The Daily Eagle, September 09, 1905

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The Daily Eagle, September 09, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



i I

cmr comdN, 4 o^nMOCK.

\ SEPT. «, 1M5.

to^rmenian bmhop at shuema

•ehoola BfMl •bepa.BurMd.


s Played for First Class, Trev- Seven Ministers Worthy of Roossvott
aree CRy Second.

U Ttaa DaCr

TifU^ Cweuia, 8«ptaBb«r S.—H)« bee dar at Petoeker Yaaterdar. was
AniMciiu Uriiop at Shulia, kaa Mnt one of the largeet crowds arer asaemu Ute anthcnlUM ban bled ^tn Northern hUebdcan and tha
of the dare etents ws
derastadon and resultant
of credit and gretlflcatlqn to
the reaort dtr.
The apedgl train from this dtr. ca--■ed without latarrupUan lor Are dajs.
Bmidreds ware UUad and are Iflns la rrlbK -ahont SOO Maooaheee and the
Cltr band, arrfTed at Petoathe atreeta. The eltr la dmplr a lot
of oharred rnlu. The huHdlnv da- kar at 11 o'dock and the Sret thing
Btrorad Ittclnde the ^enunent offlcaa. that the local Maceahere saw was the
parade. The parade was more than
ahnrehaa. ae^la and abopa.
The blahop tnabat an nrtenl reqnaat half a mile in length and male wai
tor food and other naoeaaltlM for the tunishad br eight bands while there
nmnerons floats from the Tsrtoas
suffertog ones, woua and children.
tmita and hlraa in tha ddnltr. The
Charleralx hire float tot* tha prise
for being the imtUest and bast In the
parade. The Petoakar. ees' ear
200 feat kmg and carried on
[•pedal to The Oallj' Batfe.]
aral wagons, was a teatnre oi the proPtiHadetphla. Pa. Beptasnber s.Threa tiahtfwm were klllad earlr toIn the afternoon there were street
dar at Tabor JatcUon, Pa., la a «ol- sports, band mnslc and a base ball
Union between two baigbt tnlna. Eo- game between the Petoskar and SaglSlnear Jdm Rankin was scalded to
teams. Uanf of the Maccabees
death; Conductor Henir Baker oTBs- attandad the ball game and saw i
Tonoe. N. J. and Brakeman Frank eonteat. for until the ninth Inning tha
Bond of PI
score stood 1 to 1, but Petoskar then
the debris.
got her batting dotlas on and ran la
four more runs.
There ware two band eantaata a(*addad. first daaa and aaoond clan, hot
there were oolr two bands, tha TrarCttr and tha Cadillae, which oar­
ed to enter, so Cadillao plared for the
first clasa and reoelrad |60. whUa the
City band plared for the
FUND FOR SUPERANUATond class and reoelrad gtO.
Tha decree team tram Trarena OUr
Tent, Na 071, did the short form work
of the new rttual and got tM as
priae, ''while the cauu-lercix team did
the amplified work and also lecalrad


Charlotte. Mh*, E
though, each of the presiding alders
of the eeren districts comprising the
Michigan conf^re of tha i

men twho want to be mlnlstara thnn
take care at the average nlary
at tha 327 mlnisten cn the confarcooe

moderate'means tor m
frt the 327 tn tha confemca mort
than twothirds, or to be exact 231.
recstre lesAtban $700 a year In salary
and {br boasareniL'ud but 56 receive
over |1,000 a year. The total amount
pald them U *235.731 annually, m- an
aTeraga ot 1703.71. and a large major­
ity ot them hare famlUsa.
diurcbes In Ug citlas outmde tha o^
ference pay more army year tor cur­
rent expenses than all
the churches
In any one ot tbe seven districts of


neafltUB to the Grtfet Taet-oBeara.
t 9.—At and Friday evening a recepttan to the
rasterdar'B bnalnesa uasalon of Mlchi- Greet Rive office™ was helA Among'
Igan U. B. eonference the-teatlon or the hl^ offldsls (S the order who
M. J. Clark of a |M,000 home In Grand prsamit were Great Cemmander J
toe. and the members of tbe great
Raplda for superarmoatad prrec
ttaa, whltk held Its
was tormallr accepted and the follow.
! trustees ot the home wow Meet- regular monthly meeting there Instead
John W..Blodgett. John Widdl- of at Port Hnroo. Great Lady COfflider Burns and Great Lady Record
ocub. George C. mitioomb. M. A
dark. Mrs. M. J. Clark^ Mre. U. P. Keeper Bnma Bower.
Officers ot the association for the
Blaaell, Mrs. Charlea Buckler,
coming year were elected as follows;
these fire mlaisten; Her. Jamas
men. Bar. John Graham, Rer.^A. M. PrealdAit, Perry Powers of CadUlse;
Gould, Bar. O. D. Chase,' and Bar. N. vice president. Mrs. C. Chittenden of
Cadillac: treasurer. Mayor Johnaoo ot
L. Qrar.
The report
the board of trustees Cadillac; secretary. Fred C. Wetmore
shows- that the-andowment fund for of Cadillac. The vlee'preali
•uperannuated preaderB Is gU«,266.S0. thU county are C. O. Sherwood ot
an increue of orer flO.ODO since last this dty and Mrs. Cuddyb^ of E3ngsley. The aaeoclation meeting next
field seeretarr tor the aunlng year will be held at Cadillac.
His reported receipts for last
rear were »67,4g»J6. This Includes
the >S0,000 Clark hmne.
President Dickie, of Albion college,
preaented hia annual report. wbl<dt
Miows that the coUege'a andowmait
fends sre so wall hiTestad that they
rteld'a net annual tnooma of 6^ per
eent. Ha said that MIehigaa methodlau last rear contributed about 2M.OOO
for'mlaalcns. and onlr *7.000 tor edaeaUaonl woHc. Ha aald tha showing
te mo^



. VnlmtowB. Pa, S^itember ».^Th9
Rand Powders Works, ^ mUea from
here, blew op at 2:16 this awnilng.
is difficult to get partlculsw as tele^Moe and telegraph oommunlcaUee is
Interrupted but it U repeuted that'the
entire five buildings
Shot at. Broka. Among tbe six bodies taken tram tbe
ruins by 11 o'«dock this forenoon
that of Hr. Band, manager of the
planL Forty-five



Talking Alachines


= iiasic


m EMt FMl 8L



n Cbureb
WIN Be Told at F
Monday Nltfrt. .
Mtaa Lydia^kres, returned mission
miy fram Alaska, win tpsek of the
wort In Alaska, at the Preabytertw;
ehurcb next'Memday evening at 7:39.
She U an ioteresttng and InatruoUve
pleare and pTOdt all
wbo attanA Members cd otb» mtaahmarr aodeUes'and the pebUo gan. Hl^ acoras out of a poos
eraltt are cordially tarited to etrea
pigeons: M}«el 2S. Oarrer 2A Harrow
The admlaaton wfll hs trw. An oBer
22. Snrdar 22. Meads 20 MSfi Peek 39.
Ing wUl be taken at tka done of har
Bast cream eandr 10c pw'pound. t> aureas..
BVTOW cnlr. at The LaQn£ 'MU

Lansing Has Meet Money.
In but four 9t 64 tom of tbe Grand
ICootlnned on Page Fonr.:


pers tflit monilav 0vw heartiid|iM^
accounts ot the terrible ealamlty caus­
ed by the earthqtmke.' At Montelsous
houses were raxed. The earthquake
centered In CaUbria. destroying over
26 villages, leaving thousands ahaolotely destitute, Idltlng upwards of 400
and wounding nearly 6.900?
The province of Calabria la very
mountainous and Is given over
entirely to agriculture; the people
there are very poor but very Indus­
trious. The extent of the disaster they
hare Buffered cannot yet be dearly
stated, aa many of teh telegraph wires
sre down.
Tbe andent crater on the Island at
SUombdl is again In active erupUon,
throwliig out lava and atasea, and the
population If the island ts fleeing
Tbe magaitnde of the earthqualm Is
ren greater than was at first sup­


Mrs. A1 WUdman. who U spending the summer at Bast bay, narrowly escap«i drowning Thursday evening at
Willow p«>lnL falling into water aevent
feet deep.
The WUdman and Ful^nm families
took 6. W. lAT^-s IguDoh Thursday
. trip to Old Mission, tai^ along
their dinners in baskets. - Thiqr started
on the relUrr trip late lo the afterand decided to attg> at 'milow.
point and gat lunch.
Tbe stop waa made and lunch was'
eaten, but In getting Into the laimdi
again. Mrs. WUdmsn stepped on tbe
side of the bonk tbrowlng the UUfo
oaft out of bslance, and ahe fdl.lBte
the water. Herbert Welch, son-fodaw
of Mr. Fid^nm, was In the psrty and
he had been standing In the boM to
areist the ladlea In grttfog abonrd.
When Mrs. Wildman was Calling ahe
grabbed bold of Mr. Weldi and puBad
him in with her. He struck bodom
with hla feet doner to share thu Mfs.
Wildman struck the water, ao be roturued good for evil and pulled bar m
to shallower water.
Mrs. WUdassn wss bundled up tnnB
Che spsre wrspa In the psrty sad haa
«t no.m «Beets of the sndden bath.
Some of tbe rbareters are Bast bay
say tha^ they MtlMd a auddmi rtaa to
the level of the bay at the tlmn-tha
aeddeat ooenmd. hot dM pot khow
tbe <M»e anti! the hMHk party hsd

'Jrsr^.nu c. Himi'/tat




,tb« tban plaoM.

The Modei*toc-Toplc* tor Septem­
ber T. prtot* eome tolereetlns compuiaoos betweea the wesee peld
school te«he« Snd etreet eweepen
to Tsrioas clues ot the Dnlted Btetes.
to New HsTen Codil. the toreet per
glTW Btieet Bweepera is SUO, while
ibeiw ere teeehers to the pnbUo schools
of i6ei greet educstknel center
get but »S00 per year. In lontog.
Uie lowest paid street sweeper
gets V420. while the lowest paid teach­
er receirea 1360. Bdltor PattenslU
telte os th^t stoUsUes show bnt tow
dues to the United Stat^ where the
mtotomm pay oi teachers is greater
tt.«n the wtolmum pay o( street sweepworthy
While street sweeping is a woj
i.‘ to do
work jeculres no special talent ot
training, and there are prot>ably 1.000 i
persons who conld do that wm^ well
to one who conld teach aattsfactorily.
Why then this difference? Why is
the-teacher paid lees
-the elMt
sweeper? "Par teUs ns that it 's
becanse the street sweeper has more
poll at the pedis.
It "Pat” is right to his
that the only reason why the teacher
is paid less than ttie street sweater
is beraoae she lacks the pnU at the
polla he tomlsbes <ne ot the atnmgest argnmaitB poasible .to tavor ul
girtog women the ballot.
There Is no donbt that poUUcal poll
hM «. cDod dMl to do wlUi Moanng
iobs and flxtog the pay o( street sweep­
ers; and we have known Instances
where poliUcal pnll has also Bomftlilnp
to do with securing }ob for teachers
In oar optoion physical ahillly has
more to do to this matter than pnU at
the poIU. Both men and women fit
themselves tor teachprs and the i

K ./

This work is practically aU to the
hands ot men. not so toneb becanse of
a pull .at the polls as because at the
difference of muscle reqoir^ f<w the
two Jobs. We very seldom hear
wwnan applying for a Job of street
sweeping. While large numbers of me-i
apply for and are appointed to poslUons as teachers.
We are most empbaUcally to faver
of giving the teadiers an e«aal pull
St the polls with the
bnt we bdleve that to this instance
sex has more to do with it than polit­
ical pQlL

At the Northern Michigan 1
tlag to Petoskey yes
tOrday there were a numbn eff bandt
. ot moslc and It was
that the mganlsatlo
er towns had been more carefully per
fected and as a whole, were under
better discipline than those from the
larger places. This was al^ true ot
the tents and hives o? Maccab^. Wbj
so? Beeauae the smaller organlzaUonf
have a definite purpose npon which
they conoentrate their attention and
keep everlMttogly at IL
AU of the towns to the’nrwthera
part of the state engage a dlractor
for their mnsiciaua and with
aalaried man aetoally to charge -d
the bnstoeM it is wooderfol what ecu
be aoeompUshed in praeU^Iy
Traverse City masictans at CadiUoi
last year and again at Petoskey yes
^ t«dsy. showed what oonld be done bj
two weNis' work; we would -like
bear a Ttaveree City bsnd that had . hearsed alx months. It has bees con
ceded by many that the
, Uoo for one good band to Traverse
City U perfect. This epeaks vetr high
ly tor the local talent.
A good band Is a standing adver
tisement for a dty and the aoQser wc
aa a munldiraUty or as dUsesa gai
. to advertising this w^ thn Batter It
. r|rUl be ior us. Ttavene City wants
, to progress. We would not need fo
go cut of the dty tor a leader.
hare the men here to the persons ot
Bd Pnlmer, J. P. Wysont and B. W.
.J9te«art We would like to see
movement sterted at osMto engage
one cA- theee men to lead a first
daiB hand nrgnlmtlon and we think
by snMtam-eeeson Tinyerse aty would
be able to tato thedead to ottlee north
of Oraad SaiiSa. We ebonld not be
latto&ed nnta «e do oaf beet nad we




"Ton've got the town tor busimat
.»t wo have the reeeft town; the
lallroads have got to maka tbia plies
look pretty.” said Alderman Pisk of
Peujakey to a Dally Bagle yepreeentv
live peeterday.
Travarse City haen't any kick comig on ,buBtoea^ hut .we must say
again and say It stronger than ever
that the dlserlmtoation by the taiV
Mads against Trnverse City to favor of
ptber towns to A
ore appnresu than ever wben we look
t Uie parks, trees, flowers,
lawns and bnUdtogs put up to Petcakey by the nUroads and then think of
the "dinky affairs at home. We could
fcwglve the railroad company fior
plaiUlng the poaiea If we could Just get
a freight rate that would allow ns to
•get our manufactured stuff out to oompeUtlon with <wr neWtoortog towns.
If our city eonunl^ cannot get this
from Ihe railroads, we
think. It high time that the merchants
make It their business to take the
matter up.

are nat dotoc that BOW. ■

With two business colleges, a
t to the High sdtoed
and one ot the best 'pitollC nefiocda to
the state, Tnverse City Is cert^y
doing something to educational Itoee;
bnt we need a first elas^mannsl traintog equltonent to make the advantages
for'boys and glils^a_U^ more oomplete.
A sight to the millings and foeenoons of the pavements along .Front
street, especially around the cmiers
where tnea lean up against the buildtogs to visit, makes an antl-spUttog
ordlhaace look sick. We Sbould have
cleaner streets.


Terre Hapte....................60



Oraad Bapids ...0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0—1
Wheeling............ 0 0 0 0 0 0 rO'8—^
Battedes—AUoway and Barbtt: SBman, Uliler and Uvtogston.

At Dayton—
Terre Haute ...SOOOOfiOO
Dayton .............. 1 8088100 S-11
tteriee—Horan and WUllams;
Wise and Poller. - '
At Canton; Flrel game—
Canton ................ OlOOaOOl •—4
BvanaviUe......... 2 000S000 0—2
Battertee—Van Auda and Ostdlek;
Wilder and Cross.
Second gome—
Canton ................ 0 101100 O.JBvansvlUe .......... 4 000008S 1-^
Batteries—Fkrrcdl and OsUek; hto(^fierty and Cross.
Boats Leave Temerrew at 2:30 fo*
Bowers Harbor.
A good game ot ball Is promised for
tomorrow afternoon, at Bowers Har­
bor. Pierce's Com HuSkers and the
Old Mission team will he the contest­
ants and aS/these teams aa:c played
two fast^atoee before, a fine game
expMted. - The Roskers' season is
nearly at its cloee and but few-more
games wUI be played at Bowers Har­
bor this year, eo a big crowd Is ex­
pected to go on the -steamen tomtw.


rfA air

goM dowB for the ttxtk time ts'^twe



«r. PUroals to bhi 27* yewad has reomttiy bean very fB
;ams to be iftbls usaal beafth
A. -Johnson and son Tony toft Mon­
day oe the hatsa Budider &»■ CUeago
on tbetr way to Orforado, where they
,wiu epeod the wtotor tt hopes erf b
eflttUig T6i>i bmlUL wlklch haab.
sry poor t^giaal year.
The Bev. L. E.' Bolmes M attending
the M. B.
at Chariottetbls
week. Mr.
has many Mends
here who wottd to gtad to have him
returaad tor-'anetber year.
Mr. and Mra Ooistman «f WashAt Port Huron, to tha_2:S6 pace. togton. and Mra Drew «rf “
Gale 8. won to straight heats, beat are risUlng at the home of Bert TedUme bdng 2:16 %. Gale B. also wan toll to thie vUiima
the freefor-aU. 2:»KTto Empire adtools
At Port Huron, totthe 2:20 troC Tuaday. About 175 ptorfta ere eoHampton West won to straight heato. roUed. and the pseepeete tor a peoaParker the Mg buck gelding, toktog pwons echoM year seem t«t bri^
fourth. Best time, 2;2444.
Beveral tmprorements have .been
LiWe Payne Egsde a new merit for nade to the eebool bouse and grounds
himself, 2:12%, to the 2:U pace, wto- which wlU add to the comtott ot both
ntog the race to straight heats. Long teadiers and piqilla - The teachers
John was pla^ for tovoritek but
Prat Howard Kenney,
only third place.
PrinMpslj Miss (Mace Ktofc first toEnchantress, who started here as a termedltte; Both Wheela-, Second togreen trotter a couple of
tennedltte; Grace Becker, primary.
took third to the 2:14 trot,,and Lib­
George M. D. Clement, wbp has been
erty BelL raced here this son
very low tor the last Ih^e weeks
finished fourth to the 2:30 pace.
with tt^c n^hrtUa tofwed away
Friday mmatog. SepL l>t one o’dodL
The bowling seasim at the We- Hr. amut has beauto poor bealttt
quetoog club will be begun on Btt>tem- aevtthl years and went to Colorado
ber 26. last year’s thamplon team,
ton yeorc ego to bopes that change erf
alsdng of Will Vogelsang, Leon Bder cUMle-Wuld benefit him, but
obUgM to)retnra to
in June,
^ other club team for a oentett on tW, sliui4 Which time he has Uvedto
that date.
The last tew
health seemed to ha' tmprorteg nntu
a short time ago, whan a cdiaage took
held at the bouse Saturday
and the body eras taton to Vlitosburg.
Kalamaioo county, for IntenMnL
BeaMes Us wife he leaves three grown
Mrs. B. P. Carr of te place, George
Clement of Maple OtPi -and Harry
Ctoment of Colorado, snd three grandchUdren, beridee hosts of friends sym­
pathise deeply with the
of Traverse City, is vtslttog Empire
Mends tor a couple of days.
Mrs. O. E Bunstedt of Lake Amt,
vlsUed her stater, Mrs. C. H. Bak<
this place, last week.
«atoi «to «arh-M tftom Aim
Chas. E FtoTls toft Wedneeday far
- IM BM to* ssve db Sw*.
KnoKviUe, Tenn., wbtte he is ihstmeTnniaa BufW Kins, iMcn AprU a,
tor of mettianicai sngto«er to the uni­ 13Sfk4tod ApeU U, U6\ wu n vtoe
'pceUdnnt of
Stttse i^o
versity of Tennessee.
Pat Bowes made a bustoeas trip to nmr eerred to That eapttSly aad 'ene
toito tte onffi of eOB* (to (otttgn
Traverse City Tuesday and returned
wU& can be said of
Gib MaskaU toft Monday oa the
barge Buckley, as chore boy.
Dr. Henry A. Pepin, who formerly
raeUced medicine here. Is now local.

Top Coats

The Celoners Waterloo.
Colonel John U. Puller, of Honey
Grove, Texas, nearly met bis Waterloo,
toom Liver ahd Kidney trouble. In a
recent letter, he aaya: '1 was nearly
dead, of three complaints, and. al­
though I tried my tomlly doetor, he did
me no good; so I got a 6SC bottle .1
your great Bleetric Bitters, wUtti
cured me. 1 consider them the best
medlotoe on etrtta. and thank God who
gnva yon the knowb
them.” Sold, and gnmrUntead to care,
Dyspepato. BaUousciesi and Kidney
LMsense. by 8. E. Walt A Bans, E. E.
MBIar. and Bannab Drug Store, at bO
eants a bottlA
' B-D
Sod. tof aell and fllllaB dirt, given
away tt the wett end ef Wayne streeL
for a week or ten dsye.. Cook Brea.
CHIsena' phone SSO.
Read our Top Coat nd.
Clothing Co.


