The Daily Eagle, May 22, 1905

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The Daily Eagle, May 22, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Among My Books






et*rr «t the Beaetr Who Was lai
esded With the TUIm et Ber Ow>
l«veUaeu mm4 the Stalee l> the • OopjrlriiL 'WA br-^t H. Sweet
I b«v« for 70U (hU '
i forth with all her
which I think rou will Wke to keep—
' a poem hr Joeeph Jefferson which
Here la a legend which I beerd In
•Throw up your bsios. -lukk!"
Venice. I offer it to all among yon
appeared tn. The New Tork Trihune.
Brail obeyed the cqdinj^iiia rrompUy
It la especlaily timelp in rlew of his She lireaks the chrysalis, she raur. wbo are fond of eolltnde and silence.
I offer It to you as I would offer a
paaslnc from thle Hie some three
reels the dead:
flower which has blossomed amid som­
weeks aso, and will he read with par- Two butterflies ascend encircling her ber ebadowe oa a eleeplng lagoon:
In the west. -But at % eym found tbe
ticiiUr Interest, betWe' of iU tiUe:
Oblta Oberaidlnl vras tbe niece of the beantlfnl face bcyoamUie firmly held
And BO this emblem shall forevw be doge. Poets vrtioeenainee we have for-, rifle barrel bis hsnd«rtpi>ed Involi
to bis bat to rs^ve it. At it did
Two OBt^TlIlars crawled on (0 leaf.
time,t, thad composed limtimerabje songs BO there came a sb^ raroi;t and
By some strange accident In conUct
stinging eensatloQ ln|ds arm. i
And once mote we have seen the
That prill coovlnce^u ^.M^n whet
bare, brown earth 'and trees awakaa
04“ the glrL
Was that same argnment. the
from the cold embrace of winter and White Stan. They alto sang about ._. I say." came
Che quiet sleep which seems so nearl.v radiance of her dark 'riolet eyes and "Now up with your MU^galn. qnl<*!
next time I dial not aim to fire
That has been “proed. and ooiuied'
type of death and take on the fresh abont the two roses whidi formed her:
. from man to man. * ^
gren clothing that makes the world Hps. In troth. GWta Gberardlnl was' between your srm ihd bead, but to
Tea, erer since this wondnras
so beauUtuI in the spring, answering, very beantlfid. 8be had. however, lis­
grimly. EvMentlr tbe
to those "who have ears to bsar," tened too wneetly to tbe passionate
words of the ringm, and
ndden^4^o|ion of
t hls>nu bad caught
queaUon—the question of hi
The ngly ereatnres,
pride took possession of her yotmg souL tbe bnliet which wai^crely Intended
anlty, so old yet ever new—"If a mao
' .
Deaf and dnmb and.hllnd.
One hlgbt she heard beneath her win­
froa)the excruciating
die. a^ he Uve agalnr'
dow tbe yearning sob of a IntA Stand­
Devoid of features
The realm of knowledge is so great, ing in'a motionless gondola, a loYerick pain and hie InablUt^ raise the ann
That adoih mankind,
pagei was etngtng to her. - Tender was from Its Ump peritids at his ride be
Were vain enough. In dull and wordy 'the experiences through1 which
tbe music, and tbe water and tbe dark- leallaed that tbe bonstwes rimtiered.
must pass are so
lous, ud
Throw them np."Jepeated tbe girl
dedhometbtng to the eweetneee
undetwtandlng so limited, that
To speculate npon a futore life.
of the strains and to tbe passion In tbe Impatiratiy. "or I afatt tooot"
The fliat was optimistic, till) of hope;' pilgrim throngt this life Is often voice of the singer. Tbe yonng page
"No need.for that" drawled Brad.
The second, quite dyspeptic seemed tempted to lose heart, but always, if; was gtorUying her as the most radiant "for I could have drtjni end used my
li. Just
Jni- y
he is .looking few them, he will
revolver before this.
to mope. .
among aU women.
d« It 1 ______
- Said number dne,-T'm sure ^ our sal- positive 'evidences 6t the Oreat
Ohlta beard him, and a dell^ttnl vriiat to do, and I'll
Omnlpetent Love that sbaU bring tremor ran titrongb her. 'Without wait­ keying with ttbe ‘bands up' bnalnses
Said nnmher two. ‘Tm sure of oor order out of chaos and "give beauty
for ashes, and Hie oil of Joy for monrn
.. not come. The
Onr ugly'fonns alone would qeal
her room. Therenpoo In thU girl was looking at hiM nndeddsdly.
With the Psalmist David we can mysterions light she saw that the was
“Well.’’ she concluded at length. *T
And bar our Mtranee thrOQgh.the cold say: "As for me. I will behold Thy ■trangaly beantlfnl; that her beauty dtm’t know as it Is really neeeeaaiT to
face in righteousness: I shall be sat- waa Indeed almoet eupematttnl. The yonr bands to remain up. I am
en gaUb.
isfled. when I awake, wltt Thy like­
pale and trans- otold. In spite of ^bat yon eay 1
Suppose that death should take
could kill you half .a dosen times be­
ness," It we live up to our best, or at
fore you could draw and level a vreep-How could w« climb the goid^ st^n? least strive to do so.
on. In all falrnees I advise you not to
Wtoe men of all ages have felt tha; the sednctlre mirror aUp from' her make tbe attempt Now remove yonr
tr maidens shun us as they
hand, and a sigh of admiration and of
Wonld angels hid us srelei^me In the llfe could -never be destroyed, let
revolvers csrefnlly, f{ltb tbe mnmles
cstasy escaped her as she cried:
beer smne ef their t«Uinonlee:
toward the groimd. Bad drop tiiem bo­
•1 am beautifull I am beantifnir
“Yes." replied Socrates, •‘all n
' Thencef(»th Ghita Gberardlnl spriit ride yonr riflA TberA that Is right" as
I wonder wbai great crimes we have
wUl agree that God and the' essem
aH her time marveling at her own beaucommitted.
form of life, and the Immortal in gen­ ty. IShe did not deriie to fall In Iota
That leave ns so forlorn pniTso
for el
•be fancied that there was no
eral wilt never perish.'
pitied. •
Goethe said, "To me the eternal
Perhaps we've beta ungrateful, tmexistence of my sool is proved from
, forjavlng;
her eyes and her hair abe treated vrith
myJdiea of acbvity. If I work Inces- eentempt. and to the mysteries of rriiTts plain to me that life's not worth,
sanUyurill my death, nature U boond fion she never gave a thought
the IlTisg.*'
to give me another form of existence
She went to hi* mass solely foi
"Come, oome. cheer up." the
when the present can no longer su
purpose of being seen by the pi
worm replied,
andvif being flattered by them as they
tain my spirit."
'Xet’s take a look iu>on the other side;
to one anottaa about her.
"Ufe is rather a atate of embryo,
. Sappose we can not fly like moths or
preparaUon for Ufe. A man <U not
.Af* we to Marne for
that aame God that doomed ns ■Id. And remembering that to do right
orawl the earth,
Is .always beat and to live foi* others
A prey to every bird that's given birth.
the noblest preaching, WaSblagthu
Forgive our captor as. he eats and ..jilner wrote;
Whim the anchora thu faith baa cast
And damn poor ns hecanae we have
Are dragging in the gale.
not wings?
1 am quIeUy holding fast
it.we can't skim the
like owl Hr bat.
To the things that cannot fhHA worm will turn Tor a' that"
t know that right-la cl^t;
They argued through the
That it is not good \o He;
autumn nl^.
That love Is better than kpHe.
The ngly things composed themselves
A«d a neighbor than' a spy.
to die.
And so to make their funeral qa|ic That tbe rulers-must obey;
That the givers, aball Inerease;
Bach wiapped him Jn his UtUe wind­ That duty Hghu the way
For the beantlfnl feet, of Peace.
The tangled web eneompassed them
fuU soon.
1 toe
Bach for his coffla made him a cocoon,
Is a love that Is belter than fate
Ail through the winter's chilling blast When the night unlocks the bats
they lay
1 shall see Him, and I will wait” Dead to the world, aye. dead aa hu­
man clay.


It U barveuaca hr Bear Aaelaar
LaatcaAs aaS Bsltota.
Like many another term in CLriatlan nomenelatiire. the woM "Baster''
Is derived from pagan soScea.
Saxon goddess of light, Bstra.
, honored wlUi an annuel festival qt the
venial equluoz. The Jewish I'misover
wax alsoremilated li.r the Uarrii mi>ou,
ami the rexurrei-lloii of Jexu* o<i:uiTed
at thl» Kesun In later ccuturli-H the
grout OirUtlnn festival came to bear
the iiagaii usiiie Baster and to be cele_ liroted at u time cuiucldeut with tbe
Jvwlab feaiit.
8lu<-c remotest times the egg has
syiubollxed re-iTualiou. I'erxlaii Irndlthm bSH It Uiat tbe world was batched
from an egg at the seaxou whlrtr correx|MMula to tbe venial equinox, for
whldi reaxou eggx are still given
Now Your'H pmenu by The Perxlaus.
‘nierirulils said (bat tba sun. a great
egg. hau-bed from liself the oenb and
other planets.
By Ihe Chinese it U believed that tbe
world was, funned of two iMirtN of
great egg. From the yolk man came
forth. Tie Uim waved bU baud, and
the upiier half of thg abell prut uiiwanl end became tbe concave heavens;
tbe kiwer half reversed, making the
convex earth, and tbe white albumen
became the seas.
TVben OirUtlauliy touk over varioui
of tbe Saxon rites tbe Pascbal egp of
(be Jews vecre vested vrith a new s'lgnllleanee-aamely. the resunwcUwi'of
ChiisL They were colored red In mem­
ory of tbs blood shed tor man’s redemptlon--Chlcsro News.

