The Morning Record, June 04, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, June 04, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






«M(»d Tauw-Ko 840

An American Auxiliary Orulser Beported De­
stroyed by nines at Entrance
of Santiago Bay.

Tbe Ruined Warship is Thought to be the
Kerrimao, Once a TransAtlantie Liner.
Mombnr LItw Isost Hot T«t Isenraed, Bat Many Ballon
Xoat Hayo Perished—Boportod that Bl^ht Men Were
Oaptored by Bpaaiards—Steced that Amerioan Fleet
Seeamed Attack on Fortifloations and the Spanish

New York. June 3.—iSpecial.]—The Journal prints, un\der a Cape Haitien date, the following, which is affirmed' to
^bave been cabled verbatim to Europe from Santiago: "This
morning there was heavy cannonading from 3 to 4 o^clock.
An armed American trans<atlantic steamer tried to ms over
the first Hoe of torpedo defenses. The Spaniards let her do
. . -so. but when the American ship, which had already got into
the passage, attempted to run over the second line of torpe<
docs the Spaniards set hre to one of them and the American
;'ship sunk right down immediately after the explosion of the
"An officer, engineer and six' seamen are believed
have perished, The number of men on board the American
ship is unknown, but it is thought many of these also per, ished."
Cape Haitien advices from Santiago say that the auxil­
iary cruiser sunk there is said to be the Merrimac.
Cape Haitien, June 3.—[Special.]—Santiago ad^rices say
Ithe American fleet again attacked the fortifications and war­
ships this morning and the fire was sustained until 4 o'clock
An auxiliary American.cruiser attempted to force a passage,
^ hut was sunk-by a torpedo. Eight Americans were made pris­
oners by the Spaniards.
Gibralur, June 3.—[Special.]—It is announced here that
the Spanish Cadiz squadron has sailed, but the date of sail­
ing and destination of the warships are unknown.


Tvo Cento.


Co. M. 34tt Nej.. Midi. YoliitMrs (Haiiali IlfiMy
Almost Tletled to Death to he 00 the Mon.

data to Bamato at Oaaap Batan
WB8T nmiBS.
Vatu taitbar Oeflan.
laportad riam l^togatoa That Btx^Mlal icTaUoaaiae RaecmB.
taaa WaiAtpa ronfl Ua riaot aad
-Oabp Eatoa. Map
tkkaftetTbatriMp Wore Doa Beat Oaba
aaoe Ootoaal PeUrmaa at the Tklrtpraat Vlgbt (o Batoforea Oarr«ta*a
foortb raglBaat raoaivad ordara froB
the war dapartcaaat to roBato at Oamp
apKiol le tkt ■oenaa aamaa.
Eatoa aatU fortkar grdpta. FttoparaEtogataa, Jaaa S.-The ear
UoM for depar«m OB SaBdap ware at
eat of Ua Awoelatad Piw baa baaa
aaoa dtoooBttouAd. It to tkoiackt tka
tofOTBAd froB aa appara^p aaUeaUe
ee at Pert AalOBie. Uat Ue Bpaatob fleet tres Oadto to aeartog WMt
ladtoa waUta aad abeald It arrire oa
dale Uba wUI ba off Saatiago UDaoldad Taatatdap to Traaaflw Zalaad
Loka Camp to Botrett.
algbt to retotorea Ue float of AdBlial
BpMUl le Tea HoBane BaooaD.
Detroit,^ JBoa
A daotoiao to raTba Spaatob fleet to tald to ooaatot of
ora'tha latoad Lake Chap to Port atotaaa warahipa. OBoag UeB batog
> baUtoUipa aad Urea torpedo
Wapaa, Detroit, waa raaehad thto area' Ooremor PiBgrea wared kto ob- baata.
Tha Brittob aaooad elaaa eratoer toetaUgabla baa a^lad for Baattago
wiU aararal doetora oa board U wateb
iBpoBdiagbatUeaad giro aid
BBUBTBD THAT 80,000 TB00P8 Uawaaadad.
KATB wiraaBwwri
EapWaet, Jasa
Tha ABariaas
flag wblob waa ptoated oa Ua blockPOBTOAtOO.
a near CtoidOBaa two waeka ago.
wkUa Ua AaarieaB akipa war
a WUl Be Takas After ■aatl- tog dowa Ua Spaatob forta, 1
flying toat sight.
XltoaBipaAla to hare 100.000 Xaa
to tba. Oabaa Xaradlag Amp—la-

■ Oar patraaa hare baaa oa tba Bora to Baeb latMp
tbap bare kept at oa Ue Boore to keep aaaogk WaU
thaw. We are tioUad to deaU U atau that wa bar*
Bore sew gooda aad that Ua prtoaa are Jaat aa towaalbigal'
wapt bare baan.

890 Front Street.

HoUey ft OonnnW f

Do You Think^^^
Of buying a new wheel this year—Let os show yon aofD«r
thing that is right in workmanship, styie and prioe. Tlia Rstg^
Mnnning Whael of the yanr, at






Of silk, plain and fancy, made in plain, raffled
and combination styles. Prices particnlarly at*
kiawbvy,.., c>x..4,o
$1.25 «and np.


Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Honse.


0NLir$3fl SS«F^'

•ainliil leTab Koanaa kaoeas.

Roanoke or

Waablagtoe, Jbba
A atralght Up
tkat the arap la Bortog mba
itog. Tba Poet ofAaa depart!
tato regiBeBta bow at Tanpa "will aot
raaoh thoa for loma Uaa. Tba aattoa
tooladae all ragalara aad aararal ragilUof rolBBtaara. bat wbloh oata
oaaaat be faa4d oat pet.
New York. Jeaa
Tka Bna'a WaabagtoD oorTaapoadaat tape --DeapitA all
deatola. tbara la klgk aalborltp for Ue
atatABaat that SO.OW or SS.OOO troepa
>ow OB the WBtere raodr to lead at
Saatiago aad Baa JaaB.” It alao aapa
ihattro^ ABbarkad poalordap aad
BAP kara baaa baliod at Rep Waat

Notice ,
to Contractors and

Saalad blda wUl be raeeired till Batojdap BOOB. Jaae IIU. for faratokiag
labor aad maUrtol tor baildiag a Urae
etarp Wick baildtog oa lot kaowa aa
1*0 Beat Frost atreal. Plana and apeeIfleaUana oas ba sees at W. A. Daaa'e
Waabtogtoa, Jaaa S.—It to girea oat
ofioa after Hoadap, Jaaa SU
baratbat Oaaar^ Milaa wiU aal leara
tba Uaitad SutM aatU tba toraalaa af
to pMlEf U«
Meoad Use.
Uae. It I*
Cababp 100.000 Baa, wfaea ka will toad
I-—It !• erldeEt «id*red
h^paatob faka
to tMUTj topvWMt thAt
SoUep'f report baa baaa reeelred aad ibb arsp. Oaaarhl MUaa iMaad aa adI le the maa argiag tbOB U do
At SaaUaco U AspAetAd At4aj
tba pobltobed AoeoBBta of Ua
their datp.
UlibAltoTAdUlAt SAipAOB
Tke geraraaaal to lofiwBad that
teA ordn tA AWAAk tkton tbWA.
there area
I of Ue
MadrU. Jbba S.-P^ tka pronl
■ Ue Spaatob oatpoaU to
eSAAtAd A iBAAttoA With SaUAT ABd rapoblloAB arfas, aata It to roBored
thAOAAdoAtOf tkAAAlffAhAf hAAB toft tkAt tka IlBltad SutAA flaat Bade a
Tba fraiaa itore ballding aaa door
to kll dlAATAVOB. It to hAltoAAd bA WOl OBd BUaek oo SABltoce aad foroad ab
Uobito. Jaaa I.—Ta Ua eaap af rag- aaai of ap akea itoraAWAtt thA Arrl*Bl At Ato WABApATtA.
ABOA toto iba harbor, to SpaAtoh atote a great heatla aed morlag to apALFBEDV. FRIEDRICH.
wbtob Arc Bdw OB thA w%3, toclndtoc drotoa bera Ue report to BOt bcliavAd. paraaV The Baeoad oaralrp wlU break
. hoATj ATtlUerp of thA Athen thAt
Madrid BAwepApara aiAtotAiB that Ad- oABp at > o.elaek. Oaa asoadroo will
BAiral OarrarA'i flaat to MlUng ia the eklp oa tba ti
ThA Affieleaer of the SabUaco hArbor dto«ettoh Af tka PkUipploaa.
UeeUar two oa tka StlllwaMr aad
Wtoat to dAQbiAd. It to bellerAd tbAt
lorgaa. Aa Ua Matlawan baa high
tbATA WODld ba BO rrCAt bAUBTd tO At*BbiBg oc Ua aide of Ue hatehB!
tBAk tka toaarjprtlficAtlooA "SAwpaoBu
le bereea will be pat abaard bp allaga.
«BdAT kto ordne faA* All lAUlCdA BACWaabtogtoa, Jaaa I.—It baa baaa
-AiAAt7. U to bAllcTAd that the erlli«l pusxsxjrt Of cuBAjr ssrtnsraagad Uat (toaaral UUea goat
bAttlA Af tka WAT to ImmlMAt. bet tka lio TO ntBciPSVT Koxurixr.
Porta Bloo aad Oeaaral Bbafter to 8aa-CatAiU BAf AAt ArrSrr for BAay koora.
•aarCA Babo ArricAd TAAtard^ Aftar* ttogo. Tke u-eopa far boU polau bare
Atb; ofBoan beliare that Sabpaab'a
Maktoc tba Trip to a BibbU SloAp alroadp atartad.
ATricAl off SABtlBfo ABd tka preMAcc
iBiaadlttalp after Haaliago to Ukea
TromWorib OAAAt afOuba-Ii
. :
tka Oreraa to a alffBAl af tke Ibiabaad oeeapiad aa attack ab Sab Jaaa
casta Bacar to Joto Vareaa With
tkm of AAdeftoktor % doetoiTA aacaccwill be bigaa. wblab win oarUtolp ba
BABt without depasdtof M AAAtotASOA
wiUiB tba weak.
pvmi u> Till Hoxcnis Bmoas.
I bsve just srrired from Cbioa-

■ For Sale.


and Svedries.

