The Morning Record, May 18, 1898

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The Morning Record, May 18, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TUB Morning


Mt Otowlto of oa i;utofteo wltk Doiud
Stotoi. bMOOM H woald b. ooBtoOiT to KAKIOV MaAOK OTOWTO AV9
tfAXlUK TtMTt.
tb« policy the totter bod olwo/e por■Md. Tbe Morqntoof doltoboir toU
tb. rowDseot pelier WM tb. itotolOBOMBt efoMiBMro. ud trtoadlj roTOWD EIUXI.F AT OOPZlfUH
•AXPdOV AVD 80H1.ST TO JOXV totioM with oU BoUook

^mciioil OF TWO FLFER.

to M Tbu ProOMd AcaiMt tb«
Vputoli nmt Md to b* to OHibbM> BM-Abtotnl OM-rm to
to b* Atuapttoc to Dod(« tb*
ABWttoB Aqitodrm—Would Km
Sotou Btookado mdTokoTo


TEATOB8* bm, incH. WBDKB8DAT, MAY 18. 1898.

Snsond Tw—No W

tmrrm norm TovAmM


b. etootod op, oe tb. Um bMwMO tboj
boor ot wktoh Block WM kMckod {
dowB ood tbe Use be fOMd blMelf oo
tb. Uoia to m pertoet blpok. It to otoo

btoltomoftor tb. btow woe .troek
Block wosdwMi 0W07 oot ksowlof
wbmw be wm C^oc- He mlcbt bon
beM pieKM op ood oMtotod hf Meoo. to o bonr. wbtob om7 ooeout for
lb. botrr
aotod. Bat bow b. eoold kon mchwl Gopomtob. o dtotoooe of 41 mltoo
to .Ull o deep »y»Ury.
• by o Blow oo
wMode oo bto keod todtooto
X«BdtoB Tore, from Xoebtoo Kotood
jhe HMd-Hto Wind o Blook tor thot b. woo itr«<A by o modbo(. Be
tb. ■ton ood BMpeo ot Oordeooo.
Wtoiiy S4 Hooro—Wtot Ftobto* poUnd two trompo oo tbe obor. wbilo
Spwlml loTu MomSH Rmw
•Bd wo. Tboocbt to How. Bmb , flobtoc, bet tbeofht oothlof of toot
Wubtortaa. Key I? —Tbe ury deJ>rawato-Dwp Kyotoiy Sonead-1 MtU toter.
imrtarat tmlleUn imt peeted fine » |
^i. Ou.-B.'Opm. Horn, to . j
report trow tbe roaboet Umdttoa.j Spwd Btoto.

flanoili Rifles to tbt M!
^ are we in oor stock of Wall Paper, both
in our prices and our goods. We are makiaf ‘
a record everj day for tbe goods that we
give for so small amount of money. We are
adding to oar stock so that yoa can alwaj#
find a good assortment,


iBf for mice, .t CardMM. Ea-| Mkrioo Blwrk. Mie of lb. emptore. »l'
. tif. Wtllwd wlib . iMdlac rmny n-.xkt C kW. If. fnirbt booM bM bvl ’
New York. lf«y 17.-dotop.fa to torf
<“•«***• 1 * '"“f* *«P«rieBee which mirbt b.n

290 Front Strent.

Holley . OonnAbW

Wall Paper

------------Atod Bm A«rMd to Bal.
^ OM.idw.tto. of It.

New lot-cbeap—just rcceiTed at


Tb. SpoBtob ftoet to to tb. (toribbMo !
„ , :Bto BBaeeeDBtable abMOM Moad.y I Wtohioytoa. May n.-lbere to ybad Harthan BlitaD
•M .rfdtoUy to mtot tb. «,~dro« of,
““‘lolrbi Md yMterdayl«ito tb. bell.f' wthority for tb. .UtoBtoot tbto Sptok-;
dowB Uh 8to>i.b a.r mhI
"P tb.t be hU bee. drewnml. m b. bml „
m.. afrtod with
tb. liws etod.ottb.natt.dBt.tM to
I tb. .tor. Md atripM.

yoa. fi«faiay to “-----•----AttoBtle w.tor..
Hitu ehatnaas at tba fareiya affalra
Pr.pM.tl0M M. botor ewde to
imittoe. to brtoy to rale a for tbe
O. Moaday be obtaiBad lean of ab- i
«tMt .JaaettoB.fth. AmU ot (toplidMatioa ot tbe Hawaliaa matto/.
..Bea to yo (tobiay aad before yotey |
tpi. SkwpMo udO
left MU pocket book ooBtatoiB« paper* j Thto tbeooly way it caa be rtocbad.
Btordpepm Store Btoa to. Tn
>eey in the eaeuidy of C. I
with .11 paMibtodtop.t«l>- w
is PabOahlay Army aad Vary
r pTMWd af^t tb. Bpbatob ar-BXXBBBSB TBB ICAZVX."
ba pat iB the eafe dsnay bit abeoaoe.
Spectai «e Tn MoBinae kmma
Laat oiybt he failed to appear at thej^^
O. C.. May 17.-Tbe
• • • Kroteer. with whom'
K.W YM-k. May 17.—A MMrid dtokabiaat bmIob today toatod toalU
patok toy. that .»*.! oaa baUere that
.boat lt:U .'eltok. Htoebcr* a. 'tb.y
Admiral Cmrar. -to dadriag batwMs
Waobtoytoa. May l7.-Tbo yoeorwto be felt tor
for lih:^fety.
n^eofety. Jamtol
OibM* M *4. .'Ai. m aad «
left the White Boime wmo OBBRially beyaa lobe
tb. CMlbbeaa m. a.d ta.'OuIf of MmReboa. ayoat for the C. A W. M. ben. meat booybt three mlllioB bard la^
ntieMt. ena •» to mtoM matter, aad
tee aim^ to dr*w the Am.rioM
tboayhtlitUaotbiL al>eeDcil''foratlma. iMtSt. Lbuto today, atampod --Bcmam—•
— — , bee,,*, Black wae pnparisy *« yo to i
aqudioB from the CobM oomU aad
tbw make a .daeb for Harasa to r«l yraatiy bawparod in ita work by Ua | Qraad Bapida to be marriad today and I____________ ~
iadtoeropt pobUeotioa of nawa a. to j Mr. Raboa Utoo^t ba had qaletly --------------------- ^-------------------------------tb. cawtoM Vtocaya toto drydock to
aaral aad army manmesta Sacratary I *“PP*^ away to anld tbe attootioa* af!
ordw to elMB hw bottom which would
' hU (riaada OammaakaUoa wlU the
Itoay .aid that altbooyb tbe mattorafj^,^^^^^^^^
taeaiMi be..petol.
Spaatob aad faralgB bat blockad.
I ExamlDetbc good work
naaw. wUI ondwtaka to carry ammo- dtoeoMed at today*, eabiaet meettoy. i trato- Tbaraapoa a March wae iotti- '
Ue actioa of oertaia aewa^pen iajtotod aad a Tbit to tbe lake ebon ro-1
wlUoaaBdptwrtetoBtoCobaaad Porto
poMbblay tba monmoate mad cam-I
Bioo d ortof tb. lafay MaMS.
, .
, then waacTideDC. that it bad dnftod.!
paiya.a«ptoa.w..aaMtoy ynat am-!
.f the oar-lock. wa. brokm, aad j
Notblay wae mid at jb* *,,, mtmioy. Oaa of tba totter'
the meettoy ae to tbe nportod par-, wae toaad toter oa tbe .bora A lary.'
OOBWsl KMTitt aMto. Dtot tb. ta- poe. ot tbe praidemt to to»«e p Mil lannktay party eoByht to dad the!
body, and a dona boaw coaUiaed per- I
torriev Ondttod to Blm to

f Bur THu “le» Idea " Patierns-Ten Cetis Fui hr St|la.



For a Pretty
Plaid Bilk Waist


Dry Goods, Caxpet
Clothing Honse.

b“SS« Wheel Enameled ForS2.5D




to the Public.

aabjeet of aaadiny a

toleyrapbed tb. followiay to SMrotpry dut.
I mornlay. Tbie wae naderad Baaecea- '
Alyw tbie afterwooai -Sir—I Amin
Tbe yonrnotont ie now to coMtoat 1 *ary. bowerer. by etibwqoeai danlep-,
yoo to kaow that the toterri^ pab- cwmonBleaUM wiU Admiral Dewey I
Aboat eix o'clock Jaace Keboe rw
Habad to tb. K.w York pap^'thie | „<i bu
jb* pnmber of
leeirwl a teleyraat frooi Keley.
aoratoy U tocortMt tfl* aBaadbetof^
‘£^|troop..m^ry toaco6mpliehth.R>t^ brakemao
tbe M. d: N b . from
I iateadwi to take ao aotic of them. j,^uoB of t^e telaod will be foltowml Uk. Aaa,
Ual Black wae
d tbe artlel. to takm
. bat I I
So tar ae eaa M Icomod ao impor- > the aorUbooad H. A N. E. traia. aid
amhnaly to WaebiaytoB.’'
teat toformatioB baa beoa roMirad *e '* dazed eobditioD. aad aakiay Uat
frieadt meet him at tbe depot. The
• Blysed: WcaUEV Myaairy.
Un.„_..Uo,.b.S,„nh.„n .nr



We hare decided to make a change in onr k»Arp UpnHcnniO • cation
cho&en Grand Rapids as onr fntnre
flic nailUOUIIIC.!| home. We hare already leased a bnilding. WiU
occupy same by August IS. 1898. In order to aroid
Dor Ret)
I ^ expenses of packing and freighting, we hare con*
^ eluded to close out our mammoth stock of



Hen's. Bofs' iBd Chiidren’s ClotUig
tnd Geat's FnrtishiDg Goods it i Grut Sicillce.

