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The Daily Eagle, July 03, 1903
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
VOIi XL NO 3180.
MIDBUMNTM CLEARAJ.CE bale you ever heard of, In Furniture.
Btovn, Ran9^ Creckeiy. Glaeewero, Cwpete. Rugi, Mattlnsa, 8«wins Maehln^ In fact anything you need in your house.
E bought extra hoavy last January,
a.. WE have' had the heaviest six mi
of a....................
goods. WE 4iave ■
bolstered rockers, Mature wrill close out at once, away down
what the Inexperienead furniture dealers can buy them for ... .
24, large, besutHiM leather spring seaL lhahogai
fini^, piano polish'rocker, (worth B18J») new-.............
Our No. BB, large, massive, high back arm rocker, mahegati)
fah. plam polish, large leather upholstered, spring seat I
>r beck, (worth B1B.75) now......................................................
fy*^"wriN FAa
Oeeislen of Buprmp Court Clem All
Baagat. Me,
CsdtUac. Mich.. Jnly 3.—Osdfilac and
days Uslae la Uk«& to bp In (act irtiatBig BaiMs have now played
•BON WAS MENTALW DERANGED It la snppopsd li be-» probfMtton CHAB. BOWER’S HOUSE COM
IS of bail, two In Bg Bapids and
stater Kerer witH mw haa coaMtathree in Cadillac. Cadillac
at the Bsmes snd..^ R^lds two.
of llqnor anyubvA In MaUe 11 a aawere credlli
edited with shutk)on-ke€pW mu
io mbalt to
arrest and Bne Aooi twice a year.
Even in the aty pf Portland the late
The Father Was a VeterwT of i
Great Civil. War.
(Special by the S
Canal Dover, 0„ July 3,—Last night
Bert DHoni agih) 32, who was mentally
deranged as the result of a fall years
ago. shot bis father, Dr. Janes 'Dixon,
C6. iu the forehead becadse the
latter was about to eominlt him to an
The doctor, who was Buffering with
a slight attack of smallpox at the time,
died soon after being shot The p<»
was arrested. Dr. Dixon was a soldier
of the Cim war.
)ust like cut a very be
and strong made rocker,
(worth I15A0) now.... $10.76
Our No. 83. juat like euL a
very large, beautiful arm
rocker, fine quarter amred
oak. piano pollah. part of
k it beautifully uphels-
WE have 82 more different styles In the very highest grade jeat^
or up^l^red Beat rockets. Bothe of them have baeka high enough
io a man e1x feet, two Inchea can'rest his head,
mutt al|i| go at qnc<
qnce. to, If j
' high grade rockers do hot miss thesg.
in cheap geoA to close
' Wf have odds and ends Ip evening
• »s than Factoi
Special by the bcrlpps-UcRac.)
Rome. July 3.—The pope is passing
through another period of
and it is difficult to give him sufficiect
nburlsbmenL ViCMnte
ported during a private audience with
tile pope yesterday teat his bolli
said: -T am certainly Ul. I believe
my days are niimt>ered;’
Antrim and Ci
X Ceuntiea Will
if. fV, SLATER
Long Wenrlng COTfort i
Giving Shoes for Hen ang womtn
. ¥hey iD^ke life’s walK ensy, .lust the tbieg for J
* tired, aching feet. You wlD not have to break them k
in. Comfortable as an old shoe the first time you put
them on. 'Found only at the^shoe store of
Bachant Sc Roscoe. I
I^rker Bros'. Old .Stand-' >
ao8 Front St
ff ff
[ne*L ll|ht In
' buEineBS.
50 Candle Power
For tbs currsui of (C 3-10 c. p.
■•'y U 111
l-y which
colors nay rc;i'!ijy •I.*- .listincviishrd
Campbell Bros.
Don’t Let Our National Holiday
It Isuoltoo late tofimi what yon want.
Ooratoek it complete: In'fact « e have
many fine suits on hand owing lo
ihobed weatVier conaUiuos
that have
prevailed, that k-ir 'have
have dead
make s special price reduction Hi
time when it will do ymi the nuu.t
good, so Ihat «-.• will not csrrv asiuiile
ssltover to another aeasou. which, i^a
ypie we'.harr always made.
egsalmeFe su4 Woratad auUs.
light and msdlom welghw. richly
Uiiumetl and handsomely Uilored,
weretl-<ajid SSU.now........... $1S
wtll m. an a most important taving of
mpoeyon Iv.ry purdiase yon make
‘ _ ' ■ \
Bvery sccUqh «f thl:« d.-paetment has
andeegbne piice-rrnuva'.iini. and yOB
e^ select a cpii pUe putLl al.l}ic
E. WIl-HEL,yV\
Doot Pall to See Qgr
New lUie or
- eooD CLOTHiNe
Cpmer oCFront biid UdIod.
Special hy the Dcrlpps-HcBae.)
Battle Creek. Mich., JiSy S.~A cy
clone cut through a aecUon between
.Urbandale and Battle Creek last night
The house
occupied by Cbss. Bowera waa deraol.
ished and scattered over the country
leqviag the mother and three smaU
dtiUren antcau^ed on the floor.
U^dning demoUabed the Michigan
Central dqxrt tmer.
I to a game on neutral grounds
for UOi a side. Howard City or Orsad
Rapidt being the places preferred tor
playing the game. Dtekerson claimed
that the game In Csdlllac which
last by him was unfair, as th« -umpire
rank In hu dertslons. .In answer
to the chsUenge Manager Blis of the
Cadillac tsiam says he Is willing to
play a game on -neutral' grounds
any time before the seaaoe cloott
$600 and would rtioose Grand Rapids
as Use place, the winning team to take
not only the beL but the entire gnte re«dpla.
Heavy rain laat night and Inch oC
sanahine Usla morning left the tiaMc
the Traverae City. DrtvtBg Park
poor ooDdlUoB for the iaoea this
aftemoon. It was not nntu after 3
o'clock Uint (he first raee was caUafl.
Starter ae.tn. bad
half an .
hour earUer that the races wodM be
delayed until the Judges oonaidered
the track la a safe eondlttcB.
The outside of the .track was In
good condition but ne^lhe pole them
was water in tfaees and It rs—lned.
supply fur a Ibng time, despite the
fact that evarTthlng poaalbH waa done
ried in Owesse.
to dry It out. TUa afternoon the aun
'OwonaQ, Mich., July 3.'—Plnngeeg
came amt hot bat the wind sms llghL
the matrimonial line are Ira and OaWhen the first race was aanoiiDeed.
(na Thompson. They w«w yesterday
the treck was still sU^ in speu.
made man and wife (or the third time,
The attendance this afternoon was
havtn^ been twice divorced, only to
inch larger than yeaterday. U betmaii^ again. The wcnnnn firat got a
rr (aclUtIre were afforded tor reach
divorce and was -remarHed to Thomping the park, there would be stOl largThen she eloped with Reger
,er crowds preseuL Many peo^, eaPeea, an Owosso gWower. and her
pecially ladles, have an obJecMou ta
huahand reoently got a divorce. Mn.
going ont on bosses, me buss aad
Thompson returned and begged her
bach lines, however, gave as soeA ser
husband to take her back aiM be has
vice as possible. It U understood that
married her again. 'Friends df
lbe^>m-e Uanpieae would have baUt
I WAS PROS- Peca say that b|s escapade has
« spur to the track this yesw had the
him aU the money he had In the worM.
Ly cut.
compear been able to secure raUs. it
$3,000, and that the Thompsoha put
la said U> be tbetr Intention te balld
get bis wealth,
it by neu summer.
i the injured are
The merry chuck-a-lnck men did a.
better buatneas than the pool sellen.
(Spedal by the SorIpps-McBse.)
Dennlaan. Tex.. July 3.—The mokt There was an opportunity for the
serious tains in many years are rag
fSpbclB] by the
ing over north Texas and the Indian
St Louia. Jrtr4^ Tarltory. A train on the Eantn Fe
near QatneaviUe ran into a waabon
andUtbe eagtoaer, fireman and lovr
A dHEnOty wUch
thoee who eome to aay ewer night Ja
secure aleqrtng accommodatlona.
an early hour this afternoon the,
hotels men all fined and it U feared
Uiai some will not be able^ (o gel a
bed of any kind.
fabmeigad and the'Santa Fb and tte
Mlaaouri. Kansas and Texas depots
are flooded. Barty reports
floedh condiUon at
As (ac as known
no lives wwe loot there. It la r«*<wt
ed that 11 railroad workmen were
caught Iq the onrudhlng waters
Normanna and were drowned.
MethodIM and
United Brethren Included.
R. F, e. Service Increaee Said tt be
the Cauee.
PlUsburg, Pa., July
The Joint
Washington, Jnly 3.—Capt^ CasUe,
comm|tt^ reprcaenilng theCongregn. auditor of the treasury for the po^tt|onal, HeUiodist. Pruieatant and Unit oSce department, yesterday made the
ed Brethren bhurches have come to an officia] esUmate that the postal deagreement on a platform tor the union flciency for the fiscal year Just closed
of the three denominatlona.
will be $4.617408. The deficit for the
The purpoaea of.iue goiwal council Prtviotts OBcal year waa ^.^1.170.
which Bball oonalat of coe (or every The increase is atUIRuted to the onor5JKK) members ahali be:
iqous Increase In expenditure* fonkhe
«t law a nra Oast Shoe Naker's Sbap.
To present to the world eome yeaU- rural free delivery aervicc. Receipts
ttlon of that unity of believers whlch,- of hte total poetal service for the
In accordance with the ^er flf our year were $134,268,60$ and expendi
Lord, oeems so desirable amoeg Otria. ture $138,865,812.
tibn ^hufchee.
To promote a better knowledge and
the ChrisHe and Hla Family Spend e Day on
tlan bodies thus
as tar aa poaMble the
Long laland.
Special by the Scrippe-McRae.)
Maw up on stylish last with
unification of kindred organlxaUons
DOW existing In the several bodlea.
Oyster Bay, July' 3.—President Roose
htutvy or light aole.
-To consider methods by which la velt and his enUre ^lly went pic
. lUlfor.fnllbeet,
the BiaSe, annual and district confer- nicking this morniB*. and do not ex
' Hn sum ahd see thrm' before
woes the bodies may 1« brongbl Into pect to return to Sagamore MU nnUl
you buy.
Activity and cr^le un dark. The party will eat lunch some
where on the Xxtng Island shm, six
To prevent the unneoeaaary MUltlaeveu miles from home, and will
pUoaUon of churches and to nnUe weak drop thrir lines irtierever they think
churches of the same nelghbortood the p,roapect M pKaolslng.
New Shoe Btorb.
Ulfl Hlvnd
Wblllnx Hot.,1
To unite and encourage the affUiaUon with this cpuncll of thg Gbrietlan
a eh^tdag a kindred fidth and Have Fallpd to nie Annual Rsporta
aa Rsqulrml by Law.
lABBlng. Mich.. July 8.—Seoretary
MASKED MAN IN TIE ROOM of State Warner has reported to At
torney General Blair the niunea of
some 300 corporations which have tail
ed to file annual reports as required
by the statute. The attofney general
will at
; The leak far ilN Mcrcbaa
unforee the penalty nf $2$ and $6 per
I aad NaMfKUm.
day alnoa Marob I, to which each dlreotor ol each offending company U
(Prom a Sjteqlal Oorre
IMat Jordan. M|M».. July $.—Sariy BDhJecL
g TW
fir the Ubarlag IMg
e this tpornmg M(«- Brotherton awoke
races not off.
found a masked man in tbelf
■leehlog room and she screamed. The
Evart Matinee Oub Will Put
« gatk liMhr riimcr
Kucr tar
rcu mows taOMr i
6n'a coat and troaaMPIlKMn.
anrl. MKfiu J«fe
«• saported
The tyaDsers were iou^ later
that the Bvart MkUaee rinb racea are
§ Tbt task ftr the laScs
Iq the montlng 'near the Methodist declared oS. but ihU Is not a fact at
dnueti whmw they had been dropped trice rioeed with 81 horsea, aad the
by the thief afur'tahlsa.'ttte nfcmay pubHc la promised some good n
In the pocket amounting to about eight Bvart will expend 81.600 to entertain
doHais. The buiglar entered the house the vUitors.
by the front door, turning the key
which had bees left 4a the lonk. Mrs.
Will Serve Dinner.
•me ladlen of Travel City hive
dM n<X gat«. good eneugh
wlU earn dlpnw Jnly ftwrth at
relets' liall nt 26 cenU tar Vfio'
pie eua 20 eenU tor oMIdrea. may
will -also aerve Ice cream daring the
Reported That They Had Been Killed
(Special by the Scripp^McRae.)
Geneva. July 3.—Seven students who
with their maalcn were reported killQ an avalanche at,M<n{ Pishas.
have t>Min found aiUvp l>y searofatng
liarUes. The students were suffering
terribly from exhausilon and oold but
•pocibl in Boys’ Suits
the sale, pioogb
force of denudes apd tse eoa|^ on hU
Now. however, |he Judges of the
supreme court bs'fe given notice that
~M 'j^ Dnited .States InIcrtial revenue oogor stamp will sdbthe posse:apiito a Ja« seni
One, and all
Instead of the u^
Uu^sta hotels-' i r?s«
night •closed ibe l^, yiKdesalms
and within
week every reta^ will have quit
Some think the
make prchiblUon io' bbnoxletts the
people will repesJ ft.'
tormaii. proboWy fatally cut; A-Petds
lof; Mw b. Plum. Insimctor. Wei- motonnan, (atnl iDjartes.
oounty at Manton, eommenolng
August 3: S. A.Carpenter, conductor; PITTSBURG CHURCHES TD UNITE
W. J. McKone, Instructor,
Ve have some extrs fine selrctions
fAmi every secUon of the hoys' depart
Santos proved the dpeedlsat la -the
first beaL Lady ResUve finished seeoad but was set bai^ to last plana
for repeated breaking and running,
i^treas got seoond poaltloa aad
Red Johnson-third. nae, 2:tSH.
Only three <
the 2:23 pace. They were Prank TeL
ford, owned by U. C. Clark; Red Dew.
t Stepped owned by Peter Wnrsbnrg, and Min
Cadillac and The
by Rain.
nie G., owned by the On
Thompswivllle. Mich., July 3.—The
Blst^ood and BiUy Brian
ime here yesterday between Thomp- were drawn. Frank Teitord bad the
mvUle and Cadillac was caUed the best of the argumutaad lead Into the
game at the end of the tenth Inning. stretch but Bed Deer cMe along like
The leading feature off the game took the fleet animal after wblA be Is pamplace in tbfe eighth, when Cadillac ed and won out to a good bant at'
made three hits in succeaaloo but
Apeed. Time, 2:2$%.
Still unable to get In a run. The g^e
Red Deer won Us seenod heat and
wtli likely take the rams.
and' 46 minutes. Batuwtes—for Cadil
In the second heat at the 8:21 trot,
lac. Sullivan and Faim; tor Tbomp- the result was Bnebantms. Lady Res
sonville, Watriek and Waahington.
tive. Red Johnson and Rutoa; GmA '
2:26. Santos finished firat bat was
set back for rnnntog.
2:« Trot-Purse, $$00.
She EnUrtalned In Honor of MnnIMeo
Qnees, a bay stalUkm owned nnd
Hiss Olndya S^angways gave a pro «»L. —----------..Ml—*.,
tock three
gressive flinch party last evening
the 2:46 trot which, until the borsM
honor of HUS Mildred Oagalin of Man
went to the post, was expected and ca
istee, who U a gnest of Hiss Bthel
poned would not UL Swih Medoalas.
owned by Bd. Lantner of Traversa
The first prlxe was won by Miss
City and driven hy BUlett, gavs the
Helen Stout, the second
srlnner aJiard ehaae to the first bsaL
GtouU Miss SteUa Jahraos and Oiarles
SmuTthwalte toede the oonsolation
At the oondnslon of the 8
c HU BIrtMey
Heniy CanJIMd-was givmi a pleas The summary:
ant Burprlse party last evening nt hU
.................. 1 1 i
new borne on Beventh atreoL It was
the ocesialon_ot bu birthday anniver
sary and hte friend#^
. .
with a handsome
wiiUng deak
DECLARED. BANKRUPT.and book case combined.
Tbe'hoQse waa iwetUly debated to
Ueaaeured LtSMIltiea of LmN« nnn
flowers. Coffee, saadwl
and cake wmwerved.
(Special by the Sofpps^ieBaa)
. Detroit, Micb.. July $.—me Leestog
boiler and engine works hna been d»-.
State Be
Wes Member
risred bwiknipt by, Judge Swan to
the district eoart this raondng. Tbri
fipedal by the SwIpps-McRae.)
Constantine. Mich., July 8.-Frank- unsecBred UsMIlttss at t^ oorapeny
•Un Welia, a member of the stnU board were placed at $26,000.
of agriculture, died suddenly at 2
tolsnUfieally I
o'clock thU morning of heart dUsase.
Hril fire, what It is, and whsra ft M.
He was around as osaal ysaterday
la the subject at the djseoam tonlRM.
Ur. Wells was 80 years old.' me fu at-the tabranariA onenra of r
neral will be held nest Mopf
Board of Trade Cto^
(Frtnn a Special Oarrespejs^ L>'
Chlingo, J^R.—me board <d tredf
eloeed today and wW not roopto nntu
r Ttfic ©any eagte.
of trade cr 'tbat U sbooU raise exces
sive reraiuea tran the people. More
over, such a suiplus In a oesstant
TIfE HAOLE P*«SS>»bM*»i«F». temptation to extravagant and unnec
essary awropriatlons. As regards the
second point it. is eouaUy clear that
the people will <not Assent to ny furn In the internal revenne
A «t Ttkvena Citr PostofflM at taxes bn beer, whisky and tobacco.
The only cure tor the surplus Is a revishM)
erbeis.there are no domestic ruptnres
___ ___________
but thM ean be hlessen
ed‘by haring Dr. .King's
King’s New Life
Pills around.
Much trouble
they aare
r tbeir-great work ini 8
Stomartt and
iver troubles. They not
lOt oply
you, but cure. 2Bc at Jts. JMnan’a
and Bngbee * Roxburgh's Drug fltorea.
MM, Mcmday __ ___________
haU. C. O. Bherwood, Com.; C. D.
ItoPolata, R. K.; A. Bobartaon. FTK;
Pnrai^ W^ng. Mattrem Making $tM Street Thooe No. 11*.
Tbe Traverse City Driving Park assoctatloD- is giving a high dsss of
sport at their eecond atmual summer 711 WebsUr St CUtiseDa’ 'phone 689.
meeL The issonlat.loB hss been,
July 1.
large expense In fitting up the groub
and track and in offering purses that
pHeaa In
have drawn s«ne of tbe best horses
weiBhts, all new desirable
shades. Woolens for trousers
Id the state to thU city, for thSM
at 8S >s lent as pressat stock
raqnMtM to BOtllr the ofloe at
reaacuu the asdoclatioo is worthy of
on hand lasts.
of aay ^orc to reeeiTe th« j ,
alt the support which can be expected.
PR9«rt27 or OB tlM M that the faiat
No pleasanter way of spending an af
116 Cass Street
taattaar si the carrier h
ternoon can be found than at tbe race
adled wlt^t delarfraiA. Nothing objectionable will be
found there for ladies as well as
With lair weather tomorrow. Trav- Contorts of-speed are Interesting
Plaa«~TaBer and
erae Clt; wlU be called upon b
iveral good races «1H be seen every
AatiM OaftBlatar.
Fancy Clocks,
Urtalfi aevoal thoneaDd vlaltots.
With W. W. KimbaUCo.
have them carry away a aood opinion
IBS Praat ML
o< the city it will be aMeesary for evSTATE NEWS IN BRIEF.
ery ciUsei. to play the part of boet
in|uette.-John Oonyea, aged 70
The peMer proportion of the visltore years,-hBs been brought to the pen!will be stransers to ue <w ecqualnl- teiKlary here to serve a sentence of
Try 8Uw
aacee at beav hut we muat extend the four years for sbooUng Into a crowd
lag Silve
. wish to
aame oordlality to «ieiB that
of boys who bad been tmthering bim
make. Sundays or week days. Reason
would to InUmate friends. Visitors for some Ume. and killing one of them. able rates. Call Citlxens- phone, 494
are qnlck to appreclau any iittle Pot ihany years'Qonyba was a re
Dock opposite O. R. A
oourteey extended to them. When a spected resident of Masisdque and
Hnatling Jeweler.
kind word U apoken pr any little at much sympathy Is expressed for him.
tention is Elven,
LansInB.—The Isabella County Ssvit the more' 1> coining from persons
gs bank of ML Pleasant, capital J30.who are no( ezpreasly delegatei
lO.'bas been given anbority to do
the pnfpoee.'
business by Strte Banking Commis
’ '
The readineas with which the glad
sioner Moore. Tbe bank vras former
ha^ was extended to the Hicblgan
ly tbe private banktng instltnUon of
Piw Bssoelatlon accounted In a large Webber A RuhL
degree for the good oidnlop in which
the members held the dues they vis
Edjoy advanb^cs ofteibd
ited. It seemed In some places as If
-u TDK scxnic Ajrp
by no other cooeem in'- '*
y. He is ce)ebratlng bis ?9tta
HIBTOBIC HOUTK-----evei7 clUsen was on the recei
Amerioa. They are bnylDg
committee. Let It he so in Traverse birthday anniversary and » in exertof the largest pisoo mak
lent health.
