The Morning Record, June 22, 1898

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The Morning Record, June 22, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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orras orrr


Second Teni^Ko 355

Shafter's Troops Arrived Safely Off Santia^
and Were Keceived With Enttiusiasm By the Fleet






AuobiBg of »«w BAtUoohip XH*.
plM«l Hog* lUm ef Water aobmorglag Knadreda of PMplo.
welal to Tas HuaKisa Kacoao.

oson laavu) ro& Dumsz.D's

TWrty.ThM oBdTbtitjrPoartbinebLoaa«a. Jaaosi.—Darlag tha lMa.:higOB
lag of tie BOW Britiah flnt alaaa batUaaoU Yfom Vewport Vaw»—Iftath
ailp AlbiM at BlockwaU toda; aba
WaaaacbBBati ViU Xbotb ToBigbt.
eaoaed a diaplacaaeot of a graat
apeciel w Tbs Hosbim Rscou.
of water at tba aidaa, eoBpIatelj sabWaabiBgtoB. JoBa »1.—Major Bop■targlag oaa of tba lower atagaa of tba klaa aald tbb morBiBg that Ma i«giyard aad Inwaraiag boadrada of pa»Mast, the MdU MaaMcbsaatta of
It U catimaUd that flftj- peraoaa Dafiald'a brigade, wonld go to Kewport
were drowned. Tba Doebaaa of York
Newm tOBarraw algbt. aad wUl ambaric'

Consulted Plans For Landine and Joinine of cmo..i ~.i «». bw n.
the American and Cuban Forces
aat aoa tha o^deoV At tba laat re­
port tblrt; bodlea bad bean reeorerad.
Near Ouantanamo.

forSaBtiago. TheThirtp-tblrd
aad Thirtp-foarU will X tiatBrdap
asd aall for Saatlago on Monday- Tba
ordWB bare been Imaad.

ProbablUty that Pramiar Sagaata
Infant XtanghUr of X. Baaaom XHed
wiU Maaigo Hta Ottea.
SpecUl to Tbs MoasiNe Bsoobh.
of Broai^ba.
MadriA Jana Sl.~BoBiora are earMr. aad Mrs. B. Eanaom were called
rmt bare today that tba cortaa may npoa yoatorday afteraooD to moom tba
aaapend Ita aaasioo darfag tba eoalag leaa of Uair litUe dsagbtar. Altbear
who died rary saddaaly after oaly a
apMlal to Tbs Boasns Bao
the win- day'a iUaeaa. Bba was ukaa with a
; Uonat abiDa, many af tben loaded with
Maw-.York, Jana Sl.-A WorWa |
will raalga, in which
troops, hare i
o« 8..U.,..j later of fiu
rial thU aftaraoott aaya
oreat it ia tboogbt that Premier Sagu aaming but was not eonaidarad li
aad that a baule U Imm
a eable maamge reoelrad a
ta wlU be oompalled to submit to tba apeeial danger. She was a awaot littii
ring tba eoaau
dapartaent froa the g
Qneaa Bagent the qoeeiioa of eoal- child, only fifteen mootha old. aad will
Man of tbs Vtoat Obaarad Tieopa.
atation at Qnantanaaa. atataa that our
danea la tha mlabtiy aad it is poaai- be greaUy aiawd la bar boma. Fai
al aerricea WlU ba bald at Ua hooaa
Aboard tba Amoelatad Preos Boat bla, tbaiafore. that E
aoldiaiB are landing «Bdar tba protoeI.
Saaar Sagaata will UlB aftaraooa at i o'clock.
tion of tba gnma of the fiaat, bat are Dandy, Mole St. Nlabolaa. Jana SI.— reoigB. la wbleb ease the national gorbeing fired on by the fipaaiab traopa. (Oopyrigbtad by tha AaaaeUtod PreaaJ— aramont will be pladgad to a meat anTwo Tbooaand Oorda of XaU.
Tba axtoBt to which tba Onbau bare Oaaaral Sbafter’a army of larasioB ar- erga’Je oonraa.
Twwty maa are employed by Ue
been axpoaed ia the aetloa ia abosm by rired off Saatlago yaslorday
State Laaber Co. Urea allaa aouU of
City, oo Ue oooaty lias, la
the report raacblM^^ aery dapart- There are 16.000 troops oa S7 traasmaat tbat^^oOBd^ Cabana bare
Bpamiab Ooamaadaat at Ooranaa paaliagbark. Tba company expeeU to
get oat t.OOO cords Ute oaaaoa.
Huatiag far an Aaaricaa Bagmet.
bean pUM en the bcMAtal ablp Solaee.
fararaad* na eaaaa of maaalaa aboard •peels) <2'Tb> Mobsibs Bbtobu.
A Mink ia a OaUar.
Om-anaa. Joaa il.—Iba Spaakboon
•ampaan aad ataftor Mat OareU
. bat tba troopa, gener­
Yeatorday afteraoos Malooa Wlnale.
bare baa Uken BMaaarm to ai^
■paelal le Tn MoBBoni Eaosan.
ally apeak iag. ware la good ooadlUoB
Jr., captared a mink in Ua cellar of
Klngetan. Jamaica. Jeaa Sl.-TbU
rsat Ua alleged Aaaricaa spy who
the grocery atora of W. W. Miller. Ha
aad oaeeUont spirits. The royaga was
afteraoaai tba flageblp New Yark aad
rived bare oa Ua ataaaar *^Poraae. Up beard Ua barking of a dag and an lawitbaat iaeidaat.
Oaneral Shafiar.
to Ua present Ua comaandant baa
tba Sagwasoa. •aaeral Shaftv’a fUgceof Ue
afUr hia atriral. had a eonfarenea
iBt to .
bean anabla to find Ue maa ba ia look­ aaUnsl trying lo « mpe froa Ua dog.
with Admiral Sampaae.
They dlaweatof Santiago, near wbleb Oaneral
ing fer. butUasuapaet U ballerad to
earned at length tbo i
The members
Oarda ia ancampad with S.OW Cabas Uined by Admiral Sampaoa'a aeoaU at ba hMdi^ra board. The IdaaUty af Leagaa are reqaestod to meat at Ueir
naldlera. Oanaral SbafUr aad ataff to tbamoat arallabla Uadlog plaem ia Ua BritlabstMaar Pomaeoenld not ba lodge roam Uia eroniag for Ua traasand Eaar Admiral Sampaoa went the rieinlty of Saatlago and seat fni- aatablisbad by raferanca to Ua marl- aeilon of iaporunt boriaam.
ashore and praeeedad to Oaaeral Uar- tbar seoalibg partlaa along Ua coast. time regUtara bare.
Tba ladies of Ua Brat K. X. ebnreb
«la'a boadqeartota. aboat a mile la- In Ua partlaa ware repiaeenteUrc
WiU serve warm aaab oa Ua SJrd.
Maccabee day. to Orange ball, be­
land, wbara they spent aeraral bonrs
army, aaaigaed to the duty by Oeaginning at ton o'clock a. a.
But Ua Thief Saw Trot
la oOBsnlUtian. At the eoBcliialo
aral Sbafter;
Botumad Mrs. Kaaaay'a Valaablaa.
■after and
■eaeadoua aathnaiaaiv waa awaklaat night Sheriff Simpson waa ^Ua atbor offieera bad UlUe or nothing
iU Adaiiral lad to Fareatera' ball to lavaaligato Ue
to say. The beat Infonnation obuin- Sampean'a fleet by Ua arriral of Us aupposad robbery of some valnable
able ia. that there will be na attempt troopa. They gars cbear afUr cheer rfagu aad pocketboob biloorlnr to Mrs.
to make a general landing for two or aad Ueir eaUusiaam met wiU a hearty 5. D. Eeaney of A30 West ElgbU
itreeL Mrs. Eeaaey was aaaisting at
throe days, but small bodiaa of troopa reaponaa froa Ue troop ships.
Ue sapper giren for Ue beeeflt of
arillba pat aabora. probably tom ar­
ebnrek and while picking arar
Thera la a wide dirergenea of expert
row. at aeraral potato, both east and opiaioB regarding Ue probable dura­
BL-«wberriea she removed bar
want of Santiago, laelndlng Aoem- tion ofUe ailltary eaapaign before ring* aad placed them in her pocket200 pairs Childreo’s Tan
book. placing the pockotbook a a
Ue fall of Santiago. Army ofBeera de­ drawer in a cupboard. When she Shoes, lace or button, size
Thta wOl glra Oenmal Sbaftor in
clare that Uey wonld not be surpriaed aoogbt tbs anictes again Uey were
to 11.
Compare with
poetnaity to bocoma more foliar
if an eatlre week were not eeaanaad gona After a Uoroogh aaareb It waa any $1.25 shoe sold.
with tba work bdtOra him aad iojUew in landing the army aad perfeeUng iu beliarad that a robbery had bean ooamltted aad Ue sheriff was anmaoned.
UlB the bast plaoa for a geBaralflaadnixation bakore before the actual
Mr. SlmpaoB made an
utry ia <
failed to discover Ue gaUty party.
Tba transports and war ahipa
They bare aaUdpatad that a great Not long afterwarda. bowevor. Ua
oobroyed tba troops faera eanw eloaa Jfi anaber of beraee and males will be peketbookand rlngi ware diaeorarod
200 pairs of Misses' Tan
shore this aftomoon In full rlew of tba
praetioally anfli for use for at least laUe drawer, where it was arident Shoes, lace or button, sizes
lookaou OB Morro GaaUa and wlU Uy four or fire days after they regain terra they bad been kaatlly depoaitod in
Better than lots
aeersL It U probable that Ua party ll\4 to 2.
tonight IS milaa oat from Admiral
flraa. They also point out that tba who had appropriated Ue property saw of Shoes at $1.50.
SampaoB-a fleet, which U guarding the
baas of aapplla* anal ba Uorougbly tut Uera waa a chanea of datacOoo
c to the harbor of Santlaga
protected by aarUwoUa in order tUt I
MUmod Uo valaablaa One of
it may be held by a aornll foroa beygpd Ua ring! waa ael WiU a valaabla aollTarriflo Wtghtlag Soea.
tairedlamocd and tbeaUarao amarald.
Spacisl loTn uoanwi Bus>bd.
Ua aligbtaat poesibUity af oaptora.
WaahlBgton. June SI.—Wberarar tba Bonds most be bailt far Ue transport
150 pairs Men's 6ne Shoes,
laadiag may Uke plaee the operaUoaa
0 Ue XIaaea Baodrsac in Vici Kid. $3.00 goods at
aad iafonasUoB of the laat lo daysI aamDnition.BswanaaeapableofbaarLast Might.
ahow aonelaslraly Ue bitter work | lag Ue baavy artillery,
la aneh a
Tba yoang ladies of St. Franclt aofor tieaeral Sbaftar'a man before' wmgh ooaniry as Santiago proriace an dality and choir oambioad In giring
Ue UpaniU flag
froa advance of six or eight mUas per day Ua Miaaaa Uoadraau a aarpriaa laat
Morro's walla.
will be aatUfactory. and" if effectiva rw bight, and afUrrefreabaenla bad been
Mias Coyne, in beUIf of Ua
Tba Spanish infantry, earalry and alstance la offarad prograaa will be at
125 pairs Men's fine Shoes.
— ■'imeabara, praaented a allrer card rognarrlUa fpreea. are oaUaatad by Samp­
rate as Santiago la
closely ««ivar ta Ua Miaaea Boadraau. Tbaaa Regular $3,50 goods,
aoa at SO.OOO men. stretebad from Soan- {approached.
young ladies have spent Ue greater
Unamo to OaUaaa. a diataace of fifty
.pM of Ueir llvaa ia UU city, and as
amabera of Ua aodaUty and choir,
milaa. ready to eoacentrate at Ue
paint of attack. But etarrlog. aad Obaaga is Cable Statioa VUl Aasara bare done aaab good. Miaa Maria
eapaelally will U a Used, as aba has
aoiek Xaports From Oea. Sbafter.
d by laaarganta Ue
for many yean oang fiiret alto la Ua
aptclolleTuiauasme Kscout.
Many other special prices
altnaUan of Ue Spaniards is daqiarata.
choir, wheta her
Waabington. June :i.-General Oraely
D good shoes.
aad tba naval offleara famUUr iriU Ua
aiidie very dlfllenlt to fill.
said today tUt Ue eable aSea wonld
want yonr trad&
•ItaaUm folly expect tarrifle fluting
Base XaU Ooupoa Booka
ba aared from OnanUnaao to Augalaabaat Saatiago. Intarviaws wiU
Haaagor Keboe aad Carey Bi]l af
dadoraa and Uen Ue preaideat eould
oScon OB Ua tranaporu show that
Ue UoaUen will gat oat wiU Ua
get aamagre from Sbafter la la alaUara la some anxiety at to bow Ua
ooapott books for Ua baas ball aeaeoa
Ula Boraiag. Sboald any af Ua sabman will stand Ue strain if the fight­
PogiMlxrSho* Hooxo.
ing baglna ImaadlaUly after Ua long
Ue booke at the ticket office at
laactlrity at Tam^m aad Ue wearing SaMaa Has Xlaeldad to XaUaqalsh
grouad. Thnraday aftomoga, when tba
▼oyaga. Tbm U no fear, bawavar, for Taak of Forming UaVUseh Oablaat. Hoatian will meet Ua Maniatoa Colts.
SpevUl taTai Mouiraa Bmoas.
the final raaaU as Ue gaaa af Ue fleet
Parte. Jaaa 21.—Owlag to Ua rafoaal
Flaaaant O. X. Oatbarlag.
will U of iaaaaae aaaietaaoe to tU of former Premier Depny to aoeapt Ua
Uat avaning Ua a K of Uo Frlaada
Amorlcaa troopa
Wa are agaU ready. wlU a Urge
forelbs office portfalla aad Dalaabra ebarcb eaUrtataed tba C. £., of Ua
atoekof lee. to deliver the same to any
to become alaUter of flaaaca. Sarriaa Praat^torian oboreb, at Ue bams af
Bar. Howard Moors. TWa waa an part of Ue city.
gpettal t« the Moaane KtaMO.
baa decUad to reliaqaiab Ua task af
block wood also fer aala
Imprompta program aoaga. rseilattCM
Madrid. Jaaetl.—Aaofflolaldlspatek
lag to farm Ua aaWnat aM aad moale. --"-Vievil wiU rafraahmaBli
Cm Havaaa aaya Uat abaat M addl- will so inform Proaidoat Faore.
ta main a Tory ploaaaat •aaalag.
Talapbena Ma Si.

