The Daily Eagle, August 26, 1905

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The Daily Eagle, August 26, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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VOLXIL NO. 8844.

We want room for Pall
and Winter Goods. <




e«NM H«MtUa|Man-

Chle^ Oflldala Ham Bmn Aakad



Ice Boxes 4
Gasoline Steves

Teoterdar The DnUy Bade had
diapatch trcn Cbtesso teUlng of the
arraat at Artbor Matiem in that dtr
for holding np and robbing a woman.
The dispatch also MtMieA that the po­
lice t*ion|4rt him to be the aame mu

Porch Settees
Porch Rockers

The monUnr peqm todar have a 1
complete accoont of the atncr asd al­
so «( MattaacB. who It la claimed Is n
stilke breaker and has been Aiplored
hg the
dnrIns the recent atrlke trenHei.
R le thonght br raanr here that the
mu U the ArUrar Matteetm who
bora end brtni^t op M Travene CH7.
Hts Bister, Ufa. Bed Oddman. fe«n
that it Is her'brotbm as she knew that
he was woridng few the >dm Bxpreas compasr ud that dievmsUnce
together with the name laada her to
btilere that tte mu la her brcOier.
Mrs. Geddmu hu written to the an.
thorttlee tor parttealara bnt hu reeeltred no reply u yet.

$1.00 Down and
■ $1.00. per month

A-ABSocte, the oendy
«9eet by Ols time
to be dotog bnstneu In
own new And modem botory
heerly jomfdeted at the oomer

BaeMts, ,
. -of «Bmr odd preporthma.

And to hare bbtalned poaun
thoaaaada of aoraa of mlnahle timber
-8eor tnAb teamnent ot-Oe faoM oaoartUi. Ttee tte befier for
_ ud 'ateaB eboldng patpoaea
inmtaDed isJte sorth end. with the
a ^ oppoelte end. ne
materl^ «0 Aiao be Btorad 4twi«.
he wbIb «Oe* wm be loeated at
the ftnnt'on .thf Int Seo^.thla Is
nearly Mpteted ud will recctre ihe
painter** AttanUon Monday. Tbewslla
are ital—nlned end the wiBTraR a
ed with preaeed atud. A Sre ^aee is
a pleaMag feetnre in «M «ont«r.> The
pay window H looated At the north
sMa tH the oOoe. Buk od the oOoe
<m the ftrst floor U fnmd the dhRrplng
and stock room.
The employes enter the factory at
the eut aide entecuoe on the first
floor ud go directly to the MMory
without hETisg to pau throq^ the
boainen «HBoe u Is the ease at 1
(Oontmned on Page Poar.)

J. W. Slater

WheloMlo and fUtalL

Year Reliabto Hem* rumUter.



for building.this fall,
we strongly advise your placing the mder with us at
today’s pricea
We can always guarantee qualities, but when it
comes to prices we ^n guarantee only on what stockwe have on band.

Hemlock Wood,

At one dollar ud
one G)Uar ud fifty outsmuy fifty and ^ty-five
cent •oodagdagatthirtyelghtoentstooloee oot.

OorKcwMl Sifts


are in—at leaae a good
many of them—hare yonis
laid away—well do it for


Talking Machines

And you may tiy It
We will send one
for forty-eigbt hours
This offer is good for TEN DAYS O^Y.
Our object in making it is to Etimuflte indo during these hot August days
while shopping is far from pleasant

■ '
Here is» opportunity to esperieno^ersonally, and ip your own-home, the
wonderful store of pleasure and entertrajpent pow «V^lable to everyone, and
everywhere, by means of the marvelous ]®I80N PH0N6QEAPH and the VIO*
While ‘Talking Machine” is die term generally
appUed. to YICTOBS and EDIRONS, talking is the
least of their many attraetSons. In fact, they are
the most versatile of* all entertainers, human or
mechanical, for they reproduGe with absolute aecuracy every iofm of mu^, every instrument
^ every voice. The entire ww*ld of music is open to
the owner <d R YIOTOR 6t an EDISON, and the
Greatest MnsioslArtiBtB are at his instant command.

Would not such an ipeft^tible 6ihd uf entertainment brighten up your

wnm- fatnilv TianniAW. and

VOUT friCndS ?


would bp- oMged to
while the. elauee la the new treaty
only reqolMe the anelatangie M Japu
Bosincee College ere_____ .____ _ . laUon bvoriag exelealon o< 3
ao tar ae the BriSeh celeniae In 4^
to 120 per week. Yon-«« do
from the United States, along the
let and tbe Paolflc are oooaara^
Iloee as the preeent Chlnaee exdosi(«. Tbe reaoliiUoa wa* iatrodnbed
Any amhitloas girt cu make her by B. U Wolfe 'of Calllonia. Ur.
vay In the world by pr^aring herteU Wtdle le president pro tom «C the
for a good posltloh at Tmrem City CdHtomia Japaaeee Bxclaslon eoototy.
^Blnesa Coll^.
I explained that tbe recolntian wan
dlre^ed only agalnBt. the JwfiWM
ud Koreu cooUe Moment. wUeh. he
Bald, is as detrlfflcotal as GUaeoe
pooUe'imffiigratian. ney bare even:
{^e into the motraoring bnaineae in
Callfomla. be *at«olM u lasunee where a Japaaeee oontraAor
bout a hooae for $4,400 v^are . u
Americu doujd sot do It for leea thu
[SpbhIal to Tlw Dally Bagla.1
JeffefMB City,Mo, Aug. SL-Beporta
from the State CommleMoner of Labor
the total prodnet of Mtaaouri
hena to be $Sl,«4t,7dL>l. Whldi Is
.This is the best kind for Old Pleneer of Evert Wae ea Inrvwte of greater thu the oomblaed product of
the horaee. mulet. ahe^ ud-hoga.
cleaning all kinds of white
caovBS'or duck shoes.
Mark P. Chaei u oU pioneer if
;We ewry a big assortoent
the Civil war, died at tbe asylum
of standard shoe dresaings. of
Wednesday evmilhg at the age od C9 WERE GATHERED AT THE A8Y- LUM FOR A SHIPPER.
yeara. Hr. Chase enlisted In the
■prtng'of 1861 fo Wayne county sad
four yean in the S4th Mich.
BhoeStneOpp. Whiting BoM
. Be leaves u aged wife ud
one gnndson. T. W. SoUnaon of Iketrott, who came for the remalaa last
Bight tons of rags loaded on three
evsBlng ud took them to Bvart tUa
morning whwe the funefal wlU be held. -agona was tbe unuataa atght .which
people on Pront street saw thU momtag at about 10 o'ekMk. Tfot that rags
unusual slMits but sneh a great
amount together M nrtdmn seen.
They were done up In'
The Michigan Trust Com were being shipped by
ud they come from the asypany Named as Tros” DetrolL
into. being the .BBount that had
tee and Co-exeentor.
ulated in the past yw,.


Yon can’t 4o wHboul

^leiktake advaotaM

fendind OiMupass




MDSKBOON, Mich., Aug. 26.1446.Tlm vUl at Mrs. Oharies B. Hacklny
- «ed in the Probate Court this
__.alhg by the Mleddaka Trust Oompany-of Grand
In the
tfanaitloB of the vast eatoU left Sor
toMr. HacMey, the will Ipdtoatoi that
lire. HacUejr followed the aame plu
as ber husband in the dlapoaltlon of
Tireperty; $M,444.«0 U given to
eSuroheeMMuskeiwi; $DWJ)«e.OO
- ^ey Boepttal: $ieMM-«0 m
a Bumane tTfoon and $$M>4 to the pom-. To the iMatHw

$408,400,114, to Mena* $80,-

OMoUm «r cut) Sum* tt Be .the :
Stombling Bleek.