Black wu rMcired wbea tbe trato
1%. follow1iiy~Kew York dbpatok ie eoald it be learaed whether a eoeflict |
tb. aabetanee of U. artiela ia qac.- betwMB the fleete it likely to take ; arrlTed. Se wa* ie aa ezbaocted eoaditioB pad Beamed meatally aabalaaptoe. wilbto Ue aozt day or two.
eod. He bad a bad braie. on Ue riybt
“The old uooble betweui (tooeral
Bide of his fan aad bead aad Ue akia
? Everything will be sold regardless of cost See large
Merritt aad Secretary AlyM ha. apparwa. blackened. He w.* uaabi* at aoea
VaeaMity of Kan Waiahipd and a***
manonnt of hiauelf bat after
«Btly brokcB oat oyala.
• bills for prices and further particulars. '
Sttaayar Xilitorr Fore, at U.
bmrdlay boon be
•■Whaa toterriewad toaV aiybt 8aayradoally
bto MUACa
mbk* aad re-.
re- .
cral Merritt mid Ual b. would aet aalated .11 be koew of wh.t bad onorredj
pn.iioanml to bo the n.OHtt to
dMtaka tb. yeaeratofaip of U. Philijr Oearlel toTai Mobzitl BEr-'.air
him Ue ezplatoed that while he |
.^1! tbe Ute patterue.
Hay IT.-Tbe I nited wae fiebiuy on Ue WMt tide
ptoe lelaade. R. belierm that Ue
cemaiaad It aot oaly toadeqaate to bto ■tptei waioktp MeCnlloaybMlIad today Ue lake Moaday enniay he beard J
far MnaUa «rlU Ayntoaldo. Del PUer Ue tn alarm whittle aod beached
rank, bet alee to Ui daliM It carrieA
Ue boot Dear Booybey'e
“GeDpral Merritt farther elated that aod .IxtMa oUor nbel leaden, formbooec. afterward yotoy to Ue top of
be did Boiwaalte yo U tbe Phlllp- Iny U* toaaryeat^cabinet,- oaL board.
^ , I Ue hill at that poiat to toe When Ue
ptoee with oaly oae tboaaaod royulan Tbe, w,Ilto.dat(toT,|fi„,^ thlaklny Ual it -a. aoUaad f.urteea tboauail raw ________
reerolte. *“<> promto. complete anaihlla-1 lay Mrtoot be tterted to ntora to bit
And we are no! obliged to iy*II meat at war prices. We hare s
leaet fire UoBuad rcy-1
Hpaotoh rule to Ue Pbillpptoco. | boat, aad wbea be Beared the bottom of
H. waste
car load of the beat weaiern stock and can famish yoa the •
' ’ ■ illeyiaDoe to Admiral Dewey aad '
ayaiael a man.
beet Chicago beef killed at home.
ral Merritt. Deaaetcbe* urge Ue
“ Ue tame time ronlTed a .tan- j
. “Seentary #f Wfr Alyer claims Uat j
Diay blow oa Ue bead
Krum that;
mity «f B
> Americaa wanhlp*
tebltobed. toaa act I
time ea be nmembend noUiay. aatil I
I aad a .troay military force to be Mat he parUally cam* to hto moms wbea It pays to trad» here and peopli
«f inenbordiaaCioa and that ttooeral
oa Ue train. Be stated. bcwcTer, Uat '
Merritt to a St tobjfat for court
e ttudiiif; it out
be bad a faint recollection of hartoy
ttal. The men have bMB eaemien .iaee
bma to a boyyy bat be coaid oot reU. clTll
membM when onr wbea.
Thtoe TbrM Mpaaiard. will Have | He waedtoooverwi on Ue traio by tbe |
Traabl* if Uey Baa Ayatost Ua Ibrakeman, who knew bim. Ue WM




We do not
ALFRED V. . belong
to the combinatibn
Bingham Bros., Front Street


I WiU difficulty ar- \


mber I hare

foilliae of BleyI atoobave

Srai Miebirau arrived at camp Ui.ijtaria.
j urto. and Cataloai
Cataloatoan Mid to be off , boat He laid Uat be waaled to ye i promptly. I yuaraaUe all work to^
money. >« to«h to |
ho., tot kLl >. mo..,meratoy aad foaad a tot ot Peaaiylvabuild wheel* to order. Uey an \
ala troop* who wen oaly half equippedI oapt Ue OroyoB. Marietta aad BaBala to.Mml-aacoMcioBinMe lyaie aad in e. QaUaadMeUem.
eearcblay Uroqyb bto pocket* Mr. Caland tocktay tbe uaart appearanoe of wlUto e few boan. The totter an
ley dtoeovered to tb* pocket of hi* aeyDOW nearly Uera. The three SpaaUh liye ahin a roll eoauiatoy S150. It
Ue Hiehiyaa troopa
abipa an all Arat-ctom crutoen ef Ue wa* learaed later that hto watch bad
Braztoy of ail kinds, tirca vulcaaized,
beea token alee about SI to awaey.
e* yoed a* new. The oaly up-l
Tbe money iu Ue ebirt pocket wa*
to Ue city. All --’kyui
■•OKBZ 18 WAtllVS.
toofLMds Aa
plaeed then by mtouke. m Btoek *ap-1 **1,.*^ to rli
riveMttofMtloB o>
^aatorda are Oaayregattog ta Oubea '
apeetelmTu Morning Ezeoza.
“d Tao^ M to rent at US Ualoa
■Ida pocketitof hto vMt.
0oaat OitiM.
I Then to a yreat mystery abeut Ue ;
•••>■ "i at.
Loadoa. May IT.—Ia Ue Hoaee ot
Key WMt. May l7.-Joha JevaT aa! _________ ____ *a^ which Black bad
Lofa. todey Ue Libera! leader. Ue
courier, reached hen . Uto, i.,, „ use WMt .bora, wa. fouud onUe
of Eimberly. referred to Ue re- moratoy after delivertoy dtopatebM ^ east .bore. It to Ueuybl tbnt Ue robeeat speech of Ue eecniary of uate fer frem Ibe Cubaa Junta to Oeaeral Oo!>« "m n“d Uen to Uttle
; doebi of It, took Ue boat aeroM to Ue
Ue eeleaiM, Jeeepb Cbambertoia. sayoUer tide of tbe lake to Urow porntble
tay Uat the aUiaaee maatlaued by the
parauen ot Ue tenek. breaktoy Ue owbase beea^
a alltoi
aUtoaoe Uat Gcaaral
al &»mez to w^Uay.'kavtay lock and Urowlay away tb* eara. to
wmid. loeatod t Chkayo. Braaeb
le ^hMfEnmto. a
Aar muUal defoBM
litUe to do. H Ue Spaalarda have Ukm potot to a drowalny aoeldeat. It to
etereKo tU rioatat..TravoneCltj.
Mkid if Ue Matter wM ae far ad- to Ue
probable Uat Ue myotory wfll aevor
B. E 8TB0S0, Maaayar.

EoMieling aed DeceraDnf
it t|ie latest Styles.

H. E. GIBBS. Propr.

Klinball .
Plates aad Organs


Parasols and Umbrellas
At The Boston Store.
Goods of the latost production.

Many noveltifa in fancy

plaids. Colored parasols with raffles made of good msterial,
and a handsome selection of handles.

Specials TeCattitae III Tils WaaL
100 ladies' Umbrellss, chmeest hsi^^^ Dresden nstnral
and pearl, first claw tafTeto covering; a$^ lot,’ worth fally
from 1^60 to $J.OO. all go at $1.78. Otbe^ grades of parasols
and ambrellasirom 15c op.

The Boston Store,
Froat Street




JaAiI nano FlIOM.


WoAUgtM. May 17—Soerotary
r^y eaid thb aftaraeoa that be woold
Bot eoBaldor the qBaotloB of aeadlar
the harbor defoBOO reoeal Moaterey nor
■fiBfl u Tms HoaaiM Baeaui.
{he Saa Praadaoe to vho HhUlndaw
WoaklBttoA, IU7 17.—A aUUBnt ■aleae the bpaaiarda atieapt to eead a
eobled from LoadottjeMerdAx^l fleet tbereJ»pu taUBdod to protMt vlcof^7
WeahlartOB. May 17.—More thas H.kCoiuA the nlnrooftho PhlUp^m
by the Uottod btouo. had with that
aod are bel^ a
; object ta<rie«latAVUc«t^t*Mearo
the oo-openiloB of eortala BoropoM pe>Bt<.

BAportAd That Bhc wm ProtMt
onr. • wcbioam
kcAlnM 8«bar« of PhOippiBM
; TBOt. T. Batm An 3. W. BAnn.
A* W. BAsna. Bdltor nd


.......... ««









The etateaoBt b BOt credited by the
Japaowe mlabter. He eaid today that
^ haa raoebed aolaUi&aUoa. oficbl
or oDOffielal of each a porpeaa on the
part of bb foraracDeBt. Be b eoafldent the report b wlthoat fonalatloa.
la bit opleioD the ataUsoot earriaa tu
owa eeatradlctloa. alacelvb aaU erident that the prearat aUte of aCatra la
the Pbilippiaaa offe-s aelUer oooaaloa
a for a p-uieat by Jepaa.

Cbeapeat and meet reliable place to get yonr bicycle repaired and
pat is good rassing order. Have had eeveral years experience and
know how it ahoold be done. Satisfaction guaranteed. I am mIIW
bicycle sondziee at about coat. New and second band wheels for salw
and to rent. Pleaae give um trial.
ELLIS, 311 Front dL.BHBU


New York. May 17.—Tbe price of
read' weat ap oaa eaat a loaf la New
York yaatarday.
Loadoa, May 17.—The Parb correapondeat af the Dally Mall layt: -A
aaiqW of dpaaleb war reeaeU'' which
ware raeeetly deatltale pt armaae
have bcea enppliad with Krepp yai
They here elaobecaeopplled with all
>eceeaariea iaclodiay Uerman arlllleryteta

Priaaary Behoel Xosay.

........."■’“.r r
iii'i.............. !S
SS.lS'-.:;;;,- : i::. »s SO

WaehioytoB. May 17.-Secretary Alyer hae received eeveral reqaeeU from ■Great................................ l»l
a and Kentnoky WiU Be the miliUr}- eommaadere et Tampe to
The Xaa
Baady U Two Koatha.
erect coact dcfeaaee there. It U claimed
Waabiaytoa. May n —Tbe bettle- the city b eatlrely uaprotected.
ehlpe KearMrye aad EaBUeky mlyhtr
OladatOae Dylay.
be fiabbed aad plaoad la oommbelea la
two moatha. The Uliaab could not be Bprrle) u> Tb« Uoraler Rorord
New York. Mey IT —A balletia bS"0J
■lade ready for aea la Icee Ibaa alxmoatha, bat work wma atoppod opoa all aoed toalyht csye that Uladatoae b dy
ef them aomt tiaae aye, beeaoae it waa lay. .

