The Daily Eagle, September 13, 1905

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The Daily Eagle, September 13, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




invittatiriiR^ muL


VOL. xn. NO. MM.

■ Pak t«rftM
litMWMf bi HMt
««7; frwti rm4

errv coition, 4 oviocic .


What Are Yoo Going to Bum? 60 PASSENGERS
Ifow is the time to make ep toot aiod jost what yon n
tyofa BtOTe.thia Pall.

We Are ^wlng 63 Styles




VIetItM of Oiawtar Caught In a H»r^













Easy Payments

J. W. Slater
Your RBliabtB Hoim Pur


g StuUon Win Se Estab^.^^sd Them.



WholeaalB and RaUII.




Uoia yoo want it.


PlttMitus. Pa.^ Baplember IS.—81xt;
paaaensara ware iBjurWU nla« aerloiisly, by the orertuniliig of a traUer at­
tached to a tracUoD car on the Home•tead dielalcm of the PUtMsarg; RaUway
company this momlea. Hie aoddeat
illme 0of the bratea
1 gedng ifi
the trailer and were
their work.
There ie a eteep grade from Olenw'ood bridge to Uayee Jtmetlon aad
caotlon le always taken here by nuv
tcoynen bat this monlns, the hrakea
refined to wwk and the accident
ed unaroldahle. Joat at the joaedan
there Is a sharp eurre In the mad aad
the first ear ronaded-aU ri^t ho^ the
trailer, was deraUed and upset Hie
le was Indeserlhahle. The accident
made wprao thhn
would hare been by the Inability to
atop the car infic^ and the OTertnpone was dragged some distance
with Us Tlctiins unable to free th«naelTee.

It is very probable tl
weeks from today, a '
to 16 demons wUl 1'
a 60-days- trip to T"
gfm, and some of t
Prof. C. B. I
retired from the TraUi
ness ooUege. U p
ProL Doeketay I
trip, with hlB wife a
ly for a Tlslt at dlfl
be heard <that (here ^
templatlng going i
cated with aome of t)
Althonght the >
not been completed, |
that die..par(r a
or m^- So^e will |
Inspect Ula.j^nmtry, 4
teidlly to settle '
to look over timber n
Pacific and the C
roads are expected li
to confer with kir. D
party Is large enon^l
special sleeping csr wi
this city and the trip ^
clsl csr direct from h>

Altheu^ nothlag baa aa yet beea
done In the matter of the shooting od
Orto DMsr by Ora Honw. ths attaadakylnm- who eanght
ths seven boys dlmWng the «e««
steel wateremefcas frurn
aaylnm patch. Sunday night.
not been dropped.
cOTdlng to Mrs. Dlsler.
Twelve ebot sad scars were foond
In the bead, back and era of yonng
Dlsler, and hU mother, who U s widow.
• la Indignant that soch drastic meas- ares should have been used against the
boys for their attempted pnferlng. She
t nphold her b(^ ta the least
lor attonptlng to Steal the melcais hnt
thinks that a ac^re would have been
BQfltclent pnnlahment wllhoot
BhooUng of one of the boys.
Mrs. naler has her aUoniey locdiIng up the esse to see whet can (m
done and she says that If there is any
law whereby Mr. Hoppes can be ar­
rested and punished for the shooting,
legal steps wlU be taken against him.
The matter has oecashmsd mnch dlseosion and CMnment shoot the dty
and the qu^loo of whether anything
further will be done le a f«eral one.


September U.AU-prapaxatkms tor laying ‘.he United
States government tslaphona cable
frean this dty to 8L James. Baavsr
■T.i«ns, in ths middle of Lake Ml^gan. have been eomplated and tbs fed­
eral cable boat started with the actual
Coogreai appropriated fSS.OM during
teat winter for this tetephana cable
line In ordw that ceanaacUcii might he
bad with Beaver lalaad. where the
weather bureau proposes to eatnbUah
a atonn warning atotloa. The
win aleo fumlah means of otmidunteetlon for the Urge fishing Industry and
lor realdents of Beaver iaUnO. and wCD
he eepedaUy valoable
yachu that seek Beaver harber for ref­
uge during stormy weather.

The home <E Mr. and Mta. Bngane
Seoflald at 83S West Bevanth MreeL
was the scene of a very gMtty weddl^ laat evmdng at 8:t0 whan thair
daughter. Mlaa Mabel Laura ScoAdd.
and Mr. Boy G. Conkttn of Grand Bnp^
idt. presented themadves btfora the
Bsv. Thoaoss Cox; to be permouneed '
man aad wife, In the praeenoe of alwiit
65 friends and reldlvaa; LtttJa Ba­
ther Snyder.- dan^ter of Dr. and Mrs.
J. A. Snyder, of 2U Itest Ninth street
acted as ring bearer, -me oontraettag

r 12.—The
Grand I
second trial of former Ald«man Md.
charged i^h acoepthig a bribe In tbs
water deal, was taken up In anpeiiw
oouK this morning.


Mlaa Lela Swaafon rendered Meadlessotth's w^lng nureb on the vldln
<**TBiiiig manner, aeoompnnled
In a <^ar
Doring the
by klaa Maude
ceremony they pUyed -:Oh, 1
Me.” very sweetly.
The bride wore a dainty gown of
white J*9 aUk and parried a large
knot of bride-a rosea. The ring bearer
carried a beautlfol Urge yellow roee.
and was dressed In white. The groom
eonventkmal bUedt. The ceretook pUce tn the bay window
-which was prettily trimmed U ydlow
and white asters and aaparagna ferns.
The hall and stairway were decorated
.U the aame floWesa and green.
After the wedding ceremony and the
usual ccngratuUUcna. the guasta
tired to the dUlng room, where reconslatlng of lee cream and

wUh the exception of the addition rC
cleraatu The gift room color aebmna
was pink. pUk aatera being used ef­
fectively. The work was in riiarge of
Traverae Ci^ Will Try for Long DUMrs. Thereea Brinkman of thU^ty.
, the gueam again
Traversa City Co. No. 66, C. B. K. rammed to the parlor where a couple
ryably apent tn sop. wlU attend the MliAlgan Field day
at Jackson. Tueaday, September 19.
The groom is emph^ed as bookkeepThe oompnny win leave Traverae City
er for the' SUrtt Fnnltore Co., of
Grand Bspidi. and among the tong Urt

Simply get your plans
ready, let us know


Deeded witiiojUt loss of
time to yourself or
Lumber, Interior Finish and Building
Materials always ready.
Our mill will quickly dispose of a hurry order for
special wood work.
Hemlock Woods $1*2S per load.

’ A special ts prertdad Ur UA-

ed add he hod been robbed,
n^ro la mlaalng.

The New Store
New Suits

I .•



W. L. BROWN, M^.

Young Men
See our window—

|10» $12, $1S,$18


market afiords—
a ItuU better
fit aad flnibh than
UBuaUy found at pricea.



ted a party traveUng in electric light­
ed saloon cars to vlait a place which
heroic explormu had opeat montha 3t
leas MdawTora to reach.
Highest BHdge In the Wertd.
The bridge over the Zai^eal river,
the highest In the world, was linked
7 a. m. April-1 of the pfaacot
rear, thus GMnhletittg another Unk In
the Cap«o-Calro railway. The bridge,
-which U of the cantlUver type, la 4*0
feet above the river at low water and
the gorge at Vletmla
Palis. The bridge was built by an BUg(lah eompany on the girder p^em. It
U constructed tn three spans and has
WANTED—SOO WOMEN. Girts and a width of 30 feeL
The Cape^o-Calro railway U an en­
eya ever 14 years of age. PlanatnL
eUan work. The Traversa CHy Can­ deavor Initiated by the Ute Cecil
ning Co.
Rhodea. to connect Egypt aad South
Africa by a line 6.700 mQee long. Prom
Sweet eWer. ISe per gslleik
the north the railway has
Morgan A Son. Phone 119.
Khartoum, a dlataneO (allowing for
the river gap between Assuan
Wady-Halhi) of 1.400 mllea.
In the Boutb 'good progreaa baa been
north of the Zambeai on the
To see the sbo^ we just got made
section known as the Northern Ezteuin for girls’ school
sioo from Tietcrta Palla to Kaloma.
(he admintstratlTe center of Barroteeland, a distance of XOO mUaa. Prom
They’re made up in ' nic Kalocna
Une la to be coaUaned for
style and the soles are another the
*60 mites in
made to stand lots
direction. It ii probable that tram
of walking.
Tanganyika there will be two Unea.
Better come in and see them one through the C(»go aad another
through (tennan territory.
before you buy tjie

We Want You


Rowland Douglass
BboeStoreOpp. Wbitiog Hotel

Hardly a day passes bow that does not brinj? us a
shipment of new goods, and some of the 'new styles
really are “too swell to deseribe.”

fishing to be bs4 W tnir a
lakes, -ntey say that they «m fin
dty with aAermen from the -6nn4y
City- next year.
Teatarday was thMr first day on the
grounds and they expect to show galas
as they beemne fvnthar with the flahtng shoals. Meaara.GeniUh and Ombh
salt h«ne a string of five ptekarel
avwagfng eight to 10 pounds. Ubaled,
■ThU U the size of bait we ose on
the lakee near the beautiful dty
Several other renortera mads aeina
vety good eatebea, both In number and
also In alts of fish.


We're glad to have you come in and see tbqi^ whether
Tou-buy or not, for if you don’t heed noy jou will
later, and we want you to see our s^lea. ;^

25c Pictures J
Be&utiful oraL three-ply
veneer frames, size IG
by .19 inches io black,
emerald and weathered
oak colot^ with rich,
g o 1-4. omamentatkm,
comprising landscapes,
portrmta, . game, fruit
pictures, etc., all at 25c
Gall quick for first
See them in our show

Are you putting them
up ? If you are and
want the best of re*'
suits buy your ^oes,
alum, turmeric, muatard, curry powder,
diU seed, etc., of ua
We take the utmost
care in buying suppliesfor household ‘. use.


She le a Ouaet at *

An accident Whicb te quite neriO'.a
owlag to the age Of the »*«*>«,
curred this monUng wbea Mrs. Jos.
Bunllne of Perry, who U v^Mttag at
the home of NIchedas HoaDniaatel. cor­
ner of Taoth and 'Caas Mraeta, fen
dowB sfalra aad dtaloeated her shatfMrs. Btmllne was gotag dowa stairs
from hw roma and when ^ way
down made a mtatep. MUag the renatndar of the dtstaaoa to the Soer at
the bottom of the atafra. She -wi
•IHed to rise and mads aa eooifartab’e
aa possible, while a pkysMm was
unwed. The ahoulder was mlaced l.n
poaltkai this morning.

parade wUl take i4noe at
o’clock tn the afternoon and the prUe
drills' will follow dlreeUy after the
parade. The Traverse CUy company
ta enUUed to the lang diatonoe prise,
providing there U a eompany of 11
present. The Jackson committee hare
tioos -t
the leading hotels.
Contest for Championship.
The third rank contest wtll taae
place Id the Athanaeimi bo Toeeday
erwing. September IS. the final con­
test to decide which ta the champion
team in the state. There wlU be the
moat magnificent preaentaUon of the
“long form" ever staged in Michigan
or eleewhere. The Supreme oOcers
of tie order will act aa Indges.
At 10 o’clock A m., at Jackaea. there
will convene the S2nd annnal eanren-tlon of the Grand Lodge of Michlgaa.
and'at 9 o'clock a. m. the 16th
sloa of the Bathbone Sifters oflllchlgan win convene in the aama city,
with headQuarters at the Blackman ho-

B. C.. G. & A. BY. BULO

These were sent to Mr. and Mrs. Ooaklln-B newly fnraishad' home nhldh
awaits them in Oiend Raplda. nig'
bride U ooe of Traverae CHy^s popa*
lar youag ladles and for the past two
years has fined the poaltloD of aaalftant In Dra. Swantor and Snyder’s of­
The gifts were many and beautiful
and conelfted prindpally of cut gbksa.
silver snd linen? One iweaent cama
from the bride’s uncle. Prof. A. J. I*d4.
of Grand Forlta. N. D, and conelfted
' a fine silver card receiver.
Mr. and Mrs. Conklin leave bare PrIIV on their wedding toar taking in
Hersey. Flint and Detroit They will
after Ootobar 1, at 817
Madis(» avenue. Grand Rapids. The out of town gueela were: Mr.
and Mrs. U. B. Conklin and two sons
of Mersey, parents and brothers of the
groom: Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Phelps,
uncle and aunt of the bride; Mr. and
Mrs. E. O. Ladd of Old Mlsslmt unde
and aunt of Oie bride: Mrs. anma Sco­
field of WUliamabnrg. and daughter
Mary of Haplrton. aunt and cousbi at
the bride: Miss Maribe! Whiteford rt
Bates, ooualn of Uie bride, and MIm
Maude Horse of Grand Raplda. frieod
of’the bride.
Dr? J. A. Snyder rendered sevenl
pretty voca] solos, and Mlaa Lela
Swanton and Mrs. Thereea Brinkman
rendered a couple on the violin aad
piano, much to the delight of their

13.—The (^ty.
Battle Crebk. Oeylord * Alpena rail­
way la putUng in a ateel bridge above
the Grand Raptde 4 Indiana road.
This la the largest bridge In northern all VICTIMS OF
Mlriilgan and U 3* feet above
Grand Rapids roadbed, on ^ c«nenl
Brooklyn, h
C. Cordon, a traveUng salesman,
died at hls home here toda,y He was
the last survivLr of the persona who
were aertonaly Injured tn the railway
meek at Mentor, 0,June *L
Same Lade BulH Fires on the Floor
curt rt Police Ashton last nlgnt
gathered In two young lads, one -of
whom la Howard Cummlnga and ths
other a Brown boy. both aboot
years of iwe. Loot avenlng tba boys
entered a caboose standing cc tha O.
S. 4 I. tracks near Uie depot, and took
three red Jl^ta. or fnsea. and a box of
matebee. niey took the Ughta
Chas. Jeffries’ warebonse. east of the
depot, and lighted them, sUrtcing them
up and bunting than outside the bnllding. • The matter was reported to Chief
Akhton aad he tnraatl^tad, and from
a distance tkonght that the building
m fire hut fbemd that tha light
frost the tMss aststda the bund-

Mr. and Mrs. C. a lr4Mi of Qrar-d
Rapids, and Mrs. A. Paris
who have been vlsttlng leMUves te
Toung CnmmlngB Is one of the lads
the rtty. lutanod hna today.
MNiwiy V. 1C Moore umI wite of Who hum tree «B tha Soer of JaffHea’
•go. Last night
DedUL whp hoTB been gnarta at ’
b^s' parents were toU by the
chief that thh nrd ttma anything nf
the kind odBsmd. the hoys wotU m
takw Into ugtodjr,

Mill WllT Sc at Osarfc sod Head Ostce
in Tliis CRy.
J. B. Waglgy, C. Q. t
Dr. H. a Garner have formed a portnefrtilp under the firm name Of Wag4 Co.. I
and dealers In prtaa. tlaa. lath, loga
etc, the mUl to be tmarated at Osarti,
Opper fYntnaula. Mr. Sberwoed hat
rwlgned hla poattloB- at the Trsvsrsa
Oty State bank and wlU have chargs
of Urn general o*ee of Wi compasy
wfalrti will ha located ts Tyswerse dtp,
Tha'eompony hna tergeTumber kol4Inga of eedar. ptea. tamarsek, blr^agd
laple and win do a
Mr. Waglar U an ezpertM
aad w tor a nsishar ef ysors


1^ tterovtap of thn Bk Bigfii Rsq ’ |

■ Iffl® DilLT

The Daily Ea&le




Ci^ ^eheulator.
itie IMO; fii«le <im be lonnd oa
Mle u Ute loUovlos pisoet: B. J.
a* A ““

iOMpb ^or, »I0 But Bislitfe
nre^ C. M«Ef07. »» Wet
itMt; Mn. A. R. PuU«.
Uaioe itwH.




