The Evening Record, August 17, 1907

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The Evening Record, August 17, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




n vi O'CLOCK i

IIEII WMU MIBITRATEMEN mm 4ni feet w shaft

• ~-“r'T-nrrnm ITirtili li 1( ’ i f iiT n li

•y Wwo to tha SrpoiAt I


NOT HI . a

PMM ta tha toohldt MipM
09 ta oaoh OMh
hy a. t. WaM.



•piMtf Ttiiy U

I wot liowo

100 «l#olrt


Idpaway. Ph, Auf. 17-Plaain* taro dacida tha Vrm charactar of tha
iwAth ohHdroA fiwn tha pl^ao which (Mlady which attaolw only childron.
jhaa atroady olaiwad aavaaty-Ava III. Tha aymatoma raoamhla ipottad fw
tla ofMhM. hiiodaodi of roaidaida af





MOW Of ^tnOifit CMtrwto.

4.000 DAPPCLt.

PMOiU llWlf ivtlMflfMM W Im Ohi
OHNfOwwt %»kh «Mlr ••npMyart wt
M Oy tiM aroantan af tw
can raOarWiavi W Latow wOioh ea«i>
altia aC 4aWi‘ W. OOtOamii af tha mlat

Oaawofa wlia Aa la

CMaa^ with

laan will arOitrata.
f ar tha Waaiani Uala tha
it had
aathtaf ta arOHaaU and that tha >iaii
waiiid aat ha a^Oarad.
If tha afOalala a# tha aampaniat
^ hold la thia daaldfatiaii it la llhaly
that tha alKlia wtli ha aanUaaad far
aa iadaOhUa aaHad.. Tha maa ara thair ataad that thay will aat
latvrfi Ufiiir tha a«d aahONt«aiic_
>jWawrd;a» tr-3liat tha atHklns
telOnahara art
ta maha
tha araaafil Idhar hattia a fi^ht ta tha
hnlah wao diaalaaad today whau ^raa' Tdaht hmatl daalarad that a two lotii.
laa doltaf fhhd ^id ha ralaad with,
in tha fwat two montha.
Tha atHlif today apraad to othar
tradaafothdhrot tlma whan 100 aloe,
triolana amplayad on tha dralnaw

ainal w*«t awrh.
Ordaro oaUlng thorn ^t waro loonod whan it waa laantad that hath

Board Of Pahlic Warka Oava tha
company Parwiaaiaii la Biw Co.

min. joHi JACOBS, leader

Robert Prlca had a rather thrUltag
^xperSaBoa 1b hls Maach "Bpray '
to the city from hts
at Sprtng Park Uiis

CHAPOC OF meeting.

maat frpm Othar
I of CKy Attamay.
larviaa Opaaad Under a Canopy of
•tara With Na Light But That of
PrifBitiva Birch Bark Torchaa
Tha hoaid of pobtlc wortca haid
•padal aMatlM UUa nofulas to 6^
tamlao whaChor or bol the city,
under lU arraaewnoBU with tha 1^.
uah A L*y Meioanaia ooWpany. Bpaeial to tha Malnff Raoord.
Northport moh.. Aup. IT-Tbat all
ohpBld ba TOQulrod to purrhaaa
good IndUfia are not daad. U evi
tbaa 4.000 of oeoienl tbia aaaaoa
denaad at Bhahako-ke^k (Oraeti
lad and accepted on Maroh » la»t Sky) camp smada. whore Ipat even­
Iba bid for tha aaaaoA*a aopfOy oi ing. UBder a canopy of plnea. mapler
and biredaa. and no light but prlmlwhich waa acoantad by
c|tjr waa fur frain 4.000 to
bar- Uva btreh hark torchea. the opening
City Attorney Pavla pave It aa aenrlca of tha great Indian camp meet
hla oiduloo, that alher the city had ing took place. In charge
OMdiod ijOOO banola from tha Han faithful laader.the Rev. John aooba
tah 4 Lay MmasUlo ooaapBay It (Na^wB-ban^m. emUr of morning)
atmid hoc ha cawpatlod la jmiifM
»ny more at the price tuimed ami
r^id so into the marliet and aaoure hill blpodad Ottawa, a protaga o(^the
tocary, later an ordained mlnla
the required amount <«t 43emeni foS
the city wherrrer deemed beat and tar of the Methodist denominaUon.
ordained by the late Bishop Nlnde at
Bay V|ew. Btfang in* chameter. an­
tageoua to the city.
gular and athljUc In phyaique, John
The matter wa to
Jacobs easily stands head and shoulullthlr.r Pavln* «wany had had
decs alK>ve hU humhle brethran In
aothorlt^to piirrhaae fu of
strength of character and manly vlg
((Jj^Unued oa fourth Paia.)
or. He s a firm believer In’ the camp
mwdlhg of old. ahT-re undw the Inapirallon of ^ hour. In OodV own
tabernacle or green, the spiritual
quiokenlng rsaohed young and old
alike and ofum the baxineas of dawn
lurWed In the background before these
services closed
Under the fwrnaat exhortnllons of
aged Jos. Hadblrd last'evening, the
old lime aty, descendf^ upon the
UVwed beads of iheae worshlpars. and
jcadanoes of their QualnUy
hymns roae on high, with the
of tha wigwam liras and torches.
(Coniinuad on Second Page.)
thorough teat.



iaahWhi Air Una and tha Dinnlnp.
iham A Atlantic Win Poltaw tha
Aatlan «f tha hovtham.


By Wra to tha »raulas Roooid.
BinniBfbaBL Ala.. Au*. 17—The
Air Ubo aod tha BlrmlnftuuB 4 At
lanite haro wirad Ooveroor Comet
thni tbay win follow ibe Boulhera. Is Practical
Maat With
radoolBf fiwAfht and paaaengar i
, Hava


Tta Cta.tamr*on wa. fi«w> te
IM'ta Nofltaort h*H«r 7«U>r<Uj
•haraooa o. Mrouni ot the hart
bMIr ta tta M»- Ttarr wara »lr»
ta |iiiaa«WN« ta thr a«»am«^ foi
CtartcYoU m
’»«»■ f'***'
viOt «mA «KUr ta •
Atmt Wtalta of tta Norttao lOeh
tgaa Ttmtaporutlta oampur bad to
aataio tbrw mta fran auuooa Bay
to te Mtad York oo tbr lotKl dock
Ha OtaM tat arcora Ur Uhor la Ul.



taeoaaafiit In Ua

In Ur rataUa at bldm Thuradar.
In-ta. Hnnw ot «W» eliy .oaiiuuad
taeond aata la Ue handicap rnoe. hla

W’hen aDder way. he disetnered
that something had gune Wrung with
the rudder and It bad abeulutely no
control over the launch. There was a
heavy sea.runnlng at the time but be
kept on and managed to keep thej
boat headed towards Uie city by us
ing the rerarae isver freqoeuUy and
latOng tha aeas throw her bow
around. When off the ,mMh of the
river. It took much hard work to get
the boat suited uptstream where she
waa Uad up aad the disabled rudder

Exoallant Numhara Will Be Given at.
the Prwihytarlan Church at
Tamorrow*. harvica.
An excellent muxlcal program U b*^
Ing prepiared for tomorrow's servloaa at tha Preabyterlan church In
which P. A. Ten Haff and wife of'
Grand RapAda. who are guesU of Mr^
and Mrs. Adrian bole, of rtflh sircefC
wllfuke part.
In tha morning Mr. Ten Huff will
sing '‘The Ninety and Nine" and a
quartet iNmiponed of the Measrs. Ten
Haff and Oole and their wives will
render 'Tve FYxiiid a FYlend" by Nel­
son. In the evening the solo will be
•Come Unto Ma.’^ and
selection. 'TSt} With Me. Oh. My

or of Taking

By Vi*irB to the Evening Record.
Kiel. OernW. Aiug. 17-Today's
mce of tha Bondarklama ydehU for
Emperor WMIlaiii's cup waa won by
Work on Washington Strast Paving
the Wanaee. This U the aaooed vie
Waa Delayed Thu Maroing-Naw
tory for tb# Wanoae and the Ameri­
ara Almoat te Wellington Street.
can yachu now have no cKknee of
The ©ccM«iiric on the engine at the taking the cup or even winning one
Oentiml B^tullthic company's plant
broke at 10:30 thU mornlng'and Uie
work on the street was lied ^ip 4mNEXT SATURPAY.
ing the remainder of U»a day. ^The
plant will again be in running ahape
Mondgy morning.
The work has bean poshed almoat
A waedF.from today the Old Mission
to the Welllngum . intafBacilon and
erarythlng U working aatisfhctorlly. Yacht and SalUng Club will hold a
The contract calU for only two Inch­ serlea of aalling jmd power boat
es of wearing Burfboa. but almost races, the aalling imoe being at S
o'clock and tha Uunoh race at 6.
Ihrro ara being laid.
BeronU boaU tram hero win be In
the races.


and Undoubtadiy WIU
a Heavy Bala-wmiam
the Inventor, Will
Charge of PlanL

tar YMtortaT—AtaAt WMtwi H«(
tatn r»».ta »« Iwtart Utac.

Used Ravaraa iuvar Fraqwantly and
MaMfOd ta Oat Into . R.vsr DaopKs tha Heavy Sea.

art >wltlvt taat tw

Yo« noUy ought to OM tbe a»e Krote o(
dainty Kilt thingo. ItVotamdor..

thia plaea ara taaolat until tha doo-


Pt —


aoromitor wktkm tMI-


•mALL %4Vt


hald af thai

hATUnOAV. AUa 17. IMP.

STiXE RMO OF $2,000,000


fe Rta.. Ptat|yll«tahita-Jk ol ite—th.
Mt ukiM ua tetaiMting to bo bud uy

l^nilaid Osmphell. David Oampbell
and Walter Cbmpbell have purchaaad
the Glffunl patent lightning arreaiar
and wur aalabluh a factory in ChU
city for the manufacture of the artlWlinam aifioid. the -Inventor,
will ha VO charge of the plant as suuondent. The transfer Includes
the rights to the United Btatra.
Tha OlfVOrtl lightning airaater U a
device that Is diffenMit from ordinary
It has bad a kmg and eahausflve
test at the Boardman River Elec
trie Ught and Power oofnpan)*s plant
and allbongh ihriw have been aomc
aevere electrical storms. It has done
Us work wiUmut fall.
Thia airaater win imdonbtedly be
in Urge d^nd and the local plaat
will do a heavy boaliwaa. PraoUcal
elaclrkBU men hare'pranoimcad U a
auccfws In every way^WMter CampbaU.who Utndharge of the 4Ulknska
elaetfic planL has thorg|«hly taatad

Tba funeral of Mrs. A. P. Hunter
Dataetiva Daad.
will be held from the home on Fifth
atrael tomorrow afternoon at i oclock By Wire to IBa Branlng Raoot^
New York. Aug. 17-Robart A Pin
and from the Disciples church at 2
of the Plnkaiton agency,
o'clock In charge ^of B. U Hughes
died on board tha ataamarSreoian at
The Rev. Mr. OsBby will ofAcUta.
sea while on hU way to ttmopa.


LINES OF maes.

Summer Ties




SB iBVaoUon that wUl aava ihouaanda
of doltars’ worth of property.
The Rev. Hugh Kaimady fonnariy
It will not imiy
of thia aty. will preach at the Aabuiy M. M drarah at tha amnUiig ■e^






Just Tour Kind
of a Smoke
It tuakta Kttle difference
.what (tort of a cigar jron
emoke, you can be •nited
from our cigar <tae.^

Havana Clssr*
Porto Bleoasars
DotecaUc agars
A Tarietyof brand, in each
U vou with a nice mild long
niokK- »iiioko. enppoee yon
try one of oor ‘ Chiooe" or a
• Halo."
They ViU eoiely
tatiefy your ta*te.




l^EEP on paying rent year alter
^ year when you can own a
home of your own, pay for it on
your own terms and
indepeodent. Do you know we can build
you a home in almost any part of
the the city, do it right, and do it
cheaper than and one else?
If you own a home we can paint
or remodel It for you on easy
terms. Now is the time to paintless danger of peeling or cracking
if painted now.
We are the people to see about
any real estate deal.'








nice Mudwich aud tone
to get at the

M E B 1 C A


You may want tamt^iiig in a hurry. Perhapl yon may want
tametbing new in printed fcntia.

I^r Good Prfntitid Quick

herald 4 Record €o.


FuU Hats
$2, $3
New Fan
25c, 50c

Of ooone • poor or indifferant
hoker MB ruin the beat flonr; but

Combine the two—proBcient
baker and IDEAL floor, and
•mile with aetiete4stioa o?er the
^ all Borti
oskeaI ikidViT
of pastry.

order flour or do you lay "Send me tomeihing good." If when you order you will

Jsat arrivtss.
Maat so.

Sherman &


Office Stationery

Whipped Cream

Prank Rosa of this city aad Rasal
Wllbor of QarSeAd township ware
maniad yaaterday afiarnoDn hy
tSM Oaoiga W. CurUa

that will please the most
fastidious aie In profasioB
for your cho^ng. Also all
the latest styles to neffUgee
shirts, light weight under­
wear. belts, hoti^ and hats,
at prices you cannot resist.

« You will get tomething irood. A flonr that't
nlwnyt good, nlwnys uniform. A^our that
ha* quality back of it.' A flour that has won
• it* way into the h.aita of the bouMwivn* of
Traverse City The floor with all the good­
ness of the wheat.


m»f u fWi-pwt or te
tkteU COD

B to

or kfiTipih

Uto pcrite oa t^Hor

a rifhttr xamidmti «oe «f tke'wfwt in the
«MU ipr the depoiitor. eeJcftwfdiag hb btereeMttCTefypohit. We eremder thet lew and
oifr depoaiton majr reM aantced of the abaoluw.

Mtor of fwtdMepoihed with ua.
^ tWe Phaold be glad to give the variooa peibn
^tbelratoaayOMintetMpd- , Aakftt. '

PeoiPcsSaviBosBaiifc '




Aof. t>. PrtM If. 11. Md lAct out
tedr IBM Witii om4i Me tkkm m U*




ia fact evefythteg you
aeed to trim yoor hooae.
aad oar prices will suo
We make a specialty
of thb line of hardware
aad caa dive yeo the
most value for the least

«•»«•■><••»«••»•»«• www^oMw Frank Trade

Uto «iir « V BMiniuig^
f •! • ©V
mm mm09 WIMt tM l^de to a Tb© Mastte ^imm. ‘
wfctob toif» a wiaaff in Anwr irtll ^
•t Um aad attaaMd la Wbc. TP© raralam.
.M toUMM
hoM m
OfMd o»m IIOM
fVtABjr. A©i. n. bf Mr. OoPfiira anapaay la tb© orif•.
n# |d.y !• kr UiKJola i. CWt©r mad lapl Mala CkiUm randoa aad t
W. M. Batfofibafs W PalaUaf a Haadtto CM©M propoMtSoa balit c edaimad that It to daa of tba ftoa 6 aatiMBUa.
' whf m4
of waaCim Wf# Uia ^ **tBo Orphan©^ to a ptap that
mlaff ODBiMBr U a atoar aad #wr- atap© baa no ftir aaan. dhpCoUbf mj all can artUtoai. eaa alt ibmugb with
rm U0L Tito ItoaaN toad© a ptoto m© and froaUar taaltam la gad abaat Utolr -latdfaat aarar MmUm aad go
'ililaatoai. Unt tin INliditlilc eom fbaioua aad btocortoal aid nut Baao.
faaliag bauar for baryig a©©© It V,\ U. Bouenbacf. .©oeoSc artlat U
mm Itod ato violaud lU cuotiart the af©aa of ao auuur ptliHaf lael
palaUag a a©w drop outoala for tb©
wHk tba Mtf. toto »(attoaaot bacm danta in tba idoaaer dapi to ft»a
A oparm bonaa. Thla'cuftaln wlU
«Ma apoa IM oplatot 0rmm CM l|©r<
fitoa ladlaae aad buBbload
a© to tb© iaaai in tb© aut© and
mi m Mm Mtp mumm «M aadi wart a©to platolhU aa tVy aow an
wlU b© a cawdli to tb© boune! In adMtoae ©r tlia hbaM of patdto nortto.
dJUoa to tb© new drop oortaln. tb©
- Tito fliffto Btatto Uut fhofo li no ws.•eeoery la alao rwetoriag attenUuo.
fdilM m aap naaltoi at
daagbtar o fUto
up. Thl. toJdItotliMc aatopaa/ war* fltaa par pon, to founded on aa atonal fact
getbar with Uie work that haa been
■itolnii ^ biffr tmr wmmi ©to© All to the fHher rbarmtoam aia drawn
Ibe paHl©a. aa waa later prnvea
nitofa ttM «r tM toto.
to pra fro lirtiig proiotypaA
win make tbla popular tday houae WI
- mm tor to a olMto© to Uia eoaimet treacheniu© poltohMl rlltoln. a fun
like new.
It dartoop©. bowtoof, that oaoh ioha. lorinc iTirb oorporal and bU awoat CM©f Atoitan Oav© a Miaeh ©f tu»p©tls a Prat flidt Bat Ntthlag ,
ton of llto Wtord of pybHo aorta paira Itoiirt aad aiaay tobar dfmtaaUc aad
Uto rotaaatod panatoakai. Utorobjr
TRY imr milk abake. Cool and
Tito ocnmle to«
&totot Mm MtaJIclile Parlaf m faoto ara dMcrlbad a© baCad «©|toeUl
aug. Ik4t.
ly alabaata, aareraJ to Utom baCng
mf ^
of lltolr
fae almlt©i to bUiuaieal plaoaa. A A llromaa at the Amertcaa
tW Mia# Ctoto
fully capaUl© ca»t will b© ©©mi la Uie DUb fatomr bung bl« coat In
a# Uuii pmdttctloo. rrictoi tkc. ifK- and/bf»c. of-tba^ plM». irovibg bla watch
aftb M a# Mod
flbUdi naa oold to Uto oiir. n# eua
In tb© porkat. A ©tninger hung aboii
CMCtoa to tJi# BMdr to ttoif Iho Bit
With a raootd hmm aad tb© bou©a. tb© place tor ©ome time, and after he
aidto: Fartof oompany bad vtolalrd wlih them from Uto Im lo Uto U»t bad vaoaiad. it waa dla«>verfd that
ito ooatraot. vMrh to uainto. It to al
Oonnelly and HatBald big min- the UmcHd©^ waa gum*.



