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The Evening Record, June 21, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
t»4v«h>« city.
mm» hatmm, «M«li wm tmm «•>
plipi tm
liKuril pMiK «•
OTt .iiptg u mmttfy 4.
I d »• p»
*««■ MMMm. M MW mKImI PM>
tm Ml lisa {MU
^Mkid to tka Suftftl^ Maaftvd
•g MTarikftfteh MW hr B. WftB.
rillOAY. JUNE at. 11^7.
■arftmataf atandy. ttiM.
rnrnmmmmm. Tiw p«Mt «Mi i9
• M4f MC MW IMm W«l ■MIWI P
Itjf M« «Mdi Mrtwi to Mi iirrii^i
•toW. TiMPiton pritopi ptotoa
Mp«i Owpirt if to« aWM
t*iitoPiri W Mw illy.
iilBiM MM Ml ami
«M M ».mmm a.«M
CkrM W. 4«ai >1 MMUMm Ui
mcHtoML nttpAv, jum 2t^ mi.
BrtilUM Potoil of tka TalaprapkftlW Uftton Paid That Campantoa
^ Otoa't Make Oaad an PremlMd
fUtoa mm Marek t.
OawarnMy fair umitkar ftaasgt
paaaikly tocM iBmndar otonn tatoghl and Patueftay: emrvMr to
aMt ganiaa tanlpbt: freak aawthariy mtoda
By Wire to tka Evaftlag Bacord.
Pftft rrmnetoou. Jaaa SI—Prealdant BUCEd AND A OIUND PARADE
tha Tetogrftpkars^ untoo.
autod today tkat the newspatirr reporta
aotvrltkaundlng. a
apalMt the Weatarn Union Talagrapk
to ^«ur tM mmk Mm ton
oompftfty at fUn PVanctoc^ wpiild-ea:^
fy<>fcto»ii ftVAf. Ahom 4 AriMoek ttl*
gin todM foUowad by Ckloiho. New
■toitop. Mhma hmi ft ftfttoft to •»
York, Clavotood and Ctodonktl.
nwto. II vftft kif hop vho
Didn't Maka Oaad.
^ ftflMiU kftl toftlk 414 mat Ptoiof Mftp Mmji Wftriaap tor an a^ BUMPURPOtt.
Pan Fkanctoco, June 31—After read^ Utol MUl Mt hfti Mr«i ftftd tk«
Wm VMtofMar—TaIIiM U a
tag the totter of Prealdant qiowry adiiilM Mi toofUMr mft4ft4
to Oommlsaktoftr of Labor.
oatman af Wketo Raglan InvHsdNaUl. Praaldeat Pmall of tbe ComNo Entry Fee Will Bb Charged
mgretol Tatograpkera' uoloo of AmertWANTBO-^Ocod koftaakaaper by maa Oft. Mid.
far Parade ar Racaa and PrizM
kavtof mafrlmuiitol tocltoaUana. Aaara Yaluabit.
•Tba letter of Mr. Clowry gives no
aver at oaca 401 Wabalar aWaat
hope at Immadtota adjustment of
Juaa 114t* grtovaacM with tbe Western Union
Mr. Clowry shows clearly bis antag
The moUir boat oommltife of the
Tka akoro waat ad oaaa to tka bo<
cnlam to the untoo. *rbe poaltlun
l>Y>urU of July cetobrstkm held a
tlea of Mra Joka Paalay of Mk BapIda aarly la tka memk. Mra. Paalay Uka to tkat the two large talegraph meeting toat ovenlng and made aroofttpaalas agreed to Incraaae tbe sal langemenu fur tbe biggvst motor
vaa knaptoc kouae tor aa apad raalboat display and rares ever held tn
f^l of Blh Baidda at tka tlma |rko artoa of all along tba line, ten
caaL March 1. toat. They have
the city. Tba InTitaUon v>
WM hovartaft batwarn Ufa aad death.
good tkU pfumiaa.-'
In tbe races and parsde Is extended
Yantardayr tkay kurtod hiftL Today
the boat owners of the regtou
aka arrived la tka city.
and It to thought that there will be
Of oouraa aka dido't kaov It wm
large ohmber of vtoUurs preaeOt la
aawaiiftpar mmu wko vm aauntaiiai
addition to the htg fleet.
kch to worl^ aarly tkla aftarnoon.
There will be flve evenu lo Ue
d ha looked kunaa aad aaamad to
races: SS-fool ctoas. SS-foot claaa. Sty
It lato tha ^aadacaitai Tkat vm what
p Mm «r Mif
foot class, IS-fout class sud 16-loot
aka wantod
> fti tito CMr
ctoM. Tha deutto of handicapping
Pfty.” aka aaSd droppiap kar “alll
NpaWfti IMI
not yet b«en worked out but an
gator akto* kap to tka walk. • Where PIBIPT ANNUAL OP .IMMACULATE
ayatem will be uaed so ib.it
Ma tkta ftiaa IHra? ’
all the boats will have sn equsT
Tka otkar ananaad tka dirty, worn,
chance and tbe lloUbes will be close.
Btr win Ift Mip ftNMftc K«M»r4.
The cours*‘ has to'4-u laid out so
toiiia. iftpa tS^A LatUltoo at <
that all the race will be visible to
*My! It’s hot. ala't ur aba wt
MataftlaaftHi Ulaatrr Taptaaftt, i
the spectators. The boats will start
Uoftad al 4p4a Am AaaactM vMli wiptog tka parsplratloa fruai
triad to gat a kid lo cany OfliLLP AND CHOBUPti WERE from in front of the G. R. d I. depot.
lU anna ftftd fttoaiunitiuB aad )otoad eyat.
down to the Oval Wood Dish diK'k.
tfttoiiaftpt vipi growar* at Baatora, tkla aatokal lor ma. but ka wouldn’t.
turn around a stake boat, then down
My. up to Patoakay, tka kids 'll do
tlw AaftPfftftnpfP oC lAa ragtataal.
Harrow's crib, around that and flo
TLa niiHtom ftho ftKMiUjr »ara ra- aaytbtng for na. I aurkad up there
Ish in front of the O. R. A 1. depot,
rnrttad Tm ptoaftp tkp ariaa prop toat arlntar."
Firal Eighth Qrada CUm of Nsw the course being gone over twiee.
Pha »M diracitod to the MO ktoek
ara, Pamkat iM waa
gchaal Complatod Courwa Last
uiaktng a race about, five miles In
lltof warakad^iBUi Baalara wlilch OB WMatirr atieoL
Evaairtg and Wara Awardad
“Tou aaa." aka voluBtaared. “1‘ni
Itoft 4MW IftAatotaau. piUi dniau
Their Dlplemaa.
The parade will be over this same
kiPUfef ftftd aoton ftirtoc. Ttiay aiM gaUiiig tlrad of kalag towaad aroaad
course and the boau eutertug Into
ftpv tPtopad to tk* prtactpal apuaia all ftiy daya. My right BftOM'a Paalay.
tbe parade will be decorated. prli«-ti
but 1 go ky Puma, my maldaa name.
pT tkm toir.
Oanavtove WluoeU-ckl.
Paalay akd I couldn't gat atoag worth BriaC. Lewis Ludka and Albert Rokos bring given for the skill In decora
ting As there will be a large num
oaai. I was keeping kotiaa lur
lava compleied the required work of
U-r or boats sud the majority will be
man la Elk Raplda. k«t we buried tba gnunmar grades of tbe Immaci
bim yaatarday. Pay. ala't U ulca the lato OoncepUan school and Imi night hsndsumelr decorated, this will ba
» attractive feature.
•ay tbey let Uam down Into
graduated at Ua Grand opera bouse.
grave now I nevar mw It kafoie yea An aotcellent prugrsm had been pre
The committee spent considerslde
larday Blnce Healey and I aeparaied. paiwd by the Bisters and it was witlime on lire prize list, arriving at
I’ve bad to wtirk and w^ I saw this
Vd by a anull but an apprerU
tbe cunrluslun that it would )>e better I
thought I’d owaa o»er-” and bar tiva audlaitoe.
Especially good was
to give a large number of prizes rath-1
irpNt MftCtaUftftd Paartaan MtoatM %> lace baamed with anticipated happl Ue^worh of Ue small cklidren In the
than one big one. The prizes se- ^
I Pvli Caatoaaiaii a# HW
drills and cdioruses.
lecied consist of launch lights, fold-'
It WM kct. vary hoi. and tka sun's
Cflftia an llw Ctoilaiaa.
(CooUnoed on PaconO Page)
lag anchors, life preservers, etc.
light WM radactad blladly from the
selection bring mtfde of first
pavameaL bat aka gathered up tba
Mr Wlip It Ow IMftf llaaorA
srilcles only and all will be found
baftvy grip. Lnukad tba damp locks
MokUa. AW. Jana tl-Wlllla Me at bnir from Imr brow and sc4 oB lo
bout Ue boats. Among the
prlxes ara a aet of batteries and
dliwcttoft of tba advartlsers'
ton yard Uut toaniiaf for Ua aiardar abode.
gallons of gasoline. There will
WAt POiTMAtTER OF OfUWN prlxes fbr boU the races and parsde
of Mtateal MaOMaro, an a«ad raal
‘The Mly directory Mys tkat Edwin
MaOlallaad daatod kU putlt U ro^ llVM at Mb Wabater street
and on account of the number, many
ap to jaatonlajr. kai «ada a toll t<oa sad tkat ha la aft advploye of the Oval
tbe ^ta will receive them.
Ample time wUI be given tbe rac
Wood dUh oatnpkfty. Whan Mr. itox CBaa In Hoapttal at Brand Raplda YaaTW mImM •« ^ly MACM. guM kome «hto avaalng. ba may aea
ing boats to strip their ^ecorstions
Urday—Was Weil Known
MaOMIaaA niMat oaly Alwr lour.
that they sill not U- hindered In
peratotent, ovarkafttod womaa vrttb
to Thia City.
tapa aMantaa of atraaftalailan.
badly torn sackal. rnmtimpmA on bU
iroftt parch and tbe wadding bells
Tauring to AutoW. L Mania aad family cf OMhoy can paaoed Urough Ue city Uto at.icrnoon to a new WkUa stoamar.
I They ^ Detroit Monday avornlAI
but kM« been ngendtog boom time
jto dlEarent cities Uroughout Ua
/ ^tkero and central part
' atata. . The c»r to lahtog Ue aaftdy
ruftda vrlU the greatest
i« and good
Til MM IN UUimmM
- A*K!Sf
Elkskin Shoes
EUftkio Hhoftft Axig practical
thoeft (or hot vealher. Try ft
pair, if your feet ache 'ftxuJ
burn thcfte hot gutumer tUyg.
TWp Ortoftnaai Wka Imlprptod rram
laapaPA Waw oiaaairarad
to a Pwama.
Mr Wlfp to Ika Mrealaft Bacord.
larka—. MMA.. Jaaa tl-Atoa Me
BUftMa. variappr. aad Jack Pkaau.
karor tktoC. wko aaeppad fron prtoua
r murdai. para aapiarad Uta toura
top to ft pppMp wau Id tba cUr.
Pketa tkay had kaaa htdlB« aH alpki.
V * YMay autoa po raatatoaea.
r futorv.
mu McaBEEs
Charlavaia la tntaruinlag a Oraat
Band af Viaitans Tadsy ■ Many
Apactol Tralna.
PpsclAl to tka EvanlnMocord^
CkartovoU. Mtok.. Tuna H-Chartovoti to entarutolog ooa cf Ua Mggeat
crowda of Its, klatory today. Ua tovrn
Imtog rnU of trtoiUkg Macoabaaa. Tkay
to ocma aarly iklx awralBg aad
Mia. Maaiift Oal Divaroa.
wftre atm arvtvtftg Uto anerwwm. U«
Br WUa to Ika BTOftlfti Baooid.
Haw York. Juaa li^Tke Oavatoad apanlftl Uftlas all baartag large daletihma.
^ to^ rmptod a daronoa to Mr.
Thi parade was a big featuiw. and
IMP B. Mftftftft. No t. iBtpMity him
tka grogrm to katog aojutyad to tka
Dplay Oordoft.
•toto CtoaM Caaa.
Waoldnl Pay Baaed,
W- WIra to tha Bvafttod BacoHL
Mdaa. Jaaa ti-Tka aUto fdaaad
lar Buukto wotOdaY pay Lorot
Mi aftM at If ll ladar wtthapt aH- U M. aUBhto lor hla koftid and aka
PtoPPr toaa.
sad# comgMMt ftpalaat him be
WATOM tor Waad Btoura* Mp oA-
tidO QNitoMn kftwftA far lagtoft and
PpactoJ to the Evening Bacord.
Oravrn. Mich.. June SI-H. C. Burt
<4 Uto p^ce. died at Ua U. B. A. boa
plUl hi Grand Rapids yesterday
morning at g o'clock, of cancer of Ue
Oaoaaaed wm born in OratkH coun
ty. Mtoh.. Merck SI. ittt. Ha wm mar
ried to AUla A. Hillard of Florenoe.
OhlK at Crystal, Mich.. Oct S4. IMO.
Mr. Burt asoved to Oravrn stxtaan
years ago. where he hM bean engaged
to Uc hardware aad Upgtoment boatftMft
PTor Ua toat eight yaara he tiled
Ua ofPoa of pet master and wm well
knovrn Uroupkoot Ula territory m
tka proprtatod of Pltoar Lake r^ort
Ha laftvaa a widow, aoA aito d«Mktor. Oaorga M. and MImMi wBfb of
Bmaat Harr. Intonnani viU ba n\
Mftgla OewftL T^ft fuftaral awwtoa
wtP ba PMwdfty.
Mr. Bun Wfta waU knoqrn to Uto
dt^ aU had
Ut#s -mafttoar of
trtogd* who will ka ftocry to toarn of
hto dMtk.
BMABD gftoft ftftftftfttolftim
lering Uc raoea or parade and those
who daalra to take part are urged
hand In tbalr names at once to i
chairman at Ue commltttee or any
member. the committee conatotlng of
L. Stevenson, chairman; H. D. AlOrnilam Darrow. I^ouls
Heiges and Irving Murray.
was auggeated at tbe- nzeeUng
that those who take part In the races
parade wear Ue regulaUon white
i oonalattog of white trouaers.
wklia overahlrt and round hat. Prank
HamlUea Ama aamplea of Ueae goods
on display and the whole outfit aelto
f« only $2 SO.
Pony Dlvlsiofi. ^
The pony divtokm of Ue hig pa
rade on Ue Fourth of July, will be a
aptondld feature. Mtoa Julia Kelley
and Uanry Hull have been appointed
to arrange ikto divialott.
They boU kave pony earu aad will
totarMt owaara of oUtor pony rlga
to Ue city and arrange a apAeadld dtopiay. A yctoft wiu be gtoea for Ue|
(Oofttlmtod Oft fHwrU Itoga.)
VCBIY ctoaaly out prioM Oft mitllP. MoCeoL tSS EmA
kftM. Mtoft 0- r. MftGftftL tn East iiory. MAoa C
June tt-H. PiftftI fttoioA
tofto fl-U.
Any price you wifth tb pgy, from $1^ to $7;H.
Vity Book Store
Is the day we t-rii-brate with patriotic
We will be open on Ua
4th of July and you will be able to
fluii uiijtbluA you iu-f*d in Ue line of
m-Lllge shirts, cullsrs. cuffs, tien. belta,
light wilghl underwL-ar. Panama and
Straw Hats, or anything you want in
With or without rubber
Black. Tan or Olive.
Al first clas* halKfidashery.
For Men. Boys, Youibaaml
Little Ciunto.
rnion St. Clothier*.
If you exj>6ct (o enjoy the
ctttuforl of a i>air, we're at
your service.
y\ Toe suppers
Bl'h'»dld Hue «f these aad the)- are
sunvrisiiigly comfortable these daya
too. Take off your high nhoes and get
A. V. Friedrich
t»n a pair of theae.
Have you seen those swell ribbon
Seller of Good Shoes
ties we are showing?
They combine
both style and comfort.
Sunburn Tan
«4..Pricklcy Heat Will quickly improve
' under an application
Wouldn't a Coat of Paint
Witch Hazel
Wt- |»alnt your house on tiu- easy |>aytm-ui plan.
... Cream
Soothes,Smoothes and Heals
1‘iUek Uios • fauiouk p-aln1.
Paint It with
IteUK-mbi-r nothing adds ao mneh to
looks of your place as ke«*piiig y<»ur houstj nicely painted.
If you art' a txniler get in the 'home tiwiiei ’ class.
We ct(u %
pitse you In the uumU-i of bargains we have to offer JUst now.
Phone us and we will call for yon a
Got them <
easiest kind of |iuymenlh.
^Hammock Weedier,
Here U an ftaaortment of firot-eUag Hammookt Uhkt ambnai
for hftid eve^y^iay naage, and alao madft in vei>- pretty ool^
Brug Stere.
keep you
cool at
nominal cost
rnderwear, SQc
Soft Collar Shirto,
iOc to $SFineftt made
Straw Hats
Entire new linev
Onting Saito
Vftloeft else where.
& Huniter
Smith ..Realty Co.
Office cor. Lake Ave. and lOih. Res. 429 W. lOlh.
Olfice phone 32. Res. phone 290.
Instanteous Hit
7.AtS amd S.AkS
He* MiUuo & Alvio ia “Onlv * Joke"
the Eorupeiim Athlele and Ountor8fte Perry, the Ifnaioftl Oomeduui
See Bodde, the Charftder Impeno
See the Moving Picttiree
n A BEzunm hau-wbu. venTOATB) uo cool
M^Lftdiea and OhUdxen oBtgffftd to
” £J1
fi-fi ».1 I’
‘ loiotoaiTTM ffUM
I^OTB EUmCB «» <A«n 9mM. WtMtftl.
TW ipiilM Mi*pr IM
Ilf tw Mlwol. fv «WI
• MWI «« Hr kivi #Mi i»
PI vtftvOfai w li«te
« A. mmf tisr,
*yUK ,S9U!
I kr tW U« fWrtH of
Ak. RomM^apH. MaImU mm
tea. WrtHA Mm. Mli HMHtt
A voeAl 4«At. ‘'TW QAArral.*' vAt
•Naa Ia iniA «rA»AUA ttfim If JaM
VAA lAIA of IW tiTAttlAAl Arllta of tw
mm, “iMAr fWtAAticA;' Hr
k Strta Paw firl oArrMI a Wp»
<AAArtm wHk WVAfA AAd tw Wm
A AW «M MdSAdr, A OtAlA 9t PMC
Mr AMMIIW AIA AAAM w r«»r tour AAM
MMWtAriir. AAi tw proAfATtA W» AkAdlpM pIVAUlkJAAr- VAA VOU WA'
AIA iWi Hiwwiwmii 4aT iHU KAAP diAd AAd W 4M MSto
«Pi W IW MMM Wr TrAVATSA CTtr work In AWPACtlAA vllk Mo pdit.
A«ir M TWrt vui w maaj vat)
TkA APMAdr «M • AWldA UttlA
TW IrAwurli* tAtag.
ywm hA tw WaM avat VltAAAAAd fit kAOp Um AAdlAAAA lAtotWlAd. A )oW
WHWrH MIWIm tw asacaUva 4a pATpOtrAtAd ApQP IV. OlWMA kT kU
AAAAaittW W* IAWa ATAAt iiftAk
AArtAUt JorfSiUlL Arhp vrHoo
tw rMAAllAA ut AB AMWTAIA IfA- mAAtora iMtor tolUai blm of A fiVM
•AfW Btnnm far ww wr wd
ftAtuoA iMt him kr ok old (rtfM M
HW TW Mf MlWMnAl wrW» vlll kta apd aaklbs him to Aoam to tW
W A Am lAfattiA AAd tw pataW roAi orAo# ctf pufuA tmliAr a lAVyAr.
MtttAA AfA VAI7 dAAimm tllAt AVArr WkliA iW dootor to tkooAt tW
Ton VABt raUAA klMAAif la tw dootor'A
iAAA m$% iaAuMMaa aiA iMbr ami rlorkAA and roAAfvw AMtora. TW
rArWL Aa4 thk atUI W a pwid oppor trouklAA grovlni oat of tkto ara du
IttAUr lor tw pmplA aT TrAVAra* city Ally AtrAlgbtAitod out and ao kdrtn
to VttMAA A pttMfa WiAOiisiraikiA of ADAA of tk« Aenraa'A Arroiv. TW
OAT tBdwtrtAl (roAuet*
At VAb;
fW MM AAaI rACM AAd iwrmde I»r Curam. a rAOowocid nodical
frPl W A AiApiltiWIII (AAttti*. THf ptbetlilonAr. Pari Joyc».
hepw fWA AlU w AA poud AA «A Jomolak, kU AotvAbt. TUU% ,»r-
ftquibt 4NN«t iwpi.
M^9 9lli>iWMtiti«»in»piF>t^1t.
T9«fci9 9ilrtaAioi|9»gnwiilWl>
•mm U Httoh MUkst
wiitrtUr gk9m TUm wm 9tmmti
Hr • VOMI Mia^ tliUHM.Ow,." 19 IH
ThM A MiUfi.
*TW Herr ntf/ Iir %m fir^ «m
veil mlv«4 Hr tw a«4Imm TW
Atru vW iMk Wft ««r»:
Matt HWlArtl.
lia. r%tWrlM n
’m mm
ciliilTa oiMigii
iSWkW M b aim
jrau heoa
jttst whRt IS tn it, Rtod
vithfMMof our
>'.N V
tWb'k eukw abM
bud hbiw • ani« ice
cretib bhisir WHW tkt
f'- :^
.mwtlp «|TV. mwtaAMi MiMV. Mim i
KiMlr ivkaMMd, mskUr
in tM» aU A* Mnt iwim*.
Its* hnaWwtbaiartot
IkbttUtRORikffRkipR gmboked ihtkMA edrto.
you CAP Ifppsp your
cremm Ir a few minutes
•kd whhout My trouble.
They aiU Irom-
Fnnk Truda
A W. Hililkor, OAAvty AfOAt. to la- Maw a PmoMao PoM i
Tawa Clask.
VAMIfAttof tkO COAMtlMia af
TW pAklle aala of A SAmktor m
HarnAA WWra They ara.
Uktok naad far APetlosMi oi AOgros
Oonnty A|aaI HUHker haa W«>n aA(V^£i«-Wr"a cWV far tho cUy of
ting to tha pMt fav vaaka look tog up Atoxandna. Va. jitot Aifoas
tw AkIldivA from tw OotoVAter fauttc rivar from WaaUlAftOA,
U tw dnya asw* tW ktotortc aid
achuol vW WvA bAaa todanturAd to
Hera are some of the many oceoes
famlllAA to tkla eouAly. Ua vlMta olty of AtouAdrlA was kAowa aa
wbaro all kladi of gAmaa anltad fbtcb will be aaeu to tho Faaafan
AAch koAM parAQAaHy aad tovaati- pUc#
May which win be given at the Graud
gatoa tW oOAdlUuAs oArafully.
eonAd wUWvt diMcMty. Rtortao of opera house July lai and sreak.
TWra ara twenty dva children -to- torps
gama loAt kod^woa ara stUl cur- where you caa Wre lots of good.
deaturad to Grand Trnverae famUtoa root Of tkaaa aopa to amma lalaraat- coaafortAbto seats with no waits op
Abd Mr. HllUkvr aUted tWt vUk oos tog two tka oAo which revaals Uie hi* the outside, and the price of admlaa•aoApUoA. tka ^tm» envIrowMkts lory of tw old town rlock of that an km will be oaly Sve canto: Christ
vara vary pood AAd tW eklldrAU i
ctont city.
fatdtog the multltnda. healing tha
aatladed. BlAoa tW sokooi yoAr koa TW atory to to tW eRart tWt an aa* atch, raising Lasaros. the transSgum
boon dXAd at nine montka for tko aaangkto AfagAAdrta waa tofaotad by a tloA. the tost aupper. the agtmy In the
AAfT MM. TW drltlBc iiAHk aaaoMa
wd fOMklara
fA>vl>Wa fwuu tw snrdea. Judas' boirayal. tW crucltxaiAta oWreoA. tba appUoatlons art pni^y af afaawd
; tWt time an
Urn tf» maMai prApArAikiM for
UbgrraUi, Ak togypUau orarlts not AO fraquem for tW boya and glrto
loA. ukeu down from the cross, placcould aoSMiUntaa be made
AAMA wrr Awaiw AVMtA. twta <lAorfA KMkM
aa tbla lAAvea only tbrea montW to tnoia
tamh. the reauriwcWith rltiaena of blgb sinudiug, bui
but wW'‘®*'
«P) W AlHlAtfa MPortA. AAtAT Aportt.
Poof. PsMMS W rtpuri on lubAcy, whiok thay caa devote tWIr entire en^yad
a brtiab at cardb. Ooe oritfab 'nad tW aacensiou, sUo
t«A pnf AaII SAMOA AAd tomn^^lAor Prank Eabtlah.
_ working for -thoae vbo give
mseaWAt. fall into
BkalcWr wlU alAg “TW Holy City."
lAtlWAA tWt #111 AtlrAAt AllAOlfaA
Oftoar Brovu. ob« of IW dnaat. | tk«Ai bonte.
wkkk WAS aet fkr him by tW rlalttng So wait Abd come to the Grand opera
ARl MtAftAlA tw orovd tbA Alll Ur Juliua
gamklaca. aldad by a local atuoi Mgaou hoiiae. Don’t forget the date. July
Afiar A aertoa of laiuto the geutlenuta
Mayor dkindlnt .a mired ordoer.
TW Btorant PamiAiaa.
1st and week. Admtoalpa 6vo cento.
II te ASpAMAd lAht AAAllr
TW lAAS of lAAo roto tW world, but found hluwelf out of lenket several
Roy WlAA.
■Rufub Rniltry,
counaMlor-at lav^ tw daufklars of mon goreru It tkrottgk tkouaana doltom and the gamblerM in
It to woiton wW fouAdaiaetoty poaaeaalou of' bib uotoa fur Urge Tba Manlataa Nawa aays:
MMtW AA tkA CAT fArrr AAd hAlp u» Ooorga Kottan.
to UA AJTldrtol aapActa. It la wansaa Afflunuto.
“The Rlto Harlan Block company
nMrtfa. TWia Viu W aU WAda In
Hot Latry. a koatlar, U. Oasuoki.
TW Htlsaa /"nsada good.- But
AAd lo
tW |MA4a. VklAfl Wtu glVA MAkooru
Ibled blm
him to brine <*•»•"•<* » ‘AW nudlance than greet
Mr. INnkAlapiel. a Hum of a laml^
lucky thought easbled
ll to
Is VAffaUA portkAtA Vi tw city. IDvtirt 1). Joaepk Drll.
evening at the Ramsdeil In
W imkuoa lann with Walio to shout bla rcTanga c the leader of the
aUM Af IVavaiaa Clip AWuld Intd
performance. The company
Thlb conedy waa folloved by tba emulntA, wW toatUto taio ktm toctol
Ma Aflpru to idaWIHU a Uli au<u»m foaittra of ike evAUlng, “Revel of tW amklttoA that toevlubly Mia«a ta Us tha fact there was su old law of (be lb guUe all that was claimed for it.
ta AtAtr tatrtWOAr. Up to tki« unw VaUda.“ by u lurpe Aumbrr of UlUe trato tw rvsUtaa tovat of
it ACdMMttoto etatc-and a almllar Isw Is stlU ou the It la of the true stock coupauy order,
AiTAAtWAlAf MtoPAAl Wa bOAU IHAO dovor ilrta. A ouinWr of aOMitor tw madAAAs of graad. tw»nMWtton far statute books—in wbU-h It wss wade aa oppoaed to the repertory compan
any man .*anwhich pUy week aland, and detfAMAd AAd tkto Will ioriAAAA Uk tht> gtiie to groAO and pink drenaea and powar tbrangk doaudol Inccaaa. It to and pjvridsd “iWt if any
to wW to at otuw the aaetol bul not show that he Is |>ursulug some tow-:
M9 HppraAphAA. 9r#rr tOAldran* Abd cariylbg baaWta uf dovarA oama on
work and tW autoerat-Londoo Wa fttl means of iirocuriug a livelihood W
make up for an Inability
Mull Ml Wuw iWuld W elAUorAtoly
liag*^ Abd wove
tkaiAAAlveA uiaa's IJfe.
aWU he aohl or hired oot at public i
dAMrstod vitk uAtiuAAl ootoiA. no antong the larger playera. This was
• There to no Inability to i
tWt TTavataa (?lty Atay pn«««t nu up uaduubtediy the bit uf the rvesttog
l»art Vi any member of the Rlt.i Har
■IIINO ths ladiaa, krlQg ths babiaa,
Samaaca of pAirlutUut Abd Aplrudui
TbuM. Ill the drill were. Ullan bring avsrykady—tAmarrow, City ap- Going before a justice of the iMAiw. lan company. The ptoyvrs
the “good clttoeu" entered a charge and all well imined to stage work,
Hichard. Mary Wcnovlockl. Thaoro- ara hauaa. mattoaa. IS^dantA
sgsiust toe leading gambler, who was
expected of members of a stock
bla Novak. UolU Itoudreau. Vlasta
Immsdtotciy srraated b.v the (own ma^
C\ivered oai liagea were firvt used shal. He waa <«rrlad to I'uun. tried, joompABy. and Mlaa Harlan to a fortuKyuut,
4oaepktoe Uokot^ UtOievlvvA
Wlnovleckl, Maty Mlnuuiky. Laura lu lAuglaud to ISSU
coATicted. aud tha aanleAt'S was tWt uaie acQUlsIUoD for toada.
‘The Atonement' to not the best
be Ih> sold St public sm'tion.
The ‘good ctttocu'a" programme weui vehicle for expreaalon. bul U served
After tW preoiatattou uf the dl
through without a slip. The gauiesist at least to demonstrate tbe earneblI'kuttaa U>' the Hev. Jubu Rkeekan,
was at first dlsi>oastl to trest tbe u
DOSS and totcillgence uf the players.
Ooudnlght.” waa sung by the young
ter as s huge joke, bellev Ing that with MIsa Hartoo evidently Ukes eiLotlon
IaMv IVtotolAAtpAH sUtMird. of l-adleb*
iladuUty. '
the outlay of a illtto of his easily
CttUfaatiA, lb A r«ufbt
al parts wlto ability, and bar work
Htuui'b urobeatiA furuibhAd eaaelearued muuay W could aecaiw hto frsaiWt AAsrly 10 prr wbt uf thv n^Uu
leui mubic during the (veolng.
U<uu. Bui he did not know the temper In heavy paru assigned to her fur
niW lA Saa Fiaariacu atr JupaodM*
dW iVVdiMtoW. Ua awht toe uight other eveilACi Uto week will be
MM UiM tk« JupobOM* and ('klnrar
to prison sud wss tukan on tbe follow swaltad vlth Interaat. It Is seldom
Nee Yolk iMly bab utoiv a»)|uina.
WIdfaras gAAerally wotk is buiub a
lilg morning to tW' “hlwk” and put op that A more bAadeoina flgnre'to
humea, buspKalb and argauljuttiuob for
sale. Tbe first bid tame from the on the stage than that made by tolas
reltof of buuiau w'ringb than auy
“good citizen.'
Kltoaheth Dean in the second a
Uinei t'|t> lu the'e^fld
|UK». Blddlog for hto own freedom, the
•The Aumotnent ' Mr. J. H. Lewis
blacfclag uuk'kU* offaiad twice
Kverybody wlto l»oys RRX
MC tw matiAAA lAfnarrow at 2;4i
auuL Thto wss ratoad to gaw> by tha also ptoaaad the audience eaceptlbnVIA- THi
City epors hOosA.
10 canU to svsrySecced menUsut spd tu turn to kNiu ally. Hto vlrUe. incisive tones,
pgyfect. They niw the ohooobody.
by the Rambler While tbe asaomblad forceful geeturee bespeak the best
him with the twte. Wbea
crowd ihecreti aud laughed the two al- training. 7'hc btiier members of tbe
teniately responded to the aoctloucer s company afford ezeelient auppuru
you Duy oso4j WU Ibe utos
FOR OUTilM daora uaa. CAlmaa*«
ala uutU ths khkltog icached $2,you vuot thst ntodt hy
ttastia ipar Varvtoti. % L WaH A
“Tonlghi Prlenda- will be played,
Than tha pamUlar be«iad for marry. and Wednesday evening 'CAmllle.'
TtaIa vlll
povaru. Uv dci-tored that hto Maulstee pcstple will do well to avail
litd A. m. W« puAtora or pak ilokAt
themselves of this opportunity to see
('omjuikktub had (k-M-ned
him apd
fMAAla far partlpulurA.
rkd off the larger luirt off all wtoul _
good company to sundard ptaya."
H. V. Mooltor, U H. A.
made to the town. The “good clilseu'
Will hP tt toe Grand ofwra house
)UA« 10-ll.
calmly raised tbe hid toR2.10a There M week, oomroenctog Monday. June
w?u» no sKerustlre, the gambler
. Ladles free Monday night wlto
cither be foived lulo a servkw of d»gradtag labor uadas tka suparvlahm of paid »0 CAM itoke^ reserved before
a ms» who had «mU evusa
tw eoAunfltAeA kavr buw all Uoao
MAI ATA Al vutk tat tkr var
mm WtallA AAd 4W n«uU «ill k« a
MipAltcAAt AUCttAna foi TrAV«Tm* t'Uy
Wd A
patArtAluiiiAul for th«*
iWAAAAda Of pAupIr fium tk«» uur
I eouuitf UiA< Vili Ui kciv
Delicious REX
hn CD 'I Las
Beginning June ISth.our Oil. Wagon
will be on the West Side Mondays and
Thutsdays. on the-South Side Fridays and
Tuesdays, and East Side. Edgswood and
East Bay resorts Wsdnssdsys and Baturdsys.
Spsclsl attention given to sll launch
owners. Phone your orders to Grand
Rapids Furnttura Co. and same will have
prompt and careful attention.
OlAy ^hen* 93m
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
1ST S. South UdIoo Straet
B/iui^OMut oorCuilini;, DcokorBrnoket
in stock
WekhkYd them
for • sU
J. B. Paip Electric Co.
Pebe Mabquette
Notwithstanding other attcarcUona
hich drew a large crowd tost eveacrowd of hoetiag, yelling men and tog. the PatooA Amua^eat company
boys fsitowtog bhu to the whartL Tbe did a big bAstocAB at their house and
l•racaada of tbe sale of the
ly people wltAeoAed the pleasing
wefc givfu Ip the tow« for the
oUi. “The Girl P*om Montana.” Tbe
and bo
boUdiM a
of bO-vtoiA a town cimkk gud
to one of toe kind that ^olds the
i teeple tor
kali and tnanet Aim
IntereM from toe time that the UUe
thrown cn ike screen until
HITt. but a new atructnre waa erected
Ul^U mra'thrown on. One patou tbe same aNT. the alerpto sad chtek
(•ctog made aa neat ItoeMmoMAspoa- ron of last niffhVt entertAtomAni was
Grand SSS; ^ Julyl
Ortm molia Wwwlc,
*rhw Only
Passion Play
aUdA.-KAAaaa ihty BMC.
Where you will heve lois of room and lou of good leatf and _wop*t
have to &iaod outkide aud wpit. So wait aod come to the Grand 0|pera
Home the finsi week of July. AU the Hcturci will be explained ta you
ai they ate thrown on the ucreen »o you can get the full benefit
lefit from them.
time t tiU A chABCA to see
M«a Uu A fslAAdi-1 am dcaa with a. 1 go.*' he aaM. -I'm afraid in want
dmifaw ImattoMto. Gp# of tooM ml- to marry tout girl If I aea K many
vla«4,mf tv atoap with mg wimfawa
epau. 1 did so. and tha vary next
guorumg my gold wraUh gras goeeXpom
tha b«uaatt.-FHagm^ Blattar. ^
Namtof ibe Km m< tm-lwM Omt Ikn, Fwt kilt k w.
T“o All Wtarhm of AHo^Wouoo. /
'A~Ra4Afal Fair
- J-
Ua toe Srst______
t steel strings to the KIMBALL Ptono dt.
have iron bearlugs. l^hey have no coAAeethm whatever with
toe iron plate; the bearings of the strtogs hMag OA the bell ipAtot
covered pimUiock which to built up of seven thlekneases of rock
maple. Tberefoie. In the Kimball Piano you get the fuU. free vlbratiott of toe striugs aod sounding board sud It uever becoAsea harsh
Thto pateuted tonal devicv. excluaively used to the Kimball
Piauo. positively insures toe oontlauaikm of the original, tone—a
i othercmAkes, aod it will be time
to tovesUgate these great ume aaving devicsA sad satisfy toomaelvea aa to their gieal valoe. No pAraou wanU A harsh toACd lAMrumeat And you can avoid that ktod by bhytoff tk# ai
cloIe^mmpariron invited
Kimball Music House
s. s. soiim
-toy face pains me doctor. What
shau I dov Apkeii thg PgUvaL
“I'm auie 1 tom’t kAow.” rapltod tM
doctor. “You koow 1 have uo way of
bupipvlAg your looks."
The Reason Why
Retail Thdr Sweet
watch for Wupd Btotors' Wg ad*
varttoAMkht to UMnarrov'A Baaord.
RRma toa toMiaa, kri^ tha hkktod,
kMABMmrpkathf Mma^
era hdtiih MiMnaa, H kknto»
Use Ricofll Want Ak
tt «• trtNiif 9mm■■■
_ toto* Maial »»ail
•■•• Mi «tot to ttoM •« JM
•abb ttowabili b tto valbr Mto-
thmm !• P*>fy ^«Mi m ktmg
9* AimMm W—w Tim Mr «m
«MM» «• I
■ wwmmMWwm
* A—Mt
pt^ intUmrn to to*
(tobr |Ma**to«aattoWbblltoa«to
bba ttoftotot”
tofPto tto aad to tto
M tod bb BMMi laawfbt bto a abim
Ika bb tmm. 9to «bbb« aaaftod a
tbapabaa* wWto tto bdipa tod toM
•tout to tto tototoJ lUfUto* Mb •#
barwMl Uaawl for a»
M aba lur mmrnm rtm
ka «aa aqUbta Tbi
jto ftWu «W* Om totMyM
toMtor VM ruOrtor
to tto ••
itor~»« Mto W
ir«toto bto
JKtTT~T^ Mb tktoi to torwf botlMM
fibi toi cMt. toto «r Wir «r ato«r
to toM. UM _
|vi^ to tottofid.
tototo. tob
k ito ir^t ttoto < v«« *m tmMdto
Wtto«otoK]rr JUd la raifwlf* Md
tototor to toad* ftoW Ida ratnat. CM
tto atoia atoftoa toM to toa
Ma «M aatar M toaanatoi «al«b*.
bagan^M) totoa
vaa U* aiMl bb alat war*
toabad to ttoa tontofb a laU to
to 4toa Tto toTMT ruatod oto la
tto aa»a
fHto badar itot to oOcbt r»bun biia
* Ur aaaa b iaitoto." r^tod tto
b b
tot tbato Snto^aWx
Tto auldbr mtr aaad rabctoi aa
itMKb as ctr to^a tbaa aajr <a»a *to
tot. aa « rub. tto tatoiBarW to tto
laad art bat ipwad «a tto bntaU toki
to tto totrtoa ta»«aU Jartoau.
boarto^r. «aa aa aafafabo. ISr^ar
falbd to laM«to tto Ktoa to iv^a*
to iirrahb »var bb toUb UU JUa.
bb fatikfa) arnaut aabi:
•Jto faual b da •rsataa’ aiaa fa‘
prijrUi’ al«bt aa’ i rate’ au’ all U«aa
bat srbaa I aara bioi gU up tarsal
>lto«a b da abbt baldsa au’ auit b
pnuto' i luioaa dsfa g»ba ira ha
bad a batpiaa baad to PM k 9mt M
rtMk. toa k ka kM af aaai raa
artti aat tad tb«a aoMV k* kM «ba
tttod la pat pom ta akbaib k apartHi
ttoa vlib pMT titna aaaidaa aad la aUl
TM aatoUbtog mrbbb aroaii balp yaa la
kaur OMMy r «a aalC raUaat Uaba
yaw aara kamaUpakw to toroatataals.
Wbaa yaa oaaaot. pat yaor tumrj la a
ol Quality
HawarM Ma M UWt Ibka Raapto
Mab Cari
Tto IkkM Waa toak.
*^toi* was a wmwaa.” aald g |
far. TTbaaa baatoad waa ktibd t
ralUMd aendiw. Ito raiuamd. ^
avoid aak, garw bar Mu toan^
dlkaflr tmatoart Utor lltoaaapalia ka
akto iip to Npv Tak aad warad a
itokM k a kato aMto to criawto
dbtotoaitod kr »«kad to ipa
aa iaaa id tto d^kt af dacto
utiaitapa tuai teM
A Curisos Widow’s Cap.
A vary cur»ims cap forms (ba “wid
Why Apa Impravaa W«
ow's weeds" of tba Australia aborigiue
“Why do miuaa impjora ml
“Bacausa they
auamerad tb* In uue i>art of tbe great island couUueut. Near the uortbeast heml of the
Hurray river It Is tbe custom for wld•Hatiyr
<»ma to alleud upon tbe ti»mlia of tbelr
defiarted lords. Then, after sbavlug
bead*, they cover them with p4*c
rled mail' or *ttot bock baa mametl
cUy. kneaded Into a paste. Tba bead
nastily.' Wa main by a wluc'a
tlaga itot tta dlSarcmt cMuponeuta- la Ann covered with a uet to prevent
tba akrobol, tto augar. the carbook acid the .clay from sticking too tightly to
and so ou-havc tdendad together the Iakin- a misfortune which Is partly
smoothly. In a new wins this hleml- averted by the amount of grcaae wKh
which eveg Aostrallan native Is anotntlug. thb martiago. has m»t yet t
A layer of this cloy several Im-bea
place, amd bcnca tto harabncaa of lu w
Ickoeoa ta plastered over tbe bead
wiaaa Old miuea are raluad baoaoae in thicku
when dg forms a sort of skulltto alcohol and sogar and acida and
olboc* have all married iogattor Into rap exactly ftttlog tbe head on which
was molded. As it weighs several
tragrant ooBapouiid.”-Exctonga
pounds, the widow's cap caoaut l>e
with tbe greatest nicety and preebioA
Beauties mf Iceland.
Xulhluc can tH. UMoc dclighffwl than
ao that Ibay baboce perfectly sud
(rip thit.ugh Icolaud. The traveler
tarn with tto least iKwalhle wear. Tbe
•ew llumsuuds of tuouuUlus coverud
Tans la, of course, longer, ou uue skk‘
of tba socket than ou tto other, gr It with rurmil su<jm. nutrlvalhig tbe
would not turn with tto wind, but Ils Alps 111 groudcui: gnat K..y««i> ami
weight ta Umr same on both akkm. If lunumcrubk- tail well**; wsterfulls, one
It ta a narrow vsne. for luatsm.'e. tb« of wbkb ilie tlullfiuii.- 1* *rt-uud only
-Mogaia lu ski- and b-auty; i golal
iUy made
weight of tbe solid bead ta easU;
nojectlng slieams ;<tid ihi^hlug .rl>er<*. lava buT.4
of fauuisttc iigureH. r.oered with iu*s.s
that gitaleus iu Ibe snu like buarfrosl.
whatever tbey may be.
sud. ua a I towuliiK Cl-i.v. Ibe mIiuimto weight
• Is KO l.rlUisai that «h>-4-u
-n easily i
mill-.-* dUliiiti
hand.- Si l>^ula Gl. u :»cimHr.iL
.. T;
kam ¥k* Mu Md k M
fak Aau
tod. TTm* are iT.dit trMMa. laigw
)y «B kstoagf.
