The Morning Record, September 10, 1898

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The Morning Record, September 10, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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^toooA Tew-No 425


arac eoLDixu ispaotxso.



Of the Oeraty-Voar ia Zietr4t Hoe*
; pitala Only Two m .Oerieaa.
Qrsnd B^ptLom to bo Hold
aoMlel !• taXeasnia BBoeas.
Detraia Sept t —The 74 aiek aeldlen
In Dotroit
now ia'tha Detroit heapltala, ai
awwuiyjf Wm
rlatf faramMe proyraai ei
The Seentary o< War VUi ▲rrioe
two naaea-rnada Marion. Totado;
Then Today aad a Big Bemoa.
Set OMtalm That Tbm ViU U u
aadPriTateWMdeaaa.ritnt. hlthonrh
•Irattoa WUl be OiTen aad HlehlM the Vmideat
nleaa rery aiek eaaa ara at the
^Bagardlaw 4f PoUttoa. Baa
Set Tit Bxptwid BimMlf Vpee
Baea Xarlted by Ooepmer Ptagroa
«rMtol«itk*Mauin Bmmp.
WeakiertoB, Oepk 6.—Oieratery Al•pMial !• Tu Haaaom anosa.
«er^ reqsMt lor u leTwUretiae late
Detr^t.BapUBbar U.—Arr
the ooetmet el the war aeoMd the
dfor a tooaiag roeopUon
atm Bxiot Between Oenerols
CteeteM BorpriM to Bllttarj elrelM.
to Soontary Algor whoa ha raaebei

Of OMHlaot of tho War Boqii««adl>r'Al(w

Shnftor and Milos.

M Xnpertaat OOnial Bivaa a Slat ao
to a On
•aaalMTa BeenmaaeoaB.
Madrid, Sept.
Tbo follo-iag
alatonoai b mado by aa inportaat
“Soaor Sllnla. (a loader of a eeocloa!
of tho oottoarratin party) refaaea gvr- j
ornaaat aopport to tho party, althoogh
fnUyawanof the dlfllenlty of the aitnatioe. Ba b doabUna pronptod by
adoalnto obtain mwot. Wo will do
aU in onr power to raaliao hb dnin
with abort delay. Aha oeantiy wUl Uon
aaa bow aooe the man. who b

poalag aa a Uharator. will ha ttanaforaaad into a daopotie dicUtor."
neeUagat'tbaaaiitoriainaada millOen. PoUrieiahaa kaadod aoopyof
taxy and civic parade.
hb manifeeto to aawtpeper
formal proclamation
aople of MIefaigaa aa tha Aral
stae U tha reoaoUoa to be glna tho Bobtod Baaido Boyal Standard
SarUv of Britinli Troope.
aowetary la Detroit tomorrow. It
London. Sept. A—At tho reriaw of
oa Salbbory plain today
"I have rooeirad word that Secretary
bobtod at tho aalatlag
Alger expMU to arrin in Detroit for a
point of the march pmt the royal
ahon Tbit oa Satardayafternooo. next. ataodard. the anion jack, tha white
aaora he aaid that the Pmidaat la
Oeaecml Alger raaumcd hb joamey Sept. 10.
onaign of tha navy, aad tte atan and
etili eatlefted that than U aothlar in at noon today and thb aflomooa ' Qen"Michigan haa been boaorod by the atripaa. Tbaoa wan tho only Saga dbthe eoadaot of the erar Uat aeada la- eral Shafler
to Washington. They aelectionofa aocniary of war. nndar ptaved.
Chanel BaUa. tha Amoricaa military
-weeticatiaraadltis net at all oertala were cleeeted together an henr thb
aklUfal gnidanco an teUn attaoho, aad other
^t one wm he ordend.
■omiag in the eeantnryb priraU oar. arm; wm rained and oqolppod aad a
were preaeat, aa ware alao tha Daka
ItwUlheehownby Uw faota, which whloh waa nn onto a aiding at Cbmp warfonght aad won in the ahorteat and Dnekeaa of Ooanaoght. Prioeaaa
•n now la the poaeaealoa el Pnaldeai Meade Stotion.
time known In hbtory;' and hb ncont Chrbtlan aad her dangbto. Mr. AnoAlB CbarntMTlain, M, P.. aoa of Ool-nial
SoKialey, that thla amy waa better
While Oeaernl OtahaB waa
Ckamborlain: Mr. Baary
•dothad. better led, better oared lor hr lag for tha roriew. Bceratary Alger aad ke npatatiM of the poninanlar auta.
Whita. aaeretary of tha Ameriean emOhynWaaaaad aarreoDa, hettar hnp- Oeaernl Shafter had another ooafer"1 enggeat that oa thb.hlnflmtvbUto baaay: Mra. White, aad Balhartord
^Uad with ■edlcinea. better oared lor
laatiag thirty miantea
ithaatlrriagovoaiaor tho
la trna^ortatioB. and in erery way pawed between then neither weald lau
la which he bme oo important; All retnmod to London nn a ao -eial
tmia with Fiald Marahal .Lccd W iloo.
that etna omfert to aoldlera.^ aay aay. eneept that It wee priraU aOain.
part, the eltUeaa of hi. native aiaU.
ley. commaader-in-chief of her m-jeos«rvy that eeer eatared the Said la.aay Graeral Shafter aaid tha aaenlary waa
lihoot^refwi^topjliticA. rellginn, lyb foroeo.
a nry dear friend, and that they had r eooial^btiaetlon, tnra ont to do
«aaeaaciaa^ytout(7Aapther Boa fit for tha Bold ora.
Tha tUae wUI eoM when the j^I- been la the elril war togathor aa ool- him honor.'
The Womeab Rolior Oo-pe have dadtaat eaa apeak of what he hnawa.> He onola. He b at work oa hb report of
"The moda^ of SevoUry Alger
tarminod to ambl the Baaaah Rfleei
eteaeti talk to Interrlawere or aahe tba'SanUagocanpainaadoxpaeU to might porhapn toad him to doellao each
and in order to do eo they have nrorid
^hUe etatementa to oMU t^ ela«or of eoBpUto it lonorrow. Bpoaklng
aa honor ehoold bo he canaaltod in*ad- oea.hoatttifnlsilkqeiltwhteh will he
the poopla, axeited by the mlonprtaan- tha oontroreray with Oeaernl Milan. 1
vanee; bat ba heloaga to onr people draws by aomo locky peraon.
tatiena ia the aeaaatioaal Bewapapare. Mid -It U all pepptm^ Then b no and hb owner haa baeome a part of onr qailt b a flat ona and b bring dbplayBat he oen ea< m the lean of Uooe who frteUon between Oaawal MUee and hbtory; aad it b only fitUnr that hb ed In Hnakril'e Book store.
«aS apon hla in troahle, and when myaeU. At leaat then wna not whan leUrn t^ na ba markad bj aama deoMaDcBtUtiy—High grade a> moderate
ooatrooB Boeu and ia ready to report ba left BanUago. Oar nlationa ban atraUon nf tha eetaom la Which we prices.
Dr Sawm.
H-L AC-L abloeh.
«B the OMdnet of the war then wUl alwaya been plaaaant. and I do not
hold him.
>Wao hoaiUUoa abont hb ririof the deratand the naanlag of ail thb talk"
‘Beeanae tha time b BO ahon, what­
Onr Stock of ladlae' capec and J.ckem
feeb that wiU daatMatrate that it haa
ever ta doae mnet neeemarily be almost
now complete. Crii and inspect
been aa near a rlorloaa war aa any
Montaneoni in Its oharaetpr; bat, in them before baying ebewhe-r.*^ Ocr
price* ary alwsya right The B ..ion
•ear fonsat, a< leaa aaeriSee. aad with
order that there may betooMdireetiag Store.
Plngres FsTorsd head to whatever la done, I bava tahea
fraater roaaUa. •
Bat Praa:daat HeKinley doaa not be
the libar^ to appoint Bon. Don M.
lien that it wtU be neeeaaary te arali
Dtokineen chairman and Pmak T.
r Boa. Perry Sannah.
natO Oaoenher to etaar the ataoal9«10uHl.B«litBML
■y of an execotlve comOor. rroBi xbC Caa* S«a
phera; He alreedy eeea it elearlac
mittoe. who vriU ^adly fnmbh nogttra Pootor on 1
with the lepdrU of the retan
geotiooeaadoo-^rate with the ritiM. Vllb-la.
too te Soot Seentary Algnr.
aion that have naohod homa. and ban
in making Michigan’* wrieomo to
Ooveraar Pingmo dctermlaed that Oanoral Algor a oneeaea
began to trample aador foot tho alaaben the great demonetration la
deca and aeandab cirenlstod in tbalr
*-I hereby invito every eitixen ot
honor of Seentary Alger b given that
behalf, to make tkom atarrlnc ohlldna
of Detroit aboald he Miehigan, the ririi aad poor alike, t
rather than flghllng men. And ho
woU npreaantod. Imst evening Hen.
ont and honor oar war secretary.'
a ealmer jedgmrat eomb« with the Perry Hannah received the following
cooler weather which totjowi tha Ur- invitation by wln:
To Hon. Perry Hannah. TraverM
^Ma heat and dog daya' iuaaily w^
City. Miob:—R. A. Alger ntarae to iMtneUaaa iMoed by Var Depart­
haa ^read over the eoonUy. •
Detroit tomorrow. Then will he a nment to Tbooo Vaahle to Boport
Be haa impnaaod upon hb eonr
m teadmed him Satnrday after- ■pwtal k> Tn Moune Kac^
Soplomber 10, between the boci
•loaal oallers that tha Amerieaa so
Imnsing, Sept 9 —The qaection ha*
ean he rriled npon bi dbowa the Bias- of five and eight at Detroit Light arb*n aa to the coarse to be takea by
Oaard Armory, eornor Brneh and
dam that have hoea pot opes the army
aaldbn who are home oa risk forloogh
Lerood etroeu. 1 have taken
by the aananUon mongera, and that liberty of placing yon on the reoeption and who wUI not be in ooadillon to be
«hay will taatify to the gloriaa of thb oommittee na one of Miehigaab npn- mnriorod ont when their farlongh
itattve men. Hope yon can
arar, not only in what wat done, hat la
plree. Today the mUltn-y department
the maaaer to which it haa been done and briog the geaeralh frlaoda
beeed a eireolar which eayi that eolH. 8. Pixomcx. Oovnr
Proaideat McKinley, with all tha facta
Mr. Hannah waa not very well yea- ptera on fnrlogh not fit for dnty when
before him. ataada aqoanty by the
tarda; and ha reapoadad aa foUowa:
each fnrloegk expires are reqneeted to
department, and Uoae who fight the
forvrard their forloogh papom.flvo day*
condact of the war fight the admiabTo Governor B. S. Plagree;—Yonr boforo tarir explraUoo to the adjenVatioBof Pnaident McKinley.
telognm ierUing me to ba pni
taotoLlhr army, aceompanlod by a
the raerpUon of General Alger fioda
ocnificato from wme repnUble phyelm^ too 111 tu leave home. 1 ean aaann
yoa that Grand Traveraa will stand by dan abowlos their conditioo, and otatOeaernl Alger tor hb aatiriog aarviem iag the probable length of time of tho
at last {or tboae aofferiiiK
Bat the Knaa-Alger Oostrerany la the Ute war, and I believe thooatlre raeovery of tholr health.
from Corns, Baniona, CbUa«ate wfU do the aameWill Sot be a Matter for ,
blaina or >4ore Feet
PxMv HaNxaa.
All who have worn these
DxraotT, Mieb . Svpi. #, itM.
«pw|«I W me MoBinae Bkocb.
ahoee give them the highest
Iter J. W. Millikea and Bapreaea- Old Oomn Boas* at Famona Seonrt
Waahlngton. Sept.
At the cab
tetlve W. H. Faator reeoivod elraUar
aaeatlBg today the important iaet
bnt nelthar oonld find U •pMiri w Tn MoeatBc Bsocea.
developed that an army inveaUga
pomthle to attend the reoeption. 8enMewpon, SapL 9.—The moat' dbaaB9l«nf<(F«eU
wUl taka place if the right men can ho ator MUUkea sent hb regmu la the
teroo* fire in yeanbmgiag here to­
hoentod to ooo.dnet it. Hm MUea aad
Boo. aecon b. Plngree. Ooinnor. De- night. : Tho lamoM old Ocean Hoata
^ Him Cm!
Algor oontrovamy waa not nfomd to.
troit:-l regret briog onable tobe pnadeatroyod vrith ril lU eontanta
have them for botli
net at tpoeptlon to Sgeretary Alger. Tha goeota eecaped
Ponad ia Xkotrott Blvor.
ladies and gentlemmi. Try
(E Pormit me to eUte thaUOraad TYaveree
felly appreelatea UiWlioUriag aeal and
them aad get relief.
Snow Storm in Ontario.
Detroit, Sepv 9.—1^0 body of an aa■ of General Alger •poena w Tax Uonraa naocBB.
su n. iMirf 1. u» rirer 1.
U. ..f, ud I tiik
Wlan^eg, 8*pk 9.—The eonnlry
low TrenloD thb afternoon. He hade |l echo the oratimeaU of Mushlgaa
•om Port Wlllba west almost to
' fibkot to Ana Arbor, bnt ao other when I any that hb gnat aervtoe to
Rat Portage b white with snow, an
the erwatry deeorvea the higbmt
ideaUfiMUon pa]
Inch having failoa yeamrday.
J. W. MtijjxMt.
Thieoaarrlcbtln th« aldat efth*
workelthe Iotom oI the adaOelatoa- The Tormer 2>OM Set VadeiMand
«iea to paeilv theooeteadlac elam«ntt.
All the Seasetloaal Talk-Beelew
In hehall mt the Moreiar^ U teMlt
at Oantp Baade Wltaeesed by Shafthat ht naked lor na in«wU(»tfoa
ter and SeoreiaTy A^cr.
without nay Inatraettou from the
i»Tb> lioaaise nacoaa.
•'ranUeat. and it ia aoi at nli oertala
Gawp Meade. Middletown. Pa. Sep-,
SaereUry of
Alger aad
that there wUI he erne. TbeeaMvanthority anya th«;»Mre- Oeaernl dbafter wen at Caiap Meade
tary waa aad^ra to any lapraaaton today. They wiuMwed a nriev of the
that there wen thiafi ia the ooadaet troope and nude a harried toot of the
«ftlM war to he eoaoealad, farther- oaaip.

