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The Evening Record, January 08, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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f ■"
Om Um§ Appaara te Ba
Giant Books
joffice Supplies
Alraa^ Had a Wife Uvififf When He
r Wae Wedded te a Qream
By Wire to the Er«lac Beoofd.
Iladelphia, Jan. 2.—It has traaaplred that J, R. Sieeje. who dynamited
Fourth Street Hhtkmal bank, was marrted at GreeaviUe.' Mich.. Jane 12.
1904, to BeaaAe U Oateihotee. but that
he already had a wUe who te now UvInadH^lcago. Mrs. Sieple No, 2 now
reeldea In Lywchburg. Va.
WIft to ciM
Tor*. Jail. T.-Flr«»wi Mn
T Mfeft wwm riwaion oarly today
aftar bites bwted UUrtjr boura m6^
toaa «r tebrte la tba nlM or a
. at tl Rooaetalt maat. He
rmy dtssan hara w.
Bpcdgl to the Brsnlng Rmrd. *
little Rock, ten 8.-WIU1 aerenty
yanra of statehood just completed.
Arkansas, the oldekt state -vest of the
Mlsalaslppl riser with the egeepUoo
of Iflaeouri. U apparently developing
defirt to break away'from those
DCTCCTIVBG IN CITY INVESTI ondltloaa which for so .long have
made her chleAy an agricultural com
munity. This desire U made dear by
the expresalons of business men. In
duced In part 1^ the Agurea on the
growth of the state during lu seven
decades as compared with Michigan.
(ConUnned on Second Page.)
Saturday alsbt to raaco
aigsalad by tapfdas o.
tboasb laat alfbt tba rt
Alletad That Amateur Crew Got
Drunk aad Mads the Trip Gncfc
at a Wild Rats of Gpood.
Glaiklns for Nothlnp.
There Q.llt A I. detectlres were
In the city ^terday and two of them
went up the T. C.. L. A M. to InresUgale an affair which U alloged to
hare happehod on the night of Dec.
29. In which, although no one warn In
BXWrCO THAT IT WILL AGAIN jured. the danger risked was groat
It U said that three employes of
the road at Northport. tbe night
watchman, n brakeman and another
ran eimlne M. which Is use
the r^lar! T. C. U A M. run. to
houra. ST.
Rain or enew tonltht; colder to
night; wadneeday. fair and cMdtr;
Wars Conatrvetad for the Richmond
Home Talophone Companjr—Are
Very Durable.
Tbe board Of iuparTtoor# are aiUI
grtedtas away today. The committee
fia dalma mad Sbcouau !■ In a atark
of bUU up to tbalr necks—Osuratlrely
apeaklns-aad It will probably be
aome time before they Unite allowin*
the rlalma. There are many small
oaes from tbe city reauHlng from the
guaramioe cabas but xhe toUl
probably not be eaceodtogly large
M. W. i
the boartj Uxlay as the president «f
tbe Ifamane society and asked for an
appniprtatlon of lino tn carry oo the
wolk. The matter was referred
tbe rommltlec on flaance. waya and
north of Omens, aurtlag out at about
10:90. At IhHr slopping place they
proceeded tp All up on boose
when leedy • for the return trip
in n glorloiA aUle of Intoxication.
TbU did nft aeem to detract from
their abim,; tor their Iroi^lned abil
ity) aa engineers, for they jamme' ‘
throttle wide open and ran back the
doten or so miles at a terrlAc rale of
speed. Curves and grades made no
dlffen^e and at Intervals tbe whistle
was u^ in their eelehrstlon.
If the affair had taken place earlier
In the evenlhg there would have
It big change for someone - g«
klllixl aa no! llghU were used 00 the
The men were discharged
snd nt>w U.e deu«cllnHi arc doing
their work
the UrgMt Guabmaa Tbla Year
la Their Hlttery.
By Wire to The Evening Record.
Calumet. Mich.. Jan. 8—The Duluth.
Mesaba A Noithero. Duluth A Iron
Range and' Groat Korthern rmllrosds
shipped 2S.l84.glQ tons of ore In 1»0€
The eeaaoo has been the greatest In
the hfaitory of the throe Itnca. Bxch
road made good gains over laat eoason. particularly the Memiba, ThU
road baa the Urgeet ore wharves In
the vorid. however, and this fsll was
oonalderably beoeAted by the com
aa Just About
to Emhrooo Hsr Mother After
Heaeymoee Trip,
By WMm to The MOng Reoprl
Mew York. Jgn. g—Mrs. Doana B
sham of Pittsburg, bride of six weeks,
dropped dead as she was about to embraew her mother on returning from
her heveymoon loun.^' .
pde la octagonal in shape, thirty feet
with ranrtlcos for
Kmg and
SBQ provided
fastened lii
of Iron bolts, and slso
used by linemen In
Tbe pole Is as ornsmentsi
as pine poles and has the additional
Virtue of being symmetrically tapcrtxl
and straight.
Tbe Strongest point In favor of
Crete poles U their, durability.
Thret Hund^ and Thirty New Mem-
ance compahy held Its annual mei
today and t^e following ofAcers
T>reoidenti J. H.
Vice prsojdenl. John White.
Sccreury, George W. MeWethy.
Dlrociors! l^lllam Core. 8tfT)hen
Lautner. D.|E. WJmkobp. H. W. Stew
art W. W. Burdick.
During the year there have been
thlrty-olx Arcs with a total
$g.0gg.l3. twenty-three of which were
by ligbtnlag. During the year 220
s were added and the
The total;
U.mw ^Itb a aurplaa of G2te.lL
He eompaay has never been In bet
l.r. Kirk's JaTMtil.
The city rounril had a \-\*ry abort
•HMifin last I'Xi'tiing ntxl the city
saved lift on that. AUlenn«*n CksHlrlch
anti E\ert*tt being abseal. Mayor
medrlch was also absent but the new
charter does mH dock him. hte 125 a
month going on just the same while
the aldermen forfeit $5 for each meet
ing misaed. Alderman Gllletl was In
the chair.
The water com mil let? rt'|»oHod that
bids had l*et>n receivetl on 50ft feet of
Intake pipe for Ujo water works and of
alien ef
Alee for Attacks.
By Wlro httbe Evening Record.
Chicago. Jan. g.—Death or Imprison
ent for life aa a punl.hmcn
burglary was recommended at the
meeting of the legislative committee
r. An amendment was also InRCd recommending the death
penalty for altacka on women or chll
Br Wlm to tb. Brulat Rscord.
Parts. Jsa. S--TII. polio, at Tour,
tonmd a anloo aad plaeartM Um>
town with poMOT, aaae.Bda« Ui.lr
rtoTaaee.. Tb. mMIws look poa
SMsloa ot th. poUeo eoarlor. sod
orerr poltemnsa bos 6
High Grade
Drug sure Service
We rognUrly fill the pre•cripUooi of Gil phjGioumi in
Ihit locality—our pfeaoription trade gets larger all tho
Thif moaM that onroaie
intbeaeleotionof atook and
T)i«'Hohart Oo.,i«p.
to tha Ton—Was ^ Bunt by
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Otuwm. Jan, S.—The Temlskamlng
A Northern Ontario branch of the
Canadian PaclAc, now being Antehed.
was unsitangly ballastad for many
miles, with silver ore by the Canadian
govemmenL by which it was built.
Much of tbe aarface of the region
between Lake Temagaml and the
lionreel river te covered with a thick
aoU over Hnronlan rock. It te a dcoolate tend In appemrancc. although In
mummer nature floea her beot to bide
the bare, forbidding, but irtmaure beer
ing rock. Carkmd after carload o4
bslUat was hurrlixlly dumped on the
sleeper^ and shoveled Into place by
Knew silver Ore
who wanted only
to get away aa soon as possible.
They never suspected that much of
Ih ens'k. they shoveled and stamped
the rock, they shoveled ahd stamped
a few weiks ago that the discovery
Lenrh after lenirth of rails, were
rtrtnched across sjlver ore. some of
which has been found to cooUln
values as high as g€00 to the lou.
Trsln after train had rmtlhxl qver the
ore-tellaated track with the engineer's
gaze Axed on the distance scorning
the dull, seemingly worthless stones,
which. It la proven, are worth many
times the cost of the railroad. Its roll
ing stock and Its gross earnings fomany )vars to come.
Drug Store
Is Your Suit Getting Shabby?
Then of course
be interested in
utsc you will
the values wc“
arc making
just now on
all odd suiti
hi Only
Only one or two of a
^ kind and we
re )flo
flo not care to inventory
them. YouJ ^an
fcan get
gel some exceptional
values if you
m Wl. at
fSa $7, fSa t» and $1«.
Sec a few values in window.
Come in and sec other good things,
Complete Housekeepiog:
------------- f
1 New Piano
I Kimball Orgknr
I Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap
Smith Realty' Co.
•The Early
Bird Catches
the Worm”
•l ost so will tho early
bayi-rs hiivi- the best picJi
from oar
Jost to giro yon an idea at
whnt’a on them— ^
Men's n Shoes, enamel
leather, SXM.
Women's M3 Shoes, enamel
leather, nXS.
Good ahoea for women,
Womea'a Slippers, 6Se.
Fa«>y Warm Slippers. <9c.
Storm Robbers.
Bill (pve na a trial when yon
are baying Drag Store gt^a
that you wiU booqme a recnlar cuGtoroer of oura, and a
aatUfied cunomer.
of all kind*:at the
(ConUnuod on Second Page.)
By Wire to the Evening I^rd.
Hogolulu. Jan 8 -Although mr
the 700 Japanese sho arrived «»n the
steamer Khlusa wero reglstenHl as
laborers nane-hsve gone to tbe plan
tatloos. Many arc former soldiers
irought their uniforms oith them.
The Japanese Immigration to the Ha
waiian Islands in the past eighteen
months aggregal«l ,16.749.
Now h) Foroo G2.M2.SteGood Condition.
Iving erected to test their efAclency.
A skdeton framework of four cor Telephone Matters Were Dl
and Geven Free Phones Were
rugated iron , rods is covered with an
Loc§te<9-Two .. Aldermen
ordlnaiT eoaercte. the material being
and Mayor AbtenL
Hawaiian Island
During the Fast Elghtaen Month.
Aggrogatos 16.749.
» amounts to |«59.te0.
By Wire to The Evening Record.
Richmond, tud. Jan. S,-Tbe Arst
concrete telephone poles ever manufactured in Indiana recently have
been made by the Richmond Home
nmuolcatlon of K, H. Allyn
aoms (dd Arid notra was
turned over to tbe prosAH*utinK attor
R. O. Ladil was exeuaed from the re
mainder of the aeaaloB as he has some
Important farmers' Institute work to
aUead to.
The commltlw on the county
farm propoaltioo has 1011)1x1 Us repnti
orer to Mr. Pratt for legal ajlYlco and
will probably present It tomorrow. It
Is understood that another rote of the
people will be taken 00 tbe matter.
There is some talk among the super- TWENTY-THREE
Tlsors of a county hospiul Instead of
a poor farm but It has not yet been
brought beforo the board In a formal
TUEGOAY. Jan. A 1G07.
Barometer, falling 2M6.
BtesIT qrotelng. n abort distance
By WIra to the Mra^ Raoord.
rmivtoa. Mkiu Jaa. G.-A 4^
•oth HAvg cotwirreo KveNMUCUtM MOOIMO OVER AIMCC
a from Lanatag came to InterTV YEAin 0» tTATCHOOa
rlsv Oovemor Warner ea tbs aenatorim altuallon today but got no fnr
tber than the threshold of the siek
Michigan Want In for Manufacturing
room. The goremor U not ImprorMtW WKh th« W#rto«Oii hif (
lag materially. One lung appears to
■acted nnd hts lUness U sUll
Telephones, Office. Citi»en» 32; B«41 169.
EvenjnRs, Citizens. 290 |
Yoli Want to Look
Ten Dollar Suits.
Soils ranglnfl In price from .814 lo 818 all go
at 810.00
George W. Miller,
ami a gmat many more at
prion lifisG than you will tx-
pect to w.
Could be made of the host of
delighted housewifes and their
assistants who have used our
eesT F-i-ociR
Their commendations would fill a col
umn of this paper. If you are not e
user of Best Flour now. tbu is just a
Clearance Sale of
Muslin Underwear
We want to clean up all of our last |^BOU9on’i
spriDR i^ls, and to do this
■pme very ezoeptional values.
All of onr old underwear, some mnsseil iuid
•Oiled from hsadlinff: some fresh and etorn.,' is
BOW sorted oat on tables and marhed at from
boors for the 1JN» mn rmf^toyed In
thr EdoU fnlfbt ynM. Ibr P«ui«n
rsnU oUfwul ha. birill ,• town lo
ofdrr It bn. npnmg op na If In n
night. Arroa. th« gnaanebnana from
Ihl. pinrr. wbrrr nothing
bim oooM bo arrn n wfallr ago. llw
nrr mm a bondmd dwrlllnga* dralgnad by ibo Imdlng arrbUacU of thr
rounlry.- a plrtnrn»qor Inn. irrc*.
wMr paarnl ntiwta, a acbool. rlrctrlc
tlgbta, walrr work»-wryth«nK n
tnodwi rtly dvHIrr mold aaV for
0(hi*r lndo.trtal loan.
IMO. m.. bntra groom iip
Ciuda ha". aUnoat lUnally. b««m bum
mmplHe brfom It bad a .Ingle r«H
WbMi tba Prtotylranla raUrond e.
tnbllabed It. Kania fmigbt yard In
ronQfctkm orltb Ibe near Km grade
lome from Pliiaburg east. It waa met
by Ibe Qurallon: Where will tb*^
workmen lire? The loo n of Knola. U
an aa.wer to thla qurfeilon oblcli
mnana that loo much cannot be done
'la onler to lownre the fibyaical well'
bnag of Penn.ylvanla railroad em
Ftoiiyfoor bouw*. were begun at
Ibe name time; then flfty .lx more;
m»w another half hundred hare l-nm
atarted. Brcatnally It I. the Idea
tbpt every hmiae with Ita grotmd.
* will be opMied by the man who llre«
in It. and nulimly hut Penn.ylranUi
taJliwad men ran re.we rhere. The
bomM «fv add by the mmpanr on
, the -tiaay payment- plan under whleh
the purahaaer pay. nu i*tx.nt or inirr
rj: C
charge that
flnanre the nnderUklng.
Haloona. blackamlth .hop. and
nol.y fnrtorlea are barnd from Rnoln
n^lien* mu.l l>e at leu.i twenty dve
feel bet aw each bouae. The
erpeABivc realdence .ubiirh I
emmiry 1. not more carefully
Ttjp .rhoul opencil with eighty
aeren pupil, and two teacher.—«
mm. and; danghler. of railroad
The Bnola Inn waa hum for the train
rtf., who
a night at
|.rmr. It ir a Y M. C. A. headqtiat
ter. a. aril a,, a h.drl.
Were tbot by lb
Employ About Five
ThmiaamI Wen.
the rtiHtrtc! employ altoul 5.000 in
fif the Her. Chaa.
have accepted
I»reaeber., o bn i. nald
an offer of ljn.m.0 a
Uapthe paetor of t
U.t church in New York, bcuter
church. Dr.
known a. Ih4 Kncla*fHler
Aked wa. Ill I hi. connlry loMreral
wmk. ago a4d preached at the Rfth
A Irmln lo»<f of ma1 no (ho Northern
»rl«c .iFfw Into lb.. North Y»Mm»
yard, thip morning. The coal war
point, farther along the
('edd and di.peraie. a nudi'of
two hiiiidted clll/enn claml»ered
thd train and b**gan fhniwlnp off
the coal. The train Klartid but the
hrakea acre net on tw»*lve cai> and
the engine wo. unable lo move Ii
Fully mieen bundled iH'ople ibi-n <v.|.
lectejl in the yard, and help<*d I hem
.(Ive« to the content, of the train. Uic
crew iKJhjf powerlwoi lo pnhtml the
loM. of the property.
Lowest Number the County Mar Hj
in Many Vearr and U the Re
sult of the Light Vote Cast
Lett November.
Tlir ch.ilniiaii and Htcrfiary of the
n-puldlran ttate central rommlttcc
iHKiifd ill call for the republican
►tale ctinvrnllon^io l*<‘ ludd In Orand
Rapid, on r|»uE.day. Ffh. H. the day
lollowing the Lincoln rlnli l.anqie't In
city. T^o convrnilMn will in* for
luriHUu- of naming two candidates
for Ju.iirea of the Kupifmc court, two
candidates few irgrni.
the unlver.l) and one i‘andldate fw member of
late iMwrd iof educathin. Acconllng
o the rairOrand Travonu* c«»uniy 1.
niMhM \» fmir dfh'gatis. Till. U the
lnme.1 nunila'r of dehgate. that thi.
county ha. I^sd In n great nuiny «eani
d !. dm* to the fact ihat.ilifrc wa.
v.*r> light vote pollcjl for govemor
the U.t j^de-thm. the total t>*^lng
'Antrim iHuinty did *hettcr
than Grand i TinverKf. In'lng entUliNl
tT» fltf ilfW*;^tt>v Kalk.^ska eould only
hnvt* one Iy*«da«au. two; Manht****.
niaijlfvoi:;. six; Wrxfonl. six,
and Ih nrlf. Ifhn'i*
With the' exiH'ptiim «»f Manistee
county, Grand Travers, bas heivtofon*
more tliidegati*? tlian any of the
counih‘.^r^ilomsl. hut thi* year trnly
four from Gnmd Travenu* c<muty can
IlH* .Ute cunvrnlioo.
This May Mean That tha Lock Dam
Byatem far Panama Canal WiH
Killed Today.
By Wire to the Evening Reeprd.
WaahlQgtaih Jan. P—Chief Bagh
Steven, of the Panama canal Informt
lb© aenate romrotUee that In boring
Pavlofr. ehlef prooecotor of the special for the Gatpn dam n stratam of eJaj*
court B^rtlal. sitting In «l. Peter, under which is wrft mud has devel‘‘burg. wa. murdered by an miknow t»ped. ThU may mean that the lock
man thla moniliig.
dam system arill be abandoned.
'quick. TMt TAILOR. <
)h Blanchette Killed Her Because
ve wouldn't Live With Him
After He Had Left Her.
By Wire to the Evening Rectird.
New York, Jan.
The Imlependent coal openiiors aKsert that the
promises of reform by the Pennsylva
nia after the IntenHatr comnuTce In____ have not Un-n fuiniled.
They say they carmot gel cars, while
the Uvored coal companies get all the
cai>c they want.
By Wire to the. Evening Record.
Concord. N. H . Jan.
Bianrh. ite of Hlvendde. who dE'.ert.-.l
hi. wilt* thrtH* y«*nr. ago on her
fiisal n» live with him again, shot her
By Win' to the Evening Record
Port Huron. Mich.. Jan. !• —A gang
of alleged iH>unferfelters was dlscovere<| hen* In a little hut In the First
ward and Jame. Cummings, aged .?R.
of Ui»eer; Edward OR«dlly. ag"^ 40,
and Joe 0'R* niy. agevT
waiv lodged
In Jail. A Urge quantity of n.unierfelt dollars and half dollar, wa.* found
n. well as all the tool, for making
them. Edward O Rellb.'falher of Joe.
was arrest»*<l Mon<Uy hut n*vealed
rmied Slatees Marshal
Maine, and secret service men fnvm
Washington are at work and roore^rryst. are expected Itcfore night.
The left
nr tbe face U nlwaja
Joint Inatallation.
The Odd Fellows and RH»kah. held
Joint IniUaiUthm of officer. U.t
evening. A hig supper followed the
Fred Kivons <.f thi. city :»nd MU* work and dancing was enjoyed until
U/tle SchlchtH of Kink.ley were u Ute hour.
onUfHl in marriage at ,1 o'clock this
a'ftern<»on hy Jii.tlci* G. W. Curtis In
hU matrimonial pat how in the State
Bank tmlhUng.
Tools for Making Bum Dollars at
Halves Alio Found—Expected
That There Will Be More
Arrests Before Night.
dependent Coal Opsrators Aaaert
That tl^ Pennsylvania Has
•mken lU Promise. '
that wcare 'Jfe#
Real Bargains
We arc overstocked on
them and wish to move a
number of pieces. We
have added others since
last Friday and still have
a good assortment.
40c to SI
- Thp-
We are seUlng then
cheap, too—.
69c to 98c
lUslsa Bargain
Time at Our Store.
You can save by
buying from our
Bargain Tables.
Could be made of the host of
delighted housewifes and their
assistants who have used our
t now being offered in odd
I of Men^i ASuitg that we
do not with to cany over
into another leaton. If von
have not liought yonraniltlo
not fail to aee theae apUmdid
valnea. There are aome gootl
valoea awaiting yon on oiW
lota of unlerwiv. If yoitrt
iag. tting a litUo thin, aUvek
np now and save money. 8eo
our auiU at
$7, $8. $9. tiff.
Complete Housekeeping
I New Piano
1 Kimball Organ
1 Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap
Smith Realty Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.
Telephones. Office. Citirens 32; Bell 169.
Evenintfs. Citizens. 290
You Want to Look
Ten Dollar Suits.
Salts ranging In price from $14 to $18 all go
Cut' Prices
At 3 o’clock this
board of supt'rvlsors
30 tomorrhw morning. Two report*,
one of which is the county poor bona-'
matter, aw* In the hands of the proae^
cuilng attorney who could not take
action on them,until Thu^ay and
thU U one twaaon why work was dlacomlaoed tbU afternoon. AtuKher,
sraa that the city superrlaora ware
called upon to attend a meeting of the
board of health. This body was to
seeaioo Ute thU afievnoon preparing
more work for the overburdened,
rlaims and accounts committee In the
ahapt^bnu Tbe committee Is mak
ing Btee headway Into their cord or
so of aceoonia and will prohaMy be
ready to offer ibHr report tomohow
or aext day. iConltotied on Third Page.)
and right now is when
you would appreciate a
pair ,of those warm
of at
Total of $2.831.»4 Has Been Expended
on the Needy by County 8up«
intendenta—Bonds of County
Officers Approved.
at Cast
*• Those’
Came Together Head On and Englttr and Conductor Ware Bad, ly Injured.
Attempt Waa Made Laet Night and
By Win* iojth<‘ Evening Record.
the Live# of Ninety Peoplk Were
Solo. Ohio. Jan ‘‘.—A westbound
Put in Danger.
i.sengtT t^n on tbe Wheeling A
Uke Erie djviidon of the Wgbash. colBy Wire to the Kv. nlng Record.
hnod ^ with a freight today a
New York. Jan. f.—The lire, of
mlU cast or here. ^glntw'T Foster of
ninety peraoo. wer^vjcopardlretl
•Ighi by an aitempi to bum a five the freight/was badly injuri*d and
Piory tenement buUdlng at r«r. Montw Condocioi Rooney .of the pasengvr
afreet. A quantity of wa.te laitirrateil had hU rib" Imvkcn.
with kertwene wa. found near where
the file atoned.
* “:urrr;:;.rr.r"
Hy wnre to the Rvuciiug Record.
ndon. Jan.
A h|Mclal from
Hong Kong .ay. that the vlorrf»y of
Htmg K«mg ha. pruhlbltiHl the new.
r. fmm pnldishing account *
the !»oyroli on American gooiU and
that all placard, on th Kiitiierl have
been ■ destroved. The Padenr of the
.*infi AtnericAn nv»vem» It have Umii
By Wire to the Evening Record.
81. Ju-vph. Mich. Jan. J».-John
Henry Graham, president of tbe Gra
ham A Morion Transportation comIiany ind one of the best known vc
wd owner, on tbs great Ul:c. died
heA* thU nmniing after thn-e w.*eks*
nine., with typlMdd fever and liUl>;‘te.. He wa. 57 yemr* old. bom In
llUnol. and educated at Elkhart. Ind.
Mr. Grahgm came to 8t. Jojieph
1K64 The Gmham A Monon comi
wa. organized In 1875 and Mr. Gra
ham wa. made president. Tho
psny operatiHl .learner, between Ben
ton HarU»r and .rhicago. Holland and
rhk-ago. Chicago and Ihdiith.
Their commendations would fill a column of this paper. If you are not a
user of Best Flour now. this is just a
hint to try a single sack. That will
be the first of many.
Hannah , & Lay Co.
at $10.00
George W. Miller,
Tlic Strongest Possible
wili only
This colder w<
make the buying more lively.
lively, If
not bought vours we
you have
_ as posadvise you1 to buy as ea ly
ble, a the b^i things
being bicked up rapidly.
No mother of girls should let this opportunity
to go by without buying a coat for her daugh
ter, even if it is not ne^ed this winter, for the
price is certainly an object to buy now.
The most desirable Childrens garments of
.the season arc offered you at only
a h a I f of the original price.
See Some Strong Values
Only m«0
With a
graas pike aM«^
and t^dng Urn the and oT Me tine,
rm^ liM W a Ydry hndly pankw
naa yudetMly. H# was fidiMg an
Carp lahe wh^i tha pika gnhM the
hook aad ma^away wtehit. Be nam
ag<sd la draw the *d> np to tha lee hat
H was tan hums to coaw thfnmh On
hem he wae
Mr. Irish nanegad.
hoaaYer. to {hold onto It oatil he
rtingpii the hUe Inner. Then reachlag dawa he s^ed hie gkwe Into the
fish’s BHmth [nad when the teeth
lomd with n snap, he saahad him
owLV A F*w t*rr.
M aanam tosmi^ w the State
hank was held yesterday afteraeoa
an* the rapovta nbew^ that the hank
ha. ssperimmed tom ^ the tooet pnm ralaad with the gsw
of tu hlatory
•r sM ttm
Id hi to al
OMAier Arwi Borkrr
_:u-™ a*sKi
^ ]Min Uoe Onrteiu
a M laek AlrtKkt,
iititotnima caainv. kat biMt Anil, far »M«:
I of aa April
treat fMd.
•wn ar ml. tixat
hot blast, lorr tm*.
$m«, this
Ul« Is
l« ibr
Uh. boat
treat IM ttorr iM*a; a IC tocb cmbisauaa J^aal. hat Uaat. Ibr IISM;
ta a white fur two
JrwrI nafo with raamrolr aad
whlhk) The wind begaa to blow out
nalBC doaat. tor tafW.
SC^Dorth aad hefUre addalght a
oaly chaagt youag bUxxard was ragtagtotorr bajiac a atorr or raafo,
The SBOwfan was but slight, but It
aa to bM look ear nork orrr.
Bfifiad to the dWswtom^.
has raised the hopes of the Inmberw
MS a^ the officers and d
■ Ifutofienl, A. Tracy Uy.
\*lce prssideat. R. Floyd Clineb.
^ler. Samuel OarUad.
DanX Booto ^t the city, hot If we
AaaUtaat cashiers, k. r Maynard fto much, aad aay aaooat of aaow, it
and A. J. Havlland.
mfihte that W tow <mscktoi
OU P. o. BtuUiiig;
Directors. A. Tmcy lu^, R. Floyd
GUach» H. C. Darts. Elile R. Hnanah.
iH Garland. Jerry Rstlivna^ W.
After the ifiek was drasea
Oa^ • Hm 9t 0mm
M. H ymr dgbed fourt^ peaato aad ai
■lOltHptH. f tht >Uc#r^ it |»i4 ay
(•Ml If rw Im ^ y«t McvrW WM) that weighed iwm pooads draeeed he
has enough fi^i to last him a day or
imi M OTtMM %• m fTM «r
two anyway.
Tli^r wtti Mt IMI l«i«.
~s pike nre Mtlng roradowdy now
n numberiof local men will go
Church oT Imnsaculats Collection
n« can for tk« fcMMtoa
Purchased Fine Instrwmsnts
CMmtiaa for Ibc pvpOM* cf noai
aaUoi two CBiidtdalcc tor icgMiu
wMlSfia WUI *s HsM In Acme
I alnee the days of Loyt has any
tl»« mJrcmtr. two coMKllei tor Ja»^
thing half so funny beei; seen as Miss
J..K. ntxgrrald of nay City was
ilcN of Ibo iMmit coort, and ooe
Bra Tanguay In her new threewet
I d hoot and ahoe here yesterday ami scld two OrinneM
dldato ICr MBb» or outo iKiard
may. which win appear at the <2ntnd store on West Front atreet, today an- pianos It. the Church of the immacu
m4 mdmettkm. Has Imn 1m^ bf the
Tour Sunday school ronrenUons ____ house Jan. 17. Miss Tanguay. aouaced that on account of his health Utr Coocrpilon.
ehalraaa aad Mcroury of tb« ouitr
will be held in Acme and Wbllewster always lulmRsble. fairly bubble, over he wonld be oompelled to close ost
Mr. ntxgerald Is manager id the
Jan. 14 and coo with lines and amusing slinaU<»s oJ his bfislaess aad
a more congt- Crinnell Bros.’ branch house st Bay
la tb« apportloomfoi of dol««ate*
InuJug until Jaa. ti The cofireoew piece. She la without dopht nlal climate. He expects to dispose City and also looks sficr the suiiplit^
U ibowo Chal anuid Trariwi. eoontr
Uons will be held at the following on® of the rleverest comediennes <00 of his stock within the next two in the line of musical instrument
Is ««iJU<*d to bat foar delasaics wbilr
the American stage today, and It Is weeks and will then leave fc»r Culcv the Cnthollc rhurchiw 4hnmgbout the
liwtKoforo for maay yrmn wo have
Jaa. 14. Bates.!
said that la her new play **A C.i-mI KeK rsdo. where he expects'to spend the
He Is a man who has had
baaa ooUUad to aloe. Tbo appurtion
Jan. U. nk Like.
low- she has aecuied a fine vehlrJe la winter, returning in thef spring.
much exiH'rience along this line and
tag or datcgataa ta baaod apoa tho
Jan, If. YuhaJ
which to exhibit her many Ulents. A
has sold many Grinnell piam«.
veto for toromor at ibo last okcilon
Jan. 17. nrtenjooa. !
strong company has been engaged to
At that olortlaa 00I7 JflM totes
st4»port Mias Tanguay and Manager
cast for Governor MTamer which
MRS. 8AM Il.K3^ received the deed
Jan, 11. Bsrk4 Csu
Joseph M. GaU^s haa given her i
aboald coovinco repuj.lioana the tm
the lot Kivt*n away by J. W. Jack
Jnn. «. WilllsUburg.
I roductlon cqaal In everj way to thf Miss Brookmayer Was the HoatSM
poiUaoe of rating out to the polls
son on Jan. 2rd; 2C15 Mdng the lucky
Last Ev®fiing-Very Enjoy- .
The speakers
these meeUngi
repuUUoo of his aUr and himself.
•to Yote. Grand Trsrerso
abl. Evening.
s Slate rresldent J. W. Mill
shoalii havo a much Urger delegatluo
Mrs. J. W. MlllikU. Mrs, 8. Clxek. the
The theatrical manager of a decadr
at the atate conrentiun than U will
A race of giant gorillas Is said to exist
Thta. D. K. club was entertained ai
Revs. L. a Blsaell. L. B. Carpenter, ago use to believe that When a pla>
haYo this year and the only way to
In Algiers. The dlKcover>- was made by
W. II. Irwin, Traverse City, the Rev. had been established In pubUc favor the home of Miss nrt«.kra.-yer last
MHtno Yotes in the oooventton that
Mr. Thompsuo of KIk Rapids, the Rev. that any kind of a cast liould be em evening. Aboot Jwenty members were M. ^^lgene Brtiss«>aux. a French ofwo should have U for the rt^puhllrans
final and explorer who n'cently tfturnA. a Bowman of Alma and other local ployed to exploit ft bePire the puhllr. present and one candidate was Initi
to turn out to vote.
ated In the usual wgy. The evening ed from Africa. The gorillas are atmut
and for that ruaaon and no cuher ca^
was spent.In gamej, jujd music and seven fe®t. six Inches tall, four feet
a great numy of them aacrihe their
InduslHally the aute oC Mtchlgan
the shoulders, and one of them
refreshmenta conxJsUng of sand
ultlmste failure. Not so psrlth W, K.
and our country as a
which the explorer kllle<l after a thril
wlrhes. pickles, cake and cowjw w
Nankevllle. manager of ’•Hu
upon the activities of the new year
ling encounter, weighed seven hundred
with OYoa brighter <|WM|iects ahead Sut Oeorps W. Milter Recovered Ani Hekrts.” which comes here on *Jan
and twenty pounds. One of Its hands
21. . Mr. Nankevllle has always main
mal Without Walking Clear Up to
than raiated at the opening of the
A curious custom Is observed In oer- weighed six pounds. Tiiu explorer
tained that the Uut U none too goml
Soonevilla Yesterday.
