The Morning Record, October 06, 1898

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The Morning Record, October 06, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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■■ Vf


SeooDd tov—No 446


’“ST 1,030


] beea bwtd on Ui« track ketora.

Ten Soldiers KiUed by PiU.
S^«Dti on the Fair Oroupd. i
j ta Mtreral ot Ui« brau of the frae for
Track Ware Great:
agers in Fierce Bottle.
jail tbora wore conw m cxeitiof ud
-------------ipraityaoUbra** wera evM^ witoenod
«<T0a Oo’- Carried Off tlto Bosora for
horww. a1) tkree of
Tbto lMaUt7-B«t KMtiac aad the*, flaabtnf eodw ibe wlrae in one.
1.« knom
Iwo, U.~ «<«■ u U,., ..n o. U>.
eard and aa they appear in the deUU
Boulne Race VtUod with Xxoite*
report of the race alaewhere in thia
BMt-Toder« ff»»ra» Offer*, la- oolomn.
CTOMod Attraotloae
Sen* Baca Track Ooaaip.
Tkerrantlof yeaterday’e raoe mratAfter the flrat beat in th* free-for-all
lar at the ffctntrooodewsk.nndortho Charley Oormaioo. the popniar driver
aneploeeofthe Traverae City
ui* oity.tooh the relne orar Bell.the
Clob.wa* a clean-cat. «*«y
etalllon, enooeedior B- SoprrtoryforaOrind T-arera* horaa. Too; man, and tha rccnlt waa

Oaaoral Bacon Xnadad on Shirk’*
Bolnt With 100 Kan Whoa the Bad
Man Opened ffire-TW* Wan Land
to bMaral Oprislar in Voethern
Kinneaota, an Other Tribaa an Bxpaeted to'lotn th* Bea/ialandera.
Bpeclnl to Tat Mouibo KaftMt*.
UiDoeapolla, Oel. k—A apeeinl froi
Walker. Minn.. aUWa that a Scree enyayement weh plaea boiwooe Indiana

•imoat wlihool ‘•inmlng a hair.-' aaf
ihVcVaitnu\ aUlHM'driwn
the raclny parlaneo pnU U.
,„t the aobriqoot of
Thlawaatheachloreaontof Yon »«. ..jee *econ." a« he trailed in »bont

M ehronieled
further niony.
reot, -.o thlrtv leoyth* behind U.e .P®l“»
heminalllherartou* beau of the
mdday'eraee of the biy TraTera# |a*d;d hU driver, and notonce
[Continned onlbye 3.|
City Drivtay Clnb’e annual wotlny,
yood time wea made in the three
cveata ot the
eomc clow and excUlay flniabe* "bra polled off. tome
■ yn ntlonable *t^ went up n record,
a prateat or two waa mad* and the laet Kicked Upon the New Drill
roe* of the dey. the ronnlny event,
Schedule at Knoxville.
waa InWiTupWd by. a thrllilny run­
away. In that race. In the third heaV
Thrfr-Virat XiMuyna Orov BobalBay Diamond and Nellie B. taadea deai ooa and an Bronybt to Tim*
peraw break in the firat quarter and
by Colonel Oardnar.
roaahad th* road.headed for their barna
their jockiea aetride them. Tbe mad Ow«4 toTBBMoaxueaacoBa.
ruah of the horeoo throoyh a eecUon of
O ip Poland, KnoxvUla. Oct 6.—
tbe crowd, canted quiW a aeurry, bat
nttafaction hat beea canned
fortnaately no one wa* hurt.
new driU acbodule iaeuad by
bwaaa wore diaqoallfM by thia break
•al McKee, and talk of refnalny
Md BOiUier flyured In the aummarlea. to < ill hae been rife in tbe ThirtyMiehiyan. Thi* morniuy aa inVery ObiUy Winda.
• Tha waatber waa not Ideal for joipi it effort to put tbe threat into ex' raelnyer nny other aort of outAoor oeojon wa* made, but promptly check
apvt. as it wa* cold and raw. and a | *d Oolonal Gardner anc Lieut. Cot.
«hUlk> bltlny. wind Bwept~ acr^iScb MU.
en tbe bnyl* eonnded for comthe track. wbleUed throuyh the yrand
drill, the men cheered deritively
etand and the judyaa’ bonw. played
vere elow in oaBombtiny. Oombob with haw and made tbe cloelny
K tnrutd out but i
part of each heat, eomloy down the .
beoond Lleau kot Miller,
borne alroicb. a meet dUayroeable per-; drl
formanee by roaeon of the etroay head • Th
rporal’a ynard '
cheered by
wind ThU may aooonnl for tbe lack ' Co may I a* li atarud away. Colenal
of any new rocorda Only oaee duriny , 0* nar and Lleu‘.«qant SeknbeU
tbeofwrnoon vraa there a bniat of *un- j hajed the Uulo band-of Co. K. wnt it
mpany etreet aad then
ahln*. but U wa* unacoompantod by
rod the other me* of the company
eeetation of tbe wind.
the ranki. All ot them obeyed.
For the fakir* and hawkera eonneoted



with tbe ea'tcb-penny yame* and the
abowa and take dodyea, the day waa a i
bad one for “apealtny" and the vlcUme
were few.
S^tor Quay. Hi* Son end C. H BeThe crowd waa a dlaappolntiny one
loo Bound Over to Circuit Court
in point of number*, the excellence of
Obaryo of Xiaaov of Funda.
theraem conelderod. aa barely tbrw
lut to Tub Hobkibb Rbcdbo.
hnndred people were oo the yround dur­
blladeipbia. Oct. 6.~Uaited Statm
iny the entire afternoon, th* etaeerleaa
atorQuay, Biebard R. Quay aad
winda oanelny many to yo bom* dnrlny
rloa B. HcKoo of Pitubury. ^
the race*.
afternoon held In S3.O0O bailMcb
Some Bad Start*.
nawer at the next term of court the
Jack Fell, of Grand Baplda. waa the
rye of nalny elate food* depoaited
aUrter. Thera
People'* Bank for tbelr Indivile of tbe BtarU and there v
vantayee ia aome caaoa. <S1 proSu
Tbi* vraa nottble la tbe Siat beat
of the frw for all. and Iwjpa in
enbwqneat beau, when th* boraaa
were not all In lino. Bat Jack amlled 1 iretary Alyor Bopliod to Qnention*
yood natoredly at all the kicker*.
(f InTOiUyatiny Oowimiaelon
In tbe very flr»t heat of the day a
Fixing BeaponelbUiiy.
protaat waa filed ayaioat tbe roBBlny
etal u Tet MoattB* Ebotob.
of Ki**r. by ohe of the boraemen. who
Waabiaytos. Oct.
General Alyer
oUlmad the entry belonyed in tbe *;«1
claaa. Mr. P. E- McGill, tbe owner and |» replied to eix of tbe important.
driver diareyarded tbe proteat and Ux k leaUonaaubmitted in wriUny by tha
part In all of tbe four beau, dividiny raatlyatiny oommlmton. It i* said
third and fourth money with Dan D.
, ey place the reaponalbllily for tbe
The race*' of tbe day. taken all in all. mpa delay and Santlayo tronblea
Sampaon. Tbe aaeretaiT abowed
were of a very commendable character,
aotara* dove eompeiitloo went and.' anawera to tbe prealdent, rooelviny
barriny the few exceptioas noted, the || I aiqiroval, before snhmittlny them.

$5,000 RiimCH.



yearaofaca. The .fnneral will prob.^
ably be held from bb law home at |
Carp lAhe and bU ranaine are expect- *
ed in tbi* city today or tonorrow.

------------r Piniraa Will Xatrodw
Bll WipiBK Ont OaneoMa
. And OonvenUona.
SpecUt i»TaBMoa»B« Sbooks.
Detroit. Oct s.—The reform wbiob
OorerncH- Plnrree loWnde to briny
abont at the next aeoelon of the teyiilatnre. it a new primnry elrctinn |pw.
: Jacper C. Gate* hae drafted a bill »akry ban‘(“f

The Knights Are With Us-


bnt aay. they are Sne.
fine. Let'a
Lefe abow
Bbow yon
aotae of them. Take an
Oh. bntaay.
too aoae
ud wo will eec that yon are leell eatoi^inod.

Holley & Gonnable,
2a0 Front Street

ink, Mucilage and PastePauKs—Diamond —Thomas—Arnold's—Stafford's
—A full line—at

ont all cauenaeo and city, oounty. atate.

Markham BiocL



®" ***•
o’clock. The
Teetb-Wlthont p1
, B. TtI Co-b Mock.

Boldlera went Uironyh tbe thick nnder-; 0- L. Ive* ToU*t LoUeai
,™w,h ^
win ...rj pn-1
*"■ C. Hcaution taken againat ambnab.
Marabal O Connornnd Inapector Tin­
ker had retnrned from a eonncll with
tbe Indiana with tbe ioformaUon that
they refnaed to aorrender.
The council waa a dramatic* affair.
Th# two white men aataloae.anrroanded by ib* fifty waiTlora.all maynlfloeat!
The brai
clothod in buckahin and beada. their
hair waa atacK fuU of feather* and
their face* painted. Keariy every maa
ean-ied a rifle aad wore a belt filled
with oartridyea.
Colonel Tinker opened the cooncU by
tetliny Ac Indiana that b* had been
Cnntinaes to attract tbe
oentbythoyreat father to advlao U*
Indiana to obey tbe law*. He aaid Uicy
ahoe buyers.
mnet yive np to the law the men want­
One coetomer tella an­
ed by the marshal. Then the ladian*

Shoo Sale

Ic reply aald they had been robbed aad
deepoiled for yeara; that the wbllo men
bod ill-treated tbom and had tok<^
tbelr propartyTbe ledlaaa aay they will raaiat a*
lony aa a maa live*.
Nea* ofth* other branehe* of the
Chippewa* baa yat Joined tbe Fillayen,
but BOW that ttao flrat abot U fired it is
by DO meanaimpreboMoUatth* Wbiu I
Barth Indlaet.lboo* of Bod Lake and
Caas Lak*. aod even these of Leech
ayency will jola their lurbolent broth­
ers. Thi* m«y briny to Northern Minneeou a yaneral nprUlny.
Spaniards Bapidly l.e*visy Porto
BpM^lal to tllF HOBXIBO RtFoav.
San Juan. Porto Rico. Get. fi -A
sailed this afternoon
for Spain, maklny a total of more than
three thousand Spaoiarda deported
duriny the last two day*. The Spanikh troop* cootinae evacuating tbe t<-rrltory aod the American troops will
take poiieeaion aa soon as evacasted.
In tbe Oroat Spora Wblcb Swept
Sontborn OoaaL
Opvclal U) Tat UatBiBo RBOgsb.
tevsnnabUa Oct. S.—Uis {
hat too to 400 live* have
the etorm which be* swept this eoaek
The aewt by way of a boat, wMeb ar­
rived today, ia that M peraone wera
drowned at FernandlDa.

best ttylea—low price* a

.....^Our Boy’s Clothing

All tbe newand nobby effoe**
—Veatee. (S tot yean); Reefer, (tto
8 yean;i: doable> breasted,
(4 to 16
to $S 00. aad at every stop yon yat the best val­
obuinahl* at tbe price
yoa pay.


Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Honse. t

other of the woudArfol shoe

Tight Heaters

barKRiDs they got bevp. so
that most of our customers
come in aud any:

“Give me

a ^ir like Mr. So-and-Bo i,’ot
the other day.

I saw them

and they suit me.



Heat up quick, bo*d. re 24 hours or more aod make frienda
wherever they go. If you ^n't believe it buy one of


they were your

S3.00 Shoe
For S1-98-'

Plaoe-127 Front Btroot
Larger Store..Double Stock..
Elegant New Lines..

Jewelry, Silyerwarel

A look means a safe
every time.

Brine yo“f family with
yoQ.'for yon will surely want
to buy wb«n yon see these

Increased display Fine Watches. Fine Ud6 Silk Umbrtilas.
Stringed Moaloal inatnunente. Strings for all instrumentB. Havi.
land China Ware. Everything new.
Take a look through our elegant new quarters.

Popular Shoe House.

rMlOepM- en WaaMwneo *trw4. Mo. CS. Israc *e tow ha. oev m
Oueol locaitoaa In ta* Citr. Boow in good eoBdUloo. ( iraseo. Mwer. MoOen le pUa SB*
dgi^^lo\e*0 br boar*t ot a ^rtolnlf UkvBSl ooev

In One!

Oasb BayisUrOoneera's Trouble*.
SpwUI toTsl MnKBtXB Rbcobu.
lumbuB. Oot. S —Tbe iojonetian I have moved the stock from i
fetore on ^st Front eireel, U
asked for by tbe Hailwood Cash BegisUr Co. of Columbos, ayaioit tbe Kaatari* were yenarally eloae iand with all
the boraea well bnnebod. ’^bere were
wna derided today eyaiott the Hallcaoae oontealft noUMy in tbe firat beat
where I have combined an extensive
I Hoad* of SIS Parlor MaUhoa wood Co. The injunetieu waa denied.
stock of----Of tbe free for all. where all three enAnd Za Dead.
trie* were not two lenythi auan dorFoot
lay tbe entire diatanee around the half «clal to tbe HoMiBs Ret'oas.
A apeclal from ■pcclsl leTsK MosBiBv Earaan.
_mile- Ibe ftnleb. in thi* haat. waa St. Loui*. OcL
New Baven^Oel.
In today's foot
'*1*0 a very pretty affair and evoked tUaa aaya that "Jimmie." th* 14aivold dauybtor of J. B. Stephan*.: ball yarn*. Yale, 14; Amberat. 0.
lond appianae.
PtaUadolpbla. Oct S.—Flaal soon:. The crowded condition forces
bo live* in (iGDule*. tried to commit
Th* Burpria* of tbe Dayicide by oatiny tl^head* ot SIS par- DnivertUy of Pennsylvania. 50;' Mans­
me to sell a lnr»{e quantity of
The surpriae ot the day. indeed, tor matche*. She died today. She tried field dtato NOTmal school, a
goo(k at
that matter of th# onUre meotiny, to aaveber life by awallowiny bacon
•U profeated cxpsru in herae fleeb. id lard. Inateadof b-.iny an anUdote
Honora for Oorvera.
waa tbe ramarkabt* performance of rpboapfaoroa* poiaonlny tbe lard and
Bpariri u> Tas Moavu* Kaooan.
Ton Ooln tbe
claai, wianiny
To make room for new goods. Ton
haatened death.
Madrid. OeL 5.-Ii ia annoiuoed that
Ottd place in tbe flrat heat and aoorii
should, take advantage of th©
Admiral Cervora U to be appointedn
ffrat nnder the wir* le each
B llaire Soldier Dead.
tnrae foUowlny beau, winniny
-lal w Tbb HoaBiBB Rbcobo.
raoe. Yon Oo U Uie propertv #f W. M.j
Ulasd Lake. o~t- S.—Walter Wriybt AMOS FRAMK BKBDLT DEAD.
Been, a faraipr at Orawn. th's <-ouTi'yJ
if Bellaire, C;>mpany B. Thirty fifth
aad vraa driven by Elmer McCoy, bif
S26 Front Street
flebiyan voinnteera. died at Camp The Six Coot-atyht-iaeb Oolor Sviyvant
trainer. Aeeordiny ta Mr. Brea, in /
ef the Thirty-fifth .Klobiyan
ilaion thU aflernooo of typhoid fever.
oonveraatioa with a Rkt >bii repre«ri/
Color Sergeant Amoe Prank fimedley, > ^ ^ > I
tive.' It wa* You Gd* firat appaaraucl
the famous six foot eight inch biyfa OOAL
on tbe raoe track. ’’The firat tim« th ‘
By wearing one of-ihoae nobby new
bora* wa* ever on a race trajk.” eai anlu for men that w« are ahowiay at giant of the Tbirty-eUb MIebiyaa Vol—Hardo
Mr. Bee*, "waa laat Friday, when
ten dollara
- • • ■
value*. aoteera, well-known In this «tty, died
Tuesday from typhoid fever'at Camp
placed him in McCoy'e ear* to tral
Meade. The aeryeant was* member
He la oaly three year* old. Indeed
—Alt for burning. *
of Company C, anlleiiny at Petoskey.
am prond of my horee." Thi* pri Vew Jbdiet*
Ladle* desiriny Ullor made eulte are bnt fait home waa at Cbrp Lak* ia Also the Alvray* Ready Wr* Kindlon |
wa* certainly loetlfiable. for You
requested to call on Mrs. Ida Smith Grand Traveree eonnty. Be waa a yeato start your tras.
came ont at the ead of the raoe app
oral favorite with all the militia. mvD
aatiy a* freak •* when be eater
.Front sUwt
and oMoere allka Bmedley wa* as
done also. ^444-«i*
Hfi flelab la the third aad fourth ho


Fancy and
Staple Groceries.

Greailf Reduced Prices




J. M. lARKINS. 1





A picture painted for your imagination, which, when you
investigate, (Halves from your sight—and tbe so-called bar­
gains and great stocks are mere myths.
We present to t our notice

Which we substantiate word for word. We eJing to our
standard of "one price to all.*' Etch aud every article, from a
suit of clothes or * dreas, down to a paper of pins marked in
black and white.
We carry bv far tbe largest stock in the city—Oar window
this week is a fair representation^ substantiating our claim as
'leaders in .bargains.
A collection of "Switz Conde,** Tonng Kennedy ATToung's
Wool Underwear—price everywhere $1.00, our price 5&.
Men's heavy Underwear from 15c np to tiie &nest.
“Wright’s Health Fleeced” Underwear, half silk nirfroe, '
at $L65 each.
Sweaters in large varieties.
Oversbirts by the case lota.
Men's Uoinn Sutts at prices well worth your notice.
Neckwear in large profusion of patterns and latest makes.
Tour money savers,

Fbort Stbbbt.

USHBkxdL {

<n4TXME omr. •


u T. »AT» AXD 3. W. BAnn.

BmbbssleiiMBt Oam In Olronlt
Pocmer Adame Bxpieto XeaBeacer
•elBr fried for Allrced Appreprt-

g, W.'Mammmm, Bditer ut4 lUa«cw.

Btiea cd *1,000 firem a *10.000

There waa BOt aa larfe a erowd la
atteBdaaee'at the aetotosa of the Gii>
call ooort yeaterday, aa the
oftkecaaaaoBtiial, Bor tbeaplcyaaOmOiacDura
tare of the erldeoee aad remarha of
the attoTBeya
There waa a eery alim attesdaoee. de>
apite the tael that the noted OomeU
waa the atar feaKlch..M»coii4cl««
tare and ea aide show attractiona. aa
it were, two divorce caaea were aasdwiched in brtweea. The entire day.
Bp to withio the taat half boor before
adjoarnment, waa takes op with erl>
dence and arpameot ia the Cornell
I. aad Enrene Coraell, the aoenaed
defendaot. wee etill oe the «Und when
court adjourned thia momiBy.
While the principal intoreet of the
auditora in the bearing of the w


Ta (ftkln mU ‘'ur»-thinf*' m«i
Aka telr froanAa .aem to be doiof m
Ortviw boaiBaMon thae»Bp«ewlJoUi.
tag tke ■I4w»7 Ib eoBBaeiloB wiu th«
fMM tUa wMk. There ere the aa«B)
SBsber of “ekppere'' elooc Bad they
areBiOrrj. hBBAyflookiBjlot. Some
At the oolaa aaed la the xemea to
•ttnet tt*Ae look ea if made of lead.

sflHIT NExfwTtK.
Oni Wood XHah Oo. WUl marame Op•ratkwa With b VbU
The Orel Wood Dlah Go.'a factory
«1U atari next weak after a few weeka'
ihBt down tor the outomary repatra,
whleh hare beea ruj thoroefh asd
The aaw mill aod elothaa pia departBMBt will beciBapwaUooa oo Moaday,
Aha oral wood dlah on Taesday. aad
•he wire asd dlab ob Wedacaday. fOO
•b t7S hasda will be worklsr by Wed•today tooCBlDC. AmoBf other imfortaat improremeBU made thlaata-'
MBBB arteeian waU ia beiny drireo
tar the see of the factory. TbUwell
baa BOW reached a depth of t60 feet
•ad it b expected aecSelaBt flow with
yeod head wm be foood rery boob.
.PaiBed In Wedlock Tetaerday After.