Tto Carl Bobora mamaiial eommlh
log baa already reoalTwd OMwa tbaa
•I4.«ld kwaidta Ito moreartal to to
ilHbgd k toBor of that fuiao-
tmm Xhpbo. Hr. Haud. tbaM vaU
daaaa«|. wum ua bat. uhThb appawbboa aoau auranad fwabkwmbb atkaula dre oottaglaa oT*r M par coat of
tbu bath auMM Ito ruapMi ubm uad
tbalr IboopUoa u»
au ka atsuaikbi^ aara k* >i«w Varb
g nomas ftrah Mat
Tbuto Ha woa apprmmrbad by ka cu
BtotaosUto. aad Ibbu ftmm.
rbao. who wautod ta buow^tor* to
tto Uattod SUloa aad Qroaoa la tto
bad hast bb bat
T baem mm w«m a bat la yaarm. ordar giTm U ■agladd; ato Aim
said Hr. Mead. “I bmt ug bat by ac- tralla tba ppRM
ddaat mad (baud ttot gubg wlikuat a
bat whs (he Uwt may “ A» evldeucm of
tbb he had to moblbU a good bead of
bglr tupptug off a auubnrued tacr agd
aarivutMkd h> a
of frw^bm. He
p b
atao declared that to mraa ant afraid of
ibim bi
or aoustrsb* and that to
kl not bare bsmdacbes
• Man was out tutoudsd for bat wear
ing.” be^rouUnued ’\U ixtume golug
mitbout one mltracU i-ouaiderabb attaultou. I have toeu lu bada wtotm
I boreby aam* ato appa^ot Wadnagtto ualtves neither m«.»re bat* ur very day and Tbureday. Jima 2dUi and ITtlb
uitk'h clulblug for ttot uiatter. and 1 as Civic Ciaaniaa ato Trag Trttnmiag
hate beeut hsB
h>oked upon '
k a«>oru Ig
Days, and oak that all oar clttaona
uniu ato gaap^rata la giogniaa ato
baaatlfying ttolr pramiaaa. tba gtraato
that I wore uu bat
altaya and pwWIc placaa af our dg aa
‘tka dlsagrcMble fratuiw U wbsa ta tto above daya. It will taka but a UV
the early uiomlaga aataU Uga atm
tla tima and small gxpatoa for oacb
ena to look oftar bia own promldM.
time ou Ibe lUgbt before. It may atoia Oo this and we will all to proud of tto
Nethinp will impraaa tto viafuuuy to aome to go about iu mluler
with furs up lu tbe neck a^ bare ao itora coming to our c«ty more tton tto
appaaranca of Our atreots. alloys
bat t»n. but It b tbe beat may.”
Hr. Head abu oakl that (to practloa lawns and public plaoam Lat no, ttoroof meartug uo bat b grum tug lu tlmalii fore, maiouin oor city's ^rapoUtioa
Ug. and (be formatlou of a luirebeadrd ato maka Travaroa C>ly truly tto
aorlety. mitb bliuaelf as president, boa “Paart «r the North.”
baen dlsi-uased.
A. V. FrladrloK.
juae to£t.
ftiBn BdfM B CBI dr mmL *
iMmA M mtj mm.
ChfiktortmT rm
4BBi«r wtt^B?mt4.
Piaasuraa of Canoaing.
The vaii(.e.st is the m.Mt lielepeadaut
nf men. He caui.uHi his «-i*(t through
a stream three feet wide aud five
luebea deep, and to can safely uwp>tlate auy lm of mater that a catbost
or moderate oUed launch would rere
lu alteu^t. 'C'auoeliig is lo^'nlar bocauae U brings its «le\d»x-ca out into
the open freedom aud kts tb«-m live
tbelr summer life as they will The
cautH! <kww f(U‘ humanity what tbe bi
cycle failed to do. Tbe Uirychat was
tied to ruada. was de|wud<'ot uiKtu botota sud riatauraiiU for food *ud lodgWhen the hill was sle.*p to must
oUghl aod
walk. Wheu the road was
bad or (he f<H.t of tbe hill dubious he
must do llkew ise. TheA-auueUt sutfera
none of these reetrlcthuis. He carries
with him hta place of alMde-his bed.
B« Is
wsys. He Is iibte to iieiictrste aud
ptore out of the way stresms aud pitch
iu sjKits lu:o'«vsslble to (he
average wanderer- Ym hiiug.
Spoclml rotes tor Ftaurtb uf July.
Selling dates July 3rd and 4th. retuin
Umll July 5th. Ask ogeau tor pgrtlculars.
H. F. Moeller. O. P. A.
June 2(H-1
Bpeclol low rule cxcuislou oa tick
ets to the Jumestown Bxposillon ott
sale at ull Pere Harguvtte ticket offi
ces. Ask agents fur partIcuUra.
H. F. Moeller, G. P. A.
June 17-15 1».
U any coaea of cruelty Ao cbildrafi
or auiinals ooina under your obaagatlon call Cig book store, both phonos
Japanese fichems in Alberto.
UumoAo Soclaiy.
\ scheme Is ou ft.:i| for creating a No. 4£.
agiii-ulturni colony lu Ihe
beart I AlU rtu. as.\s tbe rhiua T»d*graidi. Well to do .lapanese farment
SPiaclAL for Saturday only; I will
out, atvordiug to tbe give uoe pouud of OB’ 35 cent oolaa
projwt. aud tto-y m lii turn ihelr mUeahiii to tbe raising of wheal aud tto- free, fur largest cash order ol gitc
CItken’s phone 1*7. L. J.
ultivatlou of sugar beets uud auythlug
June tO-St
else Uut will thrive lu the climate.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile C6
;WliCD the Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Michigan’s Biggest store, says “Sale” thousands of feet carry ex
pectant customers to the Best store in Northern Michigan.
Everyone knows the quality is right and the price just as advertised, it is always possible to make goods poorer
than we buy, and consequently at lower prices, so we leave the-questionable distinction, to others, of always
being the lowest priced house. On Nbw, and will last for the balance of June, the biggest Wash Goods Sale
in Traverse City. Study yesterday’s ad.doeely and see what sensational offers we are making,
then come tomorrow and the following daya ancFprove them.
Pbm» m
Ta&»Mnade Suit9
**Target Brand Quick Bordeaux**
for every mj^lne that U publUhto tog cto save yo« money db them HI. No matter what euitihim.tinii yw .ae •
b> the diffeteot publtahera w* can meet them oil. We want you to get our apoctal catalogue of comanywhere If you -don't wont to oulgcrlbe for anything now, you wlU later on. ao get one
tun ua praparott.
e ore here to aave you aoaey.
itoCH PILLOWcqveib'"’*""
only 10c'
We Take Subscriptions
IwoOiuiu cuuo 18^
i*00fi CaraaHons 18c a doz.
I UHJW avps, ouc
Sun Bonn^fi. colored and white. 25c
Ci.ib<rei>\g«o towen, Uc siid SOc .
ilaatltirsar tm laOlsa, Tke UgfirtWaok o( «dl aud*
Jugt to fihov onx Leaxt fai in the Tialil nkoe mo biva a raiuc.
ht color* * BARGAINS s.~
ah cut Camapuna, In red. pink and whltaC
lofg at ttosg priceii oo be on hand eorty-
WdHtV^ftf on fiUiulfi.beautifully
ie mou arfidic cokui i^ tlie
** ^
theie've^y to.
^ i
B'a kave oome of tto egiaot “Teddy
? thor ore go Jlf« likg. with tto honu
^ ^
00 Honm ic kcalthi. kOMaiMa^aUbitoytaMw
blh as tto B PolMtaa I
•mat L Ctoaow Otoib Twabd
atoad aa tto pMpMad* dark af tto Ito mm ktkito tto wmgHUL bj| «
otodb ar tww afiardaid. kkkt af a
■awapMir. aba laad about a awa dba
bad tod bla bf k tto aaM arrMt
aad. totok kb awa waa gtrtak to
Ito aatopaajr daais#m m tto aiaauai af
ftk^t itraadcttomsaabwL dto
baataued at oaaa
raOway'a cbto
Ctaiaaaa warm aa paarcaat aa to ax-. Utlaik:
Ptotoad b To baap ato tto tout, mblcb
btbai damipngaa Kaop your baad oa baX-kP "
diaraadad bb
rpow pakUkk aa pas tamrU tbraofk wdUaaabl tor tto laiMiat. tod to aa w bib ysu ouly gara taa |a.O(kl fur tto
Ufd. iaat. to ghrd ahaajra la propurtkia aorad bb fttettOa kat to bad It Iu kb
”Tto ebUu adkatar aadbd ambbli
k mar baana to koa* mrto or* paotmr; ertp. Tto olactoa to waa wmartof wore
•awad. to baW trorn ttoa« mto would of a light gray color. Tar tbey aolt aad said la a auothlag Tukw:
” UMkas. tto imaaaa b galb pbk
tab* tbtoagb fWtm or fraud m^bat you
Tto d7JW woaT pimtida .ka paar
aaad far yoaimatf aad yaor*
wMh wHb a aaw M. whowaa wbb
wUI tb*a. mrrilaa t-barlaa Q. lbm«» la
IlhtoMT aa to aald. *toada bb paaoe
tto UaiuNkP •aaaitot Itot bar* )oar m«b Ito toad aad aU ttotoi aartbW.”
baad wtor* OKiat af tto oltor feiljwi to talbod la Ito aMoatova.
ba»a oaij tbabr «yto la tbb almi* you
UB fotof to iMdak akwa 1 apeat
will bate tto athraaiaa* af ttooi
aavaa yaarm. to aa* all tto ‘baya’
baudga TkMHto Ckanm.
0ms of tbe dafidoua trsata I^ondon
Jato Rma. aa a Praptot.
adTers Awerumus b tto acUog and ac*
Joba kuox. tto lafonucr, tdoubl
eassoatoa of her tbeataim. Tto -orMB to bare poaaaaaad la mo ardlagi>'
T toaa liaahad ag pasaaps la imtar cktmin stalu or hokiuiy stslU are r*rP
dowaa tto aptr« of ptodlrtk« aad la
tbb boat ou Juas to. Vw 1 iba't ooniptuuiis amd vary raomy and am
bak fooMald arltb aarutuep aac
m atoy oa
baaw wbat tto ’tognf will da witb lue evideui
paUkTby usher Is a
perbapa 1 «bj slay
veg lUly
a Iu Idack drea«
lager U my aaargp babb
aod cogti
foit aud aikToa. pos
T daa’t baow mbat tto
pt far* and a ailU awert
do mItb ow. tut I'oi rfady for theia. aaaard of a aweel
filmsysr ready to da ug store af ar vuom. You pjg her a aixi>eoca for
each programaie. Tbe atage settings
aplta of It to would ”wt^ two
dbalpaiba as oa exsnipb-au sre perfact In datsH. Beat of all b the
to olbar. how to be
mrmt yaaim
praoeb tto guapai
goopai k hi. t
^ ^
elocution of the player*. From %he
tUba*. Bdtobafgb.” Tbb pradicikui.
rtaiug of the
froui Vork ou uiy
oibat haprohaUb af aorooiitUbuwut at
lug down of the aauu. t'och sud etrg
aiul dou't luteud
4 mas uttatmd.______
mros oXierwartl
ullervd b as clear aud luio-ful as
Kua* ^ladlcl^' wTt'h llywe^'er. I stoU go uu mming tuy tbe tlukle of a allver bell You dou't
uuul the Utna naues for wte
an-urary ‘
to malt UU the niMiMeof tbe Unt
augeb. 1 toll you that auto
you cau rveu giM>aa>alut
blugrsplg bjaegibb-. it w 01 woke pmo
ataaly waraedI tto
IdTSloir ctOt-lMM cannot to publlobetl the plot Is about. Tuiler theaa unusual
to go ti l.iuiiibguw,
(bgum^, Ias If be did oo be
uuUl 1 out dead and tto peopb uteu cirruuiataa^'es tbe Interest one tskes In
would tbarm luaet bb deolb. Tbe i
tiuued to U. Itolr childreu sud their a ploy U greatly euUsuced. ami
grandihlklrra are dead. 1 tell you It's wouden why an Atuencan comiMiuy
not sa mell drllled.-Truvel Mogaxlm
aontaUiiog amfui.”
abad tto Icato ralJtu’ fer It 'fo' dayligbt
It was fitilag tut be• 1mrbo fouud bb
life ou tbe utllelbld Sbould tiul Iben*^aii iau't »aaa to taU ob lUt r<ra tto cutrauea Into uaiuorul Ufr. but In
ra Ito Cbtooua itattaaraU iai kaobr tbe agony of lose Lee ex< blaM^. * An.v
({•'tog wuul<l be dear at su< b a |>rfe'4<!'‘
To bb wonodod gaaeral he moil*.
"Tbat*a wbai tbrr <«U lot"
Tboid 1 bave oedrrad evcuu I moubl
Tto fanaar toab tto bb tot
tova rboaeu for tto good of tbe t-ona•nat nrtnmm aad mU
Amkatm. rtda arar agr irtob lab. Ua tg to tore Uamu dbaldod la yogr
ataad "
utol r«H Uto arltb U. air.”
Jackson rspilad to the leadar. mrhj to
Ua bas a »au «f uuusual rail
bod dei'btmd mraa tbe oaly toso whuui
4a*aUaa,'tod mould ala ajs §u to
to mrould follow l.Hudfold. “Belter (bst
b i-burcb ftortub* U mas Uitaua
leu Jacksuas aboukl fail than ono
oadd dapaad upou to
rlgiii ak>ua
hojuo one has mUI that (be l^rd In
IT to did not baap amaha to maub it.
bb |•n•ridnw^ tnteotod (tot the c-nn
Ub frbada aaid ttot u mas barai
fatb rary shonld not min. and to pra ouch tavtna to would explain thosn. Oa
to vaatoaaa rtaultJua fc^ bb *i
rant It he had to gmuve Jacks^m.
(to followlug huaday h« usad tto leik
Ibna iB (to Ueaksu mar.
hyperbob and added: “Aa agreod ua,
baa taarhitia at Ito laatltata to mat..
1 beg to cxpbiu this word. Were 1
dad all aUurts faUmd to aarura fur Llio
'omny Ba
A Fomny
a abflda laat Oim to bb frbiub to
Au okl actor who ^ttos not much glr- oay that at ihb ommeut tbs mhub of
•ttamdaorm au«pMbd that tto Itor. l>r.
(o the cbaarlog glass, aay s tbe BiUtb’blu b* calbd la, aa to mat tbe uidr U.unl. oue evrnlug ment tiy
mat m to mas airur abb iu pot Js«toau tbe cjub m l^ a friend-^ met sexeral one half are oalecp that Is uo hyper
la Bbap, Iu spito of tbb ibfa^gbto
i tl^ result that he got “pret- bole, but tto truth.” Tba next day tto
if mellom ” lie k-ft his fileods and aletmiallou again called to soy that tba
started home aad aald to himself: “Hy mlnlstor tmad nut oxpbln taubuical
Tbe poopb woukl learn tbelr
buy, you're druuk. IVhflt ag you gomlng 1from a dk*l^ag.-Kocbeati-r
lug to do about Ity 1 knom. I'll go
MAtod at «b) toaab. axrapt
MU# aud gad. Whoarer board obooi
ibanad tto alakt tofmm. Tbd imbrtg
dnutkea,auui rogdlagl" Well, boine
At Mb Ward.
to bb baratnaab aa?# bb cUrbiua tto to want in a cab-wesit to the Ubrag
Hagy poatoBg uamea are gnaar
baua to **Jaitoua'a foot caralQ.” Ooa and cnauueuced to road. Hra. Artar
to bb UMsa aaldj
Ito s<vue.
’N\ hat aaougb to make one desire au expUiua
**u<br« Usdt forty jesra U. art lb«
ar* you doing 1” she uuw tlon of them Bomeliuiea lire eiplnuatlon ta guaerar than tba nanw llaalf. A
Israrllka ibiougb Ito m UtortMias. mitb tiomd
mlntator In C'aas ouuug mrota to
tastuia furubtod all (to msy, liui ot«|
”Why-ar~i»nT—you use whst I'm
Waabington lu behalf of the reoldeau
Ja<-b momld bsvr rtouUto qakbrd It loiug. my dear; I'm gailiug “
> gruming hamtaU asking that a
ibtmiab ma ball MUoma la tbaaa dgya
“Meadlugr* aald hb wife srvmfoUy.
gkoa bs addod to lU InsUtuttons.
at tto uaaal ”
Whal ag you raadiugr
regueat maa favorably received,
Uiiitary laadara bate ususlly ac
lie looked at (he book, but vouldu't
ba mraa naked to suggest a name
pnirad tto pulbg of aubabitoa ou tto •t'v the Murdm ao said. * Thai Uuk's
aattay a Vimuxn. but it mas bft f.ir haau lu the huuao fur tU- laat ttveuty that mould be accepUhle to hta uelgbatoarmall Jadnou iu make tto ro*uiy years, ao If you dou't kuum I'm uut U»ra. lie replied that they mere md
bard to please au luug as th.‘ uame waa
blttualf tto pursr/ur of supptos Tto golug lu tell you.”
•culbr. Tbe posiolBi'e depiirtiueut
fadatal tbaersl Bauks bivawr kuoma
To this his wife replied wraihfully.
ok him at bb word, aud “IV ullar"
•a Jatbiuai'a <«aiaibaary grorrsi. aud You «.kl fool, abut up that rahsu aud
the uatue of (he office to thU (Uj.Wtoa bb <toa«a msa aaul.lw.tttni tof amaiobad”
anaoa Cig btar.
ibv. Mm tt. mr.
turn m m motmm.
Utaap." ■
Urta la a M WtoM k baUaaaa. M
^yy**toabiMilirMb>Minr atoapa
bag boaa aod a»ma «ta to
Itora art mm ftot »tol mmm
Jattoto «aa Uto tbi a»H
Mtalt ttoto «» Mbir M «•
j2T Sf'riS'pSJ;.
righl place, and do the'enUtot Irteko. SS
• T
■." ,, . •
t -«MMNi •mr, MCNUMm. rawvA «w« m.tm.
m 9^ Ar4^ 9mrng.
wmaa Tm too ktoiito<kk»>
Work Tkoro.
i WUM aai Ikim Wlaton
9m mm tmftmrn
M OlhM Mr. Witooa. kr ottotokor
to Um itoM of —mtoHnUco aai fky
Mcf ka* —nokiiif to vtaatoc tko
arakik. tkto was iko oocnad MotorMip ikat k* kaa a«a a* k* woa aa
OU*M aekoiaktoip vkoa ko srai^
M tnaa ikoVad Uisk aokooL
JigMk MM. ck* ftkf 8M1M—j
H» Mi Mi (te iiilMlii il
M hMi m 9km. J A OmIv ci
tk* CkMk «i flMM. Tk* koM
mm mmur iiMui iar tki mm
I. P»4Ml «M IMM M Imm k»Mi Thm rnmmm mmm mm
Milk. HUGHCi MKklDiNT.
AH Moiem WooiMi Mi MlV
Boynl NMghhora ar* rogt—toi
aaaoi at Wooimev kaH Baaiay ato«v|l
tag at
akarp tn anaM tko an^ *^wdeikious ccnfectioBh.
riem ai tk* Aakary ckoreh.
Fruit Syrup on ice cream.
TW Oacaaia. a staam karsa^HviwI
Who invented them b un
ky tke Mivari lIMaa atiMay gf
certain, but you can set
Ckfeegto la kaitoc at tka OU dock
the best at ourttore. You
Tk* hoat azrlvai to Um Right Md the
owe yourself a treat, Tr>’
ciw imahai pelat kraahaa aU manit today.
iFmH^kundrvd pettpto tefi tkU city
v*r the Per* llargaeUo for CkarleX lx tkls moraine and many more
paasca through oa the other trains
tn stteoi Maocabee day.
Another length of the intake pipe
w. r tooeiga. a*«
Is being UId today.
UShBasVraesM..ffioe«ra* CkliJtok
There wUi b* a m<9Uag of tke
Catted CummerebU Travellers tumoriw erening.
Several boa loaif uf ckUdieo enjdyed tkc cknldrcn a day of th* W'o
man's chib at birckwtaid today at the
WyukiMqi cutiage.
Inatructmn Car For the For* Mar
Sc aaO Itc
Drug Cuk
I wu a.
Bfo Mm^
BiMr oMtodaie eC the For*
iRtm ^ will an Into eSeet at bom
Sittday. Tbe new time emrd cCocU
uog»* of tke peaaengcr ixbIm pesatog
ikrcmgh kero at preseui, but pots.two
mere OB. tk* -'CMBon Bail" Ejei .
both Burtk and south. Qotog north,
tke train li«o. 9 lear«o here al $:ii afminute atcqi. and goiug
south. No. 10. kovea at 9:90. arriving
if. 20
8«'veral of tke (relghl tralus
fectod by the change Nix 9
teavr at 11:00 p. m. lustoad of 12;U5.
•Vo. 87 will l^ve at
north Instead uf 7;10^ atM Kix *». the
Ludtogtun ruB. will iiwvc at 8. IS in
stivid of II:Ju p.
rmm Ri8tatlM»
BBronmy bm
fBBbqff mmiy
Tkm toosl aiaHm
pr«c*B BIB MpplM by iMtol tfOBtork
Tlio oBtoidi SBOtotioM ky totea. b*I
ailppod frmm mmrnr pmmm of Mm pro-
Brunary BtmMy tdioel Untoa CtocV
oi OfSaoto Vootoriay.
Tk* Um* for summer vacaUou kavlac arrtred to ike Pnmajy Bouday^
Bekool ualOD. tko foiiovtoc ofkc^o
i. P. Waaoor.
•f* elected yoaterday.
The markiH wna* TW7 dull yusteriiM^tir «f ikB MlolM. ftCtlaf M Oktof Tcmm I altM thaua Nary.
Frmidrflt Mra^ B L. Hoskea
dah. luily atsvctt loada of piHBttoa
rf«g Mnr. Mi *k« VM MUMi ky
Wko Ha* Ctoorg* of tkc KacruUias Mi»t vIce-proaldMR. Mrs. H Hol
coming to. Tbeae wor* token. Th*
I MkM of Ik*
auuos to Ike Mcaiusoe itttok
aro drupplug oqt OR* by one
r. «ko cantoi •
quette Empt*jr«a Amv*d Her*
« Soermd Tk» presidoot. Mr* U Wbit
and waltiug fur U»* cherry *emh»u.
l «( on
This Meraing.
Very Ficaaant Party Was C«ven at th* I hv'io are silll several large baBcbes
tw ki«i* «M MUfoi to vklto k*
Tkiid tic«-prraldem. Mr*. A.
Home of Miss Emma Pyku* ei
of ptuatiH's loft Bboui tke oountry.
Mis C. imilk and m« %nd Mrs
Utoo «M ouTtoi owMoato Mi
.K srktiul riu wtatwls anived in this
Msdisow Street Last Night.
the lunners boldlug off fur belter
lit uiy HuUUi of Bingham atv to tkc
M Uto krMMto m toik or Very Grotty Akav at Ik* Covcit Ham* Herrrtaiy. Mr*. UcMaaua.
city Uu*. uuitu It to an tostructmu
piiciw. tut it Is probable tkat there
clly lodoy.
k f y*a«ng to Honor o< Five
fpito Mi cantoi fiftk MfMUM»
I roaaurey. Mrs. H«o»'”
A pleasant evenlug was enjoyid
will be no groat change. Now pota
Mis. M hi Backet of Ikls Hty went
H»gh BMaai Oraiuaua
Curumpoudeiire s<*hia>i and is eharc home of Miss Knima Py bus I
loej, will to roady in about als weeks.
Klngsk-y ikU
)M«Ot ttta *a» glfca at the koowMia H. Bdgrn ha* rrturued to ht-r t« it-d L> the iVre Marquette railroad Madtoon street last evenlug. a fair The Chk-ago market U very llg!kt, the
<if Ulaa Itoulak (k»reil by tk* 8 U
koip* lu Ctom Lake after visiting to m^lfuet Us employIt is lilted well being glv^-n lix hmior of . Mi.*<s receipu biditg lighter oo W*do**day
late a Ix'ol
up with woiklug models of to»tn the Miuule l..iy«'iH'k who will leave In
thau they wetv Iasi week or a year
r cat (toM, cktoa. •ilr«rw*re. club la»t fvoataa to kunuy ot 'ttol of ibt* oum* of ra#*,** k* aald. frlcnda in this cll.v
•«e ia*7 lltobM liOol giaduJUea. MUa
Ml** 'Mayme
pa>^MHl New Viek and the Wv^llughuuae lew days foi her honii' I'n Ithura. The ugu. The new imiIhUm-s from Ittdlau
aiu golug to make aa omi<^' of
I (uraUara
brake au.l every IklnB jmiaimug to a lawn was pretUly llgiu.d with Jap Tertl!oi7 are selling wv'll and briugoa
hwomollve J B Mouroe. who bus an.'si- li.nteins and made cv«y with tn 30 corns lo w emu*.
The only
mcact Beti. Broaa fkrtaftliic
charge of tkv car. gtviw tlmy'^s'lutvs vetteiw.. chairs and small tobies
tiling that will Insist tbe prio* on the
i\oM Ham. koral. .
the tallniad uu u ‘^i- ftrsi tn-slmieuis of kv ov.vm uml eake remainder of iho old crop is n abort’ i-mmirTk* naicua were prciiMy decuratod
tSd Ikyuuug of L«u»lug was lu
Cakkag* liatai
l*e l.ejn
age of new potaloLW to CkWwgO BOd
Uvi'bdar aad arkite Ikr cdaaa c<d
tl> ihi* muiolog Ml ik-yuuDg was hiluie is friHO M to 11 uchak. the
tk* pak- aii>l kisalug mitlure «Uk
th.ii would probably last but a day ur
formerly cnvployed al J W Slater's M-eoud Imm 2 l«i 3 o'clock sud the
Cake* a. lUaia aud Htok arkoui peoaaiiU omnar.
lop Croaai
I bud Is iroui ; 30 u. 9 uVlia k Tto‘
two at the outside.
Tke arckvay toadtoc lato tk* dialua
furnllmt- stun- m this rll>.
"It muat aiaud for two Uour*.- i
. OuBto
ara* kubg arttk a curtalQ Of pur aald. "Tbeo II must la- flllenil. Uicu
UUs Buto Sedu has retoiued to krr
CM ft etty gDioU itota Mr. «ai
Home Guards of First MChurch
tioainera aad hubrkes vt violet* It muat be lei)led u liatf day. tke
rtj)«- al V4-rmut.tvUle wkeic she will
Mr* Oaotal aai Otoai UuMaf. Utker
•alliBi FrtoM.
Although v'verybitdy Is at lilterty
aa a evaiMiraiMi la-lu^- i-utitiuually sfM'ud ihi kUinnuH
Held Anrvual Meeting I I Nigh
aai laolker aai kriikai of tk* sroom vkile arid* tibkun* of violet oeru rej»la«-ed
CUarback |Muk. per hbl...........18.00
In tke i-ud you lia^a
Hni-iid iheM- m««4-tiQgs tki*y would
Mr aai M|b M« obI i«<tokter,
ouoce of pure grapi- aucar. Try 1tkl*
Clerback iKM-k. per lb..........
r Maigciy left this momtog lor
ttirto aai aaat aai ooaMa of tk* four roruera of tkr Ukle okero tkej exitcriioeul.
It never faiU.
fall*. Have
employe Tk. im-u are luslructwl fn Iniendi nt. Mm. Uardetun , st the home Khort rut of pork, pi'r bb)....18.00
nib'a. aud vilb
MM. Mr aai Urn. ftokoasatk aai vote tk<d oUk bubrktai of tke cUea
kelp ^.r i:; HpiikaUc. Wash., wkum they will
MIks Somem yesterday afteniiMiu. lATd. per lb.................................U 14
floov-r. ITte fulloolng meau **4 n orUi of fuH. «krmIcaU oud lab
spend llu* sutnnu-i tcturnlcg to tbU the laws p.'>'t^l»liiR to u-rintnal lusts
•M*. atolar and kfoikora of
of the air brakes The ear will pruh The following officers we«e ijceled
f-au iJiauge every |iouud of ran* lutii city next faU
VMaaa. Mr. aad Mfk ToM«r of Mid aervod:,
iTi-sldeid. UiIKire ilendeixiu.
Bacalloped FrrfMtoea a pouud nf tka koeat autor.“-Li
Miss Mary Andr lauu of Uteiiil Rap ably rcniaiu lu Ibis city about a woi-ki%rlik). aval oki aacto <d tk* krtd*, Veol liiair.
Vice piv-sbleul. Hutel Gherlng.
btead obd Butter
B la visiting friepds in the city
Mf*. BrtolMBkoi fi Hto iUi^da
Hecji-tary. Nina Cntilkeil.
Mrs. Harry A Kent and daughter
Mkadamker of tk* krid*. Mr. aad
Tk* Maskifwey TK*y Uckad.
Tieasurer, Kaoinl Hule'y.
Willtaiu Jam.-s Itruwii aud Miss
t.oulse, fuau HuohomUh. Wash, are
Mra. Ztok, Mr aad Mr* Itoautt
Tkc following story U told of tbs
lie evoatn.
Assorted Cake.
the city vlsItiuK n^lutlvis fur two Jmsle Briggs, to.lh of this cHy.
lr*t ap|a>aranc* of a
married at tin- First M. B parsonage Oaidi'Uer.
tbiee months
Mile box biiretary. .Margueilte Uu- Chickens, per lb.,...................... 18
Lateudar aad oblt^ mliita
di-s A F Ketlinger la visiting In yeslerda.v ufultuKUi. the Rev. .Joseph
Potatoes .......................................... ...40
Dutton officiating.
Toasts viitlea to tio- form of dl- to copy her. A Jank of
Uigantst. .Murgurel Shvrw.KHl..
plomaa. vero at eack plate eud
erery way auiaTlur to a fnreliru built
Ham, jMi lb. ...................................
or* Vtoie card* ou wkW b aero pic skip and OI
„ A Pleasant tort ef Oector.
CtoaaH Court CooMttMtonor
ev of tb<- Htgk ackiMil sod pun completely rtllpa* tkla new cmfl. j
"A nian.vvh«i ba«l U-eii desi/erataly |
cordlugfr l*addl* wbeela wen* mind
•• to* B«ault of
naata pained by Mima iVvell.
1 in town was sent by hU dvK-tor|
Flower Cardens «t the Central School
koiU In Ckancory.
Tke evenlug vaa duUgktfully ipimt
lighted urulemeatk WUeu tke amoke down into the tv*uatn t«» recuperate."
are Attractive.
aa.v s a writer. ~The luvulkl was much
In yamce and music.
oras eumlnc up freely tke auebor
Till- Ctiitral }«-li<»<il giiMiiuU hiivc Oats.............................. ....................
Uoea nil kitulBof houie aud
' drratt l^ourt roaimltoltotof Curii*
weiglu*d. fbe wke«-l* moved slightly ivUaimi-.l ou arrival, and tbe ksai doc
gicatly to-autfflt-d .py tl«<- plant
ollioa oluabint;.
kold a mi*> *4 ival taut* drtolvliis
Ckner seed ....
snd off the junk nianed. U* tke delight
of hower gaxieuw. Criuison clovor .
Ctlv Ftiivshm
Al Di.axU-. S).<M>bi..rr
of tke proud owner* But their pride
fifki a ekapeerr raac at ton <
thing lu tbe world U plenty of cab
uiv fnur trlaugular gaideuM Alfalfa
kopM toiajr. Tkc matter taas fitioj Prepram at Fourtaanlh ktr*«t M«the- was abort lived, fur a few eullUkins L<aac. Nothtog wi uutrltk.us as cab
whori? tiu- walks Inu-rM.vt that have Alsyko
toon proved to tkeiu that the, tide
di*t Ctvurck This Evening.
Ikf aali li M«rr B Btokto ra JukB
alone vat reapunalhle fur tbe move huge to a cnai- of thU ai.rt. Give him
bo«-u (urmid Into pausy aud verbcii- •nmothy
WaiP at aJ and tk« pfppwljr sold am
Tke fidloviuv: prngiaui *111 to- glv ment Ho the auebor was let dowu iou of It * The sick insn groatwd a
tilu l«-ds. At llic i-ahl aud weal luids German
turn mUlet..................
atotoi of Ikrr« koUkaova farm*; tkr •n al tke patiluth- t-nlerlaluim-ul
again und tke situation disrusaial. Tbe prot«>st. nud th.-u the drs-tor rcH'ousid
are circulni' gimli-us of lilU-s and
Hungarian mlUet .........wi...
y’ouiteentk strvn I
Uetbodisl next step was to put a Cbliiene Josa bv eoed the matter. After all.'he mused,
■lajrtar farm of tkirty aero* ka-ated be
niiiuma. The w«»ik grc-ally toauilfU-s
» toll* •ootk of ikr dty, (ke I'ran* kim'k toutokt
tk* irr. but with no better result They •all we (au do I* ge-uUj to «
bit alix-ady boauUful t>|ioi aud makes Orcknrd ffmM.....................
<«uld not make out o'hv tbelr l<oat away; ease him away. Cir m-ud him
torn of tklrly arre* bear Graoa and
ki-ier-tliiU by uirkestia
somelhluc that 11 ik. il.' He i
I lie grounds one »f the pieltieM
'CtrlumliU Che (b ui of Ike (»rr*u." failed to compare favorubly with the
tk* Tlllipauck prepr^'^y roosUtlnx
places liiNihe city.
foreign Uuit until a wUi-acre UUk-ov
by etmgregatluo.
Mi acioa la Ortam Lake lovoaklp.
Rye, per ba........................ .
«rrd that a Chlueee joaa oaa no good
Tk*r* «iJr U* aJoHkor like aale tu
Prayer by ike |.akiiir.
for that InislneM. hut It was a fotelgu
THE full bill at the City opera
morrov. an outMPWtk of tk* ault itv
Auibom by rbolr
rU'vll that Ihey wanted Inslik* N'oue of
houee tomorrow, Saturday. 2:45 |
Children’s Patent Leath
Tied to a lunatic asylum, rav
Hcmaik* Uubnrt K Walter
Utrnm ^ koutk aide Lauuber oom
them, however, bad any klea how
Butter’ ................................ J
msd The patient recovered."—Chi
er Brown Beits in blai k,
get one. wi they derkl«*d that the <
toibi. Mine Ploietire Is-cker
|iMr *ai
o Fratt |t U aeliuoi
go News
fashUmed Junk w»a far tka bMt
white and red, ali kizes,
jkat tk*o* ckannery aalua <«)cur ^
Talk. Ml lUiKiti
A Cou
ikto oouoty, twt uouoiruo’a aai* olll
Talk. C A lUtmafi.rd
Tbe word •iiumper." meaulug a drink
n. the
kp tk* tkiri to ike paat year
kp-lei tioti by oK'heotia
ing veaael, drrivMl ita origin from ifae
THE full bill Bt the City opera Light stiH-rs amk heifers................ 3|f)4
1 a prsctli
Talk. A V. NVUlugi r.
Uumau Catholic irliglou It was the
Steers aud In-lfeis, Hoo lbs-----4&£
house tomorrow. Saturday, 2:4S p.
noDcy of 1
custom In Eiiglaiiil lu audeut time* to
Hwhaiion A M Btdiid
t>reo«Ml poultry ......................
drluk the hiolth of tlw |Ni|)e sfier dm
Hobi. K Hum ait
Chicken*, live weight..................... If
in a full glaaa of wluc ThU was word, lie feimsl tbe king's angi-r and
H«na. ................................
(CVnUnoed ftum niM Pas* I
UnrttallrJU. Miss Matod tiret no
Just in lime for the 4th.'
Ml *deoot«led puny tig aud aunUu-r
bav* the ooutrac Uou "bumiier."
Felguiug death, he had his frU-Dds car
tUtkeslia. sekvloai
fheep, with wool on ----------- . .04
ptlle for the Maamd to«t dupla)
17 hU body ibefore lalward Tbe king
Ibv-iiatloi) MoirU Maivlli
Spring lamb--, live wilglit ..
Moater Hull and MIm kcliey skoukl
•oroe Idea nf the flor
Bor (MVlul to
t whlrk fell a ready
ly vk-tliii to the deei-ption
ko glvvo every t>be<iuiagemeni
and to Ills iamentatloiis over the sup
VAmerba. ' b>' i/mgi.-gstion
from the fa.t that thrrads |MMied ilesd f<«*l said he freely forgave
Green hide*.................. .......... 7® J
Btokihg tkl* «Ho uf lh« U *t fiottuic*
have Is-rn drawn, two of which ran to Ibe debt. Hrogau Immedlatelr sprang
Cured hide*
Ilf llui crlebratoib
twistwl together ami luserted wtthiu to kls feel, exctolmtog. "The news Is
Tallow............................ ........
Aguatit bpoeta.
kirit ui't'S. iben- otil be a large the hollow of a huiuaii hair. Tbe.se ■o revivifying that It hat called me
t’hir.igo. June 31 Wheal. !*l^r.
' Tk* aiktotk- Hub U pUiioiuic to
tbreaiU arc »« Uiflulleslmal that It bark b> life."
imll of anoar big aqaallc evetiU aud
uetvls a maguif.v fug alas, to see them.
opIh troll. Jane 31-Wheat. SMiej
ronstdi-rubly more tbau hslf tbe pc<>
iktor oBurta will undoubtedly meet
kouec The foalute of Ike *c»-k
All lengths and sizes are
eoili. 3C<
mitk Ik* aattol suceao*.
In Germany, to pn-veot poison toing pie of the wiifld live lu the lountrb-s
to* tbaale Campbell
Kuo*le«. ohtainrsl for evil purtswes, none U al wbbk iKirdt'i ou the Parlfir ocoaii
expected by Saturday.
Tker* «rlU lo four svlmmlng i veni*
M duoua lotiUailu. in oiH-ralti a*; lowed to to aold wtthnul n written or- Htalistb's funiUhiil by Ike Cnlted
features for ladies and
Includlkf *
ttlider altHUIes <P-partpienl itf •«-oiuu»en-I» and
Saturday. MatFront htiei t. Cii/, |,h.irie PGk,
toon yvars uf «f'<- <»r okuk k<>i.i
labor give tlirsi- iimuirles. excluslv* of
at 2:4S, City opera house.
will be uiered the otuiu-t»
June 31 L*'
I iiileil Htale-. 17.V<s;.i»'«'i Mpiare
WATCH f.o Wuial »4sl««a‘ big ad
An under-vatior swimming contest
jvertiaciuent |ii Uauivritf*'* Btiruid
WANTEO-GoikI Duin lo work
ortll also be ketd
farm for h few days. H S Km e
jum- 31
( aUlrVAj «M MflBi
kMktk » krti«} vn»4k k»u Tk*
tf M irt—i>i kr A*4m SikkM
€$ Ummm Md Mlw iMn HlekM
mm ki tkU mut^uirn^mkm CMkf.
s.Mlo»e f
Tuv p.-r II
...... .........•••«•'«
............ ••
Special for Saturday
8c each
Our Long
Wristed Gloves
J ntptj
Our Great Unloading Sale -roiyiORRow
$ 10,000 must be raised in 11 business days.
MATINEE. City opera houS^, Satur
day. 2:45. 10 eenta
Deep cuts in every department.
Safe will positively end the evening of July 4th
CLOSED ALL DAY to mark down prices lo get ready for this great event.
Tbdtmnds of bargains heaped upon couatars and shelves for this eliven-day sate
Itdmeiiiber the date, June 22, at 8 o’clock a. m.
..........——:--------- ------------------------------
-- ----- --
LawnTrimmer Pitneri^soline
uahttae Ptei
A new tool for removing
sod growing over edges of
cement walks. By its use a
narrow trench is cut next the
walk, preventing sod growing
over edge of walk, greatly im
proving appearance of lawn.
Far Sak ty all Hardware
Consisting of three indoor sad
one outdoor lamps; s 5-gnDon
tank and air oompre^r, with
proper quantity of wiring.
By object for neliing this outfit
is to make room for gMUghtinu.
This is an (UoslWt qpportmuty
ior a Bi^l ftpre or chmoh to
ShouresNo. 1 lighting plant at s
very iMsoashle price; Also for
Grand TravMiWM HoepItRl
TmvwiS Oi^, MIdh.
kM to ttp PM. V» taka ■
Ita ■ w m.
Iteipss. fteSasoaPM BMduw
VpaPMaat. fMsMfaiaiM.
tWMnr<» »lrt kMfiM
i»r •MV>1
mmK m W. aifktt Mm. »f«. t
)m« mM
Miter*. I«MM
ft m4 teW*r» BmUi foctonr of
WMte HI§»M C’4i.
teM UU.
U. MW.
Margam OMlan
»kPM Itlir
Older. The guecU ara given Ue treedum^uf the (wo Suoa.
Mbs Flora ItevU.
ateuue. iMrvH. staglag teacher In Uc
won faAkfa-lMfa-AUUaU teat ua
F. F. LAWTON. M. B.-OfBeaWllkala IHibllr schools at MarskaU. has been
Mato*atrao(; larga frama koaaa aad
ktock. BoU pkonat.
apr I4f rv-<-ngagrd wlthan Increase in salary
•IHt WAMTfD--llia Mi, OM
paad kara; tkl* pruoatU la la Ika
She drilled a boys' ckonia of ifteeii
tmt faUrr
)«M ll4f.
aaatar of Ua kaaf kfat k la Travaraa
OB. M. fa aBBOOBY-Pkpatotoa aad vtdees which took the leading part In
dtjr. katvaoa
aad Park airaat
Pkoaa (he cumnM'ucemem program.
AOMTMf **AW--lt«r» rmtilig
aad Ua aoaalag kaalooaa ktoak of
^ .lU
Ul. Ml, Iro
Woodbury. J. fa hleUregor
IfarUara Mtekdgaa: prupartjr u Uia WB HAVt opened s feed ba^ In old
Basldwioa lit Walaot.
.lnu II f iu. «. IMT. rt«. kterk
aud lAartin liawsun. uf YpsUauti, have
Culunibte bara.
Beguler buuBeie
kaa iartoaiad la rahia ovar
filed a blliof complaint and Ue cH)
and faruers. Heaola'a Fked Barn.
faar kaadrrA par aaai la aavaa
O. C. moffatt-aikoiiaeu sf tttto
l»«M IT M« W «■ k. IMIMM »
are cited (u ahow cause
paara, U vlU do batter tkau Uat la
ill State Mak ku
why they ahoold not be rwsUaln^
Ua aa«t awvta yaaru. Veap yuanaaa
BHiNOtt and atetel root ^twpaMdg OB.^faABLfa-nOBB-Xtoatlat looa from Mprradiug U.mh* oa the ua rom
1^ »: foiM IW U4 0M»ru.|.
aMAayouUdUafakaOU.Ool<L Cup
and palnUng a specialty, itoll at 721 I ftrat !.aUoaal Baak Bldg. CIO ai. a bonus to the hay press company
Un Mr inwDUM M ik<a. .ko
fag Btf tv-eenUy located. The bonds have
fane IMf. sans pkoaa lU.
•MToottMoot AMr M I
aad pteca U to gaud proapootlva
Noirr MMIhlf OftM. MuotifM proparty la tka boat city to ika atoto
U-ea issued by Ue city and sold.
A. 4. McFHAIL-DonU
•faoA, (to4 Mar), m rtoot *trofa. Akara all rloMaa of ray aauteara
Uy failing Into the hold of his
TmmH 0|4r. fakfa-, for furtMr to
fsther • boat at Uetndt, Tuesday. Rua
adraaotoi to prtea. »kara faatortoa
Wa era mow to a poslUoa to i
------ Him l« )ii.
MrPbrrwun. of IhMt Huron, was
kava tocraaaad Uajr oapaoHy to ^ka
WBLCH—Attorawp at
of pour work. Wll. AUaUBTINfa LBBTBB
a distance of twenty-five
work a apadalty
POHfaAH->fia|..|in«n m Vik» dateoi Uat tkay kayo uat auippad til B. Froal alraet HUsena phone ^ WIU Uadarwood A Utotor, BuU
fvet and. U^ides suatainlng Injuries
MM ftfifM Imm MfMmi Ua poputoUtt. wkaro Uora Is too ni.
juaa latf.
Jan I
his bead aad tegs, reoalvod Internal
Mom, iteo teva; a Na l htmcoI
hurts He was brought home.
DM; HrtM IMM W«4* Btm. tlT cklld okera U« local ecdunaa of Ua OONtULT MaBui Htoaa. tka palmlat OB. F. J. MAC NBTT—PracUoa llrntt- Afit'i the i'uidwatei file dopartmeul
local papars aro iUad olU waot
•mm vm at cli pMm ittt.
at 117 Uatoa apoa aU afalra In Ufa ad
and FITTINO OP QLABBBfa Offica td be«‘n called to thu outskiru of the
mjr tl-if ad« far Bioa. ooiueo. buys aad glris.
tear lau
Mt Witoalte ktock. Cltteans pkona ly tu eatiugulsh ui small blaxe, fire
okars faroMra poiBe for aillaa to,
bmko out IB m business block on
Wi WANT •tmjMj to imm tMt dlapuaa of Ualr products aad pur- NOTICB-Wa dean ckltenaps and fu^
aaoaa and aura atovaa Urougk Ua FIANO TUNINO-W. N. MUlard. M v'hk-aKu stret-t, owrutHl by Mrs. W N.
