The Morning Record, April 21, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, April 21, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


But Te«—No 301

TRkTtaSB orrt, HICH, THCBSDAT, AFKU 21. 1898.

‘thfttla tlwOatlo^ UnlM* Bpmln OonMnto to anAlMolate
BaokJ>oVn By Tbot Time.


Oortw Seem Unenimooe in B«i)ectinB the THtlmetiim end
WlU Mak. Bo Further OonoMAiona


VaM.rVo.dte4WUlKueinttmMu..fPTwldwtMdClB].7U tpuiuk
Oftdito Xedef-.:tt 1. *.w QaiU PrebabU Tbst POm OaUiMd hr AdmlaMnkttOB Win b. OurM 0«t-fyrach KleiaUr Km Obarg. ot MpmmiA
AShin U Waahtactoa-OMMral UIm eattaaftad to Uu WhH. Hooa.
«.Ml4l lo Tn xoam Bmait.
WUb a pea
f«raiab.d byOMwalAlcOT the prdal'
Amt baa d(Md tbe UtermsUob reMl«Vm aad bta aldmauiB gitiug Spala
#ortr«i«bt boan to WMF Osba. Th.
-eooBBMt was Mat bj a ommb|
•war Polo sad at eoMaabl.4 to Madrid.
««Mr Polo at mom reiantod a lMt«r b;
■ raqacBtlar bis


B ▼olB.waca WIlKAafc Per Bla Xirit Taatardap Pto Vaw Tarb to Oa
Oa a Warabip aa PiroBaa.
Fraak BaaBleftpastardtp aftoraoao
iBlaad af Oabe.
tor Cktoaco. wkara ka will MBpleto
Ear West. na.. April W.—Iba Oabu
' to ro la Haw Torii pn-.
paratarp to takiar a paaiUoa as ftnkoKlBlap to appofat Otaaol Oaaetal Baa oa oaa of tbs Daitad SutM wai^
Pltohacb Lm ta be tarritorUl gmrm- ahipa, probably tka Ma«aeba.atto.
Bar of Cota, ptadlar tba tataWlab- Mr. Baan wna faraerly drsBaa of tba
8k Paal, raaalar oa tba Ukea,
BoatotaOBbaanpeWle. Baarial
aadar Jay PktUipa. aarlaaar. also
to teat affaetWM. adopted laatairbt. of Tranrat City. It was tbrOarb Mr.
Last Biffbt tbaCobaas efraaisi
Pbllllpa that ha Bsda tba anaacaBent
b1UUc7 aompaej' aad tba aSeert aaat and PtolUpd wiU alaa aatar the aarrtaa.

talarraB to Prealdaat MeKlalap, as
Dtotrin Itopnty L
•diaOoB“Oaa tbOBMad Cabaa nlaataar
farriar Xlacraw.
K*r WMt after tbairtarTloM aadat
Tbara was a spaelal bmUbp laat
ABarieaa daf.*’
was that tb. appolatBS will (to dtotribaiad airhtafTra»emClty Uadra- Ho. m.
aeatof rrvtmeaUl ofiem art to b. to tba rolaateaia aad tto^wUUbtoiB B. P. O. Elks. Amoar sereral oat of
town raeats waa Eotorl Lakr of Jack-'
Bsda bj ^araort of ttatas lanaad of drilliaraDderttoABarieaB\«$t{ca. ao
Distriri Drpgty of Miektcma, reptba eresidast. as was prapoaad orifla aa to ro to Cuba with tba flrtt Acaeri■tiar tke Omd Enitad Enlar of
tka order. Mr. Lake SButad ia
eaa troops
pliflylar the iBltUtory arork. Tbara
Iba altlMtaB wiU mat ba Bada
a larro attradaaee and afiar tba
lobaaqoat was
Tba Uailad Slatoawlll oot r




Ha lattatM*aeo'Bloektblsa?aBlBc,
laeatir tbo apaaMk' flar
damaaaat at LaeatMo of tba Pint
' Mseta witb tba Prweh Blatstar. Saaar
Ma ntaaad to ri«« bis roata. bat laBpaeisl to TBi KasBtBs Bacasa
Maatod acMrtdsttrtW aet Kiafara
9^ baton Uarlac tUs aaaati7.
Watotor Woodtord bat aakad for bU
I bat S#a<* hH datBaad ta
a to bits.
Washfartoa, dprfl M.>«tatadMbto
wr otaBbart mt tba
ooBBlttoM of betb
^booinas tooar abfUto ta laad awn
Itea lt.000 raralaia U Caba. Tba
■laalsli annj h Ihnnrht In ba lU.Ott
asoa aad it to fait oar drat BovoBaata
tHU bt Bara eaatia«u tbaa ban baaa
aattotreM aa aeaoaat of Uis dltobrMOBbator aaBboft.
a to tba
Wbito Boom ibto aftBrsaaa to oaaaalt
aboat tba call ftr ▼oltnlaars. Tba

Madrid. April M.—It to taid ia e«atol airetoa that tba IsnUoa af tba drat
batUa wUl ba a Wc aorprtoa.

alpht at tba proapaet af war. Dtoo.
dieiBd WiU ba rafand. Blaaeo bn
nnal to taka t.oro troopa


matoattoa aad tbaa briac aacatiattoaa toaelaaaaadeaaMa braaah af
tolatiaoo wftbia tba aaat
*4 boars.
Oa tba olbM^baad. sbaald Spaia
e^laet to retara a iattofaetor7 aaawar

Air Pamaatad With War Bplrtt^a&tob Moat Ba
> of Blpht laapifoa Spaatarda to Baatat ]>aaaad of Oaitod
Btataa Sailera •woarto Manr Bo^
ton Oalaaa TtatorlBB.
Madrid. April M.—Tba apaalac of
tba Spoatoh asnntoA^ waa
otak Tba qotaa ncbbt rood
toaato froB tbatbroaa. Sba rofarratl
to tba troablaa Boatkioad at the laat

kaayiac they bad
Jba attltada oa tba
partaf tbopaoplaeftbaUaitod Stataa
—««»C tba raballioa. Hba a
Haw Ytok. April S&-A Paris spaelal that Spain bad aataalUad to tboM
saps. "AfBT oOetoia. la aa latarrlew, tbreata atfd lajartoa aa net tolac tba
tap tba farar will kUl oae-balt af tba
line sayrsasirm of tba ABarioas
Pirm Waald MUl Satf tba J

boon hj aaaalBrBa eeaaaDt took tba
la Caba aad tba Spaa
toh wlU taka caraaf tba r
HatUaebataa i
It was added that 100.000 Baa will ba
«( Sfklaaaa pnrsat tba apaalac of
7 wtorada Caba.
Waabiartoe. April *0.—Tba aaxt Boaa
to to Bade Baat ba oBda bj Spaia. PJaat •70UB to Ibat Point »aaae.
AMBdlar to
Bifkl paaaibly ba that tba Spaatob opselsl asToiMosinasaaooasMtotbaeoaeli
to Bka aetioa fraa tba laapaaca aad
taaaroftba eoaftasaiaaal raaola
r WaadJord