neportdd That Troop* Have Alroady Bi«ati to Land and
Were Fired Upon by Spanlah Boldlore-Said To Bo An
Army of SO.OOO Spaniards From Onantanamo to Caban*
as, a Dlatanoe of Fifty MUee—Boady to Oonoentntte at
Point of Attack.

For This Week.


Line for onr etor* if yon want to get the beet batgaias in WaD
Paper that yon ever heard of. We eeU yon this year'a pattema at 8e
a double roll, and 9 inch border for one cent a yard.

220 Front Street


Holley A

All new—Ko old ones carried over, at

In Ita Piltns in IE GMd FUtans u Tim in lsl«. Ih (at tt
t( bn TO CEITS br uj CTb

Ladies’ Suits


USSZK:::::; :::: ;::SS'


Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
aod Clothing House.

Strong Points
Are our $6.88 eults-compeUtion price Is
$8.60, and $2.62 saved is a
stronx point

stock 1. going down, Imt thn.. u« H1U17 bug.iii. liK.
Th. Konu. yon com. tb. bMlra mItcUou. yon get


124 Praot Street

Friedrich Block.

Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Dr Get Dne Repaired

t-uupeaesasallwuhns. I keep each ao sxivosim lias oI »
vartoasstrisa.BOTH OLD AND NEW. tbai 1 feel ears I <ma r'-iT ibs msM
tasUdhma I eaa ssU yoa a Crst class aev vhscl as cboap as ear- boass ta TianisJ
bBUtteetaererpet sw rvfoarad. ttta ta the place ta aaa

Remember M|[ New Place-




Alfred V. Friedrich


312 South UnionIStreet. Opposite C. A W. M. Depet

In ViHli ud Tilda to lot

H. E. GIBBS, Propr.


Stock Beeei^ Three Times a Maak
ouot^ 40c per quart
Solid Meam.

213 Front St.

Fietchet’s Ojstet Depot an! Restairut

A Slaughter Sale

Summer Capes and Jackets.
We do not wait onUl Ua aeaaoa is eatiraly
er. bat we ara ready
bow to give Ue benefit of onr redaced prtem to (
able goods.
1 Ut of fancy Braided Capes, redaoed fram St-OO to fl.TS. Fine
high art ;impartod SUk Capes. eUborataly trimmed, radnoad frem S6. S$,
■It to S5. S5.M and »8. BraadeloU aad Serge Qayaa. aUk Uaad. redaoed
from M aad SS to SS.ftS. Ladiaa'Jaeketa redaoed frem St.M aad to
SL$S. AlotofolAatyle Ladiee>aaekata.<armer prieeataemSS toSIO.
allgoatPbe. Mlmsa'Jacketaredacad tremS4.60aadS5toSS.76. ^eela In CbUdran'a Jaeketa
Wemoat figora oaapaea.for fall arrivals aad wa do not wiU to
carry aver a single aammer garmeat. Call wrly batee Ua salaetioa la

The Boston Store.


1(0 Kosvnro sbcobd.





Cycle Works.