DcUcious REX



laaacaarh a» the aualTMt ©lib Uie
iltaliCbto ourotmtiy prortdaa tbai the
aoaifiaBy abcnild buy Ita remenf from
Uto toiy «l Ibe aaipe prior paid for
hf Uto city would H^ato foHciw that
ttomfld ihi. Hiy bar© purrdia©ad the
Ptoaatotog cwita^l requlfod at a 'la©a
prto©. that It would bare to atol to
Uto toluiltblr ooinpany Ito maulred
aapply to oemeat al the lewMr prtoa
paid ba Uto toty? Thto. bimerer. to a
anUer to Irgal Optoton
Til© wimie giM to th© matt©r to
tbto: Tbr HHulltblc company have
baan ©liarttol with rbdatYon of Ito
apatract. It haa aboem conrluilvely
titol y^to iMd Iba aaae If Uto towrd of
PPl^.wofte bare taken any action
^I 'la detrimeiilal to Uir tot> • In
mmU, Uia rcaiwnetbimy rceto eo
Uftoy with %hf tMwrd of publlr worba
apd not with the HUulttbic Favlng

OMaf Aabtoo wag notlfk^l ©id
©trebi ©cur»d © •iicce©k here laat ©f
©ning that wa© complete: Thli orgaa a dlUgeat ©miirb. corralling IU© anaiMtloo had the ©©tlafncUoa oP^brtag pacto at tb© Per© MattiuHt© depot,
Ihg^A Tiaver©© Hty andlenc© nut to making a dray line to bla ©arrUge
Hd rroen© ©nd the Omnd raaouadad and ©earrblng them ©U at thw Caaa
with «pi>i©u»e'for every i»©rfonaar ©treat Matton house They w©
-Tbo be.1 fuin*tie|.©how ar©r . ©o«i, not tb© parUea, a© waa lal©r proven,
hr nr/' Mwnird Iu bo the gwoeral vpr- and Uto mtoalDf watrb will proUbly
not b© found ImmedUtely.
Th© p©rform©nr© 1© cumplet© tn -Blmon Bhlold© got drunk
everything from UlenUd people down '•t©«nUi" Unto yeaterday and Judge
to tb© ©peciMl ©cenery In the oa©i/ Nerllager aald ‘^Klnety days at DetbfT© ©re only pnopi© of ability aad troir Utla morning.
th© acmenr li new. frrah ©iVd lx
nrarBobemmeiboni* had bla bi­
ful. Tho Ihmnally ©nd HalJtold
weekly abloe on yeaterday and bad
pany la one that |« © credit Ao
bad th© chtoee o^ hibernating with
•Irelay ©nd ©BPuld luiv© © ©eaio
Bbcrlll Johnaon for ten daya or else
plto© wiUi ©uooeet.
ralstng © 'V*'.
In addition to tb© ©«4t« and other later.
mualcal number©, the tnnipe uum
William Carter alao giH nou©ed iand
bei© ©ume very clever Jugslera. con
will reaort at%be jail for ten daya

Or i( you aotkipatc buying anything in house
mg goods inqui;; into our credit pUn.
yw money.

me Ortflinl Home FubIUmt

EToiyboJy who bnyi BEX

Grrnd Opera liousB GriniiOiiera House


MePhee’s Imperial UNOOLN J.CAWnR
Stook Co




ad eba aoatoatitm to Uia toacir tkM
tito Mgblii atraaC prapaf^y mrniTt ara
ditoitoHad u> pay mnt« thaa thay
dHo^ tpr tltolr paring, tormiiito tha
ncmiUito amapaiiy bare toaigbi tbtor


Onginators of s se» sOhool of

A Bl0 CokUboou S©ow
Openisg plsy tho grsst Come.iy

A Bachelor’s

Tho Exciting Hone ■ Bso..
The Attsok on Fort Beso
The.Wooderfn. Hon<«
Arrow snd Buchxkin
The Oounoil Fire
A Oboet Uanoe

Prices laMaad M ecals
One Udy free with every psid 80c
ticket on the opening night, M<onPrlesB,M,WM
on ssle stthe Best ssio TburwU^y. Asg._ 22.. si i


I Firm Page !

Stuart L. Gain of Kanaaa City


Dr. Ilany Hooey, wife and aon Paul
The opening prayer, with no eban- and Harry Barclay of (\dlege Cor
‘I rail but a aapleaa lug. and the nera. Ohio, are vtoitihg In the city.
ncU. The©# ©eta were given with
primeval earth, benaath. waa followed
aucb gmer ©nd prectaUm ia to hold
Mm Alma J. Sniitb and dqugbtcr
by the hymn, 'Bldw ye th^^miK-t. Nellie who liavi^ U-s-n^tbe"'gvi«©ta »f
the cIrwMt attopUoa to tb© ©pecU
Rlow/* whlcb^ haa been roudned aa Mm. Hattie M. Strong} jr*iurned to
Uwa. Tb© nfur piece w«« « aid©
of Outalda Oueaia
Uie opening hymn tbroogb the forty their tonne lu Gmud R©i»lds ymlei>
xbuw ©ud ©lao "Ihe big ©bow" and
^•ro Proatnt at tha W©qu©t©o8
yAwra exUte^ of the great gmlber- day
©aa a aide aiditler. Mlnatiwl ©bowa of
Club taat tvamng.
Ing, and lu dendoiing haa |oat none
th© noanelly and Hat Arid cUaa ar©
Wra. W. A. Aldrich and mui 0«
Tb© dane© at tb© Wenpie toog club of Uie old Um©^ vigor
©iwaya wrlcocne tn Ibla city and will
don and Mr. and Mra. C. J Breene
always play U> gtiod bualne©©. And Ui©
Ifiterwetii^ Bpaakcra Coming. ' to l>o)e<lo ©re vtaUJng at
boa tone© bad muhlng to do wllb^ pleaaant of the Mamer. tb© miwlc
b©ch*a falher a. Kiml Fbnulng to Long
Tbe Rev. Uoyd R. Maynard, paabeing by Bt©wa^ oroheatro and a
thiB review auber.
RflUtlr© to Ui© ©tonal aaKMint of
Urge number to young people being tor to the Piral Mothodlat church.
A party conatoUng to Mr. and Mr.<.
mmni um. tb© HeconJ dUl not ikw
Tb© Mlvanc© ©ab few tb© Two prmnt
Among tbroe prMtoot laat NorUiport. to bending all energy to- Roy Knight to Adrian. Mlaa Ulllaii
it lo io folo apacifte dafoll a© to*fo© Orphana** at lb© Grand thl© evening evening wnra a number to -vtoltora ward pertMJtlng -the plana ©a ouUlned HortiHi. Mm. R I-. Kelley. Mm. W.
atonal aambor to b©rr©lt uMd. but Indicate© that there will b© a good from Cbloago, Detroit, Qrnod Bapldi. by tbe camp meeUng oummlttee to T. Kennedy of Traverse City, and
which be to Uto ©ecroUry; and PreMaMHitd about iMO banwto upoa bona© preaent. Tb© ©tury of\b©'plaa© Laland and oUier poUito
inas Beulah Judaon of Lenawee
akatootont to th© bunid of public la famllUr lo ©II and the
PrWvtcma to tbe danon, Him Rhea •Idlng Mer A. T. FVrguaoa to
Junction, went, to Odh‘U© today for
wiMiiB. that Ui© work ©lm©dy utid©r ^a© given forth tb© aa
to four young In (tanA Traveiwe dtolrtpt- b©» enlUtod ©n outing.
way Would require fully that ©mount, tb© r^oa which will b© uaed to dtop from UUnd. Ui©
© dano© forming
John Tboreaon of Ulen Arboi wua
aad addniofia) work to b© done thU
tbe evening.
In town Uiday
Of Uie Korthweateni Pnlveralty. C4ii
paamn aaoald«w©Mr mar©. It U no
wy< In Uir pirated ©tollona
cago. who will give the ornlng ad
■itoatafom^t to fart la tbit n^to.
Ito dlM 1« CMSht
TtflCRK will be a Japanea© town
dreas. Sunday, Aug. SI. I>r. B. P. Don.
dto ©ailiw contwnciwy pretopU«ied
WMUlali Ml ml. In Una> L
total Monday evening Aug. IStb Ml nett, paator of Caaa avenue eburcb.
bfibf that Uto BlittlHbie Paving com
waa driven ©shore on fouit bay durlUK
le home of the Mtaaro Mabel and Detroit, will bold two aerAire© Sun the gale Thumday night, but fortun
ppay bad riolaled iu ooauato. which
<My. Aug lA The Rev. P. B. Wblt •lely no damage waa done.
land© McMlcbael. SSI W. lib 8t.
to aow aoatontovtoy ©bown to b© un
that tbelr Weanty
The ©tewy of a figtt between two
Ull man. Ovo ywniw raaWem paator at
KoriMtort to Iba Ilrto MeUmdlat buH dog© on which money w«© wagef^
eburob. krlU arHvo from
Harbor •d waa olrmlated about the atfeeU
Sprinm Monday to naatot In the me©!- yeel^ixlay. It to aald that the battle
Inga. The Rev. A. Cooper, Greenville, had .been ©i runge<1 ©nd came off In
atoo will be In attendance.
hara Thu mint y eveulng. one to the
jOo the lUt of native
divine© to dog© being M-vs-rely pun
found that forceful expooent of ©lao rumored that the purae wa© »IS,
Mtohmitom. Natxmiwymab. (the Rev. The aBaIr w«k kept In atrtcl aaoreAUQr6T10.lU08.;.............
a T. Tbomaa) Odanah, W’to. Born In cy aud only a tow wUaeaaed It
AUGUST lAlMT.........
On account of Uie wlad nifllng up
a bark tepee, with nature*© clptblug
for bto awaddllng clotbea. bred In Boardnaan lake, the Bereaa Sunday
poverty an^ pagantom. It to all the •obool clam of tbe Gburcb to Cbrtal
Onpitsl Stock.......
aaore remarkable to bear the clear In poetpoaed It© Poplar Boiat ootlag
r. H. Bow© Ind Tfmnry seit...... Ui0.6tt.00
Saivlm nnd PraflU......... . ."fti.40UK>
UmaUoh of bto magneUe voice while yesterday and waa -enteitalned In 1b©
nbto tomnroe in unb afterruAkn at tbe bcmie of Mr. and
lUsl KnUto (boiUinB site)............. S.000.00 * Circoktioo........... ........... lOOjOOaOO
Mm. Oliver Oarr on Webafor atiwel.
Tbe Rev. Fetor W. Ughlfoot.
Oairoy Bmlth to Bay pdlto, aad Frank
Paquette, ^ndian Mtoalounry of Tow
«r. Mtnn.. win arrive early tn tbe
wock Mr PeqnMto to now Uboring
atsodT, co«tiss«I groirth b sMoridmm of • bsiA’s sbUKty. Is IooUm
tlie sbom
among mmm and bto «Mr«M wrill
■mt 4 «smhMed MW of ow kdgm Asgsst 16) pbsw soties Us fMCrve. s sw b(«sr


By luing one of onr Ceiling, Desk or Braokst

We hsTO them in stock
for s«ls or rsst

J. B. Paige Electric Co.
Phone 602-2

125 CsM St.

Use Record Alls they arc
Business BuUders
Jnsiaie Pteee

^ For Valuable Papers


We have sate depout boxes for
rest in our burglar and fire
pioof vanit Just tbe place to
keep your yaluable papers. Ac­
cess at any time during butineu
hours. Tbe cost is $2 a year,
youbdkthe key.

lpsro>st,lkMlUtvirmqsiiSB. It besrpolby to U boU ssbsnd pmgt^TS. bst ^



4CH BbT to 1FoptAm THM launch
Men'a picnia Bv
lar Fb
•ry Mmlvit#A<
Hound trip, 10 <
Aug iSAt

: I-





kmnmtd u
•Min»ABft wm iM( «k4M«li«r ftM
It t«M Miti cte ItM <
Urn ^mrnjm mUM hMtMkf »mi
«•« Trt/#
ft* arte «# dMf
If WI7 b» lliat
, - --------- .--T—

VtiitHy of Hifli Ai# Ci»r»wrtB.
TW TImy uf
«mu UM
IB a tBtttii
ii.i;30 tmftMkf
tt tta.
|» tw dAQftMC «# • MtMU ?** .!**^>.^
Mtoof klt«B
•ratturtad lBB
■BA f—yi W
bftiikrtttrttT. H
11 A •••»
*n«i •!•
1^ • HM

IH«X be ttat fbA f«tbBT
bffit# mffyUt tt* fwftlac ttMnuvota. A
M t WO V> tfLOUO
csb^rtm hyr >«l*y«* wilt
IMU aJMl an tBjr. Tu MUr tba
it(« lu UMB tArouab mmT«# UtAt
vt«d «r calm ft* atop fM wtirt tt»
kit* t> «|iat«t«d rn^tatUmm «imm f«
fall BUsaot •tMft Aftar a Maa<iy «1tb
kita* tbr |iTiu<» 1*^ Hjrtil ln«iu rat.
bar w;i«Mi» ai*«l Varu*4
lb« faKdrrMD yr tliAl of Ui# brtt#
and «lif«efkbii of acftaJ fUnruiiM u% OifTl» Mi«n« tlv^A m»a Hmm yBv«r farrtit atnimlM
EurtfMia rtpart
givrf ftir ll« tMrrB&trMBnt of Mrb uiMiH ware tai^ wHli laiHr‘to la fbr
to «0»4ifi<mt
AtMutir op to rkwe on
fait A
mud ^r»
to raMk«i t9 tlw —‘ way baa been fottoil far rera.rruta tti«
tUm*otf^P^ Uf tk# two r«mlti««.
au4 f*a- au^^'ln* It* ••4wal
fmiuoBt bnrTllx of tW pro^xf wlwa MiwA
111ft talWMi wer«
ItiB ti Oip BrraitMtpnt yf trl4«l t&># •mt up to lieltbli of It Wttat >tfortu
>1/ C«IU« WV to •
feet auH tlwu auapprarwl
TlM»jr fnrnUb fAfanuatb^ »• to the dl
rr« tk4^ liifli aerial eiimnu. ft w^
llwy iflil itrovetMuit tn ^lw- arctic ro




S.!X^ •-

av«. •rHh Ik. ku^wtodi* «r


f nakhwi known
of tbe tiHdefmoin.
^ liht tillt telfiw

»r*r tbr riskirni |wr.lM. 1

m mu..
i^.n* €H.»v^i a
tbc^ I

Mothe|f, Attention!

&bool will opeA in a cou|.!' -( X.'i
wc«kt. You will havp to fik up
• - the childl-en and we are going to
;. iV-heH< von by giving you the best ' •' *

Wool Dress Goods Remnants
4iat you have ever seen.


iJeogthf from
up to S yards—
any IcDgih you ifant, for VVaisit,
" Skirtifpr;^whole Dresses. I >on*t =. >
miss this opporlunity. We don’t
' lare whai the goods cost - we '
ne^ the room, as our new Fall
goods have commented to arrivfc.
Come carlV while the assonnu|$t
; . ‘ is comj Iclc.
Sale starts on
i -'
Monday morning.

Steinberg Bros.
Store that Always Dats as It Says.

t i:

Fair aad UufiAr
uuAfU* haa Tuaclwd ih.
InduaITT. au4
I* rwomklrraWr AfuU lo
a iitiluu MB'a ttUyd
!• «bai aurk
of c^u la purutoaaa lu i^iWr IM
rww ilw prafirrlj UMad onWih artkk.
•ay. iw t%kmr» Trtl^yr. Kv.^ the
rul«k Hortal aaaorUtWto. xiruBi.irra
«yn<Utt.r to
Ihia . tK-Bllou. k at
a loaa lu dadda tb* «atu*r aud U aril
tav caakata Iwafmg ttw labrl of tU.
<arpaim' sntpy wuks tin
<kiUn> f«
u.^nOBloa.. Tb*t^arpauiaia rUtin tb« rxUtiaivo itgbt.tu
Itlarr ibrlr Ub.1* a® caAria. autl U»*
®4^alw«irk.^ dwUre If a Oiao l»
bur*«l ta a i^uttltt UarUig ^lah a
I* ffo«Kto bto U-t r«*Uug |.btv to m
ir.alg thmmgU all otrrolty la an • .lU
fali^* anA>. Tbr tiikagi* fVdrnitUHJ
If taUir tuil lin a aakinl lu api-lul a paaaoa tbroogh an opaulng tu ibr door.
#oiuiiim*tt'l4) paaa uiwa tbr luerlu cf The projecUng li»ar rud of tlxa abunk
la auguUr lu cruaa aai-Uuu and i< proTbk4 vJtb ralcbot t«aU out in am* of
Noad.vining Rad.
laa wlgt^ lAie button of tUt* Uu h
TW diUului: rod vaiirrt who waa couktruited of a atrip of apriwj: •Oiia-t
•ant Ujr ibr irt>ruuu autbuntica to thrir matal hoot ntioii Itaelf to pmvidr
tvlmy lu »^.utbwral Airk*« Ua** iv^v 1»alr of a|»nng arma wbkb aro s*^‘
apart aud have aliguing otw-nlu
adapts to allOably «ngagi* trliU tba
pliaa in G«r<uuuy. aud Ihi* home gwvA toague cot from tb<* pppor arm Oa
aruuittut atvurdiuglv deUTuiUM'd to bant upnardly to vngaco with tba
WlUiXf Ilia arrviviM in tbv t-uKiu>. u m^re ratclM*i loctb'wbou ibv button U up
4h«- b«Md uf aalor in iTtwalug. It
pll.*d to Ibr ahaiik. It 1< obvlou* fTxmi
autod Unit ba waa autx'i^ful in luU tbI* conatroctlou that tui fon lng tba
uua idatts, a v;iU*-.v abrik a t-halk
aprlng arma togeib«“ tbr
uiutkoi rftuilaluk'd a KTual deal of wa- which Ibr Uob and botloo art* prc«*
ur aud vvaa would buiv U-au
ad agaiuat <»|>p»itr facaa of the dpof
ceaaful If drlrru auy whertL
, .
iDivy ba Tarb*d ai diwlrod. thu* rn•bllng tba atlffni**! ixf 4b«* iMt h to b#
AuUgrapln and HalagfapKa.
tnosaaard Of dotmaM at plwo.urr.
auty ba aurili lUJOO ui
tORmidi uf a laau la hla almpk a^ipia
miv. Ilia hulutfraph I* one of bht
BlgiRHl lem-ra, and Ita ralpa driirada
uu'ita il^l>Ivat. Hiuue iumi aar aucb
^fia^la iMlIifO Uiluk aut%rapbf vaUh
al.U. «ud bul*«nudi* ^^wbl^®a. I kuow
11 intiii \^iu» riuiad lu bla i^raudfatbor’a
a lot of tmiMvtaui tottara of
VraukMu. Witablostuu. Aaron
Uauilltuu. Auiin< uud Jt^vrao.
yond lb.>toi* kUfra; 1bvu*bc Imnifd
Iboui. nral iuUlug out Uu« alsuatun^.
For Ibo hljruaiurrti lit* cot Ixi *vnu
®pUH*t» »*r thtTfulanuia. For ilw lett«*ra
in tbolr ontln'ty bo would have std
fiwu fUAt to IL'dAi aplaiv. By ttiU
t.f ulH>ul $J4.tAO tbi* luan Wiyud
tbo dirr.‘r.'iuv U*l\vtH*ii UI
Ami a liol'sn'upb.*'—New Ur
•oeiaty Playhoui*.
It U •w.'ih'i :Uuu 11 w.v** to irot out of
ime-« tvwu wt ttina iu itfo m.u
and donniuatd Birth and brlllbi
have afuaya adiuitted to^ibo rroat
plavhttuso of aock
Uko mon,

ft Was the Biggest Sale

The Midtumiuer Shoe Sale wha ju« what the people wanted
a.ntl the priecH made us friends on all sitlcs. Never was such a
rush.for good goods. There will be two month*
of weather for Oxfords.

1Vomea*sOxtorda.-Table i
lo fatem Leather, t'.un Metal Calfa^
Kid. AU$3 and ^.W
O 75
lines for................ .........^

WoBwa** qyfords—Taldc t
VTheM are broken line* and we will sell

WomenW Oxiorda—T»hic S

Men's Oxfords
We proved that men would go to a Bar­
gain Sale. They came—bought—
were more than pleased—became
they Iwught ^ and $4 50 Q Ari
sljoes for......................... ..iW-'XV
Got another lot—3 50
values for........................M-W
One table odd pair*—sold lot* Q QQ
of them-$860 values lor-•»*»«.

Oar last CSa^ Wash Sale

Theie are good shoes that were 1 A/V Sold-yardii and yard* ot goods. Many a
* .old fo^.lb and $2 now. A
dainty dress will be worn that did not
cost much. These three prices were the
•Two style*—Patent Leather and Kid. reasbnThey are neat looking and will tit

like a glove. The price* are small.
Better dresscy
Better dressed
Saved money

Sc, 61c, 17ic


M flannab ftijy Metfiantila fiohipany
i if/ ihidiifii ~


ly bainta (Ra^r»M
aarvk^ are bold
chapel. $05, Randolph street.

Church of tbr dmancalate Concep
IhvUlob shd Rreond.
U>ar ■MMPS.S:IO; blgbm»aa IS.aOiW
10:90. aundnj aabcnL
tbkl OB him that when ba lint
n; 45. prayer dbnrica.
took bold of the vancrllatkm atamp U
7:30 p. m.. pieiAblAs aenrlce.
bandbid It very ^gtugarly for fear of and Cwas at reel. Rnnday
burning hlmaelf
.Nrvarthrlraa tt Is at 7 so a in ; high oaaa
boped be will W tarrful ruoufb not
la. m.; vraprrw i
to bunch the .mavrrkia with tba
ITlday evening-?:!#. EHoi'a KrUgi»
bmadid vaHk* «.r gtt other |a*iH’‘«*a
LKerary aocivty.
•stock In Ibr wroug corral, wblob un/to..
A wel«»n»« 1
Frianda Church.
fortnuatvly baa fiv.^urutly basB tba
ca*r on that rr*rnatb*n
Corner Oak and nuh air
Lattar Day Saints.
iefwmb. the
Thr Rrv. Franklin More
Regular aervtoea of the Latter Day
dUh. publora.
Baiuta (reHirganUe) are aa foUova:
•ling To
Vaoariaa of tha btraama That Rog'.a
#:30 a
and Cnd In tha Ana.

