The Daily Eagle, September 19, 1905

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The Daily Eagle, September 19, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


DAi^ EMiLB.'

VOL xn. NO. 3868.

flUi aftaffMMfl Md tmiftit; M«(•r tMright; WidHudiy Mr nd
«o»t«r, brMc to Mgti fftanpidrito



Nothing adds more to the comfort of the
home than



Comfortable Rocking: Chairs.
We are showing tbe-finest and largest selectloa
of Rocters In the city at pri^s *way be>
low what^the smaller dealers could
afford to sell them at.

A laj^ arm rocker, just
like out, only
is up­
holster^ in ' imitation
leather. Finished in rich
dark golden oak.


Your Credit Is Good Here.

J. W. Slater

WbelMSIe and RetolL

Year aellabi# i


Lumber ■«»
Simply gM your plans
ready, let ua know
what, yoar apecificar
tionu call for and we’U
deliver .whatever is
j needed ^without loea of
time to yourself or

Lumber, interior Fioish and Buiidine
Materiats always ready.


DefaaHor Wat Drtwihg Salary
'. Sliseo i Ytar.

See o«tf baigatns in Paji OverooaU



mnricet affordgnUtttobMter
fit natl «nUh thin
nsnnUy found nt pricM


W. L. BROWN, Mgr.


i KEEPING MGirr lirni i











Popular Music -


Talking Machines





• That’s what we are doi»g now. We sell^atpit three• fourths of all the pianoq sold in .this HelaHy. If you
are one of the few who are not buying of us there
^ mast be some reason for it and we would yke to know
^ that reason. When our goods are the best and our

why should you not be^among the
_ ^ D 8 of satisfied customers who are saving many dol•
trading with Grinneli BroJ' the largest

in the world.. The next
! It „
“’■’'‘■'"S'*"call aad
5 Rct our price, and terms.

• '



of the Red CFOS


TiMets, IS, 20, 2Sc
BlM Md WUte, Note. PMk«
had Latter hfom with en'velopw
toaatcli. .
ftlT- I" Note Paper and b-

-And BlgUuia Linen is n<
welmvetofitotfoo^. We

im MtolB
r and tato-

•Grinneli Bros.!


........ I





Anerkn Brag Store

New Tork, September U.—It tana
ont that after all, Baron KapiWK the
Japanese envoy, wl^ la m at
Waltorf Astoria, has typhoid f
His pbMclana made the dlac
tnosls may
alter the plan to start wsstward wlUi
the baron on October A
Mr. Sato, the heron’s aeoetnry. aaDoonead the dedshm of the pfaysietoM
U .this bnltoUn given om lest sithti
■*Ihe physlOlana to ettsndiiMn sp
■ Komm met to nmtmmm tl
Men ^th Dr. Bn*l. the svBi
generel «d toe ttoperW Absmm sw


luskegoo. Beptnber'-It.—FMtor
Dye of the Find Bapttot tonrch
reffigned becauto of a row over toe
aelectico of toe new pipe Organ,
did not like the orgubt, W. B. Pmo;
eroy'a, choice.
Sweet Cldar, 15cjtergalton. John C.
MorpanASMt Phenelll. S567-tt

We Want You
To see the shoes we just-got
in for girls' school
They’re made up in nice
style and the soles are
made to ataiid lots
of walkiog.
Better come in and see them
before you buy the
next pair.

Rowland Doi^lass
Shoe Store ppp. WhlUag Hotel

Is one of the very floest
p^rs for correspon^nce. We have it in *“


M<d to not gouty of acoepUng a bribe of

The New Store ROW OVER■3:
New Suits
Young Men
m $12, $i$i $18

of the worst floods ever known at this
time of year Is now being esperienosd
here. Twelve inches of rain have fal­
len m the tost three or bmr teys and
au o( the small strmms have brokmi
banka and are taglag torrents.
Twelve persons-have tost Uidr Uves
and an Immense amoont cd Bye stock
has been- drowned. Thonsanda of
ac^ of emn are under water.

«SM bem Lnt K. Saliabory. nis to
toe verdict of the jury Whldi
broogfat' in In snperlor court this
morning at »:lg, afte^ being out stnoe
yertMday.' TbU la Mol'e sec

tBpaclal to The B
laekno^Sept ‘
delegatei an a
P}thianaa' and I
venitons ln.thlaUty.|
Uke place (


Oen^ Jodd. toraerty of the Bed
dierY Home, whoee heelth haa bem
faUiag lor ana tlm^ whOe ont drtw Many Acres of Com Are Stondtng la
lag Ssaday snSered a aeeere stroke
bom which ha ttoiad' to rally,
an at cnee to his home

hfOes whfto tnwaleatod weiR Into the
mUl alive at noon bnt there
toaetric light power house and afiet
teikiiig awhae naked the deetrtdaa u BO heme for hu recovery.
Orend Baplda, September U, S:ig
whhdi wtres wonld klQ a man If he
(Kto hold of tbmn. He was tnfmmad p. m.—Col Jadd paaeed aww this atthat he better leave aU o< the wires
alone, and in another moment
was e fiaah and MUea waa dead. Be JAS. MOL ACQUnED
bed.laka hold of a Uve win with both
haads and died instantly. 'Wbi^ It
aoddent or whether ha mtemir
' IBpedal to The DaQy BaUe.]
laled eafadde la a aseatlan.
(RMd Batdds, Beptomber IP.-Jaa.

chtoce dark colon*
toll Oreroonta both eerge and slto
Unsd. They are line. Afewslsealeft

• See ow vrindow-

Honloek Wood. tUS per bMid..

Bert^ it Waa BaleMa and Pertiapa

Boyd, a dark la the piftUe bealUi
and marine boepiUI aenrlce, «i
rMtod yeetardar on a vamnt i
out by Chief tnert W. P. Wonwetor of
thU office diargliii: him with wmbesclfniest. Th^dlaeorery of fSeto lead­
ing to Uie charge was made laM Tlnywday In BoydY abMnoe. and the amotmt
abatncted will, according to Boyd*«
reach not Iwa than
R was BeydY doty to prepare UOa
for the approral o< the
J.^'«Ute. <
eral, and when cheoha wen signed
Baidcet tooiaty. 1
they wen d^rered to him
maHed to the persona lor whom they ful Injury j
were intanded. It la charged that he 10 mtnotes betore^
shot down
the hois by' enatng the
datea and amomta of dmdleatee lea Mtowlaga bbyhowti
la the office and that he eeenred mon­ er." when three ft
caught 1
ey on checks by Indcnlng the names
of the firms tb wUA they wen Imned. anoUier part of the il
The alleged deCaleatlac haa bean In the nair completely I
procreea ter the past three years, but finger and ernahte
fingers <mlte eavwdly.ffi
Boyd was not snspeetod nntU s
inneaa compelled him to be nb•ent and made It aeoeaaary for some­
one elae to assume his dsUes.
Property bdonglng to Boyd yalned
at abest «S,000 has been aeiaed.
waa drawing a talary of lUM a year.
. When taken before United States
Commteioner Ikylcr, Boyd walred s; .018 TURNOUT UP d
hearing and s iheiam.sio.oMbidL


Our mill will quickly dispose of a hurry order for
special wood work.


dlefa* Hems.


New Goods
Ifw Goods

bolway resting

Three Lead* ef Tuber* Rejected en
City Market Today.
as on the dty market was
Uriit today, both In^totoes and the
fmiu which grow on trees. A notleenUe feature of toe day's dealings waa
Uih re^eetton, by the buyers, of three
loads of poutoes beeanse them were
some roUen ones mixed In the load.
The reason tor bad tubers In the loads
to that toe farmer* are not careful to
loading them, neglecUng to tort tooee
which, in those already dug. have' been
aSected by “heaUBg.” and In thoee not
yet dug. thoee which have been tooebed by toe bli^ A very man per­
centage of bad pOtotoes makes a load
snfit for ablnilng.' 'They will remain
at'86 cento a bmOiel for the besL
of peatffies.and ptonn will be
tomorrow;^ aD ptoMifflty. I. JaMea. Ihasa
ti^: 'ecsr«e.,Ag4

Mrs, J. Gray «t Bates, %vaa a visitor
in the dty tx»day.
Mrs. A. G. Bond Idt tola Men tore
few days' vtolt with retoUvea at XUaworth.
Mra. to Ruaaell of S48 East Elev­
enth street, haa gone to Bk Rapids
for a vlsft wKh Mendn
The Rsheeea’a etoV b riyiitod to
meet at the Odd PeHows' haB at 1:S0

« today Stoat«d to NeQ Monroe add
Sours, both of Bk Uha.
‘Wah” Miliar w^ this a
eo to toe DnWott boaae of oopnetton
by SbariB a B. TnhMnn

m jail

brother. W. H.' BaOeyMra.'A C. Adama'and A
HOUSE BREAKER MAY HAVE Bmi^ Addtoon. of 1026 Union streeL
have gone to Angell for a few days'
The funeral of Harry Clayton of
Parker’* Heuac.
WUllamshpr^ who died Sunday, was
held tols morning from the WUUameSd Holway, 'who wao arrested Sun­ burg church.
day Biglll for entering George Patoer's
Ml*s Belle Roy of East Jordan,
•house on Spruce streeL to still in Jafl In toe dty today on her way home
and win probably be given a hearing from Buttons Bay, where ahe has been
An Holway bad aald that vtolting the past week.
Parker had Odd him he misht stay at
A. Rob*rtSM hea gone to Clevatond
the Buoae at any Um^ Chief of Police to buy the new fall stock of cloaks,
Ashton telephoned to Parker, who Is suits, etc., for toe dry goods depart
at Btilalre, and enqulrad abotd the ment of the MencantUe store.
He waa told that Faikar
The cempanloii eewing. circle will
gave Holway any such poimts- meet wtto Mrs. Jod Cameran at 884
tlOQ and Holway vrOI now bare to tooa WMt Tento stTML Thursday attertoo mnsle.
Mm. L. J. Crisp, who has been the
guwt of her sister. Mm L. H. Frye,
of 411 Bast Eighth streeL returned
tola noon to her home near Btk Bar-

do Mt'a
migtat desim, h dbws t
received last night by one Anasr w
shipped fals plains direct toa'commteslon bouse In Chicago. After the «■
pesae of shipping and toe commission
Ann's peroentofie wae deducted, he
resitted three one onehalf cento per
case on his frulL Another tamer far­
ed sllicbtly better, getting four cents

tor his.


« of His Roeovery Soon.
Oeraryc Sion* of Summit City, who
waa Jiruek by the G. B. 4 L train
yesienla> nt Klngaley, wu brought t3
this city this moralngon tbe8:86 train
and w&B taken m the ambulance to to >
Grand Traverse bospttaL Mr. Stem
to resting as easily as oonld be ex­
pected under toe rireumstonees and
there are excellent hopes of hto re­
covery. BeMdes having his leg brokoi
and scalp gashed, be to badly bmlaed.


8L Louie. September 19.—John B.
O'Meara, formerty Ueutmiant wem
of Mtosourl, wu aeverely stabbad to
toe face tost nl^t by a robber oa the
float popto of hi* borne. Mr. O'Heaia
eeated oa the tramt pewA when a
approached and laqulred the num­
ber of bis bouse. The man drew
volver and demanded money. O'MearB
etruggled with toe robber, and both
rolled denro the fitsit stepe to the
tows, where the fight oeattoasd. As
Hr. O’Meara graduany gatotd the ad­
vantage. his assailant loosened to
... p on toe revolver and. diawtog a
knifo. etabbed Hr. O’Meara m toe face,
-the footpad then eampM. A phya was summoned, end five sttttoes
• token In the wound, wtA es
tmids ^ooS the dieto to the nUL
Gen. Lee Btrengiy 1^ Favor «f R»-EstobimtWMri.
Washlllgtall^ S^itemher U.-Brig.
Oen. J. M. Lee. critnmsndtng the departmaat of Texas, to to asanat m
poH mys toe army to mtertos upon
«* of stagnatom to promottons.
■neat tow slmnar to Uiit^C the navy
and marine oorpn.
Gen. Lee to posUirely In fovnr of the
ffreetobltshment of the amy eau
He eay* that 80 per cent M the Mi­
dlers drink beer aoGUght Wtass, while
a minority drink strung Bfinan.
^ a small
drink to s>^

City tent No. trt, K. O. T.
U., will give a progressive pedro party
FrUsy, September 88. to Sir Knlkhto

In the prebete cmirt today a Ueene*
was grsatod to Archibald A. Mmer U.
sell real eetato to the estate of Bdna
Miller, minor. The final acoount In
the eaUte of John Barts, deoessed.
was filed.
Mm C. 8. Shamhsush of Allege",
who has been the guest ef ber unde.
G. B. Baker, and family of J14 South
Cedar streeL the past tew days,' left
today for Coitml Uke for a visit with
Dhrtslon No. 2 ef qie CongragaUenal
Aid sodety wlU bold a meeUnc to­
morrow aftenaen at 2:80 at the home
of Mrs. F. TburteUH 610 West Ninth
This to the tost meeting of
the year and^aU members are reqsastod to be preaenL
1>e W. H. M. k. ef the First Metbedist chnroh wtll have a pot look sop8 o’dodc
Those attMdlng am asked to bring
one articie of food, a cop, pIMa, fork
epoim. All are tavttod. A aOver
offertug wffl be token.
The maitegentent ef the Waric Place
barber toop changed yestmday n
tog. Boy Wood, who has been the pro­
prietor some montoE, retiring trom-the
sb^.' it will hereafter be nm by the
I management and B. 1,. Maeen,
who has been emidoyad to the Shop,
will be in charga. Hr. Wood haa tok­
en a chair to W. H. Davis’ shop.


Officjals Ask to Hem Cesseche Sent to^
r 19.-Oen. ShlrtoTlflto. :
idn. eommnnder of tha^roopa, ymtor. received ‘a triegram from the
olWata of toe copper works at Bltoa- '
bethpol'requeetlng him to send Coeseek* to toe district The telegram
says that toe dlstntx u ■u..«anded by
banda of Tartan and that property
and toe Uvea of the employae am to
Five wagms filled with Armoulan
refugee^ from Bhosha wme attacked
by Tartam Most of toe rMUgeae were
killed and women were cerrled oC.
Simflar otdragee are occurring In -mr>UT diatrtets.*
St. Pettnbnrg, September IS.—The
emperor haa ordered a Mate of eiege
to be pn»lam>e4 lathe town and dletrtot of Bfelostok. owing to ^ dlethere.
Baku, Sepfibtr -18.-^artot» out­
rages eoBtmne here and many of the
chop* remain ohmed. .

in a few days you will

I axeellsnt valnea 8o|M vary
_...jew4Ma- tktog‘wrong
abest Umb. Every mu warn* a msdm^KdAf oveseoat, Eame.
Any one who wUl need a heatOe YOU WANT A TtlBBBB CLAIM?
,tag or took etor* tola oorotog
-n«e to big Boney to B. Span
' wtator win save a sBUg IltUa sum
whh to know toora abari« «Mi 1
DAILY tAlE WAlfT ADD FAV«1 tar tovesUng here sow.
ia. K. Olfetn. 4UDtolaBM*M

«r Wm. Stogleton st4ha 1*kHB« B






go keep E. U WU 1|«t rt.Mltnsr hstn i
Md nov' wbeneifr anyeso has.
Mon to use IL tIMy an Aargsd from
fl.60 to kS ter tho use «C tbe team to
fin* It and tbe ditesr.- Tbe soelrty
wbleh gave it to tbe cdtr baa com­
mented on ttaet feet, Mr. GOlett aeld.
and thought, tbe dty aboold keep Its
agreement end stand tbe expenee ol

CBtmd M TnrarM Cttr PoatoSee aa
Alter the councU meeting last night,
whkdi lasted the ladeat of any mnntlnf
In the past two roan. U. K. Olbbs,
prertdent of the Traverse City; Peninr
suit and Old Hhttion R. E. Oo; which
was given an extanaion of time of me
year for beginning and oompletlng the,
road, took the members of the coun­
cil. Uie preei representstives and Uw
fire alarm company representatlvee i
the UtUe Tavern.
There a bertsteak sapper waa ear
Tha UaUy Bafle wOl ba found OA ed a^d a pleasant hour was spent In
aala at Iba toUowins plaeea: x& 4. doing-Juatloe to Um supper and In dlseatalng variona matters of Intnest to
Haai A Sou, Ml Waahlnston a
joaaph UBlor. 910 Bast Bshth tbe city.
atiaat; C MoBroy, SOI Weat Rout
■traet; Mi*. A. H. PnU*rr*» North
Bbnirood aTceoa; Mon^ Candy Oo.
Cntoo atreat. For uo^retinoa et
oat patnna, want adTactlscBMnts ma~
ba lalt at aay of tha abon plaeaa.
- «UB»CRimONI.
Ona week, tv cairiar................
Ooa month, by mnU
Tltroa uiiotha, by mall........^...
SU rnontha, br maU.....................HJI
(taa tmt. Jv maU.........................
'Fhonaa, 6S.
Oaoa open aTery Wadnaaday aTaoJn
dty Cirmilatar.

