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  • Tags: Cherry Festival
Blossom Festival float at the S.E. corner of Union and Lake streets.
1926 Cherry Blossom Queen on her throne.
Unidentified float with five young women possibly the Queen and her court from the First Blessing of the Blossoms Festival Parade in Traverse City, May 22, 1925. The queen was Gertrude Brown and her court consisted of Elizabeth Winnie, Charlotte…
Photograph of the Elk Rapids Chamber of Commerce float with Miss Elk Rapids standing in a large swan. 1969 is written on the back.
A decorated car in the Cherry Festival parade.
Marching bands in the Blossom Festival parade.
Photo of horse-drawn wagon in Cherry Festival Parade, H. Cox and Sons, Beer and Wine Distrubtors parade entry wagon.
Huge cherry pie baked by the Michigan Bakery for the National Cherry festival in 1932! Cherry festival Queen Caroline Hazzard and presented President Herbert Hoover with a 3' replica in Washington. Bundy Brief , well known baseball player, (3rd…
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