Two Cenito '


Haaaaa. April to.-Tha dap baa baaa
Bps all
ewUlto fsfardad aa aaatraA
Tba Plant lias ban ahaadcaad tbalr
Barana line.
ta bbd Battarin Baiac EaaV
aiear>. April fO.-A battarp of arUllafp aad two troops of tba Pint earalT7 left Fort Bbaridaa thto aflaraboa
for CbiekaaBan.
Haw Tork, April fO.-Tbe HUtk aad

BBoaat to rafBMl of tba daaaads af
tbaUattad Stataa. la. aaeb aaM
tbrooch Jemp Cl*p
aa roata
k. 'Tbe Nlatb. Wkiok was
ta oM tba aaaal aad aalllBrp foreaa af
tloaed at HaekelVe Barber, eobatott of
tba Oaltad Slalsa.
Baa. Tka Twrntyftist to froB
Madrid. April M.—Tba Oortaa ai
PUtUbttrf aad kaa abost Ua 1
aaaalBaas ia daalarlaff that Spaia
tor. A batterp of tba Seoood
wtU Bska da farthw ncasaMiaa to tba
tOlarp baa arrind from Ftot Adaaa by
TJattad StatM aad srOl d
a aad atartad for OblokaBaafi

After Balag Piaad tor Ooatanpt of
Ooort Aireatad tor DrnakaBaai
WlUJaa Bokarta, wba waa Saad In
daUan by Jadfs CarbeU for
of eaort, was aimtad oa a warraat tow
Badtatalraftorhahadaaidhto Aoa ta
Us Clreolt oaork Ba waa takes ba­
ton Jedca Babarta. where ba aatarad
a plaa ofaotfaUlyto tba abarfa of
drank aad dtoordwly. Tba
adjoaraod aatU Uto Bantlny at «:M

Cbloaro. Ap^ SO.—Tba TbM ialbo*rp. Oto atroaf. as raata fraa Pbrt Xtatailad Bapart Publtobad ta Beak
Pormbad Joatlnoad.
t8B aad will praaaat it to tba Bpselto eealllac to MaWa. arrind tkto'
Tba EaooBP to la roeaipt af tba___
iBf aad rnaaMditoJaaraap.
guiiibBial tapwTQw. wbaa ra
plate rapon of tba oaart of taqnbp
Mllwaakaa. April M. — Tba Klaa- wbieh tanaUfatad tba dMtraetioa of
a^ jutfnwlUbanforeappart oalp
towU laiaatrp,
the taatUeahip Malaa. It to ta beak
froB Fan Bvadp, arrind at Nsg
fcwB boaad la paper oanr. The ropanto pretaaad fay Ua aissmca of tba
Mieb.. todap, aad laft isBa
prrtdaak It ooaulas eoapleta dathaObk^A Bortbwoatai
taUad taatlBaap aad to
a-BalTs Waaao»«ada « farthaaoatb,
by 1ft balf-toaa lUntrattoas af aa Baay
St. Loato, ^rU M.—Mar Waopd of dlCaraat parti of Ua wraok. baaldu a
tba Sljctb eavalrp atrind today aad proAla diawlac at Ua rmmtl and a dla•r““'
UniBBadtotalpfarCbtokaBaaca. Tba •■WB aad aaUeatto adnttoaal riaw.
Tba warirtootoaofMaekiatamt aad
Waablartoe. April *0.-1%. Baan
Ip. froB Fan Uanafan jnt boaa toaaad trem Us yonratoday piiisi aa aa
wartb. arrind aatwotnlaa. Tbm Boat priaUnc.oaea la .Waablaftoa.
Baaaore tba bOl .Bpawariar tba praal• »u s^ aad i
> «aU^ •BtrriVBtaer foroM aad la iU..JPbap left at oaea far Mobile.
Uoa. Both tba
EryWnk April
Two traiaa wUl arrin froB Pert BQap
f Ua Uaitad Statn Snt acatnat
tmoidaBt aad Osusr^ Alpar apraad aa
analar with dll omabrs aad not- tack at Bicbt kan bafaa redoubled. A
to tba aaoaBity of ^aBlar tba bill at
It patrol to kept ap sod aaarebeaaa aad Cbalmb BaU et tba BlUtaforAtokaBaaca. A toMlal trala anr Uebta an kept laecaMatip at work.
- F7 ooBBlttaabaditbroa(btap aadar
Iks Wabaak troB Batrolt panai Bbat
8k lioatoMdapaaioatetoK^ila It
parlor* froB til
Tba bill to parBaaaat ia ^ardator. aarriM tk. Mlaataaatb latoetrp tra. Froat atnat to ftS7 State atraal, wk«o
wUl ba ptoaaodMBMtbarpatMw.
TbaprieaipalabaacoeBiaia te biU Part Wapaa.


■■ L..:,

290 Front StraeL




MarHiaa Bloat

Dress Roods Stock
Frraaata a ahowtaf of b

an eon to plaau aoakan of pntw Batartolo.' Umtoptekfnn.'
PiioM nep low. tor tba qaaUttoo.

Wheel Enameled For S2.5D

1 by Womaato Otab

A apeotal aaiaioa of Us Woaua’a
Qab will be bald ta Mcatacaa ball Fri­
day aftaraooa U dtoeoB Ua watai’ .ap­
ply qanttoa and to alaet a
w aad daeido apaa a pneraa
Mn. J. G. Bawadan will apeak «pao
water traw apriafa, Mn. J. J.
aad Mm. M.

Pn. Ita Ubtatoritp.
atrOBUataealtyot tta
Cainiritp of Ana Arbor will arrin
kan today la lBnBtlga(aU4>BariB of
oar Blgb aebaol wiU a riaw of__
ttaalag Ua praaaat plan of admtoaiaa
to Ua oalnnitp by dIpioBa froB Uto

------------ r 1 tan a toU Uaa of Stop. . Saodrim aaTBapaln. I atoal^
plaatp af wgrkBM to da poor work
proBptlp. 1 gaaroatae all work to ba
Ua bMt aad Ua lowMt ta priaa. I
ball# wbmU to order, thop an 1
lea. Call aad aM Uaoa.

EmimIIh ai< OmraNii
li tht Lahst Stifles.