OCt. I, IM7


rasnaatsd to rapoit any —-----------iTtha sarrioa at cm*. Both taMphonaa No. S8.


Hidbirai Breaker!
lOmt New Salto
r. ifCerWolw
GBeal awJtoeDrd

Street Fund StiorL
^Id. Doekoray reported in resard to
the oondhloo of some of the dty
funds. steUng that the general street
fund will run about glO.OOO short this
year, while th the police fund there Is
sUU about
white. wUl be suffldeoL Tbe dty bos paid TOt nearly
17.000 for cemat walks bnt there Is
stJll about M.6O0 of that amount to be
repaid by tbs proper^ ownera.
More Treee to Trim.
dal commit
Aid. Wilson remarked on Uie tart
the hoard’<
that whUe emne property owner* have
of buylniaplsps
trimmed their treeo, many others have
of-Uie BayaMn .
He wanted the
looted In­
feet frontage cn
to and when told that It waa <te
parte, and Iba gs
duty of the chilnnan of the board of
the coimeU h^na
pubUo worte to aee that the trees are'
a porUon tbenoi^'
ted. replied that In treat of the
me tod. ud -w
■ ■ Mtbe reddonee ot the chairman of the board
money over Um pt
there Is the "woiat mess in the dty.”
shape that it can hatg^te’locrttng

We Ibare distanced our
best of last season, aiul
tbat'6. no o r d i n a r V

'i i

ikt 1

We determined to
make it diffieulffor any­
one to pick a flew in our
Suit stock, and a careful
glance will show what it
is possible to do when
tbe fabrics are
Cuthdly dwsefi and
We bare a ^reat show­
ing of FallSuita.


George Hormnth hired a Uvery at
Walter Benton's ban last evanlng and
In company with Hugh HoGOUa start­
ed out to aee the eigtata. At John
Easel's saloon on RandMph street;
HormuUi fbt out of tbe rig, but H»
GilIU stayed In and aa eotu as Bo^
muth stepped out, be whipped
horse Into a ran. liie horse and rig
dashing down Bay street to
Upic». wfaa It turned south, and ran
the comer of Ninth and Union
streets. Here the driver, who seemed
have little control of the anlmil,
some manner steered him into the
sidewalk and shade trees, and some­
one caught bold of the hone after U
had broken'looee frmn the buggy.
of' tbe onUlt showed
i sllghUy
whtOetree and thnis bn
top also somewhat wrecked. The hone
was cut about the hind legs and athe^
wise bruised. Tbe driver was unln.
Tbe horse Is -a very docUe animal
and was never known to ran away.
It is thought that the hone was rtmnlug under the whip Isat iil^ and
could have been easily checked it the
driver had ao desired.

Name your price and

a was voted that thardly hv the
we’ll more than meet
CAMEWELL AND SIONALPHONE land but there w*<A jreat deal of
your ejqjeetations at
W aoff^snt KMs et Op emu—
1905 by
diaeuaalon aa to
ererj point
amount on bonds
Lct^ eee wbkt a'bMksr la exactly.
a porthm ot Uiem. i^s Umught by Bda the man wbeae aervleea yoo must
most of those wba'i^'stsdied the ----- If yon wish to boy w Bell I
maUer at all, that lT wbuld be safest
egnt fi» S thing In Wan
to Issue Uie iriiole iiadaiit at one time vUbrtit teat hrtesr. Xou mutf Ell
be rid of all,
wlfli^ If W a ptgttM were Isned.
any ta^p;^
wh«' the Issuance
of any otbo- portln:Mss eonddered
Bhall this dty have a storage bat- later, block UM'.'hrhAe prooeedlngs
teiy. and switchboard put into the fit* very easily. Sevarsi pfins were sug­
alarm system, at an expense <a about gested bnt the matter was fluany re1600 or shall it merely divide the pres­ ferred bai^ to the
and the
ent syst^ Into three or four circuits dty attorney to formdlate a plan.
and put In a |10 plugboard, temporar­ Electric Railroad Oeto Time Exteoily! Thatisthe quesGon before thedty
coundl and much-time wae spent last
An -ordinance aaendliig u» Tnivnight In dlBCUSBlng the fire and poU^ eree City A Penteanls Electric BaUSkinner’s &atin is faP and away the best
alarm n^ers and listening to the bids road ordinance was rend and
satin made. For it is unreservedly
and comniiinlcaUona dt the Qamewell the amendmat aUewlng an extension
and Slgnalpbone companlee,. as i
ot time ter the begtenlng of the work,
guaranteed for two seasons. *iV) protect
smted by their representaUv
unUl OcL 1, 1906. and tor Uie eomplaaie of two kh
tbe public—unfortunately it’s necessary
Uon. unUl OcL 1. IML
—the makers put tbeircuamp in everv
many bngite •flMi cgagMCted by pte
StTMte and Watka.
teat eemdoet a
inch of the salvage, and W^ 'is none
A sidewalkVas ordered buUt on Uie
Bide From Two Companies,
kwal and man bndium.
Tbe fire alarm matter waa first east Bide of Sprnoe rtrest fiwn Front
genuine without it -We show a splendid
To .a biteer inohe of these daws
brouMit np In a GMnmunleatlon from toBltth.
yoorlttte H^ven. In axecutliig yonr
color line, a,lso black and white. Have
The chairman’^ the board of pub- oetae and these of etew tee brohsi's
tbe mayor. In which he told ot tbe eonCIRCUIjT COURT CALENDAR
your new coat lined with Skinner’s
dltloa of theayatam at present and the Uc works was Inatrneted to' eee that linitio tesy be any eom fisom f"
TO refuse Is left to Uw streets, aa here­ menfimny giOO-to tboosandsm
need ot ImprOTsmenis. Under
Satin and you won’t r^ret it
For the ^ptember Term. Whkh Cbnbead ot new boalneos. bids tram tbe tofore, after cemeat .walks are bnUL
The road at OhaA Faust's warehouse
two-competing coart«nies were read.
BoUi propewed to furnlah. wlUi the on Bast Front stresL which was dug
The Bonk of England waa mtab
tbe cmnlDg term of drcult court for
Uahed In lOM. tee Bank of
neceesary equipment, a storage bat­ up when water plpee were laid,
Grand Traverse county
tnr yaara late, and ordered put In gp^oonldUon.
tery and an antomaUc swltchbc
A aldewmik wan uttred bnUt cn the Wise not long tn finding li
The OameweU prioe waa set at
The People vs. Grant
IDL_____ _
east aide of Oakmr*et from the oUoy ..............................
Is tbe popular Satin for shirt waists, as it is very soft
latlah of Uie liquor lt!w.
fed tee InconboUi agreeing to deduct »76 If Uie' between Front an^ Second strM to
and hasa beautiful finish; wear is guaranteed. Look
- beliig tedr own bankan
Tbe PMple va. J. O.
switchboard be put Into the wall m- Second streeL ea teem ns the money obE Irtalnlng aU tedr wealth In thsir
laUoa of tbe lignw law.
the name SKINNER’S woven in the salvage.
propookiii teests. Gradually they began
stead of Into the cabinet epedOed and
While It U quite probable that the
The People va. Chas. E. Pierce,
to OMU accomits wtte some of tee
We carry a full line of colors.
both agreeing to allow the dty to erty owners.
action of the council in extending the bestardy.
The city oiglneer was instructed'to London bonkers, white they ntlUted
franchise of the proposed electric j The People^ve. Orrle Hoppea, oataW lehse the egnlpmmit three years
for teelr bodoees transaetlona. erode stakes near the
railway from Traverse City to . . wlUi iDteut to do great bodily harm onechlrd the p
lesi sate men were bsMt by many
Ulsslon. giving the company a year lees man the crime of murder.
and enstomera to
blU of sale for Uie consideraUon of »1. dolph etreeL eo UiM the pnverty own­ teem through their banking sccoont
from October first In which to ^xna•
leeuee ot FaoL
ers may know how high to flU In thetf and tens tbe well to do trader devel­
mence the work, will be criUclsed,
Elisabeth Oaros vs. Jdin Kratodi- The Slgnalpbone board would also lou.
oped Into tbe country banker with hU
have arrungemente for connecUng
eUll we believe the ooundl did the vll. et al., treapaae on the eOae.
The local produce end fralt buyers Londn agent who mute prifatTed to,
right thing under the circumstances.
Peter Si^elder vs. Wiliam Matsen, with a police alarm systmn
should be iBStaUed later, or |20 de­ were granted pemlaslon to have pla> do business and incur carriage and
That the building ef the road would replevin appeal.
ed in Uie streeL bn State street Jus: postage with some one leadfnc firm
la a town to having eevnl amall cosEldorado Jewelry Co. va. Samuel F. ducted from the price If those Instru­
be a good thing for Traverse City and
west of Union, the smaU office build­ temma In {be same plsce.-Loadon.
ments were left oD.
the ppople of the PmilnsuU Is admit­
ing now at Uie new postoffloe site, tor Btandord.

Aid. Murray Favored Sign
John Poffhausen ts. Andrew Wllted on all sides. Such a road would
AIA Murray was the first to speak use as an offlee. the buyers having pinadd very greaUy to Uie resort faclll- lacker, et aL. aasumpelt
chaaed the bnUdlng.
in tbe matter and be sold that on aeClark H. Gleaaoa vs. J<
Ues of the city. It would in &ct be
one of Uie greateal resort aUractlona and Bills Vnnderenter. aeUon of debt ooum ot Uie amall also of the dtris
The Traverse City Milling Co. wu
In judgement
.................. tbe police alarm system
Uiat could be aecured.
granted permiulon to erect a e
George Vmi Oordef va. The Grand might as weU bexut ont and that be
This being tbe case it is the duty
and wood elevator and flour mUl,
of the council to do evaythlng it can
|59£ from the Slgnalpbone Co. He 80x160 feet in rise, tel West Rtei
to foster the lenterprtse. It has been cate.
etreet, the structure to cost shout
argued Uiat the company has already y Edward McNamara n. Choa. Rosen- then moved that tbe lowest bid be ac­ >6,000.
been given two extensioue of Ume, and
A peutlon f«- aa arc «g*» at the
Peck A HIU Furaltupe Co. va. Wills Aid. Olllett Fayoro Temporary Repair.
coiner of Maple and Ninth streets was
Aid QlUeU then retharked that the referred to the committee on HgtiUnpsimply to prevent others from tAHwp E. WUepn. 6espass on Uie eua.
Chas, Wlhelm, et ol.. vs. Cbos. A. ooimcn ehould not let a few dtrilore
up and pushing Uie enterprise to com­
Permission waa given Jos. Proisll «.
stand In Uie way against a company
pletion, and not give us the rood.
move teh offlee building ot J. D. Pike
whose goods we have used many years A Boo. at-the corner of Bay and Union
While It Is true that thus far Mr. appeal.
BIrney 3. Morgan vs, Alhponso B. and which we know to be oU right
Gibbs has faUed to build U>e road be
streets, to the eomer of Oak and Bay
But be was also ready to portpone put- streets.
has not by any means been Idle, and Inellmantel, trover appeal.
AlhpMBo B. Huellmantervs. John Ung in the btorage hattery and to have
he aseuree ue that he haa sucoeeded
Cooke Bros, offered to give the cl^
the system pat In Uiree'circuits and
In getting matters Into such shape Tweddle, replevin appeal.
100 to 200 loads of dirt from their
Mlchtgtt.B'ttggy Ca vs. Pbnis £n- switchboard put In, leoporartly, until
that with this enenslon of time that
premleee at the west mid of Wayne
the city geu more money. Mr. Stover
haa been grunted he will have Xo over­ plonent Qo., treepasa on-tbe case.
If taken wlteln 80 daya. and
Andrew Stohrabacher, at al, va. Hen- of the OameweU Oo. then stated that
come no further obstadea to aecme
the matter wu referred to the board
the financing ot tbe eebeme and the iT^Uionr. et al„ trespass on‘ the Uie preeent eyrtem could be put la of public worka.
buUdlng 6f the rood.
three clrcnlts by the use of- a plug­
A request of the board of pnbUc
Chancery Pro Oenfmso.
board which would coet lie.
If this Is correct, then the ooundl
works for 600 feet of new boss tor
Maggie U. Turrell vs. Hark M. Tnr
■ did right in extending Uie time, for
flushing eewen wu referred to tee
roll, divorce.
Uiere Is no guesUon U>.%t Mr. GIbha
The matter wsa dlseuased thoron
fire end water committee.
F^onr brohs 0/ refereon—your fllinr
Alice Horse va. RJebkrd Morse, dl- ly and both oompany repreeentaU. _
done s great deal of work Sni
•tone Crusher Repairs.
ewnlili.S-™,mMhUme U».kI K job
addremed tbe ooundl In tevor ot tbelr
pended a good deal of Ume and mo-v,
A cmamnnicauon from tee AusUa
Oertrade R. Saunders vs. Edward bids and oomponles, and Aid. Abbott
in hlB eSorts to promote the building
Cruaher Co stated teat U Uie city's
moved that the present wires betrsnof the road, and he is enUUed to have
Desk will pay toritiielf in time eared las
atone crasher does net work It must
Ui6M sBorts recognlsM and reworded.
ferred ft«m the electric UMit pole* c
the telephone poles and that new wire be tee fealt Of the opnator. mUem ft
ooeds repairs, and tlmt tbe oompsay
be put In where needed and that the
WlU mead a man to Wraet In tee
ejstem be put In Uiree or tour olr®peraUoa of Uie crachv, tbe dty to
•~«r.l WMon Fa.™
euita. Tbe motion wae carried and
pay the expert's
his ulthen Aid. Bingham stated hi»t
• ine the Siglrta..
of 96 per day. -xbe ~»"rT"r ad­
Cora Loven vs. Wmiam LoveU, di­ wanted to understand the mrtter be­
Mrs. P. O. Hlnshaw of IWJ Ranvised finding out wheteer say repairs
lotoet device for rapid dupUcaUng
fore he voud on the bids, and be
dolph street aooompaaied by her par­
« hire yon want more Uian one ropy of a
Peter Peterson va. Nancy T. Peter­ ed that the bids be laid oo the tirle •to needed before the expert U sent
ents and Hater. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
for. The board of pnhUc works v
son. dJvbree.
imta tbe next meeting. CarrteA
Ml^ and Mrs. O. C. O'Dell, rasp*,.
w. Fannie M. ‘ikmaCKy Clerk Beert Rerigns.
Uvffiy. of Wiaeheeter. Ind.^ who have
What wtu be a hlg aurprtse to the ^ board of public works wu Inb^visiting here, went to Carp lake
toctod to put la a
elUsena in generd was the
; Side CeteoUc
last nlghL of City Ctek Chaa.
In anoUier party ^ spent the day
ate^ ^ ****
Harry Dnane vs. uniga
gj. Beets, to take effect Jeanaiy l. The
at Carp lake were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Haw Fltoman Aapeinted.
Teamm given tor his reaignaUon wu
HInahaw of t^ dty and thdr guest
T5w mayor appoiatte B. a Fdght
teat ho had In view new----- -------Miss Mabel HuU. ot Wlnchurter; ^
la pUoe ot Dnaeaa W
J. W. lAM
J. C. Itototo « M, white would be a lietter thing for him. “
BtlU another party to go to the above
Office Dedcffiools
Mr. Beers thanked the oooncU and dty itotto atoto., to. M*to tt
niiort u™ a,
M,. «« M,. bfll to cancel mortgage.
Wood tofi or «
8. B. SaCell, Mrt. W. P. Bldgood and
officers tor Uis ktodaeuM ehown him. Ptoe« draws a ctiary «f $100 a yur
wlUionl; aoUd 1_____
finnghler HlUabeth, Mlm o
and expressed ff hope that his —rtms as aMstant chief of the fire dmsrt.
^d an day. Take t__.
An Ameriesn
Bor wui reeolve the same hlad treeb
OD more and better wote,
Ptaroe and Mlm LUUan Martin. ThU
France, teili of
BRswrtlcm of the
due Um
snnosl wash day. meat After the mayor had
party c»me tram
The thrifty ,Fr______
OromtUU. Ind, and have been vlalt. It
metih ^per to have her the regret Of the oouncU at losing Mr
Ing In Uie dty.
was^ dona <mce a year than once Beers, u ctek. Uie radgnatlcn
a M »in America. The Unm on aooepted.
thA^lcmnee M only -Vitmil E. R. McCey
«s^>teur ocAig wmS?tb?SSr