AssociATllW BK^iff. Cbeap ExCity on all oocsaslons when etrar
ers in the world. They
Battle Credk,—Leon Cole; the young cirsioi TIctetA will be oi sak My
are to be ntertalned. Let them feel
yn ot WllHam CoTe, a barber,
Ssd ts Stk.
tb^ they have net been enticed here
merdy for-the porpose of sepanUing rows^ yesterday while swimming at You can travel through
The Tbouaand lalands and
them from thalr dollars. We
Maplewood paiki
rtgned by a rasponsible
tlaplda of the »t. Lawrenaa
some .of their money bst let us give
oompany, and they bay
Kalamazoo.—Bev. H. H. Tlepen
Toronto, the Queen City.
value received and our dty will r
at the factory prices.
who for many-years has had charge
' a greater dtimate benefit than if
Easy terms If desired.
of the Christian Reformed church in
MoDtroal, the Uctropolla,
aueaspt to work a holdtp game.
ibiB city and who is well known
Onabee, tbe Ancient,
In honor of the glorious Fonrth and throughout western Michigan, 1* dead
The Oacoaaay River,
. 'out of reaped for onr viaitm, every In this city, aged 7J years. He had
White MoontalBi.
huslnme place and every seeidence intended to retire from the ml^try
dU affmtsenn'seK tickets via thU route.
ahoold be decorated! Let the stars
a August L
^Tite Jor infomuMon end Ulurtratol
and Btriim fly from every home,
Port Huron.-^ra, Bdward Manski, Ulerotnrej
putting in various colors hel^tmis whose dead
is sthought to be in
the attect and ahould be uaed as lav BL Clair river; was the victim ot
ishly as can be afforded.
Blader. which finally drove her to'
The committyee In charge of the suicide.
oelebi^an have done their work fdthBirww,—WnUam P. Klngas. about
fnlly and have a good programme ts 31 yean ot age. slagle, a frtmer mem.
offer. It wfll be found in dtfail In her ot the Oeman army, was drowned
afo^abCDlauB. There U' somethifg In a pond In a brickyard Z Palhes
BtnUc^ tbds county, yarterday after-
Launch “Cruiser”
Grand Travarae Lodge No. 200, I.
O. O. F., meets Tuesday evenings In
their haU. O. Q. Miliar. N. 0»; C. S.
Johnson. Sacretsry,
Tnasday on or uafore
usfo each full Moon.
Rnnla Sonia. -W. M.
msniActared goods. A Isrge increase
cdpts was due to phenomena] sales of
public lands, which reflect tmusaal
prosperity In the west
That the unexpected snrplos is dne
to increased and widespread IndnsIrial nsavity. Is. of coone, highly
gratlfjdng to the ccnntry. But wheo
the revenne pPoduclng machinery
ereafee such a eorplos it is clwrly
waU fitted to the ttmee. Thesbowthnt l»«nade, pdnts unmistakably
to a retdjhttment of tbe tariff schedulea. to tbe end tbit tie snrplns may
be rednoed and thd tbe Import dnUm
nay be mors selMOfleally ndapted to
PresoBt tadusbrtal oondlUm. It Is
noted that tbe onstoms receipts were
greater ttan the Kdenml rerane reoelpu by over JSd.000,000. The
. are tba* the importation of pnrOy
snodr- wUl be even
trauar dnrtag tha oonlng Bsoal year.
. Thera is no paospaot of radsoad reve■- nnaa in that dlraethm ondar tha preaant Uw.
Tha'wiadoto of a radnaUea of the
mrplaa is ao.plaktly obvMos at ta r«rtolrp ao oxtandad a^mnrtri, and Re
piaoa whera the raifeictloQ abo«M be
Mda to squally obvJons. On tha first
■ Pcdnfwabadonly.apytlmtltUimt
govenmeat aboiild keap
sarti sAHMa.aam oat ofMmrtuMMto
writlDB •gmoc' Insteui
■gtaas* vHdow. but it Is probable that
0 one would uudentand whnt yen
i«ant"-Phlladclpbia Record.
BeacolWor Bloadrrik
A. H. B. of Asfot sent to the London
INdbe some sptHJaiens of "bowlers"
)}• bonrO scliool rhlldren
and coll-'ctcd by a board school master.
Ob tbe tiulim- of gawM. "An oxygon lias
rtgiH sides." In mitral histnry. "A
cikAoo la a tiird wblrb does
eggs," "A moiutulio Is_________
black nnd while parents" and
blitsard Is ttJ inside of a fowl.”
dy we get the rolloulDg:
"The equator Is a uienag^e lion tunDing round '
eurtb and thsongh
Africa.” "A tneridlau to tbe place where
they keep the Ume" and 'Tbe InbabItanti of Parts are enlled Parliltes."
Among answers we hare beard befote
to ^t of tbe child wbodeclareo. "Isaak
WiUdD WBunch a good fiaberman U
ha was caiiSl tbe Jodirtans booker."
waii derided by a patron In a
Japanese shop wtMS tba proprietor
esld; "That •mailer vaaa ntodxjn, to
qtoKo^ JapansM In fonh and deco
ration. That floral patten In gold
aroand the npper half to charactaristic. and so. too. to the exceedingly nar
row and rtwrt neck- The vaae vrill held
bnt a alnrte bloawjni that ahoold be
long etoasmed god atand aprifbt Iha
tbe flower WUl be Indlvldnallsed and
the ram llkeviie. That to the Japanme
Oraco-Jnst see bow morti you Hh
tie wtte lores yon. She made thto
cake toryoo aU by beiartf.
Artbnr-Tei my darling. Aj>d now
U7rtt wui eet ttaji by youartf I atmu
...............................-Vnof «< yoar Ba-
Btiffened and [ladiled to
keep ahape—biiie eergesvfancy home apuns- casaimeies etc.—noaneh lice
elsewhere, ip ' Northern
Hamilton * Gothing ’>* Co.
ooooooo oqooooooooooooooo
Real Eatnta Broker
Is Growing Better
every Day.
Royal Tiger
Corn and Tomatoes
are as good as can
be put up at any
It has got where we bsye
had to put in a first class
tailor to take care of our
. work and from this on any
one buying a suit from ua
wg^will keep it ia repairs
price. Only
15c a can*
Royal Tiger
tall Cftii Salfta^ '
Acme Hy^enic Couches
pants—not only fit imw
Suit Cases
Heavy hardwood tegSt extra heavy
striped canvas seat, 25e value, only
To Close Out I
I Boston I Return Kimball Piano
Canadian Pacific Ry.
fitting outing coats ami
M.; M. B. Haakrtl, Beeretary^.
OolM Mlver.
For the 3rd and 4th
large Assortment perfect,
Travarae Otty Lrodje No. 881. F. A
A. M. Bpedal communleatlon Hon-
Romoo^Mra. Caarlssa lAVene of
make tbe celebintlan the biggest and this village, yesterday oelebisted her
beat the dty baa ever s^!
106th birthday. She was bom in
Paris. France, in 1798, and came to
•URPLWh CALLS FOR TARIFF RC- America at the age-of 80. She is the
mother of seven children, the eldest
Nefwithstaadiag the reducUoo
ot whom Is t^t 7b years of age.
Internal rerenoes throagb the repeal With tbe exception of a alight deafof the war taxes and the increase fn
Mrs. LaVene retains alfber facul.
aPTopriadons the doaihg day of ttie
ties and her eyesight is so good that
flacal .year finds a suiplns la the na
she has never bad to resort to the us«
tional ueasnry amotmUng to 159.710, 'ot gUMsea.
6»0, and an available cash balaaoe
amounting to V31,Me.01t.
In repeaUng the war taxes It was
Ortglu or xcrsaa" Widow.
expected that the reduction in Inter
"Wliy tilsould s womun eeiNimtnl
nal rsTeuMS would be about I76.000,- froui tier Imabnod bo cnlkd n *Kra».<'
000. whereas the adual loss was o^y wldowT' iiskul a yotins mini of ilie
noSquiLiy. ••The term ‘gnuw' widow."
. MI.764,86<. The story o!. the gm
the latter iinnwered. "bas nothing to
meat's fiscal eperati< .■ for the year Is
do with the herlKiBe ou-our lawns.
Mefly tdd liMhe fci: .wing statement 'Omss' Is a nilmiK-lllng. aanitloned by
of receipts and dlsbusements:
custom, of 'graiv.’ In the past, when
dlvortiw were run*, s woman aeparsted
Ssureaa of Revenue.
legally from her hnslisud was enlled n
Customs, ..............................»28S,891.1
Intenal roreme ..............2J0.llB.t66 Mdnca de gratia* by* the Uoman
MtsecIlanooM...................... 44.880,BBX Cbnrob. and the Kmirb tfilled her
*veove de gnicv.' Tbe tnennlug ofliotb
terms ts tbe sniiie—'widow by grniv.'
We took tbe Teuve' from the French
and translated It pn.;>ei lyliito -widow,'
•grace* Wo liieorportrted Into
w ...
lugungp. oilssi>cl'llln!r 1 Ui tbe
Now’s the time for Outing Saits
Carpet Cleaning.
Travarse Caty ta&t No. 871, . K. O.
d*s ami-i^ytGg
eatbSr fsBorab- T. MM. Friday nW>ts in Hsrsatera’
WM tteo^dy asd^gaaqi^
ISC < cau.
Our spring Uoerteemt to be
I Lb. Royal Tiger
Balmnn Steak [
esc a caa.
Thanking ypH lop yourVind
patronage, we remain yours
to please,
Telephone 157.
r nr ar w ir IT |P tr w p* r !*• If *«• r IT*
Miller Bros.
157 Flint Street.
Several Desiiable Farms:
Seven room house and lot
pn I^ndolph street, near Elfpwo^ avenue scbool. l^y
terms] price $1,000,
Seven room house on Rose ,
street, lot 50x186.
$750] half cash, balance
. .
Four dwellings on East
side, reasonable prices,
ietm ‘
• ‘ • ; ••
Seven room ^louse
Nint-h street, stope fpupdat.
tion,cement cellar, lot 50x166,
Price $i,40e.
Seven i-oom house fin West
Seventh street, stone founda
tion, lot 66x172. Prlce$l,400
Enquire at my orrice
for term*,
are the places where you enjoy yourself these daj’B, You should have the
easiest and most comfortable furniture possible. ’ You have a 'summer cottape at sonit_pf the-rceorts, or j-ou are going camping for a wfeek or two.
Have you seen our
Porch Chairs
Sold on a Five Year Guarantee !
Prices ^.00 to $25.00
July CkaiMce Sale ol fnmtore, Sums
Crockery nuw on. Duu't Miss III . . , , .
Is too basy to telk baslsess.
Clothing Hats
Something ontirely new—so many odd shajyes, and tbe prices arb from $1.75
up. These can be used in any room in the house. You should own one of
Patent hammock Chair*
li the latest extension top, tbe occupant being always protected ffoin
■and heat by the canopy top. Therj
l^ave the best 35e camp stool
with back, you ever saw. We have canvass stoQl*^ camp chairs, laCv|i
toes, reclining diairs and porch rockers.
A splendid line of both Mexican gnas.-ind tbe Palmer Hammocks aud
prices arc from $1.00 to $2..")0.
The Easiest Shoe on Earth
• and the easiest shoe vou ever had on your foot l.s the l>!t,
CUSHION SOLE SH6E.* We have just added a full line of
you know the sole of the foot is like the palm of the hand, differs In every
.individual. With the ordinaiy,shoe the friction of the foot on the Inml In
sole is the cause of many ailments—in summer the lieat penetrah-.s. the
sole—in tbe winter the dampness gathci»-the i-esu^lLs ai-e tiiifoiTunato.
The Reed Cushion Shoe prevents all this. It is a dressy shoe, made in vici
kid and box calf and patent calf. Once you wear a cushion sole, you will
your- fcH-t
have no other, especially if your work requires you to stand
all day
-The Cool Shoe for Summer
is the oxford, tvhether you want them to stand in, or to walk in, to dahoe
in or {o talk In, we have them. The-Ladies’Oxfoitls for this femmmer are
daintv triumphs of the shoemaker’s act; flne, airy, stjiish. Handsomar
shoes never left the factory. The only thing fiR-you to do is to own a palp.
Children’s Shoes
We-make a specialty of. The Wee little tots just learoing to creep; want
dainty shoes. The little people who are taking their fiiirstir atep^
stronffor shoes, and tbe older, little folks want^ good stout
ut Bhoe.
tljeso lines aro our specialties,
Official ProgramiTO
‘5 *!l*
that Will ba
Carriwi Out^a Traverse City July 4p 1003.
A salute of thirteen gun-bombs that will be ‘ heard for
The early morning hours will be devoted to receiving
the guests of the (iueen City of the North, as they arrive on
isegular and special trains and boats, and the thousands who
will drive their own teams.from a radius of forty miles.
Ttai-erse Citi
.•i*seCity. The Traverse City Band and the Boys’ Band will
torm as sepai-ate bands in the parade, but later will come
together as one grand oi^nization and will give tbe enthusiiLStic emwjk suiili a musical entertainment as it is rare, to
' find anywhere on such an occasion.
The whole day will be so full of good things that it is
, found necessary to follow one event quite eloselj' with another, but the crowd of visitors willI be so great
it will
not be a difficult matter for all to find something attractive
all the time.
Tins will be one of the most thrilling events of the pro► gramme. Traverse City has one of the most complete as itis
the largest fire department north of Grand Rapids, and the
department will give at 9,-00 a. m., an exhibition run. stertr
ing from the engine houst- on Cass street, north to F»»nt,
where the run will b • continued east to Boardman avenue,
where connection will be made with hydrant^ whije at the
same lime pqrt of the depai-ttnent will run on to corner of
Boai-dmnii Avemie and State streets where another eonnectioa will be made, and water thrown ^from bath---------All who wish to see this exhibition drill must be
Cass street on. Front street, or'on Boardmafi Avenue near
the corners of Front and State streets, The rqn-will be
made with onp' of the steamers and-tlje hook and l^def
H will be absolutely necessary that every team' and
every person should be off the streets where the run is
made, or serious accidents would likely occur., This order
will 1)6 strictly enforced and • must be cheerfully complied
BAIhL GAME-9:30 A- MThis game wlU be played by the well htqown Gray
Eagles of Manistee and the Asylum team. Both are.......
^gffJ'egations and splendid -sport may be .expected, The
game wiir he plaj'ed at the 12th street grounds, aud the
usual admission fee will be eharged-at-the gate.
These will come off on Union street, between Sixth and
Eighth sti-eets. and the events, with cash prises aro as fol
.lows: All prizes will be paid on the spot jn cash.* and en
tries can be qj^le oi) |he grqund.
, gvENT
100 }-d dash......................................
50 yd dash ........................................r......
Threelegged race............. ....................... . LSO-^
.... 1.50 ;
..... 3.00
- 3.00
... • 3,00
BPABaDB-ll:O0 A. U.
“^1*7- , ThU year this dis
play wdl be of maereloua beauty. The
display will be ipade from the public
niarkdt site, on the north bank of the
rlror Just west of/Union elieet. It
M tc iU.poeiUoo on neftrhr streets. will
seenJiOTj the grore^atid
Tho Hne ^ «a«ih will W east on
Vront-to WelHortoo stnwt, muUi to s^t, on the Bouih^SSr^*the"
Wsshlogton. west to BoArdmsD sve. where there is a natural amphitheali
HUB. north to SUte. west •with aocommodatiOQs for fifty Ihoi
south to Kloth. west to Unid
InlOD, north sand people. The bands will furnie
to Fitmt and disbsod.
music during the evening. Do nc.
miss the wonderful pyrotechnic disTUE RACB8-l:3uI*. M. .
Th ese rsccs will be Uie best eecr
rolled off Id Korthern Hirhigso. The
The train and boat eervioe is better
grestesl e-creetn in thji part of Ihe than ever before, and the new t-pelatitsie. Tl)is U the openinv of the
M>chiX«o circuit this eessou. The
Fspes for dnly 4th W'U he called af the
3- * I—Regular trains arrive from
arqur<U nn Prant street—th|: old fair the south at 8:25 a. m.. 1-.26 p, m. and
4:2D p, m., and leave, going south, at
* There will be a SiSO trot, purse »aou. 6:40 p, m„ 11:10 a. m. and 4:25 p. m.
A SIO psor.' purse «00. Mcrchaot’s There will be no necessity for a spec
and Uanufncinx-r's parse, for 3:3r>
paoers, tsoo. Korelty race, parse Sion ial train from the south, ns the regular
Do not miss tlicse races. Sonic of train arriving here at 8:25 a. tu. will
the best horses ia llie countr.v are here. answer this purpose, but there will
be a special train souUi, leaving at
Entrance fee at the gate.
10:00 p. m., after the fireworks.
T- C. W. A M,—Regular trains arrive
■^1|^ exhibition has become an e»
w CIt from Northport at ll:05 a, m. emd 4:20
l>. m., and leave for Nonh|ion at 8:30
of July, am
all a. m. and 1:30 p.'-m, a special will
:be displi will leave Northport at 7:00 a. m.. and relore elaborate Uulanewei- num at 10 o’clock p. m.
fire balloons, animal
mins arrive from the south............
like, while the bomU
— X cxplodt
ilodc at great «,
«!•, tiUkh. m. ai
e fig
figures of
p. m, and from the north at
es. dragoni
gons, animals, rn-6:15 p. p. and 10:05 p, m. Regular
lumets. flags, trains leave for the _aouth
at 6:00 a.
....................... nisny others m.. 11:66 a. m., 5:20 p. m. and 10.: 10
- droll or interesting.
p. m., and for the north at 6:00
____ the day and night fli^works 1:20 p. m. and /i:l6 p. m- The 4:65 a,
,wU» be sent off on the i.ortn side of m. train from the south and the 10:05
the rirer. lust west of ilie market
gronsds. The best point of view will p. m. from the north are through
be from the south bank of, the -------- "flyers,” and do not make local stops
PI;BLICEXERCI8ES-3:00P. Mtpdkey at 6:10 a. m.. arriving at Travplji W«I
City at 9:00 a. m.. and retymii '
«Q<rndi«, South Side. V the weather
frill npl allow this the meeting
will be ^11 leave Traverse City at »;S9 p. )
This eiMielal will conned with E
hald Ih the pity opea
The Rapids
both ways.
nwi lbeas Ipllov
M. A N. E^Regnlar trains arrive
from Uanlstee and oonneetlona at
U:00a,m,an(ifl!jep-md from Prove"'.UMd Mnsli
mont and Cedaraifi: 14 a.m. Regular
trains leave for Manistee
Maaislee and
nections at 9:30 a m, and 3:66 p.
p m.;
for Provemont and Cedar at 6:20 a m
A special train will leave Manistee for
Rcadiug-DecUration of ind<
lravers6,CUy at 6:00 a m„ connect^ -r. bv Rev. T- l>. UUom.
mg at Platte River with apeclal from
•f A«'drx- a by UoC J. W. Patchin
Jhnplre, arriving at Traverae City at
Thla w ill L- an old fashioned P
— -.anistpe.aad con•o| J«r nie«Tug, j«t.t aucli is w.
ppeUota ati:40 p. m.
• . regular
“ 1^?
train from Pavement and Cedar
i-'Ill'I E nnui'—7.311 1’. M.
- Thia will beuueof the-preat cv<-nu
will r^n'rn"*o“th“t
of Uteenlire dav, and all u ||o puMiibly a*l5S^ti»ln
points at 7:40 p. m,
pgpahanld remain to wBik-^« i-. pud
-Boau will leave Northport at 6:00
TUa aacen^lob WlU be made f ou
low gtound on the south bonk of
viMrrJiist'west of Union ■traet. and and arriving at TraTewe Oty at 10:00
^b< made .by the noted aeronaut. oi.?
eilbL rJ. Llddlc, who has made hund- City at 10:00 p. m.. after the fire
^ aaoeosioea Prof. Liddic will works. A special boat wlU leave Torch
t« a great height,
id or-more feet f
a himself loose fr-wi
ooUng with terifib: speed se
tdf«d-faet before the parachu
Traverse Bay line of boats will
Ofaa. when he will £at bat
■ aliori exeurslona on the
-- - •
ssss..' assy5:»r.fisr.!
O. P. career! V. W. CARVER.
O. P. Carver & Bro.
On aoeoimt of I lie last
“FiRti and^Oame Law*^
will be in thel office daring boaibeas bears, eacl, day, ready to wi
The Waathv.
Clondy with local showers and tbun.
flerstorms tonight and fiaturday; fresh
to brisk e^ to south winds.
There was a ydung girl from WestChester
Whose fellow stole up aiM caressed
“Come,-kiss mel’’ be cried,'
But she blQShed and denied.
And refused to begin till he prasse
her.—Colombia Jester.
Howard Elliott went to Cedar thia
morning'on bpslnesS;^
Mrs. J. H, McOoiigh has returned
from a visit to her old home at Lockport. N. y.
