The Morning Record, March 20, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, March 20, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Rnt T«ar-Na 274


DBPRIYED OF FOOD.:ir„rt‘.r:.‘rs.:^“;,“jSPANM OOTRAGE.

I how*T«r, 8al*7«d the freirbt aboMt two

' e*Tit TBAT SPAXfXAtoDt APPBO< bo.~, -hi., «,uu b. too i«. lo r
mit tbo ircDUomes to MOompU<fa tb«'
of Ut«ir iBtoodod visit. Aj



worn amb



XoetlaB U Btelobert’aWraad-lfanday
BiBbt WiU ba ZnioraotlBt.
The toed eitlieaabip Wuar, which
will be addrewed by promtaeot eiUaeaa. will be bald in Swieberr's Orai.d
Opera Hoeaa Mooday rreoiof at e p. a.
This will be a yreat aoo partiaaa pobofyoodeil<xeaahlp. T^retae'f^ly has aerar bad aoeb a oaeatiaa.
It will BBdoebtedly be aa
of iatereat aad iaipenaaoa All
iariud aad all ohoald be preaeat.
mlaaloa is free.

Two Cento,

Gold Pens
Are a nccdfal article, and we have sottne of t^ie TCiy
best that are made. Have them* in all stjUs and pricesv

When yon want one come where yon. can jget just wbat^^
ibat teblele at Walloa was aeyoUatad
you want.

with for the porpoor. B# afrood to
tUs- Proetiee Xntolsrobls to XToitsd take the Roiybu to Maatoo ia aa boar Oafertnaataa Sa^rtood by tba Bold; la Wash. for «: SO. Tbs eoDiraat waa raUlad
lata aad Xnaderod-Woaaded TakinstOB PmdUc BspoH of Oout of aadtheearWnyblent. It waa rala- ■ an to Karana Whore Oae of Them
M, e. HOLLAV, MlSSif .
tnqoiip-OoBcroM VUl Aet Xauas- laf at tba time, aod there was ao liffbt
Tells of the Orima-Kiaa Olan BartOB OeUad Ob Oaneial Blaaee aad
diatslj WAsa Bspsrt k. ««at by oo tba car. These Dofarorable cow
ditlooa prerad aBalinrlar to some of
Eoterod a Protest.
the party and the trip waa flaaliy abai
Bala of all popular Shoot Knsie at
Uaraaa. March IB.-via Kay West.— half pr<i» ' 11 be eoatinued for thirty
IVosblaft^o. karah IS.—It la^sUUd doe^ In time for them to caleh the
W. W. Klotball CaZ »Js{
today o« pood aotborily that tbs pn*> | train for boms.
If the boy that took a mitt from
•at^iomatie rslaUoaa bslwooo the.
satloDal chivalry the news of a berrible
t;aM SiatM aad Spain foinl dtrecUy \
Bookstore. Thursday, February 17th
bpanlah crime has Urroriud the Caban.
t«i«rard a fora of '
turn it he,can settle to better advanUge than
to Coba Ittadeclaredall relief .eBijTnoter Oouoiy OasMteof 1^. De- sqppnlaUoa.
A Uaia from Cbaigaa*. Mataneaa.
.^the Caban* by ibl. oonnuy'
troit Tribune of IBStf.
be can if an officer is sent after him. j
f‘ ia
la ellhar]
■ atelao by the Spanlardaor fed to Cn-) a. Pieros, the Kroal atfeel grocer, brooghl Mveral Cuban
4l. E.. HASKELL.
bana'who arc their prlaonen. ThlaJ haa In hla poecMioD a valuable relic of | children, nude priaosera by a SpanUh
i El Porgatorla, Matanias
aitoaUoB Uintolerable toUiU govern- newapaperdom wbieh la i
-A.VD. it proriaoe. Tbs yolomatoantl about li
with many Inters

e ui*^r
*l*cviBg women aad children there and
i» a copy of tl
.3 the gorervmsnt will which waa printed in Klngaion, Ulster! nnaaacred them. The errirali. all
laaatgenl lines aa • county. N. Y. This copy bearedate of wooad^. ara only the few aurvivura of
d food within tlm ii
well as Into the Spaalah priaoaa If January 4. I»00. and ia number s’* of) »*« aaaaaalnatlpn.
Has his ideas about a good
cmrried ont this plan will ba holhlag ,oluma S of that pablioatloa. Tha | Among the women brought to Havacigar, but all smokers agree
leaa than laUrvantion by force aod ;
eoaUln reporU of the proceed-; na U Lux Hemaodea. She ia the i
■arilybe looked upon by! inga of iheAmsiioaB C^ngrM and a>adly wouod.-d. having re.-e.v.-.- a
that the best for Five Cents is the— •
epaln.aaaoUve hoatliny.
j raeord of the death of Oawge Washing-1 machete blow <.n the h-ad Hrr chilThe column raleo are tnmed.. drea. eleven in numbsr. are ai*n
Waahlartoo. March IB.-Thew ia the |
bordera about the! wounded. They were aorprUed'by the
haanest. ajrpecUocy apparent in *'*; printml matter. There are very few af
while in their bnla.
and for Ten Cents, the— ^
•fieial qnarters today in dctielpation ^

I women were laft by the trala la a dy•f the reeelpt of a report from
u highly prised
eondltlaaat Oelha Moeha, Havana
■ eoert of Inqnlor on the Maine dmaaUr..
---------- —

xvo ovBAirt.


will re*

Spring Suits



Traverse Belle,
Diamond J.

, Made by A. ,W. JAHRAUS,

large-quantity of the relief aap
.......... In fKi Oie iot«.
. ...™.j
plies sent by ...------------------------------her to the roeoaceaUadoa ;
M «, l.U». U.i i~.j
.ircuito. t. lb.
“-—‘•"“'-"'-bU.t tk.
ao..—.. -m b. l.|-bfchb.'r.p.r»d..—lu
the haada of the pmaideal within a I oolnmn*. _________________



ia i



A PaUna 'Which Bwi
Past Of Siring^



tba mord-;
program for the »ute ChrUilan
I peculiar propvnaitiea aie aovonkaowB ,
tog waa tha arrival of foot off tbs aurConvenUoa ia now eompleta;
' Some time ago-he eraa brsugbt to pub-'
vivors of tba Maine dlaasMr. who bald ^prtMlaeatobeoneof ihebeat ever;,,.
of bis mathoda of'
alongeonfirenoewitfSecretAry Long,
^ Michigan. It will be held i» La|chi«ftiTrom the river In the rear
and later token by the aametary to Ue ; saginaw. March SB. 30 and 31. and the
the store; aod in catching n
White House for a talk wtU the preei-1 sagaaawian* are making great prepamice hla prowess is oommon talk
daat. These eurvivore are: Lieutenant
Joe U. Many pro^aeat speakamong the fslince of Proni street. :
Belatao. navigator of the Maine: Lieu- j
^are been ^red. atooag Ibem bw
Lately, however. Dsa has some to 'the
I Blow. Went. A. B. 0*tl^ .a u, Ueoeral Secretorr Joh. Wllllaj
' _
ni.doiag. wUl excite
and of the.marines, and ««»•• Bam. of B-ton. on. of tha beet know. !
I Bedeavorer. in the Y.ltod Stoles. A I
With thamoama Naval Canavrttetor j,or the round trip
wdakneaa of almost atery oUar cat
Hooves, who. was seat by Sraretorr |
sacared da all railroads and one
to Ue world. Tba oUer day Mr. MeLong from Wnahiagton n few <
delegate Xpim each eoeiety will be eoCoy noticed aamvthing wrong wiU:
ago to make a technical toapeotl
fiwe 6f charge, a rate of ll.fW
Daa. who seemed te hsve a bad
the wreck.
a 4ay being made to all otben attendbioeMgha. A 'closer InveatigaUen re­
Senator Chandler was in <
vealed the and of a ttoUg hasglag
with several cabinet ofBocra today, aad ■fb,T„—.
— all
__ be
-- rai .. ited. Thoae. ap- from his month. Mr. McCoy took bold
aftor leaving tbem
the opln- wfll
of It and began ta pall. Ue palled and
ioB that the report of the board of to- pointed np u> the pteoent time

'i 1

qniry wAold not be received naUl a
week. Be Uongbt it would
Monday or Taaaday aad «
that Ue presMaal would aaad it to
ooegreea aa aeon aa teeaivad tl of a aa-.
tare to ao permit.
The MBStor raileratedhU belief that
the report aod taalimcpy. whatever
their pnrpoae.would be sent te eoagreea
as noon as it could ba done in the intereatof Uepubileeervice. He also asaarted hU eosvlctioa Uat Ua navy dapartmeataadpm^entara ea yet Ir
aoraat of tha ewUaU of Ue board's


. . . . _

deraou aad Mias Mabel Bates fi
Coagregalloaal society. Boy Thacker
from the Presbyterian aad M>m Wini­
fred Pratt from Ue Friends, while «Ug to attend if possible.
The party will ba toereaaed by delagaiea In>m tbs e4%iaUea la Ua enrranndingooantrA-.




after 4^^
foot, b.n,ll
nnUI ..i-bl
eight 4^
feet of it vras
extracted from Ue Ureal of Ue cat,
who tali relieved whoa She ^rattoa
was eompisted.

Av. BA...

Tiiaaz Wheel Enameled For $2.50

J coniEHTIOn.

^Vadv^^°Uli«Iuoa as to the charr Ii *-rogi»i*»
Program »or
far w.nuu»i
Annual Bute »w»Ma»a
Keatiag ia i


The flaeat line we have ever
hown-Do not fail to aee the
best, at

Bicycles Built to Order.
If ypB want a bieyclr bnUt to fll yon
leave voor ordrr and BpecTficatlima at
ii>P. aad 1 gnarantoe
to anlt yon
rkmanUlp. matorial and priec.

Good Ladies' Kubbera...............................
Misses Tan Clotb Top Shoes....
Ladies’ Dongola Tan (Good Solid Shoe)....

1 50


South 81d« Shoe store.




Union Street.


Staple and Fancy Groceries

Phone Ho. 34.


The Veteran Justins of Xtogslej
Xust Anawar to Oircnlt Oourt.
John T. Oalbonn. Ue ioatioe of Ua
peace of Kiagsiey. who waa arresud
upon a charge of criminal atasnil upon
Mir Fvaaing at Ua Hama of WUUa ^al Billa. a funriaen-year^Id girl.
Wbnt wonld voo think of e lawyer who tried to aectiTe cUeato bf
1 will gire you 3 coat work In i
offerins <'haurt«pQ a bicycle?
Last nighli the carrier boys of' -Tsc
oelav. the beat baking voainrl aod .
Would )'on want the aervicee of a phyaicU* who ri»e
Utah, clean all the bearlcga aod «
MtiBXiNo^A-uan aod DUIj Eagle ware
coal hods or aofa pillowa to patienta who employed him regalarly?
grandly entertoined at the hoaiaof one ________ Thegirl. who ii hllegad to
We Zbiuk nut
We believe also that when nckoew cornea and
of their number. Willie Vogeiaon of
Ue victim of falhonn, told
H. £. GIBBS,
preecriptiuDS to be filled- oi Qe*>d any other aid 4hat the
Ua on Wellington ‘Ueet-1
j, ,
, .
. _
^ *
i skilled pharmacist can render you want perfect aarrioe at . a fair priee
-MUl Faaaad Btriktog Tariff From War Games aod refreshments formsd Uer^j^„ evidance. which was too diasetleal CreU
I —aad nothing else
Kaiarial UntU Vaoct
isrnioo VI*atoo St., near Front.
pregtam of a portion of Ua
jp^Uag forpobllcaUoo. warranted Jus
We can giva aneb service. We-believe dreggisto that are-oooJanbaiy.
nad Ue latter part wm daroied to Ue Veriy is binding Calhoun over to
scienUoQB abont quality are prettv sore to be as careful about price.Washington, March 16.—AtUe^ea- niating of tbc variena experiences of t^e Circuit eenri to Uaanm of 91.000
tag of Ue seteioD af Ua bonsa Mr tba boys Levi Penalngton. -«ity eli- bail, which however, bat aot yet been
Diaglay. floor Irsder. offered a bill enlator of Ua Eagle, ealertoiaed Ue forniUod.
3H9 Union Bt. OonorM Tth.
Traveree City.
gathering wlU. pli
----------- t:7
from tna
Ua ways ana
and meant committee nsaerma
r,M\mt lor ...I— O.U, of..4p„.|.M-l...»aFr.a»lUkj. ell,
ammnnttk>n and other neml *nppi^ i of the Rnornn. alatf ooetrlbutod to Ua? Uatt'night OfBosr Geaytoa arretUd
mhd v4ar maural-purchased »broM ' aatortainmenu There were 16 pmaeav
«aUl Janaary nexv The committdi I Mr. and Mrs. V.gelaon made it axThe repahlleaa eaneqsat to be held
had anaaimonaly reported the bill as it tremely nleaaantfer Ue huatlemof U«
aCked for by Ueaeereuurli___ __________
■------- leaf Ue
*Bd aary.
; rier vrae .preeonted wlU a mlnlatore
AlderaUa Uarriaon U making na an-,
TbeWn^paiUd Wmi6«ldlrJ»l», Ifheilmltoof WN-jmper -whtoh ke carergeile eaavaa for a raaomiaaUoa far
-------------------------!rlea.'made of celluloid. Thta U but
alderman In Ue Fifth arard.
- Bereh a Big Flah. .
^tha beginning of a sMiee of aimilar
Charlaa Bmgg of Travene City, ani
BeUdra. Mieh.. March IS.-Reben, events which Ue lecal newahoya will
Him Ella Bnmner of Ferry. Mieh..
IJouglaaa, -Ua veteran flsberman. yes. i eajey to more firmly nalte them,
«vma married yeaterday by
tardav captoVed.
capWVed. la
In Belialre vrators. a
Yon waath carriage that la dlffma't
HBKXXBBBHD BIB FATHXBto^pound mntkalonre. Iti
Frofamor C. U. Han delivarad hi* from what ewrvooa aUa haa. aad we
n of it* kind, aad
IceUre "Ni
U U.. B... B B.lV,d«., »!
at WaUin last evenlag. I
other Improvemenu that maha them
Gragd Kapida, aa toUmate friend of
. resident of lann attandanee. .mntnly
Bert Armltoge, <
the aagler.
'to a i
dealraWc. Ckll In and look Uem
aad yon will nay that Uey
,r.. K« Ko. « .M». ™ «-d«k
A.fnrLiM I
Una of Baby Oarnagoe yoa ever
The “Amcriewn Lady" ie the h
ail years ago and it appears proeecded
aet ovti- rfade. The rm^i'ar |»ri^ $1 aS-tt^eeulbJIm’f^ ®7^****^
- •
asw. and Uc price is no higher than on
BiqtoricBea of a Few Balghta
The well known -Detroit Const Waist.” a new Use Jam lOoeivnd.
I to Uc Klondike. UU reported
Uatka flue in tha hoaaa of Joa. Barron,
those oommon carringaa yon have aaea
The rwnlar valne 91.33. sow ssc.
FythiaaWheDldat.OetoXaatoo. taeld bU claims to U^gold tegions and of TaaU and Uaioa atreeu. Thar*
The VUp-to dau" Omet. worU Tie for tta. ..
On Friday nlgkt a party of Inenl j g few day* ago sent h» faUcr $l2.00a paa ao amtarial damage.
Mil ”Tae
-Tae Latcet.~
lAleel.~ a
m Me emnet
Meee* fer
«M- Bfe.
We aeU
Ueorgoit. Winnie retoroed tost nl^t FyUias atartod for Maatoa | —Creswall PemoOnt.
to aaalsi in initiatory work to the lodge
Bert Armitagc haa ralatiom hare, a from New York, where he has been
at that place. Tba party waa oom- aMtar. Mm. S.B Somers, aad a brother. atodying' Ua Uteat meUoda in Mga
d of John A. Lomager. F. O. Hen Alfred Armltngn. foreman of Ua now paiattog aad artiatle igootaUng. He
^Bsa. C. E. Compton ai d FhU Skermnr. barant tba Nortbara Michigan Ayy wlllioaame hk bnel^ la- .Ula city
aad offm aomeUiag/oew to hto Uaa.
Ikey ton oo tha avootog tmto nxpost lam.

Only $2.50 to
Eoanel Tour Wheel.

Qnalitj And Price Are The Prizes We Offer!


You have
the prettiest
in town.

:p. -w. kua.3it:e3,

Two Days


f»-issniatSL aoDSB roBnm

Broach Block.

244 Front St



tb»l kM o(ayay»Uy.

•( the faram llrlBC troB twenty to

YevtMday little Kellie WUhelB waa Coarre(all<»bl

thirty aUw.tiOB Trarerac Clt) raqaii^


yearaoldaadiabooarofUe oe-

MthlB* about the heavy Imreada



her frieadetohelp eolebraU.

Baaaefe to defray


rrry paaeaat aftrracK.o

the year.

The yaatleakoa

C F. UoaWr. ar. well k«,wo aod their jI

the it** with a loaded abot caa that ii

wa* tbe aUth


aaal'voTBary *f (iracie Bole, daochter

of Mr. aad Mta-Williooi Bole, aed a
Froa Biacbaa to Northport wa paw
dallrhtfal party wao ^vaa ot the famdoood at laaot hatf a bUUcb bMhela *f
Uy leaidaaaaoa Klatheireot U. boaor
pm GOctoina potatoca tbe paat year, aad at tbe adof the evaat. d%oot thirty lipUe folk*
vaaead price wbleh tbe tarmere hare
were preaeat aad the atteraooo
beeo (ettbc at the railroad aUtiooa
pawed ia the playing of faseo aad
above tha prioea paid at tha Bay porta,
other appropriate paolimao. Proper rethafartaera.aatbatlB

For lUj^r-


ouly reach all t be B*rkatk as the Great
Lakca, where we are aew coapelled
to aaad


caltOTO. ^'hleh has beeh iaereaaed by
-------- ^ aad paioalakiag work


doriac-the wlatcr. uatll their voice* ;
perfectly blaaded aad the barnuey i


abiiu^dealera to pij belter prioea; aad ;iOk'

For Bebool lupMMrCHAULBST. ilBAWN.
For Mroiken BMKl'of Pnblie .Werln,


Tbe |





Clear Pork per bbl. aiw.......

Oweo of ^raod Kspida, U at

Clear F.>rk per #>-------- .^-...-7
Shortcut Fork..
Short Cut Fork a

And thea thnae great

{ateaiaera. that are



--------- __________ .

the tiuM I

guardlag oar
Bogle tMoka^



Park IHoc-e.
M^a. S Balabery hoa beea tjull*'.Ick

city yeeierdoy.

laad waa forcedAo loose head* to the
aBODOt of g?«0.tM)U.«>00 to meet the oz-

Price from GO Cents Up. C^ll and See Them.




I ship by boat.

Par JmUc* of the I'Mce—




Tea Khttle or SerTlng Dish.