tot II to.
As wlU be saen by ref«aoo^ b
news cotnmns of the Bagla Mr. Charles
M. Beers tendered his realenaUt
the offlee o( city clerk, to take i
Jao. 1. 1906. at the eonncli tneeUng
last evening, which -was accepted.
Ur. B. R. McCoy was appointed by
Mayor Friedrich aa hla succeasot
the appointment waa unanimously
armed by the council. .
Hr. Beers resigned the oOce for the
pnrpoee of accepting the position Ip
the'Btate Bank recently occupied by
Hr. C. Q. Sherwood. U U understood
that Hr. Beers wlU appoint Hr. Mc­
Coy dMoty clerk and that he will en­
ter imm^ately upon the discharge o!
the duties of the oOce, and do the
work pertaining thereto, pnder the di­
rection of Hr. Beers, who will be held
responHble nnUl bit reslgnaUon takes
eBect. lanoary flrsL
By the reslgnaUon of Ur. Beers the
city loses the eerrlces of a most
petent, fanbfuJ and efficient officer,
but that Hr. HcCoy will make an
equally competent man, Just as
as be “leams the ropes,'^ whlchdie wiU
soon do under the carefolAutelage of
Ur. Beers, goes wlthont^aying.
There U no doubt that the buHneas
of the offlee wlU move altmg. midO'
the new arrangement, amoothly and
without a break in Us eOclImcy.
Eagle extends hearty congratnlaUmiB
and beet wishm for the soceeas of
both these geoUemen in their new poslthBta.

Hamlltmi Oothlng Co.
Terse Truths About


-ueuft wdtkiy.

Skinner’s Shirt Waist Satin

Collier Front and Union.

Dealers In Everything.

Dealers in Everything.

Is Your Office
Properly Furnished?

It should be, with the,most convenient
that can be found. Our great specialty
IS supplying absolutely everything that
IS needed for any kind of office.
AnOUIee Oesk



Sectional Bookcases

n««IIUiW CapT Diipllcssr

OfHcc SappUes '


HANtjAB ^ U¥ imeANtilE CO.

li«h ^

^ tejN^ days

9MA-;k«MBgH siea a^d ttet

ip Everything.



man. end devil
Too don’t siq^oto 1
fair, doyont B&t
or tbe ottar. or It's


fellow. I told you
*pddtotals tte how
conld see no -bo

No: « of the ScrlM
tceni,k lam.VodMScriifrw)
the TBrione robberies In
I vbidt we «4ere both cooI V f I cemed. It is but few, I
-S "M, that will bear tellSt anr lenvtb. Not
t tbe oUiers contained
detalte wbich even I
would bsBitste to recount It Is ratter
the very absence of

that the chances
Tarlabl; reduced to a mlnlnmm btfore
we went to work. We ml^t be dlsajipolntea-in tbe market value.of onr
haul, hot It was quite tbe exception for
na to find ourselves confrontad b; un­
foreseen Impedimenta or Involved In a
reatif diamaUc dilemma. Thee was
a aamenest even la onr spoil, for, of
course, eol; tbe most precious stones
are worth the trouble we took apd tbe
risks we ran. In short, our meet onecessful escapades would prot'e tbe
srestest weariness of all In nairatlTe
form, and none more so than the diill
! affair of tbe Ardagh emeralda, some
el^t or nine weeks after the Ullchester cricket week. Tbe former, bow-

It was the' evening after our return
and I
Kaflics bad his own method c
ducting ttla very vital brandi of our
business, whldi I was well content to
leave entirely In bit bands. He drove
tbe bsrEtflna, I beUeve, In a thin but
eubUe dUgnlM of the Bssby. tesdy oi*
dor and always In the cockney dia-.
isc^ of wbidi be bad made
msae nimseii
blmself e
master. Moreover, bee Inyarbttly employed tbe same Tenc^'
was catonalbly a money lender
Oder In a amall
but yet notorloua way and In roallty
a rascal as remarkable aa BaSlea him•elf. Only lately I aleo had been to
tbe man. but in my proper person,
i We bad needed capital for tbe getting
of these very emeralda, and 1 bad
raised £100 on the terms you would
expert from a soft spoken graybeard
I with an Ingratiating smile, so Inces•ant bow and tbe Afftleet old ^ei
tbat ever flew from rim to rim of a
pair of epectacles. So tbe original elnewa and the final spoils of war came
In this case from tbe selfsame aource,
a ctrcTimstance which appealed to na
But these same final spoils I'was'
atm to see. and I waited and waited
with an Impatience ttst grew upon mo
Witt the growing dusk. At my open
window I bad played Slater Ann until,
tbe faces in the street below were no
longer dlstlDgiiiabBble. And now I
was tear^ to and fro in tbe grip of
horrible hypottoBOS-a grip that tl^t‘^’tted when at tart the,lift gates
retail'. followed on my door,
Baffles as 1 dn
today.“In the di
Holmifl bhn in- “Why. Bunny, what"
“Nottlng-Hiow you've come,*' said
I. abutting tte door brtilod him in a
fever of relief and anxiety. “WeUT
. WeUI Whrt did they fetdir
.“Five hundred.'’
“Got It in my pocket"
“Good manf I cried. ' "Ion don’t
know what a rtew I've been in. i’ll
- BWltrti on tte light I've been tblok. Ing of yon and nothing else for tte
tart hour. I-I was asa enough to
. think BomettlDg bad gone wrong!"
Baffles was smiling when tte white
light filled tte room, but for the
moment I did not perceive the pccul................. .. I wsa fatuously
e tremors and pres­
ent eelief, aftd my first Idiotic set was
to spill some Whisky and squirt tte
soda uater all over In my anxiety to
do-lnitant jnatlce to tte occasion. .
, “So you tboufflit somettlng bad )iappenedr said lUffla, leaning back
In my chair as be lit a cigarette and
looking much Amused. “What abould
yon say If somettalng badi Sit tight
my dear chap! It was nothing of tte
•llffliteat consequence, and Ifs sll over
now. A stmi chase and a long one.
Bunny, but I think Tm wen to wind­
ward this tlma".^
And saddenly I aaw that hta collar
was limp, bis hair matted, hip boots
thick Witt dust
“Tbe pollcer- I whispered

“Thai bow came be to chase your
“My deer Yellow. I’ll teU you If you
glTO me e. chance. It’s reelly Dotting
to get In tte taart excited about Old
Baird hiw at tart spotted that Fm Aot
quits tbs common cn^mman I would
bars bim think m& 8o he’s been doing
hta bsat to run me to my burrow."
“And ycFu call that nottlugr
“It would be sometting If he had soeceeded. but he has stlU to do that t
•nrntt, bowerer, that he. made me ait
iq> tor tbe time being. It sdl Somae of
going on tto IoI> eo
Tb«e wu tte oM bruts witt tbe r
tttog to bis moentog pi^er. fie knew
It bmrt bare been dene by etsie fellow
wbowonld pass himself off tor e gen- 'ttamaa, airt I mw hta sysbtows go-i
tbe menent I teU him t.was tte mi
Witt tbs satos old twang that you
eonMsBtwUhspapsrkbifp; Ididmy
twt to «rt out St tt-sitoce I had a pal

Bod, top 00)1 And flUlitt dlrl^ flivoa
A Cold Battled In Hta KMoeym
avray artho wart end of Wayiw oiroot, A. J^eBney 9901
to a ymtk or ten days.. Cook Broo, am put ta .tf BfBdi at wmtMm. X
CRtaene’ phone 960.
9M4« took «oia wbfatt HttM to myJrliBTt


^ Amatiiur Cracksman

I'tSM. 1

Maktng and taylac. Iteatkan noovto
Ad . WoA diMttUy mi proB
exeotntA A«a« tor lOchltoi
On, N. B. fttapta. Prop,, Timroo
qaipot Ctaaalag Warka. ttt WlMb>
tngtoh stroaL 'FhM Na Ug.