. woadaitul year that has ju*.t closed
tain dUtricU of Spain In regard to has many photogiaphs o( the animals
OooamapUoB is still far ahead of pit>.
betrothals. A young man who desires In thrir wild state.
*‘Pete” ti a little bUck spaniel and chance he can better his compi
dacGoo aad la many lines of industry
to win the Itand of any damsel ealla
orders are now booked which will la the property of George W. Miller. he never falls to do so. tl Is to this on her parents for three sneeostlvc
koep them busy throoghoot moet of Mr. Miller thinks a good deal of the policy he attributes the ! wonderful days at the same hour of the day. On
>ho preeeot year, with day and night animal as he has gtven unmlsUkable occess of “Human Hearts” with the the last occarion he Itoves hla walk
of being as great a hunter as theater going public..
•hms for many of them. The spirit
ing-stick; and If he Is looked cm with
the late lamented Chief. Yesterday.
of ai^^Uon is not so ag
Pete turned up missing and Mr. Mllleri Next Monday night. Jui. 14. the fat^r by the maiden and her family
at this Ome last yewr. but
just mediutlng whether orjKd tp great Gans-Nelson fight ,ln ^moving the cane Is handed to him when he
and expeeUUoirbasod upon the firm
Inform the police when the tdephane pictures will be given at jthe Omnd
foondatloo of market requi
rang and he was Informed that Pete opem bouse. This was tlie greatest
and business demands, sr
PIIM Cured In fi Days.
stronger than then. That 1W7 will be
pot on his overtoat he marled out
the best business year the United
States hsB ever known Is an expecta- on the long drill However. whf>li>e
was paaring D4Tt Winnie’s Urberslip
Uoa which an c^ndlttans $ni tei
Art Winnie’s ronadlence hurt him eo
While the Germans are pitying more
cies give oonBdeneg In promising
bo calltHl him In and delivered the and mors attention to
Frank Truije
BaigaUtt VM LooUiv Into
tunt of theae KOo<a •rriviBg too
th* UolMar titole. we !i*tv u
OBofinow aluck on Lod Umt *re taking
nptoonneb Mom.
U yo» want a Boeker.
Now is to TIinc to Buy
AoJ bere it wliere you will find tbe fiuu^rtment ami Uio loweat pricea In
The fojlowini; will um; yon an idn* of tl»- KTObt ledootioit «•
li»vo mmle. Theac an- only a few of the many:
Our BiHK-inl $7 K «>k.l
liDiD 4.75 up.
All oUuT hij^h grmlf Kocki-rt toM
Your Credit Is Good
Your Reliable Furniture Storc^'^
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Street
TI18 Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
THE Bie STORE ••-HDMlers in Eveiyttiing
The redempUan of the prdmlaes
to the
of the state
I state platform
and by OoYenior Warner, that the
limited UahUIty act aad the aiange of Aaaual SJactlan Wfia Held Laai tvam
law Aontl be
Inp-Frto » Cuttia^ Was Choasn
lap^nage there Is a d«clli-of Gcrman as s schtx>i subject l^ Bngland.
$i.50 to $5 Saved
•WANTED->You that keci'chlckons
to ase pur IDEAL mlxtsd chlc|ien feed.
NOto' better. T. C. Milling Co,
-l»*l Model K. Wtoton.- toll lak^_______________I JanlMf ther top. cu lamp*, extra outer <»Car la flrM«Uia eoud
At a meeting of the uniform rank,
FOB SAl^All kinds hf horse,
“laoe Northere To
of P. held last evening, the follow cow and chicken feed. T. C. Milling
Ing officers were etecUnl;
Captain, Fred D. Curtis.
Ob. “1P0« Elmore Tourio« Cir.First Lieut.. CtaUd Pulver.
JOI.VT INSTALLATION of the Mac ^bCape Top and Oat Lamp., tlOO*.
Second Ueut., R, J. Mercer.
cabees Friday night, AH members re
Recorder. Fred Dean.
quested to be present
! jan U2l
74 Fmrmr 8t.
BlUa protldlag for their repeal
Introdoead In the very first haurs of
the leflsUtlve eeesloa which
last woek. Both of these Uws
Indoded In the legi'slatares work of
two years aga Theoretically
good was expected of them, but
throngh application It waa fmind that
they could be made use of in a
Chsplln. W. H. Umlor.
Uoo not contemplated and In oppocltluQ to the ivqutremenu of justice.
Ituard and scwtlnel wRl be ap
heae results caused pointed by the captain later;
the repobllcaa party to promise their
repeal, aad It wUI be the first work of
the lagislatiire Ifi see thst thom^ promMr. and Mrs. A. J. WMigar Suter
Uinad Laat Evtolita.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wouser of Boat
Tenth street eiitcrtaMI the Burtoca
The World Almanac and Bncydop€s club last evening. First ’
dia fur 1»07 Is a ooe-Yulnme library won by Bd McGlaness and
or tnformatlon. Concise, co^prvhtm by Ml. Jackson.
dre and complete, it is a marvel ol
The next meeting will be^ held next
csampttaUoD--of good editing. Legls wfH-k at the home of ^ra. j’ Campbell
UUve, elecUon. financial, tmde. aport
Oghtb street
lag. athleUc, deissrl mental and educa
tlonal malteri. American and foreign,
GBT A MKAL ticket at City Restau
natkmal and state. ait« all presented mat for |X50,
Jan >*t
la a manner economical of time and
nenrous IrriUtkin.
The professional man. the business
nan. the young and the aged, la fart
' all kinds or cvmdiiloos of mea. will
haYo frequent occasion fturlng the
nourse of the year to refer to the
pages or this Yaluahle Yolume. the
ooatMts of which Is girm In a well
J.W.Jnokaon A, W. Jahtane
Boat A Monton
s*ma( meal tickeu at **40. Jaa *-« { 1’. Menegari
A. OoiaiUa
J. H. Unman
MR& SAM lUCB rremtad the AaedU Weqnalong Olnb
\» the lot (ina away bb/. W. Jack ii {j. P. Owen
m an Jaa. aid; S«* belac tbe tacky**
Jaa *-»
H msuEtKtp U
sooner sold. ’The hardware dlvisloo will
sen ytm
A 14 tooth Cultivator, rogular price $5.00. now .................. .......................f'S.SO
A No. 2 Cummings Feed Cutter, regular price Ilk.OO. now........ .
A No. n Bell City. Chain Fet-,1. F\.«l Cutter, regular price $22.00, now IS.00
A No. n Bell Oiy. C.esr Fea-d. Feed Cutter, regular pitc* $23.00. now. 17.00
The only reason for making Utese rt*markable prices Is because w«
would nilher sacrifice the profiu than carry them over Inventory.
THE WBiTB omPAinr. Gnre
An Meal Breakfast
No matter if Uie animal they han
dle it a trnek hotee or a high-
merit and value of our hctaie goods
*d<tonptinn that we are
poinU for fmnte referencedwa|a an ^aiaement of onr ootpot
BeU phene 102
Don’t Forget
When thinkiag about presents that' a chi
lier, pretty shade, pocket flasher and
Portable Table Lamps
iiiake the very
be« kind ofaapresent.
. ._________
their in stock,
- at the right prict
of them
and see.
WTixi better brcxkfaat coiiU yao ata for tbeoe aioier areraliupi than
cake and .ynip. uuia(c«r bacoa aad aood eolaaT We are adlliic Jodc’
fclobtatcd Cpaniry Pxna Burkwbaat Floor at **« a reck. The reme bread
Of Muresc at IJC a pound la caoloai or I*c la balk, tbe bam at Me a poaad
and baron S5e.
Ool^ Drtp Cane Syrup at 4*e a Katloa aad Roblaioa'a cnarenteed abMlujfly pure Ohio Maple Syrup at »1.1S a galloo. Then top oC tbe breakfait a lib one or more cup. of ellber Yale Mocha aad Jar. Co«ee at tte a
pound or (be Mooarcb blend at 40c. There are two of tbe beat Mead, of
roBee sold. We konw these are tread for we hare tried ib-m and we tblak
wc aic a pretty good judge.
Announcement from the Candy
and Cigar Section
iam Ann. Baamia bre baaa ansa««l to look after this aeetloo aad
wni aerte yoar want, la the moat pleaalnc auuuer. We oairr Btranb Broa.
A Amlotte-. toil Uae of celebniad choootele. aad creams aad can sett you
candy yrem te to *ac a pound. We carry as ane a Uae aad Urpe areottment
«g etoara. aareklnc and cbewla* tobscoos aad smokere- goods aa yon wlU
Bad la tbe any.
Ow Oilv old UdiM' Hsim Jaunta) PamhisFiw
Stiil holds mpod. Any psrsn bringtag us two vMrtv •ssWH«bft«k. *fv skm
Lmitoa-Home JoamM at *140 em*. ami ooe eaa b. Omlr own If they wtob.
we win Bim toar ooupaaa eatgUas tkam to bay tour dreas aatuni. .ntlretv
emr. aucHiOMk'
"liiBKsTin amm
H. X. Hrtl.
A. V. rtfMA Mtf ckBtM WH-
rmai ^ Mt
«< «X«
t »*<• Orwi« Trm.*nf aM
Ajlaa* miria« «o»P«ir »»•
ii|Uf»»« ••d «be ripivu
AowM IA« tfc. eMPur fc«
trn kiflilwl pmpMU. IB r*ei •«
pi^Mbtac U H»' oBU«* IbBt Ih*
koMM Of Ibr Bliiek IM »«T JubltoBl
onr Ikitr hoWI*C> 1V« !• pd
UTBlf •■> man Btock lor «)• bp tbp
®f »*»•
tor of prtoHpol or totoroot koo kooo
loot oor to tkoro o tooo Oo kood Ml
Ob Nor. I told a
. poifP of pnmtmm mn tt Tnaana
ai» »ad Nsnbm Mlcblpaa
paalMd for lb« parpaap afta
tb» aacMBry taad. far tha
■ral of Iba cofapaBr-B Pt
wbMb ara IB tbe Cbto Craak. Ariana.
AMiM. a Alautei ablch at fnanl
taatmmt tama at (ba piaataat proAatlac artaaa la tba capalrr. Tbta ayBdIeala taralihad llt.aM la caah aad
acraad «o faralab ttam tla» lo tiaie.
; <; anfaaa aaamau aaadad op to MJ.ao*
;,• , mn. tbU .Ul d*a Iba eooMiaay
wa. ibaa aaud. -orbla. eaplUt
Oa Dae. I «artt <aa bafoa oe tha
•ban «blak U aPBf doaa W foot.
: cn-a cattlac la ao. balac *»• at
Um I»Mo« laral aad tha todlealloai
ata BO inportaal that It Ib aspactad
«lthla tba aait thirty daya that arary
abaro of/«aek Of tha eoaipMiy arlU ba
atortb fta laeo aolua.
Cbarlaa toorthwalta la twatal
: Maaapw^. batap >«b>^ •> Ca-*
aad bla arath ataa »ary aattafttetory to
. (ha ataekbpMMB. Tha Blalac K aadar
1 (ha dliactl«t of « R. Tiahr«>. •
’ sra«apla af tha Hoophtoo bUalap
^ aehoal ahd a niaa of artda atpartaaca
' had die aepalBinoa of aueh a praethal
ma la lapaidad aa of praat aahw.
Tba lapart at (ha pwtaial auBopat
•«aa aary aadafactory to tba atoek'hoMara aad biaapht forth BitMh ao- i (btartaaai aad ail orr aafolUBP tba rr
aiiH of tha oatri thirty daya’ worti with
a prrot daal of lutareat a» It to oa
^Od thla will plra aaaumooa of
ipoot hUCCtoo.
Moor »lockh«>J.ter» from ootdde
wrrr prwoot ytotrrahy mi the oonuo
mtolU«. Xll the olU tifftcom wore re
tioctod «» follow.!
PxwddooU Tbmna. Smurthw.Ue.
. Vko prooldeol. Woltor arrlllck.
Pkmoiy ood litooum. H. -MooU
Ponoal Opoolof of tto Tntorto CAy
Athtotto Cluk Tokto flooo FriAo totoittot pfPiiom tgf tokktto
idftos mod ioioto to Mto pmoitod
tor tko fononl ope^og of tko
elnb rrtdoy rr««las. Tko
wtlJ ko no larlUtloo nffolr.
John nod Arthor lUmoi will go cm
for four rouodn. TktoO two »« ore
lo tho bonrywelght c
there will bo oulto o
tbolr OTOlrdopoln. Beldlag ond Pet
tolkow wlU go on In Ike mkSdleweUkt
for three roondn. A wrenlUn*
h wUI otoo bo one of the nttn^cA knod boU loan
ket boU gome wilt
and o torn
Kotomnreo Man, Well Kiiowfi in This
City, to New Lytof at the
Point of Otnth.
rrtara to tte trwory of
n» pteM or
That Antooiil Woo Kupoodod to Trov RtguLf MMtIns WUI M Hrtd FrMay
Art.moaa-WH B« an Op*
•fto City loot Yoge^^f 400
Werktm to tho City.
mrr ewHtmptly to M»d oot
MBto tke flams sT acetotona to pet^
kign tka botiaec known mtomK tkat of
oimplr .
• id«
stgo of
of tko
Ika alactrte arc. Tba fnltowtag fl
o^ tlio mntry. ookara kM glwaat Btmnan Imrnar. VB7I
diBieen; neetjlime flamet. EM8 flecraea;
to UmneU
toooctol oito. aereiml
nkekol flaato L706 dagrem: Denny.
rmmn bgmer>)ialf aknbol baU pHro.
It aito to kUlv.
Wllv. Tk
Tkot cry koo poMod
laBOH-3.00S dff rasa; hydrogwi flai
aod pooplo oto w4uios tor tooo.
air. IJWO dagnen; gas JaC flams
Tke foqtooc for -uomoro- wontod
oxygg*. •SDO dww; oxykyd
tho troooonr doporttooot tor o looc
flame. 2.430 df«re«. Tbaaa are at
whilo. Uoder tke tew It cooldB*t pot
thcoe hlllfl oot moopc U eachonoe tor
mine e# Jihe ‘King ef Kings'* Was . Ugrode ogaalf 1A dagroea F.
rodeapUoo. aod the
Mato UnUI Taday.
•unat wTiliK^-cauSr flTfuuiig
in nm roptdly oo it
ilm. and MabeF. rogagament being
ibftt an auompt was
noteo of Imroe de-He IOC too ecooomlcaL'*
Jan. 9.—'Tbe Dally Mall'a
-In what wayr
tha iBUCtol ,
ni Teheran to a teto
-Began nrodlng her unaaaM toye
nnd to pot tito •‘■okrbockn- oot to thidr
sent last night at 11:50 o'clock
letteva bearing a 1-ceol sump. —MUptoee. Tboro tent mock uno for 11.000 say.:
waakec BeatlneL
bate In the pntka of genkml clrcnto
‘The abab of Pbrato died tbto even
tIoQ aod H won oootidotod better to tog. tbemgh no pubUe annotmeement
fot tkom lo ood let tbe tooa oot In of the fact will he made natU tomor
this way the pMreUry numnged to put row tWednesdsy).
MAOO 110 blllt
-It was erldeBt yesterday (Monday) Orinoco ronntry. Ha say. tbe party
proecieolly at one
that the rod was rapidly approschtog several times came In contort with tha
and four InjecUons of camphor werr earth flab.which are tha moat farortoos
employed to proloag the ruler's life tobabitanto of tbe watar known. Tba
All the shah's vital functions were
Big Detroit Factory Wan Damngo snspendad today and at 5 o'clock this
thrae coroered. Any lIvtoE ohjaH
evening the heir apparent. Moham which attracto their attention la atThr4 Quartern of a Million Dob
miHl All Mima Valtobr. and the mlnto tacked with fury. Mr. Tbotnpaon tells
law Loot Night.
tem were summoned. The women of of an Indian woman who entered tba
the patoce also brgsn preparations for water to fill a bucket. Sba was at
Detroit. Mich.. Jan.
Fire r
tacksd by tba fish kbd rroehed aboro
suited oboot € p. m. tent Bight to the
-Boon after auasei the doom of the only to 41a to fifteen mtoutaa. Tka
fieoh was lltffally torn from bor body.
foundries and low buUdlBgn okmg the
harem were cloaed. which was the slg Mr. Dart who waa with Mr. Tbomprlrer front at the Michigan 1
nal that all was over. *
bon, caught ona of tha fish and pulled
Works, one of the Imrtmt mnnul
The news of the shah's death
Uank. 11a bald tha earth
rie« of Detroit, swept rapidly ujiihe
lesched the foreign mlnUtem tote this under hia foot while ha pototad at tha
building, of the plant and at 9
evening, but the public to atUl uq peculiar teeth with hit flngro. With a
o'clock Preoldeot George H. Bnrbou
aware of his majesty'a rod. Tho quick roovameot tba carib flopped out
of the Michigan Store company Mid
streets are deroried and the city Is from uadar Mr. Dart's foot aod seized
him by tba finger, cutting that member
the kM» would approximate 1750.000.
In darkness."
to tba Itonn. The flab frequently have
Bereral firemen were Injured
known to bits ordinary flahbooks
Ihttog the ftomea. and half <
’. I
potgttooo dr tddw idf
I othor paporm d tlw pro-
asi uw w■qni ov
B and that of the ywwth vlMa|^
: Mena abet
oroa«flto« to tbf
troektegs af Mro Bawaob Mare nBfl
ftoBfard sBd Mreton baa rorrotly broi|
prwred by a mtia T yror^Od gW wW
waa laboHonsty apettBg K^wajr
By Wire to tbe evening Record.
Detroit. Jan. 9.—Wheat—Na 2 rod.
TSlie: cotn.Alc; oaU. STHc.
encm. 45^c; oaU. Mtoc.
Toledtk O. Jan. Ib-^'kaat-Oaah.
75^c: corn, istte: uau; 37c.
Raw Bnflalo. Jaa. 9.—CaiUe—Firm.
Bbeap and tomba-«.«K»: slow, lower;
tMce tombs. |7.X5©$: wethem. $5.50
05.75: ewes, $545.25. Hfms-d.ioo:
acUve. lower
Yt»rkem. $6,70©d.75;
heavy and mixed. $C.70.
-BBd Obey ymw porrota.
-Be gentle and floirt. NevTf Ham
the door and abaot mod aerrem a bout
Pto!!’r.H.U*»*-.B««.bN. (.SO
Oorn meto. per 100 Iba
1 20
Feed. lU L. fl €3o.'a BroL ^
eveniK betwe<*n now and then. T
IwrtU-. have iHvn very pleanant and
tbe. attendance will undoubtedly
(Cuntlnued from Fimt Page.)
The report of the ct»unty aupt^r
icndrou of the poor for the teat alx
months was retired to the cot
tro on county poor thia morning. The
t itouws that a loUl of $2,$31.94
>een expended on the needy of
the county. $727.70 of which went to
he poor house and $2,104.24 for pur
Supervisor Tedman was
this afternoon but will be back for
the afternoon scHSlon tomorrow.
Ileecham, chairman of the fin
wa>w and mrona commllti-e. mi
verbal report on the matter of am apiatlon for Jhe Humane saK-lely
which was brought up by
Underwood, prcldenl of the society
Beecham atated that. whUc he
was personally tolcrestcd
movement, he would rather go down
bis pocket and donate money than
•to to appropriate. *1 alon't like to
eslabltoh that precedent." ho said.
The bonds tat the county officer,
were approved *rhey are:
Roto'tt E. Walter, clerk.
•r and Dent Blue sureties.
Robert B. Walter, register to chan
i r> . D G. Chandler and G. H. Crow
IIret Ire.
G. W. Curtis, clreult
kmcr. a J. Morgan and E. U Rau
som turelies.
Cbarlca Johnson, aherUf. Fred L.
ohnson. jr, R J. Moigan. W. W.
Smith and O. C. Mol
E- P. Waterman,
can Surety company surety.
ank Holdsworlh. coroner. J.
Wilhelm and O. E. Chase sureties.
F. W. Wilson, rogtste^ deed..
W. L. ,WllSQp alto J. O. C*bilaer
F. ft Brown, traaaurer. United
Sutes n^ty aad Ooarmniee
pany attroCy.
• Tbr iv-gular roeeUng of
In the report of the election of itf
Woman', club will to- held ^T4da> flceiw of the Farmer's Mutual Fire In
aftcruoon to tbe club iwgt.
Bce company given In yesterday'*
ThU will lH‘ an opmi meeting under
ird. the name of 1). B. W'ynkoop
was given as one uf the diroclom. Mr.
Lerndm. Mm. J. R. Baala
Wynkoop. who has served for some
Subject. -Demonstration of
yearn In this cspacKy. has resigned
Method, of Teaching the Deal.*'
the poaltloo and W. L. Wilson
-Our Bute School tor the.Dosf.
aley has been appointed to fill
Mm. M. A. 8. Roberta.
the vacancy.
-Our Home School for the Deaf and
The ftosiern Star chapter will give
tbe Law Ooveralng IC* Mro
another dancing party Turoday f
WAKTftD-Wktol. ne. eoro.
IntL. Jan. 15. to which,all members
iHwnn, koy ood olrow. T C. H«»“* -Which U Beat tor the Child Home aad all lUaona and wive, are invited.
Traverse City comCo,
ton 04f or Bute Bebooir general disc
by ibeelub. led by Mra, J. R. Bantu.
mandery. No. 41. tonight took to the
LEflTER a WELCH—Attorney at A social hour wlU follow tbe pro- Red CroM
tow. Ckdtocikm erork a apeclaliy. I5pm. Refroshmenu nerved.
.The union meeUng of tbe Kntghti
WUk Underwood A Umlor. Bather.
of Pythlsa begins prOmpUy at I
o'clock this evening at the ^ Grand
opera house. The work will be fol
lowed by a banquet at the lodge
rooms. Delegations will be present
from Manistee. Kalkssks and
0« awoBBt ol poor h««ltb will doae out my atodi
Levi Cox of Long Lake U up b
Mlaa Bva Blltord of Empire p
JnaUce ef tbe Peace Amll F. Nerlto- through the city thU morning on her
ger today charged with atesltog a pair
to KatoBtozoo. where she wgi at
of skidding tonga from M. L. Updike,
1 ud 8 ImoUe ArtUoa lor Soya, Toolhi and ChUdiRoat....M
He Haims they were porchaaad from
and chUdrro
Boya’HaaTy Eabbaia to waar with liaaTy aoi
Mrs. Mary 1
I brother.
left for CadUlac this morning.
Man’.l baokW Aretkrt......... ..................................... .....fLSt
*Mra. Wltham RIeterfi relumed to
A young man who was amxkmi to
aecaro s Job aa a railroad btmkeman afuir hHptag iBstBU the RobHtoh of
Dera teat evaslBg.
wanderod Into one of tha local janla
tha ofWr flay and coma acraaa a h«neh
Mias Nettle CuUtog returned to her
bwtqualily-Bortoa. Bdl Baadmid
akroad men who were Httlng
home to Ktogdou today after rtoitlag
a ahaaty- He made knawm his a
m. sad ona of tbe men, who
Mra. MlltOB White ratiuiied to KeyatoBe Uto moratog where aha to hHptag care for Mrs. M..J. Dob*, who
waa slriekaB with paralyato.
F. W. WItooB wMt to lOBgaley this
Tbe onnu.l morilng u( th^Unlun
lllMklonory wwiety of the city wn.
bold nt tho nnrt Melhodi»4
yclortlny nttonnH>iv Mm A. J. Kldred
won rlectodl prenldcut and Mlto Alex
•Oder ■erreUri.
Tho toport
from tho
rhurebeo nkown that there nr«- ovei
400 workem ond that ohout |l.loo wmn
In the work fiwo thin city durtn«
•nm^ M Buinr. ter. Mi
^ ifcHiirAirm to dm tte oir. «o>
th. Aooroto o
ood ■oto^kly
ttr tko
Too ■odoT b»
toft oncUr tho woy TOO did lot
joo took «o to tdo 4mtM to koto ttof toolk poUod.--pv'g Wpikir.
te tbc dr-
otoMioo. M’kh!. Jno. I.-Oen.
Wllltom Bkokenpeore of thin Hty. lor
deportment oommmiider of the G.
A. R. nod promloool to «ole pollUcf apeototom were hurt by a runaway
for tbe pant 10 ymmi. He# ol the polat booe wagon. One onldentlfled
of donU ot kU kemte to thl. city from died nt Bt. Mniy. boaplUl. hU akull
boon trooUe.
crushed by n home's bdofs.
^.nerol Bhokenpenre gerred during
Of the entire ptost cmly tbe oCficr
the eoUce war on privnt^ n£d ofteer bulldtog. toundries and part of the
nlDK to thin city nDd m
nlomge building hid been wived. Thl.
ncltoe bunlniwn. He wol the fonoder U Ices than ooe-thlrd of the plant
of the Central bank and wan Inter
I covered an area of several
ented in many butlnoM Inatltutlonn of acres. There were 15.000 gaa and
the city. Fw the pmml nwp yeom he “<»al .toven ruined.
been ivtired from' bua
The toUl insumncc I. $380,000.
r c»f poor health In the battle
acknoo. Mlwu. both leg*
ELITE party.
broken and for thirty Are dn>s be wan
without medical attontkm.
Naxt Danes Will Ba on tha Kvaning
In IWI be wan npptonted brigadier]
of Friday, Jan. 22.
grnermi of the Michigan nUte
The next dancing party will be
He practiced law In the city.
given by tbe laitc Dancing club on
**Tko doom' of dliTclor. t^mMm ol onrr> lag on hi. other pumulU, • rt>r a the evening of Jan 22. The floor of
Iho ocikor., PhU Sheriuer ond Will number of yearn he wan tbe prlorUmJ the City oiM'rm hotiro wjll bo In the
enner of the Katomaaoo Gazette.
Un.1 of coudltloo as there will be ^
$1.200 FOB wssieiis
%. AccrhUfy
Orr koadfod L«M podo ^ tko kook
Tfci Maotf
'^1 Gough
tuf«w OM
. ttm
Ou^ Sftil^.
Otassss s«4 to. Kxes.
Every cna know, that la naiiig fl
field glata It la oacroaary to adjust It
to a proper torus. Buppoae that you
put one of tba tubro at your tocua aufl
tbe other tube at a forUS that aultad
one etoe aad (bro you lookad
gb botfi tuUu. Too w«a;« hero
re or ku. btairod vtokm and I?
^ept on looklag tba chamea arw
that you would feel giddy and get il
brodacbe. Now. tbe two ryea are aupn
(Hiaed to bare an equal atttiral forua,
vbro by any cbaoco th.it foeu. to
sal a beadaeba rroulto. The rem
edy la a pair of flaaare or a slhgla
Stoaa to make tba eyes equal lu power.
Tbe Itonea. or Northmen, flrat ho*
wme ^mloeot In Itorapaaa btstory
in 7M. when they l•egaB lo ravaga
(he north coast of lYance aad aoqfto
era ahorro of Greot Britain.. Tha dar- of tbeae hardy aeameo was rw
luarkable. for to tbrir amaU ships they
even proetrated the Mediteminroo and
no terrors to Iba aeal*oard papula,
tioo of Italy. Blclly and Greece. The
first king of I>romark la said to bare
baro Bklold. eu B. C.
The gnwtrel tro drinker* In Ihb'
world are the Auidrallan*. they «nnually cooMumltig seven and threefourth. iHiund. per hoad In tttgUnd
the proportion 1. at»oul six and ihn^
fmnthh iiound. per head and to the
I'nlied Stalre only one pound two
•vying PrtcM.
..... «
CPri.parbu. new..................... 45
Though deolUUt became a actooca
under tbe hand of Profraaoc Richard
Owen aa -late aa 1830. tbera are evl
denccs that It was pranked to a rrudt
way by the anclento. Ilerodotua refers
to treatment of tba teeth by tba Egyp
tians. and evlUeocoB of attempts to
supply artificial troth have l>ero dla
covered In ancient skulls and mum
mies. Galen was tbe first phjsiclan
to speak of ircatmaut of
tenh. and Ambrolte Itora, to hls work
on auigery In 153a makaa mention of
tba prroervatloo of tbe teeth. It la
only since tbe middle of tba teat ceo
tury, bpwerer. that dentlatty baa becoma a branch uf aurgkml acience. Be
fore that time bod teeth were extract
ed, and mars tooth drawing conatltuted dentistry early to tba, nloeterotb
century. Tba first deutal webool to the
United Sutea was erected at Bsiamore in 1839. In 1845 Clnctonatl
ed of a almltor Institution.
-At tbe to-ble eat alowly.
to A
grrod-y maB^wr like a pig Fuddroly tbe little girt shut the bosk
vrltb a pmirotoo. turag and aniiounerfl
wMh flrmnere and dertoloa:
-I'm not cHag to H4 any nW Third
roder boas me like thaL*'—Rw bca'.er
Egypt and Argcnlln. atv' busily dcvHoidng their faclbtire for pnalmrlng
com and redtoo Fvxypt I. building a
dam to Incrcaro her cotton ar«*a, hop.
ing lo supply In time the English dW;
mand Anrenilna's n-vlalty U t^ortL
.Neither (H.uutry ha. lh«- arreag.\ popu.
ill Ion. enerKV. or raplt.vl lo make U B
M iloui* C(»lu|K*tltor of the PIVHCIU gTerf
nttum and r«»rn giosln*; couulry-thii
I'nlPNl Stoles.
WANTED-Those that kivp roWB
to urte our IDKAL daliv ftiMl. towt and
rheaiH-M iu the inatket T. C- Milling
Spring tomb., live weight...,
•f to*
Lady Dorothy NavlU to her remlnlareocm tells a story of bar father, a
geoUamaa of tha oU acbool. -in i
kero aborts, with white atockliigs and
a brass buttoned blue coat with big
colUr. over a beautifully embroidered
watotcoat" But be a word after tbe
manner of tbe age -lie waa traveling
at night on tbe cooUnrot alone to i
poet cfaaiaa when tba postboy, while
pasaliiff through a foroit. begau
drive like a man anything but certola
of bU way. My fatbar'a wrath soon
rose, and tha qgploalon of strong Uaguaga which laaued from the carriage
ao alarmed the driver that, murmuring.
•Je ne vatu pat cooduire la diabla' (I
will not drira tba devUj. ha pulled up
and. having expeditiously unfastroad
tba traoaa. made off wlUi hls borae. at
a gallop. My father. 1 beUere. paaaad
the whole night alone In tba woDda."
ir mf tM%
In tba cHumua of tbe .New York
Sawttaar of BapL 8. ITWS. there was
Uwyera at
, of tba
grading to froamsB. -An honaat trade
to tormar daya.” said tha writer, "waa
all that paopla of common ability and
edueatloo were ambitious of. but n:>w
w prafaHtai b crtitMl but (If fcw
yw ud tte wtrttaot. Tb. bwym
u* anr crMpta. ••«> •v«ry ixyt of
laportuet ud (taranme (bmurtr**
wb««»th«f»l.«T«c«»cy. Oi>t.<
graao. our aaaambly. »» ciowflad i
tham, and eraBbto obr great comu
ctol cuBrootlaa there are fire Uwym
!•«• AteWmboy wboeoaldBotboiw
foriMd la ibl* way. ao(U. ftiibrt (oak
Mb lo haad. Brary day Ua MtMr
(•Had Mb la aad aMd: -Nov.
•Bihar objrtta to tbaaa aaattaty word,
yta aar. b« L brta# a maa. Ilk* tSrta.
loote Oo avrr th. IW far □».- T» b,^,
gwaaptly taBgimi at Brat bat la a faw
day. hr turd of Ihr ward, awl ha.
this Morning
the crowds Kathcred before the store doors were
open to take advantage of thc great
bargains offcreil during our
Annual White Goods
Customers never more picked. These items picked
up in our Notion Department:
About M pieces Torchon Lace.
one and two inches wide, (at........................
Another lot Torchons, two and three inches
wide, value Sc.at. ..........................................
