The Morning Record, September 03, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, September 03, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


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fj k4 Mjmk-mm
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and TbiH

Wm&MMh Datrolt Xoaiffht.
Atopttt 18 O’clock.
J>Mnlt VUl Xmv Opw Smm 8nia»j vat MamOt^ u< «fe« ««Ut«n
wm te»arcn7S*»«MM>d-«taM
SMh Ooi^j^y WiU B4o«1t« VarUf>i «a< OtMt f»



taaawaifaitewarfcataaea. as ttata
lOalyatowdarala whieh ta ntaka
aad. aat aa boar
aaatbatoat. Jlta bMaead that tow
aaoaraloaiataawilltaceaBtad on
ralifoada aad boat Itoaa. aad than
Will ba aa laiiaaaia tbraar U town
r to the rataraiac

ud KeUj Ilialtd*
Tkara an tmaiyaana aaM
aMUpw M Ua iaiaad. OaadMthkaa
aaaaiad fraaa tha dIaiMi a^ oaa 9^
liaai aaaapad (ras Aa ptfceaaa
raaakad Ua iCaiaUaid Ir «nt «<

■o That tba UampaarK Dameeatratka Bball ba a Braad Bbcosm

cmatnUoa to ba glvaa Uo Haaaab
Ritas upon tbalr return borne, will
■tart oat at OBoe to nice toad* for Ut
Alraadyaoeraahaaa offeradto
to arraafa tor tba aaaoak Bides ra­ makaUborai ooatribuUoaa. aad it to
ft Uay
t^ aboerfatoaB aaeb aa oeeaalon
aaBloa last cnaiar. appoiatod
oomiaittaB aad In a rroaral way laid raata- Tboae wbo eoatribnte aaad not
boaiute aboat being geaciOBa aa, U
oat a prorrM for tba day.
aayUiag to left after Ue o
Tba axaat daW for the maption eaa
>r will be decotod t
not yat ba aasad. bat will ba aa*
need* of Ua ntnraed aoldtora. aad it to
aoaaead aa soon as It to kaowa Jaat
qatto mbahla Uat many of Uam will
wbaa the tUdai will ba ban. Tba laatm need aome
taettoa to to ban tba
n- aa peaalbla, finar tba
Soodoi dab at Senator KiUiJua’A
boya ttme to
Laet algbt tba Hoodoo nlab aiet at
low Oomins Sevelatlona.
U tba day aheald ba a dae oaa then
tbe borne of Sraator and Mra J,
vaaebBaOalobetwaaafl aadlOe'doek
will ba a basket pUale aad raoapUoa la
Klllikoa, OB Wasbiagtoa atraataod aaCoBonow Moniar
OAeara oT OoBBaadiat Oeaaralb tba rnn batwaaa Fifth aod Serrntb Joyad aa origiaal aad non! prw
atnata and Oak aad D:*to<oo Tba
IttoacoodUkoararaa to BaOalo;
I'aBollafOorpiwinhaaakad to
from Boffala to Detroit will taka
aad aapallea. for a tality of taa MlUikaa home.
MMhar Uhoara: kH|«lac Ua 'drat
Said to Otoe a aaitoaa AapaM to diaaar on the groanda for tba Haaaab
Ban TeaaTaat Baadyf
•aetiaa tbwa akaat U 9. a. ItwiUba
EKtoa. Oar eitisraa will ba only too
iBlaBaa kaat, 8.000

I.-Owlarta t)M
baTtWaa iaU

Orsataraatin BeoerattbaAatara-

tac Boldiata.


aUaifbt If later betara tba Uat
Ciaacataia. Better tiae waaM be
PartoSapi. 8.~4t waaaaaoadoad tUa
nada by eoaiar tbroarh Canada, bat
ftaraeaa *9 tba Panto that ear•a tba Weaara Mil U
eral oKearn at tba eaaaral'a atafl
'j0tatat ikayeeald aotaoM tbatway
decided to naira abartly
antboat a tot of rad t^dmt btoa« anaad dtoaln^ they know of tba aa tin
Dnytns aflalr. Oaa oKoar daetoraa
that war wiU laorHably tollew as a
It of tba rantottoaa wbieb wlU
oa Sraiy Head ^
ba made tocardlac tba maablaatkHM of
Alabiffaa BoUtoraBaaA


; Detroit, dept. 8.->aoarly arary towa
ia MtAlraa wbieh east troopa to the
arar baa wlrad iu lataatloa of ririar
tbas a royal walsoae boaa Afur the

As afflear of blj^ nak is aaLbortty
for Ua tact tbat M. Chniffnae to eea<
riaead that Baary did aoiiattiau tba
torraiy of the tobrtewtad Uttar, and.
enry effort wUI be Bade to dtoeooer

«raad rally In DetrM Baaday aad
The Llbn FaraU Bye tbat Oaa«l
-Koaday tba OMapaniaa wBl leare tor
PeUleaa iafarmod Ue Miaiater of War
dbalr boma aad ibeir owe paopU wiU
toatairbt Uat ha was ready to rotlra.
^ tba raak
Tbanwaaa lack of barmaBy la the
Hlatotiy aad a CtoUnet artoto appaaia
to ba laavlubU.
■ All^ Xardtrer of Taltan.: Vlebela
The Aaron toys Uat tba rw
Vf Batora tba Coart.
will be toreadto mon aad Bore quick­
too. In order to aroid eeaadal
DMMit. 8apt. 1.—Tba eaaalaaUoa
w(-Edward Aaebar.abarrad wltb the fioBM aad Barlla. whwe oSetol rerolaBmMerofVaiBoreKiaboU. baffaa to- ttaaseoaoeraiar May* Batarbazy an
Aay. The qneetlon af ideatltr drat abortiy to ba Bade pabUe.
Tba Plraro aaya it to poailbla Uat aa
^•roaa: Aritat Baibnrt toUad paaiUraly
do aay it be arat tba aaa aaaa. dacber axtraoralaary acaaioa of Parilmeat will
is eeoatqaaaee of Uo now
■oaeoraiar tba Droyfaa af­
atthaatjdaaoa. Bto aced fatbar aat
of a rnad
adaaion of taqulry to also apokea of
Amajirityof tbaprsB ta laellaad to
Ua baltof Uat Uen wBI ba a nrtoioa
. VlUlaB Korean Kazdartol Baaa
of Ua soatenee of Dreyfoa
Wrwtal u>Tai Muiciie Baesaa
xxD Kooore oovdxtiov.
Harrodabaie. bapL 8.- William
brotbar-ia-Uw of OoIomI >aek ■MMaodTnFonadaaad Sxpaota
OUbb. tba tarf Baa, wae abol twlea ta
to Bator Btog at I7A
tba braaat aad aUbbad la the
weUI leTn aeaaw« Bscoas.
.«ea by Jamas Mobarly, Uto araralac.
Baffalo. Sept > —Sacnlary Wltooa
Horraa died aooa after. Than bad of Ua Bawthoraa blob baa raoalted
toaea aa <dd rrodfa batwaca
word from Kid MaOoy Uat ba bow
stripe at 173 pounds aad aepoetoi to ea­
ter the riac at Uat weight Ba baa
takaa oa tea poBndftaiaaa ha atartad
Co ba OeovMiod by Oaar a XoaU tnUlag aad attribataa bto gala
Altar apaauh-Amrrioaa BMtoBaat aawiag wood, wbieb haadaraUpod Ua
epaeUl*eTnbewniieBac«aB. eles of Ue upper arm aad tbonlder.
Berlia. Septombar 8.—It to Ua'inlaattoo of Baaala, aooordiar to roltobU laTO FKACBFWL FUBSDXtS.
formatioa of Ua daaoelaud Pnn
oonraaa Ue peace ooafereaee a moaU fcntoan Bt Faal aad St Xwato Botarned to Their Owaera.
after Ue adjonrameat of the Spaatobopeetol wTat Measm RaoMo.
Ameriean peace conferean.
PbUadalpblv Sept »._The aaalltoiy
eraieerc St Tael aod St Donto today at
BapM Biver Wiped Oat.
Grampe eblpymrde wenntaraad to tba
(aattoaai Mariip^Uoa oompaay by
• Gtodatoae. Sept l.-Tbe Urtrlaff rUUe goreramcat^
Uffo of Bapid Riror near bacA

rUd to napoad to aaeb a rrqaeel.
etbMwfU haaxpaetad lofarntob ttodr
aeary way. tba Baaaab Bidaa only baiac tba fnaato af the elitoaaa aa tbat
The City Open EaU wIU tao aaragad
for tba aattn day for a gaaaril baadaad If tba day aboald ba
alormy the ball wdl ba naad tar Ua
dUnar tor tba Bidaa.
>a clerryBaa of all tba cbnrebB la
tba city will be aakad to amara for a
kl day aantoe ta boaor of Ua
tallaa ooaradas of tbnaa who retara,
aaeb aerriaa to ba bald to City Opera
Bail oa the «aaday Mlowiar Ua ffoaaial demoaatratloa.
la a gaaeral way Ue program of Ue
daywtUbeaa toilowa: The Baaaab
»<«-* WiU Ue O. A. A as guard of
boww. wUI lean City Opera Hall at 11
tfeloUAaa forUagnaada auceas
aad friend* from ereryirhere, far and
Boar. arc expected and iarited to join
them at Uo hall or Ue groanda. At
Ue groanda Ua Banaa^ RiflM will ba
aarred wiU dioaer aad crerybedy alas
will pleato and eat aa they
After diaaar ■ general reception will
be gina tba Bites at Ua groanda
la Uo onalBf a parade wiU illnminatioBB aad stmt trework* will be an
attraetira featnra. There wUI ba
all day at Ue groanda aad on Ue atraata
Ibe mayor will be aa ad to (eena
pro<damatl<» requesting all places
bnaiasB to don from 11 a 8 p.:
Tba wboUooantry and aaighboring
town*, tor and near, will be iarited,
Jty, to eo«e aad kelp abow
Ueir irntltoda to Ua brara boya for
Ualr aobla work as well dona.
Utti tor si
arc aa follows;
' BxaonUr»-.p C Gilbert. Tboesaa T.
Batoe, B. L. Hpragnr, Finak HamUtoa,
a. Kuatagna. B. C. Darto. J. W. XUUkan. and Mayor SmiU, aa-oOeio.
Baoapttoa-J. W. Baaaaa. Fraak
Hamilton. E. E. McCoy. A. T. Frisd

L.. .■

All Uoaa wbo ban taata wbieb an
aaitabla.a I roqaaetad to nport t^ Ua
ammitioa of Ua Haaaa
tbe' teat
UataaabohadcaabetMedto adra
tagn caUedayof Ued

Bk'Frtadrieb. W.
C. Ball. Fra d SiUby. Bart WlUhalm
J. Fartaah.
Parade J. W. MUlIk^. U Roberti.A
J. Fnlgbnm.
Tiaau rtation—James Koboa, 0. B.
Mnrtay. A W. Caabii^bam. A B.


