The Morning Record, January 12, 1898

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The Morning Record, January 12, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Fin* T*«—No. 81€.

«vn»TU0BS vow oovitsn.
'XBO ^opomiv>


.TO •VBK|X T«S avBsnov ov
BM to lam

*«« »vl)d(Bc-««inwttoM tor tho
limit «r OOK Boac* 9nm 998..
000 io •M/MO-Vimlw TUnin
AppMto Aboat tSOpoa
Importut toyto wbleh hu UtvlMd the
oUodUmi of the to^yere mt the eooatj ood the bovd of enperrleote. it thel
of the pfopceei new oooetr eoort
hoeoe. It le • aetter wUeb bee r»oelTei oooelAerehle bUmUod elreedy
MMOf mohJ end U laol^ oe» m
thoaffhthwe to e rrowtof eeoUa
eU orer the ooeelj In feeor of hertof
■ the setter of bcsdtaf the oooBtj eeVmitlod to Ue people.
The qantloB of ooet to whet to Mac
dtonemd the mart. hlauMt »U efiMlac
that the Use to ripe l« teka eWpe. tewpide e prortoloB tor e food~ eoaat7 etnetare. The boioiibI whlob hee
rmwlTsl the
fe*or*ble oooeW
tloe emoBf bt»rj ttxrtjmm la
«lty to «h«at
hat to the oatlyiJMt tpwBthlpe there eeess to he b
dtopoeitloB lewerde the enretoe
■ iparpiy
«”CTWttPBi mage
iim •».«§ to 9*0.000. The Bverece
UmltBtloe [iimiiiT-r Maghetweeafto.000 BBd fu.M.
The »toa iBoelred Ito flnt eahataa'
tto) istNtae yeetordey Bfleraooo at the
•dJoar*ed BMoUag of the board of
nps-rtooca. The fall meettof »ai '
Joaned ablll yeaterday for the asp
par^ of tmag thto setter cwefa)
eoaalderaUoB., At that meetlBg aepmmittoe wee apptoaud to rtoft otter
eittoa and prepare an oaUlae of a plaa
tor the ooBBhtoraUoB of the board. The
oosmlUae aiade earefal torcatlca'

bo^)4tog of Vaaon coootj, at Loding^,
Thto- boltf lag eoat .to the
Btlghborhood of ^40.000 and with ap^
modUmUoa* the committee deemed It
tbe aeaieat to what thto dOB«ty anode
of any they rlKlted. The eataetasee of
the rmull of the tormtigatlona of the
comsUtae waa paMtohed In the Baooau
whan the eomslttaa reVhraad from
Ihelr trip. Yeetorday it waa annonnoad
that the report woold be prmeatad thto
Jndge Oorbett asa ptepant at the
aiaeUag ymterday. and npoa InriUUoo
of the board be axpreeaad bto riawa to
brtof apoa the eabjact which to now
balag ooaaldarad.; Ba eMtad that ba
did not deaire to tafloeoca the board
aae way or tba other. >ot ba waa heart­
ily to faror of a new eonrt banie. Be
declared that the growiag aeeda of tte

dee”or"toru"** ’


er. thoacdtaealubleal
be baUt for aboat 91&.000. Mr. WlghV BUT TBS BBBATOB HAS MOT A
•tated that the Ureas Lake peo^e
pw^ld sot oare to fo abore

ware dirided:
or asd
. daeidad that
BN tea^ to baud, thaae to fador
want a caod.baildtoc.'hal aaem are ^
pmed to it alt^ther. He thoa«ht toe
weald be to taror of a
ooet not a great deal orer 9U.000, pef>
hapa it sight be wtoe to fo ae
r at Bloat- Iprty-firt
forty tho
thooeaad. Chalrmaa Browalhat baaa
■la feror ot haew belldtog lor aereral
yaaiB. aad bae foaa^ lha aapUmeB
towaehlp far«»9la WhUa
he had aot talked prlae. ha tboaght
ahoat 9W.OOO woold bo wbat oBgkt to
be expeaded. Be argoed that the pddltkmal tax rroold be sooh Iw Ihaa
saay eoppomd it weeld be.
C. B.
Monroe wee aot ready to place blsaeU
OB record. la Blair be fooad it bard
get theai to oonelder It at alt
the Biattar wae to be eabmlttod hto
people woald aot feror an appro­
priation for aso.OOO and a balidtog (or
dooble that coat.
Be .>t)eeetiaQad
whether the majority waald toror It at
aU. bnl while he wae aot prepared to
my how he would rota. If be farored it
at all It Boet be apoa the eaderataad'
log that tte eoaplete bsildtog wae aot
to ooet a oeat more ttaa the asoaot
rotod upon for booda. Be would act
taror more than 931.000 to aoy aireai.
(eonttn«u«t m< Auf Pont.)

Board of Bdoeattoa Bald .Spadal
Baatlag aad Bonght a Bat for
Then «*• n ep«etol maattog af tba
board of adacaUoo Uatralgbl. eaUod to
ooaelder the propealUoD to pnrehaaa a
mt of Improrad sape offered by tte
fsprmaattUrm of the Read A MeSel^
Co. Aftor toepeeUog the mape it
decided tt> bay a eet for each bond­
ing. eacn mt oouabOag of fmir
niey are of the toiaet improrad deelgaa. ebowtog toral* and eieratioae. to
oc|ora. Them vlN be ratnahle additk»s to the mhool enppUee aad will
grmlly taciUUte tte etodlee of tte
The board eonaiderad a former propoaltten from the Swadtoh Soaa of Ai
lea lo pnr^aae tba Beet 8»to atiset
aebool baUdtog. A commanlcaOoa
atooraoeired from Bvr. H. S. Rna, par­
lor of the SimBd. fiegitoh Latteran
ehnrch. aaklagfor a coottonaBce of the
to ronttog tte
ig for dirtoe i
committee oo onUOtoge aad
gronada, with laatrneUoa* lo Bx a ealnation on the building, for the pnrpaee
of offering it for mle. The
eebfalt ito report et tte aaximeel-

BOBim Ot-^VtLB BzoxRicura
SeenredAg Totm to the Hoaao aad.
17 to the Saute, Kaktog Baqaiane TS Maanlt WU) be Same os
Aotot Ballot-KaXimoa waa the
Oaadldata if Oppeattwm.

OMaMbaa. 0.7Jai. u.-Tbeeooae of Jen.
today from tte hatato to the lagtolatlmhaU*. Tbe etata hoaae m erowdedenfly.
. . Bmythtog to the Knsto line, at V.
— Thoaeactiraiy engaged to tho aeaa- 7. KlybaU'e> new Biore,'m
tortol oontmt worn np aU eight aad etroak to»-tf
oonttoaed I
« at tte BtaW hooee.
Attar an all i
deaMcnttie eaoeae agreed oo Mayor
McKimea of aeretoad ae tte only re-.
they woold
eapport for aeoator. The muoaem
etcrmy aad it was Impoaeible to
apoa aitter Ooraram BottheU
or Mr. Aoru. Then the name ot MoEtoeoa wae eaggmted.
Both hcasehm of tbe togtolaUre met
at 10 o'clock. Tbe membera aad eonAsdnpon tte
wem not pat


Ip the boom tte
ot Marms A
Letoad of Moble. Tbe aeme of Mayor
B. MeKtoooa ot Cferttond wae
prmaated by Bopreaoatatire Bramlyy.
Mr. LMaiM pmtoed Beaator Baaaa to a
Hr. Smith referred
to treachery to tte party. Thto bronght
Mr. Bramley Ip elgorooe term* to
mating Mayor McKtoeon. There
e load demonetraUoa* and bimm
and mim of "traitor.*' The dewoerat*
todhaopartexsaptto nottog aad applendlag.
Tbe ballot rmoitod: Baaaa. st: MeKtoeoo. 4«: Waroer. 1; WUey. 1; Lenu 1.
The eboartog ae .the namee of Qrif9tt ot Unioa. Mansol Of Moatgomery.
Joyce of Uaerneey. Drotte, Kemper
aad Lane ot BamUlon were cast for

kariog recelmd tte majcrity of tte
home, wae tte choice of that body for
Iheahmtterm. Tbe baUot wa* then
(or tte long term aad raealMd

Th& Six Most Popular Books
for tbe mooth an “Qoo Vadia” by Henry k tiianlday^K
-The Choir IntWbW” by Jamaa Lane Alien; -SoldidirBi o
Pottmw’' by Bk^hrd HudioK D«Ha; Tbe Christian” by
CWnsi “Jeror
“Jeroms” by Mary E Wilkins; ‘iBqnali^
inU ChiM;

ly. Wa bare tbem alL
tv Edward BeUsn:
them aad &BB yon cad



,91. B. H0U4Y. 9|fRAW|.


You <to& •Iwmym got tho Loto
Magosluoo «|ul Eopon.ot

Haskeirs Bookstore*
Dms Goois Skon Uagths-ataott uy prict takts thra.



can be bad


to yon. W»
most BwU wbhtv tbare’s leH nt OBOi,
and the prices we're made to aocom|Aish
lae you. We want to sell oot every winter wr^
Q^o and Look at c

you want

Steinberg’s !SS?*.S’.!S£i

That Tiled Feeling
to qahtoly dtopalled after eltttog to
one of oar £omfortabla.aa>y chain or
Btretehfd at com on a nice <-e*y coach.
Our Une ot roeken to op to tte limit la
etyle aad qnality aad oor price* "down
attteheela.*' Nothing to eo eomJcrtabie or so reat-torittog a* Torktoh or
•rer-ataffod rocker..

Houm Fonilshinc etobe.
Float Sk

Warm Shoes
at Out Prices..
TO CLOSE oxrr.
Prices 60c, 68c, 76c, 88c, $L26.