25doren Ladie.’Pu« Linen Handkerchief.,
value 20c to 2!^ Came too late for
holiday trade. Your choice
in this sale........ ............................................. .
A lot of Ladies* Turn-over Collar..
Value 15c. choice................ ...........................
Another a^rtment, value W and 35c.
E. Wilhelm
Wish you • Happy and Prooperou. New Year.
We .hall be plea^d with a pvt or aU
ol your Fire Iniurance during
the year 1907.
Office In State Bank Bonding
^ Steal lnvcalotySMe.t
IBHb^d^ -----------bOM -----------^----------- ■—‘
at aibtr wb, J, C
aaoMMi Mt omcr tbrnlrJ cttdi. Sttrls Todty tl
iM^T lir Mi-MT *«MM.
?***!*• *—*^.“*. ^
4. r. Biitlifc It fba Mtata of tb4
lacaHti . aad
««MMr la M baaa aaaaaad alia
alta aartkdMi^
pankipaiat ta ibe
1 dM ^krnrnm liift*
H M «C ^
M Ui apM IM ba 14 tapapad ta
m pMOea af lav at tbit ptoaa aad ^
8«a ieatpb A Bra., aia tba ainr
•crehaata of Bivlia. At tbalr
tnaoMf «f
bat dik feifir ■trriiaaiiii MlMiaa oa M fuaf
for toMjr fuarm. vtfl lapk allar tba
tertflr ba4 Um aatea c
<» Cba bm»«l aiUI a iit# whmm
tartol ar arary dtacflftina aaoi
taava«aM «riWaaat Bodan
a»4a-data idAt la Cba oaaairr
%arr«MI «o tta «raaa4i. taana cT
■aAaalfa ’aad taborara vara «
i^aaly npujiatad tad wbaa aca^Mad
It tba Ml af Mattj HMtO br tbt
Ivaan. Wktfkf «m fcava a mt
vttboai a pair la tbit part af tba
.Tba Mpira lMbarOo..baa aa-^
{bibar bBidtPdi la tbit atelaltp aad
Biaibsr to kaap tba BUn la aoa
I «M nr
)• M tbi ftaak.
Mb uia bufl«ap PA
TkMMi OMTiac ii tki TlliMi mm
«MJM .aad it
M Baabi
baailaca aad H #aaa wBboat Mtef *«lpr
at Mi»»M»
b^piaoa af
that tba pMl* Ihrlid bi mrn9^ aai m bt fauad atarj baaara klad
proiaead la tbia
“a ttaare daaT baCb la tba glTla^
oyar tbalr farai aad dair r •rataed UrMlaek «M pv« Iko U«ImM pricM
mM bOMlHi tor tbi MM.
for tba marobaadlaa tbay
far tbeir dally exltteaee. Heary
aaa vUI aUll cooUaae to run bit atora
at Olaa Arbor.
Jaawa Bcnraa aad Oaa Jobaaoa ar?;
alatabla Mia. aoU aad
•aoia of tba Tlllafa. Boib baaa largo they ara able to tun out a
or waiVBartag tka COOT
vaU vaotftatad atoraa aad vary ooathe year.
■aolal dltpoaltSoDt. Tbay are
M. LaCara. IMaar.
batUlai botlaaat bm of tba toera It
The ploaear ekunaat to rapidly decaa vail ba proud of.
craaalBg aaUl but a few leomla.
Aamag t^ still here aad who
IBat Jaoaa Tvuddb
I Tba aaaiiHugr alto bat aboat ItOOO
aarat of tpltoaid ftna laadt that tbajr of tbe yillace aad bar draatutabtep poMam bit old time bsaltb aad Jovial;
prill aall at wy raaaoaabla prloat parlors tre tbe aoeae tba year aroual ty to M. LaOore. He owns a large
aad opoa iranr i:bafal lar«^ A araat of mtny bMuUfol drees creaUons ec farm^aad came to tbeae part* nearly
easratlal aad to dear to tbe famlalai forty-three year ago. when only a trail
was tbe road way to Traverse aty.
Oeo. wmiaiom U tba rural ■»£ TbMr Jottioey to Traverae Otty was
ih many dangers, cbaimctere^FT^^r of tbit placa Aad rrportt •
laUc of a new country aad that the
1 far prodactira"bJldtej
to a* tlmaa of tba yaar. utrtteularty fotknr groutfd that Empire now sUnds upon,
QtU la lociUlt^a »a<^ oMarjuid loag.
leary aaov ttorms: aa .the ogua had only one little shed as a begin
ar aadar darelofiateat tbaa tbit a
try. which bit route rant through U nkig to the resident section of the
rery billy aad roads ara la tome village. Mr LsCone has two
one belOE now located at Elk RapWa
WfaUr tb^ laraiani bara baaa boa/ pUcat rough.
He to a practiclag deaUst there and
la tba deralopamit oT tbalr toU tba
George Hale It the new botrl owaur
very large praoUce. Hts
iDafrbaBU of Bmpira bara aoi baoa of Bmplra. be btrlag rocaotly goua
» Is located at rnilfport. Mich.
Idly ataadlac by Imt btaa built up lato tbe plouaer bobtl of tbto plaet
Ha to a practlcliig physiclaa there
toBw aaty aiodeia atoia baJhllagi
a bauer to tbe tipr^ pubUc and enjoys a good sited patron
bllad tbaoi up vUb evary llaa of
aa Hotel Lt Rua. He baa iiMated tbeir are respectively. J. O. UOora
cbaadltt aaoaaaafy u> buaua aaltt- the laterlor euUrtly aad lUCuruitbed
and O. M. LaOore.
«aaa aad at prtoat that ara popular.
irougbout uatil today a prettier
F. El Drew aad wife condnet a
A»|n« tboaa vbo baaa baaa IdooU
I of bueiiiaaa. U bard to Had. Hit
ygoois. grocery. mUUaery apd ao^
iad with tba baalacat latafuau of
ara raatoaable and be reports tion store at this place. They also
iw» plaqp pad vba
7 fiourltblag biitioeat.
n ^oualve line of shoes
bora, a Ibv ailabt be laoaUooad.
C. Bowen. J. El Lambkins and
aad enjoys a very large patronage,
Naaaea Broa.. are tba proprtetort of Geo. JobntoB ara tbe barbers
> Bnplfa a laadlac peaeraL store and this Ylllage. All btve aical/ furaUb.
Win. Hsagen Is the pasbandla a complete llae of aev ner ed btrberahopt tnd by yeart of
tdr of the m B. n^nrah aad reports a
very large and regular attendance
both la his church and Sunday school.
Mr. Hasken U a hard woridag.
s Bsaa. aad.looka very hopefully to tbe future In cooaecUoo with
bis WOrtL
Tim todies of this ebureh have orgaatoed a Home Mlsskm society which
progreaalag very rapidly at
The Rev. Pr. James Goldea of Ne*
-------------------------------------------- --------------at New aea City to the spiritual advisor of the
out of eaepr Mea drlakiag
apeu awaar-----at rett
. Ycar'a but bow few of the good rtwolulkmt arat carried out. WHY NOT?
Bt. Pbimpa church mad has s large
Because tbe oootlaual drlakiag ta tbe past hat weakened the aerra
^Is of tbe buman lystem unUl the craving for drink baa fastened itself to
strongly that tempUtlon cannot be resisted.
Tbe public
Tbousaivds of peraood who really want to quit the uae of whiakey uod
very pragreasiva and ujhtoAate.
tiaer realUe that they cannot do an without amllcal help, yet they eaaooi PrtoeiiHa E. r. Qsrr to Urn dlrecUag
afford tbe time or perbapa tbe mouey to go to a aanatortupi. Hipplly m apirit ot this aduoalloual taaUti
rura for drunkennesa baa beca dlaeoveiad which la to be taken at borne aad aad during hto eevea ream of U
oottt leaa tbaa the average drlakar will apcod la a day for drink.
lag aad dhreettag here tbe public
BoUtera. wivee and aSaters eta xlve Orrlae without the pstlenri know- acbooU of Empire rank foramos
>epgak Orr^ Ko.^lt to be given tecraUy. It la perfecUy tastelesa. coloi^
sducaUooal lastHutkms of the
leet and Bdorleea. * Orrine No.^ iaPTor those willing to Uke the ren^. oouaty. Two Traverae City jn
Stop Drinking I
Orrine Destroys all Desire for
Drink, How to "Swear Off.”
Onre Effected or lloMy Reinded.
lather form costs bfit |1 per bog. Mall order* Piled oo receipt of price,
A registerad guarantee In every package. Orrlae U aoM by the IcadiM
PraggUt la nearly every town aad cHy. if aoi obiaiaable write to the Orrlae
Ca; lac,. 1P07. lElh 8t„ Washington. D. C.
Bold by Jdbatou Drug Ob^ IM B. PkeatBI.
Some ValuMi Hints
s.a-.’jgyjirfe.'ga.Bi srss.'i~j;. .'s JfK ;
Hint Ka
—- --“ .».~sv2y—.«-r,
paimtta tbto plan to
to perfbci Ca tout, perfoet la aouaCrweCk
tba bast pCaao ou aartb for tbo boma.
Wa aaO everythtag kuowa la tba i
a. a HAKH**.
10M» to
Oor deUdbas Cod Liver
pnpmtkn wttboot oO.
Better then eM-SBWiwd
eod Swr oOimmI wniiSinw.
•ad after •tekneAA.cddi,
GO(«la. br«mchitit and all
drat and taytrodUeAr
Try M oo MV SttorMil^
tat,. ft»t.eliM PImo
iea uddibooutad aiyim. 8mm 6oe i.
Im; $55 Md-fi5
Md $45 for rSMjUi;
Irasa la
for wloug Ume to
M.*r. Iloraa to tbe feed, sale and
livery barn owner of tbe place. By
his fair dealings with all and hto uptevdate equipment of livery rigs and
other vehicles of travel has bulH up
livery men located la riltoses many
tlmea larger than Empire.
Bknplre has several fraternal organtxstlons wlUiin lu Umlu.
those that are foramget arc Uie K. O.
T. M. If.. L. O. T. If. M. Md Odd Fel
Tbeir membarsblp Is to
aeattags weU. attaaM and
their infloaoce largely felt througbout
Lb E, Boebas baa reoeaUy purehaaed
Mr. Boehra to a
phsrmactot sad with hit
of experience In the bush
dispenser of pills ai
compounds that It can be proud of.
Bbaak to one of tbe busiest ase
of Uls loeamy. Having a wide aeop
of country to peacUoa ta aad a Urg
Tbe Weetera betel to alao One^f
tbe prattleat boteto fbubd ta fbto re^
gbm. ttla aUgmtaladnnd o«a!pped
with Mbetrie IliJbta. Has bean re-
Ic bbMuaaa. Oaiiie 4al oM
«<M *•< ftobi*! vovtk WiMb■UbtunwAiMMMdraM.ihu.i
of bar pruMtoe to Just such a
type of riftoapablp as tbe bustaeoa
oareert af tbuae two meu.
Tbe Butplra Lumber Oo^ has
doing bualaesa la this regloa a
years aad, doriog that Ume
bat operated a large aaw-mlll here
al Velm nod Isrm sale
any depaadMa opoi
HBit NA «-lPtpm|PU Pty "woudetfur otMu
Bamambar tbara ta ao airibg la buj
loM prise tbaa you mast pby lor i
uiiMiMi mM—m m «0tM it t>Mr
Nm* of buiaMs. Both |trt
MW.aM V* «Tcr oa
: for mam taajmam mm* atm
•t evuejr fixitAlM oiAko iaoigded.
IT, tile nle coma
OiBBdi Bros-, Headqnwleis at Detroit
Brandi at 159 E. ftonl St. TRAVERS CITY.
Where many of the Bargains may be teen and full infarmation secured.
Query. ^ .
Twas s man and a inald aad a lilOc
gray cat
A-sittlng upon a ’wsll:
And ni tell you Just what the three
were at—
I know, though I dWnl see all.
The man wa* acratchlng a puxxled
yTille the maid, with a troubled air.
IVa* playlQC tbe catoebtot. blushing
be to kept on tbe Jump from early
Tbe cat was waablng her hair.
moraiarnnUI late at algbt
The Empire and Soutlmastera ran -Don't you know.- said the
way I* not quit* aa toug aa other rail••that *lls very wrong?"
load ayatam* la Nortbera Mlcl
-I don't see why, ' said the nu
but to Juat aa wide and to Juat as wide -Doot you know that we'^e not beau
la poasibUltSea Ibr lu raas thr
acquainted loogr
a very fertna district of land and
-Well. I'm getUng oo fast as I can.*
when the timber dommodlty runs
-Why be atnbboror tJ
It win be kept quite busy carryln*
paseengers and freight to sad from
the poinu lying tribuury to Bn
sndTrom tbe termliia) of tbe Honor
ranch of tbe M. A N. & rmUway.
Do you think *twss tbe cat that be
Ackermab A'Karen ara tbe propri
etors of Empire's BMUlture atora and
—Robert Truman Andrews.
tn tbeir places of busineaa one can
RothchiUrs Rutoa.
iloB wttb Mr*. Carr to aaatoi la the And everything la tbe^ faralture car
-Work hart.*'
About l&O pupU* aueod the pet. picture, arladow ahadea and wall
-Never tell buBlnens lles.r line. In addiUou to tbe above
eat departmeot* here aad
“Employ your time well,**
asking great ^vancement
-Be prompt In everythlag.their different courses of Instruction.
-Paj your debU promptly."
I otScea and to tbe vll
Mr*. FriU Bohr Is the
lage poatmariar,
-Be brave la the straggle of Ufe.The graduating ctosa of tbe Empire
-Take Ume-to oonrider, but decide
public schools will have ten members
poaitiTely.this year.
-Maintain your Integrity as a aacrad
AI. Winard Is one of the Insu
men of this looaUty. He bss
-Carerally examine every detail of
iself with a dosen or
old line Are tnanrance eompnnlei
wUh bis auny years of toudnes
Tbe chief adornment of the w
of New Guinea, or Pap^ to a necktie
arade of black anu. The native girls
Mrs. John Doan to vary fll at this find the ant* In the garden*, bite off
writing and U to b^md by her many and swallow tbe lower end. throw
away the head and strlag the thorax.
fri^da that abe will aoon raoover.
Hint No. S-Be Bure tba bouae you M With I
vkite aiMie 'MK br tM
raeiveta ta ta M H«
rinr- Tbe terrta' era tbe beM
Friendly Worid.
It's a Bimple and cbUdlsh old world,
And good, when Its weakness you
It likes to be liked, more than any
thing else.
And If* willing to like in ratura.
We've called It bard names for so long
And told of its faulU without eod.
That If* Juat a bit bardeaed and
rusty on lop,
: it's glad to be friend to a friend
And come to take stock of tbe world.
YouVe really no cause to stand off;
You're Jast like the real of It. full of
the fsulU.
At which It s ao easy to scoff.
And you'll find when you're lone
at times.
A late theory la regard to seasickAs skHigrai life's Journey yon wend. aeaa to thiu it to a aervoua trouble,
If youll warm your own heart and be which can be cured by a few drop* of
good'to the worid.
tincture of atrophlne la one of the
It's gla(l to be friends to a frie
eyes, or by simply pqtUag a bandage
one eye.
Not Very LopJcal.
Poultncy Bigelow, says' the New
York Tribune, was arguing with
New York man about the Panama O
-You are not very logical.- 1
Bigelow said at length. -Indeed, yoa
are aa inoglral aa.aa oldman I used
»rlln. This old‘man.«
brelU tn band, act out one morning
shopping trfp. He riafted the shoe
maker's tor shoes, tbe batter's for a
bat, the git^r's for groceries, aad
BO on. and When he got back hoosa la
the evening he found be bad left hto
umbrella behind him aomewbare. Acconlingly. Uie next moralag. the old
set out again In quest of the loat
was nnlocky at first
Tbe seventh shop he vtoltod was the
one wherein bl* umfirelto turned up,
-WeU." he said, after thanking U
lopmaa as be started out with the r
mast any.ytM are more booeot here
tbaa tbey are at thora other abopa*
xioo has produced more sliver
la tba last five bnadred jmara
any other ooontry la tba brorid. the
raptor that period batog fWO.-
Aa Arst uaad tba word -wad* was
not ooniim4 to «ba atea or toartylnB
manning tba antr^ into a aoianui
^2d|^ pay kMa»d >nrw
riort ware railed w«^ brtibM
when bottd by oafba bf nmUy and
Ptapitetioii S
y. «a5
" Kodol
DyspepsiaCure .
I tad hoa lavadad
ay. a florist of the
latter oonatty malatalntag that caeall others la vaito
ty aad la baanty of form and color.
U ia aaid that a Fraoeb ebaoriM has
adP«m4 m raatbod of ^Mfclag eel-
iakm aa tak off ite tat.
• d4 eaabMM wtata,
otaitti ta i(o*k to rnmr .
octaorttebo^Rdtalta *'
fta fta
mm toMptat 00 Mb ta
and tbe prices moat raaaoulbla.
Tba b^ In tba Kraodin at Moaoow,
weiiM* ttiOM poua^ U to tba worid’s
0uamie* in the Ruby.
Rubles are divided lato two dlW
tlnci klnds-ihe orireiui raby and tbs
apinel. The former 1s more than doobls
tbe value of the spinel. Its color varle* from deep purple to pore pals
rose red. Tbe most valnsd ttai to
what Is known as plgeoa-blood color.
On exposure to heat tbe ruby tarn*
a bright grass green; but regains Its
original color on cooling. By this teat
true ruby can be dlsUnguiahed from
a spinel or a garnet, aa weU as by Ua
aeaa. Tbe star-niby Is a variety
found In Ceylon. It Is rather cloody la
colorand when cut en cabochon shows
a star cf six rays reflaetod from tba
convex surface of the stooe.
taltaMrtftu itaHWi.
«M MBm at tarn cant ma.
uaut tmm.
. wumiaoAv. MMiMMY a iw.
ttote to e*. I
•OAHPKIM WAim0..Dov» outr*
rumu 004 boord. 241 Lok« Av«.
foa» R micbUiiw
rOR SAUI foiifolB aM fld tko bat
TImt mmc W mod. II rM km
■or toMllmi* M4 m a*. H*rau HraM. 14* WaAtaftM •trat,
gflOTB galim and get a kaodrod
aharoa. We are haodHag tMa for
AOtflTt WAimo-To wofk for ■
If rmi viah to aake a good ataed
lamtaaat taka Ttararat Otr
A«Mr to
M atr. R.
WANTCO TO •UY-Oood. Wodtr
roIU foDa OM tc Umr ymn oM.
Tiar mm m saai. Jm M i
fooro for iDdIm oMI Obto ood will
ho om too wwta. tfiioff to krta:
■oao foraoa of boro. If yoo kov*
Mr good oolU to «rU< vrtU im.
gtrtoc fotlofBeo tddro^a. ofoit
. run hofo to an lod npoaon lor ooll^
‘fog. Ob ar roton will «lUar pix\
Of fM or wHIo roo. RoraM tty
a«B. W WMkfogtoo rtrort.
FOR BA tE—Mint market. Frtmt
strwH. Tooll. stock, flxlnrws, deliv
ery. good irSds. good locaUon. cmnr
forms. Wsdc Bros.. 117 Booth Ualtni
jaa 1-tf
FOR EALB-MU-Modeni right room
rmldenee. Sixth atrori. AU ooavsnlonces. A good Urn. riuee la.
PriroiMfiM. Wade Broa:, fil7 South
TTakm atrouL CIttaaax Pbooe lilfi.
'Jaa. 4-tf.
PDR Rale—No. 1 driver or general
purpose horse; also good cutter,
Uuggy and hsrueai. R. N. Holsaple.
jaa 4. Cl
Wrta mtrnmm far gartteafoia
eaaaMU. Wkde Bwa. Tfatara
Cttj* Mtak.. f 17 Uaka it OMtoa
fkoaa im.
dec t»4f
FOR SALt^ kearr mofk %oko:
alao a gnt-elaai drirar aad aadile
koraa; or Will trade for edita Rmi
Hght wegtki to tkiae raara alA J.
W. Rlatar. '
dee n-tf
W1 HAVC Urdwara mocka at Orawa.
HoUl and Bar fkniltiiro atock aad
trade at Lake Aan. large goerfog
mlU at Oopenlak. oae of the UrgM
aad beet botefo aM faralabed. la
M, aad pfoe la foleMgaa; llrerr
alao a few choice loeatlona In cen
tral portloa of Trarcrae City. tTe
Ure ^ and ellfer ailaee In the
greatret mlalng dlatrict la the i
-the Ortd Held Watrlrt. Ne
We Ure gold aad allrer mint
Oolorado. b feet, we hare proper
ty for tale almoet aaywtefw you
waat It But we Ure nothing w»
caa oter yira that wlU equal the
Oread Trmverae Regloa for eaft.
aero prottable inreetment. either to
purcbaaer or aa aeearlty for loan.
We always Ure a gilt edged aeIty for. your awney and we alra hare the aioaey for gilt edged
Mick. cut. phone Wit. Call oa up
by phone, local or long dial
We pay tbe freight
FOR BALE—1471—11 acres two miles
Bute Bulk boUdlag; Bnest locattaa
for-suburtiaa «resldMioe ta this re- FOR ftALl-1487>-8lB room I
Both m and rloctrlc lights. Good
Urn. Onr Uwo. close In. ^^atblngtoii
•troet. IMce flCOO. Wade Broa.
FOR GALE-1471-Ftae arodera house
South Union St.. CItIrena Phone
Btxth street aad oae of the heat oa
Jan. 4 tf
the street Prtoe aaked Is spot eaab. i;u».
Priee $4U0.
Wade Bros.. fil7
Uakm atroet CIU. phone itll.
FOR EALE-BIghty acre form two HOUtlt TO RINT-Baat Tenth St;
mllm weak Norritvllle; four mSea
alao f»e eohier Proat aad Roea. A.
post ofBce Traverse aty; sixty
P. Ituellmaatel.
dec «tf
acres Improved; six acres suitable
for gmrdso: good buildings; ail tn
firsl-ctam fondltloo; cash price HOUSl TO RgNT-Cbeap, corner
|3,0W. Wade Bros.. 117 Union
OardeM and BUta. Inquire P. Q.
street Cits, pboae 2811.
Heomaaa. U1 Ceea.
dee C U
FOR EAtE-14W-Oood gmr aeren
room house. 8th street, close to
school, market nnd church; easy
terms Price 11800.
Wade Bros., 117 UalOB Bt. ais FOR RENT—TiirolahcMl double rooma
phone rnt.
dec 1-tf
In Wursbnre block. 118 R. Prant
.Jan 8.:t
AFFtBt FOR BALE—I hive some
choice apples by bushels for sale;
Cata-TUt Oe to Church.
Grimes' Goldens. Baldwins. Green
ings. Talapshokkisa. Pewauktaa.
Philadelphia laya cUlm to two re
Talmaa Sweets. Wagoaera. D. J. markable rata, n^markablc In lUt they
nor 88-tf ore regular chnrrh goera. TbecaU arc
owned by a family named Torpey. Uy
FOR BAtE-HU^-Oae huadrod and Ing oppoalte Hunting Park, on ^Old
sixty acre form 18 miles south of York rood.
cKy; seventy acres Improved, new
The -Telegraph- lella the atory of
houoe. barn. wtadani;^all fenced;
Price MfiOfi. Wade Bro*: 817 Union how aa regularly aa Sunday laoralng
atroet Cits, phone 181A
arrirca the pair of feUaea ma>' he aee
following the Torprya to Bt. Btephea
FOR aAtk~-14T8—P?riy acre form church. Broad and Butler atreeU.
quarter milt east of Mayfield; good No matter what the weather or trana
aew cvmeot block hbuse; food born,
prifie IlMO. Wads Bros, 817 Ualoa plrlnga on bark fcncea. the two plout
enu brace proljable attacks by Im
•tfto*. Cttt. N>OB* UI».
pious moagreU aad ect an example
FOR BA tE—1486—Urge eight room that many homana would do well to
Neighbors wljl attest to the truthfulIlroa.. 117 Union street Clta. pboae
neea-of the atatement that the church1811.
golnk fellnea epead tbe very , early
FOR EAtE-14T8-rine hew tea room morning bourn of Sunday In lleUng
house, corner lot, coroer of Untoa
and I4tb streets.; wiU take 81.8M theomelvea foto that state of elcanll
tn good value, free aad dear of aa- aeaa^hlch la naid to be aeooodary
cumbrmacoe Traverse aty produe- ly to godllar^ Tbelr fur la gloi
live. Cash pries 18.000,
Wade their paws Immaculate, and act
Bros., 817 Uakw street ats. phaae whisker Is out of place.
Arrived at the church, the cals con
FOR tALt-‘1477-Uraa right room tent themaelwn with peering in at the
house, corner of Cass aad 18th Sfo. dot>r. They are seemingly content
Urge lot house weU Eatshed. oa delegate the praying to their ownero.
Then they slip Into the veetibule of the
bom adjoining, curl up and
au, phone 181A
doee oatn c^urrh U out. when they
FOR aAtE-2480-Ftes house, eoroer follow the Torpeya borne aad live nor
of Boyd aad Froat; large lot: ne# mal oat livee natll aaotber Baadi
house; easy terms; price IlMfi.
Wade Bros.. tlT Unloa street att.
Many ImmlgtanU change their
phone 1818.
uaea upon wrirlag to tbla cooairy.
1 accoaai of tho dlfStmlty they tad
u p-tUB* thm n»BiWw»rty-
ta Ne* TB«fc adopl tte »4ia« *1
MIMM u tMr niWBM.
Boyd avenue, eleae to Rote sirost
Tartmi^ Iritxrt eoMkU «T »U crate•rt. UM Iai4‘«teh; lirotatpCe teteU
tetited IB INI aBdltedrlMlialorpedD tetete. f aldd teillaa Wa tap
rveaefe (tatetMa ttea U par «aat oj
iMr IBcatated to V
•Mb im
. T»«.
M Wt
«r» fmvMd to MT*
tkr «|gktoCtJi*«t. Akirn«plteti
ptetM 1110 ffglit ^ tacroftac IL
captorod altv* aad Mr. WOodboiy win
make a pet ec tc Ifotblag Rko tb«
animal la oofor baa ever been am
totbataecdco. lu abape Is alao dtf
In lHtMiv RmChII
Ump OdbL
IliiaiglbfiMaiieaa otir waahed
REl taaiie eoal o«ly in tha
laMpfaryoar hoafor. It
pear aaw. Wa waat you lo t
thif ooal. PboM ba about
Mr. aad Mto. fotward Bowero and
i wUI live ta a toBtoa oe
lerooloaia. She made her
mal U to be IM feet wide.
at. ap to a fear dtye age.
Mary Prtoce. divorced one day
iB tbe back yard.
from ber buthaad. Henry Prince. be>
he deforted her.^^waa Bcenae<L
to live, abe had ho
rry tbe
itlac. Mm. Prince liar* ------------A Richmond woman claims ahe
Mrs. Joda Buka of JoaeanUe went started the gubernatorial hm buozlnf
lo tbe barn to throw bay down to the ta Fred M. Warner^a bonaet away
borae. lent her bdlaace aad fell to the hack when be oraa drat elected aecre
Ot aaMkg the boom
tary of atato. 8be wanted a cbeear
for a raaiAge aale attiactlea mi
fen'^y a deod toint. auMolalng
wrote to Mr. Warner. To amke tbe
vere Mow oo tbe bead.
tbe roMdeoce of Alexander McAra ebaaeea of oecartog tbe chem better
at PUnC ban been twice bbrglartxcd ahe apread a lltUe -taPy." deelarlag
in a few voeka. Oa.tbe aeoood ahe hoped that tome day abe would
have tbe pleamue of addremlag Pred
much Bdae that be awoke MMa Jolla M. Warner as -goveinor.- And WarMcAra. She called to her father and
the man fted. .
| Sheriff *Dln^*^tton of Ana Arbor
aflxena of Milan have decided not claims he U runnlog tbe county foil
to rebuild the AaMron factory which 1 at a loss. He has had only ooe prtoburned recmiUy. nithouxh the rwtabjooer since New Year’a because the
llabBicnt was ooe of the largeal In the prowirating attorney will not auUnfted Sutea. It la claimed that ade- ^ thorlxe the arrest of tramps, or even
qnate dm froteetlon would have aav- drunks, without aoeurlty for eoeta.
ed the bolldliig.
' The one primer U John touer. for
The Pontiac Spring A Axle works whose board Sutton gets SS cents a
inaugurated the new year with aiieb day. Bauer was drunk, aad after Coonew and Improved machinery that the stable Phelan pot up security for
plant now turns out a ate*-l axe ever>* j coats. Bauer plead guilty and wna
minute. In tbe spring de|iarimenl giren 10 days A farmer who wanted
two men can abape a eet of platf«»rm ^ Bauer to work for him on Satunlay
spiinga In leas than a minute.
offered to pay the priaooer’s doe. but
Tbe Bteuf for the new Olaxler bnlld-j Bauer said It was -‘vasa a nice, quiet
Ing. Ann Arbors drat skyscraper, has place." and he goeuaed be d stay,
arrirod and the work of putting up
Fbnnliig a human chain, aereral
the frame has already been started. ‘ boys succeeded In saving 7-yw-old
The new building will be aeven alorlea^ Henry Morrtm from death In foe Icy
high and It will lake about two waters of Muakegem lake Sunday
months to put op the steel bKore the' afternoon Tbe lad was pUylng ou
brick and atone work U started.
| thin Ice some distance from tbe other
Harry Brollh. night watchman at a ls>ya whi-n It broke under hla weight.
Flint undertaking establishment, was One of the rescuers also went Ihrouich
sent a letter to member
which has roused some resentment.
He in formed these gentlemen that as
hla official duties took up moat of hla
lime he eouia only receive visitors be
tween 10 and 1 o'clock. He was care
ful to add that this rule did not refer
to members of congress, for whom he
would send carrtagns on notification
that they desired to see him. Mr.
Shilling evidenUy was not aware that
Bmperor Rlllam has purchaaed a few yeara ago congress passed a
the house ta which his grandfather taw prohibiting the use of poblfc vebi
passed the night before tbe battle of clea for private purposes.
St. Privat, belter known as GraveIt la Interesting to recall, in con
lotte. ta foje. It Is about seven miles trast with foe lelaurtUy , manner |n
from MetaTand It will eventually be which Kipling produces his stories
turned Into a museum.
now sod the quality of the alorlea.
that nrorly all'^jf hta >rsl soldier
fives.- an elderly
Ules-^bosf which gave him promin
aa be walked np to tbe mala door of ence ta the literary srorW—were writ
tbe bouse ta Washington. This U ten aa space fillers for his newspapers
the place we are repreeroted. •Tbla tn Ogleutta. Many of the -Plain Tales
mint any. house of represwiUtlvea.- From tbe Hills- wrere written In a
a ^ge boy said. -This 1a Uncle Joe ruab aa -turnovers.- to be used as
Cannon s offlcq. There ain't no house
of representatives no aaore.Mro. Lew Wallace, devoted to the fill space as
memory of her dUtlnguUbed husband, atone in tbe composing rood making
has kept everything ta the library up the paper.
where he wrote la exactly the condi
Duanelaon Caffroy. former Maator
tion ta which he left It. Even the book
which he was last reading Ilea open frdm Louisiana, who died a few days
at the page as he laid it down. Tbe
library ta a targe bnlldtag which th** but be was exeeedlngly csrrfol not to
author bhd pat up ta the middle of the esblUt bis art ta gudb g way as to be
garden, with every arrangeaMuit for come known aa a TMdl« r.- Itwason
only when, be would
writing and with ahelvea forhlatbouaplay the vlolta for foe
andaul books.
Until a few wpeeba ago If anyone of persona noC aMfobers of bis family
congratatated Seeroury Taft on bla or who were not very close friends.
proMdeatlal proapeeU tbe Mg OMo When Senator Veet of Mtaroort* began
man would Itatto wiib a laugh and to fall Mr. Qsffroy would call on him
then say: -I must put you la my Hat once or twice a week aad ptay tbe
of D. r. P.’b- U asked what tbe cab tnaes they both learned aad loved as
alistic lettera BNMit Mr. TMt would cavaliers of tbe aoutb ta Md days
Since tbe eloee of tbe laM aesakio
reply that tbfT stood for
ribnda- with such aa acosot <m Ue of oongfom. Oedfgta B. Ntxoa of Ne•Hlear" aa to convey tbe Ifoa that a
more forcible word might be subatl- membfito of tSe webata. He was one
of tbe erigtaal boomroi of tbe Tb»■ted.