MIm Minnie Hubbell of 607 Front
street is ylSiUng her brother, James
H. W. Hubbell, In Chicago.
N. E. Globensky ef 'Aiden visited
bis son, A. S. Olobensky of Fifth
street. y4i]prd|iy and attended the
MIsa May ThompMn of South Boardman arrived in the dty today for a
vlalt with her niece. Miss Jennie Ha
ger, of 1064 Washington street.
Aid, L.' K, Gibbs is expected home
today from a lengthy business trip to
the property of the Gold Reef Miping
Co, |n the l^kc of tUe. Woods district
In Ontario:
Tlje postoffice will be open July
Fourth frop 7:0U unU| 9:0(> o'clock
*, ni. and from 4:00 until 4:30 p. m.
The usual morning delivery wUl be
made by carriers.
The Rev. John W, MHIa, O.-O., of
Chiqtgo. a classmate of the Rev. W.
K. Wright, Is expected to bo present
and to preach bo^ morning And <
ing at tbo PresbyUrian church on
Miss Grace Helsdn of 215 North
Spruce street was pleaaanUy surpris
ed by'some of, her friende last nlghi
the occasion of her X8ti birthday. The
evening was spent with music and
gaihes. and refrmdiments of ice cream,
cake and frnl^ w^
rtlicran rrtu
TMterdv trtet »
to New Ywk.
Atlantic City *nd qiilMao- They
wpre i^mpuied home by h^n. Ott'e
eUter-in-law, Miss Besaid Qtt of Chi
Arthur Eari *tr«b|e gn{l M[N Htllle
Roll Capfl.old.were united in marringe
last evening at th® Second M. B. par
sonage by JlDv. Hugh Kcacdy. The
witnesses were Miss Julia Rohm and
Frank Corwin.
O. Lnpham of 610 Randolph street
has purchased the general gtore of
Dan G. Shorter of Cedar Run wd
on iKMsession. He wi|l move tits fam
ily but ihnrc'at once and Mr. Shorter
will occupy bis former home In this
w^ pain.” wilfes C. W. Brf-
Ungton, Imm“‘n'waf^S^a^a
Salvator Shewed Greater Spaed But without any aRwUte and aU run down,
ito I was (^t to give op, l got a
on Straight Track.
battle of Bectrlc Bitters, and a^
toktog It. I felt a. well m I ever^
Chicago, July S.^Alan-a-Dsle, a to iw Ufa" Weak, alridy, nm down,
the blnocraaa people always gain now Ufa strength
“® Trytolm!
m of, Kentucky, lowmd the ^Isfaction gusranteed
By Jas. O.
world's record for one mUe to l:*7 M
and Hag Tag cat the wortd’s mark tew
seven and a half turlonga to 1:82 1-5
Wedneadayj The woodeiinl speed
of the record breakers made thy day many on the road to sne
Column BiqrciM at Julhn Can«Let them,
of the most events tn turf hit- ■tort yon This is the- greatest
period bairs Bwrth SMe Hardware etere.'
tbe Uoiled
IniU- States has
■tory. The Washington Park track,
for comdema
carefolly prepared for months by ex ever aeta and toe demand
pet^t Boedekeepers stnd
perts. reached the acme of condition Is inereming.
Prepare yotrself at A. B. CDHTIS.
tinder tiie favorable weather of the last
Ire prepared ma
k. B. CURTIS & CO.
We shaU add a
< and rendered poasible the senAd. Writing nert year?1*hlch will
BBtional performances.
^ to thoee taking ih. ‘
lerclal or
AlanA-Dale brought the mile rec
Fire Joantanee.
ord down by one-fifth of a second from
ror‘*tn"S NoTazClaua.
ROOMS 6 AND. 10. a. * L BLOCK
the time of 1:37 4-6, made'by Briga
dier two yeara ago. with wonderful
. He led every step of the way.
wu untouched by srfalp or spur,
Saved From Terrible Death.
and was even not urged at any. stage
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt of
by bis rider. He wa»’ only galloping ^erton. .'enn uw her dying and
at the end 4f the fastest mile ever run
over a circular track. Wltbont taking
a deeper breath Uian after an ordinary
n was slowly but surely taKlng her
1. In thU terrible hour Dr. King's
gallop, he pulled up in front of the
loovery for Consumption turnWhen you ere nsi -g oil
Judge's stand, where he was hailed ed dmpalr
tlr into Joy. The firrt bottle
lamiH. or any kind ot l'«ht
king of mile runners by fS.OOO brongh fmmed)4e
relief and its con
cheering lovers of a great thoronch- toned----------- -------your homeoroSer.' Tlirnthe most certain cure In the world for
is 'nothing
n-.^..-, like
all throat and lung troubles. OnaranThe performance puts Aian-a-Oaie teod bottles 50c and 11.00. Trial bot
•liHCITY tor
on Ole same plane With SRIvrfcor. tles lOo. Jas. O. JohnsoB and Bngbee
No smoke, t.6
Kingston, Hanover and other, turf A Roxburgh'e Drug -Btorea
smell, no grease, no danger
kings which reigned years ago.
from fires—it is the
Of the great horses ^ the past on
Salvator showed greater apeed, ai
that can be procniad,
Grand TraTotae.
his mile In 1:36K. wss ^ over
straight course, where the gbeeaioe of
Boardmoh River
turns made It possible f^ him to
Electric L^bt 8
every ounce of bis speed at every step
Hon. John A. Loranger.
of the. distance.
Powe** Company.
Judge of probate.
_ In tbe matter of the estate of Smith
fEDERAL GOVfiRNAlENT UW roes, late of said connty. deceased,
leuben Hatch having filed in said
irt his tenth aunoal account as ex
36S.06S ACRE6 REMAIN IN STATE ecutor of 8«ld estate, and his petition
praying tor the allowance threof.
U Is ordered. That the thlrt day of
In Grand Traversf Ceunqr There Are July. A. D. 1603, at 10 o'ojoek to the
---------- ----- said4 obate offloe. be
^fii0 Aersa.'
for examining
and aUowlng a^ aeconnt
srquelte, Mich., July 3.—Aepordit is further ordered, that public
to the report of the Marquette notice thereof be given by'publica
tion i t a copy of this order tor tnree
land office, which- >ias Jurisdli
aaecacsive weeks previous to said day
ugboul the aute the federal gov of hearing. In Tbe Dally Bagle. a
ernment on Juno40 laal, the close of nowapaper printed and circulated tn
said county.
the fiscal year, sUII retained tlUe
(Seal.) JOHH
365.065 acres in both peninsulas, the
holdings In the two sections being:
Upper Michigan. 190,168; ^w^
igan, 1.4,867.
the year 21,0(10
acres were taken pp. By oqunUee. t*a
City Book
Hoal Estate <fe Loans
J. O. Tubum b. o.
Mm M. j. Temuxza D. a
40-407 Wilhelm Block.
-1 aod tt WynJeOi^ Terraa
To Builders of
New Ch^ltings
The man who completes a hew
bulldtog new wtthont fitting with -gas
pipe tails of coosulttog Us owe best
Inierasu. No
u gas
not Just At this poinL Tbe eneBaloa
of these will be exteusird to the nesx
year or two. when yoti wlO then M
able to realise what It te to have a
pcrteei. as wril as chi
of gas. or you wt;l
never cease to regret it. Twelve to
sixteen dollars .will tnily pipe an ordin
ary dwelling. ' Do not be misled by
misstatements. .Intentionally made a*
to cost or qnallty ot oar Wetebach
light, Mk your nalghbor or friend Who
usee them, yon will then lean rki»«
a reliable, perfect gas U^t can ba
had of three or four toM qnaUty. lor
mtle over halt the coat of other ll^t
Apply to
Traverse City
Gas (^mpany.
. :PW6A.^.FiR—Mi' Aluaf -■ijEe;'
Baraga, sjlfi; Chippewa. 67.188; Del
ta. 13A36; Diekinaon, 2400; QoceUe.
480. Houghton. 2.W12: Jron, 7,868':
KeweenAw 18,80$; Lvee. 16,180; Mar
quette 30.632; Maeklnac. 6,822; Helomlnee. L120; Ontonagon. 4,200:
Schoolcraft, 21400.
Lower PenlnatUa—Oladwin, 360:
Cheboygan, 4,027; Montmorency. 22.124; Presque Isle. lOlSOl; Alpena. 3^604; Oscoda. 47,010. AJeopp. 16,878;
Ogemaw. 5,880; Atonac. 1,129; CharJevolx, 3.967: losci). 37,797; Antrim.
2M; Kalkaska, 3,385; Clare. A471;
ceOla. 763; Missapkec. 9,880; Wexford,
446; Grand Traverae. 1.240;'Leelanau]
3.552: Benzie, 1,602; HanUlee, 1.128;
Lake. 2.661; Mason, 3.596,; Meodeta.
329; Newaygo. 657; Oceana. 2.095; Ot
sego, 1,920.
M, 0. Carrel went to Pleasant
on this morning to bold a quarterly
conference on Bear L^ charge and
to assist Paaior Sprague Ri a campmeeting. He wJTr go from there
Unswee County Man Given DimSherman and Wexford for Sunday,
apes Afisinst RiUrewL
returning on Monday. .
Adrian, Mioh„ July 3.—A Jury in
Several of the friends of Mins Ethel
the Lenawee circuit court awarded
Bailey of $18 Smith Union street spent
Marlon Moigan of Woodstock *2.600
a yer)- pleasant evening at her home.
damages against the Lake Shore rall-'
road for Injnrtes. The case is pecnreturn home for the summer from
llar. Last fall, returniag tram Hills
Grand Rapids, whqrc she has been
dale on an excursion train, Morgan
studying music.
to Stand in the aisle of the c^.
The fire depsrtment had another which, It was alle^, made him
practice nm las| night and made some
that be Bongtat the platform c
very fast Ume. The distance from the
where he feR oft, sustaining inen^Be house to the first hydrant tap Juries to his leg.
ped la 90 rods and the department
ered the dlstMce and had water
through the b«e In 35 seconds. While
a took only 2b seconds more to
PetMkey Liveo'man Traced Money to
te the other hydrant -and have water
His Ntghtwatqhniin’f Home.
there too.
• • r- .
Fetoskey. Mich:, July 3.—Frank 81fert, the Hveryman, loet a wMlet
tainlng 892.50 a few days ago and ad
vertised hiB loM In vain. His nightOf the Wyman's Cemetery' Improvewatchman; Fred Grams, was suspeofment Aesodation.
ed of havlng:fouDd the purse. YmThe Woman's Cemetery Improve- terday afiernoqn Oramt' bouse was
m»t association held its annual meet searched, a portion of the money found
ing yesterday afternoon and the, re •ocreted, and now Grams Is tn Jail
ports of officers showed the organisa on a charge of larceny.
tion to be in a Sourishing condition
Much work .‘has been accompftehed by
the society during the past year and
the members feel encouraged in fur Society qf the QlRMmati AwaiXM OeM
ther proseruting the work.
al te Prof. JoRi
The following officers vero elected:
New York, July 3v—The Society of
• President, Mn. Martha CurUa; first
the Clneianatl. wUeh has had tor
vlce-prealdenL Mrs. Bstelle Kneeland
s(«e time a. standing offer of a goU
second vlee-presIdCDL Mrs. Mary Wil medal for the compoem- producing aehelm: third vice-president. Mrs. B. M
eeptaWe music ft^ “Amorlea," which
Sfetson;' recording secretary, Mrs!
tor yeu« has been song to the tame
Amelia Ooffar; flanancUl eeerttaiy.
alr'‘M the national anthem of Great
Mrs. Anna Calkins; ireasurtw, Mrs.
Mary Thirlby; board of directors; irtt^D'.'lias awarded the prize to Ptotr JrfuistoneofthU city.
Madames FloroDee- Barnum. Anna
Soules, Jessie Gillespie. Amelia Votruba, Louisa MoOoy. '
“Is abe fo.,.!
“I Bhmiid
waa. Why. she has
Wonderful Nerve.Is dtoplayed by many a man eudur[to Bnt there’s uaetf«mtL
a Antics Beivs wfl! kin
_aad enre the tronbla It’s
A Very Cioee Call.
“EeA toot she’s gwoBlIp.TafT dmat«4iwnlMd.“-aiima»lM.
Wedne^y, July 8th
The popnplar Aaettoneer of
Traverse County. Office *80 I
Front BtreeL Traverse City.
I will be at Buftdhajren’s barn, on State street,
with one of the fine^enr loads of horses that has
ev^er been brougitt to Traverse Cit}’. ' See thenl !
Arriilteet and'snperintendenL Office
at resddenoe. 427 Flttb streeL N<
ere'pboae4ll. Benimatee made ...
tall sue detalU given with all plana.
Right After the Fourth
811 Wllhsim bleek.
riyou will think of going camping.
Und loo»r and Umber eMmaUw.
Hardwood timber and etubble tonds
tor sale. Rmldeciee 250 South Elmiroodave. CUlaena,'phone 712. JuSa 1
Buy a lot at
New offlee over People’s' Savtogi
. (ffiUNRIBE)
DenOsL Grown and Bridge work a
specialty. Office iew Wilhelm block.
A. D. TTl^
DentMt. Office '505 new WIO
Uo^ etdaens ’phoni Na m
^ resort and you . wont regret it.
Special prices this summer; next,
season they -will ‘be higher.
Rooms -7 and 8, Mercantile Co.’a block.
Special atteiUto^ven to
Archie As MHIer
Wlln-lk»s\ Ooliitai SMTt.
City Book Store block.
block. 'Pbones: offioe,
in MnnsoD
JlJ« JJ»JIJIMM.#.• Jl.P-PJiJ*.P .PiPMJiJ«.MMM^M.»rf,P.*.«.w
FonnetW malataht ■uigeo* tor eye,
ev. neee and- throat in tbe Chi
cago Polyclinic college and bos'V pltM. Practice Umlted to eye, ear.
BOM and throat and fitting of
gIVsea. 502 WltoMm block. Cltla5Fvicme«M.
I. A. THtefPBON. M. D.
to Bamlltoa-MlUlken bkx^ , w
'DBS. W. E, * W. a. MOON,
general psMIlce: spedaitsts ia dis
eases-of fbe rectum and genllo wtBS17 dtseaam. Both 'phones. (Sty
Opera Boom bkxfii.
Boom. 826 WHbelm blook. Clttoens'
-pbone 541s Ben 'phone 378.
Ipe^!: I sttenUoa given to snrgSiy and.
diseoaes of women. Office over
Fitat NnUmul bank. Can both
Prier, g«H>d si-rvio? and fair
ticatinent, v'c can meet any
cdinpetitiuii. The r e f o r e,
doubt on tlie&) pointB will not
form a logical baeis for- your .
neglect to- use our “B^T"
Hanradj & Eay Co.
'irrrrrrrrrrirrrrrr «-»r*-rr»-»»-r*-«-»»»V^.
THB X)Aniy.jUg^;^ F^DAY,
F0» SAl^A good work tee_.
gall* of Ip. -Naedkam, at the J. B.
, 8180
OraUlek C
of wirae ran ^-ihe h^iStbe way
AlMjie eteiwo wni remein epe* this
Mite Julia Billlnge arrived
FOR.SALB by A. F. little, 888 Front ^Onnd Rapids last eveulng and la st
street a good paying hot^ In near
by vfllafe: part earti: part time. ■dgewoodi' .
Whm looklns Tor bnsineea come In
C4jrtle Muniv •» Chtesgo ia vlaNand see what we hare for you. '744t
ttompad eoTelope tor aunpte letter
lag bla mother, Mrs. J. L. Murray, of
•Bd iDslnfoUcu. Bondre Co. 23
617 JTorth Blmwdod avtamt
DUB* atTMt. New Yortt, / 3X#*-tao
mllL.scsJeB, angine. grain
I frimily
gin leave Sunday for their suinmer
home at Red Deer.park, near Mania■tee. Cherlee Bmurthwalte went down
easy, little’e Real Wate and
MIm Efile Merae and Mias Gertrude
.. ______________ j of Grand Traveras county, little’s Ins. ft Beal Carter of West Branch are vtaltlng
the former's elsten, the Mlaees Daisy
ttteto Bx.
and Peryl Morse, and Mn. Jr-Uatz,
WANniO-^>oeSUon I
of 322 South Cedar street
The TwentieA Cwtury chib mat
idit evening with Mias Tesy Ibeharda
and iniuated three i
•club meets the next time with Mbw
Blanifli KratoehvlDe.
TO SBLL—80 a e In Qarfleld town
ship. moat ell cleared: honae Are
rooms, plastered, painted inside and
out; bam not very raluablft lunW
- -UlBu
------ trees; giwden pUt-bm^
cutrante. etc.; 10 awarms ol bees,
bpraes, cattle, hogs, wagons, bug
gies, burrows, plows, cuiarators,
pense mone; ndvencad; posiaoD
9d cattm-and
pemwAent. Address ThomM Oeeper, MeRaser. 10*C* Csxton BMg,
' Chiene817»-t.l3
’ or gecUemec to menege btud___ I in UtlB OMBtjr ud mdlolnlns
tertItoiT for well end tevonbl;
known taasse of solid ftnnnctel
sttndlng. «20i>0 Btmi|^t«48b Balnry
udb^ttsM. pnld
SALiE—164nA cedar wood de
1. Morgu. SlTltl I'OR
livered to any part of tbe dty. J. E.
OrellliA Co.
LADY WANTED to do genersl house
work. Enquire at The Boston Store. FOE SALE—My borne place on aoulb
side of West Sixteenth street,, as
id town.
WANTED—nrst oook. second «ooV . caoBlsOng of shout three acres
and a'dlnlhc room girl at the LakeequlTsJent of 26 IcU 86x166; also
Tiew Honse. Elk.Riteids. 8160-tf
two fractional lots adjoining it on
the east; slso Are scree with small
WANTED—Oirl or woman tar ceneiul
orchard adjoining U on tbe south;
housework, |S per' week. Home
also twelve lots on north aide r*
erenlnga. Hn. H. W. Smith. 986
same street. aU in one block, i
West Front street.
' S167-tf
H. Retry, 210 East Front street
8189 -tt
WANTED—house, 10 or 12 rooD .
near bay as poasibla XJtUe> Ins.
8ELl^-tC acres, 7 milqa from dty.
and Real Bst^ Baohange.
some orchard; Boc.e .^wood; log
oouae; some mall truK. Little's.
WANTED—Price on a few bay shore
Insurance and RsM Estate Bx.
lots between the O. R. S L and the
brewery. little’s Ins. and Iteal BsTO RENT.
WANTED—Orders for 16-ihdh cedar
wood, deUvered to say part of the
d^. J. B. Orellick Co.
organist aad vocallat Graduate of
ValparalBO Musical
- f. m
WANTED — Fair-sized se
safe tor canning taetoy.
B. Kneelaad.
^ of 81 and 86; dOzois-of United
aad write Tengii«*i Far Intonatioa
ap(dy to Becmltlng Oftear, 8«6
Front street, Traverse City,
pianlsm. 'Address.'Mra. Francae 8.
Smith. TYaveree City, Mich., '867
Bast Eighth street New Phone, 908.
shape by aa^e^Nrt-for years _
lawn mower butneea. For grinding
and adJnstlBC I eftarge 76 cents, and
trantee the work. Vtop me a
I rooms; onea cmmneysi
a down stelra; painted ost
aide and iMlde; bay window; poti
• bam: cedar block cellar; pom^ l- MONEY TO LOAN on
kltflken. TUB Is a gcaat bafgaii
erty. In euma to ealL .......... ........ .
Uttle'e Ins. aad Real Bstfte b
reom 608, sew WUhdm block, ftttk
aauwria s«ptkla« ewteeu. WSteh
Wa* Pneu>S«4 te IMW.
The dengen which threateDed Napo
leon in the opening yesn of tbe nlneteeutfl century -were shown by OHlray
In one of the meet sliiklng of all bli
cartoons, tbe "Valley of tbe Shadow of.
Deotii." which was Issued Sept 24.
1808. Tbe valley Is the valley of Bunyen's allegory. Tbe emperor Is pro
ceeding timorously down a treacberons
patb bonnded on eltber side by the
ten of Styx and bemraed tn by a clrrte
of flame- Fcom every side borrora
aprtnglng up to aaaall him. Tbe Uritlab
Uos. raging and fnrioua, U qirtoging at
hie throat Tbe Portugneee wolf bat
broken bis chain. King Death, mouhted on a mule of tiwe royal Bpantah
breed,'' has cleared at a bound tbe body
of tbfcox-Klng ioeeph. whkdi hai been
thrown into the "diteh of Styx.". Death
la poising hie spear with fatal aim,
waralngly holding up at tbe same time
his bourgi'am with tbe sand exbatwted;
flames follow hli courae. From th'e
smoke rise tbe Dgures of Junot aad
Dnpont. the beaten generals. Tbt pa
pal tiara Is descending ju a "Roman
meteor charged with lightnings
blast tbe Condcai). Tbs “Tnrkisb new
moon" la seen rialiig in blood.