KoyncBBTfl or tT.'PAm.

Naataa. Jbbo S.—Uaotca Baaa arrirA Apaetol from Sab DoaUagA AAy» that
go witb a new lot of 'Bicycles and
> ba BaUitod ta Watch
SasUaro to kard baAlAfAd bjr tbA Cob- ad today baArtac iBportaat dtopAtobaa
BBA BBdar UArela.
froB ProUcBt .Maaao of tba Oabaa iw
New snd second hand.
ipteUI u Tat Memnae amoan,
pDblle to I^rcaideal UcEtolap. Baae
The cheapest pisoe to get n good
New York, Jaoa N.—Tba oraBlar Bt.
' Waw Yortt, Jbba h-Tbe tribaBA raoeirad flBalHmatrucUoaa froB M
peato tbc faUowlBg bottolto: “Part aa Map te ADd tbrae day. later Bade bit
Bicycles from 116.00 to 195.00.
PrtooA. Newt baa rcaobad bare tlBt
wap ta tka Aorth ooaat of Coba, Prota
Cali and see the bargains.
rBor. gaaa aad aappUaa
battto twgAB AtSAsOAfo bafora atoa tkat potot Baaa aad a eempAaioa tat
New Wheels and Tandems to
Ctoptala Slgabaa waat aihara aad U
-Atotoaktkto ■BorBlar"
mU to a amall aloop for Nataan.
UeaarppanL Ha rafaaad to ba totar rent, at
•Aap rapart tka CabAaa ware Back
Haw Tork. Jane 5 —ErpartA froB dtoaapototad at the tailBra af the DeiDtataa be rooan^ Ike rapoMlc rietol^ of Saatiago.
It to baUerad Uat Ua 8t. Paal ia takbntaraaacartolotoforeaa wiu Qaan^ATlad. Tbara are raBon carreat, Aral MDai to tka AAmpaica 'afatoat lag aa aappUaa far a trip h> the OaMflaa
towatekUaCtodtofleet. Itiaatooeahpwarar, of a battto peauntop. wbl^
Oooaal MeUto bao AAcarAd paaeact ■ertad Uat Ua Sk toato la alfaaflp to
far tka Cabaa aaraps oa tka paokt Bar- ttet rtotoitp.
Wa are agato raadp, wlU a large
Ntato BigBbaaaabatiMad uaato- stoak af 4a«, U deUrar Ua aabs to any
WadbtoffloB. Jaaa I.—Tkera to caoel- raaOAta wkhto aalto toalcbt. Ska to
tarrtow to wbtob ba aapa ba pMotratad partiMybaelW:4«aWa aselMaMot AAaaad bp adrioAi daatoHawTdrkMoMtopaWit. Baoo
ittogo barber tar aaaogb to aaltofy
bloak wood atoa far aala
SbBtBh Anartoah aaxlUUarp erBtoar wUlffodlraatlptoWaakl^tooaad top
fA«adtbA«ntUMAf Btoaa At SabUtopatebaa bafare PnaUtoot HeKtoTatopbaBA Ms. M.
‘ wcoaadwaathaobtowa ap aad aaak lap.

IIS Unioi St., Reiialf Works.


—. a..


119 Front Street.



A Few Good Things
For Friday and Saturday.

Famoo* Monarch Shirt in nU oolon nnd a^lM,
i osoaI price $1 to $l.bO, removnl anle prioee 860.
Blkbnrt fancy Shirt, oauaI prioe 76o to $L00>
• now 43c to 60c,
Onsh HaU 19c.
Men’s fine Worsted PnnU, olny wenwe TSe.
Boy’s and men’s elsgsmt Caps 19a
Another line of men’s And boy’s eOoOnpe nowSBo.
Goods ere going oat with a rush. Oeme Aod gst
2 A choice b^re ^ is tekea. .
Fixtures, show OAse And AAfe for aaIa.



5 Prool StrefL

Iriedriob Bl«k.


Shoe Sale!

We have placed on sale today the choice of all
our new spring stock of ladies fine hand turned and
Welt Shoes, black and colored, all sizes and widths,
new toes, new lasts, fresh new goods this spring-^
Every pair worth $3.00 to $4.00. The price while
they last during this sale $2.48.
Your choice of all men's fine shoes, hand and
machine sewed, Russian cold skin, vid kid, kangaroo,
American horse leather, chromo kid and calx, lace
and congress, new toes, new shapes, all sizes. New
spring g(^8. Eve^pair worth $2.00 to $3.00—
want to put 300 pairs on the feet of people
in this vicinity this week, as an advertisement of
our new stock and to prove the advantage you gain
by our special salea
Don^t miss this sale and chance to get a fine sty-'
lish shoe for little money.

The Boston Store,


■■ rvn-'

TH» MoBwuro aaooM). ■attoday. jmn 4, iw>.
.^iv xoumra uooap.


Ma to Bto opparteaUri
■taittof thS^nato i


i* Az.vKn embf.
«ATBKnorn.'- KidKioAV Bxm.AnD
Mjuro*^vnai buald,

ChoflpMd find moat nlufala plnee to get ponr biejele repflired fltul
pot in go^ rnoning' order. Hire had aeveral Team experience and
know how it ahoDid be done. SatiafacUon gnaranceed. X am aetline
UcYole anndiiw at abont ooet Xew and aecond hand wheela for aal»
and to rent. Pleaae give oa a trial.

plaoad to Ua aaaaskto roos of Ua
With Brh^t-ktotoMa of Thaaabt said Blfb ae^l ball^, Ue b^ of

■n. C. »4«w A» i. W. BAnn.

I “cirri'"

BM Iwtoar ta*apr aaawTiBr^

. uitw wa aiMMfw-

SLI.1S. ail Front at, Snat.
toaa Wm a BriUtoat Saetol Saaat wbiob Uall at
aataaa. aad farUar ba It
aad Si«al7 SMoiMfU.
Baaolead. That aa ammm
eeata be atadaepoa each i
The auael Baattof of tha Trararaa
a fiTu.
atj' AlaBmi aaaaotoUM wUeh waa
bald to lha Oitj Opara Boaaa laat ab^t
Beaolead. Tbat a a ) adt fraatT'
broafbt to a aloaa oaa of tba meat wa flftp dollara ba a la Ua iCait of
•aoaaaalal ;|a*d aa>07abto eoBtoaaea^ Ula parebaae.
Mat wadu to tba btotarp of tba Trar>
oofacBlttaa to look ap Ua Mttsr, Cbaaam OltjSteboato.
I dap jctodrdap tba
Bpek, Mlaa Mabel Bates and Bdiaoad
I boaj aader tba able W. Walt.
This aoaeladed Ua bByaaas saatiar
dliaetioa of Balpb Oawaabla aad tba
broafkt to a eloae a dalirblfal
prattp opera ball waa
1, the aSeet be- weak af pleaaai*.
Waloott Banato Amaadmaat FroaMaa
tor rarp atriktor aad at
Tba float of tba bom aad balooap
Bar OotoloK *48.000.000.
waa aatlralp ooaaaaled bp faatoeaa af
BpKIal to Tn Moanse Bacaai>.
rad. white aad blu baaUar oaorbt XlohlraB<B Booto Uadar Baooad OaU
Wcahtortoa. Jana t.-Tha 8a
ito^ mort ^eakrahU
art vax f^\t\
aver Ue sato eatraaea with a larfa
WIU ba 18M to PUl Up BuU Vomarraad to anfasUtata tba Wolcott
abtold fraa> wUob cap atHiita of paebt
bar of Bach Oampaap to lOfl.
prUes art $a rt^rtakiViv) aa
alraal flara raa to the blfbar baxaa,
Whaa Ua aaooad mUltarp campaap
Cnam Soda»cooV tomiortahVb, fitaVuV,
tba okato floor. Tba fraat of tba to tba dtp was orraDltad, attar Ua Ua flaasoe aammlttoe’s pravUioa to raftafa 'waa alao dcapad to tba Mtloaal daparlDK of tba Baanab Blflea, lu ffard to Ua aolaafa of aUear aalrnorand prtte* \o Itt pockcV Wu. u maVl u ^
I* hM bMB aUMiUUa »c«> ^ ealora. aad tba atara waa aet far a par­
■rare toadared to Ua ro'araor are to Ue estcat of, which
■MahM tlwt th« BOiM* ia Xk» •nxnmtm lor aaeae. tba back batoc bUdaa bp
of the state. Vestordap Ua 1
is to be Ua amoaat flret eotoad. Tba
' >DaXslfl
bo&v*1t«c flU
Tha lidaa of tba letter waa racaivad treo Uavaraor
vote Stood 48 to 81. The WoleoU
and iMffiotMi