Secood-aMi J


■Miibrnift ............. .



The work of brttfitonlng the Interior
of the Masonic tampte b fast nearing
oompletlon. and when tbe lodge room
ta fully settled again, which will be
some time nest week, It wiU preeent a
most attracUve appearance. The par
lors are completed. The carpets have
been tahen up and cleaned and ere
again on the floors, as bright as new
The walla were formerly covered with
wall paper, but are now replaced by
paint The hstuliwcoriy deoorated bor­
ders in the three parlors remain the
same, excepUng«the fact thst they
have been given a tboroutfi rieanlng.
The two Bilk draperies In the nrehes
that connect tbe three parlors will be
replaced either by new silk designs
pattern of grtU work. When thb
done, the parlor* win be ready for >
In the lodgeroom, some very noUeeable
also. Tbe waUa have been redecpr
ated, the fnrnltnr
re^Ushed. The altars, and ^an
have reodved thdr share of the deeorator'a attenUon, alee. One very
la foond on the een
tag. Heretofore the color has t«en
h brownish tinge. Thb, the menbefs
thou^t too dark, and now a light
gray color repbees It and the result
b.Tery.aatlstactory. "Hie walb art
ready (fo receive the-large number ol
and the flow b Ukewbe r^y for the heavy hraaeeb car
whi» has been thoroo^ilr reno­
vated. The few finishing touches wfl
take less thu a week Icaiger and then
the local Maapnlc order may once more
feel at home In dne of the neatest,
brightest and best temples In Northern

We find upon inauiry that ife were
mlntal^ea In our etatement made a fev
daya aince that our fire ahtna syatem
had been out of working order mote
freouwUy during ttae.Iast few months
than preriousl}-. We are Informed tha£
last May the Asylum box had been out
of «»uniBsl(W for nearly two yeara'
In fact that it had ^ven ao much
trouble that lu use was abaiMonei
a bridge wire had been ran to form
the circuit leering the Asylum box out.
rire Chief Murray, sotm after taking
charge of the work, made a careful ex­
amination of the system, end put this
box In order and it has been workiug
satisfactorily ever since, and today
every bw In the system is in good
working order.
We bsve been visited thU yesr by
an unusnal number of severe electric
storing, which have disarranged
system for a abort time, but repairs
have been made Just as quickly as tbe
brealr could be located, to do which
The last woi« of the Mrihodbt con
baa required more time than other
wise would be necessaiy becanse cf fwence closed yesterday with appoint
all the boxM being located on a single menu. The nssimmients to Grand
Traverse district are as foUowe:
circuit. The maln._dillle^ty now
A. T. Ferguson, presiding eldhr;
are told Is becanse' the wires are
Ateneon, George Thompson; AJbm
slack that they frequently come
contact with the electric U^t wires be snppUed; Alden, to be supplied:
and with-ttae tops of the trees. The Bear Lake. F. C. Waters; Bellalre, W
condlUon of the wires, owing to the A. Robinson; Benxonla. W. H. Her
length of time they have been In ns.3. belt; Boyne aty. L. -Groeenbangh;
Is such that this slack cannot be safeb' Boyne Falle, to be eoppUed; Cent^
takeh up without danger of breaktae Lake. A. E. Wynn; Charlevoix, J. W
What appears to be needed Is to .-e- Tickers; Charlevoix clrcnlL to be supplace the system with new wires and pUed; Clarion and Horton. 8. W
to prevent contact with the electric Large; Cross Village, to be supplied;
light wires transfer them to the tele­ Bast Jordan, George E. Allen. EQc Baophone polu and to divide .the system ite. C B. Rlsriy; 8herman.-James Bw
Into three or tour rircuita, so thst In ,ett: SoothvBWdman. John Priemly
case of a break only a part of the South Frankfort. C. N. Quhm; SUttsboxes are rendered useless, iHiIle those vllle, John Helrtehray; TboopsciivQle.
on tbe other circuits are all in .good to be s'npplled; Traverse City, Asbnry
order. 7^ plan would also render : Hugh Kennedy; First, ’niomae Cox;
mueb easier in case of a break to fo> Foartetmth street L. bV Carpenter;
Wexford, X. E. Holmes; WQUamsbnrg,
cate it. The Installation of a
age battery would filso be a good tbin.t R. E. Tost; Empire; J. H. Lamp:
Fife -Lake. Jeeee Burdge; Frankfo.-t,
in the point of economy, but not
essary to the efficiency of the syatem George E Lewis; Freesolt. D. E
Wade; Grawn. M. J. Brownell; Harbor
Chief Murray baa induced the cn
Springs. P. B. Whitman; Earrletta,
era of the two opera booses and
Paric Place to have aUm boxeA W. A. Watklnsr Inland, Zenas George;
placed In then, and all three har.-> Kalkaska, H. H. Harris; Kewadln
been property Installed. The boxes to be supplied; Kendln and Indian
are all carefully examined and terte Mbslon, W. A. Elias; Kingsley, p. W
Wood; Lake City and Jennings. John
by. Ur. Hurray twice every week.
As a matter of fact the fire alar, Britts; Levering, James Lelteh; Mackl
system of Traverse City is not In on-' -'naw City, 8. V. Reagan; Manet
half as bad eondlUon as the pnbUc i- J. C. Newpomer; Manistee, E A'
, lead to Infer from reading sane of the Wright; Manton. F. J. Bryan; HanUa
debates In tbe council upon the sub- circuit, TOllbm Haskln; Northport
J. D, Deets; Northport Indian mh
to be supplied; Norwood. J. F. Dur
ROCKEFELLER PROPHESIES AN. bam; Old Mission. C. W. Clare; Pen
stoo, H. V. Wade; Petoskey, First ArSUGGESTS.
ba Martin; Grace, D. D. Lwcohler; Pe''Forewarned la forearmed," so it
old saying goes. Probably John I) toekey Indian mlsalon. W. A. Elba, Po­
mona. H. G.~Eainedr.
R^eteller bas this adage in min
when be announces that the next “hat
times crista will strike tbe country 1
IjOTOS, and that where there we^
I of Offieers Takes Place
3,000,000 of men out of work In 18!
there will be from 7,000,000 to lO.OOf
000 In idleness when tbe next siege c
hard Umes is upon ns."
Col. W. H. Moore, president Of th^
Nauonal Good Roads association,
authority for the stat«nent of Mr.
•The staiemeht was made to me
conversaUoB with the oil king some
Ume ago," said Col. Moore, “and R<.
declared that tbe government sbouk'
not wait Ull the hour of peril arises
but should legislate to provide s
lor the Idle and be i
for them when the crisis arrlvn.
"Hr. Roeketelier bases his sute
ment on the fact ihet overprodncUor
la all lines win bring about th.e crtsii
and as be has hla hand^pn the en'«f
rial pulse of tbe country;^! the tim.
he la In a position to know. We wen
talking ‘good roads' at the Ume
it was hla idea, that proper legIslaUor
ahould be enacted so that idle
eoald be put to irork bimdlng rosj>
when the time cmnee. He declare,
that It seemed to be Ue only aolutlic.
of the problem."
Now that we know what to expect
It will be well to provide for the rally
day and take amne precaution agalna
the empty dinner paU period, and
ahould certainly acknowledge
Rockefeller's thougMfuIneu in men

The annnal meeting of Traverse City
Chapter No. 147 ol the Orter of the
Eastern Star, for the election of of
fleers ^ held last evening. The sec­
retary's report showed that there were
14 member* on the roU at the begin
ning of tbe year. There were 18 add
ed during the year; one died and two
1 demited: leaving-the present
number 1E3. The foUowlng offleere
were elected:
W. H.—Annie Utney.
W. P.—J. V. McIntosh.
W. A. M.—Emu Mointoeh.
W. Secretary—Carrie Pierce.
W. Treeaurer—A. R Cook.
-W. Conductreea-Lou Cnrtla
W. A. Cooduetreea—Myrtle Good
The InatallatioD of office** will take
place on Tuesday evening. Bepte

o. Bpiegei, 1X04 N. Tlrglnb ■treat,
a.uuTuie. iiuu..
wtubs; "re.
Ilnd.. wrltoe-T^a.^:^


Old Mbalon. September U.—Mr. and
Mrs. Darra^ of thU place were called
to Chicago by the death of Mr*. Parragh's brother's wUe. M» (Senator)
The reeorters are going though a
few hay fever patlmite wlU remain
Mrs. Ollvw Cromwell Is spending
a couple of weeks with h« parente.
Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts. Iheh'
two .chUdra who have been staying
with their grandparents, will re^
borne with them.
Ted Bagley b very much Improvel
and U now in a fair way to recovery.
Mrs. WlU Pratt has been in pooihealth a couple gf weeks but at pro*
ent b much better.
ifliool commenced this morelng In
West Almira. September 12.-*8everal from here attended the SUvers'
■how at Lake Ann Monday nl^L
The dance at Robert WDami’B Sat­
urday last was a success. The attend;
ance was unusually large and all en­
joyed ihemsrives until morning.
S. Q. Minor has flnbhed hb car­
penter work for Robert Wilson.
Prayer meeting wlU he held at the
n^idence of Mr. and-Mrs. Ed Brooke
nm Wednesday Instead of
school &ouse as usuaL,
Farmers are cutting their
sowing fall grain.
Miss Hable Wilson of Inland -w
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E Bates
Sunday lasL
Mbs Goidh
and Satnrday at the home ef Mr. and
Mrs. Wing of long Lake.
Asa Harvey of Ohio is vlslUng at
tbe home of his grandmother, Mr*.
Harvey, of Cedar Rim.
Mr. Welch Intends moving the bouse
on bb farm from It* preaent loe^loB
to the road at the aonthweat ewner ot
hb term.
Daniel Pratt baa finished booming,
logs for the Empire Lumber Co., to
Pearl lake.
Robet Wilson bas greatly
« of bb residence with n
laige new addlUon and a north and
east Bide porch aU trimmed in patoL
Mbs Nina Myen spent ^atnrday
evening and Sunday as the guest of
Mbs Rekah Wibem.
Tbe potato crop in thb vicinity has
has been tojiired more or teas by bll^t
had rot. Fana«n are kwklBS for


• Nelaen'a Sto Hardest Fights.

Falb at RhtoeUn• der, Wla., draw. 10 ronnda
• 1904—Maittn Cauole. at San
• Frandeco, ww 18 ronnda. Eddie
• 'Hanlon, at Smt Francisco, wen, 19
• round* AnreUa Herrera, at Butte,
• woo. 20 ronnda. Toimg Corbett,
• d San FraaebM. knoctewt, 10
• rounds. JimmyBrlttht San Fran• ebeo, lost M round*.
• l906Wimmy Britt d Colma,
• CaL, knockout 18 rounds.


r the next ten dayg Mr. L D. Hdk111 win be in the city to look after nil
>oof8 that need repair* before the fall
rams s« In. If your roof needs
W your smokestack needs palnlor you h*ve an old ahingle
wish fixed up to last tor five or
• ten years tonger, caU up tha Bwt Wil­
• helm Roofing Co., OitlseBs’ phone 1035,
or drop a card to Bert WlIhMm, 306
* West Eleventh streeL



Throw Record Broken.
Newport, E 1, September
two weight events d the athleUc
games here yoterday the Iflponnd
hammer and the S6-pound wel^t 7dm
J. Flanagan of New Tork made dietences, which If aUowed. wlU be
worid's records. In the 16-potmd ham­
mer. event Flanagan threw
weight 176 feet the present record be­
ing 172 feet 11 toifliea, whltfli Flanagan
made at Liag Island City on Jnly 3L
1904. Flanagan threw tbe 6$dX«flfl
wel^t 42 feet the record being 40
feet 2 Inches, ahw made by him *t
Long Island City July 17,1904.

Nelaen Takes te the Stage.
Battling Kelson will not accept any
ehallenge for fights, for some time yet
as he is going cn the stage. Not as
the hero of a blood-eurdltog drama to
.which the hero rescues the heroine by
hb fistic prowess, but merely to box
three rounds, twice dafly. to a vandevUIo show, for which he wOl reoelve
the paltry sum ot 81.500 per week.
1 When Nebon deans up aU the m<
ey poeslble on the stage, he will then
probably fight Jimmy Gardner, as
Gardner' b the nrnst Ukdy canffidam
tor champlcciBhlp honors and N0la%
Nelson's manager, has told Gardner
i^t hb would -tp.'the first
ed upc»NdK» tl^day of the fl^t

Many lines, and one very prominent line is tlie
Ederheimer, Stein & Co.’s
-first-class in every
Clothe the boys here.

Vor BSk RapldA 8 A m., 1:86 p. m,
6:26 p. m.
General PMraga i

Wm. H. Stefl^ns

and teims caTat Arademy OC KMa
Bell Fhcpne, Academy 286; atbraY
Phone, Reeldenee 892 - -

lOc per lb.