hen toaeomw.



Then wUI he a

Utaranra. Palntrrb Beglbh I
a^ ThorpAEiagbOirU S«
Chantry. Waatwarth-a Oo«



230 Front Street

HoUsj BOasnsfelo

We Always Have

ind It m m task hr seendAud scknl ktois, it


J Just nnpadfed today. Prices range from $135 to
16.00. Call in and see them, at


Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet
and Cloth^g Honse.

Hastiogs’ Real


. ttt cunw. e»a> homgkt tor mm.


OoedferFitilt Rablag.
Good for Siook Bablng.
Good for Oeomel Fbralng.


menu ll!^eS^'‘i;“£ru5^r

oogy pay-



On O. B A I B. B.



The Force
of Modem

Tnierse City Sckeol oi iDSic!

is sometiiiiig terrible.
There ia ao mnsonry,
tibere is no stedoriroo,
cren if it’s a foot thick,
that CA9 withstand the
ponndtng of gniu which
CS& shoot 15 mllww

We are
eiclDsive agents
in this cit|i

Srea SBLZ SHOES cotdd not with­
stand such fire; but tbey do withstand
more wear and more abuse than any other
shoes, and w« are selling them on onr own
and the makers’ guarantee to that effect




AUttilaa&iag hranli of oclbrt ell

AW* lot of lm»lp 1^ paato at|
A. a Frymu ba* improved hb etom
tho laioet *tyle. at two for At c«au tbo
S«e per pair. )esl napaekad. ibey're '
year arooadalS. Beads A Co.'*, III wiadews with twriea, riectri* Ughu, all wool. too. 8. Benda A Co. lA* i
jrixiaoaehwfadoir. *




Worsbnrg Block.

Are Invited
To ln*p-etOBr n*w srrivsl- in FaB Cl*thiog. mannfsetarnd hr
My" of Roehestor.
York, whirii are sold in good faith and nsdar

Tiluf, fortiDiiiilili),

Onillt; aod Fiilsli Equi to loj
Our Oinrconts nre models
nnd Suits iknneme of perUeiiM
at prices within ereiyene's ranch.

ivsaile eiothlQg doparusnt b ovsrfiowing
ig -with
With good tUags.

Cntting, Slashing and Mowing Dowii^,
And jari to msk* ihioes int*r**Uox ws ars oflsrtag a prix* of SO 00 aad
•4.00 in brirbU shinUir, new pennies, to the boy from A to 19 yean rid
Trbognm*e^*ar«attoth*as.oantof bma* rcauloed is a jar dlrpUy•d ia ear window. Rseh »0e pareba** eatitUng tha ponshasw ta a
gn«m Oom*e.op*B«lUb.t*thofB*pWmbw.
Brwy d*parimcat h lad** with gsaaia* bargain CaU early at


(Hsm Block.


THtf Mumiruro M00«I>« SATTOPAY, MPTBHBia 10. 1898
igm xoBHiva


xxosoAjr Th«jr OUM UaaanoBiM
Tcstartey Xoralnff.

•BAin> TEAvnai


•VBC. T. Batm a» 9. W. BAnnoi.
(. W. BAanv. Bdltor m»d MtwfStTBBOSlPTlOMS.

. £

• M yiAIMM CItr.



Ur* ia (be
b«t nrj
tAk« th« trvabU t* Isqain iaM U«
nal rMAoa iherafor. AU AraUa ia
laffM aachipraAWloMfr—
4iMAM tkaa troM cmsaUUm. DnrU«
•ar ei?il war tto anaiw e( Ue Ualtad
0tatM. loat troM
ifQ,7t0 m«a,
ia OMdadaraW prtaM* S4.M6 aa« abrat
tM>00 Bora wb«M oaom *t death ie
•otatated. iMaMtag wa bad nader
acwaaUe ereracd aaemmiaaMa
Tartar tba whole toar jean of the
war, aad aat ooaatUff aej dMUe
IroM dieeaae bat the Am Meatlmed
1M.7*0, the deaU raU tor that armj
tm tear jean arae twaatj-jer eeav
fleraaejearU wae ft»e aereaav aod
Aer three BMatha oae aad eae-foarth

Tbm Vm «• Dm
_____ Bene Xa«w ef Tbeir Oneiat.
Saeoral Wera X«ft dUk Oa the
Tuterday monta
theraeralte who went fraM hare M
Oasp Alter, where they
Ue coMiaand ef LUnb B. L Kaepp.
Uter, sarobinf U Oamp Meade, Pa.
where they hare beea for aome tljae,
retamed on a farloath af thirty day*.
The detaekmeat arrired at lalaad Lake
riy ia the week and ramtnad loaf
aaoath to reoelre their ferloatbe.
I the lateatiaa to reoelre the
ie a eeaaaer worthy of their
eerrleee, bat oMlnt aaezpeetedly
BO doBKWitratlan and bat
few frieade wera on bend to raaoiro
Tlu reemlia did not all eone
le eoiaa atayeo eeer at rarlona
ThotaUowiatieeUaief theae who
tna yeatorday:
AeUat darteeat Oeorfe Dafo. Aev
iatOarpOTal Braoe SeoAeld, Priratoe
OrrU D. Moran, Albert Norotay. Cbae.
Oerpenur. Irrlnt Cook. Allie Bpofford,
Leat B. BoB, Bee CerlUle.Lce WritklLaaia M. Tbomsoa. Petor Johnaoa, Uyfayatto W. Cnee. WiUiaM Benry, Joy B. Fraear, ElMor
and Lonle Ueadaraea. Prank Nay aad
Dominie Cbaae name with Ue baye
farea Wkito Cloud, bat left Uem there
to t* U Ueir homee la Premonl.
Tbcao who are elek hare been left At
rerione boepltela The fallawiar le
Ue Uet: Jao. &. Stoblee, Brietol. Va.-.
Jeha leaeap. Pert Myar, U. 8. General
HeepitAl. typkoia maUrU; B. Pred
Brawa, Brtetol. Va.. typhoid; OUe Labym aad Herbert Deaa who
oa eiek fnrleuf b earoral daye Afo, are
ciw better.
Many of Ue boys were entirely wlUeat money wbaa they arrired bat Boo.
Perry Hanaeb fare Uam two moaUa*
pay from Ue *7 p«- meaU allotmaat
tram hie petaoael ylft.
Moat of Uem ere dleappoiatod la not
harlay yoae to Ue froaA Bat they
bare deae Ueir duty ae aobly ae Ueee
la Cabe bore done UelVe. Tba re*
emlte will be erarmly weleemed by