Tax atataaeBt that Japaa frUl lavita the aid pfthapowen to protaat
aCBlaat the aebare of the PbUlppiaea
by.tha Salted SUtaabdbcroditad. aa
me Boeamoat yet made by thb fom■OBt warraaU each a poaiUoa. It b
aoBnaly likely that Japaa croold eater
•ha preaeat difiealty aaleaa aha had
MM MK ealid raaaea far dbaalbtaetiaB. Oa the eeatrary. Japaa weald
prehaWy have a parUeolar care la sot
toyltiBy troabla wlU thb conatry.
deemed laara importaat to fit oat tbe
aaxillary erabert firel. aad every maa
Thbbs b a uacertaiaty ae
to the aaoreBeabef the Aaerlcaa war- lathe Newport yard waa emplayedoa
ahipa. which b aade eUll more nneer- that work abht aad day.
«BlB to Use pahlki by Ue deleniaauea
The Abhama. which b belay balU at
of tho yoTenment to keep the preee Cramp'e yard at Philadelphia, will be
teea pahlbhlay the moremeau ef
aaeal reaeob. The meet reliable aewi ready far aammbaioa b ahoat three

fmrr IB yoatiae Bratrab Ooart Oat
VBtU 19180 Thb XonlBf.
Taatarday aftaTBOoe the atteatioa af
/Batba Browa's eoart wee oeeeplad
tilth the caaa Of Bart J. Hell ra. 6. L.
Oaa. Ball pnrehaadd a haraa from'Ilea
BBd BOW elalma ^t it b aot aa repreMBtad. He alleyaa that he offered the
BBlBial'back aad reqaeatad the retora
efiha moaay paid, bat waa refaaad.
Baoee the eait. The jury reamlaad
e«t aatll 13:J0 thb oierBiDy and belay
BBBblc to ayrae ware dieeharyad. Tbe
Jaroce were Ueorye Lerdie, Aea Uele.
Obarye Voir. J. H. Thomae.. Daneaa’
MalMCblia aad Jaba Bombeoyh.

Thirty Shoond Xainmoat Ordered to
Xava 'At Oaaa.
BpMlel w Tas HoBxixe Bacoan.
labadLaka. Mleb.. iTay IT.-Ordere
reached lalaad Lake from tke war dapartaeat tkb afteraeaB ardariay tke
Tblrty-aaeoad raylmeat to proceed- to
Detreit. May IT—The cloaactjmimaU oa the departore of the Thirtysecoad reyimeat. plaeea the tlmeThoreday aftoraaan. as tbe tleopen used by
the Tbirty-flrst moat be retaraed for
oeeof the Tblrtyeecoad.



. Bli HUb will be Bxattlaed Taday—
Tita Ooaliay to Fallow.
At Pepth of 1»0 Feat it Flawi 89VI
000 Oalieaa te 84 HoaraNv.-^ Tke anmiaatloo of Eli Sills, charyad
obuiBiay alyaatores to e
The difBcalty exparieaced aeme
a aye with Ua biy mtylam ar- school order by fabe prateaaea. will
take place befarc Jnatice Browa taday.
> well hae baea «
Tka axamiaatloa of Tita Cooltay will
TrevaraeCjty Iroa Works bavlay beaa
M wark on it far acme Uma The follow tbe Bills case. Coeliay was raeriyiaal well atrack a yraat flow of laaeed an flioo^bail.
avBtar at loa faav bat aama montka
attar Ub the flow waa almaat eatinlyi
rtr-*-"* by eby mod aaad in the pipe.
Tke well has beea drivea saw to a
total depth at IM faeU aad the bottom
Jamw Marehie will leave teday for
Is la yiavel. The water b baaolifoily
Aaar aad pare aad the flay b K4.000 New York where he will aeeare paasaye on a ataamer fer hit eld home ia
gaUau ia tt ^onra
Ayerahlre, flcotlaad. Be wUl rtalt Ua
Braadmothar. whom ha hat aat aaaa
for alxteea years. Alao hU broUera ta
Chat b tbs Oommeat ofstata Fraea Lapdoa. Ha will ba yaaa aboat two
Ob the Bab^ Xiflea.
moatha. ___ _____________
The Haaaak Blfla arrived at Camp
Baton Moaday aftaraooa with three
Qoeea City Camp of Eoyal Nelybbor*
alhar cocepanlas aad all the aute paof America will meet toairht in Meapan are liberal la flalUriay commeab
tayae hall.
•poD the appearaaee aad ysaeral makeA new walk U belay laid ia front of
Bp af the Travcrac City compaay. Bath
the Berald of Uraad Kapide aad the Bobbe' hardsrare store and Bemns' bar­
Democrat staled that the oompaey from ber ehop.
There will be a reyoiar meetlay ol
here are at flee a compaay af soldiery
as baa coma to the camp dnrlay tbe Scxemalal Lcayae toalyhk Baalcem
prilint uoahle.
ef importpace aad laltiatioa.
MePberaen Post. G. A. R.. U preparOolay Home to EaylaBd.
Wm. Attwood. who baa been empley- iay U obeerre Memorial Day and la
•d as yarflaerst the aeyinm fer aevaral the parade all tbe local secret coeletlm
Invited to join.
years baa rtslyaed bU positiaa aad will
There will be a meetlay Ualght la
loBve the lest of the week with bU
temUy for bU old home la Olooeeeter- the Foreeure' Ball of Uooe who have
shire. Bn|laBd.-«bleh be bee aot rlai- yivea la their aames as membsra of the
tad la fiftoen yoara Mr. Attwood U a now' military company.
skUlfai aad experixBced yardaer aad
Geo. McRae aad Mlaa Sdaa Browa.
AarlBy his eayayemeat at the asylom both of laUrlochea/were married at
•to yrouads and yreenbeasee have at- the HoUl Whitiay yasurday by Bav.
tslnr* a biyb deyree of perfecUoa.
J. aCarmaa.
laapeetor sf kalis Beaaar aad In­
Ban Down a Ohlld.
spector of *bollera Bteeeker vUitsd
While rtdlay hU wheel oa the elde- Ue Cslambte yaatsrday aad fenad her
WBlk la froBt af PetAader's bicycle la ysod shape.
•bop last evealay. &aBk flpealmaa ka
The names oa Ue diplomas to ba
iBto aad kBoeked dawn little Boble
awarded Ue yradaatiay class are be­
Mateble, eaa af Mr. aad Mn. Jai
Xaichio. The litUc fallow was qulu lay artUtieally lettered in Gerama
by City Treasoror Warxbnty.
BBflly brsiaad bat aot eerioaaly laTbe advaaee tala sf aaaU for
-Pbaat,” to ba preaeatad baUiday
I Xva ta Aaotbar Batch,
Biybt by Portsr J- Wblu Co., opensf
Tka latest vlolatcm ol the bicycle biy yeatorday. The coyayeaMat■rilBaarr —|——- FOr rtdlay oa prova a yreat saeeeaa
msiks SB SuBday. LsUad Baaa<
The OaayrayatieBal Cbareh Aid SsWill ABdorasB. Ida Dolbery. Oal Laar daty wlUiaeel Ula afteraooa at
msrthy aad Thomas OoBtoa; for ridiay reaideaoe sf Mm. H. C OvUU. m
Mo fast. Lprt PsBBiaytoB aad Oortia of NlaU atraat aad Imkc aveana. Tbs

KS5S........... ;i;

Will Xaet 1b AaBual Ooaveattan la
Xanbtaa Taday and Tamorrpw.
Tbe SiaU Piremea'e Aseoebtioa will
meet la Maabtae today aad tomorrow
la aaoeal eeeelaa. Tba-dfl^tas from
Traverta City are M. E. Baakefl. A. C.
Deepree, T. G. flkileoa aad Jbay Paharal. It b expected that aboat 100 deleyatas will be preaeat. Aa ioetreetiva
and eatarUiBley prayram will be yivea
aad tbe taUowiay importaat tapiec die•d:
What iadoeemeau are there to
yoney mea to hceame members of part
paid flrs depanmeau otkac-thaa the
asll aalarlm received?
S. Bow can we laerceee the iotarcet
ef onr fire departmeaU?
3. dhoold not Ike Are iaearanee
ampaniee help euatala Are depart4. What atepa ahaold be takea to
laterest the ebicft aad members of Are
depanmeau io our aute aaBOcblioa?
5. Who shoold have ebarya of^flre
apparatus aod uam of the Are departmsDt—tbe mayor of tbe ciliea or vlllayea. or the chief of tbe Una departhteut?'
Would it oot be baorflclal, ia
1 lawai or villaires. that members
ef tbe Arc dere'iMeat be appoiaiad
flrr wardens?
As the chief of tbe Are depanment U held reepoaaible for the work
performed, ekauld be set have tbe
ecirctioB ef tbe esatarial to be need,
end the eeleetion ef ekSeera and meo?
The importaaoe af cloaer co-operUe buds of Ue departmeaU, particnUrly aa* to Ue aaoorUlaiay the caoae
of flree before adjasUaenUare made?
The beet made ef orfsaisatieB
aad tbe moat eCectlve sycUm ef 41aclpllae for Are drpartmeaU. Alao Ue
Importaaee of aeparatiay the departt frem poUUcs.
Tbe daayer of yasolia# mAcblaee
and the aeceaaary preeautioaa to reyolate Ue tame.
II. How to flyht lamber Area.
11.—TBe proper way to Ayht Area is
attics and cellars.
Mrs. Herbert Moouyne returned
from Mllwaokee yeeterday, where tbe
hae been visitlay.
Mrs. U. 0 Uaell has yooe to Scraaton. Pa., te visit ber brotbar She will
relatirce ia soaUrra New York
before ratarnlay.

She Wants

Only a woman can appre^U bavlay Ue papertny done at a time to eait
ber. Whet she waaU >e e paper haayer who will do Ue work i^ht aad
come whan ba ayreaa to. Hit aaaw la
tVlnaiesad hit address 113 Front^it..
oppoaite Gayla office.