12 «cl«fV
to 11:45. Sunday achooi..
Ibtn* arr aa wady v aganra. In fba
Junior C. E . 3 SO p, m.
7 :00 p m . preaebtos.*
watrr aa lu tbr w ind Why
Sentor. C. E-, 6:U p. m. .
ueaday Evening—
ataurr. aboold Ihrro grcal. oivan cur7:30. prayer medttaf.
Ouspsd nosgOng. 7:30 iv^lp.
ronta arud tbnr warm waters acruaa
- Prayer im*eilng Tbur^ 7 :30 p. m
Ibf wKla l*atinc. Atlantic aud ac
ziy.n^I'l&*toaJ<»rmnr wrtou.
IkvAcblug iia Aabbatb moruing aud
tbr i’aiH* of Uoud Uum-> Mau> thcvi^
Chapel lotated at $05 Raudol|^
riea bavr been ud\nm'id tu »ol\r tba evening. AU are cordially Invited and
The public la
prxd.loiu of Ibeir ongitt. but all bavr welcomed to our aerh lcea.
M, S. OiNlfdIk
piv.vod fallacioiU,
. tttlMT aud rqu.nlly myatorkwa r
renta .xM in wrll nigh all iwrta <*f ibn
leetlng at P:4S a. m.
The Rev. George R. Lockhart, paa^
I aervica.^l0^9^a. m.
world Tbr Itilrm afA- *o rnatb lu dif
foroni^|ian» of the wotkl that ouc bfSi- ‘*^81 idy and offter. 501 Wilhelm lilock
I p. m.
tulcw to acwpt ibo iboury
Ofbee pbane.i146 CllUrna.
7:30 p. m.
moon lontrob tbow iu all ca^w, aa>a
Moining aervw^. lu:30 a. m.
fur AlU* It
.*u rocWl
Hunday achool. If
tbr nea baa nm for wwka out of tbr
Harara Bible claaa. 11.
Java M Ibrougb llic atralt .*f
B Y. P V . € P- mKventug aervlce. 7
and ibcucr bai-k again for n Ukr p«rh»d
Bihie study, prayer and praise aei
wiibotu auj |H-rvM‘id.k* r»«A» or fad
vk>e, Thursday evening at 7 30.
Junlon union. Saturday. 2:30 p, m.
llM u.tlicrv U tbr «muatorial currfat
Bo>V Junior |ocial club, Tuekdaya.
Ib-’it tkiWH Hilo tin* faribWau mw. tUa
Uumiaeoe RraaiUaa Inaact CmtU ovyrtkswlug current to tbr ra*tward ^ AU are coMlaUy invited to these aertight •( Twa Colofs.
around rai>r lluru. tin* .'okl ativain
At a fWMnt inerliiib of the l.oadon •owing ftoui Ihr K> n-gloun of tlw vices.
BooHuflcnl aaciety C. J. Uivlniu ekbibl*aat Nrwfoiindhmd and
---Church of Chrlai (Oiicipi#*)
Itrd a .^pecliuaa *»f a ivmaital*le Jmai j
akmg tbi* .ymerican n«i*l to|
AlKn Caiil^ Pa*u»r. CiU. phoi
|\*uri«wnth .
noua U-olU* frviu BraxU. X* iu the .-a-c ;
euremr t*nd of Florida, tbo v*on-'
Service* Sundav muinlng. 10:9ft
Hunilav^ V:30 a ni.. quot hour.
of the fainllUr glowworm, which »« uuual cuirrnt running with a vclxiiy
Wvvk tlav pra.vei niccllng Thursday
BuiuUy. lu:3o a
luornliig wtu cvculng 7^30.
gl^i H l.eollc. tUi* femak* U ^rrabjlkc
jruuisfoiir lo flve kiiola an hour
aiMl luminous. The a|a** ial poiul of lu- ^iirmigh tb.* hirall of Xlibralmr liu.. Bn*
Sunday. 12 m . Bible achool.
len*at in the Hraxilian
•* .tbut^,.,,i„.rninraii ni>n, tho awift current
Congrapaforul Mlsalon.
Simday. ti t»<» p m . Senior C. E
a emlta light of two cok.ra Frt»m tlw |.u’V^l„u aiTo**^ lb.* un-kn and Nb.mla «.f
A. A .AllluKtim. pastor In^harge. Sanday. <>:M0 p. m. Intel mediate C.
rxirrmilk** of the ln*a*ct tlw-rv ahluca
B,ii,r„n inUud. wbaA gpr
Kcgular Sunday nuirnlng devoiioual
a strong t>*d 1 ght. wh k* g;.**n
,rum iiowbcrr aude
aud eci uuin at io 30 o'clock iu
proitvtl from a row of points on v .ch^
lb«* vhm.t> uf the
Sunday. 7;50 p
aUk*. Tboai* who coiiRklar lhai
the Fifth ward hall
ervk*i\ aennon.'
lamp of Uk* frmak* glowworm U
Service of prayer and praise on
e pray«
up the Chil
Tmwday. 7:30 p. m . cottage
ting* uo
UQ ea*t and hcet aidoa ol
two to tbn-.* kn*?1^ «u h<«ur to the
north and dually emh. abruptly at the
Tueiilay. 7:00 p. W . Noii^ Bible
nortb end of l.xvum.
Jbeu we have tUo,e Vidal v.U’iriwi
kuowu the work! <*\cr :i> b •n*' Ue.'kl- *^\V\iniwday. 1.50 p. m.. Durca* Aid
Duto tK eveo' oecond and fourth wfv^
dtnitM along the North M*a are fumlhar
Wt^mcKday. 7 :50 p. m. C.' W. B-/M.
Tbi* «iXH-^ieu evbiblled to tl^mein- with ibc'iu aud can mh- ibeui ro4* fpuu
ber« vf llie /jOivk^ilral Mx-h-iy H thought aide t * **Klr III a xig/.ag fhai»e until mito'ta very Aral week.
Thurtoda>. 7 30 p. m., '
to U* the fim.t living aneclmeu ever they reach tUcir limit, often fear:ug the
to t;rc*at/Brltaiii.. It Iiu-h U*iii kblp» fri»m their auclu.i sjge. Tluy
polnlttol out ffmt the licbl of glow- pigiuate iioUkIv kn .w* w!»cre <*r why. every fltwl week.
SrvdK^^U the model for
Tilt* ru«*b «if water* iu the bay of
Welcome to w;o.’-i.hip wu
the ideal light-tbAt U to aay. In tbe^a Ftmdy In nothing imt n huge iKire stninger*. workld^h and
Inaecb* the matltbum amount of light Sweeping uU lwf..rv ft up b> U»e bead___ __
f\Ito piNvIuied wlQr'the minimum amount of the iMiy until Ibe w«-hutu waters
of energy.
have riaeu to the height of lUty ».r >iximaa Cofchlln. pastor,
ty feet. Off Southampton, in Engl.ind.
Church phone No.* 11$0.
SiH^b.! tu the Bvenlng Rocurd.
Thraa Oagraaa of Illumination.
there art* the double., tide*, while at
Our ch urch u a homa lor worahls
It i> inaosilde that Ib^ lncaiidt*>cojit SUigapore It bna been ol*«erved lor nd xeavlce.
lions Bay. Mich.. Aim. 17—Juba.
lea. If you have no church
ele<*tric lamp will nnoa l<c Kusivptible day* at a time tliciV*. have l«*n homa in Traveroa City, you are aam,iuulc a boalneea trip to Lclnnd'
to the aame amount of regulation aa
Mtiy invited to coma, get aoqualniad. Thorsday.
rt»e aud fall In Ibo wenkv-f'
d work and worship with ua. A
gaa.' for there U uo\r on the market
boui^. The lide^^may 1.
"lYHinerrai^noarquite sure of havlamp operated by a ebain which la often appear
though they weix*
lug Hood ennw and they also MOnk
I*ut they an* .«er
•uioonMnick.- l*ut
high prices will te paid for them, ax
not conirolled with h.inl aud faal nikst
8pte^ amrlca* an
Of 80 per cent of iU loUl caiuelty. by that or any other l*ody.
they are ogerod $l par htaatel for
church hrav!*»ea.
whith In the iwac* of Hie alxteeu c
their early applasL
dleiH.wer Uiup Ih barely aumoieul
Tte auaaner Maniatte of the Mte
Indl^te the locatloa of the lamp to
!u old
M»n TraasponaUon Co., broke a ahhfl
one edterlng the room and who mny were |u*riuflte.l to obtain, aa fual the TUoa.
laat week, ao awAte^ boat made Cte
want to reach the light in order to turn dead wood from tbe .urrounding wood­
It up higher. Tbi* tiny glow
trip lo thla port, arriving here Swt;
land. The dead twig* and branebaa
5:45 p. HL. Young Fao^*» 1
aw.ay w lib U»^ .^^v«alt> of groping which ww beyond Ibelr reach they
0^ moring aboot T:30. There wwre'
around In Ibe dark In the aearvh for wen^k
oevetal paaaengera that waited on ^
m.. evaalni wteshlp.
the Ump, often at the sacriace of
dock aU night a* they exiwciad Ue
of the brlc-^-brac or fumltwn* of the the morda of the town of Bodmin
about n o'clock-Saturday night.
room. The eecood |voint of adjustment which give* tb* right to the burgeaaas
It wa* a ratter a bum looking crowd
eauaea the fiUmeul to glow at ab.wjl of tbe* tAwn. under tbe cooccaaioa of
when the boat did arrive.
tbree-quarten of the lamp'a capacity
the prior of Bodmlu, ‘To bear and earry away oa ibalr back* and in no otter
vniUam Uawklna wte dtel on ^
A cordial tarlUUon to ntUi
-Oivorc*^ Farty tha Lataat.
way tbe lop. cro|*. hoop, crook and terrloaa sad tte ftedtas iMk
7th was taken to ite ntaghnw cem­
Newport Ua* doo^? »o many wlU hag w ood
etery for burial on Tu«day tte-lUh.
(hhiga in the' way of frwb entmalulng
Anoiter part of Ibia paper
Evanpaiical Church.
The remmn* were kept by Unite
that It tSkea
tkma thl* a* ‘a light with hook
taker Ott for the time of arran day*.
Corner Ninth an^ Wadsworth.
and crouk to loix crii» and carry away
that hla danghter wte^llrwd out west
dinner pmty idea ia ao-cr fnal, etc.. In tbe same brood." Tha
C, C Olbaon, liaator.
traordlnary that U made even New­ data of tbi* record !* 132d
might have the opporuUty uC attend■ 1
port gaap. aaya the Broadway
Expert* «*y that camphor make* tha - Rnnday aarrlce#:
-lag ter fhihcr s Mnml
. ^
glue. It was an orttinal lun<4u!
teeth briiGa It i« employed becanaa
Claaa maeiing. 10:00 a. A. ‘
an by one of the foremoat exponenD It helps to male Item white and. being
Prawchlng. 10:90 a. m.
of the trial.marritge. 8bc cooealved an auikaeptlc. keep* the gums tealthy.
the kka of gathKtng together all the
Junior Y. P. A. 3:90 jx m.
Fnanda Called en MrV dl^
former himbanda and wive, of her litSenior
Oe set mad tending them to the
Mm to the atrelaa of vahooU Orfd
Prenchim. I SO u. «.
Mr*. Oeorga CUahl of Qmn^ atstet
Acqo^auce Be Vorgotr The lunehMid-weak prayer maeiing ThafsdAJ • aa greatly aurprlaed at hm hapr
M waa prKty and toacblmt. wiU
7:30 p. m.
by the arrival
wecfdng eopkU ^ Trianon in lee..an4
You are oordiaUy lartted to attend of a law friend* who !
Ifi stamp maHed with this adorani^ flower* fad roaemary ‘
to tha DaArmt
all of these aerricea. . .
brate hw Ucthdhy
tloa*. and^a to\j*i of ‘ l>»ver* once,
arty yiM aaill.
frlend^w.- cl<wa*d the odd eoterUln
^racoiua by ratum mail o capy
Prwahytarian Church.
meat. « Xewiort U ulklng afoul It

vs it


. ;

- *


^IdSy. 7T5nr«t MdJfcnrtel


^Ud yoong Bpcrtleigb mate a goo4r
roccTd during hi* r^tSifyate cooraer
-No; tba wind was afprtnat him.*,
-What's that?*'
-1 aaj Ae «on the hundred and the
tvo^rirenty aU i%At. but be had to do
It agalaat^ wiod. and hla tbna va»
Ig>or.--CldTeland ytada Daakr.

‘-------- -




* ,
t >







th<l!SlsunuWa4loa.^.Pn-lte P*»Mr Potot MW.« «M-«Nril « jT.
nm MMm. tMMthtafl «*tat

........ ..............
........ VI

Sabbath chool. 11:90 a. m. .

to*. Mt


m wtmmnu tluU te
UwH to


l^'hna the comract alia the
waa made diiTW BitmUthlc Favias
eoatoeny tor the imvluf of Waabiag
ton auaac. Umow waa a ciaaae in tba
coauaet. arhkb providad that the

***" prmmA i»4 te AM
u> iW «>«u>nr iMw voni* IAi»

ftflM mmnr
TKs Imbi marMt
^rtaBB rniu rnma^ V
Tim mMfo to^isMi Sjr

to ibr cltj>al the aaam price paid by

gto city

:«fifilnf rarttry r*f«ad to Do to an
AeeMt of RMh an# to# Lack
of H«^ at Plant.

Tbn onanlax tortorr ban «oaip)eto4
roBldaama about the city for
atrtnjdud a^ anyoae dtoirlo« to
mriovr by ihU mk ahuuki totofiboor
the factor} and the beau* will b
iharod. Uto worn baatonlac Monday
muralad. The cop^xany wlH alao
call for Ibe boaaa vbaa completed.
Ow img to the ruaK of t>uaaa aik
lacLof help at the factory, thl* UH’th



N«rth«rn a^.*. Omm
U»« V«.r ky r. I----K it llwi.iu<«Ml oJ fuur ud Ibrre
4uait<*r mltca aouih of the city, left
------ ----------t AMitor. citrta. Runa. H«iry To&nlfl. a Niuthero Spy apple at the Rec
ofd of floe, which *b<mra th# rt'Bxarka
lor. H. W. RmlUi. Jna. Mnrciila.
ble keeping puw^ew of ihl* fruR Th<
T. & WUhnlm. Sam Me*, npple WM *ruwn and rlpt^m^ laat
aroliir. PklUp Sherroer. C ye^ir. but It U wi41 preecrxt^d aud hi

J. y Oratmn. W. C.
/ iUA«4^


, road Dimn. Prank
olkan. F. J. Bechtel, rialre
Abtskiidr; O. R
Uam Bloodsood. Cbariaa Hamarg.
Moda moh. f^«Ak NwmUiy.^ Hmry
junta; tonpad Stodor. UmU* 81i>der.
€n«nr tJcUt. William Ull. K K
»he OleamrK wcTu mganUed la.M
Weatror. UmU Kaufman. Jiauph Kari*uliia al lame
with a fpiudly
aa. (last OotUleb.
• ^
imU r to meiiiiKTa. The following of
Uaddo and IMuUajr—J. W. Hanmu.
cMlrmaa; Ur. T. A. ItaotaOkw Tra.
^ ' mUli. II. B. Hdakcai.
mirna liarrla.
UvlUtlaa->J. W. HauiM-Q. chair,
Id Trmumrtw.
toaa: A. U Joyce. Aas«a
^ H
tVaaaportotloa — Harry UoimM\ Ruuaoni.
<TuM>Ialn. Mr* Rrmat WelUim.
chattaaaa; W D. r. Oonaalacr-Thg*.
CooducUr. CTuirle* WellKun. - *
lavlunu. KUa PhlUliia.
k*k. chief;'Wll.
Inner tiiuid. John SwtchlelMMi.
Hunu. HHUtm
^>uter Luard. Ehrl rreeman.
Bunm. Arthur Ueaproa

Hardware lor


*eit of Steinbt'rgV

for the Hous^ife:
wide Sheetings Cheap
Wc hmve five pieces ofun- .
% bleached H-4 Sheeting that.
we were able to pick up at
a bargain.
* The quality is good—a nice, firm, smooth
thrtflul cloth, worth today 30c a yard.
'While this lot lasts wc offer it at

25c yd.
Bleached Sheeting in this width is worth ^
H5c a yard, so it will pay you to buy
this aod bleach ypur own.

The boaad to

IcaUy. and ewch senator ahaU wltboto*

to the Bitull
thlc Pavlna <taapaay did not o
that the Intereata of the diy
bo Jcopardlied In any way. and therefore
whteh craated a a.lni to about %SkO
the ntaUthlc I^vlas company
eem^t oonuaoi.
Tbia coairovemy caaa up the Ut
trr part to July. Maaapar Samk-t>
to , the Haaaah d Lay company , alter
Mr. Craiotmd to the UUumhlc l*avii i;
company had aUted that he waa nut
uquin^i to boy the oruieiit to the
city, cuuatoted dty AUotney Uavl«.
who hi alno the alloniey for the Han
nah d l^y Merwinllk* ctnnpany. and
advtoed by Mr. HavU. that the
Meroamilc oupipany could »ub«nil a
Wd to the Hltulilhlc company for the
e« ua nl TT.ey ri'Quired. Thl« w aa <k*oe.
iHil/iu the mcuu'Umc the WluUihKttuy had received a aalivtacimy
bid from llokop Kyatoka and made
X contracd lor the oeim'nt iX'quireJ
« the WnahlngtOQ alte^ Job.
Sotar aa liui Bilullthlc raving cum .
pany la couconied. thia rkis<<t* Uie
incident, aa the repnm-uUtivi^i of
that company ha\e aeUxi within their
province and have lireu ailhorlw-d by
the projH'r authuiity to purchaa** their
Dt to the lH»t 4iclvauiage to
Ibemaelviw without eff«llnj; ^he qu ,1
Ity to the woiL they me doing fur
the cUy.
li etuielualon to the Sunday avluad
lour, the oenmly aaraiclttUou will h«0d
mniion lour metdlng In. ibi
Fourteenth M K. church Tm‘Mlay al
lerucam and evening.
Ua.Hv lull match U«nK»rn.w afi«
noop tat TtSfl to Oral Wood Dlah
;wwn the Hnrtlom and th»




fua* IVK-hlln Ic
foi^.nfo Lake, whoiv he will addrtwa* the Tour Sunday school
venW to^irrow. The K* v. V
Uwln will occupy the* pulpit to the
UwiA^imtkmal chuTTh In the
lug aud the Rev. Hugh Kenm-d.v In
the evening.
Two yxmzig |w»ojdei.' claax'n frt»m
the Mivt M. *E. Sunday schtto i.njtiy
ed a tide on tlie * Elf l.ust night ami
luid a marahmullow ro;u>l al l‘tsplat
Two young ladle* arived tin
Chequamegun Thuraday , night fixmi
Northisort and ex|aH-UHl that, a rig
wtmW mev'^them. They were* be
for a farm near the city, and as
Uidy w;ia at the dork, stailfd to
An obMglng young man-c.u
ibHl their grip fta- them and the
whole iginy waa camUu In a rain
*torm. A* they, haven't laxn or
bctird ltv*m the }*ouug uran yvt. they
think that W haan't so tar drltwl ocU
Mr*. A. E NcHlnger will open up
a hair di>»a*lng . parlor in nxmi 404
State Intuk luildiug about Auguat
Mra. NerllngcM" n<x‘nHy look a
cx»ur«e In ihi* and la very pir'Acl^mt.
S5be ha* made arraujp*ments with
large whtoiwale houae and will at all
tinav* kwp a fine aba^k of hair gx«.*d

The Chequamegtm will nin
trip# to the Ulaud UHin»m>w. one at
:: :;it> and the other at TroU p. m.
Miv A M Flanh; and s..n to (Tii
igo are *lt*pping i« the I'ark riace
r a few dayv.
L. M. Ueoneu and slaughter Mwelhft thU morning lor -Hamburg
whe-re they will *ia-bd pegt week
hlch IK Home Coming w«w^ MH*
k«iK‘U will lake |wrt In aofiie of the
mualrtd event*.
Mra. K. A. Sander and Mr* John
William*. Miaa M. Ikmloo. Ml«a Kath
erlne GoiaM aod Mia* Bmma Kirk, of
Chicago, are vUlling Mtk >Miiik
Walth. H?7 WayTie wlito
BUS Murchk. Robert- Caldwell.
dsQfhler Jcwile. rtouniod yosiei
diy from arveral weeks* trip to Scotland. The party «aw .all the Intoretoiag places to groat Importance In DngUnd and rtsHod relatives thnaishout
the Und of the heath.
Mtos Goldie Rcpfdrd and MU* MilBudd to Northpon are the
to their tomu Mnt. E. tagemoll
to the RamtoleU farm.

