The Daily Eagle, August 18, 1905

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The Daily Eagle, August 18, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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CMMB 0T tatbirt In

tmtien to 4ttaX\k

What Do You TIM




Of a ifood Couch, uDhoietered in i^e
embossed hardwood frame, beat grade teeted ateel
springs, for

.While HMOtiog In the Renata at Ban- i

> Ctaly

(Spatfal to Tbs Dally Bama.1
Bsrtln. Genasay. Angnat lA-Bsmi
Ton StMuberg, broth«- cd the Oensaa
at WaehlDgtm. aoeldestally ahot sad killed sn <dd emnan -Who
gathering fire wood la e Meat
when the beroa was honUng. The
aoddental. he Instota that sane
lahmenl be meted ont to him.


IHe Finest line in
- theCtty..


(Special to lae BaOr
CUcaco, amBM
eireoHr kw
be«i Usaed br tke' Weaterla Piaiw
ger aaaodallon charglPK Oie Bev. lirnn W, RarsM, pa^ of me BtfOos
Avesne Baptist murdi.
of obtAinlSK darssviflaki U^Dt^ Obm Chi­
Island Tmflwr tof.JtaorWt dray, wife
and dao^ter. repreaentins them to be
the clergy., Onr to
sad Intends starting
In bnatnass In Seattle. Tbs amoaat
of the dckeU is |«LS6.
The Bev. Raynea had just ryortnd.
a «aO to the Pint Baphst ebaita ah
salary of H.m




• OInytonuf
saSerlag the
Btomadi ttwMe
I Mr: OartoB la M
9 wife end four
1 Bunco of WUltoah

J. W, Stiie^r

We eau «lw»y» gumntee qumlWew but wben it
oomestoprieeswecan guarantee iliily od wbat stock
we have on hand.



■Ml plsii IM.

W. L. BROWN, Mgr.

TelepiwBe ns yoor wants




idagsnMstimsbyto. Both sngtessr
and fileamin dlaooverad the open dr«w>
too lato to stop the tram. The Mr
es were nppHed, but did not work
The scene fcdlowing the wreck
f^nng men who were'Is wadtag at
cne of Indescrtbable hasTW. with the
»«t bay iMt nlidit and to to tiMmt Whr Osllvsr -WoHc to Psswem
shrlAlng of men. woonn end chil­
the pecsaoa who totto' ti
dren who were ditlifnlng, struggling
Cannet LsBvs Hems.
the face to return them.' Bhoes
ware taken from tome young wcnen
Tbe Canning fsotoiT to in great need
who were also In wading and were mR
returned nntil the todlM bad reamed of help to take care of the en<
Of beans which are being retown. The perpetnton of the }oke
-dally. At present there are
an haring lou of fun,
Youths' tlO Suita IndDdlng earn and the eompaay to crying for
help. Fifty tboomnd pounds of beans
bTuee and blacks. MAO.
are now on hand and more are arrtr- Seven-Inning Game a Feature of Labor
Day Cetobratlen.
(ng all the Uaa.
*-11 we could get them we would
The ClganOakers’ union has sock­
mike'room for 1.0M workers,” said
Harold FneelsuA thU morn­ ed the chanenge of the Printers' uning. “The waned are p»«fci«g gopd !<m to a baae ball game to be played
wages now. avenging from 20 oeMa Labor day, September 4. and pracSoe
to $1 per day, and we will give wtsk and preparations will be begun imme­
to anybody over 14 years dt age who diately on beth aides.
The gates wlU be of toven Innings
wit] ap^. It there is anyone In town
who to willing to string beans but who end will be interesting, to say the
cannot ooom to the faetoty, if they will least. Allhough there are
tdephooe us we will tend them beane leaguers in elUier team thow who win
to-fiielr houses sad win cMl for tb«ii play are confidest* that they cs
s^they are rsady.'
squeese the ball as though it were
bot ifanffln.
side has a large Ust
of eubctltutes ruady In case of <
gency, and -the druggists of tbs dty
will be asked to bid os famlahlng 100
WEQUETONQ CLUB BOYS HAT batttoa,'more or ttos. of ttoimeot.
The exact Ume and place of the
game’sre yet to be deeld^ upon but It
OsnclBg P^^tnitffSd to tbsEMnlnp to assured that the game will be the
Mg feature of tee dayY celebration.



We wfB deHver tlM

Still Talking

It’s the
Ri&ht Time

Shoo hr.Wonien




Th9 E1|Ib C. Lawte
Mm Stock

Are Going Cbeuf)



Mrs. Leoo F. Titus eotertalned the
-Biddles” and "O. B. C." club mentheia
last eventog at her boose on Webster
street. In honor of her sisur, Htss
Marian Roberts, whose engMiuoit to
Mr. Frank Orio Balch of Chloago. fans
been annonneed. the weddlag to take
place the latter part of this nwOfa.
The evening was a merry oae, for­
tune tolling by a n.umbec of the young
ladiee who are quite. proBdent In tfas
art aSordlng a great deal of fun.' An­
other scheme of a
original with the hoatoss. wae an inty. Slips of pa- •
the gneeta who

Itove the answers written. They
were then reed and the bridMobe
requested to state whether the an­
swers were correct or noL Alter tbs
curiosity of the guests bad beep saUsBed. tbetltps became the property of
Miss Roberts.
:resm and cake were served ou
the broad veranda which was made In­
viting with rugs, pillows and dsalral
TTie affair was the beginning of s.


to buy

We are Closlnjg^ut

a Uat night easanited and mardared Mettle Hamett. the 18-year-Md
daughter <d J. 1. BeMett, a taimn hrlear Aagnata. Tke mnrderen had
only been released atx boon Don toll
et Aohurn. Me.
The three men In conpehy with anSlher ex-ooovict Bmly Jonn. an^
at the farm bouse ter teod. WhSe the
glri was prewiring the meal her fath­
er end Jones'w»t out to the ban to
tendAo aome bhoraa. When they caide
back to the bonae. the girl was

for her. She was found near the
wltb ber akau:tactved Md hn
OVER 20 KILLED AND MANY BAD> body ooTsred with brillisi.tfDsiiM
t^ Ae had made a tenrte] struggle
to protect hers^
sn today aconr-'


Bflock Woo^ $L25 per load.

Skull was Ffaeturad and TBedy Badly

csr of nn AUsntle Coast line escurPurtSnOBth. N. H.. ABSOSt. 1*.- ^aton tnltt from Elngston to this city.
klUed or Injoted ate mU^from
»SB m» peaee
teto dty yesterday nfismooa.
IPitoy 11 was with the
amt Kttsr today's sesskin they wosid- Ttos train. oonMsUng of the engine
coaobes, ptanged through an
sAtan inUl Mondw nmnlng. That
LYr^ _iT^-T drunken father
cives dope
« the bridge at Bruoe «nDAUGHTER.

Wbetetalo and R«UIu.

strongly advise your placing the ,
-tod»J*8 priOM,
V -ii



Do you need
NOW is your o
ity. We have a
of 50c Puritan
in sizes from 18 ^ ....
We will close out^ tius
entire lot at


onrMds, Mudying


We buy earefuUy sod - well.
Wbatataryou want indrug
store goods yon wiU find (t
hsMtaist and
to go s
yoBii base to


went to On
kyuad defeated
usm made «v of reaottara. la a hot
gmne.bytheaoareot8'toT. ThoWeunetong beys toft the Mty at
the launch Lady MtogarM. .)
Med by their young tody Monda, and
after the gs^e in the afternoon \a6k
supper at “The Clov«.“ After sttoper they went to the XjeManau. where
daaetog wee enjoyed.
*1^ I>*d been btowtog
iMu-ty eh day had
up suite
a sea hy 11 o'elock p. vl,
party was ready to sldH hooA bad
the bay waa so iWh that the trip of
to mltoi tott three biRira and <0 minYrtet.
In the game, the work of both pitch­
ers wsa ezceltoat and Beiges' work be­
hind Uie bat was a feature. The lineSB«<.the Wequetoag team was as telto^/eatcher, Lon Helges: pltoher.
K aborta£p. Leon Bito
-tr^KuRuy; aeeend

(Bpeotol to Tbs Deny Ragln]
Helena. Mont,, Auguat 18.—A vote '
by wire wni be token by toe Mrlktog
tol^raph operators to see whether the
strike Shan md this week or sot.

OlFsAdlfig Object HM Ceueed Hbn SIsty Memhere
the Order EnJoywd •
- (the Evening.
Tbe Slfc^. second anaual exchrsieu
1 the bay. given tost night, was a
thorough siicoees sad was enjoyed by
shout 60 members ot the lodge. Tbe
at 4he' hall at- 8
temored tram his right’
o'clock and marched to the dock.
bad bear-trtwbled two or three days where the steamer Oolambla' toy, al­
with the esrsctae la
ready loaded Mto timeh sad retreshths'pMn became so Intense yesterday
west to s doctor who, after, Tbe Boys' band had beesi eng^^..
two hours'
and mardied to the dock dtkd cai the^?
log the cause of the trouble, a e
bcM. enUvsning the eveumg's
peuuL Hr. Fuller has no k
It wtth their music. Aftnetime!^
when It could haVe lodged In M*
eujbred, as there always to d
' b«t from ita appearanoe he Jndgsa the BOks get tttoether, aad tt wpa i
that.1t nnst be several mowthi ago. o'clock wbtff toe atesoner egtos t
A..ourlous*teet was that thou^ toe <9 to toe doeto
tteuhto wasln tos toft ear, toe pahL
FM to Ua HllR «BK

- ' ti


The Dally Ea^le AHRAitlONS
FOR 1905-6


SU «»onUa. by mU...................... 11^

•Tbs puhHe is wsBMd to a hatf<li6|fc
of toe eoratlva martto Of Utat 8N«
medical tonio, EleoMe Wtten, ta tUk
slomacb. Urar end htteaps Uttf ft
WaRera, of 646 tt. Otalr Aft. '
bus. O, writes: Tor smnt ■----- -was Blvan 9 to 4ls 1 «•«
agns. my aerrse ware lAiSTsMB
not sleep, and ay staaMfe
weak, tren MlsaASottlVIn
loouldMeat, BooBSttata
to take ftsetrie AMas, J tiMl

Nothing will quite tske the
of the sandwich In the pleoio
and anyBsw'suggestlcm will bs
wttV delim. An assy and
one can he made by snbstiCuUng B
iturtlnm leaf In Uen of the'naa^
lettuce teat The foUowlag thi^
recipes were handed me this week-bf
friend. 1 have net used timm y«t
but they read good:'
aUeea of bread and «nt Into shape wlUi
a elover'leaf cutter. spTMd Ughfly a
thin tayw of cream qheeee. 8
mdtah on each scallop.
Sandwich of. Chleksn.—Ba
layers -of hpUered bread ptaoe
cedd boiled chicken, which has p«evlonaly been minced fine and-----*'
with white sauce and a lltUe Frteeh
niste Sandwich,—Cut ths bntte^:
ed bread In thin, ronnd sUces; .pat a
slice of raw. tomato on qach pleos.
soned with a liuie mayonnaise dn»
ing. Cover with e top slice of brand.