Be Bm Daelded to Peto Barter P.
Whiles •Wa«pP> Ooapnay.
Prof, a B. Hont, who bae made eo
meay Meade bare derlnff the peet few
masUa ee leader ef Ue Oraaeent bead
aad as a taieatod mosieiea asd rlali*
artUt wmieare Ue eity neat Wedaeeday. Profeeeor Bunt bae made a coatraet to icdn Ue eompaay af Porter J.
White, U "Pauei" ae meaieal dlraetor.
Ur. Horst Is a talented rtoUalet and
hie skill kea been rery moeh appraclaUd bare, bat aot aaoocb to aaaMe
him to ramela permaaeaily. Hiwersr,
eboald there be eoffiele'at Uduoemeat.
neat rprlaff he may retom, aa he le
farorably impraaeed wiU Trarene
City. The CTeMent baod will be sorry
toloaeblB ralnable iastroetioo, aad
other Meads will rayret that be d
it adrlsable to yo a
Ciril Berrien Bxe
All appllcaUMS tor the eompeiiUre
> to be held by Ue looal
board of examlaen U October n
reeeired by Beeretary
tore Ue hoar of eloalaf baelaeee on
September It. im. The examim
wlU be for the yradee of elerk and
Her. end will held be aoeordiny to Ue
Uaitod StAtee clril eerrlee rules.
pKeaUoa blAoke can be proenrad at Ue
pnet oMee. The exact date of tbe asemloetloe bee oot yet been reeeired.
Kre. B.itlark Boaoiud.
A somber of Ue Udlee of Trarrree
Bay Hire called uaexpectedly apon
Mri. J. N. Mertisek lest erealny at
her home oa State street. Tba ereniay'wee plreaenlly epeat ia yames sod
moeie after whieh d*ll«looe refreeblU were eerred. To properly ahow
Ueir ■pprecleUee of tbe work done by
Mn. Uartlaeket Ue Maccebee eele>
bratiea la June. Ue was boaorad wiU

•ton At home as well aa abroad
wby Ue BepubUOnofUereae
oaa party slace its oryanltatloa has
••uUl keoD sueeemtol. ie tweaaae It
Bm had dae reyard for public seati.
MSt. This U a yoTeramenl of ma
IpHOas. The Democratic party. whUe
MOlweiar to etaod by Ue maiority in
- mU Iblaye. is always followiay Uat
AtoUmia^ which is Us out yrawih of a
my Oman majority.
Xsi stoto Da«»oratlc coaTenUons
Bald Uas tar, hare andoraad Ue Obicago atoUorm of IW*.
Is fiue trads
•ndfroeallTertbeltaueos which Us
WU OoayrMS to to beehosca?
TM Passion Roll of tbs United
BtAtoooaiuoetoU. UM, bore Ue
namceoftlS.hM widow*. Of throe U.M w«« fr.Mn war* preriousto IWl.
Wb hm flat'm BBV, '■D»nbe. Oobea
Me, B'^SeadaACo. IM Float atreek

My work U 6rst eUw «Bd prices that are to reach of all. 1 an
prepared at all timaa to take eare of tbe trade. I make a epedalty ia '
BraziiiK, Volcantxisg and Enameling. A fine line of wheala for ulw
and to rent. "
J. 0. EIXIS, Sll Front atreat, eaaU

If You Have Logs to Sell
Oorreepond with the Trareree City Lomber Ooupany.
We ha<e ^r aale Good,
(toorya waa Vamly.
Oeoryu Baas, e little aeyro boy. who
has beea eared for lately by B. H. Balsbury, did aot aeem to appreciate Ue
Uinys that were done for him. aad dereloped a torte for botnroa the strreU
Ue yrreter share of the t<m*i. aad be­
came rery uaisiy. Jodye Boberts isBoed a warraat for him and yesterday
ae tried. U we* decided to aead
him to the ladastrial aeboo) at Laosiay.
Buoklea'e Aruiea Baiee.
Tnn But Sastk in Ue world for
OoU, Bruises. Sorea. Diem. Salt
Bheum. Fercr Sorea. Tetter. Chapped
Hands. Chilblains. Coma, and all HIds
Brupttnns. and poaltlrely cures PUea,
or no par required. It is yaarastoed
~'re rarfeci eatisfactioo or money
. . ided. Price II ceots per box. For
ealebrJ. « Joh«,os aad u. *e w*ik

Miss Doyle
Will cl'we her display of

Art Embroideries


Btleal party in deeperaU utraim for
Mmpaiyn material. Crlliciem is eoMnly proper, especially wlU a rlew of
MreeUay onr preaaat eyetom of army
•dmlnletratton, bat wild eharyaaot Ue

Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries

Bar. e. B. MorUnp>s Mew Oburoh.
Proyrams bare beea reeeired here by
This Week.
trieods of ter. G. 8. Northrop, form­
erly pasUr of the Baptist church ia
Uta plaee. of Ue dedication of a new
ebureb. which Mr. Nortbrap bu beea
iaetmmeatal la bulldiny. la Mount
At Mr*. Lawrence's Mllllosry Parlors.
Morris. Mleb . where he 1s now located
Tbe church ia a Ana one. aad all Mr
KorUrup'a friends will be ylad to kaow
Of bis saecess in this work.

Oorarajla tUe war bae aambarad
mm* tbaa StO.aoo nea aad It bae beea
la the held. U Caba, Porto Bko, aad
aanpe in .tUe ooaatij—more tbaa
dhrae noatba The bamber of daatbe
|i fieea ae abaat. l.MO, bat ae eoiaa
^aopU claiw It laa’t Uae tbaa l,Beo. we
vIU bare our ealealAttoa cm that flfara
Boaorad by B. B Club.
aad find that the death rate In ear
amj la the jraeaat war far throe
Tbe Three-Quarter B B club yarr
•eathe ie tbree-fiftha af oae per oeet.
one of their aaiqoe melon parties tut
H1|U Behool Xtoren Oryanlned aad
Bow. thie le eearoelj oae half of the
niyhk Tbs yuesu of hsoor were Miss
WUl nay OadUlae aa the 16ib.
death raU far the eirU war aad UU
Minnie Goldlsrb of Elk Baplds and
At last Ue Hlyh aehoot bay* bare Mr*. Prank TemUasoa of-UU city.
^oald faraiab food for thoajbL
BartherMore, dnrlaf the Arat two tcoeeded Is eeeariay players eaeeyh Mrs Tomlinson will leave tor Seattle.
yehisof the cirit war the deeth rau to AU out Ueir foet ball team. They Waeh., next Toesday.
Mbe naeb treater, e^eeunj derlac are praotleiay la Ue early morsiays,
Behool of Music BeoiUl.
the eaaipeica en the peoiaaeler ot Vir- after Us aftonocm aaaaton ef eeboel.
aftor supper ereainye. AlUenyb
’ ^iala. ethere e aanber ot ratliaeBte
The followlny popils will participate
ewt. (randiMbee. aeUlay U beluf said ebout it, it ie na- I the recital to be yivea Uia attar-'
Cadillac ook by Ue School of Music; Msbel
Aad eUU. the eUaute af Virrieia. evea dantood that when Uey yo
m the pealaaelar, U heelthfol ooa- Ue IdU. Uey will make Ue Cadillac McM-ebacl. Blanche Belly. Lain CaJbays bueOa to win Ue yame.
kias. noreocc Ullirr. Ida Larklas,
^$b that el the Wwt ladiee.
Cnlem ulrenmstaneee eaaee chaarca, Miss Faxon. Mabel Gibbs. Stella
g^UH Mfar take gm>i eare of
Ue follewlay wUl be Ue line-ay of Ue Sebpeider aad Marioo Sanhall.
If.------------ wbea Ant ia the Aeld.
’' thajdaaotUke toobeemtheraleeaf mm is tbe CadUlac yame:
The Bebrew Bailday.
Cbarlea Corbett-Left and.
fcJtteae leiA down for then aad aaaj.
-Dae." Marray-KIyhi aad.
The Jews reckon Uom from Ue ereavolaateen'wpoelaUj.refaM to eoaiora
Boy Olbbe-Uft tockla
tlon of Ue earta. so aeeordiay to Ue
le than.
Tkb eaplatne wbj their
Ctande Vaaderrors—Siyht taokla
Snnetlccaleoiatloa It will be the year
' death ntb J> larfer tfaaa that ef the
WUl Sausball-Deft ynard.
MS8. The Hebrew holidays will beyla
fanlara. la the cAMpe la thie
Tom WUbalm-Elybt yaard.
this year OB Friday, Sepk leaDdomM7 Btoat of the dieeaae aad deathe
Jaeae Jobastoa—Quarter back,
tiD_ae over the followiay Bnaday.
•Mt «bem aredlreetijtraeoabtc to
a Perrin-Left half.
Trick. .
Oeorye Baff-Biykt half. .
The faet that onr ertdien who hare
It certaloly looks like it, bat Uer« it
lly no trick about ik Anybody <
Mtvaed fr«a> Ceba are treat]j debOiit wbo hss Lame Back aad Wi
laud •bealdaotbe«aeeeforaetoaieb_ Joevs. Malaria or oervoos troobles
mmt. The cli*au they hare eaderad
We mean be can cure himself riybl
U Morderooe for aU people not aatire OAPTAIB VelBTOAK IB BBTTBB waybyUkioy Electric BUter*. Ibis
mediae tone* op the whole s.vstem.
ae. the eoU who caoaot lire eure ear«Be Bhi Lah »raee Boepital aad WUl ecu as a stimulaat to the Liei
laUy aad eajoy treator eemferU and
blood porlder and
Betum Best Week,
trotaetlon tron beat aad ralne tkaa
tonic. It core C^nsUpatloB. Keadiaka Mclntoab bad a oenrersatioa ache. FaiuGsy Saells. Sleepleasuese
MAD araj la tbi Aeld.
.r veycu■Hiere bare beea nleUku ae there WiU Mrs. J.' V. MeIntoU in Detroit and MhlsBcholy. It is put
Met alwayi be la aa ar»y aewly yeetorday by tole|*ooa She stated ble. a mild lazatire. and restorrs the
system \o its aatural viyor. Try Elec­
jmtT* and ae there f«Berallj le ia UetC^taia Melalosb bed beea die tric Bitter* and be eoavioced that ther
are a miracle worker. Erery bott'.e
area trained eriaiee when Aret eauriat
•poa a eeapaltn- But looklnt at the etoyiny with a friand a few days. They yuaraoteed Only Sg>c a bottle at
expect to leare for TrAraroe City Mon­ druy storea ot 8. B. Wait and J
aben Atnree. takiat
Johnson. .
lioa aU the
•he aitaation. Ue rlolent ebaryee yre- slated that Ocorye Doyle is sllli rery
The anal 60 ent niptfiden | aeb
f ■
-imrad ayalnet Ue war department an tick at tbe CbUdrea's IA-ieod hospitoi. brands • ;flsrris‘Wire Koew.e.” —-H
* p.^,- • o. 8. C ” are sold at 8. Benda
jMtISaUo. oU..r «... tlut
A Co s for only ts eeeta
they are mads la tbe istoreet ot a poTaken on Body BkeenUen.


