The Morning Record, June 16, 1898

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The Morning Record, June 16, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Second Yenr—Ko 850

Sampson Has Flans of Hines of BantiaKO Har­
bor and is Beady to Engagre the
Spanish Fleet.

Forty of the Enemy Slain and One American
Slightly Wounded—Four Cubans In­
jured in the Affray.




omcui nm



BMolaUoa Haa Faaaad tha Haaaa bp
Wei Iaronn.d
Hstsds Bm Bmb S rosBty ForapeeUl u> Tbs MoanBe Baooaa.
tlflai lisM W«r
WaaklaptoB. Jane 15.—ThaHawallaa
Bpwlal to Taa Monue Raaean.
Chitmto, JoM !&.—n» Trlboss to­
tkto erealaff by a rote «t MB to 9i.
day prinU A lone diapatek ft«« iu oorWiUlaai Aldea Smith of Mlchicaa.
oadsDt, P. J. <Whicku>. reoeatly
farorad the reaalatlon in stroaf Unas
released from the Gabaaaa lortrMe at
aad after rerietrU)( the efforU tar anWblfhan
tkorrarhiy acaexatim. Mid there waa aat a aaUoa
k thealtaatloB. aadlikowa
Id the world that does not reeopalca
Uat HaTaaa haa bMa aironfly forUthe importance of BawaU to the Unitml
fiedalDeeUewarbefaaaad to almoet



XadHd OSdato AatboriM BUsco to
BxdmBca Hobson aad His Xss.
Nsdrid, Jbds 15 —Geasral Blanoobas


But not AS strong as onr prices on Wall Paper, antf
now that our new stock is being sold at prices that hare
never been attempted in the city, you will be misBUi^
one of the best bargains if you don’t paper those othef


290 Front Street

Holley ft Oonnshto

Wall Paper,

Are Always looking for Bai^ainB—have them la

compare quality with the price.


Ameriesns Reinforced by the iDsurgentB at Gnantanamo InvssioDof Oubs Blejw Job Than at|be«® anthortoed to-e»Aanc* HeoteaOreatea a Stroog: Force, While Oarcla’a Army is Co-op­ ’ Pint Thought aad Hors Boldisxs. sot Hobson aad his ersw. tbs Msrrimae Markham
erating With InvadMV—Sampson and Schley Slowly WUI b« HMd»4-AU Four MicbiHUi ] vtooBM.
Boflineata U) (o to Porto B-eo and ‘
bat Surely Placing a Network About Santiago and the
iv* OB First BxpolitiOB.
City is Isolated and Threatened by Famine.
Sj»«cl^«oT»»>4”«iniio H«ro»»
•bipe at XantU to Protect
New York, June 15.—[Special.l~The Journal’s Washing­ Ka«r York. June >5—A WMhlBfUm Oermany^
Oeman Bobjaota, Hot to la’terfkre
ton special says that Admiral Sampson has obtained complete •peclol UT> that CbBirmtB HsT, of tk«i
Bpain'a Behalf,
booM oomTsItlee m allitBrjr mffalrt.
plans of the Santiago harbor approaches. He knows where Mid
today tkat he beltored the proai- aperul M Taw Moaaiae naroao.
the mines are located, and within the next 48 hours he will drat would aeOD laeoe a call f «r at Iraat Waahlngton. Juae IS.—Tka aUU de­
make an attempt to engage Cervera's fleet. This belief is 50.000 addlUoBal troopa Mr. Ball Mid
le oAclally adriaed that the
We’ve a choice line here at
- fortified by the news that the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius and tka troopa bow 1b tke eaaia would raporta that Barmany woald maka aa right prices. See those we offer
UBBe ia the FhUipplBM ia
several to'rpedo boats have joined Sampson’s blockading aooB he aoat to tke (roat, at tke
at $2,75. $3.75. $4.50, and $5.50.
fleet The only apparent use for these vessels would be in fmitm la Coka waa adsittod to he a Oarmaa tklpa are oa hand at Manila to You’ll like them.
an attempt to force the harbor entrance.
mack karder prepMiUoa tkaa<'at flrat afford pmteetloB to Qarmaa aabjaeta

A Sitk Waist?

Off Santiago. Monday night, the dyanmite guns of the
Vesuvius were tested with great success. Three shots were
6i^ at the Spanish fortifications and -it is believed great
damage was done. Tuesday morning the New Orleans
shelled and partially destroyed the new emplacements east
of Morro Castle. The Spaniards fired several shots at the
Vesuvius and one at the New Orleans, which was struck.

United States Camp—Entrance Guantanamo Bay—via
Kingston. Jamaica. June 15.—[Special]—The United Slates
Marines and Cubans today attacked the Spanish camp, five
miles from the American entrenchments. They completely
routed a force of 400 Spaniards, breaking up their camp and
destroying a i»ell which supplied them with water. One
American was skghtly wounded, two Cubans killed and four
Cubans wounded.
The Spanish loss is believed to be 40 killed. Fifteen
bodies have already been discovered.
Guantanamo Bay. June iS-—[Special!—The latest ad­
vices confirm the report that about 40 Spanish soldiers were
killed in the attack on the Spanish camp. One American
marine was slightly wounded.

Washington. June 15.—[Special]—The navy department
today posted the following bulletin; "Admiral Sampson
ports that he has been reinforced by several hundred Cubans
and our forces at Guantanamo are in a very satisfactory con­
dition. The town of Aquadores has been occupied by troops
under General Rabi. The men under General Garcia are
co-operating with the .\merican forces."

New York, June 15.—[Special.]—The following is a spec­
ial JoiirnaJ dispatch from Camp McCalla. (iuantanamo Har­
bor: ‘‘The scouting parlies of marines sent out yesterday re­
turned hero at 10 o’clock last night with iS Spanish prisoners,
one of them an officer. The |>arty also captured 100 Mauser
rifles and io,cx30 rounds of .immuniiion. They report having
had several serious engagements with the Spaniards in which
TOO Spanish soldiers were killed and 200 wounded. They al­
so destroyed a Spanish block house and the telegraph station
through which.the Spaniards have been keeping Guantanamo
and S'lnti^go informed of the movements of the American

and property, bat Germany ^ mo
tkourbt llkaly. Tke p
to he oa the aafe aida. The third mU tkeackt of iaterreatioB.
to expected aa aooe ai the troopa how
d by Prisoeton.
at MohUUaUoii poiou are test away.
apwlal to Tiu Hoamia RacMD.
Prineekm. N J -At tke
Embark Is Ahoat Tea Xiara.
WaaklarUB, Jnoe, is—It U proba­ aaent exerctoM at Prlnceion Unlrer^ty
today. Admiral Dewey m
ble that all four MiekifaB reriw
with a derroe of b. b. D.
oow ia the Beld will ^ U tke tret

Last Saturday the liglithouse boat Suwanee arrived off
Santiago with 70.000 rouiuls of ammunition. 5.000 rifles, i,ooo
carbines, machetes, and hundreds of thousands of
pounds of provisions. With the aid of a Cuban pilot she
landed the stuff in two days, besides taking an active j^rt in
the bombardment of the forts at Santiago. A landing was
[Continued on Page Two.]

ONLY $30

Will bny a fine Niagara, Roanoke of
Putnam Bicycle. Elegant new line
jnst received.

119 Front Street.


peditkw to Porto Rloo, which tke arar

Ordara from Home.
deparUoeat expeeta to embarie la tea BpaeUluu-Uaaxisa Raoout.
daya. 0«B. Daffield kaa beeo adriaed
Madrid. JaaelS.-Tha Spanlah ferthat bto brigade, with two Mlek
eifn miatoter bM ordered Seaera Do
rarl«esta. will be la the Porto BlcaB Bom aad OarraaM to lM*e Canada.
It. Tke SeereUry of War to dtoap-.
pointed becaoae tke MichlgaB rerileot at Tatopa oould mot be eest ba
tke SaBtiafo expediUoD. aad promtoed
that it ekonld go next.
Pecto Blee Ferce WUI be SO.OOO.
New Yerk. June 15.—ATribuae epeelal from Waibiartoa aaya the Foartk
army oorpe. Ueoeral Coppinirer commaadlef. baa been deCnilely dMlgaato aadertane the oeenpatioa of
Porto Blco. It wUl be inereaee50.000 men. Ineloding all Ike araUable
recolan in tke Sooth, with the addi­
tion of the beat rolooteer regimenU at
Tampa. ChlMmauira and Palto Cburcb.
The aeleetieu wUl be made 1b the next
day ar two. with chief regard to tke
qaallttoe of tke rolunteora. aad
iparative oempleteaeae of their
General Milee, it to Mid. to a&xloaa to
end a larfer force to Porto Bioo Ikaa
royided for la tke prerionaly adopted
plau of the admintotratlon. and kto
wtobea la thla regard may be reepecled.
It kaa net yet keen delermlaed which
port on tke Florida eoaal will be the
port of embarkaUoa.
^e late4 plana contemplate karinf
thp expedition ready for aerrtce in two
weMfoI but tboae who know aomethibf
of the army metheda My that tke «xpedlUoB wUI net be ready in that

LeiUr AMlgna to the Pork Kins
7,000.000 Buthela of WkMt.
PpRrtal toTai Moaaiaa Rscoim
Chiemge. Jane )5.-Pinal papen were
plaeed befora Joeeph Leltcr today aad
T.OOO.OOD buakela of choice eaak whMt
Off Santiago de Cuba, Via Kingston, Jamaica. June 15.— were eonaijrned to Armenr, who baa al­
Copyright by the Associated Press.—Since the establishment ready befon to diapoM of bto koldln«a.
of the blockade several daring expeditions have been made It to aUted that belter will sot loae aa
into the enemy's countrj- to discover the actual conditions at mneb aa to feaeraliy bellered. ArSantiago. .About 8,000 Spanish soldiers and home monr'a aaaumpUoB of tke burden la
guards cover every roadway about the place. General Pando, Mid to have meant at Icaat Sl.OOO.OOO
the mililary commander, is very active, although his opera­ tor belter. Tke Imna made belter by
tions are limited by the insurgents who fill the mountains I local baaka aggrTgate nearly CT.OOO,OOa F,eck bank, bofreeer. kaa proround about.
tected itaelf.