There have already been several'at­
tractions to Inaugurate the new tbe» was hqnln Pstormo, and
atricel seaacai of IMb-’Oe. and whh
I ftam ths eoUass of
Offloe opM. «»Mi Weteebdey .raitti.
other attractlo&e that wUl be
M Mty. WiMn a yoimg
/eityCir«ulbt*r. month, the seaeMi can -be said to be
It a small opera company to
well under way. The local dramaUc toe entonirtse failed,
•ite UbUy Bbste wm be loBftd oe sltuaUon fw |he new season presenU
s took up teaching, and
eelfl el ibe toUowtns pleeee: B. J. A most satisfactory ouUook. as
I U years old Adelina
and higher dsns attracUtms are at
^placsd sndsr his ttiitlon by
present booked, and other are under
taetnOylngoperstie roles
negotiation, than In any prevloaB sea­
— XT Tua —
EOawood eTesne; Ueeme Caady Oo.
Union 8t»6t.' Ppr the conTealeaoe U son in the history of our local ^pn-was oonduotor st toe
oar ftetr?^ west edTerUeementa ney lar theater. In fact, arrangements are
maMe lor 14 years. Then
be left et ^ <E the nbore {deoee.
in progress whereby several very
> Booth dwerlca and to
large attractions of an entirely higher
his own opaim i
Snheeribm In file Dally Ba^e are
------ IsUe sneosto bM taOhig to
requested to repoH say IrregoiartUto standard then have ever before been
Is the eerrlee at once. Both tale- presented In this part of the state may
Skla.;4BMlto He re^ed to this
^ee No. ^______________________ be seen bera this winter, providing
odODticy. and was tor several years
the proper, support can be relied upon.
AMoetoted with
Penned Spring Chloksn^^ npCOMINOEVENT*.
Whether or not local condlUons war­
d'anotoer company
peiizing way to serve t^kdeen la to
August. 17. 18 and W.-OTie Middle- rant Mgra. Stelnherg in bringing high­ first spUt the chldten down the back, whloh-flime to-grief In DetrolL to
for 17 yean
ton Stock Co. In repertolre-^ly opera
put In a drlpplngpan, coyer with biie
U a quesUpn that can cmly be answer­
mnalc, and finally, at the
of butter and Set In the oven.' 'Wh^
August 2L—Pipe organ cMbert— ed at the end of the ssesoa. ^They partly d<»e. take ont, season with salt, hre ^ to.-, returned to New Toto.
feel oonfldent, however, that the pub­
H«re hp tnraed his sttentlon to o
CongregaHonal thOreh.
pepper and more butter and return to
poeltlp.-«iid hla "Ave Maria." sad
Angnat 28.—"A Royal Slave"—Stein­ lic will appreciate good attractions to
oven to brown. When done, resuch, an extent as to warrant thdr
Prego O Padre," are wMlberg's Grand.
Mr. G. Arthur Depew,
i to hot platter and make gravy
making an effort to secure th«n.
known to etitfiints of choir music.
by adding hot water to hotter and
onfanist of state reputatioo,
Ibe bookIngB for the .balance of Au­
will render a fine pre^ram
gust include the powerful soenlc soe.A W. HOLLINGSWORTH.
ceas, "A Ro^ Stave," the next atwhich should be beard
• Recent reporte from <
«n the 22nd.
I CMtrwtor and Comiiile- every musie lover in Trav­
that trouble ie very IDcely to arise also the sumptuous allegorical prodoeViermeee Souffle.—An
nyer^he result at the coming election tlpn of “Phe Holy City" on the 26th, boosekeeper declares that Vlenneae
erse City.
We we In touch with more than
of Prtildent of the new repnhUc.
followed by "Under Southern Skies,* souffle is a delicious substUnto tor
President Estrada'Palma Is a can- 'the attrartion which scored such a big pancakes or griddle cakes at breoktMt 60,000 tel^dumes. mOta. tactarlea and
. 'Will endeavoi
'dldate for re^lecUmi. and Is opposed success, wd received sndi unstinted If there have been no eg^ jtrevloasly
It or snplo/ees; sell
served. BeeIn with the beating of toe
praise when here last season.
from n hleycle
yolks of four eggs. Add four table­
Other attracUons that wlU be
radical candidate for Vice PresldenL during the season, but which are not spoonfuls of milk. Sift together one to a iaw sun at a
He la said to be one of the best edu- given in the order of their appear­ toaepoonful of sugar, a pinch of salt,
Write phone, can, or watch, toe bol. cdied ud beat known lawyers in Cuba. ance, are the foll0|wlng:
and three tablespoonfuls of Sour. Mix
Both be and Gomez threaten revolu­
Edward N. Hoyt In "Hamlet," "Dora with the milk and egga. Beat toe letln beard for bargains and emptoy
tion In case their party does hot win Thome," Uncoin J. Carter's "Heart whites very stiff, then cut and fWd
Cittosns’ phooe 4
in the elecUon.
of Chicago," a return
bulld^ 21E E. Ifrtmt street, up stairs.
This may be nothlnE except a game "The Mummy and The Ha
ngblrd," quick oven in a well greased pan. '
of bluff,-but the condiUon of affairs is the dainty, little commed
be eaten wlth-maple syrup.
considered as serious by nearly every­ Alice' Johnson in the brilliant comedy
one. Should the result of the elecUon success, "The Marriage of EUy,” the
Canvfflssting Sunday.
Bow TorteUc saell b WortteO.
not be Bubmlttod to qnleUy by the lively German comedy, "Hans An' The soldering of two piecM of tor­ will leave at 0:00 a. m, rstamlng leave
aupporten of the radical candidates it Nix," Gorton's MlnstreU. a scenic re­ toise aheU together U effected by Ncrthjmft at 4:80 p. m, arrive In Travwill show that the dubans are not yet vival of "Panst.” Porter J. While in: fflsena of hot plndien. which, triiUs arse'Clty at .7:00 p. m. Wyesng’s orin a condition to govern themselves.
"Trilby," "Oie Olson," Lincoln J.''Car- they conmwes. soften ths oppossd adgs chaetra.. .FHty bants round frip.. .'3«t8
It ie safe to aay that at the first ter's "Her Only Sin," “A LlUle Out­ of eacb'Tlees and amslgMnato ttem
sign of serious tronble the United cast." Stephen ft Linton’s roaring anc- Into one.- Bven tbs xaspings sad pawSutes wUl send a force to the Uland cess,' "My Wife’s Family,’ the sensa­ der prodneed by toe Ills, mlxad Trtth
■mall fragments, are pot Into metds
suOdent to safely guard the
tional play. ’Tarts by NWit” •'Two and snbjsctsd to tlm action at bpOBig
dal interests of the Island.
UtUe Waifr,” the
tunnlsA i
le tunnlsA.ghKnr
trav- water and thus made tote ptatw «ff too
■mat such action wonlfi resnlt In the eUng,‘1
or Into Ttrioas ertiand AdMBliMtodc
•«' r. ■
annexatimi of Cuba as an integral pnH Holmes In “The
latest Mald^
of the United States there Is very Ut"The Isle of 8|
Ue quesUon. which Is
musical comedy,
what the Spanish business element, wilt undonbtedly
especially the old merchsnts, who here, although arrangsMBla atm Hot
know tbs Cnhan character by long ex- as yet quite completed. NegoUatloos ■8Hf HAMH-TON CLOTHINO CO.
perlenoe. hope tor. Of course
arc now pending, for the producUons
impmeeting Sunday.
Our new- "Hnwea" Hatq
Amf^cans on the Island would
of some of thh la^ast mnslttl com­
the ^exaUoo of the country with Joy. edies that are being prMented In the will leave et 6:00 a. m, returning (save beto soft aad-sUff are oertalnly hand,
Nerthport et 4:90 p. m, arrive in Trav­ some. Sold only by one agent In each
Whatever may be the outcome of "clUes" today. There
the present trouble, which It U to, be of obtaining any one <
ehestra...Fifty cents round trlp...'98tS •SMf HAMILTON CLOTHINQ CO.
“Btejeij t , Eral My”
hoped will blow over without a aer- lowing BUrMtions:
iouB disturbance of the affairs of the , "His HIgtmeas The Bey,” ■‘The Semi­
Island, nearly everybody expects that nary Girl," "The Wsard of Oz." and
but a few years will elapse before the "Floradora,"
Adelaide Herrmann
Cubans themselves wUI became tired (wife of the late Herrmann thfe Great)
of running gn ' ’
may also jmealhly he seen here this
Mcti: Wc, TOtSOc
and will ask for admission to
year. For the latter part of the sea­
Union. Let us hope that such a resfilt son, the management have secured
will be reached without revolnUon
one of the largest Hlnslrel organiza­

OFPIC^il? ww' raONT eTREET.
Both 'PbooM, 68.


. ES!




Men’s Pants
Cfffflnwncc tomorrow,

*ad< witbln ten dayn.

Budt mi lun, a. m

Grand Concert


Me, sec. 75c md 11.00.

A Ms lot of Nice Cnanfmere and Fine
Worated Ooodn bousllt for jnst
such an oCcaalon.
ReguiarprlOM would be and are t>-so.
»a.SO, $t.7S. *4, *5 and «6

We will close the lot at from
$1 to $3.50 per pair
Do you want a pair, of Pants'?



tlaitititon Clodui^ Co.
the new fall shapes In


City »
3 jmghts


Thf JMdleton i
Stock Co.


Steinberg’s Grand K

tions traveling, and are endeavoring
' book another engagement of "When
Whatever may be thought of the
peace prospect, and of Witte's declaroseph DeGrasse. who Iq
BtiOD that RuBBla will never oonaent
now producing "Richelieu," may be
to any humiliating terma, it is a fact seen here later on.
understood by everybody, sad by none
will be doing Just exactly what Rnssia
wsuld do had the vietory been hers.
(By Ada K. PntL)
It certainly looks as thongb Rnsrta
wou^d have to consent to a UtUe hnmll- («««€€«€«C<«C€««Ce
lation or the war would have to conA few drops ofiglycerlne put fo the
trull Jars toe last thing before sealing
The National Reciprocity convenUon, them helps to ke^ the .c
which has Just closed Its Ubors in from moiddlng bn top.
Obicago, has called the attention of
the whole country to the necessity of
Make a strong, hot soluUon of sala toorou^ tariff rerlsion, by the pass­ soda, and pour down toe sink pipes
age of resolutions In words that are and it will prevent all unpleasant
likely to be heeded by Congress. These odors as le will cut toe <
resolutions are printed in snother col­ o;ien lodges In the pipes.
umn. to which we would call (he eareliS attention of our readers. The key
Silver must be kept in woolen bags
note sounded by thlv oonvenUon is as toe sulphur in the wool will tar­
’’Rsolproelty or BetallaUon."
nish toe metal. Do not let em
Uny rubber band be placed near your:
Japaneee victories alcme may not be
sliver as it will make a
the most potent tsdor in forcing Rns-.
sla to humlltaUng terms of pesos. If whldi will be very hard to remove.
reports are true the despised, abused
not fell to uso charooel about
and bidfeted Jews, throngfa their
cellar or refrigerator. It is said
■ Amerl.«ip brethren, by their iefuea>
to leuu Russia money to carry on the that charcoal has the wcoderfnl capac­
war may cut something Qf.a figureUn ity of absorbing
(ho matter of
of- homtilatliig -terms by the C^.
The addition of a general oourt niu<rtal to the program of the annnal out­
ing of the NaUonal Guards is an atlracbou that Is likely to live long in the
•nsmoty at some of the parUaipaBtsWfetber this wUl be one of
lar features <ff future encaspweuU U
•.J leriiaps a little early to eay

^tgatl ths 26th there wOl be held
on tto old fair groonls a Orange nBy
fbr an whsthsr araagas or not A
IwahM dinner in the grove. An nddrsM will be dellereM by MarUtter
. yMtoheed. Past Lectarcr oC the NatWBil Qtuge. Aim* nddrasiM by k>eal ^sekecp. Good BMte. Bt«f
boEir anlsau- Humbw the ftste.
B. a ORAT, SecretazT-

Now tost pickling time has come
again., klll^ some <ff our Intsgs
readwa pleM send in their beet
recipes? is too much boubte
to write them I will ehssrtaQy take
them any morning over Mthee telephooa
There Is certainly an an In cmiooetIng pl^es and no one can
BS-ont of poor materials. 1 mean
bat. ou sad wilted vegetables,
cheap spices and poorly flavored
Cldw or white wine vinegar Is the
best and should never te boUed more
than five mlnntoe m It redaew toe
strength. Do not use a ta«e qaatity
at alum. A little Is ntfut la
them crisp, but too much Is Injurious.
In using ground «lesa tie than in
cheese doth ba» .
Water mdim rinds make a vwr'nlce

We fcall your attention to tfio •*¥nunt8
Tor which Vre am nele agonts.

Mnm taluo and ntyle Tor the price tbpn can
to fMftd in any otbor make.

$2 and $3
Gor. Front and Union.

Tues., Aug. 22

A Royal Slave

Dealers in Everything.

6reat Luck

illsland by Moonlight—The
r—The Great Volcano
r Display



.Seals now on sale.

If You Want to Buy a ^uit of Clothes

Telepbcsw iv

Diore warm days and you will want a Summer
*“*k ii.***^ ^nomy is to own atjeaat two (-uitss and “change off"
wito inem. Some men even own three and four “week day” suits.

Looking for You

One>Quarter Off

It surprises the uninitiated to
learn how sharply business men are
Borutinizing their employes-looking for those whp merit promotion
to positions of trust snd responsi:

Two Pairs for 40c

The Bverage o(Bce worker gets
.bead slowly. He is not equipped
for rapid advancement Often he
cannot even perform his regular
duties satisfactorily.

Hnyen splendid stock
«mea so large an assortment These hot
summer daysyou need-extra pairs 01 hose. Don’t miss this chance.

•well Utyles of Neckwear

But young men and women who are trained to do
4hin^ js they ehould be donc-theee are eagerly
aonght for and win their way'to the higheet suoeeae.
We teach bookkeeping, shoHbend and typewrit­
ing and modem office methoda as no other eehool in
thieaection tenchea it We flt our atudente for the
beet payieg places In the state.
Our prospectus wiU teU you about it
. • ^rd and room 12.50 per week.
Remember our offer of a trii^ month free.
Fall term oommenoesmesday. Sept 5, 1905.
and eveaiQg sessions.
. Citizens’ phone 198.