The average b<ff is new poadering over the situaUmb, even if his clbthes-are worse for wear, and h<;
will soon fall into linE
We have a splendid line of school suits.

The Ruff and Tuff Suits are air right.

- In Effiset Jtma ta. m*.'
New Obeoee Record SeL
Trains bave Traverse Oty as MNew Tork. gaptember-^ 13.—Martin
j; Sheridan, the welghti champloa.
For Chicago, DetrolL ToMo. Grand
threw the dbeoe 143 feet^ 4 Inchce, In Ranldi, 6 A m., U:6i A m., 6:80 p. a..
jjiy He beat the 10 o’clock . -. m.
old record, whlA
6H Inchea The record wUl stand,
meet was bdd under tbe auaplcee

Hamilton Clothing Co.
Notwithtitandkig tbe extraordinary advance in wool,
we are pleased to intimate that we are in a position to
offer our new stock of Fall Dress Goods at the old
prices TSirough placing our... orders early we not
only got the benefit of the marfi^P^ut also set-ure«l
the choicest patterns,-which always get sold out first
We only quote a few of the good things
have ip offer:
36-ineh aU-wool FUnnels, Black, Blue,
Red and Grey, at -----------------------52-ineh Mohair Sioiliao, Navy, B-own and
Black, 65c value, at — —........ .... „

Choice Caiomet
14c per lb.
J. J. Brezina.
248 Front St.

46-inch all-wool French Poplin, Black onl}-,
11.00 value, at..........-..........................
60-ineh Broadclotk in Navy ot Dark Green,
a bargain at----------------- ---- -t..........
See our new Moire Skirfings
at ——....................................... ...

29 c

Cor. Front and Union.

Dealers in Everything.

Dealers in Everything.

The Drug Store

That Sells
Pure Drugs

eiTM yon th« ProiBpeat aBd moat careTuI aerrlce. dellTOl. the preacrlptlon* wh«.
la the moat elee.otlj titteil up DtuS atote In Wlchltao and whete yeu
can come and teat .irt meet tent trienila at any time.

What About Vour Hair ?
of these
peven ouenenand Sisten
Lyon’s Katnerion, Parke.
storer, £au de Quinine, Daiiderine.

The Daintiest of Toilet Soaps
^hmere ^uque^ Monad Violet, Rosodpra, Colgate’s Castile,
.and twenty-five other

The Daintiest of Odors
That are made cac he found iu our great stock ot perfumes, kYou
They make a most delightful present at any season of the yeai\

•trikes Hidden Rook*

Beautiful POrly Teeth

Bwato. etc., yon are loeL If you don't
get help;
from Dr. King
King's New Db“PJ*”

Are a woman’s pride and they should be properly taken care of.
K,x wiiuiwuo. nuoifoam,
tooth brushefi you will always

Ue cured me.- BSnViiri
throat, bronotattb, oJoSi
Guaranteed at 8. E
E Miner nnd



-Jlf_ Latest Sporting
News of Interest • ^

Gale 8„ t*.
who todt third here
In the f :30 pace thb Bummer, hot hhs
Tbe following real estate transfei* been wtonlng ateadily lu the aoutbeni
have been' recorded by Begbter of part of the state, was distanced In the
second heat of the 2:16 pace at De­
Deeds F. W. Wlbon:
Howard Whiting and wife to Fran­ troit, yesterday, the time of the heat
being 2:12t4.
ces b. Rpbblns. et at, lots 10, 11
12. block 1. Grifiln £ Winnie'* ad
U. cf M. Football Practice Beglm.
Edwin S. Pratt end Wife to J. Q.
Practice -tor the fobtbaU candidates
Adame, n% of ewi4, sec. 8. towi
for the 1906 E of M. team was began
range 12.
John W. Miller and wife to PhllUp Monday at Whitmore lAke. .bot onl;
Roach. Iota 16 ap'd 16, blo^ 8, Bayalde. seven men. five of them men who have
Jacob Peteraon to Karno Peterson, earned their M's and two new recrultv
ne^ of neM. sec. 16. town 26. range 12. For the flrat time elnce he haa been
George Jameson and wife tmA. J. connected with Michigan. Coach P. E
Wilhelm, parcel, sec. 17. town 27, _Toet was not out tor the first day o
pracUee. Bnstoees had caUed him la
range 11.
Wm. L. Brown and wife'to Frank W. betrolL and Trainer Fitxpatrick pQ
Wilson, w 60 rods of swK of
ex­ them through a few rune and gave
cept 620 acres, sec. 6, town 27, range them eome practice to catching punb
Tboee on the grounda Monday were
Julius Campbell and wUe to Rufus Center'Scholt*. Tackle Curtto, Tackl.
Stover. eH of lot 10 and lot 11, block Grabam. Quarterback and Captain N<rcross and Fallback Longman. Be^Je
9. Ferr>- ^annah'a 2nd add.
J. T. Hannah, et al. to Floyd L. these men there are two other promb
Smith, lots 6 and 6, block 7. Perry Han­ tog candlda-tea to salts and trying tor
the team. They are ."Al” Barton, ’M
nah's 2nd add.
law, aand qnartmhack of the
Ip JJunior law team of last year, an l
The Ann Arbor R. E wlU give its “Dunk” Pierce, '07 IIL and reserve fn'I20th Annual Ohio Bxeursiw Wednes­ baek of the team last year,
day. October 4th. Tickets wlU be eold toga been called for the pnrpoee r1
to Toledo and points tn Ohio oa the fol­
lowing raUroada: Wheeling £ Lake be indulged In until tbe men go to
Brie; WaWh; Hocking Taller; Ohio Ann Arbor, to two weeks. More can­
Central Lines; lAke Shore £ Michi­ didates are expected to report dplly
gan Bonthem; Detroit Toledo £ ireoUfa: Ctoeinnut ^mSton £ DayUm; Pennsylvania Oompany; Toledo,
No City Poothall This Yesr,
St Loub £ Western and aereland,
qnclilnau. Chicago £ St Loub By.—
It is very probable that there will
"Big Four Route."
Special train will leave Traverse be no City toothali team thb year, tor
City via M. £ N. E at 9:80 a. m. Ex- there does not appear to be enoa^ en­
thusiasm among thoee who pl^ed b«
year to make a team possible. Twice
within the last two weeks have meetIngly low rates to points on rMlnads
n b probable that no acrlmmagH will
Btartlng the cn^antxatlon of a team
and Atsouaatag prospects for the eeaeon. but each lime there have been
Just two persons at the meeting. So
It appeara that the task of upholding
the honor of the Qomo aty, on the
gridiron. WUl devobw entirely upon
The tax Mlb tor the coQeeUon of the H«t School team thb year. There­
school and rfity tnxea and apeedaXea- fore all who enjoy the game thonld
■saamsote fbr tbe five wards of the turn ont and help
h. S. AlhleUe
dity Ot-Traveise Ctty, Mioblgim. bare
been placed In my hands tor oMlee- •MaotdaUoa out finaaebUy, whenever
they have games in the

n be nhirflfi;
- R remains to be seen wheUiar or nw
Sad. top sail and filling dirt, glvm taxes_____
Mr. RodWteUer is a good ptofibeL b« sway at tbe %veM end of Wayne elreet, 1st and unto
his nggaatlon for the bnOdlng of far a week or tan days.. Coek Erea„ of two par Cl
rondi is a gttod om and Ihlglit be car. SHbana'phena 880.
rted cut with bffiMflt to au eren thcmieh
no BBsneial panic ocean..



, me no good and I was
op to dim Foley's Klflney Care wu
All uses paM---------------- --reoommended and the fliwt lottle gave WlU ha
me great relief And «Rer taking the

BUck’0 lb town. You’ll
hear about it tomorrow.

WSSBHtBftAT, ffiPT. », JMS««

K Want

am rayi





fellow, at the slglit of whom Mta
rare felt for aa Inatmit as If alF;
bhwd In bsr body bad rnabef *'
n'ng Co.
Heart Then all at once a stra) _
Ing of a»mrttr, of content eeemed tn
siTetop h^. He waa ttere; he wo^

■' 5TT->'-rr/:


m bT senU


For Fine Job Printing
• 'i.«T

Color Work a Specialty.
■ 'i\i^ r

5 ti': iiia

We can give you a letter head
and envelope that will not. only he
neat, but also attractive.
Every business man wants stylI ish stationery as much as he wants
stylish clothing. - It all tells the
stoiy of prosperity and progress­



Letter Heads j
Envelopes ^
Note Heads
Bill Heads
Wedding Invitations


tnuan with i
A brief paet. checkered
sMe4r detntee of rariooe
ridd^ pridflab and Mrta. tu9 tmaa

tboi I abaU probably be married and
aot mlaa yon if anytbing did bai^eo.'’
At which eatletactory coochulon abe'
Ttelded to her aarflng aSectItm and
hnsged tbe poppy ckae. an attention
which he rrtnmed by a aeries of damp
IdHee .froto a small red tonpie.
BM there was atiu Aunt LlHIan to be
ceefco^ w}&. Annt UlUan did not
Mka doga

•are thu

----- ------------waa begtnslnc
deahta m the sabject. Wbu ber piaterii bealft bad
trip to Sott^ Miss Fnrais bad aagerly ,««ered to take charfe of Bennda.
multi tad tan etartUoK. Mta
Ferrari, flUed with eonaclentiou entfatataB,
bemif to the taak of Ineakatlta the preceats of wltaom Into
tta routhfol tntnd,
tntnd,^ Belinda. pUeld,
■MabTid. Fanned
eoam. •UIm. Fetran elgbed. She
tad tmedned chUdren as clean faced,
cnriy haired Infants with gentie. obedi­
ent wa^ Belinda was nrely cla^i
no amount of twlatlnf conld peiyntaa
a cnri Into those unruly locks, kite
Fertan began to wonder whether ata
had ben wlM to aanme this retaoh-

rigbt iber«n^

WOMtN. Atfit AM

««ee bver' PeepMk :


Office town 806 Wilhelm block. 1-1.-06



tn»t> eaioe hastily forward.
"UlDanr be exclaimed, then vm
formally. "Mta Ferrara."
Ulaa Ferrara held out two appeatag
little bands.
Roema.en WIHicIm block. CKIssns'
■-Belinda,-’ abe gasped. "Bell
phone Itf.
She Is loat”
'■tostr' echoed Halstaad, ptsi
"(Ml. the little girl, yon mean,
can't be very far aaray," consoU*
"Come along; we’ll find ber.”
. New h
Bnt as they hastened down the pailb
Balstedd was not thinking of the talDd.
A sudden glad tide of exultation Waa
racing through hU relna Bbe tad
apokttitoblm. She tad turned to ^
Office with O. P. Carver A Bm„ M
for bolp. He was not uttarl.r b90ad
S07 East Front streeL
forgirenesa then. How, ’white IJBaa
looked! Was U all distress over the
4oea of Bellndal Or codld It be tant
•be, too. regretted that guarrel ttiat *^al*Staa?rbBra^wUttto^
naelesa, aenselaea quarrel T He
“UHan.” be began eagerly, but the
giri held up a warning finger..
iBeab! Donl: I bear a nob
Qradiiate .Oirt. VeL Colleae. Ofltoa
Ihere was a faint yap In the
116 State street Both phanw. All
calif prompUy attended. 4-2D-'05
a sobdtwd bark. Halstead plunged In­
to tbe green to return with Belinda, a
warm, sleepy Brilnda, blgb oa Jdi
•bonlder, while Frank trotted dose ravetM CiW State Buk Bnlldina
behind. Ulu Ferrari tatang for^tpro.
third floor. Suite 811-S12. 4-l-'06
“Oh, Belinda, dear, bow could you
nm off and frighten poor aimtie eor
die asked tenderly. BeUnda opsM a

Ovw Samurn A Eartk Jmsrity ctore.
08.F.P.IAWT0N. •
Phyriolan mad Burgeon, room 806 WUDa T. A. WILESJI.
helm biota, with Sawyer A Pen
haSegon. DenUsta.
CMy Opera Houae Bleek.. Reen t.
Omduata Xoroote UnhmtMty. Offtoe
-phCBa 108; tea. w, Mmaon Meta.



The Popular Aaetleaear of Gnad
Traverse oonaUr- Omce 830 a FUnt
ctreeL TraT«ae City.
Block; Cttliani’ phooe 68L


loved to otfloe over Plrri National
ma CUlx^;^'phone 988. --------


EK HOUldtapRTri.
Co.'a bl
biota. 'Special a
UOD to^wear.

I and Raal EMste


Da a a Mmoa

Special attention to aye. ear, nocs an<
throat CHasaaa fitted. Ofloe ova
American Drop'Store.

General Ineurance, real eatato and
Farmer’e Mutnat 811 WUbeta Vtota
nrer the Peopl<
~ '
ing. Cltiaoia"ph(Be «67.
'T—I wanted to And him." abe ex.
Both 'phanes 103.
plalnad,- "but-but It was a long way,BERT WJI^HELM,
and 1 got so tired. I wanted to Uk
why you cried when you patt^ General eOiOraetof. Tar or gravel CMy Opera Houee biota Belti phonen
■k," abe webt on earissOy.
I't you really Uke FwankTj.^I
C. D. Mn.LKH. 8. B. SMira
didn’t Uke to flok that yon dldn’t-wialUNDERWOOD A UlO/Ht.
Dentlcts, State Bank building, room
ly like him joat a Uttte bir-wlatftiUy.
•Tton't yon. aanUer .
S-16--0S loney to loan on city and farm pruarty. Rooms 1-3A, Sntberlnd biota
"Don't 70Df:j»p«tad tbe maA and
his tone eoundw qoeto and nnstaady.
'XIan’t you I For-^^ta cam so much
for yoa"
child, but abe lored ber. wbltalwlped
Mlm F«,
a lot. eren If.
Pemra <Ud not dawning In her eyea,
kh«r It
r ■ ■
Kow, dalnrily fteta and sweet In ttie
"Intaad. I-I do Uke Frank.” ita conolspest of white mnitlns, Ulaa Perrars saed. "I-I always tave, thouib I-I
eat on tbe wide, cool vennda, embroid­ didn’t know IL I-I care very much,
ering SOB* pretty trifle. Tha
too, Belinda, dear.”
apparitfba oTk Shkggy. pri»tttg*pi»iipP
Belinda, wlih a satlsfled algb, abngIn ber lap canted ber to emit a little gled down on the broad eboulder.
shriek. Ihsn ber eyes met Belinda's
T %ew If I could «nly find my man
eerueM ta«e.
It would be all ritat” ahe murmiired
*lfs my new poppyexclaimed Be­ contaatbSly. "Ask, him to take us
linda. "I love him a lot .end be lores homa atmtle.”
aa Be will lore you. too,” aha addad
And Mlsa Ferrara obidleutly eomgaaarDtUly. Bias Ferran t
-Bnt3aKnda”- BellndaVHp began
to tremble; a mlaty film crept orer bar
m. Miss Ferrara' heart softened.
■Watt" she relented. "If he U kept ■w. >aiu ura uMi saiior—aim was oao
the stabla perbape- Why. Belln- aatad ahlpmataa with me for years.
da”-etrnek by a new thougbt-”wbere Hll same ft were BQ! W»e«, «nd we
did you get blmT'
got awa^ ti«m a wretaBi the Bidlah
Belinda wared a eagne arm. “Over ocean toferiher In oos of ttie ^tartw
itra” ata ebaetred Importantly. "A boats, 'there came a flay w1|ta tta
"<se gsre him to ma He said hll water and food gare out, sad I tCM
laae was yrank, ao that’s tbe puppy's
nine. I'nanad him for him.'