Rueala ud Jepu hu bun luidneltii
ef reeuRs which wore unel^rnfi M»poeelbie a few daye ego. The eoRfer-'
enu will net bruk up today. WttMi

ruiy to Japm-e term will be la abent
toeu worde:
Broader In Meny Reepeote Than Otdi
tien, dlM^y or
«iry of Japea- <
London. Angnst M.—The Awoelated
•• are pnrtWiy
Preu hu good reeeon fOr stethw that fact that
of fieirbaTIa tetand. She
new AatloJepueee tnaty of ab
Uaace hu bau algned. The forelga will agru to coda the eeuttwrn part to
odlce decUaes to glee oflleial confir­ the Japaime.' to eOMr worde ahe will
mation or denteL bnt the
agtoe to return to ^ oeadRIem that
MleM in 1S76. provided M^r coun­
algned eotne days aga Tbam is no
try fertMce.
>Obe vartcuo ceimncrolal. todhrMaal
abthaaettonoCttet and fwi righta odiieh the Japaacae
oonfarenee wUl not aSect tta terms.
•ire In the Maad will bo grantod alee,
The new treaty is hroaider In eeope
but net eiM eent of ouh will be p«M
t Bome roNmets thu the fanner
tzeaty, notably where it inModw the to Japan.”
reaognWkm by Great SriUla ot a Japaad on
omw petotB vhSeh R wu' aot aaenBUT to ladoOe In the oM tzwty.
BonM inapeeta the aev b«Mr

Shoe Polish

W. I* BROWN, Mgr.



Fsfttand. Ore.. Angost
eral gaud hsy In the land Crandi hu
retsmed two bQls against ClABde a ROMCVCLrs rNFbUCNCC HAVING
Thayer, eon of former Ooremor Thay­
er of this state ud e^erel other oper­
ators ^ aeMsted with him. Thlsta- U. WITTE AUTHOfUZED TO MMCB
dlctmant wu laUuiud hot six bon*
before Urn law woBld have beea power­
less to pnlMt the ertme whiob tt ta GUiTE SURE THAT NUVSiA WlU.
alleged uowmed In Septanaher, UM.

ASMt of Spragns’e MemsntJle AgeHy
. VMtlBS Here.
WQBsffi H. Hunter, representing
Spmgue!* Meroutlle Agsney of Chl, is nuwdag in the d ty at the Park
Muator vaa reoently tmefemd.fro*B the waet to this part pf
the eeustry ud is very mn^ pleased
witb the dlmata and acoommodattons.
At cntobtAe M on his raenjUon. but
wt^ here he finds that he ou do
qulte .n busineee.
Tbe ^ haadfoa
rameot -claims as well as
kr. Hunter is so daUMi$edemb
tbe climate thht he intende to ^end
hie whole vnatlon In this dty..

Crop with Water.
{Speelal- to The GaOr Bagle.7
Oelotado spring*. CoL, August 24-BrldenUy mistaking hail atone* for
com. six dneka beBrngtog to Sam md•u ate CO heartily of them that they
died soon afterward and upon beB«
■pen they were fonnd to be traaeB
Inside. Another duck was aaveTby
pouring warm water on tts crop.

Miller, aged 88. a former P. M. Motion
hud. was inatantly kiUed last nl^t
i Chicago Pare Hareeette train
here. Tbe back of hi* head was
entabed In. Prom the poelUon of the
body when found It was thought that
be was tying near the traok.

Beverd Other Ceaee Reeelvad Attenttai) This Morning.
Justice Curtis' court was a busy
place this moraliig. there being about
half dotu eneen on the docket for
Ute moming.
The following onsoe are eeboee from .
the wttaAiaMts levied on the bonseboH goods of Chariee Lawruoe and
wtfo Bome moatks ago. They are:
Jacob Pnrtsch vs. J. W. Lane; WBhetoL Bartnk Co. v*. J. W. MUUken;
WQhMm. Bmta^ Co. rs. J. J. Tveh
die: WUhebn Bartnk Co. vk J. W.
1am; amnmons to ahow eauM irty
Judgment shonld not be rendered for
amountn diaelaeed. The oasee were
adjourned onm SMtonlier 4I -me note-mu of B. J. Motgu.vs.
Wm. H.-Blley was adjourned until' September 1, at I o'dock.
: In the ease of Elsie J.'Morgu vs.
scboiri district number three of Long
Lake township, the attorney for toe
defeue moved for aemleial, -The
caee has been adjourned sevenl ttmea.
It eemns Uiat Mr*. Morgu IstheasslaBee for a party saUng hharts to the
tong Lake echoed and-that eald sefoort
U bolding back the pay.'and Ml*. Mor­
gu la bringing eolt to reoover
Edgar X. Ckasa va.'Austin J. BidWa.
wUl not be tried untS Baptamhw ft.
Brown opwaied a draw for Chase se»
«ral yean ago, ud It M alleged that
BtVRB failed to turn over the reoMU
itf ti» ISM WMk*e oanlngt. Atwut
twv yeam im .a eettieieeBt wu had
Brown admUtad that he owad
hgt this has never haU

tty E mm



'“'US^T J

k RapldB. Aug. 8S.—The BIk
Lake and WllUaiflaharg Orange win
meat at Acme tomorrow monln
9 o’clock nd attend the rally at Ikaverse City la a body.
The mason work cn the new town
hall b completed and the eupsi
are at work. When finlohad thb wffl
ha an Impoatng structure and a oadtt
V> oar neighboring township of MDton.
.uoit; a uciwn'ju wm
The steamm Bellalra wlU run
ttraet; Mr». i. B.. yUUr,
xohrslon to Brilaira today. Saveeal
Uoloo ■DwC For tb« oCBVOInce <■ neighborhood phrUes have bees
rani^ to takb the trip which wm.nnitodly be one of the fflaasante


rwixiMted to wpoR w »««Si«g«
W. H. Barasin. tbe^alntm’ and deeia the eernce et t»ce. BoU >l»
orator'is engaged In pmtmg the rooms
ptamee No. 68.
oh the seecmd floor of the NISaBnoggri’
block in Bhi«e tor occupancy by Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Lasbsdier.
Angurt 16.—The greet hflegorteel
lAon. B- Bmlth ^ened the apple
epecttcle, “The Holy OIty--Btalnmarket here 'Wadneaday. First class
bei^B Grand.
apples of the Dndmaa variety era
Aegnet 88.—"Under Southern BMee"
bringing tUO to $1A6 par' banri.
—Steinberg'e Orud.
•Harry Htraberg and Harry Alpmn,
Augnel SO.—PolmaUer Slstere Ooeitvro ardent disciples of Isaak Walton,
eert'Co.—City opera
fished Rapid river Wednesday
Traverse City hand.
Thoa B. Sharp, the pcvolar proi»latoT'of the Lake View House, repwts
»1 very heavy ncvwadaye. YasterK all of the mlUlonalres ooul
dsy he served dinner to 106 people,
poaeee^ of the same generoue and
majority of them being tourists from
humane Impulses as irere the late
Shoring resorts, who were In town
Chaa H. Hackley of Muskegon and his
to see the sights.
recenWy lamented wife. Mia. Julia
W. C. Winnie. Eddie Monroe. Oden
Hackley. the wealth Of this worid
Winnie and Chaa. Clift ''autoed" over
srould be more evaily distributed ud
from Tiuverae City yesterday.
the masses would feel less anlmoMty
The funeral servioee at the lata
losrard the rich.
James Morrlscm wUl be held thb after­
OftanUmes, people baje hobbies and
noon at 8:30 at the Prariir
conflne their pbSlantbrtvIes In smne.
church. '
certain channel, but both Mr. Hadtley
A emnent walk b being laid from
and his wife were broad .minded m
the Lake View Honae oornar, east.
their charity. The schools, churches;
River street, to Bridge street When
hospitals, city beauty,, friends ' and
this Btretrii b completed: the walks
reiatlTM were all considered w
I In the dlstrtbuUon River street and Traverea avenue v
of their tmtona
When wealth Is distributed In such,
manner It becomes a besefit. bub when
it Is mmly accumulated
after genmaUon, and Is held by lamlllM lor the purpose of adding sUU
mor^ then money loeee Us Intrinsic
value. Such people lose mt|cb trmn
their lives; the
doing good unto men and feeling the
thrllle of pleastire that come from,
helping a less fortunate ona
Muskegon Is much greater today
than she would have besD had there Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hackley, but unfortunately lew mues can
boast of as mnch baaaty and »