Dealers In Everything.

is the finisbii
select from. See
some, of them.

beautiful goods and you surely will own

traveling neeessities-Tmnks,


lYavcrse CHy. wdi.


• UOl Is, Xvv9.

Made in the
Golden Sunlight
It U conceded by the lii^ctt anthoritiei thtt the
wdt cracker cootaiu the Ufe-giTios elazieim ot wheat


acienGe in aonny bakeries so U^t. bright and cleaxw
that they are a revelation. The floor is tested; the
pori^ oi tiie vater is abedotely assured; the very air
is filter^—Thy even the temperature and tnoistnre of
the etmoqihete i. Kcumtely lejaUtei The qxm(e ii
hneedid by poUehed peddle., pot by heed. Ipdeed,
Uneada Bfseuit « only touched once, and then
by a pretty girl, from tite time tiie flour leaves tile bag
until the beautiful package is placed on your table.

BAnciNM. nscujT comrant

B. «I. ]VfORGA.N

Real Estate for Sale
I have a few pieces of Real
, Estate for sale.
HOUSE AND LOTr-CoTser State and
Rose, seven tooida small bani.«ood
water, size of lot 104x82H. «
lot; price IbOOO.
HOUSE AND LOT—7U State etreeL
SCxldB, ecwd boose and small bnra^
price fl,0M.
this one; price |S00.
10 ACRES ot nice Und on rand to
Ranson's term In E^vood; pilM
VACANT LOT at Warae street; fine
location; price 1200.

tOc per lb.
Choice Calamet
14c per lb.

Bse new raw boats on the bar to
rent st ZOc per boor Ent boor nad Ifio
^idma so many*
per bonr tbereaftar.. Cnptnln E. IL ^‘whlte plague**
OMB8. 701 Uonroe street OtUees' rieUma^eet^ yw. Foley^i^lerfa^
phone «51.
jer et oonDo not ri* ytmr banlth by
when Foley's ^ne^ud ^rts^HA
resotts. AAtorFideyM
Ari '
Honey and Tar end- insist
■ •
Traverse Cl^ AerlA Na S8S, F. O. IL. Bold by & a Wa4A
Eades. meeU In Foresters hdl. Toe*d^evs

Traverse Otr BacamiUDant No 76.
L Oy O. F, meets first and third Fri- GRAND GAPIDS 4. INDIANA RAIL
'ara In each month. Jos. Lbmler. C
.; B. L Davis, Scribe.
In Elieet JoasEnth, 1604
Tranl leaves Traferse Citr at 4:66!
Traverse Bay Tent, No 186, K. O. T.
MM., mondar nlsbts fn L O. a F. A m. oonnecthig for points iwift.
Trains leave Travene City at tUV
hall. O-------------------------------a. m., oonneettng for points norlh end

248 Front St.



! Locri

Latest Sporting
News of intdret

Birds nod TSMtas Them


Victoria. Mezlpo. Ang. 18.—Mar­
tin Holts, an Ameirican, who. aatabUabed a parrot rasrii naar ban a
few years aga haa met with wnnderSAGINAW races of SECOND DAY
ftt] success and has aednmulab
fortune to the bustoeas. tt to prob­
ably tbe'only parrot randi fn tbe
Tr^L^ Lt
world; it to certainly the only om In
was cot Mexlca
16 PseiE*V_
Holts was empltved for savoraJ
cremated with tbe
old MooUrey and Hexieaa Golf nOwhich wenkl-have L. ,
.raad, now a part of the Maxicah Cen­
ber of Uie royal famlhg
Bo pertabed tfah aaeq
0 tree, ena tral system. Hto dlvtolon wni
ot the moat wonderfnlltani gropthi tareen Victoria and tha port'of Tam­
known to tbe world-a.» wbirii bad pico. on the guU coast, through the
been worshiped
alheart of the parrot oountiy. He
aay boorly, for 2;9^yeara.
alwvB Interested In tbs brlght-colorta
blrd^ and while nmnliig as tsmdnotTHE CHOICE
OT .he collected many of them and
t^^t them to speak BngUsh. There
lyere many toortota travritog op and
No one knows wbat Q
down bis line, and he did a good tide
beet for snrvlval In an n
bustoeas by selling the birds to i
artronment We «
leans and otberm.
Mary) ................................3 1 f 6
ttocUon ot fan
The thought then occurred to Hblto
that he ml^ make man money by
IdeeL bot riwir c^h
•nee to tte Invsalon ^^tbogealc or­ retiring from railroad woric sad de­
ganisms or there was^esae other d» voting hIs time to raletog paripts. Della McCarthy. 6r m (Mcfeet which made U)em eilr targets for He foUowta this plsn and purchased
-•. . . . . . ’ * « «
.climatic caosea of pbys^ decay.
a Urge trMt of forest toad near
On the other hand, ws quite often torts whlta was teeming with wild
dnd that parents belswipar pbystesUy parrots. He fitted np the ranch to
have floe fainlllcE. The ciirii
unhiae way. Wire netting was plac­
I9t4: 2:18U:
nd hawrery blolodc ed around and over the trees and the
1 taGtoe same In- birds were confined thereto. He has
^ct foond In lower si^nala to
bad the greateet success to ratotag
a mate wbd Is moM c^'leai dIBacMt tbe birds.
from bimself.
It to to teaching the parrots to
Should like types mete, tbeir cob- that. Holts has made a nniaito snooena.
tog) . . . . . . . 6 2 112 8
mon dwracteriatlcs m^ be so esag.
gerated as to be bartnfil and tbe line He is a ItogutoL speaking Bo^toh. John D. b g (Gw0 . . . . . . « 8 2 12
Redah. It la an InattA of Oioee of Spanish. Prendt and German fluently.
great InteUlgence to n^^ those of He divided hto flock ot several thou­
leas than tbe average. fsr'tbehirqHing sand birds into four classes, one for
revert to the better avsflwe. It la very each language. Be then toe* a few
tiy to irapj
e , , s
birds from each class and set to woi*
by Ufa mar _
to teach them to talk. At the end
vtol^ the natural
of a few montha Holts had tau^t _
waxlaMDcats biteed.
numbCT of birds Sn^h. Spanish, Ger­ John O, ta g (O'Don.^
man and French, and tbe educated
Tlme-2:18%; .2:18^4; 2:13%;
birds were pUced to thedr respeeUre
Q Mei^.
secUotts. It was Holts's thsoy ♦»>«*
by dedng thU tbe' educated birds
wonid testa rikrtr
to talk.
^ iH^ed were reaUsed to the fuDett extenL He naya
at tbe md
tbe 'flrat year be bad aevaial bon-

■ ------ tu

^ ~;;;
2:11%: 2:16; 2:16%; 8:16.

day on or hetOra eaeh Ml a
utner, W. V.; F. HnvOnd^
OocliBSa Camp, No. S%46, W. II. A.,
meets at Woodman hall Mcaday even*
Train issvee TraveiBe CMy at l:»
Insa. Ohaa. Defoe, V. a* Joeeph R^^for polaU on the Nerihpori
Sleder, aerfc.
Tram arrives In Traverse taty at
Grand Traverse lodge, Na 200. L O. 6:26 a. m.. (fast trato wttb deepor
O. F.. meetn every Tuesday eventax. from Cancinnaa.)
L. NMl. N. O.; Lee Nomaby. See.
Train arrives In -Trnveras City n
;26 p. m. and 7.00 p. m. from nortt
sd south.
Train arrives tram Norlhpqrt at
day eveninge.
Chas. DePoe,.N. O.; 10:20 a. m. and 4:80 p.
Train arriving at 8:66 a m. and leav­
Clias. A.
ing at 4:80 p. B. haadJw the cmem
aaU sleeper; other sleepers and chair
Traverse City lodge. Na SSI, F. * A.
seonred at WalUn.
M. Regnlar eommanleatian
on or beton the tnU ot tbs bom., _
mer S. White, W. M.; M. & HsaheH, o.B.iraus?.____
Travmve city MM.

Lehiglr ma^
■ MB oruireMF lmh

J. J. B'rezina.

«• •< «h« HMt
CnewtliR evge
la October, 18S7. he ____
at that upb nappetod is
Uvlng i«0Rable. marii
•« the
eaith*s pEtme.
«estrayed by e W<*»e wd
the iBUnd of Oeyloa
ten deecTlptloo of tbe
now In exlalence Is tt
mated Oilsrae hlstodi
Pa Hlaa
who visited tbe Island r
tree lo the yeaf 414 A.
to tbit leaned Chinai
t that time 702
eesivPlanteil lo i
or era by King C
AS.AOOB as It waaA
$ tbraagL
ot UK islaad that ttil
>,had been
deatroyed by tbe fury
great crowds of mot
around Its “saoed
and bald


“lilt Lioe

Arrive Honor........ ll;04aja. 6:60pjn.



New Yoric


city 8:60 p. m.
Trains from I
jCIty arrive at 8:14
a m., and Oettr
I City 6:46 jh
Use arrive st Trav­
erse City at 10:60 am. aad 6:48 p. m.
R A. MiTCmLU Gea P. A«L
J. F. 3SHKS, Agent

. Five Uirooadi'tr^i^ daily.
Dining-Cam, a In eWta



In Effect Jene Ot, IMA
^Trains leave Traverse City es M

mm end d

14^ ■nnkeoTa&.lldLa m.. 6:26 p.
For JJdM. BdMtie Omriendg s^

•tBecanse tbM* ai« •» nsay rings
im there.-—qtango PQy yewa.
Daring 1004. accordl^ to a parriamental? i«|>ort lost nfiBittedi Vfft9
perbons were kSled by acddents tanne«ted. wMb nmntog of Mns and
movements of railway vefalele^ or
B very piarked deaease.

breeding them. In hto cnOaeib
parrota. which now numbers Mveral
thousands, he has eevcnl which are
seemingly pasessed of reasoning pow.............." “
These educated birds have
tanght to carry on a conversatla
with each other. This converaatton.
to which each bird knows hto part
'covers nearly 30 mtontee Ten^ Haute................'..39 73
of time.


™ -••■i E i


Cleaiback pork............................ -t

bs Meaalac t Tk«M W*rSe4a tbe
OM battoh See*.
How many people know tbe
of the words "Fop goes tbe weaseT In.
tbe eong? Many of w have probably
regarded them as a meaningless tag,
taring some dim Cockney bearing on
tbe animal Such a bearing tbey have,
but In an unexpected
A writer In
NotM uud Queries affirms that tbe
words refer to a purse made of weasel
skin which opened and closed w4tt a
■nap. This brings the line oat Of Irralerant fargw Into tbe main ■
Up and down the City ro
In and out the gasle;
Tbst a the way tha mon
Pop goea the ireateL
The “popping" or anapptog of tbs
parse li decUrad to be tbe eanJvalent
ot “Bang watt esxpence."
But toU explanation is not pahapa
rieriee-WHIlems aad Tleman:.
so tobereutly probable as another
1 16 which makes “weasel” s »Ung tetm Gay. Dnnbar and WflUams.
silver pUta prise cui*. etc.—afd***HsfiMl ”uay A Co's. Ftour MilL
cles wblcb. as tbe result of gadding to
Petoskey A Bad Axe 1.
Wheat................ ................................-*®e the Cll}’ road, were pawned or “jwp
Burttaheat, per bushel........
Petoekey. August 17.—The Champs
ned." This idea U re|>cs(ed in a su
took another one from Bad Axe today
D lallugtoo tailor who. throuta f
and It would have been a ahutont but
tor one little wild throw. Bcorc
S................................................. ..
Iitiug of cloth. .Whale^ er the weasel Petoekey 6. Bad Axe L
mu' have been, the song wi-ut, round
tbO world, and many a boy to furoff Manton Wins Gets Swelled Head.
BraxU or CeyloD received bis first idea
Manun. August 18.—Manton defeat­
of Loudon's streets to Its reteeucc
ed Lake. City yeaterday by the score
toe City road.—Isindoii Globe.
<>t is'to 0. Manton wm play nothing
but tost teams, tor the rest of toe seajay Cooke In 1800 toW'toe following:
*^>00 day when 1 was putting gorern.
ment bouito upon toe market I was
grmitly annoyed by tbe clerks telUnr
me that there was an old man I
Joe Bowker is talklag of a trip to
Sheep, good .
......... 2H« office who would do no bnalness with South Africa where
pay good
them and most see me. To get nd of
purses aad where the sports are will­
him 1 went oat Beld be;
to pay llbersllyto see their taem“'Mr. Cooke. I bare got 63.000
.7 bad^^nT^Td ktonw
gtal In toU bag. I can't do unytbli .
^to it Id toe town where 1 live: They- Along to tbe winter Araker'e menA witu.
U planning on bringing his man
fipsh mmi nm M
naJ are circulating i^oeers* taedca and eveiytolug rise but money, and 1 am to this oonetrr to meet Frankie NeU
frightened because 1 think 1 will be ot Temmy Murphy.
ebeated If I diapoee of to. Will yoa
tall me on your word of honor Jf toene.
bonds are sound sad righzr VI replied: ‘If tbey are not ri^
Eowwnp is rtgbt 1 nm poRtog siri longer violent aai has sense enough
have In tbe world Into toem.'
lo roeognlie tha!t he Is nil In.
“After further conrerastlon the man
Foteyu’KKtoey Cme. BcM'f 8^
cowhidt^l to take toem.
Walt A Baa
The Wylie ball team
“ trbat denomination will you havs, aad Mayhew. the rattasr. has gond to
them InV latoed. .
“Oblf was too much for tbs.Mf Kingsley to play. itaOe Hasnltal, the
man He had never beard that wand pltobo-. has jedned tbe Otaomlsb agtMcd to conncctMu wito-bnatoass.
tarnttaed hto bend and Wd:
f'Voa SHF. gl** 06
mhuol Preebytertaa to fdeaM
tooman. bot 1 wlU tske tbe taft of U
to Baptist.'”