TTot Howard Kttney and tomlly
wUl occupy the Wm. Pratt house, on
NUgara streeL
Hiss Amy Andrus is clm-klng to the
Empire postoSce.
Dwi^t MaskaU retuned to Monlstog last Friday. He was acecwipi
by his sister, BeUe
Miss Alice Stogg commenced her
echooi to the Williams district to Essson township, Monday.
Mias Jessie Tweddle has been visit,
tog friends to Traverse City this week.
Mrs. B. W. Bnike of Maple City,
was an Empire vtoitor Monday.
' Mr. and Mrs.
H. Mtorls spent
Sunday at the "OasU" on Glen lake,
os guests ot Mr. and Mrs. George L.
A. P. Bunting Is attmidlng
Kelley's peach feast at Baton Har-i
bor. this week.
Miss Eiva Willard win leave-tmnorrow tor Kalamasoo to resume her
etndles,at the Michigan samlnary tor
youn^ ladles.
8. B. Cate of Solon, was In town
yesterday ,to the IntmesU of the Lee­
lanau county fair to be held at 8«tons Bay, B^itember 26, 27 and 2&
K. P. DaUey retnrhed Tuesday from
the Uppw PentosnU. where he baa
be«i looking land tor Chicago parties.
Mra, Tlioa. Tobin <rf Glenm^ went
to Traverse CUy yesterday to visit her
The totont ebUdren bf John Oven
and Prank Moran have been quite nI
this week bnt .are better at this writ-

The time of the game wlU-be later
than usual, the boaU not leaving the
dock until 2:30 o'clock, for the
venience of the patrons ot the excw^ - Mra. George Cook of Wertord, is vlsBlaus.
ittog her sister, Mrs. Balph arnn...,.
D. W. Beynolds is suffering ftom a
Banner Attendance at Grand Rapidr. severe attack ot tofismatian of the
Nloety-one thousand pec^Ie have eyes.
paid adfflisstotts to the games played
Wm. Gordem, sr.; enjoyed an outing
In Grand-R^ids this season since the from Monday tmtU 'I%araday of this
openli^ ot the Central league
plonahlp season, and there are four
L. E BoCkes and tomlly wlU more to
more games to play. Already the team Ely. Antrim county, not weet^ere
leads the league to attmidance. Whed- Mr. Bockee wfll open a prog store.
log is second with Ti.OOO for the sea­
Miss Lulu Dally comnwneed W
son. Lest season Wheeltog led,with aitoool to the Boynton dlatnet Mon­
71.000 Port Wayne was eeoond with day.
Mrs. H. Hoffge and Miss Flora BarNot only wiu Grand ^ids-go ovct wood left yestodiy for Peto^ to
the lOOjMW mark to attendance at70 attend the meeting ot the NorOern
games, but it will lead aU the basebaU
dues of the country of less than 160,Asa -BottiaiT l£ss eedd his heme —
000 popnIaUcm to
this year. Niagara street to Chaa. Tayhein and
BpoKlog Editor Arober of the WheeL has moved hto famUy to PeUston.
tag Itaglst^ who U here wtth the
Lawrence Iky and-Hudson Plerae
Wheeltog team7>aa figured it oOt and of DetrcdL bare retmaed home afbsr
says he can find no past records
spendtog the summer on Qlen
dUss the else ot Grand w«tjde ev . stLorttscLoi^
ttiratog out and crowds to laagne
Mrs. IL K- Boyntoi returned tost
games Bw a whole sessoi.—Grand Bsp- Saturday from l^avma Ctty. irtarr
lih PrusB.
she has been vtslttog tha tomlly of
her sem, W:m. Hodge. Bbcrtly ate
retuintaic here she was takea qultefll
Detested Jask Ryna ef CMeape to and has been ooBSaed to bar bed atooe,
saven Ramdi.
tt the home of her aon. MQton Hodga

easD. the matt tborasih-botttDg test
t4dt ever aesB to s Bffht.W SySBl
oeeonds threw sp the' apcBse to the

, p.


”Xntry pianted'hls hlown tt win and
hU defense was almost perfect Byan
was game and fought desperately at
times, but he conld not break dow»
Eddie's defense, nor could he Stop tbd
erf blows that was
him. The Chicago lad put up a desper­
ate battle, but he was BO tor out!
tost the contest was onesided.
The men fou^t at 180 pounds, nnf
the batUe was to have gme ten roonda
Tommy Mowatt was reteraa.


bttOMS _
MOMft to Tto '
HarA« cdogrms pateARptel a
nathtttotog the Unttad BUifm eonsiil
at-Mataiwm. Ooba. to swear Mm Ja
as vice presldmf at ttwut the bov
wbOB Fierce was taking toe oato ot
cfflM at Washtogbm.
nils arrangement was carried out to
a dot, and on too day anwtotod. a
of tto hlShitt ua
to the Tletolty of Mstaite. Mr. King
was msdo vice president of tto United
Btatas amid tbe oolemn "Vsya vol cttt
D4M” (God wUI be with you) of toe
ctuoles who had assembled to -wttnma
toe tmlqoe ^lectocta. Tlee Fresident
Etog returned to hla tome «t 0%haw
ha. Ala., orrivtog at toat place April '
IT, IBSS, and died toe foUowlw day.

Bvery man wmnts a Top Coat—they
era almoM a nceesMlj. There It a
kmg «tow to the Spring and PaU
wt^ the heavy ««et Is too heavy, and
oUhontalight overcoat it U nnatfe
to be vut of doom A «oat of thia
bind U a buraiy to oome wpo can ill
afford two ovaraoata. Time waa
wben oee coat SlS OO at least, and
'from that up to SB 00. Now they a«
within the reach of alL Our sales on
short er top coats has been large. We
ar^ttng to give some extra indoeemenu to cloae out certain Unes. and
there ia no reason why everyooe
ttioold not bay OM of these at the
prices we make ou them. On. front
table we place fifty aoats qt tbe fol­
lowing prices:

sis «•« su Gate






; Manyofthcaeaiewlkor aailn lined.
Come to and have one of these lUd
aride for you if yon are not quite
ready for them.

llamilton Clothing
. Co.




On account of tho immense success .
of our Black Sill£ Sale we have decid­
ed to continue it for tbe balance of tbe
week. It is admitted to be. the great­
est ,value^iviog sale of tbe season.

One NlgM Only

^y. SepL IS
Porter J. White

See our new Velvet Finish ^ffelasia ^lain
Colors, Chamelion and - Changeable, 27 inches wide, at per yard...

ravival of


An improved Process

We wouli like to lay special stress on the VELVET
FINISH as an improvement over the original Chiffon
finish broughtGut last season. The latter finish was
a treatment of the cloth after weaving, which • very
mater^y we^cei^ tte fabric and hMmoned its period,
of osefulnessf 'Hie V^vet Finish, on the ooniff^, is
a new and improved process that is accomplished by a
treatment of the. yams previous to weaving and re­
sults in a lustrous fabric that is rich in appearance
and will give most satisfactory wear.



Brngw lac* box baan made to to*
ooBTonto of Brugc* by old womCD
iftoa* hand* hare grown atlff dlddng
to* bobbin* bock and foctii. who leanad wtontoey were riilldren from other
old womcfi,
to tun had leaned it
ten otter <dd wofficB, aod ao 00 back
farbu&dradaofTtara. lace makliig to
tto ditef toduatoy <rf tola dty of Bdgtum. toe capital of toe provtoc* ot
W*et Plandere, bnt toat it baa sot
mad* t«r toe pn^iedty of toe place
to ateted by toe taet that In • pcq?8UttoD of aetiMKtilng Uka 6(MXI0 toace
an 16,000 panpera. It to a vecy quaint
ttd dty, toe carparatkn ot weavm of
Bragaa having bean edebratta to toa
tone <rf dtariemagiM, It rente tto:
tolgbt of ito proapettty to toa flftoento
eentmy, when tt waa cate ot tto great
of tto worid
and waa famed tor and wide for tto
tapeatriea. The gnat proaperity, towercr. led to andi eztoavaganttoblta to
dnoi and aodal lift that Cbariee ▼.
waa obliged to paaB<oMngcnt anmptuary Uwb. CompUeatlaii* between enbeeqnant rnlera and tthe people led to
tbe removal of all bade to Antwerp
and toemiD of Bnigee aa a..$«mmerdal center, bnt tbe nomeond tame et
Ito lae* bare been
Teak Herald.

twenty________ __ .
. wben wide opon, to U I7 tt
a Ma
by atntobig tto
ae end teO «to out et toa
to tak* toto bto eaiadoaa
■ite It moat be alow week, btt
^ to toa plsaty ottone atoi
«Mi to do. ao to atteada
no aegntoriy that be often aeenn.
• ten of an to hto bulky kyatoaa.
Lid»**> Autumn WaHdrig SuKa.

. B la to tola tto mind <rf tto nwdidi
aoBon gtvea ito flrtt ocutdentfoo.|
wl^ tsTtod to^ to* aubjtet etMW
gamenta fm too WMun in advent
Tto Bklri^ ot taiof lesgtb ere atm
ad and ootts are of aa emheRBaatog dtveraUy ht 'Mylea and tonetta
trap the -qttta'tspg radtosoU to toel


6or« Front and Union.

Dealers In Everything.

Dealers in Everything.


All Summer Shoes Must Go
Not GDC pair
to be carried over, Every pair of Women's and Cnil*
' ’ to
• go at prices that
will sell every
pair. Could you ask for a better cbaiice
than this, and atsuch pficesV Former
f 3 50
3 00
3 00
- 3 00
3 00
' 3 00 1,
2 75

Woman’s tan kid oxford...

patent Wther oxfoixipst tamed plain toe oxford
patent kid lace oxford------•patent button oxford______
patent colt blueher oxford-patent colt blueher oxford...
kid iace oxford___ ___ -____
kid welt blucfaer oxford __
kid welt lace oxford _____
Trid welt blueher oxford-

' : SSS

2 75
2 00
3 00'
3 00
3 SO
3 00
3 00
2 50
2 SO.
3 00
3 00
2 75
2 50
•2 50
2 50
1 SO
1 50
- 1 50
1 75

Spscisl cut pricc^ou .U„^-sorfor^^^^

12 98
2 05
2 65
2 05
^ 2 65
2 65
2 .30
2 65
2 30
2 30
1 75
2 65
2 65
2 98
2 65
2 65
2 00
3 00
2 50
2 30
•2 00
2 00
1 30
1 30
1 30
1 50isthe time

Dealcrit in Hv«i7tlifnr-


i, 190S.



a by Mn. Bin-




gee's Blstv, Miss Stdla Karrln.
Mew the Keraa. AecbrAlac te Traftl.
Mra M. Nagel of Ann Arbor, eocemOem. Wu«lm (e Haa.
panled by Mrs. C. Paul of the
Id Arable the woid "Koran’’ Incans
T. WIlMn made a bueli
place, who have been In the Mty
’that whidj ought to be read." The
Sbrnnao today.
the gueau of the tenner’a daugh­
Koran U ftirided into 144 ehaptm call­
ter, Mra A. P. Schaefer, of 707 West
L. D. CuKla madi
ed Bunia. a word meaning really “row."
Seventh atreet, IMt for b«ne today.
10 Kalkaaka today.
“order," “ecrles."
In manueeripta
B. C. Whitney’s big mnsIcaJ emnpany toese chapters are not nninbered. bnt
Mra. e. Lehr of 008 8taU rtrMt, Mra Paul, baa also been vliiUng bw
Wffl present the piQuant rnuMoa mix- bear
UUee. i
derived from
went to Copemlah today for
lure. tbe -Tele of Spioe.” at Stefaberg's tbe eubject tmatter, but nsually fran
Repdaj-B’ visit with rdaUrea.
Grand Opera House next Wedneeday, the flnt Important-work. Smne chapIds, who has been the guest of her
The steamer llllnels fltves an exeur- friend. Mra James Haskin, of SS2
Sept 13, with predeely thenme cast
of dISereucca in the manuscripts fol­
Bloii to PetoBhey Chai
Boardman avenue, returned home yes­ SPLENDOR WILL SURPASS ANY* and elUxwate aoenlc and OOMome In- lowed. Each chapter U divided Into
Harbor Sprlnsi tomorrow.
^stlture which were s feetmn of the smaller portions, called venea by nonterday. Mrs. Hasktn's mother. Mra
C. C. Ramsey and vrtfe of Central Mary Mitchell, who baa also been hw
150 nights run at the MaJeMIe Theatre, Moelems, but In Arabic known os
Lake„ were In the city yesterday to guest ter the past three montha re­ Four Weeks<Wlll Be Divided Among New Tort City, which has tatreoently "ayat." signs or wonders. Tbe oitire
visit relative and friends.
Principal ClUea
been completed. ,,There art many rea- book...................... .....................turned to her bceie In Muskegtm.
that will account for the aucous
Mies Emma Goodrich of Chief, re_ the "isle of Spice" baa nchleved. Tided into four e<;UBl parts, or Into
turped to her home aftw a tew days'
New Tork. SepU 9.^Jtrect« DonREAL ESTATE TRANSFER& .
parts called "ajaa." each cobsM_ the first place, the stogy U wtdJ thirty
*- \'lsli in the city srith relatlves,
ried'a .plan ter the approachi:
tng ,of two "ahzab." and again divided
Mrs. Warren SalAury has returned
The following real estate trenstere of grand opera In the United States told, fall of comedy al
from Acme, where she TlsiiM her sis­ have been recorded by Register of has bem announced. .U contemplates
17 we^ at tbe Metrt^tan opera tuneful, dlngly and original, wttti noth­
ter. Mrs. Fred Vaughan, for a waslt'
Deeds F. W. WUeoBti
Mr. and Mra. Frank Andrawt of
Albert H. Miller to John Urban.'par­ honse In this clty,,beglhiiing Nov. 20; ing romlnlBcent about It. Many ctf the. Tsrenty-nlne begin with certain letters
Yiiailantl. after TislUng trle^da In the cel, Goodrich-a addlUon.
14 perfonnances In Phlladephla, and songe have become popular, and they Of the alphobel. which are believed
be the peouUar marks of tbe Koran
oily tor a week, have returned home
Goo. D. Veginat and* wife to John about four weeks divided among the have alroady reiched the hand organ
Btage in the larger cities.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bssbe of F^s: Urban. lots 2 and. 8. block 2, H» L. ft other principal ctUes of the country.
The company is large, well balanoed
Goldmark's “Queen'of Sheba." with
Tille, who have been the guests of Co.'s 4th BddiUoQ.
ilielr cousin. Prank Blrdsall, left tor
United 8UUB to John J. Hubbell, which the eeaeon wlU i^>en. it is and made up.of popular cemedlans and communicated to ' any mortal, tbelr
home yesterday.
acres of ne ^ of ne' H. sec. 25, town promtBed. ehall be -staged with a comedlsones. while the tduras Is one preghet only excepted.
According to Moslen tradltitm, -Sie
of the largest any muMcal organisa­
splendor never suh>as8ed In this
Otis Miner of Lake Odaaaa. has been
try or abroad, 1.200 ooetumes haring tion ever carried, and M ocuposed of Archangel Gabriel paid 24.000 visltt
visltiug his cousins, Dr. E. B. Minor
to earth while revealing to Me
been mpe<lBUy oxdered In Burpee for _j^ung and pretty w«nea, whose wort thp Miahes of.tbe Oreator. Borne.
and wife of 613 Slilh street He left
lor home yaatarday.
C. H. King and wife of Webbarvllle,
returned bMne yesterday after enjoy­
ing a. ten days' Tislt In the city with
friends and ralaUres.
The Petoakey ball team wae ih the
city over night cm the way to Manis­
tee. wh«o they play the White Ea^es
September 9. 10 and U.
Mlsa Ida Behm of OetroK, who has
' been her© the guest of her Mster, Mr
G. Creenwald of 109 Bandoltih sUeel
for ten days, has returned home.
Mr. and Mra. J. Jaekaon have re­
turned to tbelr home In Midland county
afier a ten days' visit at the home of
P. Bixby of 123 Qarfleld avenue.
Mias Mary Roxburgh of Reed CHy,
relumed home yesterday after a pleas­
ant visit with her brother, R. T. Roxbut^ and family of 231 East Ninth
street. Mrs. M. J. Pratt, who hae been visitlng relatlvhs and frienda in this dty,
petoskey and at EIK Rapids for 10
days, returned yesterday to her bomi
in Ijutslng,
O. E. Thomas and wife returned to
Detroit yesterday after a 10 days’ visit
with friends In the city. Mr. Thomas 28, range 10.
Ig^ characterised by vim and ginger
this production.
was employed In the poetofflee/here
Among the slngeea known to Ameri- that is poBltlTtiy rrtreahtog and can
Frank Horton to Odle HcGarry, oe
few years ago.
a only from the abundant spirits
A opera-goers who bare been enK of ne U. sec. 11, town 27, range 10.
and written down at the prophet's dic­
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Salford have re­
tot the seasm are Mstea. of the young. The stage manages
C. L King ft Co. to Leroy R. Foutt,
turned to their home at Portland. wH of ne
.Banbrieh. Nordics. Walker is excellent Hhere Is new a sec­ tation by Zald. bis aecreUrr. Tbe first
see. 15, town 26, range
revelation, it la generally agreed,
Mlcb., after a 10 days’ visit with their 12.
when there Is not swnethlng do­
Fremstad and Alien, and Messrs. Ca­
tolned tee first five verses of tbe nlnecousins, Mr. and Mra. G. M, Slocum, cf
ng that either pleases the eye, ea
ty-alxte aura. After tbe passages bad
Henry C. Burt to Barah A. Fonts, ruso, Knote, BnrgBtaller, Van Rooy
Pine Grove term.
and Plancon. Mr. Caruso will sing lBibU|Uee.
Mro Henry Lee and Mrs. H. N. Lae parcel, lot 14. village of Blackwood.
to tbe propbefe followers, semi of
the tatov
“Faust" and “Car­
of Bawmsr who have been the gneets ^ CnrtlB W. Hammond to Hammer men” In Ptew*.—'
vrtiom took ttrincs, while moat learned
All those theatre gom who hare them by bean, and the originals were
IpuddltleR to thai


text books pnrehaaed here.



School Shoes
Hothing better to wear.

Special Sale

Cortis W. Haatlngt and wife to
Monday, have gone home .
Mra. E. A. Olekineen of Bay Cl^, Hammand Wataon, e 12 aeraa of aw
and Mrs. Hlmee of ML Morria, '-who K of ae %. aec. 25, town 28. range J.
mnah ft Iaj Co. to Lee Roy
have been the guests of Mra S. W.
Downer four miles south of the dty. Thomas, loU 19 and 20, block 6, H.,
U ft Co.’B aeeond addition.
B. Garner to Jerome B. Haw­
Miss Ida Mathews has been visiting
lor two weeks at the home of her ley, lot 10, block 1, Bom ft Anthony's
frienda Mr. end Mrs. Byron Mathewa addition.
on State BtreeL She returned to hsr
Char B. Dye, Gd., to Wm. P. Lang,
home In Saginaw yesterday.
lots 4, 18. 19, 24. 8tee\p ft Spenem'a
Henry Carlisfe of East Bey township, addiUon.
has gone Uf ML aemens to bring back
Chas. B. Dye. Gd., to Wm. P. Lang,
his wife who for 10 weeka has besn parcel, see. 31, town 26, range 11.
taking treatment UHre and wlU reMargaret G. lackey. Gd., to Geo. P.
Johnaon and wife, ne- H of ne )i, aec.
E. M. Bennett vront to Thompson- 20. town 28, range 9.
vine yesterday to get hla stock
Prirtop Kyaetka and w&e to Wm.
Jewein' in shape to open hla i
Ly<a. e % of lot 4 and lot 6. except e
Monday. Mra. Bennett will Join her 7H- feeL block 3. P. U. aeeond addlUon.
husband In about two webka.
Wm. P. CroUer and wife to PrankO. W. Curtlat and ton Qlen, of Ra­ Itn E. Buahmay, parcels, Foster ft
venna, Ohio, returned home today af­ Crotser's ddlUon.,
ter a 10 days’ visit with the fonne?^
Robert Bates and wife to C A. Ham.
fa.ther. Enos CurtUa and brother. mond, n % «f sw fr.
aec. 30, town
Chas. CuKlss, on Seventh streeL
27, range 10.
After a pleaaant visit of two weeks
J. A. Welborn and wife to Amca
at the home of her brother, Lue A’l- Longshore, w % of ne
and e Hot
- brey, and family, of 312 Park street. nw fr. K. see. 1, town 26, range 10.
^ Mrs. E. LoU and son EgiesL have
Mrs. K. B. Lewis, et al, to Catherine
turned to tbelr home at Saginaw.
Downey, sw 14 of ne ^ sec. 10, town
Mr. and Mra C. H. Shaylor and 26, range 9.
two children of Owosso, left for homo
Polly N. Ereeinan. et al. to Thoa
today, niey have been in the dty Rawlings, lot 2 and 28 feet on e aide
visiting the tenner’s sister, Mrs. C. of lot 1, block 12, n., Plte Lake.
Seymora of 621 West Teoth street
Barah E. HasUngs to Hartman D.
Mr*. (Or.) *J. C. Gaufttlett and aen. Ward, n 40 fe. lot 40, Oak Heights.
of Elk B^ida, were In the city today.
Wm. L. Brown and wife to Oscar M.
The Standard Bearers will have a Morse, n 66 feet of lot 76 and 77,
bay ride and com roast rA B. L. ^- Oak Heights.
sW's, Monday evening, Septonber' IL
Wm. Copeland and wife to Thoe.
Mra John Britting of WllllamevI
Copeland, aw >4 of sw
aec. 26, town
N. T.. and son. J. B. BrttUnK who 28. range 9.
have been vlsIUng Mra. BrltUng’a eljJohn M. .Sweeney and wife to Wal­
ler. Mra J. D. Ayers. Of E34 West ler B. Hatnper. iota L 2. 2, 4, 9, 10.
Tenth street returned home yester- IL Wd 12. block 64, InterkMdien.
Qeorge K- King and wife to H
The Rev. a W. Hettler of Ionia, Marks, parcel, see. 36, town 28, r
presiding eleder of the Bvangc
society, who has been attmdlpg
MatUe U Pratt to R B. VanAlSUne.
tnlnlstefisl oonvenUon here, went to parcel, aec. 6, town 27, stage IL
Leelanau for a visit before returning
B. E. Van Alatlne and wife to F. W.
Wilson, see. 6, town 27. range U.
Mra A 8. Richmond sn^ug
Miss Bemloe. of lAnalnf. returned
*rnieodosia. I do not wish to say
home yesterday. They have been
tislUng.the timer’s brother. H. I. anything harab or oncharttable of your
Carter and family, for about two Uncle Geoffrey. I wUl not go ao far
es to charge Urn
A. C. Bauman of Cleveland, O.. Who bnt be certainly carries tbe Uea of
with liii'wlfe have been’ vlsltlnc their eronomy to an extreme. He heaitotoa
parenu In the dty for eome time, re­ to stake tbe most trifling expenditursa
'imlMS aaanrad t^t It will rebound
turned hmne yestsTtlay. Mra Ben
mdrandid not accompany him. bnt wUl re­ smmatoiy to hu ows
tige. While BOt'TrMtag to be nnjnat
main for eome time laiger.
to Mm—ter we all'bttV* ear weak*
The ttean barge Mathew Wileon Btaeaa-T cannot ikIWi flmn «xcleared Friday evening from the O. W. prearing tbe t^dnlon ttat be la almaet
D. Ca’s dock with SOO.COO feet of hnn- too froftl, aa It Jttst, too^^oo can*
ber tor Chicago. The barge Maggie
_______ _ whafs t*TiH of all that
MarahaU .cleared the aame dodt the
■ttmewvanlng ter Chicago with 4<K),009 llftb tMfcf Ton know ha wMI ae I-«»
teat Mb a aUngy. nlonUr. maan.
"W of imnber.
shabby, mlaaily, avasteiam oM t!^
Mr.-aM Mm. Frank Plngee and Mr. gntdr
Fay Bb«A of Jaoten. who have
*TbaA pM, Bear."—OMeago Ttibbeen vMUng Mra
v^rmU, ona.
Mr. end Mm W. A. Mwln eC lAke
aTma. left tor homo this men

