The Daily Eagle, March 18, 1905

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The Daily Eagle, March 18, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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iii>ii^iiiiiiiiTM'Mmr~w"" •






WHh Our Business l^cn
A»on* Ute n«n in Wlcblsaa who
l»B.t unaewuiul the intricMle. ol flr«
lunnac^’pcrilciM, conUmcta, ud all

Good Roads Mean IVfoney to Farmers


Among My Books

ot^e bustoees of touusaad six hundred iwemy-foor _
Marie Corelli U one <rf toe vrriters challenge crtUclam from toe astoiators.
The subject of good roads Is one
' this country can be U«eed directly
toe compiled laws of eigbteea hundre
amtoig them this: -f-nerw interfere
which every Inhabitant ot the coiintrv
roads. Hard
The several county that puzzle readers, there are sech
is persuDBlli: Intercsu-'.. uTites a road labor
eontredlctcay characters to her books peratmally with my porlshioneis, • ■
clerks shell at
■ • to attend chBreh or stay away
•BO doennenu used In the Iseannce
engineer In Good RoaiU Hagaalne. reduced railroad
such cerUfied
Her latest novel bears aa even
U John R. 8«.io. ex-maydr
Unlaas be produces on his farm every speculailbn to stocks,
the board of
startling tJDe than ai^ former one,—
of itaU city and for 22 yean enjcajed
article be uses, unless he receiver no stuffs, are
such county, and toe said board ahml "God's Good Man" proves upon in with each Individual, and most be left
Individual ebtoce. 1 should be the
In the lire Inaurance bnalneag.
1^1, pays no taxes sad.never ventures suits ot bad roada
forthwith prepare a ballot for toe
last person to the vrorld to entortoto
- Ur. Santo la one of the most
beyond the bounds of hts o*t. proper­ of New York i»t loog
of electors desiring to vote upon said veetigaUon to be John Walden, r
a bad opinion of anyone simply be­
“P*«*d men to TraTeree City and la
ty, be is affected In the .pJt teud-.-rer' of toe condition of trai
which shall be substan of tbe small but beauQful chnitto of
reeosnleed as one of
us all—hiB pocket book—by the
stricgeocy in the
tlally to tbe following form: At toe St. Rest, England, "a man sent from cause he or she never went to clforch.
That Arnold be fooUah indeed!
oeaaful hualneas men. He la a nadre
and ah sdiBe..^ other
dIUon of the country roads.
lop of each ballot shall be printed God " He enjoys toe dlsttootkm
of tod Dobleei and best men in 9rtoof Canda, by birth, haring bMn bon
He pays more taxes to' keep np bad largely
bold faced type tbe words, "Vow bavtog restored to something Uke Us
tendom today never go to chni^ •
In l^don. Canada. June 29. 1265. Hie
roads than he would to .uamiain good appear to
on toe amoDdmeni to the consUtotlon origlDsI -beauty the old tourch and ..
But in eplte of her frankness '
father waa a natli« of fflii
roads. If-he receives mh'J
and UupracUcable n
relaUve to toe State aiding In toe living .without any fioancUl support of speech and odd fancies Miss Corellt
emigrated to Canada when
the government and this mi
thing else. So great
Improvement of toe public wagon from Us parishioners, and of allowing
cootinues one of toe aotbort who find
of age. He became engaged In etoekpeople more to carry it over had the united eSorU
roads." Then shall follow
ollectlons to be token in
readers among all class^ of readers.
raialng and farming and acquired
roads than 900S roads. Ifbe imvels dethrone It In tola
Amendment to toe consUtutkm rela Church
Tbe people who like a story of love
vtv than g competency. His wife
beyond bis own property It take; m<
line of business
live to good roads. (Tes)
ftaiyUla Vancourt, Cicely Bourne, and adventure regardless of its proba­
waa Ulaa Mary Rendle. before marot his time, which meens money, and be united, and there
Amendment to top constitution rela­ and Bishop Brent are other strong bility wiu enjoy “Beverly of Oraudage, and they became the parents of
out of Us team over bad roads Interest which bu
tive to good loada (No).
which Is being widely read.
ei^t chUdren.
than good ones.. .
of this
Such ballou so prepared shall 1» op Brent is especially noUceable as a Those who redd Its predecessor,
John R. Santo's early life waa spent
It costs him more 00 account of which should
seal out by said board of electkm
Jh-leader who has nearly lost "Qraustork" will be eepeclaUy inter.
on his father’s* farm, assisting in the
bad roads, to market prodooe. This
icUve in ti
oommlsaloners at toe time and to tbe faith by rtffson of sorrow and the ter­
lo this story of toe same ehsiv
work and attending the common
be added to the' cost
the farmers.
ftame manner as toe ballot to be aaed rible Ironies ot life, but finally is en­ aelers and others equally pleMant to
schools ' After completing the work
The following
nuing the Auslneas since with of producUon, and. the man who buys
at toe general election. And It than abled to stood fast and true in his
In these two books George Barr'
the common schools be entered the Increasing success. '
the arUcle- must pay the dlSereuM:' fore toe legislature
be toe doty of toe board of eleetom place. Some of his remarks are de­ HcCutcheon has made himself very
High school hut was compelled to give
toe Hod.
In duties Mr. Santo is a DemociU,: It costs jusit as much $0 grow a bushel
inspectort at each voting prectoct In cidedly surUiog to toe calm mind as popular as-an entertotoer, and sbouM
np his studies before gradnatloh, by in regard to the national and state of wheat or corn near a good road as liy Hoa. T. A. By.
this SUte to aee to it that each elecA when be says: ' l feel that toe world
ever write others they will find a
lit health. The nest year after his Issues, but In local pollUcs Us tenden- beside a bad tme, but If oa the bad coBsIdereUoti of
la fnmlthed vrlto a ballot ratotlve
■ r more CbristJess today afur :eadr-SBle!rr-;.^ .
leasing school waa spmit entirely In oles are strictly ' independent.
In road the ptodneer cs caily hanl twq
to such proposed amendment at toe wo thousand years of preaching and
the ifflprorement of hla health but in April, IMS, he was elected httyor of thirds of the load with too —»w» team
ag an I _.
same time that he Is fumlahed vrlth teaching, than at the time of Nero.
Rveryone who has read “The Mai
1223 he came to Detroit and secured the city on the Citizens ticket and Is that he can on toe good one hts cost or nine, article fourteen
the' general ballot, and to inform anch How has this happened? Whoee the querader"—and whsi reader of flcUoa
a poaltieD wkh the Detroit Board of considered by many the etrongest man marketing his wheri or ooru Is 50 per UelD of toe Stale of
elector <a the nature and purpose of suit? Walden, there is but one-reply tiai noir:-wIII want to read "The Mys.
Fire Underwriters. This poslt^n he the Democrats could nominate thla ceot more than It oihenrlM would be.' vide for the Improvei
it, and each rieotor mlrnll be required —It Is toe church Itself that has tall- lies," I new serial by the same author.
held foar years, becoming
and year, but be absolutely refused to run and the man who buys the wheat or wagtm roads.
-- coming out of the booth and tender­
The messagn of salvation,—the Katherine Cedi Tbuntoo. which -be­
more famlUar with the detalU of the again, because, of the pressure of his corn must pay that much more.
Resbived by the
ing his vote to toe Inspectors of rieo- fospel of love,—these are as God-bom gins in toe April-nnmber of Tbe Metro­
builnea. At the end of four years be business.
His fraternal connections' Ahd wheat and corn. oaU or cotton, of Representatives
Uon. to produce and hand to such to- ind true as ever they were.—but toe politan Magazine. "Tbe Game." a
• was tendered a poelUon by'the Michi­
Mltolgan. T3mt toe
Mtwmic, rythlan, Haccabee and
speetors of election toe ballot relating ireacbers and teachers ot toe Divtoei
-pan story, beglnnlog lathe same
gan Inspeetioi bureau, with which he Elk.
If all tbs roads are bad all toe prpduc- ment lo the constlti
ptoce :?reed are to blsW,-r-the men who'
Azine, which by tbe way contains
was connected, at Grand Rapids, the
of MichigBo be, and
mile employed by the Inspection ere labor under toe
tbe same to toe box prepared tor that, uarrel among iheiaselTes over forms
ly snides of present-day Intereet.
ftdiowing seren years.
bureau at Grand Rapids. Ur. Santo and the manufacturer pays the farmer by proix>sed and
purpbiia All votes east therefore
ot conoentrai- —Is by Jack tendon, who as author ot
At the completion ot hU serrice became acquainted with, and on'Uay toe'extra price and then charges the pie of the SUte,
shall be token, counted, canvassed and ng toetr energlee
mlnlstering 10 "The Call of the Wild."' needs t
with the bureau his residence in this 12, 1832, married, Florence C. Thomp- fanner a higher snm In bis turn for section nine of
ritaned as provided by law for the then • • • •
trodncUoD to the reading pnhUc
lenced. as he bought out the eon. They have one child. Gwen­ the manufactured articles to make up said eonstitntkm be
eleetton of State offloera.
: several passages to toe bo^ vrhlrb
W. F. Harsha Fire Inaurance agency. dolyn, who is now Sre years of age. for it.
read as ftfllows:
The problem Beems capable of but a
Section 9. Ttie
sln^e ^lutiou. To toe average farm- pariy
the word "bond” is terrifying, but work or internal
It need not be. We all ask credit ot engaged In
except (to toe
dally Id some form
■sat fpimtaSiMf Is ChaMes «s
■sMwsy as msaasai.
lege aekes Hts Mast.
other either as to our sUtemente, rep­ tog in the Imprai
utations or financial affairs.
Judge wagon roads),
Thayer sayt, *TTke biulness of a civ­ of granu to the
ilised vsorld Is (k»e on the credit ays'- property:
toe L«
r of ancient
geetlw WUnoe, hoAlploina eeitlQrtng ablBty,
^ to debt bavo City of Grand
atn exlsttnf. the chief aoei bring 8t U required. Methods ot teedtlng to bM.eOO.eoe people
Oan. Blmonrid, 8f BustadiA Dothhi]- public acboou In New Toih eUte ere food to eat, clothes to wear and places bonds for toe
The 500.000.MO
erh Mwttlbello, Stn. Merle de U Se­ very different from those in Ooloiudo, In which to al««P'
ance. Vaodrril, BouvUle end, molt In- and those to UUci are different' ftwm who do n<A possess snfllcient confltaxeeting of all, the Chsteas de Baste- thOM to Rnffalo. There are private dence In tbemoelvee to trust'one an submUied to the electors of this State
say at UontreaL Ihe Utter wne Snllt •chooU of all kinds. There are almost other nev-er tasted flour or.beef, go at tbe general qlecUdn to be held the
in 1T«6 by Gertruda de Bameny. at as many methods of teaching arithme­ naked and sleep out of doors. .Activ- first Monday Id April to the year ntoethat time goremor of the dUtrlet ot tic as there are of teadilng vocal mn- *ty. proeperity and thriU are the natur­ teeo huDdred sod dvq; that the seer',
Montreal and knight of the Royal and ale. To’Obtain bit first poelUon be or­
tory of -state Is beil^y- required t-:
Military Order ot St Lenta. Fkom him dinarily iolua an agency. He taken to al friiiis of mutual dependence on one