o( u» brt..
m. yesterday afternoon made Mbs
•thel Koyle and Bert Miller husband
•ad wife. The ceremony.whieb united
two loviny hearU waa performed by
' Bar O. Cooblln at Ue home of J. 'Zimauraaa on IHvbicn street, aad after
the eervlny of a weddiny supper the
•awly wedded pair left on the eveniny
Ji»tB Sot the north.
The bride und
freom have been from their ehUdfaood
laeldeBUofTrsverseCity. and have a
la^ circle of trlenda and acqoaUt•acw who will aend after them ear•tot Wbhes for their fntare kappUaas
•ad prasperity. Mr. MUUr b the eon
•f E. E Millar who hlmaelf waa bom
la Grand Traverueand bin bb father's
amploy. The fair bride, wbo is one of
Ttaverw City's best aad prettiest yirb.
is ths yrasddauybter of Mr. and Mrs.
O. W. Kilmer,with whom she had lived
far many yean. Mr. and Mn Miller

aion waa aleo afforded by the remitfka
of the attomeye. M«eera. Pat.chin aad
Tweddle, who never neylect an oppor.*
Unity of raUiny a lanyb when
ebBBce eomea. One 'of theee opportunitiee waa when a wltoeea apoka of the
oontraetien of the currency in the
eouneot bU teatiaaony, Mr. Patchin
sly pat the yood-natured
query whether the oosunction of the
national currency wna la any way doe
to the anbtracUon of the Sl.OOO from
the 110,000 the Adanu Expreae company
had iB truaait at tiie time.
The half-hour diverutee <
by OBe-elded divorce eaeee, two In Bom­
ber. Is each of which the plaintiff asr
cured a decree by failnreof the dafesdaattoa^aar. The Uilee of the eaau
EearietU Beeaw ayalnet Victor
, aad Lilllaa M. Merrill nyainat
John P. MerriU. Ib the Utter eaee the
chnryea were extreme erneUy, and
desertion, while in the Beeaw eaee the
aole eharye waaaxtratotcmalty.eimply.
C. G. Tsmer repreaentod the eomplalnanu in each eaaa. aad the heaHny was
quietly eondncted between Jodye Cor­
bett, the uttorney and the complainante, each of whom waa accompanied
by aeverat witoeaeea, who were qneatkmad Jointly hy the oourt and Mr.
Tomer. Oeereee were rendered in each
Me by default.
Very different, hovrevqr, was the
eondoet of the embecxiement eaae. of
the People veruiii Euyene M. Ccroell.
Here a jury, the namaa of which have

aad say aot have heard flilueoa’a reMTk. as be rave it ao attoathm, at
Uaat usaklaff no reply. BtimMatack
the packaye to Ue expreto cOce aad
ia eoGUpaay wlU Mark Craw earried it
to Ue State bank: where it was deliver­
ed. Stiiaiea funhw tosUfled that he
laeelpted to Cornell for Ue packaye as
Oeiny in “yood order”, as be saw
aeithertbe “B. O." aor Ue aoteUon |
••seal cracked", on the book when be \
receipted for the parcel of money. The
••B.O."ii Ue exprcM company's pri-j
rate mark to be pot on Ue meesenycr's
transfer book, whenever any packaye |
b in bad order or Ue seal snows siyns
ot havlay been Umpered wiU. Mr. i
Howard Irbb also testified. He. as.
teller in the State bask told of openiny j
the packaye asd Ue findluy of IB U-i
steed of :o of Ue emaller psekayvseon
taininy ttoo. ao waembsUy.
Atd Boeiety Eioetleit.
Be called for f uline Hannah. Ue casbTbe aenual meatiay of Ue Conyre»
ier, and aesietani eaUler Sam OsrUnd,
who helped exsmice Ue packaye and yational church Aid Society was held
whiall iMified ssbetaotUlly to the yoatarday afternoon and Ue followiny
name facta. Another witneas was Hen­ oScers were cleetad for Ue cnanlny
ry Pursoas, sapertaodent of Ue depart.
mmtof claimsof Ue City Tmat Com­
Mrs. C J. Orawa-Vloe President
pany of Pblladel^U. which
Mn. S. J. Hisyina—Second Vice
the bind of Cornell and made yood Ue
bank s lose by the aUeyed theft of Ue PreeidenL
Mre. E J. Hammond-Seeretaiy.
tl.OOO. All he testified to waa to Ue
Mrs. C. Wriyhi—Tressorcr.
makiny yood Ue loss.
Mru. 8. C. Dvsprea—Directress; ssHenry Parsone, wbo wiU
Brcslns. the Utter in eharye of Ue sbtad by M's. i. C. M-iryan uud Mra.
ayenu and meeseayers ot the Adams O. P. Cbrwr.
After the election of '-ffiecre some
express company on Ue Ontnd Bspids
time was a^t in d.acussiny future
A lodUns road, were boU on
stand, teetifled to eaiUny on Coraell at .work.
the Utter’s broUer's home In Grand
Tbe Bure
Oripp* Oura.
Bapids, and they declared Uat Cornell
There ie ae uee kufferiiiny|(
eould not be induoed to talk about Ue dreadful
malady, if yon will ocly yet
alley, d Ueft. excepOny to remark, the riyht
remedy. Von
are. bavitiy*pain
"that he would yet make eomebody all UroByh your body, youiir liverr is out
appetita, an life or
euffjr when Ue time come." Tbe evi­ of ordeit have no uppetita,
ambition, have a bau m>ld. ic f cl
dence of Mr. Broeiue closed Ue eaae oompletdy oaed up. Elec*nc Bin
for tbe people.
btbe ODlyeemadv U.t e
t relief
At Ub point Attorney Patchin prompt and
moved Ust Ue eaee be taken from the reetly on yoor Liver, Stomach and Kid­
neys, tone up the whole ayatem acd
Jnry. npon tome tecbnlcali^. bet tbb make you fe*l like a new briny. They
refnsed by Jndye Corbett.
are ycarantccd t» cure or p-iee
-lee rafoodI
AmonyUeflrst witMeeee called for ad. For sale at tbe Dnty Stores of
Ue defeuae were A. T. Peek, conduc­ E Wail and J. G Jobaon. Only (
per bottle. •______________
tor of the train from Walton. W.
Cbendler, aoUcItor of bayynye traue How Lush Oeuta. for'iermaine Brea., of Ub city, boU
of »-hom spoke of sotlny Uat Cornell
(Jalou street. 44J41.
app~arcd to be particnUrly basy in Ue


nortiay ont and eaparauny U* various
parcels of express and mail aad oUrr
matter under hb eharyr: Frank Har­
per, Ue ear Inspector of Ue C: R A
I., bosided tbe train at Seeyin
Sidiny, ecleriny the ezpresa csi
wh'cb Coraell. acoordiny toSUsUtv
eo busily mt work u'vnd-.iiy
to hb duties that he had no time to
even talk to h-m. Harper. Baro,-r y«etardsy teetifled that nine ml:<s tui,.
side of Walton, Cornell, in sortl, y on r
bis packayea came to the biy psrorl
conisininy the mooey ehipment f.on>
in formal order. The Cbicaro. to the State bank of Uis city,
pointiny to it. remaikvd: “How
People were repreaenlad by IbeeecntIny Attorney Tweddle and Mr Cornel
If you
by John W. Patch had that yon would not have to work
in. who
by W.J. Collnm. any more " Harper a»ked what it was
altbonrt the
with the word* be Ihmal the packaye
ductad by Mr.^Patchin.
U b not neeeaeaiy to rehMb Ue Into the safe aad at once locked tlje
facta in Ut embezsleBent eaae. They Utter. Harper further tecUfled that
are already well-known to tbe readera he was with Cornell continually fmni
of Ue Bneonn. Tbe Adams Ezpreee that time untU the tmin reaehei'. iVavCompany abipped a parcel of SlO.Ono *rae City.
The defenae relies 00 Ub aaralosble
from Chieayo to Ue State bank of tbit
city and in Ue transit between Wal­ eviUecee tendiny to prove Come:: cjuld
ton aad Ub city Euyeae M. Cornell, not have tampered wiU tbe psei.-aye of
one of the exprem company's mee- mon,-y. which is alleyed to have been
aeuyerton Ue Grand Rapids A IndUna robbed after leavlny Walton aod twrailroad, b eharyed with haviny ax- tween Uat point and tbb city.
who teatlflod forCornell, were
traeted tl.OOO of Ub amount and made
way with it. for which ha waa arrested. hb father. Stephen Cornell. Euyene'*
He proteata bb iDooeenee, aod in Ue wife. Alberta aod M^e. Viryinla Cor.
Euyene hlmaelf. Thomas
firm, cool, dbpaasionata way Id which
also teetifled. tbe balk of Ue
he reiterated bb innocence oo tbe
•videoee of tbe last named iritnresesbeiny a« to the yood eharactetof ComMI.
ro-nel\ h msclf deeled in Into t e
ebaryes ot Bteallny the »l,000. aod d-.
witness for the people was dares th* • BO" referred to bv .Stlasuo
io bis evidence, was on hi* book when
Stlmtou receipted tor It. Birht here<*
aqueation of veracity between Cor, a II
and Stimson. tbe latter eayiny tbe mark
wa* not on tbe book.
The case will be resumed today.

tfy work in firtt clau and prictn tiint tre in reach of «!I. I tm
prepared »t til times to take care of tbe trade. 1 make • npedsltv in
Bmxing, ValctBuing and Satmrting. A fine line of wheels for
and to rent.
J-P-311 Front nlreet, eest.

Aa AdrertiAed,
OUT line of PingTM


For women,


___ _

Placed in your reaideoee for 1 cents a
day by ll
the NorUara T.'.pb<n.
Co. 440 e<


Our complete Fall and Winter Line is in. f
Call and inspect them.

