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The Daily Eagle, September 08, 1905
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
. v«ttteUis *• mti II9HII «M•rally firvda that K la.
VOI* XIL Na 8864.
We have just got in a^ n^CflitOitEN
IN flis Am killed TODAY STMR. WSSOUftl
lot of New t ”
Bahy Cabs and Go-Carts
Forthe late Summer and Falltr«aa.
Buying thew, as ^^ard, after the season
wp secured a flne lot at
You may have the advantage of this big saving
by buying bne of these NOW.
Remember. Your Credit Is GowL
[Special to The DaUy Ba^]
[Special to The DMlr BaCla.]
Zeeland, September 8.—Two Pen
New Tort, SeptenbOTS.—Anton Ooltrains met ia-a head-on oolletta waa burned to death with hU
two. children. niaoD nod a daschter W HUon here at 2 o-do«k this aaomlng.
der the a«et of 10 yean, ta a fire Bastnecr Peter J- Mennn was kOU
whlrt brohe oot early today In a tent- and Bnkeemn Time. Hau and Ibiy’
Lnnway. fatany Injured. Many aU«n
nent occupied by 24 Italian temIUea.
0(deua tnwred hUnaeU a ben. H ; wen senooHr. It nob Yatallf lojtuVl
.went Into the boDdlns and roKued: Conductor Krout was aUchUy ’lnlured.
The adddent waa dse ttrihe taQure
hla wile. When be returned for
(4 the sooth-bound eeite' to stop nt
diadren he was aiiflocated by
■boke and when Us Itfelcee body was Wyomlns to reeefTS OSd^ for moot
ftnnd. the rematna of hU two little ing the north-boond imt exprws.
nee wen In hie anna.
The nre created the Kreateat eacllfr
nent hnd perfect panic preTalled for
a time, men
, onderfoot
Stank, familiarly know as Tafllan
Joe." an employs of tbs Northsm
Michigan TranspmtaOan Co,
Merey iKMpttal at thM place Yrtth-no
apparent ohanoea of recoTwy tnm
gash in hM abdomen and a cut on hi*
wUeb seTored an artery.
Goew Smith, aeeond oook on the
steamer Mtaaouri, b In JaD here
ing the ontoome of the Xndiao'a InjoTlee. The sberiS took 4rcn> Urn a
big batcher knife oorered with blood.
When the Missouri wss about M
miles ovt ftoin CUengD, a mUes took
place In the pantry between the bidlan
end Smith and It b beUered that
Smith mulcted the woonda treen which
the Indian win pnhebly die.
Affsir One of the PrtOeM Evsnta of
the Ys^.
J. W. Sater
I Brakaman Hana and 0th
Wholeeala and ReUII.
«d at an aatomobUs thb no
IN RIOTS YESTERDAY. Handing in froett of the M
Co.’B block, and started .to ran sway.
A pedestrian roehed into the sbwU^
poHte WUhMm A Bartak'A toowwiw.
Take* MeoMrea te Prsvent
goOen into a fnU run with the >BW
load. Hadtbeteammolbe^MiWbfl
[Special to The Daily Ba^l
when It was.- tfems would probaSy
hare be« a ebMtnHng nd-soodd ^
fumltumaa iMBg the etrwSL within
(he lerms and tavorlng.the ebonden•Ibly a soOtahm and oerM
ment of (be peace treaty. A nnakbm
ei's which have bees gnlKy
of increasliig the excitemeDt by print~ mable articles-^bsve been or-'
dered to suspend pobUeatioa. last
' -n(ght 13 cars and one depot -were destToyed. Thirteen peseons were wound
ed b the clashes which oomirred yes
Unee of police cloes an entire btort
and heavy police leeciioa are wlthb
tachmeot of mountnA fund-*
s is stationed in front c( the for
eign ofllce, prepared to meet enetpen-
mUitary-dbplay b 1
few sentrt'.^ me patroUIng the front
- of the buildings and the -tNBcbl reeli d'eacee of the minbtem. The main
- forces of the mlUtary are eooc^ed.
Yoar RellaMa Homa FhtoMms
Boardman, September 8.—
thb Tllbce, waa serlouly injur. ed thb mcsnlng whUe blasOng stumps
with dynamite. A piece of the stomp
•Imrt him on the bend Inflicting a
Tery bad wound and another pteee
struck him on the shoulder. Par a
time he was unconscious. Bb condl-
wB carry ■
from La® to .12-iooh
s Tubers
And can furnish - interior woodwork for Bsnksl Stores, •
OfHees, -Churches, Public Buildings and Bssidenees ?
Give us sn opportunity to estimate. It will
pay you!
Hemlock Wood, Si.25 per 1
The New Store
We Want
You to See
W. L. BBOwIs, Mgr.
Tdqitantasyour mots
of fit attained
in onr
WewOUtBer them
Kind »*>«* Wesrs
SliS la J2
lU, *12, *15.
*18, *20
potatcee. reel
Mrtdmse SnbM. hriad and better mndwicbes. ■
The thbd ci^e aras ssrred at the
tone of Mias
Eldred of 216 State
street The deoocaUons men were red
end *rfaHs asters and woodUna. The
menu as serrod consisted ot wster
melon. iSneapple Ice and eaks. mlted
nnta. after dluiar mbb and ooEes.
After tuaoheon. which lasted tmtll
paM U o’clock, tile ymag pec^le spent
the halanoe of the evening until 12
e’etort In SDclsl convemtlcn, dsolai^
Ing the evening's events to be the
of the sensiM
bat evening at theb home. 824 West
Front street. Thane present wore:
Hr. and Mrs. Chester Irtah of .Grud
'Rapids. Mr. nnjl Mra Bkhmeod Caster
of thb dty, Mr. and Hn. Anson Parb
of Holluid. Mrs. Jamie Ob
Mrs. Cora Whitney of Chicago.
All but Mr. and Mrt. Ca^ have
been visiting Mends and rdadves In
the city the past tew days and gath
ered last evening to spend the evening
at the Dumbedton home. A very pleas
Sod, top soil and fllllnfl dIH. given ant time was enjoyed, ranaical selec
nwn^ at the wem end of Wayne strssL tions by Master Lonnie and Mbs Bble
■dsley adding mooh to the enjoy
for a wsMc or ten days.. Cook Srsa.
CItbsns' ptoM 860.
l.ast night marked the closing of th>:
BvangeUcnl district oonveoUon which
Las been In progesss the pa« four
days at the BvangeQtel churrt ' The
convention hsa been'a very’ ittereTIng nad successful one and all the min
isters in attendance have roeelwl
much inspiration from (be ai
tlon with their brethren In tbs
At the forenoon session yesbrtaytho
foUowlng ofllcers were elected:
Pi^denU Presiding Elder O.
HetUsr, of Jackson;
Secretary. Rev. C. B. Siit*. Grand
Treasurer. Rev. J. Rlehel. Hecssy.
The sermon last night was wsmsbed
With the shoes you have. been boying
by the Rev. H. L Voelker of NartvOle.
for yotur tolldrec t and hb subject was • CharacUr Bulldbur B^a- and Qlrb' Shoe* are a
ir a scripture lesson Ke read
and dressy, bat thsy'tc made
the parable of the man who boBt hb
to stand hard wear.
house upon a rock and (he man who
buUt opt® the sand and his text was
lapeebl to Tbs Dully Sagla.]
Denver. >.;ol, September 8.—The Q. taken from the 10-15 verses.of
A. R. today Heetsd Corporal Jamea third chapter of First Corinth^ sv
Hew York, an mmmaadef- peclally the phrase, ‘but let every
in-chlet. Mlnneapolb b open for the man take heed how he biillAeth Iherenext meeting of the National as
*The word character Is used Indbcrlmlnately throughoot (he Bible, aald
the Rev. Mr. Voelker. but yoa.naan)d
Opp. WUtlBg Betel
Snd It In the New TesiamenL Li the
book of Bother the word “God Is npt
n.ed hut he who cannot see Ood aB
Ihrough the book must be bllnA You
[Speebl to Tbe -llnl^ MnCU.]
Cleveland, O., September fc—The en hsve perhaps never seen
in the New Testam*« but If
tire Schafm * Bertar bnfldlng which
yon (wnnot see chsmcier all thnneb
'was oetoplta by ssrenl bon
es. was burned thb aoratng. Loss IL you must be blind, or dead.
on Page 8ix,|
Are You
FliW ® ^ Wash
They iHU naan be on the wsrpath In earnest.
If yon would avtdd tNubto eaU
at the Esonomy Store at «nee
and ;^ve proper proteqtlon
Nine out of ten too.. More, dsnt -pi^ Wttentlon
^ougfa to the ohlldnm-A bW <jne«h»
It's spomUw fact there U <«,
to buy the best pottlblc for U
do they wear well, bni tli'ey a
The finest thing out tor wuah, imthelneeui body; porous
nad hon-lrriUting. No fam
ily sno^ be withont them.
’We have bought a large
quantiW and wiU sSU them
foreoeweekatdoenb eaek,
tboo^ the regular price U
.flS amta. See them la cv
front window u
«Bly 5c
hC the Natioaal ProtacUTs-4^'-~
gioo bad IhetY first dividend pnnunt
bst evening In Brigham's hall, 12 mem- '
bers, partidpatlng and receiving
cb«^ for 8250 each. It was expected
that Dbtrict Organtxer &. D. Boro nf
Allegan would ^ present bnt owing to .
nn accident which be had in Travene
City, was unable to attend and Judge
Lotln Roberts of Traverse City came
as a substitute and gave a very Inter
esting blk upon the benefits of the
order. Several new members wwre ,
taken In.
Very pice refreshments weiw served
and Helms' orrtestta funbhed music
for a dance which iras attended by
40 couples and wns as pleasant a social
affair as was ever held In Grawn.
Those present from out of town ware:
Mrs. Jacob Good of Toledo. O.. Mias
Jessie Norwlrt N. Y„ gnesta of Mrs.
S. J. Bracken; Mrs. Vlob Vesper, MyrUe Hale. Mr. and Mra. Merton Mason.
Lorabe. O.. guests of W. J. Saxton;
Mbs Ida Mathews of MayvUle. Mich.,
a gueet of Hr. and Mrs. Mnthewn
I of Life end Oeatruetlen ef Prep- .
erly Greet
[Epeclal to lite Dailv Betfe.]
Celebrie.' Italy. September 6.—A
vldlent earthquake at 2:56 thb morn
ing caneed a eerione loss of life and
wide deetruetien of property In the
provbee of Calabria. 7>e towns "if
Plato and Martirano were almost en
tirely destroyed. All of the bosinets
buildings in the Utter town collapsed,
also the barraOu of the soldlen. Six
men were t^en tram the ruins si
Monteleone. Seven peraons were kill
of Sherlock Holmes. The former obeyed ed ootrlght and many tojnred by the
f ebeervellon and leflie in behalf of^ la*. odbime of the prison nt Plito- Many
rpl«Be are deMried. Pitto Is almost
The iattes bent hb sMute brain to plem forpiieoeesfi y preylf>8 on
wd fee hnSSi« the sOofte of Its protectors.
Yhe gsychebslet inAhe Mudent vflll find in “Raffiet.
:t.fnohsmen," an all abee«««^ field for the study of enmmoK
^The deed b
•II the iinpleeeant add iwveHInft elemenb which mar many
Calabria Man the earthquake number
real life.
Bnndrede nre Injarad b other
The atoriee are teM In the first per«»n by a confedeiwt
vliisgm that hkve been devastated.
la kMwn as "Benny." Bunny b s weak and unfoH""*** v«
town whs falb lirte imbm diffleultlae th«t render
erpeals for help ae a Ir-^bsperats
......... ............
. to ins. A J.
WNhtp. Rg^ admits ttJh^oF
___ of the esrtefc They are
Serbs imgha Srturdsy in
The Ehilly «tt^ FROM SUBMIT OPyH
5 CAOL^iraeu. ^•uftHcm.
trod M Tfmyw»> ouj PonottM «
“A UtUe bit at ptoMnea often makes
Witneetod e SonHee Ue Words Can
»auaabtnn cnme.-,.
little bit of love makes a very
uavvt uuu>^ .. i
been spending aome time In tbe
n,e postal waa wrtttan at.Sonth
u was written bat-sitto Mr. UBodi
liBd returned from a trip
mlt of Pikes Peak.
Mr. Ulloo left tha foot ot tba moun
tain St 8:1^ P- »• «« «TlT«*
top at 4:15 a- «•.
tramping aU
nlgbt. in tune fw.sunrlae. Tbe
rtse St 6:*0 waa'marTMoualy beaoatol." be writer. “No wtwds can de-
■tTMt; Mn.
Tbe Her. Mr. TOom win to borne fn
time to oadate at both tbe monilng
and eveaUig serTices nest^Snnday.
to iStowr o< tba aboto >
rto««M ta NpMt ur t
la tba a«Tlo* r‘-----ptoaMNo.«.
Tbe State FUr nou^ at^troit
era located within leas Utaa l.«00 yards
or a oemeteiy, .and tbve is aa old l&w
npon tbe st^te booica that prohlbita
tbe sale of intoxicants wltbki that dlsttnoe U tbe reatlns place cd tbe dead.
Ai^. while there was little danser ot
a protest
entered by tbe occu
pants of tbe place to Ihe selling cl
Uqoars in their immediate Tlclnltr,
sons* or tbe Urp bnalpese men of-De
troit took It upon tbemsdres to eee
It tkat 'Ue ri^u ot tbe dead men
abonld be caretolly mainlalned.
praqieet was that tbe man wbo warned
to take a drink d beer when be Tialted
tbt Ihir to take In lU algbU would
to compeUed to go dry. and there
a- good deal of mourning over tbe out*
Bat It eeams that -a way baa been
found to beat (ba law, an^ no Ttattor
will need to go dry. Somtoody baa
diaoorered that malt m^, a brewed
deooetion, reeonblee h^ eo cloe^
after It baa been frosen that It is
very dUBcnlt for eyen an expert to
tell tbe difference In taste. This meal
u praetleally non-aIccdioUe. and It is
said tbe law cannot stop Its aale. This
wiU be told under the name of beer
aeroto the/street trcan tbe fair, and
with tbe beer* signs that wlU be used
(By.^ K. Fratt.)
Mrs. Ada R. Fuller has-a«dd her grooery business at tbe comer of Randoipb street and Elmwood avame. to
bar brotber-ln-law. George E^kdeman,
OF Frankfort, who has taken possesskat.
Mrs. Fuller has saoeentully
^ncted tbe store for tbe .past four
years. For the past two years she has
had aub-postal station Number 2 In tbe
same buUdlng. This she win contlnne
to look after.mXccabees had late start.
Ekewraien Train Waited an rHour fOr
the Flyer.
The K. O. T. MM.' excurelon train
dua to'lesre here this morning at 7
o’clock was shout an boor late la ge^
ting away, owlbg to the late arrlral of
tbe fiyw from tbe south. About 200
and tbelr friends accom.
panted by tbe Traverse City band went
to-Pcddikey to attend tbe Mg Maoesbee celebration.
Today M big
city is in'gala army and ehowing bar
Ri« ot tbe beo( times In tbe
blst^^. jbat papular rewrt dty.
a little Ut^thtoe mskda a May
day icDkgay.
And a Rule bit It 'Ahilty makag gMd
. r a weary wiy.”
. '
- ' Btoillen.—To one pound M
low one pint of otdd water. The meet
sbould be beat part ^ ttie' round. Wash
It and put bt with tbe cold water and
some nit into % granite kettle and
boll very gently fw 10 boom. Skim
weU end add water as It boils away to
keep owibtttr an IlnA put in ketdA
Strain throngb a aolaader and then
through a dieew cloth. Set away and
cool, aklm and atrain again. ‘
nTattmUir for' one gallon: One
onion, two
(pieces) of celery, two.aprtgs of pern
ley, tiro of summer savory, two bay
learns, two sprigs of thyme, six whole
cloves, pepper and salt to taste.—Mra
Joy. Grand Rasdda.
Craan of Celery 8oup.>~Oi>e'pound
of round steak, two quarts of odd
water, onehelf cup of rice, one i
ot celery, qne amaU onion, one
spoonful of salt, one cup cErich milk,
one tableepocnfol of butter; put tbe
cold wat«^ cn the meat and skim
wtaa it eomee to a boll, tba set it
back, weU covered,-to aliamer gently
fOT two hours. At tbe end of that
dme add tbe well -washed rice, tbe
oelety, «nkn abd nlL Let all atmmer for two boors longer, add tbe
milk and butter and strain. There
should be one quart of tbe stock with
out tbe milk.
etpclo-^Oar and onobalf
half bone
half. meat by actnal weWit,
quarts of ootd water, two me^am
sUed tum^is. two small camts,
two large
six pepper
eems, six allspice beniee, two stalka
of celery, two or three sprigs eeob ctf
parsley, sage and (bree bay leavea.'^ut
all togtber "".1 let
stand tme
bour, then beat yery dowly not allow
ing It to boll, for two hours; then boll
U( boors and strain. This makes a
brown stock; to dear it add % pint
of oold water.—Mrs. H. 6. HolL
Black Bean Soup.—One pint black
2 bn aalt pork, 1 tablevocnbutter, 1 small onion. M
bard boUed egin salt and
“An altogether geughtlill play" Is
t&e unitoraM seatfeDot of the hnistose aadleaces wEih hart wttnaa^
ed the matrimonial cmnedy soooeas.
"The- h^flage of Kitty.be preitotbd at Steinberg's Grand
opem.bouse tonight, Friday, Septem
ber 8. by tte Jnlee Murry Comedy com
pany, beaded by Mlm Alloe Johnson.
This play was an instant bit last sea'eon and-lB extending its territory this
year with a Ukartoolt. The pUT de
pends largety upon the ability of the
membera ot tbe company and this ^
has been carefully consIdMed by ManThe Colonere Waterioe.
tger Jnlee Murry, wboee meny Tenadmiel J«*B M. FuDar. o< Honey
tores in tto theetricsl world dsmsnd
Grove. Texas, naariy met Ws Waterloo,
an unerring knowledge of plays nnd trkn Uver and Kidney tronble. In a
tbe selecUon of players.
reent letter, be says: “I waa nearly
dead, of these eomplalnta.
though I tried my family doctor, be did
me so good; so I got a 60e bottle .t
In riohnees ot coatume, stage group- your greet Kleotrlc Btttars, irtleb
lags end stage settlngs.'toanty and einwd me. I oenslder tben-tto beat
graoe of dianis and medianical effects, medicine on earth, and thaak Oed wbip
gave yon tbe knowledge to n
the “Sale of Bpice." which will to pro- tboi." Sold, and guaranteed to <
aented at Steinbog'i Grand opera Dyspepela. BUllonanMa and Qdsay
bouse, Wedneeday, Edptonber U, «iU - sse, by E E Watt ft Sima B. E
,r, ud Hannah Drag Store, at Ml
far esoel. any similar producUcn ever
s a bottle.
at this theater. Mcneff baa
ly expended in tbe matter
of Wqbess for this musical extra- riAin: ur miL:mu&n, io« rivuaK
-vags^x^ and
and tbe piece Is staged In
office for tbe County of Grand Truv
splendid style. Tbe light effects are
wlglnal and startling. The IMd^
mmnbers of the company have been lor MUU VUUUL}, umu. 04 U.O
once, in the city of TraveM City, on
selected with much care, and they are tbe 26tb day of August, In the year one
not only pretty of face and figure, but tboosand nine hundred and five.
Present. Fred R. Walker, Judge ot
ria In vMce.
In the matter of tbe'Estate of Bdi
. Miller, a minor.
On reading and llUng the patitli
The Detroit Kluetesoope Co. drew duly verified <ff Archibald A. MiUer.
guardian of said minor, preying that
another good-sized crowd on Front be may be antbmised, empowered <
strek last night .Smue of tbe plrtnres Ueenaed to seU at prtvate sale.
taken In Traverse City way back In Interest of said ward In said real
tate therein described.- .
the 70’s were very intoseting.
■ that TuesTberenpon It Is Ordered,
moving picture. “Tradred by BlMd- day. tbe-1^ day Ef EmWmber next
botmds.-* whs givto again last nlgbL at 10 o’clock to tbe fdrtooto. be asjned for tbe bearing .(ff said peUUoa,
Tbe whole program seemed to to cnict of kin and aU other perthe next
Joyed very much.
___ > ifflerteted
ited In
ln told
a - esttoe. are
qntred to appear at a seealto of aMd
Ootirt then to be beddea to tbe Pititote
city of Traverse City,
Tbe Germaq Mnpress Is always
there bp, irty
serty riser.
prtoer of tbe petitioner abonld not be
WlQlam Traren Jerome's name was giimted;
dedded by the less of s ccdn.
Asd It is Further Ordered, that anil
WUtlam O'Brien, M. P^ U busily SB- BUtk«er give nottoa to tbe
intmeatod to aald eatate, of ti
:csged in writing fau memoirs.
ency of said petltlw, and tbe--------- Mias Grace Cqrbln. daughter
thereof, by ennstog a copy et thla
Major General Corbin, baa I
ordto to be pubUMied to Tbe Dally
adopted- into tbe gionz Indian tribe
. ^ a newww printed and dreolined Prlncees Pure Heart
lated to said county, three enooealve
eeks previons to aald day <ff'
Judge of Itoibete.
mt in dnr pablic scbools
this week was greater than over be
fore In tbe blston' of tbe dty for the
opening week, and jet tbe oosns tak
en were unable to find as many chil
dren of school age in the dty as last
year. The census returns- would seem
to indicate that Tiuverse City was be
coming a victim of race suldde, hut
tbe ediool enrollmat' Indicates
healthy increase of chUdra. 1
only way that we can account for the
difference Is npou the theory that the
diUdra find tbmnselves a good deal
easier than the man sent out to hunt
ttakn up can.
We have all heard a good deal about
prOblbiUon n« being enforced I
HalBA This Is erldenUy a mistake,
libel In tact. After the treaty was
signed and tbe envoys were ready
drink tbe peace champagne tbe m
dlUigent aearcta failed to discover _
the entire state even glasses from
which to drink It. and It was ne
sary to send a apeclal massehgei
New Hampabire to get tbe glasbes.
Wbo dare lay hereafter that tbe
hlbttory.Uw of Maine U a ^ead letter!
Tbe reportorlal department of this
paper is in tbe possession of si
portent, valuable and interesting
Of news, upon which we should very
much like to express an opinion to the
readera of The Daily Eagle, but r
train, as it would be in bad taste '
aay nothing ot a breech of confidenc
fori the edUorla! oolngms to get
*-MDop" on the news columns.
Tbe Norwegians in their own eoautry evidenUy do not Indulge In Bab, ' tatb-breaking. so tar.as mannal.Ubpr
Is cooeerned, to any great extent No
newspapers have been printed'in NorWm. Harris and dangbter( Mrs. dsy, Oototar 4th. TIdketa wfil be eoM
way on Sunday slnee 18«; and
Chas. McLane, returned from Green
bread has bea baked on zbst h
Lake after a two w^'B outing. M
•inee ISK.
Karris is much improved in health.Cmitral LMaa; Late Eton ft MlddM. u. poke eart a taffy pull at
The common council
Camp Laksview Monday evealng. Mr.
Texas, hss peaaed aa ordinance for'
«d Mrt^.'Hftberd of Durand, were
bidding “male peraons". m*kl2
PwaenL V
goo ew No restricUons are placed
Road m«vinj Is the order ot tbe'day
upcB “female penou." which would
I>ere now. A toad Is being made west
seem to make tbe ordinance a i
of town ovsr^ bm.
oooslded tutltotiMi.
Miss VPinaie Bridge Is working for
to told to •Ma^
M. M. Deek*.
•A Cold BetUed In His Kidneys
Mr. Tsnntom od Knoc. Ind.. is vltKA. J. Jaoneoe, 8201 Butler SL. Chi
at w. c.4torea»*aeego. writes: “1 sm a —
Am out in all
Mrs. eooo i HartfOgd. U vlaiUng
took eoM wbMLtottM ta
at her daoghter'A Mn. H. -Clark.
•od I was in bad toape. I tried s
OF MARCH>L-8ATTaes. Tiira. and Sat
tome^iia." Bold by 8. ^wm! EKIHT BTtfRtil ABOUT RAFFLES
teAO ABOUT -RAFFLE8, THE the othe^
lugs tbsn anyone else la tbe country
gave him tbe nsnie of “Camp Meeting
Read our T«(i Cost a
Clothing COb
fob the
Tomorrow momliig
at tbe'.btaeffiMtor
A^ MO Coni
Mi and $u Coma
for ........................
M8 «,d tiS Conto
MB nnd tW Conta
Copyright 1905 by
Hsrt Schifiber
Many of these sie silk or «slii, lined
Come in snd hsve one of these Isid
o if you
for you
are noi quite
for them.
.... T..
Hamilton Clothing
On ac^uDt of the immense success
of our Black Silk Sale we have decid
ed to continue it for the balance of the
▼eek. Jt is admitted
tbe ^reatnt vDlue-^ving sale' of life "season.
Obb our new Velvet Finish Taffetas in Plain
' Ooloitt, Cbamielion and Chanfire.
abie, 27 inches wide, at per yard
< An Improved Process
1 lines, sod
Luy one of ihese a
pncee we make oa them; On front
taWe we place fiftv «
lowing prioch:
We would like to lay special stress on the VELVET
FINTOH as an improvement over tbe original Chiffon
J^ninh brought out last season. Tbe latter finish was'
clothafter weaving, which verj^BiDterially whetted the Miric and lessened its period
ot usefulness. ; The Velvet Finish, on the contrary, is
a new and improved process that is accomplished by a
treatment of the'yarns previous to weaving and re
sult in a lustrous fabric that is rich' in appearance
and mil give most satisfactory wear.
Tbe Isle
of Sptee
NOTICE:—No Ticket will be
held later toan noon, day of
C«r. Front and Union.
One dsy as be was wslklag down
the main street o( Fsrmtngta be met
■agb Sheriff Luther CnrOs, from New
Sharon, known tbrougbont the conntty for his quick wit Aa they sbook
bands tbe sherlir said: “It gives
great pleasure to grasp tbe hand of
on boilest man.’’
“Camp Meeting John" TOpMoA-. “I
wish I could say the ssma''
Quick as a tiaih csBe tbe retort
“Ton conid If you told.such s Ue at
I did."—Boston Herald.
They were seated on tbe Terands
and. as there was erldently something
wnog somewbere. she said:
“Fm much afraid, Oeoege, dear,
that yon do not levs ms now as
yen used to before w« were sngsfad.
Ton seem so cold, so abeent-mtuded,
to distant twlgfat, I fear tba ardor
ot year love Is dyi^ ent“
•Wo, no, darling," he protested In
me ledoknt with agony, "it Isn v
that If my love seemed cold and dis
love yon
tant tonight forgive n
now as I have- always loved yoo-^S
I always shall till death ot divorce
shnUpartua. Tbe whole truth of tbe
matter is, I am breaking in n pair ot
new aboee, and—I have
Cbleego Dally News,
Dealers in Everything.
All Summer Shoes Must Go
Not one pair to be carried over. Every pair of ‘Women’s and Chil
dren’s oxfords to go at prices that will sell every
pair. Could you ask for a better ehauce
than this, and at such prices*/
Woman’s tan kid oxford-.
Russian calf lace oxford......
CkUaM PuUoalsr AbvBt SSMvr-
« sasL
P» Not bs Impo
Dealers in Everything.