«• MO oUU 4M mt ttH^to4»to «rjr ckaaa tkair auppltes, wkara
years asparlanoa. WIU QrlnnaU Wiwvester. uf Detroit. 1*. A. Rhopard s
At ta Um oUjr. clasaap of fralt. grata aad vagolaklas auteBMT. Travaraa Clip Btova Ba Bros., oormar Front and Oaaa Su. du goods store was heavily danmged.
* H«te IH^ > oao k# auccaaafully gruwo. Wkara pair Oo.. Ml W. PYont OlU. 117.
The orglu
the fire Is unknown.
ratora kaa abuadaaUy. poa lavlakip
A fa MABTIN-Pkpatotoa and Bm AfUi attending a religious gather
auppUod Uo aporumaa. Ua aokol
peon. Ofloe tM Knot Front atreot ing In Audersou. ludiaua,
M Clare,
vorki HM HOT wook: itoa oao far arm. Ua artiat aad tka lovyid wltk
of Alma. Mkh.. developed acuate
MMM woffa Mib. fa J. MurgM. avorp Utof tbap could daairo. kap.
1 an Indiana Union TracUoo
Hf ifate MioM
Munclo. and It required aov
ctear. pura Creak water, pood clear FOB Bf NT-Uiod pasturo for kuraaa
and cetUa fanguimi of M. Winnie.
er.il men to hold him unall he could
lustlUp air. dak. fruit, aad vagato
kkANTtP—OMUNMfi for teJ
|«2 Bute street
June 17 llt* MBfa fa W. B0NNBBW kalr dieaatop bo lodged In Jail Claie believed that
■Mteteo. (tellTOf Mjwkor* la Ua blaa. Wkat teora could ba doalrod.
Mtora ovai dtp Book Btora. Boom
had been given power to puulah
Tbaaa are facte wa ars atattog and
oUjr. OfMk MM Mratfiiro Oo.
TO BBNT—Pleasant farnlaksd frait
anyouf, aud that be was Immune (rum
luMlltf. caa bp vortoad. Agate wa aap plaoa
ytiur luunoy la Travaraa City or tka
Monap to loan, lit Suta f
board uf educallun of Charlotte
Urend Travaraa region.
kuUdtop. CllUans pkona IM
bas called a special muellug of tbo
Urus. S17 Vulon atraat. OtUsens TO BBNT—Ptoasantly furatokad front
. TMlfa
BBAL BPTATB AND LOANP-Ouad U-gal voters uf the I'nion school dlspkuur 181».
Juaa IMt
raoin; all uiodarn convtnlenoea.
Traverse Land and Loan Oo.. F.
I'harhrtte. tor June 26. to eonJune KKf.
rtell. UauaKer . Office, room I
WANTffa-IUMMr far braiick oftoa FOB AAti—Houaa aad lot. atodara 2W Oaaa.
sidei the sdvaslblllt) tif building an
M *Uk to toMto kara to Travaraa ouovaateaaaa asoapt kaatlag; alpkt FOB BBNT—Three Urge
addition to the Haw ihurse ai hisd. bedir. AMnaa. Alik ralaraoaa. Tka blocks f<a» poktorace: easy larau
rosimii, upsUlrs.
telrs. at |4 prr
Dr. O. B
. Bute Bank block
Mt K. Blgktk street
MarrU Wkolaatte iiouaa, UaclaaaU, iDOdarata oout. Pkoaa 4»8
Both phui . m tr. Realdenco tl4
auurM 1010
III W. NlnU atraat
latf HOUPB TO BBNT—Dr. Moon.
W. BtghU t cm.
‘ ■ WMITtD-Mu.
WANfVD~Voar apkolatarlag, funil^alr cautog aad fur
•llgro packtofa fa H. Tuaaar. 4ll
Vatern M.
apr i U
ef Ua«taeraaaa In )
of tka asgioMp of psrefa tM kw« to
OtBAtHIM^ FfaATHBB vlpltod croaa. rifapasi
iM.ataMto. CABFCT
BfatoOVAl^a aad>VOFF BUOBI Bd
Bdward Msisekte. of MASlMMfa kaa Ua oraaka oM rtvwd. Tkor ctol* tkat
•M PM A kaM I
b.« admitted to practice kMoew Ua tka Banfitt oarp la ftotutgrtog tka
fa CMpto. Clttosa pkosia itifa “ j*««
spawn of tkoaa Bak. esutetog tka aotrmap lau totartor daiteftteaat
top er koaiMni MP IplM pood
dtp- Tka akootlag duka^ are alao
mm to atowwi §t PM tkMMPd
lining of Ua damoM Uay ara
4aMn aa pigt^ paptoaM:
IMM. Wada faroa, tlf
solred and Ua bustocM aUI ba oao Botag to Ualr rloa beds.
Hue IMt ducted
Bating a disk of lee eroam aaved
Itolea tu CIt. pkoM UU.
bp tobn P. Bmlik. owner of
POa tAt»-A»te4 Mibv fa I.
tka Ufa of tka t-yaar<tld aow of Mr.
faM 1M
•ap IMf A. fa DOBBOfa -Jaattoa of tka Pgaeev tbc BnooMer.
aad Mra. Cynm B*. Boptri. of Wavor
. War la batog wngad kp Ue cktof of
HitelBaa fa MIUIkM ktook. I
m4 W
>oa aAtt-amir.
ly. Wltlto to BtogktmUte Ua UtUe
Beads, isortpapas aad contrecte aw police at lanaiaB agntoat v<
mm: mry kU4 far •kllirM 10 rtio PPfa aAtfa^l«ia~iT aaoii Ma aad
kor eraa glrra a diak of lea cream.
te Artf. fa J. IfanM. faM
kaoAtodpad; real
koapkl. impoorn, oandp and Mgars who uka After aatesg Ue cream he discovered
sou or reatad to dtp oir oonatry up Uetr ptooaa to Ue atreeu
bottle of aatteto asB -took one large
Mit4M ofawa ppa »Ata-j.
soom pood
itotaaAOMi. pMm
Uow. The liquid borned kls mouth
fiMMirfaii. IM fa Utteteo M.
karpatoa Hated to farm aad dtp ever known In noitkarw Mleklgan and ka dropped Ue bottle and
mv iMf
won faA^ldTi-.ii aesM tM teltea propeitp. to oCBca Wadaaodap aad opened
In Ue uppar pswtoaula pilgrim screamad. Tka .attaadlng physician
OUk kniidtop; Meat loenttea ■atardap avaotops. BMldaaoa
age Wadneaday attarnooa of Ua 8m\ sayw that If Ue ice cream had not
tor MUarkaa yptodPMo to tola m ett PPt.
aprSktf wltk a parade of 400 sromkarw of Ue baen In Ue cklMa atoomch that U
wada Broa, OT
'KriKsajr :S
H«k WAMTftft-AI m far v
M IMM* w«rt. Mrs. Tr^r OUlU.
m tUteMm
Him IHt
INas P IHicbiflSB
•Mm isifa
apr N-U
FOB aAtB»mt-><toP koadrod aad
UirtpAva aera toras. alpktp auas FOB BBNT—Oficea to Ua WUkalm
Uaprovad. larpa bare gad |
kfack. & WUkalm.
tear ItU
kousa. orckard. torpg aaouat
pood wood, tlskar, tarn yi foaoad FOB BBNT-II4 Lake avaaua In
ap^tl tf
aad BO kattor aoU to ka faoad; ate auira lU fa BtokU St
gyipi poauagat of «ttp aa
road. Baal Bap toaraaklp: ckaa to FOB BBNT-iii Oaaa alrotL toguira
aokool aad okaiak: vtU aaU oa aaap
targM. awaar to eUar kaatoaaa;
pftoa|I.Md. Wada farea. UT Mato
MON8Y TO LOAN—RmI adato lor
aato. Uoosaa to rant Dr. W. fa
Moon, dtp Opata Honaa Mock.
LOPWOBTM—Bpecld at
dlsaasaa of Ue eye. ear.
noaa andi Uroat aiaaaga Bttad
Over Joki
1 drug atoce; -
would have died. The child la now
oa the toad to recovery.
fkmway Jomea and Carl Dally, at
Detroit, enjoyed all the pleoaorea of
a launch Hdc^ In Mace Iksy lake
PoaUac. until they dlaccncred that the
gaa^lne supply hib caughl tra. The
quickly spread to the wood
work, aud the oocupants of the b<wtt
weir obliged to awlm to shivre. t
was foriunaiel)' not tar away. The
launch was almost completely' dewlioyed
Metick R. Thews, agod
years, a
Uuidlng painter and decoraUtr of Ann
Arbor, was found dt^ad tu bed by hts
wife. Tuesday night. Thews was not
couahlered dangerously 111. A widow
child aurvlvoa.
The Michigan Hlom^r and Hlstoii
cal WKbHy. founded In 1174. will hold
tu thlity-UIrd annual meeting tu
Lansing. June 26 and 27. Henry R.
Uanlnglll is secreUry. An exceeding
ly Interesting program has been prv-l>ared.
The disappearance of two horse
blauktOa la causing Antunlua Kunka.
uf Uetrull. considerable worry. An
toulua Is under anvst at
charged with having stolen the horse
coveringa from Adam (>90100: In Royal |
Ei •'.rsr'w:r;.srTi
Ipewfa Maa lltofa Wtoda Broa,
HT Mote Uatoa atraai. Cfa Mom
»v Ml
Power for Your Boat
BfatUUcB wtlli yoBT
bontciiBtacT lfnoi,ii
would oortoinljf pgjr you lo
invudliRnla the
. -j
M. Paige
Phona 37S
-- ____ __ ____
Beneral newt
James C. Hoplins
Daniel C Smith, aged til yv«rs.-and;
Mtsa Henerletta Hill. Med 36. a achool ^
teacher, were marrle# at Prowcott by 1
Justice Wm. Maurer. Thlsru the agv'd 1
groom's fourth venture on the matri
monial sea. They weie married to the!
K O. T. M. hall aud ISO of Ihegroora-K
di<«ceudauts wltnesaed the ceremony. I
The oouucil has granted the Cran |
ebUe for a sU-am railway asked by W. j
T ('russ, trustee. The rtrad is t
built wlLhin two yi-ais to connect with
the new bell line at Detitdl. The n
laltway, if built, will be called I
existence primarily for the relief
the augai factory
oa or kafora tka tU day of Octebar.
Ar a IMf. and Uat aalt otoiOM wiU TBAVCBBB CITV LOOM, Ufa m,
ha heard h
' K. D. T. M. M.
K O. T. M M., Na 171. maeU avery
tea dckmk to tka toraaoon.
Tkuraday Flskl in tka OsU Fallows
Dated Jaaa t. A O. 1M7.
kaU. over WSrieaA Kandy KRekan.
Mart Wttkans, (Vmimatetor: fa M.
ffankha Baooid Kaapar; faA-Bvena.
June 7. 14. U. 24.
Ftonnea Kaapar.
Kyoo wnmlbegl
kteWBdbMl ter.
vice tekphooe
mw vibasLn ilooc
l>. y. Kingsley. 1
president of pass the nlghu. iw-rfumed as the uoe
B. fa fa MINOR—Office over Amarlcan Drug Btora. BperUl attanUon ihe .N't-w Y«tik Life Insurance Co. lurual almtwphcn* thero always Is.
to eye. ear. noaa aad throat Glaaaaa
son lu isw of the late' J«iJiu A. with Jasailito and axahar. in sgieeaiile
IHAMTlft-fkr oolteauoa. amaa aad
tttad. BoUpkoave. Banldauci
McCall and Is bu yesrs old. He was diversions -chess, bllllardM. eaiOs aiiiJ
Old aoaoaau A. PpMral Haallioa
born at Albuig, Vl. on May ft. Ifti7. bowling.
fair tAi»g
giaduated tioiu the I'ulverstty of
The king and queen of Knglaud
OB. W. B. MOON—BpacUllst—Qenlio,
nrtnary. akiu and blood disasssa; II Vermont 10 tSVI. having woikcd his show iheli affection for their botwei.
Uatoa fat. ca pkoM Ull.
years ciiM iiencc. City opera bouaa
through college.
H«? went to
^ curhais way. When a fuvoiiUtoklHf
block. Both phunaa.
tOBT—HliU'k silk uiubu-Jl«, |n’eil
CoK.raiki. (aught school and dM news I
u hixifs are cut off and polUbi-d.
handle wltk silver uiiuniluas^Ptud j
(w|HU work for a while
tOT FOB BALI.t~Wi»t ^hth aUMt
aud the borst-s name te luscrlbad
ISO i'M« atraai
er pknae luave ut Record Herald
was elected audlu»r ef ('trlojado. an each biMif. These sro placed te a ■
floe local loo. Inqslrs K H. Abbott.
Plate stioct.
Juaa 7 U.
June tO-di
•Hire which carried with It the du- In one of Ue harness rooms ut HantI
Tkto koiiid PIIM« I.
of sii|M'iitiU-udeut of lusurance. rlngham. On the wall sbovo are pbo
gulfa Jua. Omirtada. ruutv «
FOB iAL.Co-1124 I'anu. eigkO-lva LOPT—Mack ouveivd account book,
Kft be eiileied thi* New Yojk IJfe logntphs or prlnU of Ue owners of
Juaa uai*
IBTHUB HOLLIDAY, M. D.-Pkpslacres, ons and uoe kail ailtes aorU
yusterday between Qrawu and Trav
clan aad Surgeon. Ramovad to of- as luspi-cloi t»f agencies in 1862 he (he hoofs.
of Aenu OB uslB road Povoaty•oaa in Munsoa ktock over Barnam was tiaiuleired to the home effux' as
eraa City, east side uf SilviT Lake
r W AAtModria koioa.
IVsui John P. Hutheiland.
ivu arrui uaUi-r culiuuUuu; all InA ■arl'a. CUlsang pkona ttl.
road. lUturn to Record and reosdve
suiM-rluleuiknl pf agencies
In 1862
kpal. M MaUb VtMrv aud Urai»
Roatou University Medical schtatl. has
t<» ritipa- Aluat. euro. usu. hay;
June 17-H.
uleetbd third v Ice-pre side ut in
large inudem kouae. furnace, balk,
succeeded In having ihe course at the
hot aad Odd aatur all Urougk
faction guaranteed: ~Wltk KlmhnU A. MeCall as pri9s»deiU gv>l llW.tKW a schud for Ue M. D. degree increased
LOST—Tburadny afterauon.
fiom four to five years. This U the
won faAtfa-MeVtckar paaoUna aa houaa Wlad tnlU and teak. Good waUk aad fob. Notify Misa Mabel Maatojkuua. OlU. pkona ML
year. Kingsley will gel tftO.OOO.
fliet medloaJ school In Ue country
barn, granary end ell neraaeery
•tea, paw; Ifa k. p. fa fa Ouwall. out
tteuatoi La Kbilelte Is a graduate uf
Rarager, N. M. Asylum. Juno 14^
Mlkllugs; good yuung orcberd.
kONBV.TO LOAN-No tax, claora the Wtecxinslu university, but be came IttsUtule the five-year course.
ai Baiard alBca
put to teortpMaa Hoooaa far aato. ptMlltoialy near nut l»elug. Although a Bmperor WIllUiu has approved the
Jual 'Uierleg; ebopt all leval end
scheme for the construction of
POB BALfa-IWa-Baaort pruparto
AITIY go kuagry oo Uc >\Mirth
palnsuk-ing and earnest'studaot. he
be. Owner. Alakaa to go aouU. beaoe wkeu s good dinner ewn be got at
stodRim In Gnmewald forest In the
PM teUa aHp Itoilte; four arroa;
never stood high Ip his classes. On
Ura kaadrod faal akors front; large ufcia at toA apore far aaak Price Grange hall. 'Corner CRss and Wash RBBTBACTB OF TITLB-C. O. Oar final exathluatiun be. fell slightly be ootoklits of RerUn. It is to be pro
war. Prteaa rwaaoMbla. Offlea wRk low- the mark prescribed for gradua vided for the pubHc. and as proposed
katol aaoutetalp' furoUkad ftrst 14.100. Wada Broa. in aouU Ua lagum sttwete. for tl cenUT
a P. Oarvar 4 Bro. BoU phonasi
atoas; kat aad cold water la all lua street Ul. pkoae 1111.
Juno th to July ::
tion. Uut a short time before he had will be a model of Urn Greek sUdluiu.
Hue IMf.
WHiPM. pas Ufkt furaaca kMt also
OB. fa L. THIBLBY—Bpaolal altee- won chief honors In an IntersUte wlU dally Olympian games.
Admiral Goodrich, who sucooed*
aM atotopa. two tafps ksnu. traal
Uon to dlaaasaa of ckUdran. F
to Asbury Park, WanelckUlra. Mgcollegiate
oratorical couteaU thereby
4M State Bank bldg. BoU pk
Coghlan at Ue Now York navy yard,
alraaa' tkroopk pnmoda, ksU kuusa FOB BALB—1ilk<r04M himdrad and Und. Ue anoeatrst seat of the Sew
bringing glory and renown to tl
directed the first shot In Ue cugageaad tote prova ateag ksy akorc Tkla •vo acre farm; lour miles from city; degates.«a'upetvd pillar In gray giaii
great lustUuUou at Madison, and by
around Santiago de Cuba, and
piopaetp to to Brat oteaa eoadM
narrow margin the faculty granted
ac^4w timber aatimated to cut at He on a tkreawtopped padesUI has
he atoo fought the last naval engage
aa auto road to city, plkad alt
been elected to perpetuate Ue memo
im a diploma.
ment of Ua war wlU Spain. Uat in
aap to clip: voald coat to put to least Uree kiudrad Umiaand feat v> of George BiUott.
PoadHka aa It Is at prsaaal at least of meivkanUUIa toga: about
De uf the must unique social orgau- front of ManxaniUa
Uuusaad oiirds atuvw' wood; toiTBAVBBBB CITY LOOOfa NU Tt. K. Uatloos
WilUam P. Sheffield. Ue vcioran
toraatp Uouaaad duliars; ladp owo
In the ucer world: it Is called
of P.. teaat every Thoradsj wvaeplumed tend, mostly tevel; faboat
Rhode laland lawyer and oUtusman,
tog to toralld, kgaca aacrlPoa
"The Insomnia Club.'* housed
tog. New Munsoa block. C
and half caa be Irrlpftsd fresa Ika
Ue last survivor hut one of Uc state s
crack Uat ryaa acroas farm; Urge fi TATB OP UlCHiGAN—THE PROconstlutlonal ooovenUoo of
frama barn, suma basement room ® bate Conn far Ua County of TBAVBBBB CITY LBOION, Na IM— to Ue heart of the TaintMan caplUl. might have bean caltod Ua Daniel
Grand Travaraa. In Ua matter of Ua
far tfiy hand of stork; good stone eatate of Tkomaa W. O Brian, lata at
Netktaal Protactive Lsg^ will There at are preaeni 4« mambeie. gad Webster of hla state, so dooely do his;
•aatk Uaioa pt Qlt pkoaa Itil.
as Uey can but aebftom ateep, Uey
fauadaUon; packing kouae for fnUl; said county, dwcaaaad. te
ptoturns resemble Webster.
i: *
»if IM
Notloa la knraky given Uat tour
large orchard. dUwreal vnrtattea of
It to aald that Ue large*! animal
paaokaa. paara, pluma. iprloota. monUa from tka lU Bar of Juas, A
3 POB faAtfa-.lUl->Laif» tea i
whtoh aver Urad on tkla planai was
a 1M7. kavw kaaa aUowad far
> kaaM toiia tel. keiaraoa Ntotk ckenlaa aad applaa, nil ckoloa creditors to -present Ualr claims
(he aalphur bouom whale of Ue Pw
vnrtottea; nlau larga rlayard: okolc- against said daoeasad to said court for
( aad TtoaU atiwata oa Ballraad
clAc ocean. One spadaen has bean
^ aaaa Mom touadatigo. Lot aorU eat grnpoa. Tkn farm kP nUilsInp
foaad which to M fast tong and tfi feet
i B4 faagt €M Uouaaad doUaia. Ua Umber can kaanda to pap ont qulrad to present Ualr claloss to aald
around. Ite aaUmated weight to t»LJ Ummm aoald aai ba kaiit far Bflaaa tkla panr tocladtng oomlap Aintor,
i. at tka prohata otioa. to Ua
m ppanda.
Madrod MUak cshioa to aagr and wkan paid far Is a ataadp aoaroe
of Travaraa City to aato oouniy,
Ur. itonray W. WUay. ektef of Ue
of wnaRk Uat Is knrd to dnpltoato.
Mlp roamm R la far aato la owner
la waU atottg to penra aad wlakaa to
lAtira kMM oWan It at akont onw
ball Ra Mtonl ralan Prtoa IfaMfa
Wada Brag. Ilf BoaU Uaton BC.
OBImm pkapfa Ulfa ^aM it tf
diTlaltte of ohautotry to tka Agrtooi
_______ _ has kaan' angagw
by toa FraMk goraramaat to make a
■^-imitiae inqqkar toto tkg ekargas
Ual PkMok wtoaa kava kaan groaaly
erated. Ha yriU
John R. Santo
General InsurgBce
J09-210 State Bfaik BillBiK.
TravcTK Qtj. HlcblcBB.
Tin Tttsunnet
toll Estia
■i '■
Line Steamers
ut.« i(4KI«TH 4n» M ( W4 1 f.
as.; Boaday 7 h teu enlr.
Uara LUDINOTON dgtly at M |t fa.
Airtva MUemakaa • a to- BaUy
,Lwtra MUvaakaa Bally I fa m.
The Una which toma yog TkPMi.
fktoia Bafaqy, Omtm and AtoUBa f
J'v-:I ■>:* •
Pa^dn Pli^ wJr^StarJElte^^^
■•• •*•••■ M»m Ik* Wto «l CkrM...j r a' i.;!-u'
r Unrm i»4tilhun (
|im«w«Mlif huM«4.
SpcetairaM S5Sa?Ti!SW?K
fiYP {thmrp ^
Th« toM i«lng Over 6,UOO «n4 Mlw Anctor»n QglflMl th* U«d Ovpr MIm Old*.
M. Mir lr«iMI%»t» U •. «.«!• I
»} ttmtittlM m «M» •*«• «l fiM
■ «dM • Ittiiif CtM* MrtlMVM IlM
Ths Manner of Closing the Contest Is Explained and
the Utmost Harmony is 3ound to Prevail If
Instructions are Followed.
->fV lUkmtai to U« voig to « p. W- ThiuiMtoy. Juno W.
eiM iMftto V. Jkm^tw. nm IL a. ckurcli. cmX. rriodrlcb shod
............ .........47^*4
S;!j riw.u-iw a a.>*.
Mr*. W«B»U Ctoakoc. U O. T. g,.........
HIM dm UlCM, u O. T. ................. .
.......... ...................
9. U Sbtttor. Pf»toru«l Order ol lOkgWp ............> j, • •.............. . -. • •
•> -
A.**..#.* .241,121
|to»4 w. LUuba«* l<ftU«l CoauoRdO
TVkcp H- UtUto. P. a A- M...................... .............
QUO l^irUch, TtavrrMi Cltr *«»t. No. in. Iv- O. T. .-.'
Looto Bckulgci). KnlgkU uf ColuubiM..
Julius Jpluisua. Hajrsl rWustors........
H A.r«iUs. I. u o. K---------.......
A. II. VtocK. A K. of U. . ......,...
Osoiia bouue. Pure»tor«.-----------....
Ato Hato. r. Md A. y.......
PVaak AAaniu. desr Makers* VjUoh ..
t gwetoliuns whhb might aiibv.
MA/er A. V. Friedrich,
While a U r«TUtnly a waste
a Oarisna pash. AlaU Sank.
lime Ui try to figure out who will bo
F. W. Carver, Aupsrvlsor.
• the fuitunaU) outs In the BvouUie
Meward Muaactman, Musselman • U«>tora inipplaiity coulo5>l there ine
Qrdcar C«.
^ thouaauds of people In Traverse City
WilUam M. K*ilege> Atst. Cash- • wbo form upluious one duy aud
ehauur them tbe ucsl, wbeu sumo
itr Fist National Sank.
• unsuspei'ted eaudldste sitowa hU or
hand by JwmpliiK to the front
i >uu ever stv a contest so full of
To -Candidstaa.
piisos every day In the week?
•o' utatt}- qut«tl«iOii art* UUng aakcil as
St of tbe boosters” have quit
guasaing and ‘-ftsgerlu *' aud are Just
•ssw lug wood ’ for tbelr friends, the
udldaU>s. kuowlug that worktug
dealrw to tbonjugkiy esplaiu thi» o
d nut hoping is the only tueaus by
ler at tbi« Unu>. The Usuti of
ilch their choice can get the honors
of iuue ’iC. will c
talp Umi aiaadlua uf ih%* ouQiUdaU-s In the raw. That’s by fur tbu bast
to t o'clock Tucadu) evcaiua. Juuc 2u pbui. auyhow. and It seems Ug have
No furtber statcuii*ot of the Viuudius t»e«'n adoptfHl generally. If yesterday's
vole can be laktm as a criterion
If you liure not sewn the haudMune
dlamuods to be uwaided the winners,
see them today They are on eihlbl
tlon In the window of Baruum A
that OiM
Eart's aud J .
Marlluek s. and are
vm W«doos4lajr. Juuv 16.
btring admirtsl/ by Traverse ('lly's
jr loj )
lovers of diamonds.
It lb uu wtmder there Is so much
I iMckaatM aud pivenihushmm
contest wfieu
auui ibcM paeskagos lo the rfprcwiuu*
aUkfS uf tbe EXoului; Uetord at the such magulficwut iro|ihles mre at
floal rotlog plaoo. which will bv ut Slake.
All Candldatas Ganve.
tbe erenlng Record ufttw. those noi
Not a single candidate has weak
to be opened uutU tbt; cuuleal cIuimui
Ol P o'clock and in the presvurt uf ened aud they are «U going to sUck
tbe jadgoa. who vUl make ibe final to the finish. There never was such
opBvasa aud award tbe tropblos.Tbls a kit of splendid campaigners as this
conUai has developed,
it s simply
giraa all an equal cbaucc% i
useless uv try to get away from thean.
tbtuk, viU meet Ue approve
Prominent aa they are aud backed by
leii abottld atoo enabto the jndgeb ibelr strong urganUatlons. bunlnaas
to douat tbe roUia vsur qidckljr and a and profoaakmal men ars not making
■Ay aldaaiepa for various reasons.
ddfltotoo aa|r b« randarqd bjr to 10
liMt of .them enter into the aptrit of
n o'clock.
If even’ candidato wUl tidlow these tbe conteet witb eatbuslasm a^ are
hutrqctiona no criUetom will foUow belplag ea many eaadMaun as they
oaa. Tbn whole city to U'lgg canrsfarding tbe outoome. fur i
vaased. and the tour weeks that have
will know what votes tbe i
cnndlAataa bare fer tbe Sual count. paaaed have seen many -proinlsOB”
Stet7 cnndldaie should eliher .be given aba next week wUI see tktor
PraellMl Itocs
<tf Com Slnrdi
You cttxx luv. . mypncacjjia u-Jut
(oodSiM « y«a Imfen
- __
iisr wma and wuaum
•rbo baa proaniaart vUI asske good,
even if they kart «> borrow to do U.
Pea t finrtet tbo gaadMatan aro baak
lag baasy m tbaae ♦ prnmtoai.” aad
»m yiPty Btoft redaaai yoai voad.
Yeaterday a bAllaUag was decidedly
laplritod. « total uf over «.«00 voiea
being caaf. a aujnrii) of tbeae go^
tag to tbreo agadMaiga
llarsy Moonie waa glvea .the star
vcito af «be digr. bia uitoi belag UU
Miss Apderaoa was glveu I.0I1 aad
paasad Mtoa Olda. and Mr. abuter waa
hvvtU «itb l.Mfi.
The neat ivg days wUl develop ibt
toal cungg** ^ ^ bandeoaae dia
toonda valaod at |t00 will be award
pd when the wtaaontoare ansouased.
Nertb Makglg Interaotod.
Tbe great NurUwest has uken ,aa
iaieniM la the Record popular olamoad conteet. far yeaterday a subseriptloo was reoqlvcd fro^ .North
Dakou with a regaapt Aor-tfaiaa The.
nailed toat eveali
le as be I
L to the (
Bveatog ReoorA
Tbaee votes will have to be on the
way oeaAy tbe whole of the next five
days to order to gel back lo Ume to
be of aervlce to any candidate.
Nuiea and negulatleaa
Candidates moat be members of a
sburck, tobor, literary, bualnaes or aodal organiKalioo. bolding meeUnga to
Traverse CUy or surrounding terri
Tbe voting will be by balloU dipped
om tb® Evening Record and by vot
ing certlflcaiea tosued with pay menu
mado on aubaciipUon account to tbe
ENealng Record.
Each ballot (pipped from tbe papor
will count cme veto lor the lady and
celved at tbe office before tbe dale of
gentleman named thereon when reexplratlon given on tbe ballot,
isacb day the date of tbe expiration
I tbe ballou to changed.
Certlflcaiea for BOTH a lady and
genUeman contestant wilt be Issued
with roccipU for suhac.’-ipUoq as fol
•y Carriar.
One year |k.00.........................760 voles
Six munlba |2^.................. ...300 votes
Ten weeks fl.OO...................;..100 voiea
•y Mail.
One year 11.00...............
450 votes
aix months f 1 60....................... 300 votes
Fbur montbs 11.00.....................100 votes
While each payment of $6 00 (or a
year’s subsciipllon entitles tbe bolder
of Ue. receipt to 1.500 voiea, these
cannot he voted for one candidate but
No certiflcaie will be Issued tor a
lesa payment tbaa H-AOl
A i
Combinations may be lonMd fir
tween a lady and g<mtl«mau candidate
by which a lady may exchange her
gentleman's votes for A like number
of lady’s voles, and vice versa. But
comblnalloua by any candidates of tbe
to defeat anutber will nut
be permiued.
Tbe Evening Record reserves Ue
right to reject the name ol any V
jecUonablc person.
At the close of Ue balloting Ue retums will be canvassed b^ a commlb
fee og wMbknovn boston men whOM
itandtog to Ue eoraunUy to onqaeeTbe
balldttog will close at 3
o'clock Wednesday evening. June M.
The place d< boldlibl ^ Ttoal aooottfit will be annouBoed to a liter to■u« of Ue Evening Record.
. No eoploye of Ue Evening Record
can bepmne a candidate for Ue honor
and Ue diamonds.,
, No extra coplea of the Evening Reourd w in be printed, for tale, lor Ua
coupons which they cootala.
Tbe telephone line to nearly c«nPietod Tbe ”ang-a Ung ling' of Ue
phone can be beard moai any time ol
elto. were to Traveise City tost week.
Traverse CUy.
Mias Hattie Mil orofTra
s Ue guest
___ _______
of James
> Wilson and
mlly at pntobnl
Mr. anfi
and Mrs. WilUam
_____ M Oowan
ware the gneaU of Mr. aaa Mis. J.
H. Byrr and (amUy Umu^.
£. aud Mrs. C. L. Foster of ‘
Adlmisslon, !l6 Cents*
Ha Ftoad Mto RMab.
Ravn iiwd tba walSratiek INa
aarriad orar 40 fain, on aooonnt cf a
that raatotod avwry kind of trash
________ I triad Rm
Rahra; tkat baa haatod Ua aoca an^
mada ms a happy man." wrttoa Jobs
QaivwU. <ff NarU MlUa. N. C. Ouaiwn.. by Rugbaa
Drug ttoi% druggtots. tta.
to TMt RVCHiN« MtOORR Oentoet
Velil ettor June flfi.
Natiaa to All r
Tba apodal aasoaimant tax roUa tor
Ua pavtog of Ua following atraau
ara uow to my baaJto tor ooltocUon
cnmrigpmM mi
South Dalon street trea bridga to
TwolfU street, seoood tnsriRiitoat
Obas stroot from Stfto atraat to
bridge, second luatallmbn^.
Csss street from Front street, to
SUic street aud State aueet from
Cass street to I'ulou street, flfU toName of Orgauliatioo
VelR after June fli.
sue street from Cissa street to Rail
road avenue, third tnsiallmeui. *
East Front at^«t from Park street
to Wellington sued. Ulrd insUllEAET ray.
Mr* MaUew Reich and Mrs Henry
West Ftont strovl (10m l^uloo street
Eilwlu Hlack has offered a altc (or i to Maple street, third lusUUmtmt.
SixU sueet (ram Vuion atreot to
her slater .In town hall. We will auuu know al
Dlvlsiuo-street, fifth luslaliment.
iwctitv-elght years. Mrs. Jeffs U ac- about the town hail buaioeK
there U talk of holding a
cumiMUlt^d by her sou Prauk.
All Ue above iostallments togeUer
lion to dtM:lde the mailt
Mrs Peur Courtsdt U qulu- ill
wlU Ue accrued lulermt oa all UD)
Mr. sud Mrs. Prt^d iKimItie arc* the
paid lustallmc-nls ‘ to be paid . on or
Jests of Ml. aud Mrs. Jobu Bbaw of
before the iiUth day ^ June. 1M)7. '
dpb S. Masllngs,
The tlsDus A Banntm mill has nearMrs 8<.phU Kclghu. , of Tiaveiw
finUht^ the shiugle cut. The sUs-k
r lugs will he cut aud tht-'mill will be
remuted south uf liatoa.
Chalk:* Mayitsrd lia* be<u quite
Friday evening then- was a guuil sick but is some better.
atteudauce at tbe Amerlcau Boeiol)
unate Tsaan. .
ol. Kqulty imH-tlng.
ydfoe. of 107 8t. LouU
The cblldieu hutiug bad a siUe «d
Ihcilaa. Tox-. says; "In the past
the uuwides. now many of Ue older
year 1 have become acquainted with
•«ipk> .ntt laid up with It.
fir. King * New LKePUU.
e Pill*, and
no laxaliume for Wm: U xie. s lu-w lai.u the i ever before tried so
We are haiklug for some laud
#ci effectusUy
Tb«*> hoiK' to hace U completed Ufeue) disp
ipos4.>s of malaria and.........
The y don't grind our gripe.
plwe sud the owner due* m»t
Hugl;bee Drug Co.. ITaak H. Mends.
Hanuab Drug Stores.
3"..Xr;Vi- “•
usde lu re
pi-0*pecu. Nuuc can
for ;i certaiuty what the ei\>p will
tot summer would cause
drop badly; cuol nights
with heavy clew* and a hut e^rly suuwould cause blight.*Lct us hoi<e
for thu best.
Mr. aud Mrs. Elmer Beach were tbe
guests ever Sunday of Mr. aud Mrs. C.
L IXmiine.
scieage of potatoes were
Week; otbeia will plant
Kt week aud some w I be planting
till the Fourth vS July
Every Sunday t
neighbors take their families
r pleasto
aud recreatiuQ
among the
Jalii uf small inland lakea. The day
uot far distant when these lakes
ill form a chain uf famous summer
Mr. Vanderlip at Traverse CUy. who
elgbtV'twu velars of age. Is helping
s sou
barn1 tounda
i th^ new
sud Mrs Octave
Octav Domine and
smily and a party of friends of Trav
erse CUy druve out to Keunic Lake
Sunday aud had a very enjoyable
Bert sud Willie Fortou of Traverse
CUy were the guests over Sunday of
their pareuU. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome
There- wHl be a dance next Friday
evening at George W’Uson's. every
body is cordUlly Invited lo alteDd.
Mr* k\ank Reich, who wga to the
Grand Traverse aasltarium for some
time, aud was successfully operated
upon (or the removal of a tumor, was
lakea to the home of her.psreAts. Mr.
.and Mrs.
Women traablsd wrlib fn^nff
ce of In
t held al
|.. w Ra I at* OisrsBcSf* ILsS
aud comnrJi
day evening with
;h Presiding
Elder A.
T. Ferguson In charge. Tbe services
were very much enjoyed.
June IT.
Grand Opera House
Of course you have heard about the
Vaudeville al the City Opera House*
B ill (U. was a del. j
M. cuuveuliun
Mrs. Jc*hn Cams U visiting friends
here s wevk or lw»i.
T W. Hawley went to Alden Salui
dav to vibit friends.
The W. F. M. S. mcrels this week
Tuesday with Mrs. Donns Monro.
Mr. and Mrs. Oco. Cams visited at
Lawell Sour* Sunday.
Quite a good many from thi* place
d the Old Settler*
pldfi last Thursday.
The Ladles' Aid society met last
Friday sftemoco with Mi*. Jake
Kaiser. All report Mr*, ilsiaer's a
joUj good place to go.
Jone 17.
W' ' "li
L> dia E RnkbaiB's Vegetable Compound
One SoUd Week
lay and
’ aS
a ObUdtaoW
Day eniertatotoent nt Ue Raai Enastto cbafdk. Jane 3G Ortott to to
riled to attend.
Rdd. Aarr called oa Joaepk Rem
mtagtrtn end famHy Sunday.
1 hRTR R number of good
fRrmk, aU the wmy froa 40 lo
160 Rcret. for irIo, or If you
Hryc RDy good property, 1 will
tRke it ID cxchRDge Rod mRk«
you tRiy tcrmi. 1 CRR tott you
R good farm for leu money
ihRD you CRD buy h of RRy*
body el»e. I hRvo iRrmi
which are located from four
to B) milct from Traverse
City. rU good improved Und.
If yon havn good Wwl faraM
1 will bRjIhwn.
OBoa 907 State Bnak BvukliRg
Tbinl Floor
MOWMbiiteteiL Oiiphoua7T4
And km tko
CM., We wduM lie
■ 1
Children Arc Impofljn
factors in the
esjituatiou of the
You may semi thorn with
cxrnBJouce, for you
Im sure they will receive
the aame ^^tupt aarvioe
Both phonae.
Monday, June 24 Dr.W. J. Higgins
Aotorica'n Mont Tnlnntod
Porcelain Work
Or floor with BtwinsM OoUsgs.
Going to BuOd
niulfl nupe^r ooupnoy ol
oouixtonioD plqyen iu
HIgk Class OramR Sumptteo—iy Prweteted*
Opeuiflg PUy ^oadaj Night,
“The Itonement”
Lndiofl ndmltted FHEE Monday
Right with every 9(k> iiokat re•erved l^ote 6 o'clock.
Sntordny Matinee—ltc» lie.
Seat Mue open* Satnuiay at 1
TWs Year?
Wait a G*M Lot to Baud Os
1 so, we have them lor sale and at
.prices tbst we know are right
Lou € and 7. Blk «. Perry Hannah’*
3rd Add.. West Ogbt streeL
Lou 37 and 1«. Blk. F. H. L. A Co ’•
7ih ^dd-. M ft- front oack oa
Waabingtoo aUveL
Lou » and 10, Blk A H. L. A Co,'s
6tk Add.. East Eighth street.
.Bast 50fL Lot 3. Btt 1. H. U R Oot’*
7 lb Add.. Wasbtogton stieaL
Lou 16. 17. and II. Adslf* Add..
Webster street. 60 ft each:
Lou 31 and 32. Blk 1. U. U 4 OaH
7ib Add., Webstor *tr6at. U ft
Lot 143. Oak UelghU AdA^te^tew
Lot 107, Oak HclgbU Add. 1
Lou 40. 41. 42 aad 41. Blk L pAk
Park Add . Wasbiagtoa street
Lot II, Blk 3. Goodrick's Add., Maaroe «trecL
Lou SO and 31. Btoada 4 Rptnecr^
Add.. 17U stiee^ wvte ol Oaw.
Lou II and M. Orllia 4 Wtento's
Add.. 16 It eaek
Lot 17. Orovar Park AdA. eener
Rose aad RUto streat% Id ft tKk.
II ft B*M Froat hetwaaa Park aad
AWWte. RDDd hytelte
TrimUe's Bakny
Ms few ol tkeae flagre Lota Mif
Ice Cream
tree City, are rtoUtog at Uto
Mias Ibrrsl flattier to quite Ul agato.
6be recovered from one Ulpeea. but
eridenUr baa taken anoUer set backMias Hasei and Daisy Bnigk from
Tiiverse CUy. are vtoltlag Mends at
The Hendon M B Md s.a toty give
an ice cream social Saturday evening
June 22ud.
The l^ng Lake base ball team
playcrd with the Hendon boys Saturday
afternoon. Hendon won wUii store
»S1 Union 8i
*^S5S2.“* t *.
state Balk BUf.
Mkmsm V flMs ^
sar vitb Mim Oaa, UiMr BoVdir.
TV aaaVf MaMa of Mr. cad Mra.
been ivad.
kjf b diro dya vUb tdaada to ibla
a osltor to tbi.
Mra. IMaa
vbo baa Vaa
«aBa alV la4itaf adoalf now.
Mka Una uSvUVnd from Trav
* »—» Bmtmt
JMMtW SSmSow*''
UMtvi, ^okM Md iU WHm nma^
fM IIU4r»« Mtm t^mi
WkV nave Pander eras on blabm
jr. tV
iV borae
fumgad mad threw
bIm over opto tV Vrnae. vbUa be U
not bun aartonair M la vi«a gniafoi.
YV Qtoannra vlU bald aa <m
oettog In IV Omaga Vll aext IV
urday n|gbu Tbare vlU V a dabnia
ton tv Bgmmb ArVr aad Prow
paat Arbor. Tbo vaaUon^ vUi V:
kat of IV aarlona VnolroA iVto
Ibam to
la more pUaaure
ptoaauri ia
ibt of tV oerVtf Oty Ufa tbaa (Oouatry. Bverybudy
_ iiuabor. wlapovi
doora ara on tba grooV for
cbnmb aad work will v commi
■ematVa ibis vdab.
Obaa. Knapp la putting a noat of
patot on bla dwalllag Vue«.
Cbas. Lou and family of Traretea
aty Tlaitad wltb the former’a parenu,
Mr. and Mra. John Hulett ovfr Sun
«• Tburadof IMI to vlelt
Wf lMoktftd. vbo U on OM of Um ear
pnrad. It U naV
bad a very anjori
no <me oaa enter tba MoiJ^ua
Wa Van high
**'SSSriirVrtol*7 ond aoo floyd. and not feel tVt tVy Vv
aad Ml
1^ vrok wltb
1. a
vKwu >M\ v^day. >
and Mm. J. BuUiran.
Mr. aad Mm. HaU of Bmptra. vlsHV vltb Hr. and Mra. Prank Plaber
Uat Vndar.
Mr. PVirraater end family haTW
Dored to Traversa City. Mr. Inman
and family ara now Urlng la the bouae
iVy left.
Mr. Yankee and fbatUy of Kaaaon
Vve mow Into a boose near Naa
a«» a m|n.
kd wltb
A barga and'acbooaar loadad
lumbae from Neaaea'a dock lastI week.
H L. Neaami baa gone to O
OB bualaaaa.
Henry 'Wylaader, who baa bean ail
ing a long time, baa gone
Ul In Manlatae tor treat!
uer, aner.f
aareral weeks vUlt bare with bar
kta. baa gone to bar |oma
awiniBMt to (pin Up 3X0n
Afu a i(Vei|.
upnma ItoyArftflae
WEU iRRiwTto secTiea.
Twa MlUUa OelUm Spael an IrrigaVn af Perwiar Ceew todiaa Maaervatian taab CiMUr Mutt Pay favaroetool IM an Asm Par Tbair Land.
Tfu ibtMtaaud |iee|de uw. after the
SAOBM arres of Uad lu MoaUaa that
am ta V Uinvn opan to aettUmant.
bagiaulug JuuriS and laattog to Jane
». aai a a Cbleage' vaeUl ilUitoUb t(<
tv Xew Yack IkiaL PaaseMar uM
<iak of cV Bnritogtoa aV other wantvru raiboada am atokiug anwaptmi-aU
to prorlda apaclal tmosportatUn ladUtUa for tboiiaanda of paveous w V am
n»t meiS MjTkXdSeJ. Qmy
tkadmih Iloa q>xm mio diMoaawMd otkw.
To taasrc •■ccosSi smBEST PLOUa
Hannah & Lay Co.
JoMph CllvdvrBk 9bVi v
nrsMass Bsleaots, IMNtsaaa Sasasgo'Matorg''
-.c. ,»u.u u
Pianos to Rent
»«eda no long aeqith wbun you uro .'
Informed of ihU meat ma£t TVro .
Is idoaaure lu Mtlng. whoUadmemM ’ '
adB Vulib tnevery tiound of Imer.
inuttv. lamb or v«at tVt comes from
out this suire. Tendernroa and Julcb
neas without even saylnf U—muck
lesa polUng It lo print.
Our make of aausage are guaraiteed so be pure. Aak for them.
-[siis. ri x x
yaara old tbU- aprtng. U ly known aa tV UuutUf tmgatkiu
aim quite
oart. V U able to walk proUct. wUl to raedved at tUUluga.
several miles
bif frlenda.