■W>Irit of Citarlae
risw froi
flames to avenge tbs wrong* of Swe
den. The ‘Impprial Oennan eagle'' te
emerging froni a rioud; tbs Pranatan
' appran as a acaroern^, maklBg
. erale efforts to fly and screaming
rtvenge. Prom tbe "Lethean diteta" tbe
"American rattlemmlie” la thrusting
forth B polaoned tongue. The ■'Dutrti
frogs” are spitting out their spite, and
tbe Bhentsh ronfederatlon is peraonlfled aa a herd of starved “rate" raady
to feast on tbe Oorrican. Tbe great
"BosalaD bear."' tbe only ally Napedeon
baa secured. |a ehaffing Wa diato. and_
nlng. o formidjible neiqy to, tbe
nar.—Prederle Taber Oeoper and Ar
thur Bartlett Maurice to Bockmin.'
moiANB anotrqlwv offig
a tiEitn] locattn, st------------ . —
Me U«bt, 10 rooaa, phioildns for LOST—Leetlur covered orfler Ikuk.
Name on Drat lesf, H J. Dobson.
Finder retsni to 413 Webster stred
When tbe troUey ayatem waa Install
and receive reward.
able seenrtty. little's tnsnrance aad
ed to Mexico aty the native Indiana,
Real Brtate Bzchange.
apart from their wondermeot aa te
wbat unseen force propeHed tbe cart,
were anxious to test the new power.
They began by trying to stop tbe car'
wltti their haada gnd later with tbeir
heeds end bodies, eetfl the Hrt of
of dty; 40 aerm dWed, fbnr a
POUND—Bnndt ci key«'ln the post- nalUes became great
in fruit; foor trout streams ac
office with tdentlflcMlon tag No
Then a briniont Idee struck thms.
tbe place; roDlng land, good i
29,636. Call at Eagle office. '78-t-3 They had often been to bullflgbtt and
aboat-10 acrea black muck, I
at Wain of these had watched a pe
ditched and Is exoaUcDt tor garden
culiar tgimilDg ceremony which origlREAL ESTATE TRANfl^ERfl
or cdery beds; house 12 rocari.
needs painting; bam 42x47. frante;
naied In Mexico and later was Intro
old cmaary, oora bm; aneChw
Rorded-by Rsflletor of Deeds F. W. duced Into SpslD. Before tbe bull is
old house cm tsm. This Is <me of
set loose In tbe arena a man clothed tn
the rare bargains In northern Michi
from bead to foot poses as
P. W. WUeon reported the following
gan. A good farmer could wlQi litstatue in the center of the ring. -E
Ue expeose make this farm worth tranflfera recorded fpr the weA end faee and hair sre-whltened. and he
from eight to tan thonaend tn a ing July 8:
a movement or a flutter
ahort time, little < r—and
Perry Hannah to Herman W. Smith, of cloaing or anything that would
Real Batate Bxch;::.^e.
lou 39-40, block 2, Berry Hannah's tend to abow that be la alive.
Sid add.; I860.
When the bull Is released he first
June L. Warner sad wife to Claude anlffB the sir and makes a mad rush
for the pedestal. Getting quits cteae
H. Warner,
sec. 34.
u» waiiirn. fttoant
orarritot i«», br i. o. M*«*ro
A mas with but ooe arm Btood laahtog agatort tbe toiowMSe. The ollMr
aim. the flalaetme.
partly <m toe
tray cC dtomeftda. On toe band Oat
arto be wore a conventional glove
black. He mas s wril dreaed flaas,
with a anootb abav^ face. He '
With hit utbtt band, tbe Jeftooe. ha
flsally pleked cut a small diamoad.
tobheWr the least expenrive of tbe lot,
andatoedtbeeteik.to wrap It up. At
toe same time be pulled from hi* trom
an pocket a ruU of Nile at least toree
iDcbes thick and with tbe left band
deftly counted out enough to pay tor
kda purchase.
The clerk took the money and the
putcfaaaed gem and then srited .tba
tray to rt^Mit to tbe case.
Aa bs did so be rapidly eousted with
'bla ^ tbe remaining stoMs.*as
bis eostbm. Tbw were two miming.
In addltioD to toe one be bimseir bad
taken from tbe tray. He ^noed anapieloaNy at tbs one nrmed man.
■ “I beg your pardon, sir;' te aaM
ttdy. but reaching RXhe did no ftx
rerolvm nodmneaib the couotra. *1)01
there are two atone* mlietog. J-have
you taken tbemT' He made tot* toTte one armed tuau looked the detk
aqnarriy to toe eye. "You are quite
right te be carefnl," be told pleSBantly,
•hut I did not take the etonea How
many were tbere beforer.
The dark told him. “Cotoe." retnrn
ed toe man: “we will count them to
gether, toeo."
They did BO. They found, the telly
ri^ There was none mUalng. The
man was right and tbe clerk was
wrong. Be apotogized pnrfnsely, but
•toe t»e armed man took no offense
jvltatorea at tbe inddeot Be recrived
bla diamond and bU ebange and spent
peveral mtoutei chatting about -dlapMwlrabbarles and safegimrds against
them and then went his way.
«Qumr thing happened then,” .
toe dark te mmtosr. "I 'canie
tdflng that swell that te was a thief;
tbooght that be took a couple of brilUasta. i counted ’em wrong and told
him tost be mutt bare 'cm. He said
bo hadnt Then I counted ’«* owar
again and found 'em all right And 1m
graan't mad ahsnt U dther."
"Are yon sure.they're right
returned toe ctoer. an older man. "Let
ms eae tbs trar”
■Tbe tray was preduecd. Befcra tt
reatoed toe ooeuiter ^ dd man edsed
the two Mrgtot dlamcmai R contained
and held than to the light
“Dooci hy-iJto^ ^ exdalmed.
• ■■ tone; thaVa aR"
for cash, or part cash and negotl-
_ro ULL—Bonae and two acrea
Pmdnaida street en bay shore;
haaae six large room;;-kitchen oeOed, rest plastered; hardwood floors,
and one Are pism down stein;
Iran; fine water; pump In kltehen:
shade trees; bathing baarfli; cash.
Ume'B Ins. and Real btate Bs.
SlSSif >
TO SELL—is acsee near Lake Ann.
House, sem Tooms; poet bam:
wire fencing: cednr block cellar:
cleared; water. UtUe'a Ins. ft Real
Bsteie Bs.
FOR SALE—Good -Tegetehle m___
and spray, cheap. B. C. lAwti,
grocer, 886 BaM Front street 8127lf
FOR ftALE-^rnty's whe^ good as
new, no. CaQ at 127 Bast Binith
• 867041
TO SELL—198 acres; 70 scree clear
ed; bonae two story, 6 rocma. part
ly flntahed; rooms all flnfahed down
. stdln; bam old, 80x40; two granertes attached to bam: good weU
near house; onteide cOar brJAing
100 baahels of potstoee; cs^LStd,
Alate Bx.
88, range 9; *1,000.
Artie Brown te.R. -B. and Nellie
Brown, e% of nsH. 86 68-100 acres,
see. 3, town 27, range 9; |1.
UcQrd Q. Bast ahd wife to Bran J.
Bast, parcel, wH of aw^. 6 seres, see.
10, town 27, range 12; *326.
Howard WhiUng and wUe to Peter
parcel In Traverae City; *60.
Peter OUUs to Ansem R. Has
parcel in Traverse City, *1,000.
W. A. Dell and wife to Bphrem'A.
Coralng, ne^ of ne^. sec.flT, town 25,
rann> 10; *1.000,
Anson R Bannaford to Peter Gillls,
awii. of nwi4, sec. 84, town 27. range
10; *700.
E. O. Filer and wUe to Backley ft
Dongtaa Lumber Co, pereel of sees.
1-24-6-6-7-8-9-10-16 of 26-12, par^
80-31-324^ of 27-12-aboot
8,000 acres In Gi*nd Traverse county.,
Sind parc^ to secs. 1-26-264446 at 2&
IS. parcela In sees. 36 of 27-18 tai Ben
zie county, about IfiOO acres—total
ahonl 9,000 acres; 8^.000.
Frances Thurtell and wife to Jno.
and Emma Nesbitt,'lota 2940, block 6.
H, L. ft Oo.'a 6th add.; *1.700.
. Mhrtha! Bdred to James Ccaverse,
e40 ft of Iota 1 and 2. HavUand’a add.;
uro. Seeing n
L te gradual
ly retiree, backward to asuemeot Hli
attention U then attracted by othan.
aad the man escapes.
The Indiana decided to try this on
tbe cars Dressing themselves to white
and putting flour oo their taeee and
hair theyVouM eUnd motlooleaa to tbe
middle of tbe car traraa faring <ba
wmtog monster.
There were many
before they learned the dUferanee be
tween a bull and a troUey car.—Detistt
Free Preaa.
yet ni see wbat I can do. b
ov^taul tbe
get toe atom
Ttet ^ppeo^ to (tolcago. In Jannary id toe »ext. W- .on a cold, crisp
jewelry store.
One at them was dirased to futs'aod
Pore rich jewels Bs was a abowy
lan. with a red fans TliU was
«Sneakecr Kelly of Chicago.
lan was a man of grave
itopeamnce. Be wore a gray beard
and bis hair, was tinged with white
By bli abearance he was. an aristo
crat—{mfaably tbe president of a bank.
In his left band be held a fur mlttenooly one. Hla right was dotbed to a
light edered soede glovs He was.
EaOy watcbqd tola man closelytooro .dCMly th£ did toe clerk. Final
ly (te
ont « few small
bUls and a emsH white packet and he
left AabedidaoKetiy'foUowedhlm.
When they reaebed the sidewalk Kdly
toaebed him on toe ann. Tbe man
toaneed at >■«"» bnt 'once, and then
swinging around suddenly struck Kelly In the brad with bU right band. It
bard as iron. Kelly
■n-ne wirot ori-
ilK?,Snc;'-;'iu... ili
.... ^
PERE Marquette
It was m koU^r-pto br a )aat
tot It wfla, 00 orthmry (alee teu).
lade of sand cork.
When ttey were aatiafled that it was
nothing rise, to* yoimg mao replaced
■t and donned his coat again.
"Oentlemeu.’’ he oooltouad. looking
bard at tbe old woman. "I am no man's
accuser or uo woman's eiUihr. bnt
these Btobes tVere missed wten both or
us-tbe old lady and mysrif—stood
at this counter. Tbere'ls a bare poasl
bUtty."'be continued, with a grin, "a
bare possibility tbei she has the stones
^erself. And If I am not mistaken I
saw her put soaething to tbflt bag.
You Dilitbt examine II if y^ wlQ."
The bag lu queeWu «fae one'wMcl;
bung nt the old lady's side. They ci[lined It and they found—ob. nothing
much, save the two missing diamond
rings; tboFs all.
"Now, frcnUcmen." added tte young
man, *hiiilc8s.I am again mistaken this
old,lndy Is not wbat she seems to be.
'lu^•estlgatc once more." He
reached over end deftly pulled from
ber bend tbe Quaker bat end an old
gray wig. There stood revealed tbs
grizzled countenance of "floeakers"
relly. the defective.
Tbe clerks pounced upon him and
bore him to the stii’tlou house, tbe nearTbere be was kept for two
day*, until n Cblcago special could be
sent on to recognize and Identify him
for too niaii bs rcaJJ.'' wax
But on the way down to the statlofl
tbe young tnnn with tte false arm
somebow disappeared.' Before be did
so, however; te stopped up and said s
word to Kelly.
"Kelly." be explained to a low vrtee.
"oext time yog must tdve a fellow time
to get a new arm mado. Anns of my
pet brand 'don't *row on tree*, you
And then he went
Carrtoge which stood at toe curb. Tbe
jcaiviage eteited off. but before toe
to<it Kelly bad succeeded to
'dng that light false arm irith a
•wmaet la the GuyoM.
I* andm(^ttog srlp. The man
In tbe deep canyooa one li aoon overtaken by night Indeed to eome of
these intricate pathways (the work of
(me gtOf l«erae«a.
faster, bat KOtj clung dcaperatriy
Mr. Tlle-Yeur jrlfe
fo lecture
tte band, hte tset dragging npon t
before ahe waa married. Has die given
Btreet bdow.
It up DOWt
e atognlariy beantlMr. MUds-Well-er-yee-ttet U, In
fuL The vivid ^0 tints of the chap
arral so brllUant at mktoay begin to and KuUy feU. face downward on tte
fade and assume a deep pnrple, over na*«>ntot It was late to toe afterwhich a deUcate aUvery mist Imper pm ehd dato and no one bad n
ceptibly draws Its veU. On It creeps,
(he royal tint besoming more Intense^
usti] suddeniy it take* on n fiery glow, Usd to bte ttob jam W) Rme IP 9*!^
and ever ail tbe alopea tbwe plays a tetter run down by a beavy true*.
And aa he teas te grasped aometWiw
zoeeate Hgbt. the warm
ttitoUy to hte anna Ttili object he
toe imp.
ten to a teOUastiy Ugtatod
WhMAer maWeea.
"Ry (harm.' tteVi dev«;
*T>» wmI' am a great big playbeuee," Kffiy
te himself, “and now beTl have
wald Obarooal B8>h to one of bla ramlnatlve mooda. "an* wtillat de ataha am togetanewooel Writ b|ood fqr
Ltomtog, be wended hte way back
flotol.d(y tdg Btonta to de oentab ob ds te«te
maro from whlto te had ilartod.
•togs de res' Ob us am pnridn' soeoaty
to tte eterk.
nit’ makto' tbnndataetotes wtf ds tto *LoA b^" he
Afteftte ^ nada known hte Ident^.
, Hlatah Jacksoo."
Cool Shirt Waists (worth double for 19c 39c, 4*c and 58c
Chpipe Mgc of Jaccfl flnd embrojdepes for, per y4.....
.... isc
lot of working shirts worth fcc and 60c, spegrial.... 8^c
bne lot of tnen's light weight 4>awerstr> clpse at.... f5C
Boys, wool knee paatg................................................................... |9C
A lot of rfren's Pants (largesixes only), worth |i, li-SO,
............ ...............
Children's z piece suits, ^es 3 toy, were I3.5Q. now 98C
Nice Itt of Children's Suits, ages 9 to u. values up to
rj. 50, special........... ....................
...... . ^ 1.48
Big lot of men’s Suits, new goods, well made and styl
ish, worth up to ft}, specjkl ..................d.fip
W> esn maksthesfl prices beckpse the goods were nnf
bought In the regulgr wsy-.
bought at 40c un tha dolUr.
bought for half their vahio.
The ciotliipg abiye
The others
wei-r }<il» lots
That's why we can make such prices.
Almeda Ferris to WUUam Swslm,
•t on bay
•Muaswww. TT .U UmA for cltp |«W sH at lot 19, block 2, H., L. ft Co.'s
arty. Six rods by 40 rods la else. 9th «dd.; 876.
Tbos. H. Bhenaen..
Lena B. and OeOTge W. Baltt to
TO SBLI^A nice b
ylraster Brown; 8T 4-10 aerte in
lot at low prtoe; akoot flve acre*.,
littte^s UMimnoe Brnbange, 888 nwH. sec. 14. town 27. range 12; *600.
Darwin B. Foeter and wife to BmFtoat stzwet
ry Brodhagen. lota 11 and ISi block 2.
*^SrtX£r*31ll>tetoctlve teid
Oakwood add.': *300.
leng mito am and prtled
Homer A. Doty end wife to Evan T.
wime Uttietey-WhaFa tbs hero
Brans, aii of lot 16, Muck 9. H.. L anybow}
Bert) Thkfrnaek-A hero m a eeOcr that ffMBtal palm there w..
ft Oo.'i 8nd add.; *1.
dast to tie a tin can to a bnUdog's talL- »M MM. among too Urro*t to tte
.Room Xtey were M«*toa. Tte rierfc
FOR SALE—BaMnms lot on Front
of the tray found that
targe line «t Suit Csaee araS
street C.L. Oaga, 111 Front St
stoOM bad been etabetlOnly *4 per ce« doctori reach sevTrunka.. A liberal discount giv
asec^ floor.
mtr yearA'hut'42 per omit of clMgyen on this line m .redtMe stock
“ ■
d^ wore controlled by toe d
flUe deaeription of her visit m The
hflte to toe feet end It was tbtoe i
had anappM when KaOy riot* to » ^istoh at ItegNleon L during the•aitlflclal memter on^eS^*
On pidUng.oae at these wine KOtr
chapel of Bt Jetoine into tida tte «tofound that a slot to the
^ cloeed, tons acooptog up whatevm perw led me, end then 1 stood at tbe
tty beneato It On puUlng another he aim ef Napotcon HL. hte Mpbew, beframd that It would release one, two tore the cofflo of Bngland'f hlttmrt
to more apnrlons gems to place of the foe, 1. tte granddau^smr of that fciteri
pofloloed genuine ytooes Of 'tbeae who bated him most and- who meat
•purtoua gems they tonnd a denen or vigcaouBly opposed bis and tola very
ao, tert DO more genntoe elonee were acftoew, who bcata Us nanm, bcft« my
aeaieat and deareat al^l The organ ef
found. Erideotly the tolff secreted the-ehaEch waa playing <God Save-the
Queen- at toe time, and tote nalenm
It was the port complete eontrir____
took-plaee by torebU^t and dar
that Kelly had over seen for any
ing a tooDderatann. Strange and-wcDof thievery.
drafal todeedr
But Krily was sore sore to mliM
and body. He vowed an unholy vow
WltUac. Out I
In most unholy langunge that be would
bare tout one armed man's scalp Inside
dons phases ofWmman nature unong
of a month at the outside. He
rolldtibg tbeir serriees to tte
not satlsfled with the man's arm.
wanted nrore. Kelly was one of tboee performuKeefa
II you tal
people who are never satisfled.
Bsfced a dergyman eff <
Two weeks later In a large jewriry
bouec Id n down eaet metroprila an old
m; re takeW." remarked tte
lady to a Qhiker bonnet stoodiand ad
in a half dejected tone, “bnt" te
justed her Kpeetaclea and examined
added. wlto.soTprislng trankBeas, Td
eome dtaunond earrings She
The foUowing wfaoiraale meut-Drtoei
plainly bnt richly dreaeed. Her real rather it were ber alstcr."
are supplied by H. King, of
name wee "Sneaken" Kelly.
ContraiitlnR wMh tbl*
Patriotic Service. and within n foot or so of her there
Tbe Dlsdples' chui^, now meeting
stood a tall young man with a black
mnstsclie. There wae a raddy.fte*)toy In Steinberg’s Grand opera bouse,
solar npoii hi* face. He said with some wlll^ve a patriotJe service to
cmbemiaMDent that he wn* 'buying an moo and song on Sunday night July S.
He tent ov*T a traj'
Topic, "Our Hdraelaiid."
Bornnent. Ttie old'laMembers of the O, A. R., Woman'a
dy was eo rioee' 0 him that she almost
Relief Corp* «sd soldiers of the Span.
touched bill
war nre eordially invit
Suddenly *be gripped hlin by toe arm
and yelled to the clerk. "Tbla man's a ed to 'meet with na tf yoQ do not i
thiefr ate cried to shrfll tones. Tllose tend chur& elsewhere.
THOMAS P. ULLOM. Minister.
Tte deck baMly drew hack tte tray
rf rings Several othrt men ran up.
Someb^y closed tbe doors.
Then they Inspects the tray of dlalODda Sure enough, two rings were
ilsring. None, however, ted been sub
..................U telle
stituted to ttelr steed.'
Tbe-yoong mao uttered not a word.
M. -ft N. E. TIME CARO.
Eeoniy looked surprised. He ted made
no resistance god o6 outcry.
Tbe old woman. bowe\-er. was excit
4 u"*
ed. She pushed teck her bonnet frmn
rrankfort. iVaironla. Mt Pteuv
h« face.
“He's got '«mr abe exclaimed. “Me’s Glare. Alma Bt Louis, ttoaea. Owosi
got 'em to tala arm. It’s bbliow. Mate llowsU. Ann Arbor, Tdedo. and *11
him take It off.' They’re to there, I tell
soDtoeni and eastern potota. v '
you, and you'll flnd 'em."
Tbe young man smiled, but pruteeted
J. J. KIRBY, O. P.
be began, “(rue it I*
to b»ve bat one aifl]
. wear a false mie, bpt!
did not take your stones. I assure you.'
Jons 21, 1963.
Qia A. A. R. R. via 6
Tte old woman violently shook ter
Trains leave Traverse City aa tol
bead. "You moke him Uke df toat lows:
6 80
armr abecouimanded. “It’s toe groatIt 66 pm 7 00
est thtog you ever saw. IF# hollow, Chicago snii west. 6:00 a. m, U:66 a.
9 80 am
fl 16
ana Its gi4 your diamonds to It Make at, 6:20 p. m. and 10:10 p. m.
* 86
11 3*
fU 66^
9 60
take It off."
For Sa^tiaw, Bay dty. Pj« Hur
Tte yeaog man looked around upoft on. Tolalp. DptroU and 'east 6:00 a
toetoees; then temlted again. "Hero," m. and 11:66 a ■te replied; 'there's but one way to
prove my Jnnoeeneo."
He removed his ppa(, rgU^ up m
pTlra from ProveiMiut ^ Gpdar
'Uieev^ unbuckled a atrap or twp gnd
nS the aim.' Tb«r gatbenid
^ ----------- -—----------- UlgltTat^po^
Wtohhoaers 4»ea8J.B. Oartto^8U Briadto«hritow Ina
. .i .