Onalag of aUktada.1----- '

olM aad TaadoBa to roat at lU UbIm
atnat. Mar Froab


HoUey A Oonimb]*

Ton needed some Wall Paper this sprinar
Ws have it. Have you looked over what we
haver It will pay you.


ba. bat baeocalac aatloaal they
>ld obUca ksr to break bar ralaUew' OAVCBT PBOK POBBST PXBB
wllb tba United Stataa. OoMladiac.
A Wofte, Vaar Blacalap. Lost a
tba qaaaartoMt Mid that la tba aaBan Monday Bi^k
proBa ortato tba pope aprita ward, of
Warden. Um BUBaaM of Star
paaee whlab wore faarkaaad to by tba slay. iMt bis ban by Bn Moaday aiebt
Spaatob conrasBat la a Stb com­ atwaaa 10 aadll o'daek. Then was
Snta Ua waodsaaor bj aad Ua
et dolnc ricbk ia tka atriet
of as lataraatkBal daty. bleb srtad arobably ^aw .parks to'
bora. Than waa taaanaer of
Ooaeladlar. bar tnjesty nld:
saoo ta tba FbrBara' Mataal.
albly. besranr, tba paaaa affarta moy
aU faU ita aaatrol tba aril .
totfac. acrian Spain. Uat tbto bsLcoal Kick Sob^ Tana WUl PUp
Bsat arrive, I
SO^ ■abwal TasB 0^ Mastataa.
to ta defend oar rirbta. whatana
The Bnt faaae ball r»B«> of Ua asofieatbayBsyaatalL Thaaltdsto- aoala Utoeltywlll btplayad Sotartlfp Bpaalf sritb tba aatloa, sat only dap. A cane bM baaa amafad for
to faltl tbaoatkiawdra wbaa I aa- batwaaa Ua loaal Blyb School trow
arptad the roraaep. bat I follow tba aad Us Hlyb Sebool taaai af Mania
too. Tba tlBo of Ua fsBa will ba
dksulas of a aotbsi^ heart, tmatlaf Anaoaacad latrr.
tatoa^aatobpaapUtocatbsr babiad
Barival Sarrioas.
Bp aaa'athrtBaaadtadafasdit aatll
coapal BMtiacft an balag
ba to old eaoacb to dafaad It hlB
bald this weak aosk onalag aseapi
M wall n trostinf to the Spoatob peo­ Satardsy la Ua Baptist eborota aad
ple ta dafaad the taBor aad tori
ta Ua aflaraoN at 9
a'elcnk Toaaday. Wadaraday aad Thanof tba aatloa.”
Spria's sailwa abaard tba SmI at day aad 4 o'clock oa . Friday. Tbe
OadU awnr baton tba imogo of the tor. J. C. OarBas. wlU apeak aad slag
la aaab af Ume aarriaea. Aeordtal taBrip yircia aank to ratara to Spaia
ritatloB to eciaaded toelliaaBS gearraalMarietoriaas.
ally. ‘•OaneUoawiU oaaadwewni
Ex Qaaea babaUa hasasba^bad N,- deUea^ f^tba Lord bM spokaa
good oaaeeralag Uee.
OW pnaBa to tba war foaA


Another big lot of
Wall ^aper just received.
From 3 t(T3 l-4c
a Double Roll and up.

Juliet and Oxfords.

893 PAIRS C”SI^-)

$8.TOJuMets going 8it..........................ftl.98
$8.00 Oxfords going at........................ $1.46rh. soldoliMp.

Frank Friedrich,
oxa. S.eXlA*bXe.


213 Front St

Baltimon 8took Eaeelvad Three Tbaas a WaaV

■SSffs-,.Hetekar’s Oirstar Dagit aiU Rastaaraat

Forpeatoddlaaard iMu aid abon aad rabbora. atawao
pan aptktaSprii
. . ___________ l.:« Sl.u aad 81.9$ UsB
■B at Boab
Mb aad iwiMaab
Bhoaa,wadaaotraaacslM nap aoBgatittoo.I. Tf Toa oaU Bta ‘ ~f \
U«a aadeOBpan WlU atbon. poa wUl saMk
---- Up. OanroBca’a band torwad Sbon wa Uowtta laigori
atoakJattaeltp.aadeeaMfapoo fmwi ftOe to SLOO oa avarr



Toar Hoiair Gbaarfallif RafaaM If lat SiUsfaeMni.
She oar Window IMsplny This Wobk.

ne lei lilpeiT Dauetmit
ls a. tba aaoM Soor. aad It1 to a Wtaaar. Ever otam tba opaatag it
taabmarowdrd wiih
aad UaaaBbaraf beta taraad aat ear­

Frost BtTMt


FOR ONLY $2.50


phm k« ted tew mmi te •tetod ttei
te wM tBtted^kU Ite ttM. Tlito
did X* wttafy tte own w4 be
Mted lawbetpUeetebte-teWt tbe
Ubm. Be replMd itet be «Mld teU U
hb bed to. tet did «ot tBbk te
oWIcte to ewwer. J»dr« OerbeU tbw
I7 etotte to the wltMw ttet be
ted eeery eppeeieew of beiey iatoxi*

A aAtrEU. ia«nif7 w M the Mthte
lltell te te paneed la nteia^ fesde
fw • ww hM
Mt the teet that
tten U Me mt»ty ia
«te Caited BtaVca today thaa erar be­
fore ia ite hktoiy. the total beior $1.7M.W8.e4S. TbUeteweaa iaertaeeef
«m.000.000 is the II Maths aleoe the
Ohioan oneeatloa declared that'the
Maa^ a< the oMatry eoald
tally laerean wtfbant Ue tree eoiaan
a)t surer. A eteady laereaee of the
Ttary ia eirealatioa at |the rate of
Marty tlt.OM.000 per Moth baa
t apea the
Mef I8to
It b^tes to teeoBe srident that wr
Ma W bare teal war. There ie thia elOMBt, bowerer. in tbe penltiea of the
Halted Staten: We hare taken «pna
oaraalM tbe boIpbb duty of freelaff
M eppneeed people ft*B the tyrany
0t daetardly ipprewlim. aad thin.
oeapled wlU the brarery aad
iMtiee of tbe saae of AMrlsa. will
•eata aa oppeaitiea te Spain teslde
srhieb an other eonfiiste af that
Wy wQi appear ae obild's plaj.
iPTOLTora a trwt aattea to war la a
yet th«« are thoea
Mdwl toraottoradCate the MBsat ewcress ps

etocy woald bets cteriaof Tietertoa to aataal
teula. bat it is a r apparent ttet tbe
Mood of ^B«
I - Bast flaw bsfcra
Taoss patriotic ywUeBaa who
•oadeantof ttepiealdaatforbatoir ae
Mow to ptedidtau war w^ now hare
o ralaateer aad te
• thairpart
«< fu It woald te lalarcittos to know
how Boay of tbooe who rmatad wpr so
Bad will te aoBbarad to tte

AnvxBora To.Axm» a*ASVXA OV BXKXL RZLX..

be w»« date to to te paid i
aad in deteall of pe^aeat be
tejail for fleddaya. The wUaeaa
for a Btoxeat tet finally realised
:tbe altaattoa when Ue )adn
tbe eberlS to reBore hi*.
Eoberta had not eaoarb obaan
abont blB te pay tbe flae bat saade it
ap by terrewiafi a dollar troB Darld
B. Wyakoop. and with treat brarado
cenated oet the oilrer U Clerk Kewtoa
aad wee thaa 'ebered evt at tbe roes
ferelbly by fiherir Slkpeea.
Tble closed the ease of the .
tloa wltbha aaexpeeted fioortah.
Tbs aeeosad wsb tbe first wiuiaas
cailW to bhowa bsbalf. and te #bphatieally dealsd bartop^bad nay teRlW«l nilta. KBii
tte tsaUmoay te n*e
.«toar aad
straintferward. Tte proaseatM
abaks his taatlmasy. Tbs
eoattossd this moratord A UBlor and Boa. W. H.
Pbater are aoadaettoc the defsase.