Jwhea we are oblifced to ship where we


Below U a list of the buyiag aad ael!-,
lag prices of yeoterdsy for groceries.

afaio. prioea rule Luchhletfer dnria» ;pl -aoabi oucial frhturea and

I la the fall or apriag-juat at


will he fall of pleasar* to all

Traearae Otty Market.

the wlster moBtha thaa they doclUier ; tnrsu-.

foil Ur»—


aad ezpreoatoo ia their alaglag eualo -1

___________ ’

Mwt Kraaeao Hii;ria> waa hnaored

<mn prodoeo, 'hoi they alao

We also Bulld Whaala
and Rirebsfw Mwwaw to
w Ord«T.
oo it
11 cheaper
Bire oei>
j„ the city.

al her boBw. Sti WaehtacDB


reach the lotorier m.rkeu. which reo- laat avwiior *jth a aurprni by a larya
arally are ouch the lest, tborefere en-; oowber of her ochoal frioada. tbeeveB-

r«r city tie**«Ter—


irave a delightful eurprlee lo Mra^C. A-

^irhUar. ae tbe railroad woald met

fcrOty Clerk—

al work you wwh. ©oamel or varoiah your rimd for abova prioa.
^ sample

aitd abowedA high degree of Baaical

will be eaGrely aew aad the ceraiag {
a railroad woald ret the balk of tbe

Will cl^Q it tborouffbW, tro© the wteeh, inre aojr color orna.

iare. iarr* aad saia<t. la tho e‘»7-1 years’experiemt* and piarantee saliaUctioo.
Tbeireooeort last fail was ooe of tbe
no. trial
Buet erj<)yabip thioga of tbe

acaroel.v he
XcpnVlMu <Ht7 TiekM.

FOR ONLY $2.50


QaBee i oonpoaiat the qaartat, Meaora. £. B

to the Baa that ataada at the foot o>
dooa to tbe 00*0 that b op the troa.



■nd rvfrtahBeau helped thea paM a ' White. F. B. farka. B B. Baolett ahd

The ailaatloa doea not look tho aamt



to be oee of ihe &aaat Baaical

lac two daya to saka the trip, to mj. caaioa ebe iavltod aboDl aevoateea ofloveaU of

tmm. “r. B*t» **» J- w. B^nn.
i. W. BAJiaui,


Koaioal Sveat lor AptiL


KoAveht H

voold anil the bfU to bare tho farmTho oooeort to bo r)««B by thoQoeea
«rt «f LMlM*a «M*ty Em) aU UMr •mral Flaaaaat BveBta ta the Bth- City Mole QoarWt at BUlaberr'e Oraad
to(7 orTaautday.
irplM pradM to Trarme City, muj
Ap^ 1». nodor tha aoapicoa «t the

:Co. B
L A Co. Beat...
Feed, II. U A Co. Beet..
Egg* per diiZ . .

"• *“ “■ SH":::;:
______ _

IVIFroitl SUFft.

Trarerae City. Mich.




Mr. ood Mra W. L. ItcWittweat to

peBsco of thegoversmeat. - TCow, whea

Itade MpAcimllytomy

a threatealaf war cloud darkoas the

dlw ffOB Traverae aiy. although fur« |
per bo . old..........
I Moffday to tHea Iwkr, where they have (
thbr to carry IL
k fmrm ...■
KroD Dor lU)
«empl«»e aaGonal defeaM U waalfeel
^hu fruit laUreaU of Leelaaaa oooa-. Bun.ho>,x1
•A .Preaideut MeKiole, calmly aaka
U aow dealioed th oecopy ao amalll
Eoriua apd aaoedof iBtaediaU.aad


for gSO.OW.000 to prorlde that I


eo«»erciallr. within a radio, of ^ h** r«»^ «» Grand 11 .pida

Th. money ia appreprUUdBUea^romOmeae. There are aow
* UlkAontlne voG*.
___ tfrail
>. i
' wlftknnt
vote, aad
aad the
t*** ea- I „ lew than is.Wi
from a treasury which j



Sottona Bay aadJJorthport are



_____ - _ll_ I. ^


bb.1,1 ..


where be baa *
r They

with the Furniture City WtriogCo.
Mra. C. J. Koeela-d returned yester­


tl 00
bf .„i„

Maation. U forcibly Illustrated la the
vast asBber of petitioaa being sent
Lanelag to go before i^e Ugialatare
Bast sveek.

lu Traverse City and sur-

roonding towqs doteaa of ilkea# peUtlfftw kave been stgaed.'aoaM of them
•ovaral feet ia length


But with Brother Speagae’e pradie-

look, for uk and rigkt kera 1 would

Marc^fhKe:May. Sblsc; Jaly.

words of cBconragemoat than we do

of humanttV.


r____ ______
toward ________
the Eagle
for trying to iaprew

oaare » i-.«s.i-aL OBis«i.

weeks ago ecored the praaidcDt for not


E'X’aOtAOfikX Sla.oez33.EMn.

._______Ht. Ii <hUd>uvfa<T> a niau ab-



, irutlic is bring ooilawedMon- anil
stnuK drink arc tuTut:!
iliticfl^—for n-sjiottnlils

Banday aehool aad Ribls clam at i:. . cnusiderva

j duii.v in life. Tbi tmii-was whtupolH
ilii oproly
All are cordially iBviUd to these aer-ii‘^- »’’0 «mld
dseplmy tb. ir
, dmnki-nnpos with im
\ time bss happily p
lor it BOW than Uoac who bad lea' U
' w” ”
oay aad gave the matter calm tboagkt Bev.J. a. Brv«d;. pauer.
I have 1
Fre«:hiDg .1 ic:3n a. im add 7 p. m.
and sound reaaouiag.
rbarpeid dnmkinocsB proved agaiDst;
I him. In ibcM- things at IrM the'imblic
cloee of eveaiog serriee.
Olad to Bsar It's BstUsd.
{cuax-iencr is U itig aronwd.. <and tbs
Snaday whuul at i: m.
Tho Grand Rkpidt Herald yoslerday |
Juaior League al 3:30 p. m.
eoataiaed ike followUig dl^iauh fi
Epwortta Ledgup at t:43 p; B. •
I all its-luHuiuce to destroy thu evU ta
Traverse City:
Moraiag BBbjnl: “ihe purpose el, odr land.
.■Hibiuum'in tbe vrrsik qpMed points
Evas lag . euhIt caa be act d'owa aa

Evenlag service aad sermoa at 7. .

a oarUiaty that tbooe who waaud war

ao bad several weM ago are less eo^r vieoa


Al,bto,bl.U.„„l, Itoir


1.1 puViW y’ ‘i rtrsb s 80,
• liatuid L<y aUBvr


be the ftrst latheuwlB. and if she K w,„ to

. to r,to.jto^^;..^::^::i^.b,7;wb,7atob

he owing to a tack of Ums^evdted to
the rArliminariea.

I City goarut.
Sunday school at 11:^ a. m.


of ttM-ir cl'Uiug suit uf dsily tried.
BDmb>-r> iu it.' poverty Utu-kn*. hosts

I'e cave ie Ue list row ot.eeata
.______ j nii.iv

OWVBS. Mkb . MarcS ik IWS



dsss ladhs fnat of


ihiiu Wire ever impoviTisbid ty 2^
fsnnm-«e pneilroce.

Bow can a ^


to belld.a road to KorUpvi today.
I ereald like U> ask brotfaeiNl'mwgne

Faialeae Foot Treatmeat.

It among bb many Lonlanan su^rib'«n 'there b ana toat has ever trlc^ to

ids cbiropodivt. b i

throw h wet hlanhet over nay ImpcHve:

that cacee to hb town,


basatoethis a sindy for yodrs
.. of sur­
carries wiU bim a valnabls rase
Bural tools, many of which are of hb
n Ihventkw aad nerfeelly Adapted
to arouse our hopec to tha poarfMU^
_ the asea lateoded. Traverse City
a railroad Uroagh taeliaaa oaaaty. people who have called upon him speak
. hl^Mt
- ______ Ursss.
.. __
Ubever can he amde to pay. l.'eaa la the
Uoogbt it eomlag that wi^r

Ue eays la hb paper that bb too had

wapregBcthatw* am ia
ligCoaroBotbaaaad we





BosieessmsamMllaUsatudy. Help:
uito liim«lf which rob.
the. <k-.kiidto. .. ktoto;•blln *< noiMB. td wteith. of boine. uf
matter with brother bpmgas of tha ^
u, b«to. rf ptolito. ot Wend.
J.-0, Cd-to to-,.v ., „
todto, .. 0. who 0- loUt
8pgle? Tbe tboaghi that thsro might
j all Uisw.
bo SBob s Uiag possible as Us people, * FYoung Fcople-s Soebty of ChrisUaa !
brings coaotlcasp
at BoUods ^y. Omens aad NorUpoTt
Bndsnvor at S:4S p. m. B* ready to evils, wiw. bahhllag, wounds witboot;
halng favorodby a railioad gives him
H-dotMTtif eyes. Intowhsi coonctake partnmoag the ffrst.
ths night mare.
At 7 p/m- O. W. Blaia of Graad Rap- less wis> anil tebblings ooe deprived of ;
Be will reusembw the Urns before
nascu by drink ocBit«T
Bow manyi
Ids wm dsliver s ti
the O. E. A f. built their rood M Travwounds be ruccives that wogld not have
All are meet oordblly invited.
le aiy. Ual the prospeeb for a raUbeeo earned tut for drink 1
rend to that then Hide hamlet in Ue
S. loleugs rauie leads to nearly all,
other »ins and crime* (vera* 89-Ui. ,
woods, wen very dbeonragiDg. and
I !0:»0. Were, it not for dmukrnnem cur jnsan ,
SoDdsy n
tew thought they would ever live to
Gvealng eervloe 7 o'clock.
doors might almost be-rlueed.
nos Up day when there would be a
4. iMieuijKvaaee aliemates from God Toaag people'e ^eettag 6:» p. m.
r^lfoad to that place.
Scrvioce ooodneted by -ftff. J. A.*
The ladncemeaa iaaacially revere
Bibl. Eradi—,to. .1. 8. JO; 1
tally as dlseourmgiag Ueu as Uey are
Biitrua Bmvibi—What ima


g wine blTUic. airtsig 0^-100*

podoco. Traverse City b determlsed

Bailroad Matur SoTMoly

Several OtheT Broken Lines at 1>2 Price.

mprraooe lnugk|v\trty. “Be

b. u.-b,b. .b... .rtotobto... to-1

Attitude of Xagle ia twelaaau Ooaaty


aAveaueand Wash
iagtoB street.

Moroiag service aad srrmos at 10:30 ' thci



.-uly.prs.wG a cur,.. ...1
i ruinatii u lo tuau the w<Tld

At the siruatioa

thoae fellows are gradually I

men are

"rrL.ue.iid Wash.' ,^j,.isruuc«.
'•» ‘•’•‘'S
“ *•” ' ' *
More aud laorr ilu driuk

lag the Bpaalab off the face of
iC earth without a day'a delay, have


Oor $1.19 aboea.


Grind Rapids. March if-AThrat. We. *1S6 Front Street. '

its evil, urv in-

It is quite evl-

few I w

as thtse.

,Table and linhimtnbW.- It devtr«-;
Uslily. UHhtally. mteully

,b. btotoltlob O,
there will be a watuarnt |

jiago agitators who

to t2.00 a i«ir leas than



j “inimiemire U one cf tbe gtvoteel

that we feel much more kindly toward ,
Ue Hyrald and Rkcoui for their good


Toot trade is apprecUtad.

liVe—Mi^, 34Kc:*May. »Xe: July,
77: May. » «»»*»}.

Bee. A tl.

apeBB.lhatitUwrrngtohuildhopefcl^«u‘«lva»'Vc'«'l»*';I?bai b.«j
• ddiitJi: so (<T eeoluric*. and yvl It still j
. to,tod w.ll -tor P.V
i.liiKls iImw wbo are williiig (o be «Ip-'
. tau-hed. ll
i- <me uf ibc gnuteM >iiy«.
CroB the people ezpreaaed lu a maaaar :
___________ -___________
; irrti* of niisli-ru eivUiaiiou that uithat ahould have great weight vrith the
I tt-niperaun- tiaa a»t bcrii vtaixped out rf
llgUUtotu whea the foveraor-a blU ie
i esikiemv mb- r be k-tiislatiuti <t iy tbe
Funlahed by KeopoeUvo Chuishea I' vuluuiaty
—’..........- aciicui*
-u. of
of nita ia
it.u up
to,, ,b.t


coin toe, (orUdieaand


tioa and advice. iCmakw a gloomy oul-


will cost yop elsewhere for as good
Ohieago Market.

t>eceBber, >e.

r fruit

are tbe beut fitters,

and btfutifol Iwking aboes.

auore^ that tbe prices ai«' from



yn?ttetieg-~6'ad I t*wa yeeUrday.

.tolUb. «.U. tb... I. «,l“” bl-UbCbO.

fruit, piwrldcd we eaa have
tofbl. wbjbI»:tUb,


and uar $3.00 aboe in Hand Toma.

Akoaal honor against iaaolt and wiaag ttobb .b, to ,bb>:db.t btoto •I”' ItoUbb, «tol,., bbd low. cl.rk
withoBl undue dlatrew to the' people.
■tobd St do. 1. tb, prodobUbb .,1 too p.tdtoiorol Iwl.bdTtoT lb, p~pl,oIth.,UU


Come and

our 81.00 sbtk- in Goodyear Welt

Being situated aa we ar* betweea day from Ohio, where she waa called
a on tbe west, and Oraad 1
lUawaaad death « her hn-lhcr

- to . p^totlT. uti« uid pro™ U«i I 'r7.'.to bTj'-. Ui tot. totto ,. ol!
ia the country's need such a policy U h
Ity if warn to defend the

And Hand Tnma.

at'rihh KAnauri^'

Jvlluk Wlwe
l>Btgc has
baa enar

wUI proTide npoB call $so,,000 more
further advaaced la the fruit laAnd this witboot aeod duatry thaa Oseaa.
for the iMoe of a uagis doUar of hoada.

Tbt-y art-made is Gucxiyt«r

arkkU. w^s


led with rheumatbm
foJtonrt^'V^ aad BoUUg seemed
give arr rel: r. 1 vrss eble to he
aroond all tbe tiew. but conetaeilv
aofferiog. I bad tried everyUlur T
ennid beerof and at last waa told to
try Chamberlain’s Fain Balm, which 1
did. and wmi Immediatelv relieved ^
la a abort time cured. I am happy te
toy thaUt haa^aot sieoe 'ntaraedaale byB. B. Walt. Dracgbt.

Tbe KingsbuiyColors—Black, Haduro, Beina Steel, Pearl, Burgundy,
Salmon, Seal Brows, Cuba, Hyrtle.

I The Culpepper Sliff HatsColors—Black, Brown, Bodia. Maple.
These are the latest^styles, best makes, and altogeth>
eir the nobbiest hats offered.



DoingB of all Sorts of People and Odd Bits of News Ftom
All Orer The State.
It the prMMt Mudu of don cm lia­

:en more au-T»Flee<l When
«u<«tii-ned ..n the aahjm.
He said.
-It u the BrVt t'me 1 have beard ot
nirh a letter
m 't<^3enl We)^. or
from anyrme
lt;'» beJns true; of
eourar 1 ec-^ not • r.- e Riven the alii-ted cnnyKo any rot.-

And That Is All That Is Known
Regarding the Report on
' I'Main*
aine Disaster.

The Higbtj Bonthem Eailwar 8*n>
! wm. travetnlng the eight Great BtaXw
of theBooBingdenifa. desim to eaS
the attcntioB of the fleaUh-aeeker. thn
„„ „■
: LaodH^ker. ike I'leasoreneeker. the
VILWA Pmflt^keraadtbeFiekie TmmUnr
Punhc. to the maoj advaatagB. thn
beantlfnl actuary, the rich and tertU*
- - -1,^
land and the many resorts whi^ 11*

. oolcassieiEB


Bant aH enlii*«Ung it.
Bn hne one
.11..11. IIU..1 io'...blp. .bl.1,

last fnll be planted with tbe need, nad i_______________


WhatWa WaaMH>v.(.rinht aa laadla : etvaa la the
that the i ______________ . ^
(W at W.r.
lac 'ha SaWvrt a| 1,
crop will be a good one.
It reqniren
hmmO. Bat
if. - Feventy'_________ _
........ ..r..w Msawea
abont five veara to ralae a good aaty
ten-e AaueMMaWh A.lld^ ^p, tb< uannd men la Ibr cumlier of Span*
la a* TiUi
able rooi.fF».in tbewed. Abont
U Warh ta avM« W.r (Irer^k.-t^ : Uh aoldlere
vrho have Iwen klUed.
feertnn la me
plaau can be raised from one acre of
ilhfTWlar Incn.vlUled I
PtaM-l t.w tiwlaree. kaila...
|,te»el .tato.'^-gwvr f"r di
ground, the plant being placed three
UeataS ay
Cutis. These lit; .m*hsve lip-o received
iaebes apart.
CuciunlUev on luii ralatv
•ri r frum
WsahiBCtun. March It.—All that Is
At prsaeni prioeo. the root »hea
tvrday n-sumed lU heannss upon the
retcsedlnp the nport on the
dried, brings V ■ pound. \be seed S7 s knuHTi
CuUom fcUi atnendlns the J n-a«it li
Maine diaaaur is ihsllhc preeld. ni has
pound. KroiB l.Doo plsnu. one poand
ibnn sitiK.iit r-i
iwi-<rds j Bale, cummerce ;iaw.
Judgy M.
aufici-sted that the report Lie made iss kei t by tbt &'pan
** •or^ bud three |K>OBdi of rooU ran -ev»n BF |<oaalble, and In cunMiiuvncc |t
dasIcB. addn-Hud the committee
be aeeorea erery year after Ure • vvsis. la ••ap 'itcd ‘tu reach Ibis my In Ibe
fortnctliir li->arii
military ,
the pruj^ed bin.- He said
the first root inkMdBir in fivr^ esra.
Slier,elh-i>f r',. .Ic i;^S«fr d pendi-nrirv
that the tetustit i,. so far as the pres-'
iif FP.JI
Mr. Coon says be bss dag op route invt j-vnurday uifced
•W law «as .v.ierrtie.1. had rrsoired
that were 7« years old. The age uf the and the llmr aistcd
Itself into ililfi that the .-riirtral nmn be determined by tbe aniouut '

ODPhnBdred Bad twenty

' knee bean abipped front bare to ibe
Klondike wUbls the put moeUi. which
Icnda n annll baj to resnrk tbnt It'a n
dog-gone abai
.apart of the town in tod a





Grand Ra^ds, hero of tkrae wan. In­

dian. Meaieaa and civil, bas


hU martial vigoraoapstriotna. Bentag of the movameot W orranise a rvgtment at Grand Rapids, he has written
to nSer hia servisea.

Uia iiu odd jeara

and inemaaing fecblet

a will not per­

mit of hia taking Ibe field, bat be will ’®*
amUt in getting t/oopi together and in
doing many other iblnga.

««“«•<»« e**ry







The happiest brideef the north ia!"»^






tW gold region, located several prom-bia butter,
claims., erected
oreexed a shanty



and •“'1






hia w

'watched over her claim daring the vu- Pomped into Ue cellar, where it
Ure winter.

George Andre camrd the warmed and conducted Jo

maU ftom Micfaiplooten to Misainable,
and often stopped to chat with
pretty miner.


by irtnd

b«n "pon the power

sjckrra. ebe found ber
her way to ““


puts hia

"b'" wanted.




At tbe present


the[“f Nwbola U making eight or nine

Cupid waa-not idle, and ‘ P»o“f» «f bnttar daily.

.the happy ae<)uel came a few days ago,
wbCB a catholic priest rode over from |

Kate C. Crawfonria said to be
Crtui kixsyr naius cnatsrnA
fefort on thesui.Jerl. A cabin. I omeer
exjuvaavd the belief that the rvisTi will
MUa Crawford k very poor and | pari .of ihe j,r.-sidrr.l ■

Port Arthur and aniied them in holy j first colored woman to graduate Ttxim

Wedlock, before aerowd of rough, but, tbe medical department of the oniveiboaeat woodsmen and proapectara.

’ ally at Ann Arbor.