"Site most wwpVrte ■B.thbon rtoeV
'vtv ttvt dl-g.
"She qTtatest nantl'a.Twst.V
'vnq tombXtt&Uous, \Vve Vwtsl ^rwes
'vtt aW slavVe arti Lancia 'RVbWs.
"KcWtvnq mere
wa8ott \w Vr'mmtttqs, Wet, tathes, etc.
■PWees tfOKt Ic 'Swi \vv.



Steinberg's Grand
Opera House.
May 21st.

The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at

Hardware. 146 Front St.

Porter J. White,
la a eompleu predaclion of
GoeUe'i Immortal

Eitr^Uiliie CuTlid Cosplett
I CItj PnilntloD.

Ever See a


Well, not exactly, per*
baps, but yon may have
noticed people whose walk
made you think
You can’t walk well on- ^
less you ore w^ shod<^ I
alw 1

10 new electric- effects.
8 tons of special scenery, prop­
erties sod electrical apparatus,
Prices for this engageinent—75.
60 and 35c.
Beats on snW Tuesday morning
al tbe box office.

on yoDT feet means die comfoct that
lends spr^htliness to yonr gait They
cost no more than poor shoes. Onr
assortment is laige eoosgh to insnte
a fit for every style of foot


\ Onee More




- r:


Has Invaded the land in the interest of humanity, and once more in the interest of those who intend getting

A New Carpet Or a Floor CoveriDg



Linr;, Sale and Feed Bant

We mention the fact that we offer the oest, have tho :
largest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better sat- i
Isfactlon than Is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us convince you.

First-elaae Biya. I'>aryUloy aew
aad rat. Bates aa raaaoaaUe aa^ny
Arat-claae bars la Ua city. Give oa a
eall aad yet our prtoaa


Horse Hotel.

BnOitn a IMHnb,


THB xoumro BBOOBD, WXDVBWAT. mat 18. 1888


a to Mft|«r
Oftiwml BitMlbft.
PUsbneb Lee. OiUted
BUUa veliuitcera. Ibt Beventb eorp*.
Tuepft. Fta.
■'HftJ«^Oei>er*l Joaefih

VeluntMT Troopt Ar« An«m>
bling, Ov«r 8.000 Having
Alraady Arrivad.

dIvlaloB. Tftim*.


Mm* Mac tm nilMift.
Bpmffleld. uift.. H«r J?.-Tbe Pint
bfttullno. Plr« re*tir.rnt, which ,»*■
ordered U. more lo Chlrk*inftU«ft. lefl
, C«mp Tftnner ftt I ft- ro. loday, ftnd the
I etbftr two bfttiftllnne wilt foUow ftt cloae
latervftlft. The Second rectment boye
' were ftU muMered in by « o'rlork ye*terdfty ftftei
GMr«*Ani*«iit Peon*. mrrl\<Hj
kw MlUUa Pr*rarlac U> bold ft rvnfmr r with Ooremor T»nhfti the to'emor will
fteftmen to be ee_______________ ____ ^
Iwu* ft Cftll rol for
Ihe lllinul* nftVftI mllltlft.
CMckftmaun KftUonftl Park, Oft.. Ufty
x^be ft«ai«r>ed
St.—Dm war depftrtmynl hfta craaon to immedlatrly. It l« the Intention ot the
be antlAed at the dl«patcb and ea»e war department b> »lvr an ftrilns ftPVlth which the volutiteer army 1» beinc polntmrtit to one line ofllcer «nd two



Within lonyel«hi boon


^ the time the order war U.oed f?r
tbft moblllullon of .taU tr.-y .Iteady
BoMered Into themtulftr aervice at IhU
patllt l.ue men, repree'-mlns MX ftlstea
bava raponad to Major General Br^t.

,va\hln«t.m ar.l .n
^ the tr»nst«iriatIoT) ftlTivre. The .Sixth olll piobalily
(et away tmnoirow,____

Wilt Be the Resnlt ofthe Crieie
That Sagaita Has Now to
Deal With;

RRnn^A Anfl Daii^a Oaaa

IlIBn S 31)0 uOy S L3ps

TTHtET! or TEE RfFinirwi OEOeEV. ij
tbe-taaer lawerdaM" efthe Tveabte— 1
Oageete's Regliwv Tea Canelllato'ry tram I
Ui%mfi to Pall Ppala, bat Ihe MeUlsms
Os«> me Ne* Corns Forward When Of•sred lbs Opporiaally.
I-mdon, May 17.—A dispatch ta nie
Morning I^der frum Madrid: "The '
new mlnlelrra w-lll be benur Romero !
Giron, .minister of foreign effalra: Senor j
Aunun, miniaier of marine, and the [
Duke of Almoduvar. mlnlaier ot public 1
workCThcn niftlnder will form amahe- I
shift until the budget has been car- |
The Madrid correapondent of The I

WlMBsIn h) lleplnee nee noard.


Ask About Them-AII Kinds of Bicycle Clothing.
Hamilton Clothing Co.


Amtmameot Kotaa.
Porwr J. Wbitaaad blacotBpaby will
-h,nl8eant prodnctloh of Faaat


Q~-a, on^tnrday ere-







Uo> IT.-No" thftt whlih baa be. n hanaln* nre fur aeveral oiaf of this waok. May 21
I WlPfnnln I* without a National Ouard,
The alory of Fault has perbapa been
■ all the »tat- miUtla havlns been mue. 6<-n»r Bataala and made use of lor dramatic porpoaee oftcred Into the rrsiilar eervire. «le|ie ar«
Uaer thaa any other on the atare.
lojbe taken M -r..- to orxanlxe a new the Sacaslu
ofewardlnc a conflict 1 From the time of the -Doctor Faoatue.mllllla. h''*ny new- companlee .an ■!«orsanlxed. the atale low pr.'VKIln« f..r,
Stu.ra by P*'^‘f>*«>*!-,chri.loDher Mario_____________ _______
tnrouKh Id pureulnc!*’ vnriaiiwpoei »*»•
that number. It U umlentood that they
,«.llr> the cabinet not only ranlflorlona oonUmporary.
to that of
will lie aceiite.! up-in the underwlaiid.
ler to the general current of opin- ' Qooibc. hU only rival in the dramatic
Inc Uial w h-n the old puard l> muaien-d
out of the recular wen lee It shall have
Uald. there haa been au
' the flcht of relni latemcnt aa the WlaTBAVEBfiZ Cm, MiOH.
atiwam ef h'anat prodactiona. eapecUlIy
Hon of IIS own adherenia
coniln NatlonnI tluard.
la Oormaay. tbe land where the lenbd
Not the Klrht faaioel b>» War.
The Second Wlaoonaln Infantry ar>
nu attitude waa loo LonclUaiory to hM its orijriD. Alroody In the ITlh
' rived at t'hatianooca lost nicbi.
■Ult the twlllcoae temper uf the nation oeDtnry It was a popular eubjecL UurI
MoTdaiewl afthe Mlrhlaaa Mea.
and c.ns.-uuently It be<aine very un­ mirUo IBtboaatutj it waa the topic
Detroit. Mar- IT.—Three li>n« tralna popular. When the |».llcy fBle<
Oao Day Only Kacb ^th.
—n.,. b.
of ..—too. ».1I-I»0« "MU-I™....heannB the Thinyflrai Ml. hl»an Infan­
- In
try paared throuch tV.ot Detroit early
U tbe cuDceasions It oufht to have Or pup(«t ahowA which held their popyesterday en route fr<iin the atatr camp realrned to meke way for a flyhtlnv uiprit.'well Into the preoeot oentury.
at lalaiid l-ake lo rhU-kamaura. -They cabinet Mlnlslere desirous of peace at . .
aninarad oOBtlahtlv la paaloproceeded tuuithward via the Mlrhlcan
S. O OO desnle Ibsir aitealloe to Pissiasi of the Krw Bar, ThioaS aod flaw
Central. Clm lnnail. llamlll. n and I*a>wosoBiialoa.aDil all Cbrraiie Priraieaad Nerreau Dissosaa. MormlUsa. Oraaatatad
i.m and Olnelnna'l Southern r.Miils. ducilr* aflalra Id a siruKlr^aalnsl an j meladramaa and trar«dlca. I'p
Several from the city awsem- enemy InOnitely su|>en readurces productleu of Ooothe'e Foust there i
bled at the BUfturban station to aay • • • Thetv were many Uberali who
’ ' wore oboot twenty-ol* koowt w ai... I
' e.e.d-bye In the Detroit battalion, which had condemned the i-aMnel-.(or belli*
; ; ia Gor.
secuMed the aecond aerllon. but they U«1 conolllalury and w.iu continued to,—
. iiahla^aad blieOlac. Racial Cleera. nworsw. nttala.—^Icbye
were not |»rrnmed to visit the a..ldJcrs.
moat uf whom were asleep.
war They wrreibe r.ien. It was natural' of the ooBtury. The beat kaowa of|“;
eauMlc or llaatarw (
>0 fruai boslnssa, ai
JM* aas*ei ki
ly supposed, who must be wlllln* to ac­
Iheoe ie the frafinenl. uofortoualely
New (Ifall
f the department of the
cept the reapcnalbtlltiea uf uIBce when a
very incomplete, by tbe
Ukea headhimrtera here These acddlera
the'National Aaaoola- war waa Imnilncr.t."
poet Leeainy. .Since"
IMellaed la Aeeept Respoaslbimr,
bave been moved not only rapidly, but
I nderwrile-p. haa Imuod
But when they were oflered the op- I Goethe's eernlon it baa become the
without delay or accident of any kind
,.na1denta ojall the life
poriunliy lo advise Sacasta's retlreineot I
sUadard of Ihe Fauat drama.
‘ n-HOBH ANI^UtOBRa eared wltboet acids, feirt. peloorsear.
General Brooke has already revrewed msuiance lomiwnlea In the rnited
they advis<-d the reverse, tbe, corre- ^
..........................................., .
liaraBKB. KewhamsIieauseBt. rnanrpaased aaS ekeap
tbe rnsjurtly of the companlto. and la States m reaard to the eaiabUshment
I and has snperamled all tbe real. Iht^h
orkBaNTEE To eaie erery am ef DywwtsdB. Sick Beadacha POSB. Tape Worn. ■
gratlfled at the splendid apearance of of a
lonal mi there hare beea many ooaUouaOoaa.
who Is alieajs aliicdy .-onsiltutlonal
will ciee spseui sttasUca to dtmeali eases asd to eaaa
n faclllUrs
leand what-net, falMtomrw
her acts.
Peraoas appljtas for ueafset wiU please beta* two a
from t'hstl»Ti.K.*a to ^e park have been
Kacaata lo ivmalD
1 operatic rer- “^Tlloer w'keat* anatala to rail eaa wHle tall panlenlwreef tkelrueeasC hare we
ao tbonmxhly airamcd that the red>eunsenled. but the other mmlalers
menta sa they ebye In arv promptly
by no means aatlslled. There were Ir- i srwaa.
.Uh . e.p.«M
Mr advocates the Idee.
tranaferred. so that without any con- •"<* '•1'“"
ooecaneae II yea employ taem. They are reepcewlble had well kaoo
reciin. Ileable
difference of opinion |
Vtwers biff dark cloud.