Baptde at the adraaeed an«^ *• ftera |
With thf'death of Mrs. BarUaad
yawed away oae of the anted aad rs-j
aesrteble of Mlehin* woBea. bte !
ww bsn la Oatarte ia 1M8. Bored te '
New York ia 18W. aad to Mleblna
•aoD after, eetUlafi Is er aear Adraaee.
ProB her ohUdbood ahe rraa ideaUBed
with the abolittoa caose. her father's
heoee aad afterwarde her owa. belaf
aoted etaUoM oa the “Dadervreaad
Ranroad." aa the liae of refnn*
lUbed for the eaeapt of aUrea froB the
tenth to Canada wmc called. Wbeatbe
mril War broke eat ehe went at
aaee te ite froat. deroUaf Use aad
.Thaatrissl Motoa.
labor as few otbere did te the rrelfare
“PassWito ecrtaialy the 1
of tbe eoldiere Is caap. hoaplial aad most tos«»aeUvc.aod catsrtatotor plsy
field, and “Aaat LAara" was a teoae yet ifiiuea. It will be preecowd at
bold aame amoaff tbooAada of tbe HWlsterr'sGraad, May 14U. sader tbs
ters ia bine.
maabremeat ef Oto. A. Maaafield. and
After Ue war ite tnraed her attoao.* sheald (ail to eoe it. This
tiou to ue troedmea ^ did a n*ad
u*ir own scoeery. which U
workamcar Uem. tee was a clceel^
eleewieal offecte
offtote white
Tciy flsr. and electrical
pemoDal friend e( US^. ^too. ate eUrtUax >a Ue cxtnmx Poncr
Seward, aad maaef like alMdite. who White. Ue elar of Ue cospany.
apfNoelaied klrhly her rhWkable made tbe meet fhrUllar eseem of kto
qnallUea la oar own elate her bwt eareer ae "Mepbtoio."' His fine, rircrwork, asenr tte mate abe did was Us ons aettof. baadMtme preeeaca aad
^ Ooldwaier aad Ad- atroar voice eoatribeto mote to Ue
riaa Huto sebcela The first was startof thr plej^. toe wSl have 1
ed by her Ubtor dtoUUte teUdrea into nppertof
boBB aad eariar for‘Uem;
bat Uto rapidly gnm beyead eroa her
C^. L. P. Csf
ability to carry oa. aad Ue Sthte eeboel sated, amaeed. toetraeted aad cater• She was Also larprly j
lam ■adlSBCo in
j to temperaace work. She Ue City Open Borne tost airbu Thb
was from her eaUdbood a Bember of wae ue last BSBber to Ue BIrb school
ite Society of Prteade aad always asMl toctore eoatse and Col. Copeland will
tteir ^natot asd baacUfal forms of :car be reBrcibered ae oae of tte best
speech aad dresa. Upto hcrvoiy last
who have appeared to Travtee waa as brirbt and acUve
City. Hie eobjeci waa “Heaiar the
to Bind aa to her bBt daya. aad to be Bephaat." white wae aa impaBkmed
wi^ her aad bear bar hrOUaat and aad aoal-etlrrtor t»7k apoo tte r»d
witty eoaversatioB. Bpectolly wbeaobe aad evil of lUa, tte theme botor the
revlewod, aa was bar plaaaare, Ua ro- ratalivsTalaaof waalU aad Ua tepBaatte htotory of bar Ufe. was snte s
ibla Ufa,


•aak VMhtteXatoa.
Ckptte SIntea of tbe batOsakto
Matoe rote a OslamWa tdeyrte white
want dowa with tte rswal to tte axploetea white destroyed IL The Mcycle was Aebsd ap by a dlrsr aad it dslirbtas.
A most 1
prBsatedby ttecaptato aa a asorcalled "A Life Work." wae Ua work o(
to tte Bsaalsetarsts. Tte ~
kar pea. aad Utodaat.yaar aba bae baas
On., wte srOl
boeynttoar o«t a mw adlttoo with
B. J. o. r
losal snaiikas ban aoMSed of tte ....................
Bber of tte Miehiraa WomihpssHiiB of tte whote
I. nod to aU ways
Tte SsprsBS apart has sttrBsd tte
Bar son. tte late Baa. J. B Bavldaetobn of tbrCireatt osort to tte
toad, was sa aid aad wril known eltlof J. M. BasUmtal rx M. ~Vtotaa.
aaa of Travorm City aad hk family
This was a was wbkh torolrad W»,
aad her.danrhtor. Mrs. P. J. OwUs
tte amout at a seooad matinn
WlU bar family. atUl rssite bar*. Ia
by Baallmaalel apon tte kard<
etonk of A. Poberal farmoriy to boai- ter vlalta to Uia ptoee ste IMda Bsay
attached frtaada wiU whom bar atamea Fteat atieot.
will loar berraaaahviS at tte time aad tte stock
Pnaaral aerriara will ha hald at
sold at abcriffh sale to behalf of Babl
A 80M af Detroit. The Batter has Oraad Baplde today at 1' p. m. aad
hartol will taka ptoee at Adrian.
bpoa to tbe eoerta a toa« time.
W. B. Featar waa attorary tor HaaUMftrt aad PwU A Darie far Vtotca.


Tte^arUa CTslMrUl ssaet Uls aftaraoaa at the boms of Mr*. Daa Loodoa.
Mr*. Dana, leader.

Governor Tkaner InetniCTcd Adjclaat
Grncral Reece to at oace aeod by exprcea iweniy SS-callber M
Sprlnirfleld nflre aad LftS raasds ot
ammunition tor Ue uae of SheelS McParianf.
Waahlnxton. April

Ueuieaaat R.

here, replylBX lo the cherxe that fipala
boorht mine* for harbor ow end *ent
to Havana tons before the Maine
tr*x<-dy. say* It la aJmrd ao annie that
because Spain boucht aad vtilpped Ue
mlnee (o Havaaa ahe oe<-v«artly pat
Uem in place In Ue harbor. He Bys:
“Such defenaee are'not placed in podnnill (he last momeol tn case of
boettlltlea er danxer ot attack, and
nx>re diMO this rule prevail In such ports
a* that of H*»-*aa. which has only aoe
narrow cbennel of eairy."
Obtoac* Market.
Chkaro. April sa—Wheat—May.
l.i0H<«l 11: Jaly. X7J<< ' “ '
bar. K>S: D
:prU. JH(« May. «lSteXe:
Jaly.MKe: Saptei
-■ pteabar. UVc.
Oaie-April. »<_............May. se«WH-^: 3a)y. S»c: SeotaBbar.
• r. ts
t* 9ic.
*I^wk-AprO. »1.40( itoy. »«> «•Grand ffayiria. April Sb—Whant. »4e.