One to JealesUr awarded Iw O
tAc other Xw ‘Tarkey.
’There are two trade secrets," said
aa artlsL "that the outride world. It
seems, will never learn. One Is a Chi­
nese secret—the making of tbe bright
and bMutlfnl color caUed vemUli
Oilnese red. The other U a Tuiklih eecret-4be iolaytog of tbe hardest
■wlOi gold and sUver.
"Among tbe Chinese ■'•a
flyriane tfaeee two eeereta are gnaxded
wen. Apprentices, before they are tak­
en tor either trede, must twear a
stzoig oatb to reveal nothing of what
pessei In tbe workabop. Theae epprestlcae, tnrtbemore, mnet belong to tarn-

"Ton have eeen
CDnrae, and yop
or Chlneee ted. Remember the next
tlBw yon look at tbMe tvro thlage tirnt
tkeir secrete have been gnarded Invlolahly and have been hyotsa down
talthtnlly from one genacatioa to an.oOisr tor tbonaands of yaairi-Cliloago
BoaiUng of what yon can do Inatasd
WMng that uM'.le a grind and not
Talking conttnaally abont yomaU
and year sBilis.
Saytai BBktBd tkh« abeot aoqvlnt-


‘Waktng tiiat an tbe good (hancM
knflappostnnlUm are gene ty.
mnldBff of yoMMU to tba exidiHkn
'^t'u!-*answered ‘4e man, with a cf •nryOdag and iemr one Man
ItoMBiktfBg u to irirnt yon woi
look or sur^lae. '
aants tm eite'a »laes and do year
"Then I harS a bill against yon."
beet tn year own.
And he handed Jblm a ritp of .paper.
GaMgc idly into tte tuton aid
. That Is not my name." eaid tbe man.
• “B« rou said yenr name was Good- daaata« ahoBt« taetaad of idk.-*
0ir aekeda

MU coHeetor of


wat 20.T«05.

lu ib'e~ro^ls'f way.'^said Brad r^rfieetlvely. "Then it is convenient to have a
weapon lying loose to tbe pocket 1
have jvilned a tot of clothes practicing
that way."Have yon a revolver )ylng there


“TeA and had yon been a deept
I might haveuaed It Here Itto." And
be half toned, toering tbe revolva at'
It U hardl^YMimestry<4o place tb«
ber feet Invotantatlly tbe moisle of'namFof onr subject th^t week under
her ride lowered.
"Why did yon not shoot me If you bis plctUTA so well is be known in the
city and the surroundtog eountry.
oooldr ehe demanded.
"Shoot e girl like you? Ob. Loedr
Thomas'M. Shane rose from childhood
They walked on for eevetal rodA to the Grand Traverte reglmi tram
toen he called again over his eboulder.
poor country lad to one of Traverae
“Would you mind repeating that re- Clty'e prominent business men, enjbr.
tog tbe oonfldenee and reepeet of all
“Why. you have been coming to 41
mouth of tbe valley and removing wbe know him.
skins from tbe bears we can*t in onr
Mr. Shane was born to County Hunt­
trapA This would bare made eix, only
as Boon as I found tbe grisxly was ing to, provlnee of Qnriiec, on tbe 24th
canght I went up there to wetdL" Tbe day of September. iSSfl. Wheu begirl tried to apeak stanily, but Brad iween two and three years of age, be
fancied be could detect doubt In bet
with his .parents to Michigan
1 located
ited en a tom west of TYav“The grtoUee eaagbt onr cattlA" the
« City. That was shoot U yearr
glri added after e few momwrtA “and
they all seemed to ester the valley ago. There he remained nutil he was
tbrongb' tbe gully. Thafs why we set abont 22 years old woridng on the
tTM* there."
farm summers and In the woods wto"And ere tiiere no men here to neh lers. In 1S93 Hr. Sbane decided 10
to cmne. to this city and embark In
Die beritsted, bat only to a mmnent
the business of buying and selltog
Apparently tbe vMnntary BnrtBkL
the third rerolvw bad disturbed ber bonsB, which he has followed succeesfully up to the present time, and which
CMMlnne a succeeefnl
"My fatber was thrown from bis
horse last week and had his leg
vocation for him. HU barn is locate I
kHL" she answered, “and the only
12s Stole street
besides him Ue half bTMd we hire. Ho
In the year Iflgg he look as hU bride:
te bnsy elsewhere today."
"Too are taking me to yonr fatherr Hiss Sarah Allglre of this city. They
“T-ee, that was my intention, bnt I
now the parents of three donghdon't fMl quite aa sure now. if yon t«n; WIlhelmenlA aged 15 years, Qiar.
'wIU tell me you bad nothing iriiatevar
to do with the beets 1—I eitppose you
could go beck. I would not Uke to
' AN ACCUnj^O D.-iDGE.
make a mlstakA'
'It Is imposalble to me to go hack
now," said Brad decidedly. "Ton see, I a* WeSdloK Party la EtoelaaS WUl
Paaa 0%rr Ihr SIrartare.
nnder suspicion and could not
Standing In the center of an open
thmk of going until tboroiuhly dsared.
It would leave a taint npon my diarao- field ot Hoxne. near Eye. tn-SnSoIk. U
Bnt she bad beat watching en obelisk erarted to the memory of
him for aome minutes Intently. «n odd King Bdumnd. wbo met his death toere
at the liiiuiix of the Danes In STO. On
look of
Dice. Thst arm. with Its hand resting the kIi<- Ilf IltP uinnoment Stood ni
loosely tn the pocket bong strangely lr>:. i I i!ii- liraqi'hes of whl<h the'king
- flip-rraui'bU foes. Atnl*tUmp and.Ufeleea. Suddenly she whirled
.;. eiKe.l'from his leafy hiding
to him.
.; 1 H•^-r••ted hluiaeir under
"Did I-dld
x]iu»ned a stream called
*T«i. I know I
Ton wotfld turn It off with some tool- ll:.' i;.>hll>;'.Hj<,
A iKildlng len.v. liowcrer. passing
IshnsM. That arm U ahattered. I
in tbe evening, observed
know It from the way It lookA We
must burry to the bouse new sol can the kliig'x guld s]>ur glittering li
mooliUghL utid 111 this way bli retreat
attend to IL"
Two we^ later be was lounging to became known to hU eneraie* He
taken tuick to the tree In which be bad
uneasy dialr op tfaejIawB of a'l
wart impei rt teftury Bt. EdnniDds

« fashion.
One day Ghita ObeEardln! sUpped a
little mirror beside the flmt page of
her mass book, which bad been deli­
cately iUomlnated by a pious artist
And while her attitude of devotion edi­
fied tbe multitude sbe studied her-Uce
enshrined In the book of prayer.
The doge's niece bad forgotten that
the Creator alone Is worthy of wor­
ship and not any of his creatures. .She
had aUo forgotten that pride is an
abominable sIn-ayA perhaps-the most
perilooB of ell sins—since-It was the

“It u totunate to us that you
camA" the girl observed. TTe never
thoQgfat of the half breed being
thief. He might have carried off all
cattle If yqu had not come and die-,
covered him."
is‘a thousand times mors fortu­
nate to me, LesUA that I came andlever have to go
again." Brad retnrned gravelycan hardly reaUse what a home wlU
mean to toA” Be turned his face
away, coneclons that a soft floafa

.-----„berardliit was in­
r WALK BinqreK tovakn ^
tently stnOying her face In the little
A CAanx That raUaU.
mirror between the holy leaves of her
Major P. H. G. PoweJi-Ootton had
maas book, and suddenly she nttered a the vreapons were aUpped from the belt ome unique experlencea daring bis
lond ay of terror. Throngh the large end dropped to the ground. "Now twenty months of trar^ In Uttie known
walk twenty paeee down the valley districts to Africa.. In telling of the
and remain standing with yonr back enpeniltJoD of the naUves be says;
"Among the week's washing I had
mar of the organ. And straightway
tfven my boy* vest, vriilch when the
tbe doge’s niece feU to the ground in
other things came back was missing.
them," remonstrated Brad. -CJIy rifle Is He made some excuse about mending
faint She had 8
tUty mirror, tbe sacril^eus mirror. mighty boavy. Better Are It off and It and I tbou*t no more of tbe matter
It bfr own countenance, but that of hand It over to me."
till in tbe early morning I happened to
"I win attend to them." eharply. catch sight of two of my men bringing
There fa today lo the Chnrdi of San "Yon are talking too mneb. Walk for­ it back from tbe direction of a SwehIH
Oforgis UaggwrA where this miracle ward now twwity paces."
trader’s camp. Some time Afterward I
As he started to obey there came a learned that tbe trader lyas regarded
waJ actcompllibed. tbe statue of
man, wbo is seated and looUng'at her- eavage growl, and be half tuned. In- as a great worker of charms. The vest
Klf in a mirror. Very beautiful is -etantiy the ride mnsale wu losing had been taken to him. and be bad
this woman, as beantifut as Ghita him in the eycA "None of tiiat" the
giri adfflonUied. •Wnd let me add thet
waa former)
I BbaU not give you much more ad■t ^ng 1
famous scnlptor, but tbe people be- rtcA"
"BnttbebearUeve-and their legeads contain
diarm was of no ^ect tbe explanation
good deal of tmth-that It vras onc^
glvtt by my men was that before leav­
GhlU Gberardlnl herself and that her
ing England 1 had acquired witchcraft
“Ihen let me kltl him to yon and potent enough to reitder tbelr magic
body was turned into stene by tbe
take off the peH." utged Brad eageriy. powerlees.”
rible vision.
To aU those vriio lore tiie silence of and be turned half around.
The glrl'a eyea vrsce ss steriy as tiie
dtod cltito I offer this legend. I found
barrel of her rtflA “I shaU not parley
tlTien Lady Davy was advanced'to
it at Venice as one occailonally fli
with yon any m^" she aald. “If yon years there esme to Rome a very fool­
flower which has blossomed amid 1
)>er shadows on a sleeping lagoon.— do'oot torn Instantly and obey my or­ ish Russian 00 whose cradnl^ bis
Helwe de Zuylen de Nyevett tn Euro­ ders I BbaU flrA 1 understand your frlrtids used to practice. Among otiisr
wish to take off tbe skin. Ton bsd al­ things they Informed him that there
pean Edition New Y’oik Herald. ,
ready planned that bnt did not
bad tiU sbortiy before been to tbe city
to And me here to mrr prevtons enc- an Engllsb lady at whose house ber
Vhv Ptamlaaa.
CBMee. Now turn."
friends used to atsemblA After ber
Thoe are few birds whose plumage
.Brad did ao promptly.
deetb they found It so toccnrenient to
is so varUble at the ptatxnlgan'A
A moment Uter be beard hm gatoerThree Umee la tbe year its plumage tog np tbe Weapoca Then. “Now waft lose tiielr point of routing that tbey
her embalmed and placed every
chongeA It 'bae eeparate coata for
evening on ber accustomed ottoman.
spring; autumn and winter. At the be­
As be became very anxious to, assist at
ginning of November It puts on tiie lost
Halfway to tiie bo^ Brad <«iixe one of tbsee strange rennlo&A some one
bcBtume of tbe eeeMb. im eprtng over his ahonlder:
agteed to take him tiiere. When be ar­
brown and. Bummer gray serve weU to
“Would yoo mind exphrintog thst i«- rived. there, sure enough, sat tbe ehrivhide n among the scanty herbage ef its marWaboot prerlodi *"—twijii r
eled old lady. He dreumnarigated tbe
haunts from tiie keen eye of the eoarTbs girl was aUeoL
ottoman several tlmsA finding aU that
"Stradt ms as sort of a
be had been told waa too truA then
threw np hU arms tod with the cry.
Tn# Berauxr.
"80 yoo have boo*t your vrtte an- we’re strangeta and Fve never be«i In -It is too horrtbler rushed from the
room—«r Grant DuTs "Notee From •
otbw ecEpenstve ring. len't that a waste
-after watting aj^ moments-“y«« Diary;" ________________
"On tbe centrary. It Is true economy, are not beUevlag much I eay Just now
Cncvled by eiena.
for abe wont require half ao many B« tbete’s swte thh^ rd
Gre«ir-I married my wife tiiree
pain of glovee aa fonneriy."
we^ eflsr the accepted mA Brown
------ -ThaPs nothing. 1 married mine three There cannot he a greater ndanesB
Becclvlng po answer to thU. be em- days after she bad refosed. mA-CRlym to Inteny another In tbe current
ttoosd coolly; ‘TdB asA folks out thU eagoNews.
way hive to get jBtohablts like Mat.
The MUkr Way.
one day In talking to
^ .c ^-imMiulTA" arid tbe boaband.
Beveral farm laborers on aetronomy
•tre will Boon have a betwe of our own
he could give the farm hands a
iBMaad of haring to Uve tn rented pi^ <>«» fl. I Ucwi 5 thought
popw. "Can >00." be esM. “Ml me
U tbat-tbeel^ one hai beat tn 111 whPt made the Milky Weyr, Tbe
•»« rm w» eure I ehoiild like that" pocket most «fj|n time?"
tann hands stndled a mUuto. and then
-hewsreff the wlfA T conMnt drive
ef them eald; "TeA 1 think 1 ean.
BMii anywheip I plstM to tiM-walls
It was tbe cow that Jumped erw tbe
• voodirerk of ear own honsA yoo