Yettorday Jobe Newoomb wa* taken
BO a body esecotloo. tosoed eat of Ue
Circuit court ooeoraplaiot of Clark B..
QleaMw af Grand Bapida Neweamb
ya*e eouuty limit bonds as required by
law aad was relaaaed. Tkls case yrows
of a Buit tried here aome Uase ayo
la which QleaeoD procured a Judymeat
ayalast Newcomb aad bis brotber-iaUw, L. 8. Vhadeeeter.
Tbe latteri
eoald not bp reached, beiay oat ot the
eoaaty. Tbe aait la qaeatioa m
irormtr orer ccrtalxkMps on Ue

Special Closing Prices
on Sofa Pillow Materials.



Mill Machinery of aU deaenption, inclodiBg Two Bngi&M,
Ret Worka, Carriage and Sawn. A cofapMe Saw MiU Plant
for Bale.


We Would
Like to Cali Your Attention


To the nice Bacon and Picnic Hams we ar»
eellinx. We never had any nicer, nor did any­
body elee.


■P.hon« 1S7.


S48 Front Stroot

This space for what we have to say about

Only $1.50.
We have a few of those
6ne shaped seat. Arm Rock­
ers that we are selling for
$1.50. Don’t delay — it is a


Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-date Painter
and Papal Hanger.
Shop opposite Eagle office.

No Comoarison.

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.

Willie Sayer. who was sentenced to
olyhty days In Jail >y Jodye Oorbett
fur steatiay a bieyele. woe released
yastoiday by Sberiff Simpeoa, fail term «f ttoyinaw doea not tell you what they
ot imprtoaamsat la tbe eoaaty jsli expect to do. They refer to what 'J»ey
have done and are doiny dally in TravhaTlny expired.
er*e City.
Take ae *tnek in take p'orntoeS made
WehartAtot of mea'e ualaan
brother*. We arc here perinac
ahlrte.aimo*tanysiis opto 17.
and can back ev*rrtbir<y ae nayaos toke 'em away at M oeato eat
deal direct witli u* ID caae of accident
Beads A Co., lit Frontetreek
oralckaeaa There to no eoa
wiU oibar enmpanlea Look op onr
ire* with atoadlcy then compare them. Better
Ladle*, eleaa your kid ylowc
Miller Gloeeline. It to not
take out a policy; It daront eoat much.
be asad whi
leare* aa odor aad «
BkaaBM.i.K A MoCoazacK, Dtok Mayra..
d. For anil
- BzuDcb cffica Jubnacn block. Tmv»0 Jobbeon. Drayytok
cine City.


Hoose Fumishine Store.

Our Offerings

Oeserre Unasaal Ittantloa.

WE 18! SHOWING r/.srbi”'sr«'r.,":£* 3

We make particular mention of KEED and EATTAN FUEKITURE. Aside from a floor full of heautlfiil creations in
t*>ia materia'we make prices pqusUy *8 "t‘rectiv».
Whether you intend to refurnish your bouse this fall or
just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your
rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity
to do so at aveiy little cost We want you to see the noods
in any event.



rpffswr?r3^»^^,■!'■• ■ = ' *■; -^-b"

iHwovmd ottAmwiftan Side
of Tnkon.

tbo wotor b^ low, nb* oobld net
diwora bomlf, oltboafb tbo jmapod U
b«d ftnb Bon Mn. Bauol* woo
foBod by bor fotolly ond trot Ntooved
AtotoHlbooUtnlnroppbtlto li U*>
inronttMoUoltfOBOtDBorftold Bot
only daoB it ootordlaory Nt dUt bot
i* fend of tnooktooloo. eoko. dotoo. OOB,Bd boot*. It boo boo* known ^0
o boot ptokl* from booido o plot*
of aroU UoTtnr tbo Utter mntonobod,
It nfBoc* to wt oolt rUUc bNod. bat
wUlUrly Mto tbot and* troa yeoot.
WillUa Prmoof ood bl* twwyeoraU
eon boroboM drowned nt PoUt Bdword ncor Port Huron. Prooor wnt
wnlklnr on o plonk froB *00 boot to
iBotber, wltb tbo ebild U Uo orao,
when hUfootoUppod, tbrowlor tboa
Uto tbo wotor.
A. Looakort of BolUlrc. alaod bb
fold woddtnrrlnr tbo otbor day. Aft­
er olonrond froltloo* oooreh be reibered tbot bo bod boon U botblar
day beure. Tokter o boot
rowed to tbo opot. ond to Uo proot doUrbtoow'tborUrttotlncoatb* ooad
ot tbo bottom of lb*-wotor.


J '



«OMtnl WilOOB &00000 PW* BIM
Met Bor l.OOfMMO Ponado
B«u«v«d Thbt Bdliam Pmhm
0«iB*d Txob^U In Orvt*. Woobinrw. D. G.. 8^ 9.—Tko Ho«y

i LiY6 Agent luteiL

VMb 88 Oftem ood 680 Xoa.
WoobUpton.'D. C. Sept. *-Tbo tel■wlnp tolacNB woo noolvod ottb*
War Doportaont ot 1« oeUek loot la aU too saeoeapM torritory la Mieb>
ipu. Meet popolar plu aoeidrot and
rick benefit iwaranee on tb* anrksC
Ponce, Bopt A—Adjoloat OoiutoI:
JootonUodnt t:ie on trnnoport Concfao
wltb folleorinp troopa; 8toff ot Plrot
dlrUSon. nrot oi^y eerp* ond etoS of
Sixtb oray oorpo, « oAem. IT aci a»*SiUbf^u^'
dotoeharut of United 8tou* enpiooen, MB.
Coapoay C. with t7 aon. » o8U*ro; nsottocbnil orUllery bottolioo. 8eld nod tbWr ucw aeoUMt «b« OaurUI iom am acetOcat w *Trt«r— wooU com* m >«e*Urir ma
oto«: battery A. Mlaoori
tb*7 OnNcw twtr pranmr wr»tw Or*
a; botury A. Twenty
Tna AooociATtos to oboaiiuxd c*. t ofiUon. DU m towo or the »ron or Micpj104 Boaj bnttory B, PunoylvuU vri- •
„ aopoid elria on It* booufen
natron, t efleon IW men.
* which it bad roovlrod proof*, nad In“Sboold rnnob New York Soph 14. oaroo aen nad woaoa from IB to «
of ape.
Total, tt ofilooT*. SU OBlUtod aon.
'WiLoca, Mojar GonornL**


