau. VtoaU Ryant,
Jtiaenhlne Rokoa. Oeofvlevp
OeQeYlevp WlnoWlaomiecki. Mary Mlmoaky. Lobra nstnea.
pi«M*ntailon of eighth grade dlploa*, the Rev. John Bheehan.
"Otaxl Night." Voting l^djea*. So­



iiX HD iCDtR

Wat Rendered.

k B. Blue
on Stoves

Agttoa wot Tafcoa at Af^gpraiil bfototof to tha 01^ Oototoa^-^tostook Yktotoday aflifiam. ’
AS adJmto awtoMw of Um elty
oouBCil wa* hold to the eouaeU room*
ygtoorday offorwxm to nci wpoa tba
tdd dtaptomwidad by tba board to
imMiclM for paring brick Thara
mombara preoapt aad a
made and carttod to aoat tb« Matropolltton Brtek
» fmratob bririi for paring
BBbtb otroot.
Aldarmaa 8ba»«- tbia mode a motloB that illy car* to this brick be
obippad over tba O. BT 4 1. road u
that road rto» diroetty to Caatoii. iha
m Motrog
V# of tbc
road got only dva <
ka city. li
It got aiaotoon cart
far tkla yoar It has cai
eorriod bnt flvo
can of water plpc- Ur. Sfcatar’s
tloB corrlod aad

rhtf are oImil MBOiriciJ
bad dtumbAe aad wa gaaraa*
dgethaaaoltouMka aad to
bepaffecOy odorlgw and ol
thepriobsrdare aoUiiitothgak
lor yoa osaaod afford %o be
Waako M theStoadaid
OUOot'gNew Pddsoiiooaad
«• haag Qaaoliag Stovai
Gome in aad to*' out line
of tnaimeT ttofis


Flink Trade






ptonoonflygMiit H
alabril^m^int m<lUfliC.


Every man. woman and child l»
fond of the drama In some form, aud
m»t of them prefer that kind that
mill araiwe au«l Imereat at the aaine
Time The public Is tlre() of the cheap
claptrap senaatlon that the comroun
givjng them for
DC time, aud to ^ Nomethiug of
beuer clas* anJ sonH'thiiig lhat
I s<ime literary merit. MlK*-Rita

XTT?riadri*h WIH aand Up a Bunch
that Will •* worth ISO ti> the
day night. Juue 24. In the pomerful
play ^ modem times. "The Atiuie
and mill pr»*senl six of tto'
A. V Friedrich wlU Inagurate a
bt hlf
novel advertising acheme next mouth
On the evenlnga of July
8 and 4,
ackuowiedged ahilily and mill be
he will send up six ballona each ev««»
ing. These hallont will hPar tags supponetl by « capable company
player* gathered from the l*e«t cU
which will call for prlti
traettoiis h*r a ten w«-ek's summer
series am«>miting to
tour. TtH* prices will Ik* 10. 20 an
the 4. fc or
reius &-ut sale oiien* Saturday
i will be in
Th* Marrying Point.
Tibbie was a Scotch la**, hard­
working and comely. She ruled over
grateful family of Michigander* for
eight year*, and then announced her
Intention <^f marrjlug., i^lthln
"I suppose It l» a Rab mboro you
lean to marry. TlbbleT- naked her
nominal mlatre**, referring to a tall,
mlld-faoed young Scotchman who had
spent more or lea* time In Tibbie**
spotless kitchen for the l**t three
announced Tibbie, calmy.
been coming aad sitting
vl' m® all these times, and
word o' marrying. So at laat I said
hh*.*' Tt you've no lulnd to Uke
me. Rab. ye can Jiat say po. and I'll
»l*end nae more on bright ribbons to
sit up wf ye. but I'll tak my money
o' those talking roachtne* that plays tune*, after I ve paid
for a atrip o' new oilcloth to cov*er
the boor where youSe m*om out the
old one. and then I'll tak my rele«*g
Ions book* and settle domm In quiet.'
"Rabble was *0 concerned at my
drear proapecl* and the thought o'
my aavtaga be said he would have
me whedever 1 got ready."

Card of Tbnnito.
We wlah to thank our frletod* and >uroell.
mal vi poaaa (1685 17591
neighbor* for their kindnaaa shown
u* during *kkn»*» and death, of our
husband and father, also for the haa«<
The Plague of Love ll7UM7:tl Dr.
llful flnmem
Mm. Ernest McKean.
Softly Blooming 11784-18&SI
Mr and Mr* V. R. McKean
and family,
and Nay turr, hy A. L.) Old
Mr. and Mr*. Julian Fortoo Prmtich.
and family.
ItoclUtive and Aria. "Ah? Fot*>
lul." from La Travlata. Verdi.
Claaaical ar»d Madam Oarman Sang*.
NOTICE—There will t«e n matinee
Die Korelle. Schubert
at the CUy opera house Saturday.
Wtndmung. Schumann
2:t!> p m.. when the full bill will be
Dn blsi wle elne blume. Llsxt.
presented and special feature* for laSong of Spring. Von FTelltt.
Miacatlanaaua Madam Sanga.
dte« and children.
SonnH d'Amoui. Thome.
taa "Bwwser** cleaning hauM
Ijn JTlUw de Cadlx. Delibes.
Bang* My Mother Taught
moving picturss at th* Palaea. Oraat
Birthday. Cowen
A UttIle Wind!ling Road. Ronald.
The hit of the season-VaudevilleStolen Wing*. Wllleby.
Becauae of the fart that^tbe repeal
A Memi
of the mortgage tax law mould haw City opera bmise.
Uke the Rosebud. Frand
rctmovad ItOOO.OOO from the aaaeaa
The Year* at the Spring. Mr* H. H.
want ndbi of the aUte, It ba* been de
The concert maa for the benebt of
dded to let the law aland a* U I* for
the Ladle*' Aid society of the Metho(he prwent. It I* not urged from any
dl«t church.
direction (hat the mortgage
Light weight, cool, com*
to aaUafactory. but Oovtwnw Warner
It on fight
(ortablr, built
The Chinese ar^ »Wd to have fouad
and a majority lo the atate senate
a way to moke the mussel produce
iu all over,
lines; fit you
hold that It* reiieat at ihm present
pearls to order. Five or six »mall
length and hall and all o«r Ifianda noe at the d€
ttma wonld be a wrong to all the tax
thrir kind
beads of mother of pearl on a string
atioHsleeve, Splendid
beloved wife
payara of the etale far greater thou
dropped M the proper •ea»on In
» mant to exprea*
irent from $1 buit up.
to oonlalnad in the moat draetlr poathe ojien mouth of the mussel. Two
glbtimaa of the lam aa It now aland*
t u* In our tlx
year* later the mussel, when n
The hit of Ihe aettJMUi—Vaudevllb—
ered. to made to disgorge.the beads.
Mr. and |drs
co\*eitHl with a pearly cn»*t InCity opera hou*e.
June 19^11*
dtoilngntohablo froaethmiiatupal I>earl.

Pkrtnora and other* who havo l*oon
la doubt aa to tha proaont alatuii of
road tow affalra art infonnod that tho
old law U yet In oxiatonro and will
ba nntU ninrty day* after Iho toglalatuT* adlouma. I'bo fact ahould ala4i
be noted that tho new law dtao
provide a highway fund nor make
determination of the aimmnt of anch
fund earept lo limit It. The iu«n*hlp
marling will have all |x>wer
matter of raUtng fund* up
point of providing for levUw in ea*b
of fifly cent* on oarh one hundred
'dollar* valuation for each
fund*, the n»ad repair fund and the
highway Iropnnement fund.


HamSton QotMng Co.



Onm^olia W**lv.

July 1

Without l^eep

Passion Play

Tha vnallly
irgkina Hitoto auto IM

Ltb and won't
Gland Opera
to you
HoubC th2 first week of July; All the Pictum will be explained
irown on tKe screen to you can get the full benefit from them.
as they arc tbn

T«s AkII

irhm or Vho Mouoo.

~ ,

Life Impotolfe^^

Thw Only

Itonwto to Biw to Dii»-4tto Oiw^HlPto Ntt ffto b

Shipload after abiplgad ot railway
aleepera Odd cold storage prodnet* I*
U arriving at Manila and toher Philip­
pine iKWts from Various Auotrallan



J. W.
TtiB OriBtaBi HBIIkB rumlBhBr
..........Nov ktba tiato lo bRy vbila our waA k
BOB^pletb. Waba^tbaiaogtiiaitaiyaad aooBaaudaliafrigto.
atoff oa the storkat. tba oaly aaK aoa-abwbia^ No chaaoa
lor foal gBto« to ptotokali tbt prorkka obatobodi ¥bo skblTOi
aiv itagomabk. ffitiag toky momo to iboiaagUy oAbaa.
ACkid tal|ySki.aBly...............
Ice Bo»b« |o all the different tiset.

Itmtmbcr. Yaar Crtdit is fiaad
«e any O* Mhyieu MmkUliwiMaVMl ia


OU P.O! BnlUinc.

The Arm eaeoitoon to Morion totood
hleh wna rnn by the atoomor Chtv
Ing. was a sncocaa
quOkoogoa tost
^pUe the fact that
In evary wny.
ihreatonlng. about
the evening ^
ard 1iha boat and
SSO poopla
the tiir^at tba 1*1*^ j^SLn
A number of impsovoa
T^mr-biied nl Uu> (aland among
lllon for a
being an addition to the pavlll
refroahment aland and anot her the
building of bathou»e* and ke«|ting
batblne suits fo

are many
Tiaverae City, but for some unknown
reaaod .the attendance at the concert
given by Mia* Cora Cio»a at Ibe Grand
last evening wa« pot nearly a* Urge
a* It should have b«wn. Mia* Croa*
poaseases a soprano voice a* clear a*
beU .If an old but true »lraUe may I
pem»l*»lble. and the rendition of tfc
vatioua number* wa» auch a* 1
^ reeling of aatlafnc
uoo. but admiration aa well. Her
vutoe I* not oolg
onlg _ndlu«Hy
wder but show* that her training ha*
boon careful and ihopough Coopled
with her ability wa* a channing stage
ence and her audience mu* loth
to allow her to letoe the stage, calling
her back twlce after ihe last numbei
In addition to the program. MUi
foaa sang. "The Last Row* of Sum
or." which wa* deeply appreciated
Her. program was

BoHMUkeVMk> tele
tiniwtrtiBiyM* umm* it
kmtML Tm «>a do Uut


Marie Vorelh's roiiuinc**. •Thelma."
with Miss Candyne Mcliean. Ihe lalente«1 American actress In the title
role. Is the attractive announcement
at tiK* Grand opera house on Saturday
night. June 22.
Misir McLean Is kw»mn
of great bmatity. a happy conilduaUoit
of grace, charm, talent and moraanllne*K. and * poasesslng all the natural
esseutlala necessary to an Id'
Thelma. Her supi>ort has been ca
fullv selected umler her own personal
supervision and her company numoeis
some of the
of the contemporanetHiB stage An
tractive and adequate scenic pmdi
Ion I* given* to th« delightful play.
M cents. Heat sab*
Price*. 25. 3
iemoon at 3 i* clock
open* Friday afte
•Hie "Race for a Wife' at the Theat
orum Is one of the most exciting nito*
sham 11 here. The cars come
around the curves at *uch speed
the spectators wit spell bound
Bom**er'8 ’Trouhle*" caus'
laugh* at the Palace. The pln.iiivK
are true to the M. Quad chamcier and
e really amusing.
Walt fur the Pnmion Play at tl
Grand opera htuise. July 1 to 6. whe
vou can hnve good, comfortable sea
and lot* of them. They-mlll al*o have
a lieraon to exidi— the .pictures
they are thromn on the screen, otheryou could not get the full berelli
them. Remember, at the Grand
Opel a houhe one m hole week. J
The Oldest Implement.
The hammer, besides being a tool
of universal use, I* prc*bably the oKlrepre«*utallve of a mechanic's
tool kit. The hammer mra* originally
atone fastened to a handle with
thong*, and U mn
lion as a tool.
Hammers are represented ,on the
luonmneut.s of Egypl 20 ceniurie* Ik*
fore otir era. They ffreatly resemble
the hammer now In use. save Uiat
there mere no clams on the back
for the extractlbn"of nails. Clamhammers mere Invented some time
during the Middle Ageas. Illuminated
manuscripts of the eleventh century
represent carpenter* with claw ham­
Hammer* are all size*, from
dainty instruments used by the Jemelera. which weigh lea* than half
ounce, to the gigantic 50-too hammer
of ahipbuUdiag establtolMMata, some
ot which have a falling foree of from
100 tona. Every trade haa lU
own hammer and it* own wny of uaing
it.—Baltimore Sun.