-wtatrr. «*ted. hcui pwnue.
..i-v. —


Bow had bs dared speak to tbe cbtl
Of eonree abe must not allow Belinda
to keep his d^ Tat to break ber
word-a thing against alt ber tbeodm
of upbringing! A trouUed frown pudtered ber wfalte^forriieed.
"Ton may htap the puppy.” abe derisrwl raluctsatly, ‘Imt be mnri not
come near the house. Do you nndwstand. Bellndar
And Belinda nodded a bttasful "TaA”
From that d^ the two were losta*
entble. If Ulls Femre had hoped
that Belinda might grow tired of bar
aequlritlon. the hope faded. Whererer
the chubby little legs wandered, cloae
btalnd etumbled the faithful puppy.
It soon bc!came Impomlble to enfcwoa
tbe etable order; Belinda InsUtod upon
the coorant eompanlonahlp of hw

Business Cards

X Of rimulsg acnaa him made
_______ oos. She Ml into tta habit e<
talcing long walks In tbe eonhtiy. lin­
gering along tbe ehady woodland paths.
BhS iristad to be out U he called, ate
ttld hsteelf.
But be did not call, and lUn Feecart’ ayta began to have a tired, unbstarknk. U only b# would go.away.
And this oenatant bearing of bis namA
”FWHta Fwank. Fwank,” an day loogi

Anything in the Job Depart­
ment line from a milk
ticket to a full
sheet poster.

taasfla. eagoaly ceudoua of eemathm wna& watched ber aunt with
i*|M>sh, wistful anxiety, Eta atmtle
mlly not nke Frankl Bbe sari she
SU net. but onoa Belinda bad coma
reanr teare. in anntle'a eyaa
BdD^ Wke sorely pumled. Bbe longsd
seme one with whom tae could

________ _
about It -Four days paased. and ttan
’•ayttoBfll: , .
'“Stud .19 aadssb 'tt tbarta a wtt

• a aalL’ cays bA aftar lool
Bhen l-re got to Mt you.’
'All right, old ship, bntlri aa
you that I hare fust takn a big dose
of poison, and it yoa eat as you won't
long artcr aa' ”
'And was It sot' waa asked a Bill's
”lt .was ao. sir, and wtat dost Bin
do but swell up and die and tan over­
board and leave me to go on saffering
tor four days mote betote a bark alriit*a and picked me up. Would you have
bellelTed there waa aa aeu a man a
aU this worldr-Detrolt Tribune.
tokMtleg toe MMn.”
It la curious to remark bow dIBerently men of different races compMt themtbe pteeeoee of Idutical
s. When an Irltamu. for
taaiqpto. finds Oiat be caunet pay hu
rant be tnsicts oo remaining in bu
bomCdtaad all tbe same and when an
orgaplata affwt U made to. turn him
out be ritabe «p on to tbe roof of hla
domlefle and throws btvea of beea
at tbe tovadera. yhw u Eu^lahman
finds htmseu tn
he braaks tbe Uw by staaMh-lhat la
to say, be moves his furniture eKtetly.
by midaltat to anottar lodging and
leaves no addrecc befalnd him. And.
as aU tbe world known "riMOttog tbe
tbe tecbnlcal term for this
---------------If one were
netarioes performance,
naked by a stranger ^w
tbe poor live
In opteaet I.x>odon one would have to
thct-lt U largely 'by eboottng
m” (bat a great many of them
ate enabled to eke out a precarious
' '
^-LoI>don Graphic.

ImsrvesiTe Fete la,
"And what points about New Mexico
upicciid yon mostT"
the ocean.
*3lM point! of a cactus that I Inad•tritlag tale best to cenwilA
uga as adrlMr. And ttan soddanly vertant^ sat down upan.’-Houstoa
Btasta gaq>«d under tbe force of e
Si could find tttat nice young man
___tad glren bar Frenk-U ebrcould
talk things ot^ with hlml The mein>
tte Bbny bine eyw. r
•mOa. still dwelt in tbe taUd' _
little heart tbongh since that
bat day abe
bad been forbidden
gata and c leqnently 1
could not• •— Tesy fari
•be fete
To think, with BebOa. was to
•«t A moment Utaf As was tramptar
flaws the kmg eTeniBe to tbe gate. SiSi
wmld And him.
Up at tte booae UlM Femn walt^
•d. Whare could Belinda be? Tta
talld'e supper boor case and wttai^
alow ahadowa began to darkwL Ms
Femse grew elan^; it-nne not Mbs
neltnfli to be late fol meals.


ber whlflta the

I»et .-Wltata' •

taMsCMta MM itanm osL (
'tata Bad Batata «cM aU

3m«S I S'

I know u emineht Grata professw
who conld not rwAoD his dam fete.
Faraday bad. I beUera, no gift for
Darwin declared that ba
------------------ Md U equation. 1 queedon If Isaac Newton eonM'taTe passed
any.examlnatloa in literary or aesthetic
rabjects. with his Idea that poetry was
laense and statuary <m]y
•twe dolU. It U a moot quarilon a
a tiiitriridatloB U Freaeb. I ihnw^'
^^:fhri urithw Booapi^g^

B^inning Wednesday evening. Sept. 13. at 6:30 6*clock.
and ending Wednesday night. Sept. 20. we are going to '
give the ladies of Traverse City and vicinity one of the beat _
clynces to buy BLACK DRESS POOPS they have ever had.
Tbe sew Fall goods are all io, making one of the best selec­
tions we ever had to choose from. , Black is always in style and no
woman has too many black dresses, and at tbe prices we are going
to make during this sale they are within the reach of every par«e.


To give you au idea of some of tbe black fabrics you can buy
during this sale we give below a few of tbe best ones:

Plain and Fancy Storm Serges
Plain and Fancy McAalrs
Rosanna [ v.?*”.'**]
Puamas VoUm Venetians
Broadcloths Crepes EoUenoes '

Here are the Prices:
75c Black Goods, 68c







SetM-'years age Ohoi&M B. Reed
want M Ohio. On hla fttnmj out
there he went late a Htta snllway
station to.have dlnaer. At the end
of Me order be aaM:
^ring me e deiri-t
The waiter staiod. "WBata *tat7”

All, Black Sifts, except Moneyback, 10% discoant’
,e—during this sale ■


Do You Want to Buy?

A DoUaf

Death on

Innficent Man Sa'Oed
From It When Hope
giereaed fram ManeMt Ontyte
iMiuUh Far y»ar4 tn TrUan.
Tb4 CanftHanef^mtMar.


fiDO r^deaoe loU oa Wert Proni
aod MadiaoB rtreete and J«5«“
aTenue. alaohall acre lota cutaide of
city UtniU laeiBg on Fulton rtroot.
Some of tiooe »««7 A*®.
Alao land in acre lota orupwar^
fist ioll. fcry pleasant and desirable
you do not want to build tbis year
eecnre a home for the future.
Teroa reasonable; wogld trade for
bouse and lot or other real esUte.
Bleb soil by the load or in ipianH

"Tbe lint BtautituL”

New York


state Bank Bid*.

Both Fbcoer

Away With MdaBCltoly

FIvB .through traint daily.
Dining Cara, a la carte.
Connecta at

Buffalo ani

Smoke Jabrai^s’ Traverse
i3clle cigars and yoaUl soon
be rid of the blues. These ci­
gars furnish the best mild
iind sweetest smoke to be
liad. Havana filled, band
made. Once used, qever

matter, addnm W.B. WUXELBa,
Oeneral Ac«l>t, Panaenfer l>epartmeiit, Banuo, N. Y., or B.
U. B0BSBT8, Travellac PaMco-

Facts Are Stnbbom Things
TToifarm exoeUaot qtuditF for OVer « quBlttr Of •
eantuiy bu >t«adily£ereBBea the ■>!<• of LK)N OOBTm
Tbe leader ol aU package coffees.

lion Coffee
{■ sow tued in rwfpiwna of bomea Baob
popciiar BoooeBa ne^ lor Uadi. It is ■

la&lTe prMl
CWTEE has tbe
CoDfldettce of fhe people.
The aniform quality ol LIOK
OOyPEE BOTTiTea all oppoaitioa.
UON cur^

than ftp Strength. Flavor and Qaal>
tty t« ceawMBd It. On arrival t.-am
the plantattoabtl to eaictally roaat-

mm n aar utcoRRca ama amevray



packed to 1 lb. aealed paekmes,
andnotapenedagatnam needed
fer nee In the heae. Thia pmludcethe peaathnttyal adaltota
, BW.4M.
^ ahaolatc poIlF at
LION COFFEE to Iheredere guaranteed to C

W0U1.80ir SFIOB 00., Toledo, Ofaia.^

The Northwest Specialty Co.
"• Grand Rapids
Have moved t'leir stock of

Furniture and Specialty Goods
from S. Galon St.
to 805 W. FYont St.
ihcETo; Url k Block).

Wh^TC will be foum! a Gomplqt^Line of

House FurnishingGoods
Furniture, Rugs t f aitl sizes and
kinds. Blankets, Curtains. Bed
Spreads, Shams, I ace Curtains of
ail prices and ki.ids, Silverware,
Clocks, Dishes, Pictures, Sewing
Machines, Washing;
flachines and
any other things tdooumerous to '
lention, and on your ^jown terms.

A Small Payment Down, bal­
ance by we^ : or month, to
auit the purcliaser...................


How it feels tof^ upon the gaV
Iowa with a rope arrtmd your neck, be-.
Uerln* that la a ^ew eeconds your ami
wUl be launched Into eternity, tbc «f(ecta of tile terrible reaction when
there comes a endden and unexpi
repriere, what It !■ to aerre a ilfefime
•enteace with all bc«>e gone-wife, ehUdren. bonie. all blotted out foreroshow mortal man can stand aU tbeee
fearfnl ordeals and know In his eouJ

siffiE, wEfiSEsSAT.SBPr.

for Ceil' tiii'Ter oth« i-;-.
»tau«jj» n iih hlui oa the uallow::
aerttfrtty *1- c: cauni?e for lite <ir.>sL
I wu r..a. to stauJ ou tbe tmpJjor,
tt>s trigger baring been aet. and tbe
was about my n^ 1 eloeed my
and made a rtiort. ferrmt prayer.
“One o< tbe attomeya, Charles Banl«t, the congreeaman. Jumped upoi
caffoid and said. This man la Innovot, and I win die by him.'
■‘Judge SimmoDs bad granted a tm<7 Kinate leprlere In order that Qor.
enor Smith, wbo was then goTcm
Oaorjia, couU be heard from by wire
•bout a petition asking that my amtence be commuted to life ImprisonBlent.
poreraor wired to the abertff that my petition bad been granted.
The nooee waa taken from my nadt,;
udj was told that Ufe waa mine.
“Ufel What bad 1 gained? I had
made up my mind to die and eres
courted death, and now I waa to be
giren a Urlng death. BtUl. life la
■weet, and, knowtag that I waa
cent, then waa tite hope ^t wme day
tttlce woold be done. It came at last.
« it
late-Tery, rery Ute.
"Mj firat wOTk In the penlten
waa done on the old town farm In Jef­
ferson county. I rtayed there only
red to
L when 1 1
three u