She wilt fiuisfa this I

The Alpena Uandie factory, where ^ Uvea with bar widowed mother. Ibefurv la-lng giwn to tt

turned out with I All ber Ilfs abe bas fonsbt to obtain a i

Hgbtaing rapidity,' U doing a ^biag | medical educati'-a and attains U


vJe and the pCt U | as abe .. ,o year. old.

turning out $0,000 broom hsndlev every I nsic of tbe
bouH. any. the Alpena Alcbo.




She i. . gr^-j

Aon Arbor

Amssoriuv. her
the Mu) doa-er
«ve been made

High •cbonl:

This' ai^ t^ugbt in a colored school in fit

a abort time wonld supply every

i^U thirteen yeara.

woman in the •and with a brurim stick I


with wkicbtoflgblofTi^e bpaniards. I

was f.irmaliv iurned..-i-r to ih.- I'nlled
Slates yestrids) at Ihr Hrlu.b ship
yard, th.- llraxlllnn flag l.iw.-red and
'-old h.'l-n-d.


A* a bBmandlvlnlngrod OewgeCota.

ayoong half-breed, la going to tfaa
KbillpJ. Cwa. an old aoldlnrof Ben-. Klondike
Whan thn Everett Bagara
fnltowoabip. baa recently gone iuio party of Sanltbte. Mnrie.started there’
the cnltivutioo of ginseng, and expeeu
>-in fire yvsrs. says thr Su John

lt>.rulilns is

was much apeculailoa an to why Oota

to clear fiu.ijiw from one acre of ground i was taken along.


I o«
iss .vnllsu-d
Ml rv|i.>ri

•‘aiions foi ih

tranaptred that

r^‘,E'!'nv " nw-n ^

lade-! ha is the tnsdium, in coujonction with

.unie fr^i-o all !

Mr. Coon baa had a large the meOrarrlc pow.-r* of J. K. I). EveK

amount uf experience In digging and

iiurvau ..f tl..

and S Vi. K.rvan. by which ibo

I dviwirt

““*•^'*•“1 ■-•ons-»» for s

Belling this rooU both in tbe northern ; party expect to locale rich deposiu of; j^-vh.g’prop.rrir riu^^
and eonlbeni sUtea. and spent yearn of'Fold. Compelled bya power beyond ; .all..n guiiit S»-i.s haw Ixtime stndying tbe eslere of the planU himself. Cota wUI s>e deep down into | tliv vngli,.-er s ..m .• Mr ihr xpvndilur
__JThe searcl*y of tbe plant, whir* for-. tbe earjb.

Tbiis mneb expensive and:

merly grew wi'd ia large qusnUtles.

Bselese prospecting will be done oway

has ieduoed Hr. x:9on to try the experl-




') -V-

• '"l

— erv te Hmk Her Ile*,a.d-r*nri0
one Chargew'V.w.-riUMa
is.- KmoUe
l^dlngl..D. Wld..w of 'liarns..n hudli
ton. formerly mayor .-f this cHy i
gmernor of-\t*lat'..nalB. yesterday c«
menn-d artiun her dowry iK.rtibh
the l.udlngtun esjat.. which la fturtb
tl.&Hl.Oi*. She alleges that th.- Uusteet
•r Ihv estate prevallc.1 U[H.n her to
aetrjit a much amaller sum of the eslaie than wsa due ber, and that ebe
did not kn.iw- until ri-<-eBlty that Hie
could ren.,uni-e the will and take her
legal share and alleges that the settle.
tnent wlib her by th- truate.g-----------talced by fraud.
TwMMt-rhtwe Harwe* Bar
Xewanee. Ilia.. Man h
county Ml uf Mererr r>.u
, swppt In- s mr*t d.;slruc'il\t
blfM-k ..r ih.- husin.-ss |ISM .,1
taorsva Urri- hurr.ed
was ills.-..versd ahorlly after midnigbt
tn Con. r linw.’ livery ateblc.
flames siirvad from each aide of the
stable ai..l .-..nrijmed the entire bUck.
Th. luss was sustained by
Bar,-I- ri A tvinc-r. wh—e large Imple­
ment house was flistroyii^.
Washington. Mi
con^lltee ..i. pt,.
baa Buiboria-d u

ooca Up- aka te Oeveinnd IVxnle.





tbe ts> of the strife between tbe Blno
and tbe t;,»y.
l» <*"en»vtion with Ue Quven A Crea-

mayb -jator Tillinan Inquired what maan* :
r.a.Tv,-. I there was fer bellevlng^ihal the et-uriy ^
• Would n-t refine away the rrup<aod Ull

uoutaviiie. Kentocky.

as they had the preia nt law.
Judge Knai-p replied that It was Im- ’


possible to f.-retell what the eourtt
aje Board of EdncaUoo-will aeU U*
might do. "Th. b.-st we ran do.*’ said East Slate stre»-l school properly, cosi- ticurrs V-1
he. *1s carefully and thoughtfully
a^ln^r lou
and S9. block & Ban<.f :i,-o
leclalale up..n this subie.1.''
'ula lea>
tPhlas Jf. aa Ma* at llie <Vwi
of Spain’s r, zular a
•’ll diietm'l seem." said Tlllmi
pentr.ula. Ihe Halea
plslB Kngllih U auttb ier
ap-Apply t.
Hiuinlsh p..*4ie«i.,n«
Afr1.-a ‘
^ 8ST U
and Ihe Csnar) Isbti
as applied V
In the Philirptnr isAn-ls Spain has an
nrn:>- <«f i;.<Xai men, which iri<iii*-a
rial, rnenl
aU.ut Jl,o- nai. e t
Knapp said ihsi -etiatl t of the-prriu
C..H. K^ng. M. P-. graduate
recimenia o' Ole ii iier uer>' disl
ent law had. In
' .-perallun. Iieen
during thej^e of Ihlate Inaurvech- Isle
rtously .-rlpp
pcpMcd subrtttut* for ;team all am.raof raf^ten and giv*
aal.l, they ure of very
little nae
th- ' thi
raid, la i«»<iira!iy ib« proper correction bv latest meUiodn.
Spanish B. vetnmentIn Forto Rie.. ; Urllli
I have your evea examined
there its* Spanish tnsqw. Wblcb. In
IS street. .«T?-tf
the . v-rt ..f hi-ait!lt!es rosid be supple- I , ,r,.f
thought. ~-.\r U
rueni...| by t.W’O volunteers.
- said . Idgv Knapp. "Ihe »■
n v-ili t
Only 16 Onste.
. TlUtt OF A (-1 ItAh At'TUNOMIlfT.
Don’t go witbooi a Utter Box Plat*
botne when yon enn buy thnaa
A Tew more left
IS n.11 imHIm.
[er for short than lit longer dlslanraa.!* I*®U../ —
Gb> W. Karr.
VVashJ?>ci..n. hlart-ta 1> - A
Ohe pr..\lsl«n of tbe pr»i»>Bed btn.
llshed assmi
LSsmblage of ofm-lals repre_____________ t._________
serulng In Ihslr several <-aj«t-ltles the Judge Knapp explained, made it Iraperaiive U|»n the railroads to pubtlah . I want the name, addreas and porpcac,
nt.rr.oh.w., a—.
freight and passenger lariffa In slated in
words, of evet'y fraternal,
•nt.f cub. n,ei herey.a-jiharrespeet he dhemed Ihe exiriing Uw : religions ecooomleaBd political organ
Th.-y Im-lu.I.-d th.- Ppemsh mitiAn.itbcr imix-rtanl amendment , izstlon. Induding'tbe grugea in tbe
Is iimaiHv
ibr exlsilng law. Judge Knapp be- ‘f'fimJ Traverse regi"n, fw mntoal ben­
[spiial |l-rl
C F. WAKgrxacE.
;B'dlai.- .x-.rm-r.ial
Frn.rMsn-^'T^"P* •l'»ll b.
In thr si-hrdulie :
I U'-l l:alaH .teiguk..-il»w-.-ial d.l.-gwir* offarn.
-harr.'S filed and i
’wUin c-.v.-ramriii; .Han.'.r Lr.inln. : pul.ltph.-d as af..r»
1 iml-as the rer- '
a; rrvri-lary .if thr rhamb>-r ..f Iri-r flVs «lth lhr_
i.-rt-r lY llnvaua. l<i'nlr<.nmiir>lun- j mem ••r sucb .rhangee. and p<«ls nrs norm'and will reeelfe cnlia
,nd e’.-n..r Cadrana. of tl..- .'ulwn I w-hr-Vulry as h.-rvlnbeforr provided, at
■r <li\, Jidnl c..mmlaal.ii.vr. j
Indi- al-s su. h rhangrs oi-or.
are hn- t.j orl»n BrguilaU..ris f. r 1 those slivady ^-.sted, el leaai sixty daye
rr.lal inaiies t--;w»vn'ihrTii iCTl Irfor.ihr
of euih
». J-:|«lii and t’^iba. Srnur Anguh, i chaitgrs." • Jt.ltv Knapp rxidalord a»
3 'r.-rij- of the auWoiiiy M-t.rmr jJenglh armr .-f the other pmvishma c*
I Ihe i-rwrotwri WII. den-ribtrg tbe lerjui:
0.1.1 that ihe Culgn pe.-pl.- d.sired r«al diff.-recres tw-|ween them and ihdbs
i.i-minrni. Il.-retufor.- (bey had | of the rvleiiru; law. Hr bad nut con- U'arshnr* i!lock..
Traverse City, 1
f-ii tl
IB *as ti'-l wilting t.' grant [ alud.-d.whm ihe eomnilttre adJouined
real a
I. hewet
„ )
ChnpiberialB'e Cougu Bamrdy.
pot ini?.
- the pr. s.-nt



.John R. Santo,
EeDcral Insirance.


W wrli far rreae.
c-r«|-trd by t
Tl la lo-hev-t i-y ..-rtain pe-.plv here
I- j
ThU remedy is inlendrd eapeddliT
Cul« as
that then- ;•
> I for enugh^ colds, croup.
mere AuKrU an.I Stain This nlllanre meeting ih-lr n«!i. He and
’ .enfigfa apd influenxa. it baa become
Clrt-pland, Jlanh
Is learned
la in rvahiy th
t'l rsl tm|v.riant de- erw who ligri nlwuye b.-l. tigcl I.
V ! famous for hx cures of these diseaMw.
that ’ Kid"
. wh.. came Jol'lrveve1u(im<’tii w'hl.'h has laken pl«.e eltire
over a larpe part of ths civilized world.
land to tef. i.e Ih- ifitl^-Duly t gi I the Culotn .|urril..n assumed an acui.- rln.-ed. hr Mid. tl.nt when the J«*
*; The most flstterii<g tcatimouiaU havs
t. woa aqOvtly mam.d form. The gr.-ai f.,rf>s In Kuroiiehiid ,of th.- n-Ktti.-Pt i«swed av:ay all ft
received, giving
giving •ctrounu
arcoonte of
of Ha
51 feeeivert,
.ur alreei. belweafi Welliurir.B n»d
in Su I.Ma.,h<-tl.e da/fo.k>w. .tmertia are w.-rklng tu ifai- en<l that would a.tvpl aulnnotry asiglvlng
works; -t the aggravming and FVanItllo. Gan be bought for »1S0 lera rule In Its full.-st w-nse
lni th. i t:«i,ui.g or adlvurvr tu life piiperaiatent cpi gha H hte corc*l:
ae- tfi,,
bafora Anril
xim I’r i. Ft w lo. When ask.-d by a nIt. tl- vere ccltf* tb.i have j irldcd promptly ; j,t. Look this np at once.
• >sn lx- on ,n. S rri'l
- I to 'la soothing effe.-is’ sod
l> riel ;ilioui lilseei nrriag.-. .llK*<.-y -b. - .
the dan-; One .M-foot lot. Bari
the pUn .e.» .If- Igerooaat'ucVoof croup it . _
a n-g..ira't)on Is te-lng'carried on j f"-d l.y H|*i
a romilei.- syrictn ..-fter saving the life of the child, Tne
Tonc,-n:a myself . idv."

proxlmltly m a i-wder. mags- i‘'f
I like : extensive use of It for whooping congb'
r>t-" Fayn- . II - -Kid’s ” trainer, whs '
then-la always muir ..r lesaMahHI. irv
't IC t baa shown rbat it reha tbat diacaae of
-t ixkti
• •
• ty ..f an exflosiiin unii; the .tral U art. ;cei
«tra- all darigerons coei.eqBeBCC6
Sold bv
^:OSily .-onsumuu.t.HV,
This, In a nut- IK
B- Wait. Drogrtst
, nacr. ai flrti he utt. rl
Is ihe-' sltuallon liwlBy.
”—:herw will ■
- Kid’ t
i..-n sure
Siat.w a


suns why, l divulge her name,•..tHPnith txi»> Mrr Kh:»W
There is m- d.ryliiK llial th- ’Kid’ Is
------aorv on the sul->-,i. Thm- was some. Wlw- the Hstee «ep.n Wnt lie I
trouble ale.tit his fit ft win- ard the dl- :
»l-r>~rs4u wiini.lse.
vortv mlx.d up In ihe mailer. If you’
Key W. at. Fia . Mgr.-ti IS.-The <
but knew all tlie d.-Ulls I am sure y.jd ; of In.iiilr) 1' dlllg- mly .-unilnulnj
w.iuM not aak-me anything ate.ui H.,.n Ixuir.l th- l^ttleshlp Iowa,
St. I.oula. Mun h II.—Av the marriage, and Ju.lRlni
Ilo-ns.- iifllte ai the «..urt hwuae hrrv !
tbvrv Is no nx-ord of ihe issuance of a
llccnst'harJes %elliy. Utter known '
aa -Kid'-M.i-oy. to marry, tm . r aixmt pu'ilb- lea
cufirleay of Hear A.lmiral SIrard tbe
'•uftiwi-mfl.tit of th.. Ase.H'laied Frewi
was enalUed t..*es.-w|-- tbe
rule farblddlng cr­
on ix.ard w-arahipa.
arid was the first civilian to Interview
Ihe meml>. is .if_rii*. coiigl ..1 It.'iulry
alnce they a—r.ied ihvmstdvei.
■Utnall^. Xeiwa Nothtog n
Wssi Wedheaday'..n Ihe l.iwa.
-nrWu tteeene.glag Nolare.
t'aptaln Sampson said: "The e
Kuw Turk, March IS—Rradslract'a Is still hard at work. J tyave Just
aaya; The asgregale Volume uf thy ; my enf.-rre-a, U is sjtterly ImpoaatWe
country's busineaa ctmllmM-s sufficient.
lUfficlent. !^" ■»>’ ** •'?"
repi.rt will be ready.
of fav<j.ruble comiari» t am afraid MiiM-ihlng might occur
Aalde from
defmt the exiwciatlon and
s. quieting demand aj
eartern markna. where untertalniy aa pui.n,.
Is ready It
icomc of foreign cofuK^Uor.a
for v


Cleveland. March IS.—Se.T.-lary.,f the dcllvem] an nddr.'isiaat
Wenlng..brfe<’e tbe Cbumix-r >,f l*-onIBcrce tip.m financial quetlkms
jchaniber waa denaely crowded w
leading business men of the <-li,
. ,
one but Rierofiers were admitted. Aflac
the a.idresy tbe aecretary was
taln.'d at the Dnion club.


where heaven and earth
h«vm to meetamongst tbe manr of ih*
beaullas of natare. See tbe graadeat
in America and
Americas only Palaee. the
Chateau of Gvo. \V Vanderbilt,

lu pruvlde new Inn. hlorry by whteh llw sleepier, hiniog and. chair can. Th*
prlm-lplee Involved in Oie tuiglbai law Line rar-eacellmee of tbe bouth
may be made
.-dve, Judgt Knapp
maps and iutermation. ^ly to
■«si The o wats bad srriogsJr '»rs»^t evopon tickat agent or.
tmes of :»«««ed tbelau by their re...
■ «'* H. TsTLot.

PugU W MeCxy
hs Ij
IJeel..e Apliareol.

March t. When Kid” il< I'oy w ns h. rI. iv -Tm> aennta on Marrh i on.! « a very preiiy and
g iafly w-ns se. n with
e-« and «l.-ctiODf. fnahl.mablr y.
................. — ..... ix-rasluns. report
t nubudy:
rouFd kwrn wh.. she was.
iF..itu.»d by-Hnxr.

•plratl.,n of the t-rtns .,f u,,. pc
il, aei
vice president,
aenaiurs an-l r-pr.
Uvea In congreds I
liar h f ut
laai W<-di..-aday li
Tl*” . hangc

Florida and escape the nmBg

.1 at;ny at 1 and ni-.ull :g h-r n
Fiona Is I.nI.W0 men. wbl<
d.msml for additi.mal a-,
‘imr-ased as foilon'a: -1
-4-I.O.O, see..nd reserve. I
shorn are Invlrurj.d ,n nu
and a ihinl
,-i >. .it-,,
whtrh arehaj Inalnired..

pmgrensivs dairyman.' He

tVbea the. first' P°»P

rnak ef primpw:t<irs to Micblpieuton'be-[P-'*'*'gaa ahs'caught the fever.

tMan All«T. '

E-Z. Nichols, proprietor of the Hird-

! Ukc fsra. says the Uillsdsle Uemo^-

MUa Jobnaon of Cleveland.says n paper;'"I* * cream
ef Ganit St«. ^Marle.

op mi: a

b,- ».Johl.-.r afmy- Th
n II.V pr.ivinre of h.ii
Ely In II..- I
•rivej«.nd,UK t



that war is far laaa an ceil than di>-



He proicu.

id!t wzei, fieeips,


To Florida Tin **The Xmad sd tte

Commerce vaw
in OperatiOD.

ses thU «U7 wilt XM bo-koows u •

Mnmi£ OF


ncy of theintafn

for tftS It

dogiM* UwB. tfae SodU Su. Merie
^ aeren dog* of nil ngen. eexea nnd kino*


Senor Tmnclnre Dm*, the reporter cd
the DdIob Coutlttntoaal. «bo la anld
lo ha»-e sJvrli a
of Ifae nlleced
•Iter to a Journal corrrepondenl



Have Not

Already decided upon your wheel for this

season, let us show yon the:

nall.'to: l.xause Srwin. In us- .<
snver.'l^n will and foil, wing the
ge«ll-'n*<if Ihe Unlt.-d state* go.
me*l. has granted to the peopi
C*ul« all the 3llM-rile« eoir.|.altMe
ihe hlrtorical rights of Spain ov*a
Island of t'uliB. as rvcramliPd by all
civlllacd nations, the rimed ptal-y in­

Toledo. March lS.-Ei'-F*cr.-iary of
th.- Treasury Cbarfes Foster jy.rtrrday
ive a newspaper Interview <m the Con altuBllon-as 'The decision
for peace or war rvwlly lies with Rpaln.
Rhe musi u>cepl-eur lni.-rvcntl<>c It
Cuba, or she nruat declare war. I aff
Mttgly In favor of .l..lng II l.y the recilii-.n of thr,republic of Cuba aa a
free and Indepenitem fiat

WaahlngtoFi. I presume, will d..
If a preliminary r x.ri bad
>gi..n, rap.
rD,.‘taijipaon appitenlly ki lew nothing
Favurabte wIB to Opea r'p.
pruve.', dl: rIbuUoti of dry gooda clothMHwtnkee.March U.—AFeatinal
inal ape-) tng, millinery.
lyai'Tb* cultural tmplenienU
rial from Macklnawaiy.Mlch..saya:'Tba«F
sKd nearly all otb
Jtopon Again.
■ora Rvldewos Thu «
outlook Is for the earliest opening nf ' er fdmtlnc siat.le articles of: IF.*.* a. n.
I. March !».—It ttASaerted that,
navigation ,.n rac.rt.
Tbera la no* ! cor.LmHlln
W-ri-.l. rallzed weatern prcA-lncva havopen water u-tween here. Hi. lgna« i farmifig communliy\
*-• " i
Havafio. March IS.—Hair Thursday
1 r-iclflrd. G.-neral Blanco
and Mackinaw island; fmm McOnlpIn's
The movemeut of iron and atari la es. ' “'«*>' • correspondent saw Don FratiI starting on exlen^ve operations
^int. W.iugoshamv on the west, and t pe. lolly large, but without effeef on '
<*« ^ Banlrw-Ouaman. to whom
eighty battalions and large vol^iwecn hert and I*o1m Sable. Lake -pricea, whi.-h are generally very firmly i Gefiefal Weylcf la alleged m have writ■""™
I t-la. on.,
s of the ’
e .New- York
Jolinial. appareutly auggeatlng the de^y
Old WlM
la t*hyri;eton n.w4.
Btructlim of the United Stal.-s. battleMwTh IS.—Tha log careala unprec-d.nted totals of exWaterford, WIs.. March 1»—Dr. Ooo.
ablp Ualna. . The former prviidenl «f
the cortva -waa much aurprlsed whan 6. New«a one of ibe best kDownpracasked had rM*Ived such a letter. tllli> In aoulhwesterii
boats and a steel monitor, which warn |
fallorea In tbe United Btetea
town to the Washington oOkUls by this week number m. aw acalnat MT Heaald: *1 bare not taceived any fibch died yesterday at Rocheatei. agad H
waa a native nf Vermont and A
aI* Alexander UcDougall.
^^wIll last week 231 tn th* correapnodlng week letter from OonataS Weyler. and for
iHer of the that reaaon It la ImpoMble that any
kotfirn «o^T. It la undentnad. ^Ilh '
I IteC and :l: In m&.
Re waa p
one could h,
Mraeta for tbe two torpedo boote.
It la Ikaofilc dnda*.
lFvm.ine. -t am tgonrant

- >•*'•* ol'tr. n I


h.dw- wh.. werebts‘1
twK-tanl BlUiude. When ask.-d as i
|.res.-nt war preparallons and the
p.x-t ,.t a forl'Icl belweenaibe I
States and fi|«in he said:
”1 do not l-.-’.leve ih.Tv Is to h* a
ni.-l betwrenthel'nltedStal-sand 'p.tln
Ih of
«. the ,-iOry I
i. h that

The Columbia frame, whether ch'iio or chainless,
is made of five per cent, nickel steel tubing, (the
only bicycle in which nickel steel jis nsed.) The
Hartford frame of <^rbon steel. If the Colombia
is not the most satisfactory wheel to boy, why is
it fhat tbe man or woman who has bwo^ a Col­
umbia’. in the majority of cases, is seldom-quite ,
Mtisfied with any other wheel? When you havi
invested tbe first price in one of these f^rless
wheels, you need not be put to further expds^
Your wheel will not be in the repair shop every
few- weeks, because It: is made trf, stand all kinds
of t»e. The chainless can be used in all kinds of
weather. For durability, for completeness in de­
tail, they are excelled by none Every bicycle is
fitted with tbe New Departure brake.