Pnblle Prtater Sbllltags recently opab dlttilct. bbftiik ifokfo ap tbm
LewU 8. Chanler. the new lleuten
^nt governor of New York, Is a de
votee of court lennl*. He passes the
week ends at Tuxedo and la then con
alamly In the tennis court.
John F. Lacey of Iowa, ooe of the
veterans who i
greaa this year. U Jhe fatber of foe
Lacey song bird Uw, which prot«t*
the acmg birds from slaughter by
C.B. Taylor Coal Co
nuamroaa proapactAitbat have fowH
op<d into propeftlaa of vaat watoa. ma
Intereat In throe mlaea alaae i
A. AMOFNAIU OrottaL Over Mw
rents a cash valnalloa of IIO.OMI.foO.
I 4m MM BiQ ptans U44
He made and lost eereral good-atxcd
fortnaaa ta the cattle buataeaa before
gotag to the senate and when he went OR. F. ^ MAC NETT
there two yaaro ago be was eon
ai to KTM, BAR.
lively a poor man. He had Mwn dabOn floor with ]
bltaff is mtaaa twenty yrors I
SOI WUbMmblod
be flaally airock It la the Tonopah
Jobs Sharp Wllllami was ebaCttag WfANO TUNINO-W. tt. Mmard. M
pIrommUy with Cbarte. H. Oroai
yeara experience. WUh Qrianell
James W. Wadsworth and JoaeMi W.
Broe, corner F>tinl and Casa Sts.
Baboodc. all aeeealag to ba to the
mantoat of moods. A aouthera <
groaaama obaenred tbe quartet
A B. MARTIN—Pbyetclaa and Bur
approvingly and later said to Mr.*Wllfeoa. oraoe SM Bast Frost atroel
lUma; -Seeau lo me you are getttag
pretty folek with repobllcana.
hlgh-tarm. stand-pat republicans al
froighL perfela and inmka. Oftoe
that!" -Yes.’* was the quick reply,
at aty Book Store.
‘those fellows are rcpubllcani
.J.0.AAAKT J.nt
right: and of the dyed-ta-the-wool tytie.
I only wish that there were more like
pertori. over aty fomk Btorw Boom
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain: Work
7irt Insuram
6eo. Ji. SarMf
201. Traat Sirtai
-Not a Ml of It. Mr. They are d
AMIL F. NERLINOER. LAWYERed repobllcana.- aald foe gentl
Money to loen. Hi Stale Bank
from Mlsalealppl. as he, strode to hla
building. Cltlxeni phone CM.
Lord Kitchener, bead of the Brittah
army. Is now S€ years old. of ,tal! and REAL BBTATB AND LOANB-Oraad
Trmvaroq Land aad Loan Oo, F.
ataewy fltore. adfoenteied. aatoeratJc
and rdeatlesa Tbe amaterful nature
I A MUIIkea bloek.
of the man Is lllusttmtnd In a atory
sow being told In London. He has
horror of banquets and receptions, EARA T. CHASE, M. O-Oflee with
but consented to attend a great social
Dr. a B. Cbaaa. Bute Baak Modi
gathering in London on coodltloa that
dowBstalm. and hurried to the rear; Although the lumber Industry. on<
a certain sum should be raised for
door, where be found hU bulldog the chief support ofCrand Haven, hi
W.MfehtkEt atg.pMmeTtL
Gordon college In Khartum. During
Max clinging to the trouaers of an been dead for neveral jfoart. the tou
the evening, seeing that tbe subeertp- DR. F. HOLOawORTH-apeeial ah
uaknown and badly frightened Ip- Is now more prouperoua than ever, j
securing new factories. tiong were not aggregating what he
trader. When Smith pried the dog
teatloa to diaeeaea of th# oye. oar.
In INK) the city bonded Itself for MW.- wlahed. he told hla boat that unless
loose, tbe burglar ran for bla life.
Boee and throat OlsMea Bttud
The board of supervisors at Kala- 000 for the purposes of offering bonOver Jobamm drug etaro. BoU
maaoo. are deUtlng among tbem- usea to manufacturing inaUtuUoos large figure which he mentioned he
aelvca whether to hire William Brook, Old from that date the place has pros should abruptly leove the hous
of Detroit, lo go through the county pered as It never did before. The new
hooka and audit them aa he has done (aclorlea that were lnduce<l to come next morning's j>apers. That brought DR. E. B. MINOR—Office over Ameri
can Drug Stora. .Mpeetal attentloe
the cash In a hurry.
with the city bocks. There la consid there now employ nearly l.ooo men.
to eye, ear. noee. and throat Olassas
Mrs. Mary McCarty, aged 80 yiwrs.
erable contention‘among the super
fitted. Bothpbonm.- Realdeooe Sit
visors. and although there are no dir dbHl at her home at I\jrt Huron Mon
Mr. W. H Hisktas, sf Tnhtrt, Sixth street
celebrateel charges made Iheie U considerVfi, wi Ms wife tad 8 Tcr
tHl b4»r eightieth birthday Sunday and cdBfto He boirkt a bottle of C
able hinting done.
H. E. Woodbury, a farmer who has It had long been the wish of her life b rtali’s Cenffh Remedy ud tt DR. Wf. E. MOON—SiM'cIsllst-Gcnlta.
reslrtcl near Lalngsburg for many that she might live to pass the 80-yoar worked like mtric This re
urinsiy. skin and UUskI dlseeiu*s;
yeara experience. Office City opera
years, nnd is a skilled hunter and mark. «he had lived here for 40 years Is ufiCQObled IS a care lor coajMi
house block. Pfaunes-rNew-. 107;
trapper, recently caught a silver-gray and In tbe same house In the city for aad caifs aal caa always be de,
old J9L Residence, 710 Washington
mockrat In a trap. The animal was 30 years.
pcided apoa. Far tale by A
110.15 *tre<*l.
|| general ttews ||
teAM' •
Paper Handkerchiefs.
T. W. THIRtAV, ]
Over BarSeveral loading London physidana
amm A BarTe ft
are now advocating the use of bandphonee 101.
kerchiefs made of paper. It la
that the linen handkerchief liecompa ARTHUR HOLUOAY. M. O-PhyMheated In the pocket, and la a dangW
claa aad Burgeon. Removed to ofous dlaaemlnator of germs. The
flcee tn Munson blodt over Barnam
pltnls are now prwldod with the pa
A Bsrt a aUsene pbooe Stt.
per articles, made mostly In Japan.
A mox-oment la on foot to have foe
new custom adopted In the schoola HARRY B. HARNER-Bxpert ptaoo
toaer mad acUon roaulator. Batta
of I.ondon.
tocuoa guaranteed. WRh KtaibaU
Mnslc Houee. au. phone M4.
Cured of Lung Treublt.
-It la now eleven years since 1 had
a narrow escape from .consumpUoo.MONEY TO LOAN-No tax etanee
writea C. O. Flo/d. a leading busi
put in mortgagea. Rooaea for mla
man of Kershaw. 8. C. *T had
down ta weight lo ISS pounds, and
Inquire of M McNaamra. Park
coughing was canstant. both by day
and by night. Finally I began taking
Dr. -King’s New Discovery, aad conUntied this for about six months, when AESTRACTS OF TiTtE-C. O. Ca^
ver. Prices reasonable. OCiee with
O. P. Carver A Bro. Both pbonea.
year. Guaranteed at Bugbee Drug Co.
Frank H. Meads. Hannah drug store
GOc and |l.fo. Trial boitfe free.
I. O. Blvilrns
Tan) an<] office Nortbeni
Michigan dock.
B«o« Ns. u aw Os«s Hroes mom
lohn R. Santo
General Insaraace
Hew waxdm Blk..
Tmacne Cttr
Farmsjr Sale
I have a number of good
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for aale, or if you
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can leil you
a good tarm for leas money
than you can buy it of any
body else. 1 have farms
which are located from four
to 20 milea from Travene
City, all good improved' land.
If joo liare good lev^ tarina
1 will boy tham^
420 Washington,
Oit. phone 774
DR. B. L. THIRDEY-Epeelal attea
tSoo to dtaeaeea of chUdrea. Boom
4W Btata Beak Mdg. Both phuMS
Notlca to tbe Taxpayire of the Oty of
Traverse aty;
The tax rolls for the ooUeetlon of
tbe turn and eouaij tasas for tbe TaAVaRM CITY IjODM. Ha n, K.
year IfiOfi aad tor tba deUaqoeat
of P*. meet every Thureday erow
school aim city taw aad tpmdal aa
tag. New Moneon hlo<A. C. R WiA
■namento for said yaar barobeaa
Icr. C. C.
ptaesd ta my bands tor ooltactioi
1 wUl be ta my oftee to rooeiri
traverse CITY LEGION, Ifb. |<ftaxes frtwi now unUl Feb. 1. !•«. oa
Nalfoahl Protacdve lAgioa win
taaet to Woodman hafl tm the Ulrd
Tneeday of each xroath at 7 :M p. m.
Abram Ei^ proMdeM: Oayla
drtewoM, aacrolary; MMda a dray,
before January JO. the regular fee
ooe per cent for coUectloa wiU bd
charged and oo all taxes paid oa or
after" Jannary Kk there wtll be
A A.1
charged a fee of four per cent tor oMon or baforo cha taO af tho moon,
lectloa. Penelly on delinquent Mty
at T:M p. m. Carl C. Laagley. W.
and acboM taxee and special
M ; E. BL Whim, eecrotary.
■mM. 4 eeirts on each dollar ot the
Ottee la room an Btau li
K. O. T. ML M. Ha iTl toeeta overy
Mai. Doe. 4. IfifiC.
Friday alifoMa the Broach btoek. Mart
It M. Fraakim.
City Trmaaroi
Bmrd RMber; B. A. Bvaaa. ftoanet
given on the few fnro we
lefL Reoieiaber. onr wentb*r
Boy.’ Under Vests and
Pants, now only 20c.
Udie*’ Heavy Fleeced
Pants, now only 28c.
Ladies’ Union Fleeced
Suit., now only 35c.
Ladle.' Fleeced VetU.
now only 16c.
. JAMUAKV % mr.
The aaa
; »mi« ttH0, Hm HFof Mf
. - ««MH Witt •• •• T»«m
iu. -'y •<
Mm FMcteM. Jm.
;v \
Jm Omm m
ftfiM tu TMMi^li. K^.. •• Miirrli 17.
<dr « porw* or
by Pm^
Mor MiU RU«r 7li«* «H«k1 vlU
lo> m p»o»d« too bour« Iwlom oolrr
Iftf flir rittf »od tb«> ptir*# orltl be dl
vl4ed CO per rent to the vrlooer a»d
40 per emt ta liie Iomt. The Cpalno
Atbletle rlab vlll «lW>v fl.CCO for
imlalng oipeiiaM. and each of Ibe
ftCbteta baa an«e« to. plaor a forfHi
of lfi.000 la the haaCa of the 8ai
rmiK-liK^o RaaatW to guciaator roai
: .
mntr mUb Ike trrma of the anielai
: Walker, C^lragD...
: Cortla. MidOsaa...
Vaa Hpok. ntlaoto
lla»or< Miaaema.
Parry. ^ChlragD........
Ifaraball. Mtaaaaau
KrkerraJI. CblmgO..
aara^ la pnaalbia Ip caMiBil
-Ana^lMYlpg fbe Oipa TatWa
CboM of IMC baa rallea U»
Weekly. Bmer C. Patleiaoi
aeatailre ^ the paper aa4 a well Thia Will Hit Ceotract imaparf Hard
aad Prahahly Many CbatifM
kaowB athletk. rrltk*. baa picked aa
Will bs liada.
all^eatem team ahkb appaara in
thU Wf^ a Uaae of Camer a. Two
waa a
aigbi waa parfeody clear aad the i
e brightly, the luster of the bcaT^
eaa was fairly eclipsed by that of the
•ea. It was easy to read the asMlM
Prtat.sltliat at the after poftOa wy
rahla. aad the bows aM no etiher
lube waa wrapped la Pswssii^^
ftaaad aad placs ^ rapidly Wfdeaoag wedge, of radlotlhiT.w the
ed in a wWe copper tube. coaatTWctad ^ ~
wIthholMatbotiKUids. ThU waaafdt___
depth or •M fatiKiaa j
Whea diawa up the copper tube caaei ^
Hick™ of Camhridpa.
found bulged aad beat toward, i
eight may
Banda sesa. where, oa
opposite the place whmw the glass be seen In
clear night L
whole anrtacw of the
Just aa ^ It had
ocean seems to be a sheet of mlB^y
pled Inward by bNag vkOe
od. The gtaaa tube liseif within its •re. The light is not oaly to be lowm
oC <rav<« or* bmik.
had beei
bg or tko «rf«o dUtorM br ;«ho
a fine powder almost Uke
U*hat had happened was that the Nm. «( tkr bu«. II rrarbM o« far a«
Bought Building
state Sts.
ABtMMbilc ta< aatr BMt
Jaa. fi.—By the favortaken by the national
the apfdlcaof tbe Tri^taie league of Pvwa
aylvanla for protectkia under the naRekemaJI U iwsarded by fkr the
the tefuge of eon aealed glaas tube, when
eat auatierback la the
traef Jumpers has been destroyed. Bm gradoaUy increasing depths, had held
kcbachaeeht, Clark |iid Oarre
mile dffficulty was evperienced la ar- out long against the presure. but this
up the real U the hack flHd.
at ah agreement. The oom- at last had become i.u. giewt
mltteo from the Trl Rtate league, bead The tulie had given avfay and been
ed-by President Carpenter, presented^ cnisbevi by tbe violence td the action
fine powdt r. The coHapse had eyes This is how and why aome of
the appHcntNn and after some deli
Ivermilou an agreement was nwrbeol been an quick and *o violent that the* the deep aea animals are brllllamiy
Fin«> •tiAiwI.v iiliUlU in
by which the Tri-Bute «»mea into the water had not had time to rush in by (ttkvri'd with the brightest y-elkor tints
nationalI agreement
Mreement subject to the in menus of the lud»»s ut Udh ends of and especially scarlet, and often have
ml of the National aaaociation. the ei»pp.*r c.^linder and thu> fill the eyes larger arid brighter than tb.sw«
Thi. aitiQh waa anUed at a BKwUni
loiig as I a aiin the bnalncaa. Ijclaiwa that he la poaltlve l.cwU can which met la New York uwlaN. and
^wmm Bm Slgle aad James jCof
will fightjaay man who will make lioj boat «an*. in fact, he seems to re- for which meeting the delegatea left lafise of the gUsa tube, but, InMtead. shine. In lurme the eyes are extremely
froth, laaaagers; mspectlrely. foi or uader^ alihcmgh I2u la the biwv
Immediately after the close nf their had crushi'd In the copper wtiII and small, in some lb4‘y un* quite
flaus aad BHit. at f\drrolh*a cal. lest I have ever w, ight^d la* the ring.
conference whh the national commis- brought equilibrium In that wa> Tlds The d4H*p M-a animals are i
Ifooday night. The ooniract with the Mike (Twini gitlllvan. | think. aUuda
process is exact I v the l evcr^e «*f an
black, gray.
(Tsini Sulllvun.
Nerndo promoters prirllegsa that the next to Jpe Cmna as a fighter. At 142
in imploAlon »»>He. bright r»Ml. purple. bliM\ They
Mn suing up BulUvan. Ihckersoa lAll pla.vera who have bereUdoie vio by SH \V>vne Thomson.
men shall he on hand at Toaopah to
are hrilU»antly p>MmphorrNK*eni through
lied national agreement contracts
I am taking on a man who U consider suay:
Is* ta the ling not later than March ably hi rear than nm in every way. but
»‘P*‘rlal organa on the head. body, or
The deni tens of the di*ep i
rdtall not be allowetl to play with any
I. f?otmih aald thal mill aad him
• -Mike Is In my opinion the clever lubs except tbaa<> of the Tri-8tate tomed, of course, and adapt.
appendages, or through the get
1 will meet him In IVmver tw Janunry
self would aooa make^a trip to Toutv n, as arranged by my mnnagbr. Mr. est boxer In the ring today, hli; i»r Ut leagw
auriace of the body.
Players from the Tri State
ile. He la a middleweight In dlmen- Iswgne. each conlran jumpef who has fiom Imploding, but they are lUble.
pah 10 look over th; facUliles |»w Dickerson.*
Batc yn accouts thal
It was abiHU twirnty-llve years ago
slooa and Is a iilgger fellow than aignetl ermtraets wKh natlonn! ngree- lor all thal to an anomalous sml <»f a«.
tralalag. They would then retura to
These yrero tpr woids of Harry U*wls In « V4*ry way. Peihaiui he
lliai an BnUan nsliywlisi. Versang. at
Slaa Prsadsco and Rritt would nhapo
clubs. are^ to i<*tnalu the pmpet cldent not found among the castulilos a depth 4>f l.«HYu yards. rapture<] u imdmoiv rlev«T
a ,«««
Inner then
Ns pUn. no aa to he In Tuaopnh to Lewia of Philadelphia.
r.. v..r as
«. .
.hrn l.^U «r
^ ,h..
listed In the accident Inatiraace «ira- luak. and comjiared teb soft fires nf
The aehjiatlnaal hover froin Phila
Win ariire piwparntloas for hla ftght
l.u. «b.-B It
l««ue Fl.vrr, tu
T.i panles—namely, that of lumbling up l?s light to loiiazes and sapphires. Hl>
by tba middle of fbtrroaiT. Tbe lef. delphia. who has been meeting men
Hng the two men n*» R,ate league
reveii t(» the 4hil»s wards If In charing iN^ir ptvy. or f.»r obMTvallons lasaed quite untecognlr
etee Is to be aelaeted from amoag the [»f from five to ftfietsi pounds hiwvler fighlem, I.4*whi la It because of the having title
any othvr r«*as«in ihry rl>*4* to * r<m tsi, probably because at that time deep
OU aooounii^mptiy aUen>i«d,
foHowlag: Jack Welch and Billy for the pgat year, was not at all dlw playful way he has of breaking jaws
Minor iDMiglie playeiw roqdng un Kidi-rablf disiaiuv aUive the fitmi
Rorbe of San Francisco. Oeorge SUler pleaa«Hl with the. hard game that has and arms when hii* landa right. Mike der this rule are to have their titles 4.f the ticean. ih«- g«M-s ot ihelr swim- sea life bad not be<n mtieh known to and I oaa make moiwy for yo«
But Dr. J<M!bln more recently has s.^-n
maRe for him here. He
la a btucer. Lewis u a fighter. Iliaj
hr Chkago. Uatt Masiersoa of New
n.Ing bladder b*Ht»mes conriderably Ihe .same luiidnous rre«t»jn‘ and ha.National
wilh eight lory shows that when a Uvxer and Ajc.mimct Jumi
Yc»rk aad James J. Jeffries of Uw An Nlart trailing this ir
met Jumpers who ar«* to i^main expanded and their apeclflc gravity studied its sfruciine. and be n-isut..
»r fen lufitw on the road. This after- fllhtn- m,«, the IlKhw -eldoD, h«
,h..Trl 8Utr
gr»Jtl> rwluced.
that the light it puMlnres is suffli lent
In work over six ar eight rounds, I»HI« d io return to national agm-menl
that the fight Is loon he iwlll do-gy i
II'p to a certain limit the muscles ot for a phcUiNgraph to be taken. Dr J«.u
III take place on the tenth anniversary
club* any money that has lHk,.u ad their bodies can counteract the tendeu bln was off the ('auiaiy Islands in a
when It comes to that and they gti to
of the Corbett•FHistmmoQB contest,
yacht w hen he not iced a large s,hw1
Shortly I after
aher Lewis' arrival
exchanging blow! for Idow. there la
which was alao held tn Nevada.
fish to ifgaln its profHT aphete of life m.n emitting a magnlflcent splendor
Mleh.. 8*pt 10. Itoa.
Uge waa received
Crom hla liacker, only one man cHmsldere*! "
'signed with nnTinnal at the iKUtom. but iH-ynnd that limit of liiieiiM‘ blue lluliL An aiiemj.i was
I Uir* pluM • nuD>b«r aC Mmenu
deln tioi^t Henry
Meb^ihacker of
Johnny CorlK-i will look after the
the museb-s are n<»t sirtmg 4-nough
to capture it. but without sue »l«a A. Pohbrmrs >i*Bcr Itor eoll«ct"Urendod holt
hotel in Oiwad Rai
foitunt*s of Sullivaa and vows he will
loo* outU»«d; j6H
dlch. stiliug that the buntraoe wa* groom the Camhijldge man Into form ^ At the annual igmlog «.f the
»w>mes mun- and mote distended as
Jurt lb* UD» Mr. Pohorml bnwebi U*
Vllllng Iq, bet |!i.QM agalnat $5.t>oo of thal will snuff out tbe light of l^ewts ilonal Iwscball commlsshm. w lii. h
it goes,, and giadually is kllbri ori Its a* we turn off un electrir Jel.
DbliiiquriiU to Umo «ad proavt M«Rvan.vllle? Ind . Jan. f—-Punch *
that Harry can beat in double forty time. The man who ceded Ihe conaideratlou of the out law
long and Innduniary Journey
Koidl. the new aanaier of the Evans he negro. Mnlenhnckfr aunds ready made Ymiag Cor^t has It all doped appllcailau. Auguai Horrmnnu wj
The orgatta which pnMt»c<- the light
auriace t.f the pe* lomg beftire there
yUle bfisaball team. !• nut Idling away to post W.OOO Tor weight and appesr- out that he has Ihe one man li
el«*cted chahman and John T. nush wei<. ocean lad exidoiVis from atop are In the akin of the head and ifmba.
bl* lime just at present. Every day ance ft»r i Lewli^Omnj. battle.
and they al«m form a complete clrrle
ring today to take the measure of
Sads him maklai atrwnuoua eodeavo..
Uical ring^foUuwera smile when
ground the d->^*s Kjub U ct»m|«u*e4l of
The case of James Sel
10 aeoare new aad atitmg talent for Britt Is mcnikme*! as a possible op^
two parts, a liiyle sphere and a con
Wimarnaport club, whoa
discovered dead and fltiating on the
the dtth with which he hopes to win Itonenl Un flans, in memory of the
cave mlrn>r.
It k>oks like
ment after having b«*eu
surface of the water, victims of the
the Pnnirnl league pennant In thU rank faka that the two put up les;;
Ue bulls eve Iflntern. The
eligible to play with nuiionai agree- pressure.
goodly year of laHT.
than two yearn ago. They declare
stihere is the true pioducer
This in the ws) Johnny has It do|v im-nt elubs. was taken under advim*The
He has begun a desi whereby hr that I.CWIB sbivild have the match by
inent. The application of J»Iav*.|* The. water< of the ocean have Imm-u light, which then Is lemvted
liupes to rn't €U»e of the sirxmgi'.t hit all meoiU If successful heie In hit
mirror Only one color at a t{
-No white n
lieat Sum- Wiggs. Wilue and Bioderick for
dlvid«><| into two sup4-rtsise<i Uy4-is c»f
ling and fastest outfielders in the liout wUh!8umvan
KY emitted, but the cid.ir
van and I can s4«* Lewis as the first siatemeni was tcfuse<l.'
unequal thickness.
The sup-'rflclal
Southern liwguc. He Un't taking the
hanged at will,
K. W. Dickerson, the cJrand Rapids
to do it.
ke will stop 1
The Jiilnt Kchedule commiiri v c
Uyer Is lUumlncHl by tbe light of day
public Into his confidence as to the Kporllug iMIioi. declaies that nothing much-lHlkeil-of
as the au1
es of Lewis on
National and t
the other. iH-neaih :he sunlight, nev
Identity of the gardener.
would mill him iM-uer than to match the Hebrt^w boy-, face so ful
for er penetrates. Four hundred yat^is |*e little glands betn
“If the plans I am making now turn his .man ilth Gons There U a ring gloves that he
I think he is bUnd- Ihe ensuing y«Mr 'John™ has a|v low the suif^re thei^* is not a tr-act Ing yelbtw. rose, blue or jed light.
out to my liking.- aald the hudky 4»r RsnueetiH^K about Dickeroou'. folded and on .n
opplng bhtck.-Den pcilnicl Herrmann and Rnice to act <Rf sunlight. E>eo this limit is theor With the light the animal attracts Iri
young manager. * ni not have many wonl* whlrh ronvlores when he dewith him for gje American league, etlcal rather than' practical. Beyond prey and fil»o .sees it < bwily for mak
estra outfielders report for the spring
while Meairra. Ebblia. Mun»hy and 2<M. >-aids the light Is *i» f./i-ble that ing a capnii'iv
training^ I know Re«l llohhaanoo b a
Before the drealge and trawl were
Ilreyfuss wilT represent the NatbvnaT plants an<{ all vegetation and the herbgood aWnd marker. He U a awsnned
IvimuiH anln>als vanhih: below, ip the used about thirty years ago !.» depths
Imll playwr now and the lu^nde of thia
prtifoiin«l4 r waters, in » nlgbl like the of 2.«Hs» fathoms and moni. U hud
Iowa knew him when he was a <ld
thought that a new and marvel ,
Life Undar the Ssa.
night of the caves, unreachetl by a
and good only for the amaller Imucues.
Vnder the ocean wave. far. far aw^iy Single lay from old Sol. persist the ous sort of animals. aomethlDg of a j
wilt.' Mich..
I'm after a high aalaried first haanman
-sea change, rich and strange.-would
there the poor soa animaL bve. siins hardy carnivora tbe flesh eaters.
and 41 ahortatop. krho If we ai«cur« hlui Ihe Hacyey gymnasium A squad of
ba* discovered.
air. Bans Runllghi. ws beat, but with
Bui all d«*p sea residents
will make the whole U'agmraU up and atsmt 40 njiemiiers re|H»rtevl Nr work
MoatsI has been
artificial Mghts of their own. with bill
take large bunches of mulct*. There AnK»ng tne squad are 8haw . w ho U ex the 19077 Beoioii l|arb«>r 1
llaiiily ctOoiv*! .bodira. and with un
are ao many didalls to bo eucounieretl Itecled to do good work in pole vault football
imaginable conditloiia of llVlng.
tltat rm mat Uying low and keeping ing; llamn^d and Dick. wbo*^should
«»ceaii explorers aay so. and
Louis Wagn4-r airived In New Y»»rk
Ml) plaua to mysell lake care qf the high jump and short Monday. He will; take part In the they ought to know, for they have
Two new coniiwcia have been se
and kw. and Investigated
dUlauce a|K^ui>: McJ:achrou. l*>le Florida races. , '
,c«red by Manager Knoll. One K thal and JVnutu. wNt will bold down the
fYlasimmons Is s^id to he conaider- finny folks and their dripping hoi
of § Chicago lad who is a pitcher and Umg runs, bnd Rost, who shottld star ing a fight with Jeffries.
Dr. l^ds JoubUn. who Imld* the chal.
recommended by Jimmy R>-an. The in the wt*Uht events. The othe.
Tommy Ryan is |training on rolb‘r of zoology In the rnlvendty of Paris,
;t>th«*r U that of E.) IlitHd of 8t lx>uis. memlM*rs o| Ihe hackrtball team are Kkatiu at B< nton Harbor.
and Pmf. Sydney J. Hickson, who baa
who filayed Ust season with l.ew alao expected to take' up track work
chair in the Victoria I’nlverMike Schreck Is pitched again for
WTiUtlers independent team In St. at the end cif tbe ba
the steenih time ln|two months
slty of Manchester, aie among the tai
baaketball aeaaon.
IWc Meal Fael,
I.INI1S. and being ftom Miimouri tdiouThe prelltlnary
to fH*er into the lower
aa sketched
ed 1.0V that be was a good hitler.
cions of the water*, and they report
2u|»pke, will consist
.ut hy cJtb Zxm
mostTy of jrroas-coi
that Ihe temiierattire is only a few de
-country running. Hi
gree# above fiwrlng point, that the
nder to gf tht
the caodldatea In trim
abysses of ijie deeq,^aea absolutely
ir hard wtWk. On every fair day a
darii so far aa actual sunlight
m will be! heM over Ike three and
Chicago. Jan. 9.—Kid Herman,
hblf mH# cou
that tbe pressure la en
course mapped out for lag none the worse for sraar from the
Fiwnclaco. Jan. 9—At Oakland
osfc<ounii4 run
beating that he received at tbe hands mous.'ihai there is little or no movt^
Mmiday the track was muddy and
A m«.H dih Gmnd
Rapids will lie of Joe Cans, has aHived home. He ment of the water, that the ocean floor
Jt>ckey Miner came near lK*lng killed
in [the
lancMl la
ilK> n<*ai future.
has nothlag but praise* for Gana aad la carpeted with a uniform
iniwediaiely alter the start of the airanged
stated that the negm champ was un mud. and that there la no pIsDt life
fKlii race, lie was thrown ftom Dor
^ 1^^arrlr«aa» TrarmCtty flsadaysmly
The landlubber can underatind ail
donbtedljr the most perfsrt fighting
tiUN. Several N iwea pasMHl over tht
machine that ever jadepped Into the these conditions except tbe <
rider as he lay on the ground, but be
escaped and walked to the Jockey Chtnka Lom[ Calehar OaWtk-Ollwr Hag. He aavs that tbe blow which presaufe. And that be cannot possibly
Gana atnick him afti*r the end of the appreciate it; It la ao far greater than
room. The race was won by Governor
second round, wrhlch was fouL dated any air dweller can reallxe. At a Repth
DivU. Miller bad wvm two races
him ahghtly hut had ao effect ca the of 2.509 fathoms tbe prassuie. tmighly
vloitsly to the fall and came hack
geoernl ontcome of jibe fight aa be apaakii^g. Is two and a half uma per
In tbe sixth twee with a third winner
Jan. fi.—Some new facea dU Ida boat work during the fifth ud square tech: that D several
In Nelaou.
with the Canton Ceotml tdrih roanda Herinan will devote greater than ite Mwaaara exerted by
league baael^U team the coming aea moot of hla time now to hU cigar the steam npon the vBtm of the moat
son. Canton.bas lost Catclier Oatdtek. riose.
powerful miglM. That la Ip aay. the
CatarrVi Cannot bo Cured
a clever fellgw. who ffOM to To«nig»
preeaare per agaare tach apoa
Wtik U^L ArrUCATlUNn.a
A Steak for Strength
town, after ikkroa triad tn get him.
body of every dealaen of the c
tweaiy-ive times grestUah«t«.hacriWu, bj atblet*
pm In hU
haa not been mada
er thaa the preaaare that will drive a
adiI bnin worker, tb*
‘ -WULL'BE ATpahHc. The taeweat ncquAallion to the aays:
rightly immsd: they act more agree- railway train. TWng* do not explode
work! over. BattheatMkl Don’t
team are. Pitcjier ITny nMnqt ytdrh ahlv. do more good aad makaoae feel in the land of the oraan Boor. They
j8w-bmkii«, jnie«.
dngtoa iMy.j tanm who mada a better thaa aay other Uzative.** OnarSome of the oeaaa Boor
mnenal aecnvi: Stewart SDadar aauwd to ewra blhoMmu aad coaati- expkwers made a atarUlag capertBmnt
k* piwe ,rf ni«*t Gm the Inwt
OaelaaaU, aald to he a brOttaat patloa. Sic at Bughec Drug Oc *1U. -taFlodta^Mhemrket Lo«Jl, he«be'
rraak H. Ifeada. Hannah drug atore.
oatBeMar. na^ Biowavd Qym. a aacoad
•ntr h.i««kiany onM «» >i Mb
fotmdattheMeatiDArket theaigw
haaaM tmm the Bnuth AHaailc
About 1.7MJ900 acrea grow the
ofvhidimil.: ’^jhbte.AfWCortU. wl^ i. pirea the taeile podtloa. and dobaay Oarrrla. wba la
at fallbaek.
WaltkM. Paige
Boston Ferns
Arc Your Collections SIoW'
Yon Have Given Up?
If yon luTc. let me collect
them for yon.