part of tbe floutiiem ayatem, whew 1
wotoed grading tbe roadbed for about
four Tceiu. I was not used to auto
woto, and I suffered trtribly. In Hay,
1884. I wwt to Cole aty to work to
tbe coal mines, and I stayed tb«
twelve years. wb«) 1 waa removed to
James' lumber nfiUs and ^ann
Kmanoei county. It waa there that I
bad my Itft band cut off to the aaw—
- -iad served six years to
pardoned. Knlgbt bad
_ . bU deathbed that be
kUad Bryant and that I was tonoeent
-Ba confessed. 1 soppoae. because be
ttaated to make pence with hla God
>afore be diei Hay God forgiTe him
tor wbst be did to'me. It was wone.
far worse, than the murder of Bryant
Ttey say It Ian glorious tiring to be
trtd yon are a Cree man when you are
a convict, but I did not feel that way.
I was too old to begin life again. I
went Into tbe penitentiary when I
ears of aga, to
rythlng 1 bad had on
anrto had gone to pay for my datonM
to toe courts, and 1 was a paup«,
Without home and trienda. I was to
toeble health. 1 went back to Hacen
and remained to toe hospital aefunl
xnontos. vn>en I was strong anengh I
tried to make my llvtog by aeartag as
a night watchman. I had spent twanty-one yean as a convict and tba beat
years of a man's Ufa.
*T had asTor seen my danghte. I as­
certained that rtie waa married and
Using to Fernandtoa. Fla. She ha^
that he la not guilty of the crime laid me to visit h«. and I. aaw a grown wo­
at hla door are vlrldly
tbrIlUngly man. who waa a baba three days old
when her tstber stood with lbs bangtold by Cbarlea Henry Franklin.
▲Rwted, triad and osoTietod ih Blbh
.oqnW, Oa., tor a murder be nerer
cummlttfd. Franklin stood on the eeattoU with the neon Bzound hla neck. A
twenty minute nprtef* peeured
mntatiem to a life aantenee, and for
more than a ecore of yean he toUed In
eonvlct aMpea. only toe deathbed conteaalOD of tbe true murderer eecurlng a
releaae from a Ufa wone than death,
aays an Atlanta correepoafient of toe
St Loola Poet-Dlapetch.
-'WbeheTer 1 think of toe time 1
stood on the gaUowa with tbe hang­
about my neik I shudder
and cold ckllU run down my back,''
said Franklin. “Before toe day act for
my ezeentlou I was frlghteued. but
when 1 at last made up my mind that
toe time had come I grew perfectly
calm. While walking up the rtepa of
the scaffold I rerlewed my whole part
Ufe. I toottiht of aoo^ to fill a book
in four or fire seconds. I wattoed with
tbe keenest Interest toe sheriff wbUe be
got everything ready. 1 almost felt like
helping him. But the terrible time
to coma When my \twjer cried
that he had a reprieve a fearful reac­
tion came and I was awfully fright­
“Do you know at that very hour my
wife was dying? The thought that I
was to die upon toe gaUowi kliled her.
and she left a Uttie girl only three daya
old. Then came all toe years, twenVof them, when I worked as a conTlcL When I stood on tbe gallowa,
when 1 toUed In tot pbripea. there
but one cry In my heart, and It
that 1 waa an lnno<
D puffertng
for anotb^e erime.
Tnan’B tope ready to strangle him. She
■T waa bom In Uslne in ISiO nnd was a motiier. and I -waa a grandfa­
(kffie to Georgia In IML 1 enlisted In ther.
toe Confederate army In tbe GrlOn : “How waa my dau^tar raised ssd
Tolunteere. After the war 1 went to educated? That la anotbv story,
Kacon. In 1880 I had a fight with Fked know that convleta ars allowed to
Enl^t and whipped him. Hiat eame -work oTCTtlms and toey are paid for
year, in July, Ult Bryant waa found extra work. I worked to this way as
stabbed and In a dying condition. oftsD as I could, and every doUar I
Knight Informed toe oSceri of toe law made I gtve to toe education and
that I bud done tbe atabhlng. and 1 raising of my child. I sm trying to bs
waa arreeted and placed In JaU. Bry­ thankful tor what blesatogs have <
ant was engaged to be married to to me late to Ufe, but the shadow ^
Enightia rtster. and after be was the gallows and toe penttMtlar
■tabbed be married her.
Tt waa toonght ha was getting wrtl,
and he went to Augusta, where be died
A 0**« Oa>«.
two months after be was stabbed,
Dismal Dawson—I wanter paufar
tielle^e that Knlgbt stabbed Bryapt
dtarges oc tbU here cop fer tobb«y.
cause be did not want him to many
His Honor—How much did you toes?
hla sitter. Knlgbt did not say this In
“HlUlon doUaiw. An' I dMnt Lava a
hla deathbed confeasloh. but I think chance to apeod a cent of It whws be
come akog an' soaked me on tbe feat
*T was placed on trial In Oetobec;
1880. Knlgbt swore that he saw ma
with Bryant a rtugt while before toe
Eddie Foy tells hew In s botd I0M7
■tabbing, and be atole gBOO from hla cos evening s number of friends of
tolbar.'wtto wblcb be hired two n»- hie to' Chicago were dlacuMtog toe
gtoento swear One of to* Ideas of nationaUty beU by tbe varlMgroes testified that lie heard me say ous goremmrttts.
tost I would fix Bryant I was con“The French Hea.” said
Tlettd and sentenced to bang by Judge “is certainly a logical one. If you’re
T. J. Blmmona, now (kief Jitottce «t the eon Of a Fnnduan, you’re
Georgia. Uy attoRxy made a motlea Freuch. no matt* where yon may be
Cor a new triU and Judge BlmmcM hWB. SertDB odd though, doeauT tt?
pantod It 1 waa defatded by BartMC Fancy SB Irishman who, being ba
Prance, waa dai^ad by Faaetr
rkt my Mcond trial th kpril, iggl. I lb At
tbe word Ttldiwiau,’’ n big tudwas agtln ccmvletod sad Mntneefi t»
taeed Celt efandtag near tba pew>
hang on July 12. 18SL FFben the a»^ed and toced tbe watkrt- “Foohpeal to toa suprsne court bad ftfiiad X Pcoh for you.- be tndlffantlr »
cave-up au .b<^ and prepared far Maimed, “tor tAnaOaf moA a tiwewt
death. Three daya before tbe day for I*aeatabouHbavektttmtttota----Of execution my wUe gave birth to n whuld » cull than Mactftar
ttttie girl, our firstborn. 1 heard that
my -^o was very m and i
"“"'"^Ufca,- began the
to Uve. She died on tbe morning eC
July 12, and It waa my expeetod death
•MU. yen knew, that baa gmbalad
“On tha-mmlng of July 12 I waa
ttttoPBd fur toe gaBDwa aM as toe hmt
temaimea gone through with. X heard' lUItrsu “We atat got none o’ tba
toe deeto warrant reed wltoeut a trmn- kind that gamblad cm the green.
or. 11
1 had be«> afraid In tbs daya be- ®“poee y^ be wanap’ some that
ft«. 1but I Tree cgiim and aelf- poo.
played rdf
tVe 1e*'cM rU-l.'UI
Ml>1 T?M .......


- Unooda Bi^if I
Good wheat is plentifuL Flour mni« are grinding
sMadily. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY bakeries, the
cleanest, largest, most modem in the world, are working
day in and day out to supply you with your favorite soda
cracker. So Unaoda Biscuit are still is abundance—
thejprice is the same—


Ult find the leak to your
root, phone Citizens' 1035, L D. Huklll, ’
the Sherloric Holmes8 ot leak finders.
win .itiend to tbe Job.

Sewer Tax

No. 1,
district No. 8, looatad to clnra Alma.
Louia, Rhaca. Owosso,
tbe alley between 'Waahtogtan and
Webster street, be^nntog on Garfield Howell, Ann Arbew. Toledo, and aoi Short pork, per b
avenue, running thence west to Bar- southem and eastern potota.
w street, thehee north on Bartow to
J. J. KIRBT.'Q. P. V
'aahlngton atreet, thence weal on
Washington street to RaUroud nvenne,
thence to connect with tmnk sever,
has been placed to my bands for col­
Potatoes, per bushel ...
lection. the same to be paid on or be­
fore Sept. 30. IMS.
H. B.
City Treasurer.
Office, room 202 State Bank BuOdtog.


A Cold Settled In Hla Kidneys.
A. J. Jenneese, 9201 Butler BU, Chi.

Fleur and Feed.
Hay. per ton .........................fill OB


•m^o5*^all^iSito ^*«Ser.*^
took cold which settled to my kid
and 1 was to bad shape. I tried
eral advertised remedies wlUi no beneI waa reemmeoded to

. Traverse City Aerie. No. 883. F. O.

L O. O. F.. meets flrrt and third Fri­
days to each inooth. Joe. Lumley. C.
P.; B. L OavlB. Berlbe.
TTaverue Bay Tent, No 136, E. O. T.
mi., monday ni^u In L O. a R
Travene City Chapter, No. 147, O.
B. S.. meeto to Haacnto b^ the Tuev
Duchess Camp, Na 2346, W. H. A,
meets at Woodman hsD Uonday eveatoga. Chaa. Detoe. V. C.; Joseph
Sleder, aerk.
Grand Travene lodge. No. 200. L O.
O. F, meets every Taeedny eventog.
Av L Neal. N. O.; Lee Homriiy. Bee.


^w.'HVCA’W-ii’Biat''.!'.' 6 00

per bushel............... 4'W

City 3:60 p. to.Trains from Provement snd Cedar
aty arrive at 8:14 a. m, and Cedar
aty 6:48 p.m.
Trains on main Use arrive at Tnvbrae City at 10:60 a.m. and 6:48 p. m.
r. A. HTTCHELU Gea P. A '
J. P. JKNK8. Agent

SS-- .....


Uve Btoek.

In Effect June 26th. 1M&
Tfunl leaves Truveiie aty at 4:46
a. m. connecting tor potota north.
Tratoa leave Traveste aty at llri®
a m, eoimecUng tor p<4nU north and
Train laaves Travoree aty at 4:3B
m, connecUng for potota north and
Train leaves Traverae aty at 8:to
a. m. -for potota on tbe Korthport
TnlB leaves Traverse City at 1;30
p. m: fbr potota ou the Nocthport



Traverse City lodge, Na 222, F. * A.
OB or bston the fuU of tbe
mer B. White, W. H.; H. 1

ed . Wortt thoroughly and preoaptly
exeotnta Agent nr Mkihtgin Bog
00.. N. B. Chapin. Prop, Trn

Truto arrives to Tiuveree aty
1:26 p. m. and 74W p. m. from 'north
and south.
- Truto arrives from Nortbport
1D;20 a. m. and 4:20 p. m.
Train arriving at 8:88 a m. and leartog at 4:20 p. m. hand!sa the Ctoetonatl eleeper: other aleepen and <Artf
■eenred at Waltoo. '
G. P. and T. A, Grand Bap4da
C. B. HOBRAT. agauL




are Onaraotoed to Curr
___ sebea. Stratobun CrossEyes and Eeatore Perfect VUipn. |

Dr. P. A. WoUe


tagton atreeb Tbcne Na ill.

. a J. aiOROAN.

the pld rellahle line that
la always oa tima Hack orden
■parialty. I sake aU txutoa with hack.
In Uvery I can tonilsh yon
I oM Brai* yun BBT ktoil e< carriaga
yovtranL lAm Svuhaefea and thm
suaated eantogSb la atoak. atoo a *
rlnglc Insirtea. Kindly g:- e me
vlM to n.oi at anJtklBg to tUa Una.

IB CbMpk Clou
iqycu MW uetaf peaserM still
BUT FM to lavMtlBnts.

9Mirdiiuia Blv«r

Itrtrit ugat 8

Holers end pen
tnr .all puninai

lathe alboephae Ueee days andai
meet everybody amffen from tbe beat.
Belief ? Bt^ 1 Have ^ty of toe
ahoBt the place for tameuade. bert.
I whatevryoallhe as a cooling
dr^ . As to toe supply, your bse
ptonb to oosauit os. We eervf loe
ipUy, aatlafitotofll.v sad at a mod
-e-st.- ee*t

iliuc C. Z. TAYLOK CUU. CQ

31, 1


CITY NCW» IN •mcp.

c. A. Baldwin of drMnifork, Ind. !■
.]ho piesi of tbc family of his nephew.
' .rhas. Jeffrios. of Soath Dlrlaian streeL
H. Ouyep and family of Ft Wayne,
ln<J- wero in the <diy over night n
ihelr wiiy 'o Elk Rapids, for a 10 days!
rne W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs.
MrRrae, rin:! Fifth Mreet, tomorrow af.
i<>n>oon. The program will be In
charge of Mrs. McRae.

The friends of the Rev. and Mrs.
M. n. Orrcl and family are invited to
n reception tendered them at the First
B. chtiich this evening from 8 to
m. Mr. and Mrs. Carrel will soon
T.-ave for their new home in Big Rap­
George Douglass went to Uaatihge
Sunday for a couple of days' vlsltart
bis return yesterday bron^tiome
u'Hli him a Roe specimen of Ui(e Eng­
lish hull dog. The animal is a thor­
oughbred and (hough only one year oM
:« exceptionally large and strong.
Two residento of the city are auffer.^ing from cases of blood poisoning in
- liPir hands, at pr«ent Jolm 1,. Long
an employe of the Oval Wood Dish
■.jhoir' and be contracted the polson.Tur through handling lumber. He is
’.•id up from work. At first he thought
i’ was water blisters on hla band but
iid«- both hands are affected, the right
••aly slightly, however. Ernest Miller,
.vho attends the High school. Is the
: nihor victim, but his is not serious
cuoufh to keep him from schooL MUIri-V is in his left hand and resulted
from a small scratch.



U you were alone In some large
eliy and needed some one to direct and advise. The Army would
gladly do all in their power for
.vou. Do not forget in their Harvest Festival that you may approdale such a kindness some day,
and help them aeeordlngiy.



"With aeeree and scorea of pretty
girls, a number of
song bits, which once beard are never
rte scenic effects and principals, each
one of them delves to be starred, aro
a few of the reasons that the *lale of
Spice" is making such a pronouneo-l
success of the engagement at the
Globe theater. This radiant extravagansa lumped into instant favor
the opening night, and has been
creasing to popularity With erery per*;
fonnance during the past week until
on Thursday and Friday evenings the.
entire house was sold out two days
In advance."-^oeton Record. May 14.
The 'Isle of Spice" comes to Stein­
berg’s Qrand opera house this evmilng.'
Wednesday. September IS, with iden­
tically -the same cast and scenic pro­
duction that characterize# It in New
Tork. Chicago, and Beaton. It might
be said here that this same compamv
which will be Been there tonl^t will
soon he playing long engagement___
Philadelphia. Bostmi. Washington, Bal­
timore and New Tork. It is a real
metropolitan production, having bver
70 people and two carloads of sceneryARt STUDENT LIFE-IN PARIS.
In no play ever presmited has Art
student life in the gay City of Pans
been so realistically portrayed as In
the drams of "Trilby." which wUl be
presented here on Friday, September
IS. at Stainbe^'B Grand opera house
by Porter J. UTilte and his conpan.v.
Du Maiirier, who wrote the book and
Paul Potter, who made the play out
of the hook'were both Btudents in tho
Latin Quartler and when they wrote,
they knew what they were wriUiig
about Porter J. White, who 1b one of
the greatest character aetore of his

The Colonel's Waterloo.
Colonel John ,M. Fuller, of Honey
Grove, Texas, nearly met hla Waterloo,
Ironi Liver and Kidney trouble. In a
recent letter, he says: "I was no '
dead, of these complete, and, _
though 1 tried my fatally doctor, he did
me no good; bo 1 got a 50c botUe .-f
your great Electric Blttera, which
cored t
] consider them the beet
medicine on
n earth, and thank God who
gave you the knowledge to mue
•them." Sold,-and guaranteed to-dure.
D>'spcpsia, BUUonaneM and Kidney


Cured, of Brighfo
Geo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red HlUa.
Lawrence Co.. N. X.. writes: “I ' '
kidney disease for many years and
were recommended but got no relief
until I began using Foley's Kidney
Core. The first half bottle relieved me
and four botUes have cured me nf this
terrible disease. Before I began tak­
ing Foley's Kidney Cure I bad to make
water about every fifteen minutes, day
and nigbi, and passed a brick-dust
subsCancc. and aomeUmes a allmy subaanee. 1 believe ‘l would have died
if 1 bad -not taken Foley's Kidney
Cjire.’’ Sold by S. E. Walt .& Sons.
On Sunday, Sept. ITth, Manistee
liidge of Elks will eiUeriato the mem­
bers of Traverse. City Lodge. AU
those who wish to go will pleas
at the Sunday moibing train which
leaves the M. & N. E. depot at about
eight o'clock.
A. L. JOYCE. Exalted Ruler.