We are
Still Very Busy
Bnt there to always room for
SOTO. Tberafore come at once (or
year PHOTOS. I9e bare a eomMrte
Itoe ef-notaro Mooldtogt aad wlU tU
all erdem promptiy. U we hare to i '

TbeaenaU waeerowd'ed to the limit
when at 11 o'clock the tnt tpore to tte
eenatorial coDtmt was made- Tbe bal­
lot for thenhiwt term nmllad: Hanaa
17 and McKtoma 19, by a etnet party
vote. Senator Burica. repabUma of
Ooralaad. retcd for McRtoeon. Mr.
411 Soetb UatonM.
Voigbk fnalaatot pf Ctealanati. rated
for Raaaa
The vote for tte long term stood 19
for MeKtoaon and 17 (or Hanna, the
to fatolitate tte traaaactloB of ttp
mmc a* the abort term. With eeran-bMacm of the eoonty ttsa to sow
teen in tte mute and fifty-alx latte
affoNid. WUU tte Use to ripe (or
honae. Baane had just the requtolte
0.0. r- ur9TAiA4»i^.
eamst' eonelderattoa he dU not beaerenty-throe yotee lor elaetloa.
tiere that eitmraganoe ehonld bo exA 4otot rmolalhs was adopted to
erctord in the project. Wbat to wanted
Tbcae Elected.
leal to joint oonreniion at noon toto a good boUdtog. aaltable for thto
ttone fee
TbetoeUliatloeofoScen ot Urpnd iccrow m eaatam tto toU fgr aena■ationaod
' WiBMT. I
There to notttog to prerent
ntiel* for tte need* of the « laty and Trareree l.«dge. No. roo. 1. O. O. T..
haagm tamorraw from tte *otm of tolaetalgbl. Tbecer
at a coet not to exeeerl tte i
r, bat noae are expected.
of tteoooBly. The judge Mtad that
he would be willing lo exprom hto tte geatlemen enjoyed cigar* for
tarn get Anls
rtewe to det^l to tte board when tte scasoo aftor tte bnaleee* eeaelm. Tbe oojmmxBO bt tkb sbvatx.
mtiper UmeeJrirmandpJamare te be followiag appoinllro oSleeia ifo
Oaorg* W. Baff WUl Vow BMparo to
dbeoieed- Be might be abT^tt offer ■tolled, to eddiUon to ttoa* elected a
Issami iha Jtotfoa of Postfonstar.
aome eagrmilona regarding \tte arR 8. N. U.-C Oeicbeli.
Wpehtogtaa. Jan. tl.—Tba appointrangameat of tte eonrl reocd'' aad ee
L. B: N, G.~C. B. Beolmas. .
Stoat of Ooorge W. Beff for postmaator
the attorney* of the oonniy are to hare
stTrarerseCUy, waa today coifEraied
oeariderohle work In tte new bnOdlag 'Vardm—B.J. Daria
tte aenata
if areetad. be raggeatad that each of
‘k. B. B.-Jaa & SUblsar
them be oenaaUcd regilAtog Ik He
L. B. B.—Tbomaa Keefe.
atoo etated that tte ptoM m
B. 8. fo V. U.-W. A. Bendder.
I and ahoald
Ymtordey tte mUI of tte^'toretw
ba carefully eonaiderad by aU ^ U B. fo V/ 0-—Jollns BMlaberf.
CUy Lamber Oa began enttlag-£apto>O.
Intereetcd. Be belieeod that a good
Tba ntsb of logs by elelgh and reU hm
L O.-xA. &. Fox.
boUdtog could be boUl cheaper now
been ao grml ttat tte mUI to forced to
ttas e lew ye^ ago and thto to a good
run on a day and one-<i«nrfor tima.
in order to rodne* oor alock. protime to make a Stort. bat baforo pror
. patnfoiy to tovanfocy. we wlU
Mllcbril A Mahan <rf Bast Bay are
oeadtog all the tight pomlM* tboold be
preparing for a boey aeaeoa aad they
Citoed npoa tte matter af arraagehare now between 40 and W man at
moat asd general plana ^odge'CcrXarrted Xsaday. '
work ertttog eat Cedar.
d Di^n tte board tte imFaibar Beam parformod a osromoay
portaoce of tta legal autus of tta pro­ at 8k Francto chnrob Monday whldi
Mr. O-Briea. who owa* a aaw mlU at
pped more asd urgsd care In ttktog made two bearto bappy asd mllod tte bead of Bast ^y. to btmy with a
tbe neeamafy etepa Be retemd l« forth upon tteoonpleeboware of ato- large feres ot men getUng oat a gnen. poR EXASPIS: '
HmcanstynfCbaboygaa. wbieb rotad osm eof^ririalatloDs from boa}* ed tlty of logn. wMeb are balag haalad to
to' bopd tito sooaty for a new build- totoofo. The prlselpato wore Mtos tha mUI.
tog, bnt owiag to a mtotake to tte Ltisto Fortsa, dnogbtor of A. FWrton
legal lUpe token tte buildtog ba* not of Bast Bsy.-aod Jacob Milbart of Oar>
Married Xmat Vl^k
yet been oreetod. The remark* of tte Acid fowo■bi^ Tbe marriage wm atLaal eTontog'a .aprrtoge wu aoijudge wero taken aeriomly and ap­ tended by throng* of friend* of each
Bnekwbeet. per sack..
mntoed at tt* Eraagelleal -aareoa
preciated by tte membM
family asd the crowd was so''grmt that
Followlag tte talk of Jadge Corbett it was neoemaiy fodlridettejmmpany.
each membor of tte board was Urttod Tberefors ana oertlon of ttegnmU aa- 8. Balsbery. The principal* wbr* WalterBaraaMitod Ml** Myra Beandlaa.
to exprem bto Tieoa regW^Uaff ^ ***' Ijeyed a wadding feaat aad appropriate,
Umeni in the variooe townttlpe and fmUrltlm at tte borne of tte ^di both of this dty. Tbe oeremany waa
theganerol dptoioB as to what tt* while tbe otter poftlon bMd a ahnito wftMSfod by Mr. aad Mra. Sickle*.
Ibaoeapia wIB amke ttrir boms iy
limit should be to tt* ooek Jaha Pnl- gatherlgg at ttp boM of tte groom.
elty and ttelr many (rtoads will
dpber argeed ttat tt* matter of plans
, them and wtoh both .
should not be oonsldered now, bet ttat
tong Ufa of 9
ir»t tte mattor of saamlHlog the 4«s»tioB to tte people mast be dtoposed sL ttrtog oiothtog or tM
_______ MtetoEestotod that tte people of Acme bad Bioeb maantaetsre.
Bare year mmpA aaipriae parw- wbMb nm [ .
token foraeu
been eonilrtoriag tt* project*sd
Oor. a. Ualoa oaA 79li 89r9iit».
• <Vttto^Co.
^fnefovorad a taoAOO battling thar*
near ucA balag .n narFftop. TT* •

_____ C



aat mcial omat at the home of Bari
Tyler Monday alghk Mlm Paaltoe;
Semen of Chtoego. to rtolltog frtoada ia
the elty aad bm aeqnalatanem here,
pieaaed m party to hpr honor. The
eraol wae prematerely aanonaead to
the aftemoca paper, bat etnngely
anoogh tha yonog lady waa acttally
aarpriaed - whaa bar trtonda arrfrad.
Then warn i^t twenty gMrte preawt and the erentog waa ^sat to
gamee. maato. aaetol rtolttog aad tte
anjagmeatof dalleateYefraahmeoto.


Free Storage
for Bicycles.


henbt ledebls.

Gaining in Popularity—
Last Month Excelled All Past Bosineaa....^ 'All Dealers Sdl Tbem for

Kauuihctarod by

"wr. 3~-A.T=rR-A-Tra,
Toniielier Block.

Our Motto-

J i

The ."Best”
Hannah & Lay Co.

30 DAYS!

fireatij Redneed Prices.







Now They’ll Gos..
Our Fancy SUks mark*4 at 60o a yard.
Ifyotthavoa dreaafco loak® uw,now% yourokaii^
to trim U for Uttlo moavy- uyouoontomittatoaBilk
Waiat, this ia your onpoxtiOifty. An alogant aaaort^

pnM’T UIWfM 5£C0NB-^»E BUWfflS
Buy the Lyoo
^ r Ooodyoar Oloro Iband^
tho Bait oB Barth, mt


mm 1


«ms uoBmsa bboobd.

tar hto aoU tor da*a^ N
Bor. A. J. Bldrot to doiac rraafalTEAVxRBXonr. . mcmoAM lotto ororfc at Baath Barea. whoro he
oriUroMaiaaatUlUKh. Bo hho booa
lharoaboBttwe wbdki aad wiU aoaGtAXn> THAVBB8K BSEALD,
tlaoa aotfoo weofc antU i^rlar.
T. Baim akd 3. W. HAwna. Tha BapUat WoBaab Mtootoa Otoolo
J. W. Hawr. Bdtlor Mtd Mamcw. rUl oarro a too oont tea at tho boBO
at Mb. Ortopaa. aoroar ot Ctoh aad
Fifth atroata. thto aftacBBOB Toa wUl
bo oorrod froB flee aatU aofw o'oloek.
Cbptaia Daeld Moon. Bpotor of the
.jOABor aty of KaUBABoo, which
./«■ ■pMta.hrBAi
pUB botoroes Boatb Batoa aad CU^OmOMUM eaca. to la thooitp oa bit rotora tnin
BbpUo. whotobo bao boon rWUac| bto


The eitj oooaoD met la opoetoi
^ yootorday aftoraooa and appolitod
4. A. UoBtarBO to aU the mowey
____j by tbo ahoosoo of L. F. Fortott
oa tho hoard of oaparTtoororfOr ! tho
foortb ovard.
A. W. WoUo of tbo WoUo-Hlfmaa
baokot faetotr. eaOM «p fiwm Su Jobeph yootorday afl«r»ooa.
Bo wlB rolala o few daya. tbea go to Florida to
apend the renalnder of the wtntor
with bU fanily.
Ibe WomoD'a ABrllUxT of Oh
eborob will Boetwlth Mra. Ooo,
Blao thto aftoniooa at -i o'oloek. iThe
n^er will be preaeat aid aU ladtof latoTBted In tho work of tbo pariob are
eordially lBTit*l.
Dasiel Brotbortoa of MlUora
00 oereroly injnred at Cedar Sato^
while trylar to etop a niBaway Baa.
le wae throwa dowa aad trampled
jpoa by the boraeo. ouAtaialar thitoe
brokeB ribe aad other iBjariB.
The preB ot boolmeB of the Boardmao Elver Electrte Ugltt A Power Co.
bao foraed tbo eoBpaay to add laoro
lopmUeo.;’Tbey haredeplded to parehoao aaothor largo dyaaBO, with
of SOOO Addltloaal iacASda
UgbB. Thto wUl giro tbo |dMt
powerfol ttaerrr foroo.
Tbo roocrrod ooAt put for tho <BtorBUBABt Af tho Lodtoo’ Artol Qoartot
will be pUo^ At the aty Newa BtoAd
liar SlBgle.......................
wiU bo oold At to, U And'u ooaU Tbo
morle Admtoaloa ttokota ooU for tbo
Uetoio of Dr. Brtotol. wbtoh wpo to
bOTO booD rlrw iMl moBt&. will oot
bo good for tbo iodloe' ^oartot, bot wlD
bo valid for' the leotore of Dr. Brtotol
oo tbe 941k.