D^orMantbMdootdod to award eontnoaotonootor UMO.OOO penadi of
Itodarod Vow Tbot tbo 1
opanod thU w**k.
Voe the Work of TnifcUb Troop*.
WbiU tb* arm* bUdUp w«* bon
Ooaoo, Oroto. Boptoabor «.->Tbo fir- tboa barMadm tb* tarao w«N Upba
▼MMvrw, B a. ScptM&bv *->Tb«
lop of the woroklpo wbMi okollod Ooa- tbaa tb* porernaoat •xpaetad onMmmw fMsat ftrri*«4 dbvet fro« 8t
dU Wodneadoy ooo *«ry ooenroto. Tbo •iderinp tb* Urp* qBoatlty, miTlap
mlaoB qnoiior of tbo town wo* UttU from dune paid for oaoU qonntifianrinp* bare
Ur troa 0>«m withoat gold «r
at dntroyod, and aony Mooloa* tlontwo yaor* opa
4f»tU. Tb« ytMBOT WM Uk«B to 8U
wore killed. d***rol Cb^tiono were been pl**a tb* &rao, bowover. and tbe
nr* ontioflod tbot tbo pow­
MlehMl'i bjr Wwwrlud. s pilot, aho
oloo killed.'
NjibawMO««ndpkrlbet7tb»i^MCbriotUn foaiUo* floolap from Can- der eonnat be aanntnetnrod, ollowinp
o*lipbtpra8t,foraoebU** tboa tbo
McvwuMOttooMvo prinuor to
dU ore orrlTlnp ot Banda boy.
8rm* propoo*. Tb* Doponu ot Wiltbo p»th of iho rttorsUc Klondlln
Tbeprooldootof th* Croton exoeoalaptoo and tb* ColUornU Powder
tnoaun-okifo. WrourUad mj* lb»t
ti*e ooaaltto* boa notifed th* toreipn
tbd eontraete ot
m romto w St. MUbaola tbog won tokodairol* that In view ot the aoaao79if ood nu ooaU a penod, too porornM for too MUriou MjUilnl priti
ettko Cbrtotion* by MaNBlaono
tofnniob tbo oleobol,
br tbo BriUob wpnbip Aapbioa. Tb«
It orill be iapeoBlbl* ter the eeaaUWe tbo* briopiop tbe total coot to about
VMtoOt »M boordod br Ibe AmpbUo'i
.0 lU oSora to r<
Mr*. G. W. Beport of Kalkoaka wao
M oonu a poud.aooeld«TObly loa tboo
ofkto* OB tbo blrbMM.B»d u Ufora
• oftboofloiraof th* Ua pneot at tbo WhUlap vrotordoy.
tb* army la now pnylap. Wltb tbo now
•i ooort BMtlBl bold, tbo Britiob t«Und.
oontneto filled tboro wUl b* onoopb ot
Winumo Oleaa Away.
fooUr U 100*0 tbo oblp oatil thept^oo
lb* ooBmltw* doBondo tbo
tbla powder fororory oblp in tbo n**y,
It ti conaiBly'pratifytnp to tb* pobt«l UtoBtUu at ibe FooiMt osd Pilot
tlon of tbo ooeeabty ood oloo propooo*
bat ttorol oflkser* nay tbot tbrM time* Ic to know of one coneora in toe Usd
Wbtl* o elreo* woo is procreo* ot to plooe tbo Crotoo fororo ot the dierko or* not afroH to bo penorouo to
RW. Trcodfold. toot to tbo Tokoo hj OToyliar. wedooodoy. i blpk wiod pooU of tbo lotoraoUonoI odmiaUtro- tbotoaoBotobbuldbobodto fora a be needy and Boflerinp. Tbe proprie^
tot* of Dr. Klnp* New Dieeoeery for
tbo Loodoo MUl&r Joorool to e:
orcM and tbo Mot eolUpood. Tbo
CoDoamptlo*. Coopb* aad Cold*, uve
fao ood roport oo tbo cold 8
tre pole otreok end oorloooly iojared
Uondon. Bepk 9.—Tbe StondoH'*
pieea sway oevr to* rnnllnn trial botoob
•lolao tbot oU roMBt rich otrlkoo boro Urw woaeo. wbUe*«**rolotb*N
olaof toU prcal aadlelu. om: bav*
lorreapondoat aboard tbo worobip
booo toodo on ^ bBoiioon oldo, ond poUUIIy braUed.
ntel 81e
1 to toU rity the oatUfocUoD of knowisp It kao abmuo if oer«h\r hM boon oold oboot
yoolerdoy afleraooa, after a vUlt to tolotely cured ihooronda of bepelaao
Henry Oittaer. o rUlrood oapl^e brook ot OondU woo
Boanetboto. OotoldodPHMtoiisoe-ook tboro ot NUOO.WO* otroek by o Mieblron Con­
Moatanh Point.
pth* Britiob <
I u<1 all dUoaaro of tbe Throat,
looatkUr tooppcooeh tbcB U rleb- trol onfia* nad doareronoly wounded.
Mr*. A. H. Brown returned froa a Cheat and Laap* or* ourely eared
wbeaoo tbe att*^ opened,
lh8 Yoang OhBrBOtsr
MOO. bat tboy oro eloia* n^blrUf
Tlrit at TboapaeneiU* Tbanday eroa- It 0*11 oa toe DrappUu S E- Wait
Dr. 8. M.Luton.Oroad Bo^' hooUb holed and barrieodad.
ud J G. Jofamon aad pet a trial botComedian,
■Oboy to dovolope. ond next yoor,
omoer. hnobeenodjadred Inonao nad
Bdbea Paoba. to* povornor,
tie. 10 eta. Bepnlor oiu 90e and 81.
whon eopltol oo«ca io freely tbo poo*^*ltor Geatoa wlU leave tbU ri^ to
eoarily reoponaibl* for tbe liMbU.
oont to tbo aoylna ot EoUaoooo.
plo will oot be oo BoaoroBa, bat
fill a poritioa with tb*
eocrotory of 8au Day and party,
of tbo woolvb Will bo token troa tbo
aartoub. McDonald A Coapuy of
eeapooed of Mr*. Day ond ooo, Mr*. hedldnaisrriTooatoooooneorito U*
•TO kl* oMBf Bad e«eUM
tbo Boibe 81m be* ja«i roeeivad u
ABwrieon old*.
troop* *nUl to* BnUah bad boon fipbi Chleapo.
•leput Hoe of Cblldren'o Jacket*.
KoU MeUonOB of youooarer. wbo Borbor, tietorof Mi* MeKUley. Mr*,
Mn. L. R. Bradioh of Grand Bapid* inp Baobl-baoook* for toor boon
bno boon ot Bospon City, Alnoko, ro•etlielr MV re-vrlOM *w*«*a «( Be
ha* uaao her* for a fow day* aa aeThan
poru o foboloooly rich otrtk* on UttI* Boeonebo Uio w**k.
ooly joot learned what woo bappenUp. eoaat of to* oitfcnoto of ber rioter. Mr*.
BlUook ri**r. U United Stoto* toni
Brodly Way, « BridfownUr townHU ototoaoat eoafiraa. th* boHof B. L. Carter.
tory. Bo ooyo: ''1 eon nnrreU plekod obtp former, woe otrnek .by o
S. A. DeUe, th* aoeth old* pbotoprathat be arraopod too plot. Many reel
jne o few doy* opo ood o* badly Innp on tbo boro whil* tbo pono
----------- Bhe*8tea
doaU or* prepaiod to oweor that T«rk-' ber. loft yootorday aernlap fur
onortoonolyrieb." MeUanoo ooyo tbo Jorod Uot be died oo Wednoodoy.
aad wbaa k* rctarao
Ubtrooptjriaodtooaabla flriap on Orud
Mxt boot* will botnr down o
At Coi»<a*ll U OB oeopoNUnp f»
wUl be oeroaiaol*»< by U* faaUy.
to* BriUob. All narrleor* of the aao■tony oUk noon frooi Dowooa, •
io nearly ooapleted that will ne* from oaor* *w*ar toot too buiebery wao
Prof. W. H. 8uS*a* be* rotnrnad
ovon oMUarfer tbo eooet when
m to SM bnohoU dUJy. wbiu froa aooUy dona by ooUioro, wb* 8ito troa Uland. wbore be wa* called by.
loft by oooy otocoo. Soroiol died
tbot point aoBT boebeU nro oUpped by robbed toolr rieUna. Tbo oltaoUN too olekseoe of bb oootbor. wbo U now
•onto frea ^pboid f***r, ond May train to otbor polnto.
toU Borninp eenUnMo praro.
moeo wonld «1* bofon tb«y ooald
Mr. and Mr*. Fiuk Mrod* hero rw
Tbo oOelal report of to* rlotlap at
Oaadta. Crete, mf toot om BritUb t*m*d froa Chteapa Mr*. Meado ba*
w and *U*o* aon wore UlUd aad alto vUltod in Mllwa*k*k They rw
Piano to XoooBp a Perea Tkero VotB
tnmad.two wcric* earlier tou they cstwo
iBlnAleB Ute*(b wfl
Pk«ppiD* anootiea U Bettled.
toad BOM mrferwtortt*
There to a fwcral riolap of to* Mow seeted'eo aeeoent of tb* illaea of
AdmlssionTn. 86,60o.
Cbarlo* 8utoo of Compuy M.
Waobinpton. dept-9.—(tto tb* parMr*. G O. Bate*, of Cblrapo, wb* boo
'^* ritantto* natr to* aeotrol ton*
poeooftbewar departaast to eatab^ Knttaro of latwoot Prom AU «
lloh 0 readrzToa* for tbe troop* near U of toe prsoeat ebaraetor. toar* belnp bom vUUiap io Tneeroo City for tb*
Paita of Kleblpms.
- HonoUln-rery aooo. On* of tbe pa<^ oaly a ebori dUianoe b*twoea toe Mao- loot three wocks.atarted yootorday of*
Uraooa fio- Milwaak -e, wkero ab* will
WWCTWWrwtK peer* of Georral MerrUa'* trip to Ha­ ealau* ud tooChriotlano.
A dUpateb froa Malto aay* that xso ouy over doadoy. ud than po on to
Tb* city aatboriUM o« YpolUnti and waii woo to oaeertoU If a eoltobU
tb* Detroit A Ana Arbor olaetric rnU- oaaplor proand eould be obtained. BriUob ooldlof* hare ooilod froa tboro Chleapo.
Lewu Morri* hoc rotoraod from CallTbe
fur Caadio.
vrnybndn ooUUion tbU week. Tbe
A dUpatcb to too Cestroi Mow* from ilUc
pnapwoatto work on a portion of a report froa bla wltbU a abort tiae
MUeea Bdith Bari aad Bdna Baraam
o rood coap olle I* foand tb* CaadU oayo that too town wa* oboilod
track tbo eUy bod ordered oboodoaed.
d«T of tbe troop* BOW otattoaed opal* yeourdoy by too foreipn war- went eoutb yeeterdoy on the O. B.^A I.
oodrotaoed to obey ordon to atop.
The mayor tben orderod oot tbe. 8ro otHoDFroneUeowUl bo oont to tbe oblp*. lb* BriiUb bauloohip cAnpor- train. Mlm Bert wlU ester the otale
deportment ond taroed tbe boee on Hawaiion Ulasdo. there to reroafo dowa tokinp paitin toe boabardaoot. normal at YpeilanU and MIm BornaM
J. a. MABTIHEK. 917 rreat
--------------------------I ba* a poitioa a* tooeher la tbo neboolt
. tb*a,wbieb op^Uy breupbt tbe Ueor pandlap tbv eetUeaenl of toe qoeotion
Aauooaeat Mote*.
|»» Jukooc.
ofroulninp a pari of toe Phillpplae*.
All wbo aatlclpatod a pood enterwill Harri* haofooo to YpolluU to
A. Loapor tbe oMrot brend-wUeer
Konltor* Out of 0
enter tbe
U tb* otota, Uro* U Royal Oak. B*
JotlBc Sieinberp ud eo* Alec re- aud (rot lU qoality of Una W. W. KIMBALL 00. N B. 8TB0N0, Mo^oa
Waoblnpioo. Sept. 9 —Seyerai naoal crood^ wer* aoro tbu oaUefied with
. io M yean old.ond drivi* a aUk wopoa
Mr. ud Mr*. G. U>to Sileer ud the toraed loot eveatap from N*w York, m Pront street.
froa Royal
Oak to _
andromelo will he placed ost of eoaaiw
8Ue«r family. The eotorUlnmenl vro^ when they bav* ben for ibe poet two
ret^ a dUtUae* of U
Tb* old ^
*Phe*e will Infor
wroko parebarinp their fall ototo
1. to* row KatabdU.
a bride down bU job not oeeanoe b* dado toe a
•M o very alee earn wae realixed. dry pooda
UoblipcdMOo It, but heroine bo a ud protohle th» cruloer* Uolaabta aad Tbe Silver* are well known ber* and
Del Sqalei* arrived boa* laet ereaWbm W. H. FLETCBKB eerros ir \
thrifty aad like* to work.
XhU ao- Miaaoop I *. Order* hoe* already U- they mode aony frtudo with tbe e*cine* repalnr mrolo for tte and BcM
Uqoo aUkaaa U atroap aad riporouo. oued for plaelep the HynoaKc eroioer erileoceof their prodartlone loot evu- Inp froa a week'* vloit with relatlv**
I Lonehc*
Lnnebea la toe
the world for Itc. Open all nipbt.
eae yank ka dUfoff kip aUk uan*. U Teearlu* eat of eommiMloa. Alt ber isp. Tbe prapraa wa* opened wltb o *o«tb of Onad Bapido.
on band ior bu lead of aUk at Boddow
mtoetrel trot part which wao filled
aertnallao froa bU etariUp point,
vrithkamorawl 8ne featono. A oerBroritua.
an hoar before bU load to ready, aad
toe of very cleror ^ioUia Ailed Is
All tMnbers of tbe Lad W Ubraiy
drive* a 4-y*ar-rid eolt that will ran
odmlnbly. Bat toe cream ot the *nOwayiiflteaejattMdropof the hat. LOooeUttoB are rrqaootod to bo prootbe voeal
At Cairo toe oUar day a woaaa at- Bt at a opeeUI meetfap. to b e bold Mr. Silver. BU eonpo were new aad
itto afteroooa ot 3:00 o'clock.
9*adod toe foaeral ot a
ap-to-dair and bnatHuUy illnttntod
Yeatarday moraiap
ato woo toe firot In the foaUy U U
with a ■tereopUcop In o auner to add
yoar*. alibooph there wer* 14 nrotoer* bondred ud fifty ooldiet* oa toe traio realUm lotbeeel'eUoBo. There were
in toe family. The oidcot U ?t aad tbe fion Detroit to rud Rapid* boond
i dteerivinp view* of
f.<r varkroa polau aloap toe Use.
yonnpeot 5*.
s ioelndinp the f
UeerpeThirlby. on* of toe bey* jaat oftoeMoleeud the faatUe of MoatU.
H. U. Lalle. of RaUoiioo. aprid
bnnur, woo drowoea in Alotka.
Tb* oortreit of I’rroident McKinley.
o tpbt a* beiap more eerioealy *iek.
AdairaU Soapeu! Dewey and Schley
Chao. Oroletnot, a mraber of Cow
Tbe Wood dUtero will move from tbe and TreoidenU Gnnt. Lloeoln ud
puy B, Thirty tonrto iDfoatry ood o
Woahloptoo. Other view* added to
woroBonla too MocUlee Iron Work*
toe merit of toe propraa. It wao u
wa* prcoentod by Ocorpe E. Boy with
a few approprUu leaarko In beholt of by J O Lupworthy for a baber ebop. execlleni entertainment in every way
tbe workmen of toeobop, a pold watch, Tney win eoadnci tbelr m.UUery ouel
J. C Lewis Will mokr bio oppearoeee
«baU and lockec valoed at fiiuu.
la Tr*vt.*e City Uilo evenlnp. at
block :• complowd. when they will
~Aupti*t HUts. a Unncr and hU wife,
Steinb^rp'o Brand. Be will be «uphove o ploue in the new bnlldlnp.
wore thrown froa Utelr wnpon dorinpo
pwtedby a ropable rompany In "SI
Ueff McDanold received s wlepram nnakard," which to a fo*r set eemedy
ranaway in ttopinaw WodnoMy nipbv
Both wore oeriouoly bnrt and tbe Uv yesterday from New York, etaUap of New Bnplud farm life. TVaetlnn
that hie brother P*u«y. wb* 1* lU ia of to* ^ere open* oa tbe form of tbe
'tor Boy die.
flower Uuapital. io no batter.
Pape*, ot Pstrview. Cu. which la 1aOoro Barrio, of SbribyriUe. lie* at
Protecator Tweddle boo uuUtutod vaded by Robert Denny, a bopu* etoek
toe point of death on 'aeooant of her
who ho* Inveipled
^t pop dap. As to* rvoninp traio proeeeJicpo ■poinoi ••veral laloon
pnUed into Kkeibyviilo ob* woo oe*n Keepers for ollepen vieloUoot of the Fbraer Pope Into atoek •pcehloUo*
toatcp oat upon the track lo.aaeat- liquor law on Labor Day. ud yesterday ud ruined him. In order' to fere* tbe
rid men to cosoent to hi* marrUpe
«b* dop. which wa* in danpefot bolnp
nu pTor. The train otrnek tbe wo- i'bU Snermer.wbo is ebarrod wltb not with hUbe*uilfeld*uphtor. whom b*
rona. tbrowiap her ooae dUtaae*. D-. liavinplaft tbe oerees* of 'hli taloon
H. LIT.Basely wo* called and found Mb* Bar­
P. U.TutUcjf Cedu was o eaUer dace* the old farmer to u aeeompUce
rio bad ouoUUed a eoaponnd traeinrc
i In ibe prv*nn of Mow* ffl'ton. o J w
of boib Irp*. toe ripbt ankle wa* dU We yrktotdoy.
JL*. L. W.
irauer, who trwa w rocure a
her lipbt k...u;ju
mortpape on to* rid farmerb home,
toero orcre aeveral bad caU aboat her pucet at Park Ploeo^
Peter Dromond
aTBarkor CTOek b
Felix Smart, a Dutch inventor, appear*
Road and baek. Tbo dop ooeaped aorouted bnelnero bet* yroimd^.
on the ooene. oelllnp bio
A. A WberiLck wn* over yrotorday and he ud 81 PIuknH. tb* farmer
Mra. BobmU. a fanner’* wife re
from Bip Rapid* nod rolled npoo ne- kero, become feet friend* and foil toe
ritop pear NUe* ha* kad a *nlclda>
villein ud tbe wily Jew in tbelr nV
«bo wa* eonotantly woicbeo
by reUtlrao and friend*, bat one doy
B. 8. m&'l VBtkisf clmt. pcnnln*tempts to ruin toe oA termer. Dnrinp
toi* week abo eluded their vipllono muiBBkinstao*. p. buna AGo., 194 tbe aetioo ot to* comedy n onmbar of
up-to-date apeelalUe* will be tntroe an attempt to cut 1her torooi Front otrrot.
dneed ty tbe bip eompany of eom*with o bntober knife, Beeaboe of*
dlan*. Tbe romvdy bavinp b*u rearil blade oke
In makwritMB tbU eroaue will b* u eutlro
iap awral pMbe* and abo then took
MW roroien of toi* eoeoeaofal lau^
4mo of pari* proon and oeearinp
tnOiBas'iflMkU dertt wttti nOk prodneer. maklnp it on* of too stronr
laiforockoh* battered her bead util Uninp. vUput - ■ •------------- ---rot tip-te-d*t« taro* eomedlo* beforo
•be boaao oxkaooW. Then obe ra> T iipbt c. lor* I
to* pnbUc.
tospoarby oprinp and jaapedin. bu. KrttitaUach
T«mlSaB0aWt»St.HlatoM> TttM for « PitTStMT br » antlik