Ume, wlU play the role of “STengall"
and hla performance, is' said to be o
remarkable one. He makes of the mu­
sician bypttoUst a se^-eupemattiral
being who mov» in an orbit of mys­
tery and enchantment. Mr. White will
present .“Trilby’' with a complete steuic and mechanical invesUtnre, and will
be supported by what hfa. bben pro­
nounced the beet company he has ever



pany's pldOtog etetlai here Mr. Bnhri'
1(11 Into a vat. whldi is 13 toot deep,
severelr bmlB:i-: his beea. breaktog
two ribs ud was Injured Intemallv.
. . .r,---------- lediately to Dr. VisThe fanners ofAhe Grand Traverw
region who planted portlflB* of their
farms to wheat, com. oata and other
cereals, U« spring, are congratulating
tor bavlBg dims ao.
The yield ou all the ceresla, reports W.
nou any stogie point to the hlst^
W. Smith, manager of the H. E
of the middle wesL was shipped from
Co.’s flour mill, is the beat there has
•he Twin Cities last ttl^L Tbe shlpever been to U>ls section, and with the
.nent of fruit is veined at $60,-000. T>
exception of portions ot the wheat,
tal.records show that 79 care ’
the quality is unexcelled.
leaded with peaches and grapea,.whlle
A good price is being pnM tor wheat.
55.000 t>ekages were forwarded by
,TS cents a bushel, while rye brings boat to Chicago, .
6n cenu and buckwheat 40. Twentyeight ceots Is paid for oats and 56 for
St. Lculs^iss kary LetitU O
i, so that the farmer* who have
Connor and Miss Katherine Waddo<»
raised good acreages of grains will must draw straws to,see who ehaii be­
have money In the bank this winter.
come the possessor of the dlamoo-1
.„The wheat Is generaUy of good qual­ Rud and diamond cuff buttons owned
ity but some of it has been damaged by tbe late Patrick J. J. O'Connor, an
by the smut and by too mudi wet uncle, according to a provision to hl«
reather. The «h«r grains are excMwfil. whidi was probated today. The
lent .and If the frost holds off a week will said t|£..waa unable otherwise to
longer there will be no danger that make a fair dlrislon of the articles.
the com will suffer, though a
before then would work much dama^
Ann Arbor.—The American Tyler,

Cencim WJK Prove of Valua. to the May Pat Money In Saving! Bank i
This Region.


J. D. Dort. of the Durant-Dort com­
pany. of an important new industry
secured for Flint It is the WestonMott oompony, of CUca. N. Y.. the lead,
ing manufaeturers In the tTnIted States
of aotomoblle parts, Bueh as ax(a,
gears, rim^ and wire wheels, and MO
bicycle parts.
The company is at the preseot time
at its factory In UUca employing 200
workmen, but Its trade bias so far out­
grown JtB present facilities that a
plant with double lU present capacity
has become an Imperative* necessity.
The Ann was on the point of erecting
a large factory in HUca,.bnt.bODig de­
sirous of locating more nearly the eenot the autmnobae manufacturing
a to 190k a
other location, and was attracted to
Flint by the presence here of the BuiCk
MMor cmnpany and the Flint Auto
Bi^ fc. Aluminum company.
' \^eu the puipoaes of the promoters
of the company became known In this
city soch ready encouragement was
given them by the factory Interests
that a deal was quickly made. Local
Interests will .be concerned in the new
plant only to the extent of the cost
of the buildings and the addlUonal

Klkd Wores.
As the breath of toe dew 00 the ten­
der planL they genUy faU-u^ the
drooping heart refreshing Its withered
tendrils and soothing its burning woes.
Bri^t oto^rthey are In Ufe’s great
desert Wm can) estltoate the paogB
they have allto:^ed or toe good worka
have accompUshedT Long after
output c
they are uttered do they reverberate
in the soul's Inner chainbers and sing
A siardr T<
low, sweet Uqnid strains that qoell aR
Little Ftlnce Edward of Wales Is -tbs raging storms that may bare bo^
■keady showing, a d^lahtfol sturdla«s of tduiraoter. He hss a profound
ilsUke for arithmetic, and ahares the
ogdnion of the bard'wbo laid down the
kind word! One UtUe word of tenderold axlam. "MompIIcBtlon is vexatleiLhtony times has the future king of awaken the moat pleasant stralna.
England been “pfit la the comer" ew> Kind words are like jewels lo tbe
Ing 10 this, and recently, when be saw heart never to be forgotten, but perthe katsd. preparation
slates and bsi« to cheer op their memory a long,
arithmetic books being made
aad life, while words of cruelty are
like darts in the bosom, wounding and
leaving scars that wlH be bone to tbe
grove by their vIcUma. - Saturday
ly to his tutor: "I don't think I'll
Evening Poet
’rithmetle today; I think I’ll go into
the comer again Instead, if yon dmat
mlTifl," and marched away like a eoP
One thousand watetae* a day. one
dler under amst leaving the be- thousaud wedding rings a week—that
wUdwed tutor In tho rear.—Detroit is the bidlnarr conree of Imslnoew
the year around at the greet pawnbroking eetabUshments of Francd. Tbe
Him Blnin
watches and wedding rings wUefa dai­
Dade Josh lUckoby. the old guide ly moke their way to the Mont da.
at WlscouKlo
fishing nnd iiuib Ptote ar^ of cbozae. ibe last resource
iiig leiurt. had been.arrested for glr- dC the poorer
Ing liquor to Indians^
em from-thU _____
The evidence against blm was con- with its twonlyGve . ___
means drawn exriurively
dnslre, and be was fouud guilty.
It Is. indeed, the
fine in yonr case. Mr. Klcka- from the masses.
upper classes .who
by." said
the judge wlio presided at
the most leckleos in tbrir expendl-v
trial, “will l«
the tri
tures, and who are. th^r^ore, the most
exposed to snddm pecimlary difficul­
•I’ve got
ties. ti-omeu to eociety, when driven
money right here lu oiy |>ockct.”
Mont de Plete, carry thsir
Wlierciipou lie produced a leather
their dainty handb^ and
waHet and coiintetl out fire »10 i.lUs.
“Beside* wbidi." continueil the encounter many a poorer'atoter 01
judge, ".roll mil serve a term of sixty way. drn^ng heavy sewing machines
Gays Id the workhouse at Milwaukee. or bedding scroes tbe courtyard.


Uutir further ordered the atook Of
this company will be sold at 25 eentt
“MUMMY AND HUMMING BIR,D.” per share, payable In thri
A great play, an effective east and Btalli
a sumptuous producUon are relied
on as attracUons that wUI shsnre a
large audience in attendance when Prices subject to advance at' any time.
"The Mummy and the Humming Bird" .Call for ioformation as to new diais presented here In the near future by coveries and developments at the
Jules Murry's Gown Company, with mioee.
llllam A. Whltecar in' the leading
If your roof leaks tell your troubles
129 E. Front at., Traverse City, Mich.
Dert Wilhelm. Citizens’ phone 1035.

De Net be Impeaea Upon.
Foley A Co., Chiesco, originated
Money aad Tar as a throat and long
remedy, and on aeoonnt of tha great
merit and popolarlty of Foley'a Honey
and Tar many Bnltattons are bffered
for the genuine. Ask for Foley's
Honey and Tar and refoM any substi­
tute offered as no other prep
will give the same satlsfaetli
is mildly laxaUve.
stes and is safest for children and
loste petsona Sold by S. B. Walt






lae Crmitm Powder
And glTo yon liberty from hot *tove eUvery this summer.

Docs not have to be eool^hcM,IUvorcd or sweetened.
No Eggs or Eoydiing else to add except milk.
■ Everything but the ice fioetnined in the packtjw.

Yoo can make lee (team ta tp minoles.

The Name of SpaMuig

and velvety, fit to grace the table-jof a qneen, at a coat of one cent a plate.
Simple, lint it?
tr >1°.
..................... R..M
<1.U M.U a SI. Lodi
rmt XbOa) OmM. VmSU, stm-rtMt, nd UiiS.T«.d.

S S.Hite*'* !* coW-oMSh UK . sdloB.

tMaateene 00.

n. y.

which Is a leading Masonic weekly of
tbe middle states has abewbed ...
Keystone. The latter'u the oldest
Free Mason weeUy la the world and
has been published to Philadelphia tor
the past 39 years. There wUI be a
combined clrcalation of over 8.000
copies under the name of tbe TylerKeystooe. It will be puhllahed at Ann
opening of the school year at thehl^
school Prlndpsl Walts has put a ban
on fraternal societies. Tbe students
had sent for a .charter, but the princi­
pal has made it plain that ha is de­
termined there ahaU be no sneb or­

On Fpot Ball goods meaDs tbe best that is made.
A full Cue of Foot Balia, Suits, Nose
Guards, etc., is now shown in our vest window.
You doubtless know that Spaldiof’s prices are
the same here as in Cbicaf^c- We are b^dquartere ia
this part of tbe state for all jifoods of bis manufacture.


School Shoes

4SS407 Wilhelm Bloek. RMlflfwrvi II
and » Wnkoop Temaa.

For All


Special Sale
>n Hiasea' and CUMien's Sbo.
for the next SO days.


Call and see them.
No trouble to show yon. at

SeM In Traveraa City ^y the J
Dn« Co.

& Co.




Dr. n, J. Hiaain

Fine Dental Work
839 Frost St. Clt.Tel.-798-. <

were broken at Santa Catalina- when
G. B. Ellis, a hanker of Red Oak.
Iowa, captured. iHth rod and reel of
Tuna Club regntotlpn a monster shark
Meven feet six inches long, which
weighed 612 pounds. Tbe fish repesttook nearly all the 900 feet lif On aeoonnt of the last
Ml Mr. Ellis! yeel and tcmglit three
O. P. Cau'ver Ac Bro.
will be to thRr offiees during buRncvi
KANSAS CITY.-History was re­ bcmM, each day. ready to write
versed when the pawnshop of Jesse
James, son of-the famous bandit, was
$300. The thief has not
Ami arrested, lamps says he know*
■him. but refuse* to add anything more
except that be Is a bartender out of
work. The mtmey was taken from
cash drawer during the temog^^ ab­
sence of a clerk.
' “





Drs. Sawyer & PeRballe|on,

I* Here. Come and Get it!

Geo. W. Miller
Besdle Uloek.


LOUISnLLK.—Mrs. Alice Hegan
Rice, the author of "Mrs. Wlggs of
the Cabbage Patch'.” has made her de­
but to the commeroial world by
ganlzlng here a new naUot^ bank,
with a capital Rock of $250,000 As­
sociated with her to the enterprise arp
her Unsband. Cale Young' Rice, W. 'j.
Head and L. M. Rice. Mr*. Rice will
be given a responsible post with '

vised ton which Is doing a rvuhlng
buatoes* cm tbe stage route from Ver­
nal to Dragon. Horseflesh la served
in other forms, and moR of the
elcra are complatotog, althon^ the
chef is a FYenehman. Travelers have
to put up with it. as it is the only
eating place between yernal and
u* tbn Waddlas.
A-striiiiye remedy for the divorce
evil la siig. rslcd by T. J. Kennedy
Tti* lleniU ibl* nmnilru:He v\ii; M biive tlip prleat or minliter v\hi. .loli'linite* 11 marriage re­
quire each of Uie iiurtlCM tu Klgii
tontrni't that he or kIip s-in never sue
far a dlvon-e.
To lie aiire, noliody can tliua deprive
tiiniRrtf of ilia statutory rig ita. but
this ciliBculty dur correspondent would
"fret round" by having all tbe states
past laws legalizing such contracts.
Wlioiber tblK might not be almoet
as difflviill a tnak as to induce them
III! tn viiiiit-miifqnn divorce laa-s
an Interesting ciiicstJon- But eupiiose
ir cuild lic done. Where are we
gel a nice of iirleRa and mlnlsi<
with the hiazen front to break to up
n happy iVidgrocm and blushing bride
with a contract about divorce?
mity W«»«a MCOBW PIsIb.

One reason wby thcjiverage woman
wears out and gTone old ami plain
that, tliroufji a mlataken ides of du
she lays out for herself at the begin­
ning of married life a scheme of duty
of vi-iiich cv^ hour Is flUed with
This she follovi-s religiously for
years, feeling that she bus done lier
doty. Khe. bowever. soon becomes
If thought.
............. 5>od looks, wltn sucb a life?
And. without theoe tblngs, bow iwn
she keep her husband aud dUklreu
.fnll of loving admlratiunl
Coiisiaut afcaoelatlou of others of her
cs-u up-. V>-Itb her clillUren and tbeir
friends, iiiid an occasional prtlod of
rei realluh. is vi bal the average woman
raqntre* to make her sttractlve. ExAdffiirai Togo, when to bglaB
the 'TO*, was commented on by a ^e.
1^0 said; “Mr. Ibgo quite an
himself with bit peUttoMH."

Traverse City.


B. C. Wkltney’B PlqsaBt Bluleal Extravananaa


Two Carloads

Prices—50c. 75c, $!. $!.50. Telephone 112 for Seats

Friday, Sept. 15
Porter J. Wlilte as «'Svengall**


Sumptuous and Elaborate Revival
Maiifier’s Modern Glassie



Ky arrsug^ment with Wm. A- Brady.

Superb Scenic Prcdaction


Excellcnl Cast.