The cough, or puff, of a railway cbglue 1» due to the nbrqpt emission of
waste steam up tbc chimney. When

other niurb more rapVlly. and when
eighteen toughs a sectukl are produced
they cannot be separately«U»tlngul*bed
by the ear. A locomotive nmufng at
Ibe rate of nearly seventy mile* aa
hour gives out tv.cnty puffs of steam
every necond-that Is, lea for each to
lu two cylinder*__________
The Urd whose voice has la^en fOund
to peoetmte to the greatest disUOt-e Is
the lien bird of New Guinea. It Is a
bite bird. abt*ui a ftwt long from
beak to Uil. and Its note, which teaemWes the tone of a ben. has bean hoard
at the dUtauce of no loss than three

A Happy Man
to IVi Byron. N. Y,
(fo years to age); since a sore on his
leg, which bad troubled him t!m
greater part of his lift, haa been «nthwlr healed by Bucklen'a Amlea
la th» OetatoUl emiilte. wfhme hu- Bahrn: the worldh groat healer to
man life U held decidedly cliee]i. the
aenitt* or demoii to enitode U repie»^e«l
a J<^*«***.

FIR SALE--Farm. fo nersK good itoL
CDud water, level nnd ntt nndto mib
tlvatlon. nnd also reomt and other
street.^ Phone 210.

cBsrry >i7tnK. No «nr «ns etopped
•Mats, and no MBatur shtot^ permit
twl to rote afior tbs dlrisloo MaU last might and none will go nnUl 8toanfl that wfU prohabhST* hm» annooMCNl Uy tfoe
ottcac. but may. for suMctoot feasoua<ljr be the last om froot Imre for the
wlU unanimous consent vtas^ Aaenaon.
withdraw hi* ToSe. No
\ Tlm price
i at IlSO.
pend this rule shall be In order, tme
dine toScer
BnffaK*. All*. 14-CatUe.
any requ«-*t .» *u*fVbd It by onanl*i4„u.
^beepr 1.W0.' slow;
sections 2. When a
senator det lim-s
« to vote on csll of his
name be shall be required to assign
Chicago. Aug. 12^WfaoaL%h3^c;
-hts rmaon* therefor, and. having asaigned tbem, the prssitling o«cer shaU com. b4S<. «»U. 44'4c.
submit the qoctofan to the senats.
notndt. . Aug l2-\Vheal. k4\c;
•^all the aenatnr. for the reasons as'signed h.T h!m, »¥* exeumd fc^ui vol- »m. hT\zc: oaU. *h^*c.
mgr which shall 1«* deckled wlthnot, -------------------ta bstc. and tb4we prv^>^lng* shall bs'
hold after the rvto oaU and U-fore thaj
_ ___
result hi anoounood. and any fnrthei!
lexiceedlng* la teferem^ the»to shsUj
U- after such annoanrement ,wctoosK^«arback pork, per bbl.... lEfl#
17 and ia>.
Clear back pork, -per lb .............. 1
Short cut of pork, pm bhl....lS.0t
William O-Brieu
on.* gives
Hml.v** llnrt ajipesni

niTAjt oMinaiso aocn.
time was occujd.d In thia «..rk.
seat a* immber for he .larted ’ _ ^*
airland eavii b..k
«* a«.n a*
fiuKhed to kccfi out the aaud. W iau
aU the hokw were rvady the diiug.*n>u*
operation of flJUu;: them with dyna­
«-h gTvatar
small DPigcmw. jiccriugi®'^ 1^

• warmed with giant cuttle tdevlb
w hich rtMMilanUy uita. k»-d the dlreni.
who hud many mim.w »•>< *!*-». In fait,
the i*rs.gre*s of the work snsh *o slow
on this aeeonnt. and *.s IIm* f» at
diver* tuoreaKi*d ft w-a.s foifud uetvssary
to send them down In pair*. While
one drllUd the o(h«ir pr^uvied him.
. Bo Hi leutiOimUy was the work pUwnod and t-xiv-uteil 4lito wU n the <•
• li*n occutTisl (be summit of the
mirlne mountains wcPt‘ tom uwaj
without injury to the ship,
A Mew A»*Mlb»i
Several example* of t
r^iradox -a fish which w ould in} aw^edlly drowinxl If placed lu ili'ep waterhave JuMt t«n addrtl to the .s>lUN-t*oti
at lleeei.f* luirk. Thl* l.s the AfrU-an
walking ll*h, whl.-h «iK«uds the grrtiUT
jut ft of if* exltitence uiK»n the mud
biiiik* of tritphal rivers. lt«< methcKi
of pr ign***lon ha* been desentied b.v
o> the
tiie ‘ hop.
in»p, *kli»
**ip auu
•ty. aiitl
.nml when Jdnrnr
it does over long distHUi-c^
It cllinl« by incjmr of the brcaist llW
over the ro(
and even into, tfie
bough* of tiiM-s. Thejsc .curlou-s -creatnr.-*. wUioh belong m an uni*ortant
gronji kiU'Wii a* Iniig fi-ht's. form t
conties'llng link with the liiglier formi
of bfe. ihe nlr bladiler In'inc .x»nvertiil Into w hat Is j raetirally a lung.
W hen tlje riv«-r* dry up in the hot m A*on they bury tbeinwlves in tinbreathing In the>,!r likefrog
newt, 'in AS.slralm there
varieties of hiug flshe*.
largswt H'vn^limw attain-ng a length
sf .six fe.‘r:=^l)ady Otwj hie.
A Loafon For Two.
-There is a iej:iua in a s»'.'taiu"daUy
whU h Is lustruclJye.
Arriviw an"-ankle in the eoiuiKwlug
from a well known reviewer.
Not a man there can ivad it. The
-ix»py** I* rtMumosJ u« Impnictksble U>
the edilor. In,a lit of Imimtiemv he
send* It Irtck to the writer, -rnles*
clearly written no further contrlbu"
tk*ns can be received.** The reviewer
politely repllo*: “1 bare received back
my manuMTlpt with ati undeclpberaWe scraw I atmcbtHl May _L requei^t
an explaustlonr Editor aud contribu­
tor now lK>th emj.loy a tyiJewTitsr.

wxvrk and Second fW. Mra

* j

17 IX.

FOB SALE—First riaas npple barrel.,
after Aug. 2Mh. Will Curlla. AngeU.
ahg. 17-€t* . *
pTT 4 HAHNER. Ur> Otaanem and
Dyers. Haxe nut sold oni but arc
doing bosiiKwa at 12k Casa suwL

CM Whsa Fas I. ghsk^rn^Sy T
There ha. ben much dfas-osslon s%
to the amUlaiice that plitib<:r;q.*.%
might riHKier Judicial .utlHtrilit's iu vu
abliug tlio anvst of i-rlmluaU.
Yet this i* what recent ly ocvnrred
Ml Vnw^. SU
had csiwped from juisob were .«'ut
out to all the tWimune. of Franca
From the mayor or one of these div
frivU tbc follow Inip letu-r wa»" lo
ceived * Vlvc of the <Mtn.ina!« who^e /V
W have «I,c;dy ^ *

Cook With
- Gas
It's. oiioapiT. cKmiit-r ami
inx>kr thau w(K>!
h t^jsu
you wry liltlu to oei> it. All
you have, to j«y for ia jLhe
stove, on easy paymenta.
1‘riocM $1000 up. Hot l*Uu»
Si 2 >to $4.00.
iKi It now.

beforrhedSpoa^f ua***

; i.oflf
. 2.00

A singular dream I* related In « well
known Brm*h magazine. A womati
suffciiu; from anxiety ostused by re­
duced circumalsme* drenmea that
went to t hurch. **Tbe pt'i.pK* K gan
go out one by one. 1 ItNiktd
aud Inquired why they were kav
tl»q church. They «aid. ‘To look for the t
magic bird In the churchyard- You |
■ M
A...) It

Buying Priew.

...... .....

Beautiful ■
Traverse Bay Resorts


Marion Island

found a sjK-cklrt
a* I took It up
my hand. The nc.xt
which hnd Jun l»rt*n
a cat. It was yet wnrtn. I said. Hers
U the magic bird, and the money I
know w ill come by * The .hope JncI.^. live weigtit. ...
wa* justlfled. for £l c.-me In the im
I Spring ndckctis ....
Ing and a check from a friend lu

Traverse CUy


So far aa known thr lanwaf shark
aver raptorra waa oo» Ukeo lu Callfomla waters. Thl* shark w*., thirtytwo fuel long and measured fifteen
feet around the IkhIv. The monster
weighed 14.000 i^»unda, and hi* mouth
measured throe aud a half f«-i in
letigth and two and a half ftet ncruM.

and Peloskey

Iteacke4 Dally, except Saalay

I Hugs.

jshaap. wttk wool as
si.-tn- Ian,I,a liv« wnicht
Calve* ...:..


CurmI hJte
j Oats, per

.sr;. :::;;:::;:,.. “

. Jos. Sleder & Sons

Butchers, Packers, Sausajje Makers.

A Good Long Life
is likely to be yoptis if you slick u>
*good meat—not too much of it. of
(-ouTBC, and wi^etablee ami fruits;
voa, and J»astr} in modcTation
Note we aaid good m«it. Tender
ami foil of natural Juic-ca. Smh
moata we supplt, whaher your
choice l»e for bei f, lamb, multond
pork, veal or poultry. You’ll
our acn-ioe and prices to match at
coir two markets. 517 Hast Kighth,
and 207 Kamlolph. Both rhucut.


It. PkW-w4tv.T .
thuninj Lto. «

imp m

Lv. |V-^k.T

Ne»rth5..n ------- ;........a g.


DsUy Excursions

That wbidi a imrabant caDs his tni*ain or rwnoant oona.
ter, we name oiir “Bull Pen.” in thU we have ODD DOORS,
etc., etc. AU good stock. draiEaUc.for new or repair work.
1‘rtocs low toxlean -op. It will pay yon to look it over.


Special CxenrskMM to
Marion Island Resort
rate. Only SSe
•J Trutfwtw 0*


•ATMBAY. Aimirr n. ^


fM «A&A-Tlo»
Mi. Afl





POA AAUl CHAAP-> IK of pmii Po P. LAWVOM. M.

poll AALt lloMO oo atxU otmo
foriolo or not Mrm J. O. Jo^mia.


Mi Mt:

BMomooo. lots MrlMoo 8L
o«8 im


POA AALA-Hmr oiul robbor tlr«N<
Murrr. loAoIrr Ororir E. BocMr
714 VoMa.
AM im

WAIUTEO-Oirf for
UlM Avww.

rows. 4


f. W I
Tte Oiobe Drpt 81m.

b. p. BeUpor oMlor. I
Aollrr. at pboAO lit.

Ilfo J. A.
AM Ut.

Mf. ItVt.
won AALA->14

WANTBP-OM or mld4li^80« Utfr
lor 8iMl 8 Mrart; 80Dd kooi#
Mi oloo^r oaplorMt far Um> rlcbt
POTMA. coil ftO nor or pbooo au
tit. Mrm. rVAok Bbutor. Auc. It U
' WANTf O-^ppromicr Hrlf 01 Brlk,
WAnT»I>-1(« or ko^ wttk bor*. to
hMl milk from omaitr. Qtwvii
Otr IWrjr, pboM (7(.
Mg 711

WANTE»-<Mrt (or wmm
•Oft. at gbimo im-lr.
WANTI»..OM(«Mr* fsr



OimM ItauMi nnMuo Oo.
)M0 ll-tt



»Ml07M«it ofSoo. ClUioii i pboAt
4M. HI Bmi PtMt
>oly l-lfo

oAd flnit«U»r nelib
ilrri. AddNAr. olvlnt
full infortiuaioti. n. rsrr llmnl
our lf.if


T. 8.. 144
out 16 :i*

POR BAtt-Woot lodoch.



Pb^ikli-l877Diirnm 7 p„,prr.



17. Porpar «f BUtb and rnlon itnat
Urpa bultdiag. two atonaa. Attad
A below ood oporuaaou aac^
iwt; roAM for fifty
AtiL . Pftca, ILOOO. Wade
tl7 Booth UoloB atraat.
July X tl
won AALBAoroar of Proat ood DlvUtoo; fiist
Aloaa loooUoo; pamooaotty Jwotad;
pood baUdiop aMtobla fornaotmoi^
bat or Wfoomt: ofwiier Imvtog rlif.
Mae 18AM. Wo4a Broa.. 817 B.
ITilM At, OL pbiMia UXf.
Jlj btf.
fOR BALt-WiMr arm; ility
arroi Ubprorad: twrot7'a<m Um*
rbar; fiftaap^aerai orchard: fair
bulldiofs; algbl nllei north on
wait bay ibora. ll.&OO. Chaa. i

. Itth Bt. tea roaiai. hot water
beat bath, lot abraoty-five feat
frooL wood bam. Ona of tha flnnt
bOM to the Kty. wm taka imaller
pr4aad prop^ oa part paiment or
wUl aalj M aaiy tarmi. Prlra
I8A00. Waia Broi.' 817 South llnloo
Bt. OIL pbOAa mi.
May Itf
POR AAUI^Tl ahmrai Travrna
k-rna City
ba*. Pro-

POR 8ALB->1471—II oms two aUaa

tss^sTA.*: sst

«OR »ALt-un-L«ra* tm mm
hmm. turn M. Mw«w NIatk

oooM ao(

bo botti for Sftoob

tomo. Prloo $1700.
817 Aoutb UAloA otTM

laofta €.
Joly IMl
SALS flood

rtogaiSi. MI4 nagiL
o^iXy-ioo LESTER a WSLCM-Attorviy at

It J . Morgoo.
ang, tblf.


of Aosa oa sou rood. Amocttmut
•fo ocno OBior oMUrotlOA; oD Im- IsXktoU.
ID Ofopo. wbiioL COIA, 00M.‘ boj; DR. P. A MAC NETT-Fveedoa tIMllA>|o lAOiOtA bOOM f*M00. bOtb.
boLOAi coli wotor oil fbF
fi^WUbakm Motto Ottoau iboea
bodk Wlod MU oAi taak. I
IM. STmoorj ood oU boom
MM bAlMosi: pood 70008 ordMd. riAKo TUfMHe-w. a. teuard. m
PM boorlof: oboot on lovol ood fDDI, OfWUMa WMh OftBMU
00 Aoortx poHbet oo o tom «
bA Owoor wliboo to p» ooocb, b
-oArn ot low ipun for ooob. Prlcw
|4A0t. Wodo Broo. 817 oootb UoloA itroot. Clt pbooo im. ..
POR 8ALB^U28-.nftooo.rooio biick
rootdcoco. Woot NIoth Bt. clooo to. MRS. 8. L. BONNEM betr draaatog
pariovto ofm aty Book 8tocuk Room
ooo ood o bolf block from Oootrol
•chool; oattoblo for resldooeo. room.
108 or boordon; wUl ioko
Monty to loan. 718 SUto Beak
oqatt7 to OMOt of oob tboosood
balMtog. CHtoMa pboeo fM.
dollon 00 port pojroMnt; prleo
17.001. Wodo BrOA. 817 I
tJoloo^Clt pbOAOllll.
Trararao Land and Ldse OA, F.
BOJ 11^


Woio Brno.,
o Ctt pbon#
■07 1-tf

T. CHASE. «L D-Offlco wUb
ooo fitfU oily IlmtU; four oeioo SARA
Dr. O. & Cbaaa. State Bank block.
Iwo biUKirod foot obom froot; Urge Both pbMoa. 8SL2T. Baaldsooa U4
OR SALl—11IA-yFlr«^buMl ooo-hoJf
elada; ;bot aod cold wotar to oU
oerto. oomor of Woyno ond Mollooo
fooma. tu light, furuaoa baoL olao tonUoe to dtoaaaaa of tba oya. oar.
•trootwIU plot loio to loti, worth
ot ImM om bimdfWd obd any dol* one cottage, two Urge bama. trout noaa and throat Qlaaaaa flttad.
Ion p«r lot Prloo. ItrSOO. Wodo otrsom ihrough grounUa, baUi bouse Orar Johaaao drug .otora Both
Broo. 817 Booth Uoloo lUodt au.l Mi ioa grove akmg bay shore. This
phoAo nil. r
July^t If property U In first class eoodiUon DR. E, E. MINOR—Offloa orar Amorb
oo main road to city, piked all the can Drug Stora. Spacial attentlou
FOR BALI-1818-Btet7*olx fOot on
way to city; would cost to pul In lo eye. car. noaa Md Uroat. Qlaaaaa
BtoU itreot; Urpo fromo boooo
oondlUon oa It Is at present at least auth atraat
twenty thousand, dollari: lady
pood boro; tblf proptrtr U lo
lag la lOTalld. heooa sacrtfico in DR, W. E. MOON-6paetallit-0«a!to.
mter of tho bait block lo Ttototb
cur. batwaeo Gob ood Pork itraat
order to dlapoaa of It; will ooosidar urInsiT. skin and Wood dlsaaaaa; 18
®*partanoa^ty opara bouaa
good city property In part payment;
ood the eomUi8 bmloaaa Mock of.
Plica IU.000. Wada Broa., 07
Nortbara Mlehlpoo; propartf H» tbii
block boa locreoaad lo roloa
Booth Union Bt at pbooa mi.
toQf buodrad par eaoi to I
may Itdf
raon. It win do ^Ur tboo tbot to
tha oat aarao 70»n Kaap jw
Aooar out of tha faka Oil. Gold,
clan and Burgeon. Jtoawrad to ofCaU 317 Walltngtan. aug.
per ood other almllor propoal
ScM In Unnson block orar Banna
place it in
A Bari’s, atlxana pkoaa SU.
propfirty In tha bait city to the lUU WC NAVB PURCHAtCO tha dry
whar^all KaBai of real aitateare cleaning buaioass of OU A Hohner. HARRY to HARNER—Bxpart ptano
adriDrtiif la price, where factorial We'ora now to o poslUon to do all tuner and action ragulstor. Satlsguaranteed. WUh KlmbaU
hare Increased thatr oopoclty to tha of your wt^ WM. AUGUSTINE. fsctloo
Music House, Cits- pbooa 784.
extent that they hove out atrtppad 1^8 B. rrool atreat, Cltlscna phone
MONEY TO LOAN-^ tax etoMt
June IWt
the populaUon, where there Is two 171.
Jobs for arery man. womoo
Wodom HlnaA the palmlaL
child where the local colunmi of tha
nlon upon oU offoira lo llfA
local lApan ora filled wUh wont


oda for nea. woowo. boys ood girii.
whin fomen ooAia for miU
dispose of their producu ood pu^
chase their aupplles. where oil
cloiaes of fnilbigTmlD and vaget
coo be lucceaiTully grown, when
rotura has obundanlly. yea Urlihly
aupplied the iportsman. tha schob
on. tha orttit ood tha loralld with
arary thing they ooold daalra, hoy.
Inland lakea. Hran. and ereaki.
clear, pure fresh water, good clear
healthy air. fish. frolL Md ee
blea. What non ooald be dai
Tbaae are tacU ire are aUUog aod
can Iw rarified. Again wa aay place
your money lo Trarena aty or tha
Onod Trarers# ngWm.
Broa.' 117 Uoloa streaL Oltlxai
phone 1711.
Jana Ibtf

mor 18^

POR RENT—OffioM In the Wilhelm
block. 8ce B Wilhelm.
POR RENT-Twubonaea on Jefferaoi
oveoue. loQulre Mrs. John Rennie.
July 1-tf.

of P., maat avary Thnraday avaoIng. Naw Muoaon block. C. O.
Brlckaao, C. C.