Man have Ihrad for wLkS' wit
rs Vrltbont
food, whereas a few day*
and man baeamea a' reOBbr-*--------msnUl aad physical wreck.
NighU ef *»**pl***n**s tell of a feabU
and dcplatad ntoran* aytoom. of ap­
The cheapest ppatal serriee In the
proaching narvoua protoratlon or par- worid to that of Japan, where letters
conveyed all over the empire for
two sen—about seven-tcotha of a peacotlapaa of th* aorvous oystom.
This to the more wooderfnl
aidcring the dtfficum s of tramiport
saw, rich blood. .oeaM new nsf^ force orer the moastatamu an^ tofognto:
sod thoroughly Jure riaeptoaowsai •» country which has lew than one honBcrvoos exhaustion.
dred milea to raUway. while wagena
By kaaging a recaid to »*gr toeraav
tn weight while using IMs traatmae oaa only pan o»er a few to the chlel
yon can be certain ^t new. Aim beab roads aad the steamere co^act but
and ttoau* are helito addad to the body a small number of coast sUUons.
You will foel th* benebt to aemry organ.
Dr. A. W. Ohaae * Nervm Ptlto, H
Bpeetoltots curl aad trill cbryaaaUio
eem* a boa. alx boat* for tXto. at *H
omms before they are ahttltedfat
shows aad ta that way they are rndbe

to agptor at their heto a«TagtafiiL

Beslnnlng June I3th, ourOil Wagpn
will be on the West Side Mondays and
Thursdays, on the South Side Fridays and
Tuesdays, and East Side. Edgewood and
East Bay resorts Wednesdays and Satur­
. Special attention given to all launch
owners. Phone your orders to Grand
Rapids Furniture Co. and satile will have
prompt and careful attention'.Olhy Pshonw tome

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Strent

By using one of our Coilioi;, Deik or Bmokto

We have them in stook
for sale or rent

J. B. Paige Electric Go.
Phone 502-2

125 Cass St.

DItodtor A Son
Pecken saa g—eg* MWiirs
A FUm BiMt af hee( Pwlt aai Veal
fbom ihii meet market it e great
start towerdt a good dinner. Of
oonroe yon folks will hate to attend
to the dookteg, bnt yon can wa^er
on the meat that passes through
onr haodi. If yoa have not seen
our place from the indde, today’s a
fiae time to call. Place your ordera early.

Two Maricete:
M7 E ath str and 707 Randolph 8t

Of course you have heard nbont the
Vauderille at tho (JIty Opera House
Men! If you sver hsipsd to elsan
bouss as* "Boweer** In the Moving
Pictures at th* Potoca. Admtaaion S



1 jump two-ieat Caaoiqr Top
Surrey in good cMattOO.

Dclicidus REX
Everybody who boya REX
OheeoUtegjpgoDOwnoei them
perfect. Iiiey am ike ohoooIiAm wi& the tagte. Whin
yon buy candy ieU the man
you want that aada by

2 Good Phaetons;
2 Suneys — l Canopy T^p.
1 legnlartop vidi pole. I Spring Wagwi with long
box, good for tmek wagbn.



IMT, Mi'm W. T^*t >


ife tt» $mm
fts» Ml M mmtm
I to tt* tair



M» fintmmi

M»<7 •«

wr^iMr iMfrart. ti
Thm fommoi wtll 1

May. IT tt*

namow^mt MaM ai
ora wm mmUntaui IS<



mji M

fMi itoxaMi H« wdf-

Ttnoom Ckr. FwOHat flaad aad
tha tttlaiaa ot Harthpatt «v Maan
thaMa far thair laMtasn aa ffampt*
ly rMSarai m tba aaeattna of ^ tra
af Jaw Ifib. Atoo ta tlto a B. A 1.
aftciato Md thair aatelay «» «M
gtylst laaaM.df timaapartetM M
ChteC Ihftaaar

«• atawl ei—1faiw fteVM CM to Ik*

■MM a» ih. M* ditokato

iaalre to

llwrlM M tMr mmIMmii
li •v«M M
■M»ia tw wMtMaM
M tw MS'

^ r??L!y


vtn ipv* yw CM, MM7
STan *MBlar m*
Mi MW M Ml«r.
Matt M
Ito «MW ac M iwr. M • M«w 4m far
MmW «iMM Ml ka taM D» wi
•M !• M9 ai ito Mik Mar» 01^




Tliit it tometlUikg wt
tatl ttroeg oa, when it oo___
to rial Mtty, twell goodi—
tel lOgh pilotd cither. All
the oowott weayes ahd pat

Oa atea road between Trav-

Oftaaty ate Elk Rapids;

]Oi!ooot!S^^ of

tools. Everything
I shape. Property
WiU take
sold soon.

^.. ....JdaKiirilkalBi Block

Ho* cool Md ^fort»UooMnvhM (mUoii*

womans CM WUI Ohaarva M FHday
WM a Ftaato F‘


I kaoer each aook. each true, each
Sourer r
. jr POO th^crocua blooau te aprtas:
FOr me the autuma'e poMea dourer,
roc, aie the birds thair rmpinrra

nrtdar to ehlMraa'a day for the W»
attB'a c4ab aad If the waatbar to
ptoaMat. they wtU hare a pleato at
Dett>r«a' oa Uakai atraet,tthe library
on eutb MfMt aad Mra J V Mc-



in of
rroot street, entertained tfteen youn
todlen with a handkeeebief •bowe
The brtde to be waa praaeated with a
tOST—Bttvaaa paMto library and Japaaem* umbrella, whicb abe raised
4SI Wabatar alrBet, a wblta lac* and the word ahower was ap|»roprteteauito. riadar ptoaaa leava at ttlhar aa that was tbe way tbe ramemplar« and racelv** rrward.
biwneea deooended t
loua ways and a lunebeoa eooaUtI
aad ot the foUawlag was served:
Meat Salad.
Brand aad Bnttdr Saadwlehcia
WANTKOr-Crata aaltora. baaket mak Strawberry loe Cream.
rr aad labttrara. I
WttlaHlMua Oa
FOn SALt->l.uoch
aloolt. ofSoe d«sk
190 Caaa atrett.


FOUND—(xtekat aad abate at eaaa
tery. Ownar bava aaam ealllac (

tm n. BteStb Btraet.

)aa iMt

Straw Hats.


Tboaph urriltea daoda record a naiM
or aittUanalre poaaeooor. bo
Dai« not hto tepal rtphU proc^
In taco oC tty aeearity.

Tbe aanlrreto unafraid and free
Seek at a^r band for troaaute trove;
aar. alaa a plate, cup aad aaooar.>olff
fork aad apoon for thaptortrar-aad ‘ms^AiCfcf«a:^roa maple tree
BelOOP to me by right of love.
rblldrmi. Free baa tide fbr the cbli
Ice cream for alL If It ahouid ralo. A right no man can take away.
the chUdraa wlU be e»tartalaed at tbe
A light true aoula can understand:
club rottBa ta tbe aneraooa.
Though legal heirs aaaert hto avay.
1 am true oerner of the land.

HtmStcn Cbthb^Co.

iNii AlMfMi ii latkm

An Hair OIracL
You aak If thia asUta la oUaa:
Aye, every tree, each twlp aad clod.
It aa area of aerea Wm
Ooaiea froat a»a to-tbe band of Qod.


mn. WiMMi AapMla* S—ifaiVws

Vancy Vests.


I aU aa am
rt«ht rayally. Fbr year 1
thaak yM
M. Fatee.
tof Oaaaell
Suttnaa Bay

ma-Oty Qpara
mwt aUM kai tS* Sftt Sap ^
Srr l#lt kaad rattorai MMiay. ^
ttaaiy to Saaltag atoaljr aad aalaaa
tSr uaforaaM SapiMM. H wlU aOM
be «HI Nla« raara a«o. tha tawr
baeana dtoaaMd Saally raaeSlag aacS
• CMiUkM that Ihe )olat waa i«
•tniM. As tbrra aaa iaasar o(



rOT*Mth*«NM» 4rid»-

mm JJSrS!!L7iSrik»
mJS JiUJpw^^


NV BmdMM tha Un ef NampM

teMM TbaabB *a tba
TWaaraa dW Stoi Vab
NarMiN Cbr Ttoair i

Poaomoo, Sailors*

Si5i.'iT« Gremtett
line we ever had.
Don't cost to much either.

HuniitoiiaothingCo. HtmSton Clothing Co.

Speeial for Satur^y
Children's Patent Leather Brown Beits in
black« white and red, all sixes, at only

d G^ritm EaoH

The Weather.
Tbe vraUter isn’t what we whnt. but
atm we’re te Ue weetber.
An’ rate or ablne. there’s one thing
auri^we're travellu’ ’long to­
An’ the mockin’ birds arc slugte’ an'
all the akiee arc blue,
Au’ tho trees each dewy mornln’ are
a bowin’ “Howdy-do;”
The weather Isn’t what we want. but.
brethren, let her roll!
You beer the birds ewlngin’ en’ the
aunablne'a te your uoul!
There’s Iota of life en’ laughter, au'
for every *uUry day
There'■ a lovely rose that’s bloomin’
where your ewocthuart loads tbe

The Wily Arebfef Tripali.
Itoww tha etraat the taint tetarmlT
teat tinkling of e ball waa baerd.
“Barr ror (“Oet outr’t In warning
raaped the biph pitched votca of
r I dodged quickly Into
ehop of a aileeramlth
and watrbrd
la aq<
four luBkbertag ramtta
aqudge aoftl
by. To pievroX those bablnd tba di
er from being atolan tba baWar ropa
of each to tied to tba UU of tba ona
ebrnA end OB tha tell of tbe tobt carnal
as be tlpa asS tepa tt from eide to tide
ttaktoe a bait A wUy eoe ef the
fatthfol. net being Hab la this wortd’a
poeds. tamed oecetoue eyea aa
nomedir bmtbar who paaead Uioogb
tbe todm toedtng e atrtag ef tts
eto. “AUab! Altob ureal el Allah!
form Mb eyea end heeding hUnaalf
with hto bnimoan. he slaelthnj followad. Be waa awaie tBat naar the New
ge*a tba alaeal narrowed (
AeaMetura. Ne aaoair ba
ittnehed to tba btedmoat carnal. Wii
aalsoha of hto knife be eavared H from
tbe tatl ed tba animal, and. keeping It
tteklteg. be quirkty fattened tt
taS of tbe next, cat looae the last

A Myetoriaua Saamtii«.
A ttrange phenomenon to that of tba
ao called *Buaa of BuirtoauU" tn InAH- Barrlaaol Is | station In tba BnnAarbaade. the marmhy delta of tba
Oaagen a imIm eorered with a vast
aad taznrtent Jungto of tropic vegete
^Krank U Slautoo. ttoa Hera te tba rainy emaon tbera
to cMceatoMUy board a kmd. booming
aotoa llhe tba diacharga of distent artUtory. It ssaara to coaaa from tbe
eMth. bat If eae fellowa the sound tu
that dtoettloa Its ajipa>«Bt dtotenca
doss aot dtmtatah. Travclera bava
raii T^" that tt aaay ba produced by
the haeay eatf of tha mooeooe aaeaon
oa the eboraa of tbe hey of
Baaga> or oe an tatend. b«t tba place
tte ettglB hea aaver haen IdentlSed.
Your tie is more Boticeable ef
-hea It been aiplalaed wby tba
now than in the winter. You aer
taar af tha wavra ahauld ha baerd ao
can freshen up your stock Moch fanbar Inlaad bare than on

Summer Necicwear

wiin some of the newest ere*
ations here. Always the new­
est ideas fresh from the

Just la time for the 4th.