For This Week.

200 pairs Children's Tan
Shoes, lace or button, size
S«^ to 11. Compare with
any $1.25 shoe sold.

200 pairs of Misses’ Tan
Shoes, lace or button, sizes
liyi to 2. Better than lots
of Shoes at 11.50.


Strong Points
Are our $6.98 suits—competition price is
$9 60, and $2.62 saved is a
strong point

[ stock l8 going down, but there are many baigains left.

The sooner yon come the better eeleetiona yon get

Friedrich Block.

1 124 Front Street

Wltkall ibr UlMl aachlDn? Js.t added far «Ma« all kinds at Blcrrle BnUttM aad

150 pairs Men’s fine Shoes,
in Vici Kid. $3 00 goods at

wun>rilit>.,.ih raM>a8trr-i.optM>alt*<be0.dW.H Depot. «lwi« I «UI be ready
for bastnn,. Taeeday. June t.
All Work Gukrsate«d-Prie«a Right.

11. E. GIBBS, the Bicycle Man.

125 pairs Men's fine Shoes.
Regular $3.50 goods. .

Many other special prices
on good shoes.
We want your trade.

Alfred V. Friedrich
Popular Shoe Honae.


Beoond Fleet BaUed for XanUa
apedel leTn Mouuiia Sbtobb.
It are again ready. wUk a Urge
dan Fraaetoao, June U.—Tke aecoad]
atoek of lee. to delircr ike aame to any
fleet of tranaporU weipbed aneker thla
afUraow and to now on Ita way to Ma­
Maple block w-od alao for eale.
nila with 5,500 ment la
to T^ai^nm
relafqroe Ad­
miral Dewey.
Telephone Ka. M

A Siaegiiter Sale

Summer Gaoes and Jackets.
We do not wait uctU Ike ecaeoa to entirely oecr. bat we are ready
BOW to giee tke benefit «f oar redaced prieca to oar patoeM oa aeeaanable goods.
1 lot of fancy Braided Capee. redaeed from $5.00 to S1.75. Ftae
high art Imported Silk Capea. elaborately trlmeacd. reduced from «« •$.
$15 to ti. *4.50 aad *6. Broadcloth and Serge Cape^sUk lined, reduced
from *4 aad S5 to •;.$«. Ladiea’ JaekeU redaeed from *5 50 aad *4 50 to
»S-«5. A tot of <dd atyle badiee' Jaeketa. farawr prioM from flS to flo.
all go at P8c. Ntoaet' Jacketi redaeed from »t 50 aad $S to flS.TL Spec­
ial reductloat made to Cbtldrea's Jaeketa.
We mast figure on apace for fall arriTals and we do not wtok to
carry over a alagle aummer garaeat. OaU car^y before the aeleetion to

The Boston Store,
Front Street







Cycle Works.
Bimsing 8 Specialty.

[Continued From Page One.]

Tfeo*. T. B*™« 4Jn> J. W. BAnn. effected twelve miles west of Santiago in the presence of 500
insurgents. About 100 more insurgents were on guard in the
mountains. The ammunition, food and arms put the insur­
gents in excellent shape. It is believed the arming of the
force of insurgents assisted in cutting off ene part of the
Spanish army from another.
Sampson and Schley are slowly but surely placing such a
network about Santiago and cutting off so e0ectually out*ide
0M ?»'•>« auU.
aid. that starvation's tapping will soon give way to death.s
knock at the door of Santiago. Within three days three
sources of-supply and reinforcement have been cut off ami
Santiago is now isolated and down to famine rations.
it Oa FmmAn M



Cbeapeet and moat relubla plaM to get your bicycle repaired and
pat in good mnning order. Have had aeveral yean experience and
know bow it aboold be done. Satisfaction gnarauteed. I am selling
I bicycle sundries at abont cost. New and second band wheels for sal^
and to!
to rent. Please give ns a trial.
ELLIS. 811 Front 6L. Ba*t.


SeaV Skvu
b&\\ve dthVrt




m«Tl\b ATt 0U\ 0^ TtACYb, TtO\ 80

oAccidonUy Oaunad a jj(
Ninth atraat. where they will be
Break in K. L. MUtori* Window.
plaaaed to reoelve ealla from their
friend*, who are maay, and whoa* heel
While moving a large safe beloaglug
Bararal Kembai* of the 84th Michwtohe* follow them into their married to W. F. Uaraha down the Uck stair*
Igaa Are 8iok—l>*Tot**a of Olrcua
ot the Maaonlc block yeaterday, Frank
Lemonade and la* Oraam.
JamraoD slamblad ngainst a crow bar
1 of the Pee
WiUtom Jal
Her* ii an extract from a letur writ­
that waa left kUDding against the
ten bxJMw Morgan to kb mother, from
building near the window of H. L.
~ mp Abrer, Dunn Lorlnr, Va., whle* toorri* Nolaa of thi* city, wore married Mlllcrto barber shop. The bar was
b\*8 tnie tcowom^ \o
a %ooA btW. Tt\ca&
yesterday merrulng ia Bt. I'raaeto
at ooaaiderabie latareat:
sent crashing through Ue large plate
church by th* Bev. Patbor Bauar. Af­
camp Alfar, Jane U, lt0K.
glam window of the shop. A new 1
ter the caremoay they proceeded to
■•We har* bean boay erer aiaoe we
one like it will east in the naigbbor'^WCtUW'a TAtttTTtA
ik TomUaBaD'B reeideae*, where
eama We were pat ri(ht In the midat
haod of sno. While the salvage oa the
boantlfnl waddlag breakfast was
8UT9A88 aVV olktrs.
of a foreat aad had to irrub a plaoe to
broken pint* will be abont oaa-thlrd
aerved. "I'he table* being beauUfallr
pot a tent. We war* ordered ta clear
tha eeat ot the new one.
»c*Tutad with flowers and avargraana.
tea aerea ot weed* jnal abont like our
L*«t evening the {mrty drovn an the
eafar bnab, bat the whole rarimoat
PeniBJola elx mU«*. to their sew home,
Ideked and erary man awore h* woald
go Into the fnard honse flret; and U* where as alahonte reception was tan Baeaipta af 1
dared them by a large gathering of
lit 1* that we bare no drill frannd
gat* Mora Than in th* Balt Oltyfriend*. The happy oanpl* ware the
aad eoBaeqaenlly no drilL
In the boalsem ot the paatofHc* Travrecipient* af many naafnl aad beanUtsI
■*It took two day* to clean out the
ene City to making atrlde* which have V/A dO n6t
eompany etiaeta and after that w* aaoh
Aa elegant aat of allverware waa placed na in the lead of Manistee. Oa
had ta make a bed in oar tanU and
praaented by tha Three-quarter B. B. aeoaunt of the increaae in the raeelpto
then bnlld a lof ahaaty tor a work
Club, of which the bride waa a favorite ot the local ofllce Poatmaster RuiTa
keoae. Here we bare to waah our own
aalary ha* bees ineroaaed from tX.SCO
diahaa, bat don't hare to cook. 1 wlU
The bride aad graem have a boat of te ts.400 a yonr. wblla tb* \
hara to p> on raard today at 1:M p. m.
i but 8S.S00.
.<nd we are not obliged to sell meat at war prices. We bave •
friends in the city who will extend
“We bar* to carry ear water abaot a
Thto to a good showlag for Travera*
mile, bat It i* pretty fair water whan
car load of the best western oom-fed stock and can famish yoa tbo
City aad a »nre
we ret it. All apriar water.
boalnao* among the Ic
beet Chicago beef killed at home
•All ot the rn»>*d around hara to
flUad with mtea. When the ana ahlne*
Cutting 40,000 n Bay. '
the CTouad rltotena with it. and the
a forOM
The new *hlngto mill of J. W. Travis
aartaee of *oma of the apringe to oorA Son at tee head of Boardman lake to
By Linin Folks Tomorrow.
ered wiU it.
Th* member* of th* Wamaa'a Clnb rannlng In good chape aad entting
•Thar* to a tick maa ia eraiy teat
•hiagle* a day.
now. bnt they are the tellew* that hare are mahiag great preparatloaa for
kting io* eream dad fralta and Cbildrea'a Day at tb* club, which will
of tb* Woman's Oob
driaklnc el
mted te
!t at tbn olob rooms
“W* arc camped in a htotoric reglom UtUe folks wUl faratoh the entertain
mtague hall thto afl
to as­
It for the dab member*, and it will
'. Only afewrodatrom eamp are
for Ckildren's day
aome ooafederate hreaetwork* aad be a good aatertaiament,too. aad while at the clnb Friday.
rifle pita, aad a few mile* away to an not *0 fiatoked and claealc a* the proold eoert honae which wae farUflad. graoM af the member*, It will afford
is said of people who
The port hole* ar* filled up with brick, the keenest enjoyment for th* older
are ap^odate and are
■adnata of Boral OeBaarvatoi
but they can be eees yet. In the coart pereon*. In reiarn for their oostrlbnrecognized wherever
hoaae to what u claimed to be Wash- tioni the juvenilci will be entertained
they go for their correct
IngtoB'a will.
knowledge of life and
“We are abont eight mile* from the
it will be aa intereatiag afternaen and
Hall Bun batUefleld.
People in the swim
(Uudto ki mrlohrrr • Oraod
■Below here ea the riT*| to a mill flllad with b«th ploaaur* aad profit for'
T'rma- Tra 'rmwias. tluuj.
are the people who
ISO yean old, which they hare to guard tke childrea and older folk* ae welt.
Kvr eunhrrlotont.kllu-._ll »l Studlu
Kuuir furniktirti for k1l urrskM* U) ftirtnMica Dorfe* will talk to the childran.
day and might to keep the aoldlera