talKwmbeapiatterofbtetuST. Tbo
a have made their tort appearanee here and Jimmy Rynn's Ev
•nsvflle team today plays tbe first .
gnmo of tta ckmtog series h«« ttato
The Grand Rapids fam vtU play
nine more gamea away tram bcana
starting on Sunday nt Cantoi. eelBS
tram- there to Springfield, and cloalng '
tost trip of tbe season with tov
gnmss to three days at -South Bend.
On Tuesday, August 29. the boys wm
OMue home to .toe finest grounds In
toe lettgue and to toe largest and be* '
iwtog dty for a stretch of 15 days'
. y. with three gome series to the or­
der' named ^th Cenu». Dayton,
Springfield, and South B«i4.'
Tbe league
closes on Monday. September IL If
toe Grand Rapids team flnUbes to sec­
ond place and passes the Sonthi Bend
and Evansville teams U most win a
Mg majority of its gamea for the rest
ot toe eeeeoa Thaw to a bare pnsaibUlty <rf first piatw. but it is very tare;
to tact so bare (iiat a fig- leaf would
look like a dreas snlL To-win toe
banting the OenseMds wlU have to
take, three out of every 'four games
ot toe next 27 If the Whetang
wins sis man): as It loses. Loral
willlug to admit toe Wheeling '
team to be the fastest to tbe Central
league, hot figure toe Grand Rnpids
team nexL and win be satisfied wttb
secMd place.—Grand Saplde Prras.


The Middleton Stock'^ tipened a
three nlghu' mga^ent in the Clly
opera house lut night In “Beyond the
Law." or “The Convict's Daataterj"
While not large, toe andlence was enIsatic and the play waa good.
The parts are to good hands but aa tta
piny has been on the bo^ hnt twt
three nights, the rough spots wert.
mslonally evident; as the season
advances the company wfl] do first
class work. Sevoal speclaltiea were
dneed brtw<
I and tonight
and movtog pictures wiU be toclnded
to the UsL Tbe house was at a
alight disadvantage to not haring the
scenery handled rapidly aiongb for
Eonvenlcnce at ^ Pl|tyaa. Trav­
erse Cl^ andlencegare bectaitag more »
•■Id nwra critieal and
neesaaitr fOr the local opma botmra
' furnish aa orchestra for all ottertainraenta
"The Hely Clty."
The aanonneonent ot a
of 'The Holy Clty„ at Stetaberg'a
Grand opeta bouse on Saturday, Au­
gust 26. is received with greet aatto.
facUon. No play presented this sea­
son has made the Impression credited
this great Biblical drama produced
by Gordon A Bennett to even mote
sumptuons manner than Is their oonlously succeraful prodneUnna. The


grand dramatic spectacle is every­
where praised for snperior combina­
tion and to arranging for lu appe^
here. Managers Btetoberg Bina
have given thrir patrois a theatriral
feast that will long be ronanbered.
"A Royal Slava”
"A Royal Slave.” one ot tbe raeJly
great molodrdmtic kucceeees ot recoit
years, is to be seen at Stetobergis
Grand opera house next Toesday, Angnst 22. *7110 play Is strikingly origInal In that it ddeals with life as it was
the tine of the in old, Mexleodownfall of the hapless Maxmlilaa
Mexican history has neva been used
heretofore a a foundation ot a drama
which makes "A Royal Slave” a'wel­
come diversion as to its cbaractera
costumtog and scenic eSecta
REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. - The following real ertate tniufera
have been reoorded \>f Reglator of
Deeds F. W. WUson:
Auditor General to Cbaa JL BarratL se% of se%, 'sec. 29, town 26,
range 10.
Auditor General to Cbaa H. Barratt,
se% of ee%.
Philander Parts and wife
Wm, H
Orarel. parcel, sec. 26. Jown 27. range
12. .

Philander Paris and'wife to Rraa
WUhtan, parcel to eec. 26. town 27,
range 12.
Flendlah Striralng
Is often caused by eorsa oleem nd
canooa that eat away your skin. WbL
BedeU. of Flat Eota. Mtoh, says: n
have need ButaUn't Araiea SaJva tor '
Dloera Sores and Cnesra It M tbe
brat heallns dressing T erst: fbofl."
Soothes and heab enta bunm and
sralda 26c at C. A. BuibM'n-AraR
stora Hannah' Drag Stora and M. M
Millar’s dnv store; gnraiUnd
Annual German picnic nt Aik Rapids;
Sunday, August 20- Bestevta Mnla
the,lata. Coma •
Wwsted panto 88-86 aotf |84L

Easy to

Mon^ iqt a SMtoiey VaeaM^n

In rile basement or attic of almost every lia^
cSst-off Clothing. If permltteJ to remain <here they
rof your summer vacation. A Daily Eagle Liner will find;

Ooprrlgbl. ins. br Jbdm Est> Jr.
The seoator. irho bad been dUpoeed
at first to re«4re bis caller with as
scant politeness as the dictates of poi-

sadly it tfiTyoong taos 6
■And be win havs lota of
Use and get-mueyr
"Most SBsntsdly." And bs ««n«d
and hpeeolatlan.
"And be can do all this soon, wr
■Tea." '
"And he can have it dgibt awayT’
"Tbmotrow." Tbs ssaator soiiMbow
tbooUrt be was doing more good In Cht
bestowal of that place than was pod^
slble In tbe forming of tbe highest ler
"Oh. It'e grand," she cried, converted

graelonsness of manner. TSie visitor
wsLS a girl, wltb 'balr like bomubed
broQM and
___ , _____
leak took Id some llgbtB tbe bne of sheer pleasure, like a child.
old amber, fibc ns dressed In lav*
“Tbe funny part of It la." she CMi>
' coder, wltb nliat tbe senator thonght flded. "that Jack said be was couUng
If on tbe aenatwial sobconsclonasi from beneath a maas of more
ilBneas and fibnneea. BMides, tbe
Bator had had a surfeit of dry poUtil'talk and committee meetings that
*ToD see, I don't ask anything for
myseir. even if my father and bnttiera
.do'wotk for yon at tbe primarlea. It's
fust for Jack." 8be spoke In low tones,
betraying a gtrUsb awe of the tmportant man.
* "And irtio is Jtckr
Ite member of. the upper boose
brushed aside a pile of letters that
awaited his signature and gave the
girl his attenUon. ^comidlment be did
not extend to alljwbo_ sought bis help.
"He and I are eo^ged to be mar­
ried," abe said, and tbe announcement
or tbe frank
dtarmed tbe big man. "We will be
mauled as soon ea be can get a podtian. and I know-yon can arrange It"
"But what does be want and why
doesn’t be come blmsettr’
13>e testator represonttd a eontb*
n state, where women are pot -on _
pedestal above the “bwiDew" of life,
and he was
_ d for drinking too
iB.” she admitted almply, a lltue
betltairt. her Ups twltdilDg tbe qU^t-

the place, «nd now
than be could." Sbe pansed doubtful­
ly. "Be aald he was afraid to come to
you because you bated a man who
drank, -bat I knew yon could fix It tor

to be coasldemd a good manlpbf f ■

haven't given
ni have to Itt him take

'This is Ja«B," explained tba'gtrl,
^dAo tntrodnee him to trig benefantor
rite opal recepUM aerotdsawm- .
- Tbe senator brid ost Us hand.
"Jack Isogbed, a trifle
stiffly. ,
"Oh." she laughed In return. "Jack
Stanlay. I had forgotten to teU you bis
amo al^tUa time"
l£r. Stanley and tbe senator ahooK
bands codlally, and there «isMd a
repetitlon~of the outline of rite new
plso, which was Intaipolated with rite
exclaflistlotti and questions of-the 0rl.
"And," abe sm at rite ckM of tbe In­
terview. 'how ean I ever
'Tou can’t" said the eenator, pronoundiig tbe wordi wltli tbe mellow
accent of tbe south and m.ifiny it a
compliment to tbe gIrL T am entirely
In your debt"
When the couple had left the office
he called hli private eecrstary, who,
from tbe nature ui
of things
IIIIIISB political,
knew all h-■ affalrv
- privata
and —•

Xowy. being of a secretive nstnra,
MM&lBd in silence.
-_"And this time." eoncloded tbe i___
tor. It will havo to be a sreddlng pres­
ent Write out a riiecfc fOr”And the rest was merriy a boslnMi
Ret Xa Her Claes.
.lea wen hmoiag a ednve
tioD-or It might have been.merely a
Bpot on his father’s long career of po­ caucus-on the rocky enst of a lofty
litical and private bappinees. Maybe
a aympat^ bred of experience
Proud regal birds they were; jderblog of eye. sharp of beak and strong
hapa this woa atrengriiened by
<g claw, and aU the timid ereatuns ot
droop of ber young head before falia,
a ray of tbe afterno^ stmllght on ber wntriied fliem with
hair emphaslclng Its dvlMate tairnesa.'
Presently, bawwer, a wandering
"But be has promleed never to do it tnrtay bunard, attnetad hj curiority,
again," abc explained, enUrely argn- ventured to J<dn them.
meUatlve. ai^d fully trusting tbe promThey eyed ber sc
Ibe sebator looked at ber solemnly,
placing the tlpe of bis fingm togeriier
with mstbemotical prerislon, as It to
help out his thonghl. Thera was In bl*
big. riear eyes mudt of sadness and a
-t<rietant akepMdam.
"Such a promise." be smiled slightty, -*Ts by no means e certlfled check,
but I tfatnfc I cas help him."
Ha qtoks tbli laat-tn slow, gentlo

bloek, Mxt doer to Dr. 1

whalboks fo4

CMy Opera Hooae Bl^. Bean t.