The Old Reliable Shoeman.

WurAbnrg Block J

For Any of thomiirhen it comM to AoUlng Cookto*/
We*v® got Abontl-well, anyway enough gimdeo to •
Auit everybody. Pricee reieonable.

Thone 1B7.

848 Front Street.


Is Tlie Best'Pellcy.”

American Eagle
Brand of

That is oi^ reason why we make the
“BEST” Slour, Another is that we
have the B^ST winter wheat in Michi­
gan. We tfso have, not the largest,
but one of ie BEST mills in Michigan.

Are tbe best m8tl*^essef> on eartb
for the money—every on*- «aaranteei They don't roe* m:tcli more
than the common *2,

Therefore it you want good flour buy
the “BESai



One-third of yonr life is spent in
bed—that ongbLto lie comfortable.

J.W. SLATER, HoeseFiniistier.


Bervant (to artist n-tnratny fracn a ‘
: ho1iday)-Tbere
been1 have
sc many ,
cllM.-Mnw you have
lefi that

ayaia j

Mra. Jod BueU and Mlm Boell are Clerk" or UeAdamtEtpresie-im. nay, ; Obliged to wash the name from Ue slata <
wboalso taaiifled Uat Ueaeal on Ua twice to make rfxnn for oUera—FearvWtiny at Byron. They left for Uat
packaye w;as not yood and return, d ■«>'■ Weekly.
! the parcel to Stover for reaealiny. An_
----Mtm Lucy Lewix will apend tbe wintar at Jackson, She went Uere yeatarday.
wuncLnd by U.. iW S«pr-. j
J. M. Robinson, of Seyutona, to
ub in . uln. lb, nmi it .tlckln, to ib, Um nm iniib•toe yueat of Mra. Oeorye Sypaa.
books of Ue axpreoB company sbowiay I du(«d byUelhitch about tbe
Mre. James Peleruoa left yesterday Uat Ue parcel was 'Hu yood oondiflee a visit wlU her moUer at Clevei,ort» 1
Uon." F. M. Markey, tbe tran»fer
' laed, Ohio.
B. SUaeider baa yone to Buffalo on Wayne; E. F. l^ylor, an Adams
wbo earried the packLadies, clean y«.ur kid ^oves with
Mra. William Daily, who baa oeea aye to Blebmond: Arthur UcWolf, Ue
Glnvrline. It to not a liquid.
ytoiUny Ue family of Mra & Claue,
GO odor and can be used while'
lenyar of Ue A,'- Irayetsraod yeaterday to her borne in To­
>re to on tbe hand.
For sale
tbe .druyledo. Ohio.
Mra- G- F. Raymood returned yee- Ayent Murray, of tbe Adams Bxprees
taeday to Dundee, after being tbe Oimpany In Uto city, all taatlfl-d inI ATelsphoas
Plaerd ta yoor resMenee, for tc
fuvat of Ue family of Wm. Raymond turn os named of toe part Uay had in'
^day^by Ue KorUern Telephoce
•f Fife Lake, for aoue time.
Ue forwardiny of the valuable packMra J. W. Patchin is visitlny friend* aye of moaey. all a^ktny of i|B yood
•■d relatives at Ann- Arbor.


The first of the season—Fjesh ground at
^ - our own miU. Do you want a
^ cost you only 20 cents.
Try our Breakfast Foods.

SUmpaoD. in his evid
for the rep >rt tost our Line of Jackets BtatadUatUcsealatone and of
end Capes ts aometblnr ont of Ue i packaye did not look Jual riybt. aa Cor­
ordinary. BrseUful style*, lota of! nell took it from Ue safeiu tbe express
'em. and low prices la wnst to told of car. ia fact it seemed eo mceb out of or­
•or cloak stock, by all tbe ladies wbo
havr vi*i(ed tbd “bav corarr of taab- der Uat be oaUed Oonell’a altantlon
teas" at Staifihanr'a.
to it, but cornau. at Ue uoM was bu^

fha UdiM are BaepeaMbl*





_ •w..

two weeka' vlaK
visit with
wiU reUtivea.
I rubber band and Ue whole
Mn. A. W. Jahrana aad two ebUdran

Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries

S We Don’t Have To
Take a Back Seat

w„“JiZi--*”’ ■—.


Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-date Paintei
aad Paper Hanaar.

Shop Opposite Eagle office.

Quaker Rolled Oats
Cracked Wheat
California Sreakfasi Food
Wheat Germ Meal
Shredded Wheat Biscuits
Rolled Oats aod Steel Cot Oat Mei
All Freeh «iid at Very Lowest Priesa.

inc nAnnMn«





tSea prior to the war. 41ed at WaeUer
toa Ifnader at u edvMoed «(«.' He
wee bora is Muraehoeatte. eod weat
PetttiODa Cironlatsa in L*eU- u> Htehifu, 'where be edHod the tret
r At Detroit, the Aeliy
nan Oonu^ for a Ohanga. frM eeU


the lUeworth usBUery. Bev. J. B.
Tereey. peetor of the PreabytBlaa
ehnreh.had charge of the earrieea Dw

And Wm W«k« Up th« Old ceaied was bora at Montreal. Oanada.
|Julyll, lUtandln IMthe wee marTown TtalB Svenlng.

i rled to Miae Mehluble Homer of BiimK new apple eanaiarfaetoTT at Grand w—..Mn, w...i,fnr .h, WI, r.T.i**^****- aa'iaortaJardevpaetwr
SnaoM Bar WUn a Bite and a Bolt*
ito m
Mid.., Co.p.oU«~l
AbU Court Hoaee BeaUmet la Bapide wQI eas one thoasaad bashrU
Jubitoe Tonigbt-The Grand Pa­
ehureb in IMS. During bis yeura of
of apples dallp.
. Baeor of Morlac Bran X.elaa4i to
rade Will be a BrttUant
ehnreh work he served ue pastor ot CunAt the mretier of the AmertoaB
Peature. .
the Kore Oeatral Towo.
;gregetionai ebnrcbre et Travrree City.
Board of Hisalaas at Grand Bapids
Leo Oaro. Grand Visier of Knaba' Mnnskegon. Pontiee and Benyetnck.
' For a 'ojc Uoie there hae been a there are present over MO delegatee
aeatliaeot is Leelaoan oonatr towards aad repreaesUUvea from all parte of Teaple, D.O. K K . telephoned from | Michigan. His children arc all »eiGrand Baplds that the ipeelal tram; denU of Ellsworth. Keneaeexc^i Bev.
a Boranent to traaefer the coeat/ eeat
from there will brlngabont SOU knlgbU Chee H. Braver who Is now llvlog at
trOB Lelaod to dettoae Be;. Ulend
AiMLMorria.WalIaee Drore. aped
from that place this afteraooa. gaiber-, Harrisoa. Mich.”
a eoBewhat isolated for so Important
jeara, abot hiaself with a StHsalttwr
--------------------------a oeatre, and it was th-.oorb a strjor revolvar. The joeng mao bad been ing op votaries and vieUms from eitira
Brevttirariralrr Which rxUted bet<
it is tboogbt and towns all along the line, inclndlng
Prldsy.Oct. 11. le the dete set for
a^. Unttoiis Bar and N'orthport which ^hat ha eommitted the deed while tern- Howard City. Seed City. Cadillac aad
oaasedIttobersUblisbed where ilis.jpo,«ril7 ineane.
It is not known
rather than from anjr dUtloot advan-, ^tether be willlive or noU The bollet passed through hie body. enUriog
Now. however, there le a etiong efUi,
aad was fonad lest betort beiog eserted to beve the oneoge | >uw ^5^
MIC shoulder
auuuiuer blade.
uiwie. It
i. U
la a
■ miracle
iniraeic < “ , Beosle. <ifeod rreverae and Leeli
Bade aad the oouoty is being eanvaaeedtbo >ughJy with the rcault -that
In the*
rl of the stele, the
there are two to one in favor of the
nnneue) warm weather andabeudini
change and several petitions to the
rains have nurud e second growth ot
Mpervlsors are being freely cireuUtad.
aHnoet everything in the berry line.
ii- • >"■> 11« .1 IW - 1.. -bus
IS wUt be presented



Batter tw submitted to the people of




I«t« poutoee are as greet

po,.. I

and growing boslncae interests.
view uf the elMstion Butuus Bey bee
ofiered to give the county u Site and
aracl a ealuble court boase.
While there are m»af things in favor
of ButUin'e Bay as a county' seal.
Share are many in the county who
would like to ace tne county oral lodated at NorrisvUlc, on account of its
acarneB to Traverse Cliy, aod the.
Baay advantages which would be
offered by heving it Ir^ted aesr here,
II the movWeot beoomra active and
there le tooVnch rivulry, while the
oounty seat anee gcu on wh.<ele it
Bight jut aa well come a little furthnr
aad eetUe down at NorrUvUle.

Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors.