HomSlon Oothing Co,

Our Long Wristcd Gloves

For Comfort

All lengths and sixes, are expected
before Saturday.

A Straw Hat
Negligee Shirt
,Patr of Outing Pants
We can fit you out splendidly.

Hatnikon Oothing Ca

Passion Play

,atlM aMa

BUI mnidpim Md Itoh

aat la the aery aanaed Bamatt Brewa
wae htoo especltteathw with chela «ablea made of twiatod ttekA end thto
when tt waa duly peiantod he braaght
to the attMtloa ef tbe aavy board.
After laoeh dtocaaaloa It waa daddod
to give Uratteaaat Brewa tpe caraaand of a aeUtag veaaci. the Itoaelope.
aad orad him oa a voyage ta Marti
alqoe and Gaadetoape- At bis own ex­
pense he was to aapply ebate cablea
for tbe ship, and they were to be ex
perimeated with on the voyage. Dar
tag the foor awottoi tbe ahtp waa away
the new cabtoe were giraa a tbomngk
trial and proved quite eettofactory.
When Brown made his raport a conaatttee waa apfMlatod to advise as to
tbe adorttaa ef tbe chain cable te plaoe
of the beapM. and ar a rroolt tbe aew
tackle was gradnally tntrodaeed Into
•ee-of war. Between ISIO end 1»U
the fleet chain cabtoe were aerved oat
to tbe ahtoa bat tbe fall coaMemeat
of bempra rapea waa tttU ratalaed
Tbto ayetera rrmelned te farce antU
1AM. wMw tbe aomber of hraapea cobtoo was radarad to tbrae. and to IMT
a fnrtber change waa ordarad. two
hetopea cabtoe oaly being rMaterd aa
prtortpel moortng tackle.
During tbe Ruaaton war tbe auditorty of rhste cahtoa waa amply daaraantratrd 00 many occaalona. Tbe veaaeto were expoaed to tbe gatoe and bur
rtcanea of tbe Baltic and the Black aee.
M-of-war wttl
to keep their____
eot weather many of
tranapoiia. fitted on­
ly with hempen ropee. broke away and
awt with dtoaaier. And ao an ancient
teduatiT. one wbicb In early days was
almost a monopoly In Doraetehtre. was
placed Infinitely In a secondary innk.
No act of parliament aueb as that of
Henrv VIII. ordalnteg that -Wo person
bnt the Inhabltenta only shall make
cablea ’ could bring back the prosper
Ity h> Bridport which that town had
eajoftMl In tbe earltoet days of BngUnd’a naval glory. A modem battleship carrtoa foor mate cablea and an­
chors. each costteg aboirt £lJ»a Thto
gtvra her a total of 450 fathoma of
chate cable.- London Globe.

Tha Alploa Deed Nltht.
Among tee lofty mountains and tterated vallcya of Awitaertand the Alpitie
bom baa another use beaktoa that of
aoundteg the far famad "Rena dea
Vachaa.” or cow aoog. and this to of a
very solemn and Impraaalve nature.
When the sun ha* set in tee valley
and tbe anowy summit* of the mountalna gleam with golden light tha
heedaman who dwells ufton the hlgbaet
hablUble japot takea hi* bora and preBouoces clearly-and loudly through lu
as through a apeaklng tmmiwt, "ITalaa
tbe I.ord God.” A* **000 a* the aound
to beard by the neighboring berdamco
they taene from their huU, Uke their
Alpine boms and* repeat tbe same
words. Thto froqueatly laata a quarter
of an boor, and tee call rseounda from
all the mounUln* and r<»cky cliffs
B'bao alienee again rttgna
the berdameo kneel and pray with un­
covered beeda. Meantime It baa be­
come quite dark.
nlghtr at last
calls tee highest berdaman through hto
bom. The word* resound from all lb#
mountalna tbe boms of tbe berdameo
and tbe cliff*, and tlw naououloaara
then retire to their dwelling*.

and 9Sth cf
Picard a MaynaM. a graduate of Alhloa wlU aaeceed'the Rev. John D
MlHen Benedict ol Albkw will supn the> MetbodUi church
> one young man
other of ateallng hUI bicycle,
the ooe
cuaed knocked hisI accuser down I
looel billiard hall last evening.
log 1

Mrs. abect Kaagga of this city I
relumed from a vtolt with friends
Buttons Bay and Omens.
Himkell bxa rv'turoed from
Mason, where
the funeral
here be
he attended
of hto brother,. B’ll
B’llllam IL
MIm Ocite Ovtett arrtved home thto
morning accompanied by her atoter.

For Two
Weeks at

ranted evary day. Tha laaal 1
prtaaa am aapplted hy laaal ianteito
The antelda f
ana af Ute iM
Petatoea NeaHy All In.
Tbe potato aaarkei ta prmctkully
wound up ea far aa thto ttaUou to cun.
ceraad. Only a few scatlering lota are
to come.
It waa hardly known this morning
what the price would be. as burera
for Chioagu markcu were advtaed hr
thdr houses not to take any more.
Buyer* wll have a little reel before
Umc for buying fruit but It Is ex­
pected that chcrrlca will begin to
come te aoon after the tret of July,
Fruit Leeka Ooej.
There 1s every Indication of a apienid crop of chcrrlca also a big erap
of early apples. It's a mUe aoOB to
predict what late apples will do but
buyers are very optimlsUc. ‘The out­
look now to for a very good price owvore frosts te other fruit
productns localltlea.

Whwi -Oirr waa -Oell.ronceratng the pmnuDctotlon of
“girl,” It to to be feared that only very
careful English people fall to rhyme tt
with •'peart” nowaday*. Tbe song of
aopie years back^“My dear little girlto
glrlto. with hair ao nice and curly, and
e\-ery morning eerly”-tho(wa tbe coatom of the great publlr te oar time,
LOCAL MAiucrrav
though In tbe **VUtkina and hto l>luah”
aeillnt FHeeh
period “girt" waa rhymed with *Mwell."
•'Geir was no doubt tbe neareat tbe Clearbeck pork, per bbl........... lAOfl
average man could gel to the sound Clfrback pork, per lb...........
ImparNcrty rrpreeanted by “galrt ” and
at any rate waa better than the vulgar
days, few authora
would go to the trouble of writing
“gurl” to abow that a c'haractcr waa
peculiar te thua proaounclng the word
aa 'Thackeray did te tbe case of Mrs.
Buagay. 80 aaya a Loudon corrrapoad-


e V“*

Pretty la*Mul.
At a Ttllage church a wedding wa*
■*..................... w
fxed for a certain date. The happy PoUtoes...................................:......... 44
mom arrived, end In dee conrae e ERga...............................................14..16
yoathful twain and fates todys pra- Ham per lb......................................... .«
eantod themaelvas at the chanral etepe.
IThe eenrice prdceeded amootblj ae far
na tha qoeatloa. ' B’Ut thou have thto Butter, creemery. per Ib........ SOOM
vremen to ba thy vredded wtreT”
.Wharanpon tha euppoaed brM

...... :S

-Ptoeae. air. I’m not tha right man ”
-Not tba right man." exclaimed the
, egheac “Then where Is the

’•He’a down at the bottom of the
choirh, air. He’s aaheeamed to cobm
up.--Chnfch Family Newspaper.

HuDgarlan nUUal

•; i!

A Ruaaton Paettoie.
If tha boman )aw* naod some occu­
pation ta tha intcrvata of meeto and
Biqrlaf Frtaah/
fonalp, aaya Raalth ('ultwra. maatica
tora could toare a lesaoe from tbe UfA Phr bu.«M
peeeanta of aoutharn Rtiaato, who ex- Com. par hu...w
eretoa their teeth on the bard seeds of Oats, per bn
tbe Ceaptoa sunflower. Three la aot a B’beat. per 1
Buapieloa of a aUmutont about H. no Bnttar
chewing gum dyapHttIa or navy plug
nolaanca It to a pestima and taeldautally
an exceltont deotlCrtee. In
>lly as
af tha raqi
ikhes a plat
Ught steers nnd bolfera ..,........ ,Sf»4
The Case ef Braecfeway.
can ba bought
ter n quartsr ef a panny.
Steers and hclfurs, 1100 lha .... 4^6
While oa the march te Indta tba ptonaar corporal of a famous Irtoh ragi
moot want to tba quurtormaster for a
-Mlrtam.* aeld her motltor. *Bave
toan of a carnal to carry a spare tent,
but tea qoartermaetor refused, aaylng; you ever given young Mr. Ataplefoid
•n have only tba cart and thto apara any raeaoa to believe yon cared for
marry hlmr
camel 1 am keaptek for a caaa of emer-Ha aaama to think aa” answered
The corporal aaM, •Oan’t yon put tha the denghter. *liecaiMe 1 told him tbe Oalvaa ..........
CMS of emergency on tee cart, air. and other evening that ha waa sanding soe
... TO J
Sdo many costly flower* and ought to
tot BM hAva tea camel T'—Bed Letter.

........ ...............

begte to Bare hto monay.*‘-Ohkago

LAOIW AND QBNTU aeooad hand
kaad wheela. H and up. 911 B. lYont

m Mfit
mam af uraaR.* MM C. F. MaOeaL IM
S. Mwat PUeal.
|aM MUk

■psefclad hMBtlua 1%a klMStt «ne or MBxae yon have haaN hhoM lha
BBl pot very nenrty M amoj hot he ThndrrIIto at tha Oty Opara Homb
FMnn. an« he MpWfMMd wHh Ilia iMnMfi* to anre It by thrawtm hit
JMt la a ateaH aMp MWM Wa ABM
BttrMM. Grand Onttwander
and lanhalla. aC mo toM hMim. Bto «r K.lha&Medttn
Mnccnb—a and A. M
cMe^waa attAe ot mtj ahatt Bakn. alay. Grant Baeord BaeMr. pnaand
with na alny plna «r atnia. aaya M thTOMh tha city this aondag m thair
London OMha. bat it aarved Its par way to Mnncelttia. where they wIB
thto evening. Last MglM
peas and wan. ttaraeTsr. fhveraMr rr hold e toaartng
} te Manistee nnd (
oitod apea ky Mtt aC tha paagraaalTe
win ranch Chaitovolx. where they
aattM of the «Mc.
Grand eowpnny.
At ebont tbe eerae pertod e Bratoa
The Bev. A. T. f>wg«aon of thto

Ma« to Make OH ef ^Itowa^
Aaraatt tba valued aperlfice of a >y
teas age waa ell of awaltowa. In tba
84**> Ihe rellotHl vaudeville at" the
*TMtean of Kaara Choice Mannal” City uiHTa house tuuigbt.
nSTW than are the foUewteg cartene
ma. but you hav* not triad
for aaaklng lt:*’T'aka
f. You knew, it la aald that
haadfal e< ratthar tbjrma of tovender
DtahaDa' aaveto sell four tiiiAa batter
oettea and atrawhrary toavaa of aeob
M Hte.>-YonkerB Btataaallka, fanr ewaltovA feathara and all
togethor waU braiaad. terra oaaeaa of

aaltot oil. boat tea h«ha aad tha swal
tows, feathara aad all altagethar, uatU
they ha aa eraeU that yen eaa pea ao
feetham thaa pat la tea oil aad ttlr
them weP tegeMr. and aettb teaaa te
a paanet aad ttrate teem throaf
eaaeas alelb and ae keep tt for :









Fancy Hose

You ihould not buy fancy
hoAC until you see our line,
for if you do you Brill min
seeing some extra good
things. Line is right iiin every

Mtetotar (moatf^ a amall boy oa
Dnaday afternoon rairytng a atrtng of
•alD-Jekany, Johnny, do tease bcloog
to you? Johmny -Yw-a air. You see.
teat's what they got for cbaalng worms
M a >unday--Fhlteda|phto Uqntrer.