Kr. Vraak Q. Darfee aad Mtn Sua
Bracing a Speoialty.
Ball rUyan Brom ladlaaa Oreato
BUer Wtre Harried Tealaid«y.
Cheapest and most reliable place to get yonr bicycle repaired and
■% bright BUBahlae ealled to
go^ mnning order. Have bad several years experience Md
mind the old prophecy and e
know bow it shonld be done. SatisfacUcm gnaranteed. I ^ sellii«
Yeeterday aftomoon Manager Kehoe j____________
.n tor___________
the f
, bicycle aondries at about ouet Kew and second band wheels for sate
T. Batm Am 3. W. BASan- had Ua HuUen out for practice | graok O. Darfee and Min Bnma Eller,
to glre the mm a chance to get ae-!
«-pre married at eight o'clock In
M. W. Bmm. Bciw
,_____ and to
; the moraing by Ber. 4. C. Oarman,
with each otheie peeollaritiea. The,;h, prvMoce of only the '
appearanea of the team on the Held j
The oerrmo ,y took plat
wee the oeeaaion for a oonalderable 4^, rreldenee at «18 Wi
gathering of fana. who dlaplayed
which la to be their futora hooka The
-itaWa bower of mam.
In the midat of which the preUy >>rtde.
in ber trarellng gown of blna, looked .
^IM mat ana
ly reckoned that the Hooeiem were aU like a flower beraeif. At the eonelnright. The new men are all tne look- ; aloe ef the oeremony a dainty wedding
log young men. geutlemenly in deport- braakfaat wai aerred. and Mr. and Mm.
il and kare already created a taror- Dartre left Immediately after far a two
They aU ahow ap weeks' elalt la Cfcitaga Mr. Dnrtae is
well on the field and If they ahow up the well known and highly eateemad
properly In the game they will find a agent of the AmcricaB Exprem Co. Id
coBVlPuatlon of the good teallng al­ thb city, and hb wife U k Tmvume j,oa,a. 1 think I »l*i go
ready aatobllahad In Uielr favor.
City girl born aad bred.
It ta only
A practice game will be played with among ber friends all who know her. I frog, here and It cusU twenty-five
theasylom team thb afterpooa. The They are both aetlva workem In the | gi>Bts botk ways, but U b worth 110 to |
team.wUl be atfoUewe;
Baptist church and Young People's I.
ihal has never seen the plane. I
Aaylntn-bmltb. 3rd b : BoaMr. aa; soeiPty. Many congmtulations will be j hope we oan go before we leave here.'
bfi aTvipu Co\Ut att&
D Cox. tndb : Pnrpla latb.; North,
led to them upon thb happy oc­ Only fire can go at a time, and they
p.; Haddow.c; O. Cox, l.f.: Creea,c.f.; casion.
take turns ab^ut. They have some
Tum week. ac« *»
raporud Patrick, r. f.
guD« there taat were sunk on the
«h»t Ui« Thirty-fourth Mlehlfan toIubHaaUera—Pitman, tad b.; Bent, a;
Maine, and some balls weiyhlng J
'BattentVfi ^&DaTvce
•am wtoM be Met t« Maetla. Lut Hall, af.; Wheeler, 3rdb.; Miller, a a
Bntortatnad a Party of Vriaada Kaa- pouudii. Tiki guns are 40 fuot long and
«iMk they wen. to fo to Porto Rlao. NoTotay. let b ; Snlfka r. f.; Oatea
willabootlS miles The other day 1
ICttDtfiV, btfi\ TtVukiU. ICo
IhU WMk they are to etart for Saa- L f.; Dye. ^
vras where the last '» ttin of the revo­
enl^a Next weoW. proepoct wUl aot
lution was fooght and the boys f<-und
bAacr iftwx uht ttttm.
tertained about tweaty-Bve of hb |
be raportMl for Mveral day* yeU
I SB eld gun and saddle that «eas rottod
H. Qark of Barbor Sprihga, b ia the
TtaeerM Ci^ eoldler boyt are hariaf
ftaad tiiBM and aeeier a rood dea *'Sark Allen haa ratoraod from Noe
b r-b.-'I
al the world, in antleipatloB. Uow wend
O. P. Turner of Bay City, was in the pbob.lbT»«l. pr. ol .b.
„„„ „ u,.
•nr. there ia no pleeie about life at
entoriaiamenu Deliciuns refreshirento Maiisarhoselts regimen*. They
<tep Alger and the boyn would be flad city yeeterday4.
•o fo to aay old place, for a change.
having ail kinds of gamea and exeiteRapids jaaterdsy.
was enj >yed.
At.rBei> Dsr.
4obo Spailar of Grand BnpUa, b
Ax attempt haa been made to ae«m
laate General Blanco and it la reporto the city on bMlaaaa.
Bagar WiU Qo to JalL
H. 8 Boll was in Ludington yaaterdtet the oonditlona In tbe Cuban capi­
day on bMli
In tb-Cirmlt ooon ycatorday wmtal are bordering upon rerolnlion.
Boma of tha Plsaaant Bxparianoaa of b« 8a?er wss found gniUy of s mple
iMa doea not promiae well for a long
Soldier Li'a at Damp AlfM.
larceny. The bleycle of which lie wss
•aHe ter tbe apanlerda WiU eaamlca
found guilty of steallug wn« fr m A.
As Told By Ona of Them.
■BTOundiog tbe city by both sea and In Uks dty yesterday.
IS)'...-1.11 ..sisll bnusp. Bsc lers'los. kt nreekPud^ bought tor l»U.
vulued at less t**su gr-.
land aad bis own troops ready to revolt
C. E. 4«nnlags of Baat-ko Harbor,
Camp Alger. Duna Lorlog. Va., Juoa
Mi-»itoi.gc.Ad»eUlBg. FuuWDod. ta tows uM tW pw meets asi'l psld far.
tbO project b certalaly not allnrlag in the city an bnalnaaa.
17.—today tbe MasaachoMitoraglmaol Judge Gtrb--H win rander thr seot-uee
41 u<.re.lSrera>Ue.MoiSuU west (ram IBs dur. tued good. w*U vstprwd. rooog <
fiotha Spaabh eommandar.
MIm flekiih of Indiana, b vblUag oelehrstes the day ol the battle of BttU Utee. Tbe charge was larceny. whl«h
eSsrd. 7btots s ImrgutB (oreslr (IJH.
the family of Rev. 4oalah Poanlagton. kar mu. which was fooght 139 yearn b pnolshsble by a term ia state prisoa.
»s srres 1 mils west, ull Imprared. wUl be sold Is oae pleee or dirlded U> vsK. Look IS
Ray Scoflo'd want Northpskit yaater- ago; and talk about having a big timal CVmvicti-m of aimpla larceoy curries
ap. OlSw plsrrs Jo.l ss drsIrsUr Of lonrr so.
Johusos Stork PbcmelS.
day la the Utorast of the City Kesrs They ievlied two other regiments, with U a pensMy of three moaths or
1 HiU jfioonk Hake a Compsny.
makiag ever S.OUO men. .Besides there less ia jsll^_________________
A. W.JWelli came up from St. Joseph
'^SrUHant S^lay.
are lots of people coming from New
AttaatloB. Firamen!
The boys of the Craaceat Mod will yeatoftay to look afUr huslnem at the York and Washington, aad wa ara
■eon blossom out la bright new aad basket factory.
All membam of the fire departmert
right among ibam. I don't think 1
Frank Dye, one of the new pltcberu avar met batter beya In my Ufa. They ; are requested to meet et the Cksa street
Forms, which bava bean
II o'rinek tomorrow
aedarad aad which may arrive any day. for tbe BnsUer^ arrived yMtorday
^bay will be of dark green, trimmed from Rlehmoad.l^
priest with them all the time and have morning to enter the pande
Mr. aad Mm. H. U. Fbh left yester­ mass every Sundsy. I was there last
With allver braid. Tbe band has beae
pnaperons and attentive to the work
Sundsy and will go every buoday after
other polnto.
wt furnbfaing good mnslo. and whan Tbledo apd
is said of people who
.. r.. •
thl.1 for it b just acnaa the road. I
they have gaiaed more experience
are up^o-dale and arc
they will be a grrater credit 10 the city,
recognized wherever
nay are rebaarsiog coosUntly upon
and lh.-y oome to iwe os. Tbe other
go for their correct
ArUnr Wall. Jr., leaves todsy for a
aew music and arc makiag very good
bight I ran acro-s tOrcolonel. the high­
kno« ledge of life and
fngrtu*- They will give an excursion mtalb’s vbit in Grand Rapids. Jack- est oRlcrr there, and be began to Ulk
to Northpori Prldsy night os
with measthviigh I had been a mllPeople in the swim
Miss Clara Pound bu gone to Detroit
•teamer Columbia, which Is but one of
md nprrs Uoaev.
Uoaalrr. snd bsd me sit down in’hii
are the people who
Many similar evenu prombeO for-.Ahr to spend aome time with Mbs Grace teou Hr asked me where 1 was In m.
Horgan. who ia vititiog there.
aad so on ami 1 told him what e'>urch «-ra » ‘iran-i
H.n,-- OfAir Ira.
MIm Maud Rsgudorn returned to her
because they are posted
I brlongid to. Then he took me to (oral, diivru.r eud msna«rr.
borne in Fife Lake yeutetdsy. after a
on what is best for the
the priest sad introdneed me. I never
The steam harge Alice M. Olll
toort vUit with frieads in this city.
brardaucha tolkar in my life, and
Mrs. Morrb Uwb is entertaining
iMdlng lumber in East bay.
such a pleasant one. He asked me if I DR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
feet There are lots of sach people for
The esMof Rebecca Yalrvstrin vs her sister. Mba Dora FrMdman of De­
had a rosary and scapular and gave me
Oirr MrNsmsn'r S>H,e Slow
*i559>8i7 pairs of 5ELZ shoes were
B. Byman b now being tried In tbe troit. who arrived Monday evening.
scapular sod told me if there was
made last year alone.
Mr. and Mrs. John E Eeaning aad
Obvuli court.
say service he eonid be to me, hr
In offerinij yoo these shoes •?« declare
Mast Sunday Ua Knlghto of Pythias daughter are speuding a few days In
wouFd do eo with plrasura Out ol
urfU attend memorial aervlcee In Grace the city on a trip through the resorts
them the best in the world for the
over MkOOmeu in that r.glmrot there
W. A. Ashler of DetrolL b enjoying
money, no matter whether the price is
are ooly
that are not Catholics. My
Hrge. are repairing and the excellent tront fishing at WlUlama
I1.50 or $5-oa
health lisa been very good aicee 1 bare
patting a new floor in their livery hnrg. Ha will remsia there for a week
been here. It ia very hot hero in the
or ton days.
day time but cool eveoings and the
Mre. R. C. Barnea-Magee b antorMn. Keeney returned to ber home in
VilaUr«iAirie'ni-i'i>terMl(,c sbwilate peiale«»r>llseU<iii vT ter'h.
tatalag Dr. Naney B. SheiWo af Kal- Chicago Iasi avealng. after a visit with
AntidoUr, (re extrsetiuo sf
kar father. Bun. 1‘erry Hannah of
pslu uwil. I.Aiii.1
aei■•(■,■*>CT l-rapsr.
Sllee ki^owiK,* nmkine rursniui isaj.
Ybe ladtaa of the First M. B. church 8lxth atiwat.
eefU serve warm meals Thursday In
Mrs. James Pataons and daughter
Oianga ball.
arrived from Chicago yeaterdty and