Daa^oa. XL

S8> Front Street

Mtoa Franc Gaga left last nl.'kt for
New York to lojk after her broU-r
Bert, wko to lying OJ In Ue New York
Boepital. Mtoe Oago wu p.-oridod
wlUaeupplyof fend* from the Baanab Bite* relief food to defray ^be.expence of neeeeaary can for bar broUor
wbUe ka to m.

A full supply of School Booku, TubleU, Peucilu, aud
everything pertaining to achool nw, at



Just Received
aft. XTe-wv- Xa-t-ne o£

Ladies’ Wrappers
-New Fait FBttema, alos^ Btads mad aieslj trlmmsd.
Pnc«8 raage from £9o to llftl.
A. kok'st them ie appreoiated, at


Good for Ocaerri Farming.
l^lo«p^ioraaab;er.ea tong time wiUaaayp^
ibuU aad very lot

On G .R A I A A

OoT. rroat ftftil Ca«e Sift.
c« T. Bflbcrts.

by putting them into a
pair of Tan Shoes. We
have ent the price on all
Tan Shoes 25 per cent.



Tmerst Citj Scluol of lusic!

Your FeB^

fieliable d)ry Goods. Carpet
and Clothing Hoase.

Hastings’ Real Esblt Agmcf.

Spielal Bale oe vtoHaa for is vayi at
V. W Kuatoll OtL'a


BoUej ft


Batenaiaad at SGloraoL
ICtoa Winifred Prat
large gaUorlag at HtUereat Int rea^
lag. If aftto aad refreabmeau aad o(ber aaj^yabla laaUrea. togeUar wlU
attrpetiona oSerad by Ua tread
varaadaa and groanda, ooatribntrd to
. dalifktfal e

riab. P. a Gilbert.
This eoamlttoe will be made a large
one and Ue Datnec ef tbe other
bera, boU ladles aad ganUsmea. wUl
ba giroa a little lator.
Fiaasoe^-A. V. Friedrich. B. A Mc­
Coy, L. A. Pratt, George Hoyt and W.
W. FairebOd.
Memorial^Tbe clargymaa of aU tbe
1 ta tbe city.
D. OoebUa
to aet aa temporary eba
Moaie-W. J. Hobba. O. C.Mo^aU, D.
~ apbell

Firowerin aad lUomiaatkm- A A
UcCuy, Oscar Priadnob. Frod A Pratt,
Btartod oa Tima.
IwatemlagC. L. Wbiuey. etownrdj E W. Baetinga, E- C Bogaa.
Orooada-B. D OampbML 0. W.
t the a»ylnm, reeeirod Ibe followlag
Mlagram from bto son. aating adJaUat BaS. F. C. Daamond.
.0. P. oarrsr wu ehuea abtaf
of Ur Ttalrty-foarU MicUgaa. dated
abal of Ua day wUb aaUority to aa•bat Off From the World For a at Mnford. Dong talaad:
Bn route to New York; wQl lean lactkUowa aldu.
apeotftj w Tot Meaarne aecoea
there tonight. Am wall
WiU F. C. onbart. chairman: Tboa T.
F. C Wnmner.
Detroit, Sept 8.—Dr. Glbbw, Ue
Baton, aaoretary aad A A-Daria, traaw
. .; boaiU oOoor. baa ordered a qnam- tbptaln WbUaey to tba eammaad
of Ue MDftkegqn oompaay aad to
dlaa agalaat Paf-ta-BW- eommaaolBc
Thai* wUl ba a flor
Ibgadlatantda'riagUo UiaMs af the
ippotatod later, aad aaeb other «
Baptambar 8, for oaa weak. Tba staam- adlntaakof Ue ragimeat.
littcaa M may ba ft^
..«r Kirby will lean oat Pat-la-Bay for
aad Ua datailaof Urdayto program
that lei^ of time. Sbe wfll. bowerCM afS*Bto^S*S^
■tor, naeatbo reate hotweoa DetrM
<17^81. I Ittoaapacted Uat aU tba <
wiped ool by dre Uto motainr- Vwy
itUU laaarmeo.


o» AO «n«T or XBI asAt.
aatnit StBFfa Woain Ohat Ilova aad
a Xaifa Vaabar af Mas XdU.

off Vy Uta Detroit 8tora Works, which
«PMU1 M tk* HMOam KMM.
K*W Yorii. awL ».—Thk Ci«t MotlM oaaaot be oparalad la^ aaewaiTO kot,
«f tte 4nla «MT7iaf Ue MIAIcm
«nop« did wM le»T» HoaiMk Polat
«U1 li o'«loek lUs monlBc.
WMtbww«lto«i7 ralUT.' Tk« trarti.
1 aad Ue beadeo
DrcTfu OdM Hay Frcciplitk the boya.
Tka trala lokTaa kara oe tka Uka
tdte Odblnet Crlsto.
fikora Md taaifkt diraet It U abort
«f daa»an M tbva an aat my alak Declared that War WIU FolMaoa'board tba trala. Tbay wUl

Wc are oapackisg
7600 Tablets aad oae ton of Slates todaj.
Watch this space tomorrow.

■hows tbe BOperiority of
Americao ettuena over cooti*
Spirit of “get there** .overw
cornea every obatMle. So
with Atneriean ahoes, and tbe i—<t«wg
Ameriewsboea are SeUdHOeS. of which |
more pairs are aoM every year thanof any 1
other make. In every trade someoDc ta
at tbe bead, and in tbe aboe trade tbia ta
true of 5ELZ. It coata do more to buy a
SELZ SHOE, but you’re always aore of
your money's worth.





Look at the Glass Caskets
of Shining Pennies
our display vindew. Tbe laigeat site contains 600 of them i

^$3.00 Shoes at $2.25.
$2.50 SHoesat$l.88.
$100 Shoes at $1.50.
All others at the same
rate. Our bargains are
always good bargaiuA

Popniu Shoe Honn.

for■ the first prise. The amaller contains 400 for the aeoood V
at. Kucoaer.
The contest is limited to boya between the agee of 8 and 15 v
, . n. For every 60e sale in our boy's and juvenile "brfbing f
aod shoe departments, the purchaser is entitled to cate gneas ' 4
which will be reuiatered. On October 1st we wflj count the
beauB and tbe lucky boys will go home rejoidi^
In tbe meautime we wish to remind our mendsI and pat-

- petition iu the background.

Our ^Mitrijiein" Be;'s ipf Chllfiw's SIms
are unsurpassable in workmanship, fit and dnrabUHy and oar
prioea are within the reach of all.
Tour money aaven,

Glu. Bkni.

Tnvn.. ffltl. Midi.





imX iabjfieta.



Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicircie $un(|rie$

tfBTSMB orrr. - MicnMJi

Itnt^ by tba Wawan*s Otab attba

It W. HA>m. Sditor ud M«ucw■UBBOBIFTIOirS.

• u ;»i»»w ottr,

Tk« B«y«bUeM tle^
9W B^bUoM
did tto
writ r*atenlUj h»mo»iom)j w4
«MlL T1imim*tw*or«brMqdriMd
•witMti. bat rood foeUnf pimUad,
1. ^tkaUdntuoMdtoa aplaadkl oM
" irtm Mart to iniah
Tha aaoua ai*
Jtan.koMaVeap»U*. It la a tiekat
«kat wiu. la ryr7 parttoalar. obmflMad ihanapbCtaad Ua kaartj
kutotereiT Ba^blloaa ia tka
r. Tba party baa doaa Haelf
ftoad aad tba BaJoritj la Nowabar


w<tota pbytfoal wreak. OorbaK wen
wtaebadow, bavlac laat tblrtjv
apoaadeetaaabaUfthara. Botb

tewed to keop book tte erowd
wbew tbaaoUUoie wore.takaa to
tbe aarriaca, tka wee ia tka «reat
tally rewoved tkalr beta.
ItwMaeIleatr*MlBCMA dttlaf
tbcoeoealon aad wblla apwe intiwato
Mande eneeedod ia ftraeplnr the bande
of tbe ratniaad eoldiere the eltaattoa'
Miy appredaUd and tbe
|rewd reeolved to watt nntll tbe boys
are wall areia bafnr* ebowiny tba aaDrivae to tbe CoUaye Home tbe aoyi
■ere at oaoa eared for, yivea relraahlay bathe aad aowfortaWy aattled in
alaa soft beda where eweet repoee wee
olered for tbe diet time siaee tbe war
>. Holliday eerefelly enwiaea
botb. Parke le afBleted with kidney
aad bowal troeble nod tba af Mr rffeeta
of a hard el^ of malarial fever. Cor
brtt U also «Blte elek. bavlny aot r«oovered from, aa attack of dyeentory
aad tbo rooelia of a aieye of yaltow
fever. Tba pby^ian dadaree tbat
aftar atony roet and yaed anralay both
wUl bo able to yet oet aad wilt soon be
Oorbett Uvea et Cedar Raa aad bia
pareato ware notified laat etyhl of ble