TRAVER81 CITY LEGION, No. UbNaUoool ProlacOra Legion will
meat la Woodman boll oo tha third
farm; toor miles from city;
Tuesday of each month at 7:80 p. m.
alxtys. acres under eolUTatloa; forty
Abram Smith, praaldeot; Oayla
orrea timber aatlmatad to cut >t
laaat three hundred thouaaad fact
of merchanUble logs; aboot two TRAVERfiC CITY LODGE, Na 772. P.
A A. If. will hold a apaalal oo Moothousand cords store wood;
da>’. Aug. 17: next regular Aog\»t
proved land, moaUy level; a____
IX. C. C. Langley. W. M. E. E
one ball eao be Irrigated froo Ua
creak that runs acroas fOrm; large
frame ban. btooa basement i
for fifty bead of stock; good stone TRAVERSE CITY LOOOE, Na EH,
foundsUon; packing bouse for fruit
K. O. T. M. M.
. O. T. II II.. No. 871. meats erary
Urge orchard, different rarteUea o
raday night in the Odd Pellowi
peaches, pears, plonia. aprleoU
hall, over American Kandy Kitchen.
eheniea and applaa. all ^olea Mart Wllkeoa. Commander; K. M.
Tortallas; also largeVlayard; ehokr Franklin. Record Kaapar; M A. Broos.
kca Keeper.
ast gnpM. Tbit form by utUUtng
tha Umber can be made to pay out
this year Including oomlng wUUr.
and when paid for U a steady aouroa
of wealth that U hard to dupUeata.
only raaaoo It U for mala U owner MLS. J. & S MART J. TKDEBLitS>
U well akmg In years aod wlsbea to OSTSOPATHIC PHYSICIANS
retire hence offen It at about ona*
1 lo • p. SR. 7 la • <
half lU actual Tolue. Prl^ $€.000. WyakaspOm OMssai
W^a Bros. 117 South Uatoo 8L.
ClUsana pbpm^ ilil.
Jnoa IX tf


POR BALB-UII-Om buodrad and
ttlrty^ra oera form, atgbfy oeroi
Improved. Urge baro ood good
bouao. orcbord.. Urgo oMouot |of
good wood, ttmbar, fara^>fcAead


sslirssrtissT ^
Ten mUban people bsTe
ooimu with the ^Postomc


WAUm-^ tar



ood 00 bettor ooU to be foAOi; Mi
Mflaa ooutbaoot of Mty oo mlo
rood, |Uoi Bay towoablp; Moos to
oobool aod obnreb; wlU aoU no ooay
tomo. owoar |o .Mbor buMoaoa;
9rfoo$8.$00. WoioBfoo.tl7 Aoutb
ITolooBt Cn. pbooo mt.

made to order from Old carpeu. N.
a Chapin. CItlaao pbooa 1711.
Amy IM
A. 8. DOBBON^Joatlca Of the Paoee.
Bomlltbo A MUIlkaa Mock. ftmdA
aold or fUAtad la Mty or oountry:
bargolos Jatoi lo fom tad city
property, to ofica Wadoaaday ood
Baturdoy avenlpga. Bvnldfnea phooa
opr XXM

found imbedded in an oaMent gUMar

Pews oi lUlcfrtgan

(k»v. Warner has wpiailnUnl D. G.
I’almer of Jackson county, agent to
sucr^ George 8 While
>VW Wetmcih*. of Oatosburg. 111.,
DR, E. L. THIRLBY-Spactol attaa- ak.‘been appointed physical director
tlon to dlsaasea of children. Rooa l/ the U»ys of the Ann Arbor high
40X Btoto Bank bldg. Both phnasa.
FINCH—the South Side i»awnbrokcr
Star Alvord. father of Engineer I»e
and bicycle man. nicyclcH to rent
.Alvoid, who was iu the Salem wreck.
ami npulrfsl. 41« S. Union street
hlch s<i many Ionia people wm
N. nuch. proprietor
July 3Mni.
Killed, is dead.
of amalliiox has been rep<wted to the stale iKsird of health
Our Lest SsaM.
One of the grchtesl, dtocorecles of fjom 8t. Johns. Thi' dlJasise t« pres
phvslologr .U that we imre !&d sis
LI at sevtrral places In Mlchii^n. bui
aensCa. Whst tffe lost sense was no
»l III a severe fwin
one knows snd nrobably no ooe wl!l
The firemen of the Michlgsn dlvl
ever know, bu^bst our forefathers
possessed It there > oo doubt, for Sion of the Luko siore haef an ontlng
Baw Beoae lake Wednesday. About
the remsiDB of ihrf part of the brain
to. with their wives and families,
In wbli b It resided are still to he seen
In st^ one of ^s. These remains
ere present. It la'to Ik* an annual
sre BlmplT s smsil snd tjow perfectly
fair hereafter.
useless little miss of brain substance
The police are hiking for a man
called the pituitary body. It oonslsts
Id two tiny little oval Vrbea Joljied who has l»«m selling furniture polish
together sod lying* In a little carlty fioni house to h*mM ‘lhitmgli Owosso
itly. A number of iwraplalnU
of the skull, slrsnr ly named the seifs recently,
turcica snd situated over sod lu^hlnd have lieen recKv^ tlial be' has lieen
the noee. It U quite possible that It making
may hare enabled oor forefathers to and swwrtng at those who rt^fuse to
buy bis wares. ^
lUy Welsh, the Detroll boy whodlsfairies, or It may hare luvn an apiieared from his home In that city
organ that enabled them to go home
few dan ago. la thought fo lie in
In a bee line when they lost their war hiding In P^rt Hunm. Welch formerIn the prtuieral forests. On the other
hand. It U [losaible that It was s bad
sulwtltute for rlslou or smell or bosrtne and died out when the Improvud
-It stys here.-remartted • todjr Ybo
wsa psrnslng s popular journal to her
bdabsnd. *That artdowa make tbs bsM
-Probably so.*’ was tbe reply, “but
you can hardly expect me to dto Just
for the sake of making a good wlto M
Tbs driver pulled a tiny stuchmeot your~Kansna City lndep«>deoi
to the right rein sod s hood fell from
Tbo IWiarmIng Woman
tbs snlmars forehead down over his
wyss. insuauy than it heeaxo. tomb la not nooaaanrlly one of pmfoct form
and fcMursn.' Many a plain woman
**A Mexican Ides,** asld tbs dnrm. who could BSTor aonrs aa^ artlaUb
no Mexico sll spirtfsd bofwet wssr mods), poansaiaa thoau rars
all tbs worid admires;
these hoods that at the first sign of that
clear eyea, clsM smooth akin
of atop and action



MckAens. which Is wiping oM bU aub^
jmo in Afiteo.
The total AfUA of
Pira la oaarty ILMAMi apuare milm
or A«w tboo OAwfiflb of tha aarth s
Tlmre la aa average of one child
kilkd evm tbmw days In New York
city by bebg raa orar bp
The orlfto
ortglo ef
of cArda
owdD Has
UoDJbMiD^ai In
the blddeo aadgulty of Aota, no iwc>
ord so tor hating
It was fiom the
ilstOAl orlant that caida. along with
fbeaa. were firat Iptniduoad Into
aootbarxi Bvope. Bpnlo aod luV.
paclaUj The enrUpst of tbener cards
have been lost, unfotooately, and no
record of Umm preserved.
84r WIilUm Crookea. as a rsouU of
his own rsainrehes mod the axpeii .
Krowalskl aod Mas
c^L of Freiburg university, has dU
coT^ a process of exlnscUng nllrle
add Oxmi the atmuspbere. The pro­
cess to avn&tohle for

nodrm guns
Three hundred iixm railroad com
or RoumaoU have been ordaiwd la
every yenr Urn school *obU4rso iif
Sweden plant about SdO.MO trees.
Tba*alumto«B bo
now being prlaled In Bdlnbnrg sre of
ibeM emboased tn the nanal
They are easier to irwd than snd to expected to revoluUouUe the
r books, do not soil, and are nitrate Industry* sud the world a ftiod
prscucaily IndestrucUble. Tbelr e^- problem.
penaiveoee* ia ehelr drawback.
The ciar^ ohe and only great aunt
The oyster beds of the Bay of Na the grand duchess of Alexandrado
plea arv expected to require two sefovonn. of RUssto, bought Uo pars
)vaxs for * nv<ovcring their norm«l of esmeto some years a|^». whll
condltioo. The cinders fmm the erup- a vtolt to Uu- i'nucausuK. and at
ilcm of Vrsuvlua have smothered the place ouUkle of ST PeUvaburg she.
tii\*Ll\«v. forming a cuinpl«t<* cover­ drvoifw much of heroine each sum
ing over them.
luer to her somewliat unoonunon peU.
The Amazon aume found In small ^ She baa now no fewer than 17 of the
quanUUes rnwr Ookirado Springs. Col.. Hnlmals.
Is gfxwtiy in demand.' A firm In OerThe Circassians, who live In the
nuuiy onk'red sll that <^ld be pn>- iKirthwestem |«rt of iho Oaucasus.
cured. r\H* stone U green In color nnd who think It Is moro hooorsble to
and hard as flint
live by plunder than by InduMiy ,
The summit of lake's Peak Is 14. make It a cusuun to bring their
117 W the levt 1 <»f the kes. daughters up to lie sold ss slavt« to
the iisNt !3 years thh aummll the TuPks and Persian^ Clnassbui
reuch>Hl by a cog mad. It beauties, ttowfore, shj^ not In their
Is now pmisiaed to eleoirlfy the syw native Isndrbut In the harems of the
tern at a cost of XSW.dOO.
Already more Uiaii 10.000 schesda
N. Blurey Malison. Yale gradiwte.
Iwve licen «»tiibllshed In China. wher<» rtsi of a former g<ivemor of Min('hlnes4> youths sre taught prwbMdy iieifuU. groat grandiam of MundiHl
Uie ycniths are taught In the Ikmiubbtte. whinn Nupol«»n nuule
sHmioU of this country.
king of Swv^en. and sonM-llnH* hus;
The g>l>sles of Granada. Spain, arc band *»f Bmma Carus, the
unlqtH* among the race aa cave-dwell- singer. In boM^ig a gang of workmen
CIS. living In recesses hollowed c*ul of ip New Yewk Centml raJIrosd tunnel
a hinUde nil far fPom the city.
Ip Manhattan.


Anatofit CHseslatry.
Beyond s doulu the f:gjpttoiis kusw a
great deal shout dieuilsinr- This would
sssm lo be iiroved by their skill In fixtog colurs nnd. shove sll elsav by tbsir
woDderfuJ art of embslmhig lbs bodlSi
or tbelr dfsd
Without a piKty tboroiigh knowledge of the pHMlptos M
cheinlefiL6X«Hlty snd comblustlon tbs
KgyiRtons would nersr have be«A sbK
to acduuiillah what they did In Uwms


King lupnU boo oAarad o pitoa of

I W^ killBd AOi X.t88 1

of tba
Mi Nanrowa Syatom.
Gtoaaa. 8ttoA^

OM 14-lit





II general

Dft M. 8. GNCGOilY-m Cbaa KraK.

m atxtb otroK.


i2r* otT v.^

^ OT w. rtamumm

TW gaim moM'h, mm
to be mrtoteM.. No otber

pod. OD the ABerku aurket
■dodax will cutmmr. onaUM or
(ITO better M^(ortioo
Mtietortioo (or tba

Table KbI>^
beanUful imitems at only 17.00
per set Tea. Table and Dessert

Would be pleased to show


tyes thurw-satiSt



Petoskey«Mi •
Harbor Springs

SI.OO Round Trip
Leave Traverse City at 8 a.'
Returning, arrive at
Traverse City at 10 p. m. • .
E. A. WESTON. Affcat

Farms for Sale

ly ivhlded Ihore with his isirents and
It is belleviid Unit he took a car and
came to Port Huron imim-dlatc-ly af
ter leaving bis h(«ne.

I have a nu(nber of good
farms, all the vray from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or If you
Clay i;re«i, an Ann Arlior caplUl- have any good property, I srU]
1st. met with a liad a<*cl(leut. In driv­ take it in exchange and makd
ing In from his farm he met a farmer
wiuim he knew and got out <if hto img you easy terms. 1 can sell you
gy to talk with him. The fanner whs a good farm for less money
hauling a load of two toffk of ».ott ‘ than you can buy it of any«
ctial. Sutidunly his u%m sL^ed U41
body else. I have faring
and the %h«*ls ran over Mr. Green s
which are located from four
toe«.. crushing the big <mo so tmdl
that It may be nec«*sf«ry to amputate to 20 miles from TraversQ
City, all uood Improved land.
wiU buy them. *
of the southern ^ of the state,
come then for iTyolimrallon.
Vernon s Jooah.| the large fi
building, fonnecli/a box factor), and
for whioli, Verntin raised a llO.tMSi
iMtnus and received 00 benefit, was to
tally destroyud liy fire. A S|uuit from
a loonmotlve
looniwiU^ Is Ihouglil lo have csuia
e<l iIk* fire
The Rev (kwM- Waehingtiin Jen
nlngM, iiastor of Die first Methodist
church of Pontiac, for Abe |iast seven
years, has been unanimously tendered
a call lo* return for another year. If
the 'Dt‘Lrt>li oonferenre will assign
him to H charge.


Sute Bank Building ‘
Thinl Moor
240 WDshiutton
Oit pbon ‘ 774

'or 3eilol
Two Good
AU Modem laproveBcata
On, on southnOToomer
Bute and Fnmklin Bto.,
tbe other on lot adjoin ing,
on Franklin 8t

-REASONABLE PUCEFor tine property in boat
looation apply to

It Is aa lraiNvwiH.Ie to mv who wrote
tbe first music notes as to say who
wrote the first sentence of sny Mud
on papyrus or iwirrliment. It Is generally' cnderstoi-d that the artile as
we know It wns put Into shape by
Guido Arrnto (ICkVi* and suhseqoanUy
added to by 1^ Malre.


The Change

The weather sort of
turned Taylors way of late,
and a smile . lit up his hard,
serious face. Ice quick from
lag to aobaUtuts It for natural oaaip Taylor’s, Both phones.
Subatituto For Csmphsfw
Fynthello camphor la now being,
made In Berlin of essence of turpentias, and several Urge bouaea are try-


£t^*’rIlSi^^ vJSak*‘'t!Si«ii, give
strong awrrss. bright sysa. omootb.
eelvsty aklji. bssutifnl complxMon.
Ovaarantosd at Bugbss Drug Oo.. HaaBtoru. riUAk H. MaaM

After .Plica have extotod for a time
the suffering to Intense—pain, aching,
throbbtog. urnoTi form, filled to burst­
ing with Mack Mood.
This to when Dr. Leonhardfs Itom. tha only abaolute Pile ji&e.
Pi tbs reoulto that have mada Its

WANTED—12 traliisd
aa and
tws^sueissfia In
M tbs
va. graasrs* bsss bfiR bmi#
at Psputor PMM Aufi. It IW- Apply
to W.R. Pests.
a4M. »At

gdarmatos to that effect goes with c
R E. ^toll A

Ntogara Fblto.

of timlna


r. O.'-p. Xtr

I mH fijH
by lb..
vIiHi n§
UK|« bafliic ubaii It. f*- kbouid aUnU

in ttw iliflalUii'a Aalljr lir<« tba vtlaa
•fdartelaa t«atw>apriarrDt Mour «n
•r bi*rap»lof OirlatlafM ar^ rrM|o«iitU’
dlatarbad at to wbat they abonld da
- IWy bar# Hlilr i^rtalUu
m atmallj aoktiw. : ^»y I d«. ib^
**WooUltlin vmoffloduthatr U*«i
to ik^Hda IW) wbat rbrwt m^mkl
you do. If hi dout»l txotronaiuf anytbtnc. darkle afalott It aiMt Him M
^ ^ niatiar raot.

Minjk «CAtll^(la.

J^I. isk. U K; Kolb », Kl 17; 1
KInpi XTin. }1: Ku^ xx, 39; Alim. «i.

Uakiap Miaad.
rbriitun Kodetvor fa<m tbe future.
It eilota Ian for foday than for jlo
morrow, lu atiiUUloua an* ell dlran^
of a aar«ogr’e #iKmn U Im Wtial It U
accom|aiibl»f hi fbe-ltiiHiedUle i»rro.
me ttiaa wbat It la accomnlUhliiir fur
tba fmotr Alum of tlir uimiliera
Now It la to tba tmalin^.if tnildni?
TW feat maira aflerwaM. Kven
Kadnicmw obould work ' oitb ihia
tho^t in tiiliid.' He abuuji oerer Innalbbt of tbe time wbm bo will Iw grad

Knikovor la to gi-t an e^juUniimt
fbal will onalilr bim i..
great m-rrbw
In the nelda of1be fuiimv Tbe te>t of
tba eAK'lmry tif « aorlHy la ver> nni|v
erty tbla: How la. It afriaKiug tbe fu­
ture uA-fulnm of Ha iin-ml...nK Ov«-r
and over timlu iie aboubi mall tbU
cardinal tnitb-that tlie imiuf of tl»e
autxwn or failure of TbrNtUn Kiidaavur la to la. fmmd In the neit gi*umUoA uf
§1111 Kaad/ la tarva.
atv. ty 1)0 ineana at the end '
deavnr aorlrty. It bnai
mabwlty aud tbe dl|mliy vf twvuiy
yeara. It baa i»erfc«tnl
Ha or
It la
U now 'ti'ndy
to nerve
tba rburrbI In a gru
smt vaHcly of waya.
It can prMiare Ita
aiMI mtbtMUaile na
of •rfTlea tablcb tbe rh
oaaib. It CAA do Anyilihig
roAttIrad., Hut lAideriieath fbla multi
pJJrlty ofWoft..tblt flexibility of melh
oA tbm la tba Ann fiwiAdAlioa of
loyaHy to iaooa lAwlat layAlty to Hla
loyally! From Ibaar roota growa tba
Bndoarar trae with Ita Inrn ai0
Aowm md dIvrraUlod fmltA.-Hev. W

m ia .
i>. the^ri. « r )gtia.iy I.•»“!%. s t
a«xb 1.1 111.ay o I
A»ilertiM»» rrr»ne.*i*. li
they a ei'v. lOi Une«i t«> giv«-

. A wimnani#* ti» III* tauahl ba^

. aibmnt ndtanluara U npis»ka writ for
p|o«riliy uhrn they mr rvrn dei*. in iH l.iEtd P.r thr purp,M.r~
it i*;; iii. tf lo IH* a iwK
ronUng in tho.r a ho h/nr ln%rMU
*ni« to.,1 hi/hlaa.l^ .
gated the mlt.jtif l. ihr Klltptnna hXve
d.lMctniul thaii.t'
alnavM Ikw) f„^i of bgnUt.K
Thej t AmerU-nn
liavr hail Ilitlr taMr f.., mMmu»l labot ; nhnut too
fiirwartl lb Uw |H«%i>iMiny <•
K«i aieai l)a» Hiti f,ir
U thr Ameiirati la cui^lUlim.-tinw- ' gu\ ej utm nt ...
eter. wm« « luxury In nhi. h ! tu II.40P u v,-af
ploo about
none but the
luight aapirr
tifl) »
natlv.- Ullplno i of ^,u u^iux '-n
ditliii.tii Yutym Voi.irlhirted fr^Jy V.f ^lerv wua a gie«t a, ,nlnap* nf learn- there* nn pevhXp,*
buiBia atudr-m. ' lenolu ra In ibr p.oUm I.! .. I.o ,i> n b-* ,K*n.I. n. i1h-lT iiHMiry nnd In labor »o tho^run- im; ui .Nwe.a
wriu from ihr wealUiy
A! | ivivr very liltl, .shiratlon ;.n,l kIh- k j
WUn.n tb.- pi*
Mlniriion ut publb ^cl)o•l||i
l*rt,i*hl.-m . , IRI.I. ni
Niine.1 ...............................
l.ulnohrilan Ihriu war-H
ornue: I of II..- .^luJei.M |.r.,vlrM^> and d..-y
L ,,oir»
I pfsiagogne- n-.-rU,-.
j ,..*>•

