The Evening Record, August 24, 1907

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The Evening Record, August 24, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




orrv. mctwoii. MniNMv. aummt m.


n «Mllale ytaMar
l#l Mow IM Mora4Ma

1.4 COMPANY Mirru» HMVY VP#4

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m a MM Mtii My ty a a w«a
*^4ATVmAV. Aua w.






'-s' Msan Ml' n wKr


VMMMItMtO iAmitN tNO or
TMi Mia MnweTUM.
Mm Mt /MiM# M
M tM
»MM HmMIi Ommm «H City w«r§



»rHM—•< an
M Flood
Woo MM 4rool Hofo.
W —POB. W». ItaMt* uthi


4 Pmmt ^MMiwy MMilwod o lioovii
Mm OiMlyTtHM moMiof by tUt Mook
lAf IHroyfli of tkok now cooortto
Mfli on 4oordmoii rivor Mfoo miloo
OOMli of thi olty.
Tho dioootor
MOMO • AMMff OMOkotiOf tO OMot
MM Mm Hftet Md Fowor ooivlco.
H «MOMiako)r|iMt twrlvM. tiMt
CiarlM PMor. ooclMor coi lAo Mol

inmMm %oo. IMi»4 Ikot Mo om( oimI
or tbo 4001 WM brooklof ovoy and
fo« mlmiAM Uior iko mou of m
croie SOM «oy wttii o crook Oad the
vour mkod tknMMli to Bood^ oor
rytos Moryiklof boforo tt. BovoiyJ
; Urgo troM Orovo lord tap by Um iooU
j OOd Mm m4 UMboro ororo m
I oviur^ opPiM wor tho oam»iio4
lof Mmlanr vbM tbo woMr bod ooboldod. 1%o fMQd OMMTod o Urgo orao
o oorry opocUclo wboo tho
» o otor hod roooodod.
Forty Foot Oom:
. About »ft> foot of the coaorrto woo
OoiTlod ovoy. tofothor orhh tho pUtfona fblM Obd MoMiioonr for ocim
, ^ oa>tOOStt|*lbo SMM Mr I*orkor
-MMOod^Mb^ MUdC Jobb MoodrAckooti.
{ ihfl oofloMr ol the imt oouh. oJ»o
I bod loot
but oU tb«> ^imld
j dowoototaohMhbd oerlhot purtluo

! «l Ik*

«Mrt«a ««V. Wp'ort ww

l.ou<K>u. |V.MM( ol Uw UoudBW
Hirer iBoCtrlo U«ht ood Fuoor (\i.
ood iuMu. 4uhno6ii. oiad they imme
^IhWiy droro out to Iniiwt the dom
ose. The oimoturo ol IhU point coo
otatod of 0 ooocmo wotl iblity feet
ihlch Ml U» boot, uportos.u» o width
^ fuur foot Ol the tup. Tbl. wo. cor<OooUouod oo V\»urth Poso.)


IN TMK city. •




Moory KoodoU. toiwmoo ol tb« Con
<trml bliiittthk conpooyb pUat, oo8«r>
od o oUsht outaho of Adbrtyoi*. thU
Mr. Keodoll ho. b^co wcwhlng hordor Mob tuihol for ooitae ttue ond ho.
oat boon well. He bo. feoncd o ner
roM biMkiiPwo. Tbl. munUns while
obMt hM woib be wo. ouddMly .trick
ooMd fbnMMtUMbor. Mr Kcndoir.
blMot. .1 Boyne aty. where he will
'piwbUb bononlootoooo.hel.Mde
to be oauvodl

Cpdor. MiMu Ang. Sb-AMoHlng
from.^0 btow 4mR by Mo Sm of Ab<
« nofro. Robert Keo
hi. o Foio. Mod late yoolordoy aF
MO. Froomon o*ee hunoolf up
BO odRoteo ond to now joUed ot Loland. TOO ahull wa. brokM ot Mo
m tompto.

KoobeoMi hnechod at the f
door ’
ond Wd too Me ogM«»- He woo told
by'ono of Mo oMor WooMn wba it 4.
oHogod. Iieoo Mora, Mat Mm. giach-

omiM -wm not to, ond Mot oiw woa
•lono in Mo bouoa Oolng to the rear
deor.^Oe foiood it in. to bo met by o
foul btow from Mo nogre. Me uma
TOO Wow woo , otrwck TMiroday mndtfod unoonyieuo and died wiMnl^ M Mo rooMonoo of Mory' Stoch- eiit tpooking again.- Freeman
omitiw. on Mdton. 0 abort dwUnco
from the vltiogo. TO# murdorod man
thro# compnninna wont to the that anything other than, tho moh’a
heuoA Uhing 0 keg of boor with Urn Rey woo uood. , .
iho torrihio deed. Mo did not hnow
Sy Wire te Me gvenmg Record.
who *t waa, unto Mo blew hod boon
UMmA MICA. Aug. 24—Freeman
otrwch. at Iho Polo croab^ through
la in joll hare and will bo given a
tho door bachwardo. Wbon ho fell.
ng MoMiay momlfig at to o’clock, Freeman p«chod him up and d»acovwarrant charged him with mur- orod to b»a horror that ho had tombly
injured a friend, ao it waa then
Freeman waa a friend of Me man dent that that tho men wa. aonot



0k. ^

Real Thing

- InltelmBWlKWiiUbefo^ntkit
PniVNoMlIm-loU of 0**-tbe
mart «Bk)M and taMUMdac to be louad M]T

leeUjr ongbt to eee the flee U|oel ol
daialjgiilUdnge. lUevo^.

The aty
Book Store

, Wc have ordered out
4ll of our Men’s. Women *
Boy’s, Misses’ and Chil­
dren’s Oxfords, and are
now offering Oxford Bar­
gains that you cannot
afford to ignore.

web«Tep«feot otNOdeoM moor
obiKtjr «o o«tlh you ta sloOi^
Ibil yo«
•ooh •
friend* will be piood U yoo>^npptstrauoe. Tbdre'e on iMcn «• oiAy
auta that it obo of importonce-r
Ec-oooidy. Wt) nndartoke toboU
Uwt grode ck>lhing for otoo. youths
ond boysI op o low prioe
price hosis.

If you desire to save
money come in.


I'niun St. Clbthior.

SdMroi Goo. Shoe,


rhonl ho* hilled, and la broken up ever
They Soporolo ood



To Sarset tbe bpoinom core#
qulne o coot of im. ood. locidew
•, W.r. I. OW t».nm9
cotch o tew lUh ond hreothe the pore
rtMi. Aus. fV-r>v. OWV.IW lort
^*"9 »f» •>*
olr of Northern Mlchlgiin. o party of
i of the family o4 Mvtin Ccopar Inciud
ten ouBteru rollrood mm .pent the th,.r .iv« «.d iw. .th.m .r. -ri«0
week near Moniuelta. poeoHas through
the city today on their way to Po^ M Ih. rMirtt of. my.t.r.ou, "»9n<0htj
key. where they will break up, i
golnr to Ohkwgo. ond the real returulog to PUUburg
Tbe party wo. oohipoeed of W. R
Sbelby. eloe pnoldent of Me O. H. A
1., J. W Renner, controller of Me
Ponovhroulo lloee. a U tkneiV J
M. Lyon, ood D. C. Oupporetooe. oU
PeoDMtvoalo oiadltom. R. R Methooo
ey. oudllor. O. R.'A L. F H. HeevM,
oodUor C. A. 4 C. and e. moytw Hon.
Cborle. d Belknap of (irond RopldA
Tbe men have been Me gueoU oS
Choile. Shafer .1 UU ciup near Mar­
quette on lake OnoU aaul .pent the
time in duiug nuthlug. a rare week tot
a big railroad matt.
The weather tor their outing wa»
ideal and they gnquly enjoyed them
aelvc* notuith.Uudlug Me fact that
AMlng wa. not ^xcepUunaUy good.
-We ^n't g^aftor SM. though. *
•old one of Mo party, “We merely
went up there to forget ouiwelve..’*
While in the cHy. they oUnodt raid­
ed Me fruit atand. ond were loud In
their praLea of Qrond Traveree fruit.



Homo ot 4oyao City.

Sy Wife to MO Sveniog ReeoM.


fir. in • tenaniMt Mock at «4* Nor-! ,^rth child .r. »t I hetpiUl in a criV
folk otr^t in Summorvillo M.t morn- j teal cend.fon.

By. Wire to the Evening Record.
Pittaburft Aug 24—An explosion of
Revelry Ha. Unhappy Endgat in a cinder pit. at tho Homootoad
Homeward Drive—Machirw
werko this/ aftorneon cauMd
Struck Trolley Car.
Mo death of two men who wore at
work Hi the piL Only two wore work­
ing at Me time. Usually there oro By Wire to Ihe Exeiang Record.
about fifty, and* all would have boon
NVo York. Aug. 24—Frank lia.rfi.on
Hlgsltto. Me millionaire .on of the
late Governor Hlggtoi^ Ethel Levey.
divoreeLl wife of C»eorge M. Cohan.'
and her cousin Cora L^vey were lujunwl today, in a coIlUlou of
thoir auto with a trolley car at Coney
l.tonU and Elevenih avenue.
Uiggiu. had the two women out for
a midnight ,-auppor at Manhattan
beach and they wvru^ relumiipi' just
lH‘fore dawti. Rfcing doa'n raeventh
avenue in a heavy rain, the chauffeur,
turned too qu^y Into Cdney Island
avenue and .Trock the trolley car.l
The machine w^^dtofolibhed and the|
narrow eqpape of/the automobHUU U



wiiET iK.mim-mE ieus

Wdmon.Said She Frtftrfwd Death
ond Waa Family Shot-Tbeught
He Wat deking.

Just Tour Kind
It mokht Uitie tliffriepoe
whoi aori of ^ o cigar. you
«noku. you cun be »uiwJ
r citjnr cnee.

Havana dgars
Porto Rico Cigars
‘ DomesUe agars
A VArifty of brnna* in each
If you wUh n nice miM long
niokle .moke. uuppoM yon
one of onr • Cbiooe" or a
• Halo.”
They will nuroly
naUnty yo®r Jjalo.



* your own if you will
just make the start; many
a man dates his prosper­
ity from the time he
^bought his home*
Won’t take as much
money as you think it
will and you «will never
regret taking the step.
We can build you a
home in any part of the
city, or we can sell'you
one already built. Pay­
ments on your own terms










Whipped Cream
and a nice aandwich and •ome
itjood bottiUon you will be able
to gel at the

Office Stationery
You nmy want (wmotl.iug in a hurry. Perhapa you may i
•onH.tbihg now in erintod (enua.

For eood PHiitinfl Quick

A M E R I C* A N

' up....


f^eraid 4 kecerd €o.


Every Steckheldar Will Rocoivo RoBy W’lrr to th«* Bb enlog Record.
guam for tho Election of Sovon
New York. Aug- 24—Angered over
Now Oirectoiw—It io Commitber refbaal \o marry him. Oeorige
Buck, aged flfty-4x. .hot sod fataily
liOVirod Mrs. Cbniiello Poogo. a wid
ow. agei Ihiriyw. to her apartNow York. Aug. 24—Every stockOMiU ot 4S OarttoM Place. Brooklyn holdor in the United SUteo Exprooo
He tald • Mgrry^'me or die,** Bind company wilt today mcoivo a request
the woman MUd ; IVwUi k preferable from secretory Chauncoy M. Crosby
to marrying you/ not thinking the asking tor an immediate otection of
mao meant what be .aid,
won diroctors. Accompanying this
to a totter saying there kaa been ho
meetleg of the ahamhoAdem In tho



Th.o B. the slackheldem cofnmittooa’
reply to Senator PlatL preaidoot of
the company, who rofuaed te call a
mooting for the election of direotom
riolb CFMM ood fMooM) ood corHer Saginaw Couple am Mwainp-Secaam on the ground that two thirds of tho
Hohrd in Vicinity Last Night—
tnolo) will bo boM At the poot^artce
is oaid
River Soing Dragobd.
to this rtty oo optemhor 7. IW7;
nar opFllMlIon blooko. ood for full
uaorMoUoo MloUTd to the e&omioo
By Wire to Mo Byaalog RaoorU
Sagtoaw; MIcIl. Aug. 24-Martii
Jeffe. aged tweoty-iwo and Stole Hue
aeneury. Boord of nvU
gvL aged aevenieen. are Mppooed to Don’t Take Advice of Fm and will
be drowoad to Mo river. They went
Make Attempt to Roach Coast
out caooaiog laat algbi a^ Mommr
THB Mokntic Stool Roogo Oa of tumad caooe was ttoui^ ^ moMtoa
St Uaola. Mol. wlU boro o moo ot tbe with Me bate or tbe couida sod pB By Wtoa to tbe Mreiiiiig Becord,
Uoooob 4 toy Momodlo Oa‘« oil low. gosling near. People to Me vl
OaM Blanca. Aug. 24—Buropi
OOkt wooh. who wia obow you ctoKy renteatbw beaiiag ecreami
A to lea^
bobo btoemtA bnawo top ood bottom, about lb o'clook. bo river to being
of advice of tbe
to IbMo aOostM. 'Don't mbo MM draoed tor the bodioa. A aaan
ouNan to rMooto. They are fearful of
choope ol oodlos Udo froot ooohios party was ecgaoloid laal oAgbt
Meir Itvea Ofsat alana to feR for
Mo fU^ttvM aa la jmAcIbb Me eoaat
Mo girt tolled to 1^010 Ifome.
Mey vUl bavo to eroeo Me Mrrttory
OTT 4 HAHNCa oatport dry oMo^ 4EE THE NEW BROWN M
omjvbbb ME trtbeitoea are roamM. m Cooo otfwot
oug. tMI. wMeoi to Qtitok% Ml Com i

Greeted by Largeet Crovird in City’s
By Wire to tbe Bveolng Record.
Oklahoma City.*Aug. 24—Secretary
of war Taft arrived here this morning
and was greeted by ihe largest crowd
this city ha. ever seen. A rntmaier
parade wa. held thU; afternoon.



Owing to tbe damage created by
tbe breaking of the lower dam of the
Boardman River Electric Light and
Power Company. uM^r. of electric cur­
rent arv‘ requested to t»e no more
than to ane^utely necessary until the
repair, can be completed. The equlpmenu. m it to today, to not sufficient
to supply* the usual coosumpaoii.
ibereCore paiihos of the company
wur confer a great tovor If they will
curtail their lighting for a short dme.


New FaU
See our

of what IDEAL Sptinsi PUmt
hlout will «lo; Tho lecont aMuiauce of a oonaumer that > bag,
rMcbed almost as far in results as
:i bsgs of tbe kiua she hsd been
usiuK. That’s a ssring of ooetbi^, Unt itY
8w what that
means in s year sod use IDEAL
»priu« Flour to your bsnefit Ask
your gioosr or the



Your wife deserves thebest you can give her
in eveiything. Especially is this true in the kitchen.
Get the best things you can find to cook whh. and above
everything else get her GOOD flour, when wd any '
good we mean good all-arouud flour, the kind that


iJS^ KliiS'part«t4:0Op. m.

& Hunter

Thu is a flour that has never disappointed a housewife.



itoa thr corulii Aroto oo
A«. tto oottAcli trt.
V 9rmp^ ter « HUl lur> |of to-blto
teriAg that
rt good AAd Mr. Ttotew, to tto
tm. CM 1* 4te«f My. ted
Utete iteCDW • Ut H«te.
IfAttd tJl^
roto. dttoCAialrAttd
ttoi to to te Aotor
AWIttyfbtortor;r HATt.
*%B] to torntitel ted wiU totei A iteb
A hiL 1Hto
Itote Tto tete to Ute dr All ottor
fndito/A^t4» to tettorwt Onuid Tt»a- UteA tete good AAd wrlJ tpokte. The
ptoy to of tto *ort ttot gulto tht
ATAt lAf|te}« Aa4 fmitfra


fort tel* to to tevtod to
ftruuiAtt totUirto it vai
|*ort»ote it tto toaiotnr.

Tbt tetoto lirtAtod
vlilto Ctoteto G
trt|» lA tto Aortbvr^t lArriUirr. mitt
lAAto tettetAMiii tt«dUic for QrM
Ttmfmf fAntert.
Tto rmlirt«<U
ftetotte ttot todiorjr. tmt oot tomr
vwy teiidiAg AdvoritofAc AkAitor. toi
It to Uto. tliAt t»o BAcUoo that to to

lAg touitot to tto AiiteUoA of tot

liktoifAn tonntr. |»rMitnu m good op^
tertaaltlto exetpt Jn mrt caaap, a«



haum> o|KJO tto «d<«« of. Ito ctolni tud
AtAkt* It i^rll at wh




Okc OrlglBM H4MW FwnisiMr

CkocektM protMMUMM **nin
perfect. They Me Um dMc»
iktoe with the «Mle. When
fee \Mj oMdjr Ml the nen
jou want th«t mnk> b/

Utt Oty of Indton Comp Mtetliit g|
Ifortlipo't Ofitrt AttrtctiAM for
Local Ptoplo.
lUny loral
Art pUnjil^ lo
Ukt. tto
rxourAloo to
N^othfMAt OmiurToir Btedty will to
(hr last day o( ihv Itidton comp meet*
‘i»g. The* Aro‘jQa.H All! to alive with
the DAllvto and itiAuy hilUtoot lueti
will to hMitd. Tho licmt leave* at
¥ uclork ted return! At diOgwln the

There will al»o to au exoarwloii^to
Majlon lidaiid'<« the- «ame bunt and
to tiroUble that many will pltalr

Card of Thanka.
Mr. A I*. Hiiiijrr aud faailly wbh (5
extend their thajika to itoir many
da. fM thfir very kind atetotauce
OlorirlHly. raiMYlally for Hghtr^, The I and toautlfnl lltawl offerlnga during
rtmiptey. towrvrr. will exert every ] their late iMKAvenivtit.
|xiaalij|e em>rl In mtedyliiR the dam
aui;. 1*4 It*

Healtti uo Strength
‘-arc nrcci^itici for the bread-winner, and
they are very uncertain foundalioni for a
family to rent ui>on. No one known what
chani^K a day ma^* bring about. Some
ready cash in a saviltgii at coum will prove
your J^at friend in any emergency.
l.el u« help you lavc.

l). S. Depoelt<kry


Androw J. BlAckfoot. of Harbor


Indian • Proachor



. A cordial invitation Is extended to l%<lies that do
h6me baking to a demonstration every aliernooo at
ML AiNP«t M. t4.»