Mont., from June Ifi to June IB. luJune IV
qulrUa as to caina wbkh Vve hern
raedved by railway oBciala luduate
tVt mart than lUOOD paraous wlU fiU
Mra WUl Prlndal U on Ua gain at vblldren and four cblldran of his
Mias J<
appUcatUaa tor tto fitt farms wbkh
boms Monday from Northport and
Mra. Lovla a^ nabb^. Paul ara /ibU
are entertaining adopted son. and seven great-grand- Suttona Bay. where abe baa ba«n have bean destgnatad on tto tract bp
Mr. a^Mra Haiburt. ^ SorarallattBaillaa
tv government.
tbU rleinlty.
>r. Healb of TraratM CUr. -Wake
Mr. WriaUy. and wife came to spending a weak with ralativea vd
On Joito fit garunuaant oBcUla will
IV polpll la tba M. 1
CVrUvolx. Micblcan in itts.
draw a tVuaaud wulopas couuiulug
. Lataroa. SunVy.
Cbaa. Pnuai baa bU boat bonae built tto namau of appHoanta from tV total
In Beptamhar IMI. bis wife Bopbla
to (
W.. passed away and ab»ca that Uma at the reaort
of I
SUd. aV tto auccuaafol drawEL«J^. and AlllogtoD Stitea of Acme
he baa made hla home with hla
or l»r »t0UMr.liil.w. Joha daughter.
are putting up Mr. WliUson’s Vro at era will to notified In groupa of ISO tu
R<ma Q- Wilbur.
maV formal cntiiea under tV bomel Uat weak to
' MiTWrUley Vd
Traverse City.
Mr. and Mrs Bert Wells of East atead act for tbiir land, beflnnlug Jnly
Bach iieraon to whom a hamoatuad
Mr. aad Mrs. U Pock apaai Satur- Art
n.,. ,WUH, •"
““i* '“O' Bay were down Saturday to the ball *J2
Is awarded most pay tV furcrunumt
ttajr lu Suttona Bm
nbia. m. K. (Um^U aad aag. UaUa. ibU
i aUODch Mas I fori- Xhp Vdies Aid ’ twenty -five
He Vd
In num- fS4 an acre fur tto land. Of this
aprol Tburaday and Friday la TmvMrs. amount g4 goes to tbe Indians and the
bing'vr’.' met Ust Wednesday
orM City.
good remainder to the government tu defn
Wm Tibbetts and Pt>p<irt a
The Alumni gave a rwoaptkm to the
the t<ost of tbe canal. Tto bumestead
gradaaltag claaa last Wednroday ew
The funeral aervtcei were under the
O. 1.. Champuey is having his build
to given
I years in shlth
lag TV^ foUoWing program
auspUea of Charlevoix lodge. No. S&2. Ings painted. J. P. MvirlU Is dtdiig |iay for tb« land, Tbe first year be
F A A. M.. Vlng conducted by Past the painting for him.
pay $iab an acre, the i
f^^baetra nolo by Mrm. Poari Ken- Mra. Maude l^wU fi
Grand Master Turrell.
The Blk Rapids Independent ball years gg.75 au acra and f«>r the follow
atopped to see Mrs. UilUn Gray
The floral oEerings were many and
J team here SatDart by the Mlasae Marel
a ooopU of days,. She was on her wsy beautiful.
uobudysB game until.the ing six yeurs $3 au acre.
urVy. It
The government Vs adopted atrluto Iron ton
aae bar father. Mr.
Chriatlae Garth
10th Inult
ling, when a favorable play
adtatlcmi by ]Mra. K. B. Flood aad Ranntoter.
Kent measures
measunw to poeveut any of this
gave Acme a score which won the geut
There was quite a turn-out of the
MUa JttiU Miller.
game, ending with soore of 6 to 4 in land from fallUng into tbe Vuda of
AVraaa by MUa Vura Oartha and Buay Baas laai Thursday at Mrs Wal
very clean, qny but actual aettiers. No person to
favor of home team,
ter UkeA
pect whom
nice game. The Acme teai
I homestead U allotted may
Mrs. John Burftend. who has been to play at BSk Rapids Saturday, tbe or transfer It to anybody, but himself
. *?Jicb*£irwafara vwra aenrV. Tba Mr. and Mra. N. T. Nelson of
jcUaa (ul<N-a ware blue and gold.
erne C4ty and littU Hoy BJshlow came under the doclor'a care for nine Sind, with tbtVBlk Cement Co., t
itt live continuously u|ioa
the land
up Pkiday to spend a few day with week's. 1a Improving wonderfully, she
Juv 17.
June 18.
' yeai
was out for a drive yesterday for the
tbair daugbtar. VUU Uke
Utle to It.
TV next meeting of the Busy Bees first time since her llluess.
Mra. Prlndel. who baa been very
Uod to Ibis tract, made very
Mr. Vwr a stone stsble at the present comb of Grant, siienl Sunday with
tba gidn. A oogauilatlon Xlih
• ■ by the goven
their cousin. Mrs. Lulu Rawllni
waa bald Uat Snaday. aad
Mr. and Mrs. Totn Kelderhousa and
il will reach th
Bllas Ursy, drove to inland. Sunday I
Mr. and Mra Wick. Am
d the disease a cancel
twin daughters took dinner with Mr. Emma Fascl of Wexford s]
At' this the Children's day.
Our Sunday scbiKil was orgauUtHl and Mrs. Joe Brunson and family ta In thU vicinity.
. up a few
ble lu tbe time fixed for filing-cUlms
wHtteg aV la VI
Sunday, so there will be Sunda:
Harry W(
will lie tbe ‘'bomeseekers* rate" of $23
mtoMaa at a time
Dorwln called on Mrs Geo. new addition to his house.
inday at 10 ***M
Mr. ObaalM was a ealUr of O. Luce achool hen-after, every 8un(
. for tbe round trip from CVago on
,unday Uat
ck in the morning.
i every one Lnwr, Sunday
John Wlncbcomb
lad faiVv Faraday oroalap
incbcomb and aon Loo of xoeaday, June 18. aud on ^nne lU from
Mr. and Mra. Chas. Olsen snd (am Hodge,
t and Uke an Inters
In the Sun
Hooge. tpeni last
lasi weea
week in
In tnis
thi vicin
Mm. Vtoa Imtacm ratoraad
and ottor points ,west of
ber parents. Mr. snd
By called
day aobool work.
Uat Sunday from OmV Ra
*^^Uttle Mlu Marion Rawlinga Is visit^ »" o*ker toys op
Mr. and Mrs. Wlntora from Tbosnp- b^. Bnuumar.r. last week.
-wham aha atteadad Vr broil
i„t Vy for filing cUlms tbe r
her Ing m ItoSe
aonvUU niw nov occupying the Spsf- ^rs. Ole OUaen cuHi
Voghter. Mrs. Fred Miller of Nort
' Mgealra U Quite prevaUat in tbU ford idaoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Jo
"bomemwltara’" «ate.
■ atlgbborbood.
Myron and Ralph The ball game Sunday? between A1 Manllqu last week.
Celderbouse spent Krouse of West
Mr. and Mrs.
St Hi
Plaroa. WUUe aad Pvrl Oook. HUdrad ■dm team and Platte waa i» to I lu
Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mra.
Wwaa. Mra Verna PraU aad Vby favor of Almira.
QUVrt Graham of Trarerac City Holland and famUr.
tended the Maccabees dance w..
BtaoM aV SMboy Uma Vve IV
ierhouse and two
vlaUlng with bts father and Han
Mra. Oao. Keldci
U vial!
oasf aad If yfui barvX look ouL
L - Rliet.
daughters’ are vlsltl
_ (lieVs and
•aaday achool baa been poatpoaV Pmtl.
Isrry Dixon
reiatlves of tbU place
M«41.>. W««i
, (to rooouat of maaaUa.
at Irwin Rawlings.
Misa RaoVl Werner and sister Ella
iTeaklant %QeeroU. fYsniiteim Eliot
Mia. lUta Routb Is Tery aUk aad
Mr. and Mrs. George Gray
spent Saturday evening with Miss Traverse Cily last week.
itadar tbs doctor’s care.
of Harvnsd. Umtoy of Yale aad WtlMr. and Mrs James Wise,
sou of Princeton and UtoneaUor Usy
daughter and soa-lo-lsw of Trav(
of tprocose w«iw a«www|y crtttclesd
City ape I Sunday In Matcbett.
tto^er day for ttotr frauneaLimUk
June :
•P 1UaaW Ajrrro
Ooedeell of tbe Metbedi
ebumb in bto addsees at tto oommanoaCraay P*cpla._
unlfce-Craxj people never act togetber." ment day exeetosea of
daciaraa tba anparlotendcot of a brt-gr
asylum for tto Insane. "If one lnm.nie
attacks aa atteadaoL at snmctlmee
•Tto acbolan of fifty yaara ago Uvad
la a more c^nkl and uukt ttge." said
Bishop GoMdaek TVy wwm not au
watch IL Tbe moeneot we dtowrer dasad by ito imposslbUUlas of knogrtwo or more Inmatee working togetbtr ing nK tto cannot imagine one of tto
were on tto road oU tin* ecbulara bWwkag a Inunpet
Uaat to eager ocra di nS sfipM Quea*
Hone wItm lh« problva
at b
bo«r best
____ __Is thb Sonimr
tknw. an does Pfaaldent Blk't of Bgrto pMH Iba
lb* bdara
Bdura apato
opoto ladoora—evaalnga.
ladoora—evanUga. atormy Vya, and tto tnvard. or anggasikm bhnaeU tgr poUMonl
pleaaurea. Bverybody
lovea music
music and
and Idtiortcnl koowkktee aa a candi
a anjoyableihaa
anjoyablethan an
aa Impromptu oonoert In which
a Vi eoald ba mora
amiseof grammar, aayaauohl English- date
----------_ doon W'oodinw.
tor--------------parMdenL aw
tto wbou companyr could Join? Or the young folks could Indulge In
WUron of rrto-eltfU;
Psto-etou; tlueaqaing an-eqiman who ivmembsrs him. and delight- WUsun
ounteot. Time thus spent would laus all too
Onnebig in tbair■ baaru’
od to aprlag(cat
catch questions. One waa: tbortuttve souruo of ,o«>m»s»lcknowT
"B^Vt U tto TocaUve of
edge, like BniBcr e« Ynlci
Onr Spwial Ranting stock ambrnoaa mrar l.toO Ptsnos and ww
indgebog; Tlsortmnly and
QeneswUy the assnred
«an fnrnlsb anything daalrod. upto a 9LMM STEINWAV. #’Uh six
tagly PMtfndfrbm. nafrms Gay
•D cat!"
dlRaront aectkma of tto Bute and rapreaanuuves at
Tto arcbblatop would am V then aad
OM takt
wy imporunt pfilbt wc aM
taka fait oBarga of, daltvarlng and rtany. "No; poas. puss!"
____ or tnooovenlcaoa to tbe caotomer.
alV Ptamis witbooL
witboot troubla
W« turnlab none bnt tburangbly ralinble Planoa; secure lowaut
------------------------- --j tto older ocbwl iranld not.
freight rates; take aS risk of danMSS ta transit; «nd gaarantcf sat
Tto Pour of Theiro
atrtpped to Us* <Bdsc
MCactlon. la pdat of aanrlcn no idbar Houaa ran
■Wa kave mada a apadalty o(tlle Rum
•mltb-Good mornlag. Joaee. I bear Jqy in hitting wmU
y frotort bwalnam lor aanay yaara. and p^
-Yea; wbkb exl
yon have a ooa and heir.
tV gAUOu acm of Uad in M
for whicb tv taranuaeat baa provid
ed IriigatUo at an axpeadUure of mum
tbaa lAtwOcduO to tV goat Hro ynwiw.
Btaktag a canal twaaty^hma and roe*
dating the lime when the country waa i kl® lately to hla Jouroey a end. Mr. Vlf ttdUa long, with braacVa ala aad
oaa-balf ulUa U leaftk
TbU Uad vaa fonaeriy a reaanraplace to place until they entirely hrfiitlw.
Uua for Ufa Crow IndUna and they u:e
tba counliT
' A a?w Induatn* atarfed In town,
ra. Oliver
***^'^* ^ *•*
^ **
Mr. Wriaiey waa the father of fcnir Mi^
Ol\t*r baa
baa ooened
opened a
a bakery
remttUm. TV goTarnuieut bp« “acblldrau. two of whom aurvive hV.
A family «f IndUna moW Vre refenerations.! »«»unced tVt appUcatUas for Uua>-
wmt to CbnrloroU U« Wodnaaday to If miartaiiii^.
auottd tv AtMTOl of Mr Wrtatay.
JaV t«
MUa Grace Ktag. of »n|>lra. la ibe
gM Of Ut.Aa4Urm. ftoaMl^
Tba L. O T. M. M. badWUdtloo D»»td JobnaoB V« n cottala
rnday avcates. afiar vbkb suppar frona Boebaal^Nov York. vtilUns
waa aarrv lo aO tba mtmhtn.
tv paat vesk.
ajaa an^aJ^tV^ij^Charrea Wrialey
' Mra. Cbrk TwUggH vaa oaUad to bim
Mra. Laaia Lataea baa beea at
Trataraa Olt/ lam voak by tba lllaaaa home
of bar son. Bd. Vtaan. IV paat
I two aona died young, Chari
of Mr. Totiaaid.
carlaf for the children vhHe'
Mim WlOt Oaaaarofa left for bar voab,
i QUstonbury.
donbury. Ckmn. and Jam
Mm. Bd. Letaen eranl lo Qraad Rajilda
In 1I7C
booM la Cbknto Uat ftiday after to
in Mortbiiort,, Michigan
attend tb» funeral of her brolbar.
MiVtosto Mmtimk aim Mitt U bin tnfiPbniUfbi VTVitoiittofb Vtniil Vbi
lUart^ LaS?^
Mrc Pftea la gO tba gala.
Mr. aad Mra. Solon Tf
fV will BtaV
tbair borne vlib Mr. aad Mra. Holttaa
Ibia aaaunar.
Mr. aad Mra. KVbmi. from Wi
t«»r m *1 tMi Vb. are rVUag tbair aUter. Mrm
McMaaua. aad last SunVy a famUy
roualon waa baid at tv bomia of Mr. ^va Hulati apaat a few dafP of Uat
*ad Mra. UcMaaoa. aad O. C. BTorll week with the famUy of Im Unton
taf and vUt of Walton. JVa B«
aad family aad Bd McMaaua
UtTjm^ mrymi umi
4ajr I*
Vila fi«Bi Mantoo. vara Is atv
la tv ayaolat. aa a aurprlea
Mr. m4 Mn tKAfl*. tte
fbmlly. Mr. aad Mra. O. V, Holaiaa,
Mbni* 1km *»d Qnm MUir
VoteM aa4 Ch*i1k Jobs drove to mn- sad Mr. aad Mra. 8ok>o Tyloi came Tba dtotb of A1 Vrt W^rlaley. oc today aa a farewell ■.forU«U,
Vr father.
, ^
vUb a tranupbooe aad vhUa playins curred at CVrlevoU. Mlohlgpn. Juno „
Samuel Danlela. who expects to» aurt
Oral aalactkma. lee cream and cake
IMT miM wuMmwH tram om
Mk. Tlw boir wu
Tw» Marteta
; .||
•47 B tth iU ani 707 BanVllMi M.
EliVr Phene.
The ReySt
Reyat liieleeurc
Ou each of th« great
race irai
;lsnd Is a aort of p«u Vh:
known commonl)- cs tbe
Lbe iroyal luclosure. Here toe klug. his famUy
invited guesu are railed off fron
tuaddlv crowd and prevented from
being iramided upon aud mobbed,
higher honor can be bemowed by royal
ty upon so actluaintance tVn extending
tto royal ivmmand to alt or stand
within the pen to a«e tto niunlag of
a claaale. Many an American multi
would gladly fire flOO.000 tor aneb
r have eojeyed iL-N
York Pros
We deride chlMrep for crs'lug
Tto Magic Nc. A
Nfimber three is a wonderful
for Oeo. H. Panin, of Cedar Grove.
Me., according tc
letter which rcqda^
’•After auffqrlDg
ueb with Uver and
kidney trouble,
trouble. juid
becoming grnaUr
raged by the failure to find re
tired Electric Rlttera, and aa a
result I am a well man to-Vy. Tbe
first bottle rellerod and Uree bottlaa
completed tbe core.** Guaranteed beet
remndy (or stomach, Ver aad bUhtey
troubles, by Bugbee Drug Go.. “
H. Meada. Hannah P
OttfFlolir Is V%
in qnklitj, but not in
prio^t^t ia stlU m low ns the
bwast St which yon can bay flour
of equal grade; some psp^ asy
• lower beeeuae you get more
broad for the money
_____ lly
maintain the high repatdtion ol
the IDEAL brand ai a high*
olaaa, good broad-making flour. If
you have never tried it, try it bow.
Atk your grocer or call tro ike'
Traverse City Hilling Ca.
Dealers in
Choice Meeb
FreU Whito Ki.li ud Tim.
AU Idsds ol home-msge ;
419 Sovlli Usios 8t
For Summer Homes Anywhere In Mtchlgaii
PUM YOUR OROKR NOWl .If u^wWa ta aaH. raaarontiana ma, to mada ^ ^il ar 'pbana.
aiTtolitoA ^
tbe Dorae Is %colcb. and
Grinnell Bim’ Music House
ratMVT ANg CASS Sfggni
Hie View of 11
Bond- Don't you venUaa fkiU wmtliage bfondMS a mani Broedirt-Ob.
yoa. I nuppoat tt can be
that way..
Imt-Hatmto^-M Ito mold rro nlwaja,
i Jump iwp-itat Canopy Top
Suorgy ia gpod coadUion.
On mnio road between Trar3 Silvia Top Bum;^
1 OpM Boggy.
2 Surreys —1 Qnwu>y Top.
1 regtiUr top wUh pole.
“Are yoo aware IVt tto man you L Spring Wagon with long il2,0e0 if told toon. .
have cbaltroged la an export nwMdaboi^ good for micic wAgon.
manr aald one Parisian.
-Gartnlnly.- nnsworad tba oflmn
“Tin faet glvwa mo ramBdeart Me.la
Bbniy ~
lu «m awm
nwtblM cromn
i-Hmr nsd
AlHor Bileverir cheap
w***;;^----* qUm^ nmdk la qafb.
ov tn)M7--WnAtaftOB^^.
fenTL*? • MM.
Mife ni Umi Wmk
to paitMtoarf «M to** * pcltop wtoto topto #uto wtto to* toMctod mmp.
toar <w toAto • pot M caflto «r fti Om *r to* a*nHn matoto; ^ObK
IM WNM Ml iMV OiClir. A totok «toto«A MAM.
airt m •toto «to* m*mm «a* atogaat•Mk to to* AM»1 toAlMAP «f to*
AP*«tot- A* to* lAlimiM
to iia i«M •! fka JUiitoto Tto ftMto to» Pto« aito Mm
MMto f«
WtoM TiHy
Mr cap. felA paa aril ■* wMm to*
j aaaaacrtoAtoaa. -nwiaMpM•toA^ ItAto to* ^ ««tor *tolla«. *^WtoA 4* It ctor
Ml JirtfclBt m cr alBMaacr
to to* a*A «p*M to* toMCtto t*
t. tort }*fWt tar kacar aoiap’aV*
to*> laat A*a*to
A*a*h: AA4
AAi to* tolAPapfc poto*
y to> iwtofc —4 wto
ApmlaNp y«a «w ton iMWMiai. Hv»i' Oa^r *a to* toanar cwr** **4 «a to*
nmtoif to* 4HU DM to 4mn grad** aad Widpa* to to* torat TIm ea*Mn van i
I <tMto. ftoB to fwiM* to* tall «to apato mon4 aad to* ato pat «* Kkay dM aal lataad to 1
MM MtoMtof to ft tot to totoP- «aOI to* hasp of ndar tnm vkicfe ta* toaipo of to* aaaiMA. . goattotnaa to
' wtototo fcMl ■rto4to« totor atoia art** da**** aad nkoko. comm
to*f m to to* tnariuir.
itor toU CM to* um\. TW
Madto VM twMd to* vMa«
A kMw iptt* SMf iMto Mto
Itoctsit. Bto It to Ml Ito tocto
» Mcv *Ad toMB k*w U >cp|to*d
to toaptocto towi ut ton aad ivmI'
laa* vtow.
Ito* Arac .itoag te Aad oat to tf aa^
ttoaf'toHMA to aai*ia>ato. Wkatoar
daad *r aM*a li naac coam oat. aad
to* paaf a**d a* aiHaf at to* taak.
***a tf toap toar a* toaaa cr cry to
tvaiac f«r Avaa dr* «r als Aoar* bmmm
tog to** to to* BiMpiay. aad to*y
z z:
parkap* eatliw oai^ am toruwa dowu
•Mbaakmoata U aacaamry to opoa tk*
L ■* BV*J PO** to* ll
rtgkt or way. Wkou a car ka* awiwly
at kcaak**to *p**d
h*v* fOA* akaad for a ctoor track.
**«A to* Iteltod aad foot oiau
I taka to* todlag aaCU tk* caiaato) ^r* paaaad aa to* v*j to to*
i 'Taa daaH Mar mk akoat toaat aa^
ttoaa r*a ar* a raUtvodor, tort to* am
toartalaadoAt. to* laaaapM. pctoap*
laato* of to* dtoaeian. kaoar to*ai. doflartad fnm tk* rctoraa* la ik* akop*.
IMap or* all nwad ia*rtoi*tpa. tort
Mm a* «*U a* Aagooc ar* oawkd.
sad a.man ka* to k* «ukt triuod to
.pM lato tola gaagla to* Af«**a or twautr vbict naka
Pp to* arcrap* ctav yoa can graatai^ ^ too or tar** uitl* OMa; lor
IOmt* ar* tlgkt plao** la a « rock wh*i«
Mmi cai^ do roaaidatabla aoit lu propfdag up or loBa*Biiig a |«rt, (rawUag
lato kolM arkick BO oi>* *1m (x>uld
Vaark Tk* Ikm* «r*rk*r trl«* to gat
taro or tkra* toft kaadaia aUu. a* tk*tr
aarrkoB arc raloato* lu tiaoumtiag
avay lo coraor* • k»fo a rlgkt kaodcd
a*a would to u**t*ai. kuui* or tk*
ki*t wmiUiMi rtaara ta tk* coitotry
tortad* • bUBtor of oalloiu. >k/kalf
rglcko* aad otkor kaot* tost oulj tko
■iaiaoa caa CMko aia of groat o»rrk«
la aacMoly faotoolag llaao to portloo*
ad to* vcark aad to tk* crau* or lojaamttaa aaad la puUlug it away. Tk*
laid aalu aia toiaUlar wlto tb* aaatot»aaea tkat a oavtdaaUaa oC pulley* wiu
•fir*, for tkay Para ka*a Uugkt It oa
(Mpkaaid. wklia amiaUy tk«y ara racy
: glia kg aad wiry. Ooii*w|u«oUy a mau
*ar tote klad «ko te out of a kib at
aay tlia* cap Maaotly po witk tk*
iirnckiog now.
r 9Wir Halted te aot aock for look*
to* track, wlto Ik* driving wk**te In
tk* air. TWa M mast to turaed oror
aad paUad I* oa* aide of tor roUruod
oatil toor* 1* Urn* between to* pom
lag of trolao to itgbt It-U It
may to owoug dlmctiy
aoraa tko track, lying on
or end*, pomlbly grouad Into a atom
maaa of •pllotemd Umbora. or morally
iwdocod to kindling wood, tkstr ooateam acatierod • koadmd yard* about.
Tk* wrackar wko ka* beoa ta to*
buitna** for any teagtk of tlm* caa
taU ta a aminmit to* aioet dMteoU
taak tofom him aud. If poaalbl*. goao
at tkat Amt If a loaded fmlgkt oar
pmreota klm from rrocklag tka part
ly demoUskad engine, he *eto it aAm.
Cia* of the gmatewt delaya, boweroi
cauaed by to* track being tom up,
aaw tie* kav* to be put In poaltkio and
parkap* a doaan rolls welgkl&g
apiece cut and ■trolgbteoed la urAgr
to form a fouadatluu on wkkk to
Vrentolng foaa wttk a niok from
the Amt new* of to* arcldaat. Once
tk* wmekem get Imoy tbvre lo no otop>
plug for rest or rofrookueut altbnugb
may kove to work oil uigbt
all day. With toe broken ond twiatod
of oleel aad wood piled uu uu*
aid* of to* nudbad, however, tkom
oome* a bmatkUg apeU. and the *apaitntoudant or other oAtetelo kx>k over
toe debris to ■** mkat te wurtk aavtng.
Going frtuu pU* to idl*. Uiej *oon docld* wbot to pull out *ud block up.
•nd then the wreckem get to work an
tote. If tome ta an engine. U loigen-
la tea appaaiaac* *ao*pt
maaa car. arktek cmittes tk* k*ary *rftUtery of tkl* litti* army of r**cti*.
Two or toco* fiat oar*, a boa car or
a* aad at to* aad a pacacogor coark or
aakaaa* aak* up Ika tratu. but *r*rj
avtlH* It carri**. from to* *«tni truck
iwk**te I* to* coapUag plu*. ka* ban
lauded wttk aack m tkat «r*ry maa
teaow* wkato la pat kte baud* oa wkat
tea waota. Ueually to* ruualug gaar
fit* tb* marat of it lo a wruck. *o oa*
af tk* dat vac* ooataln* extra truck*
aad wkaate to b* •vb*ti(ut«d for to*
kiokauoaeo Kelt to tbl* car t* placed
or ten or twelve feet down an eoibanknwat Item the little men come In
Worming tbemaelve* under
to* boiler, they ocr*|t* bole* bencuitb.
•o that tk* etrol tendoaa of tk* cran*
caa be paaaad round It
tb* ^one
Into actloa. If
tk* embankment ta skiplug the umial
plan ta to drag tb* lotx»mutlve aluag.
allowing to* earth aud bollaot to a»alot In auppurtlug It until tb* tup ta
But there are placoa wbee*
It has to be lifted cWwr of tb* groood.
then owung over on ibe track.
Uacblnory has done muck to aid tb*
breakdown gang lu rei'eut yeans But
away back in the cwrly daya of tb*
way of altwi they wore called to many
dUaater, fur then, as uow, trains
Boiuotlmas butted duto each other on
the asm* track, to clear the road tba
locomotive of the wreck tralu could
aometltuoo be turamd luto acre Ice. but
deralkd car or engiu* w&a
■ator to* boa car aud you ■** a
axlatotuM lumkar yard-equero pMiw*
•r tlmbM aU to* way from an luck to
a foul torougk Tkay ar* wonted for
t te oai____
l am too aarvott* ayotem far to*
avpy aad power ky> which Ua fuocttaoa
tou tool Urod. weak aad worn ouL
tea* latoeoBi in Ufa. hava as appouu
aad poor dlpsottaa. dteovdoff of Uvor.
klAasya aod kowote. you caaaot sloop.
Hr. A. W. CUaa*^ Nonm TUU earn
aorroiia praotrotma aad oakausttoa la
Par laia by dahataa •*«• ted
Tko lAteA Af ItetAUA Is giatek ydM,
AAd Ha aste«bsr.
VbAd. te kbto
aad. dUtreas alasoat tastaatly. builds
up sad straaptkoas rapidly and surely
every tlaw.
The ^ax medical ratkorltfes speak
la toe klgheat terms of the medicines
ooataioedfe Soa-Pkora. MuUUudes
of wooMO la every atate la the Union
pyatao ZoA-Pkora lor the great good
It kss done 8o wid* kn* become the
BO of this groot modicino, that nearall rellahl* dniggtau now have It
<a sale. You need amke no ex pisns
tloo to the druggist. Just aak for Zoa
Phors and receive tho medicine si
ready prepared, oompoanded In )u*t
(he right proportkios. and put up in
sealed, sterilised, ooe dollar bottles.
Pull lustructloos wrlU be found In each
package, olao a copy of "Dr. Pangeily'K
" oooulalug InlerAdvice to ^frara."
eating and Inatrucllve information for
woBieo. which will enable you to treat
youraeir tn the pri'
borne aad you need
bles to any one.
• oC tte* <k*Mid I
1 Is tel IBtoteAl
This fiWMc
wteAgtk of asaity taiiAF Aaot. aad H ts
ahte to swallow o araa wkote. Ttete
fact te pewTod kg aa sTpsrtaiMt arkkte
oallen ara food of moklog wteM aack
awkark te raprarod. Tho akuU bolag
vraaarraM. tkog omura toarasoNos kg
cnwttag OM offer aaoikar tkwtagk tka
dlMaadid lawa. It woaM k* aaaafe to
do tote, koworar. wkoa the bead kaa
koou fraakly cut off. kocaafe uador aack
rasOMoma toe |awa wtU aaap fegottear
Aerqaly for oosa* dmo affer^raid If
aaytloag te placwd ^rwaoa ttesa. Tko
akuU of a kig akark. by fe* way. la Ai
waya aatekte owlag to too Aarasni kg
museums aad cartoaHy kaafesa. ▲
yvuog ora UoD wrtMkfeg a koadrad
pouads kM hoM feuad ta tk* afefeAck
kg dKfertag that wad* wmi tbs kagtae
AliM^wtBdfea. “AmL" raid ka. n aa-
“Tteat felad A* ramtedi raa.** feuwted
ama wttkaat ahMtiag kla psaa w
Barra UMkam aa' Dau Wfeaar. dowa
ttev kaacte a ways. Barra had a akaaty
aa' Da* bad a akanty. aa' tocg«both
bought IP caata'
vnuk o* lobacvo. aa' tk* a*xt day Daa
waat te Barra aa' bought 10 cents'
walk or tobacco off klm. Tfeg rontlaaed the** aatas ■•r'ral days. Tk«r
both got aU tk* tobacco they waated.
aa* Harre Anily retired oa the dime."
^Yoatk's Coaqtealoa.
It U au open aerret that the taadfeg
aaodtatee raly very laigeiy upoa tk*
atage for to* puputaristag of tk* eom^
lag modeo Tkongh a atyta may k*
•aid to be cieafed by toe a»odtat«a aad
toe baUmatk of approval gtvea lo tt hj
of them wouW ring. E\oiyroyalty aod the court. It te torou^ tk*
InstrumcataUty of th* loading actradfea
that It broom** tb* feMrtoa of the eraThe atage ta an *scoUeat hack- tagging r t t'noMj 1<11 pull*."
•It's true wc kavy iharjcd for at
ground for ahowlng off beautlfoi
gowaa. and when the wearsn ar*
beauUfol women It adds au axtra
charm to th* drc****. Atraad Magi-
wfeL day
TUss do4 seat ns TUwytoa.
Bimoknirai hsra, %
aa th* roe*
Are our lltito
« Ihs gtet* ho eeafe W^y
snrtch osrth'a kladty besaat
IB th* truth vh«« peranu aay
lOs chUOra. ar* tfeM
-Dotreit Peas fvvaa
Pridget Wktek
“Phwera boT yea beea tkte araalpT
asked OTuader of OToote.
"Bora. I'v* been pteytag BrtAffM
whtat 'Tte a folne gaiao. U It."
"Brtdgoi whtatf An’ bow do yoapteg
"Ot alt lu tk* kltckra wM BrtdArt
and at* pta an* cake an' cktakaa. and
TOMATO plants and bruoeel sprout wkeo Bridget bears tbe mtetreas eamPPCCIAL featurra for Udioa ond
la' she aaja 'B’htat.' an'‘oi kkte la tko
children, tomorrow. Aoturday, Mat- for sal* at 70« Baat. Front.
June 11-Jt. paatory.’’-Abort Btorleo.
tory Jelly-cluaely related chemkaUy mat at 2:44, City epora houaa.
to egg alhum*»-aad thW sobstanco ta
Jelly dah. treoa. whataa, men-evevytolag that Uvea Blologtsto have saccooded In dotai rom# waadjrful
things. Five or aU sUrOsh eggs have
been fused into oo*. from wbkh a
monster aUrdah ha* been produced.
Otlmr Btardah Agg* have bcoa separated
into eight piece*, fram whicb eight
dwarf suvdab have been brought forth.
A city man HcodA hii children into the countfy for a little
Crabs can be mad* to order, with the
vacation. Their pranks are certainly moat interetting.
Urge claw on ellher tb* right or tb#
See what they do to the cowi, pigi, chickeni, etc.
left old*, and SatAsh have been prodoced with the «»lor pattern on to*
un<tar*»«fe.-New York American
the t..i;rlvt lu sunwtef. "I Cou’t know
Aatuvdoy. «vhat .x^ou UKwu"
•Th> d.-IIy uve of our dombboUa."
t:46. CItyopora hou*«. for lodloa and -n* Vu' r V • — S-. ^
^.xon 3jan.
Theatorum Attractions
The African Kino
These films are both the kind of comedy you can enjoy.
Soa*—~AnyOMTtaac*t AU."
Old City Restaurant Building
Admission 5 conls
XA/sde Bro-thiers
Real Estate and Loans
817 S. Union St
tu ..ikc
ierwaaf aarva form
Aa raviuuoa toe wamad aarra oMta.
It may vapalr* a daaao *r asor* boa**
Of tkta awdieta* to krtag akopi o tke*. praoout vartotts akade* of gfoea. ai
ouga ro*taratlon of yoar kaalth. tort you that lo aorao taoo* they ara hardly dtecaa to tortota that aaoh goo* to at tllgutehakte fram tko tevol. frara
taaaL douig you asara paod. aad to*
mpa te kouad i* to aatarai aad toor. The lake of Ooaova ^ ------aapk. Or. A. W. Ckaa*'* Ifm PUto
aad too Mho Af
•to o kM at aU daateto ar H A. w Both Lako OouatoacoTtes
cafAT of ikA
Oky kodtakM Oampaay. Mato Modltorraoaao kM kgsa rate*d
la too torso daapsr pariod*
woMAAte Ufa. tko yooag gtiTs ported.
moCAorkood sad ekaaga of life, loa
Phora ta the rsapiAy tokt kM hnmgkt
prompt rabaf aad prevootad •erlons
trottbleo talar, la tko attoadsat atesb*y-d|w»uppraMod moaaoa. feUlng or
dtapfeeltoepfe In Wuoorrkaa. Aooding.
the grave daapor to a deUeate woa In pvwgaaacy or ckaage of life.
Tk* Makers Oeaen.
Tb* term "baker's doxen" ta much
older than toe seventeenth century
teak lU ortglu. douUtkws lu modlsevai
Loudon, when bskerw soil tbelr bread
ACE the matin** tomorrow at 2:41
aolely or largely Sbrougb bucksters. or, City O.fera sous*. 10 c*nu to every
M wo should say today, bawkerw.
was tko custum of tbe baker lu deal
log with the huckster to couut tblrttwu
losvea of brvsil to the dosen. The odd
kaf was spimrcotl)' tbe bucksWr'a sole
Pow andrat was this practice may
•ho gatoarad from th* "Uber Albus.*'
or whit* bo*k of llw city of Isxndoo.
that mlnut* code Cor the regutatloo of
commercial morality lu mcdlstnal Ismdoa. Uer* ta laid down;'"nist DO bak*r of tk* town shall give unto regratma*a tk* tlxpance on Mondiiy mornig by w*y of bausel-mouey; but after
M ancient manner, let him give thlrmn artteke of bread for twelve."
The practice of glvtug thirteen to tbe
oaon ha* since Invaded many other
CAlkaga, auch as the book ami new'sPApor trada. but the aucicut trad* of
tko baker arny Justly claim to have
oolued a pkraa* which wUl live as long
M to* Hagltah lauguage.-LondoD MslL
ComtuenUag on the dU&cuiUes en
count«r*d lu the Ughtlug of old build
ings. dtt* to the circumstance .that
there ara cortatn Axed |k»1uU, often
favurabta ones, at which the llghu
mast h* placed, the Klectrtcal llecord
CAlta attention to a quaintly lutereotlug
paasag* tai Dr. Louis Bell a "Art df 11lamination."
Dr. Bell oaya that If Moctrtc light
had boon tn ua* for centuries and the
CAOdlo had Just been Invented it would
ho halted a* oae of the greatest btaos
laps of tho cantory on the grannd that
It ta aboohitoly self cunulued. aiwaya
baudy. as U kuew ready for uo* and iiorfectly mobile, and
a* Well how to arrange the ro|H» and tkta last oamod admirable quality to
wttk wklck It oolvea o|^ of the
pulleys aud to make Hue* fast around
the <<ar or eugtu* that had to to iPQAt dlMcaU problems of Illumination.
Of cooraa. ks Adda, tt vraokl hardly b*
Uu* of tot cttrtous matoods of em raAAOMbfe to raccramem^ tkta day
ploying the bKxuuaUve of to* wreck aod data tko adoption of candles or
tralo was to mak* It mova a car for- lamp* for aaj area* where ga* llgkttag
• ward to *taning tba kwumoUv* back aod otaetrtc wiring can b* done, and
ward. Kaaisating a tarkte aecumly they would prove wholly laadequoie
round tb* twr.> U would to imaaed la laipa aaaas. but oven tkao* erode
through a pulley tartenad lu a tree or typra of radlaatB ctui po***«i *om
poet lu front of It. aud to* ro|ie theo vaatagM ovor toa mor* modern oa
tod hock to too tarumotlve. U*v*«al«ig
kte lever, to* eoglueor of vxmuwc pulled
Afeto Af Other boyo.
tk* rap* krauud to* pultey oo to* tr**.
Ateag kaa aHray* been a fruitful
thu* forriag to* car atoad. By tote aaore* for tk* eapanalou of tanguago.
aovel idau. wklck te atUl used ocra- aad iastaaca* may b* multiplied of
Hdi new raapectahta which were
olQUaUy. muck uf toe dakrta to front
tw takaoad aa vulgartama. But oa
of to* wrack uala could to ctaarad
* other kaad. tkara have beea many
mg akraaa* la ua* for centurtea
Tkara ar* tlmoa. though, whoa *v«a
I ueeor beconfs acceptable
to* most oaraful rtggon mak* a astetaka They kav* aot raeltaod tk* straia
wktek to* tackle ma*t amad wlma
diM ksgla to aaoaa. JMam, Uka Cto
crack af a ildtei aaap go** to* Upo.
Mora tkaa «aco o loeao sad koa rangkt agala la tk* dtegy of on* of to* asoat
oomo poor follow roaad too toga, brook- piamhMat woama wrttera of the algktlag too IwrtMo Iteo pipootom* Mato oaoto oMtwy, Traaco* Buroay. ara
a maa oa too raUrood * payroU wko te feoad food ateag pkraa** of to* Aarar‘tea* gill of today, a*, for laAt caly lo wovo to* algaal Aog at to*
**I vxlked out** “Did yoa
atr*M croatang was amoag to* wraok,»w aosk a loadr aad "1 bad
era aaui to* day to* rope kraka<-Oto
A Yta «aML‘*-ML Uate Bmmkllc.
Alisa WlBsy la Doarss Tlmoa.
•r.r’“ *• —■
Pag Ufa, but tboy also ara bandy to bold
Ptp coartma Wbaa tk* craw ar* putting
iwkata* or olkm part* la place In oa*
aarasr ara cutes af rap* aa lack or
Mora tkkte Baao* of holts and anu
iaml ocim Ite aid# ky au* on tb*
dear. On tk* walte baag hooka, pvl
daya. aawa aad axaa Hoavy oUwa
oiwwhaio ara pUod la aootber coruer.
Aa abort, tkta te a vapalr akop aad
prafsassr sf somarking -Mteior. kin
you too M wkaa the mm do **( lodayr
"Ak! Tko potto dowB of too MSaef
Today-u»d*>-let me calcalato. Tea. yea! Tko son set* today
at onrUy four mloatoo after 7.**
^Tkanky. air. Goto**-Ho kta pwrtaar\saU ll 7
How. Wbora toe timer
Cteke ezteodod kta arm at full length
oa a ntraHtet Ho* frara tk* aboulder.
hoot kta kaad at right aoptew. the four
Aagora ctek* togotoor. aad bogau to
meosora atrip* of sky from toe korti aoa keavouward- lu alghtlug, tk* outaids of too UUte tnger was at too hortaoa and the uoUldr of the forcAogor
warn just mio hour nboae. Back ‘kond”
OMout oao hour. -HkOtelt bar oaked
Ooko. **Two kanda an* or half.'’rvpUod
kta compautoo. ’ Waal, that meatM tv
aa’ ar half taos n 7. it s ball pas' 4.‘*
U measurtug the height of a homo
wo strike a vertical ifti* fcMutoa^wlth•ra and nay *o many ftanda, as 1&. Id,
17, etc., allowing four loclw* b
band. A kora* of Afi*On hand* ta six
ty Inch**, or Ave fort high. Tbo four
Aagora of tho hand hold at rtght augtes
lo to* arm aod at arm's length from
tko *yo covor about seven dog
Aad oo angle of seven dtgreoa c
apund* to about 12 feet 2S India* Ip
100 feat, or to AOH feat In WO yanl
or to 04& foot tn ono mile. etc. Wit
a Vetta oaparlooco ono ran ooAn te
with tolerable m'curacy the height of
amootaln* without the uae of expenalvo
iMmimont*. In telUog the time If
000*00*ry of courso to have a pretty
dsAult* Idea of the hour the sun a
Xow York Prms.
bora terte^ teaUof and Porau
t teaaoHl to PateM aad tackDho—n te a CatABlo Hodrtte
tor aad dado Msraadyla
_ Tk* iraat MMI* iWte.
Tte* ama aatlag tab par erriAm n te
ftesN wara oaly tkra* kaama ta Aka
ttea graai widi* oimite. U'feottagvte* Attte teamfei aa ttep* i>ed. hot PA asAiar
Mwa Ig tkf BAM* of araa aafec. <te-
'Varylag Heat *f tk* Awn.
Tk* amaAAt of brat gtvoa out by tk*
AAA te tOAtaAtty vorylAft aad at ttaaag
H te Mt tera tkaa aaoaigth graaiar
thAA AI Alkto ttei as that la. aa^ty
wamtum ta AccAAAt for
• or waitm wlaian oa tka
laaleoAar ka
aay daakt that wa awo war msitkar ra
gsaot amm fe tte* aalar lafeksato^
Traverse Clly,Mlcli.
at Phone 1219
City Property, Farms, Suburban Property,
Resort Property and
Timber Lands.
We have recently obtained control, for the purpoae of placing on the market for sale. forty*6ve
thousand acres of choice timber land in the counties of
Otsego. Montmorency and Alpena, Mich, all practi
cally in one body and all penetrated by the Boyne
City. Gaylord and Alpena K4ilroad when extended
from Gaylord to Alpena.
In this tract, Trhich consists of Maple. Hemlock*
Pine. Elm, Basswood. Beech and White Ash. there it
six thousand acres of choice Cedar, worth under tha
hammer one hundred and fifty dollars per acre. No
estimate will be furnished on the Cedar, but estimitat
on all other timbers will be furnished. Will be con
servative. and we believe at least twenty per cent in
side bl actual cost.
h was the intention of the owner to only offer tbU
tract in one bbdy, with one price over all. But after
having their attention called to the position in which
it leaves the small investor i practically giving him no
opFKJrtunity to invest and control his investment) they
concluded to allow us the privilege of closing out An
tracts of one thousand acres or more, as purchaser
desires and can pay for.
This will probably be the last chance in whieb tbe
small investor will have an opportunity to invest biff
money on an equal footing with the great capitalists in
one Gf the great tracts of Michigan timber lands.
Prices given will be
the Lowest Cash Price.
option wtU be given, but plats, descriptions and
estimates will be cheerfully furnished a^ all reason*
able questions answered.
U view or the fact that this is one of the most de
sirable mcit^f timber in the state, and placed onihe
market at a slight advance of purchase pitideih such a
way that the investing public can place their auMsey
independent of trusts or stock coa\paiiiet. reviving
the title dimt to themselves, at will be snapped up is
fata as dmeriptiont aod estimates can be lomiklied* to
if you wbh to get aay pemioo of ^hb prope^ do not
beaiute, for it vdil bear tba closest invesUgatloo. '
Understand, this whole tract is virgin forest; never
a stick has been removed—all is- as nature has devcY*
oped it. and was purchased particularly on nccoontof
extra desirable timber.
We think the owners have sustained their repot
tioo for fair aod square dealing (which is second to
none) in allowing this great tract to be divided intp
small parcels.