Tme Thirty-toartb aad TkirtytbW
WehbtM aalaataeo will ba back la
r M, ti
Tta*«M city, wlU be bar* aeat week.
Wa to}«y<ala«wato away tealllaa.
Welter eed Nrrliafw both m
With tboaa wttm kotoM an b*na«ad, ■iyei of bevtey aeflered frow the beet
wfll rriolM Uat tbair ewa f«* ta afala aad leek of aeflleieat feed aad mo
Jala tba laaaOy dKia.
Ct*>actha aaldiara trow tba
Waltore la sot la aa
dnwt a iojrfal, appi^aiata waloaoM. yood haaiU ea Kerilayer.
AadtetwaUattbaaawatiHMb* raaIba boy* r^ort tbat all of tba elek
aoldlan of Cowpaey M. wtth the cxerp'jNnHea whlekwiUabow to tba Baa- tloaaf
:«ab Btda* aad tba wcrid that w* op- Hale, bewaver. waa iwproviay whan
pwrtali tbeir aaorifloM aad that tba tblaaqMdlaft Cawp Wikotf
AU of
aaaKwaalty koaof* tbaw tor tbalr daada tka boy* CMDot tpaak too hlybly of tbe
«< *alar aad tba apirlt of
work of D'. Wilbalw both in behalf of
» to attar tbm- bi* owB Meads aad evaiy slek soldlar
aaivaa teooroaaatry te Ita yn
with wbew be earn* U eoatact.
forord blw toyo
to th* baepital. liaateaaat Elaaeae
Is *Uo praised kiyhl> for bia many
of aolf-*aeriftee aad kladtseae to the
boy* on tbe Toyaye from Ceba, dartay
farks, 0«rb«tt,
u« tba Ulntea et Captala Meletoeh, wbo
was very elek, bet fortanatoly le Iw
nwUngn Came TMterday. prOTlay rapidly.


no »*o VHsar OowptotoJy Won

Kr. aad Mre. Walton Bereaved.

Oat aad Varka Almoot a Bbyoleal

Mr. aad Mie. & Waitoa of Spraee
Wreak Baiar Crowd Oa*a tba Ba- etreet, are woorelny tbe death of tbeir
daraad Mdlma Oatotbat ,Xaarty yoearaat eblU. Lydalla. eyed
tooeth*, who died Thereday of cbetera
lefaotaw at Oeairel Uke. Tbe re­
Tbedntslekaeldlara to airl** trow main* beve been broayfaito ibis altv
Omw WlkaB eama m aaeivaetadly aad th* feaeial wiU tab* plan* Seaday
aralafat 6:10 aa the C. A wonlayat
at lOOO o'elodt frow t * tiee• W. M.
They were PrinM* Eobart end M. B. <^ereb.
W^tar of Fife Laka aad 'AwU KarSebael Votes.
UW*r- Tbaoewcr* <a tba party of
oarea wbe laftMoataek PoIatTaaeday.
r of aU the toaebeic wtU be
a they arrfTOd at
bold at the Can trel eebool baUdiay thla
Mood* ware tbar* aad fare tbaw
attoraoon at S o'eloefc.
oordlal t>«etlac. They at oooa aah
The free text boob* weredletribetod
odaearrla^ aad were drirea dowa yeaterday to tbe dltereat ward aebeo:
tetWB. wbar* tbay were boob aoa^t by boeaai. Tbe Ipbeltay of bocdu aad
tbroec* ol Meade. Narliarer wet bia ptepariay for tbU dbtrlbaUoe ba* beea
fctber ca the atreet dorinr tba wora- TM7 heavy, there havlay beaa over
lac aad tafetberthey weat to their •,eao valawaa to prepare
Baaea. ala wUea fron tba dty. WalUr
Teeebrie from away are yetberiay
wat to ble howe at Fite Laka
oaebyoae Ml** Leah ce4D** yeeterPriraia SwiU weat to ble boow at day aooB. Mito Dowaiay last niybt;
•aclaaw frow Oraad Bapide and Pri- Mb* BUto baa been hare elaee Tbuie*
Mfbt friaade and rainr laterloehaa wbtU Private
'iirn I
Or. J. B. Loay, their daayhtor aad
mt to ble bowa in aaotber
aoa. aad A. C. Preu of Ii
Privataa Fraak B. Parka and C O. lad., sad B. Jf. Payne of Spriay Beach
Thoredsy et Carp Lake
Oarbatt bacawa aaparatod frow tbeir
oowpaakw la Maw York oa aaeoaat eaa report e yood ceieh end lou of taa.
•I tba delay In preoarinc traaeporta- They enjoyed e ploeie dinner oo tba
dteaadU^aana an latar, arrlviac shore of .tba lake.
is Oraad Baplda Thwaday atrki.where
dbey were qaarwrad at tba Mortoa
d thattbePauifylvaiiia
Brrta BllUa(B aoorbt tbaw
Tab* work* bare reoalTad tbe contmot
wstaadaoelatadcraatly la tbeir
for 100 miln.of 19 loch Up welded
dert. Hotblnf wae too (ood for tba
steel pipe and 800 ion«a of >0 inch
beyeallalear thaUaaaDd Uwaa wbo riveted etrel. pipe. Tbe wcdybl will ba
Stayed over aiybt In Oraad Baptda
ware royally uaatad at tba Morton
Booaa, where aotbinc waalafi oadoaa
dir tbaw.
-It ww laaraad by wire frow Oraad
Bapide that Parke waa vary ^ and
tbat Oorbett wae aleo very uwell.
CosaaqaenUy preparatione , were weda fay fib into tbe and of tba doatknoh,
to properly care tor tba boy* when ni theta li ao other heybtae.
they aboan errivd. Belpb Coaoebl*
BMl M. B. E
1 with Mr*
Boata the Kteadlka.
flowdy of Cettoye flont*. to provldo
‘Mr. A. C. Thomaa. af Marvsvllla.
tbow with roowa ead Mr*, maoaon we* ‘Car., baa faene e mart veil able dl*.
eoyeyad as neiee. wbDe Or. A. B. Bol* oovBty than ha* yet beea ma-ia in tb*
Kluadike. For year* ke SDBerrd an■as adeed to node
oare, wUeh taa sbeerfelly votiaiearrd told ayoay from oocsomptloa. aoenn
p*uM by boworrhsyM:: aed arms:
arms ab*otodo. Tbarfdre ererythlay w»* pre­ lotviy cored by Dr. Kijty'a
y‘s New D!*c'.vpared that wa* pcM.b.efor tba irw
B.Conrb* aad Colds
yol4 U of
with tbto
Lund ttefore th* time of tlM arrival
lid b*v* Ik awe If h coat *
•flbateolnoutbvU. tt. Al.doa
Imndrad do>lnt« « boulv. Astbxw,
at |-.4i). thadrp’t
by 1 Bmaebtlto asd all throat and laxy offrirnd* waiUny to yet * ylimtew of tb* I ^tu^^are gtolUvely wred by
aj- b.;i.u ..
,i u.. ..i,
•to tod •■Httvd OD tobd aad aw «u„MofaS.Waltud J O Johaau.
to tbv vvrvlia of rscla haw. The uaU B^nlar rise M eta aad fil.oo. OoaraufOrtywkntaataw,bata tanUya MUadtoo

. •

MyworkipfiisteUMPBdFrieepthatBniBrMehoffil!. I«teprepared at all timsp to take rare of tbe tnde. I make a ppeeUltj tv
Bniai«, VoIcABiniv «ad SnuDeU^. A fiae line of wbeela for aalr
fitod to real.
J. O. BLLI8,81i Frost street, eart*-

Fir»t Maatins of tbo Toar, Tea^

T%a Wowaa'e Qab bM tba ftret
waatlof after tw aannal racatieo yeeIt wae opeaod by
tbe preeiaent, Mre B. L Oorben. Mre.
Trevie led in prayer tor tbe rnUanee
of the elab darinc tba cowlac wialar.
Tba wUatee of tba laat WbeOnr
were read by tbe eeeretar), Miee Oertrade ttpreyaa. A te* wlaatee, were
ooeapled by '
Bra- Corhati read ea addraee of welShe apoke of taa yreai adveaeemeat in women dee to woaMo'e elabe,
and how tbroayk tbew, tkey kad been
lad to tkUk and met fur thawaelvee.
Tbe wora they acqelra the tree elab
eplrit; the yreatar are they in haroMay
with the eaUre world. Oeb wewbate
should ba like mawbara of tbe aewe
tkwUy. The object of wonoa'a elabe
i, tba yood of kamealty and tbf dvlllkUon aad aaUybtneat of tba keeiaB
The proyrara was la cbaryo of Mie.
B. Puller. It was opened by a voeat
aolo by Mlw Alloa Ciewford. -'Oroeinlay of Taee.» U wa* aailyhtfally reaeod waeh oejoyad hr aU.
paper on eerreat aveata wee
Mre. Oener. Tbto wee ea*
eeedlayiy tatercaiiny ead tonebed epoe
all the pnneipel eventa or the last eia
itha. "Tsere wu oever e Uwc"
Mrs- tiarser aatd, 'whan yreat avaau
•wrtllny aad
than aaw. Tbsra b
BpaU. whteb ol eonr»a is taa wort ia.perteat to ea.
The aympalkba af oar ooaaUybava
alweya beea with liberty aad freedemu
Bat our war for Cnba wee aot nadertaken for sympathy alone. . Cabs was
yruesy wiwo**'**^- Tba creeity
was terrible. Wa triad la every posalble way to half mature bet osr advaayaa war* spar^ aad ridteeled and
!T*B yreater ereulty pteeueod.
w* were Iriaadly. Taea
tambl* oalawity, tba daatcpetloa of
'•Title war wa^ aa epoch U history.
AfurUUwarUe yreat aatioa* wtU
see tbat jeatiae la done all won ana
that the atrooyer does not oppreea the
tba weaker.’’
Bn* apok* briefly et the death* of
Oladstoa* aad Btewark, and of the aaaeratlOB of the UawsUan Ulaade Also
of ihoNicarartwcaeal aodthaerowaiay cf iba yoaay ^oaoa of Bollaod, sad
many ether tbiays.
-Mudora Bpaaiab Bi*iory’'wa* tba
name of a paper road by Mrs. Toraer
dha apoke of tbe foot tnat it was hard
to realUe that bpata waa one of the
foremoat of eationa Tb* reiyn of
Ferdinand and laabalia wa* Ueatad
aad the honbi* of tbe U«aUttioa,
wblchpaw deacripUoh almoaL
persacntlM of tea Jew*, tba rivalry
betwaea Spain aad Fortoyal and tb*
Jeseiia. Taa reiyn of PnUlp II. hi*
rellyuMU blyotry, tbe low of the Naihartnads aad tbe Spaaiab Armada.
Tbaa tbronyh tbe rriyn* «rt Philip
II: Philip III; Philip IV aad Cbarlre
11. wiu whom ended tbe reiyn of tola
Una of Idoy*. Ail UU tiw* Spain ha*
been yuiay dowa. She was "aaewiayly to baiaelf dtlsyuiacd" and coold tha«
as now. fitly be eallad a “rear yaard

Special Sale..
Aeddeat to Haraw MoFhaU.
■Irem MePtaalL aa employ*, of tb*
Oval Dtob Conpaey, while aaloadlay
lombar at tbe dock yesterday, ihjered
tb* md of bto fiayar ao tbat awpaUlion was foud nreasaary. Dr. Holli­
day attended to lb* Irjnvy.