' The OmatT Oenn B—cm BaOSlx Oowwlt>*, at Onad TroTvtoe 0*aa>y 1* avw prvp*re4


M »Vxd»
m&B to Vaoe
V\, bA& iwd before.
&tra^ braee ftoei tot Wttotu. J^to
wtvNWSua»' Aitd &e%V» uub ait& Va»&\u.
fttot ^OT toest bstoa. m4
ICo UmW tok« aU yn. maid.

If jro^'are coiaff tomake gArden do not toil to
oomploto Btoek of Flower, Oordon and Flold


Ltotof Lottora

In PAokAgo or bulk.

M8 Front SUWet-

If You Have Logs to Sell
b the Traverse Oi^ Immber Oempaay.
We bare tor sale Good,

xM miles a*c4i n. PSe. Om met 4ev m
mrfe. P»n«a« mUles ter mr v« tom* Ivmm

BsMtm. WIU

Svmode. XuSenee

Mr. Aadnea, the vatortaary dantiit.
teriaefletd. Ilto, April m-D. H. Me- baa already benn a rood boatoeB to
Pbrtond. a etertS ot Randolph conaty itecity Be ia trvatloy borsB to
jrvaivrday Mbrsinx railed upeo Oaver- BBtoa Brna'livnir bams wiU Aeatal
Bor TaoBvr and asked (or cither a cempanr of (hr siplr militia or a solIlcleBi
■Unf of arms vriu white lo ana bis
drpatles to maintain prace and order
larta. Tbe aber-

dar: that bis present
deal with thv mob aaicm properly
armed tor bard OxhUaxThe abvritr-stated that be bad es-

TvisVv "iVve 'BvlUotv,

wae a storB of cioqacacc «
WlU wit, hasMT. paUB and farvor, tourmtortod to Bake ap aa oatmtalaBBBt Inteaaely totersatlM aad toatrnativa. ^ addrcB waa filled wtU rlavattor Uoarhtaaad haaaUfal daaertptloM told to pietaraeqaa aad iardble
toarnat*. and ovary aaditar waa dasp

«rntUte area* Mow Barn-

lha barn NcB. white QroOlte Bma'
leeeatly to
tee af tte IWttooaasa waa bwartMOwanhae, hw baea takaa to Oraad
oatad aad (te Oeart iBipeaada Kaa
Barca aad is now betoc orstealsd.
of $fi torSeatoatpt cf fl
Ste wOl bars a nsw boiler aad waWm bo Ooaetadod Todaj
teltery aad to ta te coBplatcd Jaac
A crowd of morbidly eatiooe syieta- toV Cai
tbe Alice M. OOl. wlU te a
Msa filled tte Q
day to llstea te tbetrial of.JastiwJoba
C. Oslbooa. wte te betotfUiad far an al- land crlBlaal aMalfapsa Btbsl Hills
HlaatraBMslbpttotte co^ TW
4d Ctogsiay. a fiirl aader fiftaaa' yaacs daymirkt.
H. K. BrtokBsa of Old Mtoatoa. te
telheoalsTlyaarsofanaad a rat- becB timatsd aa touisass of piailsa
sraa sf tbs Ute war. aad bis raasraU# from $• to «10 a Boatb.
apprawBee aad tbs|seiiens erlsM with
miteb be is nbMndiiwisksi tte trial
« than Bsasl iatarsat. Be to
of P.'coaraailoa toaichtd of tbe erise MoUoaed aad tte
d wtodmOl.
a that OB tbe l»th of
. Marte BUel SUto went to hU etcra to to actoal operatlan. ^ a fine attraction
aad a dtoptoy of oriflaallty to cm of
Kiantoy. which to aleoi tte rUlan
library, and left there a bote white the tarn wtodows of the Boteoa etcra.
Ci^tato ThoBBS Boaor. tte newly
had beaa taken ecu It U also eharnd
that after the rirl antorod the store ai^toted lAspecfcr of haUs trcB
. Oraad Berea, nod Beaty Bloeekar af
IS toritod to n to tte back
Of the robB. where ittoelalBed the |
■«“ place, toepecior of bailere.
lit tate ptoee. It to (euted that'
^ ^ ^^7Aartac the time referred to tbe father
The clam
Of tte rlrl. eoarbt eatraaoc aad after, wiU Beet UU afteraooa at S:M wiU
peoadiap on tte door,]was admitted, Ml*. H. 8. BaU. Sabject: •‘Sprtor
attar the rirl had been let oat Ue back Did.” SoBc of the dtohB . will te
way. The father had a stermy latervtov WlU (tolheea and fUter tte
MUmOberltoof Btorham has bssa'
daaebtar appeared at Ue dear wlU at Sattoas Bay sorsral days hoytor
fear BOUw aad UcB to ter father ate potatoes. Bs will bars a earn >«ady
~ oUend to hare toU what had oc- tor shlpBeatUa last at tte waak. Tte
oartoA It wae alaa stated that Chifesea had rirsa to BUel. ca rariooe
PBasisiM, staple fifia. eoel^ a tabloh earttof liea or mooey..,^
A. Galdtorb A Blk Baplds. arrirad to
Tte rirl wae tte fbtwitasB aad to
Mm examtosttoa she told a strairhl- tte city last Birht 00 a rtoit.
retaraed yastarday
dsrward story which iesreolor to tte
a bostosB trip to Bmplro.
hfearn aCbibBi
aoeassd. Tte faUaaddan^tar Ira
or was tte aaxt wltasB. Hs lestifsd
Itet CO that sraatof hto wUs sod IsfttorN
tearhwr Isft Ue hooM aad he fol­ asB aaf picosaro trip.
Mtos Mtoto Itotoraoa of Ufa teko.
lowed tteB aad later fooad hto wUa
Mar tte btora. aad when he naked horaeasptod a poSltioa to UaBilUasty
srbare Ue rlrt was ehe atod ttet BUel drpariBsat to Us Besto* Btors.
Bar. r. C. Wead of Gaylord, to -rtolP
was to the atom. Then it was te prooaedad to aatsr to aea whte was rriaf tor Bari Tylsr. Ba wtU laava this
fiwalar tor Cfearlceolx «■ a a
oa. Tte tBtiBcayof Mrs. '
Icetaitor tow.
Tte last witasB tor Ue
D. a TiUottook of Maoharoa. aad
! wmiBB Boberta. WIm te B. M. WardoU of Detroit lasoraadb
Mtored Ue ooori toBB te hat ovary adjosun. aro to tte eiiy oa thair way
» of tertoc been teblbtof totUirhtstoadJast ttelcBoftte ww
Me ttsaly aad stewed erWebtoUot be and plaator Bills barasd ltota*py

wm dfisn it thorougbly, true tbe vbeeU, give any .alor on>»mnUl moA yon wisk, r^smel or TsmiUi year rims for above price.
Oall sDdiMe sample.
We slao BoUd WIwa
»01Ib to Order, do it cbeawr^Dd
give better material and worlt-tban1 a
. sbtm in tbe city. Have bad aerrrat
years' experience asd gnarante«
intoe aaiistaction. ,
Please give ttaj trial.
BLU8^ 811 Tron^ Mt, Bast,



oppeelt# socle Otru*.

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple, Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
MiU Vaebineryorall d
Ret Works, Carriages and Saws.