bo^ eutpd mo.” Bold by



ny. I don't mean It for rot I've told angte of a high
you before that tte biggaftou allre Ihe nlfbt, wttb tbe
Buy him lOJlOO oharee of stoitt ta
It the man who's committed a mnrdrt
tte G. T. A A. Mining Co. to 96.000.
and not yet been found oi^. at least
We will give you a positive guaranty
be ought to be. but be so very seldom tUng with spikes
has tbe soDl to approctate himself. tor buttorlng ranu tn
backed by a acrild financial taeUtutlon Reemo 202 Wilhelm bleoh. dtkna'
phone 148.
Jnn think of It! Think of coming In
f(^Aea,ge^ rtjrour tav^ent In
'here and talklog to tbe men. veij
likely about tbe murder itself, and
knowing you've done It, and wonder­
Strtkea Hidden Rooks.
1^ years Boy worth 986,000.
ing bow.they'd look If they knew.
In 10 years Boy worth 950,000.
Ob. It would be great, simply great!
In 20 yean Boy worth 9160.000. •.
But, besides sll tliat, wben you were
nwBia. etc., you are lost, 11 yon dosi't
caught there’d be s' merciful and
to tt
gut help from Dr. Kisg’s New Dtadramatic end of you. Yon'II fill the
oovury tor Conan lupUob. J.
Mc­ «y. No poeatble loaa to yon.
trill for a few weeks and then snuff
Call and 8« full exptanaUoa
Kinnon. o( Taltadoga Bpi'
Stoane out with a flop
207 East Front street
writes: “I bad boen very IB_________
lare out I bopped and lip nil tbose Too wouldn’t r
Fleeat Agents, .
monla, under the care of two doetrau,
Ira like a lampligbter and round .to
Traveree CHy, Mteh.
but was getting no better when i be­
O. 8. ATEBS. wafgntXM tbe studio by tbe teck streeu. Well,
gan to take Dr. Klngta New Dtaeorery.
to be on tbe aafe sida 1 Uy low ttero
The firet dose gave rOUeC ud one bob
Ue oared me." Boro eure to i
all tbe afternoon, bearing nothing
Oaoat. bronoheltta. ooughi and
“But I was never morn earnest to
8 and only wlsblng
Odarantood at B. B. Walt tt Sou. IL
1 bad a window to look ttrongb In­
Troveroe Ctty Aerio, t^o. 883. P. O.
E. HUler and Hannah Drug Btoro,
stead of that beastly skyllgbL How­
Baglea. meets to Foresten hrtl. Toe*- -Qrsduito Ont '
ever,' the coast seemed dear enoo^,
.. . .'Ilega Olllea
day ovenlhg at 8 o’eloek. Cbartas A.
U6 State street Both pbonea AU
“You know very well ttst yon
and ttuR far It was m.v mere idea that
BvereU. W. P.; R.
Thacker, Secy.
^ta pTOmpUy sUMded. 4-80-’05
be would follow me Ibere was noth­ wonldn't commit a murder, whatever
ing to show be had. 8o at last I mardi- else you mlrtit do.’’
ed out In my proper rlg^almost , '•! know very well Pm going to com­
Tbe Ann' ArbcH- R. R. will give
L O. O. F., E-_____________________ Traverse
mit one tonlgbtretralght into old Baird's armsr
Kh Annnal Ohio Bxeunlon Wedi
Cl^ Stote Bank BulldliiB,
days In earti moitt. Joa Lamtay. O.
ay. October 4th. Tlokots will betod
third fioer, Suite 911418. d-l-’OS
.“What CD eartb did you dorHe bad been Isaning back In tbe sad> Toledo and potato ta Ohio on tte
tel- ■ “ ' Dsvto, Beriba
“Tl'alked past bim as ttoe^ I bad dtebar chair, watebing me with keen
Wheeling A
ever s« eyes on him In my life, and ^et abeatted by languid lids. Now be
Travem Bay Tent, Nc U6, K. O. T.
didn't' then: took a hansom in tbe started forward, and bta eyes leaped
.. ................................ .. to L a O. F
King's road and drove like ffw deuce, to mine like cold steel from the scab­
B. Heices,
---- Oom.;
Jonu: Qea B.
E EUgan
Souttem; Detroit. TOedO« A IronIran- halt O.----------.........................................
to Clapbam junction; mafacd on to the bard. They strock home to my slow
R. K.: A. Rrttertooa. F. O.
ton; Cincinnati, Hamilton A Di^
neareet platfonn wittont a tieket, wits. Theb’ meanln'g was no longer to
ton; Pennsylvania Oompany; TolatfA
jnm^ into tbe Uni train I eew; mt doubt 1. wbo knew tte' man. read
SL Louie A Western and aevoland,
General contrvrtor. Tar or grewrt
cm at Twickenham, walkod'faii W murder in ttose bard blue eyes.
road of. building sltee, with bnt ttla CtactanaU, Chicago A' BL Lonla By.
itMfa Blacks painted. General reback to Klchmond. took tbe DUtrlCt to
“Balrdr I faiteted, motatentog my one house built all hy Uaelf at one “Big Four Eonte."
pairing, eta
Speclal tnta will leave Tisvene
Charing Cross,' and here 1 am. ready lb>« Witt my tongue.
end. but tte nl^t Wps too dark for etty
Ity via M. A N. B. at 9:80 a. m. Bxtub and a'cl^ge and the beat
“Of course."
moK ttan a mere ImpitoSlaa
curmloo UcL. _ _ .
DuehMs (tamp, Na 8846, W. M. A..
“But yon said It didn’t matter about
Baffles, however, bad ton tte place October 19tt wlU I* sold to
pvenlie room to Cbataea?”
dayll^t and bade
95.00 lor rond trip and at a
“1 toM you b lie." *
special obetaclea,
ingiy low ratsa to potato
“Anyway, yon gave him the elip aft­ reaching up and putting champagne named above; good to- rotun
corks on tbe spikes, and in another mo­ November 4tt.
Orsbd Traverse lodga No. 200, L a
“That was another. I didn't l' ment be bad bta foldgd covert coat
For fnrthm- tafonnadon eaU on m
O. F„ meets every Tneeday evening.
ut we can make thought X bad wben I came u
A. L. Neal, N. Q.; Lee Bonsby, Bea
•erto tte coder 1 st^^ bade as be “ — --------------------- write
aasurence doubly anre,’'
re.'^ aald-BalSea,
aald-Bafflea. this evening, bnt when 1 look'
r, O. P. A.
py»DR. G. B. LYNCH.
Toledo, Obla Bqpallty lodge. Na 608, L O. <
und went to my window; where be your window—you
mid of elptro snip S»^iaky
. above the Tnea, Tbnis. and Bat
4«fi.. meets ta Modern Woodman hall T
stood for a minute or two looking make assurance doubly eure. there be.
^te. As be kqnlnnoa'BfV-I toh tordown Into -tbe street
day eventaga Chaa. DeFoa N. G.,
ward and had my weiiBt on tte spikes
“All rigbti" 1 asked him,
Cbas. A. Bdget^b, eecretoiy.
and corks and coreit'ctot when' be
“All right’’ said be. and we went
an tte tatter a tag.
The Grand Traverse and Aritona Min­
downatalri forthwith and so to the
Troverro City lodga Na 288. F. A A.
^doming, after aUI"
ing Co?
Albany erui'ln sum. .
f. Bhgutar tsMiBinmUntlon Monday
"I wasn’t going to spoil your dinner.
“Hatber!It’s a home institution.
But wc were botb ratter Btlent ou BuDDsT and 1 wasn’t going to let you
n dr betoe the tffll of the mocn. El‘Wake care, then: tte place b all
It has 610 seres of tte beet tX min­
B. White. W- kL: M. B. Haaken,
tbe way, I. for my part, was wonder- ■poll mine. Bnt there be was as large bell wires and aprings. It’s no aoft
wbat KaSee would do about tte •a life, aud, of couree, be followed us thing, tbta! There-rtand still while I eral lands ta tbe great mineral cone rt
Arisona. - •
llo to Cfflelaee, whither atall events
Albany. A floe game for bim take off the corks.’’
It bae more ore ledgeg and more <
be bad l>eeu sueccesfolly dogged. To ^ play, a game after hta mean old
The garden was veryaDatl and new, tensire ttan any otter mining co
me the polot seemed one of -immediate heart - btackmrti from me. bribes with a graro plot separate soda, panyirntranance, but wben I menOonsd it from tte police, tte one bidding ngninat bnt a quantity of fnH grown tanreta
It baa ore on dumps and mljllona
be said there was time enonffli to ttlnli tU other. But be shan't play It witt
about that Hta ooe otter reinstt wsa
ererytttax necessary to ma ..
lie aban't.llrc to. and tbe world
Special attention to dieeaaee of childmade after we bad nodded. In Bond
one of the mine wnders of the world.
have an exuwtioner tbe less.
rea Room 400 Bute Beak build­
It needs some auMy.
street to a young blood of our ae- Waiter, two' Beoteb wbtaktes and so­ nlng Ob) beastr And w« ttfem
ing. Both ’ptaonee.
That ta your opporttnilty■
be get­ das.' I'm off at 11. Bunny. Itta tte wide berth ae we crept acrosS''^ie
CtaiWiEtma. BUAionta. tthnna. Owoua
ting hlmseir a lAd name.
only thing to be done.”
Bowell. Ann Arbor, Toledo, mnd a
“Poor Jack Butterr- aald Raffles
“You know where be lives. tbenT’
^e'e gone to bedr
lomeepathlet ‘O and 9 Sutherland
with a sigh. “Nothing's aadder than
*Tes, out Willesden way, and alone.
“I don't think eo, ^unny. 1 bellere guaranty of a sound and well known
J. J. KIRBT. O. P. A
Block; CltiMaa’ phone 684. l-ISr-Oe
a fellow going to tbe bed like The feUow’e a miser, among other he'e seen at."
ffnanctal inetiUiUon for tte return of
that. He'« about mad with drink and things. I long ago found out all about
irtr investment ta fnU.
debt, poor devil! Did yon aee.hta eye! him.’’
You get the stock and your money
“1 eaw a light"
Odd tbat we abould have met'him to­
Again 1 looked round tbe room. It
night. by tbe way. It's old Baird who's raa a young man’i club, and young
bank, (^tlxena' ’phone 928. 7-lv'OS
It’s tbe chance of a life tlma
In Effect June 26, 1005.
“Downstairs, for gn Inetant ittan
said to have skinned him. By God. men were tangblng, (batting, smoking, r8MURTHWAITE BROSl,
T^ne lea' Traverse GIty aa
but I'd like to rtto old'Balrd!”
•Fiscal Agents.
HliwbtaperdledAWay. He bad seen
drinking.'on every baud. One nodded
And hta tone took a sudden low fury, to .me ttrongb tbe smoke. Like a ina- be light again, and so had I.
'6212 .
Traverse City, Mich.
For Chicago, Detroit Tdledo,'Grand
ntlle Co
made tbe more notlt-eable by another cblne I nodded to bim and turned back
Rapids, 6 a. m.. 11:66 a m.. 1>:30 p. nu,
Uon to eye, ear. noae and ttoat
It lay like a golden rod under the
10 o'clock p. m.
long silence, which lasted. Indeed, to Raffles wHh a groan.
front door-and vsntabed.^ It reap­
For Mnak^n. Saginaw. Bay (Sty.
i^oDt an admirable dinner at tbe
•Surely you will give MmA rtiancer’ peared like a gold ttread under tte
Port Huron, 6 am, 11:65 a m.
dob and for some time after we
I urged. “The very sight of your pistol Untel and vantahed to good. We
For Ma
.................................. ..
settled down In a quiet corner of the sbopld bring him to terms."
beard the stairs creak, creak and ctoee.
waukee, 6
smoking room with oof coffee and
also for good.' We nettter saw nor
“It wouldn't make him keq> Ibem."
American Drug Btora
cigars. Then at last 1 saw Bafllei look“'For Alden. BeUalre Charlevoix an<
beard any more, tton^ we stood wal^^
"But yon might try tte effect."
: ;ne. with bta laxy smile an'd T
Petoakey, 4:60 a m, 8 a m, 1:86 p
“I probably shall. Here's a drink Ing.-on tte grass till onr feet were'
knew that the morose fit was at an
soaked witt tbe dew.
>r you, Danny.
Dnnny. Wtal
Wish me luck."
tor tte construction of Lateral Sewer m., 6:26 p. m.
Office ever the Peepte'a Sevlng bank.
“I’m going in." said Bafflei at last No. 1. sewer district NO. '
“I'm coming too."
nb 'phonee 103.
6:25 p. m.
dare say yon bonder wbat I’ve
“1 don't beUeve be .taw ue at all. 1 tbe alley between Waai _
“I don't went you.’
been tbtoklog abeut all ttle time?" said
Webster street, beginning on Garfield
wish be bad. Thii way."
“But I must comer
General Pseeea«er Agent
be. ‘Tve been thinking what r« it is
We trod gingerly oo tte path, but avenue, running thence west to Ber- J. KEHOB, Agent
An ugly gleam sbot from the steel
go doing Uilngi by balveer
w gravel etude to our wet soles and low streeu thence north on Barlow to
blue eyes.
atroet. thence weet on
“WelL” said I. returning bta, smite,
.rated horribly In a little tiled venutda Washington
“To Interfmr* said Bafllca.
WasbingtoD strert to BaHroad Avenna
“ttat's not a charge that you can
with a gtasa door leading within. It tbence to connect with trunk sewer.
“Not L" .
C. D. MILtBR 8. 8. SMITH.
bring againrt yourself. Is ItT’
was throngtrthta gtasa that Baffles bad
"You give me your wordT’
DeitUtto, State Bank building room
“I’m not BO sure," said Baffles, blowfirst seen the light and be now pro­
“I do."
ig a meditative-puff. "As a matter
ceeded to take out a pane with tte
“Bunny, If you break irHA8KBTX.
diamond, tbe pot of trsecle and the
“Yon may sboot me too! "
1 most certainly should." said rtiert of brown paper which were sel­
Baffles, solemnly. "So you come at dom omittad from hta impedimenta. once, room 802 BUto Bimk**
your owu peril, my deaf man. But It Nor did be dlepenee with my own as­
e coming—well, the sooner tbe sistance. though be may have accepted
for I must atop at my rooms
Office room 305 Wilhelm block. l-l-'06
I tb«
on ttie way."

Five mtootes later I was waiting f<H- helped to apceed the treacle
im at tbe PlecadiHy entrance to tbe brown paper and preaeed tbe totter OlMrIwck pork, per lb
Over Baraum A Bari's Jewelry etora'
Albairy. 1 had a reason for remniulng to the glaee until tte dtamond'had
It was tte fertlDg-bair bogie, completed la circuit end tte pane fell
halt fear-ttat Angus Baird might •'till geitly ba^ Into our bands.
Baffles now tneerted hta* band,
be on our trail, that some more imiueOENTiOT.
dtato and less cold blooded way of tnrned tte key In tte lock *nd by mak­
CKy Opera House' Bleok.. Roon 1.
dealing wltb trim might result from a ing u. long arm succeeded In drawing
sudden encounter between tte money the bolt at the bottom of tte door. It
Oslo Pfodocto.
Isrxtar.and myself. I would not warn proved to be toe only one. and tte
him of hta danger, but I would avert door opened, though not very wide.
"Wbat'8 ttatr aal4 Baffles as eomePIANO INSTRUCTION.
kragedy at all cosits, and when no such
Mice Nellie Adafrii will Ukc (.upili fe
encounter had taken place arid lufflee ttlng erunihed beneett bta feet on tbe
piano Ittstructioa Address 104
ery ttreebold.
fairly on oUr way to Willea7-lAt
“A pair of ^ectactea," I whispered,
den ttac I think, was still my honest
eree City at 10:60 a m. and 6:48 p. m.' Webster strMt
rrootan. 'I 'would not break my word pleiang ttem up. I irae etOl finBeriog
■ ^ P^^jMmCTLL. Oea P. Agt
Flour hitd Pood.
If 1 eosM help IL bot It was a comfort tbe broken leM* *Bd tte bent rtaet Hay. per ton..............
to feel tbat I conU bredk It It 1 Ukod, wben Balfiee tiipp«d and atmort fen, Corn, per bnebd ....................
on. an understood penalty. Atasl.' 1 -with a toping-^ Btet be made no oats, per bushel .
tear my good totentloBi were tainted rtCort to roettaln.
In BB«el June tOBi. 1000.
“Bueb. nmn. ^pebT I estteeted
with a derourtng eurteelty and over­
• Tranl leavM Tiuierae City rt 4:4*
fie droM the
to o eoefcMp too- laid by tbe . faeelnatioe wbkb goes dsernybreett, “HeTl hear your
to potota north. .
Reel Estate end teana Notary PnbHolor
band in hand wifb horror.
Tntaa taavo Travosee Ctty at ll:ie
215 Bast Front street up atatre
of fart I was ttafttfiir.leos of myself
I have a polglUnt recoliecdon of tte Ms,, and I htod bin fumbBng with
A m, oonneottag to potato north aaJ
than of tbat poor devil of a Jack Bnt- boarlt-took.^.toTmcb tteb&nse. We Ue matiheA “No. Bwuv'C
W. There's a feliow who does tttogs watketbSCTtos St Jamee' park a con bear ni." wJM^^SSs^pt^tly.
A B. 0UBT18.
halves. He*a only half gone to tte eeetteilgbts Bow.bcigbton tbe toidge. And be roes torn lilt kneas end. Dt
by hal
wronoe and Real Eatato
baf Iand look at ttfs dlCwence be- and btttRud'tn tte wpter), and we bad
loan. Offlea over A. V.
twra him and ual Hi's under the ROM blMMi tt watt for tbe tan train
Prledrlcb's sbee store.
tbnmb of
It lehAst lli2L I k- Boor. dead. .vrtHi ^.Jnz bgiee fflMd
r potatt on tte Norttport
eolvsnt^ttaens. He's taken,
Aet^ by. Uf .btoBitaaf Urn a periur
to drink; wa're^u sober as we are
solvent Hta 'peB~wre beginning to
Wilhelm blortt.
cat him; mr dlfitonlty li to keep the
Tnta anives ta Truvefee (JIty at
pal from tbe door, finfin. be begs oi
9:^ g m (f^ Data with aleepet
borrows, wbltt la stertlpg by halves, pensd to be qpito ®ew
Bttatai N. T,
General Inaurenoe, real ertflto and
and we stesi ootoltff Cd. nse done never find tte bouae again,
8bon B
Firma-'e MutaaL 911 WBbebs btawk.
Witt it Obvlotuly.oanai.te mors bee, bowevei. )bat we w«e on a dark wlU be fm
Live Btortn
1:85 D m. and T.00 D 91. tom nettt
boneet course. let; Fm .not bum. Bun­ footpath betsrten woods and Odds Mbhigaa So«die«fi
Troob and aoutt.
mul speetaittttto'ffln.tadeoGmd- Brtwrt fuRiMoa hy
ny, but were doing tte .ttlng.tT when tte ctoek began striking Vi.
Baptds At &:Jd ta.dteqi^<ttaaHk
"w* •hall find him
But I felt Urn following me wben I
made traelCA ttonitt of 'cooiw 1 difint
turn round to see.’
, ''Wbrnotr
“Uy dear Bunny, It's tbe very worst
thing you can do. As long m yon look
tbeir dis­
tance. end so long aa they keep tteir
distance you staod s chance.- Once
show tbat you know you’re beti
lowed end It’s flight or fight for at!
I niver
ind. and mind you never do In tbe
ue bole. I Just hurried up to Blaekfriats and booked for Hlffli atreeti


I^wer Tax

SJ===1 'SMI


, st H9d D B. kCBdtaa tto CB

(pVtot^SSSid RvU
a. mnaAT.WBiat:

Mwwjr to loan
n on
Ml uto and
snd farm -brum
•ty, r— ■*

iBSehAV, BfiRf. le, 16M.