At Less Than Factory Cost?
We have received from tbe Frisdrich Mtm Hone of CheaA
Bapkla over one bandied Violin* wbicb will be pUcod on «Ie W#
W. EimbdUl'* Huaic Htora, 23o Front Street, for

Baeklaa** Araiu Salwa

15 Days Only.

Bretoas,. Borce.

Band*. ChUbUiaa, Corns, aad
Bmptlena. and poaltlveiy enru Pile*,
or BO parraqabed. It 1* ynarantead
'lyive^tofeet uttofaetlon or money
refuded. Prior U aeato per box.
ssv Hr T O Jobnanr aad « B W«1

Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-date Paintn
aad Paper Haopr.

One-Half to Tfo-Thirds of tbe R^nlar PriciL
Awony tbew wlU
Irina, Coneerratory. OU Boll and Profu>a1 Modala Thai
rbaae vtoUn rat^» frowflSto«7iaacb. -Tbiatsamre wp'
•tar*. AU t
eaa be pot ia flrat eJaa* pUylny ooadiUoa at UtUe e;

W.W. Kimball Co. ‘

Shop opposite Eagle office. N. E, STRONG, Manager.

Good Words.


235 Front Street,,

If You Have Logs to Sell

twee a member of
Beneveleat Society of S,yie*w for
II*. aed have wlw*y« found
My elx
_______and jut. Aeerpt tbaafa
abeck <or P«1 7« U aettfewaot of
my aacldant eUlia. Men U tbto rielaiiy have been b.i]dly swindled by seel
dent sod slekBeto enwiuatos. bet tbe
United State* eaa alwav* ba dapen' '
on to falfll their eonlraok I will

Oorre^pond with tbe Tmrerpe City Lnmber Oonipany.
Webave for«eleeoed.

5sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.

Owr lle!(aiBBr*'i Phne Plata


SCOl Machineryof til dMcription*, inclading T«*o EngkiM,
Worka, Carriage* and Seire. A complete Sew Mill Pleat
tor *el&

TlwHtel>lr samliartvrsd few stostote *ate
ABuooiAT. int vxirsnMm *i Ttvtn wuu
Stem*s«l tar msUw cstMJaBZ^

Miss Doyle
OItm Free LeMOHB


Mrs. Doekeray fiaiafaad Ua tnricy

We Would

Like to Call Your Attention


To the nice Bacon and Picnic Earns we ar» 'I
se'llng. We never had any nicer, nor did sn^
body else.

JOHN J. BftEf lN>^
■Phone 167.



CtS Frmtatne^


lla* of Boorboo* was a wratonad
nod tb* eoaatry ba* eteadUy yrows
from bad to worse antU it la In ila
preaeat terrible coaditiua.
The brnt^py of ue Carilst* la a atory
of -coatiuBoas apriateir*. dafeata aad
ayalo opristny*. Ta* paper wsa aa
exesrdiayjy Ui
Tbr :«saer. Mr*. Foliar, road a very
valus'.r paper oa tbe PbilippUa
lalaouNthat kbo^ much thooybt.aad
SoiBc of tba latsraatiay tacu are
tbaae: Tbar* are 19to island*. iOOof
which are inhabited. The land
Isaboai 11I.3M sqaar* laUoa Th*
oriyiaal Ubab.uau war* a dace of
people, dwarfish la *Ua aad
Hay the oeyre U color aad foatare*.
They were eaUad "tbe UtUe blask peo­
ple of th* wilds" aad ware eappoeed to
ba under the doatinion of the evU oa*.
They were ooaqeered aad yradoally
axterwiaaled by the Malaya.
Tbe first I
Islands wu Bwd* U IMS aad tba e^
tal wa* fixed at MaaUa la 1S71. Tb*
popnUtuMi of th* lalaada ia aboat
8,0W,000 aad U oompoeed of wany
Plaoution Uf* ia tba ladulrial salt.
Tbeeburebbu bauayreat toetoriaj
tbe oppreaaloa of tba people. It bu|
also boen a help in elvUlxlay Ibees.
The preaeat
rweat tuorraetioa
laaorrcetioa toariyhtton riybt- ^.

g Our Offerings

i iHS




^ We make particular mention of BEBD and SATTAE FtFE. 1
^ NITUEB. Aside from a floor ftill of beautiful credflons fa I
^ this material we make prices equaUy as afraotive.
yWhether you intend to refurnish your honee this fliU or '
- just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your :
rooms look rlo^and handsome we offer yon the opportunity •
to.-------------------do so at a very Uttlo cost We want you to see the coods

Tb* wotloh to ai'joara eleaad a meat
profitobl* maatiac, wblA. it to hoped,
to only a prowto* of bettor tblafa to
come dnriflytbawtotor. '



THE HANP& uriieGAimiim^



O. A. Dn4»

B. MW. r- TOM' BxBJMttM «f Za<«au mdar lAa A«m MamxaoAM eovvrr m. J. L. Wkt*. k. U Th*r»to*, ».
•ylM* of «li* /inlM l<MCW
Om*. a B. 80m«u K Mut«r. B SfMT.
oovrnmov TBitsuAT.
W. L. WOmm. A. om* •mi D- Mw

PwlaMla-BMir UriK r. K.
BMwm. A. 1 4ota«». r L JoteMft.
ir.. A. P Ofmy. iota
B. K.
uun. P. P. Urdto. O B. D«
Wbita»»WT^H. K. BMkM, A. 4.
D» VriM. 4. L. Wanw. 4- «. PoUMt.
A. 8. Pray. B T. Pray, B
Daloa->J. N. Uyen. 4. D. Ultaa.
Traoaraa Ottp.' *
Pint Ward—4. W. HUHkM, 4. W
PatoUa. O. P. Oarw. A. P. Oa«»rou.
4. A. Loraarar. B. Moataraa, Oe<<rga
aoa. B. B. Me<ljy. Prod Baatar.
5. M Browa. B. Baa^aa. W. 4. Par>

A wp pratv mtKUiamnX
rSvM jMtMd*7 •tWMM U Uto»(7
Ball, by tba 4aalar Laagwof tba Pleat
It wn tbo le
aad a brigbtar, pratUar. eatar aoUaetIM Of bablaa tro«U ba bard to find
aaywbara. ^aylaaghad andarowod
aadnada araryoaa happy woo aaw

• tbailaao tba old
danaa loat lb halaaro aad laO
Awabatwoaa tba baron. OMlrtebft la a trlBlag tbiag.
ad bln aad tbaa tbay both atartod «d
batWM an «M« aacNMorly oB -Adlar”
randraggiag tba boary Iroa raltar
Trpaaara. yat “AdlrP" Oetblag own ita good
tba proatnna —a. Aa ba W ?«
to parfac(loB of drtaUa. Tbo iaoty
yraraofagolttafaa^baanybot tabotUBf an ainply oar iadiaattoa of tba palM
takab by tba naaafaetaran aa brlag tbalrgoeda
A big awanp ffn aaar
to a polbt when arIttefaW la tnpnalbto. Thla
atartod Mooday aad tnialrad tbroa
daya work by baadrrda of noB to bo
gottea ndar ooatnl. aftor a 1— of