waa descended the Ust Ftench govea- the agency hU record at college, sn^Ie- another, coupled with the legend "I cerilfy 'thU profioaed
(he clerks of toe several counties ofi
or of Quebec at tha tlnu of the eaplto- mented by as many pleasant reeom- promise to pay."
Slate, as reqvl^ by seetiOB three
Ution In I7S9. From that
mendattona from Ills profesaors as pos­
rile castU ruialned In riie poaaawlon sible. paya bis yearly fee and promlaea
of the gorarnmnt and waa ttie resi­ the agency a certain percentage-S per
dence of the Vkeneh and English ger- cent usually—of hU first year’s salary.
TsrAl Paid the BUI.
teson until tfie eapltnl was trans- Occasionally bis college wiU find a
When “Alda" was first played at
femd from Montreal to Quebec. It U ptoee for him In one of the sdiooU that
onkey to Uke a ride sc
prepare dllrectlj for IL At any rate, be miub u amateur Urlng at some dis­ hoks ateaiv 'Wit Was a Oealaa at
to hear It, but was dlsapThree Years ot Age.
will find without great dlfflcnlty a posi­
At three years of age Jdiu Stuart
for blstortca) reUs of the old teglso, tion tost will support him. Perhaps It
MUI began toe etudy of Otedc, vrlth
and as neb
Will be la a Utile '
raritfametle as an evening rdaxatim."
for rUltors to the one time cspital of boarding acbool. where be will teach
a Ollwme or SraerMa. Tberaae end
as Samuel Wellington puts It to the
thirteen tofferCnt eubjects during his
To <letin>' ibr cliHriu of a <-)iaruting
fltat year, as one man 1 know did. if ■Idmbls expaoM 00 his account for Weatmlnster Review.
Mrs. Rebecca Harding Darts says to
At eight be began Latin. Bnclid and woojtm i» nlways dlO<-ult. llnU.v Madbe mnives his first year aaoceaafully aeriitog and toeloring a bUl for thirtyTHE HUDSON RIVER.
snake begin with tbe very coming of her "Bits of Goaslp" tost Bmeison as
and with some measure of content to two Uri. vrlto a rsqueet for the money. algebra pnd bad to act as tutor to ttia. Isoii i. festares w.-n- not n-pulur.
tbe repine. Many suppose tost like sbe met him In Coacord to 1BQ2 was a
rite work he Is likely to be a teacher for Among toe items was one of two Uri younger cbOdiea. He was a stem and wa* her flifore |ierr«-t. Sli.- was
witty, nor waa she «l«e. auti <0u- |>ar- the garter "sake, the boil snake, toe typical TsuWee In appearance; "The
for a “detaatabls supper." Verdi'de- sffleient tutor.
rite rest of bis Ufe.-LeeUe’a Monthly.
memben of the "neer" family and tsii gaunt man with tha watchful, pa­
___________ _
Ui-liinte.1 llHle if at *11 lu
dneted this on riie ground that be
At twelve be
Ko Dutdi or Xngdish men can afllrm
might Itavo had s^pw at boms, but and poUttcal economy-toe latter bis baoJ» lDtelle.-tu*l life, .\e\enheless onr other nonpolsooons snakes, toe rat tient face and allghUy dased eyca, hto
the dtoeovety of the Hodaon liver.
tlssnake U hatebed tn brood* number bands clasped behind his bato. tost
forwarded toe balanes on condition -main Ufework.
»bc etauds out as the grealest
At fourteen, while paying a long vis- mlstresw^ or Oic While House, and Ing from forty to eighty. Not so. Eat came slowly down toe shady rtllags
that Ida correapoDdent algnsd a formal
ows archives by nearly a hundred
tleenakes are born Into toe world, as street towstd tbe Wayside that sumagreement not to go and bear toe H to Sir Samuel Bentfaam to soutbeni 'her |H]pulnrit.v wa* unbouml.-d.
Fetra. Hewever. the Dutch and Bng____________toe deposit on
of toe vlperold Taml mar day was L’ncie Bam hlmarif In 111
lUh lUlBon U the matter U close. Bod- too copper pUttog of Jetty Piles lo see opera again, which agreement was Pnnre. be learaed Fresdb as a relaxa- ruled or«-r lu-r world in Waalilngton
fltttog.browu clotoee. I hare often
Hon from stndying two ot three hours
gonlaJ good uuiuiv and lustlncson U approprUted by Dutdi minds haihors was comparatirely rich lo toe Strictly tnumed.
woudered that none ot hi* biographer*
1 before breakfast, five beurs between tl'e ts.-i.-Uer uaiun-w-a* wsrin. afand has a Holland tradlUn round him. precSoos metal. On the estlmste that
have noticed the llkenese.”
Wt -W"-1 breakfast and dinner uikd_tvrb or three fe.-tionM.- nii.l Iin|in>«sleiiub1e.
He ceme In e Dutch yatht called the a ton of sea water contains approxlEmerson ssid to Mrs. Divli; "1 wtoh
Half Moon In 1006. HU eallora weie mitely one giuln, toe yield would
Iba —~ vrbo bad bean aiMted tor 1evening. Being for tbe time loved iir>- nu.l iwnj.h-. aud her world middle of August tbe bablIT of bis own hours and iwt sub- lo'cl her.
t eolorinp. anl- Uvely. self reliant dange
SoUenders and XngUahmen. Be rep- amount to 'oomethlng Uke 200 tons of bavtog alfht vrivM wu avrxkaed by |
reeented a Dutch Beat IndU company gold per cubic mil# and. as toe volums a tSeVorisoner who boanelv whl*. Je« to a stem father, be took lessons mated fare and well rounded figure fellows toey are. fourteen lochee Icog
tours to music, sing- went with a eordlai manner aud a eym-' no thicker toan ■ lead pencil, marked
on ita way to find the mudi eouriit ot toe world's-ocean U catonstod at araw prisoner, wno hoarsely
for nertheest paastgs to India. Be MO.000.000 cubic mllea. toe total pos­
tog, dariring, fenctog and rtdtog. but |«thy for those ulK>iit her amounting like toe adnlt snakee and provided pUed: "Henry often reminded me of
on. sporL We've got
to geutu*. uiid Hln-.wna alws.v* ready vrlth a Blngle button at toe end of tbe an animal In bnman form. He bed tbe
axpland the Hodaon. going oa far as sible yield of gold would be no less tilse keys and ualockad toe eril docfi. nevw became proficient
tafl, the first link In tbe serlse of nt aye of a bird, toe scent of a dog. tbs
tha UtUe town that bmus faU «»»»>« than 100,000.000,000 tons-a tmly at­
At Slictoea Mill conM epeak to debato to buld.k- imu l<iu{fl>ier..
and ws’vs an gutiig to eseapa.'
ties to be developed, ring by ring moat acute, delicate toteUlgeoce, bnt and ba himself baa been tzusmlttod tractive propect to the company pro­
vrlto adults vrtto edas and freedom.
^Vho vonld
“Look bars," aaM toe
with each shedding of toe skin.
no eouL No." be repeated, toaklng
to poetotty with sudi blended and moter.—^ndon Lancet
At rigbteeu be contributed to toe wife
Motionless, eyes gleaming, the long bla bead with dMlsloa “Henry couU
mixed tndltione as to conitltnts Um
. . Review. At twenty-one ter of <
vrbes you an get out of tot JaU ym
Dotoer lies extended across tbs back not bare bad a baman seuL"
well nigh e half breed In peopWa
mode nsslstant In toe IndU ball, but
A C>gei Tl«et.
vrOl loA to# doors carefully again m ntoee and received a Urge salary dsr. ter of oboen-ntlon si any ball even if of a sand hummock beneath tbe fanmlndA
Mn. Davit remarks oa Hawthorne's
Mr. Snips (who has called about that
The names of the river ere verted. Jong etandlog acconnt)-8o yon wony ■ Mm a racket and ezpoee your pruj"he had not l*-eu the president " wife, Uke leaf of a dwarf palmetto, glering abynMS and on bis love of tectoatoa.
eoklly St her aetlTe. squirming ba- vrhlrt) L^eml was a family trait; “PerIt has twen called Manhattan, the pay today, eh? Well, now, I warn
___ ____ - bald at twenty-twa. She had. in fart, ruled as Indlajmtablv
be waa a rather abort, power­
Korth river, the Great river,
He did not marry ontu be was forty- over the litUe boarding house in PhlUyou If yon don't settle with me by this
Maaritas and tn the year me bore day week I'U go round to aU your oth­ want to Mcaper
five. He biaself said: *T nevw -was deipbla kept hv her mutber wbpn she ries; then she drags bmelf away, for fully ballt man. gentle and low voiced,
“■aeapel Too iqek ae to ben and a boy. It U better to let nature Java was the Widow Todd as she did ever from tbe first momeot s young rattler wlto a sly. elusive butuor gleaming
Ugally for some length of time the er creditors and tell them that you'vo
•ometlmes to bis wsttofnl gray eyes.
aaaa Biriare Tan dan Verst Mdritlas. paid me to full, and then yonl] hare
ttr own way.”
the While Hone- a* Mrs. Madlsombto-motber aud eminently able te sbin Uie portrait vrlth whldi we ara aU fa-Marie Vm Tent to HaipWa Mega- .•am all down on you. See what I
-----------------------GaUlard Hunt in Oeoiuiy.
into as from my eight vrtvssr
for' himself. Each young snake U a sdUler. a cnrled barber ebop bead.
no rwtata.
-----------------------full Hedged rattler, ready to bunt end glTM no Idea of tbe singular, melanIb* drcnmnavlgator Fztnds Drabs
n, MisMr Hester,
ready to defend himself with tbe ettog
has toe etsdlt of tntTodi^ toe pstoto
“Te#." say. onr host, -thu is toe of death. Bach flat, triangular little dioly charm ot his face. Tbere vraa a
to Bnreps. but tbs «iaaUtda had skin or s grizzle beer that i shot in bead U provMrd with tbe long, sharp mystrrlou* power to it wbleh 1 bare
aerer seen rlsewberc to plctare. ststse
bnufbt It with toe tomato tnm toe the tropic*. '
poison fangs cootalntog tbe identical
AAtawnstlmebteaiMltwpssa--But." we suggest gently. •grUaiy venom of tbe mother snake.—Peareou’s or human l>rtog."
***^*^ ^^.V*^.**^‘*>>”*^ Ix’ar* are only found In Oolorsdo and Magastne.^_______________
naaltarr iKStlaot.
ntOsaitto*tntotolo«bs<OMBU'W«:.;i5esmira to ibai istliude,"
tolppsdbU eazgo. to IfiM.
--| snow. " be replies proudly. "Bnt
Modern Uotoer-Wby. eblld aSre.
rUe Horae Dertes the HU«e A«ra. wbat are yon taktog off that dolly's
fre* TUitoU to BngUnd. Acesrltar^ I chased this fellow elrao on? o
The importance.of the liorm? during clotoe* for? Modern CbOd-Pm go­
to HuBbMftt. U has bsmi eaMvatodto
___ country and shot him
clean oct of breath When I got within toe middle aEra. espeelally In the i-ni- to' to samtoe ber to Me If obe's bees
■ 1 and Ip the tounuinienta whk-h vaccinated. I can’t bare 'er spraadln'
range of him too. '-Cbieago Tribune.
fouevred to tbe wake of Hie rrofades. tagtaa among my otber doUlea.-Baltila "Igulfi^i. h'uIlT half the glamor iMra Amerlvaa.
PMnt' K»w »«ae Cnd*.rouiao'-e, that sumKuded the
“X am galag to compae a bocto «g au
Annt Jane-I gness Mr. ^oidet
batq"B smart saytoga.*' daelusd prood must be a very neat person. Bdltb- Iculghi twloiigevl lo the borne, for wltohe h<ir~- tlKwe •layli« deeds la be­
Mrs. Noenrsd. -“What So you ^ And wbit*leads yon to that optotoo?
Johimy-Pa? PtUmr-Well? Jetew^ make an apprupetato titur
Aunt Jene-He told yonr rocle-Oeorgs half of tbe weak and suffering bad ny—Doyen laoto to your sJeeve 'eaaM
all bis riothes but tbose upon-bis bsek never been Joue. The bone, bowever. toaCs vrttere your funny bone tal—
MUi Salfnrle.
were himg up. Some men, you know, hat bad hi* reward, for tbs beet fea- Tewb and Country.
of tbs DMdie agd. ecmldc tbs
throw ibeir thlnga round any whri'e-—
diurto, U cleaely Identlfisd vrlto bU
Boston Transcript
name. laMtaic traces of wbtdi toe seen
to to* aable word "chivalry." ,
Msdfttm-Do you wWi to om yoar
dmmitod bnsband's splrttat Mra. WMt“ Wes »■—a.
fietree-No; I want to see hU gbsid.
“Cbarles. t
Joeb never had no spirit—Ps^
-galQc torn any bnatosMr
“Naw. Tbs governor wanted m* to
lent yeah, but 1 'told him. «e«N^
■very tons a i_____ __ .
_Mts, wbsB ba lifigba If adds
kMw. It was Msato -ta bare on*
tradMmsn to tbe famUy.“-Jadg*.