tracts i ' *
ma, Carnatic aegntno, from Hnaldi;
ISmo. Temxxlnl. distil _ .................
tore; Bel-Reeky, a baritone from the
Seals, Milan, and Tony Francke, sIho
a baritone.
Besides those above mentioned there
WlU be Been during the season
Pavortta.’’ "8<«iiambnla." ‘The Plri'
Ing Dutchman," “Martha," "Don
Giovanni" (In eommemoraUan of the

to the drama, wUl leoeive Flth please the announcement that “TrRby
will be seen at Steinberg's Grand
Opera Houso on Friday, BepL 16.
It is PiHtor J. White's company that
will present this fascinating and powerful play here, and Mr. White will hlmbe seen sa Bvengall, a role In
which bo Is said to have scored the
greateet hit of bis
“Trilby" will be staged'lnaa a
manner, with special and appropriate
lery and electrical effects, and will
presented by an eSclent company
of capable and experienced players.
the first performance of bis “Haensel
Mias Edith FprresL one of the most
und Oretel," and Puccini may almlbeanttful wtwirtt on the American
Urly.dlxtlngalsh the Initial'preamittstage, will play the role of Trilby.
tUon of “Manon LabcsuL"
"The Marriage ot~Kluy" as played
Hr. Ckmrled hlmaett will stage The
Glpsey Baron." ’The Queeen off She- at tbe Grand last evening is Just
ba." "The Flying Dutchman' ' aW^aufflclent quantity of wholesome fun.
wrapped up In three packages called
"Haeoaet und QreteL”
Tbe ceoduetora, as last year, will be acta. -The sltuaUons throughout the
Alfred Herts. Arturo 'Vi^ and'Nt- piece are redlculously droll, and there
ban Pranko.
dull moment throughout the
entire performance. Tbe cast though
unnsually amall, makes up In quality
what It lacks In mmbera.
The parts are all cleverly
together and lost as cleverly acted.
be taken by Its use. The nature
Mias Alice Johnson as "KRty,” Is all
proceeding from tbe iieroxlde that the press noOcas claimed for her.
deralood: this adds
She Is a versatile actrees of the hlgbeet type. Her 'Tl^tnlng change" act
in the first act was a very
thtog_ . . In aaaocla*
"John Traverae." Kitty's Godfather,
lion with religious worship since the: was well portrayed In tbe hands of
early teya ofCymbals and
band beiM and amall-crotais aerved teri Franklin Hall. Chaa. Bwickard .vs
Reginald Belslxe" had do
ind was not found panting u. any
time. Tbe rest of The east rojoyed
equal bonora. The attendance was
d the boar of bathing Jns( fair.

the best beu metsL fiteri has been
tried, bnt doa not make a tnccwafnl:
'bea Olasa bellB an mrilowandbaan*
tlfnl In tone, but tbe material la too
fragile. Tbe one metal which la Impoealbla M that wUih
agtoM wmims the beat b<
■ J
Setae Mt toe Bentosib
Tbe battle Of the beirings was tbe
eeBsteal name given to a flgbt between
an English force and a French d
toelunent not. ter from Orleans
1428. Tbe English were conveying a
was Lett, to the
that was b«i«lBg Oceans. Tbb
Uto had Llioo aiag, tee French '
Tbe termer rtouhied
saved the hcfrings, sO the battle v
med to bonce irftee auppUes.
Hie Awtoerttr.
Oovernast (totoliig over geograpigr.
paper)-Wbat* this? “Tbe people of
Lancashire are very stopid!” 'Wbare
to tbo world did you get that idea
ttCD? PnpU-4>ittottee book. It
rhable te

Tbe Detroit Klneteac^ Co. contlone to draw crowds and ao well aatisfied la Manager Davis, with the bualneea.that be ha» decided to remain
h^ r<H- another we^ at leasL.'’'Tbe
views last nl^t were very good and a
number trf new ones were thrown on
the icreen. mnrt to the measure of
the big crowd.

'Defective Vishm.

CaU and see them.
No trouble to abow yon. at



Defective Eyes Cause

Sack Cates Act My tottlaii;.
ExunlMttott Free.


& Co.

Steinberg’s Grand

Wed., Sept 13

Bigoest AtlracUon Traverse an' Ever Had.
B. C. WHrmEY’S plqttut MttMeftl MIxtttr*

Isle of Spice

when many of the paRssges v

New fork Cast

led's first aneces-

^clal Orchestra

copies mucU' li.v /.nid froip tlic dictation
of .those who bail lomraltted the pas­
sages to iiioipiorV. lie further placed
Utt without tvpird to hlHtorleal
litler Osman-bad
Koran <-o;<led in the Qqralte dla-


American IteamyCfcoRis
75^J»e©|>le 75’

2 60 ft Cars of Scenery 2

Prices-50c. 7Sc. $1.00 and $1.50. "


Seats now on sale.

Eternal gratltode Is eternal slarexy.
No man knows enoDeh to entitle him
* It you wish no man to suspect your
aeoet, don't have one. ,
When some people work they make
ao much fu<s yon ace sorry they start­
It Is a sign°a sick man la getting
better when be begins to worry about
hlB doctor bill.
They are about even—If yon are a
boy, It Is the wood box; If you are a
glrLJt Is the dl
'Every thief admits at the end of bis
Ufe that be would have p
ter as an holiest man.
Of wbel use are friends? In prroperity a man bas no use for them:



Telephone 112.

$ , $ $ $

Tha man who apenda ever>c«nt of hia Income, no matter
how large. Ispoorer than be who
aarea part of hla. no matter bow
amall. -Thafa Bound common
sense. This advice to Just a.
sound: Put a few or many dol­
lars, aa often aa you can spare
them, Into the strong box of

A Crasr tde».
"Haven't you ever thought of foh
to work?” asked the farmer’s wife
Sanoterlng Bam.
•Tes'm," replied the veteran tram
“I thought of It once, bnt I was d«
leeryns at de tlme."-Cleveland Plato





Aaetbe^ VIetlw' of HU CBrIeettr.
He-At what age do ^u think a glri
ought to marry? Sbe-WelL I couldn’t
thinir of setting tbe day »>erore next
October.' George, when I aball be Jnat
twenty-nlna-TBomervlUe Journal






aJosepti Sleeler & Sons.
FIratwriaas Meat Martcet

ly people ihlok ibal betbere is a "meat
every butcher is charging fabnlOBs prices for his atesks

Pierce’s Coni Buskers
A* Bo-iArers Hapbo^

treating yon fairly as toqeallly
oC meato and the prices w« ask.
We are not afraid o* the ordeal
_______ the city. Wbi^sa

tadiMi^ gamt, 35c



Seblller* Llktax For Apples.
One h:ihlt of Rehiller’s was a paa
sloD for tbe smell of an apple. He
used to eut an apple Into quarters and
keep them In the drawer of hit writ*
tng talile.—T. P.'s Weekly.

BaseBali Sunday, Sept. 10

Fare lot


Freih batter and eggs. '

Fnmblin Sts.

Both pbonra.

he remembefM by -oMy that M Wft
Tha ataamar lUIaala wilt #va an «(time her father, was prisdtpil of ^
iraUn ta Petoricay, Chariaveta and
Trarerwe City sthooU. .
—-for tha FOR SAIA-Bany earriagaf IsUbU
Mrs. Bmlly Crowell ot OtesMnl
takanatODOA ^ntreat«9iFBik•heu
and Hre. L. D. Curds were risiton of
Mrs. B. a WUUsms
BtM^MIl. Timtdny Ata/'w/ r«rr«ra« tif Cefefiaf
Crattf^. ntho mat Ca/h.
FOR SALE—We hav% and ote AT
Lodge Thuredsy and Friday.
malbC. Sa^Mber'U.
sate, the fotlcrwtag Jri Of BM
Mrari hy fmdiani.
-Mra. T. j. Cants of 80^ North Oak
BatatA U la an daaInhU pwpty,

Saturday meaning. 8e^*^
Atreet went toKBk Rapids this
aad BMri be sold. Oanor’idwMlri
A party of teachara came • down
Wyandot Adntr. O, honor was pari
from the city last erening in the a«aWinn Pinrara.
ta Oalonal' William Orawferd.
bnaaes and enjoyed a com roast on
In the prebats court .today tba-o
2owtoed*M*wa^£Sf ** “* *“
the beach. A most. enjoyable Ume
*** tbe hearing of ttie final aecoont !n
Sd ^
*^ **■ **
was had. The Ahgoea crdiedtm
*' eatate ri Ira Newman, deoeaaed,
went down and
7 ft. on StatariMb
and an order yma
Id ITHI Crawford antared iha Arneai- WANTED—A tady’a i
to their, the eersnadem, pleasure.
army as Ueotanant coUmI of 'the
Traverse dtetrtct are the preaofaera the heirs in ri# Ann BaOer
3. W. UUUken's cOerks ware down
stieoL CUtaant' ^a S
The leans Bsnaett »fwi In Oarlle>d
east of Mo. 6^..
yesterday in full force. They made -paid more than |l,TO0,^a year, and township, ooapoaed of ahont TO aetea,
WfiSKS we will educate you HOOSB.AMD LOT. 801 Britb rimt .
the best of the .stleraoon. as thase these are -Boyne City, Charievolz, the was sold at^ahmirs sale yestardiy nri and^ commanded his legtaient in NtaSOC
aaleamaBBliip snd secure you po­ HOOSB AMD LOT, 1018 Boteriria
pliMsant outings are fast drawing to - Flint church of Petoel^ and the F1r«t morning at Ui« oourt bdoae,
sition as traveling
church of Traverse City. TMalitg u
aoBthwsri e
treat throngb New Jfcsey. the ctota^
dioae. ao tar as 1606 U onoemed.
rritabU linn. Tbe Bradstreet Sys­ Boon AND tor,
In by RntUe HmItL throagh her at­ of tbe Delewnre river wtdi Gennral
tem. Roriieater. N. T.
An old teshloned eaddy puU was en­ the best money-prodadng district, for torneys in Uiit tlty. The -bid
THBBB IX>T8 on Bmwood Aveaaa,
Weahlngton on Chrlatinss day, 1776,'
joyed by the resorters here Friday
briwaan Wayne and Bay atrasta.
^bc^P-^er a^es a
TUfuat U5T8 on Spruce street, benight Erarything went-off as sweet 3L0M. althouA 26 are paid less than
Mre. L. A. CuiitJs of RIvamida, IIL dan. 2.1T77.
tware Wtyna and Bay streetA i
ah you please. It U said that sereral
and Mrs. L A. Brooks ot Chicago, who
rifOMa rWV Tlata*,*.