That no one can
a Columbia or Hartford
cheaper than yon, and when yon are the owner of
one you will not wish you had bought some other
125 Front St

Jas. G. Johnson.




ibsi iw atm pubUr baiUliw. U Cftntt
»in Ml arremRHdAte all of tb» f«d«far
efllc*#. nnd that the powmRKnt moat
P«j^ mil for offi

OtMral Alger’s Health ContinuM unu»
to Improve.
B« b OaIto

CAlWeue -Dartar Um B«caaiwru—.wtUi Via
War PiaparaMaM-rCorito. A«>aMUaa
taapii TTiai Ur Cia«Ma«Mia—Wa a>Talaa~Olbar Ka«n> Iraro tk* CapttaL

WBAhlnKicn. Manli U.—Ornrral'aiftr thrlvra cB a-*rwork and hla health
baa Improred r\rr alnce ibr war clous
•raar. Re haa bees aitendloR to buat'
B*aa with
biwlnruUke actlvlt}- anS
WUb hla ruatomary virility.
■tba exciUna momenu of the paat t*c
weeko hi- baa tfeeD aa'calin and collect
•d la dameamir aa thouab be had been
aecreiary of «ar for many >-»ara
army rxpc-rlcnrr haa proved to be
wable to him* He knowa every branch
•t tbe a-ar department, and the di
af every ofllrial of the . de^rtmenL
Mwice. be makea no mlatakra; not ever
In minor detalla. -All of tb.e army offloera have cunfldriicc In him. aa the\
woold not hav( in a drllian aecretary


y. £H



0!^^“ buii^.

'(Irtiilty has bet-n of the ulmuat convei
tcme to him.” said a newspaper man
10 me. tbe other .day while we'were
alandlns In the houae corridor. Ibe
renlleman referred to was a Hellknown member from New York.
was altilnc iiftlaltolm Hay's <iinne
day when he was nrwc aaatsuni
when -General
-ham came In and commenced to
to Hay In hla urjal Insicuatina.
conndemial manner. It was evidently
about some appointment; lor Mr. Ray.
rafeina hla vtAce to reply, laid: '1 have
looked this matter ^1 over. Kenerel.
and 1 really ebn't And a plate tor your,
man. I'm sorry.-bin it's no uae.-and I
Ihink we must let tbe matter drop.'
"Ketcham. who bpd been aittins With
hla hand behind hu deaf ear. Immedi­
ately replied; 'I.-bt very much ohiired
to you Mr- Hay. I kiiew you would do
the l-eal you ctiulfl for me, Iwl 1 had no
Idea that y^ou would make' tbe appolnl
- •
the y - i COUll
>f a man he
ns apfiolm-

Haw York Lawyer Cats • Probt*
bis DsstheWound as the
Wages of Sin.


imooa Aim LAwna

tlTisiia Bwis tiM WsrS sf aeasasrtap
Ibe Medlee or (he baal.
Cailcaao.-Hareh It-Tbe beat newa
of the Are that caused such dealrumlon
of lire Wednewlay U that MIsa Carney,


utarcad wHh KUsapIs* (be CatM mt a
DiVMVWd CssalA.

New Departurei

■Weel AnprHor. n’1a..Marchlt—/odee
Bmltb. of Um- supeHor ronn. y esterday
the arrest of Jt
sad Attorney J R Arnold, charslna
them with ntiaiiirary In ktdnoplns the


coolnem saved a number of tbe
i> the’ buttdlnc at tbe Ume of Sre. child of Dr. and,.Mra. F. P.'Williams,
t |j»e ber own Itfe. as was flrat who w-ere nhcntly dlvorred. Hutchins
reportrd.ito a result of herhemlan. Oth- and Arnold appear, d for the respecilve
Mck aa opportoaitr to eooault bta
mta AaSOLD HAS IIEB BBVEJOI er than trim the oullo.*laonebf horror. ]
At the Ume
that cannot sea him at hla Sanitarium.
v—rV by.
Ww I.1.^ Am- I
mins of work
I O^iirrl;
child was
the devw^ was rranled il
Tb« doalor baa ao
lailB in tba
mornlns there were; ordriwd taken ti. the W O
experience be has bad In treatiaff
I. m. a body and has been there slnre.
m Mis atatm* with
chronic diseases that bb will rive one
1 a^dty burned as to t>a U
Yesterday II w-as agreed
I moaUi'a treatment and medicine free.
«B« Her, I

was rer-overed,
rer-overed. but It wai
tmrvnts of. the .hlld. the
" i
Also yegg srgciCAi.opKaaTTOir« TO
1 nixed as that of W. J. Wilcox.
T*. inwi IOC CO..W ...oeo. -V
lets Isis Ula>-(Hst9 sf tbs Mas aad - of ,he Olmsted rompapy. The rrmalna
r pareniv of Iir. Wllllama but the
^e aaka in return U that
Ate# Tiwl IWM by(^ihsKaBsaa Whs. of a woman were also found and tdenitlomeys took H upon thrmTOlvrt | „
to thetf friends
Baadtad lUs MsvsIrsR.:^ \
I tlfled as tboae of Ura. M. B Harrls.who
--------- .w. -U..B fpom the bom*.
treatment. '
New York. Jdarch If.-V* a^-otlBk of fad been but a short time In tht city.
lulled In Aheir arrest.
IAU forms of chronic diaeaaea and de»dfayetle R. Beritley, a thB^cr. In bis comtnx from Cedar
I*- H.
I formiUea treated.
No man in tbU,
la Uw Rsvwlae MUshilpp' War.
city by- a woman naniril >->r-old' boy ^tdenUAed hU mot-..
[Bute baa had such extended Cxpb
Orenada. Mlaa.. March U.-Alexai
race in the treatment of CATARSff.
AudenoD. a young pegro,' attacked a gy
ach.-.1 ffirl. Three hours later he was p IS&ASeSa
S aa tbe doctor. He ffradohere rocently. Wm. J. Montan. who ccj.
Thorb.wn; Solomon
•cupkd lb* offi(-e with Bcckley. bad *one c.rQllman. 'Sr., and hla mh, Sohonon hange
Into an adjolninc room when Mr*. Ar-. Grollman. Jr.. afld'Wtwntf W. Tceple.
tiee; after that lectnrcd aa Profesaor
nold entered. Ha. heard Mrs. ■ Arnold By strange ci<lbcldrn<e the fate of H.
- of Anktoray and Physiology in Detroit
Btvklry . quarrellnit. and Jbrn a I. Nelson, chebtif'
*’• *•
Homeopathic Medical CoUege for J
pistol shoe after which Itr^kky- threw su^ company, was for.-lold two WM-ka
years; was 3 years Sapenatendent ot
Ihe ddor betw-een lhe-i*o rooms ago. Kelson was' ohe son-ln-Iaw- -*
1 Ypsilanti Banitariuma.
turped: '-Hhe's klllril me! Hatch George A. Fair,
ience, combined wriih many
. .
She got away dim-n the elevator:” theater.
in the tMt ftoapiUla iA
Morgan asslKd Ib-ckloy t.i a loungc.uni
log and treatiifflie boy to summon an am- Kl Krir
le street, and »rw. .X iscn. in jest.
,1 feelli
•Hug of wearmitj—la
Sure. <I..iag kh.........
thouaaada of
lie caack,' baa
......................._iried after tbe woman. Mrs. bad her Mttune tola
-V..U wm w a •videpoeof k Idns* and bls^idcr ironbla. | prepared him to cuire when the treneral
Arnold had already succeed, d In reach- widow Inside of a" were the Take Utah Kidi
idnejf Beans at onoc—they practitioner failt. Have you been Mck
Ing the Btreel. Morgan caught sight ominous-words ..f the stranger. Mrs. will curs you -ibr.v hare cared ihnva- {nr yearaf
Are yon diBConragedT
woman, and calling a polK-eman Nelson and her husband Joked about anda of ntbeys
1 Mt; TriuKS s or Phil- ] r.mii and aec
will tell y
caused hcram-ia
Rhe was taken bark the dire predicUon. Wednesday It be­ Al>D.i'ma makef'Mb Ktdn. y Hesaa
ll the offit*. where Bcckley IdcoCined came a reality.
_________ __
-jBiy Ck-rk oi Hws«.ao Icnre yonjwe will tell yon what relief
Three and mangled bodies
Telbihsgmry of lbs s^ssUsgt
In all were taken from the ruins YesterAfler (he w-.nnan bad been takenasray day- Are. This brings the tuimher of
1 absolutely free-^cdicinea, aurijicatt-^
ficckley mid bis iwiin.r of the lOuioi- known dead to six. while twenty per.........................- ------------■ operationa,'and the benefit of aU our
Ing. but said nothing of the causes that sons are »oW rep.rted pilaslng. The
skill to all who are too poor tu pay.
led up to it- -When t braird Mrw. Ar- bodud recovered have been Idemifted
Our methods of treatment is aU that In
JoKXHOK. Ompgiat.
lid wanted to see me." he said. "I aw Charles A. Prier. Heno' K Nelson
known by all the acboota. srith the aid
nt sway the«^ woman who hid and Mra M. C Harris, all employed by
of electricity, that most wonderfnl of
cn In my office and sent the office boy tbe W. A. Olmsted company.
Taneria Uttts Uvar
»tt ageoU in Paralysis, Loss of Power,
swsll triu. Turn rour Utri
It of the Arnold Uk*^ a
--------------------Rheumatism, and all diseases of the
A* sfu-rdlaiM-r fill.
ehalr faring me WhV-had a fur amund
hrr neck and carried a muff inherband.

This prevented me seeing what aM was
Tfcw Ohio house defeated a l-eept per
______ rdbTswio^trBUm. miMcsrsd ta
doing with her bands. I have had trou. mile railway fare bill by a vote of 41
Ym $ to 3D days wtiboai tto bslfa. Foasals
tile with h.-r-for moniha, and she bka to M.
threatened .ire Iwfore. but when ^Mie A mOTemeot has been atarM at Rui
Attorneys at Law.
-wrae In today-ubc kas very dulet and Claire. Wls., to noratnate W. K. Coffin
>•(«■ IB Haeugns block. Tiswnss City. lOeh. tto dociorV dlnciloa. Term* foe Msed sad
seemed to have no Idea of bamlng Be. for m«ror on the Rcpulillcan ticket.
Mean! (We Clkk sf B ■-vslwr.
f John R-Fear, city auditor Of BurltngCe had been Ulktng for a few Bln- tonVla- haa dlsappeaicd, leaving «
Reradffiber. we give • w
w hen sbe became exrltrV and be- atalement thaFRe is K.MW abort in bis
antee to core every case o
gan t4 threaten tne. At the axmr time acrounia.
RUPTURE. Also,*. ”
she threw- aside her coat and put her'
Three of our eight mi.nllors — tbe
boBpital dcpart.raent
right hand In her muff. Just then 1 Csnonli-u«. Msbupgc.and I>hlgh —are
ium. Send for Jonn
heard a faint click like Ihe ctwklng of uaelcaa and cannot ba put ID cuadltlon
Spcctsl St
■ rev.ilver InslJe her muff. -What have for aervtee
ycu got Ihcrer I asked. As 1 salA this
Renalur Thurston has arrived at IO.Mcrcsmu« Co Boek

before k
remark by .the dlMlnptilabed
oa aside from aentailvc.could lnlerp<ri(e any ol'}eci{. n
10 seek lecla- Ketyham went li» tbe door and brouRhi
of the term in a flne-lDoklnp younx mnn. whom be
tatlon for \he
«r (v'nareosmen from two years
presented re the astonished Mr. Hay as
pears It la not difficult to Induce me
......... appointed
bers of the huuae of.ieprcacntailvew
luna man was profuse In his
suiiport such a measure, but It >1111 miUud, . Is>th to Mr. Hay and to Hr.
never, be adopted by the s.mate. and. i Ketrham . and the latter smiled all over
thiedfore,' It wtl! r.,it bc-ome a lak.jhia fai-e In runtemplatlon of the *ood
Rewaiiaper men who alt In the paller- 1 he had i! one. Hay was In a dilemma.,
year after year know pcwUahly bet
for his clerk and had a brief
than the le.iple at home know that but earnest <onveraallon with him
. B yrsiw Is Ion* enuuRh fur the.av^t' Then he (urned to the youn* man and
told him to come down the nex
appointment .would be ready
me. there arv* exceptlonx Such Keli'ham shook hands w ith the first as­
Turn Reed. Joe t'annon. J. C. sistant posimasiee- peneral. ihankef
..................j. Bam Ptepbenson, and dave him (or bis kindness, assured him thai
Henderson bucht te be kept In tbe
liouse of representatives aa Ion* as they
pill serve
Rut tlic avera«r cuu*ress. led by i
man bis as he may appear at borne. Is
a small iN.iato In Waahln*ton. where
There Bre"\bree niemb.Ts ^
they nrb up ayalnst the brichtest Iniel- delecstl.m who are cintlnWSnT playla*
leeta In thja counto'
Two years la
Jokes on each other. They live
anoupb ,for a ccnyresalonst ’ term and
me hotel, and lUa fart enabler
It nu*hl not to be prolon*ed.
work their lltOr sihenies on
Pertaloi UiUlltan la d<ilns a work eath other to far better advaniaxe.
«r crest Interest to the niatrlct of Co­ Tbe other evenin* a eard was br«u*hl
lumbia. He la securln* an' apptv-prlathe pMOwsaar of one of the brixhlcsi
tton for the jiurpioe of ItUertn* the mud
lellects thsi ever srintlllated In th'
house, which bore the name of Lillian
Ve pn'w fellows are oldleed to use for Mpnimorency.
T^ouxh abe .was un­
dfinkln* i>urr«»rs
The Potomac rlv- known to him. tbe hnnora'ole 'represen­
mx la one of the muddiest streams In the tative Immediately repaired to tbe par­
world at times. It ernes to us from thr* lor. where hr found a youn* woman ol
Allecheny mountains. , Heavy
rains prciHissessInK apiwaiance and Ane nswash down the nrnuntaln sides and Jire. I
-dreased and perft.-rtly- at east
culches. and the ri\er Iweymes a alu|c*Uh muck of y'ellowlah' fluid. It la
' You .don't know ITie. air.-' she laid,
pumped Into rcscrwilrs and we «frlnk "but I m a.iinc to iiland you up liKhl
tl and cook with It
It ou*bt to Iw flU
I l«loneed to a iheatrical
teed, and Benalor HcMinan has ae- party which went lo'pleces In (Th'liSuro.
cun-d an appropriation of tiJKb fi r the t bad Just money enouah to biin* me
punsMw of havlnic exp<Tts examine and bne. and now I'm stranded. 1 want
CeiKtrt to conxreaa how to flUer II.
back to New Yhrk and Irate
(be i«-o'clock train
To do that l-musi
No RIevr od Harbor MIIL
There wilt be no river and harbor ap- 'have some money, and I wwi
t me have IIO.-'
propdatlon hill and puhib works will
able statesman was i
be sadly nealecfed on that acoount foi
frankness of
the next year In many places. B|o«kci
the y ounr woman and the vxtenl of her
Reed hns derided that. there shall b<
an spproiiriatJon made for rivers ant requesif He looked at bci closely and
bartKirw. and Ibe senate has cunriuded. •he seemed Is he (ellln* the truth. His
Refore be
to concur in tbe decision. jUthou*ti tbe band went Into his po<ket.
IBMnbers 'of the tv>mmUlee on rivers drew It out. however, be said: "I'm
rrr for you. ray dear yonnx
-and lArlKi's have been anxious to
and 1 wl>l help you but there
■ bill.
lany demands up. n me that 1
Moreover, tbe senate 'commute.
don'l f I ilui I can afford to'rive you
I will *ive you fk. bow-ever. on
condition. My ...lleapue, Mr, M..
klso a representative from my state. li
s will be tefl to tbe care of mother atopplria in this hotel, and I want «-nu
In aend your card U> trim. Hr la a very'
Conicrrssmati William Alden Bmllh henevetent *entyrnan and can afford
II said t.> have lieen in poor health fn assist you. 'Tou tell him that 1
srhilr In Havana on a^vunt of the nve’ *r«. and that at! you want
malarial -condition of that plare. The from him is *10. and hCU'alve II to you
at once Then you will have snme-m•otixTesSlnnal party dewcribes "Ha'
tie mon«ar when you aet tp Nes York
bsrbor as a cesspool full of mlasn
In keep you uniU you Strik. anotber
AstOstam Becreiary of the .Treaaurr enaaxemenf
■iwldini;. a Hlchlmn man who Prndera
» esi IS the Other MsMWr.
the m.vemment extelh-nl service. i«yt ' He Jh.-n save the lady a tt Mil and
that the trsaanry offirials are tbnrough- left her.
Immediately sent her
ly In sympathy with Hie movement
card to the honorable M., who rvsimndprovide ample ttsm and eitra facffl
ed with consldersl.1.- alarrtly. and to
tnr the exhibit of Amerit-an ■on. a!i the him sbe ^old the story of ber belns
parts exporiUoB.
stranded, only she added that she had
Will Make Oar Pa»p]s KIrli.
with her a mother and iw-o sisters who
A S|*eclal cntnmliles' haa bscn hers also had to Ret hack to New York.
’recently untitig »l«n c-ongreaa that a r>he fnl os-ed the Instructions and>aH
that Mr M.'a rollessue had *lven h<-i
t-d, and all She wanted from Mr M
r hums-.
that com
was no
Mr M made the aame ple»
ome Inlmducsd
that hla colleasue had made as to the
Cvpted liy the peoiiii
fr.vyion.T of demands u|<nn hIS purwe
ami added that-he only bad a »S Mil
in makiiur <>ur i>eu|ilv nrii
lU(v abmiidsni rr< tis. and Kump
I with him H. rave her Ijiat and said
r farmers ‘ If she w^ld lall next da^-'hr would
pros|e-rcua piic^a
■'Clve bef iRe other U.
Everytsdy In Waahtnrton who knows'' -Itui.'' he added. You -kapt to *0
anyUilnc atiout - Mirhlsan affairs, or . horn.- tonlcht*''
who <«o have any- inRuence there i«m-'
"W ell.“ rejoined the lady. ”I can stay
IcaMy Terelve* marked co|4es of the as | as you with. If you will only
'Hamelotia Herald every week. -The make li an oh}e<i,''
paper manifestly runs off of a hot
-Whsi d.. you mean— asked
. prrm, tml Is warm even when ft ; -.-D-ressroan. openins blaryes with aairai-her Washiniriun
Captain Albert Pew of Grand Rapids.
me a poMMaa
.bne .y the pioneers of wealsm Mk-hf
•hf trigone of thfi^
ih<< deparlmenta''
■an. -k h..- Ik now one of
-Ob. nu.” said Mr M"My good
- do«.rVwiN‘rs of the senate, la one of tht girt you (lad lielier go hark to Nsw
buklesi men In the C*
He hai York than slay h'-re In a gift-emmenl
Char«e of lh> riimmlltee Pe.m of Bea- office.''
•for Burrows. «nfl Is there nn duty ev.
Vsa (toad (a Keep.
_bry -morplna le-fnre the senate meets- '
Tbe ik-, thanked him kinilly
^When the auausi iMd) la called
aid and took ber de|«rlurs.
T> • day I
............. - Bight the threw congrewsin'nal frtsada
takes hIs stand inside the ^nate lobby wsrs at the theaiere-*nd belwvl-n the
■nd guards the disW nppnrilr Ihe room ' acU. the one U|K»n whom the lady had
Of nie vice president until the senate | first called, and whom I will designate