. WET DAILY EASi-g. SATt?Si>i¥,itABeS M, iS)S.
ttlsuucienxand yon! You ale angry"—
"Angry, lodecdr
The answering
voice was well niodulatei but there
was a hardness that rubbed It of plgssIng.
"1 persuaded mother'to come
here In order to be with you. 1 sarrlfleed a week at Newport and for
what? To he shuiuni by that wom­




Hm sky vas briJliBntly blue, but the
wllloYra threw a Mmfortable shade
«rer Eve. She sat looking-off Into tbe
distance, not neetlng-OSe gaae of the
men lonnglbg at her feet. CoprersntlOD, tuually so de|lgfatrul. hung beerUy between them.
••Well, whut is Itr be' Inquired.
“1 was tbinklug I ought to oongratnlate you. Why did you not tell nie>
. teihapB you tboogbl with so fnm<
writer tbe netya must l>e kuotni ofall
the tcorld."Meaning my—engagcmoniV’
Pierce brou^t the words out slowly.
•TVbo told you? ‘ Well. I suppose you
bad to know.
After the holiday
ibonld bare told you mysolL"
"My racatioa Is ended. 1 am learlni:
In the momlng."
ibere was no answer.
"It would be polite to say yot
forty." suggested, the girl.
' "I'ni not In one sense. We can nerer
recall these past days. It's flttlug you
should go with them." Pierce roSe to
Us feet. “May I sit here? I waut to


Pre told yon of the farm,
rawness of life out there In Iowa. I
grew up with one flmblUon. one aim.
to be«>me a writer. My mother. God
bless bfer. could not underaUud, but
Bbe nerer stood In my'path, I worked
ttay way through college, like many anothn. Aftenrard, with nothing but a
trupk load of manuscripts, 1 went to
New York. You can guess the strug­
gles, tbe dllSculUes. At last I gained
a bearing. My first book was a sneced. Through that I met—I met Hilda
Oiauncey. I bad never known any one
Uke her before. She realized my
bition, she touched my imagUiotlon. and
one day we found. ou^elrM Engaged.


"Illldar Pierce's voice raiigc with
a. new quality that comiK;llt"l Ulse
Giunuieej- to pause. Eve long<>l to slip
Sway, but It wns liU|>ossible tvitiiout
dlschvsliig ber ptv.,.-ii<e. Beslil*-*, the
other* would no 'iloubt resume ttu'lr
walk, riei-e .-outiimed:.
"tnieu you wrote me of your coming
I did uot espw't my mother. Iter a]
pearance wuh 4 siin'rW. I've tried j
times to iMTsuiide her to visit iiie. but
filthertu stie Ima s<>emnl roofed to tbe
soil. Now Omt she Is here I |iiin">‘e
giving her tbe holidav of her life."
“What alout me? "
“Yqu? l>ear girl, wbeu you know iny
mother you will forgi-t her rough

the storm wai raging. Cla*l only in a
"nlglilie" of summer weight, the child
was leaning over toe window am, with
ber haiipy II
fare resting |q a pair
••wm*. WHAT IS rrr be mquiBBD.
of chuhby
ihby hands.
Both hands and
face were pattered with the moisture
of your world. 1 knew there could be
of toe falling rain, and when tbe mothno danger to you. As for me,.l value
broke iu on the Bceue abe was Joy­
your fiiendshlp over and beyond any­
ously nH«lTed. and In the terms of
thing OD eartb. Y'ou will let me keep
aentiment that only a chihl might coin
she ezplained her occupation. "I am."

them in my hand I

' fd aa she heard her new acquaintance
eaudonlug the man.
"Be carefnl,
yonng fellow, with that basket IPs
full of home cookies and preaerves for
my boy, Jobs Pierce.
U be berer
Ere lurned and watched ber. John
Pfei«e her son? Bo this was the little
mother he had told ber of—the mother
urbo bed effaced herself that ber kpn
ml^t have his wish!
After dinner Eve sat on tbe pordi
Atone. Boob she became oonedoua of
a couple pausing near. With a throb­
she remgnlM^- PlsMO’e I


O. P. Cmrvar & Bro. On nceounv of the last
* Pl»h mnd Gam*
will be In their offiee daring buai-

Fur consultation regarding toasooa
"Not jnany men knew bow to buy
wat^" aald a Jeweler, "sad to a large and terms eaU at Academy of- Husle
extent toey bave to i^ly on tbe boneety

mornlnga, I to IL

of toe dealer.

emy and realdace

Bo compUcatad U tba

buatness toat even we go to tha tae-

She Was XttaeKfd attd Stahkee

difference between a filled caae and

BeU 'phone, Acad-

Making and uytng. Featoan renovat
ed. Work tborougbly aao promptly
Agent for MichieanBni

torlea oareelTsa and axraage for speeUl work in ord« to get toe proper ar­
ticle, for. of course, we could net as­
say every case we receive.

Ington street

Tbone No. 4».

-Now, how many people know the


tinifm - tsstsr She

Was Bconrf In Her Hems.
A. Strands Cass.

that Is plated?

A filled case, ^ou 'aee.

is a composition that reeemblM-Mael,
with a plate of gold on each aida that
on toe quter being thicker than toe InBlda Snto cases are guaranteed
to wear through within flva ten.
teen or up to twenty-flve yean, tba
limit of toe guarantee made by toe
49M07 wnhele Biwto. Baatdaee
reputable bonsee. If a man offers yon
a ease warranted for thirty or forty n and U WntoMp Ttmea
yean you are gtdng to be htmkoed If
yon buy It When you see wattbea of­
fered for sale aa gold filled for 88 or
8< depad upon It they are plated, and
mighty thinly too.
"In toe matter of watch movemata."


OouFunipUou, develop as the direct
mult of cruel, persld^nt and m.vste
rlous penecutloD. bas ended toe life of
a pretty Welsh girt named Edith Da­
vies at toe age of twenty-four, says a


Boot Wall Too Loag.
peoiile ke.‘p the flowers
they have
plucked for you until toe
0 your fuueral._ TlieIr songs of
, of
praise are not hoard rinlll your proces­
sion is passing their door. The msDtle
of charity does not be*-ome 'pnblic propput In use by the preacher
who conducts the "last sad rites." If
s man has flowers for me. I want them


■led .Varaes or C
Voglantcs. 3. Tnrlij. Slgsalkacy. C. Pari

No. dl—iBsenlosi
Insert a consonaot between the cov­
ering of an animal nod to be iniicbtcfl
for and quake wrinkled.
Insert a vowel between ago and my­
self nud make sport.
ert a c*
consonant between to go' In
0 get-.. and make undertaking.

srtll someOlaes I.

n traC
L'nleas you know tn? wuou Is made.

L A ct
2. TTie Inflniilrv of ,nh Irregular verb.

To strike: to gain an advantage.
An aplmal.
The home«r one kind of anlmaL
Smirk by. Route sudden calamity.