These demonstrations are to show how to raise and
make good Wholesome bread and rolls by the best and
purest leaven known
Measurement*, mixing and
baking thoroughly explained—tbe method simple and
perfect. Monday and Tuesday: White Bread, Whole,
Wheat Graham Bread. German Coffee Cake, Maple'
Nut Roll. ChOdren's Rusk, Tea Rings.







Ask. E««> CitiK. to S* CwnmittM
Of Om to Talk to Ateormoi



From Hit Walk



Tho board of trade to ooitit>oA^ of
Ihf toM bii»in«*« mt-o of Trav<-m»»

City. W«*. ihf pcssple. vtHcd
park iKiiiMfeM* wHh Ihu prtvllrge mi
jK.ulu^ llrfrf.uM. The xalculatluox
acre lo
Ihto money for inUuMrlal
purpufea exclusively. BuX after
li.Vt.»tlKatlon i>e find lhal we «
»el| the tond.H s*xc«*i»t to buy iiarkii. A
number trf prominent men have adhuciitssu the wtllnK a.^lde of the tiond
Ixxtje and vote new |»ark^icid«.
n.u think IhlA hv necjuiaj-y. \\V al
ready have the Iw.nda votetl: we n«*d
-rhMMl.n Kn.l.-,nv
Hi^ -The >Va> of
money for nutny purpeaea. To the
u» ; tUuyd». Mr. F.
T. u Haaf.
benefli of ev» r> iaxpo>eF. Thwi why
Jtndai.l. t\m/«t4o(Volckuiiir i.-Mra in It necemairy t«i vtsle new li
FrearhliiK. 7:.trt p m , ti.ime. Ihf 'Brlukman.
- Wry lux nnjueetwthe council to aell
X^AUk lUAli a waViiluu. "The FoulFltkiim/* i.Uthfm-d); aoIo. A part of the park bond* already vot«*d.
;*;Hold Thou My Haud.- (Itrtggwl Mr. and lei the council and board of ^mde
uBe thlR money a* it ki neexlrsl? We
OTtfJMiUatiuUa of the chute and thcli
"At Fveuius;” offertory. tWllml; ahoiiltl have ^rf.^t ctuifldence In our
time of mt^ilnK will to an
luceti In • “O. J» -su>.. *rtw)u ore Rtaudlng." prtwideut. aecretnry and tlirvtlors t»f
the. wet‘kly church tolled
We cx^ (H ir hal'd >. dtHiblc quartel.
the board, for they uro all h*Ueml;U
tend a hearty wvIih.ih,* to i
■ Hidn. Then they Took the IkKiy of cltlrena. withtHii a 8Uiu7As U i« bow.
t«e willing coniribttlani auw»ly all of
and m»u-4 hriKtlaii. lo attt ml oai
IHiatlude "Alh
•AlU'Knt." tWely). Mra. the fundi for everj induatry that
vlcwa. and wc will do you gottd.
ocmiea here. This to not fair. Tho bur­
den dtotributed evenly would amtmnt
to cMily a few centa to each taxpayer
In ihto city. Fur InalajKK-. If each i> *1
dent ot Traverae City had ctm
irlbuted equally to the HutocrlpUon
for the Schuyler Manufacturing CM.
and the exceUiop facu>n. U would
have oiUy coei ua 12 cento each to
obtain theae two Induainea A» It. was
done U coat many ftnna and IndUidu
atodrom |5 U> |3U for theae induatries
whih ev|ry Uxpay^ received the beu
eflt. U thij rtghl?
Now 1 am gcslng to reqacBi evef7
ntizen. and taxi>ayvr that wtshe*
city to go ahead, lo appoint himself
of one lo Ulk porwonally
door we.t of Steinbergy^
to hi» alderman and tell him hto view*
Do li at once. If- you are , to
keeulng the city back and do not wUh
to bd ODD of the ptehera. say x
you want to help the city Akmg. aay
AO 'some Aldermen arc willing
•trike out from the »hoalder. and Uke
the reaulu ai to public opidlon. oih
ato waat public opinion and are very
careltil to have U before going on
Jn our savings dcpariment we will open
To All of whom my views are con­
an account for you and issue you a Fass
trary. 1 am willing to ulk U ovgr or
Book, when you make a deposit of $1.00.
q a bettor xray to found to ratoe the
todu»lrtal fund, count me to. I do
Dot believe to being a dog to the
This dollar is the first of the hundred that
[ l b.* followiiiK Oph rMlid pntfcrAm. iff
HII4..V will to nmileied ar the l»uw,by.
I'u rlan ehm-eh m-xt Kiindny
Ivoealed on *Hjlttee*l tx.nier of
Orsau i*relude -KlvVAUaii.“ (Brt un
liigton and Park MiveN, .
^ . \ vuv t Mrs. K. T Urinkiute.
Moniiiig M?vkv ut luifJoV 111 Suh ‘ tVmlralu.
‘ Rock of Ageii.
jecl, "What Thtiik Yi' td CtirUfT' l.y llN-mUki*. Mrv. |*. A Ten Haat
p;«l..r. th.- K.^. T.
lUy., -a*.- .Miiia " (ac»>uU.n
fbj.-l WwMlla.!^ (IMrty). double qimu-


will accumulate almost before you knQW it.

.Ml deposits will earn three per cent inter­
est, compounded twice a year.

. V ONE Night



joi; Sleder & Sons . v
Butchers, Facken, Sausage Makers.

;r r|
i -

haa tor g.-m-rationM held it* plaA- as
onb of the moat d.-bvtabU. dish..s that
. ■
to ever m-rvsd In the IM uf nws>l *
ineatM. Hut yoi, can t inakr- juicy.

luctowM laml. of
iiiuUiw. tto,x.fore when >ou buy lamb for
r.iaatlajL be wure It to lamb, and lb-,
only way to be rure Irf to proeme it / V
at- A reliable. Mpiaro dealing mete
Randolph 8U. .
We are the torgeal Musage makerw
: Ip the city and we ctiarantee themt jmie.'A>k for them. r»Bfh pbemea.

We are now located in our



New Sfopc

To moke it ptj yoo to moke hr a call, for thirty tlajg, we g
going to aeU fire electric lamps or eight gag mantled for.


J. B. Paige Electric Co.

125 Cass St.

Phone 602-2

:.v \

vi-v: -

Thai which s merohant calls his baigaia or ieianaat «Mn. tar, ww Bune onr “Ball PWl” in this wo have ODD IX30B8,
etc., ate. All good stock, drtinhie tor now or m»ir work
Prtoeslowtoclte up It will pon to look it over.

TBWERSE cm shreaMii
Oldest and Strongest Bank in Northern Michigan.



Rubber Hose


Miss Mary Moore Jones




Free Demonstration!

- ,


Firat Church.


Frank Trade

But come dowo at once and look over the mem duaga
we hate in house furnishing good*.
BE SURE and see our line ol iron bed*. It can't be
beat an>-where in tbe country.
H yj>u pass the store take a look at tbe thrfe-piece suit
we have in the window. It’s a beauty.
Or if you anticipate buying anything in house furnish-'
mg goods inquire into our credit plan. It will save
you money.

J. E. GUmiCK & CO.

k»T«n u mHk ia mMIi« aad nnHtx
MIC ta MMiUoa
kiiartou* UaM luwi
tnMT monk\m^ mt Um UW
lag Wm^Ii A^p«r»«rrMlac tabman
fniai Oad^ vte
aarljr and
Mara lau cai^ In aaa dar taM waMi
irtib «aa toaa Ml. la raapoaar lii
auaia taaatag raai^a rrtioi Um hotel
nMariar and |aM aat Ui« fim la ha»
lag aaiahlag aaiia^aa« mmimt and
SDMI 'hvaM air rnay dar aad Aah

' A abort Uma ago Miaa bUrlop
Woodourb. darliig tbr to«*mluf dtp
aiada op bar aUM «o aarlai to iba la
bad aad avtai aba did » dlalaiior of
a Mlla aad a half. Hadb frtiUut
J bfie U l«l lo Ihlak that la an
abtrarorK MU« WoudrcK'b * would
aifad Maid .abow M n^- hiug UuA
a« Mtaharr* ^naaraa Rood add hi. dattghirta
LkMm aoil Hrmlor, with ibMr guaau
Mr! aad Mf» Notwaji lioud of iopUu.
ad <«i Mcoidar iMt
a liHr dar« dabtas
at C^rp *a**«^ f<dni
tag Vt
wUh lh«* lattBch ‘^Iddr * a« tar aa
ttaiioaa liar. thMi drlrlng to KkHjaUlo
Murt< I n>ee| tiad a frw of bt*r nubffV-pda In foi tUnutr^ TuuM^y laat.
Thuia mm Aaaa. liarsinel aad baurraea ftatUlu ftuahdfM WaodwHi. Mar
cha aad Uadoa iMrla Tba rouag
Hopla pla>«d gaiara unUl Um» pall
luf dinner earn*-, a ' «mll that waa
Kidnpllr rra,aH*drd to
At ‘Trn> t’aied** w%er)lblliK tia*k*
d<Wtod. tbr diw In tha hearth la out
the ahadoa arw dmwa. m> loofor itn'
Iporell piaaaata au lurtUag appraranre

aald thar had a gaud Uiaa. Tha onra
who aaal mm^Ur. aad Mm. C%aa
Howa. Mfi O. P. Haul. Mra. Uari
Kewum, Mr and Mra. Bnnrn and Mr
. Tbo hotal ahowa tbr (ullovlng rr
c#«t arrlrala: J. W Stoddard. R. V
SUMdard. Mm. C. tl. Moddard. Her
Urt Vna Atiadalo of Unrtou. Ohio.
Gao P. SUtuaon. Mra ftlcbard Watte
and AUca L. Waite of Tuled<.. Ohio.
Mr. and Mra. John (Mioa and Mr
and Mra. John Allen haia mtucntHi
frum the AftaMoac lalaod and #oo trip
and fviiort iba tlnM> a cooUmM idma
na« fmm Uir tlm« they aurted nntlt
they returnort bMucT.
A yiMiii* |(H of glila aad huya nr.
bat ing mmuf good Um«« llTihe \*uy^J
lag aJJry, Oii Tuaaday laat they had
a Uuwiltiji party, a«vt of a runieet.
Mlaa lYaiiHe SiulU holding the hlKh
ml Mxirr and MU» Angala Miioheil
aae a nhoa aetxiiid
Kefn MbuM-nie
arie aeried.
W 41 Cuhb and taiiib left for Ibrlr
brniK* la Port Wurth. Triaa no
flay laat
Ur. and Mia. Onaley of IVnIwm.
TrM. who have
the hotH
rof tho 4aaf two ae<^» letunuHl i
^ Thuradigr.
Mlaa Mnry Ouffleld. vho haa het n
t gnoil'u/ Ml^.Mai1uu,^o.ale
rfi on Satuiday. laM for a vtaii aitn
rlHiida at Harbor 1‘olul,
The Hunday morning aervlm
luHel, emidiirled by fllaliop W
pM k ttM. gnaUy t^ajoycd On Smul^
laat the^ah«i»*a talk warn on -What
H Mean. b. b- a 8uc:r-a. or u Fallui.In Ufd > He luada apeiial lueutlou

fuU tollr trrU A racrptloo will fM
Uiar at Sana ChMacl ooftagr. wd frucn
thrrte the ibiwad of knowladge erema
Ui tw hndmin ns It U uuC haotm joat
ra or )uai boar the young cUuple
aill leava Old Mkmon. but Mr. CalU
a ay and'Miaa Plart e know all atxiut
and they wUl ha at home alter
KoramWr ftrat at 42kti Uarkele> Are.,
J. A. Montague l«.fl for Tratwae
fliy on Monday la*l and on Tu.e^>
Monugua and Garald went alao.
whan tbr*y all went lu Cadillac to at
tbo Maaaey MuttUgua woddiug.
which took plana tha lrr4aily liiat
aflar ablt*h they rMuru to Old MU
“Al^*Knb.t“uf ■ Pali-allner Tt xa...
rrlirad on Wadnmday la.t fur u
wi-ek'a vialt ak Bcmth ODUagur
Mta. J H ^Aurhlprbaim and »uti and
l> (;.*9t|;u dfutnm' of Ea»l OlanKe.
N.-w J.Tifc« >. Mr and i Mra Mui r>
l!rad>. Coubii. Wni.aSui^r. If.
WUe Jwllu Ulim-». Mi>. AJIdbm
Hralnard. Jr., all of Chkagu. are ut
the • Jlnea *
CiiU.r and two cblldrtor
aiul IK.HMld of Saginaw. re< iift.T u
•PUH* t;r.*\e Fniiu!' the b.nne of
and Mrh. E. J. Uiliikmaii. Th. y
actHHupanUd home by Anna
Thejtwa Urlukinam whi will apand
tha wiutar and alu nd aohool In Sag

Fur the iml
iu'"l2 yemw Oldj
throofth tha yard and down
the. terraced Mep amid the light of
■an aaddnned ‘by
by I the
coma home by. *o tha Anna Tbarea*
the Ute Hon J. \ Japnnaaa lamema. they
awni out and towed tbam In. raaching H^Woaderky of Grand Rapid* who | upon mow lit Tntvaraa.
buma about nine ifTciotk p.
tired dUd at hU aunmier home In Ctlu MU ‘ wondered not at the enU
aad bWMBO--toui oald tbfy b^ a fine ■Iw and now It U Jtioeph Walsh. Ji .Ithe hd^tani of “Bonnie
time >ual the oaac.
lH,y about iN>b- khaakm Pglni and
alU of Grand IRaidd.,
Mr. and Mra. Rohart
..f age. wiro came wlih paaoed bkaoiy. »
and daughter id Detroit, atrlied oolbu
and eiMer to Old Mlaalon]
TI.U«<I.> tut (U( > ruu u CoKui-i u.pi„K
w .k
lk.1. Hhur.' lor i ««rk.
' i1,r
timo br ... ,o.-d t,. b» liaprm.|
I the tvnter of
J. E. Muairou hu Inrt «tarwH
;,.ul u .u.Uliu ••urn lor thr moor! '*“« •
l.oiu .
ttip u. Cmdmr.IUHd.
t.uImcuIo.I» hmd .loo Uru. «|* l‘“» »»**“«
'« K-<
»»• »hbmn. Chici^ and Rock feland.
1 bold It waa tia* late and cn Weduea-' *^*^'***'*'’ *" ***'*
Ih^ H / Gray of Dairolt Ua. .e- L,y monilug laat. at aevim tbirty ,hc!
one end of the m.xlle In
more hMUM- i-lncr June li.
’ | tbU lift* leaving the aortvwlng m.»ther i
*“raw In a iK-ria-udlc
Mm. Wallet a. Tritpbuil and Oimj end wMer. wbt> t<aik ihe remaiiiv andj“**^ IKutluuo. blow through it. flr»t
Cliaiiiw L-. left un Sir MlN.r.irl u^] narted on Uielr sad Journey home. l»‘wly and then atronger and alrtmg.
a^wt^ka -lay lu C-hlcagu. Tlu-y will
j cr. The p«i will be raiaod frx«n the
it iur^ on the next ttip of the loi^l. j ------------------------------------------- __,|ainiw and flowi In the air with lively
Mi> .klfred Orend4»rff and Mr. Johoj
mtklous aa bmg a?* the pressure of
Black are among the l^e arrival* ai j
Is even and unluterrupted.

Ii‘ln»lt. wl.o wtie at Vaughn totiage
for two w.-» ks u-turned Imuiti- on Mimd.} I.IS.,
ling anil going In their
The evening Ufore they
b It the yumik iw^tj.le cm the mawirt
gave them'a beach supper nfif the
U-fflngwell IUuITr which wa.-«
by all
Miw. W J. laMOJerliark and thie-elOldivn of Hlgtilan^ Fork. liJ.,/aie
siamdlng a I't'uple uf weeks with Mrs.
lamderlutcVa ptuenl*. Moit»r and Mtw.
J. C. IbuTugh of ihla place.
Tod CoJIlns 4if (Tdcajm arrived <m
Monday laat and joined bl>.rHfnl]y.
who are spending the aiunmer at J, ,I».
Bdwurtl O'Brlm of Chlcmgp. arricul Manahair*.
Mr and Mm R I* Marshall id
«>n Salurtlay la-1 and will eiM-nd Yi
f«V twowet-ks
louide c»f wtvkk with HU family su ( blcfigo. who have
llplr cdtaa-v.
.LouU H.' Miner and children. Mn.
Wab-mn end Mtoa \ValM.n ef Si>fHig
field III.: hM%e arrived and oie-m.d
*Mi> Cartie V Steele .'uid Mrs. Han­
their cetlagv. Oakbumi
Mm. Miner nah W. Crane of Chicago are at Old


Likf a Bicycle.
xill.tgi ol Oiuena
ajVfu uiidt-r th*- uu>
A profei.aor s hoy y ho Vs alHuil
half >enr* i
IVeab>letUu chUJCh
ul Mr. Andivw Jaettbauu
cow which
lantern* W(
K about the 1ker
made thl» dmcluakui:
gounila-aiid the Him. inailon from thi* j Iwoky there,
that U««ilCs .gpV handleoourrtt wa* ilei-idiMly attractive.
aflfwrtlve. The! bars

iH-oaKlou was tme of-marked fe^tlvlty l
and was not onlv a kuccw M«Jallej
Health in the Cadal Zone.
but «k.o finaneiallv, the ue(
The high
high wngvwngt'fi ,wild
iwild make It a.
a.ueuntin.c V» f
iem,rtatlon to mir young artl
Sunday arrival.H «i New MUaioii j auuR m Join the force of hklll.Hl wo.
Point wore Mr. V ll. Rowe and daugh- men need.Hl to construct the F.vnai
Tlli^a- , anal. aiv u MruimM Ivow^v
Mtllk'i'm ami ixwisln Mias Tll^^alieth
Mathew of:.........
Mr Ihy
by the
the fear
fear of
of fevers
fevers and
and muLui...
inaLau.. .i,
-------------........... - 111.
- Mf
Jtoi- iR well know n In IlllnuiR w here he 1ihe km»w1ug oiiea-^lhoae who have
was chairman of the Heprtbltcah'State | uin-d BWlric BIUera--whu go Uu re
Central coinn.itu-4- !<*■'<• lisn. «nd IbjwifhiMJt this fear, well knowing they
m.v\ pri-> nt of the .\ l.ife|ure aafe. fmm muUiicnis Influence
Anmil.' Co of llliiiou.
He exj„-d-iN
Kli-cliic llJllers on hand.
1 c-otlag«‘ lu Umeua anti bi»* m^us! Mcwh
ilaon. too. l»lllousm-ss, weak
countiug on,the
I «n M.mjiah. liver and kid
of cJeaiilng the giouud and bulbUnglney trouldeH,
ld«^ Guaiani»HHl by Btigm
the iMiltage themm-lves. MI-hx Maihet s {Imug C4..>||auiiah Drug Store, an
U tlie owner id a tract near lamg FVank H. M**ads. d«^gfd^ts .MV-.