‘ WtiM Saahrara

There are certain arctic anlmslb
dark coated In tbs short summer,' tiiat
la winter ton pure white, thus aat^
lag tile
escaping notice and harm.
tBoya' Long Pant
This change of color, tills protsetten.
eOeeted no one knows how. is wondar- Salta.
tol, as wtmderfol as a mlraete; -and ■SMf HAiltLlfe OLOTHmO CO.
yet a kindred (Benge of color, a kin­
dred protection. haMiena among man­
NOTIOB. kind every sommer, and nobody ever
We wm be Ytrr gtateM to the perhotices It
' or persons who will report to ns
Wboi the pale city people go ontb
on tho port cC ev drtvthe summer son at the seaahore or the. any toelTUitT
mountains the light attadu them -«n, to people diMiig or riteg; or tost
fiercely, first reddening their ekln, driving on the part fit our drtron;
then swriUng. blistering and sccstBlflg
It If they k^ In tbe sun enough,
and If no miracle occurred, the light
TTMerae City.,>Och, ^ R IflOB.
iponld Ull them finally, burning off
the "Mn first and afterward attacking
B. ■urtiana-Tsetlfieo i
the raw flerii.
But a miracle doee occur. The aktn
;Ysara,riiangee from a pale color to a tan and
on tills tan the bob has no effect The
y beat on tan colored aktn lor wnto you stadu that I had ham
entimy eureTpC a aonra kidagr
always e
Tbos nature wofks-a miracle. The
white aein Is suffering, and nature,
aware, eomriiow, that a tan skin Is
sun proof, (Banges to tan tbe whHa.
How doM the do tblsT Whore did die
teem that H was -wise to do ttilsl Mo
one knows.
Only the fact Of tiie
mkarie temelns.
To prove tills nriracle-to prove that
It la not tbs Tisrilmilng of tbe akin, or tBOdtr troU^^iw sate hy &
but ffie riiange In tts cekr wtdA pro­ B.Watt«aou^
tects ft tram simb(ini>4a an oas^ 'mat-

Ibey looked around to tbe door;
-which had been Utrown open by a
young man. eutpdssd to Had any one
with tbe soiatsr. be stood stffl tor a
n^te. bti hand tm« the knob of tte
half closed door. He was taU bod tmperlooe In bis bearing; kxiUng mfis
«iv«T' handsooie.
stain one aide of his face yellow,
-yohn." said tbe
teavthg the other aide untoncBed, g»
"Js(Br cried tbk gtri, b« high Toles
In tiw bright summer jitm for a
drowning tbe sound od tbs pnatoris
le of boma. The one side of Ug
-t» no tougher, no toora hart
tiian the other, yet the unstatned
WlU he Inflamed, blister^ vriiite tte
tun cokwed ene wUl be qitite-eoffi.*^
"Oome in." enggested te seoattr

•‘Lorry." eald tbe senator, "when yon
have been doing tifinge for other peo­
ple an
boon I



is stored jmy number oL unused pieces of Furniture and
I worthless.' Advertise them for sale now and get money
. ^

1 be nioatratcd by toe
story of two men whom 1 know. One
of them, a dratist. had a practical tatiier. vrbo tau^t blm bow good an Invebtment good clothes and many
friends ffil^t be. This doctor Urad for
wMny yean at leading hotels end at
evening mingled eoclally with tbs
guests. There
man than he at theae leisure timse,.ji
during toe early years he was con­
stantly In debt tohte fariier. and in all
this social life be never mentioned bis
profenlon or his work nnlesa such per­
sonal Ulk came naturally Into tbe con­
versation. £aiB year be went to Eu­
rope and dined at the captain's .table,
always In
BometimeehewentandretnnMd to tbs
same ship, for toere was little to gain
teylng abroad. Everybody Ukad
and today be has an Immense
practice, a considerable proportion of
itokb be admits tiankty can be tracod
to his steamtoip Scgmlntanca One
day a year ago be met a Uwyer of
about hie own age and degree oi sne"Me at their ^nh.
Tm going abroad Saturday." said
M -Uwyer. *<C(ime along." be added,
alf to-jert. - The doctor hesttated for a
moment in thought "All right"'he
said. "What boatr The Uwym toM
bow he could manage to be away on
•wB abort notice, and If he had intendad to Uke his Taeatim at tost time.
Tee been over el^teen timet," aald
the doctor, with a genial mtu, *wnd
for too akmo taaaon that yoo bars sons
and are going. We’D work toe boat togotiwr, yon and L"-Aitour Goodrich
to Leahe'e Monthly ar«g—

ealla prompUy attended.


third floor. Salto SU411.

tlon to ma. ear, aom and tboat


i». B. a iHNoa
dpsctel atUnUofi to eye, ear, r
thraat. . tBamea fitted. Ofl
Amnieaa Drag On.

. .

Qonoral uiniUatnei. Tto or fcnval
roofs, 8tt(Bs painted. Ooaaral mpaMag, etc.

.. r a ANDOtSON,

Oaneral Insurance, rest estate and Fanoar's HntnaL 811 Tnihfilm bkxB,
a D. wn.tJBB
O^st. 8tato Bank buildltifl, room

un. m. #. ououfojeaa.

prmtteo llteM to 1^ Car,
Throat and TUttog^maa.
m THIheim bktisk, TTHsoRr 1

Leave ofdOT*at^«y E

Phyotelaw ai>d flurgaem ff and 4 Satbar
tend Mo(B. CtSu' ‘pheaa Ki.

The tax jBffii fw the oo'
seho(ti and otty taxes sad
and special assesments te tos f B wards of the
dty of TMsesm Clt,
bem plaosd In -my

1 Win be. In my offloe tor fhe pmpoee
[ ocdlaotlng Hdd -taxes overy weritday from now tmtn November 1st.
1506. from 8 o'etek UBtn U:S0 (felook
In the tormoon. and from 1 o'ffiook to
4 o'clock in tbs aflemooB of mA dp.
be reoetmd
reoetve wftboot ooUooUoa
and on all
paid on September Ut end tmtil Ooto
hw 1st a penalty of one per oast tor
eonecUm wlU be charged. On aU
taxes remaining unpaid on Ootober
1st and tmtil November 1st’ a pmalty
of two per cent for coUectioa. will be
Office noa 80s State Bank bnQdliig.
Dated. July 84^ 1906.
M. B. EASBmia

Boys ovsr 14 years of aps. meaoairt,
clean work. The Ti

ning Co.

Boats for sprinkling lawns an fra
6 to B a. m. and from S to 5 p. m. At
DO time oen water be need witboat
noaxle or sprinkler attacheA
Oaaoooant of the great amoa
water used daring tbe day for i
faetaring and other purp^ peecsyy..nilee for ^fokling towns mnst

Barir HallMpAlas.
la the pioneer days of rallroedtns ft
WM sometimes necessary for tbe Via M, A H. t and N. T. Cofreight eondoetor to nm forward over:
■Ton are right” capUed the turkey
nswao • Trip
I np 88.
v— *
buMird. 'T am of some use In'tfaa toe roofs of the cera to shoot ortsts: Qotog Tbnraday
mraday aftemoon and tanwworid, vriins y<m ara tUsTos, robbsts to rile engineer. Traveling at night tog imwaokee Mca-------end mnidererg and not worth a con­ road adopted
*. 10. vr. 14 mA81
tinental except for show. Ooodhy. and
abmd of the loccmiotlve a flat eat
be banged to yqor .
Wes le Poor HeOtth for Voare.
loaded -avlth sand, on vriilrii a honfln
Thwei^Km she tuisod her baflknpoQj waskeiit'
iwm and flew
wrttee: *T -was to’ poor haidto fcr tny
WhtcB shows, dear (BOdaia, rimt
>eU«% fVemlM Uvm.
*hWe an two ktnds of * '
to-tU earty stages
his mtolstiT
"But wait." He (Becked her qubB- thaLg. lofty style teat
too Bev. Mrr-Moble prsariMd tor seas,
ly. and again the finger ttpa
time to a vQtoge to Maine. Omday a
-___ _ - ____________
wmtntttae ctltod upon Urn to asttto
'Bava inote poriUon In rite govern' - WMeae ooS Ptas.
mnt departmanta. I shaU get him a
It seemed as if It would take a whols
pMee whera be wUl bava a ritance m paper of pine tomend that tom diaa.
^-asd make a record tor blmaslf. The wearer appealed to ber car nsightake it oat of a man

bto if I om *MSd A'pMBitoa to mate
«te:»em>» etMtetownaam^g

Mtee Nellie Adame will take popUe for
plane instnMften. Addieoa 1M6
Webater straat.

DB. B. umsiaT.

a .kL IfOBSB,
DR. B. F. CHASa.
•thtat, 6 and 8 fliithaHind The Popular AneUeaeer. of Qrand
Travarae ootmty. Oflea SM H Froat
BIWk: ettteans' phone 684. 7-U-TI6
atreet. Traverse CBy. DR. ARTHUR BOUDAT.'
«ved to oflfee ever Plrat NattoMi
ink. Cttteens' YBene 888.


"Whet are you dffipg barer they
said. ‘ThU U a gathwing of eaglea.
You are a vulture and are taot in our

jfifi Ihiaga" The snator slgbed tw
aaau hesitarion. 'the people hara mt
can go to work for
the IBvraaalon riiat you are ind^
edges and toning ba(B lapste. Attect
' ?^VatistbatagwidptUsrah*esked, slxtsen pins were produced. Vvatttm
I ib. NcMe,,
or fhsffl were oontriboM by mm.
"We amr need thVL.os modi as n MMC hm japAsd toatffisetriah


•^one Ul; yea. IM, 1
Ctlia answwwd any hour, day or iilgM
at Shmah ban or Uttte Tav^



Advance fur Sale
B^innw!< Monday, Auia
During tbe balance of August we are going to sell all
Furs and Fur Lined Oanurats at a straight discount ot

15 per cent
Too earlj to buy furs ? Not at a!L By buyioe now you
get tbe best of the assortment, get better furs, and tbe discount is
certainly worth saving.
season areSe BrS5ot?^’c^?tO«te
You get the beauty of the cloth garment with the yrarmth
^rarmth irftoe
fur, without tbe bulk.
We show them in 30 inch, 42 inch and 52 inch lengths. The
shorter cannents are without for collars, and smhe of tbe longer
wtth.tM blehded sqi^rel Unlj^ta, make a garment that few women
can resist buying,
garments are everyone of them new this
seasonHnst unpack^ thelastfeir days,


This sale Includes everythiHg in Furs
xnd eiids SalBrday. September X
■ ‘

'V -r-





THB daily BifiU

AtffitJST-lfi, IMS.