B and 3 letters forming igitqble.
B an4 3 letters forming unfruitful.
B nud 3 letters forming a snrety.
B nt>d 3 U’ttcrs fornring a storeliou
for produce.
B and 3 letters forming a combat.
B anil 3 letters fonning a young creatore.
B'und 4 letters forming a .kind of
B nnd 4 iettera forming n vessel.
B tinll 3 letters forming 'without hair.
B ond 3 letters forming a pack of
B sod 2 Ictters.Yomilug a sadc.
Sad suit UsBCiTi
Little Harty-l'tu htln^. t didn't
get bnlf enough dinner. •
Little Elsie-M'hat did you have for
Little' Harry ~ Company. — Philadel­
phia Pivss. -

or JENS C. PETHSEN. Maiu|er

faiAory abont 8,000 movemats are
made every day. There Is certain to
be haste In that sort of ontont. and^toe
name on toe dial does not make up for
ImperfecGona To avoid ttcM a first
cUm Jeweler arranges for several himdied mevemats to be delivered a year
"A strictly first class movemat re­
quires six months exactly In Its' pas­
sage through toe factory from toe be­
ginning to toe flnlsbed product ready
to offer for sale. Such goods are tba
stamped with toe name of toe firm for
which they are made and toat firm has
to stand sponsor for them. The Swiss
watdi. In Its higher class. U toe best
In toe world today.
course there are cheap Bwlaa
ments toat yon can buy for 83 or 84.
bnt they keepgood ame."-Kanaaa aty

Why It I. Bur to Bhoot Off tbe Hi
or Oae or Tfarte Ssalce*.


three yean ago there waa no happier
girt In toe village. Then, returning
home late one evening, she waa srtyUld by an unknown man And stabbed
with a knife. A Bwanaea blaekamlto
was arrested e few dayi later, bnt ha
proved an alibi and waa teased. Min
Davies recovered from her Injuries, bnt
ber nervous aystaa was shaken. 'Tbs

—3 of
d ber Ilfs made ber e>Istence a misery. Eadi letter, wbldi
was Is printed dtaractera, was band­
ed to toe poUce, wbo fc^t dlUgent
watch. Later to the sane year Just
as MiM Davies was going into bet
home, which was that eveslng empty,
a man and woman, supposed to have
been disguised, sprang at her. took her
Into ber home, gagged ber and bound
ber to a Uble. Haring done this, they
deftly ransacked drawers and cup­
boards until they found her birth cerHfleate, Tbls they carried away, leav­
ing all else btoind. Borne time later In
toe eveulng the unfortunate girl was
fonnd In n state of complete collapse
bound as the myeterlous mannders
bed left her. Tbe continual strain on
ber mind was such tost she sickened
nnd went into consumption.
Edlto Davies bad relaUves in too
Her parents keep a little
restaurant frequented mosGy by trip­
Tbe Mumbles Is only a lltUe
place, and everybody knows everybody
else, and yet when toe man and wom­
an left toe bonse on toe occasion of toe ;
t outrage they vanished as com'plete. as toougb toe earth bad swallowed
them- Cnfortnnately toe vIeUm was
too frightened to give anything like
description of her assailants.
Not toe least skillful work of toe poor
girl's persecutors was toe manner In
which toe letters were penned,
were printed in a style snggesUre of
schoolboy's bandwrlte chances of Ides "
were reduced to s minimum,
•tsallng of toe birth cerUfleate was an
- ! whldi suggested that the subject
toe ontragea might have been the
daughter of some people bl^ In pealUoa wbo were aniloos to prevent any
PorelMs claim on them in the future
and who, with toU object In view, de­
sired to destroy posMWe -evldsnee of
IdentlllcBUon. but toe facts of Miss Dtries* parentage did not In any degree

KSt to (he Pastier.
. 2G.-Strnnge Behea,aings:-F-lute.
E-staie. . S-plaah. , C-rude.
ennh and can smell T-here. S-lasb.
They will do
No. 2T.-rew. pills. Pupils.
goiol .sifting tit the head of my coffin.
No. 3S.-:DlamoDd: 1. r. 2. Cid. 8.
Tlie gms.s tiuit Is ke)>t green about my
Bacon. 4, firtlon. 5. Chill, fl. Rod.
lait rretlug place will be of little avail •7. N.
le on Oic other shore.
Here Is
. 2f>.-Glris' Nauiw: Jean.
where 1 need the flowers and tbe smiles Belle. Ruth. I.ou (looi. Carrie. Sally
and tbe praise, not over there. , If the Nell. Eve!
fellow who la going to go around
No. Sil.-Eulgma: RL-ohe, ou-e.
the after I wm gone to see "if
No. 31.—A Cube:
_J ■
^d toemselvea tp “Y »»<* coastruoan be of any help" will come
Around tomorrow I can tell him how
toe first 01
in be a whole lot of help. There
- was stabbed,
win be plTOty of them. It Is all Bred
doubted attempt to take ber life, a
abort now. Carry your flowers to the
living and s
threat wfalch was contained In aevenl
of toe anonymous letters, tbs perpe­
the dinner i
trators of toe outrage did not. when-at
funeral.-Osborne (0.) Pai
length they bad their victim in their
power, attempt to Injure her. The gen­
eral feeling at toe Mumbles was and
Is that abe was toe victim of a
What a sente of security In on old
««*plracy In wblto three or four parbook wblA time bas criticised for ns.No. S2.-Oeogrnphlcal PuMle; Portfr
were concerned, bnt fte why and
mouth. Kingston.
bare been ahrouded In mysBooks arc n>vn of higher stature and
No. 33.—Double-.Kcrostlc: Prlmals—
toe only mcuj(bat speak aloud for fu­
ture times to bear.-E. B. Browning.
Crosswords-L War 2. Age, i Led.
WeAbould make toe same um of a
Tag. 5. Era. 0. Bhu(bart)). 7. Sin.
book that toe bee does of a flower. She
l. Cot. 9. Oil. 10. The. 11. ToL
Two Oo«4 Polsto.
steal# sweets from it but does not in­
No. 84.-Changed Inltlala; At, bat,
3be men who lets toe otber^cBow
jure IL-Colien.
cat, hat mat vat
do all of toe heated talking alwv*
Books arc toe masters who Instnict
. No. 35.—Just Little Imps: Impair
t^ bed of toe aigumaiit, It U
us without rods and ferulre, without
Impertlneht Imperfect
••M. HV aleo occaslooally eoapas a
hard words and anger, without clothes
rwd beaUng._Detroll Trlbirae.
or money.-BIftoard de Bury,

, In Uils wide world there are several
things that are swifter than a rattle­
snake. writes A. W. Eolker In Pearson'a bnt toey c-------------------------- -------------ed on the flngen
these things U a ballet, whereby hangs
the explsDstion why it Is easy to shoot
tbe head off a rattle, alihongb a marks-


ItU tt.


Offkt treeihc Cendl fissw. State lato Bdt.

A Good Investment
Citizens’ Telephone Company’s stock has for years earned
and paid quarterly c-asli dividends of 2 |>cr cent and. has.
paid thf taxes.
You can buy some authorized capital $2,000,000. Pair
Insorvice nearly nine years, over 20.000
telephones in the system. Further information on our
stock call be sbeiired ntt addressing the companv. Grand
Rapids. Mich.

E. B. FISHEK, Secretary.


Tty na «rp«clai arrangaacBt. BO! PJKAITO.
ISTWMt wasafaetiirvr
to ibr
ottlalr Xoinca. Perfanr*. «ic . will glT«. t» rcadrr* of tbu
pnpot. who will rot wat tbla ■dvenlaomcnc. ■■nplco of ED. PINAUD'8
aod ELIXIR OE.STIPRICB IFOB TBB TEETH>. Tblaoffcrla made, aa
wo dooirotocooolovotha pobllc. orratbor that Mrl of tbe pnbUe wbaar*

Oie nock of the reptile and the tip of
Its toll.
It bas long been regarded as a enrions colncldace that even tbe mat
famed for accuracy bas bad no trouble
in blowing toe bead off a diamond
back. In toe diamond back country

that dees the aiming.
At close quartecB toe Instant the
muale of a six sboote U thrust tewaid a rattlesnake toe Infallible eye
catches tbe range, and In tbe fraefioo
of a twinkle toe deadly ht^d has align­
ed Itself. .As'tbe gun roan and darts
Its toogtie of flame the head of tbe
creature Is torn«iean as If severed
with a knife, and tbe viper lies wrltoIng. emitting a defiant ratUe era
Its grim, relenfles* heart ceases Its
A Chla«


» TMelc.

China for many yean tens the follow­
ing story In lUnstntlOD of tbe peculiar
knavery of toe ChlncM character: A
■tout gaUeman well known In rajna
years ago feted at Taiwan
for two or three days, "tos observed of
all obsenera," be being an Immense
good spedma of a tranaatlantle Angio^Saza. but the series of
(TOwded visits be received at length
bacame.trooblesome, and ba found be
was being made top rnneb of. Tbe fact
wu be iw being exhibited, a charge
being made tar toe exhibition.







Conditions vs. Theory.
Tbe new “400” system of handling sales evolved
and perfected by the National Cash Register
>p uccoant of it
Companj-, was, op
its practicability
mplicity, an assi
and simplicity,
assured success as soon as it
saw the light of day.
Seven years
si>ent in carefully experi­
menting before it was, presented to the great
world of merchandizing.
The merchant who is ‘-waiting to- sec how
it turns out” is simply denving l<> his business
the greatest force tiiut hiu. thus far developed
in the 20th century m»-rcb:iiidizing metlnyds.
No progi-essivV iit.-i-churit will do his fullest
duty to his business wlio tl»*es not investigate
this'new powerful inl’in-iu'e. which means in a
word, the complete .m.i s.tlisfac-tnrv solution of
the great vexing picbl. m of

Quick Service and Protection.

E. W. Kelley,
507 Wilhelm BIIl


I ^

The Right Kind oNob Work
for the Right Kind of People



My maxims are never to begin a
book without flnlahlng It. never to conalder It without knowing It. and to
study with a whole mind.—Buxton.
A book is good company. It ta tall of
cogversatlon without loquacity. It b
nnt (trended at
,t------------------ ______________

You think that an opportunity must
^and-HeUo, Jones! What do yon
------------- Uy be sometolng great and
of tola for weathert Jone*-rU
annsnaL but the fact _
la toe stepping
stone to the i>hic<. above
hove you la In toe toU yon when I come back from toe
always sure to got full
very thing .vi-<
doing. In toe way hMher'e, i
the subject from the
it matter what It

nor Jealous if yon turn to other plsasursA—Bestoer.

People who appreciate neat and artistic
work are always pleased with the kind of
work we do.

If you

would have


kind of work, let THE EAGLE PRESS
haveyour^ork. We will do it on.time, too.

^ I

■ I
InvaBd-Tirt doctor says 1 mpst
Nve up ns for goofl."-Oomert w* .

oaying. ^hntalf. 11

Wm. H. Steffens

Cement and Building Materials

wn«» <fce Meew.MppeA.
One Unie girl has bk«n possessed
since ber babyhood by a fondness for
the noise and pyrotechnics of a thnnderstorm. On due occasion when toe
father and mother were members of a
dinner party at Yonkers and toe yotmgtheu about five years old. had
tucked under tber'overa for toe
ui^C a Btorm-caou! up. Tbe deluge of
raJn was acoompaoled by toe roar of
celestial artillery «ud the Incessant
play of llghtnlDg ou the night darkened
IToiupted by a natkral so.
cltude, U
uioiher of toe little one ez-

•T am staying at the hotel. Let me
. assist you." Eve took the basket The
. womao demurred at first but finally
accepted assistance as a neighborly
- act and together they reached tbe
hotel A porter met theih. Eve bade
. him care for ber companion, file amU-

Th by »ia n th' brnng dck.
Whne 11 bt bon hO Ud. .