'parade tonight. Ueeen hvioundattbe
that to observe any delicacy ebon i turn­
Park Place.
Tele^one No, 43.
ing over the city to them-would be use-'
One bundr^ and e x exesrsi-/D tlekleea Among the visitors will be some
ste to Toledo and poAu sonth of that
ot the fflostprosluent oitiseneot Grand
piece, wets eo.d yutoday at the M. A
Bapide aad other citiu mentioned.
N. E depot.
Mayor Perry of Graad Bapide wUl be
This efterpoon at 8:30 o'clock the
with the big delegaUon. He will not
regular monthly meeting of the Wom­
come merely u a visitor, bat u a vic­
en's Cemetery Improvement Asaoclatim and betm be returae be will have
tioa will occur at the Ladiu ' Library
experienced the tonuru which few
Bsyors are called npon to mdore.
The vegoler monthly meeting of the
The train bearing the Grand Rspids
Women's Cemetery Ass'iclaUoa will be
delegation will arrive at 1:30 p. m. and
held this efturaoon et 8:30 o'clock In
itvrillbe met by the local reception
8tUl os top. Best cigan for the money on the market
committee. A muting will be held
liu Vera B. Ids of Grand Replde is
early In the afteraoon. after the camels
—Union made, too.
in the city Introducing her letut muhave been euffieientlT watered, and all sleel eompoeiUon which is dedicated to
members are nrged to be on hand early. toe Thlrty-eecood Michigan \
andleenUtled Bereft". SbeUegoest
Tonnelier Block.
parade will start promptly at T pi ot the Uiseu Fuller and Miss Mont­ Sold by all dealers.
m. aad go throogb the etrmu already gomery, u is also her friend Mies Mary
aanonneed. The line ot march will H. Hardman.
be brilUently lUamlnated with the - All members ot the D. O E. E. are
red signal lights, 144 of which nrged to mut at 7 o'clock sharp to
have been procured.
It will be the
•ntor the parade at the oorner of Wel­
most eleborate strut dUpley ever lington and State struts.
euu here. The Enighta will apThe banquet tonight wUI be prepar­
.Oorreapond with the Trarerue City Lamber Coupasy.
pear in gaudy eutumu of Oriental de- ed by C. 8. CevU aad bam Eller, chef
We bare for sale Good,
siga end fubiooe of the year 340 B. C. of Park Pleu hotel. Mr. Eller U not­
There will be five fliaU which will eor- ed far his culinary skill and Mr. CavM
rutly portray the rouies the victime hu furnlahed epreede whbeb have gone
mtei travel before becoming trae mem­ on record u being the beet thet ever
bers of the order of the fsithful and happened.
with the terrors of the loiUetory certThere wu n pleeunt surpriu Tueemoniw will be combined e few redwm- der evening U|«n Loo Wesber, at the
leg futnru to be followed after the home of his uncle. Andrew Peterson, on
eveoing eeulon with a banquet of the Lake avenua
most elaborate order.
Toe Forutsrm dsnee wu largely at­
tended lut nlgak Supper wu urved
dy the lady Cumpaniona The ladies
Mill Haebineryof all descriptioiia.iDcladiag Two Eocrioea,
So DeddeA the lu- ior Lyunm, Then had prepared a caue with a gold ring
Intjde. Piecuoftne cuke sold
8et Worka. Carriages and Saw*. A complete Saw Mill Plant
Oeve a Pleaemt Frogrem.
aod Mike Lebeae reulved the lucky
(or aale.
: The first meeting of the High tcbool
piue which held the ring.
Junior Lyeenm took piece yrsterdej
This afuraooo nt Twelfth sireet
; efUrrnooo. immedistcly after the regu­
park the Msncelooa foot belt teem will
lar efleroonn seuioo of erbool.
play ugelnst the local team. Both are
' ihti wu the first muting of the year,
strong eggregetiooe end this prumiem
toe persons taking parr io the program
lo be e good game. The fun commencee
bed only a short lime to pr..ptre their
at 3:3U o'clock.
work, but every piece wee interesting
Junior Wo.kv» Tnffy Pall.
aod the program paued very pleatentAn old-fubionrd morueeu candy
Arnuumeat Voira.
OwHeNamera's 8tic»8lora
ly. The motical uleotions added a
The engagrment of Bryan's Oome- pull will b« given In the leciurr
'Plsozsw X»0.
cberm to the entertainmAnk A violin diens, et Sieinberg's Grand^ Opera room of OraeechurebnextF'idsy even­
solo uy Miss Blanche Barnom. with Hoiw OB Oct. 17. will be weloomed by ing by the Junior Workers. Eveiypiano aceompanioieot by Mies NelUe thratre-goersand tbe public lo geocra' body is iovii, d u> Btteod. A amel] ndBarnuin. was heartily encored, and fol­ right hurtlly. This company, which mi-eioo fu of S orate will be ebnrg.d
lowed by another touching ulecHon. a lea very strong one for e repertoire •nd the proceeds will po toward
pveitv little InlUby song by Mmie organization, did big besineas when ebuing a Hunday school lU>rary.
Miller, which wue snibosissticaUy r«- they were here lut mpring. and enter-:
teined packed bou-ws.
The qnratlon for dtecusvlon wu:
The Silver fe.udy leputed their fine.
-lG«..ive<]. Thai Cube should be an­
nexed to the United States "
.kls( rz<rw-Ibae •way.
Alfred Ayers and Mary Whionery lut night before a Urge
s'ood for the afirmstlve. while Edward Tbe views of tbe war. the lllnetrated I
Ksiswsuw Nicb JuBrAjieii.

Kyeelka end Leila Pearl argued th>- tobi.-rr-b.,r!T .bio,-l. b„. -b.»
the portra<ts of Ceuisin M lotoeh. Iws’^p'-tmiqsII} srans.inru siiuuiecAreiv
£v«r Burned Out?
s,» Kb.„,
Tb. Jbd,r.' dbclbibb -b. ib fb.or bl ^ LI
|ttin Wilhelm, the four boye
MimBboidin gave the crltlc'e report.!*'' Cnt>e sod a group
After a fire minutes Ulk tiy the mee-1 »ere shown the' house
O- P. CARVER. A«eHent of the society Ue following pro- i plenu. The euterteii

318 Union Sireet ^



(Contloued Prom Pegs ].]
whip applied, tbehtalMon Isslly trottlag put the jeering crowds In
the grand stand in the far*eway
fifth place of the race, u nneonoeraedly M tbongh he was in the lead.
Loland took the '-joshing'' of the crowd
vary good-netnredly.
Today's Progran.
There will be three w hotly oontuted raeu in today's program u there
were yuterdey.
The feature of the
day will be the t:t7 class, with the
JUBU«lJtoMtJAutojnLlAtjtoMK.]M.jBh uven test speed annihllators in U: the
t;40 clnse. with five eniriee, and the
running event, also with five very fut
animals to pass under the win
j Matton at Istereat From All f
There wu e very pretty incident of
Parts of Kieblcaa.
E the openingraceof‘lueedsywhiebbu
stiwwrwt wrwnwwt 1WW WMW wr* not yet bees mentioned. This wuetbe
victory ot Maud C., in one of tte
At Imlay City on Tuesday Wm Snelevents. Maud C wu aa entry by D C.
Uag. an old man, was run over, knockCompton, proprietor ef the Hotel
ad down and urioutly Injured.
niiitlng. The colL whiob is only 3
AtSoottville while the hoeeeompeny yean old. wu raised and ohrlstoned
was oot practicing, a smell boy was by mUe Maud C Compton, the It-yearatraek in the eyu and feoe-witb waUr
.ugbierot the
from a one-ioeb noule with fnll' force Woes the colt wu entered io the race
«a. It is doubifnl if hi. eyesight will
Miu Meud very promptly
he Bved.
iDrmedher feiber thet If Maud
Mra. Harriet Bogers.e pioneer of Cel-1 sbe woold claim the parse, aod great
houn county isdesd at l-aosing. aged I wu the litUe lady's surprise, despite
j her food prognostications to that I fleet.
At Manistee a barrel ot Mil weighing I when MsodC passed under ^e win
SM pounds fell from the deck of the I winner.
atramerKeltoo into'tbebold.adisunee' MitsMecdC Comp'on le now receieof 10 feet, eirikingeqnarelyon thebeck >agthe eovf-<f ell h. r cooipsoione vy
of Peter Brodin. Inetemd »f kU life be- exhibiting the MO. all io crisp
bills, which she uys she -raked off on
lageraehed oot. u would be e: .
Brodin hu do broken bonu end only a the race."
The Bacu in DetaU.
tow brniaee lo show for bis miraculoas
The (fBctel euire card, with the
At Milluor soon after reaebiog tcbool three raeve by beats, namra of the
Taeedsy morning Lewis Teeter, e U- borsea. desfi-iptl'm and the time lu
ycare-old boy, wu tek»o riulrn'.^y ill. each uul i* given be.o»:



Tb. prte ! T'"- Lr ■"»'«


. '5

Diamond J-10 Ots.
Traverse Belle-5 Cts.

If You Have Logs to Sell

Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
.Short Maple Wood.



.................. 4 13 4
teacher, admitted thet be bed taken Oan D..........
...................... Sill
atryebniue 00 his wey to ecbool. Only y ’V’'........
the fact that a pbyx'clan coaM »|
promptly summoned saved hie life The I Raster!.!'!
boy Is of e gloomy dispualtloB. end bee |
txr. n>M AM..
obisetej tu going to eub'ml fore long Hell.,
time- Hi-, mother insisted on sending Wcycle Girl....
him, and li is suppwed that in a fit --f Sybil H
Bt'XMXfl »
wrath after some fresh Irnuble this
nsoralog be look ibe poison, which bad Bit Dii
I Li:Uan
been kept In the bou>e t > kilt
At JackeoD Dani-1 I>o1m>o. who was Harlem U y
run over by a train la ibr l^eke ^kot« B'iud's. . ..
Bummsry of Boeulte
parda bu died of bU injuries.
First ruv; 8:43 ules-: five entrlr*: one
Before Corp. Pred Duykrodall, who
died two wuke ego, left Pan Huron ai e. best four ont of five huta. YouGo
tor Cb., b. p,rcb».a , p.i, oI .hoCTl’”'
to=«»b. D.b D. .bd K.I.t, 1
■ >tb locT'
—rr -‘'-r libbr'"“'I' U-bl—bitob,
«nb bb . Ub,rlb-lU. b.rcb,... B.

bu tick.i -bb to. bterclb.


.i..h-a., o»,~ ii~-.iMicbiAtii AccldeBt Association.


'Dysters! Oysters!

"Little Joe"—Grace

nierck"—Eddie Boxie.
Development—Anna Weed.
Mneic. violin and piano—Blanche and
Nettie Barnom
Eraay, * Gceen. Wilbelmlna"—Grace
Decltmalion. "Tbe Bcboolmwter's
UjcsU '-Elta Schneider.
Girp Bout"—UiuUe Back.
Vocal Solo—My.-tle Millar.