toBW.--CWiw NewA

I P&0M sve «

On Qoldbrook bridge Is Inscribed
record of the event. Local tradition
has It thateuany years ago the existing
inscription was folion-ed by the worIa
“Cursed be the wedding party that
passes this bridge." No part of thli
pnatfaems U now visible, hot the tradi­
tion U BO weU known that a bridal
party will take a circuitous route rath­
er than ]>axB over Uie> bridge—London

W ritiM. and Haiguerite
aged 5 yean. Tbe home at the corner
of Cam and Eighth etreed te A pleasam one ss well a« a' toumf otto.

Ma Shane'has serred this city in
differriit capeciUes aasd to now a
valumble member of the board of pub­
lic woricA


ugly octopus.

tt ta Oa* of lb* Mmi( ytogslatv* a
L gne-ly. vunicluux, t
is the uctiqius. aud a a
4«rmldaule tnieij
tnieiiiy.t'i'eu to man, for It la a
of those terrible
will! Its ITTO rows of aock) Induce the creature to rellugulsh any |.rey It has laid hold of.
Tbesc Nuckerx also enable It to drag
Its bud.!' 'Into very narrow crevicex.
from which sc-um-ly any force will
avail to remove It.
1-ike its beautiful brother tbe argo­
naut, it deflex IU enemies by ejecting
ink. but the octopus la so subtle and
clever that he can raiy the color of bis
Ink according to tbe color of tbe ground
be It pasatog over. and. as be is very
active- and dans about at tlgbtolng
toteed. be cansumly escapes bring
He Is an n
: ently quite aaUsfled with Ms own^clety, as be roams abont atone, seeking
what he may devour on rocky ohorcA
wlierv he may be met wlUi of all xJzeA
varMug lu lengtii from an inch tu'two'
or more feet.
The octotius bxx one veiy curious
habit—whi'U rrstiug he colls up suuie
of hU armx luto u aemblaure of the
■hell of the srgoDaul.—Pearson's n'eek-

A eerae at WaaSraaa Graadear That I ‘Telia AlMat (
War lie »eUa Ilia M*al.
Awes Ihr BehaMrr.
is the man doing behlud the'
Hammerfext. tbe most northern town
of Europe. U bleak and deflate, but counter?
Ue Is xellUig muaL Let ox watdi
seen by tbe witth ligbt of the midi
sun it touches tbe Imagination WbKt Is the tody golug up to the
than many of tbe world's more favored
spots, writes Jean Morray in tbe Four »nnliT fur?
To buy meal from the greany man
Track News. Ihc traveler paaalug
with the white apron.
What does site ask for?
A m e iMiiiiid roast of priteihouse.
What due. be give her?
at last he stands on the North cape
A m'vVii poaud rt^t:
the light of the midnight sun and looks
.Tlieii dui-M be <hsrge ber only for
out over Ihe awful solitude be no mors
'bat she n.keii for?”
longs for words to sxpreas what ho
Nd: lislced. He cliargcs her for what
feelA but stands ana gates Into tbe
glorious northern light that gltoimws be rhu<u-lu give her.
DIdu't Hie lady know what abe wauten the gllttolng waves of tbe arctic
while tin>n*ts too deep for wofds
well up InhU soul. He feels that after
tell Ibi- weight of a piix-c of.
tills hour he will have a grmi
meal wheu be iilckH It up?
ence for this wonderfal world whereCeriulub heiAU. Otherwise be would
never be able lu know that be is al­
ways selling you a piece' of meal sev­
eral pounds bigger than you wanted.
IVhy docs the iiiau do this?
It Is Uu|i.T..lIile to associate cou-.
Btontly Willi greasy things and nut be­
Into what come pretty .muoth younflf. Now rue
seemed Ihe shining dswn of eternity
ami play.—Baltimore AmertiAu.
and feel that it is well to have lived If
ualy for this.
Wayx of the I
V*IT PlaeM J
____________,____ >u and gentle. lo»Pram aukwetra 0*1.
able ways of tbe bluebird are evident
tworm gut forina tbAhest line for
even to captivity. One summer I bad Ashing pnrpoeeA partly on account of
tbe pleasure of carefully studying tbe Its great tenacity and partly because it
hablU of Md and young to that condltranaparenb Every year a tufIhe old birds were kept lu a large flclent number of ^lanlah sUkwonu
bird room with ae\-erai other varlrtles groba are selected for this pvrpoae. Aftot American birds. Tbe bluebirds were
Utey hare nten enough mnlherry
modeU of good behavior not only leaves and before they begto to spin
among tbelr own kind, but to tbelr reare tbrok-n Into vinegar for aevlatloiu with other birds. Tbe young
hoiUA. Each Insect Is kUM. and
tbe Bubstonce whkh tbe grab to the
te amount of a
ustnnl course would have spuh Into a
became very tome. It wss amusing to oocoou Is forcibly drawn from the dead
ase toem. ebont the nsnii feeding tine,
into a niiK-b thicker aud shorter
arrange titrauelvea on a particular silken tiiread.
perch. Bach bird to ordee of praeedeoce
Tbe threade are then placed to punt
wenld take tbe food from a ollcfc. anda
If one was purposely omitted there was
flattering of wings or selflab at­ luUon of soft soap. Tbe flue outer
tempt to obtain tbe iiiurxel as it was skin U thus loosened ao thst the work'
offered to tbh oext blrd.-St. NIcbolaA
with bis hands.
Tbe threads must be dried to n obady
place and are often btearbej with
What do you understand by the wort
•Yleflel^" Johnay-lris what -yotTve
got wErt ypn haven’t got-hs mneh as
tf yon |«M hadn’t MtMa’.-Odeagn

A of apuu glass.—Is

Oa* at lAam.
“My wife has a r^orkable ooUscthm ot lenrtoelOeAr
“Was ahe eoItoctlBg when Me nuto


The ezceaelve lore of money it «m
ef tbe widest doors to Um perttorttoy.
MBevelart Leefler-


l And the
■ Kitten •> “jjj"
Oop7rt*b<. **»• *>}• T- C. McCho*
"1 bet TOW pwOon, bnt e«n you tell
me bow to wunb a oat 5" Chrirtopher
Coevell held op ■ bUc^ klttea, «rlUt
veer dirty white' shirt front, to )osUfy
Catherine Tun>^ caught It
arm*, "lan't Ih a dearf' she tiled.
•■>Theee did you get Itf
••I didn't get It." anJd Ct
<kDown to bla friend* no Kit): *it got
me. You see, last night' was pretty
•nowy. and this nttle tiaaat followed
me all the ifay down the street" '
■'And yon took It inf How good of
yonr“1 didn't exactly Uke her In; she led
the way. After.that I conldn't chuck
her out In the snow again."
Kitty Tnnier gave him a look that
Mamed to him to bore Into the Innw-