Tax baw4 o{ sxptrriMrt to
«U«d npoo to «eeidA wb«h«
«mUoh *f bondlac
eeutr to
(sto* foAdi for A Afl«r eoxn^ toRUdlAf
tA«» bt snbioaiod to tba pMpl*. Tho
aood of A aaitAbto bnUdiAf to AppAi
. ThaCKWin4MMMMlltoAof>he coonty
duAAod tfac liapTOTenniU la eoAsid*
vtAff the BiAtter tk* board shosld oot
BoiarmtAebow ebeap-^ boHdla# ean
bo ferAtobod. but how rood A •trxctare
an bo b«ilt At a reAOOAiblt oool.
Thoro Are All oortt ot oaffwOono AO to
«ho Unit to be ptoood mpoe the aboobI
«»bo aaM for. It oeono u be^ Uo
OABUMAt of the boATd thoo far to eootAO tho Approprtotioe to fM.CDO or
•IS^ iB cotoparter thto AauniBt
'with wbAt hao boAB lATOotod
•thv eoBAttoo U tho. otAte.
WhUo AOt lA faror of
ntroTxr—— tho Bvuan boUo««o that
If a Aow eoBTt boBAO U to bo taallt it
-'•boold bo iB otrlct koopiar act aorclj’
' arith the proooBt oorTOBAdlBCo aad aoiiooUloo >Bt jtroTtaloB oboald bo made
toe the fotoro. lA rlow of tho- rapid
CiawU aad dorolopotoat of Uio ooontj
aad ^ iarroAoe of booiaooo. A otraeV
•re ohooU be ofbetod that wlU be
tfodit totboooBBtraadoaeof wbh
dbopooplooballbopTM^ It thto oaa
bo doao for mooo all woUoMorb: bol
*OB tho iarootlcattow of the 000 '
too aad tho boUdiaraafeoB^tteaef toai
laportaaoe thaa thto. K woold
that BOt loeo thaaa»«0.0<»
Mkad for. The.addlUoaal tax wIU bo
•rtdi^. aad the boaetito to bo dorivod
!■ oaaay wapa froso a drat elaao balld
lar wUl OOOB BAko iheBOOlreo i
dMt. At all oroBto let oa bare a gooi
I of frlAod
baOdiar. oroa If It obaU odet aoarip ai One of ]
■Ach 00 that of eooM other eoBBtp.
Bapids Btrickaa Baddmay WIU
Sahit FaUun. .
Onod Bapida. Jan. il.-Baed-Put­
man. one of Ue beet koowa merabaata
and bosiaeae mea of tbe city, add one
Area Trampo Who Bnrnod a B« of the meet reapectod. Bled ahorUy be­
Oar at Valtos Xocapod
fore aoea today tram bcait failaiw. Be
Ohttohao of the Xmw.
wae eeUod geatordW b«»
Fred Beath. eUlm agent of the U. E tack which prored faUL Be attanded
meetiag of Ue dlreeton of Ue bvaad
* L Kaliway Co., arrived in tho city oo
a wild goooo cbaee 'after thvM trampo Eapids NsuAal baak yeetorday boraorbo buroed a box car at Walton Sun­ Ing and was apparently as well Bad eoday night. Monday Shoriff Simpeon boatasosnal. ImmedUtoly aftor Ue
4 was BoUdod to Utoroopt the party. meeUeg adjourned, or Ue busiaom for
wHp were beaded thto
way. Tbe wbiek' bo was tbare was flntohed, be
to riae from bto chair ai^ fell
loea) ofleom went to tbe depot prepared
io gather is tbe mueb-wanted trio back ia o belploB oondiUoa.
fbtt'oaaooDeomeet of the deaU of
from tbe neon, train. I'nfortanately
was a great aboek to the
for the n^lroad bnt fortnaataly for the
tiAmpa. they saw fit to alight from the basln««| aad aoeial werld. as wall as to
train at Ue Webetor etreot croBlag. all membera of ibe <d^ govartlmoBt
C B. Mnrra.r. Ue local agent, dtooor- Be was one of Ue foremost mea> all
oni thto tact aad aolited the offioera.^ Ue busy. at-Uve commerrial life of the
WblU Ue mea were uacod dowa Iowa.' city, and one of Ue bardeet workera.
. they eould not be foend. Yeetorday Ue was ronnaetad wiU maar laatluiBorBiBg U was learned that three men tioaa, bnt at the Mme of kto deaU.-be
aaewering Ue deoeiiptlon of Che fngi- was president of Ue ^Bhrd of poblto
He was preeUeal of Ue
Mvea had gene oonU os a C. A W. M; works.
freight. They wore traced"as far os Qrand Bapids Katioaal baak.^riag
been elected to mneeeed BdwinT. Ubl
Wblte Cloud by
C. A W. M. and there they weU^ gaU- when Ue Utter went to Oermaay. . He
o^ ia by tbe'agenb Word we| wind wasaleo prBideat of tbe DaU. Bhmto Bberiir SImpeoA of tbe oaptnn and bart A .Putmaa company aad |of tha
bo wired bock to hold Ue mea. Ar-: PenlasnUr 1
‘raegomedto wore made for Uaderaber-; director U Ue Widdicomb Funituro
. iff Ashton to go after Uem. when
company and held stork U ^everal
oUer tolegram was reerirod announc:.
,lag Uat Ue mea conid sot be held. |
/■ The oaptora ot While Cloud expUUed ;
that there wus no place U whtob the Xmdioo’ Aid Socioty WUl Ooktlnao
■red. aad as ;
■^mpu. oonld be oafoly eeeu^.
as latorootlng Bubdoct. |
night wauhmaa donld aol
A ^OAtUuatlOA of Ue dtoeusa^ of
foaad Uey were ebUgOd to let Ue
__ At' ' ___i eubjoct will oeeuFy
r> v-i>. m. i«tiut»

oiam'idiij oi
vrards Oraad B^lds aad-'word
batUelr rag'emit to Ue auUorHtea Uen to Utor- alar meeUag thto sftonwMa. The pro­
gram rwin iaelade dtocussipas: apon
prthods of baking, rya bread, ry*
and radian corn bread. Bostoa brown
Uke all' stmllar
Joneph Osrpeator. a veUna. of But brrad. raUa. etc.
gaUeringa «f>be eodety Uto vrill be
Front str^ to very slek.
The Haanab Eifles wUt bold their drat partocoUrly enjoyable aad UetnuUvo
and all Udtea are laritod to be proediW Uto even^ U Forraton' halL


sxLuxo rmcd.
lir. TbytoreUtod that the aajorlty
i Shot Bay faeond the projeot. bat
tho UoUt bad aot beoa dtoetasod. He
tbooght they would Utct a/ood baUdlar' to eoet of IroB gM.OOD to gtaooo.
Bot they woAldbewUUacto leari It
with the board. Mr. Boell voteed tbe
of OardOU for a good boildlag at a ooat «< aboot gw.OM.
Valkor otatod that be tboagot the
ma)orlty in Oraat faTOfwd a aew
boUdiag, the eody qaeadon beUg tbo
m»V Be tboagbt from gM.OOO to $>&.000 aboet right.
Mr. Datyea raid Loag Lake faeorod a
good ooe for about gM.OOa
........ .............. ' •
, , 50
Mr. BamUtoaqJatufl that fife Lake
towaablp 'WOO oot la faeor of a aow TOTiKo EATxa or TXxvKwm cnr naai.boUdiog.
Mr. MotebeUdld aot Ihlak a ma)oruy of the beary taxpayoru U Maydold
towoablp waatod a aow ooort faouoe,
but these who did want It did not
favor golag above SM.OOO. Mr. Shep­
ard declared that Unlou township wm
not ready to vote for bonding the coun­ Bggs. perdoteo..
ty for Ue purpoue meoUoned. Mr.
Warner bad talked with many U
Wbluwator towotbip and foaad eoave.
le favor of tha plaa. The eatimates of
ooat wen> from Stt.oeo to »<O.Oao bot be
thought ubeut gSS.OOO ahoold be ratoed.
In nitmiv to eBavraun InuiilrWa 1 feorvtqr ..
vouir ia* lodlM iBoi I aw atUI la iB
Tbe city membera ata In favor of a
anlr OMUae ao4 itaweae teuftiMi m
now buildlBg bat they had. not oan------------- » .SfSy?*
vaaMd the dty aa to the aentimeat regardlag ooat. It ooemed, however.
|het not Iw thaa MO,«W ahoold bo axpended.
After a general dtoeoBioQ tho board
adjoamod to 8 o'clock thto momlag.




OompUlaU ara made Uat quail are
helag killed by rabbit hnolera weat ot
Broke Ue Outtnr Box.
UedtrWhUe out dririag
Mrs. 4oa. Rnlaer has opeoad hair Tonnolier met wlU aa aocldent. iwblU
druMlag partovu at bar reaidaaee. iss i fortuantdy did Mt rnanU mnip amWasblsqrttn otreei.
| Uuriy than damage to bb cottar box.
V. R. Stroag, ageat Of Ue Eimball Mrs. Marie Craw was driving U fn opaad her borae' becasM
Plaao On., received from Cbkago yeaterday two daa pUaca and Owe organa. frightened at aMc mea abovoliaf aaew
- Tony Horatay aad Fred Bocbtol la Ue ktrael The animal apeng abide
weat to Carp Lake yeetorday aad and one of the Utils of her cuUa^
smaabad Into Ue box of tbe mttar
naught >66 das peroh Uraoih Ua toe.
driven by Toaneller. Tbe oeenpaata
B, F. XorUrap rataraod ymtarday ot boU alo!^ eneaped Ujury.
fromEaekford.wbarab«baebea8oarnpylag te Ue 9. E. A L BewiUtoave
-jMb-BUoB Bprlag Bnlta. Will be^
agaU today te BoUwaU. Ky.
abewB at Ue BamUtoa CUUUg Oo.
Omsii W. BAxbor wfll
W. B. MsGarry. a uraU kaowa yeaag JamKaadU.
bebontAUkAyaw-----•Uarw «f Oraad BapMa to U Uo«(W

namaMlVwiU C^W-lUVaal nord*

Below to a Uat of tbe baylBg aad eoU-

, {ConUnuodfram tit pooe.)

20 Cents

Table SjnTup


Brosoh Block.

Me Front Strset,







TitktUdail Tnnnt Oi ul nani).

Vo OaaM fbr Fnrtbor Oeatrovoiog oa
tho Fire BydisaaKattor.
Tbo Bro hydrant matter hae now
been etfoetaally. oettlod. Tbo stgpip
ftoo oagtao waa brongfat out aad attaehod to tbo hydrant at tho foot of Oaw
street, wblcb baa rMantly 1
changed, and a trial abowed that tbe
tbe dlSenlty which has becotofore extoted.
Baglaoer Fnlgbam aad Chief
Boonto are very><ull Bttoftod with the

-A Bot Time in Ue Old Town " wUl
be Ua opoalag portortBanee of Bryaa's
edlaaa. wbo begia a woek'saagagemeat at bUlebarg'a Oraad Opera Boose
next Maadsy aigbk tlrat-claaa farce
ooioedy—ebugenf play aIgbUy—aad
clever dramatic, vocal, aad masical
lalUw will bo the wdar. After to
long a time has elaaaod alace any prarioim thMtncal attiaeUoa. Ue latoreet
in Ue iMvnlog Oagagemoat orlU jto
more Uaa an ordinary ooe. aad at
popalar prtcaa of lo. SO aad Bo coats, it
will greet tbo Bryan Company, daato
will be placed oa rale at Ue box oSoe
on ttoturday mornlnk.
S perfein
ipon Ml*. Fred Rial Monday by Dr.
J. K. Elms. - Mra Rial has
troubled Mime Usw with aa oalargoflMBt of Us sub-maxUlary aad lympbaUeglaads. Tbe OBlargnaicralo were sit­
uated at Ue baae of tbe ear and near
the jognlar vein awl oorotM arteryMd
tbe opmtloB was neceraarlly a deli­
cate ooe. Tbe doctor also removed a
growU which was tbooght to be a ei