Jane 19-tt‘heat,
oats, 4814C.


NaiJigee Shirts
Excellent showing of those
with soft collam. also those
for linen collars. New pat­
terns and colorings. Lots of.
good ones to choose from^
50c up.

Hamilton Qothtng Co.

Hanlon Qothing Co.

Star Electric Theatre

at3 RBaiaU Wronh tthrwwh.
to Mevtoe P*eWte*tolw*r*eawMai—U*a*a*cee**rarMW*m«elcnrtsS. 4
lafRUdraa.. Thai
» are the pcedueliea tecea«h the enjaaRp af
. ,.v,„
Fteteuyl M te. Mtt. araadSirS^ri^^
ligAM ametian te tee iwiiwto ef even the 1

Msttsjr. tea* K ttdly IMW MSaak I* U



on* pre*

•a daapett aanniattoa af tea Mirttual world abate vv /
tveiy eltteen af Brand Tiuwerae omm\f ttraaW BMrave tele appariimity af-aantef tea maal waadtrMl and Mpii

Two flours ol Enioyment


I ptotnre tee wa33H3n

Beautifully aalarad and wa dartelly inatted.

Admission. 10 Cents.







Aaill IfMir^var MM *IM«« •! ■!• NmtmI 0«i««tt«
«<r.1r.Miwii •My tt« MiW V»MW »y


•••»•, ......................
UlM Him W0^M, mMKnwl MfiUeClrtl*. :.. ...■





wnumm 1-

Sppb bpuoc cUtM
%iu poppt PM PPM tor Up ipdr pad
aalTPd M Up oMm Mora tha data at
laatBpaua aaM Upmop wlipa rM
pspIratkNi ghraa op tba ballot.
Mpph 4pt Up data of Up axplidtloa
aa Up hplloia U PliPiad
OMtUoptpp tor BOTH a Mr aad
vlll bP taaupd
Wiu voppipu foi> Pubacrlptloa ps fo|.

tbiok of aext to preartag tto UlaTHi JUOGtto
Maypr A. V. FrMncii.

A. Oa^toad. Caato Aula Baak,
F. W. CPPvar. Atuprvlaar.

Araeary CaWlUlpa) KaHPfd. Aaa*!. Cashiar
Flral NPtdaal Bank

I Uas Up

p<n k tuuit: ivmaluk uf
for Ike totraiBg Kacottl

itopklaa aad pklla It has tooa aa
OgclUag race I rum tto atari. Uare Is
gprery ladlcaltao tkat ika baHotlo^of
tto rtBotolag Uma bUt waiiJMkat
pf tto praopdlug wi« ka but as child s
•rprytbbig prasagas sutk a stPrui
Pf hailQU fur Ue Anal rally as aiil
a atpr staadard fur cauiiialgus uf
charartar. '‘Vrat
^ IHiuai tto ramalalug days uu
Aatld-a uf your ItMird ouw.^ uald
I' . Pi tto (auaidsl4« last ulght, auil ship.
"WltUc 1 Pill b« gUd ahea It
ail utLi, I Pill have no rogiHs,
Mstu-r Ploi Plus
My friends
Atdag aU aad tnotc than 1 cuuld ask
or espacu and Ibat I* enough f<»
to know. ' k'a tto 1m at tblug I

VM atopr toMi ito



fiENiuinrra mAuat


Kama ol OrtaalMUM
VoW aflPr Jua# M.

'Thera U a acarcity of lahorars in
Oar Oekt.
Swadea, hut plenty of coHaga e^ktoatSL
A debt wa ne'er can pay
Three hundred yooag men from
To them U jUsUy due
I'alverwity of I’psaU have accepted
Aad. to Ua natioB's latest day.
(»ur children’s chUdraa siiO ehall say, employment In the Aalds (or Uls
year's harvest seasuo.
‘Ttoy died for me and you."

Ay Carripr.

f. L. mtaim. FmmA Orimt fi
v v' • ••■I**® Om fPar H to..........................fto votes
tU bopUs «1M......................lOP tolas
FjrtMM.... .......................11^
Tan weeks | totes
A. 1. Jm. B. P O. Wki............. . . .
pmi W iMkm, U»ii«4 C^mmmrn ,TrM*»w»,............................... i.m
By Mil.
IflWf li. aiUls. P. * A. II................................. .j.
:;4S0 votes
!■ ' pito P«rt»efc. Tf»r«M cur t«l. Ho- 171. K. O. T, . ....j............ JWl Oaa year |a.(Ml.............
8U u»ontha |l.50...........
iM^OeiiUi^, K»l«hU Pi C-uMmbU*I.. .W FViur mouths |1.00.....^..iw
PikUua iokaaua. MiAftl
While each payment of |k M)
itoial PilTaSlPfP
PuraaW •......«. t *B
liA . .
year's sabscrfptlon entitles the bctlder
A. H Vtoak,A F om. . ............... .
of the raopipt to l.SOO totes, these
oaaaol be toted tor oae oandldt^ but
ftaMM Boaa*, Ftopatard...,...............................
Aaa HalP. P. aad A. M..
to afoally dlttd^-totdap&Jk
lady and gPwUaaiaa.
ftoak Adwaa. Olfar Makera* VaM.......

ym» 9MMm

pBm*. Mtor. litprarr. HmMppp or pO'
eMI ariPPlMOM. MM mppUpcp M
TfvrpfPP OUT M
TbP votlpf viU hp Hr MUpu Plipppi
fW tiM Vrppipf Oppord PttP Hr VM
ta( pprtlAepiPP iPPttPd wtU MTMU
Mp«p pp ppIpMopp PPoopmt to Mp
JKpMm BpoM.

TIM MtowMii M IlM fflU M» I P •■ rm»4Bj. Sn^ II

SSSSoruw-^. ». F. u..................
yr». i. V- MciBUMfc. O. E. •----*M
^ 1NW4I CkrtM., u O. T It
MiM am umm. u a t. m. ....


«■« ttaft pratt fpw
•ini tk» M
TPMapiif OM fwlli m HHlMr
MHIM. «i MMi Okfc- MmAi AM
MiiMlbi pfPvi Hr MPMtg tii p t»
ul Pi Um mt v«M «A«
PM W Mrp hPT llM 1
iPf M ptrpMttfePMPtf

Itoery day of tto cnoiest U bring
lug a»«r aad ooatinedag proof tkat la
ibr art of gattlag votaa and conduct
% aocceasful MiapaiAa saa am
merest amateurs
abeu cooipanid
wlU Ibelr wires kpd atators ‘I’bat
they must yield Ua plum la this
tuirUcular, has loag baap parttolly
funreded. but Is Ukaa oD equal op
poriunity to show how Uttia ,men
kaow stout liomics. The voles acu
only show this but the ivcordb Ull
the same story
Tto vote getters are Imsy. In fsc:
they are working ilrcleasly in ih^
luteiest Of their favorite coatestantT'
bbo. on the other hand, sleeps hws,
aau his or her ataals more rapidly
aad hustles coastaally In tb«< hope
that wtoJi tbs Judges render their
dwlslou St Ue ekiae uf the coolest
It will to lavutwhie.
Su <me of the eaudtdstes In
luce for the trophies Is IscVtug In
ctmfidtHus^. 1h«*y lealtre Iho fact
that they can Pia, aad with
a<.slstaut!e of the frleada, who np in
the present time have stood s«i nobly
by them, there Is tio reasi»u why they
caitnul sin
toiid lb your coupons (live yuui

No oprtlAeale will bp Issued for a
less payment Uaa ll Od.
Oomblaatkms may ha formed batweea a My aad gaallemsu caadldsta
by which a My may axchaaga her
geotlemsn’s totaa for a Ilka numtor
of lady's totes« and tksa taraa. But
oofflbluailoaa by any candidates of tha
same aax to defeat aaolhar will not
ta permlttPd.

■wMir— awMPy.

TO look «aU pad topi «^1. rau mpot
to wall To do UU. you mux k«pp
Up ■ppkaalaai of your tody la i<«rtoot raaalM ordor.
vQBMaa coaMltotloa is fan rnorp
lauMie aad dolkatp—auirr oasUy
lalurad aad dtaarcaapad^Uat tto

la a mtma aartops dpgroa,
Soa-Phorp will help yop. ThotiPands
similarly aftlpM haro haM oared
by Its eld. why tot yop? Tto raaord
of phat Boa-PMa haa Asm tor wvv
ckaalPM of Up iaopt watok Yat ao men to pnmf of l» vmtia. The loa> aaukl Uiak of alloplag a patch Phww Ck)L.Kalamasociv Hick., oaa sand
)ua books at lostlmoiUabi coatalalag
Hop- okpay youas Udiaa tkaiv ai^I
vto pay ao atiaatloa to tto trst ayotpthTtoHrotTorgaiu^d^ congested
M of dlaaaaPd orgaaa. Halas la iba
relaxed, displaced, or la any way dUback. baad. abdoaaa. riskt or
eased, and do pot ppriorm tkair duties
alda. aud aoaip Uaiaa la tto hlpi
loper liaito. Tired aad laatuld (eek properly, and rsAPlarly. Aoa-Pkora
tug In the pMkralag; woraout and die- Pill ipsiom them to their normal so.
tiacted aei-vas. leadlag to a erms and iivlty The vlui force known only to
healthy woman p ill letura aad Uerv
petulant disposltloa.
Natural cohir
, - ^
fading from tto o^. the light aad will to Jo> la living.
'Thousands of womon—not hundreds
aad luster from' Ue eye, the oaoc
m> sister, attest Ue fact of tto repleasant smile from tto face-all
simaUun tif their health by the wee uf
these Roing oi gone. What does
tos-l*hora. Ask sotae ol yoar tody
mean? Simply that soma oaa or ui
of the delicate organs are lud perform
t aad get a bU '
iUI thcli work as they shouldvrding to full
Kptuiv needs S4tmc
Iona la each
These aches .sad pains—sUhongh aud complete Inatrudlona
Ytm will rooplw
silgki at first-are danger signals, package.
and you ought to heed their warnlugs Phoa from the drugglpt alrpMy ptv
tofoir the trouble beoomaa chronic patvd. compounded in Jual tkp rlolU
and dliK-ase gets u Aim Hold on your proport Urns, and pul up tU snaM. stet lli^ed. one doUai Indlles. Juat oak (or
A ueAe tonic and strength builder Tos-Phoia—uo other <
-the best yon can get- !.• what you to needto—aud no mistake wW be
- •
nee^l at such times. Eoa phots Is just made.
In each ^utekage will to found a
that , ladies- kits of them—who have
used it say so. We know it Is so be copy of T>r Pengclly s Advice to Wocause Ztia Phma Is made («ir women ni««.'‘ a medical ImhA giving Inter­
est ructive lufurmi
—all pomen—old ami youna: and has
a successful rec«»rd for, thirty yesra alMiut sli diseases of women
We want you to know tlUa tint by u way to sucv'essfully treat them In the
thorough trial t»f 7oa Phora lu your privacy of your own home You need
own mme. Whether vou aiv slightly not (ell your troubles i4i anyone.