ra beaked to blaaaoaiiar plnto Plarras:
mon corM fORk aakt
idMBt provides for Ua eotoaca of
oa Tba alaatria laapa
"Detroit. Jua let. I8M.
4*7. UtkAM
1 bp
J. W. BAjrau, Baq., Travatas dtp, all Ua ailvar bnUloa now held to.Ue
tn UM. li li r«pMt*d rlvlar a aaft aad plaaaiar Ufbt.
treaaorp at a rata not leaa Uaa B4.000.Mleblraa.
Ifca* M AJMrtMD MUcUlarj ernyte Beraau aad rar* fare a bemalika air
Mp Dear 81r:~Oar toat Ulartam from 000 a BoaU aad Mm an aeeenat of
barber Md wm 4e- to t^ platfona which waa filled wlU
Ua War DapartMat diraeta oa to sand aalretoraca derived, af aot aseeadtor
m4 that aaaj brave Asari- aaaU lablaa aa which toa eraaia aa<f
issn waa to Ua aoaU for Ue porooaa
mOen piniahed or »«e eaptared cake waa aarrad Uroafkaet Ua araa$48,000,000 in silver oartifleatM.
: '^Iha^aalarda. ThU to a depleraUe tor U UaCoarrwatloaal akarak aid' of auraeotlor Ua rarlBrato alreadp
to Ua Bald. lo other words, wa are
Mr B Reteham of Pike Clip. Cal.,
» freateet Iom eoa- aodatp. The Iwa lawar bases jrara
aakad to CMtrlhato im prin
asps: "Darinr mp brotbor's law aickforvad lau prat^ booUi troaa
nooSobiB. la poor coca pa up raadp to Beaafrem aclatle rfacnmatlam. Obamwhich trait paaeb was lerTad.
anlbt to Uat wapt Faraoaallp 1 do berUto'a Pato Bala was Ua ealp rem40 olOM ont Iflrgfl fltoek of
adp that rave him asp relief." Vji.v
At Ua baatoaaa tnaetlar ot Ua
Doi Uiak Uat It U fair to aspect Ula attora have toaUBed lo tba promrx r.
etoUaa to April It waa deeidad
of poo or cap ether oompaap to Mich- liaf from palAoUlsb UU Ilnta. i t »f.
I tn aaea naet aet be lakaa tor swap wiU-thaaaaaal faaaqoet wbleh
Iran, mad oolaat wa caa rat Ue mattor fords For Uia^bp 8. E. Waft Ii utr.
atod. Bor the ekUl aad eanalac affardad ao oppoataaltp for aadabUltp
obaarad. Uat S Ua pin wa will he
«ka dpaalarde valaed teo Ufhtip aad bald a raMpHoa laataad
Ewerything moflt be Mid fit tome price. PnttemHati,.
oampellad to foHow.
to the drat rtotor; of the bpaatoh. toaoraUoa prorad a Mat i
Walking Hat*, Bailor*. Blbbon* *nd *tyU*h trimmed effect*.
Verp raapactfollp.
rthat Uw dtoaator irUi he Mrrlhlj OM. Pros airbt aaUl atoa o'daak Ua
ain*t mowe on Mootmt of ereotloii of * new building «t tfil*Urns waa dallrktfuUp apeat to rrMtlaf
•gad bj the eoaiblaed fleaU •{ «r
aid frlaada aad Mklar aaw aeqaaton “* daaUaro » ofOj a qaaattoa
Tba otattor wUl ba broarht before
■hen tiMi parhapa «< ealj a to» taaeea amaar the sere rasa
Ue oompaop UU avaolDr iva'apeelal
One Solid Week,
in It to eaUkalp that aap
McAato wiU ha takaa bp our Baval
Praaidaat Paaatortoo aaaaaaoad aa
A4}olning Frledrieh Block.
sara ball at T:SO o'clock sharp. ^Bearp
•dMaatflibaaBtraaeaeltha her- Ua flm aombar of Ue ptarran
■Mmbar la orrad to be preaent.
r itoaU hara baa* alaarad af
piaaa aolo bp Mlaa Joaapbtoa Vad
rapart of
which WM dellrhtfnllp riraa.
parar, to daeiaad to
a WwhtorUD
Tba alaaal'eralor. OtM. P. Back,
waa Uaa latrodoead aad r**a a bril1 to Fap
Itoat and seolarip addrtaa apoa Ua re- Dourtoa Broarar I
Ploa BBdOoaUof B88 0»-Xi
latioa of edocaltoa to Ua copahlie.
Dafaad fll.OOO Bamara Suit.
Ha briaflp akatebed Ua aarlv htotorp
adaeaDoarlaa Brower bM learoad Uat it
Vve HoaltM aad a Vusbar of Ktoaa
tioaal ipataiB had taadad to ahape Ita coats ooaalderable Doaep to break Ua
WUl Boon Baaeb Baaila.
dsTslopasat oo broad aad liberal Uaea. lawa of oUer people Ha was tried
Vaabtortaa. daaa >. -KflaoUra
before a ]orp la Joallea Vevlp's eoort
mm. takaa bp tba adfUatotratioo. wiU
paaterdap and foaed rolltp of aaaaoU
(to Tip raadar Maalto harbor laprar- Barapa apoa mllitarp paati, with Ua aad battorp aratoal bis faUer-in-law,
ol' self defense can be ptacticed wWi the feet M wdl ••
BaMo BfatoBt Bpaatoh attack.
A big laughing show complete
larra ataouto derotad to AMriea’a ed- Oeorre Urap of Hapfleld towaahlp.
with the aims and hand*—not by kicking, oh, no—bot
BiWina wlU the dafanaae of that Ur- Bsatim which to-ber tower of streafU. Jiulica Verlp scBtoaced him to pap a in every detail.
haying them oonectly shod. Right shoes make henltby
High claoB singing aad dancing
Bar it to aald that tba Clip of Paktor todap. aad which r<raa her a foremost Boa and coau amanDtiair to tu M. or
feet and the doctors tell us that healthy feet are the fist
plaea aiaoar Ua Datfoea of tha world. fo to jail for ntoatp dare. Be went to apeeialtiee at every performance.
ncrtoiwUh liar a larfa ouabar of
Monday night they will present
reqaisites for healthy bodies.
Without healthy bodies yon
Aa lolerasttof faatara of Ue a
jail, bot map pa? the amonnt. brewer
Mtoaa, oootalwaf flftp paooda of raa iar.wasao laaplriar Ulk bp ilapt. C. ■as dafaaded bp Fauhto A Cretaer.
the Engiiah melu-dn
-drama, in five
are defenceleas.
Mtooa. of tba'aaae character aa
T. Onwa. Ba daflaed adoeation
The atorp of Ue uonble U anbataatiWeofhryou
-Wbtob ware aast to the North AUaatle as aosaUtoc appertatotor to aehoaU allv aa priatod in tha Eecuku several
Brewer left bia eblldraa
BgiMraa at tba raqn
ear aa- aad eoUeraa, bat as Ua abiUtr to da dapa areand aajop Ua bast aad blfbeat to Ufa with bia fatbar-to-law to MapBald tome
Saapaoa. Back of tbaa
XdaoatiOB, be aald, ooaaiata to Ua ad- time aro. A abort Utoa »toca bo visitvttl ha plaoad tba moaitorB Moa<
ad Mr. Gra.v't home and afiar some
0aA Mowtdaoeh. aad tbara to food raawards wiU the old geaUsDan ha was
PrioM 10. 20 and 80c.
^ «n to beltora that Baar Adtalral be daflaed tba Haas aloaf whIU it ordered oat of Ue bonaa. Ua retnaad
Ladiea free Monday night only,
Uoold ba directed.
to r> aad ika diaeoaaioii beccM wara- if accompanied by one paid 30c
ftowopb foTM wUI ba
See OUT new style*, jnflt in.
naUatie radtcUoa bp Mlaa Datop
Brower atotod Uat ba woold aat ticket
ffr. ]toaaaarfatare,-bp Ue faabaat BaafOwlittaaikk-ehlldreflaBd Orap aald
Seats will be on aalo at the na­
It' -atoftoa, aow at BeaalBlB.
bp Miss Moataraa. “Tha Ualoa of Ue ha Goald not taka them aa Use were
il place Haturday morning.
f r.
IlMdtopateh of tba Mob
Blua aad Orap.” waa fim to a powto- left to hto care bp Ua conaant of beU
Change-of play nightly.
laUer and mother. Orap had occaaton
WMidaock wDl laara Ua Padflc eaaat laaaer.
to re into Uakitcben aad was follow­
Mtoa LltUaa Dewatof
tottb bat tba Phlladalpbto aad Yorkapeab
ed Uare bp Brower.
He tbourbt
to protrida it with
It to do him barm
era" aad did •
Tba Phltodelptia wUl baplaced towi
ptekad np a knife tram Ue Ubie,
Ht porpoaa to devote Ua best to Usir
promptlp knocked down bp
Mtoatoa to Julp, aad Ua Vorktoa
Uvea to Ua caaaa far which Uep are Brower. The blow reaultod to a brok«1U act ba eaiaplated before falU
tobedar. Ue balp aad adaeaUoo af aa jaw,
Ua world.
Yaaterdap aftariMoa Orap bMan
T^ 'blBM of
pceaeatod Ualr anlt to Ue Ciroali eonrt for daiuaras to
ofllOOOfor the Injurp be re^■aadmaat to Dafloaaep BIU Prorid- rraatlap to Ua aaaoclatlea tbroorb
Ualr spUker. fltepbaa D. Lardie. who calved at Ua heads of Brower. Bia
tofBoada to Bara floaU Plar.
a few hrtrkt ramarka aapreaaad ■Boraapa era Uadarwoad A Umlor.
Bdtolal Id Tn Houuo Kaoina
ilr appraetotlaa of Ua tact Uat Uap
WtobtoftoB, Joaa l.—flaaitar Me-UaalosaL Had a Base flapper at BU Rapids.
ir »UltosUto>oratorraporudaBa>aadB. Bale. C U. Sherwood. Bart
Mist Nlaa B Papas rMpondad ablp
.. Stoat to UedafioaBepbUlpraTUlBf for to behalf af tia alemai, apaaktof of BavUasd a«d Boward Irish rode over
to Elk Baptoe tost avaato* aad raveled
•,fl|fl.OMUprBacatUe Ibraataaad dalas
baas sapper eerred at Ue Lake
atoMtloo of Ua aaeu plar to 8L Jaaapb
View Uoeae bp Laadlord Sharpe.
ware atill a few
. opaa to
has takaa Ua araaep
wkich Uap Birkt baooaa eqaaUp
for Ua Tnut Piame Amerleaa blcpola
The tworraok waa eoaelodad wiU a
.._4raaUaftaa. J oaa 1. —‘ibe laaata baa
biilUaa't piaaa coio hp Min Vadar,
afiaad to Ua aataadaeat of Ua~ Be- after which leas aad <aka w«n seread
paWlcaa mlaorltp bf Ua flaaaea ooia- apoa Ue stare, aad Ue social faatoras
' todttaa aakaUiattoc a bead prortokka at Ua avaalor ceaUauad.
Moat people have a little paUeaee,
The saattor waa oaa of Ue meat dea. aa reported bp Ua aiane peopla have a lot. If poa get Geo.
llrbtfol to paiat of soelabllltp ever
jMttf.bparouof dtotoa;
bald bp Ua Alomai aad will laar ba a R. Wtoale to bang ' pour paper, poo
won't need aap. for be oomee wbaa be
agrare to. doeMt waste Ue paper, and
At Ua ooBclaaice of Ua reeepUoa
naalai tc Tea Moansa ae-aK&
■hart baaiaeaa meeUar wph bald bp Ua charrea no awre Uaa oUen.
WaUlaftoB.Juaal,-Tha preralaaoa Alomal at which offloera wars elected
Oppofllte Bflgle Ofioe.
«d MallpoT at Porto Bieo aad to -Cuba aa follows;
Praaldeav—Levi T. Paaatortoa.
^ toMariaf •Back alarw ainoac iaaarVies
•a 00spa">*» canriaif rUka for aolBeeratarp aad traaaerar^Mias ('raae
eeeptodaad adopD prorldtor for a
SaaoRM kaoDBa.
1 for the Birb
Waablartca, Jaaa i.-Ma}or lAa- Bobool as foUowa:
WasasAS. Tha Alomal of Ue BIrh
aaflw&lba atolfMd to fibkikmiaafa kod of Tmearaa^atj^^^raeU^ Ue