POar yoan ago Albert B^tb. a MiakagoB naa, wn ia Barealaaa. Bpala.
of tba babloa whe took dlaea tbaa hta roUUrn bad beard ao
pritea aad why tbay took iu»ji
tron bln bad bad glno bln ap
«irMMM of tb*ofioM Md^ friwid*
Ifordaad. A latter bn Jaat baaa —
•r tb« wloM
»at U M««
Mtrodiron bln. Bata
ha prl
gmi worlc. tbw* WM M iu-feotlar
alltUe oart, gino by ta« Han>i; oa tto traaapoit In Oraad Oaebna,
label ta not meraly as i
■MUMtod. «*d thorwalt wtU ■«*
tea Clotbiag Co., aad wea won by wbleb broagbt tba Baroaiy-Bret Maw gaaraatee that every gara
to wbtab It ta aV
Mrfm wUbth* OMpotra.i* wbteh
Maartal Pool*. A praity owktia waa York bon.- Iron BaaUago.
tarbod ta right, fron llalog to bnUoabole.
«h» difeoMd eobdMotM »UI loko u«
At Port Baroa Prod Pordrat, C» P.
igtraaby taeJoalor Uageo to PbUlp
“Adler” Clothirg ia Intendad for mes wbnsa
IMroMM Md pall tor Uom omto
Joia. be batag taa*baey waa tba earll- Thlrty-lbird tfioblgaa.wbo
taste* lead tbrn to wish to to weH dmaOoodrtok. A B. Baaaati, WUllaa Oola. nt balr.
ad aa dead for tone Unc, arrired bona
‘ /
ed. bat who do not care to pay the blgb priea*
Tka tm^rn ot •kartt. i
4aa C. Vorcma. B. & dalUi. Tl
n dull giroo by Dr. B. A Aabtoa. for rhnraday nornlng. HU
of tbe aaaton tailor. It ta daelgaod by experta
•ItorMy aad rarl*t«rofdaadaoaeaaloa- Maoltoa, 8. C. Oar.ow, 4oa 2ti
wltb joy aad to aald ba felt and node by ctpable aa4
tba fatiaot baby.
««• Uaruld
ad Ua seat ooaMttoa aad aovaral
Bararot UNlUak.
aa If It waa raaorraetloa moraiag aad It oocae* ia tbe W-.t ma'chnV a!l r patteraa
avMMd apaaabMVaa«4ap Ua pro
W. W. teUA.
Tba baby with the man hair waa to waa tbo Brat oao ap.
and flu aad waan like tae toet merebaet lallor**
A C. Dt^praa, Victor Patortyl, Cbariaa Miaa Btbolya 0.ruglBa. who roooirad a
work. We have tbo sale «f “Adler'* aotblog la
Thaaaardaoawareopaardby 4adffa 4obaaoa. 4. H. Moaroa, 4. T. Raonab.
pair of noocnlaa, gitaa by Artbor
TravefM Oily, aad oer new atoek of aaita
B. U CMrbatl. mko waa ekoaaa tanpor- A L. Gorbatt, A. W. A‘ekard. P. C. OU- Jobaatob.
Mr. and Mra. A W. Haieblaa of
avsrooata 1s now ready.
fy attalrwaa. Uagavaa naglar ad. bart, Oaorpo B Hoyt. M B. Oalaa.
4. M. Martlaak gara a Mt of plaa t Blyrta, (Nilo, an riUUag the fanlly of
Atom, la wbleb ba dwalt oa
aaeIghan. Ton dkaaa. tbo yoaagni baby wao walked. Toaoa W. O. Foota Wnt Proat
Poartb-A 4.1Pdlfl
•Mof ibaaddiiaUiraitoaef Praatdaat M. n. Orlait. wai W. mriby. Dr. B. A wara woa by Carl Walwo. foanoao
W. H. Cooper of Eopo Collega, woat
lUSialay aad U>a Bapab;kaa laglaia- Qaner, C A Doekaray.
to Hortaport yotterday noralag.
aoataa o'd.
Waa wbkoa aadagaia orgayat proa
Flftb-M VlaiOD, L A CUralaeA
Pervy Bdwarda, wbo waa tba toby will giro a aorln of
liy *0
aatlea. 4adya CorbaU
Praak Unlor, W. W. Paltebild. Oeorga wtu toe ioaei hair, woe a wuia of atOneaa and Lalaad.
..atowad taa^ «ar wlia dpala aad lu A Buaroa. G. P. Oarrtaoa. Cbariaa parfane, gsren by ito Janlor Laagaa,
Wilbaln left last alght for
■ayattaiMt roaalu aad lo oloaiac da Ptekall. A. 4. MaBeary.
Prod tooor. fron Graao Baplda. waa Detroit, whera ba wt-l neci Oenpay
riarad ibiilrma ihi ~n t-irn araald
Tba roport waa aearptad aad adopted. tba toby oonteg the gn
apoa ttolr raiura trip, aad aoaaror m\ apoo Aatcrtm’a doBaioa.
■mpaay than bone.
The eonnIUaa oa prnaaaeat orgaa- aadmeireda book fron the 4aakor
Tba ordar (or ia.> aomoalMa of abar. UaitoB aad-erdaretbaalaan raportad Ungaa.
Loot Bight tba
ISoattbaaaaroatfoa bail roUloy aad aa fallowa: Ibat tba tanporary orto m
Tba prlM tor tbe toby with tba boat toaeban arritpd ia tba
Wm friaada of atahar oaadidata aara gaaUaUoa ha nada prmaaaataad that eonplaziuB waa waa by 4oaa Bora. It tbalrdatlnaaxtMoeday: MUanCarr.
Waioan of tba raaali. B«a Parry
ba nada aa lollowa:
waa a botUa of perfano' fron tba PeytOB. tororaaoa, Chyalrr, Dna aad
Baaaah aoataaiad dhariff blapaoB.
dbariff.alark.ragtour of daada, traaa- Laagaa
■ vha, ba daalarad bad owda a food^tt'
C. V. Boblla of Charlotte. «too baa
A cap obd naeor waa glraa by P.
Mr aad iraa worthy of a oaooad
•nMloaar, aoaaty aarroyor. <
Kyaalka to ibo toby wao waa laa bnt heaa rUltlag bU aoa V. C. BohUA wUl
Attorkay 4. W. Pi
iorelga talker. Tto priM wae glraa ntora benatedayPadawbarlB C. W. Aahtea aad la aa
Bkbard Riley. Llenteaaat of Oa. C,
A pur of draft boraea, color bay, weight S1(M,*a' litUa r»«gBi. -as>
> Maad Beuiar.
Oe nottoa tto ebair appolatod aa
Tto prlM tor Iba aroniit toby waa Sitb Michigan, panad tbroagb tto elw tra nice pair, well broken.
ilaol Mr. Aaatoa.aedrari
tollora: P. A Walkar. A Caaa. d. C.
YW by Joaepalaa Bwaera aad waa a yaatarday oa bla way to P—abay fron
A fine bay mare, blocky bpilt, 1550 in wei^t.
wky ba abooia ba abantf of tba euutT- Oarrow, P. T. Peterna, aad tba ofll- Irar apooa g.raa by 4oha Veriy.
idaad Ltha.
a of Paradlaa. Who
Ad extra good gny maiyj 5 yeaoi,'waigbt 1500,'Uoek bnSU.
rra took ike aaaal oath of eftee.
Mr. aad Mra. Ray Thacker retarard
Uerbart Aebwa, ta« oldnv toby boy,
aaanaaniif aowa Una ago that ba; The proantaUoa of aann tor aoniOne
hay mare, 6 yean old, weiebt 1350. blocky built
aaa eatgirea by Mia. Ulgblaad.
—aid Uka to bo abartS. waa aotpMUo- aaUaoa tolog la order. Hua. Perry
P. A Hayea, who bn anUied la H.
Tba Jaaler Leagaa gare'a eap aad
A-poir of grey geldioge, blocky bailt, waigbt 2600, 5 and 7 yooib
y la arldaao*: ia fact
Baaaah prneated tto aane cf Oanr naoartottohntalBgiag toby. Gea- A OarterU aadertakiag reoma dartog
aei —attoaad, haul aoar tba aad of
toraberlff aad 4. W. Patdhla
-etaraed to BatUa Croek
ra Whltnaa neaiead tan.
A nice blark more, blocky boilt 7 yean old. weight tftSQ.
tba eoaraattOB, wbea Aidoraaaa Good- that ofC W. Aataioa.
■'opporta w—
Bdltb Geuig eroB a toUet aat gina yeoterday to raaana Us nedleal
rlab taghlrod wbat bad aaeona of Mr. —da for both aad a ballot war takeo by Mr. Haakeil to taa toby wltb tbe atadUa.
A low bailt ^y mare 7 yeara old, weight 1500.
ftr*------ ^ Opto that Una Mr. Blaeb- rnalUag at feltowa.
Ad eztnt nice chestaot boree, Jtilocky boilt with orcbed xtecki
Id tha dtf
raddnt hair.
bad BOt aoaarMd than- Onar Blnpooo............................................U
Waiaoa Fowls woo a platan book, fron Oraad Baplda Tbaraday.
w^ht 140a
aalroa, bat ibaa It waa toe >au aad hit C. W. Aehtoa
Cbariaa f^riatlaaaoe. tbe lambar la- ,
girea by UoUay A Coaaable
A pair of blocky boilt bay marea, weight 2400.
Mr. Binpaoa-a aonlaattoa was nada prrttlnt toby.
epeetor of MaaUtee. U ia tto city.
A fine cbeetnat mare, 5 yean old, rangy boilt, weight 1400;
Wboa tba ballot for abariff waa aeaeliaoaa.
a A Raorom. L E • B«ble and Wn
Bath Craig woa tbe aoeoad prin for
I aaarlB dinpaoD wa|a loay
Dr. Waltor preaaa^ tba aa— of W.
A fine bay geldiog, 5 yaan*old. blocky boilt weight 1350.
Rnaarll. fron Xortbpon. apaat a law
la aane thUg. A rUk
A Nawioa tor eleik'aad then batag from tae 4nalor Loagar.
wiimm, raealrlof M rotea ocaiaat
Ao extra good cbeatoDt faorae, 8 yean old. weight 1150.
bom ta tbU city yasterday.
oe ether aoniaatloo Mr. Mawtoa waa
dar Aabtea. Tba aoalaaUoo waa m
Third pcisa, adoufron tto Jaaler
F. M. Hanlla and wife of Mooroo
A Dice brown mare, blocky boilt, weight 1160.
aned by aeclanatloa
Centre took dlaaer at Hotel WblUag
Laagoe. waa woa by Can Mnltoa.
A few cheap bonMi at a very low price, and a whole IMtd foil ai
Tmto waa BO oppoolUoB to Ooaaty
For regUtor of daeda A. L Tbaraioa
ThrjadgffeweroMiv W.V. U.abargh. yotwrday.
all kiodfl of bones to sail all kinda of costomen.
Clarii W; A. Kawu* aad ba waa r*- aanad Prank W. Wllsoe; G. P. Garrl
Mra LarklBt of Fifth street b eeterMra W. 6. Parpla and Mra George
Bj^aatodoatbhataatioauy by aeeUaa- aoa amie>Mi A O Ladd aad 4. W. MidiStock
taken io'^cblnge for faoraes. Tima given with good 8A
tolBlag Mra Godfrey aad
ken boned O C M .ffatt.
cority. Satisfaction gturauteed or money nfooded. Please bear ik
.Tto UtUa fwlka of tba Jaaler Leagaa Hollaad City.
Troaaoror Oao. W. Clyda waa alaadarlie wen node aad.tbe ballot n* deaerre noeb credit for aaeb a nice coPoaimtttcr Biff and W. B. Thacker mind that yon c«n bay cheaper and better hones here, tod know ,
ly boaorod. aad Utor M. B. Gatat waa aaited!
aad praiac u rapccially dae will leave tbU noralag for ClaelBaail wbst yoo are getting before yoo buy tbon any aoctioo aole.
•a—dtor olreait ooart
.0 C Moffatt
Min Laura Aabtoa, wbo was tbe -'good to attend tbe aaiioaal U. A A e
by aBaalnoat eaaarot.
Dr w. B F W Wl:.' B
Mta* Edna Thacker will
lany’ uf the tobiua.
Mooa aad P. A Walkar wore aontaatro
paay her father.
Oa notioB Mr Muffatt'a aonlaattoa
for aoroaon im tba aana plaaaaU
MUa Alice Wlrkenban left last eight
«as node aoabinnB*
for a vUlt of several noatba with
P. C OiiMrt Bon'd G W Clyda for
'aaa-abarp eoataat for tba
frleeds at Dayton, Obla
Tmeorer, aad then- being ae Other
a for ragiator of daoda. O. C.
Arob Cameron was a vieltar hero yaa■latan pmeat-d Mr. Clyde
MoBatt. A 0. Udd aad Praak W. WiltenUy from Torch Lake.
iRBted bt ee-^Umaioe.
j Katteia of Xaiaiast ffnm AU
aoB, tba lauar from Kiagatoy.
Willism asbbeler of Lake Abb was
a Bp>«r naneit J. J. Twaddle for I
Peru of Xicblgaa.
plarod la aoaiaaUoa. aad tba raaolt
a geest at tbe Wbltlag yeslerdsy.
gara tba hoaor to O. C. Moffat ay a proeaeailag ai*'»art; G. W. Steward amwwmmwwwmwmw^
larg« najority. Uanog tba proeaad- eaned F'wd H. Pratt. 0. A Doeker.y
Free PlUa.
MBWdCO. PostOfi.-f fioUdioff.
Clark Derby, aged fl, of PraakllD.
lag! tbaa. tbraa aaadidataa aat togoth- aanad M C Diigr, aed J. L. Oibba
Lenawee ooaaty. Jenped fron a b-y^
arjnaibaekoftbeparqaat eirvla aad aanad G. W. Cartla. Tbe baltot nloft and loaded on a pitchfork. Hit A Co., ^blosgo. and get a free aample
East Proat atreat.
vbUa aaeb hoped to got tba aomlwaof Dr. King's Kew Life PHI*. A
Injurioa will probably result Utol'y.
trial wUI oonrlace yoo of ibelr meriu.
Waa tbry ware aaeb ready to aztoad
Tbeae pills are easr
easy la actioa iand
Michael Sbeaa of Pootlae died Wed- Tbeoe
baarty tupport aad
nartlcnlarly eftecure la tbe <
aesday agad oaa bandred yaars.
lb# wiaaer.
OkUpatltm and
Sick Headache.
Aaotbar warn ooaUat ease
Haria and ~Liver troubles they have
Hr. Pratt'* B'inination waa, oa no* dhaaa bad the dUtiaeUon «f dririog
broa vadoraod by
tbe Srataplka la the D G.U. A M rail­
rn provec
ivrd Inralusble. They
•ba aonlDaUoB tor proaeeottag
UoB, nada aeaBimoB*.
«bs world, litep U
sraateed U> be perfecOy free from
road. He bad aarrired bU wife one
•ay —a raacbed bred U Pratt <
and to ue and usi ite qBallty of tona W. W. KIMBALL CO., M. A 8TB0K0,
week after a aoloa of alcty-dre yean. every (leieimun* suwisnoe sou
•a easy wiaBer. Mealy C. Dtdgeeame
pnreV TegrUble. They do not weaken
ta taeoad. while Proroeator Twrddie
At Ht. LobU, Leroy llolnee. aged eo, b,i their action, bnt by giving tone to tbe
waa only glrae IT roira Jatfiee O. tarrty
Pfl etpber aaned F. A wedded Oliva CooDen. aged <4, and tbe stomach and boweU greatly Invigorate
the ey»tem. Regalar site
per box.
W, OsrUP wpa girea a conoUnec.tory WalkrraadG. P. GarrUra nomad !>r. aewiy wnlded bride applleo for a di­ Sold by J. G. JohBSOB. and S. A Wait
Whera W. B. FLBTCBBR servea flni
W. B Mon fir oomaare. aad on no- vorce tba followlagday.
boU of tbrto.
elaea regular meals for He aad BsM
Tromaa Oadea of DetroU, aged two
Lnaebvaie the wrrld for Ite. Open all aigbl.
BapttbUeaa Ooauty OoomUoA
years, got bold of a bottle of of oorroaby arolanaUoB,
Tto Hepablieaa eoeetr aoaraat.oa
Od motioB, the eoaraatlon adjoarned. ive anbilmte and draak a portloa of it.
net la bUaatorg'a Graed Friday aftermalUng la dea'.b.
BOOB, aad waa called to order by ebairAlso d strict naaafers to
Mr. Rohr of Biapira had flDy alee Hu
naa 4 H. Monroe, wbo u»*ed Jadge
Ue cbickena when the week oonaea
pprbrWtotbftbbUWnporailly. J. L Id Wbat tbe War Wub Spain Oeat
On* Vlght Only.
oed. OeWedsesdey noralag be bad:
Oibla «hi ekoacN tonpOFAfg tottoiary. Va-Mlaety-Oaa Prom MlebigoB. tbraa. and a bold, tod nlab lay daud, to all Ibr aaobettpied territory la MichOa noUdb tbe e)
Cblcaifo. Sepi
Tha TriboBe today abot by Mr. Bohr, a* to waa la tba act Igaa. Moat p-'paHr plaa aceideat aad
benelt Insaraoee oa the market.
aim. m> aalaitoU; r. K. Bro... glraa tba foUowlog aUtUtloaof deaths of Bteklsg away wltb tbbn alao.
«M • v*f7