To contfA^lct coftAln toik
Aa4 to pot the coiisoiiilfi|||^pok^
Uc in podsefisiott of tke tfotli^
we say in plain wof^ that no
one Jn thii town can sell ra#
good coffee ai Afhocklest LIST OF COMMIHEES
Afiosa fot af little money*

The Evening Record raservaa the
right to reject the name ol any V
jocOunable parson.
At tha dose of Up balloting Ua re
turns will ha canvassed by a commit­
tee of welbkaown huaiaaas men -whose
sUadlag in tha commuaUy Is unques­
balloting will close
o'clock Wedaesday etaulng. June 21
The pUca of holding the final
ooaot will to annonnoad In a later Isstte of Ua Etening Record.
No pmploya of tha Evening Record
m bpcoma a candidate for the honor
and Ua diamonds.
No extra coptes of the Evening Rec­
ord pUI to printed, fur sale, (or the
cou|«)bs which they contain.
FOR OUTAIDB dears tiaa Csimsn's
Etsstic Apar Varnish. A. E. Walt A


Misbranded and make-believe ‘
Mocha and Java, or coffee^ sold
loose out of a bae or a bin. is
not as good value for the money,'
nor can it be sold at as narrow;
profit, nor reach the consumer
under as favorable conditions.^
When you buy Arbuckles|>
Ariosa. Coffee you get more than
16 net ozs.of straight, wholesome
Brazilian coffee from the largest
coffee firm in the world, with that^
firm’s direct assurance that theyj
are giving you the best coffeCim
the world for the money.
ARBUCJCLto BROA, Nsw Torh Uty.

CREAT fourth


Will Ac the AigpMt Ever Held I
Ncrthsrn Michipan—^eod Work­
ers Were Chosen.

The following su- the commitU'e»
Ihst will have charge of the Fouilh
of .luly celcbrstlon. the biggest ever
held In noithern MichTgan. The cxecu
live ciuumlttce chosen by the mass
m<P-llng of clti/eus Is as follows;
O P Carver. Chark**, Piochaika. C
M. Beers. H. B. WalUir. Tbiw. T. Bates,
secretary and tressarer.
The excctUlve c^muulllw have made
the followhiB appoliitroenu.
President of the day, h'rmuk Ham
Marshal of the day, Fred l». Curtis
Chief oi ataS, Ernest Saleuskl
Mr. CurlU hu.H sebvU d as his ald<*H
W l>. C. Ucrmulue. Harold Titus. F.
(i. Homiiaun. Jay Hmllh. C. li. Johnsou, C. O Carver. Kruuk K» Iley.
nuance. W U C Uermalue. J W.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co*

Music—C M. Boers. t\ A Skelchfr,
A. B. Cook
Parade J W Hauueu. John Ron­
nie. F. W Carver. U R. StlckiH-y, W'.
R l-Time. C, K. Taylor.
City departments
Hhane. 'Tom Murray. Will Aahton.
Puldtc exeiViaes - W. W'. BcnUh, H.
A Musseluiau. H. 8. Hull. George W’.
Ijrrtlle. 8. C. Harrow.
IVwraOon~J. W Milllkcu. M- 8.
Sanders. W H Schuylfer.
'r|-ansjsu tatlon—E ,U Bpragae. C.
Murray, .lames Kehoe. J T. Jenks.
E. A Wesion.
H F H. Marvin. M a Mor­
gan. H A tongworthy. U K. tTevw
land. W. W a*an. O- P. Carver.
MUltary and Fraternal socleilesIdeutenaut Jtawiih Klaaseu. l.leutcnanl H. I Knapp. Sergeant Goorae
Firo works-A W. Walt. Ed Toylor. a Raymond. William Courlmle.
(tomro-C. O. Carver. T. H. GllU^
Bari Henry. U-ster Simpson.
Motor boat parade—U H. Stevenson. H. n. Alley. William Harrow, iivlng Murray. Lamls lU iges
Aquatic sis»rtfe—John Kik-sI. H. OIH-au.
Adverllslng—Bxecuilvo comr^tU;<*.
record want


WiUtaOioMa Aiiujf
Tliiirsday, July 4

Cool Summer Drink$i Sk'f^hP?SfesPd?®^
and the bottle will make two gallons of thernost delicious drink.


Wsat s BtsuHM eift

The cooleit jutt now are H»nmocli>. /We
awl rhi. year that a« made. Sell from HOc to

$t m SettM. are priced at H

and $6 *0.

BeauUM 3*rdMms

Exquiiite Cut Gla.*. inwall the new dainty cut““ Creamer., Celery Dt.he..

Stirling Sitptmart

,^e dainty Oriental colorine*. all .ire.,

OWr C.«/^
Soiue cntircly ocw dcsigGi IB Eicctric Rod O

Bnnd»Painttd China
~ ^

^ rm.warw-.www w^

I |'
, .




tingle Fork Rnd Spooni. Cake Knivet, Butter

Camp Stoob, weth
with either canvAi Df
©f ilet'EeeU.
ilet •fieeti, sell
Chop Plaiet,
Plaici, Fruit Pletes.
Plates. Bread and
end Butter
ei dOc each. Poick aain froin 76c
W.75. pialet. Bonboe Dlfikea. Olive Diihei. Sugart and Table Lampt. jutt the thing for the ttuing room

Udici. Berry Spooni. Indiykl^

Bnhhtr Stamj^






FkAsi to# nws
Tto*eAyaa»y‘Wear*tr*wli*t»." Youknow WNfC tofl/Ofs'


You^esnsst It si almost any «|hs.
gnd If you want s Freezsr in your

UT courna in©' atmoepnaro m«y -------------------- ---------------them in hve dayi lor anything ie- ibii l»e. We
carry in itock Rubber Datei, Stamp Pads end
liveor Sumps
Stamp Pad Ink. Special Delipcry
Sumpa. Get
yeurname ee^ addrett for epyeloees^nciK
l«bkef yipBA ied fifures lor
Aam cerdi.

The **Reacon" rcUi for $3. and is a dandy.'

Iny Brod_^>»u ^n M



cMn... but *b.n It I. HOT wh,
u«. Tb. "wnd,,
wondsr of tha town., for they frsszs
cream ao quickly
with the
Uvsthemat 60c, fit. tl.SOshd W. Itoit of tfouhlo- fMI ftom »a.ld to




tMWMa W«T.

j. a a amt X ntoMem
oeraoeATHic rHvneiAM

I ta ito otap. WM ttki f

ornm »t* wiMb Mt.

.to ti B »

Ua liL-SSk.

rHiiM, mm MRMk BL. otaM to
OM iU i kail ktack ftoi Qaalval
tog or keaiitai; vglI li
toko peed
hi^ fw tp

Wtrtk hm B09 mm 9m-

m tAH Ritoi itov

JMM tl-U


Arm» 9

or irtto. a i. llorpBB

iOBp I

•Ifti W4MTt^At mm m 9
•1 kmm mmt- Hit. TnMr Ottm,
Mi BUM «mm

iam THt MAW-^«f7
oMm vU) om» I« Mis «Mf fmm
iwm ti u J«M n. iMf.
">OMf Ml Of fOM cBMMlor M
19MB t7 oai tl «M to
■ opirMtioo tooiiw. oai BMioiirt; Botol poy Mi OMMtMM
(M for proMotko U> itoto wto
MOM OtiiiMI AfpW Ol 1
Motf nrnmmg ofiM. mmubm
Mtou iMi ton. in rtmi ou«m.
Trofono (»gr, llta^ lor foittor 1»

Ppfl iALt—HBMIoMi «• Pitot
MitoC «fir4oo( liMt. toMiiiWi
toM. ik» lo«»: A Mo. 1 propoof-

to: pto Itto. Woio Broo. tl7
tott Uitoi BL OIL pto* itit.

Mil ll-tf

Wt WAHT Morytor «o know Uol
VO to oUU ito ttoM ui^toioto drf

ctoMOic ooutoluMpt IB tto dir.
Tho fBrttoB
)uM ity.

. .WANTtO-Om for pMorol iuiu*'
vorii: MM por wook; Btoo obo for
ooooM work. MrB a J. Motseb.
to BUU ouooL
Jaoo ItU
WAMTCM-OttotoBon tor oU ooi
pBooilBo OoUvor OBrortora li ti«

«Hr, UiMi Ritto rtoltaro Oa
ftoM ill

Map tl'U.

W4«TfO^-«i1 tor tMOTBl toto
work, laptoio Mro T A. KlMao. i»4
W. NlBlk; UL ptoo 111 Jutto t U.

kdAilTlMlrl for poBtroi kouM
a M. iol W. ToBik.
WtoTlO-llBBBior tor kroBcJi ofloo
VO vlak to toeoto koto to Trovoioo
OUT. Aitoot. vlU loferoBoa, Tto
Monto WkolooBlo Hoom. CtadouEtL


WAMT«P->Tow ipkoUlorti^. furml'

til* topilrtM. itolr ciBUviMi furpTANtiO-to Pitoftoi. MloB Mi
pii MipvAtA 4. toonO, kUaUtai
tor U-lto

MONAY TO LOAN—Real oeuto for
eato Uouaes to reaL Dr. W. B.
Moon. City Opera House ktack.


■■•w-to toM «•

ItBU Btriot: IVM ITbibo kouM aoi
Moi koro: tkta propertf U 1b tko
enlor of tko koot dock Ib Travora*
(top, totoooB COM BBi Pitk droto
BBi Ito oootag kttiiBBBB Mock of
Mortkoro ItlrklgBB; proportr lo ihta
duck ksB iBcroBSto Ib vbHio
tour koidroi par cool 1b BBYttn
raora. U viq do koUor Usb ikmt in
tko BMt OrtroB roBiB Koop rouri
mio«ro«iortkBfBBoon.(kAd. (a>p
por aad otker »UbilBr prupodi
BBi ptBCO It IB good prospective
proptrtU IB tko kool cUr Ui tke fUi*
vk«ro Bll dBoaoB «( real oouto ar«
BdrB&dBg lo prtoe. okere fartinie*
kBvo iBcroBBOd Ueliveapocllr lo tto
«iU«t IkBl tkt-T kBve out dripped
ike popuiBtkia. vkero tkere ta two
toU fen- everr ibbb, wumao OBd
cklld wkere iki> Unvi coluimu of the
local popart ore iii*4 wUh want
ode for BMi, wooK-B. bort a&d lint,
wkero farmort come for tuiku tu
dbpoto of Uielr producU oBd pur
ckaae tkelr tupplieB, wkere ol
chuMW of fruit, gruln end vegoUbleB
CM to luccetduXr Krown. wherw
raiure kat BtundeoUr. ro« larldily
•uppitrd tke tporUUDBO, thn tdiulart, the artUt and tto iuvalld with
erorr tklok th«r ouuld dralre. toy.
iBlBOd lakee. rtver«. aad crookt,
clear, pure freak waltT. good dear
kealthy air. Aek, frulL and vegeuklaa. Wkat mure could to deolrad.
Tkeae arc facta wo are aUUag and
cBi to vorlAed. Agaio we eay ptooo
jrour muoey in Traverao City or tke
Orand Traverao regloo.
UroM.. SIT IJnUjB alreeL (^Uzena
phoni- ms.
Juae IZtl
POR lALI-liottao BBd lot: nodora
coavenleacao oxeopt keatlog; eight
blocka from padofAce; oaar tonat:
iBOdorBU coal. Fkoso Of or call
ill W. Ninth ftrooL
ipr ISO
POR AALR-UII-Obo kOBdrod and
Ulrtr-Avo icro tard. oifktp aerot
tatproTod. largo kara aad i
koua^ orckard. largo aiBount
good wood, ttabor. farm aU toocod

aad BO koUor aoU to to towad; aU
dlloi BootkOBat of city ea naia
road. Bast Bar lowathlp; cloao to
Mkool Sid ekarck: will aoU oa oaar
torma ovBor in oikor knali
price ti.iM. Wado Brae.. IIT Rgitk
Diloi SL OU. tooae 1111


POl lALB—Tvo kooBO pup|4o«. laoulRi Job. CtoirtBic. ruuu> 4.
)uu« IA€1*
Ppa.lALB-lfoiom kOto.

kMl. UK 4»6tl«&.. Prloo Md lorma
tOBBMUklr. CM PUto MtOM.
iOBO It U.