StaV SV.Va 'BeWs,

e.oc to

/Web* the Asarleu Uttop* nader
teeral Skafter akall ka*« joUMd Adalial 8ampM>a'i foroM dafialu raaalu
Ha^ aoon be looked tor. With the
•caWaed naral aad laad troop*. aMiat•dbrUa Cobasa ia that laoalUj, it
ibaaU aet taka loa^ to oompletaly
nbdaa Ue SpaaUb ia the proriMd at (tastlafo da Caba. It U
^rntta iBpartaat that thla akoald
to acaaiapUahed qalekly la arder
Itot attaatiaa may be rlraa to
■avaaa. Brary day that delay* aa at*
took an Bafaaa laeau a loncer aad
toraarflfhL The <»pltal at tha ialaad
oaaau to ba tha key to tha war eltaa«lHi new. When BaTana fall* then
«to and ot tha oonfilct nay be in alffkt;
tot ao loaf a* Blaaeo ia allowed to
•tooagthea hi* dateaaea and latreiii
«to BUenrth ot hi* army Spain will
‘"•emtinne traettnl ot a
I. with tha lorlera hope at ladneiac
ito aid at the power* betore
to laaa With the rreat Amerieaa fleet
•< toUlaahipa, erutaar* and moaltor* in
tovet Ot Motto'caatle aad adjacent torfltfleatloa*. aopaortad by an army ot
A«T~***~* and Cntaaa* by land, the
r ot the city moat be8 a <)a^
tka of a abort time, but It will
111 anr^y
to the Berocat and meat deatracUr
totUe of the war.

I to Mercy of Court
9f dory at Laiaad- Will Try to
Arrang* a SetUement.
gpealal u> Tei auumii rsiobu.
Laiaad. Micb.. Jane IS.—At the ClrjBlt oonri la aetaioa here eereral imyortant oaia* bare been ditpoaed ot.
ijto one which haa attracted the meat
local Intercet to that of The People re.
toaarge Stelmel. who wa» emtaaor of
•atua* Xtoy. Stelmel wa* found gnilty
«d ambeullnr tnoda of the rUlare. It
toatated that stelmel was abort in hto
, AMtaint* about ITSO. The jury la r«n' 4miag IM rardiet ot guilty reoommaadad Stelmel to the mercy ot th* court.
toBtenee has act yet been impoaad.
Tb* defendant to eadaarorlng to effect
aantUemeat with the oflicials of Sattam* Bey. Uaa. W. U. Foater of Trar«■* City defended th* aoeused.
Is the ease of The People ra Charle*
ftisee. who was accused of biting a
iaigar of Charle* Pewault. the defead•at was found net guUty. A. F. Bunttof appeared for the defendant, C. L.
Payton far th* people.
Oarmas Calabntia* Oacorated.
Igir--* toTns Muuiue Bsceen.
Berlin. Jane is.—^kc Imperial ChaasMlor. Prinoe Hohealoen, mlntoter* and
the eeoaaioB of the tenth anniranary
the aacanaloa tetha throne of EmMorWUltom II.

belong to the combination

Bingham Bros., Front Street.

In the


Teacher of Violin.

from earrylBg it off for relic*.
"There to no proapect of onr learing
her* for at leait two month* a* we will
hare to racralt the oompienie* np ta KMi
I enppae* Mr. Wood ba* reached
Trareiae City by thto time.
"I am getUng to be fairly well cattofled with thto place becanee I bcllere
that every Ume we move it will be a For yonr money? That'* what you get
war*o plaoe. 1 have aot been alek a when yon employ Goo. B. Winnie—
day ainoe 1 left tb* lake.”
yonr money's worth in good honest

rrs'kiirknd Ojirnt liuuiw Orrta««tra.
m. 4lrr«-l.7 sbO Wksmerr.

Ot« UrSomwh'.

Want Work

8*T*xsl Popular Travera* Oi^ Tonsg
Faopto Have Takan Xarriag* Vows.
0*e of U* notable weddinga of June,
the month of weddinga. took pine* last
ilagea Waabingten atraet, at tha
home of Mr. and Mra. H. McDermott,
at which Ume and piac* ware married
Mtoa Maude MeUenaott and Charlee B.
Taylor, both havi» is Traverse City a
lar^ olid* ot friends aad aequaialasoaa. Mia* McDermstt haa baoa long
and favomhiy known aa ane of the
darks in the Tmverae City poateflloa.
her term of aflice having extended over
twelve yearn. Mr. Tnylor to an nx-deputr sheriff ot Grand Travera* eennty.
The lavited gaeaia to tb* earamony
were only the ratoUves and InUmate
frienda af tha bride and groom, bat th*
tloB was aae of thoao plcaaaat
that will ba long ramamberaa by
• hnving tb* good fortan* te be
praaaat. Bar. D. Ceeblin oSetoUng in
hto osoal happy mannar.
Mr. aad Mra. Tbylar wUI ooaUaa* to
resld* ia Travarae City, aad Mr*. Tay­
lor wiU ratela bar poalUaa in tha paataffioa te tha grant snUefncUoa af th*
pubUc. which sppractotes her good and
faithfal servioe la Uiat place.

Owner* of Pet Oaaln* Ax* Oantiosad
to WaWh OuC
Owner* of ralnabl* dag* who wtob to
to«P tbaae peU ont of harm’* way
toPnld keep aatrict lookant for dog
yotooaer*. The other day aome mtosraant potoonad Mr«- W. D. C. Oaikaina'e pet png dog. aad yaeterflny A
W. Walfa dog died from the effaeta af
Yaatorday afteraooB at tho boma mt
BOtoaa. Bareral other cases hare been
foportad aad the peiaon or parsons Mra. Lana Paaro* on Frant atraat. tha
■toga of Mto* Pearl M. Peare* aad
sammluliig the** ontnges may And
Aiahl* M. Ovtott took place. Bev. D.
ttominlrii In aerlon* tranbla
Oochllaparformad ttt* earamony. aad
ygl— Want to BuUd the Oonit Bonae. the bridaamald and groamh beat amn
O. D. Slone of Coldwater, J. K. <iib- ware Mtoa Lonie Theobald and a M.
aoa of Logaaapari, InA. F B. 8p*ar of lAscoater. The rooms ware baantlfnlly
Bay City, and Charles Taaderhurg af decorated with flower* -and tb* oareftsdlay. Ohio, all raprasanUDg bnlld- moay took plaoe under aa arch of
Isg eoatiaetor*. are la the elty to look anowhalto aad farna.
In th* evaalag n raeapUan for Ih*
«rsr th* epaclfloatloa* of the new court
tonce with a riew of figuring an the nawiy married pair wa* held at ike
home of th* graom'e pareata. Mr. aad
sMtaaet. __________________
Mrs. M. a OvtoU, on Ninth ntraot. af­
As Informal Sap at Murtaugh'e ter which Mr. aad Mr*. Ovtott took poagMtomy thto arsalng.
am of thMr asw hooa* at

Opposite Eagle Office.