First Vatlonal Bank AaBuaL
Tbe aanoal maeUog of tbo ubat*boldora of tbo Flrat National Baak was
held yeetorday In Ue oBera of Ue
hank and Ue old board of dlreeton
elnctod se follows; B. & Boll. Jao. T.
Beadle. B. J. Morgao. C. A. Bammoad.
Frank Uamlltoo.D. C. Leachand M. B.
Covell. Tbe ofieqia wUl be electod Uto
Bmaabod a Foot.
Kala EUpoU-lck. an emplo]
Uibbe, at tbe saw mill at MarA^d. was
severely injured . yesterday moralag.
Ue Was baodliag Umber* when oae of
^m was tbrovra on bto foot eraablag
It badly. Dr. Fenton d^nraed Ue
wound and Mr. Kilpatrick wlU be una­
ble to get about easily for eoi
Obleaco Varkak
Chicago. Jaa. 11.—Wheat—Jaaaary.
Vine; May. me; Jaly. BIMb
Uorn-Jaanary. MKe; May. t9Ke:
Joiy. »Ke.
Oats—January. Me: May. 93M«5
July. nS'e.
Rork-Jaauaiy. M M: May. M »7.
Grand Rapids. Jaa. U.—Wboat. 17c.
Sea Baxter. ^wUi bi here ooAbe
14U and isuWiU a tnll line of &ae
aprlag eloUlag of Ue tamooa SialoBloch mpotoetan. Banagoars
ura taiwB for a aolt for aprimi. I
A ora capulaealledatarillsgolim
airi oUod theUndlsdT.ayoongwidow
“Do yoo know where 1 oaa get i
Mtel rbave lom my maw.’’
“lamvecy mny for yob, Mr. —
Ue raid. mnUtog “I want a mate, too.
aad raaaot gel one. Asweanlathe
ramepraltfaa. I'D toU yoo what Flldo
—U yoo’n he mine, 1 wiU bo vo<ira •>
UUo bargain
ami. tho
t bm . wood, ha it aow



Steinbergl Gnhd Opn Book
One BoUd Week.

^Monday, Jan. 17.


Coaeort Road aad 0
PrraeaUaga ropoririraotSfH elLi

Firk' CiiHiiH ud Diuut
<^raNfNU BILL:


Popular Prices—
lOc,^ 20c and 30a


The demand for Improved and TTnimproved City ^operty la becom­
ing brisk. I have

Cautkett & Co
, Haria^aold Ibeir Heat De­
partment to Uclotoah & El­
liott of Maniitee, vul 6on«
Umie to keep

A FnU Uneof leats
until aneb pertiM take podSed
sion, Jannary 16tb.
Don’t tail to call at once and
take advantage of 'Rpecial
Prioeg. Abo Full Idne of

Two or,,Tliree Houses and Lots
. ; J’


and a Number of Well Located

Reduced to Lowest Poeriftle
Prices, Don’t Fail to Profit
by This,

Caulkett & Co.,
Cor. Nintb and Union Bta.

-Watch Repairing.
-John Verly,
-Front Street.

E.W. Hastings.,
Real Estate *»„
Fire Insurance.

Mney to Loan
Improved Farms aad
Oity Preowrty. .
JolmMa Block.

Vacant Residence tots



' in Traverse 0it7 that will be sold

At Low Prices
if sold NOW. Oome and ash about
them, if you want a home or a good

Thos. T. Bates.



Hftwtli«n TrMty Net To Be Dif
«un»d in
Open Beteiont

Th« Poffttien Gr««t Britain Hah
*1 hkari in th« Mattar of th«
Raid 6h China.

Kea.'«BaenM(«l)r rvtar4e4-bto iv.
coT«} •>«T anch. But h« «*a BMlly.
ltM>urr« to sIt* tip tb« Bttnnpt le look
afi«f tbr 4rt>onn««i liui4i>«o> CDtJI he
w«( able to vM About AfAln. It U aaIA
tbAI ywurdmf monilnK tb*
iMHr dlAAppMllvd ABd IhAt Uto
ni« rrtory ww wtronteT.


Jf You Have Logs to Sfell

dalle ew^nty Altompli to laad to Oahn
hot to Peataatod.
San AtiloBio. Tes^ Jab. 1L—A ApeclAl
to The Bxpreae from TamplrQ. Mexnyai

-OeoepaX Julio »aii«ullly was a

CoiTMpood with the TnrerM Citjr Lumber Compan;.
We hfiTc £oc aate Good,

WAahtoirton. Jen. XI.—The opponenta
i At the Hotel CoptlneniAl at dinner and
of the civil eervlce Uw hAd much the
beet at the debAie in the houae yeetpfdAT AO far AB the number of thoee
Tot* oatenHNy for Tampico, two of hU
ceiAAsInc (A It were concerned. Klne^
frlrnda bavins
bavtos secured hla pamase
pamace kbeof the eleven apenkera were of the op11 formand and made all neceaaan a
poritlon. The MendB of the law are
-1 ransemenia for bis sate landlas at Ri
A-eiT AAzlons to ^ul off further de-;
e of Jok
bate and in thU win bar* the co-opera«aitodapaoAsraa{MaIeV and stated that be wwa an to­
laipM'lIM am AortrUo Ba1«( tloo of Heed and the rulea committee
il^ _ ombetofc to !
•»<> ’rts»*^ “
-Tiuber 0»i|«toi to >A>^ O" Bill «r Uoodr. who haa cbATfe of the Ull. «nv.
notice IhAt he wpuld teat the sense »:
the houae ludAr on ajnotion to eloae
tocrdim. Jan- IL-Rt. Hon. Arthur J.
« the
WAAhKKtoA. Jep. II.—lo AccordAner
frieada who were t
debate. The oppoalllon immedlateljr Balfnur. Diet lord of the Uvasury and
Cuban Junta.
with the prerlouA notice l>AtiA. cbAlrpeih word to All in their rAnk» to be on
arrived la Raff aaa arrwose"When V
toAh ot the eeoAU<«mmUie* on ftxelsn hand and they aay they will ha+e nd sovemmeot leader. In the kioUK of C0«nmenta
mona addretoed hU oonaUiumto at
ndAtkau, bhmcht up the eubject of the diaculty to defeatlnn the motloo.
Manchester riaat et^nln^. It waa ex- be token ashore at t o'clock on the day
ruiftOAtloA ortbe UAWAiUm AimexAtloo
-pr------1| pfcted that be aould mskeanlraportaiit of the departure of the boat, but
ireetp to the eenAte yeeterdArtbroush de treachery of the man who
'n'ashinston. -Jan. IL—A conjaimed pB»»uncement of the sovemnient iwl■AoiloA «AA mAdc 'sMni Afta- the dieoenalsllns of RepreaentoUve Rrloce. of i ^ j
China but he confined hftnaell was to i<w him sahore the secret waa
*eoeAl or the TouUoe moTiitoc buelneto.
ttlvulfed to the police, ibe chief ofwhom
lUlonls: James uT<umeI
’ AAd the eBlIre ftrmAlnder at the de> a prealdent of the Imcmalioiutl
pTtoieBled hImsrU at the door of the
f-torope bad (Krt added
Seneral's state rwan and Informed him
•eaeloa except the tune llvce to
Hob of Machlnlrls; Hon. Charles Q.
that It was knowm to the |..llce that
oobUnnatlun of nomtoatlona «-ab de­ Daweo. comptroller of the rurrei]ry.an4 Twpuutbm by its recent treatntei
Sansullly waa «e board and that he
voted to the cuiMUentliuo of the oura- othrea called on the pirsldenl y<-aterday
imt be permitted to leave the
ttoB ea to whether the treoir ahuuld
The seneral sc-m.d very much
he.coQAldcred to open eewioo or tx-lilii l
toted at belns frustrated to his
clooed di>or» to i*«tollve Aea*{i.A. After that fottlmtutdaM Blunt bad aftotrarit]| „r»Bse the concert could not find oo«
efforts to land, belt.s very anxious to
sealed down the waa« of Ote
i ^u,er to Itorcife or Amerl.a.' He euonce
take the field "
tou to the extent of fi^ 1 ^nl to « ;
bravery dlepUyed by the

thf Area AAd ouet not botni demnnded.
ACAlnat AH open aeaaion. The tnollon
tor open MMlona waa oiAde br Otmy.
who preoented hli nwaona to a apeeeh
of About ttro BilAUteA- leacth. ursine
tbAt the quMtion nu cf public cuneen. tnvolrlns no eniaodlhr cvmpllcaUOM with other OAtlonA and one which


Tw* la a Hard Oto to VawoAw

to OfipoeltiQii lo/open reTeired

would form the basla of much of tbe
debate cm the
annexation. It waa also Intimated that
the Monroe doctrliie would come to for
a fair share .if dlacAWPlOB before the
eloae of the debate.
WbUe TMctow a Tiod,e Opto.
White was amons those who' replied
to these etotementa He spoke aidrltedly and lo a aartaaik Te;q of the fo»y «f
attempllnx lo keep esecullve aeiveta
WlthlB the control of the senate,
made reply to the sunestlon that the
conmi] of .tbs puWIcliy In renanl to
treallis should be left to the executive.'
aaylBX that the treaty Itself bad been
public as slso tbe prestdrnt’S
mesoace ui«m the subjoct. Morrill con­
tended Uiai the question of annexation
was one of much public Intereot and
said Utat on IbU accounl tbe public
should be fully informed of the res
for tod axainst annexatlob. He spoke

tunny to roakr a speech directed yenorally axsinst eze< ullve jH-aalona He
—to be would take advaniaxc of an
Otota eprainxs to exercise bis tofiueoce
to break dovn the senaiurtol rule for
secret sessions. He asaertrd that llhrole was out of dat*'. out trf keeplnx
srHh the -Muxteaslve tendemy of the
times." m<uw-xrowo and upavleie. and
anrued that It should be al-Hshed.
'The anjjfXBlUnlsts now claim Uvotes
for tbr treaty, lacklox only one of the
Bomber to ratify It. On the other hand
tbe oppnsWon rays Ibe ralifieta will toll
Short from three to five votes.
Lin or KA|IMPI

11. — !*•>
Ooneral Gary ha, sent to the
t^r to th-' reaoluUun aWtlnx '
^Mttona ahuuld be exempt from thedvll
Mfrlce. Hr .Bays: "Jn my Judxmeoi
MIowtoxstajalMune rtu.uld te
\eoptad from tbe rules fuvernitt

Waahlnron. Jan. IL-Messrw Ditterthofer.
Umburxer,ctoiasel for Dr: Comellua Hers. yeoter-|
day appeared Itefore RoUclIor Penheld
at the stale depanmeht aad preoented
elalin for todemnity In the sum of
tS.eeo.«W axalnst Ihe Frenbh xov
ment for an alleffed iUlexal attempt ta
perarcuie Dr, Herw. who Is aa Amer­
ican eitlaen and was mixed up la the
"-■-xma canal scandal to France.
Wtohtosto. Votoe Mto. H. Hto.
■Waahlneton, ' Jan. IL - A resolution
toUnx to tbe fllimllun of the water,
aed In Ibe Hty of Waabtoxton ewsaed.
Renator Hale. Iwfore H waa referred
tbe DlatHci <if CulamtOa committee.
■ay that
il walei
d. foul