For plats, descriptions, prices, etc, addreas
Wadi Brci ,
' Tmc^Ci,.lid,s l%
8i7Uiilon nreet)
^ CitrjiiibiiEl^
t»4v«h>« city.
mm» hatmm, «M«li wm tmm «•>
plipi tm
liKuril pMiK «•
OTt .iiptg u mmttfy 4.
I d »• p»
*««■ MMMm. M MW mKImI PM>
tm Ml lisa {MU
^Mkid to tka Suftftl^ Maaftvd
•g MTarikftfteh MW hr B. WftB.
rillOAY. JUNE at. 11^7.
■arftmataf atandy. ttiM.
rnrnmmmmm. Tiw p«Mt «Mi i9
• M4f MC MW IMm W«l ■MIWI P
Itjf M« «Mdi Mrtwi to Mi iirrii^i
•toW. TiMPiton pritopi ptotoa
Mp«i Owpirt if to« aWM
t*iitoPiri W Mw illy.
iilBiM MM Ml ami
«M M ».mmm a.«M
CkrM W. 4«ai >1 MMUMm Ui
mcHtoML nttpAv, jum 2t^ mi.
BrtilUM Potoil of tka TalaprapkftlW Uftton Paid That Campantoa
^ Otoa't Make Oaad an PremlMd
fUtoa mm Marek t.
OawarnMy fair umitkar ftaasgt
paaaikly tocM iBmndar otonn tatoghl and Patueftay: emrvMr to
aMt ganiaa tanlpbt: freak aawthariy mtoda
By Wire to tka Evaftlag Bacord.
Pftft rrmnetoou. Jaaa SI—Prealdant BUCEd AND A OIUND PARADE
tha Tetogrftpkars^ untoo.
autod today tkat the newspatirr reporta
aotvrltkaundlng. a
apalMt the Weatarn Union Talagrapk
to ^«ur tM mmk Mm ton
oompftfty at fUn PVanctoc^ wpiild-ea:^
fy<>fcto»ii ftVAf. Ahom 4 AriMoek ttl*
gin todM foUowad by Ckloiho. New
■toitop. Mhma hmi ft ftfttoft to •»
York, Clavotood and Ctodonktl.
nwto. II vftft kif hop vho
Didn't Maka Oaad.
^ ftflMiU kftl toftlk 414 mat Ptoiof Mftp Mmji Wftriaap tor an a^ BUMPURPOtt.
Pan Fkanctoco, June 31—After read^ Utol MUl Mt hfti Mr«i ftftd tk«
Wm VMtofMar—TaIIiM U a
tag the totter of Prealdant qiowry adiiilM Mi toofUMr mft4ft4
to Oommlsaktoftr of Labor.
oatman af Wketo Raglan InvHsdNaUl. Praaldeat Pmall of tbe ComNo Entry Fee Will Bb Charged
mgretol Tatograpkera' uoloo of AmertWANTBO-^Ocod koftaakaaper by maa Oft. Mid.
far Parade ar Racaa and PrizM
kavtof mafrlmuiitol tocltoaUana. Aaara Yaluabit.
•Tba letter of Mr. Clowry gives no
aver at oaca 401 Wabalar aWaat
hope at Immadtota adjustment of
Juaa 114t* grtovaacM with tbe Western Union
Mr. Clowry shows clearly bis antag
The moUir boat oommltife of the
Tka akoro waat ad oaaa to tka bo<
cnlam to the untoo. *rbe poaltlun
l>Y>urU of July cetobrstkm held a
tlea of Mra Joka Paalay of Mk BapIda aarly la tka memk. Mra. Paalay Uka to tkat the two large talegraph meeting toat ovenlng and made aroofttpaalas agreed to Incraaae tbe sal langemenu fur tbe biggvst motor
vaa knaptoc kouae tor aa apad raalboat display and rares ever held tn
f^l of Blh Baidda at tka tlma |rko artoa of all along tba line, ten
caaL March 1. toat. They have
the city. Tba InTitaUon v>
WM hovartaft batwarn Ufa aad death.
good tkU pfumiaa.-'
In tbe races and parsde Is extended
Yantardayr tkay kurtod hiftL Today
the boat owners of the regtou
aka arrived la tka city.
and It to thought that there will be
Of oouraa aka dido't kaov It wm
large ohmber of vtoUurs preaeOt la
aawaiiftpar mmu wko vm aauntaiiai
addition to the htg fleet.
kch to worl^ aarly tkla aftarnoon.
There will be flve evenu lo Ue
d ha looked kunaa aad aaamad to
races: SS-fool ctoas. SS-foot claaa. Sty
It lato tha ^aadacaitai Tkat vm what
p Mm «r Mif
foot class, IS-fout class sud 16-loot
aka wantod
> fti tito CMr
ctoM. Tha deutto of handicapping
Pfty.” aka aaSd droppiap kar “alll
NpaWfti IMI
not yet b«en worked out but an
gator akto* kap to tka walk. • Where PIBIPT ANNUAL OP .IMMACULATE
ayatem will be uaed so ib.it
Ma tkta ftiaa IHra? ’
all the boats will have sn equsT
Tka otkar ananaad tka dirty, worn,
chance and tbe lloUbes will be close.
Btr win Ift Mip ftNMftc K«M»r4.
The cours*‘ has to'4-u laid out so
toiiia. iftpa tS^A LatUltoo at <
that all the race will be visible to
*My! It’s hot. ala't ur aba wt
MataftlaaftHi Ulaatrr Taptaaftt, i
the spectators. The boats will start
Uoftad al 4p4a Am AaaactM vMli wiptog tka parsplratloa fruai
triad to gat a kid lo cany OfliLLP AND CHOBUPti WERE from in front of the G. R. d I. depot.
lU anna ftftd fttoaiunitiuB aad )otoad eyat.
down to the Oval Wood Dish diK'k.
tfttoiiaftpt vipi growar* at Baatora, tkla aatokal lor ma. but ka wouldn’t.
turn around a stake boat, then down
My. up to Patoakay, tka kids 'll do
tlw AaftPfftftnpfP oC lAa ragtataal.
Harrow's crib, around that and flo
TLa niiHtom ftho ftKMiUjr »ara ra- aaytbtng for na. I aurkad up there
Ish in front of the O. R. A 1. depot,
rnrttad Tm ptoaftp tkp ariaa prop toat arlntar."
Firal Eighth Qrada CUm of Nsw the course being gone over twiee.
Pha »M diracitod to the MO ktoek
ara, Pamkat iM waa
gchaal Complatod Courwa Last
uiaktng a race about, five miles In
lltof warakad^iBUi Baalara wlilch OB WMatirr atieoL
Evaairtg and Wara Awardad
“Tou aaa." aka voluBtaared. “1‘ni
Itoft 4MW IftAatotaau. piUi dniau
Their Dlplemaa.
The parade will be over this same
kiPUfef ftftd aoton ftirtoc. Ttiay aiM gaUiiig tlrad of kalag towaad aroaad
course and the boau eutertug Into
ftpv tPtopad to tk* prtactpal apuaia all ftiy daya. My right BftOM'a Paalay.
tbe parade will be decorated. prli«-ti
but 1 go ky Puma, my maldaa name.
pT tkm toir.
Oanavtove WluoeU-ckl.
Paalay akd I couldn't gat atoag worth BriaC. Lewis Ludka and Albert Rokos bring given for the skill In decora
ting As there will be a large num
oaai. I was keeping kotiaa lur
lava compleied the required work of
U-r or boats sud the majority will be
man la Elk Raplda. k«t we buried tba gnunmar grades of tbe Immaci
bim yaatarday. Pay. ala't U ulca the lato OoncepUan school and Imi night hsndsumelr decorated, this will ba
» attractive feature.
•ay tbey let Uam down Into
graduated at Ua Grand opera bouse.
grave now I nevar mw It kafoie yea An aotcellent prugrsm had been pre
The committee spent considerslde
larday Blnce Healey and I aeparaied. paiwd by the Bisters and it was witlime on lire prize list, arriving at
I’ve bad to wtirk and w^ I saw this
Vd by a anull but an apprerU
tbe cunrluslun that it would )>e better I
thought I’d owaa o»er-” and bar tiva audlaitoe.
Especially good was
to give a large number of prizes rath-1
irpNt MftCtaUftftd Paartaan MtoatM %> lace baamed with anticipated happl Ue^worh of Ue small cklidren In the
than one big one. The prizes se- ^
I Pvli Caatoaaiaii a# HW
drills and cdioruses.
lecied consist of launch lights, fold-'
It WM kct. vary hoi. and tka sun's
Cflftia an llw Ctoilaiaa.
(CooUnoed on PaconO Page)
lag anchors, life preservers, etc.
light WM radactad blladly from the
selection bring mtfde of first
pavameaL bat aka gathered up tba
Mr Wlip It Ow IMftf llaaorA
srilcles only and all will be found
baftvy grip. Lnukad tba damp locks
MokUa. AW. Jana tl-Wlllla Me at bnir from Imr brow and sc4 oB lo
bout Ue boats. Among the
prlxes ara a aet of batteries and
dliwcttoft of tba advartlsers'
ton yard Uut toaniiaf for Ua aiardar abode.
gallons of gasoline. There will
WAt POiTMAtTER OF OfUWN prlxes fbr boU the races and parsde
of Mtateal MaOMaro, an a«ad raal
‘The Mly directory Mys tkat Edwin
MaOlallaad daatod kU putlt U ro^ llVM at Mb Wabater street
and on account of the number, many
ap to jaatonlajr. kai «ada a toll t<oa sad tkat ha la aft advploye of the Oval
tbe ^ta will receive them.
Ample time wUI be given tbe rac
Wood dUh oatnpkfty. Whan Mr. itox CBaa In Hoapttal at Brand Raplda YaaTW mImM •« ^ly MACM. guM kome «hto avaalng. ba may aea
ing boats to strip their ^ecorstions
Urday—Was Weil Known
MaOMIaaA niMat oaly Alwr lour.
that they sill not U- hindered In
peratotent, ovarkafttod womaa vrttb
to Thia City.
tapa aMantaa of atraaftalailan.
badly torn sackal. rnmtimpmA on bU
iroftt parch and tbe wadding bells
Tauring to AutoW. L Mania aad family cf OMhoy can paaoed Urough Ue city Uto at.icrnoon to a new WkUa stoamar.
I They ^ Detroit Monday avornlAI
but kM« been ngendtog boom time
jto dlEarent cities Uroughout Ua
/ ^tkero and central part
' atata. . The c»r to lahtog Ue aaftdy
ruftda vrlU the greatest
i« and good
Til MM IN UUimmM
- A*K!Sf
Elkskin Shoes
EUftkio Hhoftft Axig practical
thoeft (or hot vealher. Try ft
pair, if your feet ache 'ftxuJ
burn thcfte hot gutumer tUyg.
TWp Ortoftnaai Wka Imlprptod rram
laapaPA Waw oiaaairarad
to a Pwama.
Mr Wlfp to Ika Mrealaft Bacord.
larka—. MMA.. Jaaa tl-Atoa Me
BUftMa. variappr. aad Jack Pkaau.
karor tktoC. wko aaeppad fron prtoua
r murdai. para aapiarad Uta toura
top to ft pppMp wau Id tba cUr.
Pketa tkay had kaaa htdlB« aH alpki.
V * YMay autoa po raatatoaea.
r futorv.
mu McaBEEs
Charlavaia la tntaruinlag a Oraat
Band af Viaitans Tadsy ■ Many
Apactol Tralna.
PpsclAl to tka EvanlnMocord^
CkartovoU. Mtok.. Tuna H-Chartovoti to entarutolog ooa cf Ua Mggeat
crowda of Its, klatory today. Ua tovrn
Imtog rnU of trtoiUkg Macoabaaa. Tkay
to ocma aarly iklx awralBg aad
Mia. Maaiift Oal Divaroa.
wftre atm arvtvtftg Uto anerwwm. U«
Br WUa to Ika BTOftlfti Baooid.
Haw York. Juaa li^Tke Oavatoad apanlftl Uftlas all baartag large daletihma.
^ to^ rmptod a daronoa to Mr.
Thi parade was a big featuiw. and
IMP B. Mftftftft. No t. iBtpMity him
tka grogrm to katog aojutyad to tka
Dplay Oordoft.
•toto CtoaM Caaa.
Waoldnl Pay Baaed,
W- WIra to tha Bvafttod BacoHL
Mdaa. Jaaa ti-Tka aUto fdaaad
lar Buukto wotOdaY pay Lorot
Mi aftM at If ll ladar wtthapt aH- U M. aUBhto lor hla koftid and aka
PtoPPr toaa.
sad# comgMMt ftpalaat him be
WATOM tor Waad Btoura* Mp oA-
tidO QNitoMn kftwftA far lagtoft and
PpactoJ to the Evening Bacord.
Oravrn. Mich.. June SI-H. C. Burt
<4 Uto p^ce. died at Ua U. B. A. boa
plUl hi Grand Rapids yesterday
morning at g o'clock, of cancer of Ue
Oaoaaaed wm born in OratkH coun
ty. Mtoh.. Merck SI. ittt. Ha wm mar
ried to AUla A. Hillard of Florenoe.
OhlK at Crystal, Mich.. Oct S4. IMO.
Mr. Burt asoved to Oravrn stxtaan
years ago. where he hM bean engaged
to Uc hardware aad Upgtoment boatftMft
PTor Ua toat eight yaara he tiled
Ua ofPoa of pet master and wm well
knovrn Uroupkoot Ula territory m
tka proprtatod of Pltoar Lake r^ort
Ha laftvaa a widow, aoA aito d«Mktor. Oaorga M. and MImMi wBfb of
Bmaat Harr. Intonnani viU ba n\
Mftgla OewftL T^ft fuftaral awwtoa
wtP ba PMwdfty.
Mr. Bun Wfta waU knoqrn to Uto
dt^ aU had
Ut#s -mafttoar of
trtogd* who will ka ftocry to toarn of
hto dMtk.
BMABD gftoft ftftftftfttolftim
lering Uc raoea or parade and those
who daalra to take part are urged
hand In tbalr names at once to i
chairman at Ue commltttee or any
member. the committee conatotlng of
L. Stevenson, chairman; H. D. AlOrnilam Darrow. I^ouls
Heiges and Irving Murray.
was auggeated at tbe- nzeeUng
that those who take part In the races
parade wear Ue regulaUon white
i oonalattog of white trouaers.
wklia overahlrt and round hat. Prank
HamlUea Ama aamplea of Ueae goods
on display and the whole outfit aelto
f« only $2 SO.
Pony Dlvlsiofi. ^
The pony divtokm of Ue hig pa
rade on Ue Fourth of July, will be a
aptondld feature. Mtoa Julia Kelley
and Uanry Hull have been appointed
to arrange ikto divialott.
They boU kave pony earu aad will
totarMt owaara of oUtor pony rlga
to Ue city and arrange a apAeadld dtopiay. A yctoft wiu be gtoea for Ue|
(Oofttlmtod Oft fHwrU Itoga.)
VCBIY ctoaaly out prioM Oft mitllP. MoCeoL tSS EmA
kftM. Mtoft 0- r. MftGftftL tn East iiory. MAoa C
June tt-H. PiftftI fttoioA
tofto fl-U.
Any price you wifth tb pgy, from $1^ to $7;H.
Vity Book Store
Is the day we t-rii-brate with patriotic
We will be open on Ua
4th of July and you will be able to
fluii uiijtbluA you iu-f*d in Ue line of
m-Lllge shirts, cullsrs. cuffs, tien. belta,
light wilghl underwL-ar. Panama and
Straw Hats, or anything you want in
With or without rubber
Black. Tan or Olive.
Al first clas* halKfidashery.
For Men. Boys, Youibaaml
Little Ciunto.
rnion St. Clothier*.
If you exj>6ct (o enjoy the
ctttuforl of a i>air, we're at
your service.
y\ Toe suppers
Bl'h'»dld Hue «f these aad the)- are
sunvrisiiigly comfortable these daya
too. Take off your high nhoes and get
A. V. Friedrich
t»n a pair of theae.
Have you seen those swell ribbon
Seller of Good Shoes
ties we are showing?
They combine
both style and comfort.
Sunburn Tan
«4..Pricklcy Heat Will quickly improve
' under an application
Wouldn't a Coat of Paint
Witch Hazel
Wt- |»alnt your house on tiu- easy |>aytm-ui plan.
... Cream
Soothes,Smoothes and Heals
1‘iUek Uios • fauiouk p-aln1.
Paint It with
IteUK-mbi-r nothing adds ao mneh to
looks of your place as ke«*piiig y<»ur houstj nicely painted.
If you art' a txniler get in the 'home tiwiiei ’ class.
We ct(u %
pitse you In the uumU-i of bargains we have to offer JUst now.
Phone us and we will call for yon a
Got them <
easiest kind of |iuymenlh.
^Hammock Weedier,
Here U an ftaaortment of firot-eUag Hammookt Uhkt ambnai
for hftid eve^y^iay naage, and alao madft in vei>- pretty ool^
Brug Stere.
keep you
cool at
nominal cost
rnderwear, SQc
Soft Collar Shirto,
iOc to $SFineftt made
Straw Hats
Entire new linev
Onting Saito
Vftloeft else where.
& Huniter
Smith ..Realty Co.
Office cor. Lake Ave. and lOih. Res. 429 W. lOlh.
Olfice phone 32. Res. phone 290.
Instanteous Hit
7.AtS amd S.AkS
He* MiUuo & Alvio ia “Onlv * Joke"
the Eorupeiim Athlele and Ountor8fte Perry, the Ifnaioftl Oomeduui
See Bodde, the Charftder Impeno
See the Moving Picttiree
n A BEzunm hau-wbu. venTOATB) uo cool
M^Lftdiea and OhUdxen oBtgffftd to
” £J1
fi-fi ».1 I’
‘ loiotoaiTTM ffUM
I^OTB EUmCB «» <A«n 9mM. WtMtftl.
TW ipiilM Mi*pr IM
Ilf tw Mlwol. fv «WI
• MWI «« Hr kivi #Mi i»
PI vtftvOfai w li«te
« A. mmf tisr,
*yUK ,S9U!
I kr tW U« fWrtH of
Ak. RomM^apH. MaImU mm
tea. WrtHA Mm. Mli HMHtt
A voeAl 4«At. ‘'TW QAArral.*' vAt
•Naa Ia iniA «rA»AUA ttfim If JaM
VAA lAIA of IW tiTAttlAAl Arllta of tw
mm, “iMAr fWtAAticA;' Hr
k Strta Paw firl oArrMI a Wp»
<AAArtm wHk WVAfA AAd tw Wm
A AW «M MdSAdr, A OtAlA 9t PMC
Mr AMMIIW AIA AAAM w r«»r tour AAM
MMWtAriir. AAi tw proAfATtA W» AkAdlpM pIVAUlkJAAr- VAA VOU WA'
AIA iWi Hiwwiwmii 4aT iHU KAAP diAd AAd W 4M MSto
«Pi W IW MMM Wr TrAVATSA CTtr work In AWPACtlAA vllk Mo pdit.
A«ir M TWrt vui w maaj vat)
TkA APMAdr «M • AWldA UttlA
TW IrAwurli* tAtag.
ywm hA tw WaM avat VltAAAAAd fit kAOp Um AAdlAAAA lAtotWlAd. A )oW
WHWrH MIWIm tw asacaUva 4a pATpOtrAtAd ApQP IV. OlWMA kT kU
AAAAaittW W* IAWa ATAAt iiftAk
AArtAUt JorfSiUlL Arhp vrHoo
tw rMAAllAA ut AB AMWTAIA IfA- mAAtora iMtor tolUai blm of A fiVM
•AfW Btnnm far ww wr wd
ftAtuoA iMt him kr ok old (rtfM M
HW TW Mf MlWMnAl wrW» vlll kta apd aaklbs him to Aoam to tW
W A Am lAfattiA AAd tw pataW roAi orAo# ctf pufuA tmliAr a lAVyAr.
MtttAA AfA VAI7 dAAimm tllAt AVArr WkliA iW dootor to tkooAt tW
Ton VABt raUAA klMAAif la tw dootor'A
iAAA m$% iaAuMMaa aiA iMbr ami rlorkAA and roAAfvw AMtora. TW
rArWL Aa4 thk atUI W a pwid oppor trouklAA grovlni oat of tkto ara du
IttAUr lor tw pmplA aT TrAVAra* city Ally AtrAlgbtAitod out and ao kdrtn
to VttMAA A pttMfa WiAOiisiraikiA of ADAA of tk« Aenraa'A Arroiv. TW
OAT tBdwtrtAl (roAuet*
At VAb;
fW MM AAaI rACM AAd iwrmde I»r Curam. a rAOowocid nodical
frPl W A AiApiltiWIII (AAttti*. THf ptbetlilonAr. Pari Joyc».
hepw fWA AlU w AA poud AA «A Jomolak, kU AotvAbt. TUU% ,»r-
ftquibt 4NN«t iwpi.
M^9 9lli>iWMtiti«»in»piF>t^1t.
T9«fci9 9ilrtaAioi|9»gnwiilWl>
•mm U Httoh MUkst
wiitrtUr gk9m TUm wm 9tmmti
Hr • VOMI Mia^ tliUHM.Ow,." 19 IH
ThM A MiUfi.
*TW Herr ntf/ Iir %m fir^ «m
veil mlv«4 Hr tw a«4Imm TW
Atru vW iMk Wft ««r»:
Matt HWlArtl.
lia. r%tWrlM n
’m mm
ciliilTa oiMigii
iSWkW M b aim
jrau heoa
jttst whRt IS tn it, Rtod
vithfMMof our
>'.N V
tWb'k eukw abM
bud hbiw • ani« ice
cretib bhisir WHW tkt
f'- :^
.mwtlp «|TV. mwtaAMi MiMV. Mim i
KiMlr ivkaMMd, mskUr
in tM» aU A* Mnt iwim*.
Its* hnaWwtbaiartot
IkbttUtRORikffRkipR gmboked ihtkMA edrto.
you CAP Ifppsp your
cremm Ir a few minutes
•kd whhout My trouble.
They aiU Irom-
Fnnk Truda
A W. Hililkor, OAAvty AfOAt. to la- Maw a PmoMao PoM i
Tawa Clask.
VAMIfAttof tkO COAMtlMia af
TW pAklle aala of A SAmktor m
HarnAA WWra They ara.
Uktok naad far APetlosMi oi AOgros
Oonnty A|aaI HUHker haa W«>n aA(V^£i«-Wr"a cWV far tho cUy of
ting to tha pMt fav vaaka look tog up Atoxandna. Va. jitot Aifoas
tw AkIldivA from tw OotoVAter fauttc rivar from WaaUlAftOA,
U tw dnya asw* tW ktotortc aid
achuol vW WvA bAaa todanturAd to
Hera are some of the many oceoes
famlllAA to tkla eouAly. Ua vlMta olty of AtouAdrlA was kAowa aa
wbaro all kladi of gAmaa anltad fbtcb will be aaeu to tho Faaafan
AAch koAM parAQAaHy aad tovaati- pUc#
May which win be given at the Graud
gatoa tW oOAdlUuAs oArafully.
eonAd wUWvt diMcMty. Rtortao of opera house July lai and sreak.
TWra ara twenty dva children -to- torps
gama loAt kod^woa ara stUl cur- where you caa Wre lots of good.
deaturad to Grand Trnverae famUtoa root Of tkaaa aopa to amma lalaraat- coaafortAbto seats with no waits op
Abd Mr. HllUkvr aUted tWt vUk oos tog two tka oAo which revaals Uie hi* the outside, and the price of admlaa•aoApUoA. tka ^tm» envIrowMkts lory of tw old town rlock of that an km will be oaly Sve canto: Christ
vara vary pood AAd tW eklldrAU i
ctont city.
fatdtog the multltnda. healing tha
aatladed. BlAoa tW sokooi yoAr koa TW atory to to tW eRart tWt an aa* atch, raising Lasaros. the transSgum
boon dXAd at nine montka for tko aaangkto AfagAAdrta waa tofaotad by a tloA. the tost aupper. the agtmy In the
AAfT MM. TW drltlBc iiAHk aaaoMa
wd fOMklara
fA>vl>Wa fwuu tw snrdea. Judas' boirayal. tW crucltxaiAta oWreoA. tba appUoatlons art pni^y af afaawd
; tWt time an
Urn tf» maMai prApArAikiM for
UbgrraUi, Ak togypUau orarlts not AO fraquem for tW boya and glrto
loA. ukeu down from the cross, placcould aoSMiUntaa be made
AAMA wrr Awaiw AVMtA. twta <lAorfA KMkM
aa tbla lAAvea only tbrea montW to tnoia
tamh. the reauriwcWith rltiaena of blgb sinudiug, bui
but wW'‘®*'
«P) W AlHlAtfa MPortA. AAtAT Aportt.
Poof. PsMMS W rtpuri on lubAcy, whiok thay caa devote tWIr entire en^yad
a brtiab at cardb. Ooe oritfab 'nad tW aacensiou, sUo
t«A pnf AaII SAMOA AAd tomn^^lAor Prank Eabtlah.
_ working for -thoae vbo give
mseaWAt. fall into
BkalcWr wlU alAg “TW Holy City."
lAtlWAA tWt #111 AtlrAAt AllAOlfaA
Oftoar Brovu. ob« of IW dnaat. | tk«Ai bonte.
wkkk WAS aet fkr him by tW rlalttng So wait Abd come to the Grand opera
ARl MtAftAlA tw orovd tbA Alll Ur Juliua
gamklaca. aldad by a local atuoi Mgaou hoiiae. Don’t forget the date. July
Afiar A aertoa of laiuto the geutlenuta
Mayor dkindlnt .a mired ordoer.
TW Btorant PamiAiaa.
1st and week. Admtoalpa 6vo cento.
II te ASpAMAd lAht AAAllr
TW lAAS of lAAo roto tW world, but found hluwelf out of lenket several
Roy WlAA.
■Rufub Rniltry,
counaMlor-at lav^ tw daufklars of mon goreru It tkrottgk tkouaana doltom and the gamblerM in
It to woiton wW fouAdaiaetoty poaaeaalou of' bib uotoa fur Urge Tba Manlataa Nawa aays:
MMtW AA tkA CAT fArrr AAd hAlp u» Ooorga Kottan.
to UA AJTldrtol aapActa. It la wansaa Afflunuto.
“The Rlto Harlan Block company
nMrtfa. TWia Viu W aU WAda In
Hot Latry. a koatlar, U. Oasuoki.
TW Htlsaa /"nsada good.- But
AAd lo
tW |MA4a. VklAfl Wtu glVA MAkooru
Ibled blm
him to brine <*•»•"•<* » ‘AW nudlance than greet
Mr. INnkAlapiel. a Hum of a laml^
lucky thought easbled
ll to
Is VAffaUA portkAtA Vi tw city. IDvtirt 1). Joaepk Drll.
evening at the Ramsdeil In
W imkuoa lann with Walio to shout bla rcTanga c the leader of the
aUM Af IVavaiaa Clip AWuld Intd
performance. The company
Thlb conedy waa folloved by tba emulntA, wW toatUto taio ktm toctol
Ma Aflpru to idaWIHU a Uli au<u»m foaittra of ike evAUlng, “Revel of tW amklttoA that toevlubly Mia«a ta Us tha fact there was su old law of (be lb guUe all that was claimed for it.
ta AtAtr tatrtWOAr. Up to tki« unw VaUda.“ by u lurpe Aumbrr of UlUe trato tw rvsUtaa tovat of
it ACdMMttoto etatc-and a almllar Isw Is stlU ou the It la of the true stock coupauy order,
AiTAAtWAlAf MtoPAAl Wa bOAU IHAO dovor ilrta. A ouinWr of aOMitor tw madAAAs of graad. tw»nMWtton far statute books—in wbU-h It wss wade aa oppoaed to the repertory compan
any man .*anwhich pUy week aland, and detfAMAd AAd tkto Will ioriAAAA Uk tht> gtiie to groAO and pink drenaea and powar tbrangk doaudol Inccaaa. It to and pjvridsd “iWt if any
to wW to at otuw the aaetol bul not show that he Is |>ursulug some tow-:
M9 HppraAphAA. 9r#rr tOAldran* Abd cariylbg baaWta uf dovarA oama on
work and tW autoerat-Londoo Wa fttl means of iirocuriug a livelihood W
make up for an Inability
Mull Ml Wuw iWuld W elAUorAtoly
liag*^ Abd wove
tkaiAAAlveA uiaa's IJfe.
aWU he aohl or hired oot at public i
dAMrstod vitk uAtiuAAl ootoiA. no antong the larger playera. This was
• There to no Inability to i
tWt TTavataa (?lty Atay pn«««t nu up uaduubtediy the bit uf the rvesttog
l»art Vi any member of the Rlt.i Har
■IIINO ths ladiaa, krlQg ths babiaa,
Samaaca of pAirlutUut Abd Aplrudui
TbuM. Ill the drill were. Ullan bring avsrykady—tAmarrow, City ap- Going before a justice of the iMAiw. lan company. The ptoyvrs
the “good clttoeu" entered a charge and all well imined to stage work,
Hichard. Mary Wcnovlockl. Thaoro- ara hauaa. mattoaa. IS^dantA
sgsiust toe leading gambler, who was
expected of members of a stock
bla Novak. UolU Itoudreau. Vlasta
Immsdtotciy srraated b.v the (own ma^
C\ivered oai liagea were firvt used shal. He waa <«rrlad to I'uun. tried, joompABy. and Mlaa Harlan to a fortuKyuut,
4oaepktoe Uokot^ UtOievlvvA
Wlnovleckl, Maty Mlnuuiky. Laura lu lAuglaud to ISSU
coATicted. aud tha aanleAt'S was tWt uaie acQUlsIUoD for toada.
‘The Atonement' to not the best
be Ih> sold St public sm'tion.
The ‘good ctttocu'a" programme weui vehicle for expreaalon. bul U served
After tW preoiatattou uf the dl
through without a slip. The gauiesist at least to demonstrate tbe earneblI'kuttaa U>' the Hev. Jubu Rkeekan,
was at first dlsi>oastl to trest tbe u
DOSS and totcillgence uf the players.
Ooudnlght.” waa sung by the young
ter as s huge joke, bellev Ing that with MIsa Hartoo evidently Ukes eiLotlon
IaMv IVtotolAAtpAH sUtMird. of l-adleb*
iladuUty. '
the outlay of a illtto of his easily
CttUfaatiA, lb A r«ufbt
al parts wlto ability, and bar work
Htuui'b urobeatiA furuibhAd eaaelearued muuay W could aecaiw hto frsaiWt AAsrly 10 prr wbt uf thv n^Uu
leui mubic during the (veolng.
U<uu. Bui he did not know the temper In heavy paru assigned to her fur
niW lA Saa Fiaariacu atr JupaodM*
dW iVVdiMtoW. Ua awht toe uight other eveilACi Uto week will be
MM UiM tk« JupobOM* and ('klnrar
to prison sud wss tukan on tbe follow swaltad vlth Interaat. It Is seldom
Nee Yolk iMly bab utoiv a»)|uina.
WIdfaras gAAerally wotk is buiub a
lilg morning to tW' “hlwk” and put op that A more bAadeoina flgnre'to
humea, buspKalb and argauljuttiuob for
sale. Tbe first bid tame from the on the stage than that made by tolas
reltof of buuiau w'ringb than auy
“good citizen.'
Kltoaheth Dean in the second a
Uinei t'|t> lu the'e^fld
|UK». Blddlog for hto own freedom, the
•The Aumotnent ' Mr. J. H. Lewis
blacfclag uuk'kU* offaiad twice
Kverybody wlto l»oys RRX
MC tw matiAAA lAfnarrow at 2;4i
auuL Thto wss ratoad to gaw> by tha also ptoaaad the audience eaceptlbnVIA- THi
City epors hOosA.
10 canU to svsrySecced menUsut spd tu turn to kNiu ally. Hto vlrUe. incisive tones,
pgyfect. They niw the ohooobody.
by the Rambler While tbe asaomblad forceful geeturee bespeak the best
him with the twte. Wbea
crowd ihecreti aud laughed the two al- training. 7'hc btiier members of tbe
teniately responded to the aoctloucer s company afford ezeelient auppuru
you Duy oso4j WU Ibe utos
FOR OUTilM daora uaa. CAlmaa*«
ala uutU ths khkltog icached $2,you vuot thst ntodt hy
ttastia ipar Varvtoti. % L WaH A
“Tonlghi Prlenda- will be played,
Than tha pamUlar be«iad for marry. and Wednesday evening 'CAmllle.'
TtaIa vlll
povaru. Uv dci-tored that hto Maulstee pcstple will do well to avail
litd A. m. W« puAtora or pak ilokAt
themselves of this opportunity to see
('omjuikktub had (k-M-ned
him apd
fMAAla far partlpulurA.
rkd off the larger luirt off all wtoul _
good company to sundard ptaya."
H. V. Mooltor, U H. A.
made to the town. The “good clilseu'
Will hP tt toe Grand ofwra house
)UA« 10-ll.
calmly raised tbe hid toR2.10a There M week, oomroenctog Monday. June
w?u» no sKerustlre, the gambler
. Ladles free Monday night wlto
cither be foived lulo a servkw of d»gradtag labor uadas tka suparvlahm of paid »0 CAM itoke^ reserved before
a ms» who had «mU evusa
tw eoAunfltAeA kavr buw all Uoao
MAI ATA Al vutk tat tkr var
mm WtallA AAd 4W n«uU «ill k« a
MipAltcAAt AUCttAna foi TrAV«Tm* t'Uy
Wd A
patArtAluiiiAul for th«*
iWAAAAda Of pAupIr fium tk«» uur
I eouuitf UiA< Vili Ui kciv
Delicious REX
hn CD 'I Las
Beginning June ISth.our Oil. Wagon
will be on the West Side Mondays and
Thutsdays. on the-South Side Fridays and
Tuesdays, and East Side. Edgswood and
East Bay resorts Wsdnssdsys and Baturdsys.
Spsclsl attention given to sll launch
owners. Phone your orders to Grand
Rapids Furnttura Co. and same will have
prompt and careful attention.
OlAy ^hen* 93m
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
1ST S. South UdIoo Straet
B/iui^OMut oorCuilini;, DcokorBrnoket
in stock
WekhkYd them
for • sU
J. B. Paip Electric Co.
Pebe Mabquette
Notwithstanding other attcarcUona
hich drew a large crowd tost eveacrowd of hoetiag, yelling men and tog. the PatooA Amua^eat company
boys fsitowtog bhu to the whartL Tbe did a big bAstocAB at their house and
l•racaada of tbe sale of the
ly people wltAeoAed the pleasing
wefc givfu Ip the tow« for the
oUi. “The Girl P*om Montana.” Tbe
and bo
boUdiM a
of bO-vtoiA a town cimkk gud
to one of toe kind that ^olds the
i teeple tor
kali and tnanet Aim
IntereM from toe time that the UUe
thrown cn ike screen until
HITt. but a new atructnre waa erected
Ul^U mra'thrown on. One patou tbe same aNT. the alerpto sad chtek
(•ctog made aa neat ItoeMmoMAspoa- ron of last niffhVt entertAtomAni was
Grand SSS; ^ Julyl
Ortm molia Wwwlc,
*rhw Only
Passion Play
aUdA.-KAAaaa ihty BMC.
Where you will heve lois of room and lou of good leatf and _wop*t
have to &iaod outkide aud wpit. So wait aod come to the Grand 0|pera
Home the finsi week of July. AU the Hcturci will be explained ta you
ai they ate thrown on the ucreen »o you can get the full benefit
lefit from them.
time t tiU A chABCA to see
M«a Uu A fslAAdi-1 am dcaa with a. 1 go.*' he aaM. -I'm afraid in want
dmifaw ImattoMto. Gp# of tooM ml- to marry tout girl If I aea K many
vla«4,mf tv atoap with mg wimfawa
epau. 1 did so. and tha vary next
guorumg my gold wraUh gras goeeXpom
tha b«uaatt.-FHagm^ Blattar. ^
Namtof ibe Km m< tm-lwM Omt Ikn, Fwt kilt k w.
T“o All Wtarhm of AHo^Wouoo. /
'A~Ra4Afal Fair
- J-
Ua toe Srst______
t steel strings to the KIMBALL Ptono dt.
have iron bearlugs. l^hey have no coAAeethm whatever with
toe iron plate; the bearings of the strtogs hMag OA the bell ipAtot
covered pimUiock which to built up of seven thlekneases of rock
maple. Tberefoie. In the Kimball Piano you get the fuU. free vlbratiott of toe striugs aod sounding board sud It uever becoAsea harsh
Thto pateuted tonal devicv. excluaively used to the Kimball
Piauo. positively insures toe oontlauaikm of the original, tone—a
i othercmAkes, aod it will be time
to tovesUgate these great ume aaving devicsA sad satisfy toomaelvea aa to their gieal valoe. No pAraou wanU A harsh toACd lAMrumeat And you can avoid that ktod by bhytoff tk# ai
cloIe^mmpariron invited
Kimball Music House
s. s. soiim
-toy face pains me doctor. What
shau I dov Apkeii thg PgUvaL
“I'm auie 1 tom’t kAow.” rapltod tM
doctor. “You koow 1 have uo way of
bupipvlAg your looks."
The Reason Why
Retail Thdr Sweet
watch for Wupd Btotors' Wg ad*
varttoAMkht to UMnarrov'A Baaord.
RRma toa toMiaa, kri^ tha hkktod,
kMABMmrpkathf Mma^
era hdtiih MiMnaa, H kknto»
Use Ricofll Want Ak
tt «• trtNiif 9mm■■■
_ toto* Maial »»ail
•■•• Mi «tot to ttoM •« JM
•abb ttowabili b tto valbr Mto-
thmm !• P*>fy ^«Mi m ktmg
9* AimMm W—w Tim Mr «m
«MM» «• I
■ wwmmMWwm
* A—Mt
pt^ intUmrn to to*
(tobr |Ma**to«aattoWbblltoa«to
bba ttoftotot”
tofPto tto aad to tto
M tod bb BMMi laawfbt bto a abim
Ika bb tmm. 9to «bbb« aaaftod a
tbapabaa* wWto tto bdipa tod toM
•tout to tto tototoJ lUfUto* Mb •#
barwMl Uaawl for a»
M aba lur mmrnm rtm
ka «aa aqUbta Tbi
jto ftWu «W* Om totMyM
toMtor VM ruOrtor
to tto ••
itor~»« Mto W
ir«toto bto
JKtTT~T^ Mb tktoi to torwf botlMM
fibi toi cMt. toto «r Wir «r ato«r
to toM. UM _
|vi^ to tottofid.
tototo. tob
k ito ir^t ttoto < v«« *m tmMdto
Wtto«otoK]rr JUd la raifwlf* Md
tototor to toad* ftoW Ida ratnat. CM
tto atoia atoftoa toM to toa
Ma «M aatar M toaanatoi «al«b*.
bagan^M) totoa
vaa U* aiMl bb alat war*
toabad to ttoa tontofb a laU to
to 4toa Tto toTMT ruatod oto la
tto aa»a
fHto badar itot to oOcbt r»bun biia
* Ur aaaa b iaitoto." r^tod tto
b b
tot tbato Snto^aWx
Tto auldbr mtr aaad rabctoi aa
itMKb as ctr to^a tbaa aajr <a»a *to
tot. aa « rub. tto tatoiBarW to tto
laad art bat ipwad «a tto bntaU toki
to tto totrtoa ta»«aU Jartoau.
boarto^r. «aa aa aafafabo. ISr^ar
falbd to laM«to tto Ktoa to iv^a*
to iirrahb »var bb toUb UU JUa.
bb fatikfa) arnaut aabi:
•Jto faual b da •rsataa’ aiaa fa‘
prijrUi’ al«bt aa’ i rate’ au’ all U«aa
bat srbaa I aara bioi gU up tarsal
>lto«a b da abbt baldsa au’ auit b
pnuto' i luioaa dsfa g»ba ira ha
bad a batpiaa baad to PM k 9mt M
rtMk. toa k ka kM af aaai raa
artti aat tad tb«a aoMV k* kM «ba
tttod la pat pom ta akbaib k apartHi
ttoa vlib pMT titna aaaidaa aad la aUl
TM aatoUbtog mrbbb aroaii balp yaa la
kaur OMMy r «a aalC raUaat Uaba
yaw aara kamaUpakw to toroatataals.
Wbaa yaa oaaaot. pat yaor tumrj la a
ol Quality
HawarM Ma M UWt Ibka Raapto
Mab Cari
Tto IkkM Waa toak.
*^toi* was a wmwaa.” aald g |
far. TTbaaa baatoad waa ktibd t
ralUMd aendiw. Ito raiuamd. ^
avoid aak, garw bar Mu toan^
dlkaflr tmatoart Utor lltoaaapalia ka
akto iip to Npv Tak aad warad a
itokM k a kato aMto to criawto
dbtotoaitod kr »«kad to ipa
aa iaaa id tto d^kt af dacto
utiaitapa tuai teM
A Curisos Widow’s Cap.
A vary cur»ims cap forms (ba “wid
Why Apa Impravaa W«
ow's weeds" of tba Australia aborigiue
“Why do miuaa impjora ml
“Bacausa they
auamerad tb* In uue i>art of tbe great island couUueut. Near the uortbeast heml of the
Hurray river It Is tbe custom for wld•Hatiyr
<»ma to alleud upon tbe ti»mlia of tbelr
defiarted lords. Then, after sbavlug
bead*, they cover them with p4*c
rled mail' or *ttot bock baa mametl
cUy. kneaded Into a paste. Tba bead
nastily.' Wa main by a wluc'a
tlaga itot tta dlSarcmt cMuponeuta- la Ann covered with a uet to prevent
tba akrobol, tto augar. the carbook acid the .clay from sticking too tightly to
and so ou-havc tdendad together the Iakin- a misfortune which Is partly
smoothly. In a new wins this hleml- averted by the amount of grcaae wKh
which eveg Aostrallan native Is anotntlug. thb martiago. has m»t yet t
A layer of this cloy several Im-bea
place, amd bcnca tto harabncaa of lu w
Ickoeoa ta plastered over tbe bead
wiaaa Old miuea are raluad baoaoae in thicku
when dg forms a sort of skulltto alcohol and sogar and acida and
olboc* have all married iogattor Into rap exactly ftttlog tbe head on which
was molded. As it weighs several
tragrant ooBapouiid.”-Exctonga
pounds, the widow's cap caoaut l>e
with tbe greatest nicety and preebioA
Beauties mf Iceland.
Xulhluc can tH. UMoc dclighffwl than
ao that Ibay baboce perfectly sud
(rip thit.ugh Icolaud. The traveler
tarn with tto least iKwalhle wear. Tbe
•ew llumsuuds of tuouuUlus coverud
Tans la, of course, longer, ou uue skk‘
of tba socket than ou tto other, gr It with rurmil su<jm. nutrlvalhig tbe
would not turn with tto wind, but Ils Alps 111 groudcui: gnat K..y««i> ami
weight ta Umr same on both akkm. If lunumcrubk- tail well**; wsterfulls, one
It ta a narrow vsne. for luatsm.'e. tb« of wbkb ilie tlullfiuii.- 1* *rt-uud only
-Mogaia lu ski- and b-auty; i golal
iUy made
weight of tbe solid bead ta easU;
nojectlng slieams ;<tid ihi^hlug .rl>er<*. lava buT.4
of fauuisttc iigureH. r.oered with iu*s.s
that gitaleus iu Ibe snu like buarfrosl.
whatever tbey may be.
sud. ua a I towuliiK Cl-i.v. Ibe mIiuimto weight
• Is KO l.rlUisai that «h>-4-u
-n easily i
mill-.-* dUliiiti
hand.- Si l>^ula Gl. u :»cimHr.iL
.. T;
kam ¥k* Mu Md k M
fak Aau
tod. TTm* are iT.dit trMMa. laigw
)y «B kstoagf.