A. Pohoral
45.0012; z:
Traverse City
loseph Stedar 4 Sms
Park Place Hotel
Sun^.^Jw. 13
f ■"
Om Um§ Appaara te Ba
Giant Books
joffice Supplies
Alraa^ Had a Wife Uvififf When He
r Wae Wedded te a Qream
By Wire to the Er«lac Beoofd.
Iladelphia, Jan. 2.—It has traaaplred that J, R. Sieeje. who dynamited
Fourth Street Hhtkmal bank, was marrted at GreeaviUe.' Mich.. Jane 12.
1904, to BeaaAe U Oateihotee. but that
he already had a wUe who te now UvInadH^lcago. Mrs. Sieple No, 2 now
reeldea In Lywchburg. Va.
WIft to ciM
Tor*. Jail. T.-Flr«»wi Mn
T Mfeft wwm riwaion oarly today
aftar bites bwted UUrtjr boura m6^
toaa «r tebrte la tba nlM or a
. at tl Rooaetalt maat. He
rmy dtssan hara w.
Bpcdgl to the Brsnlng Rmrd. *
little Rock, ten 8.-WIU1 aerenty
yanra of statehood just completed.
Arkansas, the oldekt state -vest of the
Mlsalaslppl riser with the egeepUoo
of Iflaeouri. U apparently developing
defirt to break away'from those
DCTCCTIVBG IN CITY INVESTI ondltloaa which for so .long have
made her chleAy an agricultural com
munity. This desire U made dear by
the expresalons of business men. In
duced In part 1^ the Agurea on the
growth of the state during lu seven
decades as compared with Michigan.
(ConUnned on Second Page.)
Saturday alsbt to raaco
aigsalad by tapfdas o.
tboasb laat alfbt tba rt
Alletad That Amateur Crew Got
Drunk aad Mads the Trip Gncfc
at a Wild Rats of Gpood.
Glaiklns for Nothlnp.
There Q.llt A I. detectlres were
In the city ^terday and two of them
went up the T. C.. L. A M. to InresUgale an affair which U alloged to
hare happehod on the night of Dec.
29. In which, although no one warn In
BXWrCO THAT IT WILL AGAIN jured. the danger risked was groat
It U said that three employes of
the road at Northport. tbe night
watchman, n brakeman and another
ran eimlne M. which Is use
the r^lar! T. C. U A M. run. to
houra. ST.
Rain or enew tonltht; colder to
night; wadneeday. fair and cMdtr;
Wars Conatrvetad for the Richmond
Home Talophone Companjr—Are
Very Durable.
Tbe board Of iuparTtoor# are aiUI
grtedtas away today. The committee
fia dalma mad Sbcouau !■ In a atark
of bUU up to tbalr necks—Osuratlrely
apeaklns-aad It will probably be
aome time before they Unite allowin*
the rlalma. There are many small
oaes from tbe city reauHlng from the
guaramioe cabas but xhe toUl
probably not be eaceodtogly large
M. W. i
the boartj Uxlay as the president «f
tbe Ifamane society and asked for an
appniprtatlon of lino tn carry oo the
wolk. The matter was referred
tbe rommltlec on flaance. waya and
north of Omens, aurtlag out at about
10:90. At IhHr slopping place they
proceeded tp All up on boose
when leedy • for the return trip
in n glorloiA aUle of Intoxication.
TbU did nft aeem to detract from
their abim,; tor their Iroi^lned abil
ity) aa engineers, for they jamme' ‘
throttle wide open and ran back the
doten or so miles at a terrlAc rale of
speed. Curves and grades made no
dlffen^e and at Intervals tbe whistle
was u^ in their eelehrstlon.
If the affair had taken place earlier
In the evenlhg there would have
It big change for someone - g«
klllixl aa no! llghU were used 00 the
The men were discharged
snd nt>w U.e deu«cllnHi arc doing
their work
the UrgMt Guabmaa Tbla Year
la Their Hlttery.
By Wire to The Evening Record.
Calumet. Mich.. Jan. 8—The Duluth.
Mesaba A Noithero. Duluth A Iron
Range and' Groat Korthern rmllrosds
shipped 2S.l84.glQ tons of ore In 1»0€
The eeaaoo has been the greatest In
the hfaitory of the throe Itnca. Bxch
road made good gains over laat eoason. particularly the Memiba, ThU
road baa the Urgeet ore wharves In
the vorid. however, and this fsll was
oonalderably beoeAted by the com
aa Just About
to Emhrooo Hsr Mother After
Heaeymoee Trip,
By WMm to The MOng Reoprl
Mew York. Jgn. g—Mrs. Doana B
sham of Pittsburg, bride of six weeks,
dropped dead as she was about to embraew her mother on returning from
her heveymoon loun.^' .
pde la octagonal in shape, thirty feet
with ranrtlcos for
Kmg and
SBQ provided
fastened lii
of Iron bolts, and slso
used by linemen In
Tbe pole Is as ornsmentsi
as pine poles and has the additional
Virtue of being symmetrically tapcrtxl
and straight.
Tbe Strongest point In favor of
Crete poles U their, durability.
Thret Hund^ and Thirty New Mem-
ance compahy held Its annual mei
today and t^e following ofAcers
T>reoidenti J. H.
Vice prsojdenl. John White.
Sccreury, George W. MeWethy.
Dlrociors! l^lllam Core. 8tfT)hen
Lautner. D.|E. WJmkobp. H. W. Stew
art W. W. Burdick.
During the year there have been
thlrty-olx Arcs with a total
$g.0gg.l3. twenty-three of which were
by ligbtnlag. During the year 220
s were added and the
The total;
U.mw ^Itb a aurplaa of G2te.lL
He eompaay has never been In bet
l.r. Kirk's JaTMtil.
The city rounril had a \-\*ry abort
•HMifin last I'Xi'tiing ntxl the city
saved lift on that. AUlenn«*n CksHlrlch
anti E\ert*tt being abseal. Mayor
medrlch was also absent but the new
charter does mH dock him. hte 125 a
month going on just the same while
the aldermen forfeit $5 for each meet
ing misaed. Alderman Gllletl was In
the chair.
The water com mil let? rt'|»oHod that
bids had l*et>n receivetl on 50ft feet of
Intake pipe for Ujo water works and of
alien ef
Alee for Attacks.
By Wlro httbe Evening Record.
Chicago. Jan. g.—Death or Imprison
ent for life aa a punl.hmcn
burglary was recommended at the
meeting of the legislative committee
r. An amendment was also InRCd recommending the death
penalty for altacka on women or chll
Br Wlm to tb. Brulat Rscord.
Parts. Jsa. S--TII. polio, at Tour,
tonmd a anloo aad plaeartM Um>
town with poMOT, aaae.Bda« Ui.lr
rtoTaaee.. Tb. mMIws look poa
SMsloa ot th. poUeo eoarlor. sod
orerr poltemnsa bos 6
High Grade
Drug sure Service
We rognUrly fill the pre•cripUooi of Gil phjGioumi in
Ihit locality—our pfeaoription trade gets larger all tho
Thif moaM that onroaie
intbeaeleotionof atook and
T)i«'Hohart Oo.,i«p.
to tha Ton—Was ^ Bunt by
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Otuwm. Jan, S.—The Temlskamlng
A Northern Ontario branch of the
Canadian PaclAc, now being Antehed.
was unsitangly ballastad for many
miles, with silver ore by the Canadian
govemmenL by which it was built.
Much of tbe aarface of the region
between Lake Temagaml and the
lionreel river te covered with a thick
aoU over Hnronlan rock. It te a dcoolate tend In appemrancc. although In
mummer nature floea her beot to bide
the bare, forbidding, but irtmaure beer
ing rock. Carkmd after carload o4
bslUat was hurrlixlly dumped on the
sleeper^ and shoveled Into place by
Knew silver Ore
who wanted only
to get away aa soon as possible.
They never suspected that much of
Ih ens'k. they shoveled and stamped
the rock, they shoveled ahd stamped
a few weiks ago that the discovery
Lenrh after lenirth of rails, were
rtrtnched across sjlver ore. some of
which has been found to cooUln
values as high as g€00 to the lou.
Trsln after train had rmtlhxl qver the
ore-tellaated track with the engineer's
gaze Axed on the distance scorning
the dull, seemingly worthless stones,
which. It la proven, are worth many
times the cost of the railroad. Its roll
ing stock and Its gross earnings fomany )vars to come.
Drug Store
Is Your Suit Getting Shabby?
Then of course
be interested in
utsc you will
the values wc“
arc making
just now on
all odd suiti
hi Only
Only one or two of a
^ kind and we
re )flo
flo not care to inventory
them. YouJ ^an
fcan get
gel some exceptional
values if you
m Wl. at
fSa $7, fSa t» and $1«.
Sec a few values in window.
Come in and sec other good things,
Complete Housekeepiog:
------------- f
1 New Piano
I Kimball Orgknr
I Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap
Smith Realty' Co.
•The Early
Bird Catches
the Worm”
•l ost so will tho early
bayi-rs hiivi- the best picJi
from oar
Jost to giro yon an idea at
whnt’a on them— ^
Men's n Shoes, enamel
leather, SXM.
Women's M3 Shoes, enamel
leather, nXS.
Good ahoea for women,
Womea'a Slippers, 6Se.
Fa«>y Warm Slippers. <9c.
Storm Robbers.
Bill (pve na a trial when yon
are baying Drag Store gt^a
that you wiU booqme a recnlar cuGtoroer of oura, and a
aatUfied cunomer.
of all kind*:at the
(ConUnuod on Second Page.)
By Wire to the Evening I^rd.
Hogolulu. Jan 8 -Although mr
the 700 Japanese sho arrived «»n the
steamer Khlusa wero reglstenHl as
laborers nane-hsve gone to tbe plan
tatloos. Many arc former soldiers
irought their uniforms oith them.
The Japanese Immigration to the Ha
waiian Islands in the past eighteen
months aggregal«l ,16.749.
Now h) Foroo G2.M2.SteGood Condition.
Iving erected to test their efAclency.
A skdeton framework of four cor Telephone Matters Were Dl
and Geven Free Phones Were
rugated iron , rods is covered with an
Loc§te<9-Two .. Aldermen
ordlnaiT eoaercte. the material being
and Mayor AbtenL
Hawaiian Island
During the Fast Elghtaen Month.
Aggrogatos 16.749.
» amounts to |«59.te0.
By Wire to The Evening Record.
Richmond, tud. Jan. S,-Tbe Arst
concrete telephone poles ever manufactured in Indiana recently have
been made by the Richmond Home
nmuolcatlon of K, H. Allyn
aoms (dd Arid notra was
turned over to tbe prosAH*utinK attor
R. O. Ladil was exeuaed from the re
mainder of the aeaaloB as he has some
Important farmers' Institute work to
aUead to.
The commltlw on the county
farm propoaltioo has 1011)1x1 Us repnti
orer to Mr. Pratt for legal ajlYlco and
will probably present It tomorrow. It
Is understood that another rote of the
people will be taken 00 tbe matter.
There is some talk among the super- TWENTY-THREE
Tlsors of a county hospiul Instead of
a poor farm but It has not yet been
brought beforo the board In a formal
TUEGOAY. Jan. A 1G07.
Barometer, falling 2M6.
BtesIT qrotelng. n abort distance
By WIra to the Mra^ Raoord.
rmivtoa. Mkiu Jaa. G.-A 4^
•oth HAvg cotwirreo KveNMUCUtM MOOIMO OVER AIMCC
a from Lanatag came to InterTV YEAin 0» tTATCHOOa
rlsv Oovemor Warner ea tbs aenatorim altuallon today but got no fnr
tber than the threshold of the siek
Michigan Want In for Manufacturing
room. The goremor U not ImprorMtW WKh th« W#rto«Oii hif (
lag materially. One lung appears to
■acted nnd hts lUness U sUll
Telephones, Office. Citi»en» 32; B«41 169.
EvenjnRs, Citizens. 290 |
Yoli Want to Look
Ten Dollar Suits.
Soils ranglnfl In price from .814 lo 818 all go
at 810.00
George W. Miller,
ami a gmat many more at
prion lifisG than you will tx-
pect to w.
Could be made of the host of
delighted housewifes and their
assistants who have used our
eesT F-i-ociR
Their commendations would fill a col
umn of this paper. If you are not e
user of Best Flour now. tbu is just a
Clearance Sale of
Muslin Underwear
We want to clean up all of our last |^BOU9on’i
spriDR i^ls, and to do this
■pme very ezoeptional values.
All of onr old underwear, some mnsseil iuid
•Oiled from hsadlinff: some fresh and etorn.,' is
BOW sorted oat on tables and marhed at from
boors for the 1JN» mn rmf^toyed In
thr EdoU fnlfbt ynM. Ibr P«ui«n
rsnU oUfwul ha. birill ,• town lo
ofdrr It bn. npnmg op na If In n
night. Arroa. th« gnaanebnana from
Ihl. pinrr. wbrrr nothing
bim oooM bo arrn n wfallr ago. llw
nrr mm a bondmd dwrlllnga* dralgnad by ibo Imdlng arrbUacU of thr
rounlry.- a plrtnrn»qor Inn. irrc*.
wMr paarnl ntiwta, a acbool. rlrctrlc
tlgbta, walrr work»-wryth«nK n
tnodwi rtly dvHIrr mold aaV for
0(hi*r lndo.trtal loan.
IMO. m.. bntra groom iip
Ciuda ha". aUnoat lUnally. b««m bum
mmplHe brfom It bad a .Ingle r«H
WbMi tba Prtotylranla raUrond e.
tnbllabed It. Kania fmigbt yard In
ronQfctkm orltb Ibe near Km grade
lome from Pliiaburg east. It waa met
by Ibe Qurallon: Where will tb*^
workmen lire? The loo n of Knola. U
an aa.wer to thla qurfeilon oblcli
mnana that loo much cannot be done
'la onler to lownre the fibyaical well'
bnag of Penn.ylvanla railroad em
Ftoiiyfoor bouw*. were begun at
Ibe name time; then flfty .lx more;
m»w another half hundred hare l-nm
atarted. Brcatnally It I. the Idea
tbpt every hmiae with Ita grotmd.
* will be opMied by the man who llre«
in It. and nulimly hut Penn.ylranUi
taJliwad men ran re.we rhere. The
bomM «fv add by the mmpanr on
, the -tiaay payment- plan under whleh
the purahaaer pay. nu i*tx.nt or inirr
rj: C
charge that
flnanre the nnderUklng.
Haloona. blackamlth .hop. and
nol.y fnrtorlea are barnd from Rnoln
n^lien* mu.l l>e at leu.i twenty dve
feel bet aw each bouae. The
erpeABivc realdence .ubiirh I
emmiry 1. not more carefully
Ttjp .rhoul opencil with eighty
aeren pupil, and two teacher.—«
mm. and; danghler. of railroad
The Bnola Inn waa hum for the train
rtf., who
a night at
|.rmr. It ir a Y M. C. A. headqtiat
ter. a. aril a,, a h.drl.
Were tbot by lb
Employ About Five
ThmiaamI Wen.
the rtiHtrtc! employ altoul 5.000 in
fif the Her. Chaa.
have accepted
I»reaeber., o bn i. nald
an offer of ljn.m.0 a
Uapthe paetor of t
U.t church in New York, bcuter
church. Dr.
known a. Ih4 Kncla*fHler
Aked wa. Ill I hi. connlry loMreral
wmk. ago a4d preached at the Rfth
A Irmln lo»<f of ma1 no (ho Northern
»rl«c .iFfw Into lb.. North Y»Mm»
yard, thip morning. The coal war
point, farther along the
('edd and di.peraie. a nudi'of
two hiiiidted clll/enn claml»ered
thd train and b**gan fhniwlnp off
the coal. The train Klartid but the
hrakea acre net on tw»*lve cai> and
the engine wo. unable lo move Ii
Fully mieen bundled iH'ople ibi-n <v.|.
lectejl in the yard, and help<*d I hem
.(Ive« to the content, of the train. Uic
crew iKJhjf powerlwoi lo pnhtml the
loM. of the property.
Lowest Number the County Mar Hj
in Many Vearr and U the Re
sult of the Light Vote Cast
Lett November.
Tlir ch.ilniiaii and Htcrfiary of the
n-puldlran ttate central rommlttcc
iHKiifd ill call for the republican
►tale ctinvrnllon^io l*<‘ ludd In Orand
Rapid, on r|»uE.day. Ffh. H. the day
lollowing the Lincoln rlnli l.anqie't In
city. T^o convrnilMn will in* for
luriHUu- of naming two candidates
for Ju.iirea of the Kupifmc court, two
candidates few irgrni.
the unlver.l) and one i‘andldate fw member of
late iMwrd iof educathin. Acconllng
o the rairOrand Travonu* c«»uniy 1.
niMhM \» fmir dfh'gatis. Till. U the
lnme.1 nunila'r of dehgate. that thi.
county ha. I^sd In n great nuiny «eani
d !. dm* to the fact ihat.ilifrc wa.
v.*r> light vote pollcjl for govemor
the U.t j^de-thm. the total t>*^lng
'Antrim iHuinty did *hettcr
than Grand i TinverKf. In'lng entUliNl
tT» fltf ilfW*;^tt>v Kalk.^ska eould only
hnvt* one Iy*«da«au. two; Manht****.
niaijlfvoi:;. six; Wrxfonl. six,
and Ih nrlf. Ifhn'i*
With the' exiH'ptiim «»f Manistee
county, Grand Travers, bas heivtofon*
more tliidegati*? tlian any of the
counih‘.^r^ilomsl. hut thi* year trnly
four from Gnmd Travenu* c<muty can
IlH* .Ute cunvrnlioo.
This May Mean That tha Lock Dam
Byatem far Panama Canal WiH
Killed Today.
By Wire to the Evening Reeprd.
WaahlQgtaih Jan. P—Chief Bagh
Steven, of the Panama canal Informt
lb© aenate romrotUee that In boring
Pavlofr. ehlef prooecotor of the special for the Gatpn dam n stratam of eJaj*
court B^rtlal. sitting In «l. Peter, under which is wrft mud has devel‘‘burg. wa. murdered by an miknow t»ped. ThU may mean that the lock
man thla moniliig.
dam system arill be abandoned.
'quick. TMt TAILOR. <
)h Blanchette Killed Her Because
ve wouldn't Live With Him
After He Had Left Her.
By Wire to the Evening Rectird.
New York, Jan.
The Imlependent coal openiiors aKsert that the
promises of reform by the Pennsylva
nia after the IntenHatr comnuTce In____ have not Un-n fuiniled.
They say they carmot gel cars, while
the Uvored coal companies get all the
cai>c they want.
By Wire to the. Evening Record.
Concord. N. H . Jan.
Bianrh. ite of Hlvendde. who dE'.ert.-.l
hi. wilt* thrtH* y«*nr. ago on her
fiisal n» live with him again, shot her
By Win' to the Evening Record
Port Huron. Mich.. Jan. !• —A gang
of alleged iH>unferfelters was dlscovere<| hen* In a little hut In the First
ward and Jame. Cummings, aged .?R.
of Ui»eer; Edward OR«dlly. ag"^ 40,
and Joe 0'R* niy. agevT
waiv lodged
In Jail. A Urge quantity of n.unierfelt dollars and half dollar, wa.* found
n. well as all the tool, for making
them. Edward O Rellb.'falher of Joe.
was arrest»*<l Mon<Uy hut n*vealed
rmied Slatees Marshal
Maine, and secret service men fnvm
Washington are at work and roore^rryst. are expected Itcfore night.
The left
nr tbe face U nlwaja
Joint Inatallation.
The Odd Fellows and RH»kah. held
Joint IniUaiUthm of officer. U.t
evening. A hig supper followed the
Fred Kivons <.f thi. city :»nd MU* work and dancing was enjoyed until
U/tle SchlchtH of Kink.ley were u Ute hour.
onUfHl in marriage at ,1 o'clock this
a'ftern<»on hy Jii.tlci* G. W. Curtis In
hU matrimonial pat how in the State
Bank tmlhUng.
Tools for Making Bum Dollars at
Halves Alio Found—Expected
That There Will Be More
Arrests Before Night.
dependent Coal Opsrators Aaaert
That tl^ Pennsylvania Has
•mken lU Promise. '
that wcare 'Jfe#
Real Bargains
We arc overstocked on
them and wish to move a
number of pieces. We
have added others since
last Friday and still have
a good assortment.
40c to SI
- Thp-
We are seUlng then
cheap, too—.
69c to 98c
lUslsa Bargain
Time at Our Store.
You can save by
buying from our
Bargain Tables.
Could be made of the host of
delighted housewifes and their
assistants who have used our
t now being offered in odd
I of Men^i ASuitg that we
do not with to cany over
into another leaton. If von
have not liought yonraniltlo
not fail to aee theae apUmdid
valnea. There are aome gootl
valoea awaiting yon on oiW
lota of unlerwiv. If yoitrt
iag. tting a litUo thin, aUvek
np now and save money. 8eo
our auiU at
$7, $8. $9. tiff.
Complete Housekeeping
I New Piano
1 Kimball Organ
1 Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap
Smith Realty Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.
Telephones. Office. Citirens 32; Bell 169.
Evenintfs. Citizens. 290
You Want to Look
Ten Dollar Suits.
Salts ranging In price from $14 to $18 all go
Cut' Prices
At 3 o’clock this
board of supt'rvlsors
30 tomorrhw morning. Two report*,
one of which is the county poor bona-'
matter, aw* In the hands of the proae^
cuilng attorney who could not take
action on them,until Thu^ay and
thU U one twaaon why work was dlacomlaoed tbU afternoon. AtuKher,
sraa that the city superrlaora ware
called upon to attend a meeting of the
board of health. This body was to
seeaioo Ute thU afievnoon preparing
more work for the overburdened,
rlaims and accounts committee In the
ahapt^bnu Tbe committee Is mak
ing Btee headway Into their cord or
so of aceoonia and will prohaMy be
ready to offer ibHr report tomohow
or aext day. iConltotied on Third Page.)
and right now is when
you would appreciate a
pair ,of those warm
of at
Total of $2.831.»4 Has Been Expended
on the Needy by County 8up«
intendenta—Bonds of County
Officers Approved.
at Cast
*• Those’
Came Together Head On and Englttr and Conductor Ware Bad, ly Injured.
Attempt Waa Made Laet Night and
By Win* iojth<‘ Evening Record.
the Live# of Ninety Peoplk Were
Solo. Ohio. Jan ‘‘.—A westbound
Put in Danger.
i.sengtT t^n on tbe Wheeling A
Uke Erie djviidon of the Wgbash. colBy Wire to the Kv. nlng Record.
hnod ^ with a freight today a
New York. Jan. f.—The lire, of
mlU cast or here. ^glntw'T Foster of
ninety peraoo. wer^vjcopardlretl
•Ighi by an aitempi to bum a five the freight/was badly injuri*d and
Piory tenement buUdlng at r«r. Montw Condocioi Rooney .of the pasengvr
afreet. A quantity of wa.te laitirrateil had hU rib" Imvkcn.
with kertwene wa. found near where
the file atoned.
* “:urrr;:;.rr.r"
Hy wnre to the Rvuciiug Record.
ndon. Jan.
A h|Mclal from
Hong Kong .ay. that the vlorrf»y of
Htmg K«mg ha. pruhlbltiHl the new.
r. fmm pnldishing account *
the !»oyroli on American gooiU and
that all placard, on th Kiitiierl have
been ■ destroved. The Padenr of the
.*infi AtnericAn nv»vem» It have Umii
By Wire to the Evening Record.
81. Ju-vph. Mich. Jan. J».-John
Henry Graham, president of tbe Gra
ham A Morion Transportation comIiany ind one of the best known vc
wd owner, on tbs great Ul:c. died
heA* thU nmniing after thn-e w.*eks*
nine., with typlMdd fever and liUl>;‘te.. He wa. 57 yemr* old. bom In
llUnol. and educated at Elkhart. Ind.
Mr. Grahgm came to 8t. Jojieph
1K64 The Gmham A Monon comi
wa. organized In 1875 and Mr. Gra
ham wa. made president. Tho
psny operatiHl .learner, between Ben
ton HarU»r and .rhicago. Holland and
rhk-ago. Chicago and Ihdiith.
Their commendations would fill a column of this paper. If you are not a
user of Best Flour now. this is just a
hint to try a single sack. That will
be the first of many.
Hannah , & Lay Co.
at $10.00
George W. Miller,
Tlic Strongest Possible
wili only
This colder w<
make the buying more lively.
lively, If
not bought vours we
you have
_ as posadvise you1 to buy as ea ly
ble, a the b^i things
being bicked up rapidly.
No mother of girls should let this opportunity
to go by without buying a coat for her daugh
ter, even if it is not ne^ed this winter, for the
price is certainly an object to buy now.
The most desirable Childrens garments of
.the season arc offered you at only
a h a I f of the original price.
See Some Strong Values
Only m«0
With a
graas pike aM«^
and t^dng Urn the and oT Me tine,
rm^ liM W a Ydry hndly pankw
naa yudetMly. H# was fidiMg an
Carp lahe wh^i tha pika gnhM the
hook aad ma^away wtehit. Be nam
ag<sd la draw the *d> np to tha lee hat
H was tan hums to coaw thfnmh On
hem he wae
Mr. Irish nanegad.
hoaaYer. to {hold onto It oatil he
rtingpii the hUe Inner. Then reachlag dawa he s^ed hie gkwe Into the
fish’s BHmth [nad when the teeth
lomd with n snap, he saahad him
owLV A F*w t*rr.
M aanam tosmi^ w the State
hank was held yesterday afteraeoa
an* the rapovta nbew^ that the hank
ha. ssperimmed tom ^ the tooet pnm ralaad with the gsw
of tu hlatory
•r sM ttm
Id hi to al
OMAier Arwi Borkrr
_:u-™ a*sKi
^ ]Min Uoe Onrteiu
a M laek AlrtKkt,
iititotnima caainv. kat biMt Anil, far »M«:
I of aa April
treat fMd.
•wn ar ml. tixat
hot blast, lorr tm*.
$m«, this
Ul« Is
l« ibr
Uh. boat
treat IM ttorr iM*a; a IC tocb cmbisauaa J^aal. hat Uaat. Ibr IISM;
ta a white fur two
JrwrI nafo with raamrolr aad
whlhk) The wind begaa to blow out
nalBC doaat. tor tafW.
SC^Dorth aad hefUre addalght a
oaly chaagt youag bUxxard was ragtagtotorr bajiac a atorr or raafo,
The SBOwfan was but slight, but It
aa to bM look ear nork orrr.
Bfifiad to the dWswtom^.
has raised the hopes of the Inmberw
MS a^ the officers and d
■ Ifutofienl, A. Tracy Uy.
\*lce prssideat. R. Floyd Clineb.
^ler. Samuel OarUad.
DanX Booto ^t the city, hot If we
AaaUtaat cashiers, k. r Maynard fto much, aad aay aaooat of aaow, it
and A. J. Havlland.
mfihte that W tow <mscktoi
OU P. o. BtuUiiig;
Directors. A. Tmcy lu^, R. Floyd
GUach» H. C. Darts. Elile R. Hnanah.
iH Garland. Jerry Rstlivna^ W.
After the ifiek was drasea
Oa^ • Hm 9t 0mm
M. H ymr dgbed fourt^ peaato aad ai
■lOltHptH. f tht >Uc#r^ it |»i4 ay
(•Ml If rw Im ^ y«t McvrW WM) that weighed iwm pooads draeeed he
has enough fi^i to last him a day or
imi M OTtMM %• m fTM «r
two anyway.
Tli^r wtti Mt IMI l«i«.
~s pike nre Mtlng roradowdy now
n numberiof local men will go
Church oT Imnsaculats Collection
n« can for tk« fcMMtoa
Purchased Fine Instrwmsnts
CMmtiaa for Ibc pvpOM* cf noai
aaUoi two CBiidtdalcc tor icgMiu
wMlSfia WUI *s HsM In Acme
I alnee the days of Loyt has any
tl»« mJrcmtr. two coMKllei tor Ja»^
thing half so funny beei; seen as Miss
J..K. ntxgrrald of nay City was
ilcN of Ibo iMmit coort, and ooe
Bra Tanguay In her new threewet
I d hoot and ahoe here yesterday ami scld two OrinneM
dldato ICr MBb» or outo iKiard
may. which win appear at the <2ntnd store on West Front atreet, today an- pianos It. the Church of the immacu
m4 mdmettkm. Has Imn 1m^ bf the
Tour Sunday school ronrenUons ____ house Jan. 17. Miss Tanguay. aouaced that on account of his health Utr Coocrpilon.
ehalraaa aad Mcroury of tb« ouitr
will be held in Acme and Wbllewster always lulmRsble. fairly bubble, over he wonld be oompelled to close ost
Mr. ntxgerald Is manager id the
Jan. 14 and coo with lines and amusing slinaU<»s oJ his bfislaess aad
a more congt- Crinnell Bros.’ branch house st Bay
la tb« apportloomfoi of dol««ate*
InuJug until Jaa. ti The cofireoew piece. She la without dopht nlal climate. He expects to dispose City and also looks sficr the suiiplit^
U ibowo Chal anuid Trariwi. eoontr
Uons will be held at the following on® of the rleverest comediennes <00 of his stock within the next two in the line of musical instrument
Is ««iJU<*d to bat foar delasaics wbilr
the American stage today, and It Is weeks and will then leave fc»r Culcv the Cnthollc rhurchiw 4hnmgbout the
liwtKoforo for maay yrmn wo have
Jaa. 14. Bates.!
said that la her new play **A C.i-mI KeK rsdo. where he expects'to spend the
He Is a man who has had
baaa ooUUad to aloe. Tbo appurtion
Jan. U. nk Like.
low- she has aecuied a fine vehlrJe la winter, returning in thef spring.
much exiH'rience along this line and
tag or datcgataa ta baaod apoa tho
Jan, If. YuhaJ
which to exhibit her many Ulents. A
has sold many Grinnell piam«.
veto for toromor at ibo last okcilon
Jan. 17. nrtenjooa. !
strong company has been engaged to
At that olortlaa 00I7 JflM totes
st4»port Mias Tanguay and Manager
cast for Governor MTamer which
MRS. 8AM Il.K3^ received the deed
Jan, 11. Bsrk4 Csu
Joseph M. GaU^s haa given her i
aboald coovinco repuj.lioana the tm
the lot Kivt*n away by J. W. Jack
Jnn. «. WilllsUburg.
I roductlon cqaal In everj way to thf Miss Brookmayer Was the HoatSM
poiUaoe of rating out to the polls
son on Jan. 2rd; 2C15 Mdng the lucky
Last Ev®fiing-Very Enjoy- .
The speakers
these meeUngi
repuUUoo of his aUr and himself.
•to Yote. Grand Trsrerso
abl. Evening.
s Slate rresldent J. W. Mill
shoalii havo a much Urger delegatluo
Mrs. J. W. MlllikU. Mrs, 8. Clxek. the
The theatrical manager of a decadr
at the atate conrentiun than U will
A race of giant gorillas Is said to exist
Thta. D. K. club was entertained ai
Revs. L. a Blsaell. L. B. Carpenter, ago use to believe that When a pla>
haYo this year and the only way to
In Algiers. The dlKcover>- was made by
W. II. Irwin, Traverse City, the Rev. had been established In pubUc favor the home of Miss nrt«.kra.-yer last
MHtno Yotes in the oooventton that
Mr. Thompsuo of KIk Rapids, the Rev. that any kind of a cast liould be em evening. Aboot Jwenty members were M. ^^lgene Brtiss«>aux. a French ofwo should have U for the rt^puhllrans
final and explorer who n'cently tfturnA. a Bowman of Alma and other local ployed to exploit ft bePire the puhllr. present and one candidate was Initi
to turn out to vote.
ated In the usual wgy. The evening ed from Africa. The gorillas are atmut
and for that ruaaon and no cuher ca^
was spent.In gamej, jujd music and seven fe®t. six Inches tall, four feet
a great numy of them aacrihe their
InduslHally the aute oC Mtchlgan
the shoulders, and one of them
refreshmenta conxJsUng of sand
ultlmste failure. Not so psrlth W, K.
and our country as a
which the explorer kllle<l after a thril
wlrhes. pickles, cake and cowjw w
Nankevllle. manager of ’•Hu
upon the activities of the new year
ling encounter, weighed seven hundred
with OYoa brighter <|WM|iects ahead Sut Oeorps W. Milter Recovered Ani Hekrts.” which comes here on *Jan
and twenty pounds. One of Its hands
21. . Mr. Nankevllle has always main
mal Without Walking Clear Up to
than raiated at the opening of the
A curious custom Is observed In oer- weighed six pounds. Tiiu explorer
tained that the Uut U none too goml
Soonevilla Yesterday.