-Perry. Okbhona, Dally BtatarpriaB
Tteae. March tM. 1905, eaya: The
Grand was paritsfi last night with ttm
BUtseC the
to witness the ploasmamaking of the Polmatter Bitters' Ooucart Orchaatia. On no one occasion
baa a company ^er been greatad more
sothufaMtlcaUy tlmh were the prime<
dar Bisters laat night. Mr. Harry
Woods, the irmnagiw of the oomptny,came. in tor' Ua tkan at the bcura.
As the curtain watt «p a wave oC«bdned admlraUcn burst forth fran the
people aengraatod tt the artlsdo ar*
langament of Ate ttagtngi'but when
the young ladlae nterad a mo
later, each stdrad Jn abant oortniaes
of pink silk, with att otael aD over cm
araem netting, finished around the
bottom of eacfli riabecata oouii tr
with dainty eream laoe ruffles, the p
up admiraticn an 'vray to deqp and



Every Suit of Men’s Clothing
Every Boy’s Sait

B, June, an o


LA CR088B. Wb.—Clinging to
sir hose between two freight cars, WOIbiB Paricar, a btaksma un^eysd by'
the Chlcsigo, Bnrthigton and Ontoey
was dragged arts the Use fOr
two milaa before tte.train attvpad. Ha

PITTSBUM. Pa—Mrs. W. B. Blow­
er win receive I7.WO.000 from the aettW of her tatbm-. Ghaslea Lotthart,
the Standard OH msgaelA who left u
fortune variously eadmaiad at |W.000,000 to 1140,000,000. Thb averts a
ootteat of the will, which pracdcally
dbinherlted her because she msrried

' / •

._ ' ■ .

Ej^ Child’s Suit
Must go to-make room for the Fall and Winter
goods which are coming every day.
people seem to appreciate the bargains we
bhve offered and are still offering.

Next week will "be a lively one. We are making
business despite of the' dull times.'

HamHton Clothing Co.
Fall and Winter Parties
prrionged applaose, and the Polmader
SIstms were really before the foot­
lights in a glorious^ glimmering scene
of dsxillag, grandeur. Their voices
have reeelT^ the most careful train­
ing. and the vocal as wril as the In­
strumental portion of the program
rted their audience into r^ures. They
each and all won the hearts of the
Perry people, and should toey agsla
vbit our city they wUl find the ke.vs
of the city at their diriwsal. and the
n band' of welcome tendered

a dentist

‘ KalemecM.—A dosen email boys
bathing in the ooBege campoe pood,
in the center,of a fsahbnsJde reeldenoe'district, minus the usual bath­
ing suits, enused ajeandol In the rlctnIty snd brought a load
police to ths

Dexter street north from River
Noble street will be tnaosdemised.
A. B. Palrbanks b doing the north­
ern resorts thb week.
June L. Warner aad James Beer
bauriit fifty''fine trout out ne
yesterday. June says they each canght
carpmter at £
26. but it's a safe bet that If they show­
log cm the top of an elevator fell 80
ed up 60 that Jim caught at least 49
feet to the ground and received iuof them.
Jurfes from which he will dia A num­
The frame of Booth A-jJonriisrty'B
The sumptuous aBegwical produs- ber of bones were broken and be was
new mill st Kewadln b up. the boUer Gon. 'The Holy City," b the attratloo Internally hurt
and engine In Tladb. and the prospects at Bteltterg’s Grand tanlttt.
look bvor^le for the commenoemer.t minob State Register aaid. the follow­
Port Huren,—“To the Mlriklgan re
of operations very aeon.
tormatoiT to.not igM than-two yegrs
Mbs Msbri Perry entertained at a
The Heir City”, a stoty of old Janimore than fire," wjlf the
lawn party Wednesday afternoon la salmn, was prodsced at-tbe Grand last
meted out by Clrenlt Judge Iaw to
boDOT of her guest, Mbs Oenevbve evening before an audlenoe of much
Tommy Cosnors and Lnnrto Bhiridi,
Brown of Lansing. .
generous pteportlans than the exyouthful robbers who entered
Mr. and Mrs. A^lph Dnfrane, north cellenee ot the - prodnotMn deserved.
homee la thb city, eeentog more than
NotwHbatandlng all the- pesstmlstie of the city, are entertaining-dhelr It is safe to say that 'The Holy City’ 91,000 worth of Plunder.
news received day by day from Ports-:
b one at the most magntfioent am
mouth and the editorial optnlons ad-, ^d Mbs AdeU Dnfrane of Chicago.
gorgeous scenic spectariee whiai haa
Merahall.-^rant Avery ot Manngo
Miss BUa Crawford b home tran
vanced by more than onedialf of the
;er appeared upon the looal stage, was arreeted charged with attempting
prominent newapapera of the country visit with friends at Mantoe.
> fewer than twelve complete and to burgbrise Samqgl Bampson's reelMrs. Vraiard Towess spent a portion
that the peace envoya ot-EnaaU and
ahorate stage settings being used.
dence. He has Just bem released from
Japan will be unable to agree and'the of the week with her parents at Kal­
10 years’ Imprisonment at lonb to e
conference will reeult In flat failur.-. kaska.
rash set with his
It U thoufflit
Mr. and Mis. H. B. Stover of KaL
M'altSr Wellman remalaa optimlsUc.
ing thee
. In faoL the play Is be b partially Insua He is In Jad
and aaya that everything is progres­ uka, were guesU of BIk RM>Ids made up of
8 of pictures, each pending examination September 1.
friends the fore part of the week.
sing favorably towards peace.
depicting some feetsre of (hat divine
Mr. aad Mis. L. Bcoooe at Travetse
We have watched Welter Wellman's
drama 'The dtslcgne b coached In
Benton Harbor.—The child of Mr.
City, vblted at the Bterlliig hmne Wedcareer
bthUoal terms. In tact much of It b and Mrs. James DMoerson, just barn
ever Moce the Chicago world's fair, iesday.
then, directly from the eaerad book ing to walk, was sinniitsg before
Nrs. E. Parkinson of ITorenoe. Ont
. when The Dally Ei
window on the second floor and ptaeed
1 the White U the gunt of her many friends In this
The different parts were well hand­ Its Wright agadnst the scram. Both
vicinity. She had been a rerident here
City, which gave the best i
led, much really strong aeUng being went tnmbUag to the ground 80 feet
,of the<alr publlahed. not excepting for 36 years, but ior the past two years called for."
below- The baby turned several e
even the Chicago presa, and we have has made her home in Canada,
eraanlts, but landed on lb back.
The members of the H. E. Bondar
yet to have our attssiUoo called to
aiagle Instance where he has been school, with thfflr friends. ptcknlCkaJ
One ot the unugoal tettoree of Lotiday at the German plole groonds
mistaken when giving an uBquallfled
north of town. The kids say they Ue Blair Psrker's play ot Southern
HwdeenvIMe^The Rev. 'O. P. -BUIb.
oplnicn opou any subjeeb
Ufe b that the women ot the cast out­ pastor of the Chnrrit of Chrigt at thb
Upon this peace qusMlMi we believe bad a' regular picnic.
the mea As a rule the re­ place, has iasoed a challenge to the'
A Kaplan of Terre Hante. ind.. has
Mr. Wellman knows Just what be
ts the case In dramatic offer­
beeu s guest of A. Ooldbib and tsmOr
which has caused
talking about, and we oonfldently <
ings. The presenoe ot so many women ooualderaUe of a ensatica la the
pect that terms of peace will be agreed this week.
The Pirates sustained their K^iutn- upem the soene b one of the attractions
to by the envoys of the two govertihbtttoDd. to a rMwt Mraiim
Chrlsusa SrieBoe be efflered |600
menu. The matter may and very tion yesterday by giteg to Traverso
probably will hang fire for a few days, City and defsaUng Hamilton's Blng- are young and pretty. The birthday say ChrblUa Bebgtiri to cure_a c
bat we feel very certain
there gers by a score of 11 to 10. The boys party of the yorihtal herrine, and the iln penoB Uvtag Is HadacRvlUa
are endeavoring to get on a game Hanowe’en fesUvitbe. irtiirii Include
will be no faUure In Ub final
the carrylug out of
sritli the Queen CUy team in the
Bay CKy—Bi ‘nombley. tai U
Hallowe’en tricks and a Jatt-odantem
future, at thb place.
after b«dag ponUbad severely by Ul
dance, give fine eow to showing the
mother an Tueafisy foi* eteallng tntfl
m«ub«a of the company to
-The Traveiae City PubUc Uhrary
rides, yesterday tried hb «ld tricks
One of the ftmnleet Oharahas bees added to during the
Msr the fair poaads aad to! tadcr
by a number of valuable donations Fred Staake Tried to Break the Ree- eters in the play b “Anner User", a firittt train. His loft leg «u emdS^
who deeervee to rank ride by eide
from our dtlaeos, the last of which
erd. But Failed.
ed sod wad ■lafflitotod at om knee,
a finely gotten up volume containing
Fred Staake, a bril ^ st the Park
and hb head and body were territdy'
the Ufa and speeches'^ Tbemas Cor- Plaoe, swam aeroM Boardman lake Doehy too, U a host of fun In hereetf; bruleed. He may dia
typical eoutheni “aontie''wlB. edited by JokM Mm
Bday afternoon in the wlderi
aented by Poetmakter iu£ We are plaoe. in an endeavor to break the rec­ the tsjt^ eiaves who clung to the
lioby Ctty.-Miginesr Drye aaf
very much pleased to note the interest ord of 16 rntnotes and three seoonda family ohe loved, though free to leave
Flrrismi Tobin. « extra 161. i
taken -by our dUaens in the PubUc
»uld 9ot break the resord. hoi then U she wished to do an The badly eealded by„ the waiihott plug
Ubrary as tnanlfeetod by these dona­ made the dtg^ce In 17 minutes and Boetb fnrabbed many instances of thb
hlowtag out CD the holler head. The
tions. and we hope ths good work will nine •eoendir''',
•e was mi the riding wfaes the
negroes, Ths part*^: the heroine.
Motdriit ooonrrtt, ito the ngkR was
We notice that the Ryerson library
The graduates of Traverse City Leila
at Grand Bapids Is receiving many
BusIneBs CoUsge are iu great and In­ b a difficult -one to meat, portraying
MCk sag laoe.
nable denaAona
hooka, among the creasing demand by buslnem men and as it does ea the emotions from gay
wlrib FlfrikttBtolh «w seMtt tt
last of whldi U one that may be canntiraUons. A^paylng poeiUoo awaits and lorinf Uriit hmrtendnem. to most the toek. noKhM aboadrarieov^
asA flritt
as one Of toh neat valuable aeqnlal- you at the OMBpletlao of a coon
are Mri-att tt
Sonthera Briae" was writSsn by a wo­
Uooa ever received by It. It U a gift
man and Jt Blvee wemyrn greato
of •The SHva of North America.’
Bated by Barroy J. StABstsr, a promi
Bsof dtlasn of OruBd Bsglda
as new row beats oa the hay to ordinary dramas. ^
work U in 14 vofttein. wrlttSB
rant at Me par Aonr first hnr aad lie Bros. ImveswiMd thb V
Charles Spngue 8aisaBt, filreetar m Ptt hoar tharsaftsr. ORptrin ■- H pbGriuMtij^^.ssflBatB
the Aradd Aihoretum'ot garvard anla m Hoana strasL Odsa
veraltjbaiid murinM briftariea Bd-: (dmaa «6L
tm*ward Poxen. It oasrista at a descrip­
tion of the trees whSeh grow aatarany.
Bed, top aell and fllllng dirt, givsn
In North Anlsrioa, exdnrive of Max- away at ths west and ef Wayne street,
ico. and U the'mori oooprebenrivs
vvesk or tsn dkya. Cask Brea,
botanloal work ever Issoed h» thls| emsaaa' pbaaa8M.
coontry. It rwveenta the wbik ut
20 years' Tba last vriuma ^ bam
Free conoart at Qrittairs Marie
very raoenUy lasoed.,
at 7:N.
Tbawoilc ahootd be in ths Travara*
PaUie Ubrvy, aad we ragret ai-