^>uiumy laavU..........tfW|S *u



Lt KwNkey tVis P M.
liuatiu UiMo....... i; ar> p.wi.


Daily focimlons
One Fare Round Trip
UUa.l .......
.......... ...g-

'M«wlii SrrvtHl on Mi«t. A» c^te

Special Exearslons to
Marlow Ulond Resort
Kxo-rir Tu,-*Uv Tlmr-lsv ■«..! fWUr

Fare, Only Z5c
Traverte Bay Tr»n»porfn Co.

“Th® Stor»^^
Quality” /
' t::

RMlIy our Shoe Sale

/ ill the biKKOt aod.beiilthu we have ever had.i ind the
vaiuet that are ptTered are luch that it attracts attention at all
timet. So many t>cople are getting jutt what they want. There
fie many day's yet for wearing the shoes that we are selling, and
best of all tec how mnch > ou are saving. Those three prices on
Men.s Oxfords, suit every man. Some only want to pay $3.40
while others want tboso'at $'2.05 and $2 22. The two difTcrem
pricks that we have ma^ for l.adles’ Oxfords, find many plMsedcuttomers. $2 25 and $).OS. -This is the only chance )^u will
have this season.
- '

Wall Paper Specially Priced

ffbr the aeasoa. There are many who arc usmtf Wall
Paper }ust now and for those this sale will be of special interest.
There are many banutifiil papers that arc included in the sale,
and the prices are from 5c to l$c a full double roll, (or the Bed
Room Paper, these are, all worth twice that amount. The hand­
some Parlor Papera are now priced at 10c to 35c and these have
always sold for 16c to 40c. A splendid opportunity to get some
tine paper, and even if you do not want to use them now. you
cai> buy them and sa\e a good amount, aad use them later on.

Straw Mattin^it Reduced Prices^
You may want some, tolix^p some particular room, and
-you could not get anything that jjrould give you better service.
You can buy now, the 20c grade for 15c the 35c grade for *25c
and the 25c grade for 17c, JThesc arc all beautiful patterns and
it U the chance of the season.

Beautiful Rugs that are Priced to Sell
Tapestry Brussels Rug now selling for $10.60, worth fully
a third more. .
N '
'0x12 Velvet Rug, a genuine beauty, priced now at $20.00.
You are saving dollars if you buy this.
0x12 Axminster Rug at $19.


Beautiful Eastern Art Rugs, room sire. sclUhg from $5 to
$10.00. *
These are all veo' handsome and will add so mnch to any
roofn. The smaller sizes sell at $1.20 and $1A6.
The small Axminstef Rugs. S5c and $1.95. . \

:f -

New fall Carpets PrttTed at 55c and 65cNow Is the time to get your new Ingrain CarpeU. while
the stock is large and Ac patterns so hew. Then you can get it
-maVle at once and put^iwn at any time. If yob are planning at
all. come in and see thuVe. It is a pleasure to show these beau­
tiful goods. Then you will know what we-have when you svant
. ft. if you do not care to purchase now..

: V

Writing Papers

The very finest papers are sold by us. We have jiist received another large stock of Fancy Box Tapers that sell from
. 10c to 60c, and are some of the finest that have ever , been
brought to the cit>v If you prefer the paper by the pound we
ha^ five difTercot kinds that have never been equaled. These
sell at 25c for the pound of ISO sheets, and the envelopes are 10c
for one package of 25 envelopes, or threi packs for 25c. As for
Tablets, we have as large an assortment as you will find, and
the prices are from 5c to'25c, and we have the envelopes to
We have the most popular papers and the latest shapes

tile Hannah A Lay Mercantile Company


■Mt bM«« tba dB«. YbM walls «fw
two M Ibkik by bbomi low* fawl U
bedgbt »hd mmu^ im Ut< U IcmiRb.
Obb «f IbBW wmlM was brokam t&
aBvml fiBMiM Bba«rt mr ttwi wMrtMoCtbPQlbdr TbmwB* abated
Mock to lOM
tbiftM M 0t WteUr sMtfcHtey
Ur.«*»4 J«nu & C VooUrWoliwo ait;
tU. «»d iUm
«4«o bor

KeitiMR do wo. .Wo do not
doUbor joup meaieitoe utU
. oo AIO Rotisfited that it U por.

OMiHli U M

%l» Lm Qik^momcd »a«r.

FOR fieNT->$>amlabcd bo
lo Rmte»
pboteP 124: Oiu mad b*lb.
W Riteltb. teMtecer of tba UteRteab A
Lter Atiiir miU, wtemiii blai ibal Ue
<hUB had brukt^o a»d to take itwcaumuMoal »i»^u b> ibe |iuiaU
rnlturv ri4
UitlMl lo Mioist. Uaarr Ura. AMO iWu>« o«o a •ooc~ Ui ticut acaiDsi dteteogpr to Um* liaunab
West Wirhlh strtwd.
teujt :4Af
TrwroM Uti Bolt 004 f)«i oitlbo-.*^
UMiy oaj. TW ttrr«r«ni wm a* ful- A Lay oote||iaay a dam Mr. tbuUb I »MBlPMa»lite.thwvasaaOOr.Micb [
mo> Voroo
HU Rooms t«»»a My OiMiBtr> Tl» ^ Thor. teas at Kast Ray and ho ImmodiaiHy
FOR RAfiT—RosideiKxw. tx4 State
W^* U iUt* »Jt4^ t^Uke*. r«ul#. art»re to th«< ctly and caused the crtcte
U tbdfloo rHotiMO'^u |LlO»ior
»trw.H ated :i5 rranklin sinx-i Atl
lUIU^y . VV«lu. Tb« UUk^
Mr ood MfT Itortr Rb««OT .rf
ibe Hour mltl dam to be
^PcRSCNA lS.' “
= ’
Watt««>. Nora GicI
iUrblvy %t«UM bore tbo totiM^ ymrt AeicUat.
moderte Uopnireteirota, cNitral loru
of tiH]Mti: OUd>o Wolu. I\*.art;. Mavidb lb«4r fuik-at width. The rush of wtelar ‘ WiiHaui Maacn left Iw r.mch this
Uou Apply laM Stale strvXM or lei
Mra. KotU# KabUoc ood dMiAbirr i l*^tmasi; Mam<
•mm nou'i dcfte II lh« rixvr liOo Board
‘hom^ No.
24 »n
evtou i Aorta Han rally HaltaiSay: Uurutby man lake uu.a ihrcmib ihr Hannah A morning on boVnetea.
C. L.. fUdurdsan w ent to HocKTr
j f^dko. Ki-an*. Ubiitr IVn Wol^ A
t Ur ood Mm Bvm
jM«y Imy cbuie. raitalteg a |>orvv|>tlMte rU ihts.imwteinig ou baalnesia. .
Mt. JolU Trtpo. Mra RMiM-f fVm K MilW.
caay kaaaon.
MO ojM M Hoflr. violtod vttb Mr Undo fW Itr Futka. Ida Mo«dlll>. Hitf of the rtvew!
Quire a number of yrnym pei»|ke
ood Mr* T J fiMulonMJB ol boot {Tbr Wi#udr r. VxyrUk. ijtutiim BitO:
frxwn Karwote <\-nter.iineli^ the V
■bMkbll T—Hff—L
lueb owbara wh^ bOteU mw I
IbirflU; Howoo
at the ebuteh last night t^mie
«lteb. tet»
' TBo O W. |J *« win piMT iumm ai Uof tb» loUr^ iMit *M tbr Of«k
»arl La f arfiO, rattel at tba
and brtuc more with you
Ibr O' W. U. finmkft fr«omo ai o»«Mt of r«*otl«ro bow. boo rvtorood j IMltl
C.rmido> l»rra» ak»u nuliited and aewral of thorn nub
NeJlie aud Anna run«-> ul
V. Rinehart has had two new
td cmi to Ih; prteuamttdf ^kusIWp O^Mimuc are vlKitlait Mr. and Mrs. cisterns Un!U hist Wix4., i»ne at hU
gpi» » ,# IWjr
M mm cmbo l« bor bom* to llctitdt
iKxrti and tme .nt the hoiisc. H K and
nser to the pUarurv rralt In the NN 111 V'urney of this diy.
M M «W w Ue MMvo
or. fetenuf that Umbom or loas
A. « IhouRtn-rty of Klk fUiOAi I a la C. KuefTBteCser did-the wxirk.
lUm orej Au»i
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BickUi have a
n^gbt ho washed down tho atreaui lb« cUy im buslnou.
m^ IMistm 4^Audard lAmuHCraidi
'and rrt-ale damaice to the We-guiAustin Overhvdi Is in »k Runkl* on which was a piem'nt to tlM*m from
their S4XI Kahdi mckle of Battk- Creek.
tong boat hotiMW and the iauuchiw
Mrs 1>. M. I'rlght went to Tratersiakinft the stream It |*rov»d, himoter. . lleiman Krapert of rhlrajco Is the
IhM the fmee ot Ite Jlmal aa., s|Kt»l cuesl of his emutn And! Nethnm-i dn
Ivfure rvachlnn the roouth i»T Ihe ri\ Ih s city tm a nnudh Flank Amtstmei hUr of S«»Um. The
Mr amt M:s.
J Chirk of Sutfons 4>er» nK»ny was portonmxr by the U»-v
the tehiei rtsinu ouly a abort «1U
I. WedmwdJiy eveuin* at the
tunc- up mi the Jawn W the club lki> who have lnv:i viHltius tn lids
* of the 1,1 idc
t Ninth strtx l
tii\ ivinrmd t«* ibor home y»vterda.v
X Si*,.U‘rt bad a
n A Walkm Id UiC.range iwu^ed his hoi NO Sal
MufkraU to Blama.
Hrim . n
'Fhe cause of I he dab s lUntructlmi
The wi
Utd dlKxnly to th»r fiici that a end to NoithtHUt. where ho will remain
whk-h was
i:n fil l diHV and the
eny ul luusk nils had worked aiound tor Mime time.
HiirvdU and Miirtmi HlMm tn-gmo-d r. l.iiKi'. lono leaks at utHWii half that
cud of llu* . tfik iniv .utd
deiuh Thev will imt a.smaller lOixto their home at MaylleW tbia muni IjtsMe the Old one.
wheji lb*' exii-u presKUie
H S FavJiaiM has puiehaMd a m-w
eiiiufi the w a\ft
the stoini Um
K tJ Heumami returned tivlay fnwn piaiw*
%»urked tbrt'u^h' the hides inudf ly
Cousidtaalde wiwk lias Ux-u dmie
the rats, and when the bank yave t^denj^T and Milwankiv. win to he on the ruuds lately whvtv it w.u, bad
way the e-ast end of
wall wins iHiix-hased hu lalf wiuck i*f w tx»lena
Iv n«'i'di*d
UoUU .1 Walter of Cincinnati who ’ Scbisd will u«6n nett Monday Tlie
witbom support. \Vh»m the work of
cleaiins k'^k.' the n-fgoe nnd lotF* b*' w.^ aJit-sled yesleidav was released Iswtld b.ive p«mha^‘d *H Pew otuioi
foi the sclnxd house. "
Kun man> of the ruts pete (i*und. on:t*ail tixUy.
thofs b«ooO to latei^t parcata who have boys to etolhe. Yoa
Anit. ID.
.%ller lUu WA-ek the iHio per cent
some dead, but Iiiahv alive-.
«aa save I mm 71c to $SJ« oa every salt yoa have to boy. We
‘ One and mie half hours were con will u> chaigt-d on all city Uaxv*.
The will id JuiU JohUMUi was ad
•bow eae of the best Uaes of Boys* Salts la AaMrlca. la the
l.uminl* f> Hie lime the daiu l»n>ke
The cherry s.-ason is |Jasl ami He
umuM to lavdmu* liKlay
ia.«»plH*Mni-s ;uv iuis.i i;oife
uiiHI the iKMid was emptied.
ItaMwlUbeiOBBdaspleatfld vaalety of Doable-breasted Kaee
Judge Walker HxLi> r-rWiftmuxl the
Apple bujN is nve .hs»ktng at th,
A soH> siK.niaclv wits pn.-mted
ndit Salts, with Doable Seat aad Kaces. Norfolk SofU In all
of I‘‘H hanls Sopu- bate «dd their e».
when the officer.:'-M the Ikwirdimin .^ale Id...real telate In the iidale
tire iMvhardy while iw.iiie lm\e onl>
slaes. Sailor Salts, Buster Bmwb Salts, etc.
! sold their inichrws ami Alexanders
lyoerT^T-cUic Uuhl aUd l\*wer To Lucy IViU uun.
Hmv»nl on the s<w*ne* early this morti , Hr. .4, \V (launtlett enlertaim*d hisj tIm* m‘w ehureh eatiai la pulI down
itiK.^he west Chuiv leiuaiito tulin t. brothel. Hr J C. Uauntb-H, and laui j and'll li«»k» ven nlo>. - Mr. Hofm
. al a v
.1... ;0» Trav.o.- ,tuSl.Wth.. »..rk
the Vbuie at the east end Iwini; the .Uv. „t ,Klk. IUI.U
..J. . I. »
.. . f 1., .
Tlw niii»x«>< ^
the ixdUr
only one »w-flmisly danm».n*d Had the ner Iasi i venin::. in honor id bS m-ih ,
mher ihuie »k-«hi taken als** the dam t i and msum . w ho Hie visitm*; him, ,t,o jaytm; of the bbx-ks on

1 llolm.V Inub^e
Mr WilU s;u
.». e winiM have Iw-y n iifmh iireater Inwu the south
T.irt.-r - I'iH art doh
Mr. aiol.Mi.-^. \V. \\* Smith entertUiu ’
.utd H
would h.ive iMt n imuv dtf
f’cuti. one ehuie la im; intiul. rejv.»lrs , d a «»i4hir- flub at iheir ixdtiige
-iHild al
lo the a^.uni^ed port*..h will »H- aiv.O Itirebwooil last oveimu:. the tsva-J
e* h.ol a
ly faenn.ii»*jl A tore*- c»i men lim i-eiiig MV. .Smlih’s birthday
• lA l .Kly as »V
already Unp s%t
woik to leiMli sMrs K R Mi^'oy «>! this eiiy ia
wtm otely sfek a w-, K
the d^tm.ii;- aii l, the .wmh will be
wvts Ln! lo 1 esi iHvctde h.-r bus
. who' isissed
ruslMHl with all |Hwa.lble s|wn*U
J W Kim
<n*friT dam will lie poikrtructeU to
wph his mother al the last
change the tnturm- ul the sHettni. while
J M KuiRht who Uves two mih-s
the d.anat;ed poribm hs Ih-Iiii; riM:me west of the city. l»rouyhl u small
stnjc;ed Al'uye the dam L an diter- btunrh rrom om- of hU thimta-Hand
Picnic at Uland.
esiing »(MXl.iele.-the aceuiuulatkni ul < bhii kviip -*e*W-do.ine Ue<x»rd offlie
Twenu young ladiiH «d the cU.v
lo^.^ bi .tiu he.s of tree.', and dead llui j M*vt.*rda> The Pwj- was fairly e
werP entertaliMxl at .vlarion island
lets, whii h ha'e huelotoie U-eii sob ed with the bji; Iumumls fruit, which yi-KloKLiy by Mo-srs iViUcrday. Hmke
beiKtxl. pr^^i^nllUK a cIkM that .is eei- has an excel lent Ihrtor.
They went out on thi
lainly iiol pretty^
.'ilid afier spi'iulltig n
I ulU the damaKO is Tvrvmixi. tin id (iwim; to the l»ieakluK ol th«' ItlMid
I day which incluthil M ph nh
lli-ers of the lloardiM.Hii River Khvtrit niun Ktvei KU'Ctrie UkIVi A Fuwci
they reimiud on Hio «\eninj:
that rixmiiMiiy iLiUi. ihlr iinunlm:. I. HkvIs
4Jshl A iSiwei ix»mp.ii^v r
[x*n prt-.Hvut\iii: si,*M*o|iticiMi
cousuiin-r.^ of ligth and txiwei U* nsj
idiK-^; wi
consuiin is Id light ..nd l ower U- usj^
to Rive his i-xhibttiofi this
Hu eurrenl. Cuiil the dam is leHon-j,
The Rims iy dej,.irim, !(1 ol the H,in
Imp^osIbilHy ti
striieusl. the «^ni)GOiy
' '
ilou;^ ing ou aeeoiml of the Imp^osihiiHy
uah A- l^y Meieaiude ion,
L«u».iJj('Mvn!v the iit> cum nt
iy h.iluucapiH-d. and tiu'fvtoie ii'ipuv.l
all «d the
do belebv eb.iM..nR..':,liy;
the iiidulgenre pf lljeir
union! 'I'-llH
T4IK Rev L. C. AlirahaiiiMiii. R N ^miei deiMifniepts of the sUmv to a
Ihejr aid in mliK-tuK’thi emisuminmnj
M.. H. H-, id (Tiic.tRt*. Ill . w ill Ruiije of t-a.,e kill on fTiday afiti
<d ehx-irielly until the dam cm U-|*>Pt^.uh at th o . Liithejau church oa liisHi. A»ig. -h*. -All n'idPte to la^ ad
made i*erfix-t again.
Wash lUKtoa
lUKt on j^rnt. Tm-sd.ivfveiiMiR. duxii4^to Ml. Eiireailgigei- or Mr
TUK Majitetk- StiH-l R.-.'iiue Co oi Aur. :7. at .7 ;o au txanilanaifau
Ht lauds. Mo. will bare a man at the pixiple ciMdially invited to aiiund.
e Rev. Mr Chrs-Ule will preach
l^uuah'a;L.i., Mert.iidUe C<* s all
in flerimui in the Swixiish rhurebrt^^
ncM wetdx. who will show mu »u»w to
W,e-him.toii strxx-t Sunday n^ilug.
iMke t*W*eiiil^ bn^ii top ifSd U.Uoiii. shamiKsuiic. ni.iiilc.urm;;^^' iiuis.siu-e.
A Mg
at I
in three mluuies. Ikm t miss this etc.. 404 Slate Ibiuk %ulding . 0}m-u
F. Nerll.ii:er.
Chance of-tiving Ihia -great cix.klu« Au.g.
- teu*. :ml.
wmiUer. -/
froifc Tmrtooo^Wy.rnbrrr Obe
*< ff^«4 wf Mrt. utto^e ht<\ far oct

“■* --vssr “ “■"* *"jir sc

Tbc tetarkfd wUram bc^o to bum.
Th« beat buteinctes for tecrwral Aayw
waa dune >wwl«Atey. Kino kmds of bay
«nd three lotedft of tlrw auw-k Otetto
lB:Aaiao eight kwMs of pattelOBS. Tbte
pouto marbBt Ib hoMtu* at 45
of |x>laloos srlU go out totel^bU

Bud Ituffabk Am*.
Vade llKhi:
7K market setiw*
T5c lower; Fmvp
ChkwKo: Au*.* i:—Wheat

Pelrott. Aui^ i:_\\-h«t. MXc;
con*. Klic; O.H s,9Ve.
•vwy tey. Th. Utal mHmI
m mwIM by. ImS 4mS««.
Th* «HM.
by «k% MI
clIppH frwi. tUM,




ys’ Ootlring


wortli $2.00. at


worth 13 0(V at
worth $6.00, at.