ibclr dark pr.-ipUe-li» had t
only they 1



Tbe Ako* «t Tlwe It WeaM Take One
Sholibark Blrkarr Is a Raam
to Rearh Oeataavl.
"I,et ns supiw** o-iallw«y t» have
been built b««ceii tlir earth uml tin’ eeslly fixed star Oentaurl." nld a ^lecturer. It Is a strictly Americaa tree and m
“Bv a consideration of this rallwny's vodded to Its native soil tbat it rocnrrd. Kitty w»s frirad^.
w-orklugs we <-an get some Idea of tbe
fullv niirousclou* of bla lovemaking.
to become a citlaen of any other
c Hint intervcuoB he^ enun^. la tbe sturdlseaa of Its roots
There were little friendly vUils to
the door with some dainty approved by
and trunk, la the boUneas In wblrii
the feline aperies, brief chats In tbe
.fliBga out Its tougb bran^et. In Its
elevator end tbe lobby about cat nature tnke n trip on (lilx-ucw aerial line to itnag Indlridnallly of <
And edaceti<m, but nomebow Kitty’a the star. I iisk tin* tiriiet agent
absorption In the kitten fended off tbe what Ote fare is. ami lie answer*:
lender speeches tbat hung trembling
•• "nji- fare I» verr low. sir. It Is
on Cbrlstopher'a tongM.
1 mile*.'
Several times he determined
rate, will the tereutlng. Early In spring tbe dark
c6*i Y I auk- .
hU fate to tbe test, but some Incldeat
brown outer acslca fall away. Hie In­
restrained Urn until ebe bed goi
“ -tt wlU itwt juH S-.>.T»,OOU.OOO.' be ner acalea ft« lengthen to protect the
wee a fit th\t finally brought bU
crowing i(«t, sosetimes .attaining a
length of five toebea. Tbeae iniiM
•csdM are marvels of beauty both is
dntged In the luxury of a fit, and Kit In
texture and m color. Ibe body of tbs
•an wrgi>lHgy '
brokemau. •eele U ihic* and laatbety. wbUe its
•6rf*coa. especlaUy tbs Inner, are soft,
beast fanned bis love Into a'fierce
wltb a lUkro nap gotgMroly dyed In
beat, end when abe bad gone back ft
yellow, orange and red. auggaatlng tbe
ber own rooms be aat andd applied ploaoou he thts-e, then, won't wlmaey comer and Uw beat which
glowa blmaelf tor a
coward. Then be craased tbe bal
ball'ai' "■"■'we”ke good'tlipe, rir.’ aay*
knocked on Kitty's door.
"I want to talk to yon about tbe«at>*
fib—r Lf« me Xamaa.
be began lamely.
Mias Death was broutfit to tba Oer"Is abe woraer aaked Kitty anxnan hoapltal-|g-ThlUdslphla ft ba op­
erated upon for appendlritla. 8b* was
"It Isn’t that," be e^Ialned. "lea
a daughter, sba said, of an tmdartskar.
About ber fntnre. Hay I come Inr*
^e name of tb* aargaon wbo was
Sbe stood aside boqdtably. and be Srae Thai ('latan ta Mark tbe
tbdsen to periorm tbe operation was
entered the little den. stiirwn with Its
at tba falvorae.
Dye—Dr, l->aak Hackett Dya
half completed bits of china painting.
Hie sai-re.1 Wnck »loue of the Han- ^'T'Tten the operation was orer Mist
"I don’t think I can keep tbat cat," chu d}-sfisiy of i'hluese la UukUen H Death wu placed ft charge of twh
be began when she bad satti^ bersatf. the center of tbe uulieiM
"They ere an awful comfort," ebe old Chinese supersilttous. und added
Vlas I’a} M to ft* dv dum:
vetierahllHy comb* to Mukden from toe Orene Is the Mibt nuna. Xhajutlmt
••-knd an awful responalblllty,'' be graves of fte emperors near hy.
racovered rapidly, and ft a abort time
added. "1 don't think a baiftelor abMld
goudby to Dr. Dy*. Miaa Pays*
•The Do-rlng iu.Ussa, Tibet,
try to keep a cat."
other center of the unlvgrM, which, ac- and Miss arasa-Esri.
"1 nt^ to keep one." she nld caro- cordlng to fte.Hbriaa prleaU, Is abapleaaly. "aod found It very eaay. If you ed exactly like tbe shoulder blade of a
WIU follow my dlrectlona about faedlng abeep. All distances are mensurod
— an anirie on "Some Bemarkabto
It yon will have v
from It, and it Is very sacred,
Old Chinese BrooM*" a writer qwaks
‘They eay bled
Anotber center la tbe kaaba, in Ifec- of fte tbumbltka proftetftae on dw
be observed.
CA » dirty bUck stone let Into the wall
bells a. wiag for ft* pnipea* ^
"Indeed they aro. I know lets of In- of tbe most sacred moeqne and poUlli- tmpte
adjnatftg the aoaad. Many
atancea where they have broofht g^ ed every year by tbe Ups of tbensanda
and Japanse beta bare abaUar projaeluck.”
of worehlpers. Tbe Arabic word for tlon*. but Id avery ona of them these
‘I ftott^t," be aald ierronaly, "that Btonel ‘bagsr," appeara In Scriptural
you might like to bare It"
Thlswenld not U fte ease If tba ahov*
"I conidnt think of Uklng ber away
ft«ory were comet An adnrotad Jap­
from you'' sbe oried. "ibe U sndi a Ure ttken It are known as 'badJI."
anese gave me another reaaoa-to wit:
comfort to you."
Even 80 sane a people aa tb» anclcfit Once upon a time Buddha was aa aa"Well, you tee." bo conilnned. bla Greeks came pretty near, worshiping a
ft bla madlfttiOBa that b* did.
eart thumping violently. “I go with atooe-tbe "ompbalos," or center of tbs
observe the son's bmting down on
tbe cat; one of ftoM trading stamp
hi*, bare l^d. Tb* analto. aeriag bla
gamee, you know.'
plight, covered hi* scalp with tbtor
was unconventional, but Kitty has
but for panioaes of n
aUmy bodies and preventad bla havftg
fte kitten—and KIL
a sunstroke. Sftcc,lfasn Bnddhftt ba)to
tbat were cast bad these twisted pro­
tuberances, wtaile ftoae of beotan arial
During an eclJpae all bidden treubavo been oorered wltb small cubtos
rea are <^n. and It yon are wise
Tbs Beabead aa a "XIm Daggia." boam.-Forest and Stiaam.
Qongh to cany a primrose with you
Hiere' are a lot of women la ftlj
yon will be able to help yourself to any
Thaekrnir'a Haac at Cbanwtafs.
af them. No witchcraft will ever harm world wbo think that there * only one
yon If yon carry a water Illy bud about aide to tbe xoarrlad reUtion. aad tbaf•
Some oue wbo baa been looking at tb*
yonr peroon. and If you abould cfaancu their Bldk When one of tfaawi marries list of cbaracten ennmerated ft tba
to dream of Illness you will soon bo she aailB .rl^t out to train bar hus­ lari volnmeof anedltb
bappIlT married. If you eat double band Into kind old Carlo, wboll go work* has caleulatad
dierrii^ you will have twin diUdren. downtown for ber every morning and bar totols up to between 8,000 and
If you are afraid of llgbtnlng take come bomp every night, fetching a mag 8.600. We bare not checked the aatibeed to ke^ in yonr bonae a pUnt of Uttia baaketfnJ of money In bU mootb mate, bnt, accepting It as aemratm
and wagglag bis tall aa be lays It at bar abare tbe fiftcoracer’a astentohaant—
oiptne or livelong.
Bow peas on Wednesday and Satur­ fast Iben tfa a pat on toe bead and London Post
day If you do not want them to be "Nice doggie."
And ba’a taught to stand around
eaten by birds. Put blue marftram In
svanlBga. retrieving her gloves and
tbe hsby'i cradle when empty to0 keep
A mother of fov daighttan. of whom
and anspping op with
witches at a It
one had recently inarriad. aakad a yotmg
«. and
man sitting baald* ber ft tbe ^wftg
If you don't want your last baking to
room vftoa she woold like for a aoa- moldy you must ftke good heed not
ft-law. "And which of my glri* do yon
bring ctwnfiowers Into fte bouse.
lost admirer*
Stare are sools, and when one falls a
Ha giffatftg Bby')-Tbe married one.
Uby 1* born. Wben-a baby dies God
new star. Hieee are all north M^ad doggler'^From “Old Oorgou


most recesses of bla beaA He bad
wurshli>ed her from afar ever since
she bad come Into the atndlo building.
Ibis was the Brat K>pportunlty be bad
bad to speak with ber.
"You get some soap .and tepid wa­
ter." expUlned Kitty. "Iben you souse
her well, dry ber off and wrap her tb a
bUuket and bold her nnUI abe dries
out Ton have an extra blanketr
"Ob. yea.” said Kit mendaclonaly,
vowing that bis steamer rug was none
too good for a cat that had laid In V>ss
Tumeria arms.
Kitty banded the waif to Kit "Have
"Snre," was the prompt reaponse.
‘■She bad a pint of cream this morn­
ing. tbou^ I'm snre abe doean't look It
"Yon must not overfeed ber," de­
creed Kitty. "I'll bring you some fish
Xu her supper. AH cats Uke fish."
Wm thp door shut, and Kit went back
to his osm spattments, assuring the
unentbuslasUo kitten that she was
about to have tbe bsib of her brief ex­
Ibe pre
enough, tbongb Kit's Ideas of tepid wa­
ter were rather above tbe standard
temperature. , Grasping the cake of
soap In one hand and the kitten In^e
other. Kit soaped her and boldly
plunged tbe unsuspecting guest Into
tbe water. As she toudied tbe water
the tub.
Kit dropped Ibe soap and grabbed at
tbe cal. but bis hands and tbe cat were
slippery wlflj soap, and be hugged her
to his breast to secure her. nils tamed
tbe frightened little animal on ber
back, and in-an tnatant Klt'a face was
streaked with crimson.
With a howl be dropped tbe kittaa'
back Into tbe tub, from which abe
made her cacaiie unhampered and
promptly vanished under tbp sofa In
tbe sitting room.
Kit bathed Ills face, aineared It with
salve and then started after tbe kitten
again. With tl;e aid of a crook han­
dled cane be dragged berVrom ber hid­
ing place, the dual matted In ber wet
for. Clearly that bath was more tti*n
ever a noceaaltj. Kit tempered tbe water from tbe fancet and finally aecompllabed tbe task.
When Kitty knocked at tbe door an
hour later abe very nearly fainted at
tbe apparition which confronted ber.
Kit. with bis *lrt front wet and tom,
bis face atreaked wltb blood and
grease, bearing unde^hls.ann a wad­
ded mass of steamer rng. certainly pre­
sented a formidable appearance.
‘I gave her a bath," be grinned
“I abonkJ say you did." agreed Kitty.
"Did you have a flidifr
"Did ir echoed Kit "Do you kno*;
- rm going to form a new society for the
prevenflon of cruelty from anlmalar
"la that tbe cat?’rile demanded"mat's left of It.'' be answered.
picking at tlie buadle.'‘^TiVca“t dropped
out and streaked Into Kitty's apart* '
ment Sbe ran after It. and veten As '
came oift again she carried cloths and
a bottle u well as the kitten.
Tbe kltteu she quickly settled In a
chair before the radiator. Then sbe
turned her attention to Kit. Tendetlv
rile wariied off the ointment and baftad tbe Bcratthe*. applying a soothing
"Tbat will take tbe sling out." abe
said as abe tuned to gp, "if yon wUl
leave tbe door'nnloCked, ni come in
later and change tbe cloths-again."
To KU It seemed as U tbe familiar
attUug room'^bad snddenly grown
gloomy and depressing, and be lay
tbere wondering at tbe difference a wo­
man's preaence makes.IDt Oaawell bad been a confirmed
bacbelbr ever since be bad come from
eoUage. He railed at marriago and
love until bla vlctlmi swore that soma
iay they would have their terenga by
seeing aim atruggHog *gaiwv tba adenneet of tbe Utrie god of love. .
; -iSewrtm ceafMfid