WUleA Oe-M. PUteS OeeM-od Oea

Cruel Persecution
Pretty Welsh CM Led
to Her 1>eath.

years that she has left the farm,
on EDCb oecuslous niy wife most
member that she Is niy mother.”
"AbBiinl, John. I marry yon, not your
ill.v. You have ability, nmbitlnn; 1. the letters scattered
Find, her surname In the space In fron^
position snd money. I can help .vou.
of tbe girl's fight nrni.-Ncw York
e sbrhuk
have aided you already." Eve
farther luto the sliudoYv of her chair Trllmne.
and thrust her fingers to her ears. If
•Co. SH—PeiitlTes and Compnrallrei
they wouiil only go! Pierce's voice
[Example; rosillve. to withdraw;
came to her ns from a distance. "Let ns
vompanitlvp. u uie<'lianiviit power. An­
end this unworthy discussion! I offer
swer—Lejive. lever.i)
e ond
enllli; a
. >u ‘
? of the
Part of the iMolg: bne wlm hejis dialowering myself
to the association of your family—no."
To Interweave; a shallow diiili.
•There is my mother—no one else."
•Tou have my answer.” Miss Cbauney thrust a chair aside, and the swish Oae hundred floats will trade ile,'Ure:
f her silken skirts trailed
Five hundred floats are currents of air.
In s hundred starworti wc cruet* see:
porch. Tliere was a Bllence, broken
A thousand starworts win governors be.
presently by _a man's sigh 0/ Infinite
One hundred deer for maps we take;
Uef. Tbeo came tbe sharp striking o. ..
A hundred gfi-ls will orders makematch, and by Its llglit John Pierce and
In s hundred rules birds' feet behold;
In a hundred totters rocks steep and boh
lookiHl Into each other's face.
One hundred tresses the time will tell:
Pierce threw awav Lis untitled cigai
Take five hundred rugs to make you well.
nd blooked her path- "You lieard"One hundred tricks. In these you ride
Five hundred trick* might pierce
"Yes; I am'sorry-she Is angry nowside
One thousand tricks, where goods
"Eve. tomorrow' holds always the
promise of something new. There Is Fire hundred clefts are snowdrifts colA
DO going back—I would not If I could, A hundred pauses when we're tired
Are lulls of plumes, so much admired.'^
speak"A hundred slays which framework msike
iiow—not here!" Ere OiftaV
.Are bods
beds where babes their rest may
One hundred trees, despoiled, laid low
little from him. "It Is late. I am leav­
And branchlea*. heavy shoes wUI show.
ing In the morning"—

bad so nearly thrown away tbe right"


By aiipplying the mlMlug vowels 1
the followiog line# you will get a t«i
of a very familiar poem:

correspoDdeut writing from SwaUKea,

•'You are li^t—noi
brute to have thourtif of IL.Jt won't
be the same when you are gone, but It
Is only for a week. Eve. I shall
to you at .Toiir hohie. Give me a word
that 1 j
bead, and ber eyes
"When yon come, say what you will.'
And she was gone.

to meet the train.'
"We are friends?" he persisted.
"Of course." she agreed lightly. He
seemsd about to speak, but swung sud­
denly, on his heel snd left her. She.
watched his long sUIde
11 of bis t
her Dps trembled
"No-danger to you." site repeated
slowly- How should, there be’/
was only a girl, and It Is unmaldenly
for woman to give her love before It
U asked. The chsttcr of life- belongs
to'women: tbe impofunt tlihiir< are
reserved for the men to say.
Eve walked restlessly do»u the
road. The bieath of the sound cooled
her cheeks, but she turned inland to­
ward the Tillage.
"Young lady, am 1 going right for
the V.’ashington hotel?" The speaker
was a little old woman, with briak
energy beyond ber years.
She was
Uden Leavjty with a large telescope
' bag and a market basket. Eve nod­
ded. "Yes. follow tbe road.”
"Ifs a longlsh way from the d«K>f'
.ITie woman rested her burden on the
' sandy path and wiped her brow. .
"You shonld have teken a carriage;
- those iblngs are heavy.”
"Ah. my dean" the trther langbed
cbeefily. "I'm used to doing for uyaedf where 1 come from. There was
a pack of men shouting to help, but
1 mlstntsted I’d ever let eyes on my

Her Life
A "Burden

a« aaoke or drink for a par.
-Oh. weu, ha Wowe ndJl hart to

to raa5S^4n^t*T*rt

tai CAJXT/EAGLE, SAT'tiitttAir.ltAfiOa 18,1604.


tmder arme. fitting u'^ieotBeth aeh
Notice U hereby given that the Calls aiwwi
of courage, than to surrender unto tbe
diagrams «
at Shane’s barn
BpanlanlB, who, if they orerthiow tu,
r-DlsL No, 1. t
will take away our Urea with cruel tor- LESSON XII, FIRST QUARTER, INTEIh
h the City Clert
raverue City State Bank Sulldlng;
mnu." qia men were aa detenslned
third floor. Suite 811-812
aa hlmeelf, and. forming up, they faced
tbe Spaultrda end opened fire upon
Clan. Alma, BL loau^ttbMtm.
them with their muskets. The bnecstwcon Front .
7>*tdt of a ^uecanotr neera bad always been noted for thdr
«> the west line of the
itng west to
22 feet ri lot 8 block
maricsmansblp. and BrakUlano and bis
Who SoUmd ih€
men emptied a saddle at almost ereiy
a rnm A-oeteUm.! erse City, Michigan, and that the fol­
aboL After en*hour'a hard fighting. In
SpanUh Main.
400 SoUd Gold Rlikip
Rea^ CatatA
(be Bcenes and lowing territory be designated and Gener
which the buccaneers’ mnskets did ter111 Wllbelm block
esiabjlahed as a special sewer dUCHct
•eents in Scripture which so clearly to be assessed for the bnlldtng of said
reveal to ns Ood and His lore and onrA.*Otnturoxu M0td ##r* tA*
"^The easl 22 feet of lot 6, lot 7, 8. 9,
•eires and our slofnlnese!
ttf ih* Tiro^, Chi^f
parcels' snd
DSC. 4. 1904.
' IS, 14. and the east 22 feet
gallopetLoir. 1-be plyites walked o
"Kochm Brxwfffano — HU
if'tel'I’lCblock 5, orlginal'p
tbe field and knocked out the brains
bralnt of
iiist iw born from abore; we
Coxtradt Mrf Cro0hy.
Lots I to ?n Inclusive, hi
At 40 p^ctdlscoimt
the wounded, or, to use the pblloeoph- are actnal sinners, hut we msy become
1na1 pi
icsl buccaneer chronicler's own words,
Lots 1 to 18 Inclusive, block 11, o
"snch as were not already dead they wells of living water: we are utterly Iglnal plat.
Hie blooilUiirsir
■ who in helped to quit the miseries of life with bnpolPDt but without human loatru- ^lyjts 1 to 18 inclusive, block 12. ordayB of old wer« t]| Bcon^ of tbe the ends of their muskets." Only two mentallty or ordinances lie can make iclnal plai of the village (now city) of
II MB and tbe Bpauldi main of the pirates were killed in this battle, na whole: He enn satisfy our hunger Traverse City. Michigan.
. fi-ed tbe hungry. And
We most ralac thin anoat
Notice is also hereby given that the
and wUoae oefariona deeds hare In­ and tbe remainder mounted the borsea
reminded that wi
of money to antisfy elnlma
ly council of the City of Traverse
spired ao many WTlteta. of stories of Of tbe dead Spaniards and conUnned bUnd. but He can give os sight and
itT, Mlcblcan, will meet at-Ahe conn«< onr ercMtoc*. No rca>
the ‘-blood and thonder" type are. their lourney more qnickly and com­
I rooms In said city on the^Tth day Office with O. P. Carver A BroA, Ne,
to open tbe eyes of otbefs. Like
ireh, A. D.. im. at 7:30 o'clock
207 Bast Front street
They were within A abort ride of Golp m. aaii
ud consider any qijectione