In tbe conrae of bosioeM cm
Leodoo banka have occasion to send
out Urge sums in gold to China. No
wlU be accepted
wllcb have the^^! George and ttie
on tto rev________
Ortson playe a leading part In lellr
teoB matten In China, and Its dgure
oEtbs coin la abhorrent to tbe eeieatlal
Btod. Tbe Londem eottslcneM hurt
to pito
tbe oldra coins bav
»«U,0 ,1<«
there •
........-J uni,»f(.
overaoat*. x.me w,
•oet 815 W) at leaat ..
^ ItBN to tbewtot levee, on ac
count of bis nortls in Italian.
MfioDS, pepper and salt to tbe t
Ai Brumeis recently a toSiUsMe
and simmer twenty mlniites. Strain
was mads
through a colander or potato masher, through the Introduction of s bsUet
to tbe kettle and add the but which sixty women of UUe toto part
ter and one winegtess of sbenr. Have
9ggs and lemon sliced It) tbe tnA Msitn dfTscMlly.
Rev. John Allen. B MetbodlSt
and pour bet soup over them.
er of Farmington;’ Ma, gno
vonshlre Cream.—Take a pan of of Mme. Nordics, wbs a sealous at
milk 24 bem Old and set It over . tendant of cnnip meeting
Osborn, BepL 7.—The. brmera' tt
this Tldnltr are busy drilUng in irteat
this week.
Tbe whistle of the steam thresher
is heard in an dlreettou the past
W. E Dnrimin of Oabom, made
business trip to Travmse City, Thursday. of last week.
Hr. and Mra. Fred-Beeman caUed on. a kettle ot boUIng water; let it rmnaln
relatives at Olea Havto. Sunday. Mrs. unUl you can see tbe else of the pan
Beeman sUyed there tOr a -ireekN In tbe top ot tbe crem. Pat It aalOe
and when perfbetly cold remove tbe
Mra. Sama Bory U better et tbla cream and serve with fruit orideasert.
writing, br.. Fmllok of Iteple aty. —Mra. E Bagot, Elk Rapids.
Miss Myrtle Btoiy ot Battle Creek,
Gelstine SalaiL—One package Cox's
is v>3>fing her oooslii. Mrs. 8am^ gelatine, 1 quart of water, 1 qoart of
Berry, tliia w«eE
sugar, 4 lemons, 1 orange. Seek gela.
Sam'l, Bo-ry was a Maple City caller tine fn a part of the water until It is
well dissolved. Have tbe rest of tbe
Mr. mil Mill. Vincent Deering cnIleA water boiling and poor over IL Add
1 friends nt Empire, Bnndty.
tbe sn^ and Jnlee of lemons snd
Tbe aiiple crop In thb Tidnl^ U orangA Stndn throng fine doth and
very luoF- fti-ples are selling for 50 set awi^ to eooL Line a haadsosae
ivniH n J.ushH.
dish with Ftoncdi oberTfes, email sUoes
of orange, banana and pine «>ple.
few grapes U you have them. Pour
Bendon. Sept’?.—Mr. 1*. E Pease tbe cold geUClne ovm- tbe fruit and
and wife of Tolelfb, Ohio, are vislUng set'away to ^ very cold.—Mra. Joy,
at his brothw’A D. E Peese.
Grand Rapida
Mr. and Mrs. E Carpat«r retomed
from Green Lake Inst Monday after
Tuttl FrutU.—One quart ot milk,
camping there four weeks.
three eggs, toe tsbleipoaotal of
M. M. Dseke left here Friday tor starch. Make a eeft cuetard of-tbese
the taneral of bis (reserving the wbltns od tbe eggs) and.
place on ioe.
Mra, Worden <ff Coloms. is vlalUng
Prepare a dish ot any kind of fruit,
toy son. Clande Wordo.
bits of oranges, bansnaa, pineapple,
The Rev. J. U Merahbn leaves Sat peaches, etc. Sprinkle with sugar and
urday morning tor Tenn. to spend tbe place half boor on toe. Jnst before
amrlng/pour tbe custard over
MUb Graoe Neweemb of Bangor, is fruit and cover with the beatsft wbttes
finvorto with a RtUe ennge pr vanllrisltlng bm- sister, Mrs. O. C. Motto.
Ralph Dnerto of FramonL U rtMt- iL—Mrs. E BsgoL Elk RaJMa.
ing relatives at J. J. Byneburg’A
B. Colvta of 'Baverse City, w
'ne Ann Arbor E E win give
Bendon visitor TSpday.
. ,
kid weltbli
heavy sole Uuoher oxford - •
Dongola lig^ sole oxford.;kid welt blucher (»ford—
Dongola hea'vy sole lace ox.
Dcmffola light sole kid ox.
patent kl^^ht sole oxford
heavy sole, low heel-------- :•
f 3 .‘iO
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
2 75
.3 00
2 75
2 75
2 00
3 00
3 Op
3 00
. 2 50
2 50
3 00
3 00
2 75
2 5(1
2 50
1 50 .
.1 50 ,
1 50
1 75
t2 98
2 65
2 65
I 2 65
I 2 65
2 .30
• 2 65
2 30
2 30
1 75
2 65
2 65
2 98
2 65
2 65
2 00
2 00
2 65
• 2 50
2 30
2 00
2 00
2 00
1 30
1 30
I 30
1 50
fecial cut price on all men’s oxford& This is tbe time
when you can gave money.
Btosy^ T«r gnd itouae toy •
tuto oBsred m bo ot*
----wfU give tbe «»M.
^ - iCIetolojCA
VerytHnt.'Deater^ Bn^thing.
mlDAT, eSPT. 8, not,
Q TJ i L I T T S T O a E
three Speciab ^
•The iiM
! a^speoial lot
Saturday moraii
„ .
from the
‘^ey ah» Rood size, good quatity
bristles, finit'hed in imitation mahogany back,
regular price 35c.
New York
Priced fcar^WiHf J9c :
BROIDERY SCISSORS. These a»- in three
’ siaifis. The larger ones are large enough for reg
ular work scissors. Each pair comes in a neat
leatherette oa^. We ^nsider^them an extra
bargain at the price wee bbifer for Saturday—
Oinina'cani, a la cart*.
ConneeU at
Buffalo and
Choice for
Kor Ume-Ublo aad dncrtpUre
matter, addrta W.S. WHEELER,
Oraetal Aaent, ra*Mn(er l>erarimeiit. BaOUo. N. V.. or H.
lERTO, TmveliD* FaaaenFort BlTMt Wm,
Eerm^ Jaked b«r atb
-PO Mi« If* better lUbla* aver la
Si ^do eounty." -he •*« pHhaiT^
OOM » «»»•■' I ^wer«k “wb« «ood *t tbe forte of a **04,,
■W' coontJT toad, not kui^ing
irtieAer be'iAotild torn to tbe 1^ «,r
abesd. Ae be hegtiutao. »
tumr «*me aloitf and tbe maa.aatd.
.%55 road lead./to San rennaoT
:4M tie famer aitfwered, ‘Bpth.*
■ aaid. -Wblch one aUU 1
4-fc., tbwf And tbe fanner aaa^CT0±'- -Ko' matter: wbldieTer
take: rra wlU wiib ;ou bad tak« th*
"1 sop^ 700 mean that tf wa
««* la Ea Dorado coootj I ahonld
UMi B' woold be beHer fishing ber*
'PUcw connur Tentowil Hau-
lar price 33c. ^
Fivf t!i(*iigh train* .dailr-
See west window displsy
ol thescooete ,
New Goods Are Crowdir^ Out the Old.
We have |nst nnpaeked
300 Bran New Skirts
All kinds of New Dress Goods,
New Underwear, New Outings, Etc
Saturday ^ and ^ Next Week
We will be busy showing the jnany new styles in todies’
Skirts, Jackets and Cravenettes, besides hundreds
bf New Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys—and we’ll
be busy closing out what are left of this season’s gar
ments at ridiculously low prices.
Iteses’ $4.00 aad $5.00
. Jackets al
$1.50 and $2.00
1 do,” I Mid. cootliniinc
___tbongb doggedl7. far I
a B(^lm«torr nrlUns meod,. Ibw!^'^-idtaet»l to look <U>wa tm *a
ratlM* looked op. Something tber*
wa. in. ber limpid eje*, ber'iD^ fiat•I'iMWh. eren tbe daih of tthor to
^ iweodi <±ee». wbleb fiia^t m*
■bore m7 notebook basttlj im, «nr
po^at I told mr»elf « wa. ta^ re■amblanca td ber tutet Ma?. -•
ymf was In Paris. boIm:^
' «io. When ibe mti»e«
loddftnlte Ome-abe »alhr to
ad to be In no more baste to ^ b
fls.n I was to bare fer conw-ite«__
We SM^Mt and•
1.8 5
75c and $1
S1L.KS at
Heavy 20c Sloddnos for
Boys,and GUIs al
UBl»« CaiUcoe*
1 Sc
|^V¥hal"^iB Raffles Do Next?
U7, ba was rldi. ai4 and. andWa* arer swaat dalUrmanca ao opI wJd JoTtnllr. lifting
fabr teartnl Uttla face up to tataa.
•SmalaH. 7«n Mid tbs UtOa maid
lered Om fooir
tbat was In ft* storf.’' Bbs
wa* Shifting again.
“And BO te ftU,*' I dadared. bending
‘Tbara waa oom a Baa.” I ohserr*d
ODCtantedlr. as wa loitered akmg (bs
boaaewaid wap. ~wbo battered ftat
fiaSIcs the Amateur
You Can Keep Vp with Raffles » You
Follow Our Columns
Orar tbe rocks wo elambared. laoghlnr-4t Is so eas7 for a ftUd to ba
bapp7 and for a grownup child ft catft
tbe aplrlt If be will—orer tbe rofta.
acnas the sospensloo bridge epannlng
fte Amatlcap Mrer. and wa bad gou
from Fteeer.eoti^ Into B1 Dorado.
“There! TW* Is tou nicer.” abe aaid
when we were again seated to her satBow'eweet ber roice wa*. an^reaUf
fta ;diUd wa* going to be handsomer
ftan ber alater, though Mar was cco■idared a bMUty. Bermlone waa
ebsiwtd tette7. aomebow. Ah. It must
ba bar hair, wfakb used to bang down
berlikck In a frowsr braid. Todagwhr—« goldn coronal, clcA kera and
ftare with a turgnotee blue .studded
ecn» iaa top^ oB with a black borr.
'*P^*’awmlon* bluftlngl
“Tbare was one* a man,’.' I anawerad
bypocrtdeally, ••who" wa* e-a-waU,
CSoeSi for example, who was at waft
ft' i (Uflicalt mentel probtem. and at
tbe tlmalM was gating Iwu^ at the”
Men-* SMandtlS
Boys* $2.50 and $S Knee
Pant Suits at (Mily
In IB7 moment of aaOnnMimmtt-1 b
bet Into mj anas. 4lynldat w ci__
Mrt oss-a^folden balMd Uttle sMorl
I ogliwd'Uaat-onsabeald.
'“Ebere! ntcre, Uttl* glrir I k
■■Ob.iraUarI How-eouldrti
pen *0. and 70a *0 good and kind, and
-mnd-ob. It wlU took jour lortog
iMotl It
aafea pan an « ' '
CagWea -bom jitlwT
1 amitwt at iwc (StffiTagaDee of as*
but CO BMkW what was tba
I waa -In'™ hunx to gi»*
^ Ik* warm ntOs Somi* la aj 1
ma was a new —tlw. and altoaitber ddlgsad, bat gaUo tw> soos
•H dMW hscMtf gaeUr awar and
bMan tbs eaplaastlac,
:8b* had fast neatead a latts tram
Ua7 bad
a-taan In Parte,
lift in gdd and' pMdooa gama. Hs
called ftU fabulous ooo&trr B1 Do
rado bot bo oarer found It 1 am
more fortunate ftan Sit Walter Be
WiU Raffles eefacm or wffl he kffl soinsworking union
tel^ I bar* fbo^ B7 m Dorado, a
iMtzaU what ber bnsband wrote.
‘golden regton.’ tadood. Uttte girt”
bM me* engagad for tbm rears wltbAnd ntirailnm.
ber amall
a UkatteL Wa. w* argued, bodad bnsd Into Bins, asked ntlralr:
w«H for a plwant future. Bull diei*
tXbw It waa bfttar dftlng orei
ras no burtr.
D Dorado oeuntr, wasn't Itr
But latatreonedilitr had entered tnta mr tdadd Ufa wUa was aetOng ma
aC awrf. Tte miseblef of It was, too.
that (ha distorbaoc* wm not tasgibla.
'erkman Kanlnlu Wkr Bis F<
If it bad baan a dabt. I ebajd bare paid
•agw K«U U MeMara.aa
ttf If a tala MJected; I «»ld bar* relad it or 4aH-1t %poB 1M fiamaa; if
ot cat again ror some nme.
tK'beeM -baSvbaen fl# ataquMlnt
d and taardened ftat 1
CoustrlctlDg anakbs sqoeese tbrir
^,-t ebdS tani aoiight a ramadr. teemed to be covered with pal* leatber.
rlctSms until they can no longer restet
I'm* luAa bf ebOM.' It was is
aeaUk bat maker, and It was
Vlperine snakes strike and poison their
liked wits from curling hat btlm* that his finger
prey. WaW «pakM start right in on
had changed eo strangely. Describing
frft while It li sUve.
fta proPMtea of a silk bat'* manutao- If the Saifte !■ Ceiled. Iny On* I
A snake's teeth are fine and sharp
tore, bejuK:
rr XI aa« the Other Vifter U, ud and numerous. They look Uke fine lift
“Ihe belief ftat cardboard forms
Will Set IftTC te Oet Awar. bMes. all curved backward. The un*mia mnst ttre with tw,'' 1 aaid.
silk bat’s teundathm te an emr. Tba
dw Jawbone la divided In fte middle,
*«b, rae.” abswarft kv. "antil aba hat 1* first, bum. up of rarloua tblckand fte food te worked In with an alHere are some, facte about snakes tecnatlng movemtmt ot the lower Jaw,
te ftarrlft. l.-tkncr aba wUl sany
«f Unw-Uyera of Unra. aoakad
given by a young man who has sGidled
jounk Sbe Is geinc to mak* a veer In ftftac. tbkt t>7 menns of
aided by a forward and. back moveshaft he was ten years old:
inij^ ftd boLliom wteghtng twenty
mant of Gie upper Jaw wlft its row of
"Wbat are you etarUg at me ao forr*
tbe kaked. putting on her hat and
Men's $10 and $12 Suits
at. only
«M*1«lewia O*
■«ntle «(idftBg «< bw sm Um.
tS« ■jswT*d pr«ai»
IM«4 1 ■app^.’*'■ana ow ttia* mnia i«wtb* moc.
■b* wptemwtnd*
b* OtMtaft
r it Ur nnd t7 nwa«Mili>ir
- •
-If ,00 call your-
Y Mgbad. Herftteo^alwayi laughad If she bad the falDteat reaaoD. ao In
Bomwt bar dimples were In tight
_JMB. Strange I had nercr befim
BOllftd what a wcalft of them there
-How old are yon. chUdr I asked
the tangle
tn my bead trying hud to straighten
- •!. Mey was ftSty one my own
-ftptMh abe dldn^t look it Eight»-«ii
:1V fta ftuuMe U in your story.” sugMteMd .'Eennlona "maybe I can btep
'ruit“- Her basd eyee looked Innoemit
ite Into mine
mine, May's eyes were blue
-K-hcly.yoB mlfttr ■I zroapett. but
_________ _
Snddftly aU
QOate had tMEMSk pUIn to me. ^The
eSBBptote. te obtednad.
“Tbe ank' U next put on. This sOk
coots from glO to tlS a yard. It lofts
e plusb In the pleee. The hatmaker
Is It off on tbe bias and molds It
ud tbe stiff linen foonda't
a tbe next timeI you
•HI. perbapa, amaie
'5he brim, up to Gila point, la Sat
Now Its curUng commences. That te
where my queer foreflfter comes In.
The' ftaptng of a hat brim la purely
a matter of band and eye and tasta.
Tft brim whUe being ftaped U highly
heated ao as to fire It pUablUty.
' “Arid of.eonrse working on this hot
material, patting and prodding It the
foreflngw thickens and tbe nail gett
"KererfteleB* bac curUng te plaaaant
arttiUc woft. Hat curien bara repntattoos the tama as artists. Their .work
te dlsUnctlre. An expert can tell It at
« glance."—New Toft Press.
A nMrr AUeat the mrrew WUft
Sue Beb
Below tbe nose runs a furrow part
ing tbe upper Up. In ft* facet of
hsMes and children this furrow te very
neOeeable. From the crolutlontet’s
point of riew It la ono of the u
ipmaikabte ftfteetsn of the tfte.
tends to become-obeetete'In old age,
and It a not seen among fta catenblne
monkeyn Among fte ptetyiblnea It
te but feebly deralopad, but In lemnn
U U in a more prenounced stete. There
te a depreased aeptum. to whlft tbe
two aide pieces are Joined. The-nppw
Up. Id fact te nearly ^t Ui two. but
.held together In a fteeMica pleee of
fleft. In fte marsupftUn and rodenGa G>e Up te practically la two piaecs.
end eaft pteCe te dSpnbte of Iftng.
moved aeparately. Thte te tbe "bareUp." and its meGMd of um may weU
be noticed In t hare or s rabbit when
eating. .
The furrow, tbenfore. In the child's
Up polott to ftis-ftat ow ancestor*
paMosied not a single vppv Up. as we
d» now. bnt two nppB Ups. one benMtb soft nostril, both o^ble «f
Indepenidant movement In the course
of Gme BMiM two Hpa have, owing ft
tbe BonraqblmnMt of Independwit
mbtSBiifct trewn togefter te form the
■Ingte -4> we now poMeas. but fte
Une of JnncGoD te not pefttet end
•o the Cnasw nodits. hnd someGmes
there te a fcUiil sear down tbe mld8^ tbaUNfftr.
^.ptaMsmoii «f fte fufrawsd upperifpiiy chlldTCB te one of tbe strong-
fa-faraTorh^"^fi^t'ft« puty.
jmiwBritde tor a snaka to
Gmes wlft a ratUft It U aa
put a stick on hie head notu you get
your band on him. It the snake te
colled, simply lay due band orer Itymd
tbe other under It. and tbe snake will
ot move to get away.
There U a sorer cure for snake bite
tbaai any brand of whisky. It te stryft-'
ttla sulphate, nitroglycerin and {iotas-
This young naturalist was without
hte anUdote fte first time he was bitten
by a ratUer. It was on the Mojave
desert, and bs waa prowling around
among somqold prospect boles. Stoc^
log down to pick up a piece of copper
ore lying at tbe mouth of a .hole, be
disturbed a big ratUer, and' it struck
hUn. He placed Ugatures on hit band
and arm and atarted for camp. At Gw
first camp be got a razor and bled hte
finger as well as be could, bnt It was
nine hours betore be could get to his
medicine. Tbe next day his whole side
was numb and sUff. and It was three
weeks before he entirely recovered
from tbe ecte o( fte polMu. Uc bad
not neglected, however, to' catft tbe
snake, and this became hte special pet
.The lesson be learned was ftat a
quick-movement In front of o rnttlcr’s
eyes Is o most daugorous proceeding
and It will luskc a snake strike quick
er than anything else. In handling
sOangc rattlesnakes he Is always a Ut-:
tie careful and usually draws then
Into hte hand over hU eoat sleeve. A '
caressing little pat on the bend seems
to have tbe same effect on snakes as
on other aiiliuBls.
After putting n rattler on
qf Lla room and tensing It. to nuiko It
coll and strike, this suuke traluer pick
ed It up in bis land, patted Its h^
and then pried open the big montt
will) s nail to show Its fangs, sevra
on raft side. In dllTerem singes at
development, from one like a pin
,»lnt to one fte alae of a bird * daw.
Tbe large fang te likely to <lropo«
St least once a year, but If Injurrf «
may be replaced three or four times
a year.
There te about the
from tbe bite of a nOiivenoinoua snake
aa from tbe bite of a dog or a ra.. mey or may not Ik- «erlon« Al^
pends upon whether a F'-'f
te transmitted and npon il.e ou.lltlon
Baby rattler* arcUtlcM
■Inning with fang! ">“• aoc“ "f
aiid 'tro ready for huslue^-. 1'".‘ Mr
have only a mile btillon o"
where tbe rattles are i.i ........ "
In the matter of f.’o.l
They -cannot l>e fnviKsl i
of all kind*. In f-i<'iarc rafter pniii'iilor
their foo.1 xei-ved oPve. u
ftlnea cr from-lemur* Giraugb tbe
fttceVentloo of platyrblne-Ilko ances
tor*, of whlft there are no .......... ..
KH i
snake, which ts very
Steiiitierfi ftp.
Ml. !«, ma a.
p a Mid V
wed aand a
baring gone through tbe snake's body.
snake's digestive organs may be
slow, bnt they are very sure. Teeth,
akin, hair and every part of tbe prey te
digested. The bard, flinty teeth of a
rat will be found, K the snake Is dis
sected within a week, to be soft enough
3 erngh In fte fingers.
Snakes tmiy care to eat once in three
r fonr moo be,
t • though they drink
inft water. Throngb tbe winter tbay
hibernate la capacity aa when free.
OccaaloUnlly they may be roused and
poesibly eat mmeftlng, bnt they
are v«y sluggish. .
Constricting snakes have a powmfol
rip, bnt It can be looaened Instantly
y unwinding from the bead or tolL—
New York Herald.
nlng birr
wings and a voice like n P
can be beard from Don to Beersheba
and ha's raueed more trouble than all
fte ticks, fleas, moeqnitoee. coyotes,
grassbivpers. ftlnft bogs, ratOesnakes. nharfck. sore toes, cyclonra
earthquakes, blterar^B. smallpox, yel
low fever, gout and indigestion Gwt
Gils great Tnited States has known
or. will know when the universe abuts
up shop and begins the final invoice.—
Guernsey rWyo.) Gaxette.
atom may'iead a man Into many
errors, but It JnsOflee none.
Cnstom. .though never ao anetent.
without truth Is bnt an old error.
Crutotu U fte tyranny of the tiwer
human faciilUra over fte higher.
It te'hard to abolish a eustom ones
Introdnced. however foolteh or effsnliiate.
There U no tyrant like enstonr and
no freedom where its edicts are not
U yon are determined to live and die
a slave to custom, aee Giat Jt te at least
a good one.
likely to lead to good bffAlte among Gie
people. •
Custom 1s the'soverelgn of mortala
and of guds. Wlft Its powerful bond tt
regplatea things fte moat violent.
' Custom governs the world. It te tbe
tyrant of our feelings and our mannm
Md rules wlft the hud of a tyrant.
Ut found It necessary to display ecnWtawnsl*. over hte counter tbe fol
lowing sign; “Our baslneas te to sell
tools, not to lou tbwn."
!'l>ld yon actually find Jt neceoaory
to hang up that noGcer 1 asked him.
.^conweldld.-Uraplled. "Hard^ a day passes Giat l.dont have ssuiebody nmung ft here ud asking me
ft lead hto a bstnifier, s saw or a
K** one of 'G>e froaks of hu^ oattire. ud I cut account for
It Peraonawlio-ironM not think of co
la* tote a hj>,t ftop .to borrow a bat
at ft a fnrnlftftg store to borrow, a
Wbt oeem to think iFi the most natral Kttii, 0?:
be woHd to emv ft ban
* UBB«r.A_
> Pwlt^^ m, far a. B. ma^
KKrthft eJOMa .fa^ book lri±
pottant Uttlo bus. n dent om «t7
TOO Mr* fonrot tiiklnc aboot kl*,*
Ant <am. .ifa* lent raOMiaa .io*.
-od wnHBBt7 at bar prattr MMa
“Bnt, lUitha.
t. ttn. Bany ma)Hi
taarnm the mominr
t a rmarkaUa wacar for
ber rtof wltti blto ao cn^y^^
a#aln» tiia «arl cdMafeb
raTttSTrf conraa.
rand Urd BdUntn. who w«n to pro.
be fond a .rlda A« ws
-m earrlaga atrttb a nan in
It-to be drawn by 4 bocaaa IP adloa an
***“I^’t yon tblnk." Be I
la, Xbopi rod wo^ba
Bath of tba
waa riddan by a }o(tey and only bar>
to tba caAlafa by looae atrapa.
Between tba bind wbada aat anotbar
jeekay. who goldad tta carrtasa by
BOTlns a handle Uka that of ttw mddWeyda.
you my tartF- be
a mwtn'W'aai*
M point or roar naadw him.'’ aba omtattod iriBlotlrelr.
bawlldarad. a Uttla hurt
At XMihtan. Ha^ lying w^ a
“And 1 maka.a point of not
•■Don't yon aea,’’ aba aipUlnad. “tbrt be tidewater ot Suntan tirer,
‘ bln.'’ t&ttcpolatad bar '
“Bat. Martha, be uryranlta bowSr abbot alaven feat
“Ob, I knew tbam aU.“ intemBM
lone and dra feat In greataat beigbt
Martba -tnaarrtad. waU bon. ^
- —locdlnc. not. fanona“ aba lapaataO
aa the “Dlfbton wrltlni rockl Ona
sUblTi ™ac*ui*
<a>aeklns fm
oB am
tin ^votda ca tha
aide of ttka bowUdP la almoet perfaeUy
Jlpa of bar prattyjtoffata.
•mootti. aa tboogb won by slacial a
“Ha u all tint and non.- rvM
Ant Clara varalr. "and -whr Ttm you quite cottfortawA Hlaa—«— bon. On thla flat aurtaca Is clear cut
outUnaa are doaena of eha
noold oamna tbli nn
gtypblee andplctstae. dtleelad by tMoa
She sbo^ bar bead.
tnda la note than Z can
prdilatoHc angrarar. The atcbaaolo-Ko; It wouldn't do at all.“ ^
Bar nlaca ayad bar wHfidly.
jtota bare uerer bean able to dadphw
rtrrectera, bnt tbey an of un
1 am folns to know you,’
doubted antiquity.
“Howr aba aakel damurdy,
' *1 ghall cell and pranent my cradan*
a. yon talk Ilka u Idlotr aba nld. «i«i« to your family."
He Tlalon of poor Aunt Clara
"Tbs wby do yon alwaya throw na
fronted by dila inatatnt yoimc M greeted -with cbeenk-la that 1 waa.«
at blnr danandad Martba.
•Vo ana la tzyls* to throw y«a at Wai too mucb to Itotba'a graTKy. of tba man behind tba guns."
‘•How many miles b^dr piped 4^
bin.’’ MotlBnad bar ant with nak>
Andwbaradiallyou«Br Tolce in the gallery.'-PhlUdelpWa
paetadanany. “He probaMy wooldnt
taka yon If they dld.“
“Indeed be wonldn't“ normorad bar ^HeluS^ad with bar. and than a anddan conatralnt fell on tbwn both. Ha
rr**t *t iMieertelttr.
nlaca faaUnfly.
"What aotborlty hare yon to tba
“lira. Barry Jiaa naked no to dine- broke It. and ble Tolea waa low and
atatement that Sbakaapaare la lidaia< and inddantally to mart bar naphaw;
you not teU mo where
I bare bad to make ateoaaa to yoa
'The fact that he «tlU aurrlTee atter4.>
ir be asked.
twice before, IforOa. Ton win go tUa nd Tonl”
“At Stockbrldga ton." tfie wblapa^
ttoer obe pleaded anzloaaiy.