Bhe Amateur
Br fi. W. HORNUN6

(OODtiMed tiom Pace Hum.)
att lii* desk, ransacked, littered. A
SoA ticked aotsIlF on the ctlmner
Dleee. For pettapi « bnodred eecooda
oiere wu xto other eoaitd.
Baffle* Mood verr •till, euilng down
*t the deed ai ■ nun ml^i ware Uito
as abres aftM^ ■trMlos bllDdir to »*
mi breath enma' aadlbly
thtonsb wide.aoetilla.^ Hi made no
otter algn. and bli Us* ecemed oealed.
'•That llsht” aald 'I boareely, “the
U^t we saw onder the doorr
Witt a start ha turned to me.
•Ifs true: I bad forgotttn .U, It
was In here I sew it flntr .
"He must be npstalra stflir
"If be la we'U soon rent him ont
Oome onr
Instead 1 laid a band npon hli um.
ImplorlQB him to reflect that hla enemy
was dead now, that we abonld cer­
tainly he Invoiced, that now or nerer
was onr own time to escape. He shook
me off in a sudden fury of impatience,
a reckless contempt in bis eyes. and.
bidding me save my own skin If I
liked, he once more tnmed bU back
open me and this time left me half
eolved to t.ike........... ... ’
’ *'Had
.._.i licret Wos be detennl
that this niglit should end In black di^
aster) As 1 asked myself these queedosa bis match hared In the ball,
anotter moment the stairs were fr«-aklag uoder his f«t even as they bad
creaked under those of the murderer,
end the tinmaue instinct that inspired
blm In defiance of bU risk was home
in also npou my eiower aenalbllltlea.
Could we let the murderer go) '*
to bound up the crei
stalre and to oveihanl Rallies oi
But three doors rt^sented ttemeelves. The firet op^ Into a bed­
room; with the bed turned down, but
Tbe second
empty In evwy sense. The third door
Baffles lit the landing gas.
"He's In ttere.” be said, cocking bis
revolver. “Do yon remember how
uwd to break Into the stndles
school) Here goes!" • /
Hli fiat foot'eraabed/over ihe keybole; the lock gave, the door flew open,
and In the tndden draft tbe landing
«aa heeled over like a cobble in
aqooH. As tbe flame rioted Itself
saw a fixed bath, two bath towels
knotted together, an open window, a
cowering figure and Baffles struck
aghast on tbe ttreaboh).
The worda cane tbick and slow with
horror, and In horror 1 heard myself,
repeating ttem, while tbe cowering
figure by tbe bathroom window ro
gradually erect.
"It's your' be whispered in amai
nent no -less than onr own. "Ifs yon
.two! \\Tiafs it mean. Baffles) I .saw
yon get over the gate; a bell rang; the
place U fuU of them. Then you broke
in. Wbafs It all meanr
"We may tell yon that when yon
' tell ns wbat In God's name you've
done, feutterr
"Done) Wbat bare I doner Hie
nnbgppT wretch cams ont into tbe

Um. *tlll swearing to tell him aD
abont you when we'd bad our talk,
wail, when we got bare
s me somettiDf to eat, putting him
and oO. and abont 10 o'cledc I
hoard the gate abut I -waited a bU
ami then asked blm if be Bred alone.
" Hot at alV aaye be. ‘DM yon not
see tbe sarrantr
"I said rd Been bs. but I ttooght
rd beard her go. If I waa mlWaken.
no doubt abe would coma when aba
Was called, and 1 yelled three tlmM at
the top of my voice. Of eonrsa th«
was no servant to come. 1 knew ttat.
because 1 came to see blm one nlUit
last week, and be Interviewed me blm•eU throngli the gate, btrt wouldn’t
m it Well, when I had done yellt and not a aoul bad come near ia
was as white as that celling. Then
I told blm we could have our chat nt
me. bdt. by God. be abonldn't reb
^ more. I gave blm three mlautea
ta write and sign a settlement of all
Awn carpet. He ttou^t a minute
and then went to his desk for poi and
paper. In rtto seconds be was round
Uka lightning Witt a rerolra’, and 1
want for tdm baldbeaded. He fired
two or three times and missed. Ton
him areiT time. My Oodl
« savage tiU tbe thing was-donev and
ttan I didn't care. I wait through his
V looking for my own bills and
was coning away whai yon tnmed up.
I said I didn't cere, nor do L But I
was going to give' myself up tonight,
and shall still, so you see I shan't give
yon fellows much trouble.''
He was done, and there we stood on
tbs landing of the lonely house,, tbe
low, thick, eager voice sUll racing nnd
ringing through our ears, tbe dead man
below and in front, of us hla Impenpenitence would appeal when be had
beard tbe story, and I -was not mis­
"That’s sll rot” said Bafflaa, speak­
ing after a pause. "We shan’t let yon
^ve yourself up."
"Too Wn't stop mel Wbat would
be tte good) The woman taw me. It
would only be a question of time, and
1 can't face waiting to be taken. TUnk
of it-walting for them to tondi
h you

U give
on tbe tboulder! No. no,
myself up and get it over.
His speech wae changed.' He fatteted, floundered. It waa aa tbouA a
from It
"But Usten to me." urged Bafflaa.
"We’re here at
We broke In like ttlevee toonforce redreas for a grievance very like your
own. But don't you see? Wo took
out a pane—did tbe thing Uke regnlar
burglars. Regular bursars wOl ge(
the credit of ail tte restr "Tou mean that I riian't be smgiectedr
“I dm"
"But t don’t want to get off scot

v^en the wming papers awKi^ the
etrag^ a



agalD we throaimied to leave him, to
fate, to watt) our hands of blm,
but incredible and unmerited
Witt the three of ua. Not a soul did
we meet between that end WlUesden.
and of ttoee who saw ns later did one
think at the two young men with
crooked white'ties,

Qsna ts Tba Qnaan


** Udlans abpot
wo pflirn. awtf ciBiIng down at a
d #ife»dtfv«r
tte tear
cottt MtAM bow many,
but tteN areldUa^ tt better ua.
Oioe* op with.WAtter warms as
qnkklr as you d^-nd let your team
g« don.kt a
grot If we can
cnee, the river M get started up the
-1^ Bide we w<D teM'a fsir dtanee

thnee drove crienly to .
I alone went opstalri; the other two
proceeded to tte Albany, and T saw
no more of Bafflee for forty-eight hour*.
He was not at his rooms when I caUed
In tte morning: be bed left no word.
tTben he reappeared tte paper* were Witt staBar octm 'to aneh drirar, and
full of tte antdec, and tte man wbe ^ w^ week m ttUtag swiftly
down-tte strap MS^mtt «, idsr-ata
a grinding tren>;dii -lnhaB Uka that
eipool to New Torfc.
•Hiae was no argnlng with him." oo
Tbe heavy
Bafflmtoldme. "Either be most make
_ clean brMet of It or fiee the country. ed.alaraMgly
So 1 rigged him up at tte studio, and
we took tte first train to UvetpooL dted ttahtte dilij|s'iisiii ebligM to
Nothing would Indnce him to ett tl^t Jock tte braket ttgttnBt tte trantto
- nato tram cdiS^^rail mad,
^tte Mar «beta.«Mota tte rack
and ifs Just as welL I went to bit wttt a dfateniotita Tbe aotoa
M apdigging* to (destroy some pap^, and pareotly raachad^ India
what do you think I found? The po­ warned ttem that Italr booty
lice to poasenlOD. There'e a warrant eaplog. for wbra^tte
ont against him slready! The idiots about halfway down tte dadlrity tta
think that window wasn’t genuine, --------- ' mrad oh tte crest abovs
snd tbe warrants ont It won't be
. y^ ton down tbe descent
my fault If it's evw servedr ,
Nothing etoe was npSdsd to mdar tte
Nw, after all these years, can I muta-niimanagnUa. and tbe pace In­
think It wUl be mine.
creased to a galkp, whna it seamed
aa It only a ataffla conld save tte
wagons from, gottg svar tte edge at
eadi turn of tta matt Callahgn i^
ever, that, with aU tte mad pace, they
wouU surely be svartakan - bafora
reaching tte bottom, and ha thought
that by

thaw to front mittt amp^ •» ba
-Exciting ^ida on Edga qf abooted to tbe drlvoa:
•'Davidson. Bema and Bmltt. leave
rrccipica Whb 7t«d
your wagooa and climb up on those In
front, and maybe weTl get away wltt
Man Turxuing*
tte first three."
Tte three driven eccambled down
An ^eetdaniai tijeptetton af nd cut acroes a tend, -catddng tte
other wagops aa ttay swnng around
Tottdar Saoad Lhtt af WMfa
tbe turn. Tbe rnfllana, about a doaan.
Mm and MjOtad Samt af '
galloped down wltt a whoop and
tb* Indian*.
swarmed aboard tram riulr padaa.
while otters triad to pass tte tear wag­
ons and get at ttoae to frant
A number of yeara ago, when the
Tte great Jantog end jerttlag and tte
■taked plains wae a mnrii wilder conn- -teerlfle swinge arannd tte tmu had
than It la now, tte govenunent
maintained Dumerona military camps
i. Bays tte Doe Angeles Times. . inri a ttarp point of something
From tbe settled counCry about Fort and a tiny hole punched throng Hie
Oontto, -rex., which U altnated near powto alfted out and was lying to a
tte easton edge of tbe plalna, there Uttle black ling alang tte road. As tte
wd wagou hdriad onund a torn its
lotked wheels gsouffl over tte rack
tlgand at ttese places was to see that and CTunriisd thstasof powdn.
no Apathes molested tte settlMB.
Tbere was k flash of fin along tta
As tho« was no railroad to this part grannd and a atnanlng oiploAn, In a
of Texas, tte govmunent camps bad to few momenta tbe first ttcee teams
he supplied by wagon, and to tte
were polled up at tte river bottom,
with tbe fix' drlrats and Ur-‘------*
Callahan to a dawd coodlBoo. Tbe
men looked back up ite road. Two of
the Indians, wbo had
behind tte ottcci, were gallMitog

- _'

Chafed by
S atJa^e-r

Bwr A»* Wet. Uke s«tM Wn
Om4 Watr-Wer mete PWer..
Frafeaaora of dietaries teU os that
tbs bansns is not, as many fruits are.
n flavor and nothing more, but a food
and a aonree of real nutriment. It to
ueeful and deUdona. It not
ohly gratlflea tbe patota. but snppUes
iboitlon —u
tananee of animal beet, while It also
builds up tbe muscMa and repairs tbe
roc« and ttreadbare nerraa.
Tba flour made from it to its dried
stats to equal In nntiiave value to rice.
Dried ssd» BpTlnkJsd wltt sugar, a
fWm In which U has been Secratly
iBtradnewl in this eouutry, tbe ups^
to, weight tor weight as nntdtlons as the venerable fig.
Bnt It to to tte trad) ataU ttat Tte
anaaa ddedy appeals to os.:
ersamy snccnlenea and daUeatt'
an ta'vlttag, and Ua plaaaant aapor to
a Ftaude to good dlgariton. D^tmidant
as ttat aapor to in sttereal body, wbltt
tta coal tar tovestlgatora have not yet
been able to Imltato by chamlceT sa­
lt to a subtle sHmutoa to all

For the next ten daya Hr. L D. Hok-

.. yon have an old ahtogle root
yon with fixed up to last for five or
tmi yssn longer, call tm the Bert WUbtan BooChig Oo.. Clttoana' phone 103S.
or drop a cyd to Byt Wltoelm, 108
West Serenth strssL


Remember the old reUaMe Une that
from Liver tnd Kidney trouble. In a to always on time. Hack ardors a
recent lettnr.fte says: "I wu nearly spedelty. 1 make aD tratoa with hack.
dead, of theae oomplatoto. and, alI CALL FOR BAGBAOE.
In Uvery 1 can ftmtob yon
v'Mwa, »
cored'-me. I cmialder tim the best
medlctoekm earth, sad^thank God wta
tte kn<
Dtaease.J«y 8. B. Walt ft Gone,-H E.
MlUer, and Hannah Drug Store, at 60
cento a bottle.
I can faralsb yon any tone of carriage
you waaL 1 have five backs and three
LOW RATE EXCURSION TO THE Seeatsd carriages to stota. sMo a nice
line of twoeested carriagA traps and
ttra it to ttat tte banana to an mOn
tingle bnggiea Eladly giva me a caB
■rariy dlgesHU# food. No aenae of
ft Hiohlgan Sonthera
wlU run the when to need cf anything ta this line.
or drawstooM foUowa a ODn
Excnntlon^ Cleveltad,
and a
O, and Buffalo, N. Y.
as to time of apedal train, rates, etc,
see another column or hands blDs.


a. R. & I.

parrot bouse et tfaekoa FoF.ttto deaf­
ening din society bee only Itsrif to
e entertalnlne Mnr hi - upw
tbe principle that you must flrat hire
' to make a notes and tten
invite yonr friends to about tte hired
notoe down. Tbe lander the band tte
loader tbe sbonts of tte guests. Ttie
more piercing tte shrieks of tbe so­
prano tte mar* ear apUtring tte y^
of' ttea
' andlanea most be If tha party to


G. B. ft L annuHl exennton to Det'
trolL Toledo, Chicago and Grand Rapl
Ida, Tneaday, October 8. To Bldimond, October 10. See O. R. ft L agent
for partlentors.


Tucsclav^'Octotoer 3
tmoatd, tad,, flgta
ly October lO

The Ffnenclal World

“U tbara a rimnee ter ma. Qladyar
•Hiera to. Goorge-one to a million."
Ooorgs was a yonng man of i

Grand Rapids, HiMi.


fdatoed. p:
. dealt aaa tiehlt.
"Teh” aald Blopay, ‘Tte anlt flto me
^endidly. Great pleoa of wmk; Ifa
a credit to yon."
"To." reviled tte tailor, "and please
dost forget that Ifa a debit to you."
Phnadtipbla Lodger.


I That
I Bead
I Eyra and Reatore Perfect Vision.

Dr. P. A. WoUe

Booms 418-4U Wilhelm Blk„

Glvsn Up to Ole.
k SplwaL 1M4 N. Virginia atnoL
uuvUlo, Itod,. wrltas: "5br t

down, anAa year ago
had to a:
work csrtlraly. I had
throe of
beet physidana who did
good and 1 was practically glvan
die. Folkr'a Kidney Cure was
d and the first totUe gat
me great reUef .and after taking t

Do Yon Want to Boy

A Dollar

Tbe new blacksmlUitog firm of N
a A Gable
II do bnsfj
bnstooaa at 816 Bast Front

lAOO to Detroit and Toledo, |AOO to
Chltego, M-Pd to Grand Rapids on G.
R. t Ltainnal nxsnralon. October Sri.
66.00 to RlchffionA Oct loth. Ask any
O. R. ft L agent about IL 6861UI-d-w

Idlas of all Uods-food, clotting
by men who were
<nt cdt Cram communlcatloo with ttoir
Mnd tor atteutt at a time. Witt other
second from the
freer cried Batter hyittncelly. ‘
caxriod a few fcogt Of black powkilled blm. I know that But it woa
to self defense; It wasn't mnider. I
to tttarga of
n up and take
UeoteamnC Oaliahan and was ipCuiwd of Brighfa B
qoences. I ahaU go mi^ If I dM'tr'
a blattmaller, tbe
His hands twitched; bis Ups quivered; ptoattlag tha Pecoa river, which hen la *• Other FIm* la Che weeu
Goo. A.
cnieleet vUlaln unhung. I'm ready to tbe tears were In hi* eyea. Baffles took runs at tta bottom of a deep canyon
•Ther Utvee SpA Oore.
hang for him. I'd kill him agalnr'
u. EMland
inniiiiiu WW*
ara VI
to ■a «a
'And be looked ni fiercely Id tte face,
elUb are broken by towsra and ____ axtont a
-------part- of 'tte family, tor
a fine defiance to bla dlsalpated eyes, ns were cau^t here now, do yon know ttat stand out tram the sides, and mambm of tte family always
yaan; bad Utan
Wdhis breari beevtog. bU Jaw like a what the consequences wonld be? down among them slgsags the goven- -the stable to watA, aiffl oftan tte
rockplace to made a aort cf tomUy alttitog
We sbonld awing in a row at New­ rnent raed, cut ott of tte Kttd radc.
until I began using Fotoj's Kldnay
“ShaU I tell yon bow
Tbe wagune ware moving al<mg with
gate in six weeks' time! You talk as
Tbs cow stabto to gmMraliy a latge
y on. "He's made tboagb we were sitting In a rinb. tte wind, aiffl tte muiee ttr aome tlBt
botttai bava cured me cf ^
my life a hril these weeks and montts Don't you know It's 1 o'clock to tbe' bad beau ratter rssUva. taming tlntt toflUtog, paved with brick, apem. wMeh
past Too may know ttat A per­ nuwhlng nnd the Ugbta on and a dead
tta cows Ue, straw bfflag scarca Tbara
fect belli Well, tonliht I met blm to man down below) For God's nke,
to a brick paval paw* doc
Bend street Do you remember when
sniffing tbs air. UsutseuBt OsUahan's tartar, at one end ef wbldi is
1 met yoB fellowa)
He waant
..................uneasy than tte piaec.
Ptae. and tte wtaWW:
wtoOtfW* ara t
twenty yards behind yon. Hs was on
rnuMs, aitt, In rUlBg atong tts min to 'trttt wtatta enrtatra m d
your tracks, Baffles; be sew me nod to
"I wiab I was one." Rutter sobbed. see ttat SB was won. wbeh be reached ^tottebSOMW
you siffl Ooppai me and asked me T Witt I hnfirevolver to blow tte rear wagou the drtrar caltid Mb at­
whoyonwete. He seemed as keen as my own brains ont It's lying under tention u tte aettona of tte aabnal.
gmhec to ttejiMMe to tta iiut ig ,
kntvas to know; 1 couldn't think why, him. Ob.myGod.myGodr'
-I beltara tkera era lattOM sot fiv t^Wtog tta wcMk af tts flto aad
aiffl didn't cars elttm, tor 1 aaW my
HU knees knocked' togetber; tbe awny. Btr.'JDstwae bow paat boara la itotaM tta talk e« tta flay, .itala
tfwnea. 1 said Fd ttf him aU about frensy of reaetton wai at its bel^t behaving, and tte moles era aaarty as tta satHa, atw^ tamM wltt
ysu If he’d give me a private intar- We had to Uke him downstairs bo^toetocttaot£?^aaagc
-y-wtnr. Be said be wouldn’t 1 aald he twsan ni. and so ttrouitt tfas front
TbeanlMis war
r plainly E
tteir coda and atowst aramto
«S«M and bald him by tte coat By doer out Into tbe open sdr.
ttefanmaaemivntatoup. Tbra
tte BBS I let him go ym ware out of
All -was still ontrida-aU but tto and tte hssse constanUy ttrww~idii ara seldato bessn. tata^f ttao
and I waited wbrns I wna till motteral wwptng of tfas xmOnag twad UP to tbs wind and pricked Mi
am teeraid aa ba gasal witt wMa
ha «MM hatt in da«atr. I bad tte
tasnsd ftt « I
n tan bem notMw thstr
ttsh an wn AM as'vfflL Tbs fkts

Is Cheap, Clean
and Reliable.^..