. woadaitul year that has ju*.t closed
tain dUtricU of Spain In regard to has many photogiaphs o( the animals
OooamapUoB is still far ahead of pit>.
betrothals. A young man who desires In thrir wild state.
*‘Pete” ti a little bUck spaniel and chance he can better his compi
dacGoo aad la many lines of industry
to win the Itand of any damsel ealla
orders are now booked which will la the property of George W. Miller. he never falls to do so. tl Is to this on her parents for three sneeostlvc
koep them busy throoghoot moet of Mr. Miller thinks a good deal of the policy he attributes the ! wonderful days at the same hour of the day. On
>ho preeeot year, with day and night animal as he has gtven unmlsUkable occess of “Human Hearts” with the the last occarion he Itoves hla walk
of being as great a hunter as theater going public..
•hms for many of them. The spirit
ing-stick; and If he Is looked cm with
the late lamented Chief. Yesterday.
of ai^^Uon is not so ag
Pete turned up missing and Mr. Mllleri Next Monday night. Jui. 14. the fat^r by the maiden and her family
at this Ome last yewr. but
just mediutlng whether orjKd tp great Gans-Nelson fight ,ln ^moving the cane Is handed to him when he
and expeeUUoirbasod upon the firm
Inform the police when the tdephane pictures will be given at jthe Omnd
foondatloo of market requi
rang and he was Informed that Pete opem bouse. This was tlie greatest
and business demands, sr
PIIM Cured In fi Days.
stronger than then. That 1W7 will be
pot on his overtoat he marled out
the best business year the United
States hsB ever known Is an expecta- on the long drill However. whf>li>e
was paaring D4Tt Winnie’s Urberslip
Uoa which an c^ndlttans $ni tei
Art Winnie’s ronadlence hurt him eo
While the Germans are pitying more
cies give oonBdeneg In promising
bo calltHl him In and delivered the and mors attention to
Frank Truije
BaigaUtt VM LooUiv Into
tunt of theae KOo<a •rriviBg too
th* UolMar titole. we !i*tv u
OBofinow aluck on Lod Umt *re taking
nptoonneb Mom.
U yo» want a Boeker.
Now is to TIinc to Buy
AoJ bere it wliere you will find tbe fiuu^rtment ami Uio loweat pricea In
The fojlowini; will um; yon an idn* of tl»- KTObt ledootioit «•
li»vo mmle. Theac an- only a few of the many:
Our BiHK-inl $7 K «>k.l
liDiD 4.75 up.
All oUuT hij^h grmlf Kocki-rt toM
Your Credit Is Good
Your Reliable Furniture Storc^'^
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Street
TI18 Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
THE Bie STORE ••-HDMlers in Eveiyttiing
The redempUan of the prdmlaes
to the
of the state
I state platform
and by OoYenior Warner, that the
limited UahUIty act aad the aiange of Aaaual SJactlan Wfia Held Laai tvam
law Aontl be
Inp-Frto » Cuttia^ Was Choasn
lap^nage there Is a d«clli-of Gcrman as s schtx>i subject l^ Bngland.
$i.50 to $5 Saved
•WANTED->You that keci'chlckons
to ase pur IDEAL mlxtsd chlc|ien feed.
NOto' better. T. C. Milling Co,
-l»*l Model K. Wtoton.- toll lak^_______________I JanlMf ther top. cu lamp*, extra outer <»Car la flrM«Uia eoud
At a meeting of the uniform rank,
FOB SAl^All kinds hf horse,
“laoe Northere To
of P. held last evening, the follow cow and chicken feed. T. C. Milling
Ing officers were etecUnl;
Captain, Fred D. Curtis.
Ob. “1P0« Elmore Tourio« Cir.First Lieut.. CtaUd Pulver.
JOI.VT INSTALLATION of the Mac ^bCape Top and Oat Lamp., tlOO*.
Second Ueut., R, J. Mercer.
cabees Friday night, AH members re
Recorder. Fred Dean.
quested to be present
! jan U2l
74 Fmrmr 8t.
BlUa protldlag for their repeal
Introdoead In the very first haurs of
the leflsUtlve eeesloa which
last woek. Both of these Uws
Indoded In the legi'slatares work of
two years aga Theoretically
good was expected of them, but
throngh application It waa fmind that
they could be made use of in a
Chsplln. W. H. Umlor.
Uoo not contemplated and In oppocltluQ to the ivqutremenu of justice.
Ituard and scwtlnel wRl be ap
heae results caused pointed by the captain later;
the repobllcaa party to promise their
repeal, aad It wUI be the first work of
the lagislatiire Ifi see thst thom^ promMr. and Mrs. A. J. WMigar Suter
Uinad Laat Evtolita.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wouser of Boat
Tenth street eiitcrtaMI the Burtoca
The World Almanac and Bncydop€s club last evening. First ’
dia fur 1»07 Is a ooe-Yulnme library won by Bd McGlaness and
or tnformatlon. Concise, co^prvhtm by Ml. Jackson.
dre and complete, it is a marvel ol
The next meeting will be^ held next
csampttaUoD--of good editing. Legls wfH-k at the home of ^ra. j’ Campbell
UUve, elecUon. financial, tmde. aport
Oghtb street
lag. athleUc, deissrl mental and educa
tlonal malteri. American and foreign,
GBT A MKAL ticket at City Restau
natkmal and state. ait« all presented mat for |X50,
Jan >*t
la a manner economical of time and
nenrous IrriUtkin.
The professional man. the business
nan. the young and the aged, la fart
' all kinds or cvmdiiloos of mea. will
haYo frequent occasion fturlng the
nourse of the year to refer to the
pages or this Yaluahle Yolume. the
ooatMts of which Is girm In a well
J.W.Jnokaon A, W. Jahtane
Boat A Monton
s*ma( meal tickeu at **40. Jaa *-« { 1’. Menegari
A. OoiaiUa
J. H. Unman
MR& SAM lUCB rremtad the AaedU Weqnalong Olnb
\» the lot (ina away bb/. W. Jack ii {j. P. Owen
m an Jaa. aid; S«* belac tbe tacky**
Jaa *-»
H msuEtKtp U
sooner sold. ’The hardware dlvisloo will
sen ytm
A 14 tooth Cultivator, rogular price $5.00. now .................. .......................f'S.SO
A No. 2 Cummings Feed Cutter, regular price Ilk.OO. now........ .
A No. n Bell City. Chain Fet-,1. F\.«l Cutter, regular price $22.00, now IS.00
A No. n Bell Oiy. C.esr Fea-d. Feed Cutter, regular pitc* $23.00. now. 17.00
The only reason for making Utese rt*markable prices Is because w«
would nilher sacrifice the profiu than carry them over Inventory.
THE WBiTB omPAinr. Gnre
An Meal Breakfast
No matter if Uie animal they han
dle it a trnek hotee or a high-
merit and value of our hctaie goods
*d<tonptinn that we are
poinU for fmnte referencedwa|a an ^aiaement of onr ootpot
BeU phene 102
Don’t Forget
When thinkiag about presents that' a chi
lier, pretty shade, pocket flasher and
Portable Table Lamps
iiiake the very
be« kind ofaapresent.
. ._________
their in stock,
- at the right prict
of them
and see.
WTixi better brcxkfaat coiiU yao ata for tbeoe aioier areraliupi than
cake and .ynip. uuia(c«r bacoa aad aood eolaaT We are adlliic Jodc’
fclobtatcd Cpaniry Pxna Burkwbaat Floor at **« a reck. The reme bread
Of Muresc at IJC a pound la caoloai or I*c la balk, tbe bam at Me a poaad
and baron S5e.
Ool^ Drtp Cane Syrup at 4*e a Katloa aad Roblaioa'a cnarenteed abMlujfly pure Ohio Maple Syrup at »1.1S a galloo. Then top oC tbe breakfait a lib one or more cup. of ellber Yale Mocha aad Jar. Co«ee at tte a
pound or (be Mooarcb blend at 40c. There are two of tbe beat Mead, of
roBee sold. We konw these are tread for we hare tried ib-m and we tblak
wc aic a pretty good judge.
Announcement from the Candy
and Cigar Section
iam Ann. Baamia bre baaa ansa««l to look after this aeetloo aad
wni aerte yoar want, la the moat pleaalnc auuuer. We oairr Btranb Broa.
A Amlotte-. toil Uae of celebniad choootele. aad creams aad can sett you
candy yrem te to *ac a pound. We carry as ane a Uae aad Urpe areottment
«g etoara. aareklnc and cbewla* tobscoos aad smokere- goods aa yon wlU
Bad la tbe any.
Ow Oilv old UdiM' Hsim Jaunta) PamhisFiw
Stiil holds mpod. Any psrsn bringtag us two vMrtv •ssWH«bft«k. *fv skm
Lmitoa-Home JoamM at *140 em*. ami ooe eaa b. Omlr own If they wtob.
we win Bim toar ooupaaa eatgUas tkam to bay tour dreas aatuni. .ntlretv
emr. aucHiOMk'
"liiBKsTin amm
H. X. Hrtl.
A. V. rtfMA Mtf ckBtM WH-
rmai ^ Mt
«< «X«
t »*<• Orwi« Trm.*nf aM
Ajlaa* miria« «o»P«ir »»•
ii|Uf»»« ••d «be ripivu
AowM IA« tfc. eMPur fc«
trn kiflilwl pmpMU. IB r*ei •«
pi^Mbtac U H»' oBU«* IbBt Ih*
koMM Of Ibr Bliiek IM »«T JubltoBl
onr Ikitr hoWI*C> 1V« !• pd
UTBlf •■> man Btock lor «)• bp tbp
®f »*»•
tor of prtoHpol or totoroot koo kooo
loot oor to tkoro o tooo Oo kood Ml
Ob Nor. I told a
. poifP of pnmtmm mn tt Tnaana
ai» »ad Nsnbm Mlcblpaa
paalMd for lb« parpaap afta
tb» aacMBry taad. far tha
■ral of Iba cofapaBr-B Pt
wbMb ara IB tbe Cbto Craak. Ariana.
AMiM. a Alautei ablch at fnanl
taatmmt tama at (ba piaataat proAatlac artaaa la tba capalrr. Tbta ayBdIeala taralihad llt.aM la caah aad
acraad «o faralab ttam tla» lo tiaie.
; <; anfaaa aaamau aaadad op to MJ.ao*
;,• , mn. tbU .Ul d*a Iba eooMiaay
wa. ibaa aaud. -orbla. eaplUt
Oa Dae. I «artt <aa bafoa oe tha
•ban «blak U aPBf doaa W foot.
: cn-a cattlac la ao. balac *»• at
Um I»Mo« laral aad tha todlealloai
ata BO inportaal that It Ib aspactad
«lthla tba aait thirty daya that arary
abaro of/«aek Of tha eoaipMiy arlU ba
atortb fta laeo aolua.
Cbarlaa toorthwalta la twatal
: Maaapw^. batap >«b>^ •> Ca-*
aad bla arath ataa »ary aattafttetory to
. (ha ataekbpMMB. Tha Blalac K aadar
1 (ha dliactl«t of « R. Tiahr«>. •
’ sra«apla af tha Hoophtoo bUalap
^ aehoal ahd a niaa of artda atpartaaca
' had die aepalBinoa of aueh a praethal
ma la lapaidad aa of praat aahw.
Tba lapart at (ha pwtaial auBopat
•«aa aary aadafactory to tba atoek'hoMara aad biaapht forth BitMh ao- i (btartaaai aad ail orr aafolUBP tba rr
aiiH of tha oatri thirty daya’ worti with
a prrot daal of lutareat a» It to oa
^Od thla will plra aaaumooa of
ipoot hUCCtoo.
Moor »lockh«>J.ter» from ootdde
wrrr prwoot ytotrrahy mi the oonuo
mtolU«. Xll the olU tifftcom wore re
tioctod «» follow.!
PxwddooU Tbmna. Smurthw.Ue.
. Vko prooldeol. Woltor arrlllck.
Pkmoiy ood litooum. H. -MooU
Ponoal Opoolof of tto Tntorto CAy
Athtotto Cluk Tokto flooo FriAo totoittot pfPiiom tgf tokktto
idftos mod ioioto to Mto pmoitod
tor tko fononl ope^og of tko
elnb rrtdoy rr««las. Tko
wtlJ ko no larlUtloo nffolr.
John nod Arthor lUmoi will go cm
for four rouodn. TktoO two »« ore
lo tho bonrywelght c
there will bo oulto o
tbolr OTOlrdopoln. Beldlag ond Pet
tolkow wlU go on In Ike mkSdleweUkt
for three roondn. A wrenlUn*
h wUI otoo bo one of the nttn^cA knod boU loan
ket boU gome wilt
and o torn
Kotomnreo Man, Well Kiiowfi in This
City, to New Lytof at the
Point of Otnth.
rrtara to tte trwory of
n» pteM or
That Antooiil Woo Kupoodod to Trov RtguLf MMtIns WUI M Hrtd FrMay
Art.moaa-WH B« an Op*
•fto City loot Yoge^^f 400
Werktm to tho City.
mrr ewHtmptly to M»d oot
MBto tke flams sT acetotona to pet^
kign tka botiaec known mtomK tkat of
oimplr .
• id«
stgo of
of tko
Ika alactrte arc. Tba fnltowtag fl
o^ tlio mntry. ookara kM glwaat Btmnan Imrnar. VB7I
diBieen; neetjlime flamet. EM8 flecraea;
to UmneU
toooctol oito. aereiml
nkekol flaato L706 dagrem: Denny.
rmmn bgmer>)ialf aknbol baU pHro.
It aito to kUlv.
Wllv. Tk
Tkot cry koo poMod
laBOH-3.00S dff rasa; hydrogwi flai
aod pooplo oto w4uios tor tooo.
air. IJWO dagnen; gas JaC flams
Tke foqtooc for -uomoro- wontod
oxygg*. •SDO dww; oxykyd
tho troooonr doporttooot tor o looc
flame. 2.430 df«re«. Tbaaa are at
whilo. Uoder tke tew It cooldB*t pot
thcoe hlllfl oot moopc U eachonoe tor
mine e# Jihe ‘King ef Kings'* Was . Ugrode ogaalf 1A dagroea F.
rodeapUoo. aod the
Mato UnUI Taday.
•unat wTiliK^-cauSr flTfuuiig
in nm roptdly oo it
ilm. and MabeF. rogagament being
ibftt an auompt was
noteo of Imroe de-He IOC too ecooomlcaL'*
Jan. 9.—'Tbe Dally Mall'a
-In what wayr
tha iBUCtol ,
ni Teheran to a teto
-Began nrodlng her unaaaM toye
nnd to pot tito •‘■okrbockn- oot to thidr
sent last night at 11:50 o'clock
letteva bearing a 1-ceol sump. —MUptoee. Tboro tent mock uno for 11.000 say.:
waakec BeatlneL
bate In the pntka of genkml clrcnto
‘The abab of Pbrato died tbto even
tIoQ aod H won oootidotod better to tog. tbemgh no pubUe annotmeement
fot tkom lo ood let tbe tooa oot In of the fact will he made natU tomor
this way the pMreUry numnged to put row tWednesdsy).
MAOO 110 blllt
-It was erldeBt yesterday (Monday) Orinoco ronntry. Ha say. tbe party
proecieolly at one
that the rod was rapidly approschtog several times came In contort with tha
and four InjecUons of camphor werr earth flab.which are tha moat farortoos
employed to proloag the ruler's life tobabitanto of tbe watar known. Tba
All the shah's vital functions were
Big Detroit Factory Wan Damngo snspendad today and at 5 o'clock this
thrae coroered. Any lIvtoE ohjaH
evening the heir apparent. Moham which attracto their attention la atThr4 Quartern of a Million Dob
miHl All Mima Valtobr. and the mlnto tacked with fury. Mr. Tbotnpaon tells
law Loot Night.
tem were summoned. The women of of an Indian woman who entered tba
the patoce also brgsn preparations for water to fill a bucket. Sba was at
Detroit. Mich.. Jan.
Fire r
tacksd by tba fish kbd rroehed aboro
suited oboot € p. m. tent Bight to the
-Boon after auasei the doom of the only to 41a to fifteen mtoutaa. Tka
fieoh was lltffally torn from bor body.
foundries and low buUdlBgn okmg the
harem were cloaed. which was the slg Mr. Dart who waa with Mr. Tbomprlrer front at the Michigan 1
nal that all was over. *
bon, caught ona of tha fish and pulled
Works, one of the Imrtmt mnnul
The news of the shah's death
Uank. 11a bald tha earth
rie« of Detroit, swept rapidly ujiihe
lesched the foreign mlnUtem tote this under hia foot while ha pototad at tha
building, of the plant and at 9
evening, but the public to atUl uq peculiar teeth with hit flngro. With a
o'clock Preoldeot George H. Bnrbou
aware of his majesty'a rod. Tho quick roovameot tba carib flopped out
of the Michigan Store company Mid
streets are deroried and the city Is from uadar Mr. Dart's foot aod seized
him by tba finger, cutting that member
the kM» would approximate 1750.000.
In darkness."
to tba Itonn. The flab frequently have
Bereral firemen were Injured
known to bits ordinary flahbooks
Ihttog the ftomea. and half <
’. I
potgttooo dr tddw idf
I othor paporm d tlw pro-
asi uw w■qni ov
B and that of the ywwth vlMa|^
: Mena abet
oroa«flto« to tbf
troektegs af Mro Bawaob Mare nBfl
ftoBfard sBd Mreton baa rorrotly broi|
prwred by a mtia T yror^Od gW wW
waa laboHonsty apettBg K^wajr
By Wire to tbe evening Record.
Detroit. Jan. 9.—Wheat—Na 2 rod.
TSlie: cotn.Alc; oaU. STHc.
encm. 45^c; oaU. Mtoc.
Toledtk O. Jan. Ib-^'kaat-Oaah.
75^c: corn, istte: uau; 37c.
Raw Bnflalo. Jaa. 9.—CaiUe—Firm.
Bbeap and tomba-«.«K»: slow, lower;
tMce tombs. |7.X5©$: wethem. $5.50
05.75: ewes, $545.25. Hfms-d.ioo:
acUve. lower
Yt»rkem. $6,70©d.75;
heavy and mixed. $C.70.
-BBd Obey ymw porrota.
-Be gentle and floirt. NevTf Ham
the door and abaot mod aerrem a bout
Pto!!’r.H.U*»*-.B««.bN. (.SO
Oorn meto. per 100 Iba
1 20
Feed. lU L. fl €3o.'a BroL ^
eveniK betwe<*n now and then. T
IwrtU-. have iHvn very pleanant and
tbe. attendance will undoubtedly
(Cuntlnued from Fimt Page.)
The report of the ct»unty aupt^r
icndrou of the poor for the teat alx
months was retired to the cot
tro on county poor thia morning. The
t itouws that a loUl of $2,$31.94
>een expended on the needy of
the county. $727.70 of which went to
he poor house and $2,104.24 for pur
Supervisor Tedman was
this afternoon but will be back for
the afternoon scHSlon tomorrow.
Ileecham, chairman of the fin
wa>w and mrona commllti-e. mi
verbal report on the matter of am apiatlon for Jhe Humane saK-lely
which was brought up by
Underwood, prcldenl of the society
Beecham atated that. whUc he
was personally tolcrestcd
movement, he would rather go down
bis pocket and donate money than
•to to appropriate. *1 alon't like to
eslabltoh that precedent." ho said.
The bonds tat the county officer,
were approved *rhey are:
Roto'tt E. Walter, clerk.
•r and Dent Blue sureties.
Robert B. Walter, register to chan
i r> . D G. Chandler and G. H. Crow
IIret Ire.
G. W. Curtis, clreult
kmcr. a J. Morgan and E. U Rau
som turelies.
Cbarlca Johnson, aherUf. Fred L.
ohnson. jr, R J. Moigan. W. W.
Smith and O. C. Mol
E- P. Waterman,
can Surety company surety.
ank Holdsworlh. coroner. J.
Wilhelm and O. E. Chase sureties.
F. W. Wilson, rogtste^ deed..
W. L. ,WllSQp alto J. O. C*bilaer
F. ft Brown, traaaurer. United
Sutes n^ty aad Ooarmniee
pany attroCy.
• Tbr iv-gular roeeUng of
In the report of the election of itf
Woman', club will to- held ^T4da> flceiw of the Farmer's Mutual Fire In
aftcruoon to tbe club iwgt.
Bce company given In yesterday'*
ThU will lH‘ an opmi meeting under
ird. the name of 1). B. W'ynkoop
was given as one uf the diroclom. Mr.
Lerndm. Mm. J. R. Baala
Wynkoop. who has served for some
Subject. -Demonstration of
yearn In this cspacKy. has resigned
Method, of Teaching the Deal.*'
the poaltloo and W. L. Wilson
-Our Bute School tor the.Dosf.
aley has been appointed to fill
Mm. M. A. 8. Roberta.
the vacancy.
-Our Home School for the Deaf and
The ftosiern Star chapter will give
tbe Law Ooveralng IC* Mro
another dancing party Turoday f
WAKTftD-Wktol. ne. eoro.
IntL. Jan. 15. to which,all members
iHwnn, koy ood olrow. T C. H«»“* -Which U Beat tor the Child Home aad all lUaona and wive, are invited.
Traverse City comCo,
ton 04f or Bute Bebooir general disc
by ibeelub. led by Mra, J. R. Bantu.
mandery. No. 41. tonight took to the
LEflTER a WELCH—Attorney at A social hour wlU follow tbe pro- Red CroM
tow. Ckdtocikm erork a apeclaliy. I5pm. Refroshmenu nerved.
.The union meeUng of tbe Kntghti
WUk Underwood A Umlor. Bather.
of Pythlsa begins prOmpUy at I
o'clock this evening at the ^ Grand
opera house. The work will be fol
lowed by a banquet at the lodge
rooms. Delegations will be present
from Manistee. Kalkssks and
0« awoBBt ol poor h««ltb will doae out my atodi
Levi Cox of Long Lake U up b
Mlaa Bva Blltord of Empire p
JnaUce ef tbe Peace Amll F. Nerlto- through the city thU morning on her
ger today charged with atesltog a pair
to KatoBtozoo. where she wgi at
of skidding tonga from M. L. Updike,
1 ud 8 ImoUe ArtUoa lor Soya, Toolhi and ChUdiRoat....M
He Haims they were porchaaad from
and chUdrro
Boya’HaaTy Eabbaia to waar with liaaTy aoi
Mrs. Mary 1
I brother.
left for CadUlac this morning.
Man’.l baokW Aretkrt......... ..................................... .....fLSt
*Mra. Wltham RIeterfi relumed to
A young man who was amxkmi to
aecaro s Job aa a railroad btmkeman afuir hHptag iBstBU the RobHtoh of
Dera teat evaslBg.
wanderod Into one of tha local janla
tha ofWr flay and coma acraaa a h«neh
Mias Nettle CuUtog returned to her
bwtqualily-Bortoa. Bdl Baadmid
akroad men who were Httlng
home to Ktogdou today after rtoitlag
a ahaaty- He made knawm his a
m. sad ona of tbe men, who
Mra. MlltOB White ratiuiied to KeyatoBe Uto moratog where aha to hHptag care for Mrs. M..J. Dob*, who
waa slriekaB with paralyato.
F. W. WItooB wMt to lOBgaley this
Tbe onnu.l morilng u( th^Unlun
lllMklonory wwiety of the city wn.
bold nt tho nnrt Melhodi»4
yclortlny nttonnH>iv Mm A. J. Kldred
won rlectodl prenldcut and Mlto Alex
•Oder ■erreUri.
Tho toport
from tho
rhurebeo nkown that there nr«- ovei
400 workem ond that ohout |l.loo wmn
In the work fiwo thin city durtn«
•nm^ M Buinr. ter. Mi
^ ifcHiirAirm to dm tte oir. «o>
th. Aooroto o
ood ■oto^kly
ttr tko
Too ■odoT b»
toft oncUr tho woy TOO did lot
joo took «o to tdo 4mtM to koto ttof toolk poUod.--pv'g Wpikir.
te tbc dr-
otoMioo. M’kh!. Jno. I.-Oen.
Wllltom Bkokenpeore of thin Hty. lor
deportment oommmiider of the G.
A. R. nod promloool to «ole pollUcf apeototom were hurt by a runaway
for tbe pant 10 ymmi. He# ol the polat booe wagon. One onldentlfled
of donU ot kU kemte to thl. city from died nt Bt. Mniy. boaplUl. hU akull
boon trooUe.
crushed by n home's bdofs.
^.nerol Bhokenpenre gerred during
Of the entire ptost cmly tbe oCficr
the eoUce war on privnt^ n£d ofteer bulldtog. toundries and part of the
nlDK to thin city nDd m
nlomge building hid been wived. Thl.
ncltoe bunlniwn. He wol the fonoder U Ices than ooe-thlrd of the plant
of the Central bank and wan Inter
I covered an area of several
ented in many butlnoM Inatltutlonn of acres. There were 15.000 gaa and
the city. Fw the pmml nwp yeom he “<»al .toven ruined.
been ivtired from' bua
The toUl insumncc I. $380,000.
r c»f poor health In the battle
acknoo. Mlwu. both leg*
ELITE party.
broken and for thirty Are dn>s be wan
without medical attontkm.
Naxt Danes Will Ba on tha Kvaning
In IWI be wan npptonted brigadier]
of Friday, Jan. 22.
grnermi of the Michigan nUte
The next dancing party will be
He practiced law In the city.
given by tbe laitc Dancing club on
**Tko doom' of dliTclor. t^mMm ol onrr> lag on hi. other pumulU, • rt>r a the evening of Jan 22. The floor of
Iho ocikor., PhU Sheriuer ond Will number of yearn he wan tbe prlorUmJ the City oiM'rm hotiro wjll bo In the
enner of the Katomaaoo Gazette.
Un.1 of coudltloo as there will be ^
$1.200 FOB wssieiis
%. AccrhUfy
Orr koadfod L«M podo ^ tko kook
Tfci Maotf
'^1 Gough
tuf«w OM
. ttm
Ou^ Sftil^.
Otassss s«4 to. Kxes.
Every cna know, that la naiiig fl
field glata It la oacroaary to adjust It
to a proper torus. Buppoae that you
put one of tba tubro at your tocua aufl
tbe other tube at a forUS that aultad
one etoe aad (bro you lookad
gb botfi tuUu. Too w«a;« hero
re or ku. btairod vtokm and I?
^ept on looklag tba chamea arw
that you would feel giddy and get il
brodacbe. Now. tbe two ryea are aupn
(Hiaed to bare an equal atttiral forua,
vbro by any cbaoco th.it foeu. to
sal a beadaeba rroulto. The rem
edy la a pair of flaaare or a slhgla
Stoaa to make tba eyes equal lu power.
Tbe Itonea. or Northmen, flrat ho*
wme ^mloeot In Itorapaaa btstory
in 7M. when they l•egaB lo ravaga
(he north coast of lYance aad aoqfto
era ahorro of Greot Britain.. Tha dar- of tbeae hardy aeameo was rw
luarkable. for to tbrir amaU ships they
even proetrated the Mediteminroo and
no terrors to Iba aeal*oard papula,
tioo of Italy. Blclly and Greece. The
first king of I>romark la said to bare
baro Bklold. eu B. C.
The gnwtrel tro drinker* In Ihb'
world are the Auidrallan*. they «nnually cooMumltig seven and threefourth. iHiund. per hoad In tttgUnd
the proportion 1. at»oul six and ihn^
fmnthh iiound. per head and to the
I'nlied Stalre only one pound two
•vying PrtcM.
..... «
CPri.parbu. new..................... 45
Though deolUUt became a actooca
under tbe hand of Profraaoc Richard
Owen aa -late aa 1830. tbera are evl
denccs that It was pranked to a rrudt
way by the anclento. Ilerodotua refers
to treatment of tba teeth by tba Egyp
tians. and evlUeocoB of attempts to
supply artificial troth have l>ero dla
covered In ancient skulls and mum
mies. Galen was tbe first phjsiclan
to speak of ircatmaut of
tenh. and Ambrolte Itora, to hls work
on auigery In 153a makaa mention of
tba prroervatloo of tbe teeth. It la
only since tbe middle of tba teat ceo
tury, bpwerer. that dentlatty baa becoma a branch uf aurgkml acience. Be
fore that time bod teeth were extract
ed, and mars tooth drawing conatltuted dentistry early to tba, nloeterotb
century. Tba first deutal webool to the
United Sutea was erected at Bsiamore in 1839. In 1845 Clnctonatl
ed of a almltor Institution.
-At tbe to-ble eat alowly.
to A
grrod-y maB^wr like a pig Fuddroly tbe little girt shut the bosk
vrltb a pmirotoo. turag and aniiounerfl
wMh flrmnere and dertoloa:
-I'm not cHag to H4 any nW Third
roder boas me like thaL*'—Rw bca'.er
Egypt and Argcnlln. atv' busily dcvHoidng their faclbtire for pnalmrlng
com and redtoo Fvxypt I. building a
dam to Incrcaro her cotton ar«*a, hop.
ing lo supply In time the English dW;
mand Anrenilna's n-vlalty U t^ortL
.Neither (H.uutry ha. lh«- arreag.\ popu.
ill Ion. enerKV. or raplt.vl lo make U B
M iloui* C(»lu|K*tltor of the PIVHCIU gTerf
nttum and r«»rn giosln*; couulry-thii
I'nlPNl Stoles.
WANTED-Those that kivp roWB
to urte our IDKAL daliv ftiMl. towt and
rheaiH-M iu the inatket T. C- Milling
Spring tomb., live weight...,
•f to*
Lady Dorothy NavlU to her remlnlareocm tells a story of bar father, a
geoUamaa of tha oU acbool. -in i
kero aborts, with white atockliigs and
a brass buttoned blue coat with big
colUr. over a beautifully embroidered
watotcoat" But be a word after tbe
manner of tbe age -lie waa traveling
at night on tbe cooUnrot alone to i
poet cfaaiaa when tba postboy, while
pasaliiff through a foroit. begau
drive like a man anything but certola
of bU way. My fatbar'a wrath soon
rose, and tha qgploalon of strong Uaguaga which laaued from the carriage
ao alarmed the driver that, murmuring.
•Je ne vatu pat cooduire la diabla' (I
will not drira tba devUj. ha pulled up
and. having expeditiously unfastroad
tba traoaa. made off wlUi hls borae. at
a gallop. My father. 1 beUere. paaaad
the whole night alone In tba woDda."
ir mf tM%
In tba cHumua of tbe .New York
Sawttaar of BapL 8. ITWS. there was
Uwyera at
, of tba
grading to froamsB. -An honaat trade
to tormar daya.” said tha writer, "waa
all that paopla of common ability and
edueatloo were ambitious of. but n:>w
w prafaHtai b crtitMl but (If fcw
yw ud tte wtrttaot. Tb. bwym
u* anr crMpta. ••«> •v«ry ixyt of
laportuet ud (taranme (bmurtr**
wb««»th«f»l.«T«c«»cy. Oi>t.<
graao. our aaaambly. »» ciowflad i
tham, and eraBbto obr great comu
ctol cuBrootlaa there are fire Uwym
!•«• AteWmboy wboeoaldBotboiw
foriMd la ibl* way. ao(U. ftiibrt (oak
Mb lo haad. Brary day Ua MtMr
(•Had Mb la aad aMd: -Nov.
•Bihar objrtta to tbaaa aaattaty word,
yta aar. b« L brta# a maa. Ilk* tSrta.
loote Oo avrr th. IW far □».- T» b,^,
gwaaptly taBgimi at Brat bat la a faw
day. hr turd of Ihr ward, awl ha.
this Morning
the crowds Kathcred before the store doors were
open to take advantage of thc great
bargains offcreil during our
Annual White Goods
Customers never more picked. These items picked
up in our Notion Department:
About M pieces Torchon Lace.
one and two inches wide, (at........................
Another lot Torchons, two and three inches
wide, value Sc.at. ..........................................