BOl lAUI—McVlokor

pbmIIbo ob

•too. ipv: Ilk 1 a a a u>«ou.


roll •ALI^IIM-Boroft proportr
PBO tollo oUp UalU; tour m
ivo kpptoi toil Bkoio fruBt; torpt
iPloi OMBptotolj luiotokoi liot
•kill: ^ BBi eoli VBtor IB
WMM. wm U<kL turoBOo koBL «Mo
pBi ooitoit. lop lorgo torma. trout
BtoMI tklOOfk fTOUBda. kotk k(

Mi Abb fEpro a king kap akoro. Tkia
pippoitp Is iB Am elaas ooBdlttoo
OB Mato iioi to eltr. iik»d alt tko
vgj to dtp: vouM ood u» pat la
fOgiHIrr w U la It pioioBt at loaat
tvoitp tkaiMioi tolon: laip ova
tog la taviUi. kooco OBcrtfoo to
•rior to itopooB of U: vlu ooodtor
•Boi dtp propofU IB part pinBoot
artoo lUAM Wait Um^ ti

•Mto Dotal •!. CM. ftooo UlA.

top 11^

BOR AALl-llU<-LartB to
kouM. larpB lok kotwoM NIbU
Mi mtk dMota m ktattroii bv

OBM. tooog iBOBiittai Lot vortk
it taut OM mmrnui ioltaii
Sum oodi mi to kuili tor mmrn
kiiiioi idlaim. Ciooo to.
imwm Frioo liTMi wait aroo.
•IT towU Ditao drooL Ckt I
taip Mf

JZm to «HI« vw a M



aaaAo lo order from oM oarpeta. IL

aCkaptor CMtaoapkeaomi

pgBity to aaipat of oao
RL RURRBLt. draj. call Backaat t
ioitara as part ganMaii
Booeoo. Reoideoeo pkoao AM.
•MMi Waio Bmu Alt
Juae IMI.
Valoa it. CSL gkoRg 1111
tmj iwf A. g. oatAON-JuaUoo <i Ska Poaoo.
4 MUUkea ktack. Boada,
POR gAtB—iMA-^ itaM twp aad dooda, mortgaiM iiA'MatiacU
oavkiR mim cRp toAoi: LiM kaowloiged: real ootato bougkL
•old or rented la oUjr or eouairy
Boaep toanod. I kave mom good
kargatoa Hated to tana aad city
praporty. la ofAoo WodaMday aad
MUirdoy eveatoga. Bnaldeaoo pkoa
CIL til.
apr M-i

#ltA WAWTi^-ilr*. UmtK o»«
iiii« mkmfMm it-it

I AALl—Weet kighlh elree
atluu liiuulre W. H. AUbod
Jane T if. •

errea. one and <ioe kail mllea
ti Adne on main luad. Seventyive acrae BOder cuHlvaUoa: all in
to orupa. wbeai. cum, uaU, ka>.
large wiodera kouae, furnaoe. bath
hut and odd water all Ufough
kpuie. Wind niill and Unk. Quod
kara. granary and all npooMary
ten bullitog*. good young orchard.
Ju*t beortng: about all lete) au^
at neorta perfect at a tana could
be. Owner wlahee U> po aouih. beaoe
ofeto at k>w Agure fur caah. Price
M.MO. wade Brae. 117 eoulh Vu
Urn ttraeL Clt pbune IflS,
juae if tt
POR AALA-lili-OAe hundred gni
•ve acre fai-Qi. tour uille4 from clQr:
eixty acito under colUvatloo: forty

Oalto «L Oto Xm Uto

__ P. P. LAWTON. M. toM)CAoe WUketos
ktaok. Botk pkoaea
apr l-tf

POR «ALt—Lot ea ttatk otreoL OaU OR. to 1. aRROORY—Fkjatataa Sid
Aokaaoa A Taraor o kardwaro etoro.
WA HAVA opened a feed barn la old

GLI and neUl roof
paimlag a apecialty. Cell at 721
)un« 12 tf.

A. J. MkPHAlL—Dentlet.
eon drug etore. Bell ]
rtogt; CtU. MAS rlaga.

WA HAVt PURCHAAtO tbi- 4i) LtiTtR Ol WALCH-Attorney et
cb-itulug lioklneas trf oil A Hnhut-i
lew. CollectlOB work a epeclalty.
With Cuderwood A Umlor, ButherWc arc mow In a pueltUm tn do ail
toad block.
of your work. W'M. Al^OUSTfNK.
ail fl rrtua atrcel, ('ttici-pa phone OR. F. J. MAC NETT-PrmcUce HumITS.
June iStf
ed to BYB. BAR. N08B. THROAT

SBd riTTlNO or QLAR8BS. Office

CONAULT MadaiB Ktoea the palmlaL
at SIT Daloa upoa all aflaira la Ufa.
aaar lS4f

Qoa. OeotM iPMlitog pi Moral
ioMWi towliwiillA to vtoktot^
tatraaed tec. Bom to tke Motwoe


hat W«k" M iMR Tke 1I«V
CM gotoramewt refMoi to give e yowig ama U WlHtata Waakkmm i
pertob to ieoepk Mom kotai keep^ tke vwditoi omwmmiy waa paHraai
er. cf Brie, tea mlleo aoutk of Monroe. at S oVitaek Monflay algkt. IV7
krtag komc tke body of kle eon. Uvn at Vickabarg Waakkara ta «iv
Cleophaa. who waa drowaod at Moat ptagii to a pMor mbl ikma Mrw.
eroy. Mealoo. May M Tkey have a WaSkhura haa keva ta Vlekatorg
law that bodtaa cannot to iwmovod tkiwn ynnra aod Via a vaakvomaa
lor At# yeaiw. Harry, anolkar eon. Ska U witkoat ckbiraa. '
1%e Bootk Haven poHea are aaarek
waa dravaed Ave yoara ago at Otuwa
Ing tor tke paranu of a hnky loinA
The. 12 yrar-old aon of Bdward Alaa dend near tke Pierce Wtblama fact
morth of Bandaaky . weal lo Oaraao ory MoMay aooa ‘ Tke body of the
vibe on Balardaj ood- purehoaod u Infant vaa found by aoine chilirea
flobert rlAe. Buoday aftemooB. while playing to the creek ruaaiag through
two horeea owned by a neighbor were the fWTtoc. The little teUoqra fled
gnutog In fuxui of the Alnaworth at tke grueeome alght. and attraetei a
the lad aecured hla rifle and paeaerby wko to turn aotlAad tke
The boy s ahu police. It la aaid tkat tkq beby waa
ahot both, aaimala
waa true, both horeea dy ing from the nutder^ aad tkat Ue police are
likely to make arreau akortly.
wounda. Ooe waa valued at UW
ReprevenUtlveeTbompaon'a efforts
Altvah D. Bouford of Otaego. who to make Manlateq an Ideal city by
held many puhbf ofiee*. la deed, aged giving U a charter which would have
»0 yearm.
the people auprewto. wiping out |>arty
Henry Rixw of Bentun Harlan..
linea and providing for the UiUbttivc
)uara old. who diaappeared two w«-ka vutca to auapend the rule* to the
aau, waa found dead In a flchl. Car- houae. aad U waa tent lo the commit
UdU acid.
lee on cUy corprvratlona. where Rep
Willard M. Hlcka of Richmond, died reaeniaUve -Sioney** Monroe will in­
alttlng In a chair. He waa 74 .veara ject the embclnilng fluid; and noth
old and father to Mra. W’ IlyiFVni- Ing mote will U« heard at It \hla aea
Wood dt Detroit
Playing detective ptxrvtd rather vxChailea Buell, of Norway , a farmer,
put <\ynamlir In the oven to dry. He penalve for Jefferaou Catito ot Adrian.
forgot It and atai^ipd a Are. Reault He waa charged with falao pretenaea
Buell kwrt part of hU face, three to gelling IS out of Rnllln Brockway
by claiming that the latter waa under
llngr-ra and hla toagtu-.
Ml aud Mra V. Oayhird. of Adrian, arreat and aettUng the caae for that
have recelvetl a cablegram from their amount. CatUu pleailed guilty when
tUughter. Nellie, announcing that ahe airalgued In court aud paid a flu«.
haM received a diploma from the Vnl ' Mild cuata of S17.S0 and refunded the
r|S In addition. Monday aflernoou
\etaU> of Parla.
Having been manled aud divorced William Heat waa arreete.1 on the
three tlmiw. Mia
Ameitu Mellaaa charg*? of havlnu been In the diml
Shciuu-r. f.S yi-ara of ag.' of Knlama with Catllu.


yeara experience. With Ortoaell
Bros., eoraer rroet sad Ossa 8U.