Steinberg’s Grand

C. K



j^i^»^.^te.jlriktrrwlfoT sbmlel* psto-iStid.iUr. fiv
kf IruUi wiLhoei


because they are posted
on what is best for their
feet. There are lots of such people for
2>559>8i7 pairs of 5BLZ shoes were
made last year alone.
In offering yon these shoes we declare
them the best in the world for the
money, no matter whether the price is
I1.50 or $5.00.




Opera House.

Friday, June 17. |
giraroot^-^::==Original “Charley's Aunt,"
and that great cast in


“Miss Francis
Funnier than “Charley’s
Better than “My Friend of



Rail! Rai! RaoT
Hiss Fraocis of Tale! |l
Siie^ ill Right! I
Popular prices, 25, 35. 50. j
and 75c.
Reserved seats at box of- '
fice Wednesday morning.





In the way of Summer Hardware is our Ice Picke, Lemon
Squeezers, Grass Hooks, Garden Trowels, Ice Ton^, Axes,
Watering Pots, Poicelain Door Knobs, Spring Hinges, for
Screen Doors, Bulb Plant Sprays, Hammock Hooks, and
everything from a Wheelbarrow to a Carpet Tack you will
find in onr


Hardware Stock.

Tsa icoMmro ijoobd. thubbdat, jtob le. is98

Negligee Shirts!


When then U wm UtIbk fron the
i(Bfl at » United StUee iaan-<j<-war a
Bwll. irhita trianjniUr pennant, bear­
ing on ila field a bine Ureok rroaa nw
itbe pike or balrard. it u a aigna) that
ilTine acarice ia boiiw field uu board.
“Bigehoroh!” la one ol tfie regnlar na­
val ordera. iaaned nsoally at aboat 10:30
I Bnndaf tnomins.
Ohnresb la "rigp'd” in rariooa placea
wocading to tbe ouoiitmotica at thi' vi«mI and anx^ding t» tbv weatfitsr cuuditiCBa. If Uic
>■ fine and not too
eold, tbe qnarter dock will probably be
^ItcKrt. attbuogb in i«tno sbipa it ia
VCUtoouuT In* hold tbe lejTice on llie

Elegant assortment at 39c, 50c, 65c, to
$1.50. Call in and see them. Just the
thing for comfort.

ereatbcf Uu- Urtb'dwk below ia nawL |
erbere tbe men may be nuder shelter.
Mmogb they arv< morv cnuujnl fer ructn.
Amoming that tbe aervioe ia to be
bald on tbu qnarter deck, tbr anangoriieota for it will proceed aboot like
tbu: When tbe bogler girua tbe ■rigrnl.
Lbe*'chnrcb ensign" is hoisted to tbe
gaff, and some of tbe men, oodtr the
dircccitin of an otBcer. bmir tbemaelvea
briskly in tnskiag the simple ptvpantiana which are noccosaiy.
A table or desk, covered with the
American ftag, is placod at the end of
the qnarter deck for the chaplain. A few
wardroom chain are broogbt np ftom
below and tanged along tbe starboard
Mde. where tbe offloen are to assemble,
and beochee or cspaian bars restuig oa
boebets make seats for tbe crew cn the
pot aida.
The organ—for every riitp that has _
chaplain Isptovided with anitutmmeat
at this natnre—is pnt in a oonvunent
plaoe. If there is a band, and its serr.
lees an desired, a few mnsidans are se­
lected and starioned near by. Then tbe
Mtlp's bell is tolled f<ir abuot five minBtes, giving the cfBccra and men, wher•nr they may be oo board, nifflcient
tfana toamemble, if they are so inclined.
Tbe bcauwain may call down tbe
bM^ways "SiletMe, fore and aft. dar­
ing divine serrioel" bat it is will onlAip most be quiet now for aboat thrt»qaartm of an boor. Finally tbu boll
gtopa the captain, after a glance
Moemd. maku a sign to the chaplain
tbM aU U ready, and the servior- begina
Bow it is coednctul deiionda upon
tbe doMainaUon towbicb tbechaphun
baloDgs, and varioos sreu an repriMit•d among the naval clorgyinou. Tbu
Mngtng, aooompauied by tbe organ,
which is played eiUur by an uffleer or
bjr acme marician amow the crow,
cro- I
ly fine. Tin- ni^cnjoT it. an..
tbeirToloea ring out strung and fresh in
•be open air.
Daring the pnym they an ruqairtd
to remove tbi-ir taps, bat tliruugbuat
tbe net of tbe wrviui tbi7 muy ivtuain
eoverod. Wbt-n it is over, (be order to
“Pipe downl" is given, and cborrh in
**niriggcd.’’ Sum-times an uMtiing
gerrioo ia also held, but this is not tbe
general cnaumi.
oeaC ebnn-h CO the w-anibi
Saof oonm not tv-mpalKiir.
. l«>rr. bbut ibg
I an expecloU to aiheid by way uf
Ttanlshing an example, end m-att of
•ben nsnolly do. soouuj}Kaii<d by |nrbaps abuotbalf the cn-w—aomeiiuKs
Bcre and sometimes lisa.
But by no meoiia all tbe Hbipe uf the
mavy an pxuvided win ebaplaina. For
' tbe 80 or more war vi«m-I!* uoweffi-clivp
' for aervioe then an- fewer Ibou
aAiapTHtnc or luM tliau uue for every
two abipa They an- stturhed w tbe largwt and most iiupurtaut vitM-la, wbi-n
Cbeir tninistratioOR may reach tbe groatan nnmbcr of persons.
A queer incident happened a few
years ago, when one uf the modern
crtilsen was put into cummisaiiai. It
bad bM>n intended that she sboald carry
• obaputp, bni wh-'ii tbe oftlcsn’ qoarleted it was fonnd that
i eiitiftly uvi-rlouked.
Ko aocommodatiuu for kiia thus being
smilahle, the ship pnt to ses withoDt a
. duplaln and did not hate uoo for at
with the sick and Wuoo^cd. Uccanoo• ally, however, his aid ha '
at tbe guns, and in oia)
^«pT«in. have proved t
io ^htors as well as good
goc itfesriuTs. In
na . the chaplain
- the old days of tbe navy
won thofallimiforTuof his rank—lieu
ranktenant, iiontonant commander or oumaaodcr—bnt it ia now enstomary f<ir
to wear a mit of black or fhe r\«alar oostamo of whatever church bo replaaenta, sometimes with tbe insignia of
bla rank npun hia sleeve.—Haw York

_ , trunk,
__ wbi^ ia an
Tbo0 amiv
articlea uf limited Imt rcgolar sale in
g Bcdd chilly to regnCraroy oflUvrs. is a etout, well made
Mmik of raihi-r geoemus proportions,
ao dividiil iiiKidc os to afford spacn for
both milttaryBUdciviliin attire. Then
' la a plan- tor nn officer's chapeaa and
ow for the silk hat of a civilian and
toon for the diff«rvut clothiug, and the
Monk ia largo cuoagh to admit a sword
laid .diagonaUy. A crank of this sort is
nade aot of sole leather, as might t«
guijpcaed. to withstand rough wear, bat
With a rigid frame, so that it can ho
taped at strapped on to a load or ijrK-k«i
with other things piled on it iu ih- ex.
Igwtolea of wsgcD or other iruuH]«>rlaVoB without bi-iug ernsbed or daaiagud.
. —New Turk Son.


Prince BiKoandt atill snokaa bit It tomndttaaa Which mil XaM tbe
ripea a day and ia at fnnnt reading
Tralna an the 88rL
Tbe following ara the epeeial reoepQae«n Victoria oootlntMa to rednae ID
iM eaanltteea whoae dnty, oa the
talk to the idjonograph. even when nrgSSrd. tbe day of ibe great Maoeabec '
eJ to preaofW b* Toioo to pcnterity.
la to meet tbe verioaai
Cfirl Sefann. «bo baa retired traa
tbe editorial page o< Harper'a Weekly. tralna and weleama tbe elaiton te tbe
Beaidee tbe oaea earned npoa I
U now engaged npon a book of metnoim
Oeneral WilUam Booth, the Salra- tbeee all other membere of the reerp-'
ticai Amy leader. »id raomtly. “1 ml- tlon eomaittee are eapectad to help,
waya fee] that ny ntoriree are ao good entarteln tbe vialtora.
that everybody ongbt to like ma "
a A. W. M. l:M.-lle«lamea Bria .
Henry Howard, earl of ElRngham, a Cbebak. Aahtoa. Klal, Ooflar. Uarrla.;
deerradant of ibo (aaona Lead Howard Maea, Meam. W. W. Smltb. C & Oeria, i
who oenmuandod tbe Britiab fleet that Oeorge W. Lardie. J. N. Martlnek, John
deatroyed tbe Spanish araada in 1388. Ijoranger, J. J. Breilna. Dr. E. U Aabit dead.
ten. E. A. Erana. A. B. Cook, B. TbirlWUbeltnlna, tbe girl qaera <d Hol­ by.
land. c<anbines a distaate for mtudo
C. A W. M. B:U.-Ueedam« BrisUl. |
with gnat interm in painting and
aonlptnrc and oonaideraUe talent in Ba77. Bblm Pope. Dieta. Smltb. kies-1
M. B. Galea. U. H. Croaa. J. A. 1
A. f
J. Fertaeb,
Tbe wife of Mariiw Gomea was Him Moore, Dr. G. ^
» c.
Pink Uaitin of Kail’s Cr«*. Twin. , ^ R«rnthal. C A. Bngbee. Dr. W. E.
“Other went to Havana »*<»». Ed- P»a». *• A. McCoy. W. W.
after tbo war U-canae bw brother
in bnsiniias tbera
C.AW. M. «:M-Meadamea BriaNSl.;
Aaoun a Baas Ball Team,
Kew Tcric ia to looc her Bradley Mar­ Uiilett, McHenry, boole. Fox. Ham-1
tina The home rwtablishiui-ot is to be moad. Barry. Messra C. C. Man. B'. J. I A rosier bne ia being given the base
anid at anrtion. and tbu family agist Parker, Aug. Weixleburg, B. Wait. J. ; ball proapkcl wlthia tbe past two daya