Young Men’6 Suite n”*" 3.95
?;r;...6.95 s.,8.95
$0.50. at 5.95

Just for s


A Sale of School Stockings OneWefk
The Moocsl banHdns ever ottered In Stockings
lor boys and girls. Don't laU to caU and see
what we are showing'

At 7ca pair, At 11c a pair, At 14c a pair, At 22c a pair

: Remember that oar Premium Tickets are good ualU Sept. 1 aad
should be brought or seat ta by that lime.
^ .


The Greatest of All Sales

Ladies' Canvas Slippers.
every pair solid uppers and

Cluldrco's Hosc in white,
Uack. taoand bluiL Plain
and • lace effects. ^ Values
up to 50c. Extra special
or this .sale—

.....98c; 9c. 15c. 19c. be

Boys’ rood School Pants;
sizes npto 15, per pair ....


A lot of Boys’two-piece
Suits, rernlarly sells for $2.
. onr price tor this sale........


Laces: made
of White
Lawns, Fancy Cotton Suit­
ing. etc. Value $3 and $4.
For this sale

$1.19 and 1.97


in Percales. Madrs 1 Cloth,
White Batbt^ in stripes,
checks, figures ai id dots,
worth 50c and 75c, tor


Icieterbteck pork.^i^bbl.aj^CJf.^^
aetef t«ck pork, per Ib

Short cut of pork, per
l^rd. per lb .................. 41
Btecoft. pc*r lb ......................... ..15©25
Cora Beil. P«r 100 Rm:............
«y«k pt on........................................••
OaU. per bu ................................ 45
Hour, H. L. A Oo.‘b BobL 1»W,. ILtO
reted. H, Is A <Xk*te Bm. pv
looibte ................................
MlddlngB. per 100 Ibf..................
Bran, per loO tbi..L.................
Htev. per to^........ . ..... i«.oo<^rroo
Spring Chickens, per lb
............... .......
... 45
FoUtoea. P9C I»eck........
... 5S
Kkg-.................. :...............
Uam, iw Ih.
Butter, creamery, per lb.
Butter, daily ........................... :nfi 2a
Com. per bu ... ..................... .75
OaU................................. .
...50® 51
Clover teed ^.......................... . hD .OO
Crtmatm clover ...................... . 5.50
Alfalfa ..V..........................
Abyke ...................................... . T.50
Oenuaii Millet ................ ,...
Huagarlaa BMllei............
top ................ ..................


Buytfig Pricea.
Piualo, s

pi-r iHHk. ...... .

Wheat; per bu ...... j,,


Hay .hssH*
Light stix-r* aud heifers ‘
Sl.Mis aud beilers llOO lbt...3«,3»*
Dressed poultry ... ................. 41
Hens, live weight............................. .t»«
.Spnui: CbkVenK ....................:...4:
Live Hogw ...............
Hugs, dressed ........ .....7....7M7Vi
Bheep. vrlU vrool ote ...................... 04
Spiing lamhs. luu. weight. ...
Calves ..... .......... ;........... IHVx
Oreete hidee.............................. 70 J
.......... ....lOOll^
Oab. per bu

Fraternal Mystic Circle Had

Ptenfe pittiit^al thi- Bbci^r aud
{‘ohi' ivittagi » at TtM-rwc<> Plate-,
Ka.: iLiy. lart «venlng. Nu bualu-*a.
wa-K ihnu-. After hteviug wupper at the
ctALagiii the frieudw wpeut the c-veiar
mg in ExyuvimteUan wuU rt*tuiued to
ihf (Ity at an early hour.

Is still drawing the crowds attracted by the GENUINE BARGAII^S that are being offered them
In every department of the BIG STORE. Everyone has an equal chance here to get HONEST
GOODS at HONEST^ PR ICES. The time is limited. Sale will positively end Saturday evening,
Aug. 30.^ Don’t delay, but come in prepared to get your share of THE BARGAINS.
Boyi' Grain Shoes. Will
$3 and $3.50 Boys'Suits,
48 Doztsn
Shirt Waist
aland hard knockinc.
aU this season’s
Men’s Soft Boson
make, fw........... .
of l.adies’. Misses' and
Negligee Shirts
Men’» and Boys’ Canvas
Shoes and Oxfords *7A A
$h60 values for....


corn, 54Hc; OteU. 44MC.

The Touch That Heals. ' ^ '
Is the luuch of Bucklen'a Arnica
iSaivv. U'a ihv bai»lileat combination
of arnica flowera and healing balaama
ev« rix'rcrM*iinm/d Nr matter .how rid
.the tx>rc or ulcer la, thU aalve will
cur^ It. f\*r bamg, scalda, c«U.
weynndH or idlen It baa go teqiitel. GuteranrtiHl by Bugbee l>ug Oo.. HteteteteA
Drug St«>re. and F. H. Mteteda. <dn|(
■ .


A prolific cause of Piles to tbte mw
of cathartics and pUto of te dragUc.
vjolenl teteturo. which to alwRirs foL
Btek^o matter what ihte rmnm or
what the kind of Pika. Dr. iiteoohardt s Hem-Roid can hte PteBted upon
to core—to suy cared.
It s tea totersal iwtedy that


A gutermnwa ppm wUh «tech poOt,

Lenhterdt Oa,, ]


! gun^

Mmo aa tac MI4 Boyd awai
Brtck hloek. west pioat
Bipm with istumn. Uviag

WAI»T«a-ipW for
FOB SALt-^UuM ««. ftslA <
n«t4 IlktU (Ml OMW. OL
or r«*t Mn.
» BisU stroH.
Mf. mu.

i w*irm>-T»«<»c u mm tt,.
•\ 4Mrt« m. i. urn t»
CU m •rt«* ttor>*7 Mwtto. Xn*- Tfrmn. MtBOMte Be
: «• cuy. m. r b. K* 4.
|TANTg%».41t«U( TOO* sM M
rw« IteKfMU* WHtMt fiOM.


rvbbtr ttf«d
It B*ek*«

FOB BAtB-SOkoot lo^Ah.

1«rAMT«l>-Tvo dlAlAB n»om girt* *t
UilM Vlwr Hgm^ m «ap»4*.



*i« n a.

WAWTtO-OCrt far i***f«l kouMw
work iMi tcmd dll Mr* B 1
. im*«. ITtf.
WAKTfWqirt lor lifmrd hooirf.

BAlltf. OCgOoM m.

BAg. t4t

POB BAtB-rni^Uff* M 1
Wn**. largo lol Mwma 1
*»d Tmth stTMt* MX lUUroad ov*

WANTCD-OIri or Ht44lMW«d iUr
for cwml •»
p»4 born
Mi^nmil ,fy tbb rtgbl

IPWbOb. C*U «»• no. or phoM on.
«». Uni. FbMk IbMor. Au«. li U



Two atxty-idx loot lota, eaat'
■toawood aveaae, betweaa Wayae
Two funydour Cool tola, w«ot aide
- Bpmoe atmai. boCwM Wayae
aad Bay stmoia.
•ofWttj foot lot Both aide or Bay
atmet. oppohlte Darrow W store,
rifly-eevcn foot lot. northeast cor-

Mrt *1 ilB 0UA*L Mm tlMI
WM* Br^. UT OdM at. OBa

WMBiag: oaa
gootf *01017.717 Uk**r*..ttg.n If
oo* UooMOd
-_______________________ HobIm oooM bo4 W bum for


Ant * lAact tltoi^ aM to


mom; oo


liW. m. todMtos Am Am

417 B(


at p


Two lota, about fourteen acma. west
of hi. A K. B track. Btas'
township: leaa than /me
from cHy llmlu. Thi* property
wlU make a good market garden,
as It to moaily muck ground, and
has creak cramlng lot
ICO aerre Umber land. Benzie 4
ty. \% mlUw from Cedar Run.
west. Ttmberls moeUy hardwood
Some pine. Jiemlook and cedi
Good land for fann.

vaaoa. B. .J.

dv. A» *». tor


in any locatioa your first
question skbuld be - have >-ou
an Abstract of title that shows
dear re^cord?
K. O. T. it. M„
97L BMSte ovory
FOB fiALE-Phrm.ldanw*, good aalL
If it is not produced
good water, levul nnd nU.nader cuL ___
tivnttaa. nni atoo muort aad other iSt
Cnmmaader; K. M. once there's a reason, and the
; MA Mm, deal should not be closed.
Pfoperty. laqnim fiU Wasidagtoo
atmet. Pbooe 910.
aug. 17 tf
It's then you need m>in suppl>'in£ an Ab­
stract of title:


harlea VanderUp,
Odto Mo­
tt. J. & AmoUU H.
OmssMT-SWUhslMaUgU a ss. GTxitfiig, Uemry Buohm. A G. Fair­
1 to I p. Mr 7 to .......... mi
banks. Roes Wllkeim. J W\ MUllken,
WyatoepAM OMssusahsasAI.
IVlor Wurzburg, Aniooe Petereon.
Oval Wood Dtoh 0>.. Bdwaid Hack.
FEATHER Bda J.McDonalX Frank Bkumaky. Mrs.
uea. Peter Swmnaon. Oirto Bckkardt.
Oma. Krone. Peter Oihaon. John YenB. Cte^ aSSk phoMim
msy 294f lab. Oxel Nurdstnim. Bame|t Day.
6. Bthombergtw. John Hopkins. Chas.
k. A DOBBON-^uollae of thu PaI5^ .\ordstrom. W. L. Btiger. Wm HopHamiltoa A MUlikea block. Boadn. ktes. A. Nelson. Max Coplan. Mrs. U
deedk mortgagna ARd ooRtmcia ao- McCoy. Henry l^Mky. Hiram Ruaky.
kaowledged; mnl aatala boagkL J. McDonald. FVyxk Sbumaky. Mrs.
^aold or mated te city ot^^ soonui: Greenwood. Jame»C. Hopklus?'Thr«we
money loaneA 1 hsvu gome
Johnson. P. Cu.vtie, Mtxlad Vluton.
hairgntea dated *te farm and city Mlunle PickelU W. H. Earle. W H.
U offiea Wedneaday and Lo%^laiid. U Bailej-. Mrs. F. M. Weal.
A P. Huellmantelnlea-Shalllii. F C.
•pr 94-tf O Brian. Che. Halberg. Benj. Hkl
etc 44*.
stead. A. V. Frtodrtch. F. H Brwte.
MONEY TO LOAN—Real eaUtu tor Max SiegzL Peter UnquisL Board of
sale. Houaea to reuL Dr. W. M BduonUon. H. A Brown. Riley Petnrf
Moon, aiy Opem Uouae block.
ka; Mrs. P. J. hTsh. D. WbUkop. Loots
Clemeul, Mrs. M. Pickell; A Gold
F. P. LAWTON. M. O-Offica Wilbalm
Curb. Frank Potman. Hall Flack. Jen­
block. Both pkonaA
apr i tf
ny Jackson. Grand Rapl<L A Indian*
DR. M. A OREGORY-n? Oaaa street. Railrond Oo.. and all other persoM
Special wttenUon paid to
ou are hereby ntUUknl that tbe roll
of the Eye and Nervous
Isi a*s<»itop»ent hetx'luffut- i^de
GUsscu fitted.
b/the 1board uf ^iH*clal agM-ueurs' for
ibe purpuae
defraying Ue ensil of
MOFFATT-Abrtracte af HOa cuusirucUuu of a hiteru) sewer, which
said Valeml sewiu^^la locate and d«a
BegUmiog at the
A. X McPHAIL—Oaottot Over JohnaoD drug atom. BeU phoaa 440-9 inteiwcdlon ol I'ront atreez and Rail­
rtega: ats. 4444 etegnroad avenue and running thence
l->nnl »tr<^*t to B;irk>w street,
LE4TER a WELCH-Attomuy at on
thonc-e south on Barlow street lo the
alley b<-twtto-n Front toireot^and^State
tend blDck.
Jan 4-tf street, iheiice east on said/ alley to
Rw stivel. In Traveni- City. MicN
OR. F, X MAC-N4tTIgan U now tm IIU* in my -offkv for
ed to EYE. EARy^OSE, TH
public ln.-iM<-tlon.
Notice is hereby given that
402 WUhalm hl^ atlsmxa
council and board of nsMVHiors .of the
City of Traverse CUy will mivt at the
council looms In^aald city cm Un> 5th
day of September. I>h7. at k oclock
rrant and Cnan Sta.
p. m.. to review said- ajwmsmon
uhudi llme-jind idace ommrtnnlty will
a MARTIN—Physician nnd
be "given lo all |H‘rhcm« IntVresU-d lo
geoa. Office 204 East Froot street Ito* heard.
T. H. CIUJS. City Oerk.
iXiU-iI. Aug 20. lV>7.
aug- 21. 22. 23. 2J. 24. 27. 2«. 21». 2d.
31. sept. 2.
partora, over aty Book Bter



tear 144f

hnt woler
boot. both,
both. lot oeventyflve foot
_____good bom. OBOoftbofinoat
boMO* U tbo mty. WUI to^e tmoner
priced propertf oa port po.vineut or
vUl aell OA eoay temr Price
#M4f. Wade Broo.* 417 Booth Unloo
Bt. Ott. pbooo tilt.
Mof Itf
FOB BALB—Tf •bore# Troreroe City
•tote Bonk otock. Apply Cboa. Pro-