Tlwy O. TMTlMe FtoWto* to )


NUxara Falls.
1ft; Jan. H-—The
In money and men. He dilated
upon tbe fact ibai the -eateat of our mited 'Riates custom offleers statloDed
tndeJB Ckitoa flvra us a special Haim at both bridces'hsve been notified U
prevent her puraulnx a yiollcy that {g^ae anythlnx that lodked like oealuid dla-ourace trade." and added,
Hfarly all on the Canadian sldb
-But the dcepesriiadlllvPS «>f our pol­
« notified to leavs tbe
icy pret hide ua from nslnx our tradlnx and cape there if they did not want
privtieses as a weapon to exHude our them confiscated.
The sItnaUoa at
rfvaU. If we ask freedom of trade It Hlaxara Falla ts probsUy different
is not for Enxiard nkine. h|jt tbe whole
Mtot M Raelade Oroat tMtola.
There was no obR^lun. said Balfour
.a canrlunou. to Russia havtax an icefree iMrt. provided Enxland was not
the Canadian aide, back of the
excluded: but the xovernment would do Wb Muffa a number of wealthy tamlIts utmost to prevent I'btoa Metdlnx
»\-e country scata and a xrsat
forelrn prctoure to make Texulatlons many of Ikr women te these families
adverse lo (ireat Hrliato or "any Im­ w All as Canadian women who wear
probable. but possible, attempt t.
aeatakin coala. pass over the river to
the euast of China with torelcn
tbe American aide dally while out drivtlonS by prulc-tlonlst cbuntriea
IBX and maklnx call*
The sealskin
would .jalae customs or other barrlera xannenu taken froln their weareta are
to our trade.The burden of
turned tnio the aplrfalsers' office at tbe
whole declaration was that Enxland's custom house, ahera tbe owner, after
poia-y in China U for the beiwilt of the
appKtailon. roust watt qntll na-s
tinx appi
world at larxe.
The mofnlnx papei
seat to the sectetary of
k-e haa b
ediloriats tif all shades of poimrat
r a dedskto la the matopinion express xreat aallsfactlon at
naKoiu-'s vepualllun of. tbe prtnHples
cilrteM Afola CM
XUldiitX the xovemmenl'B polt.-y In the


main ->rber« Atm Otosiv.”
The Dally .V-ww my* Balfour's e;
position of lAtrd KaUsbun's policy
............. ..................
to IntenUon.
and the only
( j,
,h, exeruiiun may fall abort
With retereoce lo the
York Tiroes' expreasloo of rexret
| jb*t i,rk of Bp|--tll»- ha, eiU'ceeded lo
1 i^nxl'jnd'a trsdlilonal earth hurxer The
) ibji,nays; "Su. h resreta In an
American Journal ar»' plqfiant 'todved.

In a danre ^li ivw at Chljd»wi|' ineosy. Out tolererU, wbl<-h are IdenFane. Wl,.. a An named Lane bad a.; tk-ol with thrlta. eon te prolecird In
i China >r oth
e hltlrn off.
porUoB of hi*--------—



tohl ta Bare Acw-ed «i CWeea—Neva m
t'lsbllag la
London. JaW it.—A-cordlnx to a opeKeor^uflalu a New York Ceutral
altTTuruck a earrtaxe eontainfnx Mr:
- .th were,
Ur«. Bamuel
^ 11

s::t‘’;':Lred'by ^:Sy vLr j^k^ i

diepairh from Kbanctel. it la said
there that ibe SKreement letween Eocland. Japan and Ruaala wllh retwccl
to Curea Int olves a Rotation of thatalua quo and tbe reinstatement of


aceciK. i-naiaae stamp axent. stomped
pnveloi. nxeiil. live iH»tomee Inapiv:^om. wsfhnoii. nrt'impp. aaidstaat mes/penffere. |•«x■" laUvers of all klsda
pad charworo-n.
—la tbe p-ieti-fTb-es tbrnuxbuul tbe
. Mmlry I w<iutd r-t-omniend the foUovexrepUiiits:
Puperlnteodehts or
itoifc—In-rhsrxr of rarrler otatjnn* oaMant cashlensJbrlvale iwretaArs and
raphers A the puriiniuiers to the
ra Ja*«. waU-hmen and Ubof-



Increaaed FacilitiM, Itar^er Stock of

Turnlnx lo China Balfour asid Hrlilah lOi.i-cwts there were commcrrlal
and noi iirHlorlal. >lx<-n’i as a bsto
for posalble warlike operations lerrl•oto# Hotooflhoaitoyaa^ofthsVy**
ton' would be a dlaodvantaxe


Mif. Charw* B. nreni died wdatouij
to her home ai Cblca«o *^s
,K.uthe.«. Nr Rot- rt Hart
cbloroforro pr.-paratory t5-a ourfflcai ;
Cbmeae im|wrlal roan
ciMitroa Is nexotlatinx wllh Ih'
Rev. Dr. John Hall, for thirty wr,:. chlneae xotemmenl for a loan. The
pastor of tbr Flfth^Avenue Pnwb^..;
the nexotlaltons a
ur,klVl*d iaboreto. which atvSuJ* e,- ; ton vhnrrh at J^rw Yorh, has re»li^|’^„.„ the tsunx-h-y.fmen (Iward of
Chief clera of the pooto^de. bU pastorate.
^xn affslrst.ln dlsxusi at th. previous
3menl. dlsburetox clerk.
Mrs, Na.k, Thorr'a paramour anfij'
mnl ci-f*. private awretary ard Alef partner In th- ttiurdrr of <.uldenstuipe
x dispatch from MomUaas, capital of
mem Cl f*. pnva
pr.'.vlm^ In Ihe Itrlltob lUst


lUly'S life whei tbe ttpanlarda bad
m aomr lime ai o. He was pardoned
aad liberated wll! I the stipulation that
be should never r torn to Cuba.

far east, bof ihej- complain of ihe ab-

Ke»- West. Fla.. Jan. ll.-The forces
of tbe San Quentin hattallan #eee '
tarked at Csyo Espino, to Plnar
Rio provtoce. by the InsErxents under
leader Dias. The flxhl lasted aewrn
hours and the Spanleh lost nine klllM
and seventeen Wounded.
Under tbe
command of Tekeda a Urye cOBvo
o for.Ouaino.


Hill Hfiohine^of till deacriptio^inciiidii^ Two Eni^M.
Pet Worka, CfiirUgee aoil Sawe. A ^idete Saw Mill inaot
for Bale.
' •


eents per day. Bolwlthslandlns
| BriUah troopa to the Indian eampalsii.
waxes were already lower than thoaq ; ^
a campalxn "mtuv- dlScull Ikuui
paid for slntlbir work to the Immedlati
Afsban war ot 117*”
ftoly Warn. Fito. Trade with <-hlaa. '

WaHttoffton. Jan. ll.-l*nll*d SUtes
Ulnlster AnxeU. at Consunttoople. haq
reported to the stale depanmem that
be has not as > et succeeded to seetiriak
aswnt from the TurkUh xovemmeat
bto dematd for the payment of an
terto OppMaa b •tobllc OlM-aKtoB..
tqjl^nlty for the American mlsaloi^
Dai|Ii rejAled lo Ornr. contendlns tor pro|>eny d^lroycd in Armenia.
the obarrvAnee of precedent In- Ihla porte takes the position that a ffovem-i
UACter And objertinf toulte alrenuoualy
Is not prx>perl>- to be held reto- the piopoWllon IhAt the aenate
Iible foe Individual propeny l«a|
ahould tAke the public toio iw cuifi-. or daxnaxed durlnx limes of riot wben
dence In cotkslderint the irent)-.
But the xovemmont has madr every seort
MOTSU wna the prtocipAl opixment of
) xMard It.
—the G«r propoaitlon.
He tAlked At
Hoes Wtoia qxMaMo rtwto rniisa
lensth. UcMt ut ibc.BaBator« who epoke


Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short,Maple Wood.

BOB ,01 WAIT in mmost ; “'SrH“r.L‘“r'r.

. gf-dTtf OF 69 ros urmoATio]



TBS Moumra bsoobi>, wbdbbbdat, jahuabt is* ism.

tiw fifteen yeais.
Atnra proteclorai.'. Kaye that
Herman MrUter. t»f Whitewater.Wla.], renrned flchiliie In Kxanda h»sreaclied
hae jaientid a «.ipp*T "hl' h hrnnel-:i there fri.m Fort l.uba-aa In the I'suxa
ically- aaal, the neck> ot bultlM. by OBj, country, under date of I>e<-. 1*. I.leuaniomalic d-.le».
I teoanl MacDonjild. brother of Major
itev. H. WllSiUL of the Bice Lakej: MarUonaU.
the emmauder of tth.
fWla> Bplacupsl «hun^. has a.vwpled! Bnilsh forces, and Mr. Pilktoxton/the
klUed. TrooiM
a call At Kofc.Tiiiii. Ind.. and will aoao,| ralsel.mary. havi '
. ' .are burn tox to ‘b« fvunt from Marb-tleave for that pUee.
Mrs. John Klp{u was Instantly -klUed, kua atalli'B. It la re|wirted that tbi
by belox dashed axainst an’electri.l
lirti pot- Ih a runaway ahlle m Tuuis; fbmilancee under two ufllcera. may Juin
Ibe revoll
lla. la.
D church a evdar Falla.

RLTZinlatan H--At
meund arl ofSamto J Corbett's play.
“A Naval t'adri." at Havllna fheatre
last nl*k* tNirtett stepped before tbe
eurtalD and announced that he
Fllaidmroon, tSX.eee for a flnlto flfhl.
tbe entire
Corbett fall* .. ^t
Vounda The ,-hallenxe is ct'uched to
yjtnilar lerm, lo tbe one he bsbed aome
time am-, and Uurbetl jtays It ft final.
It contain, J elur or Referee Riler. A ,
dlmatrh St. PauU wh- re Fitnimroons I, exhibillnx. querr* Hartln JuIUd a, laylnx that r-wlM tl has poretoa

Groceries of All Kinds.
Also Hay and Feed..
I hare parchaaed the boainnaa of E. L. Ranaom A Son
and moved ue Eaterpriae Qrocer; etock to tbe old Baasum
sUrnd on the Sooth Side of Frcmt Street, on tbe oomer of tbe
nllej oppooite Steinbetjf’a Grand. I have alao porchaaed the
interest of O. Pierce in the Enterpriaa Gmcery, and will «mtinoetbe bnsineaa with a fina atock of Groceries, etc.

Order by Telephone Ho. 146.

Enterptise Qroeery,
W. J. E0BIH80H, riup-r.

213 Front St

Counto. 40c per quart

Fletdw's OystBT Depot eirR^tairui

Printers’ Ink Says:

Madlsun. Wla.. Jan. ll.-The rapdl*aty of SecTetary -f Plate Caaaon for
- —' -le federal
h H was -xenerafly aupro to N. 8. Tforth. la taken
wjth the exception of the
pndrnor the preoenl aUte officers who
are m>w enj..ytox their aeeond term
wtU nht te candidate* tor reaereloatlon.