Parisian Student Life awiev'lv Drpiri.d :
•| riiby Uypiiotize-I by Svrngali :
Christmas Kve Revels of the^iudvnt.:

Prices, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1. Seats now selling.
Tbe Mnnuny and the Hamming Bird

Joseph Slcdcj- & Sons,
FTrst^lasa Meat Market


erase Vheie
e ;ery butcher Is chargto
luiis prices fur hU sie*
roasta Dou i be •Occre.l •
by oomnoo tvls —judge for
.vouraelf whether nr not we are
treatlogynn fairly as loquklity
of meats snd the prio-s. we ssk.
We are not afraid o' the ordeal.

and raun.
Fresh bolter and agga.
Goraw Bighth and Fiwhlln Sts.



^ cbeasT^^


• •nm *1X11(0 hwiw


■mt Judge d. J. McLausbUn of .BIk
Rapids eaa sprint soqe In faU old a««
was clMrly proven totboae who ctmnced to be at tbe P. M. depot this
when tbe sort
out. Tbe Judge had been at a nearby
and was Just about two rods behind
when the train starM. Bnt he did a
running stunt tbat would have done
JusUce to a man mneh younger, and by
the. aid of Agent Keboe, flnaUy caught
the out-going train and motmted the
pUoL where he rode until
Junction was reached.

I of Enough
Shippere Are Oe«
Good Onet to Ship.
A load «f sevenl bushMs of plums
wwe bronght to the dty msrket
attemocm by a farmer but he had oonaiderahle trouble In dispMing of them,
because there were a
number of rotten ones amoog them.
The. shippers are despatring of
>1um crop this year because much
the' tmlt is rotting on tbe trees and
blit lltUe of IL with tbe ezeepUon of
the Blue Damson variety, is fit for
shipping, spoiUog before It reaches lU
were to be
at least a hundred doctors tronld tatb' destination and is unloaded. The price
paid for good ones is SO'cents pdr
er tocettaer.
•A member of the royal family was bnaheL
' ' D sick titbile teas In Cblna, and
my CSilaese bost told ine wftb a good
deal of pride that tbe largest coBaol•
ry bad
OTdr tbe sick
phyrieUna be aald, bad come from
erery part of tbe kingdom to atody
C. E. Johnson of Kslkasks, lo la the
anddlKttaa tbe caae.
city on buMpesB.
Landlord E. C. Chesshir and wife of
Honm-, are in- the c^ today.
The regular meetlnga of the Knights
of'Pythias wlU begin this week on
Thuraday eveotng.
Pins X la aald to be a beary iDTestor,
is American aecurltlea and. la crediteJ Chicago, where be was called
sritb tStfiOOjOOO In tbeae aecurltlea.
tend the funend of a neice.
Tba late Baron Nathaniel RotbacbllJ
Mias Blanehe Psgler returned today
left fUtSOfiOD to fotiDd a
to her home at Detroit^ after spending
(or penona tnfferlng from nerroua dls- the summer at'Ne«h^wanta.
Mra. Lllah Culvar of Moshsrvilla and
LaPayette’s tomb Is
in Paris, but aereral ApWican women Mrs. Wesley Barber of Jonesvllle a
vleltlng Mr. and Hrs.'R. B. Walter.
•e recently provided
y fond to ba
Mra. Walter Stirling of Elk Rapidi,
It watched and (or prorldibg flowers...
EfactM' MaePbersoD, Jr., tbe IT-year- is In the mtr today the gnest of Mrs.
L, Boscoe at 210 Wadsworth street
oM son of
A dancing party was glveii by alx
young- ladles at Fotealsra' hall last
evening. An enjoyable evening is re­
Mrs. Pasllna Agassiz Shaw, of Bos- ported.
bon, daughter of Loola Agasala.'Uie
Mra. W. K: Jennings of Clara, Who
1, derotes mocb tlm«
'bas been the gnest-ot Mrs. A. B. Pox
of 217 West Ninth street returned
of tbe poor ^ her
Pr«aId«Dt Cabrera, of Gaatemaln. borne today.
Mrs. C. H. Chreat returned to her
baa decided to establish a praoOcnl
neboot of sdencea, arts aod agrli
borne at De^t, after a few dsya' visunder American profeatora out ct bis ^t in the dQ' at tbe home of Dr. and
awn personal runda.
Mra. MePhaU.
A. Aivord of 814 South Di­
aselTall hr ms*.
vision street left today for Grand.
Uopy people wbo bare never seo Rapids, and from there gdes to St Jo­
Bamoei Qompers. president of tli<^
Americon Federation of Labor, take seph (or a abort visit
There was to be a hearing of
It for granted tbat-being the bead < r
an orKaolzatlOD conmoeed of 2.000.<kJi annual account in the Smith Barnes
working people, be Is a nan of lar; e esute in probate oourt today, but the
pbyslqac. tVben tbe delegates tro;n hearing was adjourned until Septembci
• the Interparliamentary congress an 1
of French labor organlaotlonB were ot:Mra. John S. Efaner and'sen, Mi
, tertalned at InncheoD at tbe Hotel
tor ai few weeks ago, one of tbe a Warren Bbner, of Pontiac, who have
tfted• to have Mr. Gompera polnt. j been In the dty, thg goesU at C. J.
I blm. He looked at the Bm^'l. and W. H. Bbner, i^nraed home t>
sturdily built man indicated, and sail: day.
“That Mr. Oompers! Snrely, yon ri:
Straub Brea. A Amlotto are busily
mistakra. I tlmngbt be would be t'x ;«k8aged today moving Into their new
feet high,"
factory. Hie large boDer Is in plaoe
aald bis Informant, “and Hi
things are bdng settled In the new
u sitting beside blm Is Senni
Clark of Montana, tbe man of m!!-' quartera as r^idly as possible.
Mra. P'e
Ilona.- Senator Clark li smaller tb:
Mr. Gompera. and tbe vlaltor neat'.r by Hre. Herm Conkie and daughter
eollapsed. When be bad talked i Allegan, are being entertained in the
both Mr. Gompera sod Snator CIs-k
home of Mesdames Tebo.
be admitted tbat slse didn't mecr Seymour and Stover. They came thle
much when It came to brains.—Ne ^
york Tlmea.
The “Isle of Spies- Co. r
abOnt e0.4>eop1e, arrived from Mantatoe this .poon In a special coach, ao- “0« my Bupprvr be said gnrtBr.
by two baggage cars. The
“Get It ycuradfp- she repUed. “yco
company will appear at StotnbsrgTs
didn't m^sny a cook.” '
• Ute that night abe hear a notSe l;» Grand tonight
toe boUM-.
"iobn." abe aald, nbwe-# a robLei Mr. and- Mra. J. H. Vancleve of 612
Bast Bl^th
In tbe bouae. Get ;m."
"Get up youneU," be 'Aiiwercii will be Interred tomorrow at 2 o'clock.
aleeplly. “You didn't marry a police- The funeral will be held at tbe bouse.
Burial will occur in Oakwobd omneFinally, however. John with a re­ tery.
volver and bis wife wlto a candle,
The Companions’ Sawing Circle will
traced tbe ndse to the klteben rau:{e. have a picnic at Bast bay tomorrow.
John gn\«Iy opened the range dooi Busses will leave Mrs. MclAugbUn'a.
'N<»lh Bpniee street Mrs. J.
pointed tbe
Smith's. 730 West Ehghth atreet and
but didn't ebooL
“Why dWnt yon about ttr edeed Mrs. Bradhagen'a. 717 Waahlngton
hla wUe.
street at 10 o'clock.
“1 couldn't'' be repUed,
Sheriff C. P. Sherwood and Vndargrimly: “it was Just out of my rniiga.'' aherUf John Sleting of
brought Isaac Harnly of Croftnn to the
asylum today. Harnly has tried <moe
or twice to 'cut his throat and white'
A. BUa waa asked hy a gaunt fnnnai oonftned in the county Jail at
sort of obap what ba anould aay by ka rednsed to eat
'nts sale of a horas/hy pswsr of
way of Inlrodacliw Um to the astoi
^ttol mortgage, furalahed eensidaRk
Uaga "Ob.- replied Mr. ftUs. i»
Me diversion on the elty market thia
splslt of levity, “pay
morning. Hie sale was oondiKtoa by
llbe. Say I am the
n in tlie country.
gsnenUy Itepuiy Sherifl C. B. Taylor and the
horse bokmged to John MnDen. Svansellne ZeUterjKddlng a mortgage on
It for W. The animal was finally bid
In by B. J. Motg^ at 976.
knew thia man BUS, whom ha wiu
While M. C. Gera of BM West Ninth
to latrodnea, and bad Mrar Street, waa drivtng past,Uie farm home
of Joa^ ARialre last evening, his
, -Ha talla,- ha srvt on. with never horse drwpsd dead. In' a «sv nowink. *nhst be I* the moat dlsiln mwta a fUtow by the
iMwd miaen In the uaa&y. You oaae along in a rtr-spd gteteMt to be
on his way to this Mty to traOs henoB
Am baaid >
with Ours, as be had bens dMarsd so
mmAtolwarteblstann. BKbs
An a.r.iirisfl IHUe iaeWMt IHM
A pbrricUD liaR Just r«tunied from
. ClilBt bnsllr laden vltb atories of
diiseae medldne.
“Medical conaultatlona ai« caRled
to tbeir,extreme llinlt In Ctalsa/' be
aald. “Tbere. when aor ooe bOMnee
aeiloQslf UL a cODanltadoo of HftMH
or twentf doctors la-b^ld. Die docton
fill tbe boose trltb tbelr bisn-



at Ob OMuihia hotM'last svsnlng
which only gDss to show bow sofly
two paraona -can beoMmmdeiMmd. A
guest arrived «m the night trato and
asked to be shown to a room,
man signed on the roister and placed
hU satchel beside him ready tor the
start to the Toom. As they, left the
By Honors WUMa
olBoe tbe ni^t clerk asked, “Have yon
the grip?" The gnetL with a thunder­
OowTltot m. by Boa^ wnw*
ing eneeae that could be heard all
over the house, replied. “N(^ I've got
Bob lay on ^ cot and toskad out toe
hay fever."
door of the adobe but towsrd toe
cook's ehadc. from the chimney of
srhich came a wisp of amOka. e the Berk. '
“Five o'clock." be thought “Don’f,
have to get On for an hour yet It'e
fMug to b« aroaster today." And be
ty court extended over d>SBy yean, toraw oS the blanket which the cold of
was tbe only Judge ln_LoDdoo who
then lay
'Ued. HU other bobby was garden- with bared cheat and haidi locked be­
hind hte head. Through toe door hte
t of tbe divorce 'court gaae could travel for milea acrqls the
tesert and with'eyes that saw but did
tragedy ofUfe. Tet when be was asked not heed be stared far out where plate
whst impressed him moat In hU ex- khd sky met-.
porlence ln that ead place be promptly
•Gads I What wouldn't 1 give to see
toe little old tbwnr be aald ,stead.
*Hie gMoeea of-human nature."
The willows on the rtver are Just
HU triehda My that tbere was not mthy fui* about now. The maple
even a tinge of cynlcUm in hU nature. teaveaare just UHleveddlsh sertps, and
He was always In hltfi qitrlts and hU
wit was Hunny rather than cnnatlc. '
-- thick te HMman'a woods.
»T. —. J-.~.
, |eg,l
Tlw air te joit like—oh, look at those
(riebd for Joining'praym at tbe arrii- csettts plamet l wonder what grudge
bUhe^'s court, where they bad gone to nature had against tbe earth when toe
competency In a certain made them. And the aky Joy noon wtU
ease. He Instantly defended himself. be nothing but an Invited redbot
ks^ with na aplottertog and trying

father, Dr. FrancU Jeune, at one time
bUb<gi of Petorborou^ It tested
tbrongh Ufe and contriboted alike to
toe greet Iswyer'a-practical common
smtae and to hli sympathetic Insight
HethBd Im Hla Hotlan.

•Hie public te easy,” aald a Wall
street man. “I have aeen .men and
women bug and nurse worthlees stocks
ns Washington \rb1te
' ''
waldi. ,
•Washington White?. Ob. be te n
colored man.
•One day a friend met blm on an un­
derground train. Tbe friend eat down
bealde him. Washington was rodtlng
himself to and fro In a enrtoos way,
eomethlng like a man with the coUc.
“'How db, Washington?’ said toe
- ‘Bow do. Oelbounr eald Washing­
ton. and be still rocked to and fro.
•The fri^ regarded him cotlooaly.
-Ton haln't alck, WaMilngton, be
your be a&ed.
“•No, indeed, Calhoun,' was the' re-

19 FM siraet,

ASL lBere.Tte ttgiy tom body ontUaed rgaiiHt tbe flesh, eras a
ped a1owI>- moving about csi toe vtofts
expanse, now forward, bow back, noir
slapping, as if to wonder at toe tonbvagnriy dlsturbsdti
ttatfosnstlRcdorntzeredasoaBd. Sm
■attvtohad told them that wbcti fright*
md toa'ceutlped digs te Its daws ttr
wf^n and that thoa toe victim la
priaoned. Tbere waa no sound sat*
tbs heavy breathing of Bob and tba
aimg with ertiteh toe cook annou
ts tbe world:

-n JuM sinM p tka faiterete too
«ar absad.*' eald tha dramme, m hs
qu* bach to ma segfisTntasfs.
•Bow was (hatr
-X arammv fima Chieago la tn
than aad sa I bad a paw Joks to Ml
I sat dbwn besMs .him and got It off.
So never even smiled."
“What excuse did bs maker
That hte brotfaer'a body was in .the
taggage car gMng home." “And you accepted Ur
“Of course, and tried to aay a few
words to conaMs him."
•WMl. yon are an aaa. Hte broth­
er te baggagemaste on tbte train and
of course he's te the baggage ear. If
sadden qnh-er run through
yem doa’t think ha’s very mneh alive,
ertUte Ups, and then slowly toe tremor Jnat get a look at my trunk and see
d to hte entira body. how many handtea and eomen ho
•Whst can' I do? Oh. what can I knocked oflr te atemmlng it Into tha
ear at BdObIa."
Then very deUbetately toe eentiped
celeMatioa of hte haring won the
began to move. OarednUy, as If eato ^-InceleMat]
Boeeberr gave-a gudem
Us myriad legs mu
mat be» exactly.
party to
.to the number of 2
aeras Wallace's body and
U^itnteg, dn:^>ed to toe floor. Blmnltabooualy Bob waa npon it with a
heavy boot, and Its ugly ledgto of
uenes* waa gatoecad to Its (a*
Tho, wltooM a weed, BOb
handed Wallace a dipper of water,
which toe man took with trembling
hawic and
teeth. Breatoteg
hard, te lay vrhlte and Ump for a tew __________ __________________ _ Dr.
New LtfePOte. M.Flaumy.of.
’Xha te roee. pulled on hte King's
14 Custom Bouse Plaoe, Cbloago, says:
“They have no equal for Oonatlpstior.
to toe wall, began to take down tos and Bimenanaas." 26c at & B. WaH
garments hanging toere and to torow A So
- -......................................
them tote a salt case.
That win be about all to me," te
•Any. Bob, dry up^yonr muttering
Road our Top Coat ad. Hamilton
and murmuring, will yon, and give a
Clothing Co.