•• Si»c


FOB ^LB—1l4B-riya aad oAo-balt
j. E. o&QucK ca
aoma. ooroar of Wajmo aad Madlaoa
Aug X*4f.
aueotwlll plat Into 44 lota. 1
At leau OAO buadred aad ifty dol- FOB BAL1-U14-PMI, eighty-five
ncrea. oaa and one half mllea aort^
lorn par lot Price. *4hA40. 1
of Aeam on nuda road. BevoatyINMrrCO-IHrli bt tbb
Brae. 417 Booth Unloa ilrMt. ate
five acme nader culUvatloo; all In­
lorr-ttnvb Brob.« AA
pbOAO 1114,
July 1 tf
to crop*, wheat, com, oau. bay;
<*Og II tf.
*^largu modem houao. fumaoo. bath,
WANTBO^-OoBiOBMrg for ott ui4 Biote •treet; large framo bouae aad hot and ooM water aU thr
BMotlM. IMtm AAjrwbm 1* U* pood bam: thU property la
houao. Wind mUl and jtonk Good
bam. granary and all neoai
jitjr. OmBd BAdBi FBimltuM Oa
center of the beat block In Travaraa
iUAAlltt cny. between Cbn* and Park atreot out bulKIlag*; good young opchard.
Just baartag; about all level
aad ike coming bnalneea Uoek of
WAMTBDaa naarly perfect as a farm oould
Northern ICIekSm: property In this
be. Owner wluhea to go oouth..b
block baa tacreaiMd In ralui over
offois at low figum for oaah. Priet
MAT tf-lMO
fonr knnt
14.440. Wndo Broa. 917 aouth Unyeaia. It viU do bettor than that In
BfAMTBO-Oirt*; 4i*t*g rooa. kltcb
loa atmot. at^hoao 1X14,
tho next
9K u«dry. 4i«bw**b*re •U. aKAeyootof Uiofako011.0old. CXxpiuao 1141
M«A; /^.ob< UmmMUn, Ubororm. par and oCbor alMlIar p
ta;rfoytti*At ofllOA, CtUsoB** pboo* and place tt la good proopocUro FOB BALB—tl -Plfteon-room brick
Ninth BL.
4^121 Boat rrooL
property la the boat dty la tbo ataiU
oaa nnd a half hlook from Ooatrsa
where aU olaaaaa oC raal oatetoaro
nehool: aulUhlo for maldoaoo^ r
WANTBO.|i/ Ibrtx. oflulU. furalub
teg or boardam; ^Ul take good
I their oapacKy to tbe
have I
equity to amount of one thou
au4 ntat-djuia mlch*
extent that they have out atrtpped
doltom aa part payment; i
^Mohtwd rrquirrd. A«drr«*. Klvlnu
tho population, where there U two
12.044. Wndo Bmo^ 917 South
full tufunuatloo. t), ratr UMitnl.
Jobs for every man. woman and
Unloo Bt. at phoAe 1211.
*ug ICtf
child where the loonlcoluBuxb of tbe
may I14f
adft for men. women, boye and girl*, FOB 4AHC~inl4—Reaort property
where farmers eoma for inllea to
two hunumd feet ahom front; Urp
gr«»*tml mcrtWidlac^ Addn
dUpoae of their producU and purhotel completely furaisbed first
* IM. TmvbW CU>
chase their suppllea. irliom jdl
class; hot and cold vrater In nU
eloMoa of fruit, gmln aad rogoUbloa
FOB OALB^lf foot Uuneb. Irving
foomi. gna light furuaco beat ntoo
can be aucceaafully
oao cottage, two largo bam*, trout
Muttaj. 447 BM fVour
ralure has abundantly, yoa UvUhiy
gulf 14 E aP If aupplle<f the aiiortamsM tbo achol- utmam through grounds, bath houau
and fine grove along bay ahorw
ar». the artUt and tbe Ibralld with
property to in first clast coadiUoa
ry thing t
on mate road to city, piked all tbu
Inland Ukea.
to city; would coot to put in
clear, pure freah water, good clear
SIERLINQCB. LAWYERoondlUoo na it Is at pmaant at least
healthy air, tah. fmlt. and wegeU
> loan. 212 Bute Bank
twooiy thousand dollars; lady own­
blcA. Wbat mom oonld bo doalred.
ausaaa phone 444.
ing la Invalid, bene# sacrifice te
Them are facU we am aUting and
^ Uivo bAllBlmg. tw
order to dispoae of It; wiU ooaslder BEAL E4TATE AND LOANB-^Qm
can be verified. Agn|n we aay jdhce
Traverse Land and Loan Oo..
r gorjIoiAbdowmad
your money la TmTemo aty or tbo
Thurtell. Manager . O«0A room
, AAg Ilonr: mrt* for ttty dollor*
prico 915.000, Wade
Grand Tiamrae mgioa.
HsmUton A MUlikea hkwk.
kOAUu Prior. I&JOOO. W*d*
South Unlea Bt at phone 1919.
Bro*:. 117 Unloa itmet atlMi
Bros^ gl7 BouU Union »lroei.
may ii4f
pbona 1X14.
Juno 1941
Julf I tf
Both pbonea. 224-2r. RaaMenc^
W.«ghlh8L ao. phone 74L
OTT A HAHNER. Dry aeaners sod
eonxor of rroot and DivUin*; flitt
five acre farm; four mllee from city;
Dyers. Have not sold out but are IB. F. HOLOBWORTH-Bpectel at
olAai loeAtloA: permaBontlf rrated:
alxty acre* under cultivntlon; forty
teotloD to diseases of the ajn. ear.
doing buelDcas at 125 Csaas Street
•004 buUdlAg *ulUblO for moot m*r
nose and throat Qlaaaes. fitted.
acrm“ Umber estimated to cut at
Phone 235. .
aug. IS-tf.
k*4 or gfoooff: oimrr loovlng city.
Over Johnaaa drug atera Both
least tbrea hundred thousand feet
Moo llbOfB. W*4o Bto*.. 417 &
of meichaatable logs; abont two GOOD Piano to trade for driving
VaIqa iU OM. phOA* 111!
. Call 217 Weltington. mug. 2-tl
thouaaad oorda atoru wood: liaJIf Blf.*
oan Drug Store. Bpecte! atteatkm
proved land. mooUy level: about WE HAVE FURCHASED tba dry
eye. ear. nose and throat Glaaaaa
BOB BALE-ngbty oert**; *litf OB# half eaa bu Irrigated from the cleaning buslnaaa of Ott 4 Habimr. to
fitt^^B^ phones. ReeManoa. 419
AOTM iMprovod; Ueniy *cr%Hi Um­ creek that runs acroaa farm; largo
We am now te n poelUoa to do aU
ber: ifloeo *0^ orcbnrd: fair
of your work. W*M. AUOUdTIKB.
IR. W. A MOON—Bpeclallst—Qualte.
tor fifty bead of atock: ^good atoa*
iraUdlngt: eight tnlloa north cm
214 B. Trent Street auseaa pbona
nrlnary. ukte nnd blood dteanaas; II
foundaUon; packing boose for ffult:
vent b*7 *hore. $1,400. Chm*. B|H*n
aug. .15 If.
year* experience, aty opera hoosa
Urge orchard, different varteUea of
OM. A. W. KIcherd s marble norkh.
block. Both phonaa.
peachea. peam plums, apricots, CONSULT Madam HI
July 27-lmol
at flT Uakm upon aQ affain te Ufa . W. THIRLBY-Daattot Over *rcherrlaa ahd apples, all choleo

WANTgO-lUa or bo^ vlth botM to
kMri allk fl«B OMBtnr. Qomi
: ■ OUr Miy. pbaM tn.
bag. 7-tf



FOB fiALE-CarpeU. rurUlwa.


Notice te Taxpayers.
The lAx rolle for ho colleclloo of
school and city taxes and s|»eHal 4«amamenU fur tbe five wards of the
cJty of Traverac aty. Mich . have been
placed ta my bands tor oollecUon.
1 wlU- be te my office for the potpose of coUecUng said Uxea every
wx?ek day from now until Nov. 1. Ih07,
from 9 o'clock unUl 11:30 o’clock in
the forencK>n and from 1 o’clock untn
4 o’clock te the afteraoaot each day.
All taxes paid befom SopL 1st will
be received without eoUectlon feet
and on all laxea reniuining uni»ald on
Sqpl. 1st and unlU Oct. Ut. a penalty
of one i^.tsenl for coUecUoa will be
.barged. On all Uxea romalniug un­
paid oo Ocl. 1st and until Nov. 1st. a
penalty of two per cent for collection
will be charged
Office,'room 202^ Stele Bank bldg.
r; S. HasUng* aty Treasurer.
DalHd July 22. 1407,


FOB BAt«-.14 dot lot at BircBwod;
Bi* looaUoo: a bargala Inquire a
I^BerktuoA. 194 Bpnict otieel.



RrBAT4-i3»:4ro^ «-nui55i


bOAM. Aloo lava; A No 1 propo^
Boa; prtoa 41.444.
•paOi OAloA Bt 0l^<t|^boi^l4.

hoaaB omhaid.' torga aaouai
good wood. ttmbM. farm aU la
aad ae baiter aoQ to be fonad: oli
BiUea ooathia4( of elty oa Bmta
road. Mi Bay township: elooo to
eohoQl aad ^uroh; wm aali oa aav
tormA owBor la othm hMB
pctoo44.44tt Wodo Broa.. tn I
OatoalL Qtphoaomi

Cook With

A new tool for removing
sod growing over edges of
cement walks. By its use a
narrow trench is cut next the
wallf, preventing sod growing
over edge of walk, greatly improving the appearance.

For Sale by lU Hardware


war. Pirleea raenoanUa Offtoamtth
a P. Carrer A Bra Both pboaaa
lost—Return P. M. R. R. Ucket lo
Cbioaga Leave at Record office.
aug. fififit*
LOfiT—One acetylene auto lamp,
RNCH-the Booth Bide pawabroker:
somewhere between Kalkaska a
and bicycle aun. Bicycle* to rent
Traverse aty. Reward returned
344» Bute. Mrs. II. 8. Kneetond,
aug. 95 tf

lt% ohegpar. d
oooler ihan wood.
you vt‘ry liltlo looteeiL AU
you have to imy lor it the
stove, OD easy paymenle.
iViogaSlOOO up. HotPbtee
$1 23 to $XpO. Do it now.

Traverse aty
Gas Co.



Petoskey mma
Haitor Springs

My residence
House 28*44,

415 F«fth street
k by day labor.

cd. Vesiibule and hall, parlor,
library, dming room, kitchen,
bedroom and bathroom bcicne.
Feur large bedroma

$1.00 Round Trip /
Leave Traverse City at 8 a
Returning, arrive at
Traverse City at 10 p. m.
E. A. WESTON. Aocal. '

three renting regularly for $1^
l^r month. Oak finish through­
out. mantel and grate tn parlor; built in book case m libra­
ry. Lighted by gas and electric
•ty. Complete nickel plumbing,
water connected with range and
furnace. Full cement basemen
good coal or wood furnace,
wood elevator, etc- Back porch.
10x15. Back yar^ fenced, contains many shade trees, shrubs,
etc. House recently papered
and painted.

Price $4,000:
$2,150 cash.
Balance at 6 per cL

nnm A Barra fawelry atera BoU

the Umhercanbemada to phy oot
intTHUB HOLLIDAY. M. D.-Phyel- If any Coses of cruelty to chOdmo
thla year Including coming. wintm. FOR BENT-0»cm In the
elan end Bargeoa^emoved to ot- or animals come under your obaermnnd whea paid for U n eteady ooumo
Mock. Bee M WllbelBL
tlou call aty book atom, both phonet
of wealth that is bard to dupUeatu^
A Msrt*a “oSSaSphSTw ““ No. 4k.
Bamana Boolefy.
only mason tt U*tor salt to cwiiur FOB BENT—Two booBsa OB :
to woU aloag U years and wtahoa to
mUm hoaea offers U at about oneUner and actioo mguUtor. Batiahalf lU actual vnlua. Price 94.044.
Wade Bras. 917 South Unloa fit..
FOB BENT-rHouae. D mlrable ImEY TOLOAN-No tax elnnae
ClUaana pbona. 1914,
Juaa 19 tf
lion Right place for right people.
J W, t\>wer. SM Bute Bank or 219
bArboA rooldoAoe tn tkl* Tetoto
Wellington street.
nug. 24 tf
Prieo 14.444. Wade Broa^ BIT FOB BALt-141l-Oao haadmd «ad


0. C Moffatt
Abstracts of Title
212 State Bank Suildins

Ellsworth Hale
""Account G. tT"^NktJ^rEnesmp
tent St Ssrstogs Spring*. Nvw York.1
ticketB will be i»ald st low nUes Joi |
the round trip. TiclM* goud going o«
September C..7. snd S. with retnrn lim
It October 4. 1907.’Ask sgenu for dt-j
tell* of poini* wbiob tesy be coeered
oo ihU trip sad cost of Uekeu.,
vlLF. Mw IUt.G. P. A
sag. 44-24-24.


Farinsjir Sals
1 have a number of goMi
farms, all the way from 401«
460 afres, for sale, or If yon
have any good property. I wUl
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any­
body else. I have farms
which arc located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land.
If yon Live good level Urms
1 wiU bny them.


Office 307 State Bank Building
Third Floor
240 WgghiiiRton
Oit. phtme 774

'or Solo I
Two Cod
sofitlieagt OC
Htete and Frapklin Ste.,
the other M I^adjoining,

For fine property in best
looetion apply to



aalVwl la tall a plat or aMt ai
tMtpooaful of alBMAd «XIMI tad
•m#d flour to roll thit. Oat Into
N.; Into Iht «ruUo ef wmch prtHpi
iBchad tlnrood^diMit over w
lUltd tugar iind btkt'op fioti
^ •MAi* pnMBtat. HU
Um Iq t rather «lo« oven. »9i
It Mikt.
^ 9M «r ftr
t( taa* te I
aith out Ice^'reom or froita out
lit dM' M out suiiUtidtt wUh tkpsI'hltu Olngiir
a»t M «■»
uglily m mptny of bulUT two rupIuU
CfMMtt pim MU. M* dc lAtttttrt't
Duful Of aodadlaaolved
ful of worm water,
•o «Hp» *wtf yotf l«ir..
Ol. Ihiee UuUea
«me Ubleepoonful
M.% la *• aiM!
Bat If raa •»!*•» ia- kin. H<ioV»«»k an orangd* and flour to roll i
la air
Into .1
Ada 11.1.111. Bhaw la carl.tUn Bo Uklng
white at egg. herve oold with ginger
Iwrrani or ginger aherlwt.
Alnomd Hnratona* -llUuich f«mr
» *nir» l«4 at Moile aben thiw* ouiiriw of awewt glmoiidB and fvHmtl
art ■ray.
. > *
pAMte. imd.totilnK with fimr tea>
And UuKb tt ttotlbir wMthc»r! ; iaioonful. of orangcflo.iM water
> And oltg Ufeii
Wkbk lha while, of four
to a
fiuth. then luU with <»ne lauind of
> »o- mmrf aiMl Uia dreaHeol day whlU* Mugar and mid to iumtc. SIimih» Will lad aa «id together •
utartaiu. uu iMiper liniMl Uue.
bavlng idenl) of a|iarw belmaan the
rakea: dm.t with powdered uugar
l«ke for ten minute* In a brUk o\eu
with morn heat at the hip than U»t
K4U. Rt nf allh plalu Ita-cnwm. CUMVadalc MoraditAm.--klett thn^e
,Tfu» old adaiti. ‘ Laugli und _gniw
r a alow fln>:
faC* ha. hoot rAatiged of UU. yeara.
to -litagli and got aMI/* aad «IUi add a pound of powennl .lumr and the
roaaon. People who aludy the rh.Nu« /vhltea of lhiv.v egi;. Work the mU
CKMiiMviloe lieivm mlud and body turv to a paate with the band.. Roll
oae-hairto of aa loch thick aad
have tama to realUe that good cheer
taio ahapua with a cakrhciUUtr;
I ara t» phyaldal wall be.
Illy hutlcr a baking tin. dual with
lap Wbat wuiabtna U to awweaaftU
and augar In equal quantItlea.
plaat growth
A helpful
ik*ad a faw yaam ago, iTenl to prt»te place the aha|»ea on IbU and bake In
Uidt Mar^houiht and haM^lhought. hi a rather -gulck tnrrn. Hen-e with
thMr^rlag foriuB are the aourom of
«r MUy UU. ni'e all know poi»p1e
I Oa^.-Prapare a cahe hatoaa
of alfted flour, one
aeain to radUta hoalU aiMl hap
plmo. by the uonr eoatagton of thalr third of a cupful of cornaiarch. half
tunny naiurv^. They paaa dcnri. the
of cream tarter. Uie
atroat tad leava a trail «rf .mile, tn whltea of alx ogga and ihred^fourtha
UU4r araka. The atory It told of a of a capful of flne gtontiUled u«i0ar.
aarvoua tovalld who effected a l»eniia PUvor with roa€-wmler nr almaad
like lady flnger*. iait
aaai aura by allUng In frtmt of bar
laohhig flaaa aaafy mamtiig and anuUlar. on patwrhaed Una; dual
- lai^ tor Ihiaa mtautoa, Tha aa with augar and baka la a moderate
aiutoa vaa tarM lor a Mar a»ortiM|a ovmi. ffanra with abarbH,
but altor a arhUa aha tomid that laugh
Imperial WaXara-AHow halt a


eHHf9 MU

aaaM ollaa dartag tha day. hi r
r*driu laaa. al^ ao loaiar knhi
Ihr wortd theaugh hlua ffla»aa,
liiwr vHhaut raalUlag It. . aha
---------tma a nlaemble. half 111


Ml tata Ik. «tt« U I. Ita


tta ttmm mMkw tad ita •«» iWum.
‘ *UI taf. (tail • Btaittata. Hta* of
Utata tauUeu ital Mtar. tau mV
tta M.lOMta.«UI Mtata tad Ita
dip wiu tat IIMH U> tarmota-'

ol a pouad of iHtad paatry flmtr. ana
teaapoaful of vanUla etiraot and four
and bmit all togwtber- nalll
ith. Caiwfully aU^pnae a numbar
of nc^la tiaa. heat them Uuwoughly,
la llbaially with butter and art
la a imld roopi until tha groaaa
hordani ao^That It win not mU wRh
tha bailor Place the haUer by ai-xm
fula mam the Una. aprind the Caktra
h a aofi grtnaa bnu* imlil fhey
aa Urga a. bnrkwhma aahaa and
thin aa impar. than
to a
ck orm Mr two or tkraa mlaotaa.

tt lOt. M. »»«• *pr tal.

|i j

Mta* tur Mftat WOT.
n*At fio.
P». Ik. tta. tt. wgk. knkfa. tum It battom up and hontod
ovan. Ufl aach wafer ^Ith





MOi fcttW tatttt-ntt^tttax. Utily roil It UhhUy ovar w aiootoh.
d wnotom tf iron attok gbato
Wktttatata ftaM tattta ttta.!