•rthewhulwa* turned over to Mra, 1’■*[•**»
id race, free for alL three
tries, one mile, beet four out of five
hrate. sybil H. won. Bell neoond.
> i shaft of the Calumet A Ueela
Bicvele Girl third.
min*. William White and hie Finnlah
Time by heaU: 8:23: 8:88^: 8:85; 8.85;
partoer were blown to atoms.
At Saainaw. Pr«l Busheywu killed
______ ^ one-half
race, running,
Tuesday while hunting just outeide I
five entries, beet'two oulof three,
the city. Be ie only IS yean old end '
Wilkee won, Britanie seoond:
a in company with aome boy frienda NelUe B. and Harlem Boy were dbqiialrhiaaea luuadry SolA
_ when the uccldeht happened.
Be bad Ifted by running away.
ellmed a fence when in some way the
The SatteVVieg Kee Cbineat laundry '
Time: 53M: 53.^.
trigger oeughi end tbe gun was dleThe running race, tbe last event nf n Eut Front alreet bu charged owneharged, ahattering the entire top of tbe day. wu u greatly enjoyed by the ra. Lee You and WlUie X--e. who,
hie head.
formerly employrd at the ee-‘
nisj >rlty »f the or.lookeni u the
Charlie Jones,« well known boy in preeeding evente, and the breuk-away, »*Wlahinent have
Jew Jew tbe former ownm-.
Charlevbtix. while ebooting at a mark. in the second beat wu a thorongh'y
•eeldeetaUy fired a ball throogb hit rfl'iehed diveriion. AH in all the dev. I TT»« iatter bu gone to Chicago and
cespite tbe drawback of frosty weather'
» months vtaU nl that pisee will
foot. Hie injury le painful.
At Plymouth John Smye U dead of and an attenuated crowd, was one of Wo™ to ki» -»to and children in
Santiago fever caught while nureing the best lo the racing history of the Chine._________________
. bis brother,a member of Co. D.33MtcbI- Traverse City Driving Club, end tbe
Bev. Wm. B. SuTsr Dead.
m-mhera of tbe organizetion are de­
The ileaeenger. ot Ellsworth, EaaAbout two weeks ago Tbomu Horn- lighted with the showing they have eu. published a death notice Sept. 8U
made tbe lert two day* and confidently
Orville of Detroit wss eplitting wood
which will be of Intereal to many realwhen tbe ax slipped, making a severe predict better things today, which danta of ihii city. Following b an ex­
gaab in bis leg. Taeedsy heattempted marks the close of this year's meeting. tract from Iba arOela “Eev. William
R. Suvardladathbhome inthbeltj
towalhaeroiitite floor and hi. i^UTelnphaai
'Tboreday nvaalng Sept 8i, im. The
funeral wae held *T^a> tbe bouu Setnr-'
Th R-v JaH X P X. .who was well! ,
s-rtbern Talrpbo.
koo-vu lu the west .a the elavrrvegltt
G> 44u».
fed tbe reo,ains Jeterred in

. Tww Ways of Petflun It.
“1 notit-e. Miniuila ' remarked Mr.
Ketntai'hoiae, "ilut your first hasbaod's
cloilies do not fit tue."
••No. Cyrns." oninnded Mrs Keggschoice, with a little sicb. ■■ Yon don 't
fit tbem.Cfaicaso Tribune

Azsio wr nprs (be sysli

Famous Baltimre CoBtts,

Selects anil Staidarfs. 3

0»**«»aM we .ere no^w et
the np-to^leteetvles.

All alork rreelTFS by
Ber'* Oyvlrr Bouee
r seed, aru rJeuej


FMebers Cdu

John R. Santo,
General lasarance.


Warstaiyg atoek.

Ytaveru City.


Byrey. TbUmw.
, i.umr-trwd:« yee..
.bit eoe lor U UB-

I do all klndA of re
i pairing and "eraeilng. and that I ca
ids aitheet s and do give you tbe beet work of an
ITIIItiilnTn—rrmr rrnfsssIniiBlIl
1 one In tbe city for tbe money. Don'
froaOct.«lel«b. Wuiteteud
I ^ deceived hy what otbdra tell yon b
Aorrt UK Khreia. pHn, I the or-ntraiy, bni coms and see to
Cu.tTh.eedeUbl^dte ■ Tonreelf
1' I guarantee all my work to he rigbtotbosesc* 'and U it doea not prove so I make >1
Bucwleal reara. »iw asOeuruvCreM vyea
rrasiBrUBlCM .right.
etr. aCeuM prreret ti
_____ •TJKS'.S—" I 8»p 1» *n>»p'pippk •"’! —piPt
lexeept the Caldwell A (mu
luareseed teeaha
^ b«ildlog, at north aad of
D-. Petete.