Is just the thing to help yon bay g-od.
honest and np-to-dste sboee ebaap. We
have redeeed tbe price on s:i faetwesr tor
days on sCtount of ibe E
‘atioB. and if you nerd aovtbiog
this liae come ia and leek the shorn eve;
We can pldaae you in sivle. onnlity anil
price. Our ti 15 Vici Kid sbMa are win­
ners. Our $1.81 CbeeoUte cloth top shoes
are beautlea Our 75« women's Oxfords
Mil all over for tl 50. and our V«c sbees fer
men and women are warranted all solid
and good wrarera. Come and boy sheet
ef oa We will aarely save ymi moMy.
More bargains bm.

„ b..« uk» „d',.

DOW aeeas almcet twrUia Uat a tears
will be organised.
As the members ef tbe team most be
rbich on ebU side
aigned wUbont toU this week it la de­
was tbe cbeapwt of all, ia mid to have
received $8.5.000 as his share of the Mtaara W. W. Smith, J. W. BaaBsn. sired that those who wish to lend tbeir
W. Tburtell. Osoar Fraaka P- Kyeel- support maaifeet tbeir inteatitwa as
sales of the book.
Professer Benjamin Howard is the ka A. S. Frymaa. L. J. Reddy, Aloaao aooa as possible. The antbaelaata may
' that Ibis year's team wUl be
only American v Un has thns tar been Fax.
able to riach the Siberian island uf Sak­
G. R. A I. train, 8:35—Heedamea a good one. as none but first claas plavhalin. where tbe worst Rumian trim- Bristol. Eeynolda Wilcox. Keoaey. ert will be signed. An abeolnto deciaiosls are sent He asmru that tb
Hanks; Messra J. W. i'atobin, J. U. ioB moat be made before Saturday, and
manly accepted tales of the b<x ua of
Johnson. J. Steinberg, F. Koeb. Jna if $75 more U raised npoa tbe aabacripthis prison
Barry. W. U. Edmoada W. P. Cratser. Uan Ue team will be a ga. oUarwiee it
‘Hte Kcnlocky reemits of Thtodore
srill aoL
G. B. Fromfaolu.
Boosuvelt's rogiiuent of rough riden
are led by Bo^ D. Williams of Isl­
ington. Ky., one of tbe beat known
erosa country ridm in that state. He is
Tice president of the Katicnisl Fox Rant­ County OoBvaaUon Xald U Orange Hinaioaaiy Society Xajoyahly and
ers' awoeiatioD andanall aruondspcctaHall Teaterday.
Profitably Employed.
The DemaeraUc ooBveatioa for Grand
Over fifty memberi ef tbe Woman’s
Some rime ago tbe Rev. Tbradtm J. TVaverae oannty waa beld In Orange
Home and Foreign Hiasionary society
Shaffer redgned tbe pastorate of a
and Bridge Bnilders ef tbe CoagregaMetbodiri chorch in Browpsi-ille, Pa..
W. P. Crataer waa eheaen ehairmaa Uonal ebureb were most dellgbtfnll.v
to go towcek in a rolling mill, aocn bemme a bow rollir and has been eleoted and B. L. Bpngne aaereUry.
eatorutned by Mm. O. H. Lotbrep at
DeJsgatea to the vartons oanvaitteaa her pleasant borne at Edgewoed yester­
presidcut of tbu local branches of tbo
Amalgamated Aasociatino of Iron and were elected as follows:
day afteraooii. The ladles drove ent
Bteel Workers in Kew York.
Btata-E. L. Sprague, A. V. Fried- early ia tbe afteraoon aad spent an en­
Commodurc Bcbley, cemum Oder of tlM rick. Jobs Wilhelm. Cbsries E Coeper. joyable hour or two oa tbe bay shore,
flying squadron, came Otar joining tbs John BarU. J. O. Crotaer. J. M. Ter- after which Mrs. Cbas. Greene told of
Oonfi-derste fnreea during tbe dril war. wllliger. F. Stone, Peter Wnrabnrg.
her ezperienoce as a misaionary among
Ha bad just returned from a trip to Ja­
Cangreesioaal-E. & Pratt. W. P. the meuatoln whites of Kentacky.
pan. being a midsblpman. Bufon land­
A delicious supper was served by Mrs.
ing be aanoanesd be would east hU lot Crotaer. Charles Wilbelm. E. U. Klngswith tho south, bnt after consalting hia
Latbrop and after lingering a little
fathur, who was a strong Union man.
longer to enjoy tbe beantifnl sunset,
be changed bis mlnA
the bsppy afternoon was fiaally
benatorial-R H. Brackan, B. F. brought to n close.
-Tbe uxtreme anbtleiy cf Gladstone's
mind V I a frequent a- rr«.of amum- Ferris. U. C. UavU, W. W. Wander.
mi-JJi to bis foes. Daring Garibaldi’a John Lane. Henry Buller, U. SaegmUPeteonaL
visit to^tdon it waa BuggMed Jhat a ler, J. o. ilutoblns. W. H. Clyde.
Upsall Oex ef Barker Creek, was in
richly jmtured widow who was abemt
Keprvseslativr—W. T. Roxbnrg, T.
uiu.^ with
V. iu. wuu
him wioluu
sboald ulurv
marry uauk
binu ao . ^
» •« .
: tbc clty yesterday,
tbe objuftion that Lu hsd s wife- living !
^ ^
j A, E. Willard ef Empire. U to tbe
the ri-ady answer waa "Ob. be must,®*^'***«“-J- ‘^^Icitysm
CM GUdstone to explain hi-r away I"
ga. Archie McIntyre. Charlee Emerson. ^