bMmoBloa* g*UMriBC.


Horses for Sale |
At Pioneer Livery Stable, ,
B. J. MOBQAN, Prop.

Now I have s ilae lot of them. Fifty head
to select firom.

-- ----- -

Plea-e ca 1 and examine my stock wheth.
you wisb to buy or no*.
> B. J-. M:OH,a-AlT


This Column For Bargain^:!


Fw Ydiir ScbMl Bools
Fifty Cents
Guard Ohains Ss?,
Bale Yoo Tried Tbe Kimball?

..... ;«

Furniture Bargains

Columbian Restaurant

k Live Agent Vanted

Steinberg's GrandiCity Opera House
Opera Houee
Wednesday Eve., Sept?
Saturday, September 10
Grary and
ta IKkUu UeMut iBKUUii

».0«ia;acoaaim. ai p.maa.1 ona»i,.u<»

tba amy daring tba' war with
oflUAH aad nes bantoen
killed la batUa or died of wounds ff*
aetrod, than hartdled/of dlacaao la
inpa totwaaa l.too.ijbd Tolna.
teen had regalara.
Tbe lUt by eaibpi it: ^np Tboaaea,
ut: DeaUa^ »4h Sao FiUBCl*eo. *?•
CampAlgar.lSi CampWlkoff.M: JdtKaoarilto ko: Tampa. &»: Mlalht, :c;
Perrandloa, Lakeland,
*«rmlaor«mu»p*,lbl»:Tste bu.
pitala, ai homo. cte.. Mlh atoteeamps
M; tnusporu aod bospllal ablpa. to;
at%ribnte4 to tbs followIngcaorot-. Typhoid few. si5; yeUow
fevsc.M; dyaeatsry.Mi memlaglUs. 47;
malaria. Nil poeomoola. 81. Oauao iw
ported ,» fever. 106.----------- ^
or dlaguoataoo* raporlto.
TataL I.W4,
Of the regular army flto are dead;
Ma—rbuaeWstaaaaaed wlib 110. UUoota Uilrd wttb too.
wltb *li aadMawT^k flftbwitb 06.

Cbariaa B F<s,(«r.. a iltcblghb Cea- ThtOilyAaedktIn UlkUltfTktt
Wfi'll dead ai Jacktrain
- Claim kj Td^ripk.
•aatFAtaUasffaetaota ballet wauad
Noalvad la to aitereattoa with a tramp
A tnkip alapl all algbt la tba bon
OfA 8piu;ar Of Kikaak. -a. algbt j WBDU> of luHT«sev roe •I'k i-tyr

Sh* Toong ObarAoUr


Lim wnpaed UP la a oawapapar.


AtOadtllae ClareBO* Wade, i

nu Assoas-no*
AssucisTiox »»
s* ososnuxo
t. Ni


Is SB estlivly

tv wrttwe

twelmi of «l

la toe laughable comedy, /

“Si Plunkard.’ ‘APairofLunaticO’

i bad rooelvod proof*, aad la­
lieved of bta elotbea ia a audden aad
ir tba other moraiag. enrM men uad womae from 18 t
year* of ■
worklag Bear alai»aoor»b‘«t
lo iBibnUphiToML
uad la terulag urouad bta alolbteff
aaugbtlatbe wheal, with to* rrault
AtrulStelsaevesaiaM pimere «
tost wbea he vote blmtolt loom be wa*: bssfcw <«****. '
ee*s*a-L STOsttB* iw
Prospeetta sad T*»w».
gbnia partkm of bta
aek sad bta baU
itaalsl Tbompaoa, ooe of Up—
eooaty'soldcatsattlefu, mn wito wbat
e M aB>eS. New ta v
may prove to to a fatal acadeat Wadti1~t
He wae out la bta fleld a% bta
term borne, aontoeeat at Imlay Oty,
Bxtiw Nio* Bad OUw
rolUtoa'ptoM of wheat, whM tba


Seed Wheat for Sale! t-*

luaie He Behan ftnwJtot

OU too oto ol

k T5ew3-i- *• D-*. I- *■


AdaiMion, 86.86,80o.