Tto Carl Bobora mamaiial eommlh
log baa already reoalTwd OMwa tbaa
•I4.«ld kwaidta Ito moreartal to to
ilHbgd k toBor of that fuiao-
tmm Xhpbo. Hr. Haud. tbaM vaU
daaaa«|. wum ua bat. uhThb appawbboa aoau auranad fwabkwmbb atkaula dre oottaglaa oT*r M par coat of
tbu bath auMM Ito ruapMi ubm uad
tbalr IboopUoa u»
au ka atsuaikbi^ aara k* >i«w Varb
g nomas ftrah Mat
Tbuto Ha woa apprmmrbad by ka cu
BtotaosUto. aad Ibbu ftmm.
rbao. who wautod ta buow^tor* to
tto Uattod SUloa aad Qroaoa la tto
bad hast bb bat
T baem mm w«m a bat la yaarm. ordar giTm U ■agladd; ato Aim
said Hr. Mead. “I bmt ug bat by ac- tralla tba ppRM
ddaat mad (baud ttot gubg wlikuat a
bat whs (he Uwt may “ A» evldeucm of
tbb he had to moblbU a good bead of
bglr tupptug off a auubnrued tacr agd
aarivutMkd h> a
of frw^bm. He
p b
atao declared that to mraa ant afraid of
ibim bi
or aoustrsb* and that to
kl not bare bsmdacbes
• Man was out tutoudsd for bat wear
ing.” be^rouUnued ’\U ixtume golug
mitbout one mltracU i-ouaiderabb attaultou. I have toeu lu bada wtotm
I boreby aam* ato appa^ot Wadnagtto ualtves neither m«.»re bat* ur very day and Tbureday. Jima 2dUi and ITtlb
uitk'h clulblug for ttot uiatter. and 1 as Civic Ciaaniaa ato Trag Trttnmiag
hate beeut hsB
h>oked upon '
k a«>oru Ig
Days, and oak that all oar clttaona
uniu ato gaap^rata la giogniaa ato
baaatlfying ttolr pramiaaa. tba gtraato
that I wore uu bat
altaya and pwWIc placaa af our dg aa
‘tka dlsagrcMble fratuiw U wbsa ta tto above daya. It will taka but a UV
the early uiomlaga aataU Uga atm
tla tima and small gxpatoa for oacb
ena to look oftar bia own promldM.
time ou Ibe lUgbt before. It may atoia Oo this and we will all to proud of tto
Nethinp will impraaa tto viafuuuy to aome to go about iu mluler
with furs up lu tbe neck a^ bare ao itora coming to our c«ty more tton tto
appaaranca of Our atreots. alloys
bat t»n. but It b tbe beat may.”
Hr. Head abu oakl that (to practloa lawns and public plaoam Lat no, ttoroof meartug uo bat b grum tug lu tlmalii fore, maiouin oor city's ^rapoUtioa
Ug. and (be formatlou of a luirebeadrd ato maka Travaroa C>ly truly tto
aorlety. mitb bliuaelf as president, boa “Paart «r the North.”
baen dlsi-uased.
A. V. FrladrloK.
juae to£t.
ftiBn BdfM B CBI dr mmL *
iMmA M mtj mm.
ChfiktortmT rm
4BBi«r wtt^B?mt4.
Piaasuraa of Canoaing.
The vaii(.e.st is the m.Mt lielepeadaut
nf men. He caui.uHi his «-i*(t through
a stream three feet wide aud five
luebea deep, and to can safely uwp>tlate auy lm of mater that a catbost
or moderate oUed launch would rere
lu alteu^t. 'C'auoeliig is lo^'nlar bocauae U brings its «le\d»x-ca out into
the open freedom aud kts tb«-m live
tbelr summer life as they will The
cautH! <kww f(U‘ humanity what tbe bi
cycle failed to do. Tbe Uirychat was
tied to ruada. was de|wud<'ot uiKtu botota sud riatauraiiU for food *ud lodgWhen the hill was sle.*p to must
oUghl aod
walk. Wheu the road was
bad or (he f<H.t of tbe hill dubious he
must do llkew ise. TheA-auueUt sutfera
none of these reetrlcthuis. He carries
with him hta place of alMde-his bed.
B« Is
wsys. He Is iibte to iieiictrste aud
ptore out of the way stresms aud pitch
iu sjKits lu:o'«vsslble to (he
average wanderer- Ym hiiug.
Spoclml rotes tor Ftaurtb uf July.
Selling dates July 3rd and 4th. retuin
Umll July 5th. Ask ogeau tor pgrtlculars.
H. F. Moeller. O. P. A.
June 2(H-1
Bpeclol low rule cxcuislou oa tick
ets to the Jumestown Bxposillon ott
sale at ull Pere Harguvtte ticket offi
ces. Ask agents fur partIcuUra.
H. F. Moeller, G. P. A.
June 17-15 1».
U any coaea of cruelty Ao cbildrafi
or auiinals ooina under your obaagatlon call Cig book store, both phonos
Japanese fichems in Alberto.
UumoAo Soclaiy.
\ scheme Is ou ft.:i| for creating a No. 4£.
agiii-ulturni colony lu Ihe
beart I AlU rtu. as.\s tbe rhiua T»d*graidi. Well to do .lapanese farment
SPiaclAL for Saturday only; I will
out, atvordiug to tbe give uoe pouud of OB’ 35 cent oolaa
projwt. aud tto-y m lii turn ihelr mUeahiii to tbe raising of wheal aud tto- free, fur largest cash order ol gitc
CItken’s phone 1*7. L. J.
ultivatlou of sugar beets uud auythlug
June tO-St
else Uut will thrive lu the climate.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile C6
;WliCD the Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Michigan’s Biggest store, says “Sale” thousands of feet carry ex
pectant customers to the Best store in Northern Michigan.
Everyone knows the quality is right and the price just as advertised, it is always possible to make goods poorer
than we buy, and consequently at lower prices, so we leave the-questionable distinction, to others, of always
being the lowest priced house. On Nbw, and will last for the balance of June, the biggest Wash Goods Sale
in Traverse City. Study yesterday’s ad.doeely and see what sensational offers we are making,
then come tomorrow and the following daya ancFprove them.
Pbm» m
Ta&»Mnade Suit9
**Target Brand Quick Bordeaux**
for every mj^lne that U publUhto tog cto save yo« money db them HI. No matter what euitihim.tinii yw .ae •
b> the diffeteot publtahera w* can meet them oil. We want you to get our apoctal catalogue of comanywhere If you -don't wont to oulgcrlbe for anything now, you wlU later on. ao get one
tun ua praparott.
e ore here to aave you aoaey.
itoCH PILLOWcqveib'"’*""
only 10c'
We Take Subscriptions
IwoOiuiu cuuo 18^
i*00fi CaraaHons 18c a doz.
I UHJW avps, ouc
Sun Bonn^fi. colored and white. 25c
Ci.ib<rei>\g«o towen, Uc siid SOc .
ilaatltirsar tm laOlsa, Tke UgfirtWaok o( «dl aud*
Jugt to fihov onx Leaxt fai in the Tialil nkoe mo biva a raiuc.
ht color* * BARGAINS s.~
ah cut Camapuna, In red. pink and whltaC
lofg at ttosg priceii oo be on hand eorty-
WdHtV^ftf on fiUiulfi.beautifully
ie mou arfidic cokui i^ tlie
** ^
theie've^y to.
^ i
B'a kave oome of tto egiaot “Teddy
? thor ore go Jlf« likg. with tto honu
^ ^
00 Honm ic kcalthi. kOMaiMa^aUbitoytaMw
blh as tto B PolMtaa I
•mat L Ctoaow Otoib Twabd
atoad aa tto pMpMad* dark af tto Ito mm ktkito tto wmgHUL bj| «
otodb ar tww afiardaid. kkkt af a
■awapMir. aba laad about a awa dba
bad tod bla bf k tto aaM arrMt
aad. totok kb awa waa gtrtak to
Ito aatopaajr daais#m m tto aiaauai af
ftk^t itraadcttomsaabwL dto
baataued at oaaa
raOway'a cbto
Ctaiaaaa warm aa paarcaat aa to ax-. Utlaik:
Ptotoad b To baap ato tto tout, mblcb
btbai damipngaa Kaop your baad oa baX-kP "
diaraadad bb
rpow pakUkk aa pas tamrU tbraofk wdUaaabl tor tto laiMiat. tod to aa w bib ysu ouly gara taa |a.O(kl fur tto
Ufd. iaat. to ghrd ahaajra la propurtkia aorad bb fttettOa kat to bad It Iu kb
”Tto ebUu adkatar aadbd ambbli
k mar baana to koa* mrto or* paotmr; ertp. Tto olactoa to waa wmartof wore
•awad. to baW trorn ttoa« mto would of a light gray color. Tar tbey aolt aad said la a auothlag Tukw:
” UMkas. tto imaaaa b galb pbk
tab* tbtoagb fWtm or fraud m^bat you
Tto d7JW woaT pimtida .ka paar
aaad far yoaimatf aad yaor*
wMh wHb a aaw M. whowaa wbb
wUI tb*a. mrrilaa t-barlaa Q. lbm«» la
IlhtoMT aa to aald. *toada bb paaoe
tto UaiuNkP •aaaitot Itot bar* )oar m«b Ito toad aad aU ttotoi aartbW.”
baad wtor* OKiat af tto oltor feiljwi to talbod la Ito aMoatova.
ba»a oaij tbabr «yto la tbb almi* you
UB fotof to iMdak akwa 1 apeat
will bate tto athraaiaa* af ttooi
aavaa yaarm. to aa* all tto ‘baya’
baudga TkMHto Ckanm.
0ms of tbe dafidoua trsata I^ondon
Jato Rma. aa a Praptot.
adTers Awerumus b tto acUog and ac*
Joba kuox. tto lafonucr, tdoubl
eassoatoa of her tbeataim. Tto -orMB to bare poaaaaaad la mo ardlagi>'
T toaa liaahad ag pasaaps la imtar cktmin stalu or hokiuiy stslU are r*rP
dowaa tto aptr« of ptodlrtk« aad la
tbb boat ou Juas to. Vw 1 iba't ooniptuuiis amd vary raomy and am
bak fooMald arltb aarutuep aac
m atoy oa
baaw wbat tto ’tognf will da witb lue evideui
paUkTby usher Is a
perbapa 1 «bj slay
veg lUly
a Iu Idack drea«
lager U my aaargp babb
aod cogti
foit aud aikToa. pos
T daa’t baow mbat tto
pt far* and a ailU awert
do mItb ow. tut I'oi rfady for theia. aaaard of a aweel
filmsysr ready to da ug store af ar vuom. You pjg her a aixi>eoca for
each programaie. Tbe atage settings
aplta of It to would ”wt^ two
dbalpaiba as oa exsnipb-au sre perfact In datsH. Beat of all b the
to olbar. how to be
mrmt yaaim
praoeb tto guapai
goopai k hi. t
^ ^
elocution of the player*. From %he
tUba*. Bdtobafgb.” Tbb pradicikui.
rtaiug of the
froui Vork ou uiy
oibat haprohaUb af aorooiitUbuwut at
lug down of the aauu. t'och sud etrg
aiul dou't luteud
4 mas uttatmd.______
mros oXierwartl
ullervd b as clear aud luio-ful as
Kua* ^ladlcl^' wTt'h llywe^'er. I stoU go uu mming tuy tbe tlukle of a allver bell You dou't
uuul the Utna naues for wte
an-urary ‘
to malt UU the niMiMeof tbe Unt
augeb. 1 toll you that auto
you cau rveu giM>aa>alut
blugrsplg bjaegibb-. it w 01 woke pmo
ataaly waraedI tto
IdTSloir ctOt-lMM cannot to publlobetl the plot Is about. Tuiler theaa unusual
to go ti l.iuiiibguw,
(bgum^, Ias If be did oo be
uuUl 1 out dead and tto peopb uteu cirruuiataa^'es tbe Interest one tskes In
would tbarm luaet bb deolb. Tbe i
tiuued to U. Itolr childreu sud their a ploy U greatly euUsuced. ami
grandihlklrra are dead. 1 tell you It's wouden why an Atuencan comiMiuy
not sa mell drllled.-Truvel Mogaxlm
aontaUiiog amfui.”
abad tto Icato ralJtu’ fer It 'fo' dayligbt
It was fitilag tut be• 1mrbo fouud bb
life ou tbe utllelbld Sbould tiul Iben*^aii iau't »aaa to taU ob lUt r<ra tto cutrauea Into uaiuorul Ufr. but In
ra Ito Cbtooua itattaaraU iai kaobr tbe agony of lose Lee ex< blaM^. * An.v
({•'tog wuul<l be dear at su< b a |>rfe'4<!'‘
To bb wonodod gaaeral he moil*.
"Tbat*a wbai tbrr <«U lot"
Tboid 1 bave oedrrad evcuu I moubl
Tto fanaar toab tto bb tot
tova rboaeu for tto good of tbe t-ona•nat nrtnmm aad mU
Amkatm. rtda arar agr irtob lab. Ua tg to tore Uamu dbaldod la yogr
ataad "
utol r«H Uto arltb U. air.”
Jackson rspilad to the leadar. mrhj to
Ua bas a »au «f uuusual rail
bod dei'btmd mraa tbe oaly toso whuui
4a*aUaa,'tod mould ala ajs §u to
to mrould follow l.Hudfold. “Belter (bst
b i-burcb ftortub* U mas Uitaua
leu Jacksuas aboukl fail than ono
oadd dapaad upou to
rlgiii ak>ua
hojuo one has mUI that (be l^rd In
IT to did not baap amaha to maub it.
bb |•n•ridnw^ tnteotod (tot the c-nn
Ub frbada aaid ttot u mas barai
fatb rary shonld not min. and to pra ouch tavtna to would explain thosn. Oa
to vaatoaaa rtaultJua fc^ bb *i
rant It he had to gmuve Jacks^m.
(to followlug huaday h« usad tto leik
Ibna iB (to Ueaksu mar.
hyperbob and added: “Aa agreod ua,
baa taarhitia at Ito laatltata to mat..
1 beg to cxpbiu this word. Were 1
dad all aUurts faUmd to aarura fur Llio
'omny Ba
A Fomny
a abflda laat Oim to bb frbiub to
Au okl actor who ^ttos not much glr- oay that at ihb ommeut tbs mhub of
•ttamdaorm au«pMbd that tto Itor. l>r.
(o the cbaarlog glass, aay s tbe BiUtb’blu b* calbd la, aa to mat tbe uidr U.unl. oue evrnlug ment tiy
mat m to mas airur abb iu pot Js«toau tbe cjub m l^ a friend-^ met sexeral one half are oalecp that Is uo hyper
la Bbap, Iu spito of tbb ibfa^gbto
i tl^ result that he got “pret- bole, but tto truth.” Tba next day tto
if mellom ” lie k-ft his fileods and aletmiallou again called to soy that tba
started home aad aald to himself: “Hy mlnlstor tmad nut oxpbln taubuical
Tbe poopb woukl learn tbelr
buy, you're druuk. IVhflt ag you gomlng 1from a dk*l^ag.-Kocbeati-r
lug to do about Ity 1 knom. I'll go
MAtod at «b) toaab. axrapt
MU# aud gad. Whoarer board obooi
ibanad tto alakt tofmm. Tbd imbrtg
dnutkea,auui rogdlagl" Well, boine
At Mb Ward.
to bb baratnaab aa?# bb cUrbiua tto to want in a cab-wesit to the Ubrag
Hagy poatoBg uamea are gnaar
baua to **Jaitoua'a foot caralQ.” Ooa and cnauueuced to road. Hra. Artar
to bb UMsa aaldj
Ito s<vue.
’N\ hat aaougb to make one desire au expUiua
**u<br« Usdt forty jesra U. art lb«
ar* you doing 1” she uuw tlon of them Bomeliuiea lire eiplnuatlon ta guaerar than tba nanw llaalf. A
Israrllka ibiougb Ito m UtortMias. mitb tiomd
mlntator In C'aas ouuug mrota to
tastuia furubtod all (to msy, liui ot«|
”Why-ar~i»nT—you use whst I'm
Waabington lu behalf of the reoldeau
Ja<-b momld bsvr rtouUto qakbrd It loiug. my dear; I'm gailiug “
> gruming hamtaU asking that a
ibtmiab ma ball MUoma la tbaaa dgya
“Meadlugr* aald hb wife srvmfoUy.
gkoa bs addod to lU InsUtuttons.
at tto uaaal ”
Whal ag you raadiugr
regueat maa favorably received,
Uiiitary laadara bate ususlly ac
lie looked at (he book, but vouldu't
ba mraa naked to suggest a name
pnirad tto pulbg of aubabitoa ou tto •t'v the Murdm ao said. * Thai Uuk's
aattay a Vimuxn. but it mas bft f.ir haau lu the huuao fur tU- laat ttveuty that mould be accepUhle to hta uelgbatoarmall Jadnou iu make tto ro*uiy years, ao If you dou't kuum I'm uut U»ra. lie replied that they mere md
bard to please au luug as th.‘ uame waa
blttualf tto pursr/ur of supptos Tto golug lu tell you.”
•culbr. Tbe posiolBi'e depiirtiueut
fadatal tbaersl Bauks bivawr kuoma
To this his wife replied wraihfully.
ok him at bb word, aud “IV ullar"
•a Jatbiuai'a <«aiaibaary grorrsi. aud You «.kl fool, abut up that rahsu aud
the uatue of (he office to thU (Uj.Wtoa bb <toa«a msa aaul.lw.tttni tof amaiobad”
anaoa Cig btar.
ibv. Mm tt. mr.
turn m m motmm.
Utaap." ■
Urta la a M WtoM k baUaaaa. M
^yy**toabiMilirMb>Minr atoapa
bag boaa aod a»ma «ta to
Itora art mm ftot »tol mmm
Jattoto «aa Uto tbi a»H
Mtalt ttoto «» Mbir M «•
j2T Sf'riS'pSJ;.
righl place, and do the'enUtot Irteko. SS
• T
■." ,, . •
t -«MMNi •mr, MCNUMm. rawvA «w« m.tm.
m 9^ Ar4^ 9mrng.
wmaa Tm too ktoiito<kk»>
Work Tkoro.
i WUM aai Ikim Wlaton
9m mm tmftmrn
M OlhM Mr. Witooa. kr ottotokor
to Um itoM of —mtoHnUco aai fky
Mcf ka* —nokiiif to vtaatoc tko
arakik. tkto was iko oocnad MotorMip ikat k* kaa a«a a* k* woa aa
OU*M aekoiaktoip vkoa ko srai^
M tnaa ikoVad Uisk aokooL
JigMk MM. ck* ftkf 8M1M—j
H» Mi Mi (te iiilMlii il
M hMi m 9km. J A OmIv ci
tk* CkMk «i flMM. Tk* koM
mm mmur iiMui iar tki mm
I. P»4Ml «M IMM M Imm k»Mi Thm rnmmm mmm mm
Milk. HUGHCi MKklDiNT.
AH Moiem WooiMi Mi MlV
Boynl NMghhora ar* rogt—toi
aaaoi at Wooimev kaH Baaiay ato«v|l
tag at
akarp tn anaM tko an^ *^wdeikious ccnfectioBh.
riem ai tk* Aakary ckoreh.
Fruit Syrup on ice cream.
TW Oacaaia. a staam karsa^HviwI
Who invented them b un
ky tke Mivari lIMaa atiMay gf
certain, but you can set
Ckfeegto la kaitoc at tka OU dock
the best at ourttore. You
Tk* hoat azrlvai to Um Right Md the
owe yourself a treat, Tr>’
ciw imahai pelat kraahaa aU manit today.
iFmH^kundrvd pettpto tefi tkU city
v*r the Per* llargaeUo for CkarleX lx tkls moraine and many more
paasca through oa the other trains
tn stteoi Maocabee day.
Another length of the intake pipe
w. r tooeiga. a*«
Is being UId today.
UShBasVraesM..ffioe«ra* CkliJtok
There wUi b* a m<9Uag of tke
Catted CummerebU Travellers tumoriw erening.
Several boa loaif uf ckUdieo enjdyed tkc cknldrcn a day of th* W'o
man's chib at birckwtaid today at the
WyukiMqi cutiage.
Inatructmn Car For the For* Mar
Sc aaO Itc
Drug Cuk
I wu a.
Bfo Mm^
BiMr oMtodaie eC the For*
iRtm ^ will an Into eSeet at bom
Sittday. Tbe new time emrd cCocU
uog»* of tke peaaengcr ixbIm pesatog
ikrcmgh kero at preseui, but pots.two
mere OB. tk* -'CMBon Bail" Ejei .
both Burtk and south. Qotog north,
tke train li«o. 9 lear«o here al $:ii afminute atcqi. and goiug
south. No. 10. kovea at 9:90. arriving
if. 20
8«'veral of tke (relghl tralus
fectod by the change Nix 9
teavr at 11:00 p. m. lustoad of 12;U5.
•Vo. 87 will l^ve at
north Instead uf 7;10^ atM Kix *». the
Ludtogtun ruB. will iiwvc at 8. IS in
stivid of II:Ju p.
rmm Ri8tatlM»
BBronmy bm
fBBbqff mmiy
Tkm toosl aiaHm
pr«c*B BIB MpplM by iMtol tfOBtork
Tlio oBtoidi SBOtotioM ky totea. b*I
ailppod frmm mmrnr pmmm of Mm pro-
Brunary BtmMy tdioel Untoa CtocV
oi OfSaoto Vootoriay.
Tk* Um* for summer vacaUou kavlac arrtred to ike Pnmajy Bouday^
Bekool ualOD. tko foiiovtoc ofkc^o
i. P. Waaoor.
•f* elected yoaterday.
The markiH wna* TW7 dull yusteriiM^tir «f ikB MlolM. ftCtlaf M Oktof Tcmm I altM thaua Nary.
Frmidrflt Mra^ B L. Hoskea
dah. luily atsvctt loada of piHBttoa
rf«g Mnr. Mi *k« VM MUMi ky
Wko Ha* Ctoorg* of tkc KacruUias Mi»t vIce-proaldMR. Mrs. H Hol
coming to. Tbeae wor* token. Th*
I MkM of Ik*
auuos to Ike Mcaiusoe itttok
aro drupplug oqt OR* by one
r. «ko cantoi •
quette Empt*jr«a Amv*d Her*
« Soermd Tk» presidoot. Mr* U Wbit
and waltiug fur U»* cherry *emh»u.
l «( on
This Meraing.
Very Ficaaant Party Was C«ven at th* I hv'io are silll several large baBcbes
tw ki«i* «M MUfoi to vklto k*
Tkiid tic«-prraldem. Mr*. A.
Home of Miss Emma Pyku* ei
of ptuatiH's loft Bboui tke oountry.
Mis C. imilk and m« %nd Mrs
Utoo «M ouTtoi owMoato Mi
.K srktiul riu wtatwls anived in this
Msdisow Street Last Night.
the lunners boldlug off fur belter
lit uiy HuUUi of Bingham atv to tkc
M Uto krMMto m toik or Very Grotty Akav at Ik* Covcit Ham* Herrrtaiy. Mr*. UcMaaua.
city Uu*. uuitu It to an tostructmu
piiciw. tut it Is probable tkat there
clly lodoy.
k f y*a«ng to Honor o< Five
fpito Mi cantoi fiftk MfMUM»
I roaaurey. Mrs. H«o»'”
A pleasant evenlug was enjoyid
will be no groat change. Now pota
Mis. M hi Backet of Ikls Hty went
H»gh BMaai Oraiuaua
Curumpoudeiire s<*hia>i and is eharc home of Miss Knima Py bus I
loej, will to roady in about als weeks.
Klngsk-y ikU
)M«Ot ttta *a» glfca at the koowMia H. Bdgrn ha* rrturued to ht-r t« it-d L> the iVre Marquette railroad Madtoon street last evenlug. a fair The Chk-ago market U very llg!kt, the
<if Ulaa Itoulak (k»reil by tk* 8 U
koip* lu Ctom Lake after visiting to m^lfuet Us employIt is lilted well being glv^-n lix hmior of . Mi.*<s receipu biditg lighter oo W*do**day
late a Ix'ol
up with woiklug models of to»tn the Miuule l..iy«'iH'k who will leave In
thau they wetv Iasi week or a year
r cat (toM, cktoa. •ilr«rw*re. club la»t fvoataa to kunuy ot 'ttol of ibt* oum* of ra#*,** k* aald. frlcnda in this cll.v
•«e ia*7 lltobM liOol giaduJUea. MUa
Ml** 'Mayme
pa>^MHl New Viek and the Wv^llughuuae lew days foi her honii' I'n Ithura. The ugu. The new imiIhUm-s from Ittdlau
aiu golug to make aa omi<^' of
I (uraUara
brake au.l every IklnB jmiaimug to a lawn was pretUly llgiu.d with Jap Tertl!oi7 are selling wv'll and briugoa
hwomollve J B Mouroe. who bus an.'si- li.nteins and made cv«y with tn 30 corns lo w emu*.
The only
mcact Beti. Broaa fkrtaftliic
charge of tkv car. gtviw tlmy'^s'lutvs vetteiw.. chairs and small tobies
tiling that will Insist tbe prio* on the
i\oM Ham. koral. .
the tallniad uu u ‘^i- ftrsi tn-slmieuis of kv ov.vm uml eake remainder of iho old crop is n abort’ i-mmirTk* naicua were prciiMy decuratod
tSd Ikyuuug of L«u»lug was lu
Cakkag* liatai
l*e l.ejn
age of new potaloLW to CkWwgO BOd
Uvi'bdar aad arkite Ikr cdaaa c<d
tl> ihi* muiolog Ml ik-yuuDg was hiluie is friHO M to 11 uchak. the
tk* pak- aii>l kisalug mitlure «Uk
th.ii would probably last but a day ur
formerly cnvployed al J W Slater's M-eoud Imm 2 l«i 3 o'clock sud the
Cake* a. lUaia aud Htok arkoui peoaaiiU omnar.
lop Croaai
I bud Is iroui ; 30 u. 9 uVlia k Tto‘
two at the outside.
Tke arckvay toadtoc lato tk* dialua
furnllmt- stun- m this rll>.
"It muat aiaud for two Uour*.- i
. OuBto
ara* kubg arttk a curtalQ Of pur aald. "Tbeo II must la- flllenil. Uicu
UUs Buto Sedu has retoiued to krr
CM ft etty gDioU itota Mr. «ai
Home Guards of First MChurch
tioainera aad hubrkes vt violet* It muat be lei)led u liatf day. tke
rtj)«- al V4-rmut.tvUle wkeic she will
Mr* Oaotal aai Otoai UuMaf. Utker
•alliBi FrtoM.
Although v'verybitdy Is at lilterty
aa a evaiMiraiMi la-lu^- i-utitiuually sfM'ud ihi kUinnuH
Held Anrvual Meeting I I Nigh
aai laolker aai kriikai of tk* sroom vkile arid* tibkun* of violet oeru rej»la«-ed
CUarback |Muk. per hbl...........18.00
In tke i-ud you lia^a
Hni-iid iheM- m««4-tiQgs tki*y would
Mr aai M|b M« obI i«<tokter,
ouoce of pure grapi- aucar. Try 1tkl*
Clerback iKM-k. per lb..........
r Maigciy left this momtog lor
ttirto aai aaat aai ooaMa of tk* four roruera of tkr Ukle okero tkej exitcriioeul.
It never faiU.
fall*. Have
employe Tk. im-u are luslructwl fn Iniendi nt. Mm. Uardetun , st the home Khort rut of pork, pi'r bb)....18.00
nib'a. aud vilb
MM. Mr aai Urn. ftokoasatk aai vote tk<d oUk bubrktai of tke cUea
kelp ^.r i:; HpiikaUc. Wash., wkum they will
MIks Somem yesterday afteniiMiu. lATd. per lb.................................U 14
floov-r. ITte fulloolng meau **4 n orUi of fuH. «krmIcaU oud lab
spend llu* sutnnu-i tcturnlcg to tbU the laws p.'>'t^l»liiR to u-rintnal lusts
•M*. atolar and kfoikora of
of the air brakes The ear will pruh The following officers we«e ijceled
f-au iJiauge every |iouud of ran* lutii city next faU
VMaaa. Mr. aad Mfk ToM«r of Mid aervod:,
iTi-sldeid. UiIKire ilendeixiu.
Bacalloped FrrfMtoea a pouud nf tka koeat autor.“-Li
Miss Mary Andr lauu of Uteiiil Rap ably rcniaiu lu Ibis city about a woi-ki%rlik). aval oki aacto <d tk* krtd*, Veol liiair.
Vice piv-sbleul. Hutel Gherlng.
btead obd Butter
B la visiting friepds in the city
Mf*. BrtolMBkoi fi Hto iUi^da
Hecji-tary. Nina Cntilkeil.
Mrs. Harry A Kent and daughter
Mkadamker of tk* krid*. Mr. aad
Tk* Maskifwey TK*y Uckad.
Tieasurer, Kaoinl Hule'y.
Willtaiu Jam.-s Itruwii aud Miss
t.oulse, fuau HuohomUh. Wash, are
Mra. Ztok, Mr aad Mr* Itoautt
Tkc following story U told of tbs
lie evoatn.
Assorted Cake.
the city vlsItiuK n^lutlvis fur two Jmsle Briggs, to.lh of this cHy.
lr*t ap|a>aranc* of a
married at tin- First M. B parsonage Oaidi'Uer.
tbiee months
Mile box biiretary. .Margueilte Uu- Chickens, per lb.,...................... 18
Lateudar aad oblt^ mliita
di-s A F Ketlinger la visiting In yeslerda.v ufultuKUi. the Rev. .Joseph
Potatoes .......................................... ...40
Dutton officiating.
Toasts viitlea to tio- form of dl- to copy her. A Jank of
Uigantst. .Murgurel Shvrw.KHl..
plomaa. vero at eack plate eud
erery way auiaTlur to a fnreliru built
Ham, jMi lb. ...................................
or* Vtoie card* ou wkW b aero pic skip and OI
„ A Pleasant tort ef Oector.
CtoaaH Court CooMttMtonor
ev of tb<- Htgk ackiMil sod pun completely rtllpa* tkla new cmfl. j
"A nian.vvh«i ba«l U-eii desi/erataly |
cordlugfr l*addl* wbeela wen* mind
•• to* B«ault of
naata pained by Mima iVvell.
1 in town was sent by hU dvK-tor|
Flower Cardens «t the Central School
koiU In Ckancory.
Tke evenlug vaa duUgktfully ipimt
lighted urulemeatk WUeu tke amoke down into the tv*uatn t«» recuperate."
are Attractive.
aa.v s a writer. ~The luvulkl was much
In yamce and music.
oras eumlnc up freely tke auebor
Till- Ctiitral }«-li<»<il giiMiiuU hiivc Oats.............................. ....................
Uoea nil kitulBof houie aud
' drratt l^ourt roaimltoltotof Curii*
weiglu*d. fbe wke«-l* moved slightly ivUaimi-.l ou arrival, and tbe ksai doc
gicatly to-autfflt-d .py tl«<- plant
ollioa oluabint;.
kold a mi*> *4 ival taut* drtolvliis
Ckner seed ....
snd off the junk nianed. U* tke delight
of hower gaxieuw. Criuison clovor .
Ctlv Ftiivshm
Al Di.axU-. S).<M>bi..rr
of tke proud owner* But their pride
fifki a ekapeerr raac at ton <
thing lu tbe world U plenty of cab
uiv fnur trlaugular gaideuM Alfalfa
kopM toiajr. Tkc matter taas fitioj Prepram at Fourtaanlh ktr*«t M«the- was abort lived, fur a few eullUkins L<aac. Nothtog wi uutrltk.us as cab
whori? tiu- walks Inu-rM.vt that have Alsyko
toon proved to tkeiu that the, tide
di*t Ctvurck This Evening.
Ikf aali li M«rr B Btokto ra JukB
alone vat reapunalhle fur tbe move huge to a cnai- of thU ai.rt. Give him
bo«-u (urmid Into pausy aud verbcii- •nmothy
WaiP at aJ and tk« pfppwljr sold am
Tke fidloviuv: prngiaui *111 to- glv ment Ho the auebor was let dowu iou of It * The sick insn groatwd a
tilu l«-ds. At llic i-ahl aud weal luids German
turn mUlet..................
atotoi of Ikrr« koUkaova farm*; tkr •n al tke patiluth- t-nlerlaluim-ul
again und tke situation disrusaial. Tbe prot«>st. nud th.-u the drs-tor rcH'ousid
are circulni' gimli-us of lilU-s and
Hungarian mlUet .........wi...
y’ouiteentk strvn I
Uetbodisl next step was to put a Cbliiene Josa bv eoed the matter. After all.'he mused,
■lajrtar farm of tkirty aero* ka-ated be
niiiuma. The w«»ik grc-ally toauilfU-s
» toll* •ootk of ikr dty, (ke I'ran* kim'k toutokt
tk* irr. but with no better result They •all we (au do I* ge-uUj to «
bit alix-ady boauUful t>|ioi aud makes Orcknrd ffmM.....................
<«uld not make out o'hv tbelr l<oat away; ease him away. Cir m-ud him
torn of tklrly arre* bear Graoa and
ki-ier-tliiU by uirkestia
somelhluc that 11 ik. il.' He i
I lie grounds one »f the pieltieM
'CtrlumliU Che (b ui of Ike (»rr*u." failed to compare favorubly with the
tk* Tlllipauck prepr^'^y roosUtlnx
places liiNihe city.
foreign Uuit until a wUi-acre UUk-ov
by etmgregatluo.
Mi acioa la Ortam Lake lovoaklp.
Rye, per ba........................ .
«rrd that a Chlueee joaa oaa no good
Tk*r* «iJr U* aJoHkor like aale tu
Prayer by ike |.akiiir.
for that InislneM. hut It was a fotelgu
THE full bill at the City opera
morrov. an outMPWtk of tk* ault itv
Auibom by rbolr
rU'vll that Ihey wanted Inslik* N'oue of
houee tomorrow, Saturday. 2:45 |
Children’s Patent Leath
Tied to a lunatic asylum, rav
Hcmaik* Uubnrt K Walter
Utrnm ^ koutk aide Lauuber oom
them, however, bad any klea how
Butter’ ................................ J
msd The patient recovered."—Chi
er Brown Beits in blai k,
get one. wi they derkl«*d that the <
toibi. Mine Ploietire Is-cker
|iMr *ai
o Fratt |t U aeliuoi
go News
fashUmed Junk w»a far tka bMt
white and red, ali kizes,
jkat tk*o* ckannery aalua <«)cur ^
Talk. Ml lUiKiti
A Cou
ikto oouoty, twt uouoiruo’a aai* olll
Talk. C A lUtmafi.rd
Tbe word •iiumper." meaulug a drink
n. the
kp tk* tkiri to ike paat year
kp-lei tioti by oK'heotia
ing veaael, drrivMl ita origin from ifae
THE full bill Bt the City opera Light stiH-rs amk heifers................ 3|f)4
1 a prsctli
Talk. A V. NVUlugi r.
Uumau Catholic irliglou It was the
Steers aud In-lfeis, Hoo lbs-----4&£
house tomorrow. Saturday, 2:4S p.
noDcy of 1
custom In Eiiglaiiil lu audeut time* to
Hwhaiion A M Btdiid
t>reo«Ml poultry ......................
drluk the hiolth of tlw |Ni|)e sfier dm
Hobi. K Hum ait
Chicken*, live weight..................... If
in a full glaaa of wluc ThU was word, lie feimsl tbe king's angi-r and
H«na. ................................
(CVnUnoed ftum niM Pas* I
UnrttallrJU. Miss Matod tiret no
Just in lime for the 4th.'
Ml *deoot«led puny tig aud aunUu-r
bav* the ooutrac Uou "bumiier."
Felguiug death, he had his frU-Dds car
tUtkeslia. sekvloai
fheep, with wool on ----------- . .04
ptlle for the Maamd to«t dupla)
17 hU body ibefore lalward Tbe king
Ibv-iiatloi) MoirU Maivlli
Spring lamb--, live wilglit ..
Moater Hull and MIm kcliey skoukl
•oroe Idea nf the flor
Bor (MVlul to
t whlrk fell a ready
ly vk-tliii to the deei-ption
ko glvvo every t>be<iuiagemeni
and to Ills iamentatloiis over the sup
VAmerba. ' b>' i/mgi.-gstion
from the fa.t that thrrads |MMied ilesd f<«*l said he freely forgave
Green hide*.................. .......... 7® J
Btokihg tkl* «Ho uf lh« U *t fiottuic*
have Is-rn drawn, two of which ran to Ibe debt. Hrogau Immedlatelr sprang
Cured hide*
Ilf llui crlebratoib
twistwl together ami luserted wtthiu to kls feel, exctolmtog. "The news Is
Tallow............................ ........
Aguatit bpoeta.
kirit ui't'S. iben- otil be a large the hollow of a huiuaii hair. Tbe.se ■o revivifying that It hat called me
t’hir.igo. June 31 Wheal. !*l^r.
' Tk* aiktotk- Hub U pUiioiuic to
tbreaiU arc »« Uiflulleslmal that It bark b> life."
imll of anoar big aqaallc evetiU aud
uetvls a maguif.v fug alas, to see them.
opIh troll. Jane 31-Wheat. SMiej
ronstdi-rubly more tbau hslf tbe pc<>
iktor oBurta will undoubtedly meet
kouec The foalute of Ike *c»-k
All lengths and sizes are
eoili. 3C<
mitk Ik* aattol suceao*.
In Germany, to pn-veot poison toing pie of the wiifld live lu the lountrb-s
to* tbaale Campbell
Kuo*le«. ohtainrsl for evil purtswes, none U al wbbk iKirdt'i ou the Parlfir ocoaii
expected by Saturday.
Tker* «rlU lo four svlmmlng i veni*
M duoua lotiUailu. in oiH-ralti a*; lowed to to aold wtthnul n written or- Htalistb's funiUhiil by Ike Cnlted
features for ladies and
Includlkf *
ttlider altHUIes <P-partpienl itf •«-oiuu»en-I» and
Saturday. MatFront htiei t. Cii/, |,h.irie PGk,
toon yvars uf «f'<- <»r okuk k<>i.i
labor give tlirsi- iimuirles. excluslv* of
at 2:4S, City opera house.
will be uiered the otuiu-t»
June 31 L*'
I iiileil Htale-. 17.V<s;.i»'«'i Mpiare
WATCH f.o Wuial »4sl««a‘ big ad
An under-vatior swimming contest
jvertiaciuent |ii Uauivritf*'* Btiruid
WANTEO-GoikI Duin lo work
ortll also be ketd
farm for h few days. H S Km e
jum- 31
( aUlrVAj «M MflBi
kMktk » krti«} vn»4k k»u Tk*
tf M irt—i>i kr A*4m SikkM
€$ Ummm Md Mlw iMn HlekM
mm ki tkU mut^uirn^mkm CMkf.
s.Mlo»e f
Tuv p.-r II
...... .........•••«•'«
............ ••
Special for Saturday
8c each
Our Long
Wristed Gloves
J ntptj
Our Great Unloading Sale -roiyiORRow
$ 10,000 must be raised in 11 business days.
MATINEE. City opera houS^, Satur
day. 2:45. 10 eenta
Deep cuts in every department.
Safe will positively end the evening of July 4th
CLOSED ALL DAY to mark down prices lo get ready for this great event.
Tbdtmnds of bargains heaped upon couatars and shelves for this eliven-day sate
Itdmeiiiber the date, June 22, at 8 o’clock a. m.
..........——:--------- ------------------------------
-- ----- --
LawnTrimmer Pitneri^soline
uahttae Ptei
A new tool for removing
sod growing over edges of
cement walks. By its use a
narrow trench is cut next the
walk, preventing sod growing
over edge of walk, greatly im
proving appearance of lawn.
Far Sak ty all Hardware
Consisting of three indoor sad
one outdoor lamps; s 5-gnDon
tank and air oompre^r, with
proper quantity of wiring.
By object for neliing this outfit
is to make room for gMUghtinu.
This is an (UoslWt qpportmuty
ior a Bi^l ftpre or chmoh to
ShouresNo. 1 lighting plant at s
very iMsoashle price; Also for
Grand TravMiWM HoepItRl
TmvwiS Oi^, MIdh.
kM to ttp PM. V» taka ■
Ita ■ w m.
Iteipss. fteSasoaPM BMduw
VpaPMaat. fMsMfaiaiM.
tWMnr<» »lrt kMfiM
i»r •MV>1
mmK m W. aifktt Mm. »f«. t
)m« mM
Miter*. I«MM
ft m4 teW*r» BmUi foctonr of
WMte HI§»M C’4i.
teM UU.
U. MW.
Margam OMlan
»kPM Itlir
Older. The guecU ara given Ue treedum^uf the (wo Suoa.
Mbs Flora ItevU.
ateuue. iMrvH. staglag teacher In Uc
won faAkfa-lMfa-AUUaU teat ua
F. F. LAWTON. M. B.-OfBeaWllkala IHibllr schools at MarskaU. has been
Mato*atrao(; larga frama koaaa aad
ktock. BoU pkonat.
apr I4f rv-<-ngagrd wlthan Increase in salary
•IHt WAMTfD--llia Mi, OM
paad kara; tkl* pruoatU la la Ika
She drilled a boys' ckonia of ifteeii
tmt faUrr
)«M ll4f.
aaatar of Ua kaaf kfat k la Travaraa
OB. M. fa aBBOOBY-Pkpatotoa aad vtdees which took the leading part In
dtjr. katvaoa
aad Park airaat
Pkoaa (he cumnM'ucemem program.
AOMTMf **AW--lt«r» rmtilig
aad Ua aoaalag kaalooaa ktoak of
^ .lU
Ul. Ml, Iro
Woodbury. J. fa hleUregor
IfarUara Mtekdgaa: prupartjr u Uia WB HAVt opened s feed ba^ In old
Basldwioa lit Walaot.
.lnu II f iu. «. IMT. rt«. kterk
aud lAartin liawsun. uf YpsUauti, have
Culunibte bara.
Beguler buuBeie
kaa iartoaiad la rahia ovar
filed a blliof complaint and Ue cH)
and faruers. Heaola'a Fked Barn.
faar kaadrrA par aaai la aavaa
O. C. moffatt-aikoiiaeu sf tttto
l»«M IT M« W «■ k. IMIMM »
are cited (u ahow cause
paara, U vlU do batter tkau Uat la
ill State Mak ku
why they ahoold not be rwsUaln^
Ua aa«t awvta yaaru. Veap yuanaaa
BHiNOtt and atetel root ^twpaMdg OB.^faABLfa-nOBB-Xtoatlat looa from Mprradiug U.mh* oa the ua rom
1^ »: foiM IW U4 0M»ru.|.
aMAayouUdUafakaOU.Ool<L Cup
and palnUng a specialty, itoll at 721 I ftrat !.aUoaal Baak Bldg. CIO ai. a bonus to the hay press company
Un Mr inwDUM M ik<a. .ko
fag Btf tv-eenUy located. The bonds have
fane IMf. sans pkoaa lU.
•MToottMoot AMr M I
aad pteca U to gaud proapootlva
Noirr MMIhlf OftM. MuotifM proparty la tka boat city to ika atoto
U-ea issued by Ue city and sold.
A. 4. McFHAIL-DonU
•faoA, (to4 Mar), m rtoot *trofa. Akara all rloMaa of ray aauteara
Uy failing Into the hold of his
TmmH 0|4r. fakfa-, for furtMr to
fsther • boat at Uetndt, Tuesday. Rua
adraaotoi to prtea. »kara faatortoa
Wa era mow to a poslUoa to i
------ Him l« )ii.
MrPbrrwun. of IhMt Huron, was
kava tocraaaad Uajr oapaoHy to ^ka
WBLCH—Attorawp at
of pour work. Wll. AUaUBTINfa LBBTBB
a distance of twenty-five
work a apadalty
POHfaAH->fia|..|in«n m Vik» dateoi Uat tkay kayo uat auippad til B. Froal alraet HUsena phone ^ WIU Uadarwood A Utotor, BuU
fvet and. U^ides suatainlng Injuries
MM ftfifM Imm MfMmi Ua poputoUtt. wkaro Uora Is too ni.
juaa latf.
Jan I
his bead aad tegs, reoalvod Internal
Mom, iteo teva; a Na l htmcoI
hurts He was brought home.
DM; HrtM IMM W«4* Btm. tlT cklld okera U« local ecdunaa of Ua OONtULT MaBui Htoaa. tka palmlat OB. F. J. MAC NBTT—PracUoa llrntt- Afit'i the i'uidwatei file dopartmeul
local papars aro iUad olU waot
•mm vm at cli pMm ittt.
at 117 Uatoa apoa aU afalra In Ufa ad
and FITTINO OP QLABBBfa Offica td be«‘n called to thu outskiru of the
mjr tl-if ad« far Bioa. ooiueo. buys aad glris.
tear lau
Mt Witoalte ktock. Cltteans pkona ly tu eatiugulsh ui small blaxe, fire
okars faroMra poiBe for aillaa to,
bmko out IB m business block on
Wi WANT •tmjMj to imm tMt dlapuaa of Ualr products aad pur- NOTICB-Wa dean ckltenaps and fu^
aaoaa and aura atovaa Urougk Ua FIANO TUNINO-W. N. MUlard. M v'hk-aKu stret-t, owrutHl by Mrs. W N.