XotWv "Rvem otv





City Opera House

Pearl Tackaberry,


Monday, June 6. The

Senter Payton's
Big Comedy Co. Art


Sel? Shoes

u the best, all wUd. ricMIy
buntlootwear, for the least


Once More


Has Invaded the land In the Interest of humanity, and once
more in the Interest of those who intend getting

A New Carpet Or a Floor CoYeringf
OB' AJsrg- -pmsm


Teachejjif Violin.

half aadiMoratoi a ^

We menUon the feet that we offer the ooet, have the ^
largest stock to select from. seU cheaper and give botter;8nt ^
: iefsotion than Is to )>e obtained elsewhere.
Let U8 ofmTince you.


. TUa tcoMngo:wt^.aATg«uT,n^ a

‘ Schtoy at 8anti«ce Praetiodiy
Rapacti 8amp»on at


. TmiiIiM Hm HxWr Bp M> Cb*~P»y—toh at—>|f#. U~ rarMT

xnRTs okABx axBBmta

taabtoB. ttox naanr au t«l»>Wfr«to
Um imtlarteajell abort. Thau earn# the
Na« Ortaaaa^ mora. bar ioog black
nua dolnc ftartul arerk. and taartaf
«» the croQBd all anmnd ibt baturtaa
In the meat aaaare
tba Hlrh aebdol MaakiUy n
ne Spaatarda dropped ehclla eloae to
tbe Iowa aa ahe came by for the aecoad
6me. aeadln* a mream of ahella, late
tbe barbor aa ike %td ao. Tbe Spaalab
waa tlldd ariU Meade o« tbr
ahtpe. wUb tbe exocptloa of tbe CHMobal Colon, were b^lnd tbe hllla. and cn^ubtM bad aatraaa w( tb« aeboela
could not aee the enem) wbo threw dad a eery aatwtalnlur pragram was
ibelle around them with aueh rapidity. riven Moordiar b> Ue order priatad
But Ibey knew be wae aomewbcre os
tbe other aide of tbe bill and then hope­ U tba BaookD yaaMrdsy. Tbe eamya.
bad ■nale ware dambbitoafully raised the muaalcs of their cuna
and banted away. The reaolt waj UoMbftke <
• bad iboroacbwhat rolfht hare been expected. Their awe of tbe work of tbe Tneeree Ciiy
ere tore the boaom of tbe Caribbean
but It banned Botblnc elee. After wbooU abd tbe aeabm of Abe
Haeaacbueetle had paaeed tbe point Quitted tbomeelew arltb greblorodU.
where abe could Ore Into the harbor inplowM ware preaeatwl to lit wbo
with adTantape
itage ehe U

tej monlwr warn M tae
faataTd df douMMamwt i

MTMk W>w br <u A«»r«M Ckpu
—K«b*4r HaH •• Oor*«*^'**'
AMOcUUd PrM DKpatcb Boat
»u>d7. I^ut AntODlo. Jsmalc^ June A
wUl Bart year eator tbe Bigh ecbeal.
pther eeaeela following
-for u haar T»«»Ujr «fier«(K.ii ib«
aUMcbgtvtu. Iowa.
Ur^easa and,j ,' That
z*" fight was orer as far ay U>e Amer>
FbKy too enjoyed tbe exenraloB on
Tlxaa. of Oomawdorp SiWey a aquad-,
TOa. axcbaacvd ihoia allb (be Bpaalth
tbe atwmer Oolambla Uat nlgbt to
fiaat under Admiral Cer>era and wlib «« abou «ere
tha land baiteriea iitardfnc tbe barbor the Anxrlrar*
>1 ovcrone-fuurtb
Another-exeuraloa will be raa
morrow on tbe M A N. B to Maaietoe.
orretw U Command at (ho right.
| Tb* t„ia learea at 8;V o’clock.
MadrlA June A-Deelte tbostalemante [ Welter Paige aad WUl Voglwaac
newepapers that Admiral Cer^era
was not preaent at ibo bombardment of waat to Keyaione trout Stbinr yaeierPantlagti de Cuba or TuoWay, Captain day and captured a ooaple of doaen.
Aunon. the minister of marine,In an Intumlon from Pewskey aad

•enuaBP HAMAcxmna.
bat a Ptelnde to eeiioue work. No at­
tempt wae made by tbe Araertwa eotamender to bring on a general engageamah It being tall deelre to locate the
batter!ee on the hllli aboer the barbur,(
t tbe poetUoB of t

WILD wm W0U8~EAy0<L
u stalled by (ha I

Bat at toe mbx* tim* vtth m larg* a stock m w emny It la impoaolbla
not to oocumalate odd soita-alsM get br^an when it is too Uta to dapUoata the pattara from tka wholaaalar—Wa have at tha praoant «"»«»parhapa fbrty or fifty ealts where only one or two aiara of a Uad remain—
On thaaa wa oan aava you money-If you do not find a fit thara, our reg­
ular atook will be aura to contain indnoaments yon eannot raaiat—Wa
are making a record this year on our popular priced summer auita. botk
for atyle. fit and exoaptlonal aaaortmant and values.