The CtUbratBd SpBcUUitt,

Hotel Whiting
FRIDAr, MAY 20. J898.


OoDBoltataos and Exasunatlon T
OonildentiaL .

;;; z-; -i.-. .b.sr7.j.. f.—'


and Strictly


To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men


fusion they are aaMpnrd to Ihrlr i-arop.
draw ilirir suiipiit-s and are >.ui uf the
way In time (or the next arrlvala


Des Molnre. la.. Uay IT.-The of the Sci-..nd resimrnl oltlcsrs
Arelewlutytrsierw Mrclueoiw
were taken lo C'amp McKinley yeslerThe Third Illinois Intontry arrived
• day afiernu..n. and the murierln* in in ihree
three ariiluns
sriiloos over the
gan t.slay.
It will............
take ...-----------iwo days
'Nashville and
d ('haiian.M.iia
t'haiian.»>iia raJlnwd and equip
rqulp the men. and uniraa ord. re to hur- i
-did not rc».h thla pcint to> re|K»t
re|K>rt to ry them lo Tam|« wiih..ut dela> are!
General until : oVl<x-k yeater- ^nt from Washincton they will be ]
day afterr.i' n The r.Kh... ni is In cony^ready to start Kndaj . The other three ,
Band .'f t'.fbin. l Fred Ib ntmi, an^s re*imriiis are elatrd ..vrr their aeslcn- |
mehl. which sends themtciCblcksmausa ;
-iWea and oftlccni The Fifth ii
• Instead of separatlnc ^em.

fanlry. O.l.nel J. F. fuli.-r t
Inc, arrived in at
A m.. and reach.-d (he I'ark
reponn _
teruneni has twelve .ompaiilew l.lTi ‘“I" «'el>~ k •»»
Ben and offlrers. The One Hundred and
Into the rmted Klai.
n Indiarta Infantry,

z:“ ;.x


that they themselves as w.- l as some aed by the east and by the wewt, aa oao
of ihelr rolleaeues were noi i-ai«ble of q( the bifTfeat, brifhteat and bealeoloropln* with the ..................... .
duiiem of ^ .muaemaal eutertalnmeau in extsh.-lr oftl..-. at a time „f
n| nmoN tir W4R on
on ptiarR.

DRS. B. S.&CO.

They'll Fuy at Xanistaa.

Brwucht U. tbe S'n>^ b> the -eelraaUea ,
achooi base bail team will
oi ii.e fai.ia.-iRaCHsia. I pl*.v * Piok-up team this afteraoon 10
"F-i„aiiy on Sunday. kla>
i.w rn in practice for tialnrday. when they
j-joiumg i.. the r. |-v-'"nt.u.
VTvi.Te.1 thequeen I will *o to Maaiatee U play a yams In I

1 reirenl Ihe resicnali..ii of the .oMnet.
, Airain the earur lii'.|M,rlMiil is.llllral
I eunaiii'S were ivi>sull.-.l
»u«en mustered :
I,,j,.. rcsM-nsibllltl.-s ..f ..ffl.-.-,

If You Have bogs to Sell

retura for the ooe played here a few

CurrtupoDd with Ihe Tratvrae City Lamber Compkoj.
We bare for mJ««oocL,

weeks a|fe



e urch will meet at Mre. W.




Thln*a seemed lo U- ai a dra.ll.K-ki but
there was still a way but of It. The a s. 2M> Kaal Niuth atiwet. Ibia aflerfundamental .lueatlon of i-'il.-y which DOOB at two o'clock
Tbia keiuf the
divided mlnlst-rs was whether the *ov.
ke'fqre t
Ue aeanal eoueeart^r before
emnient aliould still seek a psrtflc solu­
try member If
tion by iirov.AInc the friendly inter­
vention uf.tbe (rresr p>>wees. or should i preaODt.
Mnr« Mllllla Asal*aaMala.
abandon all |lre^eat hope uf peace and J
o irurr'Maa.
tVnahlnRton. Uay IT.- Adjutant Gen
flfht to the bitter end

d orders di- I
• - question, affecltns lb* vital
erni Corbin y.-sierdai
call for voluBniry, the nation ^ duesllonal-lv
rr.iinx resin
rImtniB of volunteers which I interesis of
wsll-kn.iwn western Ret been Invited Id-! te-is ' ea>s
are ready to to pr.<-eed to ineir ' itUcht have
enatot who holds intimate
rendrsv.-ustiiK winta as follows: Wis- exitreas an opinion by the voltw of Ita • publican .ei
-Isilons with Secretary ot
eonsin fb-c..od and Third i<. Chl.ka- r.-i-r. a»ntatl>es In parllam.-rt. andiherv I perwnal rei.
"To pr..peHy hold tbo
oaufm. Ulcblsan Thirty-tirsi to Chlck- was a is«sibmty that a more pa.-lflc I War Aly-r
mlfhi be reeotiiniended. because I Phlllpplni Islands.'' he Continued, "w*
amaufa. Illinois Sixth to Wasbiufton.
--1 find
iwrty I' •ball
"O'' '« SOW li.-ne too many."
the leader
SB's hM a t-baplalA
I Proceedins the senator said the prealwhich bad always sh..wn
hlrafo. May IT.—Rev. Thumaa Kw- bellicose than the l.lberala had used In denl Is* a. call for 1M.«M
(therman. of tbe BoHely of Jeaut. tbe ehamis'r certain vasue cspr*.-aslons
ivnoxled with SL Ifnailus .oHefe., which Srs-Ire.l to ah.'W ilu.1 he favored
si »r Gear alsfUthsm
Chk-neo. has be. n apiwinled i hiiplaln niakiiiE another r(T< rt to si.-ure lawu-i- Fourth rexlnirnl of the Ulaaouri
S.-n--r Uoret a.-»s'rdlnals launched,
Waahli,ct..n May IT-Thewardepart- Kailor-al Guard.’
Ihe Idi a til the chati.l*-r l-ul Senor Sll. •
Vela, instead of adopliiia Morel's BUS- ; Orpli
wionV VuV the 'mohiuctt.'.m ind'’!h^l
Restlon. .ondemne.1 It in lo. m.-aaured
^unmem of .lo .o.o..,...r arm,
terrra as an altrri.]ii of tio- ootemment I
3(ilb April. IsA
and the proiir-s* w M-I, is made
,..,a|.|iah .
1-eilimaf r-'l-nslblllUes i
' ta most etaiitymk
riant de- Kl.-ndike L-old -t Seattle.
aad In iransfoim
. li.>mleT Into a '
He ffood ebouflrb toaee that all'tbs
eelopment of the day ««. the .leflniie
|.s,.„av.ii U.les It.mised bill of eX
ormventlon of
Fl. n, li
tuber* ol jOur
selection c( ir
t sm-.-qu. Ill
Is nip llin.ufh this country tyi>e In tarn SenorUoret
with tbe
i“r f
altllncs esplaln.-d Ihnl
aoapu-d bv the Kxeeutiee Council
contain wii> suri.rlsra. Th. uah Major
meailH-r* of the tteder ’
linlish steamship Twiekeuhartv
warned iiu-rely an Indhaiiou
General W.-siey UeriHl Is u..i.-,liic0 to arn\- -l at F*-'l
lh«na-|^ve rewponded or who may b
tional will.
• the d.-a|.ruu. iil of the 1^1. 111.. su. Ii dea. tons.of coal, Poflo 111
attar respopd to the call of Iheir o«
"fienor Stllvel* refused to acrept the
nfnatloii Is made formally and it is
xi„. ,..s|.ieo.s of ..............
known that be "III fo to thel'hmpi.iii. s thr.-e iiilica east ., Mineral I'olnl, Wla.. i "H'e brwneh ami the .abin-t. cootainU commend .-I M»e army there atul wi.i
Cestroy.-d by ire. Laws. Il.txa: in- I Ih* fepreis clallx - s --f h-'tli ihiII. i.-s. re. lew be classed
I lai-sed Into Us ..Id (tlRlrulllew Thr ocily Frcferred” claas. and
Boomparled by klajor (SeneraJ oii-v
. .
^ _
Thr desifr.aluii uf General P'lixhuxb
'Si. Ise ..C.r HKlCOg ■
Senor Sacaala 1.. rates proTide.1 (or such cIbm id section i •
.. -----------------a----------,a,llrtes. . 037 of the Cosstilutioat and I-awa.
1 commander of the Seventh corps.
I Ij cho.»e
«.Jd was SI
I lelline tlK*e
I headqum-lerm at Tamiw. would frum ,
who obje. ted to lbs I
*11 restrictions aa to residence!#
seem to ludl. atamUial he Is lo ac- *1^,,.,
I |..lky BdC|.le.l
done,'.emlh of ike 3sxh parallel ef lelitude|J
and It Is uiidei-rei.xd thet he will cho..we : ^re hereby suspended, lo> su
eu lar
far as ii;s
it {J
company Ihe army of mvaalon to Cuba. ,
xh.i. t„r> -I the navy
In a general order Issued at tbe war rB,,...! , o. ii-1 in » .siiiiiale .if over fco - I
department yesterday afternoon the aswjul,'.n leoi con- I
lue durin* the | •
Bible enemy
time that tbe said brethrea to the iHfT. r. nl corps and „ru. tionVi. ot the r,a<y
Other importoni ruinmands are an-o\et
f .IIS' y.-ui- r
.-ekly dlstrlbu-I
Mrlkd at KcMska.
•ounoed as "The fullowinc asTour h'raaocial becreiary “iT^’
f l.»|.'..d hu. I
Il iiU- v at 8t. 1
Kenosha, tvis , May IT.—
at*nment of xeneral ofOeera locommand
donns cba|«M. on.- of the Trl.uiy parish whe.jer* of All. ti Rroa' lanr
Ii hereby made l-y Ihe i-residetil:
eburchea. Sew York city
| for hUiher was-s yesterday
5 ““*'‘' .-B,traHaaanlousCiaat"U>lhr "Ordi,
■vajor Gciisral Wesley Merritt. U. &
Captain MIcRael tr. Usu. r. s.vret ser ; being refused Ihelr demand walked out
the driHkrtmenl of the Paelflcnary or Preferred Claae.” from the daU
vice aceiit for Krnluck.t. dropped dead ahd refused to w.irk.
The girike Is
•major Geimrmi J-hn K Hro.>ke. V ~
of i\» entrance late Ue military or
Ismts- ! am. nr the unskilled workmen receiving
^ tbe FIrpt c
e det.wninent
aaval eekvice of hla rountry.
vine frr.m hemorTbaBe
r week
There U i
«E the *ulr.
t Alf o&urte are inatrucUd to i»illen Hr<'S will accede
•Vajor Qt=ner*l tvinum M. Graham.!
„ ..
aodlateh- fomiab Ue Supreme Sacrademabdi of tbe workmea for in­ ta^ W^iU the name of each brother
Dnllad State, volumeer., the Becoad
»«'" « Grey luun. K
kV. kllilnE Knglneer William Otv.nk and creased wagee.
•erpa. with
who may entef tbe ■Ulltary or naval
'jrtreman Benrank. of I’ort Jervis. Ky.
Church. Va.
IsdlssB Are <Milsg ■eetlees,
eerviee of hU eodciiry. Eivlof. if poralCharles K. Muth. a promliirnt and
"Major General James F. Wads, CnltiloB aa
ta ng'
-----------Denver. May 17.-Prom the tenor of We. auch fnrUer
•d Stated volunteers the Third corfw. weaJlby merchant ef Cincinnati, pnd re- communlcatlonr received by Colonel imeal or ship
ihie Ue Hnpreme
of oar breUraa
reporttne to Major Uei.ial Urooke. oenily elected mrinber of the hie
farm' ' *'“n’nrr during Ihc past few days It ap- Uileera t
coniml. eommllled auldde
Chlctemauca■rlU them from
' erars that the Indiana Ip the depart- and t* <.f the Cctorado and the Mlarourl. ___-J time.
r John J. Copplntter. near Morristown. Ind.
Hobbera carried the safe In tbe Willow j , ,,1^.^
Dnlteid Slatee volunteera. the Fourth
Thr Executive Cooacll ^ve^^eve
under hla command, are dtsSpring! <Hls.) i«sii.fflce a mile from the . .uvln
•srpa. Mobile. Alw
n unusual rerllesaB*aa. which
"Major General Wllhatn B. fthafter, vlUage un a handcar, smaahrd It arlth bodes
good lor the settlera
e-hammer and dejxarted
OaRed SUtee volunteera, tbe nnh
* varloua rvaervallona
•orpe, Tampa. Fta.
Uoae of your membera who may have
Prtea sf Brvsd HaUsd.
"Major Genera! Ii?well 8. OUa. United
reapoaded to the call a( duty.
New T.>rk. May IT.-The price at
Rules volunteers, lo iwpert lo Major
By order.
iduala wboee idenU- btwad haa been raised 1 cent a loaf by
Oaneral Merrllt. U. R A., tnr^u with
•wopa la tha department oTtbe Tactile. ty aad buainraa'are unknown to Ua Dearly all the bakcra In Ue
"Majer Gawral James U. Wilma. manacera el the local oIBcea where they fasult St Us Etwat rise in the prtoa a(
Bkited States voluutaenk the BUth may ba praaented (or iraaamlaaloR.
[. Btudebaker c 'lonmndlnK. arrived at
KleVeh hundred
ala point Bi*l o' •i.~k
m and offleets runiprisr il e reflment.