Iu-„»lv. i>ej.oit !upmi tbv. u l,oI.that' I- a**n»-r.»l
Thr timnti ipalUi*-* dueu\l hy the Je.uu.. hut th. fe,1.- iHhu-a- ; I ..V,- M .
al.« ?
aw a rule.
Mom,I ..y.t.MU ..f llu1‘h.UPPln. l-hrmbarr ariiiitilv . t .m nine for nutbociiv iu inandrj! tor tlilllou exHuderl any nil- | monr tlial) m pr^.. p .oomK.
-but i» proUtblyiall »h.-> are
..lul U will I- one of th.- t*hlef duip . of
UM their fundu fur aolmat ‘purpoiMw. Jilno 3f IlmlteU tp,^n«
lit-4 nail>
Hr. that «lu-n the publlr arhool ayeTimte wituM.N have t>4n ,.eUW..h...i Heri.-lar> Tafl UurU^ 1 ia vfsll lo .l.y
war lnir«MlUird»by the Ainerleana i In >n>oe,|«tta of Ibe |aian«l>«.
and ihei .
a|vhl|wlayo In the
antunm tono k.
ii-y iH.m
iintub v lnii. thi'w >i>li i»e vf l».ie i inllUoii ,hil!.o>. ail him rot ruit M fium Pitnii.ixr
tloi). In a grnat majority of the |ir«»v- tl waw nailed will! g.-neral ilellglu } i« a «,mhI a4-he,d at ^an»h« ey< lu-l<V Jy aiKH-ta!
i ,.,ox-nrlvl fnmi/ '

Inrra the Kth.Mil atlendam-e ha* tn» »'uiitiar> tvrxtw«.|atlo«tlw*reh.^. lM*imlfurthechlldiv>nof Am.MUann-MdeA. ;wo.knf.uV.;mm.U>ion
Ti e mori r, j«nika».le ,-ti*!!ie-rlna
« v**n»pieli.-mt
rreaaed t-nmmoualy. nn.i In
l.i- little l onfUi-T la*iw,*en th.* new ru'h.mla 1 Jlieiv la alen pn ex. .-lle.u h»ah a»#H.I ^
— thnee already ^nUlMuni hy the ! H, ManlU to Su.h h U.,1. Amt*rM"«h. ‘
--------- .. i- D..a
• .
'Ti - «n
..t ii.i,.a,|
filiUi liuw b -en
atamn. pr^lrally lliu milre p
lei-gy uf'
..r th.- new rail!.Mi
<0.1 I *-..1 in the lh-.-I-. iri, d:i!l

...... 1*^
Hum, of
fb.n of a« tn-.l agr 1« ri.n.ljed aa. puidla
.und adn»lmhle
have b.*en .*xer> ^ the laiwe t..wna uf
pr.nincea are
1M ixr-.*»
i,e m.tKhui ami i- Uiyer.

puejiu.Mu.l B« In E.
im till all
f'rnvfm iat oflh UIh i al»u pixn
ldnl with
wllh high Kth.Mda
Ttie purheil rapidly
.-oi uei le.1 -a tih 1 «»m< jd .« t in ManlU. in in- i . Mtigf
Il'M.iM-me la*ing mi- iml,... t
He, nndary m
have bpen Inwtru.mlI to Imujle it
ubjt^r l nf th.*.se Iiyhlll !U
MPd^ilIll In eveiy dlri-Uon. und that .
i-nl-leO 4»-,g.:l*. i..‘ »-hieh I op *4 a.Mn»
‘ all
lompirlud U)
rarenij. ihat the publl,
pulill.- ^hmi
eh a eonunon languag. i
1*1 fJO.iM*" uMi hiid alre.i.ty Ih-i n
.ul I
lion e.anM. It-I. I*, j •»'» i the au :.o..daK * *11.1 In a thoa'and
the emMhtn ».f i.grn ullur.ll* and
lH*raeile .if In any
The only evt
brvonl1 t..\.
Ill t .< wav*' he h i.. -b;. m I.Mipht that
in the H..ik
eaily ai Iva*. ' thirty--tlV.* niH,-*, brvon
j .in. In
tndu^tiiaJ m U nwalied ailh xr.^t
>f rhminmil«iihio amniu
‘.engii. l1 hii-hliml/T**
. ...nimr.'.n.ii * nppV-.pii.ile.1 the h.*nel i4 th. r.engti*
.ml- /T'*
•* I'.y i- «.|o. tHh!- ..ud Ima
The i.enjde eaem to lie
and v<ril.
i»o« f..i the f..mtineihm *f btuh- .
ii .m imi*j ti.iv. v.- ,.in
b-*H' I
Th“ mgauUlnv uf
• nU btl.lRe>
Ti.m far ..ri arr.-t,-. nvEt wlMlv'iu. in..uot^»ln^r. - j "-.V h,
jr«tcm 111 the IhIhthI* \u.h a »tu|i
' veviwuke Ij^he
.f ab .u’ r.oa tmUjy of in ..i.-iti r1.u ,
,f th.- i;l.i‘.e
Sklf *
I. ruirvvrn '.v
wayr bi^en .mo of it„- |
!nm»» uf
llitlr br..un UUik
Who «!••». pin mu uiHi-tniuM.iouMly
drr Ain«-rl. «n protmiiun. Thrlr In
r«l In «*du‘ Htloii
t»o.-n onivrnMit
unongvlnc fr»m




eat llietiluthm. the I»e,Hn imiVerwtty,
llaw g«ine,| tin* . r«?du of bax lug aei onipltabed Ibe in-*.t aiialv.*l. of natural aU
H.. hnt« eetnblliih»*il ilu- romtHifiliion ot the xaih»ua ingmilenlf.
a.ime of whh h he Iihs aun^e-li-it In
4.r.w1uelnt anifltdalty*A OIBTINGUISMED CAPTIVE.
Hir ll nry Ma« l«e>n, ehlef of Etaff in
'lun-d re.enlly^ hv the handit
chief. Haiwuiy MacLawn u \ ». otih-



a grow from Jhree to
ven fret in h
I do the work of kUtt men in Kt'ling

Tba SaAotlfol.
H l« a part of a tnw Budoavor ttaUi
Inf to ba balpid ta an wbat annmiAdlAfa. wbar artbrna. wbat oomda and
AlfbU Alb bratttifta aa4 why tbay mra
baAUtJful. Blfbl Meoa nmfdhm tbt
baAUtJful In pobllr worablg wobkl be
Au tfnroenaa Iwlp ta att oar rbwebai.



! ABai§#§ltofaial^gai wUlprara
V ««•••
diawfifAr. Ada||.b



boAOttfol cAbdort, tbe Atom of ihtBfa.
tbe inBoMire of hanaimy opan tbe
ItAAl life, all tbla la a new world ta
our yonug people and but partially
explored Uy .tbetr eldera.-Ctirlatian
Worb And«vWk§t.
' «f. and Bra.’ C. C.
nir. aud Mra. Cbrtatlaa tHadNimr
are AlAyiAf at tbe Hotel dee Bennea ”
§ocb la a tianalatlon of an aaboiBm
AM«t nrbicb acUuUy apiawred ta A
iMHa (AwltnilAiidt paper daring tba
larmt worUTa ranTealkm. Tbat editor
.dU not know miKb about tbe eaHma
tte votipje. but prrtunib be baa atnre
•alnad aoma Idea of tba aBa af tbair
vt^ty fABUy.-Irlab gyyirr. '



me anmatuc ..ic iui* Ti\tu t,ei*wiUi appeaiwd o Igiuaag a* a Mipdob iwwa>r. Aiihoaih
icvt x.hich lieoompaaWd tba Vktiua Ballad to taydKw tba
akeick la pur»h fanciful. It profaaaas to abow tba «oDdltioa af aJfalra lA A
Are bnaka out to tba lop of a BTacrapar. Tba

l» Hcoaauma
mally found ainong «be n«lull datk
dark hair amoaa tba
d dull
i^ntrwl Africa
of i-entiwl
have blaek
hair, but Ja|.ana» vbiW.en aotnatlmr*
have dbrk rwddtah yeJKiw kali, and
QblAtm cbUdraii may bat* brpwit balr.

wcaAA at ibe Naw Turk iioukiai^wr tkrden Tha
In# giblblttd tn the.taadlitg Eu
authnrttlaa bbva toiroducM g otnAlo at <ma and of the Uon hodaa to whlcb
♦ ctOe. and wHl be bi
aHtafa may ah and maka altatchaa of tba rarioua anlmala Tbe momi atand ta
next aeamn In nd
a wire fmaiad cage, wilb .tba back, top and alda. of aCdld plat# gtoaa. Tb.
t(i««Uk (h^ almidte juutb epeaka U«r1
luab and Ibitltah.and ia of mo«a than
«gb the fli>r ipf tba
cagA.' Tba mi^aet U
■ ‘atudla
i vaga la auok iimtU yw top.adtoaa Aoah xrttb Um I

...... .. .


fiu^ Jwland
Bi»«l 4«»eco tteurr to .tX*
at'twa w»rtd tai tkat b»loi«tnK lo lb, Vrrach
;s,aiTr motW
abaw tbat thara wate• 72,
unbar cutfl^Uan, la-t year^I
(ormiMot u UU*. U tan* wu M..
7».2tt aciMT'
IMi^tha totabbatog 4,7f

IfeM Moo. ■
A ttpM toooh la too toMpio or too
IMOAO: o Mhif .ot oUtk 004
«rAitAr.o»MHo4toflaarMt Ah4
OlAOrO It ObAAto PA l4btA tottlAP AM
Alto 0 UA MlAOMO loot. Tbo Abolo

•a prari
Ml tv

Mtt Mr. U M«c »«ir«lir U
tW jOMil li H M M


inih r wmmmf

*i1l 4# at M- M» llor


afiSttM foal. lAaay a tliS^wMrtf
kaa to loM OB kar kad for koiira k<^
foiB tka gala aoitotoally iMlad
Alto, do Bot mot% too iCtBg la Iha
04* MMt Mi
•fOBlBt. It MB BdC’pay Ib ikr k*f
^7 «M d
tM »PM nm. MpMUIty. do BOt fBBd tola. Tkr
krato dad ka falny Mat wkaa
ti iiiilt
fSr^rnki»MmU0mmm9^m Uiiagr If it to ba aaaUy ooaaiiMd to
Mliapa you aay tkat eroadloi work
IhiM M M MM of M ifiM
oMiMto lata koora. Good IrtMA. at
‘ MW,
Kiilld ilr IdiM M dl Uir fmn your tountora and yoall took kaok
atoof ika road youTf adaa aad aaa
Maay. Baany toiBgi you bow edl boomu?f» 6kj hf Mr
-^JoUa HaffU U%r. In 1^ AUaaUe. iBry, tkat you fould hara laff «il
aadly-lBdaod bar© batter off wUktaii
•IftnplK fpr tut pay, >
bfM|d» d
After a food Blfkf. alaap. do aot
M for m* ftttuM mn
korry to rtaa la tka morutiif. imteM
WMn wdiM Miy taMUi
May H# • tliaMr of
woa mA rM ai«t. ^Thla IB Bdta of
IM M dr «tr

And a pteM <m the tnkte Md he eniw
aMM IIMI MM to a kat aaratoc dM fBRy eanked Bad keflUy bmM.
aad Maa did Mattafftoa
The dlgwrtlbmgr of eMtoklqa demgkt kara tot M aay: Ba aM to
aitov a dlaar |Alfk to
t eaa be ^vm to tkatr c
to kaMiaff K affataat tka koi gaddiai.
JUmte coQkiBg la needed tor
taato It
fkr HMttoff too Mat. c
bagB. beeti. eggUfltmr. cMrom, etc..
fourth of a eMfd of bolter, aud add White gBBtte BfBUBdilflg to peetMabte
sradially. wklto baattof cwataatly, for ike gwMjwced eariattea. aack as
oaa half eupful of powdarad auffar Md pewaaBd begna
fav ffraiaa of aalt; tkaa add tkraa ffWw koBM wtrew know tMt lad
ibtoafooBfoto of Mik aad oaa im tokaa. cslary and cueumkMs are dair
apaoBtal of vaalUa. (took oM bot cloM bolted, and aimply aeqaowed with
valar. aUrrlag aoaataaUy aad vauk- butter, iiepper aad salt Tbe imdlsheu
laff oMdiMy. aatn tka tar
hare a flavor like turnips but «u>rc
Mtoctty btaukad M Ue
delicate; this vagetable may also be
araamy la oMtotoBey. ftonra at cooked and smed witk bot cream

WkrsittM MUM MM M



Hm dMM Hta prodftoM otroMU
But M M

Another, • IHUa iklag" with big ra^
•ulta. frian wklcli oB# thould always


fW »U M IMM of iroMIni Urafl.
M M. to hMy dTM.
miMA^ ftar M Mly llfo.
A MMM Mora.
Tor too ■man vorttoa and tka paUrjr
' At Boad to. toaa or oiofO.

m kato l«to AMol owltoa
fW liiMM imf. ar
toa ,attooy
IkWkor wo-waap or a
artoat' ^

would saaiB aa though bo other <iBe
thing could work graaiar haroc with

dlgaatlTe apparatui. aa waU aa tka brata. and so.
gradually tnidarmlnaa iha whola ays-

HMklikarry Oamtiaa.
In ao part of tka Uallad ffUtea do

* |wtokNii JV, wlto kaat of
' OwMl thlt'a Uttm t.r <ku
> A IM* • «»M. trw m4 Iklr.
- Tim MlM^A . m«Mm rxtrr-

JpifMl# A# eilM** CtMf

potM mt V (Mm to ..Aa (or 0i«
AMter. Wo MA aar «UI poaot u •
wtJp (W M
at IM
Wo WP UiAt tko(A U
■A MMk «ork to «B ttat VO ooAOOt
MUtek A poA toUolAi to too OOOIM U
too Pair tor oowptoto ratowUoA. aod
pot «o kaav, Pooo to oar booita. toat
too UtoO to MtoS to aotoo OOOAor or
toto. Atooa too ooorAorkoA Mpjr. to> a PMT to I

I Mtiatoi. if W kai kot aaardtad
mtto ommm aaoaa la oar dally
lIvtoA Aa a rm>9^U Mi ooly to towa
Mptortai. aod ai kadro UMdtof m
. MtoOMaa tor Ika laaalM. kat amikMt


wy CAOO oho lu. booA trrtop to tooo.
•arotr U to b«(or lo oWilt a Uttio ft
too omrk. it o«M«ion': w lot ootoo
ol tooolotoMO «o oatooooA. or too
to toOTO tb*

luaUlataly after aailBg.
pOrsislad In by avan i

of )or

fUraM^ for oar iayt-


ofdM to tka ooatraryUttto fwat, or dtoap. In tka aarty
log may do nurra good tkau ika wkola




laaktobarrtoa. or UuabarrtM aa tkay
ara ofika caltoA. grow la graater par^
faettOB than la tka Oraad Travaraa
Btiton Tkaiw ara Mky Mtotona
wva of prapartng tkaoi tor tka takla.
a raw of whiok ara aa toltowa;
Uuoktobacry Taa Cakaa.-aifl togw
tkar tkiaa caiptula of sifted flour, thrae
taaM^fda of kaklng powiar. a aoaat
taaapooofal of aaU aad obo kangtag
Ubtoapoogtu) of nagar. Add oaa walk
baitaa agg. oaa and oat^kalf «Mito
of sweat milk, and »U tka battar ubU1 parfacUy fraa toon.lampa. Then
ftir In two tofafteponatois of maltad
butter, and tiro cupfuto of Mrad
Kuoktobantoa. Baka in Moi buttacad
gam Una or patty panato a quick oran.
Wban dona, spat quickly, apraad wUh
soft butter, aprtnkla oaar abasad
mapto aigmr. put together again, aad
arm at onaa. with or without whippad maam.
Butklabarry rtngaia<-^t to k
oraam one fourth cupful each of huUar
and sugar, add ona tgg aUghily baatea.
ona fiHirth of a teaapooufui of toqson
aitiact and flour to Mka soft doqgh.
Spr%^ Otar a akallow buUarcd tli^
and baka quickly la a bot oven, (tot
In stlitia about five Inches long and
four wide, roll up and fill with augarrd
Ilucklobrnr Skortcakr-Make a
gopd blacult cmt. batlag U aa soft as
poaalbto to roll aid, and bake In two
layarataalmioTen VThn &oat Xmar
the mka qalckly apart, apraad with
•oft bwttcr. pat OB a thick ^lay«r of
augaiad kwoktobairtoa. heap . otrr
wkipprd ctaaiB. eptar with tka^r
eaM bulteiad. flaiak wHk more of tW*
aaka with whipped

after n la

white baatiBg caoataatly. one third
cop of BUgar and one aM urell be
IfU and Bin two and oaa third cups
li^y 'Mr. tour
ptMter and m' half toaapooo salt
Add to M mlBtara altoroataly with
oaa cup liUk: Ikaa aid oaa cap barr^d'mliad with ana third cup flour
Ma la butt^ gam pMs la a modar
ate otan fut^ thirty Bslnutaa. or In a
battmd shallow i«n If a loaf ahapa to
Wkaa Ckarriaa ara Bipa.
Kortkam Iftehlgan kaa bran i
forUBato Ula yaar than tka rest of
tka woHd. In that Its fnilt crop H.
torga and of aioalteat quality, wklla
tbe aatara traa|p kata killed fruit all
Otar tka oountiT. Chanrlea wore never
Mor^ dalkMa tkaa they ara this sum
mar. aad wkUa Imh unaa oaa be olv
talnad/tha tolk^ng iwcipca will add
variety to lha dally maou:
(toarry Bated In Banana Bktns.Balaot Arm ripe bananas that are not
loo lOBf. looaan a atrip of the akin.
caraMlIy turn It l»ark,-with a ai
take out the laslda In small plaoaa and
allow half a mptol to twice
amount at ckerrtes. Uklhg oar
sate Ike Juice from the Utter. 1'ha
diwaslng to made by Wooding with the
cherry Juice and threm|pbles|Kx>akf ul of
aad omage Juicaa. This Is jw
over the fruit, which to placed on IceJust hatore.^rvlng. lightly stir the im
gradienu togaiker. plla In the ba
cases, stand cm separata plates and
garnish with cherry leavw and fnilt
Cherry ffoup-Add to one pint of
cherry JbIm an thrafc taWeapoouf
strawkarry JbIcb eMugk augar lo make
appetising. Place on thb range and
« hen the liquid begins to bol^ thiekeu
with a Ubteapoonlul of oomsUnch
which kaa been Arst mclsteaed
cold water. Tkka from the Are and
add tkp Julca of OM teason. Bat on
ice unUl thoiwufbir ekUted nnd aarve
on chipped 4cm to little glaaaes with
wafers tor tbe flrat course at luncheon
or dlaner.
(toen^y Bholtoake.-Mnke a ip
cake of three eggs, one cup of a
one cup of flour, two tabtespooatv
hot water aod one and a half of bak­
ing powM. Bake la two layer Hus
iB a moderately hot oten. Btolle bot.
covtf with a UUn layer of aofl buUer.
thea with ckopited ckerrtee that hare
beew awsetened. Put ona layer on
tbe other and top wUk wkote pitted
fruit spriakted wtlk anigar. to
serving cover wttk whipped <u

asuea aad It Is very good whan boiled,
then dipped 4ir ««g. crumbed, and
fried in deegi kot fnt. Too cook and
fi7 In hotter to 4»atk#r metkod. in
which inatance the long radish is used
iuBiead oC the bottoa vartety.
" Oeiery and cucombar boiled and
fried In butler will be found an sp
mousing addltkm to tbe menu. Otery
su gratln or oeiery In brown sauce, to
goud: the fuitege may be minced foi
soup, titefe Is no need that any part
of this vegetable be«waated.
In tome secUoas of the cpuntr>
green corn to In flne condtUon Ihii
moulh.- in eelecUng It at tee market
see that tbe silk at tbe end U brnwn
and the curs heavy and plump. Turn
back the huak and press the Anger
nail Into the kernels. If the akin Is
tender ami the nillk flow* freely. It ii
good com. Just aa aooojas the core
ccHgen fn>m the market, husk It. leav
tug the inner layer of husks on. but
removing all silk, then |mt it In th*>
IceH'heat until ready to cook. At thl*
time put the com over the Are in
rapidly bulling water to which add cuic
tehleapoonful of sugar; do not add
salt to the water, as this makee the
kemate shrivel. The time forcooklni
varies with, the age of the com. teo
minutes being the time allowed foi
young corn with the Inner leavf% b*fi
on, counting fnaa the Ume It begln«
to boil. An old-fashiooed method
wliKA to sn eaceUeot guide for th.
young houaewife; to lo test the core
at the end of uaUmtoutes hy plncblM
one of the kerqols; H ih^ milk d^i
nut flow, the com Is^dooe.
U ma>* seen
cotvklng gtwii
them - on the bias.bias, aaahe Oei
this o
always do. hot after
one win agrre
tkkw seams
seems to to
rree that tkira
a better flavor tbaa>hao theae veg«tables are snapped or out off straighi
across. If the beans seem tough whan
sent from tbe market, place them In
the loe cheat or la cold water to crisr
up; then, with a ahaip knife cut oil
the ends aod remove the stringm. Cut
the heaaa fmm tbe top toward you In
thin alantlng pieces not more’ thah
one Inch lung. i»la« la kelUe of Ik»IT
Ing water to cook unUl toodar. Huve
ready one rounding UbleBpooaful but

ih teaapoonfnl nains^ In a saucepan; when
tka batter to meltett diula the benns
from the water and place la the bat
ter; stew for tea mlautes or- until
sllffkily browned^ A cupful of bot
ermm added wUl be foand a dellcUms
extravupuioe. but when tk|s te not to
be bad. a cream sauce made of milk
and Hoar will make a palatabli* dl-h
as wall as a delicious disk.
cocked simply In wa^er and w»U
Cherrf-BBUy.—Butter a deep hak-|
Ing dUh gad put in teyars cf
JtoBedj"*^ suiurwoi
of Jtoaed
^ Ike fruit Ij Prom oor Boutkara cooka we flite
with augar, Gie comblastlon of bacon aad bmoa
•Ad chsrrys good one, A Ptec. of bacoal. cooked
JfM iBTiigti to motetea and ermpa:
Mobs, then the tetter when
UAIU «M 4U I. lAll.
AAd irlA.«»r. «lt
Cof«r am «AA. I> tMOT-ToArbOAr.lAM ..pper MIM tm b.tar. ma4I.«
lUKATW aM brown «aI<AIt. Mrre Ao» »b» rtob lo tk* tAbto.