“taUi'Nirfailur."- .
otoadnmatta aaeoa iaoaoaal.

”RiDmlaMlM fliim"
Popelar prioos. Boflcir*aa«Md
on oola Hmklaj.
«iy Maoa Utajad. F. o

ZB> M0«K»0 «wpM <atdm)AY. rtrailiw* a, twe

CiavaanONg Hnboa.
Balow ta a Uat of tba b«^ and opU
Mtlto Bstnawtosn nm UfclBg m UvaTharvwUlbaBdaBaa 1b tatobtog^
B«r«ed OvT/
, ball ihte pvaalagt toiala bp Hala'a «raaa. to tabs plan an iaa. 88.188*. aad ama^r
tba Bopal and Bopal Aatnoomlcal aoMr.BsdMie. JoaZitoaaratoBM r»- (dattea am arraagiag to asod ewt tbna
JoM^ over the arrival of twtaa. a putlee of obaarvm. Tbe eeatrol line
lergelT UMe bright brotbar aad pmtp alator.
tnmm western India, tbe dnsatlee of
o. f. CAMTXB. Affiawm tBdpettiel pwBiMM thee U gca*
Tba nnlar amralM to MaaMaa m totalHp at tbe Boat tavarnble outton
tnUf kaowB. iti aKfeliMM bee heea
twoninntea. Thapreapeota
gnetig icetrlcted on ecooant of Ite een • tba M. A K. B. will be givaa feadap of fair weather are <
................ oortof pndoctkn Tbie ■oralag.
tionaUp good, aa tbe Jaimaip aUea iff
B.'t A oL. Beat..............
It li BOW HMtU* to tell ttie oxec*
cla BOW appeata to have bean t»Tba toeoibatb et Traveiw
^■edet which e tR^le nMteewhcD
d bp as invantioa of S. Asdnoli. No. 71. are rwiaaetad to tobbt at MoaIt iMTee the laterlof e( ooe otf the greet
..........................“ illp to be
Ball thia aturwMb at 4 o'elook
Maniaue. HIrt.. Aog. 1. Itie.
toarrmaga for aUaadlag tba faawal ef
Dear 8ire:-I rcorlvad today thra^
largea wbiob geaersted it Aa the Mra Walloa’a eblld.
pner district Banager, W. B. Bwiy.
W. O roeta baa the Old KbalM
a chart of gw 00. in tnU aaftlstoani of ,
.racue Ttm tba glam wUeb tapTbejeetbei leaa^ple ci ees be. anted tba metalUc eleetrodaa loto ita
aad baa
A weamro iwntor bus developed aa
bean awarded tba aoatraat tor tbe area1 Ite^ eiapUdirlieiti
Tangetoaot w^bp tbe art of open­
ead gBMAicelHT. Oeapend w«h the aad gradoallp became a ooodMt^ Uoa «f oaa la tba Laataar dUtrlet,
- ------------ gf yOpT
ing tbe fnnince door to fire pate into
ma.1 raaaala
meet teei, the eU tdeee of thetbeo- After awbile tba oaneat woald begla Solon.
1 aana or vnavi
operation an aciangement tor injeetii
. «ng
atioBl steeeereiDeBi of tbe eelodt; at e to pom ttarongh tbe gleet, wblob
1801 Viaa
Ouaral Maangv Qaald of tba & * bnttd air into tbe fnrnaoa, and tbie
grojeetile an bet cliild'e pUj. Hen for
for a predetermined
the «nt;giae U eeteeilr
to work, la Hr. Aadreoll*e itmatioa
to the IraetioB of a araaod. tbe exeot
w are tlmplp boxea tbroogb oltpUatevaalagaadtbaa left io tba
gw-d of B pTO^eetlle u it ebooce oa ite wUeb oold air or a eooilt« llqoid map otoarvatloa oar tor Cbarlev^. A priie T0I7 elmilate. Aa tbep are k»g aod narrow vate ear of tbe Ana Arbor road alaa period, tbe length of wbicb ie deter­
WB^ofOevtractkiB. It ie^to tbie-----mined bp uperiment wbicb will allow
W'.t i:>et tii>« Ua<ee of tbe
tbelr "point bearing" anrfaoe ta.varp called at tba atoUna. The «:S0 train
of tbe combaetioo eff tbe volatUe con- Crga. per dosea.
I xiurot of tbe aa*7 here bees wort- large and aedve. and a large qaaoUtp took itaoatb.
Petatovi. per ba....
otitoentB at tbe fnel.
toe aiweje. Aa orduesoe offioer noet ofoaooa lagiveaofL
New telepbnaaa ware plaaad peaUrhe*e aeeorate kaowledge at tbe nloelt^
How famaebing tbe ntllitp of tbla
pairing and enameling, ai
of e projfcole tbet be BMiy predict ite
on moa
and do give Ton tba beat . .
obolmnge eud peaetrattaa eud detemtne
t tft Iapplicatlona wbieb have
one in the dtp tor tba money. _.
ara germs wbeu disKdpvd In water to
tbe eocorecj- of the gnu. It ie oa abto- been mede of oione, even nnder tbe tba former and 168 tba latter.
«n t»
be deceived by wbat otbm toll yon
leta%<-«i«it7tbBt tbe power of deetzao------ and aae
of ita high coat of
Tbe flert of tOt(m qcartere of tbe
ttoo df tbe projpctiie, ai well ae tbe
^ I gnaraatM nil my wort to be right,,
tbe flavor of
power « peiwtngoa at tbe port! of scribed, both here and in Bnrope, In tbe
bean r has
aod U U dona ant prove ao I make.!*
bind qoartmbas
I of ite Jooraey throogb t
treatment at nlocKnu ertmuds sod in
J. C. Lewis, oae af the elevaraat ol beef, wbile
air. ebonld be knows. Wttboot neb tbe enre of consomption and other dia[tiaadiaos. asaUtad bp a nompaap of a flabp taste.,
In tni 8 o’clock every evMtnf
koowledge there ran be no arrorate pian eaaeo. It is emplopW in tbe maatifao- sertt, wUI preaeattbeamoeiag Yan­
There are abont 100 grains of iron
except Bnnday. in tba OaMwall A Lon­
ef flriug adopted, breasee to a cetiais tore of ocreted waters, in tbe psrtfkain
don boildiag. at north asd^<. OaSito,
kee drama. ■•Si Plsakard.'- at Steinaaient it will be gvmwotk.
tion of bear carta and intbedeacrootico
important la this uceedinglp small
.lito great tiooble bua been to get of tlM fermeau wbidi cau« iMmaaea o' brrg'e Graod Opera Hooae os Satardap. qoaotitp ibatiis dinjnntfiia iaattendad
MOM piacttcal tueiM to bring aboot baer. la the manofacttne of "de^' Sept. IDth.
with voy aerioqfl resnlta.
tbe desired reralt wfairfa wm (C'be(Xible for tbe leatber iutlastriea, in tbe prer
Mr. Lewis has aorreondad blataalf
a Ugbt of 1
af proof witboot being aboant tbe abip, arniicti of wood for making mnaloal in- wUb a good eom caap of
candle power te plainly visible at 1
for iustoDct, that -waa died at Tbe
and emrti^w^
Tba ebaiaeiara of tbe pUp. a^eelallp mile, and one of 8 candle power at 8
great gnn< of tbe narp ar< asid to have in tbe bleaching of ItBen clothe
principal oaea. are not graatip milea. A 10 candle power Ugbt was
a naximtuu rasge of nlae Bilea. The parse. In tbe bleacblng of aurcb. in
at Law. Syeeta)
with a binoenlar at 4 milea, one of
fact of tbe matter is. bewerer. that an tbe vlntgar lodoatip. in tba deoolora- overdrawn from real life, aad that SO at 0 milea, tbonib talntlf, and cbm
tVavacto CMy. Wrt
M ton Btin can never be Beated at ita tioa <g iiintiaara airopa and moiet ■aakea the fan geanlne aad baartp.
cf 88 candlm at tbe oama diataaMWilbange power aboard a ahip, angar, U tbe pteparatico cd dTpiag oUa Pitrakard la the alarp of aa aaaaap
for if it w e tbe reeon would lanlt in and tbe manotaotnie of llnoleam. in lag. simple oR farser being defraadad
hnking the abip. Tba i
tbe preparalhs
lies dt
ot a diahtfeotaat
bp bp a elevrr rtarper from tbe clip, aeoaOBisag tnipentlDe. in tbe strriliaa- eUladbpaaaaecropnloaaJaw. Mr. J.
tioo of water. In tbe
bleartlog in oaajBoetkm with <
agoDti and in tbe matarlng of apirltB
ard, whose chief reaeoa far balag ta to
and wines.
888881 8888 111
aarve as a foil to tbe eoavaaliaaal vUna. »Bsaaa aaee esc
Uia. Tba aanaatloBsl faawras
B« ss8st« fiass aat
seated era a fall warkiag
setar^ t.AWEoUB WANTB.
phpsica! tppe^
Bkaoblaa. a tbriUiBg railraad aeaaa. laa8efiBBB8B8aai‘.
fareignera have,
'aandatraia of
ooi^ M. All
~ '
IM feat la laagth. paaa aeraaa tba
stage at "ghtniag spaed, praaeaung all
ha>» b*aa laet te treat et Ibe
s of a train of
ISes. bare been rapldlp adeptug EuoTba oooatp fi^aoeae. a reaUstie The Paekeri at the Battle of
peas BodM of life are lodng the eooenRanHagft (Jo Ooba Were All
trloitp ft tbeir epM and tbe
M at a eoantp fair, and maap ntbar
of their eb««k booea while reoentlp eatebp BovaUlea. Ibis aaason tba
Heroes — Their Heroio Ef­
bora children have leai fUtienad noaea
forts in OettioB Ammuni­
toe tbeorvtical range and obtain for than tbeir anoeatora. with a akin not so adp bH bau tw written aad wlU be
toentarlvea a positive knowledge of Jaat- pfOIow. Earopeanf aettJiug in Japan. prvowitad with aU new foatvwa aad all
tion and Batione to the
what it was praockal fs tba gana to on tbe other hand, gradoallp lose tbe new apeeialttaa bp a taleatod compaay
Front Sawed the Day.
in aad tend to noro^o
color of tbeir tldD
When tbe teat takes plaoe, two Opes qnire
icricitp in tbe epe. An- farce eootadpsBCC am
e set 160 feet apart Is front of