Bat Bead tha Persia aad Leam aU
Absat the PhUippinaa.
A prominent edi

itor says:


. ly. atlas, meyelopedlaa and other bookt on the eubjeet of
Coda Sam'i new arcbipelago. the PbUtppiacs, aad ae^ how lltUe mliafeet oa
you will gav


All ordinary worka of

refernaee are naeeaaartly



tbe Umae at a juaetare lika the praaont

and well.

A kandaome aew dr^ enrtaln in tko aad tbe poieoa wbo fail* to read some i
Opera houae at Aldeo bean a beantlful good earreat blatory rarlaw will aeon:
eeeoa, tbe work of Burt Ball, the Trar- be a back aambar. Any uaeher. m-

•ehley left the Brooklyn for tbe Uasaaabueetta, on board of wblcb batUeabip
Ba remained during ibe Qgtatlng. At i
.u. signal
..—. ..
column was
o-doefc tbe

8L Paul. June A—A special to Tha
Pioneer Press from Bralnerd. Mlno.. oreoCitT arthL
aaya: FbU city wae vlalled by a ter- . Boy Oibba. OMrge Baff ead WUl
rtfle wind etom yeeterday afurnoor.. Bnoakall went to Beltner after trout
accompanied by rala and ball doing yeaterday. They got fonrtoea of which
tbouatnds of damage to property. The eeven belong to Bor.
wind ewept thgougb the realdence pifrAndrew Smith hea lanaebed bis gastlon of the city, wrecking out buildings.
lee launob oa Elk Lake aad wUl aa-

belated o« tbe Mai U'huaeita and the
Mew Ortoana. lowe
I Vixen
aad M by the battleship, drew closer
mad eloaed to tha batiertea. When tbe
VeaaacbuBcUa. bad .naaeed ibe barbor

laal eyeatag where he gave aa addruat

Bbbnty before l« o’dock ComnCodore

terrlew declarra that Oervera holstad
other polnU in that locality will .bring
U» flag pD tbe Crteiubal Colon In order
to direct the Bpanlab operation!, ‘the large crowds to Trwyene City Sunday.
A dimpntbb from Alaska from A. R.
eucceai of which la principally due to
Cervera. wbo hat given proof! of high Kellogg, dated May 18. aaya tkat ke
airategic ahUlty.”
and hla party irerw at that Urns safe

We Are Not
Having a Special Sale

peeiallr. In thaee daya, who tblaha to
gat along with jeit hie text boaha
who does net keep up arith earreat
pregreae b doing an lajottloa to hit

I am af the European Horae Bam, Ferris’
Old Stand, with another lot of flne hdrsea
Call and see them and be convinced,

ealUng. and bo wUI sooaar or latar be
obolyed to maka room for aome eae
wbo baa mora ap-ta-datc coeeapUoaa

paper end road U regularly."
Prof. C. B. Dockeray went to Rodgu



exoreiaee of

seboola nf that plaoa.

mzx) KwsoirB


St. Praatdeaebool win bogiyaa in tbe
a«y Opera Bseae aad s flne peogTam
Parker Peonlarton rode to'WRnTmaborg oa kli wheel yeaterday moraln^
He returned le tbe attar-

ane with thirty alee oaaa.
A broken wire of one ef the betterlea
at tbe Ckm atreat eaglna honee left aa
I elrealt yaaterdey

no gredeau^ dam wa. doi^ht-; perris’ OldBtand.
Aoylum Tea

fully cBUrUiacd yeaterday afuraooa 1
by the yaledietorlaa. Frad Mnnaoa.. at i
bb home at the atyinm. After aome
Uaa spent U TidUag aod tbe lerriag
of ddidons rafTecbmcatA. the party
Buder the guUaneeof Dr. J. rD. MunBon Tblted many polnli of laleroat
around the ioatltsUon. Tbe

will attract a large andienee.

morning aad

eaueod aa alarm te be seneded.


mg Olaae at the

TbU eronlng tbe claaing exereieas of

troBl Sablng.





It was

only a abort time before the reeall wax

Indiana Horseman.:


Therefore some of my stock of Jewelry

e of the young paeple.

J. W. Slater and J. A. Spangle wgat


With Ikegree Team and Band.
said I

. Maydold ymterday mor.iiw on buM- ;
^b, codillac New. ami Ex,
ma. They miaaed tbe nooo Win tolThuradsy
rate home so Improeed tbair time In








1-.™ cu, I

was incadmac).sierdey a.tberepre-:verwjire, Fine NovelUes iu JewelTy.'


l. m. bennbtt.

which b to ba held ie Trereroe Oty. ' _
MIm Unaale Smith retureed to Sdoe
Ralph Coneable b


her former borne in Petoskayof K. E. V.
A party









Tburadav, June 73.

Tbe Cadillac Mae-: ~

eabre tent and birea have voted to ‘ •(

edebreUon as orgenixad j
b^‘aa. and tba degraa team of tbe toot, *

^wark an tbb occasloa. Burlsglon’, i
rtalBlpgker Military band w,It uUo accompany tba , S
Rradbb «f Gf»ad ckdUlmc Ma^-cebea. and will eater tba S

w, Welt
-bi.h I--b.„ i-i—
t*arker and
ire. A W.
wiil driee to Old
: tanl feature of tba celabratitra. "
vliililc elr el ta ‘ line.
irat from t
0 It-Incb guns In her after turn
» rulne. net ooe-flfth Mbsloe today with Mrs. aod Him Cbir.
rotorniiig tomorrow.
Amusement Votae.
lellt race
C A. Oaaee.T, agent af tba Singer i
The Heater Payton Comedy Company
rntlre nxif or. the <-unule running the
full length uf tbe rajlroad blarkamith Hewing Heehlna Co came in fronlwbleb will open tbetr week'a asgegeshop was
the Urend Baplda yeaterday.-r
the City Opera Boose Monday
I doer alonrsldr. The two guns on the ■lata riH.f ruined.
The tower In
Him Oayle Griswold has retnreed night, givea a eoatinooua perfermaooe.
I IM^ard luriei warn thm flred and their wblcb waa the city bell used for Are
I «ielU In en>!odlng
alarm purpiwes waa’ blown (1st ai>d from her two weeks'vacalioa. rialtUg working apeclalty people and other;
wrecked. Thirteen freight cere stand­ her pareeu io VermoeteiDe.
Boveltlea In 'between acta
ing on a dump ware picked up and
epenUh HaOeriee Open
night they will prcMSt ’The Black'
II Ihi- shi.rr ballerlea to
thrown In a pile together- A brick atnre
i, ,uiiit,» h.r rsth.s j-Om
building owned by John Itroie. is eon. daughter is rlailing her father. Judge Flag." Ladles free Monday night only
llenKe end bexHO
rapid Are o
, aeeompanled
be- t Iletely blown down, and the residence ' J-E. Oempbell of Elmwood.
by one paid 30 oeot
...d tbvlr fsnae and the >•sllerlea of Iler.ry Hein unruo.'ed.
Bugler Ed. Newton of fempoey M.. I ticket. Heau are new
eale at tbe
I thereupon turtird ihrir guns on tbe New are rep(>rted.
MiokigBU Volunteera. returned to Camp
I OHeana This erulwr had been directed
FAtop yeeterday afternoon.
0 pay ii. ij.v batiertea. *nd
Firat Load of Iron Ore.
I te draw their tire as 'mu< h as possible.
I sad ehe obeyed her Irstrurti.ine to (he
Waablnglnn. Jui.r 3-"TMumlng that
HurUrart arTaagtefuol Trade.
I letter. Hyr nrst shni a large
thc Hawsllsn rc...luil..n will |«ss ,h* |
Eapide yeatarday.-wltb tbe
flinckfton> at .Juire 1—Tbe reciprocity
I hatUryoD lb<- hill sbv>e th. a..rro. It
bouse during the (.rre-ni session the ] first load af iron ore from tba npper
I Sew straight Ini., ih- r.ri. and must proclamatlun u,' Ibe president wbicb ad­
■enaiorlsl supi-.rirrs of snii.-xsiion are | panlnsnla tbb seaaos tor tba Elk RapI'taTe nused murh dsmsev
a gr-at mits Preneb brandies and iplrlls at tl X
I oafnnee by Wu yard* a i
I urhite and yellow emokc I

Asparagus, Lettuce. Hadishes, Rhubarb
Fresh Every Day.