Softetlmee. , 1 ftamfti dty ft saved
T «!'
■ «»Mi ftrt 4b* firs
» so icag. y
dnmatiu would eaiwlt Z. T. Orgy, of
CalhoBB, Ok. wrUea: "My wife bad a
vary aggravated oougfa, which kept her
Two pbyaleUns could
■be took Dr. lung's
New Discovery
Cougba and Colds, which
eongb. gave ber sleep, and finally cured

Beard -of Review mu Biiu*tftation ct
the.clty of Traverse City will meet on
Uoaday, Mar *2. Is06, at the coaucU
rooms ft aaft eUy of Traverae City, at
9 o'clock ft the forenoOB. Md oonttooe
eaaioo at least four i»H, or •*
h kmger aa may be nefbaaaiy to
Diete tbe equalftation and rmiew
be aaaettment rtrift of aald dty.
person or persons desiring to do
BO may exaftfte bto, ber. or ftdr asaeaamant on aald roll* and abow eaaM,
- At C, A.
if any extot, why fte valnation thereof
bee, The Hannab'^teft store and
sbonld be rhenfftol
Mllier-s drug atorea. prioe 60c .and
Dated this Uth day «f May. 1M8.
11.00: guaranteed. Trial bottle 10c.
jmerk of tbe Brord of Review and
X^BqtmlftaOoiL- ' ' ■


Notice ft An Peraons Interested;
Tba special asaeaament tax roll for
the constrtiriion of Lateral Sewers ft
District No. 6, between Ninth npd
Tenth street, . between Tenth tmi,
saevantb street, between Betentiand
Twelfth streeU. from Wadsworth
street to Bohemia stroet. baa ^
placed in my bands for edlecftm, Uiv
same to be paid oa or before May 31st.
~K. K KAisKEU..
Oflice, Room

Foley A Co, Chicago,
Hooey and Tar as a throat and lung
ud Tar many lalutioas are offered
for tbe genuine: Ask for Foley's Honey
and Tbr aad ratase nay gabatitnte 6fferod as no otbar ft^antoao wIU give
the same BStftftetifB. It ft aiUdly ftxativA It eontafts no opUfta aad ft

Havftg bad 20 year
ro ft
thU buMneat,
we are o]
open to oontroeU
forr anything
uyftftg ft tbft line.
Small ftba
appreciated and latger onea ft proporturn. H. A. Coats and Jap Drmgoci. Addnaa 410 W. Seveatb street
" '
The Richest Man in the Worid.
The richest man ft tbe world can
ni^ hare his kidnen-reptaced nor live
without them, so It ft important not
to netfeot'fteee orgnns. if FWey's
Kidney Cnr* ft taken et tbe firat sign
oC danger, tbe aymptoana wui dUappear and your health will be reeftrod
aa It strengthens and builds up ftme
organs as notblng else wUL Ctoear
Bowman, Lebascs. Ky.. writet: “I
have used Pbleya Kidney Cure and
take grmt pleanare to stating It «und
me pemanUy of kidney dtoseee. which
eertalnlr would have coat me my tife."

Conditions vs. Theory.
, wy, was, onaticuunioi lie pracucBDilitT
and simplicity, so assured success as soon as it
saw the light of day.
Seven years was spent in carefully experimenting before it was presented to the great
• world of merchandizinf^
The merchant
merebaot who Is “waiting to see
See how
it turns out” is singly denying to bis business
the gr^test force fliat has thus far developed
ury merchandizing'methods,
No progressivi
live merchant will do. bis fullest
duty to bis business who does not investi^tf
this new powerful influence, which means iin' a
word, the complete and satisfactory solution of
the great vexing problem of

Quick Sunrlce uud Protcctluo.

E. W. Kelley,
507 WilfaelB Bft.

Sales Agent.

Notice ft hereby given that fte

Is READY to serve your every
want In this line and do
it right. , too, whether your
wants are for a few business
cards or a Job of tasty station­
ery for yourself. . . Why
not get some nice stationery
printed for your wife ? We
can get you up sonfething par­
ticularly fine. Step In the
office and let’s talk with you.


1. ni «hi».pe^nowtoyou a a».cret
S. I nipvl lay Nel-Jie in tbe twilif^t

. if yon wUI pramiae dm to tril.
when eofcIyUointbesummerlineie,


lo», «rii*nn»wlii tie
mil ber Ini-ly bow J

Sai" J. 1 :r

m -erbl*ah»roin*au.lK0.





mlpT'&ir'* y Jif' ^ C * J. Ji»*J—g


* /

' V-n lb. F.,. yu. c.

And wbi^rwontoofitithemeado*wbereth*pari4eiioftl*en.w.
Aad uo her mby lifo I’ll kia» her. in themeadow wbereUiep'orjile vielrt.|^m. - •




I Waverley’s


i C0^ci««*tend;0.^

ovrnd-t. we. t>r ouw a Base




Best Without Costing Most





knew that sbe waa,
aa be espresaed It jmt Tbe girl foi
whom be bad been looktoa Thla would
bare been rety amualne to bia aaaodaM bad they known it for ttoee hla
gtuusar school days be bad been not­
ed for aedolonaly looking away from
ererytbitig feminine.
Gordon had aatfesed ^m a bUghted
heart at tbe age of fourteen and bad
nerer fully recorered. Tbe aoOior ol
hla Injury. Mias lAuia Bolce, Ofteen
yean bis aetdor, had been led to tbe
altar by hla elder brother, and enry.
hatred and malice had rankled to bU
boyish heart for aeretal yeara.
At tbe age of atotcen be was a profesaed woman hater. At twenty-four
he tolerated tbe poo-, weak uieatuiea
as necessary erlls whldi might bare
bees dispensed witb had a UtUe n
foresight been exermaed when tbe earth
and Its inbabltants were being plani^
At thirty he found them rery conrenlent aa managers and oerYants to tbe
beautlfnl mansion tTbere be dwelt
alone after his parents had gone
their long rest. *but be often wondered
how other men found them attractive

*1.00. Ul>WARDS

HCINOAKTCN OAOJ^.. a«krrj. 377-379 Br.edba,. Ni Y.


bad Jtwt dUcovered It He bad
poof agaliut tbe wUea of feminine art,
and baring reocbed tbe age of tblrb'
I two be

>m. BD. FINA0D. tB« Ui

COY c r ooat c r pii&ia f


Made in Traverse Ofy.
14 to 25-horse power Marine Gasoline
Engines. Equal to the best; no
competition with lower grades.
Manulaetured by

■elf before the glowing grate fireJn bis
luxurious IlCrary.
ma thoughts reverted to the pleasurea of the glorious October Just past­
ed. fte long dri' s orer the
- pleasant
tog of the maples! Ibe cswisiwaiig
rides, in the ci4sp morning ali^w
well Madeleine rode, and bow anpably beautiful she lopked to tbe saddle!
The Jolly afternoons on tbe golf
lelelne was a fine player, and bow
full of unconsdous grace!
Tbe deUgbtfu] ereitogs at tbe Onbams! He considered Jack Graham
ene of hla b«t Manda. and Mrs. Grabamteally
Ungbed a Uttle to confoslon as be re­
membered that thla very high o^dnloD
of tbe Grabams had been reedied only
Temou; e cooato of Mrs. Grtham.
"I suppose." be BoUloqutoed. bis bon“* *-------- — to tbe dancing ^

Traverve City, ^Mlch.

The Secret of Good Coffee
Etcox a* beet bcntaekeepeze eaosot siake • good ovp of
ooffee without goqd maieriaiL Dir^, adnltented a&d qneeiiT
Headed ooffee eui as imsonipolous dealen ahordorer tbea
ooaaten wca’t do. Bat take the pore, clean, natocal flaToied

UON COFFEE, be kXer rt «H fidufe oBetsthe ooffee that for orer a qaarter of a eeatiiij haa been daily
welcomed in millions of. homes—and yon Yrill mafcaadzink fit
fi» a king in this way;___________________ '



HL M Sml.
pnt tf a* vUia of n CB, mUagnwiaatsMnauos
:aaa-raiA w ^


a BsAao* •> gcaAac UON CttVIU.


WOOIflOT BPga 00.. Totedo, Otdo.

not be 111 love," half ddantly, "and, of
course, tbe nett thing is to marry,
wonder how long it takes for a girl to
fall In love.”
Then an expression of anxlona doubt
came Into his face.
"Perhaps-perfaaps she's already to
love- She may be engaged. No," he
continued emt^tleaHy. "ebe Isn't en­
gaged. rm surei^f that Noy, Gor­
don. get e b<a»aa‘ on yourself and eee
to it that Bbe tolMiaged at once and
to yonreelf. -1 wonder bow such a
I thing u done." He looked diligently over tbe book' ehelves. japelr tfaere ought te_be

looked me straight to the eyes and —ui,
areyontiTAnd 1 said.
lauded and said, -Jack. l' wouldn't
BIlw yon for the worlA’ TbaTa all
th«e was to It U you're really to

mble tbrou^ tbe vrtdle thing
Lid -toen say swMy, ‘So aeby,' T
dreamed' and ‘We'U.atwaya be