«• MO oUU 4M mt ttH^to4»to «rjr ckaaa tkair auppltes, wkara
years asparlanoa. WIU QrlnnaU Wiwvester. uf Detroit. 1*. A. Rhopard s
At ta Um oUjr. clasaap of fralt. grata aad vagolaklas auteBMT. Travaraa Clip Btova Ba Bros., oormar Front and Oaaa Su. du goods store was heavily danmged.
* H«te IH^ > oao k# auccaaafully gruwo. Wkara pair Oo.. Ml W. PYont OlU. 117.
The orglu
the fire Is unknown.
ratora kaa abuadaaUy. poa lavlakip
A fa MABTIN-Pkpatotoa and Bm AfUi attending a religious gather
auppUod Uo aporumaa. Ua aokol
peon. Ofloe tM Knot Front atreot ing In Audersou. ludiaua,
M Clare,
vorki HM HOT wook: itoa oao far arm. Ua artiat aad tka lovyid wltk
of Alma. Mkh.. developed acuate
MMM woffa Mib. fa J. MurgM. avorp Utof tbap could daairo. kap.
1 an Indiana Union TracUoo
Hf ifate MioM
Munclo. and It required aov
ctear. pura Creak water, pood clear FOB Bf NT-Uiod pasturo for kuraaa
and cetUa fanguimi of M. Winnie.
er.il men to hold him unall he could
lustlUp air. dak. fruit, aad vagato
kkANTtP—OMUNMfi for teJ
|«2 Bute street
June 17 llt* MBfa fa W. B0NNBBW kalr dieaatop bo lodged In Jail Claie believed that
■Mteteo. (tellTOf Mjwkor* la Ua blaa. Wkat teora could ba doalrod.
Mtora ovai dtp Book Btora. Boom
had been given power to puulah
Tbaaa are facte wa ars atattog and
oUjr. OfMk MM Mratfiiro Oo.
TO BBNT—Pleasant farnlaksd frait
anyouf, aud that be was Immune (rum
luMlltf. caa bp vortoad. Agate wa aap plaoa
ytiur luunoy la Travaraa City or tka
Monap to loan, lit Suta f
board uf educallun of Charlotte
Urend Travaraa region.
kuUdtop. CllUans pkona IM
bas called a special muellug of tbo
Urus. S17 Vulon atraat. OtUsens TO BBNT—Ptoasantly furatokad front
. TMlfa
BBAL BPTATB AND LOANP-Ouad U-gal voters uf the I'nion school dlspkuur 181».
Juaa IMt
raoin; all uiodarn convtnlenoea.
Traverse Land and Loan Oo.. F.
I'harhrtte. tor June 26. to eonJune KKf.
rtell. UauaKer . Office, room I
WANTffa-IUMMr far braiick oftoa FOB AAti—Houaa aad lot. atodara 2W Oaaa.
sidei the sdvaslblllt) tif building an
M *Uk to toMto kara to Travaraa ouovaateaaaa asoapt kaatlag; alpkt FOB BBNT—Three Urge
addition to the Haw ihurse ai hisd. bedir. AMnaa. Alik ralaraoaa. Tka blocks f<a» poktorace: easy larau
rosimii, upsUlrs.
telrs. at |4 prr
Dr. O. B
. Bute Bank block
Mt K. Blgktk street
MarrU Wkolaatte iiouaa, UaclaaaU, iDOdarata oout. Pkoaa 4»8
Both phui . m tr. Realdenco tl4
auurM 1010
III W. NlnU atraat
latf HOUPB TO BBNT—Dr. Moon.
W. BtghU t cm.
‘ ■ WMITtD-Mu.
WANfVD~Voar apkolatarlag, funil^alr cautog aad fur
•llgro packtofa fa H. Tuaaar. 4ll
Vatern M.
apr i U
ef Ua«taeraaaa In )
of tka asgioMp of psrefa tM kw« to
OtBAtHIM^ FfaATHBB vlpltod croaa. rifapasi
iM.ataMto. CABFCT
BfatoOVAl^a aad>VOFF BUOBI Bd
Bdward Msisekte. of MASlMMfa kaa Ua oraaka oM rtvwd. Tkor ctol* tkat
•M PM A kaM I
b.« admitted to practice kMoew Ua tka Banfitt oarp la ftotutgrtog tka
fa CMpto. Clttosa pkosia itifa “ j*««
spawn of tkoaa Bak. esutetog tka aotrmap lau totartor daiteftteaat
top er koaiMni MP IplM pood
dtp- Tka akootlag duka^ are alao
mm to atowwi §t PM tkMMPd
lining of Ua damoM Uay ara
4aMn aa pigt^ paptoaM:
IMM. Wada faroa, tlf
solred and Ua bustocM aUI ba oao Botag to Ualr rloa beds.
Hue IMt ducted
Bating a disk of lee eroam aaved
Itolea tu CIt. pkoM UU.
bp tobn P. Bmlik. owner of
POa tAt»-A»te4 Mibv fa I.
tka Ufa of tka t-yaar<tld aow of Mr.
faM 1M
•ap IMf A. fa DOBBOfa -Jaattoa of tka Pgaeev tbc BnooMer.
aad Mra. Cynm B*. Boptri. of Wavor
. War la batog wngad kp Ue cktof of
HitelBaa fa MIUIkM ktook. I
m4 W
>oa aAtt-amir.
ly. Wltlto to BtogktmUte Ua UtUe
Beads, isortpapas aad contrecte aw police at lanaiaB agntoat v<
mm: mry kU4 far •kllirM 10 rtio PPfa aAtfa^l«ia~iT aaoii Ma aad
kor eraa glrra a diak of lea cream.
te Artf. fa J. IfanM. faM
kaoAtodpad; real
koapkl. impoorn, oandp and Mgars who uka After aatesg Ue cream he discovered
sou or reatad to dtp oir oonatry up Uetr ptooaa to Ue atreeu
bottle of aatteto asB -took one large
Mit4M ofawa ppa »Ata-j.
soom pood
itotaaAOMi. pMm
Uow. The liquid borned kls mouth
fiMMirfaii. IM fa Utteteo M.
karpatoa Hated to farm aad dtp ever known In noitkarw Mleklgan and ka dropped Ue bottle and
mv iMf
won faA^ldTi-.ii aesM tM teltea propeitp. to oCBca Wadaaodap aad opened
In Ue uppar pswtoaula pilgrim screamad. Tka .attaadlng physician
OUk kniidtop; Meat loenttea ■atardap avaotops. BMldaaoa
age Wadneaday attarnooa of Ua 8m\ sayw that If Ue ice cream had not
tor MUarkaa yptodPMo to tola m ett PPt.
aprSktf wltk a parade of 400 sromkarw of Ue baen In Ue cklMa atoomch that U
wada Broa, OT
'KriKsajr :S
H«k WAMTftft-AI m far v
M IMM* w«rt. Mrs. Tr^r OUlU.
m tUteMm
Him IHt
INas P IHicbiflSB
•Mm isifa
apr N-U
FOB aAtB»mt-><toP koadrod aad
UirtpAva aera toras. alpktp auas FOB BBNT—Oficea to Ua WUkalm
Uaprovad. larpa bare gad |
kfack. & WUkalm.
tear ItU
kousa. orckard. torpg aaouat
pood wood, tlskar, tarn yi foaoad FOB BBNT-II4 Lake avaaua In
ap^tl tf
aad BO kattor aoU to ka faoad; ate auira lU fa BtokU St
gyipi poauagat of «ttp aa
road. Baal Bap toaraaklp: ckaa to FOB BBNT-iii Oaaa alrotL toguira
aokool aad okaiak: vtU aaU oa aaap
targM. awaar to eUar kaatoaaa;
pftoa|I.Md. Wada farea. UT Mato
MON8Y TO LOAN—RmI adato lor
aato. Uoosaa to rant Dr. W. fa
Moon, dtp Opata Honaa Mock.
LOPWOBTM—Bpecld at
dlsaasaa of Ue eye. ear.
noaa andi Uroat aiaaaga Bttad
Over Joki
1 drug atoce; -
would have died. The child la now
oa the toad to recovery.
fkmway Jomea and Carl Dally, at
Detroit, enjoyed all the pleoaorea of
a launch Hdc^ In Mace Iksy lake
PoaUac. until they dlaccncred that the
gaa^lne supply hib caughl tra. The
quickly spread to the wood
work, aud the oocupants of the b<wtt
weir obliged to awlm to shivre. t
was foriunaiel)' not tar away. The
launch was almost completely' dewlioyed
Metick R. Thews, agod
years, a
Uuidlng painter and decoraUtr of Ann
Arbor, was found dt^ad tu bed by hts
wife. Tuesday night. Thews was not
couahlered dangerously 111. A widow
child aurvlvoa.
The Michigan Hlom^r and Hlstoii
cal WKbHy. founded In 1174. will hold
tu thlity-UIrd annual meeting tu
Lansing. June 26 and 27. Henry R.
Uanlnglll is secreUry. An exceeding
ly Interesting program has been prv-l>ared.
The disappearance of two horse
blauktOa la causing Antunlua Kunka.
uf Uetrull. considerable worry. An
toulua Is under anvst at
charged with having stolen the horse
coveringa from Adam (>90100: In Royal |
Ei •'.rsr'w:r;.srTi
Ipewfa Maa lltofa Wtoda Broa,
HT Mote Uatoa atraai. Cfa Mom
»v Ml
Power for Your Boat
BfatUUcB wtlli yoBT
bontciiBtacT lfnoi,ii
would oortoinljf pgjr you lo
invudliRnla the
. -j
M. Paige
Phona 37S
-- ____ __ ____
Beneral newt
James C. Hoplins
Daniel C Smith, aged til yv«rs.-and;
Mtsa Henerletta Hill. Med 36. a achool ^
teacher, were marrle# at Prowcott by 1
Justice Wm. Maurer. Thlsru the agv'd 1
groom's fourth venture on the matri
monial sea. They weie married to the!
K O. T. M. hall aud ISO of Ihegroora-K
di<«ceudauts wltnesaed the ceremony. I
The oouucil has granted the Cran |
ebUe for a sU-am railway asked by W. j
T ('russ, trustee. The rtrad is t
built wlLhin two yi-ais to connect with
the new bell line at Detitdl. The n
laltway, if built, will be called I
existence primarily for the relief
the augai factory
oa or kafora tka tU day of Octebar.
Ar a IMf. and Uat aalt otoiOM wiU TBAVCBBB CITV LOOM, Ufa m,
ha heard h
' K. D. T. M. M.
K O. T. M M., Na 171. maeU avery
tea dckmk to tka toraaoon.
Tkuraday Flskl in tka OsU Fallows
Dated Jaaa t. A O. 1M7.
kaU. over WSrieaA Kandy KRekan.
Mart Wttkans, (Vmimatetor: fa M.
ffankha Baooid Kaapar; faA-Bvena.
June 7. 14. U. 24.
Ftonnea Kaapar.
Kyoo wnmlbegl
kteWBdbMl ter.
vice tekphooe
mw vibasLn ilooc
l>. y. Kingsley. 1
president of pass the nlghu. iw-rfumed as the uoe
B. fa fa MINOR—Office over Amarlcan Drug Btora. BperUl attanUon ihe .N't-w Y«tik Life Insurance Co. lurual almtwphcn* thero always Is.
to eye. ear. noaa aad throat Glaaaaa
son lu isw of the late' J«iJiu A. with Jasailito and axahar. in sgieeaiile
IHAMTlft-fkr oolteauoa. amaa aad
tttad. BoUpkoave. Banldauci
McCall and Is bu yesrs old. He was diversions -chess, bllllardM. eaiOs aiiiJ
Old aoaoaau A. PpMral Haallioa
born at Albuig, Vl. on May ft. Ifti7. bowling.
fair tAi»g
giaduated tioiu the I'ulverstty of
The king and queen of Knglaud
OB. W. B. MOON—BpacUllst—Qenlio,
nrtnary. akiu and blood disasssa; II Vermont 10 tSVI. having woikcd his show iheli affection for their botwei.
Uatoa fat. ca pkoM Ull.
years ciiM iiencc. City opera bouaa
through college.
H«? went to
^ curhais way. When a fuvoiiUtoklHf
block. Both phunaa.
tOBT—HliU'k silk uiubu-Jl«, |n’eil
CoK.raiki. (aught school and dM news I
u hixifs are cut off and polUbi-d.
handle wltk silver uiiuniluas^Ptud j
(w|HU work for a while
tOT FOB BALI.t~Wi»t ^hth aUMt
aud the borst-s name te luscrlbad
ISO i'M« atraai
er pknae luave ut Record Herald
was elected audlu»r ef ('trlojado. an each biMif. These sro placed te a ■
floe local loo. Inqslrs K H. Abbott.
Plate stioct.
Juaa 7 U.
June tO-di
•Hire which carried with It the du- In one of Ue harness rooms ut HantI
Tkto koiiid PIIM« I.
of sii|M'iitiU-udeut of lusurance. rlngham. On the wall sbovo are pbo
gulfa Jua. Omirtada. ruutv «
FOB iAL.Co-1124 I'anu. eigkO-lva LOPT—Mack ouveivd account book,
Kft be eiileied thi* New Yojk IJfe logntphs or prlnU of Ue owners of
Juaa uai*
IBTHUB HOLLIDAY, M. D.-Pkpslacres, ons and uoe kail ailtes aorU
yusterday between Qrawu and Trav
clan aad Surgeon. Ramovad to of- as luspi-cloi t»f agencies in 1862 he (he hoofs.
of Aenu OB uslB road Povoaty•oaa in Munsoa ktock over Barnam was tiaiuleired to the home effux' as
eraa City, east side uf SilviT Lake
r W AAtModria koioa.
IVsui John P. Hutheiland.
ivu arrui uaUi-r culiuuUuu; all InA ■arl'a. CUlsang pkona ttl.
road. lUturn to Record and reosdve
suiM-rluleuiknl pf agencies
In 1862
kpal. M MaUb VtMrv aud Urai»
Roatou University Medical schtatl. has
t<» ritipa- Aluat. euro. usu. hay;
June 17-H.
uleetbd third v Ice-pre side ut in
large inudem kouae. furnace, balk,
succeeded In having ihe course at the
hot aad Odd aatur all Urougk
faction guaranteed: ~Wltk KlmhnU A. MeCall as pri9s»deiU gv>l llW.tKW a schud for Ue M. D. degree increased
LOST—Tburadny afterauon.
fiom four to five years. This U the
won faAtfa-MeVtckar paaoUna aa houaa Wlad tnlU and teak. Good waUk aad fob. Notify Misa Mabel Maatojkuua. OlU. pkona ML
year. Kingsley will gel tftO.OOO.
fliet medloaJ school In Ue country
barn, granary end ell neraaeery
•tea, paw; Ifa k. p. fa fa Ouwall. out
tteuatoi La Kbilelte Is a graduate uf
Rarager, N. M. Asylum. Juno 14^
Mlkllugs; good yuung orcberd.
kONBV.TO LOAN-No tax, claora the Wtecxinslu university, but be came IttsUtule the five-year course.
ai Baiard alBca
put to teortpMaa Hoooaa far aato. ptMlltoialy near nut l»elug. Although a Bmperor WIllUiu has approved the
Jual 'Uierleg; ebopt all leval end
scheme for the construction of
POB BALfa-IWa-Baaort pruparto
AITIY go kuagry oo Uc >\Mirth
palnsuk-ing and earnest'studaot. he
be. Owner. Alakaa to go aouU. beaoe wkeu s good dinner ewn be got at
stodRim In Gnmewald forest In the
PM teUa aHp Itoilte; four arroa;
never stood high Ip his classes. On
Ura kaadrod faal akors front; large ufcia at toA apore far aaak Price Grange hall. 'Corner CRss and Wash RBBTBACTB OF TITLB-C. O. Oar final exathluatiun be. fell slightly be ootoklits of RerUn. It is to be pro
war. Prteaa rwaaoMbla. Offlea wRk low- the mark prescribed for gradua vided for the pubHc. and as proposed
katol aaoutetalp' furoUkad ftrst 14.100. Wada Broa. in aouU Ua lagum sttwete. for tl cenUT
a P. Oarvar 4 Bro. BoU phonasi
atoas; kat aad cold water la all lua street Ul. pkoae 1111.
Juno th to July ::
tion. Uut a short time before he had will be a model of Urn Greek sUdluiu.
Hue IMf.
WHiPM. pas Ufkt furaaca kMt also
OB. fa L. THIBLBY—Bpaolal altee- won chief honors In an IntersUte wlU dally Olympian games.
Admiral Goodrich, who sucooed*
aM atotopa. two tafps ksnu. traal
Uon to dlaaasaa of ckUdran. F
to Asbury Park, WanelckUlra. Mgcollegiate
oratorical couteaU thereby
4M State Bank bldg. BoU pk
Coghlan at Ue Now York navy yard,
alraaa' tkroopk pnmoda, ksU kuusa FOB BALB—1ilk<r04M himdrad and Und. Ue anoeatrst seat of the Sew
bringing glory and renown to tl
directed the first shot In Ue cugageaad tote prova ateag ksy akorc Tkla •vo acre farm; lour miles from city; degates.«a'upetvd pillar In gray giaii
great lustUuUou at Madison, and by
around Santiago de Cuba, and
piopaetp to to Brat oteaa eoadM
narrow margin the faculty granted
ac^4w timber aatimated to cut at He on a tkreawtopped padesUI has
he atoo fought the last naval engage
aa auto road to city, plkad alt
been elected to perpetuate Ue memo
im a diploma.
ment of Ua war wlU Spain. Uat in
aap to clip: voald coat to put to least Uree kiudrad Umiaand feat v> of George BiUott.
PoadHka aa It Is at prsaaal at least of meivkanUUIa toga: about
De uf the must unique social orgau- front of ManxaniUa
Uuusaad oiirds atuvw' wood; toiTBAVBBBB CITY LOOOfa NU Tt. K. Uatloos
WilUam P. Sheffield. Ue vcioran
toraatp Uouaaad duliars; ladp owo
In the ucer world: it Is called
of P.. teaat every Thoradsj wvaeplumed tend, mostly tevel; faboat
Rhode laland lawyer and oUtusman,
tog to toralld, kgaca aacrlPoa
"The Insomnia Club.'* housed
tog. New Munsoa block. C
and half caa be Irrlpftsd fresa Ika
Ue last survivor hut one of Uc state s
crack Uat ryaa acroas farm; Urge fi TATB OP UlCHiGAN—THE PROconstlutlonal ooovenUoo of
frama barn, suma basement room ® bate Conn far Ua County of TBAVBBBB CITY LBOION, Na IM— to Ue heart of the TaintMan caplUl. might have bean caltod Ua Daniel
Grand Travaraa. In Ua matter of Ua
far tfiy hand of stork; good stone eatate of Tkomaa W. O Brian, lata at
Netktaal Protactive Lsg^ will There at are preaeni 4« mambeie. gad Webster of hla state, so dooely do his;
•aatk Uaioa pt Qlt pkoaa Itil.
as Uey can but aebftom ateep, Uey
fauadaUon; packing kouae for fnUl; said county, dwcaaaad. te
ptoturns resemble Webster.
i: *
»if IM
Notloa la knraky given Uat tour
large orchard. dUwreal vnrtattea of
It to aald that Ue large*! animal
paaokaa. paara, pluma. iprloota. monUa from tka lU Bar of Juas, A
3 POB faAtfa-.lUl->Laif» tea i
whtoh aver Urad on tkla planai was
a 1M7. kavw kaaa aUowad far
> kaaM toiia tel. keiaraoa Ntotk ckenlaa aad applaa, nil ckoloa creditors to -present Ualr claims
(he aalphur bouom whale of Ue Pw
vnrtottea; nlau larga rlayard: okolc- against said daoeasad to said court for
( aad TtoaU atiwata oa Ballraad
clAc ocean. One spadaen has bean
^ aaaa Mom touadatigo. Lot aorU eat grnpoa. Tkn farm kP nUilsInp
foaad which to M fast tong and tfi feet
i B4 faagt €M Uouaaad doUaia. Ua Umber can kaanda to pap ont qulrad to present Ualr claloss to aald
around. Ite aaUmated weight to t»LJ Ummm aoald aai ba kaiit far Bflaaa tkla panr tocladtng oomlap Aintor,
i. at tka prohata otioa. to Ua
m ppanda.
Madrod MUak cshioa to aagr and wkan paid far Is a ataadp aoaroe
of Travaraa City to aato oouniy,
Ur. itonray W. WUay. ektef of Ue
of wnaRk Uat Is knrd to dnpltoato.
Mlp roamm R la far aato la owner
la waU atottg to penra aad wlakaa to
lAtira kMM oWan It at akont onw
ball Ra Mtonl ralan Prtoa IfaMfa
Wada Brag. Ilf BoaU Uaton BC.
OBImm pkapfa Ulfa ^aM it tf
diTlaltte of ohautotry to tka Agrtooi
_______ _ has kaan' angagw
by toa FraMk goraramaat to make a
■^-imitiae inqqkar toto tkg ekargas
Ual PkMok wtoaa kava kaan groaaly
erated. Ha yriU
John R. Santo
General InsurgBce
J09-210 State Bfaik BillBiK.
TravcTK Qtj. HlcblcBB.
Tin Tttsunnet
toll Estia
■i '■
Line Steamers
ut.« i(4KI«TH 4n» M ( W4 1 f.
as.; Boaday 7 h teu enlr.
Uara LUDINOTON dgtly at M |t fa.
Airtva MUemakaa • a to- BaUy
,Lwtra MUvaakaa Bally I fa m.
The Una which toma yog TkPMi.
fktoia Bafaqy, Omtm and AtoUBa f
J'v-:I ■>:* •
Pa^dn Pli^ wJr^StarJElte^^^
■•• •*•••■ M»m Ik* Wto «l CkrM...j r a' i.;!-u'
r Unrm i»4tilhun (
|im«w«Mlif huM«4.
SpcetairaM S5Sa?Ti!SW?K
fiYP {thmrp ^
Th« toM i«lng Over 6,UOO «n4 Mlw Anctor»n QglflMl th* U«d Ovpr MIm Old*.
M. Mir lr«iMI%»t» U •. «.«!• I
»} ttmtittlM m «M» •*«• «l fiM
■ «dM • Ittiiif CtM* MrtlMVM IlM
Ths Manner of Closing the Contest Is Explained and
the Utmost Harmony is 3ound to Prevail If
Instructions are Followed.
->fV lUkmtai to U« voig to « p. W- ThiuiMtoy. Juno W.
eiM iMftto V. Jkm^tw. nm IL a. ckurcli. cmX. rriodrlcb shod
............ .........47^*4
S;!j riw.u-iw a a.>*.
Mr*. W«B»U Ctoakoc. U O. T. g,.........
HIM dm UlCM, u O. T. ................. .
.......... ...................
9. U Sbtttor. Pf»toru«l Order ol lOkgWp ............> j, • •.............. . -. • •
•> -
A.**..#.* .241,121
|to»4 w. LUuba«* l<ftU«l CoauoRdO
TVkcp H- UtUto. P. a A- M...................... .............
QUO l^irUch, TtavrrMi Cltr *«»t. No. in. Iv- O. T. .-.'
Looto Bckulgci). KnlgkU uf ColuubiM..
Julius Jpluisua. Hajrsl rWustors........
H A.r«iUs. I. u o. K---------.......
A. II. VtocK. A K. of U. . ......,...
Osoiia bouue. Pure»tor«.-----------....
Ato Hato. r. Md A. y.......
PVaak AAaniu. desr Makers* VjUoh ..
t gwetoliuns whhb might aiibv.
MA/er A. V. Friedrich,
While a U r«TUtnly a waste
a Oarisna pash. AlaU Sank.
lime Ui try to figure out who will bo
F. W. Carver, Aupsrvlsor.
• the fuitunaU) outs In the BvouUie
Meward Muaactman, Musselman • U«>tora inipplaiity coulo5>l there ine
Qrdcar C«.
^ thouaauds of people In Traverse City
WilUam M. K*ilege> Atst. Cash- • wbo form upluious one duy aud
ehauur them tbe ucsl, wbeu sumo
itr Fist National Sank.
• unsuspei'ted eaudldste sitowa hU or
hand by JwmpliiK to the front
i >uu ever stv a contest so full of
To -Candidstaa.
piisos every day In the week?
•o' utatt}- qut«tl«iOii art* UUng aakcil as
St of tbe boosters” have quit
guasaing and ‘-ftsgerlu *' aud are Just
•ssw lug wood ’ for tbelr friends, the
udldaU>s. kuowlug that worktug
dealrw to tbonjugkiy esplaiu thi» o
d nut hoping is the only tueaus by
ler at tbi« Unu>. The Usuti of
ilch their choice can get the honors
of iuue ’iC. will c
talp Umi aiaadlua uf ih%* ouQiUdaU-s In the raw. That’s by fur tbu bast
to t o'clock Tucadu) evcaiua. Juuc 2u pbui. auyhow. and It seems Ug have
No furtber statcuii*ot of the Viuudius t»e«'n adoptfHl generally. If yesterday's
vole can be laktm as a criterion
If you liure not sewn the haudMune
dlamuods to be uwaided the winners,
see them today They are on eihlbl
tlon In the window of Baruum A
that OiM
Eart's aud J .
Marlluek s. and are
vm W«doos4lajr. Juuv 16.
btring admirtsl/ by Traverse ('lly's
jr loj )
lovers of diamonds.
It lb uu wtmder there Is so much
I iMckaatM aud pivenihushmm
contest wfieu
auui ibcM paeskagos lo the rfprcwiuu*
aUkfS uf tbe EXoului; Uetord at the such magulficwut iro|ihles mre at
floal rotlog plaoo. which will bv ut Slake.
All Candldatas Ganve.
tbe erenlng Record ufttw. those noi
Not a single candidate has weak
to be opened uutU tbt; cuuleal cIuimui
Ol P o'clock and in the presvurt uf ened aud they are «U going to sUck
tbe jadgoa. who vUl make ibe final to the finish. There never was such
opBvasa aud award tbe tropblos.Tbls a kit of splendid campaigners as this
conUai has developed,
it s simply
giraa all an equal cbaucc% i
useless uv try to get away from thean.
tbtuk, viU meet Ue approve
Prominent aa they are aud backed by
leii abottld atoo enabto the jndgeb ibelr strong urganUatlons. bunlnaas
to douat tbe roUia vsur qidckljr and a and profoaakmal men ars not making
■Ay aldaaiepa for various reasons.
ddfltotoo aa|r b« randarqd bjr to 10
liMt of .them enter into the aptrit of
n o'clock.
If even’ candidato wUl tidlow these tbe conteet witb eatbuslasm a^ are
hutrqctiona no criUetom will foUow belplag ea many eaadMaun as they
oaa. Tbn whole city to U'lgg canrsfarding tbe outoome. fur i
vaased. and the tour weeks that have
will know what votes tbe i
cnndlAataa bare fer tbe Sual count. paaaed have seen many -proinlsOB”
Stet7 cnndldaie should eliher .be given aba next week wUI see tktor
PraellMl Itocs
<tf Com Slnrdi
You cttxx luv. . mypncacjjia u-Jut
(oodSiM « y«a Imfen
- __
iisr wma and wuaum
•rbo baa proaniaart vUI asske good,
even if they kart «> borrow to do U.
Pea t finrtet tbo gaadMatan aro baak
lag baasy m tbaae ♦ prnmtoai.” aad
»m yiPty Btoft redaaai yoai voad.
Yeaterday a bAllaUag was decidedly
laplritod. « total uf over «.«00 voiea
being caaf. a aujnrii) of tbeae go^
tag to tbreo agadMaiga
llarsy Moonie waa glvea .the star
vcito af «be digr. bia uitoi belag UU
Miss Apderaoa was glveu I.0I1 aad
paasad Mtoa Olda. and Mr. abuter waa
hvvtU «itb l.Mfi.
The neat ivg days wUl develop ibt
toal cungg** ^ ^ bandeoaae dia
toonda valaod at |t00 will be award
pd when the wtaaontoare ansouased.
Nertb Makglg Interaotod.
Tbe great NurUwest has uken ,aa
iaieniM la the Record popular olamoad conteet. far yeaterday a subseriptloo was reoqlvcd fro^ .North
Dakou with a regaapt Aor-tfaiaa The.
nailed toat eveali
le as be I
L to the (
Bveatog ReoorA
Tbaee votes will have to be on the
way oeaAy tbe whole of the next five
days to order to gel back lo Ume to
be of aervlce to any candidate.
Nuiea and negulatleaa
Candidates moat be members of a
sburck, tobor, literary, bualnaes or aodal organiKalioo. bolding meeUnga to
Traverse CUy or surrounding terri
Tbe voting will be by balloU dipped
om tb® Evening Record and by vot
ing certlflcaiea tosued with pay menu
mado on aubaciipUon account to tbe
ENealng Record.
Each ballot (pipped from tbe papor
will count cme veto lor the lady and
celved at tbe office before tbe dale of
gentleman named thereon when reexplratlon given on tbe ballot,
isacb day the date of tbe expiration
I tbe ballou to changed.
Certlflcaiea for BOTH a lady and
genUeman contestant wilt be Issued
with roccipU for suhac.’-ipUoq as fol
•y Carriar.
One year |k.00.........................760 voles
Six munlba |2^.................. ...300 votes
Ten weeks fl.OO...................;..100 voiea
•y Mail.
One year 11.00...............
450 votes
aix months f 1 60....................... 300 votes
Fbur montbs 11.00.....................100 votes
While each payment of $6 00 (or a
year’s subsciipllon entitles tbe bolder
of Ue. receipt to 1.500 voiea, these
cannot he voted for one candidate but
No certiflcaie will be Issued tor a
lesa payment tbaa H-AOl
A i
Combinations may be lonMd fir
tween a lady and g<mtl«mau candidate
by which a lady may exchange her
gentleman's votes for A like number
of lady’s voles, and vice versa. But
comblnalloua by any candidates of tbe
to defeat anutber will nut
be permiued.
Tbe Evening Record reserves Ue
right to reject the name ol any V
jecUonablc person.
At the close of Ue balloting Ue retums will be canvassed b^ a commlb
fee og wMbknovn boston men whOM
itandtog to Ue eoraunUy to onqaeeTbe
balldttog will close at 3
o'clock Wednesday evening. June M.
The place d< boldlibl ^ Ttoal aooottfit will be annouBoed to a liter to■u« of Ue Evening Record.
. No eoploye of Ue Evening Record
can bepmne a candidate for Ue honor
and Ue diamonds.,
, No extra coplea of the Evening Reourd w in be printed, for tale, lor Ua
coupons which they cootala.
Tbe telephone line to nearly c«nPietod Tbe ”ang-a Ung ling' of Ue
phone can be beard moai any time ol
elto. were to Traveise City tost week.
Traverse CUy.
Mias Hattie Mil orofTra
s Ue guest
___ _______
of James
> Wilson and
mlly at pntobnl
Mr. anfi
and Mrs. WilUam
_____ M Oowan
ware the gneaU of Mr. aaa Mis. J.
H. Byrr and (amUy Umu^.
£. aud Mrs. C. L. Foster of ‘
Adlmisslon, !l6 Cents*
Ha Ftoad Mto RMab.
Ravn iiwd tba walSratiek INa
aarriad orar 40 fain, on aooonnt cf a
that raatotod avwry kind of trash
________ I triad Rm
Rahra; tkat baa haatod Ua aoca an^
mada ms a happy man." wrttoa Jobs
QaivwU. <ff NarU MlUa. N. C. Ouaiwn.. by Rugbaa
Drug ttoi% druggtots. tta.
to TMt RVCHiN« MtOORR Oentoet
Velil ettor June flfi.
Natiaa to All r
Tba apodal aasoaimant tax roUa tor
Ua pavtog of Ua following atraau
ara uow to my baaJto tor ooltocUon
cnmrigpmM mi
South Dalon street trea bridga to
TwolfU street, seoood tnsriRiitoat
Obas stroot from Stfto atraat to
bridge, second luatallmbn^.
Csss street from Front street, to
SUic street aud State aueet from
Cass street to I'ulou street, flfU toName of Orgauliatioo
VelR after June fli.
sue street from Cissa street to Rail
road avenue, third tnsiallmeui. *
East Front at^«t from Park street
to Wellington sued. Ulrd insUllEAET ray.
Mr* MaUew Reich and Mrs Henry
West Ftont strovl (10m l^uloo street
Eilwlu Hlack has offered a altc (or i to Maple street, third lusUUmtmt.
SixU sueet (ram Vuion atreot to
her slater .In town hall. We will auuu know al
Dlvlsiuo-street, fifth luslaliment.
iwctitv-elght years. Mrs. Jeffs U ac- about the town hail buaioeK
there U talk of holding a
cumiMUlt^d by her sou Prauk.
All Ue above iostallments togeUer
lion to dtM:lde the mailt
Mrs Peur Courtsdt U qulu- ill
wlU Ue accrued lulermt oa all UD)
Mr. sud Mrs. Prt^d iKimItie arc* the
paid lustallmc-nls ‘ to be paid . on or
Jests of Ml. aud Mrs. Jobu Bbaw of
before the iiUth day ^ June. 1M)7. '
dpb S. Masllngs,
The tlsDus A Banntm mill has nearMrs 8<.phU Kclghu. , of Tiaveiw
finUht^ the shiugle cut. The sUs-k
r lugs will he cut aud tht-'mill will be
remuted south uf liatoa.
Chalk:* Mayitsrd lia* be<u quite
Friday evening then- was a guuil sick but is some better.
atteudauce at tbe Amerlcau Boeiol)
unate Tsaan. .
ol. Kqulty imH-tlng.
ydfoe. of 107 8t. LouU
The cblldieu hutiug bad a siUe «d
Ihcilaa. Tox-. says; "In the past
the uuwides. now many of Ue older
year 1 have become acquainted with
•«ipk> .ntt laid up with It.
fir. King * New LKePUU.
e Pill*, and
no laxaliume for Wm: U xie. s lu-w lai.u the i ever before tried so
We are haiklug for some laud
#ci effectusUy
Tb«*> hoiK' to hace U completed Ufeue) disp
ipos4.>s of malaria and.........
The y don't grind our gripe.
plwe sud the owner due* m»t
Hugl;bee Drug Co.. ITaak H. Mends.
Hanuab Drug Stores.
3"..Xr;Vi- “•
usde lu re
pi-0*pecu. Nuuc can
for ;i certaiuty what the ei\>p will
tot summer would cause
drop badly; cuol nights
with heavy clew* and a hut e^rly suuwould cause blight.*Lct us hoi<e
for thu best.
Mr. aud Mrs. Elmer Beach were tbe
guests ever Sunday of Mr. aud Mrs. C.
L IXmiine.
scieage of potatoes were
Week; otbeia will plant
Kt week aud some w I be planting
till the Fourth vS July
Every Sunday t
neighbors take their families
r pleasto
aud recreatiuQ
among the
Jalii uf small inland lakea. The day
uot far distant when these lakes
ill form a chain uf famous summer
Mr. Vanderlip at Traverse CUy. who
elgbtV'twu velars of age. Is helping
s sou
barn1 tounda
i th^ new
sud Mrs Octave
Octav Domine and
smily and a party of friends of Trav
erse CUy druve out to Keunic Lake
Sunday aud had a very enjoyable
Bert sud Willie Fortou of Traverse
CUy were the guests over Sunday of
their pareuU. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome
There- wHl be a dance next Friday
evening at George W’Uson's. every
body is cordUlly Invited lo alteDd.
Mr* k\ank Reich, who wga to the
Grand Traverse aasltarium for some
time, aud was successfully operated
upon (or the removal of a tumor, was
lakea to the home of her.psreAts. Mr.
.and Mrs.
Women traablsd wrlib fn^nff
ce of In
t held al
|.. w Ra I at* OisrsBcSf* ILsS
aud comnrJi
day evening with
;h Presiding
Elder A.
T. Ferguson In charge. Tbe services
were very much enjoyed.
June IT.
Grand Opera House
Of course you have heard about the
Vaudeville al the City Opera House*
B ill (U. was a del. j
M. cuuveuliun
Mrs. Jc*hn Cams U visiting friends
here s wevk or lw»i.
T W. Hawley went to Alden Salui
dav to vibit friends.
The W. F. M. S. mcrels this week
Tuesday with Mrs. Donns Monro.
Mr. and Mrs. Oco. Cams visited at
Lawell Sour* Sunday.
Quite a good many from thi* place
d the Old Settler*
pldfi last Thursday.
The Ladles' Aid society met last
Friday sftemoco with Mi*. Jake
Kaiser. All report Mr*, ilsiaer's a
joUj good place to go.
Jone 17.
W' ' "li
L> dia E RnkbaiB's Vegetable Compound
One SoUd Week
lay and
’ aS
a ObUdtaoW
Day eniertatotoent nt Ue Raai Enastto cbafdk. Jane 3G Ortott to to
riled to attend.
Rdd. Aarr called oa Joaepk Rem
mtagtrtn end famHy Sunday.
1 hRTR R number of good
fRrmk, aU the wmy froa 40 lo
160 Rcret. for irIo, or If you
Hryc RDy good property, 1 will
tRke it ID cxchRDge Rod mRk«
you tRiy tcrmi. 1 CRR tott you
R good farm for leu money
ihRD you CRD buy h of RRy*
body el»e. I hRvo iRrmi
which are located from four
to B) milct from Traverse
City. rU good improved Und.
If yon havn good Wwl faraM
1 will bRjIhwn.
OBoa 907 State Bnak BvukliRg
Tbinl Floor
MOWMbiiteteiL Oiiphoua7T4
And km tko
CM., We wduM lie
■ 1
Children Arc Impofljn
factors in the
esjituatiou of the
You may semi thorn with
cxrnBJouce, for you
Im sure they will receive
the aame ^^tupt aarvioe
Both phonae.
Monday, June 24 Dr.W. J. Higgins
Aotorica'n Mont Tnlnntod
Porcelain Work
Or floor with BtwinsM OoUsgs.
Going to BuOd
niulfl nupe^r ooupnoy ol
oouixtonioD plqyen iu
HIgk Class OramR Sumptteo—iy Prweteted*
Opeuiflg PUy ^oadaj Night,
“The Itonement”
Lndiofl ndmltted FHEE Monday
Right with every 9(k> iiokat re•erved l^ote 6 o'clock.
Sntordny Matinee—ltc» lie.
Seat Mue open* Satnuiay at 1
TWs Year?
Wait a G*M Lot to Baud Os
1 so, we have them lor sale and at
.prices tbst we know are right
Lou € and 7. Blk «. Perry Hannah’*
3rd Add.. West Ogbt streeL
Lou 37 and 1«. Blk. F. H. L. A Co ’•
7ih ^dd-. M ft- front oack oa
Waabingtoo aUveL
Lou » and 10, Blk A H. L. A Co,'s
6tk Add.. East Eighth street.
.Bast 50fL Lot 3. Btt 1. H. U R Oot’*
7 lb Add.. Wasbtogton stieaL
Lou 16. 17. and II. Adslf* Add..
Webster street. 60 ft each:
Lou 31 and 32. Blk 1. U. U 4 OaH
7ib Add., Webstor *tr6at. U ft
Lot 143. Oak UelghU AdA^te^tew
Lot 107, Oak HclgbU Add. 1
Lou 40. 41. 42 aad 41. Blk L pAk
Park Add . Wasbiagtoa street
Lot II, Blk 3. Goodrick's Add., Maaroe «trecL
Lou SO and 31. Btoada 4 Rptnecr^
Add.. 17U stiee^ wvte ol Oaw.
Lou II and M. Orllia 4 Wtento's
Add.. 16 It eaek
Lot 17. Orovar Park AdA. eener
Rose aad RUto streat% Id ft tKk.
II ft B*M Froat hetwaaa Park aad
AWWte. RDDd hytelte
TrimUe's Bakny
Ms few ol tkeae flagre Lota Mif
Ice Cream
tree City, are rtoUtog at Uto
Mias Ibrrsl flattier to quite Ul agato.
6be recovered from one Ulpeea. but
eridenUr baa taken anoUer set backMias Hasei and Daisy Bnigk from
Tiiverse CUy. are vtoltlag Mends at
The Hendon M B Md s.a toty give
an ice cream social Saturday evening
June 22ud.
The l^ng Lake base ball team
playcrd with the Hendon boys Saturday
afternoon. Hendon won wUii store
»S1 Union 8i
*^S5S2.“* t *.
state Balk BUf.
Mkmsm V flMs ^
sar vitb Mim Oaa, UiMr BoVdir.
TV aaaVf MaMa of Mr. cad Mra.
been ivad.
kjf b diro dya vUb tdaada to ibla
a osltor to tbi.
Mra. IMaa
vbo baa Vaa
«aBa alV la4itaf adoalf now.
Mka Una uSvUVnd from Trav
* »—» Bmtmt
JMMtW SSmSow*''
UMtvi, ^okM Md iU WHm nma^
fM IIU4r»« Mtm t^mi
WkV nave Pander eras on blabm
jr. tV
iV borae
fumgad mad threw
bIm over opto tV Vrnae. vbUa be U
not bun aartonair M la vi«a gniafoi.
YV Qtoannra vlU bald aa <m
oettog In IV Omaga Vll aext IV
urday n|gbu Tbare vlU V a dabnia
ton tv Bgmmb ArVr aad Prow
paat Arbor. Tbo vaaUon^ vUi V:
kat of IV aarlona VnolroA iVto
Ibam to
la more pUaaure
ptoaauri ia
ibt of tV oerVtf Oty Ufa tbaa (Oouatry. Bverybudy
_ iiuabor. wlapovi
doora ara on tba grooV for
cbnmb aad work will v commi
■ematVa ibis vdab.
Obaa. Knapp la putting a noat of
patot on bla dwalllag Vue«.
Cbas. Lou and family of Traretea
aty Tlaitad wltb the former’a parenu,
Mr. and Mra. John Hulett ovfr Sun
«• Tburadof IMI to vlelt
Wf lMoktftd. vbo U on OM of Um ear
pnrad. It U naV
bad a very anjori
no <me oaa enter tba MoiJ^ua
Wa Van high
**'SSSriirVrtol*7 ond aoo floyd. and not feel tVt tVy Vv
aad Ml
1^ vrok wltb
1. a
vKwu >M\ v^day. >
and Mm. J. BuUiran.
Mr. aad Mm. HaU of Bmptra. vlsHV vltb Hr. and Mra. Prank Plaber
Uat Vndar.
Mr. PVirraater end family haTW
Dored to Traversa City. Mr. Inman
and family ara now Urlng la the bouae
iVy left.
Mr. Yankee and fbatUy of Kaaaon
Vve mow Into a boose near Naa
a«» a m|n.
kd wltb
A barga and'acbooaar loadad
lumbae from Neaaea'a dock lastI week.
H L. Neaami baa gone to O
OB bualaaaa.
Henry 'Wylaader, who baa bean ail
ing a long time, baa gone
Ul In Manlatae tor treat!
uer, aner.f
aareral weeks vUlt bare with bar
kta. baa gone to bar |oma
awiniBMt to (pin Up 3X0n
Afu a i(Vei|.
upnma ItoyArftflae
WEU iRRiwTto secTiea.
Twa MlUUa OelUm Spael an IrrigaVn af Perwiar Ceew todiaa Maaervatian taab CiMUr Mutt Pay favaroetool IM an Asm Par Tbair Land.
Tfu ibtMtaaud |iee|de uw. after the
SAOBM arres of Uad lu MoaUaa that
am ta V Uinvn opan to aettUmant.
bagiaulug JuuriS and laattog to Jane
». aai a a Cbleage' vaeUl ilUitoUb t(<
tv Xew Yack IkiaL PaaseMar uM
<iak of cV Bnritogtoa aV other wantvru raiboada am atokiug anwaptmi-aU
to prorlda apaclal tmosportatUn ladUtUa for tboiiaanda of paveous w V am
n»t meiS MjTkXdSeJ. Qmy
tkadmih Iloa q>xm mio diMoaawMd otkw.
To taasrc •■ccosSi smBEST PLOUa
Hannah & Lay Co.
JoMph CllvdvrBk 9bVi v
nrsMass Bsleaots, IMNtsaaa Sasasgo'Matorg''
-.c. ,»u.u u
Pianos to Rent
»«eda no long aeqith wbun you uro .'
Informed of ihU meat ma£t TVro .
Is idoaaure lu Mtlng. whoUadmemM ’ '
adB Vulib tnevery tiound of Imer.
inuttv. lamb or v«at tVt comes from
out this suire. Tendernroa and Julcb
neas without even saylnf U—muck
lesa polUng It lo print.
Our make of aausage are guaraiteed so be pure. Aak for them.
-[siis. ri x x
yaara old tbU- aprtng. U ly known aa tV UuutUf tmgatkiu
aim quite
oart. V U able to walk proUct. wUl to raedved at tUUluga.
several miles
bif frlenda.