I cloud of duet and d. i.rls r<.e. as the
I abell burat. A coupl.. more >h.,is a-nt
I part of tbe walls of Mnrr<. I1> ing Inio
Igke air. aad then the New Orlrana t-.nI Baed beraelf to tbe baiteriea. her fire
lUeUg rapid and extremely aceuraic
I MrerT abet abe fired made trouble for

WAiaiB MUHII. ai FALL non.

a gsl'on has greatly excited California
dealers, (Vbo aa>- tbelr industry will be
ruined. Verieidxy ihe fuUowIng dneunffat was sent t.. Ht&aloi Pirfclni by a
cvmmitiee of wine-gtowers:
"Tb<- Kan Juaquin w.nemakeie and
(rrat-cr.iw.ra d-alre you to enter an
In.mcdleie pn-usi against tbepiuv.aluns
In the |.readent's proclamation relating

Ii- beforv Bdjournlon to annexation
II fight I


Cedsr Haplds. la.. June 1.— A meeting
of the Western association was held
here yesterday ,/t.r the purixme

^ ^r suspension until i j,j,od ,nd Ottumwa have lost beartly,
our indu.t.y 1. heard from. Tbe proc | ^
to duband. After
- Kartk Most Bavacaly.
be Iowa came next, and like tbe n^srmn slo.ulc) ,.r.,vidr also agalnrt ■ fours' fllacusslon It was decided
French. German a. I other goods
dues the aalartes of President Hlekcy.
I BUsaschuestta devoted hrr attention to In French puila" .
the UDpires snd players from M to 60
I tbs ships Irtog wlihin the ha^r. Her
per rent., take down the tSM guarmntee
I fit^BCb ebclie made tbe water fly all
and contlhae the, season.
I groond that pari of the harbor In which
leira PwpalM X
Retahle WesMlwg u New Twrk.
a CrUtobsl Col^n lay
Tbe Utter,
, Dea Uclnca Is.. Jun
iwaaer, was not seriously damaged
New York. June A-Mro. Harry L*
Of-lhe-rosd Populists
Grand Cannon and Theo. Fi
I ud kept up her fire until long afwr the
1 but thlrtyiterday a
■rlena ship slesmrJ
I which
e church.
late officer*
ru ...y «.v..n.Hvi..n
onK-lsIed. The bride '
WW^ US^SrenUy fsd r>
acclamall.n: Kecrr.
e engaged, tary c
But mb* aendded along after .the Iowa i e«unty: treasurer. A. M. llulcbtnsun.
■ Uks a fox Urrter following a masUff. I ConncH Bluffs: auditor. A. C. Wicks.
at the proper ^Im she m i Dorio cut
enberg. Ott
1 fly with bar oa* t-pouodcr end gJP
; or. Joseph Ash. Des Moines; clerk of Ue dred miners from

.....------------- -------having di
supreme court, Alll Reed. Uuscstlnc. snd joined .the fo
The pUtfora adopted declares for anti. ere from Muddy Valley. BaiTlsoa and
After tha Vixen bad pamed the i
Murphystwro had already Invodod Car_ tbe Hamaehnsatu turned again v
lorvlUv. • The men ere determined. aad
■ araid. followed by tbe other ships In the
say tbe matter will ba brought to a
• order with-lbs excepuon of the
encago, June l.-Tesurday*s League
termlnxtlon. General Manager
_ . „jB, wblcb waa ordered to keep oui ■cores St base balLwere as follows; At ■pcedy
Brush, of th* B:g Muddy company, mid
■ of trouble. Tbe Ironclads bore down “ - Louis 3. Baltimore II: at tbtt he had not applied to Gorarnor
|«B tbe harbor once mors. Tbe ftsgsblp
Tbanar for asalstnare. as be doea not
■ BWt In nntll lass than *.ttt yards from
apW'rtend trouble. An effort to rmume
“ • gbore. and then bar sbcllt again be. tngton U; at New Torfc-Onclnnatl A week will probably forca a climax ta
g M banes up tba waters
bantiogo New Totk I; at BroaUyn-Chleago «, tba altuatlan. Brush'a property la
bar. TbM ttae the abora batter!e* Brooklyn I; at Boatoo Ctoeriaad A guartad day and night by an anaad

'™ "'S.—


• bettm paread. and tba ■goblarda

d wt)u wanfiUg’B fir* In oaon~‘-


to «uaipste forttae prize oSarwd IS

Fouek oa

and E O Stong warn



o' Watches. Clocks, gif.

’Phoue 167.

MSl Front Street;

The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at


iron worka

eaoond Oflansa Qaaa High
, Hist Elixsbatb Bingbam siolatad tba,

bieyela ordinance a aaeoid lime and-Hardware.

was fined fit by Judge Babm^ yeaurday morning. The Snt eCense coat
only k dollar.
Tha mcmbari e( tbaJorenfla TempUr lodge bare prepared for a fine eoteflainmeat to be gleen ta tba
Namara ball Monday night

It U to

adeaaoe tbe cans* of tamperance.


erybody it inirlicd. Admtmion 10 cants

146 FrOIlt St.

We do not
belong to the combination
And we are not obliged to nell meat at war prices. We haTe a
b«t W
oom-fed atock and cxn fonuBh yon th«

Begins at 8 o'clock sharp.

Bingham Bros., Front StiwL

XIaatb atKlngslay.
Thoroday moralag David wntu, age
4i years, died at bit home in Elngaley,
of typhoid peenmonla.
wiU Uke



Tha funeral
Iba Hethodkt

ckureh at tkat place at 10 o'clock tkia
•ornlng. ______________________

Hastings’ Rtal Estate Agency.

I woB aanousty afiietad with aeougb
» tael lot. amwU hense, #ae laewuat. S(b luees, eas be baeghl Im mra
tor aaearul years, aad last fall had a
H fe<K lot. goon SwsIlUg. persweea. $m Aon mod no ft
otu puM (or
nora acrere cough Ihaa seer before,
have uaed many remadlas without roosleing much rcllet. and being reoomtosi eetes 1 rnlM west. uU (mprovee, 1
taaaspU*aar«rrMedUeU(. Xafkthli
manded loire a bottlaaf Ckambarlaln's sp. OtbarpleerojaMMaemTwWeorssow
Cough Kamady\| by a feiaad. who. knowme to ka a Book wUow. ga*« It to
_ . I tried it, aad with the moat gratlB-ltimm Stodt BmI—1 Thr« TIim. ■ OmS
tylag rosultiF' Tba first bMtIa rolWeed
ma eery mueh aad the aeeond bottls
has ahoolutoly eared too.- I bar* not
had an good kealA far twenty year*.
Baapaettolly. Mro. Mary A. Baard.
Ctaroaora, Ark. 8nU
& E. Wail.

S13 BWt St.


toRtg'i Ontg Danot si^nisMM'

?'■ I

tan MOMtnro moobd. SATumpAT, jpct 4, iw

•rwttnc Ev*nti Leeksd For in
tho Vicinity of Sonttogo
dt Cuba.

Aad »Hli Tbetr R«lp Suipw H>7
Attack WitkMt

It to tiMtwht M ba ««tM
r-itokto that awtte to <atota«hw war
toward atoorlar pcaca bat it to aat b»ttovad tbto will Bwwt aar actlra aatoaiaoea fratn th> cnat pewwra. Aa on*
kadliw dlpunnaue' ofldai ulil Spala
Bs«t btrwif III th* sane condiuoa ot
toolatl^ that Frane* wii la UT»>T1. At
m>e M. Thton. arterwardi prMl>
veal from <«plui to capital
tar to aacur«lb*c o; aratlon oC Burep*
bU BOtoioa waa a
Tb« mlMoa of CasUDe to aald to ba
like that ot Thlara. aad the dlploisaUc
offlclato baUavr It will meat with the


_ totoalmmadlto.^*
HaaaTamdar halO.
T Itoa Kavr I

I latereat ct France, b
The French
hare bare not heard o:
tor many weeeka pas
the auUiorlUea at Farli


LoBdon, Ji^Dc k—Ttta Vlaeoa comdpaadent QtTbe Dallr UaUaayt: *Vpala
hoa addreaaed another appeal to the
powara to laiervenv la the war, aad
Austria to pivpartd to accede, but oaly

erd. of the Inman fleet, and one of tha
ataunebest on the lakes, was nut down
and sunk in the ship canal Jaai bafora ;

lue measure, ao far aa tha fisaaca
eommlttaa to oonearaed, w«s eotoplated
with the exception of tba bead provtatOBand^

Erer Burned Ontt |


AttarMya at Law.



J-NMUJyfcA-lffOBl. ,

midnight yesterday. Th:ce ol tba tura ] both tides of the chamber that a vote
crew went down w;ih the r boat. They :
be taken today before ad}onnwere; CApialn John Brlcklei; Elmer* nent
All of the eommlttaa amendc.ok, of Chfyhoygan. steward: Oeorr# | mcnts. except those noted, were agftod

BiraJir*38 CARDS.

of the rers erew.
Tbe Record waa meeting a aioamer as .
ah' entered the harbor d ust as she got,
alongside and was making fast the
aicamer'e line Ihq atrong current set-1

tb. u«.