BABTLBirrSVIlAB, Ind.—Single
handed a bandit robbed the First Na­
tional bank of CoUlnevUle, Ind. T„ of
lUOO and escaped. The man, at the
point of a revolver, forced the cashier
to band over aU the money in atght
then leaped on hb hmae and dashed
ont of town. A posse b in pareilL
son, a modem King Lear, who deeded
aU hb property to hb children and ex­
pected then to care to him the re­
mainder of hb life, b dying In a SQualId room In South MlnwpoUs. He was
turned from the home of one (K hb
children after another. untQ finally he
had po plaoe to go. He had had noth­
ing to eat to days when found by the
prilee, snd It b npw thonriit Impos­
sible to save hb Ufa.
MONTICBLLO, Ind.—Twriity po-sons were entrapped on the third floor
of the hirii school ImUdlng which
burned Thursday, nlrirt. aad eight
were seriously Injured before they
made their escape. They had gone tb
the third floor , aad let down a regie
to draw up a line of hose, when the
roof felt in. cutting off escape by the
stairway. They then tied one md of
the rope and slid to the ground, but
nri beftH^some were badly burned.

They will soon commence.
If you intend getting a new
dress we can help you, or if
you are not just ready you
can have it cut off and
laid awayforyou.
We made a fortunate purchase of Silk Crepe
de Chene, In Pink, Pale Blue, Silver Grey,
Champagne, also in Black and White. The
goods are worth $i.oo a yard, but we place
them on sale at......................................... .............

Don’t wait, but secure one of these patterns.
They won’t last long.

Cor. Front and Union,





C. M. FranMIn of Old MImIod, !■
dioppliiB Bt the WhlUn*.
John B. Fisher of Honor, is trannet>
Inc buBlDess hx the titr.
Mits Eunice Kelley of Btete etreet,
left this momlAc for. Carp lake.
Fred Wyler of Manistee, Is vlsttlng
friends in this eit; for a few days.
Mr. Reid Wynkoop Of Cedar Run,
who has been yialUsg In this city tho
last few days, ban retnnied home.
The Rev. M.>D. Carrel of this city,
went to Shermaa today to hold ser^loe8,.
’ Mrs. J. G. Ramsdell of this city,
went to Manistee this aominf to yIbII for a few days. '
F. A. Earl and dsuBhUr, Mies Caiwle'
riarl. of Washtngton street, wlU'spend
.Sunday at Carp lake.
Vercy Losa wont to Omena thia
morning to spend Snnday with Mr.
and Mrs. John R. Santa
Mra. McMtnua of Fifth atreet and
. •laughtera Lou and Arietta, end Mra
Kochinan of Cbarlerolz, went tp Carp
Ijtke this morning.
Mra. Shepard and grandaon, Thao.lore Johnson, of thla city,-left this
morning for Empire where they will
Visit for a few days.
There will be a meeting of the City
fooibail team and all others Interested
in city football for the coming aeasen/
Monday night at 7:30 o'clock, at The
Engle Offlcp.
In Justice Curtls’ court, yosterdsy
nficraoon. there was tried the case
of Jas. Bucknell vs. las. Avery. Book, nell claimed that Avery owed hip
; fis.u'for work and labor perfwined
. nml the jury allowed the full



As Beplember is drawing near,
thoughts of many young people are
concentrated oo eobo^ Many have
already decided to onteA eome hl^
Bchool, ooOege or unlveralty; othora
» In doubt what InaUtnUon to ael
making a cholee aeveral thtey. n

own, brown
alike in handle and bristles, and Its be taken into conaldaratlon.
ahspe was nneonth.
“It U a homemade artlcla” said Its these may be mentioned competent Inowner. “It grew on a UtUa tree, a stractora, practical and thoroui^
toothbrush tree. Thay hava a tooth- courses of atndy, and eqnlpmenL
The teachera In the new Grand TrCvbmab tree In Jamalea. As we go dot
and pluck a pearii or a pear, so the erse Baalneea Unlvercdty are thorough­
Jamaican goes out and plneka a tootb- ly prepared for their work.
Prin. W. P. Needham graduate fttwx
“Literally, of course, be doesn't pluck
a toothbrush. Be cuts off a twig and our high school In 1896, after which be
ravels out one end Into bristles. The taught successfully for two years
wood, you see, la aomewbat a^na- GreUlckvlUe. He then entered the Nor­
ceons, Uke sUppery elm, and It-bai an mal College at TpsUantl, graduating
eremaUc flavor like dentifrice. ' in the class of 1900. In IMl be
makes a toothbroah of good tjnaUty.
pleted a business course at the Cleary
■The berk of this alngolar tree la Business collie at which place he was
often groond Into tooth powder. Here
la a box of the grotmd bark. ItnmeUa
good, doesn't It! Tbon^ It makes
lather. It keeps the teeth very white.
“Jamaica Is undoubtedly the emly
country In tho world where yon cnn
go out and pluck not only year tooth-

iue aopreme court ot rcnnsyivama
In a dedalon recently handed down,
rccognlaei the fact that the nas rt
electricity as a moUve povrer for atrtrt
railway companies, presni
abon at high speeds, and