Boardmaa River
Electric Ll|ht 8
Power Cempanj.

on ’
and Madison streeU and
aveane, also hall acre Icrts outside of
liu facing on Fall

The tax rolls fpr tne ooBaetlon of
•chool and dty -taxes and apeelal aa___ __
tots or upwards;
•oaamenta for the fire wards of the fine soil, very pleasant and desirable
lor homes.
yon do not want to build this ym r
___ re a borne for tbe fntnre.
Terms reasonable; wonld trade for
bonee and lot or other real estate.
xee every we
1 November 1
Bleh soil by the loa^ or in qnaatit?
Gravel—eoarse or fine.
^6. ftw 8 o'clock untU U: 80 o’clock
' e toranoon,
torenoon, and from 111o’cletajo
to the
................. tha aftfflnoon of eaeh day.
AU vvee paid beta* SepUmbra 1st statePRATT
Bmtk ttdg.
• Both Pbooer i«
wlU bo received without c
It wawto San Loranao aqnara. Ftor- (eea, and On all taxee rematotog un­
anca, ttat
paid on September lat ata until O^
tta part a
bar 1st, a pnimlty of one par o«t tor
ipt and part p
Boman _____ trtol of U96 from eoUeotton wm be eharged. pa aO
which be rann his wonSarfnl "Btog
and tte Book." Tte cbnrah of Ban
Loranio, to Lndna. off the Corra. to
Bosa. was the aem of Pompmat
marriage. It wu ♦bt— alao ttat tte
laid fW tte toMMctton of ‘half Bomo.* Tbera
waird fnnaral, attrafiad by Oapoebtoa,
wban we were to this ehnreh. While
WAN I nu—ew rwvm^i^i
to Borne tte Brawntoga stayed at U •oya over 14 yeara of age. PHaaaiH
'Tie dri THtona-CtmmbcTS* JounaL
e^ Mrtc. The Traverae
before. ottUe be was etntotog bto eyes
across tbe Campagns, a dtotant view
of tte town bad recalled London. This
feeling noon passed awny. He thought
qiring tte.most deflghtfnl eeaaon for
Italy. He wa* again to Borne to UBS;
•aw J. O. Lockhart, “fearfully week
and broken;" smoked and drank punch
with Davld.Bctterta. wbo was painting
that famoos plctura of Borne now
tta Beotttoh Nattoaal galtay. T
Pantheon be ttooght nobler ttan of


IT;y»u ur* saint P««or It will
pny yta to Uvaatlftata.




^ CoIomW^^ Fnller, cf Bmwy

torn acTow tte raad. Of
wagon, tte one which bad carried tbe
powder, and ita mnlae there was not s
I and below tte
strewn portlcms Unde of repair •
both wood and
of the other two wagons, with which Iron, TrtU be done.
bloody fAg- Bpedalty. Clttoena' phone No. 926.

b the imuaa CmIUL
When Chariea Dickens arrived to
Borne, on Jan. 90,
tonmlly disappointed. "It was no
my Bmne. deeded and fallen oalcq)


8n. S>iqtr S PenUleiin,



Belief ? Snrely I Have plenty of ioe
abont theI place ifor lemonade, beer.
ar yon Uke •
drink. As to lee eupplb yonr beat
plan is to doasnlt ns. We serve Im
ily and at amod-'
eiate oo«.


Wm. H. Steffens

Smoke Jahraus’ Traverse and lama call at Academy cf MuMe.
Belle cigars aod you’ll sooo Ben Fhota Academy 886; OlriaaM’
be rid of the blues. These ci­ PhoBo. RaMdraee 898
gars fnniish the best mild
and sweetest smoke to be
Dr. Yf. J. HllllBa
had. Havana filled, band
n^e. Once us^, never

Fine Dental Work


sgfflmd tna srni^] «• fflsggf tt

S. E. WAIT ft 80NE


THS DAitr saata,

CITY NCWt IN mitr. '

jetin Foote tnatfe • bueltvoaa trtp to
Stnn'lon. today.
Ralph Smith left today, for a vlaH
. ,1 Kon Wayne, with frieoda and reU-


wbama.1 mr done

glW the Tlettfy to the viiltora. In
the tmth inning Reynolds, the'Honor
ontetm. made a bone run but wua
oaui^t about two feet btm tha base.
Two weeks ago the Honorltes beat the
GraWBltoa at Duck Lake.