VOIi XL NO 3180.
MIDBUMNTM CLEARAJ.CE bale you ever heard of, In Furniture.
Btovn, Ran9^ Creckeiy. Glaeewero, Cwpete. Rugi, Mattlnsa, 8«wins Maehln^ In fact anything you need in your house.
E bought extra hoavy last January,
a.. WE have' had the heaviest six mi
of a....................
goods. WE 4iave ■
bolstered rockers, Mature wrill close out at once, away down
what the Inexperienead furniture dealers can buy them for ... .
24, large, besutHiM leather spring seaL lhahogai
fini^, piano polish'rocker, (worth B18J») new-.............
Our No. BB, large, massive, high back arm rocker, mahegati)
fah. plam polish, large leather upholstered, spring seat I
>r beck, (worth B1B.75) now......................................................
fy*^"wriN FAa
Oeeislen of Buprmp Court Clem All
Baagat. Me,
CsdtUac. Mich.. Jnly 3.—Osdfilac and
days Uslae la Uk«& to bp In (act irtiatBig BaiMs have now played
•BON WAS MENTALW DERANGED It la snppopsd li be-» probfMtton CHAB. BOWER’S HOUSE COM
IS of bail, two In Bg Bapids and
stater Kerer witH mw haa coaMtathree in Cadillac. Cadillac
at the Bsmes snd..^ R^lds two.
of llqnor anyubvA In MaUe 11 a aawere credlli
edited with shutk)on-ke€pW mu
io mbalt to
arrest and Bne Aooi twice a year.
Even in the aty pf Portland the late
The Father Was a VeterwT of i
Great Civil. War.
(Special by the S
Canal Dover, 0„ July 3,—Last night
Bert DHoni agih) 32, who was mentally
deranged as the result of a fall years
ago. shot bis father, Dr. Janes 'Dixon,
C6. iu the forehead becadse the
latter was about to eominlt him to an
The doctor, who was Buffering with
a slight attack of smallpox at the time,
died soon after being shot The p<»
was arrested. Dr. Dixon was a soldier
of the Cim war.
)ust like cut a very be
and strong made rocker,
(worth I15A0) now.... $10.76
Our No. 83. juat like euL a
very large, beautiful arm
rocker, fine quarter amred
oak. piano pollah. part of
k it beautifully uphels-
WE have 82 more different styles In the very highest grade jeat^
or up^l^red Beat rockets. Bothe of them have baeka high enough
io a man e1x feet, two Inchea can'rest his head,
mutt al|i| go at qnc<
qnce. to, If j
' high grade rockers do hot miss thesg.
in cheap geoA to close
' Wf have odds and ends Ip evening
• »s than Factoi
Special by the bcrlpps-UcRac.)
Rome. July 3.—The pope is passing
through another period of
and it is difficult to give him sufficiect
nburlsbmenL ViCMnte
ported during a private audience with
tile pope yesterday teat his bolli
said: -T am certainly Ul. I believe
my days are niimt>ered;’
Antrim and Ci
X Ceuntiea Will
if. fV, SLATER
Long Wenrlng COTfort i
Giving Shoes for Hen ang womtn
. ¥hey iD^ke life’s walK ensy, .lust the tbieg for J
* tired, aching feet. You wlD not have to break them k
in. Comfortable as an old shoe the first time you put
them on. 'Found only at the^shoe store of
Bachant Sc Roscoe. I
I^rker Bros'. Old .Stand-' >
ao8 Front St
ff ff
[ne*L ll|ht In
' buEineBS.
50 Candle Power
For tbs currsui of (C 3-10 c. p.
■•'y U 111
l-y which
colors nay rc;i'!ijy •I.*- .listincviishrd
Campbell Bros.
Don’t Let Our National Holiday
It Isuoltoo late tofimi what yon want.
Ooratoek it complete: In'fact « e have
many fine suits on hand owing lo
ihobed weatVier conaUiuos
that have
prevailed, that k-ir 'have
have dead
make s special price reduction Hi
time when it will do ymi the nuu.t
good, so Ihat «-.• will not csrrv asiuiile
ssltover to another aeasou. which, i^a
ypie we'.harr always made.
egsalmeFe su4 Woratad auUs.
light and msdlom welghw. richly
Uiiumetl and handsomely Uilored,
weretl-<ajid SSU.now........... $1S
wtll m. an a most important taving of
mpoeyon Iv.ry purdiase yon make
‘ _ ' ■ \
Bvery sccUqh «f thl:« d.-paetment has
andeegbne piice-rrnuva'.iini. and yOB
e^ select a cpii pUe putLl al.l}ic
E. WIl-HEL,yV\
Doot Pall to See Qgr
New lUie or
- eooD CLOTHiNe
Cpmer oCFront biid UdIod.
Special hy the Dcrlpps-HcBae.)
Battle Creek. Mich., JiSy S.~A cy
clone cut through a aecUon between
.Urbandale and Battle Creek last night
The house
occupied by Cbss. Bowera waa deraol.
ished and scattered over the country
leqviag the mother and three smaU
dtiUren antcau^ed on the floor.
U^dning demoUabed the Michigan
Central dqxrt tmer.
I to a game on neutral grounds
for UOi a side. Howard City or Orsad
Rapidt being the places preferred tor
playing the game. Dtekerson claimed
that the game In Csdlllac which
last by him was unfair, as th« -umpire
rank In hu dertslons. .In answer
to the chsUenge Manager Blis of the
Cadillac tsiam says he Is willing to
play a game on -neutral' grounds
any time before the seaaoe cloott
$600 and would rtioose Grand Rapids
as Use place, the winning team to take
not only the beL but the entire gnte re«dpla.
Heavy rain laat night and Inch oC
sanahine Usla morning left the tiaMc
the Traverae City. DrtvtBg Park
poor ooDdlUoB for the iaoea this
aftemoon. It was not nntu after 3
o'clock Uint (he first raee was caUafl.
Starter ae.tn. bad
half an .
hour earUer that the races wodM be
delayed until the Judges oonaidered
the track la a safe eondlttcB.
The outside of the .track was In
good condition but ne^lhe pole them
was water in tfaees and It rs—lned.
supply fur a Ibng time, despite the
fact that evarTthlng poaalbH waa done
ried in Owesse.
to dry It out. TUa afternoon the aun
'OwonaQ, Mich., July 3.'—Plnngeeg
came amt hot bat the wind sms llghL
the matrimonial line are Ira and OaWhen the first race was aanoiiDeed.
(na Thompson. They w«w yesterday
the treck was still sU^ in speu.
made man and wife (or the third time,
The attendance this afternoon was
havtn^ been twice divorced, only to
inch larger than yeaterday. U betmaii^ again. The wcnnnn firat got a
rr (aclUtIre were afforded tor reach
divorce and was -remarHed to Thomping the park, there would be stOl largThen she eloped with Reger
,er crowds preseuL Many peo^, eaPeea, an Owosso gWower. and her
pecially ladles, have an obJecMou ta
huahand reoently got a divorce. Mn.
going ont on bosses, me buss aad
Thompson returned and begged her
bach lines, however, gave as soeA ser
husband to take her back aiM be has
vice as possible. It U understood that
married her again. 'Friends df
lbe^>m-e Uanpieae would have baUt
I WAS PROS- Peca say that b|s escapade has
« spur to the track this yesw had the
him aU the money he had In the worM.
Ly cut.
compear been able to secure raUs. it
$3,000, and that the Thompsoha put
la said U> be tbetr Intention te balld
get bis wealth,
it by neu summer.
i the injured are
The merry chuck-a-lnck men did a.
better buatneas than the pool sellen.
(Spedal by the SorIpps-McBse.)
Dennlaan. Tex.. July 3.—The mokt There was an opportunity for the
serious tains in many years are rag
fSpbclB] by the
ing over north Texas and the Indian
St Louia. Jrtr4^ Tarltory. A train on the Eantn Fe
near QatneaviUe ran into a waabon
andUtbe eagtoaer, fireman and lovr
A dHEnOty wUch
thoee who eome to aay ewer night Ja
secure aleqrtng accommodatlona.
an early hour this afternoon the,
hotels men all fined and it U feared
Uiai some will not be able^ (o gel a
bed of any kind.
fabmeigad and the'Santa Fb and tte
Mlaaouri. Kansas and Texas depots
are flooded. Barty reports
floedh condiUon at
As (ac as known
no lives wwe loot there. It la r«*<wt
ed that 11 railroad workmen were
caught Iq the onrudhlng waters
Normanna and were drowned.
MethodIM and
United Brethren Included.
R. F, e. Service Increaee Said tt be
the Cauee.
PlUsburg, Pa., July
The Joint
Washington, Jnly 3.—Capt^ CasUe,
comm|tt^ reprcaenilng theCongregn. auditor of the treasury for the po^tt|onal, HeUiodist. Pruieatant and Unit oSce department, yesterday made the
ed Brethren bhurches have come to an officia] esUmate that the postal deagreement on a platform tor the union flciency for the fiscal year Just closed
of the three denominatlona.
will be $4.617408. The deficit for the
The purpoaea of.iue goiwal council Prtviotts OBcal year waa ^.^1.170.
which Bball oonalat of coe (or every The increase is atUIRuted to the onor5JKK) members ahali be:
iqous Increase In expenditure* fonkhe
«t law a nra Oast Shoe Naker's Sbap.
To present to the world eome yeaU- rural free delivery aervicc. Receipts
ttlon of that unity of believers whlch,- of hte total poetal service for the
In accordance with the ^er flf our year were $134,268,60$ and expendi
Lord, oeems so desirable amoeg Otria. ture $138,865,812.
tibn ^hufchee.
To promote a better knowledge and
the ChrisHe and Hla Family Spend e Day on
tlan bodies thus
as tar aa poaMble the
Long laland.
Special by the Scrippe-McRae.)
Maw up on stylish last with
unification of kindred organlxaUons
DOW existing In the several bodlea.
Oyster Bay, July' 3.—President Roose
htutvy or light aole.
-To consider methods by which la velt and his enUre ^lly went pic
. lUlfor.fnllbeet,
the BiaSe, annual and district confer- nicking this morniB*. and do not ex
' Hn sum ahd see thrm' before
woes the bodies may 1« brongbl Into pect to return to Sagamore MU nnUl
you buy.
Activity and cr^le un dark. The party will eat lunch some
where on the Xxtng Island shm, six
To prevent the unneoeaaary MUltlaeveu miles from home, and will
pUoaUon of churches and to nnUe weak drop thrir lines irtierever they think
churches of the same nelghbortood the p,roapect M pKaolslng.
New Shoe Btorb.
Ulfl Hlvnd
Wblllnx Hot.,1
To unite and encourage the affUiaUon with this cpuncll of thg Gbrietlan
a eh^tdag a kindred fidth and Have Fallpd to nie Annual Rsporta
aa Rsqulrml by Law.
lABBlng. Mich.. July 8.—Seoretary
MASKED MAN IN TIE ROOM of State Warner has reported to At
torney General Blair the niunea of
some 300 corporations which have tail
ed to file annual reports as required
by the statute. The attofney general
will at
; The leak far ilN Mcrcbaa
unforee the penalty nf $2$ and $6 per
I aad NaMfKUm.
day alnoa Marob I, to which each dlreotor ol each offending company U
(Prom a Sjteqlal Oorre
IMat Jordan. M|M».. July $.—Sariy BDhJecL
g TW
fir the Ubarlag IMg
e this tpornmg M(«- Brotherton awoke
races not off.
found a masked man in tbelf
■leehlog room and she screamed. The
Evart Matinee Oub Will Put
« gatk liMhr riimcr
Kucr tar
rcu mows taOMr i
6n'a coat and troaaMPIlKMn.
anrl. MKfiu J«fe
«• saported
The tyaDsers were iou^ later
that the Bvart MkUaee rinb racea are
§ Tbt task ftr the laScs
Iq the montlng 'near the Methodist declared oS. but ihU Is not a fact at
dnueti whmw they had been dropped trice rioeed with 81 horsea, aad the
by the thief afur'tahlsa.'ttte nfcmay pubHc la promised some good n
In the pocket amounting to about eight Bvart will expend 81.600 to entertain
doHais. The buiglar entered the house the vUitors.
by the front door, turning the key
which had bees left 4a the lonk. Mrs.
Will Serve Dinner.
•me ladlen of Travel City hive
dM n<X gat«. good eneugh
wlU earn dlpnw Jnly ftwrth at
relets' liall nt 26 cenU tar Vfio'
pie eua 20 eenU tor oMIdrea. may
will -also aerve Ice cream daring the
Reported That They Had Been Killed
(Special by the Scripp^McRae.)
Geneva. July 3.—Seven students who
with their maalcn were reported killQ an avalanche at,M<n{ Pishas.
have t>Min found aiUvp l>y searofatng
liarUes. The students were suffering
terribly from exhausilon and oold but
•pocibl in Boys’ Suits
the sale, pioogb
force of denudes apd tse eoa|^ on hU
Now. however, |he Judges of the
supreme court bs'fe given notice that
~M 'j^ Dnited .States InIcrtial revenue oogor stamp will sdbthe posse:apiito a Ja« seni
One, and all
Instead of the u^
Uu^sta hotels-' i r?s«
night •closed ibe l^, yiKdesalms
and within
week every reta^ will have quit
Some think the
make prchiblUon io' bbnoxletts the
people will repesJ ft.'
tormaii. proboWy fatally cut; A-Petds
lof; Mw b. Plum. Insimctor. Wei- motonnan, (atnl iDjartes.
oounty at Manton, eommenolng
August 3: S. A.Carpenter, conductor; PITTSBURG CHURCHES TD UNITE
W. J. McKone, Instructor,
Ve have some extrs fine selrctions
fAmi every secUon of the hoys' depart
Santos proved the dpeedlsat la -the
first beaL Lady ResUve finished seeoad but was set bai^ to last plana
for repeated breaking and running,
i^treas got seoond poaltloa aad
Red Johnson-third. nae, 2:tSH.
Only three <
the 2:23 pace. They were Prank TeL
ford, owned by U. C. Clark; Red Dew.
t Stepped owned by Peter Wnrsbnrg, and Min
Cadillac and The
by Rain.
nie G., owned by the On
Thompswivllle. Mich., July 3.—The
Blst^ood and BiUy Brian
ime here yesterday between Thomp- were drawn. Frank Teitord bad the
mvUle and Cadillac was caUed the best of the argumutaad lead Into the
game at the end of the tenth Inning. stretch but Bed Deer cMe along like
The leading feature off the game took the fleet animal after wblA be Is pamplace in tbfe eighth, when Cadillac ed and won out to a good bant at'
made three hits in succeaaloo but
Apeed. Time, 2:2$%.
Still unable to get In a run. The g^e
Red Deer won Us seenod heat and
wtli likely take the rams.
and' 46 minutes. Batuwtes—for Cadil
In the second heat at the 8:21 trot,
lac. Sullivan and Faim; tor Tbomp- the result was Bnebantms. Lady Res
sonville, Watriek and Waahington.
tive. Red Johnson and Rutoa; GmA '
2:26. Santos finished firat bat was
set back for rnnntog.
2:« Trot-Purse, $$00.
She EnUrtalned In Honor of MnnIMeo
Qnees, a bay stalUkm owned nnd
Hiss Olndya S^angways gave a pro «»L. —----------..Ml—*.,
tock three
gressive flinch party last evening
the 2:46 trot which, until the borsM
honor of HUS Mildred Oagalin of Man
went to the post, was expected and ca
istee, who U a gnest of Hiss Bthel
poned would not UL Swih Medoalas.
owned by Bd. Lantner of Traversa
The first prlxe was won by Miss
City and driven hy BUlett, gavs the
Helen Stout, the second
srlnner aJiard ehaae to the first bsaL
GtouU Miss SteUa Jahraos and Oiarles
SmuTthwalte toede the oonsolation
At the oondnslon of the 8
c HU BIrtMey
Heniy CanJIMd-was givmi a pleas The summary:
ant Burprlse party last evening nt hU
.................. 1 1 i
new borne on Beventh atreoL It was
the ocesialon_ot bu birthday anniver
sary and hte friend#^
. .
with a handsome
wiiUng deak
DECLARED. BANKRUPT.and book case combined.
Tbe'hoQse waa iwetUly debated to
Ueaaeured LtSMIltiea of LmN« nnn
flowers. Coffee, saadwl
and cake wmwerved.
(Special by the Sofpps^ieBaa)
. Detroit, Micb.. July $.—me Leestog
boiler and engine works hna been d»-.
State Be
Wes Member
risred bwiknipt by, Judge Swan to
the district eoart this raondng. Tbri
fipedal by the SwIpps-McRae.)
Constantine. Mich., July 8.-Frank- unsecBred UsMIlttss at t^ oorapeny
•Un Welia, a member of the stnU board were placed at $26,000.
of agriculture, died suddenly at 2
tolsnUfieally I
o'clock thU morning of heart dUsase.
Hril fire, what It is, and whsra ft M.
He was around as osaal ysaterday
la the subject at the djseoam tonlRM.
Ur. Wells was 80 years old.' me fu at-the tabranariA onenra of r
neral will be held nest Mopf
Board of Trade Cto^
(Frtnn a Special Oarrespejs^ L>'
Chlingo, J^R.—me board <d tredf
eloeed today and wW not roopto nntu
r Ttfic ©any eagte.
of trade cr 'tbat U sbooU raise exces
sive reraiuea tran the people. More
over, such a suiplus In a oesstant
TIfE HAOLE P*«SS>»bM*»i«F». temptation to extravagant and unnec
essary awropriatlons. As regards the
second point it. is eouaUy clear that
the people will <not Assent to ny furn In the internal revenne
A «t Ttkvena Citr PostofflM at taxes bn beer, whisky and tobacco.
The only cure tor the surplus Is a revishM)
erbeis.there are no domestic ruptnres
___ ___________
but thM ean be hlessen
ed‘by haring Dr. .King's
King’s New Life
Pills around.
Much trouble
they aare
r tbeir-great work ini 8
Stomartt and
iver troubles. They not
lOt oply
you, but cure. 2Bc at Jts. JMnan’a
and Bngbee * Roxburgh's Drug fltorea.
MM, Mcmday __ ___________
haU. C. O. Bherwood, Com.; C. D.
ItoPolata, R. K.; A. Bobartaon. FTK;
Pnrai^ W^ng. Mattrem Making $tM Street Thooe No. 11*.
Tbe Traverse City Driving Park assoctatloD- is giving a high dsss of
sport at their eecond atmual summer 711 WebsUr St CUtiseDa’ 'phone 689.
meeL The issonlat.loB hss been,
July 1.
large expense In fitting up the groub
and track and in offering purses that
pHeaa In
have drawn s«ne of tbe best horses
weiBhts, all new desirable
shades. Woolens for trousers
Id the state to thU city, for thSM
at 8S >s lent as pressat stock
raqnMtM to BOtllr the ofloe at
reaacuu the asdoclatioo is worthy of
on hand lasts.
of aay ^orc to reeeiTe th« j ,
alt the support which can be expected.
PR9«rt27 or OB tlM M that the faiat
No pleasanter way of spending an af
116 Cass Street
taattaar si the carrier h
ternoon can be found than at tbe race
adled wlt^t delarfraiA. Nothing objectionable will be
found there for ladies as well as
With lair weather tomorrow. Trav- Contorts of-speed are Interesting
Plaa«~TaBer and
erae Clt; wlU be called upon b
iveral good races «1H be seen every
AatiM OaftBlatar.
Fancy Clocks,
Urtalfi aevoal thoneaDd vlaltots.
With W. W. KimbaUCo.
have them carry away a aood opinion
IBS Praat ML
o< the city it will be aMeesary for evSTATE NEWS IN BRIEF.
ery ciUsei. to play the part of boet
in|uette.-John Oonyea, aged 70
The peMer proportion of the visltore years,-hBs been brought to the pen!will be stransers to ue <w ecqualnl- teiKlary here to serve a sentence of
Try 8Uw
aacee at beav hut we muat extend the four years for sbooUng Into a crowd
lag Silve
. wish to
aame oordlality to «ieiB that
of boys who bad been tmthering bim
make. Sundays or week days. Reason
would to InUmate friends. Visitors for some Ume. and killing one of them. able rates. Call Citlxens- phone, 494
are qnlck to appreclau any iittle Pot ihany years'Qonyba was a re
Dock opposite O. R. A
oourteey extended to them. When a spected resident of Masisdque and
Hnatling Jeweler.
kind word U apoken pr any little at much sympathy Is expressed for him.
tention is Elven,
LansInB.—The Isabella County Ssvit the more' 1> coining from persons
gs bank of ML Pleasant, capital J30.who are no( ezpreasly delegatei
lO.'bas been given anbority to do
the pnfpoee.'
business by Strte Banking Commis
’ '
The readineas with which the glad
sioner Moore. Tbe bank vras former
ha^ was extended to the Hicblgan
ly tbe private banktng instltnUon of
Piw Bssoelatlon accounted In a large Webber A RuhL
degree for the good oidnlop in which
the members held the dues they vis
Edjoy advanb^cs ofteibd
ited. It seemed In some places as If
-u TDK scxnic Ajrp
by no other cooeem in'- '*
y. He is ce)ebratlng bis ?9tta
HIBTOBIC HOUTK-----evei7 clUsen was on the recei
Amerioa. They are bnylDg
committee. Let It he so in Traverse birthday anniversary and » in exertof the largest pisoo mak
lent health.