as Mr .C-. w ho of course bdArved that
' Ihe fair supp:uni had manag{;d Tn ggj
op wTTI-yidWbly ae­ tIO out «f M.. while be hlmsclf^liad imly
on for ^isu-am
Bisu-am fog
f» been mulcted for t&. couldn't rs^l tell­
ntgoal at Uuxki^D Orngresj^an Hep-. ing tbe story- in tbe third, whom I will
bum of 11
Birman of tw- cominlt- tall ,B. M. then (old bis story to B.
and all laughed heartily.
"Stnee there Is to be no river
Finally B. said; "W'elL you fellowa
bor apiiropriatlon bill the c
have lieen nlceljr sold.
That young
deems It only fair and proper
came on wlih roe from New
n bin as Congreaeman Hixhnp urges' York
I've known >ar
favorably considered kod ^: rsmlty
IBOOI, fur
«U( M long
lOHS -lU.
time, and have been
trying to secure her a
ifal po
ive worked so well ' sltl. r. I aunceOed last week, and when
■nd bate given such astlsfarilvn that j I went home 1 hmughl ber back on
gn effor) Is now lielnx raadc lo eecure ; the same train Though »n* of. (he
■n appropriation which will provide for : m-M estimable girls In the werid she
forty nmrv t-uoy* of the same kind. It I Is full »f fun, aniS t put np the Job that
la quite likely that the appraprlaUoa i she shuald call un yon •nd Ull yon tbe'
will be Vnadr.
.theatrical story. I'm glad to find U>M
Tbe atiperrtaln* ar^lleel of tbalaha auixaedad ac well.'
tmaur ftu Npert^ to tbe •

- —-------





... e u,,




s A Falr*mVnl7er Tthr^-hlll^



rU .H.-t—rimb..,. I.H



o.. ...ti.-orw




ahe got up and stOiid In front of me and
drew a revolver from her. muff- Before
!d get out of my chair or move to
drfend myself she had pushed the mut- ■
ale agiilPBt my atdomen and fired.'' Me'
then told how. before be tv uld lake Ibe
pclier auny- the woman had ffred
again, atrlking him In tbe shoulder.

wllh tbe body- ..f Mrs.
Thurstcui who died at Ragua la Grande,
Cuba, on HoDdsy laai.
chill haring a -little misunderatand»llh'l»« will aell-the
y„,||„hip o'fligglns tn nellbrr the
Cnlied Slates Rt«ln.
admiral BermeJ,


ter of raann .has ■
uf the torpedo flollIlB
lo pr«c-ddc Itavm
verdict fortT&.OOO
D sv>c(Jed Ihe Amwtrdn ftbok
any sgaiOBt ;he Klngd-im imbllsbompany. uf Minneapolis.
V. Kamwei G. Bettes, the cowboy
her. is going to the Klondike. He
Vork along the way
n hla rollc.l.ohi
a fi
and w-iil -irf.-nd u

CassgM liMkIcy wllh nm Balalag sad
ThM DcBcrilBg Hsr.
At tbs'pollrc sUlion to Wbirh Mra
Arnold was lakm after the shooting
the u-nman said: "My nsm'- Ib Oort
Esgltium. hui I hs»» liecn kii-wti as
bnia Arnold, i hops'! have killed him.
I was bom in Buffalo 3u year* ago H>
paicRis i-amc- fnmi Ucivtushlre. Eng­
I auppori
myself by keeping
Iktarders "
iiadc you Bbuol hlmr asked '
Ihe acrgianl.
■-IlfcBuse -that man'- ruined me bodj- ;
and soul." she replied.
"He rubtied
me of-my money: he robbed me of mv
husUnd. Afier nine years I found'i.ut
the other day that thU man Berkley
bad Mouxled an.ilher woman. I went
up there and asked him what hr Jntended to do
He said nothing, and I
he would tv-grei II. 8u iiAay I
re ami shot him.”
as vrusl.' she cohllnued. '1
hope hr Is dead. .Nine ywara ago my
husband and myself lived in Mlrhlcan.
dei-lded to move here, and I .amt
(bile h-e stayed behind to dispose oi
e property- To support myself I
opened n boarding house and Beckley
tiK.k a n~iui.
We gradually becam*
friendly. He was maiTled a year rgo.
but he ki-pt me in Ignoramw of it right
Blnnc- I beard only by accident thai h*
manird. for he never Intended 1
Bhoufd know,"
The woman's ^prlhctpal anxiety wa«
to disciver whether tbe man was dead
and she frruu.-ntiv expressed a hope
that be was Beckley's wound is a vary
sri-ious one.

T*kK8. HOLUIMY A VlLttKldl S' B. I
LJ l>dsi.T«ml.iUBlrmUy. J. B. Wilbt
U. U. tlnivMwlTy Ptos OSmIb Hnmaa BJ
- »0(. l*.

Snail Ripids S lodiui 1.1

I'osBiy 4'«*now. Offie* Fi

.1, 0-s±-iasEEte“'”“‘w^

!i-)-ear-old eon of John H FaXer.
of Jsnesvtlle. VVis.. awaa.«wcd a capaule conulnlng W 'luorlde of mercury.
and wat only saved by vigorous medlIreaimeni
Senafor Srtrwart baa given notice of
an amendmeni he will offer to the
ippcorrlatlon bill pr
slrucllcn of elghlrein coast defenae monitors
Lydia Matteson MiGInnlS aged C. X < ply A Lao.
au^i. fr(di
Ife of John MiGInnls. Jr. of New
York, is at Paris.
Shg was a
Trotsoanieolnm CtaaaoatU. Ofwsd Bag
daughter of ibe late Governor Joel A.
_____ yv Wayne,O:
Matteson. of IlUnola.
^ toy^t
L'alted mates court at Gal­
— properly. I'ederwoed A I'whir. Attorveston. Tex.. Sve Cblnamen were xdTroretweCllj, Hleb.
SR-Apell IS.
,jdged to be In the t'niled Sialea conO-t-UJOKWOOU O.P.A, ana. BmA.
ewB KENT-Para. ullb toaa. tools, soed,
trary to the provisions of thr Gray acl
X etr. Bcfreeace reoulred. Agoodckaoee
They were ordered depirted.
Tomas Estrada I'alma. brad of tb*
Osibaa reiwliion In the United Biatea.
Sssned a |>rocIamstluB again de- TTT-ANTED-Sow alU et
W Cuy Laabrr Co. 271
elkrlng thai Uie rebels will never accept
i-ept Culian Independence.
■^ggycK L^M
000(0 HonK.
tViple's Aavings bank at Mount
ni>Mtrh.. which suspended last
VBg CLESKIKR —Lady of eroerieoe*
nd is now In the bands of re............. ...
naa robbed Monday night
ply to Rertod OSe*.
The thieves secured 'K>.C(K Id bonds and
troo In .cash
-CTOTKL rot tlALg—Bnul
XX sllfarau
Sllfarau ed. |l(u>: or toUdlsg alooe,
btXA Loeated oo rroai sliWet. Trweeiwe City.
Rev E Edwards, pastor of iba Bog
aieeS. *I« leet
•isb Baptist church at MinersTlIle. Pa.
(rout to loi feet desg. All Is Ibe bean of Ito
mtoMsay Has MMsg.
Then sofferibff wUh rhenpalkira.
Madrid. March ». — A terrible
try ChsmUriaib's
Pain Trwrerse Uly, Hick
advlse.1 to ir‘'‘■
plosion touk place yesterday In tbe Balm; Me aai
•A few sppllratlons




unstn ill wnnunu LI


... Vd':._____

Banta Isabel mine at Delmes. pruvlnce
of Cordova.
Sixty ebrpses have al­
ready been recovered and many men
ferer prcfll by giving Pain Bsli
are as yet unarcouoied tor.
KlDgston. Jamakd.
via Bermuda. llwHIn’eMrine.'' For sals, bjr 8. E
Mseeb 1».-A dyaaralle exploaloh ti«ik Wall. Draggist.
plaiv yisierday rooming tn tbe goveri
sb.rehouse ou
Montego fas.
Waril CauenaoiEight nun were killed and many In­
WAKD'No. I, '
ingion, Marrb
—Tbe bouw Upwaee Hsll. Com scseei.
loih’r day on th# p.wtofflce ap­ Maiek tt MB. to TdOe'rioel
propriation blir but only dls|K>se
two pages of the b.1I. Must of tbe day
IL ^ i inox.
wa* devoted to a debate on the m
uf the |iaeumB((r tube mall •crvice'ln
New York. B->slon. and PblUdelpbla.
a is Ward Nn twill tie
and thr advlaablUl)- of riintloulng tbe
u^. It. n'a^'a.eBsii'

any permor. to ' F«a’' the malls during
the period vrben The malls are belnx
weighed to determine thr cumiwnsatlon
to U -fiald to the rallnads for Ibrlr
■Doaih of E..Uep»Ba...;n;nr..d—,.
Chicago. March Ik—Bx-Repreaentatlve Cbas. W'. Woodman died yeaterday
IB l-agin insane asylum BIncv last Octo­
ber. he had suffered fram parcali
liroBghi on UY the rupture of a bloadvessel In (be brnin. In U»l be was sent
to congrt-aa .by Ihe Rcplfblleana of tbe
Fourth dutrict. serving one
« fsr Tostol to^cw
mlltce iin postufllcwB a
hearing on Tu.
Iboto opposed lo the postal aaInga- back project,
can be scut to Reprtosntative
waU. rbalnnan of tbs mb-eeaz

r. BAgrtNUA
r. t. URBU___
#ARD No. t
ar W»nl oSJeeB is •
_______ik'KhBdek Baltdlsg.
B-Ulh Mreela. oa ToeBdsy *
liSs.airAia'rtoek. ^ ^ ^

mlaate raadi
I Kn IwiJ to
nee L'sloa -od

draslarroM Btreel. g U AUyn aSTAI
2^ArLSWOODfor«al*. TioreiseCity !.»■-

n^ilXIO rVBW-Oo. KO-U- B-l—O.

laUWrraf C.C. Hooo. tto dfayas Sto I

H foil Want rottrEfesEiamiiieii
i. 1. Ginllitt. IB k|l. til tods.

tiXO I
O. H. t

WABP No. 4
a RepwMt(wa e
4M lor Ward ei
Mato. W. L

r. m MtiTH.


UtoCtoUdBy wUtoUu ^


( Tsossioeaiy. tUehlgaa^to ty.
SmM aboMd^'to srA tor tto
•awalsgToaraad tor tto ' na......... ~ •( pnra

«. w; (lOOTOiM,






"nie Six Rear Admirals of tiie
American Navy,

Auxiliarv Fleet Will Enrage the
r ,



lar AdnUnb KirkUod, MiBcr. Soml, Muthew., Noctoo
and Buoce—CommodoR, Vbo ViU SucRcd
Them When Tbqr Are Retired

Paneager S^satoabipt That Regularly
Havana Harbor
May Poadbly Go Hmtc at Aimed Cnuscrs ol
Unde Sam's Nary.

tCo,»rt«bt. im.J
.n«vy yarti, Kltwry. Ma.: «ormAB H.
Skar In Iha United Bute* na-rPnniuhar. eommandant of the Norfolk
vy ta ntlied at the ncF of C or nfler U ' navy yard. Portamoolh.
■ooth. Va; J. Crltyanr*' oenice—that la. the retirement: tenden Watoon,
'atoon, preeldent of the Naval
ia tmimntlve
itlre whfn bef ‘bad lived, two j home at.........................

Phlladeipbla. .
r U be an- ' Scott Schley.
C«red the naval aerHce. aa aome have ! Commodore UcKaia.- who becomee a
te ace <
............................. ......... ... ........ ...
retired llat.
■« be deoliea. when be land or the precedinc death of any oth.
admiral and who may poaalbly
IhiiiBC the civil War the blsbeal natn- aucceed Sicard. thouKh there la a probad poaltloo wna that of admiral, held ahlllty of Ounce taklny command of
am by rarrwjnji and aubaequeotly by : the Florida flolllla In cnae of emeiren.
David D. IVrter. when tbe ctadc waa . cy. waa bom in Pennsylvania In 1818
abolished. The next waa that of rice and irradualed from the Naval academy
admiral. Ural held by Porter and then In 18$,. He was .still a midshipman unby Stephen C. Itowati and abolish^ at; d«r Parracul In 1K8. but was made a
decease oftbe latter. As Rowan ' lieutenant In IM! for braveo*. ran thr
antlel at VIckaburs and waa promotd 1.; th* trade of Heuleoanl command,
r. Hli acuvity. hla mince and hla
------------- _....... ......................- .
, -lerttorious services dlsllncuiahed him
raentar trades. The rank of rear ad- : In the ddntmiaa Ulaalaalppl warfare,
inlial. which Is ndw the hlthest—tbe I He took part In tbe aaaauU on Fort

(Copnichi. UM.1
Tbe New Turk and Cuba Hall Steam,
lied -atenta" but probable owoeta.
James R. Ward « Co., has lately come
Us direct, constant and extended connecUon with aU tbe commercial and
manilme Inlerests of Culw and this
country and has been ttveu a peculiar
slcnlflcance as a |««alb)e determinate
factor in the future developtneats of tba
Cuban rebelUon


18C hr has served on various
The retired
has the iipmes of :» rear admirals and stations and at navy yards In Itn ha
tan coa&odore
lodores. The most notable'la- was made commander and waa ordered
the TantJe.
'of the r<
former Is Thomas O. SeU
of tbe old
ujB. U.E— aucb a sad
ive both held tAie only four yeara ace on Koncador

waa ordered t<;,Alare Island. In Itn
yaan olA The yeuncer. who was rewas cromoled to a- captaincy and
t^-i few weeks aco. on Feb. i. has
a raacnlflceni war record from IH1 .lu- placed In comroandH>f tbe Omaha. From
IKS and la capable of much active serv. | two l<> ItM hewaalncbanre of the Na! val observatory In Wasbincton and waa
• Asutic squadron. ”
Another famous fishier.
sironc t
0 be also
UUrary procllvlUes. Is Bear Admiral
dmiral ' >>8*
:« years J•I'k diplomat,
•tephea B. Luce,
Ia>cc. wbo, Ihouch
old. still retalna
tains tbe
the vlcor
vlcoi and Intellect
man W years yuufll^r and as
raooKUlsed by tbe aovsnunent. b
ly been summoned to oonsult v
&a>7 department at Waablnpon. Both
he and the younger Selfridre mak<
Blrable advisers and
would prove to be very effective oonimandere in time of need- Rear Adcotial Luce before the <
tnebed to the North Carolina and to the
Concress. on tbe Mediterranean and
Braatllaa fsoulh Atlantic) s
served on board -the Vandalla and other
frlcatee and men-of-war. In 1883 he

and was always calm and cool In tbe
beat and amokr of battle.
Two resa adrelrato. Lester A. Beardslee and 8elfrM«e. have been placed
the retlrad list since the beclnnlna of
18H. and Edmund n. Halthewa. probably tbe smallest officer In the navy.
Who Ml8iaated the torpedo system of
the naval service while at the Naval

B compared with

sarvlM to «e
They are pat.
manly vebVin for the
of freltbu ^Qtl* bulb as
, S ateniB and ceneral carrier*
nervhandlsr; Bllll. no one has ever
necessity for complaUtlht of tb*
But when the necessity arises tbsir
peaiwful avocations can suddenly b*
diverted Into other channelt and lbs
■tromer lleet ndiveried Inl'o quite a for«
midable tlotllla. :al Isasi for tbe prot««>
Clan of Itself, as' cuardtsn of the smaller
seaports or to a^ at escort to tbe hum*
Ne Icadlnt schvoner. but o * '


From Rnnla comes tbe voice of that mlaht) ruler, the caar, extwvsalaa'aa
oplalon upon the now famous I>reyfus case. The-extract aiven below Is from
a letter tecenlb- addreaaed to the Swedish newiiw^r, the Svenska Da«bladet.
More than a year a«o a number «{ Imponam pers-.ftases. Includlna the
c*ar of Russia and Ihe 'csarlaa. were nthertd after dinner
__ ___________
set but rharmUw rooms of the ebauau of Hcrnsl..rtf. the residence of the
royal family uf Dettmaik. Aonotdttt to ihelr habit, they' wvre dwetma«pc the
events of the day. It was )usl skeo
tbe Dreyfus affair occupied publli
trnlloD and thr Frvnrh Jonraals were
full of InfunnailoD reUUve to the pris­
oner of IVvil's Island. There was a diversUy uf uplniuD. and the royal l
dis'-ussed tbe sulOect with .interest.
There were son>e amotts the iiany
who aaked If )t mtfht not be possible
tnai ibe French council of war had con­
demned an Innocent man. and they
questioned wbeibsr the French (uveremem would ronsent to submit the caae
to a new thal^ The caar. wbo bad fol­
lowed the _cbbversatioB with marl
as follows.