Bd. Swlnhart of Maaiatea, b lu the win be entertained by tbe family of 8. For yonr money? Tbafe what you gel
city with a trotter which ha wUl enter & Walker St Old Mission.
when you employ Geo. R. Winnie—
ta tbe races Thnrday.
Mra. J. E. Nelson of West Madison your money’a worth in good honest
Two oar loadsof flour passed through stTMt, b entertaining her ableru. Mrs work.
«ba city yesterday on their way to C. H. Morehouse of Cbartawdx. and
Opposite Eagle Office.
Cbarlevelx for om la the new Lindsay Mrs A. B btsffordof Norsrood.
CUy Treasurer Peter Wonbnrg left
Farit Inn.
Tbe Woman's Relief Corps appreciate for Grand Rapids left last night as a
the donation of a rig by B. J. Morgan delegate to the Democratic state oontar tbe funeral of the late ATobio liar- venUon to be held at that place today
■ia. ytatorday.
F. A. Bradley and wife aad dangbiDr. W. E Moon will remove from bis en. tbe HIssm Beaeieand Lcube. and
fgauant offices to Iha pleasant rooms Miss M Harrington are gueito at tbe
«err T. J. Boet'a clothing store, ia the Park Place, where they will remain
short time.
. FHcdrien block.
Rev. and Mrs. Howard Moore wiU
Married-Janes. 18SS at Beaumont,
Tbxaa, by Rev. Blrdwell at the Preaby- lasve today for their old homatnaoulb
ttalaa paruooage. Mbs Carrie V. Knlgbt ars Mlchit^n. Mr- Moore will rctnrn
tarmer'.y of thb place, and Mr. Harry Id a law days but Mrs. Moore will re
msia some time,
Bago of UeanmonV
M. H. GriaUh.Thas.AhllsoD sod A.
There will bcaepecial bnalaresaaeettag of tbe Bpworth League thb even- B. Brown went to Thompaonvilla yra'terdsy as delegates to the Odd Fellain
tag after pnyer meeting in tbe Firut
anuual. Mrs. Clara Deta
Jfathodbt church. Delegatee will be
repreaented the Rebeccas.
tarr—to tbe dbtrlct eonvanUon.
MIm Carrie Dsaville wilt go to ManMba Maymie NIehob. formerly of btoe Friday, where aha will join ber
Ihb elty and Mr. WUlbm 8niu
uncle and aunt in a visit to the MilwaaBpokane. Waakiogtoa. were married at kee carnival. On their return she will
laBb Monday aad left ycatorday for be their guest at their summer home at ||
Bpokaae. where they will make their Bad P»H natil Saptember.
tatare homo
Among yeatordty'a arrival! at EdgeOla Boatmm haa a bandaoma new Wood were Mrs Ltgbtocr. Mrs. Tappey
Bag which wa^ at the top.of the l.«e- aad MIm Benderaoo of Ustroli. Mr*.
tasan hotel and beneath the American \ Baoon of Lansing who haa apvnt
tasbiam b the flag of Sweden, which I
,no,B,era el tbe resort, came in on
ibowa a loyalty for the land of bb|the evening bain aad will rtmala
blrlb and also to hla adopted c»entry.]|k^jl, the season.
-------------t-rot C 8 Horutaad tbe orchentra | Mr. and Mrv. H. F. Norihmp ara Interpreted by ■ thoroQgbly com«< Stolnberg'a Grand held a full ra- ptaparing to attend ihe tblrt<eUk a»-'
patent oompanj of playare.
baareal last evening. Tbe orchestra b aw eonveatloo af tbe American Sotabearalng new and popular music aad ^ ebty of Civil engineers to be held In
Priaaa—U. V. Me.
«(U oota be able to aflor.i even greater Detroit Jnae Ml,
ie and t«. Mr.
^gjoymwt at lbs theatre thao hereto Norlhrep b a mambar ol tha reoepiioa
t^rnmam smt m>im nan aomt.


I S\^Vvs\v





Hastings' Real Estate Agency.


In the


Teacher of Violin.i

«t t I

Wm Wrrk


______ g

Thursday, June 23^
Steinberg’s Grand g
Opera House.

One Hieti Only.

& loiij UMh set in smfles.

“Fnn on the Rhine.”

In the way of Summer Hardware is our Ice Fichs. Lemon
Squeezers, Grass Hooks, Garden Trowels, Ice Tongs, Axes, -w
Watering Pots, Poicelain Door Knobs, Spring Hinges, for
Screen Doors. 'Bulb Plant Sprays, Hammock Books, and '-w
everything from a Wheelbarrow to a Carpet Tack you will -w
find in our

Hardware Stock.



isU« Hits ind fsTorsW* westber an |
j»l b>- the u\ar- Thcufh U It bllstsr. |
ni.-lr hot t*>ero has tx«n no rsin tloeoi,
the ffisrinw isndfd. Th» Cuhsn o(B- *afch*»ls to Northport BsllassThsy
C«TS ssr. hnwrvpr..tbat In this mouDOu PlsT Ball sad Hsvs lasaod
UlRoua sertJoii of the soulheni foreal
heavy rain has practleally ceased ]
A BsokUst ChaUaafs.
H« Hat Ratirad Within tha Walia
until the end of July.
j EuiTOB Rkyikii—W<11 roB kladJy
of Manila. 8e Ha Telia
The Cubans are rsiremely active, and
lollowlaa asrloas
a cordon has been drawn around Ban-” “*•
tlaao de Cut*. Oenera! Oarcta. with «h»'le»r«r
We have*notad of Uts eoa^srable
l.cco tn>ot». conilna by forced marcbea
VILL BE THE LABT E£A8D OF Eia. from Bame. Is now neat Inc Bantlaau. base ball talk la pour valsable paper,
His troops are within forty miles of the ^
. almost belUve voo
city. He left t.OM men at HolsulD to
have some base ball talent to Traverse
prevrat the Spaniards there efTectinc
Sxecfrt the News Coass Thmitfli the juncture
Tom I at BanlJ>
ih Oenerai
Hsads 01 ihe Aae.icsas.
Sow sre. the andersljriic
aao. The Fpanlah troops at Ooamanamo. under General Haaaa. are also out an of Ncrihporl. cUalienpe anv atoe
off ficiin General Toral. and are badly or mors storekeepera of TrSverae City
WatolssloB Wallins for »n oB TheM pinrhod for food. They w-IIdly appealed
Polatai As la ahallei '* Ptuareasi irhe(h< for prorlstonB and relnfttrceirenta. but to a came of old fsakioaed baas ball.
they pvt was that both We say old feabloiied, aot bol whet we
•rVeaev Ua. tmrm Ketalanod and Uw the only reply
___ _
Manx, said ] can pisy rlphl Op to dale, but we are
.•tataa »r Uubaua. the Mrrtluiac Uero—


Special Attention
Is called to our very large assortment of
Colored Shirts—laundered and negligee—
39c, 60c, 65c to $1.60. Don’t miss see­
ing them.