rhUdmann Pi]i

utaTBCiDui iKomuamrm.

Steinberg’s Orar.d
Opera B


Saturday, September 10



“Si Plunkam."

faid to Hi BiriaRi fUM PdiIl



Watch This Column For Bargains 1

For Ttir ScM BmIi
Fifty Cents
Guard Chains

HiwYoi Tried Tie limbill?

" Furniture Bargains:

Columbian Restaurant




Loads of New Goods Arriving Daily. ^

To make things etill more Interesting we will run a



Beginning Saturday, Sept. 10.
B Corset Covers, - 8c, 14c, 21c, 33c and better 3
^ Night Gowns, 34c, 42c, 60c, 67c, 87c aud better 3
§ Skirts, - - 44c. 67c, 87c, 51.18 aud better 3
23c, 38c, 47c, 74c and better
p Drawers, -


Shirt Waists

at Specially Low Prices.



^ Many other Bargains that you wlU enjoy when you come. 3








(iaad«aaar on.'^^av, Xda.1 tfrar
Tha WoMB'a Feraipn Miaaioaary SoIt a< aU chttmCa^
aaw'a bbb oatrb dab aa bedld. . ..
ataiy adJka firat MatlM^ abanh
OM is new at tba Wbltteff«wwwwt iiAow and Wte
a. ■. Dviw
a be srQl ba gtod to mast
ban alacfad ttaa foUowiap e«aan Ur Coirl. wbara
vnt baBa.-arU)» I wm> to Ika
HottI eniMTMt ay hwinTwy «Oaa. IcetafettwCanaCUoago. with
r. fa. M-e; 6aL r; »«.
tL lAWaawe
sritb any nw . .
vmti. in • oniou ««y. Six wcelv ato a ebook tor «I.Q0O in it. WittacBaa
pPrnidaaV-Mfa. E L-KaUapr- C
X«(Bt dflWB to Fin islud fitUBg. 1 ttaaUolROt it oaabed, ftettlac paid in
Self indaipeftoe b «e graateet esm
ImS had • iBDdi pot q> forn^ aad yon ft and flO bUla, maUByqoito a toIL 1 at Ohrlatiuity today. Sell deoia] ia ita
ennsalt Or Blankaar. wbo ia
md vloa prei
. F- K.
O. P. OAR’YSIL Agau'
«bb' imacioe ay astonUhaeBt vbcs I tboD pot a roaM Joiot of beet
a aaaeasa.aa4Bota bilare aad who
a preauataead. SeUdaadal U daaatided
flfaMdtbebuapwto llada»aeka««fl< M ot delioriea, nod liad them ant B«1 nJf indnlganoatorUddea. oat only Qriffla.
aai%e wbea otbore tail He will reTUrd TiM pntf
. •tadm wTVffei np in a wa^ pobAtMtbatIwaBtTixitiDpBacac te the pood od otiiera bet alao ta oar17. Coaaali him while you Ihave tbe
liatMd at ay bana io ViacenaLn. I nad ay old ■Aonlmataa fcv two botua aod aalm Wa aborid deny oocaalTea (or
MX—Mrs. M. J. oaaaetmmiVf- Tfaroegbtbe eo
tray_word ot It,- adwrtfaraaati
, .weatboaa Mntberhadpatoabarofily.tbankaofotbaea Weaboaldalaodany
many of Dr.
waa Ow Kelb^ who]^ f,tbar bad doonedbia | oanalvaataTtb^e of alt Saltinbee agreed to eras te Trareree City.
toeat abeiild
aboold aa
make oi p<l( dcaiyteg and
, Saoday go to aeadop eloibea, Boae too ! toaet
Dr. Blankptr aeqnssUoaaMr U oa« of
baaaaod nit poA a^ aootiw by ^ either. Tbia UwbanI pUyw) a i keepeafroaaalt____ „__________
Panlrmothe moat scleatlile and ekUlful deaBamemter that 1 doall kteda irf tto
«M |»taeater. Bf Oaorpo. it
jokeontbe old folka MaU>vwaa lB|tloadealf denial both that be
be “aipbt
tieta that has ever vWled our cUy. He . p^iHug and eaaaeUng. apfittet
1 eau
BW botnetick. and 1 drtenainod tften ^ ut/im wa«*ii« the roaat Fbthar
is practknlly the father of pateto ^ do give yon the beat work of au
aod alao tbat be htmarff
aadtbarato go borne, aodgo boaal .^oatto tbebaro. aod 1 badaclaar “ni^t be partaker tberoof.”
dwttetry By bia ortginal method U ouc
^ te
^ tbe
the dty for the
tbe money.