BeaoTtera nt Worth Manitott.
i«» • business trip to Saginaw.
S. K. Itosrdman ol Korlb Manton. is I A. Kent of Rendon was to the^I^
in tbe city visiUng old friends and do-,
______ ___________
____ E. W. Bnbbell tog business.
He si
bavealready arrlvedat
d at ibe
tbe Island
island re-j
Unt ..d . ...or. will
U"- M. A. 1V«t(oU ntoiwed Iro.
S.lord.J. A ...k i™. th.1 d., .111-—d E.,ld.U...l,hk
--- - ' Alfred Moore left yesterday fer n
of the cottoges there will be filled.
weeks’ vUit at Plymouth, Laaatog and
Mr. Uoardmaa slates also that be
peeU the bnainess oa the island tbU Asn Arbor.
of Uellaire and B. Dyear to ezeaed in volume aay previons
year. Nest fall many noub'.e improve- Jndkina visited W. A. Eaymond and
menu will be made, among them the family Tuesday.
Mis. Ed. Bogan and daogbUr Alios
setting out to frnit trees ef ao orchard
to JackMU for a visit with
ef forty aci________
____ ________
addiitoa to tbe preaent....................
aliracUons, iruUtiuM.
i relatives,
when the orchard beffina to produce
«• ^ Simmends of Detroit arrived
frait. Theaoilaad elimato them
I® »UU hU slswr, Mrs. John
3:10 4. Is said to
adapted for fruit growing
Mias Fraac Gage rede to Etogsley on
^be prospect in that regard ia rerj
be tan- of the tnout pr tnuing glean pa- her bieycle yesterday aad returned on
pars in Kew t-togtond.
the G. B. A 1. trail
Cniciblu. by Alomtaia. owned in
A. J. Cotcord of Mimouri, will arrive
ODDDurticnL is said to bo one uf the
faneet green iruttors in tbu oonutry. He
An informal bop will be held in Mnr- on tbe Petoekey today to spend the
snmmer with bis alsler, Mia. E P. BUlbaa abuwn qaartun m SO mcnoda
Ungb's aendemy touigbL
A colt nsinud Furida. sold n-cuuUy by
An artoaian well is being driven at
Mra J. A. Breaa came np from Grand
H. H. Yamsll of Hiitodelpbia. wasshipthe rear ol Sanny Bank Hotel by C. H.
ped to Enropu and it mid to have been
Rapids yesterday aad went to Omeaa,
mplored by a Kjstniab war vessuL
where she will prepare the Omens
The W. C. T. U. me
Tbe reports tbaj Hasoot, pacer. * HM.
Hotel ter the resort season.
was disabled far tbe anmoo. if not per- for tbu week, will be poetpeacd for
Mr. and Mrs. Jamm Garland are esmaonitly, are innxrvct. He wtxfced a two weeks.
rhtor. Mra A. H.
mile at Elmira. N. Y.. in 8:15.4 laat
I’arker Bros. srclinTing an at
MicboU. who came from Grand Rapids
portico bnUl over tbe eatiaaoe of tbeir to spend the summer.
TraiDW Prank Sergeant »* quoted as .
myiDg that tbe trotter George A «= 13 4.
GreiHqk Bro*!. new atcam barge Sid­
who waa erat to Enrope. conld-step a
Ohicaco Market.
qaartcT in 3b soccods and that be waa ney O.'Keff went to Etk Bapids ycotarChicago. June IS.—Wheat—Jane.
capable of going a mile in 3:07. —^Tnrf, day for a load of lomber.
I8c: Jnlv. TVHe: September, 78 4e.
Field and Farm.
Tbo eeboener. Momlag SUr. battbe- Oom-IJone. 3SHc: July, Btoi Sepdoek loading Inmbcr from theTraverae ember. 3tS'cOats—Jane. lOc: July. 36ci SepCity Lumber Co.
ember. SSVe.
t Motes.
Pork—Jane and July, $9.85.
Tbe tegular meeting of the K. A. S.
Tomorrow sight, Friday, at Stein­ E will be beld tbb eveoiag. AH mem­
Grand Rapids. June 15.—Wbmt, 88c.
berg's Grand, will be portrayed, tor tbe bers are requested to be preoenk
boneflt of the Traverse City public, the
Tbe teachers' examination will be
iccemful of tooghsbla comedies bold in Orange ball today by tbe coun­
A Medical Bnoeeaa.
The Americas Medical aad Surgical
peodneed in tbe torrs cities It is no ty aobool eommimloner, Mbs KstUe C
Instituie was esUbtbbed is 188G. for
lam attraction than "MIm Frsncli Gray.
the ireatmeel ol Chronic and Private
of Tals" by Michael Morton, and preBert VanValkeabsrgb b a btuUer at Dbeeam and has already by iu reBOBtod hy EUanne Gtrardot GntbeUUe
ced Itmlf among
hoop making. In the hashet factory
role) and the original Kew. York cast.
Ue mmt noted medical
ledieal inatitationa of
ho b tnroing oot bnahel boope at Ue Ue oooBtry. By tpecial errangemsau
The following b from the Timee-Demrate of 7.800 a day.
tbe Dra B. S. A £o. Physleiana will
ocrat, Kew Orleans: ^'The iniereet nev
Tbs officers aad members of Amanda make i^ular visits to Ub city every
flags, even fer a memenU U might
tweety-eight day*, wkich srill give Ue
be deocribed es o^ elamt oos^aous Hive, Ko. 5SS. L. O.T. M.. are requested afflicted ef tbe ooinmnnity an opporlaugh from beginning W eni. Tho to be preaent at a meeting at 3 o'clock
ipauy presenting it Ipht night was thb afternoon U Uelr haU. Impor­
tant drill.
fnily adequate to all the
ud'eaador, to cure caeee that m^a^
Tbo Formters' wOl meet at their ball all cnrabla Lot
the play (being the original cast), aad
the entortalDment fumUbed was alto- at «:30 o'oloek Sonday morning to at­
gttber a delightful one. Itwasoneof tend tbe Frmbyterian ebnrob. where

A. S. Fryman,

If You Have Logs to Sell
Correepond with tbe Traverse City Limber Company.
We have for sale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.




.......................... K

Rev. W. K. Wrlgbl wUl preach the anmbenary aormon. Sunday wlU be tho
aBDlTonvy of tbe erganlatlMi of the
order la Ub


An laflocmnl Bop at Mnrtsn^'a


Mill Machinery of all deacriptiona, inclnding Two Enginea,
Set Works, Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.

Who b It is the name of a 8-year-old
troUiT in California
Straight Un^ ff:ISS. bna wnrited a
milu St Selma this msuud in 3:IS.l4.
Loupe. S.-09tj, pacing, by John Seveoaaka baa join«in«dibuHoooluln brigade,
Oscar Ami-s is training Royal Reno,
a vwy fart gn-cu ir-Attur by Roy Wilkea
SH)G4. (lam by Euig Rene.
‘n>e |jac«r Onr Boy. that ia ont as a
gnidel(-«a wuudur, is not tbo San Jeau
pacer Onr Bi^. S:l2»a. by VenKin Boy.
Glendale, by Wilkie Onllitu, dam by
Aburdivn. bat foaled a bey colt by Gnv
Wilkes which is oaid to bo a perfect
plcturv of bis tdre.

* Broadly Epwklng. the emeutiol differ.
'iMwa betwoQD merchant sbips anti war.
LgUpa is that thi- feemer are dosiuni-d to
Tsany their lusdaor principal (l-rtiaui
Ifbwarff low down in the hold, whereas thoae wsll-balaneed oompanbo whnae
9«Kihlpa have to carry their beavy bar- combined labore attract the attenUen
It high np,of the playgoer to collecUve rnther
[than to individiial mcriL”




Tbe Cfllfibrated SpfioUUfU,

§1 Hotel Whiting
Tkavuse Citt, Mich.

FHIOiT, JUNE 17. 1898.
One Say Only Mach Kenth.

ttion Ftm and Btrlotiy

DRS aa e.a oo dm.
ct lb* Br*. Ksr, Hknist i
FT<.t*tb*lrsttn(ioDto DiiHMM
1. sod sll Ctmnic Pri-rsie- so-l
- ' “------- IXwm**. D**«»W.*.
Ud>.<'R Oiarfasm at tb* Ears,
EPILEPHT OK FITS (hwIiItW/ cum) b; s^Urw sad M-*ar rsUlns rwnxlr.
Drs.B S OCu. iask«s>|.«Wl|(d slifmol KsAsiDiMM**. Pibs-loti
Bsl. itrtiiiiesBd blM-diu. K«tsl L'lrt-rw Fteuivs. nusls.~«bk*b sr« oft*o ist
sod kens tVooblr sUrured. K*o*nbOT w* <-ur* sll tonssor PiWs oitboot p*
dMretioe frow bestosm. sod -rtibout tb* ue of kslf*. csuUe or Ucsiwe

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
asBeriBf trow snr wesbelien. w*esB girop«ro*Bwit r«U«d. 4b«olaU«i
....................................... rsk rnasRisMsOsDdc-U-,..

OUABAKTEE To eoiv every cue of Om>V|w^ Stok Bmdi
aeodeeb*. POes. Tope Worm.

Tbosr wbo are wosbl* to esU esa writ* foU psitlcol
It by erpioss, oitb foil 1o<htofi1ou bow to tav lakes.
n* Arm of Drs. B. B. O Co. vu IbOOTOotslod seeer
team ru tsk* boeesbcm If yo, .mploy U*m. Iteya

•* end have medleta* e«ot

DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.



Asparagus, Lettuce. Badisbes, Rhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
-Flione 167.

S*e Vront Street




OikpetMooatawhich BatohtbeUnW FINOe A DEADLY ENEMY IN THE tac of jronr tdwa are tbe lateat
PariaiaB wobmo wear e*oa eoatn
faced with white, with blaek anddMok.
Brerjrthing mlUtair in atyie of trim*
nln« wbiefa <nn be applied In >Mkali
ler yooug girU ia eery popnlar.
Black dotted awiii gua na are "«aAa
“Ob Mte Apnn rirer, swr ita bead. ep one color and trininied with towa
lir«>—ordld Ut« tbere Etc jmm aco— and rowa of black laoe Inaertitn.
One of tbe lateat ncrreltiee in nteoa
• womuof mind BpanlMi and Indian
SMM natiMd Matin PadUln. tbe wUn of ■Bd iRMit card* if an exact Imltatioo In
the nuTordaetn, or fgnmnn, of n emtUe eolocing and oraanentaUon of Wedg­
wood ware.
nneb. 1 fanve tnUnd with bor and
A pretty tit of dainty underwear ia a
beaH from hw lipt the acnonnt of tbn
MtTBDKO adveutnre abe bad wbco a child diort cbemiae of tbe ftncea crepe de
ehine, flniahed aronud tbe neck with a
e! 7 ;n*»“Ber inrata vith tbetr cbildra laoo trimnud trill of dneet white lawn.
wire wakiDe a JoBine^orcr a tail that
Pretty collar banda for oar ailk walati
IH aloBS tbe foothilla of tbe Marifiae are made of narrow biaa banda of tbe
Anda Tbc7 had Acamped for tbe ailt united by
Bicbt, and tbia <bUd. while bor patenta' Sitch over a ooucawing iwiag. and
d(>cp poinu of tbe eaiue banda finiA the
The aDdringbam
of knitted
wraiDot noticed ontil abe bad been giHie wool, wen aa a vcM andcraeatb tbe
«omc time from tbe camp. Am abe gatb-1 tailor ocat. U one
tbe tada of the awered Aij aticka into a bniidle Mu» aaw a aou. It ia completod with ailk aleerei.
twifUy ; faateoed with ^ button, and ooi^
^ ______
to the natmoai oolore-plaln red. while
“Every Boutb American oouitry girl, and blno