of the boys’ tugr polled most terribly Geo. Arnold Has Friends Among Mlp- have been spen(Uag the suamer at In.this mwnli^; rnfsaed their months and
teriochen, ere ta the eUy and wQI leave
put the caaOj In their hair.
as traveling aaUanun with. raltahU
Bay and BanadeU atreeta
Thursday a party of -16 -went to Old ence from AUegan, where he dedicated morntag. A nnz^ ot Udr'MsGds; dm while psapU-men, woim and
ehUdien-rwere modaed ta' cold blood,
( to 14 ACRBS LAND ta I
Mission in Folium's Uunch and the new 620,000 ^ur^ erected largely came with them Man taterloebso to^ aadn otB was mads for mlUtaiy prothrough the Morts of the Her. Oeolgn
spent the day most deUthOully' Ou
see ^ eafriy on their way.
. . . y iMt year: the return trip the party stowed at
An expedition was orgulaed in P«nnThe game ofwatar polo which
drere "A. B.," care of Park FUee
folk have been making a heap
Two young ladles wlio ware Mends Willow Point for supper.
■ylvnnU, and OeUaal OairtWd was
840'a 1H muss east of Cedar Boa.
trouble lately. Bev. Dr. CaU^ of to have been idayed last striit betwwn mada its .commandar. 13>a coanpasys
thougbi of taking up a bnslneM course
4-46’A IH mllee west of Cedar 1
Kennrih. SmlUi’s . team and John oedan were to martih agatast Indian
.in this schooL One started at onoe; weU until the work of reloading the
There Is <
■>U a
who is
tbe otlier intended to come in later, ladies Into the boat for the start home, the district to which AUegan t>pi«.g«, Roest’s tosm. was paat^ad,-be
and plenty of wood Umber re .tUa
^wn rupper SanddAy) and deatroir teooreUag; 666 to fl06 a mooth sal­
but kept putting it off and -finally de­ began. One lady lost her balance, and
land. Sou good.
Ftth fire and awtsd tha entbe aattU- ary aassrad ow gmAsataB ondar bond.
takes no Mode In the tfraiouadoni It was too dark to »li^, before
cided not to ctxne. The Bret girl men­
FACTORT on Ray atreet Power red
out of the boat into the -water.
toam membm showed up last retnl Buly on (ha montag o< Sat- Ow six aobooto tha laigost ta Aniarlen
tioned now has a pleasant poslbon in
a^nst the AUegan minister^ ebaraumariilnery
ran—663 feed
nday, Msy^3S, Orewfordh company and eodoesad by an BrilroadA Write
the city and is earning a good aalary. .Those who saw her floundering In the tw. and In Us report to the
frontage. A good locatkn te any
bcmi Us mairii on hocaebaA for tha
T%e other young lady Is just begin­ water up to her neck say she resem­
The waek Jusf e„gi„g has
Use of mannfacttiriag/
1 that Rev. Mr.
■andnaky ptalu, dtotant about ifiO
ning her course now. Tour time means bled a "Wild man." The mort
land oire>
AnUd’B church Is the largest that has, tm Mod one on the dty aurket, as
dollan to you. Tou cant afford
leal part of the affair was that she
this year by the Mktfl tarjs potatoes areWoerood. the re183441
IL Why
— not enrtdl with ns Monpulled Herb Wdeh Into the water with
iTeraglag ahoBt 800 bush^ per
metbodistn; UiU Anoid pot
her. The water was shallow and'no
~ e price rriniliiii steady at »S
more Uisn 6600 of his own money ta
harm came to them. They were made
iL and that bp succeeded in finMihig
TraTurse aty, Mich.
together In their soaking wot the church only
Molr, 120 West State atreet tS4St28
have not been neariy ao good, <mly mOas north, wImn on tha friUwtag
Bril and UoaxioB, only 10 BlUa
23»-241 Bast Front Stredt, orer Sing­
tha iMDHrahU hattU of BattU
'mu be arid at a banata or _
condlUon, and the trip was continued
er Sewing Machine oDee.
snd through the grwtest dtffleuHy- Mr. ahont 10 barrris per day havlpg been
change te TreToiro City property. FOB 8A1A—Vacant lot on oorner of
thadCh, whan
without further mishap.
Aronld’B enmnies get eUd comfort brenghtta. Apples are bringtog
LtttU A Shorter, 223 Front atreet
State and Rose atraate with quantity
Ah-go«a resort now bossU of a band 'frc»n the
6LB0 to 12 per baiM, for the Mdt
of building rime; one tot on Bast
and P. B. Jennings Is the present lead­
rte card will be In
Front street near Gaifiald awnhi
I of Conversions.
er. which (rfBbe he pertMma wltn
>L 11th. Buaset <
Mia. 8. OrohardsoaoC Spring _____ Mb surer, m m. um awoH ww»
Address 602 Wsshtagtan rirost,.
atOBers on the eaay
ot the presiding riders re­
BeU phone in.
grace, on the IUa The instmmataMlota. who has been ths guest other wdtng ForriMtdayaOolosHiaRW. UttU A Shottw, U
ve for East Say at 8:80 tkn «»BUts Of wash-tubs, tin psu, ported that condJtlonB in thsdr respec­
Drioe, Mrs. K Winata, on State street,
a. m. 12
n and 4:00 p. nu; returnFOR
SAl.H OR ]
proaahont by tbrir amga eaptea
Ingledva East Bay at
It 6:00 a. m., 12:30
------- whistles, etc, snd msoy are the touch­ perons. ESder Martin said there hsd returned bene today.
wars obMgad to arindt ta aterndattag WANTED—Old wanted tor greeral . bouBA comm- TblrtesaUi and Boing selections that
It they hare tendered
and 4:30 p. m.
‘•The Marriage of Kitty”
euua. oee
See G. n..
8.. Tader,
vum, rinse
State hank
been over 2.000 ceaverrions In the
oaewn^ saaD fismlly. i
almost nl^Uy.
r T. A. Cmlon. WhltlBS BriaL
ta» U ww ret te tts eaU
Albion district during the yeer, and left today tor MiiskegusL
Ab-gch«a serred a
J. C. Darragh .and wife of Old His- daaih, and mvagw gatead aheat ta
that was' fib tor a king Wednss^'
rioo passed through ihp dtj today
We wish
ah to express, our sincere nlrtL There were 41 present and In a
who Uvad wtdT (ha
> the Mends
and neighbors short time 37 pounds of nice juicy Elder Bray, ot the Big Bapi^ dlstrlcL enroote to SL Louis, MIHl. td^attend who at <»B tliiw waa A cdosa tatad of
^^MteriA.aeras ta nrebard. ahoat
-who BO klndly
indly assisted
us-ln the loss
reported that there have been i.OOO tbe funeral of Uieir siatar-ln-Uw, Mrs. (hnwted, waa lueaeiit whan tba^
eicateuandtrere Otterdntaegnaranteed.
^ptamaiUier ly
of pur nuie
e baby for the many beau- Sleek properly cooked, were not prefenced. hMatad about «m alto
In his district, that 618.- A. H. Da^h, whose death ooonrred Mden ooeurred. and, sUtiea^ he
766 or 128. tewntag A AteffUfnlI aowas.
II - tram city UmttA Trere aO ta baar000 has been spent for rimreh imprere- tatteveaang. The fuoeral wUl be held
Mr. and Mrs. Geonre MoIj
r of Stan­
tag present crop gore with wU.
Tnesday. The deesased was Uis wife
the dooBud commante any asits,
and Family.
Price and tenna rnaifiiiBlili mrej
ton. who tor the past week has been
•f OongreasDUtt A. B.Hamgh.
riatanea vriutartr. Ftiat a fire waa
mlsbearidatonoA Party ttaangta^,
the guest of her Mend, Miss Beesie
and, atriivad nakod. OrewtaA
Mr. and Mra Mark Aahtmi of Fort
cAtion. Addrvre P- C. OUbert Treeistere
Fulgbum, returned horns todv- MUa
'ayne, and. Miss Anna daadera of was mada ta alt down by It The
araa oty, Mkffi.
1 handle, silver trinuntaga riOc
Until further .ordered the stock of MessBiger is a yery tataited the aquawa tbm baat him wtth atim.
Elder Chase, ot the Grand Kapils
..a throng at tc^. U fiadoF wOl PEB80NAJ
f you are thtaktag eC
A. P. Eaton left this week tat Mis­
home of Mr. and Mra.V. A. Strong the
pfaree Ba^ oAce owner wQ
souri on buBlnees.
pr^e pn^erty. 68'
DOW ta the time te all a_______
added to ihe snperaannted mit<i«
-catim and lutre ot Jrin ore aure----------------- n9e to Ugatana baft
mltrille, Ind., rotsmsd-home tod^. his iritatA Iha ropa waa long m _
atauA WeexpacieaategBaailyaari
Llttia A Shattre SS teat
'ODND-^Klk>batto). Ownrem
lake Odeesa; that there 'have been They wee visHUrsi ^prhKIl• of A.
Saturday Morning. SeptBn!
Prices subject to advanoe at any time.
ammd tha.tcat anea or. twSsa aadMhave aame hy eaUtag at thta ofltoe,
and that beoanae of
Can for infonnaUim as to new die.ten n* aa«f wiy. nOhOaM than
proriagprogsrty aad paying this aacoT^ee
the small crop of peachea last year
rstnmad hemsT
and the snpentedanee
hly paywatA a
which left no profit - In the potato visit with M)aaXnes«ridewf. 4' • '
FODRD-A tadraiidcri ta n»d -a
9 A Shortrew
Arthur WaUsts etpartea.toms this
,ri to«n. Osrnar call at J. N. Mi
126 E. Front sL, Traverae CHy, Mich.
• nre-a Jewriry riore.
’624-8-wUficult In some of the rural dlstrieta. evening fnn Grand RajJiM to^end
his vacation.
FOR SALB-Ofoorey and other bnriandy 10c per pound, W.
far thi£ month some tine <mes have He added that the problem of getttng
Italy SloriiB of Fort Wsyae and Mr.
nen opportaritire that it will pay
Lt The LaOrettL 'Mil been taken from the bay. There U the foreign bore conatry
inverilretA ettbar tar earii
ot the district to church was more dll- and Mrs. Bd Hinds of «>»~<--TiIs.
at It all the time.
ada, returned to^. TSiey had been
UtUe A Shorter, 222 From a
Mrs. J. W. Jackson and her guests. flenlt than the city fmrign bore. Eld^r virittag John Hrita and family a« BarMrs. H. Meslek and son- Master How­ Carrel n^orted that In the Grand TVav- diekville.
nexttoFronL S. J. Cooke, <*T Steard of Blchmood, InA, speA Friday erae district memberaUp had Increas­ The Bnony Bank Hotri, which
roawtresL CtUseas' ptna 85D.
at 400 aerre;
ed from 4.777 in 1896 to 6,618 in 1604,
here at the Jackson cottage.
jsiee qad « .
A UttU <
badly damaged by fire Ju)y 4. Is bptag
Hiss Laura VanOnsA wli. .^.ouu and Uie number ot
8horterr222 Frast otreetr 2612126
I Petosbey, Cbarleroix a
period the placed in first olsB repair and wUlbe
Smd., with ho poehf U ChoW l»“- '“I' '• “»
Harbor 8
methodlst church
property in
lue of methodlrt
stone fosndation has been built roder
and Garfield i
the district bad Ineroaeed 6106,000.
The beautiful moon is on
SufMtay. Isept. lo.
paymeoiA aame aa rent or evchange
the entire bouse sadwtsaBi heat placed
tor oiber good preverty. UttU A
sending forth, its sirfl 'friendly U^t
in every room. WUl Areold wiU
Bborter, 222 Front streeL 6812t26
actosB the smooth waters of the bsy
agsiu have charge of the house.
and the launch psrtlea are maUng
Mr. and Mrs. Tbampaon of Coldmen SentatM That OeveneS W«G>
merry nighUy.
«la*a mm4' Wcartas AnsiUeL
ater are rialtlDg their rister, Mrs. C.
FOR RENT—A amaU honse on Cedar
Fare for round trip,-81,88.
bse bow easily yon c
MrA SL A. Wlleoo and
"Swltterlsiid bad a law that no wed­ W.’nedale.of
street Bnqnlre of W. J. Moody.
of your own npder the monthly pay­
Thelma .of JOngsley, were gneete at ding party sboukl hare more than
The Rev. C T. Stout taft tbia n___
ment plan of UtUe A Shorter. 226
UlanoHiua Lodge Friday.
twenty guests-ten men fHenOS of the or Charlevoix, where he wUl hold ser­
Ketis-Miftesa and Ah-goea reeoru bridegroom and ten women Mends ot vices tomorrow. Bishc* AtwUl will
FOR RENT—Office rooms te rent
occupy the pulpit at Hiaee etaairii toJoined bands Thursday nlcdit In an­
over Johnson's drag store. Mra J.
foot- front on Front atreri. a
other of their celebrated and delldous permitted to bare siore than two slngJohnson,
class taveatment to make money.
flddlers and two trumpetera.
UttU A Shorter, 222 Front street
Married women were fo-bldden to
the feast snd disposed ot 27 pounds
of steak.
Rom streets: 7 rooau; amaD barn.
msldeiis might No woman, whether
SALB—We have a few bonses
The proper place for mooey is
B. 8. wmiami of Mlhne<ina Lodge married or unmarried, was allowed to ftia plea of a
July let
& J. Morgan.
M ' on weri
and sooth aide that we oanto a safe bank, where yon are
has returned- from a business trip
any dreos In whkdi tbe opening
Iderehly briow cost and
sell you
for the'neck was so large that It did 10 In tbe rity of Hanover, -where
Londrai. Ontarla
three hmdred dollars
Ue at least two Inches wide upon fiatfaa was a member of tbe governdown on a two
We pay 3 per cent oomponod
Mrs. George CampbeU of Te^ „
bofflA LItUe A t
Interest, componoded semi snmant It was In 1818. Ae jear of
the gu^flfiw dsn^rter. Mr& Oernn
cnair, go
naal>y, on ssrian depoeila.
E. Knowles, this weriu .
L. D. Cm
Safety rault boxes to
d>e side. To restrain tbe fsshlon of round the mob om day
Mrs. Hale Weaver of Chlosgo, for­ iong painted shoes It was enacted Hist windows ot a pnbUe oflea. It was
sw good 01
only two
• "
PERSONAL—We have a few
o dollars
a jear.
aelL LB
merly.Miss Ada Bnrkdisad.'of'thls no poson of eittier sex should wear s gnat qwrt and be Joined ta with v
powder Into tha colootrs body FOR SALB-Banhoat aad boat boua&
city, accompanied by her sunL Mrs. shoe with a (Kdnt extending beyond tbe thnslasm, Tbezt jBMori>ody cried.
hli fieri as far up as hU aariL
Call at 6004 Second street,. Pbone
Burkhsad of Chariotte,-and Mrs. A. foot enough to allow anything to be In- rLet ns smash old Vedel's wtadowsr' Ate awhlU ttay cat oft—
FOR SALE—A good family hone aad
The crowd was deUghUd. bnt did not
Grayson of Trevsree City, were the
3ha dm waa rix or aaran yarda from
a good cow-tor aalA UttU A Shoi^
tha port to whkfa the CQloaal waa fiad. FOR SALE—Aherdedn Angna oow No.
ter, 822 Ftmt street
Suesu of Mrs. L. Soule Friday. It girl peniiltted to wear laced Aoe^ No know , where old WMri Hred.
or boy-should wear a coat that came Httie WedaTa great moment He Xt waa mada ot snail bkftocy poire,
66A81. bnU calf 7 ntonUiB old. For
has been 20 years slues Mre WeaTer
particoUrs eaQ on or a______lot reach to tbe knee. Garments atapped to the tmot ahd reld: “I earii ahont stz feat long. ItoaoorfiNr
FOB SALB—Some nice anmmer regoft
has visited TreTerse City, and It wOI
fcwbldden to be slasbed so as to know. FoUow aa.” So they trilowad - -lots for eala -ta dlfiment loretiere.r'
hy tooa woold taka np fitdlCity.
show different colors or kinds of' u
In tbe I
Uttle A Shorter. 222 Front rireat
Ttanally ou ot tbaaa burning atim
rial, end trousers were required to be
and apply it to hU body.
Jar- When he trita the atoiy
Kvsry si tins of tetuia was nsoatad
fine fruit aad farming bud.____
adda: *Tt wae tha JotUest day of my. tA Latar CMwtord was aentpad, and
' B It dsrired. or wfll exchange
ton In c
iscted that 060."—Londim OnonidA
Mad tenatlvaa by
baeafte no one shall maMb points of
MONET TO LOAN m personal prop­
■hoes or boots Unger than one joint of
i ^
erty. ta sums to SOIL L Newtand
the finger, and If any ^oemakar sbaU
iTier, roan 60S New Wilhelm blorii
1 to Ha down, and
A novel 4
make them Unger be shall be fiaad £L
fifth floor.
FOR BALB-Abnaat new Fox
i ^
as also tbe person wearing tbem.-^M> Paris by M. Lea casrette, vHio. besides
writer. Cash or Uma Baireh
It’s because you’re not in line for tbem.
bring an mntaexrt educationist. Is an
V. HamllUm. Pari: Plaoe hotel '6SU P.ONEER LIVERY AND HACK LINE
B. J. Morgan—Remember the rid
Get in line.
■rdant adrocat a of rendering eduen--------- J
rettahU Use that ta always m tteA
.TO SELL-126«cre fium. toor mOea
tlcm attiactlre.- BU aystam ot tbe hls- Pa Krigkh who waa an ayssrit
Hack ontara a speetalty. 1 maka sD >\
from city, 66 acne oUand, . 160
tory of Franca ta dns««d dolls is ta
trains wftb bare. I caS te baggagt
fruit trere -Only 6L600,. caA
Victor Engo'had a real doabU ta
Urary I can tmtah yon rubber '
again and wai
’ KA Uttfe A Shod
fiesh and bleed who exploited his phys­
ical ;
Ume I was thi
btlm. rubber tire phastoHA rrite ^
Bfe can
He ent his beard Uke Hugo’s, eopisd
tire aarnre ntabar tire hackA te ,. . .
typewrittoR, and getinl.i the office of"»me W
TO SBLI^-riiaap. a
the master's dress lo Its smslleat do only be k&owB'en tbe tasUmony of tbe
fimereta I can tmtah yon any kind".
Iwsineas concern, There ds no quickeh, surer
tslU'aad so for etgbtssD years divid­ roi±A are wgareented. Within tbe ifat BttU fib she
of carriage you want I have tfb :
way to_bur^l
hacks «Dd thraa Tieatsl carrtA
ed with tbe master the admlrattae at pau of hlatatr •VCIT
ta riorit^to a nte te oftwM
tbe i^Ue. ,HU eiitertal drilgbt was to aentad by Ha hndtag figoA. as Gaid,
.1,^“ **1;?
“■> women the train­
peae in a poetlcsl atOtode In tronl <d pre-Roman. Saman. and FtankUh.
ing thnt^blee them to get ahead. We
^ buUd
. Kindly give me a c^wteta
a P»h and Jody show. He did ttaa Then come the AosadeA tbe
only 616 down and 67 pw m
for the future—lay the
1 of anytatag ta^thta Bat 8S0l4t
for steady,.
tin paw. Only alx per cent tatriesL
at A partlcuUr ppal ovecT Tbmafiiy wniA the Istar.relddts ages, taa early He XUboaaeed a oofffilB afi pareM
rapid rise to the highest
jeaOy much riieaper to tata a hone
aftxraoon for yean, therontfjy enjoy­ tnodmn pariad, and ao on-ta tbe third
yon wire to gs: IB
than to rent onA UttU A She '
ing tbe immnnts of eurtority and ap- republic. ; . '

on redPd
_______ . ..______
222 Front streeL
planaa mroaadtag from tbe gsping
Read wr Tre caat ad.
crowd wWda ha fieerivsd. VodoaMf
FOR 8ALE-40d, 8 onto A Uad; top
bmr thri ha tsspsd ssy ottMT m
Ctothlng Ca.
dirt i oentA ffl dbt 6 ootatA B. J.
It will pay you to en
Cotte, 427 Momm atreet. CSh
phoaa sn. Dlit at west end of

Ftqs THE ilesMn


... .

Eagle Want Ads


Improves the flavor
and adds to t^^ea^fulness of the food.




The Place for



Traverse City



— -


iraverse €lty Bosiliess CoHege


smmi EMt VMM St.
OserSlafsrSewiBff Kaddne OSee.

third t*.


fORffir TO U3AN e'l
. _
•ny. to rema to aare-: i gtawtaad.

- -




pm Ttvo


TEAVKBSE CgW.iM^fcAK. BiiCTaBAT, SEPT. 9, 1905.

&Ae Amateur Cracksman
No. I of th« S«rle»
I Mtoned
a last de9p»ate Kfort. - 73ie scene of
■j disaster was modi as
I bad left It Ibe bascarat conntera still strew­
ed tfae table, witb tbe eiDptr
and tbe loaded aab trays. A window
bad been oi*cned to let tbe smoke
and was letting In tbe fog Instead.
BatDes blmseH bad merely discarded
hli dining jacket for one of Ills Innumerable blaxers, yet be arched his
ejdwows as tbongta I bad dragged him
from his bod.
*Torgottcn aomeUilngr’ oald
Wben he saw me on his mat
*7(0,'' said I. poshing past blm wltboet cerraouy. And I led tbe way into
hk room
to myself.
**£101 come back for yonr rerenge,
bare you? Because I'm afraid I can't
glre It yon alpgle banded. I waa sotry
myself that tbe otbera"- '
We were fece to face by his fireside,
and I cot him abort
"Baffles," said I. “yon may well be
■atyitlsed at. my
back in this
wiy and at this hour. I hardly know
-yon. 1 was norer In yonr rooma before
tnslgbt But I fagged for yon
school, sod you said yon remembe
me. Of comae tbafs no excuse. :

Btmggle for ermy.word, bu5Al

wrote eech of you «
"Not one of them was Worth tbe pa­
per It was written on. Baffles. I am
OTOdrawn already at my tmnk.”
‘Garriy only tor the moment?'"
“No. 1 bare spent OTcrythlng.”
"But eomebody told me yon were so
waU off. 1 besid yon had comd tn for
,“8o I dld-three years ago. It has
been my curse. Now It's all gone-erety penny. les, tve been a foot
lliere never was nor will be sneh
tool as rve been. Isn’t this enough
for you? Why don't you turn me
««tr He was walking up and down
wHh a very km* face Instead.
“OonMn^ yonr people do anythlngr'
. be asked at length.
nhsnk God." I cried. ‘T bsve no
people! 1 was an only child. I «
in for^verythlag there wsa b{y
e aand
eomfort Is that they’re gone

rich carpet that was of a pleos wltt
•vetytblng else In bis rooma There
was no -varlatlan In bis soft and
- • "Ton used b> be a literary Ittk
eon" be aald at length. "IMdn’t yon
edit .tbe mag. before yon left? Any­
way I recollect fagging yon te do my
▼aneo. and literatnre of all sorts Is
tbe very thing nowadays. Any fool
aw "wfa* a living at lb"
. I shook my bead. "Any tool couldn't
Witte off my debts." said L
*^hen yon bare a fist soi
be went on.
"Tm. in Ibnmt atsaeC.*
“Wen, what abcwt'lbe tornltn
"Ihcre’e been a bin
aa<± ter montbir
ABd at-tbat Bafflea etood still, vdtb
rslaed eyebrows and •ten eyes that
I coold meet the bettn now that be
knew tbe worst Thm. with a stamg.
be rammed Bla walk, and far aome
mlnotce heltberst ns epOkA Bot .tn
loved face I read my
fate and death warrant. and with
ermy breeft I cnised my folly and my
eaoae be bad been kind to me at school
ceptaln of tbe rieven end
I hie .fag I hod dared to look for klndMBs^trom liiffl now. Beeanie I was
redasd and be rich enongb to play
sO tbe sofflmer and do nothing
tsr tte reat
the year I bad fian< oi Us marcy. Us eymnst^. Us brip. Tas. I bsd imtsd
beait tor all my ontwozd dlffldoaae and bmnatty, end I wa»-^d«tty
fflhm was'aa
‘•fitif ffl^Uhy In tiut «mtt>g noattU.
Jaw. Jhat -coU Uns

Sr .sir

tan, and you didn't A Ton asked
qnestions, 8101 wonder U yen're.
■’I don't knovt"
1. Bllgbtly pnssled by bl
bis tone.'
'.made saA a
maos of a
myself abont as
I rm Ukely
be trusted by
i yet I never
In my life went
> a triend. I
will Bay that;
trikleb never glanced my way. I causht
mightn't be In
np'my Bab 1 binndeied to my- feeb
“Exactly." aald
desperate man . when 1 cams
I would have gone without a word,
talmaclf lia tbongti
but Baffles stood between me and tbe
bidden train
^ ril bet
get ont of tUs without a' scandal.’
•THifre are you golngr said he.
is' ten years
Again I-SCO' him* leaning back In It's as true ea^
‘That's my buslnees,'' I r^Ued.
ny; we eniy
one of tbe luxurious cbalra with which
won't trouble yon any mote."
his room was furnlHied. I see his In­
“Then bow am 1 to help yofir
digent. athletic figure; bis palA riiarp. Is-really alv
*T didn’t aak yonr help."
dean riiaven fdtSnres: his enriy black
it band over band,
hair; hla strong,
And again 1 feel the clear beam of hla .nothing for a pal—wf
“At nothing in ttt
wonderful eyA cold and Inmlnona as a
Btar.’Bblnlng Into my brain, sifting tbe pleased to cry.
"Not even at a criB
going and what y<
gery secrets of my heart.
"Can’t you guess?”.! cried. And for
"I wonder if you mean all tbat." he
I stopped to tblal
many seconds we stood staring In each
ent mood. I It who can back'his mood changed, and I felt
tng niA yet bis
breaking tbe spell In
dup takes that toOA Now 1 think'
that It brought my last drop of blood It, tOA yon were n plucky little devil In Do mood for
to tbe boU:
at BcbooL Ton once did me rather a
."You shall see." said 1. as 1 st^jped good turn. I recoUecL Bemembtt it.
He lodl^/at
k and wbipped tbe pistol from my Bonny? IVelL wait a bit, and petbapa
wonder aulT'anotbe
I’ll be able to do you a better one
then turned the mai
Give me time to think."
Be got up. Ut a fresh cigarette and of his bead and tfae
my tboffib tbe trigger. Mad with ex­ fell to, pacing the room once morA but that waa all his own
•■Yoo’re a nice
citement as 1 woa. ruined, dlabonored with a Blower and more' tbongfatful
and now finally d
moment and any xrlme I like tbe
Tore. Twice he stopped at my chair
next. What you
1» a drag, my
prise to this day la that I
as though on the point of speaking, but
riien and there.- The despicable satis- eacb time be diecked himself and rp- boy, and yon did w^to come to a de­
faetlan of Involving another In one’s snmed bis stride la slleice. Once be cent iaw.abldlof cHlap with a reputa­
destmetioa added Its miserable appeal threw up tbe window, which he had, tion to lose. "None A less, w« mnet
to my baser egoism, and bad fear or 'sbnt some time bIbca aud stood for hove that money tougfat by book or
horror flown to my companion’s face some moments leaning ont Into tbe fog crook.”
•Tkinl^t. Bafflesr .',
1 shudder to think I ml^t bare died which filled tbi Albany conrtyaid.
•The sooner tbe bdier. Every hour
diabolically happy with that look for Meanwhile o clock ou the dihueyafter

mr last impious consolation. It Ws -plcce struck 1, end-one again for tbe
tbe look that came Instead which held half hour, without a word between ns.
my hand. Neither fearnor horror was
Tet I not only kept my chair wltti
In It, only Wonder, admiration and patteacA bnt I Bcrntred an Incaogrnad you a
sn(h a measure of pleosed expectancy ons eonanlfflity In that half bonr. In­
. NA W€ most nilaalbe-wlad tonight
caused me otter-BlI to iKtcket my sensibly I bad riilfted my harden to and reopen your accoiait flm thing Ur
-Solver with an oath.
tbe broad sbonId«s of this splendid jnorrow. And I ratbw think 1 know
“You devil." I said, "I believe jw Mend, and my thonghts wandered w^.ere tfae wind can U raised."
wanted me to do itr’
“Not qnltA” was tbe reply, made
with a little start and a change of coltbat came too late. “To tell yon tbe

not mistaken In its expression.
"Certainly, ray deur nias." said be;
**as many niiuntcs ns you like. Hare a meant tt. and I rw nerer more fasci­
BnlUran and sit duwu." Aud be band- nated In my lifA I never dreamed you
« bis sllw clgat^e <ai»e.
bad ssdi stnff In yon. Bonny.' No. I’m
" satd.L flu^ a f^ r^ as
-and 1 wont sit dowu. tliauk yon. Nor
will yon UKk me Xj <1u olllicr when
<yon’re biai-d trtist 1 hu\ o say."
■. ligiuiiiR hit
. rl^rrrtr widi oiio <-tc:ir l>lui> eye upon
me. "How dayoii ki:nwr
*7Secaase you'll s>rob:ibly sbotr )
. tte door." I it>«1 liUtc rly. “aud yoi
beJnstiUni in doing It! But It's,
use beating ulK>ut (be Uusb. You know
1 dlt^>ped over r.*00 Just iwwT"
He Doddnl. .
*7 badu'l tbe money In my po^et'

-V -Si

iSan’t eatth me etand and look on a
seeoiffl tlm& We most think of eotne
way ont of the mess. I bad no idea
yon were a chap of that sort There,
let me bare tbe gnn.”
One of hU bands fell kindly on my
abon)der. while the other slipped
my overcoat pockeb and I suffered blm

m '

hanged If tbe beggar Isn't In bed and
aaleep after all.'"
TYe bad turped Into Bond street and
had baited on tbe curb a tew yards
«Dwn on tbe right Baffles was gasihg op at some windows aooos tbe
road, windows barely dleccnilble
throngb tbe mist and without tbe glimmer of a light te throw fftem ont Th^
were over a jeweler’s shop, as I conld
see by tbe prepbole In tiie shop door
and tbe (irlffltt tight boning wlQila.
BW tbe entire roppw part" with tbe
private street door nest tbe riiop. was
black and blank as tfae sky
aky Itself.
“Brtter give It up for tonight" 1
urged. “Sorely tbe morning will be
time enoogb.“
“Net a bit of it" said Baffles,
bare fate key.
k^. We
Well' surprise him..
Cone ahag.’
And, seising my right arm. be harried
me across tbe road, opened tbe doer
with hla latchkey and In anether mo■oit had shut It swiftly but softly
behind ns. We stood together In tbe
dark. OutsidA a mesaored ste|i was
approaebing. We hod beard It through
tfae fog as w« croesed ti>e street Now.
es It drew Lrarer. my compeoion'i
finger* tljfliteDed on my arm.
“it may be tbe cfaap himself," be
whispered. ' “He’s the devil of a nlgbf
bird. .\ot a Bonnd. Bnuny! We'll
tic the life out of him. Abr
The mcasnred step bad pasffld wttfaont a pause. Bsffles drew s deep
brestb. snd bis slngnlsr grip of

oed is the same whlapei. •TTeTl Uke e
rise om of him wherever be Is. Blip off
yonr shoes and follow mn”
Well, you may wonder et my doing
so. but you cas never have met A. i.
Baffles. Half bis poww lay In i
dilating trick. of sinking tbe___
mender In tl# leader. And It was Im­
possible not to follow (ws .who led
wltb such a ««L Ton might qneaUon.
bnt you follcnved first So now. wbco
I heard blm kick off his own abosA
did tbe bBme and waa on tbe atain at
bU beds before t realised wbat an eitnerdinary way waa this of sppr
htg a stranger for money In tbe dead
of nlgbt Bnt obvlonsly Raffles snd
be were on exceptional terms of inUmecy, and 1 could not but Infe' that
they were In tbe habit of playing prac­
tical jokes npon eacb ether.
We groped o« way so slowly upatslra that 1 bad time to i
J.^-eoe note-before 'we r
reached ^