ladlasa awldlers lUwck t'Mp.
The Twrnty-slilh and Twenly-sevaalh Indiana bdllertee from Indlanapo________ ________
Kort Wayne,
under Caplela
Jamse B. Curtis aed t'ai.iain
Capiain U
L T.
Rank*. IS men each, arrived at S
•‘clock laat nlcht. They came without horses or cuni and will be equln>ed
The Fourth Wnnsylvanla Infantry »rytved at 3 o'clock and reached tbe park
about 1.. >to<-k. It Is a UmuuB reflment.
aad has fle


Look Box 100.

lw;>--<> t*'’*
»"meth1nK uoforew.n oci-urrs all of the la.OW tolun• — -lli hav.mustered In
and t>e' In their perjnaaent
or ent..uie thereto by the end we.k

Official CIrculat Ko. 13.

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


Mill Machiaerjfof all de*criptioB%ioclodiiig Two EngiDM.
Pet Worka, Carri»gee eud Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plaat
for sale.


jrr. CtniM, l^.-Maik





Lettuce. Radishes. Rhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
•Phone 167.

848 Front Street




I can get at pricee from 13o np to 880 per Ib„ aooordln^y.
Plewe oaU.

H- Soll.OXEL"t>©7S^©;i?,

Office and warehotue. uoN'Barlow and east Front Mreet, Tnvene Qty.

OYSTERS ■“--ss:?*-


213 Front St. ' Fletdwf's Ofsttr BeRl uf RssturM.

TmmmoaMan magouf, ■waiwbiCTe mxt ik mm.


m*f: UtlaDd MDa d( eachaaca. tum..
«•: lorelaa Wlla of etchaape,

Pateble. C. J. Bbaer, A. F. Ckmrae.
UiA J. F. -ntaa, MeboM Uiautet No.

AU4mp|p at Iaw.

ill lta|Mc«Mtit Pm • Qi( on
Cv^ Man Empfeyad.


firm Ckarc* ^o>cfct Actiut Som«
Mctropelitaa JoamaU.


U.COk.Uf; brewers








ablp Uaiaa
nir oitlaeas

port autbomipo ai CadU annauDro- that

rtio ua

of elslms luHtdiil.on
claims ease of lone auadlna
The d
was »lven to the e.onslderstiiih of bllla-

O. F. CAKVE&. A«m

John R. Santo,
Gtnral tasgraiet.
Wanbari Ptaak.


Tvawaraa Citr. Mlab

Dr. Wggins,

b-- - " ™—"y S'““. “ '1

Vofalaoe. Jatses BiraaslI. A K Me-* PotAtoaa. per bo.............
ired their aareteaa to tbe L’o
Maatu, J. E Pries. WeHaBirmas Cob- ; pirrm bans or T*a’
Stataa with iba Uassab Biaiae,
pany. Oval Weed Dish Coapasy. Baa-1
are new as tbs road to tbe frost, tb
aab A Iat Co, Williaaa Beitaer. J. W. I Wheat, old, par bn
I fora be It.
MUliken. J. T. Baaaball. Miebael Bat- j Wheat, aaw. per bn
Raaolead, By the Grasd Traet.„



Erer Barnod 0«tT j
If aoyoateow

«]| «ft

Crockar. Boiaa Caaaroa. E
!BbortCat Pork pwD ...
Farria. CharloUn Harley. L. E Uabla.
labia. A. I Floor.
•• •U A
• Co. beat..
‘ C- Aoderaoa.
M>s Tia'
............... WllUa.
Bye Floor, H. L. A Co.
Brow n.
I Titaa

Btoesr. U. n. Bataa. F. ' Uaat. H. U A Co. Bwt.
a- na.1, E Waraar. W. H. Hooker. W. Feed. H- E A Oo. Beat.
CadarbolB. Hauls E Cooaloek. D. U. £ni per dot.......................
I^Ubaacb. 1*. Kyaalka. WUllaa H. OodhTper %......................
EarU. Loria Roberta. Martin Waai. N. I l«rd per th..............................
ilaoo, H. C OHatV Jeha Carroll, 1 Batter per S> Dairy
ra Jattaaoii.-T A. Coslea, ^F A. lOraaBm Botter.A
CTary, Georfa
:« E Morrar.
Uurrar. Robert E lOiaaaaperl
' Oiaaaa per S. .
Noribrop. William t«ra-' Oat* per bo (old),
Price. U. & Norihimp.
bee. Paisa aad Cohlmaa.
Nsttoaal' Cm per bo. oM
1 laeastaiaat Coapasj. tV P : Salt pdr bbl
Crotaer. T. H. A. Trafea. .JobaI Draa,
j Bras par 1(

KAM. Onr wall baU>eadWoth>rm.
whoiesa'.r dealers
E- HUblaa 'and C.
J- K.
t BooUnao.
alt liquors.
ballaelai^lt to be tbalr duty
tl-OM.Stt. nUed i-be«»<. tIAtK: miseel- 11.
balaf laMtieoui tv.elpu.U7t.4tt, total esttmated ’------------»~ia« tbe
^ lyraBuy
a^ balplsaa
revenues t!S»:iSf-ai, iX, revenues fe-!

pAr,”;:: z |


(IbortOBt P.....................

tax OSD nuoAvt. too

the uvnriualon of AlUson'a atataethe tdi: s-as made the unllrlabed
bualneiw and It win l>e presacd to panP..SS11.1.-,
ved IIS first veto from
OadJ* to m Htraldtt dp Madnd

aauaa mem.
Oaar tab par bW, aaw.................
Qaar Porb par D.................................