ltd. says: “We all bad diarrhof*
tba gnu. Wirea are stretched back and Leclere. wbo bee
The <barp A Oldaon eamblaatioa. more
re or leas
l««s vlolant
violent form, acd wbrni P... nepal ^baaae t-et****tortb acroas tbrae frames, making a
atrikiag change is bis ooaottpmen, wbe for pea-« have been pUpiag to
leaded we bad noI time t
screen tbroogb wbicb the shot mnto IbePi
srlll appear at tbe tor. for it wee a ea«e of rush aad rnab
pMS Tbe wiree in each aerven form a aeqnire tbe tppo and tbe gait of tba
night and dap to kev;
Clip Opera Hone*. WedoeeOey. Seplem plied with ai
antsplete electric ciicnit, wbicb tn- aaciTea.
Mtedas rtso an electric batteip and on
ber 7. They bare proved to be great hut. thanks
■■ t, after
alectro msgaet The projertlle.
favorites with tbe amoeement-eeekiag
for Ibe bollSev*.
Like manp other good tbinga. tbe poblic of tbe euv elwapa Ming greet- were able to keep at work ai _ keep gr&eeC toe Uiffcavina tbe gun, flies tbroogb tbe
cmr bealib: in tact, I alacerelp believe beokel
to tbe%rat acretm. iutemptiog tbe cir- metric ipstem baa a hard time in arriv­
that at one critical
.Ucal Ume this BcdidBe
c«H and releasing, tbe annstnre of tbe ing, bat is amc sootier or later to get ed bp large and
magnet. In a apace of Ume ao small aa Iwn. It woold mis the present geaenfor If the nacken bad been unable to
know'n that return aarageBeeti
work there woald have been no wap of
alweps crowded. Tbep have deeervedlp getting aaopMes to the front. There
> of gcuecatiotM pet t
baa oorerad tbe diatauce betnotn tlm , jaaoM
two frames and picTaed tbe wire in tbe that woold
rise and call os blessed if
___ on rnaoe tbat a wagon train
Jn e<
aeoQnd..inteiroptuig Ua elwtrical cn»- we
• sbonld oalp allow ooraelvea to be have been quick to a
oaa Mvoomradrand tn^^lf b^ rte
irandlta^IXSa m. BeeplM sad «mlag
or leas ooufosed for a rime, tbat tbat the poblic bU grown tired of long
tent and releasing tbe atmatore of itsI mote
tbe fbtorc iubaUtants of oar ooooap
•nrdirlor for oor nnck-train I
Biagnet aa in tbe first case.
drawn oat plapa. wtihont plot or plan. i-tt Tampa, and 1 know In I
measore and weigh tbeir nomerTbe intertol between tbe drops of. migbt
pointed it ebaolutely esved life-”
CbesetwoarfiatoresrvpnnesUtbetimaI ijoa
articlea of cotamerce tff a eparfAV-.--.. n that cooM be oultaetood witboot and fnil, ritbar ol pore ootn-dy or drespent bp the projeedk in traveliui
mentbs and evai pears of stodp. . Tbe matie action, and Ibaretore will pro^t. Thu cima
Is indicated b/ tbaII| mcni
O. U MOgWOOb «. P. a Y-A-. Onad
I adeptiou of tbe metric apatem is a gift MSi to tbeir audieaoes Uiia eeaaoo a
t owe to poateritp. P« aearlp everp- program lO dlvnroifled that ft caaBOt
oeatoip. which is fitted np with bat- thing we have aod are we are indebted fall to plaase and provoke mneb aatbnleriesaud swiiohboard. Tbe armatore to tbe paat Are we not willing on oor liaam aad applauee.
of tbe fim eirctro maguet is an tioo : part to make ao small a sacrifioe far tba
tod abont ihree fnd l<long.[, wbicb ia sot- good of tbe fi
:bit rod falls when
In CW««o reoeutly tbe steel skeleton
tbe first sem-D U leteed. Tbe arma. nine atmp bnlWing wna creotod ia
electro magnet is
tore of tbe sseoi
John W. bbrirer. a poong man.
an, par^aoedulitUc
in Dmit is. telsa^ ------------- --------------------- ..... baa bnilt a diminotire ,------------ing
•de of tbe falling tod. I locomotiTe, or, in fact, we migbt aap
ijtbt mark.
[ complete railroad. It ii now nmning
nakes H_5}gl
Wondering whatbtooinve of odda nod
oarrpiug ebildreu
dap. Tbe
. Tbe disiiiiuee from this cot or mark ___
ends wbmi a merebant ebaagsa leoa•eVKRAL VERY
I tbe vnifiBe weighs 460 poands. lu length, UonT Why all tbat kind of staff is
to the cud of tbe rod
tbroopb wbicb tbe rod baa ^ritb tender, is 6 feet 7)^ iodbee.
ip b> eoneerns of the type poo
dropped while the proj««tlle is passing pyUndera are IJt lucbea diamew by
jlng. iNo gnrea work abont
from one screen to auotbiT. This forma
nmbes stroke, and tbe driving tbavi dot boneatlvlt'e too bad, mp
........nnit for tbe call
n of tbe pro- ,beels 8 inebea diamettr. The antbe deto fvllow tbat you eboald Uk* no
On Cl.Tvnlk
Jectile's velpcfty io feet per seeopd. train, oooriabug of engine, tender, foot eometbiog which was never iBleoded __________ ireet
Oc KItsmcnI. New ezplusiv<.M and bigb power gnus observation cam bos car and caboose, ter you. It never aotcrod our mind, s hisir
Ob OsrftHA bv
b row-.- ...
have iuereattid Ibe initial veloriip of
joug. Tbe tender carriea 6 even U spend one c-at In advertising O
Ob Lsbr eves i
Ob KIK&tb BtrMV
ftomv ol I
projeotilcs woad>TfnlIp in tbe last few (-allons of water, and wUb 6
yearn. ProicctllHi may be esprlled now the boiler tbe euginecan ron two boat*
vonreelf. It seems yon most be gnlUy
with a foree tbat will make them effect- vitbeot replenishing. Coal is horned of bandling a very “thoddy liDe.” Forive at a range far beyond axdinarp epe- m » tbe rtaadanl Iw
toermnre let ns tell vou tost oor Ume
and money never ha. or ever will be
nie-der SBd 'rrUur
rrumr. e»w
er-lagt etewM wSBk
wasted In advertising sgsiost aa eetoHs atMi anism by nvetrMtp.
bp Or. liahmeotol toe second hand sort: that
'laare beMu Eiiibarn for obtalni t aam^ rf at least U tbe impremlot It meat give
dng tamed on bp t^ CarAgl^ Steel
AbC soov rery de»ifBbl»'w
roat »trret bmI sdjscrrt Ihemo.
werta in
bea^g^ateel billets bp
iBt. ims vlU b. Tvvumed to Ow Clir Otot* Ur
' rt**w»eMoaibB«laMrluroDs.
1 to bar bevD achieved
ap-to-date ouTfitUng ------ —’■ ■ iiMi •*'“
an eeonomp in fad. a saving in lime
U Omad TvBrone couatr

la LeBlBBBaroBBtr
te BeBde eo
and bpy> -[. rarnisDiBga. opw.
ilprieroavar named
It. at the leweal
8 Benda A Co. Fashioilable oa»fltf*. 184 Front Orect. Traverse City
■sstoasl Bsak. tVav
The observuikais of i
A valnable paioUng in MnntefaSrae
him tbat
EBilp tested' l^r means at X rays, aa boff
$10 Newnrd.
was donbrfnl wbo the anist waa apprwbrida is uot only a
Tbe pboicgrapb abowed tbe correct dlsea*. Imrtbalit towtUDea
lights au8 fbadowa «.d revealed tbe epidemioa It waa nw^ly prey^t
taftiak bl the artist, as also bis memo- l^Moaoow laabgeW- -*> Ulnstrale.-Pr^ aUtbe
appUanees for tbe pmettoa of
gram with ibeVta lUa tbongbt that ffacr Qoloboff meuUoM ibat inaamsll
toil method might
to detect bt»tdui|! artool wbme to aevcral pert* "^t^«^2itod to him will rooeive bis most carofnl altonUcn. to­
frandnknilmluUODaof valoabte4«int- then bad net been,a single
gether srtto a oonscleBUona and_scl^
pmdicitis be Uuaied seven ot
trmtmaat of tbe satne.
—-------- -------------two monUu.
fcfd««Tw’’ex'iUrie»cabe ^Hagly
grarvntoea all work to be toe beat.
iron, tt ia ■tatqA Is
Prices aa lew -as U eoasUteat wUk
Prices-------lip 1-A800
amde u bwanaea, Wmlea, only
firstt rises dcatal vrork. Roonu
inefatfaick. Tbe average leaf eff a book j,
i^d.» 6, Ml
dereaaUle Co.'s Blerk.
1 to, ttmT^stovs trotes^sejm
la 1-8W. or >4 limcB oa thick. We are
r. Owxe ~
bsw^toBrt^-JjwUwnBUl asaa ISth.
act told nbat the (ran la need lor.— Culled
to that dtp. Gn»ooncnltoil
American Moebiuist. ..
J. 0...
Mm Is ixcfcmd as an utisrtAto.






Bicycle Riders.


John R. Santo,
GeiertI Ifstiuct.

trud BipUi t hdiiu 1.1



Durine the Battle
of Santiago.

Sick or Well, a Bush
Night ana Dap.





iinsRi ID lonBiiiai li


Grand Traverse
Land Company








It PbiiNr Unry Stable.
B. I. KOBaAH.nsptietOT.
A pair of nice young.
Ogen, weight 8,200,
with a good yoke, price


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