His face waa ladlabt as he etodlsd
“Kot I.”
-------lediartha. “lAaO
rortty prwance upuo
“A trsln lesrae Plttiftrtd at 8 tomor
ind ttiia Tlolant an row afternoon. I abonld be tbarS by
tagoolam you si
4," be aald.
far aatimatea for heating and nt**“Why didn’t you make opr
tag. ClUiana' •phone *67. «7-*P6
te ber uanal aUte ot _
Hra Held diore off. brlstUng with
“And wbat reason cu I gtraT"
nghteons Indignation. It was bad
“Say I am out of town. I will g* •Boogb ttast Uartta abouM baro arQanaral cantnMto. Tar or gruwal
roots. Staeka painted. Cteatal roop up to Stoi^ridce. It will be only, Hrad bouia.lata the nightJiefore. .It
pairing etc.
two daya aarUar tban wa a
waa Inexplslnable that aha abonld ra■anyhow."
(an to drlre and Inalat open apeqdlng
tba afternoon In ber room.
-Blank goodneaa ber aunt c
“Only to two daya, and Hia.%ald la townow." mnrmnradllra.-BaId.
Da p. j. MACBonr.
tberw-you don't mind, daarT" coax*
- —-----MO orcaMiewo umn
- OOea
taa book she had been trying to read Clan, Abna, St. Louu, fibaioa, Owoaao.
“Buf*and hastily opened bar door.
' “That's a darUng." Two warm arma
“Pur meT’ aba qneatloned anxloaaly. Howell, Ana Arbor, ToloM and aU
ware around Aunt dara'a neck and a
The ball boy eyed ber uncertainly,
Bouthem and aaatent potnta.^
aoft cbeek pressed bars loTlngly. “And
“Ha asked to tba young lady aa
J. J. SBST.'Q. P. A.
now I will make yoa a cup ot ntoa hot nma last nlgUt" bt said douMfoUy.
tea and aea If Hart baa baked any ot
enati all right," ratsmsd Kartba,
tba cakae yon Ukii and paihapa there laamtag- “Say that X win te down In
wUl be bina enough to me to ran
down to Smith's baton
and jgt.
iba atral^tanad bar ■tutic' at tba
that lace yon wgntad."
giber and gara bar hair u appror&g
Poor Annt Qark subMod balplwaly.
a pat Tban aba tumad evsr 1b*
tin bar baaa and tagarSaS tt irOb
poahed past ttia guard at tba gate, raa^
Spaolal sttaerttaa ta Maaaaaa of ahOd- toward tba Ptttafleld axpraea and
Ron 4M Btato Bank taOdleaped on to tba atapa of tba last car h^gtaytaetan of the great dUtrto hos
ing. “ - • -------as the train was pnlUng out of tba pital of Orom Ldditeiitalda, naar Barstation.
“ManlatM_..U2lO p.
to opatatiotts far too fraquantiy
MthML • and 8 St
nowadsya. It Is a surgical erase wbbdi
Cltiians’ ptoa~ 624. ‘’t^'M
ad hla flying approadi -with admiring bss eelsad oh the profaaslmi. to be ra
fter In Its record with
Cutting out tbe spleen
The yonng man laughed as he
p£ iS:S6lun. RamevedJto oAea ever First National
hlmaalf up tba stepa ud Into
jk. ClUxens’ 'pbime 828. 7-l-’06
Tr^ to ‘C^
crowded car. "There moat be a run on lotbtag la known ot tbelr funetton*—
leave at 1:20 a m. and Oadar
Barktbiiat." be reflected as be walked in axpadlwit ao frequent In modam
alowly along the aiale. Brery aaat iracllea-^ looks on as tba top notch City 2:60 p. m.
Mereantlla Co.’a block SpaM altanTrains
franiy. The pi
was fliled. ‘ihe next car was no bet
tkm to aye, ear. noaa and thoaL
City arrive at 8:14
' “ ‘
ter. but In the third bis eyes Ugbted leploraa tta extaUng aystem of spadal- City
6:48 p. tn.
lutloD te medical atodlea and does not
Trains on main Una a^va at TkmTthink that tba practitioner who studlai
ema City at 10:60 A
t m. and *:4S p.
Speetal attentian tO eye, ear, nose an
tofUy. glancing casually at tbe other
p. A. mr—
IHLL, QaA P. i
throaL Qlasaaa fitted Ofltea ore
occupant, then looking again with
3. F. JBNK6, Agent
' American Dm* Stora
growlog Intweat as be realised tbathli proepecUre nel^lxir was a decidedP&. L. SWAMTON.
who dsvotea all his power of work, GRAND GAPIDS A INOtANA RAIL
,r prettj- girl- But bo was allowed
Office ever tha Paapla’a Swliw bSi
only tbe briefest gUtnpte of a pair i
sU bis knowlad^ and capabUt^ to.
Botb'’phaaea 103.
gray eyes - a tbetr'o- r Toudiaafe
traatment of only tba eyas noaa,
In Bffaot June 18^'IMS.
him a formal nod. and be sank thank can. Bldn, narvea or other organs nna
Tranl leaves TTATStsa City at 4:4*
fully Into tbe seat bealde ber./ He
risk of toeing faattag, and benea tba
CNy Opera Heuaa Meek. BotK^^^
glanced forUrely at ber as tba train power, to-^t human
Ttataa laava Travsiaa Oty at U:10
left tba tunnel. Tbe surrey wai
I ta ba.a physician and baeomaa a
A m.. eonneettag to potata north and
encouraging. Etidently tbe gray ....
C. D. Mn.T,gR, B. 8. SHTTB,
the dimpled cbln, tbe fair face turned
Train laavea Traratao City at 4:88 Dantleta, Stats Sank building, room
toward tbe window.
*•* « Brnrie Week Vm A. T. a
r. •
were not for him.
Mato 0«Mnl WUUa McBaan. T.^ . m., oonoaettag tor potata north and
On and on aped tbe train. Mamtio- was........................................................
m bla day padiapa tba b«t known
neck. Bye, Stamford glided awlftly by.
car" tiiat aver roe* from batag a
fo SavliW B*
He polled out bis paper and forgot tbe
proximity of tbe gray eyes until, look
ing up suddenly, be surprised them
looking into his own. She flashed and cine^nfto tha otfaat at tbe
tumad abruptly to tbe window, and be Ln'eknow. and ta cmmaetlon with Iti
Office room 306 WilhalRi bleak.
Train <
I te TtsTama Ctty M
bowed gravely and retnmrt to bis bestowal a curious anoodota la atlU cor8:26 A. I
[test tram with alaapt*
paper, but tbe article bad lost Its Infrom Ctaetannao
taraat He found himself rebelling e- Evoitag N«wa. Of cenrsa tbara
Train airirM ta TbsTana OUy at
tba convention that proscribed bis eeuanl parade of
1:16 p. m. and TM p. m. ■
speaking to her and then wondered at wore a btrtton.'" and Blr B. Oarratt and Booth.
hla rabalUon. He bed never before wbo pinned tba decoration oa tba he
■Bata arrlraa from Worttpert at
^owB any aymptoms of nndue euacap- ro’s bcMsL made tba cttstomaiy Uttla 10:20 A^m. and 4:80 p. Bk
tiblUty, be reflected dirly. imillng at >paa^ ta tba conraa of vAlch be al- Train arrirtag at 8:2i a m. Md
CRy Oparn Htawa • «aak.._^
tbe mwnory of bla suit's franUc efr at 4:20 p. BL baadlaa to. Ctedw
furta at mstchmaking on bli
wb^” -Tooti. toota. mon.“ taiqiad
One honr-two hoii
WlUlA qMta togattlng ha waa on pnMtSCBLLANKOUA
pasaad. On tbey went, throutii i
A,(Grand BasUa
, lagaa MaUIng la eballow valleys, pi
C. E MUBRAT. agant
IMda white with dalslea
work--toatA moA It dH not taF
Adam, win ^toltatg
througb long, wooded slopes, .as tbe crusty maw>ntaA"-Pall Mall Qu
train wound In and out among tbe
hUlA W aomething only would ba,^
y—g UasB.
Dumaa pate, who wa# prood of tba
a panmama unfolded from
ptlaw be raeelvad to bis work, was
c.,-window—and then something did'
ring of-tba fset.Bm train went more and more slow
^.mod a doubL" be tmnatkad, "I
ly. haHad. stood still; the paiaengm am tba beat paid of Hring man ot letL J. MePHAlL, OrNTST.
s 80S.................. ^
tiouat Inquiring beads out of the car tecA 1 reeaiva 80 eons a Una."
wtadowi or streamed to the platforma ^Hdaed. BoaMaorr said a hgataidand ta tee midst of tbe confuslo^ «. “iktTanorerwoMadtoliSBttiaB
pair «f troubled gray ejes aoogbt bis BgfiOOMaae. Wbat do you thtak of
W. N. NiLLAto.
yaam BuiMiiNA. NawteaacM
Ha BHRirod bar tbara could be no tbatr
-Too are }okta«" ttmpeaata TliuiMS itirar
wltaOrtanaBMoa, 168 Front ataaet toeral inaama and Raal <
danger and ateppad quickly into tba
Hanay to taam (Maa orar
aMa “I wlU aea wbat Is wrong." te
Friadflab’a toe atorh.
"Plaam let me go wttb
said, itatag nervously, tbe k
«omtag and going ta'tte
«^wy^Harpar>i Weakly.
Bwdlr daring to credit bis good tarMDA be made a path to her^S
crowded car to tba open air. whX
aakad Hiss Gray «f A
bad tot ladtad a pa5^..-r’m^:^*ent“v‘^
, StotA A fralght tram bad coiHto
!^iat Ou car ra datallad; tba otbw
Mrflatw Its tide acnas tha trath, obStinatMy raristtag all aSorta^^
It woald be an boor, pattepa twA ^
Mm Ite tiato ««M rSTMSaS
k O. P. Carver a Bra, N
ITObalDi UoM;
In Eflact Jun* td'ita.
Trains leave Traveraa City, as 8d*
Or& ATK8. mOEHdK.
B. J, MORGAN.10 o’clock .s in.
the old reliable Una that
is alwaya on UmA HaM ordera a
wnukae, « A bl.. 11:56^A B-. 6:80 g. dpeetaRy. I make all trains wttb ba^
In Uvery Z can tonlsb yon
Bta^BSlda.-t A nm:86 p. m. RUBBER
r Hantatae. ^dtagun and MD-
H. r. HfiMjat.
"rOmer mE*si^E%.
Is the atmoipbeie tbrae dsys andlj^ *moeti everybody anffoTA from the-heat.
Relief? Surely! Have plenty ofi'oe
about the place to lemonade, beer.
wine—whatever yon like aa a cooUng
drink. Aa to lee aup^y. your be*
plan is to oonsnlt
We serve IceUy, aaUsfactorily and at a mpd
erata coat
Do You Want to Buy?
iif areDtag at 8 o'clot^
Itoreti. W. F.^ ^L. Tkaitor, Saw.
Traverse City ^
L O. O. F„ meats first and third ...
daya ta aaM month. . Joa Lumlcgr, C.
P.; B. L DavlB. Berto.
reraa Bay TanL No 186. K. a T.
mooday nl^u In L O. g F.
£y®if^teitolii M fi
Utney. W, H.; F. BBTlland. Secy.
DuMeaa Camp. Na 2146, W. H. A,
meats at Woodman baR Henday evei^
IngA Chas. Defoe. V. C.: Joseph
ffiadar, Oarik .
day aveatagA Ttos. DoFDa N. 0..
Cbaa A.
SaentaryOn aceoant of to Hat
wiu bs te tbalr cOmb daitag baatoe
6N-I0T WObelm Btoa. Bllwna 2
and 22 T^rnkoop Tisraea.
WIU Bring Back Many
tn Return.
Sfcoke Jahraus’ TraYerse
Belle cigars and you’ll soon
be rid of the blues. These ci
gars furnish the b^t xnild^
and sweetest smoke ,to be
had. Havana fliled, band
made. Once uSed, never
Flue realdenoe 1^ on WeR Proot
and Madlsou stiaeta and Jeffe
IBB, also half acre lota outride of
Umlte faring on Fulton Street.Some of tbeae very finA
line a
,rid 'trade for
...... ..........................al eaute.
Rlrii aoU by the load or in quaniity.
state Bank Bldg
Both Pbc«an 18-
The Northwest Specialty Co.
Grand Rapids
Have moved their stock of
Furniture and Specialty Goods
Iram S. Untoo SL
toSK W. iVoBiSI.
(McEvoy Brick Block)
Where will be Ibuiia a Ckmqitete Line of -
r and prompUy
.. Mte. Asto nr
Ob, N. B. ftawln.
Oaipat Oliaatag Wcuka, 822 WaaBkigtas atnat *Pkona Ma 118.
Wiil H. Steffens
Fte nwiMitaniffi ■idartfug tea
House FiiindsiliingGoods
Fumlturct Rugs of all sizes and
kinds. Blankets, Curtains. Bed
Spreads, Shams, uce Curtains of
all prices and .kinds. Silverware,
Clocks. Dlsbee;' Pictures, Sewing
Machines,^^tfbiug nachlaes and
many other ttdags too numerous to
motion, ifiBd «Ei yo
your own terms.
/OKPiapOgp A^UHfcOB.
th? Ml. Of OMte f^r Th. loll of
' Spice" win opeo «t tbe box oAoo at
Mro. W. Q. Campb.ll of KalkMka,
roiufn«d home thte moraiixr aftM a
two weeks rUK with reUtlTes la the
After a two week, visit with Mr. and
Mrs. C; W, Kilmer, near the clty.Mro.
- F. R. Henrys left for her bonw at Marvine, this noon.
Chai H-. SimmoRO waa In th. city
today arranging for the appearance
here of Porter J. White in "Trtlby"
next week Friday. September IB.
There will b. a mMUnp of Ths
Kings Herald of the Aabury M. B.
rtiurch tomorrow allmooa at
•o'clock at tbe church parlora.
. . Mr. and Mre. Elmer Myora of
Wert, Ohio, who -lor a week paat have
C0nA6ESfilBl i
In ■sais’a'Ftv CnedJSmwGMn
When too axtoMs wsobsn hsrte.
Sbonid be*
rasMbakmas whose iatr R waa to
9mA on too:ngiM, aril at too board
toasttogi tod vela for to# name off ths
eoanty was alw^ two and twn and
fMHng bagan tojamhl^ -Mm
Travarae-CIty Is Choaen-Frem Ameag
. Many Plaeaa.
Hr. Oeorge B. King baa abld hU
pretty cottage, ••Snnset.” at Bdgawood,
the purdianer being Mr. L. J. Marks
Of Chicaga Mr. and IM. Marks have
been in the city since inly and had
InteaUoD when they came of remaining
nny length of Urae. bnt the beantlfnl
Burroonding rewwt plaeea appealed to
them so fcmdbly that they have beta
here MI aommer, and bave thorenghly
fmloyod their stay.
Mr. Marks is a retired Chicago brok
er, and has travcioatvsry extensirMy.
With, his wife be has visited
the pcmnlar snmmer resorts of tblsoomitry. bnt the quiet lltUe nook ai
their &aej
most of all, and now they will apsnd
Just erwT 'mlnnte possible of thttr
time at ''’Sunset," situated on a blnS
overloQMag the bay. with a fine birdseye view of the city. Hr. and Mra.
Marks wUl remain here unUl'ahottt
the flrrt ci December,/when they will
leave, for Qte aouth to spend the win
ter. They wUl return to Bdgewood
early as May, so aa to not mi—
moment of the aummsr’e beantlea.
In speaking to a friend reoeoUy, Mr.
Harks said: "I have traveled almoat
everywhere, and I have found no place
the lakes that pleased me M wMl
as Trsyerse Xhty, and 1
least six tnaoths of every r*»r
’-Snnset" oottsge b nltcisted about
two miles from the City on the west
side of'the penlnsttls, and b bnm oo
fine temee ovwlooking tba
bay. and ^00 feet above the water line.
The suns^ view hm b'the meet bean,
tlfnl ter be obtained anywhere nlong
that Bhewe, and it-b throng thb fact
thst the cottage received lb name by
the origina] ewner, Mr. Frank Hamil
When pec^e who have had many
plaeea to c^tose from, as have Mr. and
Urs. Harks, locate permanently at oar
resorts. It cannot help bnt attract oth
ers who as yet have not decided cm
a place to spend their stbomers. Ms
and Mrs. Marks are at presant boMR
engaged moVlng Into their new
will aocm be
ably settled for the remalatni
The Rev. Monty McKinley and wife
of Amboy. Ind, who hare hem Ih the
city the past ten days. vlaUlne Mr*
McKinley’s parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Pnrker of Spruce street,
home today.
Mra. C. Prickey, of Mancelona, teturned home today. She came t
tend the funeral of her Erand-dan^ter
mtle Lila Tinker, the two and oa
half year old child of Hr. And Mr
Henry Tinker of Woodmere avmrae.
The Rev. W. R. Currier of Ionia,
the Rev. E. Rath and wife of Reed
nty. and the Rev. Charles Richards
of Scottrille, ah pastors of the Brangelical churches in their respective
loans, relumed hcHne today after
week spent hm« attending the minis
terial conresUon.
The Junior Union of the Baptiat
church will resume Ua regular wnh
Saturdtfy. Sept 9th. at 10 o'caock ;
' In thf liasement of the church,
sewing school will be opened in connecilon iherewilh. eondueted by Mra.
- Kittle Bare^-ooper. All the bc« and
girls Inieresre^ are cordially invited
to attend.
Angua MeCell, one of the best-tenown
local blacksmiths, and Mrs. Bi
Kelley, pa^.proprletor <rf the IaG
candy Idtcheo. were united In
riage Toesday nt Elk Rwlds. the Rev.
Hilo Woqp performing the ce)«m(my.
The allalr was kept a secret from the
friends of both parties in this titf and
the toinotmcement of their marriage
was a great enrprise.
. /
Anyone who hae work that can be
done before and after school bcran.
whereby a yonng man can earn bin
board and lodging. Is requested, to no
tify R. . L. Nye of the
There are two or throe seosttarg'nH;
men who desire to attmia the tnfh
Sedtool this year but who mnst earn
’The following imclalmed letters
their own way thronghont the term
malned In the TnveM City poatofand are anxious to find places where
flee for the
they may work for their board and
Pert Himnw—After lest' than .two
Bicsitbs' mairtad life Mrs. YMat Mor
ns enea tor divorce from RmUarn J.
Morgan, altaglng that her husband bft
their wedding day. be
diat^ after the ceremony, and beime ioioxiealed.
Plot Reek.—Fire'broke Sit In the
Methodist parsonaBA destroytng the
bonse and hariL Total loas,. »>.600.
partially Insured. Sympathy b oxtea*H
the pastor, who lost sB hb per^
eSects. Indadlng a fine llbmry
of 6M Toinmea.
Holland—The honse'oo the term of
George Bahbodc at Sangatn^ waa de
ployed by fire yesterday. l%e lOM le
i at
partially covered
Hr. Babcock b a promlnent fruit grower and hb borne v
one of the finest In thb sectlijn.
aideeo and |day a gams at pokar tp
Jeasph—Bound, gagged, robbed
and tied to a tree to a lonely woods.
John Unders./aged 19 yeara streggM
tor 12 boars to free UmsPf. The
rt«es atonnd hb wrists and ankles
cutting the flesh to the bonea,
finally managed to loos«i bis arms
lap, and crawl to the nearest fsrm
boasa two miles away. Landers wi
his way home from Raw Paw,
lake resort, when he was beset by robbmu. They gagged him with a hand
kerchief and tossing him Into a bokiy.
drove to the swamp and. relieving him
ot hb money, left him to die. He b
aerioiM coodltkm.' Sheriff Ten
nant has ^ered a reward of 650 tor
the detenUtm ot the robbers.
mreced with toe entire popnfatbn -
UYINGSTON. Mont.—Mbs Fannto
A We^ of Washtogton duriag a vis-
t ton 1
Barings hank b new on be
fore Judge Adams. On account of the
of the issbee Uvolved the
e b likely to prove itotable.
—W. u Ballard, a com
mercial traveler Of-thb pbee. liu
black Minorca poRet
that eridekUy has-a lew things to
learn. Her Utest effort |n the e«s line
Is an immense one nearly round,
uring 8H inches In clrcumlerenc
containing Inside thb big outer shell
a perfect egg ot normal sbe and stmetnre.
KOKOMO, tod.—The loesl court has
been. eaUed on to establbh the legal
valu^^.h«^ terib by Charles FowMl.
fi^i a 54.000 damage salt
against'uigyPenr- •
the loss of two
In an aoddtokt al a crossing.
LOB AN.GB1-Ba CaL—The vriU ot
Frederick B. Rtodge was toond yeatorday among private papers at his bone.
It leaves hb. enure esuito. totimatod
at.$20,000,000. to hb widow and three
chlld^.'and appotoU Mrs. Rtodge
without bonds,
which is very short, was written on sn
ordtosTT sheet ot note paper by-rtodge
ntiae.—Martin Jones, of 148^- blmsew.
qnette avenne, qsfrbK. a pi tientattheNEW QARMONT, tod.—Clareace P
Basten Mldblgan aayinm la the con
valescent stage, awaited the coming Widfe.' editor cf the Tfmw of thb
placA will mnlUply the tronblea <ff p>
the asylum and when the enghte was eta to, thb secUon of Indiana by put
within 15 feet of him delibermtely ■ring a Uoo on guard at the oOoe of
hb paper. The lion b sot tame, and
threw himself aercas the track,
Hr. Wolfe thinks it on^to be ahls
body was cut completriy in two.
several poets and "klckerB’’ •
He bought it from the propriea eirens that risltod thb place
last week.
SSr S'" ...........^
Cured Of Brightb DIaaaso.
Geo. A Shermsa. Lbbon Red —
Lawrence Ca, N. T, wrQea: ‘’1 hsd
Udney disease for many years asd M
been treated by physlclaas for tsr^
Notice te All Peraons Interested:
years; hkd taken a weB knmj^
The Special Assessment Tax Roll
Sewer Tax
Cure. The first half botttoreUevad Mb
emth when the'
which tcrmmd
toraey LAveiace of 1
the moon was thrown into space by
after BunneH had paid the jusUoe seme mighty upheavaf eceoedtog to
court fees amatmUng to U1.48 dropped lYtffeaeor W. H. Pickering, the astron
omer cf Harvard Dnlveratty, who' has
Jost retnmed fntoi HawaU. ProtesLahalng.—After —rghing for more Bor Plckering says that aa soon as ha
than tva years la almost every staij saw the vdeanc » of HawaU he reoogin tbh lIiiloQ. M. N. Nii^ob Identified ntoed them as near 'rriaUvea. to the
,onng man who had been loriced np extinct volcano n oo the moon, and
Unsane as his long missing soil
I the blaads
Tonng Nlchtds fmed a deep attacom«mt for a 13-y«ar-old girl,who did
not return his love. He dlmppc
and It DOW develops be has been UvST. LOUIS. Mo.—Mrs. Sadie Rohr,
one of the most beantlfnl young w<
ed to St. Loub Jewish sode^. his
nonnoed her engagement to Harris
Franklin of Deadwood, S. D., a rntfiG8L Joseph.—A new boat Una b to millionalre banker, stockman
be e^bUsbed between thb port and ranOb owner and mining partner of
CUengn. A frel^ter tor ha»
B. H. Harrtman. Mrs. Rohr has been
fsnlf will be put into service early next a widow two years. The
year a fleet ot passrager steameK
b the reeutt of
be added to competie with the Graham at Atlantic City a-few weeks ago.
ft Horton Ttansportation ooapaay. W. wlhen Franklin, seeing Mrs. Rohr In
J. Calhoun, a^t of the new oomi
the elevato' of a hotel, became infat
>e inootpontted as the Chicago uated at once. He obtained an totroTraasportatioa company, appeared be duction, and within three days placed
fore the city ooanell and eeetir
a ring upon her finger.
lease tor the rest ot the eeaeo
the city dock at the toot of Btato
iTGe tax rtUs for tha mUnthw
tehod and c— -------- --------------■ Dearborn—Le^ Di^ fell from efty of Traversa City.
___ ___
tke roof of a boae In thi'e village and bean placed to my bands tor eoDsn
died nt St. Mazy'g hoepUnl, Detroit
Re was slaUxkg t£h roof at the time ‘*rwm be to my olBoe ter the pnnass
ot oottectlng said taxes every «ede
and srban the wooden seaffoid agateri day tram sow until Wevsmbm -toL
which he waa propped gave way be 1906, from 6 o’clock ontu tliMVetoS
slipped over the edge of the roof and to the fmenoenrend Irem 1-e’doA to
fril to the gio^ Hb right leg
twAsa In two ^aees and he was badly w% be ,Eg9sl^ Wlltaat
injured Intmally. -He
oiA and leaves a widow anil three
Battie Creek.—'Ow Battle Creak aldeimen have rslaad a qneadon that:
wiH affeeot evary oily to Miehiffa:
"Who owns the grend under gldewalkA the- IndlridoM who hat abotttofTw^arty or tbs
persons who nre brildlng
blodka have commreeed to exeaeala
v&der the eUewalk, with a view of «stoadlng their oMIars ondeneatl
walk. Henoe .the rabtng of the
tton. The pohtt has never been aettied ^ the eounoU has asked the «Sty
attoraer to make .an
■ ■ 3’Ek‘TXSfJ™
itfer $100. He brid
In Honre held a xlgng. dad the otbari dropped eat. Ddoaido -doev sos
eard. La Moore BaaR hUnealf ffra
cards, and the batting
> waa «S.<^ to toe pool private
___ IT. boriffes toe ridps. Then toe
toad'wiB-caHed; ■tfomidshMdtom
kton and-La Mowehafttoaora atou.
ttrae tree nnd a .pab of floom
. to bb test and criaA *««ntb
ttib b McKenMe eoanty.” and so tt
' and b cnBed. The gama b»tad
•an benra, and In Honre and
1 were carried riwoHcr Ugli
Eld toe tows, 'wUdk eew ne tleep
abM. Tbe cards held by In
re are to be found aaMt« toe archlvra (ff toe eosnty, Ubded
Mene's Five Card Draw.*
crackbman." begin*
mM mssm
Read our Tap Coat aid.
Dib W. J. HlillM ‘
School Shoes
and dwlng one
boerd toe
was pestering
ktotoconsenttoniffltogtoeDowdlepatto best afterward toe Ibkihto. toe
OfneoTd. after tbe first battte «t toe
Oeniral Axthw was dbposed to qub Cbandbr abont hb proppsed name. Be prefoered toe
DUpbto as bring more suggest
sea. When Chandler signed
tance of kaeptog la mind tbe
of tbe eokmbl mUi'f^t b tt that you propose to call
la tolpr
ffte Concord,’
iShg the aivrared New Hampridre
Ihoe." retaried Astonr. inrittog the
.tentkXL of Captain Boeder.. "Do
Tia bear ttati Coaqaerad. B;o yen
dtak that a good same to give a skipedWt Then. i^Mi yon ^aagatoa
tt Omieacd. Jest
hne Dental Work
t39Fr«9C. Clt.'td.'7ra-
Special Sde
Byes and Restore fefeet Vbioa.
No tronUe to show yoa, at
Dr. P. A. Wolit
& Co.