If conprt^>^^<*°*
beatd thlajnomlng that you and Mias
Temon ate engaged."
•flongratulaUons wUl hare to
I go and aak her," admitted Waverley.
y. 'Ton ait betp a^
read while I nu
and eee It tbe re­
port of our engagement has any toundation to fact”
Jack obediently took the easy chair
before the fi^laee.
ley's en odd stitick,"!
And this to tbe worid's producHoo
tbe fire, "but if Made
Adda ever someiblnc more,
lut. tbongh distinct arid aeporata
site's a goose.
Waverley lost no time In prdliiilnarles.
•Tve Just been told. Miss Temon,
that we arc reported to be engaged.'
[Example: Transpose a sh<« pen
"How strange! Who would have
taken such a llbertyr'
and make small casks. Answo^rub.
L Transpose prevalent and make coneasier and cetatoly for me
mnch happier to make tbe rumor true flagnUon. 2. Transpose to cauierize
Than to go to tbe trouble of denytog it and make epochs. 3. Transpose an In­
and trying th have tbe denial accepted. fant and make a French ecclesiastic.
Can you agree with me. Madeline. 4. Transpose kitchen utensils and make
to break nbort. 5. Transpose Blmllar
^-I think yon are right." abe ad­ and make a fine German naval atatiqn
mitted. "Denials of such a thing are to tbe BalUc. & Transpose ceruto and
always tocffectlre and to some cases make one who Dsea. 7. Transpoee plun­
posIHvely distressing. It—It would be der and make an tostnunent & Trans­
n^ III this case," abe added demurc- pose greater quantity and make a city.
9. Transpose the mark of a wound and
'^He took one quick step toward her. make v^cles. 10. Transpose young
animals and make a short piece ot tim­
tuned and crossed tbe room
id as a support. IL TrenspoM
tbe telephone. When
paid tor a leeas and make
I his ^
i Wrd. .l^-TEBDepoeeaparti
. tA. .-XTBBVIM a
rl^t Jat^: conBatSkBens are to or­ make leaiutog. 13. Transpose sonnd
der, but—yon needn't be to any bujiy and makc-n short tetter.
about extandlng them to peraon."
Re. lS4..^aaMe4 CoDece*.
Then be sat down bealde Mias Temon
1. Swell. 2. Enly. 3. Dadvabr. 4.
Nowbr. S. Tihmmbn. A Erbolto. 7.
foolish aa those of wblih be
EnUorc. S. Oultw. 9. Tonmn Loyekeh.
to tbe novels In hla o^ library.
Verily, no man's way (a tbe only way.
Xe. lam-WarA Saaare.
1. A drlicious fruit. 3 To Invest. 3
To worship. 4.1I«!led. -I. Ohserves.
Housdiold i>eU are susceptible
far greater i-ariety -of diseases than
All th^ mUsiKg words are the same
most people ituaglne. Parrota
length. Cliange brails awl tails.
■ A loafer was-----on tbo grass when
from the Greek word for parrot, "palt- an old ---- came and itlood to — of
him. "Don't be a —j-.” hr said. “It Is
tacosiB." A number of fatal caaes
human betoga of what was at first aop- — of yon to kllr your time away
poseiltobc a luallgnaot Inflnenxal pnen- thus,”
mouin «-<>re to ParU traced to tbe bacil­
lus at preseot thought to be causative
Syncopate to cqntnH awl have ileaert.
of Tbv parrot dlscSHc. A certain proSyiK-opaie one w-ho'-gives awl have
portlou of parrots are known to die
from tuberculosis. Cats are known aitrance.
Syw-ojAto to ptoe and have nn ear­
.sometimes 1
that tbe.v have In many cases beei
SynctqMle to fancy awl have a glasa
riers of diphtheria and other of the
_____ ,
ordtoar}- Inrecllona directly and Indi­
rectly is more than suspect^.—Kama
A Molar CMor.
City JournaL
My little gin Nathalie was throe
years old when I jiut tbe bottle of
smelling Kalts to her nose, But I Just
In Aberdeen can be found a court ralaed tbe cork a little when abe said;
official wbo is as gi>oa a type of tbe “Take Ibe cork ouL mamma. 1 want
canny Scot na one would meet nny- to aniell It lou.ler."
where. On a recent occaaion on Im­
portant. wltneas failed to appear, and
the Jnilgc was furious.
Ytliat couhl t» n o simple or more
‘•Whyy isn't be barer d
honor. "It’s his duty to be here. Where
eiiy girl than the small boy's ndmiris be?" •
tog question. "-Arc your eyes
,■ The official, witii true ScotGi canni­ ones?" So grownup person could have
ness. replied. "Weet. t'U no aay for thought of that.
that—but he's dead.*'


corrects irregolaritiea and cureTKidney and Bladder diseases tn every form, tones up the
coacD OF MKurs MtrtfF.
whole'system, and the diseases that have
resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear,
because thd'caase has been removed. Com-


Wa!C «3.fiiM:' ’•

Traverse City A«1e, No. m, P. a
. egtea. Mta >b Potmen
Tm>day eventog at g o'cloek. Ohariefi A.
UaeON VIU, SECOND aUARTER,tNTBI- ■voTtti. w. P.; o. to Clapper, Seey.
NA-nONAL 8EfttE8, .HAV fli.
_ 0. 0. P. toeeto dm atofi tkird I
teya to uach MBUh. oTS ChMa,
P.; R L H«Tfe. Beribe.
Aoha avitt. ar-Coo
tOaurHcH. ISM. by AMrhas FnB AHSdsHa.]
In tUa lenon. wbirti lends up to tbe
cndfixlon. we must, however heiefiy.
earn up tbe eventa frem last leara un­
Travefto CAy Ohnpter, No, 14T Q.
ward. Let « not forget tfaat U la HB R 8., toMta to M—itolc ball tbo Ttototost nlibt to a mortal bbdy. Tbe dart- day on or before MtB tofi moan. A
deepen, end tbe conflict LItaey. W. U.: P. BavUnd. fleey.
grows more end mne fierce, for all tbe
powera of darknena are about to do
Doebeet Camp, No. m». W. N; A,
tbair woret and He U about to bear In MOta at Wbodmaa kali Monday srrw_
tbe sins of tbe whole >gi, March < end ae. Chat. Defoe. T.
world 0>et 11. 24; I John U..2J.
Hla going tbrib tnm tbo ^ (
,ferook Kedma,'rejected br Ura
IV. 22, 23; Hoe. xl. 1).
na back to David going forth orer tbe .jga. H. A Coats, N. q:; Cbaa A
aame brook, rejected by bla eon (H. BdgMomb, Meretary.
Bum. XV. 80), but tbe type was a very
Catot shadow of thla ..awful reality.
How the agony was be^ad up to tbe on or before tbe ten o( tbe moon. Bbetrayal of Judas, the doilal of Peter, BMtfR^mte, W. M,; M. R Baakell.
being fetaaken of all. tbe mocking and
bnlfecing end end acourgliig and final­
ly tbe hiding of Hit own Petbs'a face
as He srbo knew no ato was made a V. r., laeej mtati lamyay viouuis.
■to offectog for
D. O. Shorter, N. O.: Lee Hwnsby. See.
and let your beart aay "for me." tuStrli« all tbla for me that 1 might not
•uSo' throngta aU eternity, and all ot
Hla own volnutary wUl (Lev. 1. S). for
no power on eertb or to bell could take
Him or take Hla life from Him un|PHYbICIANS
Ina He willed It (John a IS). In tbe
garden see those who esme to tab-'
Him going backward and tailing to the Physiciwi and Surpeon, 2 and 4 buthertonfl
Cltizena' *pbou iti.
gronnd when Be simply said, ‘1 am.”
They never would bare rlaa again If
He bad not willed tt, but He let them
toke Him and bind Him and lead Him
away to Annas and Caliphas and to
: ree., IM. Msuwto VI"<A.
Pilate. *Be was brought ss a tomb to
tbe alaugbtcr. and ta a sheep before
ML F. P. lAWT<Hf.
her abeareru la dumb, so Be openetb
not His mouth" (laa. IHl. 7). He left Office room, removed to New Munson
block, next door to Dr. Blggtoe'
ua an example that we should foUow
Els steps a P«L U. 21-23).
After much buSedng and euBtflagr
fffi. B. L. THIRLBT
end uncalled for abuse He la brought'
attantien to disiaaes of chllbefore PUete In tbe esrly morning by Special
- o. Boom 40$ Slate bank bnlldthese arif righteous PbailM. wbo


nand he should know.

When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not Gaining out the poison­
ous waste matter from tbe blood as it parses through tbenii the poisons are carried by tbe
circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organa This causes heart
trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys.

6flf OmIo


_. --- redd -------- b. "any
.Mlf lespeA-tlng Ktri would d«^>lM a
in wfco talked UM Oaf
ahlpOTboet S.Tealm. A
■Jadt, old, teUow,” u Onham's
•qoare abooJder* P^Jad to tttm be- pAim with tbe fingers. -6. Aequind
bind tbe silken draperies, -you are just ■Ida a TwiHfilida of edict. T. AMtbe "»«p ! want to s«. How did
' you
propose to your wire
• Graham etared. bewildered by tbe
blnnt and unexpected qn<____
“!’m to earnest. Jack. i want to
know how tbe Iblng Is done."
Jack grinned and actually blimbed.
‘■Shall 1 give It to you fancy' or
■•So friUs. Jack, pleaae. atialgbt
goods, nike^lt."
“Wqa on your honor to feeqi It, I
wtned a lot of poetry twaddle aad




PW an Importanl
— W dtoeppotatedly.
men, as a more Hjalble idea occurd to him, he turtM to enotber.part
<tf the room and ^oualy aea^^
thrm^ ^eral of The
• popnlar nor^.

Ker «« tke Paster.

Na 112-—IMnmond: 1. U 2. Lot A
Lover. 4. Teu. 5. R.
No. ns—Double Acrostic: -rrimals
awl finals —fharies Dlckeos. I'rntswords—1. CDwaitl. 2. Hawaii. 3 -VreHe. A Remark. 5. lA«giie. «. Ensign.
7. Scales. ,
Na IH.-Toncealed WordI Squall
Tapir. -Uanc. rores. Inert. RCBtS.
l]r.,-A Boehlve: BnuA-batb.
iMill. bam. bear. Band, ontli. nail,
earn, year. Itolmals—Honey.
No. lIC.--Blddlcmeree: Dryden.
117 - Illustrated Rebus:
may lead » horse to water, bufyoq
. Maie orMaya: Mace, ma__________ uiagl. mntden. mold«ibalc
fern, mall, nialm. mall, matae. main,
major, malar, mane, mates, manger,
mania, maple. Maine, masoh. mate,
matrm. Masonic, mayw. mate. May­
flower. Mary.
No. nfl.-T-bat Tree? Tbe beech
tree. Tbe pear tree. Tbt pMm tree.
StnbtUNo. 1 can t get •loBg
alo with my
wife -To everything I aay abe retorts
with your Tenn-You
fers wili'out taking time to beg.
Mn. Mark Etttog-Wbat.are .
dtickees wMtb-today?.
1. ma'am. Tbe bam