AssociATllW BK^iff. Cbeap ExCity on all oocsaslons when etrar
ers in the world. They
Battle Credk,—Leon Cole; the young cirsioi TIctetA will be oi sak My
are to be ntertalned. Let them feel
yn ot WllHam CoTe, a barber,
Ssd ts Stk.
tb^ they have net been enticed here
merdy for-the porpose of sepanUing rows^ yesterday while swimming at You can travel through
The Tbouaand lalands and
them from thalr dollars. We
Maplewood paiki
rtgned by a rasponsible
tlaplda of the »t. Lawrenaa
some .of their money bst let us give
oompany, and they bay
Kalamazoo.—Bev. H. H. Tlepen
Toronto, the Queen City.
value received and our dty will r
at the factory prices.
who for many-years has had charge
' a greater dtimate benefit than if
Easy terms If desired.
of the Christian Reformed church in
MoDtroal, the Uctropolla,
aueaspt to work a holdtp game.
ibiB city and who is well known
Onabee, tbe Ancient,
In honor of the glorious Fonrth and throughout western Michigan, 1* dead
The Oacoaaay River,
. 'out of reaped for onr viaitm, every In this city, aged 7J years. He had
White MoontalBi.
huslnme place and every seeidence intended to retire from the ml^try
dU affmtsenn'seK tickets via thU route.
ahoold be decorated! Let the stars
a August L
^Tite Jor infomuMon end Ulurtratol
and Btriim fly from every home,
Port Huron.-^ra, Bdward Manski, Ulerotnrej
putting in various colors hel^tmis whose dead
is sthought to be in
the attect and ahould be uaed as lav BL Clair river; was the victim ot
ishly as can be afforded.
Blader. which finally drove her to'
The committyee In charge of the suicide.
oelebi^an have done their work fdthBirww,—WnUam P. Klngas. about
fnlly and have a good programme ts 31 yean ot age. slagle, a frtmer mem.
offer. It wfll be found in dtfail In her ot the Oeman army, was drowned
afo^abCDlauB. There U' somethifg In a pond In a brickyard Z Palhes
BtnUc^ tbds county, yarterday after-
Launch “Cruiser”
Grand Travarae Lodge No. 200, I.
O. O. F., meets Tuesday evenings In
their haU. O. Q. Miliar. N. 0»; C. S.
Johnson. Sacretsry,
Tnasday on or uafore
usfo each full Moon.
Rnnla Sonia. -W. M.
msniActared goods. A Isrge increase
cdpts was due to phenomena] sales of
public lands, which reflect tmusaal
prosperity In the west
That the unexpected snrplos is dne
to increased and widespread IndnsIrial nsavity. Is. of coone, highly
gratlfjdng to the ccnntry. But wheo
the revenne pPoduclng machinery
ereafee such a eorplos it is clwrly
waU fitted to the ttmee. Thesbowthnt l»«nade, pdnts unmistakably
to a retdjhttment of tbe tariff schedulea. to tbe end tbit tie snrplns may
be rednoed and thd tbe Import dnUm
nay be mors selMOfleally ndapted to
PresoBt tadusbrtal oondlUm. It Is
noted that tbe onstoms receipts were
greater ttan the Kdenml rerane reoelpu by over JSd.000,000. The
. are tba* the importation of pnrOy
snodr- wUl be even
trauar dnrtag tha oonlng Bsoal year.
. Thera is no paospaot of radsoad reve■- nnaa in that dlraethm ondar tha preaant Uw.
Tha'wiadoto of a radnaUea of the
mrplaa is ao.plaktly obvMos at ta r«rtolrp ao oxtandad a^mnrtri, and Re
piaoa whera the raifeictloQ abo«M be
Mda to squally obvJons. On tha first
■ Pcdnfwabadonly.apytlmtltUimt
govenmeat aboiild keap
sarti sAHMa.aam oat ofMmrtuMMto
writlDB •gmoc' Insteui
■gtaas* vHdow. but it Is probable that
0 one would uudentand whnt yen
i«ant"-Phlladclpbia Record.
BeacolWor Bloadrrik
A. H. B. of Asfot sent to the London
INdbe some sptHJaiens of "bowlers"
)}• bonrO scliool rhlldren
and coll-'ctcd by a board school master.
Ob tbe tiulim- of gawM. "An oxygon lias
rtgiH sides." In mitral histnry. "A
cikAoo la a tiird wblrb does
eggs," "A moiutulio Is_________
black nnd while parents" and
blitsard Is ttJ inside of a fowl.”
dy we get the rolloulDg:
"The equator Is a uienag^e lion tunDing round '
eurtb and thsongh
Africa.” "A tneridlau to tbe place where
they keep the Ume" and 'Tbe InbabItanti of Parts are enlled Parliltes."
Among answers we hare beard befote
to ^t of tbe child wbodeclareo. "Isaak
WiUdD WBunch a good fiaberman U
ha was caiiSl tbe Jodirtans booker."
waii derided by a patron In a
Japanese shop wtMS tba proprietor
esld; "That •mailer vaaa ntodxjn, to
qtoKo^ JapansM In fonh and deco
ration. That floral patten In gold
aroand the npper half to charactaristic. and so. too. to the exceedingly nar
row and rtwrt neck- The vaae vrill held
bnt a alnrte bloawjni that ahoold be
long etoasmed god atand aprifbt Iha
tbe flower WUl be Indlvldnallsed and
the ram llkeviie. That to the Japanme
Oraco-Jnst see bow morti you Hh
tie wtte lores yon. She made thto
cake toryoo aU by beiartf.
Artbnr-Tei my darling. Aj>d now
U7rtt wui eet ttaji by youartf I atmu
...............................-Vnof «< yoar Ba-
Btiffened and [ladiled to
keep ahape—biiie eergesvfancy home apuns- casaimeies etc.—noaneh lice
elsewhere, ip ' Northern
Hamilton * Gothing ’>* Co.
ooooooo oqooooooooooooooo
Real Eatnta Broker
Is Growing Better
every Day.
Royal Tiger
Corn and Tomatoes
are as good as can
be put up at any
It has got where we bsye
had to put in a first class
tailor to take care of our
. work and from this on any
one buying a suit from ua
wg^will keep it ia repairs
price. Only
15c a can*
Royal Tiger
tall Cftii Salfta^ '
Acme Hy^enic Couches
pants—not only fit imw
Suit Cases
Heavy hardwood tegSt extra heavy
striped canvas seat, 25e value, only
To Close Out I
I Boston I Return Kimball Piano
Canadian Pacific Ry.
fitting outing coats ami
M.; M. B. Haakrtl, Beeretary^.
OolM Mlver.
For the 3rd and 4th
large Assortment perfect,
Travarae Otty Lrodje No. 881. F. A
A. M. Bpedal communleatlon Hon-
Romoo^Mra. Caarlssa lAVene of
make tbe celebintlan the biggest and this village, yesterday oelebisted her
beat the dty baa ever s^!
106th birthday. She was bom in
Paris. France, in 1798, and came to
•URPLWh CALLS FOR TARIFF RC- America at the age-of 80. She is the
mother of seven children, the eldest
Nefwithstaadiag the reducUoo
ot whom Is t^t 7b years of age.
Internal rerenoes throagb the repeal With tbe exception of a alight deafof the war taxes and the increase fn
Mrs. LaVene retains alfber facul.
aPTopriadons the doaihg day of ttie
ties and her eyesight is so good that
flacal .year finds a suiplns la the na
she has never bad to resort to the us«
tional ueasnry amotmUng to 159.710, 'ot gUMsea.
6»0, and an available cash balaaoe
amounting to V31,Me.01t.
In repeaUng the war taxes It was
Ortglu or xcrsaa" Widow.
expected that the reduction in Inter
"Wliy tilsould s womun eeiNimtnl
nal rsTeuMS would be about I76.000,- froui tier Imabnod bo cnlkd n *Kra».<'
000. whereas the adual loss was o^y wldowT' iiskul a yotins mini of ilie
noSquiLiy. ••The term ‘gnuw' widow."
. MI.764,86<. The story o!. the gm
the latter iinnwered. "bas nothing to
meat's fiscal eperati< .■ for the year Is
do with the herlKiBe ou-our lawns.
Mefly tdd liMhe fci: .wing statement 'Omss' Is a nilmiK-lllng. aanitloned by
of receipts and dlsbusements:
custom, of 'graiv.’ In the past, when
dlvortiw were run*, s woman aeparsted
Ssureaa of Revenue.
legally from her hnslisud was enlled n
Customs, ..............................»28S,891.1
Intenal roreme ..............2J0.llB.t66 Mdnca de gratia* by* the Uoman
MtsecIlanooM...................... 44.880,BBX Cbnrob. and the Kmirb tfilled her
*veove de gnicv.' Tbe tnennlug ofliotb
terms ts tbe sniiie—'widow by grniv.'
We took tbe Teuve' from the French
and translated It pn.;>ei lyliito -widow,'
•grace* Wo liieorportrted Into
w ...
lugungp. oilssi>cl'llln!r 1 Ui tbe
Now’s the time for Outing Saits
Carpet Cleaning.
Travarse Caty ta&t No. 871, . K. O.
d*s ami-i^ytGg
eatbSr fsBorab- T. MM. Friday nW>ts in Hsrsatera’
WM tteo^dy asd^gaaqi^
ISC < cau.
Our spring Uoerteemt to be
I Lb. Royal Tiger
Balmnn Steak [
esc a caa.
Thanking ypH lop yourVind
patronage, we remain yours
to please,
Telephone 157.
r nr ar w ir IT |P tr w p* r !*• If *«• r IT*
Miller Bros.
157 Flint Street.
Several Desiiable Farms:
Seven room house and lot
pn I^ndolph street, near Elfpwo^ avenue scbool. l^y
terms] price $1,000,
Seven room house on Rose ,
street, lot 50x186.
$750] half cash, balance
. .
Four dwellings on East
side, reasonable prices,
ietm ‘
• ‘ • ; ••
Seven room ^louse
Nint-h street, stope fpupdat.
tion,cement cellar, lot 50x166,
Price $i,40e.
Seven i-oom house fin West
Seventh street, stone founda
tion, lot 66x172. Prlce$l,400
Enquire at my orrice
for term*,
are the places where you enjoy yourself these daj’B, You should have the
easiest and most comfortable furniture possible. ’ You have a 'summer cottape at sonit_pf the-rceorts, or j-ou are going camping for a wfeek or two.
Have you seen our
Porch Chairs
Sold on a Five Year Guarantee !
Prices ^.00 to $25.00
July CkaiMce Sale ol fnmtore, Sums
Crockery nuw on. Duu't Miss III . . , , .
Is too basy to telk baslsess.
Clothing Hats
Something ontirely new—so many odd shajyes, and tbe prices arb from $1.75
up. These can be used in any room in the house. You should own one of
Patent hammock Chair*
li the latest extension top, tbe occupant being always protected ffoin
■and heat by the canopy top. Therj
l^ave the best 35e camp stool
with back, you ever saw. We have canvass stoQl*^ camp chairs, laCv|i
toes, reclining diairs and porch rockers.
A splendid line of both Mexican gnas.-ind tbe Palmer Hammocks aud
prices arc from $1.00 to $2..")0.
The Easiest Shoe on Earth
• and the easiest shoe vou ever had on your foot l.s the l>!t,
CUSHION SOLE SH6E.* We have just added a full line of
you know the sole of the foot is like the palm of the hand, differs In every
.individual. With the ordinaiy,shoe the friction of the foot on the Inml In
sole is the cause of many ailments—in summer the lieat penetrah-.s. the
sole—in tbe winter the dampness gathci»-the i-esu^lLs ai-e tiiifoiTunato.
The Reed Cushion Shoe prevents all this. It is a dressy shoe, made in vici
kid and box calf and patent calf. Once you wear a cushion sole, you will
your- fcH-t
have no other, especially if your work requires you to stand
all day
-The Cool Shoe for Summer
is the oxford, tvhether you want them to stand in, or to walk in, to dahoe
in or {o talk In, we have them. The-Ladies’Oxfoitls for this femmmer are
daintv triumphs of the shoemaker’s act; flne, airy, stjiish. Handsomar
shoes never left the factory. The only thing fiR-you to do is to own a palp.
Children’s Shoes
We-make a specialty of. The Wee little tots just learoing to creep; want
dainty shoes. The little people who are taking their fiiirstir atep^
stronffor shoes, and tbe older, little folks want^ good stout
ut Bhoe.
tljeso lines aro our specialties,
Official ProgramiTO
‘5 *!l*
that Will ba
Carriwi Out^a Traverse City July 4p 1003.
A salute of thirteen gun-bombs that will be ‘ heard for
The early morning hours will be devoted to receiving
the guests of the (iueen City of the North, as they arrive on
isegular and special trains and boats, and the thousands who
will drive their own teams.from a radius of forty miles.
Ttai-erse Citi
.•i*seCity. The Traverse City Band and the Boys’ Band will
torm as sepai-ate bands in the parade, but later will come
together as one grand oi^nization and will give tbe enthusiiLStic emwjk suiili a musical entertainment as it is rare, to
' find anywhere on such an occasion.
The whole day will be so full of good things that it is
, found necessary to follow one event quite eloselj' with another, but the crowd of visitors willI be so great
it will
not be a difficult matter for all to find something attractive
all the time.
Tins will be one of the most thrilling events of the pro► gramme. Traverse City has one of the most complete as itis
the largest fire department north of Grand Rapids, and the
department will give at 9,-00 a. m., an exhibition run. stertr
ing from the engine houst- on Cass street, north to F»»nt,
where the run will b • continued east to Boardman avenue,
where connection will be made with hydrant^ whije at the
same lime pqrt of the depai-ttnent will run on to corner of
Boai-dmnii Avemie and State streets where another eonnectioa will be made, and water thrown ^from bath---------All who wish to see this exhibition drill must be
Cass street on. Front street, or'on Boardmafi Avenue near
the corners of Front and State streets, The rqn-will be
made with onp' of the steamers and-tlje hook and l^def
H will be absolutely necessary that every team' and
every person should be off the streets where the run is
made, or serious accidents would likely occur., This order
will 1)6 strictly enforced and • must be cheerfully complied
BAIhL GAME-9:30 A- MThis game wlU be played by the well htqown Gray
Eagles of Manistee and the Asylum team. Both are.......
^gffJ'egations and splendid -sport may be .expected, The
game wiir he plaj'ed at the 12th street grounds, aud the
usual admission fee will be eharged-at-the gate.
These will come off on Union street, between Sixth and
Eighth sti-eets. and the events, with cash prises aro as fol
.lows: All prizes will be paid on the spot jn cash.* and en
tries can be qj^le oi) |he grqund.
, gvENT
100 }-d dash......................................
50 yd dash ........................................r......
Threelegged race............. ....................... . LSO-^
.... 1.50 ;
..... 3.00
- 3.00
... • 3,00
BPABaDB-ll:O0 A. U.
“^1*7- , ThU year this dis
play wdl be of maereloua beauty. The
display will be ipade from the public
niarkdt site, on the north bank of the
rlror Just west of/Union elieet. It
M tc iU.poeiUoo on neftrhr streets. will
seenJiOTj the grore^atid
Tho Hne ^ «a«ih will W east on
Vront-to WelHortoo stnwt, muUi to s^t, on the Bouih^SSr^*the"
Wsshlogton. west to BoArdmsD sve. where there is a natural amphitheali
HUB. north to SUte. west •with aocommodatiOQs for fifty Ihoi
south to Kloth. west to Unid
InlOD, north sand people. The bands will furnie
to Fitmt and disbsod.
music during the evening. Do nc.
miss the wonderful pyrotechnic disTUE RACB8-l:3uI*. M. .
Th ese rsccs will be Uie best eecr
rolled off Id Korthern Hirhigso. The
The train and boat eervioe is better
grestesl e-creetn in thji part of Ihe than ever before, and the new t-pelatitsie. Tl)is U the openinv of the
M>chiX«o circuit this eessou. The
Fspes for dnly 4th W'U he called af the
3- * I—Regular trains arrive from
arqur<U nn Prant street—th|: old fair the south at 8:25 a. m.. 1-.26 p, m. and
4:2D p, m., and leave, going south, at
* There will be a SiSO trot, purse »aou. 6:40 p, m„ 11:10 a. m. and 4:25 p. m.
A SIO psor.' purse «00. Mcrchaot’s There will be no necessity for a spec
and Uanufncinx-r's parse, for 3:3r>
paoers, tsoo. Korelty race, parse Sion ial train from the south, ns the regular
Do not miss tlicse races. Sonic of train arriving here at 8:25 a. tu. will
the best horses ia llie countr.v are here. answer this purpose, but there will
be a special train souUi, leaving at
Entrance fee at the gate.
10:00 p. m., after the fireworks.
T- C. W. A M,—Regular trains arrive
■^1|^ exhibition has become an e»
w CIt from Northport at ll:05 a, m. emd 4:20
l>. m., and leave for Nonh|ion at 8:30
of July, am
all a. m. and 1:30 p.'-m, a special will
:be displi will leave Northport at 7:00 a. m.. and relore elaborate Uulanewei- num at 10 o’clock p. m.
fire balloons, animal
mins arrive from the south............
like, while the bomU
— X cxplodt
ilodc at great «,
«!•, tiUkh. m. ai
e fig
figures of
p. m, and from the north at
es. dragoni
gons, animals, rn-6:15 p. p. and 10:05 p, m. Regular
lumets. flags, trains leave for the _aouth
at 6:00 a.
....................... nisny others m.. 11:66 a. m., 5:20 p. m. and 10.: 10
- droll or interesting.
p. m., and for the north at 6:00
____ the day and night fli^works 1:20 p. m. and /i:l6 p. m- The 4:65 a,
,wU» be sent off on the i.ortn side of m. train from the south and the 10:05
the rirer. lust west of ilie market
gronsds. The best point of view will p. m. from the north are through
be from the south bank of, the -------- "flyers,” and do not make local stops
PI;BLICEXERCI8ES-3:00P. Mtpdkey at 6:10 a. m.. arriving at Travplji W«I
City at 9:00 a. m.. and retymii '
«Q<rndi«, South Side. V the weather
frill npl allow this the meeting
will be ^11 leave Traverse City at »;S9 p. )
This eiMielal will conned with E
hald Ih the pity opea
The Rapids
both ways.
nwi lbeas Ipllov
M. A N. E^Regnlar trains arrive
from Uanlstee and oonneetlona at
U:00a,m,an(ifl!jep-md from Prove"'.UMd Mnsli
mont and Cedaraifi: 14 a.m. Regular
trains leave for Manistee
Maaislee and
nections at 9:30 a m, and 3:66 p.
p m.;
for Provemont and Cedar at 6:20 a m
A special train will leave Manistee for
Rcadiug-DecUration of ind<
lravers6,CUy at 6:00 a m„ connect^ -r. bv Rev. T- l>. UUom.
mg at Platte River with apeclal from
•f A«'drx- a by UoC J. W. Patchin
Jhnplre, arriving at Traverae City at
Thla w ill L- an old fashioned P
— -.anistpe.aad con•o| J«r nie«Tug, j«t.t aucli is w.
ppeUota ati:40 p. m.
• . regular
“ 1^?
train from Pavement and Cedar
i-'Ill'I E nnui'—7.311 1’. M.
- Thia will beuueof the-preat cv<-nu
will r^n'rn"*o“th“t
of Uteenlire dav, and all u ||o puMiibly a*l5S^ti»ln
points at 7:40 p. m,
pgpahanld remain to wBik-^« i-. pud
-Boau will leave Northport at 6:00
TUa aacen^lob WlU be made f ou
low gtound on the south bonk of
viMrrJiist'west of Union ■traet. and and arriving at TraTewe Oty at 10:00
^b< made .by the noted aeronaut. oi.?
eilbL rJ. Llddlc, who has made hund- City at 10:00 p. m.. after the fire
^ aaoeosioea Prof. Liddic will works. A special boat wlU leave Torch
t« a great height,
id or-more feet f
a himself loose fr-wi
ooUng with terifib: speed se
tdf«d-faet before the parachu
Traverse Bay line of boats will
Ofaa. when he will £at bat
■ aliori exeurslona on the
-- - •
ssss..' assy5:»r.fisr.!
O. P. career! V. W. CARVER.
O. P. Carver & Bro.
On aoeoimt of I lie last
“FiRti and^Oame Law*^
will be in thel office daring boaibeas bears, eacl, day, ready to wi
The Waathv.
Clondy with local showers and tbun.
flerstorms tonight and fiaturday; fresh
to brisk e^ to south winds.
There was a ydung girl from WestChester
Whose fellow stole up aiM caressed
“Come,-kiss mel’’ be cried,'
But she blQShed and denied.
And refused to begin till he prasse
her.—Colombia Jester.
Howard Elliott went to Cedar thia
morning'on bpslnesS;^
Mrs. J. H, McOoiigh has returned
from a visit to her old home at Lockport. N. y.