Specialist ii Diseases ef the Epa

AtThe Cottage Home, -



***TfD%T*Ba,M. O.

Baal Batata TrasaCara.
for hit hae had BO aoarMawat aim ha
Dalatatu to tba ftraafa.
At tba anoaal CoBBty CjoraattOB of
laelnaira. Fnral
i by Bactetar of Oraarea of thia aooaty held 1b TrarAaiericaa aathoritlM at MaaUa bare
IM of t'
arae Cit.r, Get. 4th. B S Shepard aad
Ths Central Soboel - Park loritad aehoo] teacber* w reopen the’r n»e moat cvrioaa and ooaplieatad Darda E O. Ladd.
aehoola eloerd alau the aarreader of ehanu are thorn need in the reoorery
W. P HcLaefbUp to Baraay Aoder- wife of Fife Uke Oraare No. 7)1.
of molOB pnyarty mod the detectioo of too. part of lou M and M Bdaa Park were
daly elected delentu to
the city.
thirrea Straoite to my. the Exyptias add—vroo.
the aaxl aanaal meetloy of the State
OMh Hu 1>M« ta BMatiiytac ud
OoL WBllam J. Biyaa hu left Waah- araetloaoC HviDg flgare* ahtflinx oru
W. J Whtta traardlaa) to F. C. Bock Graace. which beria* od Taeaday. De­
Xaprovldr tto Oronad* aad Bar InrtoB to rejota bU reseat aach im- ^ iBk poared imo a boy'e haod if. paroala In aac. 1 aed 4 x n a r 0 w— cember 13. l«t0O.
prorad la baalib after a 10-daya rut.
withoiTtain Diiocir diSrrriicea, xuown
Howard Iriah to Trarerae CltyBtate
The tnitfa of the port'* word*. **Tb»t
The iaaaoa wUe of Joaeph Clothiar. a iB Blodb. The Viorane Warn, or floder
Bneklan'h Arnica Batea.
athiar of bMOtj U a Joj forevor." farmer of St. Sererio. OBtario, kilird of loit Rooda robe soiue dark ra
oror the ihambuaiU (d a youth
ICnW. Brnlau. Soru, Dlerr^
Mdatairto be fol jr boroe ou to the her foar childraB Toeaday by cattlBg
rived at Ibe age of pnbmy. or direcu.
Ferar Soru. Tetter, Chapped
ImproreBenta that hare beee made la their tbroata
him to look at a black spot paiutad cm
Slmpaon (aheriff) to Mania Haada, CbUblaiaa. Coraa, aad all Birin
the Ceotral School Park la the lut few
ei< of lot 7. block BrapUima. and poeltlralr
It la leaned oD rood aetborlty that the bottom of a brlRbt bi^ “>t
WMka thaaka for which neat pri- Oeo. Oalikto Garcia hu aeuptad a
The •oothmyer dDrinit ibi* period re-.»«-»» «»•«■
orao par required. It le
afiiLahicbamV’tbw dlffw. \ Aatie M. Cook to Mary f Anderaoa.
BaHlr (m rlrea to the jolat eoamlttoe poalUoa w^th the Americaa adaiaia- du* the
*’*®®*‘ *- l»*y*We add-«loo
of the eoamoD coaaell aad the board tratloB. Be la to reoeire SSOO a maaih eat tlmea after which the awing oom-'
Rob~t J H.nn to Job. C Betc,.
menrut Tlie boy firm aoci a bbaagi, or
of edaeatioa. of which AldrnaaB F. C. aad all expeDaea.
Be will ut a« a
Bweeper. app.*r id tbo ;uk and clean lou »V and 30, block 4 B. A L. Co.’a let
Deamood U chalmaa aad Oeorre E
limloaertogothroarh thaeoantry. ,te flo-T. after which fawih :t«.t pitch add—tl.
Ho}rt. ae«reUi7.
aad coadoet
oegotlatloae with ,v.
a r-iTi
rurilit*. j Barney Anderann to W. F. McLaugfa...
The rroondt of the achool property Caban army with a view to iu dUbandI lie. lot IB. block 7. H. L A L. Co.’a Sth
They are followed by a train cf
aad luaorroasdiasa are lodeed aj>y
ante, who cpread carpets ai:d erect a ' add—$040.
aadla abieh the elUseaa ofTrarerae
Coarlu Moolton to Ji
From Camp Meade tbe report eocBM kind of throne for tbe king • f the Jinn,
atp mar *^11 t*ke a JuU&able pride.
who pmaeutly appears in state, acoom
that frieada of tbe eick Id Michigan
panied by bis rait
The inororenenta of the lawa. la
need not worry abont their condlUon
Befi^him tbe lospcf IboHntcle appeare. to advance as a com]ilaiuant. and paroal
b aeads his i
(maoe ! Anditor-Oenerel to S. W Retd. cK of
W. a. D^k, iSok. who
I” >»>* !■ •=>“■> “Ibearerl for the thicL The latter being seb sec >4. tp SC n. r 0 w—$C 61.
with a conp'e of belpera hare pot la i ***
the put three wuka io the llae of Im-!
"Ichlu. K«.. aerrral hoara before rtolmtl, dn«ibrf lot. U. pnwoci l.j p,._ H.„„b
bsstmadoed till he shows the spot! ]nts i and
proremeDte. for which eemethloir orer •««'••» Taeaday ereoioj. them b«r«n
S400WU prorlded by J >lot donatlona »f arrire. flylo* low orer the city,
When the charm ii
(ram the CoiamoB CoaocU aad the. clond of iaaecu, comprUing grambop- oauclnded, the boy aannu-ly describea m.<.j o,;*
atpe. bald bornete, ureral varle the person of the gniliy man and tbe - n B x*i b b r.„
T n.»..h
to *rn'^r^l °
,400 Tl,. U.U1 Okpoodit™; Wilci
Tb., place where be deposited his piniider. I, ”of'^Va^
The naiivesof Sindh aver that this i
g^Mwah-f B.
b...4k.o:t«llk> ™
.nlUo, 410.1J-»h • U,kl br—, iDOSDtstioi.
is not. diabolical oua as it)
«« «• tpS5 n. r 11 w-|i6W.
b-to-M.00~.oc.ot lb. C.b»bl«ibool <o».rflb.~.ib—t; lb. io-~l 11, is only to be mastered by tbo 40 days’
J- Y. Hannah to L E Oibha. paroeU
:..a --------1.--------- 1---------------inucaziandst. tpSSB.rn w-$i.
0- „,-i,
I”-™" o'"'!”-'", lb
........ ... ...........
Brians Milbert to Friedrich MiHiert
of higher bu Id
The clood
tu kbirlor urqoisiticii of power over " J» of n e it eec 1 I » n r 11 w. sltaaUoo t» Cu tittes.
laglBmoD of the ralneof pablle im,
...teodiog, into-the
air to the llmUa of vuioa overhead, wu
.-----------------both la the line of parks.
1 enr
school property and almeis.
pasalog for houra. it U thought the
I doe to the forest the opcrutic-.__________________ ____
ciently ofu-n 4o be siunivd that my in-1
■"*» add—Sl.SOO
— M.
l«»MC«fc It !• ktip
formants were not deceiving me. Mote-j Geo. A. Bodgu to Renj E Wilson
gelV^ne U
It U UrgelVoe
to hit skTu thuN^h
over, uuoes of it are to be found in j “
« of n w R sec 17 t 86 n r B wPark. Grand Raplda, owu lu chief
<»< t»»«
sontberu Persia and other parts of tbe *
It ie tbe well
1 and almost ustem world. It probably originatod
haanty. In ihe lut few years
X STsSustr of Ihr DdIw
T>take bu done much for the busty of nmaBimoue opinion of the medical suff in India, tbst poimnoas eoaroe of thru Goodrich's add.
>.n. for Bsnlas.
Arbor. wDlresrociSioesa
K austrrvl nS If
1^ Raplda. apd to hU efforts that city
the American armr In Porto Rioo parts of the suparatitiuns which have
awu tuny of its parka and magnll- that the eonditloiu of tbe volantur iBsndsted Europe and Asia and traveled
weatwatd to Egypt and the Maghrib.
Xdat of Letteta
«Mt atruia. Mr. Drake is very enthn- foreu noce
t to my coo>ectnrc, it may n^avlBS I* the lIMof
alaatie In hie efforta to bnantlfy the Sickaem Is inereulag and hu baen in- be mentioned that iu Sindh it is ptae- lb*
TroTcrsc Cllr IbMI Ottev BBvsUed fa
Central School property.
creasing dnring the tut thru )ueks at tioed by some Hindoos u well SJ Moe- VMk rseibc Opt Ah. Io polllu *or MU:
•tAW -AdTorUud Ocl. Ah. IIW “
' From Ourge Hoyt a rtiprwiinlsllM “ alarming rate. The medical olB<
lema—Sir Richard Burton in Unmanl- Booker. Ken.
BbU. W. B
Rpsrr. Ksrr,
Blbbard, ioo. ■. of the Moaxue RaocttD obtaiaad the **avc foand that the ccnvalaeceau
Ktcholwe. ItArr.
followiag data of tha work tkat hu *ot and Bumiogly wanot recover their
TbrddA. Clsrs.
bua doae:
atrength la this climate, and for thU
q^TAKTXI>—<« vtFbsesv. A good SIM no*
W vsb-hrorsvlMVI. Wrtiv or eall at «M
VAlklu. Alfred.
Twelve hnndrad yards of sod have
they are beiag uat north u Malar BaaSar at Chawk. Whwe Ba
Booth UnloD «WT•^ Cllr.
Was Ihe Oalr Blaaer.
been Uid on the north side of the '»PlAly “ pomlbla. aeveral hnndred
Dr. Paysoo. tbe famoni and beloved
■cboot. while About 600 yarda are now iMvleg every wwk.
Travaru Ot^ MarksL
being pot dosra on the eonth aide. All
For the first time since the war with pKseber of Portisud. Me., used to tell
auonierh. TroTcrw Citr. Mleh
the rut of the yard it bright and green Spain began the Intereau of ttaeTsited tbe following pointed story:
gRK'-'riu XrWEAtWoAo opoh ■/ pn.______________
One very stormy Sunday be went
with a freab growth of grw recently StoUs have demaaded that American
obnroh. more from habit than becanu
BOWS. All the former ngly looking warablpe be diapatebed to foreign wat- be expected ta find anybody there. Jost
________ J*.—
MKLLaa me*.
holu which M long disfigured the ere other than thou of tha eaemy. after be had stepped inside tbe door an Clear Porti per bbl, nea............. fil) 00
lawn on variou sidu of the ubool The navy department hu sent ordera old negro came in and asked if Dr. Clear Pork per Ih..........................
boUdiog have been filled in. Some by cable to Admiral Dewey dlrwtlag Payam wu to prucb there that day, Short Cnt Pork........................ ..
i IpOB BALX—Chnp fnrrsU.orvIlltrUvfor
alight effort hu beea made at eatab- him to detach tbe emlur BslUmore. uplsiniug that he war a stranger in Shortcut Pork per ft)................
. f riu oroponr *000 of 4-tpot.oM aaiv*:
Flour. U L. ACo. but............
• velrtt^m^aoS.: S.r drlrl^ ood fcwivrol
lishlag gradee. Uncouth hillockt ana Cbptaln Dyer, aad the gunboat Petrel, town sud bad tieen advised to go to his Rys Flour. H. L. A Co. BeaL..
1 bo«'BrM:AlM><WTOTr«oarrlo«ooas»»rr------linmpa have bun removad and a' gen- Commander Wood, from hi* fleU aad church.
, Co)inraMrrM>a.Leumi«or.asme. 44
“Upon that" raid Dr. Psyson, "X
«ral level established, the general ap- have them proceed at once to Takn. made op my mind to preach my i
Feed. B. U ACo. BuL............
« of the gronndi having a slope aed. If poulble, to Tien-Tain. Chins if nobody elsecama''
) j^^orrniMOM j.C.Lowls b^. Sll(hu.
from the hnlldlng tosrard tbe snr- tbe aearut poinU to Pekin that can be
ibixly else did come, so tbe doctor Lard per »>....................................
(onndU:V Btruu.
'reached by American warakips on the pr«ecbed
bed to
t tbe choir and tbe old negra Butter per ft> Dain....................
1 Q,ULWAiiToi>-ApBl)alUararl)0B«e^
#ew aiesralks have bua pnt In. Asiatic eUUon.
Cheeu per ft.................................
' T a>r-A Borkaibneh faalAlnloK MJO. soar.
u.. «h.oi ..i™., 1.^-,..ih.b„.i...i.i„. .1
Oats per bu (old).........................
I i_»k-IV bMvoeo A. V. rrMHehU obor atorr
i and awlatiorr'a. Bewaid olVervd. PIndrr
Corn per ba.. old.........................
tnrn.y Snndsy.
J IrarvalRsrohooBrc.
PoUtocAper bu.........................
improved Md a guneral air of Udlnem eat of the Uolea elevator, survived hlal
"Liipiy dat se
S TTrAKT^-tlood rvll>blr nae •
hovara over this future of the wqrk.
f»u»sr but a few haora. The father.'
) W
new aod proetaMv rolrrpr
vooiracla. raplot bvlp and rallcct b
P«H“- after sufferlBg^ . ilu from
____ { iN'tter oue. Yon see. ] hsd a out pretty
, hoTo rood rrfrrom. ala* retrvoeva i
e .r tbe old OBM put in more de- for weeks, died TueedayBUhehosplul. Well up front so wbeuehber yoo'd
yoD'd:i>ay i
oiToroowiOlaaioa. JohaA.Thar.n
jus look all ronn, t
Plaev.rhli-aro. HI A.
. ^
alfaUe lumUons, dead trau have bua At 8 o'clock the little boy. wbe wu aometbiD 1
txxly oo’y
removed, the remalniug osu trimmed burned at tha same fire, breathed hb
1 QOUrrroRS VAKTCD-LadiM or Ocnilv
self. ‘He
i O Aratof *urcOA|^iy aowof JorvBlla Bdeka
«p and naw uft maple and Incut last. Thb brings tbe lltt of dud up
Oats. Na l^^r bn. (new)..
; in^rd fwlmlvoov* tomvn upMki. Aai-h
trees hsve bun ut around the entire ui is.



osm. tIMr Lowe.


M7rou'u.T..!i’.b7'n.'.”'Tb"«.' ““b«.r‘r^o*w."'--“-"‘'’‘'-'

. o"SL'iiss:jiiisriss_a„.'

^TViw MSIW V .ju JI^^VTWe .p-fUMsw. la.