BoU ■phOMA

would not enter Pilate's Judgment haU
lest tbQ- Bhould be defiled, not conaldDR ABTflUR HOIAIDAT
ertog it defiling to bate and peiaecute
and determine to kill an innocent man. Removeil to^Aea over FIr-c NettoMi
Bank. Clttoens’ phone 9tL
Even thon^ they did not acc^t Him
aa the Meeelah. tbetr prophets bad aald.
‘ none of yon Unagliie evU against
hU brother to your besrf' (Zeeb. vU. Mercantile Co-’a bWefc. Soedal attenUoD to eya. ear noae and throat
10; vill, 17). They were tougbt to love
God with all Mtelr beart and tbelr
neighbor aa themadvea (Lev. ilx, 1<«).
pedal uttentlen to ays, wr, ttoee and
ytt see to them a repetition of the
throat Olaasea fitted. Offiee over
treatment of Jenepb by hla brethren.
Hear them aqcupe Elm of being a
malefactor (verse jtO). Ba tbe'HoIy One
of God. the Bpotieee Itomb, who did no
»tbe Beripture bring fulfilled to tbe
rm -sMBf the Bomana to be Hla exr. for had tbe Jews killed Him
Be wuold have been stoned aa Stsphan
was, tnrtit'waa foretold that Be AouM
be endfled. His hands and Hla feet
pierced (Pa zxli. IS; Zeeb. xU. 10).
JMIB bad Himself aald that He
to be crndlled (Matt. n. 19). How
weighty and all important Cie aaylnga
•The Scripture cannot be broken,” “All
things must be fulfilled" (John x. 85;
Luke xxlv, 44).
dur Lord acknotfledged to PUate tfaat
.fe was tbe King of tbe Jews, but tbit
no earthly- power would or could give
Him Hla kingdom;
n; it la
Is given Him by
) as He paid In HU
the Father,
prayer to last week'i .
ry which Tbou garest Me.” Bla worda
"My kingdom Is not of tbto world"
(v«e 38), do not to any -way Indicate
that Hla kingdom will not be on thla
earth, for It Is tbe
that It win be (Dan. vll, 27; Bev. v, R
10: il. 16; Matt v. 5: Num. xlv. 2L «C-).
but It-ls •toot from bence.” It will come
by Jodgments and a
Bt His second coming
coming to ^ory.
As He bad said before. "My ebeep
beer My voice." so now He says, "Ev­
ery one that la of tbe truth taearetfa My
voice" (verse 87). Even tbou^ we
preach tbe almpkst. purest go^ we
are nowhere taught that all wlU re­
ceive IL for during the whole of thU
age there will be the four kinds of toll
described to the parable of tbe sower,
and wheat and tares will grow together
end of the age. Those whom
tbe Father baa given to Him will come
to Him. and His word faithfully spoHlB pleat-

C. D. MH.Tgt.
lentlst. State Bank Btilldin
Crown and bridge work a apeeluttr.
nee new Wilhelm block.

Oantlat, M» Winielm -Bleck. CItUi
' one 113
T. W. THIBLBT. OanBel.
Over Baraum * fiari'a Jewelry atore.
Both phonei IDS.

Removed to offices over Jehnt
City'Opera House BlecA Room
>d Ceuitael
I Block.
or palntlnB, papering, decorating ani
all. Interior and exterior work s*Mlller Brotbera. 4M W. Eleven

Oenerei Insurance end Rear Eetato.
Hooey to loan. Office over A V.
xiv, 8.
Friedrich's aboe eure.
Id verae 88 and chapter xlx. 4. A note
PlUte'a thrwfoM testimony to HU in­
nocence. and yet when they demand The Popular AueUenaor of Grand Trav
dme<Lto tbrir
HU death He U a
M eoonty. OfiUa XS» E. Front st "
avene Cbty.
will and A robber and murderer U set
free. It U even so to thU day; tbe Life
and Light of men. the only Saviour of
atonere. U despised and rejected, and Cella aneworud any hewr. day or nigtc
at Sbano'a ban or Uttle Tavero
the father of lies, a murderer from tbe
! beUeved aod received and
foOowed by tbe mnlUtude. Whom have
Veterinary Surgeon.
yon cboaen? Our eternal welfare deOnt VeC College. Office
pendB upon our relation to CbrUL We Graduate
116 Stpte atreet. Both pbooea. All
may aay. as PUate said. "I find
calls promptly attended.
fault In Him.” or we may even aay. ns
da “I believe He was tbe best of
men and a great teacher.” but the great
qneetlon. tbe vital qaeBtion, U, Uavc
you cboaen Him as your own Bavlourt
That there U aometblng divine to«v- - which only —
U also tnoet nnaedptaraL for tbe Holy
Spirit of God has put on record that oil
are by nature children of wrdtb. dead
na and that the carual mind U
General Inauranon and Raei-Sateia.
Ill WUbelin bkteli
rill. 7). The
fore Its for acceptance or rejection, antf
nriitest of all questions U. "Whpt
paroeU end light draylng.
tbsll I do with Jesnsr- (Matt xxvil. Trwnka,
- Leave orders at Cttj Book Store.
Junior Panner—The bookkeeper has Thirty ysars otmerionee. New lecatsd
been mstrried nearly six mootbs now.
with OrtoDOll Bros, 16* Front strosa.
I'eU? Junior Parti
Senior Itortoec-Wein
asked for a raUe
aaUry. Blnr Parinet^neuvens! We'll
have to Irfte bU accounts examined^
307 btt Fn»t dUketPhlliid^to IVeua.
Be brave to trouhle; meet dUtrcM

Kiturtty doea »a trait efieoBitBA- gale tor pi


f>AOT tiOHT.


Thomas W. Law^n teUs
kow the biggest Nationals
Bank in America committed

Oiarles Edwmd Russell exposes the Beef-TnistReport of the beautiful theorist Garfield, who was no
more prepared to go up against the Beef Trust crowd
than a
in the cradle.
Ten ^reat stories—An article on the Fun
Makm—A Superb Art feature—The usual clever
departments—And a new one, “Underthe Spreading
Cheatnul Tree,” help to make the June

ArriT* aoBor

refrigerator ^VICE.
Fear Agitation Will Hurt the Buslnees
in Mlch^en.
isblDgUp.' Hay 13.—Peach and
berry growers fitnn Michigan, Hary>
I before the s
ocunmittee and protested
against legislation which would tend
lo cripple *prlvaie refrigerator
Much has been said before the com­
mittee about the service and charges
Pere Harqneue railroad In
Michigan. Every time tbe cc
d by George B. Ucade,
Beaton, and SL M. Ferguson, Dnhitb,
bsve appeared before tbe committee
they bave told bow the' Apioui
lin« were robbing otwunlaalon mer­
chants who bandied fruit from
to country, consequet
3 was conaidmhiy siwpriaed when H. Lx Gleason, Hartford
Mich., and T. 8. Gurney, Hart. Mich.,
tntl) large
full growers along tbe llao
■oi tbe
the Pere Marquette railroad, tesUfled that
paid freight or refrlgeratioo charges
fruit and that’ growers were per
leeOr satisfied with service
BhouKi Listen to Qrewere.
‘T wish to say tbgt In my opinion
fruit growers should be the ones to say
whether the rate with the Armour car
lines are excessive or not," said Mr.
Gurney. ’ "If the coal miner should
oomie here and undertake to tell
committee what rules cm refrtgerateil
fruit should be yop would naturally
ask why be appeared. Cemsequ

■ ■sr-'

30.—School closes
1. Use gnduatlqg exin the evening
At the InrltalloD of
H. C. Ixptt win give
aMress. at the
Bandar evening,
enhject, "A SOrrinit
graduating dass this
year oonslsis V nine membeiA
l^e: Eva m|L Astott. Floresice UlHan Bow,
May Caracm, Dunohh M. Deari^uatllda M. Gee, Ban
A. Mon1aon,,tina B., Pollex, UMtls
la Uiey M. Plffer. .
It is appareBt that aevera3 ohaagee
will be madeJn
public acbool^bxt 7*^- Ot the old
teaqhera at ^e Ceotral building vrho
have slgnlfle* ttUr wUllngcess to reare UinHaggari, high sebool,
Mlaa Lee. aiel««ai. high sebool; Miss
Baldwin, seraath grqde: l<Ms Deerh>8. aixth grade; MIssiLAPorge, third
,^d bUss Tuntor. ^ Hise Markee
Is the only leaaher’^In. the LongWIow
•ehod who de^ to return.



AQ are wel«ne.

ijfratt U.a ««a. Irox

with a legtttBalM-Btans basto«B 4B^


Iffl Cheaps Clean
andi Bellabls...,
II yee ere eaiai pewar ItwEI
IMyyen te Inventltete.
That Will suit the nuwt etdtered
taste u wbat we are offering Ui

In affset April 80, »06.
Trains leave Traverse City as fol­

Boantman Blxer
Elactric U|ht »
Pawar Cuapatf.

leneetaltadanekras flavor, qual1^ and finish, and 4boee nat^ng
fog them onoewiU saufoe them
alwayA Onr brands of cigin
are aeleeted for the demands of a
flrat-claaa trade.

6:00 X n. ma 11;1B X
Far MaaMtee, Ladlngton and IHlwankM. 6:00 a. m., 11:86 a m. and
6:80 p.m. .
For Ok Racdds. Kalkaika, Betlalra,
Charlevoix and Patostoy, 7:80 a m,


Bxtooalve 1
I are tader
■Implatlon tt Rex Terrace,, the re<;Oeaml Pssenger AgeoL
shore of BQe take. J. KBHO^ Afeot
3^^ last year hr Mrs. M. King of
City. Several oottagas will
be built, one costing 83,000 being a posMrsJEing has arrived at tbe
resort and is making prspaiitlaas for
targe number
resorter tUs season.