Booms 4l»-tl4WnbelmBlk.. ,
Pretty, Dainty, Oever
round trip tickets ...
tbe Stale Pair, at rate of one tare
plus 60 centA which Incladaa atebsiOD to the fair. TIckeU on
IL 12. 13. 14 and 16. good ..
any day np to and Includin* BepL 12th.
Ask agaits f<w partleubn.
Alice Johnson
Tbe SenO-IHaskal'
Comedy Success
The Marriage
of Kitty
Omeral Aztoar had ceased to bave InBocnee to naming toe ships oC toa
pretty gvoertUy dbtilbated over
globe, and on thb aceouat tbe naturallets infer tost there b work for them
te do to the greet economy of tbe imivwee. to eech
matae. femalea,
neuun and jisiteihiiee sotdbrs are to
be recognlMA Tbe aaba ate tovarUMy g—iw than tba fmaalea and. Uka
tbeaa of tbe ftmtolne gender, have
I in. torii orlgtoal state. Tba
whito are tbe workers,
wings to any of torir tnns-
Strikes HWden Reeks,
tohen'yonr aUp of health strikes tbe
hidden rocks of Consnmptiim. PnenmoBlA dc, yon are hjot. If yod dost
ret help from Dr. King’s New Dlaeovery for Consumption. J. W. MrKlnnou. ot Talladega Springs, Ala.,
writes: "I had been very ill with FnenmoolA under the care ot two doctors,
bnt was getting no better when I be
gan to take Dr. King's New Discorery.
The first doee gave relief, and one bot
tie cured mA" Sure cure' for sc
throat. bronchelUs.
uus, CUU61U
eoogha.and colds.
Guaranteed• at------------------k
S. E. Walt Sons, to
Jrug Store.
and Hannah Drug
price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle 10
Teirptoeme to toe eonte.
Prkes: 25c. 35c. 5(
75c. Tew at SUM).
1 by ttia aimer plabs on thrir
tove of'Vevic.
- .Tbe lore of-wurk. Which 1
tor eharnctertstbe of toa
Froude. b sraU SluMrxtad fa a atory
told of bb lari IHneee. Tba canemoui
MBKtien of wWrii ho afterward dbd
■^ae alowiy deatrwylug hb heattfay and
’rimnua froma. At pne tone he seemed
v-M- ua wbrii toe phyriFrwSe asked wbribm 'tt wee Hkaly
be would & able to go back to hb
wcrfcagaln. Os haaripg tbitt thb-wu
ImpMtlble besaid. "if that b toa
I do not wish to Ure.*
Aaissais ana O
Tbe toawy Raa. baes j
toe eoBapleuous celac* .<
spedee of fuabse, toeecte end
^rm»u xre-.-natote’aaetood of adver____ ict that such are pedsonona.
to toe btte BT rily wblto ^
r toal toe flesh to u
touaed for food. Tbs baherecs to tola
toascy rite toe wonderful dlaplay of
riBors in toe ectoas wamt. the coral
■take, ths hoDldhim tbh and toa OUa
tot^BdSSrSrabbnr toL a V
ud ^ysr net fUr baimtiea ,
"HamY Henpeek and hb srita settto* thair dlffneaa abont toair Tbtt^
QMparoem 80* Btsf*' Ratt baHdhis. •tog carter '
"Oh. yea; toayYa eomprembo
Glr. and Mra. Maria Henpeto.'"-FhO-
to toe proof that a igMngi b a Uring
HO. ONE MO OONT HIM aalaalT tonag Man 4nto toe Bad.
■y«~A man. b'a Bring lalmai Many
lug Fri«y?®Sar WL? *A<i to mAS
sobri^nnd ao^M^
stance. I brilava J wooW ha're ^
If I had not talte Foley's Klte^
Cnie.” Bold by-ft"*: Walt 4_Wi4
Oaoe. rt>om 20t StabT^^ft^lV
.. ' .
Barton. Jno. P.
Bennrtt, M. A. ^
W. A.
Cl^back pork.
nc-oo Connkt.
Decker. Newman
Claarbaek pewk. .
D«ec«. P. C.
Short pork, per t
Gardner. W. 8.
Codflah. per Ih..
Gra^. Floyd
Ham. per lb...■- .
Haight, Lewb (2)
Baoon, per Ib...
-Hodge. W. W.
lArd. per Ib........
H«ii>egan..C. T.
Jones G. W.
Pbutoea, per bosbel.....................ISo Kent, Gea W.
KnoU. Cbas
Mason. Dick
Parkinson, Jss.
Reginsteln, Jos.
Reynolds. AUe
Flour and Faad.
Slocnm. lesUe G.
Schaeffer R, E. ,
SUOhn, Mr.
Tracy. Chas..
TJ; 8. I
Worn Bros.
Wilson. A E.
Wsrten. Dr. G. B. .
Au^. Mrs. Frank B.
Buckwbaat. par bnabel.
Borkmaq, Mary Rye .............................................. .....60c Chapman. Mia.--W. W.
CharlBon; Hanha
HannMt 4 Lay Mare Xe.
Clark, Margery
"“I’S Flick, Nora B.
Gerhardt, Haauh
Hutchins. Beatrice
Hall. Gertie
James, Uary
Rogers, Hay
Smith, Mannhuf
Suddlebauar, Ida
SUlweU. Eva
Bpi»ue. Mrs. L L.
Thomas. BstdOe
Trant. HMea -
fore Sept >0.1M6.
I ahMlTtoka m.jtottAtoW.
and craiy. it b said, f
ibmaBae—The triO of the ease ot
ildd allv
bot spriag and was boURd
Vital B. Bsn«i et al. against the exdtm-
BUrtlIng Mortality.
. ■EIGHT *T0RIB*'AB0UT RAFFLES They have no eqtel —GET NO. ONE AND DONT MI88 end BllUooanaee." l6o at to
ft 8ans..H. B. MUtor-a sad
Drug 8tm
One Nlgbt
Wed.. Sept 13
oraa City oy^
Drug Cto
is ChMp, Cleai*
1 and Bailable.....
Ii>en are naln*Fewar it «,IH
pay yen te leveetlfiete.
Beardmea River? :'
Blacrric Ltftlii «
Power GomiMiaj.
■etere eed power
fer nM perperea.
nsnwr. esn.«, i»«.
ta poedUe the name may be sSated
Vamae-J. Jeffrlea. chief of poJIoe.- bel«ng. The big Aungton haa n
good dianoe of aecnilac the podUem
n» bead tf the Loa AngelM. Cal, toroe
tteBOA the Influenon that is belsg
TO GET $1,000 FOR OFFICIATING ^ootfit to bear lo hla behalf. JafAT BRITT-ftELSON BOUTr
Mea hna had no experience that wadd
fit him tor the ptec^ hut hla ricotoof
Britt BacAa Out «f $10,000 SMa «
dTle of doing things and the mord
Bpth'Beys tn Trim.
efieet hix preeeoce at the bead of the
wouH harw are strong
poteti in hli ttfror. '
Royal ^kmg Powder is^indi«pcn«able
to finest cookery-^d to the comfort
and convenience^
modern housekeep
ing. Royal Baking Powder makes hot
brrads, cakes and pastry wholesome.
Perfectly leavens svithout fermentation.
Qualities that are peculiar to it alone.
•OVAt •4»H« POWM CO., Ni
A. w. muNGSwoKn
log cDttan asd BwaBpm. t.__ .
wood oatMn, 90c per oord; oew
cUDpa, good limber; bowd, n.M.
. smiATION M 000k.
€rtia for genetid hooMWOck; S3.S0 to
SS.OU per week.
POSRKMC aa bookkeefier, good referi eoees.
TO SEU.-4 aerea good, lerel onA
land, joBt oaUide oorporatioo 1
just the thing for market gardo._..
‘ TO SOJ^-M aerea, 7 mllm oot; 90D.000 feet hardwood, aome
1,000 or more cords of bloek wood;
TO SOI.—tK ^rse power gaaelioe
engine, good rep^r; $90.
TO SBLL-«-Uble pool and billiard
outfit—ebalra, eonntera, show oaar,
light fixtures and stock of goodr,
$800; lesanhao -half Mt-prioe; par
ties going BOntb.
- TO SEtL—S genu' biejdea, $8.00 and
TO SEtX-1 open buggy, $5 00; open
hnggy andhamem, $K>.
TO EttaANK for Trarene Qiy
prti^erty. 40 aoree land, lake front,
mnniDg water. WO^dt block wocd
An becnl. IK mllm from raUroad
Wot^MlCtlii Board for employ
meat and bargains
Watw aai Wetsa
Bear Admiral HigglnBim. at a dlnas
be recentlr gave to tbe dtTT 7*l4
; at WBBhlngtmi, aaid of a certain Amer'lean milllonnlre:
sOnce In England he and
' ataylng nt the s^me copntry bouse.. It
.-waa tbe sbnotlng rranon. and 09 the
momlns of onr atay we found
Rlioollng side by aide.
feeepefe began to w.iirti him. to smile,
and U make low toned remarks.
. “Finally I saw a {tbmiiant nmnUg
^bg tbe ground and tbe young'Amer-
Jas. J. Jeftrlea, toimttf haaiyvaight
cha'mpton vt the wtrU. airlvad in tbe
dty this BcanlM and Bwlarw that
he will referee the firttt-Mdaoa boat
whkh u to take i^aoe tomarrow nlgbt.
t be had cem»
prepared to accept tbe ofler ot |1.0$0
for bU seiTlcee as refefee. 'When tbe
oOer vaa made a few days aso be
etuek for $1,000, vUeh was t«
by tbe fighter!' managara. J«
airw deelmrea that ba wfil b^,^
third man In tbe ring, despite
Oona laieed to him.
Tha side bet of $10,000 a aide, which
waa put up by Britt and Neteon, baa
been withdrawn, Btltt baiMag out.
Nelson waa willing to let tba bet
•tend. Tbe fltfitera win reeafre 6S
^ cent of the.gate receipts; the win
ner takiBg 60 per cent and the loser
40 per cent cf that amount
Both Britt nnd NMaon are soi
der wfright and hare gtres v hard
training, doing only enoagh work to
keep on edge. - 'CENTRAL LEAQUR.
—Oh. sir. ytw moatn't aboot the Uifi
‘No, Blake. Pm not going to.’ taM
young man. T^ant yon eee m
Vattlng for n to atopr—Nm Orlaana Sutea.
i IS
'■Isa LMsem OhsaBmv:
la ^te of hU yean. King Leopold
flC BalgiDra Is ooe of the most daring
■ct OMD. Not OD^.is be giren to rtdtng
In «a ntomobile at ti
but be aUo employs as a ckaalfeur one
lUrcei, who Is a pronoimeed anast
In ytew of the many attaa^ts nafia:
«• tte Uees of Buropean
kteir$'*«t«ntk>n of this employt.li f»
fiAed A fMHUidy. A haa ^
waned agalut tha man by the pdUca
of B^gtom. France and Oenany. bat
be pays no heed to their connadr He
addreasea Kami as ettoyen (eltUm),
the ttUe which was sabatttnted tor all
otben la.France Atilng the lalga of
Huellmantel Bldg.
at Phone 47t:
Severe Price
CutSng AU Altfng
the Line......
We Tell of
Dress Goods
Pine all-wool Cheviots, M inohes wide,
colors of Tans and BroTnia; -that
48 inch Blue and Grey , milted all-«ool
50 inch Black Novelty-wilii n pretty
desp ot white, . dollar
erticle, cut to
. 50 iheh Novelty Siiltieg, good heavy
weight, wee $I ,',0 a yard,
cut to________ ________________ *>y*'
Pine all-wool Black BroMcloth, an cle, gant thing for
wear, 11.25 gootla,
cut to ______
The Boston Jare.
Whaaling Baofce Down,
ad BapiJt, September
iUI negotliaions lor n pottaeason series be« Wheeling and Grand Baptfia,
tbe two Uadlng leama In tbe raoe tor
tbe CoBtral leagoe peonaat ees
abrupt end last night wbwi the
gU management flatly retwed to
meet the locale.,
Oenze) la arranging to bring Noetbera Uichigan and Amerlcmn aamdaUon nines here for late oontestn.
Kid Herman Tootad as Cemlrtg G
Kid 'Berman, who put Tcanmy Mowntt to the bad th 16 rooada at Grand
Raplda the otheryoJghL M now apoksn
' toys he .will go after Britt now and
Wowfitt •ayr' that be bdlerM that
Herman wUl be the dumplon. “Lota
or them are clere^*’said hCowntt,
’ nerw met one so clerer with a watN»,” whUe Joe Coffey, who rtfeteed
he fight aeya that he beUevea that
with Heman in the oemdltton he waa
the other nigth can defeat dther Ndeonor Britt.
to ptaoe bto tmage opw «or MiOi aad
than have the Holy BpMt iMka as Oka
HtaL Here toe .weaker quoted BOOS
of Chrtit'B saytagB, sndt aa, “t IW.tM
Way. tbe Tndh and the 14gU
and "I am tbe Vtae Wd ym an
braaWes •
Tbe a^mnJttb aaU
the weeker. that oooraH through the
Ttoe must oonae tbraogh
A maniriiaaa oharaotar M toRDsd ^
Ureumatanoes is Uw maWtaa poUry.
saM Ur. VoeOnr. Too tm the <n^
end the name thing oonua out eracy
time. That ktad ta no-good, tttatba
mu who Btoada firm and true tor
right all the time, that ta of nan.
The way to Rtfild Cbmutor.
Tbe speaker thw want on to taO
bow our Waraeteia are hunt up.
err buUdlnghuafoondittao. Wean
told to build not upon A yoek but
upon THE raw. When yim do
•Ofioago News.
iMffOlB Who raw India,
named the Asiatic Oiarii
was a atataaman and sT.-----------------boot a palaee tor tbe reeratlea of
mra who iored WraMg and maght
afiarwtodom. Tha great raotuTa pa>Mn for knowledge la aaM to have
bath shown by a whlmBkal acpetliMnt
be ones made to'dMsnnlne If It wm
tna aa he bafi baaid. that Behtew
wee the natural language of an who
•bafi amr -hew <au|^ any oWw
To tato thb imwflm Ahbar canatfi
a fioaaa nuralng WAffiw to be Wat w
tal city. WW wad was naied
pvtar aW wra
post raarterma ai» stfll bAw hold - .ata. and ba was furhUfioe. apon
oengNBata. Tbaunt- PIA «( fiaath, WM tbe gatM of tba
I o< optnlon la'to the «$atta Vheaita&iMwecetwtlTe
eOMt that wma tooled at loast tirloe.
ra hut daMMoa hi haaaa on tbe
Hw Wraad'SfciWxta' ta AM
■ %at.he heard Bohraek la the
elghtit.aoand teD Wme act to kMo
t and that he had beto
tha men tt thebe---------- .
ot tk$ a»
MMUy. rrwy oar answered by a alga.
Xxn ABgelea,- Od. BeptoBtoar fl
Bemcraaja randy lOc per prato. to0^. a» ne Ln&attL 'wa
sad oRw tar
, SS..“Sir3t&5iS.4S
aad mnat be aeU. - XWfir
' prioM:
70 Fmr a Ba
DarraWaatera '
eagle Want Ads
60 FOOT LOT a West Htata atraat,
east of Na dM.
008E Ah
tafiy'b aeoad-ba]
eringQlce;4» k
batwea Wkyne and Bay atrastt.
THBEE LOTS a Sprooe stt^ beWayne and Bay atraata.
LOTU^^i^fttHtaM .
a Bata hwattasa
. « poBay Ud RamadeU streets.
alttaB as travaltac aataamu viih
nUabta firm. - The Bradstreet 8ys- 12 to 14 ACKB8 LAND to Bawoad
township, about 1 mile from taty
teeo. Botauater, N. T.
limita. wni mate a good market
at J. e Mor e^O's. IH mitat eat ta Gedu Bo.
gu-n coU atou*.
mOa areta ta Cedar Boa.
There ta «
ta six weeks we will educate you In
Mtadmaakhlp ud aeenra you positton
IT a BaystreaL Power and
as tnvaltag mtanmn with' reliable
-------- nary ready to ra AH Jota
flm. The Bredstreta ByaUm./Rotaieefrantage. A good looaria for any
tor, N. T.
ue ta Bia-^- -'—-
VANTED—Competat diaftamu. Addreea, "A B„” can of Park Place
Aoooatlng; $60 to $100 a month sal
ary asaored oar gradoata ader bond.
Oar Bta aOoota tba taigeta in Amarloa
and aadecaad by eO BaDroada. Write
tor otaalggae. MQB8H SCHOOL OF
TELBMAPHT, Ctacdbnatl, 0-. Buf
falo, N. T, Atlanta, Oa. la Craase,
Wta, TererkUB, Tex., Bu Ftaadsoo,
. fStotf
ta buUdlng Stone: <me Ipt a Eat
Prat atreeL near Oazfiild avesaa.
Addraa 602 WataitagtoB atrasL
BeU phme 16L
wun. feed bara,fimaD farm, xcellat
sou and .....................................
WOl be
houa^ corner Thbteath and Bahernia. 8a C. & Yadar, Ptatgi haak
or T. A Contan. WUttg^BotaL
Molr. 120 West Btate StraeL S848U$
B rsorr
WANTB)-^ taw
a small bonaea
to saQ to ootac
I a the easy
Uttle A Sboriar. m
WaRted—oirl wasted for goeral
hooMwork, small 'fainUy, a
ly toaced, looated abate aga aafto.
frpm city Umlta. Tn«anto%sai^
tag praete eng goaa witk aala. ■
Pilea -ud tertna faaaanahle—mot
baaoldataoa. :
PERSONAL-S ya 1 5 thtnktng ta
amts this toU
WANTEIWmwB week, sodding nnd
aaefllng AB work saaUy doxw and
gnuantaed. CRStaaa' phaa, talta
alona. Weexpacit
7M or US. Bravatag A Atatay.
matlu Lima I
ewafi^wBAWa ahoWd taOd a srha
strastura aa adUd.
Inyltattan fiarvlem
FOB g*lA-Orocta7 end other hutlAfter the-aaun.-*he Her. Mr. Bayllw of Patoakey took dtarga eff tte
meeting ud oadoetod u InTitatkm POUND—An Elk's butten. QWM
serriee. Thwe are two taotora that
have seme by calltag at thla oOea,
proving property ud paying this somust be taUn Into pons
T ■
tbe aaltnOa of our satOs, uld ba
FOB SALB-^arm tav 40 eerae: low
Tbe flfst ta tbe Lord Jeans Christ Urn- FOUND—A lady^B jaefcta ta -ra
■prlca end easy tetme. UtUe A
self. We ODuId afford to do wUhofi
ta town. Owner
Shortor. m JYeot atreeL tSUttO
oaU at J. h
nte'a Jewelry store.
alnxwt uythlng etae Is Uto hta not
FOB SALE—Haase, S rooms, a Stale
without Him. He ta our parda ud
and Garfield avateoe, easy monthly
enymau, anme u rate, <w eXhtannge
Tbe other factor ta our' own wffla.
tor. other good peoperty. Little A
Sboner, 222 Ftaat atreeL 2812tM
We moat decide tor ouraelTM that we
win turn from our tans arifi aoeept aal1 are tired
MosveUim ud no ae eu tan to tha
^ 'd
dwths of tin without he glres aome
Bse how eealiy yon eu own a bome
ta your own nnder tbe monthly pay
kind otoonaoL
ment ptan ta Lime A Shmtar. $22
a to have been Former Loeal Football filar la Oraaring
deluged with “water- lava." and tor
Friends Here.
ThompaonVlDe beat the Oiett
fewer people were able to make tbeir
Ray Buu, who two years ago w
Indiana by the aoore of 4 to $, Wed- escape from the dty than from Pomthe star half hack a tha Otty to<
needay, and\jetterdny CadlUao beat
them, * to L
It la the theory that the eteam tram ban team here, ta In the otty for
tbe outer turned Into rain, and, mirinf oonple of days' rlalt with friada. Be
The water polo team
artaoh Ken with the Tolcanlc dnaL ftnned a huge to returning to ML PleaonL whoe he
neth Smith la oapuin. aee«>U the ebab rolnme of muddy torroiL TbU gath wlU oatlnoe hta stndtaa at tbe Nor
ered other eoU aa It poured brer tbi mal. from Petoeker ud other northeni
lenge Of the Xedbena tor a gniL.
land, nlaed tbe level of the coantty
6;U this erenlng. at tfie Bl^ atreat mote than alxty-five feet and finally potnU, which he hu bea Ttaitlng.
He WUl probably ifiay a tbe Noraul
left a maae of compacted tufa. TUs football teem this tea
torrent ran on to tbe eoa. making Its
own toannel and forming a kind of
iagoon around tha prarlonaly safe' har
bor which entire prevented any ships
Referee Again Changae Mind Abed
fBalt Lnke City, Utah, September $.wluard Been, who wlD go down Is
ring hUtcry $a bSTlsg made
dedatoBs of one fight than any
in the boslsem, ohngad hla list ou
tbe BohreefeWme content by an alUmalum dellrered yesterday a«erao«L
Bean said yaaterday that Urn oontest
waaafhkeThla makes' Ban'S deelaians
Wednesday nlgbt'a' oenteM aa they
came in pomt of Om stand aa tollowf. ^e wlna w a foul: Soreek
wtna on a tool and all beU off;
oonteai and aU beta oR; Bereek
stopped beoanae It locked fand.
Theae annoBncementi were ..—
b^Bean oOMally, theW being in an
• • Tlaw. As sporting cooUngent
■a.. We can do a treat deal wUb
■bala.'hr the aU nfftba Ba(y Rpta
it bot oor Ideals are perreetefi tr
and tt undermteaa yof
There meat be aoUdlty and
The etty of Chtaago ta bom
qtngmlra ud geotagtata ttft at that
•oom day Chtaago with an Its -wealth
ud Ha toamtngThoowada, wm atak
Into obUTtan. WhjT Beeanu It ta
$wFPort the High Sehool Team.
not tanUt 00 a acdld tooniht
The High 1
Be Trae to fielf.
tor this aeaaon’s team began pnoUee
last nl^L Prat K. E. Eslgbt wOl
A mu's relatlan to hlnmelf was
coach the team 'thia year, aa
then dtaeuBSed briefly, the speaker
"Pat" Thacker, eaptdn of the OUrat quotlsgAhe words, “To thine own eelf
college team, and Ted RoaUmrd, abo be true ud tha tt muA follow,
attended the a B. & last year, hara the night the day, that thou ennnt 1
both Dffoed thdr aariatnnee to boya betaine tour man." God hu made
and to Coach Knight
mu tn hta image and unleaa a
Al^ough n looks as thoo^ tbe (iodUke be ta not whet he ah^d be,
team wlU be a winner the aaradatlcn said he.
hna but $17 In tt« tnasory with which
to Mart the year, Lastyaart
The Importuoe of tOe an^retreeelation did not ask the budni
tnre which we hnUd upa tbe tonnflefor a cent hut tHi year a cany
ttaB. wu the last point dteensaed. As
be made tor tha benefit d the
u Olnstrattan, Mr. ToeOev spoke of a
tton. In order to put th« team on a GracUn TOtage. The hifta of the peo
good flnMcId tooting. It la hoped, ple were elT bnUt <« hay. strew ud
too; that the crawda which wltnam the stubble, hut et ^ ad of the Tllgamat this year 'wlB bo targsr than tage wea a hudaome stone find___
hta temple Fire oei«it In ae cE'Uh
hats ud soon destroyed the straw aad
hay bnlldinga hut wha tt wme to Hie
temple It
do' no fitz
ancient cl4es w^ bare
bnrled. bnt atgaally forgo^en, for
ages. The toi^ auppoaed to be of
Btntaean origla, lies on tbe OampasUiv
pUln at the toet «( lu deatroyar, Veanrioa, almod Midway between Na
ples and Pompelh
What caused tbe cataaoupha of tha
yeas. 79 A. D.7
to the help of the. i
It la now brid t|ut the destruction of
Herculauenni i
tram that of Pompeii, attbengh Pomwaa also cerered and burled and
— general eSbeU were tbe same In
both Inauoces. In the case of PompeU tbe City
1 by t
shower of siimall Btooea from the TI
FOR RENT—House. 8
ae who wuto rat to apply ta par-
toot front CB Frat itreeL a___
tnvaattnate to
mmHyUttle A Sborter, 222 Front sfreeL
FOB SALE—We have a few booses
oa west and south aide that w« can
only two or thru hundred doUara
down a a two thonsud dcdlsr
FOR RENT—Office rawBs tor rent -home. Ume A Shorter. 222 Ftat
over Johasa's drag store. Mn. J.
O. Johnson. 229 Sixth atreeL t$424f
FOR RENT—A small bonse M Cedar
street Enquire of W. J. Mo^_.
HOUSE TO BENT—CaU at lU Bata .. A Shorter, 222 Prate straL S846-tf
Eighth atreeL
FOB 8ALB-A good family bora ud
HOUSE FOB BENT, eoraar Stats end
a good cow tor sale. LItUe A Shor10^222 Prate street
S8464f '
Boa streeta: 7 rooms; aun bam.
Jaly 1st
a J. Morgu.
FOB BAia-Bome nice am
Thera wlH be a regular meeting of
the Mystic Clrole this
The Yewip Wemu’e H.A F. M. aeFOB SALE OR EXCHANOB—80 ecra
dety of the B^rtist oburA wfll mate
fine trait ud farming lead, ftme
tomemiV aftomoa with -Mtaa Big.
giva It desired, or wlU exchange^
ley. 67t Waahtagta strata.
MONET TO LOAN a persaal prop
Mr. and Mrs. R. A Mercu of $1$
erty, ta annu to anIL .L Newtand
FrankSn strota, hare bea antaitataTyler, room 603 New Wilhelm block
tag tbe faOowtag goaeta: Mra. J. W.
fifth fioew.
Haisha of Coinba^ O., Mra. H. A.
V. Hamllto, Park Place bOtaL 'Sia F.ONEER LIVERY AND HACK LINE '
Fraedtander. A. W. Mtooer aad Blto J. Morgen—Bemember the old
rrart Davit of DotiolL
TO SELL—UOacre farm, foar altaa
raUeble line that Is elwaya m Umt.
they drove to Neah-ta-wutaT
tram dty. 66 ecrea clsapte,
.^eck erdere e apedalty. I make eU^
f deUghtful dinner was served.
. tratak with hack. 1 oaQ tor'baggegv.
fruit trew. Only $1,600, ^
ta Bvnry I au toratah ya rubber
Mra. Ella fitaok of
ttra .raaaboata. -rubbar tire f
bu bea In U1 baatth tor sooe <
ymteiflay aftaraoa at the at
TO atBJL-dmp.
$0 years.' Bha leaves two aen Uvlng
. home, good boeUngud^
ta Wotord and one fiaubtar, Mrs.
lime A Shorter,-gnjrwte
Mary Wlee, of tbta taty. T%a eaneral
wffl be .held Raturttay momtag from
rt; rraneta Omch at $ o'taodk. DeSuWd.' Only tea per oeit
osaato Uvad ta l^stoid naarty. 40
raauy much teaaper to
taamaiM 1 ou tamlte ym aay ktad
ta eantaga yen want 1 beva five.
Fatal Etadka
waifiaef ffM .. . .
■at cf tbe vfeifi.kad cuato be
dill 4 cats, fiU dirt $ cento.
A Shortar, 21
Ooedta. 4S7 marnoo strata. 01
pbone $».■• Dbt « wert afi* $1
%HHN you Bead naurtma on k|Mfi
■ BAlH-Mv»t«B qott—
VOI* XIL Na 8864.