' Ih «
fo Ttiete when they eaw. anriiored off
the proposed sewer as (above menand 6:60 p.
the Bbore. a small man-of-war acting without Christ having
L C., 12). blinded
without God
>d C(Eph. U. 3.
H. P. -MOfflA-ER,
'oai^ this 9th day of-ilarch, A. D..
aa guardsblp to some canoes that were
of this world, wretched and isnn.
Ora. Pass. Agi
_____ __ ._____
loading timber. BraxUlano reconnol- ^erable and poor snd blind and
Agent ■
tered tbe ship and canoes snd cams ked (11. Cor- iv. 4: Ber. llL 17). our liras
back with a determination to capture
'Traverse Bay tent. No. 186, K. O. T.
waste and void and dark, but Ood,
MM.. Mmtdar nights in 1. O. O. P. hall.
Ahem. The ship wae strongly manned.
O. E Helges. Com.; Goo. B. iKlIof darkness, can shine In tbe dsikert
Pursuant to a resolntioei of the city
bourne, R. K.: A. Robertson, F. O.
would not gain his end. ^ the heart (Gen. 1. 2; II Cor, Iv, 0).
Lssed at its regular sei
morning when a part of the crew were
h 6ih, 1806, noUce Is 1
It is to this day a common belief
ashore In the woods he and bis men ap­ (at If any one la afflicted there must
that the City of Trat. ..
Traverse City Chapter. No. 147, O.
propriated the canoes and. launching
S. S.. meets in Masonic hell the Tues- ___ ,.-,jses to make the following
public improvement vU:
tiiem. peddled.up to the man-of-war
and captured ber with astonishing ease.
: Toronto University. Office
A s4ardi for prorlsions was made at
line of Maple street In said city,
once, bnt tbe hungry plratea were dis­
the speclflcaUons, plate and 'dla^
18 at Woodman hall h
appointed in Rnding bnt little food in
and sin la at the root of aU snfgrams and estimatea of cost have been
Or 6 and 20. Ch
tbe ship. There wsi. however, a qnan- fering and some aufferiug may be
filed1 by the Board of Public Works In
Boston Bacon
Uty of BsIL so they killed their hones,
_office .___________ _ _______
leed by pnrtlcblar Individual eln, at
block next door to Dr. Higgtn.^'
cot up the meat, salted it and sailed
aminatlon. That the city council ...
the caae of the Impotent man (John
Equality lodge. No. MS, L O. O. P.. designated the dUtrict to be assessed
V, 14). yet If jiarenta have blind or
meeu In Old Elks' hall Thursday even. for said Improvement all the lots,
Their lucky star was In the ascend­ duf or dumb or palsied children there
lands and parcels of land fronttog and
ant again, for they fell In with anfi
good Tcaaon for thinking that
abutting upon Ibe proposed )mp^ovl^
captured a merchantman laden with g ■ome special aln 'on tbe pert of tha
Best Comstock
ment vU;
mixed cargo and a treasnra chert full parents lies back of l(.
Lots 22 to 42 inclusive, block 12, .H.
tog. Both -phones.
Tbe xIcknesB and death of Laxarus,
A Cte.’s lOth addition.
the brother of klartba and Mary, and
or brtore tbe full ot the moon. E3l/>is 1 to 21 Inclusive, block II, II.
to Indulge in excesses. It was no un­ all the sorrow of the atetera were for
sr E -White. -W. M.; M. E. Haakell. L. A Co.’s lOtb addition to the villag6
common thing for' a plrata to spend
glory of God, that the Son of God Removed to Office over Fir-: Natienel Secretary.
•) of Traverse City. Michigan.
iw city)
2,000 or 3.000 pieces of eight In one might be glorified thereby (John xL" Bank CltlxeoB' phone S2B.
Tbe lots to be assessed according to
night and. awakening from a drunken 4). Who would not be wUllng to be
frr.nlage thereon.
Good Picnic Hams
stupor, find blmself pennlh
meterlal on which the Son of God Mercantile Co.’s block. Special s
O. P., meets every Tuesday evenlnE
A. U-, ivvv, ac
might show HU power and work the
ear’ nose and thro
D. C. Shorter, N. O.; Lee Horneby. Sec.
e morning to fi
works of Him tbataent Him? (Y'ereet)
the fact that he must go to sea again Thinking of Him aa the Carpenter of
T) rerse City Aerie, No. 383, F. O. lions thereto.
Bag 1. meeta in ForetBre hall, TneaDated thU 9|h day of March, A. D.
at once to replenish hie purse. He sail­ Naxareth. one baa said: "I pray, 0 Special attention to eye, car, no»
day renlng at 8 o’clock. Cbarlee A. 1905,
Best Comstock
ed for the coart near Campeachy, Master, let me lie as on Thy bench tbe
throat Glasses Sued. Office o
;t,.ty. P.; O. L Clapper, Secy.
i. M. BEERS.
rriildi was always his farorite haunt favored wood; Thy plane. Thy eaw,
iMeriesD Drug Co.
City Clerk
but for fifteen days he cruised In tbe Thy c
neighborhood rrithont any nteceae, and -thing
^er the People’s Savings bank.
atnuse to say. little known to modani at last he and his men lowered away
ceadrns. Perhaps this fact Is doe to tbe the-boata and rowed aUently Into the the world (I 9; vUl. 12: xU.
P.; E. L Davis, Scribe.
written word which all speak of Him
. ditonlcler Esqoemellng's caUoos
Is elso a light (Pa cxlx. 105. 130), and City Opera House block Both ’Phones.
those who are bon of the Spirit sod
tbe .word. Into whose hearts the light
mrilng was hlmaell a pirate, and m
has shone, being fiUed with tbe Spirit
can bardly expect him to be ehodteS
and the word, are the light of tbe
ding, Roor
0 am. eoi
lentUt, -I
at deeds In which In aS probability he
world because of tbe life of J«
north and BODth.
took part. Ihe'
ide manUest in them (Matt v. 14,
English, Frendi or Dntch, and the mosT
18). We are nothing and can do nothWalton tor north and south.
DR. 8. O. SA-WYH
typical spedmeu of the plnte chief
apart from Him. He must do It Crown and bridge wora r
4:00 p. m. for Northport.
was nndoobtedly Boehe Bisall]
Arrive in ’Traverse City from cMinoe
. . yet He pleases to use sometimes
Office new YnihdBi bloc
ting main line trains—
human Instramentallty. Is not "
1:28 p. m, 8:00 p. m., 11:40 p i
clay, made of the earth and something
9:00 A ro. from'Noithpon
that rtiaraeterlzed the men
from' HU month. enggesUve of tbe elnParlor Sleeping care at Walton
under tbe bUdt flag, Boche was a
Der born by tbe word of God? He put
lorth and south.
Dntehman by birth, and the surname
rite clay on tbe eyes of ttie blind man
C. L LOCKWOOD.O. P.andT. A..
and sent him to SHoem to wash It «S
Oran Rapids. U1j2
and thus receive bU eight He who
loved to speak of Hlmeelf as "aent of
p at Jamaica and serred as an
Ood" (thirty-four times In this gospel)
ordinary seaman on eereral 'expedi­
sent the man with the clay on bU eyes
c Trav. Clty..,9;30a.m S;50* m
tions, "and," says the chronlder, "he
to wash It off In SUoam. which means
Leavea Platte River 10:28a.m. 4:28p.m.
bebared bimscL' eo weU as made him
"ient” (verse 7). Being born of God.
'S Honor ........ll:04sm kisnp.m
DR. 1
both belored end respected by all.*’
Ho uses na to open other blind eyes
'Smplre vis-E
ntlet. Ne
Lore and respect, one wonld think,
provided we are wUllng to be.waabw
AS B.U. R..16:10om
A. W.
were not emotloni common to tbe piuS, to fall back into Him -wbo eendi
Uterlochen . .10;83Am. 4:4Tp.n
reto breaet: but with e dne allowance
and uses ua, that Be may be gioi-lOed.
for the enthnalaBm of riie boecaneerlng
We have tbe treasure In earthen vee City Opera House Block. Room
ecrlbe, we may conclnde that, from the
sels that the excellency of the powe
plrete’i point of rlew. Boche wae a
may be of God and not of ua for wi
sarisfectory and able comiade.
aw not Bufflclent to think anything as Untiet Office SOS New Wllh
One day dlaaendon broke eat among
of oureclyes, but our sufflctency U of
Cltisens' phone No. 682.
tbe plratce, and a dlscnaslon arose beOod ai Cor. It. 7: ill, 5). If we wonld
tween a number of the crew and the
be need of God we must hear Him say.
plnte chief, donbtiess regarding tire
"Behold. aa_the clay U in the potter's
. S*65p.m. 9:26A«
- Kd.
share of plunder. The outcome -was
hand, so are ye In Mine band.-' and we
Arbor .......8:, n:a5s.m.
that the dlBsendent seamen severed
must reply. "O Lord. Thou art onr Fa- General Insurance and Real Estate
their connection with the ship. Eodie
Money to loan. Office over A V
ther,,wc are the clayr end 'Tbou oitr
r City and Prov*
Formerly owned by F. Eckler
Frtedrich'a ahoe store
BraxUlano was among them, and, in­
out leave at 6;2o a. m. and S:50 p m
potter, and we all are the work of Thy
S!1 East From Street, has
Trains from Provemont and Cedar
deed. It eeemt probable that be was
hand” (Jer. ivHL 8: lea. txlv, 8). The
—’----:d snd moved by
raty arrive at 8:14 a m. and fi:48
tbe ringleader, for they made him their
least desire on tbe part of tbe cUy to

W. WITTE, Anyone ivmg
Trains } main line aarrive at Travcaptain. A small vessel was procured,
be framed or made anything of may
■ plaee
repairs at the
eree county.
Clty at 10:50 a. m. and 6:4? p. »
. and Boche brazUlano. but a Uttle rriiBa
prevent our being used, for Ao flesh
Traverao City.
F. A. U1TCHEIA,,-Gra P Agt
before a pennUeaa refugee, found himaball
d they
JENK8. Agent
The man who bad been blind wae M
self captain of a ship tmanned by as
« tbe Igovernor and flung Into prlsdaring a crew aa ever was afloat
the governor’! Intention to changed that eimie of bU neighbors
>t of them, and BraxUlano bardly knew him. 1, too, have seen
hang the lot
tbe outset for In s
exerelsed hie wits to aave hlmeelf and
115 Park St
his meni By tbe eld of e friend in the after the light ebone In. In a recent
bound from New Spain. Tbe pirates town be censed a letter to be
letter from Porto Rico Mrs. Ferrando
Clt. Phone 7gS.
tbe governor, purporting to come from writes: "It U wonderful to see bow tbe
pirate cruising off the coast warning entrance of the truth changes tbe
Im not to harm tbe prisoners, for If whole person. Even tbe faces seem
, ship. Their hope of finding a rb*
not the samei so greet U the change of
d the (
cargo aboard wae reallxed, for the quarter to any Spaniard that «var feU
rjuanUty of plate which their search Into hla bands. Tbe governor was In­
revealed was enough to make each timidated, and he released the prison- Christ he U a new creature; old things
are on their taking an oath never again are passed away; all things are become
they steered tbe big vessel
to commit an act of piracy. Tbe plntee new?" (II Cor. v, n.l And nnleee
■rtcre they set to work In their nenal took the oarii cheerfully and wen pro­ there U In some form a very manUert
fashion to fritter away ttelr newly vided by the nervous governor with a change U there not renson to Inquire
found wealth in as apeedy and vUa a paasage to Spain. It wonld be pleasant If there U really n new creation? One
thing 1
manficr as their depraved mlnde could to be able to say that this waa tbe end mnat be able to say.
suggest BraxUlano swaggered end- of the story of Boche BrsxHlsno, riie know-tbat whereas I •
boasted in the etreeu of Jamaica and pirate, but the chronicler declares that I see” (verse 25).
This new life U, however, so costly—
soon made hlmeelf a terror net only Iteriie end hU men "soon returned to
to rile mariners of Spain, but to the Jamaica and eet forth tp sea again,
of It, the open
confession of Jt—that
inhabitants of Jamaica itself. HU
ig greater robberies sad n
sriUlu to pay the price. Sec what M
cruelty to any Spaniards that ware un­ den than before."
cost thU msD-^vllIng and cxcommnlucky enough to fall Into hU bands
nIcatloD''>ere«e 28. 84. margin), but
was InvsrUbly flendUh.
On hU
The Fim thevA
cntlses be wonld from rime to rime
touch at smaU -Spanish settlements to
On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY’S HONEY AND -TAR
It the**®
revlctual hU ship, plundering and wast­
ing the land remorseleesly. snd he ^vely eel aboot'4hat deUeate opsnfor Coughs, Colds, and Lung .Trouble, several manufactufers are advertising
even roasted aUve on spits some men tlon. "tbe firat sjiave," an Inaoeent for the Master esld.
of you that forsaketh not all that be
who refused to tell him where their nbtorfnge to whl^ a youth
imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably
bath be cenfibt 'bc My disciple" (Luka
Btorea were hidden. But s bad day
Xlv, 83). ‘The servant U not greater
came for BraxUlano and hU vcesel.
known reputation of FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR.
than hla Lord; If they have
When cralalng in eeard* of a rich
L terilfle atorm aroea.
Me they wBl also persecute „
XT, 20). How ptUful' to be blind ao4
Wa tha pirate eblp wae driven aground
yet fancy we oee! Far better to knpw
and became a total wreck. XD aboard
Ber Meatal ExerriM.
(thirty In number) were lucky enough
"Why does your wlfs belong to so we ere blind end cry: "Lord, that
originated Honey-and. Tar as'a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get
to rearil the ebore In a canoe, bnt they mtny riube and debating eorietiaer
found tbemeelvee on e lonely part of
"Well." answered Mr. Meekton, "I mine eyesr (
mainland, with nothing but tbetr mus think Henrietta feeU the need of men­
Ko FWrtber XeeoasKr.
keta and a Uttle ammunition.
tal exerdse. She lUuo to. get away
Maud-Well, I see Mabel GarUnr
They decided to make their way aloni toom home and be among people where
Remember the name and insist upon having Folev’s Honey and Tar. Do hot risk
bon after aU these yehre has glTSB
tbe coaeA to Golfo Trlite, one of Am rtie can’t here her. own
places where the t
an argumenL"—WaAtogto
your life or health by taking imitations, 'which cost ypu the same as the genuine.
Whafe the reason?
tbe habit of rcfltdng their rtilpe, bnt ai
they srere trndging along, the ptngi ed
Foley’s Honey and Tar is put up iri'three sizes—25c, 50c and ^1.00.
hunger snd thirst already tortmlng
r be Influeneod by extanal spthem, a troop of ~ ' * *■
1 foemlng your
peuad. ISte odds in fet proftheS
Bosntlfnl la the actlrlty whlrit -work*
lards ware ihore than dSM to ona^ b«t
kndw riiat be end bis BHR tant rale, tor many a noble aptitt h for good, and beantlfnl the atUlfiea
oorered by habOlBents of porerty, nUtt walta for good; blMOd tho eelt
oooid 4*^ ne mer^.
.-while not imroqMetly a rtwwy «xt»- ■avlico of tho one, blaand tto nit f«»
fte toncoali a Tmala of tho faaaart frtMBsn n (ho oftn. Idbert OoD-