MIm Minnie Hubbell of 607 Front
street is ylSiUng her brother, James
H. W. Hubbell, In Chicago.
N. E. Globensky ef 'Aiden visited
bis son, A. S. Olobensky of Fifth
street. y4i]prd|iy and attended the
MIsa May ThompMn of South Boardman arrived in the dty today for a
vlalt with her niece. Miss Jennie Ha
ger, of 1064 Washington street.
Aid, L.' K, Gibbs is expected home
today from a lengthy business trip to
the property of the Gold Reef Miping
Co, |n the l^kc of tUe. Woods district
In Ontario:
Tlje postoffice will be open July
Fourth frop 7:0U unU| 9:0(> o'clock
*, ni. and from 4:00 until 4:30 p. m.
The usual morning delivery wUl be
made by carriers.
The Rev. John W, MHIa, O.-O., of
Chiqtgo. a classmate of the Rev. W.
K. Wright, Is expected to bo present
and to preach bo^ morning And <
ing at tbo PresbyUrian church on
Miss Grace Helsdn of 215 North
Spruce street was pleaaanUy surpris
ed by'some of, her friende last nlghi
the occasion of her X8ti birthday. The
evening was spent with music and
gaihes. and refrmdiments of ice cream,
cake and frnl^ w^
rtlicran rrtu
TMterdv trtet »
to New Ywk.
Atlantic City *nd qiilMao- They
wpre i^mpuied home by h^n. Ott'e
eUter-in-law, Miss Besaid Qtt of Chi
Arthur Eari *tr«b|e gn{l M[N Htllle
Roll Capfl.old.were united in marringe
last evening at th® Second M. B. par
sonage by JlDv. Hugh Kcacdy. The
witnesses were Miss Julia Rohm and
Frank Corwin.
O. Lnpham of 610 Randolph street
has purchased the general gtore of
Dan G. Shorter of Cedar Run wd
on iKMsession. He wi|l move tits fam
ily but ihnrc'at once and Mr. Shorter
will occupy bis former home In this
w^ pain.” wilfes C. W. Brf-
Ungton, Imm“‘n'waf^S^a^a
Salvator Shewed Greater Spaed But without any aRwUte and aU run down,
ito I was (^t to give op, l got a
on Straight Track.
battle of Bectrlc Bitters, and a^
toktog It. I felt a. well m I ever^
Chicago, July S.^Alan-a-Dsle, a to iw Ufa" Weak, alridy, nm down,
the blnocraaa people always gain now Ufa strength
“® Trytolm!
m of, Kentucky, lowmd the ^Isfaction gusranteed
By Jas. O.
world's record for one mUe to l:*7 M
and Hag Tag cat the wortd’s mark tew
seven and a half turlonga to 1:82 1-5
Wedneadayj The woodeiinl speed
of the record breakers made thy day many on the road to sne
Column BiqrciM at Julhn Can«Let them,
of the most events tn turf hit- ■tort yon This is the- greatest
period bairs Bwrth SMe Hardware etere.'
tbe Uoiled
IniU- States has
■tory. The Washington Park track,
for comdema
carefolly prepared for months by ex ever aeta and toe demand
pet^t Boedekeepers stnd
perts. reached the acme of condition Is inereming.
Prepare yotrself at A. B. CDHTIS.
tinder tiie favorable weather of the last
Ire prepared ma
k. B. CURTIS & CO.
We shaU add a
< and rendered poasible the senAd. Writing nert year?1*hlch will
BBtional performances.
^ to thoee taking ih. ‘
lerclal or
AlanA-Dale brought the mile rec
Fire Joantanee.
ord down by one-fifth of a second from
ror‘*tn"S NoTazClaua.
ROOMS 6 AND. 10. a. * L BLOCK
the time of 1:37 4-6, made'by Briga
dier two yeara ago. with wonderful
. He led every step of the way.
wu untouched by srfalp or spur,
Saved From Terrible Death.
and was even not urged at any. stage
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt of
by bis rider. He wa»’ only galloping ^erton. .'enn uw her dying and
at the end 4f the fastest mile ever run
over a circular track. Wltbont taking
a deeper breath Uian after an ordinary
n was slowly but surely taKlng her
1. In thU terrible hour Dr. King's
gallop, he pulled up in front of the
loovery for Consumption turnWhen you ere nsi -g oil
Judge's stand, where he was hailed ed dmpalr
tlr into Joy. The firrt bottle
lamiH. or any kind ot l'«ht
king of mile runners by fS.OOO brongh fmmed)4e
relief and its con
cheering lovers of a great thoronch- toned----------- -------your homeoroSer.' Tlirnthe most certain cure In the world for
is 'nothing
n-.^..-, like
all throat and lung troubles. OnaranThe performance puts Aian-a-Oaie teod bottles 50c and 11.00. Trial bot
•liHCITY tor
on Ole same plane With SRIvrfcor. tles lOo. Jas. O. JohnsoB and Bngbee
No smoke, t.6
Kingston, Hanover and other, turf A Roxburgh'e Drug -Btorea
smell, no grease, no danger
kings which reigned years ago.
from fires—it is the
Of the great horses ^ the past on
Salvator showed greater apeed, ai
that can be procniad,
Grand TraTotae.
his mile In 1:36K. wss ^ over
straight course, where the gbeeaioe of
Boardmoh River
turns made It possible f^ him to
Electric L^bt 8
every ounce of bis speed at every step
Hon. John A. Loranger.
of the. distance.
Powe** Company.
Judge of probate.
_ In tbe matter of the estate of Smith
fEDERAL GOVfiRNAlENT UW roes, late of said connty. deceased,
leuben Hatch having filed in said
irt his tenth aunoal account as ex
36S.06S ACRE6 REMAIN IN STATE ecutor of 8«ld estate, and his petition
praying tor the allowance threof.
U Is ordered. That the thlrt day of
In Grand Traversf Ceunqr There Are July. A. D. 1603, at 10 o'ojoek to the
---------- ----- said4 obate offloe. be
^fii0 Aersa.'
for examining
and aUowlng a^ aeconnt
srquelte, Mich., July 3.—Aepordit is further ordered, that public
to the report of the Marquette notice thereof be given by'publica
tion i t a copy of this order tor tnree
land office, which- >ias Jurisdli
aaecacsive weeks previous to said day
ugboul the aute the federal gov of hearing. In Tbe Dally Bagle. a
ernment on Juno40 laal, the close of nowapaper printed and circulated tn
said county.
the fiscal year, sUII retained tlUe
(Seal.) JOHH
365.065 acres in both peninsulas, the
holdings In the two sections being:
Upper Michigan. 190,168; ^w^
igan, 1.4,867.
the year 21,0(10
acres were taken pp. By oqunUee. t*a
City Book
Hoal Estate <fe Loans
J. O. Tubum b. o.
Mm M. j. Temuxza D. a
40-407 Wilhelm Block.
-1 aod tt WynJeOi^ Terraa
To Builders of
New Ch^ltings
The man who completes a hew
bulldtog new wtthont fitting with -gas
pipe tails of coosulttog Us owe best
Inierasu. No
u gas
not Just At this poinL Tbe eneBaloa
of these will be exteusird to the nesx
year or two. when yoti wlO then M
able to realise what It te to have a
pcrteei. as wril as chi
of gas. or you wt;l
never cease to regret it. Twelve to
sixteen dollars .will tnily pipe an ordin
ary dwelling. ' Do not be misled by
misstatements. .Intentionally made a*
to cost or qnallty ot oar Wetebach
light, Mk your nalghbor or friend Who
usee them, yon will then lean rki»«
a reliable, perfect gas U^t can ba
had of three or four toM qnaUty. lor
mtle over halt the coat of other ll^t
Apply to
Traverse City
Gas (^mpany.
. :PW6A.^.FiR—Mi' Aluaf -■ijEe;'
Baraga, sjlfi; Chippewa. 67.188; Del
ta. 13A36; Diekinaon, 2400; QoceUe.
480. Houghton. 2.W12: Jron, 7,868':
KeweenAw 18,80$; Lvee. 16,180; Mar
quette 30.632; Maeklnac. 6,822; Helomlnee. L120; Ontonagon. 4,200:
Schoolcraft, 21400.
Lower PenlnatUa—Oladwin, 360:
Cheboygan, 4,027; Montmorency. 22.124; Presque Isle. lOlSOl; Alpena. 3^604; Oscoda. 47,010. AJeopp. 16,878;
Ogemaw. 5,880; Atonac. 1,129; CharJevolx, 3.967: losci). 37,797; Antrim.
2M; Kalkaska, 3,385; Clare. A471;
ceOla. 763; Missapkec. 9,880; Wexford,
446; Grand Traverae. 1.240;'Leelanau]
3.552: Benzie, 1,602; HanUlee, 1.128;
Lake. 2.661; Mason, 3.596,; Meodeta.
329; Newaygo. 657; Oceana. 2.095; Ot
sego, 1,920.
M, 0. Carrel went to Pleasant
on this morning to bold a quarterly
conference on Bear L^ charge and
to assist Paaior Sprague Ri a campmeeting. He wJTr go from there
Unswee County Man Given DimSherman and Wexford for Sunday,
apes Afisinst RiUrewL
returning on Monday. .
Adrian, Mioh„ July 3.—A Jury in
Several of the friends of Mins Ethel
the Lenawee circuit court awarded
Bailey of $18 Smith Union street spent
Marlon Moigan of Woodstock *2.600
a yer)- pleasant evening at her home.
damages against the Lake Shore rall-'
road for Injnrtes. The case is pecnreturn home for the summer from
llar. Last fall, returniag tram Hills
Grand Rapids, whqrc she has been
dale on an excursion train, Morgan
studying music.
to Stand in the aisle of the c^.
The fire depsrtment had another which, It was alle^, made him
practice nm las| night and made some
that be Bongtat the platform c
very fast Ume. The distance from the
where he feR oft, sustaining inen^Be house to the first hydrant tap Juries to his leg.
ped la 90 rods and the department
ered the dlstMce and had water
through the b«e In 35 seconds. While
a took only 2b seconds more to
PetMkey Liveo'man Traced Money to
te the other hydrant -and have water
His Ntghtwatqhniin’f Home.
there too.
• • r- .
Fetoskey. Mich:, July 3.—Frank 81fert, the Hveryman, loet a wMlet
tainlng 892.50 a few days ago and ad
vertised hiB loM In vain. His nightOf the Wyman's Cemetery' Improvewatchman; Fred Grams, was suspeofment Aesodation.
ed of havlng:fouDd the purse. YmThe Woman's Cemetery Improve- terday afiernoqn Oramt' bouse was
m»t association held its annual meet searched, a portion of the money found
ing yesterday afternoon and the, re •ocreted, and now Grams Is tn Jail
ports of officers showed the organisa on a charge of larceny.
tion to be in a Sourishing condition
Much work .‘has been accompftehed by
the society during the past year and
the members feel encouraged in fur Society qf the QlRMmati AwaiXM OeM
ther proseruting the work.
al te Prof. JoRi
The following officers vero elected:
New York, July 3v—The Society of
• President, Mn. Martha CurUa; first
the Clneianatl. wUeh has had tor
vlce-prealdenL Mrs. Bstelle Kneeland
s(«e time a. standing offer of a goU
second vlee-presIdCDL Mrs. Mary Wil medal for the compoem- producing aehelm: third vice-president. Mrs. B. M
eeptaWe music ft^ “Amorlea," which
Sfetson;' recording secretary, Mrs!
tor yeu« has been song to the tame
Amelia Ooffar; flanancUl eeerttaiy.
alr'‘M the national anthem of Great
Mrs. Anna Calkins; ireasurtw, Mrs.
Mary Thirlby; board of directors; irtt^D'.'lias awarded the prize to Ptotr JrfuistoneofthU city.
Madames FloroDee- Barnum. Anna
Soules, Jessie Gillespie. Amelia Votruba, Louisa MoOoy. '
“Is abe fo.,.!
“I Bhmiid
waa. Why. she has
Wonderful Nerve.Is dtoplayed by many a man eudur[to Bnt there’s uaetf«mtL
a Antics Beivs wfl! kin
_aad enre the tronbla It’s
A Very Cioee Call.
“EeA toot she’s gwoBlIp.TafT dmat«4iwnlMd.“-aiima»lM.
Wedne^y, July 8th
The popnplar Aaettoneer of
Traverse County. Office *80 I
Front BtreeL Traverse City.
I will be at Buftdhajren’s barn, on State street,
with one of the fine^enr loads of horses that has
ev^er been brougitt to Traverse Cit}’. ' See thenl !
Arriilteet and'snperintendenL Office
at resddenoe. 427 Flttb streeL N<
ere'pboae4ll. Benimatee made ...
tall sue detalU given with all plana.
Right After the Fourth
811 Wllhsim bleek.
riyou will think of going camping.
Und loo»r and Umber eMmaUw.
Hardwood timber and etubble tonds
tor sale. Rmldeciee 250 South Elmiroodave. CUlaena,'phone 712. JuSa 1
Buy a lot at
New offlee over People’s' Savtogi
. (ffiUNRIBE)
DenOsL Grown and Bridge work a
specialty. Office iew Wilhelm block.
A. D. TTl^
DentMt. Office '505 new WIO
Uo^ etdaens ’phoni Na m
^ resort and you . wont regret it.
Special prices this summer; next,
season they -will ‘be higher.
Rooms -7 and 8, Mercantile Co.’a block.
Special atteiUto^ven to
Archie As MHIer
Wlln-lk»s\ Ooliitai SMTt.
City Book Store block.
block. 'Pbones: offioe,
in MnnsoD
JlJ« JJ»JIJIMM.#.• Jl.P-PJiJ*.P .PiPMJiJ«.MMM^M.»rf,P.*.«.w
FonnetW malataht ■uigeo* tor eye,
ev. neee and- throat in tbe Chi
cago Polyclinic college and bos'V pltM. Practice Umlted to eye, ear.
BOM and throat and fitting of
gIVsea. 502 WltoMm block. Cltla5Fvicme«M.
I. A. THtefPBON. M. D.
to Bamlltoa-MlUlken bkx^ , w
'DBS. W. E, * W. a. MOON,
general psMIlce: spedaitsts ia dis
eases-of fbe rectum and genllo wtBS17 dtseaam. Both 'phones. (Sty
Opera Boom bkxfii.
Boom. 826 WHbelm blook. Clttoens'
-pbone 541s Ben 'phone 378.
Ipe^!: I sttenUoa given to snrgSiy and.
diseoaes of women. Office over
Fitat NnUmul bank. Can both
Prier, g«H>d si-rvio? and fair
ticatinent, v'c can meet any
cdinpetitiuii. The r e f o r e,
doubt on tlie&) pointB will not
form a logical baeis for- your .
neglect to- use our “B^T"
Hanradj & Eay Co.
'irrrrrrrrrrirrrrrr «-»r*-rr»-»»-r*-«-»»»V^.
THB X)Aniy.jUg^;^ F^DAY,
F0» SAl^A good work tee_.
gall* of Ip. -Naedkam, at the J. B.
, 8180
OraUlek C
of wirae ran ^-ihe h^iStbe way
AlMjie eteiwo wni remein epe* this
Mite Julia Billlnge arrived
FOR.SALB by A. F. little, 888 Front ^Onnd Rapids last eveulng and la st
street a good paying hot^ In near
by vfllafe: part earti: part time. ■dgewoodi' .
Whm looklns Tor bnsineea come In
C4jrtle Muniv •» Chtesgo ia vlaNand see what we hare for you. '744t
ttompad eoTelope tor aunpte letter
lag bla mother, Mrs. J. L. Murray, of
•Bd iDslnfoUcu. Bondre Co. 23
617 JTorth Blmwdod avtamt
DUB* atTMt. New Yortt, / 3X#*-tao
mllL.scsJeB, angine. grain
I frimily
gin leave Sunday for their suinmer
home at Red Deer.park, near Mania■tee. Cherlee Bmurthwalte went down
easy, little’e Real Wate and
MIm Efile Merae and Mias Gertrude
.. ______________ j of Grand Traveras county, little’s Ins. ft Beal Carter of West Branch are vtaltlng
the former's elsten, the Mlaees Daisy
ttteto Bx.
and Peryl Morse, and Mn. Jr-Uatz,
WANniO-^>oeSUon I
of 322 South Cedar street
The TwentieA Cwtury chib mat
idit evening with Mias Tesy Ibeharda
and iniuated three i
•club meets the next time with Mbw
Blanifli KratoehvlDe.
TO SBLL—80 a e In Qarfleld town
ship. moat ell cleared: honae Are
rooms, plastered, painted inside and
out; bam not very raluablft lunW
- -UlBu
------ trees; giwden pUt-bm^
cutrante. etc.; 10 awarms ol bees,
bpraes, cattle, hogs, wagons, bug
gies, burrows, plows, cuiarators,
pense mone; ndvencad; posiaoD
9d cattm-and
pemwAent. Address ThomM Oeeper, MeRaser. 10*C* Csxton BMg,
' Chiene817»-t.l3
’ or gecUemec to menege btud___ I in UtlB OMBtjr ud mdlolnlns
tertItoiT for well end tevonbl;
known taasse of solid ftnnnctel
sttndlng. «20i>0 Btmi|^t«48b Balnry
udb^ttsM. pnld
SALiE—164nA cedar wood de
1. Morgu. SlTltl I'OR
livered to any part of tbe dty. J. E.
OrellliA Co.
LADY WANTED to do genersl house
work. Enquire at The Boston Store. FOE SALE—My borne place on aoulb
side of West Sixteenth street,, as
id town.
WANTED—nrst oook. second «ooV . caoBlsOng of shout three acres
and a'dlnlhc room girl at the LakeequlTsJent of 26 IcU 86x166; also
Tiew Honse. Elk.Riteids. 8160-tf
two fractional lots adjoining it on
the east; slso Are scree with small
WANTED—Oirl or woman tar ceneiul
orchard adjoining U on tbe south;
housework, |S per' week. Home
also twelve lots on north aide r*
erenlnga. Hn. H. W. Smith. 986
same street. aU in one block, i
West Front street.
' S167-tf
H. Retry, 210 East Front street
8189 -tt
WANTED—house, 10 or 12 rooD .
near bay as poasibla XJtUe> Ins.
8ELl^-tC acres, 7 milqa from dty.
and Real Bst^ Baohange.
some orchard; Boc.e .^wood; log
oouae; some mall truK. Little's.
WANTED—Price on a few bay shore
Insurance and RsM Estate Bx.
lots between the O. R. S L and the
brewery. little’s Ins. and Iteal BsTO RENT.
WANTED—Orders for 16-ihdh cedar
wood, deUvered to say part of the
d^. J. B. Orellick Co.
organist aad vocallat Graduate of
ValparalBO Musical
- f. m
WANTED — Fair-sized se
safe tor canning taetoy.
B. Kneelaad.
^ of 81 and 86; dOzois-of United
aad write Tengii«*i Far Intonatioa
ap(dy to Becmltlng Oftear, 8«6
Front street, Traverse City,
pianlsm. 'Address.'Mra. Francae 8.
Smith. TYaveree City, Mich., '867
Bast Eighth street New Phone, 908.
shape by aa^e^Nrt-for years _
lawn mower butneea. For grinding
and adJnstlBC I eftarge 76 cents, and
trantee the work. Vtop me a
I rooms; onea cmmneysi
a down stelra; painted ost
aide and iMlde; bay window; poti
• bam: cedar block cellar; pom^ l- MONEY TO LOAN on
kltflken. TUB Is a gcaat bafgaii
erty. In euma to ealL .......... ........ .
Uttle'e Ins. aad Real Bstfte b
reom 608, sew WUhdm block, ftttk
aauwria s«ptkla« ewteeu. WSteh
Wa* Pneu>S«4 te IMW.
The dengen which threateDed Napo
leon in the opening yesn of tbe nlneteeutfl century -were shown by OHlray
In one of the meet sliiklng of all bli
cartoons, tbe "Valley of tbe Shadow of.
Deotii." which was Issued Sept 24.
1808. Tbe valley Is the valley of Bunyen's allegory. Tbe emperor Is pro
ceeding timorously down a treacberons
patb bonnded on eltber side by the
ten of Styx and bemraed tn by a clrrte
of flame- Fcom every side borrora
aprtnglng up to aaaall him. Tbe Uritlab
Uos. raging and fnrioua, U qirtoging at
hie throat Tbe Portugneee wolf bat
broken bis chain. King Death, mouhted on a mule of tiwe royal Bpantah
breed,'' has cleared at a bound tbe body
of tbfcox-Klng ioeeph. whkdi hai been
thrown into the "diteh of Styx.". Death
la poising hie spear with fatal aim,
waralngly holding up at tbe same time
his bourgi'am with tbe sand exbatwted;
flames follow hli courae. From th'e
smoke rise tbe Dgures of Junot aad
Dnpont. the beaten generals. Tbt pa
pal tiara Is descending ju a "Roman
meteor charged with lightnings
blast tbe Condcai). Tbs “Tnrkisb new
moon" la seen rialiig in blood.