We have just got in a^ n^CflitOitEN
IN flis Am killed TODAY STMR. WSSOUftl
lot of New t ”
Bahy Cabs and Go-Carts
Forthe late Summer and Falltr«aa.
Buying thew, as ^^ard, after the season
wp secured a flne lot at
You may have the advantage of this big saving
by buying bne of these NOW.
Remember. Your Credit Is GowL
[Special to The DaUy Ba^]
[Special to The DMlr BaCla.]
Zeeland, September 8.—Two Pen
New Tort, SeptenbOTS.—Anton Ooltrains met ia-a head-on oolletta waa burned to death with hU
two. children. niaoD nod a daschter W HUon here at 2 o-do«k this aaomlng.
der the a«et of 10 yean, ta a fire Bastnecr Peter J- Mennn was kOU
whlrt brohe oot early today In a tent- and Bnkeemn Time. Hau and Ibiy’
Lnnway. fatany Injured. Many aU«n
nent occupied by 24 Italian temIUea.
0(deua tnwred hUnaeU a ben. H ; wen senooHr. It nob Yatallf lojtuVl
.went Into the boDdlns and roKued: Conductor Krout was aUchUy ’lnlured.
The adddent waa dse ttrihe taQure
hla wile. When be returned for
(4 the sooth-bound eeite' to stop nt
diadren he was aiiflocated by
■boke and when Us Itfelcee body was Wyomlns to reeefTS OSd^ for moot
ftnnd. the rematna of hU two little ing the north-boond imt exprws.
nee wen In hie anna.
The nre created the Kreateat eacllfr
nent hnd perfect panic preTalled for
a time, men
, onderfoot
Stank, familiarly know as Tafllan
Joe." an employs of tbs Northsm
Michigan TranspmtaOan Co,
Merey iKMpttal at thM place Yrtth-no
apparent ohanoea of recoTwy tnm
gash in hM abdomen and a cut on hi*
wUeb seTored an artery.
Goew Smith, aeeond oook on the
steamer Mtaaouri, b In JaD here
ing the ontoome of the Xndiao'a InjoTlee. The sberiS took 4rcn> Urn a
big batcher knife oorered with blood.
When the Missouri wss about M
miles ovt ftoin CUengD, a mUes took
place In the pantry between the bidlan
end Smith and It b beUered that
Smith mulcted the woonda treen which
the Indian win pnhebly die.
Affsir One of the PrtOeM Evsnta of
the Ys^.
J. W. Sater
I Brakaman Hana and 0th
Wholeeala and ReUII.
«d at an aatomobUs thb no
IN RIOTS YESTERDAY. Handing in froett of the M
Co.’B block, and started .to ran sway.
A pedestrian roehed into the sbwU^
poHte WUhMm A Bartak'A toowwiw.
Take* MeoMrea te Prsvent
goOen into a fnU run with the >BW
load. Hadtbeteammolbe^MiWbfl
[Special to The Daily Ba^l
when It was.- tfems would probaSy
hare be« a ebMtnHng nd-soodd ^
fumltumaa iMBg the etrwSL within
(he lerms and tavorlng.the ebonden•Ibly a soOtahm and oerM
ment of (be peace treaty. A nnakbm
ei's which have bees gnlKy
of increasliig the excitemeDt by print~ mable articles-^bsve been or-'
dered to suspend pobUeatioa. last
' -n(ght 13 cars and one depot -were destToyed. Thirteen peseons were wound
ed b the clashes which oomirred yes
Unee of police cloes an entire btort
and heavy police leeciioa are wlthb
tachmeot of mountnA fund-*
s is stationed in front c( the for
eign ofllce, prepared to meet enetpen-
mUitary-dbplay b 1
few sentrt'.^ me patroUIng the front
- of the buildings and the -tNBcbl reeli d'eacee of the minbtem. The main
- forces of the mlUtary are eooc^ed.
Yoar RellaMa Homa FhtoMms
Boardman, September 8.—
thb Tllbce, waa serlouly injur. ed thb mcsnlng whUe blasOng stumps
with dynamite. A piece of the stomp
•Imrt him on the bend Inflicting a
Tery bad wound and another pteee
struck him on the shoulder. Par a
time he was unconscious. Bb condl-
wB carry ■
from La® to .12-iooh
s Tubers
And can furnish - interior woodwork for Bsnksl Stores, •
OfHees, -Churches, Public Buildings and Bssidenees ?
Give us sn opportunity to estimate. It will
pay you!
Hemlock Wood, Si.25 per 1
The New Store
We Want
You to See
W. L. BBOwIs, Mgr.
Tdqitantasyour mots
of fit attained
in onr
WewOUtBer them
Kind »*>«* Wesrs
SliS la J2
lU, *12, *15.
*18, *20
potatcee. reel
Mrtdmse SnbM. hriad and better mndwicbes. ■
The thbd ci^e aras ssrred at the
tone of Mias
Eldred of 216 State
street The deoocaUons men were red
end *rfaHs asters and woodUna. The
menu as serrod consisted ot wster
melon. iSneapple Ice and eaks. mlted
nnta. after dluiar mbb and ooEes.
After tuaoheon. which lasted tmtll
paM U o’clock, tile ymag pec^le spent
the halanoe of the evening until 12
e’etort In SDclsl convemtlcn, dsolai^
Ing the evening's events to be the
of the sensiM
bat evening at theb home. 824 West
Front street. Thane present wore:
Hr. and Mrs. Chester Irtah of .Grud
'Rapids. Mr. nnjl Mra Bkhmeod Caster
of thb dty, Mr. and Hn. Anson Parb
of Holluid. Mrs. Jamie Ob
Mrs. Cora Whitney of Chicago.
All but Mr. and Mrt. Ca^ have
been visiting Mends and rdadves In
the city the past tew days and gath
ered last evening to spend the evening
at the Dumbedton home. A very pleas
Sod, top soil and fllllnfl dIH. given ant time was enjoyed, ranaical selec
nwn^ at the wem end of Wayne strssL tions by Master Lonnie and Mbs Bble
■dsley adding mooh to the enjoy
for a wsMc or ten days.. Cook Srsa.
CItbsns' ptoM 860.
l.ast night marked the closing of th>:
BvangeUcnl district oonveoUon which
Las been In progesss the pa« four
days at the BvangeQtel churrt ' The
convention hsa been'a very’ ittereTIng nad successful one and all the min
isters in attendance have roeelwl
much inspiration from (be ai
tlon with their brethren In tbs
At the forenoon session yesbrtaytho
foUowlng ofllcers were elected:
Pi^denU Presiding Elder O.
HetUsr, of Jackson;
Secretary. Rev. C. B. Siit*. Grand
Treasurer. Rev. J. Rlehel. Hecssy.
The sermon last night was wsmsbed
With the shoes you have. been boying
by the Rev. H. L Voelker of NartvOle.
for yotur tolldrec t and hb subject was • CharacUr Bulldbur B^a- and Qlrb' Shoe* are a
ir a scripture lesson Ke read
and dressy, bat thsy'tc made
the parable of the man who boBt hb
to stand hard wear.
house upon a rock and (he man who
buUt opt® the sand and his text was
lapeebl to Tbs Dully Sagla.]
Denver. >.;ol, September 8.—The Q. taken from the 10-15 verses.of
A. R. today Heetsd Corporal Jamea third chapter of First Corinth^ sv
Hew York, an mmmaadef- peclally the phrase, ‘but let every
in-chlet. Mlnneapolb b open for the man take heed how he biillAeth Iherenext meeting of the National as
*The word character Is used Indbcrlmlnately throughoot (he Bible, aald
the Rev. Mr. Voelker. but yoa.naan)d
Opp. WUtlBg Betel
Snd It In the New TesiamenL Li the
book of Bother the word “God Is npt
n.ed hut he who cannot see Ood aB
Ihrough the book must be bllnA You
[Speebl to Tbe -llnl^ MnCU.]
Cleveland, O., September fc—The en hsve perhaps never seen
in the New Testam*« but If
tire Schafm * Bertar bnfldlng which
yon (wnnot see chsmcier all thnneb
'was oetoplta by ssrenl bon
es. was burned thb aoratng. Loss IL you must be blind, or dead.
on Page 8ix,|
Are You
FliW ® ^ Wash
They iHU naan be on the wsrpath In earnest.
If yon would avtdd tNubto eaU
at the Esonomy Store at «nee
and ;^ve proper proteqtlon
Nine out of ten too.. More, dsnt -pi^ Wttentlon
^ougfa to the ohlldnm-A bW <jne«h»
It's spomUw fact there U <«,
to buy the best pottlblc for U
do they wear well, bni tli'ey a
The finest thing out tor wuah, imthelneeui body; porous
nad hon-lrriUting. No fam
ily sno^ be withont them.
’We have bought a large
quantiW and wiU sSU them
foreoeweekatdoenb eaek,
tboo^ the regular price U
.flS amta. See them la cv
front window u
«Bly 5c
hC the Natioaal ProtacUTs-4^'-~
gioo bad IhetY first dividend pnnunt
bst evening In Brigham's hall, 12 mem- '
bers, partidpatlng and receiving
cb«^ for 8250 each. It was expected
that Dbtrict Organtxer &. D. Boro nf
Allegan would ^ present bnt owing to .
nn accident which be had in Travene
City, was unable to attend and Judge
Lotln Roberts of Traverse City came
as a substitute and gave a very Inter
esting blk upon the benefits of the
order. Several new members wwre ,
taken In.
Very pice refreshments weiw served
and Helms' orrtestta funbhed music
for a dance which iras attended by
40 couples and wns as pleasant a social
affair as was ever held In Grawn.
Those present from out of town ware:
Mrs. Jacob Good of Toledo. O.. Mias
Jessie Norwlrt N. Y„ gnesta of Mrs.
S. J. Bracken; Mrs. Vlob Vesper, MyrUe Hale. Mr. and Mra. Merton Mason.
Lorabe. O.. guests of W. J. Saxton;
Mbs Ida Mathews of MayvUle. Mich.,
a gueet of Hr. and Mrs. Mnthewn
I of Life end Oeatruetlen ef Prep- .
erly Greet
[Epeclal to lite Dailv Betfe.]
Celebrie.' Italy. September 6.—A
vldlent earthquake at 2:56 thb morn
ing caneed a eerione loss of life and
wide deetruetien of property In the
provbee of Calabria. 7>e towns "if
Plato and Martirano were almost en
tirely destroyed. All of the bosinets
buildings in the Utter town collapsed,
also the barraOu of the soldlen. Six
men were t^en tram the ruins si
Monteleone. Seven peraons were kill
of Sherlock Holmes. The former obeyed ed ootrlght and many tojnred by the
f ebeervellon and leflie in behalf of^ la*. odbime of the prison nt Plito- Many
rpl«Be are deMried. Pitto Is almost
The iattes bent hb sMute brain to plem forpiieoeesfi y preylf>8 on
wd fee hnSSi« the sOofte of Its protectors.
Yhe gsychebslet inAhe Mudent vflll find in “Raffiet.
:t.fnohsmen," an all abee«««^ field for the study of enmmoK
^The deed b
•II the iinpleeeant add iwveHInft elemenb which mar many
Calabria Man the earthquake number
real life.
Bnndrede nre Injarad b other
The atoriee are teM In the first per«»n by a confedeiwt
vliisgm that hkve been devastated.
la kMwn as "Benny." Bunny b s weak and unfoH""*** v«
town whs falb lirte imbm diffleultlae th«t render
erpeals for help ae a Ir-^bsperats
......... ............
. to ins. A J.
WNhtp. Rg^ admits ttJh^oF
___ of the esrtefc They are
Serbs imgha Srturdsy in
The Ehilly «tt^ FROM SUBMIT OPyH
5 CAOL^iraeu. ^•uftHcm.
trod M Tfmyw»> ouj PonottM «
“A UtUe bit at ptoMnea often makes
Witneetod e SonHee Ue Words Can
»auaabtnn cnme.-,.
little bit of love makes a very
uavvt uuu>^ .. i
been spending aome time In tbe
n,e postal waa wrtttan at.Sonth
u was written bat-sitto Mr. UBodi
liBd returned from a trip
mlt of Pikes Peak.
Mr. Ulloo left tha foot ot tba moun
tain St 8:1^ P- »• «« «TlT«*
top at 4:15 a- «•.
tramping aU
nlgbt. in tune fw.sunrlae. Tbe
rtse St 6:*0 waa'marTMoualy beaoatol." be writer. “No wtwds can de-
■tTMt; Mn.
Tbe Her. Mr. TOom win to borne fn
time to oadate at both tbe monilng
and eveaUig serTices nest^Snnday.
to iStowr o< tba aboto >
rto««M ta NpMt ur t
la tba a«Tlo* r‘-----ptoaMNo.«.
Tbe State FUr nou^ at^troit
era located within leas Utaa l.«00 yards
or a oemeteiy, .and tbve is aa old l&w
npon tbe st^te booica that prohlbita
tbe sale of intoxicants wltbki that dlsttnoe U tbe reatlns place cd tbe dead.
Ai^. while there was little danser ot
a protest
entered by tbe occu
pants of tbe place to Ihe selling cl
Uqoars in their immediate Tlclnltr,
sons* or tbe Urp bnalpese men of-De
troit took It upon tbemsdres to eee
It tkat 'Ue ri^u ot tbe dead men
abonld be caretolly mainlalned.
praqieet was that tbe man wbo warned
to take a drink d beer when be Tialted
tbt Ihir to take In lU algbU would
to compeUed to go dry. and there
a- good deal of mourning over tbe out*
Bat It eeams that -a way baa been
found to beat (ba law, an^ no Ttattor
will need to go dry. Somtoody baa
diaoorered that malt m^, a brewed
deooetion, reeonblee h^ eo cloe^
after It baa been frosen that It is
very dUBcnlt for eyen an expert to
tell tbe difference In taste. This meal
u praetleally non-aIccdioUe. and It is
said tbe law cannot stop Its aale. This
wiU be told under the name of beer
aeroto the/street trcan tbe fair, and
with tbe beer* signs that wlU be used
(By.^ K. Fratt.)
Mrs. Ada R. Fuller has-a«dd her grooery business at tbe comer of Randoipb street and Elmwood avame. to
bar brotber-ln-law. George E^kdeman,
OF Frankfort, who has taken possesskat.
Mrs. Fuller has saoeentully
^ncted tbe store for tbe .past four
years. For the past two years she has
had aub-postal station Number 2 In tbe
same buUdlng. This she win contlnne
to look after.mXccabees had late start.
Ekewraien Train Waited an rHour fOr
the Flyer.
The K. O. T. MM.' excurelon train
dua to'lesre here this morning at 7
o’clock was shout an boor late la ge^
ting away, owlbg to the late arrlral of
tbe fiyw from tbe south. About 200
and tbelr friends accom.
panted by tbe Traverse City band went
to-Pcddikey to attend tbe Mg Maoesbee celebration.
Today M big
city is in'gala army and ehowing bar
Ri« ot tbe beo( times In tbe
blst^^. jbat papular rewrt dty.
a little Ut^thtoe mskda a May
day icDkgay.
And a Rule bit It 'Ahilty makag gMd
. r a weary wiy.”
. '
- ' Btoillen.—To one pound M
low one pint of otdd water. The meet
sbould be beat part ^ ttie' round. Wash
It and put bt with tbe cold water and
some nit into % granite kettle and
boll very gently fw 10 boom. Skim
weU end add water as It boils away to
keep owibtttr an IlnA put in ketdA
Strain throngb a aolaader and then
through a dieew cloth. Set away and
cool, aklm and atrain again. ‘
nTattmUir for' one gallon: One
onion, two
(pieces) of celery, two.aprtgs of pern
ley, tiro of summer savory, two bay
learns, two sprigs of thyme, six whole
cloves, pepper and salt to taste.—Mra
Joy. Grand Rasdda.
Craan of Celery 8oup.>~Oi>e'pound
of round steak, two quarts of odd
water, onehelf cup of rice, one i
ot celery, qne amaU onion, one
spoonful of salt, one cup cErich milk,
one tableepocnfol of butter; put tbe
cold wat«^ cn the meat and skim
wtaa it eomee to a boll, tba set it
back, weU covered,-to aliamer gently
fOT two hours. At tbe end of that
dme add tbe well -washed rice, tbe
oelety, «nkn abd nlL Let all atmmer for two boors longer, add tbe
milk and butter and strain. There
should be one quart of tbe stock with
out tbe milk.
etpclo-^Oar and onobalf
half bone
half. meat by actnal weWit,
quarts of ootd water, two me^am
sUed tum^is. two small camts,
two large
six pepper
eems, six allspice beniee, two stalka
of celery, two or three sprigs eeob ctf
parsley, sage and (bree bay leavea.'^ut
all togtber "".1 let
stand tme
bour, then beat yery dowly not allow
ing It to boll, for two hours; then boll
U( boors and strain. This makes a
brown stock; to dear it add % pint
of oold water.—Mrs. H. 6. HolL
Black Bean Soup.—One pint black
2 bn aalt pork, 1 tablevocnbutter, 1 small onion. M
bard boUed egin salt and
“An altogether geughtlill play" Is
t&e unitoraM seatfeDot of the hnistose aadleaces wEih hart wttnaa^
ed the matrimonial cmnedy soooeas.
"The- h^flage of Kitty.be preitotbd at Steinberg's Grand
opem.bouse tonight, Friday, Septem
ber 8. by tte Jnlee Murry Comedy com
pany, beaded by Mlm Alloe Johnson.
This play was an instant bit last sea'eon and-lB extending its territory this
year with a Ukartoolt. The pUT de
pends largety upon the ability of the
membera ot tbe company and this ^
has been carefully consIdMed by ManThe Colonere Waterioe.
tger Jnlee Murry, wboee meny Tenadmiel J«*B M. FuDar. o< Honey
tores in tto theetricsl world dsmsnd
Grove. Texas, naariy met Ws Waterloo,
an unerring knowledge of plays nnd trkn Uver and Kidney tronble. In a
tbe selecUon of players.
reent letter, be says: “I waa nearly
dead, of these eomplalnta.
though I tried my family doctor, be did
me so good; so I got a 60e bottle .t
In riohnees ot coatume, stage group- your greet Kleotrlc Btttars, irtleb
lags end stage settlngs.'toanty and einwd me. I oenslder tben-tto beat
graoe of dianis and medianical effects, medicine on earth, and thaak Oed wbip
gave yon tbe knowledge to n
the “Sale of Bpice." which will to pro- tboi." Sold, and guaranteed to <
aented at Steinbog'i Grand opera Dyspepela. BUllonanMa and Qdsay
bouse, Wedneeday, Edptonber U, «iU - sse, by E E Watt ft Sima B. E
,r, ud Hannah Drag Store, at Ml
far esoel. any similar producUcn ever
s a bottle.
at this theater. Mcneff baa
ly expended in tbe matter
of Wqbess for this musical extra- riAin: ur miL:mu&n, io« rivuaK
-vags^x^ and
and tbe piece Is staged In
office for tbe County of Grand Truv
splendid style. Tbe light effects are
wlglnal and startling. The IMd^
mmnbers of the company have been lor MUU VUUUL}, umu. 04 U.O
once, in the city of TraveM City, on
selected with much care, and they are tbe 26tb day of August, In the year one
not only pretty of face and figure, but tboosand nine hundred and five.
Present. Fred R. Walker, Judge ot
ria In vMce.
In the matter of tbe'Estate of Bdi
. Miller, a minor.
On reading and llUng the patitli
The Detroit Kluetesoope Co. drew duly verified <ff Archibald A. MiUer.
guardian of said minor, preying that
another good-sized crowd on Front be may be antbmised, empowered <
strek last night .Smue of tbe plrtnres Ueenaed to seU at prtvate sale.
taken In Traverse City way back In Interest of said ward In said real
tate therein described.- .
the 70’s were very intoseting.
■ that TuesTberenpon It Is Ordered,
moving picture. “Tradred by BlMd- day. tbe-1^ day Ef EmWmber next
botmds.-* whs givto again last nlgbL at 10 o’clock to tbe fdrtooto. be asjned for tbe bearing .(ff said peUUoa,
Tbe whole program seemed to to cnict of kin and aU other perthe next
Joyed very much.
___ > ifflerteted
ited In
ln told
a - esttoe. are
qntred to appear at a seealto of aMd
Ootirt then to be beddea to tbe Pititote
city of Traverse City,
Tbe Germaq Mnpress Is always
there bp, irty
serty riser.
prtoer of tbe petitioner abonld not be
WlQlam Traren Jerome's name was giimted;
dedded by the less of s ccdn.
Asd It is Further Ordered, that anil
WUtlam O'Brien, M. P^ U busily SB- BUtk«er give nottoa to tbe
intmeatod to aald eatate, of ti
:csged in writing fau memoirs.
ency of said petltlw, and tbe--------- Mias Grace Cqrbln. daughter
thereof, by ennstog a copy et thla
Major General Corbin, baa I
ordto to be pubUMied to Tbe Dally
adopted- into tbe gionz Indian tribe
. ^ a newww printed and dreolined Prlncees Pure Heart
lated to said county, three enooealve
eeks previons to aald day <ff'
Judge of Itoibete.
mt in dnr pablic scbools
this week was greater than over be
fore In tbe blston' of tbe dty for the
opening week, and jet tbe oosns tak
en were unable to find as many chil
dren of school age in the dty as last
year. The census returns- would seem
to indicate that Tiuverse City was be
coming a victim of race suldde, hut
tbe ediool enrollmat' Indicates
healthy increase of chUdra. 1
only way that we can account for the
difference Is npou the theory that the
diUdra find tbmnselves a good deal
easier than the man sent out to hunt
ttakn up can.
We have all heard a good deal about
prOblbiUon n« being enforced I
HalBA This Is erldenUy a mistake,
libel In tact. After the treaty was
signed and tbe envoys were ready
drink tbe peace champagne tbe m
dlUigent aearcta failed to discover _
the entire state even glasses from
which to drink It. and It was ne
sary to send a apeclal massehgei
New Hampabire to get tbe glasbes.
Wbo dare lay hereafter that tbe
hlbttory.Uw of Maine U a ^ead letter!
Tbe reportorlal department of this
paper is in tbe possession of si
portent, valuable and interesting
Of news, upon which we should very
much like to express an opinion to the
readera of The Daily Eagle, but r
train, as it would be in bad taste '
aay nothing ot a breech of confidenc
fori the edUorla! oolngms to get
*-MDop" on the news columns.
Tbe Norwegians in their own eoautry evidenUy do not Indulge In Bab, ' tatb-breaking. so tar.as mannal.Ubpr
Is cooeerned, to any great extent No
newspapers have been printed'in NorWm. Harris and dangbter( Mrs. dsy, Oototar 4th. TIdketa wfil be eoM
way on Sunday slnee 18«; and
Chas. McLane, returned from Green
bread has bea baked on zbst h
Lake after a two w^'B outing. M
•inee ISK.
Karris is much improved in health.Cmitral LMaa; Late Eton ft MlddM. u. poke eart a taffy pull at
The common council
Camp Laksview Monday evealng. Mr.
Texas, hss peaaed aa ordinance for'
«d Mrt^.'Hftberd of Durand, were
bidding “male peraons". m*kl2
PwaenL V
goo ew No restricUons are placed
Road m«vinj Is the order ot tbe'day
upcB “female penou." which would
I>ere now. A toad Is being made west
seem to make tbe ordinance a i
of town ovsr^ bm.
oooslded tutltotiMi.
Miss VPinaie Bridge Is working for
to told to •Ma^
M. M. Deek*.
•A Cold BetUed In His Kidneys
Mr. Tsnntom od Knoc. Ind.. is vltKA. J. Jaoneoe, 8201 Butler SL. Chi
at w. c.4torea»*aeego. writes: “1 sm a —
Am out in all
Mrs. eooo i HartfOgd. U vlaiUng
took eoM wbMLtottM ta
at her daoghter'A Mn. H. -Clark.
•od I was in bad toape. I tried s
OF MARCH>L-8ATTaes. Tiira. and Sat
tome^iia." Bold by 8. ^wm! EKIHT BTtfRtil ABOUT RAFFLES
teAO ABOUT -RAFFLE8, THE the othe^
lugs tbsn anyone else la tbe country
gave him tbe nsnie of “Camp Meeting
Read our T«(i Cost a
Clothing COb
fob the
Tomorrow momliig
at tbe'.btaeffiMtor
A^ MO Coni
Mi and $u Coma
for ........................
M8 «,d tiS Conto
MB nnd tW Conta
Copyright 1905 by
Hsrt Schifiber
Many of these sie silk or «slii, lined
Come in snd hsve one of these Isid
o if you
for you
are noi quite
for them.
.... T..
Hamilton Clothing
On ac^uDt of the immense success
of our Black Silk Sale we have decid
ed to continue it for the balance of the
▼eek. Jt is admitted
tbe ^reatnt vDlue-^ving sale' of life "season.
Obb our new Velvet Finish Taffetas in Plain
' Ooloitt, Cbamielion and Chanfire.
abie, 27 inches wide, at per yard
< An Improved Process
1 lines, sod
Luy one of ihese a
pncee we make oa them; On front
taWe we place fiftv «
lowing prioch:
We would like to lay special stress on the VELVET
FINTOH as an improvement over tbe original Chiffon
J^ninh brought out last season. Tbe latter finish was'
clothafter weaving, which verj^BiDterially whetted the Miric and lessened its period
ot usefulness. ; The Velvet Finish, on the contrary, is
a new and improved process that is accomplished by a
treatment of the'yarns previous to weaving and re
sult in a lustrous fabric that is rich' in appearance
and mil give most satisfactory wear.
Tbe Isle
of Sptee
NOTICE:—No Ticket will be
held later toan noon, day of
C«r. Front and Union.
One dsy as be was wslklag down
the main street o( Fsrmtngta be met
■agb Sheriff Luther CnrOs, from New
Sharon, known tbrougbont the conntty for his quick wit Aa they sbook
bands tbe sherlir said: “It gives
great pleasure to grasp tbe hand of
on boilest man.’’
“Camp Meeting John" TOpMoA-. “I
wish I could say the ssma''
Quick as a tiaih csBe tbe retort
“Ton conid If you told.such s Ue at
I did."—Boston Herald.
They were seated on tbe Terands
and. as there was erldently something
wnog somewbere. she said:
“Fm much afraid, Oeoege, dear,
that yon do not levs ms now as
yen used to before w« were sngsfad.
Ton seem so cold, so abeent-mtuded,
to distant twlgfat, I fear tba ardor
ot year love Is dyi^ ent“
•Wo, no, darling," he protested In
me ledoknt with agony, "it Isn v
that If my love seemed cold and dis
love yon
tant tonight forgive n
now as I have- always loved yoo-^S
I always shall till death ot divorce
shnUpartua. Tbe whole truth of tbe
matter is, I am breaking in n pair ot
new aboee, and—I have
Cbleego Dally News,
Dealers in Everything.
All Summer Shoes Must Go
Not one pair to be carried over. Every pair of ‘Women’s and Chil
dren’s oxfords to go at prices that will sell every
pair. Could you ask for a better ehauce
than this, and at such prices*/
Woman’s tan kid oxford-.
Russian calf lace oxford......
CkUaM PuUoalsr AbvBt SSMvr-
« sasL
P» Not bs Impo
Dealers in Everything.