25doren Ladie.’Pu« Linen Handkerchief.,
value 20c to 2!^ Came too late for
holiday trade. Your choice
in this sale........ ............................................. .
A lot of Ladies* Turn-over Collar..
Value 15c. choice................ ...........................
Another a^rtment, value W and 35c.
E. Wilhelm
Wish you • Happy and Prooperou. New Year.
We .hall be plea^d with a pvt or aU
ol your Fire Iniurance during
the year 1907.
Office In State Bank Bonding
^ Steal lnvcalotySMe.t
IBHb^d^ -----------bOM -----------^----------- ■—‘
at aibtr wb, J, C
aaoMMi Mt omcr tbrnlrJ cttdi. Sttrls Todty tl
iM^T lir Mi-MT *«MM.
?***!*• *—*^.“*. ^
4. r. Biitlifc It fba Mtata of tb4
lacaHti . aad
««MMr la M baaa aaaaaad alia
alta aartkdMi^
pankipaiat ta ibe
1 dM ^krnrnm liift*
H M «C ^
M Ui apM IM ba 14 tapapad ta
m pMOea af lav at tbit ptoaa aad ^
8«a ieatpb A Bra., aia tba ainr
•crehaata of Bivlia. At tbalr
tnaoMf «f
bat dik feifir ■trriiaaiiii MlMiaa oa M fuaf
for toMjr fuarm. vtfl lapk allar tba
tertflr ba4 Um aatea c
<» Cba bm»«l aiUI a iit# whmm
tartol ar arary dtacflftina aaoi
taava«aM «riWaaat Bodan
a»4a-data idAt la Cba oaaairr
%arr«MI «o tta «raaa4i. taana cT
■aAaalfa ’aad taborara vara «
i^aaly npujiatad tad wbaa aca^Mad
It tba Ml af Mattj HMtO br tbt
Ivaan. Wktfkf «m fcava a mt
vttboai a pair la tbit part af tba
.Tba Mpira lMbarOo..baa aa-^
{bibar bBidtPdi la tbit atelaltp aad
Biaibsr to kaap tba BUn la aoa
I «M nr
)• M tbi ftaak.
Mb uia bufl«ap PA
TkMMi OMTiac ii tki TlliMi mm
«MJM .aad it
M Baabi
baailaca aad H #aaa wBboat Mtef *«lpr
at Mi»»M»
b^piaoa af
that tba pMl* Ihrlid bi mrn9^ aai m bt fauad atarj baaara klad
proiaead la tbia
“a ttaare daaT baCb la tba glTla^
oyar tbalr farai aad dair r •rataed UrMlaek «M pv« Iko U«ImM pricM
mM bOMlHi tor tbi MM.
for tba marobaadlaa tbay
far tbeir dally exltteaee. Heary
aaa vUI aUll cooUaae to run bit atora
at Olaa Arbor.
Jaawa Bcnraa aad Oaa Jobaaoa ar?;
alatabla Mia. aoU aad
•aoia of tba Tlllafa. Boib baaa largo they ara able to tun out a
or waiVBartag tka COOT
vaU vaotftatad atoraa aad vary ooathe year.
■aolal dltpoaltSoDt. Tbay are
M. LaCara. IMaar.
batUlai botlaaat bm of tba toera It
The ploaear ekunaat to rapidly decaa vail ba proud of.
craaalBg aaUl but a few leomla.
Aamag t^ still here aad who
IBat Jaoaa Tvuddb
I Tba aaaiiHugr alto bat aboat ItOOO
aarat of tpltoaid ftna laadt that tbajr of tbe yillace aad bar draatutabtep poMam bit old time bsaltb aad Jovial;
prill aall at wy raaaoaabla prloat parlors tre tbe aoeae tba year aroual ty to M. LaOore. He owns a large
aad opoa iranr i:bafal lar«^ A araat of mtny bMuUfol drees creaUons ec farm^aad came to tbeae part* nearly
easratlal aad to dear to tbe famlalai forty-three year ago. when only a trail
was tbe road way to Traverse aty.
Oeo. wmiaiom U tba rural ■»£ TbMr Jottioey to Traverae Otty was
ih many dangers, cbaimctere^FT^^r of tbit placa Aad rrportt •
laUc of a new country aad that the
1 far prodactira"bJldtej
to a* tlmaa of tba yaar. utrtteularty fotknr groutfd that Empire now sUnds upon,
QtU la lociUlt^a »a<^ oMarjuid loag.
leary aaov ttorms: aa .the ogua had only one little shed as a begin
ar aadar darelofiateat tbaa tbit a
try. which bit route rant through U nkig to the resident section of the
rery billy aad roads ara la tome village. Mr LsCone has two
one belOE now located at Elk RapWa
WfaUr tb^ laraiani bara baaa boa/ pUcat rough.
He to a practiclag deaUst there and
la tba deralopamit oT tbalr toU tba
George Hale It the new botrl owaur
very large praoUce. Hts
iDafrbaBU of Bmpira bara aoi baoa of Bmplra. be btrlag rocaotly goua
» Is located at rnilfport. Mich.
Idly ataadlac by Imt btaa built up lato tbe plouaer bobtl of tbto plaet
Ha to a practlcliig physiclaa there
toBw aaty aiodeia atoia baJhllagi
a bauer to tbe tipr^ pubUc and enjoys a good sited patron
bllad tbaoi up vUb evary llaa of
aa Hotel Lt Rua. He baa iiMated tbeir are respectively. J. O. UOora
cbaadltt aaoaaaafy u> buaua aaltt- the laterlor euUrtly aad lUCuruitbed
and O. M. LaOore.
«aaa aad at prtoat that ara popular.
irougbout uatil today a prettier
F. El Drew aad wife condnet a
A»|n« tboaa vbo baaa baaa IdooU
I of bueiiiaaa. U bard to Had. Hit
ygoois. grocery. mUUaery apd ao^
iad with tba baalacat latafuau of
ara raatoaable and be reports tion store at this place. They also
iw» plaqp pad vba
7 fiourltblag biitioeat.
n ^oualve line of shoes
bora, a Ibv ailabt be laoaUooad.
C. Bowen. J. El Lambkins and
aad enjoys a very large patronage,
Naaaea Broa.. are tba proprtetort of Geo. JobntoB ara tbe barbers
> Bnplfa a laadlac peaeraL store and this Ylllage. All btve aical/ furaUb.
Win. Hsagen Is the pasbandla a complete llae of aev ner ed btrberahopt tnd by yeart of
tdr of the m B. n^nrah aad reports a
very large and regular attendance
both la his church and Sunday school.
Mr. Hasken U a hard woridag.
s Bsaa. aad.looka very hopefully to tbe future In cooaecUoo with
bis WOrtL
Tim todies of this ebureh have orgaatoed a Home Mlsskm society which
progreaalag very rapidly at
The Rev. Pr. James Goldea of Ne*
-------------------------------------------- --------------at New aea City to the spiritual advisor of the
out of eaepr Mea drlakiag
apeu awaar-----at rett
. Ycar'a but bow few of the good rtwolulkmt arat carried out. WHY NOT?
Bt. Pbimpa church mad has s large
Because tbe oootlaual drlakiag ta tbe past hat weakened the aerra
^Is of tbe buman lystem unUl the craving for drink baa fastened itself to
strongly that tempUtlon cannot be resisted.
Tbe public
Tbousaivds of peraood who really want to quit the uae of whiakey uod
very pragreasiva and ujhtoAate.
tiaer realUe that they cannot do an without amllcal help, yet they eaaooi PrtoeiiHa E. r. Qsrr to Urn dlrecUag
afford tbe time or perbapa tbe mouey to go to a aanatortupi. Hipplly m apirit ot this aduoalloual taaUti
rura for drunkennesa baa beca dlaeoveiad which la to be taken at borne aad aad during hto eevea ream of U
oottt leaa tbaa the average drlakar will apcod la a day for drink.
lag aad dhreettag here tbe public
BoUtera. wivee and aSaters eta xlve Orrlae without the pstlenri know- acbooU of Empire rank foramos
>epgak Orr^ Ko.^lt to be given tecraUy. It la perfecUy tastelesa. coloi^
sducaUooal lastHutkms of the
leet and Bdorleea. * Orrine No.^ iaPTor those willing to Uke the ren^. oouaty. Two Traverae City jn
Stop Drinking I
Orrine Destroys all Desire for
Drink, How to "Swear Off.”
Onre Effected or lloMy Reinded.
lather form costs bfit |1 per bog. Mall order* Piled oo receipt of price,
A registerad guarantee In every package. Orrlae U aoM by the IcadiM
PraggUt la nearly every town aad cHy. if aoi obiaiaable write to the Orrlae
Ca; lac,. 1P07. lElh 8t„ Washington. D. C.
Bold by Jdbatou Drug Ob^ IM B. PkeatBI.
Some ValuMi Hints
s.a-.’jgyjirfe.'ga.Bi srss.'i~j;. .'s JfK ;
Hint Ka
—- --“ .».~sv2y—.«-r,
paimtta tbto plan to
to perfbci Ca tout, perfoet la aouaCrweCk
tba bast pCaao ou aartb for tbo boma.
Wa aaO everythtag kuowa la tba i
a. a HAKH**.
10M» to
Oor deUdbas Cod Liver
pnpmtkn wttboot oO.
Better then eM-SBWiwd
eod Swr oOimmI wniiSinw.
•ad after •tekneAA.cddi,
GO(«la. br«mchitit and all
drat and taytrodUeAr
Try M oo MV SttorMil^
tat,. ft»t.eliM PImo
iea uddibooutad aiyim. 8mm 6oe i.
Im; $55 Md-fi5
Md $45 for rSMjUi;
Irasa la
for wloug Ume to
M.*r. Iloraa to tbe feed, sale and
livery barn owner of tbe place. By
his fair dealings with all and hto uptevdate equipment of livery rigs and
other vehicles of travel has bulH up
livery men located la riltoses many
tlmea larger than Empire.
Bknplre has several fraternal organtxstlons wlUiin lu Umlu.
those that are foramget arc Uie K. O.
T. M. If.. L. O. T. If. M. Md Odd Fel
Tbeir membarsblp Is to
aeattags weU. attaaM and
their infloaoce largely felt througbout
Lb E, Boebas baa reoeaUy purehaaed
Mr. Boehra to a
phsrmactot sad with hit
of experience In the bush
dispenser of pills ai
compounds that It can be proud of.
Bbaak to one of tbe busiest ase
of Uls loeamy. Having a wide aeop
of country to peacUoa ta aad a Urg
Tbe Weetera betel to alao One^f
tbe prattleat boteto fbubd ta fbto re^
gbm. ttla aUgmtaladnnd o«a!pped
with Mbetrie IliJbta. Has bean re-
Ic bbMuaaa. Oaiiie 4al oM
«<M *•< ftobi*! vovtk WiMb■UbtunwAiMMMdraM.ihu.i
of bar pruMtoe to Just such a
type of riftoapablp as tbe bustaeoa
oareert af tbuae two meu.
Tbe Butplra Lumber Oo^ has
doing bualaesa la this regloa a
years aad, doriog that Ume
bat operated a large aaw-mlll here
al Velm nod Isrm sale
any depaadMa opoi
HBit NA «-lPtpm|PU Pty "woudetfur otMu
Bamambar tbara ta ao airibg la buj
loM prise tbaa you mast pby lor i
uiiMiMi mM—m m «0tM it t>Mr
Nm* of buiaMs. Both |trt
MW.aM V* «Tcr oa
: for mam taajmam mm* atm
•t evuejr fixitAlM oiAko iaoigded.
IT, tile nle coma
OiBBdi Bros-, Headqnwleis at Detroit
Brandi at 159 E. ftonl St. TRAVERS CITY.
Where many of the Bargains may be teen and full infarmation secured.
Query. ^ .
Twas s man and a inald aad a lilOc
gray cat
A-sittlng upon a ’wsll:
And ni tell you Just what the three
were at—
I know, though I dWnl see all.
The man wa* acratchlng a puxxled
yTille the maid, with a troubled air.
IVa* playlQC tbe catoebtot. blushing
be to kept on tbe Jump from early
Tbe cat was waablng her hair.
moraiarnnUI late at algbt
The Empire and Soutlmastera ran -Don't you know.- said the
way I* not quit* aa toug aa other rail••that *lls very wrong?"
load ayatam* la Nortbera Mlcl
-I don't see why, ' said the nu
but to Juat aa wide and to Juat as wide -Doot you know that we'^e not beau
la poasibUltSea Ibr lu raas thr
acquainted loogr
a very fertna district of land and
-Well. I'm getUng oo fast as I can.*
when the timber dommodlty runs
-Why be atnbboror tJ
It win be kept quite busy carryln*
paseengers and freight to sad from
the poinu lying tribuury to Bn
sndTrom tbe termliia) of tbe Honor
ranch of tbe M. A N. & rmUway.
Do you think *twss tbe cat that be
Ackermab A'Karen ara tbe propri
etors of Empire's BMUlture atora and
—Robert Truman Andrews.
tn tbeir places of busineaa one can
RothchiUrs Rutoa.
iloB wttb Mr*. Carr to aaatoi la the And everything la tbe^ faralture car
-Work hart.*'
About l&O pupU* aueod the pet. picture, arladow ahadea and wall
-Never tell buBlnens lles.r line. In addiUou to tbe above
eat departmeot* here aad
“Employ your time well,**
asking great ^vancement
-Be prompt In everythlag.their different courses of Instruction.
-Paj your debU promptly."
I otScea and to tbe vll
Mr*. FriU Bohr Is the
lage poatmariar,
-Be brave la the straggle of Ufe.The graduating ctosa of tbe Empire
-Take Ume-to oonrider, but decide
public schools will have ten members
poaitiTely.this year.
-Maintain your Integrity as a aacrad
AI. Winard Is one of the Insu
men of this looaUty. He bss
-Carerally examine every detail of
iself with a dosen or
old line Are tnanrance eompnnlei
wUh bis auny years of toudnes
Tbe chief adornment of the w
of New Guinea, or Pap^ to a necktie
arade of black anu. The native girls
Mrs. John Doan to vary fll at this find the ant* In the garden*, bite off
writing and U to b^md by her many and swallow tbe lower end. throw
away the head and strlag the thorax.
fri^da that abe will aoon raoover.
Hint No. S-Be Bure tba bouae you M With I
vkite aiMie 'MK br tM
raeiveta ta ta M H«
rinr- Tbe terrta' era tbe beM
Friendly Worid.
It's a Bimple and cbUdlsh old world,
And good, when Its weakness you
It likes to be liked, more than any
thing else.
And If* willing to like in ratura.
We've called It bard names for so long
And told of its faulU without eod.
That If* Juat a bit bardeaed and
rusty on lop,
: it's glad to be friend to a friend
And come to take stock of tbe world.
YouVe really no cause to stand off;
You're Jast like the real of It. full of
the fsulU.
At which It s ao easy to scoff.
And you'll find when you're lone
at times.
A late theory la regard to seasickAs skHigrai life's Journey yon wend. aeaa to thiu it to a aervoua trouble,
If youll warm your own heart and be which can be cured by a few drop* of
good'to the worid.
tincture of atrophlne la one of the
It's gla(l to be friends to a frie
eyes, or by simply pqtUag a bandage
one eye.
Not Very LopJcal.
Poultncy Bigelow, says' the New
York Tribune, was arguing with
New York man about the Panama O
-You are not very logical.- 1
Bigelow said at length. -Indeed, yoa
are aa inoglral aa.aa oldman I used
»rlln. This old‘man.«
brelU tn band, act out one morning
shopping trfp. He riafted the shoe
maker's tor shoes, tbe batter's for a
bat, the git^r's for groceries, aad
BO on. and When he got back hoosa la
the evening he found be bad left hto
umbrella behind him aomewbare. Acconlingly. Uie next moralag. the old
set out again In quest of the loat
was nnlocky at first
Tbe seventh shop he vtoltod was the
one wherein bl* umfirelto turned up,
-WeU." he said, after thanking U
lopmaa as be started out with the r
mast any.ytM are more booeot here
tbaa tbey are at thora other abopa*
xioo has produced more sliver
la tba last five bnadred jmara
any other ooontry la tba brorid. the
raptor that period batog fWO.-
Aa Arst uaad tba word -wad* was
not ooniim4 to «ba atea or toartylnB
manning tba antr^ into a aoianui
^2d|^ pay kMa»d >nrw
riort ware railed w«^ brtibM
when bottd by oafba bf nmUy and
Ptapitetioii S
y. «a5
" Kodol
DyspepsiaCure .
I tad hoa lavadad
ay. a florist of the
latter oonatty malatalntag that caeall others la vaito
ty aad la baanty of form and color.
U ia aaid that a Fraoeb ebaoriM has
adP«m4 m raatbod of ^Mfclag eel-
iakm aa tak off ite tat.
• d4 eaabMM wtata,
otaitti ta i(o*k to rnmr .
octaorttebo^Rdtalta *'
fta fta
mm toMptat 00 Mb ta
and tbe prices moat raaaoulbla.
Tba b^ In tba Kraodin at Moaoow,
weiiM* ttiOM poua^ U to tba worid’s
0uamie* in the Ruby.
Rubles are divided lato two dlW
tlnci klnds-ihe orireiui raby and tbs
apinel. The former 1s more than doobls
tbe value of the spinel. Its color varle* from deep purple to pore pals
rose red. Tbe most valnsd ttai to
what Is known as plgeoa-blood color.
On exposure to heat tbe ruby tarn*
a bright grass green; but regains Its
original color on cooling. By this teat
true ruby can be dlsUnguiahed from
a spinel or a garnet, aa weU as by Ua
aeaa. Tbe star-niby Is a variety
found In Ceylon. It Is rather cloody la
colorand when cut en cabochon shows
a star cf six rays reflaetod from tba
convex surface of the stooe.
taltaMrtftu itaHWi.
«M MBm at tarn cant ma.
uaut tmm.
. wumiaoAv. MMiMMY a iw.
ttote to e*. I
•OAHPKIM WAim0..Dov» outr*
rumu 004 boord. 241 Lok« Av«.
foa» R micbUiiw
rOR SAUI foiifolB aM fld tko bat
TImt mmc W mod. II rM km
■or toMllmi* M4 m a*. H*rau HraM. 14* WaAtaftM •trat,
gflOTB galim and get a kaodrod
aharoa. We are haodHag tMa for
AOtflTt WAimo-To wofk for ■
If rmi viah to aake a good ataed
lamtaaat taka Ttararat Otr
A«Mr to
M atr. R.
WANTCO TO •UY-Oood. Wodtr
roIU foDa OM tc Umr ymn oM.
Tiar mm m saai. Jm M i
fooro for iDdIm oMI Obto ood will
ho om too wwta. tfiioff to krta:
■oao foraoa of boro. If yoo kov*
Mr good oolU to «rU< vrtU im.
gtrtoc fotlofBeo tddro^a. ofoit
. run hofo to an lod npoaon lor ooll^
‘fog. Ob ar roton will «lUar pix\
Of fM or wHIo roo. RoraM tty
a«B. W WMkfogtoo rtrort.
FOR BA tE—Mint market. Frtmt
strwH. Tooll. stock, flxlnrws, deliv
ery. good irSds. good locaUon. cmnr
forms. Wsdc Bros.. 117 Booth Ualtni
jaa 1-tf
FOR EALB-MU-Modeni right room
rmldenee. Sixth atrori. AU ooavsnlonces. A good Urn. riuee la.
PriroiMfiM. Wade Broa:, fil7 South
TTakm atrouL CIttaaax Pbooe lilfi.
'Jaa. 4-tf.
PDR Rale—No. 1 driver or general
purpose horse; also good cutter,
Uuggy and hsrueai. R. N. Holsaple.
jaa 4. Cl
Wrta mtrnmm far gartteafoia
eaaaMU. Wkde Bwa. Tfatara
Cttj* Mtak.. f 17 Uaka it OMtoa
fkoaa im.
dec t»4f
FOR SALt^ kearr mofk %oko:
alao a gnt-elaai drirar aad aadile
koraa; or Will trade for edita Rmi
Hght wegtki to tkiae raara alA J.
W. Rlatar. '
dee n-tf
W1 HAVC Urdwara mocka at Orawa.
HoUl and Bar fkniltiiro atock aad
trade at Lake Aan. large goerfog
mlU at Oopenlak. oae of the UrgM
aad beet botefo aM faralabed. la
M, aad pfoe la foleMgaa; llrerr
alao a few choice loeatlona In cen
tral portloa of Trarcrae City. tTe
Ure ^ and ellfer ailaee In the
greatret mlalng dlatrict la the i
-the Ortd Held Watrlrt. Ne
We Ure gold aad allrer mint
Oolorado. b feet, we hare proper
ty for tale almoet aaywtefw you
waat It But we Ure nothing w»
caa oter yira that wlU equal the
Oread Trmverae Regloa for eaft.
aero prottable inreetment. either to
purcbaaer or aa aeearlty for loan.
We always Ure a gilt edged aeIty for. your awney and we alra hare the aioaey for gilt edged
Mick. cut. phone Wit. Call oa up
by phone, local or long dial
We pay tbe freight
FOR BALE—1471—11 acres two miles
Bute Bulk boUdlag; Bnest locattaa
for-suburtiaa «resldMioe ta this re- FOR ftALl-1487>-8lB room I
Both m and rloctrlc lights. Good
Urn. Onr Uwo. close In. ^^atblngtoii
•troet. IMce flCOO. Wade Broa.
FOR GALE-1471-Ftae arodera house
South Union St.. CItIrena Phone
Btxth street aad oae of the heat oa
Jan. 4 tf
the street Prtoe aaked Is spot eaab. i;u».
Priee $4U0.
Wade Bros.. fil7
Uakm atroet CIU. phone itll.
FOR EALE-BIghty acre form two HOUtlt TO RINT-Baat Tenth St;
mllm weak Norritvllle; four mSea
alao f»e eohier Proat aad Roea. A.
post ofBce Traverse aty; sixty
P. Ituellmaatel.
dec «tf
acres Improved; six acres suitable
for gmrdso: good buildings; ail tn
firsl-ctam fondltloo; cash price HOUSl TO RgNT-Cbeap, corner
|3,0W. Wade Bros.. 117 Union
OardeM and BUta. Inquire P. Q.
street Cits, pboae 2811.
Heomaaa. U1 Ceea.
dee C U
FOR EAtE-14W-Oood gmr aeren
room house. 8th street, close to
school, market nnd church; easy
terms Price 11800.
Wade Bros., 117 UalOB Bt. ais FOR RENT—TiirolahcMl double rooma
phone rnt.
dec 1-tf
In Wursbnre block. 118 R. Prant
.Jan 8.:t
AFFtBt FOR BALE—I hive some
choice apples by bushels for sale;
Cata-TUt Oe to Church.
Grimes' Goldens. Baldwins. Green
ings. Talapshokkisa. Pewauktaa.
Philadelphia laya cUlm to two re
Talmaa Sweets. Wagoaera. D. J. markable rata, n^markablc In lUt they
nor 88-tf ore regular chnrrh goera. TbecaU arc
owned by a family named Torpey. Uy
FOR BAtE-HU^-Oae huadrod and Ing oppoalte Hunting Park, on ^Old
sixty acre form 18 miles south of York rood.
cKy; seventy acres Improved, new
The -Telegraph- lella the atory of
houoe. barn. wtadani;^all fenced;
Price MfiOfi. Wade Bro*: 817 Union how aa regularly aa Sunday laoralng
atroet Cits, phone 181A
arrirca the pair of feUaea ma>' he aee
following the Torprya to Bt. Btephea
FOR aAtk~-14T8—P?riy acre form church. Broad and Butler atreeU.
quarter milt east of Mayfield; good No matter what the weather or trana
aew cvmeot block hbuse; food born,
prifie IlMO. Wads Bros, 817 Ualoa plrlnga on bark fcncea. the two plout
enu brace proljable attacks by Im
•tfto*. Cttt. N>OB* UI».
pious moagreU aad ect an example
FOR BA tE—1486—Urge eight room that many homana would do well to
Neighbors wljl attest to the truthfulIlroa.. 117 Union street Clta. pboae
neea-of the atatement that the church1811.
golnk fellnea epead tbe very , early
FOR EAtE-14T8-rine hew tea room morning bourn of Sunday In lleUng
house, corner lot, coroer of Untoa
and I4tb streets.; wiU take 81.8M theomelvea foto that state of elcanll
tn good value, free aad dear of aa- aeaa^hlch la naid to be aeooodary
cumbrmacoe Traverse aty produe- ly to godllar^ Tbelr fur la gloi
live. Cash pries 18.000,
Wade their paws Immaculate, and act
Bros., 817 Uakw street ats. phaae whisker Is out of place.
Arrived at the church, the cals con
FOR tALt-‘1477-Uraa right room tent themaelwn with peering in at the
house, corner of Cass aad 18th Sfo. dot>r. They are seemingly content
Urge lot house weU Eatshed. oa delegate the praying to their ownero.
Then they slip Into the veetibule of the
bom adjoining, curl up and
au, phone 181A
doee oatn c^urrh U out. when they
FOR aAtE-2480-Ftes house, eoroer follow the Torpeya borne aad live nor
of Boyd aad Froat; large lot: ne# mal oat livee natll aaotber Baadi
house; easy terms; price IlMfi.
Wade Bros.. tlT Unloa street att.
Many ImmlgtanU change their
phone 1818.
uaea upon wrirlag to tbla cooairy.
1 accoaai of tho dlfStmlty they tad
u p-tUB* thm n»BiWw»rty-
ta Ne* TB«fc adopl tte »4ia« *1
MIMM u tMr niWBM.
Boyd avenue, eleae to Rote sirost
Tartmi^ Iritxrt eoMkU «T »U crate•rt. UM Iai4‘«teh; lirotatpCe teteU
tetited IB INI aBdltedrlMlialorpedD tetete. f aldd teillaa Wa tap
rveaefe (tatetMa ttea U par «aat oj
iMr IBcatated to V
•Mb im
. T»«.
M Wt
«r» fmvMd to MT*
tkr «|gktoCtJi*«t. Akirn«plteti
ptetM 1110 ffglit ^ tacroftac IL
captorod altv* aad Mr. WOodboiy win
make a pet ec tc Ifotblag Rko tb«
animal la oofor baa ever been am
totbataecdco. lu abape Is alao dtf
In lHtMiv RmChII
Ump OdbL
IliiaiglbfiMaiieaa otir waahed
REl taaiie eoal o«ly in tha
laMpfaryoar hoafor. It
pear aaw. Wa waat you lo t
thif ooal. PboM ba about
Mr. aad Mto. fotward Bowero and
i wUI live ta a toBtoa oe
lerooloaia. She made her
mal U to be IM feet wide.
at. ap to a fear dtye age.
Mary Prtoce. divorced one day
iB tbe back yard.
from ber buthaad. Henry Prince. be>
he deforted her.^^waa Bcenae<L
to live, abe had ho
rry tbe
itlac. Mm. Prince liar* ------------A Richmond woman claims ahe
Mrs. Joda Buka of JoaeanUe went started the gubernatorial hm buozlnf
lo tbe barn to throw bay down to the ta Fred M. Warner^a bonaet away
borae. lent her bdlaace aad fell to the hack when be oraa drat elected aecre
Ot aaMkg the boom
tary of atato. 8be wanted a cbeear
for a raaiAge aale attiactlea mi
fen'^y a deod toint. auMolalng
wrote to Mr. Warner. To amke tbe
vere Mow oo tbe bead.
tbe roMdeoce of Alexander McAra ebaaeea of oecartog tbe chem better
at PUnC ban been twice bbrglartxcd ahe apread a lltUe -taPy." deelarlag
in a few voeka. Oa.tbe aeoood ahe hoped that tome day abe would
have tbe pleamue of addremlag Pred
much Bdae that be awoke MMa Jolla M. Warner as -goveinor.- And WarMcAra. She called to her father and
the man fted. .
| Sheriff *Dln^*^tton of Ana Arbor
aflxena of Milan have decided not claims he U runnlog tbe county foil
to rebuild the AaMron factory which 1 at a loss. He has had only ooe prtoburned recmiUy. nithouxh the rwtabjooer since New Year’a because the
llabBicnt was ooe of the largeal In the prowirating attorney will not auUnfted Sutea. It la claimed that ade- ^ thorlxe the arrest of tramps, or even
qnate dm froteetlon would have aav- drunks, without aoeurlty for eoeta.
ed the bolldliig.
' The one primer U John touer. for
The Pontiac Spring A Axle works whose board Sutton gets SS cents a
inaugurated the new year with aiieb day. Bauer was drunk, aad after Coonew and Improved machinery that the stable Phelan pot up security for
plant now turns out a ate*-l axe ever>* j coats. Bauer plead guilty and wna
minute. In tbe spring de|iarimenl giren 10 days A farmer who wanted
two men can abape a eet of platf«»rm ^ Bauer to work for him on Satunlay
spiinga In leas than a minute.
offered to pay the priaooer’s doe. but
Tbe Bteuf for the new Olaxler bnlld-j Bauer said It was -‘vasa a nice, quiet
Ing. Ann Arbors drat skyscraper, has place." and he goeuaed be d stay,
arrirod and the work of putting up
Fbnnliig a human chain, aereral
the frame has already been started. ‘ boys succeeded In saving 7-yw-old
The new building will be aeven alorlea^ Henry Morrtm from death In foe Icy
high and It will lake about two waters of Muakegem lake Sunday
months to put op the steel bKore the' afternoon Tbe lad was pUylng ou
brick and atone work U started.
| thin Ice some distance from tbe other
Harry Brollh. night watchman at a ls>ya whi-n It broke under hla weight.
Flint undertaking establishment, was One of the rescuers also went Ihrouich
sent a letter to member
which has roused some resentment.
He in formed these gentlemen that as
hla official duties took up moat of hla
lime he eouia only receive visitors be
tween 10 and 1 o'clock. He was care
ful to add that this rule did not refer
to members of congress, for whom he
would send carrtagns on notification
that they desired to see him. Mr.
Shilling evidenUy was not aware that
Bmperor Rlllam has purchaaed a few yeara ago congress passed a
the house ta which his grandfather taw prohibiting the use of poblfc vebi
passed the night before tbe battle of clea for private purposes.
St. Privat, belter known as GraveIt la Interesting to recall, in con
lotte. ta foje. It Is about seven miles trast with foe lelaurtUy , manner |n
from MetaTand It will eventually be which Kipling produces his stories
turned Into a museum.
now sod the quality of the alorlea.
that nrorly all'^jf hta >rsl soldier
fives.- an elderly
Ules-^bosf which gave him promin
aa be walked np to tbe mala door of ence ta the literary srorW—were writ
tbe bouse ta Washington. This U ten aa space fillers for his newspapers
the place we are repreeroted. •Tbla tn Ogleutta. Many of the -Plain Tales
mint any. house of represwiUtlvea.- From tbe Hills- wrere written In a
a ^ge boy said. -This 1a Uncle Joe ruab aa -turnovers.- to be used as
Cannon s offlcq. There ain't no house
of representatives no aaore.Mro. Lew Wallace, devoted to the fill space as
memory of her dUtlnguUbed husband, atone in tbe composing rood making
has kept everything ta the library up the paper.
where he wrote la exactly the condi
Duanelaon Caffroy. former Maator
tion ta which he left It. Even the book
which he was last reading Ilea open frdm Louisiana, who died a few days
at the page as he laid it down. Tbe
library ta a targe bnlldtag which th** but be was exeeedlngly csrrfol not to
author bhd pat up ta the middle of the esblUt bis art ta gudb g way as to be
garden, with every arrangeaMuit for come known aa a TMdl« r.- Itwason
only when, be would
writing and with ahelvea forhlatbouaplay the vlolta for foe
andaul books.
Until a few wpeeba ago If anyone of persona noC aMfobers of bis family
congratatated Seeroury Taft on bla or who were not very close friends.
proMdeatlal proapeeU tbe Mg OMo When Senator Veet of Mtaroort* began
man would Itatto wiib a laugh and to fall Mr. Qsffroy would call on him
then say: -I must put you la my Hat once or twice a week aad ptay tbe
of D. r. P.’b- U asked what tbe cab tnaes they both learned aad loved as
alistic lettera BNMit Mr. TMt would cavaliers of tbe aoutb ta Md days
Since tbe eloee of tbe laM aesakio
reply that tbfT stood for
ribnda- with such aa acosot <m Ue of oongfom. Oedfgta B. Ntxoa of Ne•Hlear" aa to convey tbe Ifoa that a
more forcible word might be subatl- membfito of tSe webata. He was one
of tbe erigtaal boomroi of tbe Tb»■ted.