ford ahn >t iVp^tBBlty fi» g^
W. N. DaPay and famllyhav*


• to Kalkaaka to Tlalt Menda tmtU
*»*sa 08 lihof.
«■ VIS aetlsn upon
J. T. Ehlelda left yeaterday Ter a
CRy.—After three yean Mao*
vtelt vith hie-«faghtBr. Hra B. A.
M««. O. A
“d ttnt a permanent the erlBM was wxmnltted. John farBanea, of DeMt.
' '
under tbe styfo rdl of SttttevlDa. tltls eouaty, was
A bill for dlYem haa been e»e« CHICAGO REClFBOCItV CONVEN­
Praf.«. T. Ortwn hM gone to Lo<rf the
Bedproeal TaMfi victed of murder here Ihurndv af7 there Is adthlng finer
by Jamea A. HamUtem of
lead, vbere he will resort fat a tew.
Uagne a
mmtnlttee ol 16 be twnoon and eenteneed to Jadsea prtetoPuhlp, agalnat hU wifa Cwd !>•
the ehslr to have fnll'
state miaon tor life.
. C. F. Hunup and Ed Miller
power to
lalze and forther proseTARIFF REVISION.
Nortbport today to attend the Indian
cute the
tor Rhkb the
In Attorney P. C. 'QUbert'e oSoa. la
canpmeetlns. '
Uoo has
■ - w
wealthy dtlsen of Walkerten, aad fothOMOfiMled to give op her dnUee tem- BY FORMAL DEMAND'AB^K FOR
Chaa Ttigweot df.thia city, went to
> laorease Its
er at Mrs. John Tonag Of Omd Bapporarfly on aocoimt of atrttneae.
lioiigh OB thla mnmlnii to take a pofiershlp '
was found dead. He atarted
Chaa. Smufthwatte fiae retamed
fie ride sad h%l evidently fsDsn
from a two weeks' botlBeae trip to
On acecuBt ot.the lest
to FI
Mr. Ray aacket'and N'alaon Ullle, the Northern peBlneula and wUlioare
from hlB wheel dead, a vtoUm of he^
of tbU city, vent to Norttuort thla
Wnmiai of Iowa said la
toourrow tor Portage Lake, where the
O. fro Cmrvor * Brm.
speed “Hedprodty .
morning on boeinesa. /
Smurthwaltee have a stmunar eot*
win be to fhete oOees dnfog tariM
Chicago. Aagbst-18.—New Engtend dsmaed
Mf*. Hawley and daughter rstomed tage.
falat fraise and false
-Tnth his wife on his
^ eeeh dey, ready te write
Joined bands wtth Tetaa and all sec­
to KUigBley today after yleUlng Mends
Booth fapplanse). The back, T«*n E Morphy, Mtlet ^ecrpt
The Mieme Lela end jilyrta Miller.
tions of the eoiteitty met on wwimm
and relatiree la this dty.
so that the service In BL Lonia, swam
Louise Back. Helen Blaine, Bdna BageMr. and Mra. M. D. Carral of lift ley. Blanche Barnnm, Oeorgetta Mor­ grbnsd under the'name of the natlaoal
who stand for and to shore after his boat e^atsed to as
Franklin street, went to Nortbport to- gan, Hlldergarde Orawn and Once^ redprodty
the doetma The eOort to land a big flab Thuraday- Mrs.
d^ to visit a day or two.
r, the advocates of Murphy was dui^ed aeveTal tlmea,
We have just reerired a large
Hastings went to Northport
•■H«ne martets" and “the wodil'e
Mias Mabel Wdife and Mrs. Chaa. Columbia this morning to visit the
passed years of de­ but not seriously affeeted.
ihipraantof -WaaeaY BhoMthst
pression “
markets" are the watchworda
Ji^ce wAt to the Indian campmeet-'
"It baa fften enloglsad In ahetnet
ing at Northport this morning.
IS-yaapA party consisting of the Misses
and u Wyakoep TWipee.
and condeiAed in the coaetete. The old girt, was oenvieted of swiulttng
Miss Mary Llvingfttsn of this dty, Lois Lutman. Bnnlee Boeser, Bdlth BlinolB Theater'
Congress that the time is at hour has anved la wi^eh It is fair Mra. A. D. Bobinson. The teatlmcBy
went to Suttons Bsy to tIsU friends OIbbfr. Irene Pohoral, Maude MoMlohhand for a bhange of policy in prter
• ' tboM who are hostile to the eledted the foct that the girt was
I aolid and the Utest stylm.
snd ivi:->!v«ss for a few w<«ks.
ael. hUrion Glb^, Lottie SU^t of
ke^ pace with
toa^; sndr^gEatlfiedbe- fiFsnbstitote tor the Adrian School for
Mr. and Mn. Samuel Garland leave Luther, and Vrs. L K. Olbbs and her
Bm' and Totstbs’ Bough aad
tMttorrow for a two weeks’ trip up gneats. Mrs. Crofoot. of Chicago, went stridee at Amfirican industry and pn>thstlateeooarwariilB Girte aad she received sotenee a<
Bes^ tiboes «t- eahepOenslly
{-ror eoestutation re^rdtog leaeons
dudlon, and to declare that the “■tanidth^apj
Lake Saperlor and Oeorgiaa Bay.
appears to be some glmi lagly.
good valnea.
Nprthport to spend the day today.
end teiins cell at A^emy of Mnile.
patter" most got out of the way of
Mr. and Mra. A. O. MeTUe of this
who fi^t It wlU cone
BeQ Phone, Academy 286; CldaaM'
dty, went to Northport this atoning
Kslamazoe^^tae of tbe finest ^
Fhoue, Beridenee >»2
c i>et<m the pao- organs In the city, coating 86,000, has
Sectiem In Accord.
B attend the
.. us/iifrt It out
by 26 eouples of young peopla The
The eastern manufadertng InleresU pla If1re:Jose. let ns abandon the been Installed In the Pint CongreThe Rev. Hugh Kennedy has return­ -evening. nnUl a iate hour, was spnt
ed to his camp at Carp Lake after in dsnoing and fee cream was then and trade organisatlods that are In attempt, snfi U we win let those who gaUonal church during the past week.
clone touch with .international coip- are skulkinE. In the shadows o8 con- Other Improvemeats to the stnetnre
bolding a prayer kneetlng last evening.
id. Wyeoag's orchedira funi!
merM, the representatives of the see­ oestmeot TsGre to the jfiaeas that
. Mra. J. H. Stevenaen and daughter, the- music.
being finished. The ehurcb
tkpfa where ootton Is king, tbe c
' Hiss Bess Stevenson, of Kenton, Ohio,
Jot cowards and traitors contains the largest
HIM, who has
men tetHS the ranges of tbe South- to the policies of our g
are ^eets of L. L. Stevenson of thla the mason
work on W B. WUliams*
wesL ebeep hmeders 'from Idaho and
neWrresidence at the comer of Sixth
Mrs. Farrant of Klngslay. passed and Wadsworth streets,-eteppM
the westwn ' steppes.
Grand. Haven.—Grand Haven's pnbU CbMp, CiMB
1 the Mississippi Val- ther jogging with words and tbe pran- Uc library ptppesttian was defeated at
throngh the dty this morning to visit rusty snlke Tuesday forenoon, oanslng
Ise that is kept to the ear must not be the spedal electkm, reanlUng In
friaids and relaUves in Bmidre for Um to, take a compnlsory vaaatlon
•mi Bellableoo...
a whila
brating everything In agriculture and broken to the hope. Tl» gravity of veto. The qnesUon was tritethef the
tor a week or so. The spike eotend
' Ezra WIntera, aeeomprnied by his tbe bsU of the foot to a depth of the metOiaalo arte—all these breathe the altuaties Is maaUest and it Is Webster BatrireUer bequest of 17,000
acknowledged that we must meet It combined wtth a gift by An­
cousin, Orra B. Pelton. tf Toledo. O- aerly half an Inch.
if yeo u^ ueleg pewer It will
In one or two waya rctellatlon or drew Carnegie of 86,000, with hls ptwnhas gone to East Ka^ to fish for a
The regular mesting of Ms V. G.l. vision must and shall be bad:
ps^TM ts luvMtlinte.
few da^
tse for maintenance Included.
Q. dub was held last evedlng at the
Dr. N. J. IlIttiB.
« hem last al^t the foUowa Utah
Mrs. E. F. Carr of the So©, p
home of Boy and Alma Wise on '^nion
tbropA tbe city this morolnB «
street end they were royally entertain­
■The national way to .Empire, where she will visit ed. Among tbe featnree of the evenMssuftottiring
Plumbers Wbrldns In House Frighten- pany-s foctory Thursday. Pred P. Sun­ SSRProitBC CttTd.798relaUves.
were prophesies of each other, gtvM by Woman.
il and tedostrial i
Mre. Addle Water of Morley, Is iii
day esUmstes Us loss at 812,000 with
by the dlfierent members, wUeh
Battle Crfek. Asgust 18.—A i
tbe dty visiting her aUter, Mrs. O. B. proved to be very Interesting. The ebdatloiu of the United States, by
only $600 insuranoe. It U pnhaUe
Metcalf of 932 State'steeet/and other next meet will be at the home of Mr. deiegateB assembled at caileago An mid boiisewlfe has solved tbe plm
that be will not rebuild here oh
qfhesttML Tteterds^ was her last d^ count of Inadequate shipping fisdllt
and Mrs. A. Armltage on Ninth stred. gust IS and 17. 190S. hereby makes
in a rrated-'hosse, but the rent was
-the following dedaratlon of
Miss Minnie Miller of Frankfort
IS returned1 home
Shepherd.—Notwithstanding the fact
“Wherwte, the npieulture, maattfac- jeady to mova however, the Isad- that the, apple crop this year Is not up
e HtkglnS'Wltkop
p wedding,
lend sent up a hunch of plumben and to the usual standard In amount, lo­
day evening.
Will Be-Held at Edgew^ Monday turee and other Indwtries of this cosa
try hsve expsnded to sneh an extent pu^ them •tv'vork In,the hasemeoL , cal shlppen are «««di’ng oitt a
Mrs. Chaa Jeffries has returned
Their w^ anao;^ her children number of carloads. The green trait
The High edtool class of IftOO wUl thnt they ca^o Icmger depend upon
■hd the w^ftikn told the plumbm tc this year dn^ped from the^roes. with
been vlalUng relatlvee for the past hold its second reunion this sonuner, the bone maikiM for tab
Making and laying. Feethen remmh
ivB her the laugh and no apparent
Monday afternoon and evening and of UtHr entire pTOduete; and
ed . -Work thoronghly snd pranpUy
rhetemw the woman
“Whereas, tbe export trade has he- set at
MIm Ada Sheldon of Copemtsh, who a meeting of the class wUl be held
tote. Ag«u tor Mlchlfin Bag
Hne a vital support to msny of
has been visiting Hiss Edna Toong of this evening at the
oonneU haa
W a sh
Wadsworth street, returned
grsnted..the nee of thie streets .to the Cu»^ N, a Chapin. P«m- Trsvmwe
Walker, on Webster street, to perfect bidustries;
l-'jme this morning.
“Wheress. the export-tmAO,
,men for a street Air 4e he Ofr.
the plana
ptontag -Wochv m Wssha

David Hamilton of Acme, «vhe attoided ugh sAosl hoe last yekr. win
■s as the oommtttee on lagtim street TlkBne No. 118.
t gun was street fair may deride. ThM Ate is
leave Monday for Calomet where he not here -at the Ume.of the class
not to be a carnival but a r^nlar
will tescb the coming year.
gathertng at Carp lake oome-wmto
police ocnifi do iiathlnc. Tbe woman fair without any fake
Mies Landng and Mtes A. Lansing
rand the ibair next Menday is
vacated the house at the proper time
paased through the dty today on their
be held becanse of that It Is UKVU.. »oU«m t.
626 East Pront'st
Ann Arbor.-^atwiUistoading a pe­
way team St. Ignaoe to Empire, where probable ♦a.r the class will go
they wni Tidt old friends.
and spend the ~
1206 Sontb Union St.
Seme of the Junior East Side crowd and evening,
ybaUttbe Motbodlat eburtfii asking him to re­
Innch wl^ them win we'd^Nra aad on whom we ^ve
Wba tbe Brit
went to Carp Lake yesterday to pay and
splenW naval barrarim at Cbstbam main Rev. E s. Nlnde Insists that he
on a piece of ground which
ow anrpt^ products; therefmw he 1 they fitted up one of the isrgest rooms ought not to stay here another year
Jullni Beers a vlsIL In the
Is one of the prospective sites for
“Rwfived; first that this ooBventtoB In fine style for eonrt tnartiais snd and will go abroad for study and rest
they went to Leland in h
class cottage.
recognising the principle of proteo had “Court Marbsl” Inscribed on a
Nlnde. U the son of the
big brass plate on the door. When It Bishop Nlnde sod fonneriy hrid a
tlou as the esttbUsbed policy of
Prof, and Mrs. J. F. Wyseng of
Want tWrt aCAa
was stMut to be need tor tbe first
It and Mra Wysong-i
“Yours, of course. U a solemn bnsl- cwtry, advocate reciprocal concee time the dlscovwy was made that Oi« pastorate In Detrelt
sister, Hn. Ed Jolios and her husband nem.” said Uw friend, “but there isn't stone by means of a dual or maximum tegolations require
lire all naval courf
If as the mo« avall..—Martin Harahey. aged 62,
of Anderson. Tad., went to Chip lake much work ehont It, Is thoeT"
to be beld o tbe water.
aWe and praeUeal method of rrilev“Well," replied
It lodge and Catholic rituroh
thla morning to spend tbe day fishing.
ftpC the strained altnation with which
Art Winnie made a nice csteh p,-*there Im't much ph;^eal lah«.
worker, died snddeely while at work
you've we are now
Ifs pretty h
la the Michigan CeotraJ trel^t bonse.
tiont up the Bcardmac yesterday.
. . , . that'the qneetlMi of the cook as the ulxt wan."
Rupture erf a blood vessri In the
There were ID nice ones in the meee, ______________ It to a single souL al“1 don't know anything about the
Utbe atmospheie these days sudsb
ranging tetan speckled ones eight* In­ tbongb the benae of tbe deceased is k^^ules and IMbb to be considered next one. but yen'll have to be better brain was the cease of death. He was
everybody snffer* from the brnt?
born In Spricervlllo, Eattm oonnty.
ches long to two rainbows each 18 fairly Jammed with peopla”—Eletrolt In such reciprocal ooncesslons prefer­ fiian tbe la«t ona”-Honston Post
ably be anggested by a pennaimt terlived- bm tw«iiy.elght yeaia, BeUef? Surely! Hsve plenty of ie
laches In length.
i. to be created by e
SMlal Aalns.
working for twenty years at the axle a'loat the place fov Temonsde, beer.
The talk at the Children's Hour at
'batever yon like u a cooling
three o’clock tomewrow aftemoen srin
Oeodd-As It la tb he a eeact -cn- Vhlch shall .ceosiat of ecoeomlc. in­ I know they would be glad to coma'
drink. As to ice supply, year best
be a continuation of the stories
gtpnent It would not be wise for me
“But my desr. people who would be
company, plaa U te oonsnlt oa We sen
King Arthnr-s court. Next week Miss to five yon a ring at pwent Goral- dustrial cemmerrial expo^
glad to come arc the very ones you
ily aad at a mod
Pugsley wlU tell s Mory about Bhbln dl^-Ob, but I couM wear It on tbe ; Third, that it is the Msue of the ■bonld not Invite."-Pnek.
and fannera. has b
mvehticn that our pteewt tariff afwionghand;
Hood and his merry men.






4ot IVeafber


Wfm. H. Steffens

For Good Goods.

& Co.


Fine Dental Work


ElMtrie U|ht 8
Power Cmii|i«BT.

Your Cholec lor





Do Yon Wont lo Bay?

