Correspondence W.G. Robinson Architect, to Julius Steinberg, April 22, 1892

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Correspondence W.G. Robinson Architect, to Julius Steinberg, April 22, 1892


Architects--United States


Handwritten correspondence on letterhead from W. G. Robinson, architect, to Julius Steinberg about tiles and fixtures.










Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, United States
Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, United States

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Office of
W.G. Robinson.
Rooms 62 and 63 New Houseman Building.
Telephone 142.
Grand Rapids, Mich., Ap 22 1892
Mr. Julius Steinberg
Traverse City, Mich
Dear Sir
You wrote
me a letter on
21 inst in which you stated that
you were coming here last Wednes-
day and as the parties who are
to make prices and ferries to samples
of tile - would rather talk the matter
over with you and display the
samples - I had them wait to see
you last Wednesday - but you
did not come - Now I have noti-
fied them to make up the patterns
and send them which they
do today. The vault light was
ordered in Chicago as you dire-
cted and parties will ship
same Tuesday next? so stated
in a letter to me.

Now in regard to the store pictures
I drew them out and get fixtures
figured up as reported to you in
my last letter ~ you recalled that
in talking over the office you said
that the drawers etc. connected with
same would be another matter other
wise you should have told me just
how you wanted these things arranged
no 2 merchants have the same ideas
about these matters – The planed and details we made are quite acceptable
to show any builder what has to
be done – you said you did not
want any drawers in the pictures
so we did not put them in-
Now in regard to delay you should recollect that you have made a great many changes from 1st to last in the general construc-

tion of the building, and I have
several times had to leave other
work to prepare new drawings to
meet the attention that you have wished to make and the failures are your part to come
here last Wednesday has caused
the delay you are now compla-
ining about. I secured the figures
on the store pictures as quick
as I could and then sent them
-to you- I think myself that
the work had letter be gotten
out in Traverse City – if it can
be done at reasonable prices-

Yours truly,
W.G. Robinson

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