A. P^BaaUptt^
tap KuiB. ILOM.toa: leKaclae and #uecaaaloaA mjai.*n, (oial.-S14.M&.ia.
Add the revenue to be derived from
artlrlre not ln. :uded In the pendlnp Mil

Baiew M a IMt o< tka bolpr awl aaUlap eeiaaa of ywUrtay nr prooarlea.
prtw&^andlamprodaati ta Ttar-


1 <?>'•; p-

and Al-

aad ta the Hannah Riflea. onr eami____
Walbisr. I
e K.iush. 1 . Bonaar. M. : Badkwhaat.
taase XIII, the new])' equipited rniledniloa. ettaaa and slndore apprecintion
White. Ua^ Lawrte. Mary L Manr. Bnttae. ^__________
of the courafs, bratberly loe^ loyalty
cra Rapido and Paula, with the tor­
Jamea E &«lMoo. H T. Hall. Lat^ I Bcm. per doaap..
la the principlsaof aor order, add anr Baobr. Amalia L Arwald. Aatboay Nopedo U>at deatit»'ere Audaa and Pro- Report of Ibo Psny Thai ITesI lo Rse
naiioa. that pnospiad them to isadar vatsy, Uaary Bruwa. Fioraoi
CorpthA will be read) for pea IhU aeett
I'sder B 41^ or Tvwoo.
thalr aareiosa ta our lelaeed nailaa. ta
Curacoa. Hajr K —lCop>-Tlaht. 18»».
Key tVenV
Way 17—The fn
help "roliave tbe diatreas'' at tbe Htl.___n
• J J- Suggs. Uaonhb Drake. John ;------------- ---------------------lesvlnr horr s
of Cuba, la aTaaga tha wro^rjlirta
Ao»o>lat<-d Pri«B.}—The Kranlafa aquad
under Admiral OerveA which left I
healed for Havana and <»«n»ltted afaloat our satloe. aad
under Admiral CerveA. which >*»» ;
, destruction af Ue U.m of our balo.«l
.after the
; nrother* and citizeua. and


the emuae of liberty, rirbl
I tenant Bralnard. I*.
.. apeclbi B
Whan wa
■re parta
parted with <
s great qusn' j brotbera wa did
my of pravUlons \»«.n,.tslB!;tedyester-' boarded her and hscd.-as.-sledorders w
». lave I
day. When the squadrun dlsapp.«rvd the cAjdaln. who therni m instru.t.J
one of



about 7iNi tons of fubi »

« I Hsrgass. Henry Youker. Jsiam Bodgk I

bibd-. .ub'S\^,":lf j!:t; ;f

It was gumg seaiwsrd.
. | the Vnens to l.msi a »wmc nag sr.);onr klodeat wUbea will sear atUad ;.a \Vesl MichinV
Lsnulnn. May 17 —The I>nll> Mall says Ptwred into Huxana hail- r
The Vu. , »ham that it will sot ha long onlU wa Gran4 Rnpids A lo'
tbU morning; • A.v.irdlng m the rt,,„i | “» *hen Keamed lowsnls Havana.
------ -------------- '

ib, «p.»r.b;;.p7,,
cruisers Ardeaal t'Isnerua. Princeas dc gh suu-boiage. Tlie casile signaled back
that lls .x>mmand»t was waiting
AatuTiss and Csuluna
ready for sea end thrrefuiv cannot have

certainly not anchor.
After an Inirrval a launch with tb<
harN r authortlles on bnard put oul
from the shore and took on board Lieunumber of Spanish war veaaeU which lenani Bralnard and Mr. Knight, tbe
of the London Tlipea. who
ware neeenuy. demltuie of armament
Wn ch.Xn to uegotUte/tbe eahave been auppUcA with Krupp guns. , change of pnaonera As the larfnch was palky wlth^ralaMetaakd friends of
They have also been aoprll.^ with all ' refuming..................................
lilarcv's Uunrh com­
ceasarirs, laoludlug Uer
ing out a-lth Ihe captsdb genemi't aide,
de-camp and Mr. Gollan. the BrlUsb ap<^ npoa the raeords af this lodge, j
>nau drew t,w
was hsiA UeuKnlghl were
reury Long relative P
1 i assured thai
ralLand Junes
s emanating from the navj d
I were atk'olulely safe and
id^ere beUff
' : threated with everyx^fisidemtloa.
partmeni. bad ihe effect yesierday
U was added that Ompiain Oenersil
consldemble curtailing the auppl>
: Blanco was wllllnc to release them
iDformailon Ihai herviofor.
oood stavdivd
I'nlted States authorities
nuher freely given out Tbe aevrelary's
ru Spanish pnsunera In exorder wai. dlrecied i.i Captain Ctewn- | fhang-.
KnlKhl was lold he could Tiawaiao Bay Taat Hoaar Abt
inahleld. i blef of the navlgallon bureau, . nut land
Havana an American
Biw^ca af Baniiah BiAaa.
and he In (urn ga.e II effi-rt by making : boat, In spite of the Bag nf Iruee, and
an order in*his own name that ho per- .« wi s explained lo bim that if he dearrived at Martinique. '
London: Hay




■w. E“7gA,"3-sas‘aESi,”=

R*iilr^ Com-



their 1
iment hereiatora made by
Btpbaat ratura' to’hti?l^ful "Qaan
a hoard of a
Oty” aad ibaeUTs and............................ 9f
that part o?*iha*^c^
at ovarI free
ties vs
daddad aboald ka
lat aoeb
lyfaaay at has
horae kv aawial 1—i~~s
by tha SpaaUh govi
Innooaat and balpleat dtiwaa
-------- ,-OB atraeL from Waabiagtoa

Frisdrish MetA. ’BhoM.

noDOl a oovgtX. Aueraer* aad «•
Jef lore at law. rvmeaa. ORy Open. Baas

Vltalixad Air affmtBMtaead forakaa
iDtk palnlasa extraetioa of uolk.
AnttAolar. for aMraotioa of tooth
without pain and. Ufoat and meet
aatMfaetor?’ pr^mrattoR yat imad foi^
aaaklng antraotio* aagy.

B. J. Morgan,


B. F^^ Attn.


Ob It ik V.B.B.B.

apondeat of The Onlly UnU aaya: -A


aSardmaS ’avTpo“'*ali«dilg*ta' tSe
r pnbllc Ins^tiaa.
and board of’
Traeeraa Cl^,

Kotiee !


l^e* “ty*rf j

BntAnr m



CnM liRUi t bdim 11


/ rood oBWh ao« kiod sod rood to can
assasb. old a r Writ hi. t'aU ear ____
rr s-rM^i aad Mleblgaa aero or or aiHisw



T.'m.. at their ^lar ravlaw iJt | ^

capacity ahuuld h

All baggago, btu rr<1 hack w«k for aaid road sboald be left aritk
me. Office 239 SUte etreet, telepbooe 3. AU order* left with n*
will receive prompt atteotton.

tween Waafaiagtaa atraet aad Weka^

h day of May A. D H>M.

j oar-Ai r a w


.laiioo M-«.

^plda Harald^or Da.ocfat | L'^db^™

|W*5?£7.V"e-'-~ ‘""".Si

Wiimgaa. Onr worthy brothsra. Sir •
Kaigbts U I. Enapp and Oaa. f romw a w
a. « M. S. Oonnacuoag.
y^on SAUl-Oeesekaiqte for eiiy praaoftv.
ordered that bulletins of s I. h fact# u ■
hollz. memben of the Hannah Bides,
have actually o.Vuried an.
courageously voloataered their
tor uubliiailon. and arv u>
itr at »:J) a m, aad .7:40 p. a. ; e iy Mr*. B T. Ucaddrv.
__________ S4-U
connoted change of prls.iners will !«• conaum.
wKh ealsliog or pr.-je. ipd
DiaoBT MWPgBTt-rOB8SLk-Ta»’
mated wUbeuI further trouMe.
•hall be prepared and posted on
icily Jt IS hershy resolved br tbe R. R for Arcadia. Tbe 3:40 p a. train : -AV uiui oad popalor twoor.. Heddes
brother Sir KoigbU a( Travers* Bay also eontiects at tlnckaina .lunction for I VJ!
Asa ThU I. Ihe nrM ■•>> /Bsdget.
Tent. No. 13-i. K. (). T M. that we Gnekasa. Through tickets an sale.
The sum total of ttic intor^iaiton pub_
I heartily approve Us action thev have,
H W Civnix.iiau. Agent.
; neoere Heddes. Coii oo or addaos r r. lA

-------Uahi-d by the bulletin wWl >*«airrday
<*hamberlaln.»ad txlaad aur deepest sympauiider Ibis rule wa- a nulii^f U.e In*'
families af enr brother Sir ;
r- Isr> "f Stsie fur tbe ! *?♦. ^
Swary Singer la Invited (o loin
tenUoiT I.I si.trt tb. f'lil.; 1
■ We doubl If the l-niied ■ Knights, aad it la further resolved that Mu.icai Coaveniion: aretiag Mem
axpeditlon. ano of ih. pertnissluu given Btnie* Jeslris an slltance. and question
^eat see Uat Ueac and other mem- TueaXy sad Wednesday of tbia week I Trein s.t *' m^r>
____:____ ■ ~
to aoitic foreign neutral vesseU tv pass whether It would Ik- sgreel-le to the ,.<h- |•»' «“y who may eallat ahall be ^nd next al the M E charch. at T;3o p I F^SrlJ VbS«. Wr
the liliK-kade at Havana. In explana­ er i-wers lhal the rnlu-d Ktat-*. after !
Not* readier. *i*-ki simrisr »oie*' ------------------tion of the Isaue of this order tbe naxal wresting
ng |Se
Philippines Islands from I
•. »BITa*s
culture and grand cborus s^ing.
i & chi?t ia?i£t M^eT"^
•uthorlUes say ttiat some of Ihe leading Bpein,
vaSasarttvetrea Claelaaali
Amen^an newsiwpers have been au far Divjit I
‘*IS. -lDClodll_ .............................
la.klug In patnollsni as i.. print plans
_iiraagBaptaB.DBisati aaA
■ s.iroV:;!
Esali aSOBi srsileo. oottes. f> .
Of caniiAlgn and pr..J.-. ted m.iveni-nis l» • Sllflll I.
ips ol both asi loa. aeJ 0 grautc si
— —— Irsla acvtvaa al HO* a. m
with the result thui he
City u Maoisue on Sunday,
r “**
loavos at Uaoa Bbis May J?nd. and every other Sunday l-eeMd'._____ _______________
second ap-usc and
pletely revise Its plan* In Ihr ksusiei ge
thereafter. Traiaa leave Traverse City
''osa*. tbe loterp 4
Mpala •wiresoCaSle.
i ruling poaaesslot: of the w. »t.on
that Ihe Spaniards hod i-ri-mptly taken
- — ________
jng train, leavi ■
;iTKre reset: HJU suLiverpool, ilsy It The lelegrapb of­ I endeavoring l» kill the first man .-f
mitlee ..r the pul.Ilcsiiuns and
aerMaaitleeai 7 in p m. t'*nal low rates, peeb .iiusimiiM-.. is
•be.ieol.e.. Has
prepared to proBl by them. Cumplalnr fice at Ihc island -f Oi szid Canary, near choice was the scene enacted In a <
e« boo*, blgbtol
Elonnd trip fare aot more than tl no for Isw'
the ivni-r .if'ih-- I’.inary .i.sland* the cago drug sp-re Saiurday evening.
ooV •> ft Barb
any dUtaaocTickeU good only oa ,
Ta toko efc^ Saadeg. Jane ». Hgr.
in, 1 chief city of B bli h Is Las Palmas, has
day of sale aad sot tranaleTsblc
t>-«su_____ ___
_ govrmii.eht In sgcl
[been seis-d by the Spanish auIhorlUee.
: i.dsj A4Sr--ss The Ssllot
4«rvo o( the S
I At* lelegrama e*. -f l the Ittresl comeoerai 1‘areenger Ageat- IVpi IVtMDesrboretleoel
tv.-iv.d here m-rclal m-«s.%g.s hav-bc-en si -pped.
hicago. Mav
it - Wheat-Miv. j ®' that I'apiwin C7rn«ci
fl 4b *1 July. •l.Ok: September.
ta very short of ammunition, In wbica
December. iSHc.
case ib<- i»>werful iiaturies at the enacMesi la Iks rniwlaal taaaU of Iks
Corn—May, S&Jic:
July. 3«u: SeP-.Taowaeraof drayaandhmik.:
t. black M. 00 Webtraace of Havsnu baibor of courae
I'rslHo male capital.
lember, JGK'dJTc
liceose* for the present iaeal
would lb- d-ptlv*d of a large {.art of
Pprlncflcid, Ills,. May IT.-Joe iorrts
Osla—Mav. :;p ,c; Julv. 26b
year are now due and payable aad must
their dctciieUc strength. Tills stai.- -f
as b- , n landed in ihe c-unty Jail and September. TSSrg^c,
affairs may t--ad to s.-m.- d.-spj;ralc at­