“Amoog the best advertising media are.papers that
spend money liberally on themselves, first in secur­
ing popular features; and second, in advertising theie
features. Such a course is apt to result in a steady
incfcase' of circulation, in the benefit of which the
advertiser, rtf course, shares."

laotsteiaae ata Hardee.
Tuscola. lIla...Jar. 11 -R';b-n Vandeventer, a weJI-knunn younx' man of
caniarro. aas fi'und dead alonx tbe
Indianapolis, t^catur andWeateto rail­
road tiai-k. indlraUons are such that

The W*aiteT W« Boy iripif*
W.a>lox<c«. W II. rouowtat am tte
WMIIM- l»lfraitca« for twenty foar bnwr.
rruo. , n. BU reaetdav Pur Indiana aad fill
Bn»-'n.r* X aad lixht rolue;
Molerlv to oorUieMS»rtr wladw For Lower
M rhlCon-Falr -wnther. Mtowwd bT'iarteaa

. li.'.'r.'ri.S!;

- •
warmtw ue
ll^t saow:
. For lowa-UxW
t: light -a-t-ily wi
: ««,Uerlv w.iuU.

- H



The Morning Record

Tte Fcwoeh Rmiito
The pytn-b poasant &sa an lodepcod«t means of cxmence. Haowna.tba
soil be tiUo. If be employs Uhoreea

they at loaat will cm-n a botme and^
den and bope to own a plot. The Eaplioti vRUffw it either a lauall tradeoman
toembeta of Wto-j
A meetlDX'of
IX a Uburw. A (cmrdeu which tm onlttixnwite Nile.
and all
Ieyn(lui., Jail.. 11. -The Paria rurre- vatea but dues not own U. a, a rale, tbe
work _... _.
itof bisiwoMlons. •ntere are two
apundrot uf Th- IJally Mall 'devUrva
beM at C^bkoab the Utter jart of tbei that denpUf di-nUls th» French *ovem- olatM in au EngiBi villaffr, and Jbeoe
... . . r ment 1* aware (hat Captain NUrchanJ may be subdivided into varion.rvU*loos
A- nsk- psddirr left a load ^
h„ urropied Faahoda and it tolenda
L. 'IWa U only oor clam in tm
w rejilled
aiBounllnx to UO inunda.
. *11 tew a claim to p-aoeoab-nof that rrxlon French txjuiman*—a toffi which has a
hoiue to Koukauaa. V U.. aad wte* b^ ^ p.-ior1ly of occupation. The curre...............
V depantm-nf returned the
oatlU. Ihcludlax blB,
moreover, that ihi material 'htMnnff npon tbe pkUI eotmof Ibe xeaeraJ land ofBi e. office of In­
omrof the ooBunnnity. Kveiy.lnhabacales. waa atbleiC
imverrmest reyarda thle aa Uidus affairs, pendon office, pension
itaot of the eanmnne is a proptletix <tf
In aocordaatAwlth
(^wlth the ptocUmattoM.
f.nelsu polltlca.
Bxencr service, edncnllon and patent
■mteiblus. and an are bent tot savins;
, of the prosldenL the fuvvntor and th.-l •
offifTind BTOlofflcal aurrey te
•iM.vemeni baa
haa been
teen started;

»C a ■« wnae
yet. withaUtbelr todividnnlisnc they
lyur. a. moveipeht
» ai
ed from the operation of tbe civil aernsven^rt._ Is., to lolae ntooey for^
combine f<x enutmon and tuotual iutmrrcgt-atrllo- I
the pufferlnK Cuban*
e«. Thw to lUnsttatod by the orsanixaKlneertox
Henry Graff, of HarquetU. Jtlcb.,
tloti of the ayndteato for bnyins at
Lahh DODibcrn of Olaagow
axed about » ysara. tn a fit of telnporvbolemle {xtoea They uite tat tbe
Insanity, aueriiiued to coptmU sulcnlUvaticn of tbm
lendins eaob
r hy cuUlnx hU throat yeoterday
other boiwes nnd iMkins «p Mama
mertilnx. He' has SB even dtaaceo
imoe*. Mlito^ baaWe to
Everv eornmnne has a field, which is
Otufles »em ihroDffbout tb« »r*l rela- deal* or recovery.
Taylorvllle. Hla. Jan. 11.—Thr miners oommon property and whece. «n pbyThe rumptroUer of the carrmey has of tbe Taylorvlpe Coal company met
tlvs to the .-undlilon of Recrcury Al»«;'
^ tevr cauard the lasoe of a fonnalolale- decurctl dlvldendii to favor of the ered. there last night and denied .to strike mtstl of a triiuns fee. animals smae.
After tbe barvtwt all the fields bet
ment frum Amlsiam CecTStory MeUtslfor the S-prtnX«Hd .ncale. whl<* Manomainca praperty. and the gna botoil
John, after •'<>(>,uUatioa with Captain
axer Rbumvnr deoihieD to pay becaim
of Helena. Mont.. 1 per oenL, tbe-Wiaconabi Central railroad, wtiteb and tbe other beiaU are allowed tn xonm
, .
Wood* tbe anny surgeon who has bam
mtendlnx the oeerwtary durlBff bU Ulbe ha* a cootiort to funilah DM tons of at larga—Oontomporary Bartow.
BHS. wblcb has now Uatadvabout a Mil*.
cnol dally, refoaea to pay aa advance
■math. It t< said that the aaerwtary
A tin box centalnlqx Bolts valued crer ib* oantraet price. __
at IUD was foimd besldr tbe railroad
ema attacked by tbe xHp, and tbU Iktt
Waula Its wake a low type Of rerec, net
A IL-The
tjpboU. aa baa been reported, which ■nkoa Dans eoonty. Wla Ybe aoUa
of tWs etty..l
ua lb* property of John McOolre
■ salunnn tbe patient eonsMerabiy.
to W. M. Ksmi
tlw pmUteocy of RecretofT AlBor to orboor Waimakaa ana robbsd
AnoeU and^lIrhllJUaB each •
a tew weeks Offo.
booptnx at wiTk. even while

Provides Fresh Grtneral and Foreign News,
a Complete Local History* Every Day, and on
Sundays sets before its Readers Up-to-Date

Popular llliisfiatad Faatures.

uxHW or carnnABT

••Whatl Yon nmr beard trf htol
Why. his name U a hdnsehold word "
"Indeedl A story wriMxr
"No. be bnlDheccd ai^

ItCostdlffoney to^it
but the Increase of the Circulation Proves that



nt IROPUI Bu I tmnA Salfii tbe But li^



Advertisers Profit by It



! TflB MOaroiO BJqOBD, WBDBT»roAT, JAgXJAHT U, 199B.

Matt penvention of th» Ohio Ro*
Ofyorttion to Hanna.
nvflhe «OMiMRe**a

Columhua. O- Jan. 11.—The maaa Rej>nb]k-v> roov-enth'n at. the Aadltoriittn
la IbU dt)- reaterdajr afternoon



Onr of tb* Mm<ra movt l>ro(p-

iWuroi McKlnl«y. Joo««
IftETaliUcui «Bd proBtBeDt In U>* nlaM^- ualoo. Be U (or fwy BDver. and la aOn-o.
nwa M the labor candlOate Malnat
lb* eapItalUt.
VhUe- the
verb boMtna rtHee In the
8trtii the <nauinu«ll(« of Ootierw*
BuMmell «aa proeeedlac. There hafl
been a |rmU lt>undtnv«up of Bufhnell
tom OBI In the etate and In the nwenlnx
Boaluiell bBdcee aere In the ma)iirlir
m tbe aueete. Al.ooon the aopemor
address ibe-crow-d dT received an
pvation. Among those coming ti) the
dty In hta tnterem were the woifcmr*
from hla shops at Rpringfleld. wboV.
the Arm to rWt bim In the morning a
war* Jn ea-Uenre all
alj^day as his (

the hlator}' of the ettr
‘R>e capaeltr
of the Audllodain U 6.«M.
All the
atandloK ronm « u uken and manr
tbonaandi aere uoahle to gain admit*
tance. The meeting laated from t to (
I and

» a CsavMiWhs
Waaled Sla »
. 0_ Jan. 11.—Raj
tire Grusrenor baa written a remarka­

eeedtnca./ H»ere wenartepeated aeeaee

ble letter.' A 'eonriet' in the Ohio jpenl*
tanUarr. James B. Wlgglaa. serving a

. H btelAg when the namca td Oovenwr
Biiabaell. Kurta and oth^ were mentlontd. The terau "traltoia,’' "JudaB"
a the aodlenca.

tltia In the pang.


The audience p-aa-la

• turned (


tbs eJ«tata>vof prewmoftnml saspidaQ
baa {dayvd an




some mudiirTapk Pock It borm over
the land, waii^writig dooUa bsru. inU
into hjouebarix ttli'we bofii
U to lot a uabil im tbeir t>eigi.&un daf
aod nigbL W« ba.c soefa s |gD(otuul
sddiiriiiimt fnr msny qnaUlim of tbu
feeneb peuplc. s^ a aumn bsUrf is
tbe tfcCMmty''uf sV'««*(b> FKuob faotor in tbs com (lira mrsb «f mudei«
dvlltgatitai, that ws san afford to tviac
Ifai* cbaiTS erf oudus raafdcicm sgsiaK
Pn^ as t whole.
Np atndent <d
Freoeb blttsgy can fall to ass tb* odbfutiobithai wmagbi- U is not tbe
Crowtb cd yestk^y. but it la alsogt w

twsBtr-yaar wnn. has bsep amdeiTor.
Ing to get out. He had corresponded
w-lih Grusvcfior. whom be demr^ to
employ proTesMonaillyX* yssterday
I rerrived

whriL Ihe
crivsd U

STtdaut Id tbe atcmuln of tbs France
of tbs seesmocDth ocalory as on tbe


acMem at a
Trial to the «
atatdef Keatacky.

t Ihe examining
Judge Willtam*

man as agatnai only Tz for Hanna, but
It IWI evnOdeat at least on prevent
Inc Hahna-a election. Sunday night ib<d of Kuru that Iw furnish at least
Sight affldavlu from AepubUcaa nmmbvr* that 'they would sOirid wltb the
slxty-nvt Ui'inocTStlc members In votInc against Hanna. The Democratic
siev-niic commlUee reported last night
that it was satisfied.
live itermab.
gay Ham
There I* no doubt that Hsmoa
was beaten for a week previous to last
Friday, when Kr|irv*eniatlve Manuel,
of Montcomery. chaagi-d In hta favor.
On Saturday tbe Katraa men aectnnd
Hepreaenlatlve Orimib, of Union, but
they made no acreoion* Sunday or Sat­
urday. and II la the gen. raJ belief that
• they are abort one vote. It has been
agreed by a coafereoce bonuuluee that
the balloUng In the two houam srtU
not begin nntU » p. m, today, and
there may be several changes In that
time. The real work of the fight on
alll 'ml until after
balloting bv
gins. There I* a feeling among many
of tbMs oppoMne Hanna-that if be
not. detsatsd oa (he first ballot — or
rather by tha asparats hallot*—today
be win not be dsfeatsd al aU.
While the ofipoamoa attn Insists «n
Kuru as. the

r tS^^ar



sml tbry did bang.