General news

through the
Travoree City Stove Re­ A 9. MARTIN-PbyalcUa Md Bor
pair Co . Ml W*. rroBL Clla. SIT,
geon. Office SOfi Bast rroht street
Boll M Sr.
apr AU
Among Aiui-ricaua prominent lo the
illieHM «-oild none haa been regard(relgbt parcel* and trunks. OiOoe bualii
at CUy Book Storw
with alncerer
eateem by hla fellow
than D. O. Mllla. banker and
POR RANT—Good pnaluic for hoivea MRAv E. L. RONNER‘8 kair dreeatog
^tant over City Book Bture. Room cuitlUUtt. of N*-w York, and Ban PTanand t-nUlc. Baquira uf M., W’lunU-.
claco, aud alao well known aa a practi­
m Bute vtrret.
June 17-12(«
cal pblluulhroplat. Mr MUH.’ actlvl
Money to loan, SIS Bute Bank ttea have covered a peilod of many
TO RANT—Plcaxanl. liirula^Hl ffCMit
>i-aia. urid he baa been tiidentlfled
kuUdlng. CltUens phuu* 6»A
rouni In family of two Addn-an X
Rocurd, ufOco.
June 14 if. REAL CATATA AND LOANA-Orand «lth uumeiouH buKlneaa (Htucerna and
vviib bocleiliw of many auith. Although
Travel *« Land and Loan Co.. F.
TO RENT—nenaautly furnUbcU front
Thurtell. Manager . Office, rooa 2 bi.'iH now kl >cani of age. he haa until
latflj r«-fuaed to cuualder hlunH.*lf aa
HamUton A Mllllken block. room, all modern cimvi-nlenoea.
Kid. diacharging dut|ea that developed
220 Cmw.
June lOtf.
SARA T. Chase, m. 0,—oiiice with uptm him He f»‘clH ubllgtHl to reflre
Dr. 0. E. Chase. Bute Bank block
Both phone*. 225 2r. Residence 2S4 lioin the dlrtH-tiMuteh of a number of
per mouth
luik, upfeta
W. ^ghth 8L CIO. pbune 7S1.
com|i30U-tt with which he ban bovu
may IS U.
I B. BlghU
«-«»nnected Ht‘ haw liegun the procfas
OR. F. HOLOAWORTH—Special aV of taking In aall bv leaigning Uh di­
tentlon to disease* of the eye. ear,
BOse and thmaL Glaases fitted. rector <4 Un- hb-ie and Southern l‘a
Over Johnson drug store. Both <-iti( lailroadh. aud he contemplalea
phonea action reaptHling tneinberalilp
tn othei. out iKirallon boardw.
DR. A. B. MINOR-OAloe over AmerL
Hr. Ludwig Latare Zamcnbnff inven­
rOR RANT-IM Lake avenue
eye, ear. noae and throat Gla**es tor of tbe auxiliary, or -univeraar
quire lU B. Etgblb St
epr 2» U to
flued. Both pbonee. Residence AM language, waa Utm at llyuIyattK k. a
Sixth aueeu
todixh town on the borderland of OerPOR RANT-All Cnee etrooL Inquire
lU Beat Btohto
mu M-U OR. W. A. MOON—Specialist—Oeolto. many and Ruaala. At lenat ftiur dif­
nrtoary, skin and blood disease*; IS ferent languagea are aiH>ken by the
variouH nutkinalllleu wblth colnjMiee
TO RANT OR BALL—U aroca to Beat
liH populatbiii—Kuaalun. Pollah. Oerblock. Both phones.
Bay towaahto Bd. PortoB; SIS W'eb
lui n and Yiddish.
Tbe bable of
etor streoL
mar lAimo
T. W. THIRLRY—DentUt Over Bs^ loiiguCH fceeim-d to Hi. Zainenholf, who
bum A Bari's JeveliT store BoU in practicing hU profeaaiou came In
phone* lOA
txMatl with tbe varloua |»eoplea. to
LOST—black covered arx-ount biK>k. ARTHUR HOLLIDAY, M. a—Physh Ire-ihe c-auac of mutual blckeiingit. and
ye*terd.»3 between Urawn and Tr«v
ebtn and Burteon. Removed to at- be fct-i hlmnilf 10 bring about unity.
Ace* to Mun*on block over Baraum The reaatl waa Ea|>erauio.
t-rae City, eavt aide (d Stiver Lake
A Barl'a. ClUxen* phone MA
road. Rciuru to H*twd uud rw elvc
What Is believed in tho north weal
June l7-tf.
to be the largeat wagona In the world
HARRY B. HARNAR-Bxpert piano
tuner and action regulator. Bette bus btcu «htp|>ed from tb-atlla to
LOST—Fulr glaaaea In caa<- bctwwn
fa'Ction fuaranU^ed. With Kimball Nome. Alaska, win re It will be put
Stelmel m%*at market and Catboto
Muale House. CIU. pktme ML
into Hervice carrying freight luto the
cburch. Leave at SU Suutb Union.
Interior. The wagon haa bc<>n flttad
June U2t
MONEY TO LOAN-No Ux elanae Willi Ik lnt h titea.
huba of the
put In mortgagee. Honees for sale.
Inquire of B- McNamara, Park wheel* are two feet in diameler and
LOST—Thuiwday afternoon,
Place koteL
axar the whot-la are two feet In diameter.
watch mod fob. Nt»tl(> hliaa Ma^
The Uh1> of the wagon la 2U feet long
barager. N. M. Aaylum. Juto 14-lf. ABSTRACTS OF TITLA-C. O. Oar- and more than aeven feel high. The
▼er. Pricec reasonable. Office with Wi.gon wtt* built in Alameda. Cal. at a
0. P. Canrer A Bra. Botk pkoaen
coat of $700.
Turkey U practically a virgin aoil
OR. A. L. THIRLRY—Bpeclsl atten
Uon to dieeaaes of ckUdrea. Room for electrical enterprltoa. Up lo a
U^aay caaee of cruelty to ckadroo
4d» 8UU Bank bldg. Botk pkoaes. year ago there wax not a clngle city
under your obaorvar aninu
Ol town In the Son.OoO «Quare mbea
Uon call City hook atore. both pboa
of Tuiklkb poaae*41on* which could
Na 42.
Humane Bocloty.
boaat of a telaphonc ayatem or of a
may lAtf
c^tral aUtloD (or electric or power
purpoaoa. Now Damaacu* aud Beirut
St Look TRAVERSA CITY LODGE. Na 71. K. are etoctrteally llgktod.
ot P.. meet evary Tkuraday even­
the peat
St, DuUas,
lo many of the Orc<en ialanda diving
ing. New Munsoa block C. 0.
year 1 hav< toooBie acquainted With
Ertekaon. C. C.
1M7 for apougea forma a ^onalderable part^
Dr. Ktog a New
Ufe Ftlla. and no Uxa
Uve I ev(er before tried eo eSectually
of the occupation i»( the tokakltanta.'^
of melaii^ar'*
- TRAVARAt CITY LEGION. Na US- The native* make U a trade to gather
1 n^^
NaUoaal ProtecUre Legiao vrlll
meet ta Woodmaa kail ea the third ikoac. and tkelr toooam from thU
Tueeday of eeek mqaU at T:M p. to
Hannah Dmg Btorea.
Abram Rmltk. president;
DmCwms Cannot ba Ougai
Ortaw^ aeeretorf; Nettie a



Bcrca Umber eetiamod to cut at
leaat three hundred tkoueaad fpet
fd aterchaauble loge; gpoot two
tkoueaad oorda totoro wood
pioved land. moeUy level; akout
one kaircaB ho Irrigated fron the
craok that ruaa acraaa farm; large
fimae kara. etooe keeameni
tor §tXT kead of etock; good eumo
touadatlaa: pocktog kouee for tnUt
large orckatd. dlRoreat varteitae of
POT.koe. poara. pluam. aprlotaa.
ekerriee and nppleo,
vartetteo; aleo large vlajrard: ckeieoet gmpee- Tkis tana kr utlllatag
tke Umber CM to made to pay out
tkie year
r«Tr*T^ winter,
and wkea paid fur U a ctoady
of ROaltk tkat la kard to iiylkato
vmif reaooa U le for ealo le owaor
le woU ataig U yware aad wlakoe
roUro koaoe oRora U at akoat oao- Bpoclai unto aad low ratoa. ge
kalf iu aetual raloa Prtoo ff.0ii. poators or aak ageaia.
U. P. MoeUer, O. P. A.
Wado Bran. AIT
AlT Bowtk
Boatk Uahm
Uataa 81.
lllMO 11




A A. M.. meeU on Monday evantof
OB or before tke fu<l Ot tke moon,
et T:S0 p. m. Carl C. Laagley. W.
M. ; B. BL Wklta aecratory.

K. a T. to to
K. O. T. M. M.. Ka STl. meeU every
Tkurwday alghi to tto ^ FWiowe
hall, over Amerlcaa
Mart Wltkeaa, Oo

Wto VatVm
toad to t*.



Power for Your Boat

Are yoB UKtreiigiay
BBtUtted with yow


wrSiSwi. I i

aource la far from contemptible.
Thirty year* ago there were 14 rail­
road* under more or le** independent
opcialUina whose title* a* painlt'd on
the cam began with Now
there are only two.
-Combine. ' a* U 1* uatHl now U only
about 20 year* old. having came into
faahluu after the trial of a New Yolk
aldi-i nian lor bribnry In 188ft.
Greece U said to be thf poorest
country of Kuyopc-. Her total wraith
amount* to |1
half that of Bwlteerland.
The C.6OO.OO0 people In Greater Lon
don live In »S8.000 honae*. Thi* popu
latlon 100 ago wan Junt one Ofth
what It I* now.
Unailen \V Kairbanki. and family
will imto the Ihret* umnili* following
July 1 In Hanver*. Maas.
Gov. CurU* Guild of Mawachufcrits.
huM iMued a proclamation foi Old
Home- week. July 28 to August 3
Vlcc-pr<-Hideut Fulrbauka la *U f<*«'(
four Inche* tall.
Joaepb Chamkerlalo la reported suf­
fering from cancer.

he w a* In ihetiabtl of unl^ kl* tyi«wrller aSer 10 o'clock at night. Tbe
police held that the marhlno made unueci-aaar) noise and the court a«m*
lenced the man to four hour* to
prUon, with* a warning that he would
be puulahed much more severely It the
offense wax repealed.

lo htance u man under 2ft ydkra of
age. whoii« purenU are dead
whoae grandfather or grandmother 1*
alive, cannot marry without tbe writ­
ten auiborliy of both or either
Vaudeville at City Opera House 1

night. 7:4ft and » p. m.
At Sanu Crus. Cal., la the
George Hotel. U a unk oonulntog ftO
tram ao tame tkat tkey take meat
offered them from a man'a band an>l
rub their sides against the band of
the one that feeds theau

The EvrurUl. the royal palace oear
Madrid. H so Urge that U woold take
(our days to go through all the rooma
aad asaru&«oLs- lAe dlatoaoe which
would have to be traveraed being
about isq mUee.

boat CMgUie? If not, it
vooVl oertoiblj p«j you to
iavtistigoie tho


M. Paige
t A A E. TIU1UM -

Order your

Soft Coal

E. A. Weston
Yard aud offioe, Korthem
Michigan dook.
Both phome

E. w. hmiim* a s«a
Eiiurmu. Tixtem CUT. ato.
iHl Estlll

Line Steamers



Tke ealy prariBoe to Spato where
peenuts are produced: U Vataecia.
There are tvo dlAerent worta. ooe
coBtalnlBg tvo sate—probably koown
to Amertaa aa SPMtak peoMta-ead
the othet eoRtatalBA three or toor
nuta. knovB to HkgtoBd aa ‘'gtoaU.'' Leave MAK18TBB daily A I ssd T ».
Tke Arat claaa U by tar tke SMUt eoei- m.; SoBdsy ? Pl to. oetly.
Lost# LUDINOTON dtaly at IS iL to
OMiB aad ohMptoL
Arrive MbvBBkeeAa.todtaly.
It U Mild that Lake Brie prodooes Leeve MUVoBkee doily • p. to
more Aak to the aquane mita thaa aay Tke Itoe vklek esearee yoe Three


other body e( voter to tke votM.V


. u-r-l

AV. wm Hi ^

iS fftySlSma •mm

T. A. wimui


A»mm «C pnmiAim tP tW §>•«• of
rtiMr^iiw. IW mU, m

TlMfe are two tKiugt a
never prepared for*~iwias.
ure^jwe<i^Cwhot weaiher
by ordering ICE of

Ii«^ or «kk4 oro i«&r to thoM
hir athte vutMt oAtte n^tvaAte lur MpotM
____ MM (W tU '»H4k«it muM
k«vo t^
Vi IkoMUl
» gucd t*€urd.
l«f»r4ory •MstloMuo
A C—IWMM a tM Mavy
r Ua 4a««|Mt<*M >*mm
> te M


OSWEGO “ffliSr
vr wiTf-sistrus Sim ss

ythtmm kimuutdm§ ftS»9
itxyit. *




rnmmW^l OWOmiamaWiWHk

Dr.W. J. Higgins

The C a Tgyler CmI Ci. Porcelain Work
Both phooea

OBflMrwUkBuaM* OdM

mmltiK gvbuvn,
MtalaUOuoriwsUtt wonuiUi
» In vti) 1*.*- »t^r. To Uo»
Wftnnat <iA^t<r miuii
an MUo. «, «i
»r«« of a«r. na»i katr
iMa Ikaa »^yr
no *oor >^i*.
Mo a aairaot
Dual bi- i rcotuliaiMM by hla
maa4U.« ofirt-r. and wtut |ma»
Utactory rkau^aalloo
( tkf p*««ai»* of Uwf Ua.

lobn IL Siiito
GeDertl laMirgaot

30MI* saa >itt aaMac.
- vtsTaM cay. WeUtta

a i^ CARVER a aRa

«ifi»wUauai» aa «rO«txu» tu lk»r aavy ;
biKtoat ttunbrr pa**tM
y«»f bfriM tan. lb IM
It U ^aiui iioaaiblv la tlio uaual
Oiuraa of pruiuuliou la Ums aavy