VM ttta* «ta»l
, wMld data tar
»-ltad. \klM taWT dta

dtai -ta tata tad poeii ta I
It tattta ktata- ftaf. ta I
. ■ i
r- ■


NATIONAO. HJCUnr compamt
d and. laid downward U a Ut ,

tie bnl batter or dripfdnga. A tight
--------------------------------- ----------- —--------------- -------------- 7-----------------------cover and the atcom U conflned and >^rape Catsup.—Five j»pntol»
of; whole white pepw^rs. sMsplce. two
aoftens the upper aide, and os soon os grapes, nmahto. stewed and rubbed j uureMeavra. a sprig oT tonnel and
the flomto aide is browned oocb plecw Uivmgh a .ttalner
odd. iwolooe dUl. and ao on covering with cold
la laid on a hot pUUer. Flonr sutl teoeupfula of angor. one tobhapOonful |«4ied
Unm how to tcM n aiofy. A welb
dent to aheorb the lot in the pan if of ground allspice. 00
Thoae large cnp«*rs are very g«to
told atory U an tfclcome to a sup
dredged, then milk U sdded gradually tsch of ground cIumw. ^
mUfb, Slid when laid' like bead*
beam In a akhroonu .
to moke s aiaooth gravy, whlto i« black popper, and half
around or tn parterut orraaa a potato,
to keep your own troabtoa to
of aalt.
Boll all
Masoned and poured round the
meat, or lettuce salad ore veo oran
yotuaelf The world ta tdb to»y to
manul. Tliey are ala<» ver> nice If
care lor your Uto and eortowa.
Baked Corn tn Pepper Caaea.-Cul
iv4- good aUed oiiiim*. one plekto when ripe. waab*^. salted and
Learn to elop crooking If you con
fi<^ the cob aufftclenl boiled com to ii,rite labkopoonful of wait, one tea added Just m they am tu pickkw.
Mil eoe any goto Inf Uu wortd, keep
baa naver yet baan found
tneoaniw one WnL Scald 6 or $ UUk’ pooofnl of pepppi:. Giate cucumbme.
the bed to youmrtf
against tha UnUnabnkatlon. o
poae peppem for 5 minutes, rub oirj,.H them and iel stand over night.
im pUnU
Learn to attend wtrlctly to yoar
bet oupn Tba ffmt far <
the akin. cm. off the .iciti
.icni end mud Grate the onlona -and put
yield enongh co|ven^ for a m«odahted
bttooemi Very ImiaatonV polnl.
aoahd of chipped lea tinkling i
scrape out all the ae«Mla
Mta« • ««t tar. Add rnutah *
Jar. The gay
Learn to hide your ache, and |io»na
heir crratal .Idea, be H ever m
good cream aatice with tm* uMwpoao cvrvt Ihtit quauUty. Ibal
thVmaelvcw make a very aavoiy salad,
under APtooMnt smile, tio one <
win invariably caaae the drow
batter, one taldeapoon flour, one cup
Ctdd Ilvtaup -Two quart* of finely wrhicb at the same li
to rut ahort Ida alaatn, aad alt up and whcihcl’ you have, the earache. I
thin cnam and imU teosiioon aalt.
pauy to eat.- Fur U
take notice. Surety tha eup-baarer to ache or rbeumotiam.^
Fill the pepper shells with the mixed chopfied ripv' l«malm»w, tme half a leaLearn
cupful each ' of grated horaeradlah. ure picked, • watwxxl” with
the iMa In. Mow
whole mustard wwd. imlona and uaa- In which a amali chopped ou
hailed with grmirr deUght tbaa iwe a rmlle. They carry loo many fn»wna 111 a leaking illah and lake
turUura iHM<ls, cho;ii»od flue, three j prevloualy Uwn al.^-m d and lightly
who bring, ua autii aolacc on aummer In \firir tm n -heerta to l»e UHhcnHl OV4TI f»»r half hmir.
stalks et <*eler> and two nd |spiMuw 1 ttwactf up with a.'v«T> lllUc iwmaM*
with au) tif ydBra. *
i'om Pudding *Thla delivtable dUh
jfluNy clu»iM**d. om hiuilh of a eup J and ►*!!. A* a garnish to pirtato salad,
r^To Clean^FtoSST yiiea.
The wIm* houMwiff. wIm». Uklag
made t>y adding to one piut raw
lul each of salt a^Migai. tw»» lea ' and also M*rvtd by Itself In a ln»wl.
IHt a few dropa of mwuonU In the
Ume by the fPrelock..prcfWuve almple
Ip two tsblcsiKMina flour, one pint
ay rape of Umi varUma fnUm In their water wbtn you ore washing flower milk, foul e«S two -ndt-»IH-pi^-r. doves, this l.s veiy vdfvxilve and dcllclo.m
aeaaon and atorea them away h*r vosea mil, tajawlally if they are the
salt and
<< »•««*
hutU'T. om- U
GnMoi Pepis r (\*tkup —HU a |aue*v
fuluiA* tiec. hiM»wtt that th»^ will ptnivc long, aplndly kind ImiKmiible to get third u-aa^KKm iK-piM-r and taking In elder vlue^pir.
Uln lined kettle of ten |s«ind>«-to|*a
na»t *»|>portune at plrnlra. h«u*e your hand to the tantoni* «»f. Or put
Kb'iate oven 'unt^l tli ui In the
city with th-' iMd varlelv of grvM.u
lorrtlea «r Infonnal auwmer ttwa; for. potato twiingk In. exaclly aa yo
CYu^l^ a tal.ft' each
1 |a
heu y*Mi are waHhlng out cut glitk*
with throe fruit aynii* a* a baaU. a
Iflow^ r n litem.—l‘arU»ll iu*d
allspice and ni;o^- and steitf
g4eat varbMy of heallhrul diinU ran
d^ln a fine frt-rh raiilinowrr; cut It
among the
adding live large
iwally and quickly he pi^imred
Not m.iv I.- .1,0 iittv. .............. I that
’ imo,fl„z«"w’ai7h«!TaM»rth™. i'«-^ finely chopp'd tmImiN HU the kelUe
Ihouidh plnenppkw can be obtained (all.
hoW.-v.-r, .l,at Uo v l.av.. ..nrj«„h VI. .Bar aad « . ou to Uo1 ootll
all ihtxMii:b ibe Winter, H la nut until
*** ^“^ ^
• Ifni «f fltHii. one oume of huii.-i. om,.x,,pt in, while In
„»u }a- ivadlly m.tMuHi.
rihe next
they niH»-ar pUuiUIully lliat we foul with the Umgth «>f
half tui.ful ol ndlk. the .udl, of an they c«n In- pul to almost u> many ^el aside to evad.* ktvpliig the kettle.
»Ki put lnu> Ui
Kinlug baa really c«Miir. 'Wn-y art'
♦ Rg well Utaiin. i-aj* .itiU miM****. f*> , pt;actk'al uikw as any hWh im »«-t*eta raiv-fully <«venMl. and'whiMi nad dip
the flmt rwd horldnaeiw of Uir fiualr
Late flummt ' VaqtUblas.
in ladling fat and ^eive with a 1 o am pu-'|n Uie kitchen garden. Hie liny
iho c<.nteuU lain a sieve and rub
fmlt aeaaon. and wmiblned with
rr«‘*m ofr Ib-et
la-ei rvoup.—s.s.Kaiiev
liav»-s combine with hooul
liooul and ImtUr
uuUI nothing reuiaJu* in the
orang^ or Irpmuji. ran bo uaed In sioall sew n‘d In-eta. Udl until tendei | Cauliflowor au^ralln.-\Vash and »rt, dellcJou*. saudwichi*. and II onej
but acwals and sklus. UotUe and
the eoncortlon of bevuajwa w ar ranted und mash Ihnmgti a sieve; add a 1,-im two Bne hvads of «*anUflower.’mlsWw io add attracUvenes* Ui fl.uor 1
to" r« i.tot^' f kiraia tfAl notwn^nr gl%e niundlhg tiMsiMHiuful of salt, a tahle-^Udl iu salted water; then liialn and at the v*|wime of a little work, thin''
adrlltlonal /oi i.» koianda chat, even
aaltaiKMUilul of j arrange in a |Muh ling dish; nmke u slicwsl. hiead and bmter can be rolled,
OM the dlrtnt of digatayii
white pepiier
tald.cajKamlul of^taanm- of tme cup ol white Block mixed ^llod with‘baby rlldum and a na»tur . ^
Brief But ImporUnt.
rar H*»iae tiw»u read ra thi« foJlow- grauM onion: i*ut a
of milk inUilh one half cup of mlJk or cream.’Hum
caught under the imw.
Apj.les cut in Im-gubir Idm kg will
lug recliiea have been cvniiidlod:
a d.ailde Mlei; .add .to it half
mir a cup j ,he yolks of two eggs
and one ouiic4>! The spicy stem%. eaten with the
luike mote quiekly in u pie than Ihlii
l*lnoaH»lc la'niouade.^Pare oud lul <»f stale brradcnmiha (rye bread ol grateil che< w
the fire un j ,i.,tnty it.lls Unik when pil.-d hlRh on
sliiu-s When idlid in .i pie Ibeie U
grate a ripe pineapple. Pour over thU preferablyl; add two whole cloves ,n
^ R„MK)thly
Uie a prHty plalr b»r a conuMiiy t<s' Still
I more opi..MnmUy fui the heatc^d air
the Juice of flie lenauia Make a ayrup and a lAy leaf; co*»k gently for Aft«•« cauliflower; dust tliu sly wH
hbs]«tUj<*j: nsea for this mipiUar plant
to come iu contract with Ibe IrUil tltoa
of one pint t»f giwnulatod augar and inlnutcw; thei add the beets. ITesaj
told of In the following lilUe slurv v.heu H Is packed <lo>ely logelhei iu
one pint of water boiled tugetber ten the whole through a. «nv
flue alev
.iM-r. .ii\.v
Irom The Ladle*’ World.
thin slice*.
mlnutea. MIg. and add one quart of seive with squaMn of t—ui
-Oh. Tommie, siiqi’” crlrs ih*- dis<)n. f.«.rih
uf vuU «ldcd
water, and aualu thmugh rheeaecloih, hrmul 01 with cfuiu
I'ol.l l.lf|
A Cataup Chapter.
Iroticd li .u lo-r; ’ d<» stop >011 to the water In wbleh eabbage or
Thia will kiH-p for montha If put tn u over be4ls may Im* used for making
•rtie approaching aiinimn days bring
capers!" and hm hIh* nuitil thy ditiiluu etiiloua ate rooking will, in a great
C1B.1 pl.»ee When aervlng.. tauir mer tbU aentp.
with them a drslre for a niurii to a
live la'V’s l«*ok of wiii- r>id woioler. meaauie. pre-vent disagreeable <Mk>rB.
erm ked lets and |M»t a maraa<i«luo
Onions, aoulhein Btyle.—pour boil­ wuiiewhat hwv>ier diet than the wornshe iulds
”Vou know wiiat «aiHiS t’vM.k them n'ucovereel Hy this method
chei o tu each gliuu
ing water over a qu*it ol small onlona. mer season warrants. In addiliuir to
When uixm Tuuinb' lhe> *will retain their natural color.
PlneaiH»le^nch.~('«»k one'cupful reram r the akina. pUce In a baking her regular cullnar> Uutlea. the aver­ are, duni vx.ii*
i sa>w sidemnly. * Il's them'retl and yel­
In samiig alnnenda use a tablespoon
of grated pineapple with otm pint of
age bucue cook probably find* hei*Belf
low flowers glow Ik’ along our back
olive e»ii lnst**ad of butter and note
watw flfteen ndnutca. SUaln through l> cover them,
ciulte buay these dkvw with the pre­
yard uoo< ; we pick em and
ohecaeclotb. and add
augar and place a
^lUr on paration of coudlmenta. caUupa. etc.. SalUe anil me; duni u*. Bailie;*'. And the Improved flavttr
If erne objects to the drotw uf llqutil
boiling one Wat of sugar with one each onion. ^ Cor^ and
In a for winter nae CdUmiSr^are uwble
Bailie no*l*~alM» ven* sojejnuly—and
pint W water ten minute. Add half modfrale men until
at all .seasons, ahd n^*. when vege ►a\s something ihul sounds tusii that someUmee e-over the top of a
meringue. let tfiV- S'b* or pudding bca cupful of fr<%dily mode tea. the
tables are pleiillful. fully matured and
noosly like ’ Yum. yum"'
< slightly ceadiwl U-lme putting on
Juice a*f three <
boiled caianower
I Into cheap. U the time to make them. In
the meringue. Uruwu in a slow woo
And a Is atlMJUt
4*lHjm -our casters
lemon., and two qnaru of water, and smnll pleotw ato
baking I making coUup a graniie or iKU-elalu
nasturtlums-Uw* whenever It Is po^ilble to do IbU
llnally. tme cup of irwu‘Juice to Im dish, oltemaitog with layers of white kettle .huuld be used, with a wtaiden
tOiadlug frttm
wilhoul Injury tp the more aubslanport of pale vUdf l color to the bever sauce. 8pt:lpkle grated ‘cheese and s|K)on for aUrrinif The vegetable* or lovHy bl(
pink Hi^Icmeulor. Irroon
tlau porlkm eif the dish.
age. Poor tbia mlature Into a punch­ biitUred birad orumba over the top frulu ahould be very ripe, but free
In baking n cake In a round Uu. It
bowl over a Urge lump of 1<^ In and bake unUl brown In a moderate from decay and wdld. They ahould
brow'll, which can be ooooesiirully i. not necewary to cover the whole
serving, pui a coaWe of freah violeta
Aral be put through
Bluffed Bqupah.-ftelecl a small then through n ftevc In order to be grove l' In the amollest garden patch bottom of the tin with an ollto paper.
Mnt Julep—Oral# Ike yellow rind summer totmto. cut out the atem and flne and oliiooth. Poend, mix and *lfl and tndned along any city bark yard
fTbm ono oiwnfla: add it to the •crap# mu the oeeda. Propare m mix­ together all condlfnents* before adding fence, and thalr table pom bJiru<u
atftontointoo. Cbop flne and rub to n ture or cqwU
to the pulp Pom- the caUntp that furnish the to|dc for thU article.
at muaoge meat
talp Itar taSta cl ml>l; .ta . ubl.^ or hlgli^ Mamuoto chofipod cold meat while hot Into bottle*, cork and ocul. We all know that mutUm with U id the paper and the cohe comes out
.potaM d tairtafta Mc»r. mtt •Uh and etole bread dhimba. aanaoB wrlUi then when cool ptsce tu n cool, dry far more polaUble than multuu with Sarlwl.
tt« lulM tad adStaU • Itat ta italu aalt peppee dOfl onion luBh and 1 place. OaUuii. like fruit butter, must out capersauce; and we. all have aetn A well floured cloth of duck or can­
•r •tamtawt Wttr. TbS dnt mU. Ubloipoon Mltto buuer to oneb eup^ lie ■tliTcd constantly to prevent it the llllle bottles labrltod "plckUnl ca- vas i» be lter than a board for Modi*
UU* my ta Mmined M ddSrwI. If Ml ouffing. PUI the offonah with thl* from .burning U 1» not.advl*able to imra" alandIng In grocery window* log soft-dough*. The dough doto oof
tta mint bu bttai rtabtd to • pulp Md iake In a hot oven from 45 use a ooppcT or brasa kettle In mak­ and on grocery sbelvca. Rut we may stick ao easily and thua require* much
UU. «m uit te nwMury.
ing pickles or csuu^i. a* the ociiim l ot iM* awarv* that ouf garden naslur- lews flopr.
mlnutea to 1 h<mr.
Tta Puncb.-ttUld • r-uta'**" Raked Onlona—Wl small white of the vinegar no those metals U tlumiicd will fumlah aereral Jarw <»f
this appoUtlng ctmdlmmt. which anplUBta pour ottltta •aUr. aad whlU i«l|Rit enlU tender, changing the
eo easy U. pick and pickle. F\ir those
A Faithful Fire Horse,
U* pUrbar I. h« put >a Hpo ttblr^ wotor twice, then huttor a pndlnr
apotatuU ot tra; pour orrr It a duart dito. nrmnie the oolons •rmiuctrl put Into glased jars, since salt and who would exporlttKiil we give the' The Ute* Child Itomlnger of the
of fitahl, butlrd •*««•. eawr aad cony in JL poUlig Wto of butter here vinegar will penetrate the glaae and well tried cajwir rtwipe i*f an old f*^-.r- JdlNraokee Are departmfmi MW »f tha
•laad aaMr lor tfitaa taaut**. Btmla. and Ueiw. afldlnff a pinch of salt, and producw a polton. Olman or atone Jars uvan bouM'keepcf, w^lch U as rollow^; devotion of a horie he once hod. It
Add tail a poand d aatar; Vhta tta a doeh c4 pepper, PUI up with ipilk. ahOuld be onto. CaUiHi. for coovop- jPlck
was at uoe of the large Brea in the
aitar •• dtaMdrta add tta laU* «< nbooi • oopML npeeto over the top ienf hone ime. ahould be eeolto in one" seed of the naatarUqm—before eoath aide ol^tha city. The chief
ttraa Sawta. At aarrlad-ttaa add;. (AUlt
hnlf-plat homes. Hektos neto not be tboy turn yolknf. The •malleat one* woa among Um toto to onive. Ha
thieh Spar ol hraad«mbt. i
tail a piai at ata*ad laa aad a pttt^i..ka UU Uiaaa ara a aSa hn>«a.
aeoled, bat It U neeanaonr to> keep thoiUd be jml up to the uaed for ntol- hltchto hla home to a teitoraph poto*
ol ttUita pSla V aBarrtadtat warn. Htatard S««uh Martapuc-Mtah them w«41 oov«d. oa aaptoiire to the toawooce. Wash them, lay on a ^ah, and then mn to a Urge open door
Tta taaah
>^-«ata a atrtas|ta tta taat p*n ol tta tawab He* air aeftaaa them and vitiates the sprinkle with ubleoaU and leave torn way from which denae amoke woa
toe aalt pouring. He plunged Into the smoka
lattaUe cd taa, taa><M a <tart At •...t to tba atall; H It vuMIul to n- vinegar.'
bolUta tattr avar a ttMtttataful dj aiwa Uw abSI tatore ixtadas.- Chop Cucumber Caisufx>^la U a cat from them In a
“djand ran down a wide corridor nod
OaMaa ar aaOSS braakim «ta and ^a apuak lau> waraaltat partioat anp. the making of wklch requlrea no |K«r Ihom into Jaf«. HU Ue Jar*
‘‘“ halfway up a aUlrwmy to find whoto
cooking After pcaUng inrge^ ripe with pmd boAlto-iip atoegor. to which the heart of the ftre
At the
hoa bomi ftodto a pinch ot eloah flrei landing he met the Bnmq».
of peto^. wee Mi of vtoole horaeradhlmbaalL QroptoglfU
utoe to MBl To toory ffonrt at po-T leh and a eprlg of ettU or fennel (or way. he tome t6 the foot of the atoirp,
tartatad fibiiwiw. *ta
> — tta rtta. iMttta* tfcm w* M*.bcnta oto two ubletoooaMlsorBmttohoree^ both), bet ooide; Nie for the mcuoc wh^ he waa anrprtoto
tad n
Mtar. H-hta tt* tatta l> taUf*>l!tal ur MM ta ftbtata taASta »«' a Blto Qi ttoer waagar nto half a tonr whan needed
hoiwe onfl tmBO. H ptorto to hahls

iBMtof tobh W dlitottar and toq
Idchaa tang. traaUng tha.aUak a Ut
II. at irat
VaaUU ringa«a.-liaa a ponad fld
igar. oaoauanar of a pound at ah
onda. tomatoh (hMtaa). a taaapona
tut at anaMa. Orata iha ahnoada
ffw: bnl tha itoP attff; add tha
r. iKiia aad flavarU
tha kMmg board whh flaur; lam
tha mitlam «k ma-^rhlto bad; 4iMi>ltal *M M* «uH aXta «Mta tata *mta tat tta MMtt to A htalL
add hdto tn tba lap and haaad a.
bta «( htab Mitartafitt* er Utah tt taS bta W. btata. «tth
ihanfto hvaad W aalll ihMmih: ftapbatflw.
ta tata ttSM. Star o*rr » pvimr >d4 mH u4 *44 • tall
ttattndl out Ula aa a kalfa hlada; aai tola«k (4 tta a tta ttuebSonone Ubto