»n,a.Mu.Cu-Me.,T Unsot the Wp.n. •
l"e preaent m. nth.
] the .how poaslble. The ffarae U> be
laras Wh.ienir. Were Auarkias Camp , Qe„,ra) carcla and hit iwnmna] aUS played at NortLport on Julv 4*h; yaese
ed up
up at General ftabl’a ramp, to oommenee at 4 p.m. and play flee
I were ptrked
miles west of 'Fanttsso.
W"^Or If at the rod of the thlid
.. w.ii> ! brouehl to the flacship this nftcmiM’n . .
. ...
..................................."l-ythepurNat Vixen Thereih.Brlajled,i®«‘«J'h' F«'^"*Cit.vfelU.wi areeo
Of Manila, and will I. unable to com- j
p,,ri.,i hud a consul- far oeh.rd they want to yive op we
City OSaen to tba Parade.
.. with
——a as good
........................... ...............-................. ..
tatiun w ith Admiral Famidx r rerard-]«|ii wverpt ..----theur—....
The mayor and city oounoil and city
Madrid. Jun> Si.-'lTemler Baeaete. I Ine the operatlona for the Invesunent o|, yra-rt
«cer* have accepud an toviuUon te 1
„n ,h.
i-n,,.. j
I O., di.ol m .111 1» .,,7 b... i.Ul.1. appear in the big Macesbee psrmde


„„ h,„,,to. to,d,a. J \ irij.Tvto.JSs-r’',';,.





spile of the Arne ban r, p rla, repaid- g|uir‘iirds are ntaiAlng and oannot h'dd
von "dare" to eome. So If yon
impoalng feaiare to the proeeetioa.
------- 'n the Island i
tog the esrhaiige <.f .S'av. I C. natruviur
le'.ode to come wr aoggiat the folwlll end In a few numlhs. Two repl-1.
AUaBtion. BieyollsU!
tnenls of lrt...|» w 111 I- landed at Guan- , towing; That you luirg a liberal
• lanair.. hny. which win ly h.ld wlih a io’y of court plaaber(Bewh
»lor). docAll cyellsU who Iniead to enter the iheA-aotUledlYeeal
p,n,uu.„ mn*. ThervhasbceB
enough to take care of your nine, races on Msecs bee day are aake<
n sivn of FiWB'rh tr<»pa la the ndsh- yoarcblrt ..f po'lcetukeep your nine leave their entrl-s with C. B. Bala,
j b.trt-.x>d of ramp iloc-aila for aeteral
later than k o'clock tonight.
I la order. Msj reoterw ard one
It It eatlrrated that over S(® have been band, to keep your uoanuw up: bU
■Is Own Woea.
killed or wcivnded time the larding
your major to umpire tbc game
n>e vnnity ol n certain well known
FiGy-elpht bodies n«re found yester- Ipmtlded he is wilitog to take his own
dsy. The Fiwnlards seem satisfied that
ate., ate..
relates that the painter wna
they cannot dislodge the AmeHcans.and j chabcee);
have wlihdrawm. The oH-er
I'l-er hoy Is in i anoogh for both nines, while wa to ra- trareltog to a entto Ihmogb the tnoonbe occupied Immediately, l.leuleeanl taro will fursltb the bail.
taina, and aa tbc wtaihcr wrna warm
Delahanty. with an expedlil.ui. Is nlghtand
Wa wish rvrry storekeeper in Trav.
b* at work removing n ines from Ih4
alurp the night U-tom he doaed to hla
river ooBBeciing the upp<T and lower acaaCitv to taka Mis as a perwoaal SMl.
ehallaDgr. and If more than ntoa come
He had a tnveling ctanpaninn, srbo
tnove up the channel and take t:
we agree to (try and) defeat tkem.
of C^lmanerm. wh.ise f'.rts were demol- nine at a time.%s fast as they will line toiikicd i;jm ulkii g m him nwertbeleas, and ax the train
* a flue proa- I
lah.-d by the Texas l*-»t Friday. The
auxiliary «-n»tser Ft. Ltuls cut the Bp. We are ckock full of ooneeit and pect czi laiUKd:
Klnralon cable last nirhl within a mile base ball cptfcosiaem. Oar base ba'l
■■Lo^ look! What a Leaadfiil landof FH Unrro. L.ast nlg^.t the dynamite racurd to years long stooa past
milsrr Vesuvius Olsrhsrp.d three more good, and if .vou want to meet a Water­
“Yep," gmnttd the paiunw, dream­
shells. A terrific uproar Mlnwed the
ing. and bearicg a "sk
' phrase. “I
second expIcsP n. an.l II Is thought a loo OB the dlamord come obI
it tuysblf."—YouUi'a UoupaaVe>y raepecttully yoata.
Rpwami Kami..
f W I>ugTgm.
NoUee to Dog OwMia.
Thas. Kkiil,
B E I'AHi-aux.
I hereby giee notice that I have ap- ;
U. E GuoTb,». toi*F.
Wtirh - New* riMH, .M
Jos. E. Kelson dog catebev. and .
WlIJlAU .“TI.riA.
lA.nd..n, June ;l.-The Ms-lrid correwill gather up all dogs rot wearing
he w
wplefa arrl%-ed at Port Morantyisterd^ty sp. ndent of The T.mes says; "Fpaln's
t requisite lieense lag. after Thurw- j v
Morning, repuns that he sighted the j ixfuswl l.. exchcncc Ueutensm HubaoB
day. J<ne «3'd. Owoera of dogs will .
therefore wee to it that tag- are procnrAmerican uans.-wts uS cape MaysL
acd hla cumpanU.Bs of the Merrimsc
ed by that date.
i toeax Ir exp-a n d and lusllflrd. WllhWn .1. Mwn.v.
Washington. June tl.—Public atten- ! out anj intmi.oDuf acting ua spies they Special FaoiUUea for TraBaportatioa .
l’..undmaaier. '
tkm here yfsterday was dlvld d j must have seen many things In or
IHraat to Chicaga
evenly »etw"en three wulijects—the around l^tla^o at out which the AmerAt a neent aaeeling the Peetovula
movemema of General Shafter t stray, lean naval und mllltan auihorttles
Karmen.' Club. SB orgaolzatlooembrac­
. the prolwbimy of relnfuireiB rta hav- r would gladly have Information."
tog reach,d neooj. and the sum* of ; Aes. .laled I'ress D.siatch B.wt ing ibe ^----------------------------------of-----promlBent fruit
Hotwon. the flantl.g , t.era Up to a Ute
Jun-.a!^ Ju^
hour to the au-rn.«n neither of U.e ,
AssociA-.,d Press.)- Wives as highly pleased with the new
aaxioualy awaltwl mea*ageauhlch were
AJmlial Hamt-M.n soih-rlaea the ] n-rangemenu made by ti. tV. I.ardte
to annoume the arrival of the trans-,h.. f.,i,..u,na informs- | tor shipping their perishable fruit. Ur
ports si Sonilas.. and UcnUi hud tton ohtaln-d f cm r-c nm. aa-icvs and L .
.... ._r.i.
aw „..:a .U,M
a.I,. .. 11“> -"-a;"! “ '«■ "''''"V"
menta. It was u..l d -ublcd. however. Guaj,un;:!i o 1*,«. The Fsiawali are
; b> the d.wk
at the"taastHead,on the
that our vessels ar.- olT Sancagn. for ti. nsi'o.i. ig ariiilviy to the town "f : spur of the C A IV. M.put lulast year,
althoush prceeding. si a less apeed G-iai-'
V-.=l‘-raa,v a sh-ll from yj,,
On.keina will take the
than the English ateamers whi. h at the Oreg.m dewr.iy.«l a railfrail, wlik-h will be uo lectedat O'd
_Klnpsti.n >eM«nlay rejorterl having way car and art a wan-lioufe
MU*.ioo i'very diy, from that point to
" passed them In the tV'ndward pass.igthe ■ Uead." and the ear will be taken
and will b- .!.•sl^..v'.l if Is any Ui Traversv Cry tu flnUh fllling. guii.g
woulii hr ut.Itged U. Havel fri.m
Wtodw-ard rnaKute u, Saiillagu
the same evening f> Chicago, and
l«aa than that truverwej by the IlrUlali
reaitoing there within twenty four
nt.i Jan;i
ablp which
rd unly Honiona suns, four Ui: <lin-N<>r.1-n- hoor>-after the fruit is picked. ,
arly aGenuHin. if they arrived
to U»b
the fruit baa been
jreelerdnv rnuming <fl KamlBKo
Famlagi thry fcKi 3T-m . tie auna .me iisxinieoDid r«-i>oit..............
that fsv euely
ly by
by rorana . S' rd n. .dt ... m ..l.n. tre gun and un*
del.ved hr beine hsoled over
of a dispatchboatruBolng
a twelve- ' fiafJnx li-nvlii.r, > «• guti — all taken 1
flcisyen ny being named over
A mAxmfacturer’s sale^n'
hoar journey.
i fruni tt - Hr n-. M. • 4 s. Tic bittrrr ; land to Traver-e City, and a great deal
i ■« Cast
d.; Mur:.. l;aa two Slax:m | Utatct-nld not be transported long dbable* ua to place on aala
Belp'for Dewv at Maalla.
Jt is nk doubt,d that Just ab ut tha .N-nl-nf d: T.t-nd.'lmHn- guns t^m taoces wliboot refilgcraUon baa beer
time Shafler ar i- ated oB Fanuago tbe 0- m V.e to p d.. ta. l drvt oy. r Tem.r.
Charirston api-. ar«j to Manila bsy . Tfcr Puma r<.rd.. lurtrry liu- two O
r- lefl on tbe trees. Tbe frnit gn.wers
leading the three tranaiwris whnh door* brunir rt-ns and one iluntorlA are much delighted with the prreent
bring nvarly S.tBO adidirrw to IVwpy's i All th huvr also muasle- outlook.
aasisun.^- That fart wlJl not W known ' loadeta
olB< iul y for two or tbr.-r da>-a. owing | Tl.e mlne« at t’-a entran 'r are on the
Anwaaoiant Notes.
to in- distance fn.m there to Hong Utm.en, lar a's..-n—tw.. lines of aev.-n , If brigkl, caichj dialogue, mirth pro-

Asparagus, Letture. Badisbes. Bhubarb
Fresb Every Day.


S48 Front Stroot

la Joat the thing to help yon bay good,
bunrat and op-to-date. abo^_______
cheap Wa
redaced the nriee> OB
o a'l fcw.twear for
a few nays o
t of the K. O. T. M.
eelrbeatioB. and If yon need acythtog to
• line eome to and look the aboca oeer.
We can please ycu In e<y1e. qnality aad'
price Our •! Xt Vici Kid shoee are wtoDWa Oar SI t4 ChoeoUte cloth lop aboaa
are bcaaiica Oar Tte women's Oxterda
Bell all over for St SO. and oar »Bahoea tor
___ and vrnmPB are warranted all sbltd
and good wearers. Come and bsy aboca
of us. Wr will tnrely save yoo money. '
More bargains here.