Your Cholec iw

Easy Tensfl

509 Second St.
626 East Front St.
1206 South Union St.

Msnv are so frightened when
in the water that they never
learn to swim. Our new Water
Winge wUl support from ftO to
cso ponnds. This doe* away
with all fright. AH you have to
do is pad^e for shore, as the
Wings support yonr weight.
Learn to awlm in one trial.
Price only lie and 8Se per pair.

oomfortyon___ ...
Helmet HaU and the hotean’s
rays will have little effect on
you. Tbeae hats arc aapported
upon the bead by w open frame
work', raising the hit from yonr
head, thus giving the top of
your bead a Lake Superior aea
brecM, oontinoally.
Price is
only 1 Sc each.

mal telldfe nt TpMluti. eompMlRf
Us oonne in IMS. Hd was then elMb
t of ecOioels nt OM'
'wtaMli pMitiaa be held to two
rsstgalnc last May to aooept the
of Olfvdt Mbooto. '
Jtiy ha MosotM the pitedpaUlp <X
am aaonua dWArtment In tho Grand
Aogoat U Manager A. P. NerUagm
ehmed a ooatniet srftb MW Oerbuda
M. Coman of TpSllaaU to take chaice
of the ahcHlhand depariment Miss
Conan has had tea yean' expwtenoe.
teaching, and was vary bl^y reewnmeeded by Pres. Claary of the Osw
Bastnesa College and SapL <d PnMc
InatnicUOB Patrick H. Kelley. _
Hiss Jnlla O. Needham whp' wlU
look after the oBce practice, U a high
school graduate, and also o
s OoUege.
at the CTeary E '
Mias Needham was hltfily reoesnmended by the Michigan and Ohio Coal Co.
of Detroit, where she was enmloyed for
aome Urns.
The Inetroetor In commercial law,
Atty. A F. Nesdlnger. U too well
known for any comments on bis goal!.
The university offers three thorough
xnraea of study which may be takes
. the <tay or evening aeariona.
The rooma are pleaaanL and newly
tornbhed throu^oat
We can tee no reason why any ot
our young people abould go oatMda for
a business training while we have a
flrst-elaas IntUUiUou right at home
rou are ronnlng no risk when you enthis Bc^l as the qaaUty of the
Jnstroetloa la weU known.
It baa been prophesied that in the
course of a few. yoare the Gnnff Travwill be nam-

-yr---------- ^-------------r-n

_ik_ jiiteji Sporting


lews of interest



School Shoes
Nothing better to wear.

At Tern Haute— '
TunwHaute........ 0 0 8 2 1 0 08 0—7
'^e^g............2 2000008 1—9
ttoleeM3hristlan and Andrews
loner and Llrtncatan.

Smoke them away In that peace, oomfort and joy bringlag elgar, the OaTK
POST! Ita amaa and aUg^Uy e>-


U- 1

Spechd Sde

Kingtoy 10, Grawn E
Kingsley, August 26.—The ^ngsley
ban nine played n fsM game
wHfa the tlrawn taain, wlimlBg by the:
score of 10 to E BatterlM—King
Shears and Haritew; Drawn, J. Smltb;
and J. Bowden.


Call and aae them.
No trauble to show you. at

- ,rp7S
daUveqnaUlieBwiU x
falof y(Btrworri«a,aadnrM eonteni
dweU In their stead.


r U. Charlotte E
PMotkey, Attgnat S6.-HPetoekey yeeterday 9ve the Charlottn aggv-ipHBM
an awful beating, aoorlng 12 rm
the visitan' L -

Ea^WaMAds P<qf!

* Co.

Louis Duntep, Michigan’s great ham­
mer thrower. Is «iipgi»g hash at a
Stags Island summer, reeort hotel and
U -keeping In condition by nlmoM
steady practice. He Intoda to work
to a place on Uie Michigan football



............... 6 6

■or A»0> BEAVY


r FlrlBw Satmali

la Cheap, Claaa
aad CMiahla.—

wing area of differ

..... ..................
•nme-2:10?i: 2:11M; 2:1484.

at QradustM Wanted as Coaches
hy. Many Seheela
Ann Arbor. Anguat Tt—“The jadapecta to football this year are tmenae! ever!’’says Tost.
have letters from the prasldmits
; 16 unlvmitlee. pi«p and high
schools, asking me to reeomm«id a
competent coach.
'The tenor of each letter, however,
is that football has reachM fever best
their reapecUve localltlea and It Is
necesssry for them to' keep up with
the tlmea
.. .
"Most of them ask to Topt gradutee, " he said with a aUght broadening
of the ever-preeent smire. “And I can't
supply thorn, becanae every Mtehlgah
man who wanU to coach hu been
snapped up. You will BnO them «tl
oper the weat and aouth. and their
enpeeas ls2t aeagon spoke well to
Tioeent this prove Ineveailng Interettt And the gmne will reach greater
dtvelopmwU becauae lo most Inthe eehodls are retaining the
man who oonchod lari year, Inanrliig
nuatlon of the aame ayriem and
ssarlly a higher degree of effldeney. I oortalaly expect 1906 to
breU reomds not only to to gnsHty
of football nbowu. eapedally In the
south knd wort, hut also to tha Internanltoted by the publle-fn'the
work ul the teams."

" S'

and live square feri In the awallow to
half a sqnare foot per pound of wal^t
In the Australian crane. The frl^ta
bird has the moet wonderful wing
povrer of any of the flying animals,
being able to cut the air at the rate ot
I miles an-bour and live conUnuslly
the wing day and nlri>t to a week
ten days. OrAltbologisti of note
even give it as theta- eplnltm that a
bmlthy lodlvlJual of tfaU speclca
would be equal to the teak of making
a trip around the world wltbont^ce
cloring Its wings In (eat It Is else
claimed thst some si>ecl« can remain
motlonleu In the air to bonre wlthool
flapping their wings. Ibat they can
three times the horsepower pei
or weight that a man can and
the same amount mme than
horse. It Is. without question, a fart
that birds In general can exert phys­
ical energy that la without parallel
nature. It is-generally supposed tt
birds ere lighter. J>ulk for brik. than
other auimula. but repeated experi­
ments Imre* proved that there ate
gtoudx upon wbkh to base surii

J2 j»n ur« uainfe p*"**' H wUI

pay 7M 2* UvMtttntu.

UtHi 8


Si -rM
e tbeae days andala thehsM.
Belief 7 Bxatif ! Have plenty of lot
aboat the plaoe to lemonade, beer,
wine—whatever yon Uke aa a oooUiig
drink. Aa to lee ani^y, yoor bert
plan ia to oonault os. We serve lee
prampUy. aatlataeterily and at a mod
erate ooet


TbcOEorof Good Howl 2M*1.
However appetising, can only be a
. aoggestioii of the deUciona taste
J and flavor that goes with every
I pieee we foniish. Prime is the one
I word that aptly deaeribea all our
aad poultry. The beet protie. that the best of good
ceul can aelecL Give us a
order and know what good

TaUe la ■
The BrazlHona are a
people. AUl^ongb they hkve lerge famlUea. they take In all their stray, un­
fortunate relatives, tt Is not nna
households of twenty-fonr
luore. Ofttlmes the host
bostKs have no diHdmi.*ud the fam­
ily U niuCc up of sisters and cousins
and reliitlves-ln law. One never
small dinlug table In Braxll. It Is sl■ways n very longboard In a very largo
When It Is not to be all oc«the cloth la spread -only at oue
No effort Is made at artUUc ef­
fects. Rigid rule* for Ubie deport­
ment arts not observed. Yon wUl not
gain the frowning enmity of your bostif yon splaeh her table Itaen with
wine. If ehe nottos It at all riie wUI
Bread eou'.ai by the yard to eat with
coffee In the morning. Tbe mklday
breakfaiit i* begun with aalad and ends
with guaynl-a jelly, ebaeae and a delllona mtle (Wp of btack coffee.
Dlmior Is a repetUlon Of breakfast
In dishes and in order ot awing, exccDting tot -uoup la aubatitumd to

Jer yoor
ning. Both pbonca.
Corner 8th and Franklin Sia.