I Saw Mill Plaat





await* the parson who examinu onr aew


I...Stock of Carpets..I
We have surprised ourselves ss weU as done our­
selves proud on our seleotiona of Value and OtuU
ity.and at thejaioes we have marked them they
are hound to go' rapidly. Ko one has yet xone
away dissatisfied.




SMiri* To B* «h* PetHien T«kM)
bv tho PrMnWr of 8piin'» '
■slaiSaHiilia WashaWahad^ate
Sipahlliaai CWl oa Casater aOaaa
a Che Peaas ’ *aa«hee PataastW Wha

It t* emo» of PnMmt


“So mach «> bu thta bo«A tho caas.Um ^seh wtD OocOre. “that the Chll*d States have ewnataotl)' pat ohatadw
Is the «
or 8]
apaia «hoa hr McoUa<:
ItsjT rtTorts SpolB has been
oo the polBi of sadfruis Cuba. TM
doooiDeni alU lap atrea apo« the bet
that Anerica has Olsplared thcreaaeO
vinileBca as4 hoatlUir alnca Spain
BTsntpd a
of b<«llbU«a
the requeat of the po|Se aa4 the poven.
It will mahe an earnest appeal to the
ssiiop and to all partiea
the BaUoBaMraOitlooa tosatheraround
the Umuie and tu v»le the supplies seceasaiT to defend the honor andaemtorr

“At the preaem momem'SpalS.thoasb
ion. Ii
a miuurr oatk>a.
Is -bestoa*
Ins ner rhlef atlenthic Ufx>n nnral
ptersiationa beesua ereryboi^ fttU;
compT-ht-nde that In the struinc> «1th
hath itbe I’ahet State# the fate of Cuba
pariintBont aat in the sesintv . the durattm uT the aar all) rntlrelr
r nt S o-elock yesurdar nfler•ooh. Senor Bacnain. the 'premier, ad^erdr. under Admlrsl Cerver. who went
4i«pmd then as folltfa-a: “The Umea


No Debating
The Question-

Our Floot Down Thors

for Any Ordor to Movo Thst

• u» itaM wui aar


nrs no smva. «nd the elminaUBree are

plan <if I
been Anally and deSnltel)' settled M«9.
It Involves the bUidtade of Cubp bat ;
net the bombardment of Havana. The
blocAsde ai)l Involve,w
It U expected, except the nccldental encounters abich. more or less, are tuand


, to oca-vr. The arocr naval ofBcers of tbo


«»lty. Attmapta nrUMaK made to atuly
tiem to prtMfctIss tbs tor|«dQ Autllla ptartnp a clever latno. In coaceotrauag
ttn StortOM hlatim^ Spain by an In- . This wiuadnm Is consider^ qull# a her entire naval turces at a dtstanco
I match for tbo Aylns ■quadron of Amor- 'from tbe^lmmodlate scene of action.
. Oieat milsUctioa U tcK amoac all tbo


I - A atcood oquadroa will be formed at
I Cadia where Admiral ..CburrucA a
....___ l.w______________
dewettdsDt of the (*|
at Tralalicar. Is busy prefwrtng. tbs
feet The Idea Is to eoncrntratc. an
•oon a-o they are ready, the batOesbliia
Felay.t. now at Cartagena: Kraj.-rs<j..r
ClHos V. now at Farrol: Cardenal CU-

The different ■r--»ph
. don. their utmoat
pwiTUhad. We .hava pow raaebad tba
Umlta of - conceaalon eompaUbIc with


hOMr and terrltortal Imegrtty.
•onnaatad to the Uat eoaceoskm at the
twtaaea of the pope and tbe powara.
Wa ytaided In brt; bat now atlempta
•re made open oar honor, and menaces
dlractad against oar territory.
■Ortkss a rapalarCnsr^ ’
“Tbat M a thing to abicb Spaalaida
qrfl] nee«g coaseat. lApplaaae.l This la
MM the moment to trace a parllam

hrnadalde shijw: the. crulseni
XIII and the Frlnceoa VIctortv the lor.
pedo cruiser Mnrla Molina, three destroyera Just received from 'Rngland.
and three lonedo vessala—whl<« would
BUhe a respectaW* gathering.
“Spain has tn ber merchant Aeat and
er.asuag pupnlailon a large aupply df
able eejo.en all having served la che'
eqalvalent to a declaration of srar, and
n.ynl navy, and a atroag force of
taattallona expect that the Acet will shortly be onIt returned from hard aarvke In the dar orders to sail for Cuban waieta.
lllpplpes. Admiral Bermejo. like hU
.Captain Sampann. Captain Emaa (of
I predev#a»or. Admiral Berengo. has paid
'Twlal atlirtlon to making use of the the Iowa) and Captain Taylor fof the
fine large steamers offered by the Com. Indiana) bad a consaltauon ycwierday
pallia Trunaallanllc mall linet and other
ffrms ai aoxlllary
thee came ashore. Sub-caliber
) the royal i x»T and practice was taken up during the
^beaey aad quick ffrlng guna which have noon. Wherever the eye tnms It U mat
airqadydieen placed on tba foortaeaeeo- by tbe colors of Cuba Llbee lavartably
tbe Isura and stripes Boat above tbe taaanceat ensign, and here and
VawM l^enllSB ■samSH'S.
Igin'doe. April tk—Tbe Rome tOlia•pondcDl of Tbe Bally Mall aaya:
“ttalla. the <wgan of the foral^ office. of pairtotle Cobahs i

namely, requesting the t'nJted States
a Spain. In the event of war. to lo­
by a brass band, marched through tbe
ci Cuba and the the streets and hatted in fmpt of the
ka«a. la tbs boa of aa odJus attempt
agalaat the integrity of our territory.
TW Insult offered os today ta tbe mual
After B saraaade of AmeH(«n national
Infhbioaa that baa ever been oSer«d.“
tin cheers ware given for President MeCon' KInley and .the newspapers c
ttanlag. Sagaata couaaeled the rapid
dMM.keTbl.nss.pwMh rhited States Stairs. Several
nonsUtatloa of tba chambara. In order
Inent Cubsas m^ addresses Is
*0 accord to tba government the means
t*"^end the ieountry'a
Kansas City. Mo.. April Jg. — The ish. tbe burden of these being gratitude
^«paln.“ be added, --will not aUoiT a Times la authority for tbe statement
proparcel of ber trnttpgr to be taken from that a eomblnatloD baa been formed
ber with Impunity; nor wUl ehe be e- among the mule tmdara of Kansas City
ilowlng m
party to any trafflcklag for bw poe
-A volunteers at Key West offer
lag the price of mules necdedai once for
aetvkes under I'nited
•tested tbe epaeeh.
the army, mccs have been advam
fully S peV ceau and another advai
la planned.