fliat UbatmUy apriakted

wBtll Bttff. lay
U the
elueters at the oMrteaU
egg. wifl tea Blawm of eoaraa. oatDraia aad eswer pait of team
• and tee oteeta wMh
aside to
Keep Is a

NIe. A. A Hot WMttMT DMA.
.ThA4to(A(>c Tnlne ol i«» U too Hiis appraeteted by tha average bouserlto. wka fBgarde U iwtker U tee light
a makeahift dteh lo flU 4a gapa when
oUmr.looM aiw not avallahte. thaa as
one of tee most autritloas of foods.
aWIch la fWflter It to. aaya aM e:s-

Ml of

(Mrry{5?U)0Qk a plat Ilf pitted Owteg ta tbe fact teat U te i
Ma to ayatoMaUa. aa far at half aqapof
of bafflBB^owdM oUlad ta cteantea wtte a Bttte water and a cap elewUy floartekiag food ^«tboat
I «wpi ttiMr •»«
rkpilto.MVM gM iMfliwI MiTiiI qf lifted agffir to a rieh praaerrw. Oover heaBaff. rice baccasM asps^
ImM alto ifl M piBt
Ml of well floatWdj\ha
fleand..^ kett^
kettva «f tkiwe terarwako liaa kot wtateer diflk aM akoald

or with, bultor. This to aa eacellent
•uhsUtute tor oauaral porridge, wklch
to too heating for
Rtefl with Veat—Wash, clean and
cook oatll Boft cae cupful of
veal glocff to center well; tkea
to toito wItk Ball and batter. 1
from tee Are. add twobeaiea ei
o ne oteMi of coM baited veal ebeppad
very flat. SUr tee whole well, tbea
tun Into a buttered baking disk and
bake unUl -ser and nicely
Before seodlng to the table. Invert the
kakrng oo a flat dtoh. taking care to
preasrre the shape of the mold Intact
Oamlsh with cheese straws and pars
. Rice Cmqurties.-To one cupful of
warm bollsd rice add a beauni egg
one tablsapoonful of butter, i
smsQB. one teasi»oonful f grated
cheese a&d a iteih of cayenne. Bold
Into obloBg cakta. dnslge with cracker
cmrai and fry a goldeor brown In deep
hoi fat.
at:r untllaventgeo hrd rdl rtflu
Rice Cl riddle Caiem.—TO tw<
fuls of cold boiled rice add one pint
of sifted flour, tmo beoten egg. one
half taaspoobrnl of salt, two
baking powder and
ewfs i milk to make the mixture of a
consistency lo drop from
Bake OB a hot griddle and seive with
Rice Wafers.—Put two cupfuls of
boiled rice through a colander;
one leaspoonfnl of flourTTBo^caspoon
BUS of baktog powder aad salt
sou. Mix three beaten egg yolks with
thrC4^fourths «< a pint of milk
stir into the rice mixture; then add
tHte tableupnonful of melted batter
and the whipped whites of the egr<
Hake In well greased waffle irons and
serve with sirup or strained honey.
Rice with FVult Bailee—<'^>c»k oi
half VKiJllUl
cupfull «
of rice
In one pint
liVX- tender
ol mllla Then take
lake from the Are and
stir Ui^h H. uslniI a fork tor stirring, ^e cuidul of mlaerd dates or
flgs. Have rmdy a an
by blending over the Are one lableK{toonrul of comsurcb. two Ublcspoonfuls of batter, ooe-half capful of
sugar, (me cupful of boiling water and
one-half ^.up^U of fruit Juice of any
vsrtelr ppefetred Serve with rioe
and sauce Rpt.
Kice Snow Balls-Mold plaliub«4f^
lice in ansall cups. and. . when \ cold,
turn out la saucers fur Indlvldnal aenr
Ing Prepare a costard of the follow
lUK Ingredients In the proportions
given; One pint of fresh, sweet miU
oae^balf cupful of sugar, one teaspoon
ful of cornstarch and flavoring extract
to taste. BBen quite cold, pour the

pUau la. Bway la m eoraer or closet
arm rooca at teeir tetoum. Be
sure they are ksM out of the reach
o< trost. WhcB lot> yrowth begins to
show remove thsm to the window
where they are to bUom A tempers
lure of about 70 dtgreea seems to
suit theaa perfectly Be careful to not
let tkem get dry at the iticBs. hideed.

The Raltef flasateo.
A eclebrated muatosi trtUc was ma^
ri«xl in vbutvh euiuc years agu. aad
sftec the ceremauy. as the wedding
iiixAWsslon luurvlK^a dewu tke aisle, tka
erpautot ptoyed tbe swkHag march
floor. Ihr bridegna»m

•*1 kuuur I aai iximiuittl
ABd this la a prime re<iuiHUe lu flori­ of -elhiUcUe as well a- roi>rtety
doing th!-«. but I im uot to blsoip.
culture as U to is all things to my ineutal orgsoltatlou shich baa
After flowing, alios them to remain become Ineffably. srosltiv# hy rsasoB
in a warm place to ripen pff the nos of dm critkwl uaturs of my fluttes.**
bulba which will have formed at the ■Tkrn 4w drew from tee iMckvt of kis
bate of threefold ones. Keep In mind (Ms iost a weU thumbed cofiy of tea
UprolM R M
the Uct that these ball* ate g<^ttlnf •core ot “lAihmagria
ready now tor nest sMsanVwiwk. and tke tusreh. h« went over to the orgsqtet
afford them all aslKUncc piwstble In aud said;
‘•What uffendad my ear was the fact
storing up strtmgth (or the futiiie. that to the seveuttwnth bar of tbe da
This you can do by keeping them lu^ ca|K> p.n«.nrc y-u flatted vsry badly. |’
a warm pUoe until their fUiage rtpemi’ aud In the audaule wovemaat yoa .
and dies off, and by aiiplying some slurred tbe a|ipoggiaturm. Now." put­
good liquid ferUllser occasionally ^e ting bis linger uimoi tbe passage. -*tet
variety catalogued as refracU aiqa. us 4T3 that againOmx. more the orga4 peated torthA
pure while, to the one most generally
and this time the player, Couac-tew
grbsrn by IkniristM' bat I particularly
that tbe great critic was listening to
admire F. !>>lrhtHnll. creamy white, him. acixunpUshed his duly with credit
with <*range throat, and weald iu1vlS4‘ to klmseir and u. tbe great aattefa«>
those who attempt the culture of thi*4 Bob of the crltk*.
most lovely floser to Include a few
bull* oX this sort in their ordeiw.
its firAvoPs
PcThai* uowberv , In Ute Wtlfld ta
pit^uc,. U. noArer* on
,troii«.r tb.n____ .
«»*TT .IrnaiT
Tb«M> are »nre j
y.t thi-lr nirtb<id ot dMlto crtnAlo <l...n'ir not given
.a-. ^ |.lllalA. tu tW
But whatever BujxjH»n to ?lv-n muhi nuov eniighteDcd wortd. When a fi-.
falls U1 hto life depends
b<‘ unobtrmdve. or the dainty eff»«(*t of vorlic
the plant will be deMixivcd. I would largely oi*nn • package of Juas atk-ka
sdvUe the one of slcnd.T wire. Im-uI Thi> i.'flevliig rather aeeks a Ji*a I
of these athka i
Into a loo|j aUeit l4*n Inches long In­
Ukmg them home. Ilghto them,
sert both ends in the mMI and twine shak(« them gently. Bocm eno falls
(he flower-stalks over it and thumgh Is It flghteil? Kajp-rly the father
it 111 such a maimer that they will not watches It. Will it hum to the end
nerd tying. Of rciurm- there will have or go imtt If It Is entirely cuneumtd
to be several supports of this kind to the SOB wlU sur\h«; If It goes out ko
wUldle. It goes out!
eaeh Ik»x <if plants.
The rbluatuau reasona thus: Hto sau
WTiea the bull* liavc «im*plelod wa*. vhuMd by a devil and wbeu tbo
11 clr annual growth-ycai can tell this devil toiHhid him he lavaiuo 111 Ibo
h> tbe d.ring off of their foliage^ with­ devU demunstrsted liy moau* of tke
hold s-sler and set the to*x«s away lu Joss stk'ks that kto sun must die. Had
a quiet place without disturbing the
aignllted tbe future mwvrlanis In them. U«ave them there,
ery of the paiieut Jow men would
dry. until >xmi are ready to start them have Uvu i-ulled tn. a moM fearful
lnt(» gn»wth for another seasons flow;, din would have roDowotl. aud tlie devering. All plant dealers kei-p fheSe 11 aiul all IiIa lower lm|w would have
bull* In st(K^k and sell them j,t wry been drftMsnway .New York Herald.
rcasonahle price*.

A Rrotty ^sd.
A Pretty Baled —E^l^t Mood boots becu given a life aentooca at hard
of tiBiform aUo. Bolt ^Ifl toadar and
Bald Mrs. Joacker. who was cmlMdpot in loo boa flor a white. Bkim tee eriug laue iwa; **ProbabIy he dosenes IL Whst to ho guilty ofr
-fYaud and oo vtolUte mesas of anp^
teat they may .stand flrmly, romove
oentara until >xm have only hollow port. He ubtatood etotkoa and a flat
red shells. FUl with vinegar oatll turnout with ho mooey and notklag
Kveryoao enjoys tbo fragrance and
ooUectibK-. He aeotus to bo largtf
Poor out vinegar
beauty of bUwaomlag plants In the
winter. FVwr howevar. roaltxe bow
ertap. ckoppnd cetery and mayoanatoej , up of work, though ko has managed
simpte a thlag ILto to have hyaclatha
droBBlng Put OB top of BOOh a riogj'to live well ao far. But tea |«*or 101narcissi, tulips aad other bulbs, and
cot from a hard^bolted ogg
tow takes hto aontence kaid aad vrtoa
how mile care they require, in
pUeonsly. prutoaUiig hto InnoccBca.*’
for their maaaaa of fragrant bkiom.
wretch! llo must have dealt
gold field to BlOn the great Orsk
One of the
an may dig
bulU to the freoria, Thto to very alow
In coming lo maturity, and mus
*^kat clovor lawyer! Bo toad to mo
ted in pou la
•U aboot
are to bo expected
**Boru to Mr. aod Mew John Bmltk.
indlvtoual plants are amall
K aht five or six should be planted la
a six lBCh*pol The bulbs are very
Early Australian gold dlggen mads
upc»i»iiJre AiHl no l» i;urcl>ued »l
amay ('ootrl buttons to tee stoag of
any greenhouao or thrungk scad
that communwealte.
<ff these
houses. Tka foltewiDg diiwcOcHia will
vras -sboulliig.- or atandtog driaU for
'naaure succoak. If cwrefully followed,
avacyhodj wtteto kail, a practlco of
says the writer. ,
which Iks lucky digger was very fund.
Tke Fimla to a moat toroly plant.
Tq fornso to drink with a dlggur wko
Detratt. SKUeaB.
I’t to of eoay euliare. and thm wko
had *^mK.k It nok.** or turned op a
grow It once will not willingly be
bis nugget was a deadly tasnlt A
crltk: quote* from 4- K Uogan'a -Utowlthoot it tkoreafter. It la not a ptont
tory of tee Irtob In Anstndto:^ -Bhuutw
to bo **torced * after tkq methods
was St one tlaa alatoM amvanal
adrtaed tor Wy of tka valley, bowev er.
To shout to s pubtte booae loMito to
Those who attempt to grow It to Mt
tostot oa everybody prment frtotodi
UndiviM praIRs....... IffTSM
way wni meet witk prompt>aBd deetdand straugMu aUke. driaktog at tea
ed fkQdre.
Bhaatefs expense It ftoqoaaUy kapa Martmaat aspaciatly
pans teataach «ps ^shonto to anccaaI prdler to pteBt my freeatea .to
vmll aqulppad to give arflelaat
bases or paaa akout lov tackaa deep.
In rick. aoBdy team. I pteat tkem toom
flha flmaohsd of Botem
two to tepaa teebm apart. aceorAteg
•r tea kateto at
Tbey teU me yea klmsd-illm Bam.
to stoa. covering teem an lock deep
net tka poekM. m PMteadqy^ tBtewith sdCL nrm tka soil well aboot
mobite cxlarteoB.them, and water nail, at planttog time,
-Tea TkaHi Into.•teiflitof Mi tedivldoato It Is
hot ratkM Bpartafliy teatMfter. AlmJ
nodaad! And how dM yww-ab-flad
ttfidae tea maaijamaat af a
to keep tt motel, qg bB ttosM aH
-Mtoa SoBhct kaa a matead Hlanrg!
teroMk. kot mmmr wM. M tka
AMoiitmil. boxes, Rpts. nr wkatevar yoa groff Ute j



vt. AMMT.V. 1

New of Grand traverse

Sommer Resorts.


at tba botaL A Mw «a
tWy are
Um mmOC of bto cntcR.

Ufa »•••<.
Tratama C!Ky, at a <

Manfar fa« (fawt «(
*« faMV Vfe0. M *M

IMr MU ta«« fa larfr h.

li a aMp«r.

^ in* fl.lM. iiMf

Mr. na Ural a U 7
dmOur of AMR nm i
M. & CM tetnffn
Mr Obna. 0^ tarn

Md. tbo dm*

tuml at Mra. 0 XJCrta.
r Nortoa r Him
cafo. vbD bw bM at

IIL. and flUaa On
f CiMapoMn, m . oa.
uorl and «4U acay a c
at Bmmk tuttai..
Im C Pnrdao of Gbtaa«o. U

U iKt M «M «M Irf tk. iKlIiMl 4Mt



Among «be recant arricala nt **Tbd
Oaba ‘ ure Mr. and Mm KlUea
Jackaonrtilw snd Miaa Kllaabetb I
cheater of Detroit.
mars P. M. M
It la laid on'^ maott of n apIMd
pound Mma wbkb Sr. On
d tbalr (rtanda «t “Sunnya
anbffbt down at tba pine n few daya
Uffn It M niao said tba doeuw used nnd Mr^ ioRn W 8 Fharaon of Bun­
a athpar boob and baU that calebea^ ion. Mich, is enjoying n muebwa
at St “Pteneroft.**
tbma a^j tlma abd any where.
Mr. and Mia. Backer of St. Loui..
Ona of tba laiau oonranlancM for
are rialUag tbalr cRikken and gmnA
tba raaort ta tba brmaeh Itrary si
cRUdran at “CRerokae Lodge.* and at
from Trararwa City, which m
Dmnary** we bare aa atet
•ettlni about tba couatiy easy. MHug
paper man U tba parson of Mr.
nf tbd beautP
Horace H. BancroCl who to conne
ful drtvm on Iba padinaaln.
Vtotor Prtoe of nanrUmall M at tb| with the JnckaonrUle Journal anfl tba
Cblcagu Thhamt.
Pitna coUapa fur a couple of waal
U is axpaetad that nagt year a large anetiaaUHh-T bed rdl idl dlu dJum
Mm Bvt H^wnid of Qmnd Rspldc
aulo boa Skill be put on tba Neulma
anu and Traverse Cliy run Basking aiaterln tow of Amhnmndor Thoa. J.
ro round irtpa dally, which wlU O Brtem Mtoa nia Uowani and Miss
mka this QuIet sn an acqubdUoa to Joaephlna MacBrtda am with fHendt
Nwab-U wanu maori
to wwalKow

alsbi. raaobtng Old
^ bUmt
*« «N

EifemMMy BalWR i

FirsI One FwBid Hi Artansai.


The cheapest form of battery
A Pkcp of
ID »ny location j-our fir*t
question should be • have )-ou
an Abstract of title that shows
a clear record?
If it ^is not produced at
once there's a reason, and the
deal should noi be’closed.
It’s then you need my
assistance in supplying an Ab­
stract of li le.


pert Will Shew That ktodpe Belem
He. the Btoae Been Btocevemd la Ito
Mauve Plaee la Amertoa.

► quality and aueb quauUty to kiva
mlae of a rtcR mine have bM
ad In l*lke county. Aik.