issue call for amthrr

i.Books Worth Reading

Are IntheObmeUBeelea.. TUs Is the beatlow priced I
edUioecffstHidaidtiUM on the matoet eompririntr-i
■everal bnodred of toe best anthor's works. We offer {
West Almira, Baptember 16.—Mr.
MIM Mattie L)ron of 8UU atroet,
toe fecial price of 88 cento for value, worth 60 «e
Waahingtoo. September 18.—Fnsland Mra. Smith Lewls'of Tuba, vlsitad CoadTRIed of HarvanI to Use M^l
l,.fi today for a weoVa Tiait at Grand Murderer Had Oaeiaiwd HM h
dent Rooeevelt has decided to tosne
to Kill Her.
his brother, M. C. Lhwli. Seturday and
Meana of
another oaU tor
Mra. W. OcKay toft tha flr« qf tha
of the powers, to be held at the Hagne,
. «,s'K for an exuaided Ttalt In New
BIU Reid, oca* Of tbe Hsrvart foot- with a 4iew to bringing about an agreeM^deTSTllle. Ml^ September 18,—
York BtaJe.
m. Intemds to try a«OT«Ity in'
for the arbltnUon of
Mra. E. H. Greati of Charteveix, la Henry Knight ehot And kllM F. Og­
pracuee 'work te.hls men that ^
oaj arise between the powera,
Tbe ball games at Long Lake be­ innovadoD in the EasL
,la. Ruest of the B«t. and'Mra. Ci T.
I so as to mlttlmlse the dangers at war.
another bullet through Uri. Ogden's tween Long Lake and Pearl Lake, and
Vtoui for a day
tlw summer montbi be bad
thle call wRI be
.Chaa. Roaenthal wiii be hare tha hand. Her lather then hilled Knight Long Lake and lake Ann. last Sunday, Hnugbt^ and Kenian do a lot of pent-' maoe has not been dtoided npe^ but
i.iiior i>an of thia week to eloee up Knight eloped from hei« with Mrs. were 8 to 18 In favor of Long Lake; ing before a moving plctuie martilno » u not likely that’ It wUl be poetOgden last spring. She returned from second, S to 10. in favor of Lake Ann.
til,- buBlneps of tie Bouton atoro.
until the ooiTect method of pimttag poned. Mr. Rooeevelt, as weU as the
Hiss Reknh Wilson U wor^^ at and catching tbd baU wae recorded.' heod, of other nations, appredatra
Grace Church Qoiid wlli rrwet with Snmac. Mich.. laet week, panned ny
- Mra. T. G. Ounton. oomer Fifth and Knight, who declared he would kUl Mr; and Mra. WlnTs of Long l^e.
Old line men gave 'KhfrlQons of
time is now ripe for another
Com cutting and grain nosing Is breaking through and emsAliig op in-1 meeUng, as the wortd has be« grentniviaioB III -itiaii Wednesday at 2:80
e carry s Full
nearly completed in this vlelnlty.
..clocktereferenoe and the ends Rlnstretel ly locked by the horreri oLthe war
Mrs. Blanche Helm and little aona,
how their efforts sre beM ^nade.
! between Ruseta and Japan. It is known
« Wetter to w<
• ilarn- and Herbert, left thto noon fo:
These^ photoa have. besh enlarged tn advance that pracUcally all Uie
- two Uy off In threabtng.
Fort Wayne, where they wU^
and they will be dismayed dally to tbe Losim- powers win agree to stteed
Mr. Will Hartman and Mra. Carson candidates until they has* aoonlplish- the conference, as ttey inanNwrted this
ilir winter. •
were married last Friday. We wish ed the reeaKs desirdd by RelA. «ie fwiiag when the president Bo^ndl^l
Mra. H.
Mm a prosperous and happy life.
Siiruee-atreet, WMt
cpach is a great theortSL sad he wants them some memths ago.
Mr. Calvin Brooks and Mim Maud his theories followed ott to.The letter.
inomlDE on a short bualneas and pleas______would not give'Us assa
Batet, both popular yomig people of
iiro trip.
On Missea' dud ChUdren's Shot
meeUng at that time hoennse tt was
this neighborhood sinoe ehfldhood.
for toe next ao dkya.
Dick Maaon la new In charsa ef the
Saturday 'Waiter BekbrisB. the Uni- iWged In -war with J^an.’ hut IntlEMPIRE.
were quietly married last Monday. verflly of Chicago star, stood on the matod'toat at toe cooclnslon eff hostUIPark Place barber ahop, and Bay
Empire, Sept 18, 1806.
May hwplneae bO their lot .In a long 40-yard line at the alow of a two- Uea It would become a party to the
Wood.'the fonner owner, la employed
Capt Vm. Walkw of the Slewing
Call and aee them.
ill ilio shop.
Bear life eaving
The Rev. John Eketrom of Maneebooted the plgskht betw«« the koat
One of toe Important questions to be
tng bis brother, Henry Walker, ol
No trouble to show you. at
Iona passed through the city today
posts and drop kicks 80 -out of 88 at- msldered will be tbe firing of exploGrand Hai
WllBOh'B. .AR at B invited,
lil« wav home from Bcbomberg where
tampu. Tbe ball saUed
Mrs. R..B. aement was In Maple
There will be a dance at Mr. Bar- the uprights snd would have
lie hnld ecrvlees.
City the drat of Ian Feek.
ber’a, one mile west of Lake Aniw from the middle of toe fltoA
Mrs. J. B. Warner of RIdflevllle, l»d„
period of five years no nation a party
Chaa. GouM and famUy who have Thursday night
who has bera visiting her sisters at
to the treaty would resort to this prac­
been llring at Glen Haven bare
Tbe Peart Lake baseball boys are
Cedar Bun. Ueadames Crane and CUy.
The Alnmnl-Hl^ achoM football tice. The flve-yeer llmtt has nov
turned to Empire.
going to MapU Cily Sunday nest
game Wednesday afUrnbon at 8:30 le plred.
returned home today.
Mrs. C. B. Ackerman and twin
Miss E. S. White, who has besi
toe nd^^Mhl^Ic event on the local
Another important question wUI be
daughtera, Vera ahd VeeL left Wed'
gupot of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bea^e for
the more liberal treatment of the Red
nesday'for a ten days visit at Bavenna
some time past, left today for her
Crass socleUes by aU naUona. Quesand Hart.
home in Philadelphia.
BSona to bring Syacmby, Artfnl and. turns growing out of the RnasoJapanAMVtEHBNTft.
The Bon. W. N. FerrU of Big BwHamburg Belle togetlia have tailed. ese War wlU aUo be taken up. inctudMrs. A. J. Hebert left today,
Ida. will, lecture in tbe K. O. T. K.
panied by ber brother, Frank Brakel,
Tbe owners of the three -fastest
Inr that of toe dlspoelUcm of interned
at this place, Friday night, Bept
niog horses in toe United States i
of Grswn, for Gnnd Raplde. to epend
content to let them rest with toe Uua few da^ with r^atlyee.
Mrs. A. B. Willard spent last week "THE MUMMY AND THE HUMMING
Mr. and Mra. John Kaatner ef ShatrelB they have won in tdasaes with in­
J. O. TBUBBLCK®. D, 0.
visiting her psrents In Traverse City.
ford. Can.. arrlTed last eyenlng, and
ferior sprinters.
Mra. Mary A. Gould Ir entertaining
Anent tbr UUe of tbe play, "The
A.1WJD *
today went to Ne^h-U-mta to visit
Tbe sporting worM
WRhelm Bloek. RssUenos II
ber daughters, Mrs. John Gabel of Au
ummy and the Humming Bird." 'o
whether K*on should meet Joe Oans
their daughter, Mrs. Frank Sroupa.
sod tt Wynkoop TWraee.
Oeen and Mra. Geo. Th«nptoa tH i pivsentod at Steinberg's Grand
Mr. and Mraf
A. Smith left today
pr Jimmie Gardner. The adherenU
Alanson, kUd>.
opera house tomorrow night Wedneifor their home at Jackson. Ms. Smith
of each claims be is entitled to first Rretldent McKinley Xade the PreHlBB Jeesle Tweddle returned Tnee- day. September 20. by Jules Murry's
On aooount of the last
Is managar of the hoUl at Meahtawanconsideration.
day from a two weeks visit at Trav Own company, Inbluding William A.
ta. which cloaed Its season Wednes­
His rtol name is Osohr BStUlng
Wbltetor. considerable comment has
ee aty.
O. P. Cstrver * Bro.
Matthew Nelaon and he.hails tram
H. E Mitchell of Ashton.
who wlD be In tbrir officee darteg bostneG
E. A. Voice made a short bnsinees licen exciicd as to Uh efficacy in hidlHegewlBoh. RL Birthplaes. CopenhaJ has been in the city for several
Mlaa Jannie Stowart. who has-bsen
trip to Traverse City hurt we*.
catlng the subject matter of the plecs.
has a unique watch chain. It Is plain
P. D. Raynor of Honor, was in town For the beceflt of those who do not
plDg in the/:lty with friends and wUI
In tbe easL Cornell and Harvard hnritskln string, presented to him by
know iU appllcaUMi it may be ex­
U Here. Come aad Get it:
riday looking for a stray horse.
- return tomorrow to her home at Grand
are doped as two of the strong teams. the lau President McKinley at Can­
Mra. EUsabeth Rokr left *rharsday plained ihat "The Mummy" is "Jacie'
wwffibn, utrw mnu
ton, Ohio, when be was governor of
ibrnlng for Ann Arbor wbere she will Lumley, a selentlst so completely giv­
Mrs. A. J. Herbert end her brother,
toat state.
receive treatment for her eyes. She en over to the demands of his favor­
k.. The Traveree Cite CanPrank Btikel, of this city,
Rbulin of Akren and Jtoa WUle of
In a hotel In Canton, and the
as accompanied by her son Frits.
ite rtiemlcal researches that be burihs
noon for Grand Rwlds, wl^ they
Chicago. The.go is,slated within 80 governor Inquired the time of day of
Mrs. C. F. Rich and daughters. Ma­ hlmMlt in hlB work and U prone to
Beadle Block.
will visit relatives and the WestMldildays.'
Mr. Mitchell, When he noticed the ebil and Ethel, returned Thnraday foivet :he ordinary calls of every day
gan Fair.
Esstem athletes are Ssa
from a months visit at Hannibal. Mo. life Tbe "Humming Bird" ta ai
The Rev. C. T. Btoul will go to
chain for your srat*” eaid Mr. Mc­
E. R. Dailey returned the middle of t -eiDcly uudera young man who, as i;
Jordan tonight. In response to a tele­
Kinley and.pMsed on. An hour later
last week from as extended vUlt to were, "flite about" In gaudy plumage,
phone message to officiate at a funeral
'he.-retuned, with
from flower to flower, and who. albeit
the Upper Penis________________
tomorrow morning. He will return to­
iM-ya^ run lire 4^'.
tl^L "Here,” sald he, ‘Tm going to
<arelgt.«r. manages to so Ingratlato
Mr. and Mra. Engeue Btoyke aiw oc:
V oJoseph Sleder &: Sons,
morrow aNernoon.
himself In the go6d graces of the scien­ effort was made to get him to oome
Lfce you a present Now don't tell
Flrat>cIaM Meat MarKel and Sauaage Fac
Mrs. C. 8. Vader, Jr., ef 606 Union
eny of toe otba boye,” end dropped
tist’s family that oompileatlons arise
street aeetwnpsnled by Mrs, W, W. streets
the bnhfcskin string Into his hands.
A. E Willard went-to Traverse City which, but for the arousing of
Holdsworth. went to Grand Rapids
Wednesday and returned Thursday.
"Mummy" to a very dedded Interest getting Thompson, the Andovw guard, Mr. Uitcliell has worn the "chain" conn-ouid like >
yesterday to attend the fair and visit
as they are satialled Cornell has bag­
Daly IB building a ad>ool in his immediate surroundings, v
illy einee, and It Is holding Its.
for a few days.
SJe kind I get. b cause I never
have rhsulted In a tragedy Instead of ged htm.
color well.
The steamer Columbia hee etoaed Its
After his tour this winter as "a actor
was aersed with an inferiorqualin the more to be desired conditions
known as the Tweddle district
scasoD on the bay and will make no
ityof meat siofe ihe Hrst lime
man" Barn^ Oldfield will go to Bue­
Btortling Mertsllty.
L B. Bockee and family left Thurs­ that follow as the outcome of the
I dealt at Sieder's " If vou
more schedule runs.
Some "wild"
nos Ayres, S. A., to th}ce part Inplay's action. Beeldes these
BuUsUcs ahoW aUrUIng mortality,
think thsL'e im>gldary talk,
rsns will be made however, convey­ day for their, future home at Ely, Anirv one ros*l. steak, a few chopa
.rom appesdIcUU and peritonitis. To
strong characters the play cemtains sories of Mitomoblle neea:
County. The best vAshea of
ing fruit from various ports In the
So sure are the New York Giants Of prevent and cure these awful diteases,
orculletsand ton'll i-ome l>—:several others, that are distinct types,
host of We
snd tell us; -Whoev -r ssid
'* re ie Just one rellsble remedy. Dr.
Last Thursday was the last day of like tbe Italian organ grinder whlco winning tbe National League pennant
tost, knes- what .she was talk­
g's New Ufe PlUa. M. PTennery. of
Joseph. Helmee and wife ef Man
ing about." And wt we don't
BmpIre-PUtte stage Hoe. Tbe U this seasoo again presented by Hen­ that a group of membefs of toe team,
Custom Honse Pbee. Chicago, eqys:
quette. who have been t^e gueats of
"iwo priOSs.”
postoffice at Platte will-be discontin­ ry Carl LewlA clearly drawn and clev­
relBtivee in the dty. went to Pomona
ued snd patitms will receive their msll erly bandit: indeed, each member of ing 10 put up 87.000 to 85.000 toat Pitts­ and BllUousneei? 86o at E E Watt
Wholesale and re'slltoday. Their sister. Mrs. Samnol
A Bona E E Hllla-a and Hannah
the oast Is called upon for apedally burg will not have a look at toe Bag. CtPg Store.
by R- F. D. from Honor.
Holmes, of 847 East Eighth straet
Sensible- advioe from "Hurry Up”
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Evnolds attondIf you can't find the leak In your
whom they have bew visiting, aeemnYost to ambitious footbaS.pUym:
Corner Eighth snd Franklin S:sed the funeral at Honor last Tnesday
roof, phone Citlsens' 1086, L D. HukUl,
panied them to Pomona.
"Hurry up and learn to control your toe Sherlock Holmee -of leak finders,
of Mr. Reynolds' sistet Mrs. Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cook of Andertemper.
attaid to toe Job.
who died Bept 10 et Manli^. tbe re-'
son. Ind., and Mrs. John Frye of HillSOME BANNER PEACHES.
. better quit the game."
suit of an operatton.
grove. Ohio, who have been visiting
G. E A I. annual excursion to DeMra. Frank RedUnger was taken to _
tt^U Toledo. Chicago and Grand Ra,#the family of Roy Lawrence, at JUpld
Do Not be Impessd Upen.
C. W. Leeffler of Bolen Has Rne New
City, returned home today. They Grand Rapids Thursday where she
, , Foley A Co.. Chicago, originated Ids, Tuesday, . Octo^ ,8. To Elee— VIAwill alter the home of the Catholic
were accompanied by Mrs. Lawrenoe,
C. W. Loeffier of Sokm. hrlnga the Honey and 'Tar as a throet and Iimg mood, October 10. See G. E A L agent
BUteib of the Poor.
remedy, and on account at the greet for particulars.
who will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cook,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Baker of CU- DaUy Eagle a sample of Early Chaw- merit and popularity of FoleyW Bonej
An Informal reception wae held last
ford peaces which would be hard to and Tar many ImlUUme are'eCerod
evening at the home of Frank Wheel- cago, who have been spending tbe beaL the fruit measuring 8H Inchea for'the genuine, ASk fior -FeMpM
Hooey and 'Dv and refuse any nuhsttock. 868 Washington street, in honor summer on Glen lake, at their cottage
tute offered aS no other u^artaa
of Hies Harriet Burnett, who U leav­ “Tbe OaalA" left Friday on the-Miss­
Mr. Loeffier has a new orchard of wlU give Che eeme MtUsttdUom R
ing for Lot Angeles. Cal. About 26
U mlldir le*Uv«. ft etetstu oo
A colored family by tbe name of
. were present Ice cream and cake
opiates and It safest for toOteeB and
bear' were served by the hoitoM. Miss Bnr- Hall, living one mile north of Owm
deUeate persona Sold by E E Walt
have picked and sold over 700 quarts
A Sons.
'nett has been visiting at the h<
GranE Kapiffs
sumher sister. Mrs. Chaa. Edsel, 865 Wash­
ington street. She
many friends
The marriage of Miss Alice Farrant
-who regret her depiaitoe.
to Carroi Fra* of Chicago, has been
Tickets good to return until OcL 13 inclusive.
announced to take plaoe Thtnsday<
See posters or ask Pere Marquette agents.
Sept 21. at the hone of tb« bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Farrant
H. f: MOELLER. G. P. A.
Latest Vereten ef "Cap” and "Mate’s”
at East Empire.
James Bnllivan and CamOy and Mra.
A new explanation has sprung up In Burt of. Traverse City, visited the list
regard to the mysterious movemehu of last week irith Mr. BuRlvan's par­
of "Cap" and "Mate," the two fellowe ents at Bast Empire.
who are reported to have found a forMra. A. E Fbmater entertained ber
tune In gold on Fox island r«
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John CEaadlar,
Lmdscape Arctaltecl
The version now given out is that the of Booth Franktcrt last Satnrdayaad
of toe biggest sod beat fairs
hunters were seeking ginseng
rsr held in these psrU.
stead of gold. Indians who are
We want your help.
The flvei«DonthS4>ld son of Mr. and
qoainted with the topography of the Mrs. Oordca Bkrie at Glen Arbor, died
_ Plan from now on to be at
island, say that at one time the root last Tneaday night The UtUe
iButtons Bay SepL t». 87 snd 88
I will be at Park.'Place Hotel
.was found *ui luunenM quaaUUes had bM Ul from birth. Under
' Vito a wagon load of -tos beat
'■you have raised thU year.
nnUl Dea. lat. 1806.. Appetotmeot
Ackennan of thU place had tbarge o<
" Send a esaed to 8. B. Cato. Soby phone ean be made. OonaolUthe funatsd.
^'llon, and receive a premium lisL
Rev. U E Holmes who has had
tlon free.
The TMb
[Tfyoo made eatriea at the fair
charge of the M. E ehnr* lor tbe
|]laBt year you will receive one.
last taro years, has besa ooa '
woik for BWhUe If he t
freehnees of life. Ihe wearlneoe of Wexford. Rev. J. E. Tamhkias -wRI
Ledanu Cooiity
Friday aftoraaons, when rplagatM eomehere. During their stay hare Mr.
'inatrocter of Vocal snd Plsno. Studio
makes him conecloos of the strain of and Mrs. Holmes have mUe naay
AIrtaHorai Society
428 Webster street, beth phonea
the week's work. Is nature’s oEl to EMM6--06
need of rust If be 4o« tidt
the best -wtshei of aR foRow them to
CaU hU eSdescy wUl dMlbto.: A JatoM their new field.
teacher cannot nrooM^
. D. W. Roytmlds end witt. Wm Mor­
ofvaloe. Dnll tontodnglta yratid sp: ris and wMe, Thps. Debrhtt. Jr., ond
Misa ^ RurMldi finm to HoMr.
ysstsrdsy to sse ,all^.o( )«n>hotwo« tks ESBcr olBs ||M 4o a
Fetsto DlcserB. TwslVs ten|n«
be eo gaunt," mnaiked the hear to
pbwed and the game waslwdiwt D
"Wen you ten” rsplied tha wu^fc i|Ea, Mart tp fpiah. At
aU becanaa of .tha part Fm eesqsTlgai ninth inahMtte same van
Nettfaer tesip ecored imtO
lo.'BiM In Ufa. Zoo aan Tm ahra
...shUgsd to keep from the doer «a
half ef the twiiBh'Vluii the
a ttjy toft in the hooto
ties got' two maa boas.half the beam tan M



School Shoa
For Alt




Special Sale


& Co.



Geo. W. Miller




Annual Low Rate Excursion

Pure Cider

i8c per gal.

w Eif 1
■ r


i8c per gal.


Tuesday, October 3

Tanners, Attention!

Arthur G. Bakox

30C per gal.

J. J. Brezina.*

Wed. 20 Return of


tisiateritaii wr 5;£^fe;


w«i» ««* R““yi

For BreaJdotst
or Tea.
A-few small Biscuits easily made with
Koyal Baking Powder.
M^e them
small—as small Tound as a napkin ring.
Mix and bake just before, the meal.
Serve hot.
Nothing better for a li^t dessert
than these little hot biscuits with butter
and hone^Pmannalade or jam.
You‘ must use Royal Baking Powder
to get them i%ht.

Eagie ,Want


Wptp »rtom Ce

na wu kUled' and ten uten laiarU today to a da that daatn
t tiia Mllik gtiwd IdmtB
tbo Brown floor mOL fbortly i


-Wsnbn Bennett, tbe United .StnUn
deputy luuxbnl end chief of.ttte Indlnn
police of the Onge Nation who reesntly Sled nt Pnwbnkb. wns tbe Um OkUboma cOefal to engg« In sn opa
ewfllet with ondawn, mya tbn Kanwe
She ktUag of 81U nnS Sam Martin
tn n naeinSnS epwlng enmnnded by n
thl^ WMSed-tUitan tn tbe Oeage Metlen Mnr Pnwbuikn baa bean raecrded'

Feat^ of
"Dari ft f
A.*ioni*hin^ T9zform~
■ one** of Some Motor
Car EjeperU,
• Vp 1b4
ef « HcoM~9rh>ini
. ■ Car
fh* SummH
pfu VeUpr.
- Wban L. Ovl« » aboct time ago atoTs
bla tonrtam boiaapower car. wOpiiBg
over a,tcB. down tbe ate^ ctote at
tba CkTatal palace, I^odoa, tbe tbiraaaada of apeetatera h^ttelr breatb In
and wb«k tha daring motoriat dmeked
wbat premised to be n bendlong «lfht
nM bronght hU enr to a toU atop In
tbn middle of tbe dmte they gasped
with ninenement, wbUe Ur. Carla, who
nppaarad to ba tba only cool, aalf poenmaad penon praaent amllad and
nioad hla bat.
One cnanet belp wtedming wbat
wools bara been tbe'nuatloo tt the

abarp curves and up a gradient of
In five. The plu^ motorists a.—stopped at dw
ridge before tbe
actual eummlt by a anowdrlft over elx
feet deep, through which It wu quite
Impoaalble to make headway.
Once at least a motorist has ven­
tured with his car Into tbe bull ring.
la Peter Cerda, and. In his
enr, draped tn aeariet, be mnde s bold
.JBttty Into tbe arena at Lorca, in Spain,
iriierea apeclally flerce bnll waa awatt(ng him. the anUnal. roused to fury
by bis strange adversary^made a foriOQS onslsagbt with lowered homB.''Tlie
driver In seritlog control of his car
dashed Into tbe barrier and was thrown
OQt on bis bead. This was tbe bull's
■unity, aud wttb a toss of hi*
boras be bui

Thee* la Me Bark IWInn. J
According to Sir Artb,or Mitchell of
English fame, there Is no such tbtng
as dreamless sleep: that thinking Is
Inrolnutary—to |he extent nt lenst that
we cannot cease to think undCT any
order of tbe will; that thinking never
ceaaee daring life and. Is oasmOal to
natlnosnce of life: tbst dream
thtoUM la uncontrolled and undirect­
ed by tte never coherant and
concentrated, la more or leas of tbe
diaracter as thinking tn delirlnih
and coBstitutea a atate of mental dlswder which la not a atate ef .'&taease;
that blinking when awake U always to
some extent under the control of tbe
will by which it la directed to a sub­
ject and kept there; that then are

ml of Tacoma. Wash., some time ago.
■Ur. Carrol, aurdy tbe moat daring, not
to aaj reckleea; of lueii. actually drove
bla car, wel^ilng one and a half tons
. and bmkeleaa. down a wooden atalrcnae of 7D0 stepa. Scarcely bad tbe
madilne aurted on Its perilous dteceot
than erery tire waa tom off the ■wbeela.
wblla a third of tbe way down the
monster car bad reacbed a speed of
HOttj Biles an hour and waa taking
cmOlng leaps ovt« twenty, stepe at a.
time. And yet marveloua to retate, tbe
Jonniey waa •occeasTnlly-accompUabed,
altboo^ when at laat «a meteoric
flight waa arrested and tbe car waa
bmogbt to a atandstJU It waa found
that nimast every ysart of tbe meebantan waa broken.
. In oonvariaon with nuch
aonal performance aa thia OM «w4rs
touee.^ XDia leai waa
motor nanttfaeturer.
and bmka elBelwcT oC one of bU ciri,
Srove It up a apedally conatr
, ebuta to tbe tq> of a two story '
UMfk difflbnl the state roof and- then
d to tba ground, ttm

tba beating
of tbe heart dpea not canae a'aeuee of
-thoogb an ttarea have a
wearing eSMt on aU tbe organs conmmad; that tbe srilTa InhlblUng and
directing work brings fatlgae and a
dsmand tor rest; that tbe wUl finds
this rsnt-und ratranbmsmt In atoqi and
that me frequent occurrence of a state
id In deep does not do