^HMMI at eaiwoto ptofftL MU Tta Sim **a* *1* *»rtakS4>IUi own home, which hod htphto looto
tllctomBhl^ pil to mnnU hoatos And noH and left fur twwaty-fottr bunro, a^ MItowto toi mnator down 4he nb
seal This oatsiip U gfOCUlly emm Thto they ore iml to tof« In lojer*- lc>^ thfongh the door, and then down
flrat the cepera. then a acoat layer Of the: oorridor.
orowlto for ioh and BKBto



toNtI eotoAmoM of H» MbNiato
ttotta AMHto. Itos «o«o tko o««t







oMpflto. TIm7 Itovo 000b C%Hit loftot*
otoMMib I«mm 0101 oFiblioli «bA tevb

HOC bMo oulo lo iol ter liorood te»

IomJoo TWIr sotoroirtloMi (Of
iltotot hovo lotteii for itodH of
into i%
oodrt lo
OUd teMlU AOtotl
t tea bm ^todp. 10
.morlco. In Vte looi I
of til

to bolte

ote Iter orr «u«tei

MO OMt BNOO 10 toodl VUh Ite lUO

of Otter ooUobo. Tte tteroctor of
tte ttokiiito lo liotuc croduolb rotooi^te


lodootHol oWoliootuc took |4ote
oulttoo lo tte iro> tevo bora teiT
•tolQCHl tbe ooU of tteor ouuutrlra wlte
1h« bbsid of nmrtjrni teo rattoolr
fOtoood owojr Tbooch Mosko to oo
otooe to tte roltod Wotek rte:lb. JH ^ •
ttodo of oorij rkttottou oroik im toted
Iteo klitf or oovotitj mioototertoo
- -1^
fertnl mart|rdoio In ttet tote. Ite
Aiuorii-ou bibto ootloty, tin* t^rtottob
Kteoaror •ocUfty ote tte iimmluoot ra


oro rarnraUy oi work lo Unk Mvxlra
otol iktotk AmoHiii. Almuot oraty
i^mirr lu «tuntb Atoortra to obir
to tbo iooinM. olfh tte iraalt
Uiol tbuuraodii tevo booo 4od to Obrtot
lo linull ratioi'toUyr Oote rcottito ora
tipltif iitteucte. ouUI oo
fora 00 .

to tortPly tte mbPrT kMitntrtoo of teb
lural. Bot tteir to otIH o vote

|lie Ai«4»riVuii» nrv4k |*uk> |«>i.
i*i* Mm tu«r «nb u4h Mi Uutj
«« to tanrvf lb# d«»a« »,f »*mm »1M b«v« HMMI« iu» urn
«lMt M «t Th« »Mi.ori*ta li
m mm4 KUirbU
<ii«- l.^i.g
Ifi M M m«ay |*Ui«« l<M«r wtinaM
K H.
.»siksb!y orll

M iblg fx>«ii.|i>.

Jmt brfor* bis


d tiu! iMuk ur
to suib Hist

tbtor OMk to M.

uro Inofiioftoto to sur-

MOitoO lo rsttrw thr

ibcito do4bot»4 in
ttosi too
iMtollM nod tboos to U uiivnii^a in llin^s
ttoWtoltoto futwo AWkslutrr liutnlV i Mui

Mitb octilblurol nototo^ A sutus
Of Itoo trool Kodr
Mtot Well
tomptoifd W♦ WtUtom
triiit mUI will bs ors« tr4 on tbf
|iuo of iVduiubto UU4vrrV«>
uu4vrrW»> »«• tbe
tOHiros of tbo c
tUltto of Mon
rrst.klKi bhn•Q Auierboi) o*ult*ior
unvvttod la l*«ts(suo. K.

and UW uoiH
um» of lb* »lvU
Usa ib» gaU.iit
^ Hill SbrrtOon.
kUiiy Jfrors a«t. J.Otn
Ian m, U; N«k. I 15; I\i. CXIXT,
Mlu.iii tbo girut
I yuih. > Adorn* Wold. a. All of Alia I nun
In Ibid
•a Thr.uiuo
IWIl; iTov U. ,2541; U TiO-. vili. 1-5;
Murk •III u sutur of
• by wmium
»«vni. \\K
bukr kv. M0;‘
f«i •WM.hinitt..ii 'Hi- I <\»uprr of Nro York
Hr. iY.iM.rf |g
Itnih i. 14. 15
{ Dir outhor aUo of ibr hrxtdi
staUi of .
fXtdi aUlur
------ -------------------W tinaUrd b> th* dfdiIhc
nurv. ilrapiU ihr im
i John ftmiih. founitor of Vlrglnlu.'V
tmtioti on il«ipt ft. in Dio %lly nhrr»> thr m«ist of thin
Tte liwpartanra of W Brayor Maoiin«.
hU fuiiu.aa
ki a

(ia«i-a> I
urtfd. t.f u io>bto inunbn.Mil ’ H«rk
It h«» brrn hliilrd lh‘
Thr i.myrr mivMlog baa faUeo opra
. in >topirni4*r u l^h MaUiiair ..rrinoutoi
VildoM Of th« h*d toi
^li daya lu maay of nor i-horrlira
1 • Ttis' liitina* aUlur of Mur
Trnte Trn-y
lultnrtiiv nith ihr toiimmi.^.
I lunorr ' dfilii^lrU rrtruDv u, Trass,
Tte maloriallam. tte niah. tte btirry,
Dii UoilUMf htid li. rartulr a
ur *ii,l«Hiylug ; to sold
uiispirltitai tto-ud uf tte Uiufs ara
fitaturr of H^.tiu'« *’'
ter Hral
Hut Oil. i
»* air.., lo half ' ortHdra In Ibr laMir HluT MUltv
It to ataiukt IM la saiOm* iptartpra. It urada
n aUtUi- Of Uhriid
Tim ninnumi hl and tte %»
by Ibr a.u|,i j,., K t .r.^Ui
>n has rscriii'
it-tiii un ra|irudit
MMim iwrltite lonimimv Tte cbitodh
luundJUB ivy
ITiarlrs J Hulltouii
ly bni.u,«..|
HM.i.1 dlsiiu
aU.ul Utoiuuo Thr m
aluuya Uete tte iiitaltaated trait
guinhnl of IVlOMuir's aui.
iiiat lUlilHA. gnd
Tbmiiaa K. ItoTki^l. by rrp. Dnf a U4U03 of ouuiMk^ brllria-n. “Waiitte
thiough Dtr n«M of Dir k>gi» laiorr !n I «MU*slr4An at^iut. «f .'..uiar. utid Mr
-A tfkilf) ing ohupck.- alaUt -wall te

. 14 oiil w Stk yr«i^ <m
**r<^‘dea' lb Kiuli > «iu omu
aieil ‘ t^ltiii^rol
lb* ikUonAtot i*»4»toMS» n*o'

|to» PuMIa^ ll to MM to tM om •! <Im>
%ti> too lusUtoiM iif 40 Ams4)vbb
totoilMor toUife omiilojMl to nuNtrl on
• for o rny
II- hoo hlth

> out of tiM VUUlitl}.

la uf hto
Ui*d Mtlh tbol
to Autio brvji rraaid
and uuo

ih- *i«iaa b> tor liutrldM- M ill
Tilt oriUt link i^irlrayt^ llaiiiilioii moktiio lbs Um.iua
iutiisd lb. lid* III SiM Yuifc Uri.*kui
Uncalluii uf III* ftitoral it.n.uiu.uf muncailuii
tan Olid uf
unitor on od«^)Uii4*
nilralI gtivrniiiunit.
r uf th« uuioi |«puUr of lO* forvion b*nn Auu'il.Ansbiuuobt Iniuinun
in.Hi* by thr lUll t
uaa tlfurrai
l-'roua^ bigrl. hrru i
iVa Itidgr ond
ttonriMl Jului) A



liorir'a Otlaik ..ii MMrV.Uiid ll.igltta,
Mhlih hr «vikll,K|
A niuvrliirni U.
rr*. 4 U aiavu* uf thik giiiUut H.iMl.1
UUB slartf.l *h..i
hi- d. ath t,ua
the iuinni4s»4aii for thef umk MU* gU«-n
to Kaii^liuitr.
UUtri 4a hiilto«4f
d Slid. Ihaugb U.III lu
Vii-uno. 4if i.
arllslli a. Iilovfiiifiit*
li;ivr 'bt.rii aiMMK Oitrd
Hr ir frrturutrd
M^ih ibr AiiitM4i«ii 01‘liii and liua ci.ii*
tnbutud orraily. thnnigh hia uun uurk
un tOiiHirtunt tuiiiimMiunamid'bik.Uiiri tluo of Dir Mork uf ollir,* In tbo aduniim ul of mnrt&l Inti rtuiDoiial t ktioal
lliiuai, lu th« lU vtdupinrnt of lb* Itatrl04IV aplrM lum
iiiauiffi.| in
Ilini uith Siuli.iuial Uahioiuia
Hr to
l.iuu.t of 4hf I*ait Aiiiiinaua i»f 4torinanh vktrai iMiit ha\r takni in ibr hUlory nf Du iiuiiuii, lia* d. v ol.-tL hi* W*t
riuTKira lo Hit r«.n uUun of Dir
*tHtuv Miii U iunaldt-rrd lo lisvr


aialur of film

nw-rupi uitliai, gbuui i|nn

Hr us. iho flrst Amrr.

-- -..

iiiriiio- I;
ao vMsiaiiJoo
JYir Iiirmttr^,al k(aua> lo \inguin aiiuntr. in Uir ,
A nublr khufi
' uf Vrni
rnarblr Dm, .toiy-ninr frr:
i obovr u
; At lb.*
coruiTk of ite
afirr Mu.1> nf >«ulU
^ulUn ibf noird Hi'm,
S.4USI.OI nark In SVw
1 of thr Ktuiia soologiiol
•ologiiOl park In .Srn
; York



Amoiin mriiiortuis rot .Miv n.Hlrd or
ktHlurs uf brr«»r*
and siuiromrn imluiuliy luadumiuatr.
Ual li.iluUra
liii liiUra son... «| mrn uhu
Hu, ibr• Us,
wrir iirlDirr warrlun
I in. iM.ibt-i.t*
nf i.uWl. ottlc r (Nir j
Is Ihr MUluc
of Juhn A. ‘Hio^Wing. ub:,
b to i« U
rr.-iltd In Ttviilnii.-N J
vnlakl In 4 a uib.r uui i
munjl'i l ul.uu 1 Jo|ii. A ll.sdiliiig uuk




of roiiiinodoiv iViry on 1-akr K
tiful nirmuriitl m \ 4* luiv
»*Wt-4nHay latond. nhb h ov*rl,-,kr the airi.a
of bl. irtunn.h.
1, no. drd4ilct.7ou
Aug 5. Ihr u.xa.lo.1 bring bonoird by
Ihf luratui.r t.r |br guitinor uf Dis
Olair und 'Vlir IVrMdrnr Kolrbunk.

" **»*‘^'
trM.ri.Don olll
. b* that at I'oiHun wbrii Ihr itolHUial
ninituriol to WlUlum kl. Ki.'.lrv i. a-a.

kx-.j;:';, ........

I ouroc-t iiilrriiiiDon-


Tno'draia.Jlsrara i uinlm i • Mrlbuill.t
ir|ihonott In
Jnlina. N'ro found land.
gWiti loira for t bildirn or^ood by





hr viraugr livak uf luilui** khuun
pn'lurr IH in Ibr jiutk of lb. H..
•alalr. toarpuj^ Mkb . Tau liv

Tte cuiima I
Woa oiKW tte I
Ite fuwtear vf


teiratfutd-on-A^tiH. BteMnA. Ate u k
j^ootiy tesn raotorad ote oprate
ABMTkwn «lubkouM.

» arvorai c4uti'h«s of
^ tht ooliury gantetete iTteAmua
teUttettei war* SAtebilte Ute tba
hot of lofrrdorat '
iraeteo. tte frara aandpipai ate wood of tte aovrad unka ottacteA to Ua Uelhl isuii toa. AHhoiute the HrUtoh aoteiteteltor of Borate. Itea bird toyw Us tteriDas have trite to avory
to w*l n ktop to tte pnuUor. which formsrtj
pimUad oxtoaoKfliy. ttey teva tet omcetete «oUraly. K%ory now and itea
.a tesutra khbito th* prMa ate luakra tte faartul toap which te teUovra to te



ujut of bOili lo bo Uono.v«nd orabf

teuteif om teiibM do tel i«n. Mosira,
ute Buoih Aarartco joate. «U>ra «lk
ouriyroyoro Ateour ayuiHitky. i>aiite
iTotod toorkuro oro ntoo netete Ab
umirf ilto .Muaroo dge^
trior, lootnta tlwiu fraiu forrIfK Ite
ti ebun-k. ooter
rurtofa ootomlaakoi. sbould protect
rrotUkOL B-tet
win you do to DUa grral work!



havo ao St am twUMT a!lid
that atth *. vrry attls Crtfu
of a than arms
rte cttUtas raa toe to raapa
AU tte raras-Aider of ths Btet
cAatly a« aav «« taaklODte H,

piiulrU III rvrry church itapor fod tomtIUhI 4»n Mory cbufvh ftali.
tiionb two iirror flaotiah whlto ote
lAum, - howrvPf oiogueot aud^ftod,
dora uli Ite iirrai4iiojf aud/aU tte
praylu*. it'la uudeioot rutk*. uuacrlptuml. kUlcKUI. Tb# iMmuiuulty of Ite
dlai lpb-a In till- Qjipitr room, wn lOkjr
Infer fnitu tb* uairaUvr. did oot ttotra
lu a aiM-mou, but did lugas* to a
lawyer aial iratlinony uirailug. >\*ter4^40* the iM-iitacoatal ki.irll tea ftdortailed tbr iHWvra lueHluc or a43auetblai
like It teg ato. Iloartoted Wh^rra
tomb, uiw auxnd aud uien are UroUflit
umr lo 4-Urlal Item to luuue pmviakra
4 K. 1 lark. U. D.,
Waar AntieaK.
A new rhrtoila,. Kndravor noctoty
hat bera oraaoW at Kaaaab. at fte
fool of Hoonl ttenlus. a Oay a iourooy
from Aotlto h. to
Tlxto aociafy
ixiuatola eiitlrrly of «irla and tea naarly fifty oAMobeni. .Nearly 300> flrta
glHa •»
to tte turattoga. but u
ara not
?rady to lolii an actira i

. to tte work tkat ttey ^Ili «iun ttart %
Junior auctoiy for both glfto and boya.


Many a roaty anyter of our fattk tea
baea Mooored aodpollnhed by tte yooig
4»n auto of tte church, enltotad radcr
the banner of ttetattou Bodrarar.-.
Her. W. W . lUraper



My Juniors for Jesug! ■s'vtour n
Acespi tills M»w; my Juniors msl



Aad cspUvaU swch youthful besrt.



JsMwr -ra oiy csr.



‘ , v--^

tor Jesus' Oas sad sO




The ^raal Bu-aaorlol sutue shown to tte cut ts owf of ite oighta of
U^totoui^ U to ^ MMolse sinicuira of masonry mynaouatod hy a r rail
ftoara te tetooo Btaraanh tekteg a j^nig to his utosped hands. Thora Is noth,
tog to Bl Oenraay ihte la mora auggostiv, of tte ahnracrar ci tte Iran Chan‘^rtal which Mjn tar ahotrs lha heads te tte

teufisto%te Yteito


, ru *ii* taa * « «iui «Mtr



^ tbe
the vtetoMle bdaiMM. All kind. U
Unslac KtKSiicU vill be bvidkd by
Roy FVawottby I* the drayman of
tbe viUace. Mr. I^wortby camo from
ea)oy«_<ndte a lar«e
paiiXMia«c at this place.
his eoncern basj Another big mllUng
U the
at very
prices and Lumte r Co. About flivy 1
jployed here each day of the year and
d^lgnated him ms their raprehentative llUral terms.
Leave MANISTEE v^ Jd i and 7 p.
K. Struhl. home'bakery. Is also] nearly fSOOO are dtoburasd
at this potoL Mr. Walker U an ex­
m.: Sunday. 7 p. m. oaly.
ly valuable uustoess plaoe and a‘ pay .roll each month. Tt
mukmi him a valuable ajuncbi^ Bock
perienced business man. stands for
forinble bed and as for Uvery conven- the best totervuls of Buckiey as a fuiruuo of home baked goods fur sale j mill ooaverta annually
kya buKioees ctrelea.
U-sv^e LVDI.MI’TON dally at Ifi 9. m.
Bert Bdgett U the fert ptore sad li-nces the Urge business Mr. WooUver village and bis whole smhiUan U to at all limes Alwn.ra wholfujcne and f<-ei of timber_lulo lumi
Arive Milwaukee 6 A m. dally.
BiettU kaown better to tkd raMdenU
»4on stock and is one of tee most Leaye Milwaukee dally s p. m
of t^ locality and tko traveller as custom mill grlsiler of this locality. enjoys U but a mute test!
give B»»ckley and vicinity a hanking
s'. Msraei
modcmly balU mills found la this
-Weafori c«ar»- ‘hhd -TMakevtlle. Hr Bdgett has bulH a mill for thU bL up-tu-dsle aod comfortable equip tosUUitlott teal will’ lefMtsmni a v« riThe line wbloh' assures you Three
Hoaglund and Anderson will shortly I^art of the country.
Mr McBNde
lha fomar lacaiilil bdntributiiif > purpoee and reports a rapldb growing menu and fair and impartial prlc<«.
Uhle "Gibralter" of safely.
•ty. tomfori and DipiMtch.
build a meat market at Buckley. They but leo nUy finished a palMlal real-,
,Mrs. Belle Bunion U the mlUtoar
sraal deal of adHoulluml wealth b buslocas at thU wrflUag.
WUJls Wlitetmaa 4 Sun
will build upon tee site where their denev at thU village at.a cost of
of the village and maly
I a'b
banlwary siors at tele .place,
hoitding Mew shop.