Une iSteameis

0. C.Moffatt

a iMvtnaaa artUr «ip->ba la vory
by Dr
oMontty doialetM at mirrlaa. Ue^
noted gem expect. Tbnt the dtomund
Moa of Mr nad Mra. W. R. Pratt
mine rxtoted baa been bepc a. secret
Abiiraat of TitV
MMa HnrrlM Itty and Mr. Di
aa poaaUde by the ownnea since they
212 btate Bank Building
were SMueed by experu that tbed
upalor of OblOMQ. ar. at tba **Plnar
grucud v-antod the gema.
r on. waak.
lu a govemmeal rapurt to be made
Mr and Jdra. C. C. Naah and tamlly
public aouo the Aiwt oflkial notice to
la be given that a diamond mine baa
j >4fo>. MMC TIm. Umo «oro bor* vbo bata bad •‘P.udiaiala’* cotUf.
foutMl In the rulted Bttlea. Thto
omi oMflMor boot, with ploaty of oaa for tba part »ontb. lafi «* Bu
New MUakm Point. Aug. l».-MsrOcMmn. MkR..’Xug. 24—At the
tbo broMo vblcb <»• llaaoitil fur tbatr bo«M> la Bvaa.toa.
touau: 1^. and Mm. Ralph W. Mack buUetin. w bkR wUl prure seoaaUoual.
dooaly wdoied aunaeU now fiom
U>fa MANUTEB faUr at k fa« T ». '
despite the ivuservattota with wbkR It
Mif io «i anoomi of w> alMI tbe
and family; ClnolBnotl; Mr. M Gold baa been pte|iarwd. embodkw the raault
Important feature of tha panurui
Saaday 7 /r, la. only.
Uwuly of Omens bay. snd the mile .Util. ClUiinnuU; Mr.^ and Mm. Otto of lu>esUgatloiM by Ur, Kum. and VrJ
Leaw LltDlNO^N dally at M (l fa.
tli^ day. OMI tiM oro»4 iMaflad by lb.
Schmid. Mr. and Mrw. Jullu. Ptelben;. Henry S Wasblugton. n noted pbtogra-)
aiieich of bread walk along 8i
Airt»a yUaauwU « v fa daily.
C»a MImUjo bora baofl. immdad to
l»r. Kuna
Kun. baa studied and en-»
Termee has It nightly .trlng of niOm Cincinnati; Ur. and Mm. a a Stein Idwr.•. Dr.
Uara MliwaokM d^Hy I ». fa
Mra. JaiiN« itellb i
deavored to trmi to thru auppaead
‘ tb# UJI crutnada, «b«r. lb. Iiaa. ball
^ ibm* arr Mr ai)^Mra. Braeat Hmltb ntiA ..preoenadem. the mum or and laiblly: Cincinnati: Me
Tfa Uaa «klch aMurat ym Thrfa
found in the'
- fan. yHlad
fHUd tbamM^lM. boai
trip have the added dellgRt of Iht Mr. ll. ur, >VrllK.a. «. fad
IhiBca-faifaly, Camfkrl aad ~^|----^*ai.U daudbtar Bm«
. vbat Iboy oallad tba boat
ydnng B

light and an occasional ier. CiiMltm.U;. Jacob W. Mack, and
Mra. KrauMh lUmK
Aitamia. dlaUHiuda aie found wer
tba aoMia pUywd
Mra. Fred Kramer I
. . ,
bad OM rnmkm »Ub a noora of 4 to Of Cblcar*. who aUy tbo numlh uf
mmlng hkmg ihitjugh the upale daugltter and niece. UltW Rock. Ark; j town uf NaMlvUto. about
;i la fovor of DM Mlaaioci Wbaa th«
colors cd the Iwely bay may be Ura- H. M. King.'children and^uiwe, from UtlW* Huxk They
Ptwfeaaor Roy Nolawara. of lidtpom
|MD. vna uvrr tb. launob
Mtoa Dorothy Cohn. Cln- \ volcanic
tha while winged sailboat, the St. Lot
luE. upper .iHsnloaula, who have boon
aallad. Tbn ^IkHMt” tba -Padnoab/*
nimble HtUe launch and the graceful dnnaU; Frank W. KIrchner. wife and | »^lb Afrlmn mioea. wbkR forma a
at Old Mlmluo tba paat wwk ravara la tba tnoa. iW'Aana TbaroM*
two cblldrmi. Cluclunall; Mm. H. B I, -___________ ^ .lotk In Flk« county
>. whence flout «wtet .uun<
Traverkc city, Xlch.
tumod homo last Waduaaday. Pro*
DavU and daui^ler. St, I.outo; Mr I The Omi twu atone, were found oi
niumlc and merrlmont
fiioMW Nolawmr baa cbarge of.the
Aug. 1. IkOtJ. by an Aikauaau. aud aino
A new tool for removing
Pew raiorto have such aa extended and Mr.. Emil C.‘ Bellgroan. ancln I then they have been found almoat
K'hool. of the county.
and baauUful a water front a. Omeim naU: Mr. and Mm. II A. U-roy. ami tluuoualy. tbe
130 J sod growing over edges of
an -The auven*- tMr. Key.! family. Si Ixmto; R. Jactoaw. linclu apMMl report. Ma
walk*. By U, use a
tbn vbaal of Iba '’Hadoeab*' i
and i
pan “Sunset u»dge* (Mr Wheeler) natl-Mr. FYank 1^ Knig huU
Mm Samuel 1
olhem of bmwu tint Tbe two] OarrOW Ircnch IS CUt next ihc
about half way la. ao aha^vna out of
4 Mlaaigo Point and **The Oak.*' Inrtnnail Mr and Mm
and Mih.!
atonea weigh alx and a half walk, preventing dt>d growing
tha. raaa and tba ' Anna Ttuma**
(Mlu B«rrl. to Tbo Uwlfaou- (Mr, yidfKvtlu. nuciniiaU; Mr.
Nmhtawania. Mich . Aag 17.—Par
1 GreenKium
lamllv Luuto I
^ being exmwdlugty flnv
lly gMnad on tba OUkvanl, oonOnv In,
xm And
And' family.
UurUudl. wboum Uako MIchlew con
over ledge of walk, greatly imabaad. bM Mr. Brlabinnn nduMd to fact .ummor wcatbar ha* added tiwal*
Mm. B. SiaadUtker aud j
^ ^
MS), ift a fine drive along the
provini; the appearance.
nooafil tbo nUanr cap offorMl. aaylnji ly to the Attcu.t galUea the pa.1 weak water*, edge of nearly five nilled:
daugbU r. LouUvillc. Ky ; MU. An ,
„ ^vell a. lu tbe greentoh. fUlbks.
It wft too anof. nod did not loofc Ulr
l*be frequent .bt»w«‘r..^jio umnual ule Van Kooien. liuclnnatl; Miiu* 1. ] des-amjKjaed iserldollte. iwmewhat Ilka
to blnt*'--no. iba rd|i U atlll daUloi .on btt. bon laoalvad Na ah ta-wauU
mklsumiiK-r. b.ive luade dilvins E. Natlceih. Cliicinnall; Mm M C the famuu. -blue ground * of Klmbei^
0. Pk CARVER & BRa *
for aoma ona. A »«artl0E bald racwii 4. filled to o%or fiowlny with rUltom, wry itupuUr, and Mr Sand in lend, to
riulr. Mnt. Jeuule I Rhod».. Kan ley. No dtomonda have been ditavTb by tba oiricar. of th. Old MImIqo fiotu all pan. of the oouftlry. but a eularge hi. Uvtiry another M'aosn
niv. Mu.; Mm. N S Pu»cb. Khii enM ouUT»nbr lOu acre ama. They
Wert* all found U'tweeu the two dike.
Yacbl and Aihlailc club rMiultwl lu laiEu majuiity are from Ciucluuatl.
SSilh Uiv aid
ibe^-aoiimary.* hiiH City. Mo ; Mm Oliver HulnM>. Where tt madwuy Ua. s-ut up the UeMm
plana that will aflurd tmw kiwhI Um.-»
-Sing craft, atv now able to ply the Pttr.i.ux. KautiaH; Mr aud Mm Frank ivmiHuted rock vslthlu an area of some
liatful four table larblEe paulle. on
MonNJ. t'lncinnutl; E. C.'HhH and five acma.
aa wind or no wind, no those men
roUowing are tho tullk and
iMttaUilli* U «u fur Jhe nur- WfkdnMuiay. RarrMhmeuta
who prefer the gallant nia.r to the aou.(Muclunatn A. RuN?ubauun Louistesla lor this wv*ek;
ruM <if Mtfa ItonMUlfa t‘«rtv* aad Mwred and a lolly «wid time |iad.
8^1Be engine nmy leave |»ort with­
Mhl (1. P. Hunt enteruSnod with out fear of l.*lng U'calmed.
ClnclniHUl: Mm. Margaret
No. d-fat. 3.h; solid. 12.7.
Tba pndty aanrlo. will taka ptao. at a bridge party on Saturday last In
Ay»i. vf Kanaaa nty 1. now­ KIrchner. Cincinnati: Mtoa Ulllan
.No. 7—fat. 3.2; aolkl. 12.S.
tba 0(««Taffatlao.l r'borob oo Aucu.1 buoor id her al.tor Miaa Mandofihall here with hbi haudininM* yawl “Why t:a.ton. Cincinnati; i'hak*. F. Kcawter
No. b—fat. 3 4; atfild 12-8. •
put in tbatr mipaaniDce Kul,” thirty fiHU bni in K^ngth. four and wife. CJncinmaU; Mrs. 8. Si»oncer, «reel ana
tut and fotlowod by a ra«vU.« at
209.210 Stau Beak BaUilac.
No. n-faf. 4; solid. 13.
**Bdb Boud" cotuv. Tb. happy at the taioper time and tba Mlasaa sheet, lu the wind Th<^ U>at. after und Mm. M. Ohuuui. Cincinnati
Travem City, Michlftt
.Nix 12—fat. 3 1; solid, is ;.
oavrted off both irtaoa.
ymmm aaafila will laara for Cbkwgo.
Mr.. Jac«»b lh*atan. nnclnna
hoi haa U-en »unk *J,000 feet.
winuiiug at l*Wlevoi*. ha. made
U-fai, .38; soiid, 117.
and* Mra. John Galea left on
on Btf, Mbuaairt. wlirnr tbo froam
•in mr oidtilou p-nu!ne. ^HTumueut
There was u grand ball
t*r ulade a crulae through the
No. IS—fut. 3.«; solid. 12.8.
mond mine bus been found, aud
bM byalnoM luU>r««lii
MIm PUrcc ThuTMlay laat. for a week.* aUy at great Uav. and Giw>nHan bay.
laiuva last wtVk lo which the
Nvx 17- fill, 3.2; suUd. 12.3.
U wrll ^snowu and vno popola*^ y<»unt th.- Hoo ftd MfauuO. IVrter of the CluclnnaU Ob- iH-iiide were Invited uivd all .enjoyed Amerkan* may .oou Iw wearing Amerloon dlamuodM to<slead of ipnua found tVeam-.^
All .« Hh- Awl fumllir ot mirtnMU. M-hrat(»ry lui. In i-oniiialoii the .lb<jp I be evening.
lady; wUb boaU of frUndii who wl.h
on Brlltob soil. Much vvli dopeiid ou
No. 2—2t».

V at the Awl eotUge—|Kt«Ulve|y all
h.f all happlnwaa
Th. Clover..
Cygnu.** and a Riuallrr boat “A
No. 3-18.
1 ^ ;
ibem. Mr Chaa. Awl ciHiUug
MlM 4IUI*wia.. Mr.- llobart I.A?aU,
At the t'luvem: Mm. M. L. lU
TV* “Alejone" ai^ “Sano.** with
Io;h-<1. In
No. 7—18. .
Ida and it.liK. UawU of, Urand Rapid* eeiitly.
to handle 7.W.imtnian flby. at iho’belni. glldt*'aUHrt vUch and daughter. Louisville. Ky.; U*.*D foinu!
On floor with BatiDeas OoUegw.
No 21-24
Ma. Chaa. rialgbead and MIm our beautiful bay. fmm Tmveme City Mm. ‘John M IHokson. Miss .Murgaret
apMt a fan daya la.t wa.k with Ml>a
plriK of earth to ge* ui»c port of
PhilUpa i\*tunied on WoHlueaday laat to NvutbjKUt. Charlevtdx and Omens. DlcksaNi. C.iiuiuuall; Mr. und Mm. dlauP.dd, and even with lb. flue prua- , No 24—21
/U'«ik« .t wufaTfaUM
pe:’U tbe Arkansas ow^m have tba
Having no geneml enuwlalnmenl Rolfa-n J. ClaTk aud vjrfidivu. VXau- cuterprPv mU'Lt p^ov-e uia.rofltable
L>n WedneoMlay Mm C. E Miller
Kioir lll.;SSlrs. K Q. Oltpluinl. • Wuco.
McO»«» uf c^lcifao »>» *<
“A diamond vVus/fouul In Arkau
d a vtM-y pkwumnt little afternoon blilL our young people have U» be con Texas; .CajUaln and Mm. M. 1). Town
184-2. another In jMfl and oili.-m lu tigue
air. given In cumpllnient to her tent with almide. Impromptu alTalm. Mend, l^uuibua, .U.: Mto. Mildred in
Mb* O^IM ad Mr.. Pabor and
IHsS and lhsi>. Only n-vntl.v has the Ihousxuds of women from an luudvira
but they »eeur \o gel out i»f them a
/dantbur lUbn of Cblcaao. will
llarrt.. lamlsville. Ky.; Mrs. J. M. right kind of an Invevllgation beo.n ‘ ble dall.v hardship. And a to t lolhaa
elghly-fimt birthday. The only k.l of fun and frolic. Of thU sort Weir and /^ughU-r. Chicago; Mm. mut;e of the iHH’Ullar ge Uogkal
I and not ^ stslm that cause the iroutba month of Anfluat with Mr. Jolui
afI ble, thouft women do not reallao this,
i.lde gueat wtui Mm Smith; mother
kins. Mias Muude‘ Cockranged by DwlgbJ w»d Robert Bmd- Mary R Cockln
ChU U tbe'flml time u dtomund ho* ’ ax the.r mf^ to make the axperiment
Mr.\aod Mr.' W. A- LHahlou and of Judge Smith, late lu tht^afta^ ley. where Mtoa KuUuoitie Barr wa. Ina. Cvdw^bus;
and Mm E. T.
n foiind ill piatv In the rnlU-0 : of trj lngy> diffamni aiy to
U.»k the two old
Mra IMward Burton of Juliet. Ill. ar
tbe name with all they do.
the vocal aolol.t and Miu Susan
Smtea. 1 have tratxid iltamonds found'‘ And It *U/tbe
Hrad on KrttUy for a Irn daya vlall ladle, for launch rtde in ibe“ Mlddy.“
Mm. Bwmuel R. Janu.. i*ud chlUlicn In Wtocoaxln. Mloblgai-. Ohio aiul lu-j OTtoJ Uik pf frewlom and
J. McHugh gave a supper
at the Ulfbtoo farm
dlFua aud found them ro U within the; bound tb««nartvm and aa far aa pos
Ona of tba noddanta which tha b> lor the U.ya oo SalunUy laat at
■ulne. which
whK h varrb*.
fhi-Ir alble try to Wnd othem In one uf the
glfcial Uiorulne.
hlob the buy. filled up In true style,
Imke* Superior and UM»l bamaxing forma of slavery that
atbudna nrvwr fbll to aay, “It mlibt
Hlron. AIHMU 2W nidiridual dtomonda bumau indenuUy can luveat-lady
. btra baan worwA * callad a auddan then they built a Ug fire- on the
uf Uarbertou in Ilalkmal Dmmi Oaaette.
i*». Iifdt to tba idataura of Mr. J. A
int From The Clover* WiTi central CnMfornUi. Ouu waa .foutiU
rao. lb«w meeU a porch reading cir­
*. MllMr nf MrnnaURi. Til.. wUi. with her they roaau4
near lii. hinoml. Va . .one In Montana,
Musical at Omana Next
aort of a farewell “good time,*' cle; 11 to now enjoying “Tbe Cruiae
rbildiwn nra Wldlbg tba auouufc'at
Friday Ev.nmg.
Monday W% McHugh and two of tbe Shining UghL“
tba bmna of Mr. and Mm, John Mar
vrere found lo huve fl oiled fn»in otbei
labroom galheHng ta alao a'
abaU. tl%Ua drtvlng. bar homo be l>oy. and Mtoa Breeue left for tRclr
Notice to
Special lo the Evening Record
None of the Arkansas stones Lav*
coma frifbUmtd by Or Vaunban. luune ItL^lllac, They havo bean plaaaant morning paallme, and we
The tax rolls for be collection of
aotom^tla. and Mm. Millar. Jumiwxl. with Mm miler at “Tyuy Ooed** cot would Ilka to km»w If any oo© can great deal of musical talent at the yet lavu cm. but ibiir iiuallty to pro aoRool and city taxes and special aanoobced by Dr. Kupx to U- suiK-rloi
beat tbe record of Mauler Nonnan
braaklpf bar laf batwa«i tba ankle
Clovcm at prosent, among them be­ lo the Ito Bivm output. Tbe region seasmenU lor the five words of the
Miaa Mary Bhcflleld of Detroit U a Wrtgbt of Obertln. who brought in
and knfia. Dra. Vauftm and Uray
ing aeveral fine rtollntota. A musical lu which they were found to amply clly-of Travome City, Mich . hove been
three buBobea, wetghlng four and a
duood Iho iraotufw and Mm, Millar I. guekt of Mtoa Marlon Woodcock.
haa been armnged for next l-Mday •upplIiM with coal, wood and watol plooed lu mf bands for collecUoa.
Mr and Mrs. Orwwgv Rood are at half pound.; It waa a aplendld apecinow dolla aa oomfurUbla aa could ba
for operating puriKstos.-^
1 will be In piy office for tbe put^
UM of tR. variety known aa * pleuro- evening and thto will be given at iho
luinac laland for a lew daya.
aiimotad. bit not apandlng .tba day.
pose of collecting said taxee, every
byterian church here; It to exThe Woman s Itoohange of Clncln ua.“ found fifteen feet up the trunk
inM aa aba bad planninl Ui do wbM
At a iwent e.vamlmillon a BrlttoU Wtoek day from now until Nov. 1.1»07.
tnat this will be oue uf the
If a beach Ime.
aba oamau
from 8 o clock until 11:30 o'clock In
pleasant events of the season
Judge John 0. O'Connell of Hyde
Mm. Joaofdrlaa WoUh, Mlm Bnrab ancy arllclea. All hinda of praily
win attract a large number of Muaic defined a njukK*ul Interval aa “a the forcn.Min and fn*m 1 o'clock until
baadlsercblefa. Park dmdnnail haa pwchaagd Un i
abort pause for refmauieuu.Walah and Joaapb. Jf- uf Grand Rap­ bluga to oidlam.
to'olitok lu the oftamonof each day.
id. ^ at Mr mM Mm W. K Stone, prona. doll*, dfmwnwork, etc., oo ex adjidnlng Prof. Porter*». wRore he
All taxes paid before Sept 1st will
hlbmon. and for sale at the hoial will erect a collage thto fall and the
lor tba monlb of Aufw.1. *
be received without coUecUon faea
Hew Will tbs Wsrtd Cud 7
.0 tenTTbmen will unite In building
Tba plaaatira yacht •*Oam“ owned Tbto aale wiU be on for cue wtfak. beand cm all taxes remaining unpaid oo
It baa always bean aa iotenaely tnfine dock b^ween Mr Santo's aud iMTattag eonjsctur* to actonltau and.
by J, A. Montnpm of Trarerka City,
Sept. 1st and unUl Oct. 1st. n penalty
now at Old Mlaaldn baa Joai baiumad will be In charge of Idlaa FraucM the Tillage.
at tbe aaine tlipa. tba' graawr part of)
of one itoTceut for conecUon wUI be
fropi a Wontaon day cnilm.. .topiauc Smith and Mim Angelo MItoboU of
Tbe Rev. Mr Ford of tbe RapUal the other InteUlgent mambem of aocLI
chaiiTV-d. On all taxes ivmalning un
.1 nU tba nurtbnm rBMWta Mr and CtoOinnaU. who imntly arrived and cRorcb at Edgewood. Cbloago, who aty aa to tbe way In which our world
paid on Oct. 1st and until a
wUl at length cona to an end. Many
UyoD wMtbort
Mn. I»«iu*fai Ui « ««•«•. “r. will bo at * Overtook * for a couple of
matni bia
penalty oi two per cem for. collection
think that It wUl ba tbiough tha gradu­
Mr. fad U» wetka,
will be chargkd.
al cooling of the ana. which wlU avenMr H J Howe with tbe bwty co
opeewGona of tbe tualda gnvo a biltblo anataln life on onr ptoaet Bat anU.
day aurprtoe party for Mm. Howa
otbeiw-and a paiGcularty nmdfaaaitoDated July 22. If07.
Tbo Ug cAkc wag JbfIRcQmlni aa< r
fata that Bolght bnfalt «i la axpinload
time wax bad ffmm^»y. tor. and
ihu. CRaa. Howe. Br.. wuru pmaiUt.
U fa7 Ofaw «l cnfaKr fa ckoarfa.
. 3 V. Wrtgbt of ClitolaRaU ar.
^BfllfAtum lRa.^ti
or falBkls COM ufar »oor oMkrr» MaySOtf
I n few days ago expeettag to
Ufa fail au boa kfafa balk
stay a couple of wtwka. bm wwa called niwbbmdaniMftagwMdm! fbaMrato
Ha Pimd tba Rtsak.
No. U.
BouM 3oemrhomo by wt^ ao V was only bmw
fRgnaMaokMfOm TWarttobM bcn bava Bind tba valhtng-atia Ten
■ky IM*
eantod oTar 4fl paain. on aoaonnt of a
but a few daya
aora that raaidtad erery kind of tmnV
Mtoa C^ariooe Woodoock to apaadTHE Tffafafa CWy Bfalfafa Mwl*
manl. nnUl 1 tried Bnaklen*a Armloa
Ibg a lew days wHb fitouda at Mac
OfafatatfaM M aifafal ptfalc ol
Balen: that
Ranted tha aoea ngd
lifaufar Dofat, A*fa is, fab ovofa of
Awwry ptoUMRt tlma wag Rad bjr
the fpuaff paoila or tRa irmKUM

H «U> MPMMT, aM te tto laf«

«m te fort,
o Mm fteuro fMsflt inmod by CM
capo iioftM tin.
al«o was
at Mobior. Botac loo Mf to oator It




, iBiMPums witt



E. W.

_ a ssa

Rail BUU

jaaemtoB 6 . w.



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For Sale by all Hardware

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General InsnnBce

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Dr.W. J. Higgins



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N. : . ^

115 rark Street.












Dr. Shoop*a


C. Hookins

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