Mont., from June Ifi to June IB. luJune IV
qulrUa as to caina wbkh Vve hern
raedved by railway oBciala luduate
tVt mart than lUOOD paraous wlU fiU
Mra WUl Prlndal U on Ua gain at vblldren and four cblldran of his
Mias J<
appUcatUaa tor tto fitt farms wbkh
boms Monday from Northport and
Mra. Lovla a^ nabb^. Paul ara /ibU
are entertaining adopted son. and seven great-grand- Suttona Bay. where abe baa ba«n have bean destgnatad on tto tract bp
Mr. a^Mra Haiburt. ^ SorarallattBaillaa
tv government.
tbU rleinlty.
>r. Healb of TraratM CUr. -Wake
Mr. WriaUy. and wife came to spending a weak with ralativea vd
On Joito fit garunuaant oBcUla will
IV polpll la tba M. 1
CVrUvolx. Micblcan in itts.
draw a tVuaaud wulopas couuiulug
. Lataroa. SunVy.
Cbaa. Pnuai baa bU boat bonae built tto namau of appHoanta from tV total
In Beptamhar IMI. bis wife Bopbla
to (
W.. passed away and ab»ca that Uma at the reaort
of I
SUd. aV tto auccuaafol drawEL«J^. and AlllogtoD Stitea of Acme
he baa made hla home with hla
or l»r »t0UMr.liil.w. Joha daughter.
are putting up Mr. WliUson’s Vro at era will to notified In groupa of ISO tu
R<ma Q- Wilbur.
maV formal cntiiea under tV bomel Uat weak to
' MiTWrUley Vd
Traverse City.
Mr. and Mrs Bert Wells of East atead act for tbiir land, beflnnlug Jnly
Bach iieraon to whom a hamoatuad
Mr. aad Mrs. U Pock apaai Satur- Art
n.,. ,WUH, •"
““i* '“O' Bay were down Saturday to the ball *J2
Is awarded most pay tV furcrunumt
ttajr lu Suttona Bm
nbia. m. K. (Um^U aad aag. UaUa. ibU
i aUODch Mas I fori- Xhp Vdies Aid ’ twenty -five
He Vd
In num- fS4 an acre fur tto land. Of this
aprol Tburaday and Friday la TmvMrs. amount g4 goes to tbe Indians and the
bing'vr’.' met Ust Wednesday
orM City.
good remainder to the government tu defn
Wm Tibbetts and Pt>p<irt a
The Alumni gave a rwoaptkm to the
the t<ost of tbe canal. Tto bumestead
gradaaltag claaa last Wednroday ew
The funeral aervtcei were under the
O. 1.. Champuey is having his build
to given
I years in shlth
lag TV^ foUoWing program
auspUea of Charlevoix lodge. No. S&2. Ings painted. J. P. MvirlU Is dtdiig |iay for tb« land, Tbe first year be
F A A. M.. Vlng conducted by Past the painting for him.
pay $iab an acre, the i
f^^baetra nolo by Mrm. Poari Ken- Mra. Maude l^wU fi
Grand Master Turrell.
The Blk Rapids Independent ball years gg.75 au acra and f«>r the follow
atopped to see Mrs. UilUn Gray
The floral oEerings were many and
J team here SatDart by the Mlasae Marel
a ooopU of days,. She was on her wsy beautiful.
uobudysB game until.the ing six yeurs $3 au acre.
urVy. It
The government Vs adopted atrluto Iron ton
aae bar father. Mr.
Chriatlae Garth
10th Inult
ling, when a favorable play
adtatlcmi by ]Mra. K. B. Flood aad Ranntoter.
Kent measures
measunw to poeveut any of this
gave Acme a score which won the geut
There was quite a turn-out of the
MUa JttiU Miller.
game, ending with soore of 6 to 4 in land from fallUng into tbe Vuda of
AVraaa by MUa Vura Oartha and Buay Baas laai Thursday at Mrs Wal
very clean, qny but actual aettiers. No person to
favor of home team,
ter UkeA
pect whom
nice game. The Acme teai
I homestead U allotted may
Mrs. John Burftend. who has been to play at BSk Rapids Saturday, tbe or transfer It to anybody, but himself
. *?Jicb*£irwafara vwra aenrV. Tba Mr. and Mra. N. T. Nelson of
jcUaa (ul<N-a ware blue and gold.
erne C4ty and littU Hoy BJshlow came under the doclor'a care for nine Sind, with tbtVBlk Cement Co., t
itt live continuously u|ioa
the land
up Pkiday to spend a few day with week's. 1a Improving wonderfully, she
Juv 17.
June 18.
' yeai
was out for a drive yesterday for the
tbair daugbtar. VUU Uke
Utle to It.
TV next meeting of the Busy Bees first time since her llluess.
Mra. Prlndel. who baa been very
Uod to Ibis tract, made very
Mr. Vwr a stone stsble at the present comb of Grant, siienl Sunday with
tba gidn. A oogauilatlon Xlih
• ■ by the goven
their cousin. Mrs. Lulu Rawllni
waa bald Uat Snaday. aad
Mr. and Mrs. Totn Kelderhousa and
il will reach th
Bllas Ursy, drove to inland. Sunday I
Mr. and Mra Wick. Am
d the disease a cancel
twin daughters took dinner with Mr. Emma Fascl of Wexford s]
At' this the Children's day.
Our Sunday scbiKil was orgauUtHl and Mrs. Joe Brunson and family ta In thU vicinity.
. up a few
ble lu tbe time fixed for filing-cUlms
wHtteg aV la VI
Sunday, so there will be Sunda:
Harry W(
will lie tbe ‘'bomeseekers* rate" of $23
mtoMaa at a time
Dorwln called on Mrs Geo. new addition to his house.
inday at 10 ***M
Mr. ObaalM was a ealUr of O. Luce achool hen-after, every 8un(
. for tbe round trip from CVago on
,unday Uat
ck in the morning.
i every one Lnwr, Sunday
John Wlncbcomb
lad faiVv Faraday oroalap
incbcomb and aon Loo of xoeaday, June 18. aud on ^nne lU from
Mr. and Mra. Chas. Olsen snd (am Hodge,
t and Uke an Inters
In the Sun
Hooge. tpeni last
lasi weea
week in
In tnis
thi vicin
Mm. Vtoa Imtacm ratoraad
and ottor points ,west of
ber parents. Mr. snd
By called
day aobool work.
Uat Sunday from OmV Ra
*^^Uttle Mlu Marion Rawlinga Is visit^ »" o*ker toys op
Mr. and Mrs. Wlntora from Tbosnp- b^. Bnuumar.r. last week.
-wham aha atteadad Vr broil
i„t Vy for filing cUlms tbe r
her Ing m ItoSe
aonvUU niw nov occupying the Spsf- ^rs. Ole OUaen cuHi
Voghter. Mrs. Fred Miller of Nort
' Mgealra U Quite prevaUat in tbU ford idaoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Jo
"bomemwltara’" «ate.
■ atlgbborbood.
Myron and Ralph The ball game Sunday? between A1 Manllqu last week.
Celderbouse spent Krouse of West
Mr. and Mrs.
St Hi
Plaroa. WUUe aad Pvrl Oook. HUdrad ■dm team and Platte waa i» to I lu
Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mra.
Wwaa. Mra Verna PraU aad Vby favor of Almira.
QUVrt Graham of Trarerac City Holland and famUr.
tended the Maccabees dance w..
BtaoM aV SMboy Uma Vve IV
ierhouse and two
vlaUlng with bts father and Han
Mra. Oao. Keldci
U vial!
oasf aad If yfui barvX look ouL
L - Rliet.
daughters’ are vlsltl
_ (lieVs and
•aaday achool baa been poatpoaV Pmtl.
Isrry Dixon
reiatlves of tbU place
M«41.>. W««i
, (to rooouat of maaaUa.
at Irwin Rawlings.
Misa RaoVl Werner and sister Ella
iTeaklant %QeeroU. fYsniiteim Eliot
Mia. lUta Routb Is Tery aUk aad
Mr. and Mrs. George Gray
spent Saturday evening with Miss Traverse Cily last week.
itadar tbs doctor’s care.
of Harvnsd. Umtoy of Yale aad WtlMr. and Mrs James Wise,
sou of Princeton and UtoneaUor Usy
daughter and soa-lo-lsw of Trav(
of tprocose w«iw a«www|y crtttclesd
City ape I Sunday In Matcbett.
tto^er day for ttotr frauneaLimUk
June :
•P 1UaaW Ajrrro
Ooedeell of tbe Metbedi
ebumb in bto addsees at tto oommanoaCraay P*cpla._
unlfce-Craxj people never act togetber." ment day exeetosea of
daciaraa tba anparlotendcot of a brt-gr
asylum for tto Insane. "If one lnm.nie
attacks aa atteadaoL at snmctlmee
•Tto acbolan of fifty yaara ago Uvad
la a more c^nkl and uukt ttge." said
Bishop GoMdaek TVy wwm not au
watch IL Tbe moeneot we dtowrer dasad by ito imposslbUUlas of knogrtwo or more Inmatee working togetbtr ing nK tto cannot imagine one of tto
were on tto road oU tin* ecbulara bWwkag a Inunpet
Uaat to eager ocra di nS sfipM Quea*
Hone wItm lh« problva
at b
bo«r best
____ __Is thb Sonimr
tknw. an does Pfaaldent Blk't of Bgrto pMH Iba
lb* bdara
Bdura apato
opoto ladoora—evaalnga.
ladoora—evanUga. atormy Vya, and tto tnvard. or anggasikm bhnaeU tgr poUMonl
pleaaurea. Bverybody
lovea music
music and
and Idtiortcnl koowkktee aa a candi
a anjoyableihaa
anjoyablethan an
aa Impromptu oonoert In which
a Vi eoald ba mora
amiseof grammar, aayaauohl English- date
----------_ doon W'oodinw.
tor--------------parMdenL aw
tto wbou companyr could Join? Or the young folks could Indulge In
WUron of rrto-eltfU;
Psto-etou; tlueaqaing an-eqiman who ivmembsrs him. and delight- WUsun
ounteot. Time thus spent would laus all too
Onnebig in tbair■ baaru’
od to aprlag(cat
catch questions. One waa: tbortuttve souruo of ,o«>m»s»lcknowT
"B^Vt U tto TocaUve of
edge, like BniBcr e« Ynlci
Onr Spwial Ranting stock ambrnoaa mrar l.toO Ptsnos and ww
indgebog; Tlsortmnly and
QeneswUy the assnred
«an fnrnlsb anything daalrod. upto a 9LMM STEINWAV. #’Uh six
tagly PMtfndfrbm. nafrms Gay
•D cat!"
dlRaront aectkma of tto Bute and rapreaanuuves at
Tto arcbblatop would am V then aad
OM takt
wy imporunt pfilbt wc aM
taka fait oBarga of, daltvarlng and rtany. "No; poas. puss!"
____ or tnooovenlcaoa to tbe caotomer.
alV Ptamis witbooL
witboot troubla
W« turnlab none bnt tburangbly ralinble Planoa; secure lowaut
------------------------- --j tto older ocbwl iranld not.
freight rates; take aS risk of danMSS ta transit; «nd gaarantcf sat
Tto Pour of Theiro
atrtpped to Us* <Bdsc
MCactlon. la pdat of aanrlcn no idbar Houaa ran
■Wa kave mada a apadalty o(tlle Rum
•mltb-Good mornlag. Joaee. I bear Jqy in hitting wmU
y frotort bwalnam lor aanay yaara. and p^
-Yea; wbkb exl
yon have a ooa and heir.
tV gAUOu acm of Uad in M
for whicb tv taranuaeat baa provid
ed IriigatUo at an axpeadUure of mum
tbaa lAtwOcduO to tV goat Hro ynwiw.
Btaktag a canal twaaty^hma and roe*
dating the lime when the country waa i kl® lately to hla Jouroey a end. Mr. Vlf ttdUa long, with braacVa ala aad
oaa-balf ulUa U leaftk
TbU Uad vaa fonaeriy a reaanraplace to place until they entirely hrfiitlw.
Uua for Ufa Crow IndUna and they u:e
tba counliT
' A a?w Induatn* atarfed In town,
ra. Oliver
***^'^* ^ *•*
^ **
Mr. Wriaiey waa the father of fcnir Mi^
Ol\t*r baa
baa ooened
opened a
a bakery
remttUm. TV goTarnuieut bp« “acblldrau. two of whom aurvive hV.
A family «f IndUna moW Vre refenerations.! »«»unced tVt appUcatUas for Uua>-
wmt to CbnrloroU U« Wodnaaday to If miartaiiii^.
auottd tv AtMTOl of Mr Wrtatay.
JaV t«
MUa Grace Ktag. of »n|>lra. la ibe
gM Of Ut.Aa4Urm. ftoaMl^
Tba L. O T. M. M. badWUdtloo D»»td JobnaoB V« n cottala
rnday avcates. afiar vbkb suppar frona Boebaal^Nov York. vtilUns
waa aarrv lo aO tba mtmhtn.
tv paat vesk.
ajaa an^aJ^tV^ij^Charrea Wrialey
' Mra. Cbrk TwUggH vaa oaUad to bim
Mra. Laaia Lataea baa beea at
Trataraa Olt/ lam voak by tba lllaaaa home
of bar son. Bd. Vtaan. IV paat
I two aona died young, Chari
of Mr. Totiaaid.
carlaf for the children vhHe'
Mim WlOt Oaaaarofa left for bar voab,
i QUstonbury.
donbury. Ckmn. and Jam
Mm. Bd. Letaen eranl lo Qraad Rajilda
In 1I7C
booM la Cbknto Uat ftiday after to
in Mortbiiort,, Michigan
attend tb» funeral of her brolbar.
MiVtosto Mmtimk aim Mitt U bin tnfiPbniUfbi VTVitoiittofb Vtniil Vbi
lUart^ LaS?^
Mrc Pftea la gO tba gala.
Mr. aad Mra. Solon Tf
fV will BtaV
tbair borne vlib Mr. aad Mra. Holttaa
Ibia aaaunar.
Mr. aad Mra. KVbmi. from Wi
t«»r m *1 tMi Vb. are rVUag tbair aUter. Mrm
McMaaua. aad last SunVy a famUy
roualon waa baid at tv bomia of Mr. ^va Hulati apaat a few dafP of Uat
*ad Mra. UcMaaoa. aad O. C. BTorll week with the famUy of Im Unton
taf and vUt of Walton. JVa B«
aad family aad Bd McMaaua
UtTjm^ mrymi umi
4ajr I*
Vila fi«Bi Mantoo. vara Is atv
la tv ayaolat. aa a aurprlea
Mr. m4 Mn tKAfl*. tte
fbmlly. Mr. aad Mra. O. V, Holaiaa,
Mbni* 1km *»d Qnm MUir
VoteM aa4 Ch*i1k Jobs drove to mn- sad Mr. aad Mra. 8ok>o Tyloi came Tba dtotb of A1 Vrt W^rlaley. oc today aa a farewell ■.forU«U,
Vr father.
, ^
vUb a tranupbooe aad vhUa playins curred at CVrlevoU. Mlohlgpn. Juno „
Samuel Danlela. who expects to» aurt
Oral aalactkma. lee cream and cake
IMT miM wuMmwH tram om
Mk. Tlw boir wu
Tw» Marteta
; .||
•47 B tth iU ani 707 BanVllMi M.
EliVr Phene.
The ReySt
Reyat liieleeurc
Ou each of th« great
race irai
;lsnd Is a aort of p«u Vh:
known commonl)- cs tbe
Lbe iroyal luclosure. Here toe klug. his famUy
invited guesu are railed off fron
tuaddlv crowd and prevented from
being iramided upon aud mobbed,
higher honor can be bemowed by royal
ty upon so actluaintance tVn extending
tto royal ivmmand to alt or stand
within the pen to a«e tto niunlag of
a claaale. Many an American multi
would gladly fire flOO.000 tor aneb
r have eojeyed iL-N
York Pros
We deride chlMrep for crs'lug
Tto Magic Nc. A
Nfimber three is a wonderful
for Oeo. H. Panin, of Cedar Grove.
Me., according tc
letter which rcqda^
’•After auffqrlDg
ueb with Uver and
kidney trouble,
trouble. juid
becoming grnaUr
raged by the failure to find re
tired Electric Rlttera, and aa a
result I am a well man to-Vy. Tbe
first bottle rellerod and Uree bottlaa
completed tbe core.** Guaranteed beet
remndy (or stomach, Ver aad bUhtey
troubles, by Bugbee Drug Go.. “
H. Meada. Hannah P
OttfFlolir Is V%
in qnklitj, but not in
prio^t^t ia stlU m low ns the
bwast St which yon can bay flour
of equal grade; some psp^ asy
• lower beeeuae you get more
broad for the money
_____ lly
maintain the high repatdtion ol
the IDEAL brand ai a high*
olaaa, good broad-making flour. If
you have never tried it, try it bow.
Atk your grocer or call tro ike'
Traverse City Hilling Ca.
Dealers in
Choice Meeb
FreU Whito Ki.li ud Tim.
AU Idsds ol home-msge ;
419 Sovlli Usios 8t
For Summer Homes Anywhere In Mtchlgaii
PUM YOUR OROKR NOWl .If u^wWa ta aaH. raaarontiana ma, to mada ^ ^il ar 'pbana.
aiTtolitoA ^
tbe Dorae Is %colcb. and
Grinnell Bim’ Music House
ratMVT ANg CASS Sfggni
Hie View of 11
Bond- Don't you venUaa fkiU wmtliage bfondMS a mani Broedirt-Ob.
yoa. I nuppoat tt can be
that way..
Imt-Hatmto^-M Ito mold rro nlwaja,
i Jump iwp-itat Canopy Top
Suorgy ia gpod coadUion.
On mnio road between Trar3 Silvia Top Bum;^
1 OpM Boggy.
2 Surreys —1 Qnwu>y Top.
1 regtiUr top wUh pole.
“Are yoo aware IVt tto man you L Spring Wagon with long il2,0e0 if told toon. .
have cbaltroged la an export nwMdaboi^ good for micic wAgon.
manr aald one Parisian.
-Gartnlnly.- nnsworad tba oflmn
“Tin faet glvwa mo ramBdeart Me.la
Bbniy ~
lu «m awm
nwtblM cromn
i-Hmr nsd
AlHor Bileverir cheap
w***;;^----* qUm^ nmdk la qafb.
ov tn)M7--WnAtaftOB^^.
fenTL*? • MM.
Mife ni Umi Wmk
to paitMtoarf «M to** * pcltop wtoto topto #uto wtto to* toMctod mmp.
toar <w toAto • pot M caflto «r fti Om *r to* a*nHn matoto; ^ObK
IM WNM Ml iMV OiClir. A totok «toto«A MAM.
airt m •toto «to* m*mm «a* atogaat•Mk to to* AM»1 toAlMAP «f to*
AP*«tot- A* to* lAlimiM
to iia i«M •! fka JUiitoto Tto ftMto to» Pto« aito Mm
MMto f«
WtoM TiHy
Mr cap. felA paa aril ■* wMm to*
j aaaaacrtoAtoaa. -nwiaMpM•toA^ ItAto to* ^ ««tor *tolla«. *^WtoA 4* It ctor
Ml JirtfclBt m cr alBMaacr
to to* a*A «p*M to* toMCtto t*
t. tort }*fWt tar kacar aoiap’aV*
to*> laat A*a*to
A*a*h: AA4
AAi to* tolAPapfc poto*
y to> iwtofc —4 wto
ApmlaNp y«a «w ton iMWMiai. Hv»i' Oa^r *a to* toanar cwr** **4 «a to*
nmtoif to* 4HU DM to 4mn grad** aad Widpa* to to* torat TIm ea*Mn van i
I <tMto. ftoB to fwiM* to* tall «to apato mon4 aad to* ato pat «* Kkay dM aal lataad to 1
MM MtoMtof to ft tot to totoP- «aOI to* hasp of ndar tnm vkicfe ta* toaipo of to* aaaiMA. . goattotnaa to
' wtototo fcMl ■rto4to« totor atoia art** da**** aad nkoko. comm
to*f m to to* tnariuir.
itor toU CM to* um\. TW
Madto VM twMd to* vMa«
A kMw iptt* SMf iMto Mto
Itoctsit. Bto It to Ml Ito tocto
» Mcv *Ad toMB k*w U >cp|to*d
to toaptocto towi ut ton aad ivmI'
laa* vtow.
Ito* Arac .itoag te Aad oat to tf aa^
ttoaf'toHMA to aai*ia>ato. Wkatoar
daad *r aM*a li naac coam oat. aad
to* paaf a**d a* aiHaf at to* taak.
***a tf toap toar a* toaaa cr cry to
tvaiac f«r Avaa dr* «r als Aoar* bmmm
tog to** to to* BiMpiay. aad to*y
z z:
parkap* eatliw oai^ am toruwa dowu
•Mbaakmoata U aacaamry to opoa tk*
L ■* BV*J PO** to* ll
rtgkt or way. Wkou a car ka* awiwly
at kcaak**to *p**d
h*v* fOA* akaad for a ctoor track.
**«A to* Iteltod aad foot oiau
I taka to* todlag aaCU tk* caiaato) ^r* paaaad aa to* v*j to to*
i 'Taa daaH Mar mk akoat toaat aa^
ttoaa r*a ar* a raUtvodor, tort to* am
toartalaadoAt. to* laaaapM. pctoap*
laato* of to* dtoaeian. kaoar to*ai. doflartad fnm tk* rctoraa* la ik* akop*.
IMap or* all nwad ia*rtoi*tpa. tort
Mm a* «*U a* Aagooc ar* oawkd.
sad a.man ka* to k* «ukt triuod to
.pM lato tola gaagla to* Af«**a or twautr vbict naka
Pp to* arcrap* ctav yoa can graatai^ ^ too or tar** uitl* OMa; lor
IOmt* ar* tlgkt plao** la a « rock wh*i«
Mmi cai^ do roaaidatabla aoit lu propfdag up or loBa*Biiig a |«rt, (rawUag
lato kolM arkick BO oi>* *1m (x>uld
Vaark Tk* Ikm* «r*rk*r trl«* to gat
taro or tkra* toft kaadaia aUu. a* tk*tr
aarrkoB arc raloato* lu tiaoumtiag
avay lo coraor* • k»fo a rlgkt kaodcd
a*a would to u**t*ai. kuui* or tk*
ki*t wmiUiMi rtaara ta tk* coitotry
tortad* • bUBtor of oalloiu. >k/kalf
rglcko* aad otkor kaot* tost oulj tko
■iaiaoa caa CMko aia of groat o»rrk«
la aacMoly faotoolag llaao to portloo*
ad to* vcark aad to tk* crau* or lojaamttaa aaad la puUlug it away. Tk*
laid aalu aia toiaUlar wlto tb* aaatot»aaea tkat a oavtdaaUaa oC pulley* wiu
•fir*, for tkay Para ka*a Uugkt It oa
(Mpkaaid. wklia amiaUy tk«y ara racy
: glia kg aad wiry. Ooii*w|u«oUy a mau
*ar tote klad «ko te out of a kib at
aay tlia* cap Maaotly po witk tk*
iirnckiog now.
r 9Wir Halted te aot aock for look*
to* track, wlto Ik* driving wk**te In
tk* air. TWa M mast to turaed oror
aad paUad I* oa* aide of tor roUruod
oatil toor* 1* Urn* between to* pom
lag of trolao to itgbt It-U It
may to owoug dlmctiy
aoraa tko track, lying on
or end*, pomlbly grouad Into a atom
maaa of •pllotemd Umbora. or morally
iwdocod to kindling wood, tkstr ooateam acatierod • koadmd yard* about.
Tk* wrackar wko ka* beoa ta to*
buitna** for any teagtk of tlm* caa
taU ta a aminmit to* aioet dMteoU
taak tofom him aud. If poaalbl*. goao
at tkat Amt If a loaded fmlgkt oar
pmreota klm from rrocklag tka part
ly demoUskad engine, he *eto it aAm.
Cia* of the gmatewt delaya, boweroi
cauaed by to* track being tom up,
aaw tie* kav* to be put In poaltkio and
parkap* a doaan rolls welgkl&g
apiece cut and ■trolgbteoed la urAgr
to form a fouadatluu on wkkk to
Vrentolng foaa wttk a niok from
the Amt new* of to* arcldaat. Once
tk* wmekem get Imoy tbvre lo no otop>
plug for rest or rofrookueut altbnugb
may kove to work oil uigbt
all day. With toe broken ond twiatod
of oleel aad wood piled uu uu*
aid* of to* nudbad, however, tkom
oome* a bmatkUg apeU. and the *apaitntoudant or other oAtetelo kx>k over
toe debris to ■** mkat te wurtk aavtng.
Going frtuu pU* to idl*. Uiej *oon docld* wbot to pull out *ud block up.
•nd then the wreckem get to work an
tote. If tome ta an engine. U loigen-
la tea appaaiaac* *ao*pt
maaa car. arktek cmittes tk* k*ary *rftUtery of tkl* litti* army of r**cti*.
Two or toco* fiat oar*, a boa car or
a* aad at to* aad a pacacogor coark or
aakaaa* aak* up Ika tratu. but *r*rj
avtlH* It carri**. from to* *«tni truck
iwk**te I* to* coapUag plu*. ka* ban
lauded wttk aack m tkat «r*ry maa
teaow* wkato la pat kte baud* oa wkat
tea waota. Ueually to* ruualug gaar
fit* tb* marat of it lo a wruck. *o oa*
af tk* dat vac* ooataln* extra truck*
aad wkaate to b* •vb*ti(ut«d for to*
kiokauoaeo Kelt to tbl* car t* placed
or ten or twelve feet down an eoibanknwat Item the little men come In
Worming tbemaelve* under
to* boiler, they ocr*|t* bole* bencuitb.
•o that tk* etrol tendoaa of tk* cran*
caa be paaaad round It
tb* ^one
Into actloa. If
tk* embankment ta skiplug the umial
plan ta to drag tb* lotx»mutlve aluag.
allowing to* earth aud bollaot to a»alot In auppurtlug It until tb* tup ta
But there are placoa wbee*
It has to be lifted cWwr of tb* groood.
then owung over on ibe track.
Uacblnory has done muck to aid tb*
breakdown gang lu rei'eut yeans But
away back in the cwrly daya of tb*
way of altwi they wore called to many
dUaater, fur then, as uow, trains
Boiuotlmas butted duto each other on
the asm* track, to clear the road tba
locomotive of the wreck tralu could
aometltuoo be turamd luto acre Ice. but
deralkd car or engiu* w&a
■ator to* boa car aud you ■** a
axlatotuM lumkar yard-equero pMiw*
•r tlmbM aU to* way from an luck to
a foul torougk Tkay ar* wonted for
t te oai____
l am too aarvott* ayotem far to*
avpy aad power ky> which Ua fuocttaoa
tou tool Urod. weak aad worn ouL
tea* latoeoBi in Ufa. hava as appouu
aad poor dlpsottaa. dteovdoff of Uvor.
klAasya aod kowote. you caaaot sloop.
Hr. A. W. CUaa*^ Nonm TUU earn
aorroiia praotrotma aad oakausttoa la
Par laia by dahataa •*«• ted
Tko lAteA Af ItetAUA Is giatek ydM,
AAd Ha aste«bsr.
VbAd. te kbto
aad. dUtreas alasoat tastaatly. builds
up sad straaptkoas rapidly and surely
every tlaw.
The ^ax medical ratkorltfes speak
la toe klgheat terms of the medicines
ooataioedfe Soa-Pkora. MuUUudes
of wooMO la every atate la the Union
pyatao ZoA-Pkora lor the great good
It kss done 8o wid* kn* become the
BO of this groot modicino, that nearall rellahl* dniggtau now have It
<a sale. You need amke no ex pisns
tloo to the druggist. Just aak for Zoa
Phors and receive tho medicine si
ready prepared, oompoanded In )u*t
(he right proportkios. and put up in
sealed, sterilised, ooe dollar bottles.
Pull lustructloos wrlU be found In each
package, olao a copy of "Dr. Pangeily'K
" oooulalug InlerAdvice to ^frara."
eating and Inatrucllve information for
woBieo. which will enable you to treat
youraeir tn the pri'
borne aad you need
bles to any one.
• oC tte* <k*Mid I
1 Is tel IBtoteAl
This fiWMc
wteAgtk of asaity taiiAF Aaot. aad H ts
ahte to swallow o araa wkote. Ttete
fact te pewTod kg aa sTpsrtaiMt arkkte
oallen ara food of moklog wteM aack
awkark te raprarod. Tho akuU bolag
vraaarraM. tkog omura toarasoNos kg
cnwttag OM offer aaoikar tkwtagk tka
dlMaadid lawa. It woaM k* aaaafe to
do tote, koworar. wkoa the bead kaa
koou fraakly cut off. kocaafe uador aack
rasOMoma toe |awa wtU aaap fegottear
Aerqaly for oosa* dmo affer^raid If
aaytloag te placwd ^rwaoa ttesa. Tko
akuU of a kig akark. by fe* way. la Ai
waya aatekte owlag to too Aarasni kg
museums aad cartoaHy kaafesa. ▲
yvuog ora UoD wrtMkfeg a koadrad
pouads kM hoM feuad ta tk* afefeAck
kg dKfertag that wad* wmi tbs kagtae
AliM^wtBdfea. “AmL" raid ka. n aa-
“Tteat felad A* ramtedi raa.** feuwted
ama wttkaat ahMtiag kla psaa w
Barra UMkam aa' Dau Wfeaar. dowa
ttev kaacte a ways. Barra had a akaaty
aa' Da* bad a akanty. aa' tocg«both
bought IP caata'
vnuk o* lobacvo. aa' tk* a*xt day Daa
waat te Barra aa' bought 10 cents'
walk or tobacco off klm. Tfeg rontlaaed the** aatas ■•r'ral days. Tk«r
both got aU tk* tobacco they waated.
aa* Harre Anily retired oa the dime."
^Yoatk's Coaqtealoa.
It U au open aerret that the taadfeg
aaodtatee raly very laigeiy upoa tk*
atage for to* puputaristag of tk* eom^
lag modeo Tkongh a atyta may k*
•aid to be cieafed by toe a»odtat«a aad
toe baUmatk of approval gtvea lo tt hj
of them wouW ring. E\oiyroyalty aod the court. It te torou^ tk*
InstrumcataUty of th* loading actradfea
that It broom** tb* feMrtoa of the eraThe atage ta an *scoUeat hack- tagging r t t'noMj 1<11 pull*."
•It's true wc kavy iharjcd for at
ground for ahowlng off beautlfoi
gowaa. and when the wearsn ar*
beauUfol women It adds au axtra
charm to th* drc****. Atraad Magi-
wfeL day
TUss do4 seat ns TUwytoa.
Bimoknirai hsra, %
aa th* roe*
Are our lltito
« Ihs gtet* ho eeafe W^y
snrtch osrth'a kladty besaat
IB th* truth vh«« peranu aay
lOs chUOra. ar* tfeM
-Dotreit Peas fvvaa
Pridget Wktek
“Phwera boT yea beea tkte araalpT
asked OTuader of OToote.
"Bora. I'v* been pteytag BrtAffM
whtat 'Tte a folne gaiao. U It."
"Brtdgoi whtatf An’ bow do yoapteg
"Ot alt lu tk* kltckra wM BrtdArt
and at* pta an* cake an' cktakaa. and
TOMATO plants and bruoeel sprout wkeo Bridget bears tbe mtetreas eamPPCCIAL featurra for Udioa ond
la' she aaja 'B’htat.' an'‘oi kkte la tko
children, tomorrow. Aoturday, Mat- for sal* at 70« Baat. Front.
June 11-Jt. paatory.’’-Abort Btorleo.
tory Jelly-cluaely related chemkaUy mat at 2:44, City epora houaa.
to egg alhum*»-aad thW sobstanco ta
Jelly dah. treoa. whataa, men-evevytolag that Uvea Blologtsto have saccooded In dotai rom# waadjrful
things. Five or aU sUrOsh eggs have
been fused into oo*. from wbkh a
monster aUrdah ha* been produced.
Otlmr Btardah Agg* have bcoa separated
into eight piece*, fram whicb eight
dwarf suvdab have been brought forth.
A city man HcodA hii children into the countfy for a little
Crabs can be mad* to order, with the
vacation. Their pranks are certainly moat interetting.
Urge claw on ellher tb* right or tb#
See what they do to the cowi, pigi, chickeni, etc.
left old*, and SatAsh have been prodoced with the «»lor pattern on to*
un<tar*»«fe.-New York American
the t..i;rlvt lu sunwtef. "I Cou’t know
Aatuvdoy. «vhat .x^ou UKwu"
•Th> d.-IIy uve of our dombboUa."
t:46. CItyopora hou*«. for lodloa and -n* Vu' r V • — S-. ^
^.xon 3jan.
Theatorum Attractions
The African Kino
These films are both the kind of comedy you can enjoy.
Soa*—~AnyOMTtaac*t AU."
Old City Restaurant Building
Admission 5 conls
XA/sde Bro-thiers
Real Estate and Loans
817 S. Union St
tu ..ikc
ierwaaf aarva form
Aa raviuuoa toe wamad aarra oMta.
It may vapalr* a daaao *r asor* boa**
Of tkta awdieta* to krtag akopi o tke*. praoout vartotts akade* of gfoea. ai
ouga ro*taratlon of yoar kaalth. tort you that lo aorao taoo* they ara hardly dtecaa to tortota that aaoh goo* to at tllgutehakte fram tko tevol. frara
taaaL douig you asara paod. aad to*
mpa te kouad i* to aatarai aad toor. The lake of Ooaova ^ ------aapk. Or. A. W. Ckaa*'* Ifm PUto
aad too Mho Af
•to o kM at aU daateto ar H A. w Both Lako OouatoacoTtes
cafAT of ikA
Oky kodtakM Oampaay. Mato Modltorraoaao kM kgsa rate*d
la too torso daapsr pariod*
woMAAte Ufa. tko yooag gtiTs ported.
moCAorkood sad ekaaga of life, loa
Phora ta the rsapiAy tokt kM hnmgkt
prompt rabaf aad prevootad •erlons
trottbleo talar, la tko attoadsat atesb*y-d|w»uppraMod moaaoa. feUlng or
dtapfeeltoepfe In Wuoorrkaa. Aooding.
the grave daapor to a deUeate woa In pvwgaaacy or ckaage of life.
Tk* Makers Oeaen.
Tb* term "baker's doxen" ta much
older than toe seventeenth century
teak lU ortglu. douUtkws lu modlsevai
Loudon, when bskerw soil tbelr bread
ACE the matin** tomorrow at 2:41
aolely or largely Sbrougb bucksters. or, City O.fera sous*. 10 c*nu to every
M wo should say today, bawkerw.
was tko custum of tbe baker lu deal
log with the huckster to couut tblrttwu
losvea of brvsil to the dosen. The odd
kaf was spimrcotl)' tbe bucksWr'a sole
Pow andrat was this practice may
•ho gatoarad from th* "Uber Albus.*'
or whit* bo*k of llw city of Isxndoo.
that mlnut* code Cor the regutatloo of
commercial morality lu mcdlstnal Ismdoa. Uer* ta laid down;'"nist DO bak*r of tk* town shall give unto regratma*a tk* tlxpance on Mondiiy mornig by w*y of bausel-mouey; but after
M ancient manner, let him give thlrmn artteke of bread for twelve."
The practice of glvtug thirteen to tbe
oaon ha* since Invaded many other
CAlkaga, auch as the book ami new'sPApor trada. but the aucicut trad* of
tko baker arny Justly claim to have
oolued a pkraa* which wUl live as long
M to* Hagltah lauguage.-LondoD MslL
ComtuenUag on the dU&cuiUes en
count«r*d lu the Ughtlug of old build
ings. dtt* to the circumstance .that
there ara cortatn Axed |k»1uU, often
favurabta ones, at which the llghu
mast h* placed, the Klectrtcal llecord
CAlta attention to a quaintly lutereotlug
paasag* tai Dr. Louis Bell a "Art df 11lamination."
Dr. Bell oaya that If Moctrtc light
had boon tn ua* for centuries and the
CAOdlo had Just been Invented it would
ho halted a* oae of the greatest btaos
laps of tho cantory on the grannd that
It ta aboohitoly self cunulued. aiwaya
baudy. as U kuew ready for uo* and iiorfectly mobile, and
a* Well how to arrange the ro|H» and tkta last oamod admirable quality to
wttk wklck It oolvea o|^ of the
pulleys aud to make Hue* fast around
the <<ar or eugtu* that had to to iPQAt dlMcaU problems of Illumination.
Of cooraa. ks Adda, tt vraokl hardly b*
Uu* of tot cttrtous matoods of em raAAOMbfe to raccramem^ tkta day
ploying the bKxuuaUve of to* wreck aod data tko adoption of candles or
tralo was to mak* It mova a car for- lamp* for aaj area* where ga* llgkttag
• ward to *taning tba kwumoUv* back aod otaetrtc wiring can b* done, and
ward. Kaaisating a tarkte aecumly they would prove wholly laadequoie
round tb* twr.> U would to imaaed la laipa aaaas. but oven tkao* erode
through a pulley tartenad lu a tree or typra of radlaatB ctui po***«i *om
poet lu front of It. aud to* ro|ie theo vaatagM ovor toa mor* modern oa
tod hock to too tarumotlve. U*v*«al«ig
kte lever, to* eoglueor of vxmuwc pulled
Afeto Af Other boyo.
tk* rap* krauud to* pultey oo to* tr**.
Ateag kaa aHray* been a fruitful
thu* forriag to* car atoad. By tote aaore* for tk* eapanalou of tanguago.
aovel idau. wklck te atUl used ocra- aad iastaaca* may b* multiplied of
Hdi new raapectahta which were
olQUaUy. muck uf toe dakrta to front
tw takaoad aa vulgartama. But oa
of to* wrack uala could to ctaarad
* other kaad. tkara have beea many
mg akraaa* la ua* for centurtea
Tkara ar* tlmoa. though, whoa *v«a
I ueeor beconfs acceptable
to* most oaraful rtggon mak* a astetaka They kav* aot raeltaod tk* straia
wktek to* tackle ma*t amad wlma
diM ksgla to aaoaa. JMam, Uka Cto
crack af a ildtei aaap go** to* Upo.
Mora tkaa «aco o loeao sad koa rangkt agala la tk* dtegy of on* of to* asoat
oomo poor follow roaad too toga, brook- piamhMat woama wrttera of the algktlag too IwrtMo Iteo pipootom* Mato oaoto oMtwy, Traaco* Buroay. ara
a maa oa too raUrood * payroU wko te feoad food ateag pkraa** of to* Aarar‘tea* gill of today, a*, for laAt caly lo wovo to* algaal Aog at to*
**I vxlked out** “Did yoa
atr*M croatang was amoag to* wraok,»w aosk a loadr aad "1 bad
era aaui to* day to* rope kraka<-Oto
A Yta «aML‘*-ML Uate Bmmkllc.
Alisa WlBsy la Doarss Tlmoa.
•r.r’“ *• —■
Pag Ufa, but tboy also ara bandy to bold
Ptp coartma Wbaa tk* craw ar* putting
iwkata* or olkm part* la place In oa*
aarasr ara cutes af rap* aa lack or
Mora tkkte Baao* of holts and anu
iaml ocim Ite aid# ky au* on tb*
dear. On tk* walte baag hooka, pvl
daya. aawa aad axaa Hoavy oUwa
oiwwhaio ara pUod la aootber coruer.
Aa abort, tkta te a vapalr akop aad
prafsassr sf somarking -Mteior. kin
you too M wkaa the mm do **( lodayr
"Ak! Tko potto dowB of too MSaef
Today-u»d*>-let me calcalato. Tea. yea! Tko son set* today
at onrUy four mloatoo after 7.**
^Tkanky. air. Goto**-Ho kta pwrtaar\saU ll 7
How. Wbora toe timer
Cteke ezteodod kta arm at full length
oa a ntraHtet Ho* frara tk* aboulder.
hoot kta kaad at right aoptew. the four
Aagora ctek* togotoor. aad bogau to
meosora atrip* of sky from toe korti aoa keavouward- lu alghtlug, tk* outaids of too UUte tnger was at too hortaoa and the uoUldr of the forcAogor
warn just mio hour nboae. Back ‘kond”
OMout oao hour. -HkOtelt bar oaked
Ooko. **Two kanda an* or half.'’rvpUod
kta compautoo. ’ Waal, that meatM tv
aa’ ar half taos n 7. it s ball pas' 4.‘*
U measurtug the height of a homo
wo strike a vertical ifti* fcMutoa^wlth•ra and nay *o many ftanda, as 1&. Id,
17, etc., allowing four loclw* b
band. A kora* of Afi*On hand* ta six
ty Inch**, or Ave fort high. Tbo four
Aagora of tho hand hold at rtght augtes
lo to* arm aod at arm's length from
tko *yo covor about seven dog
Aad oo angle of seven dtgreoa c
apund* to about 12 feet 2S India* Ip
100 feat, or to AOH feat In WO yanl
or to 04& foot tn ono mile. etc. Wit
a Vetta oaparlooco ono ran ooAn te
with tolerable m'curacy the height of
amootaln* without the uae of expenalvo
iMmimont*. In telUog the time If
000*00*ry of courso to have a pretty
dsAult* Idea of the hour the sun a
Xow York Prms.
bora terte^ teaUof and Porau
t teaaoHl to PateM aad tackDho—n te a CatABlo Hodrtte
tor aad dado Msraadyla
_ Tk* iraat MMI* iWte.
Tte* ama aatlag tab par erriAm n te
ftesN wara oaly tkra* kaama ta Aka
ttea graai widi* oimite. U'feottagvte* Attte teamfei aa ttep* i>ed. hot PA asAiar
Mwa Ig tkf BAM* of araa aafec. <te-
'Varylag Heat *f tk* Awn.
Tk* amaAAt of brat gtvoa out by tk*
AAA te tOAtaAtty vorylAft aad at ttaaag
H te Mt tera tkaa aaoaigth graaiar
thAA AI Alkto ttei as that la. aa^ty
wamtum ta AccAAAt for
• or waitm wlaian oa tka
laaleoAar ka
aay daakt that wa awo war msitkar ra
gsaot amm fe tte* aalar lafeksato^
Traverse Clly,Mlcli.
at Phone 1219
City Property, Farms, Suburban Property,
Resort Property and
Timber Lands.
We have recently obtained control, for the purpoae of placing on the market for sale. forty*6ve
thousand acres of choice timber land in the counties of
Otsego. Montmorency and Alpena, Mich, all practi
cally in one body and all penetrated by the Boyne
City. Gaylord and Alpena K4ilroad when extended
from Gaylord to Alpena.
In this tract, Trhich consists of Maple. Hemlock*
Pine. Elm, Basswood. Beech and White Ash. there it
six thousand acres of choice Cedar, worth under tha
hammer one hundred and fifty dollars per acre. No
estimate will be furnished on the Cedar, but estimitat
on all other timbers will be furnished. Will be con
servative. and we believe at least twenty per cent in
side bl actual cost.
h was the intention of the owner to only offer tbU
tract in one bbdy, with one price over all. But after
having their attention called to the position in which
it leaves the small investor i practically giving him no
opFKJrtunity to invest and control his investment) they
concluded to allow us the privilege of closing out An
tracts of one thousand acres or more, as purchaser
desires and can pay for.
This will probably be the last chance in whieb tbe
small investor will have an opportunity to invest biff
money on an equal footing with the great capitalists in
one Gf the great tracts of Michigan timber lands.
Prices given will be
the Lowest Cash Price.
option wtU be given, but plats, descriptions and
estimates will be cheerfully furnished a^ all reason*
able questions answered.
U view or the fact that this is one of the most de
sirable mcit^f timber in the state, and placed onihe
market at a slight advance of purchase pitideih such a
way that the investing public can place their auMsey
independent of trusts or stock coa\paiiiet. reviving
the title dimt to themselves, at will be snapped up is
fata as dmeriptiont aod estimates can be lomiklied* to
if you wbh to get aay pemioo of ^hb prope^ do not
beaiute, for it vdil bear tba closest invesUgatloo. '
Understand, this whole tract is virgin forest; never
a stick has been removed—all is- as nature has devcY*
oped it. and was purchased particularly on nccoontof
extra desirable timber.
We think the owners have sustained their repot
tioo for fair aod square dealing (which is second to
none) in allowing this great tract to be divided intp
small parcels.
For plats, descriptions, prices, etc, addreas
Wadi Brci ,
' Tmc^Ci,.lid,s l%
8i7Uiilon nreet)
^ CitrjiiibiiEl^
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