In tbe conrae of bosioeM cm
Leodoo banka have occasion to send
out Urge sums in gold to China. No
wlU be accepted
wllcb have the^^! George and ttie
on tto rev________
Ortson playe a leading part In lellr
teoB matten In China, and Its dgure
oEtbs coin la abhorrent to tbe eeieatlal
Btod. Tbe Londem eottslcneM hurt
to pito
tbe oldra coins bav
»«U,0 ,1<«
there •
........-J uni,»f(.
overaoat*. x.me w,
•oet 815 W) at leaat ..
^ ItBN to tbewtot levee, on ac
count of bis nortls in Italian.
MfioDS, pepper and salt to tbe t
Ai Brumeis recently a toSiUsMe
and simmer twenty mlniites. Strain
was mads
through a colander or potato masher, through the Introduction of s bsUet
to tbe kettle and add the but which sixty women of UUe toto part
ter and one winegtess of sbenr. Have
9ggs and lemon sliced It) tbe tnA Msitn dfTscMlly.
Rev. John Allen. B MetbodlSt
and pour bet soup over them.
er of Farmington;’ Ma, gno
vonshlre Cream.—Take a pan of of Mme. Nordics, wbs a sealous at
milk 24 bem Old and set It over . tendant of cnnip meeting
Osborn, BepL 7.—The. brmera' tt
this Tldnltr are busy drilUng in irteat
this week.
Tbe whistle of the steam thresher
is heard in an dlreettou the past
W. E Dnrimin of Oabom, made
business trip to Travmse City, Thursday. of last week.
Hr. and Mra. Fred-Beeman caUed on. a kettle ot boUIng water; let it rmnaln
relatives at Olea Havto. Sunday. Mrs. unUl you can see tbe else of the pan
Beeman sUyed there tOr a -ireekN In tbe top ot tbe crem. Pat It aalOe
and when perfbetly cold remove tbe
Mra. Sama Bory U better et tbla cream and serve with fruit orideasert.
writing, br.. Fmllok of Iteple aty. —Mra. E Bagot, Elk Rapids.
Miss Myrtle Btoiy ot Battle Creek,
Gelstine SalaiL—One package Cox's
is v>3>fing her oooslii. Mrs. 8am^ gelatine, 1 quart of water, 1 qoart of
Berry, tliia w«eE
sugar, 4 lemons, 1 orange. Seek gela.
Sam'l, Bo-ry was a Maple City caller tine fn a part of the water until It is
well dissolved. Have tbe rest of tbe
Mr. mil Mill. Vincent Deering cnIleA water boiling and poor over IL Add
1 friends nt Empire, Bnndty.
tbe sn^ and Jnlee of lemons snd
Tbe aiiple crop In thb Tidnl^ U orangA Stndn throng fine doth and
very luoF- fti-ples are selling for 50 set awi^ to eooL Line a haadsosae
ivniH n J.ushH.
dish with Ftoncdi oberTfes, email sUoes
of orange, banana and pine «>ple.
few grapes U you have them. Pour
Bendon. Sept’?.—Mr. 1*. E Pease tbe cold geUClne ovm- tbe fruit and
and wife of Tolelfb, Ohio, are vislUng set'away to ^ very cold.—Mra. Joy,
at his brothw’A D. E Peese.
Grand Rapida
Mr. and Mrs. E Carpat«r retomed
from Green Lake Inst Monday after
Tuttl FrutU.—One quart ot milk,
camping there four weeks.
three eggs, toe tsbleipoaotal of
M. M. Dseke left here Friday tor starch. Make a eeft cuetard of-tbese
the taneral of bis (reserving the wbltns od tbe eggs) and.
place on ioe.
Mra, Worden <ff Coloms. is vlalUng
Prepare a dish ot any kind of fruit,
toy son. Clande Wordo.
bits of oranges, bansnaa, pineapple,
The Rev. J. U Merahbn leaves Sat peaches, etc. Sprinkle with sugar and
urday morning tor Tenn. to spend tbe place half boor on toe. Jnst before
amrlng/pour tbe custard over
MUb Graoe Neweemb of Bangor, is fruit and cover with the beatsft wbttes
finvorto with a RtUe ennge pr vanllrisltlng bm- sister, Mrs. O. C. Motto.
Ralph Dnerto of FramonL U rtMt- iL—Mrs. E BsgoL Elk RaJMa.
ing relatives at J. J. Byneburg’A
B. Colvta of 'Baverse City, w
'ne Ann Arbor E E win give
Bendon visitor TSpday.
. ,
kid weltbli
heavy sole Uuoher oxford - •
Dongola lig^ sole oxford.;kid welt blucher (»ford—
Dongola hea'vy sole lace ox.
Dcmffola light sole kid ox.
patent kl^^ht sole oxford
heavy sole, low heel-------- :•
f 3 .‘iO
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
2 75
.3 00
2 75
2 75
2 00
3 00
3 Op
3 00
. 2 50
2 50
3 00
3 00
2 75
2 5(1
2 50
1 50 .
.1 50 ,
1 50
1 75
t2 98
2 65
2 65
I 2 65
I 2 65
2 .30
• 2 65
2 30
2 30
1 75
2 65
2 65
2 98
2 65
2 65
2 00
2 00
2 65
• 2 50
2 30
2 00
2 00
2 00
1 30
1 30
I 30
1 50
fecial cut price on all men’s oxford& This is tbe time
when you can gave money.
Btosy^ T«r gnd itouae toy •
tuto oBsred m bo ot*
----wfU give tbe «»M.
^ - iCIetolojCA
VerytHnt.'Deater^ Bn^thing.
mlDAT, eSPT. 8, not,
Q TJ i L I T T S T O a E
three Speciab ^
•The iiM
! a^speoial lot
Saturday moraii
„ .
from the
‘^ey ah» Rood size, good quatity
bristles, finit'hed in imitation mahogany back,
regular price 35c.
New York
Priced fcar^WiHf J9c :
BROIDERY SCISSORS. These a»- in three
’ siaifis. The larger ones are large enough for reg
ular work scissors. Each pair comes in a neat
leatherette oa^. We ^nsider^them an extra
bargain at the price wee bbifer for Saturday—
Oinina'cani, a la cart*.
ConneeU at
Buffalo and
Choice for
Kor Ume-Ublo aad dncrtpUre
matter, addrta W.S. WHEELER,
Oraetal Aaent, ra*Mn(er l>erarimeiit. BaOUo. N. V.. or H.
lERTO, TmveliD* FaaaenFort BlTMt Wm,
Eerm^ Jaked b«r atb
-PO Mi« If* better lUbla* aver la
Si ^do eounty." -he •*« pHhaiT^
OOM » «»»•■' I ^wer«k “wb« «ood *t tbe forte of a **04,,
■W' coontJT toad, not kui^ing
irtieAer be'iAotild torn to tbe 1^ «,r
abesd. Ae be hegtiutao. »
tumr «*me aloitf and tbe maa.aatd.
.%55 road lead./to San rennaoT
:4M tie famer aitfwered, ‘Bpth.*
■ aaid. -Wblch one aUU 1
4-fc., tbwf And tbe fanner aaa^CT0±'- -Ko' matter: wbldieTer
take: rra wlU wiib ;ou bad tak« th*
"1 sop^ 700 mean that tf wa
««* la Ea Dorado coootj I ahonld
UMi B' woold be beHer fishing ber*
'PUcw connur Tentowil Hau-
lar price 33c. ^
Fivf t!i(*iigh train* .dailr-
See west window displsy
ol thescooete ,
New Goods Are Crowdir^ Out the Old.
We have |nst nnpaeked
300 Bran New Skirts
All kinds of New Dress Goods,
New Underwear, New Outings, Etc
Saturday ^ and ^ Next Week
We will be busy showing the jnany new styles in todies’
Skirts, Jackets and Cravenettes, besides hundreds
bf New Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys—and we’ll
be busy closing out what are left of this season’s gar
ments at ridiculously low prices.
Iteses’ $4.00 aad $5.00
. Jackets al
$1.50 and $2.00
1 do,” I Mid. cootliniinc
___tbongb doggedl7. far I
a B(^lm«torr nrlUns meod,. Ibw!^'^-idtaet»l to look <U>wa tm *a
ratlM* looked op. Something tber*
wa. in. ber limpid eje*, ber'iD^ fiat•I'iMWh. eren tbe daih of tthor to
^ iweodi <±ee». wbleb fiia^t m*
■bore m7 notebook basttlj im, «nr
po^at I told mr»elf « wa. ta^ re■amblanca td ber tutet Ma?. -•
ymf was In Paris. boIm:^
' «io. When ibe mti»e«
loddftnlte Ome-abe »alhr to
ad to be In no more baste to ^ b
fls.n I was to bare fer conw-ite«__
We SM^Mt and•
1.8 5
75c and $1
S1L.KS at
Heavy 20c Sloddnos for
Boys,and GUIs al
UBl»« CaiUcoe*
1 Sc
|^V¥hal"^iB Raffles Do Next?
U7, ba was rldi. ai4 and. andWa* arer swaat dalUrmanca ao opI wJd JoTtnllr. lifting
fabr teartnl Uttla face up to tataa.
•SmalaH. 7«n Mid tbs UtOa maid
lered Om fooir
tbat was In ft* storf.’' Bbs
wa* Shifting again.
“And BO te ftU,*' I dadared. bending
‘Tbara waa oom a Baa.” I ohserr*d
ODCtantedlr. as wa loitered akmg (bs
boaaewaid wap. ~wbo battered ftat
fiaSIcs the Amateur
You Can Keep Vp with Raffles » You
Follow Our Columns
Orar tbe rocks wo elambared. laoghlnr-4t Is so eas7 for a ftUd to ba
bapp7 and for a grownup child ft catft
tbe aplrlt If be will—orer tbe rofta.
acnas the sospensloo bridge epannlng
fte Amatlcap Mrer. and wa bad gou
from Fteeer.eoti^ Into B1 Dorado.
“There! TW* Is tou nicer.” abe aaid
when we were again seated to her satBow'eweet ber roice wa*. an^reaUf
fta ;diUd wa* going to be handsomer
ftan ber alater, though Mar was cco■idared a bMUty. Bermlone waa
ebsiwtd tette7. aomebow. Ah. It must
ba bar hair, wfakb used to bang down
berlikck In a frowsr braid. Todagwhr—« goldn coronal, clcA kera and
ftare with a turgnotee blue .studded
ecn» iaa top^ oB with a black borr.
'*P^*’awmlon* bluftlngl
“Tbare was one* a man,’.' I anawerad
bypocrtdeally, ••who" wa* e-a-waU,
CSoeSi for example, who was at waft
ft' i (Uflicalt mentel probtem. and at
tbe tlmalM was gating Iwu^ at the”
Men-* SMandtlS
Boys* $2.50 and $S Knee
Pant Suits at (Mily
In IB7 moment of aaOnnMimmtt-1 b
bet Into mj anas. 4lynldat w ci__
Mrt oss-a^folden balMd Uttle sMorl
I ogliwd'Uaat-onsabeald.
'“Ebere! ntcre, Uttl* glrir I k
■■Ob.iraUarI How-eouldrti
pen *0. and 70a *0 good and kind, and
-mnd-ob. It wlU took jour lortog
iMotl It
aafea pan an « ' '
CagWea -bom jitlwT
1 amitwt at iwc (StffiTagaDee of as*
but CO BMkW what was tba
I waa -In'™ hunx to gi»*
^ Ik* warm ntOs Somi* la aj 1
ma was a new —tlw. and altoaitber ddlgsad, bat gaUo tw> soos
•H dMW hscMtf gaeUr awar and
bMan tbs eaplaastlac,
:8b* had fast neatead a latts tram
Ua7 bad
a-taan In Parte,
lift in gdd and' pMdooa gama. Hs
called ftU fabulous ooo&trr B1 Do
rado bot bo oarer found It 1 am
more fortunate ftan Sit Walter Be
WiU Raffles eefacm or wffl he kffl soinsworking union
tel^ I bar* fbo^ B7 m Dorado, a
iMtzaU what ber bnsband wrote.
‘golden regton.’ tadood. Uttte girt”
bM me* engagad for tbm rears wltbAnd ntirailnm.
ber amall
a UkatteL Wa. w* argued, bodad bnsd Into Bins, asked ntlralr:
w«H for a plwant future. Bull diei*
tXbw It waa bfttar dftlng orei
ras no burtr.
D Dorado oeuntr, wasn't Itr
But latatreonedilitr had entered tnta mr tdadd Ufa wUa was aetOng ma
aC awrf. Tte miseblef of It was, too.
that (ha distorbaoc* wm not tasgibla.
'erkman Kanlnlu Wkr Bis F<
If it bad baan a dabt. I ebajd bare paid
•agw K«U U MeMara.aa
ttf If a tala MJected; I «»ld bar* relad it or 4aH-1t %poB 1M fiamaa; if
ot cat again ror some nme.
tK'beeM -baSvbaen fl# ataquMlnt
d and taardened ftat 1
CoustrlctlDg anakbs sqoeese tbrir
^,-t ebdS tani aoiight a ramadr. teemed to be covered with pal* leatber.
rlctSms until they can no longer restet
I'm* luAa bf ebOM.' It was is
aeaUk bat maker, and It was
Vlperine snakes strike and poison their
liked wits from curling hat btlm* that his finger
prey. WaW «pakM start right in on
had changed eo strangely. Describing
frft while It li sUve.
fta proPMtea of a silk bat'* manutao- If the Saifte !■ Ceiled. Iny On* I
A snake's teeth are fine and sharp
tore, bejuK:
rr XI aa« the Other Vifter U, ud and numerous. They look Uke fine lift
“Ihe belief ftat cardboard forms
Will Set IftTC te Oet Awar. bMes. all curved backward. The un*mia mnst ttre with tw,'' 1 aaid.
silk bat’s teundathm te an emr. Tba
dw Jawbone la divided In fte middle,
*«b, rae.” abswarft kv. "antil aba hat 1* first, bum. up of rarloua tblckand fte food te worked In with an alHere are some, facte about snakes tecnatlng movemtmt ot the lower Jaw,
te ftarrlft. l.-tkncr aba wUl sany
«f Unw-Uyera of Unra. aoakad
given by a young man who has sGidled
jounk Sbe Is geinc to mak* a veer In ftftac. tbkt t>7 menns of
aided by a forward and. back moveshaft he was ten years old:
inij^ ftd boLliom wteghtng twenty
mant of Gie upper Jaw wlft its row of
"Wbat are you etarUg at me ao forr*
tbe kaked. putting on her hat and
Men's $10 and $12 Suits
at. only
«M*1«lewia O*
■«ntle «(idftBg «< bw sm Um.
tS« ■jswT*d pr«ai»
IM«4 1 ■app^.’*'■ana ow ttia* mnia i«wtb* moc.
■b* wptemwtnd*
b* OtMtaft
r it Ur nnd t7 nwa«Mili>ir
- •
-If ,00 call your-
Y Mgbad. Herftteo^alwayi laughad If she bad the falDteat reaaoD. ao In
Bomwt bar dimples were In tight
_JMB. Strange I had nercr befim
BOllftd what a wcalft of them there
-How old are yon. chUdr I asked
the tangle
tn my bead trying hud to straighten
- •!. Mey was ftSty one my own
-ftptMh abe dldn^t look it Eight»-«ii
:1V fta ftuuMe U in your story.” sugMteMd .'Eennlona "maybe I can btep
'ruit“- Her basd eyee looked Innoemit
ite Into mine
mine, May's eyes were blue
-K-hcly.yoB mlfttr ■I zroapett. but
_________ _
Snddftly aU
QOate had tMEMSk pUIn to me. ^The
eSBBptote. te obtednad.
“Tbe ank' U next put on. This sOk
coots from glO to tlS a yard. It lofts
e plusb In the pleee. The hatmaker
Is It off on tbe bias and molds It
ud tbe stiff linen foonda't
a tbe next timeI you
•HI. perbapa, amaie
'5he brim, up to Gila point, la Sat
Now Its curUng commences. That te
where my queer foreflfter comes In.
The' ftaptng of a hat brim la purely
a matter of band and eye and tasta.
Tft brim whUe being ftaped U highly
heated ao as to fire It pUablUty.
' “Arid of.eonrse working on this hot
material, patting and prodding It the
foreflngw thickens and tbe nail gett
"KererfteleB* bac curUng te plaaaant
arttiUc woft. Hat curien bara repntattoos the tama as artists. Their .work
te dlsUnctlre. An expert can tell It at
« glance."—New Toft Press.
A nMrr AUeat the mrrew WUft
Sue Beb
Below tbe nose runs a furrow part
ing tbe upper Up. In ft* facet of
hsMes and children this furrow te very
neOeeable. From the crolutlontet’s
point of riew It la ono of the u
ipmaikabte ftfteetsn of the tfte.
tends to become-obeetete'In old age,
and It a not seen among fta catenblne
monkeyn Among fte ptetyiblnea It
te but feebly deralopad, but In lemnn
U U in a more prenounced stete. There
te a depreased aeptum. to whlft tbe
two aide pieces are Joined. The-nppw
Up. Id fact te nearly ^t Ui two. but
.held together In a fteeMica pleee of
fleft. In fte marsupftUn and rodenGa G>e Up te practically la two piaecs.
end eaft pteCe te dSpnbte of Iftng.
moved aeparately. Thte te tbe "bareUp." and its meGMd of um may weU
be noticed In t hare or s rabbit when
eating. .
The furrow, tbenfore. In the child's
Up polott to ftis-ftat ow ancestor*
paMosied not a single vppv Up. as we
d» now. bnt two nppB Ups. one benMtb soft nostril, both o^ble «f
Indepenidant movement In the course
of Gme BMiM two Hpa have, owing ft
tbe BonraqblmnMt of Independwit
mbtSBiifct trewn togefter te form the
■Ingte -4> we now poMeas. but fte
Une of JnncGoD te not pefttet end
•o the Cnasw nodits. hnd someGmes
there te a fcUiil sear down tbe mld8^ tbaUNfftr.
^.ptaMsmoii «f fte fufrawsd upperifpiiy chlldTCB te one of tbe strong-
fa-faraTorh^"^fi^t'ft« puty.
jmiwBritde tor a snaka to
Gmes wlft a ratUft It U aa
put a stick on hie head notu you get
your band on him. It the snake te
colled, simply lay due band orer Itymd
tbe other under It. and tbe snake will
ot move to get away.
There U a sorer cure for snake bite
tbaai any brand of whisky. It te stryft-'
ttla sulphate, nitroglycerin and {iotas-
This young naturalist was without
hte anUdote fte first time he was bitten
by a ratUer. It was on the Mojave
desert, and bs waa prowling around
among somqold prospect boles. Stoc^
log down to pick up a piece of copper
ore lying at tbe mouth of a .hole, be
disturbed a big ratUer, and' it struck
hUn. He placed Ugatures on hit band
and arm and atarted for camp. At Gw
first camp be got a razor and bled hte
finger as well as be could, bnt It was
nine hours betore be could get to his
medicine. Tbe next day his whole side
was numb and sUff. and It was three
weeks before he entirely recovered
from tbe ecte o( fte polMu. Uc bad
not neglected, however, to' catft tbe
snake, and this became hte special pet
.The lesson be learned was ftat a
quick-movement In front of o rnttlcr’s
eyes Is o most daugorous proceeding
and It will luskc a snake strike quick
er than anything else. In handling
sOangc rattlesnakes he Is always a Ut-:
tie careful and usually draws then
Into hte hand over hU eoat sleeve. A '
caressing little pat on the bend seems
to have tbe same effect on snakes as
on other aiiliuBls.
After putting n rattler on
qf Lla room and tensing It. to nuiko It
coll and strike, this suuke traluer pick
ed It up in bis land, patted Its h^
and then pried open the big montt
will) s nail to show Its fangs, sevra
on raft side. In dllTerem singes at
development, from one like a pin
,»lnt to one fte alae of a bird * daw.
Tbe large fang te likely to <lropo«
St least once a year, but If Injurrf «
may be replaced three or four times
a year.
There te about the
from tbe bite of a nOiivenoinoua snake
aa from tbe bite of a dog or a ra.. mey or may not Ik- «erlon« Al^
pends upon whether a F'-'f
te transmitted and npon il.e ou.lltlon
Baby rattler* arcUtlcM
■Inning with fang! ">“• aoc“ "f
aiid 'tro ready for huslue^-. 1'".‘ Mr
have only a mile btillon o"
where tbe rattles are i.i ........ "
In the matter of f.’o.l
They -cannot l>e fnviKsl i
of all kind*. In f-i<'iarc rafter pniii'iilor
their foo.1 xei-ved oPve. u
ftlnea cr from-lemur* Giraugb tbe
fttceVentloo of platyrblne-Ilko ances
tor*, of whlft there are no .......... ..
KH i
snake, which ts very
Steiiitierfi ftp.
Ml. !«, ma a.
p a Mid V
wed aand a
baring gone through tbe snake's body.
snake's digestive organs may be
slow, bnt they are very sure. Teeth,
akin, hair and every part of tbe prey te
digested. The bard, flinty teeth of a
rat will be found, K the snake Is dis
sected within a week, to be soft enough
3 erngh In fte fingers.
Snakes tmiy care to eat once in three
r fonr moo be,
t • though they drink
inft water. Throngb tbe winter tbay
hibernate la capacity aa when free.
OccaaloUnlly they may be roused and
poesibly eat mmeftlng, bnt they
are v«y sluggish. .
Constricting snakes have a powmfol
rip, bnt It can be looaened Instantly
y unwinding from the bead or tolL—
New York Herald.
nlng birr
wings and a voice like n P
can be beard from Don to Beersheba
and ha's raueed more trouble than all
fte ticks, fleas, moeqnitoee. coyotes,
grassbivpers. ftlnft bogs, ratOesnakes. nharfck. sore toes, cyclonra
earthquakes, blterar^B. smallpox, yel
low fever, gout and indigestion Gwt
Gils great Tnited States has known
or. will know when the universe abuts
up shop and begins the final invoice.—
Guernsey rWyo.) Gaxette.
atom may'iead a man Into many
errors, but It JnsOflee none.
Cnstom. .though never ao anetent.
without truth Is bnt an old error.
Crutotu U fte tyranny of the tiwer
human faciilUra over fte higher.
It te'hard to abolish a eustom ones
Introdnced. however foolteh or effsnliiate.
There U no tyrant like enstonr and
no freedom where its edicts are not
U yon are determined to live and die
a slave to custom, aee Giat Jt te at least
a good one.
likely to lead to good bffAlte among Gie
people. •
Custom 1s the'soverelgn of mortala
and of guds. Wlft Its powerful bond tt
regplatea things fte moat violent.
' Custom governs the world. It te tbe
tyrant of our feelings and our mannm
Md rules wlft the hud of a tyrant.
Ut found It necessary to display ecnWtawnsl*. over hte counter tbe fol
lowing sign; “Our baslneas te to sell
tools, not to lou tbwn."
!'l>ld yon actually find Jt neceoaory
to hang up that noGcer 1 asked him.
.^conweldld.-Uraplled. "Hard^ a day passes Giat l.dont have ssuiebody nmung ft here ud asking me
ft lead hto a bstnifier, s saw or a
K** one of 'G>e froaks of hu^ oattire. ud I cut account for
It Peraonawlio-ironM not think of co
la* tote a hj>,t ftop .to borrow a bat
at ft a fnrnlftftg store to borrow, a
Wbt oeem to think iFi the most natral Kttii, 0?:
be woHd to emv ft ban
* UBB«r.A_
> Pwlt^^ m, far a. B. ma^
KKrthft eJOMa .fa^ book lri±
pottant Uttlo bus. n dent om «t7
TOO Mr* fonrot tiiklnc aboot kl*,*
Ant <am. .ifa* lent raOMiaa .io*.
-od wnHBBt7 at bar prattr MMa
“Bnt, lUitha.
t. ttn. Bany ma)Hi
taarnm the mominr
t a rmarkaUa wacar for
ber rtof wltti blto ao cn^y^^
a#aln» tiia «arl cdMafeb
raTttSTrf conraa.
rand Urd BdUntn. who w«n to pro.
be fond a .rlda A« ws
-m earrlaga atrttb a nan in
It-to be drawn by 4 bocaaa IP adloa an
***“I^’t yon tblnk." Be I
la, Xbopi rod wo^ba
Bath of tba
waa riddan by a }o(tey and only bar>
to tba caAlafa by looae atrapa.
Between tba bind wbada aat anotbar
jeekay. who goldad tta carrtasa by
BOTlns a handle Uka that of ttw mddWeyda.
you my tartF- be
a mwtn'W'aai*
M point or roar naadw him.'’ aba omtattod iriBlotlrelr.
bawlldarad. a Uttla hurt
At XMihtan. Ha^ lying w^ a
“And 1 maka.a point of not
•■Don't yon aea,’’ aba aipUlnad. “tbrt be tidewater ot Suntan tirer,
‘ bln.'’ t&ttcpolatad bar '
“Bat. Martha, be uryranlta bowSr abbot alaven feat
“Ob, I knew tbam aU.“ intemBM
lone and dra feat In greataat beigbt
Martba -tnaarrtad. waU bon. ^
- —locdlnc. not. fanona“ aba lapaataO
aa the “Dlfbton wrltlni rockl Ona
sUblTi ™ac*ui*
<a>aeklns fm
oB am
tin ^votda ca tha
aide of ttka bowUdP la almoet perfaeUy
Jlpa of bar prattyjtoffata.
•mootti. aa tboogb won by slacial a
“Ha u all tint and non.- rvM
Ant Clara varalr. "and -whr Ttm you quite cottfortawA Hlaa—«— bon. On thla flat aurtaca Is clear cut
outUnaa are doaena of eha
noold oamna tbli nn
gtypblee andplctstae. dtleelad by tMoa
She sbo^ bar bead.
tnda la note than Z can
prdilatoHc angrarar. The atcbaaolo-Ko; It wouldn't do at all.“ ^
Bar nlaca ayad bar wHfidly.
jtota bare uerer bean able to dadphw
rtrrectera, bnt tbey an of un
1 am folns to know you,’
doubted antiquity.
“Howr aba aakel damurdy,
' *1 ghall cell and pranent my cradan*
a. yon talk Ilka u Idlotr aba nld. «i«i« to your family."
He Tlalon of poor Aunt Clara
"Tbs wby do yon alwaya throw na
fronted by dila inatatnt yoimc M greeted -with cbeenk-la that 1 waa.«
at blnr danandad Martba.
•Vo ana la tzyls* to throw y«a at Wai too mucb to Itotba'a graTKy. of tba man behind tba guns."
‘•How many miles b^dr piped 4^
bin.’’ MotlBnad bar ant with nak>
Andwbaradiallyou«Br Tolce in the gallery.'-PhlUdelpWa
paetadanany. “He probaMy wooldnt
taka yon If they dld.“
“Indeed be wonldn't“ normorad bar ^HeluS^ad with bar. and than a anddan conatralnt fell on tbwn both. Ha
rr**t *t iMieertelttr.
nlaca faaUnfly.
"What aotborlty hare yon to tba
“lira. Barry Jiaa naked no to dine- broke It. and ble Tolea waa low and
atatement that Sbakaapaare la lidaia< and inddantally to mart bar naphaw;
you not teU mo where
I bare bad to make ateoaaa to yoa
'The fact that he «tlU aurrlTee atter4.>
ir be asked.
twice before, IforOa. Ton win go tUa nd Tonl”
“At Stockbrldga ton." tfie wblapa^
ttoer obe pleaded anzloaaiy.