Baffles had the subtle power of making
himself Irresistible at will. He wna
beyond Comparison tbe most masterful
sere subjecUoD of tbe weaker na­
ture to tbe stronger. The forlorn hope
which had brongfat me to tbe Albany
WAS turned as by magic into an almost
staggering sense of safety. 'Baffles
wonld help me after'all. A. J. Raffles
all tbe
ly to my side. So far, tberefoiA from
reslaUng bis action. I caugbt and clasiK
ed bis hand with .a fervor as mtccoi^U^ble as tbe frei^ whldi bad pre- with my eyes as the mlnntes pkssdd.
Tbe room was the good sized, square
a yon!" 1 cried. Torglvo one, with the folding doon, the marble
mantelpiece and the gloomy, old fash­
ioned distinction pecnllar to-tbe Al­
In my extremity,
tbou^ I well knew bany. It was charmingly famlehed
claim upon yon. SOU, and arranged, wltb -the rt^ amoant
tbat I h
for the old school's sake—the soke of of taste. Wbat struck me most how­
old times—I thou^t you might give me ever, was tfae absence ot tbe usual in­
another duincc. If yon wooldn't. I signia of a cricketer's dem Instead of
meant to blow out my bralnA and will tile conventhmol rack ot war worn
still If you change your mind."
bats a carv-ed bookeoae, wltb every
In truth I feared tbat it was hang­ Bhelf 'ln a litter, filled tbe better part
wall, and where I looked for
ing. w itb' to-iipresaloA even aa 1,
-spoke, and in. spite of Ills kindly tone ^eketing groupe I found rri>n>daeand kindlier use of my old school nlA- tlons of such works aa “Love and
name. Bis next words showed me my Oeatii" and “Tbe Keswd Damoxel" In
dusty framea and different, paralleta.
*miat a boy It Is for Jumping to con- The man might bare beep a minor
cluslonB! I have ny viceA Bonny, bnt
Iter. But there had always been a
bsrilng and filling Is not one of tiiem.
Bit down, my good fellow, and have a fine streak of aestbetlclsm In his com­
dgarette to soothe your nerves. I In- plex composition. Some of these very
BlsL Wlrisky? Tbe worst thing, foe plctnree I bad myself dusted In bis
yuA Here's some coffee that I was study at school, and they set me thinkbrewing wben yon came 1a Now
of tbe little incident to which be
listen to me. You speak of ‘anotbCT
diance.' What do yon mean? Anoth­ bad Just referred.
Everybody knows bow largely the
er chance ot baccarat? Not U I know
it You -think the lock must tnni. tone of n pnbllc school depends on tiiat
Snppoee It dUn't We abonld only «f tbe eleven end on the character ot
have made bad worse. Na mg dear
diap, yon've plunged enough. Do .
hdfe never heard It denied tbet
put yonrself m my hands or do yon m A. J. Rafflee' time «nr tone
not? YetT well, then you plunge no good or that aurii InfitMaice aa he
morA and 1 undertake not to present bled to exert waa on tbe eWe of Jhe
my d>eck. l-ufortanately there
angelA Tet it was wt^pered-la tbe
tbe other mcA and still more onfortn^ griwol tbet be was to the habit of pa­
s!tely, Bunny, I'm as bard np at this rading tbe town at nlgbt In loud checks
moment as you are yourself."
and a false besrd. It was wblqrered
ay tnm tn stare at BafflcA and disbelieved. 1 alone knew it for a
fact, for nlgbt after nlgbt bad 1 pnlled
Bow am 1 to sit here and brilevwtiwt'
tbe rri>e np after blm wben tbe rwt of
■"Did I refuse to believe It of yonr
asleep and kept
ba Ntnrned. smiling. "And with yonr awake by tbe britr to let It down ag^
own axperlence do yon think tbat be- on a glv«B-*l*naL *eU. one nlgbt be
canse a fellow has rooms In this place was overinld and aitbto an ace of '
two and pi
and belongs to ^Inb or tw«
a Bttie erick<.^ most
have a balanra
bank? I tril treordinary nerve on bis part aided
donbtlesB by SMce Uttie presence of
yoA my dear man. ti^ti^t this
ti momi
mind on mloA averted that onto
rm as hard np os jtin cter wera
molt and nojnen need be said Of a
have nothing but my wite to Uve a
obeolntely noUilng rise. U was as
tobave foEgotiea It in tbipwlng
nsemsiry for me to wlu same money
this eranlng as it was for yon We^n myaelf on this man% mmey tn my dcaperatiim. And I was
* ' '
In tbs nme boat, Qjmny. We't
ps& togedxr.”
-Temrnmr l jampad. atjt "Tn taetfl
elthsr whan he atotmed anfi ataod a
^ uytblag In this worid for yoA
bfclJ Jfflkl. rtf Ton ypiSy fflfflfi tW raychslroacettoiA

*Toa OSA I'm known to tbe police,"
laivMa Baffles as we peM Ob "Poor
gevltt! They’regottokeeptbeltweatber eye o^ on s night like tills. A tog
aisy bo e bore to yon and oe. Bonny.
ITS a perfect godsend to tbe crimliiedally «o tete In their

'“At S-o'ckxi to tile momUigr’
“But how-bat wbere-at such
h'roiu a Mad of mine b
In Bond

ooontered tratiiiiig on tfae damp wait
Those of Biy left trailed thron0i
dost that could be felt on tbe banleterA An eMe'eensatlco bad be«i np­
on me Ttoce we entered tbe bouse. It
tocroased'nitb every step WCfUmbcd.
Whet bernilt were we g^ngtq startle
We eame to e landing. The banis­
ter* led us to tbe left and to tbe left.
BgalA l-'oar stapa more and we wo«
anotfaer and a longer landing,
sodtlei•niy B luatdi
h biased
Baab'was bllodtog. 'Wben my eyes'
became accustomed tb tbe light there
was Raffles holdtog up the match with
one band and shading It wltb tbe other
between bare boards, stripped walls
and tbe opeu doors of empty raoau.
"Where have you broogbt-mer I
cried. “The boose la
Waitr be whlspmd. and be
led tbe wa.v Into one of tbe empty
rooms nii mateb went oot as we
croseed tbe
anotber witbont the aUghtrst nolsA
Then he stood wltb bit beri; to mA
nateb away there i

“Re most be a very Intimata Mend."
■Tntimate's not the word. I have
he ran of his place anf a latchkey
all to myself.” ~ ou would knock him up et tids
hour of tbe ulgbiT'
"If be's to bed."
“And. It’s essential that I fflwald go
don't tore tbe Idea. Baffles.”
"Do yon prefer tbe ultcmatlve?" sav­
ed my cwnpanlon. with a sneer. "Xa
hang It tiiatis -eofalrr’ be cried apoiogetfcally ln the mme breath. “I quite
nndMStand. It's a beastly ordeal. Bnt
It wonkl never do for yon to ahay out­
side. I tell you wbat. yon riiall have
a peg before we etart—jnst one.
Tliere's the whbifcy. bere’f « siphon,
and ni be putting on an overcoat
while yon help yourself."
Well. 1 dare say.I did so With some
freedom, for this pUn of bit was not
tfae less distasteful to me from Iti e^
parent inerltabttity. 1 moot owa how­
ever tbat n poaseosed fewer tamrs
hefora my gias* was empWj- ««•»rihlle Bafliee rejotoed niA.wttb a eoveri coat over bis blaser asfi a soft frit
bat set'carriaBSly o« tiip cnrly baad bs
shook wltii a smile ks t pasaed blm tfae
"Wben we come back." aald bA
-Wortc, first PlV •ftrewatd.. Do yon
aee wtafat day tt tor be adM. taartog
a leaflet from a Sbakeapeatean calen­
dar as I drabiadI my glatA 'Varefa
The Ides of March, tfae Mw of
r<h. rememtwr.' fflt. Bunny, my
boy?T T
And. wltb a lanffli. he threw
ooels an tiie fire, hefcce tattling down
the gat like a eanfnl heweboUer. Bo
we west oot togriber aie tfa« dock on
tfae chimney pteee was atriklng
Piccadilly wwas A trench ortaw white

Among Hy BoOks
1 br^ pleesaat deys
tbonfflits of a healthy person are u
ly happy meo, but with.'cloudy, atormy
days how easy U U to let tbo Nouds
get into our mtads. To avoid this I
ad<9ted a Uttle plaa In my >*tldhnnd
and it has been to belptnl to me and
to myA^hOdran. aa weU as t» othera,
I ihmt to UB-yoo of tt FpiaRtlyaone
tfyon alread/'hae the sdme mathod,
eo, yon will bo all ttio more
pieoaed to have me teO It It is ]ust
simple tblBg: leani a bit of cheer,
ful verse and wbm. yon tori, tbe least
bit down-cast say It Over and
ontU it awakens aa eriio somewhere in
yonrbelng. If yon are with others on
ed Ire the ripnds -ontaide and ordi­
nary oemmatians and even gamea fail
keep off “tbo Muse" as aome peo­
ple ate fond ot caRtog tbeir doletnl
dumps, Jnst try this plan to tbe form
of a UM gamA la-tbtt way:
Let each one read or repeat taim
memory a verae snitable to tbo day and
tending to cheer. For
we will
imagine a game where John repeota
The Rainy Day,", by LotigUlov;
Mary frilows with:
"The cloode bad been heavy and black,
au day.
I.faad looked for tbe m In vato.
But sweet and eleer,
maple near.
The robin atng In the ralA
Oh boya and girls, who alt and alffli.
And of dreary days complain.
In shade and eim.
Work bravaly on.
Tbe robbiiis ring in tbe rato."
Greadfflotber’s voice from her easy
chair trils ns:
"Oft a Uttle morning rain
Foretrils a pleaaant day.
are clonda ot gloom.
But tbeee are transient aQ.
If tbe riiower wOl make tbe rases
O, why regret lU ftUr
And grandmother adda her tavortte;

WUb the opening dt the faU school
term Uie problem of ihe chUdren's outflitting becoffice once'more of vltol
tolerett to every mother. How to re­
model tbe leftover wardrobe so tbat
wUI look presentable and fresh.
and what to buy tn newn
garmeots that wilt be practical and in
good taste/ AU this must be scoomthe llffilU
set for jndieiooa expendltnre.
. Rereodelllftfi.
The various stylee of suspenders
frocks lend tb»nsrivee eepeclaUy weU
mnodelUng— Last year's waist
a wlU easily snpplv
for tbe
• as any pledng neceesary
can be hidden by braid or velvet
tons that are
some of tbe newest models shown
uptoHUte plscee In Mew Tork.
For lengthening the skirt varions «

"Nevar deaprirl tfever deqatr!
Tbe rionds may took Mack.
But the son tn his track
.Is ahtaitog I
And win surelr e
Tbe -wares may be deep, aad' tbe
night may be dark.
But tbe God of the storm Is griding
the artt,"
Then, If -thm la a stager prenent.
we Ittten to “O Dry Thoee,Teera”.end
remember that "rioads wUl be stm-

hand wben the winds blow higk, r»
peau softly, as bait to henrif, Car»llae Mtaen's little poem.
“En VoyagAWUdiever way the wind doth Mew.
Bobu beert Is glad to have tt no:
Tbmi. blow It east, or blow tt vari.
Tbe wind that bienra, that vlnd «

My Uttle craft arils not alone:
A thousand fleets from every som
Are nut npon a tbonmad eeas;
What blows' for one a tavoiiag bresM
Might ^Lsh anotber 'wUb the shock
Of doom upon some hidden rock.
And so I do not dare to pray
Pot winds to waft me on my way,
B« iMve it to a higher win
To BUy or speed mA trotting sUU
That so Is weU, and sore that He
Who Usnebed-my bark wlU sail wltb
Tbrongfa storm and calm, and will not
Whatever breeses may prevail,
To.tand'Jha.^every. peril post,
lin the aheltated haven at b
ThcA whataoever wind 4oth blow.
My heart Is glad to bare It ao{
And. blow It mat. or blow It west,
Tbe wind tbat blowA that wind is .


children as they do tor the mown vps
with Mohair quite as nsefri as ever
and to Veavee so different from the
old time ones that it Is not raoogalaable except to tbe Initiated. <%lldren'a
apparel of ril soru gets the hardest
kind of wear and'shonld be chosen
with this tact to mind. MrierUls
should be ot goo^ qnaUty and colon
srieeted should be such es win stand
washing or expoeare to the son or

One of the meet Imponant potoU
both for the sake of appearance and of
comfort is the dressing of tbe feet
Shoes most be hot only smart look­
ing bnt should be built on orihopoedic
lines lb aid to the o
of tbe growing feet, and stocktogs

1 etepped forward to M* ov« ble
Bhoolder. but before 1 eonld do so be
bod turned and . flashed a tiny lantern
to my tacA
-n'hat’s tblar* i ga«ed. "What totton trick are you gotag to playr’
"Itia played." ba aaewoed. with hie
qnletlanlL '
''Pm afraid aA Bnnay."
-la torn no one la the booK. ffl«r


"So It was mere diaff abont yonr
friend In Bond sliest who could let us
have that roon^?"
Danhy (sat
‘The jeweler mideaeath."
dawned npoi x
noo«y from the jeweterr
“WriL not exactiy-"

ityhtott. and 1 had takes dooa And
there I stood startog at .Um'ln tint
empty rwm. and there be etood, wttfa
Us dsrk tootOA laoffliliig at mA
"A burglari* 1 gsaped. “Toa-yonr
-I ^ yon t lived by my wltt."
“Why conldn't yon tell me what yon
ng todo? ?? Wire mnet j
mended, plqaed tp tbe
my liortw.
"I wanted to tril yod." aald be. “I
the point (f tdling yw more
tban ODOA Ton may remember bow
eonnded yon about MmA tbongb
yon hare probaWy forgottortohat yoa
aald yonradt. I didn't think yon meant
It at tbe UffiA bnt 1 thought Td put
you to tbe teeL Now 1 see yoo didn‘t
and 1 don't blame yoA 1 to
bUtoA Get ont of It, my dear boy. os
qm^ os yon eoA Laare it to mn
.Ton won’t give me away, vriatever
yoo dA”
"A Wg^ctofflapasA JOa flesdlffl
(OastiBoad os Paga «a


pedlenU are emtlfffi. buds of oootnstlng matelB]''«varlrid bttb braid
may be naed or if aome of tbe original
patten la in band, tucks may be
modlebly used as a trimming ud the
e and CeloVA
R-faere the susp^tder frodt
plain material the wrist is oftes et
plaid and always to oontraating eSeet.
Plridi are also mbdbhly employad for
tbe dressee and tbsn plain ooiored
materirie are «aad fW the wrist Sev­
eral different -walaU are -worn with
rilk or hoarier woob for colder wegthFashieasMe FihrtoA

should be wril shaped ud subotuU^l so that they are not coottouUy
.wrtoktlng.riri on tbe sohjeet ot the
Buster Brown rieefclng (now eo gu‘
oelly known) dUldreo ud moaen
are to perfect' harmeay—the ftffmsr
dril^ted to find eo dnnble'u axttttA
(me which saves them to a groat arisstt
tram tbe labor of eooatgiit fii'istor
‘Iher* aaems to be a reritaMe erase
for uytblng that pertrina to tbe iria: (Devons Buster. Tfae proper wsaUng
, of ehlldrea'e stocktogs to ot great
importuce If they ar^ tb keep their
shape and eelar pwfeoUy. The .
not rinse the
rioefclftgs eufflelswUr- ond aey inm
them, fflooklags . shorid nerer be
ireoed. but sttotohed aad drtad




S.*o.“2??S"SS^ “

pUce which ..
tie window In tbe door. Elsewhere all
was aa it bad been left OTKnlgbt And
bnt for a train of aaiigled doors be­
hind tbe iron cnttaln, a bottle of wine
and a cigar bos wldi wblcb UbettSes
bad been Uken. a father bU<k towti
In tbe laratory, * burnt inatdj here
asd there and oor finger maika on tbe
duty bannlsten not a trace ot oar
Tlatt Old we lenre.
"Had It in my bead for longP’ aalfl
9gfflea as we .strolled tbipngh tbs
' bets toward dawn, for all tba world
tbottgb we were retonUng from a
•bent the todt picking, •eeiag that «w dance. "Ka Bnnn>, 1 never tbgogbt
lock bad baffled tu atmdy, ^ my of It till I saw that upper part empty
about a montta ago and bought a few

56e Amateur
(CoDtlanM fmo PM* P)t*->
ckrtreess? Bad te 'TaHefi back «b
tbrentB. coercion, snem, •« might hive
been diffmiit eren >-et But be set
me free to leare biro In the hireli. He
would not bisroe me. He did not ecen
bind Die to Fccrecy. lie trusted me. ^
knew ni.v weskness and my. I
atrengtb and wss playing on both
bli master's touch.
“Kot ao fast." aald i: "DM I put
tbla Into your bead, or were you going
to do It In any case?"
"Kot In any case.” aald Baffles. “It's
true I're had tbe key for daya. but
when 1 won tonight 1 thon^t of
dioclclng it, for. as a matter ot fact


your man."
“That tetUee It
“Tou metp Itr'
"Tes-for ioui*iji.
“Good old Bnnnyr' he murmured,
bolding the lantern for one moment to
my face. Itie next be iftu explaining
tla plau and I was nodding, as though
we bad been fellow creckamra all our
“I kpow the abo;),” be whispered,
“because Tve got a ffw tbings there.
I know thto upper part too. Ifa been
to let for n mouth, and I got an order
to view and look a cost of the key be­
fore using If. The one ^ng I don’t
know Is how to make a odnnectloa be­
tween the two. At present there's
ne. M e may make It op here, though
1 rather fancy the bisementVyaelf.
If you wait a minute I'll tell you.”
He set bU lantern on tbe floor, crept
to « back window aud opened It with
scarcely a sound, only to return, abakIng his head, after shutting the win­
dow with the same care.
‘That was our one chance.” said he,
“a back-window above a back win­
dow, hot It's too dark to see anjghlng,
and we daren’t show an outside light.
Cone down after me to tbe,basement
and remember, though there's not a
soni on tbe premises, you can't make
too little noise. There—there—listen to


stopped to mat. Ttit truth U that
was settling into oar netarioos tmdsr> paid for them; but by dove, I will totaking with an iBrelntary seal ot morrow, and If tttat isn’t poetic Jnewhliffll
.................................. tka what laT One visit tiiowed me
tbe potolbUlties of tbe place, but a
•ecohd' of its impoaMd‘«Maneed. 1
blUtiea without a paL 8o 1 had pncticaSy given up tite Ida when yon
veiy m^t and in
came along o
It! Bnt
Bl here wears
erar brought bh nny honest
lire left for I don't know bow yon
tloa. And ttun knelt A. J. Baffles, feel. Bonny, but for my part I’m as
wltti Us bla^ half tumbled and the cold as Keats’ owL”
ntciitn]. quiet, dstmmlned half
He could think of ^ta oo bis way