Pnblle Prtater Sbllltags recently opab dlttilct. bbftiik ifokfo ap tbm
LewU 8. Chanler. the new lleuten
^nt governor of New York, Is a de
votee of court lennl*. He passes the
week ends at Tuxedo and la then con
alamly In the tennis court.
John F. Lacey of Iowa, ooe of the
veterans who i
greaa this year. U Jhe fatber of foe
Lacey song bird Uw, which prot«t*
the acmg birds from slaughter by
C.B. Taylor Coal Co
nuamroaa proapactAitbat have fowH
op<d into propeftlaa of vaat watoa. ma
Intereat In throe mlaea alaae i
A. AMOFNAIU OrottaL Over Mw
rents a cash valnalloa of IIO.OMI.foO.
I 4m MM BiQ ptans U44
He made and lost eereral good-atxcd
fortnaaa ta the cattle buataeaa before
gotag to the senate and when he went OR. F. ^ MAC NETT
there two yaaro ago be was eon
ai to KTM, BAR.
lively a poor man. He had Mwn dabOn floor with ]
bltaff is mtaaa twenty yrors I
SOI WUbMmblod
be flaally airock It la the Tonopah
Jobs Sharp Wllllami was ebaCttag WfANO TUNINO-W. tt. Mmard. M
pIrommUy with Cbarte. H. Oroai
yeara experience. WUh Qrianell
James W. Wadsworth and JoaeMi W.
Broe, corner F>tinl and Casa Sts.
Baboodc. all aeeealag to ba to the
mantoat of moods. A aouthera <
groaaama obaenred tbe quartet
A B. MARTIN—Pbyetclaa and Bur
approvingly and later said to Mr.*Wllfeoa. oraoe SM Bast Frost atroel
lUma; -Seeau lo me you are getttag
pretty folek with repobllcana.
hlgh-tarm. stand-pat republicans al
froighL perfela and inmka. Oftoe
that!" -Yes.’* was the quick reply,
at aty Book Store.
‘those fellows are rcpubllcani
.J.0.AAAKT J.nt
right: and of the dyed-ta-the-wool tytie.
I only wish that there were more like
pertori. over aty fomk Btorw Boom
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain: Work
7irt Insuram
6eo. Ji. SarMf
201. Traat Sirtai
-Not a Ml of It. Mr. They are d
AMIL F. NERLINOER. LAWYERed repobllcana.- aald foe gentl
Money to loen. Hi Stale Bank
from Mlsalealppl. as he, strode to hla
building. Cltlxeni phone CM.
Lord Kitchener, bead of the Brittah
army. Is now S€ years old. of ,tal! and REAL BBTATB AND LOANB-Oraad
Trmvaroq Land aad Loan Oo, F.
ataewy fltore. adfoenteied. aatoeratJc
and rdeatlesa Tbe amaterful nature
I A MUIIkea bloek.
of the man Is lllusttmtnd In a atory
sow being told In London. He has
horror of banquets and receptions, EARA T. CHASE, M. O-Oflee with
but consented to attend a great social
Dr. a B. Cbaaa. Bute Baak Modi
gathering in London on coodltloa that
dowBstalm. and hurried to the rear; Although the lumber Industry. on<
a certain sum should be raised for
door, where be found hU bulldog the chief support ofCrand Haven, hi
W.MfehtkEt atg.pMmeTtL
Gordon college In Khartum. During
Max clinging to the trouaers of an been dead for neveral jfoart. the tou
the evening, seeing that tbe subeertp- DR. F. HOLOawORTH-apeeial ah
uaknown and badly frightened Ip- Is now more prouperoua than ever, j
securing new factories. tiong were not aggregating what he
trader. When Smith pried the dog
teatloa to diaeeaea of th# oye. oar.
In INK) the city bonded Itself for MW.- wlahed. he told hla boat that unless
loose, tbe burglar ran for bla life.
Boee and throat OlsMea Bttud
The board of supervisors at Kala- 000 for the purposes of offering bonOver Jobamm drug etaro. BoU
maaoo. are deUtlng among tbem- usea to manufacturing inaUtuUoos large figure which he mentioned he
aelvca whether to hire William Brook, Old from that date the place has pros should abruptly leove the hous
of Detroit, lo go through the county pered as It never did before. The new
hooka and audit them aa he has done (aclorlea that were lnduce<l to come next morning's j>apers. That brought DR. E. B. MINOR—Office over Ameri
can Drug Stora. .Mpeetal attentloe
the cash In a hurry.
with the city bocks. There la consid there now employ nearly l.ooo men.
to eye, ear. noee. and throat Olassas
Mrs. Mary McCarty, aged 80 yiwrs.
erable contention‘among the super
fitted. Bothpbonm.- Realdeooe Sit
visors. and although there are no dir dbHl at her home at I\jrt Huron Mon
Mr. W. H Hisktas, sf Tnhtrt, Sixth street
celebrateel charges made Iheie U considerVfi, wi Ms wife tad 8 Tcr
tHl b4»r eightieth birthday Sunday and cdBfto He boirkt a bottle of C
able hinting done.
H. E. Woodbury, a farmer who has It had long been the wish of her life b rtali’s Cenffh Remedy ud tt DR. Wf. E. MOON—SiM'cIsllst-Gcnlta.
reslrtcl near Lalngsburg for many that she might live to pass the 80-yoar worked like mtric This re
urinsiy. skin and UUskI dlseeiu*s;
yeara experience. Office City opera
years, nnd is a skilled hunter and mark. «he had lived here for 40 years Is ufiCQObled IS a care lor coajMi
house block. Pfaunes-rNew-. 107;
trapper, recently caught a silver-gray and In tbe same house In the city for aad caifs aal caa always be de,
old J9L Residence, 710 Washington
mockrat In a trap. The animal was 30 years.
pcided apoa. Far tale by A
110.15 *tre<*l.
|| general ttews ||
teAM' •
Paper Handkerchiefs.
T. W. THIRtAV, ]
Over BarSeveral loading London physidana
amm A BarTe ft
are now advocating the use of bandphonee 101.
kerchiefs made of paper. It la
that the linen handkerchief liecompa ARTHUR HOLUOAY. M. O-PhyMheated In the pocket, and la a dangW
claa aad Burgeon. Removed to ofous dlaaemlnator of germs. The
flcee tn Munson blodt over Barnam
pltnls are now prwldod with the pa
A Bsrt a aUsene pbooe Stt.
per articles, made mostly In Japan.
A mox-oment la on foot to have foe
new custom adopted In the schoola HARRY B. HARNER-Bxpert ptaoo
toaer mad acUon roaulator. Batta
of I.ondon.
tocuoa guaranteed. WRh KtaibaU
Mnslc Houee. au. phone M4.
Cured of Lung Treublt.
-It la now eleven years since 1 had
a narrow escape from .consumpUoo.MONEY TO LOAN-No tax etanee
writea C. O. Flo/d. a leading busi
put in mortgagea. Rooaea for mla
man of Kershaw. 8. C. *T had
down ta weight lo ISS pounds, and
Inquire of M McNaamra. Park
coughing was canstant. both by day
and by night. Finally I began taking
Dr. -King’s New Discovery, aad conUntied this for about six months, when AESTRACTS OF TiTtE-C. O. Ca^
ver. Prices reasonable. OCiee with
O. P. Carver A Bro. Both pbonea.
year. Guaranteed at Bugbee Drug Co.
Frank H. Meads. Hannah drug store
GOc and |l.fo. Trial boitfe free.
I. O. Blvilrns
Tan) an<] office Nortbeni
Michigan dock.
B«o« Ns. u aw Os«s Hroes mom
lohn R. Santo
General Insaraace
Hew waxdm Blk..
Tmacne Cttr
Farmsjr Sale
I have a number of good
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for aale, or if you
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can leil you
a good tarm for leas money
than you can buy it of any
body else. 1 have farms
which are located from four
to 20 milea from Travene
City, all good improved' land.
If joo liare good lev^ tarina
1 will boy tham^
420 Washington,
Oit. phone 774
DR. B. L. THIRDEY-Epeelal attea
tSoo to dtaeaeea of chUdrea. Boom
4W Btata Beak Mdg. Both phuMS
Notlca to tbe Taxpayire of the Oty of
Traverse aty;
The tax rolls for the ooUeetlon of
tbe turn and eouaij tasas for tbe TaAVaRM CITY IjODM. Ha n, K.
year IfiOfi aad tor tba deUaqoeat
of P*. meet every Thureday erow
school aim city taw aad tpmdal aa
tag. New Moneon hlo<A. C. R WiA
■namento for said yaar barobeaa
Icr. C. C.
ptaesd ta my bands tor ooltactioi
1 wUl be ta my oftee to rooeiri
traverse CITY LEGION, Ifb. |<ftaxes frtwi now unUl Feb. 1. !•«. oa
Nalfoahl Protacdve lAgioa win
taaet to Woodman hafl tm the Ulrd
Tneeday of each xroath at 7 :M p. m.
Abram Ei^ proMdeM: Oayla
drtewoM, aacrolary; MMda a dray,
before January JO. the regular fee
ooe per cent for coUectloa wiU bd
charged and oo all taxes paid oa or
after" Jannary Kk there wtll be
A A.1
charged a fee of four per cent tor oMon or baforo cha taO af tho moon,
lectloa. Penelly on delinquent Mty
at T:M p. m. Carl C. Laagley. W.
and acboM taxee and special
M ; E. BL Whim, eecrotary.
■mM. 4 eeirts on each dollar ot the
Ottee la room an Btau li
K. O. T. ML M. Ha iTl toeeta overy
Mai. Doe. 4. IfifiC.
Friday alifoMa the Broach btoek. Mart
It M. Fraakim.
City Trmaaroi
Bmrd RMber; B. A. Bvaaa. ftoanet
given on the few fnro we
lefL Reoieiaber. onr wentb*r
Boy.’ Under Vests and
Pants, now only 20c.
Udie*’ Heavy Fleeced
Pants, now only 28c.
Ladies’ Union Fleeced
Suit., now only 35c.
Ladle.' Fleeced VetU.
now only 16c.
. JAMUAKV % mr.
The aaa
; »mi« ttH0, Hm HFof Mf
. - ««MH Witt •• •• T»«m
iu. -'y •<
Mm FMcteM. Jm.
;v \
Jm Omm m
ftfiM tu TMMi^li. K^.. •• Miirrli 17.
<dr « porw* or
by Pm^
Mor MiU RU«r 7li«* «H«k1 vlU
lo> m p»o»d« too bour« Iwlom oolrr
Iftf flir rittf »od tb«> ptir*# orltl be dl
vl4ed CO per rent to the vrlooer a»d
40 per emt ta liie Iomt. The Cpalno
Atbletle rlab vlll «lW>v fl.CCO for
imlalng oipeiiaM. and each of Ibe
ftCbteta baa an«e« to. plaor a forfHi
of lfi.000 la the haaCa of the 8ai
rmiK-liK^o RaaatW to guciaator roai
: .
mntr mUb Ike trrma of the anielai
: Walker, C^lragD...
: Cortla. MidOsaa...
Vaa Hpok. ntlaoto
lla»or< Miaaema.
Parry. ^ChlragD........
Ifaraball. Mtaaaaau
KrkerraJI. CblmgO..
aara^ la pnaalbia Ip caMiBil
-Ana^lMYlpg fbe Oipa TatWa
CboM of IMC baa rallea U»
Weekly. Bmer C. Patleiaoi
aeatailre ^ the paper aa4 a well Thia Will Hit Ceotract imaparf Hard
aad Prahahly Many CbatifM
kaowB athletk. rrltk*. baa picked aa
Will bs liada.
all^eatem team ahkb appaara in
thU Wf^ a Uaae of Camer a. Two
waa a
aigbi waa parfeody clear aad the i
e brightly, the luster of the bcaT^
eaa was fairly eclipsed by that of the
•ea. It was easy to read the asMlM
Prtat.sltliat at the after poftOa wy
rahla. aad the bows aM no etiher
lube waa wrapped la Pswssii^^
ftaaad aad placs ^ rapidly Wfdeaoag wedge, of radlotlhiT.w the
ed in a wWe copper tube. coaatTWctad ^ ~
wIthholMatbotiKUids. ThU waaafdt___
depth or •M fatiKiaa j
Whea diawa up the copper tube caaei ^
Hick™ of Camhridpa.
found bulged aad beat toward, i
eight may
Banda sesa. where, oa
opposite the place whmw the glass be seen In
clear night L
whole anrtacw of the
Just aa ^ It had
ocean seems to be a sheet of mlB^y
pled Inward by bNag vkOe
od. The gtaaa tube liseif within its •re. The light is not oaly to be lowm
oC <rav<« or* bmik.
had beei
bg or tko «rf«o dUtorM br ;«ho
a fine powder almost Uke
U*hat had happened was that the Nm. «( tkr bu«. II rrarbM o« far a«
Bought Building
state Sts.
ABtMMbilc ta< aatr BMt
Jaa. fi.—By the favortaken by the national
the apfdlcaof tbe Tri^taie league of Pvwa
aylvanla for protectkia under the naRekemaJI U iwsarded by fkr the
the tefuge of eon aealed glaas tube, when
eat auatierback la the
traef Jumpers has been destroyed. Bm gradoaUy increasing depths, had held
kcbachaeeht, Clark |iid Oarre
mile dffficulty was evperienced la ar- out long against the presure. but this
up the real U the hack flHd.
at ah agreement. The oom- at last had become i.u. giewt
mltteo from the Trl Rtate league, bead The tulie had given avfay and been
ed-by President Carpenter, presented^ cnisbevi by tbe violence td the action
fine powdt r. The coHapse had eyes This is how and why aome of
the appHcntNn and after some deli
Ivermilou an agreement was nwrbeol been an quick and *o violent that the* the deep aea animals are brllllamiy
Fin«> •tiAiwI.v iiliUlU in
by which the Tri-Bute «»mea into the water had not had time to rush in by (ttkvri'd with the brightest y-elkor tints
nationalI agreement
Mreement subject to the in menus of the lud»»s ut Udh ends of and especially scarlet, and often have
ml of the National aaaociation. the ei»pp.*r c.^linder and thu> fill the eyes larger arid brighter than tb.sw«
Thi. aitiQh waa anUed at a BKwUni
loiig as I a aiin the bnalncaa. Ijclaiwa that he la poaltlve l.cwU can which met la New York uwlaN. and
^wmm Bm Slgle aad James jCof
will fightjaay man who will make lioj boat «an*. in fact, he seems to re- for which meeting the delegatea left lafise of the gUsa tube, but, InMtead. shine. In lurme the eyes are extremely
froth, laaaagers; mspectlrely. foi or uader^ alihcmgh I2u la the biwv
Immediately after the close nf their had crushi'd In the copper wtiII and small, in some lb4‘y un* quite
flaus aad BHit. at f\drrolh*a cal. lest I have ever w, ight^d la* the ring.
conference whh the national commis- brought equilibrium In that wa> Tlds The d4H*p M-a animals are i
Ifooday night. The ooniract with the Mike (Twini gitlllvan. | think. aUuda
process is exact I v the l evcr^e «*f an
black, gray.
(Tsini Sulllvun.
Nerndo promoters prirllegsa that the next to Jpe Cmna as a fighter. At 142
in imploAlon »»>He. bright r»Ml. purple. bliM\ They
Mn suing up BulUvan. Ihckersoa lAll pla.vera who have bereUdoie vio by SH \V>vne Thomson.
men shall he on hand at Toaopah to
are hrilU»antly p>MmphorrNK*eni through
lied national agreement contracts
I am taking on a man who U consider suay:
Is* ta the ling not later than March ably hi rear than nm in every way. but
»‘P*‘rlal organa on the head. body, or
The deni tens of the di*ep i
rdtall not be allowetl to play with any
I. f?otmih aald thal mill aad him
• -Mike Is In my opinion the clever lubs except tbaa<> of the Tri-8tate tomed, of course, and adapt.
appendages, or through the get
1 will meet him In IVmver tw Janunry
self would aooa make^a trip to Toutv n, as arranged by my mnnagbr. Mr. est boxer In the ring today, hli; i»r Ut leagw
auriace of the body.
Players from the Tri State
ile. He la a middleweight In dlmen- Iswgne. each conlran jumpef who has fiom Imploding, but they are lUble.
pah 10 look over th; facUliles |»w Dickerson.*
Batc yn accouts thal
It was abiHU twirnty-llve years ago
slooa and Is a iilgger fellow than aignetl ermtraets wKh natlonn! ngree- lor all thal to an anomalous sml <»f a«.
tralalag. They would then retura to
These yrero tpr woids of Harry U*wls In « V4*ry way. Peihaiui he
lliai an BnUan nsliywlisi. Versang. at
Slaa Prsadsco and Rritt would nhapo
clubs. are^ to i<*tnalu the pmpet cldent not found among the castulilos a depth 4>f l.«HYu yards. rapture<] u imdmoiv rlev«T
a ,«««
Inner then
Ns pUn. no aa to he In Tuaopnh to Lewia of Philadelphia.
r.. v..r as
«. .
.hrn l.^U «r
^ ,h..
listed In the accident Inatiraace «ira- luak. and comjiared teb soft fires nf
The aehjiatlnaal hover froin Phila
Win ariire piwparntloas for hla ftght
l.u. «b.-B It
l««ue Fl.vrr, tu
T.i panles—namely, that of lumbling up l?s light to loiiazes and sapphires. Hl>
by tba middle of fbtrroaiT. Tbe lef. delphia. who has been meeting men
Hng the two men n*» R,ate league
reveii t(» the 4hil»s wards If In charing iN^ir ptvy. or f.»r obMTvallons lasaed quite untecognlr
etee Is to be aelaeted from amoag the [»f from five to ftfietsi pounds hiwvler fighlem, I.4*whi la It because of the having title
any othvr r«*as«in ihry rl>*4* to * r<m tsi, probably because at that time deep
OU aooounii^mptiy aUen>i«d,
foHowlag: Jack Welch and Billy for the pgat year, was not at all dlw playful way he has of breaking jaws
Minor iDMiglie playeiw roqdng un Kidi-rablf disiaiuv aUive the fitmi
Rorbe of San Francisco. Oeorge SUler pleaa«Hl with the. hard game that has and arms when hii* landa right. Mike der this rule are to have their titles 4.f the ticean. ih«- g«M-s ot ihelr swim- sea life bad not be<n mtieh known to and I oaa make moiwy for yo«
But Dr. J<M!bln more recently has s.^-n
maRe for him here. He
la a btucer. Lewis u a fighter. Iliaj
hr Chkago. Uatt Masiersoa of New
n.Ing bladder b*Ht»mes conriderably Ihe .same luiidnous rre«t»jn‘ and ha.National
wilh eight lory shows that when a Uvxer and Ajc.mimct Jumi
Yc»rk aad James J. Jeffries of Uw An Nlart trailing this ir
met Jumpers who ar«* to i^main expanded and their apeclflc gravity studied its sfruciine. and be n-isut..
»r fen lufitw on the road. This after- fllhtn- m,«, the IlKhw -eldoD, h«
,h..Trl 8Utr
gr»Jtl> rwluced.
that the light it puMlnres is suffli lent
In work over six ar eight rounds, I»HI« d io return to national agm-menl
that the fight Is loon he iwlll do-gy i
II'p to a certain limit the muscles ot for a phcUiNgraph to be taken. Dr J«.u
III take place on the tenth anniversary
club* any money that has lHk,.u ad their bodies can counteract the tendeu bln was off the ('auiaiy Islands in a
when It comes to that and they gti to
of the Corbett•FHistmmoQB contest,
yacht w hen he not iced a large s,hw1
Shortly I after
aher Lewis' arrival
exchanging blow! for Idow. there la
which was alao held tn Nevada.
fish to ifgaln its profHT aphete of life m.n emitting a magnlflcent splendor
Mleh.. 8*pt 10. Itoa.
Uge waa received
Crom hla liacker, only one man cHmsldere*! "
'signed with nnTinnal at the iKUtom. but iH-ynnd that limit of liiieiiM‘ blue lluliL An aiiemj.i was
I Uir* pluM • nuD>b«r aC Mmenu
deln tioi^t Henry
Meb^ihacker of
Johnny CorlK-i will look after the
the museb-s are n<»t sirtmg 4-nough
to capture it. but without sue »l«a A. Pohbrmrs >i*Bcr Itor eoll«ct"Urendod holt
hotel in Oiwad Rai
foitunt*s of Sullivaa and vows he will
loo* outU»«d; j6H
dlch. stiliug that the buntraoe wa* groom the Camhijldge man Into form ^ At the annual igmlog «.f the
»w>mes mun- and mote distended as
Jurt lb* UD» Mr. Pohorml bnwebi U*
Vllllng Iq, bet |!i.QM agalnat $5.t>oo of thal will snuff out tbe light of l^ewts ilonal Iwscball commlsshm. w lii. h
it goes,, and giadually is kllbri ori Its a* we turn off un electrir Jel.
DbliiiquriiU to Umo «ad proavt M«Rvan.vllle? Ind . Jan. f—-Punch *
that Harry can beat in double forty time. The man who ceded Ihe conaideratlou of the out law
long and Innduniary Journey
Koidl. the new aanaier of the Evans he negro. Mnlenhnckfr aunds ready made Ymiag Cor^t has It all doped appllcailau. Auguai Horrmnnu wj
The orgatta which pnMt»c<- the light
auriace t.f the pe* lomg beftire there
yUle bfisaball team. !• nut Idling away to post W.OOO Tor weight and appesr- out that he has Ihe one man li
el«*cted chahman and John T. nush wei<. ocean lad exidoiVis from atop are In the akin of the head and ifmba.
bl* lime just at present. Every day ance ft»r i Lewli^Omnj. battle.
and they al«m form a complete clrrle
ring today to take the measure of
Sads him maklai atrwnuoua eodeavo..
Uical ring^foUuwera smile when
ground the d->^*s Kjub U ct»m|«u*e4l of
The case of James Sel
10 aeoare new aad atitmg talent for Britt Is mcnikme*! as a possible op^
two parts, a liiyle sphere and a con
Wimarnaport club, whoa
discovered dead and fltiating on the
the dtth with which he hopes to win Itonenl Un flans, in memory of the
cave mlrn>r.
It k>oks like
ment after having b«*eu
surface of the water, victims of the
the Pnnirnl league pennant In thU rank faka that the two put up les;;
Ue bulls eve Iflntern. The
eligible to play with nuiionai agree- pressure.
goodly year of laHT.
than two yearn ago. They declare
stihere is the true pioducer
This in the ws) Johnny has It do|v im-nt elubs. was taken under advim*The
He has begun a desi whereby hr that I.CWIB sbivild have the match by
inent. The application of J»Iav*.|* The. water< of the ocean have Imm-u light, which then Is lemvted
liupes to rn't €U»e of the sirxmgi'.t hit all meoiU If successful heie In hit
mirror Only one color at a t{
-No white n
lieat Sum- Wiggs. Wilue and Bioderick for
dlvid«><| into two sup4-rtsise<i Uy4-is c»f
ling and fastest outfielders in the liout wUh!8umvan
KY emitted, but the cid.ir
van and I can s4«* Lewis as the first siatemeni was tcfuse<l.'
unequal thickness.
The sup-'rflclal
Southern liwguc. He Un't taking the
hanged at will,
K. W. Dickerson, the cJrand Rapids
to do it.
ke will stop 1
The Jiilnt Kchedule commiiri v c
Uyer Is lUumlncHl by tbe light of day
public Into his confidence as to the Kporllug iMIioi. declaies that nothing much-lHlkeil-of
as the au1
es of Lewis on
National and t
the other. iH-neaih :he sunlight, nev
Identity of the gardener.
would mill him iM-uer than to match the Hebrt^w boy-, face so ful
for er penetrates. Four hundred yat^is |*e little glands betn
“If the plans I am making now turn his .man ilth Gons There U a ring gloves that he
I think he is bUnd- Ihe ensuing y«Mr 'John™ has a|v low the suif^re thei^* is not a tr-act Ing yelbtw. rose, blue or jed light.
out to my liking.- aald the hudky 4»r RsnueetiH^K about Dickeroou'. folded and on .n
opplng bhtck.-Den pcilnicl Herrmann and Rnice to act <Rf sunlight. E>eo this limit is theor With the light the animal attracts Iri
young manager. * ni not have many wonl* whlrh ronvlores when he dewith him for gje American league, etlcal rather than' practical. Beyond prey and fil»o .sees it < bwily for mak
estra outfielders report for the spring
while Meairra. Ebblia. Mun»hy and 2<M. >-aids the light Is *i» f./i-ble that ing a capnii'iv
training^ I know Re«l llohhaanoo b a
Before the drealge and trawl were
Ilreyfuss wilT represent the NatbvnaT plants an<{ all vegetation and the herbgood aWnd marker. He U a awsnned
IvimuiH anln>als vanhih: below, ip the used about thirty years ago !.» depths
Imll playwr now and the lu^nde of thia
prtifoiin«l4 r waters, in » nlgbl like the of 2.«Hs» fathoms and moni. U hud
Iowa knew him when he was a <ld
thought that a new and marvel ,
Life Undar the Ssa.
night of the caves, unreachetl by a
and good only for the amaller Imucues.
Vnder the ocean wave. far. far aw^iy Single lay from old Sol. persist the ous sort of animals. aomethlDg of a j
wilt.' Mich..
I'm after a high aalaried first haanman
-sea change, rich and strange.-would
there the poor soa animaL bve. siins hardy carnivora tbe flesh eaters.
and 41 ahortatop. krho If we ai«cur« hlui Ihe Hacyey gymnasium A squad of
ba* discovered.
air. Bans Runllghi. ws beat, but with
Bui all d«*p sea residents
will make the whole U'agmraU up and atsmt 40 njiemiiers re|H»rtevl Nr work
MoatsI has been
artificial Mghts of their own. with bill
take large bunches of mulct*. There AnK»ng tne squad are 8haw . w ho U ex the 19077 Beoioii l|arb«>r 1
llaiiily ctOoiv*! .bodira. and with un
are ao many didalls to bo eucounieretl Itecled to do good work in pole vault football
imaginable conditloiia of llVlng.
tltat rm mat Uying low and keeping ing; llamn^d and Dick. wbo*^should
«»ceaii explorers aay so. and
Louis Wagn4-r airived In New Y»»rk
Ml) plaua to mysell lake care qf the high jump and short Monday. He will; take part In the they ought to know, for they have
Two new coniiwcia have been se
and kw. and Investigated
dUlauce a|K^ui>: McJ:achrou. l*>le Florida races. , '
,c«red by Manager Knoll. One K thal and JVnutu. wNt will bold down the
fYlasimmons Is s^id to he conaider- finny folks and their dripping hoi
of § Chicago lad who is a pitcher and Umg runs, bnd Rost, who shottld star ing a fight with Jeffries.
Dr. l^ds JoubUn. who Imld* the chal.
recommended by Jimmy R>-an. The in the wt*Uht events. The othe.
Tommy Ryan is |training on rolb‘r of zoology In the rnlvendty of Paris,
;t>th«*r U that of E.) IlitHd of 8t lx>uis. memlM*rs o| Ihe hackrtball team are Kkatiu at B< nton Harbor.
and Pmf. Sydney J. Hickson, who baa
who filayed Ust season with l.ew alao expected to take' up track work
chair in the Victoria I’nlverMike Schreck Is pitched again for
WTiUtlers independent team In St. at the end cif tbe ba
the steenih time ln|two months
slty of Manchester, aie among the tai
baaketball aeaaon.
IWc Meal Fael,
I.INI1S. and being ftom Miimouri tdiouThe prelltlnary
to fH*er into the lower
aa sketched
ed 1.0V that be was a good hitler.
cions of the water*, and they report
2u|»pke, will consist
.ut hy cJtb Zxm
mostTy of jrroas-coi
that Ihe temiierattire is only a few de
-country running. Hi
gree# above fiwrlng point, that the
nder to gf tht
the caodldatea In trim
abysses of ijie deeq,^aea absolutely
ir hard wtWk. On every fair day a
darii so far aa actual sunlight
m will be! heM over Ike three and
Chicago. Jan. 9.—Kid Herman,
hblf mH# cou
that tbe pressure la en
course mapped out for lag none the worse for sraar from the
Fiwnclaco. Jan. 9—At Oakland
osfc<ounii4 run
beating that he received at tbe hands mous.'ihai there is little or no movt^
Mmiday the track was muddy and
A m«.H dih Gmnd
Rapids will lie of Joe Cans, has aHived home. He ment of the water, that the ocean floor
Jt>ckey Miner came near lK*lng killed
in [the
lancMl la
ilK> n<*ai future.
has nothlag but praise* for Gana aad la carpeted with a uniform
iniwediaiely alter the start of the airanged
stated that the negm champ was un mud. and that there la no pIsDt life
fKlii race, lie was thrown ftom Dor
^ 1^^arrlr«aa» TrarmCtty flsadaysmly
The landlubber can underatind ail
donbtedljr the most perfsrt fighting
tiUN. Several N iwea pasMHl over tht
machine that ever jadepped Into the these conditions except tbe <
rider as he lay on the ground, but be
escaped and walked to the Jockey Chtnka Lom[ Calehar OaWtk-Ollwr Hag. He aavs that tbe blow which presaufe. And that be cannot possibly
Gana atnick him afti*r the end of the appreciate it; It la ao far greater than
room. The race was won by Governor
second round, wrhlch was fouL dated any air dweller can reallxe. At a Repth
DivU. Miller bad wvm two races
him ahghtly hut had ao effect ca the of 2.509 fathoms tbe prassuie. tmighly
vloitsly to the fall and came hack
geoernl ontcome of jibe fight aa be apaakii^g. Is two and a half uma per
In tbe sixth twee with a third winner
Jan. fi.—Some new facea dU Ida boat work during the fifth ud square tech: that D several
In Nelaou.
with the Canton Ceotml tdrih roanda Herinan will devote greater than ite Mwaaara exerted by
league baael^U team the coming aea moot of hla time now to hU cigar the steam npon the vBtm of the moat
son. Canton.bas lost Catclier Oatdtek. riose.
powerful miglM. That la Ip aay. the
CatarrVi Cannot bo Cured
a clever fellgw. who ffOM to To«nig»
preeaare per agaare tach apoa
Wtik U^L ArrUCATlUNn.a
A Steak for Strength
town, after ikkroa triad tn get him.
body of every dealaen of the c
tweaiy-ive times grestUah«t«.hacriWu, bj atblet*
pm In hU
haa not been mada
er thaa the preaaare that will drive a
adiI bnin worker, tb*
‘ -WULL'BE ATpahHc. The taeweat ncquAallion to the aays:
rightly immsd: they act more agree- railway train. TWng* do not explode
work! over. BattheatMkl Don’t
team are. Pitcjier ITny nMnqt ytdrh ahlv. do more good aad makaoae feel in the land of the oraan Boor. They
j8w-bmkii«, jnie«.
dngtoa iMy.j tanm who mada a better thaa aay other Uzative.** OnarSome of the oeaaa Boor
mnenal aecnvi: Stewart SDadar aauwd to ewra blhoMmu aad coaati- expkwers made a atarUlag capertBmnt
k* piwe ,rf ni«*t Gm the Inwt
OaelaaaU, aald to he a brOttaat patloa. Sic at Bughec Drug Oc *1U. -taFlodta^Mhemrket Lo«Jl, he«be'
rraak H. Ifeada. Hannah drug atore.
oatBeMar. na^ Biowavd Qym. a aacoad
•ntr h.i««kiany onM «» >i Mb
fotmdattheMeatiDArket theaigw
haaaM tmm the Bnuth AHaailc
About 1.7MJ900 acrea grow the
ofvhidimil.: ’^jhbte.AfWCortU. wl^ i. pirea the taeile podtloa. and dobaay Oarrrla. wba la
at fallbaek.
WaltkM. Paige
Boston Ferns
Arc Your Collections SIoW'
Yon Have Given Up?
If yon luTc. let me collect
them for yon.
A. Pohoral
45.0012; z:
Traverse City
loseph Stedar 4 Sms
Park Place Hotel
Sun^.^Jw. 13
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