His face waa ladlabt as he etodlsd
“Kot I.”
-------lediartha. “lAaO
rortty prwance upuo
“A trsln lesrae Plttiftrtd at 8 tomor
ind ttiia Tlolant an row afternoon. I abonld be tbarS by
tagoolam you si
4," be aald.
far aatimatea for heating and nt**“Why didn’t you make opr
tag. ClUiana' •phone *67. «7-*P6
te ber uanal aUte ot _
Hra Held diore off. brlstUng with
“And wbat reason cu I gtraT"
nghteons Indignation. It was bad
“Say I am out of town. I will g* •Boogb ttast Uartta abouM baro arQanaral cantnMto. Tar or gruwal
roots. Staeka painted. Cteatal roop up to Stoi^ridce. It will be only, Hrad bouia.lata the nightJiefore. .It
pairing etc.
two daya aarUar tban wa a
waa Inexplslnable that aha abonld ra■anyhow."
(an to drlre and Inalat open apeqdlng
tba afternoon In ber room.
-Blank goodneaa ber aunt c
“Only to two daya, and Hia.%ald la townow." mnrmnradllra.-BaId.
Da p. j. MACBonr.
tberw-you don't mind, daarT" coax*
- —-----MO orcaMiewo umn
- OOea
taa book she had been trying to read Clan, Abna, St. Louu, fibaioa, Owoaao.
“Buf*and hastily opened bar door.
' “That's a darUng." Two warm arma
“Pur meT’ aba qneatloned anxloaaly. Howell, Ana Arbor, ToloM and aU
ware around Aunt dara'a neck and a
The ball boy eyed ber uncertainly,
Bouthem and aaatent potnta.^
aoft cbeek pressed bars loTlngly. “And
“Ha asked to tba young lady aa
J. J. SBST.'Q. P. A.
now I will make yoa a cup ot ntoa hot nma last nlgUt" bt said douMfoUy.
tea and aea If Hart baa baked any ot
enati all right," ratsmsd Kartba,
tba cakae yon Ukii and paihapa there laamtag- “Say that X win te down In
wUl be bina enough to me to ran
down to Smith's baton
and jgt.
iba atral^tanad bar ■tutic' at tba
that lace yon wgntad."
giber and gara bar hair u appror&g
Poor Annt Qark subMod balplwaly.
a pat Tban aba tumad evsr 1b*
tin bar baaa and tagarSaS tt irOb
poahed past ttia guard at tba gate, raa^
Spaolal sttaerttaa ta Maaaaaa of ahOd- toward tba Ptttafleld axpraea and
Ron 4M Btato Bank taOdleaped on to tba atapa of tba last car h^gtaytaetan of the great dUtrto hos
ing. “ - • -------as the train was pnlUng out of tba pital of Orom Ldditeiitalda, naar Barstation.
“ManlatM_..U2lO p.
to opatatiotts far too fraquantiy
MthML • and 8 St
nowadsya. It Is a surgical erase wbbdi
Cltiians’ ptoa~ 624. ‘’t^'M
ad hla flying approadi -with admiring bss eelsad oh the profaaslmi. to be ra
fter In Its record with
Cutting out tbe spleen
The yonng man laughed as he
p£ iS:S6lun. RamevedJto oAea ever First National
hlmaalf up tba stepa ud Into
jk. ClUxens’ 'pbime 828. 7-l-’06
Tr^ to ‘C^
crowded car. "There moat be a run on lotbtag la known ot tbelr funetton*—
leave at 1:20 a m. and Oadar
Barktbiiat." be reflected as be walked in axpadlwit ao frequent In modam
alowly along the aiale. Brery aaat iracllea-^ looks on as tba top notch City 2:60 p. m.
Mereantlla Co.’a block SpaM altanTrains
franiy. The pi
was fliled. ‘ihe next car was no bet
tkm to aye, ear. noaa and thoaL
City arrive at 8:14
' “ ‘
ter. but In the third bis eyes Ugbted leploraa tta extaUng aystem of spadal- City
6:48 p. tn.
lutloD te medical atodlea and does not
Trains on main Una a^va at TkmTthink that tba practitioner who studlai
ema City at 10:60 A
t m. and *:4S p.
Speetal attentian tO eye, ear, nose an
tofUy. glancing casually at tbe other
p. A. mr—
IHLL, QaA P. i
throaL Qlasaaa fitted Ofltea ore
occupant, then looking again with
3. F. JBNK6, Agent
' American Dm* Stora
growlog Intweat as be realised tbathli proepecUre nel^lxir was a decidedP&. L. SWAMTON.
who dsvotea all his power of work, GRAND GAPIDS A INOtANA RAIL
,r prettj- girl- But bo was allowed
Office ever tha Paapla’a Swliw bSi
only tbe briefest gUtnpte of a pair i
sU bis knowlad^ and capabUt^ to.
Botb'’phaaea 103.
gray eyes - a tbetr'o- r Toudiaafe
traatment of only tba eyas noaa,
In Bffaot June 18^'IMS.
him a formal nod. and be sank thank can. Bldn, narvea or other organs nna
Tranl leaves TTATStsa City at 4:4*
fully Into tbe seat bealde ber./ He
risk of toeing faattag, and benea tba
CNy Opera Heuaa Meek. BotK^^^
glanced forUrely at ber as tba train power, to-^t human
Ttataa laava Travsiaa Oty at U:10
left tba tunnel. Tbe surrey wai
I ta ba.a physician and baeomaa a
A m.. eonneettag to potata north and
encouraging. Etidently tbe gray ....
C. D. Mn.T,gR, B. 8. SHTTB,
the dimpled cbln, tbe fair face turned
Train laavea Traratao City at 4:88 Dantleta, Stats Sank building, room
toward tbe window.
*•* « Brnrie Week Vm A. T. a
r. •
were not for him.
Mato 0«Mnl WUUa McBaan. T.^ . m., oonoaettag tor potata north and
On and on aped tbe train. Mamtio- was........................................................
m bla day padiapa tba b«t known
neck. Bye, Stamford glided awlftly by.
car" tiiat aver roe* from batag a
fo SavliW B*
He polled out bis paper and forgot tbe
proximity of tbe gray eyes until, look
ing up suddenly, be surprised them
looking into his own. She flashed and cine^nfto tha otfaat at tbe
tumad abruptly to tbe window, and be Ln'eknow. and ta cmmaetlon with Iti
Office room 306 WilhalRi bleak.
Train <
I te TtsTama Ctty M
bowed gravely and retnmrt to bis bestowal a curious anoodota la atlU cor8:26 A. I
[test tram with alaapt*
paper, but tbe article bad lost Its Infrom Ctaetannao
taraat He found himself rebelling e- Evoitag N«wa. Of cenrsa tbara
Train airirM ta TbsTana OUy at
tba convention that proscribed bis eeuanl parade of
1:16 p. m. and TM p. m. ■
speaking to her and then wondered at wore a btrtton.'" and Blr B. Oarratt and Booth.
hla rabalUon. He bed never before wbo pinned tba decoration oa tba he
■Bata arrlraa from Worttpert at
^owB any aymptoms of nndue euacap- ro’s bcMsL made tba cttstomaiy Uttla 10:20 A^m. and 4:80 p. Bk
tiblUty, be reflected dirly. imillng at >paa^ ta tba conraa of vAlch be al- Train arrirtag at 8:2i a m. Md
CRy Oparn Htawa • «aak.._^
tbe mwnory of bla suit's franUc efr at 4:20 p. BL baadlaa to. Ctedw
furta at mstchmaking on bli
wb^” -Tooti. toota. mon.“ taiqiad
One honr-two hoii
WlUlA qMta togattlng ha waa on pnMtSCBLLANKOUA
pasaad. On tbey went, throutii i
A,(Grand BasUa
, lagaa MaUIng la eballow valleys, pi
C. E MUBRAT. agant
IMda white with dalslea
work--toatA moA It dH not taF
Adam, win ^toltatg
througb long, wooded slopes, .as tbe crusty maw>ntaA"-Pall Mall Qu
train wound In and out among tbe
hUlA W aomething only would ba,^
y—g UasB.
Dumaa pate, who wa# prood of tba
a panmama unfolded from
ptlaw be raeelvad to bis work, was
c.,-window—and then something did'
ring of-tba fset.Bm train went more and more slow
^.mod a doubL" be tmnatkad, "I
ly. haHad. stood still; the paiaengm am tba beat paid of Hring man ot letL J. MePHAlL, OrNTST.
s 80S.................. ^
tiouat Inquiring beads out of the car tecA 1 reeaiva 80 eons a Una."
wtadowi or streamed to the platforma ^Hdaed. BoaMaorr said a hgataidand ta tee midst of tbe confuslo^ «. “iktTanorerwoMadtoliSBttiaB
pair «f troubled gray ejes aoogbt bis BgfiOOMaae. Wbat do you thtak of
W. N. NiLLAto.
yaam BuiMiiNA. NawteaacM
Ha BHRirod bar tbara could be no tbatr
-Too are }okta«" ttmpeaata TliuiMS itirar
wltaOrtanaBMoa, 168 Front ataaet toeral inaama and Raal <
danger and ateppad quickly into tba
Hanay to taam (Maa orar
aMa “I wlU aea wbat Is wrong." te
Friadflab’a toe atorh.
"Plaam let me go wttb
said, itatag nervously, tbe k
«omtag and going ta'tte
«^wy^Harpar>i Weakly.
Bwdlr daring to credit bis good tarMDA be made a path to her^S
crowded car to tba open air. whX
aakad Hiss Gray «f A
bad tot ladtad a pa5^..-r’m^:^*ent“v‘^
, StotA A fralght tram bad coiHto
!^iat Ou car ra datallad; tba otbw
Mrflatw Its tide acnas tha trath, obStinatMy raristtag all aSorta^^
It woald be an boor, pattepa twA ^
Mm Ite tiato ««M rSTMSaS
k O. P. Carver a Bra, N
ITObalDi UoM;
In Eflact Jun* td'ita.
Trains leave Traveraa City, as 8d*
Or& ATK8. mOEHdK.
B. J, MORGAN.10 o’clock .s in.
the old reliable Una that
is alwaya on UmA HaM ordera a
wnukae, « A bl.. 11:56^A B-. 6:80 g. dpeetaRy. I make all trains wttb ba^
In Uvery Z can tonlsb yon
Bta^BSlda.-t A nm:86 p. m. RUBBER
r Hantatae. ^dtagun and MD-
H. r. HfiMjat.
"rOmer mE*si^E%.
Is the atmoipbeie tbrae dsys andlj^ *moeti everybody anffoTA from the-heat.
Relief? Surely! Have plenty ofi'oe
about the place to lemonade, beer.
wine—whatever yon like aa a cooUng
drink. Aa to lee aup^y. your be*
plan is to oonsnlt
We serve IceUy, aaUsfactorily and at a mpd
erata coat
Do You Want to Buy?
iif areDtag at 8 o'clot^
Itoreti. W. F.^ ^L. Tkaitor, Saw.
Traverse City ^
L O. O. F„ meats first and third ...
daya ta aaM month. . Joa Lumlcgr, C.
P.; B. L DavlB. Berto.
reraa Bay TanL No 186. K. a T.
mooday nl^u In L O. g F.
£y®if^teitolii M fi
Utney. W, H.; F. BBTlland. Secy.
DuMeaa Camp. Na 2146, W. H. A,
meats at Woodman baR Henday evei^
IngA Chas. Defoe. V. C.: Joseph
ffiadar, Oarik .
day aveatagA Ttos. DoFDa N. 0..
Cbaa A.
SaentaryOn aceoant of to Hat
wiu bs te tbalr cOmb daitag baatoe
6N-I0T WObelm Btoa. Bllwna 2
and 22 T^rnkoop Tisraea.
WIU Bring Back Many
tn Return.
Sfcoke Jahraus’ TraYerse
Belle cigars and you’ll soon
be rid of the blues. These ci
gars furnish the b^t xnild^
and sweetest smoke ,to be
had. Havana fliled, band
made. Once uSed, never
Flue realdenoe 1^ on WeR Proot
and Madlsou stiaeta and Jeffe
IBB, also half acre lota outride of
Umlte faring on Fulton Street.Some of tbeae very finA
line a
,rid 'trade for
...... ..........................al eaute.
Rlrii aoU by the load or in quaniity.
state Bank Bldg
Both Pbc«an 18-
The Northwest Specialty Co.
Grand Rapids
Have moved their stock of
Furniture and Specialty Goods
Iram S. Untoo SL
toSK W. iVoBiSI.
(McEvoy Brick Block)
Where will be Ibuiia a Ckmqitete Line of -
r and prompUy
.. Mte. Asto nr
Ob, N. B. ftawln.
Oaipat Oliaatag Wcuka, 822 WaaBkigtas atnat *Pkona Ma 118.
Wiil H. Steffens
Fte nwiMitaniffi ■idartfug tea
House FiiindsiliingGoods
Fumlturct Rugs of all sizes and
kinds. Blankets, Curtains. Bed
Spreads, Shams, uce Curtains of
all prices and .kinds. Silverware,
Clocks. Dlsbee;' Pictures, Sewing
Machines,^^tfbiug nachlaes and
many other ttdags too numerous to
motion, ifiBd «Ei yo
your own terms.
/OKPiapOgp A^UHfcOB.
th? Ml. Of OMte f^r Th. loll of
' Spice" win opeo «t tbe box oAoo at
Mro. W. Q. Campb.ll of KalkMka,
roiufn«d home thte moraiixr aftM a
two weeks rUK with reUtlTes la the
After a two week, visit with Mr. and
Mrs. C; W, Kilmer, near the clty.Mro.
- F. R. Henrys left for her bonw at Marvine, this noon.
Chai H-. SimmoRO waa In th. city
today arranging for the appearance
here of Porter J. White in "Trtlby"
next week Friday. September IB.
There will b. a mMUnp of Ths
Kings Herald of the Aabury M. B.
rtiurch tomorrow allmooa at
•o'clock at tbe church parlora.
. . Mr. and Mre. Elmer Myora of
Wert, Ohio, who -lor a week paat have
C0nA6ESfilBl i
In ■sais’a'Ftv CnedJSmwGMn
When too axtoMs wsobsn hsrte.
Sbonid be*
rasMbakmas whose iatr R waa to
9mA on too:ngiM, aril at too board
toasttogi tod vela for to# name off ths
eoanty was alw^ two and twn and
fMHng bagan tojamhl^ -Mm
Travarae-CIty Is Choaen-Frem Ameag
. Many Plaeaa.
Hr. Oeorge B. King baa abld hU
pretty cottage, ••Snnset.” at Bdgawood,
the purdianer being Mr. L. J. Marks
Of Chicaga Mr. and IM. Marks have
been in the city since inly and had
InteaUoD when they came of remaining
nny length of Urae. bnt the beantlfnl
Burroonding rewwt plaeea appealed to
them so fcmdbly that they have beta
here MI aommer, and bave thorenghly
fmloyod their stay.
Mr. Marks is a retired Chicago brok
er, and has travcioatvsry extensirMy.
With, his wife be has visited
the pcmnlar snmmer resorts of tblsoomitry. bnt the quiet lltUe nook ai
their &aej
most of all, and now they will apsnd
Just erwT 'mlnnte possible of thttr
time at ''’Sunset," situated on a blnS
overloQMag the bay. with a fine birdseye view of the city. Hr. and Mra.
Marks wUl remain here unUl'ahottt
the flrrt ci December,/when they will
leave, for Qte aouth to spend the win
ter. They wUl return to Bdgewood
early as May, so aa to not mi—
moment of the aummsr’e beantlea.
In speaking to a friend reoeoUy, Mr.
Harks said: "I have traveled almoat
everywhere, and I have found no place
the lakes that pleased me M wMl
as Trsyerse Xhty, and 1
least six tnaoths of every r*»r
’-Snnset" oottsge b nltcisted about
two miles from the City on the west
side of'the penlnsttls, and b bnm oo
fine temee ovwlooking tba
bay. and ^00 feet above the water line.
The suns^ view hm b'the meet bean,
tlfnl ter be obtained anywhere nlong
that Bhewe, and it-b throng thb fact
thst the cottage received lb name by
the origina] ewner, Mr. Frank Hamil
When pec^e who have had many
plaeea to c^tose from, as have Mr. and
Urs. Harks, locate permanently at oar
resorts. It cannot help bnt attract oth
ers who as yet have not decided cm
a place to spend their stbomers. Ms
and Mrs. Marks are at presant boMR
engaged moVlng Into their new
will aocm be
ably settled for the remalatni
The Rev. Monty McKinley and wife
of Amboy. Ind, who hare hem Ih the
city the past ten days. vlaUlne Mr*
McKinley’s parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Pnrker of Spruce street,
home today.
Mra. C. Prickey, of Mancelona, teturned home today. She came t
tend the funeral of her Erand-dan^ter
mtle Lila Tinker, the two and oa
half year old child of Hr. And Mr
Henry Tinker of Woodmere avmrae.
The Rev. W. R. Currier of Ionia,
the Rev. E. Rath and wife of Reed
nty. and the Rev. Charles Richards
of Scottrille, ah pastors of the Brangelical churches in their respective
loans, relumed hcHne today after
week spent hm« attending the minis
terial conresUon.
The Junior Union of the Baptiat
church will resume Ua regular wnh
Saturdtfy. Sept 9th. at 10 o'caock ;
' In thf liasement of the church,
sewing school will be opened in connecilon iherewilh. eondueted by Mra.
- Kittle Bare^-ooper. All the bc« and
girls Inieresre^ are cordially invited
to attend.
Angua MeCell, one of the best-tenown
local blacksmiths, and Mrs. Bi
Kelley, pa^.proprletor <rf the IaG
candy Idtcheo. were united In
riage Toesday nt Elk Rwlds. the Rev.
Hilo Woqp performing the ce)«m(my.
The allalr was kept a secret from the
friends of both parties in this titf and
the toinotmcement of their marriage
was a great enrprise.
. /
Anyone who hae work that can be
done before and after school bcran.
whereby a yonng man can earn bin
board and lodging. Is requested, to no
tify R. . L. Nye of the
There are two or throe seosttarg'nH;
men who desire to attmia the tnfh
Sedtool this year but who mnst earn
’The following imclalmed letters
their own way thronghont the term
malned In the TnveM City poatofand are anxious to find places where
flee for the
they may work for their board and
Pert Himnw—After lest' than .two
Bicsitbs' mairtad life Mrs. YMat Mor
ns enea tor divorce from RmUarn J.
Morgan, altaglng that her husband bft
their wedding day. be
diat^ after the ceremony, and beime ioioxiealed.
Plot Reek.—Fire'broke Sit In the
Methodist parsonaBA destroytng the
bonse and hariL Total loas,. »>.600.
partially Insured. Sympathy b oxtea*H
the pastor, who lost sB hb per^
eSects. Indadlng a fine llbmry
of 6M Toinmea.
Holland—The honse'oo the term of
George Bahbodc at Sangatn^ waa de
ployed by fire yesterday. l%e lOM le
i at
partially covered
Hr. Babcock b a promlnent fruit grower and hb borne v
one of the finest In thb sectlijn.
aideeo and |day a gams at pokar tp
Jeasph—Bound, gagged, robbed
and tied to a tree to a lonely woods.
John Unders./aged 19 yeara streggM
tor 12 boars to free UmsPf. The
rt«es atonnd hb wrists and ankles
cutting the flesh to the bonea,
finally managed to loos«i bis arms
lap, and crawl to the nearest fsrm
boasa two miles away. Landers wi
his way home from Raw Paw,
lake resort, when he was beset by robbmu. They gagged him with a hand
kerchief and tossing him Into a bokiy.
drove to the swamp and. relieving him
ot hb money, left him to die. He b
aerioiM coodltkm.' Sheriff Ten
nant has ^ered a reward of 650 tor
the detenUtm ot the robbers.
mreced with toe entire popnfatbn -
UYINGSTON. Mont.—Mbs Fannto
A We^ of Washtogton duriag a vis-
t ton 1
Barings hank b new on be
fore Judge Adams. On account of the
of the issbee Uvolved the
e b likely to prove itotable.
—W. u Ballard, a com
mercial traveler Of-thb pbee. liu
black Minorca poRet
that eridekUy has-a lew things to
learn. Her Utest effort |n the e«s line
Is an immense one nearly round,
uring 8H inches In clrcumlerenc
containing Inside thb big outer shell
a perfect egg ot normal sbe and stmetnre.
KOKOMO, tod.—The loesl court has
been. eaUed on to establbh the legal
valu^^.h«^ terib by Charles FowMl.
fi^i a 54.000 damage salt
against'uigyPenr- •
the loss of two
In an aoddtokt al a crossing.
LOB AN.GB1-Ba CaL—The vriU ot
Frederick B. Rtodge was toond yeatorday among private papers at his bone.
It leaves hb. enure esuito. totimatod
at.$20,000,000. to hb widow and three
chlld^.'and appotoU Mrs. Rtodge
without bonds,
which is very short, was written on sn
ordtosTT sheet ot note paper by-rtodge
ntiae.—Martin Jones, of 148^- blmsew.
qnette avenne, qsfrbK. a pi tientattheNEW QARMONT, tod.—Clareace P
Basten Mldblgan aayinm la the con
valescent stage, awaited the coming Widfe.' editor cf the Tfmw of thb
placA will mnlUply the tronblea <ff p>
the asylum and when the enghte was eta to, thb secUon of Indiana by put
within 15 feet of him delibermtely ■ring a Uoo on guard at the oOoe of
hb paper. The lion b sot tame, and
threw himself aercas the track,
Hr. Wolfe thinks it on^to be ahls
body was cut completriy in two.
several poets and "klckerB’’ •
He bought it from the propriea eirens that risltod thb place
last week.
SSr S'" ...........^
Cured Of Brightb DIaaaso.
Geo. A Shermsa. Lbbon Red —
Lawrence Ca, N. T, wrQea: ‘’1 hsd
Udney disease for many years asd M
been treated by physlclaas for tsr^
Notice te All Peraons Interested:
years; hkd taken a weB knmj^
The Special Assessment Tax Roll
Sewer Tax
Cure. The first half botttoreUevad Mb
emth when the'
which tcrmmd
toraey LAveiace of 1
the moon was thrown into space by
after BunneH had paid the jusUoe seme mighty upheavaf eceoedtog to
court fees amatmUng to U1.48 dropped lYtffeaeor W. H. Pickering, the astron
omer cf Harvard Dnlveratty, who' has
Jost retnmed fntoi HawaU. ProtesLahalng.—After —rghing for more Bor Plckering says that aa soon as ha
than tva years la almost every staij saw the vdeanc » of HawaU he reoogin tbh lIiiloQ. M. N. Nii^ob Identified ntoed them as near 'rriaUvea. to the
,onng man who had been loriced np extinct volcano n oo the moon, and
Unsane as his long missing soil
I the blaads
Tonng Nlchtds fmed a deep attacom«mt for a 13-y«ar-old girl,who did
not return his love. He dlmppc
and It DOW develops be has been UvST. LOUIS. Mo.—Mrs. Sadie Rohr,
one of the most beantlfnl young w<
ed to St. Loub Jewish sode^. his
nonnoed her engagement to Harris
Franklin of Deadwood, S. D., a rntfiG8L Joseph.—A new boat Una b to millionalre banker, stockman
be e^bUsbed between thb port and ranOb owner and mining partner of
CUengn. A frel^ter tor ha»
B. H. Harrtman. Mrs. Rohr has been
fsnlf will be put into service early next a widow two years. The
year a fleet ot passrager steameK
b the reeutt of
be added to competie with the Graham at Atlantic City a-few weeks ago.
ft Horton Ttansportation ooapaay. W. wlhen Franklin, seeing Mrs. Rohr In
J. Calhoun, a^t of the new oomi
the elevato' of a hotel, became infat
>e inootpontted as the Chicago uated at once. He obtained an totroTraasportatioa company, appeared be duction, and within three days placed
fore the city ooanell and eeetir
a ring upon her finger.
lease tor the rest ot the eeaeo
the city dock at the toot of Btato
iTGe tax rtUs for tha mUnthw
tehod and c— -------- --------------■ Dearborn—Le^ Di^ fell from efty of Traversa City.
___ ___
tke roof of a boae In thi'e village and bean placed to my bands tor eoDsn
died nt St. Mazy'g hoepUnl, Detroit
Re was slaUxkg t£h roof at the time ‘*rwm be to my olBoe ter the pnnass
ot oottectlng said taxes every «ede
and srban the wooden seaffoid agateri day tram sow until Wevsmbm -toL
which he waa propped gave way be 1906, from 6 o’clock ontu tliMVetoS
slipped over the edge of the roof and to the fmenoenrend Irem 1-e’doA to
fril to the gio^ Hb right leg
twAsa In two ^aees and he was badly w% be ,Eg9sl^ Wlltaat
injured Intmally. -He
oiA and leaves a widow anil three
Battie Creek.—'Ow Battle Creak aldeimen have rslaad a qneadon that:
wiH affeeot evary oily to Miehiffa:
"Who owns the grend under gldewalkA the- IndlridoM who hat abotttofTw^arty or tbs
persons who nre brildlng
blodka have commreeed to exeaeala
v&der the eUewalk, with a view of «stoadlng their oMIars ondeneatl
walk. Henoe .the rabtng of the
tton. The pohtt has never been aettied ^ the eounoU has asked the «Sty
attoraer to make .an
■ ■ 3’Ek‘TXSfJ™
itfer $100. He brid
In Honre held a xlgng. dad the otbari dropped eat. Ddoaido -doev sos
eard. La Moore BaaR hUnealf ffra
cards, and the batting
> waa «S.<^ to toe pool private
___ IT. boriffes toe ridps. Then toe
toad'wiB-caHed; ■tfomidshMdtom
kton and-La Mowehafttoaora atou.
ttrae tree nnd a .pab of floom
. to bb test and criaA *««ntb
ttib b McKenMe eoanty.” and so tt
' and b cnBed. The gama b»tad
•an benra, and In Honre and
1 were carried riwoHcr Ugli
Eld toe tows, 'wUdk eew ne tleep
abM. Tbe cards held by In
re are to be found aaMt« toe archlvra (ff toe eosnty, Ubded
Mene's Five Card Draw.*
crackbman." begin*
mM mssm
Read our Tap Coat aid.
Dib W. J. HlillM ‘
School Shoes
and dwlng one
boerd toe
was pestering
ktotoconsenttoniffltogtoeDowdlepatto best afterward toe Ibkihto. toe
OfneoTd. after tbe first battte «t toe
Oeniral Axthw was dbposed to qub Cbandbr abont hb proppsed name. Be prefoered toe
DUpbto as bring more suggest
sea. When Chandler signed
tance of kaeptog la mind tbe
of tbe eokmbl mUi'f^t b tt that you propose to call
la tolpr
ffte Concord,’
iShg the aivrared New Hampridre
Ihoe." retaried Astonr. inrittog the
.tentkXL of Captain Boeder.. "Do
Tia bear ttati Coaqaerad. B;o yen
dtak that a good same to give a skipedWt Then. i^Mi yon ^aagatoa
tt Omieacd. Jest
hne Dental Work
t39Fr«9C. Clt.'td.'7ra-
Special Sde
Byes and Restore fefeet Vbioa.
No tronUe to show yoa, at
Dr. P. A. Wolit
& Co.