At last tbe (ftalB of boles was <
plete. tbe
-wmtfflsd out bodily and
and a splendid bare arm plunged vp to
tbs shonldM tbrough tbe aperture and
fflrou^ tbs bats of the Iron gats be­
•TJow,“ whispered Baffles, If there's
only one lock IfU fie In tbe middle.
Joy!' Here It la! Only let me pick It
and we-ie througb at last**
He withdrew hla arm. a skeleton
was selected from tbe bunch, and 1
back weiit hU arm to tbe ahoulder. . It
waa a breathleaa moment I beard the
heart throbbing In my body, the very
watch ticking In my pocket and ever
anon tbe tinkle-tinkle of tbe skele­
ton key. Then-at last-“there came a
single unmistakable click. In anotbef
minute tbe mabogany door and Iba
Iron gate yawned bdilnd us, and BafAm was sitting on an office table, wip­
ing hU face, wltti the lantern throwing
a steady beam by bis side.
We were now In e bare and roomy
lobby behind the abop, but separated
therefrom by an iron curtain, tbe very
Bl^t of wUch filled me with despair.
Baffles, faowever, did not appear In the

had beard-before on tbe flagstones out­ and bet o
f this curtain with bis
side. Baffles darkened his lantern, and
again we stood moUonleas tUI It had lantern.
•That’s nothing," *ild be after a min­
“WeTl be ttirougb
’ he muttered.
that In no time, bnt there’s a door on
ffle other side wUch may give us trou­
o wateb. He'a almply. ble."
“Another doocl" 1 groaned. "And
how do you mean to tackle this thlngr*
» crept T«T gingerly dou
“Pry It up with the Jointed Jimmy.
stairs, wbl^ creaked a biya spite of
US, and we picked up our fSoes to the Tbe weak point ot these Iron curtains
ge; then down
uomc uarro\ ____ la the leverage you can get from be­
steps, at tbe tout of wUcb Bafflea low. But It makse a noise, and this la
showed Us ligbtknd pot on hla ihoea where you’iA«amlng in. Bunny. This
tsssfey me do the same In t$ where 1 couldn’t do without you.
a ntber lander tone than be had per­ must have yon- overticad to kno^
mitted himself to employ overhead. throng when the atreetb clear, i’ll
We were now considerably below tha come with you and show a light.'
Well, you may imagine bow little I
level of the street In a small space
with as many doors as It had aides. liked the prospect ot this lonely TlgD,
there was something vciy
Three were ajar, and we saw throug'i
them Into empty cellura, but In tbe
In the
fourth a key waa turned and a bolt whldi It involved. Hitherto I had been
drawn, and this one presently let os
mere spectator. Now I was to take
art In the game. And ibe fresh ex­
well ot tog. A BlmlUr door
ilement made me more than ever In­
aousa dlls ares, and Baffles had the sensible tojbose conalderatlcina of donlantern close agslnat it and was bid­ science and of safety wUch were aling die Ugbt witb bit body when- a
abort aud sodden crash made m
took my poet wlOiout a murmur
heart eund sUII. Next moment I aa-v in the front room above the tbop. Tbe
■the doof wide open end Baffles Bteml- fixtures bad been left for tbe retuaal
log within and beckoning me with a ot die Incoming tenant, and fortunatsJUnuir.
ly for
"Hoar No. 1.” be whispered. "Deuf-o bunds, which were already down,
cDows how many more dicre'l) be. but was the simplest matter In theworldto
stand peeping through tbe laths Into
have to make much noise over the n the sttset, to beat twice with my foot
Mther. Down here there's less risk."
when anybody was approaching and
We were now at the bottom of the once when all wag clear again., Tba
exact fellow to tbe narrow stone stiilr noises that even I could bear below,
wbldi we Lad Just descended, the yar.l, with the exception of one meUIUe
or well, being the one part common Tti crash at the beginning, were Indeed
both the private and the buslnew
...................but they ceased alto(iremises. But this flight led to no
open* passage. Instead a alogulaily
rnlld mokogniiy door contented ns at
the top.
“1 ibontflit 80." muttered Railk-=, watriiman oftcDer still during the bet­
hauUtiig me the lantern and pookcriug ter part of an hour that I spent at the
a bundi of skeleton keys after uiu- window. ODce.lndeed.mybeartwaaln
~ was when
perlng for a fdw minntes with the la -k..
3d peered
••It’ll be an hour's work to get tbromrli
throng the peephole Into tbe ligbted
shop. I waited for hla whistle. 1 wait­
•SJant you pick Itr
Bnt my
"No. 1 know these locks. It’s uo
use trying. M'e roust cot K out and signals had been atudlouBly obeyed,
and the man passed on In nndtotorbed
It’ll take
It took us forty<seveu minutes by
and retraced my steps wftii
niy watch, or, rather. It took Baffli-s. my turn
itod matthee down the broad stalls,
end never In my life have I seen miy- lights
- My part down the narrow ones, across the area
was simply to stand
b the di:ik and up Intqffle lobby where Baffles
awaited me with an outstretched hand.
lantern In one band
"Wril done, my boyf aald ba
tie of rock oil In the other. Rallies
, had produced a pretty embrolden-d
ease, intended obviously for bis raxora.
but filled Instead with the toote of his
And hertf#
secret trade, including tbe rock oil. _ _ _ _
From this case be aeledted a bit sometblng else I round In thto locker/'---,-sspsble of drUUng a bole an Inch In very decent port and. some cigars,
meant for poor, dear Danby a buslneaa
diameter and fitted it to.a email
triands. Take a poll, and f<u>
rery strong steel .bract. Iben
took off hla covert coat and his blascr. Uriit op presently. I’ve found a lava­
spread them neatly on tbe top step, tory, too. and we must have a wash
kndt on them, tamed up hla shirt and brash up before we go. tor Tm aa
cub abd went to work with brace sod black as your boot"
n>e iron cortato waa down, but be
btt sear the keyhole. Bnt first be oiled
Ibe Wt to mlDlmlu tbe noiae. and this Insisted until I could
poep through tbe gtags door ou tbe
be did InvarUbly betoe-beglBni]
ott« tide and see bis bandiwork lo
tbe'Aop beyond. Here two-electric
It took thlrty-ti
ligbts wen left buralng all nl^t long,
and In ffleir cold white rays I could at
tor orifice Bafftoo dinwt a foreflng^; first see nothing amias. 1 looked along
an orderly tone, an empty gtosa oourn
tbes as tbe drde became an
lengthening oval be gut hla hand tar on my left, glast cupboards ot un­
tbrangb up to the thumb, aad^ beard touched silver on my right and, fadng
me. tbe filmy blsA eye of the peepblffl awesr softly to hlmaetf.
brie that rime like a stage moon on
tbe street Tbe eeanter bad not bea
by Baffles. Its contents wsia
“An iron gate on ffle other elder
. *Sow on earth are we to get thtvngb bl tbe Cbubb*! safe, which be bad dva up at a glanae. Nor had be looked
fflMr 1 Baked In dismay.
ailvac. except to cbtxm a clgarrtte <hae for me. He bad confined
himself aUrely to ffle shop window.
eeewed for tbe old>t by ranovable
waid. It won't open two bubce m If pasris with aaparatt lochs. Batfiss
bM rgBSffgfi ttaD a fewbenraheh—

were loosed wlthlo me. and tbe plain
Sngltoh of our adventure mahed
me as cold as l<^ Baffles waa
glar. I had helped
him 1
myself by his fire and watch him
empty his pockets as though we had
done nothing wonderful or wicked.
Uy blood frate. Uy heart aickenk.
My tbrain whirled. How I had Uked
this Vvlltolo! How I bad admired blml
( ud admiration i

I saw that be was emptying his
pockets. Tbe table sparkled wtth tbelr
board. Bln^' by tbe
sowe, bracelets, pendants.

bayonets ot ll^t danllng me^bllndkig me—making me disbelieve because
1 could no' -looger forget Last ot all
came no gent Indeed, bnt
own re­
volver from an Inner pocket And that
struck a chord. I suppose I said aomotbing—my band flew oot I
Baffles now as he looked at
mote with a hi^ arch over each clear
eye 1 can see him pick oot the ca>
tzidges with his quiet cynical smile
before he would give me my. pistol
back again.
•Tou mayn’t believe It Bunny,” aald
be, "bnt I never carried a loaded
awkward If anything Wrent wrong.
One might nse It and that’s not tiie
game at aU, though 1 have often
fflonMit tost the mnrdoer who bea
jMt done the trick must bare .peat

Tbe eelebniCed Adgle

Otter ttttraetlong of a
Mfveloiu nffltnK. FREE

IM& !
ReAoced rates os sU



rallroadfi of one fare to
Pacing and
Craod Rsplds mad retorn'*
Write S. J. Weber, Sec'r, 'RannIngRaces every day.
for all Information. 69
No extra charge for '
Pearl St#« Grand Rapids,
admiaalon to tbe Races.

West Michigan State Fair

Sept 18-19-20-21-22, 1905.
Prifilfflis for Agriciilfiiral
$25,000 Cash Prizes.
Horses, Cattje, Swine,

bert'a Hues
fonodl.v tro
like tbe lUe aa mudi as I do.’.'
“Like Itr*'! cried oot "Not II It’s
no life for me! Ooce Is aougb!"
’Ton wonl^D't give me a bsod aootber time?"
“Don’t ask me. Baffles. Don't ask
roe. for God’s aaker
"let you aald you would dp anytiiing for me. Vou asked me to name
^ crime. But I knew at the time
you didn't mean It Tou didn't go
bark on me tonlriit and-that on^t to
satisfy me. goodnesi koowsl 1 aup-.
pose I'm angratefnl sod nnrcaaouable
^ all that 1 ought to let It end at
this. But you’re the very man for me.
Bunny, the—veiy—man! Juat think
bow we got throu^ tonight - Not a
scratdi-not a hltcb. There's nothing
very terrible to It you see. There nev­
er would be while we worked together.”
He was standing to front oC,mg with
a band on either shoulder. He was
smiling aa he well bow to
emlle.. I turned on my heel and planted
my elbows oo tbe dtimney piece and
mj burning bead -between my band*.
Next Instant a atlU heartier haul bad
fallen on my back.
“AU right, my bqyl Yon are quite
right, and Tm worse than wrong. I'll
never ask It again. Go If yon want yi
■nd come again about midday for tbe
cash. There was no bargain, but of
course IH get you oot of your scra^
esperiaUy after tbe wgy you’ve stood
by me tooUfit" ..
1 wai Tonod again with my blood
*TU do It asato.M said through my
. .
He eheak Us head, Ttot you.'" he

him. Don’t look eo dlstreaeed. my . T wUirTAted. wtth an oatiL “TD
I've never bad thoee aensa- tend you a band aa ofta aa you Ufca.
dear chap.
tlahB, and I don't sup^e X ever shall” What doet tt inatttr now? I’ve bea
“But thto mu<h you have done be- to it once, rn be to tt again. I've
gone to the devil aoybow. 1 can't go
forer saidJ boarsely.
"Beforet Hy dear Bnnuy. yon offend back and wouldn't if I could. Noth­
me. Did It look like a first attenptl ing matters another rap When you
want me Ttp your man."
Of course I have done It befora'
And that Is bow Baffles and I Jrined
tolontous foFca on toe idea of Marrii.
stroy tbe riiann,
as a matter of faet.unlsM Tm
Bow the Test-1 viral-.'Were I

8. J. WEBER, Secretary.
89 Pearl Street

Wmnlarfgl Eitibits.

WiiiiiBn's DepartniMt.

of Manufactured Goods.
Elne Pumftnre, Boots
and Shoes, Concrete work,
etc. Actual msnufactur"
Ing going oo with latest
machinery In Mala Hall.

Fjne Baking and Pre­
serve*. Art Needlework
. and Tapestries.
Special prizes In cash.

TC:S9 ». m. and 4:9» p. m.
Train orrivtog at 8:tE a. m.
tog at 4:S0 p. m. hsndlM u._______
nati alemer; other oleepera and -t-i''
Th* Oewpri at M as AssUeS t
cars seeured at Walton.
Are tbe majority of folk of weak toO. P. and T. A, Grand Boplda.
trilect? Is Insanity on toe Increase? C. E MUBRAY. agaut:
Travariw Cttr Mlek.
Are -we aU preparing outselvee f« InaaUe aayinms? Ibeaa ataztltog qneattotts have occurred to me after readtog an article to a medical Journal on D LODOE NOTICES.
toe “gospel ot fat as applied to toe
treatmat of matal disease.” It seems
tost tbe more you tatta up toe men­
tally afflicted the saner they
but of course the dlfflciflty Uea to
vldtog toe lunatic wtth adipose ttosse.
Traterse City Encampment No 71,
as there la nrtolng Uke brain disease to
L O. O. F.. meeU first and third Frti
cause too, too solid flesh to melt
I in each month. Joo. Ltzmley, C.
The aim of moat of us nowadays is to
B. L Davis. Scribe.
keep down' vrtist
triritds, with thatr genius ter using the
Bay Tunt, No U6, K. O. T.
ugUest word f<w eytrytiring, una
mondoy nlfflita to L O. a F.
tranlatogly call "flesh." We bather
balL 0. B. Belgea, Com.; Geo. B. KBtmnrne, B. K.; A. Bobertaon. F. G.
manner of
___ and put rinr—1— toto Ttcriona
Trave... ...
ktoda of straps and pastsa and taka B. 8.. tnaeU
-------------------------------Toesto ll
violent exodae with the atm ot flntog day
. . o...
before earit tuB moon. A.
OBtSfelree down and keeping stautseae Utney. W. H.; F. HsTBand, Secy.
at bay.
DoM this decided
Doeheas Camp. No. 1346. W. M. A.
part ot men and wsinen to avrid corputeDM and tbe-sncceaafni "toll
down" toat.wa notice/m aU sidea
tendinereaae of lunacy? If so, dlettog
Grand Traverse lodge. No. 200. L O.
and the taking of waters and ndfcge
ought to be forbidden by«ct of panto- O. F, me^^every Tueatoy erm^
- NeoL N. G.; Leo Honisby, Sec.
mnt. By the way. Hamlet.was fat
and scant of breath, bnt be was cm
BqnaUty lodge. No. 60S, L O. O. F..
tatoly farfiom sane.—LeodoB World.
meats In Modern Woodman boB Thurs­
day aventoga. Chao. DeFoe, N. Q..
Flgurea on tba U^t and heat of the Cbas. A. Bdgecomb. eecretary.
gen are toe meet etartltog tba*
Travaraa City lodga. No. 223, F. ft A
- ■ Tbe
M. Recutor ebmmunleaaoo Monday
measure toe amount of beat and on
or baton tbe foU of tbe moon. Ellight emitted by -tho sun I7 eetiltlog that file earth li
bnika three hundred mtHliwto Seeratory.
part of It Thus It Is found that to
emy second of time too gun eaitto aa On aooount ot too lut
much heat as wraM remit fron the
of U^JOOQJOOa,O. P. Cmrvar fic Bro.
000 tons of pure coaL It may be totReefing to tlm readw bo know that earii will hfl.ln their offloas during buttoeri
portion of the enn'e surface ns lizgi hours, aaeh day. ready to write
as fills earth emits as mueb heat par
•eemtd as would remit frem toe eonbustion of LOOaoOO.000 tons of tha.1
anthracite fuel.

40S-4Q7 Wilhelm Block. Beoldence ti
and 23 Wynkoop Tarraoe.

In Effect Joiw 9. IMS.
Tratoa leave Travsna City aa triIowa:
Tot Chicago. Datrrit. Triedo. Grand
For Hnrtegtm. Saginaw. Bay City.
Port Huron, 8 am, U:66 am.
For Manlstoe. Ludlngtoa and MBwnukee, 6 am, 11:66 a m, 6:39 %
rot Alden. Bellalre Charievofac and
.Petoskey. 4:60 a. m. 8 a la, 1:86 p.
m, 8:26 p. m.
For Bk Baidds. 8 a m.. l:tt p. mu
6:26 p. m.

a r. tonmsjnp



The principal wind deltiee ’
Boreaa, the north wind; Zeidiyrus, the
west; Auater, the aouth, and Burna, tbe
east tilnd. Tbe first waa remembered
tolefly on accouot ot a love scrape.
He fell to lore with a nymph, bot
could not apeak softly and- tonod him­
self unable to algfa at all. Knowing
that ft waa lnii>osaiblc to make love
Airp gruii
without soft apcptoes and aigbs, be eSrs. Alma, 8U Louu, ftbsca. Owomm,
was about to give up lovemaki
lovemaking aa a
bad Job and go back to his regular HoweU, Ann Arbor. Triedo, and ■
ot blow
southern and easteni potott.
J. J. KISBT. Q. F. A.



5EPT. 6,1MB,


Smoke Jabraus’ Traverse
Belle cigars and you’ll soon
be rid ofif tbe blues.
blues -These ci­
gars furnish the best mild'
and - sweetest smoke
had. Ifavana filled, hand
made. Once u^d, never

lOc per ib.
Choice Calumet
14c per Ib.
J. J. Brezina.
348 Front 5t:



Making and laying. Feathers renovat­
ed . Work thoroughly and promptly
cxeetnte. Agent tor Mtehlgan Rug
M. ft N. E.-TIME '______
Leave Trav. City...9:30 am. 8:6<toJh. Co.. N. B. Gbapto. Prop, Tra.verm mO£t everybody Suffers from the b
- City.
Leave —Plate Biver.l0:33axn.
Relief ? Surely ! Hove plenty of ice
Anjve Honor........ U:04w fiifittoJQ.
Carpet deautog Worts. 823 Wssto aboot the place for lemooade, beer,
togtoD atreeC Tbone Na Ut
ways carried with toem fire from toe
•—whatever you like as a cooling
pobUc bwrth. The Vestal virgins
drink. As to ice supply, your •bea
spent thirty years to service—ten to
plao (s to oonsttit oa. We serve ice
learning tbelr duties, ten io practicing North and south.
promptly, aatiafactorily and at a mod
them,' ten to tetfehing novices. After

tots term had expired they ml^t. If
Tor censonsaon regarding leasoiittey eboee, leave tbe service of tbelr
divine mlstrem or iasrry. bnt few did
and teima coll at Academy of Mosle.
so. Honors were abowerwl upon them.
BeU Phme, Academy 336; autam«’
They rode to durlots. a privilege In
Phone, Raridenca 893
ly hard up J>ld you1 bear about the Borne accorded only to royalty. Tbe Ar. FrukCoit
beet seats to the ampbitiiater 'were
Tblmbleby dlamondar WeU. tfaa
reserved for them. They pardoned oc
the last time, and a poor■ lot of
- AiaArbofii.JiSSSu:"
they were. Then tiiet* w
the Uttle eondearned the gladiators. If a crimi­
We ore oow pamaoeBlly
bnalneas of the Dormer house boat at nal Ua lo execution met a Vestal be
located in the
Haley last year. That waa mint also,
meb as it was. I’ve never brought off
city 3:60 p. m.
a really big coup yet When I do I
Trains tram Pravement and Cedar
riiaU chuck It
City arrive at 8:14 a m.. and Oedat
Tee, 1
Una arrlva at Trav
weU. To think that he was their at>an even tenor regardleea of arae City at t0:M a m. SAd 3:tS p. ^
thorl It waa lncredn)I^ ontrageoua. Inand
F- A fiOTCHBLL. Oen. p.
Then my eyes would fall
tmoo the Ubie. twinkling and dlttap
' on tbelr linen.
Ing in a hundred pUcct, and IneiednA mad will avamga about ao many
Uty waa at an end.
shirts, coUbti and coBs a week when GRAND GAPIDfi ft INDIANA RAIL­
“Bow came you to beglnr I asked be U cutting down oh hla drinks and
as curiosity
cigars and hla tomtw tiriceta. And
In Biraet Jima tStti. 1I0B.
and a faMdnatlw for hla o
this obaarration tacaBs the fact that
Tranl leavM Ttavmaa Qty at 4:46
toe Uundrjmen new bos any Innova­ . m. oounaetlhg tor prints serto.
the old reliable line that
tion In hlB buatoeea. He will rain about
Tntos loava TraTessa City at U:l* Is always on tlma Hock orders a
ao many shirts and coliara and cuflh
flea "It waa In the colonies wte _ every three montbi and never soy a a B., oonnaottog for polnto MTto md speolalty. l moke all tntos'nth hock.
on Weal_____
waa out there playing crKbet I^s too wofd about It or maka any dednetion— south.
Train leaves Tnrane City at 4^
and Jeflerson
long a story to ^ yoa sow, hot 1
If yon keep qnlet-Cblmo^Tribuzie.
avenue, also baU aora lota outride of
In Uvery I con furnish you
a modi
' tbe * « fix tost yon w
city limito faring on Pulton atnet.
Some of tbeee vary fine.
I never meant
TB* noM Botohle flattvol at Atoens
Also land to acre loto or upwards;
but rd tasted blood, and It wu aB was la hsMT at Mtoem. AB flimi*:
doe aoU, very rieaaaut and derirabla
tjra with me. Why should I woM tZelttoansooOto/
Tnte leaves TravriM City at 1:19
wha 1 could steal? Why sritle down
If yon do not want to brild tola year
for potota on Hm Northport
Mui« a hwne for tbe fnttua.
to some.humdrum
Tenu nawnable; would trade for
wba exdtonat romance, danger and
I cos furnish you any kind of owrUge
yon wut I have five taarim and thrw
1 sealed oairlagae to stock, also a nioc

Wm. H. Steffens

Do Yon Wont to Buy?