And yda -wUI soon aae that by pat­
ting by part of yoar earnings In tbe
Feople'e Barings Bank at 8 percent
IntcrwL oompoanded aemi aenuaUy. yoa wUl have a degddadly
snug asm in a few yeers Keeping
yoer money is baider than mnlring
It, and tbe safe ke^ng la wbat the
Peo^'e Bank aodariakea and does
ior yoa.

riKd at to begtotlng and n
aarta qra offprud.

Thor«aa-s XTcatnUM.
When to fortri faauntinf hermit
nureau lay on hie deathbed, a Calvlntritu friend called to make inquhr rogardlof Wa aouL “Henry," be said


-- - >

Steinberg’s &aii4(
Tike tGreat




7, W
n raledlctorlnn of his oUas. In the fall
of 1901, PiM. Norsk untered the nor- DAILY EAGLE WAITT


1^ hooka U “OoubMuss Ticatott,^ to ^
MltebaQ. A stcryof the ffir isriraiTtimillilnll tot
afiar the Ovtl toar. and la IniiMdly iCiiealfa^.
Ontod^ the best cme tUa pepato nathor has


At BvnnavtOe: First ganio-BvanmrUla
0 « 0 8 • <l 0 d-2
Dayton ..............OOdSdOeo «-42
Bauarto-^tommi nd 'WUaan;
Johns and Pnllar.
Beotmd game—
BrankvlUe .......... 1 0 8 0 0 1 1 0 0—6
Dayton.............0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1—1
Battolea-Wllder and OriMi- Johns
and FiUIer.

Wlnlleld Stratton, h h. by Sara-

The board of edoeaUoa held an ad­
journed sesaton of Us regular monthly
meeting, this morning at 9:80 o'clo^
In the amneH rooms, after having fail­
ed to get a quorum tether last nl^L
The hiring of a truairt offleer to the
mmilng sohoed year was the most ImOortant mstto transacCad. and F. fX
Varvln waa re-appoInted to that post-Non. the snperlttteBdent and eereral
the board n
Marvln-a work as truant offleer In the
The salary remains at ISO per
The committee on achools and^teachrs recommended a new regulatioo re­
garding the payment of anpply teachm and the dednetlon of wages ot
'teachers who are abaent from their;
duties. The regulation was adopted
and provides that all avpply teachers
shall be paid by the board; the deducUooB from the teachers’ aalarlea for
abaencee abmi be as follower for tho
and second daye. SO per cent of
each day's salary; fm- the third, fourth
fifth daya. 90 pas- omt ot aadi
Principal Normal DapartmenL
day's salary; to aH
the salary.
teaching when elected principal ot
latloD 0
the commercial department of
to on teachera ind Bch
high school Mr. Needham resigned
Icn of Min Mabel Cos was aocepted
bis poslUon July 1 to acee^ the prlnrMlas Livlngaton was tenderad tho
clpalahlp ot the Grand Traverse
poeltlOD at 840 par month. Hiss Min­
nees Cnlveralty. At the same time he nie Hnbbell was hired to the relief
was offered a position at the Cleary «m at Oak Park.
at $1,100 a year.
The matter at Are protocUi
Prof. Chas. M. Novak, principal of the Union atreet school wastak^ up
the normal depanmenu graduated
from our high'a^<^ In 190L being yet no provlalon has bew made to
SBCh proiecUoo.
It was voted that
committee on bulldlnga
grounds aball secure the neoeasaryjlre
hose and eoanecUnss and alao
Aoeuary lawn hose.
one from
Chas. Larsen for |4dS0 and the othor
from Arthur C. Hocm to 819.81. to
ipon the eehool buildings. These
men were hired by T. O. Nicholson but
Mr. Nicholson has left the city, to vaiOUB reasons beat known to MmseM.
ind the workmA bare not reoetved
heir pay. The matter was rutorrad
“to the olty ■ttoniej':'
on ways and means
a list of

One ot flte Bgrt

Battoto-Tas Aada- ami OrtMt;


Plee PrateetJon for Union Street Build­
ing Is Ordsrod,


fiaa-t target that Black







w ia2tsji!m5,ggrigr.

mm m msm*



FOR SALE—Houe, 6 lOOBa. M SM


Wari math riieri.