A. S. Fryman,
EssMg Don Etn.



Silk Capes-

$7.50, $8.50, $I0.C0 aad
$12.00 qaalilies.

Ju«'n"^ wh I'h r W^t'.’u foriv
»>“« *1111-ut effc-i. Th.- Merri-] *•*“*•» Situations, popular music nod
to back him l>e.,y w.ii f.el justin>^d mao clvired Ihe line when she ex- |np-io-date dances, altcco.btoed in oor
Kilting Manila. ..i even In a.- phrdi d. < ne tonedu In th. neat line ^ebarming eutpiUinmeot. is an ineeneaptlnr lis surrer.d.-r- Ellh.r enrae , was ale f.:ed at tl e Nerrtrra. without
the thcaue.
would Invov t> Avv i.-sp :ia b'Itli-a for strtiti." her The lani
lbs Merrln at d.s-a n-t mentloe.ig paironi may rest assured
<be admiral, and ii Is .xtremrly de- Ibal ihc hnll .f ihs
nirahle ihm b.. j.r.fxi i- affordci blmk it.e . hanreiI but
l-i Vea l.i the right. . that they have a decided iraal to store
- .ja-w „ It.-.out tuurhlig It.
aaloiia Kur,'pcnn
|m>w - r- r,.r Inl-rven- Vea*. 'a <*r
f^r them to-morrow eventog. at flleibtion at Marl a uiid.-r vui«-uf pr»t.-.'tlng IJciilenarf H<i! and hts
the Inelresi of th -it suli}.-, i». Tli.-re- now- bcIl. vi-d to have b-en taken up tu barg'k tiruud Opera Kouae. lilaeDUUed "tiur Gobitoa. or Kuo on the
tore It may be that th.- <. l:nlral will FaBtlag.,
Rhine." and U deaeiibed aa a moalcal
wall for ar..ihi r l<n J .y ur..l! the
MawyJCew tTkcsblps <-hH.lewrd.
«nd Inrialln.ent ..f ir..ojw r. a
extravagance. This attraction cornea to
tVashIngii n, June St.—There waa
Tiaverae City w ith a record of flne sue____________ ehrlstetilng
ehrlstetilng at Ihe navy d
---- f
ceaaaBdia worthy of a liberal palronthe dky disiwlcnes
P.-. r-Uin' U>|
diaiwlches annuuncannuUBc.-nl y.slerday.
P..r.-Uir)tog that t'apiain
Captain General l!;.-n.i. had •ui'l'h'd
•ui'l-li'd nr.n.-s
f<T Pi«. less than
^ thirty___ ^ Among thalradlngmeinberaof the
tefua.’d to .-xtnang.- Hoi-a.... and hU *'•
OM.. ...... .,.e.uo.»- l-nw ■»!>»-......
itioned the M;
feUow priaor.err .r.aied.aomc indignnFirst I thM'l7t’"W7e‘^tatVle- iNaude Lefioy. Agnca Adair. Bea Mas
tloc. which was modired later by M.kOpro- jtars. Nellie Florede. Elia Wright and
ices quutiig Fa;
n had Ireen rea.hed, |'’‘’'vl that Ihe name shall be .-.ntlnued , o,rlie Eeynolda, together wila tbc
that DC> derisl.
Word went arr.und th.- war department I
t”*'*' *!»*- The other two battle- • „
u ru jvmelas.

____ __

had made nn .ther
port. The source of Inpinnation is n.
dlarliysej, an that it Is lmporslb;e tu tell
hew much credence to aitach to the
report. The navy- de|uirlmenl w-aj
promptly inforni.d of the receipt of the
Rumors of tro..p mnvemrnU continue
to emsnate fn m Camp Alger. Tbis time
It ts stat d ..n what appears to lie
btter authority than usual that one
brigade eom|x»ed ■ f the three m.uil
perfectly eq:l|Jlod ruu in iits are tu t.c
thia c
SS-^ Kow To k sTTt^rjItrt
and Ttirty-four
be slated for

ywoom HAD KOT ABniVEltarN-TtAV.

The first .If the torpedo boats I E.j B. Kritxhogh. BanJ. Tulhill and
brat e young En-I TbWdqre Kebra-aid. The costuming
I sign llnab V. i
klfl.-d nn the deck | j,
a to 1be paitieatorly bright and at. of Ihe Wins!..
• ’f giving ram.
Miat Iwwta Will Bntcttaln.
kan»«». Conn.-. t|. ut, Fioii.ln
.MIm. I^ewU will keep open bouae to'
Cstiteremsmalralh.n with Marne-.. i
Waahlngt..n, June 21.-Th- war ee-!
partment yisi.-nlay infomiB- and tbe Bridge Bnildera. Tka affair
tioB irdkBilng that its.-m.lals had will be in the form of an all-day picnic,
been ahU- to secure an erd of one of theI tbeyonngladieabringtogthairlQDcbea
cnW.a running out fiuro Cuba
4lve Admiral Sarrpson
cottaga, wkrr. coSm and otberj
department .1 Washuitog. to aupDlcment this part of
ingtonihe program will be provided by tka
t boaUaa. Tbc aftarnoon wUl be spent
Madrid. June «.-The mtouter of ma- i„
exploring Ibc shores of the


— i--i« •

AwrvHated TTess mipalch Tb-at. «dr . with the roeult .>f his journey from , ffwid time in general.
Santiago de CuU. June 1*. via Kings-: CartJi to Carthagena w-ith tbe FpanUb ,
,----- jun, n.-IOipyrlghl.
2W, by Associated Press )—Tbe United
Tbe Free Methodiatcharefa will koM
States irt.ora under General Fhalter
Cleveland. ft.—Thr tt-ath annual a camp matting in cenneetion with the
have not yet arrived. The delay
cunv. ntiun ut the International Print-1 fourth quarterly mestlng of the Ti»v ]
expHcable. According to the lal


i- ^“y

Sampson tbc tranaporta Bailed laat
________ y (June 1*). and they Mietild
have reached here this tnorrieg. Val-

A. .c E.ngw ;

aeaak n heie yesterday. Mayor McKta- I >«y*«y- eoMCnclng
eoMSnclng Thnraday and conttodci'vervd a warm address of wet- ning over July Srd. All flr« tovitad ta


Tailor Made Suits!
To close balance of slock os hand
$10.00 Soils go at $7.50.
$12.00 Sgitsgoat$S.OO.
$15.00 Salts go at $11.50.
$20.00 Suits goal $15.00.

Good material, sleeves a little large makeetbe price a little low
- $100. Exceptionally good Jackets In black

Reduced to S3.6o.

Kid GloveS"

Wash Goods-

Odda and enda aelacted from 76o
and (1.00 qtiaUtea. I«adlaa Kid Bioyela Olovea, a bargaia, 60c.

Apron G ngtiam............ ... 2c
38 inch Percale............ ...6c
Popular Lappets.......... ...16c
Silver Star Madras...... ...16c
Organdie Sublime....... ...2Bc

The Best Wearers



Ladiaa' Laathar Btockinga............. lOo
Boy's Leathar Stocking... 16 and 860

Not leather Bnt Wear like leather.

1 Case Eaoze Corsets.

Thay are b31 rlffat.

Price, 25c.
Tbe eew Glaie Fiitiag Paris Shage. $1.00.

CoraerUakiB and Eighth Streets.



Tht Thtrd Expedition That Has
aa »ta Oaatination th«

lat* eaaip. Bervtofere oOlcera haW'bMB i
pemuttsd to have atwh beverases
Uvered to them Two deaths were ..
ported yesterday, one Ir^jn the Thirtythird MlcbUian and the other from the
Fourth UlMourl. the Utter belncThomas ttockwell.

ForcM H.n a Battia
With Thr»o Thousand

oorteo. AgairaMo u reported td nave >
advocated autonomy under American
procscUon^slmlUr to tbeBHtlah^teetoraiea. The li


ArmalsUtbsllMAsa Mardoreaso.
n —Two men hare
arrested as suspeou In relation ^
the murder of Miss Beldon The sttmU
s^ made by Deputy FherlR Herold. of
Pierre county. One of the men Is a
Turkish peddler. When found about
six mtlea from Malden Rock, he made
a bard fight. After bHng arrested one
of these men tbrewawaya la^ecTtetked
knife of fneelgn make and a lacksge.
The knife was found and Is in the pos­
session of the ahtrlR. The package has
not l«een f-iund.____________
Heirir SyMcm Agsla.
Wanhlngtcn. June M.-Th-bousecom(nlltee on coinage, weights and rr.eaanres has favnrahiy rep>,rted a blU to fix
! Ksndard by tfa