Fork-May, »12<«>: Julv. »UM7.
cluirgc of II Older sill i-rubably t-c
tempts ar running .-n the part



It Is Ulldernuh oapuvca
Atlanta, win

M A S E train, laa.ln, Trae. £,4n,*'S-od‘TSs.1rTrr.SSa



' ' c.t. ..........................






j.ioi iH"|M

Cf llie maiilai-ils .1 lie lei|ws
gviiiDC n#'—f agalnsi Mm. U-.rrls sm.
. oeol of (be ester sorbs
Graod Uapida. May 10.—Wheal. *t.»
■ Works _*U H____ ____
Rior.- viiiniiiniiwr im-- IMimui
It i> r-sM. n<e cf Jane Murrayaud denian-led
be1l.-x-1 that the supplies s.. fre.|uentiy <'■ e-c Lucy Murray, n. r -laughter. II*
A FTW.irWD toil MgK eaal
Detroit Free Freee or Trlhase d*A Cuy Uusfor r„ ae. ti
rel-rr—1 1- as I-eitig un the Si-anlah fly- was refused admiltanc*. whereu|H>n
Urered for lOe per w«*k.
Vow Boute-to Chisago.
tlix. s-tundrbruke In tbe diiur aii-1 grabblngellctated
Cily.Vew# Co­
-ill trake for ' ]
rather ti
f.Hwj sut-pl- e which jnak-s lamp thrvw It at the girl The lamp that Kamiam. M~f-d. but Mrs M urrsy msnag.-d to trough
___________ v.
Fatriotlc Bongs of America, werdt TTrtMTBD-<-ok f-.r u>» tafUa* Trarws*
►hoaid SU...-.-1 In keying thn-w It Int-the hall H-r srrreu;s at-| between Cbioago and l.raadEapida.|*nd niasic
for^iano IT organ. Joat »»
fuj Uiwb-» c.. ac if
Admiral On-ra fr m r.-a- hing HziwD* irs- led Ihe ait.-iitiuB of Henry Oeve- Operated bv the Grand Trunk Uailwav what vou
wane 6 er Ciei-.rurg** -r any
III t ubs con- liin-I.
' syalris and the Grand Rapidb A Indi- Come quick before th.
Lake Aaa....
Becu-d with Havana
all. (■•.mmo
T'-c Utter ru-.h*.l upstairs and exiln-' ana Railway, via Vickabnrg.

^ .imfaall ^
Ca. 21) Kroat ktreet.
■ Isrsi uropeny I'tkere.wd e Vwlor, attoedor* 5U-bl.y fr-blbl)
• ell d-wn on* gu. h.d the l-lszHearing Ihe c-mTrains will ai/iv* at and depart from
Is itH-oaratuv n • ; ..n 'inM-ir th- rut-in. where Morris Dearborn sUtion. Chicago. ThU siat’rpiuih Bn jrtW-i
on ihvt side ,.f cuia would war l.siiug Luo
Murray, Cleveland ion is 06 Folk street, between btate
A gTs4 usir of Ibr r
8an.I».n -t-. brine his Ir mlads win, ruslierl 11-. M<-m> atta- k- 1 him with a ' and Clark ktreeU. ia only three hloeka
■ g Blbblferl Bttf
perfect Mfely Inm Clenfu-gos on the large kml- a> d • anirt.ear dlsemb-.wllne koulh of tbe tatoffice. and Bear tbe
auutt. si-lc.
him Cl> I- laii-J Mas taker lu ift. John's down town hnalncasand hotel dUtricu
^4PLg inx):) lor s<
JXI twrCo tr If
■AtMm IT n'mr WILLlnvs.
I >>0S|.IU1 *tid Ih.- phyri- laus say there Other railreada Using thU station are
U no hoiw f.r hi* rec-v-ry.
. AlchUon. Topeka A Baste Fe. Wahaab '
___________________ . latk ■
Vkaiik.s«2iec.reretare Ha. Itorete,.
____________ _
j Chicago A EaBtern lUiaaU. Chioago.,
Remember that 1 do all kind, of re-; “ TVsvero. city Lo.libsrCo. 1
Swrteet. M 1,
bT^.r.- w_
1 >* LoeUvUle aad Bria pairing and enameling, aad that I
Pprinimei.l. lis May
No tr^fer will. Uerefore. ^ aeon-1 and do give you tbe best work
1. May 17.-Th- del-ale u
ac-reiary -f the smte l.uird of health, ,__
ope In the city for -VCP.O.
en the W«r revenue measuic ss> oegun. was noilUcdyes;«<la) morning by heaJth j above m
be deceived by what otheri tel)
you to
in the eeiiaie yesterday. The opening commissioner of .\-w York that one I
Importaat statlona oa thU throaeh
the contrary. bo\ come aad ace for
Blaicm-pi fur tbe rvmmitire --n flnan.s ease nf small f-x had beyn dis<-ov*red lean line between Chicago aad Uud
was mad-, by aUIsoq. ibe 'renkiiig mem- ( knum, ^seng-re of the ate.mer Vic- ^gaplda arc ValparaUo, 8ontk Bead aad
guarantee all my work to be right,
ber in Ih.- sio-n.-e of Morrill of VerFW-T-rgets are desuned for : Uisb*w,v». jod., Vlckabarg. Ealama- and if It doee not prove so I make It
niont. It wa-estimated that the Mll.a* K»-f a dogen points in llllnola Chicago.--W
I BOO aad •»'-!------- " »*- v
ibe house of represcnla-I Klgln. FHoomingtmi and other pUere. !
Stop La till 8 o'clock everr evening,
at all thcsepiacea
have been aerrice will oonaiat of new alaadard
tives, w-old lals- al>-ul lluu.UOe.OOd . Anihoritlea
exeept Sioday. tn tbe Ckldwall A Loneoufled.
year. 'As rci-orted from ibe s<'oai? oor
vaatibnled day coaches. PallmaD buf­ doi taiUiag. at north end of Onioxi
Dltlee Allison estimated Uiat it «
fet parlor ears and the lateatdaalgMof aueev
Washkavs's rUsesr roatisea.
Waahlngtoa. May IT.—Minister Den- Pullman wide veatibnied. gae-Ugbted.
Appended Is a recapitulation of U
by. at Felling, aays lo a communication twelvweectioB drawing raom aleeptog
astouDi uf revenue lu be derived
d t-y
to the deparuneni of sUte tbai it U re- caia It U hellevml that the ehar^tar
uvertinicat under. .i.e
the ,-resein
present 1«M anOj„„,a
I In Feking that a centraet 10 of thU equipment and tbe eoDvenienee
It was reiMrted fro* I wun. ,
Illroad from Haidiow to CUn- of tbe achedulea wUi be aeeh as to
the senate rommllir.- on tlnsn -.-;
rleesilv ss-.r.tsd ,
3-6eoa- merit ^liberal paUoeage by tha Uavel-




IP- -h,"" JTi'.p"'^ I M’t"



iVi-S .17TS

Bicycle Riders.




folUiwing U a.eondesaed achedetteo.
tobacco uianufai turers
and dealers. *WT.1«; bankers.
gnS: exchange brokers and
tLHH.4M: commercial br-ikers. MILCH:
tbeatraa. clreuars and other exhibitions.
gLai.4<7: bowling alleys and billiard
taWee. DCtW7: stocks, bonds, merchao4lea. ata. mMAttt:
ehat^ n.-


Weareo ss» the BaU riaimr
Chleago. May IT.-Follosrlng arc the

Chldago U: at aU other polnu—cAln.
Weeteni League: Al (Tolumbue—1
dtanapoua i. Coltmibus g;

Oeal Paea'r and Ticket


With Earl, the Jeweler.

Hastings' Real Estate Agency,!Bi:ifffB
H foot M. small
JoeaUoa. Ut street, cs
wall acmsc.
acmw. ga*
css re koagbt fre •*
-D isol lot. foo4 dwlllag. rerswood. na 4ows aed I > par mosth uaiQ paM <or.
U aoret tbire mitre soeU sad smst from tbs etty.
TMs ia a bargsU tre osly b«a
Mlmprovod.wtBkssaUmsasyMesordlvtAedteeBli Laskta

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