Booms 4l»-tl4WnbelmBlk.. ,
Pretty, Dainty, Oever
round trip tickets ...
tbe Stale Pair, at rate of one tare
plus 60 centA which Incladaa atebsiOD to the fair. TIckeU on
IL 12. 13. 14 and 16. good ..
any day np to and Includin* BepL 12th.
Ask agaits f<w partleubn.
Alice Johnson
Tbe SenO-IHaskal'
Comedy Success
The Marriage
of Kitty
Omeral Aztoar had ceased to bave InBocnee to naming toe ships oC toa
pretty gvoertUy dbtilbated over
globe, and on thb aceouat tbe naturallets infer tost there b work for them
te do to the greet economy of tbe imivwee. to eech
matae. femalea,
neuun and jisiteihiiee sotdbrs are to
be recognlMA Tbe aaba ate tovarUMy g—iw than tba fmaalea and. Uka
tbeaa of tbe ftmtolne gender, have
I in. torii orlgtoal state. Tba
whito are tbe workers,
wings to any of torir tnns-
Strikes HWden Reeks,
tohen'yonr aUp of health strikes tbe
hidden rocks of Consnmptiim. PnenmoBlA dc, yon are hjot. If yod dost
ret help from Dr. King’s New Dlaeovery for Consumption. J. W. MrKlnnou. ot Talladega Springs, Ala.,
writes: "I had been very ill with FnenmoolA under the care ot two doctors,
bnt was getting no better when I be
gan to take Dr. King's New Discorery.
The first doee gave relief, and one bot
tie cured mA" Sure cure' for sc
throat. bronchelUs.
uus, CUU61U
eoogha.and colds.
Guaranteed• at------------------k
S. E. Walt Sons, to
Jrug Store.
and Hannah Drug
price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle 10
Teirptoeme to toe eonte.
Prkes: 25c. 35c. 5(
75c. Tew at SUM).
1 by ttia aimer plabs on thrir
tove of'Vevic.
- .Tbe lore of-wurk. Which 1
tor eharnctertstbe of toa
Froude. b sraU SluMrxtad fa a atory
told of bb lari IHneee. Tba canemoui
MBKtien of wWrii ho afterward dbd
■^ae alowiy deatrwylug hb heattfay and
’rimnua froma. At pne tone he seemed
v-M- ua wbrii toe phyriFrwSe asked wbribm 'tt wee Hkaly
be would & able to go back to hb
wcrfcagaln. Os haaripg tbitt thb-wu
ImpMtlble besaid. "if that b toa
I do not wish to Ure.*
Aaissais ana O
Tbe toawy Raa. baes j
toe eoBapleuous celac* .<
spedee of fuabse, toeecte end
^rm»u xre-.-natote’aaetood of adver____ ict that such are pedsonona.
to toe btte BT rily wblto ^
r toal toe flesh to u
touaed for food. Tbs baherecs to tola
toascy rite toe wonderful dlaplay of
riBors in toe ectoas wamt. the coral
■take, ths hoDldhim tbh and toa OUa
tot^BdSSrSrabbnr toL a V
ud ^ysr net fUr baimtiea ,
"HamY Henpeek and hb srita settto* thair dlffneaa abont toair Tbtt^
QMparoem 80* Btsf*' Ratt baHdhis. •tog carter '
"Oh. yea; toayYa eomprembo
Glr. and Mra. Maria Henpeto.'"-FhO-
to toe proof that a igMngi b a Uring
HO. ONE MO OONT HIM aalaalT tonag Man 4nto toe Bad.
■y«~A man. b'a Bring lalmai Many
lug Fri«y?®Sar WL? *A<i to mAS
sobri^nnd ao^M^
stance. I brilava J wooW ha're ^
If I had not talte Foley's Klte^
Cnie.” Bold by-ft"*: Walt 4_Wi4
Oaoe. rt>om 20t StabT^^ft^lV
.. ' .
Barton. Jno. P.
Bennrtt, M. A. ^
W. A.
Cl^back pork.
nc-oo Connkt.
Decker. Newman
Claarbaek pewk. .
D«ec«. P. C.
Short pork, per t
Gardner. W. 8.
Codflah. per Ih..
Gra^. Floyd
Ham. per lb...■- .
Haight, Lewb (2)
Baoon, per Ib...
-Hodge. W. W.
lArd. per Ib........
H«ii>egan..C. T.
Jones G. W.
Pbutoea, per bosbel.....................ISo Kent, Gea W.
KnoU. Cbas
Mason. Dick
Parkinson, Jss.
Reginsteln, Jos.
Reynolds. AUe
Flour and Faad.
Slocnm. lesUe G.
Schaeffer R, E. ,
SUOhn, Mr.
Tracy. Chas..
TJ; 8. I
Worn Bros.
Wilson. A E.
Wsrten. Dr. G. B. .
Au^. Mrs. Frank B.
Buckwbaat. par bnabel.
Borkmaq, Mary Rye .............................................. .....60c Chapman. Mia.--W. W.
CharlBon; Hanha
HannMt 4 Lay Mare Xe.
Clark, Margery
"“I’S Flick, Nora B.
Gerhardt, Haauh
Hutchins. Beatrice
Hall. Gertie
James, Uary
Rogers, Hay
Smith, Mannhuf
Suddlebauar, Ida
SUlweU. Eva
Bpi»ue. Mrs. L L.
Thomas. BstdOe
Trant. HMea -
fore Sept >0.1M6.
I ahMlTtoka m.jtottAtoW.
and craiy. it b said, f
ibmaBae—The triO of the ease ot
ildd allv
bot spriag and was boURd
Vital B. Bsn«i et al. against the exdtm-
BUrtlIng Mortality.
. ■EIGHT *T0RIB*'AB0UT RAFFLES They have no eqtel —GET NO. ONE AND DONT MI88 end BllUooanaee." l6o at to
ft 8ans..H. B. MUtor-a sad
Drug 8tm
One Nlgbt
Wed.. Sept 13
oraa City oy^
Drug Cto
is ChMp, Cleai*
1 and Bailable.....
Ii>en are naln*Fewar it «,IH
pay yen te leveetlfiete.
Beardmea River? :'
Blacrric Ltftlii «
Power GomiMiaj.
■etere eed power
fer nM perperea.
nsnwr. esn.«, i»«.
ta poedUe the name may be sSated
Vamae-J. Jeffrlea. chief of poJIoe.- bel«ng. The big Aungton haa n
good dianoe of aecnilac the podUem
n» bead tf the Loa AngelM. Cal, toroe
tteBOA the Influenon that is belsg
TO GET $1,000 FOR OFFICIATING ^ootfit to bear lo hla behalf. JafAT BRITT-ftELSON BOUTr
Mea hna had no experience that wadd
fit him tor the ptec^ hut hla ricotoof
Britt BacAa Out «f $10,000 SMa «
dTle of doing things and the mord
Bpth'Beys tn Trim.
efieet hix preeeoce at the bead of the
wouH harw are strong
poteti in hli ttfror. '
Royal ^kmg Powder is^indi«pcn«able
to finest cookery-^d to the comfort
and convenience^
modern housekeep
ing. Royal Baking Powder makes hot
brrads, cakes and pastry wholesome.
Perfectly leavens svithout fermentation.
Qualities that are peculiar to it alone.
•OVAt •4»H« POWM CO., Ni
A. w. muNGSwoKn
log cDttan asd BwaBpm. t.__ .
wood oatMn, 90c per oord; oew
cUDpa, good limber; bowd, n.M.
. smiATION M 000k.
€rtia for genetid hooMWOck; S3.S0 to
SS.OU per week.
POSRKMC aa bookkeefier, good referi eoees.
TO SEU.-4 aerea good, lerel onA
land, joBt oaUide oorporatioo 1
just the thing for market gardo._..
‘ TO SOJ^-M aerea, 7 mllm oot; 90D.000 feet hardwood, aome
1,000 or more cords of bloek wood;
TO SOI.—tK ^rse power gaaelioe
engine, good rep^r; $90.
TO SBLL-«-Uble pool and billiard
outfit—ebalra, eonntera, show oaar,
light fixtures and stock of goodr,
$800; lesanhao -half Mt-prioe; par
ties going BOntb.
- TO SEtL—S genu' biejdea, $8.00 and
TO SEtX-1 open buggy, $5 00; open
hnggy andhamem, $K>.
TO EttaANK for Trarene Qiy
prti^erty. 40 aoree land, lake front,
mnniDg water. WO^dt block wocd
An becnl. IK mllm from raUroad
Wot^MlCtlii Board for employ
meat and bargains
Watw aai Wetsa
Bear Admiral HigglnBim. at a dlnas
be recentlr gave to tbe dtTT 7*l4
; at WBBhlngtmi, aaid of a certain Amer'lean milllonnlre:
sOnce In England he and
' ataylng nt the s^me copntry bouse.. It
.-waa tbe sbnotlng rranon. and 09 the
momlns of onr atay we found
Rlioollng side by aide.
feeepefe began to w.iirti him. to smile,
and U make low toned remarks.
. “Finally I saw a {tbmiiant nmnUg
^bg tbe ground and tbe young'Amer-
Jas. J. Jeftrlea, toimttf haaiyvaight
cha'mpton vt the wtrU. airlvad in tbe
dty this BcanlM and Bwlarw that
he will referee the firttt-Mdaoa boat
whkh u to take i^aoe tomarrow nlgbt.
t be had cem»
prepared to accept tbe ofler ot |1.0$0
for bU seiTlcee as refefee. 'When tbe
oOer vaa made a few days aso be
etuek for $1,000, vUeh was t«
by tbe fighter!' managara. J«
airw deelmrea that ba wfil b^,^
third man In tbe ring, despite
Oona laieed to him.
Tha side bet of $10,000 a aide, which
waa put up by Britt and Neteon, baa
been withdrawn, Btltt baiMag out.
Nelson waa willing to let tba bet
•tend. Tbe fltfitera win reeafre 6S
^ cent of the.gate receipts; the win
ner takiBg 60 per cent and the loser
40 per cent cf that amount
Both Britt nnd NMaon are soi
der wfright and hare gtres v hard
training, doing only enoagh work to
keep on edge. - 'CENTRAL LEAQUR.
—Oh. sir. ytw moatn't aboot the Uifi
‘No, Blake. Pm not going to.’ taM
young man. T^ant yon eee m
Vattlng for n to atopr—Nm Orlaana Sutea.
i IS
'■Isa LMsem OhsaBmv:
la ^te of hU yean. King Leopold
flC BalgiDra Is ooe of the most daring
■ct OMD. Not OD^.is be giren to rtdtng
In «a ntomobile at ti
but be aUo employs as a ckaalfeur one
lUrcei, who Is a pronoimeed anast
In ytew of the many attaa^ts nafia:
«• tte Uees of Buropean
kteir$'*«t«ntk>n of this employt.li f»
fiAed A fMHUidy. A haa ^
waned agalut tha man by the pdUca
of B^gtom. France and Oenany. bat
be pays no heed to their connadr He
addreasea Kami as ettoyen (eltUm),
the ttUe which was sabatttnted tor all
otben la.France Atilng the lalga of
Huellmantel Bldg.
at Phone 47t:
Severe Price
CutSng AU Altfng
the Line......
We Tell of
Dress Goods
Pine all-wool Cheviots, M inohes wide,
colors of Tans and BroTnia; -that
48 inch Blue and Grey , milted all-«ool
50 inch Black Novelty-wilii n pretty
desp ot white, . dollar
erticle, cut to
. 50 iheh Novelty Siiltieg, good heavy
weight, wee $I ,',0 a yard,
cut to________ ________________ *>y*'
Pine all-wool Black BroMcloth, an cle, gant thing for
wear, 11.25 gootla,
cut to ______
The Boston Jare.
Whaaling Baofce Down,
ad BapiJt, September
iUI negotliaions lor n pottaeason series be« Wheeling and Grand Baptfia,
tbe two Uadlng leama In tbe raoe tor
tbe CoBtral leagoe peonaat ees
abrupt end last night wbwi the
gU management flatly retwed to
meet the locale.,
Oenze) la arranging to bring Noetbera Uichigan and Amerlcmn aamdaUon nines here for late oontestn.
Kid Herman Tootad as Cemlrtg G
Kid 'Berman, who put Tcanmy Mowntt to the bad th 16 rooada at Grand
Raplda the otheryoJghL M now apoksn
' toys he .will go after Britt now and
Wowfitt •ayr' that be bdlerM that
Herman wUl be the dumplon. “Lota
or them are clere^*’said hCowntt,
’ nerw met one so clerer with a watN»,” whUe Joe Coffey, who rtfeteed
he fight aeya that he beUevea that
with Heman in the oemdltton he waa
the other nigth can defeat dther Ndeonor Britt.
to ptaoe bto tmage opw «or MiOi aad
than have the Holy BpMt iMka as Oka
HtaL Here toe .weaker quoted BOOS
of Chrtit'B saytagB, sndt aa, “t IW.tM
Way. tbe Tndh and the 14gU
and "I am tbe Vtae Wd ym an
braaWes •
Tbe a^mnJttb aaU
the weeker. that oooraH through the
Ttoe must oonae tbraogh
A maniriiaaa oharaotar M toRDsd ^
Ureumatanoes is Uw maWtaa poUry.
saM Ur. VoeOnr. Too tm the <n^
end the name thing oonua out eracy
time. That ktad ta no-good, tttatba
mu who Btoada firm and true tor
right all the time, that ta of nan.
The way to Rtfild Cbmutor.
Tbe speaker thw want on to taO
bow our Waraeteia are hunt up.
err buUdlnghuafoondittao. Wean
told to build not upon A yoek but
upon THE raw. When yim do
•Ofioago News.
iMffOlB Who raw India,
named the Asiatic Oiarii
was a atataaman and sT.-----------------boot a palaee tor tbe reeratlea of
mra who iored WraMg and maght
afiarwtodom. Tha great raotuTa pa>Mn for knowledge la aaM to have
bath shown by a whlmBkal acpetliMnt
be ones made to'dMsnnlne If It wm
tna aa he bafi baaid. that Behtew
wee the natural language of an who
•bafi amr -hew <au|^ any oWw
To tato thb imwflm Ahbar canatfi
a fioaaa nuralng WAffiw to be Wat w
tal city. WW wad was naied
pvtar aW wra
post raarterma ai» stfll bAw hold - .ata. and ba was furhUfioe. apon
oengNBata. Tbaunt- PIA «( fiaath, WM tbe gatM of tba
I o< optnlon la'to the «$atta Vheaita&iMwecetwtlTe
eOMt that wma tooled at loast tirloe.
ra hut daMMoa hi haaaa on tbe
Hw Wraad'SfciWxta' ta AM
■ %at.he heard Bohraek la the
elghtit.aoand teD Wme act to kMo
t and that he had beto
tha men tt thebe---------- .
ot tk$ a»
MMUy. rrwy oar answered by a alga.
Xxn ABgelea,- Od. BeptoBtoar fl
Bemcraaja randy lOc per prato. to0^. a» ne Ln&attL 'wa
sad oRw tar
, SS..“Sir3t&5iS.4S
aad mnat be aeU. - XWfir
' prioM:
70 Fmr a Ba
DarraWaatera '
eagle Want Ads
60 FOOT LOT a West Htata atraat,
east of Na dM.
008E Ah
tafiy'b aeoad-ba]
eringQlce;4» k
batwea Wkyne and Bay atrastt.
THBEE LOTS a Sprooe stt^ beWayne and Bay atraata.
LOTU^^i^fttHtaM .
a Bata hwattasa
. « poBay Ud RamadeU streets.
alttaB as travaltac aataamu viih
nUabta firm. - The Bradstreet 8ys- 12 to 14 ACKB8 LAND to Bawoad
township, about 1 mile from taty
teeo. Botauater, N. T.
limita. wni mate a good market
at J. e Mor e^O's. IH mitat eat ta Gedu Bo.
gu-n coU atou*.
mOa areta ta Cedar Boa.
There ta «
ta six weeks we will educate you In
Mtadmaakhlp ud aeenra you positton
IT a BaystreaL Power and
as tnvaltag mtanmn with' reliable
-------- nary ready to ra AH Jota
flm. The Bredstreta ByaUm./Rotaieefrantage. A good looaria for any
tor, N. T.
ue ta Bia-^- -'—-
VANTED—Competat diaftamu. Addreea, "A B„” can of Park Place
Aoooatlng; $60 to $100 a month sal
ary asaored oar gradoata ader bond.
Oar Bta aOoota tba taigeta in Amarloa
and aadecaad by eO BaDroada. Write
tor otaalggae. MQB8H SCHOOL OF
TELBMAPHT, Ctacdbnatl, 0-. Buf
falo, N. T, Atlanta, Oa. la Craase,
Wta, TererkUB, Tex., Bu Ftaadsoo,
. fStotf
ta buUdlng Stone: <me Ipt a Eat
Prat atreeL near Oazfiild avesaa.
Addraa 602 WataitagtoB atrasL
BeU phme 16L
wun. feed bara,fimaD farm, xcellat
sou and .....................................
WOl be
houa^ corner Thbteath and Bahernia. 8a C. & Yadar, Ptatgi haak
or T. A Contan. WUttg^BotaL
Molr. 120 West Btate StraeL S848U$
B rsorr
WANTB)-^ taw
a small bonaea
to saQ to ootac
I a the easy
Uttle A Sboriar. m
WaRted—oirl wasted for goeral
hooMwork, small 'fainUy, a
ly toaced, looated abate aga aafto.
frpm city Umlta. Tn«anto%sai^
tag praete eng goaa witk aala. ■
Pilea -ud tertna faaaanahle—mot
baaoldataoa. :
PERSONAL-S ya 1 5 thtnktng ta
amts this toU
WANTEIWmwB week, sodding nnd
aaefllng AB work saaUy doxw and
gnuantaed. CRStaaa' phaa, talta
alona. Weexpacit
7M or US. Bravatag A Atatay.
matlu Lima I
ewafi^wBAWa ahoWd taOd a srha
strastura aa adUd.
Inyltattan fiarvlem
FOB g*lA-Orocta7 end other hutlAfter the-aaun.-*he Her. Mr. Bayllw of Patoakey took dtarga eff tte
meeting ud oadoetod u InTitatkm POUND—An Elk's butten. QWM
serriee. Thwe are two taotora that
have seme by calltag at thla oOea,
proving property ud paying this somust be taUn Into pons
T ■
tbe aaltnOa of our satOs, uld ba
FOB SALB-^arm tav 40 eerae: low
Tbe flfst ta tbe Lord Jeans Christ Urn- FOUND—A lady^B jaefcta ta -ra
■prlca end easy tetme. UtUe A
self. We ODuId afford to do wUhofi
ta town. Owner
Shortor. m JYeot atreeL tSUttO
oaU at J. h
nte'a Jewelry store.
alnxwt uythlng etae Is Uto hta not
FOB SALE—Haase, S rooms, a Stale
without Him. He ta our parda ud
and Garfield avateoe, easy monthly
enymau, anme u rate, <w eXhtannge
Tbe other factor ta our' own wffla.
tor. other good peoperty. Little A
Sboner, 222 Ftaat atreeL 2812tM
We moat decide tor ouraelTM that we
win turn from our tans arifi aoeept aal1 are tired
MosveUim ud no ae eu tan to tha
^ 'd
dwths of tin without he glres aome
Bse how eealiy yon eu own a bome
ta your own nnder tbe monthly pay
kind otoonaoL
ment ptan ta Lime A Shmtar. $22
a to have been Former Loeal Football filar la Oraaring
deluged with “water- lava." and tor
Friends Here.
ThompaonVlDe beat the Oiett
fewer people were able to make tbeir
Ray Buu, who two years ago w
Indiana by the aoore of 4 to $, Wed- escape from the dty than from Pomthe star half hack a tha Otty to<
needay, and\jetterdny CadlUao beat
them, * to L
It la the theory that the eteam tram ban team here, ta In the otty for
tbe outer turned Into rain, and, mirinf oonple of days' rlalt with friada. Be
The water polo team
artaoh Ken with the Tolcanlc dnaL ftnned a huge to returning to ML PleaonL whoe he
neth Smith la oapuin. aee«>U the ebab rolnme of muddy torroiL TbU gath wlU oatlnoe hta stndtaa at tbe Nor
ered other eoU aa It poured brer tbi mal. from Petoeker ud other northeni
lenge Of the Xedbena tor a gniL.
land, nlaed tbe level of the coantty
6;U this erenlng. at tfie Bl^ atreat mote than alxty-five feet and finally potnU, which he hu bea Ttaitlng.
He WUl probably ifiay a tbe Noraul
left a maae of compacted tufa. TUs football teem this tea
torrent ran on to tbe eoa. making Its
own toannel and forming a kind of
iagoon around tha prarlonaly safe' har
bor which entire prevented any ships
Referee Again Changae Mind Abed
fBalt Lnke City, Utah, September $.wluard Been, who wlD go down Is
ring hUtcry $a bSTlsg made
dedatoBs of one fight than any
in the boslsem, ohngad hla list ou
tbe BohreefeWme content by an alUmalum dellrered yesterday a«erao«L
Bean said yaaterday that Urn oontest
waaafhkeThla makes' Ban'S deelaians
Wednesday nlgbt'a' oenteM aa they
came in pomt of Om stand aa tollowf. ^e wlna w a foul: Soreek
wtna on a tool and all beU off;
oonteai and aU beta oR; Bereek
stopped beoanae It locked fand.
Theae annoBncementi were ..—
b^Bean oOMally, theW being in an
• • Tlaw. As sporting cooUngent
■a.. We can do a treat deal wUb
■bala.'hr the aU nfftba Ba(y Rpta
it bot oor Ideals are perreetefi tr
and tt undermteaa yof
There meat be aoUdlty and
The etty of Chtaago ta bom
qtngmlra ud geotagtata ttft at that
•oom day Chtaago with an Its -wealth
ud Ha toamtngThoowada, wm atak
Into obUTtan. WhjT Beeanu It ta
$wFPort the High Sehool Team.
not tanUt 00 a acdld tooniht
The High 1
Be Trae to fielf.
tor this aeaaon’s team began pnoUee
last nl^L Prat K. E. Eslgbt wOl
A mu's relatlan to hlnmelf was
coach the team 'thia year, aa
then dtaeuBSed briefly, the speaker
"Pat" Thacker, eaptdn of the OUrat quotlsgAhe words, “To thine own eelf
college team, and Ted RoaUmrd, abo be true ud tha tt muA follow,
attended the a B. & last year, hara the night the day, that thou ennnt 1
both Dffoed thdr aariatnnee to boya betaine tour man." God hu made
and to Coach Knight
mu tn hta image and unleaa a
Al^ough n looks as thoo^ tbe (iodUke be ta not whet he ah^d be,
team wlU be a winner the aaradatlcn said he.
hna but $17 In tt« tnasory with which
to Mart the year, Lastyaart
The Importuoe of tOe an^retreeelation did not ask the budni
tnre which we hnUd upa tbe tonnflefor a cent hut tHi year a cany
ttaB. wu the last point dteensaed. As
be made tor tha benefit d the
u Olnstrattan, Mr. ToeOev spoke of a
tton. In order to put th« team on a GracUn TOtage. The hifta of the peo
good flnMcId tooting. It la hoped, ple were elT bnUt <« hay. strew ud
too; that the crawda which wltnam the stubble, hut et ^ ad of the Tllgamat this year 'wlB bo targsr than tage wea a hudaome stone find___
hta temple Fire oei«it In ae cE'Uh
hats ud soon destroyed the straw aad
hay bnlldinga hut wha tt wme to Hie
temple It
do' no fitz
ancient cl4es w^ bare
bnrled. bnt atgaally forgo^en, for
ages. The toi^ auppoaed to be of
Btntaean origla, lies on tbe OampasUiv
pUln at the toet «( lu deatroyar, Veanrioa, almod Midway between Na
ples and Pompelh
What caused tbe cataaoupha of tha
yeas. 79 A. D.7
to the help of the. i
It la now brid t|ut the destruction of
Herculauenni i
tram that of Pompeii, attbengh Pomwaa also cerered and burled and
— general eSbeU were tbe same In
both Inauoces. In the case of PompeU tbe City
1 by t
shower of siimall Btooea from the TI
FOR RENT—House. 8
ae who wuto rat to apply ta par-
toot front CB Frat itreeL a___
tnvaattnate to
mmHyUttle A Sborter, 222 Front sfreeL
FOB SALE—We have a few booses
oa west and south aide that w« can
only two or thru hundred doUara
down a a two thonsud dcdlsr
FOR RENT—Office rawBs tor rent -home. Ume A Shorter. 222 Ftat
over Johasa's drag store. Mn. J.
O. Johnson. 229 Sixth atreeL t$424f
FOR RENT—A small bonse M Cedar
street Enquire of W. J. Mo^_.
HOUSE TO BENT—CaU at lU Bata .. A Shorter, 222 Prate straL S846-tf
Eighth atreeL
FOB 8ALB-A good family bora ud
HOUSE FOB BENT, eoraar Stats end
a good cow tor sale. LItUe A Shor10^222 Prate street
S8464f '
Boa streeta: 7 rooms; aun bam.
Jaly 1st
a J. Morgu.
FOB BAia-Bome nice am
Thera wlH be a regular meeting of
the Mystic Clrole this
The Yewip Wemu’e H.A F. M. aeFOB SALE OR EXCHANOB—80 ecra
dety of the B^rtist oburA wfll mate
fine trait ud farming lead, ftme
tomemiV aftomoa with -Mtaa Big.
giva It desired, or wlU exchange^
ley. 67t Waahtagta strata.
MONET TO LOAN a persaal prop
Mr. and Mrs. R. A Mercu of $1$
erty, ta annu to anIL .L Newtand
FrankSn strota, hare bea antaitataTyler, room 603 New Wilhelm block
tag tbe faOowtag goaeta: Mra. J. W.
fifth fioew.
Haisha of Coinba^ O., Mra. H. A.
V. Hamllto, Park Place bOtaL 'Sia F.ONEER LIVERY AND HACK LINE '
Fraedtander. A. W. Mtooer aad Blto J. Morgen—Bemember the old
rrart Davit of DotiolL
TO SELL—UOacre farm, foar altaa
raUeble line that Is elwaya m Umt.
they drove to Neah-ta-wutaT
tram dty. 66 ecrea clsapte,
.^eck erdere e apedalty. I make eU^
f deUghtful dinner was served.
. tratak with hack. 1 oaQ tor'baggegv.
fruit trew. Only $1,600, ^
ta Bvnry I au toratah ya rubber
Mra. Ella fitaok of
ttra .raaaboata. -rubbar tire f
bu bea In U1 baatth tor sooe <
ymteiflay aftaraoa at the at
TO atBJL-dmp.
$0 years.' Bha leaves two aen Uvlng
. home, good boeUngud^
ta Wotord and one fiaubtar, Mrs.
lime A Shorter,-gnjrwte
Mary Wlee, of tbta taty. T%a eaneral
wffl be .held Raturttay momtag from
rt; rraneta Omch at $ o'taodk. DeSuWd.' Only tea per oeit
osaato Uvad ta l^stoid naarty. 40
raauy much teaaper to
taamaiM 1 ou tamlte ym aay ktad
ta eantaga yen want 1 beva five.
Fatal Etadka
waifiaef ffM .. . .
■at cf tbe vfeifi.kad cuato be
dill 4 cats, fiU dirt $ cento.
A Shortar, 21
Ooedta. 4S7 marnoo strata. 01
pbone $».■• Dbt « wert afi* $1
%HHN you Bead naurtma on k|Mfi
■ BAlH-Mv»t«B qott—
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