The S» mules sold la KgnsM City
last week fur to.40 a hey4nd the Sdg
srhocls Were closed and the streets
t attanttoa to the short apaach
Bold In St.' laiul* f.n
cros-ded ulth excited groups discaasinc
Bagaata. only laierrupUag him with have coal tbe deaieia
the riluatton.
For the first time tba
MaaBlmooi and load appUimc when be
tadlgnaaUy aUuded to tbe “unJusttSed diately Law more mulea and for these Aagpote osar the Md Spanish cons
and Infamous sspetaieiis cast opon a still higher priiw will -be exacted by was mate CO tvwr the Cuban flag aal
raised -Cute
apala.“ with regard to the Maine dis­ tbe mM who have eomared abc avaJia- when the.banner was
Libre*' rsng oat from every thru.:.
Been more entbualaatlc ap- Ue aopply.
iausa greeted his vioali .
ic stoutly and proudly declared taai
ment of th* fleet on Havana and ih*
I hoped
gnppoTt of all Spaniards “in dafenaa of HcAffee. a daughter uf tbe late Oancml trsn.|>ortal.on of troopa for Cute
tbtir tarrtlory and
ancient flghu Humphrey Marshall, of Kentucky, died expected at any* moment, and when
lies It will And no detay here.
agnlnat more cdloaa apd unfair ag- here ver> suddenly yesterday morning
y ihi. woisblpa were making Anal
gTcaalobB than any of their anceiton of hewn disease. Mrs. McAffee wag a
-raraiUms for Immediately action and
em and autborasa of some note. had repeOed with th ■erne energy and
r of tbe ofBcers went ashore.

«nus WILL maoEKR.

If the Idea still aklMed In tbe mind
avoided. Sagasta’a Bra speech la ra■mrded as Anally aettUag all doabu.
Senor Bllvela. leader of the d
Csoservativea. when addresri
pany. declared it --Inopportune i
Canovas del Castillo, and decUred that
he and Us iiarty would aid (hr govemntrnt by voting aa much ao'abould
be ncqnmary for the national defense,
wlihuuc vny appuolUoa. although mak­
ing n iie ..f the reaponMblllty incurred
In urd-r 10 invcatlgaie li. V need be. at
a more opprirtunc-time.
He deriared
' dissident . Con
would- mij«-.


Thaddeus 8.

Ibdlliig M dead i

Tbe ivirrespundent of the London
ImsB has been egpelled fivin Havana.
Wisconsin university rails for sps*
CISC charges against Us hash ban team.
James Henry, a oegro. aged lOL died
at KnnsvIUe. TVnn. yie recently mar­
ried flmily Jtuxs -a aged l»L
boy. aged 4 years. aoB of Mrs.
HouU'lian. a aldos. »as drowned In
the Montreal river at Hurley. WIs.
Governor Tnneer granted a full


Twe Pwnarae si W. UMits.

. St I-oulA April Ik-Thr Todd Pulley
and Shafting works and ihr Todd A
SUnley HUI Purpish
any aa.
tbe Merbanie^ hank of St. Louir, aa trustee,
and naming Alinmey Ovorge F.
Nully. of East St I,outs. as aaslj
The ’labmilea are sstlmaled from TTLgton.ono. but II Is staled th* aasets
will rever the amount and buginera »-U!
be resumed hi a later day
--------- employ 2W men.

X>uluU>. Minn.. April t».—At a roi
teg beM at the council rbamber |
Macon county. Ills., la ISht of
Sided over b) Mayor Trutelen It i
der of Mall kRKInlry.
decided that the declaration of i
K- luurih/annual meeUni
1^: I •«"'
hero_S£liSonsln Dental ai
be held at DodgevlUe Wedneadav
the harbor win take up che.slcaa] and
aad Tburaday. May 4 sad A
Into, no mailer «hat Iheac might
all tbe Industries emptying steam will
Tbe will of Henry W. Knig baa been
That evening a patriotic meeting
later oa pcaiS wuh honor.*admitted to probate at Chicago and the
of the war WUI be held
coUte is rstlmaied at II.4S6SM. of which
al the Third reglmenl.
The Repuhllran'i«r:y has sent a maa- U.lie.m is le-rwonal property.
aage to Senor Emlll'i Casielar gppt-allng
LsMher MUl 4BHke ginliA
Sixty woman of Cbadfon. Neb., have
to Ui patriotism ,i.. tsk- part in tbe ocganlsed a cavalry company to Aght
Chippewa FaliA Wla. April
, parlianraur}- mmraigo
The comslrtke at the Chlppe** Lumber and
.moalration points out that 'durlrx thfBoom company's mlU was settled Iasi
prssent sdtuatlon It U the duty
night. The state board of arbitration
Tbe DeapUIntw Ilia., iswtoffke. with
o Bsaintaln a
of K. J. Meyer, post- Aided in bringing about this rcoolt. The
, will coDllmie to work eleven hours,
irill ivci ive a
s time to atand ready In makeW^iualve of tbe damaga
•^tBces demanded by (latriuilsm In* A special
- from
day Ihruugh the w
Ireanrocd^ Mich., says
the tecc of a powerful enemy for the four tnebe* at mow fell there Monday
Tbe sirlkert nembered fboot 4W.
AMsoae of Bpanish sovereignty over
Sight. Manitowoc. DeperJ and PlateCs^BrasOySboB.^
Coha. tbe preservation of which is de.
fleld. Wla. also report a heavy fall of
Waafalngten. April t»-Tbs ac
maated by the history, security and


tights of 8paW£_________
Londok April »-The Madrid ebrreopondent of Hie Standard telegraphing
Toeaday. Bays: **I understand that Ite
tetecb frtwn the throat wUI review tbs
Bourwe of the nteUoas tetweva
Spain and the .Dalttd Biates'
▼Irw of shewing that ^n ta her rela.
tle'ns srltb America and her treaUntet
at the.Wcst Indian cMoales has spared
so effort to make coaccaslaiu and r«.
fcrma comtetibie a1th her rfghts toconriUate ber ccrioniata and to.,^pieaefTs
Otendly rotauens with Amertea; «hare•a. tbs Ualic
Talied States have all along
■hsolMed te ■
i bar coloalai and teve pM-

John iToIker. of BriCeti. InO.. ate feU
fnmi an upper story door more than
munib ago. la totally piualmedfromfl
pffecu bf tbe tall. Tbert Is no b<te of
Thomag Hoyt, of Bteyens Patel, Wit.,
reported to the Central station police
that be had been robbed of bto pocketbook. coBlalning Kkahonly aRcriaBChing Chicago.
Ooi of W&.M0 teck team te BayBsM
eownty. Wis.. there baa been paid te
OtAMe. leaving IIC.«B(l to te collected
by the esunty. Thig it agalngt a drilnqi^ IM of StlkOM -taM
OeniM a farmer
M Bay fle«HcDieni. Browa oooaty. WJa.. was strieoBly tefomd by being thrown from
his wagon te a raaaway. Bis cbote
baoo.ard noM- were brokea, and be Is
otherwise serloualy Mterad.