ticgiary exoeasea, the tribonal (ff Foa-

yeste day

qsier-Tioville. Dsnun to hi* tam was
nspsetsd and (eU.
We meyi of eonrto. JnMify tbe *0^4dmi <ff Donoaries, bot wtat pomlbls
can be kiven of the eoapi-

all who desired t<

aer( firing at ex-JaUer WIU
■ friends. Several

with hi* I
wUb hi* bead for tbs dxngeroas folly
of Bwddltng with tb(Dfs )» did not naderstaodf It wet obviaarly a ouestion
of war to tbe knife berween Jacobin and

. . U Km*, who re-elved tWo . ..
through tbe thigh. con*uier.-d darikou»: William HulHn*. shot throughjbn
The langfoite Halm that It w«* i_
acHdeni In ahootlnp-KIng. All fh«-partlHpaniB were failed. Ineludlnx:
Deputy Pheriff lteul>er. Uulllne. {
Bbooting opened and
*«d firve at the Langford* yintll llhey
disappeared. In the court roo^ When
the shooting occurred Hundley thought
hlr father bad been killed, and siting
the sun of a guard attempled lojruab
the fray,
It required six men
bold him. The trouble originaiedldur-

Oirondin, te each UkA bu abeololeiy
diffsruotvisw of both foreign and'in­
ternal politic*; bat »by coold not the
stmggln have boeu cm fined to party
warfaro wiUun tbs walls of the obnventionl Why was it nwesxary to dedmste the Uiremdin chiefs? Tbe only
answer (bet cRn be roads is that saspidon tasd grown toaoeb a pitch that tbs
very existimds of (jitaaaiwn was con­
sidered incompatible with toe aeouity
of the teppbiic. Mi® bad beoams freaxied, in^u. tfaro^bconsunt spying on
oue anoiher'i at-uooi and papeUwl at­
tempt* to (eiljom c®e anotber's inward
tbo^bu. and tbe "law of anspects"
was simply o formal exprearion of na­
tional craxiDns- That vsymednem lisa

saxpicii® atulned iu.

plite iocarnstiui. Bi* felineoatote
CMragu. Jan. 11.—A* ----------------remark* wklch have been made Adolph ever cm Ibe dart foe its pny. He ooold
Kreu*. piesldent of tbe rivlt service hoc bear a gopd word aid of any
• err m.asloa. who Is a prominent D»raor» . entered auli lotUy against Aktorw. V- K BUSS, s leading Republkan.
Ii.r (56.1-0
Tbesbemt of trie
ralris |iU»» :* that be said Krsua wa«
h- w^oh- thing‘-the caar—of tbe, civil
re's bead fell into tfie basket
.-tvl-e <orrmla»lon B I"* •ray* he never
toerkad toe brmk of tbe straining point
k1:;jU-1 thvw staiemcnU. but simply
of that enqiidim which bed oeated and
i*j-raie.l «hat Snotber told him.; He
also wye that he tulf Kraus bl^U atutnined tbe (^nw. When ws letDsm.
the asn-e
^- .u-k—t >lmil It! xnS ber ttat tat for aa accMenl UmhoI
Wonld have fallen a victim to fiobeethat fiiinUr he had not
chsrcr tor pui.lhaUoa. dM-acdk tfUtog
P<*;er «h.. i.Ul.1 shea R that KtaM
be aald wa*-nui for the
Chicago. Jan.

*'Jobn Uiliim. native <d Lnodrai. son
of Jutan Milton, was ioitUtad in tbe
alesnant* iff IcUera wider Mr. OiU. mastoa-irf St Panics anbooli wa» admitted
almaer peiuiaoer Feb. If. I«24. noder
. Chappell and paid snttascr lee.
" Hs was tbeti 10t -ymn and f
DODtbs bid.
ily amoeistsd
Tba tree an Intlmstely
locb dscayed.
^ _
bis _
tat in oeder to prsssrve It aa much as
ptwrible from tbe rarsgee of tUne many
«ff tbs biniicb«B have been uurmed srilb
Mieet lend and are fnrtbeg sapportod bjr
stoat woodsB |Wop*. while tb* trank bos
fame borisd in a uoand of earib. Tlie
tuarianos of tbs fullags and tbs ovp

piurre'f aospinoas and that tbis *0^4eiooi dispositiim bad led a manof eetoiBialal virtae to become a wholeeele
tosrdeter. we can ohderstaad that feel­
ing Iff rehej^^oto^psotator.


lice Invcellgallon" conuBfitee o^ the
senate of the Illinois general am^bly'
bad the Chicago Hrll service cos^mlsslon on trial. Part of the Ume ^u*#V psked by Senator Orville F.
Berry, chairman of the commlitea but
S. R- Bliss, counsel for a number of
ex-pollcemen. posed aa the o(^l intepogatlon jwlnL Thr only arUneas was
John M. Glenn, aeeretary- of the ctvfl
service cxmiinlaslon. No erldenee
value wa* sllcfted from Glenn.
«!irmk" of the nuaeu MsiMi


fipringfMd. Dla. Jan. lU—The
net j-vaterday with five
- * —
and fmmcillaUU- adjoureed.,
hquse advanced to third rtading
- -• - tU.0M to pay
s o( to* pnasnt sssstoo aaS



^ tim poet


friend end eantsmponiy. with


be deutatlum sbered toe mue roama
is tbun day* natteot* did not. as
now. oorapy separate apartmcoia as
witnsoitbe anginal amtatce of toe ool"lo wbicli ebaubsn oar wish I*
that (be fellows rleep two mad two, fast
tbe aoboUrs foor and foar. " In aontofiosooeaf which • mnohcloeer intimacy

Dc. JobneoD rcintea toet

urn was BtfiOtod at Cambcidim. bat toe
fnot U doebtfoL toougb there ie reamn
to nppom that be had diBetenaes with
tbs antboritte* in tbe cnriicr.pnit of hi*
0011*8* carem, einee be was
from bis original tntor. TbiFtree is
Mill pointad .out to visiton and was anboogb <ff misUstoe groadng apon il
Uqyd's WeriOy Newaw

^ Br. Max Mailer rvlatm that tbe late

“Pelloi-a I tried to get tbAt bloom­
ing miml rv-Hdab, don't yoe know, to
earns sp bi tbe dab some evening end
give OS otw iff hi* deqeed quseah entet-

ad in bii uil boota.

reqeeb foond toeOres^.
moib eent with toe maiden,
with ber as if be had known ber anBe
birto. In il minotsa after they bad
firet- met to* fellow caHod me to bim
and aald: ‘See bare, podner. ws want
tocetbUebed. IhalD'lknowedMlriiida
Jane beta but M minatm. bat we both
like, an toe’s williu an eo'm L RTbar's
lbs Mgbest larsoa. podwrT I to*
than on to Oweastaoro, and tbs tamer


aftenooe. For- barry op nnptials it
dam strike me tost these ought (o have
toe cake and caber spivdsl prta* offered
^|qtock yeast loTeiaatobM.’'*~Loais-

Tbe fatber of Eogene 8oe wm a pbyrician with exalted psttenm all over
Baiope. who sewt Mm tbs cfaMoest
wince. Ttat- ctuporur of Atntria. for In
________ bad cuntriboted toksy. the king
of Framia tore bock,
of Sp^ priceJea* alicante. Frtoos MetHrnito gcuoine votbst d'yt. and au on.
The whale was kegAtn • torne irgn cup­
board in the Mody iff tlx Itohwd phy■ician, knoeu a* tbs Elstivir library.

finM Bifiili t Miui L1

.......... assdoug



Ba^s was then a oMIsge Betoman,
an£ beving procured a skeleton key to
tbe «low% with bis frieudt, Adtopbu.
Adam, Veron end oihem, pcoamdsd
every night to iBreatigste tbe oonaente
of tbs bottle*. Not wiablng to bar*
they took * tbs pn
n to fill up tbs
pvtisUy exhaastod flatoi with water


and then to ream] toem. Wbm. for a
long time afterward, tbs dootor broa^
samples of ki, preoons tnrif lot
tb* delsctatiou of gocats worthy iff it,
abd toe company tasb-d it wixb a dae
scum of awe, it was privately felt toat
tbe oeltority of toms groat brands waa
aUmoonabine. tbaUkdinarytabled’bote
bwdeaax wa* prefstoble to town. But


r~ - --.ULOonrooD

n all tbe boose* la England wem
placed ads by ado. they would oovw a


Chicago -MT0fest MlchlgAa.



to me. 'had tbe
there, eppem . obllviona that any
thing wasRoinron. Bs was fanjogbt In
end plaoed at the table next tbe q

y^iLBSW a u
V7 waUmtePi

Of tbe Nrtberlaad*.
ne qoeen took toe c
M-r own buiidi end in paitienlar tried
to draw TrnnyaoB ooL Be was not in
talking mood,
bbs addramed him a
“Ym, nu'am/' bs answered.
Then there wa* anotour queslioo.
“No,'ma'am." came from Tmoysoe.
Again toe asked bis opinion aboot
aensttaing. The question was not ms-

imsm iraHnnumi LI.


*e ufes sfisa aeadar. Joes M, urr.
astm«:ti«eka a. .

ceptible of answer by “Yes" or "Ka“
"Ma'am," mid Tennyson after a
pent sffmt. "toare Is a great deal to be
mid on both sides of tbe qaaMton."
PfeMily be tanied and wbiqirred to
Max Mallet. "1 wish toe* bad pot
of yoo'tnlking fellows next to regina-*'

1 Ud ooitodon at Coolgardid to be
priaem at a public meetiiig gatomd to
protest stroi^ against tbe actiims of
'is Weaurn Australian ffoTctotnsns-


DV ■ '

SSiliijir::;:!:; ~



-Ito legerd to toe mining populaxton
Mid tbs insaSeleney of ita politioab represoDUtlon. bevetolspsakasbeU forth.
Une declared toat be was neiUisr deeaooat nw aodaliat. anotber that be was
a demoont. bot not a socialiM: a third
at last laalemed bimarif a sooialuL
I. tat in tbs

M180MLLAMM008 WAMTSTftOk 1___ __

midM of toese gold miner*. In (Ms (own
bot torse years old. in spite of the re.
laxing inflBSM of atocrid bmt. (bs


vend ax tbe end of the


lenhsrOa. »I» «

aU tbs spmksrs witboot
diMtoetian of opiaiim. s motiuo of pro­
em da* adopted, and tbs mowd retired
in tbe graaiaM ttsoqniUity. 1 tboaghi
not wiiboBt abame, of tbe manner 1
whioh ms««ings of (bis Mod are often
oemdoeted in Foume.—"Lep Koavtllrr
a~>ifiaxaaiim," FiamLm^-



m sr sA

“Wbet'stbeaameiff toe gill atran

■aim aotnebo^l Wbal on fkaX
« fiv a foottaller’s ■naetoeartP'-^

A CM tan Weim

tar north dam tbe

“ ftWrtf IWMi!