A “Piraie*^
Bo/rf Lifti






IOC lb.

.loe lb.




J. J. Brezina

..Better than ever...


For sale by all
I dealers In Traverse
City and vicinity


Bii^cles & Sundries



Witte’s Bicycle Shop







fQLEY’S honey and tar you do not get the original and genuine.


Pnparsd only by FOLEY & 00., 92-94-96 Ohio Stoeel, Chieage, lllinels.
S. B. Wait & Sons;



Churcb notic«s «rc iDMrted free ud
putors *re regneeted to brine 1° <
Ucet not Uter then 5:30 Fridny eft.


Rec. C. T^Slout, rector.
«olr eonnunlon nt 7;S0 a. n>. <
cept on first and iblrd Sundays of tJ
toontb. Uten at 11 :U.
Mot ■
at 12.
Bmin» prayer and semon at 7.
OoaBnnatHm Instnietion In tbe
. CburcV every'SuDday at S:46 p.,Bi
AU sn* cordially Intiled to tbe

Labe, wbo.for the Ian flvi- y><ura has
hM lu tbe enipluy of the .\UMir;ilun
goverunicni .u» a so. in eorvl.-.- ag.-nt
resd tuore like :i. voUiiur of Mu^rlook
Holmes' adreuTtin-1 ihuii •■hH|>ter>> fmm
the life bisloiT of a living ileteetlve.
"i always biid
■I, - be hsM nwiitly.: "nud L.V.
' worked at It slii.-eil was sinlie ii youugster.
**l had a friend lii high otUee at Bcol
laud Yard who knew my lihlug for deAab«»ry .li. E. Church.
'^■livc work, aiHl lie lotrodu.i-d we to
Ber. HuKb KenMdyrP««W. .
. Class meeUne, 9:46 a. m.
a Hecret sei-vlie agent'of the Austrian
Mominf semce 1D':S0.
guveriiuient working iu l-ouiloD.
Sunday eehooli 12 m.
latter at niief elTereil to |Oiy me
RpwoRb Leasue, 6 p. m.
arj- to assist him. aud for twelve
Svenlne senrlce. 7.'
Prayer meeUna Tbnrsday erenlng. months 1 worked as a secret service
spy. At the end of that pa*lod be otT:J«A «>rdial rrolcome to these eenrloes. fered lu n-taln me lu the secret vervice.
"My first duty wa» to ^go a bond in
Church «r Christ (Disciples.)
London that I would never dl
TlKwaas P. Ullom. pastor.
Qiriet hour. 9:30 a. m.
Morning worship. 10:80.
Sunday tchosl at 12 m.
tetermediate Endeavor, 5:16 p. m.

Bvonlng semon at 7.
PenoecosUI prayer tni
at 7:30. • ;
•ia'r evening,
rangellstic service,.Tbnrsday even■ ‘fi.

r Endeavor Saturday, SrSO^p.

Class meeting, 9:80
...........g service, 10:
.Sunday school at
Epwonb League. 5:45 p. m.
Evening senrioe, 7 p. in.
Junior lieague. Thursday, at 4 p. to.
Prayer meeting, Thursday evening,
'at ::3l>.
. ,
Baptist Church.
Ret*. \V. T. Woodhouse, pastor.
• Morning, 10:30. '
Sunday school, 12. ,
Raraca Bible class. 12.
(Junior Union. 3:30.
, ■'h. Y. P. U., 6:15.
Evening, 7. ‘
Bible study and prayer neeUngs on
Tuesday- and Tburaday evenings ai-

All arc cordially inrUed to the


MX/iilfEU CJ^SB.
don. , where I was endeevoring
up more thread of the Inqutty upon
which •
- -*On tbe Noooud night after our arrlv.
al In the lYench capital I invited him
to dine with me at tbe well known
Cafe netmola, in tbe Hoe Montmartre.
"While sitting at tbe table I noticed
be got ruiber fidgety and at fast suggestial that be iiad better leave
flnlMi dluner alone. On Inquiring the
reason he called njy attention to a
adjacent table and Informed me th»
he kuew tbeyn and^t would be better
for me not to he seen In bis company.
"On looking acron at the group I recognlaed one of toe men as a relative pf
the mnrderer of the empress .of Anstrls. I pcisuaded my CO .
leave hoiriedly. A few momenta later
obe of tbe ocenpaota of tbe other table
notifiM ns snd, after scmtlnlzlog tu
tor a (lme,*roee. came over to oar.table
and addreeaed my companion In bis
native teogne.
“At the flnleb of the conversatidn tbe
two men raised their beta to each oth­
er, and my eompanleo. tunUng to me.
begged me to come outside lasmediately. Once in the street be tnmed to
walk toward the open benae, and I
asked him to fMl me tbe meaning of his
strange bdiarlor. He wonld not anewer a word ontll be g 5t ti ti e comer
iptly and aald
‘"Ton are only a young man. and
you don't want to die yet do yon?' /
‘"Not tr I can help JL’ 1 repUed.
clntebed my revolver In my overcoat'^
podteL thinking be meant to attack
vice. I have done yon a yttle service,
and.yod bare done me'sevml little
kindnesses. Od to tbe commissary of
police, aek him tor a protective escort,
and don't stop traveling until you are
out of toe country. If you don't follow
my advice Tied Wool" wlU end your
career. An rerolr and bon voyage,
monsieur.’ and be Immedlatdy turned
and walked away toward Cook's tour­
ist offices.
"From that day to ttaU I have herer
succeeded Id solving the mystery, for
the tollowEhg morning my companion
was found dead in toe Rne Arcoloetabbed to toe heart with a knife,
round toe handle of whlto waa tied a
bow of rod wool."

r Ninth and Wads
Adswor^ streets.
. R. U. KoMhple.
_ja. nomlng class meeting.
:1BS0, morning worship. Sermi
12, Sunday school.
3:80. Junior Y. P. A.
6:00, Senior Y. P. A.
7, evening goepd service.
Chorus choir meets for rehe
Thursday at 4 p. m. In tbe cbnrc_.
UId-week prayer meeting Thurs­
day evening.
All of all classes are welctwie.

At toe trial recently of k mka.diarged wlto Rtobeiy at Uanebester, Bng- land, according to toe Londwi Otebe,
‘ It was announced that tbe lock of his
ctii door wonld hack to be picked by
a lockamito before be could be bron^t
CqsIupsh or iny.ut»creat)oul«
my rvlatives or fricude. Not even my toto tbe dock. While tbe aitlBoer piled
his tooU on toe door toe priaoneriofwife knew my real bocnpatlon.
“After elgBing tbe bond of saurecy I fered expert criticism and encourage­
was tent to Tienna to famlUailze my­ ment fbm the Inside. He did oot think
mwto of toe bungling amatenr. There
self wtto Auafirlan ertmlaala.
“By far tba most extraordinary and was a similar Instance not long ago In
-----------thrlUIng case wlto which 1 have been lAnctthlre. The
a aafe In court, a barrister,
CMiiieeUd waa that of .(be murdar in w
Qie Boe Areole. in IMrla. ms -Jan. EL who had Just got a prisoaar off for
J. 1902. Tbe murdered man was an Abs- bnrglaty, suggested that his client
Helm, aupertntendent.'
tdan by birth, but for a minor ptdlticai wooM open It for them. This be dM
Meeting tor worship, 11 a. at. ^
offense was eenieuced to serve seven Instantly with a piece ef string and
Junior EtodeavM-, 3 p. m.
years' banislimcDl from his native two balrplna.
Senlor^Etodeavor, 6:45. p. m.
cotwiry. He went first to FYance and
tioapci meeting, 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m
took up bit residence lu Paris.
All are welcome.
"1 first metblm In December. I'JUl. in
Paterson. N. J.. and, baring obtained of othera--Flcldlng.
Conier Wastot^otTand Par^stree
■Rev. U B. Bfssell. pastor.
Uoming service,-10;30.
' Bible school at noon.
Christian Bndpavor, 6 p. m.

The Row goaeee DagoM *• «>
saaM •( rsSIsd hovw
The atwwgeei of til etmaf* *
matir he toe aanstee and toe <
Tbe totter Irtoe mermaid «f
lore. The dagung hve in flecks aleBg
toe.Aboree of toe Indian ocean, tbe Bed
aea and toe gvif of MAnaar. «bera
browse 00 aeaweed and river vegetath
dtopoeURn. and especially la toll shown
In tbe lore of tbe mother for her off­
spring. yhk* to much stronger than
toe ImtlDct of self prceerratlon. Nei­
ther kill the male Ie*ve the female tf
she be attacked, amt Instances are on
record where toe companions of toe
nunatee getoeted rooud and made an
effort to withdraw llic deadly harpoon.
It to suppoied that tbe rode approarii
to the human outline observed In tbe
ehape of tbe bead of tbe dogong. tbe
attitude of toe mother In ctospini betyoung to hex breast with one flipper
...................... with toe other. boMIttg both above water, and suddenly
diving and showing her flablike tall
when alarmed, gave rise to toe mer­
maid myto, flrat toM by toe Arab aeamen. JuIcb Tene gives a tbiUlIng
deactlptlon of toe capture of a dagong
In toe Bed eea. when its flesh waa deelKd as food. NatunaHata teU ni that
tbe flesh of toe manatee and toe dngong much reecmblto well tatted pork,
of pleasant flavor. >nd to hl^ly eacteemed aa food. J'or this reason they
we Budi bun^d and are fast be­
coming extiort^^eld and Stream.