tou a toacce to aleepr And a aleqt
Itoee tuned toward him from

WKat the

Sir FrancU Jenne'a habit of firayer



te to sleep now. anyhow, Wal- home to Alice." And be Jammed a rid-'
Read our Top Com ad. Hamltton
teg boot te <m top of a heap of writing
Clothing Co.
papwBob watched him wlto a half Mtn.
Vk ton.
too. Pien."
Feta," h>
ha toU
aald. ITs
Ho vnIVnil
ts too door and called to Pedro to harwlto bare chat and arms htoted h
•A eentiped te aAold. bad bog,' ...
•Say, Wallace, let’s pass this np and
go back to God's country. These des­ eontteued. "bnt it wouMnt surprise
erts are Just wearing the heart out of me If Alice acquired a waaknsaa to
tt" nen h^ too, began to pack d
ma. Xetfa go beck, finish np
year' In college and settle down and act suit case.
white agate. Uncle John waa rlgbL
.An Aeoentefl SpMeb.
We never were cut out tor mining ex­
It was in 1S47, when toe Free SoR
perts. GadsI Six months ef tola has
bean toougb for me. Tbe sun and toe state convention was held at Hcckllaer. Then was a great gathering of
blamed bugs b
n my nerves. Free SoU Democrate and aboUtiooteta.
In toe ballroom of too botel-lt was
1. but
wonlij like to go hato where 1 called a-tavem In those days-bafore
eottld Bleep wltoott moderlng U a cen- the opening of too convention 'were
eu .AIM,,.
tlpad or half a’facmen of those long gatoered toe leaden, who were «»ment or employei. call, write or
lagged spiders ■wSe gring tp snuggle tlrnetteg the new parly ptetfom, atetphooe, a. W. HolUngSWeirtb, Bmploythe oScsn and eommlttew and
up to me before morning. Let's go
ment CozUrsetor and Ccenniteslon
In a
home. Wally."
Salesman, 216 Bast Front streeL
chair tilted. against toe waD
Hnellaadtel Bldg., up suire. cr
out toe door,
te said atewly, Piteee John 'Fan Btiten nmnteg ovar
phone 474.
•yon don't know knytfatag about hom»- tim manuscript of too great speech he
-‘-’-nesi ennparea with-what 1 conld waa to deliver. Oecaatenally ba amot- WANTHD-Furnlshed room, or i.._
yon. But
tell ym
here, cd toe work of hte aaaoelatn with an
with hoM4 near center of city. Buqnlre 427 Monroe street, CUlscns'
phone 360. SS67t(
au.nadtegs eato time predMed laughtar and applause. Fteally he read a

Eagle Want Ads



Wade? Writ, te done aold me a silver
watch for free doOerk and If I st<ms
a-movln' like die ysre de watch don't
go no rao'JJl^New .Toilt Tribuok


•Ghnme a little polar beer." aald
the man in the beaemntt reatanraBt
to toe waltraas who, having bronght
him a gtea* of water, bad stopped to
get hte order.
Tolar beaF* all out" ate rtplled,'
with a far away gaze tbat went peSt
hte heed without eeeing him.
“Got any iced watermelonT"
Trii. Want aomer
“No. not If you've got It Hew about
>1:^13 tongneT'
hat plc^li
D'Ju want thatr'
“ '8 aU r
mine. I'm married.

by the time I get ’em."
The wattreea swept away, still with­
out seeing the customer. He called her
>"Here." saio
eald tpe cuaiomer,
cuatow, -mat
*nhat waa

Just a Jokv-rl want a boiled dinner.
Wham yte take to la^ the-next
time I get fnnnyr
•Chloroform," eald the waitress as
ate started tor the kitchen.-Cbleago
ByatantheUe Painter.

The Jangnage of hints U Greek to
ehll^ten, as a rule, and they Interpret
It after a almpU fashion of their owu.
'Where,I, have yon been all the
tog. Didtr Inquired Itfra. Sampson of
bm ten-year-old son.
D by toe <
paint a p
was decorated with paint of variom
“I am afraid yon must have bothered
him." said Mrs. Sampson as ate began

between the appUcatlona of soap and
water. “He waa interested In me. T
could tell by tbe way te talked." '
•What did1 be
1 Myr inquired Mrs.


William -Deap Howells has a tew.
mnalcal voice, end be bates loud voicca
Mr. Uowelte aomvtimes tells a stMy
to Ulostration of the shrill power that
U too ofceu to be noted to too femtntoc TOtcea of America.
A guide, tote Btoiy runs, came to a
-westera bote! te legd e party of tourteta to a great waterfaU.
Id stout boots tbe pariy set onh-aml


tor aU, I’m not going home until
Alice eendi for me. You can do as yon
Bob turned hte pUtew over, looked at
hte watto and ton said: "Well. I've
told yen before that I thought yon and
AUoo were a cOupte of chnmp* to let a
a waltz break
and rve told Alice
I don't care U toe la my ateter. Bnt
your affair. And yon know that
hcKDOBldtnem or' no bomeelckneea, TU
stick by toe mine as long as you do."
"BM," Wallace conUnned. exactly as
If Boh had Dot tooksn, “this 1a a God
(oraaken country. Whsir yon get out
cm tbe desert, with nothing bnt loseaomcMSi ail aroimd you, T tell yonsty. Bob, do yon remember that WlUow
tree down by Aekerh? I'll bet there
wlU be forty Uda down there before
stooM this monteg getting whistte
The baik la Just right now.
And. aay. lii ^ too, tost every kid-of
them has a russet apple te hte pocket
to eat at recess. Nothing but
fCm." aald Bob, 'Tve torgi^ton what
an apple looks Itee. And about now
we'd bo teaatnrto wear a Btzaw bat to
sdwM-a cap g«is eo hot about neonaad every ums one of toe Uda runs
into anotber they rattle tike gravel
•gataat a window pane."
TCnblrar aald Wallace. "Do yon
fsOMBher toe time that aobsy Joaea
nndlowBd a Mtoay* bM ' ' '

Toara. And toe graas te toe paait read.
> gettteg-yalvety. and tbs Itttlo
“We ere nearly there now." the
■' are vuatetag bow many
[Ulde said at teat and with revived
a It wiQ M betoie H win pay ts
apirits the tourists pressed on.
“How miMh farther, golder asked
a little later, a young
^aurrmem^^^ greirted Bob.
were tight
to remateber wltb“Only a step more. Mr." was the a»- *S>Wt 1
awer. “As soon as the tedUs
talking yon will bear the wsr."Antonte-teraaa.
It has been ahosrn that mil eiysy^Jto^tbeluatsr, hardsesa, ^ri-

avvvitoboS^^ •Tc&D.Tcm eu^
te bare Oat part printed'tn toUtos."
Prines John aSseted surptiss at the AcooniitiBgt 660 to 6100 a manth «1suggestion. "OmiUanei.’ bo said. "I ast aasnred our gra.................................
yon to understand that tote Onr six aehoote the
« tergssLte Amarloa
^eech te aU italtcsr
te eatakvue. 'MOBSB SCHOOL ..
Ctnstfinad. O, Bnf’DMfla That ZJve.
N. T.. Atlanta. Ga, La GrossA
In ISOl 'toe Aifhdnko <3karies
, Texarkana, Tex, Ban Bfaiieteoo^
called to take command of the army of CM.
Austria, whlrii at too hattio of HobWANTB1>—Ap
o for a country
Frmiih and Bavariana._____________
BoU and toeaUon. only 10 milea ouL
of action he met a number of wtimid-'
cd eoldlen who had ben abandoned
change lor Travel
on &e retd by tbelr c<
Little A Shorter, 222 Front MreoL
want of hotees to draw tbrir carriages
te the retreat
airiiduka, vriio on many oeca- WANTED—Lawn work, eoddteg and
Bions had ahown hte hnmanlty. Immediately erderad toe horeea to bo
taken from aeveral pleeca of cannon,
T^or UL SMnteng'A Adaloy.
that wera being hauled to the
"The life of one brave man_______
wnrto preservtBg toan fifty ptecaa of WANT63>—Girl wanted te generdl
codnance," be
bonsewortc, small family, wagea
The abandoned guns (ell into too
6SA0 per week. Mrs. F. a Deamcmd.
bands of toe Fmeh commenilsci who, . 416 Sixth street
iriin ho heard of the motive tiiat
prompted the aaolflce, immedtetaly or­
dered toe whole to bo eent bach to tim
gaUant archduke with hte
LOST-^etweea GraiUokvlUa and
Trnvereo City, n lady’s gold watch.
Finder kindly, leave at Ba^e oOce.
i^le an act of bomanlty.
A Oeai

Tbe Hrieeblatt puMtehed te tite dis­
trict of Boehst Pnstte. iMnted the
etoar day tote advertteament: "LoaL a

oovar tte following te omteeMerad.
~ p wMI; mother watches ovar


FOR SALB Bet. $ oeMs a kwd; top
■dirt 4 tmU, fill dirt 2 etea. B. j.
Cooke. 427 Monroe streaL Ctiteans’
phone 660. Dirt at west end'of
Wayns strssL
FOR 8ALS-4soy oaMsgs: hmgate if
takre at cue. tegutes at 612 Fifth
FOR BALE.—we have, and oCsr te
aal^ toe
U, foDowlag
nst of- Hesl
Estate. It is aU daairabi
snd must be sold. OaOa


'sow nssd as e
used te dwM
LOT northeast eoncr Blxtsaath and
- ft. cm f
60 FOOT LOT CD West Nfarth strssL
saat of Na CM.
HOUSE AND LOT. 661 Blxth strssL
HOT^ AW LOT, 1012 BOhstela
BOUBB AND LOT, aoatowsat ooraat/

ONE M tbs BsM kxatoms te tha City
or BuminBdtes country te boaw;
12 to 14 ACRES LAND te BIfflwood
1 mns ^
llmtta; -wm mate a good i
teC endarte

FACTORY on-Bay stre
machinery rendy. to


of Webster end Bartow etreeta-Oea
Mote. 126 West State atreM. >84StS6
FOR SALB OR RENT—8even4«offl
honse, comM^ Thirteeato and Bofamnla.
utiuua. Bw
See .C.
\i. a.
S. Tader,
vauer, State
cnsie b
.or T. A. Conlon. Whiting HotaL

Thtety-slx acrea te orahard, about
eight thousand treea Ortoard ateoly. teced. located abont <me mile
from dty Hmttq Treea all te bearteg-rtueasat crop goat with sate.
Prioe snd terma raasoaahle—BM
be aold at onca Party
cation. Addrvts, P. C QlIbvL Tfaq-.
ores City. Mich.

FOR SALE-tnes nttls plaee on West

FOR SALB-Groeery snd othsr hast-

- 62MtM
FOR SALB-Cara of 40 naraa; low
prioe and easy terma. littla A
Shorter. 223 Front streeL l6Ut2$
OR SALB^Honta 8 rooms, on State
and Garfield aveniM, enay. moathly
paynieniB, ai _________________ ^
te Older good prcmeriy. Little A
Shorter. 223 Frtmt streeL 68Ut8«


of your own ante the aon^.

TO SELL-atore bsOdteg and kfl. 66foot front on Front etreeL a first

lavo a few boawm

LOST—GenUmnaa'a allk umbrella,
horn handle, ellver tilmmtega sOk
worn through at top If finder vill
phone Eagle office owm r will call
and prove property.
FOR BALB-A good temlly horse and .
agoodoowteada UttlsAShoi^
ter, 222 Front -street
BUSINESS elte te Bale or trade, first FOR SALB-Soms ntes summer resort
lots te sale te dUferont tocaticna
lot oa'wwt snd of F
uttie A Shorter, 2X2 Front atreeC^ nexttoFroot B. J. Ooote.4T Man884642
roe etreeL Citizens' phn* 660.

First Btudant^wlMt are yus.Btudy*
Second BtDdnt-Oh, Pm gotag te te poUtica. aad I wli^ toloiow FOR RENT-New honee, 422 W. Bfievtoe -weak points <rf tos Uw.-Tom Wat­
te tbs ooekmy sebaote of Berite, rOR RENT—Housa 8 moms, to eomeone who wants rent to sndy tte parMunich, Frankfort, snd othar Ornman
dmsa of a homo-tt par mo^ap.
dtifs too nse of the "flreiMt stove," nr
ymcHL UttlsAS—
box," te strongly roeomThe
or s woodsn bag, tolMIy lined-with FOR RENT-Offios rooms te rant,
ply Of
.' or ML end fitted wlto s tight
orer Jehnaoa'S drag ntoro. -Mrs. J.
eever. Noete are
m tite Hning,
O. Johnaeo. 829 Sixth StreeL 3842-tl
tste.-wUrii pote cestalnliv toed that
has first been belled te a few mte- HOUSE FOR Bmrr. escMr State snd
nttsevarsflnanptecMLtigbtiyeovBose streets: 7 toosss; smaU bam.
Wed, and the box te ctosad. The
Jnly lot
a J. Koepui.
flptag retains tbs bast te beuzi, snd
^ food te alow^ coeksd, wlto better

MONET TO LOAN on personal prop­
erty, te BumB to BulL L Newland

.. Morgan-Rsmember tba old
reOaHe Iteo that la always at time,
to orders a
a apsdBlty. 1 mite all

teswltolmto. loaOteheffigngk .

11VM7 I can fttmlah yon rahh* '

Urasntwya. robber tin h-------------fnaenls 1 can toniMh yon nnyktefl’
-.1 have t te stock, also a ntoslteo of tne bbCnaad ofujtoteg te this line. 86M-tf,.
catl ca ns and BOO tt ws

BWa tos appsratui d^ not answsc
i ooeung stsste. tooga ov cakaa

_ at a bdffla nr tnfla te
228 Fwnt BtipsL


hydrogen erti .m-*er src.*!
9U Am. ..


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