T^e presence ■
Waablnaton of
psratlen. whlcb'was moored near the'♦ Pounders a_.---- ------------baitleshlr Maine at tbe time of the i
iTigf *
heartrendiDS diaaster In Haeana .bar-, ^^ySoaun. tiS
is,*- foor a
bar. called unUvraal attenUon to this ! potmdsA^ two I plunders.
Mlaolnc line. Tbe vessel, which was i „
j.m_tsp.:_.lx_ S Inch. f«mr •
tllahtly damaged, was converted into ,
»tof timT^STs Inch, fern •
a hospital as many of tbe rescasd and ‘ peumdm and two l pouiwlerswounded men. aome neaHy nnde. were j
■rs and two I pooiMcrs. “
bronchi aboard. Tbe t
ca. AMB •tant 4. ii
. clothliuf. and the ‘ pounders'
, boat's officers did everythinc within
I Ibelr power to *tvc comfort
; ^ Cley’*'T>s.^
eyht 4 meb. lem«
. Urns. Half an hour after tl
Consul Oeneral Lee. the dt
______ >: d«ht

wo^pdor —
The company laato I vine two ether
amed. btolt ad
line, as it Is ffenerally callei^-iias been i pbiisdelphla. buT work cm tbetr C-_
la active and succssaful operallan tor ' struetion U aecrosarlly alow, and tbw
a number of years, but since tbe besta- j will not be lanncbed kill .the latter p«f
Bine of the last Cuban wwr. In Febni- I of the y
Subordinate and aecoad oaty to lb*
tbe porta of tbe war rnvaard and arear Silas A Dallett. iknown as the Red D
ly devastated iaUnd and the sccastoaal
inddenla-aucb as tbe escape of c ited
Its <
tranquil, commervlj
.. ................ .. .
_________ .
knowiedee of Its captains and crewa I lo Venexuela. They wlU also be fUmlsto,
eoncernlnjt the peoples, their laneuaees ' ed la ease of need with an annaaient n*
and customs, of this tropical region of ' foliowa:
tbr entire coast of . the West India ; Caracas. !,«» tans: foor 1 Inch, four <
arcblpelaao the shore line and pqru of {-



w ith dosen* of the smaller ones, would ,
d acquaintance of many, of
iifflcers and the charts
bydruaraphlc ofDce. In case of tronbls
with tbe BjisnUb enmn. for the Im­
broglio would undoubtedly be settled In
vldnlly of the greater Antilles
Naval eBKasemcDls and sea encounters
woold be the leading events In a war
with the Castilian dona

'JS-fS.' •
Curaeus. I a« isn»: four 4 Iwm.


and rn I puonders.^

tsar d


In Trilby Town.

A man who rcvently came bark from
a trip In Florida says: "Tbey have a
town down there named THIby. It W
tbe production 6t a real estaufink 48
Jacksonville, and tbey get the ti^ ad>
vertlsemem in tbe world out of R.
When the trainmen call out Trtlbr!'
dearty every one la the ears Uaghs and
looks out to ear what amt of a ^ace It
tbe north coast of Cuba; that'to !
the island of New Provl. '
-- tie, n. ..s,ii
deece. calUng at Santiago de Cuba and '
Clenfuegoi. both cllle* being on the I
aouth shore of tbe Ever Faithful Isle. | “*7*, “-f,
and that to Verm Crus slopping at Pro- ' ■

claim of
e up to resemble respac
g aid, wh
' tivelp LlUle Blllee. Taffy and the Laird.
inllng I
It.. ‘1*1*
tbf approprUte rxclatna-.
tbr carrying of tbe malls and by giving
other forms of bonus upon all lU mer­
cantile maHne. the steamer llnea. ewt__
s^se, iranaatUnttc and lake arrrtce. to ®“'
the ptolform turn ont te t
well eaiabllsbkd. and Ihe feaalbimy of
reer ateamers Into ar. ! “rkerw for tbe real Mtate firm,
heard that the streets of tbe town at
from gtrople or places la th
from Washington was long
the Weam.
•*>«» as Btflee boulevard. Lair
inged by mutual action
lUtlv of the
THIby bertiJ*-ilp owners and tvpr
nary depaMmeni* It Is not to be suft- ;
' '.
iparv with Ihe I
that they will compare
LutlCy Co»AlIian.
■rutoera and men-of-war of the navies

Oaorre Dewey, commandlns tbe Asiatic
•quadron on tbs OaesMp OtrmpUi Haary L. Howison. commandaot of lbs
m navy
y yan
rard. Chari eato'
- Albert Kauu, tn command of tbe Newl
»art (B. 1.) naval statkm: <
---------------------- itofUmPI

itly died, dur­
ing bis long eervtce dr?ve tbe FHoesaS
as raadlly destroy and sink a raarchanl- of Wales when she went over from •
man as if they were of tbe bfavMst Denmark to London tor her srqUUig.
the Bmprem PvedeHck when abe waa
manial caliber.
The atrameri
the Ward fine are of mnrHed. the blag of the BalgUito. tba
of Turkey and othv monarchA
the latsM dsal^
tbe recipient of a aKdal froa
bout and derlard with
fort and elegance on a more cuRaUM the qneet for tsiihful aprqW. aM
visited him at the/^ulef Ultto
acave as. tbe larger "ocean "
« pnhatollty to that thetr 'eon- i ta whlcb he-Bred slnea his lutlruw


ODD FEL.u<./«fO.
A'toH toimon doUan to b«|n tbam
■ wbat tba Modern '
root In tb. ordpr to PeMn.yl-,
ranla. and tbe mbject ta faUng aaraaeUy 1
debated In many lodge., and H lepmbahlai
(bat in tola M well at other erdenmoral
of toewMker Indkawlll be Indoeed le {
eonanlidata with each other to frwm «mng ;
bodlee than bae bavn dune le tlw paak It
UeonrededtoattorrearetoonianyaDiall. I
«W NMDt ■rskp at tb* «TmI>d MN* e( weak lodgea atrnggllng along under heavy ;
le wboe
' » Jurvy «w oD» at ibe best attm>4«d
onion cd Cotora
laMbatUMlobetdianreralraira. Far


. MbjrtbeparM of ■ Aaeplwe of propmj at Borilor
L Tbe ocw
iDHter. Joeleb W.
na or lleoDt Hollr, awuDM bt^oflSco

hanker ae tbe alow at taulnera Dee. •!.
Campa magalcDtoainao; pbyetetoMaa
tbcg'wito. Many eaupa bare Araa or tonr.
^nutniae aboold work to tonaony with
the auxiliary, tbe Bojal SelgbUorm of
AinrrloB They are a great help lo oor ordor and are tDnikblagaxeaUaat iBaBranee
.1« *wra low

cbeapeet to Ibe bbtor; of tbe ur
aSne temple'at bUlfonl
. New Albany lodKe. So. 1, baa'i
Boniboldt lodge, Na *4E ton making it
one of too largoM tn Indlat,a. TbeoSloera
of New Albany are to eberge.
Oca Motoee bnaota of a lodge oompoaed
aUnly of nebrewa.
p to Hleoeorl J
Tbe rapid «rortb of Odd FMlowtolp at- ] woe ESSa, betog a nrt gain dorlog .
teotatoablgb dc«n« lu raloe at a pen- year of 41E or 7.01 per cent. Grand
tkaJ and wurtoy U-nevolent omuHu^on. Trveturer Corl^loller raporte a totUnoe to
Tbeanrerelgn grand lodge boa twice rX* toe treaenr; Doa *1 of #«.«4.%l.
Aoy man of good ebaraeter and pdiyalopreealy dcelarvd toot a reelgnailan afyaembcrablp muel be In writing.
euier Alice Undly, wife el Oraod Mat- *»«n««hl.lor memberabip.
oil Of llllnola merla at
ter Ltodly of llllnule. wte reoeotly loetall- ^ Tbe grand oouncil
«d noble grand of ber lodge, Malrnee. No. I Bockiord Hamb (.
It U rcr; Clear to0 moat RMttibera M tba
PaatOrand.VlreJ. W.Stebbtoiof Boch- onlrr ihet w. need nmdIcelriaWnye
•nimlkXl}- oapae«rr. cbainiiau uf the }>ael Orant Kc-pre- arc wl.cuidfurtoo work I?
l^enimlWJyoapa- - bl<-of judging of tbelr quaUlIoatluiie and
asllDol* JurivdlcUoD b; inviting Grand Bep.
neentatlve J. O. Rump^rr; lo deliver an
addrett at ibe minlun to be beld to BoeBradtog, Mlcb.. a town of
. about I.OOO
population, boa a lodge wUb 184
84 mem
bare ]
w^ average ege U under
• to
to J^ra
%Trtgbt—No, t
No brother In toe urder can iegrily bold | Eminiror.



-The tBeatcrlee of oor order are 'aimple
oad Mill; uodt-Tvuiod. Tbe; ai« atieb oa

Silore Do|irufuunadonhtontbolnitlate'a
/'^hlin. .Vo un«.iL
n alKbi If opor—r; U9

' tbalr prrerialon and
!u) no ooaeuol loi
InlalllgOBO fur iboir oouioebeni^
Tb* quanen oow eontrarted for IB
Tluaburg for tbe conclave of Kolgfau
Tamplare next October fa 16 per cent
grotcr than tboeo ewuml alt luonthe preeioui to tbe Boeiun eunclave Thla lodb
Me iDuota tamerei
grand orlint of Fmoce raoreti; orgaalud a lodge of Fneiuaeona In MontroL Tbe grand luecu-r, E. T. D. Cbaniboo of tbe grand ludgeof Quebec, bae Itgoad 0 procUmatiun dirrUrtvg euob organlaatloo eUndoilnv. and prohibiting an;
tobnew with IbU ao oiled lodge of
Tbe total oamber of affiliated Ra;a]
AlebHaaone In .'New-York j^edlctloa,
IIWL wit M.SM), a gain of «ll
«nr Uat year.
■Tbe work of lait ror In ConMctlcmt aa
■Mown b; the report, wee' ai fnlluwg: In-'
lltated, (US; leieaed. AsT; ralftd. Ml; afflUated. 06; relnetated. 46; '....................
iiltted, P
•Miefcen truni roll, 166; aue| led. 4; o
- 9B9 A.t.l
^^71: twcvaac In tte lati yW, *68.

( ta (be Call rer ■
' Tbe aoprenir rrllrf txian] foond tbe foltowlog Jutiadktluoe entitled tn rellH:
Kew York.64W.ldT.0S}-Illlnole.llS-***.tn:
Kitrada. tlO.I67.*»: Tennioaee, lt(i,W**.S7;
Oallfomla, »an,6iO.H3; Kentucky, $38.mrsi Ohio. •S8.485.87: Oeonrla. etc..
#11,78] 70; UrlUrh Columbia. •9.787.77;
"Wot Virgin- .......................................
tJcorgla. 6140: I'cnb. •S.U06; laiulslaoa,
#1.604; Sew York. •4.8W; toUl amount
OlRlIef requlMd. •S61.AS8; caebooband.
#I.6TS.00, lovlng^6A.*66.e6. Lest yoBT
•be amount n-iultrol woa •T84.8W.66. a
#l#eraoo o( •.-.8T.tU4.»
Tbrtnaia *0.0(10 oenboBArf ttie order
to Kaneaa.
Undrr tbe new graded amtam.of aeaeoegaenu. for tbe elx nionlbe ending dan. I
•be grand ludgu of Untarin nnlleed euO«taOt to onTrr-all rlalme and love •iSA'OO
to (be rreerve fond.
It le a plalb pmpoeltlon that Ion of

Knlgau of
Pot Foprome Ulutalor John MoIUgan'
to |urt aa much In bemree today as be
crer was, end It la work, work, work witb
fclm for Uh' glory and aoeoeo of tbe
Sfr^ta of Honor alweya.
aeratly lo Tenneaaea
elrcolnr laaned Orwnd Roporter H.
Ua; of lllloole eaye that during tbe
ar 1(97 there were 6u7 menibert loltleud
that etate at agaloet 160 daring IdW.
rg lodge. So. S.60t. of Saw
Bllrngta any lodge tn New
tnbm lor Oie yor ending 1 * 81.
UW. tbe piltB to be a bannw of tl !valna
OolM Creo.
no Gbideb UroM hoe paid nearly #4,Ootb cl
claim*, leaving no claim
> tbe l.t
btofvlmotbo Iimaeul yvat.
anee order'was inoorpu
Tan.. July 4. 1(76. itw third otdor of
kind orgaiilsed In tbto country and
flret toodaiU tedlcaoo ayual lermeand
preeanled I
bai^l^ Modj and li
n# order la aboot U.00C ato^g. oolaly
to toaeaaohnaettaand Hbode

- 3

dayi alter pttjU ei doth.
Brooklyn aoembly baa drawn toon Om
gDjnBie troearar In tan yean #*7,000
Md paid in •aO.OM.

........ -...UMtflriiK'FinSlioes
Verting To,*. ’ Knme in
Mne.. m Heel .nd Spring Bed. Sine, in
Heel for lediee nho weer enuU mee-l. I} .
aod 2. Tda or BUck...................................................

It baa been abiowD that Qraal Britbring Ibe .
aente tbe exoeraot Importt o^orexporto.
toe amoiuit of goodi bongbt over and
above tbe atnotmt of goodt oold. It if
an iffituenm nm cf none; to pay ont
in a ringle yrkr on tbe wroog aide of
toe trade (edger. and aa toil fange dioorepanry bra annoally reariied oome-toing near )iie aeme flgnn for eeveral
yean paai and eeetua likely to grow no
lem for.Mverml yean looonie the United
Kiugdcn wrnld mem to be tnabln#
beadlohg toward toevitable bankruptcy.

^nfe Fine end Henry Work 8toe.n
S^le, WeerandPricse OnariDtend.

:p^rk33:r BROS.


of #«00.000.000 a yrar for any
able ti-rm oS yean, and if that woe tbe
only ride nt tbe pirttire that £1 virible
Ibe view wnnld be indeed a ditmal ona
Dot Uttat brilaiB ia Bot to badly off
aa all tbit woold auem lo denote. Sbe
bat certain meaqa of reebnpiug benelf
tbet are poBMfd by no other cotiotry
to anytoiug like tbb rame extent They
are nut putaMrd at ail by tbe United
it qolle a poet. tm‘t Statee. more'e ibe pftyrntwi-trill not be
•ntil Ibia DaUon grooeea itaclf to a foil
qaita.—Cinctobatl I
of iuri^leet and iu

' 4»pOtr «»tid n>Mt(Tirf tbe SeroDd dlMHcl
SM fva be wee el«i«l depur; grand
Meter and ta now bod of tbe order lo bU
Tbe naUei
Mns. «hh>b irlll- be beld In Con'
haJI. » eehlnitt4>D. eomraenrlng tbe lllh
of beat Aiirll. imnulare tbe groicat
ifatr of tbe kind rrer beld to tbit oooa-'


W« have nice Apples, OnuigeB i
Dried ApricoU, Peachee, Pnmes, Pigs, Dates and

Vegetables, Cabbage. Bagas aed Beets.

"*Ui it Briuin baaa
wbcMC iwniingi every yrar amoont to at
moob aa ber advprae trade balanoe aa
bnween importa and exporta Her abipa
earn annually aboot $800,000,000 In
rarryiug ber own oommerw and that of
other nalicma Bnl for ibie fact bank
ttip!c7 woold long ago have overwbehiicd tbe Hritiab rtnpira
How if it with Ibe Unitxd 8totr«7
Onr favorable trade balance for IbOS
to be dote to #700.000.000,
D«a>nred by tbe diffoence between tba
tum-bandi>e we »vll
cbsuilioe we buy of forrigo co
Tbore ir. btrac-vtr, a dark e
I picture, a Lladt. lining to tbit golden 11
riond. It if fooiid iu tbe fact that we ' 1
'<bavn no abipv of our own witb wbiob to |
! trauiport oor foreign 1

•’Phone 187.

34B Front Street.


I 000, tbe larger portioool it to Kngland, [ S
i for carrying off our exporta and Jt>r/n#-1 e
tog bark n
Therefor. .. anm of #300,000.000 ’ 4
paid 10 foreign etodotbebanltogibst J
ought w' be f

213 Front St.

Baltimore Stock Baoelred Thn* Ttma$ a ITwk
CounU. 40e pqr quart
Staadaroa, BOc per

Fletcher's Orster Depot led ResuuirMl.

‘ Rich and Rare
Were The Gems She Wore.”
And she secured them at YeTpLow Prices, because
F. A. EARL displayed a lartre line of Eleeant
Goods in all kinds of—^



Great SriUiu'a merebant marine ia
ber financial Mlvaticn, her reacoe from
certain beggary.
Tbe MaMoebbiqtta la a IB knot afaipand coat #&.0*0.000. Sbe dlaptoow
America'* lock of a maebont marine
lO.tfiS tone of wat«. baa S.OOO bonepower and carries four IS toob. eight 8
il oor caiainiiy to tbe extent of #JU0,.
toeb. four 6 lucb and SO gona of amaller rive.
OOO.OUUayrar paid lo .foreign freight
carrli'r*. to any uuibing of tbe a<IditionFOR BRYAN AND SILVER.
other Uuyot
I of. milliooe loot in too abape
e Pwr atM Rlgbu aod of tbo larger foreign trade wbirb toe'
Grand Maxcr .Undly of Iliinolt ia or*
Unlleid blatee would. gain aud bold if
Y' Ij
Cheap Orilon.
tan^ns «> bi>ld e nnnilier of nHWttoa* il
eiiipa to carry It in.
Cbkagu .luring the month ri imrab «m(! .
tbe cb.irmmt of tbe
Tu luake our* tbo ritouX coonny on
a view lu official vikliatiuna
' hvw \ urk Deisumtli- »ute commiUee,
baa bi«i> to tbe wiuth lalktng inlitiee eartii, tbe buaucial center of toe nni;
________ I
•'•c l"«y lead.Ti. He ropurt. that'
j "tlio annlb ii ap]iarruclyatill few llryun j
“TV ■
__ _
and ailviT. Tbej ar.' agaiuet (mato. '
Ofaat ftotaM Moae Oarta, M Ma Tear.
^..vwti.ueut by tojouctloo. end i
,___ ■ fiT all tbe xitUer priuciplce wbitb Mr. !
Tbecloea of IBW left (be
Bt'an eoonclatee.
army with a toul etretigib 0