■W>Irit of Citarlae
risw froi
flames to avenge tbs wrong* of Swe
den. The ‘Impprial Oennan eagle'' te
emerging froni a rioud; tbs Pranatan
' appran as a acaroern^, maklBg
. erale efforts to fly and screaming
rtvenge. Prom tbe "Lethean diteta" tbe
"American rattlemmlie” la thrusting
forth B polaoned tongue. The ■'Dutrti
frogs” are spitting out their spite, and
tbe Bhentsh ronfederatlon is peraonlfled aa a herd of starved “rate" raady
to feast on tbe Oorrican. Tbe great
"BosalaD bear."' tbe only ally Napedeon
baa secured. |a ehaffing Wa diato. and_
nlng. o formidjible neiqy to, tbe
nar.—Prederle Taber Oeoper and Ar
thur Bartlett Maurice to Bockmin.'
moiANB anotrqlwv offig
a tiEitn] locattn, st------------ . —
Me U«bt, 10 rooaa, phioildns for LOST—Leetlur covered orfler Ikuk.
Name on Drat lesf, H J. Dobson.
Finder retsni to 413 Webster stred
When tbe troUey ayatem waa Install
and receive reward.
able seenrtty. little's tnsnrance aad
ed to Mexico aty the native Indiana,
Real Brtate Bzchange.
apart from their wondermeot aa te
wbat unseen force propeHed tbe cart,
were anxious to test the new power.
They began by trying to stop tbe car'
wltti their haada gnd later with tbeir
heeds end bodies, eetfl the Hrt of
of dty; 40 aerm dWed, fbnr a
POUND—Bnndt ci key«'ln the post- nalUes became great
in fruit; foor trout streams ac
office with tdentlflcMlon tag No
Then a briniont Idee struck thms.
tbe place; roDlng land, good i
29,636. Call at Eagle office. '78-t-3 They had often been to bullflgbtt and
aboat-10 acrea black muck, I
at Wain of these had watched a pe
ditched and Is exoaUcDt tor garden
culiar tgimilDg ceremony which origlREAL ESTATE TRANfl^ERfl
or cdery beds; house 12 rocari.
needs painting; bam 42x47. frante;
naied In Mexico and later was Intro
old cmaary, oora bm; aneChw
Rorded-by Rsflletor of Deeds F. W. duced Into SpslD. Before tbe bull is
old house cm tsm. This Is <me of
set loose In tbe arena a man clothed tn
the rare bargains In northern Michi
from bead to foot poses as
P. W. WUeon reported the following
gan. A good farmer could wlQi litstatue in the center of the ring. -E
Ue expeose make this farm worth tranflfera recorded fpr the weA end faee and hair sre-whltened. and he
from eight to tan thonaend tn a ing July 8:
a movement or a flutter
ahort time, little < r—and
Perry Hannah to Herman W. Smith, of cloaing or anything that would
Real Batate Bxch;::.^e.
lou 39-40, block 2, Berry Hannah's tend to abow that be la alive.
Sid add.; I860.
When the bull Is released he first
June L. Warner sad wife to Claude anlffB the sir and makes a mad rush
for the pedestal. Getting quits cteae
H. Warner,
sec. 34.
u» waiiirn. fttoant
orarritot i«», br i. o. M*«*ro
A mas with but ooe arm Btood laahtog agatort tbe toiowMSe. The ollMr
aim. the flalaetme.
partly <m toe
tray cC dtomeftda. On toe band Oat
arto be wore a conventional glove
black. He mas s wril dreaed flaas,
with a anootb abav^ face. He '
With hit utbtt band, tbe Jeftooe. ha
flsally pleked cut a small diamoad.
tobheWr the least expenrive of tbe lot,
andatoedtbeeteik.to wrap It up. At
toe same time be pulled from hi* trom
an pocket a ruU of Nile at least toree
iDcbes thick and with tbe left band
deftly counted out enough to pay tor
kda purchase.
The clerk took the money and the
putcfaaaed gem and then srited .tba
tray to rt^Mit to tbe case.
Aa bs did so be rapidly eousted with
'bla ^ tbe remaining stoMs.*as
bis eostbm. Tbw were two miming.
In addltioD to toe one be bimseir bad
taken from tbe tray. He ^noed anapieloaNy at tbs one nrmed man.
■ “I beg your pardon, sir;' te aaM
ttdy. but reaching RXhe did no ftx
rerolvm nodmneaib the couotra. *1)01
there are two atone* mlietog. J-have
you taken tbemT' He made tot* toTte one armed tuau looked the detk
aqnarriy to toe eye. "You are quite
right te be carefnl," be told pleSBantly,
•hut I did not take the etonea How
many were tbere beforer.
The dark told him. “Cotoe." retnrn
ed toe man: “we will count them to
gether, toeo."
They did BO. They found, the telly
ri^ There was none mUalng. The
man was right and tbe clerk was
wrong. Be apotogized pnrfnsely, but
•toe t»e armed man took no offense
jvltatorea at tbe inddeot Be recrived
bla diamond and bU ebange and spent
peveral mtoutei chatting about -dlapMwlrabbarles and safegimrds against
them and then went his way.
«Qumr thing happened then,” .
toe dark te mmtosr. "I 'canie
tdflng that swell that te was a thief;
tbooght that be took a couple of brilUasta. i counted ’em wrong and told
him tost be mutt bare 'cm. He said
bo hadnt Then I counted ’«* owar
again and found 'em all right And 1m
graan't mad ahsnt U dther."
"Are yon sure.they're right
returned toe ctoer. an older man. "Let
ms eae tbs trar”
■Tbe tray was preduecd. Befcra tt
reatoed toe ooeuiter ^ dd man edsed
the two Mrgtot dlamcmai R contained
and held than to the light
“Dooci hy-iJto^ ^ exdalmed.
• ■■ tone; thaVa aR"
for cash, or part cash and negotl-
_ro ULL—Bonae and two acrea
Pmdnaida street en bay shore;
haaae six large room;;-kitchen oeOed, rest plastered; hardwood floors,
and one Are pism down stein;
Iran; fine water; pump In kltehen:
shade trees; bathing baarfli; cash.
Ume'B Ins. and Real btate Bs.
SlSSif >
TO SELL—is acsee near Lake Ann.
House, sem Tooms; poet bam:
wire fencing: cednr block cellar:
cleared; water. UtUe'a Ins. ft Real
Bsteie Bs.
FOR SALE—Good -Tegetehle m___
and spray, cheap. B. C. lAwti,
grocer, 886 BaM Front street 8127lf
FOR ftALE-^rnty's whe^ good as
new, no. CaQ at 127 Bast Binith
• 867041
TO SELL—198 acres; 70 scree clear
ed; bonae two story, 6 rocma. part
ly flntahed; rooms all flnfahed down
. stdln; bam old, 80x40; two granertes attached to bam: good weU
near house; onteide cOar brJAing
100 baahels of potstoee; cs^LStd,
Alate Bx.
88, range 9; *1,000.
Artie Brown te.R. -B. and Nellie
Brown, e% of nsH. 86 68-100 acres,
see. 3, town 27, range 9; |1.
UcQrd Q. Bast ahd wife to Bran J.
Bast, parcel, wH of aw^. 6 seres, see.
10, town 27, range 12; *326.
Howard WhiUng and wUe to Peter
parcel In Traverae City; *60.
Peter OUUs to Ansem R. Has
parcel in Traverse City, *1,000.
W. A. Dell and wife to Bphrem'A.
Coralng, ne^ of ne^. sec.flT, town 25,
rann> 10; *1.000,
Anson R Bannaford to Peter Gillls,
awii. of nwi4, sec. 84, town 27. range
10; *700.
E. O. Filer and wUe to Backley ft
Dongtaa Lumber Co, pereel of sees.
1-24-6-6-7-8-9-10-16 of 26-12, par^
80-31-324^ of 27-12-aboot
8,000 acres In Gi*nd Traverse county.,
Sind parc^ to secs. 1-26-264446 at 2&
IS. parcela In sees. 36 of 27-18 tai Ben
zie county, about IfiOO acres—total
ahonl 9,000 acres; 8^.000.
Frances Thurtell and wife to Jno.
and Emma Nesbitt,'lota 2940, block 6.
H, L. ft Oo.'a 6th add.; *1.700.
. Mhrtha! Bdred to James Ccaverse,
e40 ft of Iota 1 and 2. HavUand’a add.;
uro. Seeing n
L te gradual
ly retiree, backward to asuemeot Hli
attention U then attracted by othan.
aad the man escapes.
The Indiana decided to try this on
tbe cars Dressing themselves to white
and putting flour oo their taeee and
hair theyVouM eUnd motlooleaa to tbe
middle of tbe car traraa faring <ba
wmtog monster.
There were many
before they learned the dUferanee be
tween a bull and a troUey car.—Detistt
Free Preaa.
yet ni see wbat I can do. b
ov^taul tbe
get toe atom
Ttet ^ppeo^ to (tolcago. In Jannary id toe »ext. W- .on a cold, crisp
jewelry store.
One at them was dirased to futs'aod
Pore rich jewels Bs was a abowy
lan. with a red fans TliU was
«Sneakecr Kelly of Chicago.
lan was a man of grave
itopeamnce. Be wore a gray beard
and bis hair, was tinged with white
By bli abearance he was. an aristo
crat—{mfaably tbe president of a bank.
In his left band be held a fur mlttenooly one. Hla right was dotbed to a
light edered soede glovs He was.
EaOy watcbqd tola man closelytooro .dCMly th£ did toe clerk. Final
ly (te
ont « few small
bUls and a emsH white packet and he
left AabedidaoKetiy'foUowedhlm.
When they reaebed the sidewalk Kdly
toaebed him on toe ann. Tbe man
toaneed at >■«"» bnt 'once, and then
swinging around suddenly struck Kelly In the brad with bU right band. It
bard as iron. Kelly
■n-ne wirot ori-
ilK?,Snc;'-;'iu... ili
.... ^
PERE Marquette
It was m koU^r-pto br a )aat
tot It wfla, 00 orthmry (alee teu).
lade of sand cork.
When ttey were aatiafled that it was
nothing rise, to* yoimg mao replaced
■t and donned his coat again.
"Oentlemeu.’’ he oooltouad. looking
bard at tbe old woman. "I am no man's
accuser or uo woman's eiUihr. bnt
these Btobes tVere missed wten both or
us-tbe old lady and mysrif—stood
at this counter. Tbere'ls a bare poasl
bUtty."'be continued, with a grin, "a
bare possibility tbei she has the stones
^erself. And If I am not mistaken I
saw her put soaething to tbflt bag.
You Dilitbt examine II if y^ wlQ."
The bag lu queeWu «fae one'wMcl;
bung nt the old lady's side. They ci[lined It and they found—ob. nothing
much, save the two missing diamond
rings; tboFs all.
"Now, frcnUcmen." added tte young
man, *hiiilc8s.I am again mistaken this
old,lndy Is not wbat she seems to be.
'lu^•estlgatc once more." He
reached over end deftly pulled from
ber bend tbe Quaker bat end an old
gray wig. There stood revealed tbs
grizzled countenance of "floeakers"
relly. the defective.
Tbe clerks pounced upon him and
bore him to the stii’tlou house, tbe nearTbere be was kept for two
day*, until n Cblcago special could be
sent on to recognize and Identify him
for too niaii bs rcaJJ.'' wax
But on the way down to the statlofl
tbe young tnnn with tte false arm
somebow disappeared.' Before be did
so, however; te stopped up and said s
word to Kelly.
"Kelly." be explained to a low vrtee.
"oext time yog must tdve a fellow time
to get a new arm mado. Anns of my
pet brand 'don't *row on tree*, you
And then he went
Carrtoge which stood at toe curb. Tbe
jcaiviage eteited off. but before toe
to<it Kelly bad succeeded to
'dng that light false arm irith a
•wmaet la the GuyoM.
I* andm(^ttog srlp. The man
In tbe deep canyooa one li aoon overtaken by night Indeed to eome of
these intricate pathways (the work of
(me gtOf l«erae«a.
faster, bat KOtj clung dcaperatriy
Mr. Tlle-Yeur jrlfe
fo lecture
tte band, hte tset dragging npon t
before ahe waa married. Has die given
Btreet bdow.
It up DOWt
e atognlariy beantlMr. MUds-Well-er-yee-ttet U, In
fuL The vivid ^0 tints of the chap
arral so brllUant at mktoay begin to and KuUy feU. face downward on tte
fade and assume a deep pnrple, over na*«>ntot It was late to toe afterwhich a deUcate aUvery mist Imper pm ehd dato and no one bad n
ceptibly draws Its veU. On It creeps,
(he royal tint besoming more Intense^
usti] suddeniy it take* on n fiery glow, Usd to bte ttob jam W) Rme IP 9*!^
and ever ail tbe alopea tbwe plays a tetter run down by a beavy true*.
And aa he teas te grasped aometWiw
zoeeate Hgbt. the warm
ttitoUy to hte anna Ttili object he
toe imp.
ten to a teOUastiy Ugtatod
WhMAer maWeea.
"Ry (harm.' tteVi dev«;
*T>» wmI' am a great big playbeuee," Kffiy
te himself, “and now beTl have
wald Obarooal B8>h to one of bla ramlnatlve mooda. "an* wtillat de ataha am togetanewooel Writ b|ood fqr
Ltomtog, be wended hte way back
flotol.d(y tdg Btonta to de oentab ob ds te«te
maro from whlto te had ilartod.
•togs de res' Ob us am pnridn' soeoaty
to tte eterk.
nit’ makto' tbnndataetotes wtf ds tto *LoA b^" he
Afteftte ^ nada known hte Ident^.
, Hlatah Jacksoo."
Cool Shirt Waists (worth double for 19c 39c, 4*c and 58c
Chpipe Mgc of Jaccfl flnd embrojdepes for, per y4.....
.... isc
lot of working shirts worth fcc and 60c, spegrial.... 8^c
bne lot of tnen's light weight 4>awerstr> clpse at.... f5C
Boys, wool knee paatg................................................................... |9C
A lot of rfren's Pants (largesixes only), worth |i, li-SO,
............ ...............
Children's z piece suits, ^es 3 toy, were I3.5Q. now 98C
Nice Itt of Children's Suits, ages 9 to u. values up to
rj. 50, special........... ....................
...... . ^ 1.48
Big lot of men’s Suits, new goods, well made and styl
ish, worth up to ft}, specjkl ..................d.fip
W> esn maksthesfl prices beckpse the goods were nnf
bought In the regulgr wsy-.
bought at 40c un tha dolUr.
bought for half their vahio.
The ciotliipg abiye
The others
wei-r }<il» lots
That's why we can make such prices.
Almeda Ferris to WUUam Swslm,
•t on bay
•Muaswww. TT .U UmA for cltp |«W sH at lot 19, block 2, H., L. ft Co.'s
arty. Six rods by 40 rods la else. 9th «dd.; 876.
Tbos. H. Bhenaen..
Lena B. and OeOTge W. Baltt to
TO SBLI^A nice b
ylraster Brown; 8T 4-10 aerte in
lot at low prtoe; akoot flve acre*.,
littte^s UMimnoe Brnbange, 888 nwH. sec. 14. town 27. range 12; *600.
Darwin B. Foeter and wife to BmFtoat stzwet
ry Brodhagen. lota 11 and ISi block 2.
*^SrtX£r*31ll>tetoctlve teid
Oakwood add.': *300.
leng mito am and prtled
Homer A. Doty end wife to Evan T.
wime Uttietey-WhaFa tbs hero
Brans, aii of lot 16, Muck 9. H.. L anybow}
Bert) Thkfrnaek-A hero m a eeOcr that ffMBtal palm there w..
ft Oo.'i 8nd add.; *1.
dast to tie a tin can to a bnUdog's talL- »M MM. among too Urro*t to tte
.Room Xtey were M«*toa. Tte rierfc
FOR SALE—BaMnms lot on Front
of the tray found that
targe line «t Suit Csaee araS
street C.L. Oaga, 111 Front St
stoOM bad been etabetlOnly *4 per ce« doctori reach sevTrunka.. A liberal discount giv
asec^ floor.
mtr yearA'hut'42 per omit of clMgyen on this line m .redtMe stock
“ ■
d^ wore controlled by toe d
flUe deaeription of her visit m The
hflte to toe feet end It was tbtoe i
had anappM when KaOy riot* to » ^istoh at ItegNleon L during the•aitlflclal memter on^eS^*
On pidUng.oae at these wine KOtr
chapel of Bt Jetoine into tida tte «tofound that a slot to the
^ cloeed, tons acooptog up whatevm perw led me, end then 1 stood at tbe
tty beneato It On puUlng another he aim ef Napotcon HL. hte Mpbew, beframd that It would release one, two tore the cofflo of Bngland'f hlttmrt
to more apnrlons gems to place of the foe, 1. tte granddau^smr of that fciteri
pofloloed genuine ytooes Of 'tbeae who bated him most and- who meat
•purtoua gems they tonnd a denen or vigcaouBly opposed bis and tola very
ao, tert DO more genntoe elonee were acftoew, who bcata Us nanm, bcft« my
aeaieat and deareat al^l The organ ef
found. Erideotly the tolff secreted the-ehaEch waa playing <God Save-the
Queen- at toe time, and tote nalenm
It was the port complete eontrir____
took-plaee by torebU^t and dar
that Kelly had over seen for any
ing a tooDderatann. Strange and-wcDof thievery.
drafal todeedr
But Krily was sore sore to mliM
and body. He vowed an unholy vow
WltUac. Out I
In most unholy langunge that be would
bare tout one armed man's scalp Inside
dons phases ofWmman nature unong
of a month at the outside. He
rolldtibg tbeir serriees to tte
not satlsfled with the man's arm.
wanted nrore. Kelly was one of tboee performuKeefa
II you tal
people who are never satisfled.
Bsfced a dergyman eff <
Two weeks later In a large jewriry
bouec Id n down eaet metroprila an old
m; re takeW." remarked tte
lady to a Qhiker bonnet stoodiand ad
in a half dejected tone, “bnt" te
justed her Kpeetaclea and examined
added. wlto.soTprislng trankBeas, Td
eome dtaunond earrings She
The foUowing wfaoiraale meut-Drtoei
plainly bnt richly dreaeed. Her real rather it were ber alstcr."
are supplied by H. King, of
name wee "Sneaken" Kelly.
ContraiitlnR wMh tbl*
Patriotic Service. and within n foot or so of her there
Tbe Dlsdples' chui^, now meeting
stood a tall young man with a black
mnstsclie. There wae a raddy.fte*)toy In Steinberg’s Grand opera bouse,
solar npoii hi* face. He said with some wlll^ve a patriotJe service to
cmbemiaMDent that he wn* 'buying an moo and song on Sunday night July S.
He tent ov*T a traj'
Topic, "Our Hdraelaiid."
Bornnent. Ttie old'laMembers of the O, A. R., Woman'a
dy was eo rioee' 0 him that she almost
Relief Corp* «sd soldiers of the Span.
touched bill
war nre eordially invit
Suddenly *be gripped hlin by toe arm
and yelled to the clerk. "Tbla man's a ed to 'meet with na tf yoQ do not i
thiefr ate cried to shrfll tones. Tllose tend chur& elsewhere.
THOMAS P. ULLOM. Minister.
Tte deck baMly drew hack tte tray
rf rings Several othrt men ran up.
Someb^y closed tbe doors.
Then they Inspects the tray of dlalODda Sure enough, two rings were
ilsring. None, however, ted been sub
..................U telle
stituted to ttelr steed.'
Tbe-yoong mao uttered not a word.
M. -ft N. E. TIME CARO.
Eeoniy looked surprised. He ted made
no resistance god o6 outcry.
Tbe old woman. bowe\-er. was excit
4 u"*
ed. She pushed teck her bonnet frmn
rrankfort. iVaironla. Mt Pteuv
h« face.
“He's got '«mr abe exclaimed. “Me’s Glare. Alma Bt Louis, ttoaea. Owosi
got 'em to tala arm. It’s bbliow. Mate llowsU. Ann Arbor, Tdedo. and *11
him take It off.' They’re to there, I tell
soDtoeni and eastern potota. v '
you, and you'll flnd 'em."
Tbe young man smiled, but pruteeted
J. J. KIRBY, O. P.
be began, “(rue it I*
to b»ve bat one aifl]
. wear a false mie, bpt!
did not take your stones. I assure you.'
Jons 21, 1963.
Qia A. A. R. R. via 6
Tte old woman violently shook ter
Trains leave Traverse City aa tol
bead. "You moke him Uke df toat lows:
6 80
armr abecouimanded. “It’s toe groatIt 66 pm 7 00
est thtog you ever saw. IF# hollow, Chicago snii west. 6:00 a. m, U:66 a.
9 80 am
fl 16
ana Its gi4 your diamonds to It Make at, 6:20 p. m. and 10:10 p. m.
* 86
11 3*
fU 66^
9 60
take It off."
For Sa^tiaw, Bay dty. Pj« Hur
Tte yeaog man looked around upoft on. Tolalp. DptroU and 'east 6:00 a
toetoees; then temlted again. "Hero," m. and 11:66 a ■te replied; 'there's but one way to
prove my Jnnoeeneo."
He removed his ppa(, rgU^ up m
pTlra from ProveiMiut ^ Gpdar
'Uieev^ unbuckled a atrap or twp gnd
nS the aim.' Tb«r gatbenid
^ ----------- -—----------- UlgltTat^po^
Wtohhoaers 4»ea8J.B. Oartto^8U Briadto«hritow Ina
. .i .
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