1. TIm wilUngneea of an to deay
tbanK-«trf «b.
No paia, BO chloroform, ao «••• "
-the ooutfary. bat eoam aad aas ter
Cbeaneelvee (or periabteg worldly boaori
laaaa to New York. 1 bad a tiff with placed tba oorer on agate. At Uat eop- aboold teapire na with a williugnen to
1 guarantee aU my srork to be right,
ayfatbcraalieftbeaw. Iflnallytar^ per waa nady. Father aaked a blening deay aaU (or immortal bonora (1 Cor.
TraTaiMOttx Market.
aad if it doea not prove ao ! ssaba It
Bp te Kaw York wiib a dollar in ay orer it and be actoally treabled wbea 14-87) Panl Uloaniea tbia by the ranBalow la a Uat o( tba baying aod aeli and abeald avail tbeaealvea of Uis
pocket I got a }ob raimliw a freijtet be atork hie koife into tbe rnaat
B« in tbe latfamiio gamea. One wbo
rare opportuelty aad either bare them
Mop to tai • o’clock ovary avaatef
alarator te tbe rery boaw te which 1
“We bareii't bad a piacooiaeat like eaitMted (or the prim >n tbe lathmian
extrwtad or filled without
exacf^ Sanday, te tbe OaldwaU A Loaaa now a partucr. Uyhaata to gat ricb that te fire yean.
be eeld, and gaaee. tbe glory at Cenintb. bad to
don boHdtef. at north sad of Osioa
drore tba tboapbt of ay pamtt (ran
deay biaaBlt had to be tewpernto te ail
toskluw'ia the Uporr Peplasuls. H«
tbtega For ten aontba before tbe oon6K togetber with bit amtueut dealal etoff
teat tbeeaiididatea, aooocding to aneieot
11 M srm open effiee at the Wbltiag Hotel
aotbocitUa bad to be pure, eobv and
and will ramalB untQ Satorday.
; I tall yoo. J(*H. ay
eadnrteg to obey ordera, to nt eparely
trmho' 17.
tocreep. Iw
tag ae abe did ao, “How taany apoon- and aimply and to endure (aUgne and
489-lt. ___________ _
(ala, Jimmy?”
lip. Ibis denial of ael( waa abaoKUlteMySeputBsst.
At Uat we neared tbe town. Familiar
Tban abe etrodc nDetfaing tbat waa
o teapire hope of ancsigbti act my eyea,aod, apeaiayword, not aogar. 8be picked np tbe bowl and oem.' Witboat it it would be oaelea for
they filled «th tc-an. There waa BUI peered Into it “Aba. Maabe- Jimoty, one to oonund. Hia oonditioB would be
Bosrox Htoik.
l4yaan’a nd\bBTU }nat tbeaaaetbot playing year old tricka oo yoar mam- BBcb that be ocmld hare no hope (or
Tkpvera# Cttg. Mlsb
gnat Scott ^at were all tbe other Biy, eb? Well, Iwyp will be boya.”
noesaa Tbe cootuOaola did not refoae
booeea? We rode oeaiiy a aUe before
Than abe gaapad (or breath. She nw tofnlflU tbe oendtUona -nieydid it
cening to tbe etatlon. paadng many ttwaamoBcy. Sbe loolad at aeaud wUllngty and ctaewfally. and, too. tbat
J U. LOt1»g.DsBtJ#l,Oree»la Asrtht
twaaee at which only an occaaionai one tfaeo at (atear; tboi with trembUng __
they might obtain a ooraptible crown.
WgalamU^. The tenra had }ot>w^
drew emt tbe greet toll o( bUU i , iuo^^Birliadof l^iaDiVemeai
rm aeptember the
fcnttmcwj^aue wbenltoowit ^
HTha. hal I «n aee (Mber now. ai 1
olive, or OlympUn
Tba Norlberv Mtebigaa TrenncrtaSam Btoppeda^ 1 Jmuprf off. hot a . ^
hjj in,ife, ^ h^w tnoob more willing iberelare
tioB Oo. will sell rOBpd trip OAeta
to « «pht 1 knrw. andlei.atcdd^ in one head. b« iortc te the other, and j SeChriatUn abonld be todenyhimeeU.
from Travareo City to Chicago tor S*-Oa
riAete good uatU Oetobev Ittb.
*™'Png out of bin b^ | .inoe be atrirea lur an tecormptiWe. “
doer nood tbe Matioa agrut I walked !
Tfekets 08 sale et the dock < ffiee op
r aotber. Sbe : upfiuting, u, i withering crown, “a

■ liinarabove date. ’Pboae »
the boat o( mo, air.
he will provide.”
Jy necaMuiy
■all daiial is n
te tbe t^hristian
dote Id Kd- Yorti <»d be di^ 11
„„„ to teU. “ cannot live an tedolgent and a Chriete jort^lb 1-lMogtomo »Jd
...dbmigbtboe tian life at tbe mme time. Tbe extent
“If. fl«»tU»e jTO .rer.coB.bB ^ Tb>„ »e denollAed ibdt dbrnn. to wbiob Panl went in self denial be
bone—-yon te New Tcrt ridi, and your mother all tbe time reylng:
IBostretee by tbs pngiUst aa a fighter.
(atber ecralcbteg gnvel to get a Uv- Jimmy! My boy JUntnyl”
Be strikes real blows at hU body, not
T«s ttadb Pm Aair Mas.
1 staid a aontli. 1 fixed ap tba ptem. feints or blows at random. Ho declarva
I tell yon. John, it knocked ae aU te paid off all the debt*, bed a good time tbat be bmisMl his body and emota it
There isn’t any ooe eo good that It
a heap. I tbos^ my (atber bad enoegh and came back to New Ytwk. 1 am go­ andor tbeeym. Keeping it thns te eab- doetti’t make him mad to go borne to
aeaaaa a»ss see
toUvenpancamfortnbly. Then a notion ing to *nd fSOfcome every week. I icU
find mmo one tttting te Us
SS8S»« S8BS 88t
jectioa. Pan! referred to no barmfnl
attack me. Bofore going borne I tele- yoo. John, it ia mighty nice to have a bodily torture, bnt to noble self sacri- ebalr at the table.—Atoblsoa Globa.
p^ibed to Chicago to ooe of onr tyneaaB8B8IB8BllllBBI
ficteg labors and mU dmiisls for tba
^amdenu there to aend me fl.txfo by
John was lock^ Meadtlyat «b« bead good of others.
“You said that when we.wtre
flataaU. ThenlwentlntoMr.OoUina* of bis caua Wbea be ^cke, be took
A Tbe fraite of adf indnlgenoe and
back oiSoe, got ay trank is tb<r« and Jim by tbe band and aaid: “Jim, old aeU denial should teapire self denial Tied you would rrfnse me nothing.''
"I'U be still aorr gmrroua I’U'not
pat on an old hsnd me down anit tbat X friend, wbat yon have told are has af­ «jal.T. Ifl-84). Bcifittialgence leads to
need (or fiebing and faouting. My ping fected me greatly. IhaTcn'tbeardftwn the grossest oos, whicb forever debar even refuse you notbing. I’ll give it to
tor snalag. SI
88 8 8 8 s<8888
bat I nplaccd by • eoit one, took ay my borne away op in Maine (or ten us tram tbe kingdom of Ood. Saif de­ yon. ^Tinctenati biqairer.
B tthstrvvt. ttS-U
• *«
ww • e w
▼allae te my band and went bonte. yean. 1 am going home toaonow."— nial pradneos tbe frnila of tbe a|dTit,
U rVL ttlWOBX-WtU e
Senebow tbe idaea didn’t lock right Loin Micbd te St. Louis Post-Dispateb. which
ns Cbrlstlike and Christ
M ssrstaS. T*r«* t%
Tte enmnt bnihea had been -dog op
ton tbe (net yard and tbe fence wae
Myths etx
h£lftCELLAK1tO0fl WAWTH.
gone. All tbe old locnettieee had been
CbarlM de Kay. coosnl general to
As Christians and I
cat down and yoong maple tteec were
Berlin. wriiM of Vendland in Tbe Cm- go often to Caivary tbat we may drink
Ranted. Tbe bonee iooked aaaller. loo.
tniy under title of “An Inland Venice.’' deeply frmi tbe fountain of nobleM aaoMaebow. Bnt 1 went op to tbe front
Coneerniug tbe strange myths of tbe riSoe and eelf denuO. and, thus refrusbdoor and rang (be bell. Mother
aod strengttemed. go into tbe world
Vends. Mi. de Kay says: Tbe water eri
tbe front doorand uid, ‘‘Wedon’twieb
nixy is dangerens to young women wbo nnd teach it by onr Uvnwfaat true
to bey anything todsy, eir. ”
It didn't Inks a minnte to enmy ber
sees e X aaauu
■ from bead to foot. Neatly dreamd. John,
8a 8882 8 S SS888 8
XX. l; xxUi.
a buy i¥idi, it ia Heraanu
part. When
bot a patch bere and Uiete. ber hair
•SSr S weer-g g
tbat has mne; when a girl gets sleepy
br soM sbsop. ^
■treaked with grey, her (ace Him and
BBBaBBeaeBBBaaa a
saaaaaaaaaaauaa a
wrinkled. Yet over ber
Beepers wbo fail to ie«t for an boor at
S8Z8S£S88gSg888 8
tboK guod. buutwt benevolent eye
Th« Pnoken at the Battle of
midday are in danger of a ragged fe­
Mood Maxing at ber, and then abe began
SeatiaffO de Onbe Were AU
to Mare at me. 1 saw tbe blood Ruh to male demon called Ptogioteiaa. Sbe
aaaa a
oontes with a sickle bound to a pole and
.LB-Two vbeeM *■
ber (ac», and with a great eobabe threw
Heroee — Their Heroio Bf..
888!: 8 888888888
cuts off tte-Jr beads. Bbo aeeas to haVe
beteelf npoo ae and uerronaly clasped
Arnmani••-2“ e
been snnrtroke penonifiod, but is now.
ae about tbe neck, byaterieally ciyiiig.
It U only seJBsb people wbo oontrire
like Serpownita, uily a bugbear aeed to
tlon end Betlons to the
“It’eJimmyl It’e Jimmy!”
(Tighten children awoyfron growing to be alvrays happy and placid whatThen I cried, too, John. 1 broke down
ever bappena They are so tlwrongbly
Front Saved tbe l>ey.
and cried Uke a baby. Sbe got ao back cropa.
Here te tbe Sproewald exist many at ausympalbetiu, so unmoved by tbe Joys
*^Valassirtf?treai KacklsBr CRi< totoihef.
to tbe boaae. hogging and kiiBng me.
P. B. Uotiiler, of pack tiata No. S,
the anpezstitionsooanicm to Ireland and
Then tbe went to tbe back door and
, Naotiogo
wTiUng from_____
»- da
- .Cuba,
- . oa
. Ju'y
. ,
Sootlaud—tbe cbuugcUng, lb« whirlSid. aays: “We all
Jl bad
diairbncs in
riMOted “Oeorge!" Fatte r called tram
wind, will o’ tbe wisp, kotedd, Irpre- ,
, But a gitnt many well mean- more or leas violent form, and whep
tbe Iduken. “What do yon want. Car'
be nnbappy wbeu
*e« btfM car fre« Qrwwi e* tU. uala.
docwe leaded we hsd no time to
rosb and rush
was a ei
O.I, utemwoopx ^Syil^t55'gas«ae.
Then be came in. Be knew me in a
the troope sup' manait. He Mnek ont hU bead and
ton and ratioas.
graeped mine firmly, and auid nsnly, bansbee. Indeed oo Irm a family than
but thanks to Chat*jbvrUln’s CoUe.'
“Well, yoang man, do yoo peopoM to
tbe Hobcnmllren. have a privsS and j
tebave yonrwOf now?”
able to keep at work and kaep
*s toks etoet esaday. Joac at. uw.
partienlar while lady who appears 1“
He tried to pnt on a breve front, bat tte niwrntimental virinage of tte
“«m “at weep, bnt they ourfaeultb: In fact, I glneerely believe
hetetkedown. Tteire we aat Uke whip­
tbat at one critical time tbia medirine
ooDto Mokn.
Mhltes. te tbeteurlof Ber^andwaiU
ped ecbral children, aU wfaiapei'
raaod tbe battlemeutt when a death is'
^ “reyni*. with them that do
At last K{ipcT time came and at
. _ in tbe famUy. Coonection be­ zaiQice. '*—Lotberan Gbeover.
work there would have bees no way of
went oat to prepare it. 1 went into tbe tween tbe British islands and tbe lands
fcttefaen with ber.
drained by tbe Elbe and the Vistula has
BO roads tbst a wagon train could
“Wbeee do you livw Jimay?*' ^
No Cbristian tnn doubt that tbe Lord
Mv comrede and my<M>l( bad the
teen constantly renewed by
In rensote periods the ! o' !«*“• wbooarwforrigbt and jnstioa, good forluoe to lay la a supply of thLi
“In New YoA," I repUed.
areM to bava been Mite in both
»*«*» “
battloa Net- raadleioe for our pa«k'-trein before we Ostesoo___________________________
“What ate you weriing at now.
tber tbe akill nor tbe power of
and^know in four eaaca
conn erica.
make tbo imoe of any battle certtin.
Tbe above letter waa written to the
“1 aa woAteg In a dry goods stroe.
Very frequently it is tbe seemingly unflS *
*W Arab aad tbs srbMl.
Cbter LstkV............ “
maanfaetanr* of this seedtetee, tse
“Then 1 soppose yoo don’t live vta
The final triumph of tte* wheel will ,
hb^ for 1 bear tell o’ them city clerks come when it has divorced tbe And. t brings vietory ur defeat, aod no Cbns- CbnmberlslB MediriBr Co.. Dea Moteee.
- wbat don't get ennogb nicSK-y to keep Iran bb bred of prenj ud nrorore , Uro.toUto an .lord u ren into wj,
body end aonl Irgetber. So I’ll jnst teli -Li. ■ b.lUTO td»d will, lire." Tta TOtdn-iredredTOdTO^bTOBbni^r
you. Jimay, Me'« got notbing but Y.ri.p.poreprlnl.»TO(nTOtb.I-rTOcli U»<l»o«i~. I. « 0» Lred'. renre! U
I rneitrit sparcribs (or «s].pc-r We ain't liDdju to tbi- eflwd thitt tb. bicjclc U! Jw troiidi oommit our wv to«> the
Opaoing of Buriaeaa College.
FUw'sa-teh...—. “
got any meufy am. Jiuuuy We’re rentinit 1« ww thm. md tbu it iro 1 lod ^ tbi. ratiTO. it nt rein lor m to
Tbe ft
poorer n« Job’’s mrki-y.”
itnir,—d tl»- twit.™ „„ tin,. ^y bcTOlrf 11^.1 BtorjTOdn.ttnc.1 re. wrtellinstead of September IS as anoSLtoi:;;:::’::; “
I 'old ber 1 wontd be delighted with ttth.T retick imi-rtre into Ihre trontij ' «nirere—Ytrebytretret Mn-reifter.
d prerioualy. owtsg to failure to
. the qiannU. ana ta tell tbe tnith, fiom Eumpe. Tte. Mob.
«ms. CaUI the e’.*«