Ha^Av'Aer and
uahialMfiAb «» cm
.'Bat-ItaitnV Mid . waa bt._..
alter by
tan ar -te 8ic«e at tbe
bullet-^Bianett tb«-texM bach-to
«ate^ wham d MUrad to ho dytog.
Wllb A
ebt tius tbo
■hentertBacM^toehatottbehtolet bauBdiB
took him
onheoihddto^niealald. 'Aabedlea atHfot^---------- ----------bOEM to te IMWM
<« tiu KVht foBovtog.
In teir ea^'wtou.CDMd 1000
naO$ at mmmaltko. taa Vta^
tor rtfiaa «d the teC fattn and hAa
and enddlea tbv ^ ebtei a few
dayabtote lUMlWthuM’atar waa
ptoHd^Cd tbe MMa eC «m of -tbrir

A tmkdor wriUng freun Bootb Atrtea
dmaribaa a baboon hunt as fdlows:
Tmt klpwly we ^read oat connd
about, me base of the kopje and begs
a oayrUng ascent tbrougb tbe tblok
acrab. Kaffirs and farmers. togetlMr.
led something of a looae clrcls
Axuund the kopje. Daylight fount na
drawing near the blflber ffiian
kopje nnd the Raflln srere buny bantlag.
*1%eaitba sport began, nnd pretty un■nny it iraa A good many baboaaa
bnka tfarmigta our ciccle, fw wa only
muterad seven gona, but as wq asarad
tba top of tbe kopje I eonU ten by
twaabarribly like phUng off n____
"Op baboou werWgmt Mg. hnman
toekbig brutaa, quite enable of plok- up a lamb In (bffir bands and nnKOffwttbtb Ab n tact, they gen“ ........................................ ripping

6«rA i> toOu aan or Oator tea.




fiour, -800.000 biitele ^ wbeM. Tbe
total hMB la $800,000. .

scons IN PMAOE
Sir LIptdnb Horae Kicked Hlt^iTte


> dW Hmtta, Truto. an to bearur^naint aop .gou with nla.



la tha ttma to can and talk loe aad rataa. or Jslb ew aMar•Ions. WeanackuMtogowwIyaBt
and Garfield avenaA^Mv mtehiy
payuMitA nae u runt or erdmaga
*------ good weperty. Lfftte A
l.Front street 881801

of your own a__________
-moat plea of little A E
Fnmt street

FOR BALB-Fam of $0 aou; low
pttoe wad easy- tocmA little A
Shorter, sa Front dnet S8l8t»
PEESONAD~Wo havua tow good oontrecta on real estate tn sell, little
A Shoder, 212 teat street 2646ri
FOB SALS—A good tofflUy horae end
a good cow tor aala Little A Short«. te Fnnt street

ttWEttoFront B.J.OoahAiiriteraa dfut. Otttosff pkcM te.

- tmo

. - - will pey
yon to tovestlrate, eUber for cash
or arrkahte tor other good property,
little A Shorter, te Front etrem
FOR BXNT—Thru good mobm and
• * ■............... dedraA

Mrs. oSr&iPK m e


_________ ___r houe s I___ _____
avenae. B. J. Cooke, 427 Monroe
FOR BEKT-Houae, 8 rowBA to si
OM who want! rst to apply on ptwChau of a,home—$8 per month a^
piled s payment UtUe A Shone*.
281 ftent smut
HOUBB FOB RENT. eocMT State aad
Boae atreeto; 7 racut; smaS 1
duly let
R J. Morgaa.

down on

sooth slds that we con
slderably below cost and
r three hundred doUan
. two thousand dollar
le A Shorter, te Front

___ tor rale tn different loeatlona
Uttie A Shorter, te Front street

d repair aU kinds
It Front street Citl.
FOR SALB-140 acru good tormlng
hmd to Ma^MA tewBihlp: amtr - FOB C^PBNTER and cabinet worL
furniture rualring oT' rrttolahlag.
braek aerou ewto dghty- L. 1
Gibbs A Bs.
Front street atlsms' phone 286.
MONEY TO LOAN cn pemmal Bfoperty. to smu to salt L Newiaad
Tyler, rocm 603 New mihMm bM,
fifth floor.
FOB SAIto-New modem houu on
COM street nssr Twelfth; dan aad P.ONBBR^|ERY AND HACK UNC
Front street; 16 ama, aboot U
bay near Bdguwuod. thraoveUaiOe Une that la always on timi.
Hack orders

. . of a mDe tram dty ItaUU.
WUl trade for good dty propenj.
In Uvery I c
BngdrA Sbmman A Hunter. lS64tf
- - r tm r



To Chlc^o

little A Shorter, te Front


B tbit bed ^a^>e •

teM 860. Dirt at wed and <
WayM street

F(» BALB.—We hevA and offer for
aalA te leOmrtog alst of -Bui



nDkablaeki like a man o
Almaft at tbe same 1
«M«nn6b tba tiw

BotbidKHMeaei '

littla A Shorter, te VM

only $10 doWB end |T par a____
tillpaid. Only dx per cent totuuL
really maeh fbeaper to bay a hena
yon out
than ttorutuM. Utile A Shorter,
te FI
MOMMY TO UkAB on r-lMTtoii|
arty, to mas t» atet 1 tewtoaff'
FOR BALE-Sod, $ euta a toad; tpp
TTler, vuom 6H 14«w WHhdii htooB
dM 4 cmtA fin dirt t «itM. B. J.
Cuoka, 4T Sitorae street rttlMii'^ fifth fiou.

nadsMa ffiaqulraat6U»D

Skaner BKnis.

-ni9 mn


.tnpa u« «,«, ,.«■
T9 BBLL—120acre farm, flour ;
glaa madly gtra me a oaS whu to
from dty. 68 acru niuiud,__
aeedataaytolBgtothttltoa lOOOef
kult tnea Only $L«0. eato or
lood strtiauffa little A Bbortar. PBBSONAl^lf you wish to go tau
tSS Front atrast tttott
boelnau oau on u end nu tt ww
hara ad eoooetbtog on our' Bd af


tto brotbiii w«u ahevtug, «m boUtBgAMdm ter tits aCbm. nftyyaida te caaa iTte

nteOBAPHT aad B.

See toe Bi

■.-Sr jSirssoiErLa ■

Biuttod after tbe entiewe. Hltdibtg
Rest 8ai^:GtrP^Pfile to tartbtbatrlwnaa aboot a mlia ftum where
tbh camp waa anppoeed to be, tbay Ing a man sled *>« tnm drewalng.
^Je^Sp^ Orl-Wby, Pd caS

• •

stof% toad ban. aman farm. xoaUst
sea and toeatka, oaly 10 atitoa-bUL
WOl be aMd at a bargato or uBdtoburgb. Soptlena. E
changu tor Traveiu Oty prop
—Tbe graeteat muter of f
littla A Shortac, ASS Frst at
under anu alnee the battle of Stodds Field wu rwvtowed by K|pg Ed­
ward here yeaterday: Tbe,klng tiri- WANTBI>-CUri wanted lor general
booeework. aamU family, wagu
ed at the Scotch ciwltal yesterday
moralng sd proceeded to HMynod
$8A» per week. Mrs. P. C Deamcmd.
palace, wtasee, attsded by tbe Duke
418 Sixth street.
of Connaught sd a briBlairt atalt he
rode to the parade groundi, to Etokb WANTED—Fumisbed ro«n. or rt
perk, where nebriy 40.000 Seotitoh volwith board-near center ot itity.
mteen marched past Ut oa}^-quire 487 Uourae etreet, atlasa'
pbse 880.
Bnonnou numbert of vtaltors tram
all parte <a Seotlsd and the uctik of
WANTSD-^tody of prepoaaeea
BngUnd wltoeeaed the review, which
pearance for permanent poab
Is expected to aaalst'to oonnten
our local rffijreastatlve f
Medici Secret Cream for
the extreme IrritaUs toll to volunteer
anna, neck and bast Tbe
circles over recent wurrytog mntoMarnege Cream known,
tlona of the war office.
with partJenlars ot youreelf, Madid
During tbe march Sir Thomu LlpSecret Creem. South Bsd, InA *6SU
tcm. wbo is bononry ookMl of the
t fM ft
I. Geo. E
leading hU regiment peat the ktog
whs Us hone threw him sd Sir
Thomas' wu Idcked to the face.
Injurls are not aerloua.
43$ Webster etreet or

uBtS nu tel afterward that ten
BHk wua'teMactIn bays, wfaea Bekntot wfterwafcd fctUad. Moa ten
«r,M0 wuteed tor-flukeada o< te
terttn treteia.' but Bennatt and
aatou uttlyg^ |R» offered by te

Pkut flump II OW-^ yea bnar
abeuttiw odiHUto todc t bad?
Bennd BiptoMlr Old>-^: wbat

- -


teto that aC Atoka:

notcaatofitew. Itwunetlaamd

But ouatoi •

FAOroBT on Bay atraat Pwwafaad
madihiky ready to run IBt foot
tegtoga. Agoedtestioa dor aay

) BM., W «... a. FOB SAIto OB TBAOB-4tot 1
of Wabatte aad Bulow draata.
Metr, ISO Waat Btato atrad. H

bWeMd tobe „ ,
BtoM report eamsiffi^ two as bad
atotaa a beae a»d BiW at Perry and
■ — ■ ‘
Tbey drove
PMt Mutod aiirte ^Mte, with difdcolty. uwrfnwtod « teem end boggy
and toQewud. Tba oatiasn ware In
swlttto tUa tootund kept
a ri
t^Uttst fim duribf tbeiwtoiledla-'
to Sheridan. TaBoara
IbBiiere Jo
jotoad la
1 kept tote fight at ttmee.
DannU Perklna, a Xezmar bey, wbo
jetned In tba purtalt tevad radi rematebie cottage fbat be Ima bos
pmaittod to randm aervieee to tbe
maabalb ^lee-atee tbat time, row
matt and Baxter: ware tn tba land wbs
tbe lad, net mere tiun atztis yaaa
oM and Blwichl» daeeed, rede up aito
arosd tern. .Mpiriia] Posett caOad
to Urn eC tbe 4m^but ba paid no
attontian. He »de aa until be wu
wttbta leu tetou quarter of a mile
of tU cntto^ttis be dleroouutod.
dapped .to IM knaa and began firing DAILY EAQLB want ADS PAY I
totae wbdiiiitekls. Tbeflawa
atoned, tort te boy meonted. code
eloaer aad begu BOag again, tea
Itf tba oOdnln wbo fcnmr ffia drenm- kept-up fer nalto ttmu and. afier a
■tnneae as cm oit tba bnvam aet> ...........................
hMwn among tbe United Statee offlNew. England aopper. 16 eanta, at
ctaM cit OUaboam.
Arthur Blmmana, A eompgnlon
aaisrloQS Martin boya, ceceptf. end
Cor Ml* of oBmt Intormatloa It whs
mM that SlffiiDOM bad *1diowu up- bla
mtauloM tn tba UMtad Btataa oO_________ s Tneaday, October
emsse avoM eeptore and
Detrott $6.00. Toledo ^00. <T
TVbat realty
' ‘ "
Grand BapCto fUA Tbo ...
exourelon wm ba to BMiinoBA tod-—
Toeaday,- October 10. Fare $6,00.
After kffllng tbe Martla bcotbee E
Tteketa good to return 10 dayu. See
G. R. A L agento for toU parttoulan
or addreu a L. Lo '
- - - care tor tbe wounded etBcer. RUnmene
Grand Baplds. Mleh.
la atm at large.
Tba Martin brotbersiiBd been-want­
ed Id lire states for firryoeru. BtnitIng'Oo thetr careen ea cbl^en tMaree
s LeMaaan County Fair at SattooB
they beenma de^Mepta
bores tbleree, chsegtny tbeir stamitag
the round trip. Train toavu Txavr
places from Kanaee to Oolorado, OkUboma. Tana and Indian Territory and
elndliig tbe officers in ffik way. In tbe
year 1906 they became bloodlhlrety
Come to Tbe Ques Oto Bakery for
and on Mardt 8 muderud tbe Rod
ream psffii. lumey watoco, peadi pie,
Island station agemt at Banneaaay In
lagel toode, ieQy rffils.'borne made
eoM blood. They lobbad tbo station
bread, etc.
bduaa, but were punned tbe next day,
and ffie etelen ptopariy was recorered.
$6.M to DetraU and TrdedA $6.00 to
A few days lets they murdered (
Chicago, $t.00 to Oread Bapito s O
Mexdial CitMi of Geary, laoiulngly
R. A L eanaal uxeanka, Oetobw Srd.
tbe sole purpoee of tnktaig Us •
$6.00 to Bldimoaid. Got 10th. Aak any
O. R. A L agtot about It 88$m$-d4r
After aboottng him de etar abd a
emaO podat pistol were aU they took
fimn bis body. Both wme taken frem
tbe bodlae of tiw despendoee attar
they bad been kflled.
A few weds later occurred one of
By epslM_____ ______ __________
makers of the beaaUtal pletnrea. "Alt
tbe boldest boldups dat m took
Oema.*’ we give one Du -with S$e adplace In the history of the territory.
dlUcnal, to eed>-onetomar wh
It happened one Btmday morning e
few mOee tram Pastbuda at a lodge M-paat tenffidale and tented tn bestradedout TbleUtoa
pfaalc. The pkmlc took place Inn wood a toffte Tte'tet bo tried te etreteh our ruular Uteto.
. ---------NKW YORK TBA CO.
to which led a narmy lane. Before
tin plcnlderf began to arrive tbe Mar­
tin beys end Blmmons tod tUr plecea
beside tbe Una Wben tbe ffiut wagen
hud of peraons arrived the outUwi
drew tbeir guns and made tba occopaate climb out Two kept them cov­
ered while a tiOid Inqiaccadtba boreaa.
Tba boraea did fiot euit. and tba picMckris ware commanded to drive en.
In-tiib way'mob titan 100 persona
were bald up a* ttiay came fb tba pic­
nic. Tba oodawB finally-foond tiiree
bocaae that ■otiad tbrir flancy and rude
A UMtad SUtae offietr^ve de fol­
lowing as tits -verrion & tbe fight
wMd teffiowed e few days Utar as
Bwnatt bad told It to Urn a tew weda
bedore be died:
After tbe plcnle boUap e cowboy
rude teto Pawbueke cm weening and
tniDcmed Bennett that tba

SSZJS; £51:

One nremm KlIlod-^Thru Hava Nan

maptei^-Taftoa teto toakflltUAen


U te 14 ACSBB LAmto Btawood
towutolP. aboBi i mile Mm dty
limits, wn make a good aeaifcat


avirfr* V m.
nnrttsw.Onn WonM
tn rlt>. JVotw.

Tbn tetii OC BMMtt and mn
cd lBdMaxthi hew tetftette
aacu te« twe^fite Ttoltad B
muiorlw on SIIToi U» attSpeet EuE In
Dcvooablre. Bnsland. Ibe car when
near tbe eumnilt of tte blU came, for
e reaaoD. to a atop and begpn to
backweid, to tbe great alarm of
aeraral ladles wbo were on tt and
wben tbe brakes failed to act nil but
tbe diirer gave tbamselrea up tw lost
Lockllj- the latter kept a cool bead,
and. gripping tbe ateerlng wbeel. be
ateered tbe car on ita mad backward
eonrse aafeig to tba bottom of Oe faUl.
altbonib before It came to a atop It
bad readied a speed of fifty mllea an
One of tbe moat ndrentwooa.of mo­
or tripe was that of Julas Picard,
who for a Wager drove bis car, wdgbIng one and ihiee-cnartcr tona. over tbe
Prreoeen. Part of tba jonmey was
along a namw path cat In the moun­
tain aide, -wttb the clUt rlntng abeer on
one aide and a piedplea 1,400 feet deep
on- tbe otirtr. the brink of wbl<* waa
but a
of tl>


ibe Lediee' Aid aoeMy of the 0«»


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