A Dollar


Flat Creaii Tinted /(^

Widi a psde^ of Jien-O Ice Cnsm Powder«Bd
sqosrtofmilk,ormUk and ensm aoAUsed, you
M msk* and freerne twe
flf deBdoas Ice
&ssm U ten mindces.


cT-'o.: E

tMa Bool

V « r~
bm .po.

iMUitt-teee'aa. imotai.
_.wi6 .

bnilding and Installing the machinery
wfll be done fay the Hastings Industrial Smoke them'away lo that peace,
company of Chleaga
tort and joy bringing cigsr. tbC OaTB
POST! Its aroma and ilighUy
—Edward HsrrtogtCB,
who was having s day off
Tor the I ^ waa Instantly klled by
e train. "He and a
man known as “Boss" Packard drove"
to tbe races and started acrees the
Weal Front
tracks at Fourth street as a
Madison ■tneels and Jrffrrsuo
train approached. The train btruefc
sveane, alM half acre loU Mnridr of
city Umlte faring ,oo Fs ion strrvi,
Some of . .
erally torn to pieces. Hls head was
land in acre lots or upwards
cut off aad hls body tern late fragpU-asodi end -'rvhalde.
menu.. Psricsrd was thrown 80 feet
If you d<> n*a wsirt to build ihU rear
bill was not seriously tajur^
eonre a home for the foture.^essenoWr; *-ouliI l;sde for
Ann Arbor.—The garbage wimnlttee
bouse and lot or other real eetete
Eleb soil by the load or lo qosaUty.
of the omnmon oouaeU baS"reoelTed
rr fisc •
bids and will recommend te the oousdaUrequaliries win makeyo.i forget
cil tbat the caring for the
tolof your worries, aad sweet contest
the city be let to three men, who win
dwcdl la thmr stead.
gstber It and draw it off to the limits
to Bank Bids
of the city to feed te hogs. This wfll
cost tbe rity 82.600 a year. whOe the
malntoinauee of the garbage rrwngf
cry. after bring buOL would'fest 8UN
per year.
rieetririsna who bare beee outoteOto In thla
rity tor two weeks against the ClUsriw’ Trieirfuee Co, will retnn
wertt Saturday. The strike *was
tied when .C. B.'Tarte. of Grand Rafh
Ids. genera] mansger of the etonpany,
signed an agrcrinent with the ualon.
Tbq first deatsnd of the ooOpeny
furunropwebop’-brntheems. .
yiriisd eo this txM. sBd the uslda
yleMed cm eeme ethriu.

lost tender snd deUcioneef
frhvD br.dkd jori
right, tom
must be cut

Wire drawing was invcBtea tT Bm
driph. of Korvmbnrg to the esrfr part
of the fifteenth century. Wire was
aratmidetoEagtoiidinld* _


ttene for
tor your early dinoer.


Oor. Bth and Frui^ Sts.



ciGARfine$2^5,000 Fȣ

She Mew BMk ««tiatlflBhB
fta taigwt and beat egolivea Ina^
Boa «C Ita klBft in Bie wwld, ehbflM
Ka aoppUet of troplenl flttM from m
waters of Bermoda. Soma of the
att ^ meat beaottfol «>edM are «x>
eaedla^ bard to catdi. perttstshtly
nfaalag to taka a halt, .and on Btla aeCMMl It baa been found wsiwasary
nmt» a wtT.BOTOl and Ingnlaua
adigiBt <0 affoct thalr capture.^

« *«>»■



thMW • pU* 0<
4B8ta«e eatlta»ted M (Z^ODO
lU«*l«8ii WatWng
ihrea idU« wott »t lI«ISk«W*. »l «*►
L-egOB HBJgkt*. iMt Bl^l.
Tter«einlBnte«»ftw the whittles Ud
blown for ttmttJn* down • workmen
lighted « elesreue whIM ttendlng In
the «niehii«;raom on. the eeeend floor.
Oil wette wu Ignited end-deiidte the
effect «t the few warti^ reme‘"«"«
N in t«fr hnlldlnfc
r«ed6*»'«nge te«k «|a^the.



A.'e. Bellinger wae a Traverae CHj
visiior >«ttordar.
h. Cl fleott of Petoakey, U in Ihr
city for a few days.
CKa* Kreupa. Jr., of Old Mias'eq
waa in' town yeaterday.
, —
Mra. Oe< ria of thia

I. W. Beekel e^'k
buslnsa In the eltr yastsrday.
C. R. CidtoD of Benaonla, Is stoppinc
afOie WhlUng hotel for aiew day^
Mrv 0.1.rr William* and a-n cl
VnMon returned home, after i ahcal
slay In the tity.
Mn; Jan et Murchia and aai left
this worn ng lor Tnstln, Mich., wbeiu
they wUl tMU relatives for a abori

Miss Qrace Mmicm of
strdM. and Mlaa K. E. Msteee left
morning for Marquede to visit ft
-M-. arvd Mrs. W. L. tyon of tiay.ord,
whb bale been visiting in Ihv cUy
went Kire.tola morning.
a. J. Morgan ..and Will Fairchild
started ior St. Igaaee and other t’;<
per beolnaula polnto tols noon.
Mra. Ca'penUr of.Read Cit/. ¥rbo
has li^-en vkltlng Mrs. Typd SoofleM
of West a-eventb str?et and Jifc* K
M. Scoflelu, returned borne tlSb tnorn

Baauiatir la Ftt*ra.
ft ts true there are pecolUr aped'
mens of taOisani^ to prlacos-cranka.
fmaha, degesentss and hardened and
vktotts diaractecs-bnt so are totn all
torea ootaUe tbe prisons mixsd to wltb
toe otter people of toe world to toe dif­
ferent gredes of eoeiety. The deUberats profcaaleual criminal, wltb pecub
1st and prroouneed diaracteristlm and
farming a'dlffmnt type of man and
I, la too totraqnent to constltnte
" •
. be «




ty. Tboae who do not agree
ImpreealaD and peisUt to believing
toen la a distinct, typical

Some nm work Just enough to keep
Ever we wants alwaysl to be able
to work, bvt not always to have to.
If you don't like certain penoas. bow
you hate to bear toelr.mwey rattle!
Here la onsBlgn that ypn are taismy
too mbto-wben jour listener tries to
pull away from you. „
After a man passes fifty It U Impos­
sible for blm to get up any entonslasm
about anything bnt hU tnrablea.
Ever nc^ce bow tbe big fliee avoid
fly pape-l It Is the same -with toe real-'
iy big men. They are seldom candtL
can follow directions to making
a cake or cutting out a ablrt. bnt there
are no directtcos that can'be followed
SDccessfuily to managing a man. Some-,
bow be b not Ufce a cake or s aU
Aitolson Globe.

■ pOBUdsr -Tes, plaisa.” It wu a bto

Bridgewater, Maas,, and tt
«u while be^u living there that tbe
toddent occurred wbldi b related be­
low. It Illustrates bU babittul coolness
and whimsical tempw:.
iwakened one night by hb
wife, wbo told blm abe tbeotot there
were burglars to tbe boeie. The aqutoe
put on hit' dressing gown and ^&>t
downatalra. In tbe hade ball be found
rough looking man trying to open a
door that led Into toe back yard.
Tbe bnrglar had unlocked tbg do^
nd wu pulling It’with aU bla might
-It don't open that way. >on hUotr
ihouted tbe cqnire, Uklng to tbe man’s
predldunwt Instantly.
'Tt alides
__________ .
, . The 4>r«.Ke Tree.
The orange tree floasers during near­
ly tbe whole of toe anmmer. Tbe fruit
^es two years-to arrive at maturiiy.
so tbat f<v seystjl montbs to tbe year
a taealtby tree exhibits every sage,
from tbe flower bud to tbe ripe fruit
Tbia gives the trees tbdr rich appeartotbs,
- . ..nripe
and golden hues of The mature fndt
mingle with the dark foliage of the
leaves, while ttae bright blossoms pre­
sent a charming coiitraat


jr loog ago toe BUckfeebbad toe
y one knew
of, toe raatatt bme of wtaldi any one
conld teU or whldi any one had seen.
Be was a source of wealth to tbe tribe,,
for liwllana are very fond of betllns
•Bd this animal always .woo everytolng that was bet agatnrt blm. Ton
can bnt^e bow prgnd toe Blaekfeet'
of this 43'eatnie.' Ton can alaor
tmaglBS hew enrloaa wen toe BtoMya,
toe Crows, tbe Skmx. tbe Creeks and'
all tbe otba ‘Indians of toe plains.
Stealing is considered fair between
tribes, and If it can be Bnccessfuily
done those savage people think it very
honorable, even- glorious. Tbe Blackfeet. therefore, kept tbe wonderful
race bone In a tent at nlgbt They did
not dare leave blm out wltb thelroUier
horses. They bought a string of bells
the HndsoD Bay company’s nearest
fort, put tbe bells around tbe horse’s
neck, Ued him to a Upee pole Inside
This wu toe rule
every nl^t. and on no ni^t did the
men. forget to ckwe the door of the
t^ and “cineb" It U^t with ttongs
of buckskin. Whoever wnM steal that
big white beenty of ajiorae bad to be a
v^'clerer iblef, toey tooniht; but to
truth, tt
could bei
Tbe soarteat tblef among ttte Oow
iniiun* told bis tolef and tbe bead
men tbat be wu going to try to _
fmm tbe Blaekfeet
crawled tbrougfa the
grass to tbe toll bluff along tbe Bow
river (Dortb tff onr Idaho. I ttalok. was
toe locality), where the Blaekfeet bad
their camp-. He. saw tbe noble borse
led-Into a cKMIn tent and be saw tbe
four wattoers go In and eloM the door.
Nlgbt fell, and be crept down tbe
Blanting bluff Into tbe camp. Tbe only
thing be bad to fear wu toe baiklng
of some dog. U a dog saw or beard
blm and barked, tbat would set all tlm
ottier dogs barking, and be would -be
obliged to run for. bis Ufs. Stenltolly.
as only an Indian can move on bis soft­
ly.moccastoed feet this arto thief of
toe titled Crow Hatton crept Into toe
Blaekfeet camp Be had to tttfi <
several sleei^ dogs, and he did
awaken one. He esne to toe tent of
toe -wtaita bona. Re tookad ttwn okec.
He Wttit to uttrtm- usm «aA(ta*
tartoa ftom Its aide and rentod tt and
ImUana use to toe summem It to made
of two long poles wltb toe appw ends
nSar togetfan-; the tower ends sprred
apart and drag op«i the ground. Ton
see by this deecrtpUtm tbat If a travola
Is stood «n end It can bs made to servs>
as a tort of ladder. Tbns toe arcb tolef
of ttie Crows osed toe one he pot up
against tbe horse tent On It he dlmbtop of tbe tepee, and from
there he got a view of the Interior,
looking down between tbe tent poles
tbat form the sides of toe cbimoey
hole. He aaw tbe bone dimly.
more dimly be uw tbe four
bealde tbe borse, ail uleep. He eUmbed upon toe tent polee; he poised his
body very nicely In tbe-dilmney open­
ing; be dropped fairly end squarely
iipoB toe white b^'a bae^
Tbe toatant he felt blmself on toe
beck of toe beast bla knife, which wu
to bU band, ewept torougb toe cord
tost tethered tbe bone. His heels shot
in a^alnn toe bone's sides, toe bells
rang out sharp and clear, and toe borse
snorted with enrprlse. But ttae pressnre of toe tbleTs beela urged the ani­
mat forward, and u be took one step
toe man reaebed out and silt a gaab
straight up and down throu^ toe futeoed door, wUcb wu only bneksUn.
The four Indians leaped to their feet,
• It U)p borse and bla captor were now
It to toe open ground and like tbe
wind sbot away from the camp,
walritets ran and -yelJed. toe dogs
htike I. tbe whole tribe rushed out of
toe tents, and every man sprung ..
borse. But what wu tbe oae? Tbere
wu DO bone toat could esteb toe ani­
mal,. and so toey all tuisMd sadly borne
again after a mad rids of a- mlk or
two. Tbe tolef rode in trtnmpb borne
to toe teits oC-toe Crows, aitd rfam
that day his tribe owiie^ toe great
white hone, and his fsmA-Anfl tbttr
ridtsa tncreased.-Fram yvta.Balpbl
Btorlea Told by Indlaaf-NItoa

"BUnks bu a perfect
tbe breakfast tohle.
denslDg evarytbiog. Did yon
‘T’b glad T«o totok bo." said Bbyliu, beprofxfcedr
with a Unto and a giance MlNr ma.
Ton Vet be te." eoutiiaiip«Dmffly.
"He beld up an engagement
"He’t a real sport W>y. be gimme a ton toe glri’-s eyes and uid 'BSr "
quarter not to tell what I aaw to toe
"And wbat did she uyr
’ •«be Just nodded."
’-Philadelphia Prare

to* U mtobig Sp ..
days of ISn, l9t the
full of wtnnto, d
Unsays toe Vw
Tbe Bad
Dailey anfl w«i 1
wrt to the tosre
days. Evsey re
be wanted, boa
kSMUHl MkMC.-%at tbe
always db. a>«M fnli.
asv s
^ alwaya-j^g to;^ to. w