1lM JtsasUvs et lit*.
John. I Ikivc cc,t eaten a weal in New Utof tbe Fri-ucb cLatuter of dopoti. r
arm of Cirenli e-urt.
Ytrt thui ^a^;. «l us
! a as f) oee crisp was iMfervieuitl ubuul rtw mattre and
Three Is pnegative side of life which, the sebool will be held at 180 Bsai
KxiKTti fpatvriW did. 1 fpeut the even, eaid tbat tbe K<mm bod uotbing to ea.v | tbongb wot its moM pteaeont pboee. is a Bightb street and after tbst will be
ubUI Uene-vMnaieg piu: ii.g cberkite vntb tatbor, while against the wheel, as the prophet __
mtryone. SVben life is young,
had I yei7'
a'^tei MiT by Ujiuig .me all aboct nut fretaecn iu bnt*lie did i it *«»• *“ be surtreinded by a vast son block la completed, wbas we sbsU
oerupv tte ecooad floor of that boHd. tL‘ >r 1 li.diutun-e. ironi old while Moo- not think the Arete mould ever dream
ley^liBg drowned in the puid to la- of fonakteg their fine borere for it.
i like walitioe and realUire dreams. In as fine aa any in tte stale and we shall ^aM^WOCtetwsal*. TtaverssOltr Less......*5*
tbrr « a>g;iiug a i.ue lot a (ricud and
] tima three comes a Jaater ooooeplioo of make overy effort to be at tte fivrai te
baring u-^ bis psy it
Aost—Inwiw at xicu.
i wfaut living on tbU prectical aartb allaarnorh. We have bad more calls
T-.r nicn^jgi'V'ss (iue ins'.Jc of a week
A writer te Italia Tnaualedeelares it I tMOM. boundrej- lines bei^ more for book-keepers aad atauogrrpbets
•Bd not a oeui to meet H with—jnet as bis epteion tbat many preaw. who 1 ci«»riy
“ad while tbe poritive
fbOti. Sbe ec|ipocrd they woald be tun­ remain thin nnd woakly, in spite of all I “ide is being learned a leesoo in ^ed cat of bonae and home, bnt in my precautions te rei^ to diet rtc.. owe
i* *i*> “«Kbt. and tbe Utter U by
■dod I eopposed they wouldn't. At ibefaiJlUrgely tohnlntoalalwwmions- I »“ means an easy or e pleamnt ieoHO to
U.t 8 o ciock eaniu latd tatter aid: uematnigbL Tbeilge>rivaoigaus. be learn.—Pirebyieriaa Benner“Jia, go oat to tb< l-n end »ce if E!t
have no need for repose.
T-—‘-r sa4 Pr.4aj wralags otMch «wk
le all riiAt. Btteg in an urmfiil of old Tided, always, tbat tbe quantity
Ibteglee that ate Inm it-side the door
Ortobsr te. W.
AU teat yon and 1 are rsaponsible Tor AAS.BAX Ftlntt&ASdnai Om
• tee 84 boors

aodflUnptbewalPcpaU. Tbutwe'Ugo doessmt go beyond tbe normel limit— Is doluguardDcy. Onre is tbe seeding,
hn Or Lett.
. off to bed and get np early and go tbe (act tbat «be tntarrals batween and God ^one beholds tee end o< wbat
b» ehare*4 • peaate at
per rvw fee BSite►tah'ing."
meals an abort woriciug do teeonvenI didn’t a^ a word..bnt 1 went oet
' are 'r'ii s h
good w« aooompUsb when we do any
to tbe barn. UsMcd dmm the borac,
good thing tir otter any trute te love?
> of (eeblonrus. wbic
teoke ap an armfnl cd obii-iUca, pnmpcd
«• 1*. 11 M.
eu srill be cold oa 8epu
^ a^a pjiinl rf wsut, fiil'^ the wood cd to too grtat a imgib. Ftmber, a
IS and in return limit i
gypjMVDe^::. All uatns stop at Fair Grounds.
hoa and tteii we all went to bed.
• oouBiydsyistManUtee. SeySThatto •
. Father taUed mr et half post 4 in tbe
4. Aspectal
aomiiig. and wfaib ln> war getting
I have ocnie to: City at 7.-00 a.....................
brcaklaw 1 ekipi-"'! over to tbe depot,
dmee at a forevar
arrive at Manistee at 9:40.
craa lots. ai.d g' i my t«t be» rod. Ta­ iit< to retire witbooi taking some pourt
train will leave Maalatee at ManUtoe
tag the tims of share \
tter took BOibit^i: bot a trolling Uoe Ubment into tte Komacb. smb m elm- touacd tte bapidiieai of tte gbole bu- at 10 p. m. F. X MitteaU, Genera)
bh. ogre wporemy^ TU^
: MidsMnanbnrA He rowod the boat, pto bread aad teltar, a'gtea erf milk, a maDfauilT. Tbren u ao other nooem. Paseeeger agaat. Maalatae. H. “ a <l«a«-s P»l^*^B»keiT. mraw Dries Md T«k
torveseeOtu MWA
with tbe ttolbng Hue in bis nioutfa. tow Waoulu re awken.
I —W. O. Howells.

----------owwbUolMoolte iLestrrnwtthasUvB:

Ever BoiiMd

— lESsr i?^-

Bicycle Riders.



John R. Santo,
GtBNtl lisoruce.
«e ounce Tto MW.



£rud Kbildt t lillui 1.1






During the Battle
of Santiago'.


Sick or WeU, a Bush
Night and Day.

igrrek".:a~csJ.;is^°. "Jsr'

r-rerX^r^^nW^^ j ^P.t

-I i ... to.

uim iu lORnBunu it


s: i.'s;'.*. si‘.





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