(Onti&tNd Pnm Pw» OmJ
WL rtM 9V «i&4ov !■

(Coflttnoad From Pige Oaa.)
Perry A. Kaso ol Battla Creak, who
MIto gmwe ftohflral of 411 -m
14 yean ago realM In thte aectkei.
waanSad «6a ahd^ gare a flae ad- Ntoth-htonst.. toam tamrimB ;
Qraad Bai^ to vlrit rriattoae
oBt ctf the boOdlBK makiak It
ireaa span the edovtlobal ralM ot
tat bqai for tboaa tn tha faeUrr
Mm, Prank Emery aad two flhBI
the oSe&
rrhe thaw It the tanner^ c»lAt the bad e( 4b» atatia a the MCI. lege.' he aaU. Oaly aheot one oat it «C .U05 South Dnten stMSt,^ wm l»
ad floor ii a rooray «Ioak aapaitmat. 100 ot.the temers' boos dad dan^- Tustto thia noon to wead a wagk with
' On thia 'floor above the oSoe, le a abb- ters go to ooDage. moat al them get- rriidlM
iUr Rxa. BBd It la flkelr that thu win Ung their fatve edoedloti. after laar- Mrs. Mary Seheamiol K<
be aed u the aampto rooea. Alohc iag tha conmcn Bohoole. la tha gmaga. drilver an adtoeas Boday erwitag at
:UwCbnrritafCtoftotatT«fla. Bridaca.
the eaat aide a thla floorj^
The grange dres them Ideae end
Open Doors and 'Open
ot maeUna tor tmlns pot oaiamaU,
Mrs. J. H. Hill aad daiighttr «iw»
aUek andr. paa irorli. etc. Oa the
northveat araaH ^ koaWa nitt
aoompUshsentfl a ytamg peraon of Grand Rapids ehangad cars heih
today .on tbair way hcoe. Bhe-hat
saxSt. Here the dUCerent atxtss.^
bave," aald Mr. Mayo,
to be
tdioeolate candla are made.
able to meet other people-and appear been vtofttog rriattvsa at BotUma Bay.
Mrd. E. H. Ballsy of Barnstvllta,
\Oa the third floor the Ttmeb
•ae. In the grange one maria
Ohip. who has bean the goeri of her
creama. maehnallova, hand aada ba pther people and get that acecoi]
; trlends. Am. Jed Bariak. ot 646 Btxth
booa. sum drtva, etc, are mie. The
for a week, atartod far home
dry room la alao located In the aflrth“Hl^eri nobler, giar^ manhood
treat oaraer on. thla floor. AloM Vtk and womanhood ora tha bari tUnga today. .
After OMdtng a WMk with Mr riscent aide la enotho' tow of.saoU&ae In Ufa and thw are Op. tonadaftoa
naed ta the easdr nahins.
of tha ffange.
Bat too ter. Mra. A. L. J<Woe, and mothee. Mrs
SnlUvan. in this tstty.Mru. C. P. DtokarBleetrleltr wlU (nnilah tha powar many ot the uembera do not *work aft
msn retnnied to her boms at Aand
and alfo the lldhttag. The 70 bene grangerl^ It’a'the membera who
Rapids thU rnwriag.
power bsOer la «9Mted daBr: the keep hustling'and pushing who niske
A. L. Hunt aad wife of Chteags,
success of the grange. God makes
ooacretebedliteadrtbrlt. IlHreare
in the city over night, the gneoto uf
two toUet rooms on oaeh floor, also us what we are bat the grange opens
the great Held of labor where we may Mr. and Mrs. O. C. McOlritend of 7»
a haadr wadt
nie asattarr
Hnlon street They were
dlUon of tta balldiaK will be perteet. do oor besb”
‘The BuslneBs Bud ot the Orange.’ their -way home timh Kalkadka
The TeBtUatthfl and lishUnc betas an
The advarttelnB crew, oensisUnB of
that Bodera Ideas oan oaneelra; The as the t<9lc ot the addrees by E.
three ladles aad one man,
aew factorr trtB hare a' flogr apace A. EoMm of Lansing. It la the ob­
(ff J. A. Fox of Drisolt
of 86,000 feet, over 10.000 la theta- ject -of the grange to better oor c
arc htfe In toh totarost of Soaptoe Co.
dMon. edneaUoMUy. aoriaDy i
are regiatered at -the Orinmhls.
flnsnrially.’' md he. and he-want
- Mrs. A. Miriter of 106S Front otioot.
a Mk .promlaent teattire aboot the to teU of what tha grange has dene Is setertaWg hw neloo, Mias D. Per­
atraiiare. It I* a purely hmae laade for' the farmers, both dlrerily and ry, ot Chicago, tor a (ORfle cf weeks,
iwodoet and is the work of J. C. htor^ through the Insoranoe cimumnlas, ste. She esme todi?. Mr*. Matter’s lather,
gaa of this dty. The <w nias from cocneried with teh granges,
what tgs been done M notUaig to what who is 88 years old. makea his hocne
the baeontat to the third floor, at a
with his dan^tar.
cost ot oofrtenth of a oeat Urn de- there la yet to do,” adld Mr. Holdea.
N. W. Marrte, at Haiwaek, l_ GrayBefore doalng hh also spoke briefly
Bcent- is' aiade without ooet, aa the
am of Fetsdkay. aro to the etty today
watOT that trom the dty D the ednoaUonal feature of the week aad tamarrow to company with 3. W.
mains ^ raise the eloTBtor, tinply
wm go to. DatRdt to ath
nms into the aewer as ^ <air de- repetlUoQ of whri a 4
onoe said to htan. tha ariahUah- meeting of the managera of Or
se«ds. The oar has
ment manual training in the schorin Bros.’ music ricrea.
lifting qppadty ot 1.500 pooda. The
Mtee Edna Badgley of gpringlteld.
working part of the lifting powar la e “What we want is ’teachers' aad not Mo, who has been to the <dty the goeri
many Instmoton.’ He spoke of
7-lnch pipe 40 feet long Inside ot a
ot Hist LoBtee Bwfa. leaves tomorrow
nlne-lDch pipe 46 feet long, reaching training the young tedka -in farming nl^t on the boat tor GUcago. Before
down into theI ground, fbratog a by­ and oarpentry, honaewOTk and cook­ going home she win vtelt at Bt. Marys,
re, by the ^Ditalng wa- ing. Then, he mid, the Carmen would
dranllc piMure,
ter.' It lakes one revotstlM of the not take their children out of the rixth
'The wssUy sfieot of the rad and gua
city pompe to send the car from the end seveonh giadee to pat them (o
work but would leave them in eriwol cloh^yerimdsy was 'weU attended.
bseoneht to the third flov.
Frank Meads cridured the medal with
In order not to interfere wllh theli becauae they woold be leaning how
a 80' aoope. C. O. Carver got the
baclnees, Uesan. Straub Brcal * Ami- to work.
uortlmar WhlUhead of Hew J^emey, hl^ soore ot 84.. The other soona
otte will move s d^iartment at
were: Saxton 82. Snyder 82. MorreO
Their >ease doet not expire ontll Oc­ who. with C. L. Whitney of this dty..
21 aad FerirtL
tober first, but they are anxions to get
Mr. and Mrs. E. Oaundtr and two
moved and aetftad ready to take care WM-kers, -was present, snd he diseosachildren of Rrirtd City.
of their fall trade. Much credit Is ed the objects (ff the grange and the
. due tbeae gentlemen on the excellent condltfcm of the grange at
snoeets they have achieved In erecttkg The grange.'he arid U one of the partheir handsome factory. The wbrtt all maaent tnaritatlons of the eoontry end thtaptfft^ cllr .today on their wv
today, than
betag OBdw their,
the Halted States, wftk .60^ to this e^at-Lako Ann.
aad wlU make a moat o
The FlratM. S. AntA expect te
enbetaatlal home for their rapidly tn- stats
C. Ia mtltaer was rise called
meke a date with Mtea Ola Bldwell.
creaalng paUvmage in the candy makfor an addrem anff tbs viimla aftor- baritone baladalnger. eoneert vtoUa-Ing boslneH.
and raedet. She te one of Oiicagob
A ooBvenlent platform is being
atrnetad ot the rear of the factory for to the greatest organlsadOB
loading and nnloadUtg fteigbt. The known among-the farmeia.
entire aeotb and la aew tonriog the
. bnildlng will make a valuable addUlta
to that part ot the cHy.
Mrs. Ray Walt of Webster rireat baa
retainedfrern aviritwith relariveaat
oaOUe, aeeompaaled bj bar awtber.
{Special to The DnUy BiglA]
Batterlee -aad daa^ttor Mre.
ST. PETERSBURa' Ausoet U-—
a UtMWirid of Bevdath street
n strodeua laasaim of Jewe. et
ISpedal -to The Dally Eagle-]
mated by Mrs. B^noldn and
HoUsnd. August 26.—Chaa. Schrlrer. Blatlsto is npertod. Drtuiken eeWicre
proprietor of the Riverside Resort ho­ paraded the streeta aitd sheoting. ha- daMhtorot Minneapolte. Mlaaeaota.
tel and Ur. idndsay, ut Chicago; are j^netting end mutilating men, women who are visiting Mrs. Battertee weal
pRdmbly dcown^ la hake Michigan and children made an awful 'aeene. to Cadillac tor a few days to visit relatllbs.
They have not been heerd trcn since
A. D. Aysn who testaythg at MlaeFriday morning when they went out to
gaa Lodge at Kente Moksaa bad eneapset fish nets.
Uonally good look ttds moaning white
flriiing ih BMt Bay. Ho laseiedi
landing a Maofclaawtoont that tii^od
tha testes at
peoada Ihtete tha
twre proeeedeth tram the briUee ot largmt one'that has been taken from
a Ugoor «t various cetor whesrin Best Bay this year by s^flshiag. .
is a medkntie for men.” eaya tito
Mr. and Mra. Alex Pettenonof Iterr
Kocan. Bdt'the vlrtoes of honey wen
hae^ before -the Koran arid any* are visiting the Esv. and Mrs. Hn^
thing about It and by countiea .peo­
ples besides the desert folk of Arabia.
Fteyd Johaaon, wbo hM wpn%
'A pop M boy toraed the tables oc Mot only has It kmc been used as -food uamar at Bowate Harbor. 'has raa traetfUag maa very haadily jestei- and medlclDe, hot many drinks of dU- nnadtofenahtednttesia the todty. The drammer aeked for a bag of fsring potencies snd flavors have bssn eal Ugb aehapL
msda trom It In England a tavorlts
oom which was given him and -in ra- drink ot the otd.Ume was mead, which
-tnni offered the boy a'dollar, \>nt he was made by the fermentatlaa of the
Tiavoroa'Olty TmitMn 271. K. O. T.
did not hare tha change. Meverthewill give a piogtorivt padtnftoty
Friday, Oapfibar 1. to Sir KalgMa
Icaa the mao xetained the aaek and
Ladtea. Rifraahavarta wffl '
drained. In the prepantlon of mdr
boarded the movlDg train. It
the boy that he might teU the opera­ mead an ounce ot bops U
tor in the depot to telegraph ahead earii callon of tbc liquor and attar the
triaieotation a small quantity of
Kara Tramarn with soma ^ nor
and atop the feUow, which was dope baante. MrihegUn or bydrame
boys’ SriU. A good nait bey wtt
aad wae stopped at Kingsley where he maantoctnrea by - fccmentlng ___ And hla way throoik two pair afpaaf
gaVe up the niekla It was not ao
t a KdsUem of hooey davtwsd wlto wnhararyeoat
mach thM tha boy wanted the money, belted bops. A kind of mead te morii •444t HAMILTON CLOTBDfO 00.
bat t«
naad to Abyaalate. where it la carttad
cn joaneya in teag horns. In Banda
a drink crilwt 'Upets’’ la made ftem
tha dsBctoos honey of the linden. Tha
'banteam’’ of (he ancint Bomana cenristadof hoBey, wine and watm b
togeths. -The “clarre'’ or •>ln__
Of OiatKec'a time was wins
'Wftb honey and qilcea and riralMid
risar.-Ctricage Newt.
health! .