pfir^ Bboold wlit DO longer, bat (be
AUontan at L*w.
qomn refneed to didown befow tbe oatesstsMaeisoc*
laureate's arrival. There wa* anC
period of wnitwc, painfol to all tb*
Fiimlly aomeoDSMMDtsMed Itat prob­
ably Tinnyra was “maaning about in
toscIotasnsoHiswlMa.'' One

fttaba^-rve-got an idea.that yrlU ta

8esS>0hiai«o JocraA

Merchant Tailoring,

“1 pouched bU thket, wmtia tbej
noking car. and on atj retwn to tb^

lUewry men. amoag whom were Ttanysis). Lord Uoagbton.. Hoxley and Max S|SWO of 4M sqaer* mllsa.
Mnller himself. was ready, end svegybody J.W.PsWSm.

worth milUoMitf Imoeedin {vf

nms sooth

Suits to Order.

bis ttuaaers ta^gut cm my ttaU. \

“Did be‘^ve any teason. dmh boyT*



O. r

Tbs fellow tands't opacd tbs oar tew | Fine
till be spned tbe rasiie lam. and before
be look bis e^ in'frant of tbe girl be'

Mtaments. mid beoooldn't

“Why. be mid be oonldn’t rnnke •
aaccem of bis eCnta wbere tbecewnm't
any maurial to work tm. ’’
“1 wonder whet the deooe be msant
by tbetT"—Cleveland Rain Detoen

' I

f HTST T kkf

Ihhl 1 got a pretty omniry girl parnsN- giT at a liuU^ag statkai agitb iff Ob-.i
tral City anopt »;«o a. m. A few mUaa
farther cat at -anotber ■

'qaeen tff BoUfXid (mjaeotly cubs to
FA^twi aad was food of mestiag wUIs
(here dUgAgolsbsd Uietary peopla. On
one ocoasioo she Inncfaed with Dean
Stanley and asked him to writs esvcral

If so you IcDOW

vills and Ommmxvo. as 1 did lor aany
years, and in a trip in tbe winter ed;

dCenibridge that be
poeed Ui-dde. "On ^.Mi^g of
CbrlsfiKkUvlty." “L.ycid&i.'t|i^ i*
- with Hiltoo-rlUe

Ever BiuM Out?

cnrtsfalpa and narriaget w
tka," said OapUia AmOardvdl oooa.
“bat ! tbink 1 eDcawltaMsd tbaqgickam made tnatob «b rtnaad. 1 was rvn*
nlagjea a •-ondocior bstvora Bawll-


<r were

OMsed tbsi»eptenibcr masmerea It was
pn» snspiclaD that (reaied the most rsToUing end onjast of ell tbe revola-

ClDcinnatL Jan. it —A special ic
?ommerAal-Tribune from Mount

Int the last campaign when a nt^ber
.if leading Hepubllean* boiled the ficket
a* .m-mlnaied. among them brtng fhsrTfl
Munin*. King and many others.
0>iinnl<ns. O.. Jan ll.—Seiiator Han^
na waa bellsaed last nignt to be one'
vote-abort of election. The
waa net aare of ‘2 votes for an^ oht

eesded In tbs Uttar year, ended bis in­
timate oannsetioo with tbeuoivmiiy:

of fruit which It amiaally bes* are
pcotff erf iU vitality. b« to lasare
HsfT- in tbe time id Riebi lien, it was | aghlest scoideeu sod parpstoats tbs
omstantly preaent in tbe tuiud'trf Mask- tree on offaboot has bsse planted clom
rin when tK-sotlatind with 0»vn»«il.
In tbs entmt <ff a boagb toe*king
tod U is rbdble all tbrougb tbo pajfe* end (slliog it la divided with even }oa3< tbe rosmoin of Oe Beta. ptla afdrU dos aiDong tbe fellows <ff tlw etdl(«e.
of Iiraumatural sSB{iic)ou natotally at- end many pteocaaretfa
’ "

gvilloriiwd. Bsparstely. It was Oantnn’s
naidcifui of an anstocmic plot which

tgrfeivd the court room clearsd so

> a

Rgm tbs ffgnier data, and his admtsdon
togbedagras erf M. A., to wblidilie j»o-_

r to Warden


■; which at Ih* end
%xpreaaca thr hopn and beUef that Gov. «mor Bushneil will come out for partyloyalty to Hanna. These are the
-Reived. Firm, that we eondew
wlth^t reserre or qtallfiratinn this
Binat unholy ronspIr'C). and proiasd In
the name of the iw-oj,;e of Ih
Ohio nvalnst Its further pro
funb-r su-ress
"Iteaolved, Further, that we call open
every KiTObllcan ni-mber
'■''•ral aiaeniWy to b* present In Bto seat
on next Tue^ay and volw by act and
by vitie t» raary' Into sarcutlon the
ftilflllmi nt of Ih.' ohllgatlon assumed by
him wh-n Hwi-.’ a
r. and
' '■Relived. Finally. il
eome them cordially 1
tion with the 1
said genetal assembly, bovver they
•'may have voted or acted nina far In
relation to the suli)K-t matter of
dw Isratlon.”

a stbdMit at tbs Bslversiiy.
bs betwM tbs. rmn Idtt and’ldSl
fcg tbe follnwing copy, freta the l«tio
<rf bis entry of sdmiMdcgi. aocnratsly

Paris bntUsTardi at ebs jgaaest tnomoii.
It pSTvaded tbe oumt apd the nOtrfal

taiM-lo cliniag in tbe Fruneb n-voluclone and deep srmiMthg irim the In*
Hfti. wbec. tor tbe first time,
le&e and bluer utierance* of tixwt of
The leper waa wvltien on a WWr |
^ involved In lu tuftnlie on
the apeakera The Columhue Qle« rtuh. head
neaa of
oi tbe
u>e committee of
oi mines, and
erhieh refuaed to parUeipale in ty^ In­
mining, of'whioh arparenor la cnair*
Prom ibv moment when tl>e onrioonl
augural (eremiutl.s, rootjti.uied lirgelv man. and bore the date of Wastaln^on.
SMamldy mM at VenuUlrs to tfat day
a the enthualaaiti of the oocaalon bg Jan. t. ISM- It la as follow*:'
Ita alnglTiK.
Dear Rli^ will not nndertahe; any when NaptdsOa wu» tasnl»b^ toKIhs
WiU nroM or Eolka^i^Mia. MBployment, pndeaalonal or oihenvies. anivunnl scspiclan flUed the air and
Aa Chalrmah Naab and Reprraenta* that wUi taring roe in any way In con. dictnU'd tliu tTocl aigKxa of Fruiob pol­
the Weaver ratne upon the ptd\runii tart with or Into the presence of the icy. The t|0«u was. of costae. m»inclthe Tippecanoe Huh, of Clex-elahd. and person who Is n»w exerrlalng Ihe cmea- A and Juialv. In poliiicahmaiiers, and
(he Bualneoa Men a I>ogue of that dly Of gutwraor of Ohla Tours ven' thilj. partaapaiteras
- H.
etiteteJ the ball'and there waa a wild
able tbnt ibe B^kicsi hi wbiob abo
Bcene far aome mlauieA Aa ooon a*
STM mivclopvd abtmU bare aBanbsd to
order co^ be reatored Judge Npab
bar weak but pSrfecUy bnneat fanabaad,
addriraaed the audtennr. giving tboae
aker ha* returned to Waablngtoo: and wbo was aigmsHd to bs abaolsialy se­
who had reftiaed to aupp»rt* Banna for
der ber fatal inilmcs.
•enator a roaatlng. Repfeeentatlve fal­
first lime mnee the OuimmAs boUgsya.
Tbe attack on (be BaMiUe wa* aniter 1- Weaver, of Bpiingflaid. the home
Referring to the Ohio senatorial k-un*
of rjovertior Buah.nell. wae then In­
^sried not mcxslj by memorie* of tbs
troduced aw chairman of the meelirtg. test, he said that It wa* very bitter and pan. not In tbs least btcaoseof aetnal
much to he deploied. ~1 have kept oul
He made a room elgoruoa apeaeh
erusUim at tbs Uaw. for tbeic was
whom be aecuaed of of It" he aald. "and have had nothing
except only to try to
acbemea for the blantptlon of the party.
pectsd that tbe BtettUs wa* to bs niitinsd
make pea<-e. All efforts In this direc­
The hlaaing of the name of Oovemor
tion nave so far bsen unaralUng. but aa an armsd foettsas to overawe Faria.
.Snalmtil. Kurta and ottan* that 'begun
-el to solve the tfllBculty In ^ day of (bs “black cookadse'' and
during the addrero
that will be fc* oearl)| satlanareb of tbs MasnadMSo n« Car­
reached a much higher pitch during the
fartory to the party and all concerned lyle’s graphic pbtBSHdngy) w«s dns to
addreac of Weaver. At the conclualon
of Weavcr‘8 addiena Repreaentatlrea as sae^ seu)rms«l» uaualiy are. That agdted ssspirioo. Tbe assemtdy bad
I can say at present^ without/asrOnatvenor.
scarcely otgacUsd itself before tbs
Southard, and Judge «3ouhle. of On- of doing n
demon iff cuapiciaD spread iu dofty
ctnolltl.' were appointed a oomrtlUlee on
Osaew et tbe DemMimU.
wing* over (bat body.and Htratacanan^
Colnmbus. 0-. Jan. IL—The cann^ of Bamars. at first popular idols, became
fteeta Whaaps 'Fm Cp Laadew
the Democratic mcmtx-ri of the l«is' <ff intngse with tbs cudrv
While the committee on reaohitlona
held at the Great fioutbern
«m* personaliiisa wbo ——
was out Colonel Robert M. Netdn. of last night. The Haim* as to the t^umto tbe fttmt 411 scupectod
Da>-ir>o. apohr. Comnel Nevtn baa al­
ber of Democrat* wbo
been the Hose
personal and mained awsy were variou*. but' the
to tbs
poUUcaJ friend of Senator Fotaker. most accurate Informatlun places it at
Knrta and others who are at thla time 4 There were aald tb he alHeasi
I oHMialuc the ekwilon of Hanna. tUs- Democrats In the csucus 'wm
'UcatlcBHS. we moM bang toguiberor
apeech against the action of those to vote for any one except a- Dente^i
we aball fantig eeparately.” wuold here
whom he rbariged
bsen oselSfa They ooold m bang to­

noon. Almost the ansire audience roae
to Its feet and while atand'ng on chairs,
threw bats, handkerchiefs' and other
artiHA wildly atwut the halt At the
conHuahm of rhla-addreas the reaolutlons were read and
M Areltal Tery gaeerA

la tbs garden, of (Arta’a mdleRs.
«se. wUc^ tradUkm mya, waa ^lod
MINbi dt^ng
tbs tins wbw^a

At all tbo ifiTAt «i*au at FrmA




’i.’Kl,—Money to Loon
Oo inyrovs* sitr esmssu-




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