A Ktoa SJ^Oedar.
A BMo Who bad “tot oo“ in life and
I rapidly awiaawd a large fegtane, on fur-

Oviatian Van
ly known in Olina. a. _
“barmJohnny, ia perbapa tbo only man Urin# dlatnmtbatbebadomittadtbe
library. He went to a
that ««i>oyi tbo
At*!...-..-. _» *«•

XXTB'O'Ja.AJfl'Oa. -


Cyclone Johnay-a dcecriptico of tbe

cyclone la gtuphic and thrilling. Ile|
wa* living
m\ —* »inw^
»«.in- ..i—1.» —..i—
tmit* —
vim . ..
—.wait a_ aecoud.
_ _ _ .
. .
Of Celina. and cat the- night of tbe cy-;
clone be and Ur. Bryan'* family w«e ^
watebiug tbo raging of tbcMcrm in
W(»-t- The i hviric di«play wa* worn
’ tncgMbd tbe bookfnl. and to hiiti it aeotned as tboogb the'
world was aboct t
.. •»)—Mr.


Mtaro l* Memarw meek. Yn>«w OHr. Kl6h.

*!!^ ”t^
“ '•'’‘J ”1’"" “'•'

“Yen "answered tbe imeher. “Iwas
diaeoaragod at first. But I mn
^ ^..


end await her fate.

In general the eggs of an ineaet are

tmu- ho amrt.d imtil hi- found hlmaeU |

O. law. Opfwlai aMBUoa H>
aaecMiraraaclaa. ttirraaiPi


3* to Prebaw pracUrc.
■U>» Oo. Macr._________

Horse Hotel.
•'.sr^.is Liierj, Sale tad Feed Ban, J

U La*. Bpaeial

I'irat-clau Riga. Everything new'_ and ocat. Bate* a* rcaaonabtc a* any
BeSewsb. a 1 first-clam bars in tbe ''


I A1K!5.

K ,-a—,sr“_KrH“t,


partIfSS?* * **•“

John R. Santo,
BePBral Ipsurance.



Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors
and Windows.

pway. recovered completely from hi* infiuric*. altbougb bearing the acar* for
•Mg lifetime Tbe puma and tbe jagnar
wore f<iuii4. both dead, at tbe place
Hnsb money osnally epeoks for both
Where they bad fought"—PhiladelpWa IKirties lu the {RuiNSLiion
After uum mme woman, and ofae’a
A Quick wm*e BamtM.
Still very niocb ui tbe race
One of the candidates for tbe state
Tbe string a woman tire around her
■mate down in Jefferaon connor, Ala., bnaUnd's fiogiv u a farsctmcDot
wa* a {iromiDcut Baptist and be , ,
The man who {cvsista in doing bia
yncted Ihh fellow cburcbmen to bd{
iuab bin, along Tbo storv goe. thaTbS ^ ***'"* ““
by doing time,o.gmuRon aontJnl^Mtaod '
had Ibe go-rf f.«ouo to full in with a i tograpber that makm bis patroaiB look
WbolecongT'datinuof Baptists. \Yb«!Ui-iP*'*^*’
cr a prayer me<ting bad jiivi been held ! It i* tbe easimt thing in tbe wortd to
or wliat tbe or>-a*ion <f tbr gatboing < foegive yonraclf tbe sins yun condemn
wa* is not knov.-u About this time a - in olbcsa
tight alxiwcr came n^ and tiie candi-1 A man always caun to woman’* van■Jato at once raided a large umbrelU By wbm be tbiaka it will fortbw bia
wliieh he wa« carryii
own intcretta
"Yon are not afraid of tfaU little
Il froqne
sbowt-r. ore ym. BrrHbcr —r»-••ngriidi _____ __ _
anarked one good BapiisLatirnding nru. :
and a beginner.
“Not ct oil." ruspcaided ino quick!
Wiuod candidata. "but you know I am ‘ Wbetiever there 1* more than one
d to all form* of ‘aioinkling. ■ " way of doing a thing, tbe other fellow
d<na it tbe vmmg war.—
d that bmt aolidly.-New Qr-

Ik. 4^

“New Process” Vapor Stoves.
■W. J. SC5BBS,

_______ _____________ ___ th* laWtvM ol
MMiaQ U btnkr wnvvl br tb* t^taa
"taM CUy at lysvera

146 yrout Street

Hastings’ Real Estate Agency.
Wtoeilet. 6aaUiKMiw. aavloraUm.tik ■trwH.csnbekoaakl torani.
to leM lot. BOOS awvlUaa- rwawpod. »• to*t> aae tiOpvr
«t tcow ike cMf.
vawivA. roast or-

Kotic- U b*f«br «l<*a tkal wsM
*tH k* rrorirod asUl Jalrl*
bnr mat wsu>ri»1 fur a M-keol boaar at Old
lfl**taB. orntdlaa W (d*B* *»6 »^ara*IOk*
BO* <*, nw a< mr «etrr at (Hd Khrasa Tar


> pUcr or dlTterd Vo «ni>
ep. OtbrrrJ»M»Jii«ki

213 Front St


BnOa^ «ItBtaenky,

B. J. Morgan,


On M. & H. E. B. B.
All baggage, boa attd back work
for aaid road oboald be left 'witl
me. Office 23S State atreeL tele­
phone 3. All orden left with me
will receive prompt atteotioo.

w'mawirg.KSTii.'A.'a; firud Kiyidi t Iidtiu 1.1

. 'i






pcmdvedthatbowaamvagelvflriitlng 'ta«a to iw t«o Unda of 1^ .* upon h^ia* lic*ail»d..v.-r thetoptrf tha-dre btn orphana Probably it ia tbU *r^.
with two huge, tawny animal, that had «» B^wn ha* no uwgbt in the fa-diian., trotw Tbi* fi. Id wa* a iittlcovcraquar-: that makoa liiaecu behave so btrrib^. *
wun^ro^ raw^animm.timtnao^^^^^
Two and eomrtimro Urn* ter of a mih-from Mr. Bryan'a hom«x -Boatm Olobe.
darkness and driving rain until be met ^ Though many gnest* be abeent it ia
b tbe heavier laoea a aean-hing partv. amraig whom wa* tbe cbeetfol taao we mlaa. — AMoan
CSB help
e very near to where ebe stood,
_ ______________
_______ rCBploweai_____

Mr. Bryan, who. 1togetber with bia
esbe puma* that had anacktd him kill- —Kew York Sun.
ai HeOraw BolMlsa- Drawn
tire family, were mved by their oppor­
d tbo jaguar at last, andafuratandiug
«ver tbe body a few minutea aa if to aaOmOIAL PBOOSSDOfOS
Enquirer. _________________
nre tbemaelrm that be would not re}twltb^4^d«il
’ wive they for tbe first time turned tbedr
01 the Board of Xdneatiea of tbo City
«aae toward the child, wbobad been too recimilj- in aa BiigUrt nOlway oarriaga
MAK WAVraO-U or H pear* ct
of Travorw Oity.
“Tbe Ormt Diamond Bobbery” made Om «mM We* atBpttIM, AM th» OtWr
nneb terrified to Iwivave ber ebanoe to
Om 4M Ktw*.
w away while tbe beaata were fight- Ita first London appearance at tbe Pa­
Special meeting of Board of Eduoa- mrbiSnTi
vilion redcntly.
A fallow little blood eotered an Uoa held la aap^nlendent'e offiee In
"n>ey favored ber sritb a long atara.
' Cittie Imftua is said to have seared electrio cu and mt down effnaiTely by Central buildlag Jaae 7th. ItM.
MeeUag waa eallad to order by W.
•nd then, not oSeting to approach or nigbUy moceasM in ber imitatioa* at a very kandacime blood with brown
W. Sank, prmideat
'agl'EIC une m—mi— AUcc Aeserr i>
iaum ber. tuned dellbermCcly ^*Fay tbe Alhambra, r^w„t«w
rreaaat. Member* Frederick, MoffaM. JXL r*«4rlorrauairao>trtranilacMewiU
•nd trotted into tbo deptbe of tbe forAnamaliane are not llkoly to see Sir
Pope and Ue preaitttt. They acarocly bad duappeared Henry Irving, aa he fine
W'W. Smith.
when bar father, having micaed tbe woold not be a financial
Ulcly that 1 tt« notbug of yon. How
Thiil* meeting bavU
child and guided by tbe mond*
have yon been?"
request of C. “f.
Kyrle Bellew bm been elected reomtfight, came running to tbe place with
"Much aa nspal." anawceed tbe
Smi wd maobete and found her safe. ly to fellowabjp in tbe &igUih Boya) brown ^ed bkod;
' '
He got a Jaguar skin as a trophy, tboogb Oeograidiical and Boyat Micr
"Are yon going to tbe------ a* UtOe of aebool* of Grand Bapida. mid re­
quest was made by Snpt. Urawn.
it was cut too nearly into ribbona by
Lenten dance?"
PBrwltitrw. ai6iw6.
Moved by Mr. Bound that tbe
Lillian Bottsit after her aatunm totbe ]>nma*’ claw* to be of value.
euperlateadent be givui---------- •gagemcot
“In tbe Gnarico country, at a vlTlage
"Touarto't! Why. eretybody i* go- make applleatioo for
pmUtoa of