Frotueor W. F. Barren. F. B. &,
says that tbe birthplace of tbe mod­
ern dlrtnlng rod, whether need to locate
minerals or water, waa In the aalniag
dtotricts ef Germisy. probably toe
Ears mountains. Its flrat recorded nee
wee in prospecting for mineral ledee.
Tbe first mention ef tbe ms hf the
modern rod was in toe latter
toe fifteenth centm?-. Booki
In toe Btxteentb eenturt have pictnru
of miners searching for mineral veins
way by noting
willow rod,
are' beld in
toe banda of nn exiiert.
German mlnera Iimoabt Hie fo^d.

Ward Ho. 2

Dated. Maroh U, 1906.

«rtd^toWart^2 wil ^ 1^____


Ward No. 1.
TaUc eenena tf t.
Meeting 22 ^egat« toatteodA^ibUctn CUT oonvanuon called for Thnraday, March 23, 1906 and also for too
nonilnatioo of caniUdatei tor ward tffloen In bald ward, and toe tranaaoi
tlon of anch otoer bnalneaa aa may
come before toe oaaeoa.
1905. au also for the nomlnaitm ^
the enioltatSon
m^ltotes for ward officers in teUd '
of the -Coroleh mluea.. rrof^toor-BarM Md toe transaction of ^
rett points out Ibal tbe droqping diaraeter.of tbe willow waa probably be­
- a u BPBAQoa
lieved to bare aoiuethlug to do wito toe
mtnmti concealed In tbe gronnd and
that “It wee bnt natural to ent a light redding in Ward No. 3 wlUbe hdd at
brand! from one of tbe trees and to toe Primary school bnUding. comer
w5?No. 2.
aee U It drooped lu prospecting tor Tenth and Onkm streeu. on-Tneaday
ores." Tbue the “dewelng rod" came wToaiM*,
evening, marco
March *i,
21, ISUO.
1906. at 7:
Into universal nae among toe miners of oictoek tor toe purpose of Meeting 82
t auend -a r^ubUcan dty
tea to
Europe, altbongh it was soon believed ddegatea
itlon. called tor Ttoinday, 23. 1906, et 7:80 O’dock for thf wrthat only certain persona bad the gift
March 23, 1905, and also for toe nnnl PO»e f*,^U«,lJ.aelegatee te atof iwiDg the rod.
natleai of candidates
for ward offlceti
In said ward, and the
each other buelD
Beetor'a Wife (to village
fore toe cauena.
ward ofDoers In aald ward, sau
Wen. I b(q>e yon tike our new evate.
-the trsneaction tf tdeh other bualneae
Oeoew-Tet, ma'am, toank you; wo
as may come btfeae toe canena'
like him yery well (rauae): not. bowWard
I When We Kaew
Chairman Ward Com. .
erer. that t think hr'e aa finent a* we
Dated March 11. 1906.
Dated Manfli 17, 1905,
• Whteh Itesanes tie.
had a Tlgbl to ex)>ect. seeing aa hie fa.tber waa an anctloueer.-London Tele­
Ward No. 3.
regarded In toe past as very alaple.;
Oayal Bhowed toat tbe spectfle brain. REPUBUCAN CITY CONVENTION. residing in Ward No. 4. will be held a residing In Ward No. 3 will be held
cell to an Ind^endenl unit provided
A repnhUcan dty oonvenOon to the engine house, comer Casa atree at the Primary school building, corith and Union atreeta, on
place In nominattos candidaterfoKlly and Lake A
with multiple pMceasea. by
March 2L 1
Thursday evening. March 23.19
23. 1906. at
which it U c«>eble of acting not offices, and to tisneact such other b
•;30 o’clock
n’nl/w-U for the pOTpoSe of
as may properly oome before it, purpose of.
through <ae ntrve alone, but sereraL
log 16 delegatee
tend a repubUcan city oonventlon
attend a Dei
This tndepefrf^ bieln unit or cefl M
cratlc dty
-veotJe®.1. ea
ed for Tbnrsday. March 23,1906.
called for £
caBed a neunm.
irday. March
also for tbe nerntnation of candid
25. 1905. and also f
23, 1906, at 7:30 o’dock.
Mmple lUuatratloo of bow toe
lallon of candidate.........
Ward No. 1 will be entiUed to 20 for ward othceis in said «mrOmd*to
said ward, and the trans-’
works la furnlabed by our not In­ delegatee; Ward No. 2 will be enUUed transaction of such other ' '
B before the t_____
action tf such otoer bnsinesr as may
frequent hunt toe a name or an Idea to 22 del^ntee: Ward No. 3 will be
come before the caoens.
f: d, MAavm.
which we know we paneaaa. We tod entitled to 82 delegatee; Ward No. 4
toat the name la there, but we cannot to 13 delegates; Ward No. 6 to 22
Chairman Ward Com.
recall IL We get various names near ddegatea A total Of 109.
Dated March 17. 1905,
E. H. M-OOT.
It, begtonlng'even wlto the aame letter
Chairman- City Committee.
or the aame vowel sound, yet only aftat
B. Cook, Secretary.
minutes or even hours does it actually A.Dated
Uinaocrotic caucus of toe voters
March XL 1905.
occur tens.
residftrg In Ward No. 4. will be held
A republican■ canena of the,voters at toe engine house, comer Cass street
What la suppoted to happen la that REPUBLICAN WARD CAUCUSES.
retfdlag In Ward No. 6 wiU be held at and Lake Avenue on Thursday eventoe particular ceil of Intellection which
AH repubOcane, and those Intending B. J. Hana* store, 901 Weahlngton
W ''
Ing March 2__________
3. 1905. at 7:30 o’clock for
are odng torpws out Its praeeai o work with toe republican party, are street,
on Tuesdey evening. March 21 toe purpose of electing
elecU; ‘ delegatn
among the cells of memoiy for namea, cordially Invited to participate In the 1905. at 7:30 o’(
.’clock, for the pnrpoee tiend
. ._ a Democratic t
and. tooodi this proeeas 1a broo^t In caucQses called below, in their re- tf tfqctlng 22 (dtfegatea to attend a called
died for Satnrds
Saturday. March M. 1905.
connection with edb contatnlng dml- epectlve wards AU these caucuses to repnbllcaa
... dty canvention called for and also lor the n

tor names, It to only after a more or
Thursday, March 23, 1906, and also for dates for ward officers in said wkrd.
tees prolonged eeerdi that It hits cat toe IsL There will be elected In each toe'nomination tf candidates for ward and tbe transacUon of each otoer
right one. It to iu tf the td^bone ward three members to aerve on to
business as ma>\oome before the cauOT.BUCh oth<
operstor In tbe central offlea tott city committee for toe enaolsg year.
e b^ore
around blindly for toe connection wnntwill certify p
Chairman Ward Com.
^ and only after patting tba plug Into
r of the city
'Dated March 17. 1905.
vatioua bolea emtsaBy atooefc tba
e namea of the d
proper one.—Dr. Xoee^ Watoh In BookWai^o. 8.
torers Uagulne.
I Thursday
Dated March U. 1906.
eTenln& March 2Srd. 1906.
K. j: 1
____ _ _
delegation elert-nne member of the
streeL «a Thursday evenlM; March
23. 1905. at 7:90 o’tfotfc. tw ton B«po^tf Meeting
tfs^ 11M
11 MsS
. mh tD.At^
. ..
■fler oTbSiloertfk cfty conventlna caBea
r property oome before «t br
.. satnrday.
March 26,1906. and also
J in Old Bka' haU. Cfty for toe nomination of candldtfaa lor
Iras never befora aware that ray face
A.repnktlcan caneua tf the voters opera house, SaiuMay evening March ward officers in said
made eoch. a good mirror," retorted
laid ward,
and the
1905. at 7:80 o’dock.
tTODsacUon of such otoer bnsineat ns
toe other. The answer wu kU the residing In Ward No. 1 wUl be held at
the Grange baU on Casa street on
fard No. 1 wUl be entitle
ay come before toe caneua
more pointed from tbe tmA that Cur­ TuMdAT evening, March 21, 1906. at
Ward No. 2 will be
ran. despite bn unrivaled fotende 7:30 for the purpooe of electing twenty i« jf del^tte;
Ward No,'i wufbe
Chairman Ward Otun.
analitiet, bed a somewhat evil vtoage. delegatee to attend a repnbUcan city enttUed to.16 delegatee; Ward No.
Dated-March 17. 3906.

ttoit cauid"fr&S!^,r‘M^lfc- T-




Social hour, second and fourth Wedn^ays in tbe month, at 2:M. e
at *?'»**'
Thursday evening.
All are welcome to all the servf^s.

to 7.del9gi
deUgalea. Ba^ i^beua abotfd Meet
cqnunlttee-tf throe to atfsAr^
«>»kl«g year; alsoomam- 'ddegatinn to eerva on t
miuee on credcmtlala
. >







-r----. .









CL d--------



Fourteenth Street M. E. Church.
Rev. J, W. Miller, pastM-.
Class meeUng, 9:46 «. m.
Preaching service, 10:30 a. m.
Sunday school at 12.
Bpworth League at 6 p. m.
E^lng service at 7.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, evenings.
ai 7:30.
All are welcome,


w.i.y.eiiauuMai .vnuren.

Rev, D. Cochlln, pastor.
Morning service, 10;30.
Sunday school at now.
Y, P. 8. C. E., 5:45 p. m.
Sunday evening gospel meeting at 7.
Brayer meeiing. Thursday, evening,

Rev. C. Mlllsr.

— German Evangelical Lutheran Saint
-Maitbaeus eongreeaUoii.
.Service. 10:30 a. m.
All Germans cordlaUy invited. •
Coogregatlona'l—•rte next neeUng
for drawing nearer to'ood and deepen­
ing the spiritual life, conducted by
ihe Rev. Detoss Cocblih, wiU he held
Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs.
C. J. Kneeland. 840 State street AU
are ec^dlaUy invited. Bring Bibles.
Those wishing to unite with the Goagre^lonal church at the next cc
munloD service are rednested to mi
' In the pastor's study at the close ..
the morning service.
Church of Christ—Morning subiect.
. 'iBvery day chrlgUans;".er«ilng. •'Will
not the Judgp
ell the Baith
it tbe Preabyterlan
church, the Rev,
: B. ....................
lev, U
preach On •■The Mothers'
evening service.
Oraec Episcopal—The Uilrd lecttiro
day evening

appewuctu ana pentomua.


a Maw LHe.PlUs,

M. Flannary.


P Ooajrana

■9 ajj














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