ia to aaV. the aonthmi Demo-1
wbllo IK97 praaea out with a
record of *98.443. bring a tin gain i,r 8\-: crate are ctlll for thepaymcDt of tbe ex- '
Tbe set toerraar to 1(96 wne SO.VIU, ; ieling gold elaudani obligatinni of the ■
tontehuwing that lM7'«iecnnl forgalb goveniment and of private Individoali ■ew a rraueUve Torto Boa Balp<
Hera. BbMg ■aWera
ae I.W78 belter than that of IH96 Tbe iu 44 cent dollare. Tbey a
ip^onw telit Jurlvllctton
(urnlehceawilll c«_ai
__ae they were
to IIS6I—of thcloc-;
Tbe value of a protective tariff i(
itter abowlDg. Tbe yrar lh«7
‘ opened triuv that tbe Bndutml Hov'crotuetit oau-i highly apprecUted, by aonte people at
Ipol llh.,«, andclciwd
edfun-c ila'-own la»« in a •(.(«• leato Word from Waabiugton. Pa.,
rave that S. W. Sooti & Son. Waynew
burg, wool dealero. bavo jori (old to
Imcx- A- Manning of Boatou nearly 400.000 i«)onda'uf flex-oea Alout *00,000
of tbia waa boogbt at 16 oentt,
90>i 74 nt tbe clow of 1(96. ebowtog a net »ty P««. »o tuatU'r bow tmcourtitnand an advance al 10 oenta ueta them a
gain In toe fund cd •liM.US.Ml
| tiuoal they nay be.
They bad uot sold any
iu libort, aocordiifg to Mr. Danfnnb,
Twen«y-flrc new tonta were organlxed
years. They
toe auntb etaitde joet where it did tn
a Nnn-a> during l(97/belag
doulite tbo nuiiiUv lu4riM.
week. TbiT
have loU.UOO pooudi rtcited to tbe ea*L
Conorctlrut organlted 10 1
year and made a net grin of
"toe Chicago pUtform can be modified 80.000 in Weri Warten. W. Va.. and
Ohiii hae given Pennaylvanla a lively ao Mb lo comniand tbe sopport of Ibe tbe reri at Wayneaborg.
towle (or »c<4nd iihin-, and |.rui>pac(« an- coiiMTVBiivc
Tbia indie
Imrtoe** men. who,
that It will oonUnuer prearnt memlier- (bruiigb the iiea iuvinted by politioal Indmtiy of
eblp. I8.0U4
opponc-otR aud a mlAvptqecniaUao of oaouties, wbicb bad been woefully
There were 46.TMJ new eentfiralre lamed tb>- idatforoi. declined to aej witb ni to n<-gle<liedy daring (be pa*t few yesra.
during thr-vrar in lioth th>- eojireiiio hnl i.lxir,."
w ill beoiD again, greatly to tbe benefit
and silrhlgnii grrol rani|i. Ibe niiiiitwrln ' *1
-#1)0 famera farm laborera, wool
too eu|>miir(ent ta-Ing 36.9k>9. 9.<>k» being either tbe'p»*ritdc ui'diticatiODi
dealm and niinadK of that localiiy.
tor nnetal memliera and LD.MS (ur life
brnrOt ii»rnil» n>. Tb«w life lieneOt rmlf- alleged nii»r( j «iMi'natiou*. It woold be ' Wbat le trne'^ tot- moutira jnri mimIraUa reprraeotSS*,7l8.6UU Inibyeupraiue difficolt for bitu to api-cifv tbe latter.' tioued iMnte i>f other J,«ali(iiifae well,
The boriut-w. men wbn refoMd to vote ! benco it U >eeo Hut tbe n.]nveiwtiog
f<s- Bryuii in l8!iC did »o beoanao (beir inflnetKvaof the Dtogley law are widen
unaided iutelligince told toem ing alauet-daily.—McKeetport (Pa.i
wbat tbo free ouinage iff legal tender
ailvcr dollan ay Ibe ratio of 16 to 1
lueaDL et-pMiially wboi (boee dollara
Tba work of iirrparBlloD for tbe aoorIDOUS ITtldan gaUirrlng at Indlanapolli W11V to tx- mod tetmactivciy.
The bdniiKwa mm osw witooot being
in August gora MoatUly on. Then has
been a uiUundcreuMIng ar to the date of told that eoi h a ok of cheap free rilvet Hew Is (to TtBM t» B«arb 0«t and Ooptoe cocaiiipmeuL It is (u b(«lo Mauday, dullara ui< ant tbe abrinkain- in value lo
tara rerelga Market..
Aug. SX. Thewopramr lodge eonvention toe <-xi<-nt of one-balf <4 tbelr lank deTbo market of (be United Statra bat
will begin tbe day fullowlng. Tbe ramp pcaita aud of all tbelr other orudiia.
will not be bmkrn unUl Monday. Aug. wbetber
debu— ____ long bn-n tou beet market to tbe world.
arc on record at
*. Throughout the wrak to^ will to la.nranoe pnlioica. Tbe borineaa mOi
,nch to
1;““^ Th; ^ did
Bryan or raying privairiy that they woold gladly
uiu ..nt
nil, .ni;nnde«und
siiiRDuaeravano either
give op toe rest of Hugland'i foreign
airy drUi and tbe tW ;
Den,„.,„iic pi
-m uc kurt prlneltal atXroeUobe.^^
P*“**^- ^
for tbe United
Wbat arc .toe njodfficationa to
oompenv drllla will alao (oratab mud) to ' ^
made in tbMUatforai ao that it may be Sutea market
intotrat )toe public In tbs camp aSalra
The borne market it now reaoonably
_lem olf.-imive to (be "ccBrirvadve Iranoeai niuuV Is toe dtxuaod that tot- free rafe for many yean to toe Ameriran
manufacturer, and toe manofactoraa
Major Oeocrai Caraaban baa appeolad
dollar, toall to a lagal tender of toe country ruold, tberefore, prob­
tiavment of adating cold atandto tb« uDilorro rank •fur o( -irrlbuHcni fur ' ***
I ard debia to to abandcmedl la tbe ra­ ably Improve tbe tneatblng spell given
tio cd 16 to 1 to be dropped and BO ratio by tbe root of toe borne tree traders by^
oe and
to be Bpecibod to toe platfonnf
Bryan ba» dwlarvd biuiaelf oppoeed
to any modifleattfin of toe Chicago platTbe order of Knlgtiuof Pytbloa to In­ fenn. Wbat ore toe ebangee which tbe
inity aod quic-knraa enable American
diana la strung In numtorii'aealoua to lia •onto. tooogb*-riill for Bryan." is will­
rkmen. eruu while drawing mneb
work 4md pmod of its reeurd.
ing to tuake'to otfier to get a little more
oortbern aopptot? Mr. Daafonb'a fail- larger wages, to omnpeie with toe Engsre to go into detaila judfira tbe aa- lUfa uanafactorer in toe marketa of
England, bat toe foreign mariiet, or at
gfriapiioB that tbe woatb«!ni Oemocrata any
rate that part of itoatfinedtolioato
KadgMa mm* todtra of Maoea.''
are not prepared to moke aoy real owTbe mmsbera ef tbe order atoeerriy oeraiona They riill want 44 cent dol­ America, oannnt be developed to any
moora the dratb of Tbomos W. Seymonr,
great talent except Iff tbe eitabUtolara
tba grand oaowiar; and (ounilar of (be ormeai of dir*t Itoea cf ridamihipa.—
Ber. and wbe wm imnriilarail one ^ Ua


^ ^


vmriPoxw s


We're going to give you a chance to buy goodwearing—

At lower pricee than these k<nd of shoes have
ever been sold for. It will be a sale people
will talk about


The Popular Shoe House.

In Doubt


We are doing the beet of work, and
the kind of work.that pleases. This we
know, for our customers come back and ,
have more done.
And then we have some new goods; f
that we want to show you—0oods^ that '
will please you.

220 Fnmt Street.

K. B: HODLST, Mbbbcmt- ^

TU iioBHiiio BBOOBD. BXnrOBT, KABOH BO. 1888.



tadiBige with tta ynnagw aad more
Impremiltle membma. I>atbapt tbii
tended to make them yontba more ob•erraat. for a Cew daya later, wba the
rased qmetioo of BiUgar'a borianai waa
again voder dlaraimton. <Mof them rw
markqd rtoomily:
■T reckon ibenais-t aodoabewbat
be'a bereftf."
Tbe yontbfBl fropbet wai Inatantly
mt open after tbo-faafaion of all ehldrly
eritica ahice Job a Kifrenbelcaa. after
a penae be waa pmuftted to explain;
"Uhly tbit mnlB wbtn Lann
Foreater and me ware obirpln with
them gala o« on the'bUl wbo aboold
we aee baagin nronnd in ibo braib bnt
that d^—d Bnlgcrl We allowed af
flrft that It might be only a new aiylb
of bii lutrr.'oria, ao we took no ootioe
except to paa a few r> marki aboat liifrnera and tJiat enrt of thing, watd perbapa to y^eand ln-il<n-il tbe glrU a litChan we'd her done If we’d
been aJoBc. Well, , they iaugbod. and


\ [tkivnikt. m. br'kM a*ru.\
\ConUnmti from IM 0wula|i.)
naa reeeiTed with
Om mnuis B8 UM- CHiAi auuiu
iL Did they not know that
«H dntwn aMVsd Mob^'a *>re, tbe
a of any kind, 'even nador tba
' teiTailaK«WHln>keDl7tb«fuiilUr
MondadC piBUdabota awl k aeriea of
■anteniliar iliricJu and jeUa from
'maanxtf aalratian.. a powered r
tba wky hill nod. Tlia meo qoickly
noofBind tbevoinaaf ibelr old Iricnda
orar Sawym Dam was at bandl Oooid
tba roiaimoa asd Ramhlcra from bawthey not indnew tbla man who waa to
Dam; tbej a* QSicU/ rwongalaed
be rioUntly deported
msRiing aboou boo aad than
iwyere Dam
and lobject htmtbeir new oamjBDl<a>8 who were
n peiw^nl iofloeu^
' '
eif tba
2 iniere to mj that in
’nriTal” then in fnll rwing!
ajdte d (heirpn^iow attitodeof refRattlamake boyt langbed bitterly and
mrnation a Mnileof Rntiflod expectandeaoribed tbe man of whom they talked
. <7 Ui up ihr (aoea d tbe josuger nMm■o lightly: b
but in rain. "U'e no oae.
UT8. aud cTCti the older- orm sUnoed
tenlleimeo.” aaid
dabiotiiar at Brin^a Alua)^ made »o
| •uaocr i_ I lower
„ reiieie.
__ _ *'

attempt to ocaweal a aich of relief aa be
carefullr laid oat an ertra aapply of
it. bU bar. Haddetilr tbe <»• were nieanri no eVmji by. thi ir cabin
ooniitei yella oeaMvl, the wild itallop <d we aorter iorued
intej tbe woods to wait
. hoeC* •Oaokeoed into a trot «sd finally i tiU tb«7’d
Then all of a sud­
baited, and etra tlie roapomdre aboou den Laure atoiqaid as riglel as a puluter
of tbe camp atopjied alaa Wealljooked Uiat's flushed aumeibin. and tars.
eacasUr at «acb oUkt. Muabj- leaped ‘B'goebl' Anel thar under u big redover bin oottattr aod wait to tbe door. wexid mt
Brigga followed with tbe ie<t of na. twistiu l»s Iraig mtutuebe and emilio '
The Bight waa dark aud it waa a few liku cleickwurlc alcmgsielfeif little Meely ,
jnliiatfa before we oooltl diRriugbidi.a Baker—ye» know ber—the pontieaiof ,
■ttHfcgUng. Tagoe. bot rileut inicnaiao tbe two risteri)—and ebe en.ilia hack iin
moTing tbroogh the moiiit, boary air uo .himi Tbiokofitl Tbatnnknown. nntte hllL Bot to oor aorpriiw It wa. washed, lung kaireid tramp and hnlly—
BoriBg Bwajr from ii»A-«bM>lntely lear- wbo must J» to. if a day—aud that inla« the camp! We were atUl atarlog in nexxmi gal of 161 It wassimplydUguAexpccCaorr when <mt of the dariuieaa inr*
alowljr emerged a Sgore which we reoI need not my that tbe older erynioe
ogBiMd at iitKv a8.Ca|>ttifi Jim—ooo of and orilics alrtnrdy alluded tei ateinoe'
tbe moat revklraa meinbenof oar camp. IfflproTcd tbe ooaiaem! What mure
Paabing o* back into tbe ffroocTT be cd- could be expected? Women, tbe world
tared wilboot a word, cluwid the dour ortr, were noted for this not of thing!
bebind him aad Um-vr bima-lf racautlr This lung haired, swaggi-riug bully,
loto a obair. We at cuoe ptmed aroaud with bis air of mrsury. bad captlraied
him. He looki'd up at oa da««Uy, drew them as be always bad since the days
of .HumiT. Simple mirit. lliut mt luwlr cwtxt'you aixi me utcre atn't no won• 2m breath aud aaM alowly:
dm. for tbe man that runs it. tbe big
fU't ao tile, geutlenum; aamethin'a In barrooma and ouun-ived imijecU for
preaefanr, has got now ways and methSM to be dene with that Bolgw, aad Abe public good around tbe
Agbty quick. ”
oetenlaiiooa Btnee, waa nowhure! Yootb qde that fetetua tlw boys ererj time.
He don't praecb no eotbrnd dried goe/ "Wtaat-a the mattor?" we Baked eager- eould nta too enai }«ani this-bitter les- pel. be don't carry around no alopabop
eoo! Aud in This<-a>w y^ih. too, perrobee and elap 'em on yon whether (bty
*‘Mattar,” be repeated, paaaing bu hape was right in its conyccture. t<r tbts
fit or not, bot be samsdea and measurea
bandacrnaabialarelKad.''Ruttor? LitaJc was no doubt tbe little game iif tbe pertbe camp afore be wades into it
jron! Yon all beard tbfsii buy* from fldhQK Bulger! We recalled tbe fact
aooaU and examinea He ^'t no
Bawreraltera coauic •iveritw hiUi Vuo that bUnnhallowedappeamBceio camp
Bouday pnacber witZ a^ comfortable
»■ yon beard o* was almoetoaincident with the airirBl bouse and nnoe a week ebnreh. bnt be
of tbe two familKh. We glauoed m



and we waltin few.iam. Then, juai ae
they ineMd tbe old eahiii. who do too
think they ran right iou.. sbootiii irem.
long huir auei mosuehi- aud all (bat,
atauiliu ihar plump m the eaidl Why,



Bnggs—to oor aiuaiemcnt. for ihc'lnt
time he looked eerioudy oouomud.
But Moeby in tbe momtime Imned bit
albuwi laxity urer the oounur aod in
tlflw Toic-. added fuel to tbe flama
"1 wouldu'i her spoke of it befere,"
be mid with a sidelong iflance at Brigge.
"for it might be all in tbe line of Bnl-


"Wi-U! Wbateeer it wai. don’t aik
am. hot elnra luy akiu if. after e word
two (real
yellin. i
rode away leapi fnllike abog wttb him.
Wa ran aftiT 'em a ejs-ll, still yelliu,
when that thar'Bnlger'faord aruond,
mid to ns that be'd ooiue dowh b. re for
quiet aud U be nmldu’i her it he’d,
her to have with tbiss' gtaiJemenwbo*
wanted it. luo. and I'm goab darued if
these‘gentlemm'—yua know 'em all.
.. Pais<T Oansmier, Snap &b<a Harry aud
tbe «tb.Tn—never mid a datnwl wind,
bnt kiuder nodded'bo limg’aud
Our astonisfament end luystifiraiien
ware oumplete. aud. 1
i t.i my. ilie
Indigustiioiufthptaiuei... anu Jimby
-it we'regmbg to be biaaed ,
by the find newcomer." said the fqrmtr
gltxmiily. "I rorkin we migbl as well
take oor chaa.-esVitb the 8swy.«
Dan U^s, wbuui w- kiu>>v."
••If »a are gnio to bi \ tbe legitimate
•ade of Battiesuake intcrieml with by
tbe cranks uf aame-UMH. iiiaw-tbi«f <g
reiind road agaul." mid Hosby. "w«*
might m-well Invite the bull uf J.aquiu
bluriena's gang berr at afliv; liul I soppem-this is part of Bnlg:T's particulm
businciw." be addnd. with a wiibwing
glance at Brigga
"I oudmxaud it all." mid Briggs



I they fo
t tbeir myn^ona
Ida had I
BM.witb a fralnal bnt mbdned wel-


Are good if carried ouU Wo Intend to have
our Window Onrtains tbe best made and bang
of any in tbe city. Tbe prices are Eight—tbe
goods tb^ best Try.them and see if we keep
our weird.



A. Podrasnits, /
Art Wall ;Papere.
■«ocB, loegmaecat ■c.eouem f
Ihper ever shown In Amefiea.
Come early to place yonrbirder and
get year fimt pick.
All price deaigna

418 Lake Atenne. .

Karkham Block.

Bicycle Riders.


If You Have Logs to Sell

Ramambar that t do all kinds of repairingaadenameUBg^aadAbatd can
and do give *-u the best work of any
one in tbe elty for tbe money. Don't
be deceierd by wbat dtben tell you to
tbe euntrary, but eoma,3Bd see for

Stop in till 6 o'clock arary arenlni
txeapt Boaday. In tbe Oaldwall A Lon*
doB buildlar. at norU end of Union

Correapend with the ^raveree City Lumber Company.
We.hatv fur Bale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple I'looring,

Short Maple.Wood.


- lJ.AJ^nDa
Mil) Machinery of all de«criptiona,inchidiDg TwoiEnfricek,

Erer Burned Out?

Pet Worka, Carriagea and Saws.
for aale.

A complete Saw Mill i»lant


O P. CAATSR. Agant

imily work with him and
eren sends 'ep. forward to •s]itur« tbe
field, and be ain't uuwbiiecbokur shadbelly eitirar. but fits himwir like bis
gospel to tbe men he works among. You



: Will can for tbe use of Paper Patterns
to the fact that--------

In tbis connection we call attei|tion !



■ And a dress or other artide of apparel, of whatever materiaf if cot O' i

Is bound to appeal to the taste of American women.

1 ccirau 1« nt.
\ Ml U(ritt)*Dau II State.
i Iwais UK Bat.
t the Lowttt Pftee.
B State or Slit.

has ones
them, use


The New

. TbaTaaamn Btaam ITknotaanboor wbafldoiDgbcr bmt work. 8badla; pbeaa a.816 tons of water, develops 9,000 borarpowrr. aod she cost #0.600.OOa

. in'meo. like .
manage to scud along witbuot goiiiu aiT batiety ccnriita of a doaeo amaflrr guna
plaggetL Yon i>iv>. V
wasn't gain
b)-r any
SI qf bU
o her
claim berr. and I rrekou bv was isjw'ful !
i T«n dcpvieti to niter *ny oppwiilnn
mcmBb to back down Sawyers Dam.
W»ain«a.' bqi a
" : and {KTlm]s> a little cnrlnns to ms' this ,
'' '
1 wbo bad nnwiiiiuglr frustrated ,
li Unlg.