called Pazsya, near tbe Merida trail. 1
superiBiendeat of s-booleI of Grand jjioa itAijjo^Ta^i^^f^o^
mw an Indian named Jose Lobado
'It will be a V
Bapida. and if aaeccmful that be be re­
pralMois. WlllarUrSrwpforrasbwrU
'whose face and bind wire deeply aoarBcginald de Koveo httgooeto&igleased from hla prcaeoi coairaet with ritr
PwnprrtT, Wf 6rll wa rwar u la*. I
wed and wboce body wa* a tK^work of land. where be will join bis partner,
Travers* City.
Lark Bo* JIQ.Tfsrtcwr^llr- MIrb. f
IdoUoo carried.
iMmllar acara trum wound* received Harry B. Smith, to arrange for tbe Lon­ brown eyed blood'e face, bnt abe an*-»Ooa WAXTBD-rorlo*r»We*- Ou motion of Mr. Friedricb, duly L-^rsvrrarCll}
tkroogh beiog carrit'd away by a jaguar don producticB of one of their operaa
awnred simply. “Becanae I'm not incarried. Board adjvurned.
trbeo an infant in anna Of course be
ErawaOalve is to sing "Sappho” at viud.”
A. W. Bicwcan, Qerk.
could not remember tbe ncconencc. but Ooviot
"Ob, that'* loobad! I'm ananrry yon
in Loodoo. _______
Her recent
Ua mother, who bad rewned bitn, do- appearance in that role at tbe rJoee otleft out And they eromed to baro
. weribed it to me.
•eanm at Uw Paris Opera Ccmlqnt'
into tbe bighwaya and bedgee.
!c«si«iBsall atoool ars,lra. MvVm, tarta awd
“Sbe had gene to a mata. or wooded
brilliantly saocemfuL
I too, from wbat I can beu. I’m going
Below is a lint of tbe buying and aeli^Mt. cm tbe pampas for flrawuod, curryIng priem of yeaterday for groceries,
.."Lysiano,” Sarah Bernhardt's new to wear violet silk. "
ber child, after tbe faabion of Vemhas bem withdrawn. Jules
I proviiaiob*
- and farm produeU In Trav- {
•inelan women of Jinmble station, in maitro i* now writing a pUy for ber i
I bllbrr
ToSiiIs^ tbr halla Of Coarrrm TSc m
but |er*e City:
'• abawl looped from her abonldir. This
................................. tt» larcr p
entitled “U Prineem de aewa."

abawl, with tbesmall boy in it. abe along
which will be put cn early next iwaim Bp*
booh, bin
to a low tree branch while sbe gathered
you pot on pleuiy of powder. You a
Sydney Rostvifold is reported from detennioed to wear violet ailk?"
ita bundle of Micka and she did not
fTsae tl 00 prralOBi fra*.
perceive the appraai-b uf a jaguar until Loud<m to ha<
"I thought—1 think”— iw plays on the Eui
be bad Rcizod tbe cfaild and was oanytbe other woman, reddouing througb
Drpv. IkMOrortora «r«*t.O
fng it away.
bor salluwDcvn.
“The mother grasped ber matdieta
"Then be sure to remembn my ad­
and ran after the jagnar, Mirieking
vice and i«t on plenty of puwdor—yee,
Sbe managed to keep tbe bonat in sight,
I think in that cam yon might vontue
kmt bo waa rapidly getting beycnd/icr
to w>ar violet «lk."
view wfaeo raddenly tbe jaguar stopped,
„ _
- - be rtpmed
Tboaallow blmd didwamyanntb
. . . . .
put tbo child down and brutUug fur
tight stood with bia fccepaws retting part oi tne oeo.
p,,e a newcumer a amt Perhaps sbe' ~

npoo it.
Crowding in tbe flower garden oftea j bad not meant to be rode, with her enr“Then tbe mother mw that a puna maki-s it look noaightly. Give tbe! row and her highway* and belgm Bat
I fronting tbe jagnar. Sbe buried , phiuu plenty of room.
| people wero smiling around km. oeovt«o tenrsTd wfaero ibe two
In transplanting trem of any kind
R^d. as wa cannot help being, of
«Bcb other, growling and anarling- Be­ try to {swerve a* many of tbe -,"«H j witnemmg tbo mat pat with which a Pototom, per bm..........................
fore abe got to them the puma tqwang, fibrow roou as pmsiblu.
skilled fencer drop* a roistming and butts? aam
amd at ouivtiia two were figbting fiorroAnew
. ly above the child. In tbo struggle tbe
coltivatbai slHwld be tboaougb cnoagb -----------------------------------------------------child was rolled to one sido, but befme ... t_,..i..w,. -it _.. l.
tbe mother coaid got to it tbe jtguu *® ^
tetweea rowa
brake away from tbe puma and springThe beat time to prune ibose abrubs
tng to the boy aoin crouched with bis
in tbe spring or euly
j anmmer i* Jott a* aoon a* the Uoom i*
"Tbo pumaleapedagsiu and tbeflght
^ra* noi.-wed, but again tlw jagnar got
Soft acap reduced to tbe oonsisteBey
Travarse City. MUk
clear und jotnped to guard hi* prey te of a thick paint, with tbe odditiun of a
foce the mother exmld got a cfaanco' to ttruag aolotiun of waobiiig soda,
■match ber child. Ouro more tbe puna ooc of tbe matt effective and
■ttacked tali foe. and this time as tbe wasbea
beaou struggled and tore each otixe an
An open, spnwlitig bead it alwan
•oddonUl kick from om of them aeut' best
twat Too mne-b top and too ma)^
tbe 1st *0 feet away, almoat to the Lranriu* draw fnrni the soil Ibe nourtnoihor’s f«nj idiiiuui that *bi«ld be naed fu fewer
‘(.^Itching bim up abe ran for beme ' hr-ix-lMa



and do give yon tbe beat work of any
one in tbe city for tbe money. Don't
be deoeired by wbat otben tell yon to
tbe ctmtrwy, bnt ooom and eee log .
nparialMI gnaraatae alI mj work to be right,
i«<Mi*»aB4 and If it doca not prove to 1 make it
Stop in till S o'eloek every evoolag,



the cyoc runld ........................ _____ _
family became alanmd and decided
immediately. ”~Poaratm’e Weekly.
go to tbe cellar f<r iBilcty. TbeceUarl
dincily ntidmcuUi tbe porch, on |
aide <■!
of «*ntin- uuuae.
booae. auu
and njinviT
Harvner ••n«a mv danchlor Ig rm mgtHns br

o'lute. 40g per quart
Standanla, BOe par

FiiKher's OrsMi 0<p« ait Restnrm


Bicycle Riders;

Attorneys at Law.

with A

"Sbe ha. finally bwome evnvineed
•»*«» it


Erer Bnriied Onff
O. P. CAKVXR. Agnt

door lor a diatanee uf .
: naked tbeb
a mile. ThU remarkable feat waa per-.
formed not aa a matter
of cboioe, but' j_"Ob. I've no hidtaa aboattbemat-

br««<d.unUmd i»ck«. ef KmT.hnrtbSZT rii Ilr
wb.tber^hw warm one bcforo« «ti„ to'd cloth, in varioua^roif
not f« the dread «f toeoo ammalaia
^ ^ito 1

With ho- eyce riv

“He took out (
»oo iaanranoe and
tttti commit ud Miinde.
“What anrtuf
“Keitbv. Pin.


With Earl, th« Jwaler.

atv autisa. Is ease* reb. s. u


IS ss%asr

6 W| M 60 Kack. Otty
1 la.......... I

::::: is
. ...


TT*la*anlT*rr«a cmetasasu. Oraad Ba»
Id* sad Pwoskvr av I mp. 61.
rram rt. War**. Oroad Eaptds. DsWatt mat

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