„»nta. bat tpe afforta In each ease were
t. BXOWR. attorssr was C
The houae. practically without debate.
psaaed the urgency deflclency WU pro»•
—:----------------------- ^
vldlng for emergency expenses of the g-ajLBgrr a payta. A»*acwey»._ap^M

army and
brcadalde agatnal the aieamer'a stem the war.
and the Record went down like a shot, elding for
It It auppoaed ibaf the tug waa forced gsd poata
her a de and foundered from tbe i
water taken
ake'o on.

a„.n„„u i.rtj... 1.1

Oowunwas Dews There to LMk Uhe
Xbsre Might Be a Here Besa.



rartbAn Sioak.

in Trav-

aaojWMSI Law. tesetol

$11 00

Waahtnaton. June k-n waa pUlaly
toodoaable at tbe nary department yeatarday that the oa<'Ula were expecUnt
oawa of the -flrat Importance, - but tl^i
Iher dtd not look for It Immediately.
l%e flrmneei with which they have laalfted that Schley could have had ao
“• I

•eneral eaBacemeat with the Spanish
apparently the unknown quantity In
Cbaoaa per L
torcea at Sanllaao api e:;r- d t < be ba cd
Oat* per bo (old|..
«B a full kauwledfr of ti p plans under posed of It Ir probable the opt
Oonsper bu..old..
Which the commuuurv to a. in g. and the the army has ao long walled
, BtoUsh Sallsr-. Friesd Pwe. is tba BasS
•raatett eoncesalon that^ucy would come and come quickly.
Colonel J. K. Dnrst. who waslnchstge I
Beywss tbs VaU.
make towards admltUna Ibst a ttrhi
Of the recent expedition on tbe steamer *
LondoB. June k-Mr Samuel Filmhad taken plate there Tue. day oae lu
Florida. deacHbee the condition of the
btown as the ■aallora' Friend.'
aay that Schley bad posalbb' detected
women and children u pitiable to the ^
originator of tba famous •‘PUm.oll
•oma earthworka coinc up and had
raaed them with hla ebellt. They were
oo&Bdent that he had made no attempt Of Cuba.^ where th. aupplle. of arma | p„^„
nnatol, to lOk
to aster tba harbor, it la be.leced now.
parliament for the expert
however, that wltp Sampaoo In the (tcU
.... k,. m.*
asd In command off Samiaco with an pnetfleoa many of them emaciated to
socmented force Intereallnd events nuy tbe last extremity by long
, „
-.V- I ‘binklng that Harcoort. a cabinet minNearly half of these unfortt
ba looked tor.
women, and according to Colonel Dorst service to the aallora' eauae than a prlMay aitosb Wltlmol AwaiUay Traepa
scarcely one of them had more than a vau member ceulA
Thaae are. expected, too. notwilhsingle rfkrment, and that to tatters Aa
•taadlnc the (act that no iruopa
far as possible the crews of tbe.Floiida
yet ataned from Thmpa. aa waa aataband her consort, tbe Osceola auppHed
llobad by indulflaa at the war departthe paclflcos- kanta even giving away marr <
Nicholas Dauer look ahead and plan ahead so that
t yesferday afientoon.
I with latent to
. ... a charge of aaai
senu are known
h nereral i kill Adolph Gravan
been adjoumod
nalcbborhood of Banttaco. and Uiroucb
t yesterday made u„,n next Monday
iwall the result la A liuJe (orethoagbi will also mve
Captain Doral the war department not
a tour of Inspection of the various reg- j of Qravan's wounda
kner to to Jail to maeb axpenee aad valaable time.
•sly baa been tn communication with
Is teeugbt that prudeat aad a oareful man will keep a
tham. but hoa aoimlled.Uiem fully with nlar and volunteer camps around Tam- ! gefauK of «.0«C halt It It
The main volunteer camp at Pal- ' oravan will rocevrr. but ha to to a
bottle of Chaaberlato't Colic. Cholera
•ood weapon! and an abundance of
aad Diarrhoea Bomedy in tbe bottoe.
ammnnUlon. Hie beadquartera of tha
beat of the Cuban yenerwla Garcia, are
asd than ruin hU
- of■ th* I oeealty
_______ ooapeU
.. It'
. --dlBtant from 8aiiUa«o only seventyrSve brigade drill of the Tlilny-eecond Mich- : (yu ntent of the tow. gpcaklng
Igtn end First Florida reglmento Col­
uli. Gravan says that when he saw bast boras going for a doctor asd bare
CDtlaa. ao that It to poeaible Sampaon
onel Leonard Wood*! volunteer reglBauer bad made ao vicious
taato strund anouitb with ihatr auppun
k, thought best to make belle** , pact ont Si eaota, the* ether it oi
(X) beyin the aasauli by era upon the menl of cavalry, better known aa ;
■paiUah fleet and forts m-uhout awalt- ••RooeereU-e tough rideri.- »«• mab all . tk,t b* was d«ed ard lay very quiet, i hundred dallaa aad then waadets
tiiy the arrival of the L’niled Staiea lolA arrived In Tampa ton bight and ,f,inkik, Bauer would do ao further in- ; hU naicbhor it galtlng richer
For mle I
trobpa from Tampa. The trend of tbe
saws lba‘l came to Washrnyton from
tmofflcial Bonrees dur.nx yesterday aftHadiaon. Wla. June k—Governor 8cosrsoon all went to aupi>ort this belief: ao Oeld. has sent a telegram to Kecretnry
i K. A V. S. IL X Bummar CxeunleBA
there Is aome yround for the expeda- of War Alger to re^«nse to hto tele-,
tion rf the ofllcials that imivtnari In'Very other Sanday
gram of Inquiry as lo wisconaln’e abil­ to srr.ously
(ormatlon may be ez:-e-'(eJ sbortly.
Traina leave Traewrae City
ity to recruit Its reglmmi now to tbe
Kmghi. the L..rdon Times curivapon.
Mm* Traa.peKs to O* l« Caba
t 8:S0 a. a . Eetuming traina leav
scutb up to the maximum strength.
dent, has i-cn rvl,a*.-d fr.'m Havana
Aastsiant ^e•Trlar> Uetkleiohn.of the The governor replied that WlaconaJn
:Maetotaeati:40p a. Uanal low rataa
war department, yesterday secured ail- can furnish the man provided
_______ the
H. us. a. Nyack. NT., K„oBd
nd trip fare aot more
than II 00 for
the 7^
re- \, . Th*- I*r..*|.eci
4l(lcnal tranaports of capacity of ap- cruiung Is done I"
nd L.«s on building. ■ „y distance.
TieheM good only
l.w*u.les from '* burneo
pf Xlmaiely kOM men for (he Cuban and ,,n
nieni* about lUi.OOA
,^le and not traoah
srW'y of Invaalon. Tbia swells the total
Three rhiplwwa PalUlWlAl boya now
T. A. Mm-8ux.
swnher-of available veoseis to over
Geoerai Pasacagar AgeaL
r respective local. tuny with a carrylnt caisclty of searreview of ib* war with Spain to tell to
W. CvgaiKonaH. Agaat.
ty St.OM men. The ships secured yes­
terday will be sent l« Florida porta,
The French chamlier ot deputies yes­
ChtoOy Tamtva. as feet as prarlleable
Washington. June k—A few odds and terday elected M Itctohanel president
spa prepa:ed for srrvi e. The cl\»«er- ends uf the mustering of the first vol­
by ibe close shave of four
^ I Of the ad
additional ships at t>ts time unteers called for by the president re- 1 majority.
la taken aaa n Indication
main yet to be caugbt up, but to all j
i^-cretafy L'lng. of tbe navy dei«n1 which the wair department toienie and puriwto* Ihe work baa been ,
C'mflned m m* r.cra 1
proposes to ondertske tbe openalve op- completed. Adjutant General Corbin .
, p,|r, m his leg tbai he is unab:*
•eatlona against the Spi
aitnouneed tost night that a few over , jq account for
WsBt Indies and of the
U1.0M men had been mustered. Iowa j
j,^ce made their at
ewry 6ut the plan Jndb ated
ailed her quota yesirrday and (be tost ,
u«raboo Wls
The fruit
Ury Alan- In his
of the Kentucky-troopa ha\w been mns- cc. ered ulih them bui as yet no dam-----------------•sklng for more money to be lir
tered and have received their orders to age u reiH.uedKirat-claaa Riga. Everything new
AMiy avtilable.__________
Ratos aa raaaonahle as any
Paul Gruiikau. tbe ililwaukee social- and neat

g^°Sf5. Abswaets e( TlUaN.te!






ItasK he to ready toutin'*



Horse Hotel.

-iUiery, Sile iDd Feed Barn.

New Thlrg to l£e Army.
tot. la lying y
J..., ph'a bospiui 'n'Oratmlaaa baea in the city. UWe na a
I call aad get onr prtcoa.
WAShlngion. June k—Senator Paulk, that vliy. suffering from a com •
icr baa Introduced a bill aulhortilng of lung (roubles.
Colonel William A. Slone w
be secretary of war to-appnlbt two
CMckamauga Paek, Oa..
natrons to tach regiment of volunteers Inaled for gowrnur by tbe Kei
wlih SpainBpato- of P.-nnaylvania Wanamakrr
Third Pennsylvania First llltooto. | to eerve during ihe war alih
TVlb Marylan-I sM Slxly-nlnth New ' Their du^.le preaerlbed as tollowa: "To | anlf-guay randldsi
King, a '
Tork retimenie of Infanlry left Chick- | mend.N^. and wash the elolhli
- Mis* Clara Sutro,
.nliary condlUoa ot the m
daughter of former Mayor Sutro. of
Amauga yesterday for Tampa. Tbe terse ‘ ***
Of their reapecUv* cr——
mmols had been here alee.' May U. to
CliP-sg,., Is sr
■ Mea to Oolo Manila.
this regiment a
S< nut Polo I »• rnabe. formerly SpanDea Uulne*. to.. June k~Coionel Lothe men f
Ish minister i , the rmied Stales, has
per. of the nfty-flrat Iowa volunteers,
la CMditi
to the
palriug and enameling, ai
.. U-e,AHrv.
.-oion-l Hrnn-le :
“I nice at Madrid.
v,.“” „
Cfllckamauga. received an orbeat work of any
Dunkers' c.nlercnre. In Bur­ and do gl^r 7<>o
Tomer to In ...mmand
The exwflepl
i„, night tn.m Adjutant OenK, lut,
th* city (or the money
bead of the Third lliio.ds r, giment
at on.* at Saa lington Park, near fhUBgo huUdli
out wlii new and on.ll> lb.i™mento. • p
General Meriit. The reg- and Wan asswlallons
harmony with g<>s|el leac h:
Thr« deaths were t.i.,ried feum
vouraelfoamp hospitals . Con-ral Ciaren.-e K.