".wrrbrbi^^b.. ;.bu

K.v.Sb-T'.'l^'b,'''^; fora, .1 W'l" J'”

uf cmotiaDsl,

Uei-cd was ibs iu<b-t«nd<UKw of the, '’ pretty
Prvtt.^ tbs
t>>ai I i‘ ' '
! «d. Thti
IS oM a hid ' flaber—abab joii
joined in. and I Iip^auivI
al bnllT and i
And then—dom wy "hin—but a
man's voioe joined iu—jeat belchio
cf ibo wicked youtli <if ttawvcn Dam ; ®®*rr lUat <wl>in—aod I aortrr lifted
for tbe benefit of a a rtain a-li.«rut and
.«!' »u<l two ■•■T- That roice.
potfafol camp who bad lticik«l down 'gontlnucn. " said Mash
Vpon na He bitnaOf. rflumiug the i ***i*“Hy **
*•***“ ®P
mme rrenlng from bU self inijiotwd ea-‘‘ **''
oon, vonediBafed no other riasou »*«■" | with ^is tewet "that voire, cami oiy
tbe cue be bad already given l*r.i«a. : !>»> U»»‘>“1 “W" anxmg Jbem
lerona as it ewmed, wo w. ra oblig.-d to
fol*t was Bulger's "
•noept hand the Kill moru pn isiMui.
BriCRv^l up with his ryea looking
Otis infcreureibat bebad sought Kunlo- »l«' <birt«» I<» I'i* fl*»l«^ fK^b "Oen-


: ^


tu^v tb.,n,-ivH. i ZZ

Tbs ■B.SInai %it» n^julrrs S ysnS. St loch m

(M-Udiw Snu (tend SkU.;

(TBiwi. Tbemeui BaUlMkegastK-d
for breath.
- It was linlger.
Bnt itriggsqnicklyreoorervdhifflaclt.
"By wbat nam^ mid br. tnruUig passionaU'ly toward bis gnidc. '‘dors tbi*
mail, this Impostor, call bimmlf hereP"
"Bukur? "tvbued tb» fUttlnmakeooutingenL "Baker!" ropwted fmiuw Fur
ester, w^ a gbaMly mlla
qnli’tneaa Oeirtaiiily be bad un oth>» r>t «" rido over tt> Sgwyers Dam to'•Vos.^'reluraid Ibrir guido. "Yon:Si
oci npnilon. Tbe HtUe work bo did opmoruln and t ick up as many onghUT know it. loo. for be muiI bii
ou tbe tailings or the abandimed claim aqiuiiv m.n as we can innrtrr. Tberf-'t witujiod dangbler over after bis usual
which reach within bia little cabin wgs • '>iK «»«'P meetlu goln. on tbttre. and
—.... pretenra
----------- ..--------won't
He wont-------oTiv.^on ]lhrn.
«o«'» be
be no
no difflcultjujti
difflcuUjuJu that.
oertaln davs to Bigwood on aooonfit of >^b.-u wc'vc got a big enough cro
Us bnsiuiwi. bnt no one bad evij an-n ; aboww.- mean builufm, wu must mar^
tiim lit , back here aud tide UulgiT oat of
bin ilK-n-. nor oonld tbe
camp. 1 don't hanker arter vigilanm
bi. Diaiiucr and appoaranoe
conmititees as a rule—tl ’• a roogfa renu
tnfnniiatlou fnmi tba B'
ody—it', liko driukln a ituart of wbls-.
"How bmnUful Is the i
xmnaliHd a mystory-.
k bad-Bl.. ims beUered that tbe aS- | by ag'in reitbwuake polsun-l>ot it'a got
- would intensify tbat to be dine. We doii'i miud belu mlfl
VBit of- liultAr
fear and dWllko of riotoai BatUeanake ouraelvea. tint when it cornea to our tbe t«ggar's bovol to a dream of glis­
wbleb tbatwo famllim bad abown, and Kanflin by and aeeiu tbe only lnno(.nt tening beaoty. It"— le In Bat '
But jntt then a anowhall oangbt blm
Wbiob was tl>e origin of Brtggs' futile
lulger'a got to be fired outar this nndcr Uie ear aad a half ton of tbe
•ttmnpl at refarmstian. Bsl It waa dlaimp A&dbswiUfaa.”
maurial tell (nn a oontm and
•orer^ tbat stnoe hlaarrital tbe yonng
lodged between bis Ml
eoUar and bis aiaolL
l^hnd dMwn lem timidity in Mterlng
For when tbe next metnlni • dOmAad be spake ao i
f6UM oocratMUon aud goodbumorad Blned 1^ tboBgbtfql tyoomalan of the Flala Dealer.


lS89-Glri^ Cwnrutfoa Drm.
- a..»»., ui. u, I*,..,.
TWaseiu* ni^miyin,. sjArd.!;

ell other




Bsrtss ran Berk,
.Ur fwjulr.. S rant, a laeb UsMsb


Of fit
aad Style



15W*4Adis' ItiiL
aisn B. S4. M. ». «D. St
MMSlsm s>M miairssXrt
tl I'sek mswrle).
-QATJ. worn .A. WM


Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet And




THM KbMftllO MQOBP. gUTOAT, KABOH 80. 1896.


» focTCR suit.
Me tesMsy bar IS s toeanrl


Aa« wbs ths dsees MS reef

an EngUNi artlole of 'yttf good qnalt«7 ABd oatrrter naacaiahla."
Manrier etool anw and tmdeeWed.
•*tf obe rttDcmfaers tne." ha tbooght,
' tne
me ansi think me a pradlghmi
And balierii^ that he mw b

I ssm lBt» iMBt one Btabt bM w%

•*IwM ia » pete
wwipoNtet of Um WubiDftoo »ar.
••In tbt.winua- of IB7P. «1m« Senator
guM, tad John Chuuberiio ’was tba
«tte plarer. TUa • fame at CbanberUn’e wu alwa^f for a $& Untlt at SrM,
' with the
tbat afong to>
----- d tnonln^ after a oonple of bonra

I What You Pay
I For A Bicycle Is Important,

able aaiU—a amlle whteh ha well knew
—he Mid 10 bltelf. "SbeU paring
mehaeJt, tbat'a cmain." So be. too,
began to ealle. a foolish, fatnens grin,
which was proaptlr etlingaiabed as be
realltid that abe wss not looking at
"Whatr excUimed the Uaodirsa. him. bat srraed to be abseotlr waiting
panaing in coanting the linrn. "Yondo nntll he ahoold make hie clioiee of
DOC know what bat beciXBetdCamilter'. enrau FinaJlrbe Nuddcapentelj:
"1 wni take this, and this, nod that
Tbe fonng man in hU riiln alwreo,
wbowaroparrhing Ibedlsonkrrd cham­
ber for rtgamtta. stopped abas and rw
--CmainlrDoL How tenld 1 knowt
It is to hag alnoc—and thtm." be add­ be rouid not eay (be Wj|sw1)M1
ed. with an gir of
"what dona it matter to aer'
her me?”
"Oh. bat 1
Ym. nndoobiedly she did. ' Again
and happilj tnoV’ '
there eittod aoma her lips (bat half .
Then, cbaiiglag her tote na ahe tied
RDile ao familiar to him. OcuinJy Bw
np her bpndle. the laid:
knew him.



) But vbat kind of a bicycle you get for your money ta
ten timee more Important.

tSa iwauial of tbr limit if be «ast<S
ta Tbe wa/CookUug aAd SbecMts
Wnflad Web other that night was a can«te. Both Baw oaanad to atrtka ont
Inok aitogtober at an element la their
•Oood oatared play agalait each oUmt.
amd as both <C 'them tangbt Sne bands
nooadanallr when engaged in tbit tag
"However, if 700 do not care ateoC
"ffhai Biw?" abe Mked.
af war of UnfBug neither of them oonld
He made an awkwmd gerran of if- ,
■et an esaci line on tbe other, and U bearing"—
Manrier took kagwhltTa of hit elga- DOrance. She nufulled her tape menson '
was better than a plaj to stndy their
He hod the dojr More, after read- and placed ii in a bnrinealike manner
tees at tbe show downa Oonkling was
baring all tbe toooeto dnripg the Utter I
bit brilliant thesis, received bU di­ arooud klanTier's nock Far'S aecond.
rt of the night, and it waa fan to
»■» uow an M. D. In an- at she stood trfore him. Iheirfsnswen
ir Little Phil aorilT
tioftlx htwr
ntier darknnd c*ber week be
he wonld retarn
retnrn to Triras, sc near togeiber that bh conld bare
^ When you “C A
I C** £p“ know you pet tbe very best wheel made.
Woollr things onder bit bMib when, I
naiive citr Tbe name and memorr kiawO her.
"Filtnu.’'She said, opening aome ^
Mme after time, CooUing woold show of CamilU, the millinei, who bad bMu
buy an
There is hardly a bteyde in town sold Mr
txixes for him locbuoae from. He
• band consistiug of nothingat all after ‘
rwerlbeart for a .rear, at the end of-j eoJIai
them makes a better wheel that sells for $60or.,
anharing aenred Sheridan oni or prodnoe which be had brasqocJr eaei her off,
four Ui
^ $75. Not so with the "Eagle.” They make tbi- very-best wheel thev can make |
■ gorgeoatacof foonarafull baudat wen-not altogether iudiffeaut to him
.'o ««. «»kJ
noeb umi« as Sbendun. d<N idiug that
"Caaillf! Oil. yes. that wss n. ieng
• with ten years' experience and sell it for $50. C-ill in and get one of'tbeir cata- te
•be eenator.was hlulUtig. wonld toU »*iur «!«)!" be said as he looked at tbel**^**®
A logues—it's good reading. And I have the’‘World.” the "White Flyer.” the A
I. luih
Jsoodrtree, a good, ogJy soal fron VerNer
^ "Steanis.” and afull line of cheap wheels.
■•Blto him. Sheridan,’ Chamberlin •allies, wbom beI Ihad_
I hint be woold bare Ven
wM My nnAievdly cm these oexmauina
siodeai days.
•nd Sbetodan wonid tell Cbaml-erlin t«
*'>■'<* ■> long, after all.‘’eaid (be villiug lo wager his right band.
"Is (here nnyihiiig else?" she i
•o tokhe didcMM npd call Jdr another Uoudrega i»h« was looking at him
deck of cards.
*>ow. her hands on her btpa. her keen igain.
"We started tbe last mnnd of Jack face expiessing a sort of maternal in- - "That U all
pots with
ao eerily
pa.nng for tte atticUa an idea,
wi«b a pew
new d(«k.
deck. Sheridan dealt
dealt, »‘"w« She!>»»• was oot to be
he k
earily im•be flm meet blmsejf. and after irhad I
opon. Sbe restuned:
; saddeuly orcorrcyl to him.
«ooe aroond and ncme of tbe three of ns '
“Vod were rather cruel to the jte
"Might not tbeaepnrehaaea be sent to
oonld open it Sbertdkn opwed It bim. ' l«<lr v«mtn.,wm-u't Von?"
me?" he si
"Ceruiuly. mean
Vbat adNeither
laither CbamUnlin
Cbarntwrlin inorr 1 had!
Maunt-r abmeged
abmsKcd his s
dreMrIt to euy (
___da go it mt»t iwpetreptihly as be
. _
He looked at her ae
I between I
I audOonk- <'>«eOt«ttleafoagoaeaDdtwogUtaea
-----.--------„ _.„.e in a large book.
broke with her when 1 found tbe Then be, said vary diBtInctJy. "Bohot
onrds and* tnraed hit lltde pair into
thises. Sheridan dUbed bimteU ont matter taking loo serioot a tnre; that is Manrier. M D.. Ift Bne Onjaa "
^Oojaa. •• abe repeated ttanqnilly.
three oords and bit his cigar bard when ail One most hare
Whoa la n«wd of aayUiag ia this
acaieer—mt! Toyonrcood
a eocond be bad the fnoligh hope Uae iteembar thU>s tbr place to laarr
be HW his band He mode a.
bet to
senator rboalih................
i fl>"*
woold benelf bring tbe packdraw Conkltng oov and the senat-.
„-------laised him tfh Itiwased-between them
Tbe UnodrcH os abe drank tba brandy
^ b* «•• eperdily nndeceived.
with (beoe tfS beu nntil there was •*>d:
"The boy will deliver the order toHa%-e no effect on the band 'when you use [
■aarlyfSOOiu the pot. both men sera-1 "k doea not prevent bw being happy | "lUbt « tomorrow motning"
ttniringeacb other pmiy trirolnlly at I
' "I ahali nmnt npoa receiving them
,naek bet
I As sbe did notcosilinne. after a abort rromptlj-" «aid he. "iQr I am qoitling
" '1 don't know so mneb abont yon Mlence Manrier. enrioot. asked:

soft and White.
mccbsnlral polKetbU time.-Mid tVmkling flnsUy.’and I "What U abe doing, anyway?!’
; bb* *rpli
1 think I’ll joM rail y..o fra safety. ’
"bbr U married. What do yoo think ***• *'^b.1. lb«T shall be « at in timel"
"Good day. monsieur. ”_P.nsi«t
'"Both laid (heir kauds down at the I hi tbat? To a fat baberdaaber—a handConkllng had three Dlm-a, time ahop.really—Ann Troti PnnntMsa.
and he .looked at Sheridan strangely PJace Clichy."
E ^dle Bailding.
when he MW the ootur of Sheridan's
‘•So mneb tbe better.*’
thrasaora. Both Cbamjcrlln and my"And three children—krrea—nnbd
naif aho mw wh»< was wrung at the and rosy os apple*. Yon would nero
name mstam. bnt we only amiled and recogniae her."aard Mather Lorain inIts the two men bsre it oak Sheridan ridionsly
bad a liroad grin on his face and was
"Doyen atill aee berP’
^ abont to rake in tbe pot. CotiUing
"Not longw ago than a week, H.
WB* paring at the lUtie man of iron Manner. I wosat mrdoor. RncMargna,
nritb a posried look in bis «yea
when sbe paased wiib her boshaml and
"•Oh. 1 M.t. there. Phil jntt wait a children. They bad rame lo Ycrsaillra
.Binate,'Hid ha '‘Do yon mally think 10 Tirii (be ebah-ao and the pirk. She
•hat pM tM-lungs to yon?’
•tolled and talked with me a fnli min­
■■IR I

ute And dieawd* Not as slie used to
he—oh. a»! Unecoold see
her has-, "The aiver Triple the Kloodika.**
. that
----------------Balangt to mo * And- apau be reached i baud was well to da "
by John Sidney Webb, appaan la Tb«
— to hoe in tba pot.
I And aatAflMl. wiien Manrier feigned ; Canlnry. Mr. Webb Hya.
to yawn, tbsl be was inwardly piqned I The "Napeleon of Fina
D otoppsd Sharidan.with a to iDtovA, obe along ibe bnudie of! ginn. and aartalnly (h«
elothra over her ibonlder with a "Uoed tbera. it a bnw«y Sooiato
" *1 don’t remambar evtr haring tmt dgy, M. Manriev-nntU Monday^-good | "Big Aleck" Macdonald. He managed
I to make a la
•hat tort of tbUig beCerw’haHid. ‘Did day."
large clean np on his
poo. Phil?'
•• ‘Soe what non of thing htfetuP aaid In tba f<
I dollar et 1
Uuridan. ’WbatinUoaMarayuatalkAh. me, poorUamillal Well, it is meut down, tbe remainder wbeas tba
tag abont UonklingF
better sa Sbe bos fonnd’a chancu
I water rame in the spring Eroty c
"For reply Conkling pnt erne finger married.
feck CnrioM I abont tbe camp knew of Mncdongli
npQsioM of Sheridan's aoeS and tb«i obonid M entirely bare Int sigbtof hsi I gpecttlariana and all wrre waodering
patnted to another ooa of thi
She was pretty, was Camille—a trifle whether he wonld beeoae e bankrupt 1
"'1 never taw a Jack po
with thiu. bni a good girl and full of droll ' oc a raaUimlllitxiairu. Tbe water did I
•hraa aoea, two of which i
in lh»5 and in
led to I humor; a uiqnatu face, always doatad- not come down early in
- - - — — rilky hair. some instances the clean nps c
I ilkeau aoreoleaboni herbrad. Bowthe ^lsiins he bad bongfal op specnlation
years flyt And slie is married, Sbd 1 am , rame so cIom to tbe day of peya
ice op m
gold '
It face
• beoame
fiery red. The
life. Beelly. lam not enriout. bot it paid over "before it was dry." Tbe
oatiao on hu enoDMaanee was really wonld1 be
qoiir amusing to ie« bar again | death of two brotbm to whom be owed
—to see
are her in her nei
new eurronnuiagiL > #40.000 nn a claim is mid to bare ten
ly.’ Mid be after a minuie, Aud who knows? She lored me when I bis f
•blamed If I don’t believe I’m nothing wnt hi r from me end ■fh-nrord wrote of payinmi of a debt to a dendent'a
than an ioicJontaryawindlw. me h.-artbrokeo k-itera She Iivm in ratate Is ccteoded ooe year by law. tbe
T^t oUier
oca.y.>n «-«. it a club. I
Plan Clkby, eh? Slop a mlnntc—hah:

gold oommiaritmor actingas jodge of
tbe pot on a pair of red aoea sli.must haveforvonen mcl Stilh doea ; probate for tbe time being, hlaidnaald
^ they Were, of conn*-, thnw ocas of a aoiuen fonwi wh. u ebc baa suffettd? le probably owner nf an intert-M in about
Olamonda Cbamlwrllu. ’turning to tbe No It woold la-qm-cr if. afirr all-! twenty odd claimk. bought uu his mioui of
diRire Wbai
What bare
hare 11 to
to risk?
n»k? 1' leave
Pans in a ! ing knowledge and bis woodertol uerra
d player. wiU w.-i l‘li go lo
bet My heart telle "
mcio try my lock."
■A^ Jure tte army fin n rollay
With ibri.
throb edilriug
edilTi .. nflerthnis -Ma«- . ,1 flnallr woo. In some inaUucws daring
the ruins of my hoo»? replied ri. r «.-uc
il dotfip and totA tlie Odoan
Odoan- I the wim.let of............
18V8-7 mooey was loaned
'Barely. Auybow. l'd CliHiy omuibni. upou the inp af- wblch at 10 per cent for
rather e..-yoo and Cirikling Migage is In-sat homuiitig nolil be rewhed bis
a rough and tumble Ugbturer tbe thing o.-siiostiou. An* Trois Pnnweera In the ‘
--------Go ahead, the pair of you We’U eee wiiniows looked out upon tbe worid i
artistic anaiigt-meui of silks and linen. .
Tw. havtag AecMUata.
"Uf oouTve tbe extra aoe of dianumde a forest of walking sticks and umbrcllat j
"To what du yoD aibihate yonr Itmg
tmd dipped into the deck aocidcuialiy and gopreoof cravats. Aithough
life?" askt'<ribe umfiiL .
before it left the maoufaciarer’s hands, large, tbe ahop indicated proeperity.
said AUcaU Ike’e grandtohot Sheridan, when be bad in a urasgtu
. euddenlv embart^rerodifiom bis sorpnee of tbe reveMiicr (or fsar of tber, "mostly to a mpe that broke and
taocm. made a homutuus ptvienrioe encountering ibe husband or perhaps a n oattcridgc tbat didn't axplode."—
that be bad known tbe whole thing all clerk. At lengih, bowerrr, be entered. New Yrak Jonrual.
nloog and couTulscd the three of ns by
OaniUe was behind the counter. - Be
feelingly appeeliug toCoukliog to re­ reeoguMrd her at once. Her fair ftme’
frain tram exposing him to the wrald
Arthnr-They My, dear, that people
for tbe Hke oI bU family and all (hat
who lire together look elike.
nort 'ef thing. Tbe hand being foul, tbe
Kale—Then yog most omuider ay
>a wee of oonne divided."
Sbe raleed her eye* end trianrad at___
expecuntly, but with no rign of ircng
TW-pod (asUMsd s lyrte
"Yon with eomething. iiKmrieM’-.
tel onus BOOl SkuUB PM*.
tJk WreMtj »anA4^
Thie greeting was nnloakwl lor
•Twas riesmi as Uc ■euatacaa
tbe big. (owbeaded boy (n th# bine
KHlas tbe pcarb Ue<M> ssaat.
|ehn colt looked at tbe Uwyer’) new
tbs lorct aarbM 11 softly.
toiler top desk for several mcmco-u and
Lost la s dsy drsMi diap.
Ubra ask^ with a hesitating drawl:
She U»te« haMly ntueMlIt
"Wknr's tbe plgeone at?”
"What pigwins?’’ asked the Uwyer.
w ill abow them to yon.
"WT. thepigeeH that etayintbat
Slfe did not look at him. 0|>miag tbe
ism Bi tbonghebe had never eeen him.
Shn Urd dnaw ef siry araea.
"Why, thisle a fieok. MltMhM M ihongh be were a pandtig cuetoBier.
tbwvlutelr nnknown. "He fell actnaUy
te wroocbl by the Irt aslad psMy^
"Waal. whatfiU jto
^ toUfai rimid Sbe ployed her part wilbont
tel at hU IrcaibM a-ej
’IhoM Uh HU the Meet wen. Ben
m sjss



Hack, Bds and Baggage
’Phone No. 3.

—Watch Kepairiog
—John Verly.
-Front Street.


Carnation Cream. It keens the skin i

B. H. R(5§£ & son.



On Monday,
and Wednesday

s mio


Of This Week,


Mr.. Geo. Miller, representing a largp Bodiester Clothing House, will have his entire line of
samples in our store and will take special orders
for delivery any time before June 1st.
Come in and see the goods. Leave your or­
der with confidence.
We guarantee every fit and tbe good quali­
ties of the goods.




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