AND LOT. aoBtowmt oonar

been, and, far fi
are fweed to obey lb—Bouaseas.
Tooth-I have come & eerie the hand
I Brike R a f«la not tflwttad te
XMS oBt of «kee bona.





•Wsn. yuR^" tiglitoil hri bsmeOSM Wband,
I cams
in oa wtartte toarfoBy Ihri ttmfwo
eUppod several towas Snd had to as
imck after themr^r-Detng^f^-FlM

w^Ffehrt Lima A
Front atostt



TO aMBAi Uteri baBdagMd tot 60fart front on FiSToSt aflS
------- -------- to make mcnay.
222 Front otzeot

tween Wayne aadiBay atreeta.

ihli-tttrtBL EOEBiaBS aan >» afla V ttadA
.-M«mtnadM- '

tofme ■.AOBMAdSTJfei

TM teiMiai^beai^ af tha-eChto V

floari.^fW mt phM IN.

Bayride addition far aria chmp oa
eaar tanas also brildtoss.and tots
1 ^ faom ^
la various ports ot the city aad eonawasavmy.pteatotarim. Ta*to»*p
try thrt are art adverttoad. OaD aad
ra«ard to nWe^
Bar. Mr. CarrH
aaa na whan In waat Litlia A
Cadv ^
is baM hy tta 1^ chwehaa, the
122 Front rirfet 8618(26
t of Oadar Baa.
Wto preamkid Up wttk a Mand- FOR BENT—A torriahad or
issra » nrainamable saw tteher
slshed haiwn ctoae to. »
aMo oilw flmk rilr. the Bav. Mtolk
^■wwetoffa at <u rath street
amm te orchard, about
Saaaaly maktog the laimntaHre
rightthoomadtraaa. OrchardateeapaacA. Mr. Cawel ingoafril to a Bh FOB RBNT—OBee rooms far rmit FAOrOBT on Bto street Power and
ly ftnsM, tooatad ahou one mile
ma^amy ready to nm-268 toot
ting maaner aM than tha regntor.
over yohaaon's drag sUra. Mn- 3.
faoMaga. A good tooatlon far anyi trom etty nalto. %em all to boarUna of manalhetortoc.
dJokBsaa,ttlBtoth street 224141
ALSO aaveral gDbnaga tend oootracta.
FC« SALE-Bod. 6 Quota a toad; top
dirt 4 eaata fin dM 2 ewts. E. 3.
Cooks, 617 Monroe straat, Ottoens' FOR 8Al«-HoavT wmk team with
phono 250. Dirt at west ead •
or wtthnrt baineosm and wagon: J. FOR SALE-ansll hOOM on Webstar
Wsyaa sheet
street; very tow pries on aonthlT
B. OrriOck 00.
gobariOtowAtowarf^l .Oar lew
paymontt. same as rmt .Uttto A
Bhortar, 221 Frent rirest 2612116
TOOBH TO BBNT-CaD at Itt Bast FOB BALHrrt threnhionor oQ riore,
pood as Bgw, Mil Union atroot. Otr toens* phlM 288.

Ton^wbUy salary is tha todex of
your ahOfty. UiuMlted taker ot any
klad fa ctwaya pooriy |MA. fftaeomn
noneM roams.toaontoaa etowt and your awney maktog pow­ FOHBHNT
OM who wmata rent to Npty an pver (umbtea or tiebtea. Toaeaabooome
ohaso of a hsmi ft vtr mmA
an export—a bursas apaeuaiat at
Traversa &tr Bosteau OoOeca. ’4US

Eagle Want Ads

htaktog of

to tote fen
--------------------- 1. «r fatal oor mmar^
•tons. Weaxpsetonatepoflflitraagt
month, littls A Bbortm. fill IkMt
___ _____________ that ft wm pay PIONEER UVERY AND HACK UNS
yon to tevesOMta, rithar far - '
-By J. MriMn^-Sammahor the oM
ornxriiange far other good prq
reliable Une that Is always on that.
Ltttte A Shorter, 228 Front
HackorderaaMselalty. imakBon

BOM stneta; T IM
Wy 1st

uisMuuawius, ru»__ ___________
FOB SAIAI-Forty acres of good tend.
hopes, robbor tire phartens, rnbhm
60 M. hemtock end mapto tlmher. 809
tire surreyt, robber
tire b
t For
-- rtirabaeka.
oerds of wood, four aereo etearad
naan booM wm taka herss and
hattas-nad thrsa Peaated cairiagm
kuggy as part payamnL A. B. CirIn' atock. alao a alee Itoe o'
nrriapea. traps and aln^ bagFOR BALB-Mow rigkfltoom hooM,
Klndly give me a can whan to
fomaea. SBdoot toh Obm straat
of anything
to this Una. ISOS-cf
Win archsaga tor Taeaat toU or UOH BALB-^onse, 7 roams, on Baadolph street Ton oan fix payments
WANTHD-Buyer far fomUnra for
tohdamroltg. Bhanurn AHMtor.
to anlt'yonTsrit or trade far other PERSONAIr-lf yoa wish to go Into
six room housa.-, Brarytktag eom«2t2
bnalnees caul on os and sea 11 wo
ptete. Evarythtogaew. Basytmma:
have not
on oor Uri 'rt
bustnem tor mle that suits yon—
Owner leaving city. 427 Btoto rinat
perhaps at a bargain—or trato ter
. S2««tf
land. Uttle A Shorter, 228 Rant
F. Btritul. 628 a Vhkm street ’87U
or. 221 Fnmt street S812t26
WANTBD-A giri far kBNoa aad one
FOB BAia-Bton and BMOot front,
eonsr ON nd Front Slieria. f

Ws-dtotec room work. Walton Bia, FOB SALE Briiy oatriaga; haiMto if
Ittt 8A1A-140
Walton Jnriton.
taksatonea. tegriraatCUFHU
FroeU etreet
FOB 8A1E.—We hark and oSm far
}Q. the faltow^ itot of Baal
date, ft is an deaiiahla property. FOB BALB-Ntoa 4O«0e fruit I
dmoatboaold. Canar•phonetor
to Aatitm oenaty, near Tottt. L
EOOO. easy toms, nice sHatom


♦2.50 Horse Blankets

11.00 Comfo^Wes
Blhokets for
•3.50 Wool blankete
*3.00 Wool BlAntetB

♦2.75 Horse Blankets
-.............. .


Stove for ------- -


_ .Hfe. aoMtog and

MONET TO LOAN on parwmal prop
arty, to nsu m suit 1 Mawtond
Tytar, room 221 Jlew WOholm block,
fifth floor.

Hot Prices
AEFms -

_____ ___

WHEN you need tosursnee on hanao
or on furniture, boats, mschlssry or
snythtog. let LftUe A Shortm help
yon oat





PiatBONAlr—When yen are tired at
raytag reri to toe tonAofd ma sad
aoe how-aasUy yoa «M an a hmaa
of yonr-owa uadv the aionthly p»-

♦30.00 Wood
Burner for
♦iS.00 Wood
Heaters for

, laLOOHardor. Soft Coal or Wood,
Sraoke'COQSBiniDg T *2 ^ CT
-Heaters for

1 IL761W White Cotton |
1 >Zd


: vise 1

1TAI6nfe-<A I^awn 6MH____
to 2tn-to sHtatoton «a «hn ggiff


♦3.50 Shoot Iroo
Heaters for
♦12.00 Heaters

. -6-35

tss&i asBs^cSirSEE TBAT WINDOW.

The Bo^eh St(»rc

Too will art a tboroagh aad prae-n
Ueal edurtton at Travoraa City BaBi-II







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