A Dollar

Drs. Stwycr & Penhille|oa,



KaSIbisttoto rmiltfflfifBHtlMC


^US^Rtras tna ttorthpeui t* wbes'UBMd

to tbltHns Stoto• BiBkaMft






>ma 202 Wilhelm block. CRI«

■• Cheap, Cleaa
•mi aellabia.^.

l-l-' •

,Bn‘ hr Wev. X>- W..SaeMa.
[dwTisW. ««. hr 4»wW* tmm Aaaadutaa)
We have la this
record of
inaurauM and Raal^Mata a river of Urinf wat« lasntng forth 7
to toan. Offea orar A. V. tnai the temple ot'9«eaaMa and
ds’B aboe store.
gowlsg eastward to -.tlie 'Dead sea.
bHi«fiiC Uf* «b6
On ellbtr aide of the rivwwie seen treaa'
*“wS^bS5!****^’ l-2tL^ of anfsaing foliage, fcwlt bearing, tba
frtdt being for meat and the leaf for
medlclDe, or, aa In ttM margin, for
braises and sores. MWrtng to tbe
Famar'B Mntnal, ni'
time to which EseUri tefeia, tbd
■ says in Joel lU. 17,18, '•Soritali
ye know that I am tbetted ymsGed,
dwelling In Zion, my hoB- teeaittaln.
• • and a focstaln ritMl ooow ferih
of file boaae of the Lwd and ahall wa­
ter tbe vallv of BhUBin.'’ Again In
Zacb. xlv, 8. He saya'”And it eball be
In that day that Uring waters ritall go
oBt from Jerusaleia. half of diem to­
ward d>e «««™ sea and batt of them
toward the Under sea In sammer and
la winter shall It be." In yeree 8 of
onr leeson we read of -dv*t" and In
tiM marglD "two riverw" doabtlem the
.... 16M une as ttaoee ot Zectaariah..
Onr^deMetr.M U a portion of Scripue w^ teUa of the fottire tfoty of
OBsaleizL -with its Utetal temple reikthto numerical gnlgma the words
Btbeeu, tbeB^e of tbe city from that aro (Jetured Instead of deacribad.
day a*i»f Jdsovab-ahaiamab (tbe I.ord When the -eleven objects have been
Is there). Tbe contest la Zeefaartab tells rightly gueased and tbe thirty-elx letPoUtoer, par bnabet.........................16e of a riiange In tbe coodgnratiati of tbeaet down to jmset wder, they will
ttrth In and about Jeruaaleni. and form tbe first Une of a famous vene.
ttere la no reason ^ we sbonld not
aigwet a literal folflUment of every
Bijaphecy concerning the land and the
e part of
(liVpK but every reason why we
1 have a
dbonld «9ect it for the mootb ot die
anakoJlke fish.
token It
neurand Faad.
e the pri
principle "UtenO, If
2. Behead a gap and bave atretriii
Hay. per ton.................................. *.
again briieed and bave eror.
pomible." sts^ for aU Bcripi
that ae In tbe story of
AteUtam and Ishmael and Isaac these
ftjngs bed also another leaning, so
Made 1a more ways than one;
tbe lesaon for oar
Bm la a row «r aeada'ln tba ground
wUdt will work out In bs more
Where tbe garOaoar'a wotk waa done.
CoROBaal. H., U A Oo.‘
And note thla method of teaching—
life of ChrKt for to diet end all
Peod. a. eVk OPa I
-We may can It dlaoiplhM.
And here U a amall blMk faced bal
We-U have to <ietmt^ to.
Hannat.. Lay A Co^ Ploor Nlll. bath ahone to onr bearto (If we
;va tnily received Oirist). bat will
BuokwbeaL per buahal...
Prlmato a mouth; finale, a name glvgty shine there as we mericly n to tbe American quaU.
...................... »c
OMSiva His ward to oar bearta (U Cor.
Croaswords; L A certifleata of sto^
ly« Si Ps. dU. 180). A Utetal md In 2. A kind of pOBle. A TO reduce to
& wUdemeu gave fordi Uteral water powder. 4. A violent stream. 6. A aubwldi wblcb Utecal men and. vouaa t)eAa)dsnppesed.t»fiUaU apace. A A
.^ndMd their Uteral thirst (Sk. hvlL kinAM peate uasd-foc food. T. A spe­
Q, bdt die other meaning to-aaan in I cies-of ba'wk. & Tenninatien. 6. To
Uva Stock.
■Oor. X, 4, where wo read, “Ehat iwk dmw back.
R9«t tBRilabad by Wm. 1
na Oirtat”
rlBA ettiasu'gCSaa 686.
,ln Jer. lU 18, G» Dotd epeaks of
All Of tbe Stan may be rqilaead by
mmaetr aa ttie foontals of living watort and complains that HM people bad the oame five tsttsrs, dUtaeatly at>
foraaken Him for water from their ranged.
A UttlehcT wrote tbe foOowlnit
own brcAen cisterns, in John It,. 18,
jj, the same-Lord .told the woman of position on hU ••••*:
Samaria of water diat did not aatuty,
also ot water ffiat wmild aat^ met bad It you —• Ihah
Sba^ good .
Hud become U tbe believer a wellrVf folks are not to
mspy tw tUak .ai^
.water stringing np
nv^to npbbliw asets are vwy


i^you are e»infi power It will
MHco with O. P. Carver A Bre, N<
207 San Front Btreet


Boardman River ~~
Electric Llftht 9
Power Cem|iaB7.
Metora aid power'
tor all parpoMo.

Want Ads Pay
Mapmrrm. It ;om •molaCm ml
mn U» vtil ;i>t
u Ua
--------------- :oicatae.,^T«. time>

Otwo Ca


^lU anawered any hour, day or w
at Shane’a bam or Uttla Tarar
Qraduata Ont. Vrt. COMM OfliOl
111 State atreet Both ^onea. i~
calls promptly attended. 4-20-'06
ravarae CMy State Bank Boildini

stea for baatlns
atlsana' *phcn# 6
Ganeral oontroetor. Tar or graval
roofs. Stacks painted. Oonoral rw
pairiiis, ate.
Practice. IlmHad to Eye, Ear,
Throat and FltOnc Olaaaea.
- wuh^ block, Gltlseas’
668 ^


I That are Gaamit«ed to Cnre j
I Headacbes. Stroi^bten Cm
j Byes and Restore Perfect Vlaloi

Dr. P. A. WoUe


DR. a. B. DTNOH.
'hyaleian and SurgMn, S and 4 Siithan
land block. Cltla«Bs- TWne 164.





PhyalciaA and Surgeon, room 305 Wil­
helm block, with Sawyer A FennhallesoD, DentisU.
GraduaU Teronte Univoralty. C
'phone 103; 'rea. 104. Ifoaen blo^
. l-l-'06
DR. a U THTHiaT.
Special attention to dlacaaio of chilA
1. Room 408 State Bawk'bnDA
Both 'phonee. l-6-'05


Fine Dental Work
239Pro«St Clt.Tel. 798.



DR.'B. F. t™*™,
Homeopathiat, 6 and 8 Suthei___
Block; Cltisans' phone 634. 7-18.'05
temoved to office ever Fliwt National
bank. ClUs«i8' 'phone 928. 7-l-'06
MorcanUle Co.’s block. Special attanUon to eye, ear, nose and thoat
DR. E. B. lONOB.
Special attentlon-to eye, ear, moo a
, IhToaL Glaaaes fitted. Oflloe oi


Office over the People's
Both 'phones 103.

. :




^.................. ::5o5


InterMtian Data Ahoat the Maala
Slav Gam at CejUa.


John's gospel U j
Inspiring, but tbs complete atery takes
beck to Gen. L SA, end oa to Rev.
xxU, and tbe cry to. ever soaodlng
f«ttb: “Ho. eveiT ooe that fblestetb.
oome ye to tbe-waters:" -TThoeoever
Will, let him take tbe watiw.of Ufa free­
ly,-" "If any man ffilrst iet'tiim came
onto me and drink" (laa. 1v. 1: Rev.
xxlL 17; John vL 3DTte four times measured river of
oor lesson may snggest to some tbe
river that went oat ot Eden and was
patted Into four, or the fourfold story
in the gospets of Him who is-the foun­
tain of bring waters. But It certainly
suggests the e----------------- ----------------ot God to HlB wonderful word and the
breadth and length and depth and
height of His lore. vriiliSi a Ittde chlM
can grasp to some measure, but wbldi
is also too defp for even the moat eplsttnal to underetosA
Our range of ritton must take In not
only tbe present blessings of the gos­
pel while the cfaurdi is being getoered
ooL hut tbe greater bleaslng to all
tlons'wheo “Israel shall bloasom and
twd and. fill tbe face of the earth with
fniltr when “tbe earth shall be fiitl of
ttie knowledge of tbe Lord, as tbe
tees cover the sea;" when “the nations
of tbmn whl«* sre saved sbaH walk in
light of tbe new Jerusalem and
they riiall bring the glory and honor of
the natlOBs into It (Ua. xxrlL 6: xL 8:
Bov. XXL 24. SM).
Who shall eee and share all tbIsT
Whosoever riiooees now to take the
water of Ufe freely. Bnthowcan«
take It vrtio have never heard of
There la our responsibility at stewards
of the grace of God. Let him that
heareth say come! What are you doabout U7 If we really know what
■ to drink of tbe iiure river.of tbe

FamUlar to some of tbe ancient
Office room 306 Wilhelm block. l-l-'06 writers and credited with sui>ematoral
powers, the sBieria. or sur gem. was
lU^ly valued for the heneOts sup­
T. W. THIRLBY. Dantlat
The Financial World Over Bamum.A
4 iEaH’s Jewelry atew posed to be conferred on the wearer.
Its bright, six rayed stcu-, ever chang­
ing and ahlftUig with every play ot
light aud esiierially sUooUng ont its
vnb Ml Im trKka miC Ml*. It >■
m ■<
dames In tbe direct HUDligbt. would
amrvi •• •d.MW.a bsi UT« asd pratan I----•cnpUssi calf. II wul
he something more than an
City Opera Heuae Block., ftcen 1.
ordinary- cryatpl. aud to tbe supersti­
tious miud It tvuld readily }>e bolierefl
.to embody i«me tntelar aplrit The
panicular virtue attributfd to thU gem
waa the conferring npon the wearer of
•health and gJdil fortcue" when worn
as an amulet, and to those fortunote
to be bom to tbe month of April, with
THn^wnaT naoTOiiATrvB
which the atone wu associated or repreeenled. the wearer wos luaured from
ell eviL lltc star stone Is found prlnclpally 111 i;cylou._tovarlably |to soil
ullar to rubies aud aapph
deed it Is coniiKwod of tbe s
sUtuciii • coruaduiu." its chatuyu
star ruys. being caused by the
sore, of what the naGviw call -HUk."
It Is found to many dlSerent colors,
from pale blue,4>tok and white to deep
dark blue, ruby and purple. The blue
are termed sajHihlre stars, the red
mby Stan. It Is always
cahoeboD. tbe atar dlvldtog into ala.
rays at fee apex. It Is next to herdness to tbe diamoud;
Lamb (Rev. xxlL 1) we cannot Wt
Tbe -Moonnau’' of Colombo, with want to have others drink also. And
tools as rode and simple as his fot^ If (ire do not most earnestly desire ttiat
fathers nsed 1.000 years before, wlUi otberu may know and drink -it ts a
training or
nawrltten mysteries of the craft band­
>Ph»t yon want LK^Ot^jaH^^wga, n
ed down from father to son. wUl prt>dBce tbe most wonderful reeiAs in- wsreUp in airirit and to truth because
cutting and poUahtog gems and in tbky bave onlya form «t godUuaaa wUbmany instances rival the more eda- oot tee power teareoT (H Tlm.ULS; Isa
WM AM Ae UiM JiifM «f llOlMf
cated tapUary of Europe for Jndg- xilx.U:xxslU,Sl.82). Some of teem
ment to cgtttug genM to. the gmiteat mtte mute of tnnilog te the east when
ot boosakeman w1u> bare naad LION OOFFES
odvantsge.^ondon Graphic.
aiiy worship, poedbly uot knowing that
todngteeeast meant tuning tbe back to
fikstempto. 8eev^ 1-of oua-tasoo
■ Benedict ts a New Haven nan who aad Este. Tfli. Id •Tgtec firri verse of
bas been eight times the father ot a tbe tasoo there an two very suggaebouncing bounder. In the oolsUrla of tiye phnsca-'tee door of .tee honte”
tbe onlverelty city Is a little town aad % aimr”-sate of white potats
among tbe tallto named PrcM|>ect. end to Hlu wbo U tee oriy aaeriOce for da
last year four of tbe children were «rt tee only eutrauoe tote ibo praoewceofOod.
Bcnt there for a eumtner.
One day B^odlct and his wife wi*
tertained at dinner a new acquntotA Odd Bottlad in His Kidnaym
ancc. ProfeeaoT B.' Tbe profeMor Is
'. Jenna^ 8801 Butter Bt, CUa bachelor, and. like many scholarly
wrttea: ^T am a-M^gmu and
men. rather Ul'at ease in society.
“Vnint a One tittle family ofr telldren yon hare." be began, with an ad
miring look at the foor sta.v-at-bome.i. ^ •dyartlnd re«kil«.wlthso bwo“Tea. Indeed," replied Benedict,
•land we have foor more lil ITospect."
»rtt» prafmwor .blosbed hla astoolidt- bptOa cured ma" Botf^irt.-E. Watt





It and on Um awtBl ffiMaaes,
there'la Jttst one.rffiiaUe remedy. Dr.
City Opera House block.' Both phonca King'a New Life Pilks, M. Flannery, of
14 Castoan Hoase-Flaoe. CUoago. says:
“Thay have no egual tor Constipation
and BilUonaness.” 25c at S. E. WaU
C. D. UlLLBR. S. 8. SMITH,
A Sons, S. E. HlDer's and Hannah
Dentists, State Bank building, room


Say Plainly to Yonr Grocer
Sat ov«r a quartar of a cantury 7
la ftaro any





Mete some Kw
JIteto VsmqsMrAMf
rMt4 nf Cote^

A bartd « aaR-to F«dMrt to tee
Mbttrt Wtsraate yearTorerary four
tblMlHM. Now Ytek to the leading


pterrt to paint a peniatt of Mra GtoOatcu IttAkr old age. it was toUBSad
teat It teonid be a-prsMut tor Ms.

iben by two Pertotons
named Durier eml Volsia to term!
their rivalry for tee hand of a pretty
artrrui. aye TD-BHa .Beneath
wffight «>d| ttte his stand, tem
r«^S& im3 tbe tarsakliig 'Qf oBsor'tes
cods teoold daddi
fata. FwW^tean fisnirbodR
rmaatesdm^kM, M ^ curt atand tee pMdcMM BHa rt BsteL
lag apoB tea man tMMate. otRick
to tea gtood. Fuettmatriy, bowever,
tt iuat mtoert bla head, and he escaped
wtte no wecM damage tean a si
shock and a broken oonar bona
tengwhat prolonged waa the dad
waged a few yetxa back at a wdl
ksowB Tockahlre aeadd* nuert to dedda which ot two young men should
auawuler bis naim to The band of
local pubUcu's daughter. Tbe rivals
both prided teemudras upon their batatory prowrae, so It -was Bgr»d that
be who dieald flret mlsa tee memtog’s
awlm to tbs open sbould wlttdraw
Us pretenteau to lbs lady’s hand,
nlnq moutet tad mcca.eadi took Us
tnahittoil gwtm, but at lengte there
eama a day ot sudi fttilont storm that
CM ttmeO taint hearted aid nfosed
to dare tea teuiprtteeua UBowa.
........... ................ ................. see and. altebuib^
lw*l7 cBt mad bnlaed.
CHsmited a trUimphairt wooer.
d^ar aqueous dud oeentred two
yaare dnee, tea loeatem betng ttw lake
of GAfva and tea eeutaffianta a Bwtot
MCtad adtawr and ooe Lotwlr,
Trcntemsii wbo agreed teat be iteo
aoshl rmrtlii the longeat bsueath tea
It tee water should without In­
st cr bliWIrance from the other
bo'paoiatted to pay bto a
tbs dan^iter <rf a wealthy trmoaan
Tba Ttvab dived siBulteBeoaely,
--------two r---------‘ *•-------•
Zettearb.head wpeaied abort tee
faaa. Tbwe wae no olgn, however, of
bto rival, aftar whom wbsu yet another
two AlBBtes had sped a eouple of ontaken dived and succeeded to recov­
ering Ue aeneelev body. BotcratlTee
wwe sueceasrfttUy appUed, and on Lenob*c recovering coaedauanese be wae
aedatmed tee rictor.
At tee ttue of Sued'e forty day fast


and asked film if be did hot OiU 4^
tee pntrelt waa samowbat Rattteteg.
*Ti Isn’t modi Uke grandiaetew. Is ttF
bauteed. ‘T&boy."ng«Hl8lr.fflB«r
pttM in Us bsaoafui rdee, tba
teute beaatttaUy told; teatb ate-DUte
dee Adwtlaw.
The tax toBa tor tbs ooBaetteu of
•dmd aad dty taxes and bped'sl mleaammta tor tea fire warts of tee
dty « Traverae Oty, MltelfBB. hSTS
-^- piaeed to my hands tor eoOgoI win be to my oteoa tor tea purpote
of teUeettog said taxes evary week­
day tram now antft NOvuBhor 1st.
1906, from. 8 o’dodt oBtll U:80 e’temk
to tee tomuMo. and tram 1 o'riote to
4 o'clock to the aftacMou rt sate day.
All taxes paid betora Sffidesoher 1st
-lU be reedvrt wlteoU eoWyeVi
feet, and on all taxes remabiiM
paid «n September 1st e^
ber Id. a penalty of cue per ate* fito
ojlleciloo wiu be Charged. On sn
taxes rremaining unpaid on •
Id and4 unUl Novamber Id. a piMlty
per osut tor ooCectlon win be
Office raom-202-State Bpnk baDdliig.
Dated. July 24. 1806,

LCwrence Co., N. T.. writes: “1 had
Mdner dtoease tor many years and bad
been treated by physldans tor twelve

water aboot every fifteen mtoates, d
and nlted. and passed a brick-dust
dtbaianco. and eometlmes a slimy substanoe. 1-beUeve I would have died
if I had not Ukai Foleys Kidney



waa sufficient ordeal for one. wbo. retuelng auy longer to abstain.from food,
left the field deer to bis riveU whose
psopoeel. however, met with scant conalderatlon from tee lady, wbo declared
test she would net Intraal ber future
to tee keeiiing pf such a fool aa be had
proved blmaelt. Needleu to say hla rival-s reception w-aa equally gladaL
During a very severe winter to tbe
fetlea a couple of Oomena. naUves of
Dresden, resolved for love of a women
to fight a duel to tbe death. Very fantaatu-was tbe method employed. Wlth-oCt prorUlon (
in the lightest
Into the country, there to remain with­
r u t T T
out Bbelter nntU ooe or the other of
teeio sbould Buccumb to tbe cold. Three
pa luOaaaa
a -wretched
Object crawled beck Into tbe town. Ten'
No 2S6.-Wotd Sqnarae: L-L Peace. mlta dlatant hla rivaL froseo to death,
S. Baris. AAreaa 4. Clara. C. Essay. lay bmeath tee falling snow.
IL-L Qnort 2. Umber. S. Abase. 4.
Basts. ATtess.
Mo. 2S6.-A Lltersty JamUs: "A
Tramp Abroad." by Mate Twain.
SS7.—A Big Word: Fsatbmd.
Feat, feethee, eat, at tee. there, be.
tee sun la not ebtotog.*
Mr. bere. ere, red, ed.'
Na SSB.-OM «obtiacCiona; Tl(m)e.
(0)ewL PGlato. Ne(X)t C(Mt
Famous MovdSte: Bob.
Ebert. Holmea. rapUng.
1ort ItY only tela kind of weather teat
Ke;'bBa.-«traoge Cltta: Gboile
II CUB get to use It at all.'-PbUedeiHoblte. Bt FauL
ipMa Ledger. ~
Mgliaa BoJ C
Fde?* a“oS 'cffiS^Sriilo^
The aacput of tee Wetterhorn from
Honey and Tar aa a teraat ud lung Qrindewalt} by an Engllah boy, of 14
lumedy, and on aeoount rt tea grad cerialuly coiiatitnief e notable record.
ihto ............... ...................
tor tee fiea^a: Ate ter Folayte ____ e la bald by-the great Orindelftawy and Tar and rskaaaw suhstfc -wald guide. Oirlrtan Almw. who eeleAnted bis golden wedding to company
tsu offered as no otbar:«agan
-frite hla famOy on tee peek to 1886.
n# Wetterboni was Almeya own
aountalnl He wee oeid never to be
l&Miy If be did not ascend <t at least
«nee to a aeaaeo evecy year atoee he
amfc pvty aa a led to Juatlee WUllP
our .top Coat ad. Hsmliien ^Momtaftea*!
Cloteing Co.



est Ann Arbor Agaut or write
Tuea. Thors, and SaL

*A unie ■— r on Bera.
A Uttle girl wrote Qm following easay on boya says an .exchange: “Boys
are men that bare not got as big os
tbeir papas, and giris are women ttiet
todies by end by. Wba God
'loaked at Adam be said to hlmaelf.
•WML .1 think I cad do better U 1 try
again,' and be mad# Eva. Boye are a
trouble. They wear out everythtog
but soap. If I bed my way the worid
would be girls and tee reat dedto. My
papa la so Dice teat I think be must
havp been e little girl when be was a
Uttle boy. Man was ihada and on tee
asTcute day be reeted. Woman was
mada'and be
noser rested steca''

r.ffi'JLsr rS


____ R. wfll give iu
20th Annual Ohio Bxenrsira Wedaesdar. Oriobm- 4th. TIofceU wUl be sold
yean ago a conp)
to Toledo and points to OUo outhe tob
ana agreed by smntotlng hla example lowlog ram^: Wheeling tt Lake
to'dedde white of teem sbould ' ' Brie: Wabate; Sotetog VaH4r: Ohio
Gentral Ltoea; Lten Share A MIchiSooteetn; ItanH.-Toledo; A IraoganS
ton; -CtootoBatl. Hamilton jt pay.
ton; Ponnayltanla CompanyiiJI^o,
8t Lonls A Western and aeveland,
Cincinnati. Chicago A 8L Louis Ry.—
“Big Pour Eouta"
Special trato will leave Travene
Ity vtaM. A N. E at - **
curs]on tickets good t.. .
Oaoby 19th win be
8LOO tor round tj
tagly low^tetM <

L Serrate doeUs and kind and have
en>anse and clever. .
2. Ssperete a fragtant and tromatte
plant aad,have two feminine nam

Mo. 2S0.-Lmy Arithmograpb: FoU
Na 2S1.-Qulck Lunte: Btoven.
No. SS2.-Mteslng Towda:
Olvo me of TOUT berk, O Mrch tree,
Orewlag br Q» nwWng river.
TaU tpd ataMr to the veUar!
No. 2$a.-RlAdle.- Naedta. ueediess.
Na 2S4.-^ourgtoaa PuBle:
' OonsiOTUasS
M A y O B
0 .U T . .


WANTED—300 WOMEN, Girls a
Ooy over 14
clean v
n'ng O

48-tt .