Ever Buroed Ont?
If aoyob kaow

t>mb«iaiberTsaeaB Amerteaa OsUay
•ra BeyabUe.
leery ladleatloa That They Hare Btea
Faleawed hy VawheleMKaa Fead.
Londoa, June n.—n>e Hong Kong
Jacksonville. Fla.. June
The Dallj- Mall
SDSOTED ip GETA¥AT THDBSDAT twenty to thirty meml<ers of Company j bpaubeoiiie al lobes eib ute “United States of
Cnnsul Wlldman has re­
K. First Wiscnnslo rerimeni. were tak­
ceived no inilmsilun from bis gownmem with regard to the future of ths
viiau te a* wiia it. m en seriously HI Uel W*hl. There U every
Phlllpplnea General Agulnaldo desires
•« Mtar Brhlaa-TraMVaft indicaUon that the men are suRerins
from the eRtrts of polsonlnit caused by
that the tslards become an American
<hi-U»a a* VW»d at W.
eating unwholesome food at dlniter or
Mlony. He de<-lBres that If he cannot
11 do all kinds of r«> Ur BkafUr-rtaab I
supper, late In the afternoon several
AmsBaaltlea-AgalaslAo tieeUM la- be connected with the t'nited (Rales he
complained of being ill with cramps in
depeadeaee and WoalA rrafer To De aa w ill inalst open s republl b
the stnmaHi. but nothing aerlutts was
Amerlrsa Coioalet.
If any oth« ' c.iuntr>- than the miied making Its use oMIgxtory in theeonduct ,
BanPranciaM. Jucr
third ex* thought of the matter.
deeaieed by what othan tell yob .to
Hong Kong.June
lCop>Tgbt.lg«. Sutes wlih<s to seture control of ths U the government bustness.
I-aie at nlghl they began to vomit in- by the Associated Press.J—Accutdlng to Philippines that countn- will have t..
Um omirary. but come and aee far
aedlUon to ManlU alU Mil next Thtira— jyooraelf.
day or Friday at the latest. This an- ressantl.v. Major R>-ana. sunre<si of the advices from Manila dated June 1* It fight for It. The Insurgents u
I.W. PatehiB.
, 1 ruaraalee all my tsork to be rickk,
sctuceineul was made at General Her* regtment. was call.-d. He prescribed for was nporird there then Ihal General Agulnaldo now have I0.:oo rifles
the sick men and partly relieved their
eight field pieces."
•“t « Jtd<~» I miSrit
V nwralnx. miReriogs. The foitd Is the only cause Konel. coming southward with t.Oeo
The Ho
AUomeya at law.
BOtwithatandlng a report from other
:cd troops from Balscan.thlrty nHi
*^top in till 6 o’cloclreeerr oreafac.
which the Illness can be attribiiti-d.
Times telegraphing Monday
•aurvea that the transports cannot be The men me canned lieanB. bread and nor'h of Manila, found the railway
ga'ring ground here that **"•'"***“•••*** k.Ttaewsenty.ltleh. exocM Sunday, in the Caldwell A L»
gotten In complete rvadlness bj- that poutoea An analysis will be made to ! Une blocked and was uken In ambush
dM boOdlnR, at north end of (Jnfaa
time. The oiWcers who are superrlslng determine If the^fo. d_was aRected.
j by the losunrenU. Fierce fightlog en- gents In the P
arrsiKESs CAHDS.
I board the veseels
naaaera from the Bawkeye Stale.
»»'Tlefl on for three loleram of American ctotrol. Agulnal- .
d..'s force, however, is hsithfully keep- ^
appear lodlRer with tbesieamehlp com­
Des Moines, la.. June *l.-The work
General Nonet was Ing Its pledges to Admiral Dewey, and S t
panies ctmeeming the time needed to Of enlisting two batteries . f light artil. I
The native truopa Joined the Incomplete the alieratlona and have re­ lery to fill the loan apporUonmeni of i eurgeuts and
ported to^uRrtW Metrlu that the volunteeia under the t^nd
aecnnd call
call wlll.UfiabouiHi0.aurrendered.
A i»tta«oa ) ingion-U to be Independent In all In-------rrfu ought u l»e ready to receive Boon Iwsln. Governor Fhaw Intends
at^^mpanga of natpe militia, sup-j lemal aRaIrs under Amert'an protecmen moblllaed here. l*reltn:
>hilm by TMhsday.
As yei Qen- have the ......................................................
—F- ~» ..X partlrulariy loj-al. began ' IS powerfulennueh
I Merritt has hoi made public the '
. .
omcer. and klllrd five when 1 like J«,an. to shn,v It.-own destlnbs.'
tbe insurgents atuck-d Ma a:-.n Toe I The Flllpin.w ore apprehensive
.ta. oi >,1. o.™
b.t It.. 17.",. .Z.,' i!"7i
Spanish surceed.-d in disarming and German 1 trigu-s may Interfere with
■ known among hU oOlcere that he U ex^
T ..
____ ___ ____________
a »......................
p-.ri;..n—•of them, «...
but -...
— ~
t ., .1
.. reedlngly anxious to get away on the i U"'
the control of the Islands. Should Cap- TTT B KCMV. Phywctmsad AB>T«oe.frea>next exiwdltlon. and will do w. unle^ , Brigadier General James Rush Unc.ln erraped when the Insurgents captured 1 ti
August! resist Admiral "
t Washington Inlrrfe^ hss left his at Ames f..r Mobile . . Manibnn. At Eapnie also a whole regi­
Join the F<.unh army orfw. Adjutant ment n volied m a cr^ical raumenu
FiraVelass Riga. Ev«7tbitor atw
General Ryers. wh-. fought ugHinst him
Waste Mark Ai
and neat. Bai«a as raaaoaable aa aay
In the Isle war. went to Ames to bid
fipalB-. Newt UWte Beh
The authurlll.w still u>«- mixed fr^ver
fiiat-elasa hare la the ei^. Glva as a
him good-bye.
London.-------June —
Madrid correwith the result that Insurgenl rlllemeu