Grand S
*^BuO Dog” of the Navy


Farms_for Sale

1 have a nuoiBer of good
farms, all the wgy from 40 to
140 acres, for sale, or If y^
have any good property. 1 wiU
take it In exchango and make
you easy terms. I can sell you
a good farm lor lem money
than you can buy it ol any-

iHIUok which are located from four
40 miles from Traverse
City, all good Improved land.
If yoa have good M firiM
1 Witt hay them

June 22
Willis Maxwo'il OooJbcie

ttpaoi*^ Aturrtrnu aai . aaitant p<ialib>fi. laakiug uavl afu r
__I Saii I'taUl-lMO to Kr> ikat of U«» b^avoi trade of eomuil*
la in 4aya, aolaa aruiUid lb^ •biuaii ufOtir Il*f n^gulrvuMmla air.
aad orilvod uu Uia*x u< U*»k ikut Ifie a|ivll<an< abak bu l«a« tUau
^rt lb tliu Mtractkia of iU or li yoaia of age. Ua agi llmii
aiomiiHrbt ^ri
C«'rvatua ftaat
dtllailut f‘u Ihe vaibuia braufh*«;
hi: moal havi' had auvau vi^ura' a**a
M'l vUe, tan* ytai ol abtt h utual ha\a
Mu^aa a 0».|td UI ntal cliui« |Ml> ol

•aai ^l«MlUaaliUNi. ^
(Jm aaaa^iAia a« i
!. duUua
lAe Navy. «ii4 UvN aabi
t parfoitti, ha I glvao
teM« Ui Ua Ug iMittaabli
lug ap|M4iitiufnt aa tui ar. buauaoln,
tvi-r poii aka crolaaa lo
lai pooler, or wanuul laihlulal. aud
I uf aaliafacTka aavy rornililM of Ato «>tM4UI lo ou poiuplatkui of
la louib loiy a«*ri It'll a« wa I* given a aarraui
Ua HouUMpM
klock toiiiujma
fui alAbl 4a>a. aad fui tk«'’ IliluiUt Uegluulug at 11.200 aea pay. a aairaul
logI fc
of yuubg luto) bixatH'U 17 ii* tL ulOcft rac*4voa au lut-Teaau
lut'feaau ul IIOO
navy. iniW \*Hi loi larh lUiai- yuai* wulll hia foui
*ku aaol to Mu t
a» Uktoan lutv Ural- yiaia. ahull
he leotUyaa |X.l
Mui Duwoa aaidal
yuaia’ ai ivlre.
U> Manaa a aaiiabt tu <4iiuiulaabiu ant{ afer laejv
i tug Ul the uga
f i'ivi'a |l kiHi. trlirli
uTtoai Ui Ua uavy
pay fur Ufa.
Hkw U tMomi a Warrant Officar.
ii-ru (requeiiUy
(raqueiiUy have. InINu tka uian uf au<t«i kakU* and Wttiiuui umdia
aAuracia? vUu will atvo aoiua ai^y. lo lb pi lutein ouoituuiida of aOiall veaauU.
Ua UamMoal akia of UW>-4iaua.
and will aoi|l> hltuavir lu a|>atu UiUr*. ihitiu.* ioialvti a raiUiu lu addiilol
Ui aUHly wltVli alM di bUu lo |wa« u I hell uuv. unrt.ou ahura. couiuiuUi




Rubber Hose

ami piitiiti origiual oompnuy dinvol from Bijou
Tiitmtur, New York, on a
•IHX'ial iUDiiiivx lourr in
Cbaroiiug Komaoot*.

Prices-25c. 35c, 50c.
8fut aale opens Friilwy ahorloon at J o'clock at thu box olHoe'
Pboue 4U7.

prubably uiiii* him
watilcd till


irs) door weal ol Hteiuborg'sHteiuborg's.

A Foihitain Pen
Tbit riAjuirt^ no ink will bn givun ^ay with
every purcUase of ONE iHlLLAK or more for Uai
days only, 'rbis is ibo latoal novelty ami is gi»ed.

You osu write witb water. C'ome in and see

ibi- *“**

vt'i III yi-ui>. oil m'luuiii ol a
ivuifelod I'vciy Wluil of tr.*4»i
nil 1 tilod Uut-WU'U h Aiulca


Htts4re4t of rsKfo* People Usfy toihe mtrlcsi power sf ChsmcerUls’i Hsim Bxlm over rSeunu-

Paying Tax

Just the thing for the


lee Cream
Wbolusals auil retail.
Get your orvlert m
early, aa we are crowtkti
Mail or ^one onisis
filled prompUj.

Grand Opera House

Trimble’s Bakery

Ooe SoUd Week

Traverse City Mlek.


Monday, June 24

521 Uuion St.
Itoth phones.


Going to Build
Rita W. Harlan This Year?

Notice to AH Peroona IntereaUd.
America’s Mofit TslsnUal Stock
Th.- siM-ciul a»ac«amcbl tax rullii tor
UiM paving of lilt' follow Ing wlu'clh
.11 «• now in my hantlH (or colIt^'llull.
rftjuih rnlon aiivt'l lituii bililgc m
Twclflh ktit'i i. M'cund iiiiiUtUm* lit
l\i>* nil m l !u*iii Slate t.ln-i t l.i
1 MX v«e have UutlU lor Mie Slid St .
l.iidg**. >vf»*nil iuKiwllnnui
.pruru, that wf* hnpw are riiSt
ami a superior coiiipsny ol
t'a*a «livfl Iroiii
alroct l*>
UiU g wud 7. BJk *. Fsrrjr Uasash's
iivl Stale at reel fioiu
Stale ati«'el
Srd Add.. VMt Utght gttveC
rnioii ktifd. littk in Hlah Clmss Drama Sump­
V’a>» Kti.'V't
1>.U 27 and M. BIH F. H U 4 Co *«
tuously Preaeated.
7th Add.. 66 ft front each *011
Siae blltn t. Irom t a»a alu'cl to Rail
W'mvhlngtbn gtrert.
4 spelling Flay Momlay Night, bvi tiue, thlid .inkUlltueul.
Loiw » and lb. Blk X. U L. A Co ‘a
iMikt hli\'«'l from I'uih aiicfl
Mh Add.. Kami BIgbth atresi.
to WelliilBUru aUeel. thlid luatallliwiit 5b»lt Lot V. Blk 1. H. L. * Co.*a
, . , ,
■ ‘‘h Add. Waahlngum aireeL
lull's atluiitUal tKbk. Monday
Weal Fioiu ^tleel fioni Fuiou'ktret-l
night with every
erv ifOc
JU) ticket
to Maple hlxvU thud in»luUme»l.
Wchfclcr glrsel. W ft. each.
scrvotl before 6 o’clock
Sixth atierH fTruii Fiilon ktreel
Lou XI and U. Bik 1. H. U 4 Ca*a ^
IHviblim htreti. (Uth in.ullnicul.
Popular Prices 1^C» lttC» Ittc.
7tk AdtL. Wehawr gtreet. S« ft. :
All the iiihtallmenu together
Saturday Matinee Ittc, ISc.
with the accrued Inleruai on
Seat aale opens Satuklsy at 4 Lot 142, Oak HclgbU Add.. Barlow
paid liihtantiieutb to he paid on or o'clock
hvloie the ;*'ih da.v d June. tWi7.
Lot 107. Oak Uelghta Add.. HaWfiall
luilph 8 Haatlnga.
City Treaaurer.
Lou 40. 41. 4S and 43. Blk 1. Oak
Office K 2“.' Slate hank building.
Park Add.. Waahlugtun alreet
Lot 12. Blk 3/ Ooodflck'a Add., Mon­
roe ktreet
Lou 30 and XL Stuede 4 Bpeooer'a |
i»eal- Vaudcvillo—City
Opera Huuac.
Add. 17ih ktreet. weat of Oaaa.
Overlook Ike tactikolwc
Luu 2.4 and XB. Ortffin 4 Winnie’s
Add. X3 n each.
Lot 17. Oruver Park Add., corner •
log Ol Ike right »rlc«.
Roae and Biate ktreeu. M ft. each.
ICO IlM AArt—Ml Made
And have the
S3 ft Baat Front between Park and j
Ilk-Ike Ue that htoAs.**

Boardman avenue, good bnelaesa
Surpr,.ing how natty you can
make the little fellows look
every cask purelmse
Of higher priced
a fea of thoee ( acre Lots IfCt
wi'hout muchkxpcase. When witk
buuiheaxl on Oerfield road.
cam. We would liku
they are koiiecl a uip to the ol $8tt or over.
See oiir Uiie ot ruauto talk to Yor !

Camphor Troe in Florida.
IVrug Blort*. drugglau. lit^
Aa ahowiag how faviu-ublu U
growlh uf llio camphor iron li
you have hcaxl uIuhiI «lu:
Mill and clmiait* uf Xluiblu, at
il Ihf iU> OjaT.i lioHi.1'
' Vao
uuif> il
^iwaco may he cltnl u| tiuo growu
\,y t’apt J. I*. n«-nlxK- uf KUhlaiid j
It U a aplcDdbl taiiiphui Iiihi 17
nruiann l
ubi uiai la tu u^i Ul hcighi. i«-j
hmuthua cover tu fci*i ami lu dlam-j |um) n wni.l will bo imi<I IW liic
cler U liU'ki^a above the groiiml l» i,at and loiivirllon ul lhc parly
lour loejt Tho apkndid hllU uruuul ^
who *'ul Ihc fliP ho»i‘ at
Blthlaud aaam Ui he apreuily adapt
n,.. oval Wmai Ibab C'u h mill
vd Uah lu MiU uyd climau- t\aulUlona,
I huiaday night, Juno IC.
to the giva lh auil ,lov**lopmfiii ul tho ‘
i-ampbur Uv«j in iu highuat auu. Tito
liur boeumea uaclul b«i tlu* pitnlucibm
uf ibu gum ailhiu a I* a yuara afior
The Magic No. 3.
N'ninher three U a w<»nd« rfni i
piaullilg. The gcuath mculioiu il in an
liidicaltou that Iho lu'u Ihilvi a at ll in lur Oru. H I at Ilk. ul Udirr
Ihla aUU-.
hfCuuilug grcally
kidney Iniahle.
dlM^iuiaged hy the failuru
Vuudtvilk at City t»pcia lluuac i
Uef. 1 trad PatcirU' Uihoib. and aa^n
bight. 7 th and V p. m
- Qui-en Alcaandra'a now fad U the
u'fd bi
ndluctlug uf Iho u)d faahiuued talv rcm^lv li.r atuumrh. llwr and kdney
oK chlOA that tauru u* bu fuuml in
II. klead.,^Hannah Uiug Su.ic, drug
ueaiTv cverv homo a gcuv.raiion ago &0c.
She haa Mveial hundred a|Mxdmuna.


Want a Good Lot t« Build Oa

“The Atonement”


VaudcivUle at City tvptra Houae
nlghi. 7 tS and V p. m



Cbildrcn Arc ImportaDt Clilldrcn’-s Wash
fgclors iu the
estiuiktiou of the ^



r UKV). hukpnul »pj*i*r«h'd
rtuAClaU. Aiul «hei


Hardware tor

Office ;i01 8ute Bauk Buikliag

Thinl Floor
Carolyn McLean 840 Washiagton.
Oit phone TT4

You msy semi them -with
tx.uddenco, for you may
he aure they will receive
, ibeSnme prompt service
SB yourself.
lOK snd FUEL
Both pbonee.

tub and they are .as fresh ai>
kottts mud drIvUm Earever.
nesses beiore yon Day.
Fanners* Supply Co.

Hamilton Qothing Co.


Easy Running


E. W. Hasliigs & Sfio
state Baak BUf.

and keep cool. Cheaper and Cleahner than Wood. ALL

All you have to pay for is the Stove, which ^e will sell you
ments. Prices range
Telephone or drop us a postal

^easy monthly^pay-

Traverse City Gas Go.

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