Weafurd Utmber
huge building with 3.000 feet of floor other market burned. Boin are young l> IMXXI. and U a type of clUxe
A. H. Baumler |^the eUlage harbor heart U gladeosd as she
Ca a plaat.
and his place of bualaeesMe located at one of Mrs. Bunion s beautiful bat Since Is uUllxed for the above busi- hustling business men -wnd are wel- j teat any. v-iJIage would greatly
corned fftsn Wexford ooraera. when j come into their midst. This company
The i.toro qpries a full 111
UM^aa this Intia of baaloMM. Bark­ Onle/ s furniture store, at piweeat. Mr. CreaUoni-and promonadci* up and
ware, stdves. uUs and poinU, they were located this winter to lh«;] has some very fine farm lands for safe
ley baa heavy rmaartm of lu
Bauialer's shop was beraed a short down Buckley’s main thoroughfare.
. ,
jut reasonable prices and under liU>rul
r. J. Brngnot and Otx>rge N-k-hi
two ttiaiitf laduatrtea aod a rapidly Uue ago and at pregeat h« la halidlng
farm ImplemenU. .wire of ev er> dea lividy village.
G. A Brigham has reoenUy pur-jeondiUons and-seJd lu any
Bilker rtMc. TriTene city. MM
Siowlas farmlaa country, ao that lu another, nest to The PhiiDar*a Merv are the proprieform of Huckley’s two fipHun and In fact every thing 1 hat
camile bulkUng. Mr.’Baiuai^ U a thlrat parlors. These two men ore usuaUy finds tbrtr way Into a bind chasc-d thirty acn« of land for plat- swnted. The lan^ owthmI by The Me
Bride.,Lumber CM., are all within close
01^ atopa In skillful tonsormal and enjoys a Urge
wai^* slock and property belonging tu
ready bet n dUptast^ of and by Septem­ reach of Buckley and are imext-elle«l
Mr. Wlghtman la tee vUlage nsa<
patronage at thU pUca.'^ The new above llnea and conduct quiat, orderly
ber of this %-ear the supply of loU will for gardening and farmJqg purposes
places. Their "goods" are pure
manaienent ht lU
sor and U held in high eateeo as
shop when complde and nes
be exhausted. The new race track will .The mUl has finished Its semsuns cul
unadulterated and thi
and the beaKy ocxi|wniUoa of Uhed will be known aa The
citlsen and business man. At I
aalaaaa men to further lu crowU Shave rarlora** Mr. Baumlerb shop fiaganc, with loU of good fellowship place of business can be found the U- laid out In teU thir.y acres of land and tee inen are all busy loading can
I»osioince with the congtmlal l>yank
will have a leading room and eeveral to mix In. Their places of
bath rooms aad for up-toHUi«i^ wiil are nicely furnished and they enjoy Wlghtman as postmsster. and re|>oils make it one of the best tracks in ihk boUer Wirt be InsialW tlus fail shd
T. J. Beugnot also conducts a
oteer needy repairs mr^. The off!
a gradual Incressc lu his volume of secUoo of tee counir>.
be without an cQual In thU loe^ltj
W. J. Hamner. a wealthy farmer ol cials of this concern are G. a Dunlon
ebUte bureau here and has some
. wbopi can be atuifaoied larfely Its
pisiUl bustoess escb succeeding quarMsyfleld and Geo. Nichols are coo presidehl: Thomas McBride, vicechoice pleois of Umber and farm
aaoceaa a lew worts wlaht be said.
Bucitley has a base baU club that
president; 1. N Swift, tremsurer: Norlauda for sale as well as some
stands ready lo meet any baseball agw riting and at this lime, nearly seven man Purkli**. s^creU.-j; F. O. Den­
able vlllago proiarty. Mr. to-nghot
Tba vtllape was iacorporaled March gjvgaUon In Northern Michigan, lu Was formerly in the hotel buaiueat» at rillage.'as well g. a cobbler shop. A
tocos and rtsidenpes are under nett. engineer; Jno. ikjrdeo. htwd ssw
13. \Wt, aad the arst set of omdsls team U largely chosen from the regu- Mc'oresU^'u and ver>' sucoeasfi^.
full line of hoiee cloteing for sale and construction. Over three carloads of yer; Einll Johnson, filer.
wbcaa the remdeau placed la office Ur InhabUanU of ^ley aod they
nl ha.; Ikn-ij uaed and any num
J. , Tooley runs a cigar factory at
BlackamiUi SlaiulUh U kept quite or band at all tlm«w aad at prices
are: OMa A. BrtHNOa. preeMeot; Geo. have a ntoe new park for tene play- busy these days lu his ahopi
of oirpeulefii. maaooa iM^d other this ptoca.
moat reasonable. Mr. Skinner U
CkHMbt. chwk. M. & Baird, treaa lag. The boys preaeat a very aUrae- flrat-clam work at reasongl
expertenced buslntes man and hU one t.ulWlng ftnlshirs could find wo,k hero .1;. M. Johnson to tee proprktor.of
orer: Wtllls WUhtmaa. aieeeaor. Uve appean^ when they don,their pnd U an exvpHenced man lu this ambition and the keynote of.bU suc­ at teto time.
BucKjey’s drug store. A full line of
Cpupai r. a Bardea. Oeo. W. Browa: pretty gray suits, red caps and bdtt. trade. J. Wilson Is his assistant In cess Is lolng,^lo plense his many
Good Openings.
drugs, patent medlclnew and toilet
U A. Bklpaer. Cbaa MarrUhv^ FVaak The management, of the team U vt?i7 the teop.
A deniUi would And this quite a spocialGts are found at his place ut
WrigbUaaa. Leo Oaly. wltb * V. 8. amblUous of geulng games ,wlth
numeratlve spot II one wxMiJd but
M. E. Baird to Ibe vUlage’s candy
Cement Hotel.
Hall aa vlUage marahalL AU are
direct his energies to getting here.
cedlcal liptmrlmeixX as well as an upAmln»w MtKlison is the ipnvprietor of and Ice cream mAn. and carries a
repnHMmUUve bualoeea mea. who will make any ladooement within
A cobbler and shoe maker would to-date soda fountain. Mr. Johnson 20B^IB StoU Bilk BlUldlBr.
JO to further such pUns ifnhe
praotloe the tame prtaclplea In their
find IKU a good idace to locate as Is a irndnate of Big Rapids school of
TrtTcm CUy, MlcMrti
and enjoys a large patronage the proprietor of Buckley s opera
admialaiiauon of vlllape affairs as maaageim^U of any the clubs from
tee milling insUtutloos and thickly phannacy and one of the hoys of tee
at hki hostelry. The building U built house and dancing pavillloo. Ht»
they do ta their private boataoM aod these two citlea wUI come.
ntry. furnishes
s. ttKHl farming^ country,
VVexIonl county
Mr. oJhnson to
from wmtni and fikisked very neatly a large building and enjoq's a very
are alware watebbU io^ the viilayer s
young and cooipenial and It goes-with
large i»atrouage
his place of b^ great deal of
Is another a* well as ^rtUllcalfy. ]
beat latereeta.
out saying that be wUl be successful
xd has charg^of
Mr. H^^aglund
very valuable busiDMs gjunct and large and airy uud the
The Buckley school board constoU
hto chosen business st this plsoe.
Cemaat Walke Only.
enjoyu at his place Is a strong tesU Mr. Ikiird's soda fountain and ai a
Bdltor C-^. Rice U lo be con
Mrs. M, 8. Seymour ^nducla a
juonlal as to the quality of his meaM disjK-naer of ’ goodies" and "palaUblo
Uaitna Ibclr brief oAotal carw. s Uted uixm
alKAe Johnson s drug *
the enmforu of bis beda Mr. swtx-ts” to juA the "candy man" lu
few ordlnsncee have been passed
vllhln lU
tor. >Mten Buckley s new school house Being an
experienced restaurant
runs u lMu^bi*r shop lu a • sw<-el place.”
whloh. If ImlUted by other vUlacw
press, equipped, with
wsi built It mms hoped si teat time It keeper and 1
offloUls would be a ffrtwt beneii. such iDoUir-puwer U to be InaUUed and he
; Beam Band.
would be . large enough to arcommo- sbe has built up a very large restau
as their ordinsnee. make ceaumt walk i>cllevcw at this lime a buslnoas estab- jc»ys a la^ palnmage. He te akw
a muslad orgaiUxatloo date the .schotd children lor at least
this village.
bpHdlhff the^oGly Uad of walks lnl..r
M»«lck. Where he has run one of the pioneer business men ol at this time known ms ’The Bdckley ll.iei* yeois, but thr rapid growth of
.died la the vlUaav bOundarlea The the ’ Mfwlck Bun’’ to share hU forluno this village.
Brass BaxHl.” ^nd l^er Edward the village has made U neccmiary to
•l^urck'W been
Mercantile Co., is an-* Cornell reyprts very good deyek>p^4rtffu1atton of sueeu and the cond ict with the - town of many opporlunlbuild an addition UsahVschool build­ finished and the Rev, Vaham to
of the poupW eo far aa the beat Inter Uea” and It U the wish of all bU Ollier progressive Ktore Institution' on/tee part of his fourteen, regular
ing this year and loWrci^ iu staff pastor. A wide-awake ^nday school
in this t illage. E. M Slaek Is players And his twenty beginners. The
e»U of the whole are oooceraed and fHeads that his auccess In Buckley
o£ teachisrs.
has U-en orgaalsed. sad a great deal
at the head of -ibis store and at this boys
wlUiimoh Bieai at the head Of a vlUape will be manifold and oontlnoiis.
new InstromenU and
of enthusiasm aad
Flour M.ll Needed.
It poca without aajlnc that a vlllece
hav-^ alreadj^ordeix-d richly tailored
Peter Olman condtwU a bUck place oTbusineM everything Is from
A flour mill would be a renumeta- pUytd by Ms umbers to msklng the
to a barrel of salt. He has' uniforms. They will furnish tec
must grow and prewper.
nnllh shop at thU vUUge aad
U\o to Us foupder at this place. A church a i^wer for good in this .very
John J Carl, one of the oldiwt busl- a rapidly growing buslm-ee.
music furjie Buckley park and ether large fsnulug country Hes all around streno;* .^fltoge.
play goods upon, together sdth
nr<ss men of Weaford Coraera; saw man was formerly In
nouble evenU to Buckley and oh the here and with tee new . iron bridge
/Ladies' CUih.
stock that approxomai
the aiiperior baalaeaa advaatagee of Kingsley.^
outalde. where their se4-v ices may be
The Ladies’. Social Hour club with
sum cHwe to »30.t>00. They emj»loy required. The fourteen regular musi­ built across the Montoleo river about
Buckley, owe the Conupva. nd caaie
Dr. Bagoo. the busy physician at
pleaaiug staff of salespeople and cians are all, trained musicml people eix milra from^Buckley. anotem* ver>* lU offtoera. Mrs. G. A. Brigham, praalto Ule place. |ir. Oari owas hC aorea RuckU) has hU office rooms above,
a W. Walker, aecretery
of Yaloahle raal eaUte In the village the new bank building and came here sell at prlera that have nnolutlonlxed having pla>rt to similar orgaoisstloos
^ Urge’ ^ to Buckkf>. There" is ali
and aitMmd U aad especu to improve Uan one yw and a half ago. He the prices formerly asked by
to larger ciUcw. where they formefiy
tract of furming land1 still
. H cooalderably Uda year.
enjoys nn irnmnwe practice at this chanu m nearby seiUemepte. Mr. lived unUl moving lo Buckley, in coo^:^ln this locality which will graaUy
The CVngealal Chaa. MarrtUujw M time and U held U highest eAeem by SUek has a pleasing personality with nectlott with the w«rt In Buckley’s
binefll Manton and Buckley alike,
erery locallU*. The benevolent and
oae of the ploaeer hoalnvea tneu cf hose siiom *be has come In contract la vwry extensive ac
big milling induiitrtra
Buckley has a beautiful ten acre bard wrorktog ladlra have by glrinf
BuohMqr. ”Charlle“ aa he U popular wtu in a social or proCcsalonal way. throughout this enUre region and it Is
park, generously given by its founder •octoto and other eocial^dotags bw-n
eaUed. oaaa here whea the village
U. W. Bros-n U the notion and not necessary to add that their boslRed and Gun Club.
and promoter O. A.
gham. Large able to buy the ehortto furallure.
aurted aad out a few tree down aad baxsar dfs^^of this looality and ness is ffourt*hlng and rapidly grow­
The Buckley Rod and Gun chib Is beauUful shade trees just as they
uie beauUfal colored wtodo
UaaiedVrtely began the eroettoa of a enjoys a Urge buslneas at thU wrtt ing. A new adiMtioo was recently epoteer organlsaUon reconUy orgaAI
1 stood Jn ddeu da.ra. BeauUful Bow- of tee church and now are making
eUrt Udldlag. After tintahiag the log Mr Brown erected a nww alore built In order to better display their Ixed St this place and practically
paymeou on the grove. They also
amall atotw, hr carried a few armfuls bulHllng at this pUce and carrlca a extensive slock.
every inhabitant of Buckley, who en­
prov kle food and cloteing for the poor
H. O. Wo^ter is the propcieCor of joy either ef ^he above sports have
of groeerlM aad provisions Into It aad
prices astonlshl)
fact everj'thing that goes with a park. and needy, and thMr kind faces and
acatlai^ them here aad there aad
tnd the same to all. Mr. Brown another grocery store at this place signified teefr toteatioa of joiatog this The band will give coocorts every
wflling haada are ooaaUaUy lun-erlng
.began to poee aa a
member of tba rilUge councU «nd enjoys a very extensive trade Club or have done aa A large dub meek In tee near future.
yrtm thia «naU
and a type of clUtenahlp that at any
bouse vrUl be boUt opoo tee shores of
not to
grown uaUl today,
vllUgs would be jusUy proud of. The era. Mr. Wooster was one of tee beauUful Duck lake, on a site «< toad build a
BeU telephone central te also located Idoneer store men of this locality given hy A. A Brighim aad It wlU be
Bach a baud of aoUe women are
and from a amall begtontog hte built the ambiUon of tee people of BuckbalMttai aad earrtee
at this pUoe of buslocas.
cradH to aveiy oommuaity aad do
of mm
C. M. OUiey 4 Son are the propriC: up quite an extensive bustoess. He ley to have recreaUona aa well as
great deal of altovlate tee eorrowa an
^ bgythff aad fair
iors of Buchley’s only fufidUire sioiw also handles to cgnaecUoii with the
aufferlng of Its naiortmiatea and thMr
all hm hoDt up a cog
and undeitaklng partom. A tuH Itee above buatosaa. butter and egvi and
work should leoefTe every eacourage^
of fumltuse, carpeta walUmper and other tarn producia.
fire departoted\ was recently or­
laaa ef thla iQoaUty.
high dass pictures are aoM bar. «l
ganized here ^ tee'popu^ U. B.
Mkyao tt
prices that are rsasonable. Mr. OgMQr
as file chief. The departmeot
of The
shown by tee
U a |>ractk*l ambolmer and enjoys a
will be a volunteer department with a
W. A. and tee vUlAgera
Urge fumltura trade at thU pUce. U
tucket bri^, oheaslcal cpmpeay./Us
are now busy to perfecOng
P. and
one of the •’vU^ dads- alert aad a
geteer with a ladder coovany. A hose
4. M.. ofganlgathm at tela place.
ocoraagul buslpeea man.
The ambition of the Record
R U Hoiton U the meat teMte
make fire flghttog la viUagea much
1Wbe^-U • teonM e^
heon to give a fhir toduatrtol dto<
f thla Plate. He^hoya and e^M all
doM « t«a «{ OoU
What a vilU
tea O0MBK*Orant and
Daloeamyli beai^iUuatimted by tee
en/cf the north, as quite a 1
Wasford aeUkteMU. Ba has hteR
i of raal eatate. Buck:
have vague tmpfeaaloos of tee *
Urge shop and eagagsd A. J . Duma,
aa appralaad to IfifiS.
eat big town of Uipeae parta"
nh aapertenoed meatemtter from Soott
was IfiOOfi, oa Jam 1. 1M7. U wm
villa to officiate at the block esd to
glvea aa dose to fHO.fifiO. Not a
give to Ida g&ny cnMogtera tea hart
iMtom Uved whea Bockley aow ataads
obtelaahlt to teU tecallty. nah
la lfi06. aad today over fidO people
I la tee wfiteap it was not
are also for asle har
MmeMMsmM u
raakke hare. Mt beii^ aehool chUdxea.


Ilf Mi PBiits iBt



a w. sutteBs a SOS
Real Estate




Tin Insurantt

lohn R. Santo
General Insornnce

•* Mmes
US J»srk StreeL




’ Tiy Thi* F« Catanh.




. - SH.“






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