At the Preshytmiaa church last SimOay it was asaeUnonalr voted to ex­
tend a call to the Rev. Mr. Dpvey nf
Tuseda county, who preached
Jast eat—13 cents .on all neVs^tands
here April 30.
A meeUng of all persws inter
, TTc Ridcway-Tkayer Company, Uuoo
New Y«»k Oy
In tbe proper ohaervaaoe of DeeoraGon day will be held this afternoon at
the offlee of James J. MclAUghlln in
the Odd. F>eUow block. Old soldiers
are especlaUyJsAed to be present to
the con
assist In the arrangements.
fighting piivsU car lines and I Fill tell
Mark Mamagowma 1s now driving
Grace Epiocepal Church.
you why we did not have good wefrig- one of tbe fined teams la this section.
The Rev. C. T. Stout, rector.
erator ear service. We were compellci rrooiUy puebSMd of A. a Falrbsnks.
pMUtrs kra requesCSd to krlos is ooConner
evedagtobe BQworth Lngue of
tlcM oot Uter than (;80 Friday atletaglon streets.
• '
the Elk lAkSi'^arch will' give
chuts. As soon as we were able
Holy communion. 7:30 a. m., except' get Armour cars buyers knew they ice cream scSial at the residence of
Aabury M. E. Church.
n the first Srindsy in the month, tbep could get plenty of cars and good' Mr. and Mm.} Prank R SOursBeT. Hugh Kennedy, pastor.
service, and consequently wo ha^e "Wednemlay. :*A, H . Pulrbsnks put.
CUu neeiins, S:'4C a. tn.
Momlug service
sennon at 1040. from eighteen to twenty buyers who :baeed of .TMXox, one ot foe proaperHoming eerrlce 10:30.
Sunday sebool, 12 m.
Sunday school hnd question clAss at >me UUo our orchards to pay us so ms tsrmen uf'foe Round lake leotKm.
^wortb League, 6 p. m.
2 m.
lucb for our crop, and we do not Imre t load of
Brotlng servioeai 7:30.
Evening service and sermon at 7.30. . bother with comm!
..................... 1160.80, an average
Prayer meeting Thursday evening,
All are cordially InvKed to these ser­ That Is tbe reason why commluloii
per bead.
A cordial welcooe to these eerrieei vices.
merchants are fighting the privaU car
meeUag of tbe Lmiglicet. 1 want to say fmtber that
Gkson'Bowasan was
Church or Chrtot (Maelplee.) ,
^ree MeihedtH Churirii.
... «ah Uth at
noBM P, DUO*, peator.
Rev. C. Killer.
.donar of refrise^
beta at Detroit, be­
QiSst-hMu-rScSfr-A «kv. PreecAlng
Horning vorahlp, 10:80.
ginning July 10.
(bey oomplaia about.
Hr^ Sunday, at 1:80 p. m.
Bert Kaiser of. Traverse City h
Armour Lines Give Good Service.
”1 voice the senUment of 30 per cen; located In Elk‘Rapldg aqd. formed
senior Bndeevor. 6:46 p. m.
partnership with Vf. H. Sarsafo. to
BrdBlng eervlee at 7:80.
Rev. A. Hartln, <
PentecoHal prayer meeUng, Tues­
gan when 1 say the Armour service Is conduct a general painting and paper
day evening, al 7:30.
the best we ever had. Because of agl- bMDglng buBiMM. They bfivs cgtened
Krangellstlc dervlce, Thursday evenutlon tbe Armour Ilness aome yesni a offlee In foe Winkler block.lug. 7:30.
. Junior Ekideavor Saturday. 2:30 p.
Tbe Ladles' Aid society of foe Pres­
ago refused to send us any more cars.
The result was for two years we din byterian ehureb will meet Thursday
'■■Waleome to wmblp with us sre
BL Franele Church.
May .26. with Mit. Sam
t make a cent Finally a o
strangers, workluginen sod tbe poor."
Comer Cass and Tenth streets.
of growers went to Chicago and asked
Low masd. 6:46 and 8 o'clock.'
The Woman’s guUd of the Episcopal
the Armour Hoes to send tbeir cars
Pint M. E. Church.
Rev. Tboe. Cox, psstor.
hack Into tbe Michigan district and ebureb win meet dm! Taeeday afterVespers, 7:80. o'clock.
Claes meeting, 8:30 a. m.
noon at the home of Mrs. B. J. Cromie.
they did so and we all made money."
Uorhlng aervlce, 10:80.
Branee Herald
WUltam^urg, Is
"I want to say. genUemen, "he co
Sunday sebool at noon.
Bpwortb League, 6:46 p. m.
eluded. If you adopt legletatioa that here superintending foe laying
Evening servloe at 7:30.
will drive the Armour car fines out of tracks for tbe H. R. 1. Co,
Sundays. 10:80 a. m.
Junior League, Tbutsday, at 4 p. n.
Mca a Y. Sharp has hew the guea;
Wedneadays, 7:30 p. m.
business you wjll ruin me and the
Prayer meeting, Thursday evealM
Reading room open dally except Snn- trait growers of my section of the of TraversV C«y fri«ds fols wpejt
;i 7:30.
day from 2:00 till 6:00 p. m.; Thnradsy country.": Mrs. Winn Powers la home from
evenings, 7:00 to 9:00. New Wilhelm
Baptist Church.
with rulatlves to Traverse City.
block, room 314.
Rev. W. T. Woodhouse, pislor.
mdreds of ears and they always ar
H. Alpera made a hntlneee trip lo
Horning, 10:30.
rived in good condition. There bed Petoekey the first of foe week.
Sunday acboot, 12.
Church of Christ.—Morning sobJecL never been complaint from any frul
Baraea Bible class. 12.
ifrA Beckwith and Mrs, C. 8. lUsley
B. Y. P. U., 6:30.
'TYHle end Triumphs"; evening sub- grower in his district as far as his aUended foe «mnV W. C. T. U. conK-.uilng sen-1-----‘
lect. '"n>e Signs of the UmM or. Is
ledge went
He ahinpped ti vendon st Bellalre foU week. Mrs
Bible study a
World Growing BeUorl"
Bostoo. Rocheater'and Hertford, Conn, Rlsley presenUng a pap«- before foo
iMt'TnvUation is extended' to men and elsewhere, and buyers luvarinhlv exmvenUon. tbe subject of which was
whO^ afe Inclined to doubt. Specisi
Bted fruit to be shipped in Ar> •‘Human Slsu^ter Boneee.’'
e cordially Invited to <lie ser-' lusjfc. The offering will be received
Miss Margaiiet J. Bllx. fleld sec
(or Evangelist L. O. Drew. ■
of foe W, C. T. U., gave an add)
First M. E—At the First Methodist
foe M. E cbhreb Tuesday evening
Episcopal cbiwch Sunday mining tbe
She left Wednesday for Bellsire
111 Pereeni Interaeted:
subject will be. "Hope": In the eventend the W. C. T- U, convepHo
10, morning class meeUog.
Tbe tax rolls for foe paving of Front
lug. "What Shall Wb Do?"
10:30, morning worship. Serm.
■»’, Perry mads a businei
Grace Church.—Subject of the mom street, from foe east line of Union to Bellalre yesterday.
12. Sunday sAiooL
street to tbe^ast line ot Pstk streeL
8:80. Junior Y. P. A.
log sermon, "What Do People Get Out snd Untop street, from the north Une
«:00, Senior Y. P. A.
<ir the <%urcb and RsUgloar
of lot 1 of bloek 6, In Ssnnah, Lay 8
No. 1 dry Mmlock pleoe stuff and
Evsnpelical.—The subject for the Co.’s Fifth subdivision ot -Traverse Aeafolng for Mie. I. M. Winnie. 836
foe north end of South Union West Eighth StreeL Bell phone. 386
sermoD at tbe Drangcllea] church Sun­ City, tobridge,
Thafsday at i p.'ta. in tho cbnrob.
are now In my bands for
HId-week prayer meetiag TTinrs- day montlte will be. "How lo Secure street
foe collection of foe fourth- assess
day evening.
the Rerlval We ere Looking for." The ment,.together with tbe accrued InterAll <g ell clames are welcomb.
/'Alleluia Chorus" will sing. Regulir
' serricee In the evening.
June. 1306.
Sdgtr L. Beoua, peator.
M. E._________ _
Sunday, nehoed, 3:46 a. m. C. J.
City Treasnrer.
Terrific Raoe With Death.
HelB. aupezlnte&deat.
Offlw. room m State Bsnk
nk Bldg
Heating for worship, 11 a. m.
Jontor Bideavor, 8 p. m.
Fla., describing hU fearful race with
Senior Ehideevor, 6:46 p. m.
death, "as a result of liver trouble and
Ooepel.meeUng at 7:30.
heart disease, which bad robbed me of
Prayer meeUng. Thursday, 7 p.
sleep and of all IntereA la life. I bad
OtoTA AIaa m. LOO. nnacA Oworoa
tried many different doeton and sev­
Heveil. Au JMfeor, TnisdA and all
eral medletaea, but go tw benHlt, tmtfl
^-^ben and emtme poteta
I began to-uae ffiectric Bitters. So
. X /. KBBT. a. P. A
wonderful was their effect, that in
Rev. U B. BtaseU. pastor. three
Horalug servloe, 10:80. ,
Bible eeboH at aooo. .
sd at C. A, Bnbgee, The Han- board of edueaUmi antberlilag ^ •*ANO RAPfBB..* INDIANA RAIL
Chriatiaa 9ndesviw. 6
MK. t win review bids for the i '
store and E. X Mi
Bvtnlng serriee at 7:30.
oTtbe WoodM Primary bunding _
W. M. 8, flrat 'Wednesday In the
EOmwood Avenue school graadA
either eepaiately or as a whole np to
- Social hour, second and fourth WodWith oynanilts.
n^ K WaSn.“S
•eedays In the mon^ at 2:80.
than to
Prayer meetlug, Tburaday evening, nstfeet
eet _____
kidMy ____ _
M 7:33.
lEldaay Cijre cemets
_____ _
Beets tfM.
and has cored many severe onsea after' O.'pootAfiirWertFnmtsb^ ^
other treatment baa tailed. It buOds
leavsh Tmrens City at f:U
‘ •»- worn oot tlMoes and reatoree
^^oonnec^ nt WUlt* north and
Rev. J. W. Hiller, pastor.
end vigor. -I*wes troubled
wHh Udumr oomplaint for ab^
" —H. Davis of Ht
Sunday sehoot at 11
—T—-- —hut two battles nf
^worih League at 3 »
-a*nlng servioeai 7:30. ~
meeting, Thureday ev«


Kft 1 dry bealoek pfooa staff and
: for aale. L M. 'Wlnnlti. 326


When you w»ni foe oi wood don't listaa to a amooth
talker. He wants your dollar today and wUl be lo
aome other town tomorrow. 1 don't need to make
pTomiaas as to giving good serriee. Yon know that
I have done ao during tbe past fifteen years and
expect to-do BO nnlil the end of. time.

Jas. C. Hopkins


at PhoDc ni


Ninety-nine Schaeffer Pianos
C J, WlUtney Entire Stock

SPOT CASH Purchases
A Bid for Yrar Business that will Appeal to You.
K at Grlnnell Bros.’ ttore, 159 East Front St C.
J. Whitney’s entire stock of Musical' Merchan­
dise, and 99 Schaeffer Pianos reeentiy bought for
cash at less than Tnanufacturerd’ cost Part of tbe
stock has been sold, a good supply on hand and
more on the foad. “Fire Sales,” “Bankrupt Sales.”
“Going-out-df-Business Sales” and “Factory Cost
Sales” bare no comparison with this

. now on at our Big Branch Store, 159 East Front St
Incur plan there .is no'(»naignment of Pianos, no
selling of contracts at a big .discount, no eommis-,
. sion, but straight sslaries to local people.
For 85 years Grinnell Bros, have been buyiog
Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise for cash,
and selling them on a closer rnsrigin than any other
Piuio concern in the state. Strict adhersnee to the
. facts and honorable dealings -with their onstomers
has been their motto and their secret of success.
‘The ssle now on will eclipse all previous ones
in tbe amount of stock and values offered. -Do not
fall to see us before buying, because .after you have
bought elsewhere it will be too late to corrwt your

Grinnell Bros.
Mlc^aa’s Leading Music House.

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