------------------------------------- fall asd get our prieca.
Bounced at
. fVs Moines. Is . June SI.—Governor
frequently found to have passed
The iRandard says: “All the W
day that n addinonal_tran8p..rts
. [Shaw
_____ has decided to fill 1. wa's ni.p.jf..r
_.___mr>eiw sav the euveenmewl I.
• a*«*s UwlolaxtjllM
^ the sei^ines and to be cn-e|.;iig along
Uoopa other than the Newport, which j tlonmenl of two light latteries u
' l-Bder cover and firing u
‘ "
Captain General
^ been Imprvsaed on the Pa.-ifi>msst. the aecond call by B(tv].:lng the li
lards from Iwhlnd. The
•* 1 provisionally organli.-d and ,-^ulns.d
with tbe coermandets of the• European
Kuropewn ^ r. MOPFATT. Absteneu of Titk. Bral
decWedl) averse to resorting to Im- part at Burlington and Cedar
war vessels f..r a Joint ort uiatlOD
uiatloc of LJ. Rwaieaad Coeesraaetat ' Booa I. Hapressment for vB'lous reasons, and only Mantta. Aa the Hw cannot bold
old out undoes It when all other eRorU to obtain a Week.
ships fall Aaaisisni Secretary
this would forestall the entrance Into
------------------------B.»to SI a.m~ I
U Is DUfsrar.
tbe town of the Tagal rebels, which
Allany. N. T-, June 81.—The ____
Spain suppoaea the btoropcan powen »ptknfED XVESE-Hh-gsteiie Hotaoab. a
mtUlar) authorities announ.e that none
-™.Jt, JUP—J u, p.m,iL*61
of the urgsntasllons of the old National
Guard which did not go out under the
On M. * V. B. JL B.
available la the east arraagemenu are first call will be given an opirartunlty
Tbmoh. WJa. June 8L—miUaro Wen•
being made to have half a dosen or to volunteer urtder the aecond rail. This
set. proprietor of a Jewelry store, was
more rendexvous at Tampa for the pur­ decision wilt prevent theSeventh-Twenprobably fatally wounded yea.
All baggage, bos and back work
pose iiresumably of carrring addiUnnal ty-^hlrd and Seventy-fourth reglmenu.
terday byr A. F. L
Lj-neb. hta s
; L a bUek^wl kBnTboatan^rap^wwwU for aaid road sboald be left with
reinforcements to General Shafter.
d ten sepanite c
The shooting
The four ships at Pernandlna last
was at work in bis store.
Office 239 SUte Btreei. tele- •
have been given orders to go to
.e aecond calL
phone 3. All orden left with aa
Ta-r|«. and < ne from MobOe U already
tUlaols Mew Get gnay Itasts.
•Washington. June 81,-Pre«Ideiit McBalow is a list of tbe bnriiig and sell- T
iraast aio. garoet settias. yiad will receive prompt attentioo.
Ufor (dew.Mmfiar.
Klaley yesterday aent to the senate the
of yesterday farV«ertea. tL." "1" *•» r«a«tag lo Jaeoi. imrtlon-f G.nerw. t^liafleria nomlnatlOD of Rnas Matthewa of Illlr» infimvn ente s.r U. be taker- fn-m
to be aaaisuni quanermaster.wltb
I 170a REVr-Hoaae
Tami-a na» woi yel l*en a:ir.:>unc«d. cnls.
ran . cf csntaln. and also thatofCharles
but with a half do.. .
at !i< c <m- A. t'lurk, t.i lliinda to be first lieutenClear Pork per bhl, new.........
•It 7S
mand the department ought to be a ■ e
Clear Pork PBi......................
to transport approximately 8,000 with
Shortcut Pork..........................
Bryaa to Berra fader Lm.
their equipmenu and suhatslence
of the Aas.<lated Press pays a dally Shortcut Pork per ft....
ORr PtaUsa. ta aeasl Feb. 9, MM
ilorve. Most of the remainder. Ills ex­
yAAlilngion, June^-It is regarded visit to the ^utpnaia at Tondo. Sanu
Flour, U L. A Cm best..
pected. will be taken from Camp Alger, as probable that lCotegsl WII
Tvaa. Santa Ana and Malaie. but there “
4 ^ Alioe EsH.v^.tt McGrawBaOdlag. Oeuelt.
“ ir. H. L.
amounting, ll is said, to a brigade, but
Is no pen-eptible movement, though
Ibis has not yet been definitely settled
The taller will leave the country by the
part IneRccilve. Nothing is vtal
way of Newport News or Norfok. going General FlUhugfa Lee.
esij Wal
bic among the treve. The Insurgents,
Jn the Harvard and Tale, which have
Brare* oa the Rsll rteld.
a rap.tcily for carrying a targe number
1 m •»]________
Chicago. June 81.—F.db.wlng are tht Sl-unlsh volleys, cspeelally at nlghl Butter per ft DalrT..
•f men. Beoieiarj’ Alger was asked
BeeoMeOee. MAtf
Jost how many reinforcements would League scores at base ball yesterday: The Spaniards In.esaantly equander Creamery Butter.ft..
of ammunition Into the shadows of
I• ta.........II Cadi
be sent to General Shafter, but he de­ At nevetand—Br.K»klm 7. Clevr-land I tons
s w ......; a*M
hope of
per bu (Old)............
at PIttsbunt-New York 8. Pittsburg I: the thicket, apiarently 1
clined to state.
per ba ., old............
at Cincinnati-Ralllmnre It, cincInnaU qu:rk!y exhausting their stuck and beso TTTA«CTgD-gi.glaeerfor.aaUea*taaRefrigeratsd User (sr ths Army.
?S W TrmTetweCuyLnaberCo.
Salt per bbl.....................
8: at Louisville—Washington 1. Louis­ leg In a
The lack of suitable vessels fur carry- ville *: at Chicago—H..ston 4. Chicago
Bran per 100...................
•0 I70E SALK-Oaews.
satooB estaisa
Ing Bupplles of refrigerated U-ef for the 8: at St. Louta-Phltadclphla 14. Bl.
, Jr of Howard Whltleg.
Poutoea. per bm..........
army la Cuba, is proving very em- Louis L
[• Stanlsh <
barraasihg to the offletaU of the comWestern League; At Kansas Citj-—
mlsary general's office. Nearly a week
villagers' hutsnula de the as to Wbeau old. per bo...
llDDeap..lta C. Kansas City 6.
ago General Etagen <^ned bids for sup­
d.‘i.f1\e ttrf- enemy of shelter, and hun- Wheat, new, per bn..
plying this neevssarj- arilcte of the *jldiMis cf r-a.vful natura are bomeleas.
eiers’ dl.-t. and would have awarded the
Omaha. Neb.. June 8L—Giivernor Tan- There wa« a great f-ast at CaxHe on Cora, per t
contra, ts before this Uit
for the rvaaoi
........... nerand fullstaR. with their June 11 when a declarailor of tnde- RyA p!t bn..........
ships available to j Illinois, arrived la the city j.-sterday p. edtn.eWBs foimallv made hy Agulnal- Buckwheat..........
carry the aupplles. The ships when ae* , morning to imrllcipate in the IlllnoU do, n......................................
Butter, per ft....
gurvd w ill11 have to l« fitted with rvfrigfestival at the exposition t-day.
: ■DWOBTpRopERrvroRiui.o^rbe
aratlng appafatusia
.aiatusia order to preserve | Tltey were met at the hotel by the exthe meat fresh, and this will uke aune
Inmvnt commuter. They
r^^l^MOraaS'ftiSds. Dmsstt ato
Buk ume.
vIMed the gr-.unds yemerday and partcok of an Inf.-rnial spread with the exXX CAMP AT CRiCKAMAfOA.
ccullve rommllt.e of the expraltloB.
UOel Their Hlfles-’
PIsgTve Is Cuip,
S If joa don’t
a Park. Oa.. June a.—
Two new cases «if yellow feverl have
• see veJiat you want
»ark was qulie lb «m- broken out at McHemy. Miss., the^RauCorrespoDd with tbe TreretBe City Lumber Companyy
trati w'iih Sunday. The regiments were
to a nate of great activity, and the drill
We have for sale Good,
grounds were enliven, d hy company,
baualloif and reglmenial drills In all
• In the Want Coinmn of
The full name arid title of tbe ftoanish
portions of the park. Recruits catlnued
to arrive though In not quite such targe
Tbe Record.
s during the three preceding Conde de Jerx<-. Mar<|ula de Santa Ana.
Don't oOTt mnek.
Up CO Sunday night there had
arr1v<d for the First army corps 1.607 of Texas, with Miss Clara Barton
racrulta. but no record was r-celv.-d ,
J'Mleryesterday from th<»e arriving fer the
Third c. rpa. The ordnance dcfartmeni ■
practically destroyed tbe Grant
Travefse City proiwny IB rsehacc*. or wUl
banded out for dlstrlbuilon among tbe Gpera House buMIdrg at Albuquerque
regimenta over t.OOO KiTlngOelU rifies.
a lues approxInuUng
dsB, a»l tt'BBblagloe ta. Troveene Clly. B If
These guns were divided up atncmg the (Tni-nM'
D UXi KXK WBBied. TraeasM
following regiments Id pan. Third 1111- I The IlUnoU Army and Naty League
jrrCc. mat
nota. Thin>'-nr« Michigan and Fifty- 1 has declared against Jam fur the troops
Mill MachiDeryoffilldeBcriptiong.iDcladingTwo Ensrioe*.
aecond loa-a.
| and prooUses to provide each soldier
Governor Plngree. of Michigan, and I »'»H» pajamas.
Pet Woiis, Cfirrifiges and Sbwb. A complete Saw Mill Plant
General F. H. Cas;-. insiMn-tur general { It Is now dvflnliely aonounrod thattbe
for fide.
S< the slste ^f Mhhlgat . were vlsltcri ' third expedition to the Philippines
at Cami- Thi-mas y cst.-rday. Thej- paid be rummanded by Brigadier' General
toeir r- -;—<-<s to 'irn<-ral Bnoke and Arthur MrAnhur.
n prv*ei J-d tu tl:e<-etnp < f the Thlr*
Gshnrne.,jialchlns « Hunt, dealera In
(Irst Jilcll'rn. tvU.i-.ei Gardner and
Sealed Propoeala.
.-art} wel- ■ im*.
, linbllltles. tIOO.OOO each.
to^BBlSTiallor • scb<»l’bowse at OU
McMacrlrcy. Dr. Fred [ Sir Thomas Johnston Upton, thegrest
s lsf< rvlsr)' of the llUnoii I British
b ircrchaBt. ts at Chicago, and
f tlu “Hen. and Captain rays
s he favors an alliance belwee
rtMl ta t«}«» say s»d^J
tTnlted Ftslvs and Kegland.
Bsxbt LaaMk. DtrveMr.
V League
Three baby li-ns were added to the
I'L vkai! a-ga and I rspecl
Chicago Lincoln iwrk "xno" Sunday.
pon<fltiuR cf the nUnols reglm<
■The IrlpMs are tbe odfapriog of the
ramped ..t ih- park and tl >e general lioness Nellie and tbe lion I.«n.
bralthfuln--»a. left yestirday
An electric car struck a wagon
make a favorable iviori. being well taming seven persons at Ib-rwyn (Chi­
ealy- A-E rryotaa. IB rroal bubM
phased wish the camps oftbereglmcnts. cago suburb). Injuring XVlIltatn Pleper.
but find mtM'h fault In the tack of med­ John Woud' lck and Bernharl Geske.
ical supr-lle* and tie Inadequacy of di­
Should you ever visit Midland Beach.
vision and brigrde surgeons to criticise. B. I., you will hear this cry at one of the
TTier exi-ressed a hope, honrver. that
the defects in this respect would ba Prohlblllon park and Elcksieln's faew.




Bicycle Riders.



Horse Hotel.
LIioj, Sile ml Feed Btri.

B. J. Morgan,


6rud KipUi t iDdlui L I




If You Have Logs to Sell



Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple M'ood.


sriTiinrir^ST; s^ sissrs:



... —.

Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors


and Windows.

[} UBflEH.

Milgade at fWmp Algee ts Bara a Oaray
with the Cavaln.
TPaabtogton. June n.-At Camp Alger
ywlerday tbe First brigade, First 41Ttstoa. maroJied dtwo U th. river to
Lacb regiment marched In
fighting order, with Its baggage train
under heavy guard, as the New York
gavaln- had been ordered to Intercept
and capture lh« wagons if pnaMbta.
They h'lK return to camp u<day. An cr«tg tbe totrodoctlon of aloobolk driaka

would ultimately send a fleet to the
Philippine waters, rogsrdlera
coat br
the result.
John S. Juheson. of Minneapolis, de­
feated Karl Kaser. the champion of
Bw'luerlsiKl. In a ten-mtle paced ran
at Woodslde Park track. PhUadeipii'A
to »;S« 8-6.
The flnUh department of the King
Powder company, iotwted at King's
MUIs. to Warr-n county. O.. was burned
Bnndsy night It ta sospecled by 8po«-



“New Process” Vapor Stoves.

With Bar:, tha Jairalar.


John R, Santo,
Sneral lisaruct.

146 JTront Street


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