WAMTSD-Blds ftr tha Job of grtflaff
a Htoto tublar lUl with a Hflte
eulBC M Mtoool .dlatriet Ma
Whttowatartowpshbt. AUMlBnat
JOetta Mocn la M atoam* oMSfla ho to hr too SSto of AngML Tbo
Midr. bgt uMorM eBBBtxymrelMto, n^hoDl heart reoerreo too flglfl to
w ntotr «>A aotorlwM-bt fllafl totw MaMtorolec
“ ; of reject any or all Wda. Ad^ In PBIMW «f OH aga-aa toe iMt
flnao,>^ 1 Bm Bk BagUA
Vl^ TMto ago h*
fttot totote, dt wm to a OnM i
. math to regno to aotohan
1MF> ootoo lore aflUii. Bto an- CohmditoteM.
toggoMt lay ttaxk dead, nod hb '

Aoeotflig; IM to glMnMrthaa)MT oooorod ore greteotoo re»w bond.
Ore oto otoooto too laigeot to liMttre,
and gaflenod by an BMBeoflA Wrtto

Fta IMgreio and CtflnreM and s
Mllng tooir axpMto.
- or and anon ba I
tsti-too eaaktl hat e
b&MmetB, too Tsdret Jodkat wHh rih
Tre bBUoM. a ooiWao rtsng at Ids
bock, a teore to hto watotoaad tad a

toto. K. T, Atlanta. Ga., La Greree,
y- Tt—TtTTiii. Tni. fliii rioadaiiiL
tm -

WAHTBD-Bto ur 10 hnreo povsr
bottor and engtoa B.J. OockAdlt
Mottm ttrosc. attoonr phOM Kk
AH work BSOttodm

wd. GttilMO’ pbOM. o

g’MJ ^

anpOTto obrnt. only •---------------

!5rtA^ii i‘SS?ii flSre
FOB 8AIto Fatf oecoo ct gdoktond.
•OK. hemlock ted ■agio tto^. tea
oorda of wood, lore mbm olaurt.
■mao bogoa wm fltoo homo and
baggy ne part paymwd. A. B. Owtto,
^B BiTto-A 1

doitdtotmOT Ton nan fix pnyati
to ettt yorenatt or tnM Rr etber
tvorty. Ltttlo k Bhretor, m

WANTED-^ pncteoo A good wmUr
Front brndtog lot. into k Bhretcc^

FOB BAIA-Funa Of 44 Mroo; tow
prioa ted oo>r tarmo. litrta k
Sbortre. m Fnret atnot. nutM

aura food ban. ■
aoU and_____ _______________

FOB 6ALB-140 nereo wtet of Ltmg
Date only fU par nexo In trectojo
eult; OTo a I or nil, and on t4iM
to outt you ■littto k teewtOT M»


" «•^
Tor Travoreo Ctty pr---Shortor. »2 m£

WANTHD—A low more Oman hooMO
to BOH to onotte Ml te tbo oore
poymartpton. littlo k Shertre, Sa

mnt attrek

In Antrim eotety, near Tore* Inks,
•LOOO, eore torma.nlee bootw reeort. Uttlo k Shortok m Frent


and Garfield avteua eeny i

tJ^Sty” l55?k
Bbortre, m Front Btroat. tffItM

FCont atnieC .

>E3tSONAD-Wben yon «ro tiNA «f

cated I7 tola_____
meunred by 4j]toto
taappewed to
stogle tweire
Flitt came to
by Boi Hanna, growtog^t of trouble
over one LtlUeH., -who always drww
crowd at tbe Tgiff KAdiaoge. Ttali
wu follosrcd by a^lgo figlit of largs
proportions, wblto wu xoon forgulP
ten to tbe excttemant-tosi foUowOd
tbe cutting born of tbe fcngdon bro^
some mltong property,
wbhh both dial bef<B« Uie.v could
aepatatsd. Hsfdly ^ ttiU ec<
closed till Bd Vaheo ent bl» throat
when all had beat atom and lost
the green doth. Thsao bad been fol­
lowed by no leas than-tim'^' obootlngB
wherein tbe prtndpolir w on- unhurt,
bnt aeverel bystanden ‘
Kelley bad
namored Uirough ail
of these, never mlreb^ a -deeJ’’ nor
making a mistake la toADge. and badbere beard to remark that all the
devils to bsdes conld not break op hii
gameone nlgbt Dan noOcto an unusually

roreigsterwu good looUng. bad white
soft bands and made liitge bea.
next night be,«u toet* asaln.
early, bootet fCX»0 wretb of toipa.
loat them, bought again and lost again
and qntt toe game at 4 o'clock in tbe
mwnlng. After this be-came regular­
ly every nitet always slleut. alwaya
betttog baavlly and nearly alwaya
loalng, This went on till he became the
canm of ranch curkielty and epsenlatlon. "WU wu U1 Where did U
come trom? BTiere dU be get his
moneyr With ibue and many otter
qneetlass rumor wu busy. One day
he wu toa son of some New York
mimtoilra toe next a foreign noble­
man. ua* a •tepper," end so it wait
Bsedlmo of all this, silent to all tblnga
about hlaartf. never drtnklng. rardf
open to toe atreeta. only one thing
BM^^TO_bs conttoned to «—
- heatHy-how heavily only btaStolf and
tbe-O^.^ellgy, knew. Afterward It

tod came.’ Be t
P^<!t <»e evening ■with KMley at
^ ereda, Potter keeping reeee. Everya. «2l ^ that be
bo^ Jem and bet B^ter, thongb
yivMatog. Toward morning be
Mrvonniae end w
tettjgfl iUpping a small bttid ri
on the gttie Anger «
PaHtoce is bittoiv %t Mb Mt is
te^b^ Once be teA It <*. «>«
Tbltotr placed It beck ag^ Hewore

tt* Fu Vmt.
Brttitb Tourlst-I aay, what makes
•ou Amerlcsni talk wlto.y«w u
would L Wlfa-Dih] I think sraoktog
Amertcan-1 say. stoat nulkct
ctgare u a wlebed -wasta. HnabandBrtOoben talk wlto rom dont-yog- Ttea you steolfl net smote. Hand ms
nOBl—I,oodoB BxpreM.
Judea an
ban by Us answers,—Toltatte.'

T dost MDmWtodyrtlpt on tos
L Thank yon ao mneb?"

‘Wan. he said tore were a siB«
r and toen be waant wUitog
Utog to
Bad mo too mow
moare to bet wltb.’'-]
trett Free Pnu.


WAMTBD—TSA beMT toamo te-*nr
tomhar.-goadVagao. FhoBowwnu
OaiF Late Lnmhsr Oo, Riatfaa.


paylnd rent to the tondtort «SA and
aeo bow onidly yon ea-««« hgaa


CsU4*^aa« She
Cs*4m «t B4es.
Zbe tV^vere’
'Evers' company claims to be
and also bscome Caiolllar
tbe oUest'gnlJd. so far u tbe date of
BAtM Of onr penal InsUtntiona. admit
toat colz a amall portion of tbe elaat deners’ company, on ihs other, band,
Are eonflned toereln.-0. B. Ordwa^ It pnu to a plea for precedence on tbe
score tbat our first parena were gar­
deners. Tbe present master
MttherSad___ __________
One of tbe most wonderfnf tblnga
Mother Katnre does U to teadi her company. Adam and Ere were 'bktonen" before'they troubled ttwir hesds
B bow to
i snd appliances that seen en- ’ 4 hortlcultur8.-Londw Proah.

k (birds do not naa their claws for
this pniposs), a catSTplOaf can ahape a
■ymmetricai cocoon and bees toe ttiarp
angled cells of their combe. Tbeae ate
familiar tnttances of tbls.*bnt bj no
means as w<mderftil as tboae etwwn to
toe work of some Sea animals that live

IM-C Ms««wr hr Whlah
riM«ett wf AU Pteede Was aMreS
Foe Ola Owa Mh* hr tha to"0>*so«
ThM Aatoo* «ho cewm
All Indians itoo use faoraea are v«^
tond of horse racing and not only race
tottr own bomaa against ona anotoo,
but they nee tbato own agalott ttuia
of other Ortbsa and oaad to do toU evse
in toe wild en «f toe boOelo and pt
noBsant warfare.. Evan at that ttae
fittendly tribes aifi bands Jetned In toe

SsMiareare Cflre

compact borage
hattary whl<± U beU to a leatbe
pondi beoMtfi tbe arm of the opera­
tor, who wad* BB quietly as poaalMe
toronih the ahallowa aM Inrades. wltb
as little disturbance aa may be. pook
among tbe rocks. He cantea a long
handled dip net. to tbe handle of whlds
A wire la attached^ On tbe end of the
nrlR U fastened h amall percoaelon
bap of tbe kind osed
used tor exploding
orer th< entire eecond floor flyiumite eartrldfea. It la tlM buraOng
or t* toctoiT end. tearing e .geplni of the cap that la r^ed upon to.atim
hole Uuwutfi the roof of the facUn», toe flsh.
•OUtered pteeM Of the roof bandreds
feet aw- .
-The hole In the roof toroied a draft
flor the flamea, and »-* few mlnutee attenpt tbe all^teat nibble. Accord­
ing toe percnuloo cap at tbe end of
telaetoiT w*a miBrthliig furnace.
' Kukegon flrasien worked bard, and toe wire is concealed either by soma,
at k o’clock the flames bad been got­ thing eatable or by a bunch of grass
wrapper btooimI it Mr. Flab wonders
ten jBder control.^..
what It Is. renturea near and baa In­
stant leaaon Jo regret bis Imprudence.
The flsbCTmBD cloeea the drcolt the
I exploded. Iand
TtcUm is rendered twtoe moment life1ms. toougb recelrlng no permanent
by rerersliig toe
(l^wclal to Tbe Sallr Batfe.)
at, PeMnbfrs. August 18.—Amba*- dip net, be is gathered In, and a few
aador Merer has secured Important daya later be flndt himadf swimming
abobt In a tank. '
conee^itta In Ruasla regarding the The ftstaes ttom Bennnda are carried
import doUes on American machlnerr. 9 Ne^j^ on Btatmera. of course,
tods, etc. This announcement will be and It Sh'Ttolifi tact that during tbe
fl«t twenty-four honrt of tbe voyage
made br Mr. Wm» In a few daya.
toey are Hable to become quite aeaslek.
-Saturday Efmlng Post



riialan—» WHn
■TOU bars ben aarioaaitooBwAortfleat Bnt
wa TOtorsc. Tiettm-

“to a watti. Evlwbetotr of toe bead
toe toast. «vto ^ watto and laid It to too
BbonM altep alone a
and loet STnallr te
wltboot aaotber ri._
off. laid It to too
Towels, soap. etc_ used by toe pattent W« of beartt. toUed Me armi OtttoO
sbonJd not he touched by aay other
“*e toble and rettod bit
psreon. Ko one should “ako" bis htLr^.i'^
^ on them. Keiiey dinfltod 4be
toreth and biasing mnst be forbidden
by toe densstte parliament Howeren many good folk have lost faith
When any
her Od tos family bu a oold tore rer

*■ to tsi
# the
tzvto, u maal^ dore.

not a wort woo tobb«-f
^ and bfrtn toe ring

lA)ST>-lAdra ntottetoa goU-watte
at' toe boB gatoo Weaneodre
ing. Batnm to Bagto otoco and sw
oolTO reward.,

Uttle k Skortre, :

_________ IteMLno____
plMod watch fob wttbBold %.O.T. STOBB buOdlBg. stock and flxturu.
Will sbUoU or any part, or will rent
- Ftodre pleoBO loteo at
*->^otonoe. Cbao.M.
iveme City, Mito. «Ttf

next to Front. B. J. Oooh^ 4tT Man-



in varto^
try tonenroNRadnrtlaak OansTO
Si^.BISBteteMroet. SSUtM

lAx^-Fmi rtunr


tr fitBOTd. toeread ahent om alto
flroOT o^Mman. Trace nO in hire*

BDUSS to BBMT-QMI ht Ifl tett

COOT wlto Mto.

FOB Bil» Bmsfl Moot on Wabatre
Mrwt; vrey low pries cm moOTbly

u released U ttaea
n of tnnlib«iiA.-k

bis dwdltog nta a favareMs
ogportnntty ooesend. when bo flMod
blm. flrtd with tatol stert aiH cRvfld Ue ertma to too poBea toih« Mo
Brigandage to now
ptot to Ootobrio. no
r ttoB to too wtoioqff OocMtL
■0 loBgre Bido wlto too eto^d
t agtoortty MW toat Mtob to
IM igpyai-. MiliiiHi tod
TOT eoteot rt^ ttfltoOTgto an

too patvaJ lOTtoWw ltlton>*:


tor «■!; wtet to toRk fler tore a
to ho «SM tor tore. ▲ Atoa «rt

1 honor hsoteM ho WOT
■iltflreOHOT ThsMsgo

oolA ban re •Smote

, 90^ otroat-e ft.


ilZLf&nsriut MB

IMtluw. .t. taivl..HV trite IN .
I«* uto. * Btour.


r » uu* te 1

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