----------Gust KnobI-, icf North Fre-rtom Wla..
•tewan. Blghlh UassarhuaetU. died of!
win Deistoad ray ter the FSmwIU.
WBS kl> kitl in tbe sl-dometi by a h'Tse,
paeumonto; John A. Riley, private.;
New Tork. June k—The owners of the InfllcIliiK fearful InJjr.e* The phyolvlan
First INstrlct of Colutr.bis. pneuinuola, { British siesirship Kuacolla. which waa rtlKcrl* lhat he .arn'-I perover
Stop In till S o'clock CTcrv^eTAolng,
W. C. ppoffonl. First V. rnu,iu. of pneu- . sunk by the l-nlled Sutea cruiser CoInformation from Madrid >■ to Ibe af­ except Hunday. in the Caldwell A Lou­
Tbe remalmi id eaib were lumbla off Ftry Island on Sunday last, fect that Cariillo, the Spaniah ambaadon bailding, a^north end of Union
gfcipped home for interment.
will aoon present to the navy depart- aador to Frame, haic beer Instructed to
Colonel J. 8. Culver, of the Fifth Till- ' mvui a claim lot damage* to the sum of use all effort* lo bring alwiui Interven­
nala. waa appointed protisiMnal com- about ttOO.CMI.
tion by lb* i-owera
Biai.<ler of the Fir
npala tieu M
Ion, First enrpa.

Brodkagei i IlsdMfikj,

Bicvcle Riders.

HUE DEmwoiw.

^ A

* I Into pntnieaa extrAction of tanth.
AatodolAr. (or eztraeUon otf toath
wiihout pain oMd. lAtoat a»d aaak

- a yet Bate te

.; making exuaeuoa c^.

tooor hare. AU lar eals chews W. «. KlAhgu f-w. N. X Bteoag. Maaager. t» PrM



-RseMwa city. Blab |

Dr. Higgins,


Tampa, Fla.. June k—With the estabClty.
New Tork. June k-Sollcltor ACT.
Ushraent of general army headquarters
at Tampa, and with Mayor Oeneral Dodd, according to an Interview which |
Sm B,
HIlea on the gmand perannally direct­ Tbe World- pnou thU momlg. to of the
Cut Pork...
ing tbe raovemenu of tbe army, affaire opinion that the Blandard Oil company j
...Ill decline
MV iKv
lev I Ok—V. rk.. *
here have again taken
degree of activity, but no embarkation agreed up<it
Ate as the proper amouni to b.
of troops baa at yet taken place from
Upon the compasy-a dealings
this point
Although the work of pre- leum.
W, .rmj- r..r ,h.
, ph,vd I. I..-i
^ _


John R. Santo,
Beptral lisiriKt.

llitary eampa

Tiayata# ow^ Maifeat.

LATnr wBwa r»OM vAitrA
•fata to Aaklaa AM la Itotapa.


torn Pawn irtth Bee the OaptoStoMsw. '
Dulntb. UtnB. dune k-Tba tug Itae.

1 stowla


B. J. Morgan,

On K. A V. B. B. S.

non saU-OaaU baosa wad kat

F°i.-SU;V2ftVfA SSl,“3;
■“ -"r :“,ss.s;isKSjrGi.,

AI] bhggAge. bu And bnek wock
for ibid roAd dioold be Uft with
me. Office 239 Stete itreet, tdte
phone 3. All orden left with aw
will receive prompt httantioii.

ITSS’5.'SlS‘SS!=?lfS,SC bufUfUikliUuiLI
a ackoa) hosaa wt Oadar

nwaa aa4 *wl»»

way ar all tod* I* luaurvek^_____________ »-«


P^gNlOCK WD^ALA P^^-Pars^to

ngaORT PBOPXSTY PO» «aL«-Th* bewaXV tlfal awd poputor raaor-.. Beddea A^
Old NMoa. foe »wl- Will iwka oslwcuoibered
Trwrersc CliJ property la axehwBcr. or will
alt* law Uti* as iwoAblrd.e' parekaae

' Si;


OoeiaJBsaU witout armlaa. sartca. teru aad
warship* of betb aallae. aad a graphla siorT a(

falkto V^*?*Wct°far “to
llbre la the kalta of Qaagliie* Tba greaual
war took patolabed: tKI Urr* pases; l» saparb lUuMratloaa. BBS} la rtcba*i
larpc cotored ■

liiism ADmnunniLi

•ul»cnb*T re
Dewaod rooi mau*: karrrat for at*ou. SO
rairkt paid: aatat free. Wrtl*

aalWaMtaakA A.

?(o Molr tor breaaaa Into lb* eagto* to ahad
weatol ibawatar wtoka TraTafae CUT Iroo
Works atS tf________________ .

F°city peapeety

W Paiebla.




and ai
: the
- I
p,..— -n.
wwamenta for a rertea and Inspec- i
'■>“> «»*»• “<>
“»«« »• “■>
UOb of Ihto division, which will taka ailempl to stopyh* traffic.
Th* new government
tie hat been completed. It
Funerwl M m>L ngtoa
— -I dosen oven* 'and thre*
SpHngllrid. Ills., June S.—Aftar tba
shitu and amptoya about sixty persona BlAle offices openi-d for faiulneso yester­
Tba eapstoity of theae ovena U M.OOt day a meeting of aUlt emcets and
iMVfs par day. aad It will be operwud beads of depaitmuats waa held to taka
suitable action and arrange for attendWashington. June
Thre* more ae- lag ibr funeral of Irofetser AM-lngles,
Haito ttoset of Hines* bare developed to tupenDtrodeni of publlo Inatronlon.
Camp Alger. Rag Eaheman-I* suffering who died at Kenogha. Wto. Wednesday.
artOl eoeaumtloB and will be seat to hto Btair Auditor teicu lougb presided, and
bMue at BteHtof. Till. Me belangea to J. Mac Tann'T. private secretary to th*
govarnor. acted as secretary. Commitleea were appulnUd to prepare for the
aaat to Port Myar. auSarlBg tram

to iu mn Itpariiy.

If You Have Logs to Sell
CorrMpond with the Trnverae Cit^ Lumber CompAny.
We have for ahie Good,


-Alto .................. «

rSTSSSi^:::; “•
Couaiy Clerk, uuill^c Iflb day of Juac

acceptasor at peupoaaU aad eiecBtom of coo—
rl^l to rejan aay and all Wda
deasad I____ _
to* Isiartiat of toe
rouoiy la hereby

Jobs Pructraa.

E. Wa^

OeoMra-Ad^a War
wile, harlag left wy bed aad I

OBI eootramed by be* DikHd
leoaiy. Miek.. May SI. IMS


S^eito to sak tba powara to laUrvap*
that mevamsfil baa aot gM
tokMAW <M«> i* Watelagton. altbw
as tha Atoto dapATtaisat or ml nay of

.'.'iiteihAbteL. '

time and place
be settled after cwnferetiee with a commluee from the I'opuUst Bl4te commit,
tee. which win meet h.p» «n June U.
William Jenningt Bryan waa praoent
At tbe aeaelon of each eommlttee and
advised that steps looking to tsalim
tha baala ol tbs tost gaar-a ba takw


Uill MAohinery of nil doAcrip^oan, indoding Two Engines,
Ret Works, OarriAgei tad Sawev*- A complete Saw Mill Plnnt
for Able.



WiXh au^H

ie. .t

kbh^:.: .


la* ell, o/^rrrae CUj. Graod Tr------------------ty, Hlchisas. accurdlag u, plan, aad apeetfleallou* foraUbed by ktob. BowwaoA Ra*b, ar• bi'ccu. which plaar aad BpaclOcailan* ai* ao
Uc with W. A. Kewtao. Covaty Clark. Trararse Traearaa City..........Aiv
Cuy.HKh. B'dtaiu*! bcaaaitoaDd aadewaos
"Piwpaaala (or Balldlag Coon Haase-'apS adGOiMQ go^m.
araoaod uWia A Newtoa. Ceabiy CUrb. Trarcrae Oily. Hlch. Xach tod aiasl he aeeoaapaa-


Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


hUm TibtU. ttS X Sth M. MS-tr




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