Sewer Tax

__ ____ _ _______ __________ and
Webster sireeL beginning on OarOeld
avenue, running thence west to Bar­
low BtreeL thence north on Barlow to
WaahIngUw street. Ihace west on
Washington street to Railraad avenue,
thence to connect with trank newer,
bas been placed la my bands tor oollectlo i, tee same to be paid on or before ;
City Trmsurer.
te Bank Bonding.
Office, ra«n 202 State
Given Up to Die.
nel. 16M N. Tbglnta atrett,
le. Itod.. writes: "Por over
a 1 was troubled with kidney
which eauaed
y. I lost flesh
me mute pain and w
ril ran dow
and V
had to
t abandoD wor.._____ _
three of tee best phyaiclant wbo did
me no good and I was praeileally given
up to dia Poleye Kldoey Cure was
recommended and the flrd Ottle gave
great relief .end after toklng tbe
lod bottie I was entirely curad."
Sold by 8. B. Walt A sona Im-w
Strikes Hidden Rocks.
When your atup of beeJtb strikes the
hidden rocks ot Consnmption. Pnenmonle. etc, yon are lost. If yon don't
get help from Dr. King’s New Dis­
covery ftor Conaomptloo. J. W. Mr- '
I. of Talladega Springs. Ala.,
writes: *1 had been very tU'wlte Pneu­
monia. under the care of two doctors,
but was getting no better when I be­
gan to take Dr. King's New Dlteorery.
.The first dose gave rellefi and one hotlie curerf ma" Sure cure for sore .
throat, bronteeltis. congha and colds.
Guaranteed at 8. E- Walt A Sous, E
B. Miller and Hannah Drag Store,
price 680 and 41-00- Trial bottle 10
1“-DThe City School of Music will reregular wont on Monday. Septemberr 11. Stodrata- ore em^ag
tbeir names before the time to seonie
favorable boora AU lesaCM wtll be
given to tee studla -VlsItorB wfll be
received Ttteeday afternoon eff each


STATE PfMR. DETROnr,Septamber.11 to U.
Pere Marquette agenta win ariI,JL
round'trip tickets to Detiott. aMffimt|ff
the SUte Fair, at rate of OM. tsr«m

plus SO omita. white torirtm «*rta-|E





AS »»»

: ofito tbs

9 g fr • fr g »

Chuiffi Botloei ato

Asbttfy M. K. Ohuroh.

s'* Early tile b Polaaa Fined

ere. -Hia. Kitty Bare Cooper
sp^ All should bear her addtOTIn toeeventog w. R Boott wUl speak.

Jbaysr mesttog Tbnrsdar evenlag. ' Grace Episcopal.—BShop AtwlD -wUl
ts CarrM on With MgdaBta
A cordial welocneto these oe^ees. preach la Grace chnrrii on Sunday
the Bboemkw
Bboanakar trade aboat
n» ibltowlns
MaMlBK Uid tb«
about &
morning et 10:30. This wUl be toe
' In Other Schoete.
life o( one of our oIUmh U aa Intar- saved a little nwney. I was then 18
only service f» Urn day. tbe -ftev. O.
Chsreh of Christ (Dlecrples.)
eailBS u a ebapter br Tolitol, a^d fv years old and deddnd to m
T. Gtoul-going to Charlevoix to bold
^ThMoas P. UUom, minister.
pecHile wbo know the ahoamaker. A. land, but could not get away for the
eervlce there.
Quiet Aour. 9:8(1 a. m.
1 a.ama o( 605' Wokt SeTMiUi atreot, want of a paa8poet, -as 1
Morning vorsUp and aermoa, 10:80.
wouid dream that be had-U»ed aiu3i age. from 30 to 31 being the age Umtt. Thompt'leaa than a year under <
Bunday school. U a.
a dramaUe life. He operated soceeat- BO I dedded to return to my parenU.
Intertoadiate Endeavor. 6:46.
and Bose. U la n
four a eboe rep^rtos ertablUduaeat 2i mUea distant.
.The Way Oeeaa Uam Are RM at
Barior Midsavar. 8:0ft
"Whw 1 reached home 1 was not vancemenL The bnalneas was _pv.
an.UDloD atreet -The laddenU ooaRats aad RaatAes.
Evening avangdlrtlesMston. 7:80.
aeeted with hie intereeUiis career are ^n a very hear^ welcome ea*my chased last July of Prat. C. B. DoikBat and roach catdUug at toe st
beat told In bla own worda, as he tathee knew tost tha nntboiltlea were eray, and alnea.that time manrtm* -Pkitaeoatel prayar(meetto«. Thura- et dories and onjipean liners Is oi
toe queer wnys men hare of makiug a
ooDTareed with aa Ba«de reptesenU- looking for me. I hardly knew what
Urtng. And a good Lvlng they make
eonree to take, and while I lay <m furnlaUnv of.tbe different depart
Doreas.Ald aoclety maeu every aeo- at It, too-eometimes as much as giftlike 81.000 hnvW
"I was bom at Premm. In the state the bed, reatlngmyweary body.alond
tonith Wadseaday of eadi OOO a year. Tbe*men who do it never
ot 8nBdk, Pdond. In the rear 1853. raiding waa hearCat the door and i
advertise, because the bnsineesdoes ngt
Wto>t 1:80.
At the ace o( IS rears, my father
^ d W. a M. nxUlaiT hold thrtr sound as well as It pays, and a mnn
traetad me out to a ahoe maker as u mayor cd the town wme after m«
whose house Is built out of deed rate
meettogi the first ttsdneaftv In each and
Four Daparimento.
apprentice lor a tern cd Are years. Bcweely took time to drees, threw my
___ Just aa aoon not
month at 7:30.
have his * • The college Is divided Into four deThis U a true history of my Ufa The boote over my back and Jumped out
“Welcome to worship with-ns are
Once a year dorim and piers are turn­
first two years of my contract 1 wore of the bedroom window. X nn acnaa partmenu, typewrtQnfi, -ahorthand,
etrangtes, workingmen and the poor.' ed over to the rat catcher tot a nl^t,
a,y«*e and cdirled two palls of water
made a fortune' at
bare feet, over a frosan lake to
In.the typewriting* depart­
for a distance of onwhalt mile and
toe burinesB in New York atill works
First M. E. Church.
the tame time carried a large bundle farm bonae a .mile and a haU dfs- ment Old the atudenU are under the
with his men, for the secret'of the bual
Bev. Tfroa. Cox, pastor.
aUllfnl guldanoe of Miss HUdred Dockof aUbf Id my arms. My bed wss a tent, where I remained
ness Is his and he troste It to no one.
9:80 a m.
days and two nWits, trying to thaw eroy of this city. Everything that li
Morning eervlce. 10:30.
Uiife drawer, which.I polled out
Bate, run cverywhetn, but roa^ have
' - — s-------------------school at
a specUI liking for rtve lockers, and
bedtime and crawled ioto for the niCht myself out. My father and brothar learned Is learned thwou^y, with the
sgiworto Imague, 6:46 p. m.
here they swarm by tmts of thousands
“My shoe laat I
eonatantly with finally came'to my reacne, and brought Idea that when a certain -utndr baa
Bvoitng aervloe at 7:80.
unless the pier ownerebave a ctmtract
me and it waa always* found dlreeUr along a glri'e wearing aw*reL Those beeen completed it Is done tor ever.
Junior laagoe, Thureday,
Prayer meeUng, Thursday evening, with the ret end roach* catriier, who,
adder my back. My ooTerlns was an articlee 1 put on, with a shawl over Speed Is not the only thought In thU
after a..................................
my bead and 1 was taken to the station
but accuracy as wclL The fit 7:80.
old worn out coat, once beloogtnc
tees freedom from toe pesta for a year.
the holdlers. Hie pillow under my with the inientlon d ibavlng for keyboard Is laarned as thoroughly as
Whenever an ocean Uner readies port,
head was black aa Ink, never baTlng Oormeny. When I reached the custom a musician learns the key beard of
whether on this' aide or toe ottaer, U b
turned -over for a nl^t to tlib same
eeen water and aoap, and It had no houM. the officers on gusrd demendad the piano, thus enabling the operator
man. Cats do much toward keeping
.covaring. My raUons conalated of five rnbles (3S.60J but I only had two to write without watching hia
Bataea Bible class, 12.
Bhipe clear of fats, but, of course, bave
coarse, black bread and sour bean roblea. which 1 Iraely Wered him time Tabulating, manifolding and mlmeoB. T. P. U, 6:30.
effect on roadieBL On tble aide of
aoup. On Friday nights I was glnn
Evening servloe at 7:80.
and again, though he refused each globing are also taugbL
toe Atlantic roa'eb
catching I.
b .1___________
Bible study and prayer meetings
treat In the shape of one piece of white
I stayed there for two days, in
Engage in Real Basil
‘—«rtaat branch of toe bn^ese, whUe
Thursday evenings at 7:80.
bread. My hours for wj^ were from hopes of winning that ottoer over,
on toe other side wharfs ore almost
JuBlor DqM>. Saturday attonmon,
In the study room, which Is large,
six o'clock In the mdmlng untU 12 but to no avail. The aeoond day 1 airy and well lighted, are 46 tabled
ot rat catdiers as the ships are
are corffiaUy Invited to toe aero'clock St night, with very UUle chance' tonnd the guard busily engaged mn^- for the use of the students. Tim
These once worked with ferrets, but
for sleep. My wages ranged tram afx^ ing his pipe, while bla hme.and gun “•holesale." “commerela]," ^Trel^eof- vloea
now tocy use dicmicals. Large cageto to ruble* ($s to |6) per year, of were two blocks away. Bnahlng up flee" and “general merehandUe" win­
traps are used. In wtdqb' lettuce
which 1 never eoUected a cent
from behind l throw the guard to bia dows are located In this room. The
leaven are pUcid after bring sprinkled
. For three whole yean I never
feet and he rolled down a s^ em­ studrtitB are allowed to make actual
Bev. B. M. Holfitple, pastor.'
wlto a liquid-only the catcher knows
dreeead more than lO'UifiG on aocouui bankment Into a shallow cre^
vriiat .
business trensaeUcos with stndenta In
10:80, morning wo
of tha Intenae cold. The fporth year tore he oonld regain bla feet I had other edioola, giving them great alWhatever It b. it b as irresistible to
13, tomday aehooL
brought me eomew^ betten dare
Tab as too weird piping of too pled
aateiy crossed^ the Une from Poland vantage over the old method. The
was provided with a loimge on whh
into Oennany- The Germah guard* most up^odato methods of boAkeenmatter how choice toe feed in toe
EvMLtog aervloe at 7:80.
waa s strew Uck and some soldier proteked me from
Ing are used .In
Charns cbolr meeu tat. rehearsal loriters and in toe bold, toe rata leave
blankete My floegtega were rednoed
from the PoUsh guard whan1 I had special column Joureals, i
It Instantly when they smen toe mye—*-y at 4 p. m. to toe dmreh.
two or three a day. SomeUnfm 'ao Just outwitted and I waa trea
cash booka, and sale books wtu
severe were the
‘T apent-blx months st my trade In
day arafilBg.
be used. Special ledgere. the card ayw
A31 of all tidtees are waloome.
by my aroployw. I would be imeble Berlin, Oermsay, andwentfrom there
another secret of too profita of toe busi­
tom. etc., wUl be In use. - Chicago
ness. live rate ere worth money In
to etand afterwards.
to England, wbo-e' I Ured for
prices are received- dally
England, where they are used fortnln"Brtora the fifth year roOed trodiid. years, learning to apeak the Sntflah school, for the use of the students In
Ingterriere. Dead rate are worth mon­
I decided to rjm away, but my first language. .
their daily ttunsscUona.
ey, too, as toelr sldns are used few
1 and I wab moftoandleametolMroU. There 1
fitodents Oat Good Salaries.
ffbTes. AtBorCcriitaaplecftfwtyor
caagfat and bfM^ back. Tha aaeeod rerided eight yeara. lathenarlfiM,
fifty rate mean somethliig, and thb Is
To prove that they are tuntag out
ttmel tried It waa Jlnrtng the Paaaover wHh my famOy Pmoved from Detroit
qnlte a uauat catrii. '
weA. and auoaaw erovnad my Mtorts,^ to Traverse C^. and tt
-BW tMNr n ptredte b wad, butt
ore point to thMr list of fiS uftlaS '
whit pnaxles aU old aaUoa who naed*
I went from Riaala to PoMnd. rtere feeUy. Engtand I found • ^^7 free who ha^e been placed in poMUoos
to hare the Job of dealing ritlpa of
my parents were; ab Premm my Wrth' ■ooantry to live In, bU Ansstea U good thM ooimnsnd good pay. Some ot^
naeftes b that there are sever usy
plaee.^ Ftom there t ws« to ensOier enough tor me."
men getdng aa high as-8100 per month
dead ones lying around next mtwnlng.
FIrat Presbyterian Church.
saairtown In Poland and wa^ dis­
Hr. Leaarus la weU edneatod and
and the ladles 816 ud 818 weekly.
Tbe Tavorite way of toe eaUon yrheo
covered. but toitune smUcid npce
ITT entertalalng man. He enjoya There are at present enrolled in the Oorao- Washington and Park atreete. they bad to catch roariics waa to put
Bev. Ix B. -BlaseD. pastor.
I was so fonanate aa to bave a I
the dtettnedon of befag a UngulA as day and night acbeol 36'pnplla
a “cob" of bread on top of a coU of
Morning serrice, 18:80.
tope. Very quickly it would be covered
who was woridng ^ the mayor of th -- he ^eaks seven tingwigrw end U night school is
Bible seboed. at noon.
Christian Endeavor, 6 p. m.
With hungty brown bugs, and these
town, and that frrnl^ed aufllcleni t^ten esUed upon t
One of the features In tbe typewrit­ Evening servloe at 7:80.
knocked Into a well greased bis­
protection egslnst the ofllcera (two It ^oiutorelgnere who come here and s
ing department Ir toe builng atta«w. Jt s, first Wednejday to toe cuit pan. The grease kept toe roaches
aumber) who had oome to arrest me unable to makethemaelTes and<
from crawling np toe sides, and It was
and take me back. I woiked therw,a: Stood..
Bodal hour, aecoed ud fourth Wedtoe operator-to write several colnms nesdays
ch catriier who would not
In toe mosto, ______
a 2:30.
or three Inches of roaches
of figures peifecUy In line.
Prayer meetlug,
etlng. Thursday
when lie waa ihqou^, and In a few
Proprtetore Are Men of E
he could Ix-glu and do It all over
The proprietors. Profs. MartlndUl ‘ileiw'tree.
tenlsh War Psnslem.
In.-New York Herald.
All are welcome to all toe servlcea again.;
The total amount paid to Spanleb and Bose are genUemen who have
FourtMOth Street M. E. C
•Bml TslU is OusSa.
Bev. J. W. MUlet,
war poisionen since 18M Is 811.996.- had considerable experience In the
I meeting.
;, 9:45 a. m.
bosinees ^ college work and also aa
The totel amohnt of monw paid tor clerks and
ers in offiote, giv­
B as an cxperlmraL Tbe ofpeneions since the foundation oh the ing them aclnal work aa well aa toe
l^worth League at 6 pBwadng service at 7:30.
government Is 83,320.660.022. and of ability to teach toe work. They have
lly, and tbe council has ordered a coameeUng. Thiirada
tbfa ambunt 83.144,395,406 has been been In toe business for 16 years, and atPrayer
the no-toll policy and toe
lUemen of sterling quality, both
paid on aocoun^ of the dvll wa:
dbeharge of alt the staff of col
AU are welcome.
June 80. 1005. They have also ai
The total number pT claims allowed, from a business and aodal view. They
Grace Epieeopal Church.
plan local to tbe canal here, using
original and increase^ under order N& operate eoUeges at ManlMM and Ladtheir motive power to take ell boats
The Rev. C. T. Stout, rratar.
78. known as “the ^ order," alnoe Ington. The school here la tmder toe
' toe canal.
Comer Boardmaa avenue and Whahthat order went Into effect. April IT, charge ot- Pret 3. W. MartlndUl with
1904, up to June SO, 1906, was 66,ttl.
Mlaa Dockery in toe typewriting de­
1. 7:30 a m, except
Training Is Thorough.
celved 811AM.1H.
BUtdents who ^ out of this' ex­
Morning aervice and sermon at 10.38.
cellent Ittstltudon, leave It educated to
i. Bept, 9.—The penskn
Sunday school and question class at
Peter Heniy Chevsatier, who mads meet toe wtoU ot toe baslnsM man
roll reached the n
fortune In toj balloona. Is said to he and not toeorlsU as la too often the
in pOTSrty.
Eveniiig aervice and aennon at 7J0.
iu history Jan. 21 last, the number
Arithmetlo. apelling. and writ­
AU are cordially tovlted to these eering 1.0O4.19€. The roll pame* the miling U given partlealer attentl^ ea
lion mark In Beptember of laat year, ton returning to Japan, on the Invlta* toe test to which an applicant for an vtoea
fifi UlMBEBMEN; tesmsten.. 81.70:
tloa of Becretaiy of Btete Booth.
and gradually increased ^or the
log cotters sod swsmpen. fil.CP:
Bert Boberts U to leave England the
tour mcUihs. The decline began with
wood cutters', OOc per cord; new
latter part of Bepteffiber for a two If he succeeds, bte training must be
the first of last .Itebruary, and by the months' trip tbrongfa Cansda and tbs thorough.
Bev. C. MUler.
camps, good timber: board, 83.50.
Preaching at ilt Bast Pou
following Hay had dropped below the Dnited Bates.
SmiATION sa cook.
There Is no renaon why any of onr tad, Bunday, at l:80 p. m.
million mark..
The recent death of lord Oowper young pecgile ahodld go out of town
CTtLS (or general housework; fiS.SatO
'Them facte are developed In.
leaves Lord ^tenser the only knight tor tokr ednoattoo, wbw we have
83.00 per week.
Bwedlth Church.
synopsis of tha annual report of
of the garter on the etatutory founds*
goodtefersuch an exoeUent oollw In our dty aa
Blen Oommissloner Warner ooverlng Uon of that order who datee from the
0««>naa BrangeUeal Lutbwan Saint
a of hU offloa tor the fis­ slxtlee.
TO SELL-8 < s good, level mock
Julius Oppert the naetor of oriratalcal year ending June 80 last. At the
land. Just oi
end of the year the number, of pea
just the thing for market gardening.
"lAt me see." began toe man''^o
'■Umaa had decimpd to 898,441. a net btrfri, but elnc* ISM hsi been a netur*
TO SEXL-80 seres, 7 miles out; FranelB Church.
bad retORied to the old vUlage after
Increaae tor the year of 8,879.
ellsed cItlseB of Prance.
absence of twenty years. "What
Gamer Case and Tenth etreeta
000 feet bsrdwood. some down ^e:
Report far the Year.
WUUtm Henry Goodyear, curator of
r became of your younger boyLow mees, 8:46 and 8 o'clock.
1,000 or more cord* of block
The report shows the fonowlag
th# Brortc^ Museum of Pine Arte, toe one you'uaed to «aU a meebanleaJ
High maas, 9 cad 10:80 o'cIocIl
. .
dlOonal facte:
has been eMcted a member of the comVaspere,
SOL-2.S' horse power gaseUne
aitlsu' conDuring the year (te bureas laa
"Why, he wsert to town yeart ago,*
good reprir: WO.
18UU penakm oertlflcntaa. of which
toawied tbe old fanner. "Bo's doing
TO SELL-c'teble pool and bllUard
waQ. toa"
numbw over iOJMO
jm WoodmanhSt
®7w Poetrifice.
couBten. show
*Tmi donH sayT Did hla metoan- Mmto
The annual value of the pension roU
Btmdaya---10::80 ^
---------teal-genloa suck by hlnr
light flxtore* and •»«*
oe fane 80.1106, waa 8t*f.74SA*6. By
■^ou Bay yon think your gUl Is go­
"Sure.. He’s a Ug man to poUUcs
8900; lea* tbsn half eoet-iwlee: par
the term “annual value" la meant the ing back on r>u7 ' What leads you to toaas days."
/p^ameunt of money rsQulred-Jo pay the MMh a Buppotlticat XMd the snob
"But when does toe metoanlcal
TO 8E1L-2 gents' bicyries. 88.00 snd
penstenera then on the roll-for one your
part corns tor
"Ho. but she called bw little __
"Why. be made eevoal strang *maXtaiorUie year 48.868 paufiOMri toto tbe parlor tart nlfibt and bad-hw efrtosa,' stranger, Ta hla'party. Didn't vangeHoal LuUieraA Trinity Church. TO SBAr-1 open buggy, 85 00: t^n
rodteto................. - you read tt to th* papacir-dlhltago
Comer Seventh a»d Oak stiweta
baggy and bamere. 8w.
wen dropped from tte roll by reason
Daily Nawa
Tvavetee aty
' of daath. and .pT thte numlNr 30434
Wba Bare’s Bawmrd.
Swidty eehool at ^ p. m. ’
property. 40 sores land, bite front,
waro.aurvlvon of tha oMl war.
Miss Cuttoi^l hate to repeat gemlp.
roanlng water, 800omds block wood
One Jaw SO. 1»06. tha T«a antalned Mr. Ddbber. but just before yon left
The Bal^^ Amy.
can be out, IH milea from rrilroad
the hamas «f «84,C08 suriltm of thi US last evealng I baeid Mlaa CUn>er ed bow MV CNt pte ssotA ttM
Fnat Btraet, aeu Oaaft r *!<*««■
. kvO wnr. a deeraa of orur 8,000 from my -that she was dying Jo g« rid of walk. A 1
TUB. Dubber-Hal Tbm I mved her woto tsff^te him to knew sffi i
for employ
„d Mra
tha pmtons year.
^ m go at OBce and n«iwi bar nsrofM&BMd;
ment asd bargains
taut amount dUburasd tor pen
mage man vrafita dear teef
night except SIS EAST FTWIT ST.
•Mfro for the fiscal year was tnuiSr
per Mcond. A dog ea Hs otfiteaiy
fin. of
Jog ioar^ tort sseoead. A bona
Hkke-My.-wlfB^VwiA fnJawae .frog*
feat a seeund, A
fior aavy. pmalcaa and fiSAOMM «<4
paid to peaahmenuf tha ftpuW^wu '•e at te'dfito 8oOM^ W«kir 4wg «rer tos fca wOm
■out. cm mn. bat rvu .
aad^MAlUTO to 8ha atrvlvin at the



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