Da Ssimnct wiu. ac at Hotel .


untiEt ui tonnisnu ti
MI Ue'cloek a a.

ooDfO Bonn, k


fonrslddaottbescbmlpark.filting ie
---------------------------vacant hpotn nod forming tbe neoolu
*.aiao«ith*s iieaeiwsitr.
asked stmt of Oliver
of what in the near fntare will be an _ A biggar
Ooldkmith u be Walked with a friend
andnriDg ftmameoL

wbst a big sinner I war, an I went an Rye. ner ba................ .............
J'lned the cbnreb down home. I'm a Batter, per |h..........................
duocD now “-^bristinn
Enduvor Rrga. per dosen......................
Potatoes, per bn.....................

push, enterprise aod energy of Alderman Desmond and George Boyt u well
u upon tbe tutc of Meesere Drake A
8ra in utcblng the spirit of Improve
hhape. pleulng to the ejA

^elav, a day was fixed to puv the fiO
due bis tailor. Goldsmith procured the
money, but a friend oallii/g upon him
and relstiog a piteons Ulu of bis goods
l, >b»
""■f '™





NolklcicflkoibrB. Foor n




m i;;;;
I i;;;;

TUar-a BvttU. ....

of lb« poeler* eloor. Dvop eU tfsah esd river
One Wav of peotlna • tet«*v.
•xna noBib V'lth Aor esriariv* tarvalloe.
Tbe islxDd of Ut Kilds U oftai vUitThankful words written by Mn. Ada Tns KsTinsAi. Boos ihncus. Jvvaxas Dew.
ed by ic
lourist steamers iu the summer, E. Uarv of iroton. 8. D. ‘-WaB taken
bat iU regular msil ootuniunioatina vlth a bad cold which utUed on my
ler.r h
aU U> buMibr.. eou
het In an
and finally tcroiii^
With tbe D
e luO mileedit. ’nogh; cough set
V eed poUtd. edKZfJ.
Jt^B A. Tber. » Wru aip Pier*. CMes- Chief In:
tanL is conflued to tbe anuual visits of ated Id Cbneumptioa. Four doeioru Sr«s*
gave me up. uying 1 c lid ..
live. but a

tbo ftumerwhirb brings tbe factorund eborrUrae. I gave mvuit up to my
his storu uys Uonsebold Words Bot Ssvicr. determined if I cnuld not etsr
T^WIUtea 440-tf
if at other Gmu tbe inbabilsnu desire vritb my friends on urth, 1 wonld mee't
to communicato with Grut-liritain they myabuBt ones above. My bubaod
employ tbe following curions device: A wBk advised to gel Dr. Rieg'e New Dier.AF.M.Dum...
for CoBtumpiion. Oougbe aod
man cuts tbe rough model of stMat oovery
-NBU esd km
~ "
I gave it a trial, took
from a billet of wood, bellows it partly I Colds,
use. Cetdvteku
it hu cured me, aod
w vsrha^ of’oS&e!ae*%B*Mir*T^?’lhir*
out. plscwui in tbe hollow a tin oi tniaU I **F®^ botUu.
.. . ,
am now a I
* ***» fi*”* ""aaf^ST*' uuu
enu^iu wwb. l%whV
ooutniniug a
a luiier,
letter, oeiis
nails on
on ai
a I **’•■“ *^ ‘ . seved and
outiie nuuiaimug
Trl.l hnttlve J.» whitv.aoioa____________________ nwiw»

. t.k^
r gave him all the bt~4.lp
deck, .„.)
and when
the .iiM)
wind ).
is Slr.M-inn
blowiog Sn.
to- i ,n



1 book rbariBiov.d>i-lrtltoi.eapilrailBk PrKv* ^
I raorvfomiAV loWSn
Iats* books, rarb >

iv-U !«*!** - <vm«eApa ter per'se pert oalr

building where formerly tbe rain dropcensored the writer
ping from the eornieu formed mud fg, b|g exoM* of humanity, mytng that
pnddlu are no longer in exisUnee.; the ahilling was misapplied, u she,
The holes iiave beu filled with gravel! wonld epend it forliqnur. “If it uiaku
Md sloped off to ooaform with the **« l»flippy in uny way. my end is anl.“ replied Goldsmith,






^ E'Welfeand J U John- it

CA»*. •» "Hd bvfnw *vpi, jn. wui


The tailor <

viug I
OHv Mt.'e
Ubool when completed, ahenld be an oonid bare bed ibo mone; bat that be bladder, which drives alcmg before tbe i
Hilling of it: wind and acts asatug to tbe little mail-1
iBOUtivc to like improvemenU
wua1d| boat But tbe w( uf.tbegnlf
stru&rfre- ,[ HsTl a gOOA tlmB
wthar ubool grounis and incite an— .......................................,--------...
..... .. 1__ ___-,_4________.1.1.____ i__.
.V ^
. 6 . .
_ _
>ttien upon the part of eitiMne in
beec an aufoeling monster not
to | qneotly drivu this cDrions craft oat of
I*, the “hig n. O K. K. mvt bvds
tc mtkeiika cff.irta
tiJieved iroaLle when in tuy pow- iUconrre. and sh nlii-u as cut it ri:aibrs
B'forc g<-ieg b'ilDr. »b>p in and ■m,c ;-noR sALK-Umut eu<l Moa thr
the ShetlandIblaudsor Ihecnastof Nor
our rpc-ial values in mes’e naw FaU j £ M
Improve ietrulsI and bunUfy
. W- Ppcrhie. «*-H.
way, where, however, the letter is prettwlM Paaeral CustaaiBu
I laiBi ll8•■a .aifi aa
>un< to be found ud poeted to
ty *t
Swisi faueral lOHiousaro moot pecnlIsr. At tbe duth of a |>raBon tbe fam­
' ^miTlAKC
^VB reo vael arv ov l»e Is- ! SkS=s sassBfi s:s 89
■aWrUBilaiB la tt* tmatI af Btaakato.
ily inserts s fornisl blai'k edged anThe fell term will <-ommenoe Septem­ SMaa llaral VThaafr
— AsasrSeos
- filBEBflRefiS BB BBBIB
ber te Instead of September IS as an- e( Kvv York. Tbarl^a Vlrv. PealMaU ■am. j[ -AAs
«aneral Vewfi Votu of Vniveroal Donnoement in the pspen asking fori. A retoroed mifsionary fro
seasssasdo ss saand
PUlacftaw. Mkb . Mulaal rtata
ly, owing to failure to ah PnMktun _____________Mkb.,ltula
sympathy and eJating tbst "the monm-tusttm Alaska tells lu Tbe HidUud
Ulr of CeaA aaS oUer voasa- ' Sfi8=fi88«SS898 8S £88*8
Msaa.- Until i
lag om“ will be exhibited dnring cor- Christian Advocate of a strange enstom secure proi
Alln>, ViMrieb Ulark.
New pearl fields of giuat lidtaeu tain hours cm a special day. In front of among the Indian* of that region'
tbe boose where tbe person died there.

. difference


bavs been dluovered in New Oaleif placed a little black ttble. covered: two of them. »d a friendly seOlemwt I
•);^*^^,f(,“[l,^Vnew M^^
-------- in tbe Bonth Paeifij
• W*ck cloth, on which «*udi a
i„po„ibU., one of tbm tbreaUai 1 io'^\^«k^mpleW ^^we aha”l
Traneh and Anstrian eyndieatea wHl b^cg jj,. into this itw friends aad ao-; the other with «li^bouc» He will cover, ocenpy thAecoad floor of that bnlld•. Trarerae air Lswdeveloptbeflkberiw.
qnsintmioea of the family drop Ultle. the lace of his foe ■with absme He ex-j ing. Our rooms in this block wUl be
Tbiado bealtb ofllfleV SM mucb *’^*®*‘ margined visiting cards, some- ecates bis threat hy tearing op a oertsin as floe an sny'o iheKtale aod we aVail
Toledo healta ometaia are macs
... _
---------- -of* make eve.y rffori to be at the front in
worked sp over ao epidemic of typhoid «“*« "
way hi* a
fever, wtlch has been ditcovsred '*■
for book-keepere and stenograpbeiu
the <Liy
tLo fukuai Ouiy uioo bitu IS b)
Vot'oe to Tax Pnyara.
than we conTd'fill
conld fill bot
bot hope soon tobove
tbecdty. There are M oimo on one
gg ,g
ohnicbyard. and' they ■
|I ibanwi
B win ■ prepare
s'xeei and witblo a small radius 8ev- generally follow tbe hearse on fooL
prolonged, it ««lii I tbemaelvee
rypomtica which •bC rt<r larva aaC apvrial araraaa-ataMM
to t
^ sfisss S8L&88 Rsfisaasa .
oral deaths have oesurred. dlepe are
—----------------------in tbe deatrarrioD of all the blankets may be offsred.
betagtokentoalampItOBL All milk ,
‘ Taoxk rare,
they bsve, each Indian destroying bia
B aad troB lovlork 10 4 o’clock p. B-. ae4 oa Ij BBBBBBEeaESEBBBa
In a New Zeailand town one of Ibe „„„ Tite
oue who dcatroys
sold U submitted to tbs city chemist j
Tacadar aad Vrldar vtmUbxs ofoack vovk r saaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
froa To'clorktoSa'clovk.
' mocicipal candidstes. a pronoinoed number is regarded as having woo tbe
for au..,—.
Oa all taxo paid tefoev October let. ims, I! £9gBSS£8«SSSfi$88
Scouman. had received a pr««it of a fight.
__ __
per oval, pveallr for II
Zaight Vampkr ObbcUti >( PittobfiTg. ibvrvvmbrrliirstdoBV
Apuullng case of protracted sleep hof^ Scotch tbiUlc. which at tbe mo-1
--------------------------eoilfvtloB aod OB alt taxM aa-d «a aod after
is attracting tbe attention of .IcrBey nent happened-JO be lying on ibe table
Aa ;
Obv fare for round trip. Sell Oct.
“Bpeuking of
tooth imlled,
jmlled.” to mb return Oct. 17tb Can exter<
City phyeielaos.
Kvlly. 7 yesr« of hU committee mom. A fri.-nd. enter-1 “STKaking
uu tooth
rtert >au imt oiU be MBToed to Ike air Clerk tor
b«aa m
wi.l^lrew sodocnly with tbe re-«bc cuts
Ort SUL Most direct route, sbortert
old. in that cUy. m. b«eo
m a
a doer
Kxe a ma.’i ie bound to tune.
maik. “I b« yonr pardon: I didn’t oke ib^-hoc® whure
sleep since Tuesday of last weak, aad
C. E. Mcbbat. AgeuL
know yon w«s» at Inncheim."—San, I'-i;-=k*<l a« tbe thing onL“-IiidiaBefforu to asraken him have bean an- f^ancistx) Wave.
C. L. Lockwood, O. P. A T. A.
I spoils JoaxsaL
Grand Raplda.
avallisg. Hto life in now doapairod of.

; 6riiidRGWs>Mlm«. 8

,i-S5,'vs.i".7 s!i,r.rA“LS


. iiiii iiilii WAiiT

■ "-7,rc"u;r.t£ ssti’s'ss-kit

.iftsss'..’:; i”"“ “ ”*

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