Henry J. Lerdrrlnk. of loWs. te be sec*
reiary of the legation at Saatlago.
Ctalto. . DlatrlM attomeys-Robert ~
EvoBS. for tbe district of Minnesota:
Patrick B. Boorke. district iff North

lieaai of tbe Tenth Ohio district last
night. on ths Linth ballot.
8. J- Morgan.----------------------------------------—.
te sncceed Fenton, who Is servlag hb
Brat tern.' Ths convoMtloa wu la


Wft are showing more valnes in spring goods this year for the in*
it retjniredjhan the upward tendency of'the market warrants.
T«i to fifteen styles, a// u'ool. finely made and finished suits, yuaranlfti in evtry way, $7.50 per suit. These are made in the same way and
by the same finn as those sold last winter which gave such nniversal satis­
faction See them—you will be agreeably surprised.
Our next popular grade at flO.oO prove equally good sellers—made
in a little finer cloths perhaps—a little more style at a little more expense— ;
a very
ery lar^fe
large assortmeot
assortment sat tbiW price.
Twelve dollars boys a superb suit nowadays—satin trimmed if yon
like—finely tailored—good enough f<y* anyone—practically no limit to tbe'as*
sortment of patterns.
By the way! Have you noticed this is the year for spring over- coats? More of these desirable garments have gone ont of our store this; I
season tfian for several years past—Very convenient and stylish garment to *
A special invitation given you ti> call and see our stock on this onr •
anniversary week—whether it*s clothing or furnishings w* are “with yon.’* ;


Am OrdtesBos.


As ordtoasM rslsUvn to plsetaff or

- W.P.teoM


sUowlar rwhUsh Is tbs strnste. aUsys.
paht e pissto and wators at the city.
Be It oeAatoeA by ths OeoseU



Istow Is s list of tbe hoytor
• aad seO*


Trsverss City:
See I he penes eball esst or plaea
•Mj rphl
ihbieh. aitk. siiaw.
fortors. dteoyaA trait
or dead

•u s*


Brsnrzss CAtu^


« SB
pe^ spsos................................ ........
the mty of Triiverae aty. Mi^ifoa:
aadiaeaee say such raebiah <r ofIS.Mi.4aellH 0S.—O.
teaalve or OBwholteocDe sabotSMe ot
talar skaU he foond in or apoa nay
stroeL laae. alley, ridesralk or othw
pabllespoee or pu«e la said eitv It
BhaU hetbodstyot the oweer or
eo post of the tot or....................................
of wbieh
rabhlsh, eabetaaee
e same, forthwith
.......................:------------- apoo reeelvtoraotiee from tbe Chief of
Pollee to romeve the eaae. aad if the
aaioe te OM risiBvtd by the penoa ee
aottSed within tweaty-foar hoar* after _____________________________________________
reerivlar each DoUee the teme wUl te nHAS 0.r0BRBE.gtbanw« tow. 1
tamoved at pabllc expeaee aad the cost
r~-r r r'‘"‘'r T-T T
•f snes rcteovoi shall be <


an nsir/

■W.”ii:Sft4"S3S “**•*•“


anewaayaftke pr<^Ut;;i toiago. ar- i T.
tklee or sabstaacfe oteattoort to the r itrfaflwlSSrn.


■ ■4BtoS7


to remain to Ur*»d Tra’
the eboree thereof »or to any of >he
•fstom withto tbe limite of mid City
edjaeeat to or apoa nay pfemhee
and it abaU be tbe doty of tbe owner
or eeensaatof thclotor pnmieeaia
front at wbleb or ad>eoBt to which
each rahWab or oateUaoe abaU' he
toand. to rqiMOvs the mme forthwith
apoa receivlte potio <f»» the Cbtof of
PoUee lore^etbc damn, aad if the
mate he pot romoved by the petoea ee
iwea^-foor boon after rvoeiriur eeeb aotkwthaa tbe eamr eball
benswved at poblie expeaae aad tbe
ooet of removal wball be eoUeeted aad
paid by epeeia] tax apoa aoeb ad>ecai


T^OS BALS-Iao leariag
Cf Srittoear vaeaailm. *•
A Breaeth Ms.. MBIM; ate I I.
ate I gamw. bate gate; 1 aelM riaj


Bor Bhotol hmsUf^tofi. lemevi^
wrtoklee. htorkhesde. oto.,'mll M


virl ta ear.

artoomeaT^W r

TifCtote April


Sec. I
Tbe soot of removipg nay
sneb cSeasIve or impreprr' rabbkh. T OieT-gtaetrte acal boa with laar laUa.
hlar. if performed et
pabUc expeaee. abali
aball be mrtiSed to the
by the Chief of ^ice ahd -nlCVCLBroS tlLC-r.- geatlsaaa. w
O boroala CMU ar aterm «> ST. te S(each certiSmte ahall be filed to the
City Clerk'a ofliee.
Sock certificate
aboU be printa facie evideaee of tbe


Stoolrie Bsths-It
or akto troebim of whs?
ever vortoty. try sa Etoe____________ _
Booms II. Msrkhsm Bto.. a trial both
will eoavtom the moot akeptiesl.


Eroceries Ittolowiig Frictsl


>t pahlic expeaee aad of tbe coet
Sec. 4. Ordtoaace aambor six. reUUve to Iba public health, heretofore
maeted aad to forerfh the Villafe of
Truverae City, Miehl(SB. is berobv re­
Sec 6. Tbb ordioaaoe aholl Uk
fset la twsaty daye after its pabllm-

JV*S eALS-DaslIlarw. ite

Ww ^

BaaU ^rmcBi Aawa. haiaar. na itoa.
quUeKr. OaiU. «DI UlbSl. SMdt*
rnwu NCW Kgll base brsa socaete ta took
at a rraaaoabls pries call sews.


f>v4 riwO.

Alphheus Pierce
S67 Pront Strost.

We do hereby certify that the fanCmo
^ of the City of TTnvoree City
e mh dayof ^pr^ .imn.


T B.Jewta. Baal Laha. '

SETAB imnis uiuomi.

Bicycle Riders.
sad dofflve.

I tswa ate ar

. as?-'

are ssea of brslm eijoag
great will power.
food coaaot supply the vital loreee
-jleh people wl._
wiU ____
_ __ _____________ meiftrth.
bodlea ^In.
Sisels POlt feed the
nerrm mskethe mtod briirbt. muelm I^AWAWtXtotoaala. TrewtaaCHy

doallktoda of iw-

■•• OBd that I CBB
do rive yoo the bsi
one to the city for the mooey.
be deceived by what othen tell you to
the oeatrfiry. hat oome sad sea fim
I •oorsatoe sU my work to be r%ht.
SBd if it dom Bot prove so I mske It


Of DbMm



Beefcer. CMet toert HaUeeal Bete.
igtee. D. C_ teaUSea that be WM aU r«B
wee a ehatew ef kle tower a.U—Keela

Jab. U. yoxmx. Drucriet.

Beetrio Botha. TurkMh. Bssrisa.






CMSBCP. April M.-Tesl«r«ay ^eoraa

Sts of rosoM. He. » Msihteto BhMk.
todies will rnsivr dsUssto sad
-WM sranaB: St FbUBe where
---------- *---------- hy^tody------— 1.1.IaShH,nibil,lliimlr.
sad toSM sad hoys by Mia epntoff.

Thott$ Ha A.


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